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H s Sl tuen sta ehn s P 1 GLADES CS IALL~ i: 2 F,05 *41 )UFP L I A RY O GAE rzi T Moore Haven, Fla. Thursday, May 25, 2006 Volume 79, Number 49 At a Glance River Rally set for June 3 Planning is under way for the second annual River Rally, sponsored by the City of Moore Haven, Main Street Moore Haven Inc. and the Christian Motorcycle Association. The events are slated for Saturday, June 3, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the historic Tom Perry Park, Riverside Drive, in Moore' Haven. Following the blessing of the bikes, enjoy live music, food, games and door prizes. Door prizes are sponsored by Ft. Myers Harley Davidson. For more information, call (863) 946-0300. Church plans Bible School The First Baptist Church of Moore Haven will have Vacation Bible School the week of June 5- 9, Monday-Friday, from 6 p.m. till 9 p.m. All children, from 3 years old through 6th grade, are invited to come. Come join in an "Arctic Edge'"adventure. MHHS a Reunion pllined The MHHS Class of '86 is having its 20 year reunion on Homecoming Weekend this year. Organizers are inviting the Class of '87 and Class of '88 to, join the fun, as well. Reunion planners are in need of assis- tance in locating and notifying all members of the above class- es. The initial plan is to have a tailgate type get-together the night of the Homecoming Game and, on the following, -day,have a BBQ for the family .. at the City Park or similar loca- tion. Anyone interested in assisting ma\ contact Darid Lee at diee-l.167';,'sleone.com o1 (863)946-2512. Lakeport plans hurricane seminar Lakeport Comrnriurin Asso- ciation will sponsor a Hurri- cane Seminar on June 6 at 7 p.m. at the Lakeport Communi- ty Center on Red Barn Road. Before the seminar, there will be a spaghetti supper (free) at 6:30 p.m. for those attending the seminar. Please make reser- vations for the supper, so organizers will know how many people to plan for. For more information, please call Jo Randolph at 227-4323. Hurricane relief still available Possible Help is still avail- able from the local Community Rebuilding Ecumenical Work- force (CREW). But you must register again! Call CREW at (863)983-4316 or email to: CREWheadquarters@aol.com. If you have registered and do not hear from us by the end of March, please let us know. CREW offices are at 352 W Arcade in Clewiston, and at 300 Avenue L in Moore Haven (inside the Methodist Church). Lake Level -, 12.84 Feet .. above sea level Index Classifieds ... .21-25 Obituaries ..........2 Opinion ....... ... .4 School ...... ... 11 See Page 2 for information about how to contact the newspaper. newszaplcom Community Links. Individual Voices. 0Il lI li0 lll 8 1651 00022 1 Prepare for hurricanes now Are you ready for a hurri- cane? In preparation for the upcoming hurricane season that starts on June 1, Glades County Emergency Management is beginning its hurricane aware- ness by hosting several seminars throughout the county. The seminars are free of charge. Some of the topics include hurricane preparedness, debris before and after, after the storm, shelters and much more. The dates and locations are: Buckhead Ridge Commu- nity Center, May 25, at 7:30 p.m.; Indian Hills Volunteer Fire Department, May 31 at 7p.m.; and, Palmdale Community Cen- ter June 13 at 7p.m. For more information, please contact the office of Emergency Management 863-946-6020. Governor Jeb Bush has signed legislation authorizing Florida's second annual 12-day sales tax holiday for hurricane .preparedness. The Hurricane Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday is an important component of Governor Bush's comprehen- sive plan to instill a "culture of preparedness" in Florida. Pre- pared citizens are better equipped to provide for the safe- ty of their families, reduce dam- age to their homes and recover more quickly from a disaster. "In this period of increased tropical activity, it is vital for all Floridians to prepare," said Gov- ernor Bush. "Families and busi- nesses that prepare are safer and recover quicker than those who don't plan and don't take action." Coinciding with National Hurricane Preparedness Week, the tax holiday began Sunday, May 21 and ends on the first day of the 2006 Hurricane Season, June 1. The 12-day holiday will save Floridians an estimated $41 million. Under the legislation, no state or local sales tax will be collected on hurricane pre- paredness items, including: Flashlights and portable, self- powered light sources $20 or less Portable radios, two-way radios and weather-band radios - for $50 or less Flexible waterproof sheeting (tarps) $50 or less Gas or diesel fuel containers -$25 or less Batteries -$30 or less i,:,relectic-:al food storage cers -- -$.i0 o:r less. Portable generators $1,000 or less Carbon monoxide detectors - $75 or less Storm shutter devices - $200 or less Cell phone batteries $60 or less "This legislation is an incen- tive for Floridians to stock up on supplies, as well as a reminder to prepare for the safety of their families," said Senator Carey Baker. "We've learned the hard way how important it is to prepare See Season-Page 14 Lakeport has youth summer event plans Thel L.Cil;:i:rl Community A i, ,iti~cti:.n h!ad ia busy meeting on May 9. La.:te or':r C mrnruriir A..oci- atior Jilll sponsor a Hulmcane Seminar on June 6 at 7 p.m. at the Lakeport Community Center on Red Barn Road. Before the seminar, there will be a spaghet- ti supper (free) at 6:.0I p.m. for tho-- attending the seminar. PleA~ e n-:,I:e reservations for the 'u:'P',- s.':, :P'I i :ei s will know II' i\ inari i.'pe-, leIo': r plan i The a.-.ciiiicri is planning a surniel \c h ll program on Tued,-ii; .,,indj Thiui s d :l s from 8 a.m. until noon, from June 6 through July 13. All Lakeport children, ages 5-12 are invited to attend. Tlie:e \u\i beI no charge to parents for this program. The program will include games, story time, crafts, snack, movies, etc. There will be a yard sale on May 20 beginning at 8 am. Food will be served, both for breakfast and lunch ,:Donarii:irs \1 ;i be accepted !:'io the LeA taiIt .lAny- one wanting a it.-bl ilna\ reni on for $5. This will be a big sale for i-,e LaE-l:pjir t -c..rnrruniri L -V ir."':":,:':- :.x '. 11l E,:Io to li'- .sum mr er ),:,ul'l p.:,gra:fm . To encourage reading in the See Seminar Page 14 Kissimnmee used widely in many recreation uses By MaiyAnn Morris Restoration of the Kissim- mee River is the largest river restoration project in the world. On Saturday April 29, 44 people; members of the public agencies that regulate the river and peo- ple interested in the opportuni- ties for outdoor fun gathered at the Basinger Community Center for a quarterly public meeting. These meetings are held quarterly so that the hikers, vari- ous hunters, boaters and inter- ested people can work with the public agencies that govern the Kissimmee River Valley and avoid conflicts of use. The Kissimmee Valley extends from west of Orlando to Lake Okee- chobee and much of the origi- nal meandering of the river is being restored. The first section is complete and two more phases are to See River Page 14 Students from Moore Haven Elementary School were recognized at a special meeting of the Glades County School Board last week. These students scored a Level Five, (the highest level possible iin reading or math), on I F(C.AT All of the third g'ade stu-I dents also celebrated the out- standing scores of the entire grade by having a fun day at MHES. They would like to thank their teachers, parents and the.Glades County School Board for donating the food and effort that made the fun day possible,, l;7. ..Asan ~~~~~~ i"' --r 3 ANato The following third grade students scored a level five, the highest level on the FCAT including: (left to right, front row) MHES Principal, Jim Brickel, Savanna Schlueter, Brian- na Luna and, Halee Rife. In the second row are: Erica Brickel, Wyatte Morton, Tanner Mathis and, Brooke Smith. Students in the third row are: Justin Fowler, Bronson Bass, Andrew Guajardo, Sabrina Inman, and Kyle Hubbard. Children prepare to have fun during Water Day By Barbara Oehlbeck MUSE Toward the close of the school year, students at West Glades School are excit- ed about Water Day as well as summer vacation, which is on .. ..- " its way. " The students who are privi- leged to take part in Water Day " are those who've met the . reading goals. Every student has been assigned four reading goals. ; " New goals are set for each r - quarter and this is the last one for the year, the last quarter. A student must reach three of the four goals to participate in ~ - Water Day. Goals are set for a certain amount of reading which is based on a point system. One goal is determined by the reading level, another goal is set for certification which is * the most difficult, one that is . See Water--Page 14 Many students at West Glades Elementary School have met all four of their reading goals. Submitted to Glades County Democrat c_- -ros. '*.~,. . 50 FCAT: MHE students score well , .... . . ;. . Erica Brickel, Justin Fowler and, Wyatt Morgan, scored at level five in the third grade FCAT test. Level five. is.the.highest level possible in the reading and math categories in the FCAT. Erica and Wyatt both scored a level five for reading and Justin for mathematics. Elementary students score well Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee LIFESTYLES Veronica and James Hart Bryant- Hart Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Bryant of Los Angeles, California are pleased to announce the marriage of their daughter Veronica Capri Bryant to Mr. James Edward Hart, Jr. The groom is the son of Rev. James and Laverne Hart of Clewis- ton. The bride is a 1998 graduate of Westchester High School. The per- spective groom is a 1998 graduate of Clewiston High School. The wedding took place on Sat- urday May 20, 2006 at the Embassy Suites Hotel in El Segundo, Califor- nia. The couple honeymooned in Las Vegas, Nevada and will reside in Atlanta, Georgia. Glades County Democrat/Thomas Fecker Yard sale in Lakeport The Lakeport Community Association Yard Sale was held Saturday. LCA members took the opportunity to promote the summer program planned for area children. Lake- port's Kids of Summer Program will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8 a.m. to noon, June 6-July 13. Obituaries [Ollmlr th ICHOSRO. NOSS SON REST BUY ALUMINUM. INC.'l~l Avilbl in WhteCler & eaFns Dade, outh lorida& SBCI CodeRequiement RofvesScen om Insulated Roof Vinyl Sidingll~~ Charlene and Jan Bugaiski Coats-, Bugaiski Charlene Jennings an Bugaiski were joined in ma on May 6, 2006. The groom is the son Submitted to INI/Charlene Jennings Bugaiski of Manchester England., SThe wedding c emony was held at Norse and Chaise Bed and Breakfast in Venice Beach, Florida. Lois Steketee officiated id Jan at the ceremony. marriage The bride was given away by Sean Diaz. The couple will reside of Jan in Southern California. Share your opinion on a free forum at www.newszapforums.com. Sandra Wynette Baker Sandra Wynette Baker, 51, of North Augusta, died May 19, 2006 in Augusta, SC. Survivors include her husband: Johnnie Wyatt Baker, daughters: Ashley Hancock and Taylor Baker; one son, Robert (Bessie) Crum; sis- ters: Joyce (John) Williams, Judy (Jack) Cramer, Margaret (Ray) Tay- lor; brothers: Kenneth, Michael, Carl (Carol), Buddy (Julie), Wayne, Robert (Elaine), Paul (Sarah), and James (Amy) Whitehead. She is also survived by grand- children: Justin, Michael, Mary Jane Crum and Landon Atwood Funeral services were held Tues- day, May 23, 2006 at 2 p.m. at Akin- Davis Funeral Home, Clewiston with Pastor Ben Williams officiating. Interment was in Ridgelawn Ceme- tery, arrangements were by Akin- Davis Funeral Home- Clewiston. Robert Gray Holt Robert Gray Holt, 85, of Clewis- ton, diedApril 27,2006 in Clewiston., He was born April 20, 1921 in Utica, N.Y. to Frank and Florence (Pratt) Holt He served during World War II in the Air Force and was a lifelong member of the VFW. He was employed by Holt Brothers Chrysler and was a former resident of Monks Corner, SC. Mr. Holt retired from The Spinicker, now Top O' Mast. Survivors include his wife, Verna (Charette) Holt, children, Gayle Mason of Forest City, NC, Annette Harris of California, Beecky Holt of California, and Davon Sogge of Cali- fornia, step-children, Dana Des- jardin and Elaine Ross, both of Flori- da, six grandchildren and one great grandchild. Cremation arrangements will be by Akin-Davis Funeral Home of Clewiston. Renee EWainz Renee P. Wainz, 79 of Belle Glade died April 20,2006. She was born of Belgian descent and dedicated her life to helping others by working at the Pahokee Hospital for over 25 years. Mrs. Wainz is survived by her lov- ing family, daughter, Betty Bennett of Belle Glade; son, (Maria) Wainz of Belle Glade; grandson, Richard (Lindsey) Bennett of Bowing Green; granddaughter, Nicole (Rafael) Romero of Honolulu, Hawaii; grandson, Shawn Wainz of Belle Glade; granddaughter, Dawn Michelle Wainz of Belle Glade; granddaughter, Genove (Ernesto) Canales of Pahokee; great-grand- son, Keegan Romero of Honolulu, Hawaii; great-granddaughter, Gabriella Garcia of Pahokee, along with her best friend and companion (dog) Peewee, in addition to a large extended family from Belgium and many, many friends and loved ones. The family has entrusted the care of their loved one to Dorsey-E. Earl Smith Memory Gardens Funer- al Home in Lake Worth. In lieu of flowers, donations may be 'made on behalf of Renee P. Wainz to Hos- pice of Palm Beach County. ( ., TOUCHDOWN% BREAKFAST '10% OFF 2 Pancaeseggs, 2 e acon Breakfast, strips and 2 sausage links I Lunch or Dinner I Must Present Couponi l I Not valid i'oiani other on0ly $ 9 offer Exp 6 3)0. 06 e. d--------J r - - I10% OFF: SBreakfast, I Lunch or n Dinner , AIDhCl F'P::,' fit I '' :,ii I N. .i ml or i;.I Ii I r E.p 6 I 116I. III. rhT~ I=7 1030 West Sugar CleI\iston, F 863-983- ., I ,:I.A rland Hw .y.-< -lorida 3663 *^ ft OPENING THIS FALL " 2006 ITTL E EINSTEiNs PRESCHOOL *FULLTIME PRESCHOOL & AFTER CARE *3-4 YEAR OLD 5 DAY PROGRAM *ABEKA CURRICULUM *COMPUTER LAB *CERTIFIED TEACHER WITH 6 YEARS EXP. *PRESCHOOL 8 A.M 12 P.M. AFTER CARE 12 P.M. 5:15 P.M. *EARLY DROP OFF AVAILABLE 7:30 A.M. 8 A.M. REGISTER NOW! CALL TO RESERVE YOUR CHILD'S SPOT! OWNER: JENNIFER PRICE 863-983-8494/863-673-2027 520 EAST ALVERDEZ CLEWISTON, FLORIDA Need a Roof before the Rain gets here? We Specialize in All Roofs Especially metal. Commercial and Residential FREE ESTIMATES Call Today PACK ROOFING, INC. 890 B. Road LaBelle, FL 33935 I 863-674-5775 Fax 863-674-5772 Lic #1327233 For info about secondhand smoke or to anonymously report workplace violations, call 1-800-337-3742. Weddings --- d .: - HEALTH HEALTH Thursday, May 25, 2006 r ; IL!F JJi .KLJiJ IJ JJJ i ! 'Pre Sales Re Sales Over 10 Spectacular Oceanfront Resorts From 5149,000 '2,000,000 Thni is an oppolaunnly of a lifetime to nwn GNUQ your rs beauuful o(eadnfronr condominium -- -.r- in Myrtle Bea h, south Carollna. BotinA As~ onae i The East Coasts'Favorite Beach! (all 1.800.634.2500 or visit wwmwentury21boling.oom E, .. for mre information gl L e o. ,' ,, .:.. - I ' Thursday, May 25, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Sugar farming part of Flo By MaiyAnn Morris Sugarcane is a tropical grass native to Asia where it has been grown for over 4,000 years. Meth- ods for manufacturing sugar from sugarcane were developed in India about 400 BC. Christo- pher Columbus brought the plant to the West Indies, and today sugarcane is cultivated in tropical and sub-tropical regions throughout the world. Over 75 percent of the world's sugar comes from sugarcane. Florida's sugar cane farms are just one of the agriculture indus- tries in the Everglades Agricultur- al Area. Sugar part of Florida history Long ago, sugar was grown in many areas of Florida. It was first commercially manufactured in Florida near New Smyrna from 1767 until 1776. Near the Homosassa River, is a state park to mark the site of the old Yulee Sugar Mill. David Levy Yulee was a member of the Territorial Leg- islative Council, and served in the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate operated a sugar plantation from 1851 to 1864. Spain had deeded most of the land to Mr. Yulee during the Span- ish occupation. The mill pro- duced sugar, syrup and molasses. (Molasses was used to make rum.) The supplied of sugar products for southern troops dur- ing the Civil War, but was aban- doned. Later, in the late 1800s, Hamilton Disston, who master- minded the drainage of the Ever- glades also had a sugar planta- tion is St. Cloud, but it fell to bad management. Modern sugar farms Although sugarcane can be grown anywhere in Florida, the commercial sugarcane industry is in south Florida around the south- ern tip of Lake Okeechobee. This area is so compact, most Florida visitors never see a sugarcane field. Palm Beach County accounts for about 70 percent of the commercial sugarcane acreage. The remainder is grown in the adjacent counties: Martin, Glades, and Hendry. The fertile organic soil and the warming influence of Lake Okee- chobee bring the sugar industry here. Killing cold temperatures don't often happen near the lake. There is generally adequate water and lots of sunshine. 400,000 acres in crops Recently, there has been a slight decline in commercial sug- arcane production in Florida. Sug- arcane acreage has decreased from a high of 454,400 acres in the 2000-01 crop to about 400,000 acres in the 2004-05 crop. The 2000-2001 crop yielded 2.02 million tons of raw sugar. The 2004-05 crop yielded 1.56 million tons of raw sugar. In 2004- 05, Florida contributed an esti- mated 51.3 percent of the cane sugar and 21.4 percent of the total sugar produced in the United States, including beet sugar. Putting Florida's cane crop into perspective, prior to the Cuban embargo in 1961, Florida had only 50,000 acres of sugar- cane as compared to 400,000 acres in 2004-05. In 2004, Flori- da's raw sugar crop was valued at roughly $550 million, according to the United States Department of Agriculture. Sugarcane is Florida's most valuable field crop, worth more than the combined value of the Florida-grown corn, soybean, tobacco, and peanut crops. Sug- arcane ranks third in Florida's agricultural economy, behind the greenhouse/nursery and citrus industries. Environmental concerns Not only does sugar support Florida's economy, but also, most of the fibrous portion of the cane stalks, called "bagasse" is burned as fuel for the mills. This saves an estimated 113 million gallons of fuel oil or 2.1 billion kilowatt hours of electricity each year. Since sugarcane is over half water to start with, enough water is recovered during processing so that sugar mills actually produce water rather than consume it. Most of the "smoke" coming from sugar mills is actually steam com- ing from the mill boilers. Research under way At Canal Point, the USDA-ARS Sugarcane Field Station works to produce improved varieties adapted to Florida conditions. High sugar yields, disease resist- ance, rapid growth, and tolerance to high water tables are among the traits sought in new sugar- cane varieties. At Belle Glade, the University of Florida Everglades Research and Education Center cooperates in the variety development pro- gram and conducts research on sugarcane nutrition and physiolo- gy, pest control, water use, and other problems. At Immokalee, the University of Florida Southwest Florida Research and Education Center researches to help sugarcane pro- ducers on the mineral soils of southwest Florida. Research results and recommendations (fertilization, weed control, etc.) are presented in reports and meetings sponsored by the Uni- versity of Florida Cooperative Extension Service. United States Sugar Corpora- tion, Florida Crystals Corporation, and the Sugar Cane Growers Cooperative of Florida, do their own research and also support research programs at University of Florida and USDA facilities. How is cane grown? Sugarcane is planted from late August through January. A favor- able variety of sugarcane is plant- ed by using parts of the mother plant, which produces new plants. As of 2005, hand planting is still commonly practiced. Por- tions of mature sugarcane fields are saved for "seed cane" (the cane used for the next planted crop). Instead of being mechani- cally harvested, these stalks of seed cane are hand-cut with machetes, loaded onto wagons, transported to the new field, and dropped horizontally into shallow furrows. Cane stalks have buds ("eyes") every 2 to 6 inches and each bud can sprout rapidly when buried in moist soil (http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/SC034). Within 2 to 3 weeks, shoots emerge and, under favorable con- ditions, produce secondary shoots to give a dense stand of cane. Sugarcane is harvested from late-October through mid-April. If there are no freezes, sugar yields are typically highest after Decem- ber. Years ago, sugarcane was hand-harvested using cane knives. Improvements in mechanical harvesters have resulted in a total movement away from hand harvesting. Machine-harvested acreage increased from 30 percent in 1987 to 100 percent in 1993. Ripe cane is burned to get rid of dead leaves and other trash that would otherwise interfere with the harvest, increase transporta- tion costs to the mill, clog milling machinery, and absorb sugar dur- ing the extraction process. Fields are burned just before harvest. The fires are rather spectacular but of short duration (a 40-acre field burns in 15-20 minutes). Burning is done only in the day- time (under a permit from the Department of Forestry) when dispersal of the smoke by air cur- rents causes the minimum nui- sance. After burning, mechanical harvesters cut and deposit the cut cane directly, into field wagons. Tractors haul 16 tons of cane out of the field with each 4-wagon load. At special ramps near the field, the cane is dumped from the wagon into highway trailers or rail cars to be taken to the mills. Rail cars carry 25 to 30 tons each and highway trailers carry 20 tons per load. Refining the sugar At the mill, the cane is crushed between heavy rollers to squeeze out the juice. Small amounts of hot water are then added and the fiber is squeezed four more times to remove as much juice as possi- ble. Then lime is then added to the juice to help filter out cane fibers and soil, and keep the desirable sugar (sucrose) from going into other sugar forms that won't crystallize. The sucrose solution is concentrated by evap- orating off the water (which is recovered and reused by the mill) until raw sugar crystals form. For each pound of sugar produced, 6.5 pounds or 3 quarts of water must be boiled off. Raw sugar is stored in high piles in large warehouses until it is shipped to a refinery. Looking like very coarse sand, it is moved by belt conveyors, front-end load- ers, or dump trucks, loaded into large dump trucks, railcars, barges, or ships for transporta- tion to refineries. Two refineries in our area make both granulated and liquid sugar: one in South Bay and the other in Clewiston. The granulat- ed sugar is packaged in con- sumer-size bags while liquid- sugar is shipped in tanker trucks to use in beverages, processed foods, and bakery goods. America's sweet tooth On average, each person in the United States consumes about 61.5 pounds of refined sugar per person per year (2004); roughly 205 stalks of sugarcane. At 30,000 stalks per acre, one acre grows roughly enough for 146 Ameri- cans a year If that sounds like a lot of sugar, realize: sugar is consumed as follows: 32 percent as pack- aged sugar, 20 percent in bakery and cereal products, 15 percent in confectionery products, 6 percent in dairy products, 5 percent in processed foods, and 4 percent in beverages. Who grows the sugar cane? Over 70,000 acres of sugar- cane are farmed by the imember- growers of the Sugar Cane Grow- ers Cooperative of Florida. From this acreage, on an annual basis, over 350,000 tons of raw sugar is produced. Once refined, this is enough to serve the average annual demand of more than 9 million Americans. The cooperative engages in the activities necessary to be suc- cessful in the complex, science- intensive arena that is sugar farm- ing. It provides the services of harvesting, transporting and milling of sugarcane and the mar- keting of raw sugar and black- strap molasses. Today, 54 grower-members make up the Cooperative. Always, each member, no matter how large or small his farm, is treated equally, with each mem- ber having one vote. A Board of Directors determines policy and provides direction for the man- agement team. Day-to-day busi- ness operations are handled by the professionals who make up the staff. US Sugar In 1921, the Pennsuco Sugar Company, which owned several hundred thousand acres of land from Miami to Lake Okeechobee, sent Ernest Graham to Florida to drain the swamps and plant sug- arcane to supply its Philadelphia refinery. Pennsuco built a mill near what is now Hialeah in 1921. In 1926, a hurricane struck and flooded the area. Pennsuco gave up sugar farming and eventually retreated completely. The Pennsuco mill became part of the Southern Sugar Company in 1925. The Clewiston Sugar Mill was opened by Southern Sugar in 1929. It could process 1,500 tons of cane per day. This attempt also failed. Then in April, 1931, automo- rida's agricultural tive pioneer, industrialist and ices: www.uf.ifas.fl.edu; Florida w philanthropist Charles Stewart Cooperative Extension Service, Pa Mott transformed the bankrupt Institute of Food and Agricultural ta Southern Sugar Company into Sciences, University of Florida, RE United States Sugar Corporation. Gainesville Fla.;, Everglades w Mott revived the company and Research and Education Center, ar convinced other investors and Belle Glade; Florida Cooperative ht creditors that the dream of grow- Extension Service, UF/IFAS, Uni- Fa ing sugar in the rich muck soils versity of Florida; United States pr around Lake Okeechobee was Sugar Corp web sitewww.ussug- m not only possible, but profitable. ar.com; Sugar Cane Growers fri Mott eventually led U.S. Sugar to Cooperative of Florida web site sc its position as one of the coun- try's most successful agricultural D ADRIAI operations. DR. ADRIAi Through the 1930s, American producers were limited by U.S. is announcing the closure of his policy to supplying no more than 30 percent of the U.S. market, at 540 W. Sagamore A which hindered the growth of the as of June 23, 2006 with plans Florida industry. Despite heavy P lobbying by domestic sugar pro- Please contact the office for recol ducers, the government quotas future folio were not lifted until World War II, when sugar was needed to feed 863 O9 the military and German U-boats 8J9 lurked in the waters off the coast of Florida. In 1959, U.S. Sugar increased its milling operation with the con- AA BJ- struction of an additional facility on the southeastern rim of Lake I Okeechobee. The Bryant Sugar Mill would be the world's most FOR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, modern. AUNIrnrO ..a nA IM lwainiAwl niVni i Some history Despite favorable growing conditions, sugar production in Florida struggled for many years. In the 1930s, a mill was built in Fellsmere, near Vero Beach. It operated until 1965. During World War II another mill was moved from Puerto Rico to Okeelanta, near South Bay. As others recognized the poten- tial of the lake area, new sugar cane operations began to arrive with the U.S embargo of Cuba in the 1960s. The industry began a period of dramatic growth. Flori- da's sugar industry expanded in order to replace sugar once imported from Cuba. After the Cuban revolution, the Florida sugar industry grew rapidly. Florida Crystals After Castro took over Cuba and seized their property, the Fan- jul family fled to America, bring- ing their generations of sugar making expertise with them. Presently, the four Fanjul brothers, Alfonso, Jose, Andres and Alexan- der own and manage their pri- vately held Flo-Sun Corporation. Flo-Sun Corporation is .the Umbrella corporation for a num- ber of diverse businesses, includ- ing Florida Crystals. The company owns and farms 180,000 acres of sugar fields in South Florida and owns and operates the Okeelanta Sugar Mill near South Bay. Water management Sugar farms require water to grow sugarcane. A relatively high water table (deeper than 24 inch- es below ground) is desirable, so when heavy rains come during the growing season, water must be pumped off the fields to avoid damaging the crop. When there is no rain, water must be pumped back in to keep the cane growing. In the off season, fields are sometimes deliberately flooded for weeks at a time. This helps control weeds, disease and insects and slows subsidence of the peat soil. Some farmers grow rice in the fields during the other- wise fallow time. After being used as a cover crop for many years, rice was first harvested as a grain in 1977. Experiments have shown that planting rice means an increased sugar yield the next year. Growing rice in rotation with sugarcane is a "best management practice" (BMP). Researchers at University of Florida developed the standards for the BMPs for South Florida Water Management District and the Florida Department of Envi- ronmental Regulation monitors pesticide residue in runoff from the farms. BMPs became manda- tory in January, 1995 with the main objective to reduce phos- phorous from fertilizer in the runoff from the farms. As of 2004, phosphorous has been reduced 44 percent overall for the Ever- glades Agricultural Area, much more that was anticipated. Some information for this arti- cle came from the following serv- history ww.scgc.org; Florida State arks web site www.floridas- teparks.org; Everglades search and Education Center eb site www.erec.ifas.ufl.edu, nd USDA web site, tp://www.ers.usda.gov/State- acts/FL.htm. Note: Flo-Sun is a ivately owned business. Infor- nation for Flo-Sun was obtained om various on-line news forces. I FEDELE practice of General Surgery We., Clewiston, FL Sto relocate to California. rds and possible referrals for lw-up. -,5026 m As seen onTV. IIUI IEIO iiinU I NOUmUNi rIL r 1UUIO (800) 79447310 J.G. WentworthmeansCASH NOW for Sltmnd Settuemennts Specializing In Custom Manufacturing D & J Machinery, Inc. Hubzone Cert. 728 E. Trinidad Ave. Clewiston, FL 33440 863-983-3171 SUNRISE APPLIANCE New In Box or Scratch & Dent Full Factory Warranty Save More In. oore Haven We Also Carry Used Appliances With Warranty StS IHwyK1, Moore aven 863t9462666 DE rRE Same Day Service MERCER DENTAL CLINIC ON Us 41, S. FT. MYERS *' Lab On Premises GENERAL ANESTHESIA AVAILABLE CALL FOR YOUR PRICE QUOTE AND INFORMATION. 1-866-226-9400 TOLL FREE The patient and any other'person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment that is preformed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee or reduced fee service., examination or treatment. 2 ... ... , 'ou re o, a roll no..., grodualte:' Thls prciao l time in your life i: iutl the .i-or of manr more good Ihings lo come As you move for-.ard lo'..ard ne... evperiences, challeri ge.. and ochie ementc, ..- ..-.h ,o good luck. good health and much happiness Congratulations and best wishes to all of our area grads! A' t, ~ SfD Memorial Tribute Remember a loved one who has departed with a special Memorial Tribute in this newspaper. 1*- a M Your tribute can be published following the memorial services, or to commemorate an anniversary ofyour loved one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph of your loved one, lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders -- and we'll make sure it all comes together attractively and tastefully Visit www2.newszap.com/memorlas for sample ads and an onlne order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 toll free. New Summer Hours 7:00 AM. to 4:00 P.M. "'i ii ': -, AUTO B()i)Y 903p44#0 ' The OL OXBOW Lounge is OPEN Monday through Thursday 5 p.m. 11 p.m. HAPPY HOUR 5 p.m. 7 p.m. Vacancies starting at $84 1 Oxbow Drive LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-4411 Fax: 863-675-4892 asl* -*K4.^-8 S -aeiH^^-^^-i C-"--i--* --s---- --I~"- Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 25, 2006 4 OPINION Serin th omnte ot fLk kehbeTusaMy2,20 Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the MooreHaven/Glades issues forum at http/Avww.newszapfo- rums.con/forum57. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits. Letter to the Editor Crew helping community CREW has helped people throughout our community (Hendry and Glades counties) Sand identified others that will need help for several months. 'Over the next three months, CREW has already scheduled three volunteer crews from Lake- land, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana who are volunteering their time, donating supplies and costs or transportation and per- sonal costs to come to our com- munity to help rebuild homes and mend lives. CREW has identified many people with needs and it will take a long time to meet all their needs, obviously the more volunteers we have and the more donations we have, the quicker this process will be. Many other long term recovery groups that have helped communities like ours found it takes years. CREW expects the same. I wanted to take the time to acknowledge the many people who have helped get us to where we are today. I think it is impor- tant that the community knows how local individuals and busi- ness have helped us, as well as those from far away. Crystal Strickland, Patricia and David Adams, AGAPE home, and Bab- cock Furniture donated mattress for people whose mattresses were destroyed in the hurricane. Rawl's Real Estate donated office furniture. The Career and Service center has donated office equip- ment and supplies. Blue tarps were donated from the Core of Engineers, New Harvest Church, and the First United Methodist Church. Lumber was donated by Ronald Rounds, who also volun- teered time and skilled labor. Bentley Killmon donated use of truck. Carson Killmon, Miguel Herrera and Tracy Rounds donat- ed time and labor. Veronica Gam- bel donated dry wall as did David- son's Dry Cleaners who also gen- erously donated paneling and carpet. David and Tommy McClussky donated time and labor. Wanda Banks donated a hot water heater. David Adams volunteered time and skilled labor and use of materials. The City of Clewiston has provided us office space, and City Building and Zon- ing Department has provided invaluable advice and feedback for us as we prepare to help clients rebuild their homes. The First United Methodist Church also has donated a lot of time, food, and office space and office supplies and covered a lot of our start up costs and hosted several volunteer groups. Pastor and Kathy Hicks, of this same church, also provided numerous hours of volunteer time and professional expertise, as well as furniture. The Community Presbyterian Church donated a Shed and volunteer time. The First Baptist Church donated time and labor. In addition, we have lots of exciting things happening. We are hoping to assist at least 5 families living in condemned trailers apply for new donated ones, assist a volunteer group and family build a home from the ground up, repair interior damage for those whose insurance only covered their roofs, repair and replace roofs, referral and advocacy as well as case management servic- es to families, education, and many other services. We have vol- unteer groups coming in from Lakeland, Ohio, Indiana and Pennsylvania. We also hope to increase our volunteer labor by recruiting local individuals and organizations to assist as well. Thankyou, Trish Adams CREW Executive Director Hendry/ Glades County Foundation helped Glades Happenings of Yesteryear By Jeanette Peeples The 2006 Class of Moore Haven High School will be grad- uating 51Seniors this year. In looking through old issues of the Glades County Democrat some interesting items were found regarding previous graduations which we would like to share. From the May21, 1926 Demo- crat: SIX GRADUATE THIS WEEK FROM MOORE HAVEN HIGH SCHOOL Commencement was held Thursday night with 6 graduat- ing this week from Moore Haven High School. Salutatorian was Sherman Click and Valedictorian was Delphine Deyeart. Other graduates were Sinclair Bales, Edna Lee, Louise DuBose and Mrs. Leo Willingham Smith. From the May 25, 1956 Demo- crat: LARGEST GRADUATING CLASS IN MHHS HISTORY (22) Valedictorian was Linda Roberts, Salutatorian was Eleanor Vowell and the Com- mencement address was deliv- ered by Milton Adkins, a former graduate of MHHS and practic- ing attorney. Others in the class were: Grace Ball, Fisher Ange, Gloria Bishop, Jerry Beck, Joe Ann Bus- sell, Howard Bowen, Rebecca Click, Richard Cawthorn, Laneive Collins, George Glover, Sarah Cooksey, Gary Haskew, Judy Pape, Wayne Owens, Wanda Vowell, Clyde Strickland, Paula Walters, Clayton Taylor, Glenn Taylor, Milton Walker. The Library is interested in obtaining copies of old Moore Haven School annuals and oral histories regarding living in Glades County and if y6u are willing to share them to contact either the Library or Jeanette Peeples. Our goal is to preserve our History and Heritage. Community Briefs Free services to help elders Center for Independent Living will be doing outreach on a regu- lar basis at the Moore Haven, Clewiston, and LaBelle sites between the hours of noon to 2: 30 p.m. You can contact Tera or Linda at the Center for Indepen- dent Living at (941) 766-8333 in Charlotte County to find out the days that they will be available in those areas. Economic Council Meetings planned The Glades County Economic Development Council normally meets the first Monday of the month at 6:15 p.m. in the confer- ence room at Glades Electric Cooperative. If you are not a member, please contact the EDC about joining. If you are a mem- ber, please plan to attend the meetings. As the Main Street effort and other initiatives move for- ward, we will need a host of knowledgeable volunteers to serve on various committees and we encourage your participation. American Legion open for bingo Moore Haven American Legion Post 299 is now having bingo, Saturday nights at 6 p.m. Hamburgers, drinks and dessert will be provided at a minimal cost. B.H.R. Moose Lodge events The lodge is located on U.S. 78 W. in Buckhead Ridge. Regular bingo is played Tuesdays at 12:30 p.m. Lunch is available each day. Members and qualified guests may play. Wednesday feature an Italian dinner or alternate entree from 5 7:15 p.m. and Saturday's dinner is from 5 7:15 p.m. Music for dancing starts at 7:30 p.m. Call the lodge to see who is playing. Sunday morning breakfast is served from 8 to 10:15 a.m. Vendors wanted for River Rally Vendors are wanted for the second annual River Rally, spon- sored by the City of Moore Haven, Main Street Moore Haven Inc. and the Christian Motorcycle Associa- tion. The rally is slated for Satur- day, June 3, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the historic Tom Perry Park, Riverside Drive in Moore Haven. Booth space is $25. Proceeds will benefit Main Street Moore Haven, Inc. For more information, phone (863) 946-0300. VFW Post #9528 The VFW Post #9528 is locat- ed at 2002 Hwy. 78 W. in Buck- head Ridge. For more information call (863467-2882. Post hours are from noon unfil 8 p.m. daily. Wednesday is Ladies Auxilidry dinner from 5:30-7 p.m., and the cost is $5. Every Thursday, the post has bar bingo at 12:45 p.m. Lunch will be available. Every Fri- day'a steak dinner with baked potato, salad and rolls are served from 5:30 -7 p.m. with a $9 dona- tion. Dancing immediately fol- lows the dinner. All games and special events are shown on three televisions. The game room has a regulation- size pool table. Post meetings are held on the second and fourth Saturday of the month, beginning at 10 a.m. Commander Albert Crank is available at 467-2882. Moore Haven youth School News in Brief VFW Post #10539 The VFW will be open Monday through Wednesday 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; Thursday, 10 a.m.-lO p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m.-11 p.m., or later; and Sunday, 1 8 p.m. Happy hour is from 4- 6 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Dinner is served at 5 p.m. Tuesday evenings. Bar bingo starts at 12:45 p.m. Wednesday. Lunch will be available. Singles darts every Wednesday, 7 p.m. Cafeteria is open from 5 8 p.m., Thursday nights. Friday at 7 p.m. there will be live music and dancing. On Saturday, hotdogs with kraut are served at noon. Saturday dart doubles at 7 p.m. Diabetes Awareness Hendry County Health Depart- ment Heart to Heart Program and Senior Connections are offering an eight-week Diabetes Class at 2 p.m. each Wednesday at the Nobles Senior Center. Classes include the diabetic diet, under- standing carb-counting, eye and foot care, and the ABC's of dia- betes (the AlC test, Blood Pres- sure, and Cholesterol. All diabet- ics, long term or newly diagnosed, are welcome. Support Services The Agricultural and Labor Program, Inc. located in Winter Haven, has been awarded a grant from the Department of Commu- nity Affairs to provide Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP) services to eligible applicants in Hendry and Glades cpunties,..For an application and/or information please call (800)330-3491. Addiction recovery help At NARCONON ARROWHEAD we have the answers to addiction recovery, call us at 800-468-6933 or log onto our web site at www.stopaddiction.com. Poker Run is fundraiser The Glades County Volunteer Fire Department and Glades County Sheriff's Office will host a guided poker run, Saturday, June 3 as part of the second annual River Rally. Riders will sign up at City Park at 8 a.m., with the first bikes out at 9:30 a.m. Registration is $20 or $30 for bikers riding tan- dem. Registration includes barbe- cue chicken or rib dinner with all the fixin's. Proceeds benefit Glades County volunteer fire departments. For more informa- tion, contact EMS director Bob Jones at (863) 946-0566. Addiction recovery help Narconon reminds parents *that during the summer months, children are more apt to let bore- dom set in and drugs and alcohol can work into their lives. To help your child this summer, learn to recognize the signs of drug and alcohol addiction and get the help they need. If you or someone you know is struggling with an addiction, call Narconon. NARCONON offers free addiction counseling, assess- ments, and referrals to rehabilita- tion centers nationwide by calling 1-800-468-.6933 or logging onto \\\wv.stopaddictionr.com. MOORE HAVEN The Moore Haven High School Scholarship Foundation was able to reach their goal of $35,000 thanks in part to a successful fundraiser held this year. Two sides of beef and a brand new deep freezer were raffled off with the drawing taking place on May 12 at the conclusion of the sponsorship banquet. The winner. was Elaine McGrory from Moore Haven. The beef was donated by U- Save and had been purchased at the Youth Livestock Sale. This year the foundation was able to award the four continuing Valedictorian Scholarships and 20 additional scholarships of $1,000 each to this year's graduating sen- iors who will be attending college or technical schools. The Honorable Denise Grims- ley, State Representative, was the keynote speaker. The Scholarship Foundation would like to thank everyone who contributed to make this year's fund raising efforts a success. Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include: * Belle Glade/South Bay issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum51 * Clewiston issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum52 * Hendry County issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum54 e Moore Haven/Glades issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum57 * Okeechobee city/county issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum58 * Pahokee Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum59 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community forums and links." Gades C5unt dnmcat Our Purpose... The Glades County Democrat is published tcy Independent Newspapers of Florida. Independent is owned by a unique trust that enables this newspa- per to pursue a mission of journalistic service to the citizens of the commu- nity Since no dividends are paid. the company is able to thrine on profit margins below industry standards. All alter-tax surpluses are reinvested in Independent's mission of journalistic service commitment to the ideals of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and support of the comm- munrty's deliberation of public issues We Plede... * ro operate this newspaper as a public trust * To help our commurury become a better plIce Io Ise and work, through our dedicaion to consoentio.u jumaisrm * I Fproide the irdormanu.tn cituens need t, make their .wjn intelligent deiins about public issue, * To report the news w'th honey, accuracy', :.bectniit., ifleissnes and compeasin. * To use our oipunon pages tio faifitas e corrlfmty debate. at to dominae it with our own OpiIons. * lb diclose uri own confllo of interest o po ental conflicts to our reader STt, corre.t our eors and to give each cor lectionr I, the proiritnenr- it ide-ir'. STlb provide a night to reply to those we write about. STo treat people with courtesy, respect and compassion. EdbrW:al Nem wEdii..,r j.i Zd.pz Ni ws Ckrk idW&ba GvvArcez Advfftiing amml wcffbhakewb~mwUa c Ad~u rarig Dirrla Judy Katen 1 4 onil Accoess. Jq Porii.r, Adveftlag Maargr Brands leraido Wsero~rr ~~T~'s-. 'Lw, Ad'- Chaminime. i.. Sriniti Pr, drii.. E D1 l 1i.- 4i.o'ler i Flo. ds h C'..an: Tin Bvrd Ex-cuno e E-livi Minna~ Ew-,ci Member of Florida Press Assciiatlion MHHS Class Reunion The MHHS Class of '86 is hav- ing their 20 year reunion on Homecoming Weekend this year. Planners are inviting the Class of '87 and Class of '88 to join us, as well. They are in need of assis- tance in locating and notifying all members of the above classes. The initial plan is to have a tailgate type get-together the night of the Homecoming Game and, on the following day, have a BBQ for the family at the City Park or a similar location. Anyone interested in assisting may contact David Lee at dlee-1967@skyeone.com or (863)946-2512. TechBridge Youth training TechBride Youth training serv- ices a program that is dedicated to enhancing the employability and work readiness skills of Out of School Youth between the ages of 16 and 21 who live in the Hendry/Glades area, is presently accepting applications for enroll- ment and is ready to assist young adults who are ready to deploy on the road to success. In association with the Clewiston Adult School and the Clewiston Career and Development Services Center, we offer students the opportunity to obtain their GED as well as con- duct job searches and assistance with continuance of their educa- tional goals. For more informa- tion contact Patrick Coleman at (863)983-1300 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday -Friday. School Board meetings set Regular meetings will now take place on the second Thurs- day at 6 p.m. and the fourth Thurs- day at 9 p.m. in the Glades County School Board meeting room, 400 10th Street SW, Moore Haven. School Accountability Report The NCLB School Public Accountability Report from Moore Haven Junior-Senior High School is available on the school Web site http://glades.edgate.org/moore- haven/index.php. Copies of the report are also available in the school's main office, 700 Terrier Pride Drive SW, Moore Haven. FCAT scores avail- able West Glades Elementary reminds parents that FCAT scores may be picked up at the school office, Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. GED classes set The Glades County School District is offering GED prep classes at Moore Haven High School, Room 26-003, for adults who wish to obtain their GED. Classes are Tuesday and Thurs- day nights from 6-8 p.m. You may register the night of the classes. If you have any ques- tions you may call Scott Bass at (863)946-0202 ext. 13. Children's advocates needed The Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) Program needs volun- teers to represent the best inter- ests of abused, abandoned and neglected children before the court, social service agencies and the community. No special educational degree is required. Guardians need to be someone with common sense, good judg- ment and a commitment to helping a child. Attendance at three training sessions held in Fort Myers is required. Please contact Kelie Hedrick at: (239)461-4360 or (800)269-6210 for more information, and to reserve your space for training. Accountability report The "No Child Left Behind School Public Accountability Report" for Moore Haven Ele- mentary School is now available in the elementary school office. If you would like a copy of the report, please stop by the office and one will be made available to you. Stop the violence .The Hendry and Glades Domestic and Sexual Violence Council's mission is to increase community awareness about domestic and sexual violence and victim safety by providing services, referrals and education relating to the affects of domes- tic/sexual violence in our com- munity. The meetings rotate between LaBelle, Clewiston and Moore Haven. To get involved in the council or for information about meeting dates and times, please call Abuse Council and Treatment, Inc.'s Rural Exten- sion (REACT): (863)674-1811 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. to speak with an advocate. Community Links. Individual Voices. L Glades County Democrat Published by Independent Newspaper, Inc. Serving Glades County Since 1923 To Reach Us Address: PO. Boa 1236 Clewiston. Fla 33440 Website: wwn,newszap com To Submit News The Glades Counry Democrat wel- comes subrmi'sons from its readers OFpinons, calendar items, stories, ideas and photographs are welcome Call ,566-399-5253 to reach our new.'- roiom Items may- be mailed, fa.wed or e-malled The deadline for all newv, items is 12 p m. Monrdap prior to the fillc..'.ng Thurisday's publication. E-mail: gcdnew; 'lnerszp corn To Place A Classified Ad Call iA77)353-2424 to place a classi- fied adiertisement irum home. The deadline for all advertising is 12 p.m Monday; Ior the following Thursday's publication. Fax: 1-877-354-2424. S-mail claesadals'news zp.com To Place A Display Ad Call k66.399.5253. deadline for all advertising is 12 p m. Monday for the i;ll,:,.,.n p Thu, sdJa pubhlcaution. Fa, I.S63.983.7537 E-mall .:,ud-laJk. ,jadi ,.'new zap >com Advertising Billing Department E-mail: billteam@newszap.com To Start or Stop A Paper Phone: (877)353-2424 E-mail: readewru..: i 'e.e: ip ..m The Glade- Couiry Democrat is delivered by mail :' suiscbntber. on Thur:dry and i; sold n rda:k and store lcations in the Gladej County area Call iS77i353-2424 t: report a missed newspaper ':r peixr delivery Gl.es County Democrat USFS 219'60O Publihhed Weekl% by Independenti rlewsp.,pes, Inc Clewton.FL 33140 for $24.61 p ftssr nyea cuding tas. SSecond Clasn potage paid at Cle I ton Florida. Postmatrer send address rhangra to Ihe Glades Counry D-emocra Cir.:latin Adnjmmntiruji:.'r PO BOs 7011 Dover. DE 19913)i Printing Pnnrir ad Sunrhi .r Pnnrtnc amt i jldrv of Indepenrder Niewpap.r, E.mrfl mail nnn".,-j'' r',I Buy, Sell or Trade in the Classifieds, Pages 21-25 Thursday, May 25, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday. May 25. 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee JAMIE NAVARRO GIVE HIM A CALL ON HIS CELL AT (239) 822-9272 _ REALTY C. BAGANS FIRST r tijj W OR t'LL) 30 Colorado Rd. Lehigh Acres, FL 33936 S BROK)l NETWORK fV JustApprox10 Miles NEofLaBele. Mustsee 3/2 Ranch style home on 9.5 acres. This home fea- tures built in double oven, range top, cathedral ceilings, metal roof, plenty of cab-space, 10 ft walk way completely around the home under roof, sprinkler system, two wells. This home is completely fenced in with sep pasture. There is too much to mention. Must see!! $699,900. That's lessthan $38,000 an amre/ll Do not miss this well kept ive bedroom two bath 2,000 sq. ft. home This hom features tile roof, landscaping, new ac, kids park behind the home, screen porch, tile counter tops in kitchen, too many extras to mention. This home is located on the west side and within walking distance of schools, shopping, banking and golf- ing. $249,900. VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS SALES CINDY L. ALEXANDER LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER ASSOCIATES: EDITH HACKMANN A675-0500 RYEALTET NEW LOCATION 233 N. BRIDGE ST On the comer of BRIDGE ST & WASHINGTON 0s31 W RSEHABLOESPANOL gWrtCus coMING AVAIEu $210,000. 3/1 ON MARTIN EITHER KING BLVD. $750/M. NO IN PORT IABE Idro m/2Bath, 1 car garage PETS plus den. OffBish ng $185,000. 3/2 DUPLEX IN TOWN. $800/M NO PETS IN COUNTRY VILLAGE 2Bedroom2.5Bath, 1 car garage. BRAND NEW HOUSE IN PORT LABELLE All appliances Homehaslargefamilyroom thatcaneasilybe convertedinto included and washer/dry. 3/2/2 $1,700/M a 3rd bedroom. Asking $197,900. 3/1.5/1 W/POOL IN TOWN $1000/M NO PETS OFF MARTIN LUTHER KINGJR. BLVD. 3Bedroom/1Bath M.EBS FOR Si CBS home with carport. New Upgrades! Priced at $129,900. NEW LISTING IN FORT MYERS 3Bedroom Bath, 1 car LOCATED IN LEHIGH ACRES 3Bedroom/2Bath, 2 car garage in a great location. Close to everything. Home has 2 garage built in 2001 and in excellent condition. Home over master bedrooms, new roof, interior paint and A/C. Asking looks canal and located in a great area dose to Ft. Myers but $279,900. ,V I.-.C 20i0 IN COUNTY ~~l lBath, lcargarage,new 2BEDROOM1B.ITH HOLliE ,i 200rie P'.0 .1 roof. Asking $12 I-- t cg e w IN PORT LABELLE 3B8edrm/2Bath, 2 car garage off !: S ..L1. School Cirde. I Iaed fenced in backyardT ad mt s R ORALE IN TIO t sides new roof, One Quait Home at a T~mel a large shed. As 0 new plumbing aid its. Asking $325,000. OFF COWBO e1 Bath is currently used as Qer a residential ~ ioned commercial. Asking IN PIOtiFERI 3 l,8,,,m'I. 2hj i ,utcAlEt.id ,i,,6,tl $145,000."-c,'-,,.. ', I '' ld l t' e. .J l i.H,, INLEIGHGACRES-This4Bedroom2Bath homes as2,2aa88 u l le n1999 w0. sq. ft. on a large corner lot that is fenced in. Home has many 2.5 ACRES in Pioneer Plantation. $79,000. extras. Call for an appointment today. Asking $288,900. tos FORSAME IN LEHIGH ACRES. Home has 1,900 sq ft with 2 master WE HAVE LOTS FOR SALE IN LABELLE, PORT bedrooms. Home s currently used as a 4/2. Has many LABELLE, MOORE HAVEN AND LAKE PLACID. CALL upgrades anda fenced in backyard. This home is a most see. FOR MORE INFORMATIONI Home _: Builders Building Communities. One Quality Home at a Timel Hendry County's #1 Top Quality Builder We have 'move-in ready" homes available now 9024 Mavwood Cir, Cypress II. 3/2/2 9016 Larnkin Cir. Madison II. 3/2/2 5005 Pike Lane. Madison II. 3/2/2 3045 June Cir Maanoi 2 Thiining .Abut Where you' Come lUp -Withi T& M one, for a A ew Home? . Bankof A ca SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS BanK ofAmerica g Mortgage Loan Officer .~.*i.-: Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com Now with an office in LaBelle at 415 W. Hwy 80 Call for an appointment ASK ME ABOUT OUR SPECIAL LOAN PROGRAMS FOR TEACHERS, MEDICAL WORKERS. LAW ENFORCEMENT, AND FIREFIGHTERS WHY RENT WITH LISTINGS LIKE THESE? *i. Ra E Boe .. dn bb-dr joL ekeD \is ;w EEKITAGlEt) LAND Co. RIVER RECESS HOME IN LRBELLE This remarkable 3BR2BA split floor plan home is situated on over 1/2 acre in desirable Caloosa Estates. This home offers vaulted ceilings, new roof, laminate wood flooring, screened back porch, a beautiful fenced back yard and a dock to moor yourwatercraft to. Call for your showing today! $420,000. CUSTOM BUILT P00L HOME IN LRBELLE Brilliant floor plan and energysaving design highlight this newer 3B2BA plus den pool home located in Caloosa Estates, a riverfront neighborhood. With over 3,300 sq. ft. under truss this home offers high, soaring ceilings, a cozy fire- place and a large sizzling, gourmet kitchen with Silestone countertops. The family room overlooks the screened lanai and pool area. Quality shines throughout this CBS home with a maintenance free metal roof. This prime home is offered at $469,900. Call for your appointment today! TWO STORY HOME ON RCREROE Truly charming best describes this 3B2BA home with a rock mI" "; l -i ,], i" 1 :,' 1 l, ,:l j l "i ? i *,r nl ,.,.,l, ,, ;,,. J h, 1` .' ..,. ,,I ,u.. l :,.,. 1 1 1 : a 4th bedroom. The picture perfect acreage offers a 20x62 :.,I,- I:,'|r, ',i, l .. l ,' ,," ,.' n ,: ,.I .,,m ,:' *.' ,1l I CBS HOME ON RCRERGE lhcked under the oaks is where you'll find this wonderful 3BR/2BA CBS, split floor plan home situated on 4.82 acres. This spacious yard is fenced and the pasture is fenced and ,3,., |. :,', [,J ,-.-1 l'.1 ': ,fl'. I, b hii r. ],i i.,,1 Ji ,...a', ,,: iJr I,,, l,'.'" h s. li-' fl oor'"'p"'l hom"e-llit uated ol.l|,-,) ,8 ,lh',s .h i. ,spa iou yad i sf n c ed n I, i,,n. h ,',,ifn ce d ,a Deni'e Walker tidng Agent 1-888-675-6762 Ilol free 863-673-2461 (cell '' f ,, Rea lt C'rop. Inc. HOMES * $588,000 PRICE REDUCED! 3BD/2BA home on 2.34+/- acres in Naples. Home features a pole barn, screen lanai, security system, dual fireplace, eat-in kitchen. Owner/Agent bring any serious offer. * $526,000 PRICE REDUCED! 4BD/3BA home on 1+/- acre. Home has vaulted and coffer ceilings, a sound proof studio, moveable island in kitchen'and an above ground pool just to name a few of the luxuries that this beautiful home offers. * $374,900 3BD/2BA Beautiful well maintained home on manicured 1 +/- acres in LaBelle's first gated Riverfront Community * $359,900 Beautiful like new 3BD/2BA with 2 car garage home in the Belmont area. Patio and deck area in back yard. * $249,900 Gorgeous new 3BD/2BA house with garage. ,tI,1,1 .,,',I"i,-Id I,',. .,: ,, f-- :plj. ll ,1 -l. :t.]lhi. ...Ti h . J .w l:, M.-J ,J,., l ., 1 '. r .i: ji..J i1,1: if,'.'u1,h- .ul i' ' , h :u'l '!l * s $209. ) ,! : i ., r,,,.' ,,: ,:,, t,, ulfuii, l.:, i .,,:, ,t,"r...:'.:..T.. hi ll'Jr h.jI. .:I" ,11 ,h.',, wl I'11, 1.:l- I,'-' U e. l' ji|ld -.ir, I t ll ill lf ll .T..... .),:,|'.l Il.:1 1 ...,: slip by! .. . * $179,900 Great 4BD/2BA home that has been totally remodeled. New flooring, cabinets and vanities. Yard features irrigation and rear fencing. This great deal is ready for you to move in. * $179,900 New 3BD/2BA home. This home features split floor plan and the kitchen has a morning room. * $149,999 2BD/1BAspacious home, features a complete- ly fenced in yard and an above ground pool. * $94,900 3BD/1BA Newly remodeled home in LaBelle. This home has new tile, carpet, paint, cabinets, hot water heater, bathroom and new roof with a transferable warranty. Great investment potential or first time home buyer. MOBILE HOMES: $475,000 Spacious 3BD/3BA mobile home in Muse sits on 5+/- acres. This spacious home features an addition with *. ", .. ]i '.. ," ..j T. 1.r w ] p'. .: :i'l, i, ''.. :,r i. ,. , 1 ah, jr, ft,,) J-,,J ,i ,a .. ,.uA p .:d ,, : .i r , more. $300,000 3BD/1BA mobile home in Muse which rests on 5+/- acres features a newwell and roof. Propertyis also iT* 919' Libd.:l, fi-l hl : I' l i. ... ]'. d 1 iA ,i'. ,T .: i : I n .f ., .l .. ,, .... T. S$139,00 io $151,900 ,, .I -' iA j.1Jul'J':lu"'.J H.:u .|1;|:.. 1:. + j,:,. ir, I li., [' j$.tO 0 :,E :'Bu i J i 1 ,1l+,i sl. li.. :.,..: ., iih pantry, dual sinks, garden tub, separate shower and sky- light in the guest bathroom. $112,500 $120,500 Manufactured Homes new and ,', ,.,P RI u,.C,, lrE I -n li 'n r0T, |.: 0 ii0 iH-'i ;. m h 5+ PRICE REDUCED $110,000 2BD/1BA mobile home i J," |.,lj ,l .:.,f 1. .,:r l l:'d I. I I I ' * $94,900 Looking for a 3BD/2BA manufactured home on 1.25+/- acres? This home features a split floor plan. Call today for more info and for an appointment. * $78,900 3BD/2BA mobile home in Ortona. The mobile home is partially furnished. The lot is surrounded in beautiful palm and oak trees. * $ 52,UO l OK.BE*_A x er lot in LaBell lotfa t o itM ose to schools, shopping and restaurants. ACREAGE: $1,600,000 12.76+/- acres has lots of old oaks. It is currently being used as a rental park. Please call for more information. $1,500,000 Hwy 27 frontage. Currently Auto Salvage yard. $1,250,000 16.04+/- Acres Great Development Opportunity! Close to schools, recreational park, town shops and much more! $988,025 Warehouse & office on 1.38+/- acre. One of a- kind Auto Salvage yard. Organized with clean bill of health. PRICE REDUCED $900,000 45+/- Hard to find acres adjoining Babcock property in Muse. Paved road access. $850,000 40+/- acres beautifully secluded with pas- ture, ponds, cabbage palms and oaks. $650,000 2+/- acre in the heart of Alva on busy SR 80. $349,000 5.76+/- acres on a tropical setting in Moore Haven. Property features all sorts of exotic fruit trees and plants. Pole barn and 1930's home are located on the property,. Home is to be sold "as is." S$272,000 10+/- acres with pines, a pond and shed. $149, j,. B sa t A irpes p that is also for sale or H ,900. HOMESlTES: $25,500 $72,900 Call for more information about 3 available lots in Fordson Park. The lots have been nicely maintained and are close to everything in LaBelle. $29,900 $34,900 Mobile home.lots available in 55 and older Community located in Moore Haven Yacht Club. Call for more information: CALL FOR AVAILABLE HOMESITE IN PORT L.ABFI I. MIONTLIKA UND LEHIGH A.RPI i~aF~iisa~r-'s-.- e~y-e.m.. 511 ~----- ja,;L~~~~ .mm.---- ----- ---. --,a--.-,--- e.I ew Horizons Real Estate Corp. k...lin FriihJring .:c, ii.-ff... I .r Ii .i- -,J jI. ,pj ,:l, u. lat,:hri :,'il $11'9,O)00 * Tired of the Circus? No clowning around about the cal.uol'Jeninyn thiPJQsdociusBB12B M on the ca5"M M clear d.' i~ l fC .tt~uit lntjot the huge horse barn and workshop. Box stalls, feed .mom large .vorkhop Inwer vnur blnnd prearelu $169,900. * Pli..: the Iurl Jyl Siluaji dJ ,-n u n 12;j A In i grj n. n',iii .i, bejutijul nv.-.'' 2;l'i, 2 Ix.ii'iuj'.Ii .uc home with over 1100 sq ft of living area ready for occupancy SELLER FINANCING AVAILABLE! $149,900, S282.900 LuuI. I. .t I,.I. Atts. U -oI. I.. FREE Pre-Qualification with: CHL Home Mortgage, LLC. (863)612-0012 Call 863-612-0551, or Toll Free, 866-224-8392 www.chlhomebuilders.com 0B39922 *All spec. Homes Include % acre home site "Paved Roads"Counly Waler"Power"Schools in Subdivision* *.Location of a Lifetime! Generations will file past well-traveled location of this 8+/- acres on SR 80 in Alva. Over 1,000 ft. of road frontage and 3 existing entrances off of SR 80. Cleared with well and elec- tric. Time's on your side in this investment! $2,750,000. * The opportunities are endless! Bring your invest- ment dollars here. 25 beautiful acres with Hwv 27 ftonjR Rit ared except for the-majestic Live Oaks. Bring your-ideas and see! $650,000. * 5+/- acres in Pioneer Plantation. Suitable for site built home or manufactured. Only $170,000. * Uncramp yourself on this spacious 2.5+/- acres on Evans Rd. with a pond and fenced for livestock. So say goodbye to city pressure and enjoy the coun- try. $130,000. * 1.84+/- acre located offJacks Branch Rd. in Muse. This property has lots of oaks, pines and palm trees. Perfect for the nature lover. Priced at only $95,000. * Genuine Country Feel! Days gone by are back! Relive the best on this private & secluded 2+/- acs. Fresh air special! $93,900. * Call for prices on all our Montura Listings! I~sisCami~~ Hard to find double lot in growing Port LaBelle Unit 102. $119,800. Drop dead gorgeous! If you're looking for the dream lot for your new home look no further. Located in the sought after Belmont S/D in LaBelle. This .37+/- acre is truly a dream come true. Only $79,900. - .29+/- acre in the Belmont S/D. Priced to sell @ only $67,900. Possible seller financing. 2 Lehigh Acre lotszoned for duplex. Great invest- i,,:rnl -,pr,:.:,' i:ii, -i 6'W,000 each I, L5u.,r lr '.I. 5.,900 "0 i .: .:.., jrt 6. $49,900 each 10 1-..,i-it,0 L.t;r, Ur,,i $i9.900 t3ch. bII ",*i l .. l: 1 + i,:[ h,:, i. l l ', t j 4_ lin l u[ ,:.n'l iiirul t.:.'i l ,I :.'r iu ..I :f4 E F.''J'. LI.,I'I I irl. i:" iih'l J'.I' JLC 4 I'IJ t. l $46,900. - -,.w Loaded with possibilities! 2 steel buildings with over 5,800 sq ft of work area on 1+/- acre. Zoned for Heavy Industrial use. Currently is fully rented out to 3 businesses. Listed at only $525,000. Prime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel located near West Glades Elementary in Muse and just minutes away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot. Sable Palm P/V Campground truly a 50 acre gold mine!! This beautiful property features a 10 acre 70 site R/V campground located off US27 in the peace- -ful-contry-side-ofPalmdale. The park even has its- own fishing lake and grass landing strip. The remain- ing 40 acres could accommodate several hundred additional R/V sites. $2,800,000 * Loaded with possibilities! 2 steel buildings with over 5,800 sq ft of work area on 1+/- acre. Zoned for Heavy Industrial use. Currently is fully rented out to 3 businesses. Listed at only $525,000. * 1.18+/- acres zoned C-1 commercial just South of LaBelle with 175+/- feet of frontage on SR29 and frontage on Luckey Street. Asking $450,000. * Beautiful .25+/- acre corner lot in downtown LaBelle w/great potential. Currently zoned for duplex or single family w/a possibility of rezoning to Business. $119,900. FEATURES OF THE WEEK =7----.s.,a"a. - recently renovated 3BR/2BA home is located at the Ortona Locks. Fish from your own private dock. (Permit in place to add new dock w/ lift.) Priced to Sell!!! ME -| BL *' -'WM Sp y ? UILIi wuNrau nM.mITEuIII MeI new IlanlUlaCturlc home on 2.82 acres in quiet Ft. Denaud. This immacu- late home offers vaulted ceilings, entertainment pack- age includes a large screen television w/stereo and sur- round sound, split floor plan, built in computer center, large master bedroom and bath w/garden tub and sep- arate shower. Upgraded appliances add a nice touch, to the large open kitchen w/ eat-In breakfast bar and for- mal dining. $212,500 THIS IMMACULATE 2 BR /1.5 BA HOME IS located in the center of town close to everything. What a terrif- ic home for someone just setting out on their own or sizing down. Home is partially furnished and ready for you! $159,900 WATERFRONT HOMES/LOTS LOCATION. LOCATION. LOCATIONI! This 3 +/- acre peninsula has over 700' of Caloosahatchee River frontage with Hwy. 29 access. Zoned C-2 your possibilities are endless! $3,300,000 ONE OF THE FEW RIVERFRONT PARCELS on the market. This stunning 10.7 Acres is very unique with 600 +/- feet fronting on the beautiful Caloosahatchee River. Look to the East and West and enjoy endless views from the raised river- bank. The waterfront piece features lakefront on the South side and riverfront on the North. Build your dream home and enjoy the peace and tran- quility that LaBelle's Caloosahatchee has to offer. $1,950,000 CATCEPS ULAR RIVER ME with over 200 feet of waterfront and already sepa- rated into 2 lots. The fabulous view is naturally pristine across and up the river from this "Point" on both the main river and the "Old River", which features 60 feet of protected dockage. Rip Rap of riverbank is in progress. There is NO "Corps Setback" on either lot, which may allow houses and/or pools unusually close to River. Beautiful area of upscale homes within blocks of central LaBelle. $1,500,000 GORGEOUS RIVERFRONT This 1.04 acre lot is wooded and located on County Road 78. Build your dream home on this parcel and enjoy end- less views of the Caloosahatchee River. Price Reduced $499,900 SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR NATURE LOVERS. This 2/2 CBS Home & Guest mobile is on Jacks Branch with river access. This Unique one of a kind property also has it's own private ISLAND. Gorgeous property is covered with large oaks. Call for more details. This is a MUST SEE. $475,000 EXCELLENT BUYI1 This .84 +/- Acre creek front homesite Is located on Pollywo Creek In beauti- ful river frt( 'j O f your dream home on thi__itJ lot which pro- vides beautifuToks access to aloosahatchee River and some river views. Price Reduced $149,900. BEAUTIFUL RIVERVIEWS from this waterfront homesite on dredged river oxbow w/ private dock is situated on shaded oversized lot in town and completely fenced. Home features vaulted ceil- ings, split floor plan, kitchen with pantry and breakfast island. Front and back porches are great for outdoor entertaining and enjoyment. REDUCED $134,900 A GREAT RENTAL INVESTMENT OR STARTER HOME1 This 3BR/2BA manufactured home has a lot ot offer. It features a split floor plan, a deck for entertaining, a garden tub in the master bath, new paint throughout and new carpet. This mobile is priced to sell!! $125.000. This property is 14.5 acres in one of the fastest growing areas of Glades County. Surrounded by large acreage, this parcel has been cleared and fenced. This custom built home is spacious and very well kept. Over 3,400 sq.ft. split floor plan features ceramic tile, 3 large bedrooms, walk-in closets, and 2.5 spacious baths. The island kitchen has walk-in pantry, breakfast area, and is open to the large family room. The master bedroom and bath offer his and hers walk-in closets, garden tub, separate shower, dual sinks and access to the pool. Too many improvement to mention, call for your private showing! $1,450,000. 3BR/1BA CBS HOME ON 8.8+/- ACRES WELL MAINTAINED 3BR/2BA MANUFAC- fronting on paved road approx. 3 miles from i '.I| jI 1 .1 1 |j~ll|ii|l|i "i WELL MAINTAINED 3BR/2BA MANUFAC- n gnre ic fen d prsc fpnc / :r TURED HO / office or possible 4th bed- town. Property is fenced & cross fenced w/ gor- sj.I!iJ'i -i i1 1 ?* room.Located within cit limits, completely geous oaks and horse stable. $490,000. Corner of Hwy 80 & 45 South Rivervlew LaBelle, FL fenced and priced to sell! $99,900 l 3.18 +/ACRES W/IBR1.5BA COTAGE style home 863-675-2718 1-877-675-2718 fenced and priced to sell! $99,900 located in Port LaBelle Ranchettes, one of LaBelle's 1 '" HOMES most desirable communities. Situated at the end ofa cul www.labellerlversde.com E-mell realestatS @labellerIvenrdh.com LIKE NEW THIS 3 BEDROOM. 2 BATH FEA- de sac provides a peaceful & private setting. Cathedral . TURES A LARGE BONUS ROOM. The home ceilings, ceramic tile throughout, open floor plan and Marilyn Sears Licensed Real Estate Broker offers a split floor plan, upgraded appliances, wrap around porch. $469,900 M S Sales Associates Nancy Hendrickson, Margaret Whatley, pantry, laundry room, custom floors, and a large ACREAGE/LOTS e HabYvonne Doll, Consuelo arin Lopez, Suzanne Sherrod open patid. The landscaping is done and the cus- 40 ACRE Gerber Grove $660,000 Espaftob Judy Cross McClure and ReceptionistEmily Curtis tom driveway adds a nice touch to this one of a i2.5/ACRES, stocked pond, partially fenced, unique kind must see. $185,000. oak grove and ready to build. Great location on CR 78 4 2 SPAC S F Y H E features approx. 2 miles from town. Seller motivated! of (Hwy 29) Bridge Street and Park Avenue thi proper- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ESTABLISHED IN 1984 4BR2BA SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME features $199,000 ty has endless possibilities. "Old Historical Florida- THE GATOR BAITPUB has been a thrivingbusiness in large kitchen, new a/c, upgraded appliances, jet 10 ACRE PARCEL located off Hwy 74 (Bermont Road) Style" two story building, 1,846 sq. ft. w/ 122' frontage the Pioneer Community for many years. If you've ever tub and above ground pool. $174,900 in Charlotte County. Property zoned agricultural. Price on Bridge Street and a "Quaint Old-Florida Cracker- wanted to run your own Restaurant and Lounge here's SELLER RELOCATINGI Ready to move in and a Reduced $100,000 Style" office fronting on Park Avenue. $1,200,000 your chance. This quaint establishment comes fully fur- msOtr see o believe! nLcated in a private country rpAirrrmr nAnr r Rn CITY OFn IARTBELE REDUCED PRICE $350.000111 RENOVATED nished with a completely equipped kitchen, and offers in place. Homesite is located approx. 75 ft. from setting in Horseshoe Acres Subdivision. This 2 the main river in an area of nice homes. Permits bedroom, 1 bath manufactured home is situated are in place to re-dredge oxbow to 6-8 ft. depth, on over a half acre lot, shaded screened deck, $499,000. with many fruit trees and partially fenced yard. HOMES IN LABELLE Dog on premises. Call ahead. $129,500. THIS CHARMING CEDAR HOME sits on an INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY This 2 bedroom oversized corner lot in the city The 2BR/2BA 1.5 bath mobile home is located in quiet River home has vaulted ceilings and tile in the living Oaks Subdivision, Ortona Fl. Great investment for area. French doors provide views to the outside. rn Fenced back yard and 8'x 10' shed for extra stor- the part-time Floridian, or a great get-away The age. $199,900 home is being sold partially furnished, and offers MOVE IN READY! Newly remodeled 3BR/2BA a split floor plan with vaulted ceilings. $58,500 home located on large lot in the city. New carpet, HOMES ON ACREAGE flooring and interior paint and spacious master UNIQUE. DESIRABLE AND SECLUDED! Less bedroom. Price reduced to sell $179,900 than a mile from the new West Glades Elementary. LOT. Located in established neighborhood. Build your home on this .45 acre lot. Price Reduced $70,000 BEAUTIFUL 100' X 185' RESIDENTIAL HOMESITE w/beautiful oaks located in the city of LaBelle and ready to build! $89,900 OVERSIZED .64 ACRE WOODED residential home- site located in the city. $89,000 1.25 ACRES LOT in growing Montura Ranch Estate more lots available $49,500. 2 PORT LABELLE LOTS IN UNIT 102. located side by side. Lots provide over M acre homesite. Partially cleared, high and dry. Ready to build! $45,000 each COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS PRIME LOCATIONI Business zoned property located in Downtown LaBelle. Perfectly situated on the corner BUILDINGIII READY FOR YOUR BUSINESS!II Need a place to locate your business. This is it! Highly vis- able, only 180 ft. East of Bridge Street. Totally remod- eled building situated on .31 acre lot fronting on Washington Ave. across from bank drive thru. Property is 175' deep which leaves room for future expansion. Renovations include all new crown molding, ceramic tile, siding, plumbing, electric and A/C. BUSINESS ZONEDI This 2BR/1BA home is situated on a high traffic road in the city Just 2 blocks north of Hwy 80 and 1 block east of Bridge Street and surround- ed by local banks and businesses. Price reduced $215,000 great start for any entrepreneur. Priced at $174,500 INDUSTRIAL 4,14 ACRES ZONED INDUSTRIAL, Property fea- tures 80' x 100' hangar plus 1998 3BR/2BA 2,200 sq. ft. doublewide mobile home. Great investment... Great Location! $1,500,000 UNDER CONTRACT NDUSTRIAL PROPERTYi Excellent investment opportunity w/ 277' frontage on Hwy 29. 1.59+/- acres on corner of Hwy 29 and N. Industrial Loop Road, 3 steel buildings- (Warehouse-3,800 sq. ft.; shop 1,600 sq. ft.; office building 2,520 sq. ft.) all currently leased. $1,300,000 STOP BY AND VISIT US AT OUR NEW LOCATION ON HWY 80 I I IUI QACAY, --y --P ____ ___ I_~~~~~~ __ _I __ r __ _ ic^*1U~-LlrSlrld*VI*CI 1.-1-~~11r- 1. .r'*l )-oli-llrl'*~Y li~-ecl-n, iii I-i -I--n-r `L I EI'J.IIIO .iL~~b C cl-n l 1 I.: ... ..... J.i ll' r I !r Is Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 25, 2006 Men charged with robbery and burglary CLEWISTON On May 12, 2006 shortly after 2 p.m. Sergeant Carl Hilgenberg and Deputy Juan Soto responded to The Tropical Supermarket on Old US 27 regard- ing a reported strong arm robbery. The victim, Harold Ray Johnson, age 78, said the suspect, asked for a few dollars to buy food. When the victim opened his wallet to give the man some money, the man grabbed the wallet and ran. The victim gave chase but lost sight of the man in the Tropical Mobile Home Park. Deputies obtained a description of the man and began a search of the neighborhood. He was located hiding under a bed inside the mobile home located at lot num- ber 19, Nulls Road. Sheriff Ronnie Lee said that because of the quick action of the deputies, all the money, $2,090 was recovered and returned to the victim. Jose Manuel Rosado age 28 of Nails Road in Clewiston, was arrested and trans- ported to the Hendry County Jail. On May 16, 2006 at 6:30 a.m., Deputy Fernando Herrera of the Hendry County Sheriff's Office responded on the LaBelle Motel in regards to am reported burgla- ry. Deputy Herrera met Guadalupe Cuellar and Jose Gon- zalez who informed him they were the victims of a burglary and theft. Jose Gonzalez said an acquaintance and another man came to his home on Ute Street in LaBelle at about 3:30 a.m. the morning of May 16 with a toolbox and asked for $20. Mr. Gonzalez told deputies he took the toolbox gave them the money, and went back to bed. Later, Guadalupe Cuellar, the owner of the business where Mr. Gonzalez works, called him and told him there had had been a bur- glary of the business. Mr. Gonzalez said he looked at the toolbox he had purchased and realized it was his toolbox that he left at his place of employment on Industrial Loop. Mr. Gonzalez and Mr. Cuellar then started looking around LaBelle for the two men who had been at Mr. Gonzalez's home. They located them at the LaBelle Motel. Deputy Herrera located the stolen tools in the van operated by one of the men and returned them to their owners. Sheriff Ronnie Lee said Robert Lawerence Koff, 28, of LaBelle, and Larry Wayne Royalty, 52, of Muse were charged with burglary and dealing with stolen property. Royalty was also charged with driving on a permanently revoked driver license and possession of narcotic paraphernalia. Bond on Royalty was set at $26,750 and Koffat $18,500. REICIjIMANCINI. Sei~ateEspaol v -^ Officsn Pot St L The hiring of an attorney is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to provide you with written Information about our qualification and experience. Sunglass Extravaganza Come See The New Styles for 2006 Arrest Report The following individuals were arrested by the Hendry County Sheriff's Office. This col- umn lists arrests, not convic- tions, unless otherwise stated. Anyone who is listed here and who is later found not guilty or has the charges against them dropped, is welcome to inform the newspaper. Albert Lee Ward, 50 of Clewiston was arrested on May 17 and charged with battery from bodily harm or disability. Clarence Coney, 50, of Belle Glade, was arrested May 20 in Clewiston, and charged with, driving while on a suspended license-habitual offender. A Clewiston juvenile female was arrested on May 19 and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill, aggravated battery causing bodily harm or disabili- ty, damage to property criminal mischief over $200 and under $1,000, burglary of a dwelling, structure or conveyance armed and burglary of a dwelling unarmed no assault or battery. Oreste Perez, 23, of Clewis- ton was arrested May 14 and charged with one count of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill, one count of battery touch/strike, one county of child neglect without great harm and one count of resisting an offi- cer/obstructing without vio- lence. Steve Ruiz, 29 of Clewiston was arrested May 15 and charged with four counts of aggravated assault with intent to commit a felony, on count of battery touch/strike, one count of battery without great bodily harm and two counts of child neglect without great harm. 6 Bassam A. Khalafallah, 22, of Clewiston was arrested May 18 and charged with driving with a suspended/revoked license- habitual offender. Dorothy A. Vasquez, 42, of Clewiston was arrested May 15 and charged with one count of aggravated battery causing bodi- ly harm/disability-domestic vio- lence related and one count of firing a weapon/missile into a dwelling. The Optical Center located in Family Eye Care 100 N. Main St. aBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 May 25, 2006 30% Savings on entire selection of sunglasses r,:-ru, ion ,k I the S i-loo' Crime Stoppers Road Watch Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office is seeking the public's assistance locating a man want- ed for questioning in connection with two separate home inva- sions in Wellington. On March 30, 2006 and April 13, 2006, two separate home invasions occurred at two differ- ent locations in Wellington. An investigation has identified David Robinson 24, a black male, who is believed to be staying some- where in Wellington or possibly Belle Glade. He works as a car detailer and may be conducting a mobile car-detailing service in the West Palm Beach area. According to the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office, Robin- son should be considered armed and danger- ous. If contact is made with Robinson, use caution, and notify Detec- tive Michelle Cornell at (561) 644- 5126. David If you Robinson would like to remain Anonymous and receive a REWARD up to $1,000.00, con- tact CRIME STOPPERS at 1-800- 458-8477. Fire danger still exists TALLAHASSEE' Florida Agri- culture and Consumer Services "Don't let your guard Commissioner Charles H. Bron- son is warning residents and visi- down, this fire season tors that the recent rain in some i not over yet." parts of the state should not give r people a false sense of security. Charles H. Bronson, Even though parts of Florida Florida Agriculture and received up to two inches of rain- Consumer Services fall and other parts received no Commissioner more than a trace over the past week, fire danger still remains high throughout most of the state, and the cost of suppression of any Dry air behind the recent cold wildfires that may result." . front that brought much needed Several of this year's wildfires rain to parts of the state will bring have been a result of arson and back the threat of wildfires. there are investigations under "Don't let your guard down, way into the causes of certain this fire season is not over yet," wildfires. Mr. Bronson said. "The drought "All human-caused fires are a index remains over 500 for a large threat to people's lives and prop- portion of the state. Fire potential erty, but arson fires are the worst is going to be very high this week- kind," Mr. Bronson said. "Florida end due to the warm, dry weather residents should report any wild- and lack of rainfall in the near fire by calling 911 or their local futough some fires do start Division of Forestry office. If you Although some fires do start see from lightning, about 80 perc see any suspicious activity near a from lightning, about 80 percent fire you can report it to the Arson of Florida wildfires area caused by Areyou can report it to the Arson human carelessness. Alert Hotline 1-800-342-5869. Any "I urge people to be very care- information that leads to the ful with any type of outdoor burn- arrest and conviction of an arson- ing and to check with local offi- ist can result in the informant cials and forestry offices to see if receiving a reward of up to there is a burn ban in effect in $5,000. All callers can remain their area and to determine anonymous." whether conditions are such that Since January 1, 2,565 wild- people should not burn even if fires have burned 103,806 acres in there is no ban," Mr. Bronson Florida. Mr. Bronson is urging said. "Some burn ban violations people to do their part to help pre- are punishable up to $500 in fines vent wildfires. CARPORTS HURRICANE SHUTTERS POOLS & SCREEN ENCLOSURES VINYL ROOMS CONSTRUCTION SITE PREPS LAND CLEARING NEW CUSTOM-BUILT HOMES CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES CELL: 863-228-1174 OFFICE: 863-983-3457 STATE CERTIFIED LICENSE CONTRACTOR The Florida Department of Transportation has road projects under way in the South Florida area. Motorists are reminded to wear safety belts and drive with caution, courtesy, common sense, and patience as they travel through work zones. Remember, speeding fines are doubled in workzones. Glades County SR 29: In the area of Chappell Slough: Maintenance contract proj- ect No lane closures are antici- pated at this time, but motorists should expect possible slow mov- ing traffic while crews clean road- side ditches. SR 78: From Indian Prairie Canal to BuckHead Ridge: Maintenance contract project Crews will be clearing trees in the roadside right of way. Motorists should expect eastbound lane closures, slow moving traffic, and possible delays. Flagmen will be on site to assist with traffic. Hendry County US 27: North of Clewiston to SR 80: Maintenance project No lane closures are anticipated at this time, but motorists should expect possible slow moving traffic while crews work on guardrail replace- ment. SR 29: From CR 832/Duda Drive to CR 830A: Maintenance contract project No lane closures are anticipated at this time, but motorists should expect slow mov- ing traffic while crews dig a ditch. SR 80: From Ford Street to Cow- boy Way: Maintenance contract project Motorists should expect intermittent lane closures in the eastbound and westbound lanes with possible slow moving traffic while crews work on cleaning the pipes in the roadway. Flagmen will be on site to assist with traffic. Okeechobee County SR 70: From West of US 98 to West of 7th Avenie NW: Con- struction project -. Work contin- ues to widen and reconstruct the existing 2-lane roadway to 4 lanes with a center dual left turn lane. The work includes drainage improvements, signals, and street lighting. Work currently includes storm drainage and roadway con- struction at various locations throughout the project. The con- tractor is Russell Engineering. DIGITAL RECEPTION SERVICES, INC. Field Service Toechs * CoAiip jroyided truck & tools * Paid t i~ince required * Great advan lenxt opportunities SMedical & ODe ', ----- * Paid vacation' Positions throughout Florida For details and to apply blinre go to: www.c areersatdrs. corn Hurricane survival guide p PALM BEACH COUNTY For the first time in several years Palm Beach County is publishing its own hurricane guide. The Official Palm Beach County 2006 Hurricane Survival Guide is 32 pages of information every household in Palm Beach Coun- ty should know. And to insure that all county residents receive this information, the guide will be mailed out to every house- hold in the county. As in the past, the guide will also be available at county buildings, libraries and local social service agencies. The county's Emergency Management and Public Affairs departments decided the best way to control the hurricane preparation message, and foster a "culture of preparedness", would be to deliver it directly to residents from the county, with no media partner in between. The guide is designed to give residents a step by step plan for the upcoming hurricane season. It begins with pre-season prepa- ration steps then leads readers through a hurricane watch, warning, and landfall. If the county is unfortunate enough to have a storm this year, there are pages to help residents get their house secured, find help in their community, or volunteer their services to neighbors. This year's guide is a compre- hensive look into every aspect of storm preparation as it relates to residents of South Florida. Top- ics include: evacuations, pet safety, boat safety, advice for older adults, shelters, generator safety, and even a recap of last year's record braking season. Also available at www.pbc- gov. com is a printable online version. The guide has been printed and residents should look for it in their mailboxes by June 1. For more information about the guide or where to get one, contact Public Affairs at (561)355-2754. N.sk 5-3(-66 to 4-24-C5 au~ite b, .'wtfi, a in afuidane, ahuayg tdie to app aud fat conmde. gamitn fun, f3wnimetue S happy& timw. a time ofa menaties & dteamns uimndew r defight. jfiat was wrat yoi uwere in youth Life bete on eattfi. oui thatl you a'te witA eju.i 3 owi you ate 'eapuuj you t Jul. m i you L S Come you withi ait nui &eatti. LAve '%out, .Ulothie't4; l Ilr~lrlllr JIrJIrdlIrJr.IIrdl lJrrlrlrrlrJIrJJ rai rr r Glades Academy of Agriculture & Ecological Studies I Charter/Public School Grades Kg-5th SPhone (561)924-9402 email: gladesacad@aol.com JOIN US FOR OPEN HOUSE 7 Dear Parents/Guardians, j Meet the principal and teachers, see the classrooms, and register your child/children for the 2006-2007 school year. S(Spots will fill up quickly!) If you have any questions please call us, we will be happy to answer any questions you may have. E When: Monday, May 22, 2006 from 1:00pm-5:00pm U Where: 1200 E. Main Street Pahokee, FL 33476 (In St. Mary's Main Hall) S Experienced Certified Teachers _* Strong Academic Education E Wholesome, Disciplined Atmosphere | Small class sizes i Breakfast and Lunch provided U Free Transportation U Free Uniform Shirts II IrJlIrJir.irJ rdiririrrlrlr-jlrrJ rrrrJIIr.iIrJIIrIrjirIr-irJIrJ irJIrJIrJIIrJrlrJr irilrIrrJ IrJIrrJrJirJirJIrJrJrl rrJJrJlrJ IrJIrJ.IlrJIrJlrJIrJIrJIrJirJdrlIrJIr-IrJir-irdi lrir- JIr- I r JIr J I rrIS Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 25, 2006 ,~~l~cX .;IYLIL ~C-~-LIIK ~~J~-;~.. ~i-irI"II. ..,,,~;l~rII -l~anc[TownCenter (088) 312.200(1 df':~ ' i5c;~ : Ei~l ~R'" *~i~~ ~' JH Life jackets key to boating safety Submitted Io INI/Buckhead Ridge VFW Buckhead Ridge VFW gave a check for $2,063 for a new K-9 unit for Glades County after a successful 'Jail and Bail" event, Sun- day, Apr. 9, 2006. Left to right Phyllis Fish, President of the Ladies Auxiliary, Johnnie Patent, Post Commander, Glades County Deputy Bryan Enderle, K-9 handler, Don South, First Vice Presi- dent, Am vets Club, Ray Edwards, President Men's Auxiliary. BHR VFW raises cash for K-9 unit The Buck Head Ridge VFW Post 9528 held a "Jail and Bail" and fish fry April 9, to raise funds for a K-9 unit to serve Buckhead Ridge and all of Glades County with the Glades County Sheriff's Office. The post's men's and ladies auxiliaries, Am Vets club and post members turned out in support of local law enforcement that Sunday and enjoyed a rollick- ing good time for a good cause. A K-9 unit is $2,063 closer. It's too hot! It doesn't look cool. I know how to swim. Noth- ing is going to happen to me. These are just some of the many reasons people claim that they do not wear their life jackets. But with approximately 700 people drowning each year from recre- ational boating accidents, it is imperative to wear a life jacket at all times while you are on the water. Life jackets are no longer the orange, hot and bulky vests that are commonly associated with water safety gear. New innovations and developments in life jackets have produced a smaller, sleeker, and much more comfortable version of a life jacket, leaving you with no rea- son not to WEAR IT!! Much like a helmet to a biker or skate boarder, life jackets are an essential part of your boating safety equipment and should be worn at all times while on the water. In 2004, the 676 recre- ational boating fatalities, 90 per- cent of the victims were not wearing life jackets. The new inflatable life jackets or Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs) allow the mobility and flexibility that you need when boating, fishing, paddling or hunting and are much cooler in the warmer weather. There are many differ- ent varieties of inflatable jackets ranging from those that inflate instantly when you hit the water to those that are manually inflat- ed. All are designed to be more comfortable and wearable than the traditional life jacket. Accidents can happen with alarming speed anyplace or any- time you are on the water. Although many boaters keep life jackets on their boat, very few choose to wear one. There just isn't time to grab a life jacket and put it on properly before you are in the water. If you are faced with a strong current or unfavor- able weather conditions, you will not only have trouble mak- ing sure you are safe and secure in your life jacket, but you will be unable to help your friends, rela- tives, children or passengers that have accompanied you in your boat. Wearing your life jacket will allow you to be safe in case of accident and will also allow you the ability to assist others that may be in danger. This year during National Safe Boating Week, May 20 26, 2006, and throughout the boat- ing season, remember to prac- Poll shows Americans support sugar policy WASHINGTON Nearly two-thirds (62 percent) of American adults believe that Congress should continue the current U.S. sugar policy, according to a survey commis- sioned by the American Sugar Alliance and conducted by Har- ris Interactive. Respondents were asked to choose between four sugar poli- cy options being considered on Capitol Hill in the farm bill debate: an extension of the cur- rent no-cost sugar program; an income support system similar to the policy of other farm com- modities; a one-time buyout modeled after tobacco policy, and the elimination of the U.S. sugar program in favor of imports. Only 16 percent of American adults supported Iransforming sugar to an income support pro- gram, even though they were told such a program would allow food manufacturers to see cheaper sugar prices. A mere eight percent thought a one- time buyout was a good idea, while only seven percent sup- ported the elimination of sugar policy. "It's clear that the majority of Americans are happy with the current sugar program," said Don Wallace, the-chairman of the American Sugar Alliance. "And they should be; it's work- ing well for grocery shoppers, taxpayers, and for America's food security." Sixty-four percent of those polled said they are not too or not at all concerned about the price of sugar. And when told the price of sugar in the United States, 69 percent of American adults said that sugar is some- what or very inexpensive. "Amrricans spend more on 10 gallons of gasoline than they do on a year's worth of sugar," added Wallace. "This poll con- firms what seems like common sense, but sugar policy oppo- nents continue to complain about price. It's important for Congress to see that the Ameri-. can public is not concerned about the price of sugar." He continued: "Industrial sugar users simply want to buy sugar cheaper and pocket the profit. History shows they don't pass savings along to con- sumers when prices decline." The. poll also showed that 93 percent of American adults feel it's somewhat or very important for our country to produce food at home instead of depending on foreign supplies. Even when told that foreign sugar might be cheaper, 72 percent of respon- dents said they'd prefer to buy American sugar. Harris Interactive cu.:-Tcted the telehone'e survey 'on benall of the American Sugar Allia'ce between May 5 and 8 among 1,003 U.S. adults 18 years of age or older. Figures for age, sex,. race, education, and region were weighted where necessary, to align them with their actual proportions in the population. In theory, with probability sam- ples of this size, one can say with 95 percent certainty that the overall results have a sam- pling error of 3.1 percentage points. Click here %20Policy%20Poll.pdf> to see the results of the poll. American 'Sugar Alliance, 2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 600, Arlington, VA 22201 Tel: 703.351.5055, Fax: 703.351.6698, Email:info@sug- aralliannce.org : i.iill,:.info 'lsugaralliarce.or g tice safe and responsible boat- ing, always wear your life jacket and be alert and aware while on the water. By practicing these simple steps you can save your life as well as the lives of the people boating with you. Life jackets are now more comfort- able and lightweight with many new styles to fit give you the look you want. Safe boating saves lives, so for this year's National Safe Boating Week and throughout the boating season remember to Boat Smart. Boat Safe. WEAR IT! Metal Roofing TE7W A Replacement Shingles SW A R Structural Repairs CONSTRUCTION Mold Remediation KM SEBRING. Ft ., Additions ROOFING REMODELING RECONSTRUCTION 1821 Lakeview Dr. Sebring 863-385-9403 Email: mark@mcscontractinginc.com www.mcscontractinginc.com Lic. #CCC1325639 Lic. #CBC047717 61 G2Les 6J1th C Centter r Skilled Long & Short Term Care Facility Healthcare Services Include: *Specialized Wound Care .Resident & Family Council Groups *Full Time Medical Director *Specialized HIV Care *Dialysis Support *Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapy *Alzheimer's Support Groups .24 hour Registered Nurse Staffing Intravenous Therapy *Therapeutic Activities 230 South Barfield Highway Pahokee, Florida 33476-1834 PHONE: 561-924-5561. FAX: 561-924-9466 Other facilities in Gainesville & Bradenton Visit our website at www.floridacare.net Clinical Trials You may be paid $200 in 1 day If you might have any of these conditions, we NEED YOUR HELP for research: Mental retardation Gifted Alzheimer's Seizures Brain Injury We also need healthy people ages 16+, all races Non-invasive testing No medication Get paid while you learn Local office-no travel Call Dr. Bruce Borkosky, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist 800-514-0832 The disability specialist Public meeting to discuss dike By Pete Gawda OKEECHOBEE For the last few weeks, a report on the con- dition of, the Herbert Hoover Dike has caused some alarm among people living around the lake. The report, generated by a panel of independent state hired experts, using U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) supplied data draws some dire conclu- sions. At a public meeting to be held tonight at 6 p.m. at the Okee- chobee County Civic Center on U.S. 98 N. in Okeechobee, area residents will be able to ask the experts if the situation is really that dire. The meeting is being spon- sored by the Okeechobee Coun- ty Office of Emergency Manage- ment. Steve Duba, chief of engi- neers for the COE's Jacksonville district will be on hand to answer questions about the integrity of the dike. Mr. Duba has stated in the past that the public should be SA Beka Curriculum * Competitive rates * After Care Available until 530 * Manm extras: Library, Music, Art, Computers made aware of the situation but that he did not want to cause a panic. He does not necessarily agree with some of the conclu- sions drawn by the report. He has stated that it does not take int6 account the rigorous inspec- tion and maintenance program of the COE. Representing the South Flori- da Water Management District (SFWMD) will be Deputy Execu- tive Director George Home, who is in charge of operations and maintenance. Officials from the City of Okeechobee and Okeechobee County are also expected to attend. The report predicts that the dike has a 50 percent chance of failure within the next four years. It also predicts a 1-in-6 chance of dike failure with each year that passes. Evidence in the report would seem to indicate that the area of greatest concern is the eastern and southern portions of the dike. "With the' amount of surveil- lance and attention paid to this lake, I don't know how we could get into that situation (dike fail- ure)," Steve Sullivan, a COE proj- ects manager who oversees maintenance of the dike, was quoted by the Associated Press. Mr. Sullivan added that lake levels are reduced before hurri- cane season. He did concede that back-to-back storms could hamper efforts to move water out of the lake but the Associat- ed Press reported that he insisted the dike would hold. U.S. Congressman Mark Foley has asked for an independent evaluation of the report. He has gone on record as supporting efforts to keep the lake levels lower. for more information on our preschool visit our website, call us at 863-983-5388 or e-mail us at preschool@clewistonchristian.or8 Over $40,000 of financial assistance available for K-6. For more information check our website: www.clewistonchristian.org 1 HENRY COUNTY SCHOOL IS RECRUITING SUBSTITUTE BUS DRIVERS Training Classes will begin June 5th and run through June 16, 2006 Class Time will be 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. l Classes will be held at the ___ WClewiston Bus Compound (Behind Central Elementary) To register please contact the Transportation Office at 863-983-1516 Before June 2, 2006 if interested. U A REMINDER from Peter H. Carney, Tax Collector, Palm Beach County ... If you have not paid your 2005 property taxes, you should pay them by 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, May 31, 2006, if at all possible. Payments by mail must also be received no later than 5:00 p.m., May 31, 2006. A postmark of payment does not apply to delinquent taxes. Delinquent taxes must be paid by cash, money order, cer- tified check, bank draft, US postal order or cashier's check. Real Estate Taxes not paid by that date will have tax certificates sold on the proper- ty. This will increase the amount due by at least ten percent (for costs and mini- mum interest) or more depending on the interest rate bid and redemption date. Tax certificates for the unpaid taxes are sold at a public auction via the internet to replace budgeted, but uncollected, tax dollars for various governmental agencies in the County. Delinquent 2005 Tangible Personal Property Taxes must be paid by May 31, 2006, to prevent tax warrants from being issued. Warrants will be prepared starting June 1, 2006 and filed with the Clerk of the Court in July. Interest and other costs will be added to the tax due. Upon approval of the warrants in court, the property may be seized and sold. REMEMBER, PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE TAX COLLECTOR NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M., WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 2006 TO PREVENT ISSUANCE OF A TAX SALE CERTIFICATE OR TAX WARRANT. THE POSTMARK DATE DOES NOT SERVE AS PAYMENT DATE FOR DELINQUENT TAXES. Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 25, 2006 Serving th omnte ot fLk kehbeTusaMy2,20 Janet Reno visits area for address HRMC staff raises money Hospital employees let their stomachs control their pocket- books, as they claimed barbequed ribs at Hendry Regional Medical Center last week. George Thall, Patient Financial Ser- vices Director, coordinated fund raising with a barbeque rib sale to benefit the Hospital Foundation. A check for $1,000 was presented to Robbie Castellanos, Foundation Chairman and Glenda Wilson, Foundation Executive Director. Founda- tion board members extend special thanks to the hospital employees who contributed! The Foundation will continue to support the hospital with fund-raising events assisted by phil- anthropic support to enhance healthcare in Hendry County. CLEWISTON Former Unit- ed States Attorney General Janet Reno will be the keynote speak- er at a joint Democratic Execu- tive Committee Jefferson Jack- son dinner in Clewiston on Friday, June 9, 2006. The Hendry County and Glades County Democratic Executive Commit- tees have joined together to bring Ms. Reno to the area. "The upcoming election is very important to the Florida Democrats. Janet Reno will deliver a positive message and help unite the party. Although we are small counties, if we work together, we can see a large Democratic victory in our local and state races" states Ellen Hawk Geake, chairman of the Glades County Democratic Exec- utive Committee. "Janet Reno has always worked hard to help the Democratic Party in Florida, and we are very fortunate she has agreed to come to Hendry County." Popular State Senator Dave Aronberg will be the master'of ceremonies. Senator Aronberg is also chairman of the Florida Mainstream Democrats, dedicat- ed to helping the State Democra- tic Executive Committees work toward the mutual goal of a 2006 victory. The dinner will be held on Fri- day, June 9, 2006 at the John Boy Auditorium in Clewiston. Social hour starting at 6:30 p.m. Tickets at $35.00 each are still available from any Hendry or Glades DEC member or by sending a check to the Hendry/Glades DEC, PO Box 1015, Moore Haven, FL 33471, or contacting Ellen Hawk Geake, Glades County chair at (863) 983-2922, or Grenville Williams, Hendry County chair at (863) 983-2960. Advertising space in the dinner journal is also available. Leaders prepare for 'Pioneer Class' State Lic FzXOOX649-92 Seamless Gutters Aluminum 5" to 6" (863)838-2477 1450 42nd St. Winter Haven, FL 33881 Leadership Hendry and Glades Counties is a new and exciting leadership program designed to prepare potential leaders to meet the challenges facing Hendry and Glades Coun- ties and to provide current lead- ers an exciting learning opportu- nity. Participants will explore criti- cal issues and discover priceless resources through a series of seminars and related activities. Interaction with key decision makers, experts, community leaders and representatives to local government assists partici- pants to better understand the forces that impact their busi- ness, community, and daily lives. Leadership Hendry and Glades Counties believes the cooperative effort of well- informed citizens is the key to preserving and enhancing the quality of life that Hendry and Glades County residents enjoy. The Leadership Program is designed to be interactive in a seminar format. Issues will be presented in an open in-depth manner. The program does not advocate any one viewpoint but will strive to provide all sides of the topic. Beginning in October 2006 with an orientation "kick-off" dinner, the program will consist of one day a month (excluding December 2006) for six informa- tive education days. A June recognition and graduation din- ner will conclude the first "Pio- neer Class" leadership event. Participants in the program will learn topics in areas such as judicial, business and agri-busi- ness, growth management, health and education, civic and cultural, and water and environ- ment issues to gain deeper insight into the special problems and assets facing our counties. If you are willing to commit to serve the community, participate in community activities, or have an interest in being a key volun- teer or community leader, then you may be a candidate for the "Pioneer Class." In addition to participants for the class, Leadership Hendry and Glades Counties is seeking sponsorships for this program. Levels include Platinum for $5,000, Gold at $2,500, Silver is $1,000, and a Bronze sponsor- ship is $500. Platinum, Gold, and Silver enable the sponsor to include one person to partici- pate in the "Pioneer Class." Sponsors also receive recogni- tion in all material advertising the program and throughout the series of classes. Bronze mem- bers are also identified on mate- rial promoting the program. To receive more information on sponsorships, contact Hendry County Economic Devel- opment Council by calling, (863)675-6007. A steering com- mittee member may also notify businesses and groups regarding sponsorship. Already on board are Lykes.Bros and Alico with Gold Sponsorships and Southern Gardens at the Silver level.. Space is limited with only 20 participants to be selected by committee through application for the first ever Leadership Pro- gram in Hendry and. Glades Counties.'Tuitiori to participate in the "Pioneer Class" is $500. Scholarships are available for half at $250 to those who prove need. To be considered for the "Pioneer Class" applicants may pick-up and submit a completed application to the Hendry Coun- ty Economic Development Council Office in LaBelle, 125 E. Hickpochee Ave. (Chamber of Commerce Building), 'or call (863)675-6007 to obtain an application form to be mailed to you. Deadline for application submission is Aug., 31, 2006. Once accepted tuition is due. A high-resolution photo will be required on application. FURNITURE / A PPL 4ANCES & BEDDI'G "Optima Mocha" A" - All Leather! ,m.14.iN Lru Loveseat also available only $499.95 Belle Glade 561-996-7646 me Cewlston 863-9834121 & m Sr"m M IinnmOJl(ee 2394574138 oesahee adwh. s $iawsw w 8563-763293 CLEWISTON NEWS THE SUN GLADES COUNT' DEMOCRAT NEW OFFICE NOW OPEN We would like our readers and the community to know that we have a new office located in Sugarland Plaza 820 West Sugarland Hwy, Suite 5, Clewiston You can also contact us by: Phone: Clewiston News: 863-983-9148 Glades County Democrat: 1-800-282-LAKE (8586) The Sun: 1-800-282-LAKE (8586) Fax: 863-983-7537 Editorial Email Addresses: Clewiston News: clewnews@newszap.com Glades County Democrat: gcdnews@newszap.com The Sun: sunnews@newszap.com Advertising Email Address: southlakeads@newszap.com Subscriptions: (877)-353-2424 To Place a Classified: (877)-353-2424 e-mail address: classads@newszap.com Billing Questions: (800) 426-4192 e-mail address: billteam@newszap.com Delivery Questions: (877) 282-8586 e-mail address: readerservices@newszap.com By Mail: PO BOX 1236, CLEWISTON, FL 33440 Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 7:00 PM Location: John Boy Auditorium 1200 SWC Owen Avenue Clewiston, Florida The purpose of this public workshop as part of the Lake Okeechobee Regulation Schedule Study (LORSS).is to present preliminary performance measures and Lake regulation alternatives currently under consideration. All interested individuals, groups and agencies are invited to attend and will be given an opportunity to comment and ask questions. The proposed environmental report, known as the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (DSEIS), will analyze reasonable alternatives to the Water Supply and Environment (WSE) regulation schedule currently used to regulate lake levels and discharges from the Lake. This study will only be consider operational changes to the current water management system. This study will not include structural modifications. Comments may be submitted to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Attn: Pete Milam, Project Manager, 701 San Marco Blvd., Jacksonville, Florida 32207 or by email to publicmail.cesaj-cc@saj02.usace.army.mil Assistance for individuals with special needs, including translations, is available by calling (561) 683-1577 x24 at least 2 days prior to this event. Visit the Corps website at www.saj.usace.army.mil and click on the Lake Okeechobee link to view more information regarding this study. Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 25, 2006 Any Purches9 of $15 or more.. * .. .' .1. r-,r.: t,: UNDERSOLD CG-,a nroe.di l y.u h0 j o I,..er i., .:,-, .. .,1 b ta t p :e I ,T,,,,,T...i i' 1 1 5: : r -.anr ..e ., ,,- L'a',.. r.i..'a It g i-.- .: J-. .r d rr, i- r ll TI ,-,. ,-,, e .i t. Clewilon 965 w Suga.londc H, 8 863-983- 108 "pa I Eplrr Mo 3y GmrE l r urd' l vny o. Inr awOfb.nUPosP ur p eirpWr44r. n7d SU MUfIMftfPpllyI., 5oM s bl drdai. AMERICAN ALUMINUM, Inc. S. Screen Carports i.. screens Roof-Overs Thursday, May 25, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee 2003 CHEVYSSR SSTK#62416A ..f.t . '02 MAZDA B2300 STK#62169B .... ................... ................ ,990 '02 FORD F-150 SUPERCAB XLT $ 3,990 STK#62170A ............................................................ '02 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT STKV6?598A .. ........ .. ". ... 13,990 'b2 DODGE 1500 QUAD CAB SLT 39 STK#63206A................................ 13,990 '05 GMC SIERRA 1500 4 Q STK#61482A ............................................................ 1 4 ,9 9 0 '03 DODGE RAM 1500 LARAMIE 5 9 STK#61300C ............................................................ '03 FORD F-150 SUPERCAB XLT1 6,990 STK#62769A ........................ .............................. '04 DODGE 1500 QUAD CAB SLT STK#60376A .........................................................,9 9 0 '04 DODGE 1500 QUAD CAB SLT HEMI STK#62525A17990 STK#62525A............................................................. 3 '04 CHEVROLET AVALANCHE ST62553A ........... ....22,590 '04 DODGE 2500 QUAD CAB 4X4 HEMI STK#62653A........................... ...................... 2 2 ,9 9 0 '04 TOYOTA TACOMA DOUBLE CAB V6 4X4 STK#62814A ..................................................... .... '04 GMC SIERRA 3500 DIESEL er. - STK#60252B .................................. ............. . -..:.. .;';.. ......... .;.-.;.-. ... ., -.p- * ': ; '* ^ ,* '-:'- ::. f,-^ '"; *' &;' 2005 SUBARU FRE ';: s .. STK#62142B i -- . 1w1 -- -------- m- w % '03 KIA SPECTRA STK#PL6797C ........................................................... 1 ,9 9 0 '03 DODGE NEON STK#68016A ................................................................ 8 ,4 9 0 '01 MERCURY SABLE LS PREMIUM STK#7008A................................... 8 ,9 9 '03 BUICK CENTURY ST K# 6991A ................................................................... '04 CHEVY CAVALIER STK#61240A........................................9 ,9 9 '04 SATURN ION STK#62205A ............................................................ ,9 9 '03 CHEVROLET IMPALA $9 STK#62301A.............. '03 FORD MUSTANG STK#61866B............................................................. 1 ,9 9 0 '05 NISSAN SENTRA STK#62460B............................................................ $1 2 ,4 9 0 '02 TOYOTA CAMRY STK#6942A............................................. .......... $ ,9 9 '03 MAZDA 3 STK#62094A ................................................... $ , '04 HYUNDAI XG350L ST K#6808 ................................. ................ '05 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER CONV. STK#6596A......................... .......... 5 .. .. ... .. .. ... ...... .. .. . 2 1 MAZDA '02 KIA SEDONA 2001 MAZDA M PV i STK#62947A ............................................................. $9,990 '00 JEEP CHEROKEE STK#60708A STK#63387A..................... .............................. .,. s '01 CHEVROLET TRACKER 4X4 $9 9 : ..; .. !' 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N1 6 ,9 9 '04 GMC ENVOY n STK#62385A ........................................................... 1 6 ,9 9 u.,j 'Js SE HABLA ESPANOL PAR-LEZ VCOUS FRANCAIS & CREOLE STORE HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY: 8:30AM 9PM SATURDAY: 8:30AM 9PM SUNDAY: IIAM- 6PM Offers expire date of publication. Must present this ad at time of purchase to receive advertised offers. All offers to qualified buyers. With approved credit. Savings based off original MSRP. Dealer not responsible for typographical errors or omissions. Prices plus tax, tag & title. All vehicles subject to prior sale. See dealer for details. Art for illustration purposes only. ~ -- -- -- .. .-- - "'Me i :y -~ %ff-*Y~-Qg Thursday, May 25, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee ( ZA::-e-- v IFls~~8~ 9.,zb8vvf Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 25, 2006 4--Sprint EMBARQG Your communications company is now EMBARQ EMBARQ It's time for some innovation. And a whole lot of common sense. Time for a bunch of new ideas for phone, Internet, TV and wireless. All from a company you can rely on. Sprint Local is now EMBARQ. And while we're no longer part of the Sprint Nextel family, we plan on being a big part of how you stay connected. For more information, visit EMBARQ.com. 2006 Embarq Holdings Company LLC. All rights reserved. The name EMBARQ and the jet logo are trademarks of Embarq Holdings Company LLC. EMB1-06-371 --4= Serving the communities. south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 25, 2006 Thursday, May 25, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Snewszap.com SCommunity Links. Individual Voices. Submitted to INI High honors Seniors who have made the A/B honor roll this year, but not among the honor graduates are: Ricardo Figueroa, Rod Huggins, Ashley Jones, and Timothy Washington. These students were among the Moore Haven High School students honored by the Glades County School Board at their May 16 meeting in Moore Haven. Submitted to INI Presentations Moore Haven High School students involved in the Lake Okeechobee Project were among others honored at the May 16 Glades County School Board meeting. Student, Whitney Ball delivered a presentation at the Nine County Coalition meeting in Okeechobee; Jennifer Haman testified extempo- raneously at a House Water and Natural Resources Commit- tee meeting regarding HB 1241 in Tallahassee, gave presen- tations at the Moore Haven City Council meeting, the Glades County Commission meeting, the Sanibel City Council meet- ing, and at the South Florida Water Management District pub- lic hearing at Florida Gulf Coast University; Jordan Thomas was the extemporaneous speaker at the Sanibel City Council meeting and did an excellent job of finding common ground between Moore Haven and Sanibel citizens; Jesse Capuzzi made his presentation at the South Florida Water Manage- ment District public hearing at Florida Gulf Coast University and at the Sanibel City Council meeting and, Azurree Arias (not pictured) made her presentation at the South Florida Water Management District public hearing at Florida Gulf Coast University and at the Sanibel City Council meeting At Family Eye Care We Provide: Complete Eye Health Examinations Including Prescriptions for Contact Lenses and Glasses Treatment of: Evaluation of: After Surgery Care of: Glaucoma Macular Degeneration Cataracts Eye Injuries Diabetes Glaucoma Dry Eye Cataracts Pterygium Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) Flashes & Floaters LASIK Specializing in bifocal, toric, daily disposable and hard-to-fit contact lenses. Full Optical Services In-House Lab High Quality Name Brand Frames Same Day Service on Some Prescriptions Latest Technological Lens Design Saturday and Evening Appointments Available 24 Hour Emergency Available New Patients Welcome 863.675.0761 www.familyeyecarelabelle.com Essay contest winners Moore Haven High School students who were winners in the Elks Essay Contest included: first place winner, Patri- cia Ainsworth. In second place, the winner was Ampara Aguiar, and in third place, Tyler Wilson. Elks Essay Con- test winners were among the Moore Haven High School students honored by the Glades County School Board at their May 16 meeting in Moore Haven. PAID ADVERTISEMENT Rumors vs. Reality: The Arrival of the Seacoast National Name Submitted to INI Scientific set Moore Haven High School students who were named as Science Fair Winners during the May 16 Glades County School Board meeting included: Macy Randolph, who received the award for first place; Eric Bryan took second place; Marielys Figueroa was the third place winner; Amanda Arnold placed fourth, and Alejandra Perez earned a fifth place spot. The merger of Big Lake National Bank and Seacoast National Bank brings with it a wealth of additional services and benefits to customers. Joe Mullins, Big Lake's president for the past 18 years, knows that a merger also brings rumors. The following is an open letter from Joe to Big Lake National Bank Customers: Joe Mullins, Regional President, Seacoast National Bank To our customers and the communities we serve, Submitted to INI All star student Rachel Broome, a Moore Haven High School student was among those honored at the Glades County School Board meeting on May 16. Miss Broome was the recipient of the Governor's High School All-Star award. BACK To SCHOOL ENROLL Now STHE LEARNING TREE PRE-SCHOOL THE SCHOOL WITH THE BEST EDUCATION "EUROPEAN CURRICULUM" RATED "OUTSTANDING" BY EDUCATORS CERTIFIED TEACHERS WITH 22 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE ENGLISH SPANISH SCHOOL READINESS MUSIC AND A LOT OF FUN TEACHER/PUPIL RATIO 1 TO 8 AGES: 3&4 YEARS OLD TIME: 8 TO 12 NOON PLACE: SIKES PARK 515 VALENCIA ST (ACROSS FROM MIDDLE SCHOOL) FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL MRS. IRIMA 983-7826 OR MRS. PADRON 983-7105 I've heard all the rumors, how fees will rise, accounts will change and the phone will no longer be answered by a person. Nothing could be further from the truth. The integration of Big Lake National Bank and Seacoast National Bank will be completed on June 5, and is a "win-win" for Big Lake National Bank customers. The same employees will be servicing you, service charges will not change and loan decisions will still be made locally. The merger with Seacoast will only enhance our customers' banking experience. New services will include free online banking and bill pay, and a Telephone Banking Center with extended weekday and Saturday hours where customers can call and speak with a live banking representative. Cash management, marine financing, investment products, trust and estate planning and annuities are additional services that will be available to you. We will have an expanded network with 41 Florida offices for greater convenience. The automated MoneyPhone, formally known as BLISS, will also be available 24/7. Seacoast National Bank is known for providing big bank services with small bank attention, which means they are able to provide a larger variety of financial services often offered by the large mega-banks, with the personal service associated with smaller community banks. It's truly the best of both worlds for our customers. Seacoast National Bank has a long history of supporting community events and employee involvement with charities. Just as you've always been able to find Big Lake National Bank employees on hand to help out at community functions. Customers will see that only positive changes are coming their way. More services, more flexibility, more convenience. And yes, there will still be a live person answering the phone. All of us at Big Lake National Bank and Seacoast National Bank are excited about the opportunity to continue .serving your financial needs and look forward to seeing you in our branches and around town. Just as before, our bankers' hours don't stop at the office door. We are committed to serving our customers now more than ever. By the way, if you have a question or concern you'd like to share with us, call your local Big Lake National Bank office or call me at 863-467-4663. Our lines are open and will be answered by a live person not a machine. Thank you for your continued trust. Regional Presid Joe Mullins dent, Seacoast National Bank. NASDAQ: SBCF A subsidiary of Seacoast Banking Corporation ofFlorida Seacoast NATIONAL BANK // 0 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 25, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 25, 2006 Demo on newer Stormwater designs FORT MYERS The South Florida Water Management Dis- trict will present the Innovative Stormwater Designs Workshop Wednesday, June 7 from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Florida Gulf Coast University. The workshop will provide engineers, agency/regulatory per- sonnel, landscape architects, planners, owners/developers, governmental code enforcers and consultants with practical infor- mation on applying low impact development design concepts on land development projects. "Renowned water quality experts will demonstrate how to lead the way into tomorrow with low impact development while sharing community strategies designed to support a more sus- tainable future," said Carla Palmer, RE., director of SFWMD's stormwater management divi- sion, and the workshop's organiz- er. "This workshop will be filled with information and examples to give attendees the knowledge they will need to develop more effective stormwater manage- ment plans." Along with Palmer, speakers include Eric Livingston, bureau chief.for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection; Gary Goforth, Ph.D., P.E., Gary Goforth Inc.; Alice Rankeillor, P.E., City of Gainesville; Ricardo Valera, P.E., Gulfshore Engineer- To read more news, visit www.newszap.com DOCTOR TEHSIN CLOSING PRACTICE Dr. Tehsin regrets to inform you that he is relocating, and closing his practice in Clewiston, effective June 23, 2006. All his patients are requested to contact his office Phone # 983-9141 as soon as possible for appointments and further information. V .Lf-lE IP'LA.E,. SGordon River Water Quality Park Florda -. *r -. -' *, C I-I U ncr C- Submitted to INI/SFWMD The Gordon River Water Quality Park in Naples, a low impact development, will provide flood relief in surrounding neighborhoods within the Gordon River Watershed, while helping to improve water quality in Naples Bay. The park consists of a 50-acre natural water quality treatment facility that functions as a natural filtration system similar to the Everglades, and is based on interconnected ponds, marshes and wetlands that remove excess nutrients from the water. The park will combine the treatment system with trails, boardwalks, habitat, fish- ing piers, educational facilities, and extensive landscape and aquascape, within a passive park setting. ing Inc.; and Martin Wanielista, Ph.D., P.E., University of Central Florida's Stormwater Manage- ment Academy. Cost to attend the session is $25 per person if registered by May 31 or $30 June 1 and after. Early registration is advised as seating is limited. Sponsorships and exhibit .opportunities are available. Four Professional Development Hours will be awarded to Florida professional engineers. .For more information or to register, contact Sharon Arnold at (239) 277-6295 or sarnold@grav- inasmith.com. Clewiston library to hold summer reading "Book Feast," the Clewiston Library Summer Reading Pro- gram, will kick off on Tuesday, June 6, at 12:30 p.m. (after lunch) at the Montura Club- house. There will be a story time and also games and prizes for the participants. There will be a program once a week on Tues- days at 12:30 p.m. in June. The kick off at the Clewiston Library will be at 2 p.m. on Thurs- day, June 8. Featured will be pup- pets doing a show on hurricanes and disaster preparedness b\ Pro- ject Hope. There will be a program at the Clewiston Library on Tues- days for ages 5-7 and Thursdays at 10 a.m. for ages 8-11 until July 20. Books will be given away each week in a drawing at the library. Some of the programs include: "Grow It! Sprout a plant," "Curious George the Monkey," "Book Feast," "Japanese Tea Ceremony," featuring the We the People book- shelf grant book, "Grandfather's Journey," "Chicken Pizza at the library," "Dinosaur Park," "Stars and Stories," and "Alien Landing." There will be suncatcher stain- ing, puppet making, plaster of paris painting, hand tattoos and other fun crafts! The Teen Summer Reading Pro- gram "On the Edge" for teens from ages 13-17will kickoff onJuly 10at 10 a.m. Guest speaker, Joe White- head will speak on sports and his days as a sportscaster. Florida farmers pay fair wages for labor GAINESVILLE, FLA; Florida Farm Bureau is concerned that the current public focus on immigration and immigration reform may lack accurate infor- mation about farming and farm worker pay. "There appears to be a per- ception that agricultural produc- ers are paying less than minimum wage to foreign workers," said Kevin Morgan, FFBF director of agricultural policy. "In fact, the average wage paid to farm work- ers by Florida growers is far high- er than the state or federal mini- mum wage." Florida farm workers are paid, on average, more-than $9 an hour, according to farm labor sta- tistics from the United States Department of Agriculture. - These statistics show that, contrary to popular notions, fa~rn workers are being paid a fair wage. Field harvesters are paid at least the state minimum wage of $6.40, which is above the federal minimum wage of $5.15. The average pay of all hired workers was $9.49 an hour, while the average pay for agricultural serv- ices workers was $9.20 an hour. As the state's largest general- interest agricultural association, Florida Farm Bureau recognizes that a steady supply of workers is essential to the production process. This supply of workers Conference offers global view on citrus health LAKELAND, Fla. The Florida Citrus Industry Annual Conference Educational Session on June 8 in Bonita Springs will offer growers a variety of perspectives on issues affecting citrus health. The session, titled "Citrus Greening and Citrus Canker A Global Perspective" will feature representatives from the Florida cit- rus industry as well as Brazil and California. Juliano Ayres, scientific manager for Fundecitrus in Brazil will address the control of citrus canker in Sao Paulo State. Mr. Ayres, along with Alexandre Tachibana, general manager of Santa Maria Farm in Brazil will also discuss citrus greening control. Representatives from the University of Florida Citrus Research and Edu- cation Center will talk to growers about production practices that Florida's growers can implement to assure citrus health. The session will conclude with a question and answer session featuring a panel of growers from Brazil, California and Florida. The 2006 Florida Citrus Industry Annual Conference will be held June 7-10 at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa in Bonita Springs. The Conference, which is spear- headed by Florida Citrus Mutual's Allied Committee, begins on June 7 with the 2006 Florida Citrus Mutual Annual Board of Directors Business Meeting, Past Presidents Reception andLegislative Forum. The Citrus Industry Dinner on the evening of June 8 will feature keynote speaker Luther Beauchamp, a Silent and Lik e Auc- tion and recognition of active lead- ers in the citrus community. Fishing and golf tournaments and a family Luau Dinner will con- clude the conference on June 9. Additional conference activities include other citrus association meetings, spouse and family activi- ties and opportunities to interact with fellow industry members and elected officials. For more, information about registration or sponsorship oppor- tunities, please visit Mutual's web- site at www.flcitrusmutual.com or contact Heather Russo, Florida Cit- rus Mutual's membership coordi- nator, at (863)682-1111, ext.212 or heatherr@flcitrusmutual.com. Florida Citrus Mutual, founded in 1948, is the state's largest citrus grower organization with more than 10,000 members. The Florida citrus industry provides a $9.1 bil- lion annual economic impact to the state and employs 90,000 peo- ple. For more information, and more news from Florida Citrus Mutual, see the link at http://www2.newszap.cor/local.li nks/florida/index.htm.) Sanchez and Sims play for Sanford, Sports, Page 16 must be available when crops are ready for harvest. The Florida Farm Bureau con- tinues to work with members of Congress to insure that any immi- gration reform measure has a practical guest worker program. Pasior Chuck & Karen Pelbam Ignited Youth Ministry. Every Wednesday 7:15 pm 370 Holiday Isle Blvd 863.983.3181 www.newharvest.net ---------- --- ATTENTION CAT ONECREDT CRD HoIDER Was a security deposit charged to your card when you opened a Capital One Credit Card account in 2001 or 2002? CallNOWfor information regarding your legal rights. Toll Free I-86 6- o7 8 James Kaufman, Cauley Bowman Licensed in Florida CaMfy&W BWiIlS Princpal office in Little Rock,AR 11u Ana Drivte.*L te Roc, AR72116 The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely on:advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience ---------------- ------ ------- LILY NEWS Fidelity Federal Bank & Trust ANNOUNCES an.fgani .7af"to Congratulations On A Job Well Done! 1I '16 i- Your Parents, Ahmad & Nawal Kahok .w' ...' .) :;. ..i ,1-A, :.-, .. r '-. L .:t.'fy P f r SINCERW~ Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 25, 2006 ~3 Wade Walker, a survivor of the Storm of 1928 By Twila Valentine Edited by MaryAnn Morris From 1977 until her death in 2003, Independent Newspapers of Florida was privileged to have on staff a superb writer and histo- rian, Twila Valentine. Mrs. Valen- tine wrote much about the histo- ry of the people and places around Lake Okeechobee and about the lake itself. Together with Okeechobee's Betty Williamson, President of the Okeechobee Historical Society, she co-authored a book, now in its second printing, "Strolling down Country Roads in Okee- chobee." The following story comes from an interview Mrs. Valentine conducted with with Wade Walk- er in 1988. "Lakeport in 1926 was a small community located some 11 miles north of Moore Haven. When the hurricane hit, the gen- eral store, owned by J.L. Beck, with 19 people in its loft floated a mile and a half. When the roof collapsed, Beck's wife, daughter, two grandchildren and four other people were lost," Mr. Walker recalled. "Although the whole north- west side of Lake Okeechobee was bounded by an endless marsh, there was a long, narrow, sandy and wooded ridge along the shore, cut by the Harney Pond Canal. This ridge populated by commercial fishermen, was known as Big Bare Beach. With no levee to build up a head of water, and the sparse population, the loss of life was small at Big Bare Beach," he said. It was in this area of the lake where Okeechobee native Wade Walker experienced the storm. At the time, the fishermen had no idea they were in the middle of a hurricane. In that 1988 interview Wade, who was a resident of the Okee- chobee Health Care Facility at the time, recalled his experiences that day of Sept. 18, 1926. "I was fishing over this side of Moore Haven at what they called Istopoga Canal then. It has anoth- er name now, the Harney Pond. We were fishing out on the lake about four or five miles out on the lake. That morning we got up and got ready to fish. I ate one piece of egg and the boat began to drift. The houseboat had those big, old.wooden anchors. They tied the houseboats with them. You got what they called the Recollections A series about Florida's pioneers and history anchor ropes that come up to the posts in the inside at the corners. We had about three big ropes and it began to drag. So we went over the side and began to ride the anchors to help hold it down until the anchors caught. It finally did get caught. Then it got so rough, we couldn't get overboard to ride the anchors anymore," he said. "We stayed and roughed it out. The fishing boats were tied up to the anchors behind and a long boat that we used to haul the fish was tied up in front of the houseboat, which was a barge. We went to take care of it (the long boat) and we finally got it loose and it broke a hole in the end of the houseboat where you could knock a barrel through it. About the time it broke loose, here come a big, high wave. I imagine the waves were 15 to 20 feet high. I really don't know just how high they were, but they were plenty high. We went back to the other boats that was tied behind and another couple of waves came up and they broke loose and there we all sat on that houseboat with a hole in the end of it, and the water just a coming' in. We finally decided we'd have to cut the hole larger and put a tub in it. We cut the hole and fit the tub in to stop the water coming' in. "We saw we were going to have to cut the anchor ropes and just let it drift. We didn't know where we were going from there. We cut the anchor ropes at each of the corner posts at the same time so it wouldn't turn sideways if it had, it would have tipped over and there's no telling what would have happened. We did have sense of mind enough to cut them both at the same time. When we cut them ropes, it seemed like that thing just picked up and sailed. We had one anchor left and I crawled around and tied it on, so I could straight- en the boat so the hold would be in front of us and not behind. No telling how far we went before I got the chance to throw that anchor over. We drifted that night and we drifted right up to another houseboat that was anchored pretty close to where we was. They had just let theirs drag right along and it went way back up in the marsh. That night, we drifted right up to the side of them. "All day long, we'd been fight- ing that storm and it was pretty rough. We decided to get some- thing to eat. We hadn't eaten all day. We tried that, but we didn't want much. I decided I didn't want anything to eat and I crawled up on one of those little bunks we had there and I went to sleep. "Next morning, we didn't real- ize what we'd been through. We went back in there (the marsh) to get the big run boat because it had the fish in it and the ice. It was way back up in the marsh, even further back. We used one of their boats (the other house- boat) since we didn't have any left and we turned it around front and anchored it to make a trail to get out. The only way we had water was to take a shovel and dip some of that ice and let it melt. We made a channel back there and dug it out to where we could get the boat out. It took quite a long while to do that. "I reckon I am lucky to be here. We still weren't thinking and after a couple of days, a fel- low came and told us about all the damage that hadbeen done in different places. We were about eight to ten miles anchored this side (northeast) of Moore Haven. When he come to us and told us about all the people who had drowned in Moore Haven, I caught the first boat out. I said, 'You can stay here, but I am going!" he said. YOUR BRIDAL HEADQUARTERS! ,i GOWNS BY: Milano Lida Mauri Simone lR Dave & Johnny's Aurora Formals TUXEDOS BY: After Hours Jim's Formal Wear SHOES BY: Colorful Creations We do alterations & AIRBRUSH TANNING! Courtyard'Shoppes at North Shore Plaza ; p 810 EN Park St (863) 357-9099 ' To save time and money b\ having the newspaper delivered to your home by mail. call Reader Services at 1-877-353-2424 or e-mail a readerservices@:ne%\ szap.com. If you're already a subscriber and have ques- . tions or requests about your home deli'er-. call Reader Services at 1-877-353-2424 or . email readerservices@'new szap.com. Clewiston News y GLDEII COL'NT DEMOCRAT Sun The Sun -4,v Special to INI/www.Iommymarkham.com In the early days, as you can see from this 1915 photo, fishing on Lake Okeechobee was by brute strength and endurance; sometimes more than you thought you were going to need, as Wade Walker tells. Earth Talk From the Editors of E/The Environmental Magazine. Dear EarthTalk: How could there ever be a "water scarcity?" Isn't water the most plentiful thing on Earth? Answer: Ocean water may cover more than 70 percent of the Earth's surface, but thirsty humans rely on finite supplies of freshwater to stay alive. And with exploding human population growth, especially in poor coun- tries, these finite supplies get quickly spoken for. Further, in places without proper sanita- tion, water can become tainted with any number of diseases and parasites. According to the World Bank, as many as two billion people lack adequate sanitation facili- ties to protect them from water- borne disease, while a billion lack access to clean water alto- gether. According to the United Nations, which has declared 2005-2015 the "Water for Life" decade, 95 percent of the world's cities still dump raw sewage into their water supplies. Thus it should come as no sur- prise to know that 80 percent of all the health maladies in devel- oping countries can be traced back to unsanitary water. Sandra Postel, author of the 1998 book, Last Oasis: Facing Water Scarcity, predicts big water availability problems as populations of so-called "water- stressed" countries jump per- haps six fold over the next 30 years. "It raises tons of issues about water and agriculture, growing enough food, providing for all the material needs that people demand as incomes increase, and providing drinking water," says Ms. Postel. Developed countries aren't immune to freshwater problems either. Researchers found a six- fold increase in water use for only a two-fold increase in popu- lation size in the United States since 1900. Such a trend reflects the connection between higher living standards and increased water usage, and underscores the need for more sustainable management and use of water supplies even in more developed societies. With world population expected to pass nine billion by mid-century, solutions to water scarcity problems are not going to come easy. Some have sug- gested that technology-such as large-scale saltwater desalina- tion plants-could generate more freshwater for the world to use. But environmentalists argue that depleting ocean water is no answer and will only create other big problems. In any case, research and development into improving desalination tech- nologies is ongoing, especially in Saudi Arabia, Israel and Japan. And already an estimated 11,000 desalination plants exist in some 120 countries around the world. Others believe that applying market principles to water would facilitate a more efficient distribution of supply every- where. Analysts at the Harvard Middle East Water Project, for example, advocate assigning a monetary value to freshwater, rather than considering it a free natural commodity. They say such an approach could help mitigate the political and securi- ty tensions caused by water scarcity. As individuals, we can all reign in our own water use to help conserve what is becoming an ever more precious resource. We can hold off on watering our lawns in times of drought. And when it does rain, we can gather gutter water in barrels to feed garden hoses and sprinklers. We can turn off the faucet while we brush our teeth or shave, and take shorter showers. As Sandra Postel concludes, "Doing more with less is the first and easiest step along the path toward water security." CONTACT: United Nations Water For Life Decade, www.un.org/waterfor- lifedecade. GOT AN ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTION? Send it to: Earth- Talk, c/o E/The Environmental Magazine, P.O. Box 5098, West- port, CT 06881; submit it at: www.emagazine.com/earth- talk/thisweek/, or e-mail: earth- talk@emagazine.com. Read past columns at: www.emagazine.com/earth- talk/archives.php. :.';i :2' ', !!^ '...,T*. :.. , ." .. at Walnut Creek ~rofm NC' premier po .ti. 'JMua nthusiasts! .3rl ?JIW.( ^'I%7 q fa ro(2eries. com 2006 SRLES TRK HOLIDAY FOR HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS MRY 21 THROUGH JUIE 1. 2006 599 SHP Generator 5650 watt max. 7345 watt surge power Two 120 volt duplex outlets, 12 volt cigarette lighter adapter, 12 volt jumper cable plug and cables * Automatic low oil shutdown * Hour meter and volt meter S3 year/300 hour limited warranty 3208022 IMNN ;-* 44"" Generator Converter Cord * Converts 240 volt twist lock (L14- 30) to six 120 volt outlets * Can handle up to 30 amps (7500 Swatts) -^ 6 9 9 Works with any generator 321517' B 13 Hp Generator 8130 watt surge, 6500 watt continuous power S120 volt AC GFCI, 12 volt DC, 120 volt AC twist-lock and 240 volt AC twist-lock receptacles S4 stroke OHV gasoline engine 6.6 gal. gas tank 8 hrs. continuous operation) * Heavy duty design 3213105 Generator Accessory Kt, 3215167..$139 AWE thehelpfulplace LABELLE CLEWISTON Vidson Ace Hardware Vision Ace Hardware 350 West Hlckpochee 310 East Sugarland Highway (863) 675-2672 (863) 963-8353 Mon-Fri 7-8 Sat 7-7 Sun 8-5 Mon-Fri 7:30-7 Sat 8-6 Sun 9-5 JEFFERSON JACKSON DINNER FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 2006 JOHN BOY AUDITORIUM 1200 S. WC Owens, Clewiston GUEST SPEAKER JANET RENO MASTER OF CEREMONIES SENATOR DAVE ARONBERG TICKETS $35.00 Make checks payable to Glades DEC, PO Box 1015 Moore Haven, FL 33471 For more information Call 863-983-2922 or 863-983-2960 pd. For by Hendry & Glades DEC's Swisza. , . -.. '"r"] .!; :. v ," L_ inks. individuol V/ ices. s. I. a a .I&J'~' e ~1 Headlines Stories from Independent's 7 newspapers in South Central Florida, PLUS searchable archives. Post Your News Post or read press releases, announcements & information from your community. Public Issues Forum An open forum in which issues of the day are debated sometimes vigorously. Post For Free Post your personal messages on on open Bulletin Board for Florida residents. Local Links A directory of, 4,.'ebsites for location go ernment. teams. organizations & columnists. Classified Ads The combined listings from Irndependeni's newspapers distributed to 31,000 homes ,'.;..' Canal Point Pahokee Belle Glade South Boa S,,:..:v- Clewiston Moore Haven Ortona Muse North LaBelle Felda LaBelle Immokalee Pioneer Plantation Buckhead Ridge Okeechobee Basinger Frostproof 5 * L Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 25, 2006 m Kerrrli tuh cimu s o ur o k crm "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" Season Continued From Page 1 early and thoroughly for hurri- cane season," said Representa- tive Ron Greenstein. "This meas- ure will grant Floridians a tax break on much needed hurri- cane supplies and hopefully increase the number of people prepared for this year's hurricane season." The Hurricane Preparedness Sales Tax ,Holiday is a key com- River Continued From Page 1 come. Completion of all is set for around 2012. "The U.S. Corps of Engineers is in charge of the work and we are making sure that they are aware that a lot of people are on the river and recreating in the river valley," said Fred Davis, Director of the Land Stewardship Division for South Florida water Management District (SFWMD). It was reported that areas near the river have been burned as part of the natural cycle of land restora- tion. There have been four burns since the beginning of the year at Turkey and Hickory Hammocks Wildlife Management Area and No Name and Starvation Sloughs. There is a new kiosk at Hickory Hammock, (on US 98 north of Basinger in Highlands County) the equestrian campground there has new composting toilets and the barn roof will be repaired. The road to the campground will be ponent of the hurricane pre- paredness, response and recov- ery budget recommendations made by Governor Jeb Bush and Lt. Governor Toni Jennings. The recommendations include new efforts to significantly enhance Florida's ability to prepare for hurricanes, respond quickly in the aftermath of a storm, recover from the damage and impacts to the economy and mitigate future threats to public safety and infra- structure. The $565 million pack- age includes funding to harden county emergency operations centers, make existing homes more disaster resistant, install permanent generators in all spe- cial needs shelters, create safe public shelter for an additional 100,000 people, repair and reha- bilitate homes in communities severely impacted by the 2004 and 2005 storms and raise public awareness of the critical need to prepare for hurricanes. "All indications are that we will have another active hurri- cane season," said Florida Divi- "Citrus canker has closed many groves to hunters for fear that passing contact can spread the disease, this has really reduced the area available for hunting." George Sabin, SDHA improved for two-%\ a\ traffic ith- in the next six months. Negotiations are ongoing between SFX'M'D, Florida Atlantic University and hopefully. High- lands County, to determine the long-term plans for ownership and use of the Edna Pearce Lock- ett Estate on the bank of the Kissimmee River at US 98 North. The Southern Dog Hunting Association (SDHA) has applied for a permit for raccoon hunting on Saturday nights from 6 p.m. to 8 a.m. this summer at Hickory Harnmock. Questions were answered about the number of hunters expected each week:. around four or five with one dog per hunter. The permit should be no problem. "If your dog runs onto adja- cent private property, or a "no hunting" area, you can be charged with a second degree misdemeanor and fined $500," said Florida Fish and Wildlite (FWC) Officer Allen. "Hunters are responsible to control their dogs." Hunters who were at the meeting noted that if your dog does run off, and you go after him without a gun, just carry a leash, you rarely get into trouble. "Our dogs are well trained," said George Sabin of the SDHA. "If people bring dogs that they can't control, we'll tell.them they can't hunt with us any more. We don't need that kind of thing." Jim Clements, of the Florida Trail Assn. commented that sum- sion of Emergency Management Director Craig Fugate. "A suc- cessful response starts well before a storm makes landfall - with families, communities and counties planning and preparing for a potential emergency." The 2006 Atlantic Hurricane Season begins on June 1. For more information on the 2006 season, disaster preparedness and the sales tax holiday, please visit www.myflorida.com or www.FloridaDisaster.org. mer hunting doesn't interfere with hiking and camping as those are cool weather-activities. Not all areas around -he rT'\er are open for firearm.hunting. Some areas are primitive weapons only or restricted to a shorl-range firearm. Certain marshy areas are restricted from air boats due to the noise and close proximity to homes. A detailed discussion fol- lowed regarding the need to go several hundred feet into a marsh to hunt ducks and the possibility of allowing some type of small motor or idle speed was debated by Newton Cook of United Water Fowl, other duck hunters, FWC and SFWMD representatives. "Citrus canker has closed many groves to hunters for fear that passing contact can spread the disease," said Mr. Sabin, "this has really reduced the area avail- able for hunting." SBicycle riding is allowed any- where in the Kissimmee River Recreation area. The next meet- ing is tentatively scheduled for Aug. 5. Feathered friends Mack, the.border collie babysits for ducklings and chicks being raised at home. "You're going to need some new fillings in that canine tooth," the chick seems to be say- ing. "We were afraid of what his interest might be," said Peter Birkett, Mack's owner, but one day we found that he had nosed the shower door open and one of the chicks was sitting on his head. We don't worry any more." Water Continued From Page 1 based on certain types of books, for example: a student must read three' chapter books (books that are made up of chapters). A student must attain a grade. of 85 percent on quizzes based on contents of the books, or an over- all average of 85 percent. A few of the "water joys" will be the slip and slide, the "war" zone featuring water guns and water balloons, and there's the bubble center where students blow bubbles, that is bubbles big enough and strong enough to actually blow through the air. And, at the snack station, there'll be free snow cones. Media Specilalist Stella Luckey said, "We're fully expecting most of our students to participate in this year's Water Day, in other words the majority, which is unusual. Our students have worked much harder for this spe- cial event this year." Water Day will be held after lunch at 1 p.m., Friday, May 26. Everybody will have lunch as usual and then the water-fun begins. "The PTO (Parent Teachers Organization) of West Gladeswill help with the snack station," adds Mrs. Luckey. "And if there are any parents who would like to lend a hand this year, please call the school at 675-3490." At the end of the first quarter this year, for every goal the stu- dents met they received a wet sponge to throw at an administra- tor of the school. The second quarter those reaching the goals were awarded the opportunity to play bingo. And the third quarter students meeting the goals were awarded a social event with music to dance to, gamesranid lie snacks. newszap.com SCommunity Links. Individual Voices. Ji Seminar Continued From Page 1 community there is a new book/magazine exchange. Dona- tions of books, especially for chil- dren are being accepted. At the meeting on May 9, dona- tions were given to project gradua- tion and scholarships for graduat- ing seniors. On July 4, the LCA is planning on a "catfish rodeo." A committee of George Randolph, Muriel Green, Carl and Debbie Paschal was formed to work on the details for this event. Many volunteers will be needed to make this a great cele- bration for the birthday of our country. A sad item that needs to be reported is the vandalism to the fence and posts that is used for the Sour Orange Festival. The fes- tival is the community's means of revenue to benefit the youth in Lakeport; for.college scholar- ships, add on money for youth showing at the Chalo Nitka festi- val, Easter, Halloween and Christ- mas parties, etc. For more information about these events and reservations, please call Jo Randolph at 227- 4323. Introducing the newest member of our General Surgery Team. SHarold L. Martin, M.D., F.A.C.S. 1--1 .... .?'.":*"' "^. ... Dr N jruni re.:ei'.ed tus b ichcl'r's J'1 4i -'C ii in PhdiinPhiui:-, ton- Flondi \S A NM Un' -r.'rr iuT, J ihj'4ec ind h. .. .ilM d i L .crec Crc'n H,-,,-itd Srl u -ctirr School of 'ledicie '" E -.Dr. hlartn spec ,i [zeIs in I lapuo S copLe Lurer-,. general andi per pheti .asca ar iLt'er,; tlsble -iSr ', H i' -Is . .: :,e ble. Dr Mar, s :J:o : ri .:. Dr n Diploinmte it the N ni, nal Board of Mediccil Ex.unner; and : Fello'.. of the A.niericin College of Surucons and die Anmelr:an Scier', e ot't un.d Sir.1-n'. Com uni to l e GlAd eneril Ho~'?i ldl tfion N ,~orhcriN l,:nr ia. Hospai, l t Hi .r:. iMon tarn. plea i 0 I '1 I n1 : el.:1'.Ili g DL r i .liN[!'ln [0 OLU l COll L11Tl'li .., Take a closer look at Glades General Hospital... you'll be impressed by what you see GLADES GENE RAL H O S P I T AL 561-996-6571 1201 South Main Street HOME- Of TIE "oRii4A1 . o SF, Make up to $2,500 by filling in the space above! Sell your personal valuables if they're $2,500 or less for absolutely free! No fee, no catch, no problems! * 4 lines for 2 weeks * Price must be included in ad * Private parties only * 2 items per house- hold per issue ,Clewiston News * 1 used item or grouping per ad priced at $2,500 or less * Independent Newspapers reserves the right to disqualify any ad. DEMOCRAT The Sun Toll Free 877-353-2424 E-Mail: classad@newszap.com Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 25, 2006 ~~~" " - -~~'' ' ,~ --':": "~"'" r .d ~~:' ......~n r -1 .a~l i-l~ I i :ili-r~ di- L ~.4lliir mvr L ...I. n: 1~ ~ylr yl ~I ~II .-I-1 .* I II i ;rlirur ~,..: rn L -L' i:''' "' -.'::"' - ~'~" reIIam;ianue .. I~i~ _.,, ...-~ ~- ~- Belle Glade, Florida 33430 Thrdy Ma 25 200 Serin the cmuitie sout of Lak Okeechobee A special TH YOU to the men & women of our Armed Forces, th eir family oved ones IS es & th e ir for all that sacrificed to protect our freedom & th freedom of oth e e rs. We will be Memoria c osed Day, a day that should be spent honoring th brave people. ese Our I thoughts & prayers go to th ose harm's way, & to allI who have fought to protect our great nation & our way of ife. HAvMPTON CHRYSLER DODGE II HEN DRI Y COUNTY) Y'S CONLY 5-STAR H CHR.YSL IER-DODGE- JE E P D EAL ER i CHRYSLERIjOp fIt really does make a difference! f wjlwso fisad aes -_ 'om 202 W. Sugarland Hwy. 4...) ~,3L ff., n : ii, . '1;.'9: * 'L1 ~Jt; *e "9... Q-; I - - r- 41~h .ix- -,. 1? E~ I :r. ~~n:::: O;;i: : :: ,t - ... ~su; I ~;: s: ; .x. ,rtl r : :r4: i'.c. i' i. r- ?t '' ~~f~~ 1 -i .i. v;: :r .::: :: W:-9' i- I I JEEP *| HII '^^^BM :; ;-"'*' JEh a*.t. All "z7,fff p Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 25, 2006 ,. '?, i ~,I * '' '~ ~c:5 ; ~T .. :..X'5 (863) 983-4600 Toll Free 1 -888-200-1703 Thursday, May 25, 2006 6- OT S-e Submitted to INI The defensive backfield for Stanford University features Nick Sanchez and Tim Sims, both of Belle Glade. Nick Sanchez, who played in Stanford's annual Cardinal and White Spring Game in Palo Alto, Calif., signed autographs for youngsters. Sanchez and Sims play for Sanford Belle Glade's Nick Sanchez (#2) and Tim Sims (#14) started at cornerback for the Cardinal defense in Stanford's annual Car- dinal and White Spring Game held recently in Palo Alto, Califor- nia. Former Glades Day offensive and defensive standout Sanchez earned a starting job at corner- back last Spring opposite senior TJ Rushing (who was selected in April's draft by the Indianapolis Colts) and former Glades Central star wide receiver Sims played as the third corner in Stanford's 2005 defense. The two corners also started on special teams for the Cardinal. With two years eligibili- ty remaining at Stanford, they look forward bringing "BG" foot- ball to the Cardinal secondary. Following the annual spring game, Stanford football players conducted a football clinic for young fans. Sanchez and Sims participated in the clinic, leading drills and signing autographs for the kids. Off the football field, the play- ers hit the books while complet- ing their junior year at Stanford. Sanchez is majoring in Communi- cations and Sims in Political Sci- ence. Stanford University Football Schedule 2006 Sept. 2: at Oregon Sept. 9: at San Jose State Sept. 16 Navy Sept. 23: Washington State Sept. 30: at UCLA Oct. 7: at Notre Dame Oct. 14: Arizona Oct. 21: at Arizona State Nov. 4: USC Nov. 11: at Washington Nov. 18: Oregon State Dec. 2: at California Sports in Brief Baseball and football camps open BELLE GLADE Glades Day School Baseball Camp, June 5 to 9, is open to boys and girls, ages 4 to 8 in the morning and ages 9 to 15 afternoons. Glades Day School Football Camp will be open June 12 to 16, for boys, ages 4 to 8 in the mornings and ages 9 to 15 in the afternoons. Space is limited. Please call Glades Day School for details at (561) 996-6769. Clewiston Cougars registration open CLEWISTON The Clewis- ton Cougars registration will be be held Saturday, May 20 from noon to 2 p.m. in the Clewiston Cougars Locker Room. Registra- tion fee for the first 100 Partici- pants to register is $65. Regular Registration fee is $75. Fees are due at time of registration, and are not refundable. Also due at time of registration is a Copy of your child's Birth Certificate and a recent wallet size photo. Parents will be given extra time to bring in a copy of the child's year ending report card and current year physical. Those who already have this items are asked please bring them. For more information, log on to the Cougars website at: www.leaguelineup.com/clewis- toncougars BASS BUSTERS plans tournaments CLEWISTON BASS BUSTERS Tournament Trail will hold the Silver Division Open Tournament on Saturday May 20, in Clewiston Florida the team entry is only $70. Bass Busters tournament trail will hold the Gold Division Open Tournament on Sunday May 21 in Clewiston Florida the team entry is only $100.00 Both weigh-ins will be Held At Roland and Maryann Martin's Marina at 3 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday May 20 and 21. For More Information Contact Chris Fickey at 941-232-9539 or visit the official BASS BUSTERS website at www.bassbusters- florida.com Lifeguards needed CLEWISTON The city of Clewiston Recreation Depart- ment is hiring Red Cross Certi- fied lifeguards for the 2006 sum- mer term. Starting pay is $9 per hour. Applications are available at Clewiston City Hall. Classifieds, Pages 21-25 Newszap & Newspapers We make it easy to stay up-to-date! Community homepages newszap.com Click anytime for the latest LOCAL HEW LOCAL ADVERTIIM6 LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS! Featuring links to: SAP wire M Weather m Obituaries m Health news Stock quotes Horoscopes STV listings Movie listings Lottery results Food & recipes White Pages Yellow Pages & much more! Newszap! Online News & Information newszap.com Tim Sims signed autographs for youngsters who participated in a football clinic conducted by Stanford football players. Adv irtiemet A Gold Mine in Bedroom Drawers Newswire: People are selling their old scrap gold that is gathering dust for its cash value because gold prices are so high. With the price of gold at a 25 yearhigh(over $700.00 per ounce), it makes sense. GoldKit.com, a gold recycler, offers free insured recycle kits so people may cash in their scrap with 24 hour service and guarantee satisfaction, Tllie accept broken and outdated items like chains, charms, rings, and more, "Everyone has bits of gold just lying around which can be turned into cash". says Richard Zakroff, VP of marketing. "Even old dental gold has value." GoldKit.com processes over 10,000 recycle Kits per month, People can get a free GqldKit at 1-800-283-4700 orGoldKit.com Memory Foam Pillow Top Queen Size Set $1,365 King Size Set $1,680 While Special Supply Last With FREE Local Delivery and Removal SJackson River Home Furnishings & Decor Atthe Foot of the Bridge S340 North Bridge Street 863-674-0003 LaBelle HENDRY COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD OFFERS THE SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM DURING THE MONTHS OF MAY, JUNE & JULY Nutritionally balanced meals will be provided to all children regardless of race, color, gender, disability, age or national origin during the sum- mer vacation when school breakfasts and lunches are not available. All children 18 years old or younger, if open site, are eligible for meals at no charge and there will be no discrimination in the course of the meal serv- ice. The programs are only approved for geographical areas of need where 50 percent or more of the children qualify for free and reduced price meals during the school year. Summer feeding sites that are located at schools provide to all children in the immediate vicinity in addition to those enrolled in summer school. The following sites will be participating in the Summer Food Service Program: Aunt June's Day Care 05/30 thru 07/28 Camp Crayon 06/12 thru 07/21 Central Elementary School 05/30 thru 06/29 Clewiston High School 05/30 thru 06/22 Clewiston Middle School 05/30 thru 07/21 Clewiston Youth Center 06/12 thru 07/21 Country Oaks Elementary 05/30 thru 07/28 Country Oaks Elementary 05/30 thru 07/28 Daniels 05/30 thru 07/28 East Recreational 06/05 thru 07/28 East Recreational 06/05 thru 07/28 Eastside/Westside Elem School 05/30 thru 06/29 Eastside/Westside Elem School 05/30 thru 06/29 Edward Upthegrove Elementary 05/30 thru 06/29 Elfaro Assembly of God 07/10 thru 07/21 Extension Office 4-H 07/05 thru 07/14 Greater Friendship Missionary Ch 07/10 thru 07/15 LaBelle Elementry School 05/30 thru 06/29 LaBelle High School 05/30 thru 07/21 LaBelle Middle School 05/30 thru 06/22 LaBelle Middle School 05/30 thru 06/22 LaBelle Program Center 05/30 thru 07/28 Montura Recreation Center 05/30 thru 07/28 Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Ch 07/24 thru 07/28 New Bethel AME Church 06/19 thru 06/23 Pioneer Community Center 06/05 thru 07/21 Truevine Church 06/12 thru 06/16 11:30a.m.-12:00p.m 1:15p.m.- 1:30p.m 7:30a.m.-8:00a.m. 7:30a.m.-7:45a.m. ll:00a.m.-12:00p.m. ll:00a.m.-ll:45a.m. 7:30a.m.-8:15a.m. ll:30a.m.-12:00p.m. ll:00a.m.-12:00p.m. 8:30a.m.-8:45a.m. ll:30a.m.-12:00p.m. 7:30a.m.-8:15a.m. ll:30a.m.-12:00p.m. 7:30a.m.-8:15a.m. 11:45a.m.-12:15p.m. ll:00a.m.-ll:45a.m. 4:30p.m.-5:15p.m. 7:30a.m.-8:15a.m. ll:00a.m.-12:00p.m. 7:30a.m.-8:00a.m. 11:45a.m.-12:15p.m. 11:30a.m.-12:15p.m. 11:30a.m.-12:15p.m. 11:30p.m.-12:30p.m. ll:30a.m.-12:15p.m. ll:00a.m.-11:45a.m. ll:30a.m.-12:00p.m. M- Th Only M-Th Only M-Th Only M-Th Only M-Th Only M-Th Only **Please note that serving times are subject to change** No lunches will be served on July 04, 2006 in observance of the Holiday except for the noted locations. Lunches will be served in conjunction with summer school and recre- ation program schedules. For more information about providing lunches at additional sites or to learn exact serving times please call the Hendry County School Board Food Service officP-" '3-6"' -41 1 . Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against in any USDA-related activity should write or call immediate- ly to: USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C., 20250-9410. Or call (800) 795- 3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. with manners? ,,s lje4'. up lC4: T. T~l... - ~DELMORR Ci looks Wt water ;.UI W Fil ." j s Clewiston : New cemetery ii '- -- -----;se~~4s rheSun ~~PIsf IC' T~i 1esna .4"' A legitimate role for the press is that of "the public's watchdog." Most cit- izens can't spend the time necessary to personally observe their public officials at work, or to determine how well public institutions are carrying out their public mission. But too many newspapers these days act more like "mad dogs" than "watchdogs." We're proud to be different. We try to carry out our "watchdog" role as humble representatives of the public, always maintaining a courteous tone and our reputation for purposeful neutrality. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or calling your editor. Clewiston News GD LADES COUNTY DEMOCRAT TheSun Community Service Through Tournalism Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee 16 SPORTS I Thrdy a 5 06Sevn h omnte suho aeOecoe i1 U1 Belie Al a~ r ,// 1f9t .WM!I U I I rI Ji jjJIJ I14 iiL ~ -~ ~L re 0JLJJJThi4 i I U JJ II^ GUARANTEED FINANCING with as little as $2,000 down ...and sometimes less 771 , I/ ~ C~ar*I E KILL n~~ui~~ 4.CI11Z~ ErrrJr 11] J~IJi .J. J i S.. .. .~.]i~Jjj FLEET TRADIES 04 NISSAN TITANS -AL t1L_ K iqiJ Pre STK" B8585 .. i,., 2 i , ~j~: yL Lj ij I ~L~5iJJ A-- I&1&1L ~L~xaasur ~ :% ~22~~WJ~J. jZ-iJ)J ).O=I .SPLIT All offers with approved credit on select models. See dealer for details. iI iI )1T s.jjjIJji I I Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 25, 2006 0 1 "fi rl I IJI F IWA Ilk, . j I _j j I I j I ' il ~ t~I~ 4 wik Lpi i p ,rAh ers cannot be combined. ~ . Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 25, 2006 SHARE Food Program helps unite community PAHOKEE -- The Pahokee Beacon Center invites communi- ty-minded people from all back- grounds to .participate in a monthly food distribution net- work (SHARE) that has a greater social impact than they will ever find at the local super store. While offering the same quality foods at discounted prices, SHARE has the almost magical power to bring people together for the greater purpose of devel- oping community relationships and breaking down barriers that keep us apart. Instead of segre- gating ourselves, for instance, by race, religion, or income, SHARE helps us all realize how much we have in common and how much we have to learn and enjoy with one another. SHARE participants, who come from all walks of life, are committed to perform voluntary acts of kindness. They may, for instance, tutor their neighbor's child, serve meals to the home- less or homebound, mow the single mother's lawn, package SHARE food, or teach English to new immigrants. Saving money on groceries and stretching the family budget is the tangible benefit that SHARE offers. There are no income restrictions and the more people who participate the greater the future savings. Serving others brings to us the intangible reward of a life well lived. Please join the SHARE pro- gram and begin to reap the ben- efits. SHARE is a non-profit serving Florida communities since 1990, is available through the Pahokee Beacon Center. For an order form, contact Anita Davis or Terry Reed at the Beacon Center (561) 924-6544. iNl/iaeyois uonzalez Manatees on the move A shy visitor stopped by the Clewiston Roland Martin Marine on Thursday, May 18 to have lunch in 'America's Sweetest Town'. Seeing a manatee up close is a rare treat. Only about 3,000 manatees remain in the United States today. They are listed as endangered by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. According to the Save the Mana- tee Club, watercraft collisions are the number one known cause of manatee mortality. Doc Savvy's Pet Corner Question: Dear Doc Savvy. Now that hurricane season is right around the corner, what can we prepare for our pets? Thanks, Susan in West Palm Beach. Answer: Hey Susan, that's a very important question! I rec- ommend a couple of different things to keep in your pet's emer- gency or hurricane kit. 1. Current medical and vacci- nation records. All of your veteri- narian's contact information. 2. Any specific medication, allergy, feeding care and require- ments; 3. ID information, tattoo, micro-chip information; 4. Emergency contact infor- mation. If you have a specific request for the care of your pet in the event of your passing, including a copy of your requests is a good idea too; 5. Feeding dishes, leash, collar, harness, tags, blankets, towels, pee Doc pads, heart- Savvy worm and flea medications, other special needs information and medication; 6. Stock up on pet can goods, and include your pets for your bottled water reserves. One gal- lon per day per large dog, one- quarter to one-quarter gallon per day for smaller ones; 7. Baby wipes! I can't say enough about them. They are great for wiping up, cleaning up, and just about any emergency; 8. Toys and fun things to keep your pet entertained; 9. Sedatives! Especially if your pet has anxiety with storms; and, 10. A kennel. Make sure you have a safe and comfortable ken- nel for your pet in the event you need to house them temporarily. In general, this is a very well equipped emergency kit for your pet. There are always special individual requirements to con- sider. Having a second choice place to house your pet in the event you need to go to a shelter is a great idea too. Have a baby sitting agreement with a close friend or relative that you trust with your pet in case of emer- gency. Hope you find my recommen- dations informative Susan. Take care, Doc Savvy. E-mail your pet questions to _DocSavy@aol.com (mailto:DocSavvy@aol.com), and check out your answers weekly in The Pet Corner. newszap.com ,Community Links. Individual Voices. > Land/Lot Purchases > No Income Verification > Second Homes/Condos > No Asset Verification > Investment Properties > First & Second Mortgages RFIrst Choice ONLINE DISCOUNTS AT W far...,- d..~~W www.diSouit-Ienders.com ,s J A j Ted Schiff, M.D. and the professional staff at Water's Edge Dermatology will treat you with all the care and expertise you expect. SAdult and Pediatric Dermatology Diseases of the Skin, Hair and Nails Surgery of the Skin, Skin Cancer Treatment MOHS Skin Cancer Surgery New patients are welcome. Medicare and most insurance accepted. NEW OFFICE: 542 W. Sagamore Ave. Building E, Hospital Annex SClewiston, FL 866-549-2830 ... ;r"" II.~ i i 8' aFislrr'iCd) "j r ~I I 1~ I, '~Ef~ --~i~ r~,- --------- ----.* r ------ PdE ia rapn lap "1 Ir Il Is I II 'When you need a service, call a professional! for as little as $10.00 per week, per block. If you would like a Call A Pro ad please call us at 863-983-9148 or e-mail us at southlakeads@newszap.com to place your adl SUNRISE APPLIANCE New, Used, Scratch & Dent 401 US Hwy 27 Moore Haven 863-946-2666 Jtad^ ofd 51 W AE I IElEt GAll 800157137983 www.gladesmotors.com VERTISE uYOU BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL (863) 983-9148 OR EMAIL southlakeads@newszap.com C West Cake FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATORY 805 N. Hwy. 27 Moore Haven (863) 946-1233 TILES, CARPET & HOME REPAIR Licensed & Insured LUIS GONZALEZ Sales Representative 863-983-7664 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL (863) 983-9148 OR EMAIL southlakeads"i newszap.com MHE CH8SLRD )OD GEJB P M201 W, Bprl IBv, Cidimti 863.983,460 1.8882011B||03 DR. MERCER'S DENTURE CuC 'BEST PRICES SAME DAY US 41 SOUTH FT. MYERS 1-866-226-9400 340 N. BRIDGE STRIP ET LABEL F, FL 863-674-0003 ia k,-, in ,rn'. l',e , tualit, i ',m .r in Str h: ~/PRO LAW SER Q COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL LICENSED & INSURED FREE ESTIMATES JESUS M. CARRASQUILLO OWNER/OPERATOR 863-228-2997 GLENN J. SNEIDER, LLC Criminal Law Bankruptcy Law Immigration Law 200 S.W. 9"h Street Okeechobee, FL 34974 (863) 467-6570 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL (863) 983-9148 OR EMAIL southlakeads(,newszap.com p"1,11,if i0 i&;! Co ciam ol I Tim Touanidisk, M.D. Rick Rnnmagosa, M.D. Robert S. Kirsner, M.D. PhD 1924 US Hwy. 441 N. Okeechobee 863-467-9555 m IeN.", Roya's) FURNITURE 4, hfu- ', \ 'ail onif ir ciienme in t l tns. Clewiston3eh Gla l e' Immo 0keehoee Bankof America SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Mortgage Loan Offlicer Consumer Real Estate iel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Faix: 2JJ. 115-.h 1 -;h irl 'vwfllhii., hankofainierrL al ni 415 W. Hwy 80 LaBelle Reich & Manmini # * 1-888-784-6724 WArker' Compen'.ail n Periaonal Injurv R.i.al Sc."eril, Dicabilht W tFriIlul tdel h l'.il, C ( il\ I'r I'icrrv 'orriSi. Lucie I I r 1 i 370 Holiday Isle Blvd. Clewiston 863-983-3181 Willa rain n o]ird&ic M Clewiston (866) 549-2830 Okeechobee: (863) 467.767 Ft. Pierce: (772) 595-.99 Port St. Luce: (772) 3353550 Stuart: (772) 219-2777 Palm Beach Gardens: (561) 6949493 24 Hour Standby GENERATORS SALES & SERVICE SERVING THE CLEWISTON AREA 863-902-1555 ALAN KELLY MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes Principal lJrhiria, Broker 825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBelle, FL 33935 Office: (863) 674-0091 Fax: (863) 674-0095 Cell: (239) 707-4404 alankelymortgage@earthlinknet ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL (863) 983-9148 OR EMAIL southlakeads, newszap.com COISTRIJC TION CORP SERGIO RUBIO PHONE: 863-228-1174 FAX: 863-983-1112 445 E. SUGARLAND HWY. CLEWISTON STATE CERTIFPID GENERAL CONTRACTOR LI'IEAtE #- CGC1508763 *In The Old M .11 SIl 'Ir,; Center* 965 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston (863)983-1108 Miss A Week Miss A Deal! ""L 6ladles Helfh Caie Cetter 230 S. Barfield Hwy. Pahokee, FL 33476-1834 Phone: (561) 924-5561 Fax: (561) 924-9466 Email: GladesCare@FloridaCare.net THE OPTICAL CENTER located in FAMILY EYE CARE 100 N. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 www.arfjgodcjcom 6Sp 51 eci custom anacturing D J Machinery, he. Hubit ne Certi 728 E. Trinidad Ave. Clewiston, FL 33440 863-983-3171 LABOR 4- FNDERS DALY WORK DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE 202 E, Sugrlaid Hwy, (Across from (eiston Inn) (863) 902-9494 MEDICll CENTER 863-983-9121 Expect something extra." 1-800-SHOP CVS or Visit CVS.com OPEN 8am-10pm OR LONGER! 7 Days A Week "I Il r ii I --- -..---. -- ._.. Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 25, 2006 ?:, : j:-, :j- . $ :' : .. Thursday, May 25, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee REUGION 19 Have you seen 'The Da Vinci Code?' Some are in the world but not of it By Pastor John Hicks First United Methodist Church A spectacular murder in the Louvre Museum. A covert reli- gious organization. And a secret that will change the world. The Da Vinci Code. On May 18th, the movie version opened in the- aters across the country. There are a John number of Hicks church groups that have concern over the movie and have called for a boy- cott. I choose a different approach. I've gone to the histo- ry books and the Scriptures and various other resources to research and share some of the blurring lines between fact and fiction. People love mysteries.and especially conspiracies. In many ways, "The Da Vinci Code" is the ultimate conspiracy theory. There are some of the kernels of truth in "The Da Vinci Code," and kernels of truth are a prereq- uisite for any successful conspir- acy theory. But remember, it is fiction. In a number of ways it is interesting fiction, but often at the sacrifice of facts. One of the central parts of the Da Vinci conspiracy is revealed through the fictional expert, British royal historian Sir Leigh Teabing. Presented as a wise old scholar, Teabing reveals to cryp- tologist Sophie Neveu that at the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D., that the majority of bishops at Nicaea overruled the common belief that Jesus was a mortal prophet and adopted the doc- trine of Jesus' divinity by a "rela- tively close vote." It all starts with the death of a curator who claimed he had evi- dence that could disprove the deity of Christ. In addition, there was an assertion that Jesus and Mary Magdalene had a secret marriage that produced a child, perpetuating his bloodline. Fur- thermore, Mary Magdalene's womb, carrying Jesus' offspring, is presented as the legendary Holy Grail, a secret closely held by an organization called the Pri- ory of Sion. Sir Isaac Newton, Botticelli, Victor Hugo, and Leonardo Da Vinci were all cited as members. Although the church tried for centuries to suppress .the evi- dence, the story is that great thinkers and artists have planted clues everywhere: in the archi- tecture of cathedrals and build- ings, as well as paintings such as the Mona Lisa and The Last Sup- per by Leonardo Da Vinci. Thus the title, "The Da Vinci Code.: Again, interesting fiction, but phony history. The whole history of the Prio- ry of Sion came from a hoax and confidence scheme it was a fake society that never existed. Leonardo Da Vinci was never a part of it, and therefore would not have planted such secret clues in his paintings. Oops! Second, according to Teabing, Jesus was not regarded as God until the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D., when the real records of Jesus were allegedly banned and destroyed. The divinity of Jesus and the Bible we have today emerged out of a fourth-century power- play by the Emperor Constan- tine? Get real! In reality, from the first days of the Christian church, Jesus was regarded as far more than a mere man, and most of his fol- lowers worshiped him as Lord- the Creator of the universe, and over time had already adopted many of the accepted books. By the time of Nicea, church lead- ers debated the legitimacy of only a few books that we accept today, chief among them Hebrews and Revelation, because their authorship remained in doubt. The vote on the deity of Jesus was heavily debated, but the decision was not close the council concluded 318 to 2 that Jesus and the Father were of the same divine essence. Bottom line, if you want to explore a fictional conspiracy theory about Jesus, then Dan Brown's, "The Da Vinci Code," may be just the ticket for you. But if you want to experience the true accounts of Jesus Christ, then Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John will give you what the eye- witnesses saw, heard, and wrote. By The Reverend Samuel S. Thomas, Ph. D.+ Saint Martin's Church, Clewiston There was a family member in one of the families that I knew who was always getting into trouble. He always had a story about why people . were picking S on him or how he was, "misunder- - stood" and life wasn't fair. He'd get in SamuelS. trouble, then Thomas feel justified in acting out because people "owed him" for his sufferings. One of the relatives asked how such an attitude could be explained. I suggested something that I had seen in my experience over the years with certain blind peo- ple. I told them of a blind man .that I had known who lived at home and made his way around his house with no problem, went to the kitchen and got him- self a drink of water, smoked and put his ashes in the ashtray on the table before him, reached for the telephone and answered it when someoneicalled. If you talked to him up close, he wasn't quite looking you in the eye, but it might not be something that you felt was due to some inability. He might have seemed a bit clumsy, or having problems with his coordination sometime, but otherwise you'd never know. In reality he lived in a world of darkness; he lived in a totally different world than the rest of us. His world would come crash- ing down if you moved his table or put the telephone some- where else; and then it would be apparent that something was wrong. If things were not really changed, though, he could "pass" quite well in the world where everyone else lived. There are people who live in such worlds today, even if they pass quite well in the one where most of us live. There are such characters in the Bible; an unjust judge who doesn't care about God or man and the widow who finally wears him down (Luke 18:1ff). He is more concerned about being nagged and does what is right for anoth- er reason than doing right. Even going through the motions and doing the right thing for the widow doesn't really reflect what was in his heart. He simply doesn't live in the world where doing right is primary. There is a parable about an unjust steward, a shrewd man- ager who uses his master's goods to provide for himself security when he was accused of wasting the things entrusted to him (Luke 16:1ff). The para- ble cautions us about the use of worldly goods: "If you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, \\ho will trust you with true riches?(v.11.)" The w\ay the manager used worldly goods revealed where he lived, no matter what he would have said or professed. His messages, his dealings wouldn't have "rung true" when he professed to be a good citi- zen or member of his faith com- munity. His words would have caused a doubt to spring up in a corner of the mind and leave people wondering in spite of his "fitting in" or "being one of the crowd." Those with whom he dealt detach themselves from their true obligations and become co- conspirators and opportunists in spite of their "sound business" sense. One of the great show- men said "You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time" arid his adage doesn't apply only to show business illu- sions. Those who may wish to live in secret may find out they are more out in the open than they would have imagined. How many times have I heard "We knew all along!" and all of the efforts and energies spent in covering up could have been devoted to walking a better path? People.are loved .for who they are, with all of their faults and shortcomings, and usually those who love them know about their inner worlds. That's not permission-to act out, to take advantage of others, to mis- use the gifts we have; it's the realization that, in spite of our limits, the image of God still can shine through if we let it out in the daylight and be true to our- selves and others too. Area Church News in Brief Everybody birthday celebration planned PAHOKEE The United Mis- sionary Baptist Church Family along with the Pastor, Rev. James W. White, will celebrate the Annual EVERYBODY Birth- day Bash on Sunday afternoon, May 28, 2006 at 4 p.m. in the City of Pahokee's Community Center (Old High School Cafeteria) located at 360C East Main Street, Pahokee. Everyone is invited (FREE), but you MUST have an invitation in order to get in. For an invita- tion, please make contact with ANY member of United before Sunday, May 28. For more infor- mation, call with Sister Allie H. Biggs at (561) 924-5622; Sister Mary Seabrook-Harper at (561)924-9344; or, the church at (561)924-3336 on Sunday. Friday Night Lights CLEWISTON Evangel Church Assembly of God Out- reach Center is open from 7 until 10 p.m. every Friday to all 7-12 grade students in our communi- ty. Activities available include basketball; three Play Station 2 units, music, and games. Snack bar with great prizes is open each night. CREW seeks donations The Community Rebuilding Ecumenical Workforce CREW) of Hendry and Glades Counties is seeking donations of building materials and supplies, includ- ing lumber, nails, drywall, to assist residents with repairs and continued clean up efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Wilma. Donations, including monetary contributions, are tax deductible. For more informa- tion, email CREW headquarters @aol.comor phone (863)983- 4316 or (863)946-1457. Servicio en Espanol CLEWISTON -First Methodist Church of Clewiston is starting ,a Hispanic Worship Service Sunday evenings at 7 p.m. Son todos bienvenidos. Everyone is welcome! Call Rev. Perez at 677-3190 with ques- tions. Vacation Bible School planned MOORE HAVEN The First Baptist Church of Moore Haven will have Vacation Bible School the week of June 5-9, Monday- Friday, from 6 p.m. till 9 p.m. All children, from 3 years old through 6th grade, are invited to come. Come join in an "Arctic Edge" adventure Chorus event at church CLEWISTON Greater Friendship Missionary Baptist Church Male Chorus third anniversary event will be held Sunday, May 28 at 4 p.m. at the Greater Friendship M.B. Church, 900 Della Tobias Ave., Clewiston The program will feature groups and choruses from around the lake area that will be entertaining crowds with music and song. Dinner Will be served. Board Certified by the American Board of Dermatology Tim loannides, M.D. and Cynthia J. Rogers, M.D. are pleased to welcome Jonathan S. Sanders, M.D., J.D. to Treasure Coast Dermatology Specializing in the Treatment of Skin Cancer Mohs Surgery Diseases of Skin, Hair & Nails 11535hLne te 0 12 S Hihwa 44, N Addi tion alOfie Pot t.Luie 72-988113 Star: 7222-33 St uceWst 7-88376 Fr Pec: 7-6466 Mediare, Humna, mplyersMuta accpte '' EVERGLADES REALTY, INC. J.clr.. I ,, Lic. Wta ltatc Broker Phone: 863-946-3900 Fax: 863-946-3902 498 US Hwy. 27, Mocie Haven JBA55 420, Sglrlan Iv, Iyesseslestate,c m NO ONE WILL WORK HARD- S ER FOR YOU THEN JAMIE NAVARRO GIVE HIM A CALL ON HIS CELL AT (239) 822-9272 i REALTY W-0RLD" C. BAGANS FIRST 30 Cioorado Rd. Lehigh Acres, FL 33936 'OLfE T ER ALTY INCt TUERESA "TERI" LEE R.\NGEL OFFICE # ifi8:-!)S:.-(l7. ArTER HSS 863.22-8.11i42 "The Road to Home" COUNTRY HOMES & LAND REAL ESTATE Kathy Hutchins Lic Reatoi ciia, Biokei Office: 863-612-0551 Fax: 863-612-0553 Visit Our Website at: Ce r tTa l FlondJ LrA noles corn ,,.,RIVERSIDE ,* REAL ESTATE Corr nL -,1f F.'., v;80 & 45 South Ri. li'rviI', [iBLl FL ;;95 863-675-2718 wwwI.l hllrir kside. o .IL.S. i 1 "The Sweetest Deal/in Town" a' a BARTON REALTY, INC, r 'k I I-'.. II III.1 -,* iew Horzons Real Estate Corp. 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 863-675-1973 1 i tl I1 Lu I"-,,' W L d. 1-1i,,ll.l 1 k l, 1 1f yo, arc ti nking of bifniug .Qor .piring., g 'ic MS sa i cal/l RUcAlt Group. Inc. lsa Andr~niw Wi. Itral l.qatc Broker 238tN ii. .t s. ai Fl. 33935 864i>758$868 r~;;; -;;"J a eCarolyn Realty,, Inc. Ln Cafol~m Thiomas 946-2005 SAK REALTY INC. 233 N. BRIDGE ST ON THE CORNER OF BRI E ST & WASHINGTON VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINCCOM "Tn PROPERTY MANAGEMENT MiLS RENTALS SALES PORT PonT LABELLE INN The OL' OXBOW Lounge Is OPEN Wednesday through. st Irday 5 p.mr 1 pm. HAPPY HOUR 5 p.m. 7 p.m. 1 OXBOW DRIVE LABELLE, FL 863.675.4411 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL (863) 983-9148 OR EMAIL soutakeads@newszap,com re estate SS IL Srianliv yi Cliwit. 863.913.8559 miralrfeallitate.vcoDi ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL (863) 983-9148 OR EMAIL southakeads@newszap.com (ou need a service, call a profession i: OU : 'fSioal for as little as $10.00 per week, per block. If you would like a Call A Pro ad please call us at 863-983-9148 or email us at southlakeads@newszap.com to place your adl _, ,, REGION 19 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 25, 2006 i.. i-.. `.Lr WIT471,1113M~ S www.arrigodcj.com STK#62012 P/W P/L A/C MORE! USAJ j DEALR2 y..1 * TO CHOOSE! **** m &--- ...,, -. BRAND NEW 2006 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY I STORE HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY: 8:30AM 9:00PM SATURDAY: 8:30AM 9:00PM a SUNDAY: 11:00AM 6:00PM RTiE :- :.i EE AN :: OFFERS OT I CONJUNCTION ..... :: :-.- ; : : : :. :. ,. : ...EESS REATESVAR YC SEECT MOELS.WITHAPPRIEDCRED I OFFERSEXPIREDATE OFPUBUCATJIOR KAY:, .I- f NG BASEON, REGIST RED SALES FO ODOAML~ER KHYSLER THRUl APALY EALER OT RESP NSLE FOR- TYPORAPHICAL afERROR S OR SSOS. VEi AR ILLUSTPA-O O ZEO1 p. FIW'ANCiG TERMSVARY ONSELECT MODELS, MUSTHAVEATHRU A. CREOiD SCORE THRUCF. 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Pho- tos and details at www.woltz.com. Woltz & Associates, Inc., Brokers & Auctioneers (NCAL #7560)) Roanoke, VA (800)551-3588. GIGANTIC 3-DAY auction May 31-June 1,2, 2006, Mont- gomery, AL. Single, tandem & tri-axle dumps (41 of which are 2006-2007 year), truck tractors, cowboys, crawler loaders & tractors, excavators, motor graders & scrapers, backhoes, rubber tired loaders, forklifts, paving skidders, feller bunchers, log loaders, farm tractors. J.M. Wood Auction Co., Inc. (334)264-3265, Bryant Wood AL LIC #1137. 2 PLOTS- in Silver Hill Ceme- tery in Frostproof. $600 (863)605-3831 BABYSITTER NEEDED, own transportation and background a must. (863)697-8299 PINTO GELDING- Grand- daughters horse, tan & white, vic of SW 10th St. & SW 6th Ave. near the Victory Baptist Church. Reward 634-7711 or 467-2888 PIT BULL- Female, spayed, Fawn & white, 3 1/2 yrs. Phillips Rd off of Rt. 80 since 5/13/06 (863)673-0346 BLACK LAB- Male, approx 6yrs. Very friendly Free to Good Home Only! Needs room run! (863)763-4083 KITTENS, 3 to good home, 1 female & 2 males. About 8 or 9 weeks old. (863)673-5206 KITTENS- 4 very cute, to good homes only (863)763-1893 ask for Bob IGaraIge YARD - SALE Place Your YARD SALE ad today! Get FREE signs and inventory sheets! Call Classifieds 877-353-2424 KITTENS, To good home. (4) Tabby and calico. (863)946-9133 A' i-t.. M ... Lake Port, Sat. thru Sun. May 27th thru May 29th, 8 a.m.- ?? 10475 Coleman Ln. NW. Off of Loop Rd. Everything Goes. Bulk sales welcome. ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from home. *Medical, *Busi- ness, *Paralegal, *Comput- ers *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Com- puter provided. Financial Aid if qualified. Call (866)858-2121 www.Onli- neTidewaterTech.com. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA- TOR TRAINING FOR EM- PLOYMENT: Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators; National Certifi- cation, Job Placement Assis- tance; Associated Training Services (800)251-3274 www.atsn-schools.com. Find it faster. Sell t soon- er in the classifeds Employment Employment - Full-Time 205 Employment - Medical 210 Employment - Part-Time 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Training 227 Sales 230 CASE MANAGER & COUNSELOR POSITIONS To work in Hendry and Glades. Bachelor degree required. Experience with elderly helpful. Salary 27-34k. If interested and qualified, please call Senior Connections @ 863.675.1446 Exp'd Plumbers & Helpers Needed, commercial/resi- dential, full time starting im- mediately. Paid Holidays and vacation. (561)996-1159 CENTRAL COUNTY WATER CONTROL DISTRICT Has two Lifeguard positions open Both are part time starting at $10.00 an hour. Apply in person at 255 N. Hacienda, Montura Ranch Clubhouse. Wednesday-Sunday 10am 5pm. We are an equal opportunity employer and a drug free workplace EVERGLADES FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Now accepting applications for: F/T LOAN INTERVIEWER Must have excellent Com- munication skills, previous experience in Loans pre- ferred, Proficient in Word and Excel. Bi-Lingual a+. May apply in person, or Mail resume to 1099 W. Ventura Ave., Clewiston, Fl 33440, Attn: Marta or email resume to: morales2@earthlink.net. HEAD TELLER NEEDED Candidates must have a minimum of 3 years teller experience and supervisory skills as obtained from 1 year of related supervisory experience. Effective communication skills with customers and employees is a must! Excellent salary & benefit package. Apply in person: Big Lake National Bank 17 N. Lee Street LaBelle EOE/DFW/AA/HV HELP WANTED EXE ROOFER In Metal Roofs Mandatory. Please call (863)674-5775 INSURANCE SALES/ SERVICE REP 440/220 license required, life license a plus. Barnie Walk- er Agency, Belle Glade, FL. 561-996-7186 Eiloe Full Tim Fu~Ell Tm BmMfIT I ^m~j~l|II The O (E, ... t.. The GEO Group, Inc. A worldwide leader in privatized corrections BENEFITS INCLUDE: HEALTH, DENTAL, VISION, LIFE, DEPENDENT LIFE INSURANCE & 401K RETIREMENT SIGN ON BONUS (call for detail ' CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS VOCATIONAL INSTRUCTOR (Web Design). MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN RN DENTAL ASSISTANT MOORE HAVEN CORRECTIONAL FACILITY 1990 East SR 78NW' Moore Haven, FL 33471 Phone 868-946-2420 Fax 863-946-2487 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V LIFEGUARD (On-Call, Pioneer Park, Belle Glade) $11.37/hr. Skilled water safety work in preventing accidents and injuries at a County swimming pool. Helps with rou- tine maintenance and may be required to teach swimming lessons. Must be a mini- mum of 16 years of age and must possess the following valid certificates: American Red Cross (ARC) Lifeguard Training/eq.; ARC Standard First Aid/Community First Aid/eq.; ARC/Heart Associateion CPR/eq. (must attach copies of certs. to appl. or an official letter indicating satisfactory com- pletion of tests). Will be required to com- plete the Nat. Pool and Waterpark Lifeguard Training Course within 30 days of hire (course is available at the Pool for $116. per person). ARC Lifeguard License is valid for the first 30 days of hire. Visit www.pbcgov.com for job description and employment appl. Submit for receipt by 5 pm 6/2/06 to: Jennifer Anglin, Aquatics Programs Coordinator, Parks and Recra- tion/Special Facilities and Beaches, 2700 6th Avenue S., Lake Worth, FL 33461. Tel.: (561)966-6632; Fax: (561)966-7070 EO/AA (DFWP) STORE MANAGER GAS/C. STORE BIG CYPRESS RESERVATION High School diploma or GED. Associates preferred. Min. 1 yr. retail exp. Excellent communication skills. 2 yrs. supervisory or management exp. Flex hrs., FL Drivers license. Salary based on exp. with benefits. Fax resume to 954-967-3477. I DAILY WORK DAILY PAY ALL TYPES OF WORK AVAILABLE LABOR (4 ) FINDERS 202 E. Sugarland Hwy. IAcroas fom Cfewiston Inn) (863) 902-9494 Emlomet Fu~l 'ime 020 EmpIm FullTime 020 -; ,'; r '. 1 :; .-.r A _ l; : lll il .. .,..:.-r, l bC-*h l C r.C-lI L id L I'l. Ei. I L n ilJ,'T .-'Jt LEn.:._ LPN I or II 1FT.PT. Pcidiml Fl [i"l i ,. W I.. I it 1 ,l ,,-, In 1....I c I ,lk ik h. *. 1' .1k Full Ume. ER RN II SifiSuptrilSur '% l iJ h H I n i If., .,p i .I*' r, l _i i,.:-, Pridlne- RN Nursing Supiris .U ', U ,I Full drre'Prt tSmeiAl Home- TRANSCRIFTIONIST .,, n. ,,,. ,, L'.i, ,- ll.:, ][ lll I, 3il,,.,, 1 h1. .1 :, t ,:l.J k rI l., JTi-ijl illll: & I1",: itnl, I, I'" u',Jc'.R f TIJ m "l '- L f.l C. : 11'" ll rl flu I [If *, I Pan Ume- Deartinent Seaoci.r .: ... I *:-"'l op jl' .- N : c :l x hil p,1 .lur l I, e i; p, i I',l' I. 1 l.,,'". .' -.. j PI lu Mu. p,, *: C ,:r f d ,l p u b l ,li 11 . Part dme- ReglsraUon Clerk ; 3' A., l..p .ir. i hill. C- 11 1t. ) d llh J I II-. PI..r E. p i.n IIr [,U I C.r >.., ll. ulr Full btime EliEgiblli Sp,' cIVJLS I Full ,ac- Gor.i-mefliI CiliI., ri S ,,ii si.l I I, I, ...-. I d l, 1 1 .... i ,u :,, ... ,T,, I i .. ..'.. I. ..l. Ljl'' 1.'1.1 I '.I .li J IlITi I.'...I rM. j I it i M ...I.. J, : .'A,- FtuJl: i l h' ..- ,_ pi I 'l ll ". l C I A. L .I h ;. i. : i p lu' Full Ume- P tent Cooidlnsor Will perform various voice functions includinggeneral reception, posting ol-pays, and chart preparation. Applicant must be bi-lingual. Billing ep is a plus. Phone: 863-902-3079 or Fax resume to: 863-983-0805 Drug Free Workplace EOE Drivers HOME MOST NIGHTS Big Sign On Bonuses All Late-Model Tractors Paid Life Insurance Blue Cross/Blue Shield Paid Vacation & 401(k) 1 yr. exp., 23yo, CDLA RECEPTIONIST Big Cypress Reservation The Seminole Tribe of FL has an immediate opening for a Receptionist. Perform general and administrative duties. Answer phones, maintain files, process documents for payments. Prepare and input payroll information. High School dip./GED, Good typing & computer skills. (MS Office) Good interpersonal communication. Exp. in clerical and customer service. Fax resume to: 954-967-3477 BOOKKEEPER Full Charge, F/T Position for agribusiness in Clewiston areo: Payroll, Accounts Payable & experience using Excel a must. Must be self-motivated and able to mulit-task. Position offers a competitive wage. To apply send resume with current salary to: Hilliard Brothers of Florida 5500 Flaghole Rd. Clewiston, Florida 33440. or Fax 863-983-5116 CITY OF CLEWISTON FLORIDA CERTIFIED POLICE OFFICERS High School Diploma or GED required. Valid Florida Drivers Li- cense required. Essential duties include field work in the pre- vention, detection and investigation of crimes. A valid State Certificate is required. Benefits include State Retirement, health, accident and life insurance, generous vacation and sick leave policy. Application and job description available at Human Resource Dept., 115 W. Ventura Ave. Clewiston, FI. Open till filled. EOE DFWR Full Tie 20 Epomn Full Tim Glades CGui- Board of County Commissioners AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER May 11,2006 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ANNUAL PAY SCALE: $22,317 $34,976 EXCELLENT BENEFITS, HEALTH CARE AND STATE RETIRE- MENT MAJOR DUTIES: Must be able to plan, prioritize, assign, su- pervise the work of staff involved in emergency management activities. Must be able to perform a variety of duties related to Emergency Management Operations, handling special projects and other duties. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: A~pI: it rrmus b; available and prepared to eipouii Pmfrgenric' y ..j ,: ier ir poilniili ereriency disaster .:even 17 'jva i r 0e-i rmwnrv- our (241 rn ur 3 day. Mu i be Ion O reriI rlIy 3ni promptly during an emergency/disaster crisis for a prolonged period of time. Knowledge of the principles and functions of emergency management and knowledge of local, state, and federal emergency response agencies a plus. Must understand federal and state laws to implement at local level. Must be able to organize and mobilize personnel and resources for emergen- cies. Must be able to communicate clearly and concisely both orally and in writing. Must possess computer knowledge and skills. Must be able to perform other related work. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: High School Diploma or Equiva- lent. JOB LOCATION: Glades County Emergency Management WORK SCHEDULE: 8:00 am 5:00 pm, 5 days per week (ex- cept as noted above) CLOSING DATE: May 25, at 5:00 p.m. REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION: Glades County Application. Copy of valid Florida Drivers License. SUBMIT APPLICATION TO: Mary Ann Dotson County Managers Office 500 Avenue J RO. Box 1018 Moore Haven, Fl33471 863-946-6000 Glades County is a drug-free, non smoking workplace S, Licensed Practical 1" ".'l.: N urse The Seminole Tribe of Florida has an opening for an LPN at our Health Clinic at our Big Cypress Reservation. Provide ambulatory Nursing services, Phone triage, Administer meds, therapeutic treatments & diagnostic testing. Assist w/ transport. Home visits. Active FL LPN lic. required. Current BLS certification. Resume to: galtman(semtribe.com or fax to: (954)967-3477 Details at: www.semtribe.com Driver Wanted! We are looking for a minimum CDL "B" with Hazmat who is looking for a better opportunity. Our starting pay is a minimum of $12+ hour and we guarantee a minimum of 45 hours per week, plus quarterly cash bonuses. In addition, we offer a benefit package that includes Health Care, fully paid short and long term disability, life insurance and a 401 K retirement program with matching S employer contributions. Cut out the long commutes and call this LaBelle company today. 800-330-1369. ............................................ I VISA ga ~fli~$eg~kl~,~Pi~PI~asB~~ Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 25, 2006 I Garage S! Thursday, May 25, 2006 kiAml~ Employmen Emlymn FullTim Emlymn Full Tim The SemIne ibeo loi aeing Cage Cashier Cocktail Server Dining Room Hostess Dining Room Server Dishwasher/Steward Housekeeper Poker Dealer Security Officer Sous Chef TAD Floor Clerk TAD Machine Technician $9.50 per hour $5.50 plus tips $8.00 per hour $5.50 plus tips $7.50 per hour $9.00 per hour $28.00 avg. w/grats $10.00 per hour $12.00 + D.O.E. $21.00 avg. w/grats $12.50 per hour We are also seeking candidates for these professional positions: Financial Analyst Security Supervisor Benefits available for all employees www.theseminolecasino.com Apply in person at: 506 S. 1st St., Immokalee, FL Phone: 1-800-218-0007 The Seminole Casino is a Drug-free Workplace MANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, Moore Haven, LaBelle, Clewiston and Okeechobee. We are a franchise with 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic, honest, and responsible individuals. We offer: -Excellent Salaries -Medical and Life Insurance -Dental Insurance -401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For an interview please call: 863-983-4224 or mail your resume in confidence to: Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 33440 POSITION: Family Support Worker- (Two positions) NOAH, Inc. is seeking to fill the two FSW positions. These person will be responsible for providing basic social ser- vice needs to individuals and/or families thru direct referral process. Reliable transportation w/ proof of insurance is re- quired. Must have an AA degree in Social Services and 1 yr. experi- ence providing direct client services to families or have a HS Diploma/GED and 2 yrs client services experience. Questions should be directed to: Gladys Barber @ 561-996-3889. Mail resumes/applications: NOAH, Inc. 601 Covenant Drive, Belle Glade, FL 33430, Attn: C. Tomlin, PSM. Unitl 06/02/09. NOAH, Inc. Is an EODFWP Employer I Must have advanced knowledge to troubleshoot, make minor & major repairs to wiring, motors, elec- trical components, panels and equipment and PM rtroughout various departments in the plant. Basic ;irh and reading skills. Available to work extended fh1ilft and days. Medical/dental/vision, company iniclhcd 401K, holidays, vacation, sick, other bene- fits available. Apply in person at 6007 S. Hwy 29, ;,LBclle, FI, (863-675-0336 ext/ 3538 \. )Duda & Sons, Inc. Citrus Belle is EOE/Drug S'1 C \ Workplace compliant c& ---.. . IS YOUR LIFE THE PITS? AFP&Q Industrial Main- tenance proudly serving the aggregate industry is now hiring Welder/Main- tenance Worker posi- tions. Company shuttle leaves from Moore Haven area. Good pay, health, bonus. DFWP. Call (239)633-6717 or (239)633-3296 LABORERS: For Landscape & Lawn Maintenance. Good pay. Benefits included: Company Payed Medical, Life & Dental. (954)605-6951 or email: fivepointscorp@bellsouth.net EOE/DFWR Mace Welding is now accepting applications for WELDERS Apply within at: 90 Evans Rd, LaBelle (863)675-6683 RECEPTIONIST For insurance office Bilingual only. Barnie Walker Agency, Belle Glade, FL. 561-996-7186 SCALE OPERATOR and MAINTENANCE Now being hired at Ortona Sand Company Call (863)675-1454. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPT OF REVENUE Child Support Enforcement Hendry County Economics & Acctng. Revenue Spec. II $26,019/yr. Clewiston Closing Date: 6-5-06 apply online MyFlorida.com click on Government, scroll down to "For State Employees" and click on "People First Job Search" EOE TELLER SUPERVISOR Experienced teller needed to supervise teller line to en- sure prompt, efficient, and friendly service. Duties include assisting tellers in processing all banking and general ledger transac- tions, instructing tellers in their responsibilities and coordinating employee scheduling. Apply in person at: 205 W.C. Owen Ave. Clewiston or send or fax resume to: Sheila PO. Box 1779 Clewiston, FL 33440. FAX (863)983-5860. EOE Shop here first! The classified ads Okeechobee News The Okeechobee News is seeking an Ad Services Team Member. This is a part time position that could lead to full time employment. The right applicant will: Have advanced PC computer skills Have good people skills Be a team player Be organized Be able to handle pressure Be a self-managed individual Be able to handle deadlines Have previous sales experience with a proven track record Desire to be successful Be able to work flexible hours Knowledge in: Photoshop Quark or Pagemaker Adobe Acrobat The Okeechobee News offers: Potential for advancement A unique work environment where employees are trusted and empowered Competitive pay based on experience Generous time off program The Okeechobee News Is An Equal Opportunity Employer ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK BRIGHTON RESERVATION High School Diploma or GED minimum one (1) year exp. Accounting exp., invoices/ purchase orders, knowledge of MS Excel & Word. Excellent phone & Customer service skills. Data entry exp. Fax resume or application to: (954)967-3477 CENTRAL COUNTY WATER CONTROL DISTRICT is now accepting applications for a Clubhouse Maintenance Person. This is a full time position with full benefits. Must be able to work flexible hours, nights and weekends, some holidays. This is a drug free workplace. Apply in person at the Montura Clubhouse Located at 255 N. Hacienda Street. Montura Ranch Estates Wednesday thru Sunday, 10 am to 4pm g ar Empoyen Employment Employmen Emplymen Meical d HEALTH CARE DISTRICT P OF PALM BEACH COUNTY SCHOOL NURSE, RN Position #153-7084 Are you considering a nursing position in an exciting and rewarding community health program that pro- motes health, wellness, and academic achievement? If so, then look no further! The Health Care District of Palm Beach County is seeking professional and de- pendable and motivated nurses to join our nationally recognized Program. Candidates must be currently li- censed as an R.N. in the State of Florida, must have 2-3 years exp. as and R.N., with preference given for B.S. in Nursing and exp. in the school setting, pediat- ric nursing, emergency room nursing and/or solid community health exp. There will be opportunities in various schools throughout Palm Beach County in- cluding Belle Glade/Pahokee area. These few posi- tions will begin full-time on July 24th, just in time for next school year. All applications/resumes must be received by 5PM on 6/2/06. Send to: HCDPBC, 324 Datura St., Suite 401, WPB, FL 33401, fax to 561-671-4670 or e-mail to Employmenthcdpbc.ora. EOE,DFWPVet. Pref LPN's, CNA's, & HHA's needed with clean background screen. License # 30211229. Call (863)675-1231 between 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. OFFICE CLEANING, Part Time Monday-Friday evenings. In Clewiston. Good pay. START TODAY! 800-922-1433 One man's trash is anoth- er man's treasure. Turn your trash to treasure with an ad in the classl- fleds. AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADE- MY Start your driving career! Offering courses in CDL A. One tuition fee! Many pay- ment options! No registration fee! (888)808-5947 in- fo@americasdrivingacade- my.com. Driver- A HOMETOWN CARRI- ER for Hometown Drivers! Knight Transportation *2800 miles/week *2005/06 Volvos *Daily/Weekly Pay. (800)734-8169. 6 months TR/Class A. Driver-HIRING QUALIFIED DRIVERS for Central Florida Local & National OTR posi- tions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay & new equipment. Need 2 years experience. Call By- num Transport for your op- portunity today. (800)741-7950. Drivers CDL A "Honey I'm Home...Every Weekend!" Great Pay & Benefits! Special Orientation Pay for Exp. Driv- ers! Paid Training for School Grads! Cypress Truck Lines, Inc. www.cypresstruck.com (888)808-5846. DRIVERS $1500.00 bonus every 6 months. OTR, Excel- lent home time, New Equip- ment, 1 year Experience Class A with tank & hazmat. Call (877)882-6537. www.oakleytransport.com. HOMETIME, MONEY & MORE! Home every weekend! Home during the week! Excellent pay! Solid weekly miles! 95% no touch! Preplanned freight! $.42 per mile. HEARTLAND EXPRESS (800)441-4953 www.heartlandexpress.com. INTERESTED IN A POSTAL JOB Earning $57K/yr Avg Minimum Pay? Our services can help you prepare for the Postal Battery Exam, Find Out How! Call Today For More Information... (800)584-1775 Ref Code #P5799. NOW HIRING Civil Engineers, Geotechnical Engineers, and Geologist. For more informa- tion about the current job op- portunities at CDG Engineers &' Associates visit www.cdge.com or call (334)222-9431. How last can your car go? It can go even faster when you sell it in the classifeds. THERAPISTS WANTED- LI- CENSED SLPS in Miami- Dade and Broward counties. Bilingual a plus. Per diem & F/T. Bilinguals Inc. Child & Parent Services, (866)696-0999 x122 www.bilingualsinc.com. How do you find a job i today's .competitive market? bi the employ- ment section of the clas- sifieds Financial Business Opportunities 305 Money Lenders 310 Tax Preparation 315 ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Ma- chines, Free Candy All for $9,995. (888)629-9968 802000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold! Attention Florida residents! Could you use some extra money? If so, request a free info package and start earn- ing a great income. Call (800)617-5340 (Call 24 hours). Franchise Opportunity- Ranked one of the top ten franchise opportunities in the world. CEO named Entre- preneur of the Year by the In- ternational Franchise Association Low start-up costs, growing market. Great territories still available. www.libertytax.com, (877)285-4237. **GOT A BUSINESS?** Dra- matically increase sales by accepting all major Credit and Debit cards. 0% Dis- count rates! Free start up! Free equipment upgrades! (800)568-9115 NOTICE Independent Newspapers will never accept any advertise- ment that is illegal or con- sidered fraudulent. In all cases of questionable val- ue, such as promises of guaranteed income from work-at-home programs if it sounds too good to be true, chances are that it is. If you have questions or doubts about any ad on these pages, we advise that before responding or send- ing money ahead of time, you check with the Better Business Bureau at 772-878-2010 for previous complaints. Some 800 and 900 telephone numbers may require an extra charge, as well as long distance toll costs. We will do our best to alert our reader of these charges in the ads, but occasionally we may not be aware of the charges. Therefore, if you call a number out of your area, use caution. Receive checks in as little as 60-90 days. $4,000+ a month for 10-20 years from an investment of $25,000 in Oil and Gas Wells. (888)722-5790. $$CASH NOW$$ AS SEEN ON T.V. Prosperity Partners pays you the most for your future payments from settlements, lawsuits, annuities, and lot- teries. (800)509-0685 www.prospedtypartners.com COMPLIMENTARY MORT- GAGE ANALYSIS and free appraisal with closing! ALL CREDIT TYPES WELCOME. Option ARM's, Stated/Re- duced Income, Commercial, Construction Permanent. SOUTHERN HORIZON FI- NANCIAL (866)348-1544 TOLL-FREE DELIVER OUR PRECIOUS CARGO:Be a Hendry County School Board Bus Driver. Contactthe Transportation Dept. at 863-674-4115 or Cheryl Jameson at jamesonc@ hendry.k12.fl.us HUNT ELK, Red Stag, Buffalo, Whitetail, Fallow-Guaranteed hunting license $5.00; Sea- son 8/25/06-3/31/07. We have a No-Game-No Pay policy. Book now! Days (314)209-9800; Evenings (314)293-0610. DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS children, etc. Only one sig- nature required! *Excludes govt. fees! Call weekdays (800)462-2000, ext.600. 8am-7pm) Alta Divorce, LLC. Established 1977. INJURED! ACCIDENT! PER- SONAL INJURY HURT.. NEG- LIGENCE WRONGFUL DEATH Call now 24 hrs A-A- A ATTORNEY Referral Ser- vice (800)733-5342. Speak to a lawyer now! Protect your Rights. No Fee. An ac- cident is a Serious Matter ROOFING REPLACE/REPAIR Licen ed#CCC 1?326662 In ,ureld Cl (561255.6192 NEW SELF STORAGE 46 units 7x15, 8x15, 10x15, 10x30; 12x30, 15x25. Full electric, secure on Commereio St. 350 ft. from Clewiston Police Dept. 863-983-6663, 863-983-2808, after hrs. " 863-983-8979 WOLFF TANNING BEDS Buy Direct and Save! Full Body units from $22 a month! FREE Color Catalog CALL TODAY! (800)842-1305 www.np.etstan.com. SOUTHERN LAND SERVICES of Moore Haven. Land clearing & tree service. Licensed & Insured 239-633-7173. Sam 22 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee A/C- For Travel Trailer, Dual Therm, '05, 120v, 1 phase. 1 fl0 B T 1.1 : U ,r 1' yr $.125 (864l -6I'.hFhK8 AIR CONDITIONER -'05 York 3.5 ton package unit.w/ heat, new in box $1250 (954)309-8659 DINING ROOM TABLE 100 yrs. old, $1500 or o i offer. (863)234-3470 DRESSING TABLE & MIRROR $100. (863)467-1912 AIR CONDITIONER & ELEC- TRIC STOVE working condi- tion, both for $175 or best offer (863)467-8339 DISH WASHER- Estate, Good condition. Top basket need to 'be replaced. $40. (863)599-0199 DISHWASHER, MAYTAG: Portable on wheels. Less than 1 year old. $150. '63)677.0n51 1 LaBelle Services II Babysitting 405 Child Care Needed 410 Child Care Offered415 Instruction 420 Services Offered 25 Insurance 430 Medical Services435 Join the most exciting attraction in SW Florida JOB OPPORTUNITIES Do-It-Yourself Ideas Little Red Schoolhouse This is one schoolhouse that children will look for- ward to attending. It gives the kids a great place to play and will keep them "in school" all year long. Painted bright red with white trim and crowned with its own little belfry, the schoolhouse measures about four feet square by seven feet tall. The plan includes step-by-step directions with photos, full-size traceable patterns for the word "school" and the plywood bell that hangs in the bel- fry, an exploded diagram and more. Little Red Schoolhouse plan (No. 619)... $9.95 Playhouses & Structures Package (No. C104) Four projects incl. 619 ... $24.95 Catalog (pictures hundreds of projects) ... $2.00 Please add $4.00 s&h (except catalog-only orders) To order, circle item(s), Please be sure to clip & send w/ check to: include your name, U-Bild Features address and the name of 15241 Stagg St. this newspaper. Allow Van Nuys, CA 91405 1-2 weeks for delivery. Or call (800) 82-U-BILD ju-bild.com Money Back Guarantee Thursday, May 25, 2006 Merchandise Air Conditioners 505 Antiques 510 Appliances 515 Appliance Parts 520 Beauty Supplies 525 Bicycles 530 Books & Magazines535 Building Materials540 Business Equipment 545 Carpets/Rugs 550 Children's Items 555 China, Glassware, Etc. 560 Clothing 565 Coins/Stamps 570 Collectibles 575 Computer/Video 580 Crafts/Supplies 585 Cruises 590 Drapes, L;nens & Fabrics 595 Fireplace Fixture 600 Firewood 605 Furniture 610 Furs 615 Health& Reducing Equipment 620 Heating Equipment..' Supplies 625 Household Items 630 Jewelry 635 Lamps/Lights 640 Luggage 645 Medical Items 650 Miscellaneous 655 Musical Instruments 660 Office Supplies. Equipment 665 Pets/Supplies/ Services 670 Photography 675 Plumbing Supplies 680 Pools & Supplies 685 Restaurant Equipment 690 Satellite 695 Sewing Machines 700 Sporting Goods 705 Stereo Equipment 710 Television..'Radio 715 Tickets 720 Tools 725 Toys & Games 730 VCRs 735 Wanted to Buy 740 FREEZER- Kenmore upright, excellent condition, works great. $125 (239)690-2055 FRIDGE, ADMIRAL 18.6 cu- bic ft., frostless/white, $75. 863-674-0874. PORTABLE A/C UNITS- 2, Good condition. 1-3/4 hp & 1-1hp. $195. (863)697-0217 RANGE, AMANA Smoothe top, self-cleaning, black/white w/white Ken- more range hood, $75. 863-674-0874. REFRIGERATOR- White, Ken- more 22 cu ft. Bottom freez- er with ice maker, Exc cond, $150. cash 863-357-3026 STOVE- Modern Whirlpool, self cleaning oven, Good condition. $80 (863)599-0199 WASHER & DRYER: 6 mo's. old. Excellent condition. $450. (863)228-7204 WASHER & DRYER- Stackable, $100. i863)673-04176 WASHER & DRYER, Whirl- pool, Matching Set, Super Ca- pacity. $100 for both. 27 9938--1321 LaBelle. WASHER & DRYER- Whirl- pool, white, 2 yrs old, good condition, '$1400 (863)801-3358 WASHER, DRYER & STOVE All from Whirlpool, $100. Will separate. (863)467-5072 SCHWIN BICYCLE 1955- 26", like new, asking $700. (86.3167-5756. ALL STEEL BUILDING SALE! "Plus Free B.onus!" 20x28 Now $4200. 25x32 $5800. 30x42 $9200. 40x62 $14,900. Extensive range of sizes. Front end optional. Pioneer (800)668-5422. ALUMINUM AWNING- 11, Various sizes, 12'to 4', Ask- ing $500 for all 863-634-8608. METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct From Manufactur- er. 20 colors in stock with all Accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery Available Toll Free (888)393-0335 ROOFING PANELS Alum., 6, 5 @ 10'x4', 1 @ 10'x18", $600. Call 863-634-8608. SHINGLES, (10) bundles 3- tab. i;. i86:3)805-0U72 Clewiston.; '. WINDOW SILLS- (13 pc)ltal- ian marble, 3/4" x 5" x 36", white, $40 for all (772)971-9474 I , Thrdy Ma 25 206Srigtecmuiissuho aeOecoe - 'prm ents BABY BLANKETS, $50 for all or will separate. (863)467-8723 PLAYPEN, Eddie Bauer Pack 'n Play w/vibration, bassinet, changing table & play center. Like new. $80 (863)763-4271 PROM GOWN, Full length, baby blue, size 20. Still has tags on it Paid $400, will sac- rifice $175. (863)763-3451 STAMP COLLECTION $30 or best offer. (863)467-6943 AVON PRODUCT- big box of older items. $50 (863)357-6113 FOOTBALL & BASEBALL CARDS(3-400 Racing & Comic. late 80s early 90s Exc. cond. $400 neg. 863)763-8943 MICKEY MANTLE: 1st. Home Run Card, Stand & Plaque. $28 will sep. (863)467-1484 COMPAQ PASARIO, Windows 98,'Just upgraded. New CD Burner, etc. $200. (863)467-2366 COMPUTER SYSTEM, Dell, Win XP + lots of programs & games. $175. (863)843-0158 DURON 1300- 12gb HD, 256 Mem, keybrd, mouse, burn- er, spkrs, Corel Draw 8, ex cond. $239 (863)763-4376 LAP TOP- Compaq Armada E500, Win XP Home Edition, DVD Player,CD Burner, dis- kette $550 (863)946-3769 LAP TOP- Sony, Valo, exc cond., Win XP Pro, DVD plyr, CD burner, many extras $450 neg (863)946-3769 LAPTOP, 1995 Toshiba 330CDX 64mb ram. $300 (863)763-8391 ^^^^^^^^m ANTIQUE BUTTERFLY DRESSER AND MIRROR- w/ratching sleigh bed, $200 (863)357-1867 BAR L-shaped with 2 bar- stools. Wood and leather. 44" high, 22" wide, 7' and 5' lengths. $150 (863)612-9233 BED, Single, Adjustable, Pil- low Top w/remote. Excellent condition. Only used once. $400. (863)675-0514 LaBelle BOOK CASE- Custom built for- mica, w/sliding glass doors. $100. or best offer. (863)697-0217 BOOK SHELF $25 or best of- fer. (863)467-6943 BR SUITE-. Ethan Allen, pine, 2 chest w/bookshelfv desk, 3! position bed, bunk, trundle, twin $395 (863)675-7664 BR SUITE- Wicker, queen size, headboard, nite stand, chest w/mirror, $250 (863)228-4086 BUNK BED- beautiful, custom made, all in one, w/desk & dresser, solid wood $750 (863)675-7306 CHAIRS, Tub Style, (2) $40. (239)394-7005 CHINA CABINET, Solid wood, 3 shelves, 2-piece. $650 (863)763-8943 COUCH, Hide Away Bed, Floral Pattern. $100. (239)394-7005 CURIO CABINET, Glass cas- ing. Good shape. $160 (863)357-0125 DINETTE SET, 7 piece, heavy pine. $400 (863)673-3585 DINETTE SET, Wall Unit, Large Console TV & Recliner. All for $725 will sep. Call Emily @ 863-675-4500 DINING ROOM SET, Entertain- ment ctr & Living room set, $650. Will separate. (863)673-0476 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER, Oak, 4 x 4. $35 (863)228-7204 GLASS TOP TABLE W/4 CHAIRS- brand new, $125 (863)467-5756 HEADBOARD, Queen. Nice shape, light wood in color. $15(863)467-8723 LIFT CHAIR, electric and bat- tery powered, blue, excellent condition. $340 (863)357-0125 LIVING ROOM SET, Sofa,S, love seat & chair. Hunter green and burgandy striped. $250 (863)983-5515 OFFICE DESK- IKEA Beech top. Very modern and beautiful to look at. $125. 863-228-4086 RECLINER COUCH & LOVE- SEAT- w/coffee table, $450 (863)357-1867 SECTIONAL SOFA, Multi Col- ored. $150. (863)946-0749 Sleeper-Sofa- Queen, Castro Convertible & 7-ft couch. $250. Will separate. LaBelle 239-822-5955 SLEIGH BED- complete, no mattress, $50 (863)675-7105 SOFA, 5 ft., fair condition. $25 (863)675-3032 Table, 6 chairs & China cabi- net $500. 239-822-5955 TABLE SET, 3-piece w/2 matching lamps. Brand new. $300 or best offer. (863)983-7510 11i11 M11 ' AUTOMATIC Blue Belguim Browning Baby. Stopped mak- ing in-1968. Asking $400. Firm (863)357-2233 Okeechobee REMINGTON SHOTGUN- 12ga, like new, $400 (863)697-8785 -me nt Belle Glade Gardens Apartments A Rental Community Community Amenities & Features * Gated Community with roving courtesy associate * Laundry facility with convenient laundry card * On-Site Headstart facility * Sparkling Pools * Basketball courts * Play areas * Pet Friendly (with restrictions) * Community Activities * Preferred employer program * Close to schools, shopping and recreation * Tennis Courts * Club House * Jogging Trails Individual Amenities & Features * Central Air conditioning * Double stainless steel sinks with garbage disposal * Frost free Refrigerator * Dishwasher* * Wall to wall carpeting* * Walk in closets * Ceiling fan * Mini blinds * Lake views* * Cable Ready (*in select apartments) 1 Bedroom- $595 2 Bedrooms $695 3 Bedrooms $795 Renovations & New Administration! 2000 S. Main Street, Belle Glade, FL 33430 Office: (561)996-7000 Fax: (561)996-8399 GAZELLE- Tony Little, top of the line, absolutely brand new, 6 work out CD's $150 (863)228-7204 HARD CORE GYM cable sys- tem, w/weights, flys, down/up bars, legs, nice $300 neg (863)697-2525 HOME GYM- 2 position, Wei- der Pro 9940 asking $100, Call Mac (863)675-3889 La Belle VENITIAN BLINDS, (5), 29.5" wide, (2) 60" wide. $25 or will separate. (863)763-3901 DIAMOND RING- 1/2 ct, w/surrounding diamonds, $500 (863)675-7105 or (863)673-5023 SWING, 2 seat, with cover. Good condition. $50 (863)675-6556 after 3 p.m. BLOOD PRESSURE MONI- TOR- Digital, Wrist, Brand new. Never been used. $34.99 (863)467-1120 Is the Cost of Your Prescription Drugs Making You Sick? Obtain Name Brands For $15 per Med per Month. Call or Have Your Doctor Call 1-800-758-1729 MEDICAL BED- Remote con- trol. Mattress included. $175. (863)675-3665 WHEEL CHAIR, Electric, Like new. Originally Cost $5500, Asking $900. (863)675-0122 LaBelle 55 GAL. STEEL DRUMS- one side open for burning $80 for all will sell separately (863)763-5062 How do you find a job in today's competitive maIket? hi the employ- ment section of the clas- sfileds GOODGUYS SPRING NATION- ALS. May 26-28. Alltel Stadi- um-Jacksonville. Rods, customs, & classics thru '72, exhibits, swap meet, en- tertainment & More. Info: (925)838-9876 www.good- guys.com. HIGH GAS PRICES Ten year company. $150 million sales to foreign governments in- cluding China, Peru, and U.S. Military. NEW TO PUB- LIC. Key distributorships available, www.cheapclea- nerfuel.com. (800)914-2939 SNARE DRUM- with stand, asking $50 (863)675-4098 Labelle evenings ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER- Smith Corona display dic- tionary. Like new, $50 (863)763-7989 BLUE EYED WHITE LION HEAD BUNNY- $40 (863)675-4981 LaBelle area CHIHUAHUA- male, CKC reg., 1 yr old, cocoa color, hse broke $350 (863)634-0517 COCKATIELS, 1 male & 1 fe- male. Good for breeding. $80 will separate. (863)634-8118 DOG PENS, (2, Large w/gate. $100 or will separate. Call Rick (239)410-3784 in La- belle ENGLISH SPRINGER SPAN- IELS blk & white, neutered male, CHOCOLATE LAB, fe- male 5 mos old, $100 ea. POMERANIAN, male, white, 3 yrs. old, $250. (863)763-8318/532-0680 JACK RUSSEL PUPS: Parents on premises w/papers. $400. 863-467-7049 JACK RUSSELL TERRIERS PUPPIES, AKC, $350. each. (863)634-4076 MIN-PIN PUPPIES- 8wks old, CKC reg. & they have Health papers. $375. (863)763-4052 or 634-8691 Time to clean out the attic, basement and/or garage? Advertise your yard sale In the classi- fleds and make your clean un a breeze! POMERANIAN PUPPIES, 1 male & 1 female, purebred. $400 (863)673-3585 POT BELLY PIG BABIES- 1 pair, $75 (863)675-4981 LaBelle area WEIMARANERS PUPS: AKC, Champ. lines. All shots. Mom on site. Conscientious Breed- er. $700. (772)778-6849 Aerators 3), Captive Air Tanks 3), Water Softener 1) Jacuzzi pump 1) above ground pumps 2). $1000. (239)246-3549 Double Sink, Stainless steel, 33" x 22", w/all hardware, hoses & garbage disposal. . $45. neg. (863)763-6216 ABOVE GROUND POOL- 24FT Round, all equipment includ- ed, good cond, $200 (772)778-6849 TV, 19", color, no remote. $25 (863)675-3032 TV'S, (2), 19", excellent condi- tion, $100 will sell separate- ly. (863)228-7204 8-15ft LITTLE GIANT A FRAME LADDER- $800 (863)234-1230 BISCUIT SYSTEM- Sears Craftsman, router, 1.5HP, $50 or best offer (863)697-2525 CHAINSAWS (2) & STRING TRIMMERS (6) Weedeaters. Need work. $75 for all. (863)763-6629 GENERATOR, Coleman, Pow- er Mate Maxa 3000, on cart, will demonstrate. $225 (863)763-7584 HOBART STICK WELDER- AC/DC, asking $500 (863)697-8785 MAC TOOLBOX- Economizer 4000, asking $800 or best offer (863)634-0856 Reading a newspaper helps you understand the world around you. No wonder newspaper readers are more suc- cessful people! SHOP VAC- Sears, heavy duty, 12 gal, with attachments, 4 HP, wet/dry, exc cond $30 (863)675-2596 TABLE SAWS, (2) Craftsman, 10", w/extensions & extra blades. $199 for both. (863)763-6629 TOOL COMBO KIT: All cord- less, Meter Saw, Circular Saw, Reciprocating Saw, light & 2 drills. $250 (239)246-3549 NASCAR RACING WHEEL & PEDALS- computerized for Windows 95 or dos. $25 neg (239)657-4348 NEW COIN COLLECTOR want- ing to add to my collection. Please call to sell coins & paper money 239-693-4891 WANTED: Small/Older Model, Diesel Tractor w/front end loader. Needed work okay. (863)763-2053 Agriculture I Christmas Trees 745 Farm Equipment 805 Farm Feed/Products 810 Farm Miscellaneous 815 Farm Produce 820 Farm Services Offered 825 Farm Supplies/ Services Wanted 830 Fertilizer 835 Horses 840 Landscaping Supplies 845 Lawn & Garden 850 Livestock 855 Poultry/Supplies 860 Seeds/Plants/ Flowers 865 APPA. GELDING- wh./leopard spot, 12yo, easy keeper, good feet, good ground manners $1200 (863)357-1024 HORSE TRAILER- Older mod- el, 2 horse, New floor. $650. (863)357-1976 OLD SORREL GELDING, 2 yrs., very gentle, no bad hab- its, saddle & bridle broke, all shots. $1000 (863)673-0065 -Im OLD SORREL MARE, 8 yrs, very gentle, good for any rider, trailers well, all vaccinations. $1200 (863)673-0065 PALOMINO- 5 yrs, 15.3 hand, Barn & pastured, Not a be- ginner horse. $1800. (863)357-1945.Evenings READING A NEWSPAPER... makes you a more informed and Interesting person. No wonder newspaper readers are motesucessful! 34 TON LOG SPLITTER, $600, TroyBilt Tiller 8hp, $600, Lesco SS Pro Fertilizer spreader $200, (2) Red Max Trimmers $95 each, (2) Echo Stick Edgers $75 each, 1 Red Max Back Pack Blower $200, Black Max 80 al 220 Air Compressor 525, Miller ac/dc 220 amp 220 V, elec Stick Welder $200, Triple lawn trailer racks $50 (863)234-1230 INT'L HARVESTER CUB CA- DET #107, w/mower deck, antique, exc. cond., $595. (863)467-6696 RIDING MOWER, MURRAY, 42" Cut., 17.5 hp. Only 1 year old. 6 spd. $700 or best offer. (863)635-2976 Frostproof. ROTOVATOR- 6hp, Troy- Bilt,elec start, runs excellent, $350 (863)763-9020 or (863)467-1973 Okeechobee Livestock Market Sales every Mon. 12pm & every Tues. 11am. 763-3127 One man's trash Is anoth- er man's treasure. Trn your trash to treasure with an ad In the classl- fleds. I Apatment I Apartment The most important 20 minutes of your day is the time spent reading with your child from birth to age nine. 0 I Apartment mm Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 25, 2006 I Lots Sal Rentals Apartments 905 Business Places 910 Commercial Property 915 Condos/ Townhouses Rent920 Farm Property - Rent 925 House Rent 930 Land Rent 935 Resort Property - Rent 945 Roommate 950 Roams to Rent 955 Storage Space - Rent 960 1, 2 & 3 BEDROOMS HOUSES & APARTMENTS FOR RENT. No pets. Call (863)983-4436. CLEWISTON, 2BR/2BA, On 2nd floor. Fully furnished. Washer/dryer. $1500/mo. + sec. & ref. (305)360-2236 CLEWISTON- Bass & Sun Condo's for rent, 2br, 2ba, unfurn, $1200/mo. 2br, 2ba furn $1400/mo. Call James Carter (863)677-1388 BELLE GLADE- 3br, Iba, tile, W/D, car port, Call Beth at (561)441-4397 -Build To Suit- Up To 10,000 SQ. FT. Belle Glade Area ELDERLY PROFESSIONAL GENTLEMAN: Wishes to rent room in Clewiston area w/quiet family. Does not drink or smoke. Call (239)443-6765 or email: lanton17@aol.com Wanted: Room to Rent, quiet professional non-smoker, Clewiston/Montura area. Call (863)227-3178 HOUSE SHARE IN LAKEPORT 2BR/1BA, Single female pref., No kids. $561/mo. Util. incl. Ref. req. 863-946-0371 Okee. Real Estate Business Places - Sale 1005 Commercial Property Sale 1010 Condos/ Townhouses Sale1015 Farms Sale 1020 Houses Sale 1025 Hunting Property 1030 Investment Property Sale 1035 Land Sale 1040 Lots Sale 1015 Open House 1050 Out of State - Property Sale 1055 Property Inspection 1060 Real Estate Wanted 1065 Resort Property - Sale 1070 Warehouse Space 1075 Waterfront Property 1080 BANK FORECLOSURES! Homes from $10,000! 1-3 bedroom available! HUD, Re- pos, REO, etc. These homes must sell! For listings call (800)425-1620 ext.4237. CLEWISTON, WOW, Water- front 3br, 2ba, 14 .ac, Fenced, new roof/dock. 5 min from Walmart. See & make offer! $169,500. Possible owner fi- nance of down payment. (WAC) (863)805-0272' FROSTPROOF: 2 Acre. 2 Bdrm. House @ 36 Murray Lane. Cash Sale Only. $42,000. (863)635-9458 MUSE Country living at its best! 5 acres of tall pines, large oaks, wildlife of all kinds, seen from your morn- ing room in your 2100 sq ft, 3 BR, 2 BA manufactured home w/4 wrap around porches + detached over- sized 2 car garage w/work- shop & carport, 12 x 12 pump house w/storage along w/a stocked bass pond. Call (863)675-7708. $485,000. OPEN HOUSE May 27th, 437 Bacom Point Rd, 2br, 1 ba, 1893 sq ft., big lot, shed, $179,900 (561)924-2139 PORT LaBelle: Unit 4 ~ Move In Today! - Newly renovated, near schls., Large yards, New S/S Appl. 4/2 @$175,000. or 3/1 @ $142,000. Call owner: 863-673-5071 cshdz 04@earthlink.net FL LAND BARGAINS. Opportu- nities to own your own farm, ranch woodland or lakefront homestead. Old Florida at its ,best! Still affordable! Call 3uvih2.)n r.)jf :9 or : wwiw ll.indlijrjjini; I: iim MONTURA RANCH ESTATE 1.25 ac High & Dry, 412 Bald Cypress Ave. $55,000 (561)993-5886 BASS LOVERS - Dbl. Lot on Kissimmee River w/Lake Okeechobee access. Electric, Water, Septic Tank & Older MH on Nice Level Lot w/Huge Live Oak Tree. $160,000. or best offer. Call 260-799-4254 or 260-450-1415 Join all the people who say, sold it In the clas- sifieds." North Carolina Gated Lake- front Community 1.5 acres plus, 90 miles of shoreline. Never before offered with 20% pre-development dis- counts, 90% financing. Call (800)709-5253. ASHEVILLE, NC AREA HOME- SITES Sneak preview of Phase II on now. Just 25 miles from Asheville. Over 4 miles of crystal clear river- front. Incredible mountain views. Riverwalk, custom lodge, nature trails. Call (866)292-5762. BEAUTIFUL N. CAROLINA., ESCAPE TO BEAUTIFUL WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS. FREE COLOR BROCHURE & INFORMATION. MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES W/ SPEC- TACULAR VIEWS HOMES, CABINS, CREEKS & INVEST- MENT ACREAGE. Cherokee Mountain GMAC Real Estate. cherokeemountainrealty.com (800)841-5868. MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA AAH COOL SUMMERS MILD WINTERS Affordable Homes & Mountain Cabins, Land GALL FOR FREE BROCHURE (877)837-2288 EXIT REAL- TY MOUNTAIN VIEW PROP- E R T I E S www.exitmurphy.com. NC Mountains. 1.90 Acres w/ 75 mile view & hardwood trees. Financing available, at $59,000 w/little down. Per- fect for log cabin. This one won't last call today (800)699-1289 or www.riv- erbendlakelure.com.' NEW! ALABAMA WATER- FRONT 2 hours to Atlanta & the Coast. Waterfront com- munity with incredible moss- draped hardwoods. Planned ,:utlirliije docks, & more. 1/2 to 3 acres from the $50's. Minutes to historic Eufaula. Call owner (866)882-1107. New, Pre-Construction Golf Community-Coastal Geor- gia. Large lots w/ deepwater, marsh, golf, nature views. Gated, Golf, Fitness Center, Tennis, Trails, Oak Park, Docks. $70K's-$300K. (877)266-7376. www.coop- erspoint.com. North Carolina 10 acre Gated Equestrian Community with riding trails. Never before of- fered with 20% pre-develop- ment discounts. 90% financing call (828)312-1263 / (828)312-3765 c ,, f =,w M , Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 25, 2006 I- a " Phone: 863-946-3900 Fax: 863-946-3902 498 US Hwy. 27, Moore Haven effrey A. Davis Real Estate Broker EVERG LADES .B. IAREALTY, INC. MQORE HATVEN u4' .Eiger, Lot-llb.ailabHe For Rent In loore Hare'n VJtn.ir mft26acJust REDUCErn T(- '.-' -- venue K 8 Lotpackage. wattr ,r :r n, ,r irl, i, ..r BONITA SPRINGS tennis courts, $320,000 Dea l A ,e d 1- .i ,i'r rn, i. r,-.;, thi I'..irl'iii 2 K21,', o. LotByTbeV ter.126 9908Rl.er.Jrltel..iN i HOME ..- h i .1. ., i h ..l. l ,. I-. n REDLICED [., M o iteH chtQ 2 I. l ..a lc ,i .... .CLL.ES ..1. I ir ', i.r'.l .Di' L. IIl'''H .lt re It X$ Clb 2 I30.01 Vr '.is, h,,th .an, .,.lit BONUIS ,, I AGENT- I'.-, II r FIRST iI,.t DEAL. 1. Club Way, $30,000 anri $28,000 c. .,l ri,.. ,j I. [ I ii i.ili ? Conimerical Pkoertv .229 A(rc. a I'.' .I' -Ih .- iJ. - $165,000 FLAGHOLE HXomi OnThe f W 2235RivcrnJi Dr L i alirl 2BIt IAt ,' Counina Lhinul 2'lit HA I1I I. -t.b.; % -.i.".i.i apriwtedock& ania*porct nlysYiNj1i LAKPORT Reduedced Ne Model Home 1IHL'HA ihhidous rn-i .lu t On TheCnml .nIQ 23B'a4 I I' lr 'i; ., :lir'ivL.' see, 945 Yacht Club Way, $147,890 MNTRA Mobile limeWithXtrlTqt Included2DR'Agrep.thi, 12rMO rT A lr 803 Ren Dr.Yacht Club, $180,6~Ki 1-I .-r.,,, p, i ori. .1, .i n I '; icr ..r. L-.. O)j. -mI, lll Mobile Home for Retireiment i31 2A *1 lhr Clb '. i Fr...,r .. I .c ,.., 1 14 /Way, $132,750 r1, -. ,hlt P4 2l1obile Honmeson 1.165ac8601cu l r i W 'i i. " TootMany bist Mootel vaen iT :,,,iAi L,c', _-n i t i -n'i Mn,,_rh I ,, 'i I- 1 '-i I.-r-.: I" h .A, i,[ h 2 New On TheMaWet2BRk/BAo.n 5 I,..:, i32 ..e N i- I"',: ORTOCNA Brand Nhew Home 3B13) 21 V.,,.rTr. N.t I.-..i;,. Clared ,L el Lnt 2:;' i., .. I ,, p. I.i .L -1lii 2485 Riverside Drive,$409,375 ET Frini Propter i 1-i i tl ,' 10 i0 Il, 1 hT r It Before Yon B It New ,'&S i i, 'i-iI. (.ir.ro .. 1 .... I- ,I,..r ,i, ,i I.h 1 1111, ,c- lease w/opdon t SIgS TIIa 2 5.91 acres, Zooc.,,d o erial. Slrirr Yur PAIMDALE SOwn Business $775,000 Owner I.t11 Suhd P almd le Area..-r lor .1 ill ,r Ilia r ij, i, .--. DJ1 r r j V ESS --3.*--s *' 7- dA2v Z> rs TC~ 420 E SUGARLAND VWY. "' (863) 983-6663 ab .(863) 983-9770 WEBSIT: DYEBSSRALESTATE.COM MAIL: ANN@DYESSREALESTATE.COM AFTER HOL'RS. ANNDYESS LAURA SMITH TRAVISDYESS ANGELICA GONZALEZ (863) 983-8979 (863)599-1209 (863)228-2215 SE HABL BESPANIL 863228-0023 _ RESIDENTIAL CBS i],;,AjR, VACANT LAND 3BR, 1 1/2 BA and 2B J it j t3 Mitur,- 1 r~- I-r .,:oa. efficiency $131,000 2BR, 1BA$279,000 able. Callfor Listing. 3BR, 1BA $168,000 2BR, 1 1/2 BA Condo (8) 4BR, 3BA Del Monte $150K ACREAGE $295,00 MOBILE HOMES +/- 55 acres $25ac GladesCo. 4BR, 2BA New Home 3BR, 2 MIVobile BiigallofMb. $345,000 Hamn$71w6 I 3BR, 2BA w study, d 3BR, 2BA Ridgdill SD' COM1MERCIAL pool. New Subdivision $130,000 Building 2476 sq. ft. on US pool. New Subdivision $359,900 MOORE HAVEN 27 I10'x100' $550,000 13 A3BR, IBA CBS 3 lots In(Afrfti f#IW + B pBR, 21BA I r rk.hrp, rr.r Chn lr. Sll. I p 4-u,q .B & AA pL i 2ii .jl] l) 3BR. 2BA Honer .irh cffi- MONTURA ,clncx &Gn onitin'.n 2BR 2BA 199 ?VNI1 I !2 i 175,00 a'a i i7.5rK New C.:-r.nsfi 3BR'2BA 2BR 2BA SWNMH I 25 ir SuaErl:,nd Circle S ;.u0 adJ lot -:,dai -"i r- LI -FIiR. -It". .!L .E- I iH ',t 1 ." [: ; CE Tn3-t ....... ii *cr'farjL 7=4-9 TIC.:: .. . ... . i."^~;.. ^..~ t E - ide Sjawne teatti, Ja 863-983-0075 330 W. Sugarland Hwy, Suite 11 Office Hours: Mon. Fri. 9:00 to 6:00 Sat. 10:30 Sun. By Visit Us At oldetownerealty.citymax.com .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . -REDUCED NEW CONSTRUCTION 3/2 CBS HOME' ASKING ONLY S23-1 9K -NEW CONSTRUCTION ,aSKING ONLY $255K *BOYNTON BEACH HOME CALL TO INQUIRE! S2 FOR THE PRICE OF ONE 2.'2 + 2 KITCHENS ALL WRAPPED-UP IN 1 HOME! ASKING ONLY i 59.9K MANUFACTURED HOMES -CLEAN & PRESTINEI 3.2. COULD BE -IBR SITS ON MANM.ADE LAKE! ASKING ONLY S132K -GREAT COUNTRY LOCATlONI 3/2 W,'A DEN. 1.25 ACRE LOT! ASKING ONLY S149 9K HOMES *DROP DEAD GORGEOUS 4.'2. OVER 3.000 SQFT, NORTHSIDE. REMODELED & REPAINTED! ASKING ONLf $389K -GREAT STARTER 2/1 WOOD HOME W/ A NICE-SIZED BACKYARD ASKING ONLY $149 9K -TRIPLE THE I$$$ 3 TIMES TH5 A f'ajfo tr< ASKING ONLY $19 9K -CUTE AS CAN BEI 3.'2. VERY SP---U ,iARDWOODC FLOOR RWJ I ONL' $219 9K -NEWLY REMODELEDI 2 1 ONLY 899K ONLY $89.9K S:8 i Sugailnd Hnay, tIensIDt f I T T i ilioni i . (863) 983-8559 .AK 1 .. All rhu rn sr Chtin I It l bl q Ib? ,1 ,; I ,-i 4 .t i.iqu Iit Sir in Ilr ;: I..l i Pi tLLti 1, n,,i- ...it l i--i. . Mangiluiinmitiiisl 'A! 4114 t E1JA IiW 18 .. ...l' *C:l \\Isti l! FOR RENT -.ililr[lt i l ii 12/ l\ ill' N"flfHlicSiS td 5 "I ,t \y i'l'l ii, I,' Hiouse 4/2 \ 1,000 ii = '."Pu!etr 5 i ft.fr ;. n.2 li,1111r1 1if'111 \\ilI a( I. .'auiifi l pond and native trees, ;.it ,iT1. P. p, i i;,,,r, ll.rin'r lol, mL'"2I ia aI I SALE PENDING I WQded 2ac. ewarpet& paint, *'Pilt-)1 r 5 Lfl f iS I 1 i"5IO,000 S'"po I rhIlli c! READY TO BUILD 1/2 Il)('Clifiil .ica ao ,.. .. a,, C1S. ats.l14i if, id .if, fenced. 1-1iI1 .. .. '" Ilin k ill stII .1 i i . -' ;i I,,'*CrOrgel 4 t I i l * ". .. -, .. -, l l l i I l l i ; I 111 : I l ll l,; I.111111o I l inII 1 l t Ill If I ii i I -, H- R. ti.1A ,;,1 '. .il i. ,i.l 1 ll i I I I I ,1 I' l 'I PF ..-Hi ii l .. I',". K .1 II .l' I -, ,T''I -- - & 12 Appt. Only "i Rw ctad h&' isme" NEW LISTING "PRICED TO PLEASE" 1995 3 2 IN EASY LIFE SUB- DIVISION A MUST SEE ASK i103.9K VACANT LOTS PLENTY OF MONTURA LOTS TO CHOOSE FROM CALL TO INQUIRE. DEAL FELL THRUI ONE OF THE LAST MOBILE HOME LOTS LEFT IN TOWN INCLUDES MANY IMPROVE MENTS. CALL 2 INQUIRE HWY 27 COMMERICAL PROPERTY AVAILABLE IN SOUTH BAY CALL FOR DETAILS. r 1La 1t- y. I-n c- FEATURED LISTING Lake aCce esn me with mneawal mi ut esr LF 3123,bW td pool, a-eplace, spl floorr plan, atile foors priced at $290,000 M,:,Tik'ATED SELLER BRING OFFERSaiS Caf'llUs, 'Ilk 7{aw isfinyll &ro',r Carolyn Thomas 946-2005 SafesA sfcif es AnnDonohue 228-0221 David Rister 634-2157 ------ ------- -: Turnkey Watercress Farm ., ... , 15 acres in Pioneer Glenn A. rah ,. ChannaineA. Maribel Sam J. "NOWt' ON THE MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE TO BETTER SERVE OUR CUSTOMERS!!" IIU nEi.II hIIIIU........ ..... ._fl - Luan B. Glenn A. Sarah A. Channmaine A. Maribel Sam J. Walker Smith Williams Montgomery Gonzalez Walker r863".Ii 0863-983-3508 863-228-6867 8636970189 561-722-7347 863-6771013 863.677-I010 Rabi lEspal Se bh Epanol013 Why Wait To Build? Get It Nowl CBS 1) Looking for an Exciting Business?? 1) Montura Ranch Estates Large LZAIS) A J- 20A The Summer of '06 will be a fun-time just Outside of Town! A Fleetwood Home, 1,670 sqft. 3bd/2ba/1 car garage. Check this out!!An Established & Operating riome ryl A) irRrTlrM acres. Absolutely Perfect for your with the :pdikling pool that .omrnc home w/ a 24'x30' shop on a beauti- located on Texas Ave. Appliance akage Animal Rescue Center located in Montura Locifaflrht 1j 'e on dream home. 20 Fenced Acres with this d4R, 2 barh set amidsr flow- fu 1/2 acre. $1534,900 included citywaterand sewage. .eady to Ranch Estates, Property is on 3.34 acres of ;Hacle," .~a- o, .Tu. ut will w/ pcnd Lots of 10 year old ering shrubs and colorful planiingc -, Move In! $15,000.00 land. Have your home and business all not last long at $199,900 MLS# pines w/ some oaks. Priced enviable North Side of Clerssion Wth Flagholel!t! Oak trees, paved drive- Sweetwater Ave. This petty has oete wi a 4bd/2ba Mobin Home. 200528863 below recent sales. Will Go its spacious rooms, bar area, and way. 5' fence, & pole barn on I acre man beautiful trees that nertl wild Ready to move in and begin business. Call Fast Reduced $399,900.00 oversize lot you will vacation every lot. Almost forgot the beautiful many beautiful trees thallan de wlda Glenn @ 677-1441 for more information 2) Moore Haven River Gardens 2 day for the price of an ordinary home: remodeled mobile home! Listed @ maple and oaks. Small man-made lake 1LS#200642801 2) Moore Haven River Gardens 2 ry6 0 hidden in thick trees & brush. There is an 004Home lots ready for your new home. 2 S 5 A Ms ellr Motivated & Just Reduced $169900.00 abundant of wildlife 2.5 acres 574.9K 2) Moore Haven 3 br/2 ba mobile home Homelots readyforyournewhome, 2) 5299,900 Oveabundantof 2.rsie vin Room with Cathedral Corner lot for 555,000, Inside Lot for Looking for the Impossible? You won't want to miss out on a Why b newt Ceilings Large open kitchen andfomal din- $50,000 or both for $100,000! Opportunity seldom knocks Good 01' Country Lvin' will be yours as deal like this! 2003 4bd/2ba dou- NL.d Ing room Largerear deck wi bulinbb twice! S acres on US 27 on the owner of this 3BR 28ath set on 1.25 of blewide on 2.16 acres. Property fea- .onsL l Lo and gazboo ust seeatr deck with b 3) Ridgdill Subdivision 2 Water Front he Palm Beach/ Hendry the prettiest acres you will ever see in turs a second mobile home, large As Cute as a Button Adorable & in perfect 200540984 Mobile Home Lots available immed- County line. Over 937 feet on Montura Ranch Estates. There's even a building and storage sheds. condition! Entrance has beautiful hard- 3) Seminole Manor 3 Bedroom/2 Bath ately!Cleared and ready for your new 5 2 or asy access priced in r h ad a replace el building and storage$225000.00 diwoodsnorsfireplae.The knockdown& home. Wilt not last long at $55,000 right for a quick sal @ 275K ifamilyroom ; i i wood floors & firelace. The knockdown & Mobile Home. Walking distance from.htor sale 275K 154900 PioneerPlantation painton walls are excellent Includingthis one get away 4 .5 Acres 2 crown moldin Perfect kitchen & din Clewiston High School and Clewiston DefinItely Not Nice in fact isa a 2 '1r0 Linn -. tS 2.5 Acres $72.9K 'oom Ii eX L lanai Elementary Schools, Home has been remod- i4150te Pioneer 7th St. 25 Ac $6 w avorit eled,roofisonly 1 year old. Great price in a 4) Pioneer Plantation 2 acs, on 3) MooreHaven River s ayu 5205 Pioneer 22nd St. A $130K almu Z l[All un reattinMS#20636722 Riviera St. Reduced for Qui rkSalel! 7 Lots Available. New dbe livable ULlUYl ,n SeminoAe or outl setting.4) nveset rtity 3 Acres of $74,900 M 200604536 Construction in Growing Area. Moub t ..... han h The Best 1.41 acre lake front tot in Are you a hrbbyist therI's a house sut ProduclngOraneGrove!! High and dry with Build Your Dream Home Here! value at $39.9K Montura 105 Pinelake Ave. Call for back 14n x 2C1wsAC. in one of lthe best irnaton from border canal Adional 5) New Listing. 3 Bedroom/ 1 Bath Meyerchck Drive, Lot #15, on value at 399K e Cl locations in Clewiston on Royal Palm bA a vee ailable. Call G enn (863) 677- Mobile home on a corner lot with over thepond @$62K The Great Escape Off a country lane installed within the next 30 days so make 144 forappointment 1 acre of land. A new Metal roof-over. Thatcher Blvd., near the river in Montura Ranch Estates on 1.25 Now must be the time to buy your this your top priority to see today! 5)Lake View 3 br/2 ba mole home (05 Must see to Appreciate!! MLS # @$68,000.00 acres sits a doublewide mobile home N tura Trabct. I list, ho buy 5164,900.00 sRetwood) in SushineLakeEstates. h (x5 200642005 Thatcher Blvd., Lots 6 & 7 or 8 on a corner lot with bedrooms 2 Montura Tract. i list, show and sell 164,900eetwood) in Sunshine Lake states 15 x h bath, There's a jacuzzi tub in master them. Call for information or an Why Buy Old When You Can Get New? 4 screen porch overlooking lakeOpe n $58,500.00 each bath and a fireplace in family room. it appointment Aea tate pynd6 e ha re Thatcher B lvd., Lots 11 or 12, can be your family's haven for just 5 Acres in Pioneer w/ steel building on Texas Ave., Harlem Subdivision 1673 separcels ready for your new home. a $K 152,000. $215,000 sq. ft. Special Loan package, Lutz Builders l6 Must See Beautiful 2RP- BA BAnc: home able to help with the entire home 4) Montura Ranch Estates $215,000.00 $560K n IT.lTAoreI building process. Call for details. 125 N.Kennel Reduced$399 Why Pay hgh sace rents when you New Li and i is fas iii the 735 S. Palm $49,000.00u'' ..d 2 ra e n-Iig Need a Saturday or Sunday 530 s Shetland $52,500.00 .,r in ,- eN'.- r-m ;Ml,'a .0, -o, a appointment 770 S. Shetland $44,900.00 S ... .F f-r-ls h lon Call indoor BBQ MLS 200640230 Call me @ 228-6867. -,'r for showing. Cathy S. Ashley Enrique ig Jerry W. Charles Garcia P. Wood Acosta Smith H. Kehm0 86322849 8 863-228-1132 3055 5876 561-261344 30596822 Very spacious 2001 manufactured Hidden Tranquity This Montured Hidden nqili M a Just Reduced! 38D/2BA Nice Mnturia anchsate Want to Own a Business? Check " home on the lake, has all the room you home is a must see for the nature KeptMany Fruit Trees,New A/C, 2.5 Acres in Montura 585K this Out! Established commer- ,n .. are looking for. This 3bd 2ba home has lover seeking peace and quiet. Horseshoe Ac. @ 5139.9k 2.5 Acres in Montura 90K cial upholstery business and several walk-in closets and a very large liv- Beautiful lot filled with fruit trees is Don't Let This One Slip Away! property $250K ing/dining area. This home is being fenced and ready for your enjoy- 2bd/1ba on huge lots in 5 Acres inPioneer $179.9K offered at $124,900. ment. Offered at 139,900.00. Call Horseshoe Acres. Bring all offers. 2.5 acres in Montura, fenced Own a Piece of Paradise! Today! Seller Motivated $165K $92.SK Beautiful building lot/invest- Oak Trees Line The Driveway! 3bd/2ba New Listlin! Montura Ranch Brin the kids & dogmThis i b ent property in Port LaBelle MH w/ full open deck on front to sit in you What a Deal! 2bd/2ba MH w/extra Estate 2 bl fJ le Home. lotng tbdba brick hom i aol bi $49.9K Reduced for Quick rocker. Home sits on 1 acre of land in lot, *Included in Purchase Price* Located ,i-n I4 lf er,, clean, fenced $319,000.00 Sale Flaghole. Home has tile &hardwood floors Partially furnished & squeaky clean Fenced. A11 4O MIll ndluded.isin! 3bd/2ba CBS 775 County Rd. throughout Recently remodeled, ft 55 & older community Reduced Get it while ou can! Won't Last New Development! Call me for New Listng 3bd/2ba BS 775 County . fence around property, and pole barn in again to $119,900. Long! $107.7K sky valley lots. him AlqTDB Mlfldll'Trs > L N back yard. Get your hands on this beauty Looking for Land? Look No Further! Got Land? Looking for develop- S wooded acres in. Pioneer ll d 72 Ad NEI1, for162,500acres located in Highlands Co entland 28 acs. in LaBele Planting $225,000.00 A little piece of Heaven! 1Call ti Ranchettes! Priced to sell fast ei n> $149d Out! $225,000.00Alitep ceoHavn al or etas 534K per acre Beautiful two story home with Come See This Little Piece Of Heaven in checll r MRE .N ee m? i RE Ready to move in! 3bd/2ba manu- Residential Listing on exclu- The Country! CBS House on 5 acres in n Need Some ace? Spacious factured home in Moore haven sive Ridgewood Ave. 3bd/2ba spiral staircase and wood Flaghole 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, aut i pa Montura. Splt floor plan, lvin S799K on ha an acre. Possible floors. Big backyard with boat screened Lanai, 960 sq. ft. garage, loaded ous 1 .3.ll is room, family room, too many 30 Acres of pasture and woods owner financing available, access to the Gulf and direct with Oak trees $415,000 ,nma.ulaie a Iu, l.nrj ,i extras! Hurry, won't last! $755K Contact me for details & show- access to Lake Okeechobee. FLAGHOLE! This home is all country Motivated Seller! Only $159K New Listing! Moore Haven ing. Home on one acre among oak Gone Country! 2bd/lba CBS home with a living on the outside and nothing Looking for a weekend get away 3bd/2ba, CBS house 5220,000.00 Back On The Market! 3 bed- hammocks. Kitchen feature large family room on avery nice corner lot but city on the Inside! This 1984 3/2 or starter home? 2bd/2ba single Back On The M e! 3 bed-to n Pr available on W. Obispo. The roof is brand Fleetwood DWMH has bee- co;.i- wide MH in Montura RanchEstates New Listingl 1995 Homes of room non aali granite counter tops. Property new! Home is being offered at $165K pletely renovated you'll think fenced and on paved road. Only Merit MH, fenced, above Cor r jnop- could be used as a Bed & you've stepped foot into a CBS 584.9K ground pool, lots of storage, ert nre Breakfast. Detached workshop homv e. tep foot ti nt o C $ .and metal roof, Neat & clean, of slioppirty . JUST REDUCED!! Absolute gorgeous ehrow inthe fact thisone of New Listing! Secluded well main- $1 39,900.00 can easily be converted for an 004 II l i ew its ownme sits onp ad you can'ith tain 995 doublewide 3bd 2ba, additional living area for a Bed d new its own private nond and you can't split floor plan, master bathroom od hfami ask for more A great home ata inudes garden tub w/ Call e or vacant &Breakfast. Iobe.i rof J Ifr J pgn0 d has great price we've priced right to shower property fenced and has land. Lots or acreage. I ea-,,g t e,- ,ome is sell. Offered at $179,900. Calltoday horse fenced area, also next to a l5.,00r0 being offered for $132,500, for your appointment!! canal. 124.900.00 $5750.00 100S.O aerRl(Zc ~ s ro 8 6- 8 3 23. kAIS %^r -c-um WJ -A~bIi-" -'-o- - I Houses Sal I Houes -SalelY I Houses Sale I House Sal I Houses Sale II______ B63-72&7la5 I Houses Sale~r~k I Houses SalenY~ I Houses Sale 1025i I Houses Sal Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 25, 2006 * * * Thursday, May 25, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee NEONS '96- (2) $800 FOR TRAILER, For motorcycle or 4 AIRBOAT GRASS RAKE, fits BOTH (863)983-9908 wheeler, lowrider. $300 BIDSOUCITATIONNOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE AIR PERMIT -- .-- round nose fiberglass hull, (863)467-0981 STATEOFFLORIDA Florida Department of EnvironmentalProtection (Combee, big etc.), $25. OLDS INTRIGUE GLS- '2000, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DraftAirPermitNo.0510003-035 (863)467-6696 Low mi, Leather, Loaded. All DISTRICTONE U.S. Sugar Corporation Clewiston Sugar Mill and Refinery Power, Prem. wheels, Spoil- Looldfng fo a place to Bartow, orida Hendry County, Florida Knb er$9000.(863)697-2906 hang yao hat? Look n May16, 200 Ser $9000.(863)697-2906 Ih g i M Advertisement No.1 Applicant: The applicant for this project is the U.S. Sugar Corporaion. Te appli- y l e 3 t tte c1s1 cants authorized representative and mailing address is: Mr. William A. Raiola, TIRES (2) 4 Lug for Ford Fo- 1edm. CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS Vice President of Sugar Processing Operations, U.S. Sugar Corporation, Clewis- "- BMW K75 RT '92- 70K miles, CU 2003 w/rims. $50. ford bids ton Sugar Mill and Refinery, 111 Ponce DeLeon Avenue, Clewiston, Florida S paid $3500 asking $2500 firm both. (O863)675-6738 ion, 801 North Broadway a Ave., Bartow, Florida. Sealed bids will be received until CLEW ISTON COUNTRY A (863)634-9620 Okee ra 2:00 RM. (Barow Local Te) on Thursday, June 15, 2006 and will be opened Facility Location: U.S. Sugar Corporation operates an existing sugar mill and refin- and publicly read aloud inthe Mu Purpose Conference Room Bidders may ob- ery, which is located in Hendry County at 111 Ponce DeLeon venue in Clewis- HONDA SHADOW V4 500'85- CHEVY VAN' 87- cold air, new t i r bid results at ht t uscc-d Click on Let- tonorda. Modular/Floor Plans. From $79,900 & up, runs, needs work, $600 or A tires, $790 (863)673-0782 "i"g "sand. Project: The applicant proposes to install a new dry cyclone collector to operate in 3/4/5 R, 2/3BA, acre & 1/4 available or use best offer, clear title ATOWANTED: or(863)674-0837 --NOTE- parallel with the two existing wet cyclone collectors. The cyclones actaspre- (/B863 ) 6 1 2 0 091 0 Looking to buy Antique Car/ control devices for the I.D. fan and electrostatic precipitator(ESP). The purpose your lan as down ament Finaning 100022 Convertible/Truck. Pleasecall DODGE CARAVAN '95- excel- ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS: BIDDERS MAY OBTAIN PLANS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS of the pect is to reduce the exhaust flow through the two existing wet cyclone r lan as n payment. financing 239810-0022 AND/OR BID DOCUMENTS BY DOWNLOADING A FAX ORDER FORM AND FAXING collectors and prevent carryover of water into the ESP control system. The pro- ila 7 417 r -7(954)561-2776 lent condition, $1500 IT TO 863 534-7172. THIS FORM MAYBE DOWNLOADED AT jectis expected to improve performance of the particulate matter control system available. 863-673-6417 or 561-721-5299 SUZUKI 85L '04-10hrs, like (863)605-3831 WWWOOTSTATEFLUS/CONTRACTSADMINISTRATIONDISTRICT1 forBollerB. LaBelle, '80, 24x56 2a new, 2000 (863)634-0856 DODGE CARGO VAN- '92, 3/4 Orders for these documents should be directed to the District Contracts Administra- Permiing Athority: Applications for air constructionpermits are subject to review Bee, x tor, Ditrict Contracts Office, Mail Station 1-18, orida Deartment of Transporta- in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 403, Florida Statutes F.S.) and In Great shape. New Kit. ton, White, Runs well. tion, 801 North Boadway Bartow, lorida 33830, or O Box 1249, Bartow, Chapters 62-4, 62-210, and 62-212 of the Florida Administrative Code (A.C.). cabinets & floor.$10,000 CHEVY HJ FLEETLINE SPE- $1200. 561-798-1960 or Florida 33831, Phone: (8631519-2559. Checks should be made payable to the The proposed project is not exempt from air permitting requirements and an air (863)675-4061 CIAL, 1950, 216.5 6 cyl., 2 561-969-1660 State of Florida Department o Transportation. No refund will be made. permit is required to perform the proposed work. The Bureau of Air Regulation is NORTH GEORGIA New Homes dr. sedan, 3 spd. column, DALE the Permitting Authority responsible for making a permit determination for this DEADLINE FO PROPOSALS & PROPOSAL HOLDER LIST: Proposals will not be ct. The Permitting Authori' physical address is: 111 South Manolia in a Gated Mountain Com- MOOREHAVEN, 3BR/2BA, '94 SUZUKI 3-WHEELER, 1983, $10,000 neg (863)467-6725 FORD AEROSTAR '94- needs issued after 2:00 PM. (Bartow Local Time) on Wednesday, June 14 2006. Plan ie, Suite #4, Tallahassee, Fonda. The Permitting Authority's mailing address munity nestled in the foothills Double wide, 1,700 sq. ft., be- w/reverse. Runs great. $550 rocker panels, $1500 holderslistwill notbeissuedafter5:00pmonFriday, June 9, 2006. is: 2600 Blair Stone Road, MS #5505, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400. The of the Appalachians. Golf hind P gas station. $100,000 (863)763-3451 863)605-33N2) NTY FUDS):ANCIAPermiting Authorty's telephone number is 850/488-014. T Sfirm. (86 )228-4602(CONTRACT NO. EtF2 COUNTY CHARLOTTE: (OS FUNDSS: FINANCIAL PROJECT TennisLae, Pools. For info .WOODS JEEP 4wd auto., Frka 89V8 ( NO 420578-1-52-01 Improvements consist at widening, signing and pavement Prolect File: A complete project file is available for public inspection during the nor- (678)232-8415 or PALM HARBORHOMES Fac- runs good. Ford Hightop Van 89 V8g on State Rad 35 (U17) om a point of hetl Creek Court nrthery n hr :00a.m. to 5:0p.n., Monda the d (except - (678)232- O F ALM HAR R HO ME r ac- runs good. $1.500 sofa bed, tow pkg., 178k 0.075 miles to a point north of Shell Creek Court. (Approx 60 Calendar Days). gal holidays), at address indicated above for the Permitting Authority. The www.betteegeorga.com. toryModel Center LARGEST (863)467-9298 FORD F350 DUMP TRUCK, miles $2000 LaBelle AFlexible Start Time 100 das). NOTE: PROJECT MANAGER: Alan Autry, complete project file includes the Draft Permit, the Technical Evaluation and Pre- Owner's Liquidation Sale b in America! Modular and 80, $2500 or best offer. $200. LaBe rea. 863) 519-2228 alanutryat state us BUDGETAMOUNT $172,806.00. iminary Determination, the application, and the information submitted by the ap- Owners Liquidation Sale by in America! Modular and 80, $2500 or best offer (863)675-4970 Iv. msg. plicant, exclusive of confidential records under Section 403.111, F.S. Interested Sealed BidNewhomes and Manufactured LIQUIDATION Autl 863-234-3470 (CONTRACT NO. E1F63-RO) COUNTY Okeechobee: (D FUNDS): FINANCIAL PRO- persons may contact the Permitting Authority's project review engineer for addi- acreage homesites in the SALE! Call for FREE Color m eJECT NO 420906-1-72-01 Work consists of Roadside Mowin and Litter Remv- tionalinformationattheaddressorphonenumberlisted above. Blue Ridge Mountains of VA. Brochures! (800)622-2832 a Arox 365 Calendar Days) NOTE:iP lic o ice PROJECT MANAER:a Burnett SBlRe oS So" a Brochures!a (800)622-28323A Auom e F r W e (863 UDT UNT 60,00.00. Notice of Intent to Issue Air Permit: The Permitting Athority gives notice of its in Sold n C22 hB FORD 30ONCayd0 35,3 (c Sa FSFd3 0 Sod "S IS", 30-dy lose. tent to issuue an air ermit to the applicant for e pro ec described above. The bRestrictive Covenanm. t d (CONTRACT NO. E1F64-RO) COUNTY Saraesta and Manatee: (D FUNDS): FINAN- appulicacnt has proved reisonabe assurance w that oe restin a ffropseden dei- TENNESSEE/KENTUCKY CClassic Cars 405 CAL PROJECT NO 414921-1-72-01 & 414926-1-72-01 Work consists of Edaintag will no a dversely inmact air qualr and that the roct wico w all LAKEFRONT Private lakee- ..F Dopr,4Boats 3005 CommercaimW Trucks 4020 5iAnAoR s othUn66 7Js Commenes o aeep etscol unity. Deadline May 27t h.o and Sweeping tne3015 quipm n pprox 365 Calendar 'ays) 4 h anhd Swe lPR Auhori at e provisions of Chapters 62-4, 62-204, 62-10, 62-212, 6m96, and For details (800)420-2278 blue, ex. condo. $3300 I JECT MAGER: Art all -732 62-297, FA.. The Permitin Authority will issue a Final Permit in accordance ville. Phase selling now! Motorcycles 3030 Heay Duty Trucks 4040 BUGGY PARTS, 4spd. rains pp a e PI i Owr visit www.Stoneridge- S V Auto obepais 4005 8e 12 2 n arthurhallmdot stateff us BUDGET AMOUNT $235,000.00. wt the con oiti sesubstantial Interess are affecld y the pronforan ade- Pickup Trucks 4050 4 tirs with rims 38x2mm1 GLADESCOUNTYFLORIDA mittig decision may potion for an administrative heanng in accordance with TNSwan Ri Lak Rsort PROBATE DIVISION GLADEVIEW WATER CONTROL DISTRICT Secons 120.569 and 120.57, S. The petition must contained 120., F.S. or unless TENTU W 010 (CONTRACT NO. EF5-RO COUNTY Glades and Hendry: (e d FUNDS): FINANCIAL public comment rec lived in accordance with this nreice results in a different deci- O Dale Holw Lake, a practr Trailers 4010 PROJECT NO 414901-1-72-01 &414902-1-72-01 Work consists of Maintaininge si orasignificantchange of teams ronditions.n vate, gated community. En- Utility Trailers 4065 CHEVY tatCAVALIER ghRIMS, (4) INREESTATEOF BOAR SU 365 CalendarMEETING 3ay) NOTE: PROJECT LAKEFRONT Private lake- Boats 3005 Commercial Trucks 020 1e the GLADEVIEW WATER CONTROL DISTRIT that, nrss t state usa Comments: The Permittng Authority will accept written comments concerning the front or view Hretreats. Rolling C mellentRV 3010 Contstrration U863261-1968 meeti T $ proposed Draft Permitforn a period of fourteen (14) days from the date of publica- hills, mild climate. Ito over Jet kils 3015 Equipment 4025 BEDLINER for full size Ford on of this Public Notice. Written comments must be provided to the Permitting 243-4871 WWW.SWan- 70hp Suzuki 4 stroke motor. NOTICETO CREDITORS be held on Thursday, June 8,R2006 at 8:30 a.m. at the Sugar Farms Co-op, At- tng Authority for notice ofagency action may file a petition within fourteen (14) 40 acresitesfrom .0K. On Mari ne Accessories3020 For n Cas 30 Pick up Truck, excel. $100 cCheyl L.Sanchious Authority at the above address. Any written comments filed will be made tine creek, very private, ex- $4500. or best 20ffer. Marshal and IRS sales ars r ou are hereby noted that an Order of The Board of Superisors meeting will commence immediately thereafter and the there available for public inspection. Ifwritten comments received result in a subsequent the border 90 mn to Nash- rine Miscellae 3025 Four Wheel Drve 4035 r best offer (863)763-6747a I S y Admini in h bn n utrc this meing is trto a changelto the rafti Permit, the Permittng Authority shall revised the Draft Permit ville. Phase II selling now! Motorcy les 3040 Heon Duty Truch s404 BUGGY PARTS, 4spd. trans., reauir, if appicae, another Plic Notice. Owner (866)339-4966. Sport Vehiles'ATVs 3035 Parts Repairs 4045 new 12 1/2, ftstep-in frame &r INTHE CIRCUIT COURT FOR Petitions: A person whose substantial interests are affected by the proposed per- Pickup Trucks 4050 4 tireswithrims, 38x12.5x15. GLADES COUNTY, FLORIDA miting decision may peotiion for an administrative hearing in accordancewith TN- Swan Ridge Lake Resort Sport Utility 4055 $1000 ne. (863)673-1501 PROBATE DIVISION GLADEVIEW WATER CONTROL DISTRICT Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S. The petition must contain the information set nMt. ViDeHws forth, lling l, best ffer 239 657-4348. Heavy Duty, foelow and musaddressest e ilthose to ed with (receive655d by) the Department of Aenc Clerk in o n Dale Hollow Lake, a prity. E- Tractor Trailers 4060 2006 ANNUAL LANDOWNERS MEETING & the Office of General Counsel of the Department of Environmental Protection at vate, gated community. En- Utility Trailers 4065 CHEVYCAVALIERRIMS, (4) IN RE: ESTATEeOF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station #35, Tallahassee, Florida joy the best of both worlds... Va0needs some work Ask- $60(772)201-5689 RETAJANEJOH N esF.S9-300. Petitions iled by any perofn other than ropo se entitled to written aiP215/60R/14, asking $150 AKARITAJANEJOHNSON NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN to all owners of lands located within the boundaries of notice under Section 10.60(3) S. muse t be filed within fourteen r4) days of View dHomesit es. Excellentcond. Includes tai, 0Dceasd. the GLADVbEW WTER C L IICT thatr. T U C F, p t to alicable laws a publication of this Public otice or receipt of a rtten notice, whihever ocurs Meeting Of he landowners of the GLADEVIEW WATER CONTROL DISTRICT will first. Under Section 120.60(3), F.S., however, any person who asked the Permit- www.swan- Suzuki 4 stroke mo .- S NOTICETOCREDITORS be he on Thday, June, 20 at 8:30 a.m. atthe Sugar Farms o-, Ath ty for ntic agency action may file a pettionwithin fourteen(14 (931)243-4871 MIRRORS: Set, Stock, Electric mmaAdmntraon) lantic Sugar Mill Road, Bele Glade Florida, frtheollwing prpos: days o receipt f that notice, regardless f the date of publication. A petitiner rdgedevelopmentncom. $5900 neg. 863-634-2342 w FCHRY.1. Eleg SupervisoNr(s); shall copy of the petiStiMon to e applicant at the adA drss indicated above, at VA MOUNTAINS 5 acres with JAVELIN- 17', 150 hp Mercury $500 Police Impounds, Cars Truck $100. (772)201-5689 TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR 2. Receiving annual reports and taling such action with respect thereto as the the time of filing. The failure of any person to file a peion within the appropriate EMANNALS A (8 3 5 nT TE A E landowners my dete$500 Polce Ipounds, m ars rmitne; and time period shall con suchute a r wiver of that person's rsght to request an adminoos- nage on vey lare ps- m Taller inlue003. Transacin such other business as may properRy come before the meeting. trative determination (hearing) under S ectons 120.569 and 120.57, FS., or0to in- frontagi e ekon very private, ex- $45motor00. Trailer included. M arshal and IR sales! Capos, US POSI DIFF 8.5" GM, $150 or y hereby notified that anOrder of The Board of Spervisors meeting will commenceimmediately thereafter and the tervene in this proceeding and participate as a party to it. Any subsequent Clont fishing, canoeing, (863)983-9908 T rucks, UV6'3) 8 Toots IW na RtC S5TH WHEEL PLATE-ifor pick- headliner. Runs, looks great. Dbl 10 sd icer p ier, Florida33458 low noticing deie ing wi cmen eletr a Theo a p iet of er. Administration has been n- purpose of is ing is to arove the budget and set the non-ad valorem as- intervention will only at the aroval of therein officer upon the filing of Ss (863)467-1032 LINCOLN CONTI 1 Trucks, SUV's Toyo (863)673-585'61 3 t e estate of eta Jane John- sessment rate for Fiscal Year 2 6-2007 and to transact any and all business that motion in compliance with Rule 2-106205, .C. good access, near New Ri- OJECT BOAT, Mustang 24' Hoda's, Chey's and morepe, needs OLO GLE 74067-8 856, body may cote befrethe Board. eTable Homet-t Parts 2010 transmission, $30 all good, engine needs MWt4iring, arn [a r Mag nt ict, d Bx Rita Jane Johnson,6F4680 tr il e For listings Call RIMS For S-10 truck, 18" x deceased, File Number 2006-CP-40, If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board of Supervisors'with A petition that disputes the material facts on which the Permiting Authoty's action mobile Homes Sale 0?0 SEA-00 BOMADIER, Runs (863)467-8041 .,) ,:,i ., i,n wiseswmd.gov). For procedural question. f. .-i. :..ii.:l 1.1 .lull NOTICEOF Owner (85 ao sitse. $ 0. the Circuit Court ftor Glsdes County, respect to any matter considered at these meetings, helshe will need a record of is based must contain the following information: (a) The name and address of Need to move, It's in the way. (800)425-1730 ext.2384. 71/2", brand new, never on Fda Probate sion, the addreseedings, and that, for such purpose, /she may need to ensure that a each agency affected and each agency's file or identification number, If known; NeedM to ov,. t ylod PoA Aivisio n 1te a s/25/06 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all owners of lands located within the boundaries of un$500 teg. (863)612-9233 CHEY C ALI, '6 Auto- truck, asking $700. rr ,.t':l 1, II MC vertmrecord of thproceedingsis-made, which record includes the testimony (b) The name address and telephone number of the petitioner; the name address 239)657-4122 with title.$2 (23863)7-3865 ,,,CHEVY CAVALIER, '96 Auto- h r.i and eupon whlch the apeal is tbe based. and tel phone number of the petition sh representative, if any, which shall be the 4 rWestern New Mexio Prva Sea Ox, 20', c/c, fish finder mai V6, 2.4L, 2dr, green, (863dent datf death was October5,5 Pursuant to the provisionPSthe Amercans with Disabilites Act, any person requir- address fr service purposes during te course e of the proceeding; and an expla- 74 AcreSuzuk trlr., godn CO a/c, $1250. Call TIRES (5) 17", Michelin, '2500 th oalvlueo otce: igspecialacommanstopartipateinthiine anseo2 uo of hs meeting e ubstantia rihts will bue afted by the agency de- M. views, trees, rolling hills, Suzuki, wtrr., go ( Is less than $75,00 and that the orphyIca impairment should contact the Districts Attorney, Chades F Schoech, termnaion; ( A statement o ow and when the pis oer received notice of the Str sR cond., $5700 or best offer. (239) 657-4348. Heavy Duty, a lereses east five (5) calendar days prior to the Meeting. agency action proposed action (d) A statement all disputed issues of mte- ture wildlife 8 us g. wheels. Less than 20K. whom thas been assignedby such D ATEtths day of May, 2006. dal fa. If there are none, the etion must so state; (e) A conse statement f BM Pt uresqu9e50 homsie (302)87-n 5511 CH EVY MAL 97, Runs g.9 7r58 t si5WR E the ultimate fadl4UDs alleged, including the specific facta the petitio t er contends war- at 6 eleva Horse- $ ( B hares C Esq, rant reversal c r modification of the agency's proposed acion; (f A statement of back riding, hiking, hunting. ig R, Fberglass, me A s 3 5 B 5 6 et te ioner cntens require revel o o ow n 'ORGS CUN FLRDA SIND"oVimDUAL DaFEN(ANT(S WHO ARE) Crw. Aking $450 neg. 1350 River& each ve Apt 50 withll ES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, OR OTHER cancelled the followiagency's proposedaction. A petition that does not dispute the AL (866)365-2825 no a/c, fair condition, $650. goodongas, clean, mustbe TRUST(863)763-2666 F Lauderdale, FL NOTICE OFRRECTIN that n such facts are in wdispute eand thrwise shall contain the sme information .^^a s oth, abve al s Ifreqinf aa end of Rulae t8w3a1At e conie s tuinatrou t onf Call 863-357-2988. seen!! 3602 SE 23rd Ave TRANSMISSION Rebuilt MichalneGaydon The South FloridaWater Management herebygive notice of correction to the loca- as sfort above, as required by Rule 2-106.301,A.C Mb P biees omes A lrd 3c tion of the public hearing on the a dopio n r the proposed amendmRnts to Rsles Because the administrative hearing process is designed to formulate ntial agency $2495 (863)763-5987 7004R, $300 or best offer. Miami, Rcdda 33150 40E-1.021, 40E-1.5095, 40D-1.511, 40E-1.603,40E-1.6058, 40E-1.6065, action, the filing of a petition means that the Permitting Authority's final action ile40E-1.6105, 40E-1.6107, 40E-1.615, 40E-4.02, 40E-4.091, 40E-4.101, may be different from the position taken by it in this Public Notice of intent to Is-l atRD8 1n Hu t5 rle Dwa 4E-4.321, 402E-40 40Et. 0o214rlesUEN RES.a Permit, Persons whose substantial interests will be aected by any such rtion, new starter, brakes & TRANSMISSION, Heavy Duty, 11 PnertaleA 4 .3, 4 011, FA.C, to incorporate pross at i decision of the Permittn Author n the application have the right to peRi- h 5TH WHEEL PLATE- forpick- headliner. Runs, looks great. Db. lulch.lO sd. Sicer. JUp Foda33458 ow noticing, delivery and receIptof documntsthrough electronic media. The ion to become a party to the proceeding, in accordance with the requirements set $5 neg___ _3744 ________ _tep pick-ncorrect locations of the hearing o n the adoption of the above-referenced rule forth above. i FORD RANGER XLP 88, s, NOTICE OF RECLOSU)24- 194STED PERSONS ARRE NOTI- amendments is: BROWAR NTY CONVENTION C CENTER, 1950 EisaPanhwer Clewston ne.rs & 100ks good, $1700. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a F am2 LOT 7, BLOCK 448, GENERAL PLAN OF ton Audorium, State Road 832,E25 Hookers Point Road, Clewston, Florida S- (863)467-1032- LINCOLN CONTINENTAL '91 (863)673-5852/612-5413 IFidcl D eTH Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316. The time and date of the heang, June 14, Medlauon: Mediation is not available forthis proceeding.. Malaobile Home83 35-8. LotM nen005 T heSohl t gods h a teere StOLVO GLE 740 '85- body EACCndpORersDns having ora Wat Manaims or de-Okeechobee Se C Mobile Homae arts 2010 a Sto, $3d ae good, engine needs wir ain g n Case No the estat of the dec- If more information is needed, please contact Ronda Wise, South Florida Water 57l 8 3 pa o, "$30 ireto Cer urtl or the TWENTIETH uiar,, Management Dsct, PO Box 24680, West PLAT BOOK 2 PAGE 71 THROUGH chobee, Florida 34972tel Mobile Homes Rent 2015 (239) 657-4348. -parts Drly $300 firm p.,,",l, ,, i,1iie'1 ,i i rm ,' phone 1-800-432-2045, ext 6500 ,',r o, n.mfea6 nit,,',ih,,',ei HIGHLANDGLADESWATERCONTROLDISTRICT ,wu. r r, i, .f'ro r LA Or' W oal, South Florida Water Management Oiist't I:, a ,, G S C ou F'ida ,,NF 78, INCLUSIVE, OF THE PUBLIC,:,A M bl H mT SWNeeds head job. All there, wherein DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL cleaina05omat-c.dllu7,40oE-165s 0 RECORDS OF HENRY COUNTY, THE PERSON TO CONTACT REGARDING THE PROPOSED RULE DEVELOPMENT 9nrI r rWhen you want (o8t)et0587g9 SI lHDiE i, CrircLer $E00'0 FL 3341E6-4ti0, elephonel-O-432-2045, F l te io Tr ro- iTr BPt.F .P SeuIbsY Ejes wII e tedG S(2)4E fJ Sold, aerdertse In the I A oiRAE LT ONIC REGISTRA 7 F s ie j required to serve a copy of your w.nternet pwiat@wmd.go Sa le l sRii0d Shape, RSiver, $50 TION SYSTEMS INC.,Al 1355 o Os 5 6 NOTICE IS HE GIVEN to ll owners of lands located within the boundaries of ALL(8 5 FOR FREMONT INVESTMEr th HIGHLAND GLAES WATER CONTROL DIStRICT that, pursuant ta applicableerr I LNOOWISTANDING ANY OTHER APPLI- IN cTHsE D CIRCUIT COURT OF THE DISTRICT wit be held on Monday, June 5, 2006 at 2:00 p.m. at the Sugar Cane le i 3,1 5 S du, good s OrV pay r n ths at 134840CN18K25/1 u t iri d Sugar Hoae Road, s ie Glade, FILida, for inside work, $3500. BOATTRAILER,Doubleaxle attic, basement or clos- new paint & clean. $4750. E RFILE TWO (2dYEAR i OR M AF FORC HARLTTECO UNY,FLORIOtA lhe CIVILACToON ,, ,, .,, S(239)657-4122 with title.200 (239)410-3784 t casf -eds. (239)246-3549 DEATH IS BARRED. TIIanyHall, GMCE MORTGAGE CORPORATION F/K/A 2. Receiving annual reports and taking such action with respect t thereto as the FORDto-bu '94, Bedlihe date of flst publication f this Notlce Peaoner cC M E C N OF landowners may determine; and F 5 B is May 25th, 2006. MA11mRTGAG11ORPOATION, Sot FloridaOFtar Man :16... P., S, 1. 2006 ANNUAL LANDOWNERS MEETING o, er ca. e i iL e Pl Tbackyard. The largest of the trio is patterned after a (863)63 6 rH meeting will commence immediately Y o u r se lf old, Oa Ru nAO vs va c n.e $o av. h20 06e-lCAspsoe PN an purpose of this meeting is to approve the budget and set the u n- end valorem a- Dsreetvendo rSanra Case No. 2ICS-sessmet rat for FiscalE ar 2006-2007 and to tranacst any and all buSsiness thSa for a wheelbarrow planter. $ 5()0 0 or best offert(ff)85 -A2v5SMoound a FL NOTICEtOFNACTION FOR PUBLICATION Barbara S. Butler .rectionscall(239)597-1505x7603.ili mm( t ely foll. or 1 -8 W ( 8 HFt. Laudverdale iv, Floa TO:KIMBERLY FAITH CASTEN 33315 Defendant(s) If any person dcidesform to appeal nstrudectsion made by the Board Bdder Suprvisors ith Recalling a less complicated time, these planters LC Laun da e, YOU ARE NOTIFIED ha an actionor N t Cerk e oe the tdres are sure to be conversation pieces. The little red FORD F 97 V8 newmo- Atorneyfor rson l Representative: TO: Lesli K. Webb respect t any matter considered at these meting, he/e will need a record of wagon intor/trans, 7" lift, 35" t An ePine CrestmeAvenue the proce and that, fr sch purp he/s may need to ensure that a step bars, lights, brush Atarneyfor aptffoner Moore Haven, FL 33471 TO: ROBBIE PINEDA veatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony Flondo Bas No, 1161 65 TO: H OB E S. Pand evidence upon which the appeal is to br based. LAST 302 ADDRESS: ay r E 30 9 1T iEWLBPursuant to the prvisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any person requi- guard, chip, exhaust, rear PAVESETHAWIRCUITM YOU ARE NOTIFIED HE ac on o n Ralph Elver, of Pavese Law You are hereby notified that the operty planning an Zon ing Bo p arn this meeting bershp f a dsabl springs, sound system, tool Do. DrawOer22O8 been filed against you and tht you are Clewistsn, FL 33440 o Ny y a m paiet should contact tie particta Attorney, Chades F Schve di box, tinted. Great condition 461S. Main Street required to serve a copy of your w eIt-L opial aAmTodontact this tnecae S l $9500 neg. (772)409-3182 LaBele, FL33975 ten defenses, if any, to It on Tiffany CURRENTADDRESS: UNKNOWN at 1655-0620 at eatfrve (5) calendar days piorfwthe Meeting. Telephone No.: b63) 675500 Hall whose address is 500 WC Owens DATE this 12th day of May, 2006. FORD F150 XLT, '89, 2wd, (PO. Box 80, Ble, Frid 3 o r R R Clewiston, FL 3344 AN AND ALL UNKNOWN PARTIESCit C istn chpease accep ao o comet wnewir al tires, tethre plants, a a nor before, and file the original with es are belee o e hose cao or ao e o he C la n rWench, to w bIa, CASE NO: 4 DR he clerk of this Court, b before service isor oar serINSk betwn to cmu and elected officials. s h a p e, $ 25 00. TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND on Petifton or Immediately thereafter If INDIVIDUAL DEFENDANTS) WHO ARE e(86 .63)85-1144 FOR GLADES COUNTY, FLORIDA yOu fall to do so, a default may be NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD ORR ALVE, NOTICEOF CANCELLATION 5 CIVIL ACTION entered against you foAr the relief de- WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES p d d Iraw s m trialdFORD F155 aper b gers R-CA 5 mandd these MAY CLAIM AN NTEREST AS SPOUS- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN s tat the South Florida Water Management o district has SP looks good, new tires & TE MAESt HEI TRS, DEVISEES, OR OTHER cancelled the following rule development wrktshops to amend Chapters 40E-21 brakes, AC, tool box, long DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST Ces t stit CLAIMANTS and 40E-22, EA.C., that were scheduled for the purpose of updating the Districtas eebaase, Includgnt, oderesaev rules concerning management of available water supplies during drought condi- $2500(863)467-7838r PA NYSLTRUT, at the Cterk tO the Ctreeta Cuartis oa- LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: UNKNOWN ions particuolady in lioht of the United States Army Corps of Engineers' anticipated bed,$2500 (863)467-7838 lASTrUSTEE, fie. You may review these docu- modificaui ontthe Lake OkeechooBto pee reguieatio n schedule: of PlaintRff ments upon request. CURRENTADRESS:UNKNOWN FORD F250 '91, With Reading vs.DRESS: UNKNOWN Utility bed. Rebuilt motor, as is. JUANAMARIAGARCIA, etal, Yo mt keep the Clerk of the Cirt YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to IE A E: a sHeadquarters B-1 Auditorium, odrefre, (otafiled ofteor current foreclose a mortgage on the following 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 ne r l NOTICE O FORECLOSURE SALE address. Y may file Nice f Cur- property in HENDRY County, Florida: TIME ANDR DATE: May30 2006,1:00-3:00 . FORD RANGER XLP 88, s, rent Address, Flrd Supreme Curt PLACE: South Florida Water Management stct, Clewiston Field Station, Clewis- runs & looks good, $1700. Approved Family Law Form 12.15.). LOT 7, BLOCK 448, GENERAL PLAN OF ton Auditorium, State Road 832, 2425 Hookers Point Road, Clewiston, Florida FNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant F to a Future papers In this lawsuit will be CLEWISTON, FLORIDA, AS REVISED TIMEAND DATE: June 9, 2006, 1:00- 3:00 p.m. (863)763-6747. Final Judgment of Mortae Foreclo- maled to t hed address on record at SEPTEMBER 7,137, ACCORDING TO PLACE: South Florida Water Management stict, Okcho Sice Center, 205 CASEd NO.y09,52006 and entered the lerk othe.HTER SAIDUNKNOWNPART SMITSUBISHI P/U "88" PartitionII THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN North Parrot Avenue, Suite 201 (Second Floor of Bank America Building), Okee- Court of the TWENTIETH Judicial Cir- FLAT BOOK 2, PAGE 71 THROUGH chobee, Flouida 34972 or Whole with title. Clean. rtoC WARNING- Ree 12.25, Flrida Family 780 INCLUSIVE, OF THE PUBLIC oNeeds head iob. All there. cui in and for GLADES County Florida Law Rules of Procedure, requires RECORDS OF HENRY COUNTY, THE PERSON TO CONTACT REGARDING THE PROPOSED RULE DEVELOPMENT brakNedshACtjo]boxAlongthEre, SHEre AN KADEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL certain automatic disclosure ofadocu- bed ,herin0UTC3$600 Firm. (863)805-8789 ITRUST COMPANYCert o AS TRUSTEE, is o- LSKrFLORIDA. IS: Peter J. Kwiatkowski, PGo., South Florida Water Management District, Post TE mnt and Information. i -re t Office Box 24680, West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680, telephone Comply can resu in sancots, inainff- has been filed against you and yNou are 1-800-432-2045, extensiaon 2547 or (561) 682-2547 TOOL BOX- diamond plate, Plaas if and JUANA MARIA OARCIA; Youdmng dismissal or striking he MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRA- pead sissalior:strikingsot required to serve a copy of your writ- (internet: pwriat@stwmd.gnv). good shape, silver, $50 TION SYSTEMS, NC.. AS NOMINEE pleadings ten defenses within 30 days after the 136665 ON 5/24 CN 5/25/06 $(863)467-7295 FOR FREMONTn INVESTMENT & LOAN; DATED:o5/5/06 first publication. if any, on Echenvarrai are the Defendants, I will sell to the CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Cois & Stawiri, Plainti's or-REUESTFORBIDS(FCN 4 ST44 b OF THE GLADES COUNTY for8cahNat1 B:25;p/yCl Lake Drive, Suite 300, Tampa, aodda PICAYUNE STRAND RESTORATION PRA RlE CANAL BACKFILLfNG, cyl., 5 spd., good work or play COURTHOUSE at 11:00 AM, on'the 33634, and file the original with this COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA truck. 57k. $950 neg. 0 th day of JUNE, 2006, thu followIng Court either before service on Plain- This little red wagon is one of a trio of clever, easy- (863)674-0874 described propery as set forth In said IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE tit's attomey or immediately theseafer; The South Florida Water Management District will receive sealed bids through the 3Final Judgment: TWENTIETH JUDICIALCIRCUITIN nthorwie a default will be entered Procurement Office, 0-1 Bldg.. 3301 Gun Club Road West Palm Beachn, Ford to-build planter plans that can perk up a patio or TOYOTA PU '88- 4X4, 5 SPD TA int or and eh sn Ftf rbidsUnI eayunehues aYlOputbO The Weal hal osCtho Pcyn Sr n Rose rad. Prariep CPale BackFltingCaollIer can a or 7 and 0 Olnok 14. CIty of Moore Caee Nrmber: 2605-279-DR the Complaint orDpTtiion. County, FL on Tuesday, June 27, 2R06 at 2:30 p.m. local time, at which timely with air, $2500 Haven, as described in the revised Thi notice shall be publIshed once each sbmio d ids will be opened and publicly read. Pret consists of clean backyard. The largest of the trio is patterned after a (863)632-9166 map of Moore Haven, accordingto the In Re the Marriage of: week for two consecutive weeks in the backfilling, clearing & grubbing along vanous roads, ditches & borms. Relnove & smap orplat thereof, as recorded n Plat WAYNE R. CASTEN Husband & KiMBER- Clewistos News. regrade existing berms, install fourteen (14) new 30-inch diameter reinforced street-vendor's flower cart, and there is also a plan TRUCK BED- '95, F350, Dual Book 3, Page 72, of the Public LYFAITH CASTEN, Wife WITNESS my hand and the seal of this concrete pipe culverts & associated drainage ditches under existing roads. An wheel. Excellent shape. Records of Desote County, Florida, Court on this 17th day of May, 2006. OPTIONAL preobid conference will be held on Thursday, June 8, 2006 at 10:00d stret-end r'sENoIercardad. nowknowasdesonyFrida. Naam. at Man Hasse Pork, 3390 Golden Gates7Blvd. Nes FL 34120. For di- for a wheelbarrow planter. $500. or best offer. Ke A 370 Avenue O, Moore Haven, FL BarbaraS.ButlerPU I n (863)261-4781 33471 TO:KIMBERLY FAITH CASTEN Clerk of the Court Recalling a less complicated time, these planters WITNESS MAY HAND and the seal of this By: A. Holsbeke All bids must conform to the instructions in the Request for Bidders (RFB). Interest- RtCourt on May 10, 2006. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for As Deputy Clerk ed respondents may obtain a copy of the complete RFB by downloading it for free Ccptircuit Coas claims for dissolution of marriage, public is invited to attend the bid opening. Infsrmutlon on the status of this so- Blyrk of the Circuit Court payment of debts, division of real nad iitatlon can be obtained at sur web site- www stwmd gov. wagon measures about 20 inches square by 12 inch- FORD BRONCO, '93, engine By:JanniferBevis person proper and for payments of NOTICE OFeSALE 136390CS/25/06 t b $0 25 1 134916CN5/25;6/1/0 6 You are required to serve a copy of 1308ShannonLane es high. 863-675-2759 I r your written defenses, if any, to this Clewisfon. FL 33440 PUBLIC NOTICE 863-599-1868 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE action on Ralph Elver, of Pavese Law You are hereby notified that the property Planning and Zoning Board Membership TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUITOF Firm, Petitioner's attorney, whose ad- stored by you with Randy Coyle & The plan includes complete step-by-step instruc- JEEP '95, 4 cyl., 5 speed. 8" FLORIDA, INAND FOR HENDRY dress PO. Drawer 2280, 461 S. Main Rena Blissett, Unit #15 located at If you have Ihe lime and desire to actively pasticipale toward making a pssitve maerallst a d or.pound wench, tow bar, CASE NO: 2006-274 DR the clerk of this court, at Glades hold and miscellaneous items and will advisory board serves as a vital link between the community and elected officials. exploded drawings, materials lists and more. 38.5x12.5 swamper buggers,_ County Courthouse, Avenue J, Suite be sold to the highest bidder for cash P0Z members meet regularly (once a month) to review applications for variances, ,'l55 nacre Thi, Inan u,,ill n,,,, IN RE: TH.E MARRIAGE OF 102,Moore Haven. FL. PO Box 10, at fie above address o .Jupe 2,.2006, special exceptions, zoning changes, and various other matters relating to city .4"" 0a" ,,.i .PW ""'. l90 MICHAEL HARTWICK, Moore Haven, FL 33471, either before at 11:00 a.m, along with the advertis- growth and development activity. Clewiston residents who are interested in serv- y where. Asking $7500 Petitioner/Husband service on Peitioner's attorney or im- ing costs in the amount of $363.80 ing on the P&Z may obtain the citizen board policy guide and application form at Planter Trio plan (No. 661) ... $9.95 (863)763-3221 and mediately thereafter; otherwise a de- plus $39:68. We reserve the right to the City Hall, 115 West Ventura Avenue. For furtherinformation, please contact ELIZABETH LEE HARTWICK fault will be entered against you fro the refuse any and all bids. the City Hal staff at 863) 983-1484. Anim al Planters Package (No. C103) Plaintiff/Wfe relief demanded in the petition. 136298 CN5/25;6/1/06 134520CN 5/18,25/0 AMENDED NOTICE OF SUIT WARNING: Rule 12.285 Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires cer- Three other projects... $21.95 DUAL AXLE TRAILER- 14X7 TO:ElzabethLeeHartwick taautomati disclosure - Residence Unknown ments and information. Failure to Catalog (pictures hundreds of projects)... $2.00 4FT sides, tailgate ramp, ex- compy can result in sanctions, in lud- Cuo $ 4Ftra heavy duty, elec brakes YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Pell- ing dismissal orstriking of pleading's. R E A D IIl A N E W S P A- E R Please add $4.00 s&h (except catalog-only orders) 00 (63)234-1230 been filed against you and you are re- oATED this 5th day of May, 2006 EQUIPMENT TRAILER 20'- uired to serve a copy of your written UIPMEN AILE defenses, if any, to it on Thomas JOE FLINT To order, circle itemss, Please be sure to ramps, tool box, goose neck, Montgomery, Equire, Attorne for Pe- ClerkofCircuitCourt To order, circle item (s), Please be sure to 2 axles $2200 or best offer titioner, whose address is .0. Box JENNIFER BEVIS cli send w/check to: include your name, (863)697-9704 1510, Belle Glade, FL 33430, and file Deputy Clerk lip & send / hek t : include y rname the original with the Clerk of the 134562cgs5/18,25/2006 SINGLE AXLE TRIR- with a 9' above-styled Court, in LaBelle, Hendry U BidSINGLE AXLE TRLR- ith a County, Florida, on or before May 29, -Bild Features address and the nam e of x 7' flat bed truck body on it, 2006, otherwise, a judgment against NOTICE hand winch, 2 5/16 ball. you may be entered for the relief de- AUCTION on Friday, leads you to the best 15241 Stagg St this newspaper. Allow $700neg (863)697-9704 manded inthe Petition. May26,2606 a y t t b 1 t gg St. this newspaper. Allow $ 0 neg ( )9-974 WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family at 9:00 a.m. at1233 N.W. Avenue L, products and services. Law Rules of Procedure, requires Belle Glade, Florida meets andCA 9 4 1-f tion. Faire,." _ Van Nuys, CA 91405 1-2 weeks for delivery. Love the earth Recycle certain automatic disclosuref Property of Candce Hage: e te earth Recycl0 ments and Information. Failure to Property of Candice Rager: youP used Items by egl- comply can result In sanctions, In- Clothes rack, dresser w/mirror, night Or call (800) 82-U -B IL D Ing them In the class- eluding dismissal or striking of stand, full/quen bed w/headboard, r cal ( ) 8 -U IL D fleds. WINESS my hand and the seal of this u-bild.com Court on April 19, 2006. Property of Patience Davis: lWhen doing those chores 2 Big screen TV's, 26" TV, living room CLERK OF THE COURT suite, entertainment center, coffee ta- M oney Back G guarantee s IS doin you In, It's time By: S. Hammond ble, end table, chairs, toys and misc. to look for a helper In DEPUTY CLERK items. the classifileds. 133504 CGS 5/11,18,25;6/1/06 135045 BGS 5/18,25/06 I BRAND NEW CHEVROLET 2006 TRAILBLAZER BRAND NEW 2006 CHEVROLET COBALT AIR CONDITIONING, 2.2L, AM/FM/CD AND MUCH MORE, STK#6F611873 Ir~ . s 00098 s4072 168 COBALTS AT SIMILAR SAVINGS BRAND NEW 2007 CHEVROLET TAHgE LS PACKAGE, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, 5.3L ENGINE, POWER WINDOWS, POWER DOOR LOCKS, 6 WAY POWER SEAT AND MUCH MORE. STK#7R101741 8 8M0IOFR AT DIRsnilNTED PRICES '05 CHEVROLET CAVALIER 4 DR, AUTO, A/C, 14K MILES, STK#57132483.................... 10,881 '06 CHEVROLET AVEO 4 DR, AUTO, A/C, 2K MILES, STKt#6B563060.................... 10,991 '04 CHEVROLET IMPALA LS 3.8 V6, ALL POWER, SPOILER, GM CERTIFIED, STK#49289195 ....... 15,551 '02 CHEVROLET TAHOE LT 3RD SEAT, LEATHER, ONSTAR, CLEAN, 67K MILES, STK#2R116691 ..... 7,331 '05 CHEVROLET COLORADO LS CREW CAB 5 CYL, AUTO, ALL POWER, GM CERTIFIED, 15K MILES, STK#58104838 17,991 * Automatic Trans. Cruise Control Aluminum Wheels * 275 HP Engine 4200 Power Windows Air Conditioning Vortec 16 Engine Power Door Locks AM/FM/CD And More * ONSTAR *,4 Wheel ABS Brakes Stk#62122624 OVER 165 TRAILBLAZERS IN STOCK! BRAND NEW 2006 CHEVROLET SSILVERADO S IEXNT. CAB VORTEC 4300 V6 ENGINE, AUTO, CLIMATE CONTROL, AM/FM STEREO, SUSPENSION PKG, SPARE TIRE LOCK, STK#6Z112172 195 OD8 8 U00715F 112 SILVERADOS AT SIMILAR SAVINGS I . I * BRAND NEW 2006 CHEVROLET I PRESS CARGO VAN AIR CONDITIONING, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, 6 CYLINDER ENGINE AND MUCH MORE. STK#PP61131609 dillMIIlidxob.q illa 18 ODD $270717 110 CA VANS A DIRHINTED RP 110 CAO VANS AT D19nCniNTED PRICES '06 CHEVROLET TRAILBLAZER ALL POWER, GM CERTIFIED, 15K MILES, STK#62116494 .............17991 '06 CHEVROLET UPLANDER LS REAR A/C, ALL POWER, GM CERTIFIED, 13K MILES, STKt6D119258.... $17,992 '04 CHEVROLET 2500 CREW CAB LS ALL POWER, GM CERTIFIED, 42K MILES, STK#4F190880 ........... 20,551 '06 CHEVROLET 2500 HD LT XCAB LONGBED 4X4 LEATHER, 6K MILES, STK#6E176134......................... 2.7,881 '04 CHEVROLET CORVETTE COUPE RED/RED, AUTO, SPORT BUCKETS, 26K MILES, STK#45121084....... 34,771 Pre-Ownedall-877906165 I eoon,,cm* IUk~ ~e1 ^aMaroone .Chevrolet fi~nmvwv^L w-j * 5757 Lake Worth Rd. Between Military Trail and Jog Road Greenacres 1-866-308-3324 STORE HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-9PM SAT 9AM-7PM SUN 11AM-6PM SERVICE HOURS: MON-FRI 7AM-7PM SAT 8AM-5PM SUN CLOSED FOREST HILL BLVD. LANTANA RD. N I Maroone I *Leases (27 months Silverado Ext. Cab) $1995 due at lease inception, plus tax, tag & title fees, no security deposit. With 750 Beacon score. **Money back guarantee based on 3 days/150 miles whichever comes first. Some restrictions may apply. See dealers for details. With approved credit. All prices include rebate in lieu of factory finance rate. You must present this ad at time of purchase or lease to receive these special prices. Advertised prices not applicable to exporters. Offers good on date of publication only. Offers not in conjuction with any other offer. Not responsible for typographical errors. Pictures are for illustration purposes only. "Ghostbusters" (Parker, Jr.) used by permission of EMI Golden Torch Music & Raydiola Music. All rights reserved. @1996-2006 AutoNation Inc. I I I I I I I I I I C Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 25, 2006 2_, I~'C~i~I~~1B~i~~~~BZ-~~~J AllNew& Pe-OnedCar &Truks re rotcte ByOu MLO E = IIE- USAC E G LY NS RAN EE Glades County Delinquent Tax List May 11, 18, 25, 2006 1 GLADES COUNTY, FL 2005 DELINQUENT TAX ASSESSMENT REAL ESTATE LISTINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Commencing on the 31st day of May, 2006 at Moore Haven, County of Glades, State of Florida, Tax Sale Certificates will be sold on the following described land to pay the amount due taxes herein set opposite the same, together with all costs of such sale and all advertising. Sale will be held at the Glades County Commissioners Room, 2nd Floor; Glades County Courthouse, Moore Haven, FL and will start at 9:00 AM. If not Completed on May ES. 197.402(3) 31st, 2006, it will be continued on June 1st, 2006 1 R0011300 $972.79 A01-42-28-A00-001C-0000 9.54 AC HX OB0212P0430 KELLER DONNIE + NE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF THE NEI/4LESS THE E 30 FT SUBJ TO EASE N 60 FT TOTALAC 9.54 M/L 2 R0014400 $625.97 A01-42-28-U02-000A-0200 5.07 AC OB0244P0368 WHITE ROBERT S + TRA-20 AKA N 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OFSW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 SUBJ TO 30 FTEASMT OVER W SIDE THEREOF TOTAL ACRES 5.07 M/L 3 R0014800 .$569.14 A01-42-28-U02-000A-0250 5.07 AC OB0235P0314 YOUNG ROBIN D TRA-25AKATHE N 1/2 OF SE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 SUBJ TO EASEMTS OVER THE E 30 FT + OVER THE W (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 4 R0016800 $1801.87 A01-42-28-U02-000B-0160 5.07 AC HX OB0225P0210 HANDERHAN THOMAS R + TR B-16 AKA N 335 FT OF S 1340FT OF E 1/4 OF NW 1/4 SUBJ TO EASEMT OVER E 30 FT THEREOF TOTAL ACRES, 5.07 M/L 5 R0017100 $889.81 A01-42-28-U02-000B-0190 5.07 AC HX OB0135P0592 MC KINNEY DAVID L + TR B-19 AKA N 335 FT OF S 1005 FT OF E 1/2 OF W 1/2 OF NW 1/4 TOTAL ACRES 5.07 M/L 6 R0017500 $1042.04 A01-42-28-U02-000B-0230 9.29 AC OB0231P0891 CRUZ SANTIAGO TR B-23 + 26AKA S 670 FT OF W 1/2 OF E 1/20F NW 1/4 SUBJ TO EASEMENTS OVER E 30 FT + OVER W 30 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) S7" R0018500 $80:96 -" A02-42-28-A00-004A-0030 , 123AC OB0172P0896 BARCENAS LUIS MARISELA COMMENCE AT NW COR OF SE1/4 OF SW1/4 SEC 2 AS POB TH S 89DEG42'20"E ALG N LI OF SE1/4 OF SW1/4 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 8 R0022000 $167.03 A02-42-28-U01-0000-0270 AC HX OB0177P0466 CASHATT NANCY W TR 27 CALOOSA ESTATES UNIT 4 9 R0022300 $1303.21 A02-42-28-U01-0000-0300 PERMENTER WILLIAM F + TR 30 CALOOSA ESTATES UNIT 4 10 R0023100 $707.18 A02-42-28-U01-00006041A MEDEIROS JOHN R EST + ANN COMM AT W 1/4 COR OF SEC 2 TH S 01 DEG 00 MIN 15 SEC E 1048.00 FT TO SW COR OF TR 42TH S 01 DEG (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 11 R0023500 $229.59 A02-42-28-U01-0000-0420 HILL MICHAEL T BEG AT W 1/4 COR OF SEC TH S 01 DEG 00 MIN 15 SEC E 891.66 FT TO POB TH CONT 105.66 FTTHN 89 DEG (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 12 R0024300 $135.06 A02-42-28-U01-0000-0570 CASTLE CARE PROPERTY TR 57 CALOOSA ESTATES UNIT 4 13 R0024400 $223.19 A02-42-28-U01-0000-0580 ABBOTT THOMAS K 3/4 INT + TR 58 CALOOSA ESTATES UNIT 4 14 R0024500 $787.28 A02-42-28-U01-0000-0590 AC HX OB0116P0012 WOODWARD WILLIAM DAVID + TR 59 CALOOSA ESTATES UNIT 4 15 R0025000 $7.53 A02-42-28-U01-0000-064A .08 AC OB0203P0936 MC CANDLES LYLE F N 150 FT OF E 25 FT TR 64 CALOOSA ESTATES UNIT 4 UNREC S2 T42S R28E 16 R0027400 $561:31 A04-42-28-A00-001A-0009 5.00 AC OB0217P0476 VACCARO JODY 1/3 INT + S 1/2 OF SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 SUBJ TO 30 FT EASEMENT ON S + E BDRY LI FOR INGRESS + EGRESS TOTAL ACRES 5.00 17 R0030700 $347.49 A05-42-28-A00-002B-0000 44.41 AC OB0148P0308 BROWN CHARLES D E 1/2 OF E 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 + NE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 + EXC S 60 FT TOTAL ACRES 44.41 18 R0031300 $3326.45 A05-42-28-A00-002J-0000 20.00 AC OB0223P0757 MEDEIROS ANTERO MANUELA+ N 1/2 OF SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 LESS E 30 FT + LESS N 30 FT THEREOF TOTAL ACRES 20.00 19 R0036300 $6396.83 A07-42-28-A00-0010-0000 321.90 AC OB0235P0179 GRAY JANET P N 1/2 OF OF SEC 7 TWNP 42S RNG28E TOGETHER WITH A NON- EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT OVER AND ACROSS THE W 30 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 20 R0036700 $1492.38 A07-42-28-A00-0040-0000 27.73AC OB0135P0794 ACEVEDO STEVEN W 3/4 OF S 1/4 OF SE 1/4 EXC SR 720 R/W OF 2.27 A TOTALACRES 27.73 21 R0038100 $748.43 A09-42-28-A00-002J-0000 6.54 AC OB0241P0890 WILSON ROGER DALE + W 1/3 OF N 1/2 OF E 1/2 OF W 1/2 OF SE 1/4 SEC 9 TWNP 42S RNG 28E 6,54 AC M/L 22 R0038200 $1616.94 A09-42-28-A00-002K-0000 6.54 AC OB0230P0186 LOPEZ FRANK + E 1/3 OF N 1/2 OF W 1/2 OF W 1/2 OF SE 1/4 SEC 9 TWNP 42S RNG 28E TOTAL AC 6.54 M/L 23 R0039400 $1291.73 A09-42-28-AOO0005C-0000 9.60 AC OB0219P0722 ROJAS SORAYA + THE SW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 OF SW 1/4LESS RNW TOTAL ACRES 9.60 24 R0042400 $1226.44 A09-42-28-U02-000B-0090 5.10 AC OB0217P0018 ARIAS WENDY TR B-9AKATHE N 332.8 FT OF S 1331.2 FT OF E 1/2 OF W 1/2 OF NE 1/4 SUBJ TO EASEMTS OVER THE W 30 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 25 R0048100 $808.83 A11-42-28-A00-001C-0050 WIGGINS SCOTTY L + FROM NW COR OF NE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 RUN E 515.18 FT FOR POB TH S 500 FT TH W 164 FTTH N 500 FTTH.E (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 26 R0048400 $1233.80 A11-42-28-A00-001C-0080 HINDERSMAN BRIAN R + S11 T42S R28E FROM NW COR OF NE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 RUN E 1057.56 FT FOR POB TH S 500 FT TH W 214.38 FT TH (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 27 R0050900 $203.47 A11-42-28-AOO-007B-0020 2.99 AC HX OB0199P0025 WALLACE RANDY B COMM AT SW COR OF LOT 2 FOR POB TH N 0 DEG 03 MIN 25 SEC WALG W LI OF SUBD 300 FT TH N 89 DEG 51 MIN (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 28 R0051400 $194.63 A11-42-28-A00-007D-0000 2.16 AC OB0103P0049 BRIAN SCOTT ENTERPRISES I S11 T42S R28E 2.16 AC M/L BEG SE COR LT 11 BLK B BRIARWOOD SUB GC PB 3 PGS 88- 89 TH S89e53'58"E (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 29 R0057800 $801.25 A16-42-28-U01-0000-0030 1028 AC OB0128P0605 LANG WANDA J * TR 3AKAE 1/2 OF W 1/2 OF NE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 UNREC ALFRED E WILSON UNIT F DEV TOTAL ACRES 1.28 M/L 30 R0061400 $459.20 A22-42-28-A00-001B-0000 20.00AC OB0231P0482 SANCHEZ CALVAN R 1/2 INT E 1/2 OF SE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 TOTAL ACRES 20.00 31 R0063100 $2242.19 A23-42-28-A00-0010-0000 25.00 AC OB0075P0486 RIGHETTI THOMAS R ETAL E 147 FTOF NE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 + W 1503.75 FT OF N 1/2 OF N 1/2 OF NE 1/4TOTALACRES 25.00 M/L 32 R0064500 i$304.21 A23-42-28-A00-008D-0000 24.66 AC OB0150P0843 DAVIS JAMES A A 25.13 ACRES PARCEL OF LAND DESC PER: COMM ATA CONC MONUMENT FOUND MARKING THE CORNER COMMON (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 33 R0064700 $897.48 A23-42-28-A00-008F-0000 10.00AC OB0151P0892 SCHAFER DONNA L COMM AT SE COR OF NE 1/4 TH N OODEG 07MIN 17SEC E 980.46 FTTH N 89DEG 23MIN 32SEC W 1767.85 FT (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 34 R0066500 $1223.10 A24-42-28-A00-004A-0000 20.00 AC HX OB0241P0695 VILLARRAGA JOSE AGUSTIN N 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 TOGETHER WITH EASMT PER OR 69-525 TOTAL ACRES 20.00 35 R0067200 $127.41 A24-42-28-A00-008A-0000 1.06 AC OB0163P0199 AUERBACH BARRY 1.06 AC LYING IN SW COR OF SEC 24 BEING 302.03 FT N + S + 152.50 FT E + W AKA BLK 8 LOT 34 HIDDEN (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 36 R0068000 $1732.79 A25-42-28-A00-0020-0000 10.00AC OB0224P0811 SALIQUE MOHAMMED A + SW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 TOTAL ACRES 10.00 37 R0068600 $27.70 A25-42-28-U01-0001-0030 ELIZONDO ENRIQUE + ESTELL BLK 1 LOT 3 UNREC HIDDEN LAKES RANCH UNIT 1 OR 49 PG 492 TOTAL ACRES 1.01 M/L 38 R0068800 $27.70 A25-42-28-U01-0001-0070 NAPOLI EDWARD R BLK 1 LOT 7 UNREC HIDDEN LAKES RANCH UNIT 1 OR 49 PG 492 TOTAL ACRES 1.01 M/L 39 R0070200 $27.70 A25-42-28-U01-0001-0720 AUERBACH BARRY BLK 1 LOT 72 UNREC HIDDEN LAKES RANCH UNIT 1 OR 49 PG 492 TOTAL ACRES 1.11 M/L 40 R0072600 $27.70 A25-42-28-U01-0002-1050 PLATT TERANCE L + DOREEN BLK 2 LOT 105 UNREC HIDDEN LAKES RANCH UNIT 1 OR 49 PG 494 TOTAL ACRES 1.04 M/L 41 R0074100 $27.70 A25-42-28-U01-0003-1460 NAPOLI EDWARD R BLK 3 LOT 146 UNREC HIDDEN LAKES RANCH UNIT 1 OR 49 PG 494 TOTAL ACRES 1.01 MIL 42 R0075600 $27.70 A25-42-28-U01-0003-1690 NAPOLI EDWARD R BLK 3 LOT 169 UNREC HIDDEN LAKES RANCH UNIT 1 OR 49 PG 492 TOTAL ACRES 1.01 M/L 43 R0077400 $27.70 A25-42-28-U01-0005-2460 OLSON JERRY R+RICHARD L*J BLK 5 LOT 246 UNREC HIDDEN LAKES RANCH UNIT 1 OR 49 PG 492 TOTAL ACRES 1.01 M/L 44 R0082300 $209.41 A25-42-28-U01-0014-4730 1.08 AC OB0236P0335 GAONA JOSE A + BLK 14 LOT 473 UNREC HIDDEN LAKES RANCH UNIT 1 OR 49 PGS 492-495 TOTAL ACRES I 08 MIL 45 R0082500 $468.16 A25-42.28-U0 1-0014.-4750 2 16AC OB0155P0956 BROWN BRIAN BLK 14 LOTS 475+ 476 UNREC HIDDEN LAKES RANCH UNIT 1 OR 49 PGS 492-195 TOTAL ACRES 2.16 M/L 46 R0083000 $950 15 A26-42-28-AO-001C-0010 847AC OB0204P0375 WARD JOHN W DAWN M S26 T42S R28E COMM AT NE COROF N 1/2 OF SE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 TH N 8915'39" WALNG N LI OF N1/2 OF (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 47 R0083600 $52.72 A26-42-28-AOO-002C-000 38.63AC OB0205P0562 NELSON CHARLES E + DALE M NW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 LESS THE N & E 30 FT + LESS S 60 FT TOTAL ACRES 38.60 48 R0083700 $499.25 A26-42-28-A00-002D-0000 101 57 AC HX OB0137P0747 JOHNSON SARA A SE 114 EXC 117-648 EXC RD R/WTOTAL ACRES 101.57 49 R0088500 $50961 A30-42-28-A00-003A-0000 20.00 AC HX OB0244P0420 NORSWORTHY MELISSA 3/4 IN S 1/2 OF SW 1/4 OF SW 114 TOGETHER WITH AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS + EGRESS TOTAL ACRES 20 00 50 R0088900 $1854.79 A30-42-28-A00-006A-0000 20 00AC OB0099P0835 RAHING CHARLES F MARCIA S 1'2 OF rJE 1.J OF SW 1'4 TOTAL ACRES 20 00 M/L 51 R0090700 $23795 A31-42-28-A00-010AO0000 20 00 AC OB0208P0713 ESPINAR MARCO ANTONIO JR S 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF SE 114 TOTAL ACRES 20 00 M/L 52 R0090800 $235.22' A31-42-28-A00-0100-0000 20.00 AC OB0207P0264 ESPINAR MARCO ANTONIO JR N 1/2OF NW1/4 OF SE1/4 TOTAL ACRES 20.00 M/L 53 R0091100 $11.35 A31-42-28-A00-014A-0000 20.00 AC HX OB0142P0556 KEBLISH JOHN S 1/2 OF NE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 SUBJ TO EASMTS TOTAL ACRES 20.00 54 R0091800 $116.22 A32-42-28-AOO-001B-0000 20.00AC OB0243P0709 COATES JOHN P + S 1/2 OF SE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 SUBJ TO THE E 30 FT TOTAL AC 20.00 M/L 55 R0097300 $237.46 S01-42-28-001-0003-0010 2.75 AC OB0086P0438 STANLEY ALONZO + LENNORA. BLK 3 LOTS 1 THRU 48 INCL MAGIC CITY SUB GC PB 1 PG 17 56 R0097400 $237.46 S01-42-28-001-0004-0010 2.75 AC OB0086P0438 STANLEY ALONZO + LENNORA BLK4 LOTS 1 THRU 48 INCL MAGIC CITY SUB GC PB 1 PG 17 57 R0097500 $124.07 S01-42-28-001-0005-0010 1.43 AC OB0086P0438 STANLEY ALONZO + LENNORA BLK 5 LOTS 1 THRU 25 INCL MAGIC CITY SUB GC PB 1 PG 17 58 R0100400 $1719.29 S09-42-28-001-0000-0230 4.33AC OB0159P0776 PIGOTT RALPH M + SHANNON LOT 23 + THE ADJ 25 FT PORTIONOF VACATED AVES B C + 3RD ST LABELLE HIGHLAND 1STADD GC PB 1 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 59 R0102300 $886.83 S11-42-28-001-000A-0080 1.46AC OB0215P0726 GILL OLIVER W BLK A LOT 8 BRIARWOOD SUB GC PB 3 PGS 88 + 89 60 R0104900 $430.46 S11-42-28-001-000C-0080 .86 AC HX OB0173P0303 PEMBERTON IRVING J JR BLK C LOT 8 EXC W 20 FT BRIARWOOD SUB GC PB 3 PGS 88 + 89 61 R0105200 $1389.63 S15-42-28-001-0000-0010 5.77 AC HX OB0185P0836 ARCHER ROBERT L JR + LOT 1 RAINBOW RANCH ESTATES PB 4 PG 132-133 62 R0108100 $56.83 S29-42-28-001-0007-0010 .28AC OB0135P0100 DAVIS DANNY D BLK 7 LOTS 1 THRU 5 INCL SANTA BARBARA SUB GC PB 1 PG 49 63 R0108300 $236.13 S29-42-28-001-0007-0120 1.20AC OB0135P0100 DAVIS DANNY D BLK 7 LOTS 12 THRU 32 INCL SANTA BARBARA SUB GC PB 1 PG 49 64 R0108800 $314.57 S29-42-28-001-0010-0010 1.60AC OB0132P0697 MAYNARD KENNETH + SHARLEN BLK 10 LOTS 1 THRU 28 INCL SANTA BARBARA SUB GC PB 1 PG 49 65 R0109200 $626.23 S29-42-28-001-0013-0010 1.83 AC HX OB0132P0169 DAVIS DANNY D BLK 13 LOTS 1 THRU 32 INCL SANTA BARBARA SUB GC PB 1 PG 49 66 R0109900 $23.12 S29-42-28-002-0003-0070 .12AC OB0228P0820 NAPOLI EDWARD R BLK 3 LOTS 7 + 8 SAN JOSE SUB GC PB 1 PG 50 67 R0110200 $23.12 S29-42-28-002-0005-0010 .11 AC OB0202P0548 PALMER LORETTA LAS TRUST BLK 5 LOTS 1 + 2 SAN JOSE SUB GC PB 1 PG 50 68 R0110300 $300.49 52942-26-002-0006-00 10 1 83 AC HX OBj235P0213 PORTER AMANDA L - BLK 6 LOTS I THRU 32 SANJ JOSE SUB GC PB 1 PG 50 69 R0110600 $34.32 S29-42-28-002-0008-0050 .17AC OB0224P0238 NAPOLI EDWARD R BLK 8 LOTS 5 6 7 SAN JOSE SUB GC PB 1 PG 50 70 R0110800 $23.12, S29-42-28-002-0008-0290 .11AC OB0234P1032 CLEVENGER DAVID T BLK 8 LOTS 29 + 30 SAN JOSE SUB GC PB 1 PG 50 71 R0111800 $25.91 S29-42-28-003-0006-0110, .17AC OB0228P0447 HARRIS DOROTHY BLK 6 LOTS 11 12 13 SANTA CRUZ SUB GC PB 1 PG 51 72 R0112600 $17:52 S29-42-28-003-0011-0270 .11 AC OB0241P0Oe68 NAPOLI EDWARD R BLK 11 LOTS 27 + 28 SANTA CRUZ SUB GC PB 1 PG 51 73' R0112700 $17.52 S29-42-28-003-0014-0120 11 AC OB0234P10J8 CLEVANGER DAVID T BLK 14 LOTS 12 +13 SANTA CRUZ SUB GC PB 1 PG 51 74 R0113300 $25.91. S2942-28-003-001860070 18 AC OB021f.P08i.I NAPOLI EDWARD R BLK 18 LOTS 7 8 9 SANTA CRUZ SUB GC PB 1 PG 51 75 R0115900 $23.12 S2 -2 .28.0,, .','J 1. .,' "i, 12AC C'.::'8063P0164 HORNE MARY IWIAYNEj BLK 17 LOTS 3 -* 1 SAIl DIEGO SuB GC FB I PC 52 76 R0116000 -23 12 S29-42.28-004-001 7.005 12 AC CHESHAM ALBERT HOWARD BLK 17 LOTS 5 + 6 SAN DIEGO SUB GC PB 1 PG 52 77 R0117000 $286.96 S36-42-28-001-0002-0100 .18AC OB0116P0390 JOHNSON SARAA BLK2 LOTS 10 11 12 CRESCENT PLACE NO 2 GC PB 1 PG 57 , 78 R0117200 $590.65 S36-42-28-001-0003-0050 .25 AC OB0199P0071 ESQUIVEL JUAN + NORA BLK 3 LOTS 5 6 7 8 CRESCENT PLACE NO 2 GC PB 1 PG57 79 R0117600 $195.69 S36-42-28-001-0004-0070 .18 AC- OB0086P0724 ROATEN MARY E BLK 4 LOTS 7 8 9 CRESCENT PLACE NO 2 GC PB 1 PG 57 80 R0117900 $1225.48 S36-42-28-001-0005-0060 .44AC OB0194P0698 ESQUIVEL JUAN + NORA H BLK 5 LOTS 6 THRU 12 CRESCENT PLACE NO 2 GC PB 1 PG 57 81 R0118800 $448.79 S36-42-28-001-0006-0190 .18AC OB0212P0609 CALOOSA MOBILE HOMES INC BLK 6 LOTS 19 20 21 CRESCENT PLACE NO 2 GC PB 1 PG57 82 R0119200 $552.09 S36-42-28-001-0007-0090 .25 AC OB0184P0852' CALOOSA MOBILE HOMES INC BLK 7 LOTS 9 10 11 12 CRESCENT PLACE NO 2 GC PB 1 PG57 83 R0120100 $453.71 S36-42-28-001-0008-0100 .18 AC OB0244P0273 REYES LORENZO + BLK 8 LOTS 10 11 12 CRESCENT PLACE NO 2 GC PB 1 PG 57 84 R0120200 $488.56 S36-42-28-001-0008-0130 .31 AC HX OB0215P0605 SERRANO GREGORIO + BLK 8 LOTS 13 THRU 17 INCL CRESCENT PLACE NO 2 GC PB 1 PG 57 85 R0120900 $130.79 S36-42-28-001-0009-0130 .12AC OB0226P0652 CALOOSA MOBILE HOMES INC BLK 9 LOTS 13 + 14 CRESCENT PLACE NO 2 GC PB 1 PG 57 86 R0122000 $325.68 S36-42-28-001-0011-0010 .31 AC OB0114P0034 JOHNSON SARAA BLK 11 LOTS 1-5 CRESCENT PLACE NO 2 GC PB 1 PG 57 87 R0122700 $414.87 S36-42-28-001-0012-0010 .18AC OB0165P0486 CALOOSA MOBILE HOMES INC BLK 12 LOTS 1 THRU 3 CRESCENT PLACE NO 2 GC PB 1 PG 57 88 R0124000 $333.40 S36-42-28-001-0014-0090 .25AC OB0192P0393 JOHNSON SARAA BLK 14 LOTS 9 10 11 12 INCL CRESCENT PLACE NO 2 GC PB 1 PG 57 89 R0126700 $379.09 S36-42-28-001-0018-0110 .12AC OB0121P0326 HEAD RA BLK 18 LOTS 11 + 12 CRESCENT PLACE NO 2 GC PB 1 PG57 90 R0127100 $295.65 S36-42-28-001-0019-0070 .18AC OB0236P0340 REYES SANTIAGO JR BLK 19 LOTS 7 THRU 9 CRESCENT PLACE NO 2 GC PB 1 PG 57 91 R0127200 $311.16 S36-42-28-001-0019-0100 .18 AC OB0236P0340 SANTIAGO REYES JR BLK 19 LOTS 10 THRU 12 CRESCENT PLACE NO 2 GC PB 1 PG 57 92 R0127300 $301.52 S36-42-28-001-0019-0130 .18AC OB0236P0340 REYES SANTIAGO JR BLK 19 LOTS 13 THRU 15 CRESCENT PLACE NO 2 GC PB 1 PG 57 93 R0127400 $266.48 S36-42-28-001-0019-0160 .18AC OB0236P0340 REYES SANTIAGO JR BLK 19 LOTS 16 THRU 16 CRESCENT PLACE NO 2 GC P6 1 PG 57 94 R0127800 $494.00 S36-42-28-001-0020-0030 .25 AC OB0226P0501 RAMOS MARIA LUISA BLK 20 LOTS 3 THRU 6 CRESCENT PLACE NO 2GC PB 1 PG57 95 R0127900 $325.60 S36-42-28-001-0020-0070 .18AC OB0141P1059 HEAD RA BLK 20 LOTS 7 8 9 CRESCENT PLACE NO 2 GC PB 1 PG 57 965 R0126000 $3003 S.j6-12-28U01 00'20'01uO 18 C H: COBl0101P0298 ZAMARRON ELENTERIO H + BLK 20 LOTS 10 11 12 CRESCENT PLACE NO 2 GC PB 1 PG 57 97 R0128200 $634.81 S36-42-28-001-0020-0190 .18AC OB0152P0973 REYES SANTIAGO JR + SANDR BLK 20 LOTS 19 THRU 21 INC CRESCENT PLACE NO 2 GC PB 1 PG 57 98 R0129100 $1792.66 S36-42-28-002-0014-0080 .62 AC OB0193P0530 WILLIAMS BEATRICE E BLK 14 LOTS 8 THRU 17 CRESCENT PLACE NO 3 GC PB 2PG2 99 R0129200 $1095.28 S36-42-28-002-0015-0010 S.37AC OB0190P0530 POLHILL FRANK S + - BLK 15 LOTS I 2 3 19 20 CRESCENT PLACE NO 3 GC PB 2 PG2 100 R0129300 $746.18 S36-42-28-002-0015-0050 .56 AC HX OB0216P0648 ESCALANTE NATIVADAD + BLK 15 LOTS 5 612 THRU 18 CRESCENT PLACE NO 3 GC PB 2 PG 2 101 R0131100 $395.70 S36-42-28-003-0000-0040 2.42 AC HX OB0103P0783 HOWELL ORVILLE M S 1/2 OF LOT 4AKAS 1/2 OF E 1/2 OF SE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 CRESCENT ACRES SUB GC PB 3 PGS 121 +122 102 R0132200 $807.72 S36-42-28-003-0000-0150 5.05 AC OB0228P0313 HICIANO MIGUELA+ LOT 15 AKA N 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 CRESCENT ACRES SUB GC PB 3 PGS 121 + 122 103 R0133300 $310.96 S36-42-28-004-0000-0020 1.01 AC HX OB0241P0438 GRILLO-CROSS TERESA M LOT 2 COUNTRY MEADOWS GC PB 4 PG 4 104 R0133700 $274.87 S36-42-28-004-0000-0060 1.01 AC HX OB0195P0980 BENAVIDES EZEQUIEL + LOT 6 COUNTRY MEADOWS GC PB 4 PG 4 105 R0133900 $1026.99 S36-42-28-004-0000-0080 1.01 AC OB0155P0832 MEZA ROBERT LOT 8 COUNTRY MEADOWS GC PB4 PG4 106 R0134900 $1463.75 S36-42-28-004-0000-0180 .99 AC OB0221P0608 CENTRAL MOBILE HOMES INC LOT 18 COUNTRY MEADOWS GC PB 4 PGS 3-4 107 R0135000 $1849.13 S36-42-28-004-0000-0190 .99AC OB0235P0266 HAMPTON JOEL LOT 19 COUNTRY MEADOWS GC PB 4 PG 3-4 108 R0135300 $1382.28 S36-42-28-004-0000-0220 .99 AC OB0238P0701 KERLEK DAVID LOT 22 COUNTRY MEADOWS GC ,PB 4 PGS 3-4 109 R0136200 $704.03 S36-42-28-004-0000-0310 .99 AC HX OB0170P0121 EARNEST CHRISTOPHER J + LOT 31 COUNTRY MEADOWS GC PB 4 PGS 3-4 110 R0137000 $1378.04 S36-42-28-004-0000-0390 .99 AC OB0201P1016 MORENO MANUEL LOT 39 COUNTRY MEADOWS GC PB 4 PGS 3-4 111 R0137100 $988.17 S36-42-28-004-0000-0400 .99 AC OB0222P0937 RIVERA VERONICA + LOT 40 COUNTRY MEADOWS GC PB 4 PG 4 112 R0137200 $962.26 S36-42-28-004-0000-0410 .99 AC OB0222P0283 CENTRAL MOBILE HOMES INC LOT 41 COUNTRY MEADOWS GC PB 4 PGS 3-4 113 R0137400 $169.28 S36-42-28-004-0000-0430 .99 AC HX OB0192P0798 MARQUES JUAN LOT 43 COUNTRY MEADOWS GC PB 4 PGS 3-4 114 R0137900 $526.77 S36-42-28-004-000-0480 AC HX OB0151P0029 GARCIA JUAN + LOT 48 COUNTRY MEADOWS GC PB 4 PGS 3-4 115 R0138400 $266.29 S36-42-28-004-0000-0530 1.15 AC HX OB0168P1011 RIVERA PETE LOT 53 COUNTRY MEADOWS GC PB 4 PGS 3-4 116 R0138900 $1794.59 S36-42-28-004-0000-0580 1.10 AC OB0197P0523 ADAME ODELIA LOT 58 COUNTRY MEADOWS GC PB 4 PGS 3-4 117 R0148700 $17.52 S25-40-29-001-0087-0200 STEWART ESSIE + BLK 87 LOTS 20 THRU 24 HENFORD SUB GC PB 2 PGS 12131415 118 R0154400 $6328.06 A32-41-29-A01-0020-0000 10.00 AC OB0227P0371 PALM FARMS LTD BLK 4 TR 2 LABELLE HEIGHTS GC PB 1 PG 35 TOTAL ACRES 10.00 119 R0156600 $14.15 S01-41-29-002-0037-0210 GRODZICKI GARY + BLK 37 LOTS 21 2223 24 PALMDALE HTS PLAT NO 2 GC PB 1 PG 27 120 R0157200 $17.52 S01-41-29-002-0064-0060 PALM FARMS LTD BLK 64 LOTS 6 THRU 10 PALMDALE HTS PLAT NO 2 GC PB 1 PG 27 121 R0157700 $20.88 S01-41-29-005-0006-0210 DAILEY M ANITA BLK 6 LOTS 21 THRU 26 PALMDALE HTS PLAT NO 4 GC PB 1 PGS 32 + 39 122 R0157800 $7.43 S01-41-29-005-0007-0110 LANG JOHN E BLK 7 LOTS 11 + 12 PALMDALE HTS PLAT NO 4 GC PB 1 PGS 32 +39 123 R0159300 $4.06 S01-41-29-005-0069-0110 LESSER FRANK + JOAN BLK 69 LOT 11 PALMDALE HTS PLAT NO 4 GC PB 1 PGS 32+ 39 124 R0159400 $34.32 S01-41-29-005-0073-0210 PHELAN JOHN A BLK 73 LOTS 21 THRU 30 PALMDALE HTS PLAT NO 4 GC PB 1 PGS32 + 39 p, E9jicju0 i.. 43 601- 1-294005.0093.03410 SJuRSEI A T EST BLK 93 LOTS 34 35 PALMDALE HTS PLAT NO 4 GC PB I PGS 32 39 126 R0160000 $17.52 S01-41-29-005-0103-0210 BIBB W H + GLADYS BLK 103 LOTS 21 THRU 25 PALMDALE HTS PLAT NO 4 GC PB 1 PGS 32 + 39 127 R0164300 $1998.67 A17-42-29-A00-0030-0000 25.00 AC OB0221P0609 PALM FARMS LTD + SW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 EXC N 495 FT TOTAL ACRES 25.00 128 R0168400 $7269.30 A23-42-29-A00-0030-0000 25.24 AC OB0227P0608 ROCKING CHAIR RANCH LLC W 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 + S 6 ACRES BEING S 791.32 FT OFW 1/2 OF E 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF NW1/4 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 129 R0169600 $1922.49 A25-42-29-A00-0050-0000 571.85 AC OB0185P0425 AMTEL FARM INC THAT PORTION LYING N + W OF THE CALOOSAHATCHEE RIVER EXC RWYS TOTAL ACRES 571.85 130 R0169800 $74.77 A26-42-29-A00-003A-0000 20.00 AC OB0185P0425 BARRON BARNEY JOE TRUSTEE THE W 1500 FT OF THE N 580.80 FT OF THE S 1/2 TOTAL AC 20 M/L 131 R0169900 $2366.69 A26-42-29-A00-0030-0000 339.65AC OB0185P0425 AMTEL FARM INC SE 1/4 + SE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 + E 1/2 OF SW 1/4 + NW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 + SW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 LESS THE W 1500 FT (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 132 R0174000 $2244.75 A29-42-29-A00-003B-0000 38.51 AC HX OB0116P0139 BROWN JANET M N 1/2 OF NE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 EXCR/W + SW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 + N 1/2 OF SE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 + (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 133 R0175900 $280.73 A31-42-29-A00-001 D-0000 50.33 AC OB0203P0069 GUTIERREZ LEOBARDO S31 T42S R29E 50.33 AC M/L ALL THAT PART OF NE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 LYING N +'W OF C/L OF POLLYWOG CREEK (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 134 R0176300 $10345.41 A31-42-29-AOO-002A-0000 2.05 AC OB0149P0159 MANTZ TERRY E S 1/2 OF S 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 + S 1/2 OF W 1/2 OF SW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 TOTAL ACRES 12.00 M/L 135 R0179700 $1137.73 A34-42-29-A00-0010-0000 644.57 AC OB0185P0425 AMTEL FARM INC ALL LESS C-43 CANAL + LESS RD R/W ALG N SIDE TOTAL AC 644.57 M/L 136 :R0180100 $1388.59 A35-42-29-A00-0010-0000 427.47 AC OB0185P0425 AMTEL FARM INC ALL LYING N OF CAL CANAL OR C-43 OR 48-246-318 TOTAL ACRES 427.47 137 R0181700 $145.62 A36-42-29-A00-0050-0000 39.16 AC OB0185P0425 AMTEL FARM INC THAT PORT LYING N OF THE CALOOSAHATCHEE RIVER EXC RWYS TOTAL ACRES 39.16 138 R0182700 $17.52 S16-42-29-001-0056-0180 BRANTLEY MARVIN W BLK 56 LOTS 18 THRU 22 BOOKER CITY PARK GC PB 1 PGS 83 + 84 139 R0183100 $14.15 S 17-42-29-001-0000-0030 ROBERTS JULIA LOTS 3 4 5 6 UNIT NO 4 RIDGEWOOD PARK ESTATE GC PB 1 PG 59 140 R0184800 $4.06 S20-42-29-001-0039-0090 GADSEN EUGENE + LILLIAN + BLK 39 LOT 9 RUBBER CITY PARK SUB GC PB 2 PGS 22 23 2728 141 R0184900 $4.06 S20-42-29-001-0039-0130 GADSEN EUGENE + LILLIAN + BLK 39 LOT 13 RUBBER CITY PARK SUB GC PB 2 PGS 22 23 2728 142 R0185000 $7.53 S20-42-29-001-0039-0470 GADSEN EUGENE + LILLIAN + BLK 39 LOTS 47 48 EXC S-720 + S-731 RWY RUBBER CITY PARK SUB GC PB 2 PGS 22232728 143 R0185100 $14.15 S23-42-29-001-0004-0010 POPE BRIANNE E 1/4 INT + BLK 4 LOTS 12 3 4 ROYAL PALM EST NO 3 GC PB 1 PGS 20+21 144 R0187600 $1714.51 S25-42-29-001-0001-0060, 2.18 AC OB0133P0064 SPRAKER DONALD A + MARSHA BLK 1 LOT 6 PORT LABELLE RANCHETTES GC PB 3 PGS 104-110 TOTALACRES 2.18 M/L 145 R0192200 $1840.28 S25-42-29-001-0003-0130 2.34AC OB0151P0094 KEMP MARY BLK 3.LOT 13 PORT LABELLE RANCHETTES GC PB 3 PGS 104-110 TOTAL ACRES 2.34 M/L 146 R0194100 $4945.25 S25-42-29-001-0005-0010 6.29 AC OB0210P0237 WILLIAMS GARY + ROSE M BLK 5 LOT 1 PORT LABELLE RANCHETTES GC PB 3 PGS 104-110 TOTALACRES 6.29 M/L 147 R0195800 $1843.43 S25-42-29-001-0006-0070 3.18 AC HX OB0143P0587 BRITTAIN WILLIAM H + BLK 6 LOT 7 PORT LABELLE RANCHETTES GC:PB 3 PGS 104-110 TOTAL ACRES 3.18 M/L :'148 R0198500 $14.05 530-4229-002-0000-0480 GILBERT MARY OLENE LOTS 48 THRU 51 KENMORE SUB GC PB 1 PG 29 149 R0199100 $3.96 S30-42-29-002-0000-1700 WHILE MARIANNA LOT 170 KENMORE SUB GC PB 1 PG 29 150 R0200900 $919.56 S31-42-29-001-0000-0110 MARTINEZ EUGENE TRACT 11 HIGH.PINE EST UNIT NO 1 GC PB 3 PGS 132-133 151 R0201000 $1453.21 S31-42-29-001-0000-0120 AC HX OB0164P0459 MARTINEZ EUGENE TRACT 12 HIGH PINE EST UNIT NO 1 GC PB 3 PGS 132-133 152 R0201500 $490.42 S31-42-29-002-0000-0020 2.44 AC HX OB0174P0542 HOWARD DONALD SR + LOUISE LOT 2 HIGH PINE ESTATES UNIT2 GC PB 3 PG 171 153 R0201700 $674.10 S31-42-29-002-0000-0040 2.44 AC HX OB0106P0513 SMITH MICHAELA + LOT 4 HIGH PINE ESTATES UNIT2 GC PB 3 PG 171 154 R0201900 $388.62 S31-42-29-002-0000-0060 2.44 AC HX OB0155P0633 PERKINS SIDNEY SCOTT LOT 6 HIGH PINE ESTATES UNIT2 GC PB 3 PG 171 155 R0203200 $898.27 S31-42-29-003-0000-0040 AC HX OB0232P0138 LANDRUM TROY + LOT 4 + PT OF 3 POLLYWOG CREEK SUBGC PB 4 PGS 117-118 THAT PT OF LOT 3 DESC AS BEG AT NW COR LOT (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 156 R0220200 $1170.89 A21-40-30-AOO-0040-0000 9.00 AC OB0122P0486 SCHIFF SCOTT W + N 1/2 OF N 1/2 OF NE 1/4 OF SE1/4 EXC SR 25 R/W OF 1 AC PALMDALE LAND CO SUB DC PB 3 PG 42 TOTALACRES 9.00 157 R0221800 $30.48 A27-40-30-A01-002F-0000 20.00 AC OB0151P0832 HENDRY RAYMOND E + DENISE S 1/2 OFTR 11 +N 1/2 OF TR 14 PALMDALE LAND CO SUB DC PB 3 PG 42 TOTAL AC 20.00 158 R0224000 $650.94 A27-40-30-A01-011G-0000 5.00 AC OB0216P0262 HOPPER JENNIFER MARIE TOTAL AC 5.00 M/L W 1/2 OF S 1/2 OF TR 23 TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJ TO AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS & (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 159 R0224100 $650.94 A27-40-30-A01-011H-0000 5.00 AC OB0216P0263 BRADDOCK JULIE MANN TOTAL AC 5.00 ML E 1/2 OF S 1/2 OFTR 23 TOGETHER WITH AN SUBJ TO AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS + (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 160 R0224500 $6764.32 A27-40-30-A01-012C-0000 21.22AC OB0162P0991 HENDRY RAYMOND E + DENISE TRACT 19 + VAC R/W LYING BETWEEN TR 14 + 19(PER RES 96-426)PALMDALE LAND CO SUB DC PB 3 PG 42 TOTAL AC 21.22 MOL 161 R0224600 $1767.90 A27-40-30-A01-012D-000 5.00 AC HX OB0085P0816 HENDRY RAYMOND E + E 1/2 OF S 1/2 OF TR 27 PALMDALE LAND CO SUB DC PB 3 PG 42 TOTAL ACRES 5.00 162 R0230400 $1334.03 A34-40-30-A01-0130-0000 .82 AC OB0100P0687 COLLINS LYNN M + BETTY A BEG AT SW COR OF TR 27 RUN N ALG W LINE OF TR 27 70 FT TO POB CONT N 180 FTTH E 416.5 FTTH S 180 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) Glades County Delinquent Tax List May 11, 18, 25, 2006 2 163 R0230600 $3047.93 A34-40-30-A01-015A-0000 5.00 AC OB0067P0496 COLLINS LYNN M ET UX *ROS THE E 660 FT OF TR 27 PALMDALE LAND CO SUB DC PB 3 PG 42 164 R0230800 $2796.90 A34-40-30-A01-0150-0000 10.90 AC COLLINS LYNN M ET UX *ROS TR 27 EXC SR R/W + EXC .82 AC PER 38-504 + EXC E 660 FTALSOTR 28 EXC SR R/W + EXC 1 AC PER 35-303 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 165 R0231000 $2141.57 A34-40-30-A01-0170-0000 8.79 AC OB0225P0804 HARROD JEFFERY L + TR 30 EXC SR 25 RWY PALMDALE LAND CO SUB DC PB 3 PG 42 TOTAL ACRES 8.79 166 R0231800 $45.51 S34-40-30-002-0001-0240 .15AC OB0119P11111 MADDY JAMES OLEN BLK 1 LOT 24 PALMDALE SUB DC PB 1 PG 101 167 R0237100 $90.46 S34-40-30-002-0036-0020 .30AC OB0046P0110 OHNECK LYNN D + RANDALL C BLK 36 LOTS 2 + 4 PALMDALE SUB DC PB 1 PG 101 168 R0241200 $359.59 S34-40-30-002-0057-0010 .75 AC OB0077P0888 WHITENER WILFORD W + MILD BLK 57 LOTS 1 + E 50 FT OF LOT 2 + LOT 3 + E 50 FT OF LOT 4 + LOT 5 + E 50 FT OF LOT 6 + LOT 7 + (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 169 R0242100 $153.21 S34-40-30-002-0059-0170 .61 AC OB0234P0642 BAXTER KIMBERLY JEAN BLK 59 LOTS 17 19 21 23 PALMDALE SUB DC PB 1 PG 101 170 R0242200 $115.10 S34-40-30-002-0059-0180 .46 AC OB0186P0994 PRESCOTT REBECCA LEE BLK 59 LOTS 18 20 22 PALMDALE SUB DC PB 1 PG 101 171 R0242800 $45.61 S834-40-30-002-0061-0010 .15 AC OB0195P0901 NAPOLI EDWARD R BLK 61 LOT 1 EXC R/W PALMDALE SUB DC PB 1 PG 101 172 R0246200 $372.83 S34-40-30-002-0071-0140 .77 AC HX OB0139P0867 OSCEOLA MIKE + BLK 71 LOTS 14 16 18 20 + 22 PALMDALE SUB DC PB 1 PG 101 173 R0248500 $69.23 S34-40-30-002-0088-001A .19AC OB0103P0162 WILEY JOHN V + MARILYN A BLK 88 LOTS W 1/2 OF 1 3 5 7 9PALMDALE SUB DC PB 1 PG 101 174 R0248800 $23.12 S34-40-30-002-0088-0110 .07AC OB0161P0743 GILLETT PHYLLIS BLK 88 LOT 11 PALMDALE SUB DC PB 1 PG 101 175 R0249800 $260.79 S34-40-30-002-0091-0110 .30AC OB0201P0102 GODWIN RONALD A + MARGA L BLK 91 LOTS 11 4- 13 PALMDALE SUB DC PB 1 PG 101 176 R0250000 $674.34 S34-40-30-002-0091-0150 .46AC OB0143P0107 PIKE SIDNEY R + BLK 91 LOTS 15 17 19 PALMDALE SUB DC PB 1 PG 101 177 R0251000 $1192.17 S34-40-30-002-0093-0060 2.32 AC HX OB0089P0366 LONG E MILTON + BLK 93 LOTS 6 8 10 + 12-23 P4AL'DALE SuB DC PB i PG 101 178 R0252600 $123.13 S34-40-30-002-0100-0010 .92 AC HX OB0183P0749 HOUGH JESSE J +- BLK 100 LOTS 1 3 5 7 9 11 PALMDALE SUB DC PB 1 PG 101 179 R0254300 $45.51 S34-40-30-002-0102-0020 .15AC OB0156P0282 RESSLER NEILA EST BLK 102 LOT 2 PALMDALE SUB DC PB 1 PG 101 180 R0255600 $442.99 S34-40-30-002-0105-0190 .15AC OB0149P0535 DANA SONYA L BLK 105 LOTS 19 + 21 PALMDALE SUB DC PB 1 PG 101 181 R0258400 $548.66 S34-40-30-002-0127-0010 1.39 AC HX OB0177P0219. RENFROE ORAN A BLK 127 LOTS 1 2 3 + 5 TO 19 PALMDALE SUB DC PB 1 PG 101 182 R0261000 $5.38 S34-40-30-003-000H-0010 STALLS L EST + MYRTLE PORTIONS OF LOTS 1 2 34 5 6 BLK H NOT COVERED BY SR 25 RWY AL + I CO ADD TO PALMDALE + THE N 1/2 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 183 R0262800 $135.36 S34-40-30-003-000M-0100 .29 AC WHITENER W W + MILDRED M LOTS 10 11 12BLKMAL+ I ADD TO PALMDALE OR W 85 FT OF LOTS 2 4 6 BLK 57 PALMDALE SUB 184 R0267500 $260.89 A10-41-30-A00-0090-0000 4.00 AC OB0150P0607 SOUTH CENTRAL FL EXPRESS A TRIANGULAR PIECE OF LAND LYING BETWEEN SECTIONS 9 + 10AT HARRISBURG 185 R0272000 $2137.57 A31-41-30-A00-001A-0000 5.00 AC OB0225P0896 HAROLD STEVE + PAR CONTAINING 5 ACRES COM AT NW COR OF SEC 31 RUN S 01 DEG 14 MIN 30 SEC WALG W LI OF SAID (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 186 R0273100 $260.99 A33-41-30-A00-0080-0000 2.00 AC THACH JOHN O OR D T MRS N 1AOFS3AOFN 1/2 OF SE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 +S 1AOFN4AOF SE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 TOTAL ACRES 2.00 187 R0274000 $4.06 S21-41-30-001-0005-0030 NELSON NORMAN A BLK 5 LOT 3 CHICAGO-TEXAS ADD TO HALL CITYDC PB 2 PG44 188 R0274900 $7.33 S28-41-30-002-0026-0180 NELSON NORMAN A BLK 26 LOTS 18 19 HALL CITY SUB DC PB 2 PG 25 189 R0278300 $83.41 A14-42-30-A00-0030-0000 67.89 AC OB0180P0266 WILLIAMS MARVIN FAMILY LL S 172 OF SW 1/4 S OF SR 78 + EXC SR 78 R/W + EXC 7.09 A PER 46-765 TOTAL ACRES 67.89 M/L 190 R0278800 $567.30 A14-42-30-AOO-0060-0000 6.09AC OB0180P0269 WILLIAMS MARVIN FAMILY LL BEG ATA PT 210 FT W OF THE NE COR OF THE S 1/2 OF SW 1/4 TH RUN W 420 FT TH S 630 FT TH E 525 FT (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 191 R0279500 $25.87 A15-42-30-A00-001G-0000 37.00 AC OB0188P0710 WILLIAMS MARVIN FAMILY LL COM SE COR SEC 15 RUN N 88DEG 37MIN 50SECW 1381.76 FT TO S 1/4 1/4 COR TH N ODEG 39MIN 06SEC (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 192 R0282200 $60.18 A22-42-30-A00-001A-0000 5.12AC OB0180P0278 WILLIAMS MARVIN FAMILY LL THE N 60 FT OF E 1/2 OF E 1/2 + THE FOLLOWING BEG AT NE COROF SEC 22 THN S ALG SEC LINE 520 FT TO A (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 193 R0282800 $452.34 A22-42-30-AOO-002D-OBO .55 AC HX OB0212P0683 FLOYD CRAWFORD MICHAEL + COMM AT SW COR LOT 9 COFFEEMILL HAMMOCK SUB UNIT 1 THN S'LY 80 FTALG ORTONA RD THN E'LY 300 FT (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 194 R0283000 $765.22 A22-42-30-A00-002D-0020 1.38 AC HX OB0238P0057 HOWARD JULIA RODRIGUEZ COMM AT NW COR RUN S 88 DEG 37MIN 55 SEC E ALG N LINE 1422 FTTO E LI OF ORTONA LOCKS RD TH S 0 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 195 R0285400 $1345.41 A23-42-30-A00-001A-0000 40.00 AC OB0180P0281 WILLIAMS MARVIN FAMILY LL 40 AC IN NE 1/4 ASSESSED AS SAND MINE 196 R0285500 $1461.12 A23-42-30-A00-001B-0000 76.66 AC OB0180P0298 WILLIAMS MARVIN FAMILY LL S 1/2 OF SW 1/4 EXC 2 AC TO CAMPOS PER OR 84-799 + EXC OR 160-102-105 TOTAL AC 76.66 M/L 197 R0285600 $1916.37 A23-42-30-AOO-001C-0000 2.00 AC HX OB0208P0502 CAMPOS SALVADOR + COMM AT SW COR OF SEC 23 TH S 88 DEG 48 MIN 13 SEC E 369.50 FT TO POB TH N 03 DEG 48 MIN 07 SEC E (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 198 R0285800 $6.38 A23-42-30-A00-001D-0010 6.00AC OB0195P0188 WILLIAMS MARVIN FAMILY LL A STRIP OF LAND 25 FT WIDE N + S OF E + W 1/4 LINE LESS W 60 FT THEREOF PER OR 161/933TOTALAC 6.00 M/L 199 R0285900 $8810.37 A23-42-30-A00-0010-0000 334.64AC OB0180P0281 WILLIAMS MARVIN FAMILY LL N 1/2 + N 1/2 OF SE 1/4 + EXC 40 AC ASSESSED AS SAND MINE + EXC OR 119-619-620+ EXC OR (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 200 R0286000 $267.67 A23-42-30-A00-0020-0000 76.76 AC OB0180P0294 WILLIAMS MARVIN FAMILY LL N 1/2 OF SW 1/4 EXC N 25 FT THEREOF + EXC THE W 60 FT PER OR 160-102-105 TOTAL AC 76.76 201 R0286100 $1885.29 A23-42-30-A00-0030-0000 80.00 AC HX OB0180P0281 WILLIAMS MARVIN FAMILY LL S 1/2 OF SE 1/4 TOTAL ACRES 80.00 202 R0287100 $16.97 A26-42-30-A00-0010-0000 14.33 AC OB0180P0302 WILLIAMS MARVIN FAMILY LL ALL THAT PT OF E 1/2 OF NE 1/4 LYING E OF TURKEY CREEK RWY + N OF C-43 CANAL TOTAL ACRES 14.33 203 R0287500 $4.81 A26-42-30-A00-002C-0000 1.09AC OB0046P0706 WILLIAMS MARVIN NORTH 25 FT OF WEST 1892.55 FTOF GOVT LOT 1 TOTAL ACRES 1.00 M/L 204 R0288800 $3138.13 A26-42-30-A00-0030-0000 34.03 AC OB0238P0605 WEATHERFORD STEPHANIE.TRU GOVT LOTS 2 3 + N 1/2 OF NW 1/4 +ALL UNSURV N OF CAL RIVER IN W 1/2 EXC PAR PER 13-213 + EXC 40.8 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 205 R0289500 $291.25 A26-42-30-A00-0090-0000 BRACKEN KENNETH N JR THAT PARCEL OF LAND LYING BETWEEN THE S BOUNDARY OF RIVER OAKS S/D AS RECORDED IN GCPB 3 PG 56 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 206 R0291300 $1522.90 A26-42-30-U03-0000-0040 .22 AC OB0236P0556 GEISTMAN HUGO' -, LOT 4 UNREC TURKEY k REEK' "'. SUB MTS + BDS PER OR 74-303 207 R0292100 $563.40 A26-42-30-U03-0000-0120 .16 AC HX OB0134P0904 BAKER HAROLD J + COM NE COR SEC 26 TH N 88DEG 48MIN 13SEC W ALG N SEC LI 1404.95 FT TH S OODEG 55MIN 47SEC W (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 208 R0292800 $758.77 A27-42-30-A00-Q02B-0000 1.36AC OB0206P0291 PASETTI ERIC R BEG AT SW COR OF E 1/2 OF SW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 TH N 170 FT TO POB TH N 361.22 FTTH E 164 FT (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 209 R0292900 $57.95 A27-42-30-A00-003A-0000 WILLIAMS MARVIN + GERALDI W 1/2 OF N 1/2 OF NE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 LYING N OF ORTONA RD + S OF WILLIAMS RD 210 R0293100 $34.62 A27-42-30-A00-0040-0000 .25 AC WILLIAMS LONNIE ETAL THAT PT OF THE NE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 LYING S + W OF ORTONA PAVED RDTOTAL ACRES .25 M/L 211 R0293300 $397.39 A27-42-30-A00-005B-0000 AC HX OB0118P0021 MARNEY CASSIE BEG AT NE COR OF SEC TH W ALG N LI OF SEC TO W LI OF E 1/4 NW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 TH S 400 FT TH W PARALLEL (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 212 R0293400 $1515.89 A27-42-30-A00-0050-0000 18.34 AC WILLIAMS MARVIN + GERALDI W 3/4 OF NW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 EXC THAT PT N OF PAVED RD + EXC 10 A PER 21-25 THAT PART OF LAND IN A (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 213 R0295400 $316.59 A27-42-30-A00-0140-0000 1.00 AC OB0052P0404 WILLIAMS MARVIN + GERALDI FROM NE COR OF NW 1/4 RUN N 89 DEG 41 MIN 28 SEC W ALG N SEC LI 249.63 FT TO WLY R/W OF SCL R RTH S 8 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 214 R0299200 $513.23 A30-42-30-A00-0040-0000 171.27 AC OB0185P0425 AMTEL FARM INC THAT PORTION LYING N OF THE CALOOSAHATCHEE RIVER EXC RWYS TOTAL ACRES 171.27 215 R0303200 $361.87 S22-42-30-003-0000-0060 1.35 AC OB0177P0500 MOORING EVERETT WAYNE 1/2 LOT 6 COFFEE MILL HAMMOCK UNIT NO 1 GC PB 3 PG 131 216 R0303300 $955.10 S22-42-30-003-0000-0070 2.94 AC HX OB0159P0592 YODER SCOTT ALLEN LOTS 7 + 8 COFFEE MILL HAMMOCK UNIT NO 1 GC PB 3 PG 131 217 R0303600 $304.72 S22-42-30-004-0000-0020 1.56 AC OB0116P0038 HENDRY W ALFRED + TRUDY M LOT 2 COFFEE MILL HAMMOCK UNIT NO 2 GC PB 4 PG 97 218 R0308300 $659.02 S26-42-30-001-0000-0570 .18AC OB0123P0623 HARLIN CHESTER D + EULAY LOT 57 RIVER OAKS SUB GC PB 3 PG 56 219 R0310900 $185.15 S26-42-30-001-0000-0920 .22 AC OB0234P0843 WILLIAMS STEPHEN LOTS 92 RIVER OAKS SUB GC PG 3 PG 56 220 R0311100 $513.75 S26-42-30-001-0000-0950 .22 AC HX OB0206P0586 DAVIS DONNA LOT 95 RIVER OAKS SUB GC PG 3 PG 56 221 R0311600 $446.24 S26-42-30-001-0000-1010 .22 AC HX OB0235P0758 BRUNER ERIE LOT 101 RIVER OAKS SUB GC PB 3 PG 56 222 R0312000 $681.47 S26-42-30-001-0000-1050 .21 AC HX OB0150P0442 MILLER DALE ROBERT + LOT 105 RIVER OAKS SUB GC PG 3 PG 56 223 R0313300 $188.94 S26-42-30-001-0000-1180 .17AC OB0211P1011 MANTZ TERRY E LOT 118 RIVER OAKS SUB GC PB 3 PG 56 224 R0314300 $122.75 S26-42-30-002-0000-0100 .14 AC HX OB0197P0186 NUGENT JOHN J + LOT 10 TURKEY CREEK SUB GC PB 3 PG 48 225 R0316300 $4103.52 S26-42-30-002-0000-0330 .39 AC OB0235P0209 GEISTMAN HUGO A JR LOT 33 TURKEY CREEK SUB GC PB 3 PG 48 226 R0317000 $2016.09 S26-42-30-002-0000-0420 .14AC OB0213P0059 GIESTMAN HUGO LOT 42 TURKEY CREEK SUB GC PB 3 PG 48 227 R0320800 $429.58 S27-42-30-001-000A-0010 .51 AC OB0165P0395 JONES THOMAS A + LOIS M BLK A LOTS 1 + 3 CANADA SUB GC PB 3 PG 45 228 R0321100 $118.59 S27-42-30-001-000A-0050 .25 AC OB0094P0673 HAECKEL MARION G BLK A LOT 5 CANADA SUB GC PB3 PG45 229 R0324400 $7560.86 S31-42-30-102-000B-0000 8.58 AC HX OB0244P0155 WILLIAMS GARY + TRACT B PORT LA BELLE UNIT 102 GC PB.3 PG 66 230 R0324800 $675.76 S31-42-30-102-000E-0000 .85 AC OB0215P0483 CHL HOLDINGS INC TRACT E PORT LA BELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 231 R0324900 $5951.61 S31-42-30-102-000F-0000 7.95 AC OB0215P0483 CHL HOLDINGS INC TRACT F PORT LA BELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 232 R0325000 $2829.82 S31-42-30-102-000G-0000 3.78 AC OB0215P0483 CHL HOLDINGS INC TRACT G PORT LA BELLE UNIT 102 GC PB3 PG 66 233 R0325200 $534.45 S31-42-30-102-0016-0010 SPALLONE JERRY BLK 16 LOT 1 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 234 R0326800 $423.37 S31-42-30-102-0016-0170 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 16 LOT 17 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 235 R0327300 $423.37 S31-42-30-102-0016-0220 GANGASINGH GAITRY BLK 16 LOT 22 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 236 R0327400 $423.84 S31-42-30-102-0016-0230 GANGASINGH GAITRY BLK 16 LOT 23 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 237 R0328200 $421.53 S31-42-30-102-0016-0310 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 16 LOT 31 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 238 R0328300 $421.53 S31-42-30-102-0016-0320 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 16 LOT,32 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 239 R0328900 $420.98 S31-42-30-102-0017-0020 RAWSON TIM BLK 17 LOT-2'PORT ABELLE UNIT.102 GO PB 3 PG 66. . 240 R0329200 $531.24 S31-42-30-102-0017-0050 JACOBS LOUISA MC LYMONT BLK 17 LOT 5 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 241 R0329300 $420.98 S31-42-30-102-0017-0060 MC LYMONT EUWART + BLK 17 LOT 6 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 242 R0330100 $422.45 S31-42-30-102-0017-0140 MARBRY SONNY, BLK 17 LOT 14 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 243 R0330200 $421.08 S31-42-30-102-0017-0150 MARBRY SONNY BLK 17 LOT 15 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 244 R0331200 $532.16 S31-42-30-102-0018-0050 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 18 LOT 5 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 245 R0332100 $534.10 S31-42-30-102-0018-0140 LINTON LORRIS + BLK 18 LOT 14 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 246 R0332300 $426.59 S31-42-30-102-0018-0160 CROOKS VIOLA E BLK 18 LOT 16 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 247 R0332400 $531.34 S31-42-30-102-0018-0170 NAPOLI EDWARD R BLK 18 LOT 17 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 248 R0334200 $534.10 S31-42-30-102-0018-0350 MC CORMACK WALTER G + BLK 18 LOT 35 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 249 R0335300 $420.98 S31-42-30-102-0019-0050 COSTOSO ENRIQUE + CARMEN BLK 19 LOT 5 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 250 R0336100 $396.40 S31-42-30-102-0020-0010 WHATLEY MARGARET W TRUSTEE BLK 20 LOT 1 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 251 R0337000 $531.34 S31-42-30-102-0020-0100 NICHOLLS DEBORAH G BLK 20 LOT 10 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 252 R0337100 $531.34 S31-42-30-102-0020-0110 BASTISTA NORME + CELESTE BLK 20 LOT 11 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 253 R0337500 $531.69 S31-42-30-102-0021-0030 NICHOLLS DEBORAH G BLK 21 LOT 3 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 254 R0338000 $422.35 S31-42-30-102-0021-0080 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 21 LOT 8 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 255 R0338300 $424.65 S31-42-30-102-0022-0030 NATION SYBIL+LINCOLN+ *JT BLK 22 LOT 3 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 256 R0340400 $531.34 S31-42-30-102-0022-0240 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 22 LOT 24 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 257 R0340700 $534.10 S31-42-30-102-0022-0270 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 22 LOT 27 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 258 R0342000 $532.26 S31-42-30-102-0022-0400 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 22 LOT 40 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 259 R0344600 $422.45 S31-42-30-102-0023-0210 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 23 LOT 21 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 260 R0345300 $427.05 S31-42-30-102-0023-0280 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 23 LOT 28 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG66 261 R0346300 $423.37 S31-42-30-102-0023-0380 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 23 LOT 38 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 262 R0346400 $421.08 S31-42-30-102-0023-0390 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 23 LOT 39 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 263 R0346500 $421.08 S31-42-30-102-0023-0400 WORLD O WORLD CORP BLK 23 LOT40 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 264 R0348100 $532.61 S31-42-30-102-0025-0030 WORLD 0 WORLD CORP BLK 25 LOT 3 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 265 R0348500 $531.24 S31-42-30-102-0025-0070 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 25 LOT 7 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 266 R0348600 $421.90 S31-42-30-102-0025-0080, CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 25 LOT 8 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 267 R0349500 $423.37 S31-42-30-102-0025-0170 WORLD O WORLD CORP BLK 25 LOT 17 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 268 R0349800 $531.34 S31-42-30-102-0025-0200 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 25 LOT 20 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 269 R0350200 $533.18 S31-42-30-102-0025-0240 KIRWAN JOHN S + BLK 25 LOT 24 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 270 R0351300 $424.29 S31-42-30-102-0025-0350 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 25 LOT 35 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB,3 PG 66 271 R0351400 $424.75 S31-42-30-102-0025-0360 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 25 LOT 36 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 272 R0351500 $424.29 S31-42-30-102-0025-0370 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 25 LOT 37 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 273 R0354100 $470.69 S31-42-30-102-0027-0110 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 27 LOT 11 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 274 R0355000 $531.24 S31-42-30-102-0028-0020 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 28 LOT 2 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 275 R0355200 $531.24 S31-42-30-102-0028-0040 R & P DEVELOPMENT LLC BLK 28 LOT 4 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 276- R0355400 $531.24 S31-42-30-102-0028-0060 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 28 LOT 6 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 277 R0360300 $532 26 S31-12.30.10 -0029-0270 CHL HOLDINGS INC ' BLK `9 LOT 27 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3' PG 66 278 R0361900 $422.82' S31-42-30-102-0030-0010 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 30 LOT 1 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 279 R0364200 $423.37 S31-42-30-102-0031-0150 WORLD O WORLD CORP BLK 31 LOT 15 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 280 R0364500 $420.98 S31-42-30-102-0032-0020 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 32 LOT 2 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 281 R0365500 $421.08 S31-42-30-102-0032-0120 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 32 LOT 12 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 282 R0366200 $421.53 S31-42-30-102-0032-0190 DAWKINS ICIDORAA ETALS * BLK 32 LOT 19 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 283 R0366900 $492.54 S31-42-30-102-0032-0260 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 32 LOT 26 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 284 R0368600 $531.34 S31-42-30-102-0032-0430 WALKER ESTELLE TRUSTEE BLK 32 LOT 43 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 285 R0368900 $420.98 S31-42-30-102-0033-0020 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 33 LOT 2 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 286 R0369000 $420.98 S31-42-30-102-0033-0030 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 33 LOT 3 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 287 R0369300 $425.12 S31-42-30-102-0033-0060 SETTER KEVIN P BLK 33 LOT 6 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 288 R0369600 $534.45 S31-42-30-102-0033-0090 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 33 LOT 9 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 289 R0370000 $534.45 S31-42-30-102-0034-0020 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 34 LOT 2 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 290 R0370300 $422.35 S31-42-30-102-0034-0050 COOKE JOAN BLK 34 LOT 5 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 291 R0371000 $420.98 S31-42-30-102-0035-0060 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 35 LOT 6 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 292 R0371100 $420.98 S31-42-30-102-0035-0070 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 35 LOT 7 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 293 R0371900 $421.08 S31-42-30-102-0035-0150 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 35 LOT 15 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 294 R0372400 $531.34 S31-42-30-102-0035-0200 ABDELHALIM BASMA - BLK 35 LOT 20 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 295 R0374300 $532.71 S31-42-30-102-0035-0390 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 35 LOT 39 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 296 R0374700 $532.71 S31-42-30-102-0035-0430 ABDELHALIM BASMA BLK 35 LOT 43 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 297 R0375700 $531.34 S31-42-30-102-0035-0530 ABDELHALIM BASMA BLK 35 LOT 53 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG66 298 R0376100 $421.08 S31-42-30-102-0035-0570 LEIVA LISBETH + BLK 35 LOT 57 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG66 299 R0376400 $532.71 S31-42-30-102-0035-0600 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 35 LOT 60 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG66 300 R0376500 $533.63 S31-42-30-102-0035-0610 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 35 LOT 61 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 301 R0376900 $533.63 S31-42-30-102-0035-0650 TUCKER WINSTON \ BLK 35 LOT 65 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 302 R0377500 $424.75 S31-42-30-102-0035-0710 CHL HOLDINGS INC + BASIL BLK 35 LOT 71 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 303 R0377600 $535.01 S31-42-30-102-0035-0720 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 35 LOT 72 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 304 R0377800 $423.84 S31-42-30-102-0035-0740 BIFANO ANTHONY M SUSAN BLK 35 LOT 74 PORT, LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 305 R0378200 $531.34 S31-42-30-102-0035-0780 FAGAN RITA C + BLK 35 LOT 78 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG '66 306 R0378900 $533.08 S31-42-30-102-0036-0040 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 36 LOT 4 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 307 R0379500 $421.53 S31-42-30-102-0036-0100 WORLD O WORLD CORP BLK 36 LOT 10 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 308 R0379900 $531.34 S31-42-30-102-0036-0140 WORLD O WORLD CORP BLK 36 LOT 14 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66, 309 R0380200 $422.55 S31-42-30-102-0036-0170 .25AC OB0116P0858 BRESLIN CHARLES E + WINIF BLK 36 LOT 17 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG66 310 R0381800 $427.41 S31-42-30-102-0038-0010 BAUGH CARL BLK 38 LOT 1 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 311 R0382700 $421.08 S31-42-30-102-0038-0100 WORLD O WORLD CORP BLK 38 LOT 10 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 312 R0383300 $421.08 S31-42-30-102-0038-0160 BRISCOE LLOYD R + JENETTA BLK 38 LOT 16 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 313 R0383600 $421.08 S31-42-30-102-0038-0190 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 38 LOT 19 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 314 R0383700 $531.34 S31-42-30-102-0038-0200 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 38 LOT 20 PORT '" LABELLE ulNIT 102 GC.PB3 " 315 R03Oj46 *$42429 .'' S31-42-30-102-0038-0240 MONGARELLA TERESAA + BLK 38 LOT 24 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 316 R0385700 $501.31 S31-42-30-102-0040-0010 IMPERIAL FINANCIAL + BLK 40 LOT 1 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 317 R0385800 $423.74 S31-42-30-102-0040-0020 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 40 LOT 2 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 318 R0387100 $421.53 S31-42-30-102-0040-0150 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 40 LOT 15 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 319 R0387500 $467.16- S31-42-30-102-0040-0190 IMPERIAL CAPITAL LLC BLK 40 LOT 19 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 320 R0387800 $424.29. S31-42-30-102-0040-0220 SMITH LINETH M + *JTROS* BLK 40 LOT 22 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 321 R0388100 $534.55 S31-42-30-102-0040-0250 WORLD O WORLD CORP BLK 40 LOT 25 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 322 R0389300 $421.08 S31-42-30-102-0040-0370 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 40 LOT 37 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 323 R0389400 $425.44 S31-42-30-102-0040-0380 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 40 LOT 38 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 324 R0390000 $395.12 S31-42-30-102-0040-0440 PILEGGI JOSEPH J BLK 40 LOT 44 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 325 R0391000 $422.45 S31-42-30-102-0040-0540 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 40 LOT 54 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 326 R0393100 $531.34 S31-42-30-102-0040-0750 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 40 LOT 75 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 327 R0394900 $420.98 S31-42-30-102-0041-0020 COMBS ROBERT H EST BLK 41 LOT 2 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 328 R0395300 $420.98 S31-42-30-102-0041-0060 CELIS RODELIA S BLK 41 LOT 6 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 329 R0396000 $422.45 S31-42-30-102-0041-0130 HARRIS JERLINE JONES + BLK 41 LOT 13 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG66 330 R0398800 $399.16 S31-42-30-102-0043-0030 CAPLING ASHLEY NICOLE BLK 43 LOT 3 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 331 R0399300 $427.87 S31-42-30-102-0043-0080 RICHARDSON RUPERT + BLK 43 LOT 8 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 332 R0400700 $425.18 S31-42-30-102-0045-0020 DAVID ARTURO L BLK 45 LOT 2 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 333 R0404000 $401.56 S31-42-30-102-0046-0280 KENWOOD HOMES INC BLK 46 LOT 28 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 334 R0407000 $532.16 S31-42-30-102-0048-0070 FLORENDO FRANCISCO + MARC BLK 48 LOT 7 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 335 R0407300 $531.34 S31-42-30-102-0048-0100 BENNETT MAXIMILIANO AGUST BLK 48 LOT 10 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 336 R0407500 $531.34 S31-42-30-102-0048-0120 WORLD O WORLD CORP BLK 48 LOT 12 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 337 R0407900 $421.08 S31-42-30-102-0048-0160 WORLD O WORLD CORP BLK48 LOT 16 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 338 R0408400 $421.08 S31-42-30-102-0048-0210 BAILIE RITAA+ BLK 48 LOT 21 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 339 R0409100 $421.08 S31-42-30-102-0048-0280 WITKOWSKI MICHAEL + BLK 48 LOT 28 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 340 R0409600 $531.24 S31-42-30-102-0049-0040 DALEY ANNETTE BLK 49 LOT 4 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 341 R0410200 $424.29 S31-42-30-102-0049-0100 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 49 LOT 10 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 342 R0410300 $421.08 S31-42-30-102-0049-0110 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 49 LOT 11 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 343 R0410900 $531.34 S31-42-30-102-0049-0170 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 49 LOT 17 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 344 R0412100 $421.08 S31-42-30-102-0050-0110 DALEYANNETTE BLK 50 LOT 11 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 345 R0413000 $420.98 S31-42-30-102-0051-0020 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 51 LOT 2 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 346 R0414400 $421.08 S31-42-30-102-0051-0170 BAXTER JANETTE A BLK 51 LOT 17 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 PGC PB 3 PG 66 347 R0415100 $1265.97 S31-42-30-102-0051-0240 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 51 LOTS 24 25 26 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 348 R0415200 $422.92 S31-42-30-102-0051-0270 WORLD O WORLD CORP BLK 51 LOT 27 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 349 R0415400 $422.35 S31-42-30-102-0052-0010 GOSIEN OSCAR R + MANUELIT BLK 52 LOT 1 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 350 R0416000 $421..43 S31-42-30-102-0052-0070 DACOSTA ESMILDA + BLK 52 LOT 7 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 351 R0416300 $422.45 S31-42-30-102-0052-0100 WOOD HERMAN L + MARY E BLK 52 LOT 10 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 352 R0416700 $532.71 S31-42-30-102-0052-0140 CHL HOLDINGS INC" BLK 52 LOT 14 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102GC'PB 3 - PG 66 353 R0416800 $422.45 S31-42-30-102-0052-0150 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 52 LOT 15 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 354 R0417100 $532.71 S31-42-30-102-0052-0180 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 52 LOT 18 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 355 R0417200 $532.71 S31-42-30-102-0052-0190 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 52 LOT 19 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 356 R0417300 $532.71 S31-42-30-102-0052-0200 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 52 LOT 20 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 357 R0417400 $532.71 S31-42-30-102-0052-0210 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 52 LOT 21 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 358 R0418700 $426.13 S31-42-30-102-0052-0340 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 52 LOT 34 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 359 R0419700 $424.29 S31-42-30-102-0052-0450 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 52 LOT 45 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 360 R0420400 $421.08 S31-42-30-102-0052-0520 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 52 LOT 52 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 361 R0421600 $531.34 S31-42-30-102-0052-0650 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 52 LOT 65 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 362 R0422500 $533.08 S31-42-30-102-0053-0040 BOLAND ALFRED + JANET *JT BLK 53 LOT 4 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 363 R0424300 $421.08 S31-42-30-102-0054-0120 CFS PROPERTIES INC BLK54 LOT 12 PORT LABELLE UNIT 1020GC PB 3 PG 66 364 R0424700 $531.69 S31-42-30-102-0055-0020 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 55 LOT 2 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 365 R0424800 $534.45 S31-42-30-102-0055-0030 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 55 LOT 3 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 366 R0425600 $531.34 S31-42-30-102-0055-0110 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 55 LOT 11 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 367 R0425700 $532.71 S31-42-30-102-0055-0120 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 55 LOT 12 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 368 R0427400 $531.24 S31-42-30-102-0056-0040 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 56 LOT 4 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 369 R0427600 $420.98 S31-42-30-102-0056-0060 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 56 LOT 6 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG66 370 R0427700 $535.37 S31-42-30-102-0056-0070 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 56 LOT 7 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 371 R0428300 $423.74 S31-42-30-102-0057-0060 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 57 LOT 6 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 372 R0430900 $420.98 S31-42-30-102-0058-0030 YEARWOOD BRYAN A BLK 58 LOT 3 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 373 R0431300 $434.52 S31-42-30-102-0058-0070 DE SOUSA JULIO + ELVIRA BLK 58 LOT 7 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 374 R0431700 $420.98 S31-42-30-102-0059-0020 DARIAS EDEL + BLK 59 LOT 2 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 375 R0432500 $421.53 S31-42-30-102-0059-0100 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 59 LOT 10 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 376 R0433900 $422.45 S31-42-30-102-0060-0120 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 60 LOT 12 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 377 R0434200 $531.34 S31-42-30-102-0060-0150 HOWELL BARRINGTON G+ANTHO BLK 60 LOT 15 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 378 R0436100 $532.16 S31-42-30-102-0061-0080 DENIS EMMANUEL P J + MARIA BLK 61 LOT 8 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 379 R0436300 $531.34 S31-42-30-102-0061-0100 WORLD O WORLD CORP BLK 61 LOT 10 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 380 R0436900 $420.98 S31-42-30-102-0062-0030 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 62 LOT 3 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 381 R0437000 $395.02 S31-42-30-102-0062-0040 SUKONTHORN SUNEE SRIRAKSA BLK 62 LOT 4 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 382 R0438600 $531.24 S31-42-30-102-0063-0030 , KELTING ERVIN + KANDIS BLK 63 LOT 3 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 383 R0438700 $420.98 S31-42-30-102-0063-0040 SPITH DEVELOPMENT LLC BLK 63 LOT 4 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 384 R0438800 $531.24 S31-42-30-102-0063-0050 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 63 LOT 5 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 385 R0439800 $534.10 S31-42-30-102-0063-0150 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 63 LOT 15 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 386 R0439900 $534.10 S31-42-30-102-0063-0160 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 63 LOT 16 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 387 R0440100 $535.94 S31-42-30-102-0063-0180 CASALE NEIL J + LINDA L BLK 63 LOT 18 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 388 R0440200 $535.94 S31-42-30-102-0063-0190 KEANE BRYAN - BLK 63 LOT 19 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 389 R0441600 $421.08 S31-42-30-102-0063-0330 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 63 LOT 33 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 390 R0442200 $422.45 S31-42-30-102-0063-0390 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 63 LOT 39 PORT LABEL UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66. : 391 R0443200. $531.34. S31-42-30-102-0063-0490 MC CORMACK WALTER G BLK 63 LOT 49 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 392 R0443400 $422.45 S31-42-30-102-0063-0510 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 63 LOT 51 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 393 R0443800 $421.08 S31-42-30-102-0063-0550 BROWNING MARK S BLK 63 LOT 55 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 394 R0443900 $421.08 S31-42-30-102-0063-0560 BROWNING MARK S BLK 63 LOT 56 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 395 R0444100 $531.34 S31-42-30-102-0063-0580 HALE BILLIE BLK 63 LOT 58 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 396 R0444200 $531.34 S31-42-30-102-0063-0590 HALE BILLIE BLK 63 LOT 59 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 397 R0444300 $422.45 S31-42-30-102-0063-0600 WALTERS RICARDO + RICARDO BLK 63 LOT 60 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 398 R0444600 $427.51 S31-42-30-102-0063-0630 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 63 LOT 63 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 399 R0444700 $426.03 S31-42-30-102-0064-0010 HUH IL KWON + HAE KYUNG BLK 64 LOT 1 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 400 R0447100 $531.24 S31-42-30-102-0066-0040 KELTIN ERVIN + KANDIS BLK 66 LOT 4 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 401 R0447200 $532.16 S31-42-30-102-0066-0050 IANNUCCI GIUSEPPE + BLK 66 LOT 5 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 402 R0447500 $531.24 S31-42-30-102-0066-0080 GONZALEZ MARIO + CYNTHIA BLK 66 LOT 8 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 403 R0447600 $420.98 S31-42-30-102-0066-0090 GONZALEZ MARIO + CYNTHIA BLK 66 LOT 9 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 404 R0447700 $536.85 S31-42-30-102-0066-0100 GONZALEZ MARIO + CYNTHIA BLK 66 LOT 10 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 405 R0448600 $421.08 S31-42-30-102-0066-0190 DALEY ANNETTE BLK 66 LOT 19 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 406 R0449000 $534.00 S31-42-30-102-0067-0030 MADARIAGA RAFAEL E + BLK 67 LOT 3 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 407 R0449100 $423.74 S31-42-30-102-0067-0040 MADARIAGA RAFAEL E + BLK 67 LOT 4 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 408 R0450900 $533.63 S31-42-30-102-0068-0160 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 68 LOT 16 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 409 R0452100 $421.08 S31-42-30-102-0068-0280 KELTING ERVIN + KANDIS BLK 68 LOT 28 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 Glades County Delinquent Tax List* M ay 11, 18, 25, 2006 3 410 R0452300 $421.08 S31-42-30-102-0068-0300 KELTING ERVIN + KANDIS BLK 68 LOT 30 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 411 R0452400 $531.34 S31-42-30-102-0068-0310 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 68 LOT 31 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 412 R0452500 $531.34 S31-42-30-102-0068-0320 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 68 LOT 32 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 413 R0452600 $536.39 S31-42-30-102-0068-0330 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 68 LOT 33 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 414 R0452700 $534.10 S31-42-30-102-0068-0340 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 68 LOT 34 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 415 R0453300 $422.92 S31-42-30-102-0068-0400 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 68 LOT 40 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 416 R0453700 $531.34 S31-42-30-102-0068-0440 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 68 LOT 44 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 417 R0455500 $421.08 S31-42-30-102-0068-0620 BAILIE LAWRENCE G + BLK 68 LOT 62 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 418 R0456200 $422.45 S31-42-30-102-0068-0690 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 68 LOT 69 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 419 R0456300 $422.45 S31-42-30-102-0068-0700 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 68 LOT 70 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 420 R0458600 $534.45 S31-42-30-102-0070-0010 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 70 LOT 1 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 421 R0459700 $421.08 S31-42-30-102-0070-0120 CHL HOLDINGS INC BLK 70 LOT 12 PORT LABELLE UNIT 102 GC PB 3 PG 66 422 R0479400 $53489.45 A34-41-31-A00-002C-0000 74.12 AC OB0161P0721 TERRA INVESTMENT GROUP IN COMM AT NW COR TH S 0 DEG 00 MIN 23 SEC W ALG W SEC LI 2879.89 FT TO POB TH CONT SOO DEG 00 MIN 23 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 423 R0480600 $1411.79 A34-41-31-U01-0000-0220 5.00 AC OB0231P0481 FARMS ARE US LLC LOT 22 UNREC JOHN B CT' 'v t' !;N 3 1/2 OF SEC 34 LYING W OF US HWY 27 TOTAL ACRES 5.00 M/L 424 R0483400 $2101.25 A03-42-31-A00-0040-0000 7.25 AC OB0214P0980 ENDO CARLOS A THE E 1/2 OF THE N 990 FT OF THE E 1/2 OF THE NW 1/4 OF THESE 1/4 OF SEC 3 TWNS 42 RANGE 31 LESS (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 425 R0492800 $1300.60 A21-42-31-A00-0030-0000 10.00 AC OB0122P0837 SCHLATHER LEONARD HENRY E W 1/4 OF NE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 TOTALACRES 10.00 426 R0494100 $2265.15 A24-42-31-A00-0010-0000 303.56 AC OB0140P0312 P 2 BRONSON STANLEY T TRUSTEE WEST 2472.99 F- OF*F E4 c,- , 4855.37 FTfOF SElC 4 ' TOGETHER WITH EASEMENT FOR INGRESS + EGRESS TOTAL ACRES 303.56 427 R0494400 $3509.20 A25-42-31-A01-001A-0000 222.78 AC OB0140P0312 BRONSON STANLEY T TRUSTEE TOTAL ACRES 222.78 WEST 2472.99 FT OF EAST 4855.37 FT LYING NORTH OF C-43 R/W IN SEC 25 TO- (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 428 R0500600 $651.15 A32-42-31-A00-001 B-0000 22.80 AC OB0160P0988 NAPOLI EDWARD R COMM AT SE COR OF SEC 32 THN N00 DEG 03 MIN 01 SEC W 50 FTALG E LINE OF SEC 32 TO N R/W LINE OF ST RD (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 429 R0502200 $1357.21 A32-42-31-A00-0140-0000 23.25 AC HX OB0241 P0770 RODRIGUEZ ELINA E BEG NW COR SEC 32 TH S 89DEG 55MIN 21SEC EALG N LI SAID SEC 1200.00 FT TH S 00DEG 08 MIN 59SEC W (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 430 R0503300 $371.18 A33-42-31-A00-001 D-0000 14.00 AC HX OB0239P0598 RED-HEAD DREAMS HOLDINGS COMM AT SW TH N OODEG 02MIN 55SEC W 50 FT TO N R/W OF S/R 80TH N 89DEG 59MIN 03SEC E 928. 88 FT (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 431 R0507100 $1121.19 S28-42-31-001-0000-0030 STONE DENNIS L + HANNELOR LOT 3 INDIAN HILLS SUB GC PB 3 PG 39 432 R0508100 $1121.19 S28-42-31-001-0000-0130 STONE DENNIS TRUSTEE LOT 13 INDIAN HILLS SUB GC PB 3 PG 39 433 R0508200 $2422.65 S28-42-31-001-0000-0140 STONE DENNIS L LOT 14 INDIAN HILLS SUB GC PB 3 PG 39 434 R0511700 $146.39 S28-42-31-002-000A-0230 NAPOLI EDWARD R BLK A LOT 23 INDIAN HILLS NO 2 SUB GC PB 3 PGS 53 + 54 435 R0513800 $1014.66 S28-42-31-002-000B-0010 AC HX OB0141P0040 SMITH THOMAS E EST + BLK B LOTS 1 + 2 INDIAN HILLS NO 2 SUB GC PB 3 PGS 53 + 54 436 R0514000 $146.39 S28-42-31-002-000B-0040 NAPOLI EDWARD R BLK B LOT4 INDIAN HILLS NO 2 SUB GC PB 3 PGS 53 + 54 437 R0514100 $109.96 S28-42-31-002-000B-0050 SMITH THOMAS E + BRENDA J BLK B LOT 5 INDIAN HILLS NO 2 SUB GC PB 3 PGS 53 + 54 438 R0514300 $109.96 S28-42-31-002-000B-0070 MC DANIEL MIKE T + BELIND BLK B LOT 7 INDIAN HILLS NO 2 SUB GC PB 3 PGS 53 + 54 439 R0515500 $124.52 S28-42-31-002-000C-0010 WOODWARD JAMES Q + BLK C LOT 1 INDIAN HILLS NO 2 SUB GC PB 3 PGS 53 + 54 440 R0515600 $146.39 S28-42-31-002-000C-0020 WOODWARD JAMES Q + BLK C LOT 2 INDIAN HILLS NO 2 SUB GC PB 3 PGS 53 + 54 441 R0517900 $146.39 S28-42-31-002-000C-0270 BENTLEY WILLIE C + BLK C LOT 27 INDIAN HILLS NO 2 SUB GC PB 3 PGS 53 + 54 442 R0519500 $48.90 S32-42-31-001-000A-011A NORTON DEBRA F BLKAN 1/2 OF LOT 11 HORSESHOE ACRES GC PB 3 PGS 49 + 50 443 R0519700 $96.97 S32-42-31-001-000A-0120 NORTON DEBRA F BLKA LOT 12 HORSESHOE ACRES GC PB 3 PGS 49 + 50 444 R0520400 $96.97 S32-42-31-001-OOOA-0210 WALDEN PROPERTIES LLC BLK A LOT 21 HORSESHOE ACRES GC PB 3 PGS 49+ 50 445 R0520500 $252.36 S32-42-31-001-000B-0010 AC HX OB0172P0835 HOLLERAN T J + BLK B LOT 1 + E 1/2 OF LOT 2 HORSESHOE ACRES GC PB 3 PGS 49 + 50 446 R0522300 $145.26 S32-42-31-001-000E-0080 WALDEN PROPERTIES LLC BLK E LOT 8 + W 1/2 OF 7 HORSESHOE ACRES GC PB 3 PGS 49+ 50 447 R0523000 $48.90 S32-42-31-001-OOOF-0050 ALLEN KIM E 1/2 INT + BLK F E 1/2 OF LOT 5- HORSESHOE ACRES GC PB 3 PGS 49 + 50 448 R0523100 $77.89 S32-42-31-001-000F-0060 ALLEN KIM E 1/2 INT + BLK F LOT 6 LESS S'LY PART PER OR 191 PG 967 HORSESHOE ACRES GC PB 3 PG 49 + 50 449 R0523300 $145.26 S32-42-31-001-00F-0080 NAPOLI EDWARD R BLK F LOT 8 + E 1/2 OF LOT 9 HORSESHOE ACRES GC PB 3 PGS 49 + 50 450 R0523700 $145.26 S32-42-31-0d1-000F-0140 NAPOLI EDWARD R BLK F LOT 14 + E 1/2 OF LOT 13HORSESHOE ACRES GC ,PB 3 PGS 49 + 50 . 451 R0525200 $649.51 S32-42-31-001-000H-0030 STEVENS DAVID + BLK H LOT 3 + S 10 FT OF LOT 2+ N 1/2 OF LOT 4 HORSESHOE ACRES GC PG 3 PGS 49 + 50 452 R0525500 $926.33 S32-42-31-001-OOH-0080 MALDONADO ASFRED + BLK H LOTS 8 + 9 HORSESHOE ACRES GC PB 3 PGS 49 + 50 453 R0528800 $145.26 S32-42-31-001-000M-0120 NAPOLI EDWARD R BLK M LOT 12 + W 1/2 OF LOT 13HORSESHOE ACRES GC PB 3 PGS 49 + 50 454 R0528900 $48.90 S32-42-31-001-000M-0130 NAPOLI EDWARD R BLK M E 1/2 OF LOT 13 HORSESHOE ACRES GC PB 3 PGS 49 + 50 455 R0529500 $624.52 S32-42-31-001-000N-0090. AMBRIANO LEONARD A BLK N LOT 9 + 8 LESS E'LY 45FTHORSESHOE ACRES GC PB 3 PG 49 + 50 456 R0529600 $371.92 S32-42-31-001-000N-0100 AMBRIANO LEONARD A BLK N LOT 10 + 11 HORSESHOE ACRES GC PB 3 PGS 49 + 50 457 R0530000 $164.61 S32-42-31-001-0000-0070 SCHMIDT MARKUS BLK O LOT 6 LESS N'LY 26.90 FTPER OR 92-941 + LOT 7 HORSESHOE ACRES GC PB 3 PGS 49 + 50 458 R0543600 $7.43 S11-39-32-001-0173-0230 HILL ELIZABETH MARSH BLK 173 LOTS 23 + 24 ALFORD CITY SUB GC PB 2 PGS 41 42 43 44 459 R0543700 $4.06 S11-39-32-001-0193-0110 LEADER EDWARD + SAMARIA BLK 193 LOT 11 ALFORD CITY SUB GC PB 2 PGS 41 424344 460 R0547200 $4621.46 13-10.32, *. -0f.D-, 000 .,. 95 AC OBi:0225P0372 SHETLEY .MICHAEL C , l5 13T.05 R 2Ei 1 00 AC MeL COMM AT CONC MON AT INTERSEC OF E LI ST LOT 2 AND 17 FT CONTOUR LI AT (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 461 R0549600 $566.70 A13-40-32-A00-011H-0000 .48 AC OB0189P0515 JERKINS MARY JAYNE TRUSTEE PAR BY MTS + BDS LYING IN SECS 13 + 24-40-32 DESC AS FROM'ST PIPE MARKING' NW COR OF SEC 24 RUN N 89 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) S462 R0552100 $262.81 A13-40-32-U01-000B-0120 .12AC OB0111P0359 PITTS JAMES R + TERRY H BLK B LOT 12 UNREC CLICK SUB IN ST LOT 1 463 R0553700 $1210.86 A13-40-32-U03-0000-0110 .15AC OB0123P0187 ISOM DAVID ALLEN LOT 11 UNREC HARRY O TRAYLOR SUB S OF SR 721 464 R0556300 $457.35 A13-40-32-U04-0000-0220 .38 AC OB0066P0644 BLANTON SAM B + DORIS O LOTS 22 + 23 UNREC ROGER SWANSON SUB IN ST LOT 3 465 R0564100 $415.47 A21-40-32-A00-012A-0000 .35AC OB0231P0948 TAYLOR MATTHEW B COMM NW COR OF NW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 SEC 21 40 32 TH S 01 DEG 02 MIN WALG W LI OF SAID NW 1/4 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 466 R0564300 $122.02 A21-40-32-A00-012C-0000 .13AC OB0231P0948 TAYLOR MATTHEW B COMM NW COR OF NW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF SEC 21-40-32 TH S 01 DEG 02 MIN W ALG W LI OF SAID NW (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 467 R0567100 $411.61 A21-40-32-A00-0180-0010 .82 AC OB0212P0147 PLATT RICHARD I JR A PARCEL OF LAND IN SEC 21 TWNP 40S RNG 32E DESC AS: COMM AT THE NW CORNER OF THE S1/2 OF THE S1/2 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 468 R0569200 $2559.92 A22-40-32-A00-0060-0000 10.69 AC HX OB0165P1071 BRANTHOOVER WM A SR + ALL FRAC N OFALI PARA WITH + 600 FT N+S OF A LI PARA WITH + 952 FT N OF S LI OF SAID SEC EXC .35 A (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 469 R0570500 $1423.19 A23-40-32-A00-0020-0000 8.49 AC HX OB0190P0890 BAILEY CLYDE E JR + BEG AT NW COR OF ST LOT 3 RUN S 852 FT E 141.8 FT TH S AT RIGHT ANGLES 490 FT TO C/L OF ST RD TH ELY (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 470 R0578900 $3957.76 A23-40-32-U01-00OF-0060 .26 AC OB0242P0739 MATCHEKOSKY WILLIAM + BLK F LOTS 6 + 7 J S CLICK UNREC SUB IN ST LOT 3 471 R0580300 $1322.29 A23-40-32-U01-0001-0010 .17AC OB0103P0886 HORTON JAMES A JR BLK I LOT 1 J S CLICK UNREC SUB 472 R0580400 $1014.99 A23-40-32-U01-0001-0020 .14 AC OB0216P0053 WENTZEL TED P JR + BLK I LOT 2 J S CLICK UNREC SUB 473 R0582100 $831.69 A23-40-32-U01-000K-0050 .14 AC OB0238P0223 MOSER JAMES M BLK K LOT 5 JS CLICK UNREC SUB 474 R0582900 $3568.94 A23-40-32-U02-0000-0010 .46AC OB0215P1034 ACREE WILLIAM + CYNTHIA LOTS 1 2 OF M G ATCHLEY S/D UNRECD AND A 3 FT STRIP ALG THE WEST SIDE THEREOF ALSO THE N 170 FT (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 475 R0588900 $1381.15 A24-40-32-U01-0000-0070 .21 AC OB0117P0229 KOVERMAN ROBERT R + RUTH LOT 7 UNREC ROGER SWANSON SUB IN SEC24 S OF SR 721 PER OR 42-87 476 R0589500 $4491.87 A24-40-32-U01-0000-0130 SHELLEY LINDA R LOT 13 UNREC ROGER SWANSON SUB IN SEC 24 S OF SR 721 477 R0591000 $352.77 A24-40-32-U02-0000-0140 .25 AC HX OB0083P0334 THOMAS FRANK SHERMAN LOT 14 UNREC ROGER SWANSON SUB IN SEC 24 N OF ST RD 721 478 R0593200 $215.88 A28-40-32-AO0050-0000 .72 AC HX 0B0117P0313 BECK DAVID A BEG AT NW COR OF NE 1/4 TH S ALG N-S 1/4 LI 543 FTTO POB TH CONT 140 FT TH E 225 FT TH N 140 FT (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 479 R0593300 $1042.87 A28-40-32-A00-006A-0000 1.00 AC OB0235P0102 HARDEN RANDY C + S28 T40S R32E 1.00 AC M/L COMM AT NW COR OF NW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 TH S 01DEG 34 MIN 45SEC W 1340 FTTO (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 480 R0593400 $49.06 A28-40-32-A00-006C-0000 13.00 AC OB0170P1054 BRENDEL JAMES C BEG N 1/4 COR SEC 28 TH S01 DEG 34 MIN 16 SEC W ALG N-S 1/4 LI 990 FTTO POB TH N89 DEG 56 MIN 02 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 481 R0594000 $235.76 A28-40-32-AOO-009C-000 AC HX OB0159P0980 BEECHAM ANGELA D + COMM AT THE NW COR OF SEC 28 THN S 01 DEG 10 MIN 30 SEC WA DISTANCE OF 35.01 FT THN N 89 DEG 58 MIN 06 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 482 R0594200 $762.68 A28-40-32-A00-009D-0010 AC HX OB0207P1022 LUCAS JESSICA J COMM AT THE NW COR OF SEC 28 THN S 01 DEG 10 MIN 30 SEC W TO THE INTERSECTION WITH THE SOUTH R/W OF CR (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 483 R0595000 $1355.00 A28-40-32-A00-010C-0010 FENTON DARLENE COMM AT 5/8" RBAR MARKING CENTER OF SEC 28 THN N01 DEG 35 MIN 17 SEC EALG 1/4 LINE 489.42 FTTO SE (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 484 R0595100 $33.69 A28-40-32-A00-010C-002A .11 AC OB0216P0497 BAY DARIEL COMM AT CENTER OF SEC 28 THN N01 DEG 35 MIN 17 SEC E 709.42FT TO POB THN CONT N 01 DEG 35 MIN 17 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 485 R0596900 $4.11 A28-40-32-A00-012B-0030 .93AC OB0170P1054 BRENDEL JAMES C + K JANE S28 T40S R32E .93 AC M/L COMM AT THE N 1/4 COR OF SEC 28 THN S 01 DEG 34 MIN 16 SEC W 1975.07 FT, (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 486 R0598600 $352.80 .A29-40-32-AOO-001C-0010 AC HX OB0073P0947 BROWN AVANT W + FROM A PT LYING 42.85 FT S + 70 FT W OF NE SEC COR RUN S 89 DEG 52 MIN W' 3166.23 FTTH S 01 DEG 10 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 487 R0599100 $279.21 A29-40-32-A00-001F-0020 9.03 AC HX OB0069P0931 BROWN KENNETH A + FROM PT LYING 42.85 FT S + 70 FT W OF NE SEtC COR RUN S 89 DEG 52 MIN W 3642.55 FT FOR POB TH (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 488 R0599700 $321,23 .,.'.. A29-40-32-A00-0020-0000 1.00AC HXOB0202P0461ic ,rr BEECHAM ROXANNE BEG AT A PT 165 FT E FROM NW COR OF NE 1/4 RUN E 165 FT S 264 FT W 165 FT N 264 FT TO POB 489 R0601900 $1243.88 S13-40-32-002-000B-0010 STEPHENS OWEN L BLK B LOTS 1 2 3 4 PALM RIDGE SUB GC PB 3 PG 33 490 R0602200 $43.76 S13-40-32-002-000C-0030 AC HX OB0206P0693 BROWN FRANK G III + BLK C LOTS 3 + 4 PALM RIDGE SUB GC PB 3 PG 33 491 R0603400 $1152.80 S13-40-32-002-000F-0030 .34AC HX OB0193P0492 CARTER NELDA J BLK F LOTS 3 4 5 PALM RIDGE SUB GC PB 3 PG 33 492 R0603600 $395.67 S13-40-32-002-000F-0070 .17 AC OB0082P0256 JOHNS DEBORAH A BLK F LOTS 7 + N 1/2 OF LOT 8 PALM RIDGE SUB GC PB 3 PG 33 493 R0608500 $1.83 S13-40-32-006-0000-OAO - MILLER CHRISTOPHER F LAKE AREA OF SON RISE LAKE SUBGC PB 4 PGS 111-112 7.28 ACS 494 R0611400 $235.55 S13-40-32-006-0000-0400 .27 AC HX OB0124P0685 TUCKER ROBERT G LOT 40 SON RISE LAKE SUB GC PB 4 PGS 111-112 495 R0614400 $1.83 S14-40-32-001-0000-OOAO MILLER CHRISTOPHER F LAKE AREA OF SON RISE LAKE SUB11 GC PB 4 PGS 123-124 496 R0627200 $537.79 S28-40-32-002-000A-0180 .11 AC OB0227P0731 MURPHY THOMAS P 1/2 INT+ SECTION A UNIT 18 FISHEATING BAY CONDO 497 R0632700 $383.99 528-40-32-004-0000-00AO AC HX OB0205P0239 LYONS PETRA K + TRACT A FISHEATING BAY EST UNIT III GC PB 4 PG 127 498 R0637400 $111.27 S28-40-32-005-0000-0080 .24 AC HX OB0208P0703 HAYWOOD DEBORAH J LOT 8 RED HARRIS ACRES GC PB 4 PG 136 499 R0647600 $227.84 A02-42-32-U04-0000-0010 .35 AC HX OB0153P0849 GAYLE WINSTON EVASLEY + LOT 1 UNREC LATUM SUB OF TRS 1 + 2 PER OR 63-151 500 R0648200 $513.49 A02-42-32-U04-0000-0070 .47 AC HX OB0185P0354 PARKER BEVERLY D LOTS 7 + 9 UNREC LATUM SUB OF TRS 1 + 2 501 R0648300 $197.68 A02-42-32-U04-0000-0080 .48 AC OB0170P0508 MC PERSON HELEN M LOTS 8 + 10 UNREC LATUM SUB OF TRS 1 + 2 502 R0648400 $72.11 A02-42-32-U04-0000-0110 .21 AC HX OB0202P0545 BASQUET DOROTHY LOT 11 UNREC LATUM SUB OF TRS 1 + 2 PER OR 63-154 503 R0648600 $467.96 A02-42-32-U04-0000-0130 .21 AC OB0198P0536 HARRIS DOROTHY LOT 13 UNREC LATUM SUB OF TRS 1 + 2 504 R0649000 $124.72 A02-42-32-U04-0000-0180 .24 AC OB0093P0410 BROWN BOBBY LEE + LOT 18 UNREC LATUM SUB OF TRS 1 + 2 505 R0649200 $30.96 A02-42-32-U04-0000-0200 .24 AC OB0228P1040 HARRIS DOROTHY LOT 20 UNREC LATUM SUB OF TRS 1 + 2 506 R0649400 $46.42 A02-42-32-U04-0000-0220 .24AC OB0126P0588 BROWN BOBBY LEE LOT 22 UNREC LATUM SUB OF TRS 1 +2 507 R0649500 $327.76 A02-42-32-U04-0000-0230 .21 AC OB0063P0155 WILLIAMS LESSIE MAE LOT23 UNREC LATUM SUB OF TRS 1 + 2 PER 63-155 508 R0649600 $4.34 A02-42-32-U04-0000-0240 .02AC OB0228P1042 HARRIS DOROTHY LOT 24 UNREC LATUM SUB OF TRS 1 +2 509 R0653400 $1518.48 A0942-32-AOO-001A-0000 1.20 AC OB0197P0081 WOOD RALPH E TRUST BEG AT PT ON THE SE SEC COR WHERE IT INTERSECTS WITH N R/W LI OF SR 25 + W RAW LI OF SR 78 RUN N (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 510 R0654600 $3206.35 A10-42-32-AOO-004A-0000 6.91 AC OB0226P0770 MOORE HAVEN ESTATES LLC COMM AT INTERSEC OF E SEC LI + N R/W LI OF SR 25 RUN WLYALG R/W LI 20 FT FOR POB CONT WLY ALG R/W (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 511 R0654700 $1591.79 A10-42-32-A00-004B-0000 4.51 AC OB0226P0770 MOORE HAVEN ESTATES LLC PAR 400 FT BY 500 FT LYING IN SW COR OF SW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 EXC SR 25 R/W TRAILER PARK 512 R0654800 $14212.40 A10-42-32-A00-0040-0000 63.41 AC OB0226P0770 MOORE HAVEN ESTATES LLC SE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 + SW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 + S 367.5 FT OF W 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 EXC 400 FT BY 800 FT (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 513 R0657400 $887.85 A10-42-32-A01-008A-0000 .94 AC HX OB0166P0857 PALLADINO JOSEPH + BEGIN AT NW COR OF TR 44 TH RUN S 105 FTTH E 415 FT TH N 105 FTTH W 415 FT TO POB + THE S 25 FT (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 514 R0658500 $9216.51 A11-42-32-A00-0010-0000 29.44 AC OB0238P0877 CHL HOLDINGS INC COMM AT NE COR OF SEC 11 TH S 89DEG 19MIN 19SEC W ALG N LI OF SEC 355.24 FT TO INTERSECTION WITH W (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 515 R0661200 $4048.60 A12-42-32-A00-0060-0000 9.03 AC OB0242P0067 INTERNATIONAL PROPERTIES 9.03 ACRES BY MTS & BDS BEING SPORTSMANS VILLAGE CONDO II & III AS DESC IN DECLARATION OF CONDO PER 'OR BK 98 PAGES 457-458 516 R0666000 $149.26 A12-42-32-A01-003A-0000 .36 AC HX OB0208P0361 DEVINE CHARLES J + S 100 FT OF W 1/2 OF LOT 3 GEORGE & GRAM SUBDIVISION OF TRS 5 + 6 517 R0666100 $211.49 A12-42-32-A01-0030-0000 .47 AC OB0226P0785 DEVINE CHARLES J + E 1/2 OF LOT 3 GEO + GRAM AUB OF TRACTS 5 +6 518 R0667400 $1143.49 A12-42-32-A01-0190-0000 AC HX OB0168P0977 ESPINOSA BURNEY A+ LOT 19 GEORGE + GRAM SUB OF TRS 5 + 6DC PB 3 PG 43 519 R0668800 $295.75 A12-42-32-U02-0000-0050 .22 AC OB0190P0956 CARDENAS FRANCISCO LOT 5 + 6 UNREC R B BOWDEN SUB IN SW 1/4 520 R0669700 $649.64 A12-42-32TU02-0000-0210 . .15 AC OB0243P0906 PALLADINO LAWRENCE,*., LOT 21 uNREC R B BOWDEN bu;5; 4YW 114 521 R0669800 $1163.09 A12-42-32-U02-0000-0220 .26 AC OB0243P0906 PALLADINO LAWRENCE + LOT 22 UNREC R B BOWDEN SUB IN SW 1/4 522 R0670000 $1235.77 A12-42-32-U02-0000-0240 1.16 AC HX OB0178P1046 PALLADINO DAVID W + LOT 24 UNREC R B BOWDEN SUB IN SW 1/4 523 R0670500 $1623.69 A12-42-32-U02-0000-0280 1.01 AC OB0229P0674 VIGIL NOEL LOT 28 UNREC R B BOWDEN SUB IN SW 1/4 SEC 12 T42S R32E DESC AS COMM AT SW COR SEC 12 TH N029'31"E (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 524 R0670700 $569.78 A12-42-32-U02-0000-0300 1.16AC OB0205P0014 PALLADINO JOSEPH D + LOT 30 UNREC R B BOWDEN SUB IN SW 1/4 525 R0670800 $192.85 A12-42-32-U02-0000-0310 1.08AC HX OB0137P1017 DIONNE DELORES CHRISTINE LOT 31 UNREC R B BOWDEN SUB IN SW 1/4 PAGE 526 R0671300 $281.93 A12-42-32-U02-0000-036A 1.67 AC HX OB0189P0996 HERNANDEZ BESSIE JO LOT 36 EXC E 244 FT UNRECD R B BOWDEN S/D 527 R0672700 $465.42 A13-42-32-A00-009D-0000 .54 AC HA OB0219P0524 JOHNSON MICHAELALLEN + N 100 FT OF THE W 40 FT OF LOT D + N 100 FT OF THE E 60 FT OF LOT C + W 10 FT OF N 100 FT OF E 70 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 528 R0676700 $455.46 A13-42-32-A00-026A-0000 .14 AC OB0119P0222 DOTSON KATHERINE EST FROM APT WHERE S LI OF TR 28 INTERSECS E R/W LI OF US 27 RUN E ALG S LI OF TR 28 113 FTTO POB TH (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 529 R0677500 $359.77 A13-42-32-A00-026J-0000 .26AC OB0241P0419 WIGGINS BRENDA PAR IN TR 28 SOUTH FLORIDA FARMS CO SUB DC PB 3 PG 32 DESC AS FROM PT WHERE S LINE OF TR 28 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 530 R0679900 $1710.07 A14-42-32-A00-0060-0000 .75 AC HX OB0210P0873 PLANT JODI BEG AT THE NW COR OF PAR CRS + RUN SWLYALG CAL CANAL R/W LI 284.01 FT TH E 200 FTTH NELY PARA TO (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 531 R0680900 $2735.15 A14-42-32-A00-0160-0000 SANFORD JEFFREY N + COMM AT NW COR OF TR 2 TH N 89DEG 48MIN 04SEC E ALG N BDRY OF TR 2 1230 FT TO POB TH CONT N 89DEG 48MIN (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 532 R0689000 $1820.40 A22-42-32-U02-0000-002A 1.58AC OB0217P1021 GATES VICTOR B N'ELY 132.17 FT OF LOT 2 + LOT3 LESS THE N'ELY 50.34 FT THEREOF R B BOWDEN SUB OF LOTS17 18 22 + PT OF 21 533 R0696400 $7703.54 A36-42-32-A00-001A-0000 28.64 AC OB0208P0088 LLERENA ENTERPRISES GROUP BEG SLI OF SEC 36AND E R/W LI OF UN 27 AS POB TH N 00DEG 33MIN 06SEC E ALG SAID R/W LI 1958.75 FT TH (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 534 R0696600 $2900.21 A36-42-32-A00-001B-0000 21.56 AC OB0206P0729 LLERENA ENTERPRISES GROUP S36 T42S R32E COMM AT NW COR SEC 1 T43S R32E TH S88e36'39"EALNG N BNDRY OF SEC 1 4677.24 FT TH (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 535 R0696900 $14318.19 A36-42-32-AOO-001D-0000 106.47 AC OB0223P0738 LLERENA ENTERPRISES GROUP COM NE COR SEC 36TH S 00DEG 25MIN 05SEC WALG E LI 1764.00FT TO POB TH CONT S 00DEG 25 MIN 05SEC (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 536 R0697100 $6530.95 A36-42-32-AO0-001 D-0020 24.28 AC OB0210P0649 LLERENA ENTERPRISES GROUP SEC 36 TWNP 42S RNG 32E COMM AT NE CORNER OF SEC 30 T42S R 32E TH S00e2505"W ALG E LINE OF (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 537 R0697900 $546.43 S02-42-32-001-0001-0010 .25 AC OB0222P0386 ACE HOUSING INC BLK 1 LOTS 1 234 LAKEVIEW SUB DC PB 2 PG 166 538 R0698100 $14.57 S02-42-32-001-0001-0080 .06 AC OB0227P0273 HARRIS DOROTHY + BLK 1 LOT 8 LAKEVIEW SUB GC PB2 PG 166 539 R0698300 $16.84 S02-42-32-001-0001-0110 .06 AC OB0068P0402 HAMPTON WILMA FAYE ALLEN BLK 1 LOT 11 LAKEVIEW SUB DC PB 2 PG 166 540 R0699600 $542.85 S02-42-32-001-0003-0010 .12 AC OB0222P0386 ACE HOUSING INC BLK 3 LOTS 1 + 2 LAKEVIEW SUB DC PB 2 PG 166 541 R0699700 $152.53 S02-42-32-001-0003-0030 .06 AC OB0222P0386 ACE HOUSING INC BLK 3 LOT 3 LAKEVIEW SUB DC PB 2 PG 166 542 R0700400 $139.03 S02-42-32-001-0003-0170 .18 AC HX OB0149P0831 KELLY PRISCILLAA+ BLK 3 LOTS 17 18 19 LAKEVIEW SUB DC PB 2 PG 166 543 R0701100 $14.57 S02-42-32-001-0004-0090 .06 AC SMITH JAMES JR BLK 4 LOT 9 LAKEVIEW SUB DC PB 2 PG 166 544 R0701400 $323.96 S02-42-32-001-0004-0130 .24 AC HX OB0188P0875 PARKER MARILYN MICHELLE + BLK 4 LOTS 13 14 15 16 LAKEVIEW SUB DC PB 2 PG 166 545 R0702100 $682.06 S02-42-32-001-0005-0100 .18 AC OB0117P0276 BELL LEE BERTA + BLK 5 LOTS 10 11 12 LAKEVIEW SUB DC PB 2 PG 166 546 R0702600 $28.54 S02-42-32-001-0006-0100 .12AC OB0226P0237 LOCKHEART WINDEY BLK 6 LOTS 10 + 11 LAKEVIEW SUB DC PB 2 PG 166 547 R0703400 $34.68 S02-42-32-001-0007-0140 .19AC OB0057P0055 PELZER HAROLD EST + BLK 7 LOTS 14 15 16 LAKEVIEW SUB GC PB 2 PG 166 548 R0703800 $664.57 S02-42-32-001-0007-0200 .12AC OB0190P0326 DAMES PEARL INEZ + BLK 7 LOTS 20 + 21 LAKEVIEW SUB DC PB 2 PG 166 549 R0703900 $174.51 S02-42-32-001-0007-0220 .06AC OB0228P1041 HARRIS DOROTHY BLK 7 LOT 22 LAKEVIEW SUB DC PB 2 PG 166 550 R0704000 $156.36 S02-42-32-001-0007-0230 .06 AC OB0239P0634 GRAY THOMAS C BLK 7 LOT 23 LAKEVIEW SUB DC PB 2 PG 166 551 R0704500 $978.18 S02-42-32-001-0008-0030 .12 AC OB0140P1031 HUNTER CLARENCE G BLK 8 LOTS 3 +4 LAKEVIEW SUB DC PB 2 PG 166 552 R0705500 $386.08 S02-42-32-001-0008-0230 .12 AC OB0146P0769 GREEN BERTHA L BLK 8 LOTS 23 + 24 LAKEVIEW SUB DC PB 2 PG 166 553 R0705600 $14.57 S02-42-32-001-0008-0250 .06 AC OB0228P0347 HARRIS DOROTHY BLK 8 LOT 25 LAKEVIEW SUB DC PB 2 PG 166 554 R0705800 $33.08 S02-42-32-001-0008-0270 .12AC OB0224P0887 HALL WILLIE + BLK 8 LOTS 27 + 28 LAKEVIEW SUB DC PB 2 PG 166 555 R0706200 $124.16 S02-42-32-001-0009-0060 .18AC OB0052P0317 REESE SARAH L BLK 9 LOTS 6 7 8 LAKEVIEW SUB DC PB 2 PG 166 556 R0707100 $28.54 S02-42-32-001-0009-0250 .12AC OB0068P0402 HAMPTON WILMA FAYE ALLEN BLK 9 LOTS 25 + 26 LAKEVIEW SUB DC PB 2 PG 166 557 R0708300 $125.87 S02-42-32-002-0002-0060 .43 AC OB0188P0222 HOWARD ALFRED + WINIFRED BLK 2 LOTS 6 THRU 15 LAKESIDE SUB DC PB 3 PG 41 558 R0708400 $217.99 S02-42-32-002-0002-0160 .13 AC HX OB0210P0969 CAMPBELL LENORA BLK 2 LOTS 16 17 18- LAKESIDE SUB DC PB 3 PG 41 559 R0708700 $45.07 S02-42-32-002-0003-0060 .04 AC OB0077P0198 FOSTER LENORA M BLK 3 LOT 6 LAKESIDE SUB DC PB 3 PG 41 560 R0709100 $24.91 S02-42-32-002-0004-0010 .08AC OB0191P0697 BULLARD REUBEN KIMBERLY BLK 4 LOTS 1 + 2 LAKESIDE SUB DC PB 3 PG 41 561 R0709600 $37.11 S02-42-32-002-0004-0140 .13 AC OB0192P0160 BASQUET DOROTHY BLK 4 LOTS 14 15 16 LAKESIDE SUB DC PB 3 PG 41 562 R0710200 $12.80 S02-42-32-002-0005-0080 .04 AC OB0239P0388 HARRIS DOROTHY BLK 5 LOT 8 LAKESIDE SUB DC PB 3 PG 41 563 R0710400 $43.07 S02-42-32-002-0006-0010 .12 AC OB0128P0865 HUGGINS JOHN + BETTY BLK 6 LOTS 1 2 3 LAKESIDE SUB DC PB 3 PG 41 564 R0710600 $37.33 S02-42-32-002-0006-0090 .08 AC OB0122P0752 ROLLE EZEKIEL BLK 6 LOTS 9 + 10 LAKESIDE SUB DCPB 3 PG 41 565 R0710900 $410.62 S02-42-32-002-0007-0030 .40 AC OB0230P0377 HARRIS DOROTHY BLK 7 LOTS 3 4 5 6 7 27 28 29 30 LAKESIDE SUB DC PB 3 PG 41 566 R0711500 $12.80 S02-42-32-002-0007-0140 .04 AC OB0226P0237 LOCKHEART WINDEY BLK 7 LOT 14 LAKESIDE SUB DC PB 3 PG 41 567 R0711900 $48.49 S02-42-32-002-0007-0190 .08 AC OB0188P0785 NELSON VALERIE M BLK 7 LOTS 19 + 20 LAKESIDE SUB DC PB 3 PG 41 568 R0712700 $67.37 S02-42-32-002-0008-0090 .24AC OB0103P0951 HUGGINS FELTON RODNEY + BLK 8 LOTS 9 + N 1/2 OF 10 + 24 25 26 27 LAKESIDE SUBDC PB 3 PG 41 569 R0713000 $580.39 S02-42-32-002-0008-0130 .29 AC HA THOMAS HENRY BLK 8 LOTS 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 LAKESIDE SUBDC PB 3 PG 41 570 R0713200 $182.33 S02-42-32-002-0008-0220 .04 AC HALLBACK DAVID + OSSIE ES BLK 8 LOT 22 LAKESIDE SUB DC PB 3 PG 41 571 R0714100 $12.80 S02-42-32-002-0009-0110 .04 AC OB0238P0009 HARRIS DOROTHY BLK 9 LOT 11 LAKESIDE SUB DC PB 3 PG 41 572 R0714600 $31.39 S02-42-32-002-0009-0210 .08 AC THOMAS HENRY SR BLK 9 LOTS 21 + 22 LAKESIDE SUB DC PB 3 PG 41 573 R0715500 $690.48 S10-42-32-002-0000-0050 1.20 AC OB0074P0606 HINECKER ANGELA EST S 1/2 OF LOT 5 GLADES LITTLE RANCHES GC PB 3 PG 22 574 R0716400 $119.54 S10-42-32-002-0000-0100 1.15AC HX OB0138P0713 KOTZ LAWERENCE E + S 1/2 LOT 10 GLADES LITTLE RANCHES GC PB 3 PG 22 575 R0716500 $730.77 S10-42-32-002-0000-011A 1.16 AC HX OB0190P0122 HOUGH CHARLIE N 1/2 OF LOT 11 GLADES LITTLE RANCHES GC PB 3 PG 22 576 R0717400 $965.63 S10-42-32-002-0000-0170 3.93 AC OB0232P0094 HOUGH WOODROW LOTS 17A 17B 18 GLADES LITTLE RANCHES GC PB 3 PG 22 577 R0717700 $1555.68 S10-42-32-002-0000-021A 1.25 AC HX OB0134P0970 MATHIS DELBERT M' - S 1/2 + E 15 FT OF LOT 21 GLADES LITTLE RANCHES GC PB 3 PG 22 578 R0718500 $353.09 S10-42-32-002-0000-0250 1.16 AC HX OB0142P0628 COLEMAN CLIFFORD L+ S 1/2 OF LOT 25 GLADES LITTLE RANCHES GC PB 3 PG 22 .79 R i0720; 10 rl. J47 S10-12-32. C.'2.20,0", 0.'t, 2.50 AC HX OB0229P0699 ORTIZ ROBERTO LOT 36 GLADES LITTLE RANCHES GC PB 3 PG 22 580 R0722300 $635.46 S10-42-32-002-0000-0480 2.31 AC OB0111P0215 HENDERSON DARRELL + GAIL LOT 48 GLADES LITTLE RANCHES GC PB 3 PG 22 581 R0725600 $193.54 S10-42-32-003-0000-0090 .33AC OB0130P0778 ANNAALFRED L + BLANCHE E LOT 9 COUNTRY SIDE MEADOWS GC PB 3 PGS 134-135 582 R0726200 $613.48 S10-42-32-003-0000-0150 .33 AC HX OB0186P0876 HART JERRY A LOT 15 COUNTRY SIDE MEADOWS GC PB 3 PGS 134-135 583 R0727100 $193.54 S10-42-32-003-0000-0240 .33 AC OB0240P0272 FERGUSON CANDACE PALLADIN LOT 24 COUNTRY SIDE, MEADOWSGC PB 3 PGS 134-135 .. 584 R0727800 $705.09 S10-42-32-003-0000-0310 .33 AC HX OB0183P0188 BEHEELER WALTER A + LOT 31 COUNTRY SIDE MEADOWS GC PB 3 PGS 134-135 585 R0729800 $151.61 S11-42-32-001-0002-0070 .18AC OB0202P0830 LANG ALRONIA + ULYESSES BLK 2 LOT 7 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 586 R0729900 $372.52 S11-42-32-001-0003-0010 .37 AC HX OB0102P0491 LANGS ULYSSES JR + BLK 3 LOTS 1 +.2 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 587 R0730400 $302.61 S11-42-32-001-0004-0030 .37 AC OB0103P0730 MYERS LEROY + LYNVETTA A BLK 4 LOTS 3 + 4 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 588 R0730600 $289.52 S11-42-32-001-0004-0060 .39 AC HX OB0134P0916 ROMELLY SYLBERT + BLK 4 LOTS 6 + 7 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 589 R0730900 $174.82 S11-42-32-001-0005-0050 .17 AC OB0235P0482 BLACK HAMMOCK LANDSCAPING BLK 5 LOT 5'RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 590 R0731100 $940.00 S11-42-32-001-0006-0020 .17 AC HX OB0176P0765 NEWSOME ROBERT H BLK 6 LOT 2 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 591 R0731300 $174.82 S11-42-32-001-0006-0040 .17 AC OB0195P0792 ROMELLY SYLBERT + BLK 6 LOT 4 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 592 R0732100 $174.82 S11-42-32-001-0007-0060 .17 AC OB0229P0360 CROSKEY RASHONDRA L BLK 7 LOT 6 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 593 R0732300 $714.55 S11-42-32-001-0008-0020 .17 AC HX OB0185P0556 COOPER WONDER FAYE BLK 8 LOT 2 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 594 R0732800 $610.77 S11-42-32-001-0009-0020 .34 AC OB0204P0010 HERNANDEZ J NAZARIO BLK 9 LOTS 2 + 3 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 595 R0733000 $201.38 S 11-42-32-001-0009-0050 .17 AC OB0230P0479 NEWMAN TREVOR L + BLK 9 LOT 5 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 596 R0734200 $696.22 S 11-42-32-001-0015-0010 .17 AC HX OB0200P1040 DUNKLEY CHARLES BLK 15 LOT 1 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 597 R0734700 $520.61 S11-42-32-001-0016-0020 .17 AC OB0225P0497 ROUNDTREE L C + BLK 16 LOT 2 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 598 R0735400 $388.44 S11-42-32-001-0017-0040 NAVARRETE GINA F BLK 17 LOT 4 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 599 R0735500 $591.32 S11-42-32-001-0017-0050 LLERENAAURELIO + MARTHA BLK 17 LOT 5 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 600 R0735700 $557.47 S11-42-32-001-0018-0010 .17AC OB0211P0649 ROMELLY SYLBERT BLK 18 LOTS 1 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 601 R0736000 $212.17 S11-42-32-001-0018-0040 .34AC HX OB0101P0162 BROWN WILLIAM V + BLK 18 LOTS 4 + 5 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 602 R0736200 $204.07 S11-42-32-001-0019-0010 .17 AC OB0235P0484 BLACK HAMMOCK LANDSCAPING BLK 19 LOT 1 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 603 R0736500 $178.63 S11-42-32-001-0019-0040 .17AC HX OB0110P0495 JOHNSON PERCY + BLK 19 LOT 4 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 604 R0739400 $943.85 S11-42-32-001-0027-0040 .18 AC HX OB0221P0727 CARRAN NICHOLAS BLK 27 LOT 4 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 605 R0739900 $582.75 S11-42-32-001-0029-0030 .17 AC O80222P0136 LLERENA AURELIO + BLK 29 LOT 3 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 606 R0741900 $120.34 S11-42-32-001-0033-0040 .17 AC HX OB0143P0778 HUGGINS FELTON R + BLK 33 LOT 4 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 607 R0743200 $571.38 S11-42-32-001-0036-0010 .51 AC OB0244P0071 ROUNDTREE L C + BLK 36 LOTS 1 2 3 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 608 R0743300 $1067.67 S11-42-32-001-0036-0040 .17AC OB0166P0096 MWAURA MOSES N EST BLK 36 LOT 4 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 609 R0743600 $367.85 "S11-42-32-001-0037-0020 .17 AC HX OB0202P0824 BROWN RONALD + BLK 37 LOT 2 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 610 R0744000 $785.53. S11-42-32-001-0037-0060 .17AC OB0166P0005 TORRES EDWIN + BLK 37 LOT 6 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 611 R0744700 $174.82 S11-42-32-001-0041-0060 .17 AC OB0201P0420 MC PERSON CLARA BLK 41 LOT 6 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 612 R0745600 $339.63 S11-42-32-001-0043-0030 .17 AC HX OB0136P0940 JOYNER WINFRED + BLK 43 LOT 3 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 613 R0745900 $219.97 S11-42-32-001-0044-0010 .17 AC OB0105P0522 RUMERY ELROY E JR BLK 44 LOT 1 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 614 R0747900 $28.77 S11-42-32-001-0048-0020 .17 AC HX OB0170P0677 CARPENTER RONALD K + BLK 48 LOT 2 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 615 R0749100 $69.58 S11-42-32-001-0050-0040 .17AC HXOB0136P1136 GARY PERRY I r" BLK 50 LOT 4 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 616 R0749200 $846.96 S11-42-32-001-0050-0050 .17AC OB0136P1244 MOORE HAVEN SHELL INC BLK 50 LOT 5 RANCH LAKE ESTATES GC PB 3 PG 37 .617 R0751100 $847.73 S11-42-32-003-0005-0070 .23 AC OB0188P0231 NAPOLI EDWARD R BLK 5 LOT 7 + W 25 FT OF LOT 6 + E 10 FT OF LOT 8 MOORE HAVEN/DC PB 3 PG 72 618 R0751200 $1089.51 S11-42-32-003-0005-0090 .24 AC HX OB0142P0517 PILON DANIEL J BLK 5 LOTS 9 + W 40 FT OF LOT8MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 619 R0751300 $770.41 S11-42-32-003-0005-0100 .13AC OB0182P0036 NAPOLI EDWARD R BLK 5 LOT 10 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 620 R0751400 $510.82 S11-42-32-003-0005-0110 .13AC OB01830113P06 NAPOLI EDWARD R BLK 5 LOT 11 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 621 R0752100 $200.32 S11-42-32-003-0006-0100 .40 AC HX OB0206P0995 GUNN CALLIE H BLK 6 LOTS 10 11 12 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 622 R0752500 $2339.11 S11-42-32-003-0007-0010 .18AC OB0243P0891 TAYLORCO INC BLK 7 N 80 FT BY 100 FT OFF N OF LOTS 1 + 2 MOORE HAVENDC PB 3 PG 72 623 R0752600 $116.79 S11-42-32-003-0007-0030 .13AC OB0243P0891 TAYLORCO INC BLK 7 LOT 3 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 624 R0753600 $683.83 S11-42-32-003-0008-0120 .17AC OB0138P0837 WALKER DEWITT T + SUSAN' BLK 8 LOTS 12 + W 1/2 OF 13 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 625 R0754200 $174.33 S11-42-32-003-0009-0060 .41 AC HX OB0164P0004 HIDDEN JASON DAVID BLK 9 LOTS 6 7 8 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 626 R0757200 $633.03 S11-42-32-003-0014-0090 .27 AC OB0205P0366 TAYLOR MARIA BLK 14 LOTS 9 + 10 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 627 R0758500 $517.95 S11-42-32-003-0016-0040 .27 AC OB0198P0692 ARNOLD VIRGINIA E BLK 16 LOTS 4 + 5 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 628 R0761500 $346.95 S 11-42-32-003-0022-0030 .27 AC OB0182P0578 HOGAN FRANK BLK 22 LOTS 3 + 4 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 629 R0761900 $237.64 S11-42-32-003-0022-0100 .11 AC OB0128P1045 MOORE HAVEN SHELL INC BLK 22 LOT 10 LESS W 6 FT OFN 1/2+ E6 FTOFS 1/2 OF 9 MOORE HAVEN/ DC PB 3 PG 72 630 R0762000 $745.82 S11-42-32-003-0022-0110 .29 AC OB0240P0391 BASULTO MARIA L BLK 22 LOTS 11 + 12 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 631 R0763100 $116.79 S11-42-32-003-0023-0130 .14 AC OB0149P0299 FOSTER LENORE BLK 23 LOT 13 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 632 R0765100 $400.66 S11-42-32-003-0025-0120 .26 AC OB0214P0102 LLERENA AURELIO + MARTHA BLK 25 LOTS 12 + W 83 FT OF 13MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 633 R0765300 $707.15 S11-42-32-003-0026-0010 EDWARD R FAGER BLK 26 LOTS 1 2 3 W 18 FT MOORE HAVEN/ DC PB 3 PG 72 634 R0765700 $505.46 S11-42-32-003-0026-0120 .13AC OB0185P0680 JOHNSON LETA*RLE* BLK 26 LOT 12 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 635 R0766500 $3120.36 S11-42-32-003-0028-0060 .33 AC OB0243P0331 DAVIS JEFFREY A + BLK 28 LOTS 6 7 8 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 636 R0768400 $259.74 S11-42-32-003-0030-0030 .23 AC OB0184P0698 TURNER NINA LEE + BLK 30 LOTS 3 EXC E 15 FT + 4 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 Glades County Delinquent Tax List May 11, 18, 25, 2006- 4 637 R0770600 $83521 S11-42-32-003-0033-0110 .27 AC OB0202P0162 MAZUR CHET BLK 33 LOTS 11 + 12 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 638 R0772700 $1733.76 S11-42-32-003-0037-0010 .44 AC HX OB0173P0488 MOSS MARJORIE DIANA WOOD BK 37 LTS 1 2 3 + E 12 1/2 FT OF 4 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 639 R0773000 $722.70 S11-42-32-003-0037-0090 .41 AC HX OB0189P0002 DELDAGO RAQUEL BLK 37 LOTS 9 10 11 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 640 R0774600 $411.21 S11-42-32-003-0040-0140 .41 AC HX OB0107P0321 REESE DEAN G + BLK 40 LOTS 14 15 16 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 641 R0774700 $790.41 S11-42-32-003-0041-0010 .30 AC OB0213P0824 HILL SHARI R BLK 41 LOTS 1 + 2 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 642 R0775700 $140.12 S11-42-32-003-0042-0040 .14AC OB0230P0964. ALVAREZ ABIGAIL BLK 42 LOT 4 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 643 R0775800 $245.64 S11-42-32-003-0042-0050 .29 AC OB0179P0335 BASQUET DOROTHY BLK 42 LOTS 5 + 6 CITY OF MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 644 R0776600 $78.44 S11-42-32-003-0042-0160 .14 AC HX 0O0204P0037 HUGHES JAY PATRICK + BLK 42 LOT 16 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 645 R0777400 $907.24 S11-42-32-003-0043-0130 .29 AC OB0238P0671 VANTREES CURT BLK 43 LOTS 13 + 14 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 646 R0778000 $374,15 S11-42-32-003-0044-0090 .27 AC OB0204P0446 HARRIS DOROTHY BLK 44 LOTS 9 10 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 647 R0778100 $116.79 S11-42-32-003-0044-0110 .13 AC OB0229P0577 HARRIS DOROTHY BLK 44 LOT 11 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 648 R0778700 $232.87 S11-42-32-003-0047-0010 .27AC OB0150P0607 SOUTH CENTRAL FL EXPRESS BLK 47 LOTS 1 + 2 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 649 R0778900 $1144.58 S11-42-32-003-0047-0060 .68 AC OB0086P0992 THOMAS DELORSE BLK 47 LOTS 6 7 8 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 650 R0779000 $435.74 S11-42-32-003-0047-0090 ;27 AC HX OB0141P0549 BROWN JOHNNIE + BLK 47 LOTS 9 + 10 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 651 R0779300 $232.87 S11-42-32-003-0047-0150 .27 AC OB0056P0408 LAWSON JOE L + MARY E BLK 47 LOTS 15 + 16 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 652 R0779500 $808.92 S11-42-32-003-0048-0030 .27 AC HX OB0146P0053 CHILOUS ALZORAT BLK 48 LOTS 3 + 4 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 653 R0779700 $116.79 S11-42-32-003-0048-0070 .13AC OB0224P0236 WATSON NATALIE M BLK 48 LOT 7 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 654 R0780300 $232.87 S11-42-32-003-0048-0130 .27 AC OB0061P0964 GARCIAALEJANDRO JR EST + BLK 48 LOTS 13 + 14 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 655 R0780400 $846.62 S11-42-32-003-0048-0150 .27 AC OB0079P0432 RUIZ URBANO + BLK 48 LOTS 15 + 16 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 656 R0780700 $362.17 S11-42-32-003-0049-0070 .27 AC OB0234P1051 DAVIS JEFFREY BLK 49 LOTS 7 + 8 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 657 R0780800 $389.19 S11-42-32-003-0049-0090 .13AC OB0187P0253 RODRIGUEZ ASUNCION BLK 49 LOT 9 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 658 R0783700 $172.71 S11-42-32-003-0052-0090 .30 AC HX OB0151P0360 CREWS ROBERT L BLK 52 LOTS 9 + 10 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 659 R0784000 $116.79 S11-42-32-003-0052-0140 .15AC OB0239P0266 HARRIS DOROTHY BLK 52 LOT 14 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 660 R0784700 $695.84 811-42-32-003-0053-0070 .14AC HX OB0127P0644. LOPEZ JUAN JR + BLK 53 LOT 7 MOORE HAVEN DC PB3 PG72 661 R0784900 $116.79 S11-42-32-003-0053-0090 .13AC OB0219P0900 JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION BLK 53 LOT 9 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 662 R0785500 $2748.57 S11-42-32-003-0055-0010 .36 AC OB0197P0081 WOOD RALPH E TRUST BLK 55 LOTS 1 2 3 + N 1/2 OF ALLEY ADJACENT THERETO AS VACATED MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 663 R0785600 $2044.91 S11-42-32-003-0055-0040 WOOD RALPH E TRUST BLK 55 LOTS 4 5 6 7 E 1/2 OF8 + E 1/2 0F9+ 10TO 16 MOORE HAVEN/ DC PB 3 PG 72 TOGETHER WITH 1/2 (ADDL LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 664 R0791800 $158.86 S11-42-32-003-0070-0150 .13AC OB0213P0824 HILL SHARI R BLK 70 LOT 15 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 665 R0792000 $34.69 S11-42-32-003-0071-0010 .15 AC HX OB0136P0304 WIGGINS BILLY JOE + BLK 71 LOT 1 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 666 R0792800 $223.55 S 11-42-32-003-0071-0150 .15 AC OB0232P0583 HARRIS DOROTHY A BLK 71 LOT 15 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 667 R0793200 $983.44 S11-42-32-003-0072-0050 .29 AC OB0196P0825 SMITH DIANA BLK 72 LOTS 5 + 6 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 668 R0795400 $29.97 S11-42-32-003-0074-0050 .27 AC HX OB0130P0730 HERNANDEZ DANIEL + BLK 74 LOTS 5 + 6 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 669 R0796200 $116.79 S11-42-32-003-0075-0030 .13AC OB0201P0030 TAYLOR ROBERT W BLK 75 LOT 3 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 670 R0796300 $116.79 S11-42-32-003-0075-0040 .13AC OB0201P0030 TAYLOR ROBERT W BLK 75 LOT 4 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 671 R0796400 $144.17 S11-42-32-003-0075-0050 .13AC OB0229P0988 KINNEY KENNETH E JR TRUST BLK 75 LOT 5 MOORE HAVEN GC PB 3 PG 72 672 R0796500 $116.79 S11-42-32-003-0075-0060 .13AC OB0229P0988 KINNEY KENNETH E JR TRUST BLK 75 LOT 6 MOORE HAVEN GC PB 3 PG 72 673 R0797800 $1595.55 S11-42-32-003-0083-0010 1.22 AC OB0217P0407 CABARET TROPICANNA UNDER BLK 83 W 201 FT OF E 338.5 FT OF N 186 FT + W 86.5 FT OF BLK 83 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 674 R0797900 $8992.93 S11-42-32-003-0083-0020 CABARET TROPICANNA UNDER W 238.5 FT OF E 338.5 FT OF S 100 FT OF BLK 83 + W 237.5 FT OF E 337.5 FT OF BLK 84 EXC SR 25 R/W MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 675 R0798200 $705.42 S11-42-32-003-0084-0030 .27AC OB0217P0407 CABARET TROPICANNA UNDER BLK 84 THE W 87.5 FT EXC SR 25 R/W MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 676 R0800700 $848.49 S11-42-32-003-0115-0020 .55 AC OB0242P0613 MAIN STREET LUBE & WASH I BLK 115 E 100 FT MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 677 R0802000 $247.10 S11-42-32-003-0122-0030 .22 AC OB0227P0539 KILPATRICK GARY W + BLK 122 LOT 3 MORE PARTICULAR DESC AS: COMM AT NE COR OF BLK 122 TH WALG N LI OF BLK 122 300 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 678 R0802200 $3180:73 S11-42-32-003-0123-0123-0060 .28 AC OB0224P0262 WOODWARD JAMES Q + LOT 6 RAMEYS UNREC SUB BLK 123TOWNSITE OF MOORE HAVEN DESC AS COMM AT SE COR BLK 123DC PB 3 PG 72 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 679 R0807200 $546.77 S11-42-32-003-0138-0150 .29AC OB0081P0647 GRANT MARY BLK 138 LOTS 15 16 17 MOORE HAVEN GC PB 2 PG 67 + DC PB 3 PG72 680 R0807300 $875.90 S11-42-32-003-0139-0160 .13AC OB0220P0457 CABARET TROPICANNA BLK 139 LOT 16 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 681 R0807400 $1624.39 S11-42-32-003-0139-0170 .13AC OB0220P0457 CABARET TROPICANNA BLK 139 LOT 17 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 682 R0807600 $653.91 S11-42-32-003-0139-0210 .13AC OB0243P0988 TAYLORCO INC BLK 139 LOT 21 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 683 R0807800 $4357.79 S11-42-32-003-0139-0230 .27 AC OB0238P0652 TAYLORCO INC. BLK 139 LOTS 23 + 24 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 684 R0808100 $119.09 S11-42-32-003-0140-0110 .11 AC OB0210P0440 PALLADINO JOSEPH D BLK 140 LOT 11 EXC E 10 FT MOORE.HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 685 R0808200 $2218.65 S11-42-32-003-0140-0120 PALLADINO JOSEPH + BLK 140 LOTS 12 13 + E 10 FT OF 11 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 686 R0808300 $2448.25 811-42-32-003-0140-0140 .41 AC OB0214P0508 ROXANNE ANGELICA BLK 140 LOTS 14 15 16 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG'72 687 R0808500 $3891.30 S11-42-32-003-0141-0090 .36 AC OB0182P0157 MOORE HAVEN PACKAGE + LOU. BLK 141 LOTS 910 11 12 MOORE HAVEN GC PB 2 PG 67 + DC PB 3 PG 72 688 R0808700 $1821.12 S11-42-32-003-0141-0140 .30AC OB0178P0816 LEE ALBERT + BLK 141 LOTS 14 15 16 MOORE HAVEN GC PB 2 PG 67 + DC PB 3 PG 72 889 R0810300 $258.41 S11-42-32-003-0153-0020 .19 AC OB0225P0715 HESSLER JORDAN C + BLK 153 LOT 2 + PT OF LOT 1 PER OR 85-638 MOORE HAVEN/GC PB 2 PG 67 690 R0810400 $1181.43 S11-42-32-003-0153-0030 .27 AC HX OB0124P0935 HESSLER JORDAN C + BLK 153 LOTS 3 + 4 MOORE HAVEN GC PB 2 PG 67 691 R0810500 $1227.96 S11-42-32-003-0153-0050 .96 AC OB0221P0388 PALLADINO JOSEPH D + BLK.153 LOTS 5 THRU 11 MOORE HAVEN GC PB 2 PG 67 692 R0810700 $867.56 S11-42-32-003-0153-0130 .34 AC OB0219P0620 HOUGH WOODROW A BLK 153 LOTS 13 +14 MOORE HAVEN GC PB 2 PG 67 693 R0818200 $186.42 811-42-32-003-0168-0010 .23 AC OB0080P0227 ROLLE EZEKIEL BLK 168 LOTS 1 + 2 MOORE HAVEN GC PB 3 PG 12 694 R0818900 $232.97 811-42-32-003-0168-0190 .27 AC OB0200P0411 LEWIS LELIA CALHOUN BLK 168 LOTS 19 20 + W 1/2 OF 18 MOORE HAVEN/ GC PB 3 PG 12 695 R0819300 $117.77 S11-42-32-003-0169-0040 AC HX OB0204P0283 SMITH SHARON D + E 170 FT OF W 1/2 OF BLK 169 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 696 R0819400 $813.56 S11-42-32-003-0169-0050 ROUNDTREE L C BLK 169 E 85 FT OF W 255 FT OFW 1/2 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 3 PG 72 697 R0819900 $458.06 811-42-32-003-0173-0070 .90 AC OB0225P0734 MC CORMACK WALTER G BLK 173 LOT 7 MOORE HAVEN DC PB 2 PG 172 698 R0820300 $139.99 S11-42-32-003-0175-0030 .13 AC OB0212P0711 FERNANDEZ PEDRO P SR BLK 175 LOT 3 MOORE HAVEN GC PB 1 PG 5C 699 R0822000 $305.98 S11-42-32-003-0175-0400 .49AC HX OB0119P1152 ODOM JAY R + BLK 175 LTS 40 41 42 LESS N 50FT THEREOF + LTS 43 44 45 MOORE HAVEN/ GC PB 1 PG5C 700 R0834600 $687.10 $1242-32-003-0000-1900 .04 AC OB0233P0754 BARNARD JAMES M UNIT 190 SPORTSMANS VILLAGE CONDOMINIUMACCORDING TO DECLARATION IN OR BK (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 701 R0842700 $994.04 S12-42-32-004-000D-0020 .14 AC HX OB0182P0214 KINCAID LESTER EST + BLK D LOT 2 MOORE HAVEN YACHT CLUB GC PB 4 PGS 54-56 702 R0855800 $2436.78 514-42-32-002-0000-0580 .22 AC OB0230P1036 BISHOP GARLAND LOT 58 + SW 1/2 OF LOT 59 + A 20 X 50 STRIP PER OR 85491 BOWDENS WATERFRONT LOTS GC PB 3 PG 27 703 R0856100 $114.77 S14-42-32-002-0000-0650 .46 AC HX OB0211P0738 COOK THOMAS LOTS 65 + 66 + 67 + S 33 FT OFLAKE ST LYING NW LY OF +-ADJ TO LOTS 65 + 66 + 67 BOWDENS WATERFRONT LOTS GC PB 3 PG 27 704 R0856300 $125.44 S14-42-32-002-0000-0690 .15 AC OB0203P0378 COOK THOMAS LOT 69 BOWDENS WATERFRONT LOTS-GC PB 3 PG 27 705 R0857300 $411.81 S14-42-32-002-0000-0930 .42 AC OB0213P0296 COOK THOMAS S LOT 93 + 94 + THAT 1/2 OF LATEST THAT IS SELYAND ADJ TO LOTS BOWDENS WATERFRONT LOTS GC PB 3 PG 27 706 R0859900 $256.33 S14-42-32-005-000A-0100 CONSTANT RALPH BLK A LOT 10 MOORE HAVEN RIVER GARDENS GC PB 4 PGS 130-131 707 R0860200 $256.33 S14-42-32-005-000A-0130 MOORE HAVEN PARTNERS LLC BLKALOTS 13 MOORE HAVEN RIVER GARDENS PB 4 PGS 130-131 708 R0860500 $256.33 S14-42-32-005-000A-0170 SUNSTYLES CUSTOM HOME BUI BLK A LOT 17 MOORE HAVEN RIVER GARDENS GC PB 4 PGS 130-131 709 R0860800 $256.33 S14-42-32-005-000A-0230 FOND-ROSE CAMINITO BLK A LOT 23 MOORE HAVEN RIVER GARDENS GC PB 4 PGS 130-131 710 R0860900 $256.33 S14-42-32-005000A-0240 LEVY RAFI BLK A LOT 24 MOORE HAVEN RIVER GARDENS GC PB 4 PG 130 711 R0861000 $256.33 S14-42-32-005-000A-0250 LEVY STEVE BLK A LOT 25 MOORE HAVEN RIVER GARDENS GC PG 4 PG 130 712 R0861100 $256.33 S14-42-32-005-OOOA-0260 FLETCHER RONALD A SR + SBLKA LOT 26 MOORE HAVEN RIVER GARDENS GC PB 4 PG 130 713 R0861200 $256.33 514-42-32-005-OOA-0270 GUYAH TIMOTHY BLK A LOT 27 MOORE HAVEN RIVER GARDENS GC PB 4 PG 130 714 R0861300 $256.33 S14-42-32-005-OOOA-0280 GUYAH SARAH + BLK A LOT 28 MOORE HAVEN RIVER GARDENS GC PB 4 PG 130 715. R0861800 $154.07 S14-42-32-005-000A-0400 MOORE HAVEN PARTNERS LLC BLKA LOTS 40 THRU 45 MOORE HAVEN RIVER GARDENS GC PB 4 PG 130-131 716 R0862500 $256.33 S14-42-32-005-000B-0100 FOND-ROSE CAMINITO BLK B LOT 10 MOORE HAVEN RIVER GARDENS GC PB 4 PGS 130-131 717 R0863400 $256.33 S14-42-32-005-000B-0210 FOND-ROSE CAMINITO BLK B LOT 21 MOORE HAVEN RIVER GARDENS GC PB 4 PGS 130-131 71,8 R0860227 $256.33. S14-42-32-005-000B-0250 ,,.,JAMIE CRUZ & RAIDEN SANCH BLK B LOT 25 MOORE HAVEN RIVER GARDENS GC PB 4 PGS HoC30-131 719 R0864200 $272.21 S14-42-32-005-000C-0010 .12 AC OB0159P0476 WHITCOMB ROBERT W BLK C LOT 1 MOORE HAVEN RIVER GARDENS GC PB 4 PGS 130-131 720 R0864400 $272.11 S14-42-32-005-000C-0110 FOND-ROSE CAMINITO BLKC LOT 11 MOORE HAVEN RIVER GARDENS GC PB 4 PGS 130-131 721 R0867300 $1120.03 S14-42-32-005-0000-00AO 1.27 AC OB0234P0822 SUNSTYLES CUSTOM HOME BUI TRACT A MOORE HAVEN RIVER GARDENS GC PB 4 PG 130-131 722 R0868400 $1349.91 S15-42-32-002-0000-0060 .34 AC OB0211P0250 BOND JOYCE LOT 6 FOX CENTER GC PB 3 PGS 138-139 723 R0869100 $810.63 S15-42-32-002-0000-0140 .36 AC HX OB0194P0106 RAMIREZ RAMIRO + LOT 14 FOX CENTER GC PB 3 PGS 138-139 724 R0870600 $4371.47 A01-38-33-A00-001A-0000 18.79 AC OB0221P0903 PEARCE EARL DOCK FROM NW SEC COR RUN E ALG N SEC LI 2100 FTTH S 535 FT TH W 2100 FT TO PT ON W SEC LI TH N 535 FT TO (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 725 R0871000 $2221.26 A01-38-33-A00-0010-0000 461.00 AC OB0221P0906 MYRTLE ISLAND RANCH INC Si T38S R33E 461.00 AC M/LALL OF SEC 1 LESS 3 PARCELS 1-BEG AT NW COR SEC 1 TH E'LYALNG N SEC (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 726 R0873400 $1006.20 A12-38-33-A00-0010-0000 653.00 AC OB0221P0906 MYRTLE ISLAND RANCH INC 812 T38S R33E 653.00 AC M/L ALL SECTION 12 TOGETHER WITH + SUBJECT TO DESCRIBED EASEMENTS 727 R0880000 $12.67 A10-39-33-A00-0030-0000 17.80 AC OB0102P0391 PEARCE RANCH INC LOT AN + E OF CANAL TOTAL ACRES 17.80 728 R0880300 $948.72 A11-39-33-A00-0010-0000 546.71 AC OB0102P0391 PEARCE RANCH INC S 1/2 + NE 1/4 + LOTAIN NW 1/4 EXC R/W OF L-59 + EXC N 375 FT OF NE 1/4 + LOT A TOTAL AC 546.71 729 R0880900 $19.66 A13-39-33-A00-001A-0000 5.13 AC OB0114P0600 PEARCE RANCH INC THAT PART LYING E OF SR 78 TOTAL ACRES 5.13 730 RO881000 $3299.95 A13-39-33-A00-0010-0000 649.89 AC OB0102P0391 PEARCE RANCH INC ALL EXC THAT PART LYING E OF SR 78 + EXC SR 78 R/W TOTAL ACRES 649.89 731 R0881200 $1305.29 A14-39-33-AO-0010-0000 398.55 AC OB0102P0391 PEARCE RANCH INC ALL E OF CANAL EXC R/W OF C-40 TOTAL AC 398.55 732 R0883100 $12.06 A23-39-33-A00-0010-0000 9.38 AC PEARCE RANCH INC ALL THAT PART LYING NE OF THE C-40 CANAL R/W TOTAL AC 9.38 M/L 733 R0883300 $489.61 A24-39-33-A00-001A-0000 114.35 AC OB0085P0363 PEARCE J O JR + MARIAN D ALL THAT PART OF E 1/2 LYING N + W OF SR 78 TOTAL ACRES 114.35 734 R0883400 $102.48 A24-39-33-A00-001B-0000 27.50AC OB0118P0025 PEARCE RANCH INC N 1/2 OF NE 1/4 LYING E OF SR 78 TOTAL ACRES 27.50 735 R0883500 $465.79 A24-39-33-A00-0010-0000 136.33 AC OB0086P0257 PEARCE RANCH INC S 1/2 OF NE 1/4 + FRAC SE 1/4 LYING E OF SR 78 + UNSUR PART E OF INDIAN PRAIRER CANAL EXC SR 78 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 736 R0883600 $501.44 A24-39-33-AOO-0020-0000 135.80 AC OB0102P0391 PEARCE RANCH INC ALL THAT PART OF THE WEST 1/2 LYING NE OF C-40 CANAL R/W TOTALAC 135.80 M/L 737 R0884000 $9.86 A25-39-33-AOO-001(-)000 1.86 AC OB0114P0602 PEARCE RANCH INC UNSURV PT NE OF INDIAN PRAIRIE CANAL EXC C-40 + L-48 R/W OF 14.34 A TOTAL ACRES 1.86 738 R0884100 $315.33 A25-39-33-A00-002A-0000 85.00 AC OB0038P0918 PEARCE RANCH INC THAT PART OF LOTS 2 & 3 LYING EAST OF SR 78 + LOT 1 + THAT LAND LYING EAST OF SR 78 IN THE NE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 TOTAL AC 85.00 M/L 739 R0884200 $295.11 A25-39-33-A00-0020-0000 81.17 AC PEARCE RANCH INC PERM RECL LAKE BOTTOM LAND LYING ADJ TO L-49 R/W IN SEC 25-39-33 AS PER DESCRIPTION IN OR (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 740 R0885900 $123.48 A319-9-33-A00-0020-0000 8.45 AC OB0185P0799 KERMAN LLC ALL UNSURV OR LOTA EXC L-60 R/W 8.45 ACRES 741 R0886400 $701.47 A32-39-33-A00-002D-0000 12.00AC OB0221P0768 RANKIN GROVE LLC BEG S 1/4 COR SEC 32 TH N ODEG51MIN 22SEC W 3683.15 FT TO POB TH CONT 312.5 FT TH S 89 DEG 24MIN (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 742 R0886600 $2280.20 A32-39-33-AO0-0020-0000 150 00AC OB0185P0799 KERMAN LLC SW 1/4 OF SEC 32 LYING E OF ELY R/W LIOF. S F W M D LEVY L-60 TOTAL AC 150.00 M/L 743 R0887600 $57.23 A36-39-33-A00-0010-0000 15.21 AC . PEARCE RANCH INC ALL FRAC OR LOT 1 + PAR OF PERM RECL LAKE BOTTOM LAND LYING ADJ TO L-49 R/W IN SEC 36-39-33 AS (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 744 R0888600 $512.52 A03-40-33-A00-007A-0000 .71 AC ROBERSON RAYMOND EST ETA PAR ON E SIDE OF S 1/2 OF STLOT4 PER PB BK 13 PG 345 745 R0889400 $996.43 A03-40-33-A00-0120-0000 .46 AC OB0233P0330 TITSHAW JOHNNY S3 T40S R33E IN STATE LOT 4 FROM SW COR OF ST LOT 4 RUN N 89 DEG 55 MIN E 1338.1 FTTH N 0 DEG 15 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 746 R0890900 $5664.38 A05-40-33-A00-0030-0000 81.50 AC OB0158P1010 KERMAN CORP N 1/2 OF NW 1/4 TOTAL ACRES 81.50 747 R0893800 $7125.30 A07-40-33-A00-003A-0000 39.17 AC OB0236P0038 GLOBELEND.INC A PARCEL OF LAND INCL PORTION, OF ST LOT 2" PORTION OF ST LOT 1 + PORTION OF S 1/2 OF NE .;(ADDULSEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 748 R0894500 $2299.69 A07-40-33-A00-013A-0000 .30 AC HX OB0242P0369 WOULK RAYMOND J + FROM PT OF INTERSEC OF C/L OF SR 78 WITH ELI OF SEC 7 RUN S 73 DEG 12 MIN 30 SEC W ALG SAID C/L 935 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 749 R0896900 $109.64 A07-40-33-U01-0000-0180 .21.AC HX OB0172P0676 TEWELL MILLARD E + LOT 18 + LOT 19 EXC E 10 FT PER 53-118 UNREC SARASOTA COLONY SUB IN ST LOT NO 1 750 R0897300 $150.01 A07-40-33-U01-0000-0220 .25 AC HX OB0137P0966 STATON ROBERTA LOTS 22 + 23 UNREC SARASOTA COLONY SUB IN ST LOT NO 1 751 R0899900 $666.25 A08-40-33-AOO-008A-0000 .51 AC OB0195P0931 WISEMAN D K + FROM NW COR OF SEC 8 RUN N 89 DEG 44 MIN 40 SEC E ALG IN SEC LI 1338.9 FT TO E LI OFLOT 4 TH S 0 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 752 R0904200 $1556.63 A18-40-33-A00-0010-0000 1.18AC OB0157P0276 RAULERSON KATHERYN BUSSEL COMM AT NW COR OF ST LOT 1 TH N 89 DEG 25 MIN 47 SEC E ALG N LI OF ST LOT 1 1338.55 FT TO1/4 SEC (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 753 R0904400 $2.88 A18-40-33-A00-002B-0000 .51 AC OB0233P0056 RAULERSON KATHERYN BUSSEL S18 T40S R33E .51 AC M/L 2 PARCELS DESC AS 1- COMM AT N 1/4 SEC COR RUN E ALNG N SEC LI 85 FTTO (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 754 R0913300 $1251.13 S18-40-33-003-0000-0010 .25 AC HX OB0227P1006 RICKABY JOSEPH W + LOT 1 CYPRESS POINT SUB (UNIT 2) GC PB 4 PG 102 755 R0914300 $1177.98 818-40-33-004-0000-0010 MORGAN ANGELA SPICOLA LOT 1 LAKESHORE SUB GC PB 4 PGS 115 + 116 756 R0919100 $280.95 A19-42-33-A00-0030-0000 2.00 AC OB0201P0029 HERBERT HENRY E 2AC OF NE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 2.00 ACRES M/L 757 R0920200 $1491.10 A21-42-33-A00-002A-0010 .92 AC OB0224P0478 PENUEL MICHAEL L + S21 T42S R33E .92 AC M/L PART OF TR 36 DC PB 3 PG 44 FROM N 1/4 COR SEC 21 TH WALNG N LI 1126.32 FT (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 758 R0927500 $971.21 A31-42-33-A00-001C-0030 9.62 AC OB0227P0906 C & C NURSERY LLC S31 T42S R33E 9.62 AC M/L COMM AT NE SEC COR TH S00031'02"W ALNG E SEC LI 1707.99 FT TO POB TH (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 759 R0927600 $1599.91 A31-42-33-A00-001D-0000 47.71 AC OB0220P0966 C & C NURSERY LLC S31 T42S R33E 47.71 AC M/L COMM NE COR SEC 36-42-32 TH S0a25'05"W ALNG E LI SEC 36 795.56 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 760 R0930800 $3268.88 A07-38-34-U01-0000-0060 20.83 AC OB0230P0521 ALVAREZ MARIA LOT 6 20.83 AC M/L CABBAGE WOODS RANCHES UNREC LYING IN SEC 13 T38S R33E DESC AS COMM AT (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 761 R0933600 $3217.11 A07-38-34-U01-000-0340 20.50 AC OB0231PO237 LIMA MERONE LOT 34 20.50 AC M/L CABBAGE WOODS RANCHES UNREC LYING IN SEC 18 T38S R34E DESC AS COMM AT (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 762 R0934500 $3217.11 A07-38-34-U01-0000-0430 20.50 AC OB0227P1028 KNEPPER MAXIME LOT 43 20.50 AC M/L CABBAGE WOODS RANCHES UNREC LYING IN SEC 17 T38S R34E DESC AS COMM AT (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 763 R0935300 $212.09 A07-38-34-U01-0000-050B 25.48 AC OB0234P0922 GIRALDO LUIS LOT 50B 25.48 AC M/L CABBAGE WOODS RANCHES UNREC LYING IN SEC 18 T38S R34E DESC AS COMM AT (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 764 R0939400 $18.33 A14-38-34-A00-0020-0000 25.78 AC OB0222P0399 PEARCE FAMILY CO INC 814 T38S R34E 25.78 AC M/L THAT PART LYING BETWEEN THE ORIGINAL KISSIMMEE RIVER + THEN'LY (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 765 R0941300 $12.64 A23-38-34-A00-0010-0000 17.36 AC OB0222P0399 PEARCE FAMILY CO INC S23 T38S R34E 17.36 AC M/L THAT PART-LYING BETWEEN THE ORIGINAL KISSIMMEE RIVER + THENLY (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 766 R0945400 $35.85 A25-38-34-AOO-009P-0000 .12AC OB0173P0583 HOCKENBERRY LA QUITA LOT 14 UNREC KRAFT HAVEN 767 R0945500 $351.67 A25-38-34-A00-0090-0000 .29 AC HX O80173P0586 HOCKENBERRY LA QUITA COMM AT SE COR OF SEC 25 BEAR S 89DEG 30MIN 42SEC W ALG S LI OF SAID SEC TO INTERSEC WITH SLY R/W LI (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 768 R0967200 $1749.83 S36-38-34-001-0000-0070 .72 AC OB0229P0202 LLOYD ROGER E LOT 7 BUCKHEAD RIDGE SUB GC PB 3 PG 15 769 R0967500 $1840.41 S36-38-34-001-0000-0110 .86AC OB0199P0990 PETERS THOMAS + LOT 11 + S 80 FT OF LOT 10 BUCKHEAD RIDGE SUB GC PB 3 PG 15 770 R0969200 : $1411.50 S36-38-34-001-0000-0280 .54 AC HX OB0224P0464 HELFINSTINE RICHARD W LOT 28 REPLAT OF LOTS'B6+ 21 THRU 33 BUCKHEAD RIDGE SUB GC PB3 PG 17 771 R0969300 $764.37 S36-38-34-001-0000-0290 .55 AC HX OB0165P1040 HELFINSTINE JOSEPH + LOT 29 REPLAT OF LOTS B + 21 THRU 33 BUCKHEAD RIDGE SUB GC PB3 PG 17 772 R0970900 $1291.14 S36-38-34-001-0000-0450 .20 AC HX OB0208P0435 MELLO MICHAEL M + LOT45 + PT OF LOT B REPLAT OF LOTS B + 21 THRU 33 BUCKHEAD RIDGE SUB GCPB3 PG 57PT OF LOT (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 773 R0973400 $611.62 S36-38-34-001-0000-0690 .14AC OB0197P0066 MILLS JOHN ELWOOD + PAULI LOT 69 1ST ADD TO BUCKHEAD RIDGE SUB GC PB 3 PG.19 774 R0976900 $130.86 S36-38-34-001-0000-1060 .14 AC HX OB0045P0648 SELPH WALTER L+. LOT 106 2ND ADD TO BUCKHEAD RIDGE SUB GC PB 3 P 2,1., j,,,,iLj, 775 -R0977600 149163 S36-38.34.001 0000-1130 .07 AC OB0205P0453 SLEE JAMES HOLLAND SR + LOT 113 EXC S 15 FT LYING W OF RD RWY 2ND ADD TO BUCKHEAD RIDGE SUB GC PB 3 PG 21 776 R0979400 $196.94 S36-38-34-002-000B-0120 .34 AC HX OB0213P0261 RODRIGUEZ CAROL BLK B LOT 12 + S 1/2 OF LOT 11+ W 25 FT OF UNUSED CANAL RIW LYING ADJ TO, LOT 12 3RD ADD TO (ADDL LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 777 R0979500 $2322.75 S36-38-34-002-000C-0010 .14AC OB0218P0941 CANEGALLO JOSEPH W + BLK C LOT 1 3RD ADD TO BUCKHEAD RIDGE SUB GC PB 3 PG 25 778 R0982700 $1099.68 S36-38-34-002-00D-0160 .14AC OB0091P0490 BAILEY JAMES + SYLVIA BLK D LOT 16 3RD ADD TO BUCKHEAD RIDGE SUB GC PB 3 PG 25 779 R0983300 $3003.28 S36-38-34-002-000D-0260 .29 AC OB0221P0584 DERFLINGER DENNIS K BLK.D LOTS 26 + 27 3RD ADD TO BUCKHEAD RIDGE SUB GC PB 3 PG 25 780 R0983400 $1021.03 S36-38-34-002-000D-0280 .22 AC OB0198P0050 KANYUCH EDWARD + BLK D LOT 28 3RD ADD TO BUCKHEAD RIDGE SUB GC PB 3 PG 25 781 R0986300 $2258.42 S36-38-34-002-000F-0060 .29 AC OB0220P0518 PADGITT DAVID L + BLK F LOT 6 LESS NW'LY 1 FT DESC IN OR 112-1141 & LOT 7 3RD ADD TO BUCKHEAD RIDGE SUB GC PB 3 PG 25 782 R0996800 $1155.26 S36-38-34-002-000H-0290 .14AC OB0244P0443 SHOPE JOHN T BLK H LOT 29 3RD ADD TO BUCKHEAD RIDGE SUB GC PG 3 PG 25 783 R0997800 $1841.08 S36-38-34-002-000H-0400 .14AC OB0223P0575 JONES BILLY WAYNE EST BLK H LOT 40 3RD ADD TO BUCKHEAD RIDGE SUB GC PB 3 PG 25 784 R1000000 $2491.17 S36-38-34-003-0000-0160 .53 AC HX OB0238P0052 TANEY SCOTT ELLIOTT + LOTS 16 + 17 BUCKHEAD RIDGE SUB NO 2 GC PB 3 PG 18 785 R1000500 $1259.76 S36-38-34-003-0000-0230 .27 AC OB0213P0809 ROSADO ROBERTO + DAWN LOT 23 BUCKHEAD RIDGE SUB NO 2 GC PB 3 PG 18 786 R1001800 $1585.47 S36-38-34-003-0000-0350 .27 AC OB0240P0773 LOWE LEEANNA M LOT 35 1ST ADD BUCKHEAD RIDGE SUB #2 GC PB 3 PG 23 787 R1001900 $1683.39 S36-38-34-003-0000-0360 .27 AC OB0244P0127 LJONGQUIST KIRK + LOT 36 1ST ADD BUCKHEAD RIDGE SUB #2 GC PB 3 PG 23 788 R1003100 $1656.02 S36-38-34-004-0000-0180 SHEFFER JOHN DANIEL LOT 18 BUCKHEAD RIDGE PARK REPLAT GC PB 3 PG 29 789 R1009500 $3240.61 S36-38-34-005-0000-0680 AC HX OB0207P0216 WILLIAMS JOHN D + LOTS 68 + 69 BUCKHEAD RIDGE PARK GC PB 3 PG 28 790 R1012000 $596.11 S36-38-34-005-0000-0980 .22AC HX OB0118P0511 EMERICK BEVERLY J LOT 98 BUCKHEAD RIDGE PARK GC PB 3 PG 28 791 R1016500 $376.45 S36-38-34-006-000-0360. .33 AC HX OB0131P0416 TYRKALA CAROL LOT 36 WESTLAKE SUB GC PB 3 PGS 129-130 792 R1018200 $525.50 S36-38-34-007-0000-0110 .30 AC HX OB0242P0135 DYALS LELAND M LOT 11 4TH ADD BUCKHEAD RIDGE SUB GC PB 3 PG 35 793 R101850Q $211.92 S36-38-34-007-0000-0140 .21 AC HX OB0137P0134 VINSON WILMA + LOT 14 4TH ADD BUCKHEAD RIDGE SUB GC PB 3 PG 35 794 R1020600 $1521.83 S36-38-34-008-0000-0080 .17AC OB0235P0146 DUNN MICHAEL E + LOT 8 REPLAT OF PORTION OF 3RD ADD TO BUCKHEAD RIDGE SUB GC PB 3 PG 32 795 R1022100 $80.88 S36-38-34-008-0000-0230 .16 AC HX OB0243P0171 KNOEBEL NORWOOD B + LOT 23.REPLAT OF PORTION OF 3RD ADD TO BUCKHEAD RIDGE SUB GC PB 3 PG 32 796 R1023900 $200.94 S36-38-34-008-0000-0420 .17 AC HX OB0242P0934 MC ADAMS CONNIE HALL LOT 42 REPLAT OF PORTION OF 3RD ADD TO BUCKHEAD RIDGE SUB GC PB 3 PG 32 797 R1024100 $184.07 S36-38-34-008-0000-0440 .17AC HX OB0078P0686 BUSHATZ HAROLD D EST + LOT 44 REPLAT OF PORTION OF 3RD ADD TO BUCKHEAD RIDGE GC PB 3 PG 32 798 R1026000 $231.90 S36-38-34-008-0000-0640 .11 AC HX OB0208P0050 WEST DAVID C N 50 FT OF LOT 64 REPLAT OF PORTION OF 3RD ADD TO BUCKHEAD RIDGE SUB GC PB 3 PG 32 799 R1026400 $866.32 S36-38-34-008-0000-0690 .16 AC OB0234P0649 SHOPE JOHN T LOT 69 REPLAT OF PORTION OF 3RD ADD TO BUCKHEAD RIDGE GC PB 3 PG 32 800 R1028400 $915.11 S36-38-34-008-0000-0890 .16 AC OB0223P0752 DEATON MONTY - LOT 89 REPLAT OF PORTION OF 3RD ADD TO BUCKHEAD RIDGE SUB GC PB 3 PG 32 801 R1028900 $768.70 * S36-38-34-008-0000-0940 AC HX OB0243P0633 BURTON JAMES AJR' LOT 94 REPLAT OF PORTION OF 3RD ADD TO BUCKHEAD RIDGE SUB GC PB 3 PG 32 802 R1030600 $531.42 S36-38-34-009-0001-0110 .35 AC HX OB0191P0013 HILL LOYD + LOT 11 RESUB OF TRS 1 + 1A OF BUCKHEAD RIDGE ACRES UNIT ONE GC PB 3 PG 127 803 R1030700 $1425.84 S36-38-34-009-0001-0120 .35 AC OB0238P0005 MC KEEHAN JULIE + LOT 12 RESUB OF TRS 1 + 1A OF BUCKHEAD RIDGE ACRES UNIT ONE GC PB 3 PG 127 804 R1036900 $2456.02 S36-38-34-010-0000-0440 .29 AC OB0048P0828. THOMPSON BERTIE J LOTS 44 +45 BUCKHEAD RIDGE-5THADD UNIT 1 GC PB 3 PGS 40 + 41 805 R1042000 $1949.09 S36-38-34-011-OOOA-0030 .33AC ,OB0147P0206 BURTON WILLIS'+ SHERRY LOT 3 RESUB OF TRA A BHR-5TH ADD UNIT 2/ GC PB 3 PG 126 806 R1045700 $833.94 S36-38-34-011-0000-0370 .16 AC HX OB0204P0963 SMITH RANDOLPH M AS TRUST LOT 37 BUCKHEAD RIDGE-5TH ADD UNIT 2 GC PB 3PG43 807 R1045900 $1408.98 S36-38-34-011-0000-0390 .18AC OB0241P0506 KNOEBEL NORWOOD BRADLEY I LOT 39 BUCKHEAD RIDGE-5TH ADD UNIT 2 GC PB 3 PG 43 808 R1052600 $1087.43 S36-38-34-012-0000-1080 AC HX OB0215P0826 BOYINGTON RICHARD A LOT 108 BUCKHEAD RIDGE-STH ADD UNIT 3 GC PB 3 PGS 46 + 47 809 R1053200 $911.00 S36-38-34-012-0000-1140 .18 AC OB0055P1016 PINION JAMES R + MARY F LOT 114 BUCKHEAD RIDGE-5TH ADD UNIT 3 GC PB 3 PGS 46 +47 810 R1059100 $540.14 S36-38-34-012-0000-1740 .43 AC HX OB0142P0575 THOMAS MARTHA LEVITT + LOTS 174 + 175 BUCKHEAD RIDGE-5TH ADD UNIT 3 GC PB 3 PGS 46 + 47 811 R1061700 $658.53 S36-38-34-012-0000-2020 HOECHERL DONALD ANDREW JR LOT 202 BUCKHEAD RIDGE-STH ADD UNIT 3 GC PB 3 PGS 46 + 47 812 R1061800 $1105.64 S36-38-34-012-0000-2030 SIMONS DAVID W LOT 203 BUCKHEAD RIDGE-STH ADD UNIT 3 GC PB 3 PGS 46 + 47 813 R1065300 $1837.51 S36-38-34-012-0000-2440 EAHEART DANIEL F + LINDA LOT 244 BUCKHEAD RIDGE-5TH ADD UNIT 3 GC PB 3 PGS 46 + 47 814 R1078800 $982.05 S36-38-34-016-000B-0110 TOOTLE C E AS TRUSTEE BLK B LOT 11 LAKEVIEW ESTATES GC PB 4 PG 100 815 R1087900. $67.67 A07-39-34-AOO-0030-0000 18.06 AC OB0114P0600 PEARCE RANCH INC ALL THAT PT OF SE 1/4 LYING S + E OF SR 78 FORMERLY SR 29 TOTAL ACRES 18.06 816 R1088200 $230.50 A08-39-34-A00-0020-0000 69.43 AC PEARCE RANCH INC THAT PT OF W 1/2 LYING S + E OF SR 78 EXC LAND OWNED BY EDNA PEARCE + A STRIP OF LAND 3.3 CHS (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 817 R1088400 $958.50 A08-39-34-A00-0040-0000 261.79 AC OB0114P0602 PEARCE RANCH INC LOT 1 + NE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 + S 1/2 OF S 1/2 OF SW 1/4 + UNSURV PT OF THE SE 1/4 + COMM AT SE COR OF (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 820 R1089500 $2216.98 A18-39-34-A00-0010-0000 394.26 AC OB0114P0605 PEARCE RANCH INC ALL LYING S + E OF SR 78 + UNSUR PART LYING NW OF PRIVATE OWNERSHIP LIMITS LI SET BY T I IF PER (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 821 R1089700 $3.68 A18-39-34-A00-002B-0000 .03 AC OB0222P0399 PEARCE FAMILY CO INC COMM AT NW COR SEC 18 BEAR S ODEG 20 MIN 23 SEC E ALG W LI 4310.75 FT FOR POB TH CONT S ODEG 23 MIN (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 822 R1090200 $736.02 A19-39-34-A00-0010-0000 270.16 AC OB0114P0605 PEARCE RANCH INC ALL FRAC OR LOTS 12+ 3 + UNSURV PART LYING NW OF PRIVATE OWNERSHIP LIMITS LI SET BY T I I F PER (ADDL LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 823 R1096500 $578.26 A19-38-35-AOO-008C-0000 .25AC OB0139P0579 HAMPTON CLETIS + KATHY BEG AT INTER SLY R/W SR 78 & W LI SEC 19TH N 57DEG 49MIN EALG SAID SLY R/W 1165.20 FT TONWLY COR (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 824 R1098000 $1425.47 S19-38-35-001-0000-0430 HAMPTON CLETIS + KATHY LOT 43 + W 1/2 OF LOT 44 OKEE-SIMMEE DEVELOPMENT GC PB 3 PG 24 825 R1099000 $97.44 S19-38-35-001-0000-0730 .03AC OB0114P0506 HANCE ANN C PT OF LOTS 72 73 + PT OF LT 960KEE-SIMMEE DEVELOPMENT GC PB 3 PG 24 818 R1088800 $281.37 A09-39-34-A00-0020-0000 76.64 AC OB0114P0602 PEARCE RANCH INC LOT 3 + THAT PART OF UNSURV PT LYING SW OF A LI EXTENDED S 45 DEG E FROM THE SE COR OF LOT 2 (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) 819 R1089200 $786.31 A17-39-34-A00-0010-0000 214.82 AC 080114P0605 PEARCE RANCH INC ALL FRAC OR LOTS 1 + 2 AND UNSURV PART LYING N OF PRIVATE OWNERSHIP LIMITS LI SET BY T II F (ADD'L LEGAL SEE TAXROLL) The Above List waa correct as of April 30th, 2006 at 5 p.m. Although several may have since paid their taxes, they may still appear in these delinquent listings. Gail A. Jones, Tax Collector of Glades County Glades County Delinquent Tax List May 11, 2006 5 GLADES COUNTY DELINQUENT 2005 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX ASSESSMENTS NOTICE: Notice is hereby given that tangible personal property taxes became delinquent on April 1, 2006, and are now drawing interest at the rate of 1.5% per month. Unless such delinquent taxes are paid before the 1st day of June, 2006, tax warrants will be issued thereon and application made to the personal property of the taxpayer for unpaid taxes. 1 P0017300 $161.73 02243-000 EIGHNER JACOB J DBA/J&S LAWN CARE & SOD P 0 BOX 164 MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 2 P0002200 $689.68 00359-000 ALWAYS GREEN SERVICES INC P 0 BOX 638 OKEECHOBEE, FL 34973 3 P0003500 $1067.60 00382-000 AMTEL FARM INC P 0 BOX 928 FT MYERS, FL 33902 4 P0003900 $29.09 00429-000 ANKA LODGE C/O ACREE WILLIAM + CYNTH 1800 RED RD CLEWISTON, FL 33440 5 P0018200 $165.43 02786-000 FER MANAGEMENT INC LAKEPORT LODGE RT 6 BOX 801 OKEECHOBEE, FL 34974 6 P0005600 $12.52 00845-002 B & B PRESSURE CLEANING C/O BRANTHOOVER EDWARD 1760 BRANTHOOVER LN MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 7 P0020400 $615.32 02939-000 FRISCO CUSTOM METALS INC C/O GABOR FRANCISCO 2001 HWY 78 W BHR OKEECHOBEE, FL 34974 8 P0006700 $150.65 00947-000 BIG BASS LODGE INC C/O DAVIS RISTER 10395 MARINE LANE MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 9 P0007400 $150.95 01077-000 BRIAN SCOTT REALTY INC FREEMAN JEFFREY + JILL STAR RT 1 BOX 1327 LABELLE, FL 33935 10 P0008000 $20.09 01110-000 BROWN KENNETH A 4- LENA G 3735 OLD LAKEPORT ROAD MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 11 P0012100 $6.68 01446-000 CD'S AUTO DETAILING C/O CARMEN BRANCH 10455 COLEMAN LN MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 12 P0012500 $75.32 01481-000 CLYDE JOHNSON CARPENTRY 1430 W WAYMAN RD MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 13 P0014200 $1404.09 01610-000 C & R INVESTMENT PROPERTY 7410 N AUGUSTA DR MIAMI LAKES, FL 33015 14 PO016000 $134.49 01824-000 DFS-SPV-LP ATTN: PROPERTY TAX DEPT ONE DELL WAY PL 35 ROUND ROCK, TX 78682 15 P0016700 $2957.06 01908-000 DOUBLE H CONSTRUCTION INC C/O HOUGH WOODY P 0 BOX 542 MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 16 P0020900 $283.94 03056-000 GAY PHILIP K + ANNA M DBA GOLDEN OAKS RANCH 18725 WEST SR 78 MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 17 P0025800 $58.33 03665-000 H & L CONSTRUCTION C/O KACEE HOPPER P 0 BOX 283 PALMDALE, FL 33944 18 P0023400 $99.47 03302-001 G T EFFECT C/O JORDAN HESSLER 133 FLORIDAAVE NW MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 19 P0021500 $45.75 03157-001 GLADES TROPICAL GARDEN IN 4500 GATEWAY RD SW LABELLE, FL 33935 20 P0024700 $398.09 03572-005 HENDRY RAYMOND E R & D SABAL PALMS PO BOX 21 PALMDALE, FL 33944 21 P0026800 $6152.31 04408-000 IVIV GROUP USA CORP INC DBA/BILL'S CUSTOM GLASS & 2317 J & C BLVD NAPLES, FL 34109 22 P0027200 $2138.85 04582-000 JASON'S GRADING C/O COX JASON 27596 WILLOW LN SW LABELLE, FL 33935 23 P0027400 $630.84 04668-000 JOEY'S PIZZA C/O HERNANDEZ JOSEPH + KE P O BOX 845 MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 24 P0028700 $25.35 04897-000 KERMAN CORP 417 WEST SUGARLAND HIGHWAY CLEWISTON, FL 33440 25 P0028400 $10.09 04833-002 KATS CAFE C/O BRITT KATHLEEN P 0 BOX 163 PALMDALE, FL 33944 26 P0028800 $1069.72 04909-000 KFC OF MOORE HAVEN 1403 WAVE A BELLE GLADE, FL 33430 27 P0029200 $395.95 05022-000 KOSTOFF RONALD + LAURA 6421 HAYES ST HOLLYWOOD, FL 33024 28 P0029500 $180.42 05115-000 LABELLE WELL DRILLING 4965 SEMINOLE AVE SW LABELLE, FL 33935 29 P0030700 $38.27 05143-000 LANTZ COPIER SERVICE C/O DEAN LANTZ LANE 14 LAKEPORT P 0 BOX 856 MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471-0856 30 P0035900 $174.62 05816-001 MOORE HAVEN TIRE CENTER C/O HERNANDEZ JORGE P 0 BOX 232 MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 31 P0036000 $406.93 05816-002 MOORE HAVEN PACKAGE & LOU P 0 BOX 182 MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 32 P0036400 $483.08 05952-000 MYRTLE ISLAND RANCH C/O DOROTHY R PEARCE 5001 SW RUCKS DAIRY RD OKEECHOBEE, FL 34974 33 P0036800 $8.80 06040-001 360NETWORKS (USA2) LP 867 COAL CREEK CIRCLE STE 160 LOUISVILLE, CO 80027 34 P0037000 $131.78 06052-000 NEW WING FAT FISHING CO C/O ENDO CARLOSA 9922 NW 47TH TERRACE MIAMI, FL 33178 35 P0038000 $89.05 06120-000 NORTH ORTONA MUD BOGGIN I ROBERT RUDD SR 12430 SR 78 W MOORE HAVEN. FL 334711 36 P0038100 $27.20 06120-001 NORTHERN LEASING SYSTEMS C/O CBIZ PROPERTY TAX SOL 2009 CHENAULT DR STE 100 CARROLLTON, TX 75006 37 P0039800 $653.16 06961-007 PEARCE RANCH INC LOCKETT DIVISION PO BOX 938 OKEECHOBEE, FL 34973 38 P0042000 $277.13 07195-000 PRO CUT MOWING + MAINTENA C/O FIGUEROA 500 5TH STREET MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 39 P0042400 $24.22 07324-000 RAGOONANAN DAHARAM DBA/DI'S NURSERY P 0 BOX 2443 LABELLE, FL 33975 40 P0050100 $1088.33 08392-001 THERMO TRILOGY CORP 9145 GUILFORD RD SUITE 175 COLUMBIA, MD 21046 41 P0051500 $71.66 08808-000 UNDERSEAS MARINE LIFE INC P 0 BOX 937 ALVA, FL 33920 42 P0054000 $11.01 09368-000 WHITE ROBERT + DEBRA P 0 BOX 994 LABELLE, FL 33975 43 P0054300 $132.82 09426-000 WILLIAMS MARVIN FAMILY LL C/0 CAMPOS SALVADOR + DOR 12920 WILLIAMS RD MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 44 P0055000 $2636.94 09538-000 WOODWARD JAMES Q P 0 BOX 1113 MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 45 P0055200 $5.65 09598-000 WUNDERLICH NICHOLAS 145 SW 49TH TERRACE CAPE CORAL, FL 33914 46 P0008100 $59.45 01110-001 BROWN JANET M 3115 SOUTH CR 731 SW LA BELLE, FL 33935 47 P0065000 $61.20 32802-004 JOHNSTON DONNA 1330 SUMMERALL RD LABELLE, FL 33935 48 P0065100 $48.70 32802-04X GAUSS LACEY 1300 SUMMERALL RD NW LABELLE, FL 33935 49 P0065800 $1081.85 38428-002 HARGRAVES STEVE + KIM P 0 BOX 2959 4500 HWY 78 W OKEECHOBEE, FL 34973 50 P0066500 $20.44 40001-014 TAYLOR TONY P O BOX 298, LOT#14 PALMDALE, FL 33944 51 P0067700 $55.04 40001-031 FISHER MICHAEL C P 0 BOX 298, LOT#31 PALMDALE, FL 33944 52 P0067800 $256.76 40001-034 . MADDOX JEWEL C/O GLENICE BAKER PO BOX 298, LOT#34 PALMDALE, FL 33944 53 P0069800 $121.08 40201-118 NOVAK RONALD S 1825 OLD LAKEPORT RD, LOT MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 54 P0074600 $44.45 40202-007 COLLINS ROBERT K P 0 BOX 1762 MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 55 P0075500 $95.04, 40203-002 ROWE DOROTHY 2020 OLD LAKEPORT RD NW,L MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 56 P0075600 $13.68 40203-003 ZEIGLER HARRY 2020 OLD LAKEPORT RD, LOT MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 57 P0076100 $3.24 40203-008 ZIEGLER HARRY + ELIZABETH' 2020 OLD LAKEPORT RD NW, MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 58 P0076200 $171.70 40203-010 MC QUEEN CARL + BETTY 2020 OLD LAKEPORT RD, LOT MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 . 59 P0076300 $565.76 40203-012 PERRYMAN ROBERT + SALLY P 0 BOX 1142 BRENDEL TRLR PK MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 60 P0076700 $58.16 40203-020 STRIPLING WAYNE 2020 OLD LAKEPORT RD, LOT MOORE HAVEN FL 33471 61 P0077300 $32.21 40204-AO4 P B S SALES + SERVICE INC 3111 N FALKENBURG RD TAMPA, FL 33619 62 P0077400 $56.56 40204-A06 RUSS MARVIN 29621 BETTS MYAKKA CITY, FL 34251 63 P0078200 $101.86 40204-A15 CORWIN SUSAN . 10730 CACTUS LN MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 64 P0078400 $135.16 40204-A18 YARBOROUGH HOYTE E JR P 0 BOX 22E EFFINGHAM, SC 29541 65 P0078600 $145.83 40204-A23 DOMBROWSKI DOUG 2625 OLD LAKEPORT RD MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 66 P0079300 $210.79 40204-A32 TRIMMER MABEL C/O CHARLENE BOKROS 2256 ANDERSON RD ASBURY, NJ 08802 67 P0079600 $145.65 40204-A36 WOLF CLIFFORD J PO BOX 273 MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 68 P0079800 $73.71 40204-A38 HELLARD DAVID A + KATHRYN 4561 IOLA DR SARASOTA, FL 34231-7508 69 P0080200 $218.41 40204-B01 ROHR GREGORY 4302 39TH ST E BRADENTON, FL 34208-6951 70 P0081500 $132.59 40204-B23 MASON KEVIN 5515 BATTERSEAAVE NORTH PORT, FL 34286-5691 71 P0081800 $41.92 40204-B29 BENNETT RICHARD 685 CR 721 LOOP LOT#B-29 MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 72 P0082000 $37.16 40204-B31 KAGEL BILL 685 CR 721 LOOP, LOT#B31 MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 73 P0087300 $15.72 40207-010 LUNDBLAD BONNIE 765 E SR 78 LOT#10 MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 74 P0088100 $92.64 40207-021 WACHTER GENE + PETER 6291 HARDING ST HOLLYWOOD, FL 33024 75 P0109300 $192.51 40208-069 FIORE VINCENT 2800 MILUM DR, LOT#69 MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 76 P0109500 $101.31 40208-073 STEINHEISER DON + SANDY 3361 2ND AVE NE NAPLES. FL 34120 77 P0112400 $51.82 40302-003 STEWART MAX 1713 POINSETTIAAVE LEHIGH ACRES, FL 33936 78 P0112600 $124.55 40302-009 LATTIMORE LEON 1605 2ND AVE W PALMETTO, FL 34221 79 P0112700 $68.45 40302-010 MATOES PAMELA D RT 6 BOX 800, LOT#10 OKEECHOBEE, FL 34974 80 P0112800 $117.41 40302-011 HUNTER HELEN PO0 BOX 953 EAST PALATKA, FL 32131 81 P0113100 $99.79 40302-014 BEST SHAWN RT 6 BOX 800 B, LOT#14 OKEECHOBEE, FL 33974 82 P0113400 $49.44 40302-019 LACER REX A RT 6 BOX 800B, LOT#19 OKEECHOBEE, FL 34974 83 P0114200 $71.46 40302-035 GEODKE WILLIAM RT 6 BOX 800, LOT#35 OKEECHOBEE, FL 34974 84 P0114300 $35.72 40302-037 MESSICK SHEILA RT 6 BOX880, LOT#37 . OKEECHOBEE, FL 34974 85 P0114600 $91.90. 40302-045 LEMLEY MARK RT 6 BOX 800, LOT#45 OKEECHOBEE, FL.34974 86 P0114700 $155.13 40303-004 EVANS JUDY 3384 ORANGE RD VENICE, FL 34292 . 87 P0115300 $162.7 40303-011 ('; ,. i-SLUSSER HAROLD RT6BOX885,LOT#11 OKEECHOBEE, FL 34974. 88 P0115800 $71.70 40303-021 HOWELL DANNY . 1850 S OCEAN BLVD #106 POMPANO BEACH, FL 33062 89 P0117500 $115.98 40425-001 ANGLIN BASIL P 0 BOX 1007 MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 90 P0117800 $38.68 40794-000 BALL BRUCE + COLLEEN 9910 TED BECK RD NW MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 91 P0117900 $112.45 41079-001 BRIDGES BETTY T 13007 3RD ST . FT MYERS, FL 33905 92 P0118400 $44.56 41131-000 BRYANT CALVIN 2001 MYRTLE ST SARASOTA, FL 34234 93 P0013500 $95.32 01580-004 COUNTRY VIDEOS C/O HUFF WOODY + DIXIE 134 AVE J PO BOX 733 MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 9, 4 P0118700 $75.52 41798-000 DELANEY JIM PO BOX 366 MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 95 P0123300 $60.35 42001-130 NOLEN MELVIN 742 AUBURN AVE #6 REDFORD, VA 24141 96 P0125600 $42.90 42001-159. WOOD MARY 12525 WILLIAMS RD SW, LOT MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 97 P0126600. $34.83 42201-010 LE COQUE HILDA 10760 NW 43RD CT CORAL SPRINGS, FL 33065 98 P0126700 $16.26 42202-002 MORGAN GLADYS P O BOX 1019 MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 99 P0126800 $73.79 42202-005 GOMEZ RICO SANTIAGO PO BOX 563 FELDA, FL 33930 100 P0127900 $72.43 . 42301-008 HARPER JACK 10820 4TH AVE GULF MARATHON, FL 33050 101 P0128500 $188.95 42301-018 RIEDER JOYCE 910 SE 35TH ST CAPE CORAL, FL 33904 102 P0129800 .$70.26 42901-020 MAC CORMICK MARY GRACE 20 CYPRESS CT LABELLE, FL 33935 103 P0130100 $85.33 42901-025 VICKERS DANNY 25 CYPRESS CT LABELLE, FL 33935 104 P0130800 $60.35 42901-040 HUNTER FRANCES 40 CYPRESS CT LABELLE, FL 33935 105 P0132500 $81.22 42901-059 SIMPSON EMMA 59 HICKORY CT LABELLE, FL 33935 106 P0133000 $15.91 42901-065 STANLEY SUSAN 65 HICKORY CT LABELLE, FL 33935 107 P0133700 $99.06 42901-072 LACROSSE RICHARD + GERENA 72 HICKORY CT . LABELLE, FL 33935 108 P0133800 $173.61 42901-073 LACROSSE RICHARD + GERENA 73 HICKORY CT LABELLE, FL 33935 109 P0135100 $185.43 42901-090 ROBERTS MICHAEL #6 ROBIN CT NEW ALBANY, IN 47150 110 P0143200 $53.67 42901-218 STEPHENSON JOHN + ANN 218 PALM DR LABELLE, FL 33935 111 P0143800 $59.57 42901-228 LEON PEDRO + EMELIA 228 PALM DR LABELLE, FL 33935 112 P0146500 $77.68 42901-271 HENRY BOB 271 REDWOOD DR LABELLE, FL 33935 113 P0150400 $62.36. . 42901-32 PERKINS'DON 326 ELM DR LABELLE, FL 33935 114 P0153400 $54.80 42901-367 WAGNER JACKIE 367 MAHOGANY CT LABELLE, FL 33935 115 P0154000 $54.68 42901-378 HENRY BOB 378 MAHOGANY CT LABELJ.E, FL 33935-9442 116 P0154500 $102.24 42901-383 GILLETTE JOHN + MARY 383 MAHOGANY CT LABELLE, FL 33935 117 P0156800 $401.92 42962-000 . FULLER JUDY RT1 BOX 1390 LABELLE, FL 33935 118 P0156900 $116.22 43483-001 HARRIS BILLY 2005 GRIFFIN RD SE, LOT#7 MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 119 P0157000 $71.14 43559-001 HENDRY LOIS 685 CR 721 LOOP RD, LOT#A MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 120 P0157100 $528.91 43572-000 HENDRY CHARLIE 401 4TH ST MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 121 P0157200 $91.79 44717-000 JONES HENRY 685 CR 721 LOOP LOT# A-16 MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 122 P0157400 $106.34 45896-000 MUNNIS JACK + MICKIE 84 HICKORY CT LABELLE, FL 33935 123 P0157600 $136.05 46961-002 PEARCE HERMAN 2020 OLD LAKEPORT RD, LOT MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 124 P0157700 $142.40 .47417-000 REYNOLDS STEPHEN + MICK 2800 MILUM DR, LOT#63 MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 125 P0157800 $82.24 47615-000 RUIZ MARY P O BOX 1144 MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 126 P0157900 $139.05 47979-001 SLACK LEROY + BETH 685 CR 721 LOOP RD, LOT#A MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 127 P0158000 $132.74 48192-000 STREET KIM 685 CR 721 LOTA-3 MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 128 P0158200 $57.67 48401-004 MILLS CARL PATRICK P 0 BOX 502 CANAL POINT, FL 33438-0502 129 P0159100 $66.20 48401-032 HIGDON LARRY R OR WANDA F 670 HWY 78 B, LOT#32 BHR MARINA OKEECHOBEE, FL 34974 130 P0159400 $42.76 48401-038 MILLS BILL . 670 HWY 78 B, LOT#38 BHR MARINA OKEECHOBEE, FL 34974 131 P0163100 $136.87 48501-013 HERTRICH JAMES LEE 4935 WEST PARK PLACE DENVER, CO 80219 132 P0171100 $150.70 48502-047 HAROLD RUTH 472 WESTWOOD RD POCAHONTAS, AR 72455 133 P0172300 $145.64 48959-000 VANDERZEYDE KURT PO BOX 191 PLYMPTON, MA 02367 134 P0173000 $789.87 52275-005 MC PERSON FLEMICCA P O BOX 84 MOORE HAVEN, FL 33471 135 P0173100 $152.73 52801-Bll DYSTRA FRED 690 SUMMERALL RD SW LABELLE, FL 33935 The Above List was correct as of April 30, 2006 at 5 p.m. Although several may have since paid their taxes, they may still appear in these delinquent listings. Gail A. Jones Tax Collector of Glades County *Pool & Screen Enclosures *Hurricane Shutters *Shingle Roof *New Permatile Metal Roof *Licensed Dealer for Nationwide Custom Homes CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES Cell: 561-723-1835 Office: 863-983-3457 State Certified License Contractor #CGC1508763 GREAT OPPORTUNITY WITH OUR COMPANY TOP PAY, MANY POSITIONS AVAILABLE, PLEASE CALL 863-983-3457 S i. m i M ---- i ....S. S-e n .* Local News e* Real Estate Sports *Classifieds Delivered - YOUR DOO Via Mail. Subscribe Today xa1 GLADES COUNTY Call 1-800-282-8586 Today! Construction Cor |