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Happnins- fystrer- Page4 GLADES ra.- :}- i Ps Ci E C -. (: ( ] Z Si ii ...a..r.....I Moore Haven, Fla. Thursday, August 24, 2006 Volume 80, Number 10 At a Glance Are you a blogger? Get a newszap link! The Glades County Demo- crat is looking to broaden its listing of "Columnists & Blog- gers" at www.newszap.com. More and more people are starting blogs including business people, support groups, and individuals with an opinion on the day's news or culture. SIf you are a local blogger who would like to be listed, please visit http: \\m 2 news zap corn blogs request him arnd fill in the rot m In addition to ihe link, ihe newspaper will consider publishing timely postings as rie\\s our conirrmentaries on its pages. Florida Native Plant Society meetings The Florida Native Plant Society rneelini <~ill be held on the first Tuesday of each rronth at 7 p m. at the Agri- Civic Center at 450. George Boulevard in Sebring in con- ference room number three. For more infoirnatiiri, call Roy Stewart at (863) 632- 0914. Glades County Picnic planned A picnic will be held on Sept. 9, for local residents at the city park in Moore Haven. The purpose ot this picnic is to give all residents and opportunity % lo be inforrned, about hurricane prepared- ness and Herbert Hoover Dike aivaieness. This festival type event ', ill be iom 11 I to .3 p rn Flan, i. artlend this funr picnic witlh FREE food, music, raffles, and visit the displays. The Glades Co,:unt Emergency Management is sponsoring this event. No admission will be chain ed. Everything is free. Pleas,- pass this information on to everyone and plan to attend. Mark you calendar today\ Get involved in ,our community. Meet the candidates night planned "Meet the ,candidates" night will be Tuesday, Sept. 8, at 7 p.m. This meeting will be at the Lakeport Community Center. Refreshments will be served. We need everyone from Lakeport informed about this meeting. Please help me pass the word around. In addition to hearing our local candidates, Tracy Whirls, the EDC Executive Director will discuss the eco- nomic development ad val- orem tax incentive referen- dum that will be on the ballot on Sept. 5. This meeting is for the benefit of all local voters, not just Lakeport Community Association members. Please come and be informed. Lake Level 10," 11.98 feet above sea level Index Classifieds ...... .17-21 Obituaries .......... 2 Opinion ...... . .4 School ............ .9 See Page 2 for information about how to contact the newspaper. newuszapcom Community Links. Individual Voices. S1111111111111 I lllll 8 16510 00022 1 Arcade special meeting called MOORE HAVEN The Moore Haven City Corunicil v ill hold a spe- cial meeting Mlonday, Aug 28 at 6:30 p.m. in City H -l in a n alr mnipt to block the proposed demolition of [he histori'- Arcade Building. After rejecting o:l'leit I from potential purchasers, the build- ing's owner, Roxanne Angelica of .Miami, through her agent, E\ei- gladds Realty, annrrounced plans I' rno\t forward \ith demnolitiOn ol thrie buildings .A issu'- is thi( asking pi:e hloi the L.uildiing Broker Jefre'i Darsi, has listed the building for sale for $350,000, despite irs seterel,l dete- riorated condition. The owner acquired the Arcade building and the Swindle Building which abuts it for $160,000 in 2003, according to property appraiser's records. The former owner had taken a' $30,000 loss on th-e sale aftei bLi',ig unable to ise.cuie lunrljinr to tStLrie it. A fire had id.iaried an upstairs poi'ror oli [ITe building MROl dan- age as d'rone to tiie bIuildinp dir- ripL s iubsequenrt aileilrpts to remndel it. Following a walk -.hiougil inspeci..,i of the building after submitting an offer, one local owner of other historic properties said the building had deteriorated htuli i In thIe past[ three 3e.us According to "Main Street Moore Haven program manager Tiat.\ \\liils, .ainar Street had oflered to: seekl historic preserva- tion lanrt in .:d funidringL to fund a, po i:,n C the ailquiSIliiioi l- :s', Subject to an ,i0ppl, sTal. Then the sell,- rI:,uld ha e re'cel'.ied la'; e.iht foi i-_ i d, n.r tirln the diditl.' iornalJ Building up: New pavilion goes in INI Barbara Oehlbeck Progress is being made! Forms for the tie beam (lintel) are now in place and ready for pouring of concrete. Progress continues on pavilion By Barbara Oehlbeck Glades Cournt Democrat ORTONA It's oh' io-us nov, tIhat it's more than an idea to materialize somewhere down the road. The columns of the Vance L. SIorer iMemorial Pavilion are reaching up and can be seen from all over the ceme- tery. The structure is modeled after the pavilion at the Larry Luckey Indian Mound Park at Ortona, and the pavilion at the Alvin Ward Park in Moore Haven. The pavilion is being built at the back area of the Glades County Cemetery on Highway 78 at Ortona. Vance Storter's daughter, Donna Storter Long, is the driving force to see that this pavilion becomes a reality. The late Mr. Storter passed away before he could actually see that the pavilion was built and put to use. It was in 2003 that the idea of the pavilion was first brought before the Glades County Board of Cominrri,,s-ioi ers by Donna Long. According hio rir, It was an- up hill tibatle to t ind r i :o il .h :- tor to do the work. 'But then," she says, "as it usually doe', per.-ir-terce pays off. Early this year the low bid of $72,000 was accepted by Joey Helfinsline of Buckhead Ridge. And now we can actual- ly see that it's being built!" Working with Helfinstine is Richard Helfinstine and J. R. Helfinstine, son of Joey Helfin- stine as well David Swanson. The committee to see the project successfully through to, conclusion is Mrs. Long, Larry Luckey, Glades. County Proper- ty Appraiser, Joe Flint, Glades County Clerk of Court, and Alvin Ward, Glades County Commissioner for District Two. Instrumental in manage- ment of the project is Bob Jones, Public Safety Director of Glades County. "An unusual sight where construction is going on," says Mrs. Long, "is thlle lean, order- ly aprpe-ailance of materials, equipment, workers, in other words, materials are lined up, nothing is thrown about, trash and left over pieces of materi- als are in'their proper throw- away-places. It just makes you feel good to see this kind of work, this kind of respect for the pfrioj ." The ground immediately surrounding the structure has been graded, shaped and lev- eled by J.C. Long, which the contractor says he appreciates very much. Project Manager Bob Jones said, "Well, it's taken several years to come to this .point. The county had to put more money in the fund to get to Phase One which we're into now. Phase Two will include benches and landscaping. The ground work is excellent. It's solid and in very good shape. I'm confident the work will all be completed by Nov. 11 in time for the Veteran's Day Memorial service." value. The owner had offered to donate the property to Main Street, with the condition that she be allowed iti,' u the th, buildingback, upon its restoration. The iMain Street Board of Directors rejected that offer. When word came down that the C,'.. ri-i '. .i S ..1 -ining iti 'ernol-- ish the historic uiidinrr-, the Main Shir l rn- n.i r,:p.T called 'irr, Coun- cilman John Ahern, whose faiilr\ once or c nedi. the 5' \ indit Building, aniJ R\l1., Brr-t \I\ hidd..n, asking thai the w;...i in l i a ,e s iI, his- toric preservation commission, and impose a 180 day delay on the demolition permit, to give Main Street-time to raise funds to save the buildings. "Some people acquire historic buildings under the mistaken notion that there's a world of grant funding out there to assist them in preserving the buildings.," Ms. .. V hirisal. ai. 'Nonpro:fits. lil:e Main Street Moo'e Ha'en, Inc., ha\re the ability to access funds lot building See Meeting-Page 12 Ortona hosts political rally By Nicole Curry Glades Co :uit Dii :mii, ORfTOl'JA The Ortona "Meet the C, ndiJ._icesr Pliincal Rally was \.ell atrernled by the ipe':,rle of,.l,:lade sC:,nri . -Opening e-rr,.il:s by bi: Ortona C r r n..nit, AsiOt -i, ti,..n (OCA) ri. Fresidenrt L.ay Luckey reflected on the first GI-,ids County political rally in Ortona in 1980. Guest speakers iriiluded the candlditras iun- ning for Distric- T,. RepresenIa- ie an. d Iandldaies i l' r me Dis- tnct 2 i i '_m ri-si,:rni .s-,al Gilades C':- r\ :oaididaaltes l unr rlinq -,:, scho,,_.l bo'u, lJ .nd the. ndi'dljte l,,onin,, f,-r Cl.d,-s. County ,-,rllrl l' l":"; l ,ll D isli ic l ,,.-_-re S also's0.thediiel io speal. Disrrict 7, F' :pre,.ep.-nrl: Denrise i lrr i i ,lesr hbeJ her continued efforts and concerns for education and health care issues in Florida, and touched on her ac'complishments dui inL-' hei fl.st efrtm in rnilice Her ,,ppo nent. Zane Thomas, ..p,-',ke of his leders-hip role as a. military officer in the U.S. Na\y. He stressed the need for responinslble leAilership in gov- erI fFienrlt. The three unopposed sr:chool L-,,ad candidates-. Janel Sti.nei in Disirsct 1. Mike Press- lev in Diririr: 4, aind Patti Pearce in Disnrici 5, thanked the Ortona ,ot,:I 1. i ','I then support and urped them ,to v\ouirinteei in the _'.ho,:,l s\'i;sem. inluriJTbentA .lin \\aid sp k.',: baLo.iut ihe "dis-.rai" fin.-an .:i.1 :l.uAi,:i-,i n f Clades County r ':i 'i c,;.i; ag i He lso i ep:'i hled .:. h'r,'\' much Glades Counht's rijudie:et has increased- due to pi'-pe ip, values piroducrinr See Rally Page 12 Elementary welcomes new administrator By Nicole Curry Glades County Democrat MOORE HAVEN With a new school year in full swing, Moore Haven Elementary School has added new staff members. One of those people is Mrs. Kristen Rowley, who' assumed the position of assis- tant principal this year. Mrs. Rowley moved to Flori- da from Indiana in 1984. She has been in the educational field for 12 years, with 10 years spent teachingg various grades from kindergarten to eighth grade. The other two years she served as an assistant principal. Mrs. Rowley received her Bachelor's degree from The University of Florida. She earned her Master's degree from Florida Gulf Coast Univer- sity. During her leisure time, she enjoys traveling, spending time with family and friends, and See School-Page 12 Debbie, goodbye and By Barbara Oehlbeck Special to Glades County Democrat LABELLE None of "us" who've been "regulars" at Flora & Ella's Restaurant want to think about Debbie not being there. However, as we all know, change is inevitable, and so it is in this case. She says, "This is the right time for me to make a change. It's not easy. I get very emotional but that doesn't mean I'm wavering about it. It just means you can't spend your life in one place and not have a lot of deep feelings about leaving. Flora & Ella's is family. In a big way it's been home to me ever since I was born." And she means just that. Debbie Burchard was born in ... Hello Flora & Ella's former location on Bridge Street. She grew up learn- ing the business from "one end to the other." She laughs saying, "I mean every end ... from scrubbing the kitchen floor to cleaning the bath- rooms, to cooking at every sta- tion, to lending a sympathetic ear to the few customers who find something to complain about - and there are always a few of those. But mostly, it's being happy with the way people enjoy our cooking, our family atmos- phere, our home-like manners-- and of course, our famous pies, and Alan's fan- tastic Hawaiian Chicken Salad plate." The tears don't quite spill over but they're close as she adds: See Debbie Page 12 Submitted to INI/Patty Register Alligator Hatching at the park Gatorama announces it's Alligator Hatching Time at the park. During the next two weeks, they will welcome over a thousand of the chirping, grunting and snapping baby gators eager to escape the confines of the eggs in which they have spent the last two months. The babies will be emerging over the next two weeks says Allen Register owner of Gatorama in Palmdale, and this is the first time the public is invited to experience this. For more information call 863-675-0623 or visit www.Gatorama.com for more info. 50o Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, August 24, 2006 Obituaries L- Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! o the care and direction of Akin- Davis Funeral Home, Clewiston. Goodwin, Sr. Charles Winston Goodwin, Sr., Willian age 63, went to his eternal home William on Friday, Aug. 18, 2006. Glade died Mr. Goodwin was born on 2006. March 24, 1943, in Ft. Pierce, to Mr. Great Winston (Doc) and Charlene Glade's fii Scott Goodwin. After graduating elected in from Dan McCarty High School, Glade City he became a partner with his served fivi father in the farming business, from 1969 Some twenty years later, he was as our May employed by South Bay Growers 1976. He wv and the United States Sugar Cor- to serve a portion from which he was 1981 to 19 retired. Mr. Goodwin was a mem- number c ber of the First Baptist Church of twelve. Moore Haven. He was an avid gar- Funeral dener and loved spending time at were held his cottage on Lake Placid. He is Church in ] survived by his wife, Sylvia Davis day, Aug. 19 Goodwin of Moore Haven; his three sons and daughters-in-laws, Dennis Charles Winston, Jr. of Labelle, Christopher Earl and Jennifer Lueero Smith Goodwin, Mark Ames and Dennis D Noel Sturm Goodwin of Moore of Clewist Haven; his sister Beth Howell; a Thursday, brother-in-law, Bud Howell of Ocala. Banner Elk, N. C., and grandchil- He was dren, Lane, Garrett, Gracie, Ellie, in Bridgel Lake and Landon Goodwin. Avis- deLeon Lu station was held at the First Baptist Denny. Church of Moore Haven on Tues- He grad day, Aug. 22,-at 10 a.m. The funer- School Clk al service followed at 11 a.m. with attending burial held at Ortona Cemetery. In College at ( lieu of flowers, those desiring to Survivo make a memorial contribution Carlo deLe are encouraged to consider the Maarni, of l building fund at First Baptist er, Marie J Church, P.O. Box 566, Moore ton; a sisti Haven, FL 33471, or the Gideon's Clewiston; Bible Ministry. men deLe AracellRivera- Gonzalez Araceli Rivera-Gonzalez, age 57, of Lake Harbour, passed away Aug. 19, 2006 in Lake Har- bour. She was born Nov. 11, 1948 in Matamorrs, Tamp, Mexico, the daughters, Florencio and Maria N. (Guerra) Gonzalez. Survivors include two daugh- ters, Anna Rivera of Clewiston, Flora (Cosme) N. Rivera- Resendiz; four sons, Rafael Rivera, Jr., Ricardo Rivera, Rodolfo Rivera. Roando Rivera; two sisters, Ramona Gonzalez, Evelia Rodriguez and two broth- ers, Leoncio Conde and Celesti- no Gonzalez. In addition, she is survived by her grandchildren, Nelly, Victor, Christopher Resendiz; Aldnder tiTustin Her- nandez; Elizabeth, Rafael, III, Javier Rivera, Salomon, and Luis Fernando Rivera. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Thursday, Aug. 24, at 10 a.m. at Saint Philips Benizi Catholic Church, Belle Glade with Rev. Abraham Feleciano officiating. All arrangements are under Phillipines Burlington, is also surn Kristyne . friends, C Heather Da Funeral Monday, At at Saint ] Church, C will follow tery. Visitatio Sunday fro Funeral Hon All arra the care ai Davis Funet Bertie I Bertie .L passed aw; Hospice . surrounded Bertie Il earth to rej( her husba Leonard Ma by her chik Milita and Canal Point son of Mo: Steve and Flowery Bra i 'Bill' Grear 'Bill' Grear, of Belle on Tuesday, Aug. 15, ir was the City of Belle rst African-American to office as a Belle Commissioner. He e consecutive terms, through 1977, serving *or from 1975 through ras later elected again two-year term from 83, bringing his total )f elected years to services for Mr. Grear at St. John First Baptist Belle Glade, on Satur- 19,2006. "Denny" Denny Lucero, age 21, on, passed away on Aug. 17, 2006 in born on July 23, 1985 ton, N.J., to Carlo cero and Manrie Janet uated Clewiston High ass of 2003 and was Sante Fe Community Gainesville. rs include his father, eon Lucero and wife, Boca Raton; his moth- Janet Denny, Clewis- er, Maricar Lucero of grandmothers, Car- ,on Lucero of The and Louise Denny of N.C. In addition, he wived by his girlfriend, Monlova and best Gilbert Norton and a is. services will be held ug. 28.2006 at 10 a.m. Margaret's Catholic lewiston. Interment in Ridgelawn Ceme- n will be Monday thru m 12-9 at Akin-Davis me, Clewiston. ngements are under nd direction of Akin- ral Home, Clewiston. Lois Maxson ,ois Mlxsonrage 87, ay on Aug. 13, 2006 in ifthe Palm Beaches db\ family. eaves her family on oin the love of her life, and of 54 years, axson. She is survived Iren, Carolyn Maxson husband, Dale of t, Bill and Susan Max- rristown, Tenn., and Bonne Maxson of anch, Ga. Charles Winston She leaves behind seven grandchildren and six great- grandchildren. Bertie has been an integral part of the Canal Point commu- nity for 68 years and will forever be remembered with love by her church family at Canal Point United Methodist. Bertie leaves behind a legacy of "life and love" and will live on in the hearts of the many that were blessed by knowing her. A viewing was held Monday, Aug. 14, from 7 until 9 p.m. at the Glades Funeral Chapel. Funeral service was held Tues- day, Aug. 15, at 2 p.m. in the Canal Point Methodist Church. In lieu of flowers, those who wish may make a contribution in memory of Bertie to the Canal Point United Methodist Church, Engagement P.O. Box 326, Canal Point, FL, 33438 or Hospice of Palm Beach County, 5300 East Ave., West Palm Beach, FL, 33407. Arrangements made by Glades Funeral Home in Belle Glade. Dawn Marie Reese Dawn Marie Reese, age 48, of Clewiston, passed away Mon- day, Aug. 21, 2006 at home in Clewiston with her loving hus- band, Tom and family by her side. Memorial services will be held later at the family home on Sept. 3. The family can be con- tacted at (863) 983-8984. All arrangements are under the care and direction of Akin- Davis Funeral Home Clewiston. owmffk ze ?7O Ikw Pasiois Chuck & Karen Pelharmn Heather Lauren Mahurin and Jonathan Mark Lively Mahurin - Lively Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Mahurin of Tampa, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Heather Lauren Mahurin, to Jonathan Mark Lively, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lively and grand- son of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Smith of Belle Glade. Heather graduated from the University of Florida and received her Master's degree in clinical psychology from the Georgia School of Professional Psycholo- gy in Atlanta. Jonathan is a graduate of the University of Florida, School of Engineering and is employed as a supply chain consultant in Atlanta. A September wedding is planned in Orlando. The couple will reside in Atlanta, Ga. Ignited Youth Ministry. Every Wednesday 7:15 pm 370 Holiday Isle Blvd 863.983.3181 www.newharvest.net QUALITY SERVICE. Over 20 yrs Electrical Experience Your locally owned and operaitd Electrical and Air Conditioning Service Company Air Conditioning Main Electrical Panel Repair or Replacement Landscape Lighting and surge protection Call for A Remodel Quote or home generator accessories & hook ups 863-228-4138 24 E,, n.-.eu.u.y Service licensed & insured #EC0000661 Clinical Trials You may be paid $200 in 1 day If you might have any of these conditions, we NEED YOUR HELP for research: Mental retardation Gifted Alzheimer's Seizures Brain Injury Bring a rcop-, t~your reume ne onFrf1 .i W ~~mrd t~~mfrom yo~uw Pew vepeewof1.. i :'A?: ^.< : ,- *^.i , Best Value Roof Sheeting SarL-0. 0.at.'wac. Cvjm.e bL" mad 2-1tmd ThI..0 Clewist9n 66346-412W& As~ey FurniUr Iiuntolwee 2"947-M 136caf S Rolled & (t To Meosure PRODUCT SELECTION R-Panel V-Crimp Low-Profile Curved "S" Panel Flashing Corrugated "S" Panel Z-Pur* Heavy Duty Decking Standing Seam 243 florida Ave., NW Moore Haven, FL 33471 Local 863-946-1804 Long Distance 1-800-670-0113 We also need healthy people ages 16+, all races Non-invasive testing No medication Get paid while you learn Local office-no travel Call Dr. Bruce Borkosky, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist 800-514-0832 The disability specialist Specializing in the Treatment of Skin Cancer Jonathan S. Sanders, M.D., J.D. C"ynthia J. Rogers, M.D. S: Tim loannides, M.D. Mohs Surgery Diseases of Skin, Hair & Nails Board Certified by the American Board of Dermatology - See a Board Certified Dermatologist Everytime r All Your Remodel Tributeng Tiling Doors Windows Roofing Call ho haTitus Sm ith | FREE ESTIMATES commemorate an annsed & Insured State Li # 2005293h or passing. You Memorial Tribute Remember a loved one who has departed with a special lMemorial Tribute in this newspaper. Your tribute can be published Following the memorial services, or to commemorate an anniversary of your loved one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph of your loved one, lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders -- and we'll make sure it all comes together attractively and tastefully. Visit www2.newszap.con~nemorlals for sample ads and an online order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 toll free. Locally Owned Jonathan S. Sanders, M.D., J.D. ; Fellow of the S American Society for 1-'1' "' : Mohs Surgery Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, August 24, 2006 Thursday, August 24, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Public advisory on Africanized bees newSza i nes pocomI HENDRY COUNTY African- ized Honey Bees (AHBs) are present and are becoming more common in Hendrvy and sur- rounding counties. On July 11, 2005 the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services issued a Pub- lic Advisory on Africanized HoneyBees. Some highlights from the advi- sory make recommendations to help you prepare for potential encounters with AHBs.. - AHB safety precautions: Be attuned and alert to buzzing in your environment this ,may indicate a nest or swarm of bees. Use care when entering sheds or outbuildings where bees may nest. 0 Examine work areas before using power equipment such as lawn mowers, weed cutters, and chain saws the noise excites 'bees. Be alert when engaged in all outdoor activities. Teach respect and caution Community Links. Individual VoIces. .of all bees. Visit with a doctor about bee sting kits and procedures if sensi- tive to bee stings. Do not disturb a nest or swarm of bees, leave the area immediately, and contact a pest control company or your county extension agent. If attacked by aggressive bees, run as fast as possible to a safe area. Aggressive AHBs may pur- sue for up to one-quarter of a mile. If stung: Go quickly to a safe area. Remove stingers by scraping - use a flicking action with a finger- nail or credit card. Do not squeeze or the stinger may stay in and get infected. *Apply ice. Seek medical attention immediately if breathing becomes labored. If you have any questions, need staff training or if we can assist you with more information, please contact the Hendry County Exten- sion Office at (863) 674-4092. Wilma debris is gone from nearby lake 2 .y-a , CLEWISTON, Fla. A major, standing dead Melaleuca trees on milestone was reached on August tree islands along the Okeechobee 3, as the last of approximately 3.2 Waterway and blew some into the million cubic yards of debris was waterway itself. That phase of the removed from the Herbert Hoover debris cleanup began during the Dike and the part of the Okee- first \\eek ol August and should be chobee Waterway that crosses completed by the end of October. Lake Okeechobee near Belle "This project has been a Glade. The debris was created by tremendous task," said Angie Hurricane Wilma, which struck on Huebner of the South FloridaOper- !Oct.'24,2005. actions Office in Clewiston. "I don't In Lake Okeechobee, the hurri- think the public outside of the lake cane's raging winds and waves communities realizes the scale of pushed floating vegetation, tussock this job. Before x e could even start material, Melaleuca trees and man- work, the South Florida Operations :made material onto the Herbert Office team had to complete Hoover Dike between Cleislon assessments, determine the and Pahokee. Winds from the amount of debris and determine ,storm also blew items such as how the work should be complet- refrigerators, fuel tanks, boats and ed. We also worked With the Dis. ,camper trailers intothe waterx\ayv trict office to get a contract a\ ard- The storm had also toppled ed and the contract was awarded to Leno Tiansportlaion, Inc. from Miami." "It has been a pleasure working with the contractor," said Jeremr Crossland, wvho is providing over- sight on the contract for the Corps. "The\ are er\ respo isi\ e and are completing their work quickly" According to Ms Huebner, the contractor worked diligently to clean one xaea first so that a local lestikal, Belle Glades' Black Gold Jubilee, could be held as sched- uled. Held annually at the end ol the Florida Farmrworkers' harvest season, this festival recognizes the blessing of the area's soil and the contributions of hard -wvoi king agri- cultural workers. An. debris that could not be legally burned was taken offsite for disposal Undei,,ater inspections enabled the location and removal of submerged debris. The contractor also successfully avoided disturbing tw\o resident bald eagles. Route 1 of the Okeechobee Waterway (across the center of the lake) was first reopened on Oct. 30. 2005, just siL days after the passage of Wilma Route 2 of the Okee- chobee \Waterway, which skirts the edge of the lake and is locally known as the "rim canal," remains closed The Jacksomnille District surve\ vessel., the Florida, has com- pleted a survey of the area and we are awaiting the results so that remaining underwater obstruc. lions can be removed and that por- tion of the route reopened to marine traffic. Three men arrested for illegal alligator hunting LAKE OKEECHOBEE -Flori- da Fish and Wildlife Conserva- .tion Commission (FWC.) officers 'arrested three men early Thurs- day, Aug. 17, on complaints they 'illegally killed nine alligators using a "bang stick." asis -, Officers using night-vision goggles watched the men, Michael Jameston, Craig Larson and Thomas Tobin, all of Palm Beach County, in the sports- man's canal area of Lake Okee- chobee, an area outside 'the des- ,v- ,\ .': 'o *: '.* ignated hunting area. None of the men had proper permits or tags, said FWC Officer Joige L Pinb. A bang stick a long pole which fires a bullet when thrust against the reptile's skull plate is often used legally during alliga- tor hunts, but the alligator first must be secured by line or rope to the hunter. The alligators ranged in size from 4 to 9 feet in length. SVOTE & ELECT Cynthia Luevano Potter for School Board, District #5 on September 5, 2006 '/ Bilingual and Lifelong Resident of Hendry County '/ Bachelor's in Human Resource Organizational Management / Master's in Educational Leadership from FGCU / Florida Educalor's Certificate in ESE (K-12) and Primary Education (Age 3 thru Grade 3) V Classroom Teacher Experience in Hendry & Palm Beach Counties .4 THE TIME HAS COME TO V "SECURE OUR CHILDREN'S FUTURE" Polit'col ad.ortiisTiern paid for and approved by Cvnlhia Lu,e .ano Potter No Pbrt, Affilihaion Schiol Board Disirid # 5 e, - ^ -- _ S,. ito^ m m mm ai m imi i ... TOUCHDOWN m 0 BREAKFAST :10% OFF : 2 Pancaes, 2 egs, bacon Breakfast, : strips and 2 sausage links Lunch or '-. Dinner 111 A mAMist Present Coupon I Sot valid w/anly other I 0 on f$ 402A 9 offer Exp 8/31/06 1 r-~ --- - -- - I I So10% OFF: - ; Breakfast, i i Lunch or m ,i Dinner f Al!|. Pres.nri Coupon 1030 West Sugarland Hwy.,<, SVov ralidI w vtrani othFr Clewiston, Florida S o 3 '6 - 863-983-3663 .. I~! I '' Lock in a great rate. 0 5 Month CD $10,000 new money required Call, visit, or go online to take advantage o1r his great. limited time f(,:. 800-706-9991 Arcadia 1601 E. Oak Street Clewiston 300 S. Berner Road LaBelle 17 N. Lee Strc-i Lake Placid 199 U.S. Highway 27 North Moore Haven *e 01 Hiighway 27 Okeechobee South Parrott 1409 S. Parrott Avenue Okeechobee North Parrott 500 N. Parrott Avenue Wauchula 202 N. 6th Avenue E Seacoast NATIONAL BANK www.seacoastnational.com NASDAQ: SBCF A subsidiary of Seacoast Banking Corporation of Florida *Annual Percentage Yield. Early withdrawal may result in penalty. Rate subjectto change without notice. /1~ A BEATTY FOR SCHOOL BOARD DISTRICT 5 "Better Schools Make Better Citizens" Jt, Have you ever wished you had the time to volunteer in your community? COMMISSIONER Matt Beatty makes time. Have you ever wished you had the time to lend aid, protect & serve your community? FIREFIGHTER Matt Beatty makes time. Have you ever wished you had the time to get involved in your children's lives? PARENT Matt Beatty makes time. Have you ever wished you had the time to help others in their time of need? CANDIDATE Matt Beatty Will make time. It is time for Hendry County to elect a candidate that makes time for our children and their futures... VOTE MATT BEATTY SEPTEMBER 5TH "BETTER SCHOOLS MAKE BETTER CITIZENS" Political advertisement paid for and approved by Matt Beatty, No party affiliation, for Hendry County School Board. IFAS/AP/Josh Wickham In this photo released by the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, assistant entomology pro- fessor Bill Kern demonstrates how bees behave when they're in "defense mode" at Tuesday, Aug. 14, Africanized Honey Bee Field Day at Fort Lauderdale's tropical research and edu- cation center. The event taught police, fire and other emer- gency workers how to properly deal with the insects and was a joint effort by the university and the state's Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, August M, 2006 b 4 OPINION Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the MooreHaven/Glades issues forum at http://www.newszapfo- rums.com/forum57. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits. FREEDOM OF SPEECH: The "tombstone" read: R. I. P. Free Speech. It seems a mild mannered Muse citizen decided to portray his opinion of a political candidate by wearing a tee shirt with the written words: "Hey X, Our cow died. We don't need your bull." He reportedly wore the shirt to a political rally in Ortoiua, and an unop- posed candidate didn't like it. The candidate called the president of the Muse Homeowners Association and said if Mr. Tee showed up at the Muse rally, the candidate would walk out. Relations between Muse Homeowners Association and government leaders have been strained at best the last few years, and the directors decided they could not allow one of their own to do exactly what inmny political activists do at rallies, display signage of their support and/'r opposi- tion for a candidate. So they warned Mr. Tee if hie appeared with the shirt, he would be asked to leave, or be removed if he did not leave. He chose to not appear at all, and in a non-disruptive way erected the "tombstone" near the entrance to the Muse Homeowners meet- ing hall. There were no reports of any disruption at the Ortona rally by the presence of Mr. Tee; in fact the Sheriff himself was reportedly there and no incident report was filed Nothing happened except a citizen silently expressed his viewpoint in a non-threatening man- ner. Freedom of speech. The right to assemble. Both of those may very well be endangered in Glades County when one candidate, who had no dog in the fight, bluffed the good leaders of Muse into succumbing to a juvenile threat. Letter to the Editor How to make progress without progressing It has long been said of Glades County officials that they are against progress. It is also said of Glades larger landowners that they too are against progress. How do you define "Progress"? I submit that we can have progress without progress- ing just by doing some judicious house cleaning. And, that house cleaning can start with the primary election and continue on into the final elections. Before we can start that house cleaning, we need to understand what needs to be cleaned. Glades County has had for years, a reputation of corruption, which bye the way, is well earned. We have had in the not so distant past, officials who have stolen from the county and been removed from office to serve time, officials who have brandished weapons at another and did not serve time, officials_ 'who have used their offices for personal gain and again have not .served time, and let's not forget the officials who were found to violate the Sunshine Law and were punished but again did not serve time. Likewise, we have had officials who were arrested multiple times, served time locally, however short, and have returned to their office by the choice of the people. Additional- ly, we have had officials arrested for improprieties of good busi- ness practice against the State and did not serve time except the time they continued to serve the people of Glades. And, how many officials have used their office to exert pressure on others to achieve a not so legitimate end? I'm sure if we dug a little deeper, we could unearth a mul- titude of misuse of office. The first step to progress without progressing is to rid our- selves of these leaches on our government. Once we have "Qualified" and "Integrity guid- ed" officials to oversee our busi- ness, we have progressed with- out progressing. The next step is to progress within the "rights" and "desires" of the people, and to the best advantage of the county infra- structure, upon which, we all depend. There is no magic formula to achieve this end, but there is a very simple solution. Just get out and Vote, AFTER you have taken the time to know what each offi- cial supports. And by this, I do not mean, "taking the word of others". Be your own person and use the vote given to you by so many that have paid the ulti- mate price to insure that liberty! Thankyou, Tom Johnson, Lakeport Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include: * Belle Glade/South Bay issues: http://www.newszaplorums.comiforum51 * Clewiston issues. http:/!www.newszapforums.com/forum52 * Hendry County issues: nttp:/,'www.newszapforums.com/forum54 * Moore Haven/Glades issues: http://www.newszaplorums.comiforum57 *Okeechobee city/county Issues: http:,'www.newszaplorums com/forum58 * Pahokee issues: http://www newszapforums.com.'lorum59 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community forums and links." Save money on your favorite grocery items. A SGo to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! IWSZ.apcmil Community Links. Individual Voices. Our Purpose... The Glijds CiuunLy Democrat is published by Independent Newspapers of Florida. In.lependent is owned by a unique trust that enables this newspa- pei [o pui.uei a inisionn of lournalhsuc service to the citizens of the commu- nity Sinc. n,. no uidemnd- are paid, the company is able to thrive on profit margins below industry standards. All after-tax surpluses are reinvested in Ir.-depC-ni,.nt' mis-1S.ion of1 journdhstic service, commitment to the ideals of the Firsi Amendmeni nf the U.S. Constituuon, and support of the comm- mtlnity'. lihirtlaion of public issues. We Pledge... T' ,e i 'I l ,,.. .,,: ,.I 11 [.[ubhiA tru>' * hi c ir.,rnuniry te-.om a telrr l .-i. i I' j ,1r. w ti., ir...ugh our d', ta'-,n ,.-, ii,',l;,iern r, I -urol. tm Tl. lII: I,:ii: . ,,bjE-:rIiI"v i-.iail-,ne6b aind comrpaonIsn I .,: wur opinion page.: i,. fadlitate -n'urHurary debatr-,. [rt to dominate n with -, ui wn .n. S... di 1,.-r ur.. wr -r:ieli n of ier t or S[,, .:r [. -.'n-- hiii. ,u r ,: o, .. rr 1- I- .).-a l I... ]iv, c.t. rr '.: iT [.r., -I i tr.. '- .j .r'. n * To provide a right to reply to those we write about, * To treat people with courtesy, respect and compassion. W'rer Ni.-.:.i Curry Wrrai id.,bh,i Oozalo %Vrici Atqfsid Payri Adverfunv amd. ahdW~adie~wu~oai AdvarUsi'sg Dknir ,-rjudy Kauen N~atonai A-s'~unrsjuy Paro'i Advem~ing Manager Brri, Jaoe'aifuio 15.1erulirg ','nb-:>5s li-qaAge'. Lh~j-ir alI;- n.VL' P re i juEld lir, eF.jfrrofF '-I F ~fla P1, -O m fByrd E s,-:utn's C-jil-:-, F:-inr-, El!v Member of: Florida Press Association Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Glades Happenings of Yesteryear Large crowd attends boxing here. Friday INI/www.tommymarkham.com Brighton Valley Hotel The Brighton Valley Hotel existed in 1938, as this post- card shows, but where did it go? Who built it? What was the story behind It? If anyone recalls this hotel, would you let us know? Call MaryAnn at (863) 763-3134 or email: mmorris@newszap.com. Pioneer class sign-ups will soon be finished GLADES COUNTY Leader- management, health and educa- ship Hendry & Glades Counties, tion, agri-business, civic and cul- Inc. is still accepting applications tural, and environment and for the Pioneer Class of the Lead- water. Space is limited to 20 par- ership Program. Deadline is Aug. ticipants. If more than 20 appli- 31, and can be obtained by call- cations are received, a commit- ing (863) 675-6007 or mailing: tee will choose by evaluating the info@hendrycountyedc.com applications. and request one to be emailed to Oct. 21, is scheduled for an you. orientation dinner folloiued in Participants will be part of on November for Government and exciting program including net- Judicial Day, the first of six day- working, learning sessions, and long sessions scheduled once a hands on experience in areas of month. The cost of the program judicial and government, growth is $500. By Jeanette Peeples Recap of various articles appearing in the Glades County Democrat, July 1948-August 1948. August 6,1948 A crowd estimated at over 300 turned out for the first boxing to be held in Moore Haven for several years. The arena was under the direction of R.L. "Doc". Golden who had operated a boxing ring here for several \ ears in the 30s. He was given permission to construct a temporary. boxing ring in the city park on the foundation piers of the old city water tank (July 9, 1948)., For several weeks impromptu matches had been held on the lawn in the park and proven to be quite popular The platform would also provide a place for band con- certs and as a speaking rostrum for public meetings. .Later was used as the stage during the Chalo Nilka Festival). The matches were strictly local amateur boys equally matched. The local VFW placed benches and had a drink concession. The crowd was brought to their feet in the opening bout by the high spirited fight between Buster Waggerby and Jake Hadley. The three-iound bout was declared a diaw In the second bout, Franklin Sinmons out-pointed Carl Spear. Neil Taylor and J. L. Raulerson squared off in the third bout which 'was stopped in the third round due to the injury ofJ. L. Raulerson. Neil was winner by TKO. Tommy Cook and Bobby Sex- ton went through three fast rounds in the featherweight class with the bout being declared a draw. Harold Cason was completely outclassed by Alvin Ward with Ward easily winning the six-round bout. In the main bout, Jimmy Crum substituted in place of Ronald Mor- ris who had been scheduled to meet Francis Smith. Crum and Smith provided a very fitting cli- max for the night by displaying plenty of power and punch. Crum won the bout by a TKO after Smith received a bad cut over his right eye that required stitches. Frank Minrich, James Wood- ward and Ray Gantt served as judges with "Doc" Golden and Sonny Stalls sharing the referee duties. The Library is interested in obtaining oral histories of Glades County life and its pioneers. If you are willing to participate, please contact the Glades County Public Library or Jeanette Peeples. Our goal is to preserve our History and Heritage. Community Briefs Political Rally planned Ortona Community Associa- tion (OCA) is hosting a political rally Tuesday Aug. 15, at 6:30 p.m. Candidates for State Repre- sentative District 77 and Glades County Commissioner District 2 will be featured speakers. Refreshments will be served, OCA meets at the Ortona Library 3000 Coffee Mill Hammock Rd behind the firehouse. The same rally will be held by the Muse Community Associa- tion on Thursday, Aug. 17 at 7 p.m. This rally will be held at 25895 Loblolly Bay (CR 720) Road. Guardian Ad Litem volunteers needed Are you flexible, open-mind- ed and interested in advocating for a child' Only 60 percent of Lee, Collier. Charlotte, Glades and Hendry county children taken from their homes due to allegations of abuse or neglect hase a volunteer Guardian ad Litem (GAL) to protect their interests. A GAL volunteer has the opportunity to be a champi- on for an abused, neglected or abandoned child in court and within the community, strongly supported by program staff. New Guardian ad Litem train- ing began on July 15, in Fort Myers. For information, to apply, or to ask how your business or organization can help, call Jack- ie at (239) 533-1425 or (866) 341-IGAL. Fishing tournament anglers meeting Super Bucks Bass Tourna- ment, Sunday Sept. 24, 2006, Lake Okeechobee, Clewiston. Guaranteed $10,000.00 for First Place, limited to 150 boats, five fish limit, Anglers Meeting will be held on Sept. 23, 2006 from 5 until 7 p.m. in Clewiston at Roland and Maryann Martin's Marina. There will be a $200.00 entry fee with a 150 percent pay- back at 100 boats. For more information, please call Chris Fickey at (941) 232-9539 or visit the official website at www.bassbustersflorida.com Narcotics Anonymous meets Narcotics Anonymous meets Monday's at 7 p.m. for open dis- cussion meeting at Buck Head Ridge Christian Church, 3 Linda Road, Buckhead Ridge. For more information please call (863) 634-4780. Hurricane. help available Help is still available for Hur- ricane Wilma victims from our local Community Rebuilding Ecumenical Workforce (CREW) but you must register again! Community Rebuilding Ecu- menical Workforce (CREW) is a caring network of Hendry and Glades Counties' civic, social, service, and faith-based groups, agencies, and organizations, along with concerned individu- als and businesses, formed to address the physical,, emotional, and spiritual needs of the com- munity in the restoration and rebuilding of their lies and homes in times of a natural or man-made disaster. CREW will provide collabora- tive leadership and advocacy in meeting the needs for revitaliz- ing and improving the quality of life for the most vulnerable in the community. For more information, ques-. tions, or to schedule an appoint- ment, please call of visit: CREW Headquarters, First United Methodist Church, 352 W. Arcade Avenue, Clewiston, phone (863) 983-4316 (John 3:16) or email CREWheadquar- ters@aol.com. MHHS Class Reunion planned The MHHS Class of '86 is hav- ing its 20 year reunion on Home- coming Weekend this year. Organizers are inviting the Class of '87 and Class of '88 to join the fun, as well. Reunion planners are in need of assistance in locating and notifying all mem- bers of the above classes. The initial plan is to have a tailgate type get-together the night of the Homecoming Game and, on the following day, have a BBQ for the family at the City Park or a similar location. Anyone inter- ested in assisting may contact David Lee at dlee- Weather Weather forecast for Glades County from the National Weath- er Service. Thursday: Showers and thun- derstorms are likely after 9am then partly cloudy with a high near 91. The wind will be light and from the south with a 60 per- cent chance of rain. Thursday night: Showers and thunderstorms are likely, mainly before 8pm then, partly cloudy, with a low around 74. The wind will be from the south and light with a 60 percent chance of rain. Extended forecast Friday: Scattered showers and thunderstorms are likely after 9 a.m. then, partly cloudy, with a high near 89. The wind will be from the southeast around 6 mph with a 50 percent chance of rain. Friday night: It will be partly cloudy, with a low around 73. The wind will be from the east between 3 and 5 mph. Saturday: Showers and thun- derstorms are likely then, partly cloudy with a high near 90. The wind will be from the southeast between 7 and 9 mph with a 60 percent chance of rain. Saturday night: It will be partly cloudy, with a low around 77. Sunday: Scattered showers and thunderstorms are likely then, partly cloudy, with a high near 90. The chance of rain is 50 percent. Sunday night: It will be partly cloudy, with a low around 76. Monday: Scattered showers and thunderstorms are likely. It will be partly cloudy with a high near 90 and a 50 percent chance of rain. 9i',i'y-skyeone.com or ('863. 946-2512. CREW needs volunteers The Commnunity Rebuilding Ecunenica l \~inkforce (CREW) ol Hendrv and Glades Counties is seeking volunteerss to assist residents with repairs and con- tinued clean up efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Wilma. Carpenters, Electricians,. Plumbers, drywall installers and othertrade skills are needed, as well as, anyone willing to lend a hand. For more information, come by our office at 121 Central Ave. rear entrance or email CREWheadquarters@aol.com or phone (863) 983 2390. CREW seeks donations The Community Rebuilding Ecumenical Workforce (CREW) of Hendry and Glades Counties is seeking donations of building materials and supplies, including lumber, nails and drywall, to assist residents with repairs and continued clean up efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Wilma. Donations. including monetary contributions, are ta'x deductible. For more information, come by our office at 121 Central Ase. rear entrance or email CREWhead- quarters@aol.com or phone' (863) 983-2390. Free services offered to help elders Center for Independent Living will be doing outreach on a regu- lar basis at the Moore Haven, Clewiston, and LaBelle sites between the hours of noon to 2:30 p.m. You can contact Tera or Linda at the Center for Inde- pendent Living at (9411 766-8333 in Charlotte County to find out the days that they will be avail- able in those areas. Economic Council Meetings planned The Glades County Economic Development Council normally meets the first Monday of the month at 6:15 p.m. in the confer- ence room at Glades Electric Cooperative. If you are not a member, please contact the EDC about joining. If you are a mem- ber, please plan to attend the meetings. As the Main Street effort and other initiatives move forward, we will need a host of knowledgeable volunteers to serve on various committees and we encourage your partici- pation. VFW Post #9528 hours posted The \'VFW Post #9528 is locat- ed at 2002 Hwy. 78 West in Buck- head Ridge. For more informa- tion call (863) 467-2882. Post hours are from noon until 8 p.m. daily. Wednesday is Ladies Auxil- iary dinner from 5:30-7 p.m., and the cost is $5. Every Thursday, the post has bar bingo at 12:45 p.m. Lunch will be available. Every Friday a steak dinner with baked potato, salad and rolls are served from 5:30 7 p.m. with a $9 donation. Dancing immedi- ately follows the dinner. All games and special events are shown on three televisions. The game room has a regula- tion-size, pool table. Post meet- ings are held on the second and fourth Saturday of the month, beginning at 10 a.m. Comman- der Albert Crank is available at (863) 467-2882. Glades County Democrat Published by Independent Newspaper, Inc. Serving Glades County Since 1923 To Reach Us Address: PO B,-., 1236 Cl,.'t,r.:.r,. Fli 33-440 Website: v.-v.r.ewszap corn To Submit News ThI Glh-,.te. Conr, Democr.at %el- conc,'' ubrf i-M:_ i'rorn its i: ader'; OiLni.-.n,., cale ndsr item,., stones, :dea' and photi.yrphs are welcome. Call I6.39'9.5253 to each our news. 'oorm Itenis ma, be mailed. tfaed or e-mailed The deadline- or all news items 1i2 .m MoNrday prior to the !olr.,irig Tlhiur-da', publication. E-mail: gdn:-a'*.'l'n:-.. zap corn To Place A Classified Ad Call i S77 3532-424- to place a classi- fieJ dda.,rticment from home. The deadline lf:Or all advertising is 12 p.m. Monday for the followmg Thursday's publication Fax. 1-877-354.2424 E-imail. .asaadstiTnxew,"hap.comn To Place A Display Ad Call 866.39.-52'53 deadline for all adcrt.ism iri 12 p m. Monday for the f''ll,:,.' ir,. Thur:d : y'.: public ,ria n Fa'. 1 ,;, .'*.;, 4 -i E-mail ;:,uthlka 3,n.. ne.smap.om Advertising Billing Department E-mail: billteam@newszap.com To Start or Stop A Paper Phone: (877)353-2424 E-mnail ieaderr',v'en'neiws.4p comr The Gldes Counr. D reotrai r jeliveite by mail to1 ubscriLber; on Thursday aid v. slnd m rad., and store locations in the Glade C.-.nt area. Call18771353-2424 t report a missed newfaper or poor delivery. Glade, County Democrat USPS 219060 Pubhshed weeklyy by Independem Newpaper1. Inc Ck. qa' FL 3310O I.)r $24 61 per year including t~. Sec.:nd CladS postage paid at Clewiton Florida Postmnster end address chrangs to the Glades Countr Dem.xr;i CKitul.suon A,'iiMISIT'Aliun PO BOx 7il11 Doer,. DE 19903 Printing Printed a[ Sajnhine Printing a subidjary of Ir.d-epnd'en Nwispapers. Emrnil pnntin ;tel'tr al,n t Newszap! Online News & Information Get the latest news at www.newszap.com Thursday, August 24, 2006 Thursday, August 24, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee HAPONCRILE DOGE EE ANNOUNC0 PLUS 0% FINANCING OR UP TO $4000 IN REBATES DODGE GRAND CARAVAN WITH SEATING AND STORAGE ON NEW '06 MODELS DODGE DURANGO r I V t-TAR HIGHEST I CfVERNMEt rmnmmAi Pr,F, h rfi mi. *L a Jeep =1,7- WI MW Qila Filler Change wm16-Poin't'Uefthio eCheckuip 5NCtUDIES: Fin d r" .......... ..... of the seland:I.1 ite s not I'i'f Prc dJues not, incude rpolii rnay' ~'oy r,4ire~Ad after inspaction. Ask14"oriceAdvso fo adifnminl e'akl.'E rs/1 06 - "Mopar Value Line Brake Pad or Shoe I em - LA I I I I I I 11 1U -, p..,4- p. H I'rH i id1 trtrc'fRATJ l ii r*V)~~n.H ~~cvra1b I t r tc c ksI - - - - pirs831 _/L HAMPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP ________ HENDRY COUNTY'S ONLY 5-STAR _ CHRYsLER-DODGE-JEEP * It really does make a di (863) 983-4600 202 W. Sugarland Hwy. DEALER 'erence! * *F 4-IVE rTAr .*MSTjiT* *A *^* kA A Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 * SPECIAL FINANCING RATE ON SELECT VEHICLES TO QUALIFIED BUYERS THRU CFC WAC. TERMS VARY. EP NOT AVAILABLE ON VIPER, SRT10, CROSSFIRE, AND SPRINTER. PROGRAM GOOD THRU 8/31/06 Cl-_ F IV 2Y -I=- " Jeep ICliRYSLERI Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, August 24, 2006 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DEEP DISCOUNTS NORMALLY' AVAILABLE ONLY TO FACTORY EMPLOYEES YW:l n. ,e! ' 40 C) CS LE Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Pioneer photographers kept the memories By MaryAnn Morris INI Florida We owe the word "photogra- phy" to Sir John Herschel, who first used the term in 1839, the year the photographic process became public and six years before Florida became a state. The word comes from the Greek words for light and writing. Paul Daguerre, a Frenchman, announced the first photographic process in 1839 and he named it the Daguerreotype. George East- man, an American is remembered for introducing flexible film in 1884. Four years later he introduced the box camera, and photography now reached a much greater num- ber of people. By the time the Lake Okee- chobee area started to become set- fled in the early 1900s, photography had become well-established means of recording events. The early photographers who braved heat, flooded lands and mosqui- toes to take pictures of the wonder that was Florida left a rich and remarkable record of early life in the Everglades, and on the lake and the prairies. John Kunkel Small first came to Florida in 1901 to collect and pho- tograph Florida's unique plant life for the New York Botanical Gar- den. He was a botanist and curator first of Columbia University's herbarium, then of the New York Botanical Garden, a position he held until his death in 1938. We have not only his wonderful photo- graphs of the. plants and land- scapes that existed before develop- ment but also his written accounts of his journeys in the state includ- ing two in the Lake Okeechobee area. Claude C. Matlack came from Kentucky to Miami in 1917 where he worked as a commercial pho- tographer until 1942, photograph- ing everything from socialites to Seminoles. Particularly in the 'roar- ing twenties" he photographed everything from "flappers" to tin- can tourists and many Everglades scenes. Marion Post Wolcott was a pho- tographer for the United States Farm Security Administration. She took thousands of photographs of rural scenes across the country from the late 1930s into the 1940s. Her photo- graphs of the Lake Okeechobee area record some of the scenes of the time. Today her work is collect- ed and displayed nationally. These are not the only photog- raphers of Central Florida. There are many more. But the best photo- graphs are so often those taken by families to remember the lives of the family members who came before. We are grateful when they sometimes share them with our readers. Sources: Library of Congress, Reclaiming the Everglades, Ency- clopedia Britannica. For information, contact MaryAnn Morris at mmorris@newszap.com. Library of Congress/Marian Post Wolcott In Pahokee in 1939, you would have come here to shop. If only these prices were still in effect! Florida Archives/John Kunkel Small John Kunkel Small would load his cars with plants on col- lecting trips in Florida. Photographed on the Indian Prairie west of Lake Okeechobee, Florida. April 1924. Thursday, August 24, 2006 L.-- .-.---.--- -- -- -----. HUWR HMIT OLS* HADW AR FLORIDA'S #1 CLOSEOUT STORE We will not be UNDERSOLD. Guaranteed! If you find a lower price on any item we sell we will beat that price by a minimum of 115%. A 115% Price Guarantee. We guarantee LOW prices If you find a lower price on an identical in stock item at a competitor we will match the price and give you back 115% of the difference within 30 days of your purchase. Clewiston 965 W. Sugarland Hwy. 863- 983- 1 1 08 MIl'l'i Ioil l ll I ' SUNRISE APPLIANCE New In Box or Scratch & Dent Full Factory Warranty Save More In Moore Haven We Also Carry Used Appliances With Warranty 401 US lwvi, Moore Haven 8i 3946IM 666 6 &1aAes 14Health Care Ceter Skilled Long & Short Term Care Facility Healthcare Services Include: Specialized Wound Care Resident & Family Council Groups *Full Time Medical Director *Specialized HIV Care *Dialysis Support 'Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapy *Alzheimer's Support Groups -24 hour Registered Nurse Staffing Intravenous Therapy 'Therapeutic Activities 230 South Barfield Highway Pahokee, Florida 33476-1834 PHONE: 561-924-5561 FAX: 561-924-9466 Other facilities in Gainesville & Bradenton Visit our website at www.floridacare.net S-,.. . -. ...... .. .* B ank of.. rSHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS BankofAmerica Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863-675-9065 1.800-854-5783 extension 56302 Fax: 863-675-7744 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com Now with an office in LaBelle at 415 W. Hwy 80 Call for an appointment NTow certified,, in | FIAA flu ^ dancing Clipper Ct. 2BD/1BA $129,900 1655 Case Rd 3BD/2BA on 2.29 Acres. $181,500 1625 Case Rd 3BD/2BA on 2.29 Acres. $185,900 VACANT LAND Port LaBelle Lots starting at $32,900 COMMERCIAL 141 Hickpoochee Ave 2500 sq.ft. building and land only $1,500,000 Call or stop by to see more information on all of our listings! -274 N Bridge S .... + LaBelle,FL 339 Chc K:nt'sr ~iLOU p 3t 35 863-612-0002 www.melking.com 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863 675-1973 Ifyou are thinking of buying or selling, give us a call! I',- ~ U .5. r.A CHECK US OUT ONLINE AT www.newhorizons-re.com .Sc Hjbl.t Epajn..il j FmA. u......- _ nai 'New Horizons Real Estate Corp. Mftg REDUCED this livable, loveable 3BR/1B CBS home with 4th bedroom/office in LaBelle limits. Features include walk-in closet, newer air conditioner, fenced backyard, irrigation and a front deck to die for. Only $214,900. ;Fi LLH i1 s i,. T VtJ'Of FFn'C.-nuineCountry fi:.: l' ir -.ri..h i .... .u'1. ,~utifsl 3BR/2B t.a.u ,l1" t.. :. ".,,. -' '..,J ,. ..,,.,J J' w In ceilings, stone t..c ,:. ...-, p rI: wr..rk: h..pwith RV park- ' t ,nt .'. -i. -.i ii., : .-. eige feel like a park. you owe it to yourself to see! $699,900. * Perfection Has and Address! Immaculate in design: endearin in character, this Country style 3/2 home , F ,..i-i it ,,,,ijr j ... 1 [ ill, r. -ti I the r.. ii 'a j 440..000 REDIC900.ED! ju l ,, h,,.;,h: ,,.j~ri Tii,j .,,'h i A t.cjij..r.. ,fF eB 1-:fl I- ,.,f I ,.!.ij'0 1 j r .,.,1 c :,i ,J . Solid Decision, Solid House! You'll be glad to see this :P, '.. "J: l. I B : |- 1).. l' t : J a T. : i. ,l ,,6 ..1i 1 11l quality, from the new Hardy-Board siding to the wood lit ) re i ll ,: I h Ji,' 2 i ,, i ...' l I '. .....I l.:f..g installed. Call today for this worry free home! $234,000. - Fertile Financial Ground! Plant your investment in this exceptional Duplex, 2BR/1B on each side and ide- ally located in town. Very nice with beautiful yard. Nice harvest awaits youl $225,000 L MY Ws- REDUCEDI REDUCED! 3BR/2B home excep- tional inside and out! Watch the sunrise on front deck and sunset on the back deck. Something for everyone with 1 acre fenced yard to keep kids happy, large workshop for Dad and big kitchen for Mom! lust $142,900. * Need more "living" room? 2,152 sq ft of luxurious living. This 4Br/2B home on 10+/- acres has it all, from it spacious family room w/stone fireplace, master suite w/office, cov- ered porch, and fencing for horses. This one is a steal @ only $450,000 * Size will surprise you! 2BR/2B home on 10+/- acres is very well kept and former modle home. Features a warm comfortable living room w/ gas fireplace, spa- cious kitchen, frotit & real covered porches. $400,000 * Bring your horses and relax the rural way! 4B!/2B manu- factured home aith over 2400 sq. ft of living area sitting on a georgous 6.5+ acs of land & fenced for horses. 'IToo many extras to list, call for an appointment today! $350,000 * Over 1.7 acres of beautifully shrubbed and landscaped grounds are a fitting introduction to a superb 3/2 home! Huge screened lanai, oversized carport, 2 sheds and addi- * Best Bargain for Miles! 35 beautiful secluded acres at ONLY $25,000. per acre! WfTH Pole Barn, Electric and several wells! Call ASAP for showing! $875,000 * Location with a Future! 1700 Ft. Denaud. 6.39+/- Acres already zoned RG1. Surrounded by upscale sub'- division. Ripe and Ready for developer. $800,000. * The opportunities are endless! Bringyour investment dollars here. 25 beautifid acres wit Hwy 27 frontage. Next to water plant. Property was cleared except for the majestic Live Oaks. Bring your ideas and see! $650,000. * 5+/- acres in Pioneer Plantation. Suitable for site built home or manufactured. Only $165,000. * Uncramp yourself on this spacious')2.5+/-acres on E i-. ilh p...rd red fr,..CJ f i n. 4 ; :.,.I-".. ?l ,, C )' In...'.i l 4 1 ii|h .J, ', ,., I"..l r -. luic r- -- I J .,.,,n ,J ,I,) 1 ,' .,,- -n )",J c fr.n, i P, ,.*,* nI " Wotth calling about quick! $2A5,900. $. ,130;000. -" : ,.'..; .' i * Back on the market!This 2.5+/- acre;mini estate I .4+ ..,,: ,i.,:. i..IffTi Era.i -,. Muse.- makes relaxingeasywitha3BR/2Bmanufacturedhome. This property has B..i .:,l ,.ilu-, pin, j.'-i pa rt trees. Featuring ceramic tile, textured walls & spacious Perfect for the nature lover. Priced at only $85,000. kitchen. Only $179,900. Genuine Country Feell Days gone by are back Relive * 2/1 home located on a generous-sized 1+ acre lot the best on this private & secluded 2+/- acs. Fresh air tucked away on a quiet street. Oak trees create a back special $93,900. yard of enchanting beauty. A must see! $165,000. Call for prices on all our Montura Ustiags * The Luxury of Space! Both inside on outside. 4/2 immaculate home nestled on 1.25 acres, Stunning stone fireplace in Family room. Formal dining off of huge kitchen with lots of cabinets and countertops. Drop dead gorgeous! If you're looking for the dream lot Tranquil Master bedroom offers a personal retreat room for your new home look no further. Located in the sought and lavish bath. Spacious and smart buy at $154,900 after Belmont S/D in LaBelle. This .37+/- acre is truly a * Relax the rural wayl Situated on 1.25 ac in growing dream come true.Only $79,900. Montura, beautiful new 2006 3/2 manufactured home h t S sll@ with over 1100 sq ft of living area ready for occupancy .29+ ace nthe Be nt S. Pried to sell @ only SELLER FINANCING AVAILABLE! $149,900 $64,900. Possible seller finandag. * Privacy + Peace & Relzation! 3B/2B doublewide Beautiful wooded 1+/- acre homesites! Outside LaBelle w/300 sq. ft. under air in town. Privacy fenced on 3 limits but only minutes fom town! Just off E Road. Don't sides & chain link in rear Backs up to pond! Extras miss owning acreage close to LaBelle. $46,900. include -shed, huge Florida rm & BBQ deck. $139,900. Call about our Port allelle lots! * Charming Family Friendly 4/2 home on .78 acre! -...... .s., Thoughtful design with split floor plan, beautiful _.._ _.. M kitchen, and lavish Master bath. Bring you family to SA Country coziness! $137,900. POTENTIAL COMMERCIAL Location of a Lifetime! * Rare find outside of LaBelle but not to far from Generations will file past well-traveled location of this schoolsorshopping.3BD/2BAmanafactured home fea- 8+/- acres on SR 80 in Alva. Over 1,000 ft. of road. tures split floor plan, built in cabinets, separate shower frontage and 3 existing entrances off of SR 80. Cleared & garden tub in the master suite, and much more! All with well and electric. Time's on your side in this invest- on .50+/- acre. $132,000 ment! $2,750,000. * Renting? No Privacy? Stop throwing away all that Prime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel located .money and see how great ownership feels! 2/1 on over near West Glades Elementary in Muse and just minutes a i/2 acre yard. Start building equity today! $113,500. away from downtown LaBelle$3.50 per square foot. 3BR/B manufactured home on a canal in River Oaks 118+- acres zoned C- commercial just South of S/ in Ortona. Canal ends at the property with a wood LaBelle with 175+- feet of frontage on SR29 and deck providing a great place to rela. $110,000 . * Calling all Investors!! W4BR/2B manufactured home in.|frontage on Luckey Street. Asking $499,000. Hors. .BN ER. 5.S .i.t Ai with Beautiful.25+/- acre corner lot in downtown LaBelle right to nsecBring bac e spare andyou will w/great potential. Currently zoned for duplex or single have made a great investment. $75,000 family w/a possibility of rezoning to Business. $119,900. * RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE, INC. 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 863-675-2718 1-877-675-2718 FEATURES OF THE WEEK 3BR/IBA HOME IN COUNTRY VILLAGE. Nii, 1 plan, tile through out. Priced to sell! $130,000 BEST BUYI Affordable Business Zoned Property! This 2BR/1BA home is situated on a high traffic road in the city. Just 2 blocks north of Hwy 80 and I block east of Bridge Street and surrounded by local banks and businesses. Priced to Sell! $179,900 3 BR / 2 BA CBS POOL HOME, spa. cious floor plan, large family room over- looking oversized ap pool, patio and courtyard. Also features oflice/4th bed- room, walk in closets, brick paved deck and new roof in 2005. $310,000 FIRST TIME ON THE MARKETt Hiins-eadi.l In. I 1W' t I) 'lli.im l en ) Whidden. It will be hard to find a more desirable site. A prime location in an area of proposed future development in beau- tiful Fort Denaud. Features a SBR/2BA CBS home and rental mobile home on 12.03 acres with massive old oaks and palms. Located approximately 7 1/2 miles West of LaBelle with frontage on Hwy 78 and Norris Road. $900,000 W.AtIF.RFROI IIII-S ILOTS If.OCt ION, .._- OCATIN. LOGCA- J "Ir N !I ri,. ', .. ,, [.,,,.,.,,l > h '. ,1 +1' of Caloosahatchee River frontage with Hwy. 29 access. Zoned C-2 'ii i i iliui, are endless! 1. i,, LNY.FS I NOCWV One of the few riverfront acreage parcels on the market, 10.7 Acres w/ 600 +/- fet frontini' on the river Look to the East ntI \\i, i ,i..s views from the raised riverbank, I l. waterfront piece features lakefront on the South side & riverfront on the Nortb Parcel's future land use is leisure recreation (..R). Your possibilities are endless here! $3,500,000 CDlrrTAr'TTT ASR DTFRt RD NTr' 5PE.TAV RIER OlA kV5AMV V TM V /oe t5 t 1wtr ESArkTE SITE w/over 200 tt. ot water- front & already separated into 2 lots. Site features frontage on the main river and the "Old River." Old River frontage includes 60 ft. of protected dockage. No corps setbacks on either lot. $1,500,000 WATERFRONT & PRIVACY AT IT'S AE This recently renovated 3BR/2BA home is located at the Ortona Locks. Fish from your own private. dock. (Permit in place to add new dock w/ lift.) Priced to Sell!ll $499,900 BEAUTIFUL RIVERVIEWS from this waterfront home site on dredged river oxbow w/ private dock in place. Home site is located approx. 75 ft. from the main river. Permits are in place to re-dredge oxbow. $499,000 privately owned man- made deep water canals in LaBellel This water- front homesite is locat- ed in LaBelle ( hs its, Home site ... ownership of the canal, which provides protect ed boat dockage and Caloosahatchee Rivetr, $299,000 9ORTGEOUS ~IVERFRONTI This 1.04 acre lot is wooded and located on County Road 78. Build your dream honse raot this parcel & enjoy endless views of the aloosahatchee River, Price Reduced $499,900 SOMEIHI1LG SPECIAL FORN.AT.IItL LOVTRS. Ti, 2 (. Il-.,, t .. i, I inohl -1' l I'l l J l,'. I. i ht 1 l,-r h . This Unique property also has its own private ISLAND. Gorgeous property is covered with large oaks. Call for more details. This is a MUST SEE. $475,000 HOMES IN LABELLE CHARMING 2BR/2BA CEDAR HOME sits on oversized corner lot in the city. Features are vaulted ceilings, tile, French doors, fenced back yard & extra storage. $199,900 CBS HOME IN THE CITY! 3BR/2BA w/split floor plan, large bedrooms, oversized family room & beautiful shaded home site. $199,900! MOVE IN READY! Newly remodeled 3BR/2BA home located on large lot in the city. New carpet, flooring and interior paint & spacious master bedroom. $179,900 OAKS. FENCED BACK YARD, 3BR/2BA CBS home in the heart of LaBelle. Great location! REDUCED $179,500 THIS IMMACULATE 2BR/1.5BA HOME is located in the center of town close to everything. What a terrific home for someonejust setting out on their own S;. down. Home is partially fur- ,,, n, I .. ready for youl I. 5',9I.0 IMM WCt L rrT 'tR1'2B s MANUFAC- I T I I Ij- II I, .. I -... I. l' 'r [ Home features vaulted ,. ii!' ,. split floor plian, kitchen w;t. &..'is. breakfast Islatdl. Reduced I tI.l'iii A\ R,(I. ul NI \l IN l.-YI MFNT OR SI,\lt I ItJ II t lIM .. Ih n .1'11: 'i im i sl . plan, deck, new carpet & paint. Priced to sell! Possible owner i .. ... ,, ,L..lel Owner will consider all ..1h I1 V-5.i00Jti 3IRt .'11 \ MA.NL'I 1. I LU 0 IIONIL on ., ,, ,1 I,. .11s ,,, k 11. I l- lle . Home has 12' x 14' deck, perfect for entertaining. $119,900 AFFORDABLE AND WELL MAIN- TAINED 3BR/2BA manufactured home w/office or possible 4th bedroom. Perfect starter home or rental investment. Located within city limits, completely fenced & priced to sell! $99,900 HOMES 3BR/2BA CBS HOME w/Pool in Laurel Oaks, very desirable neighborhood w/ great floor plan for a growing family. Property is surrounded by large oaks. Home/pool needs TLC, being sold AS IS. $235,000 3BR/2BA HOME. WELL KEPT & CLEAN! This home is truly a beauty from the inside out. Features: ceramic tile, bonus room w/hurricane shutters, screened porch, alarm system & spacious bedrooms & bathrooms. Well manicured corner lot w/irrigation system. A must seel $189,000. 3BR/2BA HOME W/TILE through out living areas, living room plus family room. Fenced back yard w/ many tropi- cals & BBQ room. $189,900 2BR/2BA "LIKE-NEW' manufactured home w/large screened room on 1.25 acre home site cleared w/scattered trees. REDUCED $119,500 HOMES ON ACREAGE UNIQUE. DESIRABLE AND IN THE PATH OF GLADES COUNTY DEVEL- OPMENT! This wonderful location is perfect for the active developer looking for that parcel which is surrounded by the approved Lykes Development. Suitable for planned development with approval from Glades County. $1,800,000 UNIQUE OLD FLORIDA ESTATE! 10,538 sq. ft. under roof + 2,585 sq. ft. pool & patio area! Exclusive pool home located East of LaBelle on 5 beautiful, oak- & citrus-filled acres fronting on SR 80. Home features many architectural details from vaulted ceilings anti skylights, to Spanish tile flooring. Custom floor plan includes 3 master suites, private sitting rooms, French doors to large lanai, covered walkways, poolside rec room, IBR/1BA cot- tage, twelve-bay workshop w/garage, electric gate entranceway, paved drive & completely fenced. One of a kind! $1,500,000 3BR/IBA CBS HOME on 8.8-- acres fronting on paved road approx. 3 miks from town. Property is fenced & cross fenced w/gorgeous oaks & horse stable. $490,000. SPACIOUS 4BR/2BA MANUFAC- TURED home on 4.84+/- acres w/ pond & mostly cleared. Split floor plan, large mster bedroom/bath, office/nursery, for- mal living room, family room & open kitchen w/island. $325,000 SPACIOUS MANUFACTURED HOME ON 5+/- ACRES, Property has pond, fenced, cleared & ready for your horses. This 4BR/2BA oversized home features split floor plan, wood-like flooring in liv- ing areas & many extras REDUCED $265,000 QUIET COUNTRY RETREAT! Like new manufactured home on 2.82 acres in quiet Ft. nr late home, vaulted ceJ. lj Jat package, built in com stee Targe master br & ba w/ garden tub and separate shower. $199,500 NEW CONSTRUCTION CBS HOME LOCATED PORT LAB- ELLE UNIT 102, Features open floor plan, split bedrooms, Frigidaire stainless steel appliances, tile throughout, separate tub and shower in master, vaulted ceil- ings, patio and two car garage. $249,900 3BR/2BA CBS HOME! Split floor plan, 2,000+ total sq. ft., granite counter tops, 18" ceramic tile, vaulted ceiling and many more upgraded features. $245,000 COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS PRIME LOCATION! Business zoned property located in Downtown LaBelle. Perfectly situated on the corner of (HWY 29) Bridge Street and Park Avenue, less than 1 block from the Caloosahatchee River. 1,846 sq. ft. Historical Florida-Style two story building fronts on Bridge Street. $850,000 A QUAINT CRACKER-STYLE OFFICE on Park Avenue. Already set up for a busi- ness office- including phone lines, air con- ditioning, commercial grade carpeting and landscaping. Screened front porch adds to its Florida charm. $399,900 INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Excellent investment opportunity w/ 277' frontage on Hwy 29. 1.59+/- acres on corner of Hwy 29 and N. Industrial Loop Road, 3 steel buildings- (Warehouse-3,800 sq. ft.; shop 1,600 sq. ft. ; office building 2,520 sq. ft.) all currently leased. $1,300,000' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ESTABLISHED IN 1984 The Gator Bait Pub has been a thriving business in the Pioneer Community for many years. If you've ever wanted to run your own Restaurant and Lounge here's your chance. This quaint establishment comes fully furnished, completely equipped kitchen & offers a great start for any entrepreneur: $174,500 SE HABLA ESPARIOL www.labelleriverside.com E-mail realestate@labelleriverside.com [B . Marilyn Sears Licensed Real Estate Broker Sales Associates Nancy Hendrickson, Margaret Whatley, Yvonne Doll, Consuelo Tarin Lopez, Suzanne Sherrod, Judy Cross McClure and Receptionist Emily Curtis '"" -q I - _i 0 L' Thursday, August 24, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Crime Stoppers The Palm Beach County Sher- iff's Office is seeking the public's assistance in locating the follow- ing "wanted fugitive." Tavarius Wade, 24, is a black male with black hair and brown eyes. He is 6 feet tall and weighs approximately 220 pounds. He has tattoos on both arms and his last known address was on North- west "P" Terrace, Belle Glade. He is wanted for violation of super- vised own recognizance; burglary with assault; battery; domestic battery; tam- pering with, a witness, victim or informant. Anyone with informa-, tion on this fugitive is asked to call the Crime Stoppers Hot- Tavarius line at 1-(800) Wade 458-TIPS (8477) or online www.crimestopperspbc.com. at Arrest Report This column lists arrests, not convictions, unless otherwise stated. Anyone who is listed here and who is later found not guilty, or has the charges against them dropped, is welcome to inform the newspaper. We will confirm the information and print it. Western Palm Beach County Belle Glade 6 John Reives, 19, of North Main Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Aug. 16, by PBSO and charged with violation of probation or community control exposure of sexual organs and burglary with assault or battery. He is being held without bond. Eric Bernard Jones, 33, of Southwest Avenue E, Belle Glade, was arrested on Aug. 16, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with third degree grand theft of a vehicle. He is being held on $3,000 bond. John Westley Thomas, 45, of Everglades Place, Belle Glade, was arrested on Aug. 17, by PBSO and charged with tres- passing in an occupied dwelling; uttering a forgery and battery on a person 65 years of age or older. No bond was set. Jamorris Eugene Staples, 23, of Bethune Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Aug. 18, by PBSO and charged with domestic battery. No bond was set. April Hester, 30, of South- west Ninth Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Aug. 18, by PBSO and charged with violation of probation burglary of.struc- ture; criminal mischief; aggra-.a vated, battery with. a deadly weapon. No bond was set. James Henry Wheeler, 66, of Northwest Seventh Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on Aug. 18, by PBSO and charged with nonmoving traffic violation - driving while license suspend- ed (habitual offender); fraud, false identification given to law enforcement officer and failure to register motor vehicle. He is being held on $3,000 bond. *Audrey H. Carey, 44, of Downing Circle, Belle Glade, was arrested on Aug. 21, by PBSO on a warrant charging per- son with dealing in stolen prop- erty and tampering with evi- dence and fabricating physical evidence. No bond was set. Pahokee 6 Joseph McCants, 19, of Pad- gett Circle, Pahokee, was arrest- ed on Aug. 17, by PBSO and charged with simple battery. No bond was set. Ricardo Rodriguez, 29, of Annona Avenue, Pahokee, was arrested on Aug. 18, by PBSO and charged with failure to appear on written promise to appear failure to appear for plea on Sept. 8, 2004 for charges of reckless driving. No bond was set. Nekiea S. Holden, 29, of West Jordan Road, Pahokee, was arrested on Aug. 18, by PBSO on a warrant charging individual with battery on an officer (firefighter/EMT); non- moving violation driving while license suspended third or sub- sequent offense. Bond was set a t $3,000. Tequesta L. Hardnett, 30, of West Fourth Street, Pahokee, was arrested on Aug. 19, by PBSO and charged with violation of probation or community con- trol domestic battery. No bond was set. Diane Atkins, 34, of McClure Road, Pahokee, was arrested on Aug. 19, by PBSO and charged with violation of probation or community control - grand theft. She was released on $1,000 bond. Rodney Sydell, 27, of Barfield Highway, Pahokee, was arrested on Aug. 19, ,by PBSO and charged with aggravated battery using a deadly weapon. No bond was set. Lakendrick Waller, 22, of Cypress Avenue, Pahokee, was arrested on Aug. 20, by PBSO and charged with criminal mis- chief with property damage. He was released on $30,000 bond and supervised release. Enrique Alfaro, 35, of East Main Street, Pahokee, was arrested on Aug. 20, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with traf- fic offense DUI alcohol or drugs first offense DUI manslaughter and DUI causing injury to person or property. No bond was set. South Bay Oreth A. Brashford, 48, of Jimmie Lou Court, South Bay, was arrested on Aug. 16, by PBSO and charged with aggra- vated battery causing bodily harm or disability. He is being held without bond. Enrique Curiel, 25, of Northwest Third Avenue, South Bay, was arrested on Aug.' 16, by PBSO and charged with violation of probation driving while license suspended or canceled and simple battery. No bond was set. Antoine Terrell McFarland, 20, of Northwest Second Street, South Bay, was arrested on Aug. 17, by PBSO and charged with aggravated battery on a preg- nant person. No bond was set. Stephon Doniie Jefferson, 26, of Northwest 12lh Avenue, South Bay, was arrested on Aug. 18, by PBSO on a warrant charg- ing him with resisting an officer with violence; disorderly intoxi- cation in a public place causing a disturbance; crimes against person corrupt by threat to public servant or family:; failure to appear on a written promise to appear; failure to appear for arraignment on charges of driv- ing while license suspended or revoked habitual offender, and giving false name upon being arrested or detained. He is being held on $3,000 bond. Demar G. McKenzie, 22, of Azucana Road, South Bay, was arrested opAug. 1.8,,by, PBSO , and charged with failure to appear on a written promise to appear. Failure to appear for non-jury trial on July 26, 2006 for charges of driving while license suspended, canceled or revoked; expired registration; no proof of insurance; failure to appear on written promise to appear; failure to appear for arraignment on Aug. 8, 2006 on charges of driving while license suspended, canceled or revoked. His total bond was set at $2,000. Brook Dean Swain, 42, of Ninth Avenue, South Bay, was arrested on Aug. 18, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with lar- ceny petit theft first offense. He is being held without bond - per judge. Clewiston Roberto Clemente Rodriguez, 28, of Clewiston, was arrested Aug. 14, and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill. Timothy Neidert of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Russell Terray, 36, of Clewiston, was arrested Aug. 17, and charged with possession of cocaine. Jesus Olvera of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Roy Eugene Blair, 30, of Clewiston, was arrested Aug. 19, and charged with stolen proper- ty and larceny. Julius Taylor of the Clewiston Police Department was the arresting officer. Bond was set at $5,000. A juvenile of Clewiston, was arrested August 20 and charged with aggravated battery using a deadly weapon. Nathan Kirk of the Hendry County Sher- iff's Office was the arresting offi- cer. Becky Renee Treece, 29, of Clewiston, was arrested for a warrant on Aug. 15 and charged with possession of cocaine. Bond has been set at $7,000 cash/surety. Ricky Joyner, 25, of Clewis- ton, was arrested for a warrant on Aug. 15, and charged with violating probation. Timothy Neidert of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Christopher LeMark Brown, 24, of Clewiston, was arrested on an active warrant on Aug. 15, and charged with violating pro- bation. Patricia Durrance of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Phillina Yolanda Anderson, 36, of Belle Glade, was arrested Aug. 17, for a warrant on Aug. 17, and charged with violating probation. Sabrena Thomas of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Drug bust in LaBelle The Hendry County Sheriff's Office claims to have taken another drug dealer off the streets of Hendry County with the arrest of a suspect. Miguel Diaz Reyes, 19, of 536 Carlotta Street, LaBelle, Florida was arrested last week and is now fac- ing a drug charge. According to Sheriff Ronnie Lee, Deputy Bruce Slade stopped Reyes because he fit the descrip- tion of a person of interest in anoth- er case. During the stop, an interview with Reyes allegedly revealed he was carrying seven plastic bags containing what appeared to be cocaine. He was charged with Posses- sion of Cocaine With Intent to Sell and booked into the Hendry Coun- tyJail. Bond was set at $15,0010.00. I Go to newszap.com to . * download and print coupons online! PORT LABELLE iori 3014 bcw'.'ii i sri,: 64.1 :II)l-ci XHL Lt'L$24,000 liii. p b(''sri$32-500 IIll I -ri -3 .0 -C .38.900 2iuiili, rd I-CrIf $39.900 Ii." CA jir ,' (Ad dining tot iviihlpt' 145.000 V' t .1 rt1, r dI r.t tI 12, $45.000 NIONrt~iakMUNICH FSrArE% 1,A .~ (caiq r I2!,5*1___ $19.9100 -'irson ,I f s119.900 Htnitrw 1I 1 A-.t$19,91)0 2 -iq, i hit, 4, 1 Ai. I$'-1 69,90U LX ~r ~ I,. S We have 5005 Pike Lane, Madison 9016 Lamkin Cir, Madiso 5009 Pinetree Cir, Cvpre newszap.com , Community Links. Individual Voices YOU ARE THE BEST!! God has blessed us with top-notch, certified teachers with a desire to serve the Lord at Clewiston Christian School. To find out how you can be a part of the vision at CCS contact us at (863)983-5388 or visit 2IiinIfing!A~bout 'Whfere 3oi'IT Come 'Uy 'With 7The ,Q. i I,, .n III o1 $ 9,9100 L'DF[IE HONIESITES fr ,tj .osr 4. A-:$70.000 Cd,--Ul 5lv l 89.000 s ih- sotiL'-i $A __ 89,900 "l lHit.:01, S"I --'A--98,.500 OTEHR %RE% HOREFIV;1l% I iPN- P6L 2.0 A. f659,900 '-2 'Sidll. o'. r i t.ir-r I Il:.. P 'I. I .V\.$39-900 I'll'. ;Jpk ( rhic 4 .1[ $660,000 Home Builders NO ONE WILL WORK HARDER FOR YOU THAN JAMIE NAVARRO GIVE HIM A CALL ON HIS CELL AT (239) 822-9272 p REALTY C. BAGANS FIRST ,, ;30 Colorado Rd. Lehigh Acres, FL 33936 Do not mics this well kept five bedroom .rw,:, 2,00' fq6home %hishome fea- iure 4 ule rc0.3, lfndiapmg, new a/c, kids park behind the home, screen porch, tile B S counter tops in kitchen, too mardi) extras to mention. This home is looked on the west side and ,ithn n.alking djun,:e ofschools, ..shopping, ainhg and golf. $249,900. VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.AKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT* RENTALS SALES 'B CINDY L. ALEXANDER S LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER ASSOCIATES: EDI HACKMANN S SCOTT HACKMANN, UROOKE URUCE AND DON BURDICK AK' 675-0500 E NEW LOCATION[ U C 1233 N. BRIDGE ST u -Onthecomerof BRIDGE STr& WASHINGTON MriS. d SE HABLO ESPANOL RENTALS AVAILABLE workshops available for the outside man. IN LEHIGH ACRES in the Westminster Sellers also have a business for sale at the Gated Golf Community. Fully furnished right price. Very unique property for that 3+office/2/2 with pool. $2,000/M NO unique person. Pond on property. Asking PETS/NON-SMOKING $450,000. IN FORT MYERS on Gibson St. 3/3/1 3BEDROOMS/3BATH/1CAR $1,200/M NO PETS. GARAGE in great location dose to every- BRAND NEW HOME in Port LaBelle on thing. Home has 2 master bedrooms, new Montana Circle. 3/2/2 Car $1,650/M. No roof, interior paint and A/C. Asking Pets e279f en BRAND NEW HOME in Port LaBelle on $279,900. B O Windswept Circle. 4/2/2 Car $1,800/M. No 10+ BEAUTIFUL OAK ILLED acres Pets with stock ponds. 5 acres has a IN HORSESHOE ACRES on Derby Lane 3Bedroom/2Bath mobile home with (Towards Clewiston) 3/2 $800/M Single screened in lanai. The other 5 acres are set mobile/furnished. No Pets up and ready to be built on. Asking OUR FEATURED $349,900. STINGS FOR.THIS WEEK NEW LISTING IN PORT LABELLE LOVELY TWO STORY HOME on 5+ on W. Sunflower Circle. 3 possible 4 bed- acres, screened lanai on back. Balcony on room/2.5 bath/ 2 car garage. Home fea- front. Open floor plan, 2Bedroom/2Bath. tures over 2,100 sq. ft. living area. Includes Fruit trees, large oaks, lots of storage in spa. room, wet bar, living, family and for- the out buildings and large barns and mal dining room. A must see to appreciate! * $112,500 $120,500 Manufactured Homes new and under construction in the MHYC. The MHYC is a 55+ owner- ship park, Call today for completion date! * $94,900- Looking for a 3BD/2BA manufactured home on 1.25+/- acres? This home features a split floorplan. Call today for more info and for an appointment. * $85,000 2BD/1.5BA Great retirement or starter home. New carpet and tile. This is a must see!! Call for more info. * $79,900 Remodeled 3BD/2BA manufactured home on .44+/- acres in Charelston Park. Great room has a built-in entertainment center. Call today for your appointment. * $78,000 3BD/2BA mobile home in Ortona. The mobile home is partially furnished. The lot is surrounded in beautiful palm and oak trees. * $69,1 0 Bn aidou- ble conw B .iHJ'll? MIBilat ~flt ,I 'as is.' * $1,600,000 12.76+/- acres lots of old oaks. Currently being used as a rental park. Please call for more info. * $1,500,000 Hwy 27 frontage. Currently Auto Salvage yard. * $1,335,900 Hwy 80 frontage. 2.7+/- acres in laBelle Center Business District. Bring your offers. * $1,250,000 16.04+/- Acres Great Development Opportunity! Close to schools, recreational park, town shops and much more! - $988,025 Warehouse & office on 1.38+/- acre. One of a kind Auto Salvage yard. Organized w/clean bill of health. * PRICE REDUCED $900,000 45+/- Hard to lind acres adjoining Babcock property in Muse. Paved road access. * $850,000 40+/- acres beautifully secluded with pasture, ponds, cabbage palms and oaks. * $650,000 2+/- acre in the heart of Alva on busy SR 80. * $349,000 5.76+/- acres on a tropical setting in Moore Haven. Property features all sorts of exotic fruit trees and plants. Pole barn and 1930's home are located on the proper- ty,. Home is to be sold "as is." $* 272,000 10+/- acres with pines, a pond and shed. HOMESr[S: $* 13,000 $72,900 Call for more information about 3 available lots in Fordson Park. The lots have been nicely main- tained and are close to everything in LaBelle. CALL FOR AVAILABLE HOMESITE IN PORT LABELLE MONTURA AND LEHIGH ACRES REAL ES;TATE 9]UYERt t.A t A1 ElMSI Homes Available Now. 11, 3/2/2 2032 sq ft $227,900 )n II, 3/2/2 2032sc ft $229,900 ss II. 3/2/2 2224sq ft $231,900 FREE CREDIT APPROVAL with :CHL Home Mortgage,LLC. Call Chuck Pedrey @ (863)675-3245 Lock Rate by 7131/06 For FREE INTEREST RATE BUYDOWNII Call 863-612-0551, or Toll Free, 866-224-8392 Cell: 863-673-5061 www.chlhomebuilders.com QB39822 'All Spec Homes Include '/ Acre or More Home site "Paved Roads"County Water"Power"4 Schools in Subdiviston'" WHY RENT WITH LISTINGS LIKE THESE? 218 N rig S.-Laele L 33 863675886 Lis An rew -Li Rel staeBoe -. Alxn~e. WATERFRONT HOMES: $* 1,000,000- Stunning views from this 2 story Riverfront home. Home features 3BD/2BA- a spa on the deck off the mas- ter suite and more. Enjoy Beautif sunrises and sunsets from your own dock. Call today for more info. HOMES: $* 526,000 PRICE REDUCEDI 4BD/3BA home on 1+/- acre. Home has vaulted and coffer ceilings, a sound proof stu- dio, moveable island in kitchen and an above ground pool just to name a few of the luxuries that this beautiful home offers. * $525,000 PRICE REDUCED I 3BD/2BA home on 2.34+/- acres in Naples. Home features a pole barn, screened lanai, security system, dual fire place, eat-in kitchen. Owner/Agent bring any serious offer. * $229,900 PRICE REDUCED! Gorgeous new 3BD/2BA house with garage. Split floor plan, living area w/fire place. M, lll ll l ., l | l, j, ll ," ll l,, .I I, |l.,. ,,.. tile throughout. This is a must see! * $204,900- New 3BD/2BA home on a beautiful lot. Master bathroom has a garden tub w/separate shower. Kitchen fea- tures an island w/extra sink & more don't let this one slip by! * $180,000 Completely remodeled 3BD/I.5BA. Roof and A/C less than 2 years old. New paint inside and out. * $179,900 2BD/2BA Excellent vacation or starter home on a corner lot in Port LaBelle,. Spacious living room and separate dining room. Screen enclosed front and back lanai. Lot has a separate workshop and small tree house great for kids. * $169,900 PRICE REDUCED!- New 3BD/2BA home. This home features split floor plan and the kitchen has a morning room. * $149,999- 2BD/1BA spacious home, features a complete- ly fenced in yard and an above ground pool. * $109,900 3BD/1BA Newly remodeled home in LaBelle. This home lhas new tile, carpet, paint. cabinets, hot water heater, bathroom and new roof with a transferable warranty "I I Great investment potential or first time home buyer. MOBILE HOMES: $* 499,000 This 3BD/2BA Mobile home sits on 9.44+/- acres with a ring canal around the cypress head. There is also a 2BD) igBleCGf0Stli li0h ome fea- tures a screened in porch, fireplace, new carpet and is wheel chair accessible. This is a must see! * $475,000 Spacious 3BD/3BA mobile home in Muse sits on 5+/- acres. This spacious home features an addition with it's own entrance and much more. The property has a pond w/island and bridge, an above ground pool, 2 barns & more. * $310,000 PRICE REDUCEDI Beautiful 3BR/2BA upgrad- ed manufactured home on 2.29+/- acres. This is a very spa- cioushome in immaculate condition ad has many extras. Call today for appointment. * $300,000 3BD/1BA mobile home in Muse which rests on 5+/- acres features a new well and roof. Property is also fenced with a shed and pond. * $197,900 Immaculate 21/2 year old 4BD/2BA manufac- , ,:,11"),,, ... 1, .h ..,. : ,,,, h l ,Im ',,, 'I ,." I. , upgrades. A shed and irrigation. Call for more info. * $189,900 Spacious 3BD/2BA on 1.88+/- acres in Muse. Home features a split floor plan. The living area has a fire- place; kitchen has an island and pantry The master bedroom has an additional room thai can be used as an office or sitting room. The well and septic tank are new. Call today for an appointment. * $165,000 REDUCED 3BD/2BA manufactured home on 5+/- ac Dggol( ONTRlB and new above ground pool. Call for more info. * $115,000 location!I.qcation!Location!This corner lot in the city features a 3BD/2BA manufactured home. This home was remodeled in 2003, roof was also replaced. The yard is fenced and there is also a separate privacy fence in dithe back yard. We welcome all of our students and parents in this our inaugural year. RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE, INC. 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 863-675-2718 1-877-675-2718 Building Communities. One Quality Home at a Timel ,.,.,, ,. ,Hendry CQunly 's # 1 Top Qualty Budder Includes Impact Fees & Allowance for Lot Prep l!.n.H II^N^l:-~,I!l~! m ^ -IIMIAI.9 M "U 7026 Gill Cir, Buttonwood. 3/2/2 1762sq ft $207,900 3045 June Cir, Maanolia, 4/2/2 2676sa ft $267,900 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, August 24, 2006 i ,\,.r. : -. : ,tc Cj..,. c .S.-Ift/flivort) R-IN Cwolor ServingRtheGEommunitiesTsYouAThfaekecbeThursdAu I N C 0 LN 2006 FORD 1 F-150 REGULAR CAB Y SALE .m0.. .A- . STK#51122 MERCURY 2007 FORD FOCUS AMERICA'S BEST KEPT SECRET 37MPG HIGHWAY NEW IMPROVED \_ FOCUS FUEL ECONOMY FOR'07_ fi '- l r. i I1 11 : P fI~v r ^ I ? ^P IlI K.JJUU JiJijij ^^..^- '- I I v I I U_ l* 1 J 'J l l ?II' Ill"- I lr :ljJI l 'i', . -' . _, .. -. '" - 2005 DODGE MAGN UM, $26o8& ~~0-0 22" WHEELS, CHROME, SATELLITE RADIO, RT HEMI STK#J8423 2002 CHRYSLER CONCORDE STK#J8543, BLUE.............................$12,875 2005 FORD FOCUS STK#8683, RED................................$13,600 2002 FORD MUSTANG GT STK#12389A, WHITE....................$13,838 2002 NISSAN SENTRA GXE 18' WHEELS LOADED, STK#52409A...$8,888 2006 CHEVY IMPALA LT STK#P8696 5,000 MILES, Sunroof....$ 18,888 2006 FORD EXPEDITION KING RANCH $34,988 LOADED, 6K MILES, 4X4, DVD STK#52425A 2003 FORD F-250 SUPER CAB $19,350 4X4 POWER OPTIONS STK#52294AA I - 7 3 AR 2003 FORD EXPEDITION- STK#52344B, RED..................$14,360 2006 GMC ENVOY SL SLE STK#M0645 LOADED LIKE NEW..........$24,888 2005 MERCURY MARINER STK# GNA04530AN, SILVER.... $17,649 2005 DODGE DURANGO STK#M8639, BLUE.................. 1 8,420 2005 FORD EXPLORER STK# D8149X, BEIGE........... $18,828 2003 FORD RANGER STK#B8600, BLUE..................$10,990 2005 F150 LARIAT STK#8687, LOADED, BLUE, SUNROOF..$28,488 2006 FORD F-250 XL STK#8690B, CREW CAB............$21,888 2005 F-350 DIESEL 4X4 STK#80145A CREW CAB LONG BED, .....$34,888 2004 F-350 4X4 DIESEL STK#8691 LOW MILES, LIKE NEW, .......$33,888 2005 FORD EXCURSION EDDIE BAUER $41,888 DIESEL, 4X4, LOADED STK#2309A 2003 FORD WINDSTAR STK#V8353, WHITE................$10,360 2005 FORD FREESTAR STK#58470, BEIGE.................$17,429 2006 CADILLAC ESCALADE STK#M8641 ....$36,888 2004 ACCURA TSX STK#P8701, NAVIGATION SYS., $22,888 2004 F-150 CREW CAB STK#52153A $20,888 tYOU MUST PRESENT THIS AD AT TIME OF PURCHASE TO RECEIVE THESE SPECIAL PRICES. SEE STORE FOR DETAILS. ADVERTISED PRICES NOT APPLICABLE TO EXPORTERS. PICTURES ARE FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. WAC BEACON 720 DEALER TO RETAIN ALL INCENTIVES AND REBATES. *WITH APPROVED CREDIT. *$2,000 DOWN SOMETIMES LESS FOR GUARANTEED FINANCING. DEALER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS. SEE DEALER FOR COMPLETE DETAILS. OMGF1086 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, August 24, 2006 Thursday, August 24, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee EDUCATION 9 Moore Haven High SAC needs parents Student Advisory Committee (SAC) is looking for a few good parents and/or community members. SAC is comprised of parents, students, and faculty that meet once a month to col- laborate on ideas, brainstorm, and generally try to make Moore Haven Jr. Sr. High School the best it can be. Maybe some of you didn't even know that MHHS SAC existed and therefore, haven't become involved for this reason. Many of you have kids or grandkids in the school system and want them to receive the best educational experience possible but don't know what you can do. Well, becoming a member of SAC committee is a great place to start. No special degree or skill is needed, only a true desire to be involved in the process. Some of the things we do include planning and funding reward activities for students who do well, or improve on their FCAT scores. We give away gift cards, plan on-campus movies, provide barbeque lunches, and off-campus trips just to name a few! Our goal as an organization is to encourage ALL students to achieve their personal best, and we reward them for these achievements. We are positive that there are many of you who have great ideas for our school and its' students! Perhaps you GCD/Louis Maisonet Belted achievements On Thursday, Aug. 3, students from Luis Maisonet Taekwondo in Moore Haven passed a promotional belt testing. These students worked very hard to achieve their next belt rank. During the testing, the students had to show the techniques they learn during the training cycle. Parents were very proud of their child's achievements. In the front row left' to right are: Rochelle Garcia, Sandra Garcia from yellow to orange belt, Gabriela Moraflores, from green to senior green belt, Sea Thompson from senior green to blue belt. In the second row from left to right are: Joshua Farfan, Kevin Farfan. from white to yellow belt, Taylor Harris from senior brown to red belt, Amanda Ortiz from blue to sen- ior blue belt, Everett Younblood from orange to green belt, Giovana Moraflores from blue to senior blue belt. In the back row from left to right are: Fernando Moraflores from orange to green belt, Rick Anthony Ortiz from blue to senior blue belt, Ethan Harris from red to senior red belt, Jan Michael Ortiz from blue to senior blue belt, Lucas Ortiz from red to senior red belt and Mr. Luis Maisonet, Chief Instructor. Record Number of Florida High School grads take the ACT TALLAHASSEE Governor Jeb Bush and Education Commis- sioner John L. Winn announced a record number of Florida's high school graduates took the Ameri- can College Test (ACT). This year 66,299 of Florida's 2006 high school graduates took the ACT, up from 58,302 in 2005. Of all high school graduates, 44 percent took the ACT in Florida compared to 40 percent nationally. The ACT is one of two college entrance tests Flori- da students can choose to take. Last year, more than 93,500 of Florida's 2005 high school gradu- ates took the SAT, representing 65 percent of the total number of high school graduates. "Florida has been extremely successful at increasing the num- ber of students taking college entrance exams," said Governor Bush. "We must continue to encourage all of our high school students to take these exams and prepare for the rigor of college and the workforce." Minority students represent 47 percent of the 2006 test takers, compared to 30 percent nationally. During 2006, African Americans represented 21 percent of the Flori- da test takers, compared to only 13 percent nationwide. Hispanic stu- dents comprised 17 percent of Florida test takers, compared to only eight percent nationally. "It is gratifying that more stu- dents are taking the ACT," said Commissioner Winn. "That is why high school reform is critical to keep up with student aspirations by better preparing them to be suc- cessful in the future." The ACT is comprised of four separate exams in English, reading, math and science, and an optional writing test. Students receive a score for each subject as well as a composite score, which is the aver- age of all the subject scores. In Florida, 0the average c'-rmposite scoie is 20.3, down one tenth of a' point from 20.4 compared to last year. Florida's Hispanic students continue to outscore Hispanic stu- dents nationally with an average composite score of 19.6 compared to 18.6 nationally. Florida's African American students scored slightly lower than their national counter- parts earning a 16.8 compared to 17.1. The ACT is a voluntary college entrance exam. ACT scores can be used for admission to a state uni- versity, the Talented 20 program, for meeting qualifications for the Bright Futures Scholarship Pro- gram or for placement into regular college. courses. Students now have access to information about the ACT and other college entrance exams through Florida's first-ever, online student advising system, the Florida Academic Counseling and Tracking for Students or www.FACTS.org. FACTS.org offers students returning to school this year an innovative tool to chart their course for success with the ePersonal Edu- cation Planner (ePEP). The ePEP will help students identify appropri- ate coursework to prepare for the ACT and other college entrance exams. As part of Governor Jeb Bush's A+ + Plan for Education to increase the rigor and relevance of Florida's middle and high schools, students will now complete an ePEP to help them plan for the future. Middle school students will complete their ePEP after taking a one-year career and education planning course. Since ePEP was launched by FACTS.org last fall, more than 55,413 Florida students have created an ePEP. To learn more about the ACT visit www.fldoe.org. To learn more about FACTS.org or to complete an ePEP,visitwwY.FACTS.org. also have concerns or questions about the school. Be heard! Bring your ideas, your questions, and your enthusiasm! We wel- come them! SAC meets at the MHHS library on the second Monday of every month at 7 p.m. Please get involved! With your help we can come together as a community, and make our school the best that it can be! School News NO shots, NO school Make sure your child has all required shots before school starts. Kindergarten students must have up to date immunizations records. Students entering seventh grade must have a tetanus booster before the first day of school. Free Immunizations for children are available at the Glades County Health Department, 956 U.S. 27 S.W, from Monday through Friday. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. andi to3p.m. Blood drive to be heldat MHHS A blood drive will be held at Moore Haven High School on Mon- day, Aug. 28, from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. All donors will receive a Chick-fil-A coupon for a chicken sandwich and milkshake, coupons for Wet & Wild and Silver Springs, and a $ 10 restaurant certificate with every second donation. Please come out and donate. Photo ID Required! The blood drive is spon- sored by the Moore Haven High School Beta Club. JR-SR High needs substitute teachers Moore Haven Jr.-Sr. High School is in need of substitutes for the current school year. Applica- tion packets are available in the front office. For more information, please call Lori Bond from 7:30 a.m. until 3:30p.m., at (863) 946- 0811, (863)' 983-9600, (863) 675. 7715 or (863) 467-7722. School Board. meetings set Regular meetings will now take place on the second Thursday at 6 p.m. and the fourth Thursday at 9 p.m. in the Glades County School Board meeting room, 400 10th Street S.W, Moore Haven. LUNA Aluminum Structures *Pool Enclosures *Carport & Screen Porches *Roof Over Systems *Vinyl Siding *Now Installing Aluminum Hurricane Panels Licensed *HC.333.SP Insured *HC.335.SP 863-983-2701 Free Estimates Se Habla Espanol To save time and mones b\ ha\ne thile newspaper delivered to Nour home bu mail. call Reader Services at 1-877-353-2424 or emiil readerservices@ ne\% szap.com. -oll. If you're already a subscriber and ha\e ques- (ions or requests about ,our home deli\eN. , call Reader Services at 1-877-353-2424 or" . email readerservices@Cne\w szap.com. , Clewiston News GLADE COUNT *, '1 ",i DEMOCRAT The Sun Ted Schiff, M.D. and the professional staff at Water's Edge Dermatology will treat you with all the care and expertise you expect. Adult and Pediatric Dermatology Diseases of the Skin, Hair and Nails Surgery of the Skin, Skin Cancer Treatment MQHS Skin Cancer Surgery New patients are welcome Medicare and most insurance accepted. 'NEW OFFICE: 542 W. Sagamore Ave. Building E, Hospital Annex Clewiston, FL 866-549-2830 757,* ". COMBINE AND SAVE WITH EMBARQ"TM IT JUST MAKES SENSE. HOME PHONE PLUS HIGH-SPEED INTERNET Price exudes taxes and fees. Applies to up to 1.5 Mbps speed. ($50 online rebate cover $49.99 activation fee Qualifying services and one-year term agreement required. Reliable unlimited local.home phone service with a clear connection and no delays. Plus Caller ID, Call Waiting and Voicemail at no additional charge. * Consistently fast high-speed Internet. A 24/7 broadband connection at a dependable, low price for as long you have the service, * Select a per-minute EMBARQ. long-distance plan. (Adit .ione. i,i -ADD- newszap.comL Community Links. Individual Voices . A Note Of Thaunks The Wiggins family would like to thank everyone for all the food, cards, phone calls, flowers and prayers, during the loss of our daughter (Kattie). No words can express how truly touched we were with such an outpour from our small community. Billie Joe Wiggins Donna Wiggins Justin Wiggins (Brother) $30 EMBARQsm Oe vorcpmjI or' our hoiuiT-.n ,v'el-; [io".. W IRELESS SERVICE one. blbl for 311 the ser/ice- ,'OJ choose EACH OR SATELLITE TV ir,,. mncre, PER MONTH CALL 866-2EMBARQ OR VISIT EMBARQ.COM. IHl ;. .lG 'I EMBARQ THIS WAY TO COMMON SENSE.'" Taxes, fees, and surcharges (including a USF charge of up to 8.07% that varies quarterly, cost recovery fees of $0.65 per Ine. sitteocal fees that very by area) am excluded. Cost recovery fees are not taxes or govmment required charges Services may not be available in all areas. Offer available to residential customers only. EMBARQ reserves the right to cancel without noe or subj ute ubitdalmtiar services at Iw sole discretion. Limited-tme offer subject to change or cancellation without notice. Additional restrictions may apply on all offers. 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DIgltal Home Advantage: Pay $49.99 Activation Fee; receive $49.99 credit on first bill with 18-month qualifying purchase. Restrilctona apply, Including credit approval and monthlyfees for receiver. DISH Network rtn ownership of equipment Umit 4 turere per account Lease upgrade fees may apply for select model receivers, and will apply for a second DVR receiver (Based on model). "Local channels available in over 160 cites and most TV homl eholds, 2006 Emberq Holdigs Company L.LC. AN rights reserved. The name EMBARQ and the jet logo are trademarks of Embarq Holdings Company LLC. DISH Network Is a registered trademark of EchoStar Satellite L.L.C. EMB1-06-976 Fia EDUCATION 9 Servi ng the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, August 24, 2006, Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, August 24, 2006 Blue Devils outrun Tigers, 32-8 The Pahokee Blue Devils appear to have not missed a beat since they won last year's Class 2B State Championship as they easily bested Clewiston, 32-8, in the preseason Kickoff Classic on Thursday night at Lair Field. The Blue Devils scored first halfway into the first period when quarterback Anthony Sheppard hit Wideout Martavious Odoms in the flats. Odoms then bobbed and weaved his way through the Tiger secondary for a 65-yard touch- down run. A run attempt for two- point conversion failed. After an exchange of punts, the Blue Dev- ils were pinned deep in their own territory. Sheppard rolled out to his right into the end zone to pass and Pahokee was flagged for a blocking violation that automati- cally a\varded the Tigers with a The Tigers then showed their Scores 1 2 3 4 Final Clewiston 8 0 0 0 8 Pahokee 6 12 8 6 32 Clewiston Pahokee First Downs 8 8 Rushes/Yards 36/112 21/96 Passing Yards 36 152 Compl/Att/Int 2/18/1 6/14/0 Punts/Avg 8/24.5 5/36.0 Fum/Fum Lost 2/1 1/1 Penalty/Yds 8/55 12/130 only real offensive spark of the night. Taking the ball at their own 20, they put together a 7 play drive to score with 1:30 left on the clock. The score came on a 31-yard fly pattern pass from Quarlierback Jarred Combass to wvideout John Melton. The drive \ as highlighted by a 31 -yard run b% Tiger tailback Jamral Hubert. A pair of 15-yard Blue Devil infractions also aided the Tiger drive. The Tigers saw their 8-6 advan- tage wiped out in the second peri- od when Pahokee tailback Vin- cent Smith scampered 12 yards to score, capping a 5-play drive from midfield. A pass attempt for the two-point conversion failed. As the half was winding down, Com- bass had a pass into the flats picked off by Pahokee cornerback Dwight Bentley who caught the ball wide open and raced 66 yards for Ihe score. A run attempt for the conver- sion failed and the learns went to halftime with the Blue Devils lead- ing 18-8. The second half bode no bet- ter for the Tigers. The Blue Devils scored on the kickoff on an elec- trifying 91-yard kickoff return by Janoris Jenkins. Quarterback Sheppard found Un'Tavious Scott on a completion for the two-point conversion, making it 26-8 for Pahokee. The Blue Devils closed out the scoring in the final period on a two-yard dive by Willie Jenk- ins, followed by another failed running conversion attempt. Clewiston could only muster 72 yards total offense in the sec- ond half, all of that coming on 20 rushing attempts. New Tiger Head Coach Larry Antonacci indi- cated that the Tigers still had a lot of preparatory work to do. He said, "We had a few flashes of solid football during the game but we've got to work on consistency. We also need to work on our atti- tudes." The Tigers travel to Plantation American Heritage on Saturday night for their season opener while the Blue Devils will enter- tain Royal Palm Beach. Both games are non-district contests. PSC approves crop fueled electric plant The Clewiston Performing Arts Center offers classes in Cheer, Dance, Drama and other performing arts. Performing artsS center offers classes CLEWISTON The Clewis- ton, Performing Arts Center, located at 725 Central Avewill be starting classes the first week in September for the 2006-2007 school year They offer tumbling on Mon- days and Tuesdays for kinder- garten age and up. There .~ll also be a Cheer class offered, new this year. ..-. .. " Tap, Jazz and ballet is offered in combination classes on Wednesday and Thursdays for ages 3 and up. The school year ends with two dance recitals the first of May. A drama class will be offered on W\ednesdays at the Youth Center and will have perform- ances separate from the recital. Registration was last week but some classes still have room for more children. If you would like someone to call you, leave your 113me, number, age of your child. and the classes you are interested in at the Youth Center. I'he appropriate teacher will call SOu. Yoga and Arl classes should I beginn within the nrixt month. If dityone is interested in teaching, guitar, drums, or starting a music division to the studio they can contact the Youth Center and someone %%ill get back \\ith them. The cost of most classes is $25 per month and discounts are offered for multiple classes children and paying the full ear in advance The studio has been in opera- tior for 5 years and took the place of .Clewiston,.Communit\ Fitness Center when the. closed The center has had up to 200 students per year and thanks to some help from the city has made vast improvements on our. facility which was damaged last year during the hurricane. The center operates mostlI with the help of the city and par- ent volunteers to keep tuition costs minimal. Tumbling and cheer instruc- tors are MaryAnn Mammen and IvaniaEscobar. Dance instructor for lap, jazz, ballet, and beginning movement isLennetteLeyva. Drama instructor %ill be Suzi Herring Current board members are; Debbie McCai thy, president. Lisa Smith, vice president, Carlissa Lawson and Brenda Whidden, co-treasurers and Alayna Grooms. Other board members are Ruby Tarter, Laurinda Bar- raza, Rhona Allen, Carla Wheel- er, and Laura Perry. TALLAHASSEE The five- member Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) has taken acrit- ical step to further development of the world's first commercial-scale power plant fueled with crops grown on site. The Commissioners voted to approve a petition for Progress Energy Florida (Progress) to buy energy produced by the Florida Biornass Energy Group, LLC (Flori- da Biornass). Florida Biomass plans to build and operate an electric generating plant on a 15,000-acre farm near Lake Okeechobee. The plant will produce power from a tall, bam- boo-like grass. The crop will be grown and harvested in a continu- ous cycle and converted into a liq- uid fuel that will be used in a tradi- tional combined cycle generator. The plant \ ill also feature ground- breaking \\ays to process the plant material, using unique har- vesting and material-handling sys- tems. The biomass plant is slated to begin operation no later than December 2009. The plant is expected to gener- ate 116 megawatts of power, which would be the largest amount of power generated by a renewable fuel plant in the state of Florida. Projections indicate the energy would be slightly less expensive than the average cost of electric power from other sources. The plant will also contribute to the diversity of the fuel mix for electri- cal generation in Florida. The agreement between Progress and Florida Biomass includes flexible targets, since the project incorporates numerous innovative designs. Projections for the plant indicate Progress ratepayers could see a benefit of $39 million in savings over a 25- year period. Scoreboard Moore Haven High School- 2006 Terrier football-Varsity 8/18 Fall Jamboree Home 8 25 Lake Placid Away 9/01 FL Christian Institute Home 9/08 Gateway Charter School Home 9/15 Coral Shores Away 9/22 St. Edward's Home 9/29 St. John Neumann Home 10/06 Westminster Academy Away 10. 13 Evangelical Christian Away 10 20 Open 1027 Glades Day Away 11.03 Shorecrest Prep Home Homecoming/Sr. Night Terrier football- Jr. High 8 31 Evangelical Away 9 07 Clewiston Home 9-21 LaBelle Away 9 28 Clewiston Away 10.05 Glades Day Home 10 12 Evangelical Home 10 19 LaBelle Home 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 6p.m. 6p.m. 5p.m. 6p.m. 6p.m. 6p.m. 6p.m. Conewszap. C coAa . Commu/ni~y Links. IndividualVoes Post your News Post or read press releases, announcements & information from your community. Community Links. Individual Voices. Newszap & Newspapers We make it easy to stay up-to-date! Community homepages newzap.com Click anytime for the latest LOCAL HN[WS LOCAL ADVERTISING LOCAL ORGAHIZATIONS! Featuring links to: m AP wire Weather Obituaries S Health news 6 Stock quotes Horoscopes TV listings Movie listings Lottery results Food & recipes White Pages Yellow Pages & much more! Newszap! Online News & Information newszap.com 0 ---IF ... .. . Await You at Glades General Hospital Friendly Atmosphere & Relaxing Commute. PRN CureLnt. Lie rrLmmumr ot 2 years hospital e :p.. p. nith parmokinetis, renal adutment Nu unil n &-pecior & cmcal kearvces. poses exi:eflent ummunicaton cuc,.mer en ,ce z omputer'lalL. Requires. PHAnUAn TEai PRN. MIuit hae e:. computer & customer 'e W6mce -kil b algebra, be dependable. great workethniuc Pr'ZPhT ornehcospnraJ exp, %.-dll tra-n Requites weekend mrotation DwrTrLAN Mlast be RD or LD B5 degree th mor in Nutrition Dietets or equivalent with inten- ,.hp or i-uneeship in a health care ettn ri mwn 2 % 7c epenenrv in cdil nutn- hon in health caresetting Numrion support exp a plus NimEDicU TECMOGuc.isS Fr & PRN Fleable Hours, Must ha.e a cur- rent F. license m -n 5 labaraton areas as an MTor MLT Pre'ious hospital/Libaratory expenerke preferred RESPIRATmRI THERMST FT & PRN., a-p & 8p-a. Must Ihae CTr, ACLS N RP & BLS Abdlh to %,ork all areas, 3-5 ves experience th Neorune thru Adult and entilator RRT preerned. SShift Supervisors 10&12 HR Shifts *Charge Nurse -__FT SCCU .- -_ .__ 8a-8p * Med/Surg/Peds FT/PRN 8p-8a . Telemetry FT/PRN 8p-8a *OB _FT/PRN 8p-8a Competitive Pay & Excellent Benefits Resume, Fax (561) 993-5627 Email: LRivera@gladesgeneral.org Sor apply at: 1201 S. Main St., GLADESBelle Glade, FL G _A_ DES 33430 HO SP I TAL DFWP/EOF/M/F I Go to newszap-com to I I download and plrint I coupons onlnel! I L ,- J August 26 8am-5pm Gates Open at 8am 8 1/2 miles North of Moore Haven Coffey Farms furniture, collectables, clothing , COCHRAN BROTHERS ROOFING, INC. ROOFINI SPCAL I Shingles Flat Roofs Roof Repairs FULLY LICENSED a INSURED 863-385-4690 Sebring FL State Llc# RC-0066817 Water Resource Advisory Commis 'i : C) Everglades Agricultural Amea Storage Reservoir A-1 Preliminary Design for the Structures Thursday, August 24, 2006 The South Florida Water Management District will hold a WRAC Issues Workshop meeting on Thursday, August 24, 2006. The purpose of this meeting will be to discuss the Preliminary Design for the structures of the Everglades Agricultural Area Storage Reservoir A-1 project, (a component of the Acceler8 Program) and encourage and provide an opportunity for public participation. When: Thursday, August 24, 2006 Open House: 5-30-6:00 PM Meeting: 6.00-7:30 PM Where: The South Florida Water Management District B-1 Auditorium 3301 Gun Club Road West Palm Beach, FL 33406 The EAA Storage Reservoir A-1 project is an above-ground reservoir for water storage, with a capacity of 190,000 acre-feet at a maximum depth of 12 feet. The purpose of this project is to capture, move and store regulatory releases from ake Okeechobee, reducing the number/volume of harmful discharges to coastal estuaries; capture, move and store agricultural stormwater runoff, reducing the need for emergency flood control backpumping into Lake Okeechobee; improve operational flexibility to move water within the EAA, including flow equalization and optimization of Stormwater Treatment Area performance to further reduce phosphorus inflows to the Everglades; improve flood protection for lands adjacent to the Bolles Canal For additional information regarding this meeting, please contact Renee DeSantis (561) 682-6844 or 242-5520 x 4075 or rd(esn. -itlstwm-.afjci . Visit our web site for more information on.the Acceler8 program and to:~vi w the ,Preliminary Design for .he tructuresbi the Erglc ... ... .... -- ALL STEEL BUILDINGS I f 25 x 25 x 7 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 1 9x7 Garage Door, 2 Gable Vents 4" Concrete Slab Installed $11,395 30 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $16,895 35 x 50 x 12 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2 10x10 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $28,995 25 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (3:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab (see photo) Installed $16,995 We Will Help You Design A Building To Meet Your Needs - We Custom Build (We are the factory) - Many Sizes Available - Meets or Exceeds Florida Wind Code - Florida "Stamped" Engineered Drawings (included) METAL STRUCTURES LLC 866-624-9100 www.metalstructuresllc.com . Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, August 24, 2006 Exciting Opportunities Thursday, August 24, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee - -T BRAND NEW 2006 DODGE MAGNUM - ~-~'flwfl*..we~ret~ ~ F- 4 .. -" ,*.,; .. . '; .. .,' .* a . BRAND NEW .-' DODGE LCAUrW-ORt! 4 4 44~ .rftt .%Y. Zi~ 4~ 4 *- &44 ~ j~4~#"*'~ ~~jA ~}q w-~-, ~ -u- .----- -.- STORE HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY: 8:30AM 9:00PM SATURDAY: 8:30AM -9:00PM SUNDAY: 11:00AM 6:00PM ADVERTISEDuOII:. .. .:u I :; Ii:. I .l .uFFE.ru i OIl-JU liO Rl' II.... .. 4I IlI. I'i.t. H AtIll?' lR IE ..TlI. L', E'UijTIi:iPHII.EilIA.lI,'ll'. '.L l iEi? .IIl ,i i .'l. Ili: ... .I ..li. i. :... il i.R INSTALLED OPTPTIONS.REBATESVARYONSELECTMO ELS,WO lHAPPHOVEDCREDIT. REBATES MAY INCLUDECFC REBATE ONSOME MODELS, CFC REBATE REQUIRES FINANCING APPROVAL THRU CFC, NOT ALL BUYERS WILL QUALIFY FOR THIS REBATE, SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. OFFERS EXPIRE DATE OF PUBUCATION OR MAY BE CANCELED AT ANY11ME WITHOUT NOTICE. RANKING BASED ON REGISTERED SALES FOR DAIMLER CHRYSLER THRU APRIL 2006. DEALER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS. VEHICLE ART FOR L il '."iIJ.l, 1 ,, i,, "... I.:Ll:It F.'l.',-i 1' r FFTHRU A- CREDIT SCORE THRU CFC, OFFERS NOT IN CONJUNCTION, SEE DEALER FOR MORE DETAILS. RESTRICTIONS APPLY TO GUARANTEE, SEE DEALER FOR COMPLETE DETAILS. PREVIOUS SALES EXCLUDED. ALL OFFERS EXCLUDE SRT MODELS AND VIPERS. FREE GIFT LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER, GIFTS VARY, WHILE SUPPLIES LAST RESTRICTIONS APPLY TO ONLINE PURCHASE OF VEHICLE, SEE DEALER FOR COMPLETE DETAILS.02006 CARRERA ADV. Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday. August 24, 2006 Rally Continued From Page 1 more tax revenue. He noted that the last two years have been more financially stable after the hiring of County Manager Wendell Taylor and Community Development Director Larry Hilton. Donna Storter Long spoke of accelerated growth bringing a broader tax base. She suggested several ideas for improving county government including enhancing the fire department funding. Ms. Long will not be on the ballot dur- ing the primary election, but will face the winning contender dur- ing the general election in Novem- ber. Fran Koebert said that he was running to "give the people a choice." He reported on his expe- rience of developing a company from a small start with no money, being told to declare bankruptcy, and successfully running the busi- ness for 40 more years. He said he is not going to spend money on his campaign. Travis Dowhen introduced three surprise guest speakers: 20th Judicial Circuit candidates Stephen Kolody for Group 28, Robert Geltner for Group 29, and Frank Mann, Jr. for Group 30. All three candidates spoke of their qualifications and desire to serve as Circuit Judge. The Ortona Community Asso- ciation political rally allowed each candidate to present their qualifi- cations and reasons for running to voters. The people of Glades County met their candidates, and heard their plans for elected office. Road Watch Road watch for the week of Aug. 21 Glades County S.R. 78: From Potato Farm Road to Lower Nicodemus Slough: Maintenance contract project - Motorists should expect traffic restricted to one lane in this area, as well as slow moving traffic and possible delays while crews clean roadside ditches. Hendry County U.S. 27: North of Clewiston to S.R. 80: Maintenance project - No lane closures are anticipated at this time, but motorists should expect possible slow moving traffic and delays while crews work on guardrail] replacement. S.R. 80- From C.R 833 to U.S. 27: Maintenance contract project - No lane closures are anticipat- ed at this time, but motorists should use caution and expect pos- sible slow moving traffic and delays while crew\ s rework shoulders and place sod. S.R. 29: In the City of Labelle: Maintenance contract project - Motorists should expect north and southbound lane closures, as well as slow moving traffic and possible delays while crews clean pipes. Flagmen will be present to assist with traffic. Okeechobee County S.R. 710: From Southeast 40th Avenue to South of S.R. 70: Con- struction project The roadway improvements consist of widening, milling, and resurfacing. Work con- tinues throughout the project lim- its, and motorists should expect nighttime lane closures from 7 p.m. until 6 a.m., as well as slow moving traffic and possible delays. The con- tractor is Dickerson. S.R. 70: From West of U.S. 98 to West of Seventh Avenue. North- west: Construction project -- Work continues to widen and reconstruct the existing two-lane roadway to four lanes with a center dual left turn lane. The work includes drainage irnp movements, signals, and street lighting. Traffic is traveling in the final configuration Consliuction currently includes completion ol various iters of work throughout the project. The contractor is Russell Engineeiing. "- .' -: ::' ' : . . wwww.THEBACKRUBBER.com SMOKINGwILLNESS ALERT The 4. n' .1 Firn, P.L.LC. is representing I 1 residents and their survivors, who suffered ,, h.I1h. 1 .0-i .i. -ii I t by tobacco products. You may be entitledtocomnpensation for smoking related illnesses. S.all I lir Corea iri, P.L.L.C, toll-free for a free consultation 1-888-335-2962 INI/Nicole Curry Moore Haven Elementary School welcomes Kristen Rowley, the school's new assistant principal. School' Continued From Page 1 playing with her puppy, Pixie. Mrs. Rowley said she is very excited about her new position at the elementani school She feels that the faculty and staff have welcomed her as the assistant principal. Her new duties see Mrs Row:- ey' assisting the principal in all aspects of running the school; however, this year she will mainly focus on discipline, the profes- sional de,-.lopment of teachers, and developing and implement- ing a school-wide writing pro- gram. Debbie Continued From Page 1 "Well, there are a few things I won't miss, like getting up six days a week at four o'clock! And there are more than a few times when I have to Msay through the dinner hour and dose up for one reason or more, like someone not show- ing up, illness, or a family emer- gency plus other reasons, or at times no reason at all! "Whatever the reason someone has to close up and put things in order for the next morning. And if the scheduled person isn't there to do it, I have to. After all, that's the manager's job and I can't say I haven't loved it, I have. But now I'm turning myself in another direction. "I've always been fascinated and drawn to business finances, and I feel that this is an opportunity I need and want to explore. I've always been a people person and I'm so happy that this will be an extension of that part of me." That opportunity for Debbie is that she'll be moving only a block or so east, still on "It is my goal to see all stu- dents achieve and learn to the best of their ability," said Mrs. Rowley, speaking about her plans for the upcoming. ear. She believes that preparation in all academic areas is essential in making sure that all students do. well throughout the rest of their school education, whether the. work immediately after high school or go on to receive their Master's degree- i Mrs. Ro\Wley would like to thank the parents, faculty, and staff of Moore Haven Elementary School for welcoming her into their close-knit family. She is looking forward to a great year at Moore Haven Ele- mentary School. Hickapoochee/Route 80 to First Bank of Cleistonri, where she will begin her new career as a bank teller as of August 21. "We are very happy to have Debbie Klemmer join our LaBelle bank family," said Joe W. Shivers, Senior Vice President/Area Manag- er, First Bank'of Clewiston. "She brings with her not only her smiling face and sunshine personality, but also her deep roots in the commu- nity. Her knowledge of the people and the history of this area will be a real asset to us in maintaining our community citizenship.. We will also miss her at Flora & Ella's, but we are happy to be chosen to help with her new career." Debbie smiles, saying, "I really don't know what it'll feel like hav- ing breakfast and dinner at home with my husband, Saturdays off, holidays off, no keeping up with ordering food and supplies, no hir- ing or firing waitresses. All this will be some kind of a change for me! And will I ever forget trying to find 'fill-ins' when one or more wait- resses called in sick? "Of course I'll really miss seeing Mom and Alan come in, greeting Meeting Continued From Page 1 rehabs for public projects that pri- vate individuals do not have. Our goal is to acquire the buildings, secure grant funding, in-kind dona- [ions and donations o mrnoney, materials and supplies to rehab the buildings, and then make them available for adapt e ieuse." In the case of the Arcade Build- ing, the plan was and is, to rehabili- tale the building and then make the space available tor ne\ businesses and offices as a business incubator "There are a number of talented craftspeople in Glades Counity % ho would like to olftter homemade items-quills and thro\ -pillow, s, jewelry, hand bags, metal sculp- tures-for sale to the general pub- lic," Ms. Wh\'irls said "Those folks can't afford to pay market value rent to establish new\ businesses, even were there available vacant space to rent. As a nonprofit. Main Street Moore Haven could make that space available to launch those new businesses, once thle building were rehabbed." The Main Street program man- ager and Glades Countr Economic Development director said the issue has been hiewing for son-e time. "The city, in response to con- stituents complaints concerning derelict buildings, has imposed stricter code enforcement meas- ures through the magisterial sys- tem," Ms. Whirls said. "I think the council is tired of absentee land- our daily customers and generally filling in, in one way or another." Flora & Ella's is a significant Florida landmark having made its own place in the sun beginning over seventy years ago. And,'there are more than a few celebrities who've made a habit of stopping for a meal in going or coming from the East Coast. Patrick Smith whose book "A Land Remembered" outsells all the others, and in his day Governor Lawton Chiles would not step his foot inside LaBelle without heading for Flora & Ella's. And one after- noon Nat King Cole's daughter, Natalie, came in and made friends with not only Debbie but several waitresses. Television's renowned ministers, John and Diane Hagee always visit when they're in the area. Durwood Kirby and Burt Reynolds are also in Flora & Ella's fan club and it's been said more than once that Flora & Ella's is local, state, and national "Political Headquarters." ' And there's more: This is the place where memorial gatherings are held, anniversary and birthday events as well as receptions of all lords w\.ho have acquired historic buildings, made no attempt to ren ovate them, but want to ask unrea- sonable pi ices fOr them, leaving the ciy' with no recourse to preser e its history" Main Street MRlc, e Ha .er, is working hard 1o fill the breach,. facilitating planning aclivties through a Main Sbeet technical assistance giant to secure concep- tu l drawings for new sidewalks, street resuf lacing and parking to encourage o,, ners in the historic district to inm est in their properties ot attract new\ investors Bringing in consultants with expertise in secul- ing federal historic tax credits for renovating properties. Pitro:ding pirpertv owners with information on the enterprise zone incentives for building materials and supplies ciedits and others available to busi- ness and property v\u ners in the historic district, which is pail of Glades Counr\ 's enierp iise zone "Owners have the option to either rehabilitate their property, sell it to some partvwho will do the necessary repairs, or in the case of historic buildings, donate them to Main Street, which as a 501 c 3, offers tax exemptions for dona- tions," Ms. \Whirls said "At the tery least, they can stabilize their build- ing.s, to prevent further deteriora- tion, while other avenues are explored " For more information on Main Street Moore Hasen, Inc. to become a member, to volunteer or to make a donation, contact Ms. Whirls at (863) 946-0300 or email twhirls@gladescountyedc.com. sorts, and a special book signing for Patrick Smith and his "Land Remembered." And, Flora & Ella's considers it a high honor that weddings are held under their roof where if the happy couple wishes, Senator Alan Trask will officiate. In addition, at least once a year, usually on Valentine's Day, there is a concert by Dr. Paul Pitts, who's acclaimed to be "the Pavarotti of the U.S.," with whom he has per- formed many times, along with his pianist, Dr. Sammy Lane. There are those who say, with good reason, that Debbie Burchard Klemmer is the magnet for young and old alike, for "country classics" as well as "country sophisticates." No matter which category you find yourself in, chances are you'll feel the pull to go back to Flora & Ella's again and again. Smiling through tears, Debbie says with total conviction, "When He closes one door, He always opens another." Debbie didn't have to look far for that open door just a couple blocks eastward to First Bank of Clewiston. 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Post or read press 4n open foriLrn i -..hlct ',iuje- of the ,'.1 rr' deton te-d -- -orin mrI-i S.4igorou ..I S:irector ctI ..elbifle; , ,r I:.. .:iti.:.in'i 3 r.:. rn iie n t t rmr _..r',' .:r ii.:nih.:.n. & ,' '.~ lisl:., .1' F~cst ,c.''r rEr "-;r-cnl releases, announcements maenoae:, ,',r i o' openi 3. informoltinr- from y'our Bulletin B..:ird i:-r FI. d'H:l cornmmunnit. reE:lent- i-&-7-FSi 3. T : ...m t:.rl, l 'iu ':l li.,tin ,').: I,':,rn In:tpe:t'e'ldert . ne :i.r.3r:erl, .:Iltrit: i;ited e,:-, i r I"i0 h 'rri-: Ca,-iolI Point Pohoke,- Bell- '1 I- ,r '-. -i Bo. Cle'viston l-..'oore H'.en t.:nr : t.r *. Uc.t l LrBelle Feldo LaBelle Irin-rc'::-k: lee-- Pi'n-'ieer Ploiit-ilion0 Buckheod Ridge Olke.:ht:,Lee B.:in'icier Frostprf'ot trnw .J~ ~.eLOW ci~i-tsn.: az. -. Serving the communities south of L ake Okeechobee Thursday, August 24, 2006 I Pastor Corley celebrates 10 years Area Church News in Brief Aug. 22, 2006 marked the ten- year anniversary of Pastor Ed Corlev's service as the senior pastor of Evangel Assembly of God church in Clewiston. Pastor Corley and his wife, Kathy, arrived in Clewiston in August of 1996 and have never looked back. Following the lead of the Lord's voice, this dedicated and devoted couple has brought hope and love to the lives of many Clewiston families. Pastor Corley has always .been known for his straightfor- ward, truthful teaching and preaching of God's word. Under his ministry, there have been numerous people who have, made Jesus the Lord and Savior of their lives. As devoted as Pastor Corley is to his congregation, he is not one who believes that a church body should stay strictly within the walls of its sanctuary. In fact, for Pastor Corley, the opposite is true. He is a pastor who feels a great desire to minister, not just. to his flock, but to the entire communi- ty. Under Pastor Corley's leader- INI/Evangel Assembly of God Pastor and Mrs. Ed Corley. ship Evangel Church has begun several community outreach min- istries, which are still thriving today: Loaves and Fishes A bi- weekly food distribution ministry to help families, regardless of their race, religion, or creed, who are in need or perhaps, are just temporarily down on their luck. Emergency needs are met on a regular basis for people who may walk into the Church office need- ing urgent help. Care Ministry/Evangelism Team A bi-weekly ministry in which loving members of Evangel go out to people's homes to min- ister to emotional, mental, and spiritual needs. Nursing Home Ministry A bi-weekly ministry in which teams of caring Christians from Evangel visit our local nursing home to share God's love with those who are in the later years of their lives. Because of his great love for young people, Pastor Corley has also held Kid Crusades, hosted field trips for our local elementary schools, as %well as hosting Bac- calaureate services for Clewiston High School for several years. These ten years have not been without challenges. In' October 2005, Hurricane Wilma caused one million dollars in damages to the facilities of Evan- gel Church. If not for Pastor's vision of building the ten thou- sand square fool Outreach Cen- ter two years ago, Evangel Church would have been with- out a place to worship. Thank- fully, because of the keen vision, wisdom, and energy of Pastor Corley and the staff of Evangel Church who helped these past months, Evangel Church was able to move back into its' sanc- tuary three weeks ago. The Congregation of Evangel Church is presenting a Decade of Dedication Celebration in honor of Pastor Corley and his wife, Kathy, because of their guidance and great leadership over this past decade. On Sunday, Aug. 27, Evangel Church will be holding a special celebration service led by Pastor Corley's son, Pastor Gary Corley. Immediately following this service, there will be a large luncheon held in Evangel's Out- reach Center, where many pre- sentations will be made. Evangel Church says a great "THANK YOU" to both Pastor Ed Corley and his wife, Kathy, for their ten years of dedication and devotion. City of Tyre has had a turbulent history By The Reverend Samuel S. Thomas, Ph. D.+ Saint Martin's Church, Clewiston . The recent w\ar in Lebanon brought the world's attention to places with Biblical roots One of the places in the news \was the city of Tyre, a good hundred miles north of Jerusalem. Jesus really) got around and on foot loo! The city had a turbulent history with all sorts of struggles and all sorts of intrigues; being captured and being freed, being under one ruler or another and trying to live in peace among their neighbors It seems that one day, Jesus lefl the debates with the Pharisees and the teachers and took a long, long walk to Tyre (Mark 6:45 - 7:34). In spite of getting a\'av. from it all, and not wanting any- one to know where He as, the word got out. Soon, a Greek woman who \xas born in Syrianr Phoenicia (Mark 7:261 corners on, the scene and asks for help for her sick daughter The repl% she receives is that "it is not right to take the children's bread and toss it,to,their dogs" (verse 27), i, i ing that she has no right to make .an claim on the gills set aside for others. She is a mother who loves nier daughter and makes an appeal that l., i - gets the answer ' she seeks: ""Yes Lord," she - replied, "but '" even the dogs under the table eat the chil- dren's crumbs." These are the Samuel S. words that get Thomas her what she sought and shev, tnt home to find her daughter healed. Her appeal is not by having a lantrum or by demanding her rights or by calling names, ot sa'y- ing she was somehow treated unfairIy, but by an appeal to her place in God's plan. God had ordered things in such a w\av that, even the dogs were to be fed, no matter that the\ didn't ha-'e a place at the table. Her reply is to a deeper level; everyone knows the tragedy of an ill child and that n. -mpt p. ,rl.;.f,-ur rijndle l .ri.r- ing than who sits where or who has a right to w hat What moves us is what we share in common from the things we all know about; the beauty of a new life in a family the special relationships we have with those w e love, the tragedy of those who are handicapped in sore way, the joy of seeing someone fulfilled in life as a new career begins The tragedies I see are still visi- ble in Thre today It is about a country that has been bombed and seriously damaged by a %war. Everyone is pointing fingers and people are wringing their hands about ~ ill the peace hold. The pictures that I see, though, are faces ol families with no homes or parents crying over the losses of loved ones, or people who have lost everNthing they've owied and must start o er They are the descendants of the woman \\ho appealed to Jesus and called to the common bonds of life that people alwa's have shared, continue to share loday and always will share. Paul appeals to the Romans "I ure rL, u, brothels,. Lto watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned (Romans 16:17)" when the world was full of division, and when people are too centered on their differences rather than their common humanity. A mother with a sick child knows what is more important and is not woi - ried about w ho sits where or who is under the table or sitting al it. The lesson that came from Tyre two thousand years ago is still coming from there today. It is a message that I see in my min- istry when people are worried about smaller things that have become great and .lose the greater things by their distrac- tions with small matters. A Greek woman in a Syrian-Phoenician community speaks to one from Bethlehem in Judea and touches Him with her plea and call to go beyond what is going on around them. He will respond to our calls too when we see that we all have a place in God's plan and w ork to be at one in our common her- itage as-God's people. . Following the master -a lesson to learn By Pastor John Hicks First United Methodist Church Two and a half years ago Pep- per came into our lives. I walked out of \k\al-IMart and this warm fuzzy ball % Tapped herself around my ankle. I and melted as she nestled into my chest. I took her back, to the carl where they were giving the puppies away, and told my John friend, "I can't Hicks keep her, Kathy would kill me if I brought a puppy home.'" Long story short, I went home and placed the pup in my wife"s lap. Knowing her love of animals would win out over common sense, Pepper became part of our family. We have learned some inter- esting things about this dog (besides the fact that she loved to chew on the toes of Kathy's shoes during her first year with us She, cost me the price of several pairs of shoes, but that's another story!) Pepper sticks to me like glue. Wherever I go, Pepper wants to go, whether I want her to or not. We go to the living room, she fol- lows. We go to the bedroom, so does she. Go to the kitchen, she's right there. If I want to take a bath in private, I need to shut the door, or Pepper would be right there. Even then, she waits at the door. Sometimes Kathy wants to sa\ to her, "Hey, listen, leave me alone. You don't have to follow me every here!" But one look at those loving eyes and smiling face and it's irresistible. \Ae under- stand the dog's value system. Pep- per doesn't care where she goes or where she is, she just wants to be where her master is. I've learned a lot about being a disciple from watching, our dog. You see, Pepper's big issue is basic: "Where is my master right now?" The dog made her deci- sion where she'll be wherever her master is. So it is with a disci- ple of Jesus. Where is my Master on this issue? I don't care where it takes me. I don't care what it costs me. I just want to be where my Master is. In John 12:26, Jesus says, "Whoever serves Me must follow Me; and where I am M-I servant also will be." Jesus is talking about the central response of a disciple. "Find out where my master is going and I'm going to go there, too." This kind of allegiance to the Master's direction is what being a disciple is all about. It's not just about having the right beliefs. It's not just about hanging around with the right people. We want to be where our master is as He wants to move deeper into our lives. As He moves in that place where we work, where we play, and where we serve, let us follow His lead there as well. Let us. follow where our Master is going and contribute to what He's trying to do. The key question we need to ask is, "Where does Jesus seem to be going?" When the board meets, when the committee meets, when we are on our knees praying, we should not just say, "Lord, this is what we want to do." We should ask, "Lord, where are You going in this ministry?" When we go with His flow; it becomes an exciting, dynamic process. As an added note, remember that we need to stay flexible because we never know where the Master's going to go next. But then that's how that dog follows its master! "Wherever my master is, I will be there, no matter where it takes me!" AUGUST SPECIAL METAL ROOF SYSTEM AT SHINGLE PRICES Hassle Free HOME IMPROVEMENTS begin with a simple phone call: 863-385-9403 REMODELING REPAIRS TE W A R T RENOVATIONS CONS TRUCL TION www.mcscontractinginc.com D- Lic.ACCC1325639 _IaVLic.aCBCO4"717 Learn to prepare taxes and -earn extra money.* H&RBock Income Tax Course Ask about times and locations of the H&R 736 Block inco'nme Tax Okeechobee Course. Successful 86-763-4960 students could go on to earn extra money as tax professionals. Bilingual students - encouraged to enroll For class times and locations visit hrblock.cor/taxcourses or call 1-800-HRBLOCK Clewiston 216 S. Bemer Rd. 863-983-5377 Belle Glade 1540 Avenue L Sute 102 561-996-6268 SH&R BLOCK' 1 '....~.. I. "I was impressed by the caring nurses and the time they were able to give me." ] -patient survey response We Invite you to take a closer look at Glades General Hospital. We continue to provide quality healthcare, courteous and attentive staff right here at home, but to serve you even better, we have made a few changes: Congratulations, Jerry Peavey! It s been one year since you signed on with our team. We were proud to welcome you then & we re proud to start another year, with you as our general manager. Our hat s off to you Jerry, for a job well done. Keep up the good work... PS. We 11 continue to be patient about your choice of football teams, you 11 be a Dolphins fan in no time! With Appreciation, Bud & Ami Neese * When an accident or unexpected illness strikes, the last ,liii, you want to face is a long drive to the coast. That is why Glades General Hospital is here for you with a newly renovated 24-Hour Emergency Department. This physician-staffed eight-bed unit includes a , ll, .11 designed child- friendly pediatric room to help calm the most frightened child and its own x-rav equipped room for quicker service. Our team of doctors and nurses are experts in the field of emergency medicine and are supported by our other specialties including -i',...ti.l and vascular surgery, obstetrics, pediatrics, nephrology, pulmonology, Jlii'l -'.;'. podiatry, and urology. * All of these updates and improvements have been made with our coummi unity in mind to make Glades General-l Hospital your source for quality healthcare for you and your family, right here at home. Take a closer look at Glades General Hospital... you'll be impressed by what you see. 46754 GLADES GENERAL HOSPITAL 561-996-6571 1201 South Main Street Belle Glade, Florida 33430 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thuesday, August 24, 2006 Friday Night Lights CLEWISTON Evangel Church Assembly of God Outreach Center is open from 7 until 10 p.m. every Friday to all 7-12 grade stu- dents in our community. Activities available include basketball; three Play Station 2 units, music, and games. Snack bar with great prizes is open each night. Revival Time planned St. John First Missionary Baptist Church 600 South West Eighth Street, Belle Glade, Rev. Dr. Robert L. Rease, pastor, cordially invite the Glades area citizens to their annual revival service Aug. 2.S, through Sept 1, at 7 p.m. nightly. The Evan- gelist for the week will be Rev. Dr. Wilson Scott Jr., pastor of Bethle- hem Missionary Baptist Church from Savannah, Ga. Jews for Jesus program planned Pahokee FUMC will host Jews for Jesus presenting Christ in, the Feast ol Tabeinacles on Sunday, Sept. 10, at 11. a.m. 'tou are united to come and be enriched by learning more about Jesus' true nature and mission. See the ceremonial items that help explain the ancient rituals and the slgniicance o1 the Feast of Taber- nacles for Christians today. This holiday offers a wealth of meaning for Christians who value their Old Testament heritage. You will see ceremonies such as the ancient water pouring ceremony, the wav- ing of the lulav and the hanging of fruit in the temporary shelter. Adults. are encouraged to bring their children ages seven and older.- There is no admission charge for this event. Contact the" church at (561) 924-7241 for more information. Servicio en Espanol CLEWISTON -First Methodist Church of Clewiston is starting a Hispanic Worship Service Sunday evenings at 7 p.m. Son todos bien- venidos. Everyone is welcome! Call Rev. Perez at (863) 677-3190 with questions. Church revival planned Greater Union Missionary Baptist Church located at 249 N.W. Ninth Avenue, South Bay will host a church revival from Aug. 21/,through Aug. 25 at 7:30 -p.m. nightly. Come out and share a week of praising the Lord with the little church that sits by the railroad track in South Bay. The theme for the revival is "It's Time to Praise the Lord" i Psalms 150:6). Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, August 24, 2006 Vegetable gardening in South Central Florida By Ed Ayen Florida Yards & Neighborhood This is another in a series of arti- cles written about the new area program called Florida Yards & Neighborhoods. Did the Brown Spot or Chinch Bugs take out part of your lawn this summer? If it is a nice sunny area maybe it is time to plant some veg- etables instead of more grass. Here in south central Florida our veg- etable planting season is the reverse of our northern neighbors. Now is the time to plant warm sea- son crops such as cantaloupe, col- lard, sweet corn, cucumber, egg- plant, beans, okra, pepper, pumpkin, southern peas, squash, tomato and watermelon. It is also a good time to plant many of the herbs. In this area raised beds are a good choice and if space is limited you may wish to consider contain- er gardening. The raised beds allow you to use superior soil with better drainage and moisture retention. Make the frames no wider than 4 feet so you can reach inside with- out stepping on soil. Fill the bed with a mix of 70 percent sand and 30 percent top soil or muck and amend with compost. If you only use top soil or muck drainage will not be adequate. If you like you can use store bought potting mix instead of the 70-30 mix. It is a good idea to check the pH or acidity of your soil by taking a sample to your county extension office as veggies like a pH in the range of 5.5-6.5. Remember to have a source of water handy for irrigation; drip or -trickle irrigation is encouraged as a method for conserving water. Organic vegetable gardening is becoming very popular and dif- fers from regular gardening main- ly in the areas of fertilization and pesticides. By using natural and organic materials and methods you can avoid using synthetic chemicals that may be detrimen- P Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! 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There are some naturally occurring materials available that can be used as pesticides such as diatomaceous earth, and pyrethrin. Insecticidal soaps may work well on some insects under average conditions. If you use chemical fertilizer use about two pounds per 100 sq. feet of a 15-0-15 or similar low phosphorous type as phospho- rous occurs naturally in our soils. If applying s\nihetic chemical pesticides always use recom- mended products and follow label instructions. Contact your county extension office for further information on gardening in Florida and enjoy those great fresh vegetables. The Florida Yards and Neigh- borhoods program is being implemented through your local county extension service in High- lands, Okeechobee and Glades County and is partially funded from Clear Water Act Section 319 funding from the U. S. EPA through the Florida Department of En% ironmental Protection. Ed Ayen is available to address interested groups such as homeowners associations, voluntary organizations and clubs. For further information he can be reached by calling the Highlands County Extension Ser- vice office. Phone: i.86.3,i 402- 6540 or email: edayen@ufl.edu. Location is 4509 George Blvd., Sebring, FL 33875-5837. For Product Information, Pricing & Order Forms www.americancomponents.com www.americansteelmfg corn CBC 12S1774 I ON Same Day Service Lab On Premises I SET. '70,.e-.'4; MERCER GENERAL ANESTHESM AVAILABLE MERClERI j CALL FOR YOUR PRICE QUOTE AND INFORMATION. DENTAL CLINIC 1-866-226-9400 Us 41. S. FT. MYERS TOLL FREE m ~*J:J~V Full AC Service NEW SYSTEMS TO CHECK UPS Licensed & Insured CAC056934 SUNRISE APPLIANCE New, Used, Scratch & Dent 401 US Hwy 27 Moore Haven 863-946-2666 GLENN J. 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I... w I LICENSE fF CGC1508763 AI Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, August 24, 2006 mmmmmmmq I i .1 - TusaAugst2, 00 erigIhecmmniis'othofLkeOkehoe AP/UF/IFAS/Marisol Amador UF's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Associate Dean for Research Mary Duryea and Ed Gilman, a UF urban horticulture professor, look over their recently published booklet that gives tips on how to prevent storm damage to urban trees. The booklet is free and avail- able on the Internet or at any county extension office. Protect your trees from storms By Mickie Anderson University of Florida GAINESVILLE University of Florida researchers ha% e released a ,booklet that's full of practical advice about ho\v to protect your trees from storr damage and ,,hat to do if the. 're damaged despite oui best efforts. "We \anted to help homeown- ers with their trees. We've learned a lot about trees in our studies of the last 10 hurricanes and hope that ,ou lups will help make urban trees more health. and wind resistant," ,said Mary Duryea, associate dean for research at UF's Institute of Food and agricultural l Sciences. The booklet airs'.\ ers ev ernthing from when and how to prune, to choosing the sturdiest trees for your part of the state to knowing *when a damaged tree needs expert help. The 12-page, color booklet - called "Assessing damage and restoring trees after a hurri- cane"-is available at any of the state's 67 county extension offices, Florida Division of Forestry offices or can be down- loaded at the Florida Cooperative Extension Service's Web site: http: edis ifas.ufl.edu EP291. The publication begins w\\ih the worst-case scenario of a hurri- ,.e -.jri ': ..i nhi t, -i- h .;- r j (11 | a I-', S,'- \ remove felled trees, then moves on to how to distinguish storm-dam- aged trees that should be removed, from those that have a chance for survival It gives detailed informa- tion on pruning, specialized advice on pine trees and palms, and the :1nal section is on prevention: how to choose the right trees for your yard, .how many to plant and N\ here to plant them. UF 1FAS researchers have been tracking tree darnage since Hurri- .cane Andrew' in 1992 and much of the advice in the booklet stems from thatl work. Duryea, an urban forestry expert, sa.s laurel oaks are among the \\orst at withstanding hurri- cane-force lunds "l'"e measured four hurricanes in the Pensac':la area," she said, "and in every one of them, laurel oaks have wreaked havoc." Laurel oaks that are more than 50 years old are rrmost likely to Fall, she said. Pecan trees and sand pines don't hold up well in high winds, either. A Spanish-language version of the booklet is expected to be released Sept. 15. A $500,000 grant from the Flori- da Division of Forestry and U.S.D.A. Forest Service's southern region paid for the booklets, the first com- ponent of an Urban Forest Recov- en P ,'Li -irm F..uI,-iI ri.:,ie r.,upbli- cations will be made available to the public via the Internet. Ed Gilman, a UF urban horticul- ture professor, said that while the booklet is chock-full ol valuable information, he hopes the section on prevention will hit home. "I think, in a sense, the preven- tion or reduction of problems through proper tree care especial- lv pruning is the take home, long- term message," he said. "Let's try to reduce the damage next time." . Here are a fe%' of the booklet's tips: Don't wait until the last minute to think about preparing your trees for storms. Plant wind-resistant species. The booklet has lists of recom- mended trees for North and South Florida. Know how old your trees are. Different species have different life spans. For example, laurel oak only lives about 50 years, and becomes increasingly susceptible to storm damage and disease the older it gets. Give trees enough soil space so they can take root and be fit ml\ anchored. Properly pruned trees survive high winds better. Replant trees in groups when possible. Groups do better than a lone tree that's fully exposed to the iind. HOMEOf E "RI&rA1 / '\ ...,/"t-. ... ,, ,. .... .. ..... ,-, .. ,J.'-... .. ,. _. ..- .... '. ,; *^e^-; -.'S ... *.:^^'s,q-* - ""-" '* ,- ....*. !... ,,,, -. A-,.-, - .... '." """. "'"' .... '* ": ,": ^ : i ;' ', :i '..w--'- .: Make up to $2,500 by .. filling. in the space... ; ..,_above!.. -. ?'" -"'""" ": **"* "" "- *^ ';, "+ ': ,- ,; ;--, ^ ^' t_, ';. . .. ^. "... -. ...... .... ..- -. ....... a.-., .... i^ ^. .o _, ,. -. . 'S, .: "" .- .:. ... 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Lenign mcres, rL 00VOO A Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, August 24, 2006 OAS, V6 &6 mnio Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, August 24, 2006 DUE TOTHE HIGH OLUME OF OUR NEW CAR SAES; WE AF FRESH QUAIIT TRAODEINS! WE HAVE MOREROOM TO CHOOSE CARS TRUCKS VANS SUV'S:O3s, '04,s '05s PIHO S*.... , OVERSTOCKED WITH ORE..,THESE VEHICLES a.-is"SAVE ETOUIANDSHi ~- ~AR AMI Alt,- i!L- f J. LSE IIHA'BLA ESPANOL PARLEZ VOUS FRAIVCAIS & CREO?,LEJ STORE HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY: 8:30AM 9PM SATURDAY: 8:30AM 9PM SUNDAY: llAM 6PM Offers expire date of publication. Must present this ad at time of purchase to receive advertised offers. All offers to qualified buyers. With approved credit. Savings based off original MSRP. Dealer not responsible for typographical errors or omissions. Prices plus tax, tag & title. All vehicles subject to prior sale. See dealer for details. Vehicles advertised may not all be Certified Pre-Owned vehicles, please see dealer for specific certifications. Art for illustration purposes only Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, August 24, 2006 Thursday, August 24, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee (h asul iesds 1-877353-2424 FI ,,,AB --SOLUTEL for any personal items for sale under $2,500 Announcements Merchandise Mobile Homes Employment Agriculture Recreation I! -I I.--ii- M il--- :!-.-- Financial Rentals t Automobiles Services Real Estate PubIlic Notices ,IT jI I I I i. AMA More Papers Mean More Readers! _Jl Reach more readers when you run ~your ad in several papers in our newspaper network. Our newspaper network consists of eight papers one daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will reach more than 164,000 readers*! Call Today For Details! SSc.urc;-:. 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I, rlo' publisher a S ppr... ,I The publisher ,:;r re :i an, o:,r all .::.'p, anrd r' ~'-, j I -,,:,,i: p rhe .2,: a':.:c-p[ j are .ubl.-:) l 1.' cre-V, appr,:,.31 11 ,m rl u .- ..,.,,-,urni tO i,., penrderi .-pOF-im; n,,1e arnd are re I.r .:. ih,-,r proper hed .-"reg,-,:r e re.qure advance payment. These classifications are denoted with an asterisk *. Auctions 105 Car Pool 110 Share a ride 115 Card of Thanks 120 In Memoriam 125 Found 130 Lost 135 Give Away 140 Garage, Yard Sale 145 Personals 150 Special Notices 155 900 Numbers 160 ADOPTION A nurturing family seeks to adopt an infant to love and cherish. We are fi- nancially secure to provide a promising future. Please call Christine and David at. (888)322-0924. North Central Florida Multi- Property AUCTION Sept 14, 15, 16 Homes Riverfront Lots, Lakefront Homesites, Acreage, Residential, Com- mercial, Many ABSOLUTE! (800)257-4161 iggentirn. ham.com Higgenbotham Auctioneers ME Higgenbot- ham, CAI AU305/AB158. U.S. Marshals Service Forfeit- ed Jewelry 24/7 Online Auc- tions August-September Rings, Bracelets, Pendants, Diamonds, Brooches, Rolex- es, Cartier, Gold & Coins. www.LoneStarAuction- eers.com or www.LSO.cc Burgess 7878. Land Auction- Over 200 Put- nam County lots. August 26, 11:00am. See complete list at http://www.goodearth.us/ or call (866)699-SELL. Good Earth Realty & Auction AU-3285 AB-2420. READING A NEWSPAPER HELPS YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORLD AROUND YOU. V/ Emlymn Full Tim AUCTION 3,444 Acres Prime Timberijnd R)indiupri Courily l.eorqii, TIru r; . 7I i 7 .10 p.m J3w.;orn. I i,]riai Di*i.on Counliry Club This properrv. selling by order oI a laljional Timber hiveslmeni Miii3gemerin Or- ,darlahin. j; been ,rowitr by lirbcr mp3ries a n, i;. i le; lot ,rilneralirin:, F'ropr. fy will Lie oni red 'in I lri .]e Ir)il rarinuii in ir :e i orim 10 I,:, 4r54 J rr S '.ii.riil:,art mircriji-iljOile liTib r in. cii$iu in j an i rIn -ri miles' 01 ro,ad Ironi r.a j. Greal oppurluniry 1tfr rinv rIorL, ]e- veloper: ,, :,porlnrmen P.iy 15'.. ,own 10".. buyer : p[i- mium GAL 211- 14 all lor p p,' rrv iniJ rmji ),oi i ..,ii.l. - r .1: ; 1 71 i Jri'hf T D ','on .'aociate? wD 1 -'. o ..n aCt' E GIGANTIC 3-DAY auction Au- gust 30, 31, Sept 1, 2006, Montgomery, AL. Single, tandem & tri-axle dumps (31 of which are 2005-2007 year), truck tractors, low- boys, crawler loaders & trac- tors, excavators, motor graders & scrapers, back- hoes, rubber tired loaders, forklifts, paving skidders, feller bunchers, log loaders, farm tractors. J.M. Wood Auction Co., Inc. (334)264-3265, Bryant Wood AL LIC #1137. Major Land Auction Saturday, September 9, 10 OAM. 220+/- acres, subdivided, 25 lots & tracts. Timber, 15yrs. growth loblolly on 170 ac., balance of 50ac. 2 yrs from harvest. Creek frontage, mountain views. 1 mile Hwy. 58 front- age, Patrick County, VA. Terms: 10% deposit day of sale, 10% buyers premium. ,. ,l ,yri : w,,'w Ji,gerrir l . ty.com or (336)789-2926, NCAL#685. LARGE DOG- Vic of Ft Drum Ranchettes, Call to identify. (863)697-8948 Giveaway 014 FILL DIRT-200 YARDS You load/haul. For info call 863-675-9300 OUTSIDE CATS (7) Must find a home soon or go to the pound. 1 yr & under. (863)946-9133. PIT BULL 'III'PPIE'., 2 females, solid white w/red nose. 3 mos. old. Need loving homes. (863)634-6601 PITBULL, To good home, male, 111/ yrs. old, friendly, needs room to run. Owner moving. (863)634-9493 MOORE HAVEN, Sat. Aug. 26th, 8am-5pm @ Coffey Farms. US 27, 8mi N. of Moore Haven. Gates will open @ 8am. Furniture, Glassware, Women's clothing 6-16, Books, Linens & Collectibles. Don' t U. CLEWISTON0 405 W. TRINIDAD AVE. Sat., Aug. 26th, 7am-? Lots for Everyone!! ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers *Criminal Jus- tice. Job placement assis- tance. Computer provided. Financial Aid if qualified. Call (866)858-2121 www.onli- neTidewaterTech.com. Heavy Equipment Operator CERTIFIED. Hajrd Oi Trair. inr Jti Plai:emenl A 1is*,- faii- i C31l Toll Frce (t 6'3:l6-1 575 ASSOC IAT. ED TRAIJIING SERVICES 51 7T Himi,),',,a Trail. Le- Lc nil Flrnl j,.3416l HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA- TOR TRAINING FOR EM- PLOYMENT: ullidozer.. B3,. re., Lo:ader Durrip Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, I:rj( i r '11 ,iai ri.i L eriiii. i.jIron, .1.L F'ladI Tei rl A:i ,: - Iainr: e .",,o dli Training Services ..:2ii2,,. .1-3274 *w w. eq uipment - school.com. Learn Tax Preparation And possibly earn extra 'money doing taxes.* H&R Block Income Tax Course Enroll Now! For information and locations call 1-800-HRBLOCK or visit hrblock.com/taxcourses or visit your local H&R Block office in Okeechobee, Clewiston & Belle Glade Bilingual students are. encouraged to enroll. lrflll nib, or comopl ion of, the *H& BLOCK income Ia Course is neither and offer nor a guarantee of employment. Enrollment restrictions and course fees may apply. E H&R BLOCK Employment - Full-Time 205 Employment - Medical 210 Employment - Part-Time 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Training 227 Sales 230 ,Empoy^menti Full Tjime 025 CAR HAULING. Southeast Re- gion. $1,100+/WEEK! Great Home Time! Company Paid Benefits! PAID TRAINING FOR DRIVERS WITH MINI- MUM 1 YEAR OTR EXPERI- ENCE! (912)571-9668 OR (866)413-3074. Central County Water Control District is now accepting applications for a Clubhouse maintenance person. This is a full time position with full benefits. Must be able to work flexible hours, nights and weekends, some holidays. This is a drug free workplace. Apply in person at the: Montura Clubhouse 255 N. Hacienda Street Montura Ranch Estates Wednesday thru Sunday 10a.m.to4p.m. CLERICAL POSITION Big Cypress Area Filing, phones, computer literate, bi-lingual. $8 $9/hr. Fax resume to .(954)894-4116 or email aoalvan(fivepointscorp.com DRIVER: YOU WANT IT, WE HAVE IT! Solo, teams, own- er operators, company driv- ers, students, recent grads, regional, dedicated, long haul. Van, flatbed. Must be 21. CRST Career Center. (800)940-2778, www.drive- forcrst.com. l Iplymn Ful Tie 111 ADULT/CHILD THERAPIST Needed to provide individual, couple, and family therapy in a behavioral health setting to Glades residents. Requires a master's degree in a relevant field, professional license or license eligible. Preferred cardid.ate will be bilingual with HIV population experience. Fax resume to (561)992-8696 or e-mail to bsears@oakwoodcenter.org Ojal wo ,,,iN d i-"ll 1ni Irwi lilm Be ri .], in( ijl e'; i, rii:. 149 SE Avenue D Belle Gra,ii FL ]" 4 i)i FGE M F D V ASSISTANT SHOP MANAGER King Ranch. Inc currently hns .a position available lor an Assitani Shop Manager Musi have basic computer skills, knowledge of alarm equipment, the ability to inlerprel parts manuals related to farm equipment and the ability io control paris invenlo- ry. Must have a valid Florida drivers license. Prior supervisory experience and bi-lingual prelerrerJ Full benefit package available including medical, dental, vision and life insurance, 401(k) and retire- ment plan. Paid vacations, sick days and holidays. Interested applicants please call: (561)996-7257. Drug-Free Workplace / EOE ASSISTANT STORE MGR. GAS/CONVENIENCE STORE Big Cypress Reservation Min. 1 yr supervisory experience. Food sales experience a plus. Excellent communication & computer skills. Good leadership skills, positive attitude. Flexible hours, FL Drivers Lic. High School Diploma or GED. Exc. Benefits incl. medical, dental & 401 K, food & fuel allowance. Salary based on exp. Fax resume to (954) 967-3477 MANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, Moore Haven, LaBelle, Clewiston and Okeechobee. We are a franchise with' 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic, honest, and responsible individuals. We offer: -Excellent Salaries -Medical and Life Insurance -Dental Insurance -401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For an interview please call: 863-983-4224 or mail your resume in confidence to: Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 33440 BEST WESTERN of Clewiston Is accepting applications for: Management Front Desk Housekeeping Maintenance Apply within. Emlymn Full Tim Emlymn Ful Tie, 20 Glades County Board of County Commissioners AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER August 21, 2006 OFFICE CLERK ANNUAL SALARY: $15,683 $19,000 EXCELLENT BENEFITS, HEALTH CARE AND STATE RETIREMENT MAJOR DUTIES: Must be able to answer phones, handle pub- h: iquiri ri e p rcs r mal. ri reic d umentis ana .irier duties T. may ie ireuired KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: ApDlicant must h3vw ,:I,, rypirg hili a nd musl De caialetl1 ort erlirng lcusomar n -n : 1 r,1ri anl b n,:,UF wledIgeablie ,i M.icro: i l W Ir wn, nd Ei .:I 0 ppli ri ul ul pr ent i ria i arid well-man. n,-rij vippejar i:ce aind po;re: gcoud wrioing3 .a jd 'cliomri, uii MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: High School Diploma or Equiva- JOB LOCATION: Glades County Building Department WORK SCHEDULE: 8:00 a.m. 5:00.p.m. 5 days per week CLOSING DATE: September 1,2006 at 5:00 pm REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION: Glades County Application. Copy of valid Florida Drivers License. SUBMIT APPLICATION TO: Mary Ann Dotson' 500 Avenue J RO. Box 1018 Moore Haven, Fl 33471 863-946-6000 Glades County is a drug-free, non smoking workplace ELECTRICIAN, INDUSTRIAL Duties include troubleshooting, maintaining, and repairing electrical equipment, motors, motor con- trol centers, medium voltage switchgear, and inte- grating changesto existing control systems. Industrial environment experience and the ability to read wiring diagrams are required. We offer excellent pay and benefits. Apply to: Attn: Personnel Sugar Cane Growers Cooperative of Florida 1500 West Sugar House Road Belle Glade, FL 33430 Telephone: (561) 996-4705 Fax: (561)996-4760 E-mail: bawoodham@scgc.org Equal Opportunity Employer POSITION AVAILABLE CITY OF SOUTH BAY Finance Department Water Billing Clerk $11.50 hourly w/benefits Apply at South Bay City Hall 335 SW 2nd Avenue South Bay, FL 33493 Email Resumes to: parchmenta@southbaycity.com Deadline: Position open until filled Contact: Annette Parchment Human Resources Director/Deputy City Clerk at 561-996-6751, ext. 14 for more information. www.southbaycity.com STORE MANAGER GAS/CONVENIENCE STORE Big Cypress Reservation High School diploma or GED. Associates preferred. Min. 1 yr retail exp. Exc. communication skills. 2 yrs supervisory or management exp. Flex hours, FL Drivers License. Salary based on exp. Excellent benefits (medical, dental, optical, 401 K, fuel &food allowance) Fax resume to (954) 967-3477 Mo-Fi' 8 lum Place Your YARD SALE ad today! Get FREE signs and inventory sheets! Call Classifieds 877-353-2424 " Garage/ YardSales 0145 iGarage/ Yard Sales 0145: ILost Fost Thursday, August 24, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee *>* * \-^w Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, August 24, 2006 Emlymn F ull Tim W UNITED STATES SUGAR CORPORATION Railroad Switchman- September thru April $17.28 per Hour plus Benefits Four Openings US Sugar is seeking Railroad Switchman for their Cle- wiston location. Training is provided. Previous railroad experience is helpful but not necessary. Candidates must pass the Trades Operator Selection Test (TOST) to become qualified for employment. Responsibilities *Perform lifting, bending, climbing and ability to dismount moving railroad equipment. *Check switch points tor proper alignment and throw switches properly Maintain written documentation pertaining to the job. *Maintain clear communication using hand signals radio and lantern. Proper operation of hand brakes *Ability to couple and uncouple equipment. Perform mathematical calculations pertaining to the lob. *Work in changing outdoor/indoor environments. *Work a shill schedule and overtime as necessary. Training Period Candidates will have a six-week training period that pays $14.28 per hour Those that successfully com- plete the training continue their employment at $17.28 per hour. ABOUT US SUGAR CORPORATION United States Sugar Corporation is one of America's largest diversified privately held agribusiness firms. We are employee owned and have world class benefits. The Company is headquartered on the southern shore of Florida's Lake Okeechobee between Fort Myers and West Palm. For Immediate consideration please Email Jdooley@ussugar.com FAX 863-902-2889 Stop in at the Employment Office on WC Owen Drive in Clewiston US Sugar is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to a diverse workforce. Women and Minorities are encouraged to apply HELP WANTED Emergency Management Director Must have knowledge of the principles and practices of emer- gency planning, response operations, public infor- mation and education techniques. Must have graduated from a four year accredited college or university with related course work in emergency planning and four years of responsible experience in emergency management programs including two years of supervisory training or experience: or an equivalent combination of training and experi- ence. .. Mechanic I. Basic mechanic knowledge, experi- ence as an automotive service worker or Mechan- ic's helper preferred. Mechanic II. Graduate from an approved course in heavy & diesel mechanics. three years experi- ence. Both Mechanic positions require class B driver's li- cense. Must have a High School Diploma or GED. Both located in Clewiston. Highway Maintenance Technician I. Maintains highways, municipal and rural roads, and rights- ol-ways in safe condition. Must have a valid Flori- da Commercial Driver's license, Class B or higher with air brake endorsement. Electrical Inspector Must nave 8 yrs. experience with a licensed contractor. Building Inspector Must have 8 yrs. experience with a licensed contractor. The positions are full time with medical benefits, retirement, sick and vacation leave. These positions will be open until filled. Job description & applications can be obtained in the Satellite Office in Clewiston and the Court- house in LaBelle in the HR Department. Vet Pref. EEO. Drug free. Applicants needing as- sistance in the application process should contact the Hendry County Commissioners HR depart- ment. Automotive Parts ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT COMPANY 1348 SOUTH MAIN STREET BELLE GLADE, FL 33430 Original Equipment Company in Belle Glade is looking for a full time experienced parts delivery driver. The primary responsibility will be to deliver parts in a safe and efficient manner. QUALIFICATIONS CDL License Preferred. Must have 1-2 years driving experience Must have a clean driving record Must pass a background check & drug screening Apply in person: 1348 South Main Street Belle Glade, FL 33430 TRUCK DRIVER Helena Chemical Company, a national agricultural-chemical company, has an immediate opening for an experienced truck driver with a Class B License. This position will make deliver- ies, load and unload product, utilize a forklift, and perform gen- eral warehouse duties. Requires High School diploma or equivalent, CDL with HAZMAT endorsement, and the ability to operate a forklift. We offer an excellent working environment and outstanding compensation and benefits package. For consideration, please apply in person: Helena Chemical Company 1336 N.W. AVENUE L BELLE GLADE, FL 33430 Pre-employment drug screen required. EOE M/F/V/H Emlymn Full Tim Emlymn Full Tim Emlymn Full Tim Emlymn Full Tim .^-.SOUTHERN GARDENS CITRUS TWO POSITIONS-GREAT BENEFITS STAFF ACCOUNTANT : Ii'n Poon i1t be re-ponsible tor preparation of income arid balance sheer .: ":'''" tateirr%-nt, consolidating [jatrementi. and uriouu other accounting reports. \Vd! reke'sc and Cerity accurac ot iocurnal entries and accounting clas- .. icaticns Resporisible for cost accounting acti\tries. \Vdi instruct or assign vork i: accounting clerks along %irth coordinating accc.unting rnaners '.ith other depart- meoat. locations and diisic.nsN As4.I... m uear end .losing. annual budget preparation, S .. etc Must be proticienr in the uje of Microsoft Office product-. This posiuon 1 fast paced, deadline oriented, and requires some overtime. Prefer Bachelor's degree and 3-4 years of experience in a related field. ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST This position will be -esponmible for developing. managing. and administering the company's environ- mental program. Includes compliance reporting. lacilirc audits., training. and budgeting. Good time management and comnmunicjaion skills required. Must also be detail and deadline orier-t. ed with good organizational kills.. Computer 'kills i\\ord. E\cel,. Powkerpointi are required. Strong chemistry and math skdl also, needed. Prefer Bachelor'. degree and I -2 year of experience in a related field. KnuoAledge of ISO 14000 requirements and general knowledge of HazMat, PSM, Air . and after r enkironmeridal compliance a big plus. ABOUT SOUTHERN GARDENS CITRUS Southern Garden, ik the world's largest supplier of 100 percent pure Florida nut-from-concentrate iNFCi orange juice to the pri\ ate label indutrrv and major brand-. The Company offers highly efficient. full integrated operanionr eartung home-grovn oranges and state of the art processing and packag- ing. We are a dmsion of Linited State_ Sugar Corporation. one of America's largest diversified. pri- atiely held agribusme-c firrris \We jre erplo\ee ec.ned and hdac worldl d class benefits including out- standing medical. 401 k retirement income and eniploee stock c.wnership. The Comparn i- headquar- tered on the southern shore ot Florida's Lake Okeechobee ber, een Fort Myers and West Palm. Email your resume to Jdooley(4,ussugar.com Fax 863-902-2889 Stop in at the Employment office on WC Owen Drive in Clewision US Sugar i an Equal Opporrunitn Emploer committed to a diverse workforce Women and Minorities aie encouraged to apply. -ob Inforatio 022 Gee The GEO Group, Inc. The GEO Group, Inc. A worldwide leader in privatized corrections BENEFITS INCLUDE: HEALTH, DENTAL, VISION, LIFE, DEPENDENT LIFE INSURANCE & 401K RETIREMENT CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS VOCATIONAL INSTRUCTOR (Web Design) RN ACADEMIC INSTRUCTOR (2 available) RECREATION SPECIALIST MOORE HAVEN CORRECTIONAL FACILITY 1990 East SR 78NW Moore Haven, FL 33471 Phone 868-946-2420 Fax 863-946-2487 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V ,;.: ,... ANOS ", REG'ION,'L MU'W bV#9 AIt CENYTCR .^ ; ","'" .* n.oMp efll. e SOlar} E tllrnl t11 .nt1 i, Ciiai nd.3r -f,t =. -u,, LPN I or II IFI.PT. Perdlemi H. I Pri [i ,, [ ,:,h Il l.. h:,ill I.:. ,, I, lc.t.lk ir.,juh; rul lime. ER RN III SLtalfSupenl %I'd fl I,. ,i n r_.,T Li s .. Perliem RN Nruning Supervisor k d. l 1 P.J l. ; + n., di. jl p61- M1 1 113, c ,., Full dime- Insurance uler 5 + I F: f P ,r. I., .:. : lff al -, i ,.c:r ,i,: ,run icj. tl.t .4, It i.l n .. ii u,,J TL.r',L, 'i. ''V L6'9' ]Pd I5UOiI) ,T ITc M di,.jm,. i.,,. itJ,.-,ii bills "p. Per Dian- C.N.A or CN'A Monitor Tech MJi ::,. ,; j i L j A n C a o p mnrril ',re ,'h tih,rI r. .:r' I Full tnime- Administrative Assistant 2 wi: i : ., ,i J e ir,,f. ..k nr. r Mi O li,.:c Erlp 'it. [ir.:.I l lJ ', l.,'. ,',J h'i|...i hpllUln .0 I tlIr.l n ,Trll ule PI'. I, Full t-Le.PN or CM.A M uil p.'; ",...,'l:. ,.l .V .,c and c rll.. ,114,. Full lime RN Nurse Manager Special Care IER. IC.I ACL S ],,l OS d 1, lI .t' 1 hT nI .rl .... h. ,r tl:, Full Urme: Rifgstred Nurse Full lime Reaptraory Therapist CRT .-.r ART pi.khcJ iied .,ir, i; ,c e.p In [.jid.ii nj err.,c| p ,icr : ire E1 r, d ,aACLS are it.,. Full Ume- Medical Technologisi Slu F :. .:. a j i FL cldical 7i: h.'o, h:,,- l L, e ,: Pan time- Pharmacy Tech P'- c 1 i. I tl' iia.I lhc .J ri ,'ed \ i ,rort mah b].:i b ground Is reoq. Per diem- Laboratory Assistant Previous exp. in Phlebotomy is required Phone: 863-902-3079 or Fax resume to: 863-983-0805.- Drug Free Workplace EOE The C G Groiup. Inc. HEALTH SERVICES ADMINISTRATOR Minimum requirements: Registered Nurse with 3 or more years of experience in nursing. Administrative experience a plus. PSYCHOLOGIST (Doctoral Degree in psychology, counseling, or related mental health field. Possess appropriate state licensure or certification. PSYCHOLOGICAL SPECIALIST Master Degree in clinical, counseling or applied behavioral psy- chology. EDUCATION DIRECTOR Masters Degree in Education or a related field. TE.A.'s Profes- sional School Administrators Certificate or a Professional Mid- Management Administrators Certificate. The GEO Group a worldwide leader in privatized Corrections, offers a challenging & exciting opportunity. WE OFFER: Top Pay, Medical, Dental, Vision, Short-term Disability, 401k, Paid Vacation & Holidays & Life Insurance. THE GEO GROUP, INC. South Bay Correctional Facility 600 US Highway 27, South South Bay, Florida 33493 Phone: 561-992-9505 Fax: 561-829-1902 EOE, M/F/V/H Reading a newspaper helps you understand the world around you. No wonder newspaper readers are more suc- cessful people! Time to clean out the attic, basement and/or garage? Advertise your yard sale in the classi- fleds and make your clean un a breeze J-o inom ation DAILY WORK DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE LABOR > FINDERS 202 E. Sugzilfnd Hwy from Clearisrn, Inn) (863) 902-9494 DETENTION OFFICER: Phoe- nix, Arizona. Maricopa County Sheriflls Office. $14.99/hr. Excellent bene- fits. No experience neces- sary. Contact (60 2)'3 0 7- 5 24 5, (877)352-6276, or www.mcso.org. 400 vacan- cies including civilian posi- tions. DISPATCH / OPERATIONS COORDINATOR Needed for Belle Glade c ies, ohtce D ijii or rired person must-be able to co- ordinate and schedule loading locations and de. liveries, input work orders handle large volume o- calls and other functions. Multi-tasking and comput- er skills a must. Competi- tive pay anc comprehensive benefits package. Email resume ana cover enei with salary requirements tio HRDire,:or,.,rtassiclurf net or by la 561.'835-0118 EOE. Driver- HIRING QUALIFIED] DRIVERS for Central Florida Local & National OTR posi- tions. Food grade tanker, no hazmiat, -o pumps greal benefits, competitive pay & new equipment. Need 2 years experience. Call By- num Transport for your op- porturnity today. (800)741-7950. Help Wanted for Cemetery, and General Maint Tech. Need experience operating backhoe. Class A CDL a plus, but not required. Apply at Akin-Davis Funeral Home, Hwy 80, LaBelle. i83l675-2125 IMMEDIATE OPENING The Florida Sugar Cane League has an immedi- ate opening for someone interested in working approximately 20 hours per week to operate and maintain an air monitoring network. The applicant must speak English, possess a high school diploma (or GED) and have valid Florida drivers license. Call 863-3-983-9151 to request an application. INTERESTED IN A POSTAL JOB Earning $57K/yr Avg Minimum Pay? Our servic- es can help you prepare for the Postal Battery Exam, Find Out How! Call Today For More Information... (800)584-1775 Ref Code #P5799. J & J PRODUCE NOW HIRING Managers, Maint., Graders, Packers, Fork- lift Oper., & Labor posi- tions avail, for Produce Company in Loxahatch- ee. Must have previous produce exp. F-T& seasonal. Must be able to work OT as needed. Exc. Pay & Bene. Apply @ 4003 Seminole Pratt Whitney Road Loxahatchee, FL 33470 561-422-9777 NOW HIRING GEOLOGIST for our Andalusia, Alabama of- fice. Send resume and tran- scripts to CDG Engineers & Associates, Inc., P.O. Box 278, Andalusia, AL 36420; fax: (334)222-4018; email: khall@cdge.com; phone: (334)222-9431. Licensed Life & Health Agents to market lull portlo- iio )1 insurance products in- cluding a $0 Premium Medicare Advaniage plan witri Part D. unlimited quali- fied leads Earn 75k to 125k Management Position also available for Ine rigni candi- dale Call Larry or Steve @ (866t224-8450emt. 5018 MASSAGE THERAPIST STUDIO Call Susan ai Salon Mercedes 863-675-4443 MEDICAL OFFICE PERSON Must be bilingual - Needed lor pediatric orice in Panokee. Full Time position. Must be energetic, detail orented, computer lierate person with prior medical e...perience. Please fa, resume to 561-575-2858 or email to danokeepeas@yanoo com contact Deoe @ 561-575-9876 NAILTECHNICIAN Great irii:ome opportunity at Henry County's lirsi salon and day spa For iilerview call Susan at Salon Mercedes 863-675-4443 National Home Builder searching for Sales Consultants in the Okeechobee market. Excellent compensation & incentives. Will need Real Estate license. Bi-lingual a plus. Serious minded sales professionals fax resume to: (321)674-7645 Attn: Coordinator OTR drivers deserve more pay and more hometimel $.48/mi. 1 year experience. More experience makes more! Home weekends Run our Florida Region! Heart- land Express (800)441-4953 www.heartlandexpress.com. TEACHER ASSISTANT Needed, Full Time, competitive salary, health plan, great working environment. Please call (561)924-9402 Pahokee Area Truck Drivers: CDL training. Up to $20,000 bonus. Ac- celerate-your career as a Soldier. Drive out terrorism by keeping the Army Na- tional Guard supplied. GUARD.com/truck. Reading a newspaper helps you understand the world around you. No wonder newspaper readers are more suc- cessful people DENTAL HYGIENIST Must have valid FL Dental Hygienist License. Bilingual helpful. Excellent salary & benefits. 4-day week. Fax resume to (863) 983-9604 or e-mail hrOfchcinc.orng Florida Community Centers, Inc. EOE/DFWP RN/LPN/CNA Needed for full time home care visits in Belle Glade area. Please call Sandy @ (561)722-3999 or fax resume to (561)659-9320 Find It faster. Sell It soon- er In the classiflede Emlymn Ful Tie 001 READING A NEWSPAPER... makes you a more informed and nteresiag person. No wonder newspaper readers are more successful Financial Business Opportunities 305 Money Lenders 310 Tax Preparation 315 ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Ma- chines. Free Candy All for $9,995. (888)629-9968 B02000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold! Busy Gas Station For Sale 200k gallons. Over $90k in- siae moninly $475k plus in- venlory. 12391334-2265 Earn $367.97 pet day with your own business. No B.S. No boss. Just partners. Free training, www.wah- dreamleam.com JOIN A LOG HOME LEADER Nationally Recognized Old Timer Log Homes Seeks Representatives Great Earning Potential, Ouality Products Contact Mr. Vest- er today! (800)467-3006 www. oldtimerlo- ghomes.com. Looking for successful entre- p reneurs only to open franchise businesses in town, must be proven in management, a born risk- taker DO NOT CALL other- wise (800)819-2634. Vending Route: Snacks, Drinks, all brands. Great Equipment. Great Support. You choose locations from what's availablell Financing available with $7,500 down. (877)843-8726, Local. B0#2002-037. P/T OFFICE CLERK Permaneil PCT. RV park locat- ed in Lake Pori haj rieed to an ollice clerk, year round searing 1;'1,106. Req's woar- rig weekends during season. seasonal (Nov-Aprl nis rum 12p-5p W-F Sal. 9a-5p, Sun. 12p-5p OH Mon & Tues Non seasonal iMay-Oii Firs M-F 9a-lp, no week'.ends reQ Some computer skili neces- sary Ebp in chice skills prel. Music nave personality and wAork well vw,publiL Call 863-946-132 tfor more into a. Ad~kAkM. DIVORCES275-$350'COVERS children, eic. Only one sig- nature required' "E,'ludes govi lees' Call weekdayS (8001462-2000. e[t 600 (8am-6pm) Alla Divorce LLC Eltabtliheda l9, ,,NEW, SELF STORAGE 46units 7x15, 815. 10.15, 1030, 12x30, 1525 Fuill electric secure on Commereio Sl 350 It. rnom Clewiston Police Depi. 863-983-6663 863-983-2808, aler rs 863-983-8979 NOTICE Independent Newspapers will never accept any advertise- ment that is illegal or con- sidered fraudulent. In all cases of questionable val- ue, such as promises ol guaranteed income from work-at-home programs it it sounds too good lo be true, chances are that it is. II you have questions or doubts about any ad on these pages, we advise that before responding or send- ing money ahead of time, you check with the Better Business Bureau at 772-878-2010 for previous complaints. Some 800 and 900 telephone numbers may require an extra charge, as well as long distance toll costs. We will do our best to alert our reader of these charges in the ads, but occasionally we may not be aware of the charges. Therefore, if you call a number out of your area, use caution. One man's trash Is anoth- er man's treasure. Turn your trash to treasure within and In the classl- nieds. Services Babysitting 405 Child Care Needed410 Child Care Offered415 Instruction 420 Services Offered 425 Insurance 430 Medical Services435 DELIVER OUR PRECIOUS CARGO: Be a Hendry County School Board Bus Driver Conlacr Irle Transportation Dept. ai 863-674-4115 0o Cleryl Jameson ai lamesoric @ heridry.k12 11 us Merchandise Air Conditioners 505 Antiques 510 Appliances 515 Appliance Parts 520 Beauty Supplies 525 Bicycles 530 Books & Magazines 535 Building Materials540 Business Equipment 545 Carpets/Rugs 550 Children's Items 555 China, Glassware, Etc. 560 Clothing 565 Coins/Stamps 570 Collectibles 575 Computer/Video 580 Crafts/Supplies 585 Cruises 590 Drapes, Linens & FabrIcs 595 Fireplace Fixture 600 Firewood 605 Furniture 610 Furs 615 Health 1 Reducing Equipment 620 Heating Equipment,' Supplies 625 Household Items 630 Jewelry 635 Lamps/Lights 640 Luggage 645 Medical Items 650 Miscellaneous 655 Musical Instruments 660 Office Supplies/ Equipment 665 Pets/Supplies/ Services 670 Photography 675 Plumbing Supplies 680 Pools & Supplies 685 Restaurant Equipment 690 Satellite 695 Sewing Machines 700 Sporting Goods 705 Stereo Equipment 710 Television/Radio 715 Tickets 720 Tools 725 To s & Games 730 VMRs 735 Wanted to Buy 740 AIR CONDITIONER 05 York 3 5 ion package unij w near ne*w ,n DO''-. 1750 19541309-8659 AIR CONDITIONER 31/2 1,)n Friqilaire $300 863i.,697-2t0)4 TWO 1/2TON COLEMAN A/C w/real rl.ips i.150 863-167.4328 WINDOW UNIT -18000 BTU's 220 voll runrs real $125 or bestoffer 863-697-60'33 BAR, Handmade green marOli lop, e.pajnilable. iron China Appraised al i35u0 asi.ri $900)re0 ik863)824-870.3 BARBER CHAIR, Ermil J Padair Porcelain base w.'tiol rest, all nvdr ,ji,,: woral $500 neg id oi63169,-uJ2 'i * AIR CONDITIONER, 18 000 blu neats & cools 1.75 18631467-8339 Do-It-Yourself Ideas Heritage Cradle Handsome and sturdy, this classic cradle is a quick and fun do-it-yourself project. Designed for wood- workers of all skill levels, it requires only 14 pieces that are all (except for the straight ones) traced from full-size patterns. The cradle is designed to hold a bassinet pad, which can be purchased or made at home, and has integral handholds that make it easy to carry. The completed cradle measures 33 inches long by 27 inches wide by 27 inches tall. Heritage Cradle plan (No. 666)... $9.95 Cradles Package (No. C32) Four projects incl. 666 ... $24.95 Catalog (pictures hundreds of projects) ... $2.00 Please add $4.00 s&h (except catalog-only orders) To order, circle item(s), Please be sure to clip & send w/ check to: include your name, U-Bild Features address and the name of 15241 Stagg St. this newspaper. Allow Van Nuys, CA 91405 1-2 weeks for delivery. Or call (800) 82-U-BILD IM u-bild.com Money Back Guarantee Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, August 24, 2006 Thrsay Auaust.2. 206Srvn hecmunte.ouho.Lk.kecoe ELEC. RANGE, Hotpoint, w/ov- GIRLS BEDROOM SUITE en, black & white, very Natural wood, incl. bed, dress- clean, exc. cond., $200. ers, desk, nghtstds, mirror, (863)983-6319 $800 Negot. 561-790-6589 GE RANGE/ KENMORE DRYER GLASS TOP TABLE 36"w/four Both good condition. Work chairs. Designer full length great. $200/both or will sell mirrors, (2). Ped. sink/faucet. separately. 863-697-6033 $350. Will sep. 561-625-4306 KITCHEN APPLIANCES HIDE AWAY BED: Older, You stove, dishwasher, fdridge, mi- haul. $25 or best offer. crowave, all lyr $1800/all, will (863)675-4797 sellseperate. 863-763-1981 HUTCH,PonderosaPine, 3 REFRIG. Kenmore side by shelves, 8 drawers & 3 side, W&l in door, Elec doors. $150 (863)467-1401 Range smooth top $800 (863)675-5865 8am-5pm KING SIZE BED- Oriental, 4 poster. Solid wood. Good WASHER & DRYER, Excellent condition. $1000, working condition. Belts & (863)946-3265 hoses new. $150 (863)824-8703 KS WATERBED FRAME- w/ plllowtop matt, w/drawers WASHER & DRYER, Kenmore, bookcase hdbd w/mirror, good condition. $100 for $400 (863)697-0167 both or will separate. (863)634-1055 LIVING ROOM SET, Couch, loveseat, good condition, WASHER;Kenmore &DRYER, hunter green. $200 or best Maytag: Both work well. $100 often (863)634-1055 for both, will sap. You haul. offer. (863)634-1055 (863)675-4797 LIVING ROOM SET, Love seat, WASHER: Westinghouse & chair & ottoman. Like new WASHER: Westinghouse & condition, $275 DRYER: Kenmore. Both in cnd $ Excellent cond. $160 neg. (863)612-5037 LaBelle will sep. (863)763-6591 LIVING ROOM SET, Sleeper WATER PURIFIERS sofa, loveseat & 2 Lazyboy By Ecoquest New in box, 3yr. cli23 067rs. $600 warranty. $400/both, will sell (863)234-1067 separately. 863-824-3402 LIVING ROOM SET, Sofa, loveseat, wing chair, 4 oak i claw foot tables, mint cond. $2450 (863)697-6455 SCHWINN, Orange County LOVE SEAT, SOFA, Recliner, Chopper, like new, $175. Coffee Table, 2 End Tables .& (863)467-0538 Sofa Table. Go:,d cnditon ,$700 (239)839-5009 OAK DINING TABLE w,6 u1,- roSlered P rairs good condo AWNINGS- 1 147 'ong $200 (863)675-58 65 I 3'5" long, 2 are 87 1 2" 8am-pm. long, $200 li)r all OFFICE SUITE, Decorator De. (863)697-2044 signed desk. file rcbinet book Rsrhelves. coucin ialner criair & Bldn more $2499 1863)674-0811 SINGLE BED Compllete w/IraiTo* & & ead,1. FILL DIRT 200 YARDS New maCtress w 75 00 You load/haul. FREE 863-447-0002 0 863-675-93006 HOME WINDOWS- Like new. $150. Will separate. (863)675-8141 COAT: Black Fox & Lamb METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Wool, Full Length. Designed Buy Direct From Manufactur- for casual to very formal. Pur- er. 20 colors in stock with all chased 12/05 in New York. Accessories. Quick turn Worn twice. Size 14. Looks around Delivery Available excellent on size 10-16. Paid Toll Free (888)393-0335. $6,000. Sacrifice for $1000, Firm. Absolutely Gorgeous on VINYL SIDING- Georgia Pacif- any age. Serious caller' only ic; light gray, new, one full 863-67-6- 55rinlo ',pi. box of 22 12ft sections. $200 (863)467-7866 ROSSI 44 MAGNUM CIk' S&W Special. S/6 Model 720, CRIB & MATTRESS, Like now, iolslr and shells $300 all wood crib. $17.0 363-824-3402 (863)675-4701 CRIB BEDDING SET, $30 (863)675-4701 I6 SWING SET. -,,ji. dod. $125 (863612-503 La- EXERCISE BIKE & PUNCHING Belle BAG. $185 for bOlh or will separate 18631467-1401 IMAGE 17.0 TREADMILL Get fit fast in the comfort of FLOWER GIRL DRESSES (2) your own home. Used 1 mth. Identical, white sizes 4 & 6. $400 Negot, 863-634-0761 Paid $400/both, asking $200. Will sell sep, 863-634-0339 J l0 FORMAL GOWN, Size 12, worn once, lavender, great DIAMOND RING w/wedding condition. Paid $275, asking band entwined, 1 carat, size $100 (863)634-0339 7, pear shaped, asking $1800. (863)675-6511. [n l DIAMOND RING- 1/2 ct, w/surrounding diamonds, AVON BOTTLES 90+, and $450 (863)675-7105 or some older books & related (863)673-5023 articles, $150 tor all or best offer. (863)467-5052. 1 1 IB A ELVIS RECORD & SOUVENIR COLLECTION: Approx. 44 yrs. CEILING FANS (2), Hunter.. old, Rare items.. $600 all or USA made w/light kit. Cost bestoffer.. 863-824-3358 $125 each, asking $70 for FOOTBALL/BASEBALL CARDS both, eiI ap. 15616. l3-1371 [1000)- Racing & Comic. late s early 90s Exc. cond. $400 orbestofferll 863-763-8943 SALT- n PEPPER SHAKERS FREE DIABETIC SUPPLIES! 1041 Sets) asking $2500 MEDICARE PATIENTS! Call (863)801-4949 Us Toll Free (866)294-3476 and receive a FREE METER! *Am-Med Quality Diabetic I piI I Supplies. LIFT CHAIR, Beige, $300 COMPUTER TABLE- large, ad- (863)675-0548 justable heights, good condi- LIFT CHAIR- Good condition. tion, $50 or best offer $350.(863)801-4949 (863)763-6629 $350 (863)801-4949 PENTIUM) 4- Complete, key- POWER CHAIR, MeNritis, Holds- board, mo educational up to 350 bs. New battery & program, $250n tires. Pd. $7,598. Now $1000. (863)843-0158 or best offer. (239)324-2115 SCANNER- UMAX Astra . software, Win. 98, $25. (863)675-4970L s AIRLINE MECHANIC Rapid (8)-49LV.msg. training for high paying lM If Aviation Career. FAA pre- ijiii i ~dicts severe shortage. Fi- nancial aid if qualify Job BEDROOM SET, King bed w/ placement assistance. mirrored canopy, lighted head- CALL AIM (888)349-5387. board, dresser & night stand. PAI 1u $300 ng. (863)634-1055 ft., Sears X-Cargo, excellent CHINA CABINET, Solid wood, condition. $75 (863)610-0412 2 pc. w/5 shelves. Hand or(863)763-5422 seel $500 (863)763-8943 PICK "A" PACKAGE ZERO DOWN FROM ONLY 14.95 COUCH,LOVESEAT&CHAIR PER WEEK 37" FLAT almostnew, green plaid. $600 SCREENS, DVDS, XBOX 863-357-1859 360, IPODS, TEVOS, DESK- all wood, white Formi- STEREOS, GUITARS, SPAS, ca covered, 24Wx40Lx30H,5 ABOVE GROUND POOLS, drawers, 1 door, on wheels, CALL NOW (800)868-8966. $100 (863)357-8788 PLAY STATION II- Sony, W/5 DINING ROOM TABLE, Cherry games, 2 controllers. 2 mo wood, with 6 leather covered old. $150. (863)447-6620 chairs. 38x79 with leaf. $500 (863)467-2532 ROAD MESH, Used with con- DINING ROOM TABLE- Tile create, 5'x30' long, 6" top, White wash, Peach tile squares. $15 w/pattern, Seats 4. $150. (863)763-0625 RFirm (863)634-0387 M ic DINING TABLE custom made w/glass top, nice cond. Cost I tr n 0 $1150 new, sacrifice for $150.(561)633-1371. ACOUSTIC GUITARS, (2), S Esteban, w/soft case, Alva- ENTER./CURIO UNIT- Wicker, rez Mod. 5022, w/hard case, 6'6"H, 5W, 18"D. Curved $275. (863)697-9704 top, 8 side shelves, 3 center shelves, $75 BASS GUITAR Fender Mar- (863)675-2392 cus Miller Jazz, beautifully crafted, perfect, hardshell ENTERTAINMENT CENTER, case. $725. 863-357-7406 Birchwood, beautiful, mint condition. $900 DRUM SET, First Act, $175 or (863)697-6455 best offer. (863)467-1301 FUTON- White, Metal, Good GOLD YAMAHATRUMPET condition. $75. in exc. cond. $300 or best of- (863)634-8118 fer. 239-848-7662 ENGRAVER-New Hermes, En- gravograph, 115 AC/DC, .88 amps, 10K RPM, H.9. 1/15, $1500 (863)763-7609 Shop here first! The classified ads BEAGLE PUPPY, Purebred, male, 10 weeks, health cer- tificate, adorable. $175 (863)675-4703 after 7pm. BIRD CAGE, Large, White, Good [ciiditioni. $50. (863)304-6310 Boston Terrier Pups, 10 wks old, multi color, 2 males, 1 ferm., shots & wormed, $300. (863)357-2124 COCKATIELS (2), with cage. $75 (863)675-0247 LaBelle CONURES (3), Mated pair & older baby w/large cage. $600 (863)675-0247 LaBelle FINCHS- pair, $15 (863)234-1700 FREE HAMSTERS 863-801-1302 GERBILS (5), with 2 aquari- ums & tops. $20 for all (863)634-6087 anytime KERR PUPPIES- 7 1/2 wks, Ifr',: r ood rhin:i only .636,52e44 TOY FOX TERRIER & Japa- nese Crinr buIn males $450. for both, Or will sep. (863)983-6537 YORKIE, 1 ACA regisilrerd Male, 8 weeks old. Has 1st shots $650. (863)763-6778 SATELLITE RECEIVER, Di;,r lfelwofl.., iioieIl 2 00 ewi r remove $20 (863il6l-0625b BIG SCREEN TV ToShib'3, '50", needs some work, but is in working order. $?0,.0intg. (8P63)634-1220 TV. 48' Widiesreen wilh bJe 'i, ;I0 ,l863 '.!2 -106- AIR COMPRESSOR, iFp, for home workshop. Runs good. 1,5 inrm (561676b-r.i427 AIR COMPRESSOR, Ingersoll Rand, 5 5 hp 6 months old. Pind 57.0i Atiang $600 neg. (863)674-0416 LaBelle DRILL PRESS, Delta Shop- master, $50. (863)674-0416 GENERATOR, Tecumfeh Ern- duriu )L."C. 300(13i. 120v 21 1T w 5.' 3ilun gs. '..31 $5501, l 6j467;-17 PRESSURE WASHER- 400 psi, w/hoses, wands, tips, trailer & 13 hp Honda Engine AIR HOCKEY TABLE 4'X6' like new. $125. 561-625-4306 NEW COIN COLLECTOR want- ing to add to my collection. Please call to sell coins & paper money 239-693-4891 Agriculture i : Christmas Trees 745 Farm Equipment 805 Farm Feed/'Products 810 Farm Miscellaneous 815 Farm Produce 820 Farm Services Offered 825 Farm Supplies,' Services Wanted 830 Fertilizer 835 Horses 840 Landscaping Supplies 845 Lawn & Garden 850 Livestock 855 Poultry/Supplies 860 Seeds/Plants/ Flowers 865 ROUND BALES (35) $700/all, will sell separately. 863-634-9111 GELDING, 13 yrs. old, gray, very fast, used on barrels & worked cows, exc. manners, $2500.(863)673-5058 HORSE TRAILER: Logan '88, 3 horse, slant stock trailer w/re- movable tack wall. $1500 neg. 863-699-9701/239-280-6082 MISSING HORSE, 3 year old, Sorrell Quarter horse, mare, from Lake Port area. REWARD! (239)633-7173 - *for* Trcuer On Una s vice Buy ~~- Trade Horses, ti"ck, Etc. 863-467-1304 www.okeechobee.horse-trader corn Serving The Greater Lake Okeechobee Area PONY CART & HARNESS, $1000 or best offer. (863)634-5820 TB BAY GELDING- 18yrs, exc horse team pens & sorts cat- tle, exp rider, $1800 (863)763-5567 CRAFTSMAN RIDING MOWER LC100, B&S, 17.5hp, 9mths. new, exc.cond. $900 or best offer. 863-763-1981 Okee Farms Sale 1020 with spectacular view. Paved Houses Sale 1025 road, gated, restricted. 3400' Hunting Property 1030 altitude. $95,000, Bryson Investment City. Call owner! Property Sale 1035 1800)810-1590. www.aewil- Land Sale 1040 liams.net. Lots Sale 1045 NC MOUNTAINS 7 acres on Open House 1050 mountain top in gated com- Out of State munity, view, trees, water- Property Sale 1055 fall & large public lake Property Inspection1060 nearby, paved private ac- Real Estate Wanted 1065 cess, $99,500 owner Resort Property (866)789-8535 NC77.com. Sale 1070 Warehouse Space 1075 North Carolina Mtns. Asheville Waterfront Property 1080 Area Starting @ $89,900 for spectacular parcels with views, waterfalls, mountain ' P esstreams, amenities & much Sale 100 m86more. Call for appt. (866)930-5263. TANNING BED BUSINESS Priced for Quick Salel! 3.2 2 Beds, 1 Booth acre lake lot, 148 ft of front- Established Business. age. Northeast GA's largest Large clientele, and newest lake, Patriot's Inventory included, new bulbs. Pointe. $98,500. More Info: $20,000 or best offer. (706)213-6734 www.lake- (863)885-1718 russellproperties.com. CLEWISTON, WATERFRONT HUSKY RIDING MOWER- au- 3 Bdrm., 2 Ba, 1/4 acre, to, 18hp, 42" cut, $250 fenced, new roof & dock. (863)634-8596 $164,900 neg. 863-805-0272 LAWN TRACTOR, Husky Su- LaBelle 3/3 Down Town, Near preme, 26hp, 54" cut, 10cu. Courthouse. Lg. rooms, Top ft. trailer, 94 hrs on motor. Area $212K or Annual Lease $2000 neg. (863)634-1055 $1800 mo. 561-441-2800 MTD MOWER- 12HP 38" cut, Point Lot with home runs good, $150 over 300'waterfront, (863)634-8596 200' deepwater dockage, workshop with bath. MURRAY RIDING MOWER 2 lots, may divide. 42" cut, 15hp Kohler com- $650,000. (239)823-2587 mand eng. Turn key ready. $450. 863-697-9884 Joe PORT LaBelle: 4/2 Upgrades galore! Lg. Rooms, Lg. Yard. PUSH MOWER, 6 hp, 22" cut, Near School. Pdceto sell. self propelled. $60 $179,500.orAnnualLease (863)467-6475 $1900, Owner 863-673-5071 QUEEN PALM 30' healthy, cshdz_04@earthllnk.net partially promoted by Wllma. You dig & haul, $60 or best of- La d -i S 1 iJ1 far. 239-728-6273 ALVA RIDING MOWER- Snae 'r CLEWISTON: 1.93 Acres on RIDING MoldermodeR- Snaer Fla Hole Rd. 250 Taft Blvd.w/ (863,697-6565 All Improvements. 509 Front- age. $149,500. 561-993-5886 ROTO TILLER Huskee 6 1/2 FELDA, 5 Acres w/ 2 BR, 2 HP rear times. $400. Ba.M/H, 2 Barns, Chicken (863)763-6888. Coop, Greenhouse, etc. SELF PROP MOWER- 6.5HR $150,000. (863)673-1057 lyr old, $100 or best offer LAND -5 TO 145 ACRES (863)763-6591 www.tommycland.com WEED EATER, Wheeled, 18", MONTURA RANCH ESTATE $150 (863)467-1224 1.25 ac. on paved main road. -412 Bald Cypress Ave. $55,000 neg. (561)993-5886 PIONEER Okeechobee Livestock 4055 Pioneer 15 Street Market Sales every Mobile home on 3.33 acres of Mon. 12pm & every clean land. Asking $140k neg. Tues. 11am. 763-3127 For info and showings call Luca (305)975-0897 or e-mail Idottone(5kbrealty2050.com Luca D'Ottone KB Realty OLD TIMER ROPING SADDLE- I7 (863)234-1700 P* I n ASHEVILLE, NC AREA Breath- laking mountain view & riv- er parcels. 1 to 8 acres from the $80's Nature trails. TnENiE custom lodge, river walk & much more. 5 min. from town. (866)292-5762. Apartments 905 BEAUTIFUL N. CAROLINA. Business Places 910 ESCAPE THE HEAT IN THE Commercial BEALITIFUL PEACEFUL Property 915 MOUNTAIIJS OF WESTERN Condos/' lJC Homes Cadins Acrpiin Townhouses Rent920 IIvESTMEIJTS CHEF O. Farm Property KEE MOUNTAIN GMAC Rent 925 REAL ESTATE. cherokee- House Rent 930 niounainireally .oinm Call or Land Rent 935 Iree brochure Resort Property I8001)Oi8-86:3 Rent 945 Roommate 950 Coastal Georgia- New, Pre- Rooms to Rent 955 Construction Golf Commu- Storage Space nity. Large lots & condos w/ Rent 960 deepwater, marsh, goll, na- ture views. Galed, Golf, Fit- Sness Center, tennis, Trails, Aaftments 09fl05 Docks. $70k's- $300k. (877)266-7376 www.coop- BELLE GLADES- Efficinc. erspoint.com. 00 rr mo + $300 spi: dep East Tennessee- Norris Lake Please call561)248-37'4 5.6 acre wooded LAKE- FRONT lot- $66,500 5.1 Clewiston,2BR ACRE WOODED view lot- Upstairs apartment. No pets. $28,900 Call Lakeside Re- Call 50 m~'IT' alty @ (423)626-5820Q Or Call 677-0977 or visit www.lakesidereally- (863)983-4436 tn.com. GREENTREE EAST GEORGIA/ NORTH CAROLINA APARTMENTS Captivating mountain Newly Rehabbed Apart- views, lakes, rivers, water- ments. A Farm Labor Ren- falls, Homeslies starting @ tal Community. Available $39,900. Log home kits @ for Immediate Occupancy. $39,900. Limited 2 BR Apartments. availability. Call' *Rental Assistance (888)389.3504 X 700. Available to qualified GRAND OPENING PHASE III households. October 28- One Day Onlyl *Must earnaminimum of NC Coast 5 miles. Lots start- $3998 from agricultural or ing $119,999.00. Qualified farm labor actives. Prospects 0-Down, No Pay Spacious Apartment in 6 M o, i n s Call quiet country setting. (866)212-5653, x104. *Full time bilingual Site Manager. Gulf front lots $595k. Homes *Rental rates starting at starting mid $300k. New $429 plus Utilities, master planned ocean front Call 902-1577 community on beautiful Mustang Island, near Corpus Your new home could be Christi, TX. www.cinnamon- In today's paper. Have shore.com, (866)891-5163. you looked for It? KY LAKE CUMBERLAND LIMITED LAND SALE Up to HlI[uses-RentJ0J 9 $10,000 OFF all waterfront parcels! Parcels with gener- LAKE Okee 3BR/2BA, All apple. ous 120' frontage are being incl. W/D & D/W. 30' deep discounted for a limited time. 1 car gar. $1400/mo. 2) Avail. Pool, tennis, walking trails. approx. 9/1. 863-946-3333 (866)462-8198. LAKE ESCAPE at The Ridges ;Of iceResort & Club. Bed & Break- I0 fast at Our Beautiful Lakeside Mountain Resort in Hiawas- see GA. $99-weekday to $139. TheRidgesResort.com (888)834-4409. LAKEFRONT PREDEVELOP- www.grandeharbor.info. All ~Build To Suit~ water- access homesites direct from the developer. Up To 10,000 SQ.FT. Most amenities already in.t Belle Glade Area from $79,900. Possible 18 ele laderea mo NO PAYMENTS! Call Now! (888)BY-LAKES. *MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA AAH COOL SUMMERS MILD WINTERS Affordable Homes CALL FOR FREE BROCHURE Rea| state (877>837-2288 EXIT REAL- U NTAIN VIEW PROP- Real Estate R T E S www.exitmurphy.com. i i I NATIONAL BUILDER 0% S DOWN when you own land! HOME BUILT ON YOUR LOT Business Places starting at $58 per square Sale 1005 foot. Call for FREE color bro- Commercial chures. (800)622-2832. Condos/ NC: Best buy in mountains Townhouses Sale 1015 Owner financing, three acres Western New Mexico Private 62 Acre Ranch $129,990 Mt. views, trees, rolling hills, pastureland, borders BLM. 1930's stone home- stead and barn ruins. Horseback riding, hiking. hunting. Perfect family ranch, electricity. 100"o fi- nancing. NALC (866)365-2825. With Tennessee's Beautiful Lakes & Mountains, you are sure to find the perfect spot to call home. Call Nancy Gaines, Gables & Gates (865) 388-7703, 1865)777-9191 www.nan- cygaines.com Mobile Homes Mobile Home Lots 2005 Mobile Home Parts 2010 Mobile Homes Rent 2015 Mobile Homes Sale 2020 MOBILE HOME DOORS- Interi- or, Exterior & Cupboard doors. $175. Will separate. (863)675-8141 Double Wide 1994, 3 Bdrm., 2 Full Bath's. Good.condition. $80,000. or best offer. 863-902-2299/561-261-2171 MONTURA, 4br, 2ba, on 1.25 acres, completely fenced. Price REDUCED to $129,900 (561)793-6923 REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE 1996 Fleetwood, 2br/1ba, In M/H Pk. In Okee, Turn Key, $24K Negot. (305)345-2472 Recreation Boats 3005 Campers/RFIVs 3010 Jet Skiis 3015 Marine Accessories 3020 Marine Miscellaneous 3025 Motorcycles 3030 Sport Vehlcles'ATVs 3035 ALUMACRAFT V14, seats, an- chors, lights, $1250/best of- fer. Includes tackle. Call 863-677-2002. BASS TRACKER, '88, 40hp Johnson, new trolling motor, tandem trailer, $1500 or best offer. (863)673-5058 BOAT- 17.6 ft, center console, 115 Mariner, T-top, Trailer, $2500 (863)902-0477 Irwin 52' Ketch, $126,500 Irwin 37' Ketch, Call to Discuss. (239)823-2587 MARATHON 1985, Cabin Cruiser, 21 Ft., 190 hp. Merc. $3500 neg. MooreHaven 863-946-1856/248-935-3837 PONTOON 20'- Brand New, 60hp E-tech, inclds new trailer, $13,500 (863)675-4090 PONTOON BOAT 25'1996 completely redone w/Evin. 112hp, '04 dual axle trlr., $10K or best offer. 863-634-7163 QUACHITA- 14FT, center con- sole, fiberglass, 25HP Evin- rude, Continental trailer $1500 (863)467-7866 STARCRAFT 16' needs bat- tery. 50hp Johnson, w/trir. $500. 863-634-9153 Grab a bargain from your neighbor's garage, attic, basement or clos- et In today's classifleds. CROSS COUNTRY- 3Oft, new tires, $2500 or best of- fer(863)675-2844 DUTCHMAN 1994, 27 Ft. w/ Florida Room. Whisper Creek Lot 153. Must be moved. $2500.neg. (989)656-9933 BOAT MOTOR- Mere 15hp, 2005, low hours, $1200 (239)225-3282 YAMAHA '04, 4hp cycle mo- tor, like new, less than 100 hrs., 10ft. Tracker boat, tank, oar. $1100 (863)675-0162 11AM Saturday, Sept HIGHLANDS Highlands Park Es Lake Blue Est Sebring Manor Subd Sun N Lakes Esta Sun N Lakes Esta (homesites, g Orange Bloss (homesites, lakefr Erin Park Estati Placid Lakes Lake Haven Estat Leisure Lakes HARDEE C 23 Acres, offer 14.741 Acres, offer Preview home In Lake Blue Es The most important 20 minutes of your day is the time spent reading with your child from birth to aqe nine. 0 .. .. t 9 Lake Placid, FL ~L iis CLEWISTON COUNTRY ACRES COUNTY Modular/Floor Plans. From $79,900 & up, tate (homesites) 3/4/5BR, 2/3BA, acre & 1/4 available or use ates (home) fvision(homesite) your land as down payment. Financing tes (homesites) available. 863-673-6417 or 561-721-5299 rates of Sebring golf course) om Estates ||A tilmobil ront homesite.) s(homesite) MERCEDES '1981-240 diesel, (homesite) very clean asking $1000 te (homesites) (863)801-1666 (homesites) PONTIAC LE '88 4 dr, 77k COUNTY Automobaes- 4005 mis., new a/c compressor, ed as a whole Autoe Wanted 4010 battery, brakes & tires. $1200 ed in two parcels Classic Car 4015 Neg. 239-728-6273 ALVA tales 11AM-2PM, Sat, Sept 2 Commercial Trueks 4020 ostl 25,1490 Hwy 27N, Lake Placid Construction Comr i 10 -5 4 Equipment 4025 TrMucs42 Foreign Cars 4030 Four Wheel Drive 4035 FORD L9000 DUMP TRUCK Heavy Duty Trucks 4040 1991, tri-axle, alum. bed, low Parts- Repairs 4045 miles. $29K or best offer. Pickup lucks 4050 863-517-1780 MIis lneous 302 Sport Utility 4055 Tractor Trailers 4060 1. "-.0,I, EVINRUDE '89, 70hp Out- tVa" 4065 board, runs excellent, can CHEVY COLORADO BEDLIN- demonstrate. $700 ER, like new, $125. (863)634-2998 I (863)763-8969 rIr l CHEVY S-10 ENGINE & BMW rare 535i 1990 Great for TRANS- 89-90, 4cyl, 2 fen- the $. White w/tan leather, new ders, hood, all for $350 or Classic 1967 Triumph Chop- motor, trans, AC & more. Only best offer (863)467-5680 per Project 6, good title, $2500. (772)475-6194 ELEC FUEL PUMP- Brand complete bike, needs ring job. $2000 (863)674-0898 BUICK CENTURY WAGON '96, new, never used, diesel or 6 cyl. Auto, Trailer hitch, A/C gas, 15 gal per minute, $300 HONDA GOLDWING '77, $2400. Or best offer. or bestoffer (863)467-5680 $1400 or besi oliri (863)357-7406 FORD F150 '90- i..1i-31-5251 BUICK SKYHAWK '87 Runs No motor, parts only. $400 MOTOR CYCLE TRAILER, great. Asking $700. 863-634-9153 Cuslom bull new iire fen- 863-675-1113 Muse area FORD TRITON '98- good run- iterc, liIo.di igrils,.31uniinur ning condo. $900 or best offer irap $12751 863)674-0898 CADILLAC EL DORADO '94, ning cond. $900 or best offer $2500 (863)673-4100 (863)634-5829 SUZUKI- '06, v650, 1800 mi. CHEVY MONTE CARLO '98 2 GENERAL P255/70R17 TIRES, $30U access included. Mint door LS coupe, 88k, good (3), $90. (863)763-8969 Conailon $4600. condition, lire red $5000 or RIMS (4), Low profile, 4 lug, i63.137-7406 best offer. (863)763-8504 off a '97 Honda Civic. $250 YAMAHA VIRAGO 1998, 1100 FORD MUSTANG 1995, V6, (863)447-5374 CC 12 400 mis., Garage Auto., A/C, 70,800 miles. TONNEAU COVER, A.R.E. Fl- i.epi E.cellniit condition. Very good condition. $3500 berglass, Fits '01-'03 Dodge T.3800 1863)163-8437 Firm. (863)634-2475 Dakota Quad Cab, white. $300 Sports FORD TAURUS '91- strong neg. (863)697-0328 motor, good glass & body, TRUCK CAP aluminum, for needs trans work, $250 neg small truck, teal, $275. (863)763-8052 (863)763-3361. seater, new tires, runs great, FORD T-BIRD '94 & Mercury WHEELS, 16" Factory 2006 $850. (863)674-0539. La- Cougar '88, excellent body, Mustang, brand new BF Belle bad motors, have motors. Goodrich Radial tires, will in- $600 neg. (561)676-0427 stall. $800 (863)697-0467 sweater, runs great, new rear FORD TEMPO GL '92, 67k, WHEELS, 4 mag, 8.5'x15", 5 tires. $650. (863)674-0539 Clean, runs good, cold a/c. lug, & 2 7"x15", fits Ford pick- LaBelle. $1500 or best offer, up. $150 for all, will sep. (863)467-0668 (863)763-5422 or 610-0412 YAMAHA 400 Kodiak, '04- LINCOLN MARK VII '9r 5.0, 4x4, excellent condition, LINCO.N low miles.'$2000 rraiv u- d, $3700 V8, auto., low miles.102000 186316-4'405 (863)675-7105 CHEV DUALLY '77- 1 ton, LINCOLN TOWN CAR, '96, strong V8, auto, w/ headers, Tra r ilenice ride, good condition, $1800 neg. (863)763-4149 cold a/c, $2450. or(561)758-4337 TRAVEL TRAILER, 28ft. Needs (772)260-1545 CHEVY SILVERADO '86- 1/2 work, has alot of potential. MAZDA RX7- '88, Needs a lit- ton, '72 rebuilt Chevy 454 & $700 (863)675-1113 Muse tie TLC. $500. or best offer. 700 R4 trans, recent rebuild, area. (863)467-1000 $1800 neg (863)467-1958 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursdav, Auqust 24,2006 I MC P. B&" ESTATBAROKPMR 420EM SUGARLANDJIWY. (863) 983-6663 S_: (863) 983-9770 WEBSITe: DYESSREALESTATE.COM MAIL: ANN@DYESSREALBSTATE.COM AFMR MUHOnRS. - ANN DYESS LARA SuT rS TRAVIS DSS uAN.GECA GONZALEZ (863)983-8979 (863)599-1209 (863)228-S2215 SEHABLAESPANOL ______________(863)2728-002 RESIDENTIAL 3BR, 1 1/2BA as is $135,000 3BR, IBA $145,000 3BR, 2BA lacre $320,000 4BR, 2BA New Home $329,000 2BR, 1BA Duplex $189K VACANT LAND Condo Bass Capital Montia 1.25 acre lot wisl- $169,000 abM Call for Lti Flate2.41 acres $135,000 MH Lot oan Commercido $20K Davidson Rd 2 ac Residential $209,900 Watercress Farm 15 acres PiMneerPlantation 4BR, 2 1/2 BA with pool 3BR, 2BA DWMH$99,900 10 acres LaDeca cleared Reducuedsteo 13a9e0uu 3BR. 2BA Rido i S/D 3BR, 2BA den & pool $120,000 $339,900 2BR, 2BA, SWMH Easy 3BR, 2BA Home with effi Life $62,500 cienc. Gnoid rcmditinn Mobile Home on 5. 32? acres i17.00 Recduc.ed t i $285 000 2BR, 2BA. 2 stary $140.(X) Home, o T lft BhId iatit .2. : -,5 .. j 225.U.irj Reducedtiaw5,000W 22.23 crews Pineer 1'r9,900 COMM41"RCIAL Tnd'i + Cabinet Shop 4800sq.ti & Apt. S200,00'J NEW LISTING 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath, 2133 sq. ft. living. Call 4 Details Thursday, August 24, 2006 _ziu '1 ~ EDu-uz~c.ertEes 5211 E Su~~rland H~. CL~kk'n j AKTON REALTY; INC. S www.bartonclewiston.coni Se Hable Espadtol 417 W. Sugarland Hwy. 3- U.63.," a.. -S3.Si3-.4464 BokerLilia 305-4954739 As .ues. brid Rs i.13 3 365 ALL PRICES REDUCED CALL FOR BARGAINS NOW *2 story house on 5 beautiful acres $ 190,0001! SALE PENDING, *10 Acres, paislhire, fenced Redi ced $190,000!! *INVESTORS 2 DLIi.k-'Cs 4 apart. Rent $650. ('K Ii!! ( )\ ler ITriniildri lii *5-10 acres AG/He'skiiLciiiil. Choose from several lots. FIron .51,.o000 *Pioneer-Beautiful Cedar ood house oin 5 acres, horse siai)ks S250A.000 ; V 1 s. a '- FEATURED La/nv aere~s home .'th aea.dg 3 S r urnfles to Orqplac., split fkow plan. all r nI f pn P" &ed M R.p:(, ;F.. K, ,I ', C.i.lvyn Th.m' 946.l20U5 1 .L. ," D ,d, Rls-R r 634 7 157 a-.,. *~ N nr~ Thli, ;pa& OU;, %aterfront honi.e. Io:3lrcd on P:pih Circle, hta 4 bedr.."om. 3 balh% large. pcil & panu & mnlw yip.drit,.. Priced @ S 389,000. Call today CLEWISTON *Executive Home on Del Monte Ave., 3 or 4 bedron/3 baths, 1+ acre, custom tile and upgraded kitchen. $525,000 *3 BP/ 2 BA MH v LTg S.:r.'n..d Porch. Seminoe Manor, Ma lke an Offol *2 BRI I BA Home on corner lot Sagamore Ave. SReduced to $130,000. *3BRAIBA Home. C,_,. a A%-L. 19j.OOU.' *3 BR/2 BA MH .nr'i,'.' emll & .pph, ances. Seminole Manor. $89,900 *3 BR/2 BA Brick Home, cerammic tile. Just outside of town $139,900 .3 BD/ 2 BA 2005 MH. Si.r.-a.!,in Lhakes Et iatei Prirr l a ail.s17.ilO *3 BR 2 BA MH '.,.Lrg ,alv.'rfii-mi l. *4BR21BA M -IH v 'iLJJ I..i. Gron-. S..-- .-BRP' BA CBS Hrv Ln,.', It E MOORE HAVEN LAKEPORT ' CB.S Dupleie'. BR.I BA..rl, uiui Only .222Q.011" ijr .onlli' '2 MNIH Fishcrnan'i Para,1,- 128S lJU *-'BRIBAMNfHi., La. 0 -Aa---I H1i.i.9) 3 BR'2 BACBS H.i-.n. w ,- p.,an?.i Tk,irtich-r li'ci. ilgi.1 00 c (863) 983-b.S59 Eil. 5I ho:Pow YW Es t216 Th, 4 bedrroom. baih home on Ri.1 e in. Cir':l'. ha ani updated kil.hcn. large t i 0n11. rorm enjr,;ed- p'ol a-,a and mi: ,,rt. Listed @ $299,000. *Cuoi rincrcj.,l R,'tai..'Miedi.al O iic,. Turnkey. $290,000 PIONBEER/IADECA FLAGHOLE * 3 BD/2 BA MH, beautiful 2.5 ac lot, r,' .u] .it.tJpJti $189,900 3* BDO' BA MH 5 acres wilrgoaks, polebarn & more. $289,000 *A rare find. TaftBlvd. 1 ac with 3 BD, 2 BA MIr $1.59,900 * r.- a,.,\V..d,:-!; +/- 4ac with 3 BD/2 BA MR Lr:. rro,..r.I.ed $329,000 ACREAGE, LAND & LOTS * Formn Land Available Calt forDetails . 3 ',-3 .. LIT OIJ US -27 DL.-i- iiL.'k 1 Hyll1, -m C., In. ` C ,U AC I O'C k.' irlirh at J23.5illJ per ac D3..r,.T fin Il .I: s-iIl!.i . * A P.q, FL.1! 6. s C : lill..1 hI-.' MONTURA * I.ut, Av,:.l,,.I Stiiini,L ,t $35,00 0 * Lr B 4 BR BA MH 1 I15.uulj - C,.., JRD.2RBA Mll N -,,4ed 1."5n. * LrL 4 BD'2 BA 2. P-t(i .qi I MH 1.25 ., .:r.J i Sti Mr.ri *.i. Re-aiv ror Idnul,' u. 'U"j I ~ ~IPne- 863-946-3900 Fax: 863-946-3902 498 US Hwy. 27, Moore Havn LV.RGLADES w l efi~elyA. Dayls Real Estate Diuket 4E LT ,IC rr LVVIN U. Motivated Seller NEC0\UU LkL H31111 qu'I- i er,. t CIri.LIrtIj~iC,r Ii i r l licri 1 - Mom Hatven RiverGardem I r i taT 111,t.1 tCLEWISTON W at ADeal.2 Icts -n L I L0.-oril \ -;4:-il1 SBrdn.j Ne%%. 11M-lme.i iiF .la R'Jf? n,\stnrEFNFD TIN I ~ ...Ls d -JL- ~jd-- .1.. Develqpznent Behind Walat e BRB O ARGE LOT &4P~D lii iI~. i Ailc lii ~ '~*Waterfront Rentals.. Ineotite MOORE [L%%EN 'oduc ing Proeperty & Industrial G~iriglau !Hjine4,- ''. -m i i I JI. -.I.1 .-'i c'mi !c,, o *. Property availla Sle Call For Detail% B,,. Fidi~ernani Dreim lIit i'M 'i, -F I: I .',Tc 4&*i i 3,n ic..'.BONITA Sl'RIN6~ MOV N ~ RIGHT IN! '1111 NO I1-4--- i- -[1.1501 r'. ..i i li.2-S cIlii'i ..SHiIN L DE bA . r ..... *ia.i L- I i i, r-,'4. ,.r %-i M12NONTUR A .'i-F ilr. T S ,4i ~IMini-Ranch liR2[. 124H.-r.,.I 1 -:0, f, Fin-L-.F' -1111 Hom Oi Ie ~aiv .2. 1t ;&F'.1~ t~l fii I'\t l"U I 2 c'; i i \pzion ---crr'7 P 11hi7.ChcN A~ tli I S' ne11 Lf n l iP- I ,'.1 4..0 1 ~ I ~~ RT Ne%% CBS Homer,. 11. I..i-ot -f JI.: j~ F~i Pcer~i z i..J''27 ',ii 1.11 L i1 ;4'"' l--1 I.k i ml .TLii12112;,A. Lq' P + Ii, [ii Ther P t I4,-l 1. 1L k IB' Hcfmali, I iiJ.-~.-d PAL.MI1AL -1 -,r. 11.1 ll ~ h r.(r.-II21, I-N '.. .34'5 1 i l t 'jU, Farm O~r RaiidiHLrM i I.I... ij 41i -j L imtjj. .h I.I r 'i1jI rrI~H ..e i hriV rr~irqpil Iiri. a[piixi-I R-L .i i. C I. "'. '~ ....I n.'I Id- mm .uinm ,iii.1ifle1rriiir-iur.s~n H.m ' jLiL_, j F P 14,M 11 N G Lc"" zk.ourl'.Liin.di..l4ft 0- Road lo io4. %,1Olde Really ; lr}c (863) 983-0075 OFFICE (863) 983-0070 FAx 1 0 Vt. SugI,lane Hius., Sut(k 9. k. Cc.i lon, Ft 134 .S-. t, w e>; .*uMon,-fri. 9-S k -Sat. 11- rd inieSundav hi' appt. nnIbin I. '~7HIRFSA LEE I RANGFI. "rFIR,; *I it ne IReal Esfale Broker ( 863) 228-1142 ne s ","0 " *IMPOS'eBLE TO DLP.LIG.i-. Hr: .N IsRA F I H4.. JOIII AI '.T ,,f ,,ae- Atfl<. -p i lli ii " tf"3.3 ii- i (iT' C,..,, 1 *U1 /1 .tOIt% i.nI- 'I0 l T I di" ciI ... way to new be nning134. wit a p \N 4'' HIR NOR I H 1,L. 1.1STi .;ii i'.'-I h-GOTN1 3, RD'..: ,lilul id .in hI ii l'u. D.e' I enI I J.. i i ch n .l' . IiCni L ,N11 iRN 1. I 11 in I - 2I)CO .IO II'S H .M 1' 4 ,... ri -.- Iii'.. ,I" l nn- 'in r,.%-n, i. n',. in'l.' 7. S 0 11%1J I lI. .., ,n I l 1.l. '. In I"..- loo /h .J'.I.. R 1 ,,, :, >i ., . bi3 -re, II. r, R' Il (.iI I."Oh l, .U i,E% ., UM F-F-i, I or 'dE, M in~inn i icMA .L00'illiniFI'FOR lI %ND:--- i i L ( i,' ..1 Iinimeiel~ilpimopei.. in1, ..1 Ir O R?~5 ACRT'S OF COMMI'RCTAL in i I i n FEATLURED THIS 11 UK: 33S. Verda 'Sireer. Alonfura 1p a r, pJic .h.,r.,.2 i y. u;11 5- : i 7 i - I'-- Luan B. Walker Lic. Real Estate Broker 863-677-1010 A little bird told me you should come check out this beautifully maintained home. Perfect for your family! 3bd/2ba All bd are large w/ walk-in closets, home is nicely land- scaped and comes w/ hurricane shutters, and has a lana in back that you are sure to enjoy. $284,900.00 Get Preconstruction Price 4 avail- able 38R/2BA, 1 car garage located on Texas Ave., Harlem Subdivision 1673 sq. ft; Special Loan package. Lutz Builders 5160K New L 3 l o u s e, tile th rt, .or lot. 20 Acres on Hwy 27 SZoned Commercial S825 ft. on US Hwy 27 Steel Buildings 50x1I00 with 6 4x14 Bay doors The Oaks at Clewiston IT. 9 2bd/1.5 bath condominiums located on Aztec Ave. FREE washer & dryer 5139,900.00 each New Home Affordable Price CBS Home located on Texas Ave. 1,670sq.ft.' 3bd/2ba/ car garage. City water & sewer. Appliance pack- age included. Reduced to $159.9K Sky Valley Lake Front Lot #9 Only $64,900 For Rent! Need Space? 4bd,"2ba home located at 901 Caribbean Ave. $1,800.00 A Month Smith/Williams Team A Glenn A. Sarah A. Smith Williams 7 863-983-3508 863-228-6867 1) Hooker's Point 3 br/2 ba home on I,'3 acre. Home ii turnkey with new roof and new paint CBS Construction" Fenced, must see $207,000 ML S 200650646 2) Operating Fish Farm 10 acres zoned ag-2. 2 phases of a 4 phase operation is completed. All production is sold out through the end of the year. This is an exciting property that you must see to believe. MLS# 200645189 3) Ready to Move 3br/2 ba aifffe] n .Ufiilnor Walking d6rance from Clewistonr Elementary and Hir ,,IM.PI, S. .i'89,901i0 M 2LS# 20i0636722 4)Residential lncome3br/1 ba& 2 br/1 ba. This duplex is a must see & a money maker. $164,900 5) Montura Ranch Estates Established Animal Rescue Center on 3 75 acres of Land 4br/2ba mobile home, fenced and cros.fenced. ULised at 5274,900 MLS# 2006446161 6) Easy Life Subdivision Spacious 1984 3br/2ba doublewide. Must See!! 200661385 $85,0 7) Ladeca 5 acre fish farm. Currenli not in production, but could be brought back online with a minimum at effort. MLS 200Jb5441 .6 8) labor Camp" 7 Miles South of Clewiston. Permitted for 50 guests. 9)Hooke t on 1.03 acres" I A0aliJJired at $89,900 MLS# 200642005 10) Montura Ranch" 4 Br/2 Ba M/H I 98 Homes of Mention 1.25 Acres. Newly rernodeled Master bath. $129,900 MLS# 200644944 II) Reduced A 2005 3bd '2 ba with large closers. Also a porch viewing a beautiful landscaped yard. Only 129,900.00 Vacant Lots 950 Ridgdill Rd $55K 370 N. OlIvo W42K 685 Tammny Rd $55K 1029 Harlem Academy $,30K Moore Haven River Gardens-Sl1OK 41.7 Redish Cir $60K 529 Redish Cir $35K 575 S toni. $35K 365 N. Lindero $42K 12) Free Mobile Home" When you buy this 15 acres of land on Al Don Farmina Rd Propeir, is fenced/cross fenced. Convenient access to Otewitdn and Labelle MKLI 200652207 Reduced for Quick Sale!! Call For Details. 13) Lopez St. 3 br / I ba home only 124,900.00 www.clewistonflhomes.com Walker/Wood Team wo SSam J. Ashley Walker P. Wood S863-677-1013 863-228-1132 CLEWISTON Located in Central Clewiston This well maintained 2bd/2ba home is per- fect for the 1st home buy -y. Priced at $139,900.00 this new listing will not last oki"g. CR 835 11.77 acre labor camp $499,900.00 You won'twant to miss 03 4bd/2badoublewide on 2.16 acres. Property features = 0l M,. steel building. $225,000 New Listing! 3/2 DWMH, 611 Orange Rd, offered @ $89,900 FLAGHOLE .2.5 ac, pond, 1984 3/2 DWMH, new a/c, metal roof, completely remod eied in 2005 for $130??? You got it!!! MLS #200640508 .2.5 acres on Flaghole Rd. $84,900.00 LAKEP-ORT A little piece of Heaven! 775 County Rd.721 Loop NE Beautiful 2 story home /w spiral staircase & wood floors. Big backyard w/ boat access to the Gulf & direct access to Lake "O". Home on one acre among oak Hammocks. $575K MONTURA - 105 Pinelake Ave the best 1.41 ac lake front lot in Montura @ $77,900 *740 S. Hacienda; 1997 4bd/2ba Palm Harbor MH, 6' fence, beautiful lot and trees, detached carport and shed, immaculate!!! Offered @ $144,900.00 priced to sell. MLS# 200650349 Vacant land in Harlem! .19 acre lots Vacant land in Port LaBelle! $39,500 PIONEER PLANTATION 420 Union Ave. 2.5 Acres $72.9K, 4150 Pioneer 17th St. 2.5 Ac $65K, 5205 Pioneer 22nd St. 5 Ac $130K Jerry W. Smith 561-261-3444 New Listingl 1995 Homes of Merit MH, fenced, above ground pool, lots of storage, and metal roof. Neat & clean. 5135,900.00 Just Reducedl 2.5 Acres, 3bd/2ba MH, fenced, located In Montura Ranch Estates. $155,000.00 Ready To Move In! 3bd/2ba MH located In Moore Haven $79.9K MH on 1.25 acres in Montura Ranch Estates $118,900.00 5 Acres In Pioneer potential for great home site $165K Reduced! Moore Have 3bd/2ba CBS house $200,000.00 5 acres in LaDeca $125K Lehigh Acres Lot $65K MonturaBRanch Estates 363 Appaloosa Ave. (Paved road) 538K1 345 S. Zambra $39.9K 830 S. Orange St. $39.9K 735 N. Fronda $42.5K 770 S. Isora $45K 780 S. Isora $45K . 620 N. Fronda $45K 615 S. Riverside $45K 120-130 S. Coral (2.5 Acres) $90K 2.5 acres Perimeter Rd. $99K '^ A Charmaine A. T Montgomery 863-697-0189 st abiPa Espnl 1. What Are You Wailing For"? Ar. tct:puonal 20 Acre: Just Waiting for the home of your dreams. Grow some Kids & Horses. All For Only $550,000 2. What A Steal!!!! 3bd/1 ba home in Harlemn. Newly Painted Only $74,900.00 3. A Windint Creek & 2 Ponds 4're only, part of the b-auiy of thi; 3bd,2ba irl l ie r, i0 acres. 01 ccDIlD-l s a one car ,aragelll l car p.o.,i. a t12. 2 l .,re [han n. n, h:.rmt for you .' 12-19.90 This is a whole new look on life. 4. Montu.a Ranch Estates 6, 5 t 0 i.ennr'el 4.39 001) 633 Muriting. Club i42 ij00 735 S. Palm $49,000 325 1j lnr,.l I .5 .:c $39,900 1SALEPENDIN1B99i BUY OR LIST YOUR HOME WITH ME AND RECEIVE $250 TOWARDS YOUR CLOSING COSTS. * *RESTRICTION MAY APPLY *H charles H. Kehm 305-968-2242 1.New Commercial Listing Successful Business & Property with over 10,000 sq.ft. of Buildings on acres w/ 175' directly on Sugarland Hwy. Serious Inquires Only 2. Successful Commercial Business. with Fenced Property Hurricane Proof Concrete Building/Well Landscaped/ Parking. Live and work on site $250K 3. New Listing! Commercial Lot w/ industrial zoning $99,900.00 4. Commercial Lot Need a com- mercially zoned lot for your busi- ness Great Buy at $89.9K 5. New Residential Listingi 3bd/ 1 ba with a 1 bd/1 ba Mother in Law Detached Room $165K Exceptional Value 6. Over 55? Own you own home for less than $50K Sportsman's Village 7. Beautiful 2.5 acre wooded home site in Pioneer Plantation. Priced to Sell $78K w/ possible owner financing 8. New Listingl Handy Man's Special - Lake front/ Large lot/ Singlewide MH/ Some building materials included $84,900.00 Maribel Gonzalez 561-722.7347 I Be Hb Equ l Definitely Not Nice, In fact it's a 2 Bd disaster! Fix It Up and it may just be livable. Anyway. yi, i buy this doublewidljoj e home in Seminole OMJIMir not much more than the lot value at $39.9K Why Pay high space rents when you can own the land with a 3Bl : f ii h double- wide with 'J0Ljr a double carport, patio, and shed in Easy Life subdivision It's going to sell fast at $79,900. Looking for vacant land? Well bring your horses because I've got 1.25 acres tracts available now in Montura Ranch Estates. Give me a call today! Are you looking for peace and quiet? Well I've got a bedroom 2bath doublewide that sits on 1.25 acres in Montura Ranch Estates and is very secluded. Only $140,000.00 New ListingI In Flaghole, 3bd/2ba doublewide on 2.5 acres, city water. Only $1 59,900,00 Bring Offers. Cathy S. Garcia U 863-228-4798 SeHabla Eh pol Back On The Market, Make Time To Come and See This! Very spacious 2001 manufac- tured home on the lake, has all the room you are looking for. This 3bd 2ba home has several walk-in closets and a very large living/dining area. This home is being offered at $124,900. Oak Trees Line The Driveway! 3bd,2ba MH w/ full open deck on front to sit in you rocker. Home sits on 1 acre of land in Flaghole. Home has tile & hard- wood floors throughout. Recently remodeled, 5ft fence around property, and pole barn in back yard. Get ,your hands on this beauty for S 150,000 Come See This Little Piece Of Heaven In The Country! CBS House on 5 acres in Flaghole 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, screened Lanai, 960 sq. ft. garage, loaded with Oak trees Reduced to $399,000 Gone Country! 2bd/lba CBS home with a.I r rentamily room on a very nr _lir lot avail- able oin W. 'Y,0'The roof is brand new! Home is being offered at $165K Secluded well maintain 1995 dou- blewide 3bd 2ba, split floor plan, master bathroom includes garden tub w/ separate shower, property fenced and has horse fenced area, also next to a canal. $124,900.00 New Listing! 3bd/2ba 2005 CBS Home, stainless steel appliances included, Storage shed, and screened patio $239,900.00 yACA.NT.LAND 260 NW 2 Ave. located in South Bay .17 acre lot $30,000.00 New Listing! Located on the North side of 2650 2655 Pioneer 11th St 5 Clewiston 4bd/2ba CBS home on .35 acres 5 70,0th St 500 $324,900.00. Free Home in Flaghole Take this opportunity in owning a nursery. This 5.5 acre land is the perfect place to Jump start a new business or to use as an investment proper- ty. For only $319,900.00 you'll get 5.5 acres that have 118 citrus plants and a 4bd/2ba mobile home that has 2 screened patios on either side. DON'T LET THIS OPPORTUNI- TY PASS YOU BYI New Listingl 5bd/3ba, 2 AC units, 2 water heaters, split floor plan, new tile throughout, freshly paint- ed, working chimney, great screen patio, new roof, too many extras to name! A must see! $549,900 Need Some Space? Spacious 4bd/2ba doublewide MH in Montura. Split floor plan, living room, family room, too many extras' Hurry, won't last Motivated Seller! Only $159K Montura Ranch Estates 130 N. Arboleda 1.09 acres $39,900.00 136 Montura Ave. 1.25 acres $39,900.00 569 Hunting Club Ave. 1.25 acres $55,000.00 566 H$tuaac/IhaPMTZJW,00.00 740-750 S. Palm St. 2.5 acres $80,000.00 10 -B? B-rR l(ac cosfqpr zl zr Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee MOSILXDObmEs 4B~ I Houses Sale I Houses Sale [-ou-ses- Sal I Houses Sale ww ww ww m4ftm mw I Houses - I Houses Sale I Houses Me I Houses Sale Ir1 III I Houses Sale gs in IE-BIXM: Cur 01"I"'r n'"" I IT lulUciy, flUJUOt -.,- 1 II OUI I- I . DIESEL 3/4 TON, 1986, 6.9, 4 Wheel drive, runs good, $120018631801-1666 - DODGE MINIVAN BENCH ray, $40 1863)635-3390 DODGE RAM 50 P/U 1985. 4 spa., 4 cyl, 57k org. mis Good tires. Needs a Jittle TLC. $1400 neg. (561)758-3781 FORD '77, many new parts in- cluding motor. $900 (863)697-8575 FORD F100, '83 au1O air. 300 6 1:yl., 2 lone Dlue, J1000 or DesI offer 18631467-8464 FORD F150 1994, E<1 Cab, Keyless entry, all eleCinCr E.c. cond Lie new Ires. $3000 or Des10 oer (863)634-2280 FORD F150 '89, 300, 6 cyl., 5 spd., has electrical prob- lems. $1200 or best offer. (863)467-4440 FORD F150 '94, a/c, new tires, lift package, tool box. $2500 or best offer. (863)517-1780 FORD F150 '94- Gray, 4wd, cold AC, rebuilt trans, new radiator, oversize new tires, $2500 (863)697-2519 FORD F250 XLT LARIAT, '90, cold a/c, runs excellent, standard, $2,500. (863)697-2434 FORD RANGER'92, Mud truck with 33-12-15 Super Swam- pers Ready lu0 play $600 neg 18631763-2476 GMC P/U 1983: Great Trucvk 2rnd owner Newer engine trans. Only $2,500 7,2-475-6194 REAR END SPRINGS- FIts '2000 I0 2004 Crevy pitK up, Heavv duly. $100 18631467-8942 FORD EXPLORER 91 ,rnme new pairi needs irani $300 or besI oier 863i6.-l4-867 GMC JIMMY 4X4 '94 col.l ,iT aul) pw p'I, runi ]000 $1800 (863)467.5052 PLYMOUTH SUV- 92 Milsu- Dishni MulOl Standard '5 spd new lireS, 4 (yl Cuold a;: $1500 1.63|763-c451 CAR HAULER, Sleel Diamond plale bed, new tIreS, springs. I1,nSi. wiring $1 300 (8b3)946.-3857 ENCLOSED TRAILER-Horlon Hauler 2003 6 12. iIe rnew. 3800) miles otn tires, 1.500 86 3)634-43106 FLAT BED TRAILER 8'x14' 2 a.le, metal l oor new lires, 5th wheel w 51r, wneel nilcri $975 Will ep. 863-69-9704 HAULMARK CARGO TRAILER 2007, Enclosed, 6'x14', Never been used. Brand new. Sac. @ $2500.863-634-1018 LAWN TRAILER- 12'x7', Low ilt bed. Lock box. Like new $1000. (863)634-5820 OPEN TANDEM AXLE TRLR. 6x12, Drive on ramps. $850. 863-675-7391 after 6pm UTILITY TRAILER- 16 x 7, sin- gle axle car trailer, $450 or best offer (863)632-9166 UTILITY TRAILER- 5'x8', Tilt, Angle iron sides. Located in Ft Drum area. $475. or best offer. (863)763-1622 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUN- TRY, '94, runs, needs work; $500. (863)234-9642 DODGE CONV VAN '89- Ram 2500, 99K miles cold AC, $200,0 or best offer (785)229-2241 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SE, 97. Dower everything, cold' jac $1800 Of oDet offer. (863)201-3492 Ford Hightop Van '89. VS. lull power, sola bed. TV. CB ra. dio $2000 LaBelle Area 18631675-4970 Leave msg PLYM. GRAND VOYAGER 96 auto, a/(, 4 cyl.eng 27mpg L0o:ks/Runs greal JNo rusI! $2500 iirTI 863-7'3-3190 Public Notices Public Notice 5005 State Public - Legal Notice 5500 NOTICETO PUBLIC Fnr Ht-]-nl if ("Ui'iii H,.,:uiIl f1tuirn, y BJ. ] l h ,l'': wn i ll :i. .i'l ur:l i - rIT 1.I [ I.,,m air'', ri ,: dii AuntI j 1 i 'i iT '. ,I ir . i, C' ii. iv r I" i: 1."", 1 Ol b L i b'l y Hill 461l MR,,lu'J-psri, : R p 'c HI'r L.3inlIC Fl.r..da NOTICE TO PUBLIC perl H it, I .r.'' rr i I'"' I. ineer rm....rll y reU: lu: r : 0 i r, ui,, ir.jr:dav A..au i 11:1 i ri a 'oTi ir II.e Llt..nli ,:': k'1M i H iC'ldrv He dii','l M,.]l: )i PrliO j14 niit.l :aji'iv,-. Ar, rCLi n LIuriJdl'0'. -ric1j Need a few more bucks to purchase something deer? Pick up some extra bucks when you sell your used Items In the classifelds. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 06- IN RE: ESTATE OF Gladys Narvacz Wa/ka Gladys Esther Narvaez Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Gla- dys Narvaez /aWa Glaodys Esther Nar- vaez, deceased, show date of death was February 11, 2005, and whose Social Security Number is 066-26-7298, is pending in the Circuit Court for Hendry County, Florida, Pro- bate Division, the address of which is RO. Box 1760, LaBeile, FL 33975. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal repre- sentative's attorney are set forth be- low. II e l IiI'5. or Ie necoe rit eio ultner eI :i:i. : rn i iI0g aIa .: ui dflands iage.l irieeri T'. e iite on mrom ic S,., Cr ir.l I Ia C i, Is reQulrea o ae eel riuil fll men i lalims won ir.II Curl WiTHItN THE LATER OF 3 MONrIHe AITERF THE TIME OF IHE FiAi PUBLfCATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 (O S AFTER THE DATE OF IERviCE OF A COPf OF THIS NOTICE Oil IHEM All oCrintrl iorei oft mide daceirn and 1lirnr p i',rs having claims ora de- aniTi 1rsi .ins .:i :deadnrTs Peiae mus rlle ineor IaiITs Ain this' court WITHIN I MuiliH' AFTER THE DATE Of THE FIRST PutLICATIli OF rTHI slOTiCE ALL (AilMS 110T i ': FILED WILL BE i(kRVEokrBARRED N'il'WITrHSTiArnOi THlE IME PERIOD ** FORTH ABOVE AfY (CLAIM FILED WO 12) .EARS OR MORE AFTER THE DE. EUENrI. DAiE OF DEAi IS BARRED Trei ni r .i .i-ijI u ,ruirI(sic .o i lnis notice Aiijusc 1 .;ih 200 , P, r orIarlrePaCseriailvey Lnrr il VCrei 1 3I1IT- a O e1,]l Ar i i ii 4 6Tai.CpaSt 36ii u .L In dll ereil:l (Hle rierIn .ierl Itr hENdi i r iMRI 0361Nr ONES 001 Pie,:rilel R i R ;'le 2i 4 Irlnelri,jr, e ]411 J04.,;l VILTORIANOVAZOUEZ .d AMiARiLIS VAZOuEZ a I jlllh ll u C ad .ic '16" r-CA JOSE F MOLINAA n NUBIA MOLINA 1i c,, l .l MARIA M DIQNONES cil FERNANDO E ZAMORANO. NOTICE OF ACTION YOU ARE NOTIFIED ir.il in auiion io u ln l air iT l i- inr liill)' lll) iUerty i 1 ir Wi05 trruL l, iiUl.llid LulI 1I Ja'l I / rI6 1 6 Ou1 f1.lllillclA rd ur pil a neri l 57IIIcod as ci ifnll n'll hi' lW iN : 1 H i I ilr tldl W.un 'l Vl.3l iL 'F.I 3T 8 and Jr ior ir.t Ulit'll' R i d I H ndli'y (Ounly Ha'. bilrl M11iiii y'iu elrlr yOU are3 i- u,rj ie irve ai' a ,Fv Cl yCuue hAnn letrt ii 10y Id nI C. EI.aaeIr' A Meirlc l E i a ariilin a Sn r'er crl,id,.t Sii; d I 0 di1 W IVe 4'9|Ilr. '.i1eel. uoI 3)1' Hijale r. nda jijij I I I o r r',,luil J5 c lym IraITi me 5.ijlo'IiI l.0ihic y ui imimeralrel, ihc-r ni, lur.nr a On' i6fl1winet rlltfl'ill rairi i lci j ireiui Ailel I. - 'l[tl400 l j].iIIIl IYOU Ii-) iriQ 0 i1l1lhl I iT 'ln-I 1 in i 1 riTn iialrl i)lir irian [iATEr .,:in, i ri1car I Auui;l 2 06, BARBASAi BuITLER A C ier. l rllie LOurT kBy A Hrilbee A s i:ilJjry lrn rS 1C r> Ac lire IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION CASE NO.: 05-890-CA DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE OF AMERI- QUEST MORTGAGE SECURITIES, INC. ASSET-BACKED PASS THROUGH CERTIFICATES SERIES 2004-R10, UNDER THE POOUNG AND SERVIC- ING AGREEMENT DATED AS OF OC- TOBER 1, 2004, WITHOUT RECOURSE Plaintiff VS. MARIANA SOTO, el aL Defendants N011CE OF SALE nOtCE. h nr[,f ygil1 1.l pruuau il I d a Fin.e JudyTTl dail Corec losure or Order .1 id AuguaSa 0s06 ernerea r. Civl CaEe Number 015-90 CA. ir me Car- (ui Court for HENDR' Couil FlorAa oneein OEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANt AS TRUSTEE OF AMERIOUEST MORTGAGE SE- CURITIES INC ASSET-BACEED PASS THROUGH CERTIFICATES SERIES 2004-R10. UNDER THE POOLING AND SERVICING AGREEMENT DAIED AS OF OCTOBER 1 2004 WITHOUT RE- COURSE i the Piainuit arna MARIANA SOTO. el al. are me Oenendam; r i mi .eouie property sIu31red in HENORY Couamy onda descnoed as The lend relerrea I ,I reis. evlen is 10 ciled in the County Or Henoav na iame Slice of Florida in Deed Book 613 al Pile 128 anl n aticIied as follow CoTininen:In i ra Soutireail c(rier or solo Secaion 30 rOe.'re Sauor 69 ae- gree. 4 minurce 59 re.'orcdr Wri caonk me Soulr. line oi :a. Seclon 30 a distance I 197354 l Si41' riioCe NO,'ri 01 degrees 17 ITraules 0U seci S, as Wecl S diSrr.aeo l12 1.65 laic I10 iri edoiri al-badinniog inol(eC ouin l 9 dqgrPps 23 .TinriuH. 41 iec- ri0 WesW'1 a Iliace of l 1id 43 feem S[Ir E ris ny rignm-l-wa lile IIt iic ToAsec, a.iral Ience Nfcrtin 25' e- grcer 07 inule5i 5i -: seorO WesI along eia'I ngn ol a y .A a ldai',:e 01o ,8' ieeil rnscA Sular, da 8 ielr]e'n 12 Tiral i 018 seconali Eairl .a di I rce r i 10 i6 trirce c iir, (I ) ia goie 36 rmirulesi secunj. Ei j d 1lialce ot 1 2u 9 46 le 1r ine lc irno . I9 dtegiree 2. niarnle 3.7 iefnCe Ea i iaind C .an Ie 0 di85 ler Ilo 'se- 0Iutrai' 1o al, .ffi i. minul, 03 "ec- od'ed Easi a diianeOr ice 9196 lee, r 1, 0 inC, T uflri 1i03i r rii uiity l lie - Tre i lwing de cnteld Pi .A l i a r3ilO ndol unitly ei,'mitl cr f0600 ) ll rlrd lCl"O a l U l 0 I i s... ea rst 'lad ieI irel ialiowII ird lC in4 r ivne'llrerlirlF Crnierrii ii r ireaSi c uirinail Ltar ic at '(ci lj. ,iu3 e.ri0 l 45 Siulr, c.a :e 2 a tI er,'il .ry *i. urc i FI.i,. d .i iriea.ce Scull.l 6c 'Illi'ei : 2 1 ITinIr tIle res ,ecoo'ii j W I 1io aresIf,, iri lirilen- i. I lrle i ,31 irr) 3 1 ,i7',:i I:'i l J l'.,qr rinwi' '' lJu i)l iCe 1 rloule: ki *e:cl Wti i il.rn 1 u UU l 'I00 N T Ij 0 '11il1 ol.viurel irlig Ir n. craT "ur ulrio 01 Irgre6 17 mi iultFl 0)] eBcu'd-. Ver a do s.oiul l-rI'l, 65rel to ire El' Q 61 iad i:'il-':110el. .i puoih.: Lale I ire iqor si an1d [inAn i badd1r in h ace 3i m Hendlr Couuiriy lCbrlruir.uc HIgqnay 80) 3rid Miri :lriCil i Il' oul rlWilw y LaBecll FL I3j3 l5 31 11 00arl ir in rie ? ri day l CiScroincOci 2066 Any eetc:u riarsnifq i. iria rEi i in iri: sur.lusa hroi. nn are i1 any jinri in. IOr. e1 prinperry ownei a' to ir.Ai da re I theis peNidr.. iTu1.4I il. a ilTon Tr n60 da t abheil orie sale Oaleo AuQusul9 2006 B3arojij S iBuller CLtR C(IFX IrE CIRCUIT COURT ByO Sr Hc3rmi'od How do you find a job in today's competitive market? In the employ- ment section of the clas- sifleds IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 20TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR GLADES COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 03-CA-224 FAIRBANKS CAPITAL CORP, AS SER- VICING AGENT FOR DLJ MORTGAGE CAPITAL, INC. Plaintiff vs. SANDRA OSCEOLA; MIKE OSCEOLA; SECURITY PACIFIC HOUSING SER- VICES, INC.; JOHN DOE; JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANT (S) IN POS- SESSION OFTHE SUBJECT PROPERTY Deftrdants RE-NOTICEOF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN puisuca 1i a Motora ar Order lResettir Fai'etiu- rure Siae arle dear in 16 day oi Aug 2006 1ano ,erea in C3ase No j-CA 224. O l Ie Circur Coun or mee 20tr jurlcial Circur ih a oIoI Gas 13 Cumiy. Florida wherein FAIRBANKS CAPITAL CORP AS SERVICING AGENT FOR DU MORTGAGE CAPI- TAL INC is miePlainmanand SANDORA OSCEOLA MIKE OSCEOLA SECURITY PACIFIC HOUSING SERVICES INC JOHN DOE JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TENANTS) ill POSSESSION Of IHE SUBJECT PROPERFTr are ialenldajn I w e ill el io righes nti a e. Uddier or casrn 31 ih. AT FRONII STEPS SOUTH DOOR OF COuRThOu'E ai ir. Gljdss Counti Courtlouse. in MOORE HAVEN flanda all 11I a 3T oi tre 21 any or SEPi. 2006 Ihe loielming ue- sCnti n pl ,party .is See l)' ir In i:.a f.hljuildgimenti lIiAwn EXHIBIT B- LOei 18 20 ain 22 1..1 71 Paimdale Subalvrii3rn accuraMid lI r1e pial metr.a. rerOlded in lF'al Book 1 Pige 101 puilUllC or saril De1ou Clouly ling ar.o a,,ml in r rov. C unTry wiarida as sruma i r irrentere 'ci reoiraeddir Boorl 15 IPage 162 An,1 tLo 16 BrSlE' 71 ii Prn ia ile Su luv, .or, Section 14 Toarclip 40 eR ,gE 30 Glaa13 e sc unl F T a r.' l i I cn 0I a ir .CuunlT Prol Bu. I P3i. 101 ar,] hdie ic CIl C(,IrllTre ai a at 1O. 14 in1 l:r '1a(1ii P3 ae 31ut fUL ii r- .rio, rSe rieon 344 Te ,risnl'' I 40 Suu. ir, g :0 a3 il I ie ('i urry in. ad3 3 Ea.s Lwr i oi draulre: irddil inr Tug'lirer wwiS a 1a') Mapt McuOI Hi,3rrr 5Jm,"i1i1l6s riTi 56:5,1 ?eZa . 5r] 4'630t'1 0 rind er-i ,in SI rid 310's I I r0 0 39 ANY PERSON CLAIMING AN INTEREST IN THE SURPLUS FROM THE SALE IF ANY, OTHER THAN THE PROPER TY OWNER AS OF THE DATE OF THE LIS PENDENS MUST FILE A CLAIM WITHIN S0 DAYS AFTERTHE SALE ir .ic: a" j:e c Tr rr, Oi T, : rn a *ir O .roIIo'n: ALI I 0 i AnOA t' eUi:I;] r ,r'inri wru tL.iu,'11 ul .r1i a1.3illl Li" rii ce '.( J i all:idlT ITI'i ,i iD,' i n" ipajr, l l'Ire prOCrdlinhi rn0did ucoat l i SeIdi (e uly cler ASniwrrararnn. ni FPouslr On.eis 1ale.l] al Ore lee IeuUir Jui'.:e Cr. 1r Roorm311)I2 I oeMOiROE TRfEFI FT MEIfri,. fL 33i901. ITdr oriaoie 2391335.2299 ur 1i0Ulej-; 1](TOOl)t1I |UU9i5-.8;70 v1ia5 FL Relay SerVIlce no ni mar 5 dy- p. irIt' l I Coun Dale Oated ,t5 IP liriday ul Aug 2006 ie. l .lu t L u fl JONl^'dl' i 1 vi , CG- 8..24 1i :, 9'7.14 O:ctu Love the earth Recycle your used Items by sell- ing them In the classi- ieds. IPmui II Ia.-iti STATE OF WISCONSIN: CIRCUIT COURT: OZAUKEE COUNTY FAMILY DIVISION In re the (dissolved) Marriage of: Sarah V.Bink, Joint-Petitioner-Wife, and, Timothy R. Bink. Joint-Petfioner-Husband Case No. 05-FA-0201 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CONTEMPT Upon the attached affidavit and upon Motion of Kaplan Law Firm, S.C., attorneys for the Johit-Peattioner-Husband and upon the papers and heretofore filed in this ac- tion: IT IS HEREBY ORDERlthatthe above-named Petitioner appear in person as follows: BEFORE: u',areti l ircyE f :M.a.ur; P'LACE r.cau heC,,ylnIte I(Llin'-,r 120 S pin'g Sreat Pan Wa r.r.ji. n Wi 53074 [ArE yi,reTier 12 20u6 TiME j U0o D. iu inow, cauie r.y .ora'ed nould not be entered pending this action: 1. For cormpti h)i, alue IOca l debts in accordance with theparties Marital Sette- meat agreeman. n 2 Fon irme coas an jno eyra ees incurred by the Respondent In bring this order to tnowcau:e aa-10 3 For otnei a himjnr rellil c3 may be deemed just and reasonable under circum- s.ances tel 3 coOy 6i UiS oriarr i.,:,Qiricr with the supporting papers be served on the Joint- Penuooier we i.. reiu. a i a n st five days before the time fixed for the hearing. red ctr.,s bru dJay l Junr'. 111)S6. S/Darcy E.McManus Family Court Commissioner 154621 CGS 8/17,24,31;9/7 PUBLIC NOTICE IJ'LCO-11 5--W m: U Lrul-n Sit.: i l0 'lir ai3im babn'l Li.-r 1. 3 C i' 4 i6i.6;3.-O)ii. will. 010ulr,1.url Al i t1 Unll ib L Oriai i FL Fit I3-n Unilr#3 Unit #38 .as.cI'a Ccrltr'l SF'1: BI I ) 1 l.li'1nil',1 fLi ) 441.1 Uitll 45 1 0 hJl U' Hir,,': Lt P22 (I'l,-Aciia C fL N 1i.) Unei #57 'lO .:. -B .l)i Unir #564 Lrin, jor F -'.C i t I i READING A NEWSPAPER.. makes you a more informed mid interesting person. No wonder newspap reaFders are more succesflull Do-Il-Yourself Ideas 7-Da) Quilts Sfull-c.olor. 4.--page guide- -I,.] 4. .h,:,. & l h:l,, 1w nije a quill in jui t ,i-ren T he ob:'L ircl Ulc arm. piere ;ep.by-slep irlruc-:. hiont for eithr oriirial dcignr Lhat uutilic flas alid caN quiluinIaig tlechniques 7-Da) QuilLs guidebook iNo L 36011II $13.95 A.io aurilaible Learn Hand Quilting in One Day guide ito. AN41173 $8.95 PleaIe add $4.00 A&h T... rdcri. trcle inem I, scp and send wiLh check Io ti-Bild. 15241 StaggSL., %an Nuys..CA 91405. Include Nouw nxrrne., addoei. and ihe name ol Ihis nes- paper Allow 1-2 weaks for d&.U.r). Or call I8001 82-U-BILD craftbook.com Mone) Back Guarantee IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR DRINKING WATER South Shore Water Assoaclatlon, Inc Has Levels of Haloacetic Acids Above Drinking Water Standards Our water system recently violated a drinking water standard,. Although thisis not an emergency, as our customers, you have a right to know what happened, what you should do, and what we are doing to correct this situation. We routinely monitor for the presence of drinking water contaminants. Testing re- suts we received for quarterending June 2006 show that our system exceeds the standard or maximum contaminant level (MCL), for Haloacetc Acids (HAA5s). The current running annual average HAA5 Concentration is 96.44 micrograms per liter (ug/L). Rule 62-550, Florida Administrative Code, identifies the MCL for HAA5s as 60 ug/L The running average of our previous results for HAA5s has been significantly belowthe MCL at 37.69 ug/L What should Ido? You do not need to use an alternative (e.g., bottled) water supply. However, if you have specific health concerns, consult your doctor. What doesthisnmean? This is not an Immediate risk. If it had been, ou would have been notified Immedi- ately. Some people who drink water containing haloacelic acids HAA5 in excess o MCL over many years may have an increased risk of cancer. Recent re- search resus suggest a possible connection between high levels of HAA5s and pregnancy problem. Thefore, women of childbearing age may wish to seek al- temaivewater sources. What happened? What is being done? We purchase our water from the Clewiston Water Trealmet Plant their results are in compliance with the rule. Their current annual running average Is 22.10 u In April 2006 our laboratory analysis measured our AA at 28.90anthe le- wiston Water Treatment Plant results were 28.6 ug/I sampled ust four days after South Shore Water Assoclation. Our current result for the third quarter taking Au- gust 3, 2006 is 23.66 ug/L 8 South Shor Water Association feels that the high results recorded in April 2006 Is an abnormality and s not founded by our previous results or our current test re- suts. Due tothe high result recorded in April 2006, South Shore Water Associa- tion will be out of compliance for the next three quarters the rule requires that notification is either mailed or delivered by hand upon each occurrence. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT .fit iaU aRIlB6-8232j OR CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION POTABLE WATER COMPLIANCEENFORCEMENT SECTION AT 239-332-5975 Fitiea share rc.; ,tmiromiran *a, .in1 e olrer people WO iarita frs wase3 esrle- c'il), i.c' t roit r:,l a cr air'ei ir n" r":ae drateri itr &'.irpler peirOle' oanmenis Ir3wT paS ,I ,ihfPgf ji .J aioulnr.eSil air ,o a'.rd el IOpr tporr.i 'lnrreoi ie ,acu' W r. r ,re Ouhri g ,iO urii Ot r hat or m lre Wirer iy ,lelr.r lJre Ulor ierorJ Auiurr Lit 15ri5o(s[ l '.0r. SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT PUBLIC NOTICE OF APPLICATION .0il.nI: 1, rei.ely rven ra1inin pijruar .C (rapier 3 'i Hiondia 'iuie are foir.uwing appianIti o 'lr ticT peil vei Ori recrloii, for Dronciis hl Himeridry Counry Pr.sree Mimi iMim .iri, MIn, i 's u JJurinori Pc*m t A.ones itrls inc, PO Bo, 1029 ijlu.wtri FL l.3i 140 ni -;ubTin6.l irrIriPci', 0607071-1 Ior a Wate, U.:e PeliTr IC rf oew rfi. ,l i. l 12 3 a:1) ul u',dli' tN d I. li tiR 6 t .ie r w ill ,e i wair diadw hmt Ihre Wirer Tblr li prullo j.,ll i rIlevt ii lu;Cia ifd i' Section U ToawnioIr 45 ScUa krIfgi E'NtE Reerrurr Crriervarnu ri Proirhii 'iL ifMluren.i Lanorigi gl r9i) Caconut Ra S1e 200 B.ria S'ni FL 34135 re. :tijOTined Aii,: lirI tI.07rj ;-2 or 3 W tel u 'e Pernriw I r i ,:a j Orhi Crrd.:-blulT-i ii'd trle wlei llI rr wiiiarawri trin ire r ai l Auin T.it. lr luAii a.i[i, t e i.aciofiv 3u i inirr.nip ; irur' fig 'B8E.sr IMG fr-cI r: Ir : 1 Pan9r.oer r,,I7 .fi. (riorry L o r 'doveliald FL 34736 ra : ;uriTlili. Olp lhir 1lri 06U ;7'7'. lu Ii i,:r twal -rI ll V earer 1 :r, Fi T il 2r 0I 0r161V'IIH 'i' 4 i r 0 1i4 a'ri O1 I ,i jln uiiuf-ii Iiod; Tor w.ic' wili c*,e eir[.- diW IirrTi lNip Su, Ll kIA A0urir'r r' L'i c ll, i.,I1 0 I' e IO l ,e 1in 'cl: ',: 5 36 i .tort:rril e arl Ciru H ii ear Tv ,,w :Tr I r46 3,),r.r : 31 -,' I ['eil: craldei a"ie Contrr o'fr [..L l'oiroaie.i.l (,rt,ir rFleri.rhcllcrom PO B rI' i8] LilniCe. FL .rr051 r.. ;ubirn",l Api.icaro., 066124-4 1i .1odliT, 6eoO a' Erc. roeiro.il,d R:')urc e Pi.e 22 rj.,ijJ. ii .i 6F41 j.:ic es aii an.;uliriui iar.ni itr a 1i hil rit. ,rd.liO3lard lio ir L-i C'ail ,ad .ie proIl ,ci ii lociO in Se tonrs I 19.21-24 Tw'sr..p 45 ,Ouirl. kariz Q.A E a Ir.L irlme'iA'ad eielons isaay .;n I.Ti.r upn ri h replnjori or suhir-. aa wirneni reiuesr I0i j C'ijW l uN aSI"i i.purl (raii3-nnalen puiOred gir.irny a.:uoro rcgirding me 4p- pl aCnon bf wn,,,b l Ire SouaT b rena warerW Manadenaenl Distrtct Aari, Evion. mniibi Resource rguliean PO dBux 24660. West Farm Be3ac. FL a3416.4680 our SuaIIh LiUiM.Teiiio 'ir requl- rru in ,r'.ee.. iy ". 00 PM wim.in r21 ays io funr.tie puDiii: noucl will lib provided irga rdig mis aoliacarion A rupy of mr s1r.lt ea n u-.i i rledut ri uidc .dr to reria1 3iadvi:Ed ul nrunlrir proceeding Sub.rtnually atecild uaic'rin a.i credit lu reqij l at adiT.hii..borae rrar ig re- irai'nog ire pioiproed alonrv a'.;ni ty -VuDnTring a c ineri 'lidUP'nI erelor iftmr ievielriI trmeiaun rerion Need a lew more bucks to purchase something deer? Pick up some extra bucks when you sell your used items in the classlfelds. Time to clean out the attic, basement and/or garage? Advertise your yard sale in the dclas- fleds and make your clean un a breeze Pet Corner Dear DocaSt ix, . Question. HI, my name is Nancy and I have a pet ferret named Sissy. Sissy is about four years old and I have been notic- ing lately that she is not herself. She is very sluggish, her appetite is down and her urine looks a bit dark at times. I know I have to take her to the veterinarian, but I %was wondering if you had any insight as to what her problem mightbe? Thanks Doc Answer: Hey Nancy! Yes, ,please make sure that you take, Sissy to the vet ASAP. Ferrets can have various problems like tumors and cancers, bladder infections, kidney problems, uri- nar\ bladder stones...And many other conditions. The mention of the dark colored urine does worry me where I am suspicious of a kidne\ or urinary problem Sluggish behavior and a poor appetite are indications that she feels rather uncomfortable. Don't wait another minute Nancy, and get Sissy to her doc- tor immediately! Good luck, Doc Savvy. Be sure to e-mail your pet questions to DocSawvvyaol.com and check out your answers weekly in The Pet Corner. Your news is ou-r 1050 Commerce Dr., Suite A LaBelle f.l 863-675-7045 TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS: Bryant Roofing, Inc. would like to thank the residents of Hendry County for your patience and loyalty toward us over the past year. After last year's hurricane season, we were overwhelmed with calls for help. We tried to accommodate everyone as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, some home- owners had to wait longer than others due to the volume of calls received. We understand this was a very difficult time and we sincerely apologize for the length of time it took to get to some of your homes. We are in the middle of another rainy season and at this time we would like to inform residents that we are currently back on schedule and able to do your roofing work in a timely manner. We are state certified with workers compensation and liability for your protection. We stand behind all of our work with a five year warranty on re-roofs and metal roofs. Be prepa red before the next hurricane by call- ing today for your free e;-d(iinate and once again thank you for your continued business! Locally Owned & Operated Ray Pack Robert Sanchez .1 SCiRewiston TheS n City looks at wale New cemetey h %, PPM a,,"torm . Some newspapers seem to take pleasure in the bad news. Not us. We do print "bad" news. (It IS newsworthy when things go wrong, and citizens need to know about problems.) Still, we give most of our attention to good news the kind you clip and what happens in our community IS good.) How are we doing? Let us know by emailing feedback@newszap.com or calling your editor. C le ne wspapers seem to take pleasure in the bad news. Not us. D OGLADES COUNTY Cons in ounitr c Service Throu IS journalism Coii iiiiuzitl/, Service Througqh journalism IPublic Notice Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee I Public Notice 42t 2006 Serving he cmmuitis soth f Lke Oeecobe Thusda, Agust24,200 CHEVROLET MSRP ................ SPECIAL CLEARANCE PRICE: ..... BRAND NEW 2006 CHEVROLET -- LT AUTO. TRANS, AIR COND., POWER WINDOWS POWER DOOR LOCKS, SUNROOF, ALUMINUM WHEELS, UNIVERSAL GARAGE OPENER. STm 69115756D ........'24,905 ..s14.457 MSRP............... SPECIAL CLEARANCE PRICE:..... BRAND NEW 2006 CHEVROLET ^****T-*- i ^ - MAX LT AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, FRONT & SIDE AIRBAGS, SUNROOF, TILT STEERING WHEEL, POWER. STK#6F115573D 2........ 3,205 ..15.083 MSRP ............. SPECIAL CLEARANCE PRICE:.. BRAND NEW 2006 CHEVROLET SIl DEIRADO LT3 EXTCAB AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION. AIR CONDITIONING, ONSTAR, TRAILING EQUIPMENT, POWER WINDOWS & DOOR LOCKS. STK#t6Z151665D ....... s34,530 .$22.444 p -. ~.a- p SPECIAL CLEARANCE PRICE:............ SCLEEAIRAANCE PRICE: .... BRAND NEW 2006 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN. LS CARGO PACKAGE, SIDE IMPACT AIRBAGS, REAR LOCKING DIFFERENTIAL, POWER WINDOWS, POWER DOOR LOCKS, ALLOY WHEELS. STK6Jl29848G .........'39,640 ..525.766 BRAND NEW 2006 CHEVROLET 7lkYIWILB~zER EXTLS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION. AIR CONDITIONING, POWER WINDOWS, POWER DOOR LOCKS, FLOORMATS, ALUMINUM WHEELS, ONSTAR. STKI6610880G ........ 29,100 .18.998 MSRP . . .. . SPECIAL CLEARANCE PRICE:..... MSRP................ SPECIAL CLEARANCE PRICE:..... i ~> V BRAND NEW 2006 CHEVROLET COLORADO CREW CAB AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, AilP I CONDITIONING, POWER WINDOWS, POWER DOOR LOCK'S SThP68I21995G ..... ..22,900 ....17.175 M^ioney-Back A p Guarantee '96 CHEVROLET 3500 CREW CAB 5.7 V8, AUTO, STK#tTF014986.................................................... 8991 '03 CHEVROLET EXPRESS CARGO VAN CLEAN, STK#31100646 ................................. ...................... 9991 '01 CHEVROLET 2500HD REG CAB LB STK#1E235881 ........................................ ...... .............. l 994 '06 CHEVROLET COBALT LT 4 DR, AUTO, ALL POWER, GM CERTIFIED, STK#67601911............ ............ 12,993 '04 CHEVROLET IMPALA LS I FATHER QK MII FI 'TK'dAQQQ 15l.81 '02 CHEVROLET 1500 EX CAB LEATHER, VS, 60K MILES, STK#221421998...................................... 15,994 '06 CHEVROLET UPLANDER LS REAR A/C, GM CERTIFIED, STK#6D119258................. ..................... 6,991 '02 CHEVROLET CAMARO Z28/SS COUPE $ AUTO, RARE, STK#22169158.............................................. 18881 '05 CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO SS/SC LEATHER, SUNROOF, 17K MILES, STK#t59311912............... .................. 19,994 '98 CHEVROLET CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE AUTO I AFD 36K MILES STKttW102626 ............................ 24 51 I --~,-.,*...------..-. ~-e ~ *****~'~~***.. * ___________________ LA S S S 1141W ievrolet 5757 Lake Worth Rd. IBetween Military Trail and Jog Road Greenacres 1-.,8.-30m.1-3324 STORE HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-9PM SAT 9AM-7PM SUN 11AM-6PM SERVICE HOURS: MON-FRI 7AM-7PM SAT 8AM-5PM SUN CLOSED Sn FOREST HILL BLVD. LAKE WORTH RD. LANAN" 1A D. JILANTANA, ,RD. N U --- VIE1 ~,Maroone~ EOEIdruq-freeworkpl.c.1 **Monthly payment is $13.89 for every $1000 financed. Average example down payment is 10%. Some customers will not qualify. Not available with other offers. See dealer for details.Must take delivery by 9/5/06.0% in lieu of rebates.*Lease for 36 months; $1995 due at lease inception, plus tax, tag & title fees, no security deposit. With 750 Beacon score. All prices include rebate in lieu of factory finance rate. You must present this ad at time of purchase or lease to receive these special prices. Advertised prices not applicable to exporters. Offers good on date of publication only. Offers not in conjunction with any other offer. Not responsible for typographical errors. Pictures are for illustration purposes only. "Ghostbusters" (Parker, Jr.) used by permission of EMI Golden Torch Music & Raydiola Music. All rights reserved. 1996-2006 AutoNation Inc. . |