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GLADES COUNTY SI "R A m S.I I ..i Moore Haven, Fla. Thursday, June 15, 2006 volume tv, Number 52 At a Glance Are you a blogger? Get your link The Glades County Democ- rat is looking to broaden its list- ing of "Columnists & Bloggers" atwww.newszap.com. : More and more people are starting blogs including busi- ness people, support groups, and individuals with an opinion pn the day's news or culture. If you are a local blogger Who would like to be listed, please visit http://www2.news zap.com/blogs/request.htm and fill in the form. In addition to the link, the newspaper will consider pub- lishing timely postings as news or commentaries on its pages. REDI meeting set for June 19 Florida's Heartland REDI, Inc, and Florida's Freshwater Frontier Regular Board Meeting is planned for June 19, at 10 a.m., in Conference Room 3 Highlands County Agri-Civic Center, 4509 George Boulevard, Sebring, with the Transportation Committee Meeting in Confer- ence Room I at 9:00 a.m. Hurricane help available Help is still available for Hurricane Wilma victims' from our local Community Rebuilding Ecumenical Workforce (CREW) but you must register again! ) Community Rebuilding Ecu- menical \Xbrkforce (CREW) is a caring network of Hendry and Glades Counties' ci ic, social, service, and faith-based groups, agencies, and organizations, along vith concerned indMidu- als and businesses, formed to address the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the com- munity in the restoration and rebuilding of their lives and homes in times of a natural or man-made disaster. CREW will provide collabo- rative leadership and advocacy in meeting the needs for revital- izing and improving the quality of life for the most vulnerable in the community. For more information, ques- tions, or to schedule an appointment, please call of visit: CREW Headquarters, First United Methodist Church, 352 W Arcade Avenue, Clewiston, phone (863) 983-4316 (John 3:16) or email CREWheadquar- ters@aol.com. Hendry/Glades 4H Camp 2006 A fun filled week where campers enjoy canoeing, archery, swimming, crafts, and much more! The week of camp is June 19-23 and is held at Camp Cloverleaf in Lake Placid. Camp is open to youth 8-13 and you do not have to be currently enrolled in 4H to attend. If you are interested in going please call the Glades County Exten- sion Office at (863) -946-0244 for more information. Hope to see you at Camp! Lake Level A 12.37 Feet S above sea level Index Classifieds . .17-20 Obituaries . . .2 Opinion . . .4 School ............9. See Page 2 for information about how to contact the newspaper. newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. I II III 11111111 116510 00022 1 Main Street elects officers MOORE HAVEN Main Street Moore Haven, Inc. took a big step forward June 1, elect- ing new directors and officers to oversee the nascent organiza- tion, which held its organiza- tional meeting Thursday, June 1 at the Marina RV Resort, 900 CR 720. According to Main Street Moore Haven part time program manager Tracy Whirls, the meeting was especially impor- tant as it marked the first Main Street meeting separate from the Economic Development Council. "The Glades County Eco- nomic Development Council served as the sponsoring organ- ization for Main Street, submit- ting the application to have the City of Moore Haven designated a new Florida Main Street last August, and participating in its first technical service, a visit by Historic Preservation Architect Bob Field last November," Ms. Whirls said. "The new board will see the initiative through the next phase, including plan- ning for infrastructure improve- ments downtown and ultimate- ly, locating new businesses on the riverfront." During the June 1 meeting, Main Street members voted to elect an inaugural board of directors, who later voted to name officers. New officers are: President/Chairman David Danennhauer, owner of Mick- A great day to ride: River Rally a success Submitted to the Glades County Democrat The Second Annual River Rally, held on Riverside Drive in Moore Haven June 3, gave visitors, whether on bikes or boats, an opportunity to enjoy the south central Florida City, located on the banks of the Caloosahatchee River, an intercoastal waterway link- ing Ft. Myers and Stuart. River Rally benefits Main Street MOORE HAVEN As bikers rode down Avenue J in Moore Haven Saturday, June 3, Main Street Moore Haven program manager Tracy Whirls stood in the center of the street, taking photos. The former newspaper editor, who is also Glades Coun- ty's economic development director was heard to obser' e later, "This is beginning to feel like a motorcycle rally. What do you want to bet that in two \ ears we can be as big as Leesburg " Given only six weeks to help organize and promote the sec- ond annual River Rally, spon- sored by the City of Moore Ha. en to benefit Main Street Moore Haven, Inc., the event dreu par. ticipants from West Palm Beach, Ft. Myers, Punta Gorda, Cape- Coral and Orlando as well as communities around Lake Okee- chobee. "We met so many wonderful people in the course of planning this event," said Ms. Whirls. "Big Mike Mayo, the safety officer for Southern Cruisers Chapter 456 in West Palm Beach took the time to email me with advice concern- ing promoting the event for next year. The guys with the Christian Motorcycle Association Ethan Gramm, the Florida Regional President, Chrome, Captain Glenn all those guys were won- ey's Bait and Tackle in Moore Haven, and long time member of the county's planning and zoning. commission as well as the EDC. Vice President/Vice Chair-. man Dave McGee, who is .also Moore Haven's Vice Mayor, chairman of the Community Traffic Safety Team and owner of Dave's Music. , Treasurer: Rhoda Planty of Joyner Development Secretary: Kevin Thomas of CHL Holdings,. Ltd., owners of the Hawk Trust property on First Street just off the river and *one of Main Street Moore Haven's first Partner level mem- bers. Directors are Patty Register of *.Gatorama, Bob Jovner of Joyner Development, Roger Taylor, a new supporting member and owner of the Lundy Building, the former Moore Haven Bank See Officers Page 12 Bennett honored by Rotary Club ESTERO Fort Myers busi- nessman Philip C. Bennett, CPA, CIPFA, who administers the Capital Projects Finance Authori- ty for the City of Moore Haven, has been named 2006 "Rotarian of the Year" for Rotary Interna- tional District 6960, which encompasses 55 Rotary Clubs in seven counties in Southwest Florida. The honor was announced at the Rotary International district convention at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort in Estero Friday night. The award is pre- sented in recognition of distin- guished service, lIoalty and devotion to the ideals of Rotary. "Phil has been critical to the success of our district in helping to make Southwest Florida a bet- ter place to live as well as work- ing toward our national and international goals," said outgo- ing District Governor Paul Musler. Bennett was selected for the award from among 2,700 Rotari- ans in the seven-county area that stretches from Palmet- Philip C. to to Marco Bennett Island, iiduding Charlotte, Collier, DeS- oto, Hendry, Lee, Manatee, and Sarasotacounties. Bennett is the District Trea- See Bennett -Page 12 Glades County EDC Redesigns its Web site Karen Simmons scoops. up stuffed animals during the Road Kill game, on a Harley driven by City Code Enforce- ment Officer Lawrence Burleson. The second annual River Rally held in Moore Haven's historic commercial district along the banks of the Caloosahatchee River was sponsored by Main Street Moore Haven. derful about helping me pro- mote and organize this thing. "Everyone who came talked about what a great ride it was to Moore Haven," Ms. Whirls said. "Whether you're coming from the east coast or the west, from central or south Florida it's an hour, two hours maximum to get here, and once you get out of the cities, the scenery's fantastic and the traffic virtually nonexistent." Moore Haven Vice Mayor and Harley enthusiast Dave McGee urges bikers from around Lake Okeechobee and beyond to See River Page 12 MOORE HAVEN After months of consultations, delib- erations and review, the Glades County Economic Development Council unveiled its new website this month. Like the Big 0 Birding Festival website before it, the previous EDC website had a lot of chal- lenges, according to EDC execu- tive director Tracy Whirls. Ms. Whirls worked closely with webmaster Sue Bastardi of The Hometown Network Inc. in Lake Placid in designing the new site. "During the walkthrough with Sue, I started by suggesting a white background with black lettering and green highlights similar the EDC logo to be con- sistent with our stationary and our business cards," Ms. Whirls said. The second noticeable change was new photos, notably a shot of the fixed span bridge over the Caloosahatchee at Moore Haven. The banner promoting the Big 0 Birding fes- tival has been moved and a sec- ond, as yet unfinished, Main See Website Page 12 'The Silent Green By Barbara Oehlbeck The misty green morning was born in silence not even a night bird was still awake. With- out a sound, a great white heron - waded in the shallows in water up to his knees as the soft shell turtle slid silently down the bank and into the water between the lily pads. . Leaves were not moving, not even broom sage in the south meadow. Not even the long scarves of Spanish moss hang- ing to the ground... all unmov- ing and silent. It was like a grand stage drama in the silent sec- onds before the opening cur- tain. But then it all happened at once... maybe like when the orchestra in the pit strikes up its first glorious chord! Hundreds of white wing doves seemed to drop from the sky, the cardinals spread their red wings chirping loud and clear, the wren called to his love from the south ridge- pole, even the owl in the ham- mock hooted, making himself known without being seen as the turkeys dropped like dark globs from their favorite roost- ing tree across the pond, then instantly they all took flight at once. The sun's first rays streaked through the swamp and across the still water in scar- let stripes. Those rosy sunrays seemed to have the sole pur- pose of backlighting the wings of the turkeys as if a stage spot- light was aimed at each one. See Green Page 12 Glades County Democrat/Barbara Oehlbeck A shift of life reveals Mother Nature's glory. " ."*.. 4 ..':,::Wli;.;~': '-~*9 a ~ l S 'a ^ -^ llB-- -- 5O~ GCHC grad to attend Levin College of Law f Anisha J. Henry daughter of Leroy and Alma Henry Morman of Royal Palm Beach has been admitted to the University Of Florida Levin College Of Law for fall 2006. She recently attended the Orange and Blue Admitted Law Student Open House held in Gainesville and will partici- pate in a CLEO Pre-Law Summer Workshop in Atlanta, Ga. in July. Ms. Henry graduated on May 6 from the University of South Florida with a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communications with an advertising concentration. While attending USF, Henry was select- ed in the 2005 Class to become an USF Ambassador. As an ambassador she was given an opportunity to work with USF President Judy Genshaft, as a host for USF community and alumni events. The USF Ambas- sadors recognized throughout the university by the wearing of green blazers are known as the Spirit of USF and are expected to become alumni leaders of tomorrow. Ms. Henry also served as the marketing manager for The Ora- cle, the school newspaper her senior year, and participated in Volunteer USF by volunteering in Washington, D.C., with Alterna- tive Spring Break, a service- learning project. Also during her senior year, she served as secretary of the Zeta Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. She completed her community serv- ice activities at USF by participat- ing in the AKA Sorority's South Atlantic Regional conference in Charlotte, N.C. Ms. Henry grew up in Belle Glade, is a graduate of Glades Central Community High School. She is the granddaugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Henry of Belle Glade. - Submitted to INI Anisha J. Henry has been accepted to Florida Levin College of Law. Engagement YOUR BRIDAL HEADQUARTERS! -S SPECIAL / Choice of 3 Styles All Sizes GoWN, TIARA &-VEIL $25000 SValid Thru 6/22/06 Courtyard Shoppes at North Shore Plaza 810 EN Park St., Okeechobee (863) 357-9099 SUNRISE APPLIANCE New In Box or Scratch & Dent Full Factory Warranty Save More InTMoore Haven We Also Carry Used Appliances With Warranty 401 US w2U, Moore HavenI 863W946M2666 Eleanor Campbell and Trevor Logino plan to marry. Campbell/Longino Glenn and Janette Campbell of Canal Point, announce the engagement of their daughter, Eleanor Campbell, of Fern Park, Fla. to Trevor Longino also of Fern Park. Mr. Longino is the son of Dr. Miranda Hunter of Ormond Beach, Fla.,. and John Longino, Sr., of Ellijay, Ga. The bride-to-be is a graduate of Palm Beach Gardens High School and the Rosen College of Hospitality Management of the University of Central Florida. The prospective groom is a graduate of Father Lopez High School of Ormond Beach and the University of Central Florida employed by Electronic Arts, Inc. The wedding is planned *for Oct.21,2006, in Orlando. Eleanor lived in Canal Point through high school. She is the granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. A. Roswell Harrington. New graduate Tarance Midget recently graduated from Florida Interna- tional University with Bachelors in Finance. Obituaries 'Miss Jean' Anderson Lois Jean Sermons Anderson, 82, died June 7, in Ft. Myers. A long- time resident of Clewiston, she was actively involved in numerous civic efforts over the last three decades, and was best known for her dedi- cation to people through health and human services. "Jean was real active in District 8 health planning and very interest- ed in mental health," said Dr. James Forbes, who worked with her for over 30 years. "She was a very intelligent woman who was vocal in the community and usual- ly positive, but could be critical when it was justified. She was strong enough that she would tell you what she thought, and she was smart enough that she was usually right." Longtime Hendry County pedi- oatrician Dr. Martha Valiant said Clewiston has lost a wonderful asset. "I met Jean when I rolled into town 30 years ago, and I loved her and respected her because she is such an advocate for health issues," she explained. "Whether you agreed with her or not, she was always willing to take a stand." Often recognized for her tireless commitment and service to the state of Florida, Hendry County and the town of Clewiston, she was best known for the following accomplishments, awards and recognition: Woman of Accomplishment- 2003-Community Service/Clewis- ton Wendell N. Rollison Award - 2000 Florida Rural Health Associa- tion Golden Heart Award -1998 - For Service & Dedication to the Community of Clewiston present- ed by Clewiston Chamber of Com- merce Outstanding Community Ser- vice Award 1989 City of Clewis- ton District Long-Term Care Ombuds- manrCouncil 1983-1989 6 President of the Hendry- Glades Mental Health Clinic board of directors Hendry County's representa- tive on the District 8 Health & Plan- ning council for 18 years Member of state's Health Planning Council of Southwest Florida for 17years Recognized by state of Florida -Statewide Human Rights Advoca- cy Committee for her service & dedication Founded the ARC, first school for the mentally retarded in Clewis- ton, in the early 1970s. During her Clewiston residency, Mrs. Anderson served as director of the Clewiston Chamber of Com- merce for many years and greatly contributed to the development of the HRMC hospital park and to the acquisition of the Certificate of Need for the local nursing home. Having managed the restaurants of both the Clewiston Inn and the Clewiston Country Club, she was known throughout the community for her southern culinary skills. Born on December 21, 1924, in Winterville, N.C., she was the youngest child of Matthew Cor- nelius and Jemima Catherine Jack- son Sermons. In her weekly news- paper columns for the Clewiston News, Miss Jean shared many vivid memories of growing up on a tobacco farm in Greenville, N.C. As a staff writer for the newspaper for over 13 years, she wrote two week- ly columns, Miss Jean Cooks and Jean Anderson's Opinion. At age 15, Ms. Anderson enrolled at the College of William & Mary and married naval aviator, Jerry Anderson, at age 17. After WWII, Jerry became a veterinarian and public health officer. They lived on U.S. Air Force bases all around the continental United States and Puerto Rico, and retired in Naples, Fla., in 1969, only to move to Clewiston, shortly thereafter. According to her family, it was immediately that her love affair with Clewiston began. As her columns attested, Miss Jean enjoyed the arrival of the cardinals and buntings each winter, and her self-proclaimed favorite sport was reading. She loved flowers, her gar- den and "good" Bridge partners. Miss Jean is survived by seven children; Jeff, Jane, Jim (Lori), Ole (Yuli), Scott (Laura), Richard (Beth), John (Laura) and nine grandchildren: Adam (Wendy), Ana (Don), Ryan, Emily Jean, Michael, Hannah Jean, Grace, Ash- ley Jean, Jordan Jean and two great grandchildren (Oak and Ben). The family would especially like to thank Michelle and Joe Bristol, Kristy Bristol, Laura and Lori Anderson, Jeannie Byrd, Reva and Ed Marshall and Hope Hospice of Fort Myers for their loving devotion and care for her during the last few months. A memorial service was held at the First United Methodist Church in Clewiston at 10:30 a.m. on June 14. The family requests that in lieu of flowers donations be sent to: Sunrise Community of Hendry County, PO Box 185, Clewiston, Florida 33440, 863-902-1133, Helen McVitty, director. Mary Jane Jones Mary Jane Jones, age 77, loving mother and grandmother died on Friday, June 9, 2006 at her home in Greenup, Ill. She was born on Feb. 14,1929 in Greenup, Ill. She moved to Pahokee in 1966 where she raised her children and lived until 2004 when she moved back to Greenup, Ill., to be near her son, Richard and her brothers and sis- ters. Mrs. Jones is preceded in death by her daughter, Helen Wallace; her husband, J. Hilton Jones, and four brother and four sisters. She is survived by two sons, Tony (Juanita) Eggers of Jack- sonville, Richard Eggers of Greenup, Ill, and three daughters, Wanda (Peter) Chin-a-Leong of Port St. Lucie, Mary Ellen (Dennis) Hodges of Pahokee, Anita (Carl) Courson of Belle Glade; a sister, Edna Wade, Greenup, Ill; and two brothers, Earl Scales, Toledo, Ill., and Vern Scales of Greenup, Ill. In addition, she is survived by nine grandchildren and 7 great-grand- children. She will be sorely missed ball. Visitation will be held on Mon- day, June 12 at 10'a.m. at Glades Funeral. Chapel. Funeral Services will follow at 11 a.m. Funeral arrangements are entrusted to Glades Funeral Chapel, Belle Glade and Barkley Funeral Home, Greenup, Ill. Pasiolos Chuck & Rwen Pelham Ignited Youth Ministry. Every Wednesday 7:15 pm 370 Holiday Isle Blvd 863.983.3181 www.newharvest.net New Summer Heiours 7:00 A.M, to 4:00 P.M ;i. 528 lust Obispo Ave. Clewistoe 983.0400 Memorial Tribute Remember a loved one S" i ho has departed with a special SAlemorial Tribute in this newspaper. Your tribute can be published following the memorial services, or to commemorate an anniversary ofyour loved one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph of your loved one, lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders -- and we'll make sure it all comes together attractively and tastefully. Visit www2.newszap.cor/memorials for sample ads and an online order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 toll free. \? i 'N'C J r --- -- - TOUCHDOWN A ^ BREAKFAST 10% OFF 2 Pancakes, 2 eggs, 2 bacon, Breakfast, : Q strips and 2 sausage links 1 Lunch or ' | Dinner | SMust Present Coupon * Not valid wi.'any olher I ' OIly $4029 offer Exp 6 3 JO06 , $ Dinner i s n Must Present Coupon 1030 West Sugarland Hwy. Not valid w/any other Clewiston, Florida - :I offerExp6/30/06 86383'663 I ffr x 6/3/0 8 " Glades Academy of Agriculture & Ecological Studies Charter/Public School Grades Kg-5th Phone (561)924-9402 email: gladescac'd@aol.com Dear Parents, We are currently excepting registration forms for the 2006-2007 school year. Spots will fill up quickly so please register at your earliest convenience. Summer office hours are Monday-Friday 9:00am to 2:00pm. We would also like to invite parents to visit the school and meet the principal Mr. Zumpano. If you have any questions please call us, we will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Experienced Certified Teachers Strong Academic Education Wholesome, Disciplined Atmosphere Small class sizes Breakfast and Lunch provided Free Transportation Free Uniform Shirts rJirI llr lri lrlIr-I rlIrI IriI lri lrJI rJi i ri r I rJIri lr-I rlI rlrlIrJlrlIrJI rlIrJI rJlrlI rlIri lri lrlI rlI rlI rlIri lr-IrIrilrJlriI lrJI rlIri lriIlrlIrJlrJIrIr r r rir rirIIrIrr a rirIrI [ Cu)fftbl Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, June 15, 2006 Thursday, June 15, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Congress WASHINGTON, D.C. U. S. Senator Bill Nelson announced Fri- day that Congress has agreed to give $5.2 billion in disaster relief to Florida and other states hit by hurri- canes last year. The money is included in a broader $94.5 billion spending bill approved by House and Senate negotiators Friday morning. The vast majority of the money includ- ed in the supplemental appropria- tions bill will help fund the war in Iraq. The $5.2 billion will fund disas- ter Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) for counties declared federal disaster areas dur- ing last year's hurricane season, with the Department of Housing and Urban Development allocating the funds among eligible states. CDBG funds are often used for long-term recovery efforts, housing and business assistance, infrastruc- ture reconstruction, mitigation efforts and public services. "Many people in Florida's hard- est hit areas are still struggling to recover from last year's storms," Mr. Nelson said. "This extra money will help them to rebuild." The bill is expected go to the president for his signature, after the Senate and House approve the conference agreement next week. Thirty-two Florida counties are eligible for relief, including the Lake Okeechobee area communities of Glades County, Hendry County, Palm Beach County, Okeechobee County and Martin County. Of the $94.5 billion included in the bill, $19.8 billion will go toward hurricane relief. The following is a breakdown: Representative Denise Grimsley met with the Hendry/Lee County 4- .H Legislature Group at their monthly meeting at the Dallas B. Townsend Agricultural Center. Rep. Grimsley spoke to the group about the roles of the Florida House of Representatives and how she became involved in govern- ment. Citizen/Leadership Club mem- bers, chaperoned by Marsha Bech- tel, leader of the Club, will partici- provides $5.2 billion in relief Community the Community Disaster Loan Pro- arnm xA,,shirh ,in(-Al onvpr- Development Block gram, wicnasi UOOioLca.i govern-~ ments. Grants $5.2 billion Assistance to Small Funding is included for disaster relief, long-term recovery, and restoration of infrastructure in the hurricane impacted Gulf Coast region. Upon final passage and the President's approval, allocations will be determined by the Depart- ment of Housing and Urban Devel- opment for Florida, Alabama, Mis- sissippi, and Louisiana. The Conference Report adopts lan- guage included in the Senate passed bill which makes commu- nities impacted by Hurricane Den- nis eligible for CDBG funding. Education Relief - $285 million $235 million is included for schools serving displaced K-12 stu- dents. $50 million is for grants to institutions of higher education. FEMA Disaster Relief Fund - $6 billion $400 million is provided for a pilot project to determine alterna- tive sources of emergency housing. FEMA is directed to devel- op and implement an intermediate term housing solution for the Gulf Coast Region. The pilot study will determine whether this approach provides a better, safer, and more cost effective housing solution than the exclusive use of travel trailers. Additional funding is included for Businesses $542 million Businesses in declared disaster areas, including the hurricane- affected areas of the Gulf, are eligi- ble to receive disaster loans within the funding provided to the Small Business Administration. Transportation Assistance - $702 million $702 million is included to address the emergency relief high- way backlog around the nation. Funding is specifically mentioned for repairs to damage caused by Hurricane Dennis. Funding for NOAA is $150 mil- lion and provides for mapping for debris removal, oyster bed and shrimp ground rehabilitation ($90 million), the repair and reconstruc- tion of the NOAA science facility on the Gulf of Mexico and a replace- ment emergency response map- ping aircraft to provide information about hurricane damage ($12 mil- lion). Agriculture Disaster Aid $500 million Funding is provided for eco- nomic relief to farmers in the Gulf Coast region who suffered as a result of Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Ophelia and Wilma. In addition, contiguous counties are also eligi- ble for relief. Sec. 3011 (only Florida): Sugar and Sugarcane. $40 million shall compensate processors and producers for crop and other losses in hurricane-affected counties. Sec. 3013: Specialty Crops and Nursery Crops, including crop damage and tree loss: $95 million. Homeland Security and Border Protec- tion $1.9 billion The conference agreement fully funds the President's requested for the Department of Homeland Security at $1.172 billion. This fund- ing will provide 1,000 new Border Patrol Agents, 4,000 detention beds, and assistance to state and local law enforcement. $708 mil- lion is included for National Guard personnel to be deployed as part of the border security initiative. Addi- tionally, $20 million is provided for the Department of Justice to prose- cute additional immigration related cases due to heightened border enforcement activities. Pandemic Flu Preparation - $2.3 billion Funding is included to prepare for and respond to the threat of avian flu. $250 million of this fund- ing is set aside for state and local government block grants to pre- pare for a possible pandemic out- break. Grant helps fund children's mental health services Ken Holley, Board President of Hendry-Glades Behavioral Health Center, announced Monday .that the Southwest Florida Community Foundation has awarded a grant in the amount of $20,000 to supple- ment county and state funding of the children's mental health outpa- tient services for the upcoming fis- cal year. "In these challenging times, health care funding is tight, said Mr. Holley. "Funding for mental health services in particular is suffering due to the new changes in the Med- icaid reimbursement system. The Community Foundation recog- nizes this need and we certainly appreciate their help for children's outpatient services." Joseph Hosick, Executive Direc- tor of the Center, added that Hendry-Glades Behavioral Health Center was one of 81 applicants requesting more than $1.6 million in assistance. Forty-five applications were accepted and funded for a total of $585,765 in total awards during the foundation's winter grant cycle. Mr. Hosick added, The Community Foundation has always supported our area and communities. This award is espe- cially needed at this time and I appreciate the Foundation's inter- Sest in our children's programming. The funding will be used to supple- ment our sliding scale-fee system which is based on the Federal Poverty Index to make our therapy services affordable. ' Best Value Roof Sheeting pate in the Florida 4-H Legislature Conference in Tallahassee June 26 through June 30. Jessica Bechtel, Callie Burley, Spencer Fletcher, Lewis Nobles, Christopher Nor- wood and Brandon Te.mples from Hendry County will be among the 300 participants from the sixty- seven counties in Florida. Florida 4-H Legislature is a five day learning laboratory in state government designed to give par- ticipants educational experiences such as: learning about the func- tions of state level government, becoming informed about the ,state system of government, serv- ing as mock legislators, reporters or lobbyists, meeting in the com- mittee rooms of the House of Rep- resentatives as well as the House Chambers, and touring the State Capitol, Supreme Court, Archives and/or other State Buildings. Florida 4-H Legislature is open to youth ages l4 18. SECURITY PROTECTION A&H SERVICES OF SOUTH FLORIDA ACCORDIONS 44, PATIO ENCLOSURES -mo . Free In Home Consultation Free Estimates Licensed & Insured Lic# CRC1328677 Business Number 561-996-2055 Cell Number 561-261-3176 I Rolled ( ut To Meosure PRODUCT SELECTION R-Panel V-Crimp Low-Profile Curved "S" Panel Flashing Corrugated "S" Panel Z-Pur* Heavy Duty Decking Standing Seam 243 Florida Ave., NW Moore Haven, FL 33471 Local 863-946-1804 Long Distance 1-800-670-0113 -^ [o 1 / d M //L ,=[Ii' I, - TH-- -THESE.PRICES ARE SO CRAZY IT WILL ONLY HAPPEN ONCE! -STARTS TODAY'! --J te .. -- Originally up to $2.99 f1 _.o ilelem w M Nattel Kodak- C rest * ,Relkin - scope -Clorox - SABCt Shampoo 'VTowels~ *Home, Decor *Tools *Vitamins *Gifts Elec~tronics Cleaning Sporting f".oods OFF Clewistoo W W, hpSugrnd 'e. 1 B10 1 1-11 any purchase We wiff not be UND ERSOLD. GUARANTEED! of $15 or more.* C br Jef Clr: 1ibalIa Ipreeont tis certfcle Co fa- fl, n, t A II rP,( II ~~~~.0 L',ACP 115'r 01Ih -11,, 1rco .1 i n~f Od, *, of .a".~ [Jue C ouponV8 Valid CANNOTcE iE ijE v. .'i& THEO OFrEFC-rij -'HCl,F~j P eR Cl.-T.E,- [une15th ThrusJne 30th COnly! PUn LDa, '.CJME I,'CEPTCT'iS 4PPL. ; 7 .,l-H r 0 lT11T~L -. -:-* -- -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- - Hendry County 4-H'ers meet with Representative Grimsley Florida Representative Denise Grimsley met with the Hendry/Lee County 4-H Legislature Group at their monthly meeting at the Dallas B. Townsend Agricultural Center in LaBelle. Locally Owned CASH CASH! Clewiston 965 W. Sugarland Hwy, 8 63.983.110 8 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, June 15, 2006 ISAVE TO I ice DOCTOR TEHSIN CLOSING PRACTICE Dr. Tehsin regrets to inform you that he is relocating, and closing his practice in Clewiston, effective June 23, 2006. All his patients are requested to contact his office Phone # 983-9141 as soon as possible for appointments and further information. COCHRAN BROTHERS ROOFING, INC. Shingles Flat Roofs Roof Repairs - FULLY LICENSED a INSURED 863-385-4690 Sebring FL State Llc# RC-0066817 4 OPINION Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, June 15, 2006 Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the MooreHaven/Glades issues forum at httpy/www.newszapfo- rums.com/forum57. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits. Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include: * Belle Glade/South Bay Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum51 * Clewiston Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum52 * Hendry County Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum54 * Moore Haven/Glades Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum57 * Okeechobee city/county Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum58 * Pahokee Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum59 Go to newszap.com, clickipn your community and then on "community forums and links." Stormscaping helps protect landscape By Barbara Oehlbeck ,Whoever would have thought there'd ever be a book of expert advice on how to landscape to minimize damage in the Sunshine State when storms hit? Well, "Stormscaping" does just that in common sense, practical terms and language. The book is Volume 3 of the Florida Gardening Series by Pamela Crawford. It's a large book, 8 2 x 11, on high gloss paper entirely in color. The photos tell their own story in Pam's book; nothing is left to guess-work. She lists the best plants to with- stand hurricanes, as well as the worst plants for hurricanes. She focuses on trees that are danger- ous, "survivor" gardens, and the strongest plants to protect your home and garden. According to Pamela, as a result of extensive research and experi- ence, the three worst trees to have anywhere near you in a hurricane or even high winds, are Australian pines, Ficus benjamin and laurel oaks. Her books details in depth information on why these trees are to be avoided for safety's sake. On the other hand great trees for windy times include the Sabal palm (our state tree), bald cypress, crepe myrtle, ironwood, Japanese maple, live oak, which is consis- tently categorized as the most wind-tolerant shade tree for the entire state of Florida, southern magnolia, Canary Island date palm, date palm, foxtail palm, pindo palm,, royal palm, red bay, sand live oaks, sea grape, saw pal- metto, thatch palm and the stop- pers redberry, Spanish and white. "Stormscaping" includes a wealth of information, in fact it's more like a colorful encyclopedia on the subject. For instance, to begin with we all need to under- stand hurricane basics, when they're coming and what they can do to us. We all need to know the most important hurricane facts. There are eight of them all highly detailed on page 26. Since landscaping/planting is year-round in Florida, it's wise to know your plant's wind toler- ance, as some tolerate wind much better than others. One of the most susceptible is one of the state's most strikingly beautiful trees, the tabebuia, commonly called tree of gold. On the whole, palms tolerate wind better than shade trees with the exception of Queen palm/cocos plumosa, which has very little wind tolerance, When considering native plants versus exotics, think about this: Natives were present in Florida long before Christopher Columbus discovered America. Exotics are s FAnred~ Glrdaiiin^ S-r *- ldnt" t .'STORMSCAPING Landwiaping to ,tinimnize Wind Damage in Florida hida m te' men prIeIth S - S"Copyrighted Material S Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers,' ~. ~ ~ _ m ~ S - tmco b moo- 4 . - .~ -~ e - e- w- ^ S-- . Special t GCD "Stormscaping" by Pamela Crawford helps homeowners chose plants that can with- stand high winds. those plants which have been introduced into Florida since 1492. This book is a treasure trove of dependable information, guide- lines that will not necessarily pre- vent damage to your plants, trees and gardens, but most certainly will help minimize damage and guide you through recovery. The author of "Stormscaping" is not only personally experienced in landscaping and gardens in gener- al; she has earned highly important credits such as a BA from Vander- bilt University and a Masters Degree in Landscape Architecture from Florida International University. This is her third book following the publication of "Easy Gardens for South Florida" and "Best Gar- den Color for Florida." For detailed information about Pamela Crawford's 168-page book that's in full color throughput, tele- phone, write, or e-mail Barbara Oehlbeck, 25075 Grassy Run-Muse, LaBelle, Fl. 33935. Telephone/fax same number: 863- 675-2771, e-mail: doco@strato.net. This is a MUST book for those who care about their yards and gar- dens, a book that will never go out of style! And if you have roses, heed this: If the canes become storm- shredded or even broken in various places, cut them back to good, unbroken wood. If your roses are old garden, or antique, in other words if they're growing on their own rootstock, don't worry for a minute. They'll simply come out and continue growing exactly the same as they were when you plant- ed them. This is NOT true of those roses grafted onto fortuniana root- stock. If these rose canes become broken in the storm and they regrow from below the bud union or graft union, they will not be the same. In other words, it will be the rootstock that regrows. The fortuni- ana bloom is a white single rose. ^ GladieComy DeNmcrat Our Purpose... The Glades County Democrat is published by Independent Ne,.papers of Florida Independent is owned by a unique trust that enables third newspa- per to pursue a mission of journmahstic servicee to the ciuzens ol the commu- nity. Since no dividends are paid. the company is able to thrice on profit margins below industry standards. All after-tax surpluses are reminested in Independent's mission of journalistic service, commitment to the ideals of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. and support of the comm- munity's deliberation of public issues We Pledge... * Tn ,:ipra this nre-'p3 r as public tri STo help our :commumry iberirre o La bner pliie to li-e and work. through GurI deili:oron 1. Ocrsacin',ti.'u iurriahl'r m * prid the ,ri...rminon tiLeri nue eed I.' mILe their r',uwr. irmllgent dcusi.ni ab:'ut putli- bb -i * rep:.rn lt.: nen, with honesry. accuracy, ebjectior). fearke nes and compaimisi * Tr ate Lur upinion pages o f aiiatea '.marlunity debate, not to dominate it with .'ir Own opinions *' diT di ,e our ,:un iuriicts of interest or pv iual cunlli,- l rour readers ' To) .:rre, our ter:,is anrd t. gte ench cor r.lunr, I, the pr,'riinerce it det.enes ' To provide a right to reply to those we wnte about. * To treat people with courtesy, respect and compassion. N ,wiCikijI iybi Gr...i Avetfising remv~ailk,r 1.).l ai~itawpcr Anlseruar.i Nlsana-r FBe.1 is' oi L~tii. Ao . Pre,.dra Ed D.1ir Vice Pieu dri ..I Fi.nds Op.1t.raa, 1I. Bird Euco,iit'-Edoo Karna, E ,- Member of. Florida Press Assoctdfoiso - A 0 S Summer brings longer daylight hours By Dan Culbert Extension Horticulture Agent And it's not even summer, yet! Based on recent heat and humidity, the feel of our weather is that summer is here. But a look at the calendar shows that we are still "enjoying" spring time here in Flori- da and that summer will, not arrive until next Wednesday, June 21. If you have been working in your landscape recently there are some less obvious changes in our seasonal conditions. Here are two: our day length has been getting longer, and our shadows are get- ting shorter. Today's column out- lines these changes and offers some ideas on how they can be used to help create a more Florida- friendlyYard. Longer Days are here again. Daily weather reports often briefly mention the time of sunrise and sunset. Over the course of a year, the time of these events changes daily. We adjust our clocks each spring and fall to take advan- tage of increasing daylight in spring, and accommodate for less daylight in the fall. Here in South Florida, our maxi- mum day length on the first day of summer is 13.92 hours. If you travel to more northern areas, the day- time hours will be longer: on June 21st, Jacksonville Fla. has a 14.07 hour day, New York City will enjoy 15.05 hours of daylight, and those in Nome Alaska will see the sun for 21.31 hours. Going south \\ill short- en the day length: residents of Panama City, Panama will have a relatively brief "long-day" at 12.42 hours. On the opposite side of the year is the first day of winter, December 21st. Here in Okeechobee this shortest day is 10.25 hours long. Compare that with Jacksonville's 10.11 hors of sunshine, New York's winter solstice of 9.15 hours, and pity the poor folks in Nome that see the sun for only 3.52 hours that day. However, the folks in Panama City get 11.72 hours of daylight. Plants respond to differing day lengths by changing their growth patterns. Some plants have found it- better to produce their flowers, fruit and seed in the summertime, and are called long-day plants. Others Change begins at the table I am a collector of great quotes and was particularly pleased to read one from a great president: "All great change in America begins at the dinner table." Ronald Reagan . I love this quote! The heart of the message is the recognition of how important that dinner table isit is where it all begins; is essentially what the former president was say- ing. It used to be, in Ronald Rea- gan's day, that the dinner table was the place where discussions took place and a good natured debate between parents and kids could even get heated. Discussing things like politics, religion, ethics in school, etc. was commonplace. This is where ideas were tossed back and forth and dreams were born. I still believe it can be this way! We don't have to be dominat- ed by drive thru's and negative nutrition. FlyLady and I are passionate about our mission: to help you get your homes in order first of all, and secondly, to help you enjoy your family. It is my personal belief that your family however they became your family, is God ordained and nothing less. Those faces around your dinner table are there on pur- pose to give you an opportunity to feed their tummies and their souls. What a great blessing! You know the old saying that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach? Well, we're all built that way. This lowly piece of furni- ture, the family dinner table repre- sents communion, fellowship, a wonderful meal and an opportuni- ty to know and be known in a way that is only possible in this type of intimate community. I've said all of this before in vary- ing degrees or another. I say it again only because of the importance of the message. If there is a take away message in this particular column it The Dinner ,>Diva -by (? ^Ely is that your family is precious and so are you. Time together spent at your family dinner table will only help you to become more of what you've always dreamed your family could be. It doesn't take magic wands, wishful thinking or pleading prayers (although praying does help!). It takes a little work. Get your house in order, get dinner on the table and call together those special people you are so blessed to call family. Sit down, eat your dinner and watch the magic happen. It will, with prac- tice, I promise. Here's an easy crock-cooker (slow cooker) recipe to get you started back to the table: Carolina Crock Chicken Serves 6 6 skinless chicken thighs, bone- less too, if available 1 onion- chopped 2 cloves of garlic pressed 1 teaspoon dry mustard salt and pepper to taste 1/4 cup tomato paste 1/2 cup Worcestershire sauce 3 tablespoons cider vinegar 1 tablespoon olive oil In a skillet, heat the olive oil and brown the chicken on both sides. Place in a crock-cooker with remaining ingredients and cook on high for 5-7 hours or low 8-9 hours, depending on your crock-cooker. When done, shred with two forks and serve with crock-cooker juices. take their cue from shortening days to reproduce, which is why many fall flowers are know as short-day plants. If you are selecting annuals for your Florida Yard, be sure to ask your nursery supplier if it is a short day or long day plant. This will insure that it is adapted to the sea- son. And right now, the choices are for long-day plants in our location. Another change in out seasonal lighting is the length offthe shad- ows. On the first day of summer, go to the north side of your yard during the noon hour, and notice where the shadow from your roof-line falls on the landscape. Make a note right now on your calendar to do the same thing on the first day of winter: that shadow line will move considerably to the north. This difference in summer vs. winter shadow lines is due to the tilt of the earth. Scientists call this angle of the sun in the horizon the azimuth. And these angles should be considered when planning the locations of landscape beds or home vegetable gardens and can be used to locate shade trees to save on summer energy bills. Between the hours of 3 PM and 5 PM are the warmest parts of the day. Shading the western side of the home with properly placed landscaping can cut down on ener- gy costs. Also make note of where your air conditioner compressor is located, and try to give it some shade to save some money. Azimuth angles have been determined for our location at dif- ferent time of the year. Consider the west side of your house to have an azimuth angle of 90 degrees. For the critical 3 PM time of day, sun- shine will be streaming into your Okeechobee windows and sliding glass doors at an angle of 87 degrees on June 21, which is just a little below due west. At 5 p.m., the sun will have climbed beyond west to an azimuth of 99 degrees, or a west-Northwest direction. Compare these sun directions with the first days of fall, when the 3 PM azimuth is about 45 degrees, or southwest, and the 5 PM angle, which is 73 degrees, or west-South- west. The spring azimuth angles are likewise bent to the southwest side of the compass. A University of Florida Exten- sion bulletin is available for those interested in more details: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/EH216 It takes into consideration the height of your home and possible shade trees, and can help suggest where to place landscape plants for maxi- mum energy conservation. One word of caution: be sure that the height of a tree and its placement near buildings will not become a roof hazard if another storm should visit our area. In addition to energy conserva- tion landscaping, make note of the shadow lines when choosing plants for your Florida Yard. Don't place plants that need direct sun- light in the northern shadows of your yard. Many flowers and veg- etables, if planted in the summer sun, may be in winter shade, and will not grow well on the north side of your landscape. Glades County Democrat Published by Independent Newspaper, Inc. Serving Glades County Since 1923 To Reach Us Address: PO B.:. 123. Clev.'..on. FI3 334-10 Website: wwne rzap ,-.1m To Submit News The Glades Co.untr Democrat kel. c.:rriis subrri'isi 'ts from its reader Opinions. calend.la ,terns, ,Iolre., :ea, nd F phot,:Aphk are ,lr_,me Call v,.6.399-5253 t,- reach our ni ...;- :room ltems, may ,be mailed. ra.ed .:.r e-mailed. The deadline f'or all rIne :terms is 12 p mn Molnday prior to the :ollo, in, g Thur-ds)' puJtl.:u,:,r E-mail: gc-dn-,v .rnew,'zap com To Place A Classified Ad Call i877 353-424 to Fplae clas-:. fi'd ad'erti-emen Ifrcmr hume The deadline for all advertising is 12 p.m. Monday for the following Thursday'a publication. Zax. 1.877-354-2424. mail claasadstwnewszap.com To Place A Display Ad Call S66.399-5253. deadline for all ad'.erti'ng is 12 pm Mn:.nrday for the ollov ming Thursda\ 's publication. 7Fa. 1.863.983.7537 E .mail- s,-uthlakead,",'ne z.ap,.om Advertising Billing Department E-mail: billteam@newszap.com To Start or Stop A Paper Phone: (877)353-2424 E-mail r~adcrier, I. 'e~~4 orr rhk Glj4~nCounrv D.-MOCm; IS .]elIErverd b-Y rIji tv..;ubecnib -r4 ri Thur'Lv and is -.1-1 in rak aMid sli location; irthe Gj~dr; C-:-.,r~tvxaea Cn A 18-0u53-2424 1.-.repov 3 r,~seA re-i p'- :irx~r delivery. Clnd& Courit,'Dericist USFS I'-)'160 F'ublv'hed Week]., by Indspr.ndern N, q-apm, f I.: C.-wtcaviFLl" tt4 foi i 24 61 p~r yeasr including woi. Secoad ici- pylage paid at CleistoFloFicda. F'oitm.dwter nd A~dre-sp :har~ger to the GMile' CounirvtyrNm.,:rai clt. ulti in Adrrmni, tra,.. PC' BO, "',I"I D-.-r, DE P'cju.li Printig F'rrmi~d at SundirinePrin~tin,r awbidiar,, of E-mailp~rintinpr Niratf, et - 4m. - - dw Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, June 15, 2006 o M o - o ' 0 do op, o o Q ,* 1 -ftb * OPINION HAPY FAT H vE w S c AYI Hampton Chrysler Dojjge-JeQp of Clewiston Daimler Chrysler has instructed us to REDUCE HUGE WJIENTORIES of all 06' & 05 leftovers + 200 Spreowned vehicles. This is a special ONE TIME inventory reduction event applicable throughout Hendry and surrounding counties. Huge prna.tie-s will be imposed by D~ameIr C)hrv1sr on dealership it 100 vehicles are not disPpsed A jTy mot'sI end rt of profit or loss. For more information please call 1-888-200-1703 Look for the tent!! WW SugaVaa AHw K-M~~art~z Expect Traffic Delays and Congested Parking 955W. SugarlandHwy. ALL Vi'HI<-LES MUST BE REMOVE W !HI 24 G;.UR- Clewiston, FL ... .- -,-.--. .... ..----. ........ ....................... ....... ............ - r--'- -" ...--B- 1 1 B "" -'.... nOU .........- ------ __ IL 4 ^-r Y . A OOGalleons of Free, Gas 1 i~c, ^^ ''t'..^.--*sa V, W S aS Ws^ Hs/a 3 W4H *2 $300 Gift Certfcate at Walmau*' 3 $300 V GU'ard With purchase of any new or preowned vehicle. - Must be presented to your Sales Representative at the time of the event for offers to be valid. ~rnT~ rrc~i rri te: rr- .uowJe Sul rrrr II I r Jt - ii I nJ mf jr! Jeep U1T-u rr -~ P ~$ yjr I v-;, Oils Filer Change wi 16-Point Vehicle Checkup Smesplieckrnernt up to 5 - r oil fihr ! I I | b i |-.tii. l i I.. d ie" e t" V -' i i f ,,.j Plus, insmnc8Aon of these and additional items not listed; * I pnresurtt .* i,'! -,v ttz mfxd raj/nakl * ,ind .hiCe,.d M on +t: +r "'. .il 'r '.i , *EXxie i6/2nn06 B * Air fil r Price dos not inlitud( p..iry '.vohich (ay bu required after inspectin. AN k Sarvies Arvenr fiir iirnnM rtfaftls Expires: 6/ 21/06 ------------------------------------------------------- nQ IWoiear Value Line Brake Pad or Shoe Repl aceme nt $119.95 ^ 1, 1jtJI.- (E" 1 11 *Ins;pect rfin., rt~rti nt no ca liver- tru cks tuut VIIIII U trih"I "-Mae a U'Ah w~4- N U I I I I I I I S ..Expires: 6/21/06 4 HAMPTON CHRYSLER DODGE HENRY COUNTY'S ONLY 5-STAR iCHRYSLER-DODGE-JEEP DEALER I CHRYSLERj C It really does make a dierence!CS -----S *- *-- - -- (863) 983-4600 -. ,~ -r 202 W. Sugarland Hwy. JEEP loc-..t i Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 WI I~ ii t4k I I I I I N I. I I I -AMM AL- AMMM A L JL - - - - Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, June 15, 2006 b.A F- L vw. 9 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, June 15, 2006 BRAND NEW 200' DODGE AUTO. A/C, MORE! STK#63326 As Low As its BRAND NEW 2t6 DODGE S'-E C li A ~ ?'% ^? sti**r".;'*. 2 TO CHOOSE! Tit ~yI 1- p ..~ A A BRAND NEW 6,i DODGE STK#61690 - -......-. -. -. -..--.7Nn-.-rn~-.rww~ ~ . BRAND NEW DODGE '' As Low As .,,, 1. 4-V BRAND NEW .Pb DODGE rAD i M.PG!p BRAND NEW.: DODGE As Lotv As c 1-4F2 v S L- C- F-11. S~k Isy -'t ~ eep jI go r --- -- -- -- --- BRAND NEW .' ':, DODGE As Low As . Ac J.n/ ,' 1~ cN ^- . 0pj q 9 M .. -- ---- --------- - BRAND NEW _' DODGE ;"<, \ ''" ";,'f ...^ 3%I"'1 As Low As iSW STORE HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY: 8:30AM 9:00PM SATURDAY: 8:30AM 9:00PM SUNDAY: 11:00AM 6:00PM ADVERTISED OFFERS VALID ON IN-STOCKiVEHICLES ONY OFFE RS HOT IN CONJUNCTION 750 BEACON SCORE REQUIREDDEALER RETAINS ALL REBATES & INCENTWES. PRICES INCLUDE ALL REBATES, PRICES PLUS TAX, TAG & TITLE. FEES AND DEALER INSTALLED OPTIONS. REBATES VARY ON SELECT MODELS, WITH APPROVED GREDIF OFFERS EXPIRE DATE OF PUBLICATION OR MAY BE CANCELED AT ANYf?. "" '*'CE RANKING BASED ON REGISTERED SALES FOR DAIMLER CHRYSLER THRU APRIL 2C6S DEALER NOT RESPONSIBLE FORTYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS VEHICLE ART FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY ZERO APR FINANCING TERMS VARY ON SELECTMODELS, MUST HAVE AtTHRU A-CREDIT SCORE THPU CFC, OFFER rIOT I!N CONJUNCTION : .. FOR MORE DETAILS, PRICES INCLUDE CFC REBATE, AND O'NNER LOYALTY REBATE, MUST OUALIFYTHRU CFCTO GET PRICE OR OFFER MPG 8ASED ON GOVERNMENT EPA HIGHWAY ESTIMATES. PREVIOUS SALES EXCLUDED ALL OFFERS EXCLUDE SRT MWOOELS AND VIPERS, C 'o CARRERA ADV --; -,-- ......"- -... .. ..."", --, ..=::7." BRAND NEW "'-i.; DODGE AM 2500 .r~.' ~ As Low As A e& Thursday, June 15, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee "agys" -v -wv'-*-'-~t *i-7;- -* L. Thursday, June 15, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Arrest Report Crime Stoppers This column lists arrests, not convictions, unless otherwise stat- ed. Anyone who is listed here and who is later found not guilty, or has the charges against them dropped, is welcome to inform the newspa- per. We will confirm the informa- tion and print it. Belle Glade/South Bay/Pahokee The following individuals were arrested by the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office (PBSO), the Belle Glade Police Department (BGPD) and the West Palm Beach Police Department. For more information online see www.pbso.org. Edwin Eugene Dennard, 43, of Southwest 11th Street in Belle Glade, was arrested June 6, by the BGPD, and charged with burglary of a structure or conveyance, unarmed with persons inside. He was also charged with larceny-petit first degree theft, $100 to $300. Bond was set at $3,000. Derrick Kirksey, 20, of South- west 13th Street in Belle Glade, was arrested June 6, by the PBSO, and charged with violation of proba- tion/forgery (checks). Bond was set at $6,000. Joseph Jerome, 19, of South- west-E Avenue., Belle Glade, was arrested on June 6 by the PBSO, and charged with fraud uttering false instrument. He is also charged with larceny-theft of $300 or more but less than $5,000. Bond was set at $3,000. Jeffrey C. Jackson, 22, of S. Coconut Road, Pahokee, was arrested on June 6 by PBSO on a warrant charging him with viola- tion of community control/viola- tion of probation-burglary of a structure or conveyance; violation of community control/violation of probation-aggravated battery; vio- lation of community control/viola- tion of probation-resisting officer with violence; violation of commu- nity contro/violation of probation- grand theft. Total bond was set at $6,500. Bernard Jones, 43, of Bacom Point Road, Pahokee, was arrested on June 6 by PBSO on a warrant charging him with battery-touch or strike; contempt of court-violation injunction repeat sex date viola- tion. He is being held without bond. Lester Straker, 26, of North State Road 715, Belle Glade, was arrested on June 7 by PBSO on a warrant charging him with aggra- vated battery-causing bodily harm or disability. He is being held with- out bond. Dewayne Hornsby, 22, of oUUIIIlteU Itu INI/WrlO Deputies seek information On Monday, June 5, 2006 approximately noon, Pablo Flo- res was sitting in his wheel chair in front of the Quick Stop, 190 27 North, South Bay when a black male walked up to, Flores, hit him, knocked him over while sitting in his wheel chair and grabbed his wallet from his shirt pocket and fled. The suspect is described as a black male, 20 25 yrs, 5'08" to 6' tall, wearing a black t-shirt and blue jean shorts. The incident was recorded on the store surveillance video. If anyone was in the area when this incident occurred and/or can identify this suspect they are encouraged to contact Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office, District 5 Sub Station at 561/996-1670 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-458-TIPS. Fourth Street, Belle Glade, was arrested on June 7 by PBSO on a warrant charging him on a charge of violation of probation-aggravat- ed assault with a deadly weapon. His bond was set at $3,000. Willie Jones, 28, of Covenant Drive, Belle Glade, was arrested on June 7 by PBSO on a charge of fraud/insufficient funds to obtain goods or services for $150 or more- obtaining property in return for a worthless check (alias). He was released on $3,000 bond. Mildred Jynelle Boatwright, 39, of Everglades Street in Belle Glade, was arrested June 12 by the PBSO. She is charged with larceny - grand theft of a firearm, dealing in stolen property, and tampering with evidence, bond was set at $1,000. She was also charged with violation of probation. Eugene Alvin, 47, of South- west Fifth Street in Belle Glade, was arrested June 9, by the PBSO an charged with sex offender viola- tions/failure to notify law enforce- ment of residence change. Bond was set at $3,000/ Dennis Lee Bailey, 34, of Northwest Second Street in Belle Glade, was arrested June 9 by the PBSO. He was charged with viola- tion of probation driving while license suspended-habitual. Bond was set at $6,000. He was also charged with violation of proba- tion/dealing in stolen property, and violation of probation/possession of cocaine. William Henry Venable, 42, of Southeast Fifth Street in Belle Glade, was arrested June 12 by the PBSO and charged with carrying a concealed firearm. Bond was set at $3,000. Felix Alexander Smith, 41, of Jordan Boulevard in Pahokee, was arrested June 8 by the PBSP. He was charged with violation of pro- bation/lewd or lascivious molesta- tion. No bond was set. Nekiea S. Holden, 28, of Jor- dan Avenue in Pahokee, was arrested June 9 by the PBSO. He is charged with burglary of occupied conveyance, possession of cocaine with intent to sell or deliver, posses- sion of marijuana with intent to sell or deliver, possession of marijuana over 20 grams and resisting arrest without violence. Bond was set at $5,000. Ossie Dee Polk, 31, of Apple Avenue in Pahokee, was arrested June 10 by the PBSO. He was charged with DUL He was released without bond. Nedrick Raord Roldin, 42, of Greenstar Avenue in PahoKt, ;was arrested June 10 by the PBSO. He was charged with violation of pro- bation/burglary of a dwelling. No bond was set. Erica Banks, 20, of Pelican Lake Drive in Pahokee, was arrest- ed June 10 by the PBSO. She was charged with aggravated battery. No bond was set. Kennettal Biggs, 21, of Mal- one Street in Pahokee, was arrest- ed June 11, by the PBSO. He was charged with violation of probation or community control/throwing a deadly missile into an occupied vehicle, neglect of a child and crim- inal mischief. No bond was set. Raymond Streams, 47, of U.S. Highway 27 in South Bay, was arrested June 8 by the PBSO. He was charged with smuggling con- traband into a detention facility and possession of marijuana not more than 20 grams. No bond was set. Richard Jenkins, 27, of U.S. Highway 27 in South Bay, was arrested June 8. He was charged with smuggling contraband into a detention facility and possession of marijuana, not more than 20 grams. No bond was set. Willie Brockman, 27, of Southwest 12th Avenue in South- Bay, was arrested June 10 by.the PBSO. He was charged with driv- ing with suspended license-habitu- al offender. He was also charged with violation of probation. Bond was set at $3,000. Hendry County he following individuals were arrested by the Hendry County Sheriff's Office James Walter Thicklin, 19, of Clewiston was arrested June 1 and charged with aggravated battery. Deputy Julius Taylor of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Bond has been set at $10,000. Matthew Richard Elliot, 25, of Clewiston was arrested June 5 and charged with carrying a concealed weapon and producing drugs. Deputy Nathan Kirk of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Roberto Carmona, 43, of Clewiston, was arrested June 11 and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon with- out intent to kill. Deputy Jesus Olvera of the Hendry County Sher- iff's Office was the arresting officer. Carlos Vasquez, 25, of Clewis- ton, was arrested June 10 and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill, carrying a concealed weapon and a weapon. offense. Deputy Nathan Kirk of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Placido Alvarez, 33, of Clewis- ton, was, .arrested June 9 and charged with fondling a child between the ages of 12-16. Deputy Julius Taylor of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office was the arresting officer. Bond was set at $10,000. The Palm Beach County Sher- iff's Office seeks help from the public in locating the following "wanted fugitive." Zarnell Fitzger- ald, age 24, a black male is 5 feet, 8 inches tall and weighs approxi- *mately 180 pounds. He has black hair and brown eyes and has a scar on his left elbow. His last known addresses were Division Avenue, West Palm Beach and Palm Boule- vard, Pahokee. He was employed as a flooring installer. He is wanted on a warrant charging him with failure to appear, felony possession of a firearm; carrying a concealed firearm; robbery with a firearm, felon in possession of a firearm. Anyone with information about this fugitive or any crime is asked to call the Crime Stoppers hotline at 1- 800-458-TIPS (8477) or online at: www.crimestopperspbc.com. Chispi's Restauranti i & Ballroom, Inc. Latin American Cuisine 208 Sugarland Hwyy * Clewiston, 33440 863-983-2548 Specializing In Custom Manufacturing D J Machinery, Inc, Hubzone Cert. 728 E. Trinidad Ave. Clewiston, FL 33440 863-983-3171 A 4. C 6 1 KEEP YOUR HOME OR BUSilnSS'.APAW. G ARDIA *24 ir Blckout Protection *Security I PeIce 0f Mlid completelyly Automatic LP, Ntural Gs, Diesel S*Adds blue To Your Home *15,000 To 200,000 Wiis iKAIIG T 'Fa ctory Authorized Worroaty Service SBO'S ELECTRIC & SPECIALTIES . At Family Eye Care We Provide: Complete Eye Health Examinations Including Prescriptions for Contact Lenses and Glasses Treatment of: Evaluation of: After Surgery Care of: Glaucoma Macular Degeneration Cataracts Eye Injuries Diabetes Glaucoma Dry Eye Cataracts Pterygium Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) Flashes & Floaters LASIK Specializing in bifocal, toric, daily disposable and'hard-to-fit contact lenses. Full Optical Services In-House Lab High Quality Name Brand Frames Sji r, Day Service on Some Prescriptions Latest Technological Lens Design Saturday and Evening Appointments Available 24 Hour Emergency Available New Patients Welcome 863.675.0761 www.familyeyecarelabelle.com Roadwatch The following information was prepared by Florida Department of Transportation, District 1 Office, Bartow. Motorists are reminded to wear safety belts and drive with caution, courtesy, common sense, and patience as they travel through work zones. Remember, speeding fines are doubled in work zones. Glades County SR 78: From US 27 to Potato Farm Road: Maintenance project - Motorists should expect one lane of traffic through this area with slow moving traffic, and possible delays while crews work on shoul- der repairs. Flagmen will be on site to assist with traffic. US 27: At 5th Street (Near Bank of America): Maintenance contract project No lane closures are anticipated, but motorists should expect possible slow moving traffic and delays while crews work on sidewalk repairs. US 27: In the area of Gatorama: Maintenance contract project - No lane closures are anticipated at this time, but motorists should expect possible slow moving traffic and delays while crews clean ditch- es. Hendry County SR 29: At Bridge Street (near the U Save): Maintenance contract project No lane closures are anticipated at this time, but motorists should expect slow moving traffic wile crews repair sidewalks in this area. SR 29: From Evans Road to CR 832: Maintenance contract project - Motorists should expect inter- mittent lane closures, slow moving traffic, and possible delays while crews work on replacing the raised pavement markers in the roadway. US 27: North of Clewiston to SR 80: Maintenance project No lane closures are anticipated at this time, but motorists should expect possible slow moving traffic and delays while crews work on guardrail replacement. Okeechobee County SR 70: From West of US 98 to West of 7th Avenue NW: Construc- tion project Work continues to widen and reconstruct the existing 2-lane roadway to 4 lanes with a center dual left turn lane. The work includes drainage improvements, signals, and street lighting. Crews are working on storm drainage and roadway construction at various locations throughout the project. The contractor is Russell Engineer- ing. SR 710: From SR 70 to north of Interceptor Creek: Construction project The roadway improve- ments consist of widening, milling and resurfacing. Work continues throughout the project limits and motorists should expect nighttime lane closures from 7 p.m. until 6 a.m., as well as slow moving traffic and possible delays. The contrac- tor is Dickerson. * A Beka Curriculum * Competitive rates * Alter Care Available until 5-50 * Mauq extras: Libray, M : Art, Compters for more inlfo <-.C'. : visit our website, www.clewistonchristion.ora , call us at 863-983-5388, ore-mail us at presclool@clewistonchristian.or6 40,000 of financial assistance available for K-6- Your news isour neWS, *e~ ILA~ 95evwlstOfl The.S ~~~Cty loa at wate Nw Cametmry(I R~VUpSII .5-~~ F.-. *.* Some newspapers seem to take pleasure in the bad news. Not us. We do print "bad" news. (It IS newsworthy when things go wrong, and citizens need to know about problems.) Still, we give most of our attention to good news the kind you dip and tape to your refrigerator door. (This isn't difficult. The vast majority of what happens in our community IS good.) How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or calling your editor. Clewiston News D BLADES COUNTY DEMOCRAT TheS un Community Service Through Journalism ... 'CHlIRISTIAN SCHOOL ) INTRODUCES . j ie Lions' Pre-school. Now enrolling Pre-K for Aug. 2006 Ages 3 and A-e 3 tLru 6th 6rade nation on our preschool . . Thursday, June 15, 2006 Arrest Report Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, June 15, 2006 L jA ri l p '03 DODGE CARAVAN STK#61695A .... . .. i Ji."J '05 CHEVROLET SILVERADO STK#62111A ..... .. ... . '05 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY 5TFhzPLbK1i....90 '04 CHEVROLET TRAILBLAZER SSTKP62-453A ..................... ........ .. '04 CHEVROLET TRAILBLAZER STK 6 1516A.. ... ........ .. ... ....... '04 DODGE 2500 QUAD CAB STKt62341A..... .. 1foe ( '04 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE f 1 lff s.i. fp[K.'i;A ... ... .... .. ..9 0 '06 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 0 T 90 2 T1O CHOOSE STK.PL6825 .. ............ .... '03 DODGE RAM 2500 DIESEL .. 22 590 * 04 C:3T Ei LETA ..S........ .... ........... , '04 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN 75 590 T Kl'61 ,' 7 *-TK 't'l "!;;! .. .. '. -. o a al A : I-:i i:: -.. ......1S7 2004 DODGE RAM 1500 Aft .STK#63315A ee 9S.E....... '02 MAZDA B2300 STK62169B . '04 GMC 1500 STKt62509A '01 FORD F-150 S'IK#62933A '02 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT 4X4 STKr61717A '03 FORD F-150 SUPERCAB XLT STK#62769A.... ..... ..... . '05 DODGE DAKOTA STK#62672A ............ ..... ... .6,990 $11 990 .1 990 116,990 '01 TOYOTA TACOMA 4X4 4 DR. ' .. ..... .. .. .... '04 CHEVROLET AVALANCHE 2 9 STt2t.'UA 22,50 '04 FORD F-350 DIESEL STK0 6102 YA ..V . '04 CHEVY AVALANCHE .. 22,990 L&a ama a a ST,.41 FA 22.99.U '04 TOYOTA TACOMA DOUBLE CAB V6 4X4 16 990 sT 214A. ........... .23,990 .16.990 '04 GMC SIERRA 3500 DIESEL ST 'GO?25,2B 125,990 vv~r4~N ~>JrF~ AVE '96 CHEVROLET .- -- cr yr STK#6912A $ '03 DODGE NEON S TK 'G680 16A .... ... ......... .... ......... .... .. .' .. '04 CHEVY CAVALIER STKA61240A . '04 SATURN ION STK#62205A ..... ''-. ' '03 CHEVROLET IMPALA S TKN 6230 1A ......... .... ..... ... i. . '05 FORD FOCUS STK .63333A ................................... ....... . '03 FORD MUSTANG ST lu-t.1 66B '02 TOYOTA AVALON .1 990 STK*6 ,..A14.................... .............. .990 '04 HYUNDAI XG350L STK0 660,3 .... .... .. '04 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX STK Ui3. 'iA '05 SUBARU FORESTER ....... ,990 l18 990 .... 8990 I. 1AA472~ '02 DODGE i|TE VAN STK#63148 A : ,, L.w.,,. '02 KIA SEDONA STK*62947A .9,0 '03 CHEVY TRACKER . STK* 28 33A '00 HONDA CR-V $11 o9q STK#O62101B .. '04 DODGE CARAVAN I1 99 STK#61159A '03 SATURN VUE 1 3 ,'"9 TK#61261A '03 FORD ESCAPE STK#7036A......................... .. '04 HYUNDAI SANTA FE STK#62017A9 .9. '03 DODGE DURANGO SLT PLUS 14.990 STK#62972B '05 KIA SEDONA EX 7 PASSENGER 14,990 STK0 6 9 AA. ........ ..... .................... ......... '03 FORD ESCAPE O f '05 HYUNDAI SANTA FE I 490 STK#PL6818................................ ....................4 '04 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER s 990 S Th k 2 4 5.A ..... ...................... ........... ....... ...... U '04 NISSAN XTERRA SE V6 $ enn STK#60268A ....................... 16 ,990 '04 CHEVY TAHOE STK#62955A ............................2 3 9 9 SE IHABLA ESPANVOL PARLEZ VOUS FRA/VCAS & CREOLE STORE HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY: 8:30AM 9PM SATURDAY: 8:30AM 9PM SUNDAY: 11AM 6PM Offers expire date of publication. Must present this ad at time of purchase to receive advertised offers. All offers to qualified buyers. With approved credit. Savings based off original MSRP. Dealer not responsible for typographical errors or omissions. Prices plus tax, tag & title. All vehicles subject to prior sale. See dealer for details. Art for illustration purposes only. MANAGER'S SPECIAL$ EDUCATION 9 *hrsay Jun 15-06Srigtecm uiissuho aeOecoe Moore Haven Jr./Sr. High School School News in Brief announces final honor roll Moore Haven Jr./Sr. High School is, pleased to announce the names of the following honor roll students for the final nine weeks of the 2005- 2006 school year. Seventh grade A honor roll: Ever yelasquez and Hunter Ward c Seventh grade A/B honor roll: Taylor Bennett, Deanna Brown, Qabriela Galvez, Teale Humphries, Ranee McCall, Kiaerra Perkins, Matthew Shearer, Lindsey Swaford and Yanesi Velasquez. Eighth grade A honor roll: Eric Simmons, Clayton Tripp and Tyler Wilson. 'o Eighth grade A/B honor roll: Adrianna Cervantes, McKenzie Green, Amber Hughes and Rebec- qa Langdale. < Ninth grade A honor roll: Shelbi Brown and Aaron Spero. Ninth grade A/Bs honor roll: Jes- sica Echols, Elizabeth and Vivian Velaquez. Tenth grade A/B honor roll were: Antonio Cabrelas, Jessica Concha, Emmanuel Figeroa, Cole Garvey and Wendy Whiddon. Eleventh grade A honor roll: Meagan Echols Eleventh grade A/B honor roll: Amanda Arnold, Camden Bounds, Barbara Brogdon, Rachel Broome, Veronica Brown and, Alejandra Perez Seniors graduating with honors: A honor roll: Jesse Capuzzi, Kayla Davila, Ricardo Figueroa, Jennifer Haman, Ashley Jones, Pavan Patel, Casey Platt and Joseph Thompson A/B honor roll: Robert Barnes, Kasara Elrod, Marielys Figueroa, Glenn Ford, Janika Gadson, Enrique Gamez, Kortni Harris, Vaushea Lewis, Beatriz Lopez, Cody McClelland, Esmeralda Pardo, John Smith, Timothy Wash- ington and Amy Zeigler Congratulations to all of our honors students! Submitted to Glades County Democrat Bit the Dog Diane Davis, with the American Legion motorcycle club from LaBelle was the winner of the "Bite the Dog" contest in the second annual River Rally motorcycle rally held June 3 in Moore Haven. Renewal Scholarships The JJ Wiggins Memorial Trust first time and renewal scholar- ships for Fall 2006 are now avail- able. They may be picked up at JJ Wiggins Youth Center or in the Moore Haven Jr. Sr. High School guidance office. Deadline for application is June 30. Call 946- 3400 or 863-287-2597 for details. MHHS Advisory Council Meeting The School Advisory Council of Moore Haven Junior-Senior High School will hold its regular monthly meeting on Monday, June 12 at 7 p.m. in the media center. MHHS Class Reunion The MHHS Class of '86 is hav- ing their 20 year reunion on Homecoming Weekend this year. Planners are inviting the Class of '87 and Class of '88 to join us, as well. They are in need of assis- tance in locating and notifying all members of the above classes. The initial plan is to have a tailgate type get-together the night of the Homecoming Game and, on the following day, have a BBQ for the family at the City Park or a similar location. Anyone interested in assisting may contact David Lee at dlee-1967@skyeone.com or (863)946-2512. TechBridge Youth training TechBride Youth training serv- ices a program that is dedicated to enhancing the employability and work readiness skills of Out of School Youth between the ages of 16 and 21 who live in the Hendry/Glades area, is presently accepting applications for enroll- ment and is ready to assist young adults who are ready to deploy on the road to success. In association with the Clewiston Adult School and the Clewiston Career and Development Services Center, we offer students the opportunity to obtain their GED as well as con- duct job searches and assistance with continuance of their educa- tional goals. For more informa- tion contact Patrick Coleman at (863)983-1300 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday-Friday. School Board meetings set Regular meetings will now take place on the second Thurs- day at 6 p.m. and the fourth Thursday at 9 p.m. in the Glades County School Board meeting room, 400 10th Street SW, Moore Haven. School Accountability Report The NCLB School Public Accountability Report from Moore Haven Junior-Senior High School is available on the school Web site http://glades.edgate.org/moore- haven/index.php. Copies of the report are also available in the school's main office, 700 Terrier Pride Drive SW, Moore Haven. FCAT scores available West Glades Elementary reminds parents that FCAT scores may be picked up at the school office, Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. GED classes set The Glades County School District is offering GED prep classes at Moore Haven High School, Room 26-003, for adults who wish to obtain their GED. Classes are Tuesday and Thurs- day nights from 6-8 p.m. You may register the night of the classes. If you have any ques- tions you may call Scott Bass at (863)946-0202 ext. 13. Children's advocates needed The Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) Program needs volunteers to rep- resent the best interests of abused, abandoned and neglect- ed children before the court, social service agencies and the community. No special educa- tional degree is required. Guardians need to be someone with common sense, good judg- ment and a commitment to help- ing a child. Attendance at three training sessions held in Fort Myers is required. Please contact Kelie Hedrick at: (239)461-4360 or (800)269-6210 for more infor- mation, and to reserve your space for training. Accountability report The "No Child Left Behind School Public Accountability Report" for Moore Haven Ele- mentary School is now available in the elementary school office. If you would like a copy of the report, please stop by the office and one will be made available to you. Stop the violence The Hendry and Glades Domestic and Sexual Violence Council's mission is to increase community awareness about domestic and sexual violence and victim safety by providing servic- es, referrals and education relating to the affects of domestic/sexual CARH violence in our community. The meetings rotate between LaBelle, Clewiston and Moore Haven. To get involved in the council or for information about meeting dates and times, please call Abuse Council and Treatment, Inc.'s Rural Extension (REACT): (863)674-1811 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. to speak with an advocate. FOR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, on T.V. ANNUITIES and INSURANCE PAYOUTS (800) 794n7310 J.G. Wentworth means CASH NOW for Structured Settlements! HURRICANE EMERGENCY POWER UNDER $500.00 77 The ABSOLUTE ALTERNATIVE to GAS GENERATORS k NO FUEL' NO NOISE! NO EMMISSIONS! EMERGENCY POWER SOURCE INC. CALL: (561) 487-7722 www.emergencyps.us / AUCTION ST. JAMES BAY CARRABELLE, FL June 29, 2006 10:30AM EST HOME LOT 160 ROYAL TERN WAY www.abalauctioncompany.com ONLINE BIDDING www.ProxiBid.com (850) 926-9160 AB2 387 REIC3MANCINI Sefadaltepaol Omos BIBnPortStLIfucLe Tne hiring of an artomey is an import3ni decision and should not be based solely on adivnisemneris Before you decide, ask us to provide you with wlien inlormalion bout our quaihricaton and experience Submitted to Glades County Democrat River Rally Fun Glades County director of Emergency Services Bob Jones and friend teamed up to participate in the "Bite the t Dog" contest at the second annual River Rally motorcy- cle rally held June 3 in Moore Haven. Submitted to Glades County Democrat Legion rides to rally LaBelle Legion Riders rode into Moore Haven in force for the June 3 River Rally. The second annual rally benefited 'Main Street Moore Haven, the goal of which is to pre- serve historic commercial buildings, like the 1915 Moore Haven Bank at the left. Since 192- Royal's MI OI FURNITURE 4t A PPL L-1A C B-5 H )/\'G $399.95 1 o Durtag Ryaml's Patier's Day Free BBQ Apron with Tools with $499.95 Purchase Belle Glade 561-996-7646 Tme Gewlston 863-983-4121 &As y imlaukalee 239-657-6138 oxeecs e' % $biaSwq ~ese863-7634293 $ 2 4 95 EMBARQ" HIGH-SPEED INTERNET S2 FOR AS LONG AS YOU HAVE THE SERVICE. $2 4 PER MONTH (Price excludes taxes and fees. Applies to up to 1.5 Mbps speed. Qualifying services & 1-year term agreement required .) * Dependable low price for as long as you have the service * Consistently fast broadband connection 24/7 * Advanced online security and protection tools * Free modem ($12.95 shipping hLi,-,,,,n ,. .) * $50 online rebate (covers $9.99 activation fee) LIMITED-TIME INTRODUCTORY OFFER SIGN UP NOW AND GET ONE MONTH FREE OF EMBARQT" HIGH-SPEED INTERNET. CALL 866-2EMBARQ, VISIT EMBARQ.COM, OR STOP BY AN EMBARQ STORE. FLORIDA TALLAHASSEE- 1 S,-2 CGovenor ;iSquare Blvd behind Cove,.c.r ; Squ.aie M tl ALTAMONTE SPRINGS i 175 E AltaTCor.te Dr..e at rtare Road '.36 and Crane. PRoosr Drve CAPE CORAL 2710 Del Prado. two blocks South of the MidPor Bridge OCALA 3101 S W 34th Ave at SW College Rd KISSIMMEE i 359 E v.r, St ai Michiganr Ave KISSIMMEE LOOP 2t4 i J.oh.-, roung Pk, .,n the Loop hc.hoppg .:enter PORT CHARLOTTE i020 El Jobean Rd e,tI to CPoa Charloice Tc.A .e ,-rre. CLERMONT 260 C.tru: ToAer Blvd at Hvy MAITLAND 48 Orlando Ave on the N E :co.nr of 1W Hc..ar.: Ave ,,-. Hw, I / LADY LAKE 6. US Hwy N .n LSli.- .dl n A.:,r,: Pl.a 'hho.pp.rrng c.-.er APOPKA .030 E Seu.oran l1,d at[ rther rnte-:iecr.ol', e i al Hur,' Clut. UO SEBRING i3i L1 US H~y r .n V.Iqage F.:.u. .[i.P.- a ',.hopp.rg Ce,-.r[. EMBARQ THIS WAY TO COMMON SENSE.'" , oN. : '. .,.,, ,* _. ,...-,. -.. t a-^.:'-. .:/: -'.. .. '.:.., *.. ** -& Sprint. EMBARQ Your communications company is now EMBARQ Services not avalleble In all areas. 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Conditions may include variables such as customer location, physical equipment limitations, network congestion, server and router speeds of websites accessed, inside wiring, or telephone conditions. Restrictions may apply. Modem Offer: Without credit approval, customer will be charged $99.99 for modem. Rebate: Customer must request and submit $50 rebate online at EMBARQ.comthsirebate within 45 days of Installation. EMBARQ High-Speed Internet account must be active and In good credit standing to receive rebate. One rebate per household. EMBARQ will not honor late, misdirected, Incomplete, or duplicate rebate forms. 2006 Embarq Holdings Company LLC. All rights reserved. The name EMBARQ and the jet logo are trademarks of Embarq Holdings Company LLC. Sprint and the diamond logo design are trademarks of Sprint Communications Company L.P., used under license. EMB1-06-633 No HAIRSTYLES SHOULD CHANGE HIGH-SPEED INTERNET PRICES SHOULDN IT. Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, June 15, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, June 15, 2006 High school penalized for overage players Submitted to INI Dixie League Champions The Belles Division Dixie League Champions for this year were sponsored by the Hendry County Fair and Live- stock Show. They had 5 wins, 2 losses, and 1 tie against the other Clewiston team. Pictured are: (front) Deandra Trottle; (kneeling) Terinna Cypress, Zoe Perry, Lovely Aviles, Lilisa Hernandez, Erica Almanza; (standing) Jane- ria Hatcher, Yenli Valez, Katie Whidden, Anna Puebla, Amber Watson, Shelby Mitchell, and Dora Puebla. Coaches were Trip Whidden, Bobby Mitchell, John Perry, and Mickey Watson (a.k.a. head cheerleader). Submitted to INI Tennis night Clewiston Community Tennis Association hosted 'Tennis night' for 46 kids on Tuesday, June 5. The tennis night event will be held every Tuesday night from 6 until 8 p.m. There will also be a tennis program for adults every Thursday from 6 until 8 p.m. at the Clewiston Tennis Courts. Volunteer Tennis coaches are: Tim Allen, Mallory Pittman, Aura Reyes, Joey Reyes, Raymond Guerra, Amy Gutierrez, Kathy Crawford, Valentin Leyva, Robert Rodriquez, and Nancy Upthegrove. For more information call Angie Kelly at 983-1492 or Tim Allen at 599-2595. GAINESVILLE Immokalee High School has been penalized by the FHSAA for violations in boys soccer and football. The violations centered on the participation of three student-ath- letes who were over-age. FHSAA Bylaw 11.6.1 states that a student- athlete is eligible until the day he or she reaches the age of 19 years 9 months. Two of the three over- age student-athletes participated in the school's boys soccer pro- gram; the third in football. Although the school became aware of one of the violations in October 2005, it did not report the violation to the FHSAA Office until May 2006. Subsequent'investiga- -tion by the Association and the school led to the discovery of the two other violations. All three stu- dents were immigrants who had provided false birth certificates to gain eligibility. The school did not file with the FHSAA Office the required form for international students on any of the three stu- dents because they were not clas- sified as "international students" by Collier County School Board policy. The school was officially noti- fied of the Commissioner's find- ings and penalties last week. "These violations are both unfortunate and disturbing," Commissioner John A. Stewart said. "The FHSAA age rule exists to ensure the physical well-being of all student-athletes. We have to be certain that teen-agers are playing against other teen-agers and not against adult men and women. "While we have no reason to believe the violations constitute a willful misconduct on behalf of the school, we cannot dismiss the school's failure to ensure that the student-athletes were of the appropriate age." In addition to a formal repri- mand, the Commissioner imposed the following penalties in this case: The school is fined a total of $3,000 ($1,000 for each of the three violations); The school must reimburse the Association for the cost of the investigation (final 'expenses have not yet been determined); The school's boys soccer program is placed on two years of restrictive probation to encompass the 2006-07 and 2007-08 school years. During this two-year period of probation, the school's boys soccer program is restricted from participation in all preseason and FHSAA state series postseason competitions. The school's varsity boys soccer team is limited solely to the per- missible 25 regular season con- tests. The school's football pro- gram is placed on one year of restrictive probation to encom- pass the 2006-07 school year. During this one-year period of probation, the school's football program is restricted from partic- ipation in a preseason classic or. jamboree, a post-season bowl game, FHSAA state series com- petition, and a spring classic or jamboree. The school's varsity football team is limited solely to the permissible 10 regular sea- son games. Games played against Immokalee in the 2006 football season will not count in the dis- trict standings for any opponent. The school shall forfeit all victories by its boys soccer team and football team in which the ineligible student-athletes partici- pated. Further, the school shall sur- render to the FHSAA the following trophies: 2004 district boys soccer runner-up trophy, 2005 district boys soccer championship tro- phy, 2006 district boys soccer championship trophy, and 2005 -district football championship tro- phy. Official FHSAA records will be adjusted to reflect Immokalee High School's participation in these state series as being vacat- ed.. FHSAA bylaws ensure the school's right to appeal the Com- missioner's findings, as well as the penalties assessed., The school has 10 business days to, notify in writing the FHSAA Office if it intends to file an appeal. Any appeal would be heard by the Association's Board of Directors at its September meeting. The Immokalee case and Col- lier County's interpretation of what constitutes an "international student" thrust into the spotlight the FHSAA policy regarding inter- national students and how it impacts immigrant students. Since then it has come to the attention that a number of other school districts are not filing the forms because of similar interpre- tations. The Association's Board Prepare your boat for storm season now By Loma Jablonski INI Florida With the start of the 2006 hur- ricane season upon us, now is the time to start making plans to safe- guard your boat. A few minutes of preparation now could save you thousands of dollars and prevent a great deal of stress in the event that we are hit with a hurricane this season. The following instructions are only guidelines and may not apply to every individual situation. The important thing to remember is to keep calm and use good judg- ment. Gather all documents per- taining to your boat including insurance policies, a recent pic- ture of your boat, the boat regis- tration, an inventory of equip- ment and a copy of the lease agreement if the boat is stored at a marina or storage facility. Keep these documents in a safe place. Have telephone numbers of the marina, storage facility and insur- ance agent readily available. Keep a list of all items you remove from the boat prior to the storm. Include, if possible, the make, model and original cost of the equipment. Make note of where you are storing this equip- ment. Keep another list of items that will remain on the boat. If you plan to move your boat to safer ground, be sure to check the tires, bearings and axle on your trailer now. Have every- thing is working order. Know approximately how long it will take to move the boat INI LLorna daobonSKi Take the time to prepare your boat for the upcoming hurri- cane season. A few minutes now could save you thousands of dollars in damage and a great deal of stress if the area is hit with a hurricane this season. and secure it. Remember, traffic will be heavy and supplies will be at a premium prior to a hurricane. If you are planning to move the boat, give yourself ample time to do so. If you are keeping it at home, you will need time to pre- pare it while also preparing your home for the storm. Do not cut yourself short on time. Have the materials to secure the boat on hand. You may not be able to pur- chase them if a storm is coming. Once you move the boat to safe ground or if you are keeping it at home on its trailer, you should: Lash your boat to the trailer and place blocks between the frame members and the axle inside each wheel. Owners of Clinical Trials You may be paid $200 in I day If you might have any of these conditions, we NEED YOUR HELP for research: Mental retardation Gifted Alzheimer's Seizures Brain Injury We also need healthy people ages 16+, all races Non-invasive testing No medication Get paid while you learn Local office-no travel Call Dr. Bruce Borkosky, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist 800-514-0832 The disability specialist lightweight boats might wait to consider letting about half the air out of the tires, then filling the boat one-third full of water to help hold it down. The blocks between the frame and axle will prevent damage to the springs from the additional weight of the water. Tie your boat with heavy lines to fixed objects. Pick a loca- tion that allows you to tie it from all four directions, because hurri- cane winds rotate and change direction. It can be tied down to screw anchors secured into the ground. Do not tie it to a tree. As we found out last summer, even the sturdiest looking trees can be blown down during a hurricane. * If you intend to keep your boat in the water, the following should be adhered to: If your boat is kept at a mari- ,na berth or behind your home in the water and you intend to leave it there, double all lines and rig crossing spring lines fore and aft. Attach lines high on pilings to allow for tidal rise or surge. Make sure lines will not slip off pilings. Inspect pilings and choose those that seem strongest and tallest and are properly installed., The 'longer the dock lines, the better a boat will be a coping with high tides. It is important to double up on all lines and use chafe protec- tors at any potential chafe points. Cover all lines at rough points to prevent chafing. Wrap with tape, rags and rubber hoses. Install fenders to protect the boat from rubbing against the pier, pil- ings and other boats. Remove all moveable equip- ment such as canvas, sails, dinghies, radios, cushions, bimin- is and roller furling sails. Lash down everything you cannot remove such as tillers, wheels, booms, etc. Assess the attachment of cleats, winches and chocks. These should have substantial back plates and adequate stain- less steel bolt sizes. Batteries should be fully charged and checked to ensure their capability to run automatic bilge pumps for the duration of the storm. Consider backup bat- teries. Cut off all devices using electricity except bilge pumps. Never leave a boat on davits or on a hydro-lift. I NOTICE The Glades County School Board Will Hold A Public Hearing On July 13, 2006 at 7:00p.m. In The Glades County School Board Meeting Room 400I10"' Streel, SW Moore NHaven, Florida To Approve Proposed Changes To The Glades County School Board Attendance Policy Copies of the Proposed Changes Are Available By Contacting: Wayne Aldrich, Superintendent Glades County School Board 400 10" Street, SW Moore Haven, Florida 33471 (863)946-2083 of Directors, which.met June 1 and 2 at Atlantic Beach, author- ized the Commissioner to review and revise the policy. "Technically speaking, these immigrant students are interna- tional students according to our policy," Commissioner John A. Stewart said. "But therein lies the problem. Many immigrant stu- dents live here with their families, have lived here for years and have been in our public school systems during that time. In that regard they are not 'international' and our policy needs to be revised to redefine what an international student is. "But regardless of how you define them, we and by 'we' I mean the member schools - have to do everything possible to determine the correct age of these students. We will be incor- porating into the policy new guidelines for schools to follow in determining the age of these immigrant students Mr. Stewart added: "It is impor- tant that everyone understand that the FHSAA doesn't want to declare immigrant students ineli- gible, but we do want to make sure that ineligible immigrant stu- dents are declared ineligible." The Florida High School Ath- letic Association is the governing body for interscholastic athletic competition in Florida. It has a membership of more than 700 middle, junior and senior high schools. GT O/PRO lCelebrating 30 Years FAAC -ELITEinAin SWFL F -AAC "* ELITE t fi 'SERVING LEE & AND MORE hITI HENDRY COUNTY SALES SERVICE INSTALLATION COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Emergency Repairs STORAGE FACILITIES S ev SERVICE CONTRACTS Some Day Service DBO'S ELECTRIC & SPECIALTIES EC13002326 FN04-00 91 AMERICAN ALUMINUM, Inc. Screen Corports : 'Rescreens Roof-Overs SeamlessAluminum S Gutters 5" to " " (863)838-2477 Stale ULc. #CRC 1326301 1450 42nd St. Winter Haven, FL 33881 Water's Edge Dermatology will treat you with all the care and expertise you expect. Adult and Pediatric Dermatology Diseases of the Skin, Hair and Nails Surgery of the Skin, Skin.Cancer Treatment MOHS Skin Cancer Surgery New patients are welcome. Medicare and most insurance accepted. 1 ""NEW OFFICE: . 542 W. Sagamore Ave. Building E, Hospital Annex Clewiston, FL 866-549-2830 The Glades County School Board Will Hold A Public Hearing On June 22, 2006 at 10:00 a.m. In The Glades County School Board Meeting Room 400 10th Street, SW Moore Haven, Florida To Approve The Glades County School District Wellness Policy Copies of the Proposed Polity Are Available By Contacting: Scott Bass, Director of Administrative Services 400 10th Street, SW Moore Haven, Florida 33471 (8633)946-0202 ext. 13 1, 1 4, 1 ri;f s,' IF-AT, ,,L ,;, f ,. A ." 0 " CONSTRUCTION CORP CARPORTS HURRICANE SHUTTERS POOLS & SCREEN ENCLOSURES VINYL ROOMS CONSTRUCTION SITE PREPS LAND CLEARING NEW CUSTOM-BUILT HOMES CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES CELL: 863-228-1174 OFFICE: 863-983-3457 STATE CERTIFIED LICENSE CONTRACTOR Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, June 15, 2006 0 Will chocolate ever be considered Good news for chocoholics everywhere a new study shows that chocolate may boost brain power. Dr. Bryan Raudenbush of the Wheeling Jesuit University in West Virigina recently published a study 'that indicates consuming milk chocolate increases alertness. In the study, the researchers *had volunteers snack on milk chocolate, dark chocolate and .carob. A control group was not given a snack. After 15 minutes (to * let the snacks digest) the subjects were subjected to computer tests for memory, attention span, reac- tion time and problem solving. The subjects that were. given milk chocolate scored higher on ; memory tests. Those given milk Chocolate and dark chocolate both with Katrina Elsken scored higher than the other test groups on reaction time. In a study at the Imperial Col- lege in London, a substance found in chocolate has been found to be an effect remedy for coughs. Theobromine, which is natural- ly found in chocolate, was found to be more effective in stopping persistent coughs than codeine. Codeine is the active ingredient in the most commonly used pre- scription cough medicine. The new research may offer relief for those who are allergic to codeine. The researchers also found that theobromine had fewer side effects than codeine. For example, codeine tends to make users drowsy while theobromine does not. Chocolate which is made from the cocoa bean, is also rich in antioxidants. A 2003 study at Cor- nell University found cocoa has nearly three times the antioxidants found in green tea. Antioxidants are natural substances often found in plants. These substances help the body cleanse itself of free radi- cals, which are the natural byprod- ucts of cell reproduction and growth. Dark chocolate is higher in antioxidants than milk chocolate. Of course, even with all this good news about chocolate, it should only be consumed in mod- eration. Chocolate (especially milk chocolate) is high in calories arid fat. Those on diets that restrict car- bohydrates, such as Atkins or South Beach diets, may find they can easily work dark chocolate into their diet plan. Before making any change to your diet or exercise plan, consult your doctor. This is especially important if you are on any pre- scription medications. Some drugs interact badly with foods that would otherwise be considered "healthy." Saumitted to Ulades county Uemocrat/Lakeport community Association The Lakeport Community Association recently hosted a seminar on hurricane preparedness. " .. r> .*.- r.~~~. -, ; ..'.. ' .Ai Register to vote at any close house of worship Submitted to INI/Sonja Crawford Submitted to INI/Sonja Crawford Judging the chef Noelle Ball pictured with the event judges: Chuck Smith, Florida Poultry Federation; Noelle Ball; Dr. Roger Jacobs, Retired Multi-County Extension Poultry Agent. Clewiston resident wins state 4-H poultry barbeque competition The State 4-H Poultry Barbeque Competition was held in Lake Placid at Camp Cloverleaf on June 3. Noelle Ball from Clewiston took first place in the competition. Noelle had 2.5 hours to prepare and grill two chicken halves, the best half was presented to the judges with a small container of her secret barbeque sauce. The participants were judged on the following: appearance and cleanliness, starting the fire, con- trolling the fire, preparing the chicken for cooking, skill of barbe- quing as well as sensory evalua- tion. Once the chicken was judged, the participants presented a pres- entation to consist of, but not limit- ed to, nutritional facts of chicken, the broiler industry, as well as food safety. The title of Noelle's presen- tation was "Wow That Chicken." Noelle will be competing in the National competition on Nov. 15 - 16, 2006, in Louisville, Ky. Congrat- ulations Noelle! WEST PALM BEACH The Supervisor of Elections Office announced June is "Register To Vote At Your House Of Worship Month" according to a statewide Get Out The Vote (GOTV) initiative on behalf of The Florida State Asso- .ciation of Supervisors of Elections (FSASE). If your house of worship is interested in participating with the voter registration initiative for your members, please call the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Office at (561)-656-6200. The 2006 GOTV program encourages Floridians to register, update their voter records, volun- teer as poll workers and vote in the primary and general elections. The statewide GOTV plan is designed to allow each county to adapt their voter education plans to their own needs based on a calendar of themed months. For example, July will be "Register Online Month." Palm Beach County is doing all we can to improve our election process, as well as the number of our citizens who participate," said PBC Supervisor of Elections, Dr. Arthur Anderson. "We are provid- ing voter education in our county to Pet Corner Question: Dear Doc Savvy. Hello. I have an 8 yr old Beagle who suffers from lots of skin allergies. Th-e stingg is very costly, ahd I" would'als6have 't commit to'regu- lar visits for allergy injections as well. What is your opinion about allergy injections? Does it really work? Is periodic cortisone treat- ment ok to rely upon instead? Thanks, George in Okeechobee.. Answer: Hey there George! I have several patients on food and regional allergy injections. I also have several who get periodic corti- sone treatment as well. From my impressions, allergy testing and treatment do make a difference only if the commitment to keep up with them is there. Sometimes sim- ply finding out what your dog is allergic to food wise can make enough of a difference to relive a lot of problems. I do recommend the testing if you are able to consider it. However do consider this, I have never seen it to be 100% effective. Many times periodic cortisone treatments are still helpful, but they will be needed much less than without the allergy treatment fac- tor. Allergies can also be responsi- ble for recurrent ear infections as well as skin problems. A lot of pet owners are not aware of this. Too much cortisone can be unhealthy and in severe cases cause a lot of problems to the liver, and also mimic a disease called Cushing's disease. Make sure you talk to your Vet in detail about all this George. Take care, Doc Savvy. E-mail your pet questions to DocSavvy@aol.com and check out your answers weekly in The Pet Corner. increase public awareness of the right to vote and encouraging voter registration as well as participation in the election process. Making reg- .istering and voting as convenient as possible is what the GOTV pro- gram and our other community outreach efforts throughout the county are all about." For more information on regis- tering, voting or volunteering, please contact The Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Office at (561) 656-6200 or visit www.pbcelections.org. Eligible cit- izens can register to vote through- out the year, Aug. 7 is the deadline to register for the Sept. 5 Primary Election and Oct. 10 is the deadline to register for the November 7 Gen- eral Election. One Voice Becomes Many -VOTE! Lakeport residents enjoyed a spaghetti dinner before a hur- ricane seminar at the Lakeport Community Center. Lakeport Association hosts summer events Lakeport's Kids of Summer pro- gram got off to a healthy start last week with 10 children attending on Thursday. Children ages 5-12 are welcome to enroll in this program, which meets onr Tuesday and Thursday from 8 a.m. until noon. The program will run through July 13. More than 30 people attended the spaghetti supper and Hurricane Seminar, led by Glades County Environmental Director, Angie Osceola. The LCA is planning a fun/fundraising event for July 4. For ideas about this event please call (863)227-4323. The association is proud to announce that they were able to give $500 scholarships to graduat- ing seniors, Amy Zeigler, Casey Platt, Joseph Thompson, and Whitney Ball. The Lakeport Com- munity wishes these graduates well. Introducing the newest member of our 1 General Surgery Team. J Harold L. Martin. M.D., FA.C.S. .. .. '' :Dr Nl '" i nn receivedd his bv,:helor's 0 .' '*: degree in Phirm-,:-,- ton Fl.'ridi SAN UnLirersir, in Tillah vce n-d S In MeNdicii Degree fro'i Ho- .d S'eri. ir\ Scho olf A lee rcine 'r W. t'u,,t,-,n. D.C Dr. Nlaran specilhze;, in Gllapar-de o ,,pc surget-., general M nd periphetae l vascular surgery. te'jble endo.copy. emergenv me.:m and rraumnj. .Diploinare of the Nnoni. B. ard ot Nledial Ex\rmnersind a Fell .', ofihe Aniercinii Collegc of Surgeons and the American Socie iaot Abdordunal SuIgten, Co-LQu'.i to Glade, Generl lHopir Eon, Northern Moninalr .. - tO O LIUr '*o imiu i Lir ', " Take a closer look at Glades General Hospital... you'll be impressed by whai you see. GLADES GENERAL HOSPIT ~ L 561-996-65. I I211 South l.I r, rr,-c Bell,- Gl..e, Fl..I I0 *. 4 ur~ : - I, '~ Memory Foam Pillow Top Queen Size Set $1,365 King Size Set $1,680 While Special Supply Last With FREE Local Delivery and Removal ACKSO Jackson River Home Furnishings & Decor S",,,, ,,,,, ,At the Foot of the Bridge .. 340 North Bridge Street 863-674-0003 LaBelle 'k PT' I, -4A~ SpHe.a'Alitosps Public Issues Forum Local Links Store' from Independent'. An open forum in which A directory of *.*.eLbsitei ,i 7 nev',.papers in South 3sJue.. of the day are for location go.ern enrit Central Flondo, PLUS debated sornetime! teams, organization & secrchoble archi .'s. .Igorousl'. columnists Post Yiour News Post For Free Classified Ad& Post or read press Post /our personal The combined listings releose-: onnouncernents messages on orn open from Independerl's 7 & information from n,our Bulletin Board for Florida ne'.,papers. distributed om i ,m n-uni,,' residents. to 31 000 homes. Ca. Cnal Point Pahokee Belle Glade South Boy Cle.viston t.oore Ho.'en Ortona Muse North LoBelle Felco LaBelle Immokolee Pioneer Plantation Buckhead Ridge Okeechobee Basinger Frostproof Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee -Thursday, June 15, 2006 - ...: . Serving the communities south of Lake Okeecnooee Thursday, June 15, 2006 of Public Finance Associates, medium size local governments Bennett Inc., with offices in Fort Myers, and has assisted in the issuance St. Petersburg, and Charlotte, of more than $2 billion of tax- Continued From Page 1 N.C., which provides financial exempt debt. surer of Rotary International as advisory services for govern- In addition, Mr. Bennett is a reg- well as a former president of the mental entities throughout the istered arbitrator for the National Rotary Club of Fort Myers. He United States. The firm special- Association of Security Dealers also is the owner and president izes in raising capital for small to (NASD). tuary of a rustic country chapel. A Green pair of lizards scooted silently up Cotudom l apinetreeandamarsh rabbit Continued From Page 1 stuck his wiggly nose out from a And the fish started jumping *- ,. low-growing palmetto clump. little splashes like miniature Rounding the trail at the old barn white caps from bank to bank there on its roof stood two turkeys and oh so many of them. On the a hen and a gobbler. They east bank, without a sound, a were like bronze statues, their mother deer and her doe tip-toed long necks stretched skyward their, way through the flags near with eyes unblinking. Then sud- the pond's east end for a drink. denly it became evident as to why The sounds were all in tune they were standing stone-still on with each other; as if they were the roof of that old barn. A bobcat loath to disturb the silence. But not the hawk that came streaking Glades County Democrat/ was poised for the leap from the from the hammock across the Barbara Oehlbeck oak that hugs the west side, even pond, screaming all the way! The silent beauty of nature touching the overhang of the roof. Hardly had his voice faded when is all around us in Glades The turkeys took instant flight as the sand hills flew in from the County. the bobcat made his leap, albeit a south their raceills eeingly at little short and a little late. souddsth, their graucous honkeemingly at Now the silence has backed Now in a golden burst of light, Being open land birds, they sim- away into the shadows of the as the sun spilled through and ply fly over the pond but never swamp until another day... above the canopy of trees, all the light nearby. We're told it's Walking into the new-green creatures that could not be seen because they don't care for the woodland that all but closes us in, or named seemed to, all at once, cover that trees afford. it was like entering the quiet sanc- burst into nameless songs... other data, information on the planning is building capacity, and River Enterprise Zone incentives pro- to build capacity, you have to get gram, and a survey tool for busi- the word out about your event," Continued From Page 1 nesses to assist them in identifying Ms. Whirls said. "We hope organi-' Street Moore Haven banner is their needs for hurricane prepara- zations will use our calendar not planned. tion, Historically Underutilized only to publicize their events, but to "The Big 0 Birding festival is Business (HUB) Zone opportuni- schedule events so that they don't without a doubt the signature event ties and other pertinent informa- conflict." for the EDC, but we want to show- tion. A "Business Partners" page The EDC executive director said case our other economic develop- contains links to Glades County she expects the EDC website to be ment activities too," Ms. Whirls businesses, most of which are EDC continually evolving. said. "Tourism development is eco- members, while the "Members" "It's a work in progress, and we nomic development in Glades page includes contact information hope folks will check it out and let County. We willcontinue to cham- for all EDC business and individual us know what they think. We want pion that activity through our Big 0 members, a membership applica- to add a "lifestyles" page, highlight- Birding Festival Web site and with tion form and a recruitment mes- ing local events like Chalo Nitka, to the new Main Street Moore Haven, includes links to thvamped links page give folks a feel for what it's like to Inc. Web site, when it comes on Property Appraiser's website and live in Glades County. We willbe line." those of other constitutional offi- adding a page devoted to the new Then, the two worked to cers, the Glades County School Glades County business and com- streamline the site, creating a Web Board, Chamber of Commerce merce park," Ms. Whirls said, site that is planned to be both and the newly revamped County adding that eventually she would renewable and a living archive and website. like to incorporate banner advertis- index of projects the EDC has been Most exciting is the addition of a ing and other features as a value- involved in since Ms. Whirls monthly Glades County calendar, added service to EDC members became director in February 2005. coupled with an interactive form and the community at large. "As a nonprofit, depending giving residents the opportunity to "The goal is to make the EDC upon our membership as well as submit their events for the sched- website the portal for folks interest- the city of Moore Haven and Glades ule, along with the EDC's monthly ed in Glades County; the go to County for financial support, it's electronic newsletter. place for businesses seeking to important to show our members "Our goal in creating the E- locate here, tourists visiting here what we've been doing on their newsletter is to make it the most and potential new residents," Ms. behalf," Ms. Whirls said. widely disseminated news vehicle Whirls said. To make the site more user- in the county, and by incorporating Visit the website at www.glade- friendly, the revamped site includes the interactive event listing, we scountyedc.com. You can email a "Business Development" page," hope to encourage folks to help us your comments from the link or by with information on Glades Coun- build a countywide calendar. mailing twhirls@gladescoun- ty, including demographics and "The key to successful events tyedc.com. -, .,.-. ,- ' -- At- .... ", .. .' ,- ; --fl. ' '^ s ^.,t.. -r^ Make up to $2,500 by filling in the space above! Sell your personal valuables if they're $2,500 or less for absolutely free! No fee, no catch, no problems! 4 lines for 2 weeks Price must be Included in ad Private parties only 2 items per house- khod per issue . A Clewiston News * 1 used Hem ort grouping per ad priced at $2,500 or less * Independent Newspapers reserves the right to disqualify any ad. OLADES COUNrY DEMOCRAT t' The Sun Toll Free E-Mail: 877-353-2424 classad@newszap.com Officers Continued From Page 1 Building (more commonly known as Annetiques and the Causey barber shop), and Glades County property apprais- er Larry Luckey, who chairs Main Street's design committee. In other business, the Main Street members voted to con- tract with Ron Rollins, an urban planner with Miller Legg, to be the second technical assistance service, for the year-old Main Street. This is funded by a $3,000 technical assistance grant from Florida Main Street. It is expect- River Continued From Page 1 enjoy the ride over to Moore Haven on the banks of the Caloosahatch- ee River. "We in Moore Haven welcome everyone to our small but peaceful town by the Caloosahatchee SRiver," Vice Mayor McGee said., "You'll find that Moore Haven is a real down to earth town with a lot to offer. We have one of the most beautiful areas around the lake, Board Certified by the American Board of Dermatology ed that Mr. Rollins will provide conceptual sketches for improvements to the River Front area. He will also assist in setting architectural standards, and help find funding to perform the actu- al work. The Ms. Whirls informed the Main Street meeting that the city will host a Main Street Site Review team in August. This team: Florida Main Street coordi- nator Joan Jefferson, historic preservation architect Bob Field, Main Street Deland Executive Director Taver Cornett and David Quinn of Handmade.in America, will visit Moore Haven Aug. 1-3 They will meet with Main Street members, city officials and others scenic parks, and of course, the his- toric Lone Cypress tree, on the bank of the Caloosahatchee River, where the city was founded in 1915." The riverside park was the per- fect venue for the rally. Residents and visitors lined the sidewalk across the street from the River- walk to watch games, including the "Road Kill game," "Bite the Dog," and others. Harley Davidson of Ft. Myers donated game prizes, while vendors, including E&L Leather Goods of Ft. Myers, Crafty Creations to help draw up action plan for the planned revitalization effort. The Team will present its rec- ommendations at a dinner, Thursday, Aug. 3 at 6 p.m. at the Marina RV Resort. The public is encouraged to attend. Main Street Moore Haven expects to meet monthly for the next several months. The next meeting is slated for Thursday, July 6 at .6 p.m. at the Glades County Public Library, Riverside Drive, Moore Haven. All mem- bers should attend. For more information on Main Street Moore Haven, or to become a member, phone (863) 946-0300 or email jregan@glade- scountyedc.com. and JK Design of Moore Haven, and Ole Rips of Arcadia, donated door prizes. Everglades Realty Moore Haven broker Jeff Davis donated the grand door prize, a $100 bill, initially won by Glades County Commissioner Russell Echols who donated it back. Planning is already under way for next year's event, tentatively scheduled for Saturday, June 2, 2007. For more information, or to get on our email list, email jre- gan@gladescountyedc.com or phone (863) 946-0300. Tim loannides, M.D. and Cynthia J. Rogers, M.D. are pleased to welcome Jonathan S. Sanders, M.D., J.D. to Treasure Coast Dermatology Specializing in the Treatment of Skin Cancer Mohs Surgery Diseases of Skin, Hair & Nails For into aboul secondhand smoke or to anonymously report workplace violations, call 1-800-337-3742. HEALTH Serving the communities south of Lake Okeecnobee Thursday, June 15, 2006 Thursday, June 15, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee U [bin U Bl1 ,// II ~ "'/I g HII GUARANTEED FINANCING with as little as $2,000 down ... and sometimes less RImn ,- fF I. ~Jii~5iIJ 2~jjJjJ,~,j5,j i'5 ~jjJJ K iM4LJ B ~.Jwj~u1j U ~j~5jjJ Ti; FLEET TRADESM n04 ISSA/V TITANS/V -, ; !i- ,,- i. - ::j~15JJJ E ~J1i~1UJ EL ~%;jjjj oil ~j~j4-~jj ~0* ~* F ~1I IJI .I.J ~2Z~JJJJ K k5JJJI Ai-j P !J EII r aetalls. ufters car U A/I1 I j~r~ ;t**; *~. ~jjj Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, June 15, 2006 :'. T.: ,.. , lt *t, - "* ^ F;00"0,01" I -,,rA , VI".W"IYW oop" I select me ww'al Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, June 15, 2006 NO ONE WILL WORK HARDER FOR YOU THAN JAMIE NAVARRO GIVE HIM A CALL ON HIS CELL AT (239) 822-9272 REALTY C. BAGANS FIRST ,i WORLD 30 Colorado Rd. Lehigh Acres, FL 33936 JustApprox 10 Miles NE ofLaBelle. Must see 3/2 Ranch style home on 9.5 acres. This home fea- tures built in double oven, range top, cathedral ceilings, metal roof, plenty of cab-space, 10 ft walk way completely around the home under roof, sprinkler system, two wells. This home is completely fenced in with sep pasture. There is too much to mention. Must see!! $699,900. .... A p in s ,c That'slessdthan$3/000.an acrlll e 3/Do not miss this well kept five bedroom two ,_ h-bath 2r)If'O 5 htm kr This home features tile n. f lsrdstciping, nei a./c, kids park behind the hutor c. ee peasiy i tile counter tops in kitchen, ioo many caras to mention. This home is located or, the ,cel side and within walking d -----cla fs,.:hol.,, ;hopping, banking andgolf- N R A bIng $249.900. VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS SALES K g CINDY L. ALEXANDER LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER ASSOCIATES: EDITH HACKMANN SCOTT HACKMANN AND TIM SPENCER 675-0500 REAL NEW o IN NEW LOCATION 233 N. BRIDGE ST On thecomer of, BRIDGE ST & WASHINGTON 031xs. I N. SE KABLO ESPANOL RENTALS AVAILABLE Asking $279,900. I BRAND NEW HOUSE in Port IN COUNTRY VILLAGE - LaBelle. All appliances included and 2Bedroom/2.5Bath, 1 car garage. washer/dryer. 3/2/2 $1,500/M Home has large family room that NO PETS. can easily be converted into a 3rd 3/2/1 IN PORT LABELLE bedroom. Asking $197,900. $1,000/M NO PETS LOCATED IN LEHIGH LARGE 2/2/2 IN PORT ACRES 3Bedroom/2Bath, 2 car LABELLE $850/M NO PETS garage built in 2001 and in excellent FULLY FURNISHED in Lehigh condition. Home over looks a canal Acres 2/2/2;$1,200/m Cat ok and located in a great area close to OUR FEATURED Ft. Myers but out enough for peace LISTINGS FOR TIlS WEEK and quiet. $230,000. NEW LISTING in Fort Myers. IN PIONEER! 3Bed- 3Bedroom/3Bath, 1 car garage in a room/2Bath large doublewide great location. Close to everything, mobile home on fenced in 2.5 acres. Home has 2 master bedrooms, new Dual fireplace, walk-in closets, out- roof, interior paint and A/C. side building. Asking $189,900. Via Home Builders Building Communities, One Quality Home at a rimel Hendry County's #1 Top Quality Builder l.p_ i. I .1 `igig'pig tb itga0giFT =I Thinking About Where you'(f Come Uy Withi The ^t c money For A Xew 0fome? - LfE JTACQ LAND CO RIVER ACCESS HOME IN LRBELLE This remarkable 3BRM2BA split floor plan home is situated on over 1/2 acre in desirable Caloosa Estates. This home offers .1 I, h I. h t. 1, ,-, i,3 I.. 1 .i.. ,. .. ,, .11 ,..ll h II,.... I.... l. ,. b ,' 1 ,l%'. CUSTOM BUILT POOL HOME IN LRBELLE Brilliant floor plan and energy-saving design highlight this -.. B. i- 1 .lu d,, ., r, 1.l .ne located in Caloosa ui.' ,1-, tr.,,i ., ... 1 .i ,..,i.. With over 3300 sq. ft. l..,i ,,- J .1 .-1 I" 1 lll ... ll. ll .ll.... ..l l.l ILtl l l.'l'..- e countertops..The family room overlooks the screened lanai ,, ,,,,r , i Il, I 1 ,il, ri: .. .. 4 $469 900. Call for your appointment today! TWO STORY HOME ON RCREROE 1',,l' I, ,ji L 1 .: .h ,1 ', l 1 I, ,,- i. ,t . I ,- ,l,, I i t Iu i*l'l' t,,, ,, .v ,- u , S ,I 1 t, .- h id, h I,, lu ,,-.. ., ', .': n" ._. , pole barn and workshop area. Horses are welcome! Make it yours! $415,000. CBS HOME ON RCREROE Tucked under the oaks is where you'll find this wonderful N ;_h l.i': ll rl I ",. h al", ) .n t : r,' 1",, ,,, '.,V-, ,,- ,,, ,, 1 ,, I h r.,f ,,,,; j.'.... I' ; 1,,, 1h I ., ,,. , ,,,,. i ,,' ,, ,. ll 1. ,l,,-,h l,.- 1,I, .,,, ,,,,, ,', ,h , $399,900 Denise Walker Listing Agent 1-888-675-6762 (toll free) 863-673-2461 (cell) 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863 675-1973 If you are thinking of buying or selling, give us a call! CHECK US OUT ONLINE AT www.newhorizons-re.com Se Habla Espanol We have "move-in ready" homes available noW 9024 IVietantood Cir. Ovnrnes II 3/2/2 9016 Lamkin Cir, I 5005 Pike Lane, IM 1 II. 3/2/2 I II. 3/2/2 m m -;- -..Its~m 'I, Realti Grouip. Inc. HOMES: * $585,000 PRICE REDUCEDI 3BD/2BA home on 2.34+/- acres in Naples. Home features a pole barn, screen lanai, security system, dual fireplace, eat-in kitchen. Owner/Agent bring any serious offer. * $526,000 PRICE REDUCEDI 4BD/3BA home on 1+/- acre. Home has vaulted and coffer ceilings, a sound proof studio, moveable island in kitchen and an above ground pool just to name a few of the luxuries that this beautiful home offers. * $374,900 3BD/2BA Beautiful well maintained home on manicured 1 +/- acres in LaBelle's first gated Riverfront Community. * $359,900 Beautiful like new 3BD/2BA with 2 car garage home in the Belmont area. Patio and deck area in back yard. * $239,900 PRICE REDUCED! Gorgeous new 3BD/2BA t'I Jr: .: .lh 11-11: .ll[ Il.: .. 1. ]r h r i ,1d ,: ;*.ls Ii | it ll-r:..:uTi h t j3 j J.l-,i rii, J ln .tu .:l l 2.},:* i.,J dile throughout. This is a must see![ * $209,900 New 3BD/2BA home on a beautiful lot. Master bathroom has a garden tub w/separate shower. Kitchen fea- tures an island w/extra sink & more don't let this one slip by! -., $1,9 .900 f \ fl .l: j :,..' ,:, un'l I.,'.,T,,- has a separate workshop and small'tree house great for kids. * $179,99NM R /21g 1 I| N AEf otally Bankf America SHIRLEY IMOFF WILLIS Bank ofAmerica^ Mortgage Loan Officer SConsumer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com Now with an office in LaBelle at 415 W. Hwy 80 Call for an appointment ASK ME ABOUT OUR SPECIAL LOAN PROGRAMS FOR TEACHERS. MEDICAL WORKERS, LAW ENFORCEMENT. AND FIREFIGHTERS WHY RENT WITH LISTINGS LIKE THESE? tCrmolutCu.CNw I lo rU LAIIn, c iunI, ts u vaniuti. aU rdeatuc a irrigation and rear fencing. This great deal is ready for you to move in. * $169,900 PRICE SEDUCEDI- New 3BD/2BA home. This home features split floor plan and the kitchen has a morning room. * $149,999 2BD/1IBA spacious home, features a complete- ly fenced in yard and an above ground pool. * $94,900 3BD/1BA Newly remodeled home in LaBelle. This home has new tile, carpet, paint, cabinets, hot water heater, bathroom and new roof with a transferable warranty. Great investment potential or first time home buyer. MOBILE HOMES: * $4-5. nr I. :. ?Br. 'F i ,,-,F .;: i,,..T,,: ;, ,: ;i, on 5 i t, r ':,"J i'. ',," ,: 1 : l''."- 111 ,J.j.j h ,,' ,ll' it's own entrance and much more. The property has a pond w/island and bridge, an above ground pool, 2 barns & more. * $300,000 3BD/1BA mobile home in Muse which rests on 5+/- acres features a new well and roof. Property is also fenced with a shed and pond. * $197,900 4BD/2BA Gorgeous upgraded manufactured home in LaBelle. This home features a split floor plan and all crown moldings in the living and dining room. * $139,400 to $151,900 New 4BD/2BA & 3BD/2BA Manufactured Homes on .50+/- acres in El Rio S/D. * $147,700 3BD/2Ba New Manufactured home with pantry, dual sinks, garden tub, separate shower and sky- light in the guest bathroom. * $112,500 $120,500 Manufactured Homes new and under construction in the MHYC. The MHYC is a 55+ ownership park. Call today for completion date! * PRICE REDUCED $110,000 2BD/1BA mobile home on 2.5+/- acres in Clewiston. Enjoy peaceful country living year round or as a weekend getaway! ' * $94,900 Looking for a 3BD/2BA manufactured home on 1.25+/- acres? This home features a split floor plan. Call Horzons Real Estate Corp. * HOP, SKIP &A JUMP! Only minutes separate you from banking, shopping, schools and much more. This 3BR/2B home has it all. PFrom it's fenced back yard, spa- cious rooms, wood burning fireplace, new kitchen cab- inets and storage galore Best of all after a hard days work you can sit out on your lanai and enjoy the sunset over the lake in Lehigh Acres. Only $219,900. n Mt, I="a -x.leor reiaxaciuouin A me long supply awaits you all 10 acres of this 4 bedroom 2 bath manufacture home. There are 2 small ponds one with a workii water fall. This property can also be split into twc 9002 E. Broad Cir, Buttonwood, 3/2/2 $218,900 FREE Pre-Qualification with: CHL Home Mortgage, LLC. (863)612-0012 Call 863-612-0551, or Toll Free, 866-224-8392 www.chlhomebuilders.com OB39922 *All spec. Homes Include .%acre home site "Paved Roadsr-County Water"Power*Schools in Subdivision*" Renting? No Privacy? Stop throwing away all that L 4Lth .4,i i1 t1 l.i i ,l',c,..: ,. ,,,iri money and see how great ownership feels! 2/1 on 'I' i ',.l-."" i' '',." Ji l:,,-, t h ,, il .,t,, '1 2l over a Y2 acre yard. Start building equity today! .-n. .. .-e $113,500. Si ,:I.., i,,- ,'_Ii...c, ,i..: ,,c .:d 1,1 c I Rx for relaxation! A life long supply awaits you in all l ). i-.:, :,:' 699,900. 10 acres of this 4 bedroom 2 bath manufactured home. Perfection Has and Address! Immaculate in design: There are 2 small ponds one with a working water fall. I c-,. -,,, ,,I" J'. J.1 i. ',.,"i',, rli,: f. i,.,,.d This property can also be split into two five acre tracts. r -.l er.I- r,: .lc iqui ,,' c ,r .J...,ul w .; L r.I..-, Il,,' $499,900 S,. I, ... ., i fl' It..r t.l: ,,' lc ,' l.J" Running out of room for your family? This huge 2005 3t, .90 .0 ... u4BE/2B manufactured home boasts, 2,304 sq ft of liv- .....,..:....i,.l H,,.' i,,u Il1' t. -c .. IV, ing.space and sits on 2.34 fenced acres in the quiet rural q..I'.. 'y fm ,r n ,e rd,-I- I... T o ',ir communityofDoubleJAcres. Countrylivingjustahop- quality, from the new Hardy-Board siding to the wood skip away from LaBelle or Ft. Myers makes this a perfect I floors. A/C, appliances, hot water tank, doors and vani- location! $269,900. ties are all less than 2 years old. New roof being location the marke! This 2.5+- acre mini estate, if" I lie- Call today for this worry free home! Backon themarket!This 2.5+/-acreminiestate $2, 60J C makes relaxing easy with a 3BR/2B manufactured home., 1-10 I ,)t D 'this livable, loveable 3BR/B CBS home maturing ceramic tile, textured walls & spacious .i1, ,,,lh bedroom/office in LaBelle limits. Features kitchen. Only $179,900. S.. ilk-in closet, newer air conditioner, fenced Tired of the CircusNo clowning around about the backyard, irrigation and a front deck to die for. Only calm t on $234,900. clear .4 Wi !i .i OW tt the huge horse barn and workshop. Box stalls, feed room large workshop. Lower your blood pressure! $169,900. * Relax the rural way! Situated on 1.25 ac in growing Montura, beautiful new 2006 3/2 manufactured home with over 1100 sq ft of living area ready for occupancy. SELLER FINANCING AVAILABLE! $149,900 * Charming Family Friendly 4/2 home on .78 acre! Thoughtful design with split floor plan, beautiful kitchen, and lavish Master bath. Bring you family to Country coziness! $137,900. * u rTI'L IJ(-,-, It'.I. I,. 1 J I f i c. I jI . S/D in Ortona. Canal ends at the property with a wood deck providing a great place to relax. $120,000 * Renting? No Privacy? Stop throwing away all that money and see how great ownership feels! 2/1 on over a V2 acre yard. Start building equity .today! $113,500. * Affordable living in town!! 2BR/2B manufactured home in town close to schools and shopping. Don't let the 2 bedrooms fool you, this home has over 110of liv- ing area! $105,900 ~7 -- ...- * Location of aLifetime! Generations will file past well- traveled location of this 8+/- acres on SR 80 in Alva. Over 1,000 ft. of road frontage and 3 existing entrances off of SR 80. Cleared with well and electric. Time's on your side in this investment! $2,750,000. * The opportunities are endless! Bring your investment dollars here. 25 beautiful acres with Htvy 27 frontage. Next to water plant. Property was cleared except for the majestic Live Oaks. Bring your ideas and see! $650,000., * 5+/- acres in Pioneer Plantation. Suitable for site built home or manufactured. Only $170,000. * Uncramp yourself on this spacious 2.5+/- acres on Evans Rd. with a pond and fenced for livestock. So say goodbye to city pressure and enjoy the country. $130,000. * 1.84+/- acre located off Jacks Branch Rd. in Muse. This property has lots of oaks, pines and palm trees. .:-lj I i T.,]. : Inl' i. i if.: p ..,rLfT :i', * s.oon 1 E r. .1 : r. r'i: . i, ",,' : ;,,, $78,90;,` '.'6A T'mtI.d rn ,.'. ''.'h..;It', i....-,t,,,. tIo iCfNT'I&C,.,-u,:. $ 52,(rK PRIE I REDt L ,,, '-R .1..,,': S ]t r DT t~,~i.,1 schools, shopping and restaurants. * $1,600,000. 12.76+/- acres has lots of old oaks. It is currently being used as a rental park. Please call for more information. * $1,500,000 Hwy 27 frontage. Currently Auto Salvage yard. * $1,250,000 16.04+/- Acres Great Development Opportunity! Close to schools, recreational park, town shops and much more! * $988,025 Warehouse & office on 1.38+/- acre. One of a kind Auto Salvage yard. Organized with clean bill of health. * PRICE REDUCED $900,000 45+/- Hard to find acres adjoining Babcock property in Muse. Paved road access. * $850,000 40+/- acres beautifully secluded with pas- ture, ponds, cabbage palms and oaks. * $650,000 2+/- acre in the heart of Alva on busy SR 80. * $349,000 5.76+/- acres on a tropical setting in Moore Haven. Property features all sorts of exotic fruit trees and plants. Pole barn and 1930's home are located on the property,. Home is to be sold "as is." * $272,000 10+/- acres-with pines, a pond and shed. * $149, j red i resthat is also HOMESITES: $13,000. $72,900 Call for more information about 3 available lots in Fordson Park. The lots have been nicely maintained and are dose to everything in LaBelle. $29,900 $34,900 Mobile home lots available in 55 and older Community located in Moore Haven Yacht Club. Call for more information. CALL FOR AVAILABLE HOMESITE IN PORT LABELLE. MONTURA AND LEHIGH ACRES * Perfect for the nature lover. Priced at only $95,000. * Genuine Country Feel! Days gone by are back! Relive the best on this private & secluded 2+/- acs. Fresh air special! $93,900. * Call for prices on all our Montura Listings! S_.:- --4 VI-M -_ * Drop dead gorgeous! If you're looking for the dream lot for your new home look no further. Located in the sought after Belmont S/D in LaBelle. This .37+/- acre is truly a dream come true. Only $79,900. * .29+/- acre in the Belmont S/D. Priced to sell @ only $67,900. Possible seller financing. *A Beautiful.-wooded 1+/- acre-homesites! Outside. ,LaBelle.imitsvbut only minutes4from town! Just off E Road. Don't miss owning acreage close to LaBelle. $46,900. ""-"*" *: OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE. Loaded with possibilities! 2 steel buildings with over 5,800 sq ft of work area on 1+/- acre. Zoned for Heavy Industrial use. Currently is fully rented out to 3 businesses. Listed at only $525,000. Prime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel located near West Glades Elementary in Muse and just minutes away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot. Sable Palm RN Campground truly a 50 acre gold mine!! This beautiful property features a 10 acre -70 site R/V campground located off US27 in the peaceful coun- try side of Palmdale. The park even has its own fishing lake and grass landing strip. The remainihg-40 acres could accommodate several hundred additional RN sites. $2,800,000 Loaded with possibilities! 2 steel buildings with over 5,800 sq ft of work area on 1+/- acre. Zoned for Heavy Industrial use. Currently is fully rented out to 3 busi- nesses. Listed at only $525,000. 1.18+/- acres zoned C-1 commercial just South of LaBelle with 175+/- feet of frontage on SR29 and frontage on Luckey Street. Asking $450,000. Beautiful .25+/- acre corner lot in downtown LaBelle w/great potential. Currently zoned for duplex or single family w/a possibility of rezoning to Business. $119,900. FL~fURES OF THE WEEK WATERFRONT & PRILA(C' IFS BE'T! I h- recently i,.,- .' .iirj ".i .. ,iT.. rl l,. I,' I,.. s it,.- O rtona 1-I. 0. 1-, I,.. *,u, ,..' ,', f.r, ji.: J....J (Perm it i- i.1 1. ,- i,-, ,,.IJ ,-,,. ,..I. i. Il r. w r-..:r.J i, - Sell!!! 5, -. THIS CHARMING CEDAR HOME sits on an over- sized corner lot in thie city. The 2BR/2BA home has vaulted ceilings and tile in the living area. French doors provide views to the outside. Fenced back yard and 8' x 10' shed for extra storage. $199,900 B , A GREAT RENTAL INVESTMENT OR STARTER HOMEl This 3BR/2BA manufactured home has a lot ot offer. It features a split floor plan, a deck for entertaining, a garden tub in the master bath, newv paint throughout and new carpet. This mobile is priced to sell!! $125,000. NEW LISTING! 3BR/2BA manufactured home on fenced lot w/ many oaks in LaBelle. Home has 12' x 14' deck, perfect for entertaining. $119,900. SPACIOUS MANUFACTURED HOME on 5+/- acres. Property has pond, fenced, cleared and ready for your horses. The oversized home features split floor plan, wood like flooring in living areas and many extras! $285,000. SPACIOUS 4BR/2BA MANUFACTURED HOME on 4.84 +/- acres completely fenced, pond and mostly cleared. Split floor plan, large master bed- room and bath, office/nursery, formal living room, family room and open kitchen w/island. $325,000 WATERFRONT HOME[ LOTS LOCATION, LOCAL ION., LOCAnONll iTh, +. R lvcr l ,n.L 0: ,l rh Hi "'" j,.,.,:., ;.:..r. i.- ,,..iji i,,:,,,l,,,,- ,:,,, ..i $3.300.000 ONE OF IHIE FEW RItRFRONt PAR ELS ..r, 11ih l m fr:i '1i.i .i jrfir. r II ,\., i. r ': i- ur " l l.,F ,: .l.i, .l,,:,: I f I ,.,,:|. [, ] hr [J. t jn .d I.,. .i-J ,rl, J ,-' ,'. : I F.,i i '.: rj r ,r n. .r: j l. I -,,. t,. JI..l[, .l-j fl.,.,: 1.- J[Ul,.. l ... if,.ll...ll i.1- i. "i',IJ~h' |i': .li.-l. l-liir ltr,,l-li .,i-i t 1: N ,),II-, ,l .J -',jr ,J. .- j..l I- i,-,, : ji-ii 1:1 ,.I r[i.- f ..: j.., Ji ,,J r..i. r ..|iji li ' Ih P I ,- jh ,,, jl U.[ .:,: I II r,, .l. , $1l,950,000 SPECIACULLARRlR RIERFRONT FmAI SIFE .- ..r Ni o l,.,i. -I .1 jr .-,ii,.,, j,,, h i., '. :iJrIJ inrilo i li.u.. Th l'Jhtulh '.- ... r. ,iu JIjll p ri.!-,: .. .', 11 l ., i ,, .: [ r, r...m [hl f: ,-i ,*,1-1 13,:,]iJ tihc fman merii rid tih, OUld lin tu,.ih lcatuic, 60 feet of protected dockage. Rip Rap of riverbank is in progress. There is NO "Corps Setback" on either lot, which may allow houses and/or pools unusually close to River. Beautiful area of upscale homes within blocks of central LaBelle. $1,500,000 GORGEOUS RIVERFRONT This 1.04 acre lot is wooded and located on County Road 78. Build your dream home on this parcel and enjoy endless views of the Caloosahatchee River. Price Reduced $499,900 SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR NATURE LOVERS. This 2/2 CBS Home & Guest mobile is on Jacks Branch with river access. This Unique one of a kind property also has it's own private ISLAND. Gorgeous property is covered with large oaks. Call .for more details. This is a MUST SEE. $475,000 BEAUTIFUL RIVERVIEWS from this waterfront homesite on dredged river oxbow w/ private dock in place. Homesite is located approx. 75 ft. from the main river in an area of nice homes. Permits are in place to re-dredge oxbow to 6-8 ft. depth. $499,000. HOMES IN LABELLE THIS 3BR/2BA CBS HOME W/POOL is in Laurel Oaks, a very desirable neighborhood with a great floor plan for a growing family. Property is sur- rounded by large oaks and a few fruit trees. Home/pool needs TLC & some repairs. Home is being sold AS IS. $235,000 MOVE IN READY Newly remodeled 3BR/2BA h ,,rT i .. .JI.n. J .:.r, Ij p I i r, l', r o -a..r-, -.. .: j rp ,r I'..,: r ; ir, .Jr ,, i f..;r ] i'. i -r J,-.J .l.j..i... -m I-l. :..J. I, ,,,,, -..: ,,- ..... l.:. 1 ':11 $ 1' 9 ,91)0 . THIS IMMlA UIATF 2 BR 1 BA HOWME. il.,..:. .., II 'I flc I' I- i lITIr l." i1 'I "1 :lllfl: ): U ,-'m i '.-f I l "-I (, I, 'rl .J,.... H.. : 1. i1- .ll 1 h -. fr..h ,J i .J ir J'Jl m I.. u..1 f 159.900 ris IMMCLUI AT MANLIT,\C( rURED HOME,, .'l'J l. J ,.,'r .j'..'J .."I:T i ..:J 1. .1 'r, h_,", -i j ',j ,rfi I l-,lc li, Ol'l...-.J ",., l i. k- ][ i fi.'. ju Jlr.:.1 ..;il-i,- .plii i-. o r If,., r j,:l. |-,..,. -, r. fr,- I h ,,j u I d. ,, -: r'- f ,,-,,i-ij ;,,.iT,,- mi RDUCED $13I.,900 WELL MAINTM1NFD 5BR2B.A M.NLIFAC- UTiRE D HO M E ,.,, ,:. ,, ..,:. l, t,,,.J .,,T, L i.i.JI,:,J ,i -l il-i a,.i[ r li r ,, i r.,', .i -l T,:I':l Ii J J ll I-"-" J i., .,:.II' ,$99.900 4BH g M features large kitl appliances, jet tub ONLY CONDO ON THE MARKET IN LABELLEI This 2BR/2BA unit would make a great rental investment or full-time residence. Located on the first floor this condo features a greenbelt view, tile in kitchen and bathrooms, and a bonus room. Comfortable living awaits your arrival! $150,000 SELLER RELOCATING Ready to move in and a must see to believe! Located in a private country setting in Horseshoe Acres Subdivision. This 2 bed- room, 1 bath manufactured home is situated on over a half acre lot, shaded screened deck, with many fruit trees and partially fenced yard. Dog on premises. Call ahead. $129,500. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY This 2 bedroom 1.5 bath mobile home is located in quiet River Oaks Subdivision, Ortona FL Great investment for the part-time Floridian, or a great get-away. The home is being sold partially furnished, and offers a split floor plan with vaulted ceilings. $58,500 HOMES ON ACREAGE UNIQUE, DESIRABLE AND SECLUDED! Less than a mile from the new West Glades Elementary. This. property is 14.5 acres in one of the fastest growing areas of Glades County Surrounded by large acreage, this parcel has been cleared and l--.:1 .] ',hl I'.jllr h',:.inTi i .. :. li l x .,II I.T1,i .. :P. l l II rlhr '11... i h. if..u J .' .-J A .' jr ,.',- I .. l,: 1. ll . I' r i ir I R b,,jl t. l B .II I i. j j ,"J ,-, i h. 1 r|.-, l ii,. i i l. ~ ..I ''' i i 'I h .'r,l"I''l'l i Ih'.l',11.,- . v: jjl ilI l J..:. I .* Fh i, ni,...i I i.. rn i h c.n sli io b i o r I. 5.0f 0 hBR Ioc gFa HOMEa ONc 8 l+a a n REsh', o-t.h.,. SIS + .%(R S V 1B R I .M B ,, ( -O r, F r I 1.: l.. ,, l.1r. ii j hobl: ... rTiiul a n:.. u i. a. II. .. nr d i I . f,.1- ,J,: : l: jI I'-" J h :,.' l:J i l ,.,: l., . i iii., d. l IN ., .i h,.,,i ...Ip.. li...:,r i-l i ,J .. r ip I,. ,ui d S,,,,.-h fb9,90u QUIET COUNTRY RETREAT Like new manufactured home on 2.82 acres in quiet Ft. Denaud. This immaculate home offers vaulted ceilings, entertainment package includes a large screen television w/stereo and surround sound, split floor plan, built in computer center, large master bedroom and bath w/ garden tub and separate shower. Upgraded appliances add a nice touch, to the large open kitchen w/eat-in breakfast bar and formal din- ing. $199,500 ACREAGE/LOTS 40 ACRE- Gerber Grove $660,000 2.5 +/- ACRES, stocked pond, partially fenced, unique oak grove and ready to build. Great location on CR 78 approx. 2 miles from town, Seller motivated! $199,000 10 ACRE PARCEL located off Hwy 74 (Bermont Road) int Charlotte County Property zoned agricultural. Price Reduced $100,000 BEAUTIFUL OAK COVERED CITY OF IABELLE LOT. Located in established neighborhood. Build your home on this.45 acre lot. Price Reduced $70,000 BEAUTIFUL 100' X 185' RESIDENTIAL HOMESITE w/beautiful oaks located in the cityof LaBelle and ready to build! $89,900 OVERSIZED .64 ACRE WOODED residential homesite located in the city. $89,000 3 HOMESITES AVAILABLE in Montura Ranch Estates 1.25+/- acre lots. $49,900 EACH 1.25 ACRES LOT in growing Montura Ranch Estate more lots available $49,500. 2 PORT LABELLE LOTS IN UNIT 102. located side by side. Lots provide over /2 acre homesite. Partially cleared, I Corner of Hwy. 80 & 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 863-675-2718 1-877-675-2718 .: www.labelleriverside.com E-mail realestate@labellrversinlde.cam ] i Marilyn Sears Licensed Real Estate Broker S Sales Associates Nancy Hendrickson, Margaret Whatley, Se Habla Yvonne Doll, Consuelo Tarin Lopez, Suzanne Sherrod Esepaiol Judy Cross McClure and Receptionist Emily Curds high and dry Ready to build! $45,000 each COMMERCIAI/BUSINESS PRIME LOCATION! Business zoned property located in Downtown LaBelle. Perfectly situated on the corner of (HWY 29) Bridge Street and Park Avenue, less than 1 block from the Caloosahatchee River. 1,846 sq. ft. Historical Florida-Style two story building fronts on Bridge Street. $850,000 A OUAINT CRACKER-STYLE OFFICE ON PARK AVENUE. Already set up for a business office- including phone lines, air conditioning, commercial grade carpeting and landscaping. Screened front porch adds to its Florida charm. $399.900 REDUCED PRICE $350.000!!M RENOVATED BUILDINGIJI READY FOR YOUR BUSINESS!!l Need a place to locate your business. This is it! Highly visable, only 180 ft. East of Bridge Street. Totally remodeled building situated on .31 acre lot fronting on Washington Ave. across from bank drive thru. Propery is 175' deep which leaves room for future expansion. Renovations include all new crown molding, ceramic tile, siding, plumbing, elec- tric and A/C. BUSINESS ZONEDI This 2BR/1BA home is situat- ed on a high traffic road in the city. Just 2 blocks north of Hwy 80 and 1 block east of Bridge Street and surround- ed by local banks and businesses. Price reduced $215,000 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ESTABLISHED IN 1984 THE GATOR BAIT PUB has been a thriving business in the Pioneer Community for many years. If you've ever wanted to run your own Restaurant and-Lounge here's your chance. This quaint establishment comes fully furnished with a completely equipped kitchen, and offers great start for any entrepre- neur. Priced at $174,500 INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY! Excellent investment opportunity w/ 277' frontage on Hwy 29. 1.59+/- acres on corner of Hwy 29 and N. Industrial Loop Road, 3 steel buildings- (Warehouse-3,800 sq. ft.; shop- 1,600 sq. ft. ; office building 2,520 sq. ft.) all currently leased. $1,300,000 STOP BY AND VISIT US AT OUR NEW LOCATION ON HWY 80 .,V-PO JU .,PW.%I, l....t...l..l. 1414f& ipco,v- Engineering firm says dike failure misrepresented By Pete Gawda INI FLORIDA LAKE OKEECHOBEE The condition of the Herbert Hoover Dike may not be as critical as one might be led to believe. A press release dated June 6 from BCI Engineering, is head- lined "Herbert Hoover Dike failure being misrepresented". BCI is the engineering firm that released the recent report predicting the dike has a 50 percent chance of failure within the next four years. In the press release, Les Bromwell, principal engineer for BCI Engineers & Scientists, Inc., with offices throughout Florida, said that extensive studies in the mid-1990s by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers produced scientifical- ly calculated probabilities of dike failure caused by critical seepage conditions and rising lake levels. "Contrary to statements that the lake is safe up to a level of 21 feet, the Corps' own data show that failure probabilities start to rise significantly at 17 feet," said Mr. Bromwell. "The failure proba- bility at 17 feet is 10 percent but with just a one-foot rise to 18 feet, the probability increases to 45 per- cent. At 21 feet and higher, the probability is 100 percent." A chart produced by the Corps of Engineers shows details of the failure probabilities at various locations around the lake for water levels ranging from 14 to 27 feet. The chart is based on hun- dreds of individual computer runs described in more than 250 pages of the Corps' 1999 Major Rehabili- tation Report (MRR). Thirteen reaches, or sections, of the dike are evaluated as well as a "Com- bined Probability" showing the total probability of a dike failure based on lake levels. Mr. Bromwell has urged emer- agency planners to familiarize themselves with this chart and act accordingly. His concern is that effective evacuation plans must be developed based on these scientif- ic risk probabilities, not on hearsay or safety claims by spokespeople or uninformed citi- zens. Mr. Bromwell also cautioned that the critical lake levels are not those normally seen on Lake Okeechobee, but rather flood lev- els that can result from periods of high rainfall and winds accompa- nying hurricanes. However, Steve Duba, chief engineer for the Jacksonville dis- trict of the U. S. Corps of Army Engineers (COE) takes issue with the word "misrepresented". He said the COE did not dispute the facts in the press release or in the report upon which it was based. The information in the report was based on data supplies by COE. The press release included a mathematical table listing proba- bilities of dike failure as the lake rose from 14 to 27 feet. At 18 feet, the table showed a 45 and a half percent chance of failure. While not disputing the statis- tics, Mr. Duba said those statistics need to be taken into context. It is a fact that all earthen levees suffer from seepage, according to Mr. Duba. The statistics in the table, he said, were based on the assump- tion that seepage was undetected and allowed to get worse and worse. He said such a situation was not likely but possible in the face of COE's vigorous inspection program and the fact that COE takes the situation seriously. At 16 and half feet, COE begins daily inspections of certain areas of the dike. As soon as seepage is detected, it is repaired. "We don't like to see the lake level at 18 feet to start with: he Construction to include public access THE EVERGLADES Some stormwater treatment areas are already open for wildlife viewing and hunting; similar opportunities are planned for.reservoirs, other stormwater treatment areas. Increasing water storage and treatment options through the con- struction of large-scale reservoirs and constructed wetlands are essential components of Ever- glades restoration. Along with the environmental benefits these facili- ties will provide such as major projects under way now along the St. Lucie Canal, Caloosahatchee River and Eveiglades Agricultural Area they also create increased opportunities for recreationaluse by outdoor enthusiasts. "Making sure the public is able to enjoy public lands is a state of Florida legislative mandate, a top priority of the Governor and Cabi- net and a solid commitment of the South Florida Water Management District," said District Governing Board member Michael Collins."Through several years of extensive work with the public, this commitment has become a reality on hundreds of thousands of acres of District-owned lands." The District Governing Board approved a proactive policy in 2004 designed to ensure access to Ever- glades restoration lands. A series of public workshops and public meetings ensured that hunters, fishermen, hikers, birdwatchers and other nature-based activists had the opportunity to comment and provide feedback. Recognizing that any proposed public usage must first and foremost be compat- ible with restoration goals, the agency developed the Public Access and Recreational Use Poli- cy. This workshop continues to meet quarterly to provide public input to recreation decisions on district lands. The recreation policy specifies that the permitting, design and construction phase of all restora- tion projects must also include public access along with the fund- ing to provide facilities for a variety of nature-based recreational activi- ties provided such uses are con- sistent with the project's restora- tion -purposes. A phased-in, step-by-step process ensures that planned recreation activities grow over time in a manner compatible with the projects purpose. Recre- ation should start after project con- struction is complete and the facili- ty is operational for some reason- able time. For example, the 40,000 acres of stormwater treatment areas built to reduce phosphorus levels in water before it flows into the Ever- glades went through a period of operations and monitoring before being opened up to the public. The current stormwater treatment area recreation has grown successfully over the last several years. New designs for public access sites will be built in 2007. Not only are these constructed wetlands now suc- cessfully removing excess phos- phorus, they have also become some of the most popular bird- watching and duck-hunting areas in the nation. asserted. He mentioned the fact that COE is currently working to revise lake level regulations. This revision is likely to result in COE maintaining the lake at a lower level. The greatest risk would be at the southern end of the lake. The dike has been divided by COE into segments called Reaches. They are not numbered consecutively, but Reaches 1, 2, and 3 are at the southern end of the lake. Those three Reaches formed the basis for the statistics in the press release. Most of Okeechobee County is contained in Reach 5. When Mr. Duba was in Okeechobee May 25, he prioritized the Reaches as 1, 3, 2, 7, 4, 5, 6 and 8 with I being the most critical and 8 needing the least amount of attention. 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Pahokee, FL 33476-1834 Phone: (561) 924-5561 Fax: (561) 924-9466 ['1 .ail GladesCare@FloridaCare.net THE OPTICAL CENTER located in FAMILY EYE CARE 100 N. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 I.S00-DODGE NW 6500 Okeechobee Blvd. West Okeechobee & The Turnpike www, a rigodcj , Specializing In Custom Manufacturing D &J Machinery, eInc. Hubzone Cert, 728 E. Trinidad Ave. Clewiston, FL 33440 863-983-3171 LABOR FINDERS DAILY WORK- DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE 202 E, iuguiland R .. .rosifrnm Clp 'sto.n ,nn (863) 902-9494 HENRY REGIONAL MEDICAll CENTER 500 W. S isM H r.,bEn 863-93-9121 Expect something extra." 1-800-SHOP CVS or Visit CVS.com OPEN 8am-1Opm OR LONGER! 7 Days A Week 15 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, June 15, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, June 15, 2006 Can You Hear Me Now? By Pastor John Hicks First United Methodist Church Many of us hear his voice every day, and yet we don't know his name. His voice is heard over 27 million times a day by people all over the world. His name is Elwood Edwards and he gives us those three special words we all love to hear. No, not "I love you", but "You've got mail!" In 1989, a little-known outfit called Quantum Computer Ser- vices had an online service called Q-Link. The company's CEO wanted to add a voice to its user interface. Edwards' wife was working for the company and suggested her husband. Edwards, whose career had been in radio and TV, agreed to record four phrases: "Welcome!"; "File's done"; "Goodbye"; and, of course, "You've got mail!" Quan- tum changed its name to America Online and Edwards' voice debuted on AOL in October of 1989. The rest, as they say, is histo- ry. Psalm 29 talks about another voice that is heard by millions each day: The voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders. The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty. The voice of,the Lord breaks the cedars; the Lord breaks the cedars of Lebanon. The voice of the Lord flashes forth flames .of fire. The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness. The voice of the Lord causes the oaks to whirl, and strips the forest bare. Do you catch the meaning? The voice of the Lord is powerful beyond words. Remember how God created the world? He spoke! "Let there be light." And behold there was light. The voice of God, powerful enough to bring cre- ation into existence, yet some hear it not. Some hear it and rec- ognize it not. Billy Graham was once asked what had been the best experi- ence of his entire ministry. Gra- ham didn't hesitate in his answer: "By far the greatest joy of my life has been. my fellowship with Jesus. Hearing Him speak to me, having Him guide me, sensing His presence with me and His power through me. This has been the highest pleasure of my life!" Many of us know what he was talking about. God's voice-able to create a universe, able to heal any hurt, able to turn a life around and make it whole. God does speak-not necessarily in a dra- matic voice that is audible, but through the quietness of our own hearts. God speaks a word of hope, a word of encouragement, and every once in a while, a word of challenge. A young man lost his job and didn't knowwhich way to turn. So he went to see a minister. The man ranted about his problem, clenched his fist and shouted, "I've begged God to say some- thing to help me. Tell me, pastor, why doesn't God answer?" The older man, who sat across the room, replied with something so hushed it was indistinguish- able. The young man stepped across the room, "What did you say?" The pastor repeated himself, but again in a tone as soft as a whisper. So the young man moved closer until he was leaning on the pastor's chair. "Sorry," he said. "I still didn't hearyou." With their heads bent together, the old minister spoke once more: "God sometimes whispers," he said, "so we will move closer to hear Him." Draw near to God. Hear God speak to your deepest need. Hear God affirm your life. Listen quietly. Listen closely. Hear God speak your name today. *DIGITAL RECEPTION SERVICES, INC. Field Service Teclhs ConAp rapvided truck & tools Paid train e~.xpeirence required Great advan oent opportunities Medical &Oenut Paid vacatiots/:t;'>:. . Positions throughout Florida For details and to apply online go to: www. careersatdrs.corn t _===,, _. ~Mm X. x--=-- - A strange request shows priorities By The Reverend Samuel S. encountered those men who him. We take time.out on June Thomas, Ph. D. wanted to deny their role and 18 to remember that half of the Saint Martin's Church, Clewiston obligation; here was someone team that helps us grow from who wished otherwise and he helplessness and dependence to I received a strange request had my support. It was the Lord adulthood and independence; one day from someone I didn't who taught us I helps us become what we are. know. He asked if I could to pray "Our We bear the imprints of our par- "undo" a baptism. Obviously, Father...." and enting for the rest of our lives there was more to this request who makes and need to be reminded of than a religious matter and I use of that them every so often. Father's asked him why he felt that bap- image to Day is one of those times and a tism wasn't wanted. He express a cer- part of our heritage The Biblical explained to me that his girl- tain relation- w part of our heritage The Biblical friend had their child baptized ship between world is full of patriarchs, sym- but he wasn't included in the us and the one bols and fatherly roles for records and wanted to be listed, to whom we Samuel S. humanity, there must have been "So" I thought, "This isn't about pray. Prayers Thomas something about it that God baptism at all!" I recalled the go to the pro- wanted us to know. Every now baptism. It was a shy mother tector, the provider, the sustain- and again I recall that earthly who wasn't married to the father er, the comforter, the guide, the parent who taught me some and didn't want his name wise one, the initiator of life, to things about life and sustained, involved in case there would be the Heavenly Father. I have who gave me an idea about my a custody battle someday in the shared with others my thoughts Heavenly Father by what He did future. Now the father wanted to on why Jesus chose to come here for me. I think about that be recognized and I agreed to into this world by entering an father too, who wanted to be help him. In the course of our earthly home complete with included in his child's life and meeting, I told him that bap- mother and father. Two parents named in baptism along with tisms weren't "undone" but that nurturing and taking a helpless, the baby's mother. God had I would be glad to work to see dependent baby to the place planted something in him wor- him recognized as the father to where He could go it on His thy of being a father and I think the baby in question. I also told own; that's half shared by a God supported him. I did too. him that I would be happy to bless their marriage if they so chose and he thanked me. Later we changed the records and added the father's name. I have always believed that baptism is not to be denied to someone because of what their parents do or do not do. If God told us to "go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19)" it was because the Lord wanted it to happen, and if He did, that was good enough for me. I was more impressed that day, though, by a young man being concerned about his fatherhood. I've rather and its avital enough nalf that the Lord Himself chose to make it a part of His earthly experience. I don't suppose many of us fathers think about just what it is that we provide or just how much we share Joseph's chosen role with our children, but we do. The Lord's Prayer continues after we address our Heavenly Father by saying "...hallowed be thy name..." Even God's name is holy; that special identifier of our Heavenly Father is revered in His name too. Our earthly chil- dren look up to us with a similar reverence each time you hear a child say "That's my dad!" and defend, honor or remember * w-4.-. IC5m Post For Free Post your personal messages on an open Bulletin Board for Arizona residents. Community Links. Individual Voices. 'Whenyou need a seice, call a professiona for as little as $10.00 per week, per block, If you would like a Call A Pro ad please call us at 863-983-9148 or email us at southlakeads@newszap.com to place your adl I,-BE flZi' VERGLADES REALTY, INC. Jeffrey A Davis Lie. 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BARTON REALTY, INC, 417K ,\i *'.,, vi w 8 i3,983-. i 62 l-Fax 8 9-;.! 8,: -i.ii- C ell honI"s: ,\]'rno -!;tmiz 86312$, n9,73 (I.Mn 110:; 7 '^JHS.Mo; m ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL (863) 983-9148 ''~ ~ ~~ I I ^ ,l .>.l'^~:: 1 ^ ;!)"'' 5.11.01se* ; Fo.1 bo '1.1' 'F1 WI68 I 'MWiNNN WA- ^ Carolyn /horomas 'Realty, Inc. Carolyn Thomas 946-2005 !REALTY 233 N. BRIDGE ST ON THE CORNER OF BRIDGE ST & WASHINGTON VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SML S ; RENTALS SALES PORT LABELLE INN The OU OXBOW Lounge Is OPEN .,,, ,. i :,' through Saturday 5 p.m.- I I p.. HAPPY HOUR 5 p.m. 7 p.m. 1 OXBow DRIVE LABELLE, FL 863.675.4411 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL (863) 983-9148 OR EMAIL southlakeads@newszap.com S1. Siprlauh viy., Clewi toa {, *1 7Fdt3881 vavls. restate 01co AMERICAN ALUMINUM, Inc. 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These classifications are denoted with an asterisk * Auctions 105 Car Pool 110 Share a ride 115 Card of Thanks 120 In Memoriam 125 Found 130 Lost 135 Give Away 140 Garage/Yard Sale 145 Personals 150 Special Notices 155 900 Numbers 160 50 Lots in Blount County, TN, and 3,200 sq. ft. home to be sold at auction Saturday, . June 24, 10:30 AM. Furrow Auction Co. (800)438-7769, www.furrow.com. TN Lic. 62. Auction- 1244+/- acres-divid- ed. Prime investment real es- tate Commercial & Residential. Saturday, June 24, 10AM, Albany, GA. 10%BP Rowell Auctions, Inc. (800)323-8388, www.rowel- lauctions.com GAL AU- C002594. Auction- 8 St. George Island properties, June 22, 2:00 p.m. 3 Panama City beach properties, June 23, 10:00 a.m. Rowell Realty & Auction Co., Inc. (800)323-8388 2% broker participation, AU479 AB296, www.rowellauc- tions.com. AUCTION SAT, JUNE 17TH 10:15 A.M. 600 ACRES SELLING DIVIDED IN SMALLER PARCELS WWW.LAND2AUCTION.COM TOLL FREE (866)300-7653 PEACHSTATE GAL #2550. DOG, Male Cur, in Platts Bluff, last seen 6/9, neutered, light brown/white, med. size, bob- tail. (863)467-6960 Reward JACK RUSSELL TERRIER, Fe- male, 1 year old, Med. brown w/little white on chest. 5/28, Platt's Bluff (863)467-1169 CAT, 3 years old, female, tortie calico, declawed & spayed. Must be kept indoors. (863)763-8318/532-0680 DOGS, Mixed, black male & brown female. (863)517-1772 FREE DIRT- You dig & haul away. Call 863-635-2980 GUINEA PIGS (2) females with cage. FREE to good home (561)261-2702 Belle Glade MINIATURE PINSCHER/Gold- en Retriever Puppies: Free to good home. (863)447-5305 PARAKEETS, 2 males. (863)517-1772 PLASTIC MARINE TANK- 28 gal., 2 -6 gal tanks, perfect cond., you dispose of old gas. (772)260-4898 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA- TOR TRAINING FOR EM- PLOYMENT: Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators; National Certifi- cation, Job Placement Assis- tance; Associated Training Services (800)251-3274 www. equipment- school.com. Is Stress Ruining Your Rela- tionships? Buy and Read DIANETICS by L. Ron Hub- bard Call (813)872-0722 or send $8.00 to Dianetics, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tam- pa FL 33607. THE ONE PROPHESIED by major world religions will soon be seen & heard by everyone. Read all about it! Free literature: (800)870-6108. www.Share-Internation- al.org. Employment - Full-Time 205 Employment - Medical 210 Employment - Part-Time 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Training 227 Sales 230 ACCOUNTING POSITION Available must have a 2 or 4 year degree in accounting or related field, good computer and communication skills a plus, Benefits Available. Fax resume to: (863)763-6169 or Apply at: Syfrett Feed Company 3079 NW 8th Street Okeechobee. BUSY RESIDENTIAL Appraisal Firm seeking Licensed and Certified RE Appraisers in all counties. Competitive fee, established Client base. Just waiting for you! Fax Qualifi- cations, (888)429-4672. All the miles you can legally handle!!! Come drive for All American Xpress! Late Mod- el Equipment, No Touch Freight, No East Coast. 2yrs verifiable experience. Good driving record. (800)282-1911 x115. AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADE- MY Start your driving career today! Offering courses in CDL A. One Tuition fee! Many payment options! NO Registration Fee! (888)808-5947 info@ameri- casdrivingacademy.com CAR HAULING CAREER. EX- CEPTIONAL PAY! GREAT HOME TIME! OUTSTANDING COMPANY PAID BENEFITS! PAID TRAINING! MINIMUM 1 YEAR OTR EXPERIENCE RE- QUIRED. CALL ANYTIME 912)571-9668 OR 866)413-3074. DATA ENTRY! Work From Anywhere. Flexible Hours. Personal Computer Re- quired. Excellent Career Op- portunity. Serious Inquiries Only (800)344-9636 Ext. 700. Driver- Work HALF the Time- Get ALL the Benefits! Ask about 7 out/7 home! *Trailer Tracking *2005/06 Volvos *Daily Pay. (800)734-8169 Driver-HIRING QUALIFIED DRIVERS for Central Florida Local & National OTR posi- tions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay & new equipment. Need 2 years experience. Call By- num Transport for your op- portunity today. (800)741-7950. Drivers CDL A "Honey I'm Home...Every Weekend!" GREAT Pay and Benefits! Special Orientation Pay for Exp. Drivers! Paid Training for School Grads! Cypress Truck Lines, Inc. www.cy- presstruc k com m (888)808-5846. Exp'd Plumbers & Helpers Needed, commercial/resi- dential, full time starting im- mediately. Paid Holidays and vacation. (561)996-1159 FARM MANAGER For small to medium size sugar cane farm. Salary commensurate with experience. Reply to: Box 1577 c/o NI, PO. Box 1236 Clewiston, FL 33440 Join all the people who say, "I sold it in the clas- sileds." Glades County Board of County Commissioners AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER June 9,2006 PARAMEDIC PARAMEDIC PAY RATE: $9.81 $10.62 MAJOR DUTIES: Operation driving of F350/F450 Type I Am- bulances, general station duties, 24/48 shifts with one month rotation through the two stations, operation of GCEMS. Any 'other related duties as described in the Paramedic job outline per 64-E and GCEMS-ALS protocols. KNP;OLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Capable of safely and eiriciently operating Type I Ambulances 10-18 and 10-18X, must have the a ".' tn lift up to 100 lbs. and have the ability to sit, stand, walk, stoop, benu, ,,:.'' and work outside in various weather conditions. Must be able tu ,,:k flexible hours and overtime under emergency situations. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: State of Florida Certified Para- medic License, Class D Driver's License with acceptable driv- ing record, EVOC, Healthcare Provider CPR card, ACLS, Hepatitis B vaccination and general knowledge of the area. JOB LOCATION: Glades County EMS Station I Moore Haven and Station III Muse. WORK SCHEDULE: 8:00 a.m. 8:00a.m. 24 hour shift CLOSING DATE: June 30, 2006 at 5:00 pm REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION: Glades County Application. Copy of valid Florida Drivers'License. State of Florida Para- medic License, ACLS and CPR card, EVOC and Hepatitis B Vaccination SUBMIT APPLICATION TO: Mary Ann Dotson PO. Box 1018 500 Avenue J Moore Haven,Fl 33471 863-946-6000 Glades County is a drug-free, non smoking workplace 'l-ah1 Ldui r FI .iIII i FJ..Anl.r, 1 \'.I LPN I or II (FT,PT, Perdlem) r i Pr I.;. ,i c wl;,,,. i.. ,_,, 11.. tl: h.i. ,,: full lire. ER RN III SalffSuptor , Perdjem- PN Nu, 'lng Supm.i:Ir Full IT PI lPin e I-.'A Hcir.- rF.1SCRJFTrIOnlr T 1-, I 6.01&....... ", i the ,I,, I .. h ,I,,-, h ,l, I r r, 1, I pm . Fu Dl,,- C N. M,:.,i,| Tor, ofic,, ll e Full liT. Ellt lbl, lll. y .pk llll:l .. ..... ... .. Full LIT:" PAjl 'I t L -.1,)iT.lol.: P c Derr, C N.1 Ful irne- CCU NCur.e MNargcr Valid Florida license and ACLS rec S years clinical exp. and 3 cars or CCU skill compeltencies req I year management exp. necessary. Phone: 863-902-3079 or Fax resume to: 863-983-0805 DruS Free Workplace EOE MOTOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR II (Glades Road Section, Pahokee), $12.06/hr. Must obtain a FL Class B Permit, Air Brakes, within 90 days of hire and obtain a FL Class B CDL within 180 days of appt. Operates large vehicles and less complex public works equipment. Flags traffic and patches roads. Mows the County rights-of-way with mow- ing tractors and cuts back vegetation with clippers and chainsaws within the rights-of-way. Performs other manual duties as required. Requires 6 months of exp. in the operation of large mobile or construction equipment. Preference for exp.: Op- erating a box-blade tractor, tandem dump trucks/related equip.; performing asphalt mainte- nance/road construction. Visit www.pbcgov.comrr for detailed job description & employment appl. Submit appl./resume with any Vet. Pref. doc for receipt by 5 pm 6/23/06 to Palm Beach County HR, 50 S. Military Trail #210, WPB, FL 33415 Fax 561-616-6893 EO/AA M/F/D/V (DFWP) Find it faster. Sell it soon- er in the classified I Shop here first! The classified ads Glades County Board of County Commissioners AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER June 6, 2006 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR I SALARY RANGE: $7.25 $11.25 PER HOUR EXCELLENT BENEFITS, HEALTH CARE AND STATE RETIREMENT MAJOR DUTIES: Operation and routine maintenance of single axle dump trucks, mowing tractors and associated imple- ments. Preparing legible daily work tickets, recording time, equipment and inventory used. Provide safe conditions for employees and the general public. Working with road crews doing various jobs when necessary. Will be required to per- form labor duties such as shovel, rake or lay sod. Any other related and assigned duties. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Must be, apable of safely and efficiently operating a variety of light and medium maintenance and construction equipment. Must have the ability to lift up to 100 lbs and have the ability to sit, stand, walk, stoop, bend, crawl, and work outside for long periods in various weather conditions. Requires knowledge and skill in operation and maintenance of dump trucks and tractors. Ability to read and write effectively. Requires a minimum of 6 months of directly related experience. Ability to work flexible hours and overtime under emergency situations. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: High School diploma or equiva- lent. Must have a valid Class B Florida Commercial Drivers Li- cense with acceptable driving record. Screening test for illegal drugs. JOB LOCATION: Glades County Road Department, Moore Haven. Work is county wide. WORK SCHEDULE: 7:30a.m. 4:00p.m., Monday Friday CLOSING DATE: June 23, 2006 at 5:00 pm REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION: Glades County Application. Copy of valid Florida Drivers License. S SUBMIT APPLICATION TO: Mary Ann Dotson RO. Box 1018 500 Avenue J Moore Haven, Fl 33471 863-946-6000 Glades County is a drug-free, non smoking workplace The GElO Gropi> hic. The GEO Group, Inc. A worldwide leader in privatized corrections BENEFITS INCLUDE: HEALTH, DENTAL, VISION, LIFE, DEPENDENT LIFE INSURANCE & 401 K RETIREMENT CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS VOCATIONAL INSTRUCTOR (Web Design). MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN RN CHAPLAIN (Part Time) ACADEMIC INSTRUCTOR MOORE HAVEN CORRECTIONAL FACILITY 1990 East SR 78NW Moore Haven, FL 33471 Phone 868-946-2420 Fax 863-946-2487 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V FISH BREEDER NEEDED Coordinate & design layout & supervise construction of all fish farm's facilities incl. roads, ponds, greenhouses, raceways with recirculating systems & water wells. Maintain all fish farming equip., incl. filters, pumps, generators, paddlewheels. Purchase tilapia fry for stocking of ponds & raceways. Oversee Inventory maintenance of feed & supplies. Implement means of predator control, bio-security & disease prevention. Grading & harvesting tilapia. Marketing & selling tilapia. BS in Animal Sci- ence & 5 yrs. of progressive exp. in job offered: 40hrs p/w 8-4P Fax resume to: Aqualife USA, Inc. Attn: Fernando Leon (863)983-2322 HELP WANTED Probation Officer Supervising the Probation Department, Juve- nile Community Control Program and monitoring probation- ers during their probation period. Must have a valid drivers license, basic computer skills and a High School Diploma or an acceptable equivalency Diploma. Custodian/Floor Technician Must be able to work evenings, work independently, and have no criminal background. A valid drivers license is required. Electrical Inspector Must have 8 yrs. experience with a li- censed contractor. Code Enforcement Officer All candidates must be computer literate, able to multi task, and become certified as a code enforcement officer within six months of hire. Mechanic I. Basic mechanic knowledge, experience as an au- tomotive service worker or Mechanic's helper preferred. Mechanic I. Graduate from an approved course in heavy & diesel mechanics, three years experience. Both Mechanic positions require class B driver's license. Must have a High School Diploma or GED. Both located in Clewis- ton. Mechanic I also in LaBelle. GIS Coordinator for the LaBelle office. Must have Bachelor of Science from an accredited college or university in computer science, geography, or related field with considerable experi- ence in the use of geographic information systems or Byrs equivalent experience. The positions are full time with medical benefits, retirement, sick and vacation leave. These positions will be open until filled. Job description & applications can be obtained in the Satellite Office in Clewiston and the Courthouse in LaBelle in the HR Department. Vet Pref. EEO. Drug free. Applicants needing assistance in the application process should contact the Hendry County Com- missioners HR department. MANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, Moore Haven, LaBelle, Clewiston and Okeechobee. We are a franchise with 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic, honest, and responsible individuals. We offer: -Excellent Salaries -Medical and Life Insurance -Dental Insurance -401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For an interview please call: 863-983-4224 or mail your resume in confidence to: Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 33440 i.aage Place Your YARD SALE ad today! Get FREE signs and inventory sheets! Call Classifieds 877-353-2424 Visit us on the Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, June 15, 2006 Employment Full Time 11151 I oyment Fime 1115] imployment Full Time 0205: * 1-w Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, June 15, 2006 Empoyen Full Tim Employment Emlymn FullTim The Seminole Casino in Immokalee is seeking fun, energetic and enthusiastic individuals to join the area's HOTTEST entertainment venue immediately Quality individuals seeking CAREER OPPORTUNITIES and advancement are encouraged to apply TODAY $9.00 plus tips $9.50 per hour $5.50 plus tips $5.50 plus tips $7.50 per hour $9.00 per hour $28.00 avg. w/grats $10.00 + B.O.E. $10.00 per hour $12.50 per hour $10.00 per hour We are also seeking candidates for these professional position Financial Analyst Security Supervisor Benefits available for all employees www.theseminolecasino.com Apply in person at: 506 S. 1st St. Immokalee, FL 1-800-218-0007 The Seminole Casino is a Drug-free Workplace I SUBSTANCE ABUSE TECHNICIAN Needed for the PANDA Program to assist substance abuse patients with activities of daily living, and assist professional staff with maintaining a therapeutic environment of care. Must be able to work cooperatively as a member of a team. Competitive salary'and excellent benefits. Fax resume to (561)992-9646. You mail e-mail your resume to bsears@oakwoodcenter.org Oakwood Center of the Palm Beaches Glades Services 149 SE Avenue D Belle Glade, FL 33430 EOE: M/F/D/V MOBILE CRISIS SCREENER II Masters level graduate needed to perform crisis intervention work with Glades area residents as a part of a mobile crisis unit. The position requires the use of assessment, diagnostic, and evaluation skills. You will have the opportunity to meet and work with various agencies in the social work field. Competitive salary and excellent benefits. Fax resume to (561)514-1987. You may e-mail your resume to edubose@oakwoodcenter.org. Oakwood Center of the Palm Beaches, Inc. Glades Services 149 SE AvenueD Belle Glade, FL 33430 EOE: M/F/D/V BOOKKEEPER Full Charge, F/T Position for agribusiness in Clewiston area. Payroll, Accounts Payable & experience using Excel a must. Must be self-motivated and able to mulit-task. Position offers a competitive wage. To apply send resume with current salary to: Hilliard Brothers of Florida 5500 Flaghole Rd. Clewiston, Florida 33440. or Fax 863-983-5116 AGRICULTURAL LABORER Florida Sugar Cane League seeks an individual to work with experimental sugarcane varieties. Must be able to work in a team and read & follow precise instructions. Must be able to perform heavy manual labor and work in a hot, humid environment. Valid driver's license, acceptable driving record and proof of legal residence required. English speaking, high school graduate preferred. Drug free employer. Competitive salary and benefits offered. For additional information call 561-924-5227 Ext. 22 or apply in person at the USDA Sugarcane Field Station, 12990 U.S. Hwy. 441 North, Canal Point, Florida 33438. Do-It-Yourself Ideas Potting Bench This do-it-yourself potting bench makes it easy to get a head start on warm-weather gardening. It fea- tures a generously-sized work top with a hutch above and shelves below. Made from redwood (other woods may be substituted), the potting bench mea- sures about 51 inches long by 24 inches deep by 65 inches tall. Potting Bench plan (No. 910) ... $9.95 Planters Package (No. C128) Three other projects... $22.95 Catalog (pictures hundreds of projects)... $2.00 Please add $4.00 s&h (except catalog-only orders) To order, circle item(s), Please be sure to clip & send w/ check to: include your name, U-Bild Features address and the name of 15241 Stagg St. this newspaper. Allow Van Nuys, CA 91405 1-2 weeks for delivery. Or call (800) 82-U-BILD Su-bild.com Money Back Guarantee S ns: FLOOR MANAGER & CASHIER POSITIONS Competitive pay, 401K, medical, dental. Walk in to apply at ACE Hardware, 310 E. Sugarland Hwy., Clewiston. Please ask for Nevin or Jordan General $$ Earn $12 Per Hour $$ Occasionally spend 4-8 hrs. on nights or weekends serv- ing as a juror in the mock trial of an actual court case. If you have lived in FL for 1 yr. &.have a valid FL drivers lic., or are a registered voter, please send: (1) Name (2) Full Address, Including County (3) Home & Work #'s (4) E-mail address (5) Age (6) Race (7) Occupa- tion. Mail postcard to: Trial Practices, Inc., 101 East Kennedy Blvd., Suite 3040, Tampa, FL 33602 or Call (800) 544-5798; or fax 813) 223-6522; or Email: recruitment trialpractice.com INSURANCE CAREER: Base Pay/Gen. commission w/ unlimited potential, Retirement, 401K, Group insurance. No exp. necessary. We will train. EOE. M-F. 863-634-8085 INTERESTED IN A POSTAL JOB Earning $57K/yr Avg Minimum Pay? Our services can help you prepare for the Potal Battery Exam, Find Out How' CaI Today For More Ilnformation... (800)584-1775 Ref Code P5799. LABORERS: For Landscape & Lawn Maintenance. Good pay. Benefits included: Company Payed Medical, Life & Dental. (954)605-6951 or email: fivepointscorp@bellsouth.net EOE/DFWR MECHANIC NEEDED at Feed Mill. Experience on Semi Tractor Trailers a benefit; Benefits avail. Apply at: Syfrett Feed Co., 3079 NW 8th St., Okeechobee (863)763-5586 National Carriers is a growing SFleet offering, Regional & OTR, Excellent Benefits, .Weekend Hometime, Out- standing Pay Package & Lease Purchase Options. CDL-A Required (888)707-7729 www.nation- alcarriers.com. THERAPISTS WANTED- LI- CENSED SLPS in Miami- Dade and Broward counties. Bilingual a plus. Per diem &, F/T. Bilinguals Inc. Child & Parent Services, (866)696-0999 x122 www.bilingualsinc.com. TRACTOR DRIVER NEEDED Full Time Year Round Farm located 6 mi. East of Belle Glade. Transportation provided from town. Available Immediately Wages according to exp. Reply to: Miami Sod Company, Box 1552, c/o INI, P.O.Box 1236 Clewiston, FL 33440 or call (305)823-6533 or (954)-448-4602 TREEHOUSE LEARNING CENTER, Seeks: F/T. Pre School Teacher Must have currant CDA & be enrolled or interested in attending PBCC. Stop by for application: 1309 NW Ave. L, Belle Glade. TRUCK DRIVERS NEEDEDII Must have Class A CDL. Benefits Available. Apply at: Syfrett Feed Company, 3079 NW 8th Street Okeechobee WANT HOME MOST WEEK- ENDS WITH MORE PAYI Run Heartland's Florida Regional! $.42/mile company drivers $1.22 for Operators! 12 month OTR required. HEARTLAND EXPRESS (800)441-4953 www.heart- landexpress.com. Need a few more bucks to purchase someothIng deer? Pick up some extra bucks when you sell your used Items Hi the classlfelds,. -Io Information 0225 Bartender Cage Cashier Cocktail Server Dining Room Server Dishwasher/Steward Housekeeper Poker Dealer Maintenance Worker Security Officer TAD Machine Technician Vault Cashier HomeOwners! BAD CREDIT PLEASE APPLY! BK's, late mortgage payments, Fico scores to 475! 24-hour ap- provals. NO Payments until July 1st. FL Licensed Mort- gage Broker. Meridian Capi- tal (800)424-0888. -InIJbfr SHEALTHCAREDISTRICT SCHOOL NURSE, RN Posiion #153-7084 The Health Care District is seeking dependable and motivated individuals to join our School Health Depart- ment. Candidates should be currently licensed as a Registered Nurse Licensure by the State; preference for Bachelors Degree in Nursing and 2 years previous experi- ence in pediatric nursing, community health, and/or experience in school setting. We have openings in the Belle Glade/Pahokee and Palm Beach County area schools. Functions will include providing nursing assessments, counseling, and referrals; developing student-health plans; monitoring prescribed medications; ensuring compliance with immuniza- tion and health assessment requirements; following-up on screening outcomes; identifying high-dsk students; and providing in-services for school personnel. Send to: HCDPBC 324 Datura St. Suite 401 WPB, FL 33401 Fax to: (561)671-4670 Or Email: Employment(3hcdpbc.ora EOE, DFWP, Vet. Pref. CASE MANAGER POSITIONS Hendry and Glades. Bachelors* degree eq. Exp. with elderly helpful. Salary $27-32K. If in- terested and qualified, please call Senior Connections @ 863-675-1446 P/T SITE MANAGER & HOME DELIVERED MEAL DRIVER Needed for senior meal program in LaBelle and Clewiston. Clean driving record, H.S. or GED required. If interested and qualified, , please call Senior Connections @ 863-675-1446 EMPLOYMENT NEEDED FTIPT Certilied Nursing A.sil w! CPR Greailrelerencev' (863)675-7105 Financial Wunwtess )5 Money Lenders 310 Tax Preparation 315 ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Ma- chines, Free Candy All for $9,995. (888)629-9968 B02000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold! NOTICE Independent Newspapers will never accept any advertise- ment that is illegal or con- sidered fraudulent. In all cases of questionable val- ue, such as promises of guaranteed income from work-at-home programs if it sounds too good to be true, chances are that it is. If you have questions or doubts about any ad on these pages, we advise that before responding or send- ing money ahead of time, you check with the Better Business Bureau at 772-878-2010 for previous complaints. Some 800 and 900 telephone will do our best to alert our reader of these charges in the ads, but occasionally we may not be aware of the charges. Therefore, if you call a number out of your area, use caution. Receive checks in as little as 60-90 days. $4,000+ a month for 10-20 years from an investment of $25,000 in Oil and Gas Wells. (888)722-5790. Vending Route: Snack, All Drinks, All Brands. Great Equipment, Great Support! Financing Available With $6K Down. Call Tom: (954)971 -9 3 0 1 , #B02002-037. Need Cash? We can help re- duce your interest rate and monthly payment. Call today for a FREE no obligation ap- proval (800)897-4109 or visit www.budgetonemort- gage.com. Se habla espanol. 'DISHWASHER, Maytag De- luxe, black. $100 or best offer. (863)677-0010 REFRIGERATOR, Electric/pro- pane, 6 .cu. ft., new. Get ready for hurricanes. $750 (239)297-4006 REFRIGERATOR, Good for soft drinks. $50 (863)763-1370 DAILY WORK DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE j t<4 FINDERS 202 Sugrand HwyI.ncn)e mm2 C-e9sam I (863) 902-9494 IMMEDIATE CASH!!! US Pen- sion Funding pays cash now for 8 years of your future pension payments. Call (800)586-1325 for a FREE, no-obligation estimate. www.uspensionfund- ing.com. Services Babysitting 405 Child Care Needed 410 Child Care Offered4 15 Instruction 420 Services Offered 425 Insurance 430 Medical Services435 DELIVER OUR PRECIOUS CARGO: Be a Hendry County School Board Bus Driver. Contact the Transportation Dept. at 863-674-4115 or Cheryl Jameson at jamesonc@ hendry.ko2.fl.us CRIMINAL DEFENSE AC- CUSED?? Need a Lawyer? Trial Defense Attorneys 24 hrs DUI Traffic All Felonies, Misdemeanors & Major Crimes A-A-A Attorney Re- ferral Service (800)733-5342. DIVORCES275-$350-COVERS children, ic Ornly one ';ig. nature required! *Excludes govt. fees! Call weekdays 800)462-2000, ext.600. 8am-7pm) Alta Divorce, LLC. Established 1977. NEW SELF STORAGE 46 units 7x15, 8x15,10x15, 10x30, 12x30,15x25. Full electric, secure on Commereio *St 350 ft. from Clewiston Police Dept. 863-983-6663, 863-983-2808, after hrs. 863-983-8979 Merchandise Air Conditioners 505 Antiques 510 Appliances 515 Appliance Parts 520 Beauty Supplies 525 Bicycles 530 Books & Magazines 535 Building Materials540 Business Equipment 545 Carpets/Rugs 550 Children's Items 555 China, Glassware, Etc. 560 Clothing 565 Coins/Stamps 570 Collectibles 575 Computer/Video 580 Crafts/Supplies 585 Cruises 590 Drapes, Linens & Fabrics 595 Fireplace Fixture 600 Firewood 605 Furniture 610 Furs 615 Health & Reducing Equipment 620 Heating Equipment/ Supplies 625 Household Items 630 Jewelry 635 Lamps/Il.ights 640 Luggage 645 Medical Items 650 Miscellaneous 655 Musical Instruments 660 Office Supplies,/ Equipment 665 Pets/Supplies/ Services 670 Photography 675 Plumbing Supplies 680 Pools & Supplies 685 Restaurant Equipment 690 Satellite 695 Sewing Machines 700 Sporting Goods 705 Stereo Equipment 710 Television/Radio 715 Tickets 720 Tools 725 Toys 8 Games 730 V Rs 735 Wanted to Buy 740 A/C, 3/2 ton, asking $300 or best offer. (863)675-2598 Iv. msg. AIR CONDITIONERS (3) 5,000 BTU'S, Window Style. Newly services. $135 for all, will sep.(561)676-0427 WINDOW UNITS (2), Amana 5,000 btu, $60 or will separ- ate. (863)655-0030 WASHER, Maytag, Early 1920's, gas engine, works great. $650 (863)467-4328 How fast can your car go? It can go even faster when you sell it In the classifieds. 'II I^ GE STOVE HOOD- With lights & fan. New in Box. $100. (863)946-3570 SHED- Wolly, 10'x12', $4K new. Includes Extras. Asking $2475. (863)634-5753 Okeechobee. STORAGE SHED- 8'x12',Some storm damage. You haul. $500. (561)714-9827 BIKES (2) His/Her, Brand New, Schwinn, 21 spd. & Road Master 18 spd. Bell padded seats. $299.s863-983-7751 SCHWIN BICYCLE 1955- 26", like new, asking $700. (863)467-5756. ALL STEEL BUILDING SALE! "FINAL TWO WEEKS!" 20x28 Now $4200. 25x32 $5800. 30x42 $9200. 40x62 $14,900. Other models and sizes. Front end optional. Pioneer (800)668-5422. ASPHALT MILLINGS Clean, crushed asphalt material. $300 per load (18 cubic yards) plus delivery (239)872-1739 (239)872-1757 CHAIN LINK FENCING- approx 30', $100 (863)677-0010 METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct From Manufactur- er. 20 colors in stock with all Accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery Available Toll Free (888)393-0335. ELVIS RECORD & SOUVENIR COLLECTION: Approx. 44 yrs. old. Rare items. $600 all or best offer.. 863-8.24-3358 COMPAQ PASARIO, Windows 98 Jul upgradedl New CD ?ul ner, :1' $1 75. WEB TV- computer w/2 key- boards, $75 (863)902-0257 BAR L-shaped w/2 barstools. Wood & leather. 44" high, 22" wide, 7' and 5' lengths. $150 (863)612-9233 LaBelle COMPUTER DESK, Large, $40 (863)467-2366 COUCH, Tan, Excellent condi- tion. $125. LeBelle 239-822-5955 DINING SET with 4 chairs, iron and glass. $750. (863)467-1020 after 6pm. ENTERTAINMENT CENTER- Haverty's white washed oak. $350. (863)467-1020 after 6pm. GLASS TOP TABLE W/4 CHAIRS- brand new, $125 (863)467-5756 RECLINER, Lazy Boy. $25 (239)394-7005 ROCKING CHAIR, w/ matching footstool. $35 Labelle (239)822-5955 SECTIONAL L SHAPED (2) Recliners. Great condition, Paid $1500 sell for $600. 863-634-2139 SOFA & LOVESEAT- blue & mauve floral, exc cond, Buckhead Ridge area, $125 neg (863)357-6113 SOFA & LVSEAT Royal blue/beige, under warr., 2 side tbls, 1 coffee -Must See- $1200 (305) 345- 6741 SOFA BED, Good condition. $75 (239)394-7005 SOFA, LVSEAT & RECLINER- good condition, $300 (863)675-3699 PUTTER, Odyssey, never used, pd $140 new, sell for $80.(816)564-4235 REVOLVER 38 CAL Stainless steel Taurus, 2" barrel, like new with extras, $375 (863)467-6696 ROSSI 410 SHOTGUN- Com- bination, .22 rifle, S/S w/ FREE PAINT GELDING- 6 yrs., curr. coggins, shots current, NOT begginers/childs horse. Trailers/ties. (772)201-7633 MARE 8yrs old trail broke, rides English & Western, sound, bay color. $2000 (863) 509-3446. SILVER SHOW HALTER- w/lead, horse size, $65 (863)763-6336 Okeechobee SORREL 1YR.- wht. paint colt, "Out of Dash For Cash". 16.1 hand TB,Nice hunter/jumper. $1200. (772)201-7633 SORREL GELDING, 2 yrs. old, $1000. (863)673-0065 SORREL MARE, 8 yrs. old, $1200. (863)673-0065 SORREL MINI HORSE- 7yo, gelding, $200 (863)763-0577 OPAL, 3 carat, exc. fire set in 14 kt., yellow gold, worn 2x, perfect condition, $750. (816)564-4235 ATTENlD COLLEGE ONLINE from home. *Medical, *Busi- ness, *Paralegal, *Comput- ers *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Com- puter provided. Financial Aid if qualified. Call (866)858-2121 www.Onli- neTidewaterTech.com. PLASTIC 55 GAL DRUMS- $100 for all or will sell separ- ate (863)697-1168 Okee- chobee PIANO- Kimball, w/bench, Art- ist console, like new, $900 or best offer (863)902-8883 BLUE QUAKER PARROTS- Rare, sweet & bonded. 8 mths. Cage/nesting box incl. $1200/pair. (863)673-4716 DOG CARRIERS- 2 small, $30 will sell separate (863)697-3090 DOVES- various colors $10 each. (863)675-6214 after 6 pm. LaBelle area. PARROTS: Breeding Parrots Variety) & Baby parrots. Blue front & Orange Wing Amazons (863)673-1567 PET BABY PYGMY fainting goat- $100 (863)675-0247 PET SHEEP- Baby. 6 months old. $100 (863)675-0247. PIT & KURR MIX PUPS- all males, large heads, ready to go $50 (863)634-8203 PIT BULL PUPPIES, Blue/red nose. Ready on 6/12. Parents on premises. $200 each: (863)763-3776 or 697-6118 POT BELLY PIG BABIES- 1 pair, $50 or will separate. (863)675-4981 LaBelle area TABBY/ TIGER KITTENS- Free to good norre only' 6 wims litter trained. 4 left, kid friendly. (863)447-0390 BRAD PAISLEY, (2), on Friday, 8/4/06,' in West Palm. $50 (863)675-1033 AIR COMPRESSORS (2) Portable, 120 volts, 1 & 2 hp, $195 for both, will sep. (561)676-0427 ARM SAW, Sears, radial, $75. (863)675-2598 Iv. msg CRAFTSMAN TABLE SAW- all metal housing w/port. cabi- net. Extra blades. $125. (863)674-1404 eves. .GENERATOR, 1350, runs good, four 110 outlets. $200 or best offer. (863)697-9704 GENERATOR: TITAN, Brand new. Never used. Value $4350 Now $2500. (863)675-4079 LaBelle. NASCAR RACING WHEEL- w/pedals. For Windows or DOS computer games. $20. (239)657-4348 PING PONG TABLE, Regula- tion size. $40 (863)655-0030 FORD PICKUP, V8, '83-'88, standard trans., condition does not matter. (863)675-0604 NEW COIN COLLECTOR want- ing to add to my collection. Please call to sell coins & paper money 239-693-4391 Agriculture Christmas Trees 745 Farm Equipment 805 Farm Feed, Products 810 Farm Miscellaneous 815 Farm Produce 820 Farm Services Offei ed 825 Farm Supplies,' Services Wanted 830 Fertilizer 835 Horses 840 Landscaping Supplies 845 Lawn a Garden 850 Livestock 855 Poultry/Supplies 860 Seeds./Plants' Flowers 865 APPALOOSA HORSE Regis- tered. $1000. Call for more info. (863)673-1567 APPALOOSA HORSES (2) Registered. $2000. for both, will sep. Call for more info. (863)673-1567 BLUE ROAN STALLION, 9 mos., old, very gentle, no bad habits, halter & lead broken, all shots. $1000 (863)673-0065 CLEWISTON, 3/2, HUGE L/R, nice D/R & family room. 1/4 acre fenced, new roof & dock. $169,500 neg. (863)805-0272 PORT LaBelle: Unit 4 Move In Today! - Newly renovated, near schls., Large yards, New S/S Appl. 4/2 @ $175,000. or 3/1 @$142,000. Call owner: 863-673-5071 cshdz 04@earthlink.net SELL YOUR HOUSE IN 3 DAYSI! Cash or terms. Call Elizabeth for details. (561)531-0043 South Bay, 3BR/2BA, fenced yard, c/a, kit. apple's, $130,000 will neg. (561)996-6438 Shop from a gift catalog that's updated regulaly: the classified. YOUTH SADDLE- asking $400 or best offer (863)902-8883 LAWN MOWER, Craftsman, LT 2000, 18/2 hp, 42". Bought 5/05. Used 6 hrs. $900 or golf cart trade. (863)467-4735 LEAF BLOWER- Hand held, excellent cond. $40. (863)634-1479 MOWER, 4', good gear box, pto shaft, 3 point hook up, needs deck & blades. $100 neg. (863)697-9704 MURRAY 21" 5 HP- self pro- pelled mower, new blade, synth. oil, well maint. Like new $75. (863)484-0110 NEW DUMP LAWN CART- asking $150 (863)357-5754 PUSH MOWER- Murray, 20", with bagger, good condition, $75 (863)467-0085 RIDING MOWER Snapper, 30", 14 hp, runs good, older model, $150 (863)467-0085 RIDING MOWER, 4 yrs. old, runs good, headlights, $300 or best offer. (863)674-1409 Okeechobee Livestock Market Sales every Mon. 12pm & every Tues. 11am. 763-3127 WHITE RABBIT BABIES $5 BABY MALE CHICKENS $2-$3 Pullets ready to lay. (863)675-0273 Rentals I S, RENT Apartments 905 Business Places 910 Commercial Property 915 Condos/ Townhouses Rent920 Farm Property - Rent 925 House Rent 930 Land Rent 935 Resort Property - Rent 945 Roommate 950 Rooms to Rent 955 Storage Space - Rent 960 CLEWISTON: Brand New, 3 BR, 2 BA w/Roman tub. 2 Car garage w/Lake in back & shel- ter house. Section 8 welcome. $1500 mo. + 1 mo. sec. dep. 305-450-9564/786-709-8135 -Build To Suit- Up To 10,000 SQ. FT. Belle Glade Area CENTRAL FLORIDA RENTALS Just 20 minutes from Dis- ney, New 5bd/3bt house $1,350/month. Enjoy City Life, 4bd/2bt Condo $1,500/month. Call Ms. Gonzalez (407)427-9832. Se habla espanol. Real Estate Business Places - Sale 1005 Commercial Property Sale 1010 Condos/ Townhouses Sale1015 Farms Sale 1020 Houses Sale 1025 Hunting Property 1030 Investment Property Sale 1035 Land Sale 1040 Lots Sale 1045 Open House 1050 Out of State - Property Sale 1055 Property Inspection1060 Real Estate Wanted 1065 Resort Property - Sale 1070 Warehouse Space 1075 Waterfront Property 1080 CLEWISTON: 3/2 2001 Dbl. wide on 1/2 acre plus. Moti- vated to Sell $90k- Brendon 863-698-3714/863-686-8900 brendonwoodproperties@ hotmail.com Mountain Property! Interested in buying property in the Blue , Ridge Mountains of NC? Call Active Realty today at (800)979-5556 or visit our website at www.ActiveReal- tyNC.com. North Carolina Cool Mountain Air, Views & Streams, Homes, Cabins & Acreage. FREE BROCHURE (800)642-5333. Realty Of Murphy 317 Peachtree St. Murphy, N.C. 28906. www.realtyofmurphy.com. TENNESSEE GRAND OPEN- ING! Swan Ridge Lake Re- sort, a private, gated community with both lake- view and mountain-view homesites. Lots starting at $29,900. CALL TODAY! (931)243-4871 www.swan- ridgedevelopment.com. 1st YEARS PAYMENTS ARE ON US!* Dockable Lakefront Lots from $149,900! 1+ Acre Lake Access Lots from 49,900! Giant 72,000 acre lake only 2 hrs from Atlanta. Next available showing on i Saturday, June 24th. Call for A your appointment NOW! (877)426-2326 X. 1344. ' Some restrictions apply. Qualified buyers only. Rates - and terms subject to change w/o notice. Offer void where prohibited by law. BY OWNER Gorgeous 1 acre estate lot on Hickory St., Labelle. $89,500 firm. (239)774-0834 after 12pm MULTI-PROPERTY AUCTION Home, Lakefront Homesites, Residential Tracts, Wooded Homesites, Ranch Land 11am, Saturday June 24, Higgenbotham Auctioneers M.E. Higgenbotharm CAI FL.Lic# AU305/AB1 58 www.higgenbotham.com. (800)257-4161. RT. 27, 5 ac., 3 mi. S of Cle- wiston. 664' frontage Excel- lent potential. Owner financing. $75,000 per ac 954-747-1452 CLEWISTON Area: Cleared Lot. $12,000. Call Larry Callaway @ (863)673-9129 for more information. RT. 27- 5 ac, 3 mi. S of Cle- wiston. 664' Frontage .Excel- - lent Potential. Owner Financing $75,000 per ac 954-747-1452 BEAUTIFUL N. CAROLINA. ESCAPE TO BEAUTIFUL WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS. FREE COLOR BROCHURE & INFORMATION. MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES W/SPEC- TACULAR VIEWS HOMES, CABINS, CREEKS & INVEST- MENT ACREAGE. Cherokee Mountain GMAC Real Estate. cherokeemountainrealty.com (800)841-5868. BENT TREE Golf and Tennis, Gated Community in the North Georgia Mountains with Clubhouse, Pools, Lake, Stables. Homes and Lots available. Craft, Inc. (800)822-1966 www.craf- trealestate.com. Buyers Market Coastal North' Carolina 95-100% LTV Fi- nancing Call CCL Inc. Reairyv (800)682-9951. ; Citrus County, Florida. 50. miles North of Tampa. -NEW HOMES FROM $200,000 -W $1,000,000+ -Gated Com-i munities, Gulf Comrrur,-ile, Riverfront proper ies Gaie . House Realty Visit: wayne- cormier.com or call. (352)422-0751. Costa Rica real estate is HOT! Call Now or visit, www BparcCiubCosi.'Ri. :,a cm lor our etrliuvpe pr,-consl ucLrin vlr i i3,, arnd ' condos. (877)224-5020. FT. MYERS 1,2, & 3 bedroom luxury condos from the low $100s!!!! CALL Allyn Water- , mann NOW for more info (8 8 8) 5 2 1 -3 7 9 0 http://www.venetian-: palms.com/ or www.para- mountcompanies.com. GEORGIA- BLAIRSVILLE 1 NORTH GEORGIA MOUN- TAINS. Land, Homes, Com- mercial & Investment. "EVERYTHING WE TOUCH ! TURNS TO SOLD" Jane Baer Realty, (706)745-2261, (800)820-7829 www.jane- baerrealty.com. jane- F baer@alltel.net. r Gulf front lots $595k. Homes starting mid $300k. New master planned ocean front community on beautiful Mustang Island, near Corpus Christi, TX. www.cinnamon- shore.com, (866)891-5163. Gulf front lots $595k. Homes starting mid $300k. New master planned ocean front community on beautiful Mustang Island, near Corpus Christi, TX. www.cinnamon- shore.com, (866)891-5163. Lakefront and Lakeview Prop- erties Nestled in the hills of Tennessee on the shores of pristine Norris Lake. Call Lakeside Realty at (423)626-5820 Or visit . www.lakesiderealty-tn.com. t LAKEFRONT PARCELS FOR SALE Gorgeous lakefront and view lots. Awesome views. On 46K acre Lake ;, Barkley, 90 min to Nashville. Great for 2nd/retirement F home. 1 to 40+ acres from ; the $40's. Call (866)339-4966. LAKEFRONT PREDEVELOP- : MENT OPPORTUNITY! ,. www.grandeharbor.info. All c water- access homesites di- rect from the developer. Most amenities already in. Far below market value, from $79,900. Possible 18 mo NO PAYMENTS! Call Now! ' (888)BY-LAKES. ; Mortgage Brokers/ loan offi- cers/ branch managers- ready to take the next step in your mortgage career? www.GET90PERCENT.com ammo and case. $125. (863)983-7915 EXERCISE BIKE- New Bal- ance, 6.0, like new $300 (863)467-0668 TREADMILL Lifeslyler 8 OES, 1.5 HP, 0-8 mph, step control, auto incline, heart monitor. $300 neg. Call 863-357-2549 AIR COOKER- Flavor Wave, new, $50 (863)634-5914 DINING RM TABLE Picnic style, 2 benches, 2 chairs, seats 10, exc cond., $800 neg 305-345-6741 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, June 15, 2006 Thursday, June 15, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee 863-983-0075 330 W. Sugarand Hwy, Suite 9 Office Hours: Mon. Fri. 9:00 to 6:00 Sat. 10:30 Sun. By Appt. Only Visit Us At oldetownerealty.citymax.com - Ask Us About Olde Towne's New FSBO Program ".&a 5..ad 5. 5(o.e" HOMES *NEWCONSTRUCTIONI 3/2 VACANT LOTS -BETTER THAN NEW SELLER SAYS CBS HOMESITES STARTING IN *PLENTY OF MONTURA BRING OFFER. 4/2, OVER 3,000 THE LOW 200'S. LOTS TO CHOOSE FROM SQFT, NORTHSIDE, REMODELED& *2 FOR THE PRICE OF ONE CALL TO INQUIRE. REPAINTED! 2/2 + 2 KITCHENS ALL SCN WRAPPED-UP IN 1 HOME DEALL FELL THRUI ONE O' OH /IA RDCD [ SIDE LT i BACKYARD! JUST REDUCED ULVING AUAi ARLWOiABLE IN TC AL NAU.IRVE PRICE MENTS. CALL 2 INQUIRE. *TRIPLE TIMES I PRC THE ROI0 6'RIPLEX MANUFACTURED HOMES *HWY 27 COMMERICAL WILL BE hNN SON! .....-....-. PROPERTY AVAILABLE IN WHEREE MEMORIES BEGIN A 3/2 IMPr'UV=tMiNti I1 Lll I iRE. CALL-4 LISTING INFO *NEWLY p pt 2/1, HUGE BA /A PRIVACY iY, -BE THE NEW KID ON THE BLOCK 3/2 CBS HOME! *BOYNTON BEACH HOME) CALL TO INQUIRE! C R"EAL ESTATE BROKER 420 E. SUGARLAND HWY. (k63)983-9770 WBBSaIT: DYESSKEAL8STAT.COM MAIL: ANN@ EaBSSREALaSTATE.COM AFTER OTO1URS. ANNDYESS LAURA SMiTH TRAVISDYESS ANGELICA GONZALEZ (863) 983.8979 (863)599-14209 (863)228-2215 SE HABLA ESPANOL (8qQ228-0023 RESIDENTIAL Condo Bass Capital $179K ACREAGE 3BR, I flt A and C +/-55acs$25kacGladesCo. efficencTl ,000 3 aallfe, 3BR, 1BA $168,000 2BR, 1BA$279,000 Watercess Farm 15 acres oneer Plantation 4B AWPB M e 2BR, 1 1/2 BA Condo (8) $2 $1SOK 10acrestaDeca deared 4BR, 2BA New Home MOBILE HOMES COMMERCIAL $345,000 3BR/2BA Joshua Blvd Building 2476 sq. ft. on US 3BR, 2BA with study and $115,000 27100100'l $550,000 pool New Subdivision 4BR, 2BA Flaghole $359,900 $200,000In + 3BR, 2BA Home with effi a3 & c$15, Good condition $s Cabinet Shop 4800sq.ft. $17,900 & Ant. $200.000 *CLEAN & PRESTINEC 3/2 , COULD BE 4BR, SITS ON MANMADE LAKE *MRS. CLEAN LIVES HERE 3/2 W/A DEN, 1.25 ACRE LOT! OPEN HOUSE COMING SOON! *JUMP INTO SUMMER IN THIS 1995 3/2 THIS ONE IS CER- TAINLY A DELIGHT. *NEW LISTING YARD, YARD & MORE YARD. 3/3 MANUFAC TURED HOME & DESIGNED VERY SPACIOUS B 417 W, k, t HlWY, MmlmeioBairz 8-228-1973 -5 Oct," matureormange rovc ready to lharvesl W1111brick homse 5233.0100SAMl 51-101G -iEiD TO BUILD 2 1/2 beautIful acres. aWcu~lural, cleared, forced,. pon)d. la-roI to $%000I :'041wru W-)t~l5acrlos Irorri$ I 3m0tv 'Gorgmos -1.) acre taro, 3/2. W/2 Story barn &more. 1~Oilt 1I~ngeo~e, 2 ssavihome o 5 butuidolaos. Oosrnlamirs crib M,41 tN(JWiC 0lA$20,00Maeoffert .5 car's 3/2mobilehil'Ioine with a brauliful pond nai &ttlve trees, fefceit corner lot, $220i,000O -25 acre loiS fatri SOSMt 1,25 axcrS 35,000, mali3Jfretfi 2 5 Icfes t("rnerlot l5MO.00 $ f a5xtt0, Ei0cllirrlCoodiitioSALE PENDING SOUTH BAY CALL FOR DETAILS. RENTALS AVAtIABLE *4/2 HOME NEWLY REMODELED *CRESCEWti1jf V HOME *LADECA PROPERTY AVAILABLE SOON CALL TO INQUIRE ~ 1. t y In FEATURED LISTING Lake access home with seawall3 minutes to feplace, pit floor plan, afl tf e Boare priced at $290,000 MOTIVATED SELLER BRING OFFERS!t! efi fhs ,e ave istiny !! rofflr: Carolyn Thomas 946-2005 Soa S lociale! :Ann Donohue 228-0221 David Rister 634-2157 Sweetwater Ave. This property has many beautiful trees that include wild maple and oaks. Small man-made lake hidden in thick trees & brush. There is an abundant of wildlife 2.5 acres S74.9K Why buy old? .loget brand new! New Constr "by To Lloyd Construction Co able $29,900 As Cute as a Button Adorable & In perfect condition! Entrance has beautiful hard- wood floors & fireplace. The knockdown & paint on walls are excellent Including crown molding. Perfect kitchen & dining room w/ archer Screened lanai w/ outdoor si^^p i -your favorite music while a l water fountain or outdoor fire #garden setting. Are you a hobbyist there's a house out back 14' x 21' w/ AC. In one of the best locations in Clewiston on Royal Palm Av. Please note the brand new roof will be installed within the next 30 days so make this your top priority to see today! $164,900.00 Get Preconstruction Price 4 available 3BR/28A, I car garage located on Texas Ave., Harlem Subdivision 1673 sq. ft, Special Loan package. Lutz Builders $160K Attention Buyers! You can now surf the MLS through our website. Cathy S. Garcia 863.228-4798 Very spacious 2001 manufactured home on the take, has all the room you are looking for. This 3bd 2ba home has several walk-in closets and a very large liv- ing/dining area. This home is being offered at $124,900. Oak Trees Line The Driveway! 3bd/2ba MH w/ full open deck on front to sit in you rocker, Home sits on 1 acre of land in Flaghole. Home has tile & hardwood floors throughout. Recently remodeled, 5ft fence around property, and pole barn in back yard. Get your hands on this beauty for $162,500 Come See This Little Piece Of Heaven In The Country! CBS House on 5 acres in Flaghole 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, screened Lanai, 960 sq. ft. garage, loaded with Oak trees $415,000 Gone with a large f ner lot avala s brand newS JUST REDUCEO!!. Absolutely Gorgeous 2004 Homes oA A 't is brand new condition. Thi ~ fllI| ome with fami- ly room has a t jIil ) sq ft and has a great view o o'Ja. d This home is being offered for $132,500. SGlenn A. Smith 863-983-3508 1)Operating Fish Farm!! Looking for an investment opportunity? Perhaps a new busi- ness venture? Property s 10 acres, zoned with 2 Phases of a 4 Phase operation neaNy completed. Currently, all production is sold out as demand exceeds supply. With a mar- ket in need of more product, an ideal loca- tion and a viable development plan ready to expand, this is a great opportunity for any- one aiming for fantastic returns. MLS# 200645189Call Glenn @ 677-1441 for more Information 2)Montura Ranch Estates An established and operating Animal Rescue Center. Property is on 3,34 acres of Land. Have your home and business all togetherwith a 4bed- room/2 bath mobile home. Must see to appredatel! $274,900 MLS# 200644616 3)Investment Opportunity 13 Acres of Producing Orange Grove!! High and dry with irrigation from bordering canal. Additional acreage available. Listed at $20K per acre. MLS# 200626483 4?La e in look MLS# 200630432 5)Seminoli Manor 3 Bedroom/2 Bath Mobile Home walking distance from Clewlston High School and Clewiston Elementary Schools. Reduced to $89,900!! MLS# 200636722 6)New Listin t)d. 2 Bedroom/2 Bath Btck hom& 1l1,Rf4 Formal IMng room with gas Wi hSly Room with indoor 8BQ. $2 I tI,# 200640230 Ashley P. Wood 863-228-1132 Looking for a charming deal on the North side of Clewiston? Look no further! This 2/1 home boasts of character from the moment you step inside. Hardwood floors throughout and a great layout just add to the charm. This gem is a great starter home or investment opportunity and is located in a great neighborhood @a $139,900.00 What a Deal! 2bd/2ba MH w/ extra lot, "Included in Purchase Price* Partially furnished & squeaky clean! SS & older community. Reduced again to $1t19,900. Looking for Land? Look No Further! 50+ acres located in Highlands Co. Call for details! Chec k i n MRE onl jI. r I~ #fI- :flh4 I ,ed w/ beaut spa- clous tL ace is immaW,, FLAGHOLE! This home is all country living on the outside and nothing but city on the inside! This 1984 3/2 Fleetwood DWMH has been com- pletely renovated you'll think you've stepped foot into a CBS home. Throw in the fact this one of a kind home sits on 2.5 acres with its own private pond and you can't ask for morel A great home at a great price we've priced right to sell. Offered at $179,900. Call today for your appointmentill 1) Hooker's Point 3 Br/2 Ba M/H on 1.03 acres!! New Metal roof-over. Listed at $89,900 MLS# 200642005 2)New Listing!! 4 Br/2 Ba M/H ('98 Homes of Merit) on 1.25 Acres. Newly remodeled Master bath. $139,900 MLS# 200644944 3) Moore Haven 3 br/2 ba M/H. Large L with cathedral ceilings. Lg deck w/gazebo and BQ. Listed at $124,900 MLS# 200540984 4) Moore Haven River Gardens. 2 lots ready for your new home. Call for details! 5) Montura Ranch Estates We have many lots from 1.25 acres and up, Priced from $40K and up, 6) Pioneer Plantation 2.5 acres on Riviera St. Reduced to $65,000!! MLS# 200604536 7) Ridgdill Subdivision 2 Waterfront M/H Lots!! Will not last long at $55 Eachit MLS# 200644619 8) Pioneer Plantation 5 Acres located on 20th St. just north of Tampa with access from Tampa. MLS# 200647060 9) Port Labelle Need a place to build your dream home? Residential Lot @ $44,900.00 Call for details. 10) Need a breeze from a lake? A 2005 3bd/2 ba with large closets. Also a porch viewing a beautiful land- scaped yard, Only 139,900.00 We are available 7 days a week!! Call Sarah @ 228-6867 for your weekend appointment Enrique Acosta 305-506-5876 Just Reduced! 3BD/2BA Nice Kept,Many Fruit Trees,New A/C, Horseshoe Ac. @ $139.9k Don't Let This One Slip Away! 2bd/ ba on huge lots in Horseshoe Acres. Bring all offers. Seller Motivated $165K New Listing! 3bd/2ba split floor plan, 6ft. chain link fenced, 2 car garage, well maintained S224.9K New Listingl Sbd/3ba, 2 AC units, 2 water heaters, split floor plan, new tile throughout home, freshly paint- ed, working chimney, great screen patio, new roof, too many extras to name! A must see! $549,900 Cot Land? Looking for development land? 28 acs. in LaBelle Ranchettes! Priced to sell fast @ $34K per acre Need Some Space? Spacious 4bd/2ba doublewide MH In Montura. Split floor plan, living room, family room, too many extras! Hurry, won't last! Motivated Seller! Only S1 59K Looking for a weekend get away or starter home? 2bd/2ba single wide MH in Montura RanchEstates fenced and on paved road. Only $84.9K1 New Listing! Secluded well maintain 1995 doublewlde 3bd 2ba, split floor plan, master bathroom includes gar- den tub w/ separate shower, proper- ty fenced and has horse fenced area, also next to a canal. $1 24,900.00 2) US 27 5 Acres Over 937 Feet on US27 at the Hendry/Palm Beach County Line. Great Access at a great price! $275,000 3) New Listing! SBd/2 Ba single wide; cor won't last long @ $48,500 4) Montura Ranch Estates 735 5S Palm -$49,000 530 S. Shetland $52,500 770 S. Shetland $44,900 Looking to sell? I can show you how to get top dollar . Call me for a FREE CMA. Jerry W. Smith 561-261-3444 2.5 Acres in Montura $85K 2.5 Acres in Montura $90K 5 Acres in Pioneer, potential for great home site $165K. 2.5 Acres, 3bd/2ba mobile home, fenced, Montura Ranches $195K 2.5 acres in Montura, fenced $92.5K 3/2 Brick home, pool, new roof, new fencing, Location makes this listing a "Must See"! $305K New Development! Call me for sky valley lots. 5 wooded acres in Pioneer planw ayd aPk n $149K Ready to move in! 3bd/2ba manu- factured home in Moore haven S79.9K 30 Acres of pasture and woods $755K Reduced! Moore Haven 3bd/2ba, CBS house $200,000.00 New Listing 1995 Homes of Merit MH, fenced, above ground pool, lots of storage, and metal roof. Neat & clean. $1 39,900.00 2.5 acres in Pioneer $70K Call me for vacant land. Lots or acreage. Definitely Not Nice, In fact it's a 2 Bd disaster! Fix It Up and it may justbe livable. Anyway, you can buy this doublewide mobile home in Seminole Manor for not much more than the lot value at $39.9K Why Pay high space rents when you can own d with a 3BR, 2-bath dou with room for a double ,j patio, and shed in Eas i division It's going to se I fast at $79,900. Looking for vacant land? Well bring your horses because I've got 1.25 acres tracts available now in Montura Ranch Estates. Give me a call today! Are you looking for peace and quiet? Well I've got a bedroom bath doublewide that sits on 1.25 acres in Montura Ranch Estates and is very secluded. Only $140,000.00 Charles H. Kehm III 305-968-2242 Want to Own a Business? Check this Out! Established commer- cial upholstery business and property $250K Own a Piece of Paradise! Beautiful building lot/invest- ment property in Port LaBelle $49.9K Reduced for Quick Sale New Listing! 3bd/2ba CBS horn wellpe Out! $225,000 00 Residential Listing on exclu- sive Ridgewood Ave. 3bd/2ba on half an acre. Possible owner financing available. Contact me for details & show- ing. Back On The Market! 3 bed- room 1a on Coro fop- arty ~nllIce of shopping 1 3 T .... Flaghote!f! Oak trees, paved drive- way, 5' fence, & pole barn on I acre lot. Almost forgot the beautiful remodeled mobile home! Listed @ $162,500.00 You won't want to miss out on a deal like this!. 2003 4bd/2ba dou- blewide on 2.16 acres. Property fea- tures a second mobile home, large steel building and storage sheds. $225,000.00 Pioneer Plantation 420 Union Ave. 2.5 Acres $72.9K 4150 Pioneer 17th St. 2.5 Ac $65K 5205 Pioneer 22nd St. 5 Ac S130K The Best 1.41 acre lake front lot in Montura 105 Pinelake Ave. Call for showing $77,900.00 Now must be the time to buy your Montura Tract. I list, show and sell them. Call for information or an appointment. 5 Acres in Pioneer w/ steel building $21 5,000.00 New L't' nd fast! 2,246s M t f fl cated Estates 0 Call for showing. Vacant Land in Harlem? .19 acres i QOf0 noM FETUEDL5 3 TN ON 775 County Rd. 721 Loop NE A little piece of Heaven! Beautiful two story home with spiral staircase and wood floors. Big backyard with boat access to the Gulf and direct access to Lake Okeechobee. Home on one acre among oak hammocks. Kitchen feature granite counter tops. Property could be used as a Bed & Breakfast. Detached workshop can easily be converted for an additional living area for a Bed & Breakfast. $575,000.00 1 00S. Bernor e .c-css r~n W ~ ~ 86 -9 3- 93 wvw suogxr e-llv S~ I Houses Sale 1025 1 I Houses Sale I Houses Sale I Houses Sale I Houses Sale I Houses Sale I Houses Sale -.11, -- 1-1 k ,Vwvww I Houses Sale I Houses Sale 1025 i I Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, June 15, 2006 I Pblc mt-i P, parties Located rn Polk Hardee & Highlands County Home Lakefront Homesites * Residential Development Tracts Wooded Homesites Ranch Land Investment Properties0 Sale American Legion Placid Post 25, Site 1490 Hwy 27 North, Lake Placid, FL $40's. Amazing rolling vista Iocalicada en LaBelle en .5 nature trails. Ca for appt. . engCall For Furhe finaceimorenaton: dis- ,f m800-257-4161 M.E. Higgenbotham, CAI, FL LIc# AU3051ASis8 TN- CUMBERLAND PLATEAU Traila Manufacturada, 3/2 ba- 1 to 5 acre parcels from the nos list para ser occupada, $40's. Amazing rolling vista localicada en LaBelle en .5 views. Close to parks & acre de propidad. LLamme al lakes. Planned clubhouse, (863)675-8888 nature trails. Call for appt. (866)292-5769. Traila manufacturada bajo enganche finaceimento dis- VA MOUNTAINS 5 acres with ponible, 3/2 banos, Ilamme frontage on very large pris- al (863)675-8888 tine creek, very private, ex- cellent fishing, canoeing, R good access, near New Riv- KAl il I er Trail State Park, $39,500. i l' 1VII Owner (866)789-8535 . www.mountainsofVA.com .I W e s te rn N ew M ex ico P riv ate --.. . - 74 Acre Ranch $129,990 Boats 3005 Mt. views, trees, rolling hills, Campers/RVs 3010 pastureland, wildlife, borders ame rs/RVs 3010 BLM. Picturesque homesite aJet Skis 3015 at 6,700' elevation. Horse- Marine Miscellaoues 3025 back riding, hiking, hunting. Motorcycles 3030 Perfect family ranch, elec- SportVehicles/ATVs 3035 tricity. 100% financing. NALC (866)365-2825. _ WNC Mountains 3.84 Acres w/ view and hardwood trees. Owner financing at $65,280 AIR BOAT-10', Fiberglass hull, w/little down. This one won't 65hp Contenenta + 2 extra last call today motors & hub Like new Wood (800)699-1289 or www.riv- prop $3500. 863-673-1963 erbendlakelure.com. 3-1963 BOAT 24' SEA SKIMMER - ile mes Pontoon, need little work. New Magic Tilt trailer. $1500. Must Mobile Homes sell 863-634-2139 BOAT TRLR 32', Hydrlc I I I brake/lights. 27 1/2' Bayliner as-is on trlr free w/purchase Mobile Home Lots a ,05 $2,000 neg. 954-954-3401 Mobile Home Parts 2010 COBRA BASS SKI BOAT, '17', Mobile Homes Rent 2015 140 Johnson Outboard, bi- Mobile Homes Sale 2020 mini top, good trlr., Must Sell, $2500. (863)612-1648 ,JET BOAT: SEADOO 1996, Twin 85hp, 60 mph. Includes II1trailer. $5000 or best offer. (863)763-6453 STEPS- solid ,im w/handrail ,- B . for mobile home. $50 JOHN BOAT, 14' aluminum, (863)697-3090 with galvanized trailer. $650 (863)675-6214 after 6 pm TRAILER DOOR- good shape, Labelle 73x32, $25 (863)357-5754 JOHN BOAT- Fiberglass V- JOHN BOAT-11' Fiberglass V- Hhaul, new paint, trailer. $500 or best offer 863-673-0919 OUTBOARD, 100hp Johnson, MONTURA, 3/2, on 1.25 acres real good shape. $1500 or of pines, peace & quiet, best offer. (863)467-5725 $875. 1 yr. lease. S(954)895-1133 PONTOON BOAT, 1991, 20 Ft., (954)895-1133 Aluminum. New trailer & Car- S H epet. Overhauled motor. $4000. 863-234-9663 PRIVATEER, '80, 20', w/Yama- MONTURA, 3/2, on 1.25 acres ha 115 '98 & trailer, mostly of pines, peace & quiet, new rebuilt, includes extras, roof, updates, $139,000 great shape, $4500. (954)895-1133 (772)260-4898 PALM HARBOR HOMES Fac- SAILBOAT, 24 Ft. on cradle. tory Model Center LARGEST Shallow draft, Exc. project for in America! Modular and river. Must move! $300 neg. Maniufanturerd I QUIDflATION 863-612-9233 LaBelle SALE! Call for FREE Color Brochures! (800)622-2832. Replacemento de su trailer, service complete con solo una compania traila manu- facturada, nuevas, usadas llame al (863-675-8888. S--- The most impo 20 minutes of yo is the time spent i with your child birth to age ni . JEEP GRAND WAGONEER 1991, 62K org. mis. Garage REQUESTFORPROPOSALS .- kept. $2500 or best offer. S (863)675-4079 LaBelle. PROFESSIONALARCHITECTURALSERVICE JEEP RHD 75- route read The City of Clewiston, in accordance with Section 287.055, Fla. Str.- Consultants' JEEP RH '75Competitive NegotiationA is soliciting proposals from qualified aritectural rebuilt trans, new rear firmsto providearchitecturalden and proet revision services relative to W11c brakes, tires, paint, runs the City's proposed Public Wor tes Maitenance Compound construction _17 .good, $3000 project (863)763-05774005 The project will consist of the construction of a new City of Clewiston Public Wos/Uiies Maintenance Compound facility at 1200 South Olympia Street Es- CLEW ISTON COUNTRY A PCRES 6m- iated budget for te project is $1,500,000, which wil include construction, en- CLEW ISTON COUNTRY ACRES gineering, legal and administration costs. For complete a complete RFP package or inquiries, contact Public Works Director Modular/Floor Plans. From $79,900 & up, LANDSCAPING TRAILERS (2) Sean Scherat 863-98 r on w wist .oov. to 3/4/5BR,-2/3BA, acre & 1/4 available or use Tandem Axel, Enclosed. for the~ noei =ep ropao thTos. Pmapot a no your land as down payment. Financing $600 for both or best offer. reaching CitybyJr8., 2O6eat3:00p.m.wilramainunopenead ineligible your land as down payment. Financing 61-633-1371 for e alston. available. 863-673-6417 or 561-721-5299 UTILITY TRAILER, heavy du The City wil acpt review and evaluate proposals and may require verbal presen- tations pdorto final selection. m w/drop gate, brand new 139178CN6/8,15/06 *yrn I tires, $800. (863)357-1080 CAMARO 28 80-auto, all |a m-] PAHOKEE HOUSING AUTHORITY, INC. CAMAR Z28 80- auto, all NOTICE BOAT MOTOR: 225 Mercury original, nice restoration pro- INVITATION FOR BID Optimax w/25" Shaft. Warranty ject, $1700 neg. AEROSTAR 91- AC, auto, V6, TOPROVIDELAWNMAINTENANCESERVICES %il 4/2008. All controls, cables (863)634-6601 Ivemsg.- all power, $4000 & harness. Hydraulic steering. CAMARO Z28 84 n moto (863)675-4409 Noticeis hereby given that sealed bids wilbereceivedatthe PahokeeHousingAu- 151 hours. $7500 CAMAROZ2 4 no motor/ toriy, until 2o p.m., Tursay June 22,2006 local time, at which tme they c(863)634-0392 trans. Good project. $300 Ford Hightop van 89 V will be publicly opened and read for furnmishing of all labor, materials and equlp- 863)634-0392 w/title. 863-467-5401 or Ford Hightop Van, 89, V8, merit, and performing all work necessary and Incidental to Lawn Maintenance iT TReAIL 8ER Alum- 772- 3 9- sofa bed, tow pkg., 178k Services for LL. Stuckey Homes; McClure Village; Padgeftlsland Homes; and BOAT TRAILER: 2003 Alumi- 772-359-2923. miles, $2000. LaBelle Area. Fremd Village, in accordance with the Pahokee Housing Authoritys plans, specifn- num, Tandem Axel. $1100 or 7catns and onancon t documents. Secificatos and/nstructo to (dderas may be best offer (863)6340392 Chevy Camaro Z28, '84, no (863)675-4970 Iv. msg. examined at the Central Office of the Authority located at 465 Friend Terrace, Pa- bes e. to -3 motor, no trans., have title, hokee, Florida 33476; Julia Hale, Executive Director; telephone number O/B MOTOR Johnson '77 $ 3 0 0 GMC VAN '91- 3/4 ton, has (561) 924-5565. Pahokee Housing Authority Is an Equal Opportunity Employer model 6R77M wlastic gal 772-359-2923/863-467-5401 some rust, runs & drives andpromotesaDrug-FreeWorkplace. tank & hose, i 250. Call CHEVY CAVALIER '90 4 d great, real strong work van JuliaA.Hale,ExecutiveDirector 863-357-2988. light gray, $90, r., 800 neg.(863)763-4149 DATE:JuneS5,2006 863-357-2988. light gray, $900 OUTBOARD, 115hp Evinrude, (863)674-0670 after pm 141192CGS6/15/06 v4, power trim & tilt, stainless CHEVY LUMINA URO SPORT D Pub l tl e steel prop, full control. Fresh- 1993, Runs good. $1300 u li.. Nib eOREQUESTFORBIODS RFIC O LA60701 water. $1300 (863)236-0100 (863)763-7314 AUTOMATION OF GATE ES,FLORIDA I Motrccls 03 CHEVY NOVA '76, Runs good. L I The South Florida Water Management District will receive sealed bids through the Needs minor body work. Procurement Office, B-1 Bldg., 3301 Gun Club Rd, West Palm Beach, FL 33406, $1500 Neg. (239)503-5131 for Automation Of Gate Structures, Osceola & Orange Counties, R on Thurs. Sduy, July 13, 2006 at 2:30 p.m. local time, at which timly submitted bids will be BMW K75 RT'92- 70K miles, Ask for Ramon, after 5:30pm Publi Notice 5005 opened and publicly read. Install remote telemetry units (MOSCAD & antennas) at paid $35)634-9620 Okee area FORD CROWN VICTORIA State Public -57, -60, S-62, S-63, S-63A, & make Improvements to site appurtenances, (863634-9620 Okee area F D CROWN VICTORIA Legal Notice 5500 such as harden buildings, instalremove stilling wells, staff gauges, gate position 1988 Looks gosensors & new gate gauges louvers & hoodson selectbuildings. An OPONAL VOLKSWAGEN TRIKE, Mint 1Cold A/C, 4 Door & 4 New g pm-bid conference will be held on Monday, June 26, 2006 at 10:00 a.m. at Kis- Cont lid A/C, 4 Dsoor & 4 New slmmee Field Station, S8S. Hoagland Blvd, Klssimmee, FL 34741. For directions cond. $15,000 invested, tires. $1000. (863)675-1754 call (407) 846-5226A se visit willmmediatelylollow. a skin g $ 1 0,0 0 0 F R E P O R 1 9, P u b l"ic o t i c e 5 0 : 2 YAMAHA2002 VSTAR100 FORD EXPLORER 1991, ma- All bids must conform.to the Instructions In the Requestfor BIdders (RFB). Interest- AHan yxVStaR100 rn, looks/runs goo d, 1 ed respondents may obtain a copy of the complete RFB by downloading it for free 2k, many extras. $5800 roon, looks/runs good, low IN THE CIRCUI COURT FOR at jtnd.gg, purchasing a setfor$298.00 at the above address, by call- (863)824-0801 mileage. $2500 neg. Ca HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA Inn (561) 682-6391, or by calling the 24-hour 810BID HOTLINE 800-472-52. The after 6pm. (863) 635-3929 PROBATE DIVISION public is invited to attend the bid opening. Information on the states of this so- YAMAHA '05, VSTAR650, A- LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 91 FiNo 2006-064CP clln cnbbtanedatrwe se-www. d.v. tual miles 1. Red/silver. Lots of 6 autoLN Cood shapeT ne INRE:ESTATEOF 141075CGS 06 chrome, saddle bags & wind- transmission $250 EVAP.BROESAMLE shield not installed. $6000 or (tr9an $ 2 Deceased NOTICE OF BUDGETWORKSHOP/SPECIAL MEETING best offer. (863)763-2053 INCOLN MAK VII '92, 5.0, NOTICE TO CREDITORS The Board of Supervisors for the Central Count Water Control District will hold a Sa h V8, auto., low miles. $2500 The administrti of the estateof Eva P of worshospcial mang odiu n e statsud t Bro(86sa3ml, deceased, whose date. ofwr oDist ctsbudgetand A (863)6757105 death was 12/13/2005, and whose any other business which comes efore the oard. All interested persns are in- Social Security Number is sited to afltnd and be heard with respect to the proposed budget Interested par- LINCOLN TOWNE CAR, '88, 195223190s pend th Circi sons may appear on their own behalf orby agent or attoey. lfanyone decides to ATV 4-WHEELER 90CC (2) light blue, w/white top, dark courtfor Hendy County, Florida, Pro- ppeadecision madeby th Board with respectto matter wondered at vehicles,remote start & kill blue int., runs good, $1000 bate Division, theaddress of which is themeeting oreang,record th proceednglleneeded forftheappeal w/governo (1) y red neg. (863)6741409 P.O. Box 1760, LaBelle, Flrida 33976. and that for sach purses, may need to Insure that a verbatim record of tie ro- /governor (1) yell red neg. (863)674-1409 The names and addresses of the per- feeding s d record includes the tesmony and evidence upon which $2000 pr.neg 863-634-39 S BENZ 4 SPE REQUIREMENTS: IF YOUREQUIRESPECIALAIDORSERVICESASAD- $2000 p neg 863-634- 39 MERCEDES BENZ '99, 4 yl., reprsetve's attoey aroset forth DRESSED IN THE AMERICAN DISABILITIES ACT, PLEASE CONTACT THE DIS- r 4.3 L Super Charge. 5 spd., beow TRICT CLERK'SOFFICE AT(863)983-5797, NO LESS THANR FVE (5) DAYS Auto. trans. Fully Loaded. 76K. All ors of the decedent aPRIORTO THE ABOVE STATED HEARING DATE. $9500 (863)763-4541 p ersons having claims or demands CENTRAL COUNTYWATER CONTROLDISTRICT copy of this notice is required to be KAWASAKI MULE 2000, 4x4, MERCEDES SLC '79- Silver, served must lletheirclaimsCN6 5,22withthis $2900 or best offer. Also Mule new a/c, alt, belts. Runs, good court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHE Parts.Call 63-467-6886 or trans., 196k, hiton pass. side MONTHS AFER THE TIME OF THE INTHEIRCUITCOURTFORTH TWNTIETHJUICIALCIRCUITIN Part.1 Cal783- 467-68 dr. 03 -FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE TWENTIETHJUDICIALCIRCUITINAND ANBFORHENDRYCOUNTY, FLORIDA 561-723-0257 dr. $600. (305)668-7785 OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF FORHENDRY COUNTY FLORIDA CIVILACTION SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE PROBATE DIVISION MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE 1993, ON THEM. File No.2006-073-CP WELLS FARGO BANK, NA SUCCESSOR l Runs great. A/C, Stereo. Allother creditors of the decedentand Olvislon:Prolate BY MERGER TO WELLS FARGO $1900. (863)983-5597 other persons having claims or de- HOME MORTGAGE, INC. u il s mands against decedenfts estate must- IN RE: ESTATE OF Plalntiff OLDS CIERRA '94, Runs good, file their claims with this court WITHIN BARBARA LEE RUDD, vs. Case No. 2006-238-CA SOk 2 00 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE Deceased THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, PON just hit 100k, 2nd owner, non FIRSTPUBLICATIONOFTHISNOTICE. GRANTEESASSIGNEES, LIENORS, I I I J smoker, lots of extras. Must ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE NOTICETO CREDITORS CREDITORS, TRUSTEES OR OTHER see. $1500 (863)634-6636 TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SEC- CLAIMANTS CLAIMING BY, TION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PRO- The administration of the estateof Barba- THROUGH, UNDER, PATRICK O. Automobiles 4005 OLDS CUTLASS, '69, 350 ATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER ra lee Rud, deceased, File Number BURKE,DECEASED,Uetid, BARRED. 2006-073-CR Is pending In the Circuit DOfendant(s) Autos Wanted 4010 Rocket, runs good, needs NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS Court for Hendry County, Florida, Pro- Classic Cars 4015 paint job & trim, $2000 neg. SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED bate Division, the addressof which is: NOTICEOFACTION Commercial Trucks 4020 (863)675-2759TWO 2 YEARS OR MORE AFTER Post Office Box 1760, LaBelle, FL Commercial Trucks 400 (863)675-2759 THE DECEDENTS DATE OF DEATH IS 33935. The name and address of the TO: THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, Construction BARRED. Personal Representative and the Per- GRANTEES,.ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, uipment 4025 PLYMOUTH NEON '99, 5 spd. The date of first publication of this notice sonal Representative attorney is set CREDITORS, TRUSTEES, OR OTHER Fri nCars 4030 Great car, great on gas. $1500 isJune151ih,2006. ."forth below. CLAIMANTS CLAIMING BY, Foreign Cars 4030 634-3386 or PersonalRepresentative: ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTI- THROUGH, UNDER, PATRICK D Four heel Drive 4035 8672 Elsa Broesamle McNamara FIED THAT: BURKE, DECEASED Heavy uty Trucks 4040 34-8672 9703 Shadowmere Lane All persons on whom this notice is . Parts Repairs 4045 TOYOTA CELICA 1987, $700 Weddington, NC28104 served who have obecons that chal- LAST KNOWNADDRESS: UNKNOWN Picku-RepaTrucs 4045 TRunsAgreat.StickshiftGrea 141045 CGS 6/15,22/06 lenge the quaifcations of the Personal Pickup Trucks 4050 Runs great. Stick shift. Great Representative, venue, or jurisdiction CURRENTADDRESS:UNKNOWN Sport Utility 4055 on gas. A/C. Stereo. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE of ths Court are required to file their Tractor railerss 4060 (863)983-5597 TWENTIETH JUDICIALCIRCUITIN AND objections with this Court WITHIN THE ANY AND ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES Tracor rs 4060 863)983-5597 FOR HENDRYCOUNTY, FLORIDA LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER, Utility Trailers 4065 PROBATE DIVISION THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICA- AND AGAINST THE HEREIN NAMED Vans 4070 File No. 2006-076-CP TION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY INDIVIDUAL DEFENDANTS) WHO ARE Division: Probate DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES AUTO WANTED: IN RE: ESTATE OF THEM. MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST AS SPOUS- SAUTOWANTED: MAVIS JOANN ALLEY, All creditors of the decedent and other ES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, OR OTHER Looking to buy Antique Car/ Deceased persons having claims or demands CLAIMANTS Convertible/ Truck. Please call against decedent's estate on whom a CADILLAC DEVILLE 1988, (954)561-2776 NOTICETOCREDITORScopy of this notic ervedwithin LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: UNKNOWN Vintage edition. Dark metallic The administration of the estate of MAVIS publication of this notice must file their CURRENTADDRESS: UNKNOWN silver, beige interior. Faux con- r JOANN ALLEY, deceased; File Number claims with this Court WITHIN THE 2006-076-CR is pending in the Circuit LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to vertible top. Vogue tires. New lrivl40 5 Court for Hendry County, Florida, Pro- THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICA- foreclose a mortgage on the following battery/brakes. Florida car. All bate Divison, the address o which is: TION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY propertynHENRYoonty, Flo the bells & whistles. Low mile- Post Office Box 1760,.LaBelle, FL DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE the bells & whistlond. $8900 best Low mile- JEEP CHEROKEE, '86, good 33975. The name and address of the OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON ALL THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND age.Exc.86 nd7811 e O tkee running gear, good motor, Personal Representative and the Per- THEM. SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF HEND- fer. 86 467-4811 keex good bu $500 snalReprsentative attorney isset All other creditorsofthedecedentand RY, STATE OF FLORIDA, BEING e4x4, good buggy $500 forthbelow. persons having claims or demands KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS UNIT CADILLAC DEVILLE '92, 4 (863)634-5421 ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTI.- against the decedents estate must file 802 IN THE COURTYARDS OF CLE- door. $3000 or best offer. FIEDTHAT: their claims with this Court WITHIN WISTON, A SUBDIVISION LOCATED SAll persons on whom this notice is THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE WITHIN THECORPORATE LIMITS OF (863)673-4594 Served who have objections that chal- OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS THE CITY OF CLEWISTON, IN SEC- Cadillac Deville, '92,lngthequafcatonsofthPersonal NOTICE. TION 10, TOWNSHIP 43 SOUTH, Cadillac Deville, '92, juridicreteti or con ALLCLAIMS, DEMANDS AND OBJEC- RANGE 34 EAST, ACCORDING TO THE looks/runs good, interior per- ALUMINUM RIMS Ford of this Court are required to ile their TIONS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOR- PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT fect, leak in trans. line, F250/350, w/caps 8 lug, objntions with this Court THINTHE EVERBARRED. BOOK 6, PAGES113-114, HENDRY $1200 neg. (309)472-1561 4/set 4x4, almost new, LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER The date of the first publication of this COUNTYRECORDS. $1200 neg. (309)472-1561 4/set 4x4, almost new, THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICA- notice isJune 15,2006. CADILLAC DEVILLE 99- $350. (863)673-1404 eves. TION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY PersonalRpresntaive: has been filtd against you and you are CADILLAC DEVILLE '99- .DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE KYMMR.McCALL requiredto see a copyofyour wit maxed like hew, low miles, BEDLINER for full size Ford OF A COPY. OF THIS NOTICE ON PostOfficeBox392 ten fefenses within 30 days after the new tires. $8500. Negot. Pick up Truck, excel. $50 AlTHEM. Cledecedentandwiston,FL33440 firstpublction, any, on Ehevara, All creditors of the decedent and other Attomry for Personal Raeprssentafive: Codi/Is & Stawiarski, PlaInfiff's attor- Must Sell. 863-675-9293 (863)763-6747 persons having claims or demands WhitneyBrown Hartess,Esq n, whose address is 9119 Coqporate C against decedenits estate on whom a A 10yforPlainfiff Lake Drive, Suite 300, Tampa, Roritda CAB W/ ROOF RACK SLIDE copy of this notice is served within Florida arNo.0096962 33634 and file the original with this WINDOWS- burgundy, all in- three months after the date of the first 417 West Sugardand Hlghway Court either before service on Plain- tact, off '98 Toyota Tacoma, pblicatin this noc mst file their s tiffs attorney or immediatelythereafter; $250 (443)205-0955 claims with this Court WITHIN THE Phone: 863D 93-1677 otherwise a defaut will be entered I RM- LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER Fax: (86mi 3) 98t3-1973 against yo for the relief demanded In OMM TOP /hein, THE6 DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICA- 141201 CGS 6/15,22/06 theCompaatorpton. COMM'L TOPPE R- /shelving, TION OF THIS NOTICE O THIRTY Th is notice shall be pubLshed once each full rear doors, fits 88-98 full DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE week for two consecotino weeks in the SZ. Chevy 8'. Bed great cond. OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON INTHECOUNTYCURTOITHE Clewistn News. A d0t o fthe r spula creditors of the decedent N OLADES COUNTY FLORIDA eCourton ma Aply DRIVE ON RAMP- you mustcedos estate mst ile GENERAL JURISDn CTIONDIVISION BbaaS. Butioer remove and haul $1 5 their claims with this Court WITHeN Clerk of3the Court S(863)467-43 28. THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE SPORTSMANS VILLAGE CONDOMINIUM 3By:/de rae ond OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida not for Deputy Clet EUIRO TAIL LIGHTS '00- Ford NOTICE. profit corporaIton 139362CN6/8,15/06i ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS AND OBJEC- Plalnitff Focus $75 call after 5prm TONS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOR- V. NOTICEOFPUBLIC HEARING (239)657-5504 EVER BARRED. DENNIS D'ANGELO; DOMINICK D'ANGE- S The date of the first publication of this LO and NICHOLAS D'ANGELO, The Port LaBelle Community Develop- FRONT END, for CJ5 Jeep, noticeis June 15,2006. DOfendants mont Distict Board of Supervisors will with Iock i n g hubs. $50 Personal Representative: NOTIE Omeet at 6:30 p.m., on Tuesday, June ANDREAHOYER NOTICE OFSALE 27, 2006, at the District Ofice on (863)763-1370 75 Lane 260 W. Otter Lake PURSUANTTOCHAPTER4S 3293 Dellwood Terrace, Port LaBelle, TIRES- (4) 285/75R16, Day- Attomey for Personal Representative: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a to discuss and prselminary adopt next ton Timberline, all terrain Whitney Brown Hartess, Esq. Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated fiscal year's (10/1/06-9/30/07) pro- Good cnndition l $225 Attorneyfor Petitioner 5/26/06, and entered in Case No. posed operating budget and conduct o o Florida Bar No. 0096962 05-48CA of the Circuit Court, of the other routine business requiring action (863)357-8788 417WestSugadand Highway Twentieth Judicial Circuit, in and for bytheBoard. Ji ,, r Clewiston, Florida 33440 Glades County, Florida, wherein This meeting is open tothe public. S WHEELS & TIRES, For Ford Phone:(863) 983-1677 SPORTSMAN VILLAGE CONDOMIN- The final budget and mileage rate will be Mustang, 15" cast ten holes Fax: (863) 983-1973 IUM ASSOCIATION, INC. Is Plaintiff, advertised, reviewed, and adopted dur- Tires n ew. $200 141300 N6/15,22/06 and DENNIS D'ANGELO; C DOMINICK ing public hearings in September, (863)674-0212 are Defendants, I will sell to the high- PatrickB.Whidden, Chairman READING AN est and best bidder for cash at 500 139474 CB & CGS 6/8,15/06 .Ave. J, Glades County, Florida at 11:00 -A VES C a.m. on the 22nd day of June, 2006 NEW IPAER the following described property as set NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING I CHEVY '88- 3/4 ton. 4x4. 400 TIME BY HELPING YOU forthsThe Hendr County Construction Li- sm block, 4spd w/low 1st Unit 211, SPORTSMAN VILLAGE CON- censing Board will hold a regularly Sar PLAN YOUR TIME DOMINIUM, according to the Declara- scheduled meeting on June 22, gear, $1500 (863)634-5421 tion of Condominium thereof recorded 2006 at 6:30 p.m. to conduct rou- DODGE DAKOTA P/UP 1989, WISELY in Official Records Book 98, Page 416, tine business. We will be discuss- DODGE DAKOTA P/UP 1989, and Condominium Plat Book 1, Page ing Chapter 58, Contractor $1400 (863)843-0156 LaBelle 1, all of the public records of Glades Licensing Board Ordinance, discus- County, Florida, together with all ap- sion will be open to the public for FORD F150 XLT '91, 4x4, purtenances thereto appertaining and comment The meeting will be held 5.8 automatic, runs bu specified in said Condominium Dec- at481 W. Hickpochee Ave. The City S ti laration. of LaBelle, Commission Room, La- needs work. $1200 or best n. Be Room, L "--' offer. (863)467-6143 DATED this 1st day of June, 2006. -- "%.; j ,"140208 CGS 6/15/06 ,, c.-n FORD F250- '85, 4x4, Runs JoeFlint, Clerk qialo good. Has Su er Swamper y n ruit CourtB tires. no title, $1000 or best Deputy Clerk Time to clean out the offer (863)634-0187 141391 CGS6/15,22/06 attic, basement ads/oP S' ,1 paage? Advertise youw FORD RANGER XLT 88, 5sp, *' READING A NEWSPAPER ard sae in tM ct sl- runs & looks good, $1200. INVOLVED INTHE fledT and mk 0youP rtan t (863)763-6747. COMMUNn deaT uOc an breezel d ay TRUCKS (6) F-350's w/4 good bA / Ulir d ay diesel motors. $1800 or best .1b offer. (561)633-1371 reading >1 R ..... am-N EWSPAEtR MAKIS YOU A MORE INFORMED fro m JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE '94, R S T""'N. .0, 2wd, needs cam bearings Owondernewspaper i n e. & seal. Has new transmission, readersenjoy life morel l g( o o,,--- ,,, $900 (239)768-1015 aft. 5pm eads h. .m r fd., SEALED BIDS for Will be received by the ence Room B of the King Jr. Blvd., West, 3:00 p.m. (Local Time Specifications may be ol 110 Dr. Martin LutherI All bids shall be In a se 110 Dr. Martin Luther plainly marked on the c BID NO: 14-06 BID ITEM: CITY SURPLI BID OPENING DATE: THU Bids received after the s of the bidder to assure The City of Belle Glade n bid or any combination llcinteresL 141099 CGS 6/15/06 NOTICE I HENDI Notice Is herebygiven it Hilliard Water Control utes 1941, and law s Hendry-Hillard Water of Hilliard Brothers o Thursday, June 29,20 1. Electing one (1) sup 2. Receiving annual re the landowners may 3. Transacting such ot Additionally, this notice made by the Hendry-I aspect to any matter ci ceedings and that, fc record of the proceed dence upon which the Board of Supervisors Hendry-Hilliard Water Co By: Joe Marlin Hilliard President 141365 CN 6/15,22/06 jan] 3ia.: 'ray wmll a: Be s III tea nished and all work p taking thereto, which South Olympia Street, och.dmsbe in'a on lu. Bas mayl Avenue, Clewiston, FL forth premature open The C0vidof Crewiston malities, orto accepttl 141175 CN 6/15,22/06 The ity of Clewiston 2006, at City Hall, 11 and place they will be The bids submitted are f ton or replacement. cordance with the pl; examined at the Pubic FL 33440. Each bid must be in a s may be mailed or ban ton, FL 33440. No re ture opening of a bid n The City of Clewiston re and all bids, with orA to acceptthe bid that ir 141173 CN 6/15,22/06 Pursuant to and In con regulations, Adelphia coming upcoming cha On or about July 11, 200 will experience a realigi DIY will move from Digit nel119. ESPN News will move h vice, channel 133. ESPN Classic will move I on its existing channel Fuse will move from Di channel 145. National Geographic will sic service, channel 11 ESPN U will be added to 139972 CGS 6/15/06 LEGAL NOTICE INVITATION TO BID CITY BID NO. 14-06 CITY SURPLUS AUCTION City of Belle Glade, Palm Beach County, Florida, in Confer- City Hall in the Municipal Complex, 110 Dr. Martin Luther Belle Glade, Florida until THURSDAY, JULY 13, 2006 at , ), and then will be publicly opened and read aloud. btalned atthe Belle Glade City Hall, Purchasing Department, (* King Jr. Blvd., West, Belle Glade, FL 33430-3900. aled envelope addressed to City Clerk, City of Belle Glade, , King Jr. Blvd., West, Belle lad, Florida 33430-3900, and . outside ol the sealed envelope asfollows: US AUCTION IRSDAY, JULY 13,2006 at 3:00 P.M. tated time will be retumed unopened. It is the responsibility that proposals are delivered to the proper address. serves the right to reject any and all bids and to accept any n of bids, which in its sole judgment will best serve the pub- City of Belle Glade DebraR.Buff, CMC City Clerk OF ANNUAL MEETING OF LANDOWNERS OF RY-HILLIARD WATER CONTROL DISTRICT tat pursuant to call of thBo f Supervisors of Hendry- District, and in accordance with Chapter 298, Florida Stat- ' emendatory thereto, the Annual Meeting of Landowners of Control District, for the year 2005, will be held at the office f Florida, Ltd., 5500 Flaghole Road, Clewiston, Florida on -, 06 at 9:00 A.M., forth purpose of: iervisorfor term of three (3) years. ports and taking such action with respect thereto as Determine. her businesses may properly come before-the meeting. advises that, if a person decides to appeal any decision HIlliard Water Control District Board of Supervisors, with re- ' considered at this meeting. He will need a record of the pro- or such purpose. He may need to ensure that a verbatim ings is made, which record includes the testimony and evi- , appeal Is to be based. ntrol District i- I., June 9, 2006 INVITATION TO BIDDERS 05-06-08 )herrI1 iJ'i] i iil i ji,:,ulJ eor h ep als, dors, and. indws ate er,/tocareo 5t T West vaura Avenue. ,Al fmatenals lmr- performed shall be accordance with the specifications per- may be examined at the Public Works Department,. 1200 Clewiston, FL 33440. . r seal evele d.cle m ed' e e nva- eo meile or nanoeliverelto Cy all, nwest Ventura L 33440. No responsibility shall be attached to any officers ing of a bid rot properly addressed and identified. reserves the ht to huold all bids for .60, days and to reject h or without dause, to waiverecnnical errors ano inor- he bid that In its judgment best serves the City. CITY OF CLEWISTON, FLORIDA ' Iva Pittman 'i Deputy Clerk i II June 9, 2006 INVITATION TO BIDDERS 05-06-07 ill receive sealed bids until 3:00 p.m i.. i i,, ,I l 5 West Ventura Avenue, Clewiston, Fir,,, 'r ,'1. ' opened and read aloud. . or approximately 4,000+/- I,,' :.iriA i l i u. All materials furnished and Ial WUIK penulinuo snial bee ac- ans and specifications pertaining thereto, ..r,,.r, ,i-j r .. " c Works Department, 1200 South Olympia Stir-' I1 ,. ealed envelope and cleary marked "SIDEWALK BID." Bids d delivered to.City Ha, 115 West Ventura Avenue, Clewis- , sponsibility shall be attached to any officers for the premas- it properly addressed and identified. serves the right to hold all bids for 60 days and to reject any without cause, to waive technical errors and infornalties, or t n its judgment best serves the City. CITY OF CLEWISTON, FLORIDA ., Iva Pittman Deputy Clerk - I- LEGAL NOTICE ipliance with the Federal Communications Commission's ale Communications provides the following notice con- mnel changes: I6, the community of Okeechobee and its surrounding areas ; nmentto their channel lineups as follows: al Basic service, channel 133 to Digital Basic service, chan- , rom Digital Plus service, channel 123 to.Digital Basic ser- from Digital Plus service to Digital Basic service, but remain 131. gital Basic service, channel 111 to Digital Basic service, - move from Digital Basic service, channel 120 to Digital Ba- i; tal Basic service, channel 132. ilDgtal Basic service, channel 132. NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to a Writ of Execution, issued in the Circuit Court of Dade County, Florida, on the 16th day of January 1998, in the cause wherein Pedro A. Corion is plaintiff and Susy Bogardus is dependent, being case number 97-2113 CC-24, in said court, I, Ronald E. Lee, Sr., as Sheriff of Hendry County, Florida, have levied upon all the right, title and interest of the defendant Susy Bogardus, in and to the following described property, to-wit The North 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 15, Township 44 South, Range 32 East, Hendry County, Florida, Subject to an easement for an access road of the west 30 feet thereof. Also known as Lot 2517 in Montura Ranch Estates. And on the 20th day of July, 2006, in the Courtyard of the Hendry County Court- house, LaBelle, Florida, at the hour of 11:00am, or as soon thereafter as possible, I will offer for sale all the said defendant, Susy Bodardus, right, title and interest in the aforesaid real property, at public auction and will sell the same, subject to tax- es, all prior liens, encumbrances and judgments, if any, to the highest bidder, with the proceeds to be applied as far as may be to the payment of costs and the sat- Isfaction of the above-described execution. RonaldE. Lee, Sr. Sheriff Hendry County, Florida By: Captain Andy Lewis Deputy Sheriff 136531 CN6/8,15,22,29/06 REQUEST FOR BIDS (RFB CN060700 AUTOMATION OF GATE STRUCTURES,S-59, S-61, S-65, S-65A AND S-65D, OSCEOLA, POLK & OKEECHOBEE COUNTIES, FLORIBA The South Florida Water Management District will receive sealed bids through the Procurement Office, B-1 Bldg., 3301 Gun Club Rd, West Palm Beach, FL 33406, A for Automation of Gate Structures, S-59, S-61, S-65, S-65A & S-65D, Osceola, Polk & Okeechobee Counties, FL on Thursday, July 13, 2006 at 2:30 p.m. local time, at which timely submitted bids will be opened and publicly read to install re- mote telemetry units (MOSCAD and antennas) at structures S-59, S-61, S-65, 4 S-65A, & S-61150, and make improvements to site appurtenances as identified in 4 the design plans, such as harden buildings, install or remove stilling wells, install staff gauges, install gate position sensors and new gate gauges, install louvers 4 and hoods on select buildings. An OPTIONAL pre-bid conference will be held on 4 Monday, June 26, 2006 at 10:30 a.m. at Kissimmee Field Station, 80 S. Hoag- & land Blvd, Kissimmee, FL 34741. For directions call (407) 846-5226. A site visit will immediately follow. r All bids must conform to the instructions in the Request for Bidders (RFB). Interest- ed respondents may obtain a copy of the complete RFB by downloading it for free at vsiww.fleid.goi. purchasing a set for $326.00 at the above address, by call- ing (561) 682-6391, or by calling the 24-hour BID HOTLINE 800-472-5290. The public is invited to attend the bid opening. Information on the status of this so- licitation can be obtained at our web site www.stwmd.gov. 141093 CN 6/15/06 BID NO. EQ280606 INVITATION TO BID "EQUIPMENT DISPOSAL- The Pahokee Housing Authority is receiving sealed bids for sale of used equipment until 3:00 p.m., Thursday, June 28, 2006, at which time bids will be opened pub- licly and read aloud. Equipment includes: 1997 IsuzuHombre Pickup Truck- VIN#1GGCS1441V8652191 1996 Isuzu Hombre Pickup Truck VN#1GGCS144XT8711672 5HP Briggs & Stratton Push Lawn Mower (Commercial Type) STIHL Weed Eater Model #F588 Shop Vac Ultra-Pro 18 Gallon Model #QUL650 General Sewage Rooter- #C56A10A40 6 Portable Hand Drills Legend 12-Volt Car Jump Starter #812075 Fog Master Room Fogger Machine Model #6208 4 Lanten Brand Time (punch) Clocks 2 Broan Range Hoods -36" 26 Conference Chairs To inspect equipment and obtain Bid Package with Instruction to Bidders, contact Julia Hale, Executive Director at (561) 924-5565, ext. 10. Pahokee Housing Au- thority is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 140999 CGS 6/15/06 I 1 0 K^ I Campers/RVs 30710 Thursday, June 15, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Billie Swamp Safari offers summer discount BIG CYPRESS SEMINOLE RESERVATION Here's a good way to save money this summer despite the high cost of gasoline. Bring in any gasoline sales receipt and save 10 percent off a Swamp Buggy Tour at Billie Swamp Safari or 10 percent off admission to the Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum on the Big Cypress Seminole Reservation through Sept. 30. Vacation in your own backyard and learn about the culture and history of the Seminole Tribe of Florida. A true Everglades experience, Billie Swamp Safari offers daily swamp buggy tours and airboat rides. Visitors can travel high above the wet prairie edge of Florida's Everglades on a swamp buggy or glide effortlessly along a trail on an airboat. A separate venomous and nbn-venomous Snake and Alligator Show is also scheduled daily. True adventurers can stay overnight in a traditional Seminole chickee sur- rounded by more than 2,200 acres of abundant native and exotic wildlife. Visitors witness first-hand the ecosystem of a land on the edge of civilization and the solitary beauty of tropical hardwood ham- mocks, cypress domes and gum sfpughs. i An all-new "Swamp Critter Employment training opportunity i PAHOKEE Are you under- efnployed or unemployed? Do you want a career change? Do you like to work outside? Learn hpw you can benefit from an ir(novative training opportunity right here in the Tri-cities. South Florida Water Manage- ment District, Palm Beach Com- munity College, Community Partnership Group's Pahokee Beacon Center, Glades Commu- nity Development Corporation and Workforce Alliance are sponsoring a career workshop oh Thursday, June 15 from 1 until 2:30 p.m. at the Community Partnership Group, Pahokee Bacon Center, Pahokee Ele- mentary School, Portable #3. For more information, please contact Diana Barboni, Palm Beach Community College at 0(61) 868-3345 or; Terry,Reed,, Phhokee Beacon Center at 1561) 924-6544, or Autrie Moore- Williams, Glades Community Development Corp. at (561) 992- 9500 for more information. Show" is on tap for visitors to Billie Swamp Safari. The new show combines entertainment and edu- cation and includes many native and exotic creatures from around the world in a 45-minute show. Shows will vary based on the avail- ability of animals and their trainers. (The price is $8 for adults arid $4 for children ages 4-12. Children up to age three are always free with a paid adult.) In the main compound area, visitors can enjoy an authentic Seminole village with many native Seminole chickees, a nature trail, animal and bird exhibits, plus a restaurant and gift shop. The gift shop is open from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. The Swamp Water Caf6 serves American fare and Seminole delicacies such as catfish, frog legs, gator tail nuggets, and traditional Seminole fry bread. Open from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Airboat Rides operate every half hour from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The price is $15. Narrated Swamp Buggy Tours operate from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The price is $25 for adults, $23 for seniors age 62 or over, and $15 for children ages 4-12. (With a gasoline receipt, deduct 10 percent from all Narrated Swamp Buggy Tour prices. A rustic camping village at Billie Swamp Safari includes native-style chickees for overnight stays. The overnight safaris run from noon to noon and include two Swamp Buggy Tours, one during the day and one during the evening, the Snake and Alligator Show or Swamp Critter Show, campfire sto- rytelling, chickee lodging (is addi- tional cost) and an Airboat Ride. Billie Swamp Safari is open year 'round except Christmas Day. Admission is free and visitors are welcome to stroll the grounds and enjoy many of the displays without charge. Tickets for Airboat Rides, Swamp Buggy Tours, Snake and Alligator Show or Swamp Critter Show can be purchased individual- ly or as a day package at the Gift Shop. For more information or reservations, call (800)949-6101 or (863)983-6101 or visit www.semtribe.com/safari. Day * and overnight packages including admission to the Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum are also available for pur- chase at the gift shop. Visitors should arrive no later than 10 a.m. Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum On the road to Billie Swamp Safari is the Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Muse- um, which houses the nation's largest display of the life and culture of the unconquered Florida Semi- noles. The museum includes 5,000 square feet of exhibits in a modern museum adjacent to a cypress dome near the Florida Everglades. The exhibit gallery includes user-friendly computers where visi- tors can find more information on the Seminole Tribe's rich history arid culture. The Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is $6 for adults and $4 for children up to age six. (Deduct 10 percent with a gasoline receipt.) For more information, call (863)902-1113, or .visit www.ahtahthiki.com. Directions Billie Swamp Safari and the Ah- Tah-Thi-Ki Museum are located on the Big Cypress Seminole Reserva- tion, midway between Fort Laud- erdale and Naples off .1-75 (Alligator Alley). Take 1-75 to exit 49, then drive north 16 miles. Sho-naa-bish! (Thanks!) Public Issues Forum An open forum in which issues of the day are debated some- times vigorously < i. y. $500,000 RAFFLE GRAND PRIZE! .121 Prizes total Hurry! Only 9,000 Tickets will be sold. Rules & Entry Forms available at: http://Hong-Gia.org CA Registered #R-5102 Same Day Service Lab On Premises SIGE$30-Single PATAS 35-Ec Porel1nan1Wit Submitted to INI Left to right are John C. Perry, Sr., Melanie McGahee and Chris Shupe. Ms. McGahee was recently named to the Board of Directors at Olde Cypress Community Bank. McGahee joins bank board CLEWISTON Melanie A. McGahee, a life-long resident of Clewiston, has accepted a seat on the board of directors at Olde Cypress Community Bank. Ms. McGahee is a practicing attorney specializing in real estate law, estate administration and genert- al civil practice. She is a mem- ber of the Clewiston Rotary Club, the Hendry County Bar Association, and the Camp E-T- Makee Comrnunit Advisory Board. The board of directors, Chair- man John C. Perry, Sr., John Ahern, Dr. Larry Coleman, Dr. Kay" Coleman-Hazelett, Andy Higginbotham, '-Dave Lydns, Chris Shupe, Vice Chairman Clark Tullos, and Malcolm Wade, Jr., are looking forward to Ms. McGhee's contributions to the board's task of overseeing the savings bank's operations. Olde Cypress Community Bank has been serving the community since May 10, 1937, when the Office of Thrift Supervision granted a charter to Clelvistor. Federal Savings and Loan Asso- cialion The present name was adopted in 2004. Harbor Federal offers Spanish language at ATMs FORT PIERCE Recognizing that a majority of Spanish-speaking Americans living in our footprint today prefer to communicate in both Spanish and English, Harbor Federal' has added Spanish lan- guage screens and marketing mes- sages to its network of 42 ATMs (automatic teller machines). Har- bor Federal customers who use ATM machines can now choose to have their transaction screens dis- played in either language. ' "Harbor Federal's vision is to help our customers succeed finan- cially. This includes a commitment to recognizing the cultural prefer- ences of the diverse communities Glades General Hospital, where rewarding careers and a bright future await you... Collector ,FT, Candidates will possess excellent customer service skills, Bilingual (Span/Eng), at least two years hospital experience preferred. SKnowledgeable of third party collections and HMO. C.N.A./Clerical iFT, CNA exp., must have computer skills & be knowledgeable of medical terminology, good phone "skills, must be flexible in 'scheduling. Maintenance Mechanic :FT, Must have 1-2 years experience in interior & exterior renovation. Knowledge of electrical, carpentry, masonry, painting, plumbing and tile setting. Certification a plus. Pharmacy Tech PRN, Must have excellent computer & customer service .skills, Algebra, be dependable, i great work ethic. Prefer CPht, :.some hospital experience, will train. Requires every other weekend. ^1201 S. Main St. Belle Glade, FL GLADES (561) 996-6571 GENERAL HOSPIT AL Fax: (561) 993-5627 where we do business," said Leslie Spanish can select this option Wright, Senior Vice President, Retail after inserting their ATM card in; Banking. any of Harbor Federal's ATMs. Customers who prefer to read After selecting their preferred Same Co] language option, the text of all remaining transaction screens will be displayed in their language selection. S GENERAL ANESTHESIA AVAILABLE CALL FOR YOUR PRICE QUOTE AND INFORMATION. 1-866-226-9400 TOLL FREE responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee or reduced fee service., examination or treatment. -7r 7 I et Or T ifatll PR'noggr Your "ll II' St v3 I =. ^^^^"^^iii ^^^^^^^^fv [f33m,. i if Bni'for theiS"]i ^rtl i^] ].."^al=* nB.)1!4...K11 tB NOS" SON BE~iiiffrsufST BUHY ALUMfINUM. INC.^^^^ ^^^3B .41903 Hwy. 441 S^3^ E^^l^^^^E^ ie, mrnmitment With the merger of Big Lake National Bank and Seacoast National Bank completed, our customers' experience is made even better through added services, flexibility, and convenience. New services include free checking with online banking and bill pay, a Telephone Banking Center with extended weekday and Saturday hours, Treasury Management. investment, trust and estate planning services and more. All \vith the same local decision-making and personal service you've come to expect. All of us at Seacoast National Bank look forward to serving your financial needs and to seeing you at community events around town. In the coming months, our signs illU change to display our new name, but what won't change is our solid commitment to searing you. Sincerely. -Cy Joe Mullins Regional President Seacoast National Bank Seacoast NATIONAL BANK ww'w,".seacoast nat io nal.coni 8(-)0 -!-89 -1657 N.ASDAQ SBCF MERCER DENTAL CLINIC ON Us 41, S. FT. MYERS A m'ULitid i an(,.I'I Cf c~u,', 'i ha'.' I p Z, -.r.- r, iri .-.1 F .1,r;.1. I Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee - Thursday, June 15, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeecnooee Thursday, June 15, 2006 U I AN AMERICAN REVOLUTION BRAND NEW 2006 CHEVROLET * Automatic Trans. * 275 HP Engine 4200 Vortec 16 Engine * ONSTAR * Cruise Control * Power Windows * Power Door Locks * 4 Wheel ABS Brakes * Aluminum Wheels. * Air Conditioning * AM/FM/CD And More * Stk#62122624 > SI E n Ms BRAND NEW :-A T 2006 COBAI I CHEVROLET 2.2L ENGINE, AIR CONDITIONING, AM/FM/CD AND MUCH MORE, STK#6F611873 iimi BS e gaFOR DIO N OFFM, :FUELI 1B1 COBAlTS AT DISCOUNTED PRICES .44fl w OVER 165 TRAILBLAZERS IN STOCK! BRAND NEW 2006 CHEVROLET AUTO, POWER SEATS, CRUISE, 16" WHEELS, AM/FM STEREO, 6 SPEAKER SYSTEM, SIDE AIRBAGS, STK#69277822 H[E DEALER N FOT EAIL' N FUEL PROTIOIUN. ON Saul m'1 M srmi[ SO M CDi:OrNS MAi APPtY BUYFOR IU MO 106 INPIAS AT DISCOUNTED PRICES BRAND NEW 201CHEVROLET LS PACKAGE, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, 5.3L ENGINE, POWER WINDOWS, POWER DOOR LOCKS, 6 WAY POWER SEAT AND MUCH MORE. STK#7R101741 18 52020 1 '151 I AT IISCUIIED PRICES 112 SI BRAND NEW 2006 CHEVROLET 'VORTEC 4300 V6 ENGINE, AUTO, CLIMATE CONTROL, AM/FM STEREO. SUSPENSION PKG. SPARE TIRE LOCK, STK#6Z112172 L' A FOR: sIIIOP1I8, AT DISCOHilD PRICES BRAND NEW 2006 CHEVROLET AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, AM/FM STEREO CD, POWER -WINDOWS & DOOR LOCKS AND MUCH MORE. STK#6J141166 ---'Iqq'laggag dM 55 SUBUANS AT IS PRICES 55 sgBgRBAlS AT lISCOU Tl PRICES Moe-akAllNw&Pe-we as rcsAre-roecedByOu MONEY= e~ACKG >,N SE E L R F R E A L .A L U L T E TI I D U E AR N R C S AR H R U H Y N P C E ND R C N I I NE O O R PE C F M N '00 CHEVROLET CAMARO COUPE AUTO, A/C, CLEAN, 33K MILES, STK#Y2129806....................... 7971 '05 CHEVROLET COBALT 4 DR, AUTO, A/C, GM CERTIFIED, 27K MILES, STK#57500408....... 10,884 '04 CHEVROLET COLORADO XCAB LS AUTO, A/C, 21K MILES, STK#848122987 ......................... 1,441 '03 GMC ENVOY SLE ALL POWER, STKt32219968..............-....................13,441 '05 CHEVROLET MALIBU MAXX ALUMINUM WHEELS, FULL POWER, GM CERTIFIED, STK#5Fl34218.... $14,951 '04 CHEVROLET 2500 LS REG CAB LB 5 SPD, 6.0 V8, GM CERTIFIED, 23K MILES, STK#4E217099A ..........15,951 '06 CHEVROLET TRAILBLAZER ALL POWER, GM CERTIFIED, 15K MILES, STK#62116494 ............. 17,991 '06 DODGE DAKOTA SLT CLUB CAB 4X4 AUTO, LOADED, 12K MILES, STK#65516245................18,881 '06 CHEVROLET 2500 EXPRESS CARGO V8, AUTO, GM CERTIFIED, STK#61170744...................1...8,981 '05 CHEVY AVALANCHE ONSTAR, XM RADIO, BOSE, LEATHER, 19K MILES, STK#5G122100 .... $2484 Ma roneCherolt 77 aeWcorthRd - .Maroone Chevrolet 5757 Lake Worth Rd. .. ... ......... .........v ..t Between Military Trail and Jog Road Greenacres j. 3r1-8IF 3*8-3N*324 STORE HOURS: MON-FRI 9AN-9PM SAT 9AM-7PM SUN 11AM-6PM SERVICE HOURS: MON-FRI 7AM-7PM SAT 8AM-SPM SUN CLOSED ,.n. n FOREST HILL BLVD. LANTANA RD. N L~aroone ~ EE u-frq.. rIp- *Leases (27 months Silverado Ext. Cab) (Impala 36 months) $1995 due at lease inception, plus tax, tag & title fees, no security deposit. With 750 Beacon score. *Money back guarantee based on 3 days/150 miles whichever comes first. Some restrictions may apply. See dealers for details. With approved credit. All prices include rebate in lieu of factory finance rate. You must present this ad at time of purchase or lease to receive these special prices. Advertised prices not applicable to exporters. Offers good on date of publication only. Offers not in conjunction with any other offer. Not responsible for typographical errors. Pictures are for Illustration purposes only. "Ghostbusters" (Parker. Jr.) used by permission of EMI Golden Torch Music & Raydiola Music. All rights reserved. 19962006 AutoNation Inc. Thursday, Jun6 15, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeecnobee BUY FOR: |