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ConstAitutional Amendmets on bllot Pae 2 GLADES CO-PT-RT'1Ii, 2CI-I 320 PCI F ) R' j Ijh 4: H EJc S.lL'V lt F y)' I0LUlf Moore Haven Fla. Thursday, October 12, 2006 Volume 80, Number 17 At a Glance Are you a blogger? Get a newszap link! The Glades i' iunty Demo'- crat is nioldrig tg lb.oaden its lasting "t "t,.'Colu r lnn .31'c, i BInoy Nefrs" ,it \V\ '11.ITfl\lV' dp Ii-) t Mua e ani mn-lore p-,ople edie s.taringi blots incl ii'ing busine-'s people lpp. nrl g0Loups, and individual's wiih an opinion 0ol tle diay's nrew,- or culture. If you are a local b)logeli who would like to be lkited, please visit ttp..r,\vw: ii-rw vs Zap.coiTmblogs'requCst hlm and fill in the form In addition to Ihe Ulink, the newspaper will consider publishing timely posliniris a news l coinrieniltarics oli ils pages. Chamber to host 'Pumpkin patch' The second aniiinilaI puIip- kin patch will he held in Moore Haven Oct. 16 to 31. Located at the Glades Couiinlt Chamber of Comnie(-c Grounds ori High\ay y27. ,a special "Playin' in the PPatch" event will be I eld on Satur day, Oct. 21, front I I a.m. until 2 p.m. wilh ,ilnies aild fun foi e\'ei tlrie Piinpkiiis me e'vaillable in .ill ,haps and sizes tIo all yiNui ltil! needs Prices .hi t ,i |I \.' .*is St.. cents andr 1iimpklns a.ie priced accoidinig Io thiir ,i.-:e. All proceeds will iu tuw',rd. Chrislian co0ni uiumiiil\' OLII- ieach piograriim. andi mrin isuies and is .;ponr ,i-i,,m. ,\ the Firt t IInit pid r -Ihrdlist Church of MoureHat %- ,n i W11hiltu- pplies Id_-.l \'. h ave .-I,-,I p, _ri- i,_,.ll[ : ,I h-ii h -.- . greatl'or teachers andl class- room activities Make your arrangements no\\ to ha\e ,our class hold a special story time and pumpkin adventure by calling (863) 946-1743 or (863) 227-2690. The Pumpkin Patch will be open daily starting in Octo- ber, from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. Kissimmee River/Upper Basin On Saturday, Nov. 4, from 10 a.m. until noon, at the South Florida Water Manage- ment District's Okeechobee Service Center located at 205 N. Parrott Ave, Suite 201 (Bank of America building, 2nd floor), The Kissimmee River/ Upper Basin Stakehold- ers Outreach meeting will provide an opportunity for the General public to meet with South Florida Water Manage- ment District and Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Com- mission officials. Topics of discussion include the status of the Kissimmee River restoration, land manage- ment activities; recreational activities and user group inter- actions. Those who use the Kissimmee River and Upper Basin are encouraged to attend to provide feedback and discussion. If you have any questions please contact Jeff McLemore at (863) 462-5260 x 3022 or (800)-432-2045 x3022. Lake Level 4 13.20 above sea "" level Index Classifieds . .17-21 Obituaries . . .2 Opinion . . .4 School . . . .9 See Page 2 for information about how to contact the newspaper. newszapocom Community Links. Individual Voices. a116 1 111I 1111 8 16 5 10 0 0 02 2 A second look at the plant By Barbara Oehilbeck 1 u-,ial to hih. I ilili, ( 'r 1l1l It\ rh: ni ii. I. iI .AiF:-', i iUNT ri .-: pjiiT l:,l u iit i ni int II mI,,ii l'iO i' iir\ \vwho knroi,\'i s iron tii W, i, l.illt t o0 l l 1_t-pfIl.-t1 1ItIf- 'FL PP&L pmA t _-! lIi fll Iliri-i \ -"ii'l-Ili rai\ l.., \ lu CoI_ riitl- M ,il ,;;[ n-.l. .\' lni :..:_id, ",A,,. In .onlilLnl_ to ','IhIer i ilo r rIdli I I Iib o u t I'lh i -C d l'o\\,?1r, 1 nd Liglil's piopori.sol 11-, [ilt '. h li~41i lec-h i,]l- \ ''rrrf i)o\\er plaill in1 (_Clid r -' lll I, I I ul-linuhL'he to ;IIppcirt 11!, oippOillu- ilty ft I-i II.I!is -ot inI ty." NMr. Ta', Ioi ti" been wvoil.kinig at lit.' li.k for .wv'eral weeks now, since discussions were. first held between the unitpan', and Glades ,,I. Ih, nirii-i- ni, one of the chit f concerns is regarding the plant's environmental effects, "We have used t he intfomat ion ..iu_ l hii. pl.'iiit and -he minirna- liWr in nernirig the impact the pl.nt v'.'ill ia'.'e on the count and im people -nti all the information furnished luuI I",' FP& L and v.'e have found all that's beit n- oA-1teird to be acctiatle," said Mr. Tih lor. "In lact, iin soie cases they (FI-'&Li have br-in ,-onsi'. ti'c in their interpretation of v'rinou i ii,'ii ni, tion in that actual li niii'.r, rls riTy "ie cleaner tliml t le lt s H Ilnt(-d by FP&L." Mr. To lor ,seii-rns inte:1st,'dt in calming ciioni.' r*; th-ail he H po\vi--' plant %ioulId do n ioe l iiin than- good. \\'ith i te pcoterniitl il rc.at- ing a huge ltL\ -ii-ieiatilIn sI.i'Liic tor the coi-itl\, '.o.ni-' rsidu s nts ',t-re v'.'orri(-iI italt ani', conoi i ii Preparing for the future: FP&L holds open houses INI'Nena Bolan Glades County Manager Wendell Taylor at a recent FP&L open house, the company interested in locating a new power plant in Glades County. FP&L open house draws residents By Nena Bolan Glades County Democrat MOORE HAVEN Glades County residents 'were invited to an open house at the Doyle Conner Building on Monday, Oct. 2. It was hosted by FP&L experts who informed resi- dents about the proposed Glades Power Park. Community members are interested in the 1,600 jobs that the project could generate. Just the same, they are alsp concerned about the health and environmental impact on the sub-tropical landscape. Charts, maps and enlarged photos were on display. Experts were there to answer questions and listen to com- ments. Visitors were escorted past the displays and explana- tions were given on emissions, water usage, transmission power line riciules, construc- tion and traffic. Beverly Emerich, a resident, gathered information from the displays and experts. , "Water is my main concern, and power lines," she said. Power plant turbines and electrical generators will need large volumes of water for a cooling system and steam evaporation. Illustrated posters depicted water sources and usage. Sometimes water will. be used from canals and storm water collection. A consistent water supply will come from a 3,000 foot well that taps Flori- da's aquifer system. Enlarged photos of Glades and Hendry counties had sev- eral proposed routes for trans- mission lines. An environmen- tal consultant pointed out that input from local property own- ers and government will be sought in order to select the best route. Maps of the construction site showed the location off S.R. 78, northwest of Moore Haven and south of Lakeport. The 5,000 acre property begins approximately one mile west of S.R. 78. The main entrance road and secondary road are shown on the map, but more study is needed before traffic routes are chosen. Graphs on air emissions illustrated controls for ele- ments released into the air, including C02 and mercury. Charts showed rising fuels costs and the need for a diverse fuel supply. The FP&L representatives were receptive to.serious ques- tions and promised to corre- spond with residents and pro- vide them with more detailed explanations. By 7:15 P.M., 89 visitors had walked through the open house and gathered information folders, and exchanged business cards. Charles Morningstar is a local resident who toured the open house. He gave an affir- mative nod and said, "I am pleased to see this come to Glades County." \\-ert u]Lc t:b' utw.eiigh-ed by l~l ui el lr rnrc orcm Iiat 'lioconri Ing inti ) out c')unly uand 11 ifbI h- u Tli',i -\ir \- hilly iini'end (,nln'ritrr Lit-li'clii tII is until -, lfiln,-l c.ci;iorj is ii -arto ii i srethalthei c healthtiof ,;rirmu rid ing cate..S s NILI-11 i iii ~ iiiI- As ir iihisrw II, Nlr Tlylorir scon vinced that the plant will provide the county much-needed support fur future economic ventures, and ri ay be just the thing Glades Coun- ty needs to ijumpstart its own de' elopment and ad% ancement. "We are fortunate that this clean-coal burning plant will pro- vide economic support in the form of lob opportunities plus added income arnd diversification throughout the economy of Glides Count ," he said. See Plan-Page 12 Moore Haven keeps its top employees By Nena Bolan Ulldes County Deili iocti at NMOORE HAVEN The city council, at its meeting Oct. 3, leur.'anized aii i, made Ihe deci- sion to reIt ire lthe i current depail- mc-nit heads heciddimlg iritu the next fiscal 'ear. MnT:inc Biitle\' will sic) % as it'li\ Cli c. \'vilh Mike Jutnes os Pil-li Works DLrector. Stc\e Ramunni was re w':ined .s ,i-\i \l[r'-I l ,, .i .1j SL I'TI T B I f il'l l I,I the after r treatmiienit plant wa_ rehired. Among otriei items dis- :ussed Lisa Langdale, of the inhamber of Corrmiheice,. talked about trhe Spanish Festi al being planned for November. Accord- ing to Ms. Langdale, the cham- ber is wailing for Radio Fiesta to give them a definite date and place for the event. She also sug- gested \.'a s to inipro\ e garbage pickup and removal. Ms. Langdale encouraged roping otff areas that are not to be used for parking, and intro- clucing paid parking sections to relie\ e the city of the problem of having people park their cars ',\ reie tlheI are riot supposed to park them At the same time, the paid parking could raise funds for the Chamber of Commerce: The See Meeting Page 12 Traffic school is now open for business By Nena Bolan Glades County Democrat MOORE HAVEN A traffic school has opened for business in the city, and already more that two dozen students have enrolled. Currently, it is the only traffic school in the Glades region. Luis Calvo runs the All Traf- fic Schools, which provides a variety of driver training cours- es, for those convicted of mov- ing violations. First time offenders are offered a 4 hour basic class. There is also an 8 hour interme- diate class, and a 12 hour advanced class. If a driver is given a ticket and elects to take a class, then the fine is reduced by 10 per- cent. Other benefits of traffic ticket classes include not hav- ing points show up on your record, and also, insurance pre- miums will not go up. See School-Page 12 By Barbara Oehlbeck Special to the Glades County Democrat GLADES COUNTY Special events are a way of school life at West Glades Elementary. Even before one event is over and done with, another is in the planning for students to look forward to. The next big event is the cele- bration of National Red Ribbon Week, a special week in which students pledge not to take drugs. This is a national effort to emphasize to students of all ages that saying "no to drugs" is the only way to keep from falling into the drug trap. The special effort has been going on all over this country for twenty years and shows no sign of slowing down. During Red Ribbon Week, scheduled to take place Oct. 24 through Oct. 27, students will wear red ribbons as a reminder of their pledge to always avoid drugs. During this time, the school plans pleasure activities for the whole week including different ways in which they are reminded that "drug aware- ness" is for everybody, every day in every week. For instance on Tuesday, the opening day of Red Ribbon Week, students will give drugs "the slip" and will be given red band silicon bracelets. On Wednesday, nationwide, stu- dents will wear red, and accord- ing to school officials, anything red goes! On Thursday students are reminded to "lei" off drugs and will be given leis. The School Advisory Council voted to support the purchase of leis and bracelets for the students to See Ribbon-- Page 12 INI/Nena Bolan Leaning about emergency services As part of the Moore Haven Elementary School's community helpers study program recently, this group of kindergarteners got an up close and personal look at the job of emergency workers in the area. ~~~~~. ,-:., .....-..:2._.: -r ';.'-. .:. ,:t... : Red Ribbon Week at West Glades School ,. .. :: .- 7 ", ." ..... +:5 -% JL-4& JL AL.0- -w Pwff -qljmw -%.w tmp " _/ Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 12, 2006 Obituaries Aaron Patrick Baldree Aaron Patrick Baldree, age 77, of Clewiston, passed away on Friday, Sept. 22, 2006 in Clewiston. He was born July 13, 1929 in Jacksonville, the son of the late Aaron Patrick and the late Dollie Delilah (Kersey) Bal- dree. He moved to Clewiston in 1951 from Pensacola. Mr. Bal- dree married Dorothy Jane Cot- ton at Clewiston. He was a gen- eral contractor for Royal's Department Stores and in pri- vate construction. He served as member of the Hendry County Board of County Commissioners from 1966-1970. Survivors include his wife, Dorothy Jane (Cotton) Baldree; daughters, Oveida (Paul) Shack- elford of Springfield, Mo., Gayle (Charles) Martinez of Clewiston, Catherine Baldree of Clewiston; sons, Patrick (Joanne)' Baldree ,of Mentor, Ohio, Rev: Michael (Vicki) Baldree of Lake Cit arid China, Gary (Mary) Brackins of Mattapoisett, Mass., Terry (Tina) Brackins of Clewiston;. sisters,, Hester Ruth Gewecke of Kear- ney, s Neb., Elizabeth Parton(Dole) of Huntsville, Tenn.; brothers, Melvin (Ruth) Baldree, Lake Wales, Earl (Carol) Baldree of Opp, Ala., John (Joan) Baldree of Century, Calif., J. WV'(Caroi) Baldree of Zephyrhills, Gerald (Debbie) Baldree of Brooksville, David (Phyllis) Baldree of Hudson, Alvin (Carol) Baldree of Pen- sacola, welvee grarndchilditn and eight g bea-grandchildren Funeral services were held Wednesday, Sept. 27, at 8 p.m. at Akin-Davis Funeral Home, 438 E. Sugarland Hwy., Clewiston with Reverend Mack Simmons offici- ating. All arrangements were under the direction of Akin-Davis Funeral Home, Clewiston. Anne Teresa Weisbecker Boland Anne Boland, age 86, of LaBelle, passed away Sept. 15, 2006 in LaBelle. She was born Dec. 28, 1:919 in Katrinstadt, Russia, the daughter of the late Alexander and Amelia (Bissing) Weisbeck- er. In 1923, at the age of four, she came to the United States from Russia Anna L~as proud to be an American Citizen. She owned her own needlepoint art gallery called the Needle's Eye, located on Sanibel Island. She was a member of the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 130. Survivors include her sons, Fredrick Alexander (Sally) Boland, Downers Grove, Ill.,, and Dennis .Raymond Boland, LaBelle; her sisters, Eugenia Diener, Martha Agnes, Mary Ian- none, Gladys Stahl and Delores Weisbecker; six grandchildren, Joel Dennis (Caroline) Boland, Michael (Judi) Boland, Susan (Ernie) Pentek, Kelly (David) Soto and Cyndie Jane (Rick) Stiller; 16 grail-.i,.,rJchilJdie , Grant, Reily, Jake, Cole, Ernie, Jr., Sean, Zachary, Nicholas, Jeremiah, Luke, Sam, Cameron, Christina,' Rebecca, Emily, Riley and four great great-grandchil- dren, Kyle, Bryan, Giana, Colin. She was proceeded in death by her husband, Raymond J. Boland, and a sister Julie. Memorial services will be held at the American Legion Post #130, LaBelle at a later date. In lieu of flowers contribu- tions may be made to the Ameri- can Legion Child Welfare Foun- dation, Inc. P.O. Box 1055, Indianapolis, IN 46206 Arrangements by Akin-Davis Funeral Homes, Inc. LaBelle Joshua lan Blount Joshua Ian Blount, born July 18, 1985, left this earth Saturday, Sept. 16, 2006 to go to heaven to be with Jesus. Joshua died of a severe head injury from a motor vehicle acci- dent which occurred Tuesday evening, Sept. 12, 2006. Joshua is survived by his lov- ing father and mother, Richard and Cind Cindy Blount; his grandpar- ents, Lewis and Lois Blount, Hazel Green; a brother, Roy Tucker and three sisters, Stacey Diener, Jessica Shearl, and his twin, Brittany Jarvis. In addition, he is survived by three nephews, Keaton Diener, Royston Tucker and Ethan Jarvis; three nieces, Bailey Diener, Jenna Tucker and Shea Diener; and a multitude of loving friends. Joshua was raised in Clewis- ton and was Salutatorian of his Clewiston Christian Academy class. He resided in Fort Walton Beach for more than a year. He was a BMW technician working for Quality Imports. Joshua was well respected for the amazing friend he was to so many people in Fort Walton and afar. Funeral services were held Fri. Sepi. 22, at 11 a.m. at Clevis- it:nr Crdiut Of God, 522 San Luiz Avenue, Clewistonx\ nh Re\. Eric Burch, Rev. Kenneth Cook, Rev. Harold Hanks. Rev Kenne-th Loll -and Re' F.T. MNason officiatinIg. Intei rrmerit ollo wed in Ridg-rlav ri Cerrieler-, Clewiston. All aiirangnierits ere under the direction of Akin-Davis Furii-,il Home, `Iet-\ iston Dorothy Elizabeth Buchanan Dor':'lh\ Elizabeth Buchanan, age S9, oi Sky -Hawk Mountain Road, Hiai.asrsee, Ga., died on Triursdy, Ocl 5, 2ii06 at her home following an extended ill- ness. Mrs. Buchanan w\as for- merly of Lake Shore Drive in Canal Point.' She was born on Oct. 6, 1917, .in Lynchburg, Va., the daughter of the late Eugene Boyce Shearer and the late Sarah Elizabeth Fralin Shearer. She worked for over 35 years with U.S. Sugar Corp. from which she retired in 1983. She is preceded in death by a brother, Alfred Shearer and also a sister, K,aitheiine Sheaier Mess- er. Mi s. Buchanan was a mem- ber of the Canal Point United Methodist Church for over 75 years. Mrs. Buchanan is survived by one daughter, Judith Buchanan of Hiawassee, Ga.; one son, Kendrick E. (Nancy) Buchanan of Loxahatchee; five grandchil- dren, Ken and Annie Norman of Marietta, Ga., Mike and Denise Norman of Cummings, Ga., Karen Buchanan and Craig Sar- gent of Palm Springs, Kay Buchanan of Sheboygan, Wis., Konnie and Chris Keena of Talla- hass-ee ten great grandchildren; two great grand children, and many other relatives and friends. Graveside services were held on Wednesday, Oct. 11, at 11 a.m. from the Lake Worth Mem- ory Gardens Cemetery in Lake Worth. The RPF. Jiakie McMillan officiated at the service. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that memorials may be made to Regency Hospice of Hiawassee in Mrs. Buchanan's memory. Mountainview Funeral Home of Blairsville, Ga. handled all funeral arrangements and invites friends and family to sign the family guest book to send condolences at: www.moun- tainviewfuneral home.com. Charles D. Jernigan Charles D. Jernigan, age 72, dearly beloved husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfa- ther passed away at St. Mary's Hospital Thursday, Oct. 5, from complications following a fall in his home. He was born in Holley, and had lived all of his adult life in Pahokee where he met and mar- ried his wife, Carolyn Hickerson. Sunday, Oct. 8, would have marked their 51st anniversary. An avid outdoorsman, his love of nature and wildlife con- tinued throughout his lifetime. He shared this passion with many as well as being a char- tered leader of the Pahokee Wildlife Boys and assisting with scouting. As a longtime volun- teer fireman of 22 years for the city of Pahokee, he will. be remembered by many and missed dearly by his church fam- ily of the First United Methodist Church. To cherish his memory, he leaves his wife Carolyn; his three daughters, Lisa (Terry) Adams of Pahokee, Jennifer (John) Bwashko of Georgetown, Ky., and Erika (Robert) Demarest of Royal Palm Beach. He also leaves his seven precious grand- children, Brent (Sylvia) Adams, Jack, Julianna, and Josh Ewashko: Rachel, Amanda, and Lauren Demarest; and his only great grandchild Kain Adams. In addition, he leaves his brother, Mitchell (Carmen) Jernigan of Pensacola; his sisters, Callie (Cuelon) Corbin of Chipley. Jan- ice (Harold) Skene of Tampa, and Julie (Greg) Nightinggal of Hattiesburg, Miss., and a host of nieces, nephews, and cousins. Finally, he leaves his constant companion, his beloved dog Shiloh. The memory of his final years would not be complete without mentioning third floor west at Palm Beach Gardens Hospital. The nurses and staff made all of his stats over the years more bearable. With each arrival he was warmly greeted with "Hey, look who's here, it's Charles." Most special to him was his car- diologist, Dr. Predrag Knez. He saw, him through so many med- ical miracles over the years and was always there day and night, just a phone call away with help. He was truly blessed by this extraordinary physician; and his family will always remember his kindness. Also, the dedicated nurses and doctors of the ICLI trauma unit at St. Mary's and Hospice of Palm Beach County who cared for him during his final days and treated his family with such compassion and kindness. Visitation was held on Mon- day, Oct. 9, from 6 until 8 p.m. at First United Methodist Church located at 491 East Main St., in Pahokee. Celebration of Life service will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 10, at 10 a.m. and will be lead by Pastor David Reeves. Burial will follow at Port Mayaca Cemetery. Gerald William Lynch Gerald "Jerry" William Lynch, 62, of Moore Haven, died Thursday, Sept. 21, 2006 at his h o m e r ," Mr. Lynch was born March 26, 1944 in Grafton, W. . Va., and had moved to Moore Haven nine years ago AL from Gerald Fellsmere. William He had Lynch been a sher- iff's deputy with the Indian River County Sheriff's Department for 30 years after working for the Sebastian Police Department for four years. He was a member of the Cattleman's Association, NRA and several hunting and gun clubs. Survivors include his daugh- ters, Dana (Richard) Carey of Vero Beach, Debbie (Jeff) Dunn of Decatur, Ill., and Tanya Hewitt of Vero Beach; two sisters, Grace Cunic of Pittsburgh, Pa. and Donna Price of Grafton, W.Va.; and seven grandchildren, Bren- don Nunziata, Jesse Carey, Allen Carey, Katrina Dunn ,Gerald Dunn, Audra Hewitt, Jared Ayala The family received friends from 5 until 8 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 6, at the Cox-Gifford-Sea- winds Funeral Home in Vero Beach. The funeral service was held at 3 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 7, at First Baptist Church of Fellsmere with Rev. Buddy Johns of the First Baptist Church of Fellsmere officiating. ,Memorial contributions may be made to Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch. All arrangements were under the direction of Cox-Gifford-Sea- winds Funeral Home & Crema- tory, Vero Beach. Condolences may be sent through: www.sea- windsih.com obit.php. Joan Cambrai Raekstraw Joan Cambrai Rackstraw, age 86, of Clewiston, passed away Sept. 19, 2006, in Clewiston. She was born Dec. r16, 1919 in Gloucester, England to the late Reginald F. and the late Daisy t(.\\ainw right.i Browning. Mrs. Rackstra w\as preceded in death by her husband, Gay- nam D. Rackstraw irn 2I001. Her survivors include two daughters, Diane (Tommy) Carithers of Cummings, Ga., Rhonda R. (J.C.) Davis of Clewiston, and oneson Gay- nam R. (Helen) Rackstraw of Clewiston. In addition, she is survived by two brothers, Regi- nald and Norman Browning of Gloucester, England and also by eight grandchildren and ten great grandchildren. Funeral services were held Thursday, Sept. 21, at 10a.m. at Saint Martin's Episcopal Church, Clewiston, with The Rev. Samuel Thomas Ph.D. offi- ciating. Interment followed at the Ridgelawn Cemetery. All arrangements are under the care areand direction of Akin- Davis Funeral Home, Clewiston. Charles James "'C.J..Townsend Charles James "C.J." Townsend, age 84, of Clewiston, passed away Oct. 6, 2006 in Fort Myers. He was born Oct. 16, 1921 in Tampa to late Richard Nelson Townsend and the Alvie Ozena (Melvin) Townsend. He served in the Coast Guard during WWII. " Survivors include sons, Charles Michael (Brenda) Townsend of Clewiston, Jerry (Carolyn) Cross of Lake City, Johnny (Sally) Fussell of Ocala; sister, Alice Cobb of Edwin, Ala. In addition, he is survived by his ten grandchildren and ten great- grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his son, Archie Fussell; his sister, Ardelia Rhodes. Funeral services were held Wed. Oct. 11 ,Graveside was held- at Ortona Cemetery with Rev. Billy Ford officiating. All arrangements were han- dled by Akin-Davis Funeral Home, LaBelle. COUPONSBOLESS3E Save money on your favorite grocery items. Go to newszap.com to download and & "I., print coupons |i\ fi I online! I Snewszap.com I SCommunity Links. SIndividual Voices. I L-.- ---------- If the Shoe Fits to play this month in LaBelle "If the Shoe Fits" a madcap comedy will play at the Fire- house Cultural Center in LaBelle in October. The play was written by Matt Chiorini, Matt Thomp- son and Dana Vermette and is directed by Mike Shough. It all starts when Delores (Brittany Marie) an unhappy housewife, and George (Axl Jones), a shoe salesman, meet at Shoe Fantasy, love at first shoe- filltting. The only thing standing in the way is Delores' doting but half-witted husband, Marvin (Michael Gatch), who would never agree to a divorce. There is only one thing to do kill Marvin so they can run off together and live a carefree life of passion and romance in a tropical paradise. The lovers come up with a crazy plan over dinner to poison Marvin. This simple, foolproof murder turns into a hilarious fiasco when Esperanza (Mer- cedes Mitchell), the Spanish- speaking maid, arrives on the wrong day and she, too, falls for George. Delores and George's attempts get funnier and funnier as the lovers try again and again to finish the job only to have Esperanza and Mar- vin unknowingly foil their plans each time resulting in this wacky tale of love, murder, and ....SHOES!! On Friday and Saturdays, October 20,21 and then October 27, 28 at 7 p.m. And on Sundays, October 22 and29 @ 2 p.m. Firehouse Cultural Center, 241 North Bridge Street, LaBelle. Call for,reservations: (863) 675- 3066. Granite or Bronze / Flat or Upright FOREVERGLADES '" 1500 AIRPORT ROAD BELLE GLADE, FL Best Prices / Best Service Payment Plans / 25 Years Experience. State Licensed TOWNN COUNTRY H E? r 4 M F R M F. R a T C G Fm T E Mobile Home Home Supplies & Hardware Doors Windows Vanities Siding Hurricane Shutters Jack N. Estes Owner 111 N. San Benito St, Clewiston 863-983-3000 Cell: 228-6916 Memorial Tribute '' Remember a loved one ie ho has departed iith a special .Memorial Tribute in this newspaper. )our tribute car be published following the memorial services, or to commemorate an anniversary ofyour loved one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph of your loved one, lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders -- and we'll make sure it all comes together attractively and tastefully. Visit www2.newszap.con/memorials for sample ads and an online order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 toll free. NOTICE OF TESTING The Pre-election Logic & Accuracy Test of the automatic tabulating equipment to be used in the November 7, 2006, General Election will be held on, Thursday, October 19, 2006 beginning at 2:00 p.m., in the office of the Supervisor of Elections, Courthouse Complex, LaBelle. Aviso al Publico El examen de pre-eleccion de logica y exactitud del equipo automatic de tabulacion que sera usado en 7 de noviem- bre, 2006 de las elecciones cuidad de LaBelle el jueves, 19 de octubre del 2006 a las 2:00 p.m. en las oficinas de la supervisor de elecciones, complejo de la corte, LaBelle Lucretia A. Strickland Supervisor of Elections Hendry County, Florida 101.5612, F.S. Publish October 11, 2006 CB & CN SALE OF FALL Big Savings on Bedroom, Dining Room and Living Room Furniture AcKs Jackson River .'S, Home Furnishings & Decor ,,^ At the Foot of the Bridge 340 North Bridge Street 863-674-0003 LaBelle TOUCHDOWN r - BREAKFAST I10% OFF' 2 Pancakes, 2 eggs, 2 bacon I Breakfast, strips and 2 sausage links Lunch or S Dinner I Must Present Coupon * !Not valid avl' i/ other ong 29 qffer Ep JI 31 06 of the idsmeu12&une ' 10% OFF: = Breakfast, ~ Lunch or , (I Dinner A" ust Prt ,::. Cr.oupon Nor Pohlid iw v ony ,,lher .' ':r E.:o p 0 1 06I A I A, '" iJ ^ J 1030 West Sugarland Hwy1 Clewiston. Florida 863-983-3663 .~: - s'ar T9SopA r4e Al ILL f. i{ Rick Miller Sales Service Installation Air Conditioning Contractor CA-C058675 19 West Interlake Blvd. Lake Placid, FL 33852 www.MillersCentralAir. corn m I -.J I I F IN I 1 1) -, It I v, -.29"REP"m a Iff ., I '- '.- f I I Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 12, 2006 ^Esi-lS" ^s-s^. k 9 TMWE' Thursday, October 12, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee CREW awarded grant for Safe Home project HENDRY AND GLADES COUNTIES -"CREW, Inc. has been awarded a $208,000 grant by the State of Florida's Depart- ment of Financial Services to administer the My Safe Florida Home hurricane mitigation pro- gram designed to help fortify low-income Hendry and Glades County homes. The Volunteer Florida Foun- dation, which manages the Florida Hurricane Relief Fund and the My Safe Florida Home program for low-income home- owners, chose CREW, Inc. to provide hurricane mitigation grants to homeowners who earn no more than 80 percent of the Annual Median Income (AMI). In (Hendry and Glades coun- ties), 80 percent of the AMI for a family of four is $31,000. Homes to receive mitigation services must be site-built, single-family homes with insurance coverage under $500,000 and have a homestead exemption. CREW, Inc. seeks to serve 100 homeowners, who will receive free home inspections to deter- mine what improvements can be made to strengthen their homes against hurricanes. Fol- lowing the inspections, home- owners will receive assistance to make recommended improve- ments. As part of this non-profit initiative, C.R.E.W., Inc. will leverage donations of labor through volunteers, contractor services, and cash and building materials. Trish Adams, LCSW, CREW Executive Director and Long Term Recovery Coordinator for United Way of Lee, Hendry and Glades County stated that; "We are pleased to be able to help people prepare and fortify their homes against future damage, while still trying to help resi- dents recover from Wilma. Our hope is that by helping people- harden their homes that if another storm like Wilma affects our area, there will not be as much damage." Homeowners who qualify can receive funds to complete mitigation upgrades such as: improving the strength of roof deck attachments, creating a secondary water barrier to pre- vent water intrusion, improving the survivability of roof cover- ing, bracing gable-ended roof framing, reinforcing roof-to- wall connections, upgrading exterior wall openings, such as hurricane shutters, and upgrad- ing exterior doors, such as garage doors. "Our partnership with CREW, Inc. will enable us to leverage resources to better protect another 100 homeowners from hurricanes and the catastrophic losses they inflict," said Tom Gal- lagher, Chief Financial Officer of the State of Florida. Gallagher oversees the My Safe Florida Home program. On a statewide basis, 12 non- profit organizations have part- nered with My Safe Florida Home and Volunteer Florida Foundation to serve more than 4,000 low-income Floridians liv- ing in Broward, Escambia, Glades, Hendry, Miami-Dade, Osceola, Palm Beach, Pinellas, Polk and St. Lucie counties. My Safe Florida Home is matching $8.1 million with the resources of these 12 organizations. "We applaud the volunteers and community organizations, which will join us in our impor- tant work to help low-income residents strengthen their homes," said Liza McFadden, president of the Volunteer Flori- da Foundation, which manages the Florida Hurricane Relief Fund. "We are honored to expand our role to include miti- gation work with the Depart- ment of Financial Services and our non-profit partners in target- ed communities." Funding for the partnership Big lake amateurs participate in drill By Rev. Sam Thomas, W3ALE P.L.O. BIARC CLEWISTON The Big Lake Amateur Radio Club participat- ed in the annual "Simulated Emergency Test" on Saturday, Oct. 7, at the emergency radio station at John Boy Auditorium in Clewiston. This annual event is to test stations for emergency opera- tions in cases of natural or man- made disasters. Stations are Crime Stoppers Quanzell Marshall The Palm Beach County Sher- iff's Office is seeking assistance from the public in locating the following wanted fugitive. Quanzell Marshall, age 27, is a black male with black hair and brown eyes. He is 6 feet tall and weighs approximately 175 pounds. He has tattoos on both arms and chest and a scar on his head. Marshall, who has also been known as (AKA) 'Alfonso Mar- shall' has previously lived on Alabama Avenue in Clewiston. He is wanted on charges of violation of probation DUI Manslaughter. Anyone with information on this fugitive is asked to call the operated in places where emer- gency power sources are avail- able and put "on the air" to make certain that communica- tions would be available should there be a need. The station at John Boy Auditorium consists of 'High Fiequency and Very High Frequency transceivers and power sources to take advan- tage of generator or battery power if needed. Contacts were made through- out the soutile in part of the U.S. and the participating amateurs made contact with stations in a voice mode. Contacts were also made using VHF equipment although the range is more limited. The local station was capable of reaching from Belle Glade to Fort Myers during this drill and demonstrated that the station could be "up and ready" if need- ed. Participating amateurs were Jim Sparks, AA4BN who is the Emergency Coordinator for Hendry County and Sam Thomas, W3ALE, Assistant Emergency Coordinator. The operators were pleased with the results of the test; showing that the transceivers being used were capable of full operation, and the antenna network gave good radiation patterns. The Simulat- ed Emergency Test was regarded as successful and the station deemed ready should a need arise. Robbery suspect nabbed LABELLE Corporal Perry Short of the Hendry County Sher- iff's Office investigated an alleged armed robbery that occurred on Lucky Street at about 4:25 a.m. Oct. 5. The victim told deputies that he was approached by a man brandishing a knife who demanded his money. He also gave deputies a description of the vehicle and suspect. Corporal Short located Crime Stoppers at (800) 458- TIPS (8477), or online at: www.crimestopperspbc.com. Post your News Post or read press releases, announcements & information from your community. Community Links. Individual Voices. I the vehicle and a person fitting the description of the suspect at 1040 Lucky Street. The victim was then taken to the scene and posi- tively identified the suspect as the person that robbed him of $40. Daniel Lopez Hernandez, 34, of Labelle, was arrested and charged with aggravated assault and robbery \\ith a weapon. Bond was set at $30,000., 0 V I Go to newszap.com to \ I I download and print I I coupons online! I L--------- ------ - -- with non-profit organizations is possible because of a $250 mil- lion appropriation by the Florida Legislature during the 2006 Ses- sion to create the Florida Com- prehensive Hurricane Damage Mitigation Program, now referred to as My Safe Florida Home and administered by the Florida Department of Financial Services. To apply for the program in (Hendry or Glades Counties) call (863) 983-2390. To learn more about the My Safe Florida Home program visit www.mysafefloridahome.com. For information on the low- income portion of the program, go to www.FLAHurricaneFund.org. For more information about (C.R.E.W) go to http://home. earthlink.net/~hurricanerecovery/ or http://huricanerecovery. blogspot.com/. I * Unlimited Hours, No Contracts! FREE 2417 Technical Support nstanl ilessag n- teep owur tud ui; Ii' 10 e-mail addreFss. tih 'lWebmaai! Cuslrn Sia3 P3aq. ne:,.. weather & more! (Suf pto6X faster! just more - Sign Up Onlinel www.LocalNet.com al e' O Call Toda3 3v ' LocalNet 18 Nationwide and intenaional opportunities, Be your own bos., and make thloiUnrids ofdollar, without a license or Llxp flnncci. Free training, vweb tools. markeun mtelral "i1d complete support Be thei ir.i inm OLu area. Condilioii, apply CALL NOW AT 1-877-300-1595 DIAZ PAVING L.L.C. We do asphalt and sealcoating services. Parking Lots Driveways Striping & Stoppers Patching 2_ 1(863)228.0731 l t License .-d & lnsred Li: /I4 SUNRISE APPLIANCE New In Box or Scratch & Dent Full Factory Warranty Save More In 1oorc Haven We Also Carry Used Appliances With Warranty 40tUS Hwy2 U Moore HBave' 863946666 HOME Of THE "OiAL. ~VE ^r d W* imi "AMU&* i ^ 'V^ w 1^ pr .11 ~v~t 1, ~ --~ Make up to $2,500 by filling in the space above! Sell your personal valuables if they're $2,500 or less for absolutely free! No fee, no catch, no problems! * 4 lines for 2 weeks * Price must be included in ad * Private parties only * 2 items per house- hold per issue * 1 used item or grouping per ad priced at $2,500 or less * Independent Newspapers reserves the right to disqualify any ad. GLADES COUNTY kClewiston News DEMOCRAT SThe Sun Toll Free E-Mail: 877-353-2424 classad@newszap.com 549 East Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston. Florida 33440 Monday. Friday 8am 5pm Saturday 8am Noon 863-983-4484 Turfa& Tractor Full factory authorized sales and service. -Jiw. L,~- A PIA 6Inw ,!)f-r 1 1.:. k ir nd r- I ni ', omh ia .1. 3bI3 r..II uqh EFc,rnber 31 A0l6 on u tot- T A *- : C f:C- ZC -e r1 if ~ncp,mipitn.5de3ieF, E[aff*ple A i6-1n.MIrep-.., n ~ftIt-&%IN APf., Pqu ire%16 pi Imer of3W .-a FE, S.I COO banc-d 0O'. A F R IIr. -,.[ '. 31IAI. I) c.: 1 1. r Ic. jler IrA :ut 1?:1 red 3 L-r-3-5I .CM.et -, rn17 I~ ...-1 1C.: iIK ol -il f I.r d.*sil' nn IthEr,, n.j cih.!,I--, I I e :;~ ...r.'.I nt~ aC .1. n .- 1- .l.-me. IV.i Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 12, 2006 4 OPINION Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 12, 2006 Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the MooreHaven/Glades issues forum at httpV//www.newszapfo- rums.com/forum57. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). You can also make a comment by calling our Speak Out 24-hour opinion line at (863) 983-9140. Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits. Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include: * Belle Glade/South Bay Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum51 *Clewlston issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum52 * Hendry County Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum54 * Moore Haven/Glades Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum57 * Okeechobee city/county Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum58 * Pahokee issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum59 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community forums and links." Letter to the Editor Trust the voters As Floridians, our lives have been profoundly influenced by citi- zens taking initiative to amend Florida's Constitution. Citizens have limited political terms, man- dated smaller classrooms, banned smok- ing in public places, required universal pre-K, limited property tax increases, required gov- a . ernment in the sunshine, and Bill capped state Sublette taxes. All were issues that Tallahassee politicians refused to address. Those same lobbyists and spe- cial interests which block popular measures in Tallahassee now want to make it harder for the people to petition for changes in the law. They want to require a super- majority vote of 60 percent for the people to amend the Constitution. Their effort, Amendment 3 on this year's ballot, is nothing more than a naked power grab by the special interests which dominate Tallahas- see's legislative halls. The citizen's initiative process is already extremely difficult, but it is fair and the only recourse the peo- ple have when Tallahassee's spe- cial interests block popular issues. I know this from personal experi- ence. I served in the Legislature for eight years. I watched tobacco companies bury bills banning smoking in restaurants and work- places. I saw legislation for smaller classrooms get killed in backroom deals. I know the hostility of most legislators to term limits. I've wit- nessed big business crush efforts to raise the minimum wage. I've seen how many elected representatives dislike having to govern in the sun- shine. I've heard the government arguments against capping home- owner's property taxes. None of these popular initiatives would have become law if left to the Flori- da Legislature. Each took an impas- sioned group of citizens petitioning their cause onto the ballot to get their issue decided by thevoters. Amendment 3's supporters argue that they are simply raising the bar without taking away the people's right to decide. Under their logic, Save Our Homes, Uni- versal Pre-K, and caps on the amount of taxes the Legislature can raise would have never become law, because each passed by a sim- ple majority vote of the people, not by a super-majority vote Amend- ment 3 requires. The very Constitu- tion we live under today passed in 1968 by 55 percent. If the special interests behind Amendment 3 succeed, Florida will be the only state to require a super-majority vote for citizen initiatives. Amendment 3 is nothing more than a thinly veiled insult to the vot- ers of Florida. It sends the message that the majority of Floridians don't know what is best for their state, and that a minority of voters should be allowed to block what the majority wants as law. Floridians have a simple choice on Nov. 7. They can either vote to trust the politicians, lob- byists, and special interests by voting for Amendment 3, or they can vote to trust the people by voting against Amendment 3. I say trust the people. Bill Sublette is a former Republi- can member of the Florida House of Representatives. He is Chairman of No Casinos, Inc. He is co-chair of Trust the Voters (www.trustthevot- ers.org), with former Democratic u.S. Senator Bob Grah Charles Hilton, a Panar ney who is chairman Madison Institute. ouominea pnoto/i Dressed for fun! Dress your pets up cuter than Sami and come Savvy's Animal Hospital on Halloween Day for people trick or treat goodies! We'll have fun pho prizes for best costume! SGlades unty Dmcr Our Purpose... The Glade- CoLunt Democrat is published by Independent New Florida. Independent is owned by a unique trust that enables thi per to pursue a mission of journalstic service to the citizens of ti irty. Since no dividends are paid, the company is able to thriv tr.argins below industry standards. All after-tax surpluses are rei Independent's mission of journalistic service, commitment to th the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and support of nl.urnt,'s deliberation of public issues. We Pledge... * T.: ,per Ae dI rmt.pifer a i pubiJ.: tnur.I ' T hIdr ,..ur .,ruorr.urur, t.,'..m j ib ner plp,. I: ue ,iri rl. Tlhr.:'ui i:ur i d&..,,hr l, i,... 6.eit,.. 4.. l.i urn i-l m enn T *..r i r'J, mi-i . ,, :.,., th 'rd ,,-r r,, :,, ,:, r,ero. vo * ", r- p L, i- ir, tI h.:,rp L y. dO.:s ur r:ey. Tbo l r'e le.rlh: ..rc deyd i.) npi:eltL . ' T,:, u c a .ur .,pim,..r] n i;. .: uadt ii h ,,rll uriiLy ,J ,l ,i- 0 [r,,', lI,, i,:,nl iali ,| ith 'Ui .A-'TI .,[,riui'fl.f * T.. .I ..:l,, .l :,u, ." r,, .r.r, l st u^lle:t a c, f e ,l. 0I [., .. ;.| l .:.:.,r.l'I .[ ..,, i l ' * T-:- .- leci, ui .ii i di v.. p- -ii, ccar [A:l.].,; h I: ';, & i..,Tjr,,. II .f 'e.I r-, ' Lu piuvidv a right to10 reply to those we wnite about, * To treat people with.courtesy, respect and compassion., Elio. J.),t -rigo.-a bp.'erbyb,. Goem.I- ri.,cria Boasi, Advfffiti~ Abermsina Dlew-T Jud.y KLaim tNimr..l Are seir J R.v nnt Ad.,lruq N LOwrr B Al,, Fi &'a Ed Dwr. Vier Pr;, dera ,' .0 Plod, Ciperaioi .kmByrd E,.v tip Ear .' Member of Florida Press Assoclartion Community Events Benefit 'Cook-off' planned The fifth annual Glades Coun- ty Cook-off to benefit Project Graduation, the Moore Haven Scholarship fund, and Main Street Moore Haven is slated for Saturday, Oct. 14, 2006 in Perry Park. There will be first, second and third place trophies awarded to winners. The entry fee is $100 per grill. For more information, con- tact Brian Bechtold at (863) 946- 0400 or, Kevin Bryant at (863) 946-3006. The Glades VFD will also be cooking and selling barbeque rib and chicken dinners from 10:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. with all pro- ceeds to go to the Moore Haven Volunteer Fire Dept. It should be a fun day in the park. Contact Chief John Biggs at: (863) 946- 2169 to place early orders. Want a job in Construction? Take advantage of a job train- ing opportunity provided by the Education Center of Southwest Florida, Inc. (ECSWF) for con- struction trades ranging from carpentry and plastic pipe to blue prints and masonry. Classes begin in October and space is limited. Flyers and applications are available at the Glades Coun- ty Economic Development Council (EDC) Office in the Doyle Conner Building in Moore Haven or the ECSWF office in LaBelle. Applications can be faxed 'to the EDC at (863) 946- 0777 or directly to the Education Center at 863-675-6800. For more information, contact Sonny Hughes, (863) 675-6800. Barbeque dinner sale to be held The Glades County Volunteer Fire Department will sell rib or chicken barbecue dinners with coleslaw and baked beans for $7 a plate during the Cookin' on the Caloosahatchee Cook Off. Din- ners will be served from 10:30 a.m. through 4 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 14, at Perry Park. All pro- ceeds from the barbecue dinner sales will benefit the Moore Haven Volunteer Fire Depart- ment. For more information con- tact Chief John Biggs at (863) 946-2169. National Herb Day ham, and L. am planned a Cityattr- program planned of the James Glades and Hendry Counties will be sponsoring a program in BillSublette honor of National Herb Day on Oct. 14. The program will be held at the Hendry County Extension Office and will begin at 10:30 a.m. Topics will include growing, using, and enjoying herbs in South Florida. After the program the guests are invited to visit an herb garden. Bring a lunch and beverage, herbal pumpkin soup and dessert will be provided. For more informa- tion please call the extension office at (863) 946-0244 or email any questions to sthumphries@ifas.ufl.edu Florida. Native Plant SSavvy Society meetings The Florida Native Plant Soci- ety meeting will be held on the by Doc first Tuesday of each month at 7 pet and p.m. at the Agri-Civic Center at tos, and 4509 George Boulevard in Sebring in conference room number three. For more infor- mation, call Roy Stewart at: (863) 632-0914. Elections poll workers needed If you are interested in serving your community, your neighbor- hood, and your fellow Ameri- cans...How about becoming a poll worker in the upcoming elec- wspapers of tions. The General Election is Nov. is newspa- 7. There are 13 Precinct Polling he commu- Places in Glades County. In order e on profit to serve as a pollworker, you must invested in first attend a poll worker's train- ie ideals of ing class held before the election the comm- at the courthouse. You must be able to read and write the English language and you must be regis- tered to vote in Glades County. You must be at the Precinct Polling Place by 6 a.m. and you must stay there until after the polls close at 7 p.m. If you are interested, and want to know more, please call Holly Whiddon at the Supervisor of Elections office at (863) 946-6005. LaBelle amateur radio Meetings planned The LaBelle Amateur Radio Association resumed monthly meetings on Tuesday, Sept. 5, at the Hendry LaBelle Recreation Office building at 310 W. Cow- boy Way, LaBelle. The Club meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. Any one interested in amateur radio is invited to attend. Emergency communication is a vital part in responding to Hurricanes and other hazardous events. The LaBelle Amateur Radio Associa- tion provides emergency com- munication via amateur radio when other forms of communi- cation are unavailable and as a backup. For further details call Ron Zimmerly, KE4PFG at (863) 675-6375. Guardian Ad Litem volunteers needed Are you flexible, open-mind- ed and interested in advocating for a child? Only 60 percent of Lee, Collier, Charlotte, Glades and Hendry County children taken from their homes due to allegations of abuse or neglect have a volunteer Guardian ad Litem (GAL) to protect their interests. A GAL volunteer has the opportunity to be a champi- on for an abused, neglected or abandoned child inr court and within the community, strongly supported by program staff. For information, to apply, or to ask how your business or organiza- tion can help, call Jackie at (239) 533-1425 or (866) 341-1GAL. The next Guardian Ad Litem training class starts in Fort Myers on Saturday, Nov. 4, 11, 17 and 18). In addition to 28 hours of classroom instruction, volun- teers must put in two hours of courtroom observation. Narcotics Anonymous meets Narcotics Anonymous meets Monday at 7 p.m. for open dis- cussion meeting at Buck Head Ridge Christian Church, 3 Linda Road, Buckhead Ridge. For more information please call (863) 634-4780. Hurricane help available Help is still available for Hur- ricane Wilma victims from our local Community Rebuilding Ecumenical Workforce (CREW) but you must register again! Community Rebuilding Ecu- menical Workforce (CREW) is a caring network of Hendry and Glades Counties' civic, social, service, and faith-based groups, agencies, and organizations, along with concerned individu- als and businesses, formed to address the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the com- munity in the restoration and rebuilding of their lives and homes in times of a natural or man-made disaster. CREW will provide collabora- tive leadership and advocacy in meeting the needs for revitaliz- ing and improving the quality of life for the most vulnerable in the community. For more information, ques- tions, or to schedule an appoint- ment, please call of visit: CREW Headquarters, First United Methodist Church, 352 W. Arcade Avenue, Clewiston, phone (863) 983-4316 (John 3:16) or email CREWheadquar- ters@aol.com. MHHS Class Reunion planned The MHHS Class of '86 is hav- ing its 20 year reunion on Home- Weather Weather forecast for Glades County from the National Weather Ser- vice Moore Haven and surrounding area Thursday: Partly cloudy, with a high near 88. Winds will be calm becoming west around 6 mph with a 20 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms after 8 a.m. Thursday night: Partly cloudy, with a low around 67. Winds will be light and variable with a 20 percent chance of showers and thunder- storms. Extended Forecast Friday: Partly cloudy, with a high near 88. Winds will be from the west between 3 and 8 mph with a 30 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms, mainly after 9 a.m. Friday night: Partly cloudy, with a low around 68. Winds will be from the west between 3 and 6 mph. Saturday: Mostly sunny, with a high near 84. North winds will be around 7 mph. Saturday night: Mostly clear, with a low around 65. Sunday: Mostly sunny, with a high near 87. Sunday night: Mostly clear, with a low around 70. Monday: Mostly sunny, with a high near 91. i coming Weekend this year. Organizers are inviting the Class of '87 and Class of '88 to join the t fun, as well. Reunion planners are in need of assistance in locat- ing and notifying all members of the above classes. The initial plan is to have a tailgate type get- together the night of the Home- coming Game and, on the fol- lowing day, have a BBQ for the family at the City Park or a simi- lar location. Anyone interested in assisting may contact David Lee at dlee-1967@skyeone.com or (863) 946-2512. CREW needs volunteers The Community Rebuilding Ecumenical Workforce (CREW) of Hendry and Glades Counties is seeking volunteers to assist residents with repairs and con- tinued clean up efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Wilma. Carpenters, Electricians, Plumbers, drywall installers and other trade skills are needed, as well as, anyone willing to lend a hand. For more information, come by our office at 121 Central Ave. rear entrance or email CREWheadquarters@aol.com or phone (863) 983 2390. CREW seeks donations The Community Rebuilding Ecumenical Workforce (CREW) of Hendry and Glades Counties is seeking donations of building materials and supplies, including lumber, nails and drywall, to assist residents with repairs and continued clean up efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Wilma. Donations, including monetary contributions, are tax deductible. For more information, come by our office at 121 Central Ave. rear entrance or email CREWhead- quarters@aol.com .or phone (863) 983-2390. Free services offered to help elders Center for Independent Living will be doing outreach on a regu- lar. basis at the Moore Haven, Clewiston, and LaBelle sites between the hours of noon to 2:30 p.m. You can contactTera or- Linda at the Center, for Inde. pendent Living at (941) 766-8333 in Charlotte County to find out the days that they will be avail- able in those areas. Economic Council Meetings planned The Glades County Economic Development Council normally meets the first.Monday of the month at 6:15 p.m. in the confer- ence room at Glades Electric Cooperative. If you are not a member, please contact the EDC about joining. If you are a mem- ber, please plan to attend the meetings. As the Main Street effort and other initiatives move forward, we will need a host of knowledgeable volunteers to serve on various committees and we encourage your partici- pation. VFW Post #9528 hours posted The VFW Post #9528 is locat- ed at 2002 Hwy. 78 West in Buck- head Ridge. For more informa- tion call (863) 467-2882. Post hours are from noon until 8 p.m. daily. Wednesday is Ladies Auxil- iary dinner from 5:30-7 p.m., and the cost is $5. Every Thursday, the post has bar bingo at 12:45 p.m. Lunch will be available. Every Friday a steak dinner with baked potato, salad and rolls are served from 5:30 7 p.m. with a $9 donation. Dancing immedi- ately follows the dinner. All games and special events are shown on three televisions. The game room has a regula- tion-size pool table. Post meet- ings are held on the second and fourth Saturday of the month, beginning at 10 a.m. Comman- der Albert Crank is available at (863) 467-2882. VFW Post #190539 hours posted The VFW will be open Mon- day through Wednesday 10 a.m.- 8 p.m.; Thursday, 10 a.m.-10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m.-11 p.m., or later; and Sun- day, 1 8 p.m. Happy hour is from 4 6 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Dinner is served at 5 p.m. Tuesday evenings. Bar bingo starts at 12:45 p.m. Wednesday. Lunch will be available. Singles' darts every Wednesday, 7 p.m. Cafeteria is open from 5 8 p.m., Thursday nights. Friday at 7 p.m. there will be live music and dancing, On Saturday, hotdogs with kraut are served at noon. Saturday dart doubles at 7 p.m. Diabetes Awareness courses offered Hendry County Health Department Heart to Heart Pro- gram and Senior Connections are offering an eight-week Dia- betes Class at 2 p.m. each Wednesday at the Nobles Senior Center. Classes include the dia- betic diet, understanding- carb- counting, eye and foot care, and the ABC's of diabetes (the A1C test, Blood Pressure, and Choles- terol. All diabetics, long term or newly diagnosed, are welcome. Home Energy Assistance support The Agricultural and Labor Program, Inc. located in Winter Haven, has been awarded a grant from the Department of Community Affairs to provide fLpow Income Home Energy Assistance services, to eligible applicants in Hendi'y and Glades counties. For an application and/or information please call (800) 330-3491. Addiction recovery help offered At NARCONON ARROW- HEAD we have the answers to addiction recovery, call us at (800) 468-6933 or log onto our web site at www.stopaddiction.com. Addiction recovery help available Narconon reminds parents that during the summer months, children are more apt to let bore- dom set in and drugs and alco- hol can work into their lives. To help your child this summer, learn to recognize the signs of drug and alcohol addiction and get the help they need. If you or someone you know is struggling with an addiction, call Narconon. NARCONON offers free addiction counseling, assessments, and referrals to rehabilitation centers nation- wide by calling 1 (800) 468-6933 or logging onto www.stopaddic- tion.com. To Reach Us Address: RO Box 1236 Clewiston, Fla. 33440 Website: www.newszap.com To Submit News The Glades County Democrat %el- comes sutbm,;sions from its readers. Opinions. calendar items. stories, ;deas and photographs are welcome Call 866-399-5253 to reach our news-. r'oom Items may be mailed, iaxed or e-mailed. The deadline for all nes; temrr is 12 p m. Monday prior to the illoming Thursday's publicauon. E-mail: gcdn-aws,,'new.zap corn To Place A Classified Ad Call (877353.2424 to place a cla;si- fied adiertsement from borne. The deadline fIr all advertising is 12 p.m Mrcnday for the follotvng Thursda 's publication. Fax. 1-877-354.2424 E-mail. classadiinewszap.com To Place A Display Ad Call 566.-3'-9-5253. deadline for all adveruiing is 12 p m NMondav for the following Thursd ay's p,,bli,:;.uon Fax. 1-863.S3.-7537 E-mail southlalB-ead.']'new ,zap corm Advertising Billing Department E-mail: billteam@newszap.com To Start or Stop A Paper Phone: (877)353-2424 E-mail: eadersernmi snewszap com The Glades County Democrat is delivered by mail io subscriberis on Thursdav and is sold in rack4 and store k, locations in the Glade; County area Call 1877353-2424 TO repon a rnased newspaper or poor delivery. Glades Cunty Dem.,crat LiSPS l 1)FA)60 Fublj:h,.l Weekl) by Indepqendent Ne, papers, Inc ck wLswAi,FL 33-40 for $24 61 per year including lasi. Se,:rad CI.is pp'Lage pid at Clirtaon FI.rinda Postmra-er 'end ,dide'- ,.h'r, to the Glades Co.-r.r; D-rr,.:-:rr Circulan-,n ABO injlt[ih, PO BO E 111i D,:,,r. DE lI',O3 :png Priried .at SwisalsroPrinrting. 3 subcidi.,rN (if lni.Jndcrrakr4i IdenpiEr, E-rnsid rrrlrrlf'tririw ,ruai r~ Newszap! Online News & Information Get the latest news at www.newszap.com Glades County Democrat Published by Independent Newspaper, Inc. Serving Glades County Since 1923 L Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 12, 2006 OPINION Thrdy Ocoe 12,.2006.Serving.te.communities.s.ut.of Lake.Okeechobe HAMI0 N HRYSLER DODGE JEEP We have the expert technicians, factory service information, specialized tools and genuine parts to properly service your Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep vehicle. ------------ --- ... -n- -- --- -. -- ----a.. SAutomatic Transmission Tune-Up I$79.95 g Drain/Replace 4 S INGIUOPFSDa Drain fluid/remove filter a New Mopar transmission filter Installation of new fluid - a *- Necessary adjustments Road-test vehicle Some Jeep vehicles require an extra charge due to special filter S-* Vehicles with special fluids may be higher. Imports may be higher. Additional charge for fluid disposal e S. Expires io/t 8/o 6 . 4' I a I a I a I I a a a a I a a a Lube, Oil & Filter Change $21.95 Cooling System Service i49l95-a $Flush/Replace a INCLUDES: Inspection of hoses and belts Mopar antifreeze replacement (2-gal max) S Pressure test system Diesel engines and additional parts/labor extra Vehicles requiring longer-life antifreeze are higher additional charge for fluid disposal a.E.xci m t, aio 8/ oi6 a a a a a a a a Wheel Balance & Tire Rotation INCLUDES: ILUDES: Engine oil replacement up to 5 quarts Remove four wheels Complete chassis lube from vehicle; balance U New Mopar oil filter a I and rotate - Fluid level inspection a a Special wheels, specialty a Inspect CV joints and front a a vehicles slightly higher. a suspension components a i Additional charges may be applied for diesel, a a I V-10s, Hemi V-8s, fluid disposal, semi-synthetic F and synthetic oils. Expires ro/8/o6 Expires 0o/18/6 Present this ad when order is written. Check with Service Advisor to see if vehicle may require additional parts and/or labor at extra charge. Cannot be used with other specials or like service. Customer is responsible for tax. Chrysler, Plymouth, Dodge, Jeep and Eagle vehicles only. 2004 Daimler Chrysler Motors Company, LLC. Chrysler, Jeep Dodge and Mopar are registered trademarks of Daimler Chrysler. Good Year is a registered trademark of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. HAMPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP _____ HENDRY COUNTY'S ONLY 5-STAR I CHI RSLERI CHRYSLER-DODGE-JEEP * It really does make a di ^KT*~~~~ ~ ~~~~ 4~fl gij| ^ j^gjgj i f DEALER 'erence!. JHI~lli ^ ^ A ouIo raI7ws (863) 983-4600 202 W. Sugarland Hwy. Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 a .1 a *1 I a I a a a a 5 ns. Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 12, 2006 t 14ic -.A= Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 12, 2006 ~cILr~r~ I. - DION Palm Bea mcTh 007a I [g.>.i. Brand New 2006 Dodge CARAVAN 2 to Choose! Brand New 2006 ,'. DURANGO Stk#63814 101104 Brand New 2007 Dodge CALIBER -*vsl '--m SI II Brand New 2006 Dodge RAM 1500 SLT MEGA CAB 2 TO CHOOSE! ~4kS94iO I I I i'~)~ ij~ ueac .- I ff F Tt I;'EC Uo ADVERTISED OFFERS VALID ON SELECT, IN-STOCK VEHICLES ONLY. OFFERS NOT IN CONJUNCTION. MINIMUM 750 BEACON SCORE REQUIRED. DEALER RETAINS ALL REBATES & INCENTIVES. PRICES INCLUDE ALL REBATES. PRICES PLUS TAX, TAG & TITLE, FEES & DEALER INSTALLED OPTIONS. REBATES VARY ON SELECT MODELS, WITH APPROVED CREDIT REBATES MAY INCLUDE CFC REBATE ON SOME MODELS, CFC REBATE REQUIRES FINANCING APPROVAL THRU CFC, NOT ALL BUYERS WILL QUALIFY FOR THIS REBATE, SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. OFFERS EXPIRE DATE OF PUBLICATION OR MAY BE CANCELED AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE. RANKING BASED ON REGISTERED SALES FOR DAIMLER CHRYSLER THRU APRIL 2006. DEALER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS. VEHICLE ART FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ZERO APR FINANCING TERMS VARY, UP TO 60 MONTHS, ON SELECT MODELS, MUST HAVE CREDIT APPROVAL THRU CHRYSLER FINANCIAL, OFFERS NOT IN CONJUNCTION, RESTRICTIONS APPLY, SEE DEALER FOR MORE DETAILS. PREVIOUS SALES EXCLUDED. ALL OFFERS EXCLUDE SRT MODELS & VIPERS. @2006 CARRERA ADV. t - I I I i,'SD ,- -., -.,}; yLAS' Brand New 2006 r RAM 1500 Reg. Cab Stk#63980 Brand New 2006 Dodge RAM 15oo Quad Cab SLT Stk#61289, 61380 i ,,[d J. Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 12, 2006 /air L: Arrest Report This column lists arrests, not convictions, unless otherwise stated. Anyone who is listed here and who is later found not guilty, or has the charges against them dropped, is welcome to inform the newspaper. We will confirm the information and print it Western Palm Beach County Belle Glade Jermaal Keon Fowler, 22, of Southeast First Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Oct. 2, by PBSO and charged with violation of probation or community con- trol Criminal mischief. He is being held on $2,500 bond. Michael L. Bailey, 21, of Covenant Drive, Belle Glade, was arrested on Oct. 2, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with domestic battery and contempt of court violation of injunction of protection. He is being held on $10,000 bond. Sherly L. Alvarez, 23, of Southwest Sixth Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Oct. 2, by PBSO and charged with larceny theft of $300 or more but less than $5,000. She was released on $3,000 surety bond. Jacolby Donnell Tyler, 18. of Glades Glen Drive, Belle Glade, was arrested on Oct. 3, by PBSO and charged with carrying a con- cealed weapon. He w'as released on a $3,000 cash bond Charles R. Coney, 18, of Southwest D Place Avenue, Belle Glade, was arrested on Oct. 3, by PBSO and charged wilh violation of probation; possession of a weapon or ammo by delinquent - adult felony. He is also being held on Palm Beacld C(untiy charge Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. No bond was set. Jeanette R. Washington, 39, of North S.R. 715, Belle Glade, was arrested on Oct. 3, by PBSO and charged with contempt of court violation of injunction repeat sex date violence. She is being held on $10,000 bond. Ada Urquiaga, 38, of South- east Avenue F, Belle Glade, was arrested on Oct. 3, by PBSO and charged with violation of proba- tion or community control - booked for Miami Dade Sherift 's Office on charges of grand theft second degree more than $20,000. He is being held on $2,500 bond:. : Lena D. Davis, 24;,of South- west D Avenue, Belle Glade, was arrested on Oct. 4, by PBSO and charged with aggravated battery using a deadiv weapon. She is being held on $10,000 bond. William McClorin, 43, of Covenant Drive, Belle Glade was arrested on Oct. 5, by PPB-i) on a warrant charging him with selling cocaine. He is being held on $30,00)(l0 bond. o Anthony Jerome Billings, 23, of Southwest First Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Oct 5, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with selling cocaine within 1,000 feet of place of worship or busi- ness. He is being held on $15,000 bond. Corey Burroughs, 37, of Southwest Avenue E, Belle Glade, was arrested on Oct. 5, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with failure to appear on a written promise to appear and failure to appear for arraignment on Aug. 22, on two counts of possession of drug paraphernalia. He is being held on $2,000 bond. Daniel Joseph Ri-anos., 19, of Northeast First Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Oct. 7, by PBSO'and charged with robbery and carjacking with a firearm. He was also charged with fleeing and eluding police at a high speed, pussessilon ril cocaine and driving wl while license suspended. He is bring he Id without bond for ilie rliarged t or carjacking aiid a bond rl $6,250) was set fur hli' remaining charges. Michael Diaz, 21, of South- east Sixth Street, belle Glade, was ai rested on Oct. 7, by PBSO on a warrant clagiing liiii with rob- bery and cdrjackiiig with a firearm. He was also charged willi rr.-ling o-lircer and obslruc til in \vwih t h \it l,-nce I e is "eirin held wilhoiit hion d. Alhiin Cerna, 46, of Elver glades PFli-r Belle Glade, was irw stel on Oct. 8, by PBSO and charged with violations of proba- tion btalkini.. He is being held 'vithouti bond. e Jeremiah D. Jenkins, 22, of Covenant DiKi:', Bi-il Glade, was arrested on Oct. 8, by PBSO on a warrant and charged with domestic battery. No bond was set. Jackie D. Warren, 26, of Southwest Fourth Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Oct. 8, by PBSO and charged will larceny - retail theft of more than $3(10. Bond was set at $3,000. Pahokee James E. Anderson, 40, of Shirley Drive, Pahokee, v\as arrested on Oct. 2, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with viola- tion of probation or community control possession of cocaine. He was released on $6,000 surety bond. Travis L. Phillips, 21, of Coconut Road, Pahokee, was arrested on Aug. 2, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with viola- tion of probation or community control domestic battery. No bond was set. Kristen Marie Rowe, 20, of Pelican Lake Drive, Pahokee, was arrested on Oct. 2, by PBSO and charged with possession of cocaine. No bond was set. Mary Smith, 42, of Banyan Avenue, Pahokee, was arrested on Oct. 4, by PBSO on an active bench warrant and charged with failure to appear for felony offense failure to appear for arraignment on grand theft charges; giving false name upon being detained or arrested. No bond was set. Robert R. Tomlin, 20, of Peli- can Lake, Pahokee, was arrested on Oct. 5, by PBSO and charged with domestic battery and resist- ing officer with violence. He is being held on $3,000 bond. Charles C. McCloud, 24, of Pelican Lake Avenue, Pahokee, was arrested on Oct. 5, by PBSO and charged with carrying a con- cealed weapon and possession of cocaine He is being held without bond South Bay Jorqi ietta Shunta Rivers, 23, of Northwest 11th Avenue, South Rav, was arrested on Oct. 3, by PBSO and charged with neglect of a child. She is being held on $5,000 bond. Lavinski D. Johnson, 19, of, Palm Beach Road, South Bay, was arrested on Oct. 4, by PBSO and charged with failure to appear on a written promise to appear failure to appear for case disposition on May 8 for charges of retail theft in structure or conveyance after warning - (Alias). lie is being held on $2,000 bond. Delone Peppers, 46, of Levy Road, South Bay, was arrested on Oct. 4, by PBSO and charged with disorderly conduct resisting offi- cer without violence assault on officer firefighter and smuggling contraband into detention facility. He is being held on $6,000 bond. Marcus Antonio King, 19, of Southeast Third Street, South Bay, was arrested on Oct. 6, by PBSO and charged with possession of di ugs with intent to sell and pos,- session and or use of narcotics equipment. He was released on $3,000 bond. Williams McKenzie, 70, of A 'watchdog' with manners? g"ny -.- x. r "ni*t;.l = 'r ., ...IIA :II. J D O Clewiston TheSun . City looks at wale New cemetery I ._ yc itypproves pi tanor WtKS UMWA umiBM *'Ma, :e.' C' m A legitimate role for the press is that of "the public's watchdog." Most cit- izens can't spend the time necessary to personally observe their public officials at work, or to determine how well public institutions are carrying out their public mission. But too many newspapers these days act more like "mad dogs" than "watchdogs." We're proud to be different. We try to carry out our "watchdog" role as humble representatives of the public, always maintaining a courteous tone and our reputation for purposeful neutrality. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or calling your editor. Clewiston News GLADES COUNTY DE MOCRAT TheSun Community Service 7 Ir /wnih JoiiiJualismn Chamberlain Court, Pahokee, was arrested on Oct. 7, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with driving while license suspended - habitual offender. He was released on a $3,000 bond. Jesstaurius Dortch, 22, of East Main Street, Pahokee, was arrested on Oct. 8, by PBSO and charged with battery causing bodily harm. No bond was set. Willie James McKelton, 39, of Padgett Circle, Pahokee, was arrested on Oct. 9, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with viola- tion of probation driving while license suspended. Bond was set at $2,500. South Bay Terrance D. Lindsey, 28, of Northwest 12th Street, South Bay, was arrested on Oct. 8, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with failure to appear for misde- meanor offense. He was booked for Hendry County and was released on a $4,999 bond. Hendry County Clewiston Harold Tony Hall, 52, of Clewiston, was arrested Oct. 12, on a warrant and charged with grand theft from $5,000-$10,000 and dealing in stolen property. Sabrena Thomas of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Bond was set at $30,000 cash/surety. Chuck Cornelius Gilkes, 26, of Clewiston, was arrested Oct. 5, and charged with violating proba- tion. Teresa Helmlinger of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Carlos Deahora, 46, of Clewiston, was arrested Oct. 1, and charged with possession of cocaine. Nathan Kirk of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Juan Ramon Fuentes, 35, of Clewiston, was arrested Oct. 4, and charged with driving with a suspended license. Eddie Wilcox, of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Reginal Jerry Mila, 21, of Belle Glade, was arrested Oct. 5, and charged with driving with a suspended license. Rolando Gajate of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Wayne Howa Alvin, 20, of Clewiston, was arrested Sept. 29, and charged with grand theft between $300-$5,000 and rob- bery with a firearm. Chad Pelham of the Clewiston Police Depart- ment was the arresting officer. a Jacob Starling, 28, of South Bay, was arrested Sept. 29, and charged with accessory to a first degree felony and possession of a weapon by a convicted felon. Chad Pelham of the Clewiston Police Department was. the arresting officer. James Thomas, 48, of Clewiston, was arrested Oct. 5, and charged with burglary. Louis Morales of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Troy Ivory Johnson, 27, of Clewiston, was arrested Oct. 7, and charged with cruelty towards a child-abused without great harm. Justin Spence of the Clewiston Police Department was the arresting officer. -__--------------------------------- I Save money on your favorite grocery items. , I Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! I HIWI.s2.c om Community Links. Individual Voices _ L.- --- - --- --- - -- - Waiting for payments OVER TIME on a settled lawsuit? Get More Cash. Deal Direct with the Leaders. NovationCap.com 1-800-337-6409 YOU CAN OWN UP TO $100,000 S l,,lL3 i LIFEINSURANCEi V Absolutely NO Medical Exams or Questions V Easy. 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B1 7 ,9 9 0 '05 NISSAN 350Z STK#64281 A........................................ 28,990 '00 PONTIAC MONTANA STK#681 15AA................ .............8.. ... 990 '03 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX GT STK 60569A....... ............................................... 1 2 ,9 9 0 '04 TOYOTA COROLLA STK#P6953 .. .. ... ......................... .. ... .. 8 ,9 9 0 '02 TOYOTA COROLLA STK#61201A............ 9,490 '03 TOYOTA CAMRY 14,990 STK .464424 ... .. .. .. ....... . .IL rai, SE HAB&LA ESPANOL PARLEZ VOUS FRANCAIS & CREOLE I ;TORE HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY: 8:30AM 9PM SATURDAY: 8:30AM 9PM SUNDAY: 11AM- 6PM t RESTRICTIONS APPLY TO "CHECKED, INSPECTED AND GUARANTEED SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. OFFERS EXPIRE DATE OF PUBLICATION. MUST PRESENT THIS AD AT TIME OF PURCHASE TO RECEIVE ADVERTISED OFFERS. ALL OFFERS TO QUALIFIED BUYERS. WITH APPROVED CREDIT. SAVINGS BASED OFF ORIGINAL MSRP. DEALER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS. PRICES PLUS TAX, TAG, TITLE & FEES. ALL VEHICLES SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. VEHICLES ADVERTISED MAY NOT ALL BE CERTIFIED PRE-OWNED VEHICLES, PLEASE SEE DEALER FOR SPECIFIC CERTIFICATIONS.ART FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. "TI 1 0 Ki1II I II iiiiirTTiMsi~iiii 11i10 I m . ........ ..... ......................................... .. Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 12, 2006 I EDUCATION 9 Thrdy coe 2 06 evn h omnte suho aeOecoe DEA arms teachers withanirugue WASHINGTON D.C. --The with unambiguous information stance Abuse, an organization Costs to Society: Students Drug Enforcement Administration on drugs. By using the Just Think comprised of families who lost increase their awareness about the Comnt ik.Idvdaocs ...... ..............~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ f l. d'.-... -^, ^,-^I; .., t,' substanel~ ~~ abuse: nroblems causet d b drug use and ComntLik.IdvulVies (DEA) is providing a new tool to educators to help their students "just think twice" about the dan- gers of drugs. A new teachers' guide based on DEA's teen anti- drug website www.justthink- twice.com, has been published by DEA and is available to teachers for classroom use. The guide contains lesson plans and recommended activities for middle and high school students and covers a wide array of topics related to the conse- quences of drugs. The curriculum was previewed and vetted by edu- cators who felt that it was a dynamic, hands-on approach which would help teach America's youth about the dangers of drugs. DEA. Administrator Karen Tandy said "Today's teens are bombarded with myriad, and often conflicting, messages about drugs. They need straightforward and objective information on what drugs do to them, their future and society as a whole. Teachers how have a resource to help them provide their students IWice weUsite as UtI uais lor assignments and class activities, teachers will stimulate middle and high school students to really think about the consequences of taking or selling drugs." DEA's award-winning "Just Think ITwice" website was launched in August, 2005 and has garnered praise from students, parents and educators. The teach- ers' guide provides lesson plans based on the eight segments of the website. For each of the segments, the guide includes lesson plans for middle school and more advanced plans for high school. Each mod- ule is comprised of an introduc- tion, a list of materials, teacher preparation requirements, an introductory discussion, suggested activities, concluding discussion, assessment of students' responses to the lesson, extension actiities to expand on concepts learned in the lesson, and quizzes to assess knowledge. Families Changing America: Standing Together Against Sub- expressed support for the teach- ers' guide. Many members of the organization are parents of young people who believed that their substance abuse was not harmful. "We believe that this curriculum will serve as a centerpiece for preparing students for the great challenges that lie ahead. It will give them the tools to make the right choices and avoid the enor- mous risks that our loved ones sadly took. We heartily support this curriculum as now, more than ever, the fourth R, Risk Avoidance, needs to be given equal weight with reading, writing, and arith- metic, "said Linda Surks, Spokesperson for Families Chang- ing America. The eight modules in the guide are: Just Think Twice About Drugs: Overview of the entire web- site. Drug Facts: Students learn the specific effects and risks of differ- ent drugs. the value of laws to protect mem- bers of society. Facts and Fiction: Students question the common myths about drugs by looking at the facts which contradict them. **It Can't Happen to Me: Using vivid examples of the negative con- sequences of drugs, students assess how drugs can affect their future. **Stumble Weed: Students learn about the various ways that marijuana impacts the brain and body and challenges them to question common myths about marijuana. **Hot Topics: Students are pro- vided information on the latest trends and drug-related news. **Got Meth? Using graphic illustrations and straightforward information, students learn about the effects of methamphetamine on the body, brain and society. The teachers' guide is avail- able on DENs website, www.dea.gov. Schools awarded over $5 million in grants ORLANDO Education Commissioner John L. Winn and K-12 Public Schools Chancellor Cheri Pierson Yecke, Ph.D., announced their intent to award $5.65 million in innovation grants to 50 school districts, the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind, Florida Virtual School and PK Young School. The grants were awarded based on partnerships developed between Florida schools that have successfully implemented career academies or other innovative programs and schools in other districts wishing to replicate these programs. Part- JR-SR flgh needs substitute teachers Moore Haven Jr.-Sr. High School is in need of substitutes for the cur- rent school year. Application pack- ets are available in the front office. For more information, please call Lori Bond from 7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m., at (863) 946-0811, (863) 983- 96.00, .86.3i 675-7715 or.(863). 467-. 7722. ... Scholarship applicants wanted If you know of a young person pursuing a college degree with the goal of working in Florida's fruit and vegetable industry, please let that student know about the Syn- genta Crop Protection Scholarship. The $1,000- scholarship will be awarded at FFVA's 63rd Annual Convention. To learn how to apply, contact Martha Tucker at (321) 214- 5200 or via email at martha.tuck- er@ffva.com. MHHS Class Reunion The MHHS Class of '86 is hav- ing their 20 year reunion on nerships between 226 schools resulted in 113 grants awarded, primarily to middle and high schools. The grant awards were the culmination of yesterday's Innovation Fair, part of the 2006 K-12 Conference in Orlando. "Part of the vision for the A+ + Plan for Education is to make sec- ondary schools more engaging, and the partnerships forged at this conference hold great promise for the transfer of success from one school to another," said Commis- sioner Winn. "We are all teachers, learners and colleagues when it comes to .helping our. students Homecoming Weekend this year. Planners are inviting the Class of '87 and Class of '88 to join us, as well. They are in need of assis- tance in locating and notifying all members of the above classes. The initial plan is to have a tailgate type get-together the night of the Homecoming Game and, on the following day, have a BBQ for the . family at the City Park or a similar location. Anyone interested in assisting may contact David Lee at dlee-1967@skyeone.com or (863) 946-2512. School Board meetings set Regular meetings will now take place on the second Thurs- day at 6 p.m. and the fourth Thurs- day at 9 p.m. in the Glades County School Board meeting room, 400 10th Street S.W, Moore Haven. Accountability Reports The 2006 NCLB Public Accountability Reports for Glades County Schools, Moore Haven achieve. This opportunity to share best practices and innovations will continue to put Florida on the map as a national leader in education." More than 60 schools with suc- cessful career academies or inno- vative programs were featured at yesterday's fair and through con- ference break-out sessions. School administrators in attendance had the opportunity to gather informa- tion on the programs and establish partnerships with the schools high- lighted in order to apply for the competitive innovation grants. Each selected partnership received a total.grant of $50,000, with the Elementary, West Glades School, and Moore Haven Junior-Senior High are available on the district and school Web sites (http://glades.edgate.org). Copies of the reports are also available at the district office and the adminis- trative office at each school. GED classes set The Glades County School Dis- trict is offering GED prep classes at Moore Haven High School, Room 26-003, for adults who wish to obtain their GED. Classes are Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6-8 p.m. You may register the night of the classes. If you have any questions you may call Scott Bass at (863) 946-0202 ext. 13. Children's advocates needed The Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) Program needs volunteers to rep- resent the best interests of abused, abandoned and neglected chil- dren before the court, social serv- ice agencies and the community. No special educational degree is required. Guardians need to be majority $40,000 awarded to the school seeking to replicate and implement the successful pro- gram. The remaining $10,000 will be provided to the school with the existing program to assist with training and mentoring costs. "This is all about schools lend- ing other schools a helping hand," said Chancellor Yecke. "We have so many exemplary programs in Florida, and this matchmaking event offered schools an opportu- nity to learn more about what their colleagues are doing, pair up with another school, and work together to replicate their success." someone with common sense, good judgment and a commit- ment to helping a child. Atten- dance at three training sessions held in Fort Myers is required. Please contact Kelie Hedrick at: (239) 461-4360 or (800) 269-6210 for more information, and to reserve your space for training. Stop the violence meetings announced The Hendry and Glades Domestic and Sexual Violence Council's mission is to increase community awareness about domestic and sexual violence and victim safety by providing servic- es, referrals and education relating to the affects of domestic/sexual violence in our community. The meetings rotate between LaBelle, Clewiston and Moore Haven. To get involved in the council or for information about meeting dates and times, please call Abuse Council and Treatment, Inc.'s Rural Extension (REACT): (863) 674-1811, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. to speak with an advocate. S61&l4es Health Cite CeINter Skilled Long & Short Term Care Facility Healthcare Services Include: * Specialized Wound Care Resident & Family Council Groups *Full Time Medical Director *Specialized HIV Care *Dialysis Support *Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapy *Alzheimer's Support Groups -24 hour Registered Nurse Staffing * Intravenous Therapy *Therapeutic Activities 230 South Barfield Highway Pahokee, Florida 33476-1834 PHONE: 561-924-5561 FAX: 561-924-9466 Other facilities in Gainesville & Bradenton Visit our website at www.floridacare.net MARIO HERNANDEZ, DDS & GELSYS VALDES, DMD H&M Dental Services 872 W. Sugarland Hwy, Clewiston FL, 33440 NOW OPEN SATURDAYS!! We Offer: SWhitening in One Visit Lumineer 1o reshape your smile wlh no drilling, shot r pair and sole tor sensti.,e polienis in most cases Endodontic treatment (Po:, Canal Treoimerl) on posterior feelh *'r/,iri, MAidi nd C .ri ern ionol Implonts This con be a life-changQinq rpeience Enorv 4A Wonderful Smile Call Us Now To Make An A pointment LUNA Aluminum Structures *Pool Enclosures *Carport & Screen Porches *Roof Over Systems *Vinyl Siding *Now Installing Aluminum Hurricane Panels Licensed *HC.333.SP Insured *HC.335.SP 863-983-2701 Free Estimates Se Habla Espanol IORTHrEDCS HipRepaceen Introducting our Wednesday Night Steak Night Come In & Bring A Hearty Appetite! Friday Night All You Can Eat Catfish & Hush Puppies October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month It is estimated that 13,430 Florida women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. When breast cancer is detected early and treated promptly, suffering and ultimately the loss of life can be significantly reduced. Mammography (an x-ray picture of the breast) is the single most effective method to detect breast changes that may be cancer, long before physical symptoms can be seen or felt. This is why, in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Glades General Hospital is offering Mammograms for a special discounted rate of $60 throughout the month of October. For further information or to schedule your mammograms please call, 561-996-6571, ext. 460. Patient must pay cash, check or change at the time of manmogramn . Take a closer look at Glades General Hospital... you'll be impressed by what you see. 561-996-6571 1201 South Main Street Belle Glade, Florida 33430 GLADES GENERAL HOSPITAL School News Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 12, 2006 (4 SIW U H G N ErvNgThcOmmuniTiessouh f LkekechoeeThursda, Otbe2,20 I NCOLN MERCURY V. $.t k.. \ WIrj t1 C ^gtL^JJAiJfl v .i. '.'. ' .. .Ki ..& ^ *.- .- ,/ q**S..:' .,-.. ". .*., .,.;' .- ' F .- j ^ ,::X -,, .r~LJJMUL dJ.J J.UL I.IL. - . NEW 2007 FOCUS MORE OUT OF EVERY MILE STARTING AT $13,995 37MPG -s-Z-j-61 1 _q '" -'..k -7 VW TOUAREG WAS $42,988 NOW $34,888 NAVIGATION, SUNROOF, LOADED 0IP *IJ fIA /2' St2^^B SB 2003 FORD WINDSTAR STK#V8353, WHITE................$10,360 2005 FORD FREESTAR STK#58470, BEIGE..................$17,429 2005 CHEVY COLORADO STK#52443A CREW CAB, LOADED .....S 1 7,688 2004 ACCURA TSX STK#P8701, NAVIGATION SYS.,................22,888 2004 F-150 CREW CAB STK#52153A........ ................$20,888 2007 EXPLORER SPORT TRAC MSRP $35,467 BUY IT NOW $29,881 LIMITED EDITION, 20" WHEELS kbAL 2003 FORD EXPEDITION EDDIE BAUER STK#8707, LOADED................. 19,988 2006 GMC ENVOY XL SLE STK#M0645 LOADED LIKE NEW..........$24,888 2005 MERCURY MARINER STK# GNA04530AN, SILVER.... 517,649 2005 DODGE DURANGO STK#M8639, BLU E.................. 18,420 2005 FORD EXPLORER STK# D8149X, BEIGE.............. 18,828 2006 FORD F-150 SUPER CAB XLT WAS $28,264 NOW $20,088 LOADED 2006 FORD 500 WAS $27,894 NOW $19,888 LOADED IrRCKSECAL 4. 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DEALER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS. SEE DEALER FOR COMPLETE DETAILS. OMGF-1086 J L Mo' -7* A.... *y , - " i Thursday, October 12, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Lolly Bleu was a squatter near Venus Edited by MaryAnn MorriONI People who remember the Great Depression may recall that to help get the country back to work, the federal government adopted an "activist posture" and sponsored work projects from dam building to tree planting to help provide employment to all manner of workers in the floundering U.S. economy of the 1930s. The Civilian Conservation Corps planted trees where over logging' had stripped the forests and built structures and roads in public parks, like Highlands Ham- mock State Park up in Sebring. Another government sponsored work project was the Federal Writer's Project. The Federal Writer's Project employed over 10,000 people in the course of its existence, among them two writers that we know of in the lake area, Mrs. Robert Eures and Mrs. Texas Morgan. Both wrote from the Venus area of Glades County. Mrs. Morgan inter- viewed a woman named Lolly Bleu on Nov. 28, 1938. Many of the people interviewed for our "Recol- lections" series had :hard times, too. But Lolly Bleu is identified as a Florida "squatter." A squatter is so called because they neither own nor rent the land upon which they live. The interview begins: "Lolly did not meet me at the door when I knocked, but in response to a low, gentle, 'Come in please,' I entered the large front room of the dwelling. She was sit- ting in a log rocking chair of the porch typed, holding upon her lap a child whom she was carefully feeding. She was neat and clean and her hair was smoothly brushed. Her dress was old and faded, but clean. "Lolly said that her family came from Texas to Florida about 18 years ago. Both she and her husband 'Pa' as she called him, Submitted photo/Library of Congress/Marion Post Wolcott This was a hotel, general merchandise and gasoline busi- ness in the town of Venus, perhaps the very store where Lolly Bleu sold her canned goods. Mrs. Bleu was interviewed in November, 1938. The photo was taken some two months later in January, 1939. Recollections A series about Florida's pioneers and history ., A .... -1 ...1 ' were born in Texas down on the Gulf coast. (It says she is 50 years old and her husband 67.)," Mrs. Morgan wrote. "I know I look older for I'm so thin and my hair is grey," Lolly said. "But I've had a hard life and had so many children. I am not yet quite illt, but will be soon. I have two grown sons married and livin' away from home besides these .11 children here. One of my girls, Dee is down on the Lake working' in a caf6. I never thought of tryin' to limit my family. "But I started to tell you about our farmin' in Texas. Both me and Pa were raised on farms, though his Pa had a larger one and a citrus and ornamental nursery. Pa learned the nursery business there and he sure does know it, too. We had a little nursery 'way out here in the woods about two miles away for awhile and we sold some stock, then one night some- body stole all the little trees and we ain't been able to get another started that way since. "I always did love to plant seeds and watch the baby plants come up. And I always liked to make jam and jelly and to can vegetables. I still do a lot of that work and take care of any we have left over here. Just step out here with me. Now did you ever see a prettier lot of canned goods? Just look at those turnips and those little tomatoes in pieseives." she said with pride. The small shed room was lined %with shelves which were tilled \\itl, preserves, jellies, canned fruit and vegetables all sparkling and clear. "I would rather can in glass when I can get the glasses. We never thro%\ a%\va a glass jar of any kind. The food looks so pretty in them and I just love to come out here and look at it often. "I sell some of my canned goods when we need the money for something else, but we use . .A4 INI/Katrina Elsken 'Cattle country' Rural Glades County is still "cattle country" as evidenced by the many pastures through- out the area. Crist announces lawsuit against Alltel TALLAHASSEE Attorney General Charlie Crist has sued one of the nation's largest wire- less companies, alleging that All- tel Communications, Inc., auto- matically enrolled thousands of customers for a free trial of a roadside assistance program without disclosing terms of the program at the time of activation and billing customers without their specific consent. Mr. Crist alleges that Alltel also billed some customers for the Mr. Rescue program during All- tel's advertised free trial period. An investigation that began with consumer complaints in April 2003 revealed that the com- pany pushed its roadside assis- tance program by automatically enrolling every consumer who purchased a cell phone and serv- ice plan. The program was added to service plans by default unless a sales representative removed it at the customers request. Alltel's sales representatives were under pressure to sell additional fea- tures of calling plans in order to meet monthly quotas and gener- ate commissions, so little care was taken to adequately inform customers about what they were purchasing. Many consumers who were automatically enrolled in the free trial found three dollar charges added to their monthly state- ments from that period. Others were not told they had to cancel the program prior to the free trial running out and were billed for months after the trial period ended. More than 520,000 Flori- da consumers were enrolled in Mr. Rescue over the past five years and investigators estimate that Alltel made more than $20 million from the program during that time period. It has not yet been determined what portion of those consumers were signed up improperly. This case is a classic example of stealth charges intended to claim every possible dollar from their customers, said Mr: Crist. This is wrong and will not be tol- erated. The lawsuit alleges that Alltel not only failed to disclose the terms and conditions of the Mr. Rescue program, it also failed to 3 3 BEDROOM INNING ROOM SUITES SUITES - 0 % .._. ..... LIVINGROOM ODDS SUITES 8 ENDS OF OPN TU.,FI.&SAT 1-. O C T O B E R 1 2 1 3 A D 1 obtain authorization from con- sumers when enrolling them in the program. Mr. Crist encouraged Alltel customers to examine their bills carefully to see if they have been or are now being billed for the service without their knowledge. Consumers who may have been signed up for Mr. Rescue without knowing or authorizing it, who received the feature after reject- ing it or who were charged for Mr. Rescue during the free trial period should contact the Attor- ney General's Office by calling the fraud hotline at 1-888-9-NO- SCAM (1-866-966-7226). The Plantation-based compa- ny is being sued under the Flori- da Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act. Penalties for viola- tions of the act include fines of $10,000 per violation or $15,000 if the victim is a senior citizen or is disabled. ALL METAL BUILDINGS 130 mph pricing 25x25x9 Statesman (Rollover) 1 Roll-up Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $11,195 j .9 .a- A fta 25x40x9 Executive Vertical Roof, 2 Roll-up Doors, 1 Walk-in Door, 1 Window, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $21,495 Up to 35' W$ide, Unlimited lrngtih Meets or Exeweds Florida Windlonds - Florida "Stamped" Engineered Plan 877-951-2300 Metal Systems Plus, LLC www.metalsystemsplus.com heard so much about the farm land here especially down around the Lake. We thought we could do bet- ter here then in Texas, but we never have made the money that Pa and his Pa made on their nursery there. We like it here, though, and do like livin' this way. We don't know who owns this land. They sure are lucky to own such good garden land I don't know why they don't use it. I've no hand to visit and just don't care to have lots of people running' in and out." It is worthy of note that the pho- tograph that accompanies this arti- cle is also a product of a Federal assistance program during the Depression. Photographers were employed by the Farm Service Administration to document rural life in the United States. most of it. The grocery store likes my cannin' and they will take a lot of it sometimes. I sell my quilts, too but it always makes me feel bad to part with one of them. The girls help me a lot with this work and do it as well as I do. Wait a minute, I'll get my quilts. Now isn't this one pretty? See, it is made of such tiny pieces, but I just can't bear to throw away even the tiny scraps. My daughter Dee says that I could piece a quilt out of string and I 'most believe I could. "I never did exhibit any of them at the State Fair. I have thought of it, but then there might be a lot of people come out here to take up my time about them and so I just didn't do it. I don't want to sell them anyway except when we just need the money so bad. That box o\ er there is filled with quilt tops. I have to wait awhile sometimes before I can finish the quilts, but I keep right on piecing them. "When Pa worked on FERA (Federal Emergency Relief Admin- istration, another New Deal pro- gram) he did a lot of farm work at night by moonlight. If the moon was shinin' bright, then he didn't have to have a lantern, but if it was dark one of the little boys hold the lantern for him. Of course, we all worked the farm, but our real farm is about three miles from here across the grade. Even those little boys there now know how to farm and they can plant corn and other vegetables about as their Pa. We don't make much with out farm, though we usually find a sale. Veg- etables is so cheap here and so rnanr raises them. "We came to Florida as we had Acceler8's Symposium Exhibition Construction on several Accel- er8 Everglades restoration projects has already begun, but contractors and workers continue to be need- ed through 2010. To help meet this need, the South Florida Water Man- agement District will host its sec- ond annual Acceler8 Construction- Symposium and Exhibition on Fri- day, Oct. 13, from 8 a.m. until 3 _ p.m. at Florida Gulf Coast Universi- ty's Alico Arena in Fort Myers. This all-day event will provide informa- tion for construction contractors,' specialty subcontractors, vendors, and work force development agen- cies interested in this $1.8 billon construction program for Acceler8, a group of eight expedited projects needed for Everglades restoration throughout Florida. The sympo- sium will provide details on the pre- qualification process for all Accel- er8 contracts. Acceler8 is a major boost for Everglades restoration. By acceler- ating the funding, design and con- struction to complete eight key projects by 2011, the greater Ever- glades ecosystem will experience positive benefits much sooner and in a more cost-effective manner. The expedited course of action reaffirms the commitment of the federal-state-local partnership to revitalize America's Everglades. Type of work include: Reser- voirs, embankments, earth mov- ing, equipment operators, pump stations, concrete flow-control structures. Display booths are available for vendors, contractors, specialty sub- contractors, and work force devel- opment agencies. Please call for details. Join us to restore America's Everglades! Registration is required: Call toll-free (800) 488- 1255 to register. For additional information and about the Accel- er8 program and projects, visit Acceler8evergladesnow.org. Treasure Coast Dermatology Specializing in the Treatment of Skin Cancer Jonathan S. Sanders, M.D., J.D. Cynthia J. Rogers, M.D. 0 Tim loannides, M.D. Mohs Surgery Diseases of Skin, Hair & Nails Jonathan S. Sanders, M.D., J.D. Fellow of the American Society for Mohs Surgery S .'- - sric.i.a cen Best Vl0e 00of iSheting 'l l 0 i UTo el1 ire PRODUCT SElWCTON R-Panel V-Crimp Low-Profile Curved "5" Panel Flashing Corrugated "S" Panel Z-Pur* Heavy Duty Decking Standing Seam 243 Florida Ave., NW Moore Haven, FL 33471 Local 863-946-1804 Long Distance 1-800-670-0113 F I U P. C. 1A Ignited Youth Ministry. Every Wednesday 7:15 pm 370 Holiday Isle Blvd Pa4os 863.983.3181 Chuck & Karen Pelhamr www.newharvest.net Read Together, florida Statewide Reading Event Odtober 2006 Read the book. Play The Zero Game online. Compete in an essay contest for college scholarships (high school students). Register online for a drawing to win a trip to Washington, DC. www.VolunteerFloridaFoundation.org Sponsored by 0 Washington Mutual tiE : 7E A"1 Read Together, Florida is a month-long reading celebration managed by: Volunteer Florida FOUNDATION Manager of the Governor's Family Literacy Initiative Board Certified by the American Board of Dermatology See a Board Certified Dermatologist Everytime Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 12, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 12, 2006 New partners help beef up homes against storms TALLAHASSEE Chief Financial Officer Tom Gallagher announced recently that 4,000 low-income homeowners will soon be safer from hurricanes thanks to new partnerships between 12 non-profit organiza- tions and the My Safe Florida Home program. Through the partnerships, homeowners will receive free home inspections and assistance to make improve- ments that will strengthen homes against catastrophic loss- es. "Partnering with faith and community based groups to help fortify low income homes in Florida is a mission critical to protecting families and reducing property losses," said Mr. Gal- lagher, who oversees the My Safe Florida Home program. "Through these partnerships, we will be able to leverage resources and help thousands of Floridians before the end of this hurricane season." Through the Volunteer Flori- da Foundation, which adminis- ters the Florida Hurricane Relief Fund, 12 non-profit organiza- tions throughout the state are teaming up with the My Safe Florida Home program to fortify up to 4,000 low-income homes in Broward, Escambia, Glades, Hendry, Miami-Dade, Osceola, Palm Beach, Pinellas, Polk and St. Lucie counties. My Safe Flori- da Home is matching $8.1 mil- lion with the resources of these 12 organizations. A homeowner can earn no more than 80 per- cent of the Annual Median Income (AMI) to qualify for this assistance. AMI varies by county. Participating homeowners will receive free home inspec- tions to determine what improvements can be made to strengthen their homes against hurricane damage. Following the inspections, homeowners will receive assistance to make recommended improvements. "In our long-term recovery work following the last two hur- ricane seasons, we at the Florida Hurricane Relief Fund have learned the enormous value of partnering with community and faith-based groups, organiza- tions that know their communi- ties and are effective partners in accomplishing important tasks," said Liza McFadden, president of the Volunteer Florida Founda- tion. "We are honored to expand our role to include mitigation work with the Department of Financial Services to ensure Florida's low-income residents get the help they need to strengthen their homes." Funding for the partnership with non-profit organizations is possible because of a $250 mil- lion appropriation by the Florida Legislature during the 2006 Ses- sion to create the Florida Com- prehensive Hurricane Damage Mitigation Program, now referred to as My Safe Florida Home and administered by the Florida Department of Financial Services. Fire Prevention Week, a time to review fire plans I Save money on your favorite grocery items. I I Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! I I y-- y- s y-y- &y- y--y -sy-y-- .y I I newszap.COm Community Links. Individual Voices. L- ..... -------------- J REICHM K iMANCINI Se Habla Espabol -- Offices in Port St Lucle The hiring of an attorney is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to provide you with written information about our qualification and experience. Same Day Service Lab On Premises INI/Barbara Oehlbeck Staff at West Glades School promoted a positive anti-drug message creatively, this duo sporting leis to reach students. Ribbon Continued From Page 1 support the effort and reinforce the message. Qn Friday, studlenis \ ill "Iteam up" against drugs by wearing their favorite jersey or t-shirt reflecting their support of a favorite sports team. And there will be a back-pack race: A race with students carry- ing heavy back-packs against those with no back-pack, making the point that those with heavy back-packs represent the heavy %\eight of drugs. . The emphasis of the entire Red Ribbon Week will be on saying- "no to drugs." This is just one of the special events during the year that focuses on driving home the theme of "no drugs at any time, not ever." Next week. details about the West Glades' fall festival. INI/Nena Bolan Luis Calvo, instructor at All Traffic Schools, a new traffic school in Moore Haven, welcomes the community to the school. School Continued From Page 1 Despite the popular belief that driving school is only required if you are ticketed, the school offers classes that can benefit most driv- ers. There are two types of defen- sive driving classes which benefit the safe driver. For adults over age 55, there is a class that will reduce insurance rates by ten percent for up to three years. For drivers ages 18 to 54 who have good driving records, there is a class that will reduce insurance between one and 10 percent. Classes for more serious offenses are offered too. There is a 12 hour course for drivers who have had their license suspended and want it reinstated. Drivers who need a hardship license can also take this course. Sometimes repeat traffic offenders, or drivers who have been in an accident must take court ordered classes such as Traffic Collision Avoidance and Habitual Traffic Offender. New drivers may take a Florida Learner Permit prep course, a practice driver's exam and a drug and alcohol class. The new driver receives a certificate which is pre- sented before taking the official Florida driver's license exam. Mr. Calvo is pleased to offer this service to Glades, Hendry, Okeechobee, western Palm Beach, and southern Highlands counties. Classes are offered in English, Spanish and Creole. He is also an instructor as well as his colleague, Manoucheka Exantus. In addition, driving lessons will be available at the school within six to 12 months. All Florida Traffic Schools is located at 629 Hwy U.S. 27 in Moore Haven. Mr. Calvo and Ms. Exantus can be reached at 946- 3339, or at www.AllFloridaTraffic Schools.org. Online courses are also available. TALLAHASSEE Florida Agri- culture and Consumer Services Commissioner Charles H Bronson announced that Oct. 8-14, is National Fire Prevention Week a time for citizens to think about fire safety at home, at work and also when enjoying the outdoors. "Florida's wildfire season lasts all year," Commissioner Bronson said. "Wildfires can occur during any month if rainfall is below normal." In 1925,. President Calvin Coolidge declared the second weekin October to be National Fire Prevention Week in remembrance of Americans who died in two trag- ic fire disasters that ironically occurred on the same day Oct. 9, 1871. One was the Great Chicago Fire, which destroyed 17,450 build- ings, left more than 100,000 people homeless and resulted in almost 300 fatalities. The second and less- er known Peshtigo Fire was the most disastrous wildfire in North American history Extreme drought conditions throughout the Midwest at that time along \\ith land clear- ing and careless burning practices resulted in many small wildfiress WASHINGTON, D.C. Penta- gon-sought provision that will crack down on unscrupulous lenders who rip off military bor- rowers will soon become law after receiving approval from House and Senate negotiators. The payday loan measure authored by U.S. Senators Bill Nelson and Jim Talent and included in a broader bill to authorize military spending - emerged from conference com-: mittee and, thus, is expected to easily clear both chambers of Con- gress later. Sen. Talent, a Republican from Missouri, and Sen. Nelson, a Democrat from Florida, crafted the bipartisan provision that changes federal law to better protect service members, including a proposed 36 percent cap on interest rates for loans to service members and their immediate families. Meeting Continued From Page 1 council and Ms. Langdale also rec- ommended measures for avoiding a backup of traffic on U.S. 27. A letter from Lakeport Water Association requested that the city of Moore Haven consider supply- ing water to the Lakeport commu- nity. The council discussed possi- Plan Continued From Page 1 "I will continue to speak for those who have not been able, or those perhaps who are unwilling to speak for themselves in the last 100 years," Mr. Taylor continued. "These people need our help and consideration." which grew into a huge conflagra- tion. Between 1,200 and 2,400 peo- ple died in and around the small community of Peshtigo, Wis., and 1.5 million acres burned through- out northeastern Wisconsin and upper Michigan. These two fire disasters were unnecessary tragedies that changed the way our nation responds to both structural fires and %%ildlires, but perhaps more importantly. prompted a rene\\ed national cam- paign for fire prevention. Mr Bronson urged all Floridians to follow local burning rules and regulations for all htpes of outdoor burning and to never leave a fire unattended. "Citizens can contact the local office of the Florida Division of Forestry or their local fire depart- ment for information about how to burn yard waste safely and legally in their area," Commissioner Bron- sonsaid. Since Jan. 1, 4,30 wildfires have burned 206,859 acres throughout Florida. More than 3,967 threatened structures were sa% ed as a result of action bywildland firefighters. Their provision came shortly before a Pentagon report that found financial naivete and regular paychecks made young enlisted troops perfect targets for a growing industry of lenders who bet that high-interest, short-term loans can- not easily be repaid. The report - required by legislation Sen. Nelson pushed last year stated that these predatory lending practices are currently hurting troop-readiness. "This will help prevent many young men and women from becoming victims of huge interest rates and unmanageable debt," Sen. Nelson said after the provision emerged from conference com- mittee fully intact. Among the addi- tional financial protections Nelson secured during conference com- mittee is language to strengthen borrowers' rights and toughen loan disclosure requirements. ble points of connection to existing water pipes and asked that the association provide more details before it is able to move forward with the item. Waste Management's fees for garbage pickup reportedly went up 100 percent and without an expla- nation for the increase. There is no contract with Waste Management and residents could seek another solution to garbage removal. According, to Mr. Taylor the aver- age job in Glades County pays approximately $21,000 annually, something he feels could be improved with the recruitment of new and diverse jobs to the area. "It is the part of Glades County that I feel compelled to change," the manager said. "And it probably goes without saying but those who work at these jobs are the least heard from." SINLE$30 -Sigl .ULST$2 rmu MERCER DENTAL CLINIC ON Us 41, S. FT. MYERS 0 * GENERAL ANESTHESIA AVAILABLE CALL FOR YOUR PRICE QUOTE AND INFORMATION. 1-866-226-9400 TOLL FREE H I ST. LUCIE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS NATIONWIDE EXHIBITORS FEATURING ... GIFTS GOLD & SILVER JEWELRY HOME ACCESSORIES CERAMICS HOLIDAY ITEMS QUILTING DELICIOUS FUDGE PET ITEMS I PERSONALIZED ITEMS PAINTED FURNITURE and MUCH MORElI I ,Free Vaccinations a0 when you purchase, an Annual Wellness Exam I S Disclaimer: The Patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, can- cel payment or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment which is per- I I formed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free discounted fee I I or reduced tee senrke e-aminaior, ,: IrealreimI The Sun is looking for motivated individuals to work as general assignment reporters in the Glades area. Candidates must be driven and possess a willingness to report on issues affecting the Glades communities of Belle Glade, South Bay and Pahokee. No experience is necessary -- a great opportunity for prospective journalists. The newspaper is now accepting resumes and writing samples at jzaragoza@newszap.com. Ticff Ah*1rffl ( O APPLJAN\ -%C FS&BED7DIV6 "Carmen Ruby" '7-P'iere RLoom Packnac $1 S 9-9.5 soe.. 1-vmy.. com... 'a~l r "r & .2-lffinifi -T t Belle Glade 561-996-7646 me lewlSton 63m&Am3w-fJ-2uf1 ilulohalee A-shlw 0rl %04 sw t"*PA mi' m 1 Ted Schiff, M.D. and the professional staff at Water's Edge Dermatology will treat you with all the care and expertise you expect. Adult and Pediatric Dermatology Diseases of the Shin, Hair and Nails Surgery of the Shin, Shin Cancer Treatment MOHS Shin Cancer Surgery New patients are welcome Medicare and most insurance accepted. The Hendry County Republican Party cordially invites you to attend a Picnic at Barron Park, LaBelle Saturday, October 28, 2006 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. PR Guest Speaker: Rebecca O'Dell Townsend at 12:30 p.m. "Our Constitutional Crisis" Come and enjoy this opportunity to meet State and Local Republican candidates! Visit our website at: www.hendryrepublican.com 863 675 1748----863 983 2643 Political advertisement paid for and approved by the Hlendry County Republican Executive Committee, P.O. Box 1142, LaBelle, FL 33975. Not approved by any candidate or candidacy committee. Payday loan provision sees last big hurdle for approval ASHLEY Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 12, 2006 Thursday, October 12, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee RELIGION 13 'Heroes Unmasked' open to families rO~a~o Parents, are you ready to join hosting at ou Ir church. It's packed we'll keep the fun flowing until 8 Parents and children are comne un s. nivd al Voces I ...... -, I ..... . your child for a few hours of fan- tastic, affordable fun? Want to make some family memories you will treasure forever? And would you like to have a blast as you do it? Then join us on Tuesday, Oct. 31, for a visit to Heroes Unmasked! Heroes Unmasked is the all- fun, no-fear Bible adventure we're Hundreds of homes in our area still have Hurricane Wilma (ldamae. A benefit concert is being organized to raise funds to assist families with Wilma-relat- ed repairs. Church choirs, Gospel music groups and soloists in Clewiston and surrounding areas are invited to participate. "Churches from Harlem and Clewiston have already committed to part icip)ate," says event organizer David LMcluskV. "Come heal some By Pastor John Hicks ir, I Jnli-:d MNethodii Church Wi 'e all b,'I-enI kickedd by the ,.'.''ils *,r ,mil wi -( dgo in which u. :.. lool rl ,_ killed in Colorado. -A Wl, s talt w o kilh-.d in wis- ,.to irn, 4 d o p't - V .o 11 irls \'Al te killed exe- _uL in i -'tv -it i . P,-r 1yh, ,-ni, i a i i M,' lir in r-chon .vas. Wtmil is uoiug oi"' It i . seems that we John have been HIcks plagued with troubled or angry people who have gone off the deep end and have ti -'k ii llictc'nl ives ye wi tht-em.r _iO \\ di;da,. Sept. ', 2 Duane Mr l _is,-,,. 53. walked inito Platte C,.non I-liph .School in Bailey, Col. iit.,_h iMil loo qk x girls hostage in .a ,'l'..rorn,) ome1 of whom he .:,~.a lltId Irixiially., He eventually Frl i,' ,ed I o- 1 f -niit Ihern, but wllen p,-l i.,- *,.,| nw.(d ilih- muorn in a res- ( .:i,.li- rlpt., Mot. :.orin 'hot 16- By The Reverend Samuel S.- Thomas, Ph. D.+ Saint Martin's Church, Clewiston It was Benjamin Franklin who said, "Fish and visitors both stink after three days." He was known for his wisdom and inventions; bifocals and toves, and other practi- cal things for the household. He could have gotten himself killed with his kite-in-the-lightnihg experi- ment, but apparently God had other things in store for him to do. His reflections on visitors, though, didn't reflect on his having good friends. He was a better judge of fish than of visitors. I suspect he was often in his own orbit; invent- ing and discovering, printing, trav- eling, working out problems that could be solved. Like many great people, when it came to dealing with others, he could have had a difficult time. That's a great contrast to visitors in the Bible. It seems that Mary visited with Elizabeth for three months before the birth of Jesus (Luke 1:56), Paul and Barnabas spent a year visiting Antioch (Acts 11:26), Paul also spent a year and a half at Corinth with, carnival games, free candy, shows, Bible Hero Actors, and more than enough laughter to keep you smiling for days. You will find games for kids of all ages, including a special section for pre-schoolers, so bring your lit- tle ones. Mark your calendar now. The doors will open at 6 p.m., and of the most outstanding Gospel music you've ever heard. Th -rt'll be a wonderful variety of musical styles, all praising our Lord," The concert will be held Satur- day, Oct. 28, from 4 mntil 7 pm arTl the John Boy Atiidiorium in Clewis- ton at 1200 South WC Owen Avenue. The concert is free, and a love offering will be taken to help those still recovering from Wilma in our community. To pcuiicipate, contact David McClusky it l (i63) 983-5060. year-old Enmily Keves to death aiid then killed hirnisll. Morrisonii had no known connedio i with ctin' of' the host.ge-: or I le victim. On Friday, bepi. 2'9, Eric I-lain- stock, a 1. ear old student at Weslon High Sdiool i1 Ciazenovia, \Vis., was arrested diter shooting toi death thie school's principal, Johni Klang. Eric lHainslock had pried open his family's gun cabinet to obtain two guns which he then took to the school. Adults in the building managed toI wrestle the ,shotgun away from him, but he broke free and killed Principal Klang with a handgun. Investiga- tors said Hainstock told them he just wanted someone to listen to his complaints about being tor- mented by classmates. [Bul accord- ing to his special education teacher, Eric Hlainstock was the one who picked on others. He has been charged as an adults with murder. On Monday, Oct. 2, (Charles Carl Roberts, ':2, walked heavily armed into iin AmiTrh sclioolhoise in Nick- el Mitine, 'ai. Ient -lle adullis an l boys out, ,'.ih tht-vn litd u.Ip 10 lv)in (Acts 18: 11. and James suggests to go somewhere for a year to try and see how business will be-give it a year (James 4:13). In those days, they did- n't seem as . concerned about time -or . about boring their hosts. -k '-" -. Apparently, they didn't give any thought to Samuel S. being inconsid- Thomas rate guests. ' We don't hear about Jesus hurry- ing from place to place. He comes, He visits. He accomplishes what is needed then, He moves on. We who live in a world of time shares, nanoseconds and when dial-up is regarded as being slow might won- der about what it must have been like. Perhaps we've lost the gift ,of hospitality; perhaps we've lost the gift of sharing who we are and learning about others. I think children are masters at "visiting" with us. They come from God, then spend a few years as "guests" in our lives and they have an uncannyway of captivating us as p.m. There is something for every- one! Encourage your child to bring friends. At 'Heroes Unmasked,' the more, the merrier! A special, 'Heroes Hangout' will be available where adults can enjoy a soda and hot dog while their kids decorate cookies nearby or make crowns to wear home. encouraged to dress up in cos- tume. We do ask that costumes be of the 'non-scary' variety. The fun begins at the Fellow- ship Hall at The First Baptist Church of Clewiston. A free hot dog and drink will be provided for the first 100 people through the door. INI/Katrina Elsken Who needs e-mail? "God answers knee mail" proclaims this sign outside Maple Grove Baptist Church on State Road 78 in Glades County. girls. \VTien police arrived, he sys- teidlaticall) executed five ot them and badly injured live others before killing liuniself The gunman was a father of three %\ ho called hisx ife to say lie was exacting revenge for something that happened 20 years ago, but his mnotiation is not fully understood. le had no known problem with the Amish and appar- entlv selected the school because it was an unguarded target. Since the beginning of the cur- rent school year, there have been 25 shootings at or near schools nationwide, with seven of them resulting in fatalities. In the midst of these messes and the messes we face each day, I would like to suggest some things we mighl do well to forget and some things we would do well to remember. First, forget thinking that hold- ing on to a grudge has any redeem- ing value. It doesn't. Grudges are destructive. Revenge is not sweet; i.'s sour. Most ol the time giudges and revheng': dt-trim"entally allect the holder, ,ini said, "Vengeance is they take our time. They can (and usually do l talk about anything and aren't particularly uncomfortable when there are things they don't understand. I like to think of those children (pets included) who have come into my life as "visitors from God." We certainly don't own them. I do my best to be a good influence, try to understand, to give them space to grow and to set limits when needed, make arrangements for their "stay" with me and consid- er that they will be with me for some time to come. They have an uncanny way of adjusting, fitting into schedules, making their pres- ence known and understanding me-at least well enough to "push my buttons" some of the time. Every now and again, I get a glimpse of something God-like, something holy'in my "visitors." The fleeting sight of God comes when there is that mutual invest- ment in each other of our time, attention, sharing, telling, listening, being with each other. It is the child who teaches the parent how to be a parent and the parent that opens up whole new worlds to the child. Some of the best times I have spent with people have been when there mine, I will repay." Imnigine the peace we carn have in our lives if'.\ - can place iand leave our situations in God's ha iiids Second, rern.em-iber tliit lorgive- ness works anrl gondncss abounds. Forgiving someoneui might not cliamnge their lives, but it \vill certainly make our dayv, brighter, and \\%e need- hrighter daxs. \\'e arc surrounded and sometimes overwh\Ielrried l\ unpleasaiit i e% s. Lilteninig l:' some of the headline ne'v stories and some of thr political commer- cials, you would have the inpres- sion that evil is on the rampage and is aboul to take over I ie worl( We need to keep being remind- ed that there is a great deal of good happening in the world. Look around! And when troubles do come our way, and they will, remember wl at Jesus said iin John 16:33: "1 have Iold you Ihcse things, so that in mre you may have, price In this world you \vill have trouble. But take hear! Ikive uv'erojuie the world In Ch iiT'i, w, lou. cl.iii ver-- come and n-t, ji iSt have lie, bi it life abundantly is no agenda or no set reason for being with them. We find ourselves sharing hour after hour about our- selves and what's really on our minds and hearts. That can go on for hours and hours; days and days when there is nothing to interfere and the visits are good ones. I guess that is what went on with Mary and Elizabeth for three months, and with Paul for year. People opened up to each other and with it all came the image of God. Time no longer ruled things, nobody was in a hurry. It was all in seeing and sharing, being oneself and listening to others be them- selves, then seeing the image of God in His creations. To think about it, I communicate with God in that way too. That's why He visit- ed and visits, and why He's wel- come. I try to make those visits two-way exchanges too, in depth and from the heart. Time goes on, and when I work at it; I see that image of God too. "Whenever two or three are gathered...." and I wel- come others so that He is there every time we gather. 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And, if you want, put it on the regional calendar for the entire state! caiessds r o'Events~ Have a digital camera? ..- Want to share your photos with your friends and the community? Create a gallery of your photos for free at newszap.com. Update it as often as you'd like. I o P s o r p n o fa?, 4y Have an opinion you want to get off your chest? Introduce a topic for discussion in the Public Issues Forums. Or read what others are saying! Every organization, school, place of worship, sports team, writer/blogger and local business is invited to request a free link at newszap.com. It's a community service that can drive visitors to your website! newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. .- -- PLUS: Buy it/Sell it Classifieds and Advertising Opportunities for Page Banners, Tiles, and Sponsored Links Concert to benefit hurricane victims In times of stress, remember: Forgiveness works Visitors bring a chance to-reflect on scriptures n Beetle used to combat invasive Tropical Soda Apple plants TALLAHASSEE Florida Agri- culture Commissioner Charles H. Bronson has announced the suc- cessful results of an ongoing bio- logical control program for Tropi- cal Soda Apple (TSA), an invasive plant that has overtaken much of Florida's natural areas and pas- turelands. This program is a coop- erative effort between the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS), the United States Department of Agri- culture (USDA), and the Universi- ty of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF- IFAS), and involves rearing and releasing a leaf-eating beetle, as well as evaluating other methods for controlling TSA. Tropical soda apple (TSA), an exotic noxious weed native to Brazil and Argentina, has already caused great economic damage to "I am very encouraged by the success of this bio- control program. TSA has been a serious pest to the cattle industry and Florida's land managers for many years. Finding solutions to pest prob- lems that are environmentally friendly is an important part of the Department's mission." Charles H. Bronson, Florida Agriculture Commissioner Florida where it has spread to over a million acres, and the majority of Florida counties. TSA is a tall, prick- ly plant with white flowers and golf ball size fruit whose mottled skin resembles a watermelon. It dis- places native plants and is found in hammocks, ditches, groves and vegetable fields. It is a serious prob- lem for ranchers because it quickly covers entire pastures, and cows will eat the TSA fruit, but not the plant. Cattle, one of the main vec- tors of TSA, spread the seeds from the fruit through their digestive sys- tems to new areas. "I am very encouraged by the success of this bio-control pro- gram," said Commissioner Bron- son. "TSA has been a serious pest to the cattle industry and Florida's land managers for many years. Finding solutions to pest problems that are environmentally friendly is an important part of the Depart- ment's mission," Bronson added. Since the initial release in 2003 of the South American leaf-feeding beetle, Gratiana boliviana, UF-IFAS and the USDA have maintained facilities in Florida to rear and release the beetle. In September 2005, FDACS, funded by a grant -from the USDA, added to the pro- duction effort by establishing two screen houses at the Ft. Pierce Farmer's Market in southeast Flori- da for rearing and distribution of Gratiana boliviana. The first release from this facility was conducted in May 2006. Since then, over 16,400 beetles have been released in four counties - Hillsborough, Okeechobee, St. Lucie and Martin. These releases were conducted on a variety of TSA-affected properties including ranches, conservation lands and residential areas. Eight weeks after release, many areas have active beetle populations that have moved beyond the initial release sites. The Ft. Pierce operation increases the number of beetles available for release throughout Florida, including the possibility of fulfilling requests from interested individuals to release the insects on their TSA-infected properties. The leaf-feeding beetle, which is host specific to TSA, damages the plant extensively, stops fruit/seed production, and weakens the plant so other diseases can easily infect tropical soda apple. Biological con- trol is a cost effective way to man- age TSA in natural habitats that are not easily accessible by other man- agement methods. The beetle will spread from its original release site, allowing for large coverage areas. Beetles have been found up to 10 miles from their release site. The bio-control program is one tool used in an effort to control TSA. The current primary treat- ment options for controlling TSA include herbicide application and mowing the plants before they produce fruit. Other ongoing research activities include studying additional leaf-eating beetle species, plant viruses that attack TSA, and a bio-herbicide that kills the invasive plant. If you would like additional infor- mation about tropical soda apple, the leaf-eating beetle, or if you are interested in participating in the. release program, please contact the DPI helpline at (888)397-1517 or visit www.doacs.state.fl.us/pi Bn f Amri SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS BanKof America ., Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863-675-9065 1-800-854-5783 extension 56302 Fax: 863-675-7744 '': Ishirlev.%illis@banklofamerica.com Now with an office in LaBelle at 415 W.Hwy 80 SCall for an appointment 1Now certified in PIFHA/VA fin an cixng NO ONE WILL WORK HARDER FOR YOU THAN JAMIE NAVARRO GIVE HIM A CALL ON HIS CELL AT (239) 822-9272 iL S IiRE ALT1 C. BAGANS FIRST F L, W-RLD,-- 30 Colorado RO. Lehigh Acres. FL 33936 'r,, ,r r l .- l le ,: f, i bedroom ri b., t [i tt hi h .i': Th ome fea- I.on per If,p kir n-',T., ex ir, t extras to iTi'; ti' ,i' lhn. hi,:Tff c i : I,:', :J. h ..L'ri ,,,jr, Ifl I h.i.ri or .Il..JI I l hrw[d ,: ,:,f.,:b, ,,,. 1, ,,l_ ,,, ir,, t ,,|,I in r, :,..Ifhri, $219,900. '-'. 'P Home O Nk-e Ce Builders Visit Our lModel Center: 2480 E. State Road 80 Open '-Sun 8-5:30 Call 863-675-3245 or Toll Free 866-244-8392 j Q026 Gil! Cir, 3/2/2 $207,900 3045 June C. 400 Building Commun One Quality Home at H-Iek r'i (.'nuni.v' l Top OQ . -- ,9 ) ,..,,1el ;,,. 32!?$231,900 S ... Great Deals!!!! S" Builder's Discount .-""" A-brfgge Interest Rate bu) dolin ...- ..' -:'. 1.5%.1st yr& .5%2nd yr 30 Fixed rate v.w CHL HM S FREE Pre-Qualification with: CHL Home Mortgage, LLC. An Affiliate of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage (8631612-0012 3004 S. Balsam Cir. 4/3/3 $332,900 www.chlhomebuiiders.com Vacant Lots Available ..*fvr'1 cities, 4, a Time! mlit'y Builder 9068 Lamkin Cir, 32/2 $229,900 . e'". i. L." ". " 2029 N. Montana 3/2/2 $211,980 nt Cypress I1 Rental Available S$1200 MIth Thinking. About Where you'lCome Up 'With The money for A New ome? J -worry No More / Stop "'Rerting, Build Your Dream Home CasIti & Pay off Credit Cards? We Placed Loans That Others Couldn' Alan Kelly Mortgage 863.674.0091 WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? WHY RENT WHEN YOU CAN OWN? HOMES . "'A -. .. .. .. __ _l__ _ . . . ..' -. ...I.. .. 3BD/ 2BA on 2.29 3BD/2 BA on 2.29 Brand New 3BD/2BA acres 1620 Sq Ft acres 1242 Sq Ft 2040 SQ FT $185,900 $181,500 $235,000 NEW LISTINGS Lehigh Acres 2BD/ 2BA $157,900 VACANT LAND 1/2 acre in Caloosa Estates $99,500 Port LaBelle Lots starting at $32,500 Call or stop by to see more information on all of our listings! 274 N Bridge St 863-612-0002 www.melking.com VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS SALES CINDY L ALEXANDER UC REAL ESTATE BROKER A -ASSOCIATES: EDTO HACK NN SCOTT HACKANN ROOKIE SAUCE I( AND DON BURDICK H M675-0500 SLREALTY NEW LOCATION! 233 N BRiDGE ST 13 A117S SF9 H'ABLOE HA NOL HUFNTAMVVU.SIWblAB8LF NO PETS BIRAND) NEW HOME in Port fld~c~e *. $ 1,800"m 1 % Pihl, I I 't, 111-2/1,9~2 $750!30 IN pI~ lIEU 't t $600/MiII)'IF $2,00()M rASr FT.'r.MERS 43,31 E'trtcasimce ecer' Slicrc c-$1,200"Al. Qt5M4jKCIf OFFICE SPACE - $800-4taxem III Al rs i % I'. I ift.t -,%11K ". i'uil m~ku'i inof this hi ix'r.asd ir shyrts.House Is in coretil ioiuii, n$082,900. iREDUCE fISH ill WRF.OWNER FINANCING7 10.-./- oak killed acres. Property has bee.tf split. into two 55-,- parcels. One is vacant with septic. well and electric. 'lie other has a 3/2 mobile with a screened it pord) across the f'nmt. Asking $275,000. 1 11 O H11+ \r stocate.I in Glades Coaunty. $2,5O0,0(H). IN EAST FT, MYELS 3/3/1 over 1,900 'sq ft. '. ., ih.,.. I,. .., r. .... foof, new A/C, fenced I .1 ... I .I.1. $279,900. I, POTfT ,AEIJ. On a corner lot. 3//I,. newer r(uf, painted on the intsde. Priced to edl. OniO. $189,900. 1O()ATED IN THE :ITY-2/1. heingsoll As Is' $125,000. ON MI.K BIV 3/.I home has been renovat- ed, Priced to sell at ionly $129,900, ON PHILLIPS RD- 2,'2 two story home ioni 5+ acres. Hofnme features an oletI floor plan with screened in lanai on the lxack and a balcony on the front. Property has several trees, latgc barns and ., i ..,i, i *.. $450.000. LEAL * m m m (1 -. JU "E tilLS 5~,uivvhveirt Fi1P~rfzP.A HOMFJ; -7$95.ooo.%I .i-' '1 1 k,- to,200 313D!2!A home th J3i5.00O.s I firuF 'Aii li111Lell detached 2.1- zo,ae h pi ., qB, f-k hel i r1 t r,''*ii 111H I 4111L,. i 23 .Big S.*L leFS.95e 6-7586 Brti-y.h e.S tayPt.M vPt 1Wi ---must see! * $i76,7410.21D/2RA xedlelent vacafioll or 'I ra.I ''I'''. .,rio, ,boI,, a'Por I N-11,l %101IL!,,HOMES: '$95.000-0 1 .! li t'.25 Iiiit,, '1 1110 1".. 21 2 In Ill.- 14 ,40 -% 1. 1-iL iL. ,I Fll fi I :s tL- *-iiI,~~ i~I m)9 0 pl U.,I Iii, b op!. I iuc w o i .iu t clir-ii -i.04 JI0 so kiI t.0 p* ce It 1 1) 1,ii .. .! 1-.1i11i 2,O ), soJ*1'.. 9010,.1l in1 IL i ll -II I 11 p I(I. lri' rI jI 1,-s9 I n lm mid .1FOR1I. EIN'FORMA11OII O -hOM 1. HIMSI.- o A RF 16,.900 COMMF.R( L~[1.OIS. i,... a. ',. ,. - 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 7. 863 * Perfection Has and Address! Immaculate in design: endearing in character, this Country style 3/2 home offers peerless quality inside and out. Nestled on lovely shaded .62 acre homesite. Call for the ,,r"p. ,,,:la .Ir iI $34).90f) par.yo owe it to yours to= s 699,900. * Enjoy gentle c country mornings sitting in the S.,.:l, '.:l 1 .i t I...11, jI ih k, dutifull 3BR/2B r,.-., ,: .,-, i,,-.: ,:..., ,- ....i ji1 ,.j ceilings, stone ',,,: ,-1,.. ....I u]..: ij,-i,: .. tii .with RV park- mi r.i i .. L I ''.] ,: ,.: ge feel like a wiparth ish. Howe feit to yourself to see! 699,900.ceramic tile SEnjoy gendte country morning, and a screeitting in the w * 2Bscreened lanai of this 4BR/2B Coversizedar home on 3+/-the desir able Quail Run S/D. Features new flooring, screen porch, fenced back yard, and a detached 2 car garage. Only $239,900 * REDUCED this livable, loveable 3BR/1B CBS home with 4th bedroom/office in LaBelle limits. Features iiti~Ii~~- &i,.u.LA~1.~Le*t ..,,.~.....~ *. I I ,, New Horizons Real Estate Corp. include walk-in closet, newer air conditioner, fenced backyard, irrigation and a front deck to (die for. Only $220,000. * Fertile Financial Ground! Plant your investment in this exceptional Duplex. 2BR/1B on each side and ide- ally located in town. Very nice with beautiful yard. Nice harvest awaits you! $225,000 * Solid Decision, Solid House! You'll be glad to see this spacious 4BR/2B remodeled home. Glowing with quailty, from the new Hardy-Board siding to the wood floors. A/C, appliances, hot water tank, doors and vani- ties are all less than 2 years old. New roof being' installed. Call today for this worry free home! $199,900. * Super Deal for a Super Family! Spacious 3/2 with vaulted ceilings. Park like fenced backyard. At this super price you need to see super soon! $169,900. :-. w/1,300 sq. ft. under air in town. Privacy fenced on 3 sides & chain link in rear. Backs up to pond! Extras include shed, huge Florida rm & BBQ deck. $139,900 * Need more "living" room? 2,152 sq ft of luxurious living. This 4Br/2B home on 10+/- acres it all, from it spacious family room w/ stone fireplace, master suite w/office, cov- ered porch, and fencing for horses. This one is a steal (@. only $450,000 *Size will surprise you! 2BR/2B home on 10+/- acres is very well kept and former modle home. Features a warm comfortable living room w/ gas fireplace, spa- cious kitchen, front & real covered porches. $400,000 * Bring your horses and relax the rural way! iBBR/2B manu- factored home with over 2400 sq. ft of living area sitting on a georgous 6.5+ acs of land & fenced for horses. Too many extras to list, call for an appointment today! $350,000 * Over 1.7 acres of beautifully shrubbed and landscaped grounds are a fitting introduction to a superb 3/2 home! Huge screened lanai, oversized carport, 2 sheds and addi- tional 4 stall carportAvorkshop Plus pasture for kids pony! Worth calling about quick! $199,900. * Back on the market! This 2.5+/- acre mini estate makes relaxing easy with a 3BR/2B manufactured home. Featuring ceramic tile, textured walls & spacious kitchen. Only $179,900. * 2/1 home located on a generous-sized 1+ acre lot tucked away on a quiet street. Oak trees create a back yard of enchanting beauty A must see! $165,000. *. The Luxury of Space! Both inside on outside. 4/2 immaculate home nestled on 1.25 acres. Stunning stone fireplace in Family room. Formal dining off of huge kitchen with lots of cabinets and countertops. Tranquil Master bedroom offers a personal retreat room and lavish bath. Spacious and smart buy at $154,900 * Relax the rural way! Situated on 1.25 ac in growing Montura, beautiful new 2006 3/2 manufactured home with over 1100 sq ft of living area ready for occupancy SELLER FINANCING AVAILABLE! $149,900 *REDUCED! REDUCEDI 3BR/2B home exceptional inside and out! Watch the sunrise on front deck and sunset on the back deck. Something for everyone with I acre fenced yard to keep kids happy, large workshop for Dad and big kitchen for Mom! Just $139,500. * Charming Family Friendly 4/2 home on .78 acre! Thoughtful design with split floor plan, beautiful kitchen, and lavish Master bath. Bring you family to Country coziness! $137,900. SRare find outside of LaBelle but not to, far from schools or shopping. 3BD/2BA manufactured home fea- tures split floor plan. built in cabinets, separate shower & garden tub in the master suite, and much more! All on .50+/- acre. $132,000 * Renting? No Privacy? Stop throwing away all that money and see how great ownership feels! 2/1 on over a acre yard. Start building equity today! $113,500. * 3BR/1B manufactured home on a canal in River Oaks S/D in Ortona. Canal ends at the property with a wood deck providing a great place to relax. $110,000 .... ... * Best Bargain for Miles! 35 beautiful secluded acres at ONLY $25,000. per acre! WITH Pole Barn, Electric and several wells! Call ASAP for showing! $875,000 * Location with a Future! 1700 Ft. Denaud. 6.39+/- Acres already zoned RG1. Surrounded by upscale sub- division. Ripe and Ready for developer. $800,000. - 5+/- acres in Pioneer Plantation. Suitable for site built home or manufactured. Only $165,000. * 13+/- acre orange grove. Located off Sears Rd. Only $132,000. * Uncramp yourself on this spacious 2.5+/- acres on Evans Rd. with a pond and fenced for livestock. So say goodbye to city pressure and enjoy the country. $130,000. * 1.84+/- acre located off Jacks Branch Rd. in Muse. This property has lots of oaks, pines and palm trees. Perfect for the nature lover. Priced at only $85,000. * Genuine Country Feel! Days gone by are back! Relive the best on this private & secluded 2+/- acs. Fresh air special! $93,900. * Call for prices on all our Montura Listings! * Drop dead gorgeous! If you're looking for the dream lot for your new home look no further. Located in the sought after Belmont S/D in LaBelle. This .37+/- acre is truly a dream come true. Only $79,900. * .29+/- acre in the Belmont S/D. Priced to sell @ only $64,900. Possible seller financing. * Beautiful wooded 1+/- acre homesites! Outside LaBelle limits but only minutes from town! Just off E Road. Don't I .. ,. .' 1, ... .. I i.. :ii $I j i. ia l * Call about our Port LaBelle lots * POTENTIAL COMMERCIAL Location of a Lifetime! Generations will file past well-traveled location of this 8+/- acres on SR 80 in Alva, Over 1,000 ft. of road frontage and 3 existing entrances off of SR 80. Cleared with well and electric. Time's on your side in this invest- ment! $2,750,000. * Prime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel located near West Glades Elementary in Muse and just minutes away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot. , 1.18+/- acres zoned C-1 commercial just South of LaBelle with 175+/- feet of frontage on SR29 and frontage on Luckey Street. Asking $499,000. * Beautiful .25+/- acre corner lot in downtown LaBelle w/great potential. Currently zoned for duplex or single family w/a possibility of rezoning to Business. $119,900. Investment Opportunities and New Subdivisions Coming Soot Lorida 10 Acre tracks Available in 2 months SA ll -r. Hort Ih 1rvJ. 1-1i 1 I ,.. r- I' r. P,, .,; ,. .1 V. .T,'. ". -,' ...r QF I I ltrWUIrl.f I'tilly"UnIX, MWOMn MIUUNLAMY , Thursday, October 12, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee ^^. 15 Thursday, October 12, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee SPORTS Submitted photo/Jeff Barwick Clean sweep Clewiston Tiger Collin Ricketts sweeps the left side for a three yard score. Homecoming event to detour local residents Submitted photo/CCTA/Tim Allen Melanie Allen, age 9, practices her serve on the Clewiston Tennis Courts. Classic tennis tournament invites players CLEWISTON The Clewiston Community lennie Association (CCTA) is inviting, all tennis players and "wannabe" players to partici- pate in thLi- ClEwi,[ton Fall Classic Tennis Tou LIIr: neorit on Oct. 27 and 23. The hinr :.rnit in is being co- spon;sor1d bv Sugar Realty, Sea- coast National Bank, and the CitA of Cle(t:%t',on Recreation Department. F'roceed(, ut the tui-irnument are dedicat-d: i, sup .. tii ing t!ii- Clewis- ton High t.chol lennis Teams Thc to urna:irri-nt will include the following divisions: men's singles (A Group), men's singles (B Group), women's singles, men's doubles, women's doubles, and mixed doubles Iincluding parent. child teams.) Winners in each divi- sion will rece. trophies ,nd the firs' -10 participants .,.ill receive a tournament t -shirt. All snatches will be played at the cit tnii,-s c.uuItb on Royal Palm Aver nuiu ,eic tle Clewiston Inn. *MLxed-D,',ublis rnatchliE: btgin on Friday evening at 6 p.m. All ,other matches begin on Satuidav' morning after 9a.m. The registration let- is $15 per player per event. Register in advance or on Friday evening or Saturday. morning. For rnore information, contact the tournament volunteers Scott Boiuszewski at (321) 663-5625 or Tim Alien at '863) 599-2595. The Clewiston Community Ten- I is Association is a non-profit organization with a mission ot pro- nioting tennis as a recreational sport in our community. The CCTA is also supported by generous con- tributions from E erglades Federal Credit Union, Olde Cypress Com- rnunlit Bank, Hoell Oil Company, anEd Joihnson-Prewill & Associates. BELLE GLADE The Glades Central Community High School has partnered with the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Depart- ment in preparing for the 2006 Homecoming Parade which will take place on Oct. 20. To ensure a productive and smooth parade, detour routes have been created to continue to serve the Belle Glade citizens and its com- muting visitors. Below are the detoured routes: Northbound traffic detour 1. South Main Street at South- east Avenue G (RIGHT arrow) 2. Southeast Avenue G at Southeast Third Street (STRAIGHT arrol,.I 3 Southeast Avenue G at Southeast Ninth Street (STRAIGHT a' row I -1. Southeast Alenue G at Tabit Road (STRAIGHT arrow) 5. Southeast \'venue G at S.R. 880 (RIGHT arrow i 6. S.R. 880 at Duda Road (LEFT arrow) 7. Duda Road at Northeast Avenue L (LEFT arrow) 8. Northeast Avenue L at North Main Street (RIGHT arrow) Southbound traffic detour 1. North Main Street at North- west Avenue L (RIGHT arrow) 2. Northwest Avenue L in front of Glades Ford (STRAIGHT arrow) 3. Northwest Avenue L at: Northwest 12th Street. (STRAIGHT arrow) 4. Northwest Avenue L. at S.R. 715 (LEFT arrow) , 5. S.R. 715 at Canal Street Bridge ((STRAIGHT arrow) 6. S.R. 715 at Southwest Avenue E tSTRAIGHT arrow) 7. S.R. 715 at Southwest Avenue N (STRAIGHT arrow) 8. S.R. 715 at S.R. 80 (RIGHT arrow) Sports Brief Clewiston volleyball team takes loss. in stride The Clewiston volleyball team lost to Riverdale in three games on Wednesday, Oct. 4. The scores were: game 1 21-25; game 2- 16- 25; game3- 17-25. Kaltie \Vidden led the teams in defensive digs with eight and Nicole Pope had two service aces. I Save money on your favorite grocery items. I Go to newszap com to download and print coupons online! I e- --'- ..- C o m n Li k *-.-,-, -. , I HWSzpI.COM Community Links. Individual Voices. S--- --------------------- - 'Whenyou need a service, Ca'l aprflessionali' t Z Istarting as low as $12.50 per week, per block. If you would like a Call A Pro ad please call us at 863-983-9148 or email us at southlakeads@newszap.com to place your adl GLENN J. Reich & ljilw (d RITON CslilsJ0 JEP SUNRISE APPLIANCE SNEIDER, LLC Mancini P - i _,. .. _r im in al ia m New, Used Sc:.ralcihi x IDent 401 U55 Hwy 27 Moore Haven 863-946-2666 Mel Brant 1 7070 I- ,\ ,'O\\. 'nit # L k i ton, Fi. IFL S863- 983-7840 C 863-2280762 Bankruptcy Law Immigration Law 200 S.W. 9th Street Okeechobee. FI 34974 (863) 467-6570 1-888-784-6724 Mike 'Copemnn N* niInjury hi.ri St. I U4Itii %Nvs. Palm Reaht- lim*Ila Mtaiou 1-800-DODGE NOW 1-561-683-1511 6500 0keechobee Blvd. West Okeechubee & The Turnpike 'w w .a r r I dc .on 111r1 14 I~.I .{.1 ~ I ~ 370 Holiday Isle Blvd. Clewiston 863-983-3181 Fna. Building & Roofing Inc. ul\ li:;, i Mc.111 & SR iin,1 R '-l, 'lll .and R RK K Office: 863-674 9994 Cell 863-673-0665 L'nlticl: RiCIhI.td LvCkrani FREEt 1;liin tihs '1 .;; "11'2 h .II".I I'I t'' 201 \'l K1:')'0041031C<'- 'I iON 70I4 Bad Credit? We Can Help You Legally! Raise your credit score Free credit report 1 (866)525. 6173 525 NW AvE 1. I iiii iAI 800-573-79183 www.gladesmotors.com DR. MERCER'S DENTURE CLINIC 'BEST PRICES SAME DAY* US 41 SOUTH FT, MERS 1-866-226-9400 ICHRMVR ZLY ~~ i~V SARs~o~o LTreadsure Coast Dernnatology Tim luannides, M.D. Rick Romagosa. M.D. Robert S. Kirsner, M.D. PhD 1924 US Hwy. 441 N. Okeechobee 863-467-9555 1 "1 Clewiston (866) 549-2830 Oetombe (865) 467-477 Ft. Pierce: 1772) 595-s599 Port St Lucie: (7721 335-3S$0 Stuat:t ("?2) 219-277 Palm Beach Gardons: (5611 694-9493 Little Bit Of Helaven CHOCOLATES* JEtlBi[NiS BASKETS BALLOONS GIFTS FOR ALL AiSiul-. 108 BOND STREET CLEWISTON Rh-99R- 1;7A QUALITY SE Ovtr 20 r:. Ek-trial [ i , ERVICE .....- .. lR' E iA'" LABOR <4> FINDERS DAMY WORK DAILY PAY cWest. akc FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATORY SALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE 805 N HDwy. 27 '2 11.1 20 Sugarliid Hwy. (Arossfrom stonlnnl 805 MooNre Havenwy. 27 (863) 902-9494 (863) 946-1233 S- Glades Health Care Center 230 S. Barfield Hwy. Pahokee, FL 33476-1834 Phone: (561) 924-5561 Fax: (561) 921-9466 ..me ail: Slad ,(a-,r ei, I loridaCamr.ne! 340 N. BRIDGE STREET LABELLE, FL 863-674-0003 Jackson Ri'er Where (hjlil i; D,,Dne in -*Il lr Royal FURNITURE -tPPLIAM 'i( A t I4DDfAG CkhJstl f Bde 0 hlje IOk1Inale'A&h HENDRY REGIONAL O UN-Y LUNA IBUEWATil BOICAT MobileHome, Home Supplies & Hardware Aluminr aSin ctes POWt ncuws 'Vinyl S iing CaErRporth&, Son, ,o i *Rof.Over S m. U LRT DRIVIWA15 EDIC NTE Doors Windows *Vonites DEMIIO EE tiEMOAL U50W. MSe MIIW, = 1 N. .San Benitost, aewiston LAND CLWARIN #PADS ITC 80983191 1863-983-3000 863-983-2701 OFFI CES63412471 Cell: 228.6916 Fre Estimates Se Hab.a Espaiol CI63I2214622 LtPRO IAW SERVI1t COMVEPCIAL & E SIDENTIAL .iCEriED & IN'SUPED FREE S1 TI.t:.,TES JESUS M. CARPASQUILLO OWNER/OPERATOR 8635-228-2997 Bank-of P.A rica SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Mortgage Loan Officer (Ciiuminer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 415rl willi 8t ban ran ericllea.o 415 W. Hwy 80 LaBelle ALAN KELLY MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes Pritri r ip Mal fr.v'-,r Broker 825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBelle, FL 33935 Office: (863) 674-0091 Fax (863) 6744)095 Cell: (239) 707-4404 alasnlrlymortgage@earthlink.net THE OPTICAL CENTER located in FAMILY EYE CARE 100 N. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 CVS/pharmacy Expect something extra." 1-800-SHOP CVS or Visit CVS.com OPEN 8am-lOpm OR LONGER! 7 Days A Week 101; [1] ', 14 1 I ja I Ili -c 1 c6441 SPORTS I i k i I i ;I -I 14 A", F.-V i Ii F[' I I, -- ----------- Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, O.ctober 12, 2006 i wtlj*lrq;v'l PiM4.1;Irram 16 SPORTS Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 12, 2006 Submitted photos/Jeff Barwick Tiger Darris Hughes breaks loose on a sweep. Sim Putnam catches a pass enroute to 23 yard touchdown. Clewston Tigers wallop the Bishop Verot By Jeff Barwick The Clewiston Tigers rolled past a rebuilding Bishop Verot team 42-3 in a non-district match up at Clewiston's Cane Field last Friday night. The outcome of the game was never in doubt as the Tigers sported a 28-0 halftime lead. However, the Tigers were clearly not focused on offense and committed too many unforced errors against a weak opponent. Quarterback Jared Combass saw at least four per- fectly thrown passes dropped by open receivers and incurred inter- ceptions A hen Tiger receivers did not react to the ball. The Tigers took the opening kickoff and marched 80 yards on 10 plays, scoring midway in the period on tailback Darris Hughes' 3-yard run. Kicker Will Davis nailed the point after, his first of six on the night: Early in the sec- ond period, Combass hooked for a 52-yard completion with wide- out Omar Smith at the Viking 2 and Hughes scored from there on a smash into the line. The Vikings attempted a pass on a fake punt and turned the ball over to the Tigers at their own 40. After a 14 yard run by tailback Collin Rick- etts, Combass then rifled a 28- yard pass to wideout Jasper Omar Smith pulls in a 52 yard pass from Jarea ;omoass. Hunter on a post pattern for a touchdown wilh 5:44 left on the halftime clock. The Tigers got the ball back on a fumble recovery near midfield with less than a minute left in the half. Linebacker Lance Newton caused the fumble with a bone jarring tackle and defensive end Johnny Jones fell on the ball. Five snaps later, Com- bass fired a bullet to wideout Sim .Putnam over the middle and he raced into the end zone for a 23- yard score. Pulnaim had caught an 18-yard pass to set up the score The Tigers mostly went through the motions for the rest- of the game, freely substituting. They scored with 1:49 left in the third period on a 5 yard run by tailback Reggie Gray. Ricketts had moved the ball into scoring posi- tion with a nifty 33-yard dash. Their final touchdown game with S: 13 left in the game on a 3- yard sweep by Ricketts. The Vikings, whq were out- matched but played hard all night, scored niiddav' in the Ihird period \\hen kicKl~i Butch MouNle nailed a 34-yard field goal. The Tigers countered with another touch- down when reserve tailback Reg- gie Gray skirted the right end for 5 yards. Clewiston's last score came in the final period on a 3-yard sweep by tailback Collin Ricketts. The Tigers played without sen- ior tailback Jamal Hubert who did not dress due to disciplinary rea- sons. Hubert, who prior to this game was on a glide path to eclipse Clewiston's all-time sea- son rushing record, was not really missed as the Tigers amassed 326 yards from the taiilback posiiiorn Ricketts delivered 142 yards rushing and Hughes added 141 on 14 carries each. Reggie Gray also rushed for 43 yards'on five attempts from the tailback position. The Tigeis. advanced to 6-0 (1- 0 in district play) but Coach Larry Antonacci was clearly displeased with the effort. He said, "We played a very sloppy game and had way too many penalties. We've got guys who played as individuals tonight and that's not acceptable. We can't play football like that against a better team and win. We are going to have a busy week in the coming week's prac- tice." The Tiger defense held Vikings quarterback Butch Moore to 98 yards passing, which was consid- erably below his season average of 215 yards per game entering the contest. Moore only complet- ed 8 of 33 passes and was inter- cepted twice, with picks by Sim Putnam and John. Melton. Also, Viking runners were stopped with only 52 yards rushing on 22 tries for the night. Defensive end John- ny Jones. had another good night with 4 solo tackles, a fumble recovery, two blocked passes, and quarterback sack. Defensive end Delvin Hughes and line- backer David Pope also had 4 tackles each and along with Jones were in the Viking quarterback's face all evening. The Tigers will host Pope John Paul this Friday night in a district contest. Scoreboard 1, 2 3 4 Final Bishop Verot 0 0 3 0 3 Clewiston 7 21 7 7 42 Scoring:. 10: Clewiston: Darris Hughes, 3 yd run; Kick Will Davis 2Q: Clewiston: Darris Vikings Hughes, 2yd run; Kick Will Davis Clewiston: Jasper Hunter, 28 yd pass from Jared Combass; Kick Will Davis Clewiston: Sim Putnam, 23 yd pass from Jared Combass; Kick Will Davis 3Q: Bishop Verot: Butch Moore, 34 yd field goal Clewiston: Reggie Gray, 5 yd run; Kick Will Davis . 4Q: Clewiston: Collin Ricketts, 3 yd run; Kick Will Davis Individual Statistics: Rushing (Attempts/Yards): Collin Ricketts, 14/142; Darris Hughes, 14/141; Reggie Gray, 5/443; W. Armstrong, 1/17; Alex Rubio, 3/16; Carl Whitehead, 2/10, David Pope, 2/10; Jared Combass, 1/14. Passing: (Attempts/Completions/Intercep- tions/yards): Jared Combass 18/5/2/131 Receiving: (Catches/Yards) Sim Putnam, 2/41; Omar Smith; 1/52; Jasper Hunter, 1/28; Collin Ricketts, 1/20. Clewiston Bishop Verot First downs 20 7 Rushes/yards 42/393 22/52 Passing yards 131 98 Punts/avg. 3/31.3 6/38.0 Fumbles/Lost 1/1 3/1 Penalties 12/95 3/25 TIlE OPTICAL CENTER located ih FAMILY EYE CARE 100 N. Main St. La Belle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 I S* ED.,ARDS PRESSIJRE CLEANING -. "--" ; ,' ^ .' .,- P e l l & C u ,in ie r c o I Expect something extra. " 1-800-SHOP CVS -- T" or Visit CVS.com '.AEBSTER EDWARDS OPEN 8am-10pm 863-228-1611 OR LONGER! 7 Days A Week 863-983-6314 I -,177 W,1; iL W1 q;III P ' - N T*wn '"-"'" e iEVERGLADES n 1c,: "The Sweetest " . REALTY, INC. (803) 9e3-0075 O ea/in T .1 ,U R VH1 S, t.. ,.. .R t R \\_,PH\\ I _iFF 9_ _ i 440 Phone: 863-946-3900 D u,,..,o1n Fax: 863-946-3902 a E -', I ", Ru, 'li, Iirr i i 498 US Hwy. 27. ,vaesu nr_, ' Moore Haven a,,s e ,r I il.N] i I 1A~ ~ +~1d W - 1'iVI 'L~f ~ ~u:t H E1 1'u~{i~ ~ ADVERTISE YOUR B ART Carolyn ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE ON /homas BUSINESS HERE COUNTRY ACRES& STARTING AS LITTLE AS IEA 1TY, NC .eealty, Inc. STARTING AS LITTLE AS HOME SITES 50n 420E ...pT. !0 P WEEK fc Special Finance Programs $12.50 PER WEEK ,,, ,,,,,,,. .$12.50 PER WEEK spc 863-467-a990 CLL "' "'" 1 Car.l, Tho imas 946-2005 visil our Websites at. (863) 983 9148i"' "....J U llU (863) 9839148CountryAcreHomeSlte com PO EiMTAL !ii ,n dyn ;1. l'' i I l l 71 CentralFlortdcaLandSales corn OR EMAIL southlakeads.lt newszap.com t,,l,',, vl*'.i,. 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BUSINESS HERE STARTING AS LITTLE AS ,- -STARTING AS LITTLE AS AS @ J.J $12.0 PERWEEK $12.50 PER WEEK (863)441-5264 A D243 Florida Avenue N f- h 1uI TltMlMUaION (863) 983-9148 Phoe (8363)983-9148 .. _Ns 86 98 36 Phone: 863-946-1804.,- o Q-u 8 3"9JO 'jO Uj OP .UL Uthial.eadL ine i.szp coin Toll Free: 1-800-670-0113 OR EMAIL .,t.lltnhl.;dsb i newIlap... Locallyv Owned Lic. #SAOO61347 h en you need a service, call a pross'ionall" Starting at $12.50 "er week, per block. If you would like Call A Pro ac please call us at 863-983-9148 or email us at southlakeads@ newszap.com to place your ad! Sr II I II I III I -A .-LIALA:-MA A! 1. A:-F- I a I p:mfv*lvm I 11: FlAJTT-i' Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 12, 2006 -I I -....- .. I Thursday, October 12, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee . .nnounce s. Merchandise e Homs Employment grcleecreaio Employment Agriculture Recreation Financial Services III Automobiles 0 1 I L5oo A 8 for any personal items for sale under $2,500 More Papers Mean More Readers! , Reach more readers when you run your ad in several papers in our newspaper network. t Our newspaper network / 1-877-354-2424f rer consists of eight papers one e daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will iepadsdr@newnap.com reach more than 164,000 readers*! /VForA i Other Clastified Advertising. Call Today For Details! ctassads@newszop.com * Sources: Pulse Research Market Survey; Simmons Market Research; INI Market Research Center S/ Mon-Fri / Mo k rRules for placing FREE adss! B 0 f 'p n ' Th m lifu dmr iu qouaiiiy, yuuI a Must be for a personal item. (No commercial items, pets or animals) Must fit into 1/2 inch (that's 4 lines, approximately 23 characters per line) Must include only one item and its price ., (remember it must be $2.500 or less) Call us! No Fee, No Catch, No Problem! AnnouncementsI iirportanl Informati.o: Please rnad your ad cear-fully ihe. fr~ d5B [ appears in, ca-' o f n ,r,ad.ertert error, please nolify us prior to the deadhne Isted WVVe ll r.no be ie.poriible ior m.:ore than 1 incorrect insiron. or for mour Ithan ihe tent r.f ihe ad rendered '.aluele.-. by such errors. Advertiserr a,-umes reponsbtib/ ffixr all stailrreents. nanies and ,:c.r,. Lent of an ad. and assurnes re.poriibility for ar clai,,n-ms against IrndEpendarL Nespapers. All acdvenri ng is .ubJe'-t to publisher's, approval The publi'har reserves the right to accept or reject any or all copy, and ad- accepted are wubjei::, 1i cr..d,z appr .1 All ads mu:r coriform to Independerint N.oer paper' stle and ar rerincted i0 their pro..per cl"Ishcations. Some cla-,i- fied: categories require advance payment. These classifications are denoted with an asterisk *. Auctions 105 Car Pool 110 Share a ride 115 Card of Thanks 120 In Memoriam 125 Found 130 Lost 135 Give Away 140 Garage/Yard Sale 145 Personals 150 Special Notices 155 900 Numbers 160 Ad i i I Ii ADOPTION A nurturing family seeks to adopt an infant to love and i .eri,;.n, We are fi- nancially secure to provide a promising future. Please call Christine and David at (888)322-0924. #1704154 aBH-I-MN ABSOLUTE AUCTION. Estates of Cades Cove adjoins Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Townsend; TN, Satur- day, October 21, 10:30 AM; WWW.FURROW.COM, 1-800-4-FURROW. TN Lic. #62. AUCTION 2,500 Acres Timber- land Bladen & Sampson Counties, NC. Tues., Oct. 24, 6:00 p.m. 32 tracts from 2 to 200 acres. Merchantable timber. Call for info. (800)479-1763 NCAL8397 0% buyer's premium John Dixon & Assoc. www.john- dixon.comn AUCTION- Complete Operat- ing 18 Hole Golf Course and 67 +/- Developed Residen- tial Lots and Undeveloped Tracts. Saturday, October 28. Details: ironhorseauc- tion.com or (800)997-2248 NCAL#3936. Auction- Historic Springfield Homes. October 21, 11:00am, 9th & Main, res- taurant & theatre. View all properties, www.goo- dearth.us (866)699-SELL. Good Earth Realty & Auction AU-3285 AB-2421789. SELLING 182+/- ACRES AND HOME at Auction, (SCHLEY CO. GA. NOV. 4) Offered in Parcels, Pond, Two Creeks, Timber, Pasture land, Wildlife and Equipment (866) 3 00-7653 WWW.LAND2AUC- TION.COM. 3 B I ORTONA CEMETERY On Hwy. 78. (2) plots. $1000/both. Will sell sep. 863-763-4353 Shop here first The classified ads MINI POODLE, Call to identify. (863)357-3225 Ga .1*/ Yar Sales Place Your YARD SALE ad today! Get FREE signs and inventory sheets! Call Classifieds 877-353-2424 RED NOSE PIT, approx 8 mo. Female, Found on 10/4, Vic. NW 6th St. Call to identify. (863)357-3697 BEAGLE- Male, approx 4 mo. old. Vic. of Belmont area Sunday night. Please call (863)673-5158 CAT, Male, 4 years old, neutered, gray tiger striped, last seen on 30th St, Hwy 98, Mitchell Rd. (863)610-4466 or (954)663-5171 IPOD NANO, Lost at Brahman Movie Theater on Sunday, Sept. 24th. Reward for re- turn. (863)634-9751 TABBY CAT- Male, Gray, white feet & diamond on forehead. Vic. Pioneer Estates. Sat. 10/07 (863)634-3200 Join al the people who say, "I sold It in the clas- sifeds." 'Giveaway 014 COUCH Old. FREE! FREE! (863)467-0644 KITTENS, Free to good homes. They are beautiful!! (863)983-8560 MICROWAVE Free! Free! Call (863)467-0644 PARROT small, talks, with cage, (863)983-6537 BELLE GLADE- Sat. Oct 14th, 8am-Noon, St Johns Episco- pal Church, Corner of NW Ave G & 2nd St., HH items and quality used clothing. MOORE HAVEN- Sat. & Sun Oct 14th & 15th, 9am-4pm, Off County Rd 720 by Uncle Joe's Fish Camp. Signs Posted. No clothes, but something for everyone. School a I^*- Heavy Equipment Operator CERTIFIED. Hands on Train- ing. Job Placement Assis- tance. Call Toll Free t866)933-1575. ASSOCIAT- D TRAINING SERVICES, 5177 Homosassa Trail, Le- canto, Florida, 34461. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA- TOR TRAINING FOR EM- PLOYMENT: Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders; Scrapers, Excavators; National Certifi- cation, Job Placement Assis- tance; Associated Training Services (800)251-3274 www.equipmentopera- tor.com Employment - Ful-Time 205 Employment - Medical 210 Employment . Part-Time 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Training 227 Sales 230 AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADE- MY Start your driving career today! Offering courses in CDL A. Low tuition fee! Many payment options! No regis- tration feel (866)889-0210 info@americasdnvingacade- my.com. ARE YOU TOUGH ENOUGH TO HAUL FLOWERS? Class A Teams or Solos wanting to team. Home Weekly. Top Pay & Benefits. Call (800)428-0343. www.Ar- mellini.com. Car hauling career. Exception- al pay! GREAT HOME TIME! Outstanding Company Paid Benefits! Paid Training! Mini- mum 1 year OTR experience required. Call anytime (912)571-9668 OR (866)413-3074. Central County Water Control District is now accepting applications for a Clubhouse maintenance person. This is a full time position with full benefits. Must be able to work flexible hours, nights and weekends, some holidays. This is a drug free workplace. Apply in person at the: Montura Clubhouse 255 N. Hacienda Street Montura Ranch Estates Wednesday thru Sunday 10 a.m.to 4 p.m. Emlymn Ful im I'l Empoyen Ful imI00, Glades County Board of County Commissioners AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER October 9, 2006 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR I SALARY RANGE: $7.47 $11.59 PER HOUR EXCELLENT BENEFITS, HEALTH CARE AND STATE RETIREMENT MAJOR DUTIES: Operation and routine maintenance ol single a'le dumip trucks, mowing tractors and associated imple- menii Preparing legqlie daily Iwor: tickets. recording nime equipment and inventory used. Provide sale conditions for employees and the general public. Working with road crews doing various jobs when necessary. Will be required to per- form labor duties such as shovel, rake or iav. 'od "Any other relbted arid asiigned OurhS. S ,,. ,, ..... KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Must be capable ol safely and erticiently operating a variey of light and medium maintenance and construction equipment Must have the ability to lift up to 100 IbS and have ihe ability to sit stand, walk, stoop, bend, crawl, and work outside lor long periods in various weather conditions Requires knowledge and skill in operation and maintenance 01 dump IruLks and tractors Ability to read and wrie effectively. Requires a minimum of 6 months of directly related experience. Ability to work flexible hours and overtime under emergency situations. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: High SchooFldiploma or equiva- lent. Must have a valid Class B Florida Commercial Drivers Li- cense with acceptable driving record. Screening test for illegal drugs. JOB LOCATION: Glades County Road Department, Moore Haven. Work is county wide. WORK SCHEDULE: 7:30a.m. 4:00p.m., Monday Friday CLOSING DATE: October 20, 2006 at 5:00 pm REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION: Glades County Application. Copy of valid Florida Drivers License. SUBMIT APPLICATION TO: Mary Ann Dotson RO. Box 1018 500 Avenue J Moore Haven, Fl 33471 863-946-6000 Glades County is a drug-free, non smoking workplace Boys & Girls Clubs of Palm Beach County -Belle Glade Teen Center- Program Monitor You will be responsible for the management of the front desk, record keeping and general correspon- dence of the Club. Other responsibilities include registration of memberships including collecting dues and issuing membership cards, maintaining current membership record for all members, in- cluding statistical information. You will act as in- formation center for questions about the Club. Answer telephone, take messages and provide good public image for all who call. You will also be responsible for supervising children, enforcing Boys & Girls Club rules, providing guidance and role modeling to members, assisting in daily care and maintenance of building and other duties as assigned. You will have a High School diploma, strong organization & computer skills and a valid Florida DL. Bi-lingual is a plus! Mail, fax or email your resume & salary requirements to: Boys & Girls Club of Palm Beach County 800 Northpoint Parkway, Suite 204 West Palm Beach, Florida 33407 Fax: 561-616-8218 Email: tanton(bgcpbc.org FOOD SERVICE ASSOCIATE/COOK BIG CYPRESS RESERVATION Excellent communication skills. Good manual skills, cash handling experience. Exp. as a fast order cook preferred. Positive customer service attitude. High School Diploma or GED. Flexible working hours. Salary $9 per hour based on experience + fuel & food allowance, incentives. Excellent benefits (medical, dental, 401K) Fax resume to (954) 967-3477 HELP WANTED UNITED STATES Mechanic I Basic mechanic knowledge, experience as San automotive service worker or Mechanic's helper pre- ferred. Mechanic II Graduate from an approved course in COR PORATIO N heavy & diesel mechanics, three years experience. Both Viecharic positions require class B driver's li- FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITIES dense. Must have a High School Diploma or GED. Both i ~located in Clewiston. STAFF ACCOUNTANT Highway Maintenance Technician II Maintains high- ways, municipal and rural roads, and righis-of ways in le "safe condition. Knowledge in use ol standard equip- Position will be responsible for preparation ol income ment and hand tools used in field. Must have a valid and balance sheet statements, consolidating state- Florida Commerc al Driver's license, Class B or higher ments, and various other accounting reports. Respon- with air brake endorsement. sible for cost accounting activities. Will insiruct or Heavv Equipment Operator I This is s1 killed work in S as-signeworktoalaccountingaclerks .aWng]inlcoorn line operation ul public wors equipmerll Mu ^ rae aSSign work o accounting cles along w coorr~a wo years experience in me operation Oitgfwjy con- ing accounting matters with other departments loca- siruction and maintenance equipment similar to that of tions and divisions. Assist in year end closing, annual assignment or any equivalent combination ol Iraining eand experience budget preparation, etc. Must be proficient in the use ol Microsoft Office products. GIS Coordinator for the LaBelle office Must have *Bachelor of Science from an accredited college or uni- versity in computer science, geography, or related field Financial Operations Analyst with considerable experience in the use of geographic Information systems or 8yrs equivalent experience. An- Responsibilities nual Salary is between $45,000-$50,000. Aquatics. Art & Athletic Coordinator Must be C.RR. & First Aide Certified, Life Guard & Swim Instructor Cer- Coordinates, develops and prepares operating budgets tified. Must have knowledge and/or experience with arts and forecasts Monthly operating reports including var- & crafts, ceramics, sewing and culinary & performing ance analyses, cost/volume variances and labor arts; also knowledge of and/or experience with baseball, softball, football, basketball,'track & field, physical fit- reports. Prepares schedules for quarterly financial per- ness. formance reports. Conducts special financial and busi- Electrical Inspector- Must have 8 yrs. experience with ness related studies and cooperates with a licensed contractor. other departments. Staff Assistant IV Hendry County Building, Licensing and Code Enforcement Dept. Requirements The person selected for this position will have supervi- sory responsibilities over the permitting and licensing functions in the Dept. and will report to the Director of Five plus years of previous experience in Accounting Building, Licensing and Code Enforcement. and/or Finance preferred. Bachelor's degree in Ac- Code Enforcement Officer The person selected for counting or Finance preferred. Efficiently fluent in Excel this position will be primarily responsible for monitoring and other accounting software (MLS, QAD). Experience approved development orders including, but not limited, rezones, special exceptions, special permits, and subdi- in manufacturing environment a plus vision plats. The selected candidate will assure that conditions on approved developments imposed by the ABOUT US SUGAR CORPORATION Board of County Commissioners e.g.. buffering, set- backs, improvements, etc., have been met. Position will involve flex scheduling and some Saturday work. United States Sugar Corporation is one of America'sService/Meter leader for P LaBelle Utilities A largest diversified, privately held agribusiness firms. valid drivers license is required. The job consist of in- We are employee owned and have great benefits. stalling meters, reading water meters, laying water lines Headquartered in Clewiston on the southern shore of & operating equipment in the field. On the job training & Florida's Lake Okeechobee between Fort Myers and possible job advancement. West Palm. S.H.I.PR Coordinator Highly responsible work in ad- ministering the S.H.I.PR Affordable Housing Program for Hendry County. High school graduation or its equiva- For Immediate consideration please lent; and an equivalent combination of training and ex- perience. Accounting back ground a plus. Email Jdooley@ussugar.com Staff Assistant III Hendry County Grants & Special FAX 863-902-2889 Projects. This is a highly responsible position, must be an independent think and able to multitask. High school graduation or its equivalent. US Sugar is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to a diverse workforce. Women and The positions are full time with medical benefits, retire- .. ment, sick and vacation leave. Minorities are encouraged to apply These positions will be open until filled. Job description & applications can be obtained in the Satellite Office in Clewiston and the Courthouse in LaBelle in the HR Department. Al Vet Pref. EEO. Drug free. Applicants needing """""""""""""" assistance in the application process should Automotive Parts contact the Hendry County Commissioners HR department. ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT COMPANY 1348 SOUTH MAIN STREET S1 Ll ASSOCIT BELLE GLADE, FL 33430 SALES ASSOCIATE 8 S T GAS/CONVENIENCE Original Equipment Company in Belle Glade is -- STORE looking for a full time experienced parts delivery r Brighton & Big driver. The primary responsibility will be to deliver Cypress Reservation parts in a safe and efficient manner. press n eservai on Excellent Communication skills, QUALIFICATIONS good manual skills, cash handling CDMuL License Preferred. experience. Positive customer service Must have 1-2 years driving experience attitude. High School diploma or GED. Must pass a background check & drug screening Flexible working hours. Salary: based on exp. Fuel & food allowance, incentives. Apply in person: Excellent benefits (medical, dental, 401K) 1348 South Main Street Fax resume to (954) 967-3477 Belle Glade, FL 33430 Nr I. DEADLINES 11 v m for nd% PuLkown I Garage/ Yard Sales Thursday, October 12, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobeb Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Emply Full Tim DATA ENTRY! Work From Glades County Anywhere. Flexible Hours. Board of County Commissioners quired. Excellent Career Op- AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER portunity. Serious Inquiries Only (800)344-9636 Ext. October 9,2006 700. Driver- ACT NOW...Hiring OTR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR II & Local Drivers *Earn $4,000 in bonusersyour 1st SALARY RANGE:$9.27-$13.13 PER HOUR year *New Equipment *Pre- EXCELLENT BENEFITS, HEALTH CARE AND mium Pay Package *No STATE RETIREMENT HazMat Required -Call / STATE RETIREMENT (877)882-6537-Oakley Transport, We care about MAJOR DUTIES: Operation and routine maintenance of e mi our drivers! dump trucks. Operation and routine maintenance of heavy equipment, such as loaders, dozers and backhoes. Preparing DRIVER: YOU WANT IT, WE legible daily work tickets, recording time, equipment and inven- HAVE IT! Solo, teams, owner tory used. Provide safe working conditions for employees and operators, company drivers, general public. Working with road crew doling vjrious:, iur. students, recent grads, re- when necessary. Any work necessary to p'utect Giailde. [C:nirty gional, dedicated, long haul. interest. Van, flatbed. Must be 21. CRST Career Center. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Must be capable of (800)940-2778, www.drive- safely and efficiently operate semi trucks and he ivy ieuip. urcr;l cnmr ment. Must have the ability to lift up to 100 Ibs. ari na ve inc. ability to sit, stand, walk, stoop, bend, crawl and work outside Driver-HIRING QUALIFIED for long periods in various weather conditions. Will be required DRIVERS for Central Florida o perform labor duties such as shovel, rake or ay cod when Local & National OTR posi- necessary. Requires a minimum of 2 years experience of .errn tions. Food grade tanker, no trucks or heavy equipment. Ability to, work flexible hours and hazmat, no pumps, great overrime under emernrencv silvuati.ns. benefits, competitive pay & new equipment. Need 2 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: High SChool dipli.,m.a or equiva. years experience. Call By- lent Must havw j valid Class A Fonija C ornmerrial Orivers L- num Transport for your op- i: nse with acrerable dnvirim r-iird sc:r'eni rtest SI lI illciil portunity today. rugs (800)741-7950 JOB LOCATION: Glads Cuumvy Roa.d Departmeni,, Moore Earn Up to $550 WEEKLY Haven Work is county wile Working through the govern- ment PT No Experience. all WORK SCHEDULE: 7:30a.m. 4:00p.m., Monday Friday Today!! (800)488-2921 Ask for Department W21. CLOSING DATE Ocitober20, 2006 at 5 00 pm ELECTRICIANS &oHELPERS REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION: Glades County Application. BNeeded for comm I k Copyof validFloridaDriversLicense. Belle Glade. All levels needed, Copy of valid Florda Drivers License. Call-1-866-206-9546 SUBMIT APPLICATION TO: Mary Ann Dorson PO. Bo' 10t18 EVERGLADES 500 Avenue J FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Moore H avvn Fl 33471 863-9416-6000 SNow Hirino for: Glades County is a drug-free, non smoking workplace TELLERS F/T & P/T Must have cash handling ex- $. perience. Previous teller ex- j STORE MANAGER perience experience and Gas/Convenience Store bilingual a plus. Excellent as/onvenience Sore oeneis Appicatoi, Big Cypress Reservation available at Eveoulades Fed- WvaereAi Jr, 1C,, Wors t High School Diploma, Associates Degree preferred. Minimum of 1 year retail iT ERESTED IN A P TAL experience. Excellent communication skills. Molimum Pay"' Ou services 2 years supervisory/management P- tiiBaytter ppam Fiodrt re experience. Flexible hours, FL driver's Oiui Houw ca i0 ldary For license. Pay based on experience, with tJot r inrtr Caon o benefits. Fax resume to 954-967-3477 8008ii--ic, Rrl C-oe *o59,'.0 -r ~' G G 0 MANAGEMENT The GEO Group, Inc. Immediate restaurant management The GEO Group, Inc. openings in Lake Placid, Moore A worldwide leader in privatized corrections Haven, LaBelle, Clewiston and Okeechobee. We are a franchise with BENEFITS INCLUDE: 27 restaurants throughout South HEALTH, DENTAL, VISION, LIFE, DEPENDENT Florida and are hiring energetic, LIFE INSURANCE & 401K RETIREMENT onda and are rmg energetic A honest, and responsible individuals. CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS We offer: RN -Excellent Salaries ACADEMIC INSTRUCTOR -Medical and Life Insurance Sa l -Dental Insurance (2 available) -401K Savings Plan RECREATION SPECIALIST -Paid Vacations VOCATIONAL INSTRUCTOR -Advancement Opportunities (PC Support) -Training Program SUBSTANCE ABUSE INSTRUCTOR For an interview please call:- COOK SUPERVISOR 8 HUMAN RESOURCE CLERK 863-9834224 or mail your resume in confidence to: MOORE HAVEN CORRECTIONAL FACILITY Pauline Alvarez 1990 East SR 78NW Southern Management Corporation Moore Haven, FL 33471 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Phone 868-946-2420 Clewiston, FL 33440 Fax 863-946-2487 Equal Opportunity Employer GULF HARVESTING, INC. M/F/DiV A: irus ridive:Stin, inriual ry is in need 01 persons 10 lill two lull lime regular posilton: whicn are curririlly opa-n Resumes will Sbe teceivrd at la # 2'j9-369-2267 may De mailed to. Gult _arvestin, Inc PO B,). 3175 Immkalee, FL .-11-13 or you -- .- may inquire by telephone at 239-3.10.-4373 Jf Citrus Grove Foreman/Supervisor preferably with e.pererice with middle management in citus harvesting ciperatioris Ability S'' t 1 I' velv lead adl Ui uper )is oinhr emplOvees i narverniriq. a Asi;l in reco:rj pepina time manaremenil, employee scned- HEAD TEACHER ulino arid general oprialions couldindliori. Bilingual |Erg- SE C ER li;riSpaisrnih ,S plus Silry or nourly pay. orn-rnmensurale BRIGHTON RESERVATION rrir p ,perenle Dependig upon the level n operierce and e:'peilCi tre p05osiiinrl uruld p,lOIb v be otiefd a; a salarned High School Diploma & C.D.A. Creden- pos,iin lr a nigh profile crniilte Beriis include cioaipny tials. 1 Year experience with Preschool paid ealtninsurance, Ileinsuranie, 401K matching optional children. Ability to meet County & licens- dei iri,nsur.ance.,,'di vacati)rand riodays. ,,mnpa, yvericle. ing agent requirements. Secure & main- Citrus Grove Mechanii Helper prtieranly I thi one yrI e'pri- Dnre w.lirng willh Clrus rou ve T hiarmTi r j .ni I ulp ASSiSI with tain CDL License with a "P" endorsement. repaIr and maiinrenance o01company buses, company vehicles Fax resume with certifications to Iruc s. fruit loaders irigalion equip Will charge ltes arnd pos- 9ibley assisl w ih elnariniing mal,:r t Lmponenle Bilingual Eng- (954)967-377. lisnl/Spanisn is a plus Hourly pay commensurate won exp Be- neiiis are the :ame as lhose in te I above position eylouding a company piovideal vehicle fflfflBBRBI~~~House -fl^^^ ff^T|O Sale 1025 INTERVENTION SPECIALIST Big Cypress Reservation Work with Family Services and Education Departments to provide counseling services to students at home and school. Develop and follow a Truancy plan. Bachelors degree in Education or Psychology. Masters in Mental Health/Social Work, MS Word, Access, Excel, Outlook. Willing to work flexible schedule. Fax resume to (954)967-3477 ASSISTANT STORE MANAGER GAS/CONVENIENCE STORE Brighton Reservation Min 1 yr supervisory experience. Excellent communication & computer skills. Good leadership skills & positive attitude. Flexible hours, FL Drivers Lic. High School Diploma or GED. Exc. Benefits incl. medical, dental & 401K. Salary based on exp. Fax resume to (954) 967-3477 I The Seminole for a Bus Dri diploma or i School bus( Valid FL CDL "P" endorsemE record. F 954-c SCHOOL BUS DRIVER (BRIGHTON RESERVATION) Tribe has opening ver. High School GED equivalent. driving exp. (+). Class B License ent w/good driving ax resume to: 967-3477 CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Musl have a successful banking background wilh strong customer service skills. Bi-lingual a +. Excellent compensation package. Apply in person: Seacoast National Bank, 17 N. Lee Street, LaBelle, FL EOE/AA/H/V Drug Free Workplace Hose -Sal ..r--r oe rt -e....s_ ^ ...... . . . ... "..... : ... " 'AT p- 'A. 03.. "" Smith/Williams Team Glenn A. Sarah A. Smith GRI Williams 863-983-3508 863-228-6867 Brick 3BR/2BA two car garage on northlide beautifull 400 sq. ft lana.i roll dw,,,n shutters, immaculant and presimine clean Lage bedroom read/ to move iiart 2 4,900 Get Preconstruction Price 4 avail. able 3BR/28A. i car garage located on Texas Ave, Harlem Subdivision 1673 s. ft Special Loan padc age. Lutz Builders S160K 20-.Acr.es.a_ o..Hiy 27 SZoned Comercial 6 4v14 Ba' doo .rs The Oaks at Clewiston 9 Available 2bd/1 I /2ba Condominiums BLOW OUT PRICES $110,000 Price good until Oct. 13, 2006 Must be in contract by Oct. 13, 2006 to recieve special pricing. Don't let a great deal like this pass you by Call today! For Rent 3bd,2ba Mobile home on 5 acres S900 00/per month 4bd/2ba CBS h-ome 5 1,800.per monrh Call Becky for more information at 863-983-8590 or 863-599 1079. I) New Listing 3b't2ba on I 25 acres Only 599.,900 2) Operating Fish Farm It' daies zoned ag-'. 2 phas-.s of a 4 phase opeiabon rI completed All production ii sold o0iiii jugli the end of the ,'.ear. Tini,; i ,i e,.cing property ilithat you music see to believe MLL. 200634-5159 3) Reduced to Sell 3br'2 ba mobile home in Seminole Manor. Wall ina distance florn Cevwisron Elementar, and High Schools. iced to sell v-; Si.-s.000L MLs- 2aG6367'22 4) Duplex! 3BD.2BA& 26D..' tA ion Halt i'..e Long inn tenant Musr see i 516I4.900 5) Easy Life Subdivision Spaciouc 3br 2ha DWPMH Must Set" 2006h61385 585 i000 61 Ladeca 5 ac. rih farm. Not in pruducric. : could be ,.,.' lrtle effcrt MLS-#200654436 7)Labor Campll 7 Miles South of Clewiston.. P'rnitted for 50 guests. Call for info (8631677-1441 8)Montura Ranch!! 4 Br'2 Ba M.NH '98 Homes of Meriion 1.25 Acres. Newly remodeled Master bath 129.900 ML.;0 200644944 9) Reduced A 2005 i3bA' ri''lW. r' T's, Also a porch viewing a beautiful landscaped S..a t ... 10) Reduced By S25,000.. 15 acres of land onr Al Dun Farming Rd Pioperty is fenced/cross fenced. Convenient access or' Clewiston and Labelle MNI.S 200652207? 11) Montura Ranch Estates Arinal i ,e'4cue Center on 3.75 acres. 4br/2ba mobile horie, fenced dnd cioi.slenced. United ai Sh' 4,900 MLS4 20046.i46i 12) 3br/2ba CBS home on 1/3 acre. New roof, New paint & Fenced, MLS# 20065064 Vacant Lots Ssweet Lake Villas *-,5(1 tdgdrllRi 2,.-1, ;Un N ; l, s, .I.h',,. '._k 4 1 7 lo .h (a -e .i ilk -,, i .d d ,' t, i '1,i . ,ridiir,. H .trr ll i ." r L rdr Ln l i ik .'." ". - I~, o i, 4r'. 4 -,k Call Today!! www.clewistonflhomes.com 1. Nm s..i Lsng "BD'2E.A Douhle.wide Mohile on S a acres, paved road. Curner nlot. fenced Nev, roof., new pain inside. Onrlv I19.900 2. Great things come in small gPackages. Newly painted inside andr outr hi 3bd I ba home is located in Harlenm Plenry of roor i grow Pri,-.d !o sell ' $74,901 00 I List, Show & Sell Montura 3. N.otua Ranh Estates 425 S Verda S.4,9'0(J 260 Hunting Club $42,000 S7l' Slelland 5-44 9)00 735 5 Palm $49,000 325 tJ. Nr ]jl3 St I 2'. ac. 5$i.i''iW gSAI egPBNDINGc.. ASK ME ABOUT SWEET LAKE VILLAS BY Maribel Cathy S. Gonzalez Garcia 561-722-7347 863-228-4798 Se bh H oabla St Rat Espiel Owner wants Outl It's as simple REDUCED" BackfrTAlMarkel Make as that. The owner of thXs Time o Comeffl.111lhils Tht had 3bd/1 ba home wants to sell now' ,VMe To Nm-. ,, 1rhVo l ar. ,U Don't be the second caller h lm i ci' r e ,r1 '45) because it's priced to move fast at $144.900.00 Why Pay high space rents when you can owrg i with a 3BR. 2-bath dou Wiil with room for a double patio and shed in EasW Adivision It's oding to sell fast at $79,900. I Looking for vacant land? Well . bring our horses because I've got 1.25 acres tracts available now in Montura Ranch Estates. Give me a call today' ALot to Love The perfect site Feature Listing for your future. This lot is Ilocat .a Lii ed in Port LaBelle and the land- scaping is courtesy of mother 2Bedroom 2Bath home nature. It's ready for you at s4o,ooo.oo built on 3 lots within Recharge your batteries living walking distance of local in this 3BD 2 BA doublewide mobile home in Montura Ranch middle school is being just about thirty minutes from offered at $ 9,900. town. This 1.25acre site include offered at $19 . lots of trees, Irivacy, peace and Seller will give an qulet. See it and be charmed. 1 "" 39.900.00oo allowance of $1,000.00 A Lot Less Because of unusual for appliances. Please circumstances there is a lot available in Port LaBelle of call me for an appoint- Memory Lane for only meant $40,000.00. Call and buy it ment to see this home. today! >,^to Walker/Wood Team Sam J. Ashley P. 1 Walker Wood GRI 863-677-1013 863-228-1132 *CR 835 11.77 acre labor camp 7 miles South of Clewiston $499,900.00 New Listing! 3bd/2ba/1car garage CBS Home, 1,670sq ft located on 1012 Texas Ave. $165,500.00 .3/2 OWMH, 611 Orange Rd, offered @ $89,900 ELAHMO9E *2.5 ac, pond, 1984 3/2 DWMH, new a/c, metal roof, completely remodeled in 2005 for $145,000? You got it!!! MLS #200640508 .2.5 acres on Flaghole Rd. $84,900.00 A little piece of Heavent 775 County Rd.721 Loop NE Beautiful 2 story home /w spiral staircase & wood floors. Big backyard w/ boat access to the Gulf & direct access to Lake "O". Home on one acre among oak Hammocks. Reduced to $475K _M0NTURA 105 Pinelake Ave the best 1.41 ac lake front lot in Montura @C $77,900 .470 S. Hacienda; 1997 4bd/2ba Palm Harbor MH, 6' fence, beautiful lot and trees, detached carport and shed, immaculately Reduced to $130,000 *420 South Lindero $33,900 ,225 Datil St. Reduced $24K ,545 S. Brida St. $32K -Vacant land in Harlem! .19 acre tots r Se -Vacant land in Port LaBelle! $39,500 *Great Investment In LaDeca StartingPrices S acres for only $70K Sweet Lake Villas: PIONEER PLANTATION .990 Wildwood Ave. Pioneer. 5 acres Villa $179,990 cleared, fenced, w/ power & water Lago $199,990 SHuge concrete pad. Owner willing to Dokce $209,990 sacrifice for $112,500.00 -420 Union Ave. 2.5 Acres $72.9K, Call Us Today 24150 Pioneer 17th St. 2.5 Ac $65K, For More Informatin 5205 Pioneer 22nd St. 5 Ac 5 130K or More Information Jerry W. Charles M Enrique Smith H. Kehm Acosta 561-261-3444 III 305-506-5876 305-968-2242 ".X p SeH liablaEspaol Ready to Move In Waiting For You 1. Commercial Listing Successful Montura3bd/2ba doublewide on 1995 Homes of Merit MH, fenced. Business & Property with over paved corner lot recently remod- above ground pool, lots of storage, 10,000 sq.ft. of Buildings on eled. Hurry! It won't last! and metal roof. Neat & clean, acres w/ 175' directly on $139,900.00 $130,900.00 Sugarland Hwy. Free Home in Flaghole Take this Just Reduced! 2.5 Acres, 3bd/2ba 2 Industrial Property Hurricane Proof opportunity in owning a nursery. MH, fenced, located in Montura Concrete Buillingi Landscaped/ This 5.5 acre land is the perfect Ranch Estates. $155,000.00 Parking $250K place to Jump start a new business 3. Industrial Lot w/ industrial zon- or to use as an investment proper- Ready To Move In! 3bd/2ba MH ing $99,900.00 ty. For only $319,900.00 you '1 get located in Moore Haven S79.9K 4. Commercial Lot Need a co 5.5 acres that have 118 citrus 4. Commercial Lot Need a corn- plants and a 4bd/2ba mobile home MH on 1.25 acres in Montura Ranch mercally zoned lot for your busi- that has 2 screened patios on either Estates $118,005 acres in00 n ess -Great Buy at $89.9K with side. DON'TLET THIS OPPORTUNI- owner financing TY PASS YOU BY! 5 Acres in Pioneer potential for great 5. New Residential Listing! R2 home site $165K zoned 3bd/ Iba with a Ibd/lba New Listing! 5bd/3ba, 2 AC units, Mother in Law Detached Room 2 water heaters, split floor plan, Reduced! Moore Have 3bd/2ba CBS $165K Exceptional Value new tile throughout, freshly paint- house 200,00000 er 55 Own you own home ed, working chimney, great screen house $200,000.00 6. Over SS?tha Own ou own home patio, new roof, too many extras to Sacres in Laeca125Kess than 50 Sportsman's name! A must see! $549,900 Lehigh Acres Lot $65K 7. Beautiful 2.5 acre wooded home Need Some Space? Spacious site in Pioneer Plantation. Priced to 4bd/2ba doublewide MH in Montura Ranch Estates Sell $78K w/ possible owner Montura. Split floor plan, living 363 Appaloosa Ave. (Paved road) S38K financing room, family room, too many 345 S. Zambra $39.9K 8. New Listing! Handy Man's Special extras! Hurry, won't last! Motivated 830 5. Orange St. 539.9K Lake front/ Large lot/ Singlewide MH/ Seller! Only $149,9000 735 N. Fronda $42.5K Some building materials included Secluded well maintain 1995 dou- 620 N. Fronda $45K $84,900.00 blewide 3bd 2ba, split floor plan, 615 S. Riverside $45K master bathroom includes garden 120-130 S. Coral (2.5 Acres) S75K 9. New Listing! Port LaBelle Beautiful tub w/ separate shower, property 2.5 acres Perimeter Rd. S99K lot S45K Offers Welcome fenced and has horse fenced area, 615 Perimeter Rd. 2.5 Acres $89,900 obile home lot in Harlem alsonext to a canal. $124,900.00 10. Mobile home lot in Harlem $21 K Just Listed! 4BD/2BA home located *1000OS.Bern r- l.0 ciss r 6 W l mr 06- 8 -29 vvvvvsuc rea S-c on Avenida Del Rio. Just Reduced to $314,900 New Listing! 1055 Riviera Ave. 3bd/2ba home on 2.5 acres. Has new roof & AC. $259,000.00 New Listing! 2005 3bd/2ba Double wide, has security system, located on 1.25 acres Priced to sell at $144,900.00 VACANT LAND 260 NW 2 Ave. located in South Bay .17 acre lot $30,000.00 2650-2655 Pioneer 11th St. 5 acres $170,000.00 Montura Ranch Estates 130 N. Arboleda 1.09 acres $39,900.00 I- 136 Montura Ave. 1.25 acres $39,900,00 569 Hunting Club Ave. 1.25 acres $55,000.00 740-750 S. Palm St. 2.5 acres $80,000.00 455 N. Hacienda $50,000.00 Come in and S pickup $300.00 j *Call for details I Thursday, October 12, 2006, Employment Full Time II Now, I Houses Sale Thursday, October 12, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Emplymen Emlymn Ful Tie I'l ployim-ent Full Time a a E'mployment Ful imeH-^ Emplymen Meical Em -eial* J- nfor~matio We have drivers projected to earn $56,000 this year! How much will YOU earn? How much will YOU earn? Home weekly! HEARTLAND EX- PRESS (800)441-4953 www.hearlandexpress.com. P/T OFFICE CLERK Permanent Pf/. RV park locat- ed in Lake Port, has need for an office clerk, year round starting mmiiately Regq's working weekends during sea- son, s-asuonal ilov-Apr hrs. frbm 12p-5p W-F, Sat, 9a-5p, Sun: 12p-5p, Oh Mon. & Tues Non seasonal (May-on rl Ir M-F, 9a-1p. no weekends req. Some computer skills neces- sary. Exp. in office skills pref. Must have personality mnd work well w/publ: Call. 863-946-1324 lor more mio. a .ra 'I I _I ALL CASH CArNDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/dav' 30 Ma- chirins. Free Caroy All lor $9 995 08881629-9968 B0200C033 CALL US We will noi be undeisoldi FflfB^^ DFW/EOE NOTICE Independent Newspapers will never accept any advertise- ment that Is illegal or con- sidered fraudulent. In all cases of questionable val- ue, such as promises of guaranteed income from work-at-home programs if il sounds too good to be true, chances are that it is. If you have questions or doubts about any ad on these pages, we advise that before responding or send- ing money ahead of time, you check with the Better Business Bureau at 772-878-2010 for previous complaints. Some 800 and BOO telephone numbers may require an extra charge, as well as long distance toll costs. We will do our best to alert our reader of these charges in the ads, but occasionally we may not be aware of the charges. Therefore, if you call a number out of your area, use caution. Find It taster. Sell It soon- er In the classillfeds Hos-S ale 1025 VENDING ROUTE: All Snacks/Candies, Drinks, En- ergy Ddrinks Too! All Brands. All. Sizes. Great Equipment. Great Support. Financing Available with $5K down. Tom: (877)843-8726 AIN #B02002-037. Home & Office PC Consulting Tutoring; MS Office w/VBA, Spreadsheet & Database appl's. VB appl's. 863-983-5690 or email HouconsultingOyahoo.com Your next Job could be In today's classifleds. Did vou look for It? DELIVER OUR PRECIOUS CARGO: Be a Hendry Courity School Board Bus Driver Contan IMe Transiportaiionr Dept S31863-674.-4115 or Cneryl Jamesnr at lameson[@ nnrdry 012.11 us Houes -Sale NEW SELF STORAGE 46 units 7x15, 8x15,10x15, 10x30,12x30,15x25, Full electric, secure on Commereio St. 350 ft. from Clewiston Police Dept. 863-983-6663, ,863-983-2808, after hrs. 863-983-8979 A/C UNIT- 2 ion, Brand new, $1500 (l863)517-210 AIR CONDS (2) window units, 19K BTU, 220 v & 12 , BTU, 220 V, $200 will sell :eirJarai -(863)697-6033 ANTIQUE BREAKFRONT- ma- rio' r., i beju hilil condition, $500 or best offer Houes RSale7105 ANTIQUE LAWN & GARDEN TRACTOR- John Deere, all original, runs great $2000 iA6 i261 f.592 COFFIN, with fully wired skele- :.:,n i.1000 i.63iT67.-4981: RANGE & DRYER- elec, excel- lent condition $200 for both or will sell separate (863)697-6033 REFRIGERATOR- GE, Small, peifeii [or RV. brand new, 75.ii2 391 ._-2115 REFRIGERATOR- Whirlpool, Equippedi w/it: maker. Runs 'r [ 'Sal0. 1'631641i,-J328i STOVE- Gibson, Self cleaning $100. or best offer I D6 63-1.166,, I b l C'- .lh I' U-Save Supermarkets Manager/Assistant Manager If you have experience in Retail grocery operations, we have opportunities for Manager/Manager Trainee in the Belle Glade & Ft. Myers area. F/T position with full benefit package including paid holidays, paid vacation, 401k savings plan, group medical & dental. Fax resume to L. Toledo At (813) 626-4527 or e-mail to ltoledo@bbchi.com '-.. ... HENRY REGIONAL "...-. .- MNIEDCAL CENTER LUNI or r "PTr Perdia , II. I.' J it I. i i p1,. ', [ 'Lb lls'h 1' **;]lll , Ful afr ER RN il IU'.:PaLio, Peonlr., Pl irSups id i T *:i I ,M 4 5 |r I4 h t Fufi ume. instirmDil B ,. ,, P I U8 "" j I,' ;(I i I_,,,I.. ;.r .Jbn, I ,,J i .I :31 t. ll,,,L I.,, P D Nin,- C A iv C .N AMii- Tedich Fill dnime HIM Techniial MiI.r f- ....,l.ti ,j 1 -C jLid,..li,,ji h1. li, Furl uie tR34 Niu MInp Spucrl Car If. eIt L ,,,l 11 k ', j 1, -1,',, r" i l|.' 1 7l T, .,I,,l ... ,JQ ,f ,: (Pr F ull lime- l R ls old Nu,. nlj I I:"L c a "ld FtL ,::1 .I ih I I 1 j 11 .,I' ..pi-i, Full dime RHplrak ir Thenpist -iYr ,., L- hL A ,i 1 h 1 ,i ,,i V1.1 | I -,.; ; : p 1,, 3. ,Jull .. :[..r l :1 r,',il [. i'L id ,d ACI '.. ,. , Full U-nt- Med.al Teihnolo.l) hII I !JF. l Z:. .ri II I ir'kpl.'Lji ..,l u h ,. l., ]ld lJTlll -L .ir0a Full Lime- Houseleeper Full lime- HIM Recepllonl' ',lu-i ,. :: u.,ilhri d:t'.i.Ti.uiij.Ii':i Basic computer skills and clerical xp are reQ. Medical records exp pre[. Phone: 863-902-3079 or Fax resume to: 863-983-0805 Drug Free Workplace EOE Psychology The GEO Group, Inc. The GEO Group a worldwide leader in privatized Corrections, offers a challenging & exciting opportunity. WE OFFER: Top Pay, Medical, Dental, Vision, Short-term Disability, 401k, Paid Vacation & Holidays *PSYCHOLOGIST (Doctoral Degree in psychology, counseling, or related mental health field. Possess appropriate state licensure or certification.) *PSYCHOLOGICAL SPECIALIST (Master Degree in clinical, counseling or applied behavioral psychology.) *RN'S & LPN'S NEEDED THE GEO GROUP, INC. South Bay Correctional Facility 600 US Highway 27, South South Bay, Florida 33493 Email: vharrellktheaeogroupinc.com Phone: 561-992-9505 Fax: 561-829-1902 EOE, M/F/V/H Droefrties SClewiston .- - *For Rent Bass Capital condo fully furnished. like new $1.300 a month. Also For Sale 'Back In The Market Hwy. 27 Over 1-1/2 acres 4/3 S265,000. Owner finance. La Deca *First Property on Everhigb Rd. 5 acres + Home 4/2, 2 barns &. much more $325,000 Make Offer La Deca 10 aaes, owrer finance $190.000 Sale Pending 'LaDeca 5 acres+ MH. Reduced for quick sale $160,000 Make OtTer '5-10 acres AG/Residential. Choose from several lots. From $95,000 Pioneer Plantation *Pioneer M/ 3/2. 2 1/2 ac. $150,000 SOLD!! 'Pioneer-Beautiful Cedar wood house on 5 acres, horse stables $240,000 *Pioneer- Several lots 2-1/2 acres from $60,000 WIS f, al estate ,n .fl C ~4I t4~ fin 5 ii I ~' ~is I L<-c, tlcd in n 01-, Cle l i,- n li I- n'-5 nl-.ghi-hh, i h.-.dr IBR .' 5BA, 4 -r ai lir pr-.1 ar,- $4390,000 CLEWISTON '3 RR EA MH v. Lrp S:.r,-,..-l P.,-clh t N.nan .l N.I r ,i, il-rui- 1 ii flr i SBR. I VAX H-a,,ini- ,, i .:,,. Sus i ia.ir.' ;:. Ri.-.I|. | i, .. I I J.l h,.i.i '.BF' IBR Hns- .. ..-,il :A A -Q,l-iail '3 DR 2 BA Brlt: H-r, .rn. i a-ri.,.t1- il . .l I^t iL-ll lndcr Uf" I ll- 11 1 J:'l. : I''M *3 ED. 2 BA 2005 NH Sin,, hit'. Lakis E.I.l', Pn.:.t -I l 1. w5"2 3. BSR 'S BAT MH 1u Irg ,.:ilcrl,-n I,. i ,t- \ t. ,-iti.,--. t, l..iu P-. J .1 ia'l '_ 4BF. JBRA ?I-1 -irash htd GLCIat- SiL..'- .3BR.2BA CBS Hi-Ti,.. .irr:. I,-. F. Su,' .iul Pn-.-, us -.- 4 a $I i" I'A O * IER A2BA Iur. D-A-,lPl HP .-Tn.,-!i, A -- 1 -' -, iii.- ir: l Lri'.vr, ;4 iii .33BR,' BA ,,n W%' Al., r- B-.Ic.t.-- hr,ir.: .JBRjIJA Fl-ni, Hur,. E i, I N, ,ii 4B 4:I3'.iBi-. %v; l nti-] n iA im.1-0l -i,, ,pli r,:l,- MOORE HAVEN / LAKEPORT *2CP?'D.;|.l- 'PI Bkeach nail Ornl, a 220.onhu I.r Ill-.h! *2/2 MR Ftlharman's Paradise,:. 1 2- s ,n *3 BR/2 BA CBS Home w/ 2 car garage. Thatcher Blvd. $190,000 5A5 ....11nH^ MS _ .- .- . I BR 2 BA ,-rn IIr, 1,-t Rid -, 'xl Ae Newl'; rr uminkidi knih n Bak-c'iyIV & -ro-rwsd ipoirch $35.0,000 * 2Bp-IBA MtAhile\ H..mc .6,th ri'irct l. l.> A AU|.;I, -.. RC.,iu,: .. $ 1.1 I.(I *-IB N. Bi.%d-H C,7, C.,I -; A' .. '11-iT10 PIONEER / LADECA / FLAGHOLE * .F RD-' BA M-H, h, ;.,rri r .c lar. * BD BA MH .5 -icri ,A 1rL uak-. [Itl- lI.:tnu & ar Is 27';.0 )i * A ri..- liil!. Til's b ik.. I un 'snih 3BD ABA NMH lt.'ili:l * Pri.,W.'Wa..I.l-.. + 4 A w willth J 3 PDJ2 BA MH. Lie kcrli.i.-hi-1,l. $22.,5i.(O1O ACREAGE, LAND & LOTS * 1,3 ,lc lit ir, t'or L'Billr I,, '., 65, r0i - N, .i: -i Old CIS ; D .,-., n, i ,:-k. H iiI. lIri.l.dlc-.l 2i.a u'Ji SHiili.,,n.. C. 10 Ax : - * P-in- F.-ri, .; lU-. ,il L i,. SKp- MONTURA * Lots Available. Starting at $30,000 Lrg 4 BR/2 BA ME. $115,000 * Cozy 3BD/2BA MH, $137,000 * Lrg. 4 BD/2 BA MH 1.25 Verda St. M arsy-. 1.13.. R,'- J-,' r1.,,- bn Ill,' '1 1.90: ) * 3BD2BA DWMH Imnaelate $160,000 .A-ZVZV DJlYlSS LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER 420 E. SUGARLAPD HWY. (863) 983-6663 PUs (863) 983-9770 WEBSITE: DYBSSREALESTATE .COM EMAIL: AN AFTER H-rOURS ANN DYESS LAURA SMITH TRAVIS DYESS (863> 983.-6979 (863)599-1209 (8S63)228-2215 RESiDENTIAL- Coindo Bns- Caprirl 3BR, I I'2BA S14Q,000 $169,00l) 3BSAlWPENfTJ O0 Pre-const. Tobr Homes from $199,900 4BR, 2BA Nw.w Home MOBILE HOMES $329.000.SuR ! 3 0i00 1 0 0 ,0 u " Re 38R 2BA DWTH Syyi.ri 3BR, 2BA den & pool 1 Ej j 3Br<, 2BA Homo with effi Mobile Hume on 5.32 icre, ceric-% CKiGd condition Redu, ..ed in s85.I10 2? 2A,2 rc 1996 DWXTHNII Riddtill 3.2. 2MR, 2BA,2 4 0 tu- ) 30.O J Home on Taft Blvd, with oImuia 3BR'2BA '2.5 acres, ;2)5,00,) ., DWNH H .25 .acre-, 4BR, 2BA $340.0.0 ,t i 5,2o 0 3BR, 2BA Pool w/ 8.7 acres $729,900 VACANT I"ND 2BR, 1BA Duplex Monturi, 1 25 acre lots Reduced to $170,000 a.aili C.all Iob Listings. af@ D'YESSREALESTATE.COM ANGELICA GONZALEZ -.E HABL.A ESF'P 'NL r(63)228-0023 FnLir 24l an -i $135.X1+' MH L-, t on Comnri rc $20K Davidson Rd 2 acResidential $209,900 WarL-oress F:nn 15 acres PRiprwPlantbrii.ii Woodlands SID 2 lots J37.5l) ea, :h 10 acres LaDeca cleared Roucdt., fi$235 00C 2.23 +.-s P-..mnir .469,9 . Pioneer 7 kts 56.500 each COMMERCIAL + Cabinet Shop -4801,Oq.lt. & Apt. $200,000 LOT & OPPORTUNITY!! 7 lots in Pioneer 17.5 ac. total $56,500 per lot CALL NOW!! Phone: 863-946-3900 Fax: 863-946-3902 498 US Hwy. 27, Moore Haven r Jeffrey A. Davis Lic. Real Estate BrIke EVEtGLADES at '-1' wwu.. ervglar Iradl,~rI~--rar saI-l'~Ret EALTY, INC. Wa2-, JJreEmpfrff JErIrr ftIEII HIINTIA SP Itm1ki ( u lf A c ,, -'k. I,. i.i, i .'1; \ i 11hi i I,1 ii SWe Have L.ini Avdilable In LtiDeca Call LIs! I [AK E PORT h1.1r D lol! I P o "1 I i. ii ... .. n rii, II, ;. '' : I -1 i. l I I .' 'l I I' 1 1 1 L i, I Bcau if'ul L i For salt Ti,. r.,.r I I,. ..t.r,.I .. r.. . I r .. r. r .- I F i 2 l pr p-trid, Hc;rd; tiT \,ur rITI''IfI, Inhoie. Pt"RIlCE'D A' x 30 '.I0 MOORE HAVEN -a.t 1. ]a lla r 'r i [I-l'lr _1 t| i.,1 '. 1 i. I -a -11 l I.,ntill Li , U%- y J.'1E H I N I *. i. 11 "" 1% .1 -.MOVE H H IN! J ,ll,'" -, ,li ,,l, i .. I- u i i 1 i ] u1 r i r . NIL Ch H o i," .>LP -l' _.[ e*Lr I, l'.. r .1 , i', N. (IN n .,in- '., 2 l' ,I y.p f-nj.a Ena n. I'nil a-i' A\'u.iu'l I ', Il 1. i .m~aih laid .-,i IL "..IN ".'i, I ..AII "l' h'l. ,rr -i. a I ._ s 'i nJ, l ti'. l Ncw C H
I.u *l I n .. J.I i e. ., o r i,, ', l Ju if. Jirr, ," ., i i. J ,, | 2. M ,,hil, Fiopn . I .. ,! C l Lim t Rit J R .. ,,.," I. ' L,. B. T hc I _', s .' 1 ..I. I ,',.', 1..... Mnitfr H Y. e l. I i- ,r '. i ,, M oor Ha, .1 r rild'l n ,I i I i w L'' 1 Id' ASsarlai~lr ; n p urst sin \ 1 ' I l .- -! -I SI 1 i i i i l I i. .. .1 1 Comtsit-rcial Propert, Iscoinr PrLd.ucins, Propur & jailu rial f Prupert a--v ial.bi-. Call For LDer.Ails! M ri h.h Hl R h ili im .-.. h ,,r ... ,., I., - r il r li- ill ,i i ;1. I. PAI..lIi-.L F 13S Y r- .0 O .r il r(, ;H .. .i ,1 .,1 41 I' Il -Z i I *. I "' f."' P01-iT A$iFII E 11~!.4L c.I..a. J) t.)u. i i *.1 i1.rarerL .ir I -in. i'-ii i-i .1i .. ....i1in -11INliP Li rit.' r t dh H,- i.i i l -ii s.-' b 6 -i. id Li .. H .t i elar; -..Jilrd m lrhh Hi l .tl T .IA-, On,-iaj,tr ,IQ L .. r ,,.' 1, thnkllaurd ',rr., i ,,ri Iw l' ,,i Il I i' "lr. I ar I n i i j i s! ll Rod To AsCde U Realty, I1c sa (865) 983-0075 OFFICE '"" (863) 983-0070 FAX 330 W Sugarland Hwy., Suite 9, Clewiston, FL 33440 www.oldetownerally.us. (OF(C F fOURS,: *Mon.-Fri. 9-5 * l. It- L.t-c u'% rnd.,i bah Jppt. uni l THERESA LE R. ANGEL "TER/",E ?. Real Ehflh- Broker OFrHE (86?j 228-1142 ICLE I ,t I R FI, ii, r nAr.a,r-,, aI 677-4312 IffS I 'SHlL B.'HtFtE JESSICA RI.'AhFS 'UilNERf aH4PI,14N ROSEN S88i-2187 228f- 26. 228-7185 228-0447 ISAL- *I POt.' -Ie F I()F iilIIl'I \I I s ..cT (r -' A 0 1 1 [ I i - liot. [l inul;,,; .M. Br "4Ii,1 *lv i Ni^ I llkw r I ' j t I R'S 1I nil .' ri I.Jmh, I I 2i i -l % -V.f,.'"fI * \ GKLT .,\ N N 0 A 4M Br ,,If,, i -Fir TH-f NvkIncNl"TrHiInt .k i .11,1 .1a,k U'. .luAKit,l iir i tts r int. l ,lin hFwii -w, ra.dx.. I,, nvine i -BRINC. THE F.\111 i i ,\a110 ITF 10 lA\C H O L I I'. '.. .. I I ..r II .1 l. ill. Tif. .Q i *BI' I RI l O Ni [HF- F KE I : I ,,' ,. ,i1" 5 ",r ,. iP2 1, ,1h li l i .. -t 'l ., *(-:i/' & (._i-\l{ rI \lS lf ,F .,, ll. ,I. . *"REM X IN RMGDILL SUB DIVISION" buy yarI and .I. irsY3 rTiarn-acI ont s h i' d p' e sCOUNR'YCHARM' .W2 on 1,2 5 in . l .. ...... ,,, . * 'iTENT1CIN OUT(.)F TOf\\N sL.,tTRS LIVE YOURWWEEKENDS IN PEACE!: 3 kxibtlot ik on 1.2 5 ecm-i in Minraua. $1 4,W 0. 'NEW USING: CLOSET SCHOOLS... A DECOR\TOR' rLIICHT IN SEMINOLE r ,Ic.ijinul ai.i i i- i- noilmH S- -I-. -L *E *. ,ia)lNI.' .Il L. \ fli..ii - Cif ER I;I i R C (-)f OIREL,- t\% FRrAI-R- . I (.Il) ,1 l r L re ldr t. IC h 5T -.LARLio' -H L.--I lE t I ,- , HmI f )utilt rii, -1. t f. ni. ani -1r Ta(sAr)iia .' Is W fia ar.ii.k 1'.n trioite i.tili/ fti if-ti Si? 'i1xiy inf i uflr jIn f.irw'1 GladesReal-., gagggaa A a g g gga a, a g a a STEEL BUILDINGS. Factory Deals. Save $$$. 40 x 60' to 100 x 200'. Ex: 50 x 100 x 12' = $3.60/sq ft. (800)658-2885. www.rigid- building.com. UTILITY SHED- 10x20, Good condition. No leaks, Skid mount Ted Shed Replica. You move. $1000. (863)674-0416 CEMENT BLOCKS- 700, Good condition. $300. Will separ- ate. (863)824-0505 HATS, Stetson. $25 (863)634-5914 WESTERN BOOTS, Leather Justin, size 11. $25 (863)634-5914 AVON BOTTLES- 90+, and some older books & related articles, $75. for all (863)467-5052. ELVIS COLLECTION, Many items, Rare items, items from Graceland, memorabilia. $550 neg. (863)467-0627 HARLEY DAVIDSON TELE- PHONE- Fat Boy 2003, nev- er out of box, $50 (863)467-2112 after 5pm PENDULUM CLOCK, Like new, $100 (863)634-7359 SWORDS, KNIVES, DAGGER & more, approx 71 items, 3/4 new in box. $225. for all. Or rte.n|t l ir 03- 6T-5i52 aHou ^ S l I DAILY WORK DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE LABOR ,(> FINDERS 202 E. Su Hwy (A Clewistn a (863) 902-9494 n i i - S' '5i%5 *UC'i 5.' ., a.. F. -,. -- IEJ ii a Li . - i~s* a~5~ ~ .:-~ ii! ,UIRiir.a it. I- COMPAQ PENTIUM 4- Complete, keyboard, mouse, educational program, $250 (863)843-0158 LAPTOP Dell Inspiron 3500, Pentium II, 386 mhz proces- sor, 128 mb ram, $150. (863)675-2136. SCANNER- UMAX Astra 1220S, All hardware. Extra software, Pent I or II, $25. (863)675-4970 Lv. msg. WEB TV- computer w/2 key- boards, $75 (863)902-0257 PILLOWS (4) & AFGAN, deco- rative green. $15 for all. (863)467-8681 BED- Queen size, With head- board. Like new. $200. (863)675-0957 BOX SPRINGS & MATTRESS- Good condition. $100. (863)357-0023 BOYS BUNK BED- white, met- al, mattresses, 2 set of lin- ens $200 (863)467-4449 BR SUITE- 45+ yrs old, solid cherry, chest, dresser, mir- ror, nite stand, exc cond. $450 (863)357-2555 BUNK BEDS- Like new, $100. (863)634-7318 DINETTE SET- Table W/2 leaves, 6 Capt. chairs, solid wood, good cond., $150 neg (863)634-5095 DINING ROOM SET, Seats 8, with 6 chairs. $100 18It.631 57-1 ) STOVE- Light base, Self clean- ing. Good condition $75. (863)228-2351 UPRIGHT FREEZER almond color, 28"w X 25" deepX34"- wide. $75. 863-697-9979 in Labelle. WASHER & DRYER- GE Super capacity, brand new, $500 (863)675-6370 WASHERS & DRYERS STACK UNITS $95 & up, Upto 1 yr warranty REFRIGERATORS & STOVES (239)694-0778. Need a few more bucks to purchase something deer? Pick up some extra bucks when you sell your used Items In the classifeids. Huses-Sae TAKE AN ADD'L 5% OFF OUR ALREADY LOW PRICED SHEDS FINANCING AVAILABLE SEPT AND OCT DELIVERY INCLUDED 800-330-8106 RALEIGH, Mens 10 speed. race style, excellent cndi- tion. $75 (856)358-8625 ' SCHWINN, 1970s Stingray, with Schwinn tires, excellent banana ial) gil origQinal cond .140 8561358-8625 METAL BUILDING- 30 .30' iJ-ver used. $6450. (.63i946-3282 or '5. -605-4-130 Employment Full Time 11011 11 111 1 111 1 11 1 111 1 1.11111-o l jjjwjqj Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee ThUrsday, October 12,2006 Job information - Seepur other lisUngs aC- wwwA'tAVVT-SIW-O.IP-S']rATB.COM, I F I -Ipans05i * * * * * * * * GREENTREE SOUTH APARTMENTS A Farm Labor Rental Community Available for Immediate Occupancy 1,2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments Rental Assistance Available to qualified households Must earn a minimum of $3998 from agricultural or farm labor activities Spacious Apartment in quiet, country setting, Full time bilingual Site Manager Community. Room, Tot lot, Playground, Activities Sewer and trash included in rent no additional charge to resident Handicap units available Rental rates starting at $487 Call 675-0313 or drop by to see one of our affordable apartments. TODD #1-800-955-8771 40 Greentree Drive, #101, Labelle (On Hwy 29, 5 miles South of Hwy 80) 9:00 AM 5:00 PM, Mon-Fri Equal Housing Opportunity 20 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER- AQUARIUM- 125 gal. Salt wa- OLD FLORIDA ART- paintings, Colonial pine, for 65" TV or ter. Oak base, pump & filtra- pics and drawings, & Older smaller, $500 tion. Rocks & foliage. Firearms Win,Wtrys. pistols (863)983-5364 $1000. (863)467-8250. (561)281-4153 FUTON STYLE bunk bed, fold BOA 4'- w in cage, i.100 WANTED: FLORIDA ART down couch w/mattress on (863)634-7109 A E Backu. I Hutyrininso, bottom, twin on top, blue, BOSTON TERRIER- AKC with H lJewlon.G. Buc: 'ncr E $60. 863-532-9182. papers. Male, 9-10 wks old. Bu1 kner L Robet-S A. Hair, GLASS TABLE TOP, Pier 1, $350. (863)214-1286 R A. McI C-iron S Newor, non-tempered 30" round & Catahula Leopard Hound BIG $"l562-5567 1,'2 trik, uie lor st jil i jble C11 1 i, 1,35 [nir. u863101758~ l~t Pups, 2 tri colored males, 8 35 lirm.1863467-587 wks. old, 1st shots, vet cd, Time to clean out the KING SIZE HEAD BOARD- $200 sell sep. attic, basement and/or wooden, ornate, excellent (561)575-1790 garage? Advertise your condition, includes bed COCKATIEL $30 yard sale in the classl- condition, includesbed COCKATIEL, $30 fieds and make your frame $300 (863)357-2555 1863)467-.509 -clean un a breeze LARGE MIRROR- 28.46 lea, DOG CRATE,, 1oir ie Dac ol esig863)i12, new. 1 i 6 truc,, 4x4 Diamobnd Plale. ROCKING CHAIRS wooden, HOUSE- medur ' $50 io bur, DOG HOUSE- medium sore. i spra (863)675.3944 La Belle I poriabie i I I ew I I I plastic ioor, $25 SLEEPER SOFA- Queen size, 1863098 -8646S irghl bownn. very good cond 00 KENNEL- itO.10'6 Like Christmas Trees 745 $150 neg ,863,634-5095 new.G P ,238A; i Farm Equipment 805 WATERBED- Soft sided, $150 or Dnesi oiler Farm FeedProdueacts810 Queen zei.enew.$701 -Farm Miscellaneous 815 166-8 s i l3bl4b.4 Farm Produce 820 b863)634-a864 DOVES 1131, $,5 lor all or will Farm Services se* pj irie. ( )65.-4981 Offered 825 ENGLISH BULL DOG- 12wks Farm Supplies, old-ueautu "C worn-,1. Services Wanted 830 AMMO type 223 Rem. 200 ld r, teau(ul AC w45 Fertilizer 835 rounds clid. ,.50/will divide V cec -4 Horses 840 Call Ross 863-983-8661 lL .6. -19 ILandscaping RIFLE- Chinese FSKST 62N GOATS 1 Nubian Iiiale. 1 Supplies 845 srI.l,] ,1508.II-4r.'. pyOmry ler1ri" P0o01n will Lawn Garden 850 'll ell ,sepe(ple 239.465-1393 Livestock 855 RIFLE, Thompson Cenier, ,36 GOLDEN RETRIEVERS PUPS- Poultry/Supplies 860 cal., as new, in box, uses i 1eeds,'Plants' #11 percussion caps $300 A C, Ready 10ji. Heilli eFlowers 865 i81:,19,.9616 cer I Wcrrnrreri. 1.-i snoi'. Fw5 RUGER22 250 LAMINATED MATA MATA TURTLE- $250 Fa bull barrel, scope & case. (863)697-1443 SYORKSHIRE TERRIER, AKC Helt & Rd In AvdilaOie Iut Slu,1'.,vli.is HITCH BAR : F'lPT. w 0r, ad- Equipmn 060iI aC.311 i.4i3 114h ut1r, $50 orbestof BUN& THIGH ROLLER a s' . as seen on TV, great cond. Si 'rs $40.863-634-3931 Okee 2006 MODEL BLOWOUT!!! APALOOSA MARE 3yrs; great Mi- a I Is I Warehouse Clearance Sale w/kids. Well-mannered. No on the New Kayak Pool. bad habits, $2K Neg. DR. SCHOLLS PARAFIN SAVE $ thousands on select- 863-805-8769/599-9477 BATH, Scented wax, insulated d ;E MATES Ed y F. BELGIAN MARE- 16.2 hands hand & foot cover, new condi- nr e si nstallationCall 1800 lbs, asking $1300, tion. $25 neg.(863)675-2596 (866)348-7560 www.kay- child gentle, y..v peep.r< FREE DIABETIC SUPPLIES! akpoolsflorida.com. (863)983-8646 MEDICARE PATIENTS! Call ENDING -7 d trail Us Toll Free (866)294-3476 horse, 4 high white socks & and receive a FREE METER! blaze, beauty. $1800. Am-Med Quality Diabetic COMPOUND BOW, Jennings (863)509-3446 Supplies. Uni-tech XLR, 70 lb draw & 1 - POWER CHAIR, Meritis, Holds 29" draw. Pd. $450, asking GELDING, 13 yrs. old, gray, up to 350 lbs. New battery & $230.(863)635-0079 very fast, used-on barrels & tires. Pd. $7,598. Now $600. KNEEBOARD Hydroslide worked cows, exe. manners, or best offer. (239)324-2115 KNEEBOARD Hydroslide $2500. (863)673-5058 VICK'S VAPORIZER & SOLU- (863)675-2136 HORSE TRAILER: Logan '88, 3 TION, in original box. $10 or POOL TABLE Imperial S horse, slant stock trailer w/re- best offer863-675-2596 POOL TABLE Imperial Sharp- movable tack wall. $1250 neg. shooter, 4' x 8', regulation, 863-699-9701/239-280-6082 slate, good cond, w/access. $6.00. (863)634-2812 Junior Western Saddle, Pro- i -_ ,B c100. (863)634-2812 fessional Line, Saddle King, AIRLINE MECHANIC Rapid POOL TABLE LIGHT, $60 zark leather, handcrafted, training for high paying Avia- (863)634-7318 $300. (863)763-6507 tion Career. FAA predicts se- vere shortage. Financial aid if MARE Quarterhorse, 4 yrs., qualify Job placement as- ip nt 7.1 green broke, needs good distance. CALL AIM home.$500.2397075423 (888)349-5387. FOSTEX 24 CHANNEL DIGI- Call Sharon in Labelle area, ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE TAL stereo recorder. Built in ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE CD burner $800. .- *Business, *Paralegal, . *Computers *Criminal Jus- SUB WOOFERS (2), 10" Mem- tice. Job placement assis- phis, in ported box, tance. Computer provided. $260/best offer. Call I Financial Aid if qualified. Call (863)634-6476. Okchobee (866)85-2121 www.onli- SURROUND SOUND, with r neTidewaterTech.com. SR U S w fforw'rradw amp box, like new, $50 DISH NETWORK FREE 4 (863)634-7359 FREE Rooms! Over 240 Channels! On Line AdService FREE !Pod Shuffle! FREE Tevion 01 Buy Sell Trade Movie Channels! FREE DVR! Buy- S Trade FREE HD Upgrade! Call Now! HD PROJ TV- 55" asking $500 863-467-1304 (800)318-4039 or best offer (863)983-5364 www.okeechobee-horse-trader.com DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS Serving The Greater DIVORCE$275$350*COVERS TELEVISION- Zenith, older Lake Okeechobe Are children, etc. Only one sig- model, off white cabinet, nature required! *Excludes works well, $25 PFHA. 13 year old, Bay mare. govt. fees! Call weekdays (863)467-2112after5pm Great on trails. $1800. or (8am-6p m) Alta Divorce, LC. Established 1977. SORRELL QUARTER HORSE EPIPHONE 330 GUITAR- Semi GENERATOR 4000- Coleman, 4 yrs. phy, 14 hands for farrier. $1500 ors, Hollow body, Classic, $600Gstands for fanner $1500 or (863)467-9402 $ Runs good. $300. or best of- best offer. 239-465-1393 (863) 0 Cfer. (863)801-3622 GLASS DISPLAY CASES JOINTER/PLANER- Crafts- I 1 brown, 1 white. Glass front, man, never used 6 1/8", glass shelves,good cond. $20ma o, 0/both,willep.697 (561)758-4337 cell ENGINE- Briggs & Stratton MOBILE HOME STEPS- 2, fi- TAB 10" 4" 12.5HP, elec start, asking berglass, 5 steps with rails. TABLE SAW, 10' & 4" Planer $250. Like New $250. Will separate. combination, cast iron, $100 (863)467-0363 (863)697-2704 (863)675-4991 TANNING BOOTH st70 and up, TABLE SAW- Craftsman, 10", ENGINE- Craftsman, 9hp Hori- TANNING BOOTH stand up, cast iron table, vintage, $70 zontal shaft, asking $150 by The Tanning Hut, w/28 '863)763-4149 or (863)467-0363 bulbs, asking $600. (561)758-4337 cell LAWN TOOLS, Chipper/Shred- ULTRA-FLAME S/S GRILL VALVE MACHINE Black & der & Lawn Edger $110 for ULTRA-FLAME S/S GRILL Decker, good cond. w/tools both or will separate. + side bunew etra large. $375 & cabinet. Foreign/domestic, (863)675-4991 863-675-4409 diesel. $2K. 863-805-8769 MOWER DECKS, 2 38" wide, WALKIE TALKIE (2) Contrac- $60. Call (863)532-9182. tor grade, Motorola XTN se- the earth Recycle ries, $200 (863)763-4961 GAME BOYS (2) Advanced your used Items by sell- I* I SP, x-box. $150/both or will Ing them in the classi- IjIl I sell separate 863-763-6507 Reds. AMAZON PARROT- Double -B II ~I -l Yellow Head, male & cage. $700. (863)467-1950 NEW COIN COLLECTOR want- Okeechobee Livestock BOA CONSTRICTOR- 5', $100. ing to add to my collection. Market Sales Firm (863)801-3622 or Please call to sell coins & EveryMonday-12pm&every 801-3877 paper money 239-693-4891 Tuesday-11am. 763-3127 from Gulf of Mexico/Don Ce- Community- Coastal Geor- owner, low hrs, $5500 Dasvillepmiscitems sar. On sla Del Sol golf gia. Large lots w/ deepwater, w/controls (772)584-0147 FACTORY RIMS- For Dodge ceceiia Jones 427 course. Completely fur- marsh, golf, nature views. truck. 16x7, Silver Alloy, 5F, nished. $370,000. Call Gated, Golf, Fitness Center, [ 00 lug. Like new. Asking $300. Public Notice 5005 167506CGS10/12,10/06 (859)608-2213. Tennis, Trails. Oak Park, or best offer. (863)697-9117 State Public PUBLIC NOTICE LaBelle 3/3 Down Town, Near Docks. $70k's $300K CAMPER- '99, Needs work FORD F600 4 DR. DUMP Legal Notice 5500 NOCEOFPUBLICALE:MSTOWING Courthouse. Lg. rooms, Top (877)266-7376 www.coop- $1000. (863)634-7780 Truck, '77. Motor stuck since & RECOVERY gives Notice of Foreclo- Area $209K or Annual Lease erspoint.com hurricane. $800.763-1370 1 sure otuLien and intent to sell these ve- $1800mo.863-675-1107 NORTH GEORGIA Lovely TRUCK TOPPER- For short hicleson 10/27/206, 10:00 am a MOORE HAVEN- 2/1,3 blocks 7-acre retreat, locatedonthe d full size P/U Good condi- FRONT BUMPER Boss Hawg FL 33935, pursuant to subsection from boat ramps, alum sid- Cherokee/Pickens County tion.$275. (863)824-0505 replacement, fits 03-C NOTICE 713.70 of the Flonda Statutes. TMS dishwasher, W/D, AC, Ig Line. Has 600 ft. trout Dodge 2500/3500 HD, AUCTIONonFrlday, TOWING & RECOVERY reserves the ing, dishwasher, D, AC, Line. Has 600 ft. trt $1000. (863)697-0328 October 20,2006 righ to accept or reject any and/or all attached carport, 12x20 stream frontage in rear, ii $1000. (863)697-0328 atG:00.m.t 1233N.W.AveueL, bid1G3WS52K8WF307177 shed, water and elec, 5B/4BA house, pool, hot tub, HITCH, Weight distributing, w/ 19Be98lle Gldsmoadeoleda 177 fenced, pool, deck, $64,500 pasture & woodlands. Listed WAVE RUNNER- Yamaha, '91, 2 5/16 balls, equalizer balls, Property of Mirlan Mcgee 1GCBS14R9K2197002 (863)234-0576 for $575,000. Ron Zalkind, Low hours, Trailer included, sway bar & all attachments. Pictures, children'stoys, toolox, 1989Cheol50 clothes, fish tank & misc. items. 1N4EB32A1MC707450 PALMHARMetroBrokers / GMAC, $1000. (863)863-517-0448 $250 (863)228-4202 167783 CGS 10/12,19/06 1991 Nisan PALM HARBOR Factory Liui- 7 06)273-0459. 167615CGSB/1.0B dation Sale. 2006 Models (167615CGS10/106 Must Go! Modular, 206 Mobile VA MOUNTAIN LOG CABIN RIMS- Blk & Chrome Spider 4 Reading a newspaper Must Go! Modular, Mobile & VA MOUNTAIN LOG CABIN I lug rims, w/205/40/17 Kuh- helps you understand Stilt Homes. 0% DOWN unfinished inside, view, mo tires, like new, $300 or the world around you. One man's trash Is anoth- When You Own Your Own trees, private, large creek best offer (863)261-2546 No wonder newspaper pe man's treasure. Tupn Land!! Call our Factory for and river nearby, $139,500 CENTER CONSOLE- new fiber- readers are more suc- your trash to treasure FREE Color Brochure, owner (866)789-8535 glass, for boat or pontoon. TIRES(2)33/1250/15 cessfulpeooplel wth an ad in the classi- (800)622-2832. VA94.com, $300 (561)723-1690 $100, 863-517-2077 1111011.a d Thursday, October 12, 2006 I I Apartments I Apartments Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR GLADES COUNTY, FLORIDA GREENTREE EAST APARTMENTS DI PRIOD e NO Newly Rehabbed Apartments S'-- IN RE:ESTATEOF l .-- JUS. TIN EUGENE TYLER A Farm Labor Rental Community ,Deceased Available for Immediate Occupancy I NOTICETOCREDITORS 2 Bedroom Apartments e administraton of the estate o Juastin Eugene Tyler, deceased, whose date of death was June 1, 2006, and whose CLEWISTON COUNTRY ACRES SocalwSecurity2N6uberwhos Rental Assistance Available to qualified households cWISTON COUNTRY ACRES sot, spendngI her Court for Glades Coueny, Flodda, Pro-' * Must earn a minimum of $3998 from agricultural or farm Modular/Floor Plans. From $79,900 & up, batesi on the address ao which is 500 Avenue J, .O. Box 10, Moore labor activities 3/4/5BR, 2/3BA, acre & 1/4 available or use Havns Fslorda 3471. The name aod Spacious Apartment in quiet, country setting your land as down payment. Financing sand the personal represenstive's Full time bilingual Site Manager available. 863-673-6417 or 561-721-5299 All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands Rental rates starting at $429 plus Utilities against deceden estate on whom copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court' WITHIN THE LATER OF 3.' Call 902-177 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE- all 902-95-771_ TONNEAU COVER Florida FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE - TDD # 1-800-955-8771 BOAT MOTOR, 20hp Mercury Line, fits 99-up F250/350 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF 701 W Ventura, Clewiston jet motor, used on Zodiac or Super Oury ?hofi bed, ma- ONTHEM. - f Dlaotnm 0 oat. U nO d. roon.65 0863|6y7-0328 All other creditors of the decedent and 8:00 AM 3:00 PM, Mon-Fri ,other persons having claims against 8:00 AM- $2501 863)697-2525 TOPPER/CAPR Glastek htier- decedentsestatemustfiletheirclaims Equal Housing Opportunity YAMAHA '04, nrp cycle ro- lass, is ull se long bd THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLI- Ul ,lik.r, new. lesS tnan 100' IruCk. Ian in color $900 or CATIONOFTHISNOTICE. I s h-Sa.l e1025TofStatehisr 1WitTricnnerbol.ctal1l,' biesther 1,863)64.9117 ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE Shi ll 7 TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SEC- Rentals Property -Sa le 0 oar.$01700 1863)675-0162 TRANSMISSION Auto, for 11ON 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PRO- a PORTLaBelle:4/2 Upgrades --- *97 V6 Chevy S10, $400. BATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER E i aliore'Lg Rooms.Lg.Yard WATERFRONT RESORT LIV- (863)783-2389. NOTWITHSTANDING THETIME PERIODS flear -Fnol Prelo sell. ING WILMINGTON, NC His- WHEELS, 16" Factory 2006 TWO 2 YEARS OR MORE AFTERIM FILED l184K. orAnnual Lease toric Port City Coastal SCOOTER, Kasea, 50B motor- Mustang, brand new BF THE DECEDENTS DATE OF DEATH IS 1800i Owner 863-673-5071 Development The Bluffs on sized, by Quingqi, runs good, Goodrich Radial tires, will in- ED,,r,, Apartments 905 me Cape Fear Fastest Grow- can be gged for roadd use stall. $800 (863)697-0467 Tr,,. ., 'ruuiboi, u Business Places 910 'Li ig Counly in NC Public $5001863)228-4202 ?sl$0 ( Personal Representative: Commercial"- Grand Opening Oc 21 Di-Pr JessicaleVamdee, Property 915 nred Ocean Access Pie-con- SUZUKI BLVD C50T, '05, I3435FemrwoodLaneSW'a Condos/ Nice 2.5 atrelot, in Pioneer on slructOn incentives to call blK. !chrome. saddle Dags. LaBelle, Flordda33935s Townhouses Rent920 Tapa Av $106 000. now. www.neolurlsnc.com wind sd, drive. lquid CHEVY1500FULLSIZE 90 Amy LMcGaRepresentave: Farm Propert;y 9 I'129-9023 (8661725-8337 Cape Fear cooled. 12.5k mi clean, rurns good cold aic.' $2K or FloddaBarNo.181897 Farm Property 925 deij42000@yao.c uhom LLC Bro.er. 40+mpg $4,800 jest otter 863-467.8445 or 1928DelPradoBIvd. House Rent 930 863-467-9390 863-697-8073 Cape Coral, FL 33998830 Land ofRenate5Western New Mexico Private -Telephone: 1239) 945-3883 Rent 36Acre Rnc $52990 M. SUZUKI GS550L, '79, runs CHEVY .86, 1/2 ton, 2wd, a/c. 167047 0/12,19/0 Report Propert945 views trees rolling ls, good, low mileage, exc. $2000 or best offer. INTHE CIRCUITCOURTINAND FOR Roommate 950 20 acres w pod near St astureland close to10 BLM cond $1300 or be-t offer 863|697-9806t GLADESCOUNTY, FLORIDA - Rooms to Rent 955 & Nail parks Cmp. Fish Horsebac riding, hiking. 18631634-2280 CHEVY S-10,'87, V8 conver- CASENO.:2004-CA-230 Storage Space 955 u 00 owern'unling. Penile for vacalton, ___ sion,.overdrive, a/c runs MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRAE ntou$9.95c ow -56 diversiying urportfo.So rer' TION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE Ren 960 $ 5 down 352523 good. $2500. FOR COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, Florida WVoollicnd Group. Inc. retirement Elecricty. 100% s 3853)697'-252c INC., hL Rf roIrinancing. Additional parcels Plaintitf. BELLE GLADE- remodeled 1 LG RE BrokEr available.(866)365-2825. ATV TRAILER- new 3x4 CHEVY SILVERADO 2500 '88. vs.EL se, ev i A LAND BARGAl W0OMI With Tennessee's Beaulaul Starless sleel dump bed. 86310-032 u (7'861285.8872 acres $459900 L ed 90 Lakes & Mountains, you are $175 (8631357-5754 DOGE DAKOTA '95,4 cyl., NOTICEOFFORECLOSURESALE CLEWISTON, 4BR,2BA, No mnules easl of Sail Lake in sure O10 nd the pre spo HONDA RANCHER, 2005, manual irais, $1300 or bet NOTICEishereby given thatthe under- u Sno appedtGaines Ghours. Grea Chrs s oer 803l983-8560 leave signed lerk Circ ur er.urity dep it Munri r now rp d ) Gai 38 s 7G0 o & 3 girfr$3500.a86 -5r7-u448 mesire s ir,,iys oirFlor .will on 0the' (8631677-0q1-7 mourlaMin views Surrounded 8 6 5 3 8 8 7a03nr 500.r 8 -5 -4 8 Sl ., ,,1 ,Sales, are ,b1h1el a"l Ihe Sur ril En- 0(i PORT, LA L B o rl 0n Recreational 865)771-9191 www.nancy- YAMAHAKODIAK450'06 DODGE DAKOTA '96- 4 cyl 5 Irancu ofthe GluuesCour, lCoeri- PORT LABELLE 1BR, 1BA paraise EZ Terms. Call gaines com auto 4.4. 2yis el warr., ;pd AC,. good cond $2500 nouse ai 500 Avenue In Moore crnrmmuniJiIrv pool, walerlcbl Ulah R)nrnes LLC push buton 4whl. drive, low 17721618-0607 Haven.'Florida33471. u.ichrzaIe' BR furniine rly remHmd- 8851-523 hours i .5K.863-228-1730 FORD F350 86- 4.( Ouailv roI.0nIM i:. nr, i ,els 670 mo 863-612-5037o BEAUTIFUL N. CAROLINAE i dIe ne5roeds work. $570 ,, ':.ului oIlr ESCAPE THE HEAT IN THE Tre ra r 3063,-05 +ij I EOUPjTAIriS OF WESTERN FOUR WINDS '96 36 wl, FORD FIO0, '3 auto ar 30 2 ,,lue .,,,,,,, t,,r,, NC Homes, Cabins, Acreage -r-,- MM!"S.O-ut slide our, fully tunisned, uilhr y 2 r0 rr bue iwle fc i,,iR,',),.ii .,IIdvESTMENTS. CHERO-bldg included In Palm D3ae $900 or best OIler ,,r, ',r,, O.,, o, TAYLOR CREEK CO.M H Moblil Home Late 2005.267-8 ^ Ss1 TAYLOR CREEK CONDO Av. I EE MOUNTAiIN GMAC Fl.le8.000.i41tr174700-2923 FORDIF158 Xi-'0*e Cr,* ...,, r,, r,,,, Immedialelv Newlv lurnishlE REAL ESTATE eroe- olie Home Pts2010 FORD F150 XLT- *03 Reg in, ,i, ppru 1,1wurp- Fo.l Tenini ,.T'. mO nljnrrally com Call lu r MobilsHomes Reat2015 i 0 Aulu V.6, Loaded, 5. thereto , oaldork 2 r iba 1.1100 Ire brochure Mobile Hone-Sale 20 mi, 4 new res. All pwr. low ,uru. .Tr,,,,, ulil Arnnual ll puryorn i i J1 000(Si rti-rowu r -+ ull A "u i l ti.i-j li800i 4l-S 6 13 01 A um oI UIIV p-. i1 000 |6304. 7-60, :,,,,i. ,,ii:,l:': r .r,iu r East Tennessee- Norris L3KeM FORD F250, '80. molor runs H- R It09 0 S 6 IcrFC wooded LAKE- Sale2020Body o oy 00 ,hIpe N eed,, rJIoIE:-,'r,5 r,,-..i ,;i z .i,' FRONT I lo- $66.500 51 .- new auto I.r, '600 r 2606:. ACRE WODED view 1t- Destorter. (8.,3E.1 3-5058 CLEWISTON, r u E W ED w l- CLEWISTON- 2/2, 1 980 403 .,,r, .,r iiir', 'all 8.32-45 fl.tiilr pamil, new W/D. Semnole Commercial Trucks 4020 863151 1-0448 ..:ri -iA.a.:r rciL.- mi GEORGIA NORTH CAROLINA Manor, $75,000 by owner Construction FORD RANGER LT 9'" .,I 1 :, LABELLE. 3BR'2B. 5 mS Cilvnig mnruniain views. (8630)85-1160 Equipment 4025 4 yl. sinddrd. cold l ,,i, .. : ,l. RR, C L l 1 week & I. rie, w er s CLEW ISTON,3BR/2BAwDoubn Foreign Cars 4030 $1200 P.leol 863-763.41r19 Ev,.:.+,,.S SA U ,,I9 .. , 1 l. :T uiv. HOTP Ois iarno. S a wtdeonbigN InEasy Le Four Wheel Drive 4035 r 5 .43" ri ,,,. UI J63 32-0002 SQwideonDigo[ivEasy1Li te86 5 61$'1 70NIF O h.!db3l32~Ht'.IJUIJ" }$,39 990 0 and/LLo'g nome Subdivision needs some Heavy Duty Trucks44040 I kits packages @ $99,900. repair $47 500 863.983-26,1 Parts Repairs 404.5 FORD UHAUL TRUi,. 'T9 14. JOEFLINT LImd. availability. Call Pickup Trucks 4050 alum v,,lranard'', iil'C 6n d CLERK OFTHE CIRCUIT COURT 7 (8881389-3504 T01. Double Wide 1994 3 Bdrm Sport Utility 4055 or storage Does nrut run ou JENNIFERBEVIS Gulf front loAts $595k. Homes 2 Full BaIh's. Good conridion Tractor Trailers 4060 rooe$U 239. 68--,1 N alir r ,,:,, r ri ulr mulferolnnceatnyrots wr95k. Lsob. R 50d Or $2250. AC starting0midofbeskotew Utility Trailers 4065 GMC SIERRA S15 89 Good NTCCI oUROFH master planned ocean front Van 4070 w, TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN community on beautiful MANUFACTURED HOMES Ilent body. $500 or best cC1RIL AND FOR HENRYxCOUNTYLORIDA Mustang Island, near Corpus READY TO MOVE IN (863)634-2280CASENO.:06CA486 Christi, TX. www.cinnamon- CLEWISTON & BELLE GLADE mle 00 NISSAN PU XE '95- ext cab, 6 | shore.conm, (866)891-5163. AS LITTLEAS $469 MONTHLYN cylf, asking $2500 ,IERFEiTLIEF -BuildTo HO HOT HOT Sarta TN OWNER FINANCING CHEVY CELEBRITY '89, Sl- (863)261-2729 Land, magnificent vie ws AVAILABLE tion wagon, as-is, $800 or NOTICE OF ACTION Up To 10,000 SQ. FT. only 5 tracts left. Call imme- (863)9838107 best offer (863)9839780 Uile 4 TO: ALTON LOCKETTE diatelyi (888)485-3141, NEW 2007 MANUFACTURED Chevy Monte Carlo SS,t'86, Addressunknowwn Belle Glade Area Jane or Ruby @ Century 21 HOMES 350 mtr., turbo 350 trans., BOX VAN TRAIL MOBILE, ui JARE litnlEFl nrCTIL wI:.3OI| F,'. The Wright Choice. FINANCING7AVAILABLE $2500. 863-675-4697 or 48Ft. Good tires. New brake Lrf. ii4xMEW r n rio i,,y. Uwww.century21lthewright- LITTLE OR NO CREDIT OK 239-872-9884 job. Road Worthy $2250. 'r, T .1-', ,; ,,,....... A, ILi ., Csalels P6 choice.net 800-330-8106 (863)675-6822/675-1907 HET,7,, i,,yiuir,:,r,,],,-,l',r i i EATEALAKEFRONT LAND SALE NED A TALON, 91, brand new H" 8,.r ,1111 ,, ir,.ir, .'i I... irn. "-I ,. LAKEFRONT LAND SALE NEW MANUFACTURED alt., turbo charge & clutch, FLAT BED TRAILER, 8x14, r ,.,., ,:LeV i : iti r.e1EDh. ;i LAKEFONTS FROM 1 BEDROOM 1 BATH blown head, newtires $1000 double ,.ile. wilni ramps,, MEIJil r., r;,4IJ..' ,,rIbI.IRIr, , .I$29,900! TENNESSEE INTOiOWN 'r. Ii: 11:1' Pl;Ml F$mS2 9,0 M TmENNiESS r MENTTOON orbestoffer. (863)801-6081 ,:o00.(3ien9'l.tee0l lor. ,- S- | MOUNTAINSd GRAND OPEN- $595:MONTHLY, o0$1450M863)697-97Ul4 nTuN FHAurI o leE3i0y,.D ,ru ING! TWO DAYS ONLY! OC- (863)983-3554 FORD ESCORT LX '97, 4 door,, i .u neal Estae TOBER 28 29 Lake Access excellent condition, all pow- OPEN TRAILER, '07 6x12. .., r," .u, I "i'L '- E ':,, .,ui lParcel with 2,000SLog Re ati er,$1500(863)357-1430 Tandem axle, 3' sides, brand -eu;;.arviz ,iiit ,o.,,,, Cabi n Package Only new. $1200.9863-634-1183 Alur A,,, oPetitionr atroey, whLLse ad- i I $59,90 0! Call Now! e FORD TAURUS 1989 Station TRAL ERs'6nx dresss herLeeounhe department, i 66 15052E I 1705. Wagon. New brake job. UTILITY TRAILER, 06, 4x8, Legal Division14750 Six Mile Cypress S- Good workcar $750 neg.. open flatbed,,tilt, $585. Parkway, Ft.Myers, FL33912, bymail Business Places LAKEFRONT PREDEVELOP- (863)675-6822/675-1907 (561)670-3636 within days of first ublication, and -Stile ithe original withI Ie Clerk of the. Sale 1005 MENT OPPORTUNITY! j-"CourteherbeforeserviceonPetition- Commercial www.grandeharbor.info Alll HONDA CIVIC EX '94- red, 2 UTILITY TRAILER- 5 '8 oereteerees Property Sale 1010 water- access homesites di- p V 3010 dr sunroof, souped up $400. Call(863) 763-1622. otherwise, a deaultwil be entered CondosP/ rect A O from the developer. eSneeds TLC, $1500 firm UTILITY TRAILER, Triple t8tyousorte or oliefdemanded in Townhouses Sale 1015 Beautiful East Tennesse Lake Jet Sktlls l30e t 863)467-2446 Crown, 4f driver on gate.On omp BARBARA SPe BUTLER Farms Sale 1020 Lv MOi amenities al- Marine M u 305 HONDA DESOL '94- white, board Diamond tool box. Exc.R BLER Houses Sale 1025 ready in. From only $79,900. 3030 convertible, $3000 Cond. $900. (863)763-6909 CrCourt 125 Prope 1030 Possible 18 mo NO PAY- Motoruy ies 3 t 76By:R.DeLaCruz' Huntig P r polprtya e S portshiape, /A $23050 L /863)76 Deputy Clerk investment MENTS! Call How (888)BY- Vi, .3035 CT-76 How fast ca yoguo ar BARRYR .HILLMYER, ESeU IRE m $59 0 M. Ale 10 wBrok. s tif N needs work, good 3.8 w/re- when you sell It In the CLEWISTON PLICEDEPARTMENT r Lots Sa5e 1045 LIQUIDATION LAND SALE. En5 tn- $800. o863)637-281 10 Miyressa Open House 1050 to 138 Acres. A limited num- ( 7BOSTON WHALER- 13'6 40hp t (63)63 1 3912i ,eor O ty Stae 5 ae s o w m T 8 -239-447-1 294 - ProLerty InsWction1060 appraised value. Located in $2195. Neg.(863)467-8629 to, 1 owner, overdrive, CHEY VAN '93, 1 ton, needs Fi.Bar#372129 Real Estate Wanted1065 Central FL w/good access, $1500 neg. (863)763-3939 engine rebuilt trans. $400 165944CN10/5,12/06 Resort Property- utils, CAROLINA SKIP, 1ft., 25hp (863)6349345 NOTICE Watrront Ppaer I075 (866)352-2249x847. (239)770-6718 driver, hurll Iiriela tankiti'c i lhre nat n MOUNTAIN GOLF RESORT EXTENSION BAR for boat, 4', (863 4-4518 Ford Hihtop Van, K89, tow SF SrAGe, 15e- DSPreconstruction event Octo- GLOBAL POSITIONING SYS GMC HIGHTOP VAN Ice iththendersigd:63-675-1025 Bank Foreclosures! Low or bn72 during lfe Gain GPS II. Hand held or PTRUCK, 1 ton, 8'x12' Cream Trk, clean & ready to AbrahamGaitegaos-29 no down! No credit OK! Call no an d deck mount. $ bed. 4' sides, Strong truck, go, $2500neg 3Msc* ; Now! (800)749-2905. a f8 8 r 7 if3-297r5 and (863)675-6973 $3000. (863)509-3260 (863)697-1181 lOam-6pm Misctoys anditems CLEWISTON- Historic Home, www.riverrocknc.com. Vi- PONTOON BOAT, 18ft, Lowe, .I PLYM. GRAND VOYAGER'96 Tabiehsw,tooTbox&misc. items 125 W. Del Monte Ave, 3br, sion Rock LLS, Broker. 50hp Evinrude engine, good v auto, a/c, 4 cyl. eng., 27mpg, Maria UetaurnteB-15 3.5 ba, elevator, pool, apart- shape, $2500 Looks/Runs great. No rust! KiberlyMorrissveo8 3ent. garage wkshop, Mountain Waterfront Sale. (863)763-5154 GOLF CART 4 whl, w/battery $2250. Neg. 863-763-3190 Bike, lumitom, matressess, misc. items rke dos w/boatslipson beauful PONTOON BOAT, 24',60hp charger, runs & looks great.Fom srelvctcleaer, ' Broker, 863-599-2595eou Lake Chatuge in Western NC. Evinrude, $2495 firm. $800 firm. 863-697-2631 or Pmt', a liii'-l mattressese, insc. www.executivehousefl.com now for Nov. 4 reserva- (863)763-9998 (863)763-7666 eves. P lhICJoe Mrlnlyne 53 FOR SALE BY OWNER -- 2BR tion. (877)234-8850 x.102. YAMAHA 150 V-MAX 01- .i.... RumertMic, Inmi.or &ilenK n Tk.i.rari ('brtnhcbar 19 9flfl Pbic No 'ice HENDRY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULE SUBMITTED BY: R. ScottCooper. DATE: 11/14/06 SUBJECT AREA: 217 Time Schedules EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF PURPOSE: The proposed rule establishes the policy for 'time schedules. CITATION OF LEGAL AUTHORITY: 1001.41,1012.22,1001,42 and 1001.43, F.S. CIAloIN i. ,fN'E:IFIC LEGAL REFERENCE 1001.41, 1001.22, 1001.42 AND 11)0l 4: . FULL TEXT: A copy of the full text of the proposed rule may be obtained, without cost atthe Officeofthe SuperintendentofSchools. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The proposed rule establishes the policy for time sched- ules. Sl1IEMEHfi OF PECJLATORFI CO'i,.iS TN, 1..,siu: y) 'it,. i,, 'iO" i i .jr rno ,,i.nt,,' ir ii,,c ,11 rIr ,,,',1 l, i l ul LOCATION OF MEETING, TIME AND DATE: Hendry County School Board Meeting Room, 475 E. Osceola Avenue, Clewiston, FL at 5:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as themattermay be heard on November14, 2006. Noite" Ai',y ,rri n *ni It.n rci O ,, we ,.rn In1,1V.1 BLai' w IrN i0,,i.matnII,:,,, y ji ,ilyl tr A oe 0 I e Ia utd i ,Q ul jni rv ,o.ia o r Iv prcu wJi jI fol r i I,:- ., u l eiljI,, ry .irT V i Iu: 0:. : 1 Anj,I g l t .i '1 i. ivi ant u uh, I" i'10 ul ItIN, noi,:- Notce: If requested in writing and not deemed unnecessary by the Agency Head, Rule Development Workshop will be held at a time a dvertised in the future. Notice: the procedure for obtaining a public hearing on this proposed rule is to re- quest, in writing, a heaing. The request shall be submited to the Supednendent of Schools, in writig, within 21 days after publication of this notice. The request shall specify how the person requesting the public eating would be affected by the proposed rle. The School Board upon appropriate request, shall give affect- ed persons an opportunity to present evidence and argument on the issues under consideration. N 3 t ic e I,. p : i[ r .a ir i .j riL 1T a l V 'ii I rri xr l ..i i : u ,T U l : i .rl,, ' .i.IT,,n n IT. ) rn ii ,,ya ruvdir,i,n r .] j ill,: 'TJV Ii ,.r,t,i, N rrQufi ,i 1 n.-I. Notice: The School Board may recognize -an material which may be judicially no- [IW I Tf'l 'in: r .JuT i i' n : i I.j 1 i rV. I i i i i u 'L ".'t'" i .r ':,:rnu,.i y ir,] Tl.i/ lu',, '''.ll iOu m ,l.-Mi re V ,,: r i,: I.. ; l':. [TI t rA pLr U .I'u. l iNu fl e Ii U 1- o ':,: iuTlT I l',,, inl,.i'l ,, lu i n l('.Vi, e I' l' : (0, IV :, *. ,l, : '. , .'.:.ly iIe,,:,.. nW ',;n itrr *Lu i.'rl..l c.l u ,iri.lT .ur il lt,1 y :l V 4 1 J,; .' Il .: h i t,'- 1y Liju 'rT .:'u l .': L3B-'II .1,-4 1 iiVi i T l l J4 r,,u- '"'""' h the meeting or workshop. : No hic e Ii ir,: .r,,,, I B i.) 1 ija .) i ,' irnt (" ,:'(' jr ru li ; v i ,V ':.rl .:.:" y l [' ie p . ij.'' luli ll : in r il h '1I II t1111:t1 ul 'Itu IJi' il'li'ulh Tl' ,l 'IJT n,,:i'r l' 'u.ir'-I T aI l Nrl54iillfI F : SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANACEMENI DISTRICT PUBLIC NOTICE OF APPLICATION trT[li',r, ., lie nr t ril r ll uil i l.ri1s l' I',,,l ,I ':." louT, : IT iili,'.'.In] A,l vli ,.:.ui, i~ ii c ,eTiel rlv, s [i ','i ,l ei I 'i ) l'['i :ll b i nl Hr alrn l a ijll J MII'r,. II)i ..F,: |iii, : O,, 'i'ri| HI; I i Bu' ;' V Vi'i,", fL a.'I r,. oU[,iT,\. t qi k .i: w,'rI lViLe ih,' 1 ), ,b i Tr I,: I iId i kI l.vr' i iir, I tL,- i '1 .,:' ,U ,,uiri,:, .'l, 1 .,; n L TTy I r L 01 l 't uI l l tii P l .i ilil PI 'BV.lV ',' i4 L a .tlli' fL J i 9 .i r 6i-. lj i Ti-n," l rl i ', atl. Oi rLl~. I'. f' l r 'i- ll ti jr ,, I, U 1 ') .i i- ii ,' IN i pu, l' lie ,u~n ,Iv I," 'iripu r 1441e1 n, Ir; rre o Vir' uill im i irlhrjOwI lILiT, i". r- '.Jif. a'ii ALVIUui j1'l, Vri ,ii ,'i, 1 Vi,,jI-,1 '-l'A 0 i=- if ,,,.iI J,,I J4 'i .iri Al'. ir,. io nu, AI4 rl ,rTir, Ciu.: U,' Lu i b.L5' iti Lbli, FL i i,'7. i., .11' ATn,,l ll iii. c iii,,'i f Im i Jbt.t .In .1 hIel 'l I'ii s, B or F ,c rI i rl I ,L ; i j0 i' I) . iui ivjll i.ll l j,,'). rlr .Jlt' it ill wAt. rider Ji n T ,lr.In IT i LMe n.. r IuThiTi OI. AiIo.ii' ,"1 [Ic" |i,..]r, I h I...Jln .'1 a .'lii r, we 1st "- i l ww Tu,,.rmo M ',',vlin Range 34 East. IIl,:u I'i- : i.uir. LIV uvi.' ,i li61. 3 V6 L, 1.i6clli: :L 1. ri,: :uT'Tm 1il ti. ,li i11i:-i,, I V i' I;,1V. l l,',f I' lr IJ,:, PoIITIll T ., : ,,IV ) aLu,, ul i tj liCuTlJrii l I E"u: r' .jl r.1' vili L. t 'ilul'I,. lV i h,.'7i lJ'iP LIW M ITil""' 'Til iiVT I 'I .i rln l iV,, i 'r,- i,,:i; ,I,),: rO i', n ,.ir T lii, I 'u. .u :lr, .i, Ml m i .a i 'ir iTii, i '. V'liV i.- LF in.:L riif 'i PI lii.,-:i :-3 V r..1B& IT- Fi. 33975; ha s ;jbiTii,n1i Apip,, nl.0 L.NU.'" "J i l., Wji' .i ,h-T Iu id.,Vi:r on undevel- ,l.' I J ,' I. *l, ,i .. i [ t .t.., i r, I irrf I jr.' I ,r v O afln.ir,- ,' i. rI " S ,| l i l, i.j ,i -L,. i ,,[i ', T,.,. : l 4 ; u l hlVi, :igA '1 1 .i rl finriT,,iC F i,,:' i L IIJ P fP ,c,,: ) ,V II P B" [,, 'i, i '01j- I r i f,,,)',,: IL -' fi, r,'I LIoTknI,1 VI i n: !h,r irn f I'Ul-0 "i '., I ,'n OiVili.C r i -,'l 1 i,ci1h1,.Qril, mroi "iil.: Vii.Ti _..OI'',I, i Il1 IV,'ll ,. 0.'. ,,i l Oi, i .ul j l V Ij VT, Cu VIr' V 1r l LI' r ,,l ,h-. sio c r i t T I n l r r f f .i..rl r ) T iwT erlw .i -.l n. , r: L']I H r J lj .j .L I1 ll C'.Jl-. a1.. T ,''Tl i I l T n,- i 12,ll., r TI ' I1c e "v.'. ,r o T," I ij n rT iir, nu vw ":, .n 'llll-' i"il'"" III i ' 1 .' iLa n ri ti "i. w.', r- IO Jr,, a c.,ilrl Fl,'iili qi l'n rMljf,,'I-Tirl' irilc .lf',.i" -.) o "'... ' I T Rii I H 'i i:j .:f, ijil [ r...l I n 0F 4 I W, a P,'-,Tl ,rn i ni A l :mI.)j l bul :.uc I' i..omliT.,:oil r I',l r,,ue-.1 mT be r,, i. ed'- ] b,' 5 .: r,1 ,M n n i l . TrsT irr,3-- 1 o be ijl tile: ri fiO'Iau l ir l.]:iil ITIu'.[ Ii,: -.*1Ji "c r ll] i'l t"h or lu an ir jir i n9I 1)r Iu'l'ir [,.''' i .in, ,! .'dl-t kill It (l, ,,, : u,1,1,i ri', v l i rl l. l ,i 1 ,:l l ,-l h,-, ? ? 1) ir' REQUESTFORBIDS (RFB) 6000000032/CE060273 STA 1W PUBLIC USE FACILITIES, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA Tr,, :.' Fi ri ':'.,ur, :,'r Nl ,F i li r ,, i :,r ,rni f ii: ,- i iii r.r v : i w ,i r. V irn.ouJii In, Pol)l d d1 l lT, I) L, ii 11.l ',' o I' C "e. Chil Ad H o i I :3T, ,:3 l.ri I: .1 '0: to,' STA 1W Public Use Fasciliei. Palm Beaoh Coailrl FL .. fTuiida Nae.'nm ber 7, e u06 a l 23 0 p.m lui i iI T,, jI ,r.'rr, i nr iy, .i8,,T,,n,:, t .4 .'ll r. opened and publicly read. "'* ,,w "i ei.'iV ,:. .' ,CiV'oi. ,i i 1 .rri n i.v -..,,.- ii. i, Vir' . 'w after Treatm entn Area (ST ,i h ',:u, ,,'L" ,. F 'jII 'O, .I r' ,,I l .iir ,',, I i ] unpaved paing, concrete sidewalks pedestrian bridge, canoe la.:r. ,.i ,,T., ion kiosks (w/sheter), bathrooms, boardwalsk, covered observation rg -. i ,,. scape improvements & lae r m e imprvemelnts on CR 880. An OPTiaIJL e .i conference will be held on Monday, October 23, 2006 at 10:30 a m .,x I .1,L' Headquarters, 3301 Gun Club Road, WPB, FL 33406, B2 Bldg. CoRi T, il j loosahatchee River. For directions call (561) 682-6391. Site visio ol ,ret' aely follow. All bids must conform to the instructions in the Request for Bidders (FRu V ,,iriIr.i ed respondents may obtain a copy of the complete RFB'by downloa.l'.) I1 i,,, .: at ww swmd.o purchasing a set for $80.00 at the above t the add : i,' (561) 082-6391, or by calling the 24-hour BID HOTLINE 800-412-52,) irTr,, 'public is invited to attend the bid opening. Information on the status al ir l so. 'lIcitaton can be obtained at our web site- www.sfwmd.gov. 166711 ON 10/4/06 CGS 10/12/06 SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT PUBLIC NOTICE OF APPLICATION Nci.r ,: ton.r, .),vei [i[14uiuiril 1,i i.rI, i .6' ]'i,:',il0 1 ,1Cll0'r: i, 1,'h.,li'...n) flnT in, i,' ,] bI I ,, i. ,,J] l f.l i i -- I-'!-'n i d I' ")I L,.,rr -l4ll Bi HU ',W L iB,:lh: :_ k, 4 V e i i nfi .Ii e VIv,'10, rrr 0,1 ,11 50 ..,ir,, VO'' 1 irirI V . Glades Tree and Sod LL irC r ,i:..: E .V r .1I 9240 Marketplace HI ;i: ;: i Myers, FL 33912, hta. .uLbmiid Appli aIui d060901-4 for an En.,,,,.,i.,ji A,. source Permit for 321 acres of residernfial lands. The water will be ,',., ri'.,,' Ir,. 'Pollywog Creek and the project is located in Section 12, Town, Irf' _..,',uI 'Range 28 East. Interested persons may comment upon the application or submit a ,no,','wi u T for a copy of the staff report containing proposed agency action re I 1.3I,,,. :.1 Splication by writing to the South Florida Water Management District An., i...... mental Resource Regulation, PO Box 24680, West Palm Beach, FL I'if., but such comments or requests must be received by 5:00 PM ,.,trn ?IV *'. from the date of publication. No further public notice will be provided regarding this application. A '.'l. o, irL staff report must be requested in order to remain advised of furthe-, u,.'. '1:.ii Substantially affected persons are entitled.to request an administrah,.r ,r.i,,,u i, gardina the proposed agency action by submitting a written requeri iirI..iL)r in. reviewing the staff report. 167729 CGS 10/12/06 NOTICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION Area Agency on Aging for Southwest Florida, Inc., announces a BoEl ',I i,, ,i,' ... Meeting. Date: October 12,2006 Time: 10:0 A.M. Place: Senior Friendship Centers, Inc. 23 North Polk Avenue Arcadia, FL 34266 For additional information in regard to this meeting, or if you are plarn.,,.., I" Vnn'... please call 239-332-4233 or 1-800-398-4233. Area Agency on Aging for Southwest Florida, Inc., is a not-ior-rgroi, ,', ,,"'": i,"," working cooperatively with the flou/a Department of El/er Alfai ir,, 1"",T rile ef Area Agency on Aging for Southwest Florida, Inc., is to pr,.mi r ,: .. donate a network of services forindivikdals over sixty years ol age. rr, 'V *,',. es address both the short and long-term needs of seniors. Area A1, "., I,"' 41, ,", for Southwest Florida, enc., an Area Agency on Agieg, serves seven 'h,.IIi 167793 CB/CGS/FN 10/12/06 REQUEST FOR BIDS (RFB) 6000000033 /C453 L-12 CANAL BANK REPAIRS, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA The South Flordda Water Management Distinct will receive sealed bi,. iri,. rio Procurement Office B-1 Bida 3301 Gun Club Rd West Palm BeId, ii. ViiV-. h" L 12 Canal B.nn R8opoir1 P.11T,8ita1h ( Loui"'r5 Ft rn' lueodjy NOIrVlir, I lll .| li lll:ll-l.).' ,,J i rin, l ', ,tV .l 1 CAri ViliTJ L |> 11 ,.,l-.i. l ,:,-,.,. ..all [,, lJ'r. l ,',,'i Iuri'hi u Gtiobtr 24 200dt aI 1 h1i 1 J0 i1 :"r'I1i er.HiTliVV,,': ,''.II i~m'n l'hj[, R1 .,i, rI :'B S L ., J, i ,mnAf.'a, i :1i."'iVV 'E; l:iin iUn, 'n ,:Jll , -, a,'1 d"1. I d TNu ",',l ir i ., It 1. ",, I l t f ,, .1a.. .n0lI .t 1 ] i; h.l I, -: I..I i. J- 4 ._ '1 ,, L'r ,.II'" If., : .4 .`u, 10u IO HOILI E )00.-47 90 Tir. 1Llh '. i : 0-11. i l jrI -'lJ in-: Li,0] M, -. i ril )roll rli 5n 0l t lheF l is ai irat. .o- IlilC .a,1 tla e blJit ine0o l Our web :Ie. www wId gij READING A NEWSPAPER HELPS YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORLD AROUND YOU- I 'ubl t ic i Voters consider constitutional Amendments IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION CASE NO. 2006-238-CA DIVISION WELLS FARGO BANK, NA SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, INC., Plaintiff VS. THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER, PATRICK D. BURKE, DECEASED, of al, Defendant(s) NOTICE OF RESCHEDULED FORECLOSURE SALE r 0lU E I HEL Ei I: VE rl.uiu-i l 1 ,, Vli.u i t ;'r.;,:i ",,i il ,t uL i o ,i.i, i ,l1 lri'lJ i 'I, i 1, T I A ii,, ' 1'in 1 i: f..ue i i"'R f' HrEH JI. IJu'Hr :LAIMIJIL IL1. lrlI BA 11111r0 II LIE'ViliLV II I l. It.L jA' 0h AI H, T S :'V I" H , TATE F i n.: r'/ ,1 H 1. 11 I'b bI Dt:E W i' Lu-. L p l i. : LllA'LH i A 0 II,1t [ I I.I m_ EI fd l' : C I, rlnlN J E r. IA U'aAP I' LI l IOdf Pl 0 TiL Nit [ fI tll . i:1tA'll .iiIE t.. j 1P9R iI CA-E LL Ai.Itll H L _iH I' i HLvI E 0 Ici C ef i plL'111 A11T lNd CLACII THE TJC Ill VTVIIAV [1 i [ti t "i A I llai d eild l Ei o I E[il IV" lE Ail6 ALIVE i WP HE iH E R ;,A lI .I j1 p l 'I IJ RT Ii:, r,i f, l.1 AlL il fA TA 'Pi .i' .'. HEIRVI lC Vl'- V IAI. uIEk hWIVImAk-"( .1:0 IA Cl ilL: Lr LI ,, i I '.,il :11 hi rilr I i q 1 I'l: THE Ij FII E f T11-1 1 t_ I H1 (II; lid 110 1 I'AIlLl | II I 'T HIHE L VI .l.ll 1 nlaT I-L' HIli l CC .11 6sA l ulLii TH ii. A bLLE I :L i:i liAji I ill ,ll-i rn .il).H.15 V l TlA .,i . "L 1 01A, iL' I'TIlll .1i 'i ll' .1t ,: l.rii -.lTundT IIIr I Jl r iijiTi IF: E lI' |Rl I d 01: CLI lII', ii. Hi ,Ii Sli'i'T[J rIL, II iiAi I lTElI .-5 Ilrn mii ilj i HE CuiT fOA10 ILuI IH i.Ir, hi I I i.TI:, I II -cr c'C 111,1J11 I"1 TI I TIr L H .' : ILIIH FlprJ,, i [it i. h Ai'i l:E i l[ l T i 'iHE F AIII Ii-tHI ,f I;[- 1 l' A1141 lll L4 ci CT,1',' V I. I ,'; I I 1 IJ H niR 'I'l l J T i ]i L L A i 'nL L u hiTiV I, In : II T i 1111IN,. aI l IrII- Mi" o 'i'y ,,,.lot.0 I I Oe .i1 'lli'. ,ITr"! ;. Ty nnm'i -1 j llv ir, NE' '. I H i rl HI,.1 I inkw :)lri I. 'I ,,"ITI: ',II 'i .i III, l'1,jl ll.I .,l I 1 iB , Clerk of the Circuit Court 164162 CN 10/5,12/06 Part 1 in series Editor's note: Florida voters will be asked to decide on six proposed amendments to the Florida Constitution in Novem- ber. Originally eight amend- ments were proposed. Amend- ment #2 (which dealt with term limits) was withdrawn and Amendment 5 (which proposed a nonpartisan board to deter- mine LVoing districts) was taken off the ballot by the Florida Supreme Court. This series of articles on the proposed amend- ments is designed to help our readers better understand them before going to the polls. The following information was provided by VoteSmart Flori- da. \ oteSmartFlorida org is a non-profit, non-partisan organi- zation composed of more than 60 diverse groups including commu- nit organizations, trade associa- tions, chambers of commerce and others. VoteSmartFlorida.org is an affiliate of the Florida Cham- ber of Commerce and is firmly committed to providing Florida voters unbiased, non-partisan factual information on proposed constitutional amendments and the process by w which they get on the ballot PROPOSED AMENDMENT 1: Official Title: State Planning and Budget Process Official Ballot Summary: Pioposing amendments to the State Constitution to limit the' amount of nonrecurring general revenue %which may be appropri- ated for recurring purposes in any fiscal lear to .3 percent ol the total gernetal revenue funds estimated to be available, unless otherwise approved by a three-fifths vote of the Legislature, to establish a Joint Legislative Budget Commis- sion, wx which shall issue long-tange financial outlooks; to provide for limited adjustments in the state budget withI-out the concurrence of the full Legislature, as prove ided by general law; to reduce the number of times trust funds are automatically terminated; to require the preparation and bien- nial revision of a long-range state planning document; and to estab- lish a Government Efficiency Task Force and specify its duties. Amendment Type: Legisla- tive/Joint Resolution, this amend- ment was placed on the ballot by the Florida Legislature during the- 2004 Legislative Session. It was required to pass both the Senate and House by a 60% vote to be eli- gible for the ballot. Sponsor: Florida Legislature, (2004 Session) This Amendment was placed on the ballot via the Legislature It was required to pass both the Senate and House b\ a 60 percent vote. Arguments FOR: Today, the Legislative Budget Commission has a varietyy of functions regarding appropria- lions. This amendment, would establish a Joint Budget Commis- sion and would do what has not been done before put both the budget and revenue estimates together in one document. In addition to the annual budget, it- will also require the Commission to create a long-term financial outlook. AGAINST: Current general law, which prescribes require- ments fot each department and agency of state government to submit a planning document and supporting budget request, is adequate and an additional task torce is not needed. What Your Vote Means: YES If approved by voters, Amendment #1 would establish a long-iange budget-planning process, putting both budget and revenue estimates together in one document. It would create a Gov- ernment Efficiency Task Force (appointed eveiy four years by the Governor, Senate President and Speaker of the House) to seek input from the public, exec- utive and judicial branches and create a long-range financial plan. NO If Amendment #1 is not approved by voters, the current laws as set by Section 19 of Article III of the State Constitution will remain in place as originally pro- posed by the Taxation and Bud- get Reform Commission and approved by the voters in 1992. Financial Impact: There is not a direct financial impact on state or local government. Note: The Financial Impact Estimating Conference is not required to adopt and prepare official financial impact state- ments to accompany proposed constitutional amendments which are placed on the ballot by the Florida Legislature. AMENDMENT 3 Official Title: Requiring Broad- er Public Support for Constitu- tional Amendments or Revisions Official Ballot Summary: Pro- poses an amendment to Section 5 of Article XI of the State Constitu- tion to require that any proposed amendment to or revision of the State Constitution, whether pro- posed by the Legislature, by ini- tiative, or by any other method, must be approved by at least 60 percent of the voters of the state voting on the measure, rather than by a simple majority. This proposed amendment would not change the current requirement that a proposed constitutional amendment imposing a new state tax or lee be approved by at least 2 3 of the voters of the state voting in the election in which such an amendment is consid- ered. Amendment Type: Legisla- tive Joint Resolution, this amend- ment \\as placed on the ballot by the Florida Legislature during the 2005 Legislative Session. It was required to pass both the Senate and House by a 600, v ote to be eli- gible for the ballot. Sponsor: Florida Legislature (2005 Session), Judiciary Com- mittee Known Proponents: Florida Association of Realtors VoteSmart Florida has online information TALLAHASSEE Imagine ers with an official, state-spon- \'oteSmartFlorida.org's non- voters standing in line at the scored voter guide to proposed partisan 2006 Voter Guide to polls asking each other if the\ constitutional amendments. Vol- Proposed Constitutional know anything about the pro- ers now have a place to go to gel Amendments provides voters posed constitutional amend- the facts before they v ote. with an easy -to-read overview to merits they are about to vote on. "VoteSmartFlorida.org's 2006 what will be on. the ballot, lt happened right here in Florida Voter Guide to Proposed Consti- including the ballot title, ballot in 2004, and this Near VoteSmart- tutional Amendments cuts summary, amendment type, Florida.org is dedicated to get- though the contusion and clut financial impacts, arguments - ling factual information to otherss ter of proposed constitutional who is for, against and more. btlore they head to the polls amendments without recom- The 12-page Voter Guide is free ULnfortunately, the State of mending to voters how they and available to download and Florida has not provided Flori- should vote," said Sheri Vicari, print at www.VoteSmartFlori- da's 10.5 million registered vot- director of VoteSmartFlorida.org. da.org. "Voters are smart and it is important to provide Floridians with the facts so they can decide for themselves if these amend- merits should or should not have a permanent place in our state's Constitution," Ms. Vicari said. VoletmartFlorida.org's Voter Guide is a comprehensive infor- mational resource for the six proposed constitutional amend- ments voters will see on the Nov. 7 General Election ballot. Farmers offered online direct payment program GAINESVILLE Enrollment for the 21)007 Ditect and Counter- cwclical Payment Program IDCP'I began this week and continues through June I, 2007, announced Kevin L. Kelley, State, FSA Execuli\ e Director in Florida. Farmers are encouraged to sign up for Ihe program through the online DCP sign-up service where they can choose payment options, assign crop shares and sign and submit their contracts from an\ computer with Inter- net access. DCP participants can also ', ie\ and print out submit- ted contract options at any time though lithe online process. "Producers will find the Inter- net-based DCP sign-up service conf enient and very user friend- I." said Mr. Kelley. Agricultural producers can also \ isit any USDA Service Cen- ter ,or their administratively assigned center, to complete their 2007 DCP contract. Follow- ing the June 1, 2007, deadline, Public Issues Forum An open forum in which issues of the day are debated some- times vigorously. Save money on your favorite grocery items. Go to newszap.com to download and I print coupons \ j online! . newszap.com Community Links I Individual Voices. ' L ----------J USDA will accept late applica- tions through Sept. 30, 2007, with a $100 late fee. While DCP participants must sign DCP con- tracts annually, producers can choose not to participate in the program in any given year. The electronic DCP (or eDCP) service saves producers time, reduces paperwork and" speeds up contract processing at USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) offices. It is available to all producers who are eligible to participate in DCP and who- obtain eAuthentication accounts. The service has strict security measures to protect participants' private informa- tion. Only authorized federal employees have access to infor- mation producers submit elec- tronically. The electronic service is avail- able by going to: http://www.fsa.usda.gov/FSA/we bapp?area=online&subject= Ian ding&topic=dcp on the Internet and clicking on "Access eDCP Service." To access the service, producers must have an active USDA eAuthentication Level 2 account, which requires filling out an online registration form at http- v\\wu.eauth.egov.usda.gov followed by a, visit to the local LUSDA Service Center for identity' verification. LISDA computes DCP pay- ments using base acres and pay- ment yields established for each farm. Direct payments provide no incentive to increase produc- tion of any certain crop, because the payments are not based on producers' current production choices. Producers receive direct payments at rates estab- lished by statute regardless of market prices. For 2007, eligible producers may request to receive direct advance payments based on 22 percent of the direct payment rate for each commodity associ- ated with the farm. USDA will issue DCP direct advance pay- ments beginning Dec. 1,2006. Counter-cyclical payments provide support counter to the cycle of market prices as part of a "safety net" in the event of low crop prices. These payments are only issued if the effective price for a commodity (which takes into account the direct payment rate, market price and loan rate) is below the target price for the commodity. Counter-cyclical payment rates vary depending on market prices. In more than four years since the 2002 Farm Bill authorized DCP, the USDA has issued approximately $30 billion in DCP payments to America's agricultural producers. For more information on DCP, a fact sheet may be viewed online at: http://www.fsa.usda.gov/FSA /printapp?fileName=pf_200603 01_insup_en_dcp06 .html&newsType = prfactsheet. - Equal Housing Lender 300 East Sugorlond Highway (863) 983-8191 101 S. Berner Road, Clewiston (863) 983-3003 301 Highway 80 West, LaBelle (863) 675-4242 1175 Palm Beach Blvd. Ft. Myers (239) 437-8191 Moore Haven (863) 946-1515 Member FDIC Florida Chamber of Com- merce Florida Farm Bureau Florida Institute of CPAs Floridians for Better Trans- portation ProtectOurConstitution.org Known Opponents: ACORN AFL-CIO Common Cause SaveVotersVoice.org TrusttheVoters.org This Amendment was placed on the ballot via the Legislature. It was required to pass both the Senate and House by a 60 percent Vote. Arguments FOR: Florida's Constitution is the easiest to amend in our nation. In recent years, ballot ini- tiatives have become a vehicle for well-financed special interest groups to protect their interests via the state's most sacred docu- ment. By implementing a higher threshold for approval of consti- tutional amendments, it broad- ens consensus because a higher percentage of Florida's electorate will be required to pass the initia- tive. AGAINST: When issues are not passed through the Legisla- ture, the ballot initiative process is critical to ensuring the peoples' voices are still heard. The citizen initiative process remains a vital check on government when, for whatever reasons, the govern- ment refuses to act. Requiring a higher percentage of the elec- torate could diminish an initia- tive's chances of being approved. What Your Vote Means YES If approved by voters, Amendment #3 would increase the number of votes needed to approve ballot initiatives from 50 percent +1 to 60 percent +1 of those voting on the measure. NO If Amendment #3 is not approved by voters, the current requirement of 50 percent +1 approval would remain in place. Home Sweet Homes Nee A-" Loan Sweet Loan Nw- N- 1 nursuay, u.t;tuutn 1 r-, rvuv Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee I Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 12, 2006 U I AN AMERICAN REVOLUTION STCOME TO ANY OF OUR 30 MAROONE DEALERSHIPS BY LJ.TES hIV E FUR TIOCTOBER 13TH FOR A TEST DRIVE AND RECEIVE TWO TICKETS TO THE MIAMI HURRICANES OCTOBER 14TH TN B BO TGAME. WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. BRAND NEW 2001 CHEVROLET ______________'WI_. WLLSLIi 41E 3op AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, 275 HP ENGINE 4200 VORTEC 16 ENGINE, ONSTAR, CRUISE CONTROL, POWER WINDOWS, POWER DOOR LOCKS, 4-WHEEL ABS BRAKES, ALUMINUM WHEELS, AIR CONDITIONING, AM/FM/CD AND MORE. STK#62355322 4 TRAILBLAZERS AT THIS PRICE! U1,.v Ei .Vith appro,.,o credit. All prices include rebate in lieu of factory finance rate. ..... p B RAND NEW I CHEVROLET rl q1 foa1 0 LS PACKAGE, AUTO. TRANS., 5.3L ENGINE, POWER WINDOWS LOCKS, 6 WAY POWER SEAT AND MUCH MORE. PER STK#7RIO8789 MO' 5 TAHOES AT THIS PAYMENT! *Lease for 39 months, $2995 due at lease inception plus tax and tag. 10K miles per year. With 750 Beacon score. All S prices include rebate in lieu of factory finance rate. BRAND NEW 2007 CHEVROLET It^. I LMopE"aa'a-,1% dilkw"I 6 IMPALAS AT THIS PRICE! *Lease for 39 months, S1995 due at lease inception plus tax and tag 10OK miles per year. With 750 Beacon score. All prices include rebate in lieu of factory finance rate. BRANDNWZt CHEVROLET ESILVERADO * EXTENDED CAB VORTEC 4300 V6 ENGINE, AUTO, CLIMATE CONTROL, AM/FM STEREO, SUSPENSION PKG, SPARE TIRE LOCK, STK#7Z105258 '17118 '453I'24M!PER 0g SILVERADOS AT THIS PRICE! release for 39 months, $1995 due at lease inception plus tax and tag 10K miles per year. With 750 Beacon score. All prices include rebate in lieu of factory finance rate, BRAND NEW 2007 CHEVROLET C-- flPwscu x a-4 AUTOMATIC f l TRANS., AIR CONDITIONING, AM/FM STEREO 4 PI AND MUCH MORE. PER STK#75102883 MO S1 CORVIM AT THIS PAYMENT *Lease for 48 months, S5500 due at leace Inceptinn Tlus ta anrd tag 1K miIle per 'ear. With 150 Beacon score All pricr- include rebate in lieu ol factor/ finance rate. BRAND NEW 200 CHE ROET SILVERADO SCREW CAB V8 ENGINE, POWER WINDOWS, POWER DOOR LOCKS, REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY, AIR CONDITIONING AND MUCH MORE. STK#71161369 '1111It.88i2 EiiqM 15 SIVERADDS AT THIS PRICE! *Lease for 39 months, $1995 due at lease inception plus tax and tag. 10K miles per year. With 650 Beacon score. All prices include rebate in lieu of factory finance rate. Moe-ALLNW SD EICEREPOTCEIB U MON Y=,AranteeA E Marwnur hewrolt 5757 Lake Worth Rd. WETHL DI-.,o~i* Between Military Trail and Joa Road Greenacres Ti :i 1888 -308-3324 STORE HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-9PM SAT 9AM-7PM SUN 11AM-6PM SERVICE HOURS: MON-FRI 7AM-7PM SAT 8AM-SPM SUN CLOSED P LAKE WORTH RD. ATN RII LANTANA RP N C^==^u L Maroone. .ftLUJU4;5M iY14;J Greenac'e **Monthly payment is $13.89 for every $1000 financed. Average example down payment is 10%. Some customers will not qualify. Not available with other offers. See dealer for details. Must take delivery by 10/4/06.0% in lieu of rebates. You must present this ad at time of purchase or lease to receive these special prices. Advertised prices not applicable to exporters. Offers good on date of publication only. Offers not in conjunction with any other offer. Not responsible for typographical errors. Pictures are for Illustration purposes only. "Ghostbusters" (Parker, Jr.) used by permission of EMI Golden Torch Music & Raydiola Music. All rights reserved. @1996-2006 AutoNation Inc. DISCOUNT Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, October 12, 2006 |