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Cors uvelsscedle- Page4 . .. . ............e a GLADES C ,500 Moore Haven, Fla. Thursday, July 20, 2006 Volume 80, Number 5 At a, Glance Areyouablogger? Get a newszaplink! The Glades County Demo- crat is looking to broaden its listing of "Columnists & Blog- gers" at www.newszap.com. More and more people are starting blogs including business people, support groups, and individuals with an opinion on the day's news or culture. If you are a local blogger .who would like to be listed, please visit http: www2.news zap.com blogs request.htm and fill in the form. In addition to the link, the newspaper will consider publishing timely postings as news or commentaries on its pages. , Guardian Ad Litem volunteers Are )ou flexible, open- minded and interested in advocating for a child? Only 60 percent of Lee, Collier. Charlotte, Glades and Hendry county children taken fiom their homes due to allegations of abuse or neglect have a volunteer Guardian ad Litem iGAL) to protect their interests. A GAL volunteer has the opportuni- ty to be a champion lor an abused, neglected or aban- doned child in court and \ within the community, strongly supported by pro- gram staff. New Guardian ad Lilem training begins Saturday. July 15, in Fort M\ ers. ""'' i ForTnfo rm atiorn to apply, or to ask ho\\ your business or organization can help, call Jackie at 2,39-533-1425 or 8.,-.34l.1GGAL Fishing tournament Super Bucks Bass Tourna- ment., Sunday Sept. 24, 2006, Lake Okeechobee, Clewiston. Guaranteed. $10,000.00 for First Place, limited to 150 boats, five fish limit. Anglers Meeting will be. held on Sept. 23, 2006 from 5 until 7 p m. in Clewiston at Roland and Mar. ann Martin's Marina. There will be a $200 00 entry fee with a 150 percent pay- back at 100 boats. For more information, please call Chris Fickey at (941) 232-9539 or visit the official w\ebsite at www.bassbustersflorida.com Narcotics Anonymous meets Narcotics Anonymous meets Monday's at 7 p.m. for open discussion meeting at Buck Head Ridge Christian Church, 3 Linda Road, Buck- head Ridge. For more infor-. mation please.call 863/634- 4780. Lake Level 12.22 1 feet 4, 1 above sea level Index Classifieds . .19-23 Obituaries . . .2 Opinion . .. .. .4 School . . . .9 See Page 2 for information about how to contact the newspaper. newszapocom Community Links. Individual Voices. a 1 6510 00022 1 county manager sees progress By Barbara Oehlbeck Glades County Democrat GLADES COUNTY "Glades County' will be what wve want it to be. \Ve have the will but must also lend a hand and more importantly a head. Teamwork really does work'" said County Manager Wendell Taylor: As of July 13, Mr. Taylor has, in his words, "Survited one year in Glades County, and I'm still enjoying it. Now I'm going for a second year and we'll see what happens'" . Well, a lot has already hap- pened and there's more on the drawing board. To begin with, in part follows highlights of the Annual Report from July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2006.: "There %were a number of sig- nificant events and decisions made by the Board ot Count\ Commissioners during the past year," said Mr. Taylor. Some of these decisions events are: S* The county procured 72+. acres for an industrial/business ,park and began construction of a $33 million Deiention Facility on the property Some of this property\ will be used for con- struction of Glades County Pub- lic Safety i EM. EMS.EOCi. build-, ing in the near future. The remaining land in the park is being surveyed for develop- ment into a commercial park Impact Fees %were enacted to be effective July 1, 2006. This helps s-ole issues of coIncurren- cy as required b\ the state. These funds will be used to build and improve roads, parks and recre- ation, emergenic\ medical ser\- ices.and education. In abbreviat- ed language, Mr. Taylor explained that the word "con-, currency" means that all neces- sary services to support any t pe development will be in place. prior to the actual development, that is: roads, public education, EMS. parks and recreation. The old Planning and Zon- ing functions were reorganized and actions redirected toward Community Development. The approach takes a broader look at requirements to meet the demrnands of the community as a whole. In January 2006, complete review and revision, when appli- cable, of land development regu- lations began The process will last a year before it is finished with the first round of changes. These revisions will make a last- ing change on many develop- See Progress -Page 12 One cent tax to fund new construction MOORE HAVEN Glades County Commissioners hope to keep the one-cent sales surtax to finance infrastructure. At their July 11 meeting, commissioners adopted wording for a referen- dum to continue to levy a one- cent sales tax to finance infra- ,structure. , Glades County adopted the one cent tax in 1991;: it expires this year. The tax brings in approximately $350,000 a year. Florida Statutes limits how% the count\ may spend this mone\.. -. - At their July 11 meeting, count\ commissioners adopted a list of options surtax revenue rnay be used for, including: Construction of additional office space and maintenance facilities; Construction, upgrade and expansion of road system and drainage; Construction, upgrade and expansion of county or munici- pal public works, Improvements of commu- nity centers and recreational facilities; and, e Purchase land for the con- struction of or improvement of public buildings that have a life expectancy of at least five years. Sorne of the most recent sur- tax revenue expenditures autliortized included. construc- lion of a pavilion at Orlona Cemeter., expansion ol a sports complex (iointly with the City of Moore Haven and Glades Coun- SeeSurtax -Page 12 'Pioneer Class' helps train local leaders Leadership Hendry & Glades Counties Inc. continues to accept applications for their "Pioneer Class" to begin in Octo- ber 2006. This exciting and new program is designed to prepare potential leaders to meet the challenges facing Hendry and, Glades counties and to provide current leaders a rewarding learning experience. This interactive program will provide the opportunity to par- ticipate in community activities through service and leadership. Cost for the eight-month pro- gram is $500.00 and includes six information days at one day a month, an orientation to learn about the program, and recogni- tion at the completion of the pro- gram. Participants will be intro- duced to information on the judicial and government work- ings of the counties, learn about business and agri-business, be introduced the growth manage- ment practices, receive informa- tion on the health and education services in our, counties, discov- er water and environmental issues, and realize the communi- ty services and cultural opportu- nities provided in our counties. Applications may be obtained by calling (863) 675- 6007. Deadline for submission is Aug. 31. Space is limited so sub- mit your application early. MOORE HAVEN The Glades County Board of County Com- missioners met for their regular meeting on Tuesday. Juh' II at 9 a.m. in the County Courthouse. In attendance were Chairman K. S. Jones District 1, Alin \\ard District 2, Paul Beck District .3, Russell Echols District 4;, County Attorney Richard Pringle, County Manager Wendell Taylor, Clerk of Court Joe Flint, Deputy Clerk Sandra Brown, Community Development Director Larry Hilton, Road Superintendent Avant Brown, Emergency Ser- vices Director Bob Jones; State Housing Initiatives Program (SHIP) Coordinator Erica Villa- fuerta, Sheriff Stuart Whiddon, and Community Association rep- resentatives from Buckhead Ridge, Indian -Hills, Lakeport, Muse, and Ortona. County Commissioner Bob Giesler, District 5, was absent. Items, on the agenda includ- ed: Three public hearings on zoning changes, which had been on the agenda, were tabled. The Commissioners appjpved payment in the amount of $1,600.00 to Craig A. Smith & Associates for CCPWA - Yacht Club. Commissioners also approved payment in the By Barbara Oehlbeck Although not invited to do so, the summer storm came, leaving another painting across the swamp. An original water- color. . Approaching the barn, look- ing east and south across the swamp that meanders into the pastures, the vast expanse of sil- ver-blue water was sliced by. slender cypress now dropping their golden fern-like foliage that floats on the water like old ecru lace. The water is warm and sparkling clear, so much so that even the long glistering green blades of coarse grass can be amount of ".3,2 19.3 to Craig A. Smith & Associates for CCP\\A - Gravit Sewer Commissioners J.loner, Beck, and Giesier '%ere appoint- ed to the \alue Adlustment Boaid. This board hears petitions from property owners who dis- agree wlith the property apprais- ei 's of ice about the value of their property. The commission heard an overview of the CDBG Housing Applicants. An application for assistance tot a cilizen now resid- ing in a'FEMA trailer was dis- cussed at length, as the only response to the RFP- (request for proposals i x% as for appioximate- ly $180,000 to .demolish and remove. the damaged mobile home and construct a 600 sq. ft. site built conventional housing unit. Commissioners found the proposal'- at nearly $300 per square foot as extremely excessive. The existing home site is zoned for mobile homes, but SHIP will not fund replacing a mobile home with a mobile home, as the purpose is to upgrade, housing as well as increase the ad valorem tax base. Nancy Phillips and Ms. Villafuerta were directed to re-advertise for bids and also get (comparison) prices of modular/site built homes. Requiring stringent crite-' clearly seen all the way to the black-muck ground. As .1 neared the fence, sud- denly, the wind rose and the water ruffled, turning slate-grey. Quickly looking skyward, it was easy to see why. Clouds were blowing in from the south and now obscured the sun. As if in warning of the sudden change, a pair of red tail hawks in the hammock screamed merciless- ly. Instantly, a great cloud of blackly-brown wings rose from a small pasture pond near the cow corridor that was now a slow-moving slough reaching See Swamp Page 12 ta for .allowing replacerriment with a mobile home was dis- cussed, as the need for afford- able housing by elderly with lim- ited income was i recognized. Regarding a resolution amending the SHIP Local Hous- ing Assistance Plan, requesting the plan to include a disaster strateAe, the board adopted the resolution which will allow use of unencumbered SHIP funding Should Glades County be declared a disaster area by either the Governor of Florida or Presi- dernl of the UnitedStates. County Attorney Ptingle reported he had prepared- deeds in the Sammons lawsuit noting Mr. Sammons was to get conveyances from property owners to extend the right of way on Western ,Way. He also said in response to the board's direction, he had researched the RV Park lawsuit and for- warded to their attorney a state- ment that "here are the terms, please draft settlement agree- ment." Mr; Pringle said he had prepared a letter for the road department to send to South Shore Water Association .con- cerning the board's action requiring patching of roads dis- turbed by water hook-ups. Submitted photo/Barbara OenloeCK The living swamp becomes a watercolor painting after the summer rain. ' -._ ", ..- .. .......- .71-!- -'7; T.-" ' Historic building: Couinty Courthouse tinder repair ^^*^^.^*i^V~~--- 77<'-^^^,^^.^ !. < -'. --.. .. : : ,.?-. ....", '.. ..+-.- ...A ,,., .' : .: '- -f '"- :,'* ," "'a '. .- "* -* : ; ..- + "*.,*.' ,"-^ ^ < '*' .** i .:" "*: .' >:- *:, "'":.: *-- ." 4 -. ";. ,'* :' -- "" . -..-... ,. .-' ,,', s ,* ... ,- ;_*,e '. + ,, ... 2 .--.' .... : '' ,,.A. _. ...... :4:;, ''z: f_.':. Glades County Democrat/Barbara Oehlbeck For more than three-quarters of a century, the Glades County Court House has stood proudly in the heart of Moore Haven. The stately structure was under construction in 1926 but was not occupied until 1928. Since that time, it has weathered the storms that have threatened the area for all this time as well as its age. Now, however, much need- ed repairs have begun and will continue for at least a year. Summaryof county meeting One more time - swamp and ducks NOW- Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, July 20, 2006 Anniversary Obituaries Submitted to INI/Tammie M. Green Sam and Clarice Mitchell. Sam and Clarice Mitchell Sam and Clarice Mitchell of, Clewiston celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Thurs- day, June 8, 2006. They were married on June 8, 1956 by Rev. Tunner in Clewis- ton. Their children are, Paul Mitchell of Ft.Lauderdale, Ron- nie Mitchell of Clewistonr, and Tammie M. Green of Clewiston They have six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. A celebration in their honor was held on.Thursday, June 8 at 7 p.m. at Ruths' Chris in Ft. Laud- erdale. The event was held by Paul, Ronnie, and Tammie Mitchell. Engagement X'.' = ,, Miranda Humphries and Samuel Marsalis' Humphlries of McComb, Miss. The ceremony will be on Aug. Ma]rsalJ 5, 2006, at 5-p.m. at Ohloh Bap- :IMii S tist Church o-i Hiqh,'a. "S iii Jerry and Ellen Smith and Sumrall, Miss.e irl .e,J,l,r,. Michael and Becky Humphries Miranda arl, Sar ,1I- inside r, would like to request the pres- McComb, Miss. Sair is a fire- ence of family and friends at the fighter with the McComnb Fire wedding of their daughter, Department and Miranda will be Miranda Nichole Humphries to finishing her degree at the Uni- Samuel Ryan Marsalis. He is the versity of Southern Mississippi in son of Becky and Gene Marsalis Administrative Recreation. Submitted to INI Wow, Happy 101st Birthday! We can't believe it, she's 101 years old. Happy Birthday, Adelaida Ortega. She has 10 wonderful children and 26 grandchildren, 55 great-grandchildren and 20 great-great grandchildren. We all love her so much and wish to have her here with us longer. (behind Clewisitn Middle School) Tel. 863-983-5388 The Public is Cordially Invited! * We are putting thefiniin1g tlutches on our Elenwntariy building. * Comnpl'etdpla I gh I Inml is in., %dled. * Preschool building is just about ready. Betty Elizabeth Callahan Betty Elizabeth Callahan, age 71, of Clewiston, passed away July 11,2006 in Clewiston. She was born Apr. 2, 1935 in Danville, Va., to the late Hardy and Vontellar (Gurley) Callahan. Survivors include four daugh- ters, Debra Jones of Clewiston, Teresa D. Moore of Ringgold, Va., Toby Hill of Danville, Va., Shelby Hill of Danville, Va. and four sons, Foster (Jill) Sam Jones II of Rei- dsville, N.C., Tony (Beverly) Charles Jones of Reidsville, N.C., Roger (Peggy) K. Jones of Clewis- .ton, Randy A. Moore of Carolina Beach, N.C. In addition, Mrs. Callahan is survived by 18 grand- children and one great-grand- child. She was preceded in death by two brothers, Herman Calla- han, Charles Gurley; a sister, Margie Goins and a grand daugh- ter Brittney Moore. Services were held Fri., July 14, 2006 at 11 a.m. at Ridgelawn Cemetery, Clewiston with Pastor Gary Corley officiating., All arrangements were under the direction of Akin-Davis Funer- al Home Clewiston. Cecil Alvus Glass Cecil Alvus Glass, age 89, of Belle Glade died Sunday, July 16, 2006, in West Palm Beach. Mr. Glass was born in Earley County, Ga. in 1916. He had been a resi- dent in Belle Glade for over 50 years. Mr., Glass retired from the local school board. He loved country music and working in his garden; and he attended Chosen Missionary Baptist Church.' Survivors include his sons Cecil Alvin. Glass of Belle: Glade. Cecil Allen Glass of Kansas City, Mo.; Albert Earnest Glass of Belle Glade; daughter, Barbara Lonie Saienni of Belle Glade; brother, William Glass of Deland; 13 grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. Funeral services were held Thursday, July 20, 2006, at Glades Funeral Chapel in Belle Glade with Pastor Bobby Jimmerson officiating.. Interment followed at For Everglades Cemetery. Arrangements are by Glades Funeral Chapel in Belle Glade. Foster Jett, Jr Foster Jett, Jr., age 81, of Buck- head Ridge died July 16, 2006 at Raujlerson Hospital. Mr. Jett was born Sept. 5, 1921 in Brooksfield. Ky., to Foster Sr. and Margaret Jett. He came to Okeechobee from Ohio in 1976. Mr. Jett proudly served our country in the United States Armed Forces. He was a painter with General Motors. Mr. Jett is survived by two sons, Daniel Jett of Okeechobee and David Jett of Amelia, Ohio; three daughters, Loraine Everett of Mt. Carmel, Ohio, Judy Jett of Dayton, Ohio, and Jackie Lynn Kinman of Amelia, Ohio; sister, Loraine Voeger of Cincinnati, Ohio; 12 grandchildren, and four great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held in Amelia, Ohio directed 'by Nurre Funeral Home. Those unable to attend the services may sign the guest book at www.bassokeechobeefuneral- home.com. All arrangements are entrusted to the loving care of Bass Okee- chobee Funeral Home and Cre- matory. Thelma Clarke Kersey Thelma Clarke Kersey, 79, of Clewiston, died on Thursday, July 13, 2006. Mrs. Kersey is survived by her son, Mark (Kathy) of Pom- pano Beach; grandsons, Chad Gregory and Jonathan Richard Kersey of Pompano Beach; broth- er, Dr. Hamp (Eloise) Clarke of Blakley, Ga., and nephew, Dr. James Clarke of Griffin, Ga. A graveside service will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday, July 20 at the family plot in Blakley City Ceme- tery, Blakley, Ga. Arrangements entrusted to Kalis-McIntee Funeral & Crema- tion Center, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, (954)-566-7521. Irma L. Martin Irma Jean (Lairsey) Martin, age 67, died on Monday, June 26, at Haywood Regional Medical Center. A native of Palm Beach Coun- ty, she had resided in Haywood County for the past 11 years, after moving here from Ft. Myers. She was the daughter of the late Edward and Ida Lou Butler Lairsey. She enjoyed reading and was a member of New Covenant Church. She is survived by her husband of 40 years, Raymond G. Martin; three sons, Steven Ray (Georgia) Martin of Ft. Wayne, Ind., Kevin Martin of Seneca, S.C.,,and Keith (Andrea) Martin of Chancellor, Ala.; one brother, Ronald E. Lairsey of Canal Point; six grand- children and three great-grand- children. In lieu of fi' er s, memorials may be made to Haywood Regional, Medical Center Hospice, 560 Leroy George Drive, Clyde, N.C. Jane (Harmon) Campbell Miller Jane (Harmon), Campbell Miller of North Royal Palm Ave, Cle% vision, passed away at John- son CihN Medical Center; Johnson Kelly Glisson Lawn Service Serving Belle Glade, Clewiston & Pioneer Plantation Free Estimates Contact Kelly or Greg Glisson at 561-261-1338 56-2 -3or6 561.-261-1336 City, Tenn., on Monday, July 10., Mrs. Jane (Harmon) Campbell Miller was born on Feb. 10, 1931 in Smicksburg, Pa. to Charles S. Har- man and Grace (Lias) Harman. She was a homemaker and a counselor of the Baptist Chil- dren's Home in Miami and an office manager for numerous medical professionals. She was a member of the First Baptist Church of Clewiston. She was preceded in death by her parents; two sisters, Louise Bowser and an infant Mary Elizabeth Harman, one grandson, Graham Campbell. Survivors. include her hus- band, R. Nigel Miller; one son, John Charles (Kathryn) Camp- bell of Boyce, Va.; a daughter, Janet (Campbell) Kalajainen and husband, Dr. Rodney of DeWitt, Mich.; one brother, William Harman of Columbus, Ohio; two sisters, Beverly Stevens of Nicholasville, Ky., Majorie Himes of Erie, Pa., five grandchildren, Matthew Kala- jainen, Whitney Kalajainen, Warren Campbell, Jill (Kala- jainen) Smith,, and Erie Camp- bell, three stepdaughters, Jane (Miller) Rudd, Marianne (Miller) Anderson, and Bonnie (Miller) Krone, and one-stepson, David Nigel Miller. Friends, may call at the Memorial Service on Saturday, July 29. Funeral services will be held at First Baptist Church, Clewiston, at 11 a.m. Place of burial will be Rural Valley Ceme- tery, Rural Valley, Pa. SMemorial Tribute Remember a lot ed one nho has departed iith a special AMemorial Tribute in this nen spaper. .&. ,- ; , Your tribute can be published followiing the meniorial services or to commemorate an anniversary ofyour loved one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph of your loved one, lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders -- and we'll make sure it all comes together attractively and tastefully. Visit www2.newszap.com/memorias for sample ads and an online order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 toll free. Clinical Trials You may be paid $200 in i day If you might have any of these conditions, we NEED YOUR HELP for research: Mental retardation Gifted Alzheimer's Seizures Brain Injury We also need healthy people ages 16+, all races Non-invasive testing No medication Get paid while you learn Local office-no travel Call Dr. Bruce Borkosky, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist 800-514-0832 The disability specialist is precious. Clewis ,t--on k New cemeteery it TheSun City approve% -pion 143t aleW Elm La.~a sa People have so much to do and so little time to do it. To help you deal with your time constraints, we pack this little newspaper with lots of relevant and useful information. We want you to learn what you need to know quickly, so you can experience and enjoy your community fully. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or calling your editor. Clewiston News D LADES COUNTY DEMOCRAT TheSun Community Service Through Journalism If-y-IoI$s o aiit~e. Committed to EXCELLENCE in academics, athletics and the arts! MARK YOUR CALENDARS: August 5th ally Pun D 'y And TBQ! See our website for more information www.clewistonchristian.com Thursday, July 20, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, July 20, 2006 NOAA reports record weather marks first The average temperature for the continental United States from January through June 2006 was the warmest first half of any year since records began in 1895, according to scientists at the NOAA National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, N.C. Last month was the second warmest June on record and nationally averaged precipita- tion was below average. The con- tinuation of below normal precipi- tation in certain regions and much warmer-than-average tempera- tures expanded moderate-to- extreme drought conditions in the contiguous U.S. However, much of the Northeast experienced severe flooding and record rainfall during, the last week of June. The global surface temperature was second warmest on record for June. National go U.S. and Alaska, according to the National iiteraLenciy Fire Center. Global Highlights It was the second warmest June on record for globill land- and ocean-surface temperatures since records began in 1880 (1.08 degrees F/0.60 degrees C above the 20th century mean) and the sixth warmest year-to-date (January- June) (0.90 degrees F/0.50 degrees C). In 2007, NOAA, an aeencv of the U.S. Commerce Department, celebrates 200 years of science and service to the nation. From the establishment of the U.S. Coast and Ge-odelic Sni- in 1807 by Tioi ks .Iell--ron to the formation of the Weather Bureau and the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries in the 1870s, much of America's sci- entific heritage is rooted in NOAA. .NOAA is dedicated to enhanc- ing economic security and national safety) thi.ugh the prediction and research of weather and climate- related events and information service delivery for transportation, and by providing environmental stewardship of the nation's coastal and marine resources. Through the emerging Global Earth Obser- vation System of Systems (GEOSS), NOAA is working with its federal partners and more than 60 coun- tries to develop a global monitor- ing network that is as integrated as the planet it observes. Crime January-J lune 2006 Statewide Ranks al Climatic Data Center/NESDIS/NOAA 107 Below Near Above Much Record Normal Normal Novniat Above Warmest S1Normal Special to INI/NOAA high temperatures in the U.S. the first six months of 2006. The would be number one and number 112 the warmest. U.S. Temperature Temperature Highlights Temperature Highlights The average January-June tem- 1 = Coldest perature for the contiguous United 112 = Warmest States (based on preliminary data) was 51.8 degrees F (11.0 degrees C), or 3.4 degrees F (1.8 degrees C) Q above the 20th century (1901- Record Much 2000) average. Five states (Texas, cet uBelow Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska and Normli Missouri) experienced record warmth for the period. No state was near or cooler than average. The nation observed the sec- This graphic shows the record ond warmest June on record this coldest record temperature wc year. In the West, 11 states were much warmer ilihn o'veiz.., Only resulted in widespread flooding. five states' (Kentucky, Ohio; Penn- For example, Washington's Rea-, sylvania, West Virginia and. South gan National Ai port reported Carolina) were cooler than normal 11.37 inches (289 nm) di ing that for the month, time and a record June total of The June rsatef\ id average 14.02 inches (356 mm). More than temperature for Alaska was near 10 inches (254 mm) of rain ;..11 in average, and January-June was Federalsburg on Maryland's East- 0.55 degrees F (0.30 degrees C) ern Shore in a 24-hour period. In cooler than the 1971-2000 average. June, 45 percent of the contiguous U.S. Pi dciit.pikdin Highlights U.S. was in moderate-to-extreme The average precipitation for drought (based on the Palmer- June 2006 ai r, Ih-e continental Drought Index), an increase of 6 U.S. was 0.3 in. (8 mm) elov tie percent from May, while 27 per- 20th cntur\ n' rcaierie' cent was in severe-extreme Record l r,.rii!.ll in parts of the drought (up from 20 percent in Northeast during May and June May). Additionally, from January contributed to thewetter-than-nor- ihrl ith June, warm, dry condi- mal first half of the year for that tions spawned more than 50,000 region. Heavy precipitation along wildfires, burning more than the East Coast from June 22-28 3,000,000 acres in the contiguous Lobster mini-season set for July 26-27 Stoppers Body in park identified By Jose Jesus Zaragoza INI Florida SOUTH BAY Investigators now know the name of a per- son found lifeless in a car at a local park last week. According to the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office, the man's name is James E. Thornton, 61, of Delray Beach,. who may have died from health complications. Deputies with the.sheriff's office responded to the scene last week. Officials were called in to investigate the' incident on June 11, at approximately 10:30 a.m. that day, finding the man slufiped over the front passenger seat of his vehicle at John Stretch Park. The park is located just outside South Bay, on U.S. 27. Though investigators are still piecing together the details of the man's death, offi- cials with the sheriff's office said the man appeared to have pulled over to the park after experiencing health problems. After searching the area for clues, and finding that there was no evidence to ,pu,.,"t the presence of foul play in his death, investigators said the man seemed to have died from a heart attack. A medical examiner's report should reveal the true cause of the man's death. GTO/PRO Celebrating 30 Years FAAC -ELITE ',: .in SW FL ,AA *0 REELIT i'TI ',;1 'i' SERVING LEE & AND MORE iiliti iii HENDRY COUNTY ES im, .f I .4L1 iWALL0 'iJ COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Emergency Repairs STORAGE FACILITIES Some Day Service SERVICE CONTRACTS Sme Day ,- BO'S ELECTRIC & SPECIALTIES , SEC13002326 FNo04-00o991W Ft .M er a lle C leafl For All Your Remodeling Tiling Doors Windows Roofing Call Titus Smith FREE ESTIMATES 863-233-9075 . L.e-,.e Ir .nured Siale Lic # 2005293 ERM Iw lr Those wanting to catch some spiny lobsters have only a few more days to prepare for mifii-sea- son. This year, mini-seapon is July 26-27. Regular sport-lobster season begins Aug. 6 and ends March 31. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commissioi (FWC) wants to remind people several rules and laws are in effect during mini-season, including a bag limit, restricted areas, no-take areas, size- limitations, permit requirements, types of devices allowed to take lobsters and possession limits. Some of the rules and regula- tions include: Bag limits are six per person per day for Monroe County and Bis- cayne National Park; and 12 per person per di f'i, i r, rr.iii ler of Florida during mini-season. During regular, sport season, the bag limit everywhere is six lobsters per per- son per day throughout Florida. On-the-water possession limit is equal to the daily bag limit. Off-the-water possession limit is equal to -hei laiiy bag limit on the first day; double the daily bag limit on the second day. Possession limits are enforced on and off the water. Possession and use of a meas- uring device is required at all times. Night diving is prohibited in Monroe County during the mini- season. Harvest is prohibited in John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park during sport season. .Harvest is p,-ihibited during both seasons in Everglades Nation- al Park, Dry Tortugas National Park 'and no-take areas in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. The Biscayne Bay portion of Bis- cayne National Park is also off-lim- its to lobstering. Recreational ti.apping is prohib- ited. Licenses are required, unless exempt. Limitations exist where lobsters can be taken legally and how far away lobster gatherers must remain from boat docks. To learn about these regulations and more for a specific area, visit MyFWC.com/marine/lobster.htm. For information specific to the Florida Keys, call (.'1.15) 289-2320. For information regarding mini- season in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, call (305) 292- 0311 or go to ili iji .al n oa,..oi.q In the" Ke s, FV'i,", Flurida Depailn-ntl of Environmdntal Pro- tection, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, Monroe Couirib\ .ilr nit's Ollice. and National Park ;ervie officials will be available July 21-26 at mile marker 106 in Key Largo to answer questions about lobster season regulations. The FWC wants to remind peo- ple to use extra caution while div- ing, boating or .norkelini during this two-day mini-season. . Divers must use a diver-down flag, and boat operators nusI oul oe. all boaiII]g 1,. % .. flh: Wi\' -ncourages everyone to wear a life ij.',ikei while on their boats, pay attention to their sur- roundings and don't drink and drive a boat. Operators should pay particular attention to areas where the spiny lobsters are known to be because someone maybe beneath the water and surface as the boat passes by. Remember, one bad decision can ruin a great day. The Palm Beach County Sher- iff's office is seeking help frorr, the public in locating the following "wanted fugi- tive." Willie Hamilton, age 22, a black male is 6 feet tall and weighs Willie approximately Hamilton 200 pounds. He has black hair and brown eyes and has tattoos on his left wrist and arm; scars on right elbow, both knees, left wrist, and left tIi;glh. His last known address is South- west Seventh Street, Belle Glade. Mr. Hamilton is a student. He is wanted on a warrant charging him with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and aggravated assaultwith a firearm. Anyone with information about this fugitive or any other crime is asked to call the Crime Sioppeos, hotline at 1-800-458-TIPS (8477) or online at: www.crimestoppersp- bc.com. FURNITURE SI I APPLIA.V (:L & BEDDING Belle .ade 5619967646 e 8639834121 ow, R "e, Come In And See Our Full 3957Selection Of Reers, On Sale Nov Belle Glade 561 6-76- .. GeWhSoi 863-9834121 .. ./m " a ggf -~g Pas~ors Ch1~koc K nwrpnPr4akrr. Ignited Youth Ministry. Every Wednesday 7:15 pm 370 Holiday Isle Blvd 863.983.3181 www.newharvest.net DOCTOR TEHSIN PRACTICE CLOSED Dr. Tehsin has'closed practice in Clewislon effective June 30, 2006. All patient records have been transferred to Dr. Karim Kaki (Internal Medicine), and his patients are thereby requested to contact Dr. Koki's office for further medical care and follow-up. Phone # 863-983.5453 863-385-9403 C9.Ai? in6 at Walnut Creek Pr 1 'cope Ipi- yfr'~( o InMi 7 VSOv Sc~edfu(eyour fourr of NC'sv _qcm o Me. Sue 94e w888 62 6/ 9,m TW~ 94~IILff(~(iJJ2{61C.C~ COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Business hours 7:00 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. Phone 863-675-3277 Fax 863-675-9212 WE ARE ACCEPTING REGISTRATIONS FOR NURSERY- 8TH GRADE OPEN HOUSE: Thursday, August 3, 2006 from 12 p.m. 2 p:m. If you are considering a quality education for your children, please join us for our open house. We are confident you will find our faculty, staff and facility inviting. School supply list are available. STUDENTS RETURN: Monday, August 7, 2006 at 8:00 a.m. Before-School Day Care opens at 7:00 a.m. After-School Day Care 3:15 p.m. 5:45 p.m. SCHOOL BUS TRANSPORTATION available from Immokalee and Felda Wedding, Meeting & Pa.iy Function Space Available VACANCIES STARTING AT $65 1 Oxbow Drive LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-4411 Fax: 863-675-48Q2 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee M& 4 OPINION Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, July 20, 2006 Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it a at the MooreHaven/Glades issues forum at http://www.new rums.com/forum57. It is a hometown forum so visit the page a as you would like and share your comments (but no personal or profanities, please). Comments will be published in the new as space permits. Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include * Belle Glade/South Bay Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/fo *Clewlston Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum52 * HendryCounty Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum54 * Moore Haven/Glades Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/for *Okeechobee city/county Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/f * Pahokee Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum59 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on communityt forums and links," How to become a adoptive parent FORT MYERS The Chil- dren's Network of Southwest Florida and Family Preservation Services of Florida will be holding an orientation on "How to become a Foster Parent/Adoptive Parent" on Aug. 3, at Evangel Assembly of God, 350 S. Burner Road, Clewiston, at 6 p.m. Children's Network of South- west Florida serves as the lead agency to oversee foster care and adoption services in Collier, Lee, Charlotte, Hendry and counties. Children's Netw Southwest Florida has pai with Family Preservation Se Lutheran Services Florida Cooper Center for Beh Health Care, and the Florid tist Children's Home to more foster families in o county region. For those interested in b ing a foster/adoptive please call 1-800-89FAMILY Community News in Brief MHHS Class Reunion planned The MHHS Class of '86 is having its 20 year reunion on Homecom- ing Weekend this year. Organizers are inviting the Class of '87 and Class of '88 to join the fun, as well. Reunion planners are in need of assistance in locating and notifying all members of the above classes. The initial plan is to have a tailgate type get-together the night of the Homecoming Game and, on the following day, have a BBQ for the family at the City Park or a similar location. Anyone interested in assisting may contact David Lee at dlee-1967@skyeone.com or (863)946-2512. CREW needs volunteers The Community. Rebuilding Ecumenical Workforce (CREW) of Hendry and Glades Counties is seeking volunteers to assist resi- dents with repairs and continued clean up efforts in the aftermath of HurricaneWilma. Carpenters, Electricians, Plumbers, drywall installers and other trade skills are needed, as well as, anyone willing to lend a hand! For more information, dome by our office at 121 Central Ave. rear entrance or email CREWheadquarters@aol.com or phone (863) 983 2390. CREW seeks donations The Community Rebuilding Ecumenical Workforce (CREW) of Hendry and Glades Counties is seeking donations of building materials and supplies, including lumber, nails and drywall, to assist residents with repairs and contin- ued clean up efforts in the after- math of Hurricane Wilma.Dona- tions, including monetary contributions, are tax deductible. For more information, come by our office at 121 Central Ai entrance or email CREW quarters@aol.com or (8R) 98( 3-2390. Free services to help elders Center for Independent Living will be doing outreach on a regular basis at the Moore Haven, Clewis- ton, and LaBelle sites between the hours of noon to 2:30 p.m. You can contact Tera or Linda at the Center for Independent Living at (941) 766-8333 in Charlotte County to find out the days that they will be available in those areas. Economic Council Meetings planned The Glades County Economic Development Council normally meets the first Monday of the month at 6:15 p.m. in the conference room at Glades Electric Cooperative. If you are not a member, please con- tact the EDC about joining. If you are a member, please plan to attend the meetings. As the Main Street effort and other initiatives move for- ward, we will need a host of knowl- edgeable volunteers to serve on var- ious committees and we encourage your participation. VFWPost #10539 The VFW will be open Monday through Wednesday 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; Thursday, 10 a.m.-10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m.-11 p.m., or later; and Sunday, 1 8 p.m. Happy hour is from 4 6 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Dinner is served at 5 p.m. Tuesday evenings. Bar bingo starts at 12:45 p.m. Wednesday. Lunch will be available. Singles darts every Wednesday, 7 p.m. Cafeteria is open from 5 8 p.m., Thursday nights. Friday at 7 p.m. there will be live music and dancing. On Sat- urday, hotdogs with kraut are served at noon. Saturday dart dou- bles at 7 p.m. anytime szapfo- as often By Nicole Cuny attacks CLEWISTON What is the vspaper U.S. Army Corps of Engineers doing to keep residents safe in the event of a hurricane, and the lake itself from the schedule of water releases that the organization has Ie: focused on as of late? >rum51 That was the question at hand at a meeting in Clewiston last week. Colonel Carpenter of the um57 corps presented a tentatively forum58 scheduled plan (TSP) for Lake Okeechobee and its surrounding y waters. The meeting was one of three workshops concerning the Her- bert Hoover Dike and the Lake Okeechobee Regulation Schedule L1 Study (LORSS). These workshops t were hosted in Clewiston, Ft. Myers, and Stuart. Lake Okeechobee is the water supply for the areas south of the big lake. With many more people coming into Southwest Florida, the hope is that the lake becomes Glades stronger economically to support york of the growing population. rtnered Colonel Carpenter and the U.S. services, Army Corps of Engineers 'are a, Ruth doing their best to devise a plan avioral that will take effect beginning Jan- da Bap- uary 2007 that is right for the recruit maintenance of the lake, while )ur five keeping a close eye on keeping residents safe from the dangers of )ecom- a levee failure. family, The Corps of Engineers, con- siders public safety its highest pri- ority. Corps officials have said publicly that they must keep a reg- ulation schedule that does not compromise the health and safety of the people. ve. rear Of course Lake Okeechobee is Vhead- not their only concern when con- phone sidering their best course of action. INI/Jose Zaragoza The Army Corps of Engineers is presently hashing out a plan that will take into account the condition of the lake and regu- latory releases into nearby estuaries. "Lake Okeechobee is the heart of our body; but, our body has arms and legs and other parts that need to be healthy also," Colonel Carpenter said, referring to the Caloosahatchee and St. Lucie Estuaries. If we dump all the bad things into the estuaries, the lake will eventually become weaker. The corps had several plan- ning phases where they came up with plans to control the water level. After much debate and deci- sion they came to one conclu- sion: a plan called lbS2-m would be the best route to take. ,This plan was considered the best choice to help all the aspects of the lake. This includes public safety, the Caloosahatchee Estu- ary, the St. Lucie Estuary, Lake Okeechobee, water supply, navi- gation, and the Greater Ever- glades. All of these things make up the body. Of course, this plan was not the best solution for each aspect, but it was the best overall. The plan was created to keep the whole body healthy. It also pro- vides an environmental balance that's meets the LORSS objectives for lower lake management. So what does all this mean? A portion of the plan calls for the corps to pay attention when the lake reaches a certain level, in this case 12.75 feet. The corps will release small amounts of water into the estuaries to keep the lake from building too high. The estuaries would not be ham- mered by water from the lake, and the lake could maintain a safe water level. After the presentation those in attendance were asked to give comments about the tentatively selected plan. Most were in agree- ment with Colonel Carpenter and The Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the South Florida Water Manage- ment District announce comple- tion of the Acceler8 C-43 West Storage Reservoir Project Test Cells. Tours of the completed C-43 Test Cells will take place on Fri- day, July 28, anytime between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. at the C-43 Test Cell Site at Berry Groves on S.R. 80. Allow 40 minutes for guided tour. Construction site footwear By Charles J. Kovaleski With all of the recent talk about a gradual shift to the first buyer's market in Florida in sev- eral years, many potential home- owners are taking pencil to paper to determine if this is the summer to finally buy a house. After all, inventories of homes for sale are up throughout the state, and sellers are become more eager to offer buyer incen- tives or to make money-saving deals for potential buyers But just because the market might be right for buyers, is it the right time for you, your family and your finances? Buying a home is never a one-size-fits-all process; finances aside, a whole host of personal reasons come into play when, considering becoming a homeowner. * Are you ready for the Ameri- can Dream of owning a home, or recommended Call or e-mail your R.S.V.P. by July 26 to Rhndy Smith (561) 682-6197, (561) 389-3386 or rrsmith@sfwmd.gov. The C-43 test cells are provid- ing valuable data for final design of the Acceler8 C-43 West Stor- age Reservoir project, which consists of .an above-ground reservoir located just south of the Townsend Canal and Caloosahatchee River junction that will capture and store basin stormwater runoff and regulato- ry, water releases from Lake Okeechobee, reducing the num- ber and volume of harmful dis- charges to the coastal estuaries. The project is a component of a larger restoration project for the Caloosahatchee River and Estu- ary. Directions to the Test Cells:, From West Palm Beach: 'Travel west on SR 80 (South- ern Blvd.) until it joins with the U.S. 441 Belle Glade. Turn left staying on S.R. 80/U.S. 441 through Belle Glade and into is it a good idea to rent for a costs? Except for rises in home- while longer? When does it owners insurance, real estate make sense to buy and when- taxes and maintenance costs, does it make sense to rent? Ask yourself the following questions before you start visiting open houses this weekend: Do you plan to live in the same location for a long time? If you feel settled into your com- munity, have extended family near by and have decided this is where you and your family want to live for the next 20 years, buy- ing and building equity is a prob- ably good idea. If, on the other hand, you only plan to stay in your current location for under five years, or if you foresee mov- ing with your job or your spouse's job, consider renting a while longer. If there's a chance that you will be laid off soon or if you plan to leave your job, you might want to wait as well. Do you prefer steady housing once you lock in your mortgage rate you can rest easy knowing that your monthly payments will be the same year after year. This long-term stability is reassuring to. many homeowners who want to know exactly how much they will spend each month. As a renter, you are subject to the whims of your landlord and of the local rental market. As demand for rentals goes up, so will your rent-a phenomenon we are see- ing in housing markets such as New Orleans right now. Are you ready to be a handy- man-or to pay for one? When your roof is leaking or the plumbing is stopped up in an apartment, it's the landlord's problem. But when you own the place, it's your problem. One mistake first-time home owners thought the plan would work. As one gentlemen said, "This is the best plan that has been thought of since 1960." Many thanks were given to Colonel Carpenter and his team for their hard work and dedica- tion to Southwest Florida. Others, on the other hand, were not as impressed by the new plan. Questions were raised about water supply and whether.com- munities would have enough water after all the water releases from Lake Okeechobee. Others brought to Colonel Carpenter's attention the vegetation in the lake. They questioned why the lake's vegetation was being killed by pesticides being sprayed. Colonel Carpenter had no response for this. "You have to trust that the corps is going to do everything possible to keep citizens from evacuating if another storm comes through and pounds us with water," Colonel Carpenter said. If another hurricane like Wilma comes through Clewiston, the lake will rise even more, and the chances of a flood are extreme. With these small releas- es of water, the corps will keep the lake at a safe level so that when another storm does pound us with water, the water level will still be low enough that we will not have to evacuate because of flood. The point that the U.S. Corps of Engineers wanted to make in the meeting is that they are doing their best to provide the surround- ing communities with a safe lake. This will not happen overnight, they said, but they are making it work. South Bay. Rear right staying on. S.R. 80 as it joins with U.S. 27. Continue on S.R. 80/U.S. 27 through Clewiston. Make a left when S.R. 80 and U.S. 27 divide. Continue on S.R. 80 through La Belle to Berry Groves (approxi- mately 6 miles west of S.R. 29). Look for Acceler8 signs. From Ft. Myers: Travel east on S.R. 80 (Palm Beach Blvd.) to Berry Grotes (approximately 1 mile east of SR 78A). Look for Acceler8 signs. make is spending all their sav- ings on the closing costs or down payment, leaving nothing in the bank to pay for mainte- nance and upkeep. The decision to buy or contin- ue renting really comes down to your personal preferences, and where you are in a particular stage of your life. Consider renting if you want a short-term commitment and the freedom to move on a moment's notice or if you don't have the time or desire to maintain or repair your home and don't want to pay property taxes. Consider buying if you want to put your money towards something you own; if you want to build equity and take a healthy mortgage interest deduction each April 15; and if you like working around the house, reno- vating and making the changes you want to your own property. SGh4s uInlt NMOmft. Our Purpose... The Glades County Democrat is publis-ed 3by Independent Newspapers of Florida. Independent is owned by a unique trust that enables this newspa- per to pursue a rrussion of journalistic service to the citizens of the commu- nity. Since no dividends are paid, the company is able to thrive on profit margins below industry standards. All after-tax surpluses are reinvested in Independent's rmssion of journalistic service, commitment to the ideals of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and support of the comm- munity's delibertation of public issues. We Pledge... ' To operate thh newspaper si a public trust ' To help c.ur comrnmunni t-ctnme a beer place fc. tlive and swrk, through our dedicanon t,. cor, -Irduus ls jurnaliim * To provide information cintiens need to maie their wn inm lijerl de.:.-1 .n ..i At -,ublK bhlI.,'u * Tr repr.on th rsi ii h honesty. accurace. c.biv.-'irty lteiinii e and compassion * .To .- our penton pagei m Icaflirzw a'rrmunity deblae ott k, dtinate it with :r11 .iMT opimrnis * T:,,':,, .:.ui :,n r,rntis of imrest or irinr l ;i:.hlalnc I,:, o ur rtaa. n. * To .:orr a'..ur irrl' ,r idJ Ii. r .., r c.:l,'r i rh .r.:.r, ir, ira.: Il c,.tn * To provide a right to reply to those we wnte about. * To treat people with courtesy, respect and compassion. NeA Editor Jom sa Zsgoz Nem Clerk.ldWyW Gnnizd Advertisig Ache~rtiing DrsimiJudy' Kease NAo-mai A~cciatit J.-Y Purrio AdverTdwng Manageer Br~ndh 'Jarsiojl. Advertising &n ccy-iMelii~a Ag-, Lwai oAdo'rr" Inc 'APie.,derT IF-rlj U Tor.1m Bill Er'rEli., l'..n) fi ~.r Member od Florida Press Astwladadn Volunteers in the area sought to help elderly By Nicole Cuny CLEWISTON The communi- ty sometimes makes the effort to reach out to help the senior citizens in anyway it can. Some people vol- unteer to bring them groceries or clean their houses. But many of the elderly people do not have someone they can depend on consistently to help them. That is where the Center for Independent Living comes in and - more specifically that is where you can come in. The center helps elderly citizens with disabilities more easily live their lives, without the everyday frustrations of being alone. No matter what they need or ask for, officials with the center said, the organization is there to help. The Center for Independent Liv- ing helps with things that the elder- ly cannot do for themselves. This includes bringing them groceries, cleaning their home, and bringing them medicine or equipment. The advocates from the center make visits to the homes of the people they help. This helps them become accustomed to the person and their needs. We all know about assisted liv- ing facilities, but few of us knowwe can help. The center is always looking for qualified volunteers to help. These volunteers would help make the outreach more productive by pass- ing out brochures to encourage others to join. The Center for Independent Liv- ing has a representative in our area every other week. She also comes when she is needed during the week. The center has regular outreach programs in Moore Haven, Labelle, and Clewiston. For more information on how to become a volunteer or how to be included in the outreach pro- gram, contact Tera or Linda at the Center for Independent Living at (941) 766-8333. ' I Save money on your favorite grocery items. I I Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! , I -e ---p. Co m- t i.nksp-. --- I I newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. I L---------------------- Glades Cou Published by Indepe Serving Glades To Reach Us Address: PO. B.-. 1236 Clewiston, Fla. 33440 Website: www newszap corn To Submit News The Glades County Democrat wel- comes submissions from its readers. Opinions. calendar items, stones. ideas and photographs are welcome. Call 866-399-5253 to reach our news- room. Items may be mailed, faxed or e-mailed. The deadline for all news items is 12 p.m. Monday prior to the following Thursday's publication E-mail: gcdnewsi'&newszap.com To Place A Classified Ad Call 18771353-2424 to place a classi- fied advertisement irom home. The deadline for all advertising is 12 p.m Monday for the following Thursday's publication. Fax: 1-877-354-2424. E-mail classadmi(@uewa zp.com To Place A Display Ad Call 866-399-5253, deadline for all advertising is 12 p m. Monday for the following Thursday's publictsin Fjx. 1.863-983 -i37 E-mail. 'couthlakea.id,'rne \- zap.com Advertising Billing Department E-mail: billteam@newszap.com nty Democrat endent Newspaper, Inc. County Since 1923 To Start or Stop A Paper Phone: (877)353-2424 E-mail: readerrr i,e 'i ~new' 'p o',n The Gl.- :. Count', D. mo~rr : .Ic i '.: rd by mail t. sb .cn.tb: ,in fT urs.3', andj v sold in riak; and reor- lo.:auonj ir, n h Gladei Coty area Call 187705' riel,'.parst 353.2424 ioreporl3rie Sotr OD lidary Glades Co.unty Demoiccrat USPS 2190Q60 FPublishO WVeekla by lnpnd-~i~eni Neea papers, In.: Ciewumn. FL 334"5 for $24 I6l p.r yea 'ricluding las SFc:.. si Clais posuge P..d at Ckmo~cn Fl -rida Potastniaer swnd dres, rtrhmoe- stoth Glade C.-untiy ,Drrr'. ,: t Cit. arv Ari.niA,-,rr'n.-r' r' PL) BO 70 1 Doev, DE 1,41)i Printing FNirre.I at Sijr. I o r.-intinz r~ '''of Idti "ri-ItritIk. l E tra uin~.l i T, KlI Corps unveils its lake schedule Tour C-43 (Caloosahatchee River) Test Cells Own vs. Rent: What's right for you, right now? Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, July 20, 2006 - Thursday, July 20, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee HAMTO CHYSER ODE J S ANNOUNCE c i-i ~ J, * PLUS 0% FINANCING OR UP TO $4000 IN REBATES eep ONaW,. [A-h DODGE GRAND CARAVAN WITH "'" SEATING AND STORAGE DODGE CHARGER .. ...... ON NEW '06 MODELS DODGE DURANGO FIVE-STAR HIGHEST GOVERNMENT~ MENTAL CRASH TEST W~ING m.-- JAO~dI "PI * ~. A ~ ~JC3ep - i !la~ wirn 16-Point Vehlcle CheckUpl $2209 I* tti)E -aPPcem* ,pt f rn4 seIsn~ei andnds oftes n i- .-s.not I RHCJJI. s aur Flu d F EKtmo Lamps-MA Ai Ill du*t mn-in: .h, ol*c: ay o r'qufra ifv! 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AMFM CD POWER WINDOWS .ANDJD LOCKS, 3.5L HIGH OUTPUil 24 VALVE J, V C HO E") ENGINE, MORE," 1 5 TO HOUSEE) DEALER LIST PRICE: s29 ,03 EMPLOYEE PRICE: -24,545 ADDITIONAL ARRIGO VOLUME DISCOUNT: -1 .055 ALL YOU PA: TOTAL ' SAVINGS .: & -~~ ~- 11w^ ^ ^, ^ ^^ BRAND NEW .-ODE i ''.'I i -" .& i'I '. i, I V I *iili ll;...I "H L' 2'. .li 1 DEALER LIST PRICE- EMPL &YEE r rInEi CASH REBATE ALLOWANCE: BRAND NEW.' DODGE DEALER LIST PRICE: -23,539 ADDITONALARRIGO OSE VOLUME DISCOUNT: -'787 - .4' .4'..' .44~ qAa 2 SdPP~5~I%4 pm? tIFk4'.J:. ~ 4;$$4 4... ~442' ~'.44 .., C TO CHJOO SE! 36,029' "' ,50'.6Pf ,. 4 (P'I- fI) ,-: #.), ; a%.APR.) ADDITIONAL ARRIGO VOLUME DISCOUNT: -872 ,! i = 4' .4 4I .; I . .. " .-4:-- b -'. 4 4 ----- - BRAND NEW DODGE i L"i' "'.. ... '- ( 6" TO CHOOSE! D i, l l 1 i :' l : :,.A i"'F "'i DEALER LIST PRICE: ;29,704 EMPLOYEE PRICE: 125,144 ADDITIONAL ARRIGO VOLUME DISCOUNT: 1,154 I -U. .. .! --- - C H R"' S L E fr I : .a.-... -a:-- V^^ ammf Jeep A'4 I ~ ' .4 .4 4 4 4 .4 4 . p k' t~ '4.4~ 1A' ~ 4 Pt Ft9. ... 5.. .. w*-4....A'... ~ A ~~~~Lt STORE HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY: 8:30AM 9:00PM SATURDAY: 8:30AM 9:00PM SUNDAY: 11:00AM 6:OOPM ** **M l*- e s *"" Mf a n^ a m.. :.. ... .. .... ...... ... . .. _* ;^ -- W7u : : .-sa A.<' RlTl' 0 '; :El I.'AL C, ,: I.E Ii .,ri.i.* VEHICLES ONLY OFFERS NOT IN CONJUNCTION, INIMUi 75 BEACON SCONE E REQUIRED DEAL D RETAINS ALL P- A B.TES & I BCENTIVE PRICES INCLUDE ALL REBATES, PRICES PLUS TAX TAG & TITLE. FEES AND DEALER INSTALLED OPTIONS REBATES VARY ON SELECT MODELS, WITH APPROVED CREDIT OFFERS EXPIRE DATE O FI'l i TY:' r I'. : 7.,;:W.:,, iANTIME WiTHOI T NOTICE RANKING BASED ON REGISTERED SALES FOR DAIMLER CHRYSLER THR APRIL 2S, DEALER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICALERRORS OR OMISSIONS, VEHICLE ART FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY, ZERO APR FINANCING TERMS VARY ON SELECT MODELS, MUST HAVE A i -1 E iT SCORE THRUCFC, OFFERS NOT IN COlJUNCTION, SEE DEALER FOR MORE DETAILS, RESTRICTIONS APPLY' TO GUARANTEE, SEE DEALER FOR COMPLETE DETAILS PREVIOUS SALES EXCLUDED, ALL OFFERS EXCLUDE SRT MODELS AND VIPERS, 2006 CARRERA ADV Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, July 20, 2006 * *. Florida Sheriff's Youth Ranches not "boot camps" The Sheriff's Association has received a number of inquiries asking if the Youth Ranches are in any way connected with the 'Boot Camps.' The Boot Camps and the Florida Sheriff's Youth Ranches are very different organ- izations. The Boot Camps are government run correctional facilities that handle juvenile delinquents, and the Florida Sheriff's Youth Ranches (FSYR) are a statewide charity that pre- vents delinquency by providing a home and family for abused, neglected and troubled children. For nearly 50 years, the FSYR have been caring for children in need and will continue to do so. FSYR WAS Founded in 1957 by the Florida Sheriff's Associa- tion and is a 501 (c)3 corpora- tion. Its residential child care and family service, organization dependent on the gifts and sup- port of our donor family. It is a nationally recognized, accredited agency with sites throughout the state of Florida. Our staff includes social workers, counselors, ther- apists and cottage parents who serve over thousands of youth and their families each year. Programs include residential group child care, family services, and camping services aimed at meeting the diverse needs of Florida's youth and families. training to any of the programs and services, please contact the appropriate family social worker for the correct county of resi- dence. Florida residency is required for services. Please be assured As always, the public is wel- come to visit any of the Youth Ranches at any time and meet the children in the care of ranch If assistance is needed per- staff members. Arrest log This column lists arrests, not convictions, unless otherwise stated. Anyone who is listed here and who is later found not guilty, or has the charges against them dropped, is welcome to inform the newspaper. We will confirm the information and print it. Western Palm Beach County Bernard S. Hammond, 28, of Southeast First Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on July 11, by PBSO and charged with two counts of possession of cocaine with intent to sell and one count, possession of cocaine. His bond was set at $5,000. Damian Graham, 20, of East Avenue 22, Belle Glade, was arrested on July 11, by PBSO and charged with assault with intent to commit a felony homicide; willful kill-murder premeditated; aggravated assault with a firearm and attempted first degree murder. He is being held without bond. Latravis T. Torrence, 21, of Southwest Eighth Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on July 11 by Belle Glade Police Depart- ment on a warrant charging him with domestic battery. No bond was set. Andrea Renteria,' 36, of Northwest Avenue H, Behle Glade, was arrested on July 12, by PBSO and 'charged with aggravated battery on a preg- nant person. No bond was set. a Winston C. Thompson, 49, of Prewitt Village, Belle Glade, was arrested on July 13. by PBSO and charged %\ith posses,- sion of marijuana over 20 grams; civil contempt of court - order of commitment; purge $350 and $20 community con- trol work release recommend- ed. His total bond was set at $3,370. Jimmie Lee Lane, 39, of Davis Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on July 13, by PBSO and charged with domestic bat- tery. He was released on his own recognizance. Michael Bailey, 21, of Covenant Drive, Belle Glade, was arrested on July 13, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with violation of probation or community control; violation of supervised release aggravat- ed battery on a pregnant person. No bond was set. Jamorris Staples, 23, of Bethune Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on July 13 by PBSO and charged with domestic battery; burglary with assault or battery; battery and criminal mischief (less than $200); failure to appear on a written promise to appear for arraignment on Nov. 8, 2005 for charges of driving while license suspended and speeding. No bond was set. Vernon McClendon, 30, of D Avenue, Belle -Glade was arrested on July 16, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with t destroying evidence- tampering with or fabricating physical nar- cotics equipment, possession or use. Bond was set at $3,000. James Jones, 44, of Dabrow Avenue, Pahokee, was arrested on July 12 by PBSO on a warrant charging him with vio- lation of probation or communi- ty control; attempted burglary; aggravated battery causing bod- ily harm or disability; obstruct- ing justice; retaliating against informant victim witness. No bond was set. Curtis Arthur Pate, 40, of Southwest Seventh Street, Paho- kee, was arrested on July 14, by PBSO and charged with viola- tion of probation or community control possession of cocaine. His bond was set at $10,000. Corey T. Hollingsworth, 30, of Golden Place, Pahokee, was arrested on July 15, by PBSO and charged with failure .to appear written promise to appear (traffic); failure to appear for arraignment on Aug. 23, 2005, failure to appear for plea conference on Aug. 29, 2005 for charges of driving While license suspended, unlawful speed, violation of traffic control device. He is being held on $2,000 bond. Calvin Wayne Shuler, 25, of Seminole Court, Pahokee, was arrested by West Palm Beach Police Dept., and charged with failure to appear for misde- meanor offense, failure to appear for arraignment on June 6 2006; obstruction by disguise. Total bond was set at $2,000. Joe L. Eason, 45, was arrested on July 17 by PBSO on a warrant charging him with vio- lation of probation domestic battery. No bond was set. Joyce White, 43, of Harrell Drive, South Bay, was arrested on July 15, by PBSO and charged with failure to appear for felony offense; failure to appear for status check on June 27; driving while license sus- pended; improper equipment and maintaining proof of PIP insurance. Bond was set at $2,000. Alex R. McCollum, 31, of Harrell Drive, South Bay, was arrested on July 12, by PBSO and charged with violation of probation or community c6n- trol. He was booked for Hendry County Sheriff's Office on a war- rant for felony violation of pro- bation. His bond was set at $3,000. , Calvin Lee Devol, 53, of Southwest First Street, South Bay, was arrested on July 13, by PBSO on a warrant charging him with failure to appear on a written promise to appear for non-jury trial on June 14, on charges of driving while license suspended and improper dri- ver's license expired for more than four months. Bond was set at $2,000. Anthony Chapple, 24, of Southwest Fifth Avenue, South Bay, was arrested by PBSO and charged with failure to appear for felony offense; failure to appear for status check; grand theft of a motor vehicle; burgla- ry of a structure or conveyance; sale or possession of vehicle identification (vin) plate ; pos- session or sale of vehicle with altered V.I.N.; dealing in stolen 'property; violation of probation or community control aggra- vated battery with a deadly weapon causing bodily harm; failure to appear for misde- meanor offense, and giving a false name upon being arrested or detained. No bond was set. James Johnson, 28, of Lake Shore Drive, Canal Point, was arrested on July 13, by PBSO and charged with possession of cocaine; violation of probation or community control.'- Hendry County Clewiston Bradley Stephen Livingood, 18, of Clewiston, was arrested July 3 and charged with sexual assault to a victim 12 years old or younger. Hendry County Sher- iff's Office Investigator Larry Preece was the arresting officer. Carlos Gonzalez, 29, odf Clewiston, was arrested July 13 and charged with violating pro- bation. Teresa Helmlinger of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Carlos Gonzalez, 29, of Clewiston, was arrested July 16 and charged with fleeing/eluding the police. Brett Edward Daley of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was ihe arrestiLng o:ffi,:e Leo.-i la tir n Ai edio rnd:., .; , of Clewiston, was arrested July 14 and charged with violating probation. Bonnie Weaver of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. A male juvenile from Clewiston, was arrested July 10 and charged with battery on a detention staff probation officer. Cuapemo Gomez, 20, was arrested July 16 and charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. Investigator Marci Martinez of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer.. Juan Omar Guzman, 26, of Clewiston, was arrested July 14 and charged with failure to appear. Glades County Donals Williams, 42, of Clewiston was arrested on June 29, by Deputy Tito Nieves on the charges of DUI and refusal to submit to DUI test. He was later released on a $1,500 surety bond. Edward Pickett, 22, of Moore Haven was arrested on June 30, by Deputy Paul Gaeta on the charges of burglary, crim- inal mischief and grand theft. He was later arrested by Deputy Bilinda Pottorff on the charges of burglary and grand theft. He remains in custody without bond. Wesley Garcia, 34, of Okee- chobee was arrested on June 30, by Deputy Holly Ramsey on two (2) active warrants for FTA. He remains in custody without bond. Mario Hughes, 23, of Moore Haven was arrested oh July 1, by Deputy Robert Davis on an active warrant for VOP. He was later released on a $2,500 surety bond. Wesley Whidden, 41, of Labelle was arrested on July 3, by state probation officer Lom- bardo on an active warrant. He remains in custody without bond. Oscar Alarcon, 47, of Hialeah was arrested on July 5, by Deputy Queenie Bell on an active warrant for VOP. He remains in custody without bond. Todd Cox, 23, bf Moore Haven was arrested on July 6, by Deputy Paul Gaeta on an active warrant for VOP. He was later released on a $2,500 surety bond. Wesley Garcia, 34, of Okee- chobee was arrested on July 6, by Deputy Holly Ramsey on an active warrant for FTA. He remains in custody with bond set at $5,000. Timi Bearden, 33, of Okee- chobee was arrested on July 6, by SPD Officer Garrison on an active warrant for FTA. She was later released on a.$1,500 surety bond. I Go to newszap.com to I I download and print I coupons online! J L- ---------- The FSYR has always sought to help more and more needy children by expanding the scope of its programs and services. In response to a great demand, the Youth Ranches offers home-based family coun- seling, family-like education and parenting classes, as well as independent living skills develop- ment within local communities. The FSYR is a non-profit chari- ty which depends on the gen- erosity of the public. The organi- zation is grateful and accepts donations of support including, cash gifts, stocks and bonds, gift annuities and also gifts of proper- ty or vehicles. For more information about the Florida Sheriff's Youth Ranches organization, please visit the Web site at: www.youthranches.org. New Futures For Infants and Children With a Limb-Loss Pediatric Prosthetics Inc. The Specialists Nationwide for children and their families. 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Fellow of the American Society for Mohs Surgery Board Certified by the American Board of Dermatology See a Board Certified Dermatologist Everytime 11535hLne te 0 12 U ihwy44,N h j I SPECIALv AUTO WES 44ECIAuL OF THwyCewEEKo 2001 Dodge Dakota 4x4 AUTOMATIC, V-8, LOADED, LOW MILES $,7 2002 Lord R.o.er FrecIornder SE 04A $13,J50 Aijiornaic Loodpd Fort Worani, 5,.14,550 To: ; c, to Tr~dr-) Lin iiI - H,,'jr,'Jju, Tiburon. -'T ,voV6 L'oadd F-x .,i ',Vcirrc,, ,r, '1, 14. 550 IrJi rJIrJ Iria I llrJIrJIrJlrJ I IrJ NIrJlIrJIrJ IrJIJIrJIrJIrJIrJ I r-IrJlIrJN INrJ IIrJ IrJIrJ IrJIrJ N IrJlIrJIrJIrJl IrJ I rJl I rJIrJ i IrJl IrJIrJIrlIIrJIrJ NIrJIrJIrJIrJ NIrJ I rJIrJ I II rIIr I rJIrJIrJI rJ IrJI rJIrIrirJIrJ [I Glades Academy of Agriculture & Ecological Studies Charter/Public School Grades Kg-5th Phone (561)924-9402 email: gladesacad@aol.com Dear Parents, We are currently excepting registration forms for the 2006-2007 school year. Spots will fill up quickly so please ; register at your earliest convenience. Summer office hours are Monday-Friday 9:00am to 2:00pm. We would also like to invite parents to visit the school and meet the principal Mr. Zumpano. If you have any questions please call us, we will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Experienced Certified Teachers Strong Academic Education Wholesome, Disciplined Atmosphere Small class sizes Breakfast and Lunch provided Free Transportation Free Uniform Shirts I -7:; Thursday, July 20, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee ABD Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, July 20, 2006 Real estate executive joins Alico LABELLE Alico, Inc. is pleased to announce it has hired Mr. Michael Rosen as the Vice- President of Real Estate. Mr. Rosen gives Alico extensive experience, deep knowledge and substantial contacts in real estate and land development. He was most recently the Vice-President and Business Unit Manager of DiVosta Homes, a subsidiary of Pulte Home Builders. During his considerable real estate career, he has been responsible for several significant developments in the Southwest Florida region and has wide-ranging experience in enti- tling development properties. Mr. Rosen will report to John R. Alexander, Alico's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, and will work with senior manage- ment and the Board of Directors to enhance the planning and strategic positioning of all Com- pany owned land. He will also oversee the entitlement of the company's land assets identified for development. According to Mr. Alexander, "Alico is very pleased to gain the knowledge and experience of Mr. Rosen, and we look forward to his strategic management of our real estate assets. We believe Michael's addition to our management team will help fulfill the Company's long-term vision and strategic goals." Road Watch Glades County U.S. 27: At Fifth Street (Near Bank of America): Maintenance contract project No lane clo- sures are anticipated, but motorists should expect possible slow mov- ing traffic and delays while crews work on sidewalk repairs. S.R. 78: From Potato Farm Road to Lower Nicodemus Slough: Maintenance contract project - Motorists should expect traffic restricted to one lane in this area, as well as slow moving traffic and possible delays while crews clean roadside ditches. Hendry County U.S. 27: North of CJewiston to S.R. 80: Maintenance project - No lane closures ate anticipated at this time, but motorists should expect possible slow moving traffic and delays while crews work on, guardrail replacement. S.R. 80: From C.R. 833 to U.S. 27: Maintenance contract project - No lane closures are anticipat- ed at this time, but motorists should use caution and expect pos- sible slow moving traffic and delays while crews rework shoul- ders and place sod. S.R. 29: At Bridge Street (near the U Save): Maintenance contract project No lane closures are anticipated at this time, but motorists should expect slow mov- ing traffic wile crews repair side- walks in this area. S.R. 29: In the City of Labelle: Maintenance contract project- Motorists should expect north and southbound lane closures, as well' as slow moving traffic and possible delays while crews clean pipes. Flagmen will be present to assist with traffic. S.R. 29: At Cowboy Way: Main- tenance contract project - Motorists should expect left turn lane closures, slow moving traffic, and possible delays while crews overlay asphalt on the left turn lane. Flagmen will be present to assist with traffic. Okeechobee County S.R. 710: From Southeast 40 Avenue to South of S.R. 70: Con- struction project:- The roadway improvements consist of widen- ing, milling, and resurfacing. Work continues throughout the project limits, and motorists should expect, nighttime lane closures from 7 p.m. until 6 a.m., as well as-slow moving traffic and possible delays. The contractor is Dickerson. S.R. 70: From West of U.S. 98 to West of Seventh Avenue N.W: Construction project Work con- tinues to widen and reconstruct the existing two-lane roadway to four lanes with a center dual left turn lane. The work includes drainage improvements, signals, and street lighting. Crews are working on storm drainage and roadway con- struction at various locations throughout the project. The con- tractor is Russell Engineering. Education program helps slow the spread of citrus canker By Chuck Woods LAKE ALFRED At a time when Florida's citrus industry is threatened by two devastating diseases, canker and greening, ULiii ersity of Florida (UF) exten- sion agents are getting the word out to citrus growers, nursery- men, landscapers, home own- ers and others about controlling the spread of the bacterial dis- eases before they do irreparable harm to the $9.3 billion industry. "Eradicating canker may no longer be possible so we are focusing on post-eradication management strategies," said Holly Chamberlain, coordinator of the citrus canker education program at UF's Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred. "At the same time, we are also educating these groups about citrus greening, which was detected in Aug. 2005 and, can kill citrus trees." She said Florida sacrificed more than 11 million citrus trees over the last 10 years in a strug- gle to keep citrus canker from spreading, but all of that effort was wiped out in just a few short hours in Oct. 2005 when Hurricane Wilma rampaged through the heart of the state's groves, spreading the bacterium far and wide. To make matters even worse, we're now faced with citrus greening, a disease that is poten- tially even more destructive than canker," Chamberlain said. "Infected trees need to be removed to slow the spread of greening, which is spread b:, the Asian citrus psyllid." Chamberlain said the exten- sion education effort has been effective in reducing the negli- gent 'spread of citrus canker by educating citrus industry employees about decontamina- tion practices and avoiding the movement of 'infected plant material, especially during rainy or wet conditions. Canker education program "Since its inception, the canker education program has kept pace with the changes and impacts on the industry, includ- ing hurricanes and adjustments in prices and acreage, all of which are related," Chamber- lain said. "We cover all aspects of the disease, including citrus canker biology, epidemiology, history and regulations. "However, in the industry's current battle against canker post-eradication, we are focused on helping growers find solutions," she said. "This entails establishing an integrat- ed grove management plan, including early detection through regular inspection cou- pled with use of windbreaks, copper sprays, decontamination and other exclusion or suppres- sion strategies." She said the goal is to edu- cate all client groups.to adopt the same programs that will help make citrus canker a man- ageable disease. Education efforts have focused on the resi- dential citrus plantings which can spread infection. The other significant part of the program is geared toward the commercial citrus industry, which is highly aware of the risks and impact of canker spreading to new areas. "We provide training to both groups on how to prevent or slow that potential spread," she said. "Statewide citrus canker education activities have also focused on the national and international aspects of the dis- ease. We are sharing our experi- ences here in Florida to other citrus producing states as well as learning from countries that have- endemic canker and how they struggle to manage the dis- ease." Chamberlain said education- al materials ranging from fact sheets and PowerPoint presen- tations' to videos and training modules for extension Master . Gardeners have been pro- duced and presented to these and other groups., Most recently, DVDs have been distributed statewide to the citrus industry on grove inspection, decontami- nation, and management. A cit- rus canker education display is being used at county fairs, meet- ings, seminars, workshops and other events. All of the informa- tion is available on. extension's citrus canker Web site: http://canker.ifas.ufl.edu. When the canker education program started, extension's Master Gardener groups became a key part of the effort. "Master; Gardeners, are active in county extension offices and plant disease diagnostic clinics, and they handle phone calls regarding pest and disease man- agement. For these reasons, the program is an essential part of our canker education program," he said. Twenty counties have been impacted by citrus canker dur- ing the past 10 years: Brevard, Broward, Charlotte, Collier, DeS- oto, Hendry, Highlands, Hills- borough, Indian River, Lee, Manatee, Martin, Miami-Dade, Monroe, Okeechobee, Orange, Osceola, Palm Beach, Sarasota and St. Lucie counties. 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SuIC arlandlH .1g, i CA Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, July 20, 2006 Thuramday, July 20, 200w grtflAng the communes south of Lake Okeechobee Florida Ag in the classroom celebrates 20 years room, Mv bva has bweerii !rri long CD la , Ag peiV-mc ., ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CU L' i*.,, fr .ro;01:.-4 J stud"...I I y. 5 tpl rip Jilllilia 1 rv f rouh129h t,- irsf.,rHOP ti', ar e for 8 nlominfal fee"-"-thew lohda Ag oin the C ri:.Mfi.4 ]has ant--,- "";',(' ..'i pro- gram vwla@ ', 9x''r' most of its 'i.ri t't: materials are free, correlated to hr.. .tr.e d t. m.. '--- .: a fp"V .o t. .fAr ,for their VA 0PI. 03fT i .:t. ..q , . t".w 'A --r '' T'. c ...nrv Fe: "3y.r r'f.w'F: .-'.?' t'y a Fionsa agr- f a. O .... L. I ~ r: a nAO r ..i a E ..- i -'. r-- le- rJ.J.! : CL p." F- tant (he cdlB Ifitrus,: mile) IN Z afi-'ncj ite, beef,. 'i,, and :te'- Mkdstliesare to tN5s s ?" Ms. a a ,li ,:, c,- awL harn work went into Ithe ation horgan- f ano 1-1. ."g "T7--.- :,. repre- seFtaties'.n .>r '" *U iaj:or ."r'ir'. agculture associa- ) y r9T-i a'- ...< : .,hrct "te-do Ui S*t- VAft iFnf iloer bol- f u ti. rwi-,r _slate AgIn i-;. -'.ot started," Floridat-- ..i- Ms.;.. Golden. :..aid, t.-: i ,, : ?-.-h-.c :i in the late byZo' l by -'r teachers f)4tc ST-fr 5'n- r'-'-based cur-' I l-'I A ri jiKj ,r#-mli.rin -i it ,of At't amd then Commissioner Bob Crawford and current Commiisp 1nr- li'i'-. prhi'o,; have sup-- '-tf1rii thi 'rQ.V -iz. ili c over the t,'"ar' Eirt .3n, ihr Department provided office space to house it :_'it i cf i'.- ri.:'1 cocr-.'CirJ(. e J, .'. .-: in l' C'; h s, John M,':-'* Kelvin P" .w:j and DotyWenze, The ororam's popularity grew a: Ia O eiopfee its own amcu ulurn. tr:d Tearier training wojrkshuop, at tj': ;!'. a.ci state .evel, a.r;cang other acti-tie-r. But membership dues it received from industry organzaric s and individuals wefen' enough to expand Florida Ag in the Classroom s programs. iJ, m-ee 7iid &jOs, industry repre- er.:at-es began t10 think about sketingr-.e Ag Ta.g W:er t't.- l.gisAtvu; session, a group of us would meet to talk abow. potential egisilation for the next yar.' said Butch ('alhou-n of Florba Frui arid Vefgetable As.sor i. - taon TF.A. Cr hili- M.triihVL. i-1f . asked, "Why don't y'ou do Fr.C _.ttr, rn,.' helped draft language, and FDACS and FFVA r)aohic artist helped develop a fe :,i. We developed the slogan A,-riul aJiiCe eeps Florida G r-en"i '!itl r.r)s ;nvi money," Calhoun fe' ..l*-i in the meantime, Mr. 'idioun and Joan Kyle of Florida Fertilizer and A-riche ical Aurci;aIin ,at n other solicited fi, nanciail .u ppor from the irntld ify, I the ed, con-l tj ibuit-irii from a cross e da rF.rni tiut u h'l4u le-i d i ,ile-;"e the,, Ag Ti.'w rliy "I'i suppotr of our ipro)ptar, I received donations from many r.'(:ttA. companies and fertilizer members in fVAA as well as indi- vidual Jtf:'i. :r',,'r 'f. 'o t-CjpV) .-uI' debt,"!'.:. KY e : "If .,,w.- o b.r::.. been inapproOiaie to( u'.e ^A Ta, rmonoey to reimburse Farri Other agrSrilturr industry asso- clations t.-al ie:pe'J Os.: by pro.! ling s-irnatures inci-,deiJ: Dairy Farmers, I(e.. Florida Fruit and Veg- elable Asrwo-iationf. Florida Beef (ouncil, londa ij Cilu Muitjal Florida Phosphate Council, then ftlorida !.ifrst-ry-ieei and Growers A'ss,-ialrion, Florida Sira'x.'bctur Growers Association, University of Flori'la.A..i, several farming oper- atiornS ;~rnl ,-irichemrn;ial compa- nies and lor da FF'\ Association, ai rior-ig Oill e,- In the end, the ii dusistrv jpiull-il It, aih',-i ,.a id t:f'),i'j the Ag Tag, *,.)Jlrili'r.tg Flridr, Ag in lie -'I-.r.s r'atnT'S Ot/ r1'"- of fjJu tlia Ju. Allfer that., lien Flojrila .?) in the Cl-tOrn, Clhiirrarn ,rt11 C(hI*)stl- mas and board members hired the orgrnuiiiiii r'' .l l niill tlin-t ni execu- i.', dlircoi'r, Deena ;tol: Ag in the Claroom curricula and fl ailp ia l. fit id othir irtori.,T-,ns "I look at where we are today, and I'm so proud," said Fioridai FtNIlI Jiureaci', Kevin Morgan, who servek-d !. -cairml .irtiil o clie ttlo in the late i ns.inii no4 -arly 1990g. Other past chairmen and chair- women included. 01 I.].: ,-oiFlorl- Commissioners announces new grant 'i L.'-%[iL = Bdueatlon S,., i-L .'!,.,ni John L, W ifln annouufi@l -ii PFi-l tudents who quali ,r P.'II [ ,l i in-... 1 able to ake advantage! ,a i i 11, .ir .aItII.|thjr -ln I ii l allf7n if t l ,i r .,:i tI,- 't, t .l .i,,@,i in 8VO W '..,-. l0,- I u.:- ,_,)--lW-,[!l tl in'e s lticS it ajIt? l if r tiutI -1 r ut, I i') .rwIl r!.h,-,it !. :[ i,-.A i.; l e a d1 vid@ @vn.ir ;. j I n P.4110If,7r1e1 'F .ti1, 'ili in'..'I I.r lilt' i pr = -ide e-,, '- "'-, '' t ui i"- P-'i I .f :-iu- den t .-'-" ,' = ..:'. i, i i .t ... ,a - '- -*," : i.-- LknomiLllearWt tie -.+- Fi-V i for ,'*'; ..;^l 'ii.il *'s.. : *.:,*r 'i :i ^ i.0 for studeintsri-d '.;,i'-uinu iflher are ri t ., I-,'. !hi h-ille,,ii 'i -tli-i real T cf I 'd i" I- r-e iti .in niaI-il- i)rti -ct i-1. ( -i nt f' Tdl. iLl- p.v i hei I idel..5ly t,=iji,!ed_ linefrl= fE'sp tl im i l ety !ejr tOl9h i i nii c t it W igorous high school pi..,r.,; ; Ti it\-i s-Itate proEsaIs w19e ar ., vad itiiliitnO Fi Pida, Duiht Fihittiri i ;:>it-r\.i,: 801 ioue simi lar to the it chol si I ui i- th' C', and PAt-iursi iaMelm@n API -11it international 1.: a,',.ai,ja,, '-, (iB) Courses (including passing the -.'a .t'rif ]|,".s- ( ,' :.',5l .illtiract the AC aran'. p.r-gr ru requirements for 'rigorous high school curriculfim. 'These grants create an incen- 'A\ ItN students to take more chal- Links are p:p,'i,:l'dol to federal, state S-i !i-si i ni!onl,! iiiI;ncia.l aid web- r.itea, .n1 if AuL, IuF ivLt l '7lk u ,. ',-, i r: c r 'II .,l,-,hi .Qo ( 1 i ht 1- i-l :M!ART' g PMnl;, ii"lfn inr (,Pur..-E dulirl: !hi-gh ':C, O fo! .11iiof \\ irn '"?ni,\\ i tin: hard- working students will have more resources to attend Coilee." The AC grants provide college students w0o Completed .4t rifr. o ourp8 n studV .i highly l!otl w ith .a',!,ihtij!al I ri ,t ul up 1 ;'75) aliiitin their freshman yei& and up 1 .i during their %:'thrtclrk 7\',r. Ti hi- i, addition !t Pe i atifr uiir'M :,IK ints .ir.-dv feroelv= i ti, ,*?,'t 0 iu" nirit .i -l -n-io .-, I ,u ;, diqiltaei -or .SMAFRT gi ilt, , utiL ll)iT!, .i'ir.i]\ nill m'Ce,'. Ii-, h' '1l ifln il la.ldaiyilad rki ,ij ye'A F' r' 1i e.l ,ipl -i.-'ltisn't i h i1i lltioif about available financial aid, stu- dents and their' ireritsshould visit www.FACTS.org; Florida's official online student advising system. School News in Brief RenewalR Scliolan'ship The JJ W\Vii7,, Memorial Trust first time and -, M 4e l!rhi&E, for Fall 2006 ,,- i n.. iNli il lna', -bepiced up at J Wig- The MHHS (I of '86 is hwv ,, il,,. i 20 ~ena reunion on in iM, \\.-(nIuli d this year- PI'i..-t ri o.fIt li i .l' i i u: the Class of '87 and C.,i. ii to join us, as well Tht. are in need of assist stance In .. ; _,- and ,i't% \111 all members of -It, above classes, The iii.i :, i is to have a ,: tYpe ,n.-- h_,'ti,-' ',hi- itidt Of the 1l-hir n-,, n.; 1 ,.m ,,:vi,' ; Onthe It: uan l.i h.iave aBBQ i nit i1, at |1ie 1II Park or a similar location, -\ai ait- interested in Tih-, -in:iai... "* 0ii l Id Lee t a ia-I 'I ,.'aiigI' '..i ,, n\ on ,Scl. 01lBoard le -_-oi, J m vii r i. place on the second Tcl-.,i' at 8 p,m: and the f .ri',, iTh,.iu .ii.L', i *I p~ n, in the Glades ",, ii.t .. -,! il t.. ,ii1 0 r -ti- r",' ii 400 10th -- v i, -t 11,r: o';P ,.41 iri;_,l. I I, Ii l SchIooJ AvoIiibi-|J!i:t R--,port The NCLI t, 'l ,oi P'u Ii', -',:. un iia i --'.'iy P it-,r fI'ni Moore f ,r lunlS.i -nitrut it' I .,ih 1 ih-. . .-'h.itin i on the i' T., \\'.I, ie_-. lith,'i n. u"n=; lii i C1i .' ',' i-." ,i the ,r-'pjrlt 8 *!.) ,v ll,-,l, ile 11- t i'i.' school's main offlee, 7u0u Terrier P:i J:Dri, S\\', ILi. i,,: Haven, GED classes s-e The Glades Coituni Si ,i'l Dit trict is 'f iti ii I ;ru' I ,ep classes at N '-.t Haven High ., ]i.d, rM,,,int :'"-,ft.: for adults who wish to obtain tihi, GED, I.'I.v.'. are '"les- day and 'iliirt.- nluhts from (.c: p.m, You may e"-,,.,,n'' ili- night of the classes, if you have any ques- iun,; you may call Snii Bass at i;T' i l.21' ext. 1 ,3. Cbildren's advoea tes needed The Guardian Ad 1 it-iln lo \L' Pl .',~t1m needs volunteers to rep= resent the'. tiret nml., I abu:.vrl Fit-,r,_d"o_. l and r'e-gl'- Cdii. l ehil- dren 1,-r;, the .Ort social serv- iee agencies tn commiuni. No sp eaia r,tii;,n.:l degree Is r-ci.ir] ii :u.,ri-ihni need to be ,ini:i)i !i-tl with ,:,iun en se e, gi, ii. ,Jl r(ii. t ._i'J ,a i:.om -it ment tt' .i-,.--- child, Atten- dance .:I thi'e-: iiainl ,b.'in.l - held Pi ',t I ) yi-,- required, Please contact a -Fell l-jii,:, at: ('-.19--itI.,i'".1 60 n, :- "n' ? 29 ( lO [i'- ,lj:ir:, r, i irw.in'iti;O and to reserve your space for training, SRioi the v10ioleic The Hendry and in-:'if. ie .e-lrne . ;i, ;!,,, i ...,',i:,i Vih:., c._.-' Counell's mission i18 to inereaCte ,l--Onit uuiiy aWareness about i'ira-".lii" .;unml S0XUa l k O *..-l l. |in- "..lr jy I: iO \i u IL' ''I i i-iic' t, I 11 .al.;. nI ll ,i ,evrini_,ti ,nlfl.,lr : to the oilnii,, of Iluii *,i *.' '.I ..il violence In our ,'toniiituiniit' The meeting rotate it --i\\:vei.', Li.' i. 'll'e ol'i'i n and Moore Havel-n fo get in, ,wv,._' in the council Or for rifimu Ia.iiori .'li iuI rrit- 'ii dates and ltinu '"., please call .-iu! ,-o .' iait !ii- .t*:i l S f.l i (m s i b i- -i i 3., - 5p n h, ',mt-e..ii. \ n'ili I. n.i ..,i ,-, The Oaks at Clewiston 1 aOnly 1s .\wu nl. , tr ll.n a t .S , S / $1. ,0)00.00 aci l- Vo\e r MiniI hbln lI % Fee Inctades: Lawn .\: .ill common area maintenance l Ro K mol itatllitiel'.iltv''tr fl0eVC S* i ,ri.et 'tim maintenance i.M.riutr *.pi.uini i-es erve- S* V', rict i i'.',I p*t]r (..'oiiithtie area insure t 0ee Monthly 'OA SI $110,00 RECEIVE A FREE WASHER & DRYER!** With PLurchase of an Inventory Condominium & This Ad ... ia n1:.,... h W ill. ; - ,)a=a mir m 863-22's-- - * lest da Pniosunade t. oiri,.d F'oldv iGod- er,< i l-, rora ee' r, unr.i, Dr. j;O n Woeste of UF/IFAS, Tom .-,rga, then of A. Duda & Sons, Scott Christmas of Florida Fa'rr 'urea-i-, Ray Gilrm'-r r FP.'... Dr. James App 'If iP.FITA Dr. L..rn Arrinaglo.n of LIF. iAS ,noa Scon Emrrerson trien ,of Citrus &Vegetabliie Magazine. Florida Ag in the Classroom continues to strive to make its pro- grams relevant and intereatir;, to educalors arid industr,'.'olurileers. It has developed pre- and post- tests that are tailored to the Florida (.orrprehieiisive Assessment Test so teachers can help heir rtujlferins pr,-li'e .': for the F1C'.T In ..d,1dition, it hopes to add online teacher work- ., irps .10 it 1 '.', sit'- in th- next two years to capture younger teachers wito uti(Ize dii-',.iri, e-jcalor It has developed fun riu.romrr-m to involve the F*Oio.6 at.oCuljrt- it -.L ir, more in its '-l:rt ,. For example, it launched Florida Agri- culture LiUt-, D:, three years ago, ard has riror than doubled the number of industry volunteers who go into elementary school classrooms around the state to read a designated children's book about cgr:c'Jti.i- as part of the event. S'"Florid:, Ag in'the C'l.-ssroorn director and staff always want to make sure its proqrrri- help edu- cators teach students about tire importance of Eor":,,, agriculture soAg I;-" 1i-, lh ':r rone, is ' 'r.-. penti 4AeIF?! and well,' Cha vir., I., i r r, !- .r . j) Ilk - -- = ----a-,,.". :- "' r __4 CJ016 "OHRAN BROTHERS lI ROOFING, INC. - Shingles Flat Roofs Roof Repairs - FULLY LICENSED G INSURED 863-385-4690 SOMRO FL, State I6# NC .OGGSI I ilue Roof Sheeting Ro01ed (ul To IMeosure PRODUCt SEIRIiON R-Panel VC.rimp Low-Profile Curved "5" Panel Flashing Corrugated "S" Panel Z-Pur* Heuvy Duty Decking Standing Seam 243 Florida Ave., NW Moore Haven, FL 33471 Local 863-946-1804 Long Distance 1-800-670-0113 ["What Inipi ,- d ni' the most was the 'i,,:f'-. friendlinr-'.; and wililr.in'-' to help." -, ,I iiSri vevy response We invite you to take. a close look at.Cilde,, General Hospital. We continue to provide quality hr-ah dhr f., courteous and .idhni'(ivc: ,alf iig h here at home, but to serve you even b,-jcloi we have made a few lan, .: * Itl ,n11 lid.wly renovated io .,, ,pl' '., Itl Ih i *i L I t i 1, .,'- .i *.l I i, 'ii,| [ it ,,' h m I ,, h a n I l , 1 l.I.,,1. d. '., 1 I. . !, pl' i w t A,, .- wIo mit'm,- t"a i' d nM w .t.n it '.1" rr hin .. ihii t "i i t i. "'1 H o spit, i ,, ii. p c )lhai d n hw a d.i,,,.' ,,.li, equtpiTi) t whirlh r. a vital r le in1 .) .,., 1h,1 aD t 'eating A ll. Iltd1 'I itn, ;1 ,! patilent it,'ar it door to divlsch,.I i I H l i I l h t i fei'tr'oni medJicaidn dipI'tsig iVstem G .,-.1 i"Iw M er- - 7 -" 347 electronic patient tracking system hliml., .i 1. system wireless, bedside registration and Inut iti documentaton system 3-D Ultrasound * All of these updates and improvcmenits have been made with our community mi mind to make .1 id ,, (.;tneral t T. .,i,;r i your somu e ftx ,I Ih..I l e, lthcat-c (br you and yotulc .1Pinil. right hoe ;iat home, First 5 Qualified Buyers... T S FR.E .S S4..)(J t.'.vwards closings cost S, Harria E.coa-il' .- .q ...-. t' : LuJaI B. Walker "*r "'. pl'. :,. -a Lstate Brokcr Tel,.c a dos'erlookat Glades 'n t,.ial iii,, i ii ,it ' ,mI I 0 A D F S yotli bo imprp'td by whIvt you so I ) \ , PI SI s i 1 i \' / /1 ".1 1 ,! > i h . I U i ". & i '! 9- ST I[LCO. l Locally Owned Swmxq 41:r " -- 4798 M-- EDUCATION ( I ' = 1. , 1' P '- I. r %, ',. -. r, 1 ., i 11 p - I 10i o6ub Alum "ifve! :1 1. tdaklo, I ,k 1,1) Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, July 20, 2006 inEIEICRMSI L -U.- ei .__I-_r___IA[ 6R.J IEP s v- n F A-;| E-rjB lrt __-~<(l -f HIMH^H E-M C*w-"-- U M -m m -- P......M..*--s C~" 4.5. L. E FZ Jeep FIVE STAR @ 0 @ + J OR~ N1,' 4 H1 STK#63920A 2003 CHEVYSSLVEI A"N W"Imml~gt '02 SATURN L200 '04FORDF-150 90 STK#3920A..... .. ...............................$8,990 .... S~ 4324A '02 NISSAN FRONTIER '02 CHEVROLET AVALANCHE 4X4 8 9Og, SSTK64324A8 990 STK#62484A........................................................... 18,990 STK#63733A.................................. .. .... ................... '05 CHEVROLET COLORADO CREW CAB Z71 . '03 DODGE RAM 1500 o I STK#68023A.......................................................19,990 STK#63183A..........! .............. .... ................... '04 CHEVROLET AVALANCHE '04 GMC 1500 0 9 STK#62553A ... .... 22,590 STK#62509A ................. ........ ................. 1,990 '04 DODGE RAM 3500 DUALLY DIESEL 4X4 04 DODGE RAM 1500 9 STK#63009A .......................................................... .... '04 DODGE RAM 1500 $119 0 '04 FORD F-350 DIESEL DUALLY -4 Q9 STK#64056A ......................... ..................... .... ... STK#62364B .7.. ST STK 62364B ............................:.............................. `0-7 ,9 9 0 '04 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 ,1 '05 DODGE 2500 QUAD CAB DIESEL 4X4 .,-, STK#61029A .......................................................... STK#62902A ....................... ...................... -.- : .- . + ; "f ,,, + .. + .. ...,, .- ::., .. .. .;+ '+ ..+;.,../.. , 2002 CADILLAC ... ,. ,# .. . STK#61951A '01 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS LS STK#63557A ..... ............................... '00 CHRYSLER SEBRING CONV. STK#60688A .......................................................... '05 FORD FOCUS STK#63333A .. ......................... '05 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER STK#61223A................................................... '06 FORD FOCUS SEDAN STK#63999A ........................................................... '03 MITSUBISHI SPYDER CONV. STK#61915A ........................................... ........ .... '02 CADILLAC SLS S T K# 61951A .... ..................................................... '06 DODGE MAGNUM STK#P L6869....................................... '05 CHRYSLER PACIFICA TOURING 6 .' ...................... ............... .............. '03 CHEVY CORVETTE II i 1 A ... ................................... '06 CHRYSLER 300C S T K# 6668A ............................................................ ZZU:X. 2005 CHEVY \",STK#61586B '02 MAZDA TRIBUTE STK#63292A ............................... .... ............ '02 HYUNDAI SANTA FE STK#63881A.............................. ...... ....... ... 1 1 , '00 LAND ROVER DISCOVERY $ f STK#64197A........................................... ..... I 11 ,99 '02 DODGE DURANGO SLT STK#62610A ........................................................ 1 2 , '04 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE ,9 1 STK#60247A ........ ............. '04 HYUNDAI SANTA FE $ 99 STK#62017A ............................................... ....... 3 '05 KIA SEDONA EX 7 PASSENGER ST K#62977A A ..................................................... '03 FORD ESCAPE . STK#62576A ........................................................... 4 , '01 LEXUS RX300 STK#63807A.. ................................ '06 CHEVY HHR STK#68111A '05 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY STK#60019A................................ 9 9 0 '04 VW TOUAREG , STK#60495A ................... .................. ........... 9 9 IL111101 'SSE HA BLA ESPA1VOL -PAMRLEZ VOUS FRANVCA1S & zC REOLEH STORE HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY: 8:30AM 9PM SATURDAY: 8:30AM 9PM SUNDAY: 11AM 6PM Offers expire date of publication. Must present this ad at time of purchase to receive advertised offers. All offers to qualified buyers. With approved credit. Savings based off original MSRP. Dealer not responsible for typographical errors or omissions. Prices plus tax, tag & title. All vehicles subject to prior sale. See dealer for details. Vehicles advertised may not all be Certified Pre-Owned vehicles, please see dealer for specific certifications. Art for illustration purposes only. MANAGER'S SPECIALS,, Thursday, July 20, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee M C),i:) m m Mkl 4,990 990- Olde Cypress Community Bank LaBelle Office Open House & Grand Opening Thursday, July 27th from 5:30 p.m. -7:30 p.m. Ribbon cutting ceremony, buffet and refreshments, door prizes, and tours of the new facility for all who attend. Customer Appreciation Week Monday July.24 July 28 Coffee and Do ughnuts served each marning;ti Ask about our CD special only available in LaBele during Custome Appreciadan w ~ We L OOKFORWARD toSEEIGO r - -r-------- -- I- - -- -.. .1.:i?:'. : (Co4 COMMUNITY BANK Chance To Win a $1000 Certificate of Deposit Ofca enryformst (No photocopies of the entry form will be accepted) , , Official entry form must be dropped off or postmarrked to one of our branches :1y August 28, 2006 The Drawing will take place August 3I A.606. NoT purchase necessary to win. Name . Address Phone Number Offcial Sweepstakes Rules: Contestants mist be 18 years of age or.older. One entry per person. Will be chosen at randombn At"t i ,-Q6. Winner will be I notified by phone or mail. Employees of Olde Cypress Community Bank or its affilates and vendors and their iimk.ite fies a I ., p*t eligible. L-------_---__----------_-_------_--_--_--_- -------------- ---- --------------------- - Clewiston 205 So. W.C Owen Ave P.O. Box 1779 Clewuiston, FL 33440 Lobby Hours: Monday Thursday 8:3 Friday 8:30 6:Q0 "- ; ,, .... -' -,^ ^. LaBelle 45 Bridge Street P.O. Box 1469 LaBelle, FL Wal-Mart Hours: Monday Thursday10:00 cd.ll. ln~d 4. f Equal Housing Lender Clewiston, FL 4~.. Wal-Mart 1005 W Sugarland Hwiy. 33935 33440 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, July 20, 2006 ). Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, July 20, 2006 Progress Continued From Page 1 ments and citizens lives of Glades County. Building inspections and inspectors were changed begin- ning in December 2005. Fees were adjusted to'be revenue neu- tral but to be fair to all. The coun- ty went from contract inspectors to county inspectors to imprQve service to all builders. Cost is down, service is up and customer satisfaction has soared over $200,000 saved with better service. A resolution on Lake Okee- chobee and Caloosahatchee River was passed that encour- aged counties to work coopera- tively to improve water quality and clean up the lake and river. Safety is always paramount in decision making. New leadership was Swamp Continued From Page 1 out and around the fence posts. The epitome of grace, the flock banked almost in circles, swoop- ing low, then high, then diving again... their quacking voices almost in unison. In a matter of seconds, apparently the squad leader decided on another pond and they all followed suit.. .a great blur of wings .disappearing from sight behind bordering high grass surrounding the newly selected pond. Mottled Ducks, also called Summer Ducks, Florida Ducks, and even Summer Mallards are year round residents of this region. More than half of Florida's Mottled Duck population calls Glades, Hendry, Charlotte and Lee Counties home. It's getting toward the end of their season for such things, yet there could be some late romancing going on. Where else could they find more ideal spots for their nests than in the thick clumps of grass and in dense native shrubs within hol- lerin' distance of all the water they could ever want. Less than a moon ago, there was more grass waving in the pastures than water. But now the appointed in Community Devel- opment Emergency Manage- ment, SHIP (State Housing Imn- provement Program), Probation, County Landfill, and Veterans Service Officer. The office of 911 Coordina- tor was established and filled. Much work has begun with a complete review and revision of street names and house/business numbering, county mapping. First i.-;p,,ri, -i will have a new response system that will ensure faster .,i.r n.i and better commu- nir %Vt'i \ ic New EMS Stations were established on Pollywog Road 'and at the Road Department, A new agreement between the County and Moore Haven should improve fire protection services in Moore Haven and vicinity. Glades County entered into an agreement with South Florida Water Management District, and swamp has fingered out into the grasslands and it's all a shimmer-' ing shallow lake of little silver- blue wavelets under the great sky dome of indigo that seems more intense in color this time of year than any Other. The ducks are silent now in their watery playground but the hawks are still screaming from the hammock and so is one lone little blue heron from the east most fence post. He's making it per fectl clear tI- the world in gen- eral that he s not happy with his lone status. Heading east, sloshing my way in knee-deep water, mingled with the raucous cry of Little Blue in the far distance, there is the sound of a troubled truck. Still sloshing along, the words of Tom T. Hall's song came sauntering across the flatlands into my mind... "I love lille baby ducks...old pickup trucks... slow movin' trains and rain..." And the nostalgic lyrics go on..."I love winners when they cry, losers when they try.. .birds in the world*...leaves in the wind...and grass." Then the over- whelming feeling that Mr. Hall must have been right here in this very space at some time... Near the end of the cow corri- dor where the four pastures meet there is a sharp drop-off where the Soil Conservation District to clean drainage ditches near the Caloosahatchee River. This agree- ment is expected to be the first of many such projects with the South FWMD to improve water control and quality surrounding the River. . e For the first time ever, State and Federal agencies were brought to Glades County to dis- cuss loan and grand programs that were available to improve. community services. Those agen- cies were: USDA (agriculture) Federal and State support, US Department of Commerce, FEMA, Department of Communi- ty Affairs. Repairs to the Courthouse have begun following hurricane damage. Work will continue for at least a year. Likewise the EMS building .in Moore Haven was destroyed and abandoned. Numerous other structures and- equipment were damaged; most the water flows rapidly into a deep, quiet little pool in whose shadowy depths the native water lilies are in full flower -- small faces of petaled porcelain deli- cately brushed with pink and'yel- low. And on the pool's very edge, a gigantic five-trunked live oak. These huge, knarled trunks do not reach up, but out, all but par- allel to the ground which is the way of live oaks. Only near the. ends of the trunks do the' limbs turn skyward. How did this won- drous work of native art come about? Maybe five little acorns all in a cluster sprouting and bec6m- ing a quintuplet? And now -these centuries later-it is a many splendored sentinel, a magnifi- cent guardian over these flats and forests and their naliv e creatures. And at the same tihr-i., af hiding a see-through leafy roof as a mod- icurn of protection for the little porcelain water lilie-,. Just beyond this Lguardian the slough widens, \\iidiiN south- easterly trying to make its final way to the Big River. Ordinarily a slough reflects the sky or clouds, but oh, not today. It is a wide, wandering ribbon...white feath- ers with narrow slices of pink. The Ib'is. Hundreds and hundreds, so many they touch, then jerk away trying to find little spaces .of interim recovery actions have been completed. Glades County Personnel Policy Manual was written and adopted by the Board. Employ- ees have in writing what is expected from them and what they can expect from the county. This document provides stability for the county and its employees., Employees were given a 4 percent across the board increase in pay which is the first significant raise in years. Perhaps the best "First Birth- day" present that was given the county manager was less than ten words that were voiced by more than a few: "He's the best thing that's happened to Glades County!" Next week, the question "What Needs To Be Done" will be addressed which will cover the time period from July 1, 2006 to June 30,2007. their own. Their downward,.de- curved bills are streaks of bright pink against their snow-white plumage. Wading in leg-deep water they look like toy gondolas on aVenice canal. 1 There are those who say that one in a while roseate spoonbills have been seen, wandering in these green marshlands. Howev- er, there are others who believe that the majestic pink water bird thought to be a spoonbill just may be a pink-colored hm bd ibis, the result of.white ibis interbreeding with the scarlet ibis from South America which was introduced into the Miami area in the 1960s. If the roseate spoonbills do fre- quent these parts on occasions, it is believed that they have lost their way and gone astray. Regardless of the identity of these exquisite pink birds, these pastoral Monet 'paintinir] are infinitely enhanced by their presence. SSudidtrnl.\, although not want- ing to admit it, there's the realiza- tion that this day, this time...is almost over. As the sun slides down the scarlet sky, an ineffable. peace hovers over the land... a nameless silence broken only by the splashing sounds of my boots... Cnewszapicom Conmnvunity Links. Individual Voices. Memory Foam Mattress Sets Worlds Best Mattress, this Foam was Designed for N.A.S.A. We will offer Pillow Top Memory Foam Mattress sets ByJamison At more than 50% off the TV advertised specials. King 3 piece set Retail $3299 50% Off $1649 Queen 2 piece set Retail $2699 50% Off $1349 Full 2 piece set Retail $2299 50% Off $1149 Twin 2 piece set Retail $1999 50% Off $999 Aeg Jackson River Home Furnishings & Decor L 340 North Bridge Street LaBelle, FL 863-674-0003 Where Quality is Done in Style!' r ----"-J - TOUCHDOWN -O-P BREAKFAST 10% OFF :1 2 Pancakes. 2 eggs, 2 bacon Breakfast, : w strips and 2 sausage links Lunch or 'r II I I Dinner f I Must Present Coupon I S IW Not valid w/any other 1On ToffferExp 7/31/06 " 1< I l rs]Ei,.xt- lpr-4-..-~ 10o% OFF Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner A FDinnerr t ,.:.up-.r,. 1030 West Suearla d H . N r't i'ali'l i, irnc-tOher Clewistoni. Florida S. ,,,P, ,, 863-983-3663 L %/ 1 i * ~/ I4~J f/ - SECURITY PROTECTION A&H SERVICES OF SOUTH FLORIDA S* ACCORDIONS PANELS SPATIO ENCLOSURES Free In Home Consultation Free Estimates Licensed & Insured Lic# CRC1328677 M er All Major Credit Cards Accepted W 1 Business Number 561-996-2055 Cell Number 561-261-3176 St. Joseph's Father Dan on the move By MaryAnn Morris Father Dan Smith, of St. Joseph the Worker Church is on the move again. He came to.Glades County after the hurricanes of 2004 to help clean up and to help Father Esteban Soy build the new church for St. Theresa of the Child Jesus. Finding a much slower pace in Glades County, he decided to pursue an M.B.A. Having done that, Father Dan is on the move again. He has decided to go to law school and will be attending St. Thomas University in Miami. St. Surtax Continued From Page 1 ty School Board), and work on the ball field at the Palmdale Commu- nity Center. --Of particular concern to the commission was funding mainte- nance of capital improvements that were built using surtax revenue funding. However, Attorney Richard Pringle explained that the Florida Statutes prescribed use of surtax revenue for improvements, which he interpreted as upgrades, Thomas' is owned and operated by the Archdiocese of Miami. "I'll start in . two weeks. It's : a three year '71 degree, and I hope to, com- bine it with a Father master of sci- Dan Smith ence .in mar- riage and family counseling," he said. "But I plan to come back to say Mass in Glades County on the weekends." but did not prescribe use for main- tenance which he described as measures to preserve existing facili- ties and infrastructure. In other business, the county commissioners approved the wording for a referendum authoriz- ing ad valorem tax exemptions for industries or businesses that would spur economic development. A similar existing ordinance is expir- ing. The tax exemption is to act as a stimulant to economic growth. It is not automatic, but if approved by the voters, the county commission- ers could consider tax breaks on a case-by-case basis. .. .. A SU NRISE APPLIANCE New In Box or Scratch & Dent Full Factory Warranty Save IMore In Moore Haven We Also Carry Used Appliances With Warranty 401US Hwy Mre Haven 86946666 Same Day Service MERCER DENTAL CLINIC ON Us 41, S. FT. MYERS * Lab On Premises GENERAL ANESTHESIA AVAILABLE CALL FOR YOUR, PRICE QUOTE AND INFORMATION. 1-866-226-9400 TOLL FREE , 1 .1 .h.I: 1L.. .I l l.. '..-1 .n l'.1.1 I -. i ".0 110".j 'J,1 responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee or reduced fee service., examination or treatment. CONSTRUCTION CORP * CARPORTS * HURRICANE SHUTTERS * POOLS & SCREEN ENCLOSURES * VINYL ROOMS * CONSTRUCTION SITE PREPS * LAND CLEARING * NEW CUSTOM-BUILT HOMES CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES CELL: 863-228-1174 STATE CERTIFIED OFFICE: 863-983-3457 LICENSE CONTRACTOR Alli, .: ..: .? ... ; ,,'' /... '..... -. .: '. ... lut ,,," ,**. ". ' 415 Headlines Public Issues Forum LIcal i;nkls Stone- from Independent's A.n open forum inr .v'hich directorr cf -..eLs'ite; Sre., ,.papers in South issues of the do, are for loc tion go..ernmen-t. Central Florida,. PLUS debated -- s.ovetirnme team;, organizations & searchable orchi.- es igiorousl colur, nil15. Post Your News Post For Free Classified Ads Post or read press Post tour personal The combined listings releo.;es announcementss messages on an open from Independent's 7 & information from your Bulletin Board for Florida rne.,.spapers. distributed S.:.ommuncit,. residents. lo 2oI31 000 homes Canal Point Pahokee Belle Glade South Ba> Clevviston Moore Hoven Ortono Muse North LaBelle Feldo LaBelle Immokolee Pioneer Plantation Buckhead Ridge Okeechobee Basinger Frostproof A Thursday, July 20, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thiir.adlv .iulv 20. 2006 IIU ULY LFinUm1Y uuu., --WWA A- - INCOLN 2006 FORD F-250 HARLEY DAVIDSON SAVE MERCURYY 2006 MERCURY MILAN LEASE FOR $252 PER MONTH FOR 39 MONTHS ro j, i --5 .1-,FJTH"PC L LE-5f I tIKAlLES SE C IS COLISITICIrJ EE C-Cotu!J R'T'.EPRSPONIB~iLE FOR TAM TAG TITLE at FEES DI LE.AERiT.- I T44ALL i IJCIit: END E -A~~I 11;JjJ~ A / I U 'K ~ V CAR-SPECAL 2003 FORD FOCUS '~*~ lw, w~ww AUTO, RED & SUPER SPORTY! 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SEE DEALER FOR COMPLETE DETAILS OMGF1086 L "- Jr L " ~Jl') F I Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee AW AGRICULTURE Laws change regarding landscape pesticide applications By Dan Culbert Extension Horticulture Agent They said it couldn't be done, but it's actually happened. It is now actually easier for landscape main- tenance professionals to be a bona-fide, legal applicator of pesti- cides. And for the consumer, some changes in Florida Statues improve your protection from shady termite pest control companies. Today's column will update an article on this subject that was printed this past spring. It will give homeowners some ideas on what's new in Florida termite con- tract terminology. And with easier requirements for certification, it's now a bit easier for the "mow, blow, and go" folks to get legal. Three laws Florida has a confusing system of making sure consumers and the environment, are protected from the misuse of pesticides. The first state pesticide law concerns itself with the use of pesticides in agricul- tural settings, but it covers a lot more than farming. The obvious use of pesticides in citrus groves, vegetable fields, and nurseries is covered by the Agricul- tural Pest Control Law [F.S. 487]. But beyond producers, this law also insures that persons using these toxic products in natural areas, roadsides, or aquatic sites are properly trained and super- vised. It applies Federal guidelines under Florida conditions when using restricted use herbicides, insecticides, or fungicides. It even includes a few unusual situations like the use of these pesticides on golf courses and parks or for spe- cialized uses such as aerial applica- tions or protective boat paints. A second pesticide law in Flori- da is concerned with the use of these products for the control of pests as mosquitoes or other pub- lic pests. There are a few locals that hold Public Pest Control Licenses in our area, but since we don't have any organized Mosquito con- trol here, there is not too much activity with this law [F.S. 388]. Notice we have not talked about termites or landscape pesti- cides use. The way it was explained to me was that the use of pesticides "inside, outside, under, or through" buildings is governed by the Structural Pest Control Act [a.k.a. F.S. 482]. This law is the one that the Florida Leg- islature recently changed, and the focus of this article. While homeowners can use "off the shelf" products to do-it- themselves, there are some situa- tions where professional help is needed. Many well-known pest control companies often apply pesticides to keep buildings safe and landscapes in top-notch shape. Some of these "Pest Control Operators" are locally-based busi- ness owners that can spray your lawn for insects or diseases, pro- vide indoor protection from roach- es, fleas and rodents, can eliminate or protect buildings from termites, and if necessary fumigate these structures to kill every other kind of pest found inside a structure. Requirements for Landscapers The Structural Pest Control Law also permits the LIMITED use of pesticides near structures by persons that work for the gov- ernment, or who are treating pri- vately owned buildings. Those businesses that take care of pri- vate RESIDENTAL landscapes can also obtain a "Limited Certificate - Commercial Landscape Mainte- nance" that makes it legal for them to apply certain kinds pesti- cides when taking care of our FloridaYards. Many landscapers ask about the Landscape Maintenance certificate, but back away when they find out some of the requirements. Here's Termite Contracts Relaxed what will make it easier for persons to get this certification: When a person wanted to get this Landscape Maintenance certifi- cate, before they even could take the test, they had to attend an eight- hour long training class. The revised law reduces this training class to a six-hour class. Another stumbling block was that applicants had to prove they had been in the business for three years before applying to take the test. This experience requirement has been removed. Again before the test, the applicant had to prove they had lia- bility insurance before taking the test. Now they can pass the test first, and then demonstrate insur- ance coverage so buying insur- ance can happen after they know they have passed. Clarified No one likes to even think about termites getting into their build- ings, but when they do, a profes- sional Pest Control Operator ought to be consulted. Unfortunately there have been a few "bugs" in the law that regulates these busi- nesses. A few changes that help protect consumers have been made in F.S. 482 and they became effective July first: Termite control contracts must dearly state if the work is for drywood or subterranean termites. (This is important because the methods used to treat these critters are very different.) If a "spot-treatment" is used, companies must post a notice. that this was the case. (A treat- ment sticker could give the false impression that a complete treat- ment was done.) Re-treatments must be done in 90 days (180 days for multi-unit structures). Companies can't refuse to re-treat because they knew about a construction defect or other condition that would contribute to termites. Consumers can get more infor- mation on termite protection, the difference between subterranean or drywood termites or file a com- plaint against a pest control com- pany by calling 1-800-HELP-FLA or logging onto www.floridatermite- help.org. 25 x 25 x 7 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 1 9x7 Garage Door, 2 Gable Vents 4" Concrete Slab Installed $11,395 30 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $16,895 35 x 50 x 12 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2 10x10 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $28,995 25 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (3:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab (see photo) Installed $16,995 FWe fill Help You Design A Building To Meet Your Needs - We Custom Build (We are Ihe factory) METAL STRUCTURES LLC - Many Sizes Available - Meet, or Exceeds Florida Wind Code 866-624-9100 - Florida "Stamped" Engineered www.metalstructuresllc.com Drawings (included) UO ME1 Of.TiyOlt tHli 1, ,- &NW O ..i.'.'m.'-Z- .- ,r ,,...' '" ;-'"'""- '' '' ;- "' .' r.' Make up to $2,500 by filling in the space above! Sell your personal valuables if they're $2,500 or less for absolutely free! No fee, no catch, no problems! * 4 lines for 2 weeks * Price must be included in ad * Private parties only * 2 items per house- hold per issue SClewiston News * 1 used Itenm . grouping pe arP- priced at $2,500 or less : :5^ * Independent . Newspapers reserves the right to disqualify any ad. DEMOCRAT SThe Sun Toll Free 877-353-2424 E-Mail: classad@newszap.com TALLAHASSEE Florida Agri- culture Commissioner Charles H. Bronson today announced that nominations are being accepted for the 2006 "Woman of the Year in Agriculture" award. The award, now in its 22nd year, recognizes women who have made outstand- ing contributions to Florida agricul- ture. "This award spotlights the vital role of women in Florida agricul- ture and serves to encourage other women to get involved in the busi- ness," Bronson said. "Many women have made significant con- tributions over the years in develop- ing and sustaining this important industry, which has an overall eco- nomic impact estimated at more than $87 billion annually." Those nominated for the award ALL STEEL BUILDINGS ~j z .-.- "This award spotlights the vital role of women in Florida agriculture and serves to encourage other women to get involved in the business." Charles H. Bronson, Florida Agriculture Commissioner will be judged by a panel familiar with Florida agriculture. The award will be presented in February at the opening-day luncheon of the 2007 Florida State Fair in Tampa. The Florida Department of Agri- culture and Consumer Services, which sponsors the event has sent nomination forrhs to agricultural organizations around the state. The deadline for submitting nomina- tions to the Department is Nov. 1, 2006. Nominations remain active for two years, after that time they must be resubmitted in order to be considered. For more information about the "Woman of the Year in Agri- culture" award, including screen- ing criteria and biographies of previous winners, or to obtain nomination forms, call Richard Gunnels at (850) 488-3022 or visit. http://www.florida-agriculture.corrV agwomarnindex.htm. HENDRY COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD Announces its policy for Free and Reduced Price Meals for students under the NATIONAL SCHOOL LUNCH AND BREAKFAST PROGRAMS. Any interested person may review a copy of the policy by contacting CHARLES D. DAVIS Post Office Box 1980 LaBelle, Florida 33975 Household size and income criteria will be used to determine eligibility These criteria can be found listed below. Children from families whose income is at or below the levels shown may be eligible for Free or Reduced Price Meals. An application can not be approved unless ii ,.....A li,: ...'.,pT.le ic .:1 ilir irfrtiTji.:., OI,,. approved, meal benefits are good for an entire year. You need not notify the organization of changes in income and household size. Application forms are being sent to all homes with a letter to parents or guardians. To apply for Free or Reduced Price Meals, householdss must complete the applica- tion and return it to school. Additional copies are available at the principal's office in each school. The information provided on the application will be used for the purpose of determining eligibility and may be verified at any time during the school year. Applications may be submitted at any time during the year. Households that receive Food Stamps or TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) are required to list on the application only the child's name, Food Stamp/fANF case number, and signature of adult household member. Foster children may receive benefits based on the child's personal income regardless of the income of the household. Household with children who are considered migrants, homeless or runaway should contact the district liaison, Jodi Bell at 863-6744108. For the purpose of determining household size, deployed service members are considered a part of the household. Families should include the names of the deployed service members on their application. Report only the portion of the deployed service member's income made available to them or on their behalf to the family. Additionally, a housing allowance that is part of the Military Housing Privatization Initiative is not to be included as income. All other households must provide the following information listed on the application: * Total household income listed by amount received and type of income and how often the income is received (wages, child support, etc.) received by each house- hold member; * Names of all household members; * Signature of an adult household member certifying the information provided is correct; and * Social security number of the adult signing the application or the word "NONE" for this household member if he or she does not have a social security number. If a household member becomes unemployed or if the household size changes, the school should be contacted. Children of parents or guardians who become unem- ployed should also contact the school. Such changes may make the student eligible for reduced price or free meals if the household income falls at or below the levels show below. Under the provisions of the Free and Reduced Price meal policy, Charles D. Davis, will review applications and determine eligibility. If a parent or guardian is dis- satisfied with the ruling of the official, he or she may wish to discuss the decision with the determining official on an informal basis. If the parent wishes to make a for- mal appeal, he or she may make a request either orally or in writing to: SCOTT COOPER Post Office Box 1980 LaBelle, Florida 33975 863-674-4113 Unless indicated otherwise on the application, the information on the Free and Reduced Price Meal application may be used by the school system in determining eli- gibility for other educational programs. FLORIDA INCOME ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINES FOR FREE AND REDUCED PRICE MEALS Effective from July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007 Free Meal Sca e Is 130% of Federal Poverty Level Household Annual Monthly Twice Per Every Two Weekly size Month Weeks 1 12,740 1,062 531 490 245 2 17,160 1,430 716 660 330 3 21,580 1,799 900 830 415 4 26,000 2,167 1,084 1,000 500 5 30,420 2,535 1,268 1,170 585 6 34,840 2,904 1,452 1,340 670 7 39,260 3,272 1,636 1,510 755 8 43,680 3,640 1,820 1,680 840 Each additional 4,420 369 185 170 85 family member, add Reduced Meal Scale is 185% of Federal Poverty Level Household Annual Monthly Twice Per Every Two Weekly size Month Weeks 1 18,130 1,511 756 698 349 2 24,420 2,035 1,018 940 470 .3 30,710 2,560 1,280 1,182 591 4 37,000 3,084 1,542 1,424 712 5 43,290 3,608 1,804 1,665 833 6 49,580 4,132 2,066 1,907 954 7 55,870 4,656 2,328 2,149 1,075 8 62,160 5,180 2,590 2,391 1,196 Each additional 6,290 525 263 242 121 family member, add To determine monthly income: * If you receive the income every week, multiply the total gross income by 4.33. * If you receive the income every two weeks, multiply the total gross income by 2,15. * If you receive the income twice a month, multiply the total gross income by 2. Remember: The total income before taxes, social security, health benefits, union dues, or other deductions must be reported. In accordance with Federal law and the U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited form discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call 800-795-3272 or (202) 720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer This Certificate is "limited" because only certain kinds of pesti- cides can be used. Previously, only insecticides and herbicides with the toxicity level of "Caution" could be used. The law has been changed to include fungicides that have this slightly toxic signal word of "Caution." I've placed more information on our Okeechobee web page, http://okeechobee.ifas.ufl.edu. If you need additional information on pesticide licensing or laws, please email us at okeechobee@ifas.ufl.edu or call us at (863) 763-6469. Local residents can stop by our office at 458 Hwy 98 North in Okeechobee, and visit our Okeechobee County Master Gardeners from 1 until 3 p.m. on Tuesday afternoons. And remem- ber-THE LABEL IS THE LAW! Woman of the year in ag award nomination deadline is Nov. 1 Thursday, July 20, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday. July 20. 2006 Yogurt is ancient way to promote good digestion Everything old is new again. Health-conscious Americans are rediscovering an ancient food yogurt. Yogurt is a natural food that helps promote good digestion. Years of eating wrong has left digestive systems so out of whack they have trouble proper- ly processing any food. The health food solution is yogurt with active culture. A trip to the grocery store reveals many choices of yogurts. You can have yogurt whipped or creamy, with fruit mixed in or on the bottom. You can find exotic flavors like chocolate covered cherry and Key Lime. You can even find yogurt that is liquid enough to drink (for those too busy to use a spoon). Here's a hint: Read the labels. A Healthier Life with Katrina Elsken Many of these "yogurt" products are full of sugar and -hioh in ifl,. and also contain airtircil -nan-oi ings and colorings. And most of them don't even contain aci e' culture. Active, culture is the bacteria added during yogurt production, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. According to a 1992 article pub- lished by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), this same fermenting process has been used since 2,000 B.C. Researchers believe Middle Eastern civilizations used this process to preserve milk, and since then yogurt has been a sta- ple in European and Mediter- ranean diets. Yogurt, a dairy pr-,duct, is nat- urally a good source of calcium. If you have trouble digesting other dairy products, you might have better luck with yogurt. Those who are "lactose intoler- ant" have trouble dligesting lac- tose (milk sugar). Symptoms of lactose intolerance include diar- rhea, abdominal cramps and nausea. Yogurt is easier to digest because the enzymes in the active culture help break down the lactose before you eat it. Yogurt is also commonly used as a home remedy for a variety of ailments. Some people say if you should eat yogurt after taking antibiotics, since the aintibioti-s might disrupt your digestion by killing off some of the "good" bacteria in your digestive sys- tem. Some people believe that eat- ing yogurt can help ward off yeast infections by helping the body fight harmful bacteria. Yogurt is made following a very old recipe. Milk is pasteur- ized to kill harmful bacteria, then cooled to about 113 degrees Fahrenheit, and the yogurt bacte- ria added. The milk and bacteria mixture is allowed to ferment and then chilled. In the United States, yogurt is commonly made with cow's milk. But in other parts of the world, it is common to make yogurt with goat's milk. Not all yogurt contains live culture. Some yogurt manufac- turers heat the yogurt after fer- mentation. This does not affect the nutritional content of the yogurt, but it does kill the live culture. If you're eating yogurt because it's high in calcium, you might not care whether or not it has live culture. But if you're eat- ing yogurt in an effort to improve your digestion, the live culture is the key ingredient. Read ttr- label. According to the FDA, if the e manufacturer heat-treats the yogurt after fer- mentation, the label must say "heat-treated after culturing." The FDA also warns con- sumers not to be confused by a label that says "made with active cultures." All yogurt is made with active cultures. Brands that are heat treated after fermenta- tion no longer contain the active culture. The longer yogurt sits in the refrigerator, the fewer active cul- ture bacteria the yogurt contains. So check the date label for the freshest yogurt you can find, and don't buy more than you will consume in one week. Before making any change to your diet or exercise plan, con- sult your doctor. This is especial- ly important if you are on any prescription drugs. Some drugs interact badly with foods that would otherwise be considered "healthy." Pet Talk Pet ow-uers urged to prepare for disasters The old ., ling-ir goes some- thing like this: An ounce of pre- vention is worth a pound of cure. It couldn't be more true when it comes to preparing for a disaster, and for pet owners, this includes Fido and Fluffy. "Because of the sad animal episodes related to hurricane Ka6triii, it is imip-,,l"arinl that responsible animal owners develop an emergency plan for their pi-:ls.," .,l- Dr. MurlBaiil, d veterinaiiian-ii I lie C .llge .'i[ it ( erinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences at T '.1ias A&lM Iniv-',r'.itv and a member of the Texas State Animal Response Team. "C_,itllils-. tlioes p,.opl,+ liea e been told to leavxt thtit lhiorin-,s lur a short time, otl)1 to iinil thaI II-V\, cannot return for days ir \,' ', %'. mn disasters like gas leaks and minor floodirig can keep you from tending to your animals for extended periods of time." Bail,", rcouiin,,ends ite Amer- ican Veterinary Medical Associa- inin's brochure on disaster pre- paredness. The free brochure, which can be accessed through the AVMA's Web site, lists several steps in developing a disaster plan for pets: Develop an evacu,.iio.n pl,.i *and practice it. ' If you live ii an apartment, make sure your animal, .are o01 record i;hi manriaen-ril. Dogs should ibe tdug.i lo use the stairs to better assist rescue personnel. Keep written directions to your home near your telephone, 'Ti-,s will help you arid others explain to einer!-,encv reis nd:-:. Ractly hi iw to gel to your home. Id univ' altrei iatLe sources of food and water. Some local food and water sources may be dis- rupted or contaminated for extended periods of time. Keep all vehicles well main- tained and full of gas. Keep emergency cash on hand. These steps also include ass iinbling both an animal evac- ualtiuli and first aid kit "The contents of the first aid andl evacuation kits will vary ac.u'dFing uI the -pe.',ies of ani- mal owned," Bailey says. Besides the iterns thal would normally appear in a human er.t-rLgenc\ preparation kil, such as f'lad.l iligsil. and batiteries, sever- al tliings shi,_,.uld hir, iiiclu.I'-d in an eo(cuatiui kil for small ani- mals: I\ t \i}-'eek supply -f food- anrI waler itl non-spill bow\ Is. A carrier foi each anirial labeled with contact information * A leash, collar, harness and muzzle for each animal Important paperwork (an emergency contact list, copies of veterinary records, proof of own- ership and instructions on the animal's diet and medication). Toys, treat and other famil- iar items to make pets feel com- fortable. The first aid kit also contains several items that are I pical for humans, but in addition, the kit should include: Antidiarrheal liquid or tablets Filta, tick and iieda,\\'I.in prevention and treatment Ice cream sticks (which may be used a- *.plirntsi Liquid dish detergent (mild \\ound aiLd bud, clea in.er0) Non-adherent bandage pads Ted Schiff, M.D. and the professional staff at Water's Edge Dermatology will treat you with all the care and expertise you expect. Adult and Pediatric Dermatology Diseases of the Skin, Hair and Nails * Surgery of the Skin, Skin Cancer Treatment IVIOHS Skin Cancer Surgery New patients are welcome. Medicare and most insurance accepted. NEW OFFICE: 542 W. Sagamore Ave. Building E, Hospital Annex Clewiston, FL 866-549-2830 Full AC Service NEW SYSTEMS (HECK UPS 941.730.7527 Licensd & Insuud (AC056934 525 NW AvE 1, BEIL GIAE 800-573-7983 www.gladesmotors.com 5ULIRISE AIPLIANCE "lew Used, Scratch Dent 401 US Hwy 27 Moore flaven 863-946-2666 MHPON CRYSLER IDGE JEEP M -. 0 | i.i lad rli Clilt[ n .IM I-'1. 1.-14 GLENN J. SNEIDER, LLC Criminal Law Bankruptcy Law Immigration Law 200 S.W. 9th Street Okeechobee, )I" 34974 (863) 467-6570 AVON JUDY ANDERSON INDEPEN IEII SALES R EPPiNTATIVE 813.477.00125 :1 .i ' Reich & Mancini 1-888-784-6724 Iv',r ,,r', ,iiip iia i-nl i rpi- il lna j ri So,.ial clw rill [ 'i C [ill r,,rlifil [' e.fllh ailmii( iif l1ilI'ii rTl i lirl S%. I in-it t\\ l ol i'i li l -'itlh il',X i aHiaw n 370 Holiday Isle Blvd. Clewiston 863-983-3181 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL (863) 983-9148 OR EMAIL slutlakedd rine'xvsiadp.con ":SISTRUCTION CORP. SERGIO RUBIO PHONE: 863-228-1174 FAX: 863.983-1112 445 E. SUGARLAND HWY-* CLEWISTON . ucT, s r # c[f E.AI'l UCENSE # CGC 1508763 DVERTISE YOUR DR.MERCER'SDENTIRECLINIC cse2 ,1st Li. INT BUSINESS HERE 'FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL (863) 983-9148 OR EMAIL southlaakeadsd ne'wszp.com 1.1xtol < West Lake FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATORY 805 N. Hwy. 27 Moore Haven % -% ,@ f" a 0%0% P 'BEST PRICES SAME DAY US 41 SOUTH FT. MYERS 1-866-226-9400 Ifiw I'tIii ij 1iitl! 340 N. BR II)DG STREET S.N1- 0 I r, I 3 863-674-000.3 jaIton River When Trim iinmidles. M.D. Rick Rornagosa. NM.). Robehrt S. Kir'.Mir. M.D. PhD 1924 US Hwy. 441 N. Okeechobee 863-467-9555 (Royal's "-FURNITURE FURNITURE I l.. t,;... i ).' .l I a 1. liL\ Clewiston (866) 549-2830 Okeoheboe: 1863) 467.6767 Ft Prrce: (772) 59s-5995 Port St. Lucie: 1772) 335.3550 Stuart: (772) 219-2777 Palm Beach Gardcns: 1561) 694-9493 24 Hour Standby GENERATORS SALES & SERVICE S EVI (O. IHl ltWISIOf! 'NMIA 8 9 2LECrIA. 863-902-1555 (863) 946-1.233 Q lt7 -U,e'In, i; le OUR lI YJ.1 ll;lluldtIMONI TWJ ANCONCAPIlT,, TILES, CARPET & HOME REPAIR "BEST IN THE MARKET" 863-990-5637 863-233-1013 OpROIAWN SERViyet I' f..',EPCIAL & PEElDEf.ITTIL LiCENSED & INSURED FREE ESTIIATES JESUS M. CARRASUILLO OWNER/OPERATOR 863-228-2997 Bankof America 40 SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311. shirley.willis(bankofamerica.com 415 W. Hwy 80 LaBelle ALAN KELLY MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes Princip'.,! r. ,rt.:.f Broker 825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBeUe, FL 3393$ Office: (863) 674-0091 Fax: (863) 674-0095 Cell (239) 707-4404 ala,,kellymnrtrUer", eanhhirl-nct ,"y 1tlefliifft w'. I [ I, I- i ' *In The Old I i.i ',- r,, Center* 965 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston (863)983-1108 Miss A Week Miss A Deal! 00' l(Aes Hea lith Care Center 230 S. Barfield Hw). Pahokee, FL 33476-1834 Phone: (561) 924-5561 Fax: (561) 924-9466 maili: G.ladest..ai elp I loridal. are.nel ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL (863) 983-9148 OR EMAIL southlakeads@newszap.com 6500 0 1 be Bih. E, O: chb:: & The Tuinrih' a r't oj C 0 m SpeuL inh2r: In Cusit,, Maniril uri,,iiN D & JMachinery, In, Hubzone Cert. 728 E. Trinidad Ave. Clewiston, FL 33440 863-983-3171 LABOR <.> FINDERS DAILY WORK- DALY PAY ALL T,'PES OF W'Rv A'AILAbLE 202 E, ugilalad Hwly. CT'! from (le,';s!, In' (863) 902-9494 HENRY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER l0 W. iun IIw ELLWISTON PALM HARBOR A )MO 1 1.-\R, A 10 l 1i.. & STILT I I\AIF.s CALL OUR FACTORY FOR FRIE COLOR FR CHIURl 800-622-2832 ..... ...-hen you need a service, call a professional" i for as little as $10,00 per week, per block. If you would like a Call A Pro ad please call us at 863-983-9148 or email us at southlakeads@newszap.com to place your adl iflulaucayg -y --I , I I Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, July 20, 2006 The 1926 hurricane hit Moore Haven By Twila Valentine Edited by Maryann Morris From 1977 until her death in 2003, Independent Newspapers of Florida was privileged to have on staff a superb writer and histo- rian, Twila Valentine. Mrs. Valen- tine wrote much about the history of the people and places around Lake Okeechobee and about the lake itself. Together with Okee- chobee's Betty Williamson, Presi- dent of the Okeechobee Histori- cal Society, she co-authored a book, now in its second printing, "Strolling down Country Roads in Okeechobee." The following article is based on her research of the 1926 hum- cane: the first of two catastrophic events that led to the building of the dike around Lake Okee- chobee. This account was written Sept, 18, 1988. The month of September has traditionally been one of the most active Months for hurricanes to slam into Florida. Sept. 18 marks the anniversary (this year will be the 78th) of the then Big Lake's first and largest town, Moore Haven faced destruction. This was the same storm on the same day which literally lev- eled the booming town of Miami and its suburb, Coral Gables. Moore Haven, founded in 1915, had been the victim of flooding in 1922, 1923, and 1924. (If you go there, you can tell which the really old houses are - they are built several feet off the ground!) To protect the farms, an earthen dike had been construct- ed along the south shore of Lake Okeechobee. Roaring in from the Caribbean, the storm struck before daylight on the eighteenth in Miami and surrounding areas, claiming over 200 lives and injuring about 6.000 along the Gold Coast. Damage in Miami alone was estimated to be $27 million in 1926 dollars. Some 130 miles to the north- Special to INI/Florida Archives Joe's Fish Camp was owned and operated by the van de Veldes after the 1926 hurricane. The car seen on the left side of the photo would place the photo sometime In the 1950s. If anyone has any more information about Joe and Mertie van de Velde or the fish camp, let us know. Recollections A series about Florida's pioneers and history ..r ;.; west, the town of Moore Haven had received above normal rain- fall for the year and the seven- teenth was dark and blustery. The lake was full and the earthen dike was being tested to its limits. There were some weak spots between Liberty Point and Clewis- ton and also at the pumping sta- tions. The Caloosahatchee River was straining at its banks with the heavy discharge from ditches and sloughs.' On Friday, the seventeenth a telegram was received in Moore Haven stating that a hurricane was expected to hit the east coast in the vicinity of Miami. That was the total warning that Moore Haven received about the storm. From midnight on, every able- bodied man in the Moore Haven area worked filling several thou- sand sand bags to reinforce the weakening dike. By daybreak, it became obvious their efforts were in vain and the citizens of Moore Haven resigned them- selves to yet another flood. Hurricane winds then hit in full force and the first break in the dike occurred about a mile east of town. It was soon followed by other breaks. Water began to flow through the main streets of the town in huge waves; rising above the streets to inundate homes which had not been built to with- stand the combined onslaught of winds and tidal waves. Soon, many of these houses were washed from their foundations and began to float, breaking up as they drifted. Fred Flanders, an engineer who lived on a canal bank near the locks, made his way to his ; home when the waters began to rise. Jim Lee, a state employee, Newman Etherton and Flanders caught a boat drifting in the canal. The trio made it to Flander's home and rescued Mrs. Flanders, the two children and the family dog sought shelter and safety. They remained on the tug until the water receded and a rescue party reached them. Joe van de Veldt, who worked at the pumping station at that time, arrived home in time to let the water flood into his newly- built home when he opened the door. He took his family to the Mayflower Hotel which he con- sidered to be safer for his family. About 8:30 a.m. the hotel began to float, then turned and settled, blocking the street. They remained in the hotel until 5:00 p.m. on Sunday when they were taken by boat to Newhall, an abandoned settle- ment two and a half miles west of Moore Haven. The home that Hoe van de Velde built in Moore Haven sur- vived the storm and several years ago, it was moved to Lakeport where it still stands and was the home for Joe's widow, Mertie and his daughter Margaret. The final death toll was about 150, most of them in or near Moore Haven. There were about 50 people injured and an untold number of homes damaged or destroyed."The wind velocity was not measured during this storm, but the winds are estimated to have been in excess of 100 miles per hour." Have you updated your own hurricane plan yet? CombiyLinks. IdviulVocs I Save money on your favorite grocery items. I Go to newszap.com to download and print coupons online! 1 e, ! SIHWSZ .iCOim Community Links. Individual Voices. Injured? Do you have a lawsuit but need money now ?o)- ,,^-- Victory Funding provides cash to individuals with pending personal injury lawsuits .0 a --- _--N M- 1\0 & Call today: 88-544 2881 wwwvlctoryfunds.net Victory Funding Portable Tent Canopies Tarps & Parts Wire Art Available Again! Hours: Friday, Saturday & Sunday call (863) 357-7441 Trading Post Fleamarket Okeechobee, FL W~hcn you need a scuvlpo ...fesu..nah. for as lttl e as $1000 per week, per block, If you would like a Call A Pro ad please call us at 863-983-9148 or email us at southlakeads@newszap.com to place your adi TiHE OPTICAL CENTER located in FAMILY EYE CARE 100 N. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 BARTON REALTY, INC, I. -. - ,ii ,, I I ,' I III ",' . ADVERTISE YOUR Expect sorn,,ngoi 1 USINESS HE.RE 1-800-SHOP CVS or Visit CVIS.co' OPEN 8am-10pOm OR LONGER! 7 D ys A W,(.. I- (2.4~V 7fT6Tr F' T I'. Hi Lvi irvL~ '~.' 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RM 1 *4W: I J, VJ 6 ARbJ IM HI pf9d lw, Dlo AKX REAILTYV INC. 233 N, BRIDGE ST ON "HE CONfjERi .P '- 'A'O' ;MI.;T',:'| VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM 0J. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT S S RENTALS SALES PoRT LABELLE INN I I I II I F. i l i ll 1 0:xov Dr'vD , 863.6Bi-.,r F'- 863.675,4011 vvvwavlifoollititu~oi ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10,00 PER WEEK CALL ,863) 983-9148 NO ONE WILL WORK HARD- ER FOR YOU THEN JAMIE NAVARRO GIVE HIM A CALL ON HIS CELL AT (239) 822-9272 REALTY C. BAGANS FIRST 30 Colorado Rd Lehigh Acres, FL 33936 AMERICAN ALUMINUM, Inc. m v ,.role I l- ,r Lnum (863)838-2477 1450 42nd St. Winter Haven, FL 33881 I .- I..,. I--. 1 i- I RIVERSIDE )REAL ESTATE Come-r of Hwy 80 & 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-2718 www.lbelleriwiside.com e-mail: realestate@labellderivmide.com .'.lanlpn-,jrs I.c d Rd I tate Broker www.sunshinesteelcorp.com I',nl,-:" ST1L6CORP. 243 Florida Avenue NW Moore Haven, FL 33471 Phone: 863-946-1804 Toll Free: 1-800-670-0113 Locally Owned Rc.'Jftvir1I' -C Lisa Andro -14s i htcllok 23$ N, Bridgc I I M, k~339- 861 ~'5-8868 HIBHLANDSSHED STEll BUILDINGS CARPORTS 863.314.0999 To save time and money by having the newspaper delivered to s\our home b% mail. call Reader Service, at 1-877-353-2424 or e-mail readerservices@newszap.com. If you're already a subscriber and have ques- tions or requests about your home delilerN. Z, call Reader Ser% ices at 1-877-353-2424 or email readerser', ices@'new szap.com. v ." Clewiston News /$ DEMOCRAT .A The Sun --a- - Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, July 20, 2006 Thursrdav. Julv 20. 2006 17 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Agencies work for the South Florida way of life By MaryAnn Morris Perhaps the single most important thing in the Kissim- mee/Lake Okeechobee/Ever- glades watershed now is the ongoing work in the Compre- hensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP). CERP and the eight, CERP projects being fast-tracked (Acceler8) by the State of Florida to help the critical water-related issues we are facing are designed by, constructed by, and managed by many, many agen- cies; state, federal and private interests all have a stake in the good of this unique area. South Florida has the second largest lake in the United States, the Everglades, an ecosystem of global interest, incredibly rich year-around farming, and a booming tourist industry, not to mention, (apart from hurri- canes) a pretty nice lifestyle. The problem e Drainage and development of south Florida has had major environmental consequences in the Everglades. Saltwater intru- sion into freshwater aquifers has extended as far as 6 miles inland from the coast in some areas. The land surface has sub- sided as much as 6 feet in some agricultural areas because of lowered water tables, oxidation of drained peat, and subsequent peat fires. Mercury contamination of fish has resulted in a ban on the consumption of fish from the central part of the Everglades 7Aw"H E National Park and is-implicated in the deaths of endangered Florida panthers. Populations of wading birds have decreased by almost 95 percent from 1870 to 1973. In high-nutrient areas, cattails are replacing native sawgrass. Plant and animal communities in the Everglades have been altered by changes in timing and duration of inundation; invasion of exotic plants as a result of drainage and land clearing, nutrient, and (or) contaminant-enrichment of water that flows into Everglades from agricultural and urban areas; and loss of habitat. The CERP solution. The goal of Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) is to capture fresh water that now flows unused to the ocean and the gulf and redirect it to areas that need it most. The majority of the water will be devoted to environmental restoration, reviving a dying ecosystem. The remaining water will benefit cities and farmers by enhancing water supplies for the south Florida economy. CERP covers 16 counties over an 18,000-square-mile area and centers on an update of the Cen- tral & Southern Florida (C&SF) Project w which dates back to the 19-40s. CERP was approved in the Water Resources Development Act i\\RDA'l of 2000. It includes more than 60 elements, will take more than 30 years to construct and x\ill cost an estimated $7.8' billion. It w\as the WRDA that gave the COE author itN to re- e\aluate the C&SF Project (Cen- tral and South Florida Flood Control I and recommend improvements and changes in order to restore the ecosystem. The U.S: Army Corps of Engi- neers (COE) is the lead agency. Without their expertise in con- struction methods and program management, coordination of the many agencies and many ongoing projects in CERP would be very di'fficull indeed. The COE alone has over 100 years experi- ence with mammoth construc- tion projects and receives con- gressional approval to build them. Man\ other agencies work with the COE. The most involved are South Florida Water Manage- I How CERP will work Location d of Study Area J - -'. v..-- PCT Subregions -- 1... Kssimmee Valley 3 2. Greater Lake Okeechobee .- 3. Central Everglades , .. 4 South East Coast 5. SW Big Cypress 6. Florida Keys /- Special to INI/Unitea States Geological Survey If this graphic looks familiar, it should. It is the same basic diagram used by all CERP partners. This one is from USGS. I~y.mIAI H M UESGIDa E ,, IIIm Bank of America SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Banof meria Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863-675-9065 1-800-854-5783 extension 56302 Fax: 863-675-7744 shirley.willis@'bankofamerica.com Now with an office in LaBelle at 415 W. Hwy 80 Call for an appointment ASK M1E .LOtCATION, LOCTitION. LOC--. V an lniON. ,Zoned BI, located at Iii 9022 J----s--ce-- rHickpoochee Ave. in LaBelle, ... 25,11)" Sq.Ft commercial build. _"rirg. Building arid landJd rr s.4k 9016 Ibis Ctacre-only. A kitchen ppliar:900. except H,MhartI MLer Foir niore 'j Prleri, ,,ltier~d i .. $1,500,000. Va,:ant [and listings starting ,r $39,900. 8 05i6 Salem tOr a,-re $39,900. 9022 Jusdce Ctr'acre $39,900. ,I) Canoe -$-W0.000. M .9i00 N Casa C 1/ a.:re $40,900. 0 Norge Cir acre -'$1 ,500. ,ij20 Kurriquit ir- $45,500. 9016 Ibis Ct Vacre $45.500. 'c3. ride Cir ', j,.re -$4-1',900. * 7065 Tide Cir acre $47,900. "s2i r.V' ith Ter 1.25 acre $79,900. 260 Caloosa Estates Dr $99.500. 12295 Rudder Ln $395,000. Deep Water Canal SCall or stop h. to see nmore utimir','iui rn i all "'f-.-wt t'/itg'1 -Che king C ;ROlup 274 N Bridge St LaBelle,FL 33935 863-612-0002 . U^ 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863 675-1973 i *;t c il. '. J .nf hili',iv CHECK LiSO.IT (IONjLiNjE T www.newhorizons-re.com -.c H b Eppjr,,-,l .pr-_ I ^umat-tfa * P'tr Irl ,,:I., j l ,'l'J A'Jll -: l'IlIIT J. iA jl,-: I, , il .i]r, I i r f. i[ i,.| I !.. .:.... iirir ,I'r. hr :'.i i. Illl l.r ': In i I:l lr l'' n i' ij .,Jl I r ir.] n, l' ,l, ,, -. h i ,,: h. ,,i ,- : i I l ,, 'Cu h ,i'.:..i ,i i il t ic'),'j )(.i |_ i-IIoM ZSB * _'t 'Cl UJ. i I ,,i 1-.1'_- I 'p.r:,',U,',,: ':,:,,JI' I f,:,:I' I r ,,. l : II.l I ''Ie -. 1 lhL. ,:J l er. jl '.,, ;B .I n..r. 1.1 :. J., il.. I i,'- ..r l.. l ji .:rI ,.lf f ,."..,o h li ii'j'.,: ,'- r.".'7l,, r,: 'l rnn: '',r, ilnl, i, ,tihc' . ce'" l I ,- h, I.rC urn' ,r F I.] lEr ',,:e. 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Liluc v. ilki.n .:... i w ,i fc ..'inditioner, If rte nh i':)ji'J ['Iq J|I' 'i, .J Ir.w 'i 5 .: h' Jd-: for. -.'i $23%,900. i iin- **^'y-- ----- eiir a. C '' ., beI uii hll :lh -ul:rbb' :.:u ..,' h'dc' '.1J|"'l I"UI"|'I Jf. i g" ,Ir ,, "'. l +.I"' I'j. ltr. i I ' 1".e.,] ji n d qieJ t ir l Ct-. ,"i't.. src.hre' .:'lb H ' | :1..lu I,' I.J ,il' b i.l.h l.hIr,-c jt..'uC j,0 'l.' f21S,9u0. '.. r I dic,- i.,'r,'' I' \ l'c l,,-i, uf'i plt V ii l "u iii ll T :.,: ]' i,,.jll i ...,, >if, J ..:, Ie, ', fill Ti .r r..'7 [) r, r ili,', I,- pi., ,r.|,.. [,i..:, i, J,'' h- r | .-i .| $499,900 Over 1.7 acres of beautifully shrubbed and landscaped :' I J '" ''l I s':01 I, I' n 4 -i+, 1. "' 2 ...n i,, Ji ,,, it" ,i I,' 2 15.900. EJ.'I. ,"''i. i rJil..i' -.,: + acre. mini estate 11, i ,:. i-l L n';n ii J : .' jl' uio-'. J '.' ,rr.- L i.I.':, ,"$,) $1"9,900. 2/1 home located on a generous-sized 1+ acre lot tucked away on a quiet.street. Oak trees create a back .. ,,.J .:.] F.'i.|',h, b,: r ', -. tcc 165.000. * h -, ll. r,-Ul'_ N J 1' h l .:. I :Il I )" J'. il1 u'- li'l1 : Montura, beautiful new 2006 3/2 manufactured home .nL[fh, r-Fi-r ,' v. u'L, l$1I.99O Sliji'lllbLCr Fj"iln F-ri'"l.'ll| '.' l 1 i.,c' lh.'ui|ltlul d 'r i. lh r it -Fil l fvI ,' 1 pl1'i 1 t" julllul h ll .' i crn..t ,ji, n- i 'l .I t'Jlb l ri-ii' 'J 'IIT, I I.' Cruriin cr:. ''"' '$13'.,9)0 * k ': inrd rul'.dc uI Littli bul lun:l I ,, I 1 -.,iTi' ,.:h,:.,i'. ,r ih, ,ppir, .B I I ,,J.h. ,'-.J u ,,l.'.t" l;:a lui .ll ':'r pl Cr,, i .'r, i tl',, l '"jtrrN':L "'l:"-Jl'' l":" c , j rd'7 lub 1A Iri il .'t ci Jll lc ii r Tllrd l FITI e' dAll .:. '.i- J... $132.00) * iBRI/B 'Tn uilj,.iuh Jo r.c' :,,ici t :-'- a :j t "7i :'j|' : S/D in Orlon.cJ i. oijrir d-. ti ptir.-,CIT) ," it .ii, de* l' lp,,.1., .t 1grc a i n tj. r'..' l 1 0$120,000 * ,enfino No Pv.'j.-i' % ":' l.:.'., J. ll Ilat |T...,icl lirl :cc hij" g.":al ,.o'lcrptl.hi led'' 1 ,,, ,..,ir7 J n': Sit' Prj "i t ir:u; ',l ".i rr ,:, .',;r rr i,, ,J', r' 113 .500 * kti.,,njjl: hi- tli- I, I:.,',"' jR[ 2B ..,.tfuhl.lu'lo-J h..rn',c ir, |.., ,., I.'.i h..'i .hu,.,- .. ,-d ,'i ,pi4 o Ui.i,-,-' Ic l [rr: ;* t...."'.',T,. 1..- -,'j iyr. 1`01I"r'.:.i- .. C. I lII.1:1.l I. Irn irj' $105,900 * llh.'t jI Ir I ,' 4 1 'i B rm J.ruir'J h...u ih 'PNE COTRACT ""lj "':'"-p -I- '-i 'l, ltl +0. ri|l'.i i.. ,!,i:,,:..I F |.hhi T irf_,f? c'i:*p n .!: Jn,,J ,.',u ,1.11 ir'lJ n i'a jl' iir.i mci'.l 'eri 5,000 C J,::l bl.'1 1 .," l::' 'p IT-H,,; h ul Ir. lul, j ,i:- il o r',r! 2.' L .,i I:-, i,:.:' irM Ir'..: .r,,i F i,., ,i,. ,i'',J ,I'ati r i 1, .' n i q,$7' i h,,, 5i,,' t8"5.000 ' * t''r -l]"l'r:'r'f L- riir.': ''C ricl'''-ihr-i. ll f'ir p t'l "':1| irj ,-, ,'l ,, .llt -' oI', -i i l 1f A" I -', V, l I lP-r I nili fl ,:,f -,: f, i .rl ,: l ? r ;1Jii,, ', i' ,,,'' i.l'' ,,i" .'1, 1" d "lhlc,'J dlh cll JdrJ ti. lh-I, ]It-c : ,l1" your side in this investment! $2,750,000. * Locadon with a Future! 1700 Ft. Denaud. 6.39+/- Acres already zoned RG1. Surrounded by upscale sub- , hi'. ,',-, 'r..p c m'ij 5,j.ji h'r". 'J.:. ,i'. $808 0.000 - rt,, .'~.' I t.; tr ,fr f"fJIc. r' ptrrrIr9 Lic $00O.000. a !jm c .. ,r.fr.r61'Irtr.. .'j'LrI'': .t .I' .. tE, I, 1l,,1 p....i A dl rJ I.,.r -.fJ:I1.... I $t130.0010. let'terI 1-f[, ,tI re'e' Iff f r d tr i .''l -kii$95.i000 pwtli' J93.900. *Callfor prices on Allour hitoriun Ui.Ningi! $61.900. Po%sible 'tier fliundiag. * Berasitiul 1 "r 1 d + I ,- h-,M- F L':1': tbllli II'TI' t1 ul O'('I ennuli' rir01 1 It'r 'i tt .' I III, pjrr'~r'r. iCr. 0 I :.'[tL l' $46,9i110 *Call 3boui oar Pon Likde Ioilt * Prime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel located near West Glades Elementary in Muse and just minutes away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot. * l.,:,,]:. .., -, F., t.;I;i :' .i.:.:l ti.ui1lJrr5 .iF,.., r ;,HIII. .ll ,ll', h .l',,, l' l, :l,',h | ,, -.i ...|l-l Ji, I. h ,:Jl I'rJu Ilijl ,j ,: '. l 'llI. ,' rjr!c ,: ll':'j 'ur I.: '' - nesses. Listed at only $525,000. . 1.18+/- acres zoned C-I commercial just South of LaBelle with 175+/- feet of frontage on SR29 and frontage on Luckey Street. Asking $450,000. * Beautiful .25+/- acre corner lot in downtown LaBelle w/great potential. Currently zoned foor single family w/a possibility of rezoning to Business. $119,900. RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE, INC. 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 863-675-2718 1-877-675-2718 FEATURES OF THE WEEK Site features frontage'on the main river CBS HOME IN THE CITY! 3BR/2BA and the "Old River." Old River frontage w/splitrfloor plan, large bedrooms, over- includes 60 ft. of protected dockage. No sized family room and beautiful shaded corps setbacks on either lot. $1,500,000 home site. $199,900 WATERFRONT & PRIVACY AT IT'S 3BR/2BA HOME. WELL KEPT & BEST! This recently renovated CLEANI This home is truly a beauty 3BR/2BA home is located at the Ortona from the inside out. Features: ceramic Locks. Fish from your own private dock. tile, bonus room w/hurricane shutters, (Permit in place to add new dock w[ lift.) screened porch, alarm system & spa- Priced to Sell!!! $499,900 cious bedrooms &* bathrooms. Well man- BEAUTIFUL RIVERVIEWS from this icured corner lot'w/irrigation system. A waterfront home site on dredged river must see! $189,000 oxbow w/ private dock in place. Home 2BR/2BA "LIKE-NEW" manufactured home site is located approx. 75 ft. from the w/laree screened room on 1.25 acre home main river. Permits are in place to re- ite armed w/ scattered trees.... $135nnn dredge oxbow. $499,000 BEAUTIFULLY RENOVATED "OLD FLORIDA STYLE" HOME! 3BR/2BA two story home on Vs acre gorgeous lot covered'w/ oaks. Renovations include new electric, a/c, insulation, wood and ceramic tile flooring throughout, granite counter tops, new stainless steel appli- ances & much more! $319,000 WATERFRONT HOMES/LOTS LOCATION. LOCATION. LOCA- TION!Q This 3 +/- acre peninsula has over 700' of Caloosahatchee River: frontage with Hwy. 29 access. Zoned C-2 your possibilities are endless! $3,300,000 INVEST NOW! One of the few river- front acreage parcels on the market. 10.7 Acres w/ 600 +/- feet fronting on the river. Look to the East and West & enjoy views from the raised riverbank. The waterfront piece features lakefront on the South side & riverfront on the North. Parcel's future land use is leisure recreation (LR). Your possibilities are endless here! $3,500,000 SPECTACULAR RIVERFRONT ESTATE SITE w/ over 200 ft. of water- front & already separated into 2 lots. PRIVATELY OWNED man-made deep water canals in LaBelle! This waterfront homesite is located in LaBelle City lim- its. Home site includes ownership of the canal, which provides protected boat dockage and direct access to the Caloosahatchee River. $299,000 GORGEOUS RIVERERONTI This 1.04 acre lot is wooded and located on County Road 78. Build your dream home on this parcel & enjoy endless views of the Caloosahatchee River. Price Reduced $499,900 SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR NATURE LOVERS. This 2/2 CBS Home & Guest mobile is on Jack's Branch w/ river access. This Unique property also has its own private ISLAND. Gorgeous property is covered with large oaks. Call for more details. This is a MUST SEE. $475,000 HOMES IN LABELLE AFFORDABLE AND WELL MAIN- TAINED 3BR/2BA manufactured home w/office or possible 4th bedroom: Perfect starter home or rental invest- ment. Located within city limits, com- pletely fenced & priced to sell! $99,900 3BR/2BA MANUFACTURED HOME on fenced lot.w/:many oaks in LaBelle. Home has 12' x 14' deck, perfect for entertaining. $119,900. A GREAT RENTAL INVESTMENT OR STARTER HOME! This 3BR/2BA man- ufactured home has a lot to offer. Split floor plan, deck, new carpet & paint. Priced to sell! $125,000 IMMACULATE 3BR/2BA MANUFAC- TURED HOME situated on shaded oversized lot in town & completely fenced. Home features vaulted ceilings, split floor plan, kitchen with pantry & breakfast island. Reduced $134,900 THIS IMMACULATE 2BR/1.5BA HOME is located in the center of town close to everything. What a terrific home for someone just setting out on their own or sizing down. Home is partially furnished & ready for you! $159,900 OAKS, FENCED BACK YARD, 3BR/2BA CBS home in the heart of LaBelle. Great location! $195,000 CHARMING 2BR/2BA CEDAR HOME sits on oversized corner lot in the city. Features are vaulted ceilings, tile, French doors, fenced back yard & extra storage. $199,900 HOMES 3BR/2BA CBS HOME w/Pool in Laurel Oaks, very desirable neighborhood w/great floor plan for a growing family. 3BR/1BA CBS HOME on 8.8+/- acres Property is surrounded by large oaks & fronting on paved road approx. 3 miles a few fruit trees. Home/pool needs TLC from town. Property 'is fenced & cross & some repairs. Home is being sold AS fenced w/ gorgeous oaks and horse sta- IS. $235,000 ble. $490,000. MOVE IN READY Newly rempodeled 3.18 +/- ACRES W/COTTAGE STYLE 3BR/2BA home located on large lot in HOME located in Port LaBelle the city. New carpet, flooring and interi- Ranchettes, one of LaBelle's most desir- or paint & spacious master bedroom, able communities. Situated at the end $179,900 of a cul de sac w/ peaceful,& private set- OXTTr CONDOTTr fON THE lMARKEFT TN ting. Cathedral cei-linos ceramic tile LABELLE! This 2BR/2BA unit would make a great rental investment or full- time residence. Located on the first floor this condo features a greenbelt view, tile in kitchen/ bathrooms & a bonus room. Comfortable living awaits your arrival! $150,000 UNDER CONTRACT THIS 2 BR/1.5BA MOBILE HOME is located in quiet River Oaks Subdivision, Ortona. Great investment for the part- time Floridian, or a great get-away. Home being sold partially furnished & offers split floor plan w/ vaulted ceilings. $58,500 UNDER CONTRACT HOMES ON ACREAGE UNIQUE, DESIRABLE AND SECLUD- ED! Less than a mile from the new West Glades Elementary. 14.5 acres in one of the fastest growing areas of Glades County. Surrounded by large acreage, this parcel has been cleared & fenced. This custom built home is spacious and very well kept. Over 3,400 sq.ft. split floor plan features ceramic tile, 3 large bedrooms, walk-in closets & 2.5 spacious baths. Island kitchen has walk-in pantry, breakfast area & is open to the large family room. Master bedroom & bath offer his and hers walk-in closets, garden tub, separate shower, dual sinks & access to the pool. Too many extras to mention. $1,475,000 COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS PRIME LOCATION! Business zoned property located in Downtown LaBelle. Perfectly situated on the corner of (HWY 29) Bridge Street and Park Avenue, less than 1 block from the Caloosahatchee River. 1,846 sq. ft. Historical Florida-Style two story build- ing fronts on Bridge Street. $850,000 A QUAINT CRACKER-STYLE .... ................ .. OFFICE on Park Avenue. Already set up throughout, open floor plan & wrap for a business office- including. hone around porch. $469,900 for a business office- including phone SPACIOUS 4BR/2BA MANUFA- lines, air conditioning, commercial CTURED HOME on 4.84 +/- acres grade carpeting and landscaping. completely fenced, pond & mostly Screened front porch adds to its Florida cleared. Split floor plan, large master charm. $399,900 bedroom/ bath, office/nursery, formal BUSINESS ZONED! This 2BR/1BA. Living room, family room & open home is situated on a high traffic road in kitchen w/ island. $325,000 the city. Just 2 blocks north of Hwy 80 SPACIOUS MANUFACTURED HOME and 1 block east of Bridge Street and ON 5+/- ACRES. Property has pond,, surrounded by local banks and business- fenced, cleared & ready for your horses. es. Price reduced $195,000 This 4BR/2BA oversized home features INDUSTRIAL split floor plan, wood-like flooring in liv- INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY! Excellent ing areas & many extras! $285,000 investment opportunity w/ 277' frontage 3BR/2BA NEW CONSTRUCTION on Hwy 29. 1.59+/- acres on corner of CBS HOME1 Split floor plan, 2,000+ Hwy 29 and N. Industrial Loop Road, 3 total sq. ft., granite counter tops, 18" steel buildings- (Warehouse-3,800 sq. ft.; ceramic tile, vaulted ceiling and many shop 1,600 sq. ft. ; office building 2,520 more upgraded features. $245,000 sq. ft.) all currently leased. $1,300,000 QUIET COUNTRY RETREAT! Like BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES new manufactured home on 2.82 acres TABS I OPO The Gator in quiet Ft. Denaud. Immaculate home ESTABLISHED IN 1984 The Gator offers vaulted ceilings, entertainment Bait Pub has been a thriving business in package includes large screen television the Pioneer Community for many years. w/ stereo & surround sound, split floor If you've ever wanted to run your own plan, built in computer center, large Restaurant and Lounge here's your master br & ba w/ garden tub and sepa- chance. This quaint establishment .rate shower. Upgraded appliances, large comes fully furnished with a completely open kitchen w/ eat-in breakfast bar & equipped kitchen, and offers a great formal dining. $199,500 start for any entrepreneur. Priced at $174,500 SE HABLA ESPAIWOL www.Ilabelleriverside.com E-mail realestate@labelleriverside.com .; Marilyn Sears Licensed' Real Estate Broker Sales Associates Nancy Hendrickson, Margaret Whatley, Yvonne Doll, Consuelo Tarin Lopez, Suzanne Sherrod, Judy Cross McClure and Receptionist Emily Curtis 1.11UROMCLY, WUNY --o I ment District (SFWMD) and the United States Geological Survey (USGS). The South Florida Water Man- agement District (SFWMD) "manages" the water in the watershed and issues permits for water use for utility compa- nies and farms. By coordinating the total amount of water that can be pulled from lakes, canals and underground water, SFWMdD protects the water sup- ply. By allowing a measured amount of water to flow into and out of lakes, canals, etc., flood control is coordinated. SFWMD manages canals and water control structures and the construction contracts that are building the reservoirs, water management areas, filling in canals and the like that are local- ed on SFWMD property. - The United States Geological Survey (ULSGS is heavily involved with CERP, SFWMD and the COE. It is rather the "glue" that keeps the very tech- nical issues and makes sure'the other agencies have the benefit. of'the best science the U.S. has to offer. USGS brings such tech- nological tools as geospatial satellite imagery. Not only does LISGS provide the research, their scientists join in the meetings with other CERP partners to be certain the scien- tific information is understood by all and is part of the decision making. USGS, SFWMD and COE are truly partners in the restoration of a healthy South Florida ecosystem. %.L -&am mau ONLY i.U. J .JU U UUIME, U ,. ,l I i By storing water someplace except in Lake Okeechobee, the water level in the lake will be low- ered. An independent panel of sci- entists found the Herbert Hoover Dike is threatened by high lake lev- els. In case there is any confusion, an "independent" report is just that. If a study is commissioned to be independent, that is what the scien- tists are paid for; their best profes- sionaljudgment. With a lower water level, light will reach the bottom of the lake and the vegetation will re-grow, fish will spawn and mature. With water storage other than the lake, less water will be released into the coastal estuaries and the water that is released will be cleaner. It will be an ecosystem that can provide clean safe drinking water, water to support agriculture and storage areas that will allow pollutants to settle out and stop fouling the rivers. Parts of the Kissimmee River will be slowed by restoring the oxbows and adding basins along the wvav again to store water. \Vater conser ovation areas and reser- oirs become areas for recreation and habitat for. endangered species. More storage will help restore the flow of clean water to the Everglades. Sources for this article included: South Florida Water Management District, www.sfwmd.gov; United States Geological Survey, www.usgs.sofia.gov/ (South Flori- da Information Access); Florida Statutes Chapter 373, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, http:/www.saj.usace.army.mil/. 8 1 RELIGION Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, July 20, 2006 Let the By Pastor John Hicks First United Methodist Church Urban legend shares the story of a time when Michelangelo was preparing to start work on a big slab of marble. A crowd formed as people gath- ered around to watch the mas- ter in his work. One little girl in particular was fascinated by the sight of) chips flying nd the sound of mallet on chis- John el. Unable to Hicks contain her curiosity, the little girl inquired, "What are you making?" Michelan-' gelo replied, "There is an angel in there and I must set it free." When we made the decision to become Christians, we were pre- sented a large cold white marble block called religion at our confir- mation or conversion. Religion is not our goal but it is the place we must first start. Religion is a marble slab and we have to find, like Michelangelo, the angel inside. This angel of our religion is faith, and our task is to take the mallet in hand and set to work to form it and set it free for all to see. We say we are the Church, Christians, or Disciples. There are many names with varying degrees of meaning but in the end they all describe the same thing. We are not just a business or institution. We are a people of Faith. We are born through faith, live by faith, and die in faith. faith in Jesus Christ. Faith can set us free if we know how to live it. The first small step we take in doing this is learn- ing to believe just a little. Jesus does not ask us to have a mountains' worth of faith, just a seeds' worth. A young boy by the name of James had dreams of becoming rich and famous by making and selling cheese. After making his cheese, he would load his horse drawn wagon and drive down the chips fly streets of Chicago to sell the cheese. As the months passed, the young boy began to despair. In spite of his long hours and hard work, things were not working out well and he was not making any money. One day James pulled his horse to a stop and began to talk to him. He said, "Paddy, there is something wrong. We are not doing it right. I am afraid we have things turned around and our priorities are not where they ought to be. Maybe we ought to serve God and place him first in our lives." The boy drove home and made a covenant that for the rest of his life he would first serve God and then would work as God directed. Many years after this, the young boy, now a man, stood as Sunday School Superintendent at North Shore Baptist Church in Chicago and said, "I would rather be a lay- man in the North Shore Baptist Church than to head the greatest corporation in America. My first job is serving Jesus." So, every time you take a take a bite of Philadelphia Cream cheese, sip a cup of Maxwell House, mix a quart of Kool-Aid, slice up a DiGiorno Pizza, cook a pot of Mac- aroni & Cheese, spread some Grey Poupon, stir a bowl of Cream of Wheat, slurp down some Jell-Q, eat the cream out of the middle of an Oreo cookie, or serve some Stove Top Stuffing, remember a boy, his horse named Paddy, and the promise little James L. Kraft made to serve God and work as He directed. In my chiseling, I have learned this simple truth: Jesus isn't inter- ested in the quantity of our faith just the quality of it. A little boy's faith is more than enough. More. significantly, Scriptures tell us that it only takes a mustard seeds' worth if it's genuine. So, chisel with me and let the chips fly, and let us find the faith that lives inside, and let us create the masterpiece that God intends us to be. Bishop ordination set VENICE The ordination of Msgr. Frank J. Dewane, 56, as. coadjutor bishop of the Diocese of Venice by Bishop John J. Nevins will be held at 2 p.m., Tuesday, July 25, at Epiphany Cathedral, Venice. The solemn Mass, which will. be aired live on television throughout the Venice Diocese and on radio through the south- ern portion of the diocese, will be the first ordination of a bishop in the Venice Diocese. Bishop Nevins, the founding bishop of the Venice Diocese, was ordained an auxiliary bishop in the Archdiocese of Miami. The co-consecrators will be Most Rev. John C. Favalora, D.D.,Archbish- op of Miami, and Most Rev. Diar- muid Martin, D.D., Archbishop of Dublin. Dignitaries from across the globe are expected to attend. Area Church News in Brief Church plans Men's Day St John First Missionary Bap- tist Church, located at 600 Southwest Eighth Street, Belle Glade, Rev. Dr. Robert L. Rease, Pastor cordially invites the Glades community to come and fellowship with us our Men's Day Service Sunday, July 23, 2006 at 11 a.m. The speaker will be Rev. Woodrow Hay. For more infor- mation, contact Deacon Cor- nelius Foster at (561) 996-6306. Friday Night Lights CLEWISTON Evangel Church Assembly of God Out- Newszap & Newspapers We make it easy to stay up-to-date! Community homepages newmzap.com Click anytime for the latest LOCAL HEWS LOCAL ADVERTIH LOCAL ORMAIZA iOS! Featuring links to: m AP wire Weather Obituaries Health news Stock quotes Horoscopes TV listings Movie listings Lottery results Food & recipes White Pages Yellow Pages & much more! Newszapl Online News & Information nOwzap.Com reach Center is open from 7 until 10 p.in. every Friday to all 7-12 grade students in our communi-. ty. Activities available include basketball; three Play Station 2 units, music, and games. Snack bar with great prizes is open each night. Servicio en Espanol CLEWISTON -First Methodist Church of Clewiston is starting a Hispanic Worship Service Sunday evenings at 7 p.m. Son todos bienvenidos. Everyone is wel- come! Call Rev. Perez at 677-3190 with questions, Glades General Hospital, where rewarding careers and a bright future await you... Allied Health Pharmacist FT & PRN, Current Fl. license, m inmum 2 yrs. hospital experience, exp. with pharmacokinetics, renal adjustment, MUE, unit inspections & clinical services, possess excellent communication & customer service skills. PRN requires weekend rotation, FT requires every other weekend. Dietitian Must be RD or LD. BS degree with major in Nutrition Dietetics or equivalent with internship or traineeship in a health care setting. Minimum 2 yrs. experience in clinical nutrition in a health care setting. Nutrition support exp. a plus. Pharmacy Tech PRN, Must have exc. computer & customer service skills, Algebra, be dependable, great work ethic. Prefer CPht, some hospital exp., will train. Requires weekend rotation. Collection Specialist FT, Experience on Collection follow-up, remittance advise and UB92's. Knowledge of Medicare/Medicaid secondary Billing. Must have strong knowledge of Medicare/Medicaid guidelines, proficient in Word/Excel. Must have 1-3 yrs. of Billing/Collections experience with an emphasis on Medicare/Medicaid. Excellent customer service skills, Pleasant and self-motivator. Nursing Opportunities GENEROUS New Salary Structure! *Med/Surg. FT 8p-8a CCU FT/PRN 8a-8p Telemetry FT 8p-8a ER FT 8p-8a OB FT/PRN 8a-8p & 8p-8a OR FT, 7a-4:30p ER CNA/Unit Secty FT Ba-8p Competitive Pay & Excellent Benefits Resume, Fax (561) 993-5627 Email: lrivera@gladesgeneral.org or apply at: U 1201 S. Main St. Belle Glade, FL A E ,(561) 996-6571 G L A D E S t GENERAL Ext. 222 HOSPITAL Fax: (561) 993-5627 DFWP/EOE/M/F When I want a simple answer and it doesn't come By The Rev. Samuel S. Thomas, Ph. D. Saint Martin's Church, Clewiston Accounting was never one of my stronger abilities. My father was an accountant and his advice was "Pretend it's your money then you'll be careful about handling it." I used to get the bottom lines to balance, but usually got the totals wrong. So much for my experi- ences with accounting' What I learned, though, that it wasn't just moving numbers from one col- umn to another. It was more involved than that. There were decisions to be made about how to charge items off, what was added or deducted as deprecia- tion, how to account for items in storage and their cost; last-in-first- out, or last-in-last-out. It turned out to be very, very involved and something that required a great deal of application. When it comes to religion, it gets involved, too. There was a man who told a minister that all he needed to know about reli- gion was summed up in the Lord's Prayer and the Ten Com- mandments. The minister replied "and all I need to know about astronomy is summed up in 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star'." There is an acquaintance with faith -- that leads to appreciation of it, but it may not be. . as simple as it first seems. I remember learning "Now I lay SamuelS. me down to Thomas sleep, the Lord I pray my soul to keep, If I should die before I wake, the Lord I pray my soul to'take, Amen" and it filled the bill as a lbetirn pjr.lyerwhen I was very young. Later, bedtime prayers included people and problems, asking God to get involved in my life or someone else's, trying to remember to be thankful once and awhile, and being per- plexed about why tlhi ir, hap- pened to people, including me. The questions brought the real- ization' that my relation with God was more involved II,,:n "Now I lay me down to sleep..." and that some searching was needed if I was ever going to get an answer. What looked simple was simple,. but it was complicated too. I've learned that when we want an easy answer, the answer may not be quick or easy after all. I'd like to know about an easy answer to questions about "Why war?" or "Why people can't get along?" or "Why does God let such things happen?" It takes some work to see God's hand in such things; but the effort is well worth it. There are many things I have come to believe that are not easy to believe. Some are distinctly reli- gious; the notion of a "trinity", that prayer works, that in spite of everything God wants us to be with Him, that evil will not ulti- mately triumph, and on and on. I know that, God is three and God is one; simple to say and not to be understood easily. I also know that it works in my life along with the other paradoxes that come my way. I have been told "No" when I've prayed when I've wanted to hear "Yes" but it hasn't kept me from praying. There seem to be times when I get the hoped-for answers to my prayers and other times that things only seem to get worse; and I know there is no sim- ple explanation for when there are "yes's" and when there are "no's." I believe that if I keep at it, and work toward getting it right one day, there will be more "yes's" than "no's" because I'll.get a step closer of how to do it right and what God wants to see happen. I have also found that with the willingness to allow for the diffi- cult answer, there comes a certain peace. The recognition that "this isn't going to be as simple as I wanted it to be" brings with it a knowledge that I'm going to have to get busy if I am to understand where God is in all that is going on; with the faith that "Surely, God is in here somewhere" and it's time to start looking even if He isn't in the obvious places. I know if I had stuck with accounting that one day I'd figure out what it was all about and how to get it right. I picked another path instead and am still on it; and I've learned to be thankful when things are simple or easy; and to search diligently -when they're not. God is in there; that ill see me through. Ig ^^ I . newszap.com Co,, mnunit Links. Individual Voice.s. ------------------------.----- g RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE, INC. 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 863-675-2718 1-877-675-2718 PORT LABELLE LOTS LABELLE HOMESITES 8012 Mill Court $38,900 3rd Avenue .45 Ac $70,000 2006 Inglewood Cir $38,900 3027 Harvard Cir $39,900 3075 NE Beechwood Cir $48,000 2001 Montana Circle $47,500 W Leader Coturt (Adjoining Lot also available) $45,000 W Leader Ct (Unit 102) $45,000 MONTURA RANCH ESTATES 165 S. Granja St 1.25 Ac $49,900 175 S. Granja St 1.25 Ac $49,900 539 Hunting Club Ave 1.25 Ac $49,900 372 Horse Club Ave 1.25 Ac $49,900 585 N. Willow St 1.00 Ac $49,900 Calhoun Street .64 Ac $89,000 Calhoun Street .42 Ac $89,900 201 N. Hickory St .62 Ac $98,500 OTHER AREA HOMESITES 924 Wildflower Street Lake Placid .25 Ac $39,900 922 Wildflower Street Lake Placid .25 Ac $39,900 1015 Naples Ave. Street Lehigh $46,000 ACREAGE 5171. Chiquita Dr. (Charlotte Co) 10 Ac $89,900 40 Acres (Gerber Grove) $660,000 Thinking About 'Where Yc'u'(L Come Up ffj~r ew3-Home? Worry No More ve9-Have.A '~Sofut ion For Joul Stop Renting, Build Your Dream n om CasbAt & Pay off Credit CardT We Placed Loans That Others Colvidn't Alan Kelly Mortgage - Call Bob Hahn Now! 823-674-009.. NO ONE WILL WORK HARDER FOR YOU THAN JAMIE NAVARRO GIVE HIM A CALL ON HIS CELL AT (239) 822-9272 -.- , WREALT1 C. BAGANS FIRST ,i'\\ OR :. 30 Colorado Rd Lehigh Acres, FL 33936 L., I- o'll| ni i 1"i i 11 I' .Cpi tedH' :.,m r '.iii.i i4 It i,"Ti 'Ic: is homefea- r,.ir'. ifl o""lI, li-id-.':jping, new a/c, kids. jrL. t,:chti i.|-i, 'I:iTn, green n porch, .tile :,,ji,. r,, ,.Ur 1I.k ,i. I:many extras to nrii,-riun This h:'rnm i-s lxJted on the west ",d': in ;' irhi J ,.aJ..nl i' iL. ,IeIfh:'-.ls. .hI,.lfpr, I..,,rniki ,, jnl ,:.If, rfig $.7j9,900. '5 VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS* SALES CINDY L. ALEXANDER LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER i ASSOCIATES: EDITI HACKMANN SCOTT HACKMANN, IROOKE BRUCE AND DON BURDICK L''K 675-0500 S. NEWLOCATIONI I233 N. BRIDGE ST On the comer of BRIDGE ST & WASHINGTON N-*. SE HABLO ESPANOL RENTALS AVAILABLE, has 2 master bedrooms, new roof, IN LEHIGH ACRES in the interior paint and A/C. Asking Westminster Gated Golf $279,900. Community. Fully furnished 3+office/2/2 with pool. $2,000/m LOCATED IN LEHIGH NO PETS/NON-SMOKING ACRES 3Bedroom/2Bath, 2 car 3/2/1 PORT LABELLE -garage built in 2001 and in excellent $1,000/M NO PETS 3/1 OFF M.L.K. BLVD. on condition. Home over looks a canal Seminole Ave. $800/M. NO PETS and located in a great area close to [N FORT MYERS on Gibson St. Ft. Myers but out enough for peace 3/3/1 $1,200/M NO PETS. and quiet. $230,000. 3/1 ON 29 NORTH $700/M. NO and qet. $230,000. PETS. IN PIONEER! 3Bedroom/2Bath OUR FEATURED large doublewide mobile home on LISTINGS FOR THIS WEEK fenced in 2.5 acres. Dual fireplace, IN FORT MYERS. 3Bed- room/3Bath, 1 car garage in a great walk-in closets, outside -building. location. Close to everything. Home Asking $184,900. REDUCED! In 1 .1 .. .... .. ...k ; * $85,000 20BD/1.5BA Great retirement or starter home. New carpet and tile. This is a must seelt Call for more info. * I! ."i i i' :i.i r il, ,. *,h[, . r sha pin I and restaurants . ACREAGE: $1,600,000 12.76+/ acres lots of old oaks. Currently $1.500,000 Hwy 27 frontage. Currently Auto Salvage yard. $1,250,000 16.01+/- Acres Great Development Oppoln nin!' Close to schools, recreational park, town shops n and uch more! $988,025 Warehousea & office on 1.38+/- acre. One of a kind Auto Salvage yard. .. l't, 1t. .ti ll .t I, * PRICE REDUCED s'n nin i I .. I.. adoining BabIcock property in lMuse. Paved road access. * $850,000 .+/- acres beautifully secluded with pasture, ,p,,d.a, cabbage palms and oaks. * $650,000 2+/ acre in the heart ofAlvauon busy SR 80. * $349,000 5.76+/- acres on a tropical setting in Moore H aven Property features all sorts of exotic fluit trees and plaint. 'Polebarn and 1930's ihomcatre located on tie proper- i Hom is to be sold "as is , * $272,000 10+/ acres wiauth pines. a pondand anshed. * $13,000 $72,900 i .....re information about 3 available lots in Otrdson Park The lots have been nicely main- tained and ar close s to everything in LaBelle. CAIt. FOR AVAILABLE HOMESITE IN PORT LABELLE, MONTURA AND LEHIGH ACRES 9TAT ;TiDG 5005 Pike Lane. Madison II, 3/212 2032 sq frl 22?.900 9016 Lamkin Cir, Madison II, 3/22 2032sq it 1229 900 5009 Pinetree Cir, Cypress II, 3/2/2 2224sci ft '231 900 FREE CREDIT APPROVAL with :CHL Home Mortgage,LLC. Call Chuck Pedrey @ (863)675-3245' Lock Rate by 7/31/06 For FREE INTEREST RATE BUYDOOWr'0 Call 863-612-0551, or Toll Free, 866-224-8392 Cell: 863-673-5061 vv ,%- rhihornebuiler5 .. 'i 0B39922 *AHl Spec Homes Include 1/ Acre or More Home site "Paved Roads"Counrly W ater"Po,. r**4 Schools in Subdivition" WHY RENT WITH LISTINGS LIKE THESE? L. :5L 238 N.I BrideS.LBeBIeaLB3393 RL Arlt- R G Erouqe, hi.o. $1,000,000- Stunning siews from this 2 story haverfront .. o m..... i ,,ai .,,c ... ... .,. home. lome features 3BD/2BA aspasonthedeckoffthemas- n d," r, L ,i n ...... .e. I I. D......,. I I II. , ter suite and more. Enjoy Beautif sunrises and sunsets from home has new tile, carpet. paint, cabinets, hot water heat your own dock. Call today for more info. batihrloo and new roof nith a transferale warrant Gre HOl ME investment potent tial or first time hoe buyer S$526,000 PRICE REDUCED 4BD/BA home on 1+/-spacious home MOBILE HOMS: ,, r,. Stunning v.... ..s from this .,, ............2 story iverfront. $499,000 This 3 /2..A ie home sit o 9. .+ h .ome Home features 3BD/2BA a spa on the deck off t i as- ..).h h .., i .... i .1 11. . S$74,900 and more. Enjoy Beautif sunrisell and sunset s from hoe on scene in leorch, carep ce, painted arpet and i s water h manicured 1+/- acres in LaBelle's first gated Riverfront accessible. This is a must see! Community. $475,000 Spacious 3B0/3BA mobile home in Muse sits (o $299,900 PRICE REDUCED- Beautiful like new 3BD/2BA 5+/- acres. This spacious home features an addition ition wi i with 2 car garage home in the 'Belmont area. Patio and deck own entrance and much more. The properly has a ponr areainbackyard. i i.. ,, ., . !-P ... . $229,900 PRICE REDUCED! ,,. ....... 3BD/2BA house with garage. Split floor plan, 1, n'. fire place. Master bathroom has a garden tub and dual sinks. Carpet and tile throughout. This is a must see! * $204,900 New 3BD/2BA home on a beautiful lot. Master bathroom has a garden tub w/separate shower. Kitchen fea- tures an island w/extra sink & more don't let this one slip by! * $179,900 2BD/2BA Excellent vacation or starter home on 'i ern-r lot in Pnrrt I pelleh flrini, li tine rnnmwm iinrl -p'tet S$169,900 PRICE REDUCED!- New 3BD/2BA home. This home features split floor plan and the kitchen has a morning room. el' er, at- i i',s home on 229+/- acres. This isa very spaioushome in in mac- ulate condition iad has mianv extras Cal lodvi, for appointment. * $300,000 3BD/1BA msioile ihomie in Mulsc whh l1h resis oin 5+/- acres features a ne \ well and roof1 Prl)otTi'ilt i, lsi fenced with a shed and pond. * $197,900 Immaculate 2 t/2 tear old illVi2BA mal.nuifac tured hionie across from llte never and hoi at rI m ,ns man) m; .im "' .1. 1, .i ., ,,, ..... ticalla i if oe inaufi) * I 'ii I .. B. '.1 18 uiln I S+, aiC s in hi, se. , it I,,,' i I. I, ,, additional room that can be us'd as ain office or atising room 'IThe well and septic tank aic nett Call tod) lir an a ppoint- ment. $* 165,000 REDUCED D/2BA nalUfanil Itured me onil I d ',,, 1... * $115,000 IocationtLocatiions.ication'hihs ctirner lot in the city features a 3BD/2BA mninufat mind home. Tlis home was remodeled in 2003, roof swa al ioeplaieds. The aird is fenced and there is also a separate privacy fei ve in hie hack , Home Builders Building Communitres One Quality Home ar a im-.:.' Hendry County's #1 Top OtWh(vy Builder, Includes impact Fees 8 Allo,' -ance for Lot Prep We haveE Tlr!' Homes A.~1,lable IJrof " b .d.. ,,.. 7026 Gill Cir, Buttonwood, 3/2/2 1762sq it $207900 3045 June Cir, Maqnolia, 4/2/2 2676sqft 2g7900 c Thursday, July 20, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee I | It JL Thursday, July 20, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee laSSif ieds ..........n, -dtem fo d 25 177-353 .- 424 .if j(. ABLUWEL' ___________________ ~ for any personal items for sale under $2,500 Aninoncements Merchandise Mobile Homes .. -...- _I, Employment lio.;7 Recreation I Financial I Rentals Automobiles Services Real Estate Public Notices Series Esftate More Papers Mean More Readers! 'Reach more readers when you run .-74.- ...- .i .. .- i -.. -. Iw your a inf several papers in our newspaper network. -b Our newspaper network consists of eight papers one daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will reach more than 164,000 readers*! Call Today For Details! Suur,::e-: Pule Reear,:h j .i rler Sur.e.,; Sirnmons Market Reseairch: liIl MIarket ReSe. rch Center fRules for placing FREE ads! To qualify, your ad Must be for a personal item. (No commercial items, pets or animals) be To- quPAlify.yourad Must fit into 1. z inch (that's 4 lines, approximately 23 characters per line) Must include only one item and its price (remember it must be S2.500 or less). No Fee, No Call us!No Problem! No Fee, No Catch, No Problem! / 1-877-353-2424 f rm l ) / 1-877-354-2424(ToI F.) / For All Other Classified Advertising: clossads@newszap.com Mon-Fr /Mon-frH 8 ) -5 -,. DE.DLINES ~/Monday I Ia rm kr~.e-dr M wa,e.r .1 AnnouncementsI Important Informalion" Please read your ad carefully the first day it appears. In case of an inadvertent error, please notify us prior to the jeadli,e ,--i.ed. We will not be responsible for more than 1 incorrect insertion, or for more than the extent of the ad rendered valueless by such errors. Advertiser assumes responsibility for all statements, names and con- tent of an ad, and assumes responsibility for' any claims against Independent Newspapers. All advertising is subject to publisher's approval. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any or all copy, and to insert above the copy the % ord AC i' -.-n_ l ll ads accepted are ..ubj,-,t IG credit approval. All ads must conform to Independent Newspapers style and are restricted to their proper classifications. Some classi- fied categories require advance payment. These classifications are denoted with an asterisk * Auctions 105 Car Pool 110 Share a ride 115 Card of Thanks 120 In Memoriam 125 Found 130 Lost 135 Give Away 140 Garage/Yard Sale 145 Personals 150 Stiecial Notices 155 900 Numbers 160 **LAND AUCTION 200 Props Must be Sold!** Low Down/E-Z Financing. Free Catalog (800)937-1603 -WWW.LANDAUCTION.COM N.R.L.L. East, LLC Auction Business License:AB2509, Mark Buleziuk Auctioneer Li- cense:AU3448, Jeffrey John- ston Auctioneer License:AU3449, Stacey. Mauck Auctioneer Li- cense:AU3447. Love the earth Recycle youP used Items by sell- hg themin the classl- fils. BOSTON TERRIER, No tags, pink toe nails, female, 7/14, vic. of 9 Mile Grade. Reward!! (863)763-9613 or 634-4524 CHOCOLATE LAB, Female, pink collar w/name "Lady", since 7/3 in SW section. Family dog, greatly missed. (863)467-5188 REWARD!!! AMERICAN BULL DOG- 4 years old. Free To Good Home! (863)634-5729 ELECTRIC ORGAN- Looks like a Spinnet piano. Wanting to donate to a Church or Civic Group (863)467-2537 REDNOSE PITBULL- Free. Sol- id White (F), 2 yrs. Needs area to run/attention. Gets along w/other dogs. 863-634-2250 PokeRhythms...they can't fix stupid...but they can fix about everything else. Don't play without them? Get yours FREE for 7 days http://www.poke- rhythms.com. Change every- thing! Heavy Equipment Operator CERTIFIED. Hands on Train- ing. Job Placement Assis- tance. Call Toll Free 8 66)933-1575. ASSOCIAT- D RAINING SERVICES, 5177 Homosassa Trail, Le- canto, Florida, 34461. www.atsflorida.com. PUBLIC AUCTION. I July 22nd, 9:00 a.m. I I 196 State Road 62 I I Wauchula, FL I I 863-773-6600 demottauction.com I Terry DeMott Sr., Auctioneer I I AU1833; AB1285 I L ------- ----- a YARD SALE Place Your YARD SALE ad today! Get FREE signs and inventory sheets! Call Classifieds 877-353-2424 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA- TOR TRAINING FOR EM- PLOYMENT: Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators; National Certifi- cation, Job Placement Assis- tance; Associated Training Services (800)251-3274 www.equipment- school.com. Is Stress Ruining Your Rela- tionships? Buy and Read DIANETICS by L Ron Hub- bard Call (813)872-0722 or send $8.00 to Dianetics, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tam- pa FL 33607. EImp I ment- Employment . FuMl-Time 205 Employment . Medical 210 Employment - Part-Time 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Training 227 Sales 230 A COOL TRAVEL Job. Now hir- ing (18-24 positions). Guys/Gals to work and travel entire USA. Paid training, transportation, lodging fur- nished. Call today, Start to- day. (877)646-5050. AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADE- MY. Start your driving career today! Offering courses in CDL A. One Tuition feel Many payment options! No registration fee! (888)808-5947 info@amed- casddvingacademy.com. CAR HAULING. Southeast Re- gion. $1,100+/WEEK! Great Home Time! Company Paid Benefits! PAID TRAINING FOR DRIVERS WITH MINI- MUM 1 YEAR OTR EXPERI- ENCE! (912)571-9668 OR (866)413-3074. Case Manager Bi-Lingual for family-centered approach home visitation. Belle Glade. Working with pregnant & parenting families. Degree in Social Work or related field required. Resume by Fax to: 561-996-3653 or e-mail to: HumanResources( familiesfirstpbc org Visit us at familiesfirstpbc.oro for more information. CDL-A DRIVERS: Expanding Fleet offering Regional/OTR runs. Exceflent Benefits, Weekend Hometime, Out- standing Pay Package, Lease Purchase on '07 Pe- terbilts. NATIONAL CAR- RIERS (888)707-7729 www.nationalcarriers.com. DATA ENTRY! Work From Anywhere. Flexible Hours. Personal Computer Re- quired. Excellent Career Op- portunity. Serious Inquiries Only (800)344-9636 Ext. 700. Driver- $1000 Sign on Bonus for Experienced Flatbed Driv- ers. Home Week- ends-$950+/Week. Great Benefits & Equipment. Stu- dents w/CDL-A Welcome. Call PGT: (800)837-7748. Driver- HOLD THE PRESS! *Pay Increase! *Increase Speed! *Personal Manage- ment. Call (800)734-8169, Knight Transportation. "Your Hometown National Carrier" COL Class A/4 months OTR. Emlymn Full Tim ,Eplymn 'Ful Tim 020 .. *. j. /: '. ..; :* ,i . IPN I or IIl (FTl'PT. Pordleml f l. I f- L, 1 % C ..,I, l''.lh ,-,. I... -.. 1,. I h..l . Full ame ER RN III Stol, irenw ..r A 1,,, I f0I- ; i. p 'LI l % Peridle. RN Nur-Ing .Supervbol %Ad,,J FL s k ,c t .lh, p [fPli .. .,hiL . ., .i i. l : I l. .F I Full dime/Parl UnJA Home IL'iNLCRIPIONIST Per Diem- C NAMonltor Tech Full uime- En ihlniy Spr dila I'...| ,. ll( .r. l J .. II l.'j .I l .' .. l .. ,., ' ,, T P ,,, i t, l Tr ",'' ,1) U6- J '" l ,"l I.,Ii, k i .. ,. fallL Ume.LPN or C MIA Fill time RU Nu,-, MItn tgr Speial Care IER. ICU) Full ilime- CCU Nurse Mlanger 1 .. .I .r r. Full time Respiratory Therapist CRT.or RRT preferred, with min (2)years exp in adult and general patient care. BLS andACLS are re, Phone: 863-902-3079 or Fax resume to: 863-983-0805 Drug Free Workplace EOE ......................I...................... I Driver Wanted! We are looking for a minimum CDL "B" with Hazmat who is looking for a better opportunity. Our starting pay is a minimum of $12+ hour and we guarantee a minimum of 45 hours per week, plus quarterly cash bonuses. In addition, we offer a benefit package that includes Health Care, fully paid short and long term disability, life insurance and a 401K retirement program with matching C employer contributions. Cut out the long commutes and call this LaBelle company today. 800-330-1369. Education Advisor Assistant Brighton Reservation HS Diploma, Bus'or College Course pref. MS Word, Access, Excel, Outlook. Typing 40 wpm, Exp. in preparing requisitions for payment. Exc. Communication & Organizational skills. Fax res. to (954) 967-3477 DRIVER NEEDED CDL Class B drivers license required. Must have clean driving record. Good benefits pack- 'age. Drug Free Workplace. Call (239)657-3168 and ask for David Carreno or apply in person at: United Agri Products 116 Jerome Dr. Immokalee, FL DRIVER: YOU WANT IT, WE HAVE IT! Solo, teams, owner operators, company drivers, students, recent grads, re- gional, dedicated, long haul. Van, flatbed. Must be 21. CRST Career Center. 1800)940-2778, www.drive- orcrst.com. Driver-HIRING QUALIFIED DRIVERS FOR CENTRAL FLORIDA. Local & National OTR positions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, com- petitive pay & new equip- ment. Need 2 years experience. Call Bynum Transport for your opportu- nity today. (800)741-7950. Find It faster. Sel It soon- er in the classifieds EVERGLADES FEDERAL CREDIT UNION RECEPTIONIST NEEDED Fast paced work environ- ment. Telephone etiquette a must, Proficient Word, and Excel, Bilingual A+. May apply in person or email resume to: morales2@earthlink.net FARM MECHANIC Needed for vegetable and sugar cane operation n Belle Glade area. Pay based on experience plus good benefits. For more information call (561)261-1010 INTERESTED IN A POSTAL JOB Earning $57K/yr Avg Minimum Pay? Our services can help you prepare for the Postal Battery Exam, Find Out How! Call Today For More Information... (800)584-1775 Ref Code #P5799.. Join all the people who say, "I sold it in the clas- sifilds." Emlymn FullTime 020 Empoyen Full Tim The GEO Group, Inc. The GEO Group, Inc. A worldwide leader in privatized corrections BENEFITS INCLUDE: HEALTH, DENTAL, VISION, LIFE, DEPENDENT LIFE INSURANCE & 401 K RETIREMENT CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS" VOCATIONAL INSTRUCTOR U (Web Design). RN ACADEMIC INSTRUCTOR LIFE SKILLS INSTRUCTOR MOORE HAVEN CORRECTIONAL FACILITY 1990 East SR 78NW Moore Haven, FL 33471 Phone 868-946-2420 Fax 863-946-2487 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V HELP WANTED Grounds Keeper Assist in making the maintenance operation more effective and more efficient. Must have the ability to per- form manual labor. Must have a valid Florida driver's license. Electrical Inspector Must have 8 yrs. experience with a licensed contractor. Building Inspector Must have 8 yrs. experience with a licensed contractor. Mechanic 1. Basic mechanic knowledge, experience as an automotive service worker or Mechanic's helper preferred. Highway Maintenance Technician I. Maintains highways, municipal and rural roads, and rights-of-ways in safe condition. Must have a valid Florida Commercial Drivers license, Class B or higher with air brake endorsement. The positions are full time with medical benefits, retirement, sick and vacation leave. These positions will be open until filled. Job description & applications can be obtained in the Satellite Office in Clewiston and the Courthouse in LaBelle in the HR Department. Vet Pref. EEO. Drug free. Applicants needing assistance in the application process should contact the Hendry County Commissioners HR department. SALES ASSOCIATE, GAS/C. STORE BIG CYPRESS RESERVATION Excellent Communication skills, good manual skills, cash handling experience, positive customer service attitude. High School diploma or GED. Flexible working hours. Salary: Based on exp. Fuel & food allowance, incentives. Excellent benefits (medical, dental, 401 K) Fax resume to (954)967-3477. I GLADES ARC WORKSITE AIDE - To work with adults with mental retardation or other developmental disabilities. Duties include: Assist instructor with implementation of individual program plans, assist adults with disabilities in daily living skills, drive a 15 passenger van (CDL required), some computer skills required. Excellent benefits (Drug Free Workplace, Equal Opportunity Employer, Background Screening required & DOT Physical) Call Paul Maccarone at 561-996-9583 to apply and schedule interview. Closing Date: 08/03/06 VISA EMI Empoyen Full Tim E plymn 'Ful Tme 20 .MANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, Moore Haven, LaBelle,, Clewiston and Okeechobee. We are a franchise with 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic, honest, and responsible individuals. We offer: -Excellent Salaries -Medical and Life Insurance -Dental Insurance -401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For an interview please call: 863-983-4224 or mail your resume in confidence to: Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 33440 Eckerd Youth Alternatives has openings for two positions at our Outdoor Therapeutic Program in Clewiston. Both positions are full time with a great benefits package. Maintenance Worker - Perform preventative maintenance and repairs on buildings, equipment, machinery, vehicles, and grounds in addition to lawn care. H.S. diploma or equivalent req. Two years exp. In electrical or mechanical field preferred. ~ Cook - Provide balanced and nutritious meals in compliance with state and federal guidelines. H.S. diploma or equivalent req. Six months of volume food prep and delivery preferred. For more information call (863)983-1400 or fax your resume to (863)983-1405. EOE, M/W/D/V, Drug Free Workplace BRANCH MANAGER GLADES AREA Posted 7-13-06 American Red Cross chapter seeks f/t professional for Glades Area Branch covering western PBC, Glades and Hendry counties. Will provide leadership to develop, implement and manage all American Red Cross service delivery within branch area. Ideal candidate will possess degree and/or management experience in nonprofits and must have knowledge of Glades communities. Excellent benefits package. Please email cover letter and resume to bachmanna()redcross-pbc.org or fax (561)650-9147. EOE/DFWP FOOD PREPARATION ASSOCIATES BIG CYPRESS RESERVATION Excellent communication skills. Good manual skills, cash handling experience. Exp. as a fast order cook preferred, positive customer service attitude. High School Dip or GED. Flexible working hours. Salary based on experience + fuel & food allowance, incentives. Excellent benefits (medical, dental, 401 K) Fax resume to (954) 967-3477 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, July 20, 2006 - -1- Thursday, July 20,2006 20 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee HOTTEST entertainment venue immediately ,Ep e Bartender $9.00 plus tips Part time time with Cocktail Server $5.50 plus tips Count Team Member $9.50 per hour somewhat flexible hours Dining Room Server $5.50 plus tips The ideal candidate will be Housekeeper $9.00 per hour Maintenance Worker $10.00 + B.O.E. self-motivated with an outgoing Players Club Representative $10.00 per hour m av Poker Dealer $28.00 avg. w/grats personality, more than average Prep Cook $8.00 per hour computer skills, bilingual a plus, TAD Machine Technician $12.50 per hour Vault Cashier $10.00 per hour understanding of digital photog- We are also seeking candidates for these professional positions: raphy and.reliable transportation. Financial Analyst The Caloosa Belle offers a Security Supervisor' unique work environment where Benefits available for all employees employees are trusted and www.theseminolecasino.com eare trusted and Apply in person at: 506 S. 1st St., empowered. Immokalee, FL e-mail resume to: 1-800-218-0007 The Seminole Casino is a Drug-free Workplace IMll LEE jkasten@ strato.net SHELTH SUPPORT DAILY WORK DAILY PAY ENj II (Home Heallh Aids L1) ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE #64082771 Arifiry to ririorini Doh clinical i& cieicalwori wih aerallv l LABOR r FINDERS TOW TRUCK DRIVER luiiedC HIVAIDS oihcli 11 HeniryC Curnty He1irih eparrnFien, I | r mdil ., ,'ArrmpJler wlo experience rf.uirfed MA &ior CNA 202E SugrlAnd Hwy (Ar-, 1m ClemI,:r, tr.',l Needed w/CDL(AorB) iirii,:3jr',ri iigiigiji Eniglisri I Spanin reipi ulB.accgrounl (863) 902-9494 sI :eriiri ilingrin rr inlriQ requiredJ 2 years experience required. EEO.AA 0I'Apol on irif- nD.','Oe,,li,- r mv1rll unilir :m r des A Merchandise*! Call (863)612-1171 Call rlr.n rni ,63l675-4041 13 mi or' irdel i1c:. e E NURSING &Ls INSURANCE CAREER:RNsLPNs S ales p o sitio n b ase p ay & F..... -commission, management Air Conditioners 505 opportunities, full benefits What is the "Ideal Sales Job"? You'll Have More Babysitting 05 Ar Conditioners 505 w/group insurance. Will train. Leads furnished! Recession Freedom With Us Child Care Needed 410 Appliances 515 EOE. M-E 863-634-8085 proof! Trillion $ industry! Child Care Offered415 Appliance Parts 520 ITraining! No investment! If you're tired of the typical Instruction 420 Beauty Supplies 525 International Cultural Ex- Your business! Your hours! hospital or medical office: Services Offered 425 Bicycles 530 change Representative: Earn 80k-120k! Call .us: routine, join Prison Health Insurance 430 Books&Maazines535 supplemental income placing (866)858-2713 www.evoy- Services in the exciting field Medical Services435 Buiookldin Materiazines540 and supervising high school es.com. of correctional healthcare at Building Materiant545 exchange students. Volun- the Glades Correctional In- Business Equipment 545 teer host families also need- READING A NEWSPAPER stitution. Carpets, Rugs 550 ed Prr'ri,'i world peace HELPS YOU OiGEI Children's Items 555 N6 Gi F I( E or M NT *-FT, days & nights: IsrcinChina, Glassware, Etc. 560 www.afice.org, 12 hour shifts Clothing 565 (7a-7p & 7p-7a) DELIVER OUR PRECIOUS Coins/Stamps 570 LOADER OPERATOR *PRN, allshifts CARGO: Be a Hendry Collectibles 575 ,,v. ,t,,en nrred ii County School Board Bus Computer./Video 580 )funrinbar,1 -,,fmpi, *-, We offer great rates and Driver Coniarih,:e C cruises 590 (ali lh.16 .7-i1454 benefits. Contact Laverne irarspoalon Dpl i Crues, Linens & Fabi 59 Jones al 561-829-151, 4- 411r raps, Linens & arc 595 SALES MANAGER la. 561-996-3995 CherylJamesonat Fireplace Fixture 600 Hendry County EECO'AA jamesonc@ Firewood 605 Motor Speedway .. ." www/prisonhealth.com hendry.k12.fl.us Fursture 615 Salary plus commission. Furs 615 Contact Tom at: Health & Reducing (772)545-9051 .......ymn, I ;,,N. ,, r Equipment 620 ',dical"i21i1Heating Equipment/ SCALE OPERATOR Supplies 625 Now being hired at PHARMACY TECHNICIAN usehold Items 630 OrtonaSand Company DIRECTOR OF Pos# 145-9992 Jewelry 635 Call (863)675-1454 NURSING Lamps,'Lights 640 SECRETARY-Fullime Newly renovated facility and Seeking full time Pharmacy it u M gaglems 650 SECRETARY Full time new mgmt. team. Looking Tech., for Belle Glade Area. I" Miscellaneous 655 With experience for experienced DON for our H.S./GED certiicaton; 1to 2 Musical Instruments 660 M C Ventures675-3424 155 bed facility. Must have a yrs previous exp. in a clinic, Office Supplies.' al8 6- 324 ,.,rujnl understanding of retail, or hospital pharmacy;, (83)6i3 9 Equipment 665 the long term care regula- and completion of a Certified Pets, Supplies.' TEACHERS tons & survey process. Ex- Pharmacy Technician pro- Services 670 .IM ceptional leadership, gram. Required to pass the aPhotography 675 TEACHERSTIME communication & team certification examinatiofiand i Plumbing Supplies 680 TEACHERS building skills. Candidates receive National Pharmacy Pools b& Supplies 685 To teachtheollowing must be licensed in the state Technician Certificate within ARRESTED? ACCUSED? AC- Restaurant courses at Belle Glade of FL with LTC experience. 1 yr. of hire. Possess C.iET iVICTIM? HURT? Equipment 690 Campus: Excellent salary and bene- knowledge of commonly Talk to a lawyer Now. Call 24 Satellite 695 24 hr. Child Care Work- fits. used medical and pharmacy Hours. Personal Injury and Sewing Machines 700 er Certificaonn W rk S.-.MT symbols and abbreviations.- Criminal Defense. A-A-A At- Sporting Goods 705 er Certification Regula- RISK MANAGEMENT/ Resumes/applicationsmust torney Referral Service Stereo Equipment 710 tons (center based and PERFORMANCE be received by 5:00PM (888)733-5342. Protect. Television/'Radio 715 family (ent based) an IMPROVEMENT 7/28/06. Send applica- Your Rights Tickets 720 family based) Full time ManagementPROVEMEN tions/resumes to: HCDPBC Tools 725 10hrDevelopmentally FulltimeManagement posi- 324 Datura St. #401, WPB, T & Games 730 Appropriate Practices tion. 3+yrs.of LTC/geriatric FL 33401, fax Tames 73 Preschool &2+yrs. of mgmt./super- (561)671-4670 or emailto: Wanted to Buy 740 10 hr. Developmentally visor experience preferred. employment@pbchcd.state.fl.us. NEW SELF STORAGE Appropriate Practices Ability to communicate ef- DFWP EDE, Vet. Pref. 46 units 7x15, 8x15, 1 0x15, School Age fectively. 10x30, 12x30, 15x25. Full I 10 hr. Developmentally 10x30,12x30,15x25.Full Appropdate Practices Interested candidates, Time to clean out the electric, secure on Commereio Infant Toddler please fax resumes to: attic, basement and/o P St. 350ft. from Clewistonnin Child Development As- Attn: Crista, NHA garage? Advertise you Police Dept. 863-983-663,ONER N sociate Equivalency; at 863-983-6698 or yard sale In the classl- 863-983-2808, afterhrs. AIR CONDITIONER: New, Mod I, 11& Ill call 863-983-5123 fields and make your 863-983-8979 5000 BTU. $90. Palm Terrace of Clewiston clean n a breeze (863)612-0992 LaBelle A Bachelors degree or high- 301 SouthGloria St. h iti er w/6 college credits in Ear- Clewiston, FL 33440 r c! aDo-IteYourself Ideas T a led alst . ly Childhood Ed. or Child EOE/DFWP S2 ys p i i EDUCATION cafe are required for all posi- tions. Additionally, faculty who do not have 6 college credit hours in Early Child- hood Education or Child Growth and Development must have the required 2 yrs full time experience in the , 1 ll i I.J h, l 'l lI l 1 i hli U il.l Development Associate Equivalency. Learn more or apply on-line l ll i l' ii i llli l i Pi- l i Beach Community College, -1 '111l C Uiil'ji.- ," i 'rlur I i .' V .i ill FL 33461. EOE/AA/ADA TELLERS 'ii nol community bank looking for tellers for their CleI wiston and LaBelle office, High School diploma or equivalent req. Cash i iiJlii. exp. prof. Exc. -n. ii and great oppor- tunity to become a part of the First Bank family, Contact Mall -'r. t 63-983-8191 863=983-5043 'IF. I'i u, I' II K III ll II I s ll l r11 Illi l Aoply at: h ll I j I l I ill l nl / A II I'V i6 ,.1 1 1 1 1 1 l l i, i j .I We're raising 'for Florida Regional drivers! Home eve- ry .. I. ,,i' Home during the weekly Solid weekly miles 95% no touch! Pro- planned freight! $,43 per mile HEARTLAND EXPRESS (800)441-4953 www.heart- landexpress.com. PSAV Instructor Practical Nursing F/T position Belle Glade Campus Bachelors deg in Nursing w/active, clear FL Nursing lic reqd. 1-3 yrs related exp. to Include 2 yrs clinical practice as a RN also reqd. Part-Time Teachers lj I',,ml. r, llf. Ilc l ir'iwin g courses at Belle Glade Campus: Practical Nursing 1-3 yrs related experience to i l hdi e- / r. r lrini: a pr 11. il ] F. ] ,r ,] ein ]l Health Care j, ,- ,, r; ,Jv tri "i Hejilln Science/Allied Health,or rlin, h ii i I ihi[,:jiii l: iln Health Science/Allied Health Body, Structure & Function S'i,'V i N .Ii w ot urse) '.rIr.|i:,J [lur': wt i' i ii iril ,i r ur .li viii 11 i 1 .11 '' 1 Indilla 0 l OI llli l ii ll jllll ", l l[ | I l Or | l .'lll specialized training industry rwil i i i:Irh l ll rir vli-llmallim science. '. i'.li n ni .l I M ", Onr lllli ilhllll Learn more or i l.,y iuii-ilii] Palm Beach I '. 11111 1 "'iiud -.Lake i.nI liq It s AvI Iiue Lake wa i ii. I-L "1 Business Opportunities 305 Money Lenders 310 Tax Preparation 315 ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Ma- chines, Free Candy All for $9,995. (888)629-9968 B02000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold! NOTICE Independent Newspapers will never accept any advertise- ment that is illegal or con- sidered fraudulent. In all cases of questionable val- ue, such as promises of guaranteed income from work-at-home programs if it sounds too good to be true, chances are that it is. If you have questions or doubts about any ad on these pages, we advise that before responding or send- ing money ahead of time, you check with the Belter Business Bureau at 772-878-2010 for previous complaints. Some 800 and 900 telephone numbers may require an extra charge, as well as long distance toll costs. We will do our best to alert our reader of these charges in the ads, but occasionally we may not be aware of the charges. Therefore, if you call a number out of your area, use caution. Deer Planter Trio This trio of deer planters is not only a fresh and attractive way to display plants and flowers, but it's also fun and simple to build, The small deer is 16 in. tall by, 14 in. long by 7 in. wide, the medi- um deer is 24 in. tall by 22 in. long by 10 in,. wide and the large deer is 32 in. tall by 30 in. long by 13 in. wide. Deer Planter Trio plan (No. 745)... $9.95 Animal Planters Package 3 plans incl. 745 (No. C103) ... $21.95 Catalog (pictures hundreds of projects) ... $2.00 Please add $3.00 s&h (except catalog-only orders) To order, circle itemss, clip and send with check to: U-Bild, 15241 Stagg St., Van Nuys, CA 91405. Please be sure to include your name, address, and the name of this newspaper. Allow 1-2 weeks for delivery. Or call (800) 82-U-BILD u-bild.com Money Back Guarantee BARBER CHAIR, Emil J. Padair Porcelain base w/foot rest, all hydraulics work. $1000 neg. (863)697-0328 GAS RANGE- Sun Fire Restau- rant, 6 burners, w/griddle, good condition, $650 (863)467-4565 REFRIGERATOR- used, yel- low, stays cold, $60 or best offer (863)532-9182 REFRIGERATOR- With ice maker, Good condition. $100. (239)826-5226 STACKABLE W/D- Frigidaire, White, Like new. $375. (863)357-6949 WASHER & DRYER- Heavy Duty, Frigidaire, stackable, stainless tubs, exc cond., $350 firm (561)676-0427 WASHER: Heavy Duty $75. (863)674-1355 WASHERS & DRYERS $95 & up, Up to 1 yr warranty REFRIGERATORS & STOVES (239)694-0778 Arch Steel Buildings, Hurri- cane Rated! FEMA grade. Widths of 25, 30, 40 & 50. Garage/Workshop/Storage, SteelMaster@ Buildings, fac- tory direct! Call (800)341-7007. www.Steel- MasterUSA.com. SHED, Aluminum, Quasi Hut, 40x45. Paid $6000, asking $3000 (863)357-2795 pennylou(@strato.net CUSTOM DRAPES Burdines Pattern: Jolettina Adobe. Length 5'5". Rt. & Lt. panels & sgl. $50/panel. 863-763-6216 NECK CHAIN: 18 kt., 20". $700 or best offer. 863-634-9620 Okee area. ELEC POWER CHAIR- joystick oper, four wheel base, charger, footrest, instruction book, $1000 (863)801-6149 MOBILITY CHAIR- Jazzy, ex- cellent condition, $750 neg. (863)675-6630 LaBelle WHEELCHAIR- Padded with extra seat cushion. Excellent condition. $225. (863)357-8788 ELITE COMPOSED ROOFING PANELS- New, 4'W x38"L, 3" insulation, $2000 for all will sell sep (863)763-5011 METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct From Manufactur- er. 20 colors in stock with all Accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery Available ',ill Frea[ (a6.ji"i93-i.1jV. PAINT- (8) 5 gal containers, Different colors, interior La- tex, $525 for all will sell sep- arate (863)697-2032 CHANGING TABLE- White wood, Good condition. $25. (863)675-3944 LaBelle CRYSTAL, Waterford, stem- ware, decanters, specialty pieces, Alana pattern, $500. (863)610-1964 LADIES 3X CLOTHES NEW Casual & Dressy. $300 for lot or will sell separately. 239-292-7509 FOOTBALL/BASEBALL CARDS (3-400)- 3. i.rij.". Comic, late 80s early90s Exc. cond. $400: ,r bci uho-ril 863-763-8943 NASCAR TIRE TABLE- with ,ia i; p. $395 COMPUTER- Dell Dhiiiiesion A7jT P4, '5I'0 0 I G H1-1i i.21M B 80 e. ,:, i'm ,lle pI 'i DELL PENTIUM 4 *P PRO. Mouor K',eybojrJ, Mou:ie. L e ne 1. 0 0 COMFORTERS- lor iwin or Qulern bed: v3rito ul colorss n, a .i ,.nri 1. Ior,11,r will ci-li ceD 18634i -71.2;',-23 BEDROOM SET. ir.ng om- plei bed il re' "err f'mirror, 'igril .ijnin : .', :rine; Exc. ir)nrd 1450 (86..,63-9695 BUNK BED SET- iil wood, .Loll. lie n w :. ar di'sser, S ,l yi $1350 13 .1J',.:33 1389' Ile ,i on CHINA CABINET, Slsi wood, pi. w' -,iliu Hand M0, e Musl I ee ''$500 F86.j i6a.':4 COFFEE & END TABLES, Mtiarrni ,i r'v. ,nir u ii times 'A' ,'1j1 I: inp; Vtri H .p -:i',' DINING RM SET, Tite, 6 n ir,.. C"rinJ :)rriiEl F( cel- lil r ,i :,:, on i '00. DINING TABLE 1: ujim made Wgl'a: lip ni e :ond Cost :.1i 5:1 rie : j iii-:, for i.150 ISelr 1 .1371 DINING TABLE- ,i]lai'- top, pi e:aiji i de 4 upri:. tered r. jir 1. 5 5 r. l l, 35 ..:, 9 r DOUBLE SIZE BEDS, & Frjme., 1 rnew & 1 used i 5' 1 W ill piratet. FUTON SET- IA'n ? -rnd ta- L'le in oln. I ,ile BIia k iron w ,i) wioo lyip Pd 1600. A I iii '1.150 663s."5 ..795 HEAD BOARD, ,11 ,,ii:. dark ioo I. ) i 6 | .' 7 '5.-19'29 LIVING ROOM SET. i ,uch, cnr r i., ,, ., j .5, J lables. RACE CAR BEL. lLie Tvkes, blue, mattress no included, excellent condition, $150 (863)634-3069 SECTIONAL- black, with 2 re- cliners, great condition, sell, for $400. Moving must sell (863)697-8881 GOLF CLUB LUGGAGE CASE- Black, Hard shell, Great for travel. $55. (863)675-3944 LaBelle ,CCI PRIMERS,250 large rifle mag., 550 small mag. pistol, 500 small pistol, 3500 prim- ers. $60 (863)357-3107 aft 5 REVOLVER 38 CAL Stainless steel Taurus, 2" barrel, like new with extras, $375 (863)467-6696 SAVAGE: Model 110, 7 mm Magnum Rifle w/Redfield 4x12 scope. Both in perfect cond. w/case. $475 (863)697-3175 SHOTGUN- single shot 12 ga. $50 (863)467-9892 SI, I ARCADE GAMES, (2), Miss Pac Man & Galagh Stand Up Machines. $1100/Both or pos- sible trade, 8(,63) .7 -2 773 ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers *Criminal Jus- tice. Job placement assis- tance. Computer provided. Financial Aid if qualified. Call (866)858-2121 www.onli- neTidewaterTech.com. AVON, 58 older pcs., mostly full, most all in boxes, $50 for all. (863)3.57-6113 Buck- head Ridge Area. DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS children, etc. Only one sig- nature required! *Excludes govt. fees! Call weekdays (800)462-2000, ext.600. ( lTi-l.pin)I Ailu [ils r; ei , LLC EsLjbliShndO 1,3 GATSBY WHIRLPOOL TUB- Rectangular, seats 4. Kept in- side, great condition. W/Cover. $2000. (863)843-0913 PROPANE TANKS, (2), 100 lb. $50 will sell separately. fr.1e.3167. 1130655 SUNQUEST 2000S10 BULB Tanning Canopy. $300. 863-634-5888 WOLFF TANNING BEDS Buy Direct and Save! Full Body units from $22 a month! FREE Color Catalog CALL TODAY! (800)842-1305 .MIXER: Mackie, Power Amp. & Cross Over. $1100 for all, vwiii i', i ll, "28F2 ORGAN- Yamaha .,iti h.l,i1il $25. (863)357-1929 SPEAKERS: I.(ale Iijilar SlJiP & iV: ii'2 ) lor ll v iii< p BIRD CAGE, large, heavy duty, ,6:l I ::42- ,* 1' $800. (863)763-3451 BLACK LAB- 21.' yr'1: 13 ,Male. Purebred Paper. ID : i!iprl di Ti ii 1 ']i ih Ir iui lirini t ell trial. $40,)i' 772-299-3643 or 77 .1 5 -. ,11 BLUE HEALER/BORDER Collie Lovable, great w/kids. $50. 863-634-1343 after 5pm. CURR PUPS Proven line. Shots, wormed. $150. 863-261-6422 DOBERMAN, 2 V1 years old, black & tan, registered, fe- male. $400 (863)763-1504 HUNTING DOG, Male, 4 mos. old. $120(863)673-1877 JACK RUSSELL TERRIER PUPS, AKC, 2 left, 1 male, 1 female,$35Qea 863-634-4076 LAB PUPPIES- AKC, yellow, Champ r,,op,1l,,.- [irri i: ''in prem is: "_., H, ". i.i:, 0 (863)357-1841 MIN-SCHNAUZER, Salt-Pep- per'male, AKC reg., Health papers included. $500. (863)763-4052 or 634-8691 PUPPIES, Welsh Pembroke Corgis, born 27,06 2F ibl 2 sets of shots & heartworm preventative. $500 (863)467-8180 or 634-1111 tprescott42(peoplepc.com POOL, above ground, 16x3, with accessories. $75 (863)673-6295 BEACH WHEELS- Catamaran Dual Trax, Fits 14'-20', Excel- lent condition. $300. (863)675-0161 SURROUND SOUND- RCA DIGITAL, 400 watts, 5 speaker & sub woofer w/remote & manual. $125 863)697-8906 TOSHIBA- Model CF3566A, 35" Works good. $150. (863)675-0161 TV, Hitachi, 50" LCD, widescreen, as new. $900 (772)473-0398 or 863)763-3039 CRAFTSMAN COMPRESSOR 2hp, 20 gal., twin cyl., hose, portable, 150psi. $75.00 863-697-2033 CUTTING TORCH acetylene outfit, w/cart, $300. (561)633-1371. GENERATOR- Coleman Pow- ermate, 4000 watts, de- pendable power, $250 (863)675-4970 GENERATOR- Guardian, 12KW w/ATS LP or Nat gas, New $2500. (863)467-9390 GENERATOR: TITAN 8500, APHA YEARLINGS, variety of colors & prices, up to date on all shots. (863)467-8180 or (863)634-1111 APPALOOSA GELDING, while, 12 years old $i.000 (863 1763.-0,367 or APPENDIX MARE, 7 years, 16. hands, Easy Jet blood lines, $1600 or best offer. i772i519. 29. ' HORSE. TRAILER & TACK- PKI] ii-ll. B.dulilul Uu3rit " nriir,-s 1? yr old Mire 1.2061J (863ij357-1b93 HORSE TRAILER, 2-horse, needs some work, tongue pull, good foo or..$500 or best offer. (954)520-6707 PALOMINO GELDING- 5 vri 15.3 hand, Not a beginner horse. 11500 (863)357-1945 Evoririgci QUARTER HORSE MAREP-- 6y, old, bred to blb & wri paini. very gentli-- !.1500 t2,) .940-8503. ROPING SADDLE- nrew S550 (863)674-1355 SHOW SADDLES, (21, birari new, black, $1000 w ill ell separately. (23c H65.1393 Thoroughbred Mare, in icai I':, German warm blid .italliin. .super sweEl .250) (863)357-JUMP COMMERCIAL SiP MOWER. Snapper, 21", waoris good. freshly. serviced, $75 firm (561)676-0427 FINISH MOWER- 5ft, Bush Hog, $500 excellent condi- tion (863)697-3008 LAWN MOWER, Snapper, 16hp, runs good. $275 (863)763-6591 LONG 2510 TRACTOR & BUSHHOG, fair condition, runs good, $4000 or best of- fer. (863)697-3400 MOWER DECK, 42", came off Yard King mower, $60. (863)532-9182 OMC BOBCAT with bucket & forks, fair cond., runs good, $4000 or best offer. (863)697-3400 RIDING MOWER- MTD, 42" cut, 16hp, auto.shift, $400 (863)697-2032 TORO YARD TRACTOR, 12.5 hp, with attachments, $250 or best offer. (239)210-1608 WEED EATER: STIHL, Model FS80R. $100. (863)675-0199 IhrdyJl 2I20 Do-It-Yourself Ideas Log Cabin Quilts The log cabin pattern has been a favorite with quil- ters since the mid-1800s. This."quilt-as-you-sew" technique allows you to quilt the blocks while you assemble them. A 44-page, full-color guidebook, which includes step-by-step instructions and diagrams, shows how to create completed quilts, not just quilt tops. The guidebook also covers such subjects as selecting and preparing fabrics, using a rotary cutter and more. Log Cabin Quilts (No. AN4126).. $8.95 Also available: Log Cabin Flower Quilts (No. AN4167)... $9.95 Please add $4.00 s&h To order, circle item(s), Please be sure to clip & send w/ check to: include your name, U-Bild Features address and the name of 15241 Stagg St. this newspaper. Allow Van Nuys, CA 91405 1-2 weeks for delivery. Or call (800) 82-U-BILD craftbook.com Money Back Guarantee DVD'S- 70 Total, $350 for all will sell separate. Good Flea Market item (863)763-4961 LOOKING FOR FCB STOCK Florida Community Bank. (239)229-8784 NEW COIN COLLECTOR want- ing to add to my collection. Please call to. sell coins & paper money 239-693-4891 WANTED: FL ART A.E. Backus, J. Hutchinson H. Newton, G. Buckner, E. Buckner, L. Roberts, A. Hair, R A. McClendon, S. Newton, BIG $$ (772)562-5567 Agriculture Christmas Trees 745 Farm Equipment 805 Farm Feed 'Products 810 Farm Miscellaneous 815 Farm Produce 820 Farm Services Offered B25 Farm Supplies/ Services Wanted "830 Fertilizer 835 Horses 840 Landscaping Supplies 845 Lawn & Garden 850 Livestock 855 Poultry/Supplies a86 Seeds/Plants/ SFlowers 865 Brand new. Electric star w/keys. $2500. (863)675-4079 LaBelle. GENERATOR: TITAN, Brand new. Never used. Value $4350 Now $2000. (863)675-4079 LaBelle. SHOP VAC- Sears, heavy duty, 12 gal, with attachments, 4 HP, wet/dry, exc cond $20 (863)675-2596 VACUUM CLEANERS, (2), Kir- by, with all attachments $300 will sell separately (863)763-5011 VCR- Sharp, 2yrs old, 35 mo- vies, 1 XXX & several blanl, tapes $150 or trade for pisto (772)461-8822 BARBARDOS BLACK BELLY SHEEP (3), 1 female w/2 male babies, 3 mos. old. $150 for all. (954)520-6707 Okeechobee Livestock Market Sales every Mon. 12pm & every Tues.11am.763-3127 Rentals Apartments 905 Business Places 910 Commercial Property 915 Condos/ Townhouses Rent920 Farm Property - Rent 925 House Rent 930 Land Rent 935 Resort Property. Rent 945 Roommate 950 Rooms to Rent 955 Storage Space - Rent 960 3BR/2BA- ALL APPLIANCES irc i. W/D & D/W. 30' deep liar gar. $1400/mo. (2) Avail aoprox. 8/1. 863-946-3333 MONTURA, New home 3br, 2ba, $950. mo. + Sec dep, 1 ;t & Last mo. rent. (863)675-6129 -Build To Suit~- Up To 10,000 SQ. FT. Belle Glade Area i Real Estate Business Places - Sale 1005 Commercial Property. Sale 1010 Condos ' Townhouses Sate0lO5 Farms Sale :1020 Houses Sale 1025 Hunting Property 1030 Investment Property Sale 1035 Land Sale 1040 Lots Sale 1045 -Open House 1050 Out of State ' Property Sale 1055 Property lIspectienl060 Real Estate Wanted1065 Resort Property - Sale 1070 Warehouse Space 1075 Waterfront Property 1080 CLEWISTON, Townhouse, 2br, 2ba, New NAC & other up- grades. Near Lake Okeecho- bee $150K. 863-228-4535 BRAND NEW IN OKEECHOBEE DIRECT FROM BUILDER- 2 to choose from, 3br,2ba, on, large lot, end of quiet cul-de- sac, designed by famous Palm Beach Architect, tile throughout, all amenities, $205,000 (561)718-2822 or cpbirdie@adelphla.net CLEWISTON IN LADECA ACRES: 3 Bdrm. House on 5 SAcres w/Shop & Pond. $200,000. (863)302-4359 CLEWISTON, WATERFRONT 3 Bdrm., 2 Ba, HUGE Living Room, Nice Dining Room & Family room, 1/4 acre fenced, new roof & dock. $169,500 neg.(863)805-0272 0 r e 0 IV N d 0 9 Y, 4 0 3. Y. ik ol h TI.i, A.f-4.*. Iffit, n nFl00 Serving the iriOnmLnitlet south of Lakle Ok-r:echhree -inoses--.Sle0 Ie-Sale 10251 -a,~ -r -'- -. ."'r .-Ii'yrsiniitlintuuurwr.J ~1 S. -- C -Ma . * U Phone: 863-946-3900 Fax: 863-946-3902 498 US Hwy. 27, Moore Haven EVERGLADES Jeffrey A. Davis Real Estale Broker R,, ... REALTY, INC. _m r s f ammact Tr'stW"sm -47YTIFY " rEZW; (7 TH & SA iiiiil --- --. Ms'a ha-cuY"I ucilu List. 111,, -1 a1 % .1.n''t" S OPI N I OLIS ON 07,23 I*4 ....''' .-~ii'......... ~ iii 1.1s I op In ''Nll .111,((IkNftI 1411,, 1 % tM als 'tal~ntburijn n ,~i I4i alit' Wt~F~iStile-s S~l ~ Mud 1 o-I iglnA .a.' I It I /J.!'I ,A,i- .1it'-it. Ii 1tieIi Y 499 AMr. L. IN M,,tir HwVi N VV, IIi' -' J,5.Ikr 1 i- 11-41111iiFi __ ~.inu. l!5~f 1' mt~-ii-"- I. Iii~tViuilttI inrd1ci~ng Property 1& Irdu'.trial IM UN 'Hi..i II' 5 ttll i' Nlaltf.. Q katI -j ". .1" N11. ii __LA II- -- lit( I.% F' I'lk I lIN (-i O ' ~.t i-u'. U'a 2r-, I C '''111,.1 ~ ~ bj~tL ~mid~i~a.~.ro.A iI A I 'iE .. -~.t'. It I ll 09.,0-i t..Iju 21 1 NLIN t S~e- '. LIC. RJAL ESTATE BROKER 420 E. SUGARIAND H'"." (863) 983-6663 0 MIS (863) 983-9770 TBS a 5T SRptlU.%sTAT..COM "MAIL: ANPII'DYECSSIRFALF9TAI t .COM / AFTER H 1OUtJS.: .AMN DESS LAURA SMITH TRAVIS DY-ESS ANGELICA GONZALEZ (563) 983.8979 (863).599-1209 (863)228-2215 E HAHLL.A r-i-A'ANrI. RESIDENTIAL Cnmi. Bas C5r-eMlI fl.iK 0. .l-i, RI R-rL-i'it 4 3BR, I 1 r,-' as is 2BR. 1 1/2 BA Condo (8) -~')""71" $135,000 '1 I:K +/-55acu $25WacGhdesCoa. 3BR, IBA $168 000 MOBi.E HX O ME1S Snas h,-r l 31, 21A lacr3BRe2BA Joshua Blvd Watercress Farm 15 acres 3BR, 2BA lare $115,000 oneerPlantatio $320,000 4BR, 2BA Fl.,eh.le 10acses LaDecadeared i 4BR. 2BA New Home $200,000 -- ,3 l .,i.,t $345,000 E 3 Egg BA Rd SJ<.lln S D 3RP *'BA M wiv F.trwo $130 (00 COMMERCIAL f'.'.It..' ,BP.' 2BAr S',V. TH s .l4 I,..i- BPi. INc -24''.' iri ',a, i. F I .\ 1 40 F \PA H *i- :0,,, r, -fl ., 0 r . ,:,, (. ..",li,.n VACANT LAND * i0 ',u '.r...' ', -'.r lit c ",- c'.s AE -Ebiaori[ " aH L.1 n CRJI r.n.'n P 1)K "' . '13 I F- FA'. ii1- I'q'. 2 Bedroom, 2 1/2 Bath Condos. Close to the lake. $199,900. Call Now For More Details M AS ... i ...1 -i Luan B. Glenn A. S Walker Smith Lic Real Eaite iS- ." Broker 863-983-3508 863-677-1010 S cr-'.o water e t..- I l, I '. thal II Hooker's Point 5 0'r,- b.a hTnT- cr, i. -I. I,. 1d .. and oaks. Small man- acre. Home is turnkey with new roof and 1,- ii. i. r in thick r 4-e &i r, ish. new paint. CBS Construction!! Fenced, There is an abundant -of 'i.11 2 must see @ $207,000 MLS# 200650646 s74,9K Get Preconstruction Price 4 a.:.I.i.l. 2) Operating Fish Farm 10 acres zoned , 38R/2BA, I cat q i ,.J. 1. cated -.. T ag-2. 2 phases of a 4 phase operation is Ave., Harlem -'i:J .....n 1673 sq. ft. completed. All production is sold out Special Loan package. Lutz Builders through the end of the year. This is an 0 $160K i.n. property that you must see to iev'. L;bt.rag1 -., -.. I rj-- l i, ir,ifi- believe. Call Glenn @ (863) 677-1441 for .j I ,, ".. .. rr. 1 I. 1i ...., more information. MLS# 200645189 '" SALE PENDING 3)ReadytoMove 3br/2 ba mobile home in Seminole Manor. Walking distance from -',, A,-re- ",1 H.*' Clewiston C I -n'.-m',Li.,' and High Schools, 825 ft. on US Hwy 27 as indicated on Priced to se @ 89900 MLS uy 200636722 survey T. .r" '1 Bh,|)ic water meters 4) -L Ii, ",5: S 1 .1. ', Y S.00with 6 4x14 1 La t ... ." ,r of 220 and up (3 phase 2 tim.,J .'-J power) S,800,00o. /S9 ,000.00 5) Montura Ranch Estates Established per acre Animal Rescue Center on 3.75 acres of Land. 4br/2ba mobile home, fentced and ThI..'-!. i.%.mi,-loun crossfenced. Listed at $274,900 MLS# '.,:. t.,,niums located on S*I, -( i' 200644616 I T. I.,,3',. ,r.j r.i.rTr. -,r 6) Investment Opportunity 13 acres of Irrigation maintenance < producing orange grove. More land avail- E-xerior pest control able!! Listed at $20K per acre Roof maintenance reserves Exterior painting reserves 7) Ladeca 5 acre fish farm, Currently not 3990000 pCommon area insuercondo in production, but could be brought back $139,900.00percondoonline with a minimum of effort. Call Glenn @ (863) 677-1441 for more infor- mation. MLS# 200654436 Cathy S. AWN, Ashley e Garcia 2. P. Wood 863228- 4798 863-228-1132 .rr, -pariois nrirI maniufariured New Listing IMONTURA! ".4i honie on the lake, liaI all die IoV.11i ,u Hac crnd. 1':-. Itb-LA, Pba Palni H.rlouj 1 .- I, ;- r-, h: 3bd 2ba home has MH, 6' fence, beautiful lot and trees, S..i and a very large liv detached carport and shed, immacu- This home is bein- lately Offered $144 900 l priced .!,.., area. This home is being to sell. MLS# 200630349 ....... j .,1 $ 24,900. Just Reduced! This 2/1 home boasts Oak Trees Line The Driveway! 3bd/2ba of.:hat i]c:r Froan, Ihe o n.',mn,, ni-, ,j ,tr p MH w/ full open deck on front to sit in you inside H.arir.,o..,u florr- Iirouiji ut rocker. Home sits on I acre of land In and a great layout Just add to the H. i-. hastile&hardwoodfloors charm. This gem is a great starter ,,,,. e,,,. aste& hardwood floors home or investment opportunity and is throughout. Recently remodeled, 5ft located in a great neighborhood @ fence around property, and pole barn in $135,00.00. MIS# 200638721 back yard. Get your hands on this beauty for $162,500 FLACHOLOE This home is all country living on the outside and nothing but Come See This Little Piece Of Heaven in city on the inside! This 1984 3/2 The Countryl CBS House o S acres In Fleetwood DWMH has been completely Flaghole 3 bedrgoms and 2 baths, renovated you'll think you've stepped screened Lanai, 960 sq. ft. garage, loaded footinto aCBS home.ThrowIn the fact with Oak treesthis one of a kind home sits on 2.5 wih Oak trees Reduced to 5399,000 acres with its own private pond and you can't ask for morel A great home h at a irnat price we've priced right to J i.,,..riI., sell. -..ffr.r.:, at $179,900. Call today NI" flF lll ITr' '"' for your appointments MLS# 2IMMiINAOI TV 200640508 JUST D F'i o I I....l Gorgeous Cd' ts U j lt fi m I' ..i- -.n i H. 2004 *' .. f f h brand new ,i-- L SfJ, .i t| ,,'r.r , ,ond~ii 1 'lrl'i'"r with rami- r ', x "- L I| pu, r r. RFt%4 ly rau ftan ha s - a grei .* .. r is home Is ,- SQLDK, *ODT, 9-t' 51CS,,garlind NHo tiWTaii aI? i631 983-8559 (Ivy 5 1.114"Slj&rem. lii dii"14tPilld 'a p it ih.inm I cr, ai1'% i(It.,i~-I L' BO l-''.4I S525,000.00- f-1.1f.i.Fw f- a .tor - -. i.t. i~iAi-j.6 3 6 T u0'1 i.- I- H ;.K p 1-I 1'S Acp- 4'll-I. '61 .1. '/irtp LADECA FlA~riOLE Sarah A. Williams | 863.228-6867 1 Hooker's Point 3 Pr.?2 Ba M. H on 1. 1 i('2 acris', tjc-.N Metal roof over Iu'd ,, $89,900 MtiL* 2L,0642005 :, New Listing'! 4 8r/2 Pa M 'l14 98 Horn's rt Mer li on 1.25 a'.re NewlI r ,..-,d,:ld Maie:.r batim $139,900 2. P.1LS u, I.'j-.4 '.944 3) Pioneer Plantation S Acre- lIcated on 2-tih S'. just north ofrarpa ewmih a,.: -. from Tampa. tiLS" 4) Need a breeze from a lake? A 2005 3bd/2 ba vinh larg.l3 closets. Also a porch viewing 3 a auLirul land- 3. escaped yard. Onl T39,900 00 Si Free Mobile Home!! whe n 'ou bu', tml I i' .:r.'. oi land on ai l in Fa i, mm Rd PrIpnr P, 'i lenced.crc,;s fericed l; n.. rn r,3 ; t .- o i;,l rt .an..Iand LabellS 6) Vacant Lots I'.-i PRdqdiil Rd -SS.000 '.3-: I j m Rd '_'SS,Li 4. S0? 'a Hrlem' Acradei-nv 370 N. Olivo i-t. 0, 365 N Lindero $423) 00: Moore Haven River Gardens 575 S Utopia $41,000 Pioneer 2.5 Acres $65,000 5 7) Concerned about another hurricane?? Build your own home using your lot as the down payment. Prices starting in the 90's; Cal for detailsl! Get 2 Realtors For the price of I!! Call Glenn @ 677-1441 or Sarah @ 2286867 WI Enrique Acosta 305-506-5876 BSe Habt Espnol Reduced Again' SCE', 2EA, N.r. pt M r, MKC nnjit r.e'.,N-v A..',. Hort esh ( A .*.' 2.5 $119,000 5 , Don't Let This One Slip Away! 2bd/1 ba gre on huge lots in Horseshoe Acres. Bring all 2.5 offers. Seller Motivated $1 65K fen New Listing! 3bd/2ba split floor plan, 6ft, chain link fenced, 2 car 1.2 garage, well maintained 5224.9K Est New Listingi Sbd/3ba, 2 AC units, 2 water 3/2 heaters, split floor plan, new tile through- nev out, freshly painted, working chimney, list great screen patio, new roof, too many extras to name A must seel $549,900 5 Got Land? Looking for development Pla land? 28 acs. In LaBelle RanchettesI $1. Priced to sell fast @ $34K per acre Re. Need Some Space? Spacious fac 4bd/2ba doublewlde MH in Montura. $71 Split floor plan, living room, family 2. room, too many extras! Hurry, won't last! Motivated Seller! Only $159K MH N arluil ittb.illi if.iai lewiJe $ j 5i-, th Io iIillhroor Re ... s"h,,ul ai fl lr',c'cer. CB lot New Listing! 3bd/2ba 2005 CBS Ne Home, stainless steel appliances included, Storage shed, and screened 2.5 patio $244,900.00 5 a New Listing[ .17 acre lot located In ,,ii, a. t30 o00 0 on C^--E^0@ '' t .,. BARTON -.., RALTY, INC. ALL PRICES REDL'CED- CALL FOR BARGAINS NOW *2 story house in 5 beautiful acres $190,00011 *10 Acres, pasture, fenced $200,000!! *INVESTORS 2 Duplexes 4 apart. Rent $650, each!! -I'[i .,1 AAN I NI. (833) 983-0070 F.. (863) 228-1-142 330 W. Sugarland Hwy., Sauit 9, Clewiston, Ft 33440 w 'w.oldelviunere dlty. it'yiJk.' um (U1 nm C iri '2m ) ASKUS'A.WWrfW Hi1 00.10 t It.:l ., . .................i./.!. .*,--'* ^ TH fI / -1 LEEi 0 41/f I I OURLICEN5FENSD TEAM (t63) 9- 3-0O>7 0.,: f^3) E< 228t.42 Alon.-Fri. 9.6 I/. l I rI se " Sun. by applt. only -. OFFICE MANAGER .4 GFR.AR&tO jsF11 RANGH, SR. .iRF' % \ 7l -1r FI 4 r.. , (86 / 227-22P _I M (I: f l :) 'f :. 22,--2'- (63*21, : Agg r 95r^ SClarmaine A. aribel Sam J. Montgomery Gonzalez Walker 863-697-0189 561-722-7347 863-677-1013 Ne.Ling' YES rOU CQ N c.. Defiiiit.el Not Nice, 'n fact Just 0 1* a t, i '. ..l u; a 2 1 i i. Fid x t home lt starter home for an unbeliev s a l2 8 disaster. Fix It Up fu . able sales price of $74,900.o00 and it may just be livable. Fl.ahol." ,0. I-. i .- I ... r, A Winding Creek 1, Pr nds y buy this r. 1, 1.'- 1- -1 ',-e ornl p3rr 1fI th i- 3 ', of ilr le .i hom e i ,. or i m. , S. ,not,, ,,u_ 1i' f-Ot mu h .Yo v.ri t -,antorns out an 3lall.e A( tP?%" Dflf f-ri lGi3 more than the lot value at is! i,..... i .J. .,.'.... .. I port-. a I r, I. $39.9K acres i ,,-'..r ,vr. :. ,:, r, a new home for you @$249,900. she &., . This is a whole new look on life. Why Pay high space rents shed -. u ., Hppy Carn pei when you can own the land l anon5 Acres 72.9K r,ak h,-.ad ik, are yours and a with a 3 ',fl II double- 4,. Pioneer 17th St. 2.5 Ac S65K pond plus squirrels, raccoons wide with lJl, ir a double 5205 Pioneer 22nd St. 5 Ac $130K and deer for hi:r ,s c .. This carport, iat_.. nlil < shed in The Best 1.41 acre lake front lot in ^orepti-,nal .land c...i -i .l -i I. .' -if sun I t' Montura 105 Pi,.-.IA.. Ave. Call for for '.;ek,. rrj ..,n,,1, n .ii [. Life subdivision It's showing $77, .'. ' build yoL, r,.,.,I ., I ... going to sell fast at $79 Located in Central Clewiston This ,- 3Ul Ip I1-A ''c L f va t 'r'_d r .' well maintained 2bd/2ba home is per- $399 ML .'.: Looking for vacant land? fect for the 1st home buyer or Ns.Ira Well bring your horses Investment i..,', P.ticed at fILU I5 $139,900.00 -* .... .. i."..i will not 2 Bd/2 B jj ide: corner because I've got 1.25 acres last long! tot or.epa l .f- rlastjor tracts available now in 5acsin LakePortCranddaddyOaks$200K S.long 3 Montura P.inci Estates. Give A little piece of Heaven! 775 County me a call today! Rd.721 Loop NE Beautiful 2 story home Montura Ranch Estates ".. .i .. 1 *Aircase and wood floors. Big 'P rP JNDIN Are you looking for peace 'I '. *.' boat access to the Gulf and NDN G re yo p directaccess to Lake Okeechobee. Home p I- D' Jl N2 and quiet? Well I've got a on one acre among oak Hammocks. 263 Huinii -Club 4- i,) 3bedroomf 2bath doublewide 5575K 770 5 Sii ctia3d .-.,' that sits on 1.25 acres in vacant Land in Harlem! .19 acres 735 S. Palm $49.000 Montura Ranch Estates and is $19,000,00 530 S. Shetland $52,500 325 N.Nogal st.1.25 ac. $39,900 very secluded. Only 2.5 acres on I., -.. Rd. S84,900.00 $140,000.00 S7T7, Jerry W. 3 Charles Smith H. Kehm 561-261-3444 305-96S-2242 ntura Rinch Estates Want to Own a Business? Acres in Montura 5. ,31 Check this Out! Ls tabllSlhe Acres in Pioneer, potential for commercial upholstery busi- i eat home site $165K ness and property $250K l. . Acres, 3bd/2ba mobile home, Own a Piece of Paradise! .. iced, Montura Ranches S165K Beautiful building lot/invest- ... f 25 acres in Montura Ranch meant property e in Port ates $39,900.00 LaBelle $49.9K educe for 1012 Texas Ave. 2 Brick home, pool, new roof, Quick Sale 1. A v w fencing, Location makes this New Listilnq!c 3d 2h. CBS ting a "Must See"! $305K home on n lr'.l1;-n Dr. This well 1 c & land- A New Home at an wooded acres in Pioneer scared .hW V f .'Is.I, fast- n tri a%" JD klng Don't Miss OutI $225,000. Affordable Price! tomovein Over 55 Own your own 1,670 sqft.CBS Home. ady to move in! 3bd/2ba manu- 1,670 sqft.CBS Home. tured home in, Moore haven Over 55? Own your own d9.9K home for less than 50k 3bd/2ba/1 car garage acres Perimeter Rd. $99,000 Sportsman's Village located on Texas Ave. I on 1.25 acres in Montura Ci ter & sewage. 18,900 Bark On The laet ty water & sewage. duced! Moore Haven 3bd/2ba, r- A I.%! C lrawu r na S house $200,000.00 A 'N I r f Appliance package SListin! !1995HomesofMeri istan of shopping included. -, fenced, above ground pool, s of storage, and metal roof. $1)39.9K at & clean. $1535,900.00 -i r Sacres New commercial lot listing Ready TO Move In! icres in LaDeca $125K in Ciewiston $89,990.00 $ 1 65 000Q9Of p - Thursday, July 20, 2 CLFAUTE P VXDIVFFTuIIs IBUFFI CH.4PM-A.N JI-F1(1 ROS-V it/f, *n 22> -71t~; 't / i'l 2-'f .-44 - IL U.. I -.I-I--r n - Pouses'- Sale 1025, J 1. IlHouses Sale 10251 I Hot s - I Houses Sale Fou-ses- s ade 11 Houses Sale [INGS: ., , i I I 1 I I ( I I : C i ,:, honA ,-.. f.2 O 'HOW ,... : i a ll of .,r u 2, 1 9K, these improvements 3/2 t COtvf 1 OINrJ vW/ plenty ofextraos II.H'hl,!Lflj-'lrnnqi *COUiNrY t IVING AT IT'S Li '.' (1u t C 'il toi BEST .. fr: ....J.. M H in Monturo, : l' OR THE PRICE OF horse falls and ', 2/2 + 2 khchens all n-uch to mention. Ask 4e up in one home i '1..9K NTR'Y LIVING WITH VACANT LOTS ONVENIENCE ...r"- o S..E PCoII t1 '.3,:1 *lAND LOTS. 'EN A 41APCa S .,, IS IS A STEAL L ,I: H r.,lus r -r e,6 ._ ,. .i ..... i' - , .. LEI'ED t -'. ; i, 7 t FACTURED HOMES *Appal.-,a ... NTLY PL'iCl-IASEDE 1 3 ..,. - 7 ,-i *:i, over- ., ...... Ask ... ,. : .-,. ; l 7 ER THAN NEW This -'. S.... .1 MH was .COMMERCIAL BUILDING w/ i. 2. 1 with all 2 lots .. . :.t ., just must H 1. v.'M, .T I.MOPE COLIL : ...U 5s FOP ASK ". ' A.L., iPROPEPTY OWNERS PAR- '* ADISE! -r 25 acres corn- mercial'1 on" Yardi You Wii No,vi ed in f' on .'- S'A w/ over l/.2 Income ,-i T, Oran.e 59.9K ,l MOT. C a r l S <- O -- na a s- <- 1 -" -A S-r xt I'x, I rx- C - FEATURED <'f ," ~ LISTING .-. .:., ae ,-I. n. .' .I *% .. ... n bFJm :,F r F -:r '" -ra- n- k *r]1". CFEF9 ,h II. '1 t.',,., .h ,'.Y &roket: Carolyn Thomas )946-2005 SA ,Asociaes: Ann DA nohue,228-.0221 David Rister 634-2157 It i Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, July 20, 2006 SHoues -Sl I fr Mue EB owners Immokalee, 5BR/3BA, on 1/2 acre, fenced yard, 2 driveways, swimming pool with new cage & filter, new jacuzzi, mother in law apartment, new roof, air ducts, ceiling fans (inside & outside) & new toilets & much more. $400,000 (239)470-3330 LaBelle 3/3 Down Town, Near Courthouse. Lg. rooms, Top Area $212K or Annual Lease $1800 mo. 561-441-2800 PORT LaBelle: 4/2 Upgrades galore! Lg. Rooms, Lg. Yard. Near Sc ool. Price to sell.' $179,500. or Annual Lease $1900. Owner 863-673-5071 cshdz_04@earthlink.net SELL YOUR HOUSE IN 3 DAYSIII Cash or terms. Call Elizabeth for details. (561)531-0043 15 ACRE FLORIDA RANCH ESTATE Only $69,900! Short Drive to the Gulf of Mexico Just Minutes from 1-10. Won't last! Call Now! (866)950-5263 Ext 650. CLEWISTON: 1.93 Acres on Flag Hole Rd. 250 Taft Blvd. w/All improvements & 17x48 workshop. 509.50 Ft. of Private Road Frontage. $149,500. (561)993-5886 MONTURA RANCH ESTATE 1.25 ac. High & Dry. 412 Bald Cypress Ave. $55,000 neg. (561)993-5886 40 Acs. LAND FOR SALE. ""Wooded & open, beaver pond in Truetlen. County, Souin Georgia greatt hunt- ing,,turkeys, hogs, deer, or great homesite. (888)523-9799. 526.42 Ac. Appling County, GA. 42.52 Ac./house, Wayne County, GA. Rozier Realty. (912)449-3672. ALABAMA WATERFRONT Gat- ed community alongside Lake Eufaula.:2 hours from Atlanta & the Coast. Owners' Clubhouse, fitness center, nature trails, boat slips. 1/2 to 3 acres from the $40's. (866)882-1107. Do-It-Yourself Ideas Futon Sfabed The good looks and space- saving convenience of this futon sofabed make it ideal for do-it-yourselfers with a limited amount of space. As a sofa, the unit mea- sures 86 inches long by 33 inches tall by 36 inches deep. As a bed, it measures 86 inches long by 54 inches wide by 21 inches tall. Futon Sofabed plan (No. 850)... $9.95 Futon Sofabeds Package 2 plans incl. 850 (No. C86). ..$16.95 Catalog (pictures hundreds of projects)... $2.00 Please add $3.00 s&h (except catalog-only orders) To order, circle item(s), clip and send with check to: U-Bild, 15241 Stagg St, Van Nuys, CA 91405. Please be sure to include your name, address, and the I name of this newspaper, Allow 1-2 weeks for delivery. Or call (800) 82-U-BILD u-bild.com Money Back Guarantee I -e 0 BEAUTIFUL N. CAROLINA. ESCAPE TO BEAUTIFUL WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS. FREE COLOR BROCHURE & INFORMATION. MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES W/ SPEC- TACULAR VIEWS HOMES, CABINS, CREEKS & INVEST- MENT ACREAGE. Cherokee Mountain GMAC Real Estate. cherokeemountainrealty.com (800)841-5868. BILLION DOLLAR VISTAS WITH COOL MOUNTAIN BREEZES HIGH ATOP THE SMOKIES BETWEEN PRE- STIOUGOUS 'HIGH- LANDS/FRANKLIN/DILLARD. EXCLUSIVE, PRIVATE, SE- CLUDED, NEW HOMESITES FROM $175,000 (800)679-7976 www.high- landspass.com. BUILDING SALE! "MANUFAC- TURER DIRECT Since 1980&" Extensive range of siz- es/models.N. Example: 40'x100'x16'=3.48/sq.ft. Bry. .4i 1 2$3990 (LIM- 'ITEDN' QTY). .Pioneer (800)668-5422. Cool Western NC Mountains- escape the heat, hurricanes and high prices. Homes, cabins lots acreage, invest-, ments. Prudential Great Smokys Realty, Downtown Bryson City. Call (877)476-6597. East Tennessee- Norris Lake 5,6 acre wooded LAKE- FRONT lot- $66,500 5.1 acre wooded VIEW lot- $28,900 Call Lakeside Realty @ (423)626-5820 Or visit www.lakesiderealty-tn.com. GEORGIA/ NORTH CAROLINA Captivating mountain views, lakes, rivers, waterfalls. 4 0Homesites starting @ $39,900. Log home kits @ $39,900. Limited availability. Call (888)389-3504 X700. Gulf front lots $595k. Homes starting mid $300k. New master planned ocean front community on beautiful Mustang Island, near Corpus Christi, TX. www.cinnamon- shore.com, (866)891-5163. KY LAKEFRONT ACREAGE Private, gated, lakefront community. Waterfront par- cels from the $70's. Lake ac- cess parcels from the mid-$30's. Planned pool, tennis, driving range & more! Call owner (866)462-8198. KY /TN LAKE OVERVIEW PAR- CEL 2.16 acre high ground parcel offers some of the est views up and down Lake Barkley. 90 ain to Nashville. Very close to Land Between the Lakes rec. area. $62,000. (866)339-4966. LAKE LAND SALE) 5.5 Acres, Subdivideable With Boat Slip. Only $29,900) Direct Access to 33,000-acre mountain lake in Tennessee. Available 8/26! (800)770-9311, ext.830. LAKEFRONT PREDEVELOP- MENT OPPORTUNITY! www.grandeharbor.info. All water- access homesites di- rect from the developer. Most amenities already in. Far below market value, from $79,900. Possible 18 mo NO PAYMENTSi Call Now! (888)BY-LAKES. LOOKING TO OWN LAND? In- vest in rural acreage throughout America; coastal, mountain, waterfront proper- ties, 20 to 200 acres. For FREE Special Land Reports: www.Iandbuyers. guide.com/fl. MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA AAH COOL SUMMERS MILD WINTERS Affordable Homes 77)37-228 EXIT REAL- ELR TI E S www.exitmurphy.com.e NC MOUNTAIN ACREAGE Near Asheville, NC, 1 to 8 acre parcels. Gated commu- mites of riverfront Just 5 minutes to town of Hot Springs. Phase II opens Fall 06., (866)292-5762. NEW LOG HOME PACKAGE! 6 Acres with Boat Slip Only $89,900! Direct access to 33,000 acre mountain lake in Tennessee. Available 8/26! (800)770-9311, Ext.835.. North Carolina Cool Mountain Air, Views & Streams, Homes, Cabins & Acreage. FREE BROCHURE . (800)642-5333. Realty Of Murphy 317 Peachtree St. Murphy, N.C. 2890.6. www.realtyofmurphy.com. TENNESSEE NORRIS LAKE, MOST BEAUTIFUL OF TEN- NESSEE LAKES with 800 miles of shoreline. Water- .view and waterfront lots from $42,000. Boat docks available www.SunsetBay- Realty.com Sunset Bay Real- ty (865)278-3980. TN 3 ACRE BLUFF PARCEL 3 beautiful acres in central Tennessee. Approx. 1800' elevation. Mature hard- woods. Close to state park, 15 'area golf courses. Gated, clubhouse, fitness center, nature trails; Only $79,900! Owner (866)292-5769. VA MOUNTAINS 5 acres with frontage on very large pris- tine creek, very private, ex- cellent fishing, canoeing, good access, near New Riv- er Trail State Park, $39,500. Owner (866)789-8535 www.mountainsofVA.com. View online Western North Carolina, North Georgia Real Estate magazine www.mtla- kesreguide.com Homes, cabins, land, rentals. "Best investment area in U.S.A." says Forbes Magazine Up- dated monthly. Western New Mexico Private 74 Acre Ranch $129,990 and 20 Picturesque Acres $54,990. Scenic region with mountain views, tall trees, rolling hills, meadows, wild- life. Enjoy horses, hunting,o hiking, ATV's. Perfect to build your family ranch or re- treat, retirement or second home. With electricity. 100% financing. NALC (866)365-2825. Mobile Homes Mobile Home Lots 2005 Mobile Home Parts 2010 Mobile Homes Rent 2015 Mobile Homes Sale 2020i CLEWISTON, '96; Doublewide 3br, 2ba, on 1 1/4 ac., Front porch, Fenced yard. Located in Montura Call 863-228-7306 or Espanol 863-228-6041 FLAGHOLE, 3BR/2BA, 2004 Doublewide, with pole barn, on 2.5 acres. Must see!! Beautiful! (863)902-0369 LABELLE- Mobile home 0.4o5 acre corner lot with pond. $95,000 (863)673-2754 Owner/Realtor PALM HARBOR HOMES Fac- tory Model Center LARGEST in America! Modular, Mobile and Stilt Homes, Call for FREE Color Brochures! (800)622-2832. Recreation Boats .iO05 Cnmpers/RVa 10 iO Jet Skiie 1OIS Marine Accesanries lu02 Marine MiucellaneLou, .0U25 Sport Vahicles/ATVs 035 BASS TRACKER- '94, 18' Pro, Aluminum, 75 hp Mercury. $2500 Firm. In Moore Haven (239)633-7173 REsmENmH Bring the horses! 5.15tt-prime open residential acres in Western Hendry County Centrally located just off Highway 80 in south western Florida offering easy access to both the East and West coasts of Florida. Offered at $185,000 DEVELOPMT / COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Courthouse Square LaBelle, Florida Newly constructed retail / professional office space ready for lease occupancy. 1100 sq ft bays with multiple configurations available. SR 80 LaBelle, Florida LaBelle, Florida isa rapidly developing area 20 minutes East of Rt. Myers. Multiple development possibilities from multi-famity to commercial. Prime intersection and road frontage available along SR 80 1/S Acres 6.85- Acres 2.38 Acres Offered at $7,950,000 Offered at $3,879,000 Offered at $1,348,000 SR 80 & Hwy 31, Lee County, Florida Busy intersection in one of the fastest growing areas in Florida. .8087 acres offer development potential that includes retail gas station professional, Offered at $1,100,000 oDIrE T T1NAL Steven B. Royal DIRECTIONAL Sales Associate PROPERTIES, INc. (561) 996-8080 sbroyal@theroyalcompanies.com CADILLAC FLEETWOOD- 94 (u3)t-49/ LaBelle bestoffTer. (863)67b/5-6t568 Public Notice 5005 RO.Box3006 Clewiston, FL 33440 White with rms. Stereo, WELDING RIGGED IRAILER. Stat Public- Unit#39 So Garza Leather int. Runs & looks w/5th wheel hitch, ew vnr,,.,' Legal Notice 5500 PDO.Box3054 ClewistonFL33440 great. $4500.863-673-6266 overhead crane, 2 ton chain Unit#58 Richard Barber CHEVY BLAZER '88 auto, hoist+ $800 (863)763-3451 RO. Box 1111 Clewiston, FL 33440 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD pwr., runs good, new mtr., 147394 CGS 7/13,2006 BROUGHAM 1986, Great parts needs minor body wk. $800 or _ll Joly13,2885 car. Many good parts. $300. best offer 863-387-0563 NOTICE I (863)612-0992 LaBelle FORD EXPLORERXLT V8-'96 Ford hto Van, 'NOTICE OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS'MEETING SCHEDULE CAMARO Z28 '84- T-tops. Great Condition. $4100. sfa od h towp Van, '897k o ,, FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 FOR Strong V8 w/haersr new 863-763-2168 sofa bed, tow pkg., 178k ,',.,;, r,,,...l ,,I ai h, ,1,,1,.1 FORFISCALYEAR2OO6-2OO7FOR tires, brakes & calibers miles, $2000. LaBelle Area. r ,r"'..I COLLINS SLOUGH WATER CONTROL DISTRICT $2000 (863)675-0088 GMC Suburban SLE, '93, has (863)675-4970 Iv. msg. I nI .& vtui.i, u. u. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Board of Supervisors'Meetings of Collins all the toys, drivers side front 1 I --1 i ","a"h' sloughWaterCoutrolDstrictarescheduledforthefourfMondayofeachmonth. CHEVY CORSICA '91, 82k, end damage, 145,700 mi., GMC VAN '91- 3/4 ton, has hispublichearnisconsid Colino ouhWaterControlDistrictMeetingbegnat4:30PM. andareheldatthe runs excellent. $1000 $1800 neg. (863)763-4149 some rust, runs & drives for the issuance of a vehice-for- f n c S theperviAiswitrespect (863)763-7950 -great, real strong work van hirelicense. to y maner considered a the public eng heran referred, heor she may CHEVY CORSICA, '92- 4dr$800neg. (863)763-4149 llesord .a need to insure that a verbam record of the proceedings is made, which record CHEVYCORSICA,'92- 4dr, 5 s heso r eqgoegrl includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal Is based. P/B, P/S, CD playe. 6 cyl., No Reading a newspaper or denying of this license request. Pusuat to the provisions of the American with Dsabiiies Act, any person requr- AC. Good condition inside/out. CAR HAULER, $1200 helps you understand CITY OFCLEWISTON, FLORIDA t t a th of proceeding $900 (863)763-7609. (863)697-2434 the world around you. IvaPitman DATED this tdayof June2006. COUGARS- A pair, '87, 1 runs CAR TOW DOLLY- Complete, No iid wspapr Deputy clerk COLLINS SLOUGH WATER CONTROL DISTRICT -good & 1 for parts. $300. Good condition. $500. cessfulpeoplel 148664 CN7/20,27/06 143774 CN 7/20/06 (863)673-6266 (863)467-4253 I Houses Sale I Houses Sale HENRY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT 2003 P Z550 NOTICEOFPROPOSEDRULE 1 G o lf a r SUBMITTED BY: R. Scott Cooper DATE:7/25/06 1 i '' SUBJECT AREA:426 Student and StaffWellness ll cElectric, W windshield, Club protect r, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF PURPOSE: The proposed rule establishes the policy for T Automatic Charger, Beautiful Car student and staffwellness. -.. __ L CITATION OF LEGALAULITHORITY: 1001.41,1003.42,1003.46 and 1006.06, ES. EOU TTNCLEW IST N C NT Y ACRDF CITATION OF SPECIFIC LEGAL REFERENCE: 1001.41, 1003.42, 1003.46,and Modular/FCLEWISTON COUNTRY ACRE$79,900 & up, er (03-434 Modular/Floor Plans. From $79,900 & up, C all Sherri (863)763-6434 FULL TEXT A copy o e full text of the roosed role may be obtained, without F Pcost, at the Office oftthe Supedntendent? ofScoroI,. 3/4/5BR, 2/3BA, acre & 1/4 available or use EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The proposed rule establishes the policy for student and your land as .down payment. Financing l Nt ice 5005: Publ i Notice 5 staffwellness. your land as down -17 payment. Financing iSTATEMENT OF REGULATORY COSTS: The proposeddpolicy revision will create no available. 863-673-6417 or 561-721-5299 additional district economic impact in excess of $1 0.00 except for the costs of printing and distributions. e 4 SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT LOCATION OF MEETING, TIME AND DATE: Hendry County School Board Meeting u m PUBLIC NOTICE OF APPLICATION Room, 25 E. Hickochee Avenue, LaBelle, FL at 5:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard on July 25,2006. EVENRUDE 115, 17ft., runs DONATE UNWANTE /UN Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Chapter 373, FlRorida Statutes, the following EVENRUDE 115, 17ft., runs DONATE UNWANTED/UN- applican(s)forpermthavebeenrceivedfor Notice: Any person who wishes to provide the School Board with information re- great, wide boat, turn key USED VEHICLE- to a Florida ardingthestatement of estimated regulatory costs, or provide a proposal for a ready. $1 6 0 0 Non-Profit. Pickup within 72 Second Venture Inc and Greenleaf Products Inc (Moore Haven Mine) PO Box 2135, lower cost regulatory alternative must do so In writing within 21 days after publi- (863)47-1290hrs (866)855-0902 Haines City, FL 33845, has submitted Application 060605-21 for a Water Use cation of this notice. 63)467-1290 permit to dewater on undeveloped lands. The water will be withdrawn from the Water Table Aquifer and the project is located In Sections 26,27, Township 42 Notice: If requested In wilting and not deemed unnecessary by the Agency Head, a SAIL BOAT- 23ft, w/trailer, FORD MUSTANG, 1965, South, Range32 East. Rule Development Workshop will be held at a time and date to be advertised in $1200 or best offer $1500. (863)983-5357 ask thefuture. (239)470-3701 LaBelle for Ed. AEC General Inc (Caloosa Pit) PO Box 19086, Lehigh Acres, FL 33971, hasbsubmit- ted Application 060605-9 for a Water Use Permit to dewater on undeveloped Notice: The procedure for obtaining a public hearingon this proposed rule is to re- SEA KAYAK, Touring Style, FORD MUSTANG '80, Classic, lands. The water will be withdrawn from the Water Table Aquifer and the project quest, waiting, a hearing. The request shall be submitted to the Superntendent sic, Is located in Section 32, Township 42 South,fRange 31 East. of Schools, in writing, witin 21 days'after publication ot this notce. The request Model Prijon Kodiak, 17 Ft., 6 cyl., good shape. $2500 shall specify how the person requestng the public hearing would be affected by Good condition. $400. (863)467-0139 Iv. message Second Venture Inc (Moore Haven Mine) PO Box 2135, Haines Cty, FL 33845, has the proposed rule. The School Board, upon appropriate request, shall give affect- 5 1o6 submitted Application 060606-27 for modification of Environmental Resource ed persons an opportunity to present evidence and argument on the issues under (863)357-7406 FORD PROBE, '92, black, runs Permit 22-00286FP for 125 acres of mining lands. The water will be discharged consideration. Sea Kayak, Touring Style, good, cold a/c, nw water to the Diston Island Drainae District Canal and the project is located in Sections Sea Kayak, Touring Style, good, cold ac new water si Sange32East. Notice: Inspection and copying of all written materials constituting public records Northwest Pursuit, 17', exc. pump, new tires, $1200 or submittedto the agencyre ing draftrulesmay be obtained by request, In writ- cond., $600. (863)357-7406 best offer. (239)784-8449 Interested persons may comment upon the application or submit a written request ing, to the Superitendentof Schools. for a copy of the staff report containing proposed agency action regarding the ap- Mercury Marquis LS, '90,5,0, plication by writing to the South Florida Water Management District, Attn: Environ- Notice: The School Board may recognize any material which may be judicially no- TSa lr I runss :O 0010 mental Resource Regulation, PO Box 24680, West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680, ticed and to incorporate them into the record of the rule making proceeding. The auto, hut such comments or requests must be received by 5:00 PM within 21 days School Board maylncorporate material by reference Into the proposed rule. 2nd owner, cold airall pow- rom the date of publication. Notice: If ou need an accommodation in orderto participate in this process,lease Bus converted into RV, rebuilt er, $1800 (863)467-6805 No further public notice will be provided regarding this application. A copy of the notify Thomas W. Conner, the Superintendent of Schools at (863) 6744642 or at eng., runs great, $1500 firm. OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME SL staff report must be requested in order to remain advised of further proceedings, the Hendry County Courthouse, LaBelle, Florida 33935 at least 48 hours prior to 239-657-3387 or 94, 6 cyl, tinted window Substantially affected persons are entitled to request an administrative hearing re- the meeting or workshop. 5737 o '94, cyl., tinted windows, garding the proposed agency aciton by submitting a written request thereforafter 505-317-5577 needscompessor. $2500 rviewg the tffreport.Notice: If the School Board adopts the p sed rule, one certified copy of the pro- 5 $2SHADOW CRUISER-0e t a'98 slide ff rot1. imposed rule shall be filed inthe Office of the Superintendent of Schools pursuant to SHADOW CRUISER- '98 slide (863)467-0139 Iv. message 148CGS7/20/06 1 ,20.54ae),F.S. in camp, uill contained, SAAB COUPE- '92, Blue, 145963 C /6,13,20 CB 7/20/06 like r,, .., $2500 Leather seats, Sun roof. (863)675-0604 Needs Alt. belt, $1200. Neg. I SOUTHWIND' 86- 34', 49K (863)675-7878 NOTICEOFSHERIFPSSALE ANUNCIODEREFERENDUM orig miles, sips 7, new tires, SATURN- '93, 2 door, Needs N:,," i '.. t.v r-.. in ,uru"l Wi) a Writ of Exectiion, issued in the Circuit PARAELDISTRITODELCONTOLEAUADELONDA CENTAL ene rator, good COnd., ork $200. or best offer. ourt oDae oumy, Fiona, on mne 2nd day of May 2006, In the cause wherein Conforme a Seccidn 189.4051(2)(a(1) de los Estatutos de la Florida, por media de r Work. 200. or best offer* RrtIUnion Natlonal Bank is plaintitffandTanyaS. Beaumnt a/k/a Tanya Beau- la resent se anuncia n Ref ndum presentado por la Junta de Supervisores 9800 neg (863)467-8161 (863)673-6266 mount is defendant, being case number 97-95 4 CC-23 (01), in said court, I, Ro- de DOistto del Control de Agua del Condado Central sobre la cueslidn si clertos S'nald E. Lee, Sr.; as Sheriff of. Hendry County, Florida, have levied upon all the miembros del Distrito de Control de Agua del Condado Central deberlan ser elegir WINNEBAGO '85:26 Ft., Sips TOYOTA CAMRY LX '91- 4dr, eight, title and Interest of the defendant Tanya S. Beaumont a/k/a Tanya Beau- dos par votantes electorates calificados por requisites. De acuerdo a la Seccn 8, Generator, Many cabinets, auto, runs good, great gas mont,inandtothefollowingdescribedproperty,to-wi: 189.4051(2)(a) delosEstatutosdelato Florida, "vptantes electorales callficados good tread. Good cond. Low mileage, $1800 or best offer Lot 20, Block 2083 of Port Labelle Unit 2, a subdivision, according to the plat there- ar reqoistaoso' ugnifica:ucsalquoer person mnima d 18 q e en miles. $7,000 (772)284-1194 (863)697-3045 for details of recorded In Plat Book 3, Page 60, of the Public Records of Hendry County, a Florida,.y ua persnaa en posesidn de propiledad libre de gravamen) o la.espo- F Rorida, and sa/conyuge de ona persona en posesin de un feudo franco y resident del Distri- VOLVO 240 DL '90, Wagon, to del Control de Agua del Conda Central quien estt matriculado con el runs good, 131k, $2200 o Lot 21, Block 2083 of Port Labelle Unit 2, a subdiviion, according to the plat there- superintendent de elecciones de un coidado, dentro de Io cual est ubicado tal best ff (863)357-5977 of recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 60, of the Public Reotards of Hendry County, distritocuandoseabrela nscripoldn electoral REESE 5TH WHEEL HITCH- best offer. (863)357-5977 Florida.dn for 15K Ilb trailer weight, Parcel Identification Numbers: 4104329-0202083020.0 and 4104329- tasRurp.m. hrala auW a p.as erc $lu use)e mo a C s- $295 (863)467-6696 0202083021.0 states, ubiado en la direccidn: 225 North Hacienda Street, Montura Ranch Es- tates, Clewiston, de to Florida. Se proveeog una papeleta electoral delot Distrito de And on the 17th day of August 2006, in the Courtyard of the Handry County Court- Control de Agua del Condado Central prea el Referendm cuando so inscribe ust- SYAMAHA GOLF CART- 36 volt, house, LaBelle, Florida, at the hour of 11:00am, or as soon thereafter as possible, ed aravotar. FAVORDETOMAR ENCONSIDERACION EL HECHOUESOLA- in e I charger included. Good con- I will offer for sale all the said defendant, Tanya S. Beaumont anWea Tanya Beau- MENTE LAS PERSONAS QUE ACTUALMENTE ESTAN ELIGIBLES PARA VOTAR edition. Free delivery in Okee. emt, idgh, title and Interest in the aforesaid real property, at public auction and EN LAS ELECCIONES DE TERRATENIENTES/PROPIETARIOS DEL DISTRITO DEL ion. reedlvery in Oke' will sell the same, subject to taxes, all prior liens, encumbrances and judgments, CONTROL DE AGUA DEL CONDADO CENTRAL, ASI COMO ESTIPULADO EN BOAT MOTOR, JohnsonEvin- $1000. (863)763-1424 if any, to the highest bidder, with the proceeds to be applied as far as may be to SECCION 298.12, DE LOS ESTATUTOS DE LA FLORIDA, EN CUANTO AL EN- SJ n in -the payment of costs and the satisfaction of the above-described execution. MENDADO, ESTARIAN PERMITIDOS A VOTAR SOBRE LA CUESTION DE LA rude, 14hp. OMC. Runs 'e PAPELETA ELECTORAL DEL REFERENDUM. great. $700 (863)763-7609 ,,,l Tr urk,,0 0 Estonianndisponiblls lasBapelesaseleloralesdeersons useBntes(el vto1por MERC ALUMINUM PROP Hndry County, Florida corresponenca a l a parel eagpso ara o er informacidn sobre el votopor correspondencia, so puede Ilamar la oficina del Dis- Likenew, Fits 90hp. Hub kit WORK BODY TRUCK-'Ford By: Captain AndyLewis tritodel ControldeAgua dCondado Centrala: (863) 983-5797. included. $70. F250 w/tool body & lift tail DepatySheriff (863)763-1424gateF3501wCtoo vl an4ElDistrito deoControl de Aguaedel Condado Central, (863)763-1424 gate, 351 Cleveland, $500 147502CGS7/20,27;8/310/06 Clewiston,detaFlorida OUTBOARD MOTOR- 7.5hp neg (863)675-7321 148952 CN7/20;8/3/06 Mercury w/6 gal tank. $350 (863)357-0616 tan SOUTH FLORIDAWATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT S )i -O ,jlrl PUBLIC NOTICE OF APPLICATION.. INVITATION TO BID I I ADAPTOR KIT- For Jeep Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, the following The City of MoorHavenwillacceptsealedbidsforthefollowing: Wrangler to V8 Chevy en applications) for permit have been received for, projects) In Glades County:198 2 Travel Trailer HARLEY DAVIDSON IRON gine. Headers, Adaptor Second Venture Incand Greenleaf Products Inc (Moore e Haven Mine) PO Box2135, HEA '74:$3000 call for de- plates $250. (863)674-0898 Haines City, FL 33845, has submitted Application 060605-21 for a Water Use 1988 Chevrolet 2500 Utility Truck HEAD '74: $3000 Call for de- (Permit to d water on undeveloped lands. The water will be withdrawn from the tails. '(239)357-6889 LaBelle CHROME RIMS 22" W/TIRES Water Table Auifer and the project is located in Sections 26,27, Township 42 1992 F-150 pickup area. South, Range 32 East. area. Set (4), fits Trailblazers/En- loskvagenerator SUZUKI BLVD C50T, '05; voys. $1000. 863-634-5888 AEC General Inc (Caloosa Pit) PO Box 1986, Lehigh Acres, FL 33971, has submit- ted Application 060605-9 for a Water Use Permit to dewater on undeveloped Sflner Model 472 Mower .... ,- "" ;.,":.. blk./chrome, saddle bags, PONTIAC BONNEVILLE '94- lands. The water will be withdrawn from the Water Table Aquifer and the project wind shield shift drive, liquid damage in front, good mo- islocatedInSection 32,Township42 South, Range 31 East. Bids will be accepted until 2:0 .P nM ,pday Aug st 1,4,O., T he,asealed bids daman, gtorewinfron&t, ransdmusthbe in CityvHall0at299 RiveraidegDr Moore Haven' FIL33471on or beforeAa- cooled, 1 .5k mi., clean, tor, new tires & trans axle Second Venture Inc (Moore Haven Mine) PO Box 2135, Haines City, FL 33845, has oust 14th at :00 RM at which time they will be publicly opened, read aloud and 4 0 + mp g., $5, 0 00 $200 (863)697-3008 submitted Application 060606-27 for modification of Environmental Resource recorded. Bids will be awarded at the Regular City of Moore Haven City Council (863)467-9390 Permit 22-00286-P for 125 acres of mining lands. The water will be discharged meeting Tuesday, August 15th. Sealed bids may be.mailed to City of Moore REAR SEAT- Jeep Wrangler, to the DIston Island Drainage District Canal and the project is located in Sections Haven .0. Box 399, Moore Haven, FL 33471. All bids must be clearly marked as SUZUKI SV650, '06, barely $100. (863)674-0898 26,27, Township 42 South, Range 32 East. SurplusEquipmentBids. used, w/$3.00 worth of ac- Interested persons may comment ulon the application or submit a written request Surplus equipment may be examined by appointment at the City of Moore Haven cessories, $4950. RIMS & TIRES, 20", off of a for a copy of the staff report containing proposed agency action regarding the ap- Utilities Warehouse at 301 2nd St., Moore Haven, FL. For appointment contact (863)357-7406 "Dodge 1500, $1500. plication bywritin to theSouth Florida Water ManagementDistrict, Attn: Environ- Jerri LynnSchlueterat(863)946-0909. (863)673-2671 mental Resource Regulation. PO Box 24680, West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680, WANTED: Motorcycle (6) 7 but such comments or requests must be received by 5:00 PM within 21 days Equipment will be sold as is / where is and the buyer will be responsible for picking Any Type. For parts. RIMS- (4) 16X7 Dodge Ram from the date of publication. up the equipment. The City of Moore Haven reserves the right to refuse any Must have good front end. PU Rims, semi metallic silver No further public notice will be provided regarding this application. A copy of the ****863-824-0801 **** w/clear coat, fits 96-01 staff report mustbe request in ordertoremainadvisedoffurtherproceedings. 148926C6S7/20,27;8/3,10/06 $200 neg. (863)69,7-8906 Substantially affected persons are entitled to request an administrative hearing re- garding the proposed agency action by submitting a written request therefore after ] K' ll RIMS-(4) 20", Dodge, tires & reviewingthe staff report. REQUESTFORBIDS RFB)6000000 B6/P503-003 wheels, $700 or best offer 148974 CGS 7/20/06 PICAYUNE STRAND ROAD REMOVAL, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA (561)996-9264 The Procurement Department of the South Florida Water Management District, B-1 5HP GO CART -aGood 7coAndi- TIRV E RIMS fGr a E7 Building, 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33406, will receive ion runs $400Good condi- TIRES & RIMS, for a CJ7, AVISODEELECCIONGENERAL sealedidsupto 2:30p.m. oeningtimeonThursda, Aust17,2006forthe S $ 35/12.50R15, Procomp, SFWMD Picayune Strand Road Removal, project includes altlabor, materials, and 863-467-0109 with spare tire & hardware, Su M..Cobb.S etaodo de Florida, el.r te equipment necessary to remove existing roadways in the areabordered on the 0 CART- 2seater, as po w- $50 pneg. 8633572113 oy aviso Ie quenara una :L UIO L-AL. en etl onoado Ae landysa- west by Merdtt Canal, on the east by Prairie Canal, on the north by 1-75 and on GO CART- 2 sweater, gas pow- $500 neg. (863)357-2113 do do la Florida, el dia Siete de Noviembre, d.C., 2006, para llenar o mantener las the south by the east-west portion of Prairie Canal. Roadways, adjacent swaies, ered, runs good, $150 TIRES (2) brand new Good- siguientesposlcionesoficiales: and spoils piles shall be re-graded to match undisturbed, pre-development eleva- -rru ns R 5 IR (i) brand new ood- ions. it includes removal of vegetation in the work areas and stockpiling excess (863)467-8723 year Integrity, P205/65R15, SenadordelosEstadosUnidos fill adjacentto existing canals. GO CART- Manco 6.5hp 2 $160 for the pair RereseantanteenelCongresonporelDistrito(s):16y23 GO CART- Manco 6.5hp 2 a r(863)h75-3322 r GobemadoryTenienteGobemador An OPTIONAL pre-bid conference will be held on Thursday, July 27, 2006 at 10:00 seater, new tires, runs great, (863)6753322 Fiscal General a.m. at Golden Gates Fire House, 10013th Street SW, Naples, FL. For Directions, $850. (863)674-0539. La- TONNEAU COVER, A.R.E. Fi- Coisionar eAgricultura call 561-242-552ext4035. Belle berglass, Fits '01-'03 Dodge Fiscal Estatal, Circuito 20 All bids must conform to the instructions in the RFB. Interested respondents may GO CART- Murray, 6.0 H Dakota Quad Cab white. $450 DefensorPiblico, Circuito20 obtain a copy of the complete RFB by downloading itfor free from our webshie - GO CART-Murray, 6.0 H 1 MembroalaCmaradeReresentantesEstatal,Distrito77 by purchasing a set for $36.00 at the above address, calling seater, runs great, new rear neg. (863)697-0328 RetencidndetresMagistradb del Tribunal Supremo (561) 682-6391, or by calling the 24-hour BID HOTLINE 800-472-5290. The tires. $650. (863)674-0539 TIRetenci6n de cinco Jueces del Tribunal de Apelaciin del Distrito Segundo public is invited to attend the bid opening. Information on the status of this so- ires. $650. (863)674-0539 TRUCK TIRES- 20", Mounted JuecesdelTribunaldel Circuito Vigeslm, Gnrupos 2, 5, 8, 9,11,14,17,18, 26. 27, ictatlon can be obtained at our web site-www.stwmd.gov. LaBelle. Dayton or Budd wheels. 8 28,29,30y31 148871CN7/20/06 HONDA RANCHER ES 04 1/4 tO 1200.$100 or best of- Distrito de Desarrollo de la Comunidad de Port LaBelle, Escanos 1, 3y 5 HONDA RANCHERES'04 o es Jueces del Tribunal del Condado: Grupo 1 $3500. 863-675-6568 fer. (863)675-1862 Junta de los Comisionados del Condado, Distritos 2 y 4 Miembros de la Junta Escolar, Distritos 1,3 y 5 JET SKI, '96, 3 sweater, $2500 VOLVO 1240, 1986, exc. DlstritodeConservacidndeTerren Agua deHendry, Gruposi,3 y5 or best offer or trade for four cond., engine runs good for Autodad d Hospitaes del Condo d o H endry: sDistos 2 y 4 NOTICE OF REFERENDUM FOR CENTRAL COUNTY WATER CONTROL DISTRICT wheeler. (863)673-0104 parts. Asking $300/neg. Pursuant to Section 189.4051(2)(a)(1), Florida Statutes, notice is hereby given that (863)675-0790. En Testimonio de to cual, yo aqul he asentado mi firma y he causado que el Gran the Board of Supervisors for the Central County Water Control District, will hold a SUZUKI 2001 80HP- Runs, 1. Sello del Estado de la Florida ser pesto en'Tallahassee, La Capital, on duodecimo referendum on the question of whether certain members of the Central County ,excellent cond. $2200 WHEELS, 16" Factory 2006 dejunio,d.C.,2006. Water Control District should be elected by qualified electors. AccordingtoSec- 83- 0 Mustang brand new BF 0ion189.4051 1)(a), Florida Statutes, Qualified elector means any person at 863-467-0109 Mustang, rad nw BF SueM.Cobb least 18 years of age who is a citizen of the United Sttes, a permanent resident Goodrich Radial tires, will in- Secreata de Etda Florida, and a freeholder or freeholders spouse and resident of Central County S stall. $800 (863)697-0467 146926 CGS 7/13,20/06 Water Control District who registers with the supervisor of elections of a county HAutom ol esll I _within which the district is located when the registraBon books are open. The referendum will be held on Wednesday August 23, 2006 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 NOTICEOFBOARDOFSUPERVISORS'MEETINGSCHEDULE p.m.atthel Montra Ranch Estates Clubhouse, located at 225 North Hacienda A|mbil IT F D UStreet Montura Ranch Estates Clewiston Florida. You will be given a Central FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 FOR County Water Control District referendum ballot when you sin in to vote. S CADILLAC SLS '96, Fully PLEASEBEADVISEDTHATONLYTHOSEPERSONSPRESNTLY QUALIFIED TO loaded, leather, power, keyless DEVIL'S GARDEN WATER CONTROL DISTRICT VOTE IN CENTRAL COUNTY WATER CONTROL DISTRICT LANDOWNER ELEC- e nt r y. Must sell! $2500 YOU ARE HERESY NOTIFIED that the Board of Supervisors' Mengs of Devi Gar NS PROVIDED IN SECTION'2 12 FLORIDA STATUTES, AS AMENDED, ANuti U refL Enum bAL tsO wi be vTa uponRrequet cO c AUS t 1, Automobiles -ii,) (239)425-5997 LaBelle area den Water Control Districtarsecheduledforthefnrth Mendsof ench oth Absentee re dm batsO V llOTeON TaIlale R uMn Bq uestoeNc 1, -""-"- **** Devil's Garden Water Control District Meetings begin at 4:00 PM. and are held at the ,n 2006 ou my contact the office of Central County Water Contrl District at Autos Wanted -1010 CHEVY 1500 PICKUP, '89, IOicvofAlio, Inc., 640 Sooth Main Straee, Laflello, Flordd. 20(06.)Youm ayc7tocttaoieontea ran llConty rra t Di sc Commercial Trucks Ji)20 r bs t o ffer aywie cossideiati n e y Central County Water Control Distuct Commercial Trucks 020 r be st of fe r need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record CwlsBtdoo tlrid Construction (863)634-4076 Includesthe testimony and evidence upon which the appeals based. 14945 CN 7/20;W/os Equipment 4025 Pursuant to the provisions of the Amencan with Disabilities Act, any person requir- Equipmen ring special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the Foreign Cars 41030 CHEVY '88- 3/4 ton, 4x4, 400 Distictat (863) 675-296 atleast ive (5) days prt orto the date f proceeding. Four Wheel Drive 4035 Sm block, 4spd w/low 1st OATEDthis19thdayofJune2006. DEVIL'SGARDENATERCONTOLISTRICT Heavy Duty Trucks 404'0 gear, $1500 (863)634-5421 4376 DEVILCS GARDENWATERCONTROLDISTRI7/20/06 U-Lock-It Storage Pad s Repairs 4i)45 CHEVY BLAZER S10- '93, 2 500S.San Gabriel Clewiston, FL33440 Pickup Trucks 4J50 door V-6 Good tires A/C ., 863-673-0662 Sport U rility s 90K, $1 500 Lake Port Il l I Ctcontentsoftheflwngltowl besotldnJoly22,2006. Utility Trailers 4065T L u d r r-98n C92d Vans 4070 CHEVY S10 '87- ext cab, 4x4 TRAILER, used for motorcy- u o 23 Chie n FL 440 needs work, $800 or best of- cle, $400 (863)673-6295 R.Bx so L 3440 fer(772)519-0946 UTILITY TRAILER- 16', Excel- I I Un#. Box2405 CelsonFLats ,jFORDF_100ol..97,4,2wd.$350 lent condition. $1000, or Unit #17 Annabelle Morales Thursday, July 20, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee -Ti... .- i.... -o nnr ITusoy III u~.iy uIY, 2u, uUU Servina the communities south of Lake Okeechobee I Pbic Notice SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT PUBLIC NOTICE OFAPPUCATION Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to Chapter 373, Rorida Statutes, the following appocatin(s)forpermit have been received for projects) in Hendry County: Robert Piccolo (Piccolo Farms) 2641 Bayelew Drive, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33306, has subnited A 1icton 06106024 for a Water Use Permit to irriate 50 acres of ag- rictural l The water will be withdrawn from the Lower Ta3iami Aquifer and the proje Is ncated in Section 19, Township 43 South, Range 32 East Sabreena' Garden Nursery Inc (Sabreena's Garden Nursery) HC01, Box 455, Mooure Haven FL 33471, has submied Applcation 060605-1 or renewal of Water Use Perit 26-00755-W to irrigate 22 acres of agricultural lands. The water will be within from an onste ake and the project Is located In Sections 3,10, Town- ship 34 South, Range 31 East. Collier Enterises M agent Ian (Dinner Island) 975 New Harvest Rd, Immokal- S eeFL 34142. has submitted Application 060608-16 for renewal of Water Use Pertt 26-0300-W to Irrigate 1784 acres of agicultural lands. The water wi be withdrawn from the Lower Tamiami Aquifer and the project Is located in Sections 4-6,31-34,36,TowIship 46 South, Range47East Collier Enterprises Management Inc (Gum Swamp Farms975 New Harvest Rd, Im- mokasee, FL 34142,hasa submitted Applcation 06060-30 for renewal of Water UsePermit 2600107-W to Irrigate 1432.4 acres of agricultural lands. The water wil be drawn from tIe Lower Trmamil and Water Table Aquifers and the pro- ect Is located In Sections 19-21,27-30, Township 4outh, p 47 South, Range 31 East ia a LLC (Imo kate Grove) 3750 W Raller St, Miami, FL 33134, has sub. mite ppcafn 060619-12 for renewal of Water use Permit 26-00116-W to ir- rigate 30 acres of agricultural lands. The water will be withdrawn from the SurfIlda Auer and Ihe project Is located In Sections 12,13, Township 47 South, Range 31 East Bofff (Pride Citrus Develomert) 12551 Wainwright Or, Inmroskalee, FL 34142, has tubmittd Appitlone 000620-13 for renewal of Waler Use Permit 26-00126-W ato Irgate 171 acres of agricultural and landscape lands. The water wil be with- drawn from the Surfclal Aquifer and the project Is located In Sections 16-21, Townstdp 48 South, Range 31 East Jebco Groves, W222 N 833 Cheaney Dr, Waukesha, WI 53186, has submitted Ap- plication 060622-11 for renewal of Water Use Permit 26-00123-W to Irrigate . 1298 acres of culturall lands. The water will be withdrawn from the C-43 Ca- nal and the project Is located In Sections 5,8,17, Township 43 South, Range 31 East Gardlnler Forkats L t Inc (Alexander Grove) 6751 W Profeassional Pkwy Ste 107, Sara 3o hase submrtted Applcation 060622-6 for renewal of Water Use Pemit 264 77-W Irrigate 2640 acres of agricultural lands, The water will be AwNdIin from the Sandstone Aquifer and an onslte lake/pontsacent canal e d titeJ t Is located In Sections 7,8,10-15, Township 4 South, Rang- as 30,31 East North American Ltd (Palmer Ranch and Catte Company) 312 17th SE 17th St, Ste 300, R r FL 33316, has submitted Application 060623-25 for re- newal of Wat~ U Permit 26-00646-W to Irrigate 931 acres of agricultural lands. The water will be withdrawn from the Lower Tanamii Aqufter and the pro- eet Is located In S tetis 28,29,33, Township 44 Sou, Range 3 East Panther Tracts LLC (Panther Tracts f/k/a Doctors Hammock) 7780 NW 53rd St, Mliml, FL 331,Atoas submitted Application 060623-3 for renewal of Water Use Permit 26-00372-. N0 frigate 288 acres of agricultural lands. The water will be withdrawn from thi Ler Tamalmi Aquifer and the project is located in Section 34, Township 48 South, Range 31 East Half Circle L Ranch Partnership (Haft Circle L Ranch) 2424 Thorpe Rd, Immolalee, FL 34142, has submitted Application 060626-19 for renewal of Water Use Permit 11-00147-W to Irrigate 2923 acres of agricultural lands. The water will be with- drawn from the Lower TamiamVSurticial Aquifers and the project is located in SectInns 13-24,26-28,30, Township 46 South, Ranges 30,31 East J-7 Ranch Inc (J-7 Ranch) 25400 CR 833, Clewiston, FL 33440, has submitted Ap- S plcation 060626-20 for renewal of Water Use Permit 26-00456-W to irrigate 3360 acres of agricultural lands. The water will be wil be withdrawn from the Lower Tamlami Aquifer and an onsite lake/pond and the project is located in Sections 19-21,28,33, Township 46 South, Range 33 East Alice Inc (Alico 1 Farm 5) PO Box 338, LaBelle, FL 33975, has submitted Applica- ion 060626-22 for renewal of Water Use Permit 26-00271-W to irrigate 975 acres of agricultural lands. The water will be withdrawn from the Lower Tamlami Aquifer and the project is located in Sections 29,32,33, Township 44 South, Range 31 East Alico Inc (Aco Farm 4) PO Box 338, LaBelle, FL 33975, has submitted Application 060626-23 for renewal of Water Use Permit 26-00174-W to irrigate 2000 acres of agricultural lands. The water will be withdrawn from the Sandstone Aquifer and Athe project is located in Sections 16,17,20,21, Township 44 South, Range 31 East Alco Inc (Jog Farm) PO Box 338, LaBelle, FL 33975, has submitted Aplication 060626-24 for renewal of Water Use Pearmit 26-00315-W to irrigate 1072 acres of agricultural lands. The water will be withdrawn from the Sandstone Aquifer and the project Is located In Sections 1,6,19,24,25,30,31,36, Townships 44,45 South, Ranges 30,31 East Alico Inc (Southeast Farm) PO Box 338, LaBelle, FL 33975, has submitted Applica- tion 060626-25 for renewal of Water Use Permit 26-00483-W to Irrigate 1170 acres of agricultural lands. The water will be withdrawn from the Lower Tamiami Aquifer and the project is located In Sections 25,35,36, Township 45 South, Range 33 East. Alico Inc (ill Grade Farm) PO Box 338, LaBelle, FL 33975, has submitted Applica- ton 060626-26 for renewal of Water Use Permit 26-00453-W to irrigate 6200 acresof agricultural lands. The water will be withdrawn from the Lower Tamiami Aquifer nd the project is located in Sections 7-22,27-30, Township 45 South, Rats 32,33 East Alico Inc (lasterPermiot) PO Box 338, LaBelle, FL 33975, has submitted Application 0062-27 for renewal of Water Use Permit 26-00108-W to irrigate 16997 acres of Widciure lands. The water will be withdrawn from the Lower Tamiami Aqul- f=r ad M project is located In Sections 19-23,26-28,33-35, Township 44 South, Range 30 East Alic wonc ird Two by Six) PO Box 338, LaBelle, FL 33975, has submitted Appli- cation 060626-28 for renewal of Water Use Permit 26-00631-W to irrigate 6143 acrs of agricultural lands. The water will be withdrawn from the Lower Tamiami Aquifer and the project is located In Sections 1-12, Township 44 South, Ranges 31, 32 East - -Brace Hendry (BRBar Ranch) 711 W Main St, Immokalee, FL 34142, has submitted Applicatiffon 06t627-21 for renewal of Water Use Permit 26-00500-W to Irrigate 00 acres ofe cu trat lands. The water will be withdrawn from groundwater and e projects located n Sections 4,8,9. Township 47 South, ang 32 East. SCollier Grows Lf(CrG'Is Nest GroveA1O.Metro Pkwy, Ste 250, Ft Myers, FL 33916, lh o s 2bmitteeApDlcion 060627-8 for'inewal'of Water Use Permit 26-00630-W to Iase 2500 acres of agricultural lands. The water will be with- drawn from the Lower Taemilami Aquifer and the project Is located in Sections 1,2,5,6,11,34-36, Townships 46,47 South, Ranges 31,32 East Z, pemr Farms LLC (Zipperer Farms) 2725 Hanson St, Ft Myers, FL 33902, has submitted Applicaion 060627-9 for renewal of Water Use Permit 26-00143W to Irrigate 6246.1 acres of agricutloral lands. The water will be withdrawn from the Lower Taoiami Alquifer and an onside ditcatcanal and the project aIs located In Sections 1-3,10-12,22-27,34-36, Township 4 South, Range 33 Eastd SInterested persons may comment upon the application or submit a written request for a copy of the staff report containing proposed agency action regarding the ap- plicaton by writing to the South Florida Water Management District, Attn: Environ- mental Resource Regulation, PO Box 24680, West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680, but such comments or requests must be received by 5:00 PM within 21 days from the date of publication. No further public notice will be provided regarding this application. A copy of the staff report must be requested in order to remain advised of further proceedings. SSubstantially affected persons are entitled to request an administrative hearing re- garding the proposed agency action by submitting a written request therefore after rvievwang the staff report. 148966 CGS 7/20/06 AVISO DE ELECTION GENERAL Yp, Sue M..Cobb,.Sctsrio..d.EtpJl tAdo de I Flria, elpreSte M oy avts de que'nara una n IN oaL en el onao de lades, asa- do de la Florida, el da Siate de Novlembre, D.C., 2006, para llenar o mantener las iagulentes posiclnes oficiales: S Senador de los Estados Unidos SRepresentantea n el Congreso por el Distrito: 16 Gobemador y Tenlente Gobemador Fiscal General ContralorEstateal Corosionndode Agricultur e Fiscal Estatal, Circuito 20 Defensor Plblico, Circuto 20 Miemobro a la Camara de Representantes Estatal, Distrito: 77 Rmtencitd defrtes Magistrado del Tribunal Supremo Retencain de cinco Jueces del Tribunal de Aelacidn del Distrito Segundo Jueces del Tribunal del Circuito Vigsimo, Grupos 2, 5,8,9,11,14,17,18, 26,27, 28,29,30y31 Distrito de Desarrollo de la Comunidad de Port LaBelle, Escatos 1,3 y 5 Jueces de la Corte del Condado: Gropo 1 Junta de los Comislonados del Condado, Oistritos 2,3 y 4 Miembros de laJita sEscolar, Distritos 1,4 y 5 Distito de Conseevacidn deTerrenoyAguade Glades, Grupos 1,2,3,4y5 -1 Distito de Controfde Mosquito del Moore Haven, DlstDistruto 2 En Testimonto de Io coal, yo lo cual, yo aqul he aseutado ml firna y he causado que te Gran Salts del Estedo de Ia Florida ser pueuto en Tallahassee, La Capital, en du- *' odecimo de junto, d.C., 2006. '* i Sue M.Cobb .' 140927 CGS 7/13,20/06 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION '. NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT The Department of Environmental Protection gives notice of its intent to issue a per- mit to Lance Ramer, Communety Relations Mgr., Camp E-Tu-Makee, aka: Eckerd Youth Camp to construct a 20,160 GPD Nanofiitron R.O. System to serve the Camp E-Tu-Makee in Hendry County, Florida (248243). A person whose substantial Interests are affected by the Department's proposed permitting decision has a dght, pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, to petition tor an administrative hearing on it. The Petion must contain the information set forth below and must be tiled (received) at the Departments Office of General Counsel, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, MS-35, Tallahassee, Rorida 32399-3000, within 14 days of publicaton of this notice. A copy of the Petition must also be mailed at the time of filing to the South Distect Office of the SDefsm Failure to file a petition within the 14 days constitutes a waiver of any rh such person has to an administrative hearing pursuant to Sections 120.569 l120.657,FloridaStatutes. SThtt s l contain the following information: (a) The naner, address, and tale- fl m k of each petitioner; and the county in which the subject matter or ificflmtpartments action or proposed action; (c) A statement of how each petitisoenr substantial interests are affected by the Department's action or pro- posed actia; (d) A statement of the material facts disputed by petitoner, if any; (e) A statement of facts whIch petitioner contends warrant reversal or rodifica- tsn of the Deparhoent's action or proposed action or proposed action; (f) A state- ment of which rules or statutes petitioner contends require reversal or modifieatih of the Department's action or proposed aceon; and (g) A statement of the reiM sleift by petitioner, stating precisely the action pethoner wants the Department to tak with respectto the Departments action or proposed action. If a petition Is fled, the administrative hearing process is designed to formulate agency mctn. fcdWhMgy, the Departmeonts final action may be different frorm the posaln ttM fN it fi ins notice. Persons whose substantial interests will be affected py anyseison Of the Deoartment with regard to this action or proposed action has the 11 to petition to becosie a party to the proceeding. The petition must conform the requirements specified above and b filed (received) within 21 days of pillcaioh ofa this notice in tthe of Gener Counseat a ove address of the Department Failure to peititon within the allowed time frame con- stitutes a waiver of any right such person has to request a hearing under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, and to parhclpate as a party to this pro- ceeding. Any subsequent interventn will only be at he approval of the presiding officer u oo. molion filed pursuant to Rule 60Q0-2.010, lorida Administrative Code. A person whose substantial Interests are affected by the Department's proposed perromitting decision may choose to pursue mediation as an alternative remedy un- der Section 120.573 before the deadline for filing a petition. Choosing mediation will not adversely affect the right to a hearing if mediation does not result in a set- tement. If you are not familiar with the procedures for pursuing mediation, they are available from the Department upon request. The application is available for public inspection during normal business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:10 p.m., Monday through Friday, except legal holidays, at the Depart- ment of Environmental Protection, South District, 2295 Victoria Avenue, Fort Myers, Florida 33901. 147884 CGS 7/20/06 Fublic N THE CITY OF CLEWISTON, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation and public body corporate and politic of the State of Florida, Plaintiff, vs. THE STATE OF FLORIDA, and the Taxpayers, Property Owners and Citizens thereof and of the City of Clewiston, Florida, including non- residents owning property or subject to taxation therein, and others having or claiming any right, title or interest in property to be affected by the issuance of the Bonds and Notes herein described, or to be affected in any way thereby, -uicNi cer i IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR HENDRY COUNTY FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION NO: 2006-573-CA VALIDATION OF THE NOT TO EXCEED $6,468,000 CITY OF CLEWISTON, FLORIDA WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS AND BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES Defendants. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE TO: 'THE STATE OF FLORIDA, THROUGH THE STATE ATTORNEY FOR THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA, AND TO THE SEVERAL TAXPAYERS, PROPERTY OWNERS, CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF CLEWISTON, FLORIDA, INCLUDING NON-RESIDENTS OWNING PROPERTY OR SUBJECT TO TAXATION THEREIN, AND ALL OTHERS HAVING OR CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE OR INTEREST IN PROPERTY TO BE AFFECTED BY THE ISSUANCE OF THE CITY OF CLEWISTON, FLORIDA WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS AND THE CITY OF CLEWISTON, FLORIDA WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM REVENUE BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES, HEREINAFTER MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED, OR TO BE AFFECTED IN ANY WAY THEREBY; The above cause coming on to be heard upon the Complaint this day filed herein by the City of Clewlston, Florida, seeking to determine the authority of the City of Clewiston, Florida, to Issue its not to exceed $6,468,000 City of Clewiston, Florida Water and Sewer System Revenue Bonds (the "Bonds") and the not to exceed $6,468,000 City of Clewiston, Florida Water and Sewer system Revenue Bond Anticipation Notes (the "Bond Anticipation Notes"), a more particular description of such obligations being contained in the Complaint tiled In these proceedings, to determine the legality of the proceedings had and taken In connection therewith, and the legality of the provisions, covenants and agreements contained therein and the revenues pledged to the payment thereof, and seeking a judgment of this Court to validate the proceedings for said Bonds and Bond Anticipation Notes (the "Obligations"), the revenues pledged for the payment thereof, and said Obligations when issued pursuant thereto, and said Complaint now having been presented to this Court, for entry of an Order to Show Cause pursuant to Chapter 75, Florida Statutes, and the Court being fully advised in the premises: IT IS ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the State of Florida, through the State Attorney of the Twentieth Judicial Circuit of Florida, and the several taxpayers, property owners and citizens of the City of'Clewiston, Rorida, including non-residents owning property or subject to taxation therein, and all others having or claiming any right, title or interest in property to be affected in any way thereby, or to be affected thereby, be and they are each hereby required to appear and show cause, If any there be, before this Court on the 10Oth day of August, 2006, at 11:00 A.M. in the Chambers of Honorable Edward J. Volz, Jr. at the Hendry County Courthouse in the City of LaBelle, Florida, why the prayer of said Complaint should not be granted and why the proceedings for said Obligations and said Obligations when issued pursuant thereto and the revenues pledged to the payment thereof should not be validated and confirmed as therein prayed. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that this Order to Show Cause be published in the manner required by Section 75.06, Florida Statutes, in a newspaper of general circulation published in Hendry County, Florida. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that, by such publication of this Order, all taxpayers, property owners and citizens of the City of Clewiston, Florida, including non-residents owning property or subject to taxation therein and all others having or claiming any right, title or interest in the City of Clewiston, Florida, or the taxable property therein or In any property to be affected by the issuance of said Obligations or to be affected in any way thereby, or the validity of such Obligations or of any revenues pledged for payment thereof, or of the proceedings authorizing the issuance of said Obligations, including any remedies provided for their collection, be and they are made parties defendant to this proceeding, and that this Court shall have jurisdiction of them to the same extent as if named as defendants in said Complaint and personally served with process in this cause. DONE AND ORDERED in chambers at LaBelle, Hendry County, Florida, this 12th day of July, 2006. - HonorOale Edward J Voul Jr CIRCUIT JUDGE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR GLADES COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION FileNo.: 05-CP-26 IN RE: ESTATE OF EARNEST MELVIN HICKS Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Er- nest Melvin Hicks, deceased, whose date of death was October 21, 2005, is pending in the Circuit Court for Glades County, Florida, Probate Divi- sion, the address of which is RO. Box 10, Moore Haven, FL 33471. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal repre- sentative's attorney are set forth be- low. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against the decedent's estate on whom a cop of this notice is required to be seedo ritust file their claltni with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SEC- TION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PRO- BATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of tirt publication of this notice Is July 13, 2006. Personal Representative Wayne Hicks 172 E. Drake Road Gilbert, South Carolina 29054 Attorney fr Personal Representative: Alison C. Hussey Attorney for Wayne Hicks Florida BarNo. 116165 PAVESE LAW FIRM PO. Drawer 2280 461 S. Main Street LaBelle, FL 33975 Telephone No.: (863) 675-5800 147296 CGS 7/13,20/06 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR GLADES COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.: 2005-CA-231 GIASH AHMED, Plaintiff VS. MOHAMMED A. SALIQUE, a married man, ALTAF SADIK, ABDUL BARI and SUSAN MERCEDES, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION CONSTRUCTIVE SERVICE TO: ABDUL BARI Address Unknown YOU ARE NOTIFIED that a civil action has been filed and commenced in this court. You are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any to it, on the Plaintiff's attorney, whose name and address is JOHN W. JORDON, ES- QUIRE, OF GLENN J. SNEIDER, L.C., at 200 S.W. th1 Street, Okeechobee, Florida 34974, and file the original with the clerk of the above-styled Court or before 7/21/06; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief prayed for in the com- plaint or petition, This notice shall be published once each week for four consecutive weeks in The Democrat. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court at Moore Haven, Florida on this 15th day of June, 2006. JOE FLINT As Clerk of Said Court By: Jennifer Bevis As Deputy Clerk 144327 CGS 6/29;7/6,13,20 NOTICE AUCTION on Friday, July 28, 2006 at 9:00 a.m. at1233 N.W. Avenue L, Belle Glade, Florida Property of Bertha Rodriguez: Dining & .living room set, stereo, TV, baby bed, dresser, household misc. Property of Dexter Gibson: Refridge, bed set, sofa, household misc. Property of Lashundra Burey: Nice king size bedroom set w/mattress, sofa 148771 CGS 7/20,27/06 NOTICE AUCTION on Friday, July 21,2006 at 9:00 a.m. at 1233 N.W. Avenue L, Belle Glade, Florida Property of Denise Robinson: Sewing matching with stand, display cabinet, 2-lamps, 2-stands, computer, 2-monitors, hat boxes, toys, clothes, and misc. items. 147285 CGS 7/13,20/06 Need a few more bucks to purchase something deer? Pick up some extra bucks when you sell your used Items In the classlfelds. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFTHE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT.IN AND FOR HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 06-283-CA SMART MORTGAGE CORPORATION, a Florida Corporation Plaintiff VS. CECELIA H. JONES, a single woman, Defendant NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANTTO CHAPTER45 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order or Final Judgment of foreclosure dated July 6, 2006 and entered In Case No.: 06-283 CA In the Circuit Court of the Twentieth Judicial Circuit In and for Hendry County, Florida wherein SMART MORTGAGE CORPO- RATION, a Florida corporation is the Plaintiff, and CECELIA H. JONES, a Inl -nmn i- the Defendant, I will S:..n i. ,io t .l and .bestbidder for cash at the Hendry County Court- house, 25 Hickpochee, LaBelle, Hend- ry County, Florida, at a sale to bs held at 11:00 o'clock a.m. on the 2nd day of August, 2006 the following de- scribed property as set forth In said Orderor Final Judgment, to-wit: Lots 16 and 17, Block 171, GENERAL PLAN OF CLEWISTON, according to the Plat thereof recorded In Hendry County Florida, Plat Book 2, Pages 71-78, Inclusive. Any person claiming an interest In any surplus funds must file such claim within sixty (60) days of the date of sale. Dated at LaBelle, Hendry County, Florida this 7th day of July, 2006. BARBARA S. BUTLER As Clerk of Said Court BY:/S/Hammond As Deputy Clerk 147441 CN 7/13,20/06 IN THE COUNTY COURT OFTHE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVILACTION CASE NO. 05-1017 CA DWIGHT HATFIELD and JANET HATFIELD Plaintiffs, -vs- JACOB JOHNSON and BRENDA D. JOHNSON, and GENERAL MOTORS ACCEPTANCE CORPORA- TION, a New York corporation, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 45 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order of Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated JUNE 26, 2006, and entered in Civil Case No. 05-1017 CA of the Circuit Court in and for Hendry County, Florida, in which the Clerk of this Court will sell to the high- est and best bidder for cash, at the en- trance of the Clerk's Office, Administration Building, 2nd Floor Hallway, Hendry County Courthouse, LaBelle, Florida, at 11:00A.M., on the 26th day of July, 2006, the following described property located in Hendry County, Florida, as set forth in the Or- der of Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure, to wit: Lot 11, Block A of Harlem Addition No. 8, a subdivision in the City of Ceiswiston, Florida, Accordinlto the Plat thereof recorded In Plat ook 6, Pages 136 and 137 of the Public Records of Hendry County, Florida. Parcel ID No.: R-1-34-43-21-04-OOOA-011.0 DATED this, the 27th day of June, 2006. THE HONORABLE BARBARA S. BUTLER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By:/S/Hammond Deputy Clerk 146390 CN 7/13,20/06 NOTICE OF MEETING TIME CHANGE This Is to inform you that the Glades Correctional Development Corpora- tion's regular scheduled meeting time, will be changed to 3:00 p.m. for the July 24th meeting in the County Commissioners Meeting Room, Glades County Courthouse, Moore Haven, Florida: Monday,July 24, 2006 at 3:0 PM All interested persons are Invited to attend. 148881 CGS 7/20/06 NEWSPAPER MAKES YOU A MORE INFORMED AND INTERESTING PERSON. o wonder newspaper readers ore more populforl NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING OF IHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF fHE CENTRAL COUNTY WATER CONTROL DISTRICT M ;. .:lrl' ,. ri ,h rI .I lr Y ro : i ', i: l..iwr ,e l-i .. -rcii i i .. it t SJr, n1 t :l, l l.'i .I.I I [,1 . iric, j,'l Iv i ,i] Jll :" ri bmi, 1 ..-I,',rF N. I -, ,, II 1 p 'r .'j3", ,]l ,: IA 0 ur'- . meeting or hearing herein referred he or she may need to insure that a ver- batim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testi- mony and evidence upon which the appeal Is based. 145788 CN 7/20/06 ,= 0 0 0 Water managers approve limited duck hunting on STA's Stormwater treatment areas (STA) STA 1 West, STA 3/4 and STA 5 will be open for a special September duck season, both phases of the Waterfowl and Coot sea- sons, and the Youth Water- fowl Hunt. The Governing Board of the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) approved yester- day a resolution that will allow the extremely popular duck hunting seasons to continue at stormwater treatment areas STA 1 West in central Palm Beach Coun- ty, STA 3/4 in western Palm Beach County and STA 5 in Hendry County. The resolu- tion also increases the num- ber of hunting permits avail- able in the massive, 16,554-acre STA 3/4 north of the Palm Beach/Broward County line for the 2006- 2007 seasonal hunts. These areas are also open to other passive recreational uses such as bird watching. The STA managers and Land Stewardship Division of the SFWMD reviewed the impacts of the waterfowl hunts held in the STAs since 2004 and found no interfer- ence with the STA water cleansing operations. STAs are large, constructed wet- lands that contain aquatic plants that take up phospho- rus from the water before it enters the Everglades. Too much phosphorus causes undesirable ellects such as the uncontrolled growth of algae and invasive vegeta- tion, which can be detri- nlental to the Everglades ecosystem. Over the last decade, 36,000 acres of treatment areas and "By establishing these areas as public small game hunting areas helps meet SFWMD's mission to make all public lands available for the appropriate recreational uses with- out compromising legislative and District mandates to protect the resources." Michael Collins, District Governing Board member and chairman of the Water Resources Advisory Commission improved farming practices combined have prevented 2,200 tons of phosphorus from entering the Ever- glades. Input from the STA managers, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Com- mission (FWC) and hunter user groups supported the idea of the limited hunts. Duck hunting in the STAs, generally considered some of the finest in the nation, is managed by the FWC, which issues free permits on a first-come first-served basis. As in the previous four years, restrictions and pro- cedures will be in place to protect the District's facili- ties and ensure the contin- ued operation of the STAs. "By establishing these areas as public small game hunting areas helps meet SFWMD's mission to make all public lands available for the appropriate recreational uses without compromising legislative and District man- dates to protect the resources," said Michael Collins, District Governing Board member and chair-' man of the Water Resources Advisory Commission, which made the hunting recommendation to the board. It is estimated that almost 4,000 people will be able to hunt in the STAs this year, representing 20 percent of the 20,000 licensed duck hunters in Florida. The season opens in late September and runs through January. The Flori- da Fish and Wildlife Conser- vation Commission will begin issuing STA waterfowl hunting permits at 10 a.m. on Aug. 29. Worksheets will be available approximately two weeks before this time. To apply for a permit, hunters. must first obtain an application worksheet at any FWC Regional Office, or from the web at MyFWC.com/hunting uota.hunt to select desir- able dates and time periods. The hunter then applies at any tax collector's office, or for a small convenience fee, via the internet at MyFWC.com/license, or by phone at 1-888-HUNT- FLORIDA (486-8356). Per- mits are not available from license agents, such as sporting goods stores or tackle shops. Applications are not accepted through the mail. Florida's EAA reservoir project receives federal approval MIAMI In another impor- tant milestone for Everglades restoration, on July 12, Flori- da received federal approval to begin construction of a massive reservoir in the Ever- glades Agricultural Area (EAA). The flagship project of the state's Acceler8 initiative to fast-track eight key restora- tion projects, the reservoir will provide a new option for redirecting and storing Lake Okeechobee water releasesn thus reducing harmful dis- charges to coastal estuaries. The U.S. Army Corps of Engi- neers presented the federal permit, which authorizes the South Florida Water Manage- ment District(SFWMD)to build the EAA Reservoir south of Lake Okeechobee, at today's Governing Board meeting in Miami. "By acquiring this permit and beginning construction, Florida is keeping its promise to restore the famed River of Grass and protect Florida's estuaries," Florida Depart- ment of Environmental Pro- tection Secretary Colleen Castille said. "Water storage is a key element to the restoration process, not only for controlling water releases but also for flood protection and wildlife habitat restora- tion." The EAA Reservoir will be constructed on a 16,700-acre parcel in western Palm Beach County, just west of US 27. When complete, the above- ground structure will store up to 190,000 acre-feet of water, or 62 billion gallons of water. The reservoir will also improve operational flexibili- ty for moving water within the EAA, optimizing water flows into stormwater treat- ment areas. Other project benefits include storage of stormwater runoff in the EAA, additional water to meet Everglades water needs and improved regional flood protection. "By acquiring this permit and beginning construction, Florida is keeping its prom- ise to restore the famed River of Grass and protect Florida's estuaries. Water storage is a key element to the restoration process, not only for controlling water releases but also for flood protection and wildlife habitat restoration." Colleen Castille, Florida Department of Environmental Protection Secretary Kevin McCarty, Chairman of the SFWMD Governing Board, received the required construction permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engi- neers. "This permit is vital to our environmental restoration progress," McCarty said. "The planning, engineering design and agency coordination needed has been enormous, and I'm extremely pleased with the results. We are ready to start building." State legislators, county commissioners, representa- tives of federal/state/local agencies and other organiza- tions were also on hand to witness the presentation. "Granting this permit is a vital step forward for restor- ing and protecting our estuar- ies," said Michael DiTerlizzi, Vice Chairman of the Martin County Board of Commis- sioners. "These waterways are the lifeblood of our com- munities." Tammy Hall, Chair- woman of the Lee County Board of Commissioners, agreed. "We strongly support any project that will provide additional storage opportuni- ties for Lake Okeechobee water," she said. "We depend on the estuaries for our envi- ronmental and economic health." Construction will be man- aged by a joint venture of Barnard Construction Com- pany, Inc., and Parsons Water & Infrastructure, Inc. The $400 million contract was awarded to Barnard-Parsons earlier this summer. Ground- breaking is scheduled for next month. Announced by Governor Jeb Bush in October 2004, Acceler8 is stepping up the pace for funding, design and construction to complete eight critical Everglades restoration projects over seven years. At substantial savings to taxpayers, the proj- ects will restore 100,000 acres of wetlands, expand water treatment areas by close to 29,000 acres and provide 428,000 acre-feet of addition- al water storage for Ever- glades restoration a decade ahead of schedule. Under the leadership of Governor Bush, Florida has forged ahead to implement the Comprehensive Ever- glades Restoration Plan with an investment of $1.3 billion and a commitment for an additional $3.2 billion through the end of the decade to clean up and restore the famed River of Grass. For more information on Acceler8, visit www.ever- gladesnow.org. Doc Savvy's Pet Corner Question: Dear Doc Savvy. I have always thought a dog should be fed only once a day. Recently I read that it is better to feed a dog twice daily. What is your opinion? And, how many times a day do you feed a puppy? Thanks, Georgia, Visiting Belle Glade, but from New York City! Answer: Welcome Geor- gia! Ok, here's the poop scoop on feeding. For pup- pies, at least three to four times a day, then gradually to 2 times daily. My opinion on feeding adult dogs is two Doc Savvy times a day as well. This is much, more healthy for the metabolism and digestive tract. Feeding dogs once a day will cause them to over eat simply because they are so hungry. Sometimes dogs will inhale there food because they are so fam- ished and they end up regur- gitating their meal. Deep- chested dogs have a much higher incidence of bloating if fed only once a day. Bloat is many times a very serious medical and surgical emer- gency, and can be avoided with several smaller meals during the day. Hope that answers the question Georgia. Best Wishes, Doc Savvy. I P b ic -tic I 3 Pb icNo ice (AOMM,,*kN Servng he ommnitis suthof ake keehobe Tursdy, uly20,200 AN AMERICAN REVOLUTION 7" -l~r -- F2.--- U I : --- .~----- --~-7 ,' lk-- &-,;-I Att#nfor ation Yo Watt MIa-oLke, Price.-,db P~r~I~tOptonst~Een~drTxe~MaroOrw LI "'M U, tio s Ev ........-...-. . 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"Ghostbusters" (Parker, Jr.) used by permission of EMI Golden Torch Music & Raydiola Music. All rights reserved. 1996-2006 AutoNation Inc. Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, July 20, 2006 BUY FOR: All New & Pre-Owned Cars & Trucks Are Protected By Our MONEY= ACK GUARANTEE SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. ALL QUALITY CERTIFIED USED CARS AND TRUCKS ARE THOROUGHLY INSPECTED AND RECONDITIONED FOR YOUR PEACE OF MIND. |