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'| GLADES COUNTY Moore Haven, Fla. Thursday, ( 500 , 2006 Volume 80, Number 19 At a Glance We want your news! The Glades County Democ- rat welcomes news from the community. Post your news events, photos and opinions online at www.newszap.com., To contact us, email to gcd- nevs@i'newvszap.com or call toll free 1-866-399-5253. For more information, see the At Your Sernice Box on page 4. Community Fall Festival planned First Baptist Church at Avenue J and Third Street \\ill host a Community Fall Festival on Saturday, Nov'. I1, from 5 until 8 p.m. Food, Fun, Music, Prizes for all ages!' FREE - Come Join Us. For more infor- mation, call (863 9-16084-4. Kissimmee Outreach meeting planned On Saturday, Nov 4, from 10 a.rn. until noon a meeting will be held at the South Florida X\aier Management District's Okeechobee Service Center located at 205 N. Parrott Ave., Suite 201 (Bank of America building, 2nd floor)' The meeting \\ill provide an opportunity for the general public to meet \with South Flori- da water r Management District and Florida Fish & \Vildlife Conservation Commission offi- cials. Topics of discussion include the status of the Kissim- mee River restoration, land management activities, recre- ational activities and user group interactions. Those \\ho use the Kissirnmee River and iIpp.er Basinr ar, -nc u!dage l<., -attend to plio.ide feedback and -,.. discussion. if you ha\e any questions please contact Jell McLemore at 186.3 -162-5260 x3022. Are you a blogger? Get a newszap link! The Glades County Democ- rat is looking to broaden its list- ing of "ColumnisLs & Bloggers" at \\ti\ ne\\szap.com More and more people are starting blogs including busi- ness people, support groups, and individuals with an opinion on the da\ 's new\ s or culture. If you are a local blogger %who would like to be listed, please 1isit http- \\w2.ne\\ szapcomn blo gs'request him and fill in the form. In addition to the link, the newspaper \1ill consider pub- lishing timewl postings as news or commentaries on its pages. Lakeport to host Fall Fest The Cirt of Lakeport \\ill host a Fall Festral, on Saturday, Oct 2., from 4 until 10 p.m at the Lakeport Corrmunit Cen- ter. The festival will include a costume contest lor local chil- dren. This is a free event but Donations will be accepted for Lakeport After-School Program For more information, please contact the Lakeport Community Center. Lake Level 12.85 Feet above sea level Index Classifieds . .18-22 Obituaries . . .2 Opinion . . .4 School . . . .9 See Page 2 for information about how to contact the newspaper. newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. 111 0IIIIII 2I 111 8 16 5 10 0 0 02 2 City and county work closely By Nena Bolan Glades County Democrat MOORE HAVEN Steam- boat Bay and Moonshine Bay- are large, beautiful marshes close to the city, but but the onl\ access is b) boat, and even then it is hazardous to get there, through the Moore Haven Canal. The Moore Haven Canal. Trail Project would restore the canal and create access for tourists, pleasure craft and fishermen. Russell Echols, county commis- sioner, and Bret Whidden, city mayor. are working together on the project to widen and deepen the canal. A walking and biking path can be created after the canal is dredged, according to plans. The soil that is removed will be placed on the east bank of the canal. Then the top of the bank can be graded down to a semi flat surface t. support walkers and bike riders. Also in the plan are passes that extend out from the canal to acco:mmodale airboats Another goal ol the project would create wooden archways that span across the passes. Hik-. ers can walk ovei the arches while airboats would pass' underneath Digging out the canal would restore it as a navigable route as it once \as back in 1915 That is w hen its original purpo-,se \.as Bump in the night: Locals celebrate Halloweeni INI/Nena Bolan Many spooky characters are found in Moore Haven near the intersection of Avenue C and 6th Street. +1';l: .i fr -1 "' ;" ....... .7s,.:::- to provide transport of concrete for constructing the old Moore Haven locks by the Lone Cypress in the downtown sec- tion. Afterwards, commercial and recreational fishermen used the canal, making it vital to the economy of Moore Haven and Glades County. ' Bret Whidden. city mayor, said he's loved the lake and marshes his entire life "The project would open up a %world for sightseers, bird v\atchers, fishermen and duck hunters," he said. In addition to the walkway and archways. informational kiosks and an observation tower may be built. Tourists :could be ferried from the Alvin Ward Sr. boat ramp out to the canal recreation area. The Moore Haven Canal Trail would not lust open up a seven- mile artery into the w western side See Canal---Page 12 City discuss arcaded demolition, canal restoration By Nena Bolan Glades County Democrat MOORE HAVEN The; Arcade Building in the down- town section of the city \vill not be restored, according to information presented at the Moore Haven city meeting. The owner, Roxanne Angelica of Miami, was grant- ed a permit to have the build- ing demolished, to be done as soon as possible. Some mem- bers of the historical society wanted to see the building restored, but an interested buyer was not fouhd. In other rineis. Mar'r Booher, the county's public librarian, announced plans to install an LED sign at the library. The large sign will dis- pla. community events and should be visible to traffic on the Mamie Langdale Memorial Bridge. Ms. Booher will seek bids on the sign and installa- tion. The sign's purchase will be funded by construction grant monel from the county and donations. County Commissioner Rus- sell Echols introduced a city county plan called Moore Haven Canal Trail Project. The goal is to attract eco-lourism to the Glades area by restoring the canal and building a trail for walking and biking. The canal would be w ider and deeper, allowing fisher- men and pleasure ciaft an eas- ier access to Steamboat Bay, Moonshine Bay and the Okee- chobee. A trail and archvays See Meeting- Page 12 Senator Aronberg to tour the area Frances Bryant's Halloween decorations are a tradition in Moore Haven. GLADES COUNTY- Sena- tor Dave Aronberg (D- Greenacres) has released the itinerary for his fourth annual Mobile Office Tour, with a stop planned for Glades County. Accompanied by his leg- islative assistants Paul Copeland, Luke Kosar, Kristen Pesicek and Lisa Swartz, Sena- tor Aronberg will embark on a three-day excursion across District 27, a sprawling, coast- to-coast district that stretches from eastern Palm Beach County through large portions of Glades, Hendry, Charlotte and Lee counties. The purpose of the annual trip is for Mr. Aronberg and his staff to meet constituents in some of the more sparsely populated portions of his diverse district. "I recognize that if is diffi- cult for many constituents to travel, to our olfices in Greenacres, Fort:Myers, and Tallahassee" said Mr. Aron- berg. "So, we're bringing our office to them." Beginning in Canal Point on October 31, the mobile office tour will conclude on November 2 in Lehigh Acres. Along the way, Mr. Aronberg will conduct office hours in three different towns, attend a town hall reception in Moore Haven, and enjoy a potluck See Tour-Page 12 Local Moore Haven school cares for kids Eliza Brown has been director since 1987 ByNenaBolan Glades County Democrat MOORE HAVEN- In the' northeast corner of Moore Haven is a little school tucked away in a shady spot off Sixth Street. It pro- vides year round care for 32 pre- school and pre-kindergarten stu- dents. The children follow a struc- tured routine that includes a greeting circle, academic learning centers, arts and crafts, and out- door time. Breakfast, lunch and a snack are provided. Midday, chil- dren are given a time to rest and relax. Children enrolled in the volun- teer pre-K program are given a readiness test called Ages and Stages. Each child -is checked for motor skills, communication skills, problem solving ability, and personal and social skills. Safety and security measures are used to protect children at the center. Parents and their children sign in and out everyday. There is also an emergency policy in effect called Crisis Disaster Response which contains emergency con- tacts and evacuation procedures. All parents are encouraged to participate in their child's educa- tion. Every month students take home books to be read by both the child and parent. There is also a small library for parents to check out books and read at home. Eliza Brown has been the cen- See Center Page 12 INI/Nena Bolan Eliza Brown, director, and Pre-K teachers Paulette Hughes and Christine Marroquin compose a report on daily student observations. Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 26, 2006 Glades Happenings Weddings of Yesteryear By Jeanette Peeples "Hurricane of 1926 Remem- bered Eighty Years Later" The History Room at the Glades County Public Library is in the process of preserving the history of Glades County during and following the Hurricane of 1926 that virtually destroyed the town of Moore Haven with heavy loss of life and property. The Library Board will be, copying interviews of survivors which were conducted by Mrs. Norma Lence Tatum ahd appeared in the Glades County Democrat September 21, 1956. We are also asking for loan of any pictures to make copies so that we may compile this infor- mation as a tribute and memorial to the indomitable spirit of the pioneers who lived here. Please contact the Glades County Public Library or Jeanette Peeples if you are willing to help with this proj- ect. On the morning of September 18, 1926, one of the most violent hurricanes to strike the coast of Florida in its history, struck the lower East Coast, sped relentless- ly across the state and exited near Ft. Myers. There was no adequate hurricane warning service, no airplanes to check the storms and no radio network to keep people in the path posted. A telegram was received indicating ia hurricane was approaching Miami and headed toward Moore Haven with high winds of possi- bly 100 miles velocity and advis- ing that storm warnings should be posted. Fred Flanders went to the Peter Westergaard home to notify the people attending a teacher reception but no one seemed concerned. Ed Lundy sounded the new fire alarm and men quickly came out and began to fill sandbags for the levee as the water rose higher and higher. By Saturday daybreak, the men found that theirs was a hopeless task and trudged homeward. The principal break in the levee occurred just west of the W. E. Daniel home about mid-morning and the rush of water through the gap is thought to have caused the great destruction and loss of life in that area. On Sunday, most of the women and children were evacuated to Sebring, the men remaining to try and recover the bodies of the dead and rescue any who might be injured. In a "few days the National Guard arrived and fearing an epidemic, completely evacuated the town. The evacuation lasted only a few days and the men were permit- ted to return to town during the day and leave that night, thus looking after their possessions. The water gradually went down to about knee-depth on the streets but the violent rains had raised the level of Lake Okeechobee and this water poured through the breaks in the levees. It was many weeks before the town was completely dry and on Christmas Day, 1926, people of the area gathered under the Lone Cypress tree for a thanksgiving service that the land and town were again dry. No one, save those who went through that day and night of Sept. 18, 1926, can really know the horror of the violent wind and the rushing black water. This indomitable spirit was never so evident when after enduring per- sonal hardships, losing homes and loves ones, the people returned to reestablish those homes and go on "ith they fight they had begun to conquer the Everglades. Because of the death of between 138 and 150 people in this county and some 2000 on the south, east and north shores of the in lake in 1928, the atten- tion of the nation was directed to the protection of the people liv- ing around Lake Okeechobee from such storms in the future. We that live here in security today owe that security to those who gave their lives in 1926. Fall supper hosted at sorority meeting Betty Hodges was the hostess for Nu Kappa's October meeting. Betty served a delicious fall sup- per to the members that were present, Becky White, Nora Ornelas, Marsha Smith, Julie Zambory and Elizabeth Harring- ton. Afterwards, "Deal or No Deal" was the name of the game. Our hostess was the substitute Howie Mandel and she did an excellent job. Plans were dis- cussed for a service project for the upcoming holidays. At the end of the meeting, Halloween gifts were exchanged by secret sisters. We then discussed our November meeting and adjourned. Granite or Bronze / Flat or Upright FOREVERGLADES 'W 1500 AIRPORT ROAD BELLE GLADE, FL Best Prices / Best Service Payment Plans / 25 Years Experience State Licensed Check WithUsBeforeYSou Dc*ide ^^^^^** -- g~(561) 996-0939^ Submitted photo Wanda and Boris Sanchez Whitmer-Sanehez Wanda Whitmer and Boris Sanchez were joined in marriage on Sept. 2,2006. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Whitmer of Win- field, Penn. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Sanchez of Clewiston. The wedding ceremony was held at the Grand Plaza Hotel in St. Petersburg. Pastor Ben Williams officiated, at the ceremony. The bride was given away by her brother, Wayne Whitmer. The maid of honor was Linda Witmer of Herndon, Penn. Bridesmaids were Yara Davilla of Clewiston: Victoria Scheel of New Port Richey; and junior bridesmaid was Ashley Lawrence of Hudson. The best man was Harry Sanchez of Clewiston. Groomsmen were Mike Davilla of Clewiston; Mark Ramirez of, Miami; and Mike Hanra of New Port Richey. The flower girls were Laura Davilla ot Clewiston, daughter of Mike and Yara Davilla, and Keelyn Sanchez ,The ring bearer was Karson Sanchez of Clewiston, son of Harry and Candace Sanchez. Candace Sanchez was guest book attendant, The groom presented a heart pendant necklace to the bride's daughter, Ashley, as a token of his love and acceptance of her. The bride presented a long stemmed white rose to the groom's mother, Maria Sanchez. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at Grand Plaza Hotel in St. Petersburg. After a honeymoon trip to Costa Rica, the couple is at home in Hud- son. The groom is employed as a superintendent with Costanza Homes in New Port Richey. The bride is employed as a student dis- cipline instructor with Pasco Coun- ty School Board in Land O'Lakes. Pet Corner SUNRISE APPLIANCE New In Box or Scratch & Dent Full Factory Warranty Save More In Moore Haven We Also Carry Used Appliances With Warranty STEEL COBP. *DestV ]e hf S he ing h1e ( To asre PRODUCT SEWC11ON R-Panel V-Crimp Low-Profile Curved "S" Panel Flashing Corrugated "S" Panel Z-Pur* Heavy Duty Decking Standing Seam 243 Florida Ave., NW Moore Haven, FL 33471 Local 863-946-1804 Long Distance 1-800-670-0113 Same Day Service Lab On Premises Question: Dear Doc Savvy. Hi! My name is Rick. My wife and I have lived in our home for about 7 years now and are fortunate enough to live next door to our best friends. We spend a lot of time with our friends, taking turns entertaining at either home. Between the two families we have six children and four dogs. The kids get along just fine, but the dogs have this on going rivalry. We want to include everyone in weekend BBQ's and get-togethers...etc. But, what are we to do when our dogs con- stantly fight within our neighbor's dogs" Thishas gone on from the first time t4ly met. Do dogs sim- ply decide iey don't like other dogs? Do dogs hold grudges? Thank you. Rick and Jessica in Loxahatchee. Answer: Hey Rick and Jessi- ca! Well, this is quite the dilem- ma. To briefly answer your ques- tion, Yes! Some dogs do.hold grudges. Some also simply decide they don't like certain people or dogs for unknown reasons. Rick, have you ever gone out and met someone for the first time, then decided you didn't like them? I think people do that occasionally. Sometimes people, places, or situations give us an uncomfortable feeling. I think many times it has to do with our own insecurities or perhaps fears. Dogs sometimes have sim- ilar behavior. If you have a stub- born hard-headed dog, then there may not be much to do. There are a few things which you can consider however. Are all dogs involved spayed or neutered? Is there something which they are jealous about? Is one being singled out more than others? Is there an instigator? Have you tried pairing them up by two's to see who really does- n't get along with whom? There is much to consider, so try think- ing along those lines...And keep me posted! Good Luck. Take care, Doc Savvy. E-mail your pet questions to DocSavvy'.aol.com and check out your answers weekly in The Pet Corner. SINGLE 390- ingl -IL.ST 720- reiu MERCER DENTAL CLINIC ON Us 41, S. FT. MYERS *,~' I GENERAL ANESTHESIA AVAILABLE CALL FOR YOUR PRICE QUOTE AND INFORMATION. 1-866-226-9400 TOLL FREE Obituaries Willie "Chuck'" Fhmey Willie "Chuck" Finney, age 66, died Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2006 at the Cleveland Clinic Hospital in West- on. He was born on May 10, 1940 in Hot Springs, Ark., to Willie and Velma Finney. Mr. Finney was for- merly of Titusville and had been a resident of Lakeport for the past 10 years. He served in the U.S. Navy and enjoyed air boating, fishing, and singing karaoke. He was also involved with the Lakeport Air Boaters group. He is preceded in death by his parents, Willie and Velma Finney and his sister, Betty Harmon. He is survived by his loving wife of 23 years, Glenda Finney of Lake- port; his sons, David (Lois) Finney of Corona, Calif., Michael (Dianne) Finney of Corona, Calif., Roger (Janet) Blum of Merritt Island and James W. Parrott Jr., of Bishopville, Md.; his daughter, Angela Jordan of Jacksonville. In addition, he is also survived by his sister, Dorothy Smith of Hot Springs, Ark. and his eight grand- children. A memorial service was held on Saturday, Oct. 21, at the Lakeport Christian Church, Pastor Larry Frogg officiated at the service. In lieu of flowers, the family has requested that donations be made in Mr. Finney's name to Hope Hos- pice, I00 WC. Owen Ave., Clewis- ton, Fla. 33440 and to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society c/o Donor Services, P.O. Box 4072 Pittsfield, Mass. 01202. All arrangements were under the direction and care of Buxton Funeral Home and Crematory, 110 Northeast Fifth Street, Okee- chobee. NOTICE OF COUNTY AUCTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Glades County Board of County Commissioners will be holding a sale on surplus prop- erty on November 4, 2006, starting at 9:00 am. County Auction will be held at the Glades County Road Department on State Road 78 East, towards Lakeport. Items to be sold are: Computers, monitors, key board, etc Copy machines 1991 Ford pick up 4X4 1968 International Pumper Truck Air Compressor 2001 Chev Tahoa 1981 Chev Cab & Chassis Equipment items may be examined beginning at 8:00 am on the date of sale. ALL SALES RE FINAL TERMS: Cash or approved check. All items to be removed from premises within 72 hours of the date of sale. If you have any questions, please contact Elthea Stafford at 863-946-0309. Stephen Arthur Rudd Jr. StephenArthur Rudd Jr., age 76, of Clewiston, passed away Oct. 12, in Cape Coral. He was born July 25, 1930 in Salerno, to the late Stephen Arthur Rudd and MeMnnie Lucre- tia (Whidden) Rudd. He served in the Air Force. Survivors include his son, Ran- dall C. Rudd of Colorado; his sister, Rose M. Nesbitt of Clewiston, and one grandchild. Cremation arrangements by Akin-Davis Funeral Home, Clewis- ton. Joe Harry Usher Joe Harry "Pepa" Usher, age 79 of Loxahatchee, passed away on Oct. 16, 2006. He was born in Lyons, Georgia, on Jan. 14, 1927 to Otis and Bessie Laura Usher and moved to Canal Point in the mid 1930s. He served in the United States Marine Corps in 1945-1946. He was preceded in death' by his son Joe Harry Usher, Jr. in Janu- ary 2006. He is survived by his wife of 59 years, Grace Mills Usher; daughter Sharon (David) Estes of Loxahatchee; sons Kenneth (Diane) Usher of Pahokee, and Michael (Sandy) Usher of Brooklet, Georgia; eight grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren, and numer- ous family members. The family received friends on Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2006 from 6 until 8 p.m. at Glades Funeral Chapel in Belle Glade and services were held Thursday, Oct. 19, 2006 at 10 a.m. at Good Shepherd Church in Pahokee. Interment was held following the service at Port Mayaca Cemetery. ' TOUCHDOWN r"^0/' BREAKFAST 10% OFF n x 2 Pancakes, 2 eggs, 2 bacon n Breakfast, A % strips and 2 sausage links Lunch or , ; Dinner n S Must Present Coupon * N .ot valid w/any other i 0n $ 1 91 I offer Exp 10/31/06 g . S10o% OFF' 'n Breakfast, Lunch or sM n 5 Dinner IuS t Present Coupon 1030 West Sugarland H%%., S" Not, tahd u artu other Clewiston, Florida "hffer Exp I0 31 06 A 6.1A 1.14 f 3 Thr P, il 'Tj ld Jlfi ,:,llL-r i ,dl .,il i "l.',,pfs Bl]c r ,. f- ,jW N 'icld -i i ,k i [| 1: rtfij": i.:. r'ni i-n- cl IPAl':i-' .I o t, rt I ,iit'i, i..' fii i,' n si, i j ,i (, 'l *-,:l'm.c m .- i r wi] ,'ri i ,1.ill rl I jl L i ,r1PA b pr .ti l' .1 i lril ..[' fi r lll i bir h,':.un i .f 6 1 .'l', ll' 1 ,: j ,l,.l o'ff r afir c c uf, L. t ,.-c t'.l j lc I [-l,: [icj ll,'l lllriUre .. l f ...MTlcr il Memorial Tribute 1 Remember a loved one S who has departed nith a special IK AMemorial Tribute in this newspaper. Your tnbute can be published following the memorial services, or to commemorate an anniversary ofyour loved one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph of your loved one, lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders -- and we'll make sure it all comes together attractively and tastefully. Visit www2.newszap.comnVemoilals for sample ads and an online order form, or call 1 -,66-379-6397 toll free. NOgs INTEREST r' FINANCIrNG MONEY DOWN FOR (HG PAYMENT MONTHS liii fY~'1 EXTREME POWERSPORTS 4774 N HWY 441 OKEECHOBEE, FL 34972 863-357-0001 .. .... ....' MORE TO GO ON: Thursday, October 26, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee .....a..d October. 26 06Srigtecm uiissuho aeOecoe Floridians reminded to bring IDs TALLAHASSEE As the Nov. 7 General Election approaches, Floridians should familiarize them- selves with the state's elections requirements. Voters must present a photo and signature identifica- tion at their polling place to partici- pate in any election in Florida. If the photo identification presented does not have the voter's signature, an additional piece of identification with the voter's signature is required. Citizens who do not fur- nish the required identification-at the polling place can only vote by a provisional ballot. Identification has been required to vote in Florida since 1977. In 1998 the Florida Legislature expanded the ID requirement to include both a photo and signa- ture. Any combination of the-fol- lowin g identifications may be used to satisfy the signature and photo requirement: Florida driver's license; Florida identification, card ,ssud by the Department of High- way Safety and Motor Vehicles; United States passport; Employee badge or identification; Buyer's club identification; Debit or credit card; Military identification; Stu- dent identification; Retirement cen- ter identification; Neighborhood association identification; and, public assistance identification. For more information on this and other election laws, please visit http://election.dos.state.fl.us. I u i /#Cu Iv r Let our team of Investgators get you the facts you have been looking for. Complete Employment Background We w makeyournexthiring easier! Civil Cases Insurance Fraud Child Custody Cheating Spouses, Undercover Surveillance Video Photography Workman's Comp Assist Attorney at Law and much morel There's not a case too small or too big for our Investigators we do it all! All of our clients are treated with the highest confidently. Give us a call anytime 863-983-1688 Fax 863-983-1688 Clewiston 239-369-0665 Fax 239-3684926 Lee My Safe Florida Home to begin free inspections TALLAHASSEE-Tom Gal- lagher, Florida's chief financial offi-. cer, announced that free home inspections will soon begin in Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie and Indian River counties for nearly 2,200 homeowners who applied through the My Safe Florida Home program. The program, funded with $250 million by the Florida Legislature, was created to better protect Floridians by strengthening their homes against hurricanes and to reduce the state's exposure to hurricane damage. "Before this hurricane season. ends, my goal is to provide 12,000 free home inspections across the state to help Floridians strengthen their homes and better protect their families against catastrophic storms," said Mr. Gallagher, who oversees the Department of Finan- cial Services which administers the My Safe Florida Home program. Mr. Gallagher said that home- owners in Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie and Indian River counties who have already submitted com- pleted applications will be contact- ed by a department-approved inspector to schedule an inspec- tion. The department has already received 1,935 completed applica- tions and will be able to serve another 265 homeowners in these four counties. Future applicants will be served W\ith additional fund- ing of the My Safe Florida Home program. Following an inspection, home- .owners will receive a report that outlines up to seven areas that could be improved to better pro- tect the home against hurricanes, an estimate of how much irnprove- ments would cost, the expected insurance savings the homeov\ner would receive if improvements were made, and a rating of the home's current ability to withstand hurricanes and its future ability to withstand hurricanes with improvements. Mr. Gallagher said that the expansion into Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie and Indian River counties is possible thanks to a partnership with the Federal Alliance for Safe Homes (FLASH) to screen and train an additional 350 inspectors. Applying and obtaining a free home inspection is just the first step of the program. Homeowners who undergo the My Safe Florida Home inspection may also qualify for matching grants of up to $5,000 to fortify their homes. As directed by the new law to reduce hurri- cane exposure and property losses in Florida, grants will be prioritized and awarded to homeowners who live in high-risk, hurricane-vulnera- ble areas of the state. Since the My Safe Florida Home program launched in late August, approximately 5,300 inspections have been completed or scheduled in Broward, Miami-Dade and Lee counties. To ensure each county receives a fair share of free home inspections, the My Sale Florida Home program is limiting the num- ber of inspections in each county based upon population. Applicants who do not receive a free home inspection before this limit is met will have their applications held for future phases of the program. Eligible Floridians must li\e in a single-family, site-built home with an insured alue of $500,0001 or less and have a valid honiestead exemption. Documents verilving this information must be submit- ted with a completed application Floridians can apply on-line at ww~w.mysafelloridahome.com or by calling 1-800-342-2762 to get an application packet. REICHANCINI SeHa laEspalul --- Offlw aI P St.L L The h;nng of an attorney is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to provide you with written Information about our qualification and experience. STOWN&COUNTRY H rl M E I M P4 R a V M o N T ENTER Mobile Home, Home Supplies & Hardware Doors Windows Vanities Siding Hurricane Shutters Buckhead Ridge, Lakeport locks to be completed LAKE OKEECHOBEE The South Florida Water Management District reports that repairs to the S- 127 navigation lock at Buckhead Ridge will be completed and the navigation lock will be secured in the open position beginning on Fri- day, Oct. 20. The navigation lock was taken out of service for a gate overhaul beginning on Aug. 2. In addition. Lake Okeechobee water levels have reached a point where it is possible to secure the S- 131 navigation lock at Lakeport in the open position, allowing boat traffic free access to the lake. It is possible to secure the navigation locks in an open position only when the level of Lake Okee- chobee falls to approximately the same level as the tributaries coming into the Lake so that boaters may navigate safely from the tributary into the Lake. Other navigation locks that are secured open include J&S Fish Camp S-135), Henry Creek iG-36), Taylor Creek i S-1 931 and Cle.viston (S-310). Locktenders are not on duty at these locations. Boaters are urged to navigate carefully through the open locks since manatees often are sighted in and near these structures in Lake Okeechobee during this time of year. Manatees are frequently seen in the navigation lock at Taylor Creek, which is especially popular for this endangered species. Mana- tees swim close to the surface of the water and often are harmed and even killed by boaters moving too last in areas where manatees gather. When conditions call for the District to return to normal lock operation schedules, the public will be notified through the news media. Normal lock operating hours vary depending on the loca- tion and season. Please call the Okeechobee Service Center with questions and comments in the absence of a locktender. The Ser- vice Center telephone number is (863.1462-5260 or .80i I 250-42(00. Florida drivers can now crime Stoppers list emergency contacts Effective in the State of Florida as of Oct. 2, you can have two emer- gency contacts attached to your FLORIDA driver's license. In other words, if you are in an accident and emergency rescuercan, check your driver's license and two emer- gency contacts will pop up so they do not hav e to search for relatives. Go to https' ~www6.hsmv. slate.fl.us dicheck findcustomer go to emergency contacts, put in your drivers license and then it will ask for the name, address, and phone number of x.:o people you want to have contacted, sa e and you're done. For more information on adding emergency contacts or other relat- ed concerns, please contact the nearest Florida Driver's License Office The Palm Beach County Sher- iff's Office is seeking assistance from the public in locating the fol- lowing "wanted fugitive." Fernando Betanzo, age 19, is a black male with black hair and brown eyes. He is 5 feet, 9" tall and %%eighs approximately 165 pounds. He has also been known as Luis Betanzos and his last known address was U.S. Hwy. 27, South Bay. He is wanted for felony failure to appear fleeing or attempting to elude; driving without a driver's license.,Also, he is waited for fail- ure to appear - attaching regis- tration plate nriot assigned to vehicle; unlaw- ful speed. Anyone with infor ma- Lion on this lugi- _. tive is asked to call the Crime Fernando Stoppers at I Betanzo (800) 458-TIPS (8477) or online ww.crimestopperspbc.com. Jack N. Estes Owner 111 N. San Benito St, Clewiston Depression Panic Attacks 863-983-3000 Cell: 228-6916 Pain Memory Anxiety PTSD Personality Disorder Learning Disorder Adjusting to Physical Disability Offices in Clewiston and Belie Glade Call Dr. Bruce Borkosky, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist 800-514-0832 ".The disabilil' specialist .......... ....... .... ... ..... ......... .....e.....c- ---- - Applying for Disability? You CAN ask for the LOCAL doctor! Specializing in: FOOD AND FUN OUTDOOR PICNIC FREE TO THE PUBLIC j ,AIRBOAr OURF Join the Glades County Democratic Party for a rally to M aTIl UI na I Bill Nelson for US Senate Jim Davis for Governor ? Tim Mahoney for Congress Skip Campbell for Attorney General * Alex Sink for CFO Eric Copeland for Commissioner of Agriculture Zane Thomas for State Representative Re-elect Alvin Ward for Glades County Commissioner, District 2 IATURDAY, OCT. 28, 2006 NOON TO 4:00 PMI ADVENTURE TOUR 835 E4/JT fR 78 NE, Lt REPORT Corner of State Road 78 and County Rd 721 Loop FIRIT COME FIRIT SERVED JPONIORED BY ADVENTURE TOUR OF fOUTH FLORIDA THE GCLADEF COUNTY DEMOCRATIC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND CHAPPY'I COUNTRY TORE Paid Political Advertisement Paid for by the Glades County Democratic Executive Committee PO Box 1015, Moore Haven, FL 33471 gladesdec@gate.net Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 26, 2006 Thursday, October 26, 2006 4 OPINION Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the MooreHaven/Glades issues forum at httpW//www.newszapfo- rums.com/forum57. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). You can also make a comment by calling our Speak Out 24-hour opinion line at (863) 983-9140. Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits. POWER PLANT: We want to ask our local leaders who want to bring this big, ugly power plant not "park" to the outskirts of Moore Haven, wli diie llhe trying to make us the jail, trash dump, and power supplier lor th', esl stf Ifie state at a great environmental cost to Glades County?A "p, i-'i park" would function the same way as the prison did, with most ol the kori kers living in Labelle or Lake Placid, and we'll get polluted with iNttlhing to show for it. We don't even get cheap power out of the deal - others "~t the power, we get the pollution. And yes, even a "clean" coal- burning plant still dumps over 100 pounds of Mercury into the air every year look it up on the internet. All that mercury will fall straight down onto us and Lake Okeechobee. Who'll want to fish here then? We cer- tainly won't and that's why we came here in the first place. So, Mr. Wen- dell Taylor, take a third look at this plant. Please don't sell us out for some increase of money to the county five years from now. That's right, the Democrat article said tax breaks will be given to FPL for five years if they build here. This thing will be an ugly eyesore just like the one on State Road 80 in East Ft. Myers. We don't need money so badly that we have to endanger the fishing in our area. Once the Mercury count in the lake goes up, we can probably kiss the fishing tournaments goodbye. Game will probably be affected too so you hunters should worry about this as well. DANGEROUS: How dangerous is a Power Plant? Well, it can kill more than just one plant! The pollution will smog up our air, And cause so much animal despair. From land and water what a horrible sight! We'll never recover, try as we might. So think, not only nature will go away, With something so bad, who'llwant to stay? Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include. *Belle Glade/South Bay Issues: http:!/www.newszapforums.com.'iorum5i Clewiston Issues. http'//www.newszapforums.comiorum52 Hendry County Issues: http.//www.newszapforums.com/forum54 Moore Haven/Glades Issues: http://www.newszaplorums.com;forum57 Okeechobee city/county Issues: http://www.newszapforums.comlorum58 Pahokee issues- http'//www.newszapforums.com:/forum59 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community forums and links." Letter to the Editor Coal Plant bad for Lake Okeechobee Glades County Commissioners are planning a huge power coal plant five miles from Moore Haven, Florida. This really is on the shores of Lake Okeechobee and the Caloosahatchee River. The envi- ronmental people are desperately trying to clean up Okeechobee and the river. The coal plant will release tons of mercury and other chemicals such as carbon dioxide into the environment. We have a dirt incin- erator plus prisons in Moore Haven now which the residents did not want. Please help us vote against this coal burning power plant. J.B. Noah Pumpkin Patch Fun Day delights local residents MOORE HAVEN It was a fun filled day for several people in Moore Haven on Saturday, Oct. 21. Activities started at 11 a.m. at the Chalo Nitka Grounds with the hayride down to the Pumpkin Patch located at the Chamber Grounds where the Little Ole' Lady (Debbie Jones) told a fall holiday story about pumpkins and passed out blessing mix. 1ho Photos were provided to each child at the photo area and they received a small pumpkin to take home. From that point the hayride took them back to the Chalo Nitka Grounds for more fun and games which included the pumpkin bean bag toss, pumpkin painting, picture frame decorating, the mummy wrap- ping contest, face painting by the talented JoAnn and Ana of the . First Baptist Church of Moore Haven illuminated many of the children's faces. The event ended with the great haystack scramble. Refreshments of hotdogs, Submitted photo/First Methodist Churcl chips, and drinks were provided A mummy wrapping contest was part of the festivities at the Pumpkin Patch Fun Day held a to all who attended. Lots of candy First Methodist Church in Moore Haven. and fun were the focus of this event to share in Christian fellow- ,F,1I',,' ship as a community event and to V- ., raise funds for our local commu- . nity to those families in need with the upcoming holiday season.. This event was sponsored by the First United Methodist Church of Moore Haven in conjunction with the Second Annual Pumpkin . Patch event. We would like toA": thank the B & B Grocery for their donation of hotdogs and buns, Wal-Mart for the $50 gift certifi- cate, which covered the paper goods, and John Ahern for the ice. Many thanks are extended to all of those who helped in mak- ing this a successful event. We , hope to make this a yearly activity leading into the fall holiday sea- sons. The Pumpkin Patch is open daily from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. from now through Oct. 31, locat- ed at the Glades County Chamber Office Grounds on Hwy. 27 North in Moore Haven. Hayrides will be . $1 per person on Oct. 31st from - 4:30 p.m. until dark. Come and Fun and games included the pumpkin bean bag toss, pumpkin painting, picture frame deco join in the fun! rating, face painting, and ended with the great haystack scramble. Community Events Final week of 'Pumpkin Patch' It's the final week to get your fall pumpkins at the Moore Haven Pumpkin Patch. Don't be late and don't delay a choice pumpkin is waiting to brighten your day. The patch is located at the Glades Coun- ty Chamber of Commerce Grounds on Hwy. 27 in Moore Haven. Open daily from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. with special activities on Saturday and Sunday afternoons from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Hayrides, games, and photo opportunities with a children's story time, weather permitting. Toys for Tots volunteers needed Community Coalition for Progress would like to remind everyone it's that time of year again to sign-up for Toys for Tots on Satur- day, Nov. 4, 2006, at the U-Save Supermarket in Moore Haven between the hours of 8 a.m. and 12 p.m. Glades County residents only, please. Recycling Box locations Recycling boxes for cell phone batteries and all rechargeable bat- teries are now located at City Hall and Courthouse in Moore Haven. To Reach Us Address: RO Box 1236 Clewistin, Fla 334401 Website: ww,, rnewr.ap corn To Submit News The Glade County Democrat wel- comes subrrissions from its readers. OpLrion-. calendar items, stones, ideas and photographs are welcome. Call 866-399-5253 to reach our news- roomL. Items may be mailed, faxed or e-mailed. The deadline for all news items is 12 p.m Monday prior to the fh)l. ing Thursdav's publication E-mail: gcdnewsi-inewszap.com To Place A Classified Ad Call 1877|353-2424 to place a classi- fied adertisement from home. The deadline or all aadvesing is 12 p.m Manr,day for the followmg Thursday's publication. Fax: 1-877-354-2424. E -mail: classads rineweap.com To Place A Display Ad Call 866-399-5253, deadline for all advertisig is 12 p.m. Monday for the full.o..ine Thursda, 's publication. Fa). I -.63-983-7537 -r-mail sthlakeadsi'rnewszap corr Advertising Billing Department E-mail: billteam@newszap.com Chamber to host 'Pumpkin patch' The second annual pumpkin patch v\ill be.lAeld in Moure Ha% en Oct. 16 to 31. Located at the Glades County Chamber of Commerce Grounds on Highway 27, a special "Playin' in the Patch" event will be held on Saturday, Oct. 21, from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. with games and fun for everyone. Pumpkins are available in all shapes and sizes for all your fall needs. Prices start as low as 50 cents. Pumpkins are priced according to their size. All proceeds will go towards Christian community outreach programs and ministries and is sponsored by the First United Methodist Church of Moore Haven. SWhile supplies last we have mini pumpkins that are great for teachers and classroom activities. Make your arrangements now to have your class hold a special story time and pumpkin adventure by calling (863) 946-1743 or (863) 227- 2690. The Pumpkin Patch will be open daily starting in October, from 10a.m.until6p.m. Pumpkin Patch set to open Join the fun at the Second Annual Pumpkin Patch in Moore Haven. Sponsored by the First United To Start or Stop A Paper Phone: (877)353-2424 E-maiL readerser' i ('new, ..' ,a, rm The Glades Count, D-mavit ijdeliv-r-l Lby mi]l tou ,JbEAcsri on Thurdj\ and i. *cl.d in ia:ks aand .v-,.r locaboria in the Glade C.,unr area Cil iS77i353-2.24 to repot n nised nea:,per ur prior del.,ery Glades C.ouni Demn.xat USPS ;'1906 Publrhedt Weeld by Ind.p.r ,l nt lr e papers, Inc Clissra,FL.t344i) ,:r 24.61 pu rye inclu.,ig .i S:,:ond Class po-tage paid 3t Clwiwiop Florida. Postmaster send address charted o the Glades Counry DermN:cr'tr Circ:ulation Adnri-stranjon PO BOx 70l I Daser, DE 19903 Printing Prited at Sunshire Pnrriring, a .iubJilv of Indrepen,-rin [le'ip.,per E-mail prit rr r*" i.', er Newszap! Online News & Information Get the latest news at www.newszap.com Methodist Church, our Fall Festivi- ties will open on Monday, Oct. 16, and run through Oct. 31. We will be open daily from 10 am until 6 p.m. Located at the Glades County Chamber of Commerce grounds on Hwy 27. This is a Christian out- reach program for everyone. Activi- ties will include hayrides between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Saturdays and Sunday, children's story time and photo opportunities while playing in the Pumpkin Patch. Pumpkins, Indian corn, and gourds will be for sale. For more information or to make arrangements for small groups for children's story time, call (863) 946-1743 or (863) 227- 2690. Want a job in Construction? Take advantage of a job training opportunity provided by the Educa- tion Center of Southwest Florida, Inc. (ECSWF) for construction trades ranging from carpentry and plastic pipe to blue prints and masonry. Classes begin in October and space is limited. Flyers and applications are available at the Glades County Economic Develop- ment Council (EDC) Office in the Doyle Conner Building in Moore Haven or the ECSWF office in LaBelle. Applications can be faxed to the EDC at (863) 946-0777 or directly to the Education Center at 863-675-6800. For more informa- tion, contact Sonny Hughes, (863) 675-6800. Florida Native Plant Society to meet The Florida Native Plant Society meeting will be held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Agri-Civic Center at 4509 George Boulevard in Sebring in conference room number three. For more information, call Roy Stewart at: (863) 632-0914. Elections poll workers needed If you are interested in serving your community, your neighbor- hood, and your fellow Ameri- cans...How about becoming a poll worker in the upcoming elections. The General Election is Nov. 7. There are 13 Precinct Polling Places in Glades County. In order to serve as a poll worker, you must first attend a poll worker's training class held before the election at the courthouse. You must be able to read and write the English lan- guage and you must be registered to vote in Glades County. You must be at the Precinct Polling Place by 6 a.m. and you must stay there until after the polls close at 7 p.m. If you are interested, and want to know more, please call Holly Whiddon at the Supervisor of Elections office at (863) 946-6005. Weather Weather forecast for Glades County from the National Weather Ser- vice Lakeport and surrounding area Thursday: Mostly sunny, with a high near 84. Winds will be from the east between 3 and 7 mph. Thursday night: Partly cloudy, with a low around 66 and isolated showers after 3 a.m. Winds will be from the southeast around 5 mph with a 20 percent chance of rain Extended Forecast Friday: Partly cloudy, with a high near 86. Isolated showers, then scattered showers and thunderstorms after noon are possible. Winds will be from the south between 9 and 11 mph. The chance of rain is 30 percent. Friday night: Partly cloudy, with a low around 68 and a slight chance of showers. West winds will be between 6 and 9 mph with a 20 per- cent chance of rain. Saturday: Partly cloudy, with a high near 81 and a 20 percent chance of showers. Winds will be from the northwest at around 8 mph Saturday night: Clear, with a low around 58. Sunday: Sunny, with a high near 83. Sunday night: Clear, with a low around 64. Monday: Partly cloudy, with a high near 84 and a 30 percent chance of scattered showers and thunderstorms. LaBelle amateur radio club meets The LaBelle Amateur Radio Association resumed monthly meetings on Tuesday, Sept. 5, at the Hendry LaBelle Recreation Office building at 310 W. Cowboy Way, LaBelle. The Club meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. Any one interested in amateur radio is invited to attend. Emer- gency communication is avital part in responding to Hurricanes and other hazardous events. The LaBelle Amateur Radio Association provides emergency communica- tion via amateur radio when other forms of communication are unavailable and as a backup. For further details call Ron Zimmerly, KE4PFG at (863) 675-6375. Glades unty e cat Our Purpose... The Glades County Democrat is published by Independent Newspapers of Florida. Independent is owned by a uraque tru.t that enable. this newspa- per to pursue a mission ofjournalisiu cer ice to the zclEns ofl" the commu- nity. Since no dividends are paid. the .:nmpany is able to h-rive on profit margins below industry standards All .ater-t.ax surplus are reinvested in Independent's mission of journalistic r.ice. commitment to the ideals of the First Amendment of the U.S. C.-.nsrtrior. an.1 A-,pport :.' the comm- munity's deliberation of public issue. We Pledge... * Tb operate this newspaper as a public trust. * To help our community become a better place to live and work, through our dedication to conscientious journalism. ' To provide the information citizens need to make their own intelligent decisions about public issues. * To report the news with honesty, accuracy, =.,.,,r,,5.r, ..- ',. r,.. Tio dominate it with our own opinions. To disclose our own conflicts of interest or potential conflicts to our readers. To correct our errors and to give each cor reaction to the prominence it deserves. To provide a right to reply to those we write about. To treat people with courtesy, respect and compassion. Editorial: r-,. .i-, ,, [ ,, ',' : . , ... [ ., |: r.. ] , r [,,in.-I !j-i. i .i r, Advertising ,ed u',deed n--.zv'.,n i .,of i.- f, l .-. B,'i r. ,I .II) Advertising Services: Melissa Agee Lauren Adams Independent Newspapers, Inc. Chairman: Joe Smyth President: Ed Dulin Vice President of Florida Operations: Tobm Byrd Executive Editor: Katrina Elsken Member of: ... " Florida Press A, SsClatINsI h t I I I )- Submnrled pholc!/First Methodist Church Pumpkin Patch fun day Little Ole' Lady (Debbie Jones) told a fall holiday story about pumpkins. Glades County Democrat Published by Independent Newspaper, Inc. Serving Glades County Since 1923 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee OPINION Thursday, October 26, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Taking a trip down the Caloosahatehee wsuoiiial Edited by MaryAnn Morris I .. W. I aw.c l The internet is a great resource, especially if you like to dig. It's like rummaging through old trunks in your grandmother's attic. Found on the web were several issues of "The Tropic Magazine" which billed itself as "Illustrating out- door life in tropical South Flori- da." This magazine appears to have been published shortly after the turn of the century. The account of the building of Moore Haven by Mrs. M.F. George, whose husband actual- ly engineered much of *the town, came from the April, 1914 issue of The Tropic Magazine. The issue containing "Down the Caloosahatchee" is dated April, 1916. Before the Flagler's railroad came in 1915, before roads were built and automo- biles became common in the 1920s, people who lived along the shores of Lake Okeechobee would travel by steamboat to Ft. Myers, Ft. Lauderdale or Kissim- mee for supplies or to travel out of the lake area. Just think - someone born in 1916 would. be 90 years old this year. Each issue of "Tropic" has a feature called "Tropic talks - With the Editors" (M.C.L Per- rine, Editor, and D. Barron Per- rine, Managing Editor), where the editors relate some Florida adventure. The Caloosahatchee River was busy wilh steamboat traffic chugging supplies and people from Lake Okeechobee to Alva, Fort Denaud, Labelle and Ft. Myers. "In our last issue we prom- ised to tell our readers this month about the trip down the Caloosahatchee from LaBelle but it would be impossible to give a description that would do justice to this beautiful part of tropic Florida and the scenic effects of the winding Caloosa- hatchee River between LaBelle and Ft. Myers. "LaBelle itself is a charming town with its oaks and orange trees, and we reluctantly left its hospitable hotel to continue our' trip. It is the center of cattle country and is in the artesian Commnunity Links. Individual Voices. (863) 983-4484 INI/Florida Archives A steamboat moored in Ft. Denaud along the Caloosahatchee waits for passengers. well region, having wells that flow many thousands of gallons of water a day. Its people are progressive, especially along educational lines as demon- strated by a modern school recently built at a cost of $25,000.00, set in a "campus" of two acres or more. "At the time of our visit, the water was too low in the river here for the boat to reach LaBelle and it was necessary to take an automobile for a. few miles further where the boat was waiting. For, a short dis- tance we drove through a verita- ble forest of cabbage palms and this part of the trip was a most interesting one. "The boat we found waiting was a sizable one that looked to be lost too long to negotiate the short turns of the Caloosahatch- ee or "Crooked River" running in a narrow stream between its high banks. The boat was found to be well adapted to its pur- pose, however, and we eagerly watched the unfolding panora- ma of palms and orange groves and enjoyed the occasional stops at small town wharves to take on passengers or small freights. The river soon broad- INI,'http://memory.loc.gov/ammem /collections/everglades/ The Tropic Magazine appears to have been published after the turn of the nineteenth century. Copies of the publi- cation digitized online tell and show how people found South Florida 90 or so years ago. ened and larger vistas were exposed to view disclosing groves of great extent loaded with golden fruit and packing houses with barges for the trip down the river. "No trip in tropical Florida is complete without a glimpse of the Florida of our school book days nor were we disappointed here, for occasionally an oblig- ing alligator lay basking in the sunshine on some shallow point or lazily slid off a favorite log, and strange-looking birds with wonderful plumage watched our progress past their reeded homes. "We had started at 7 o'clock from LaBelle, and it was noon before we reached Fort Myers, but so attractive and alluring was the constantly changing scene that. we never left the "Observation Deck: of the boat until the city came in view and we drew up at the dock at beau- tiful palm-bowered Fort Myers. We had read much about the beauty of this city in its setting of tropic verdure. Mr. Simpson, in his article "By Water Trails Across South Florida" which appeared in the November, 1915, issue of the Tropic Maga- zine, gave a most glowing description of the tropical mag- nificence seen here which we found fully justified." At Family Eye Care We Provide: Complete Eye Health Examinations Including Prescriptions for Contact Lenses and Glasses Treatment of: Evaluation of: After Surgery Care of: Glaucoma Macular Degeneration Cataracts Eye Injuries Diabetes Glaucoma Dry Eye Cataracts Pterygium Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) Flashes & Floaters LASIK Specializing in bifocal, toric, daily disposable and hard-to-fit contact lenses. Full Optical Services In-House Lab High Quality Name Brand Frames Same Day Service on Some Prescriptions Latest Technological Lens Design Saturday and Evening Appointments Available 24 Hour Emergency Available New Patients Welcome 863.675.0761 www.familyeyecarelabelle.com The Sun is looking for motivated individuals to work as general assignment reporters in the Glades area. Candidates must be driven and possess a willingness to report on issues affecting the Glades communities of Belle Glade, South Bay and Pahokee. No experience is necessary -- a great opportunity for prospective journalists. The newspaper is now accepting resumes and writing samples at jzaragoza@newszap.com. /A prime business opportunity. Prime less Business Loans Amortized up to 84-months Seacoast National Bank can help you expand your business with a competitive fixed rate loan. Our experienced lenders will work with you one-on-one to get the financing you need. We offer: Pre-qualification so you know what you can afford going into a purchase Fast loan turnaroundd. from application through approval and closing We have the resources to help your business succeed. To learn how we can help you, call Bob Thompson 863-467-.1663 Seacoast NATIONAL BANK BIG LAKE visit www.seacoastnational.com on MEMBER LENDER NASDAQ: SBCF A subsidiary ofSeacoast Banking Corporation ofFlorida *This offer subject to change and may be withdrawn without notice. Loans are subject to credit approval. Offer available in Brevard, DeSoto, Glades, Hardee, Hendry, Highlands, Indian River, Martin, Okeechobee, and St. Lucie counties only. Offer expires October 31,2006. NOTICE. TO TAXPAYERS THE 2006 PROPERTY TAX ROLL, PALM BEACH COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA WAS CERTIFIED BY THE PROPERTY APPRAISER TO THE TAX COLLECTOR ON OCTOBER 12, 2006. THE TAX ROLL WILL BE OPEN FOR COLLECTION ON NOVEMBER 1, 2006, AT THE FOLLOWING OFFICES OF THE TAX COLLEC- TOR, PALM BEACH COUNTY: OFFICE HOURS: 8:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. COUNTY GOVERNMENTAL CENTER, 3RD FLOOR, 301 NORTH OLIVE AVENUE, WPB NORTHEAST COUNTY COMPLEX, 3188 PGA BOULEVARD, PALM BEACH GARDENS MID-WESTERN BRANCH, 200 CIVIC CENTER WAY, ROYAL PALM BEACH OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. SOUTHEAST COUNTY COMPLEX, 501 S. CONGRESS AVENUE. DELRAY BEACH LAKE WORTH BRANCH OFFICE, 3551 S. MILITARY TRAIL, LAKE WORTH OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. GLADES OFFICE BLDG., 2976 STATE ROAD #15, BELLE GLADE MOBILE OFFICES (SCHEDULES PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED) TELEPHONE NUMBER: REAL ESTATE AND TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY (561) 355-2266. THE 2006 REAL ESTATE AND TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY AD VALOREM TAXES FOR THE COUNTY; SCHOOL BOARD, MUNICIPAL- ITIES AND ALL OTHER TAXING AUTHORITIES WHO LEVY PROPERTY TAXES WILL BE COLLECTED. THE 2006 NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS FOR ALL WATER CONTROL (DRAINAGE) DISTRICTS, THE SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY AND ALL OTHER DISTRICTS OR AUTHORITIES WHO LEVY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS WILL BE COLLECTED. THE DISCOUNTS FOR EARLY PAYMENT ARE: 4% IF PAID IN NOVEMBER 2006 3% IF PAID IN DECEMBER 2006 2% IF PAID IN JANUARY 2007 1% IF PAID IN FEBRUARY 2007 WE OFFER SEVERAL PAYMENT OPTIONS: BY MAIL; POSTMARK CONSTITUTES DATE OF PAYMENT AND DETERMINES APPLICABLE DISCOUNTS. USE THE RETURN ENVE- LOPE INCLUDED WITH YOUR TAX NOTICE. E-CHECK: (ON-LINE ONLY) WITH NO ADDITIONAL FEE. VISIT OUR WEB SITE AT www.pbcgov.com/tax FOR INSTRUCTIONS. CREDIT CARDS: (PHONE/ON-LINE ONLY) A 2.2% CONVENIENCE FEE WILL APPLY. VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT www.pbcqov.com/tax OR CALL (561) 366-2266 FOR INSTRUCTIONS. PETER H. CARNEY TAX COLLECTOR PALM BEACH COUNTY I Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 26, 2006 I Mon Fri Bam-5pm Saturdav Boni-N.... Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 26, 2006 HAMPTON HRYSLER DODGE KEEP We have the expert technicians, factory service information, specialized tools and genuine parts to properly service your Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep vehicle. Automatic STransmission Tune-up $79.95 Drain/Replace I H INCLUDES: * Drain fluid/remove filter New Mopar transmission filter Installation of new fluid Necessary adjustments $ -* Road-test vehicle 3 -* Some Jeep vehicles require an extra charge due to * special filter * *Vehicles with special fluids may be higher. Imports may be higher. Additional charge for fluid disposal -. Expires N'o-v/i/o6 * --- - - - - -- -- -- - - - - - Cooling System Service $49.95R FlushlReplace a- INCLUDES: * Inspection of hoses and belts * Mopar antifreeze replacement (2-gal max) * Pressure test system a 3 3 3 V 3 * V 3 3. * -' 3 3 3 V * Diesel engines and additional parts/labor extra *Vehicles requiring longer-life antifreeze are higher *additional charge for fluid disposal Expires Nlov/i/o6 - - -X - - - SLube, Oil& a Wheel Balance &a Filter Change Tire Rotlation $21 95 $24 95 i INCLUDES: INCLUDES: .I . Engine oil replacement up to 5 quarts I Remove four wheels Complete chassis lube from vehicle; balance New Mopar oil filter and rotate *Fluid level inspection Special wheels, specialty, I Inspect CV joints and front vehicles slightly higher. suspension components 3 3 Additional charges may be applied for diesel, I V-10s, Hemi' V-8s, fluid disposal, semi-synthetic 1 and synthetic oils. Expires NIov/i/o6 Expires N7ov/x/o6 Present this ad when order is written. Check with Service Advisor to see if vehicle may require additional parts and/or labor at extra charge. Cannot be used with other specials or like service. Customer is responsible for tax. Chrysler, Plymouth, Dodge, Jeep and Eagle vehicles only. 2004 Daimler Chrysler Motors Company, LLC. Chrysler, Jeep Dodge and Mopar are registered trademarks of Daimler Chrysler. Good Year is a registered trademark of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company HAMPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP HENDRY COUNTY'S ONLY 5-STAR CHRYSLER-DODGE-JEEP DEALER lICURSLI It really does make a dirfference!d |o I (863) 983-4600 202 W. Sugarland Hwy. Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 26, 2006 Thursday, October 26, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Arrest report This column lists arrests, not convictions, unless otherwise stated. Anyone who is listed here and who is later found not guilty, or has the charges against them dropped, is welcome to inform the newspaper. We will confirm the information and print it. Western Palm Beach County Belle Glade Vernon McClendon, 29, of Northwest D Avenue, Belle Glade, was arrested on Oct. 18, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with trespassing -structure or conveyance; possession and or use of narcotics equipment; failure to appear for felony offense tampering with or fabri- cating physical evidence. No bond was set. Jeremiah Jenkins, 22, of Covenant Drive, Belle Glade, was arrested on Oct. 19, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with pos- session of 10 or more counterfeit- ed bills or notes; disorderly con- duct and resisting officer -obstruction without violence. He is being held without bond. Pablo Luis Herrera, 40, of Northwest D Avenue, Belle Glade, was arrested on Oct. 20, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with violation of probation - driving under the influence. No bond was set. *: Rufus Leon Brown, 41, of Southwest Fifth Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Oct. 21, by PBSO and booked for Leon County Sheriff's Office. He is being held on no bond. James Andrew Mitchem, 45, of Davis Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Oct. 21, by PBSO and charged with domestic battery. No bond was set. Santoni6 Minus, 25, of Davis Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Oct. 22, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with simple domes- tic battery. No bond.was set.. Joehanson Singleton, 30, of Southwest Sixth Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Oct. 23, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with simple domestic bat- tery. No bond was set. Pahokee Latonia Coney, 23, of Seville Street, Pahokee, was arrested on Oct. 16, by PBSO and charged \\ith neglect of a child. No bond was set. :* Matthew H. Paige, 19, of Farm Place, Pahokee, was arrest- ed on Oct. 16, by PBSO and charged with robbery with a firearm. He is being held without bond. Lavenski Smith, 19, of Banyan Street, Pahokee, was arrested on Oct. 19, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with viola- tion of probation burglary of a dwelling. No bond was set. Shantanna D. Howard, 21, of Glades Drive, Pahokee, was arrested on Oct. 20, by PBSO and charged with battery. No bond was set. Samuel Arnold, 19; of Shirley Drive, Pahokee, was arrested on Oct. 20, by PBSO and charged with violation of proba- tion aggravated assault with a deadly weapon; resisting officer without violence; simple assault on a officer/firefighter. No bond was set. South Bay Kenneth C. Williams, 41, of 11th Avenue, South Bay, was arrested on Oct. 17, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with viola- tion of probation or community control burglary of a structure or conveyance; possession of burglary tools; possession of cocaine; fraud impersonation; giving false ID to law enforce- ment officer; criminal mischief with property damage of $200 or less; burglary of occupied con- veyance and unarmed larceny - petit theft first degree $100-$300. He is being held without bond. Girlie Sharonda Robinson, 28, of South Bay, was arrested on Oct. 17, by PBSO on a warrant, charging her with failure to appear written promise to appear for case disposition neg- lect of a child; failure to appear for case disposition No license for more than 4 months; expired tag; expired registration, open container of alcohol and defec- tive equipment. She was later released to probation. Edjvon McCall, 23, of Janice Avenue, South Bay, was arrested on Oct. 18, by PBSO on an active Broward County warrant charg- ing him with unarmed burglary of a dwelling; larceny theft $300 or more but less than $5,000/grand theft. He is being held without bond. Dennis L. Bradley, 44, of Palm Beach Road, South Bay, was arrested on Oct. 23, by PBSO on an active out of state warrant charging him with bail jumping. He was booked and held for Houston County, Ga. Sheriff's Office. Hendry County Clewiston Tina Pringle, 21, of Clewis- ton was arrested Oct. 1, and charged with violating probation for a felony. Martin Meyer of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Edwin Morales, 25, of Clewiston was arrested Oct. 7, and charged with burglary of structure without person inside, larceny grand theft from $5,000- $10,000 and larceny with a firearm. Nicholas Reed of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Patrick Cypress, 28, of Clewiston was arrested Oct. 21, and charged with possession of cocaine. Kenneth Tillman of the Seminole Police Department was the arresting officer. Astre Nixon, 20, of Miami was arrested Oct. 21, and charged with possession of mari- juana over 20 grams and posses- sion of paraphernalia. V. Madrid of the Seminole Police Depart- ment was the arresting officer. Patrick Cypress, 28, of Clewiston was arrested Oct. 21, and charged with aggravated bat- tery with a deadly weapon. Stephen Hegedus of the Semi- nole Police Department was the arresting officer. Jose Mendez, 42, of West Palm Beach was arrested Oct. 17, and charged with felony trespass- ing with a firearm. Jesse C. Lee of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Glades County Orlando Lopez, 40, of Miami was arrested on Oct. 9, by Deputy Tito Nieves on an active warrant for violation of probation. He remains in custody without bond. Marc Wilkes, 29, of LaBelle, was arrested on Oct. 9, by Deputy Tito Nieves on an active warrant for failure to appear. He remains in custody with bond set at $5,000. Ruben Davis, 26. of Labelle, was arrested on Oct. 9, by Sgt. Queenie Bell on an active Hendry County warrant. He was turned over to Hendry County Sheriff's Office. Marilis Torres, 21, of Moore Haven was arrested on Oct. 10, by Deputy Jason Griner on an active warrant for violation of probation. She was released on $7,500 surety bond. Robert Mathias, 29, of Moore Haven w\as arrested on Oct. 10, by Sgt. Wayne Stripling on charges of resisting officer without violence; criminal mis- chief and an active warrant for violation of probation. He remains in custody with bond set at $2,065. Robert Mathias, 29, of Moore Haven was arrested on Oct. 12, by Deputy Joe Sapuppo on an active warrant for violation of probation. He is being held without bond. Blake Durrance, 20, of Lake Placid, was arrested on Oct. 12, by SPD Officer Goodman on charges of possession of con- trolled substances (Xanax, Tylenol w/hydrocodone) and possession of a concealed weapon. He was released on $10,000 Surety bond. Shannon Underhill, 36, of Okeechobee, was arrested on Oct. 16, by Det. Steve Harris on an active warrant for fleeing and eluding law enforcement officer; driving while license suspended; resisting officer without violence and possession of a controlled substance without a prescription. He was released on a $15,000 surety bond. Shelton Gilles, 22, of Bradenton, was arrested on Oct. 16, by Deputy Leslie Fuce on an active warrant for violation of probation. He was released on a $10,000 surety bond. Raymond Crisler, 55, of Ruskin, was arrested on Oct. 17, by Sgt. Ronnie Baker on charges of possession of marijuana with intent to sell/manufacture or deliver; possession of over 20 grams of marijuana and posses- sion of drug paraphernalia. He is being held on $10,000 bond. Antonio Olvera, 19, of Riverview, was arrested on Oct. 17, by Sgt. Ronnie Baker on charges of possession of marijua- na under 20 grams. He is being held on $2,500 bond. Elysia Furey, 20, of Key Largo, was arrested on Oct. 17, by Sgt. Ronnie Baker and charged with resisting officer without vio- lence; possession of cocaine and possession of marijuana under 20 grams. She was released on a $10,000 surety bond. Ingrid Terra, 18, of Lutz, was arrested on Oct. 17, by Sgt. Ron- nie Baker and charged with pos- session of cocaine. She was released on a $10,000 surety bond. Justin Harris, 25, of Okee- chobee, was arrested on Oct. 18, by Deputy Brian Enderle and charged with resisting officer without violence; possession of cocaine and destroying, tamper- ing with or fabricating evidence. He was released on a $10,000 surety bond. I SAVE MONEY ON YOUR FAVORITE GROCERY ITEMS. I I Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! 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L_ | I Shipping Ardress I CreditCard Number: Exp. date:___ iSignature Date:___ I Mail to: All In One Mug, PO Box 182, Bethany, OK 73008 1 L. -a- NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 2006 GLADES COUNTY TAX ROLL WILL BE OPEN FOR COLLECTION OF AD-VALOREM ASSESSMENTS, NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS AND TANGIBLE,PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES BEGINNING NOVEMBER 1st 2006 Taxes may be paid at the TAX COLLECTOR'S OFFICE located in room 101, in the Glades County Courthouse annex. The Glades County Courthouse is located on the corner of Highway 27 and 5th Street in Moore Haven, Florida. The Tax Collector's Office is open from 8:00 A.M. until 5:00 RM., Monday through Friday, except holidays. Taxes may also be paid at the Tax Collector's Sub-Office located at the Buckhead Ridge Community Center on Hwy. 78. The Sub-Office is open on Wednesday from 9:00 A.M. until 12:00 Noon, except holidays., All Real Estate Taxes, Non-Ad Valorem Assessments and Tangible Personal Property Taxes for Glades County (Board of County Commissioners), BOCC Law Enforcement, District School Board of Glades County, City of Moore Haven, South Florida Water Management District (District taxes and Okeechobee Basin taxes), Buckhead Ridge Mosquito Control District, Port LaBelle Community Development District, Everglades Construction Project, Port LaBelle Utilities (Special District "PW'), Barron Water (Special District "BW'), Barron Irrigation (Special District "Bl"), Barron Drainage (Special District "BD"), Sugorland Drainage District (Special District "SL"), Everglades Agriculture Area Environmental Protection District (Special District "EA") and Yacht Club (Special District "YC") taxes must be paid at the Glades County Tax Collector's Office. In accordance with Chapter 197 F.S., the law provides the following schedule of discounts which have been computed for you on your NOTICE OF AD VALOREM AND NON-AD VAL- OREM ASSESSMENTS: 4% if paid in November 3% if paid in December 2% if paid in January 1% if paid in February Taxes and Non-Ad Valorem Assessments are due on March 1 st 2007 and become delinquent on April Ist 2007 at which time the law imposes the following interest rates: Real Estate and Non-Ad Valorem Assessments 3% plus advertising. Tangible Personal Property 11/2 % per month plus advertising fees. Tax Sale Certificates will be sold on or before June 1st 2007 and Tax Warrants will be issued on all unpaid Tangible Personal Property Taxes pursuant to Chapter 197 ES. If there are any OUTSTANDING TAXES DUE on your property, it will be indicated on your notice of Ad Valorem and Non-Ad Valorem assessments. In this case, it will be necessary for you to contact this office for information and amounts pertaining to the outstanding taxes on your property. During the Glades County Board of County Commissioner's regular meeting on July 13, 1970, the Board of County Commissioners approved the $1.00 minimum for billing taxes, for the reason that the administration expenses of processing a Tax Notice of less than $1.00 is more than the amount collected, however, the Board provided that whenever the Tax accumulated to $1.00 or more it would be processed and collected. IF PAID BY MAIL, DISCOUNTS ARE DETERMINED BY POSTMARK. THE AMOUNT OF INTEREST/PENALTIES ARE DETERMINED WHEN PAYMENT IS RECEIVED. Only payments for the exact amount will be accepted. If you are paying your 2006 tax payments by mail, please pay by check or money order. DO NOT SEND CASH BY MAIL. Tax payments are payable in U.S. Funds only. Make your check payable to Gail A. Jones, Glades County Tax Collector. NO PERSONAL CHECKS WILL BE ACCEPTED ON OR AFTER APRIL 1st FOR REAL ESTATE TAXES, THEREFORE ONLY CASHIER'S CHECK, MONEY ORDER OR CASH WILL BE ACCEPTED. If you desire a receipt, please return the entire bill with a self-addressed stamped envelope. A validat- ed receipt will be mailed to you. For your convenience a Change of Address Form has been included with your Notice of Ad Valorem and Non-Ad Valorem Assessments in the event your address has changed recently or you have moved. The change of address form is self-explanatory. OUR MISSION IS TO PROVIDE PROMPT, EFFICIENT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS. IF WE CAN BE OF ANY FURTHER SERVICE, PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT ONE OF THE BELOW LISTED TELEPHONE NUMBERS OR VISIT OUR OFFICE AT ROOM 101 IN THE GLADES COUNTY COURTHOUSE. Telephone: (863)946-6035 or (863)946-6036 Fax: (863)946-3295 TOLL FREE 1-877-445-2337 Buckhead Ridge Office 863-763-0937 (Wednesday Only 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon) GAIL A JONES, CFC GLADES COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR PO BOX DRAWER 1589 MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 26, 2006 I Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 26, 2006 ONE WEEK To DEAL I Brand New 2006 Dodge CARAVAN, Brand New 2006 Dodge RAM oo500 Quad Cab Stk#60512. 60750 I I J I. ,1 I F I Brand New 2006 f r)Ie Brand New 2oo006 RAM 15oo Quad Cab SLT CARAVAN SXT 2 to Choose! .. - -..,,, ...... t'6. P!1 P L. TIlt. CuI .e Sports h'beels & More! Brand New 2o007 Dod-ie CALIBER ,( r... ..^-,:,,. 7 0. 5,J .! V;~wJf ~J, c~JJIfJ~J A WT 1Z AFM lpv A Palm Beach -STOCK VEHICLES ONLY. OFFERS NOT IN CONJUNCTION. MINIMUM 750 BEACON SCORE REQUIRED. PREVIOUS SALES EXCLUDED. ALL OFFERS EXCLUDE SRT MODELS & VIPERS. DEALER RETAINS ALL REBATES & INCENTIVES. PRICES INCLUDE ALL REBATES. PRICES PLUS TAX, TAG & S. REBATES VARY ON SELECT MODELS, WITH APPROVED CREDIT. REBATES MAY INCLUDE CFC REBATE ON SOME MODELS, CFC REBATE REQUIRES FINANCING APPROVAL THRU CFC, NOT ALL BUYERS WILL QUALIFY FOR THIS REBATE, SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. ZERO APR FINANCING ECT MODELS, MUST HAVE CREDIT APPROVAL THRU CHRYSLER FINANCIAL, OFFERS NOT IN CONJUNCTION, RESTRICTIONS APPLY, SEE DEALER FOR MORE DETAILS. MINIMUM TRADE BASED ON DEALER LIST PRICE, LIMIT ONE TRADE PER PURCHASE, TRADE MUST BE CURRENTLY TOWARDS PURCHASE OF SELECT VEHICLES, OTHER RESTRICTIONS APPLY, SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. 27 MONTH LEASES, 12K MILES PER YEAR, $3000 CASH OR TRADE EQUITY DUE AT INCEPTION PLUS TAX, TAG, TITLE. NO SECURITY DEPOSIT REQUIRED. WITH APPROVED CREDIT. MAY BE CANCELED AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE. RANKING BASED ON REGISTERED SALES FOR DAIMLER CHRYSLER THRU APRIL 2006. DEALER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS. VEHICLE ART FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. 2006 CARRERA ADV. Brand New 2o;6 og Thursday, October 26, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 26, 2006 serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee EDUCATION 9 School News in Brief Taste of honor Moore Haven Elementary sixth graders, Berni Toledo, Autumn Martinez and Lailoni Carey enjoyed a treat to celebrate their honor roll status for the first nine weeks of the school year. Celebrating success Moore Haven Elementary kindergarten students, Guillermo Quiala. Raul Ortiz and Ross Perry all celebrated their hard work with sno-cones during a celebration for the school's honor roll students on Friday, Oct. 13. Title I Parent meeting scheduled Moore Haven Elementary School and West Glades School are preparing for their annual Title I Parent Meeting. All parents of students at these schools are invited to attend. Parents will receive information concerning their child's school, Title I, A++ Legislation, School Improvement, and Parent Resources. Child care will be provided for children ages 3 14, and refresh- ments and door prizes will be available. The Moore Haven Ele- mentary School Parent meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 9, at 6:30 p.m. in the Richie Building. West Glades School will meet with their parents on Thursday, Nov. 16, at 6:30 p.m. in the Cafeto- rium. Booster club to hold dinner sale The Moore Haven Booster Club will hold a chicken dinner sale on Friday, Oct. 27 beginning at 10:30 a.m. in front of Moore Haven High School. The plates will be $6 each. Moore Haven High School to host reunion The class of 1981 is proud to welcome home all of the Moore Haven High School Alumni for the Homecoming football game and festivities. On Nov. 3, there will be a night of celebration immediate- ly following the Terriers game including a slide show in the audi- torium and refreshments in the library for all of the Moore Haven High School Alumnus. Come join the fun. For more information, contact Vincent Lewis at (863) 946-0466. School Happenings Moore Haven Elementary School September Citizens of the Month The following students have earned recognition as September Citizens of the Month at Moore Haven Elementary School. This is a very special honor since it means that they have done a commend- able job of showing PATRIOTISM. PATRIOTISM is good citizenship displaying high regard for laws, government, and the heritage of one's country. Kindergarten: Dominic Hughes, Austin Lee, Ross Perry, Oscar Yates; First Grade: Rosemary Aragus, Babi Galdamez, Luis Salgado, Lane Savant; Second Grade: Jesse Espinoza, Noah Johnson, Reygen Livingood, Destiny Smith, and Katherine West Third Grade: Kailin Brown, Brit- tney Drayton, Megan Whitehead; Fourth Grade: Jonathan Leon, Jacob Martin, Gabriella Mayorga; Fifth Grade: Natalie Leavy, Tom Perry, Joshua Rich; Sixth Grade: Arliss Ford, Chelse Hough, Vinton Lewis. iNi/nena Bolan A strange sort of pumpkin Unusual, white variety of pumpkin at the Glades County Chamber of Commerce's pumpkin yard. Scholarship applicants wanted If you know of a young person pursuing a college degree with the goal of working in Florida's fruit and vegetable industry, please let that student know about the Syn- genta Crop Protection Scholar- ship. The $1,000 scholarship will be awarded at FFVAs 63rd Annual Convention. To learn how to apply, contact Martha Tucker at (321) 214-5200 or via email at martha.tucker@ffva.com. JR-SR High needs substitute teachers Moore Haven Jr.-Sr. High School is in need of substitutes for the current school year. Applica- tion packets are available in the front office. For more informa- tion, please call Lori Bond from 7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m., at (863) See School -Page 12 LUNA Aluminum Structures *Pool Enclosures *Carport & Screen Porches *Roof Over Systems *Vinyl Siding *Now Installing Aluminum Hurricane Panels Licensed *HC.333.SP Insured *HC.335.SP 863-983-2701 Free Estimates Se Habla EspaTol. Sinav 1929 (Royal's FURNITURE A PPL /1 \(CES a BEDD. \ Li Festival at k* ,i Icy treats Moore Haven Elementary honor roll students were honored with a snow cone party to reward them for their hard work during the first nine weeks of the school year. Kinder- garten students, Autumn Lee, Lilli Dunivent and Aerial Little enjoyed their icy treats with other classmates. I SAVE MONEy ON yOUR FAVORITE GROCERY ITEMS. 4I I Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! I I newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. L -- -------------------------------------------------------- J Treasure Coast Dermatology Specializing in the Treatment of Skin Cancer Jonathan S. Sanders, M.D., J.D. : Cynthia J. Rogers, M.D. Tim loannides, M.D. Mohs Surgery Diseases of Skin, Hair & Nails Jonathan S. Sanders, M.D., J.D. Fellow of the Board Certified by the American Society for American Board of ( Mohs Surgery Dermatology ":' See a Board Certified Dermatologist Everytime 0-@ -- 0p0 4 -e ~e : ~.tSd S ;, E :. * I 6 ) ABI) K<~&~- COME SEE OUR NEWEST FACTORY DISPLAY CENTER * 8 New Floor Plans * 2-6 Bedroom Homes * Special Grand Opening Pricing * Great Financing Programs, on Staff Real Estate Company * From Permits to Occupancy, We Do It All! Proudly Represented By MODERN HOUSING OF FLORIDA 5050 Hwy. 27 South Sebring, FL 33870 863-385-8286 .U lop, JACOBSEN HOMES I SEBRING -66 98- Manufactured & Modular Homes "Carmen Ruby" S-a. X-4. ooatC-c~fio ThbLwe azid 2-]Fn.1 Th-blo. Belle OlnateM50*7040 The . aewluon ew"SH ammellamee239-57-M Okeeoe EDUCATION Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 26, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 26, 2006 n""1 IA !j Sr llJeep 1w '4 | fc' "' 4 00000J^^ftsflH Ik1lLi 'JIB' nn000 000IN PRE-OWNED $4,O O,OO INVENTORY! Our Vehicles Are Checked, Inspected & Guaranteed!t '02 BMW MINi COOPER ',1l, 0hl .lpl: '03 CAOI CTS SI. 0Ii97 i ,"" '"/\... ................ . '00 CHEVROLET BLAZER '95 CHEVROLET SILVERADO STK#6 B...................... ..... ........... . '04 CHEVROLET CAVALIER STK#7189A .......................................................... 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I A .. ~98 490 $q .990 6'I@ ,1; -, ~*44 : I ', I _r ,i i i L-,,..i N-"_.'LjL3-V, S ES .PAV-NOLA *PA RLEZ VOLUS FRA.IVCAIS & CREOLE STORE HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY: 8:30AM 9PM SATURDAY: 8:30AM 9PM SUNDAY: 11AM 6PM I REST RICTIONS APPLY TO "CHECKED, INSPECTED AND GURANEED", SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. OFFERS EXPIRE DATE OF PUBLICATION. MUST PRESENT THIS AD AT TIME OF PURCHASE TO RECEIVE ADVERTISED OFFERS. ALL OFFERS TO QUALIFIED BUYERS. WITH APPROVED CREDIT SAVINGS BAqUD OFF ORIGINAL MSRRP DEALER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS. PRICES PLUS TAX, TAG, TITLE & FEES. ALL VEHICLES SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS, VEHICLES ADVERTISED MAY NOT ALL BE CERTIFIED PRE-OWNED VEHICLES, PLEASE SEE DEALER FOR SPECIFIC CERTIFICATIONS. ART FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY Q.-.., JA I $1 .4 7A Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 26, 2006 MRDpAlm .11 !; IN e h 1; j 1, Am 0 la ImlAl- l Thursday, October 26, 2006 serving the communffles OLtth ci Lake Okuechobn Keep kids safe on Halloween Hanging display A dh':u:,ia;ive squash display adds color to the Glades county Chamber of Commerce pumpkin sales. H.I!-' r .'. _-i- 4.: can bi- v;- r: even for tli.,e who don't behev-: in Of.rr,-,2 ;, 7't i :!, *.'..'ri:.2. to Ire Ct.r .r for Disease: (.-C:rO, there are four times as many traf- fic accidents with pedestrian deaths on Hlv.e::mr. r.ght than on other evenings of the year. Many factors contribute to the potential danger. Excited children may dash into the street without watching for cars. Trick-or- treaters can trip over costumes and fall into the street. Masks may make it difficult for a child to see properly. Many parents opt to avoid trick-or-treating completely and go take the kids to a party instead. Some churches and civic organi- zations organize Halloween par- ties or Fall Festivals as a safe and sane alternative to traditional trick-or-treating. The American Academy of Pediatrics, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and lihe National Safety coiincil iofter the following Ilallowee-nSafety Tips: Children should Go only to well-lit houses and remain on porches r.;illr-r 'han crterirto h^.ft ,. Trave! in srnii groups and be accompanied by an adult. Know their pli(he nurribr and carry coins lot u--ihtv-ieilti.y telephone calls. Have their names and addresses attached to their cos- tumes. e Bring treats home before eating them so parents can inspect them. Use costume knives and swords that are flexible, not rigid or sharp. When walking in neighbor hoods, they should Use flashlights, stay on side- walks, and avoid crossing yards. Cross streets at the corner, use crosswalks (where inh y exist), and do not cross between parked cars. Stop at all corners and stay together in a group before cross- ing. Wear chioing lit-., is hri!lil, reflective, auid f., n i-' rehtirl,tnl. Consider using face paint instead of masks. Parents anid adults sitniild: Supervise tlhe citingg for chil- dren undel age 12. Establish a curfew (a return time) for older children. Prepare homes for trick-or- treaters by clearing, porches, lawns, and sidewalks and by plac- ing jack-o-lanterns away from doorways and landings. Avoid giving chl-king haz- ards such as gum, peanuts, hard A Healthier Life with Katrina Elsken candies, or small toys as treats to young children. Inspect all candy for safety before children eat it. -Pares and adults should ensure the safety of pedestrian trick-or-treaters "t.:: sure children under age 10 are supervised as 'he,. *D ine- sicv..l', Watch for children in the street and on medians. E:..! dri,'.r_',', i ,rid alI ;eyv, a' s carefuL1. Ha. ; e chiUren ge! out of cars on the curb side. r.cii or, the traffic side. Carve pumpkins on stable, fiat surfaces with good lighting. QUALITY SERVICE Over 20 yrs Electrical Experience Your locally owned and operated Electrical Service Company Main Electrical Panel Repair or Replacement Landscape Lighting and surge protection Call for A Remodel Quote or home generator accessories & hook ups 9-5 call 863-983.4101 863-228-4138 24 E.ne.-.gr.EMy Service Licensed & Insured #EC0000661 Now offering Sa complete line of Electric, Gas & Wood Burning Fireplace Units By +-i Drimplex & FMI Fill that room with energy efficient warmth, from a beautiful fireplace. Freestanding and Built in Models Available SJackson River Home Furnishings & Decor At the Foot of the Bridge 340 North Bridge Street 863-674-0003 LaBelle IN/lfns Sl wnllon Plentiful harvest A table loaded with gourds, pumpkins and squash draws ailention to the Pumpkin Patch Sale In front of the Glades County Chamber of Cummerue. N Go to n@wszap.com to download and print coupons onlinel 1L K G(la( es General Hospital mI .1 =mm ilm.mis ,mmm,, ~IL, HII m: (I . I r It, pit..- -. % l.. . I li i 'Vrll - I. .l ll. l ,r i 1"11 |I \'l I 1 11% 1" 8I f .tl' rlll I*II. I1 \\ '. III, I 'II rl* .1 ,i| \,i l l- l nt.' ll .. ll I lurif a l .\hili' 'iiiI Nl rlh I iinI I 1 'l ..'t.- l ,'?ls = . ,,,,,,., Mic!hal Cole U -4 t%1it h * iv < h ',,hu' '" I. "" I ,, Sl it n i, i-l i|, -r h l 'l' l llr i I ll l Ip ','f) 1ll lll l ",'ll l l l ,lu ll ll 'l l,, l ,, 1 1, I ,l ', f ,a4 I r l" 'I .i 'lllit l y,.,ill hlt u n I i ,l.ti' In , lid,. 1i s In (.t, .t .i illii lnit aIn l i Jn ,b .uhl i -." u i I l ,iii ,I i i ,i t lin t, l ,' i ,. -ri | l]" '- :ll ill .,'- i l l I ..'.... I ol M . Bank of America 0' Higher Standards E:L :/J Z.'_, ~iflP7!,!: Y -, W ):II I **PfHARMACOT** PRN, (-L -iini I I[ I- tiii'i "ii,,iiMiijIitif,2 yeam hospital exp., exp. with pharma- Coldneta i 1.i ,iLr iplli [t E N unit inspections 5 l-lunt. I i4.'lai it, posse's excellent communication, etitomer service & computer killAs. RequJir, weekends, **DffinAN. Must be I.', i i) BS with a major in Nutrition Ditetic o-r equivalent with ;ni, i i ,.h i *. 11 ,, ,..** hiI .] l ,.-.illi ,'lah ,lh I' li iiniiii .' .*,l] '. .".-i''.[ 'lL I .L lh li -rii iii in 'ii ii ,i l ,:.i I. I I ttin . L XRA. yli'iitr.Imi'iaeS I 1 l_', I. I *l,, l-I I o h..- Ih ,,, '.- r., I .l tertd. **INfA'TIM COODR* I .ini m employee .*i,...li-d to code nlpatient .....i,1 iI..lk. C, ..l , "iedule! Work .1,., .. nights' I - '.l I 1I I h l *MaIocAItD S EeAmT* * yT Mii Ih ,,. ,.t,--:i .n .. .Ji,,iJk .i l.,1 le i, I ,.i ltli it LI'.2, li' ItD-" id HC'S. Expeinenee in billing, second- ary Medicaid follow-up required, Computer knowledtlge and excellent l ,Iii 4 i ii .1 il. "MEnICARE S'PEALuSTr* C'T iyr.. I-, i M,.,'..ue Collector, Si ,- .l,i- UB92, ICD-9 and CPCS. 'Knowledge of the DLDE -* ii in Experience in Iitt second- .1 ;ii]),, Medicare i'niutL appeal, I+ 'T. FT, 8a-Sp & 8p-8m S' i'PiiJ8pa&fl&8p8a ( ,m |.l'l]il l 'i I I llentI lHII .l-ili e. Resume, Fax (561) 993-5627 Email; I RivI' .-i' l.ie,,,.nu'ai f-ag i\ 1201 S. Main St., Belle Glade, FL i ir s 33430 ,,',", DFWP/EOE/M/F We report, but YOU deci de. ly~~~f~~d 9 V^r^l|^l 140 eM *I 4"MCl~looks at WESo 411 .ti f.u ti, iei its I Sm at t~tr hr V. ,. The Sun Lin tui inoti tikia 4..... : Man' 1wSIpj',,,IS ag,,rssivvly push the opinions of their plblihers or B1ii \w,' ilin't think it's our place, to tell people what to think, or to try to 'tii rol pu"hli opinion. Our editors insist on purposeful neutrality. We try to re'pi''l t liii rv is it,), i and facilitate a fair but vigorous disussi)lon of Jjblk isit,'s. We are pr nd to be journalists, not power brokers. And we're proud to uthil'island ]the difference. i,f. us know by mailing feedback@newvszap.com or f.illing your -editor. Clewiston News GLADES COUNTY DEMOCRAT The S un Community fi ,ri c Tlhrn ouh fournailism Thursday, October 26, 2000 Serving the atommumffl@ mith of Uko gk@whobn Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Center Continued From Page 1 ter's director since 1987, and she has been in childcare for over 22 years. She even attended school in the same building when she was a child. "I found that all children can learn and they do well at the center when parents and teachers work together," she said. The pre-school teachers are Edna Wingate and Shirley Wilker- son. The kindergarten staff includes Christine Marroquin and Paulette Hughes. All members of the teaching staff have Child Devel- opment Associate Credentials, Ms. Brown holds a four year degree and both Ms. Brown and Ms. Hughes have director credentials. Glades County Child Develop- ment Center is licensed by the Department of Children and Farni- lies and accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Parents who wish to enroll their child must fill out an application to see if they qualify. Ms. Brown can be reached at 946-1200. The school is operated by Child Care of South- west Florida which is a non-profit organization. Meeting Continued From Page 1 would allow non-boaters to enjoy and admire the marshes and big lake. Bret Whidden, the city's mayor, is Mr. Echols' col- league in the city/county project. It was noted that some homes still have hurricane shut- ters mounted on windows. The council is concerned that wood- en shutters will obstruct fire fighters as they attempt to rescue people inside their homes. Council member urge resi- dents to remove the shutters and will be mailing a reminder to citi- zens along with next month's utility bill. anal er, also loves the Big Water. "This Canal. is an opportunity for the city and county to work together," he Continued From Page 1 said. of Lake Okeechobee, but would He and Bret Whidden believe also allow residents and guests this project will have a positive to see and admire the heart of impact on the economy of south Florida's ecosystem, sup- Moore Haven and boost eco- porters say. tourism in the Glades County Russell Echols, commission- area. Tour Continued From Page 1 dinner with his constituents in Muse. "This is a funway to meet and talk with the folks throughout my Senate district," Mr. Aron- berg said. "Everyone should have the opportunity to meet their elected officials no mat- ter how large the district might be." INI/Nena Bolan Shirley Wilkerson, a preschool teacher, is ready to wake children from nap time at the Glades County Child Development Center. School Continued From Page 9 946-0811, (863) 983-9600, (863) 675-7715 or (863) 467-7722. MHHS Class Reunion The MHHS Class of '86 is hav- ing their 20 year reunion on Homecoming Weekend this year. Planners are inviting the Class of '87 and Class of '88 to join us, as well. They are in need of assis- tance in locating and notifying all members of the above classes. The initial plan is to have a tailgate type get-together the night of the Homecoming Game and, on the following day, have a BBQ for the family at the City Park or a similar location. Anyone interested in assisting may contact David Lee at dlee-1967@skyeone.com or (863) 946-2512. School Board meetings set Regular meetings will now take place on the second Thurs- day at 6 p.m. and the fourth Thurs- day at 9 p.m. in the Glades County School Board meeting room, 400 10th Street S.W, Moore Haven. Accountability Reports The 2006 NCLB Public Accountability\Reports for Glades County Schools, Moore Haven Elementary, West Glades School, and Moore Haven Junior-Senior High are available on the district and school Web sites (http://glades.edgate.org). Copies of the reports are also available at the district office and the adminis- trative office at each school. GED classes set The Glades County School Dis- trict is offering GED prep classes at Moore Haven High School, Room 26-003, for adults who wish to obtain their GED. Classes are Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6-8 p.m. You may register the night of the classes. If you have any questions you may call Scott Bass at (863) 946-0202 ext. 13. Children's advocates needed The Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) Program needs volunteers to rep- resent the best interests of abused, abandoned and neglect- ed children before the court, social service agencies and the community. No special educa- tional degree is required. Guardians need to be someone with common sense, good judg- ment and a commitment to help- ing a child. Attendance at three training sessions held in Fort Myers is required. Please contact Kelie Hedrick at: (239) 461-4360 or (800) 269-6210 for more infor- mation, and to reserve your space for training. Stop the violence meetings announced. The Hendry and Glades Domestic and Sexual Violence Council's mission is to increase community awareness about domestic and sexual violence and victim safety by providing servic- es, referrals and education relating to the affects of domestic/sexual violence in our community. The meetings rotate between LaBelle, Clewiston and Moore Haven. To get involved in the council or for information about meeting dates and times, please call Abuse Council and Treatment, Inc.'s Rural Extension (REACT): (863) 674-1811, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. to speak with an advocate. Petition may help low income Floridians get phones TALLAHASSEE Attorney General Charlie Crist has filed a petition to intervene with the Public Service Commission in support of a previously filed peti- tion by Public Counsel Harold McLean and AARP. Their petition asked the commission to order Florida phone companies to automatically enroll eligible low- income residents in the Lifeline telephone service. The Lifeline program pro- vides low-priced telephone serv- ices designed to ensure that basic telephone service remain affordable to all residents of Florida. The services are intend- ed to provide consumers who otherwise might not be able to afford telephone service with life-saving communications. The petition filed by the Public Coun- sel and AARP, now joined by the Attorney General,; noted that although Florida has approxi- mately 1 million eligible house- holds, fewer than 13 percent of qualifying Florida residents par- ticipate in the program. "Every Floridian should have the ability to call for help in times of need," said Mr. Crist. "They shouldn't have to jump through hoops and overcome obstacles to get what they truly deserve - fair rates." Lifeline Assistance can save eligible consumers as much as $160 per year on telephone serv- ices. The program is funded by the Universal Service Fund, a fee that appears on monthly tele- phone bills nationwide and is distributed to all 50 states. Because of Florida's low partici- pation in the program, Floridians are actually paying more to the fund than is returned to those state residents who are signed up for the program. In 2004, Floridians contributed more than $380 million, but the state only received $137 million in return. Under the proposal by Mr. McLean, AARP and Mr. Crist, telephone companies would be required to work with the Department of Children and Families to enroll all Floridians who would qualify for the assis- tance. Examples of those who qualify include Floridians who are on food stamps or who request federal public housing assistance. More information on eligibility is available at: http://www.floridapsc.com/utili- ties/telecomm/lifeline/eng- brochure.aspx. A copy of Crist's petition to intervene is available at: http://myfloridalegal.com/web- files.nsf/WF/MRAY-6URSEE file/Lifeline Petition.pdf , Save money on your favorite grocery items. A I Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! I SIlewszozap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. L ---- ---------------------------------------- Aft,' Register online at www.Jobing.com 0 FREF[ A. ,, o'- > FREE R-n > RiA .. .FRE C. iOr W-,,' .'i l Bring a copy of your resume on CD-ROM .1 d rn:-P tn,.- Resume Review on-sitel in.~ corn Cmewr E-.,3,n' a" ..s ,.,loin. -. it t 'ia bi .'. s Ted Schiff, M.D. and the professional staff at Water's Edge Dermatology will treat you with all the care and expertise you expect. Adult and Pediatric Dermatology Diseases of the Shin, Hair and Nails Surgery of the Shin, Shin Cancer Treatment MOHS Shin Cancer Surgery New patients are welcome Medicare and most insurance accepted. S 2A .E. . Introducting our Wednesday Night Steak Night SCome In & Bring A Hearty Appetite! Friday Night All You Can Eat Catfish & Hush Puppies [ October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month It is estimated that 13,430 Florida women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. When breast cancer is detected early and treated promptly, suffering and ultimately the loss of life can be significantly reduced. Mammography (an x-ray picture of the breast) is the single most effective method to detect breast changes that may be cancer, long before physical symptoms can be seen or felt. This is why, in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Glades General Hospital is offering Mammograms for a special discounted rate of $60 throughout the month of October. For further information or to schedule your mammogram please call, 561-996-6571, ext. 460. Patient must pay cash, check or charge at the time of mammogram. Take a closer look at Glades General Hospital... you'll be impressed by what you see. 561-996-6571 1201 South Main Street Belle Glade, Florida 33430 GLADES GENERAL HOSPITAL Thursday,- October 26, 2006 (a Thursday, October 26, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Amendment gives tax break to disabled veterans Editor's note: Florida voters will be asked to decide on six proposed amendments to the Florida Consti- tution in November. Originally eight amendments were pro- posed. Amendment #2 which dealt with term limits was with- drawn and Amendment 5 which proposed a nonpartisan board to determine voting districts was taken off the ballot by the Florida Supreme Court. This series of arti- cles on the proposed amendments is designed to help our readers bet- ter understand them before going to the polls. The following information was provided by VoteSmart Florida. VoteSmartFlorida.org is a non-prof- it, non-partisan organization com- posed of more than 60 diverse groups including community organizations, trade associations, chambers of commerce and oth- ers. VoteSmartFlorida.org is an affil- iate of the Florida Chamber of Commerce and is firmly commit- ted to providing Florida voters Unbiased, non-partisan factual information on proposed constitu- tional amendments and the process by which they get on the ballot. Amendment 7 Official Title: Permanently Dis- abled Veterans' Discount on Homestead Ad Valorem Tax Official Ballot Summary: Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution to provide a dis- 'count from amount of ad valorem tax on homestead of a partial or totally permanently disabled %et-r- anwho is age 65 or older who \\as ,a Florida resident at the time of entering rnilitarv service, \\hose Part Three in Series disability was combat-related, and who was honorably discharged, to specify percentage of the discount as equal to the percentage of veter- an's permanent service-connected disability; to specify qualification requirements for the discount; to authorize the Legislature to waive the annual application require- ment in subsequent years by gen- eral law; and to specify that the provision takes effect Dec. 7, 2006, is self-executing, and does not require implementing legislation. Amendment Type: Legislative/Joint Resolution, this amendment was placed on the ballot by the Florida Legislature during the 2006 Legislative Session. It was required to pass both the Senate and House by a 60% vote to be eligible for the ballot. Sponsor: Florida Legislature, 2006 Session, Rep. Ray Sansom (Fort Walton Beach) Arguments For: This is a chance to give thanks to veterans who were wounded in combat serving our country. The amendment would provide substantial ad valorem or "property tax" relief for Florida's military veterans who have fought in a foreign war. The proposed amendment would ensure the exemption is in proportion to the amount of disability a veteran receives. Against: Every permanent Flori-, da resident who has legal title to I '~~~*- -r: A'- **~.* Submitted photo/First United Methodist Celebrating founder's day First United Methodist Church of Clewiston is celebrat- ing 61 years of ministry in Clewiston this year. Last year's 60th anniversary celebration was cut short-by Hurricane Wilma. The entire community is welcome to join in a spe- cial Founder's Day worship service on Sunday, Oct. 29, at 11 a.m., and/or dinner on the rounds at 12:30 p.m. and resides on real property is eligi- ble for a homestead exemption of $25,000. Currently, disabled veter- ans receive an additional $5,000 homestead exemption. Rather than an "across-the-board" exemption, the proposed amend- ment would create exemptions of different amounts for each veteran. What Your Vote Means YES -If approved by voters, Amendment #7 would lower taxes for certain disabled veterans by allowing them to take a dis- count on their homestead property tax equal in proportion to the amount of disability as determined by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. (Effective Dec. 7,2006). NO -If Amendment #7 is not approved by voters, the current law which authorizes a $5,000 exemp- tion for ex-servicemen who are dis- abled to a degree of 10 percent or more as a result of service in war would remain in place. Financial Impact The Office of Economic and Demographic Research (EDR) has estimated the fiscal impact to be $20.1 million. Note: The Financial Impact Esti- mating Conference is not required to adopt and prepare official finan- cial impact statements to accom- pany proposed constitutional amendments which are placed on the ballot by the Florida Legisla- ture. The Revenue Estimating Con- ference has estimated that the recurring fiscal revenue to local governments will be $1 million; it does not appear to have an impact on local expenditures. Required Documentation for Disable Veterans to qualify for exemptions includes: Proof of residency at time of entering service: Proof that injury was combat- related; Official letter from the U.S. Dept. of Veteran's Affairs stating that the percentage of the veteran's service-connected permanent dis- ability; and, Copy of the veteran's honor- able discharge. Amendment 8 Official Title: Eminent Domain Official Ballot Summary: Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution to prohibit the transfer of private property taken by eminent domain to a natural person or private entity, providing that the Legislature may by general law passed by a three-fifths vote of the membership of each houle off the Legislature permit exceptions allowing the transfer of such pri- vate property; and providing that this prohibition on the transfer of private property taken by eminent domain is applicable if the petition of taking that initiated the condem- nation proceeding was filed on or after Jan. 2,2007. Amendment Type: Legislative/Joint Resolution, this amendment was placed on the ballot by the Florida Legislature during the 2006 Legislative Session. It was required to pass both the Senate and House by a 60% vote to be eligible for the bal- lot. Sponsor Florida Legislature, 2006 Ses- sion, Rep. Marco Rubio (R-Miami) Known Proponents: Coalition for Property Rights, FloridaAssociation of Realtors, Florida Chamber of Commerce, Florida Farm Bureau, Florida Fruit & Vegetable Asso- ciation, National Federation of Indepen- dent Businesses, Property Rights Coalition, Known Opponents: Unknown Arguments FOR: The decision as to whether a taking for economic, development purposes is permissi- ble in Florida lies squarely in the judiciary, and will remain so unless the constitution or statutes are amended to restrict such takings. Unless the Florida Constitution is amended, the question of whether a city or a county may take proper- ty for purposes of economic devel- opment will remain unanswered. Against: A constitutional amendment is not needed to address any eminent domain issues. This proposed constitution- al amendment would place strict limits on the circumstances under which private property taken by eminent domain may be trans- ferred to another party. What Your Vote Means YES -If approved by voters, Amendment #8 would require that private property taken by emi- nent domain must be retained for 10 years before it may be trans- ferred to another private entity. The Legislature may provide excep- tions to this limitation if passed by a 3/5 votes of the membership of each house. NO--If Amendment #8 is not approved by voters, additional lim- its will not be placed and eminent domain. It would remain in its cur- rent form as stated in the Floiida Constitution, Section 6, Article X, "prohibits takings of private prop- erty unless Ihe taking is for a "pub- lic purpose" and the property owner is paid "full coi npensation." STATION MOBILE HOMES Quality Homes at Discounted Prices! Homes From the Low $50's. Turn Key Packages Available. Family Owned Since 1981. S, JACOBSEN ALETWOIf HOMES 5ctB.ilt ii~~iTrnii I1;,Th~':" '1" i I 1^~l I' I"]i ! Clewiston 1312W. SugaiandHwy. 863.983.8106 LaBelle 231 W. HIpooeeA 863-675.6622 Punta Gorda 5041 Duncan Rd. 941.505-0041 196 '- Acres INexti io Naniahala NizionaI I ore!,I! *[)e.elIpmeni Poi,.eiiial S~ I .r.Nurlh Croiin~i Oct. 27, 2006 10 A M1 * FREE 2417 Technical Support * riant Me iagri,, heep your buddy list! *10 i-ie-anl, 3alreiS':Ei .. in w'ebrr, * Custom Start Page news, weather & more! : r suup to6Xfaser! ) S jsts3 more Sign Up Online! www.LocalNet.com C all Toray &8 Sae ia ntentc si "\ ie\\ of L".ak luin ._kI ka' *Exquisite '6)4l00l+ -s.t'. .stIate *('C'lde, Nortli Carolina Oct. 27, 2006 2 PM Call for open house dates & terns SAww.rogersre;alt.com 1-800-442-7906 MIL. M ,atllh l ,A\A N ,. -T ... 4. I ........e Irn l lun. Aui;..a", ' The Hendry County Republican Party cordially invites you to attend a Picnic at Barron Park, LaBelle fft Come and enjoy this opportunity to meet State and Local Republican candidates! Visit our website at \,\ \\\ hendr republicans corn 863 675 1748.----863 983 -:2- 41 'ahsl.l .l A 'licusiTr p.lil Iti .r a-r .i ',l, d h i ihl, i-' r,, ni. l, ,p. i hI.lp d I. Il .I-,LI. r I I h- l|4 L FI Ie l P I J7 '.r a|rr.1.1 AI, Ar. .Janoik., .Of .jr.JJ .L MoInnIIr.. i,, O .* ,... .. ... '*'* ... . '. ,.-. .-- -"< ' Make up to $2,500 by filling in the space above! Sell your personal valuables if they're $2,500 or less for absolutely free! No fee, no catch, no problems! * 4 lines for 2 weeks * Price must be included in ad * Private parties only * 2 items per house- hold per Iss, ,3 . Clewiston News DOWI t01 A S "' .... .. i luseditemaSO grouping per ad priced at $2,500 or less * Independent Newspapers reserves the right to disqualify any ad. G DMs CouRATY DEMOCRAT 'he Sun Toll Free 877-353-2424 classad@newszap.com Representative Denise Grimsley is working hard for Florida' Heartland and getting results for: Private Property Owners - Denise Grimsley was a member of the House Select Committee on Private Property Rights which passed legislation making sure that even though the U.S. Supreme Court decision allows local governments to take private property for economic development purposes. it cannot happen in Florida. SMobile Home Residents - Representative Grimsley enacted a statewide program to improve the safety of manufactured homes during storms. -. Denise also made sure residents of those homes are P eligible for state grants to strengthen their homes and for d Citizens insurance premium discounts once they have done so. ^ ilfr"jl^ -Taxpayers - During Denise Grimsley two years in the House she helped ?^ bring additional tax relief to Floridians through more sale -5 tax holidays and an end to Florida's intangibles tax on stocks and bonds. Agriculture - Denise Grimsley continues to fight for the agriculture industry that is so important to Florida's Heartland region. In her first year. she secured important help in the battle against citrus canker and this year she added small growers to the list of those eligible ,for special state disaster relief assistance. iRural Coties - For the first time ever, the Legislature in 2006 dedicated funds to "fiscally .constrained," rural counties. During this year alone, this bill co-sponsored by Representative Grimsley will mean an extra $1.3 million to Highlands. Hendry Hand Glades Counties. These funds can be used for local projects or to reduce local property taxes. DENISE GRIMSLEY HAS BEEN HONORED FOR HER SERVICE ai Honorary Member, Order of the Purple Heart Chapter 601, 2006 ', "% ' "A' Honor Roll, Florida Chamber of Commerce. 2005-2006 '" B County Champion. Florida Association of Counties, 2006. - Legislative Hero Award, Associated Home Health Industry of Florida, 2005 c Appreciation Award. Florida Citrus Mutual, 2005 Political Courage Award, American Lung Association. 2005 Denise wants to make sure Florida's future is bright not only for her - new grandson, Tyson but for your children and grandchildren, too! VOTE kNOV. 71'! . Saturday, October 28, 2006 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Guest Speaker: Rebecca O'Dell Towinsend at 12:30 p.m. "Our Constitutional Crisis" Internet d -rWo NORTUI CAROLINA MOUATAINII A U C T 1 0 N S Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee 'Thursday, October 26, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 26, 2006 GLADES FORD LINCOLN MERCURY SA VIRTUALLY EVEH AND MODEL AVAILABLE! FORD CHEVROLET PONTIAC GMC TOYOTA JEEP HONDA NISSAN CHRYSLER DODGE MITSUBISHI CADILLAC LINCOLN MERCURY MAZDA AND MORE! -'.-U -- I lo =, I- .. .. ..1 J ill, F 400 VEHICLES WILL BE SOLD M1ER1ECT TO THE PUBLIC FOR: Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 26, 2006, Thursday, October 26, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee SPORTS 15 Reggie Gray sets up Tiger's final touchdown. Jamal Hubert enroute to the five yard line on Tiger scoring drive. Tigers roll past Inlet Grove for District Championship By Jeff Barwick The Clewiston Tigers survived a very shaky first half of play and then cruised to a 31-0 win over Inlet Grove and clinched the District 2A- 6 championship. The Tigers (8-0 overall and 3-0 in the district) relied on a second half running attack led by senior tailback Jamal Hubert who scored two touchdowns. On the night, Hubert carried the ball 18 times and gained 199 yards. SThe Tiger offense that opened the contest was one that Tiger fans had not seen this season. They Were way off their normal perform- ance and busted plays and penal- ties kept them off the scoreboard on their first five possessions. Lucki- ly the Hurricanes were inept at moving the ball, too. The Tigers played the game without starting receivers and defensive backs John Melton and Sim Putnam who were not allowed to dress for the game due to disciplinary problems. Hubert and starting tight end/defensive end DeMn Hughes were also held out of the first quar- ter for less serious disciplinary rea- sons. Clewiston only made one first down in the first quarter. On their third possession, senior quarter- back Jared Combass dropped back to pass and found his intended receiver covered. He retreated a lit- tle further hoping to find someone open, followed by about two more drop back sequences. Finally, he was sacked for a 43 yard loss giving the Tigers and fourth down and 58 yards to go for a first. The second quarter perform- ance was no better as the Tigers saw their first two possessions stymied by five penalties and poor blocking. With only 1:47 left in'the half, CIE\\iion u[ i-e bail pin-rd %way back on their 9. -ar- line Hubert peeled oilf runs of 16 and 42, his long of the night, and then Combass &ian for 12. Hubert added another 8 yard dash before the drive ran out of steam at the Hurri- cane's 10 yard line with 23 seconds left. Kicker Will Davis' 26 yard field goal try hit the crossbar and barely bounced over with 23 seconds left in the half. But, bounce over it did and the Tigers had their real first break of the evening and went to intermission with a flimsy 3-0 lead. The Tigers' entered the second half, fresh from a stern lecture by the coaching staff, as a team more resembling their season long per- formance. Their first possession resulted in a 5 play, 66 yard drive on the ground with Hubert and tail- back Darris Hughes sharing the load. Hubert got the touchdown on a 35 yard scamper up the middle which he then broke to the Tiger sideline. As he neared the goal, Hubert shifted the ball away from a potential tackler and fumbled the ball into the end zone where he fell on it for the score. Davis then con- verted his first of four extra points on the night. On their next drive, the Tigers were stopped and punt- Jamal Hubert breaks free in secondary enroute to a 35 yard score. ed but got the ball right back alter holding the Hurricanes and forcing a punt, one of ten on the night for Inlet Grove. From their 30, the Tigers got 15 from Hubert and then fullback Carl Whitehead hit the middle on a quick trap and rum- bled 33 yards. Tailback Collin Rick-- etts then ran for 7 as the third peri- od came to a close with the Tigers still only sporting a 10-0 lead .lamnal Hubert then carried 3 straight plaNs and goi the final 5 yardss to score with 10:02 remain- ing in the contest The Hurricanes were quickly held and got off a poor punt that went out ol bounds at their 35. Five plays .later, Darris Hughes gIt th Fial 7 'aids squirt- ing off tackle. Davis' kick was per- fect and it was 17-0. Inlet Grove again could not move the ball and Tiger cornerback Isandro Marquez intercepted an errant pass at the Tiger 45. Hubert knocked off 11 yards on two carries and Ricketts' had runs for 7 and 17. Tailback Reg- gie Gray then churned for 6 yards followed by a hard run for 13 more. From the 5 yard line, fullback Alton Edmond busted right up the mid- dle and scored the final Tiger touchdown of the game. Davis' point afwtr kick made it 31-0 for the Tigers and that was the final score. The Tiger defense was stellar all night as they held the Hurricanes (2-6 overall, 2-2 in district) to only 36 yards rushing on 30 attempts and 90 yards passing on the night. Leading the charge was Delvin Hughes who had 5 tackles, an assist, and 2 quarterback sacks and 2 running sacks. Nose guard Edwin Alvarez also racked up 5 tackles and both a quarterback and run- ning sack. Linebacker Terrance Thomas also delivered some hard tackles during the game, finishing with 4 solos and a running sack. On the night, Inlet Grove had 7 posses- sions in which they could only run three plays and then were forced to punt the ball and on another Mar- quez' interception ended a 3 play drive. Tiger Coach Larry Antonacci said, "We worked hard all week on avoiding a flat performance. I felt going into the game that we were in trouble and we just came out flat. We had several of our skilled offensive starters out for the entire game and a couple more who sat out the first period for disciplinary reasons. I think our team got dis- traced by those events." Tiger tail- back Darns Hughes was also disap- pointed in the team's early per- lot iriance saying, "We had a good -%%eek of practice and kept talking about what we had to do. We knew we had to slay focused but we just didn't get the job done." "Finally, we got it together in the second hall and got things going again," he added. The Tigers have been blessed this \ear wilh depth at the tailback position that most teams can only dream about. Hubert, Harris, Rick- etls and Gray are all talented tun- iers with their individual strengths and running stles. Coillectiely. they ha\ e rushed tor 1,955 yards in 8 games on 234 plays, averaging over yards. :. Jamal Hubert sits at 1,1-16 yards rushing on the season and with two games remaining is in reach of Clew.iston'r all time season rushing record of 1,527 set by Thomas \\ashingltn in the 19'0 *season. However, his game and a half absence in the past three weeks for disciplinary reasons have made that an uphill battle. Tiger kicker Will Davis contin- ued his perfect string as a Tiger. Since joining the squad in week thiee of the season. Da\is has not rnissed the mark on 2 field goal attempts and 32 point after kicks. And the kicks in this game came with new holder Isandro Marquez who took over the duties due to Melton's suspension. The Tigers have outscored their opponents this year 285-55 and have won the last 4 games by a lop- sided collective score of 185 to 9. The Tigers travel to Boca Raton this Friday for a 7 p.m. contest with St. Andrews where the Tigers figure to be heavy favorites. They will then return home on November 3 for a homecoming match up with the Okeechobee Brahmans. The Tigers are assured home field advantage for the first round of the playoffs on November 10 and will likely host St. Petersburg Catholic, runner-ups to Tampa Catholic in District 2A-4, although the Florida High School Athletic Association has not released official pairings yet. 1 2 3 4 Final Inlet Grove 0 0 0 0 0 Clewiston 0 3 7 21 31 Scoring: 2Q: Clewiston: Will Davis, 26 yd field goal 3Q: Clewiston. Jamal Hubert, 35 yd run; KickWill Davis 4Q: Clewiston: Jamal Hubert, 5 yd run; Kick Will Davis Clewiston: Darris Hughes, 7 yd run; Kick Will Davis Clewiston: Alton Edmond, 5 yd run; Kick Will Davis Individual Slalistics. Rushing (Artempls/Yards): Jamal Huber.i 18'199: Colin Ricketts, 8'40: Darns Hughes. 10,'85. Reggie Gray, 2,19; Carl Whitehead, 1/33, David Pope, 2'10. Jared Combass, 6/-44; Alton Edmond, 1,5. Passing: (Atlemptls'Complelionsilnler- ceptions'yardsi. Jared Comoass 10.2 0 15 Receiving- (Calches/Yardsi Darns Hughes 1,11 Omar Smilh, 1.4. Clewiston Firsl downs 17 Rushes. yards 46/34 Passing yards 15 Punis/avg. 4/35.3 Fumbles. LOSI 3/1 Perallies 10/63 Inlet Grove 6 30/36 90 : 10/30.2: 1/0 '4/20 ALL METAL BUILDINGS 130 mph pricing 20x25x9 Ambassador Vertical Roof (2:12 Pitch) 1 Roll-up Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $10,947 25x30x9 Ambassador Vertical Roof (2:12 Pitch) 2 Roll-up Doors, 1 Walk-in Door, 1 Window, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $16,212 U ,., ... I, ... ,.'. Florida "S&tam 'd" I. ,. 1' 877-951-2300 Metal Systems Plus, L.c www.metalsystemsplus.com PaM*etP Aises4xa Coirses, Pw= tr4ayw p oswo4s- Cowboys & IndianQ TRADING COMPANY Western Furniture & Accessories Mon-Saturday 9:30am 6:00pm 8 3 46 - www.cowboysandindianstrading.com 3005 SW '70th Lane,, Gainesville, FL Thursday -: November 9 -: 7:00 p.m. . 4,700 Sq. Ft. Executive Home Pool, Spa & Entertainment Area * E ;ravagani Mjster Wing 5 Bedrooms, 4 Baths Wine Cellar * Gorgeous Master Suite Just minutes To 1-75, Hospital, *3.5 Acre Tract Overlooking Prairie University of FL Campus, Shopping a Myers Jackson, CAI, AARE, CES, Auction Coordinator ROWELL, REALTY & AUCTION CO ., NT . .JIR 0 "800-323-8388 10% Buyers Premium AU 479 AB 296 8001323-8388 YOU CAN OWN UP TO $100,000 I ALIFE INSURANW v Absolutely NO Medical Exams or Questions v'Easy. One-Time Premium SWorry-Free Wealth Transfer to Loved Payment Minium Ones or Charity GUARANTEED ISSUE ~.i Go online! www.strategicquote.com StrategicOuote -841 PnrdentialDfive. 12thFloor -Jacksonville,FL.32207 PUBLIC NOTICE The 2006 Tax Roll was certified to the Hendry County Tax Collector on October 12, 2006 and will be open for collection of real estate and personal property tax on November 1, 2006. Please contact this office if you do not receive a tax bill on property owned in Hendry County. If you receive a tax bill for property which has been sold, please forward to new property owner, or return to our office. Payments may be mailed, paid on-line with a credit card, or paid in person at the LaBelle Office. Peggy S. Hampton Tax Collector Hendry County, Florida 863-675-5280 25 E." Hickpoochee Ave LaBelle, FL 33935 (863) 675-5280 927 W. Sugarland Hwy Clewiston, FL 33440 (863) 983-1460 I THE ULTIMATE COMMUNITY WEBSITE Pos Yur ew The 24-Hour Community 'Wire Service.' Post press releases or news items or catch up on the latest postings. PotYu pno Have an opinion you want to get off your chest? Introduce a topic for discussion in the Public Issues Forums. Or read what others are saying! 4 - Want the community to 'save the date' for your event? Place it on the Community Calendar up to a year in advance! And, if you want, put it on the regional calendar for the entire state! Every organization, school, place of worship, sports team, writer/blogger and local business is invited to request a free link at newszap.com. It's a community service that can drive visitors to your website! IeP st Y urI h o oIIIII Have a digital camera? Want to share your photos with your friends and the community? Create a gallery of your photos for free at newszap.com. Update it as often as you'd like. newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. PLUS: Buy it/Sell it Classifieds and Advertising Opportunities for Page Banners, Tiles, and Sponsored Links I I SPORTS 15 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 26, 2006 16 RELIGION Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 26, 2006 Pastor leaves legacy of love Special to INI PAHOKEE July 4, 1925 meant more than Independence Day to the Bass family-it was the day that marked the entrance of a great man into the world. On this day, Percy Lee Bass was born to the late Rev. Joel and Caroline Bass. The eldest of three children, he was raised in a Christian, farm- ing home in Whiteville, Tenn. He was nurtured in faith and was a first-hand witness to his father ministering the Word of God to the people of God in the great hills of Tennessee. During Percy's formative years, he worked diligently on the farm and in school. A graduate of Allen White High School, he made sure to let all those around him know the importance of an education. After graduation, Percy held various positions in construction work in Memphis. It was his skill as a construction worker that eventually led him to Pahokee. Once in Pahokee, he reverted to his roots in farming. Never one to let his skills go untapped, in the 1960s Percy began work as a heavy equipment operator and became the first black heavy equipment operator for the Palm Beach County Road System. He passed the time humming the tune to his favorite song "What Would My Life Be." Though he worked the land and the roads by day, he remained an active an active ser- vant in every church he attended. He was steadfast in his servant- hood, from serving as a Deacon and singing in the choir at Greater New Hope, to ministering through songs as a quartet singer with the Royal Lights Gospel Singers. Always known for being a little stubborn, the call of the Lord for Percy to preach the gospel came a number of times. Over and over, the call kept coming and Percy kept procrastinating. As Percy would later tell everyone, it was- n't until he was pinned under- neath a burning tractor that he promised the Lord if he made it out, he would go out and preach the gospel. He got out and the call was finally answered. Rev. Bass began his ministry in 1969 at Greater New Hope Missionary Baptist Church in Pahokee under the leadership of the late Rev- erend WM. Bouyer. His first pas- torate was at St. John Baptist Church of Shawnee Farms. Rev. Bass was not only a pastor and preacher, but a friend, teacher, advisor, counselor and a fierce protector of his flock. St. John Missionary Baptist Church in Ft. Pierce was blessed with Rev. Bass's service for 32 years. After the death of his mentor and friend, Rev. Bouyer, Rev. Bass was called "home" to pastor the Greater New Hope Missionary Baptist Church in Pahokee. The last church service Rev. Bass was able to attend was the celebration of 17 years of service at Greater New Hope in September 2006. ;. Rev. Bass demonstrated his love and compassion lor both churches in a number of ways. The one he took the most joy and satisfaction in doing was his being at the helm of weekly barbeques at both churches. It \\as through the funds generated fi.om these barbeques that both churches were able to meet a number of, their financial obligations. Rev. Bass knew that he could not teach the Word % without knowing the Word. He enrolled in the Florida Baptist Seminary in Lakeland where he excelled, especially in Greek studies. After the completion of his training, Rev. Bass was bestowed with a doctorate in Christian Theology. He loved Florida Baptist Seminary so much, that after his own grad- uation, he served a number of years as an instructor at the school. Rev. Bass's own pursuit of knowledge never ended. One would often find him sitting in his favorite chair for hours at a time with a Bible, concordance, and dictionary, reading and studying God's word. Rev. Bass provided strong Christian leadership to all those around him. In addition to his instructorship, he served for many years on the board of Flori- da Baptist Seminary. Rev. Bass also worked tirelessly and was a consummate pastor in the Kissimmee Valley Missionary Bap- tist Association. His dedication was not overlooked by the Associ- ation, and Rev.,Bass served as 1st Vice Mpderator and President of the Ministers and Deacons Con- gress. Under his leadership, a number of fundraising efforts were initiated to support Florida Memorial College in Miami. "For I am now ready to be offered and the time of my depar- ture is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is land up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day;, and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appear- ing." 2 Timoth\ 4:6-8 After a very brief illness, Rev Dr. Percy Lee Bass answered the final call of the Mastei in the early morning of Friday, Oct. 6, 2006 Family was always first tor Rev. Bass. He worked tirelessly to pro- vide for his family's needs and was always there for them when- ever they called. Rev. Bass leaves behind a legacy of love and loyalty to, not only his biological family, but to all of his "children." Rev. Bass leaves to cherish his memories a loving, attentive and devoted wife of 58 years, Mrs. Magalean Singletary Bass; two sons: James Cross of Chicago, Ill., and Frederick (Joan) Bass of Belle Glade; a daughter, Sally Cross, also of Chicago; three loving grand-daughters, LaTrenia Denise Bass of Jacksonville, Sharolyn (Ron) Blanks of Maryland, and Erica Lenise Bass of Tampa; an affectionate great grand-daughter, Devin Rae Williamson of Belle Glade; sisters, Christine White of Whiteville, Tenn. and Clinora Mot-. ley of St. Louis, Mo; sisters-in-law Delilah (Mervin) Dean of Riviera Beach, Alice Singletary of Ft. Pierce, Elizabeth "Lizzie" Turner, SAlberta Myers, Hermina Moulture, and Elsie Singletary, all of Paho- kee; brothers-in-law, Hayden i.Bettyl Br-ant ol Salisbury, Md.,' and Jack tBetsy) Singletary ofr Queenstown, Md.; surrogate son, Howard Carswell of Baltimore,. Md.; surrogate mother, Mrs Pinky' Howard of Pahokee: special cousins, reverend William "Hent" iBettyj Bass of Memphis. Term, and Roose\elt "Billy" (Jocei Bass of St. Louis, Mo.; God-chil- dren,. La.erne : Jackson-, Roundtree, Sharon Jackson, Bev- erly Jackson. Anthony Jackson, Al ina Biggs-Angram, and Dwana Thornas-Henderson; a host of devoted nieces, nephe\'ws, and cousins, and his extended chtich families of St. John Missionary Baptist Church 1of Ft. Pierce and Greater Nei\ Hope Missionary Baptist Church ol Pahokee newszoapom Community Links. Individual Voices. e MARIO HERNANDEZ, DDS & GELSYS VALDES, DMD H&M Dental Services 872 W. Sugorlond Hwy, Clewiston FL, 33440 NOW OPEN SATURDAYS!! We Offer: VVllenirq in One Visil *Luiirier I re...hape your smiilev with rc:, drilling, h.ot :r poain ond sate :,r r:, sili.e polienlts in mrSl cases. Enridjdc, r'nh trialmen rI If'C,: ori-,jl Treat-rni. oi n p,'sternor teeth *lhini. t.lji and Cor ern onal Inmplornts This can be o ble.-chain experience Enr)i A VWonderlul Smile. Call Us Now To Make An A pointment 863-983-5600 ,. '14:. -- 0r. 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Hwy. 27 Moore Haven (863) 946-1233 HENgRY REGIOiAL MEDICAL CENTER 504W. Spa H oeUmos 863-983u121 1811ftgiU mel Ofift9~ fil1 B1 340l M.BRID)GE STRLIFT L Ab L1. F, FL[J 863-674-0003 Jakson ttter Where Quaiatty is Done in Style I*vt'J 14 1, 1, A TDIWN COUNTRY Mobile Home, Home Supplies & Hurdware Doors Windows Vanities Sding Hurricane Shutters 111 N. San Benito St, Caewiston 863-983-3000 Cell: 228-6916 LUNA MumnmW Staxtums "ol imdosuoi Vio Siding Coarpotft Seen Porces Roof OverSystems * UInsed HC333." Insured *BC33S.SP 863-983-2701 Free Estimates Se Habia Espanoil ILURWATER IOlRAT CUMERTS DRIEWAm S DEMOLITION TREE REMOVAL LAND CLMARING, PADS ETC, OFFICE 8639l411 CELL 863,22842622 Bankof America SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 415 W. irl,.. li-, lIk80 t 1,a Beli. 415 W. Hwy 80 LaBelle ALAN KELLY MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes Principal Mortgage Broker 825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBelle, FL 33935 Office: (863) 674-0091 Faxc (863) 674-0095 Cell: (239) 707-4404 alankellyortgage@earthlink.net kA i 16 RELIGION Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 26, 2006 PW A will; I.' I VAVAMJW -1 - m- I I III lltl I FIT, I w lk 0 Alk Pj m RELIGION 17 Thursday Octobe 26, 206 Servin the comunitie-south o-Lake Oeech-be Holiday traced to All Saints' Day observance Rev. Samuel S. Thomas, Ph.D.+ Saint Martin's Church, Clewiston Halloween is around the corner now: one of those celebrations that is deeply a part .a of our society. I've asked chil- dren why we . celebrate Hal- F-.- . loween and . they really don't know. Actually, it is religious in its origins. The early Church cele- Rev.Samuel brated those S.Thomas who were its heroes: we call them "Saints." They were the ones that did some- thing special because of their faith and served the Lord; many dying because of their faith or leaving the comforts of their home and family to bring a message to other parts of the world. They deserved to be remembered and they were com- memorated throughout the year. Toward the end of the year, they were remembered collectively on the day of All Saints. They were regarded as "The holy ones" or "the hallowed ones." The evening before was "All Hallow's Eve" or when it was shortened, "Hal- loween." It was the time when all of the forces of evil were imagined to rally, because they knew that God's saints would come march- ing in and their reign would be over. That's why. there were so many witches and goblins, ghosts and ghouls portrayed; and even though Submited proto/First United Methodist of Moore Haven The First United Methodist Church of Moore Haven hosted their first "Pumpkin Festival Children's Day". The children participated in games, a hay ride, arts, crafts and fun. C F I Ut LJI ; CFi Ignited Youth Ministry. Every Wednesday 7:15 pm 370 Holiday Isle Blvd Pa-ols 863.983.3181 Chuck&, Kaen Pelham www.newharvest.net the history of Halloween is lost for many, the celebration has remained. If anything, Halloween was the evening before a change to come in the world. I can't help wondering if we too should cele- brate it as a prelude to change today. We are on the eve of nation- al elections with the possibility of major changes in our government. We are at a time in history when nuclear weapons are becoming more and more accessible to other nations and organizations. We are involved in very frustrating conflicts in the mid-East and do not see an end in sight. Many of our major companies and industries that are thought of as the foundations of our economy are making drastic changes; mergers never before dreamed of are now in place or seriously considered. We have just reached three hundred million people and are hearing many, many different ideas about "immi- gration." Oil is a never-ending topic; the price of gas affects us all in direct and indirect ways. When I think of all of these things, I certain- ly would like to see the forces of evil, having done their worst, being overcome and the "saints come marching in" once more. In reality, I think the changes to come will be Subtle and not overnight. I know that whatever party is in office; sooner or later people will call for a change once more. I know that we will need to come up with ways of solving our problems without resorting to weapons; nuclear or otherwise. I know that we will need alternative forms of energy and at the same time be concerned about sources that are environmentally friendly if we are going to continue to exist on this planet. I know that we are a nation of immigrants and have to determine how best to balance our resources among those who live here. Today, the "saints" may be those who work toward the long-lasting solu- tions for the problems that face us; work for assuring the protection of those who are limited in our socie- ty, work for "peace on earth, good will toward men." They have their work cut out for them, but their reward is great too. They will be the ones that tri- umph and ultimately win their place in God's scheme of things to come. The symbolic book of Reve- lation talks of them as John writes about a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, stand- ing before the throne of God, wear- ing white robes and holding palm branches. One of the elders asked him "Who are they and where did they come from (Revelation 7:13)?" John told him "These are thy who have come out of the great tribulation. They are before the throne of God and serve Him day and night in His temple." The Hallowed evening can still be celebrated; the forces of evil still exist, but the day of God's triumph is promised too. We would do well to celebrate the victory that is to come and in hope, by God's prom- ise. The bad times will have their day but they will come to an end; that's what God intends and what He promises us. Halloween is the prelude of the good that is to come; faith and hope assure us that ultimately God triumphs and we need to continue knowing the victory will belong to the failthrul. Free Vaccinations when you purchase an Annual Wellness Exam Includes 6 month follow-up Disclaimer: The Patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, can- cel payment or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment which is per- I formed as a result of and.within 72 hours'of responding to the advertisement for the free discounted fee Sor reduced fee service, examination or treatment. - - Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! - --- ---- -- ----- -- 1 8,500 ACRES SELLING ABSOLUTE IN PARCELS GUNNISON, COLORADO Prime land for o mr grazing and hunting 4 homes Large hunting lodge Water rights For more information contact: 800.558.5464 .. .. a ,. ... . . c Sqaure One Sporting Clays Club, lnc. i SR707 mites West of US 27 SLake Placid, Florida PEN IB IM NI0f PAYO ENW A IULED STEAK LUN(H AFTIR NOVEMBIR IST PAY $75 To 3pre-r sOt1r Caw. 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I , Breakfast 6 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Lunch I 1:30 a.m. 2:30 p.m. Dinner I p.m. 9 p.m. Wre are chai l Stmlay ,evenigir Dimwer ADVERTISE YOUR wwwsunshinesteelcorp.comrn' r ALL LROMDA RArIC STARTING AS LITTLE AS - $12.50 PER WEEK (863)4415264 W 0"441 A'I I Moore Haven, FL3 4 71 AND RaI ', Phone: 863-946-1804 ( DiWN UNr, u vv SLocally Owned 670113 Lic. #SAOO61347 WWWALLVLORtIAltRAFFIC$CliOOL$,01O S 3 ~1 m mure naven Ll [Ili --1 i w t:1:1m; I'l; I I'm -7-2 1; IN -'M MMMMMP- TTIMITIVAJ jjqlpl *1 wm mmo 4,lfv*io iA i Al IWMmIUz-;TAJIPf-WA9--=i I 11,11 'IV w HIP; III 1;,Mm I ---'!Y --- -1 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 26, 2006 ........# I I RSSTALYRANT, P-' - - 'iN-wa&-m -" q J14 A tHF-11;111'j ;jll4I I :11, :I 'tj A Fi 11 A L J1 -1!0 1 -.. . I .li I I . A A iA 11 riv-u mru 0 9,!IIItll n i AA1 ,l J I p ; IIH. |1 1111 / Thursday, October 26, 2006 18 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee leds 3-2424 IL... 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Announcements PI.'..' ead Vl yifr e -ad i. iflly Ih, lifr day t apripe .r3. In e rni anr in.dveri lit f tiTir. plkriA notily uri prior to the doWtlln, lI-i-d VW w'ill nnri be r.-.pkoniL t lor rtio.a then I irncaot rnsertion, or for mon. ltan l. -a.,,ient of the ad re .'lered ,atuel','- by uchi error- Advurilser as.ljm r'r." r. nrbi'ty f-v" all tar'i..-rK.s '-,-,jrres ari,J con. lent oi an ad, anid azisnme res if-;.ibilbrt/ fur ar ',lairmr , lt.;I .Iirdq .nride.t Iqfif.p'er ^All aa wJ^;niina is uwbiect to publrher's appra,,;. TIrh- publisher rescries the right to accept or relr.-et any or all copy. and to inIernt above the copy the word "advertisement'. All ads accepted are subject to credit approval All ads must conform to Independent I Newspapers' style and are restricted to their proper classifications. Some classi- fied categories require advance payment. These classifications are denoted with an asterisk *. Amcolio 105 Car Pool 110 Sha rearide. 115 CadofTha i s 120 In MeMoriawr 125 Found 130 Lost 135 Give Away 140 GangltVarfd Sale 145 Personals -' 150 SpecNial Nothm 155 OiN8)22- i ,,160 ADOPTION A nurturing family seeks to adopt an infant to love and cherish, We are fi- nancially secure to provide a promising future. Please call Christine and David at (888)322-0924. #1704154 Auction- November 4, 10am, Sylvania, GA. Prop 1- 15 Res. Bidg lots & 8+/- acres. Prop 2-52+/- acres divid- ed. Rowell Auctions, Inc. (800)323-8388. 10% buyers premium. GAL AU-C002594 www.rowellauctions.com. Estate Auction- November 3, 10am. 487+/- acres-divid- ed. November 4, 10oam, brick home & personal property. Rowell Auctions, Inc. (800)323-8388. 10% buyers premium. GAL AU-C002594 www.rowellauctions.com. SELLING 182+/- ACRES AND HOME at Auction, (SCHLEY CO. GA. NOV. 4) Offered in Parcels, Pond, Two Creeks, Pasture land, Timber, Wildlife and Equipment (866)300-7653 WWW.LAND2AUC- TI0N.COM. DOG, Found, Chihuahua / Ter- rier Mix, Female, Vicinity of Basinger 700A. Call to ID. (863)467-2112 Several Animals for adoption. Cats, Dogs & Ferrets OR need Foster Caretakers. Please Call. (863)763-4333 CAT, REWARD Brown/Black stripe, shorthair white tip paw stomach, chest. 2 yr old male. Fixed (863)697-3207 MINIATURE YORKIE- Reward offered, no collar, brn/blk &grey, 4 Ibs, vic of East Ven- turaAve (863)228-1683 BIRD DOGS, 1 male & 1 female, started on quail. Need good homes. (561)722-5289 RABBITS pure bred, w/cages & accessories. Free to good homes. Refs. 863-228-7230 '" PUBLIC AUCTION I October 28, 2006 01,' 9:00 a.m. i 196 StaLe Road 62 Wauchula, FL 863-773-6600 I Tractors, Farm Equip., Const. ' SMach., Trucks, ATV's, and Mure www.demottauction.com , * DeMott Auction Co. Auctioneer: Terry DeMott. Sr. I M AU1833 AB1285 &"Mwmu or aNOMAa -- -~. Gla-rag Yard nSales 014 Place Your YARD SALE ad today! Get FREE signs and inventory sheets! Call Classifieds 877-353-2424 Empoyen Empoyen Full Tim Glades County Board of County Commissioners AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER October 23, 2006 Equipment Operator II SALARY RANGE: $9.27 $13.13 per hour EXCELLENT BENEFITS, HEALTH CARE AND STATE RETIREMENT MAJOR DUTIES: Operation and routine maintenance of semi dump trucks. Operation and routine maintenance of heavy equipment, such as loaders, dozers, and backhoes. Preparing legible daily work tickets, recording time, equipment and inventory used. Provide safe working conditions for employees and general public. Working with road crews doing vanous jobs when necessary. Any work necessary to protect Glades County interest. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Must be capable of safely and efficiently operating semi trucks and heavy duty equipment Must have the ability to lift up to 100 lbs. and have the ability to sit, stand, walk, stoop, bend, crawl, and work outside for long periods in various weather conditions. Will be required to perform labor duties such as shovel, rake, or lay sod when necessary. Requires a minimum of 2 years experience of semi trucks of heavy equipment. Ability to work flexible hours and overtime under emergency situations. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: High school diploma or equivalent. Must have a valid Class A Florida Commercial Drivers License with acceptable driving record. Screening test for illegal drugs. JOB LOCATION: Glades County Road Department, Moore Haven. Work is county wide. WORK SCHEDULE: 7:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m., Monday Friday CLOSING DATE: November 3, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. SUBMIT APPLICATION TO: Mary Ann Dotson 500 Avenue J RO.Box 1018 Moore Haven, Fl 33471 863-946-6000 Glades County Is a drug-free, non smoking workplace ROOESIAN nOEDGEuACK Uli . SlIJjyedi letrlle t ni:ds loving 0w l ]tj r Qlj ui t .-tir rl ii t8.b636'-4u98 1Ci iilnfl.] SKUNK, Descented. to (lid Lor e, i ili r .i l I l, i ,t r,all|(8608 l3-01it HORSESHOE ACRES, 5il th Sun *i t ( 8Ili '., t. ,jrn--2pme,i 464 Ilors'lhO Loop HH lenis. Tools 48" L im l Ti 'ii liii & Murli. Mu.li M ore! When yui want something seaL, advertise in the classifieds. Heavy Equipment Opaeralo CERTIFIED Hand, onil Tirim- iiij otb Plai.rEn nl A:.r'ri - arince Call Toll Free 186b6933-1575 ASSOC IAT-. ED TRAINING SERVICES. 5177 Homosas a Trail. Le- canto, Florida, 34461. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA- TOR TRAINING FOR EM- PLOYMENT: Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders. Scrapers, Excavators; National Certifi- cation, Job Placement Assis- tance; Associated Training Services (800)251-3274 www.equipmentopera- torcom. Utility Job Training Certifica- tion Training and Job Place- ment Program Train in as little as 10 days Jobs Available NOW! Contact UTA at (918)225-0825 visit www.utasearch.com. What Destroys Relationships? Answer pg 446 Buy and Read Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard Send $8.00 to: Hubbard Dianetics Founda- tion, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tampa FL 33607 (813)872-0722. Empo nment Employment - Full-Time 205 Employment Medical 210 Employment - Part-Time 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Training 227 Sales 230 Addressing letters in your spare time. Free post- age/supplies. No experience necessary!! Start immediate- ly, write A&G Publications, 2370-G Hillcrest Rd. #147-H, Mobile, AL 36695. AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADE- MY Start your driving career today! Offering courses in CDL A. Low tuition fee! Many payment options! No regis- tration fee! (866)889-0210 info@americasdrlvingacade- my.com. COLLECTIONS ASSISTANT Needed in Immokalee. Assists and/or locates customers with delinquent accounts and pro- cesses invoices. Previous ex- perience with A/R and A+ computer skills req. E-mail to: miimenezisixls.com or fax: 239-657-9764 EXPERIENCED LEGAL SECRETARY Needed for Labelle area. Fax resume to:863-675-4174 - Eimeloffint 02051 Emlyien Ful Tie I'l ai.oiusa Stiitii T33 til 55 ainuilly Closing: Open ULInii FlelPd Minimum Requirements: 41iii, o10 read .,--nnri:i ir.aiBucir'rns 3 :,:-:lare' man. ..g1, nrd -.h3rln l SOi1. pracT.:.l31 Dra.Dia r,. co rpo. et, rouUtirfe .3ar Spe ,iIz-1 r-ponrs. I.t-mS arid lenle-rc, apelnval corrmpoun snleni-ce u-:rinr) noirrl ai gramma and ,or, iou.rn, u',rF:s H.' n SCI',h.:..:.: Dlpi,.Ta3 ,ci CEO T ri3 f.m.r3,l ti.'ni'q -.rpc31 .f.rEC ell ,':.1u snll:ali ei, j.al 5ta li3i l.I, *,..-i-pl.nl i. : r *:-i Cc.I leqe e AJ. I tll,.: r .tr pe-:,i aled d. ancec lrliriinr. i. 1 li.31.j cr.rn.-. lrr,i or C. :lr) :W ly renilead licd SPECI4. CE IFIC4TICONS 4ftD LIClS5ES EU,-,IFEO Flini Operil,;.- L.Ceri.' Cla5i C PLANT OPERATOR B IVaciou, Sniftr? $31.775 anruaoly Closing: COpen Unril FIIlld Minimum Requiremenls: Requires H.gr ScnooI Diploma *o. GED and fi.irmai rain in-). wpeuiail cl oUie.i. ir .:Cii-edlC a r -ia' e i. ail t I'. ) aTlll6lanor, :on-.ilel-r..r nO[ cnr-e .,ar o cr .rlie-re nduCa C r upCialiZ d ,i" 1 ar"1 r rioa n-rr i, r , a Clo-:.iy i.la'red fiel PEC14L CERTIFICATIONS .3140 LiCENSES REOUItEEDi Flanm Opcalro Lii'i'iClti:.- B PLANT OPERATOR A (Various Shllt) 130,000 annually Closinoj Open Unill Fillea Minimum Requirements- Requlir'- Hign School Diplorma ,.Cr GED and omirnl rain- Ing z[..C.C iil Cour:i -.,r : t educ i 'r -. au i. lU eril 1t :a Id -.I.'-ry .:.ipl i.ri- .t 'r , cc-liege,- : fuC iufl r _p-- J.Il:, :l- Iri,-ing in c.r. o Ol :.., r..Tir,M ,- 0, a cloaely rialed l rield SPECI4L CE iFICATiOIS 4140 LICENSEC eOnUIfEi? Plani O'&ui -. L-:n 06i Am Drivet- ACT -OW Hiring OTR o Local Orivers "Earn $4,000 in bonuses your 1st year *New Equipment *Pre- mium Pay Package *No HazMat Required -Call 877)882-6537-Oakley transport, We care about our drivers! DRIVER: YOU WANT IT, WE HAVE IT! Solo, teams, owner operators, company drivers, students, recent grads, re- gional, dedicated, long haul. Van, flatbed. Must be 21. CRST Career Center. S800)940-2778, www.drive- orcrst.com. Driver-HIRING QUALIFIED DRIVERS for Central Florida Local & National OTR posi- tions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay & new equipment. Need 2 years experience. Call By- num Transport for your op- portunity today. (800)741-7950. FOR SALVAGE YARD IN FELDA (Hwy 29) Needs person with forklift, cutting torch & mechanic experience for full time position. $550 per week. Call Tony (863)675-7788 MAINTENANCE & PLANT PERSONNEL Now being hired at Ortona Sand Company (863)675-1454 OFFICE MANAGER 25-30 Hours per week. Typ- ing, telephone, organizational skills needed. Call (863-983-5269 First United Methodist Church of Clewis- ton. OTR drivers deserve more pay and more hometime! $.48/mi. 1 year experience. More experience makes more! Home weekends! Run our Florida Region! Heart- land Express (800)441-4953 www.heartlandexpress.com. TEAMS NEEDED. Home week- ly. Class A-CDL w/HAZMAT. TOP PAY & BENEFITS. (800)428-0678. www.Ar- mellini.com. Your next Job could be In today's classifleds. Did you look for it? Empoyen FullTime 020 ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER SERVICE TECHNICIAN 11 I Ptwill'r' Av'llile Oi i ce 0i ithc Cite Mf i 6B6. 75 aniusli, Ciisglnq 1 ,JO.,Og..O I':t S ir, ", .Orius r Ua' l Fi L Minimum Requirement: Hequir,. C, BA i ire, ir, PblIc A.iiir,:ir tt,Tn .; r ih, ,t Minimum Requirememns: Requihe. M,.nm,.i Fiur.i, C rla_ B COL relate l,.i0I rn,,,.,.un .n f.t-i.ear :,i i:r1 Prgre...i, eri-:.n.. .; l.pe..,.',,:e i,, CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE I-irl .. i k i...l,nl.n to ,:r .A sli..i.,t Clty'Cournly r la,-,.aer a l.nir..ai cr ,. qu.a- .t t1',14.55 ai"nua i C. t -l.ngo pern Until Filled lent conf'nielor-. i itrailiilnq and oiprien. ray i. consO.itiiad Mu'I hauv dr-m.:.- Greet- cuiJt'iti. tnd prtvide,'qal]et.i Inl.,rmaii-,'r.; prorhides sercess o' refers tc Traita per rt, ,rr.n ine Ir. public a a .ni- rrp r..,fnal reilnior. -.nri a u'i .' iui ri .r, a.:' .. cipp p,, e.-- ic a .IV ,i -'.ric [Ir-oi plro..:dharag- and 'c.'essS In acc'or p..1 : i.:.~al u i T,ru..- ,s'ri]i ., .i.T ,Is anl.:u.ll *:n r,... I,.:. l i. aov, li..n "..r.:..... auii '-l ,.:u I l .. -r.;CE; a lit iu re PL ANT OPERATOR C m rl 13UILDING INSPECTOR $a'4, 000 ann'a.ilv CI..,ng' OpOn Unlit Filled Minimum Requirements, R-qui. -: Hih rSchor:,l Diploma .:. GED and formal train- ing speciall c.jr-3 a or .ell-,adljcaI.n equialeni ic, a311licTOry compleTron of one v.tar ol coii1eg- educanon cor epe.'ia a oar.ncea [rara.n.rq 1 engineering. construct w:rn. .:.r j riL ii't-, rcl[a icr] A gjur.: ht v :.i ut ,i-ar: i 'pliieCn Buiding nrp.- .' "' r Lenil.:t.l.n Ttril4r.ddar,:- , ACCOUNTING SPECIALIST I " ': '-:2 31 annually ,Closig Oper LUntil FilFed Minimum Requiremenis:. lWur uir Hijr, L-hoil Lp;rFl..ia or GED ard frmal trairn- ,', ,p,.-.:ai o Ciijrr,.-, r 30il-COL..au jCil e4u, lent l. se.ai'l,.ztory comprelion of one ,ec-'i c'ollegi cauc.alon and 3 Tusi ri.ae e aiir. malr Wihiins On year experience .n ac .,:-unin.J *:.r 1,r-o -cr c.i',r-,'ni main 0 .115 PLANNING AND BUILDING MANAGER i45i DOC' annuaiiy CIottrig. Open Unthl Ciosed - Minimum Requirements: Asaio.riale'5 degree a Icalianl technical degree, 01 S:ecaii,:,'1 Ir as-..riq ctdu. l t tO. I iisl5.a :!'"n oIn-. riion r,i [li c e arn .,a fcrJillge edu' C alo.r.n WVr. emrpr E ia i l-'.e- ne-w n.. c-:-r.iauch.-lr, or a Li. ely reiiled fiela ADA COMPLIANCE : The City .l Bell, Gladce is an Equal Opportunity Employer. ADA requires the City Lo pioiide reasonable a3coMrrModaions to qualified Irdividuals wiilh dreabillie'; Pr,.specii'.e ard cuierent employees are invited to 11 D. M ri Ltein r.Bv :0P CLERK SPECIALIST UNITED STATES (Office Clerks, General L1) S IT A (#64003170)rr SUGAK Clerical position in Environmental CORPORATION Health Office; basic typing & com- puter experience helpful; Bilingual SOUTHERN GARDENS CITRUS English & Spanish helpful; Back- ground screening/fingerprinting re- Two Trades Positions- Great Benefits quired. EEO/AA. Apply on line: li ator Mech https://peoplefirst.myflorida.com or Utility Operator/Mechanic Call Billy @ 863-674-4047 x154 Experienced, full-time multi-tasking, computer knowledge of QB. Excel proficiency a plus. Good communication skills and a positive attitude are a must. Benefits include health ins. Lee County Solid Waste Division Has openings for the following positions: ASE Certified Diesel Mechanic Coordinator, Facilities Driver Temporary Driver Equipment Operators, Senior For additional information and online application go to: www.lee-countv.com or call the job line (239)477-2000. Lee County is an EOE / At-will / Veterans Preference employer. Duda Farm Fresh Foods has immediate open- 1 ings for tractor drivers. Will train. Pay com- mensurate with experience. We are a Drug Free Work Place. Apply in person at 12255 N. Hwy. 29, Felda or contact Robert Atchley at (863) 675-0545 ext 3122 EOE Duda Farm Fresh Foods esta en busca de tractoristas. Entrenamiento desponible. Pago a degun experiencia. Sitio libre de drogas. Aplique en persona en 12255 N. Hwy. 29 en Felda o llame a Robert Atchley (863) 675-0545 ext 3122 Empleador de Oportunidades Por Igual Southern Gardens Citrus Processing Corporation has immediate opening for a utility operator/mechanic with 3 to 5 years experience working with utility systems including potable water, steam, compressed air, ammonia refrigeration, and waste water systems. ELECTRICIAN Familiar with principles of motor controls, VFD installation and set up, process control circuits, read and understand electrical schematics and NEC. Troubleshooting high voltage, installation of all types of conduit, three phase wiring, 480 volt lighting, process control circuits and PLC's with minimal supervision. Southern Gardens is the world's largest supplier of 100 percent pure Florida not-from-concentrate (NFC) orange juice to the private label industry and major brands. We are a subsidiary of US Sugar Corp. Located in Clewiston just east of LaBelle. Fax 863.902.2889 Email RReyes@ussugar.com Stop in at the Employment Office on WC Owen SHOP MECHANIC King Ranch-Florida has an immediate opening for a Shop Mechanic. Requires experience repairing farm equipment and implements, diesel engines, A/C, electrical and hydraulic systems. Must have own tools. 50+ hrs. per week. Salary based on experience. Complete benefit package including medical, dental, life insurance, retirement, 401 (k), vacation, holidays and sick pay. Drug-free workplace/EOE. For an application, please call (561)996-7257 Emlymn Full Tim Emlymn F ul T i e I l --r RiPI" -I tIl lCTIOIAN3 PaI res entl y I a ccptn apictonnrth ooing fljoboprrtunlraities. t 2 -PoIlinflon A.vailable: HInumor i,,.,iirCE'- iJii FPubli-r dafyvl I De p l" 1 E6 ;..' .i ic. lr.n e' .,, Minilmu Reqculrir nmeiil l .-quii li.. I li.'I 01 l'l.i.mrii C.D [ *:I...:,h a i ch in.- e, ui ,cl.ri l Iti .irll'.Il r-i-hr, r.--.lil|".h 0,rlli h{llll f ,,i I hi ,.J',-llb_,h All, i &li 1 F.l I i l 1sF, 4. i. ,pln i .n ,il _.. .... .ll, ils .T.-.,U liji !11 .1 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 1 Poaslion Avaeiable- Offico of Inn Cily Mnagar s.oo arinnuia llciarn.j Open Minimum Requlieme tn i H-quiv-. a:c r'ih'3 dogr.e voc.-ilo ,3I 1 t l'iii 1 a .3ilegrec uor ep3 ;. ,ni,;d iruirlln .-"]iin ,al- i u l-I ".o rv r.o i le ,i .i U. [r' a I .iii.3 *..ducaiifn olt .flmph3'2 in rjubir, r, utbI, hl Rr''c.-. Colmr... r irirl.':-.ti. i'.. iirilc 'i,' i)l Liai cly- 'cid. dIri.ld MuSt p-'l; a 60 )pwr tvpinr l amair3iior.. ceil:ein C..mpui- $0,Fl71,l Annual Esmpt LIcoingr OHcobel .30, 20U6 Mininium Reiiiremens: ReLl.urr. B.r.'.ilor ege or education anrd trainlno Squi jl,-nio i r ,- rs ..i ,Ii :.,h h,1,i a-:- Liln, .u n rti,.'m finance, mar. *,i.m.r' or :i ,l,'=el-', -ra.te d .id Rc ui.. : .. r G t 1 e3r' r.C up I. rand. riCluding 1 i,1 ol ari.-''piiat. r.,'l poiati ;-..'i:iv moi-. responsible e.pej r .nce in govern- nr. T i n,,, ,,,t I '-ECO I.CIHiiiST''i ,t Ad'_ IICEJC'E5 CPA 3,d C-rtfied *,, -'.1rT 'l r.' Ca C- .l ;r o r tC -ilitid .., .er,.,.i,-.,t Fhil i .1 r l-3ger pli lerre') Lur rn,, ilG,'- *.l .. squ n.. e.r i.. ,, o* a 1i.'appirprii ana rrogre'Slteiv mole i,ipon,.ble e,,ptrier.c uiEOLiUIRFfD Pis.1 Operatori L.uori-e Class A SERVICE TECHNICIAN I S.1; 7I,' ihr ili;r.. O iperi I.iitll Fil d Minimum Requirements C DL in- -v be rueo b' diept assijn-ane Florida ClBss C - Cr, A.- ,.rd I, a I I L Garage Yard Sales 01451 I Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee i nuJ nuay,u *onor em, zuJ* Emlymn FullTime 020 r Emorn2 Employen It |Ful i~me 0205 Employmei~ti FullTime 02051a COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR HENRY COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS POSITION OPEN UNTIL FILLED The Hendry County Commissonersis seekingquaified applicants for the pratlon of County minstrator. Hendry County is a rural but quickly growing County located in south central Florida, Appliil.: riiiu1 iavIr i p.piterw andi knoridIedge ofl quality grrowt manal-rifi prlic';. ind Uovernmrnt Irialince hthy must taie knowledge ol community ,plIrnlil. irural public work, -iidri,iuirnen anrd h.)vC f.,n tni ]i.;'arf.;hip and comrnmunlcation tiill' tpeliitr. rniiI I .h: In vilwiI.v.h i:; annl iAi>d01i.tivi' alUd -upervise their implemenation I he oCuuny liiiitiir'I.4hI l. f',.porli..Ihl- loiM ui i' .llJ rrifint and supervision of the County E e iut.,: Ofrei.lon. IJulip iricluiJf dfire.flirnj jid r uiidldiilinqt lh .idmihis 511atiralL of l e. Ct country I',vrm riiin t ini a Oil..ini -: 'wial pir lic-i'. tur-mualcd by the Counly ComtTil. .11.11 (..Jflilidi n., will hl, In ii,, te iJ iri'dividuals Wilti a Ma i-.r 1egr'r 1r ii iJihr, ri r BOl i i, .- Pdmiiii .11 iliuH ,\'J liv y/ .i'-, :'e i:renCfe wuir.irig in a hign-liwel gr, e n i1 -i n,, i nJ. [prclerably in a growing community. Salary range $90,000 to $150,000 '..urriil Itinu ol in lreCS wanlin ir.eflW.c noui.J. r ubtiiihiliJ Ir , Heidry County Board of Commissioners Human Resource Department P0. Box 2340 LaBelle, FI 33975 ASSOCIATE PLANNER Hendry County, Florida BACKGROUND Hendry County is located in southwest Florida and borders on Lee, Collier, Broward, Charlotte, and Palm Beach Counties, The county seat Is located in LaBelle, which Is approximately 30 miles east of Ft, Myers. The county eastern municipality, Clewiston, is located atthe southwest end of Lake Okeechobee. During the past several years the county has experienced a rapid increase In the amount of devel- opment applications and proposals ana Increased the number of staff In the Development Depart- ment by 3%, We are seeking motivated, talents Individuals to help the county prepare land use plans and regulations and carry out projects to prepare for future growth. JOB DESCRIPTION A'.I' l in ithi r.paratiuun ul ,tan reports for rezone, variance, ,sp 'lI ncprion, subdivision lit. dl lll [,li ll fit qui ,.. Cr.djIe iarrmendment, and Cniripriih'n. lv p, i lin r lr i li pi pihi rrll .. SPfjrtoinl pull. y Ji.l.ly',A t iktisl LOjJ0( Planuning Aogeniy .intfDl Boii.I I I.'uI innly Cnrmnil.:.ironi.'r, iiiii. linid ,t:.rvly-i .j. needed. Prpl i. w, ilrliil ii r)i lr rI q'rilding long anil sho l f rtingip plaiiinlnij i -Ii i", l iin [il iil ,. Itr.iltfle lil. mid.ft, ,illd ll L project;: ndd P[il!I.iJ anid lilli pl i it, lljll n t10o advisory boards, i.ivil. ,lt.,o(.)iih ii ..ini i.lis i Ii ll ,11.iin *,pnitld in ri.ilirn riquie .lI prl turininlg to land usi rndJ :Aiiln1 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS nirf:hirlir. (lr irn: IruilI ;in a tLit;dilltd.l college ur unlveilSity wilh ,a drrirer In Il iiiiiill I l.iil l, i .lLrhile i:urI;l in rdalaefd rld1i, 01 lWO y .earsl exliellIi-i e, I l qitliiv.ill it.l illliil.iliuli ':IARI ING, ALARY $40.O(10 0 per year plus excellent bcenclil n pir.l,.iirl Ilntlu liii. l iili l Ii hriaird i I l l uII h ilIdly:l,, iiiiial iLuVI niCk leave, iifl lravl. di l.l i [l .iili 'iii il:i' I .ii i Contact: Vincent A. Cautero, AICR Planning and Development Director Phone:863-675-5240 Cell: 863-673-5993 PO, Box 2340, LaBelle, FL 33975 Email: vcautero@hendryfla.net Wesitle: www.hendryflanet Mebhanle I, Basic mechanic knowledge, experience as an automotive service worker or Mechanic's helper preferred, MeI:Iiciic II. Graduate from an approved course In heavy & diesel thechanics, three years experience, Bnelt MeOrlnicr po0ilionl rtquirt Lass B driver. license. MvtilS il.vln Hiqgh Scihjui Dilolaila 01 h[ l i ilnl m In .ild hl li wClo 'ilton. 1Highway Maintenance lechnliclin II Maintalns .higiiwoys, rmnunilipal and ruratl r.od; ind i iiiihtn il-wf 1y il ,.7,'il (ondi li1ii incwledgq in usa of standard eqp.ipmn1 .ii nl ni.ul l rh hyrl'; u.'ad i1 Ililil MIui .I h,vr v.lii Fluiir,]a Criiiniiil iici O iveiiv 1' l,5 n.o,. C 1. I,' 1 liinih ir l w ll .111 ii ,il Heavy Equipmentl Operator I. Thi, killl)d work in ihN op'r3itin i.i i iililii wI. r irpini iii Mu,'. vi ,:; '. y. i.p *?" irrhiin'. i i. :.- iarlli' i .hi l C.I n;rrui liii jin] '1 ijioili-ini nl" i GIS Coorllinalor otr lle LaBelI!s oitec Ils r .;e l,., ri of t iihl.i1 ir hlDil :.iNCGE- <. f i'e l' v IIlih'l 3iC'ance, gt i jpt'ihy. l i: 1'1It'J tl '.ld will fill 'ii.'h. ii experinet in lh. us ii ~ ]iji.nic irfoi ma on sylir- oi j, uii iltlri it -p' i. UL', A'ful-.iil Salary rs between 145.000 $0 000i) Aquatics, Art & Athletic Coordinator Must he C.PR. & Flist Aide Certilied, Life Guid & Swim Instructor Certified. Mr.l ihve knowledge and.'or enxpPrienita wilh I, 1i i i i i 'IJi, ... sowina and (.ulinliy p'rlr irinTii ts, arls, l0 klowleno lP of ni ind i -i 1 1i-ii i ili i,.i 1, .l, 'i ,lll i.il uiitln ll b, k'l, lllI. tllra ck f, lilid, ijhyslL.t l llt es SElectrical Inspector, Must have 8 yrs, experience with a licensed contractor, : Sta Assisiantl ll. Hendry County Grants & Specal Projects, rnit i., a i,,lhiy li-.pu'.illn, position, mustbe an Independentthink and able to multitask, Hit(in ioul lrdlii.i iiii iti equivalent. Staff Assistant IV. Hendry County Building, Licensing and Code Enforcement Dept. The person selected for thIls position will have supervisory responsibilities overthe permitting and licensing functions in the Dept. and will report to the Director of Building, Licensing and Code ,Enforcement, , Codo Enfoicientn Officer. The person seileclid for tins position will Ii iiiilily I pin tihlhi: li iiititilltiiiiii .1p)[puvril (Irvilrpi ritlol 0rderas Including. but not lilitfl I, .r.ic i i, il i' i il special p i miil't. inil It.uiidivlSiiun pljl The selected Cijani dal e will i .'Onih ,l i -tri Jdiiun'; Uin approved dcvelopmri lr, inipoir'd by e Board oft County Comniliiiiiii., nv hut, illii, it, hilM i.k'h l Ti iii. 'Iii illt : ti rvN to rin t.\ Po il0ion will Inv 'IuI liv, I'li iillI .1 I inii "i S S.11iliulvy Wil Floid Soevicc/Meter Roader for Pt LaBelle Utilities. A valid iili.,n i iii h i. i ri ii iii ii ll i iiiu 1" r1 ll' 'l ul hi .l.illi CH Oih ii-i',, l.. idili.j witl r niteli' I, ly-i v,,tl, lii- ". i.i0 ii1i i l" n i i" Ili' 1. 11+ l I3 i ililF |i1i hih.iiiiiiii| 1 i .'Ibli- ti i6Jvaiicenlei"i S H.I.P Coordinaltoi. ii-lily Itn ,pUinsiltlr w itk hi.idinilrillt iinil lil. '. I I' rltiiil llii u ll, i 11 ll I iiii ll Ini 1i Iiitiy I.rllilv Hiijti L.iOu tl r idiJu'lTiuri UI i l till lv, i. i l i jil. i viiilu.ltiii Ltirlnilhln. ll l h .il nil .ni l .l.'rl',nre /ccr.unting riIue gl oil.liN 1li, , Paramedic Openings with Hendry County EMS. Schedule is 24/48, :.ii iini .ii ,'i f'i 11.30/hr plus increase with experience credits. Call Dunhid Aliii, Opirations Chief at 863-612-0725 lor full details and application Applica,- tion dieadlinie for irrent positions Is November 10, 2006 Ponsillon will InI: onil iiutil filluil The posillons are full time with medical benefits, retirement, sick and vacation leave. These positions will be open until filled. Job description & applications can be obtained in the Satellite Office in Clewiston and the Courthouse In LaBelle in the HR Department. Vet Pref, EEO. Drug free, Applicants needing assistance In the application process should contact the Hendry County Commissioners HR department. HEALTH EDUCATOR (Health Educators L3) (# 64003123) Position with Chronic Disease Prevention Program in Glades County; self starter with public speaking ability, espit.milice working in a rural community with a dIverse population. Background screen- ing/lingelprinting required. EEO'AA, Apply on line: !lllp: //i cipierfit myllurnda com or Call Pat @ 863-674-4056 x 118 for more details FOAM INSULATION h.miiiv, y basd out of ,.iewr"i li, II.A i 1 illU In i .i.iiiu'i, u iiwiJll ih iiu j iveij l required Conrparny veimi Ih . provi'il,.11 Monidjy v ,tirouiirh Frini ay PieLti world, Gujirnili rl ininimumli $50 I week (ILilu'ig training period if ualilhtil to drive. BHiirli,. bonus, and travel cost paid. Must be 21 years or older with clean drivers license. We are a drug free workplace. Contact 1-800-683-3155, SHIFT SUPERVISOR POSITION AVAILABLE W e .iftl i ii'i lIt. '. Paid Vii, .io Experience in manufacturing, trouble- hu.uu tjum .. ael y,, 863'. 63ii ii-' / .il6 The classlfleds are the most successful sales- person in town. -it - UNITED STATES #4 S U G A R The Seminole Casino in Immokalee is seeking fun, CORPORATION energetic and enthusiastic individuals to join the area's IHOTTEST entertainment venue immediately STAFF ACCOUNTANT- Southern Gardens Citrus Position will be responsible for preparation of income and balance sheet statements, consolidating statements, and various other accounting reports. Will review and verify "ii.umiracy of journal entne: and accounting classificatons. HFSj,)r, ii-lJi[ lor cost accounimlg activities. Will iIstrlii.1 or assign work to accounting clerks along with coordinating accounting matters with other departments, ii;,rinn', and divi;ions. Assist in year end closing, annual budget preparation, etc. Must be proficient in the use of Microsoft Office products. This position is Ideal for someone thatwants to expand their knowledge in the Inventory/Cost accounting area. Prefer Bachelor's degree and 3-4 years of experience. Southern Gardens is the world's largest supplier of 100 percent pure Florida not-from-concentrate (NFC) orange juice to the private label industry and major brands. We are a division of United States Sugar Corporation, one of America's largest diversified, privately held agribusiness firms. The Company is headquartered east of LaBelle and west of Clewiston. RReyes@ussugar.com Fax 863-902-2889 Glades County Board of County Commissioners AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER October 23, 2006 Equipment Operator I SALARY RANGE: 17 47-411,59 per hour EXCELLENT BENEFITS, HEALTH CARE AND STATE RETIREMENT MAJOR DUTIES: Operation and routine maintenance of single axle dump trucks, mowing tractors and associated implements. Preparing legible dally work tickets, recording time, equipment and inventory used, Provide safe conditions for employees and the general public. Working with road crews doing various jobs when necessary. Will be required to perform labor duties such as shovel, rake or lay sod. Any other related and assigned duties. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Must be capable of safely and efficiently operating a variety of light and medium maintenance and construction equipment. Must have the ability to lift up to 100 lbs, and have the ability to sit, stand, walk, stoop, bend, crawl, and work outside for long periods In various weather conditions. Requires knowledge and skill in operation and maintenance of dump trucks and tractors. Ability to read and write effectively. Requires a minimum of 6 months of directly related experience. Ability to work flexible hours and overtime under emergency situations. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: High school diploma or equivalent. Must have a alii & Florida Vorriercial Drivers License with acceptable driving record. Screening test for illegal drugs. JOB LOCATION: Glades County Road Depar tment. Moore Haven. Work is county wide. WOIIK SCHEDULE: 7:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m., Monday Friday CLOSING DATE. Novenmer 3,2006 at 5:00 p.m. SUBMIT APPLICATION TO: Mary Ann Dotson 500 Avenue J RO,. Box 1018 Moore Haven, Fl 33471 8863.946-86000 Glades County Is a druglfree, non smoking workplace The GEO Group, Inc. The GEO Group, Inc. A worldwide leader in privatized corrections BENEFITS INCLUDE: HEALTH, DENTAL, VISION, LIFE, DEPENDENT LIFE INSURANCE & 401K RETIREMENT CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS RN ACADEMIC INSTRUCTOR RECREATION SPECIALIST VOCATIONAL INSTRUCTOR (PC Support) SUBSTANCE ABUSE INSTRUCTOR SECURITY CLERK MOOQBEHAVEN C9BRECTIONAL FACILITY 1990 East SR 78NW Moore Haven, FL 33471, Phone 868-946-2420 Fax 863-946-2487 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V -' '- HIE OERV RICIONAL .;,., I EM ICAL C.ENrILR .. L:=' ..... ue...on. "-"=.r ' IN I o II nr I.PT. n.lei Ful It(- l RN III.ll u uM.i_.', '(,.1 m I u ,1 .lS r n,.L, ) Full lie- tiranmsx lien i ,1 hi I .. .i i ,J u ml li non l l ]tl ,.f Ilr J p, i 'i "l ul ..'." 1111it J I.tio ol im r u m Mt ] Ji ,d i ..l l,, ,i . Pe D- c.NA or C.NA Monitor T(, .ll l. ... i. ,hl 1 rl |i .li i-iiulll,.llll h[hlT li. .. in rull Iti HIM Tnehnklun ., i,i .:r l 11 i lri r l ,,, a 1 ILL. li.v rid 1 A IOvi Sir. ihrnl o l .r .tu, .]* Fullme- est Nric Nur Mi. l".I .... I llil L Ih.cr uI' n lh .ll Id I J.I II c Ll i. ll'.. L Full ume repratory TherapptLsl LkI ui r 1 f I picdii( d ilh inl.1il yev,ao', p i ndtll r.d ,., ...i iltyl iC re BLS aird ACiLS 3 : rc. Fhull lime- Mlkial Toicologist I',1 ), rLe ,n M .- a l T.il TC ,hnl* n-I iark al c, C C,- ll-6 lbl. Ih.r rl ,r -r l.m r I.. lI.,'i., 1 1 r. p 1. Ic '. in irp.rcL.,ll.,n Quihll .I'i ir.'l h'ii i lwnc.i nr I hn iint r Sil l.h hll[ & ulllC. O &l ll I o. r nriJ ,.ljl. ,n Full lIme- Housciekc er I' I h ,.1 r hli l h. .[ .,(I :l:i II, [,, l Full lime. HIM Recetilanist Must possess excellent communication skis. Basic computer skills and clerical exp arce rcq, Medical records cxp pref, Phiomn; 63 902=3079 or Fax resume to: 863 983-0805 Druv Free Workplace EOE ,Employment The GEO GroupIi d wi.Jwici t.3fl r in prijvai.ie: ,ijrrer li0ns, offers liallli-niging uk- i'aing opportunity. WE OFFER: Top Pjy. MetliCji Denidal Vi, in. llril .lhirm Dr.-j,)lb lyv 101K. Pild V .,Illur i , 1-101iiJiys PSYCHOLOGIST (DoctI. jIe .'li' i i p yChrioloqvr. Ciliu ,,-iml. or f iiin.d .: .ii rit. 1 .'aint .10 Possess appropriate state licensure or certification.) PSYCHOLOGICAL SPECIALIST (Master Degree in clinical, counseling or applied behavioral psychology). LPN"S Full -Time RN'S Part-Time THE GE0 GROUP INC. South B:av Courai.liu ilFi ality 600 US ignwJv bi..iulI Souln Bay, oltarii 3 ',1.i 3 Email: SvharrellW - thegeoqroipincl.com I-'norne 5M. -')', J -Sfi: I,n 'b il-'..'4-l'-QI/ EOt, M. V.II Shoip hpre fh'stI Thu classlilled ad P/f OFFICE CLERK Permanent PT. RV park locate ed in I aku~ i has need for an office Link, ye.ii round starting .arinlldi 'i'ly. Req's working weekends during sea- son, seasonal (Nov-Aprt hrs. from 12p-5p W-F, Sat, a-5p, Sun 12p-5p, Of Mon. &Tues. Nunon se* .iill.il fMo vy-i)i.l ti. M I, Oa II. no wekehintl!; iiq S11 'i1. i..riiil|nlth.r ;kilIs C, neti ' ,iiv I p ito uIlil:' skill. p .Il MuAi have f 'prrauiulily ,iin Wor. wil wi, rnutliuC Lsli tllt )-4 -I l hl'' l liii ru iiulh) Reading a newspaper helps you understand tie world around youm No wonder newsipeor Preaders are mrope swc- cossm people! Financial Buolnens Opporlunitief i3Ub Money Luuldern 310 Tax Preparalion 315 A Chance of a Lifetime to own a Palms Weight Loss dis- tributorship. Work from any- where. No Inventory. ii tn i h .,uu,,,, $41 billion i .11 I r.iV "*,.;l',l'.llll-,W nllllll n1' "e IIITI ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Ma- i n gi" h I- .ilia l ;ii ,l. r I,'J i, I m (t, I uii, -1 '1ll 'i Oi.i i.!uiii'i i I I' i.I_ iJ', h i! will li III. ll 1 1 I llhn1 Lea -- tolv fii I l'.i, i tax liens, and rehabs for pennies on the dollar. Mentor walks you tiihwli each deal A-Z to ensure ,1iiu11.', (800)433-4556. No Bull' I earn $500 daily lust by placing yi ni .i.l . You can tool Nii Selling. Find out how. www.lstepmaxi- mizer.com/18140 YOU WON'T SLEEP TONIGHT! The "Ultimate Juice" money- making opportunity is com- ing 12/01/06. Preview at: www,JuicePerfect.com. Don't miss this tremendous nutritional technology break- through! FREE Pre-registra- tion!! VENDING ROUTE: Snacks, Drinks, Energy Drinks Too! All Brands. All Sizes. Profes- sional Equipment, Profes- sional Support. Financing w/ $7,500 Down. 877)843-8726, Local, BO#2002-037. MANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, Moore Haven, LaBelle, Clewiston and Okeechobee. We are a franchise with 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic, honest, and responsible individuals. We offer: -Excellent Salaries -Medical and Life Insurance -Dental Insurance . -401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For an interview please call: 863.983-4224 or mail your resume in confidence to: Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewisibn, FL 33440 Duda Farm Fresh has' several job il -ni Iy.' in our, shop department. Nc' dlcd: mechanics, vw'cdcrs, helpers. Top pay, excellent benefits. Will train. Drug Free Work Place. Apply in per- son at 12255 N. Hwy, 29 in -Feldi or call for information (863) 673-0362 or (8(,3) 673-2780 EOE TRUCK DRIVERS NEEDED Must have Class A CDL Benefits Available Apply at: Syfret t Feed Company 3079 NW 8th Street, Okeechobee EmploymIt Meici~i'ial 0 210 Seminole Tribe of FL Health Dept. has openings at the clinics on our Big Cypress & Brighton Reser- vations for: RN-Case Manager: Coordinate home nealth care & DME, Conduct home visits, oversee medical cases & provide nursing services. Counsel pa- tients. Active FL RN license Case Management cert. BLS cert, Primary care exp. FL drivers li- cense. And at our Big Cypress Reservation for: Community Health Rep: Provide home health services. Includes assisting w/ meds, dressing changes, check vitals. Provide transport for pa- tients, Assist in clinic. HS dip/GED. FL drivers lic. Resume: galtman(semtribe.com; fax 954-967-3477 or mail: HR, 6300 Stirling Road, Hollywood, FL 33024, www.semtribgcom DAILY WORK DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE LALQR LR FINDERS 202 E. Sutarnd Hwy. (Acoa uWnt dlwiaetown Ini (863) 902-9494 READING A NEWSPAPER HELPS YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORLD AROUND YOU. .5 Quality individuals seeking CAREER OPPORTUNITIES and ADVANCEMENT are encouraged to apply TODAY Pick YOUR career and embark on a new adventure. Dining Room Server $5.50 plus tips Dining Room Host $8.00 per hour Dishwasher $7.50 per hour Line Cook $10.00 + per hour BOE Maintenance Worker $10.00 + per hour BOE Public Space Attendant $8.00 per hour Sous Chef $15.00 + per hour BOE TAD/Gaming Machine Customer Service Representative$21.00 avg. w/tips TAD/Gaming Machine Technician $12.50 per hour We are also seeking candidates for these management positions: Director of Facilities Human Resources Benefits Coordinator Casino Host Restaurant Supervisor TAD/Gaming Machine Floor Supervisor Benefits available for ALL employees " www.thqseminolecasino.com Apply in person TODAY! 506 S. 1st St. Immokalee, FL 1-800-218-0007 The Seminole Casino is a Drug-free Workplace Im a wonder nawspupei lendrs hove niale unI NEW SELF STORAGE ,'0t 1 i 1 1, 1.. 1 1 10i 1 ., I 1 .1U, 12.'.3U, t1 :'. I lull electric, secure on Commerelo St 350 f. from Clewiston I"OILe Ill 863) 'Ili i -6663, 8f63 983 2808. jllerhrs, 1983-1t3.89'171 Employment Full Time Employmnt Full Time Employment ull Timp, I Employment FuJI Timul 0205 ---- I NOTICE Independent Newspapers will never accept any advertise- ment that is illegal or con- sidered fraudulent. In all cases of questionable val- ue, such as promises of guaranteed income from work-at-home programs if it sounds too good to be true, chances are that it is. If you have questions or doubts about any ad on these pages, we advise that before responding or send- ing money ahead of time, you check with the Better Business Bureau at 772-878-2010 for previous complaints. Some 800 and 900 telephone numbers may require an extra charge, as well as long distance toll costs. We will do our best to alert our reader of these charges in the ads, but occasionally we may not be aware of the charges. Therefore, if you call a number out of your area, use caution. Services Babysitting 405 Child Care Needed410 Child Care Offered4 15 Instruction 420 Services Offered 425 Insurance 430 Medical Services435 DELIVER OUR PRECIOUS CARGO: Be a Hendry County School Board Bus Driver. Contact the Tro, ;prp I ti,,r, D'pl SCheryl Jameson at jamesonc@ hendry.k12.us TUTORING Qualified lec.,herwill tutor students Grades 1- 5 Call 996-2068 after 5 p.m. READING A NEWSPAPER HELPS YOU GET INVOLVED IN THE COMMUNITY A*f- Z- , Tha arorlau r)r.trhrr 9R. 2006 Em loyment Mod'ical 0210 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 26, 2006' Merchandise S0 CHINA CABINET rilov,' GIRLS PANTS, Sizes 4 & 5, 5 BED, Twin Size, Like new. Ma- 1 I________ prle-."l- S24.iv'1 PRE-ENGINEERED STEEL pairs, from New York Style, rina style, Headboard & 3 IOAK'AASHSiLAND rL BUILD NGS. 30x40 was $25 for all or will separate. Drawers Below. New $159, MAHOGANY SERVERi, 31 -.. a', $6,800. 40x60 (863)697-6129 asking $125, (863)357-3369 Air Conditioners 505 BIUFFET ;. $21 ,860 now $1 ,, 520. Antiques 510 .3i".-Jf 5g lt,8.08 .' 120 nw LEATHER JACKETS, Men's, BEDS (2) Twin: Complete, Off Antiques 515 it. 17740 e; sizes up to size Large, 1 brown & 1 White i,,'? Mi,:rrcd Dresser, Appliances 515 COFFIN with I'' -i; 1000000 st. Erection black new. S50 each or best High Boy Dresser & 2-End ta- Appliance Parts 520 .- .) ,-.' A e T offer.U.i,:4-5914 bles. $1000. (863)517-1942 Beauty Supplies 525 BBuycles 530 HOOSIER CABINET. .,mw SPECIAL BUILDING BUFFET & IiT H.r pne Books Magaznes535 SALE..."DONT MISS ITP Fall $300 (863)763-0215 Building Materials540 El i- 1.,, or deposit holds till, CHROME & GLASS /R TBL Business Equipment 545 SEWING M4CHINE- ; .. spring. 255x40'x14 $5800. BASEBALL, BASKETBALL 5.8x3. Table only, good cond. Carpets/mugs 550 furniture. Access included 1" Frot FOOTBALL CARDS: Appox 5.x350. 863-675-1553 Children's Items 555 Good condition. $200. ~, r.. Other sizes 50,000. $2500 forall, will sep. E-TABLE & 2 end tables China, Glassware, Etc 560 : Pioneer. (863)902-0474 COFFEETABLE end Clothintg 5657 .-.. ELVIS COLLECTION, Many with drawers, all oak wood. Collectibles 575 -STEEL BUILDINGS. Factory items, Rare items, e fr $175 for set, will not separate. Collputrides 575 Appliances 05158S IDIto Graceyland, memorabilia. $550 (863)675-4098 evenings mputeVid 58 DSWASER Excellen00. Ex: 4 60' to neg. (863)467-0627 COUCH & LOVESEAT bam- Crafts/Spples 585 DISHWASHER, Excellent con- 100 x 200. Ex: 50 x 100CPiN BALL MACHINES (3)-not boo, no tears in material, Cruises 590 otir r L,3if-1634 12' =$3.60/sq ft. PIN BALLMACHINES (3)-not faded from sun, $50. Drapes, LneasFabik 595 .- www.rigid- working, very collectable, (863 Fireplace Fixture 600 DISHWASHER- Whirlpool, bijtc.ing c,:,, $500 for all (863)328-0002 (863)357-6113 COUCH- 2pc w/table in mid- Firewood 605 E .'Bidn. 50STAMP ALBUM, 22k gold de, light pastel colors, good Fur e 615 DISHWASHER, Whirlpool, replicas of United State condion $100 or best offer Health A Reducing Near new. $100. $500t(863)763-8146 (863)467-5680 Equipment 620 (663.)93-97C95 Cienii.rwn METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ COUCH, PLAID, Sleeper, 2 Supplies 625 ELECTRIC DRYER- GE, like Buy Direct From Manufactur- SWORDS, KNIVES, DAGGER nd tables & coffee table Household i teams 630 new, barely used, $100 or er. 20 colors in stock with all & more, approx 71 items, (Pine wood finish) $150. Will Jewelry 635 bestoffer (863)673-5655 Accessories. Quick turn "31 nw ,ibo- i.1'. for all. Separate.(863)673-0081 around! Delivery Available Or best )oer 863-467-5052 R - Lamps/Lights 40 LG. UPRIGHT FREEZER GE (352)498-0778 Toll Free TRAIN SET, LGB 100th Anni- DINING ROOM TABLE- Tile Luggage 645 Frostfree, wht. & Tappan 4 888)393-0335. versary, 83 & 84 carsWhite wasex, Peach tile Medical Items 650 burner g. stove, wht.cond boxestrack & extras. Miscellaneous 655 $325/both t *,i tFp 675-1553 STORM DOOR- 32X75 brand Firm 863)634-0387 Musical Instruments 660 new, never used. $950 neg. (863)763-0266 Office Supplies660 REFRIGERATOR- L. Small, Screen/window. $1 50. R SUaT able,5 chairs chri-r Equipment 665 perf.i't Ior RV. brindnew, 302-228-3005 cabinet, serv$525 che8-00rry Pets/Supplies/ t75 (239):P-.l-2115 Suppie I5 1 wood, $525 (863)328-0002 Services 670 REFRIGERATOR- GE, With ice I DR TABLE- Broyhill, W/2 Photography 675 idkpr Like new. $250. COMPUTER DESK- large, with Capts. chairs, 2 reg chairs, 1 Plumbing Supplies 680 (863)675-2151 BABY CRIB- complete, light adjustable height, good con- bench, 2 leafs, dark pine, Pools n Supplies 685 6 BABY CRIB- complete, lght ,,n *50 or best offer $500(863)763-0215 Restaurant REFRIGERATOR. Whirlpool, I wood, good condition $20 127 Equipment 690 year, ol010, ide by sili w'lir it e .,, l i,' 27 ENTER CENTER- fits 32'1TV, Satellite 695 & r on 'r, nd. ARRIAGESTROLER -Hi DELL, with pr r 1 year old wood, $50 (863)634-3641 Sewint Machines 700 22cu 700 3i7 -1 i l Highl woirk ;. q1od, $300 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER, 3 Sporting Goods 705 STOVE. Ceramic- Like new will s'll 0-0ii ',alely piece, cherry stained, wood, Stereo Equipment 710 $2il 863f, ",-16*,-4 n-i'..-, "i.n "ill.'r ijm, SEMPRON 3000+ new/reser- 9' lon, holds 27"tv. $300 or Television/Radio 715 vi 'I, 52 mrrem, Julb.lid. best offer. (863)697-1706 Tickets 720 WASHER & DRYER- GE Super OCEAN WONDERS AOUARI. burner loaded w/ipr1im, ENTERTAINMENT CENTER, Toolys 725 c.p I, it. la.iiid new, $500 UM- asking $20, ,'.r:llr'nt w/guar. '-,i ) dr,. 1 63-1 -16 .. 11Th ""E , To s & Games .730 (86 J,l75-b.hi0 condition (863)467-0826 i.I ', up t65TV, V1FHs 735adjustable, glass doors, glass Wanted to Bu 740 WASHER, Roper, Li',nP C.- OCEAN WONDERS MOBILE- shelves, $275 (561)914-6746 paiiy 2 Like rirw [ljw Fisher Price, with remote FUTON MATTRESS- Deluxe $229 Askino $175. $25(863)467-0826 MYSTERY SCRAPBOOK LOT- F6' ln i hover LDke.new, 86357-0over 800 teams, brand new, $50 (833)7 6369 AirJS. 35"9 SWING SET- i'+,ui $50. (863)763-6369 ii 05ASTACK UNIT& ERS$0 $50 (863)634-3641 ,.1 ijif)36311..8433 FUTON SOFA BED, w/thick in- AIR COND-Central package $95&upUptoyrwarranty Finditaster. Sell 0 Ion- rw. p unit, 3.5 ton, YCrk, nevr REFRIGERATORS & STOVES Or in the classifieds "i u r3'*6I3.61 9-0221 Aqua Isle', (561)447-6538 $155h 2 ROOMSrOF FURNITURE LOVESEAT, Light Blue Grood (5c61)447-638 0 Only $29.99 Per Week! rcidiliidi Oinly $501 WINDOW UNIT- KI.-nmonr.- BOYS & GIRLS CLOTHING, Callo Havell Dlivered Today! 1863ilf.75. 1153 LBelrle 18,1t1il BTU's, Cool & heat BIKE 2_ wiieelr. 20", Mon- Size 12 Mostly name brand 863-983-2130 MEMORY FOAM MATTRESS, New, Never used. $300. goose Model, very sharp $40 Will separate ARMOIRE/ENT. CENTER, Very Oueen, 9'. ASA, as seen on 8 .1,.34--1271 must see, $40. Call i8 ,357-03i'1 nice, call to view. $125 or TV in factory packagEq. -475 (863)763-0625. LTN- Wom e i, best offer. (863)675-8937 cash. (239)223.8103 Looking flop a place to CLOTHING- Womens, name hang your hat? Look no GIRLS CHOPPER BIKE- ask- brands, size 3x, pants & BED -win vilustiik mj.i TWIN BEDS, 2, Maple, Com- lurtlerp than the classl-- ing $100 (863)763-3448 or tops, new w/tags $80 will sage. $300. (b86)634-48-42 ph-le. Good condition $75. odse (863)467-5756 sell sep (954)237-4846 or (863)635-4870. (863)467-4124 |]]ues Sal 105 Huses- Sle 125;Hou es:- Sale 125 Houses Sale 102 icn IPro MLS I' Luan B. S- Walker Broker 863-677-1010 Brick 3BR/2BA two car garage on rorthside beautiful 400 sq. ft. lana.i roll down shutters, immaculant and oretiine clean. Large bedroom ready to move inat 5284.900 Get Preconstruction Prices 8 avail- able 36R, 2EA, I car garage located on Texas Ave., Harlem Subdivision 1673 sq. ft. Special Loan package. Lutz Builders $1 60K 20 AcresO. oHwy.2Z SStee buiiOi L'XIUJ with 64x l14 Bay doors 126 Oak Drive, 3 bdrm/2 bath,. beautiful over 1 acre, paved drive lined w'Oals, pole barn fabulous co-er porch, remodeled throughout A must see on your house shopping ist and the price is riuht af il tor,900 The Oaks at Clewiston 9 Available 2bd/l 1/2ba Condominiums. FIRE SALE @ $110,000 W/$3,500 BACK TOWARD CLOSING for the condo's For Rent 3bd/2ba Mobile home on 5 acres $900.00/per month , Call Becky for more information at 863-983-8590 or 863-599-1083. - Smith/Williams Team Glenn A. Sarah A. Smith GRI Williams 863-983-3508 863-228-6867 1) Montura Ranch 2 Mobile Ho-,n.' on 1 25 ac. $99,900 MLS? 2'00668993 2)Talapia Farm Production ..rld out thr,:unh i, end oF rhe year, Call Glenn for details MLS#: 200645189 3) Close to Schools 3/2 Mobile Home in Seminole Manor. Reduced"i $86,000 MLS-. 2u0,'36.i7:' 4) Income Producing 3/1 and(S ALEENDN ,d on Haiti Ave. $164,900 5) Easy Life 5,D Remn':odelEd : '2 Mobile Home. New roof, carpet. Call for appointment 585,000 MFLS.: 200661385 6) Ladeca 5 ac fish farm I p.:,ndIs fenced, built up 4 feet above the sur rounding properties., 5325,000 MULS. 200654436 7) Farm Labor Camp Permn SlE~fENDIG,11/ Glenn for details MLS'-' 200658473 8) Montura Ranch 4/2 Mobile Home ('98 Homes of MeriTH on 1.25 acres Reduced! $S25,000 1IL-, 200644944 9) Matura Ranch 5br/2ba Home on man-made lake MLS4200675597 10) 15 Acres Cleared viie i.ndJ Freiced and cross fencedr. Convenient access to Clewiston 01 Labellt $425,000 MLS, 2I00(165'2207 11) Moore Hasen Spai.inu 4br/2ba Mobile home with iarge front porch. M'.;S L l 1) C, 1 1 I 'J 12) 3br/2ba CBS home on 1/3 acre. New roof, paint, & fenced. MLS#20065064 Vacant Lots Sweet Lake Villas 'r 1,4-11 rll I ,- $$55K 370 N. Olivo $42K 1029 Harlem Academy $30K 417 Redish Cir- S60K 529 Redish Cir- $35K -.* 36S N. Under 542K Call Today-!! www.clewistonfl homes.com Charmaine A. Montgomery 863-697-0189 Se Haldb Espanol 1. NeLwJ.istinin ?,bd.-?bn "2 ar garage Beauliful brand rn"e' home with aranite counter tops & rl ed through out Icait d on 1. acres This is your chance to move tn the country I -40.(00(i.00 2. New Listing 38D2E.A Loublewide Mobile or, 2.5 acre pad eJ road. .corner lot, lenced e.v rooff, ne.v paint inside Only 169.,900 3. G.reatlthings come atsmall pgackaes. Newly padntei inside and out this 3bd, 1 ba home is located in Harlem Ptentb'of room to grow. Piuied ur, sell @ S7?49,900 00 I List, Show & Sell Montura 4. Mo iura.ca.anc.h Ejtaiets 425 S voerda 534.900 2G3 Huniiung Club $42,000 701) S Sh-eland i44.90r:- 735 S. Palm $449,000 32 i- Nogal St 1 i5 ac .;:990i:0 I 2S N K.rSOfD5J1id l3.995 ASK ME ABOUT SWEET LAKE VILLAS BY t 4 rB -. Pssss th-s in acres ,ir[h i and hi $199, Owne that. 1 wants ond ca fast ai Why I can ov double rarpor ',sibdiv 5 ').9 Lookit your acres Ranch A Lot your f LaBell1 tesy c you at Recha 38D 2 Montu utes f inctud and q $139, A Lot cumst Port L $29,5( perties. Maribel Cathy S. Gonzalez Garcia 561-722-7347 863-228-4798 Se as Fspat St RabEDsPW sslti. Have ,ou heard about REDUCED" Ba Market, Make "npioed Sb.J ?-, home on .23 Time To Com l hi This 3 id on Ob;spo .Ae It'l- a beauty ,V. ew ki .iri-i n ,:daL.nr,, nei. roof, :r,, n"o l,. s hi cri ,i iV '., i 19.95r( ed through out Pass it on. Only 900.00 r wants Oul It's as simple as The owner of this 3bd/1 ba home to sell now! Don't be the sec- "? caller because it's priced to move S$144,900.00 Pay high par-a lents when you ' wn ihe 1 D 6,a 38R, 2-bath .... .. wde h # 1or a double rt, pantioa din Easy Life viiwrn l ,o sell fast at Feature Listing 00. ng for vacant land? Well brinq 2Berroom 2Bath home horses because I've got 1 2 Bedroom 2ath home tracts available now in Montura built on lots within Estates. Give me a call today!' ui l . to Love The perfect site for walking distance of local future. This lot is located in Port middle school is being e and the land-.caping is cour- if mother nature i '; ready for offered at $199,900. t$29,500 Seller will give an large your batteries livin in this Sllew ic ll giv n BA doublewide mobile home in allowance of $1,UUU000.00 ira Pan( h ust abo thrty min- for appliances Please from jvr. Th 1,2acre site for appliances. Please es lots of trees, privacy, peace call me for an appoint- ulet. See it and be charmed. 900,00 ment to see this home. Less Because of unusual cir- ances, there is a lot available in Call Me For All Your aBelle off Memory Lane for only 00. Call and buy it today! Real Estate Needs! Walker/Wood Team V 0I' Sam J. Ashley P. Walker Wood GRI 863-677-1013 863-228-1132 CLEWISTON -CR 835 11.77 acre labor ca.SAbErENDINGt, Clewiston $499,900.00 -New Listing! 3bd/2ba/1lcar garage CBS Home, 1,670sq ft. located on 1012 Texas Ave. $165,500.00 -3/2 DWMH, 611 Orange Rd, offered @ $89,900 *2.5 ac, pond, 1984 3/2 DWMH, new a/c, metal roof, completely remodeled in 2005 for $145,000? You got itl!! MLS #200640508 .2.5 acres on FSI"ShLE f1~* f-).00 LAKMJEBT A little piece of Heaven! 775 County Rd.721 Loop NE Beautiful 2 story home /w spiral staircase & wood floors. Big backyard w/ boat access to the Gulf & direct access to Lake "O", Home on one acre among oak Hammocks. Reduced to $475K WMONTJRA - 105 Pinelake Ave the best 1.41 ac lake front lot in Montura @ $77,900 -470 S. Hacienda; 1997 4bd/2ba Palm Harbor MH, 6' fence, beautiful lot and trees, detached carport and shed, immaculate!! Reduced to $130,000 - 420 South Lindero $33,900 .225 Datil St. Std $24K1 . 545 S. Brida St. $32K -Vacant land in Harlem! .19 acre tots " -Vacant land in Port LaBelle! $39,500 -Great Investment In LaDeca! Starting Prices S acres for only$70K Sweet Lake Villas: PIONEER PLANTATION *990 Wil0cvq Mk.#llieatr. 5 acres Villa $179,990 cleared & water, LagO $199,990 -Huge concrete pad. Owner willing to Dolce $209,990 sacrifice for $112,500.00 .420 Union Ave. 2.5 Acres $72.9K, Call Us Today 4150 Pioneer 17th St. 2.5 Ac 65K, FO M re Inf ation 5205 Pioneer 22nd St. 5 Ac 5130K or More fIformation : Jerry W. Charles Enrique Smith H. Kehm Acosta 561-261-3444 S 305-506-5876 ^**i ^ ,- i 305-968-2242 ^ ^ Great Locationl 3bd/2ba/2 car 1. Commercial Listing Successful Montura3bd/2ba doublewide on garage, brick veneer, fenced back- Business & Property with over paved corner lot recently remod- yard, new roof, storage sheds. 10,000 sq.ft. of Buildings on lod. Hurry! It won't last Wonderful family home. $279,900.00 acres w/ 175' directly on $139,900.00 Ready to Move in Waiting For You Sugarland Hwy, Free Home in Flaghole Take this 1995 Homes of Merit MH, fenced. 2. Industrial Property Hurricane Proof opportunity in owning a nursery. above ground pool, lots of storage. Concrete Building/ Landscaped/ This 5.5 acre land is the perfect and metal roof. Neat & clean. Parking $250K place to jump start a new business $130,900.00 3. Industrial Lot w/ industrial zon- or to use as an investment proper- Just Reduced! 2.5 Acres, 3bd/2ba ing $99,900.00 5. For only $319900.00 yous that have 8 cget MH, fenced, located in Montura 4. Commercial Lot Need a cornm- Ilants and a hd/a mobe omit Ranch Estates. $155,000.00 mercially zoned lot for your busi- that has 2 screened patios on either Ready To Move In! 3bd/2ba MH ness Great Buy at 589.9K with side, DONT LET THIS OPPORTUNI- located in Moore Haven $79.9K owner financing TY PASS YOU BY! MH on 1.25 acres in Montura Ranch 5. New Residential Listing! R2 Estates $18,900.00 zoned 3bd/ Iba with a lbd/lba New Listing! 5bd/3ba, 2 AC units, Estates I,900. Mother in Law Detached Room 2 water heaters, split floor plan, 5 Acres in Pioneer potential for great $158,9000 Exceptional Value new tile throughout, freshly paint- home site $165K Oed, working chimney, great screen Acres inLaDeca $125K for less than 50K Sportsman's name! A must see! $549,900tras o Lehigh Acres Lot $65K Village $9,0 7. Beautiful 2.5 acre wooded home Need Some Space? Spacious M.rturmaoLrlb.tae.S site in Pioneer Plantation. Priced to 4bd/2ba doublewide MH in 363 AppatoosaAve. (Paved road) $38K Sell $78K w/ possible owner Montura. Split floor plan, living 345 S. Zambra S39.9K financing room, family room, too many 830s. Orange St. $39.9K 8. Ni ii extras! Hurry, won't last! Motivated 620 N. Fronda 2$47K Hke M- Seller! Only $149,9000 320 N. Fronda 45K d Secluded well maintain 1995 dou- 615- S. CRiverside S4SK Arefsl$5lKll4V blewide 3bd 2ba, split floor plan, 120-130 S. Coral (2.5 Acres) $75K master bathroom includes garden 2.5 acres Perimeter Rd. S99K 9. New Listing! Port LaBelle Beautiful tub w/ separate shower, property 615 Perimeter Rd. 2.5 Acres $89,900 lot $45K Offers Welcome fenced andhas horse fenced area, also next to a canal, $ 124,900.00 10. Mobile home lot in Harlem $21 K Just Listed! 4BD/2BA home located 1 8 1 00S. en C.(cr~sfrcm W l at 63- 83 ,9 3 vvv -su. rr- S 0~c~ on Avenida Del Rio. Just Reduced to $374,900 New Listing! 1055 Riviera Ave. 3bd/2ba home on 2.5 acres. Has new roof & AC. $259,000.00 New Listing! 2005 3bd/2ba Double wide, has security system, located on 1.25 acres Priced to sell at $144,900.00 YACAT LAND 'ii NW 2 Ave. located in South Bay i acre lot $30,000.00 2650-2655 Pioneer 11th St. 5 acres $5170,000.00 MonturRa ranch Estates 130 N. Arboleda 1.09 acres S39,900.00 136 Montura Ave. 1.25 acres $39,900.00 569 Hunting Club Ave. 1.25 acres $55,000.00 740-750 S. Palm St. 2.5 acres $80,000.00 455 N. Hacienda $50,000.00 FREE $300.00 for Closing Costs *Call for details I I TRIPLE DRESSER- 54"x 18" AIRLINES ARE HIRING Train DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS WOLFF TANNING BEDS Buy With attached mirror. Hard for high paying Aviation children, etc. Only one sig- Direct and Save! Full Body rock maple wood. Good. Maintenance Career. FAA ap- nature required! *Excludes units from $22 a month! cond. $150. (863)763-2458 proved program. Financial govt. fees! Call weekdays FREE Color Catalog CALL' WALL UNIT R d aid if qualified Job place- (800)462-2000, ext.600. TODAY! (800)842-1305 WALL UNIT: Rosewood, ment assistance. CALL Avia- (8am-6pm) Alta Divorce, www.np.etstan.com. Lighted with glass doors & tion Institute of Maintenance LLC. Established 1977. drawers. 100"Wx82H. $250. (888)349-5387. (561)996-0421 ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE JACUZZI 5 person, in goodMIcl Wicker Furniture, Loveseat,2 TEND COLLEGE ONLINE working cnd. Complete cr wurnr, 3bese,2 from Home. *Medical, w/pumps, etc. $500. You chrs., wcushins, 3 tables, *Business *Paralegal, haulit863-467-7267 CUSTOM BUILT GUITAR in Aqua Isles, $100. *Computers *Criminal Jus- CABINET- 77"T x 42"W, 2 (336)342-0221 tice. Job placement assis- SUNQUEST 2000S 10 BULB solid doors & shelf, $350 or tance. Computer provided. Tanning Canopy. $300. bestoffer(561)633-1371 Financial Aid if qualified. Call 863-634-5888 (866)858-2121 www.onli- DBL KEYBOARD ORGAN- ask- AMMO- 30-30 Win, 200 neTidewaterTech.com. TEXAS INSTRUMENT 92 'ing $50 (863)635-4455 rounds, boxed, $70 will di- CHRISTMAS DECOR, Outdoor, Graphing calculator & guide vide (863)301-0250 $50 for all. (863)983-8216 book. Like new. $50. OVATION CELEBRITY GUI- S$ (863863-612-9233 Labellearea TAR- w/hard shell case, COLT 45, Argentinean model after10am curly maple top, $450 1927, Colt cal. 11.25 mm, DRUMS (10) 55 gal., for Burn- Love the earth Recycle (863)357-0344 Ive msg a n t I q u e ing (10) 15 gal. & (10) 55 gal. $675.863-467-1958 P lastic, Water Tight Drums yup used Items by sell- PIANO- Wurlitzer, full size, RIFLE W/SCOPE-22ga, ask t $150wilasep. Ing them in the classi- asking $300 (863)635-4455 RIFLE W/ SCOPE- 22ga, ask- $150 will sep. (863)763-5062 fieds. ing $150 (863)674-0634 MOMENTUM 610, takes up 35" floor space, new. $75 or best offer. (863)634-5914 PROFORM 700-S- Magnetic, Resistance. Eliptical exercis- er wrln ,i-liuiCh rr(umorri $19. 1863164-0098 CEILING FANS (2). Hunter ' USA made w /lightl i- ,Cos - 5.125 Each asing $70 lorF brtn will ep 15, 1(b33- 1 1..... FREE DIABETIC SUPPLIES' I "- M1-EDICARFE FATIENITS' Cjll- . is Toll Free F186629 4-347- .. . .'id lecove a FRe E METER, Am-Med Quality Did ab eo , Supplies HOVEROUND SCOOTER- Good .undlion $500 Or f. ,est oiler (863)697-3N99 MOTORIZED CHAIR G 1l, ill Alarile new bari1ries. .e .:c uon,] ;,850IV ) 63J.Ji42 or 186.11635-4 18U - POWER CHAIR, MEilS Hoid5s LP 10 350,D 'ew naner The most important lires Pa $7.598 Now $600 est r23324-11 20 minutes of your day iis the time spent reading DEER FEEDER- Sweeney, with your child from holds 200 lbs of feed, elec birth to age nine. timer w/battery, good cond. $225(863)763-5110 Hos-S ale 1121 H ous-S alS e 105 Hu se -^^ ^ ^ Sal 1251 ouss Sae 02 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 26, 2006' Thursday, October 26, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee - 'Apatmen I ENCLOSED TRAILER, used, YAMAHA ELECTRIC PIANO 2006 MODEL BLOWOUT!! 7x10 or 8x12 with loading exc.cond. $750. Warehouse Clearance Sale ramp. 863-675-5825. 863-234-1067 Labellearea on the New Kayak Pool. NEW COIN COLLECTOR want- SAVE $ thousands on select- ng to add to my collection an.- O ied models limited supply! ing to add to my collection. E e 0 FREE ESTIMATES Easy Fi- Please call to sell coins & nance Fast Installation. Call paper money 239-693-4891 (866)348-7560 www.kay- COPY MACHINE, Sharp: Good akpoolsflorida.com. | condition -. $100. aosud (863)983-9795 Clewiston -culure SEWING MACHINE- asking AQUARIUM- 75 gal, $25 call for information, too Christmas Trees 745 Stand,hood Salt filtration, much to list (954)237-4846 Farm Equipment 805 Reef white. $450. Farm Feed/Products 810 (863)673-0081 eI e Farm Miscellaneous 815 COCKER SPANIEL- Full blood- [ q i E S0 Farm Produce 820 ed, 2 yrs old, Very friendly, Farm Services Good with children. House SUB WOOFERS- 10", Mounted Offered 825 dog. $10001(863)634-5473 in a box for a P/U Truck. Farm Supplies,.' Good condition. $20. Services Wanted 830 ENGLISH BULL DOGS- 2, Fe- (863)697-3008 Fertilizer 835 males, AKC registered, 2.5 (863)Horses 840 yrs old. $1600.o 1 Landscaping (863)634-8795 Teleio 71 Supplies 845 Lawn & Garden 850 FISH TANK 55 gallon, great FLAT SCREEN Sony 36" Livestock 855 buy. $75. (863)357-6930 wega FD Trinitron TV, asking Poultry/Supplies 860 HAMSTER BABIES- Free to $1000. (772)461-8822 Ft. Seeds/Plants/ good homes. 863-801-1302 Pierce. Flowers 865 JACK TERRIER female, 3 mo's, active puppy. Needs TLC, to good home only. $400. 863-467-5117 kee GENERATORS (2) 4000 Te- - $400.863-4cumseh & 3500 Nokita. Both FILLY- lyo, Belgian Cross, MALE PUG- has papers, need work great. $500/both, will sorrel, $600 to a good home to sell immediately $500 or sep. 863-447-6054 Iv. msg. only (863)675-0247 La Belle best offer (863)634-0790 HILTI 1 RTATiJG Cnppg PIGEONS: (5 PAIR) $75 hammer/drill,-Original cost (863)675-4981 LaBelle Area $1800, asking $450. , RABBIT CAGES (2) $40 for 863-467-1958 both, will sep. (863)677-4008 PRESSURE WASHER, 16,000 psi..$300. (863)675-0247 ke'i( TRITON COCKATOO female, LaBelle ke w very beautiful & loving. *Or YeTra -. Needs lots of TLC: w/cage+ i I RE Mustsell $1500. 228-7230 Tos amJ s 03 FREE On Line M Service Josay, "I sold It In the people who PSP w/2 gamor best offer. Buy Sell Trade say, "1 sold it In the clas- Socom. $250 or best offer. Buy Sell Trade *siledls." 863-697-9014 863-467-1304 l' XBOX w 1500 gjmeir Every WWwolAoecwoihe-. ore-Irlderi:oid Nintendo & Super q gamrre s,.., r , lade Gruel .ma git .a cn -.A. '. *;.i'' 863-227-6066 POCO HEAOSTALL RErjI BATHTUB, brand niw pir: -. [ew vir, siilv r, i.5 lain, slairiles leel. Sill in V 18631983.86p16 bOi 1175 ,of D:i4 ')"hf i863i357-22.1"261146.3, QUARTERHORSE MARE 6 Vic ee, p. p ri .7r 'J500 HOT WATER HEATER- 40 gIl ELECTROLUX. with bags. $25 or est 3[llr Nlee 10o el 1 askns-g 'TO l8636:.5 1015 .6HiS.3-8216 ah er liam Grea, ai Co)d ie 863-bf 7m06. , --------- -- gI ---*- ----I GREENTREE EASTAPAR Newly Rehabbed Apartm A Farm Labor Rental Comrr Available for Immediate Occil 2 Bedroom Apartments Rental Assistance Available to qualified h( Must earn a minimum of $3998 from agri labor activities Spacious Apartment in quiet, country setl Full time bilingual Site Manager Rental rates starting at $429 plus Utilities Call 902-1577 TDD # 1-800-955-877 701 W Ventura, Clewist 8:00 AM 3:00 PM, Mon Equal Housing Opportur RED ROAN APPALOOSA, Gelding, 6 years. $800. or JOHN DEERE LAWN TRAC- best offer. (863)763-2379 TOR HyarosialaL 48' liquid cO01eda Kawasah Pr, g. new REG.BREEDING STOCK PAINT an $t0 954-58i-8328 MARE- 2002, exc perfor- mance bloodlines, $2500 RIDING LAWN MOWER I18nr (863)801-9188 B&5 6 r,S king 42' cut 3 blades, runs & culs needs SADDLE, Ausie!Western, somes .200 6-6257 New, with Drjle Bre.i (-co- 13r i- 4,250 ROTOTILLER, Craftsman II 18631983.-8A 46 5'rip, P fg IQ rr li,-ie 17 . very ,,,' ,o1 Oniinr, $300 TRAILER- 2 hori e bumper pull r,3...u r L 3r escape door iarif m .Ie a . good tires. dividers, rubber Okeechobee Livestock Evr v MCdndrv-1 2rjTi"n .vei CHIPPER/SHREDDER, older Tue1-:iv1am i 63.3127 Dui in igio.ll i:,'l'plll on $75 oi Oil', nCiit-r (23'9i'" .J0 One man's trash Is anoth- LjBelle. i mK s, e6P Man's treasure. Tiprn your trash to treasure HYDROSTATIC MOWER 36" with an ad in the classi- r.. ,i. -riirn t vrlr ell., inlirit f lieds. I v r s rc, Iraci i Rurlun ,rar ',1200 954-5. t-8328 i I i JOHN DEERE ii(C TRACTOR I:.5' ori,)irl runnlrin lcoriin TACK PONY SADDLE. 50. hrii eif in 'io r 3 lrije i:I.aJsi 'halters $5. misc bridles $10 i)r :hiiw .81(00 ?2.t-f6066 (305)807-2500 Houes' 'Sfe~ni-y 10261 1! nun 'pa CIOU Uin( MENTS ts nity ancy seholds iltural or farm Ig :ri y Rentals g RENT Apartments 905 Business Places 910 Commercial Property 915 Condos/ Townhouses Rent920 Farm Property - Rent 925 House Rent 930 Land Rent 935 Resort Property - Rent 945 Roommate 950 Rooms to Rent 955 Storage Space - Rent 910 BELLE GLADE- remodeledl )lr, 1ba, stove, refrig, $375'mo + sec dep call ... I.2 J-88,. BELLE GLADES Erficier nv. I.:ill:) n. + 1.Jl1 ec diep Please Call i .,61)48..37T4 M. HAVEN, WKiy Fijin Apis w.il rl E -$17i5 wP I-bel Apt. $280. wk. Also iviuoil Home renials 863-946-3636 of 863-509-0096 CLEWISTON, 2BR/2BA Condo ov, roo king Roland Martin Mar nj fully lurrnished recent upgradeS. srmai pelts allowed, cAll for details. (863)228-3013 ' breakfg(yahoo.com How fast can your car go? It can go even faster when you sel It in the classifieds. PORT LaBelle, 3071 Beech- wood Cir. 3br, 2ba, Gar. New Home $1300. no.+ 1st mo. 863-673-3521 Sabreena Time to clean out the attic, basement and/or garage? Advertise your yard sale in the classi- fleds and make your clean up a breeze! * Iff~ -Build To Suit- Up To 10,000 SQ. FT. Belle Glade Area Okee, 4BR/1BA, w/back screened porch, fenced yard, $100 weekly + 1/2 utilities. (863)261-3991. | le 1025 *. ... .. .. .t oinit c iaI i I mrcerties STANTON MOBILE HOMES Quality Homes at Discounted Prices! Homes From the Low $50's. Turn Key Packages Available. Family Owned Since 1981. I. CO',.ESLN "" .. ri^Clewim ScotBilt w r Rent P. C.pialt. ni.. 1,3 0 i mjnth LAJ.o Frr Sile Sacknl Th le Market- Hw ..2 .2265,00.U. OTier finance. First Property on Evethigh R wwA.SItAtOnMH.com 2 barns & much more ReduLe 10O acres. r''VTinaice anl 009.1 Phone: 863-946-3900 Fax; 863-946-3902 9. 5 am~e+ MH Auceid fr qc I 98 U Hwy 27 Moae ....~ ~ s5-10 acres AG/Residential Ch heley &Davis hUs Real Esate BrokerREALTYIC 'D.DeadRd ,2 ii 77 MW V 71 TT Wneigliborh'1'i'l 522)1100f BniNT1 StIiRINGS .1I ulyjilI., s,.'L~e tbqng k I.i I Murcatt i a'. me' Plus hr.,n LiriIiy A(, A *.-n ~ ii iz% I. -'I',rfl ~ d 4 I_, ,.l ad.'IaI I.1' -0 Queen Ave. 5 acres $J115,0 WeHa e Land A'. iti~hc in LaDVC L LI m I., LL~~l2 :', 1. 1. "..I -_,ml.Maur Call i%! -i.ulthIL, L u 1i-1 1,.1ie 125 Acres.375 &627 Hot H1. -. % L roieoYr..iLLV .1 .'1 --i,* ,, [ I 14t ill a ,,,.i,.,,r .*,I I ii It*m 1 1 C,1131.1111 4 Lint._A~udiabItkI, H. r,e .,hm,,, H j.,, Beauffiil Ceb odar.,.hp-',-.:5 He 3 iU I I 'U 0 1 r SI I. 'I '.1 :. ..' IN" ,,,-_5 -r '.r ,, I'.Several Iots 2 1 2:Iarv; l I ~ PRC 2 ~u'~,.,,.tED.t Al ',311,(i ItI IComumrrrciai Proipert-y.Incoir I I I '~t. I) Al .3ili'~i IPrilldut 'ig Prewiscrt.. & 1Indui~trial Reay ~Ti.MO ORE HAFN Property v.,ailable C all For Deta is. b) in o LJ 1: 1 %.l. I II I L M11 "'.d. i lsul I,.I 1 1 111.na ) 1 I I -' 1 I ,niR,I I... 1.1 -42k -i' a' N u. Fiucmii --r I i1 4i .1t, ri 'f !W F i rmL~i Ruj LE ,,mv(On3) 677i4312188542-87 (863) -n I: 3oi J -J oFFC. lctuu W OTSD FTL (803 983007 FAX~ 9 Nam W. S HjrliqdHw. itc i .w _,FL3 440 Ao~; .Pq(I{AI I ~ AALAL)- PI Id)I' CLLTO LQ IR"I'AY CjIML L Ll,-Cw41k II[e"I I'e11 11 11181 H pka-I S .)? A LE' '.!. ~i,11 AI.id:N tEILt I 11 .. '....,,* it~ . ;d II t F -4., *CV I*r'... rcstii.IVI *.2~d ,,, RI, I 1 .III41FF IS~i.'. ~ Il~ !,.iI~il,.tn..I ~ ~YI FCfl'T~R"~[i1'(Fil ri L,% i. r WtI. ---1i. Pol ~n 'I'r 7,,,R oal ,d bIn [ fIn alA U A T 1 E)' ~' 'H I *Ir,, -Al RL\ VuS, t) NIX ItC~iNI"L i F-II)PrES .'d~iuI-Jpyy~ii(IL~rilii#A -BEni*NES kP O i-flfff( .'mdEEl. iti ~iurb'., wink.,flhrr~.- o.id, riru .ArNGF AAN OS/AI 'tIINGiiir ~.~iI ~N) .it~ i.)~ ~ ~t~. N RGD i .SI J'.'iIN i~IIi Rea ElIt ff w -e, rlr I.I 6P F0 -1 (86.1) *228-1142 N FIM(COLEL (.URNRLO RNK RealtyR #17-,c (863) 677-4312F N885-2187wDE Lai) Ii~ O J'ff.'Ii~it [~5i. O~l~,V1,n.D, i.9- Pt 11' n dtk i h'MreAO N kORTHui,'RN Z (83 8 -00Fx-Sn yalaOl g AVALABLE Ion tully furnished, like new 2' Over 1.1 2 arcs 4,3 e m d. 5 acres + Hnome 42, ed $299,000 .000 SALE PENDING : .'. k (A)* [.14ki M -Of.er 'howti Iromri veral lots. tetly updated, beautiful * 3 2 170.0l I) 000 SALE PENDING Ranch nting Club (corner lots) antation i .. ..'. j. .. om ..0. 0 . . ;-: ,- : ']!" .- I / fit .v' .~. ~1n t~w~ LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER 420 E. SUGARLAND HWY. (863) 983-6663 MA.S (863) 983-9770 WEBSITE: DYESR.EALLESTATE.COM EMAIL: ANN(5'DYESSREA .ESTATE.COM AFTER HOURS: ANN DYESS LAURA SMITH TRAVIS DYESS ANGELICA GONZALEZ (863) 983-8979 (863)599-1209 (863)228-2215 -E HABLA ESPNjL (S63)228.-0023 RESIDENTIAL Condr, Ba,'s capitall D.-di3n Rd 2 'ic Re.,ienrwal 3BR, l.'2BA l-t, )0O $lt'.i 000 f .W.J B Pre-coris. Town Homes W1teriress. Frm ri 15 icre-s from $199,900 Pioneer Plantation 4BR, 28A New Home MOBILE HOMES .Oo_ 4BR, 2P_,Ft hoeih Woodlands 5/D 2 lots 4B f ol $ 200J,0 'r $37,500 each Re A* SB R. 2BA DWMH u.,( O10 acres LaDeca cleared 3BR, 2BA den & pool ;2 as.Re,-dt U.-,1235.000 $339,900 LI ww'.. 2.2..3cr, PFiontc.:r $(4.900 3BR, 2BA Home with effi 1996 DWMH RI ,2lil ?/2 Pioneer 7 lots $56,500 each ciency. Good condition $130,000 $175I900 Montura 3BR/2BA COMMERCIAl, 2BR,2BA, 2stoy $140,000 DWMH 1,25 acres Indu tiial Refinery + Home on Tait Blvd. with $125,000 10D acres S2.5m 2.5 acres, $225,000 VACANT LAND )CaA. 4BR, 2BA $340,000- 3BR, 2BA Pool w/ 8,7 ontura 1.25 acre lots avail. C.all fr Listinps. acres S7 29,L90 2BR, I BA Duplex Flagle2.4A1acres$135,000 Redu:vd to $170.000 MRLat l anCmmibl $20K LOCATION LOCATION 3 Bedroom & 2 Bath $249,000 .. ...iE Su.. .4l_' H.i> Cle.iuir Located in one of Clewiston's finest neighbor- 3 BR 2 EA n Ir- !,i Pidor .i At' N--iv -.. '..- P 1 -\. 4 .1 l .. '.'l 1 i .rn -t i- 1 r'i'.n ''i 8- i 1.1,,,"n l pi[t0 $439,000 $_35.0.00 CLEWISTON *2BR/1BA Mobile Home with direct *3 BR/ 2 BA MH w/Lrg Screened Lake "0" Access Reduced to $109,000 Porch. Seminole Manor Make an ofr! l l r *2 BR/ 1 BA Home on corner lot. PTOERI LA) 1 FLAGHOLE Sagamore Ave. Reduced to S 130,000. 3 BD/2 BA MH, beautiful 2.5 ac lot, *3BR/1BA Home. Osceola Ave. $189,000. new carpet/paint. $189,900 *3 BR/2 BA Brick Home, ceramic tile. 3 BD/2 BA MH 5 acres w/lrg oaks, Just outside of town $139.900 pole barn & more. $279,000 *3 BDi 2 BA 2005 MH. Sunshine A rare find. Taft Blvd. 1 ac with Lakes Estates, Priced at $135,000 3BD/2BA MH. $132,500 *3 BR/2 BA MH w.Lrg waterfront lot, PrivateA/Wooded, +/- 4 ac with 3 BD/2 fenced, det. frage. Melissa Road. $129,900 BA MH, Lrg. carport/shed. $285,000 *4BR/2BA MH with add, lot. Green Street A A rS *23BR/2BACBS Home, nconer lot. E. ACREAGE, LANDX & LOTS Siugarand Priced to Sell At $180,000 33 ac lot in Port LaBellef OT $65,000 S3BW21A on Davuiron Rd. Handicap 3,68 an off Old US 27 Deep'mock, Access. 1.42 as manicured lawn. $274,900W He chred $183,500 .3BR/3BA Executive Home, E, Del Monte. Highlands Co. 10, 2 r. & 80 AC A d 1 .$525,000 i parcels starting atj Iper cc iZUStO'?8vte p bdit 1+nie, IC. 2 lots in Horseshoe Acres for $65,000 *4BRI3BA waterfront home, Ripst'. Circt, R e n 3 aOak filledl tots. $S5Kpxc. Largt pool, patio, & more $389,000 MOORE HAVEN / LAKEPORT MONTURA *2 CBS Duplexes 2 BR/1 BA each 1.25 ac. i.. 1.-.. .tl. t..r, I .r $30,000 unit. Only $229,000 tfor both! Lrg 4 BR8 B.A H 1 1 s 01.1 *2/2 MH Fishermans Paradise. $128.500 Lrg. 4 BD/2 BA MH 1.25 Verda St. *3 BR/2 BA CBS Home w/ 2 car Many extras, Ready i r fianily! $209,900 garage. Thatcher Blvd. $190,000 *3BD/2BA DWMH Inmmaculate $160,000 *4BR12BA MH .67ac. Cypress Ao. $14,900 3B/2BACBS ome cer1 r E ACEG, ADalL LaBelle, Female preferred to share 2 BR, 1/2Ba., on beauti- ful setting. Full House privileg- es including Pool & Laundry. $500. mo. includes utilities. Call Kendra @863-675-3771 w.td91 READING A NEWSPAPER... makes you a more informed and Interesting penon. No wonder newspaper renden are more succesnfull -ouses Ie C ,< I_ r 5 1 "y - ,, .. 1 t-. r- .. -. . -,FEATURED LISTING L.,. in LA. p..n-. S' --' $290,000 l, .. 'f,. "i' l I'. -/.i, L i ,'." :Sr k, Carolyn Thomas 86 .-Y41 ,-OH05 SI R' '634-215: Wel gOn ggg * a a1g'g g a a, a a GREENTREE SOUTH APARTMENTS A Farm Labor Rental Community Available for Immediate Occupancy 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments * Rental Assistance Available to qualified households * Must earn a minimum of $3998 from agricultural or farm labor activities * Spacious Apartment in quiet, country setting * Full time bilingual Site Manager * Community Room, Tot lot, Playground, Activities * Sewer and trash included in rent no additional charge to resident * Handicap units available * Rental rates starting at $487 Call 675-0313 or drop by to see one of our affordable apartments. TDD # 1-800-955-8771 40 Greentree Drive, #101, Labelle (On Hwy 29, 5 miles South of Hwy 80) .9:00 AM 5:00 PM, Mon-Fri Ec ual Housing Opportunity 1 or -F lit lApartments Apartments fATW dLqm I - Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 26,2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 26, 2006 Real Estate --- ,a .d - -. Business Places -'- -' .- = g . Sale 1005 LI . Commercial Property Sale 1010 .. Condos/ Townhouses Sale1015 F-Sale o1020 CLEWISTON COUNTRY ACRES Houses Sale 1025 Hunting Property 1030 Modular/Floor Plans. From $79,900 & up, Investment Property Sale 1035 3/4/5BR, 2/3BA, acre & 1/4 available or use Land Sale 1040 your land as down payment. Financing Lots Sale 1045 Open House 1050 available. 863-673-6417 or 561-721-5299 Out of State - Property- Sale 1055 o3 Property Inspection 1060 Real Estate Wanted 1065- Resort Property COACH 1987, 34 Ft. w/Florida Sale 1070 LAKE LOT CLOSE OUT SALE Rm. New elec, hot water tank Warehouse Space 1075 Saturday, November 11. & vinyl windows. Must see! Waterfront Property 1080 We'll make your payments Whisper Creek. Must be move. for the 1st year Lake Access $5,000. 863-675-0279 or Bargain $34,900. FREE 330-807-1425 H BOAT SLIPS! On spectacular 4 11 ,Ul1 re recreational lake u DODGE SPORT 3/4 TON, '99 n Extern Tennessee, Su fully equip. truck, 5th whl. $0 DOWN HOMES Gov't & rounded by .-late f 'r' Li- '90 Nomad trl., great shape, Bank Foreclosures! Low or ited # 3a.ilab-l. Call today $15,000.863-467-0602. no down! No credit OK! Call for Pjrly .3oprnl riin elt GMC BOUNDER 1987, 32 Ft., Now!.,800.) 49.-290 18301)(1704-31.4 .. a8 I, I r J ylivaird etI, work. $1000. CLEWlSTION, NorhSBide ~Land Partners, LLC 10% ;G)44.,70?'7 BLEWISTION,aNorth Side down, balance finanrrd 1 I 3 BR, 2 Baw/Liv.,Fam. & Din. year @ 7.25% -d. 1 eI r RV ROOF AC New 13.500 Rm., Lg. garage& backyard. balloon, OAC, payment BTU. till in rto w ellli Concrete Block. Very nice! $18907/month. controls i52 $199,900. (863)228-3958 /mo. (239)297-0n grace annionted@yahoo.com MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA Attordtbeh HnipSi in Ill! Main CLEWISTON, 3/2 CBS CA/H, Mouitaui, Atrordable 1.5 Fenced Acres in Flag- I-Io1',, Mlouirl n Co IbonF hole, Built 2001 $249K, arid L.'nd CALL FOR I HEL 863 983-8114 BROCHURE (877)837-2288 OBRIEN SLOLEM SKI- case & CLEWISTON- Historic EXIT REALTY MOUNTAIN tow rope. $50. CLEWISTON- Historic Home, 3br VIEW ROPERTI Www.ex- 863-612-9233 Labelle area. 3.5 ba, -elevator, pool, apart- it urphycom. PONTOON BOAT TRAILER- meni. u lrape 'h 1, NC Galed L. i-fru.ril Cl. '2000, Surge or SinQle .599.900. M T Allen Hnry Pl-aar i 3 .11Ll'Ja 1J ,Mi-l I'40, Brfer 8h3-599 ?595 or .1.5 acres, 90 miles of shore- i- ; wvww t%6cultiehousetl irm line. Never offered before M -a FOR SALE BY OWNER -- 2BR ir,..r iiet .u-0ltiflairinoO condo, St.Petersburg. 1 mile (3all0017r0-525 BOATLADDER-R ,novible from Gulf of Mexico/Don Ce- Ahlull3lB i LA rdD C V rb sar. On Isla Del Sol golf Noew, Pre-Construction bull iood inii i V1 ry course: Completely fur- Coinin.uniiy Coastal Geor- ood condition $5 ninslid $370 000 Call gia. Large lots w/deepwater, H ; j 899)608. 213 mash. gull niijrr i wv.ra Giated. Goll. Fitnm : LCi.'Mler, lr.y LaBelle 3/3 Down Town, Near lrnni. Trjils l0 Pr rk Courthouse. Lg, rooms, Top OocE. 'V$01's $5(i00. HONDA2000,RhQ '-,1rollrJsIIo Area $209K or Annual Lease (877'676 7376 wwAicoop- o ip e, nWe rnew '1 100 $1800 mo. 863-675-1107 r.pot; crini 3Ci J4l-667-785 LABELLE, 3BR,'2BA, Bpilmon TENNESSEE LAKE PROPERTY KAWASAKI Eliminator 250 '01 Sudlivision 1 year old, From $49,900, witn Doal clean bike, runs great. .2 19 s ft 1.205 000 slip. Call it (87"7)93.5253 $1500 or best offer. ?.63)6753397 or Click ii. *ww,.(.-in0WV'. 863-634-2423 lv.msg. PORT LaBelle: 4/2 Upgrades lrop ii, ,l Wteran Edr SUZUKI TL1000S '97- very galore! Lg. Rooms, Lg. Yard. Fpkr fast, needs some work, ask- NearSchool. Pricetosell. VA MOUNTAIN LOG CABIN lini $1500 or best offer $184K, or Annual Lease unfinished inside, view, -Jl259.-601, $1800. Owner 863-673-5071 trees, private, large creek YAMAHA 1000 VIRAGO. and river nearby, $139,500 Y :Cri/0,00i' W tre 'i o 'La ndl -i..S.a.. -." -501..I i .3,i'3 773 View Western NFlOrlh Car"lina 40 acres with pond Near State NJirr IG e,,r.a Ir E: ttsVriN rr j & Nafi 0r-.. Camp, Fish, R,. Val"f L', Cll .ri-, rihlAre.l Hunt. $I9 i900 owner fin. ri-rin rra norv ,) iiri ie ,d $7995 down (800)352-5263 home~ :'C 31 iend 1.ow FOUR WHEELER '05 50cc, Fornda Woodland Group, Inc. taxes. Good paying jobs electric start, 4 stroke. New Lic RE Broker. available, www.mtlakesre- c.5i 3 ...55 rlimdeE ,.uliin. Beautiful 2,5 ACRE PARCELYAMAHA 400 Kodiak, '04- Beautiful 2.5 ACREPARCEL 4x4, excellent condition, vacant land, in Clewiston hardly used, $3700 5121 Pioneer 23rd) St. Sell- Mobe, H.o.m er motvated. Contact Donna I1. .- . Barrett of Home Value Realty T IS 954-483-9280 cellular j I 954-964-3700 office FOUR WINDS '96, 36' with N. Fla 80 Ac $6200 per acre. Mobile Home Lots 2005 slide out, fully furnished, utility Pines, hardwoods & creek, Mobile Home Parts 2010, bldg. included. In Palm Dale, Homesites, hunt or recrea- Mobile Homes Rent 2015 FL. $8,000. (419)747-2923 tion. (800)294-2313 Ext Mobile Homes Sale 2020 KEYSTONE ZEPHER 18' '05 1185 A Bar Sales, Inc. 7 full kitch & bath, couch & days 7am-7pm. Mble .o.e,. qn.bed. Used IX. $10K. For SW Georgia 203 Acres of details:386-559-0537 'larrll.1 per,-. 170 Acres, 17 TRAVEL TRAILER, '88 years old located 4 miles LAKEPORTDW-1997 Hi-Lo, 27foot west of Pelham. Excellent 4br2BaCT 7200 Good onitn,$500. Hunting! Priced to Sell! Call 4 br, 2 Ba, Cent. A/C, $200 Good condition, $2500. (229)890-2589. wkly. + $500. Sec. (352)302-6868 863-675-3665/863-673-5704. -ll Automobiles | PORT LABELLE CLEWISTON, 3BR/2BA Double 3 Lots in Montura- Starting wide on big lot in Easy Life at $36K. 1 Lot in Port Subdivision, needs some Labelle (Unit 8) $37K. repair. $47,500 863-983-2611 Automobiles 4005 786-512-9333 or email Autos Wanted 4010 visalyeh@aol.com Classic Cars 4015 visuayeh@aol.com Recreation Commercial Thucks 4021) Rceto Construction Equipment 4025 11 -I _____________ Foreign Cars 4030 Four Wheel Drive 4035 A LAND BARGAIN WYOMING Heavy Duty Trucks 4040 35 acres $49,900; 50 Boats 3005 Parts Repairs 4045 acres $59,900. Located 90 Campers.'RVs 3010 Pickup Trucks 4050 minutes east of Salt Lake in -Jet Skiis 3015 Sport Utility 4055 the foothills of the Uinta Marine Accessories 3020 Tractor Trailers 4060 Mountains. Snow-capped Marine Miscellaneous 3025 Utility Trailers 4065 mountain views. Surrounded Motorcycles 3030 Vans 4070' by gov't land. Recreational Sport Vehicles.'ATVs 3035 paradise. EZ Terms. Call I l h Ranches, LLC. BUICK ESTATE WAGON '90- BEAUTIFUL BLUE RIDGE, NC AIR BOAT CAGE 2 seater, only made 1 year, $1500 or Mountain Views. 8+ Acre front steer., fully equip. bestoffer(863)261-4517 Mountain Estate. Heavi ly w/mtr mount, 36" stringers. CHEVY MALIBU 1998, 77K Wooded with Stream. EZ Fi- cecd3 763-7598 G i k nancing- $49,900. N c o -79 mis. Good condition. Asking (800)230-6380, ext.120. BASS BOAT '78- runs good, $2,200. (863)675-1446 needs minor repairs, $1200 DODGE AVENGER '99, Sport, BEAUTIFUL N. CAROLINA. orbestoffer(863)S34-5289 VS-auto, all pwr, cd player, ESCAPE THE HEAT IN THE BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL BOAT, 16ft., aluminum, with c/c, cold a/c, runs great, new MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN trolling motor, trailer, 60hp tires. $3500 (863)467-7076 NC Homes, Cabins, Acreage Mercury outboard. $2200 Ford Mustang '94, sporty, tint- & INVESTMENTS. CHERO- (863)673-3818 e KEE MOUNTAIN GMAC BOAT, Aluminum, 16Y2', w/60 great on gas, stick, $2500. or REAL ESTATE. cherokee- hp. Johnson & trlr. Runs good. best offer. (863)983-7211 mountainrealty.com Call for live wells. New pumps, battery R TUR GL- , free brochure &tires.$1800863-467-9390 ORDhigh mileage, p-'90, runs, (800)841-58. BOAT DOCK FOR RENT- No work, needs front right tire. Dockable waterfront & deed- fixed bridges, $175/mo. Or- $200. (863)357-6930 ed boat slip water-access tona/ LaBelle area FORD T-BIRD'94 & Mercury homesites. Below appraisal! (954)818-5822 Cougar '88, excellent bodyu tains! Excellent FuianCn- BOWRIDER 15' 72, hull only, bad motors, have motors. ToD.nlal, al Mln a4 needs mtr., on trlr. Fair con- $600 neg. (561)676-0427 5th! Appointment Only! edition. $600 or best offer, FORD TEMPO '92 cold a/c, (877)234-8850 ext.102. 863-697-8243 good mpg, $1 K or best offer. CRISCRAFT '84- 15ft, with 863-697-8243 East Tennessee- Norris Lake trailer, Chrysler motor, needs FORD THUNDERBIRD '93, 5.6 acre wooded LAKE- work $500 or best offer b 2dor , FRONT lot- $66,500 5.1 (863)467-4994 Baby blue, 2 door, a/c, ACRE WOODED view lot- am/fm, runs good, $1000 or $28,900 Call Lakeside Realty FIBERGLASS BOAT, 17ft., w/ best offer. (863)673-9081 @ ,.:'i:i2:,-'.5 'ii Or Visit 70hp Johnson & trailer, HONDA ACCORD 85 runs www.lakesiderealty-tn.com, needs some work. $500 or HONDA ACCORD 485 -r n s best offer. (863)467-5360 great, Sspd, a/c, 4r, needs Franklin, NC NEW Timber best offer. (863)47-very little work, no rust. Frame Home, Rustic Ele- MARATHON 1985, Cabin $600.863-228-7230 gance, 2.7 ac, Captivating Cruiser, 21 Ft., 190 hp. Merc. KA SOPHIA 01 4 dr good mtn, views, stream, ponds, $2500 neg. Moore Haven KIA PHIA0 48 porch w/outdoor fireplace, 863-946-1856/248-935-3837 condo $2450. 863-675-4867 3BR, 3BA, Loft & Unfin. PRINCECRAFT1996,18 Ft., NISSAN PATHFINDER -wor96k. Basement (770)998-0856, Aluminum, Deep V w/115 hp. $750. (863)635-0074, needs motor work. www.ThePondatFeather- Evinrude, Trailer, Custom $750.(863)635-0079. stone.com. Cover, 44VTrolling Motor, POLICE INTERCEPTOR MO- Gulf front lots $595k. Homes Double Live Well & Bait Well. TOR 302 1986, must take starting mid $300k. New s :rinro l ,*,,-, 5 .- entire car $450 or best offer masterplanned ocean front (863)484-0096/484-0097 (863)697-1600 community on beautiful garyle49@surfnthenet.ne SATURN 1994, Red, Ice Cold Mustang Island, near Corpus SEA KAYAK- Touring Style. A/C, Stereo, Runs Excellent, Christi, TX. www.cinnamon- Top Brand Name. Good con- Stick. Great on gas. $900. shore.com, (866)891-5163. edition. $500 (863)357-7406 (863)983-7211 Clewiston. I lenses for '97-'03 Ford F150. Notice is hereby given that, pursuantto a Still in box. $45. Final Judgment of Foreclosure or Order (863)228-2351 dated October 4, 2006, entered in Civil Case Number 06-339-CA, in the Cir- cult Court for HENDRY County, Florida, 'Pickup ITrucks wherein WM SPECIALTY MORTGAGE LLC, WITHOUT RECOURSE is the Plaintiff, and UNKNOWN HEIRS OF CHEVY SILVERADO 99 goo DOUGLAS GARRETT, et al., are the Defendants, I will sell the property situ- cond., all power, air, 140K, ated in HENDRY County, Florida, de- $5500 (863)517-1974 scribed as: Lots 17 and 18, in Block 449 of General FORD F250 '99 XLT, crew Plan of Clewiston, Florida. as revised cab, 4x4, pwr.stroke diesel, September 7, 1937, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book auto, shortbed, 1-owner, 2, at Page 71 through 78, inclusive, of NICE!$16,800. 772-465-6496 the Public Records of Hendry County, Florida. FORD FX 4X4 '05- F150, Su- at public sale, to the highest and best per Crew 4dr, Regency Pkg., bidder, tor cash, at Hendry County per rew 4Cegency courthouse, Highway o0 and Main 33K, ext warr, $31,000 neg. Street, 2nd floor hallway, LaBelle, FL (772)201-1379 33935, at 11:00 a.m. on the 1st day of November, 2006. Any person claiming FORD PU '87- F250, 4.9 300 an interest in the surplus from the sale, straight 6 engine, cold AC, i any other than the property owner as ol eIe date of the lis pedens must new seat, good cond, $2400 file a claim within 60 days after the (863)357-2177/634-4210 sale, Dated: October 9,2006. FORD RANGER 2005 Ext. Cab w/Camper Top. 5K miles. BarbarCLERKOF S. ButlHE er CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Excellent condition. $12,200. By://H Hammond (863)675-1446 168486 CGS10/19,26/06 Yomu new home could be display stands about 54 inches tall by 16 inches wide. hi today's paper. Have vou looked fo It? Toy Soldier Display (No. 740)... $16.95 Catalog (pictures hundreds of projects) .. .$2.00 Please add $4.00 s&h (except catalog-only orders) To order, circle item(s), Please be sure to clip & send w/ check to: include your name, U-Bild Features address and the name of READING A 15241 Stagg St. this newspaper. Allow W PAPER Van Nuys, CA 91405 1-2 weeks for delivery. masym m or e oaM ed = Or call(800) 82-U-BILD ud inMteresrigperm.No a u-bild.com a nes'c Ws1 s n Money Back Guarantee ame MWe SUMdi I NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE Notice is hereby given that pursuant to a Writ of Execution, issued in the Circuit Court of Hendry County, Florida, on the 23rd dayof June 2006, in the cause wherein Hectoer Roqu de Esaobar is plaintiff and Gilberto Cendels and Cande- as Enterprises, Inc is defendant, being case number 2002-655CA, in said court, Ronald E. Lee, Sr. as Sheriff of Hndry County, lorida, have levied upon all the right, lie and interest of the defendant Glbierto Cendeas and Cendejas Enter- prises, Inc, in and to the following described property, to-wit A .l17 sd ,3 r -i .'.I r :. ,:i,.,n 1 ',J ;" T., I.. ,,il 13 -.Ourn .t M ga n 1 S n r M n i. ,i ir i 0,' ,n r. .nii i 1 iin ] i. l...i)O l ; C n ,i ",l':; |in '.iali i i n .... Ino ',. .:.,ri 0 .1 Ri. 11 0 i i.I,,, I i P ,i 5." w ,i,,r, iim e' nr' l ,,r*i ii 0 .: ,T','.s 01 .W HI . 1]iil r 07 1 il r:, '.omi, 'rI ., i ir,. l (r I'. E i _-r....' rI I eW ir31 ",:. T fr,, ,,,. ';,3 I II'I= = j i r .' e 1 ,r c .I 1 J' i /. tq1r [0II .,r A n ( l' ''Ji W on, Of(Tri '- A --n [nc : aA id.Tinl- D il w ir, i.- r, n ul lu r 0 ,l..r ,I eorilt11 b i o the point of Beginning. Subject to a 40 foot Roadway Easement along the South side and a 60 foot Road- way Easement along the East side thereof. More commonly referred to as: 3350 15th Street, Pioneer Plantation, Hendry County, Florida. An'd c' irN 30thi a,1', t Novembi, r 2006 ir. ii i...' yjrad .:. ir Hie W dry C.a'ity ..,u, f,,r :r. L i I'- h.,i "l Ir, r. Uur i i 11 is 1 .1 ,1,11 i rh rF.,l,-r e: W I,, 'ii 11.. I -i, ",-aI ir r. :i 0,.a r GilDero Cenne0.is ail'd LInd - :m Etnerpnses Inc pari iiii ani rrr..i ri iiesai. a lipropnerri .ijrl'. -i.,, :, iij ;i .*'11 rhi- aIT ; I '.. .- t a c m iraf/i' ih i,.u, ,iO n, I lid T .: Ir. ,I ...in 0 : h ir,I p i,-.n en' h, i Jr ,llh 3 l ir ia T oI [I i r.- tn'i,'i-l 1r ..:1 it ..-] ira ; a iI j .iri .o igtr n.r-i..,-r- :rniml pit- culon. K r i lEi rl Sr P.ffiai -IL ,Jry ij l l -.-, 167813 CGS10/19,26;11/2,9/06 SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NOTICE EO WATER SHORTAGE On lxl,-tiir 14 "Ilt. iri Et E'1r OS.Ii lei M f. I n ; ,,ur / a ti r.l- iq Trrien Ul frb i r, ..ur W n'm r 'j cr. or l II l. 2 0. ll l'. I '- A nr.i1O r W 3.A - [,rIf b lJu i: tii,- i.,- rllu r ni ii- rr iii -1 'ii ,, Wlr i i A im ::lr In J ,'0 3 i l i1 L ,,, r ii l, u/I j. i o it u I i lt|ill., i i .1i a l I5' l 'r llln ,id ,.,lrrr, r ,in ,i ),.i rt.:.T1.: 'l'Pii oi- t' ia i ,.'. 5' I..4( C-J l i irA ;i ,'I .' | r,*',ir- ,I 1 i .. ", ,I :. II I 1 T,.. 1 l H, i I lr]Is C 'irll : in7 ai it..rn ar t c rli''i .. I-ri i n, irit', rr.i ii, CJl.llliii' viii Ru. 2 ) ii i ,.1 .,.-22 "2 im :o ji hj 'r. i r a.ii., 'l r tlU i -or e ii I Cl .J l .r 1. ,fl i .1 i nli 1 s 3 "l L .L l,.' : 41e ir. Co..: .no i.e y l WI i .,i : ;i 1 oin r I l.,,-l 3ll Ati ', tii ',i- ra .h ,ia. ul I.,,i;U '. O 'I I iii a Il E'' iW. rii,, a ,. :i T lr u', ,-t .,a d =i i.: [ i0 unit r.. in i li' in 6 ,/ i R i oii a ie.r ,iia iotr Wi]ai , h:0 iii.0 ii. o .ie -' .l u l i (i i r I illi'' i ii .Ji~lin, i[ lrrlhi'il. l 3'if, 016.0 [l31i'. l 11 1il ..il In: iii .hjlJu I j |U .jlijlU 1 U 1.- int lillii' U'll'hlI.A4I rrIL" l.lj U I,.II'I ii- i l ; V' lEl- i'0 [ I jj i I Ol, I l n,.l it1k Unh ir> -"1b i, ,' r .:j ,) a l rn, lua ..i / '.'^ i' '-'i-.die' '^tit l rlrr '01i i4.l: '6- .u<. L.'i'in tu a, ir'. .I' i" ,i'ir i hi'1' ir j,, Fi.wnoI AJ3;_" R '".2 6),I Tnt FwM[I i. mTh, l,, ,: r l,"r i i I, rowom int iin riviouln I iir.' i l i, ,1 rii % -ii. i r.,.t L i in" i''i N ShIrli,' N S. Tno l' 6!i -,irI.3a will tin r] i h -'l ui I. i ) l'aai: i sjier ,r 1,: i iu j .r k nfud)nOl .. tn,'oiiiithiDl in ; 'll, l i ii, i. iiii ,, n *i in 'n,t iri:,iA l, ii. i'. i j) i. i ll n131W l. S",i".l .' ul' iri. A. II.A l I I ',inn'' 7A n to C I&s 'II C ll' REOUESI1 FR BIDS IRFBI 6000dOlN"5, Bfrol 5TA2 LEVEE REPAIRS. PALM BEACH COUiiNTY FLORIDA ir0/, i.un rI',i n i i i rl I Mi ii,, T 1. 1 :,a lie- cI ii A i .. '. j i d uI, I ii.,Jr iri,0 n Pi J, tlf.i ri t ,in I:, I F l i 1 1 1 r4'1 l lu,, in l r. d li .l P aliR BAM 'ilu FL t14 0Io I.. SIA2 Ltvnae R6pirs. PIlm Bfacr Cuunly FL ori Montay. Nuveialii 20. 2006D ar 2 0 Ap m i l.,,L i i It l 11i. li iiT uIy Aub.iln.Td iR W I rl p .Ui jild u0 ,.I6 1 Wi ll i l tI, i o i ii'T r r, I -I. il rv l r it ur lri-i-o ,b iri,' 1.1i ,.'ri ut li, lll 15- 1 (A ,1 4 iDl .rll h -i' l l '[ l.l h fl | lll II n I. tllr l IIJ, till 1 1. l ui l ln 0 i1i1 rj,11i'ii u .i ji i lh q i, r.Ai i i'|r [ ', t.i, ihi' i' i I 'l r-,T a 1J i rh in iii ti. bi I,. ni,:il ,111 M, nj tivmr.a e 201)6 .r 111 111 i m In iZFWMd T 31 u111 li I.i j i u iliIi li,0 i u lea 0i n1 w .: -I idr IJ Hwy H i0'lr i 1. ili N ole F'31a [,r J, l ,N.5 ilU I.lllali i. li i v ill i F l 1 i| eH F jl,'.l-: pZ .,K'. illi'i I K' 'I ri vwill OtW Tii S aitd elI lJilluw il 1. T1r j: i IIi IT 'Ilr. i hlo hi. ,: B1 E i- r" u r i u r Bii f or'" l i it i ril .i-a ,- r. j Ir "'ji'. i iii/ ,liii ,.- ii U Mu l ii t U'L f I lr il".] i li' .ii5 1 l./ i i- ,5I *_Iw sinmt.eV o ,.,rr ,nii i I i i rI III'I litNl. r sw iI t.i b .i u Iyt inno .ll Ir r, .. I,, ,1,,,i ,: 4.i- ,,n,, BID HOTLINE uu-47? S2190 Ti, pu[itii a'ir l. i ,;.i W'. l n. i iii n '..,, -w i i rnirmdi-r... on IrC sialuC ul int1 so- lo1iius on Ljn a at11,lles3 amour w leb ir, c lv rSfolid got a [ li V i i l: . FourWhee l'Pict $ Of kup Truck s- ffl H FORD RANGER XLT- '92, 4 FORD F150 A9 4.J ltl ied (el lianid3 id. Cold A'C, $500 or, Dest 9 oiter. l 1400u Ieg. 863-763-4149 (239)210-1608 2 .r(61.758.337 SUZUKI SIDEKICK '87- 4wh FORD SUPER CAB SHORT 'if 6 lilt. :t BuuC. hriul., BED '74- io mtolr. no tiain,. $2500t ( $:f,.l73.--49lb ery liIle [ust, must see f1- 450 |F63|697-1600 EASY GO GOLF CART, three wheel; runs great, $500 or .", best offer. (863)675-6214 7 after 6pm -R s 404 'HYUNDAI SANTA FE- '05, 7500 mi., Liked new conditi- CHEVY 1500- '94, Willtsell for ton, $16,900. Sports. $2500. (863)467-0658 (863)634-6196 CHROME RIMS 22"W/TIRES U Set (4), fits Trailblazers/En- HAULMARK 05 Utili Trailer voys. $1000.863-634-5888 HAULMARK '05 Utility Trailer, enclosed. 8x20. Like brand ENGINE & TRANS 2.5 L, & 5 new cond. $6K. sp., for a '92 S-10. Exc. 863-634-6337 eves. Mike cond., many new parts, HOME T $500forall. (863)763-2389 HOMEADE TRAILERS (2); 7X16 & 6X7. Need tires. FACTORY RIMS- For Dodge $550/both or best offer. truck. 16x7, Silver Alloy, 5 863-447-6054 Iv.msg. lug. Like new. Asking $200. TOW DOLLY- With all acces- or best offer. (863)697-9117 sTOW DOLLY- with all acces- FORD BRONCO '79 complete $750 (863)674-1662 vehicle minus transfer case UTILITY TRAILER, '06, 48, 9" ffronio'reat nod fr.iigt a,- UTILITY TRAILER, '06, 4x8, r 'IfaoULi r] b6: .4.l-ot7l open flatbed, tilt, For Motor-. S60071 cycles or lawn mowers. FORD BRONCO '91 for parts, $585. (561)670-3636 running mtr., have trans., ex- tra unrnrJi] gea 5(1"l all UTILITY TRAILER- home 561-722-5289 made, triple axle, heavy duty, pull behind trailer, $900 or FORD BRONCO II '88- good best offer (863)634-5289 body, needs head, manifold gaskets, rebuilt trans, $500 Need elew moe buk or best offer (863)467-4994 puredchase something to FORD F600 4 DR. DUMP deer? Pick up some Truck, '77. Bed size 10'x7 extra bucks when you x2'sides, Motor stuck since sel your used Items In hurricane. $600.763-1370 the classlfeids. HITCH, Reef Load Leveler, for travel trailer & car haulers. uli H t c $150 or best offer. (863)697-3299 RACING SEATS- Black & Gray, -t tIt__ISS,_ Tenzo Sport. Good condition. $300. or best offer. ....* ....... (863)697-1810. Public Notice 5005 SUB WOOFERS- 10", Mounted State Public - in a box for a P/U Truck. Legal Notice 5500 Good condition. $20. (863)697-3008 TIRES & RIMS Set of 4, - Asanti Zebra 18" rims w/3 extra tires. $1100 or best of- INTHECIRCUfITfCOURTOFTHE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN fer. 863-697-9014 AND FOR HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA TIRES/RIMS (4) mud grip, CASENOTO3CA 36" tall, 80% tread, $400. 561-722-5289 WM SPECIALITY MORTGAGE LLC, WITHOUT RECOURSE TOPPER/CAP, Glas/tek fiber- Plaintf glass, fits full size long bed UNKNOWN HEIRSOFDOUGLAS truck, tan in color, $700 or GARRETT, etIai. best offer. (863)697-9117 Defendant(s) TRUCK PARTS- 2, Corner ICESALE BIDSTATE OF FLO ICE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DEPARTMENT OFTRANSPORTATION NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT Bartow, Florida The Department of Environmental Protection gives notice of its intent to October 17, 2006 issue a permitto Hendry County Board of County Commissioners, RO. Box Advertisement No.2 2340, LaBelle, FL 33975 to operate an existing 0.0164 MGD annual aver- age daily flow (AADF) permitted capacity domestic wastewater treatment CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS plant and construct and operate a new 0.050 MGD AADF permitted capac- ity sequencing batch reactor (SBR) domestic wastewater treatment plant Sealed bids will be received at District 1, State of Florida Department of Transporla- The new SBR facility will consist of influent screening, flow equalization, hion, 801 North Broadway Ave., Barlow, Florida. Sealed bids will be received unti anoxic basins, sequencing batch reactor basins, anaerobic sludge holding, 2:00 PM. (Bartow Local Time) on Thursday, November 16, 2006 and will he tertiary filtration, chlorine disinfection, and a 0.050 MGD AADF permitted opened and publicly read aloud in the Professional Services Conference Ro5m, capacity restricted public access reuse system. The facility will be located Bidders may obtain preliminary bid results at ttp//wwwmdottpttirfl us/r-ad- at the Airglades Industrial Park at approximately latitude 26144'20" N, lon- mi..ClickonletlingResultsandD1. gitude 81'02'40" W at US Highway 27 and Alrglades Blvd., Clewiston, -NOTE--- Hendry County, FL 33440. -NOTE-The intent to issue and application file (file number FLA184756-002- ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS: BIDDERS MAY OBTAIN PLANS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS DW3P) are available for public inspection during normal business hours, AND/OR BI 810DOCUMENTS BY DOWNLOADING A FAX ORDER FORM AND FAXING 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except legal holidays, at IT TO (863) 534-7172. THIS FORM MAY BE DOWNLOADED AT South District Office,FloridaDepartment ofEnvironmentalProtection,2295 WW DOTSTAEr FL US/CONTRACTSADMINISTRATIONDISTRICT1 Victoria Ave., Suite 364 W, Fort Myers, FL 33901. The Department will issue the permit with the attached conditions BID SUBMITTAL: Orders for these documents should be directed to the District unless a timely petition for an administrative hearing is filed under Sections Contracts Administrator. District Contracts Office, Mail Station 1-18, Florida De- 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, within fourteen days of receipt of artmient of Transportation, 801 North Broadway, Barow, Florida 33830, or PO notice. The procedures for petitioning for a hearing are set forth below. oe 1249, Bartow, Florida 33831, Phone: (863) 519-2559. Checks should be A person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department's made payable to the State of Florida Department of Transportation. No refund will proposed permitting decision may petition for an administrative proceeding be made. (hearing) under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. The petition DEADLINE FOR PROPOSALS & PROPOSAL HOLDER LIST: Proposals will not be is- mst contain the information set forth below and must be filed (received by DEALIsuedt : FORil nTooWdeaNvbr526 "the clerk) in the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 sued after2:0 M. Barbetowissu Lcal Timer on Wedneday, November 15, 2006. Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399- Plan holders lst willn boeissued after 5:0B pm on Friday, November 10,2006 3000. (CONTRACT NO. E1F78-RO) COUNTY Polick (0 FUNDS): FINANCIAL PROJECT NO Under Rule 62-110.106(4), Florida Administrative Code, a person may 414912-1-72-01 The work specified in this contract consists of: Tree Trimming request enlargement of the time for filing a petition for an administrative and Removal, Clearing and Grubbing and Power Shearing (Approx. 365 calendar hearing. The request must be filed (received by the clerk) in the Office of days) NOTE: PROJECT MANAGER: Mike Yensco (863) 51-4313 slkl.ea- General Counsel before the end of the time period for filing a petition for an so dot.slate.fl.us BUDGET AMOUNT $100,000.00. NO CHARGE FOR PLANS administrative hearing. AND SPECS. Petitions filed by any persons other than those entitled to written notice under Section 120.60(3), Florida Statutes, must be filed within fourteen (CONTRACT NO. E1F82-RO) COUNTIES Charlotte, Glades, Hendry & Lee: (D days of publication of the notice or within fourteen days of receipt of the FUNDS): FINANCIAL PROJECT NO 421945-1-72-01 The work specified in this written notice, whichever occurs first. Under Section 120.60(3), Florida contract consists of long line int striping on the primary road. (Approx: 365 Cal- Statutes, however, any person who has asked the Department for notice of endar Days) NOTE: PROJECT MANAGER: Michael S.. Teets, (239) 741-7820 0i- agency action may file a petition within fourteen days of receipt of such chael testur dot state fl us BUDGETARY CEILING AMOUN $850,000.00. notice, regardless of the date of publication. CHARGE FOR PLANS AND SPECS The petitioner shall mail a copy of the petition to the applicant at the (CONTRACT NO. ElF83-RO) COUNTY POLK: (D FUNDS): FINANCIAL PROJECT N address indicated above at the time of filing. The failure of any person to file 421051-1-72-01 The work specified in this contract consistL of: Thermoplastic a petition or request forenlargement of time within fourteen days of receipt symbols and retro-refiectve pavement marker removal and replacement. (Alprox. of notice shall constitute a waiver of that person's right to request an admin- 365 Calendar Days) NOTE: PROJECT MANAGER: Mike Yensco, 1863)6519-4313 istrahive determination (hearing) under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, mike.y nsoOdatstsatel us BUDGET AMOUNT $275,003.00. N CHARGE FOR Florida Statutes. Any subsequent intervention (in a proceeding initiated by PLANS ANP SPECS ALSO another party) will be only at the discretion of the presiding officer upon the filing of a motion in compliance with Rule 28-106.205, Florida iCOr-C t i E rtdit-1H.i t.lul irlr 0m.:1 I W f ii'r i it: 'nr AflrIAL ,. Administrative Code. .ECT il U 42.208.-.: Oi Trie ro i.i ... inr. .a.iu ,:,.,'ir:' I Irn. A petition that disputes the material facts on which the Department's .ialUiLpii ferari trfor vlrm.wer rlcierr,,,r,,.: iAp' ..r it llrS lai y.i action is based must contain the following information: nIOTE PRO JELT MANAGER usI:IY..: Wa 1 i .'i i ii u "aL (a) The name, address, and telephone number of each petitioner; the ,fir d idulid -late i a' BuOi1 i AM ,UnT 1." ni" 1ifl 1oiL [rIh CE FOR name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner's represen- PFLANSANOllPEL.. tative, it any; the Department permit identification number and the Crrl. I Srnrvru,; county in which the subject matter or activity is located; Di Lr niCorruo (b) A statement of how and when each petitioner received notice of the 17D.3r. ortr )6l 1r 00, 6 ,',l.ilUj,, Department action; i7013 01uOCtS rb', 1 idiJ6I (c) A statement of how each petitioner's substantial interests are affect- I ed by the Department action; (d) A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are none, the petition must so Indicate; NOTICE OF SHERIFPS SALE l (e) A statement of facts that the petitioner contends warrant reversal or S* modification of the Department action; ?iv.:i! .n .er,,y ivr,,i uruai 'u.ii r l o r, i Erd l.. E "u r i2.1 vi, ir, l(":u.i (1) A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, as well as t he L.1lay1 Heedrl Cause, fiuf i s ri- 23rd to or Jurie 2008 "'1 1 ju rules and statutes which entitle the petitioner to relief; and rie, nin, A eas eranez s plani 'berto Cendela. and Candelas nilr. (g) A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, slating precisely Le. as nO-n or-ru l ary Loaitc, Ji.ri.,i r, :i a'.: u', no i ,,ire TI. the action that the petitioner wants the Department to take. ,i, minlires of e delenaior Gllberl Cendelas and Cededas Enlerprises. Inc Be,' iue the radmiir.iriraii r.Ei,,,i pr',,.s i, deignd ito formiiale in 'nd 0o0 rt r l, lo ,'i.a irig I OU .wr.d a10e r1. n iS jl V' l A I' I -, ) in I .l .r 1 .i l ,fi ,T" 1, I .rji Ire Oj ra-rr rt .i n l 'i ii 1 ol' an iTray be rinertin oa r i [he or .i-r, i, y tI l ibi't iri, 'oi O.c P:-.rsuon A 4007 rie irat .1 l land if Saction ,anf 22 T.:.wr.;rii 43 S,.iuf Ri,.)i 31 Mis .ubranrallj .ir: i wa ,lobrarn i .I Ia by .u..r. Ir.n l aC,,' i ,, c r tiiTh.: !..:I H Crerlr Counly mlu.i] rrioh [il',.iiijily l ,::rit-it] ): hi. ,, ','iii'TiTsrcL C "o r,! r. -e 1 r n| i, Ii'riiii, [,o r a ,. an : b ,i -lr o i r 11 pi, jirc']aij I inc Souurini co rime.ii Scuon .2 TOiwainni i r. iOu A 31Jr, ii Ea3: n in 3cc''rl.,irice an in, raquaei'Tir-sasri : loinri aborv run 1 0.8f .351 W aloiul mei l O'1i r lr "1'3,l i -) l i.ljr.rir ,1 13 ain ilro ],o r, I r:|.e rng .'. ,o ,Tf IT'fri n- -,ir,,,) a .'. rmat fria [I Y I. Purra l ii BE ij 'i h laiT i l,'a i ,ia 3A 'i n.i .16 si'ce lro I t Uo 6i ', al j,, l iriilOji-i Tr,i .,:r .:.a, t; n ('.."iTi ,lii 5 y iiih', cWir, 01 10r E a dis'tauic tl i 58 lee1L. mnicc I 0 ail E to '1it nrc o I o 160 U0 Iri Doprtinaririeri Tiaisueor .lirec-Tia cilm all pl, [0al' irra pro.rcei,,ig' leer arien,n 86 ni 10 n a ulr -, c O l 1i 455 ret irr.4, ce a?': ii .' ,A in ir- i '. l i. ,,i iln. I n,: _.parT 5 n ii l .i iUanO ri.. l itlra nar i ert tj eir1.iiu Ol I 174 16 .-cl li00 ., IN 61 5 l i i d ,. J .l 1 1 3 0 4-alto 3 d uiJ [c 'd enil nO" 6 I- r 3 ri nnriq Tr, e r ..,a ef.i' f-.i ,'.' ui6 31`n iI re the poinl Of Begirrlnglrilu T rjii r uired q riJ ule -* .'ki Ji lC,,.rhi) l4 ,nisntnr ti ve C ', Tr.e Su nou to 40 tfour h au:idc.i t r ,iu In.!i 'i'a ri cir.. a a it'or.: .i..ix i u r o r .n'n m .r .. ., i tr, t ,".. r [e irp i, .i : .1: C rii C' u, u i .'i l wi acenentnaln eE Ersi tr there ie eartnr-i o .at JLuo .oT,,T,,,or.ofw l3 in 8rul. Mai C 13hor 35i Snrrnaniaon i i. T : Iri ,,,,,a i y'i.;=iii ii a.r ,1)iv n,'r [r aie S c Oi .. i.:r i. w Moi.- jooieiuiyg iili iiil u as s o il 'i7 r fi. Sr-il liifiu l Hna,irrl y ni aii or -a. eil '" 0t ? r.......r ,ry hir,,lr]ci i no1 r iha ir C j.anny Frinoa i4di i T.& m j rc a* r" _-i'' i. ,,,rd.i,'"' 'f- n.:.i u i'a n i L, Mlerrinri . A i 0 A: 3i[.:OlM "I ii.i..... s l : i i' .:' r a' irei l''T'5i1 ilin lTit'l 4 Ana .r, i e JOth day ul November, 2006. ir uwe tL.a'y lyar ..i i,. H idry iSOur e *ui all pa'hf lu l i t i, ]u. ,il i... iii in .Tit ij, "ia". u.' ra by ,:.'onso ; ('in.ju;- iaeer i' e iao,oa it I.ii r...' iu i i ir ii ai r .. i r.Mar.e n a i- 2 Sc' s si a Io u 5 'F r.,ad3 tr ruki i.r sri...j.ois io, ,i .T,,., i jirin r ,anr j,',. ;I I il l Oii i r ~ .eia : il ii F .in] o :ic rali l lin reo Cend1l|a land Cease- rd .,Ji, ao ilh i ',liir.- Uii'-. .r..'r,, re a i- i ni, : i,. r- ,ii ,Tij, as Enlerpries. Inc. ngir [lle an,]iim rea rie assist a ri.p r .rry. alputlI IUri mu:l be tulr'I.aluarI' wair rlall 'I1T' Iy r i TiJtr. : 'i 'ri [5r.M jai r f Al,-l .T f l %V ill ir.r iut.:.i: 6 l- ; ill ilol II- ; r .r4 1. i. A.1 fi,- il 11 iTO i]|...o l l .- i .-. In l lr. lhnl ir :1l.il- ol : u. [I L i it. i iii. i t. an r. i i iL n r,.or,0. i d c nr s. Drci, e I.'n r o I,, ;iit .3 1 i ar a m .nararu5 i l-'10i .aii o 'a- rij i r : ii n,,, .' i i i ,' t 0 p a r . may b3 e ih fri mr ntl eil of o j, in ji l- iiri o j.i ira ibi -J. .trnbed e.i n : Prrr- 0,i 6 eir,] i' i.rn:. ir, i Ir i :u ,:lj'.i'.ii ir.":[;ll,,n r i a eul. rs i,01, ijrl- ia',i'silht Lce al.,n1intr -, dab uul, a-n Id ii,, :rjl '[n ii in i rnr t i O,,h in'ven * saa a ''5m1 r ay n ino tifya or.01 0 "at" ns a Or i nu' r uel ad r ,,'nm. :.r i iiairid Ur'ir ,0ri hia i 'l"O n'i'"'i Id'Ii'" *i:'.:,''ii l i fit'.'si i"'lmo r 0 5 t I", CC, ,JIla'lnl'l L .nI [l cpjr sm.'l "r i llr,'nfy .in il i, n illllj ir li, 3iii.,1 r ,t5aim'. r tur- hita1uiia'ii IIJ |i'ul -I "L. 1 6 I, h,,',D :"e : u ,rn i m .tl i,:i ha :,r,'S t,,a] ij -, Fl,,n,]i |ii rur: s i i'. jijll ,t'li! o h iii) i,:., l t irwi [IU- .no, irr iit r ,, l i t al 1,e 0ly iN THECIRCUIi COURTFOR IN IiHECIRCUiTCObRIO0FTl E r .- 'J ,,',"', iral tha -, f l ,ly .,. ,:r, ci.i.l'.e rt,. 3ie.,:y l r', san CLADESCOUNTY, FLORIDA iWENTiETH JUDICAL CIRCUIT IN electing remedies under those two statutes. PROBATE DIVISION AND FOB HENRY COUNTY FLORIDA FiueNo 06-CP-53 ESh lACiOMN IN RE STATE OF WELLS FARGO BANK, NA, October 13,2006 KENNETH WAYNE hEEN Plaintiff INVITATION TO BIDDERS Devc.et v: LCaseNo 2006 122-CA Bid 5-07-01 CARIDAD R GARCIA. elat NOTICETO CREDITORS t lri l(:i ril 1, 6.e 1I,i ,,l a, .1 : u11 in l I'd ~ I ,, : I TIe I JU ',T,-I 1' 1 :.Olf HI I H ll I I 1a:r n lu' s ', I I f I ,1 1 l, lli, F ii. hri 0TI,,- The administrationof the estate of KEN- NOTICE OF ACTION and place, bids will be opened d and read aloud. NETH WAYNE KEEN, deceased, whose date of death was June 29, 2006, is TO: ALBERTO RODRIGUEZ, SR. The bids submitted are for: pending as File Number 06-CP-53, in LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: Unknown he Circuit Court for Glades County, CURRENT ADDRESS: UNKNOWN ONE (1) 2007 MACK CT713 TRUCK CHASSIS WITH AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Florida, Probate Division, the address AND AIR CONDITIONING and ONE (1) U5-OR-174 GALBREATH ONE-TANDEM oil .r,,nr; 5)0 d ,.nu, i lo.1,'r- ANY AND ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES AXLE, TRUCK-MOUNTED ROLL-OFF HOIST COMPATIBLE WITH 18' TO 22' Hie,. for.da J14; ro ii.u'i. oo CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER, ROLL-OFF CONTAINERS. Specifications maybe obtained at the Public Works De- .ji'esoi T.t1 thenr:r','i.i .npr,rrnri AND AGAINST THE HEREIN NAMED apartment, 1200 South OlympiaStreet, Clewiston, Florida. I,. ,i p.r ,e ,..i i.,.nii-..- INDIVIDUAL DEFENDANT(S) WHO ARE .anomy .a 'iirt rn lubw NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, Each bid must be in a sealed envelope and clearly marked "TRUCK-CHASSIS AND WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES ROLL-OFF HOIST." Bids may be mailed to Wendell Johnson, City Manager, 115 ALL CREDITORS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST AS SPOUS- West Ventura Avenue, Clewiston, FL.33440, or hand delivered to the same ad- ES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, OR OTHER dress. No responsibility shall be attached to any officers for the premature open- All creditors of the decedent and other CLAIMANTS ing of a bid not property addressed and identified. persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate, including LASTKNOWNADDRESS: UNKNOWN Tr, I:ny 11 I:I. :ic.I,' 1ew u tr ..r. I.. r...,ii D..I. ..ITy V.i, 3, 1. .1 unmatured, contingent or unliquidated p,,, ,j ,1 .1, ,' 'i -is, ,r ,. i,:, .. .'- i. ,,,. )o w .. .,, ,- i.. claims, and who have been served a CURRENTADDRESS: UNKNOWN a'ir.,, I, i.: i i r- i, 1 1 .. ,i,,, r",. 1 i"i:, copy. of this notice, must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THE YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to CITY OF CLEWISTON, FLORIDA LATER OF THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER foreclose a mortgage on the following THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICA- property HENRY County, Floinda: Wendell Johnson, City Manager TION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY (30) 170172 CN 10/26;11/2/06 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE THE EAST 25 FEET OF LOT 17 AND ALL OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON OF LOTS 18 AND 19, IN BLOCK 433 THEM. OF THE GENERAL PLAN OF CLEWIS- S TON, FLORIDA, AS REVISED SEPTEM- All other creditors of the decedent and BER 7,1937, ACCORDING TO THE other persons having claims or de- PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT It s lf Idea mands against the decedent's estate, BOOK 2, PAGES 71 THROUGH 78, IN- D O-It- ourseI f Ideas including unmatured, contingent or un- CLUSIVE, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS liquidated claims, must file their claims OF HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA. wi t this Court WITHIN THREE has been filed against you and you are MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE required to serve a copy of your writ- FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ten defenses within 30 days after the ti,'. rubi;f iiJuri ;ft ,iy, on Echevarda, ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE c 'di.,: .i.., :, Plaintiff's allor- FOREVER BARRED. ney, whose address is 9119 Corporate Lake Drive, Suite 300, Tampa, Florida NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS 33634, and file the original with this SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED Court either before service on Plain- STWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER tiffs attorney or immediately thereafter; THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS otherwise a default will be entered BARRED. against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint or petition. THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION This notice shall be published once each a . OF THIS NOTICE IS OCTOBER 19TH, 'week for two consecutive weeks in the 2006. Clewiston News. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this- PersonalRepresentative: Court on this 16th day of October, : DONNA RAE KEEN 2006, i 319 East Park Avenue SE Moore Haven, Florida 33471 Barbara S.Butler ROEETOEL & ANDRESS, LPA Clerk of the Court G. CARSON McEACHERN, Esq. By:/s/R. DeLaCruz Attorneys orthe Personal Representative As Deputy Clerk Florida Bar No. 0143117 170763 0N 10/26;11/2/06 850 Park Shore Drive, Suite 300 Naples, Florida 34103 Telephone: 239-649-6200 Facsimile: 239-261-3659 168231 CGSN10/,26/06 5ae NOTICETO PUBLIC The Hendry Ceunty Hospital Finance Committee will conduct their monthly business meeting on Thursday, No- vember 2nd, at 1:00 pam. in the Com- mission Chambers at the LaBelle Ciy Hail, 481 W. Hickpoochee Avenue, La- 170852 COS 10/28/06 iday, Nember h2nd at 2:00p.m. eia te r l This handsome toysoldier will make a perfect honor City Hall, 481 W. Hickpoochee Ave- -o rch this on weather-resistant paper with waterproof, "sun- The n TC LCon op fast" inks, the display is designed to last untreated for Commitee mill conduct their mosntb several years. Simply glue the poster onto plywood, 24th, at3p.m. at City Hall, Labelle, saw around the edges, paint the sides and back, Florida. 169645 CGS10/26/06 r attach a stake or stand and set up. The completed RELIGION 23 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thuiradav. October 26. 2006 You are the light of the world Pastor John Hicks First United Methodist Church "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Nei- ther do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." (Matthew5:14-16) We don't have to do great things, but the little things we are doing can be done with great conviction, great wisdom, great beauty and great love. We need only let our lamps shine, that others may see and find the Way, the Truth and the Life. It is the combined wattage of many lights, each burning in its own place for a common purpose, that sets the city ablaze in the midst of the darkness of the night. We are part of that light shine. It's now time once again to take confi- dence in the potential power of our lamp and realize that its light source is truly unquenchable. It's time once again to beam out as the lights of the world we are, so that people may see our good deeds and praise our Father in heaven. Halloween is coming next week. For some Christians, Halloween has come to embody all that is wrong with our culture, our schools, our children, even ourselves. A creeping and creepy secularism has found its holiday home in Halloween, which celebrates the existence of witches, goblins, devils, vampires and ghosts. Not wanting to promote the presence of evil, some Christians turn off their lights and don't answer the door on Halloween. I honor these devoted individu- als for their conviction, but over the years I have decided to travel a dif- ferent path. Instead of turning my lights off, I turn them on brighter. Over the years I have felt led not to turn away from Halloween but become a beacon for our Lord in the midst of it. I carve crosses in my pumpkins and make snow cones for those who come to my door. I hand out Christian wrist bands and stickers, and pray for each child and family. This Halloween we are pro- claiming God's presence at our church with a pumpkin carnival fea- turing Bible trading cards, a petting zoo, bounce house, and pizza. And [ .. yes, I will be there with my snow cones and Bible bracelets. First Bap- tist and New Harvest Church in Clewiston are hosting a special - "Heroes Unmasked" outreach. Both promise lots of treats in a safe environment and a special Christian touch. Check out possibilities in your community or make some of .. . your own! Another option is to join in and help those already hosting Halloween alternative events! We can all claim Halloween L i night in the name of our Lord! We Submitted photo/First United Methodist don't have to give in to the darkness of the world, but can be in the midst Early days of faith of it with our Christ-light shining First United Methodist Church of Clewiston celebrates its 61st year of ministry with a that those around us may see our good deeds and praise our Father in look at their church from the early days. Leav en. SHome Builders Visit Our Model Center: 2480 E State Road 8011 Open VM-Sun 8-5:30 Call 863-675-3245 or Toll Free 866-244-8392 '2 i ir. 3/2J2.$207,900 ..! P's-n 204,. 3agam Dr. 4/313 $33`10! Vaciinr Lots Available B omri A ^S SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS BanKoitfAmerica Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate ATel: 863-675-9065 1-800-854-5783 extension 56302 Fax: 863-675-7744 shirlev.willis(ibankofamerica.com Now with an office in LaBelle at 415 W. Hwy 80 Call for an appomitnmeni MCIow certified in FH-IA/VA fi-nan cing. i o a a o A *S eM 2- Casi ut & Pay off Credit CardsH We Have laced Loans That Others Couldn't Alan Kelly Mortgage ' Cast t & Pay off Credit Cards! We Have Alan Kelly Mortgage \ 863.674.0091 IT YO AING RYOU THAT AXE YOU nBuiG dou? r SENT am YOU CANmi 0' in Building Communities, One Quality Home at a Time! HIenrhv C'nuny' I41 Top Quality Builder A01,2 PineirpeeCir. 3/2/2 $231,900 90 Great Deals!!!! Builder's Discount Mortgage Interest Rate buy down 1.5'.1st yr & .5% 2nd yr 30 Fixed rate wl/CHL HM FREE Pre-Qualification with: CHL Home Mortgage, LLC. An Affiliate of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage (863)612-0012 )0 www.chlhomebuiiiders.corn Investment Opportunities and New Subdivisions Coming Soon! Lorida 10 Acre tracks Available in 2 months Rei '* \ll p',,,: I loit.., dI ..,.: h e.,le ll *Iic d R i d "l' u i'-. '.',aur olt' li I'-. .5 016' Lai "., n r JPI$229,200 Mial Av'ailable $1200 Mith 23*N BigeSt -L ele F.395..8367-86 LiaAdes L. RelEtteBoe CiN;,.OMMli\ERCfoIA l eit,,rtfli .coil stil- Se Hab witEspinolej il. ACREAGE: * $850,000 40+/- acres. Beautiful secluded area. Pasture ponds, lots of cabbage ponds and oaks. Adjacent to Babcock '..'i t. .. .ll, lit. I ,idl I C c:LT pri o.: to live or for weekend get-a- ways. B ;ii,g ,., dogs.iil I.r.i '. *\u includes a nice doublewide, * $900,000 4,-i+ Hard to find acres of pasture land in Muse. Easy access. Bring the kids, dogs, horses and cows. Currently zoned for 1 unit per 10 acres., * 936.489+/- acres on Sears Rd. All or part for Sale. Call office for more info. * $1,250,000 16.04+/- acres. Great development opportunity! Close to schools, recreational Park, Town Shops and much More * $1,600,000 This 12.76+/- acres has lots of old oaks. It is currently being used as a Rental Park. Call for more info. COMMERCIAL: * $230,000 Great industrial Investment -.:.r.nu.d, This property is cleared and ready :,.,r '5'ti business. Under Contract * $287,500 Prime Business Location, Tl, .. 2 V2 lots located in Clewiston,'are zoned industrial. There is a I i1, LquJ.irc foot home on one of the l.iI ltbeig old "as is" This is a great location for a new business. A world of options await you and .ell ciihNi ,hcdi, woh :learn bill :4 health. * $1,500,000 13+/- acres. HWY 27 road frontage..Great Inyvstment poten- tial * $1,335,900 This 2.7+/-acre prop- erty could be lic e prfe.: location for your next business venture! HWY 80 Frontage. 2.7+/- acres in LaBelle's Center Business District. Bring your with this property. Priced just right to HOMESITES: sell quickly. Call for more info City Lots From $13,000 to $72,900 * $739,000 Unique 2+/- acres parcel Port LaBelle Lots From $28,000 to in Alva with 162' of frontage on busy SR $72,900. Financing available call 80. The front Acre is zones C-1A for office for more info. niany types of commercial use. The rear Lehigh Lots From $46,900 acre is zoned RS-1. The property is 558' Montura Lots From $47,000 to deep with scattered oaks. $65,000 * $988,025 Looking to expand or Moore Haven Lots From $20,000 to begin your business. This auto salvage 34,900 yard-is truly one of a kind, Organized Clewiston Lots starting at $24,900 114'iSQ FT $235,4000 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863 675 1973 CHECK US OUT ONLINE AT w".newhorizons.re.coM Se Habla Espanol Immaculate new construction CBS home just built in 2006 features 3BI/2B, 2 car garage vaulted ceil- 'i-' ll .,, SM 1IIER SAYS TO MAKE AN OFFER! Genuine Country UN;..- ., ,. I... I I. shadvrd .6; scre honiesite, Call for the impressive details S II, ii .1.i .v morn ings sitting In the ,I .... .I i,..I,, 11 ,, Cedir liome on 3+l , 1,, ,,,l i his lint is perfect for ors I l covered workshop plus lots S, ,,,,, only $340,000 REDUCEDII S .... ,,..,..,,ruction. A beautiful 3BI/3B with tish. I mc features a new rotuf& VC, cetratic tile .eood laminate Ilooring, and a screened porch w/ ,-'ci $225,000 SBR2B Brick home oi an oversizid Int in the desir- ii Quail Run S/D, Leatures new flooring, screen i ., ...II I .1I, and a detalihed 2 car garage, ,* l.uu.ll ai n.i l,,e .lc, llo'ealile 3BR,113B CBS hunim Ltorizons Real Estate Corp. with 4th bedmroom/oice In LaBelle limits. Features include walk-in closet, newer air conditioner, fenced backyard, irrigation and a front deck to die for. Only $220,000. * Fertile Financial Ground! Plant your investment in this exceptional Duplex. 2BR/1B on each side and ide- ally located in town, Very nice with beautiful yard. Nice harvest awaits youl $225,000 * REDUCEDI Solid Decision, Solid House! You'll be glad to see this spacious 4BR/2B remodeled home, doors and vanities are all less than 2 years old. New roof heing installed. Call today for this worry free home! * Super Deal for a Super Family! Spacious 3/2 with vaulted ceilings. Park like fenced backyard. At this super price you need to see super soon! $169,900. I.. EV.ic3aI1 IS.. 3WIa5S. A --- --- * The Luxury of Space! Both inside on outside. 4/2 immaculate home nesdted on 1.25 acres. Stunning stone fireplace in Family .,, 1 .III...,r, '. ' i llb I i s h ,i S, iII I i .. I . h , room and lavish bath. Spacious and smart buy at $15j 9on This t 4Br/2B home on 10+/- anres has it all, from it spacious family mrom w/ stone fireplace, master suite w' office, cov- ered porch, and fencing for hores This one is a steal C' only $450,000 * Siye will surprise you! 2B1lB ome on 10+/- acres is very wcll kept and former inudle home. Features a warm comfortable living room w/ gas fireplace, spa- cious kitchen, front & real covered porches, $400,000 * Bring your horses and relax the rural way! 4BR/2B manu- factured home with over 2400 sq. ft of living area sitting on A, 1 IfII:+ t .i I f, ''i hll ,,,many h, v* h .., ,111,.. n. qT'" 1.,l'"' .t K"%" '50.01hlu Over 1.7 acres of beautifully shrubbed and landscaped I, ,:, ,I l. u ,,,, I.. ,i., -, I .I,,,,' l h I .,- ,. Worth calling about quick! $199,900. Back on the market! This 2,5+/- acre mini estate i l ..I 1 I i ,l l ,1 1 l _l-,lllllll.E l. lll'l h.i.l Featuring ceramic tile, textured walls & spacious kitchen. Only $179,900. 2/1 home located on a generous-sized 1+ acre lot tucked away on a quiet street. Oak trees create a back l, I hi ,, i iI i i ll Iiii I I : i i ino i. Montura, beautiful new 2006 3/2 ,I I l. II -. .i., I..lil with over 1100 sq ft of living area ready for occupancy, SELLER FINANCING AVAIlABLE! $149,900 SPriacy + Peace & Relazation 30BR2B doublewide w/1,300 sq. ft, utinder air in town. Privacy fenced on 3 sides & chain link I rear Backs up to pond! Extras include shed, huge Florida rm & 13BQ deck, $139,900 *REDUCED! REDUCEDI 3BR/20 home exceptional inside and out! Watch tilhe sunrise on front deck and 1 acre fenced ard to keep kids happy large workshop for Dad and big kitchen for Mom! Just $139,500. IIu Lit i t, ( 1.1 ....1 I -..1 1..iI I I i.,I l I ,I I I I I lI 1, i 1 1 1 i .i 1 .. I. I l. I I 1, i Country ncoAnessl $127,000. Rare find outside of LaBelle but not to far from i,,,I hii -----,i --- ........ 1Il i ..... I & garden tub in the master suite, and much mre! All on .50+,/ acre. $132,000 Renting? No Privacy? Stop throwing away all that money and see how great ownership feels! 2/1 on over a k! acre ,1 i I ..-ir i -,,,, -.. ,i,i ,, l b i .Sno , 3BR/lB manufactured home on a canal in River Oaks S/I in Ortona. Canal ends at the properly with a wood 1 I "I' ...I .' lt it, l l l ONLY $25,000. per acre! WITH Pole Barn, Electric and several wells! Call ASAP for showing! $875,000 * Location with a Future! 1700 Ft. Denaud. 6.39+/- Acres already zoned RG1. Surrounded by upscale sub- division. Ripe and Ready for developer, $800,000. * 5+/- acres in Pioneer Plantation. Suitable forsite built home or manufactured. Only $165,000. * 13+/- acre orange grove. Located off Sears Rd. Only $132,000. * Uncramp yourself on this spacious 2.5+/- acres on Evans Rd. with a pond and fenced for livestock. So say goodbye to city pressure and enjoy the country. $130,000. * 1.84+/- acre located off Jacks Branch Rd. in Muse. This property has lots of oaks, pines and palm trees. Perfect for the nature lover. Priced at only $85,000. * Genuine Country Feel! Days gone by are back! Relive the best on this private & secluded 2+/- acs. Fresh air special! $93,900. * Call for prices on all our Montura Listings! for your new home look no further Located in the sought after Belmontm S/D in LaBelle. This .37+/- acre is truly a dream come true. Only $79,900. * .29+/- acre in the Belmont S/D. Priced to sell @ only $59,900. Possible seller financing. * Beautiful wooded 1I!+/. acre homesites! Outside LaBelle limits but only minutes from town! Just off E Road. Don't I ii ... ... I, I' I. HI. i f" Call about our Port LaBelle lots! C,. .3M .wWr4 I AL_ POTENTIAL COMMERCIAL Location of a Lifetime! Generations will file past well-traveled location of this 8+/ acres on SR 80 in Alva Over 1,000 ft. of road menti $2,750,000. Prime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel located near West Clades Elementary in Muse and just minutes away from downtown LaBelle, $3.50 per square foot. 1.18+/- acres zoned C-1 commercial just South of laBelle with 175+/- feet of frontage on SR29 and frontage on Luckey Street. Asking $499,000. SBeautifil 25+/ acre corner lot in downtown LaBelle w/great potential, Currently zoned for duplex or single family w/a possibility of reaiminig to Business, $119,900. t l ... ..... Ofr r, ti'- 1 acres 1620 Sq Ft 185,900 3BD/2 BA on 2,29 acres I-2 Sq Ft $181,500 f 77?-. Hir Cvso-ip ,a, 2BD/2BA w/ Family Rm $157,900 274 N Bridge St LaBelle,FL 33935 863-612-0002 www.melking.com VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS SALES CINDY L ALEXANDER SLC. REAL ESTATE BROKER ec A' rrO rltl[: arIIi in i -F r OTT Di,'M: m4jrj rn.i.r riirr 675-0500 S NEW LOCATION! 233 N, BiS.'r ST On I ...l ,, .m..I L 1 HABLO ESPANOL RENTALSAVAILABLE with a screened in porch on front Asking NO0PETS $275,000, IN PORT LABELLE-2/,15/2 $700/M _, mn. in Glades Countyl LI 1111,1 t lt P0101 Ii0MI 1, - LI Itlti1t R P I .. .Il MI I $2,500,000, 3/2/2 + Office. Non-Smoking, $2,000/M1 REDUCEDI IN EAST FT. MYERS 3/3/1 over HORSESHOE ACRES (East of LaBelle) 53/2 1,900 sq. ft. living area. Home has 2 masters, Mobile. $750M. new roof, new /'C, fenced yard, Motivated sell EAST FT. MYERS 3/3/1 Extra space every er Asking $269,900. where. $1,000/M. IN PORT LABELE On a corner ot 3/2/1, COMMERCIAL OFFICE SPACE IN PORTLABELlE-Oacorn lot,3421. $800+tax1iM newer roof, painted on the inside. Priced to sell. Only $189,900. LOTS STARTINj A&T $22.500 lorC TTD IN ill 4 i 2/1 .. ..1.1 ,,. I I .\1 AIF, $125,000. IN 1IIII -1ll0 16tI'lt 1. I 22U with ON MLIK I.V 3/1 home has been rinoval i ..' I. 1 ..1 ... I 1 1 ne'rs have cd. PIri'ed to sell at only $129,900. taken care of this home and it shows, lome is ON PHILLIPS RD 2/2 two story home on 5+ in excellent condition, $182,900. acres. Home features an open floor plan with REDUCED POSSIBLE OWNER FINANCING 10+/ oak tilled acres, Property hus ihcen spill st'eened i Ina on the back tart ,i bhlonoy on into two 5+/, parcls. One is vcanl wih 'septi, the front, Property has several trees, lirge harns IBM 0 A f k'AL ESTATE11 DL Y41!Cfl-- Vacant Land * 1/2 acre in Caloosa Estates $99,500 * Port LaBelle lots li,, at $32,500 Commercial *2500 Sq Ft Commercial b 1iiing-' on SR 80. Great Exposure & Traffic Count, Only iiiiulhll- & Land convey. Call Listing office for details, I IJUIOU"Y, I I fit( -I .'I, j. H i Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 26, 2006 U I AN AMERICAN REVOLUTION BRAND NEW jr J 2111 CHREVIROLF AUTO, 275 HP ENGINE 4200 VORTEC 16 ENGINE, ONSTAR, CRUISE CONTROL, POWER WINDOWS, POWER DOOR LOCKS, 4-WHEEL ABS BRAKES, ALUMINUM WHEELS, AIR CONDITIONING, AM/FM/CD AND MORE. STK#62355522 I BY OR __C____ FS RPiIE 15 9,a8 u 2n5 2 TRAILBLAZERS AT THIS PRICE! "Wir, approved credit AII pril:e include reaOtle ,- lieu of factory finance rate.- - BRAND NEW 2006 CHEVROLET LS PACKAGE AUTO. 5.3L ENGINE, POWER WINDOWS, POWER DOOR LOCKS, 6-WAY POWER SEAT AND MUCH P MORE. STKT7R1O8789 PER MONTH* 5 TAHOES AT THIS PAYMENT! [*ea.1: lJi IT' iTiiilh 1 dud al Ijase iru:e Diln ulus Hlo l d ida la I llmiles DPi vealWiDh 750 Beacori score All Dpices include r ebde if n lieu 01 Oli:lor linarnie rale U 17 .OR8 BRAND NEW 2007 CHEVROLET m AUTO, POWER SEATS, CRUISE, 16" WHEELS, AM/FM STEREO. PER 6-SPEAKER SYSTEM, SIDE AIRBAGS, STK#79112570 MO 6 IMPALAS AT THIS PRICE! L.e : lt. 0 9 rmonilhi g195 due al leae iriceplor pilu;i ra .jrnd13 ql mile: [I' yfar Wia r 'u ei'0 orn P ..r e All [iniBe: "llJe b] e in 111 i.j i .l:n.I.,', "Iari.e i.i t BRAND NEW 2007 CHEVROLET SI IVIERI:AIX) ... 4,VORTEC 4300 V6 ENGINE, AUTO., CLIMATE CONTROL, AM/FM STEREO, SUSPENSION PKG, SPARE TIRE LOCK, STK#7ZI05258 I,88 S5382 -220. 10 SILVERADOS AT THIS PRICE! *Lease for 36 months, $1995 due eat lease inception plus ta., and lag 12K miles per year. With 750 Beacon score All riches nlude rebate in Ireu of latory finance rate. 1 CORVETTE AT M S PAYMENT! 'Lease for 418 months S5500 due at lease inception plus tad and tag h12 miles per year. With 750 Beacon score. All prices include rebate in lieu of lactory finance rate rwi"[ p I i- a BRAND NEW 2007 CHEVROLET S 11.VE RAIDO CREW CAB CV8 ElCIIIE, P,N wER wi ,wS., POWEr' OF L, cEO.. Ehir SEYLESS EhTR, AIR CONDITIOPItC. AtD tMLIUCH MORE STP 71161569 Si9818 115882 MiL--b11 15 SILVERADIS AT THIS PRICE! *Lease for 39 months, $1995 due at lease inception plus tax and tag. 10K miles per year. With 750 Roearnn conr All nri'cs inr id rebate in lie of faftorv finance rato '06 CHEVROLET COBALT '03 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN LT 4 DR, AUTO, A/CGM CERTIFIED, STK#67614356..................................1 2ND ROW BKTS, SUNROOF, 71K MILES, STK#3J103551 .............................. 7971 '01 CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO SS '03 CHEVROLET AVALANCHE Z66 LEATHER, SUNROOF, MINT, STK#219176456...................................... LEATHER, BOSE, GM CERTIFIED, 57K MILES, STK#3G175334 ........................ 179 '06 CHEVROLET COBALT LT COUPE '04 GMC YUKON SLT SUNROOF, AUTO, GM CERTIFIED, STK#67652621..................................... 3RD SEAT, LEATHER, BOSE GM CERTIFIED, 39K MILES, STK#X4R247347................ 21 '06 CHEVROLET MALIBU LT '06 CHEVROLET 2500HD CREW LT S V6, ALL POWER,12K MILES, STK#6F16436...................................... LEATHER, EVERY OPTION, GM CERTIFIED, 6K MILES, STK#6F163447.................. 7,991 '06 CHEVROLET OUTLANDER LS '06 CHEVROLET TAHOE Z714X4 BKTS, REAR A/C, LOADED, 13K MILES, STK#6D116480 ............................. 3RD ROW, LEATHER, BOSE, GM CERTIFIED, 23K MILES, STK#6R118343............... 8 '05 CHEVROLET EXPRESS CARGO 2500 '04 CHEVROLET CORVETTE Z06 BINN PKG, 28K MILES, STK#51191983 ...............:.. ................... COMMEMORATIVE, GM CERTIFIED, LIKE NEW, 18K MILES, STK#45119927 .............. 38, PreOwc -d uetins? al*187-96-65 ~ZMaroone: --Ct I 5757 Lake Worth Rd. Between Military Trail and Jog Road Greenacres 1-U8 -308-3324 STORE HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-9PM SAT 9AM-7PM SUN 11AM-6PM SERVICE HOURS: MON-FRI 7AM-7PM SAT 8AM-5PM SUN CLOSED FOREST HILL BLVD. SLAKE WORTH RD. LANTANA RD. N SMaroone . EOE/druq-free workplace You must present this ad at time of purchase or lease to receive these special prices. Advertised prices not applicable to exporters. Offers good on date of publication only. Offers not in conjunction with any other offer. Not responsible for typographical errors. Pictures are for illustration purposes only. "Ghostbusters" (Parker, Jr.) used by permission of EMI Golden Torch Music & Raydiola Music. All rights reserved. 1996-2006 AutoNation Inc. .. --.1 1. 1.. 1 .. ...... -.1-....- .... -- -.. .. ..- --- .--. --l- I - -1 .- 1. 1 -.- -.. .- ..- .- -.., .. - 5erving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, Octbber 26, 2006 |