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GLADES COUNTY -sfs II flh*^- jf ^ ^!i T ^H^S^ I1 T H 0.li ,13=0 \-\z T1 Moore Haven, Fla. Thursday, Ih so0 Volume 79, Number 47 At a Glance Senator Aronberg to speak in Muse On Thursday May 18, 2006 the Muse Community Associa- tion's special guest will be Democrat Senator Dave Aron- berg of District 27 (which includes parts of Charlottes. Glades, Hendry, Lee and Palm Beach Counties). Senator Aronberg will join the MCA for a pot luck dinner beginning at 6 p.m., with a regular meeting at 7 p.m. where Senator Aron- berg will be happy to bring everyone all up to date on his legislative affords and answer any questions. Burn ban in effect Due to dry weather and the danger of brush fire, all resi- dents are advised that outdoor burning has been banned until further notice. The Glades County Board of Coun- ty Commissioners, along with the Glades County Public Safe- ty Department has imple- mented a burn ban. This is for all fires within the boundaries Glades County, with the exception of the Brighton Seminole Reservation. Resi- dents may not burn trash or yard waste and may not start camp fires. The only fires that may be set are those for which permits have been issued by the Division of Forestry. To obtain a burn permit, contact the Division of Forestry. BHR Moose plans Jail and Bail .- .- The -B Buckhead Ridge - Moose Lodge. Highway 78 W, will host a Jail and Bail, Sun- day, May 21 at 1 p.m. This fundraiser will benefit. the Glades County Sheriff's office K-9 unit. There will be food, fun, entertainment, and a pho- tographer to take pictures of your pets. SO come and help support your local sheriff. Deputy Bryan Enderle, the K-9 handler for the Glades County Sheriff, lives in Buckhead Ridge. The K-9 unit will serve and protect Buckhead Ridge and all of Glades County. Send your friends to jail, warrants will be available. MHHS class reunion set The MHHS Class of '86 is having it's 20 year reunion on Homecoming Weekend this year. Organizers are inviting the Class of '87 and Class of '88 to join the fun, as well. Reunion planners are in need of assistance in locating and notifying all members of the above classes. The initial plan is to have a tailgate type get- together the night of the Homecoming Game and, on the following day, have a bar- becue for the family at the City Park or a similar location. Anyone interested in assisting may contact David Lee at dlee- 1967@skyeone.com or (863)946-2512. Lake Level 4 13.17 feet above sea level Index Classifieds . .17-21 Obituaries ..........2 Opinion ........... 4 School ......... .. .9 See Page 2 for information about how to contact the newspaper. neuwszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. 8 II II I IllIIl 8 -16 5 1 0 00022 1 Ribbons on fence recall past By Barbara Oehlbeck MUSE The fence is flutter- ing at West Glades School ... with meaning and lessons to be learned by all of us, and a reminder that: too soon we for- get too much. By some who are good at calculating such things, it's been estimated that out of every one hundred cars that have passed West Glades School in the last couple weeks, not more than 2 or 3 percent have learned the meaning of those colorful fluttering ribbons. "The ribbons represent the most recent National Holocaust Remembrance. Each ribbon fluttering in a peaceful breeze represents 7,000 people who died in the holocaust during the 1930s and 1940s, World War II," said Larry R. Luckey, II, Princi- pal of West Glades Elementary School. "The yellow ribbons repre- sent the Jews, the red, white and blue represent every other nation that was affected by the holocaust. The students recog- nized that every nation affected by the holocaust had at least one on the red, white, and blue colors in their flags." "It was seventh grade stu- dents who wrote and presented a play 'Guards, Take Them Away' in which every student had a role to play which was based on research that the stu- dents themselves conducted on people and events; then they created characters in the play to coincide with the research they'd done. The play was a series of soliloquies of the char- acters and was presented to grades three, four, five and six," the principal explained. "One student played Jew- ish folk song and seventh grade students answered questions from the student audience about the holocaust. And they were told that over one and half million children were also vic- tims of the holocaust." How did the idea came about? The West Glades sev- enth grade class had watched a documentary about Whitwell Middle School in Whitwell, Ten- nessee where the students wanted to bring recognition to holocaust victims. So they asked people to send in paper clips. The idea was that the students wanted to collect six million paper clips to be able to see what the number six million actually looked like. In response, See Holocaust Page 12 Hurricane seminars set GLADES COUNTY In preparation for the upcoming hurricane season that starts on June 1, Glades County Emer- gency Management is beginning its hurricane awareness by host- ing several seminars, throughout the county. The seminars are free of charge. Some of the topics include hurricane preparedness, debris before and after, after the storm, shelters and much more. The dates and locations are: Muse Community Center, May 18, at 7p.m.; Doyle Conner in Moore Haven. May 22, at 7p.m. (Chief Metrologies, Jim Rief from ABC7 Ne\\s will be a guest presenter); BuckheId Ridge Coriimtu- nity Center, May 25, at 7:30 p.m.; Indian Hills Volunteer Fire Department,May 31, at 7p.m.; and, Palmdale Community Cen- ter, June 13, at 7 p.m. For more information, please contact the office of Emergency Management 863-946-6020. The American Red Cross offers the following tips for preparing for the 2007 Hurricane Season: *Identify ahead of time where you could go if you are told to evacuate. Choose several places--a friend's home in another town, a motel, or a shel- ter. Keep handy the telephone numbers of these places as well as a road map of your locality. 'You may need to take alternative or unfamiliar routes if major roads are closed or clogged. Listen to NOAA Weather Radio or local radio or TV sta- tions for evacuation instructions. If advised to evacuate, do so immediately. Take these items with you .when:evacuating: Prescription medications and medical sup- plies; Bedding and clothing, including sleeping bags ard pil- lows; Bottled water, battery- operated radio and extra batter- ies, first aid kit, flashlight; car keys and maps; documents, including driver's license, Social Security card, proof of residence, See Storm Page 12 Navigational locks now open ii" Moore Haven public works superintendent Mike Jones drives while a city employee tries to catch a hot dog sus- pended on a fishing line across Riverside Drive in the "Bite the Weenie," game during last year's first annual River Rally. Glades County Volunteer Fire Department and Glades County Sheriff's Office. Sign up for the poker run will begin at 8 a.m. with the first bikes out at 9:30 a.m. According to Glades County Emergency Services Director Bob Jones, riders will leave Moore Haven, travel to Vanishing Species in Palmdale, where they will draw their first card. From there, it's on to the Venus Gro- cery Store, then Tasmania and Ortona, before returning to Moore Haven. Registration for the poker run is $20 for lone bikers, $30 for those riding tandem and includes a barbecue dinner with all the fixin's. The rider with the winning See Rally Page 12 LAKE OKEECHOBEE On Monday, May 1, the South Flori- da Water Management District reported that lake levels had reached an appropriate eleva- tion to allow several navigation locks leading into Lake Okee- chobee to be secured in the open position full time. Theywill remain secured in the open position as long as conditions permit. The navigation locks that are open include J&S Fish Camp (S- 135), Henry Creek (G-36), Taylor Creek (S-193) and Buckhead Ridge (S-127). Locktenders will not be on duty at these locations until conditions require that the navigation locks must be placed back into service. The S-131 nav- igation lock in Lakeport will remain open only during the day and is closed at night until the appropriate lake level to secure that lock in the open position. has been reached. The Lakeport navigation lock will remain open only until work begins on a major overhaul, which is expected to begin on May 30. The Lakeport navigation lock is expected to be out of service until August 4, 2006. Boaters are urged to navigate carefully through the open locks as manatees often are sighted in and near our structures in Lake Okeechobee during this time of year. Manatees are frequently seen in the navigation lock at Taylor Creek, which is especially popular for this endangered species. Manatees swim close to the surface of the water and often are harmed and even killed by boaters moving too fast in areas where manatees gather. It is possible to secure the navigation locks in an open See Lock Page 9 MOORE HAVEN Planning is under way for the second annual River Rally, sponsored by the City of Moore Haven, Main Street Moore Haven Inc. and the Christian Motorcycle Association. Slated for Saturday, June 3, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the his- toric Tom Perry Park, Riverside .Drive, in Moore Haven, Vice Mayor and Harley enthusiast Dave McGee urges bikers from around Lake Okeechobee and beyond to enjoy the ride over to Moore Haven on the banks of the Caloosahatchee River. "We in Moore Haven wel- come everyone to our small but peaceful town by the Caloosa- hatchee River," Vice Mayor McGee said. "You'll find that Moore Haven is a real down to earth town with a lot to offer. We have one of the most beautiful areas around the lake, scenic parks, and great athletic fields and of course, the historic Lone Cypress tree, on the bank of the Caloosahatchee River, where the city was founded in 1915. Feel free to browse around and enjoy our hometown hospitality and friendly atmosphere that makes Moore Haven one of the best places to live in Florida." Poker Run added Participants in this year's River Rally are encouraged to come early and sign up for a guided Poker Run, sponsored by the Use caution around alligators By Loma Jablonski The warm spring weather brings alligator breeding season, causing the big reptiles to become more active. Florida Wildlife Commission officials are warning the public to use care when in areas frequented by alligators. Blair Hayman, an FWC biolo- gist, stated that alligators are not more aggressive at this time of year but are more active. Warm weather and the breeding sea- son have male alligators on the move. "Alligators feed at dusk, dur- ing the night and in the early morning," she said. The FWC receives more than 15,000 alligator-related com- plaints each year. Most of the complaints deal with alligators being in backyard ponds, canals, ditches and streams. But occa- sionally an alligator will venture into garages, parking lots and golf course ponds. It is estimated that there are 20,000-30,000 alligators on Lake Okeechobee alone. Alligators play an important roll in Flori- da's wetland ecology. They have been in Florida long before the first tourist ever stepped out of an automobile. As Florida becomes home to more and more people, the alligator's nat- ural habitat dwindles causing more interaction with humans. Sixty-six-year-old Sam Crutchfield of Fort Pierce was attacked by an alligator while fly fishing on Lake Istokpoga April 24. The alligator, which is believed to be at least 10 feet long, grabbed Mr. Crutchfield by the hip as he stood in 41-inch See Gator- Page 12 INI/Lorna Jablonski With the weather warming up and breeding season having begun, alligators are becoming more active. This big guy enjoyed his dinner at the FWC dock on the Rim Canal. River Rally: Event set for June S. peclal to Glades County Democrat Everglades Realty broker Jeffrey Davis plays the road kill game during the first River Rally, held last June on Riverside Drive in Moore Haven's historic district. The second annual event is slated for River Rally Saturday, June 3, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Tom Perry Memorial Park. Moore Haven to host bike rally "'~~".. ........ ....~~ ~.'tc- - ---- ..... = 7 --- . jL Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 11, 2006 Goodlet honored by Medica The Palm Beach County Med- ical Society has recognized C. David Goodlett as the Volunteer Hero in Medicine for 2006. The award was pre- sented on Fri- day, April 28. Mr. Goodlett was recognized for his dedica- tion and com- mitment to the advancement of health care in Palm Beach County. During the award presentation, numerous projects were highlighted where Mr. Goodlett has contributed to the improvement of health care in the Glades region. Mr. Goodlett has served on the Board of the Health Care District of Palm Beach County since he was appointed by Governor Jeb Bush in 2000. In 2004, Governor Jeb Bush appointed Mr. Goodlett for a sec- ond term. During Mr. Goodlett's tenure on the Health Care District Board he served for three years as Vice Chairman before becoming Chairman in May 2005. Mr. Goodlett works as the Vice Presi- dent of Governmental and Com- munity Relations for the Sugar Cane Growers Cooperative of Flori- da. "I have been fortunate to serve with David on the Health Care Dis- trict Board during an exciting time when the District has been able to advance a number of initiatives to benefit the residents of the Glades," says Dr. Effie C. Grear, Health Care District Board Commissioner and Glades General Hospital Board Member. "David is thoughtful and works to reduce the health dispari- ties that exist in the Glades." Under Mr. Goodlett's leader- ship, the Health Care District creat- ed a Western County Health Advi- sory Committee to assist with defining health needs in the Glades area. Through a series of public forums and a competitive grant process, the District awarded 22 grants to area agencies. Grant' recipients included Alzheimer's Community Care, American Lung Association, Belle Glade Fire Res- cue, Belle Glade Public Safety, Boys and Girls Club, C. L. Brumback Health Center, Glades Area Associ- ation for Retarded Citizens, Glades General Hospital, Glades' Health Initiative, Healthy Solutions Resource Center, New Hope Chari- ties, NOAH Development Corp., Pahokee Fire Rescue, and Sickle Cell Foundation. "The District's assistance to commit funds necessary to com- plete our Alzheimer's Community Care Facility in Pahokee was very much appreciated, says Mary Barnes, Alzheimer's Community Care President and CEO. "David coordinated not only with the Health Care District but other local foundations to provide funding. David is a caring individual who places the health needs of Palm Beach County residents as a top priority. We are deeply appreciative and our sincerest heartfelt thanks." In 2003 when the District became concerned with the cur- rent operator of Glades General Hospital and their unfulfilled obli- gations in the community, Mr. Goodlett served as the Board's liai- son with Province Healthcare Cor- poration. Ultimately, a separation was necessary in order to advance health care in the Glades. In May 2004, Glades General Hospital became a public hospital owned and operated by the Health Care District. The transition of Glades General Hospital required substantial investment in working capital, equipment and physician recruit- ment. Over the last two years, the facility has undergone numerous improvements. One of the first pri- orities was to upgrade the hospi- tal's 6,400 square foot emergency room. Doctors and nurses now document medical records by uti- lizing below-the-counter computer screens which ensure patient confi- dentiality. A "Fast Track" program also allows patients to move more quickly through the ER by enabling physicians to concentrate on more critically ill or injured patients while less critical patients are treated by a physician assistant or a nurse prac- titioner. Glades General Hospital also features a team of highly-cre- dentialed physicians known as hos- pitalists. They are providing quality on-site care 24 hours a day, seven days a week. These physicians work closely with a patient's pri- mary care doctor to coordinate that patient's care. The Health Care District has pur- chased state-of-the-art equipment for the hospital including a 16-slice CT scanner, ventilators, an ultra- 1 Society sound machine, an OB fetal moni- toring system, an electronic med- ication administration record sys- tem (EMAR), an electronic medication dispensing and charg- ing system and a centralized sched- uling system that gives physicians' offices a one-call system for sched- uling radiology, surgery respiratory and lab services. In addition, the radiology picture archiving com- munication system, called PAC, has been upgraded to allow doctors to review all radiology procedures in real time from their offices or homes. The hospital has also added ProMed, an electronic physician and nursing ordering system to dis- pense and track pharmaceuticals. While Glades General Hospital continues to serve the public utiliz- ing the latest in technology, it is showing its age. The hospital, which was first built in 1944, is deteriorating. Last season's hurri- canes hit the community very hard and the hospital was no exception. In February, the Health Care Dis- trict unanimously approved plans for a new regional hospital in the Glades. The proposed hospital will feature the latest medical technolo- gy and 60 private rooms with a capacity for 70 beds, The facility is seen by the Health Care District, community leaders and medical professionals as a means of provid- ing more progressive and integrat- ed health care in Western Palm Beach County. The centrally locat- ed campus proposed near State Road 80 and U.S. 441 would pro- vide more comprehensive cover- age in the region. Obituaries Clayton Dean MeKinney Clayton Dean (Mac) McKinney, age 80, died May 2, 2006 at his resi- dence in Lakeport, Fla. He was born on August 27,1925 in Mt. Ver- non, I11. and had been a resident of Lakeport, for the past five years. He was a member of the VFW and enjoyed fishing. Clayton was a loving husband and devoted brother. He worked hard, but took time to play and enjoy life. His heart was huge and generous. He is survived by his wife of 20 years, Evelyn G. McKinney of Lake- port; and his brother, Donald R. (Iva) McKinney, also of Lakeport. The family has decided not to have visitation or services at this time. In lieu of flowers, Clayton's fam- ily would prefer donations be made to the Hope Hospice organi- zation. All arrangements are under the direction and care of the Buxton Funeral Home and Crematory. Katheryn Theresa Strickland Katheryn Theresa Strickland, 75, of Clewiston did on May 1, 2006. She was born on Jan. 12, 1935 in Rochelle, Illinois, daughter of George and Nina Manning. Survivors include her husband, Lester C. Strickland of Clewiston, son David Manning of Illinois, sis- ters Doreen ofWisconsin and Betty White of Illinois and two grandchil- dren. Services for Mrs. Strickland were held on Thursday May 4, 2006 at the Akin- Davis Funeral Home in Clewiston. Renee P Wainz- Renee P. Wainz, 79, of Belle Glade passed away April 20, 2006. She was born of Belgium descent and dedicated their life to helping others by working at the Pahokee Hospital for over twenty-five years. Renee is survived by her loving family, daughter Betty Bernnett of Belle Glade, son John (Maria) Wainz of Belle Glade, grandson Richard (Linsey) Bennett of Bow- ing Green, granddaughter Nicole (Rafael) Romero of Honolulu, Hawaii, grandson Shawn Wainz of Belle Glade, granddaughter Geno- va (Erneslo) Canales of Pahokee, great-grandson, Keagan Romero of Honolulu, Hawaii, gteat-grand- daughter, Gabriella Garcia of Paho- kee, along with her best friend and companion i Dog) Peewee, in addi- ;tion to a large extended family from Belguim and many, many friends and loved ones. The family has entrusted the care of their loved one to Dorsey E. Earl Smith Memory Gardens Funer- al Home in Lake Worth. In leiu of flowers, donations may be made on behalf of Renee P. Wainz to Hospice of Palm Beach County. newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. Any Purchase of $15 or more.* U i'. ','e l-i tr UNDERSOLD C-..]rao,'.iili H .,., h',-, a I,. Cr prn. a.-, atmrr. ,e sell f rill . t-.u- rlh,- i,-.:- b ,-. '.jii ,:l I "T. a i i ', I:.. "..- 3 j ijii ','.c .3v. r .i[. LO '. p.i. l H I S -, i h,-.j I: .r -i: i ,r ,d. -r,:.jl ,,11.: ,Ti : .,',~i[F T, 1,, '. .olr id-,,-t lh I p ,-A r.O ,r H. - SClewl~lon ^o'. w ;i.,arrn d H., 863-983-1108 :l ,6 '* C iiiEi1.ma y30.20ai6 (imd bram drwn l hBl r Dh inm ~ ri aiupp .in .~isV iaeior m Memorial Tribute i Remember a loved one i ho has departed with a special H A| memorial Tribute in this newspaper. ,,,, ,s, to Your tribute can be published following the memorial services, or to commemorate an anniversary ofyour loved one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph. of your loved one, lines from a poem or scripture, arid special art or borders -- and we'll make sure it all comes together attractively and tastefully. w, , Visit www2.newszap.com/memorials for sample ads and an online order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 toll free. Clinical Trials You may be paid $200 in 1 day If you might have any of these conditions, we NEED YOUR HELP for research: Mental retardation Gifted Alzheimer's Seizures Brain Injury We also need healthy people ages 16+, all races Non-invasive testing No medication Get paid while you learn Local office-no travel Call Dr. Bruce Borkosky, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist 800-514-0832 The disability specialist Your time is precious. WfOCR, &eSClewiston The un fooks at wale t:.. New cemetery ii Ci tyi opproves plan 4O oiilo. S Loa. I SIR'S wwra" i., 9 Weit 4..- -. People have so much to do and so little time to do it. To help you deal with your time constraints, we pack this little newspaper with lots of relevant and useful information. We want you to learn what you need to know quickly, so you can experience and enjoy your community fully. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or calling your editor. Clewiston News BLADES COUNTY DEMOCRAT TheSun Community Service Through Journalism Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 11, 2006 Thursday, May 11,2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Volunteers to help rebuild wetland LAKE OKEECHOBEE The with the City of Belle Glade to ovation and restoration to as many shoes, sunscreen and a hat. This Arthur R. Marshall Foundation is restore the forest and help create a people as possible through com- event is a great way for schools, ee kin volunteers to hel lant nature center on Torry Island Vol- prehensive public outreach pro- churches and scout groups to get Community Links. Individual Voices. MIIImmulHillumilumigB sJeel.lK l V .ilwte.., LV Ilt IJt pIUIIL trees on Saturday, May 13 on Torry Island in Belle Glade. The volunteers will help restore a pond apple forest that once exist- ed on the 700-acre island at the southern tip of Lake Okeechobee. At one time, these native Florida trees made up a swamp-like wet- land that helped filter water and provide homes to fish, reptiles and birds. The area was an important part of the Everglades ecosystem. Now, the non-profit Arthur R. Marshall Foundation is working unteers who take part in the proj- ect will be contributing to the his- tory of one of Palm Beach County's most unique areas. This is a wonderful opportunity for fun and exercise for the whole family! Founded in 1998, the Marshall Foundation has three goals; restor- ing original plant life and water flow patterns to the greater Ever- glades ecosystem, educating young people and the public about Everglades ecology, and delivering the message of preser- grams. In recent years, the Mar- shall Foundation has planted over 71,000 native Florida trees in wet- land areas, awarded over $250,000 in scholarships and internships, and involved more than 4,000 vol- unteers in hands-on restoration projects. The tree-planting event will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on May 13. Water, gloves, equipment and lunch will be pro- vided. Participants are encouraged to wear long pants, closed-toe volunteer hours! Those wishing to take part are asked to RSVP to 561-805-8733 or PlantCypress@aol.com. Directions: Take Southern Blvd west for approximately 40 miles, turn left onto N. Main Street (also called FL 80 W), turn right onto West Canal Street, stay on that road, you will pass the Belle Glade Municipal Golf Course on your right. Go over the bridge to Torry Island. The picnic pavilion will be on your right. Park there. New Hospital Foundation established CLEWISTON Hendry Region- al Medical Center has recently established a new Foundation Board, comprised of 16 men and women who are community lead- ers and who will bring diversified talents, interests, and strengths to the program. The board is made up of: Carl Berner, Tom Conner, Miller Couse, Dr. James Forbes, Christine How- ell,. Sylvester Humphrey, Wendell 'Johnson, Karl Larsen, Melisa Mar- tinez, Tommy Perry, Morris Ridgdill, Chris Shupe, Dr. Martha Valiant, Sassy Whitehead, Sandy Woodall, Chairman Robbie Castel- lanos and Executive Director Glen- daWilson. This Board of Directors will identify special needs of the hospi- tal, and with the assistance of local philanthropists, will provide sup- port in raising funds to assist the hospital in various projects that would directly impact the quality of patient care. To promote public awareness, they will keep the community informed of the Foun- dation's progress and advise them of new services, programs, educa- tional opportunities, and future goals of the hospital. Enhancing community health is a main objective of the Founda- tion. The board members have made a commitment to identify and recruit supporters of HRMC and will solicit and encourage con- tributions from these supporters through various fund-raising activi- ties throughout the year. They have already started their first project a Remembrance Giving Program, where a gift to the Foundation can be used to remember or memori- alize a friend or family member after death or honor them on spe- cial occasions during their lifetime. The Foundation will continue to enhance the legacy of individuals at Hendry Regional Medical Cen- ter. The Foundation of Hendry Regional Medical Center wants to make our community a healthier place to live. Hendry County lead- ers have recognized that the hospi- tal is important to the citizens of our community the Foundation will play a vital role in giving every- one an opportunity to participate in building better healthcare for tomorrow. Pioneer doctors kept busy in area Edited by MaryAnn Morris From 1977 until her death in 2003, Independent Newspapers of Florida was privileged to have on staff a superb writer and historian, Twila Valentine. Mrs. Valentine wrote much about the history of the people and places around Lake Okeechobee and about the lake itself. Together with Okeechobee's Betty Williamson, president of the Okeechobee Historical Society,she co-authored a book, nowin its sec- ond printing, "Strolling down CountryRoads in Okeechobee." The following storycomes from an interview Mrs. Valentine con- ducted with Ossie Raulerson. Ossie said he was born in Ft Drum in 1906, but later his family moved to Okeechobee where his uncle, Lewis Raulerson had the first store in town and the first car, according to Ossie. "My uncle iad a Model T deliv- ery truck with a flat top on it and it had all these button things on it and it has glass roll up on it for when it rained. "One day, we went down to the lake. There was Mother and her sis- ter, (Faith Raulerson Meserve, Lewis Meserve's wife) and another sister and we went to the lake to take a swim. At that time, there was a beautiful sand bottom and you could go a long ways out there and bathe. "The road that went down by the beach was just wagon road. My cousin Hiram, the oldest one of the boys, he was driving this delivery truck and there was 11 of us kids in there and behind that his mother was driving a Model T car. She had two of the younger kids in there. We got down there and he was showing off and driving too fast and a dog run out there in front to miss the dog. His wheels got jammed in the old ruts in there and he turned over. I was riding on the running board on the left-hand side and that's the way the thing turned over on its left side. I was caught underneath the truck and Specializing In Custom Manufacturing D & J Machinery, Inc. Hubzone Cert. 728 E. Trinidad Ave. Clewiston, FL 33440 863-983-3171 Chispi's Restaurant) & Ballroom, Inc. Latin Amierican Cuisine 208 Sugarland Hwy *S * Clewiston, 33440 '6 863-983-2548 8 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT IAi Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators S-National Certificatinn -Job Placement Assistance 800-405-5833 Associated Training Services Special to INI/Florida Archives The truck that Ossie talks about may have looked something like these, parked in Arcadia around 1917. If anyone has a photo of Ellis Meserve'sitrupk, please let us know. Recollections A series about Florida's pioneers and history one of those buttons they used to fasten the top on struck me and broke three ribs. I had a wide shape up there and one of them cut through the skin of my throat. It almost cut my throat all the way through. "They brought me home, unconscious, laid in a horse drawn wagon. I guess for a couple of weeks off and on, I couldn't breathe, Just gasp. Our doctor was Dr. Anna, but we couldn't get her that night. She was over to a little place at a restaurant that they had over there that had caught on fire and she was over there helping fight the fire. We had another doc- tor, named Tolsbn and tfih'.had to get him. He took a little piece of adhesive tape and where the gash had split me open, put the tape on it. "But I wasn't getting any better and Doc Anna wouldn't come as long as Dr. Tolson was there. So the third day, when he come my moth- er told him we wouldn't need him any more and they got Dr. Anna. "That was during World War I and her son Dick was home on fur- lough. So she came in there and she put a piece of plaster, adhesive all around me and she cut holes in it. We didn't have a piece of string to pull it together and her son was there. They leggings with strings that wrapped around in the army in World War I, so he took one of those strings off his boot and strapped me up and pulled it pretty tight on there. "A few minutes after that, I was breathing normal again. There's a lot of talk they tell about Dr. Anna. She was a wonderful person. I have many memories of her. I was always sick. "When I was 5, we moved to the house in Old Dixie. I had the whooping cough and then I got the measles. Back in those times, if measles didn't break out on you, they'd kill you. Of course, my mother was about as near as a doc- tor as there was without being a doctor. We didn't even have patent drugs (over the counter) back in those days, so she used to go out in the woods and pick weeds. Back in those days they called it tennerole. I haven't seen any of it in years, but it was a bush about so high and it had a purple bloom. She would take that and strip those leaves off that and put it in a pot and boil it. "Back in those days, we didn't have sugar, so she would put home- made syrup in there and she'd make me drink that just as hot as I could stand it. I drank enough of that stuff to float a boat, I reckon. We used to have the Sears cata- logue and Montgomery Ward's; everybody got them. Finally she ordered some tea ginger tea and that took the place of it." mvww.at sn -school s.conm SUNRISE APPLIANCE New In Box or Scratch & Dent Full Factory Warranty Save More In lMoore Haven We Also Carry Used Appliances With Warranty S401 US Hwv2, Moore Haven 863'946,2666 REIC HANCINI SoHalla EspB Offices In Port St. Lucle The hiring of an attorney is an Important decision and should not be based solely on advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to provide you with written Information about our qualification and experience. c' l1ae1s UHeath CreC CohIter 'e .00 Skilled Long & Short Term Care Facility Healthcare Services Include: *Specialized Wound Care *Resident & Family Council Groups *Full Time Medical Director *Specialized HIV Care *Dialysis Support *Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapy *Alzheimer's Support Groups *24 hour Registered Nurse Staffing * Intravenous Therapy *Therapeutic Activities 230 South Barfield Highway Pahokee, Florida 33476-1834 PHONE: 561-924-5561 FAX: 561-924-9466 Other facilities in Gainesville & Bradenton Visit our website at www.floridacare.net Water conservation important in dry season A below-average dry season has continued the trend in the final stretch, recording no rainfall throughout the 16-county District so far in May. Even though the last wet season produced a surplus of nearly 9 inches, the lack of rainfall since November has erased any surplus and is causing concerns about groundwater levels. So far, rainfall from November to present is documented as the 13th driest in the last 75 years. Although District meteorolo- gists are forecasting the onset of wet season rain patterns in the near future, residents and busi- nesses are being asked to reduce water use. The greatest culprit for individ- uals? Watering your lawn. More than 50 percent of the water we use goes for irrigation purposes such as lawns and landscaping. The District asks residents to put these water-saving tips into action: Be sure your irrigation sys- tem operates properly. Repair faulty sprinkler heads, adjust spray patterns, inspect for leaks, etc... Water only when necessary such as the lawn is showing signs of wilt. Be sure to thoroughly water each time. Thorough watering pro- motes deep root growth and pro- vides drought resistance, Calibrate your sprinkler sys- tem to perform at optimum lev- els; otherwise, you could have a lawn that's overwatered in some sections and parched in others. Avoid heavy fertilization, which requires more frequent watering during hot months to stave off burning. Water only during evening or very early morning hours, as water is wasted to heat and evap- oration during peak daylight hours. Many municipalities pro- hibit watering between 9 am, and 5 p.m. Be sure to check the regulations in your community, When the seasonal rains begin, be sure to cut back on your watering schedule and make sure to turn your sprinklers off just Paosrel Chuck & Karen Pelham before, during and/or after a healthy rainfall! Take care not to "scalp" the lawn when mowing. Cutting more than 1/3 of the grass blade's length will cause lawn stress and require more watering. Total rainfall for the dry sea- son, which began Nov. 2, is 15.68 inches District-wide (see data below) 8.79 inches less than normal. Based on historical aver- ages, the rainy season usually begins at the end of May. "It's always the driest right before the rainy season kicks in," said District Meteorologist Eric Swartz, "But hold tight and do your part to conserve water. Rain is on the way." Ignited Youth Ministry. Every Wednesday 7:15 pm 370 Holiday Isle Blvd 863.983.3181 www.newharvest.net The OL OXBOW Lounge is OPEN Monday through Thursday 5 p.m. 11 pim. HAPPY HOUR 5 p.m. 7 p.m. Vacancies starting at $84 1 Oxbow Drive LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-4411 Fax: 863-675-4892 sa~i~l Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 11, 2006 ~7Ji~ ~nA)~i~t C W U rr ~c~ X OPINION Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 11,2006 Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the MooreHaven/Glades issues forum at http://www.newszapfo- rums.com/forum57. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits. IMMIGRATION: Regarding Immigration, in 1907, Theodore Roo- sevelt put it this way: "In the first place, we should insist that if the immi- grant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimi- lates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American ... There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people." Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues-at newszap.com. Topics include: * Belle Glade/South Bay issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum51 * Clewiston Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum52 * Hendry County issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum54 * Moore Haven/Glades issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum57 SOkeechobee city/county Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum58 * Pahokee issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum59 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community forums and links." Pet Corner I . t -, . Doc Savvy Question: Dear Doc Sav\%. I This makes the teat canal more have a 6-year-old English Bulldog susceptible to bacterial invasion. named Kara. With much assis- If this does occir, then the breast tance, she has had four'liters of becomes hard, swollen, infected puppies. She had her last liter two and painful. The mother then will weeks ago, but this time, she has prevent the pup from nursing for a problem. One of her breasts is at least two reasons: Because the very swollen and painful, and milk may have infection in it, and now she will not let the puppies it hurts her. As serious as this is, it nurse from her. Was she too old is treatable with immediate care. I to breed? Is this a problem I have strongly recommend you take to take her to the vet for? Kara to your veterinarian ASAP. Thanks, Josie in West Palm Treatment usually includes antibi- each otics, warm compresses and pain Answer: Hello Josie. The prob- medications. Sometimes hospital- Answer: Hello Josie. The prob-ization and IV therapy is lem you are seeing with Kara's ization, and IV therapy is breast probably has nothing to do required. During this time, nurs- with age. However, I usually ing is not advisable, as the med- advise my clients, "If you want to ications to treat the mother may breed your pet, do so between be passed in the milk. Also the ages 2 and 4. After that, have milk probably contains infection, them spayed." Most likely Kara is and the action of suckling may be experiencing a problem called too painful. With prompt atten- mastitis..Mastitis is a painful tion all is usually resolved. swelling, infection and inflamma- Hope that helps Josie, Doc tion of the breast commonly seen Savvy. during nursing. When a female is E-mail your pet questions to nursing, the teat canal opens up a DocSawy@aol.com, and check bit to allow for regular flow of out your answers weekly in The milk while the puppies suckle. PetComer. Speak Out is online! Discuss topics of local concern at: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum58 "Glad CountyNDmot Our Purpose... The Glades County Democrat is published bj, Independent Newspapers of Fli:,rnd. Independent is owned by a unique trust that enables this newspa- per to pursue a mission of journalistic service to the citizens of the commu- nity. Since no dit\dends are paid, the company is able to thrive on profit margins below industry standards. All after-tax surpluses are remvested in Independent's russion of journalistic service, commitment to the ideals of the Firit Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and support of the comm- murnur"-' dehbertation of public issues. We Pledge... * T',. 'prrf Tl -i, F r -[.j er > a puII.: tr6l1 * i '. hcll, :,i mu r_,, bt ,'nime a bcn, r pc I e -.id i.rk. through, our dedlUicaor, t.:. i ,n'-: Ir,or~n i'urnabri . r. p-'.:-idc irnf'-riarur, cwisu;rir-i 'di ro r .,r L l-j L r ,wn i-ll'll lin l iJhf J :l,'rli ab,:'ul I.' T, ir:. m ri ', ijitJ h....re-r. aiujracL v r:t.--'' P, i a'kliiriEs and wiunpaSialn ST u. u ur u rii pqur, i l Hiltlil rinaurty l deiile. not to dominate n swit * dl-,I -.:l,. ll ui ':-.u :rdti of mterst or p.:.-ilo W [:.ili-L ; lI- Ir I-d'-- i I, ,:'-,r I- i :ur -j.rni.r:. l n d o e ar e. ci i-- ,r, i'~ ,r,,rar.,,..r5: -i-t -. , * lo provide a right to reply to those we write about. , To treat people with courtesy, respect and compassion. E~tdital: 14imo E.ior imse Zssgc... NP Cirr Id-bsGeroaGmle Adwufil* erawl- nwuhadaTims.. A-iabrm g Dre-ia Judy Kaswr, Narn-sal Au'n J.--y Parrish A-moarts' Mnager Brioe JsiarnU Advermin Si rwo ce, A:.Ap Ldurer, Ad-,iso lr,- yhis-n ,.sl lIsi -,tpsir5 Ir~i Chairn',,- J1- Srripfi Predera Ed DDAr Var Fr- c-i FvI-a lb. Opsarn, il, Brd Excao.s- Ed'ic arra im I Eki-s, Member of: IL Florida Press Associadens Guest Commentary Prepare now for hurricane season By Scott R. Morris Director, Florida Long-Term Recovery Federal Emergency Management Agency Last year, our nation experi- enced one of the most destructive hurricane seasons ever as hurri- canes ripped through the Gulf Coast states, forcing the evacua- tion of millions, and leaving thou- sands without power, many with- out homes, and causing billions upon billions of dollars in damage. Florida was no exception. In fact, the effect of the 2005 storms was greatly magnified as Floridians still work to recover from the devasta- tion of the 2004 hurricane season. The serious level of destruction from the 2004 and 2005 storms is a clear signal for all of us to take action to prepare for the quickly approaching 2006 hurricane sea- son. No matter where in this great state you may reside be it the Keys, the Panhandle, the First Coast or Central Florida -" all those who live, work and play in the Sunshine State must under- stand that each one of us has a stake in our respective communi- ties and must assume our individ- ual responsibility to prepare for disaster. I urge everyone to take the ini- tiative now. Prepare yourself and your family for the next hurricane. It could be-just around the corner. Practice the three steps of disaster preparedness make a plan, make a kit and get informed. Make an emergency plan so you know exactly what steps to take if you need to evacuate: where to go, what to do with pets and how to meet up with family members if you need to leave quickly. Every home should have a disaster supply kit with a battery- powered radio, new batteries, enough food and water to supply your family for 72 hours, and any necessary medications. (The Web sites www.Ready.gov and www.FloridaDisaster.org are won- derful sources of information for disaster planning and preparing your supply kit.) It is also vital to stay informed during a storm. Listen to the radio or TV newscasts before and during an evacuation and follow reports on the weather conditions inyour area. In the coming weeks, look for further information and reminders regarding all aspects of hurricane and disaster prepared- ness from FEMA, state and local disaster officials. As individuals do their part to prepare for the upcoming hurri- cane season, FEMA is also doing its part by hitting the Florida roads. Disaster recovery program man- agers from FEMA's Long-term Recovery Office in Florida are cur- rently crisscrossing the state, meet- ing with local officials in all 67 Florida counties, answering ques- tions and strengthening the rela- tionships that will facilitate a speedier recovery from future dis- asters in Florida. I cannot overemphasize the incredible importance of prepar- ing now. The precautions you take today may save your life tomor- row. Careful preparation can also possibly save the lives of others, such as first responders. Please take time to prepare yourself and your family today. It is your civic duty and responsibility as a resi- dent of the great state of Florida. Mother's Day brings special memories By Barbara Oehlbeck This year, April \vas a pure poem. Her characteristics came early and stayed \\ith us for ner .30 days. And now we have only to look and listen and feel the fra- grance of .May...brimming over with buds and blossoms and sweel scents as she shows herself on the stage ofaFloridaSpring. Like a fawn, May is soft and gen- tle. Splendid with grace, and filled with; thankful songs...from flow- ers, from the land and \\'ater, orm those on the wing and all \\e of Earth, including the still-spotted twins of mother deer. Her days are fresh and fearless, nights are sweet and balmy, and her \winds are warm with left-over scents from April and paw-paw\ that grows throughout the piney woods. The crown jewel of the whole year to many of us is the merry month of May... v\ith m\Tiad good reasons. Winter is not only gone but forgotten and the storm season has not yet arrived. There's still a lingering fragrance of or ange blos- soms and the first lifting sparkles of fireflies are all about. The \\Tens have hatched their first-bor n ol the year and if his song is any indication of intentions for a second family, it won't be long. For reasons known only to him, his song of May is more melodious than at any other time of year with soul-sweet arpeg- gios imploring his lady-love to come quickly and be about romance and a honeymoon and a second nest. Wrens don't really need any help in house-building but they usually take kindly to a small bucket hung sorta sideways high enough to be out of the reach of Josie, who at times thinks she is Special to the Glades County Democrat Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother, and Great Great Grandmother. Now I may have one too many "greats" on her but who's to prove it one way or the t'other! a house cat and not a dog. Wrens also explore more than once a small three-cornered board nailed in a protected spot ... here again too high for the cat or dog. Of course, these little winged creatures who do all good and no harm are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves, but then, who are we to sy they don't appreciate a helping' hand once in a while? And, this day in May is an alto- gether fitting time for honoring all our Mothers. There's no way of wearing out that beloved old saving: "He could not be everywhere all the time, so God made Mothers." Julia Ward Howe made the first known suggestion for a Mother's Day in the United States. That was way over a century ago in 1872, However it was a lot of years later when the official observance of Mother's Day came about. It was Anna Jarvis who campaigned relentlessly for a national day hon- oring mothers. Her efforts were rewarded with success in 1914 when President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the second Sunday in May as the annu- al observance of "public expres- sion of our love and reverence for the mothers of our country." And so it has been ever since. The origin of the ancient custom of wearing a red rose or flower when one's mother is living, or a while flo.'er if she is not, has faded into obscurity. However, we do know that the day itself could not be designated at a more beautiful and appealing time. Sending flowers of any kind or color has become a tra- dition throughout the country, not only for mothers but for anyone who has become endeared to us through whatever circumstances or for whatever reasons. And some- how, Mother's Day seems poetically appropriate for this custom. Mid-May is as near to perfection as a tirne can be which befits this day.pofspecial honor to our moth- ers. This'iy^^r that special day is Sunday, May 14. And yet another thought from yesterday or even another yester- day from way down the already- traveled road: Blood is thicker than water. Well, not always.. . There are some very wonderful exceptions like Godmothers and stepmothers and others who fill that special void in some lives. Alter all is said and done, moth- er-love is %where \ ou find it. Power outages cause food safety concerns What's in your freezer? With hurricane season rapidly approach- ing, many Floridians have started cutting back on purchase of frozen foods, in order to "use up" what is already in the freezer before a hurri- cane heads their way. The hurricanes of 2004 and 2005 meant thousands of people found out what it was like to live without electricity. Many home- owners, fearing the predictions that we will have to weather more storms in near future, invested in home generators. However, recent gasoline price hikes have some folks wondering if they can afford to run a generator. A medium-size generator, which would be powerful enough to run a freezer and some other household appliances (but not an air conditioner) takes about a gal- lon of gasoline an hour to operate. With gas near $3 a gallon, that makes the electricity produced expensive. The homeowner then has to consider if the food in the freezer is worth running the genera- tor. If the power is only off for a short time 24 hours or less a full unopened freezer may keep food at a safe temperature even with a gen- erator. If the freezer is not complete- ly full, it will not stay cold as long. The USDA offers the following tips for keeping food at safe temper- atures following a power outage: During a power outage NEVER open the freezer door. Always keep frozen food at or below 0 OF. This may be difficult when the power is out. Keep the refrigerator and freezer doors closed as much as possible to maintain the cold tem- perature. The refrigerator will keep food safely cold for about 4 hours if it is unopened. A full freezer will hold the temperature for approxi- mately 48 hours (24 hours if it is half full) if the door remains closed. Obtain dry or block ice to keep your refrigerator as cold as possible if the power is going to be out for a pro- longed period of time. Fifty pounds of dry ice should hold an 18-cubic foot full freezer for 2 days. Plan ahead and know where dry ice and block ice can be purchased. Be prepared for an emergency by having items on hand that don't Healthier Life with Katrina Elsken require refrigeration and can be eaten cold or heated on the out- door grill. Shelf-stable food, boxed or canned milk, water, and canned goods should be part of a planned emergency food supply. Make sure you have ready-to-use baby formu- la for infants and pet food. Remem- ber to use these items and replace them from time to time. Be sure to keep a hand-held can opener for an emergency. Consider what you can do ahead of time to store your food safely in an emergency. If you live in a location that could be affected by a flood, plan your food storage on shelves that will be safely out of the way of contaminated water. Cool- ers are a great help for keeping food cold if the power will be out for more than four hours-have a cou- ple on hand along with frozen gel packs. When your freezer is not full, keep items close together-this helps the food stay cold longer. Digital, dial, or instant-read food thermometers and appliance thermometers will help you know if the food is at safe temperatures. Keep appliance thermometers in the refrigerator and freezer at all times. When the power is out, an appliance thermometer will always indicate the temperature in the refrigerator and freezer no matter how long the power has been out. The refrigerator temperature should be 40 OF or below; the freez- er, 0 OF or lower. If you're not sure a particular food is cold enough, take its temperature with a food ther- mometer. Place two or three ice cubes in a plastic freezer bag and seal. Keep this in the freezer at all times. In an upright freezer, you can have a test bag on each shelf. If there is a power outage you will know if the interior temperature was above 32degrees Fahrenheit if the cubes melt. Even if the power has come back on and the water has refrozen, you can tell if it is no longer in I"cubes" that the internal temperature of the freezer was about 32 degrees for long enough for the ice cubes to met. Never taste food to determine its safety! If food in the freezer start- ed to thaw before the power came back on, ou will have to evaluate each item separately. If an appli- ance thermometer was kept in the freezer, read the temperature when the power comes back on. If the appliance thermometer stored in the freezer reads 40 degrees Fahren- heit or below, the food is safe arid may be refrozen. If a thermometer has not been kept in the freezer, check each package of food to determine the safety. Remember you can't rely on appearance or odor. If the food still contains ice crystals or is 40 degrees Fahrenheit or below, it is safe to refreeze. Refrigerated food should be safe as long as power is out no more than 4 hours. Keep the door closed as much as possible. Discard any per- ishable food (such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and leftovers) that have been above 40 degrees Fahrenheit for 2 hours. p = _] ll.| Glades County Democrat Published by Independent Newspaper, Inc. Serving Glades County Since 1923 To Reach Us Address: RO. Box 1236 Clewiston. Fla. 33440 Website: www.newszap.com To Submit News The Glades Count Democrat Ael- comes submissions from its readers. Opinions, calendar items, stones. ideas and photographs are welcome Call 866-399-5253 to reach our news- room. Items may be mailed, faxed or e-mailed. The deadhne for all news items is 12 p.m. Monday prior to the following Thursday's publication. E-mail: gcdnewso,'newszap com To Place A Classified Ad Call (877i353-2424 to place a classi- fied advertisement from home. The deadline for all advertising is 12 p.m. Monday for the following Thursday's publcation. Fax: 1-871-35-1-2424. E -mail: classadstanewszap.com To Place A Display Ad Call 866-399-5253, deadline for all advertising is 12 p.m. Monday for the following Thursday's publication Fax: 1-863-983-7537 E-mail. southlakeads,'ne*szap com Advertising Billing Department E-mail: billteam@newszap.com To Start Phone:(87; E-mail tea The GIlaie by mrril to: i uld in ra:k SGladC. C.,u or Stop A Paper 1)353-2424 Counry' Denmotrat i;de-Isrid sbscnabes *on T hrwday and o Vsand eo-re locokrisaL the ntv arE3 Call 18771353.2424 to report a mr.sed new Fppe ior por dieivery. Glade. County Democrat LISPS 219060 Publthed Weeklh by ladependmn Nesappapers, Inri Ckwit FL 33+40 1r $24.61 p-.r year mdudirng tax. Second Class postge paid at Clewston Fkonda. Postma-ter send ajdress chitan to the Glades Cn unr Drmcral Citcalation Admirtration PO BO'. 7011 Do.:.r. DE 1':i03 Printing Pnnled at Sun.hine Pnnung, a subidiar, of Indepnndeni New.pap.rs E-mail: pnntung'i-stiato n't Newszap! Online News & formationn Get the lastest'news at www.newszap.com Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 11, 2.006 i : : * OPINION 1 4,995* STK# T4079 O Up To $10,000 o w/ Discounts & Rebates Brand New 2006 Chrysler PT Cruiser 513,995* S -, ~s4~ r~1~Re r~3jty sa~ ~aElasws~ ; : pi s' c ta e" "k "" a i -', ,* 0- :.F t sawr ,'e Roomy 5 Passenger Mid-:: Very Affordable Four Wheel J Have Fun Watching The Overhead Car With All The Power Drive. Powerower, Automatic DVD Player. Front & Rear Air, s. Economical 4 Cylinder Transmission, Air. Power Pack, 7 Passenger Seating, e. Balance Of Warranty. Solid Truck And Ready To Go. Low Miles & Balance Of Warranty. Was $13,825 Was $17,950 Was $22,750 , LE $12,900*SALE $15,890* SALE $19,795* ~SALE $15,890" ! Nice Well Maintained Luxury Car. Only 35,000 Miles On This Beauty. Lots Of Nice Features. Was $13,450 SALE $11,180* -. .. "- IT400 S-TK# LW1735 0' E1 4 IS U L1 ow------------------- OilsF Riler Chanue wim 16-Poift Vehicle ChOfecIW 1,$ 2 2 ,m95 i~~~~j:~"'"?)" Engine oil rylk-Fit UP to qt u %& 5 k~ I A dd lt 'lT rltl Air.r S. 1 3 (1 t V) IT PF-lus., insis te -of thoseT~~~% anxd additionalnb~ iterns mot: I -z i -i. Exero Lump SrmiXar U ~Ni'ir- oparhr fI BT-s AiAr V Iter Pr L doeseL nOt inc repa .ir'a:s which may be ridouirad 8u,,r in.lwr 'rj. Ask Service Adviso for n -orf t d ad Expires 5/17/06 n - :Ifflopar Value Line Brake Pad or Shoe Replace-ment $119095 INCLUDES I Ii~81 Fr j i,-r c, r r c 1 i rc riu U au r.il I I fI wivvth NI\.1ri pa r /a Iu I~ t'1..k- -.r ll.I tnpect riotsor, drum and c:I:.etr Ic'rk broke 0 ledivel -Ram u f- )ty 4x~f-S'i.)C. 3C-u . tru Lcks highfsr U *Vo- iMlcs not.f covered bV r*.i p-'.a r Valur- tUne hrakEe a~re hihier U Expires 5/17/06 - HAMVPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP HE NDRY COUNTY'S ONLY 5-STAR ICHRYSLER-DODGE-JEEP DEALER ICURYSLEUtI 4 It really does make a difference!* o, ILI MngffI^'^T 1V~^4t^4is^-U^f:faS^ ^'XT^ -a-^^ ^^ ^3s (863) 983-4600 202 W. Sugarland Hwy. Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 ude Rebate, pu e, Fes. Special 0% inanngin lieu of Rebate and available tru C ser inancia with approved credit on seect new vehicles. s vary Not all will qualify see dealer for details. Vehicles available at time of press. Sale prices good thru 05/13. Artwork for illustr Includes Rebate, pls v T *tle, Fees. Spedial na g leu ofRebate nd available thru Chrysler Fania with apprwoed credit on select new vehicles. Not all will qualify, see dealer for details. Veides available at time of press. Sale prices good tru 05/13. Artwork for illustrate purposes o proams subject to change Nice I S Size . ptior f Engine SSA I ---I TI I Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 11, 2006 Brand New 2006 Dodge Caravan Minivan i: -rme k: Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May11, 2006 Chispi's Restaurant opens in Clewiston CLEWISTON There is a new restaurant in town, Chispi's ga Restaurant and Ballroom. - Chispi's is located right on U.S. Highway 27, next to Colonial ". Liquors. - For the hungry food connois- seur, Chispi's offers lunch and dinner specials. Chispi's chef spe- cializes in seafood and Latin cui- sine. The restaurant also has a wine and beer bar. Restaurant owners Loyda Alvarado and Jose Sanchez have four years of restaurant business administration experience. "We are very excited to serve j the community, we encourage everyone to stop by and have a taste of our many variety specialty food prepared by our very own ..SIR chef Khader Benjerman," said Ms. Alvarado. "Our goal is to have a great deal of all types of cultural clientele, create VIP rooms for special gathering, meetings and - reunions." .. The restaurant and ballroom is open Mondays to Fridays 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. and Saturdays from 11 INI/Ideybis Gonzalez a.m. to 2 a.m. Chispi's staff (from left to right) includes owners Loyda Alvarado and Jose Sanchez (not pic- For more information, call tured), assistant chef Marita Byrne, chef Rhader Benjerman, hostesses, Angel Sariol and (863) 983-2548. Reynaldo Lopez. First National Bank announces name change STUART First National Bank and Trust Company of the Treasure Coast, the banking subsidiary of Seacoast Banking Corporation of Florida (NASDAQ: SBCF) announced today that it will change its name to Seacoast National Bank effective immediate- ly. "Our expansion into northern Palm Beach and Brevard counties, combined with our mergers with Century National Banl in Orlando and Big Lake National Bank in six counties in south central Florida signaled a need for the change." said Dennis S. Hudson, III Chair- man and CEO. With our expan- sions beyond the Treasure Coast, First National Bank and Trust Com- pany of the Treasure Coast no longer reflects the markets we serve. Tying the bank's name clos- er to the holding company simply makes good sense." "First National Bank is one of, if not the most common name in banking and our franchise is any- thing but common. We pride our- selves in offering consumers and businesses the third alternative in banking: A unique combination of the sophisticated financial services expected at the large mega banks, delivered with the personal service you expect from a community bank." This is not the first name change the Bank has made in its eighty year history. The Bank was originally char- tered in Sebastian, Florida as Indian River County Bank in 1926 When it was moved to Okee- chobee in 1930 the name,was changed to Citizens Bank of Okee- chobee, *After moving to Stuart in 1933, the name changed to Citizens Bank ofStuart. In 1958, after establishing a trust department and changing its charter from state to national, the Bank changed its name to First National Bank of Stuart with trust powers. In 1970, the name was changed to First National Bank and Trust Company of Stuart. The holding company, Sea- coast Banking Corporation of Flori- dawas established in 1983. With the bank's expansion beyond Stuart, the name changed to First National Bank and Trust Company of the Treasure Coast in 1988. With the evolution to Seacoast National Bank, expect to see new signs over the next several months, but the "sails in the wind" logo will remain. Adopted as the bank's logoin 1981, the sails are a graphic interpretation of a poem by Ella Wheeler Wilcox that reads: "One ships drives east, another drives west with the selfsame winds that blow. 'Tis the set of the sails and not the gales that tells us the wayto go". "I do not believe there is a better way of describing the culture of our bank than this poem." said Jean Strickland, President of Seacoast National Bank. We strive every day to do what is right for our cus- tomers and shareholders over the long term and not participate in fads that come and go in our indus- try. We see this as a natural evolu- tion in our history that will serve us well into the future. We are very proud of our team of professional bankers and the hew name fits the dynamic nature of the bank and the people who work here." With 30 branches and $2.5 bil- lion in assets, Seacoast National Bank is one of the largest inde- pendent banks headquartered in Florida. Wal-Mart honors teachers Pets ofthe Week These little kittens were found last week and are now in the kitten adoption program. They will be ready to go to new homes in about two weeks. They are all de-wormed and have tested negative for feline leukemia and FIV tested. Before they are adopted out, the kittens will have their first set of shots. The adoption includes a certifi- cate to have the kittens spayed or neutered when they are old enough. For more information on these kittens, or other felines available in the adoption program, email Doc Savvy at DocSawy@aol.com. Crimestoppers The Palm Beach County Sher- seeks the pub- F lic's help in :: obtaining infor- mation on the whereabouts of r: wanted fugi- tive, Leslie Straker. Straker, 26, is a black man, Leslie Straker approximately 5 feet 10 inches tall, 190 pounds, with black hair and brown eyes. His last known address is Glades Glen Drive in Belle Glade. He is wanted on a felony warrant with charges of aggravated battery. The warrant was issued May 4,2006. Anyone who has information on this person or about any crime, is asked to contact the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office. Help solve a crime. Call 1-800-458-TIPS (8477). For more information online, go to www.crimestopper- spbc.com. Ted Schiff, M.D. and the professional staff at Water's Edge Dermatology will treat you with all the care and expertise you expect. Adult and Pediatric Dermatology Diseases of the Skin, Hair and Nails SSurgery of the Skin, Skin Cancer Treatment SMOHS Skin Cancer Surgery New patients are welcome. Medicare and most insurance accepted. NEW OFFICE: 542 W. Sagamore Ave. Building E, Hospital Annex Clewiston, FL 866-549-2830 WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. - Teachers have a unique opportu-. nity to enrich the lives of young people, challenge their thinking and instill in them a passion for learning. Wal-Mart is recognizing those contributions by honoring local teachers in their 11th annual Teacher of the Year program. The recognition came in honor of National Teacher's Day, which was Tuesday, May 9. Teachers were nominated by members of the community dur- ing February and selected by a committee of store or club associ- ates. Honored local teachers and' their schools include: Belle Glade Angelita Nervis, Gove Elementary School; Clewiston Cheryl Stein, East- side Elementary School of Clewis- ton; Okeechobee Vicki Kennedy, Okeechobee Central Elementary School; and, Pahokee Renae Samuels, Pahokee Elementary School. Teachers help shape the lives of all of their students," said Bob McAdam, vice president of corpo- rate affairs, Wal-Mart Stores. "This award is a tribute to all teachers whose exceptional knowledge and skill and true passion for edu- cation inspire learning everyday in the classroom." Since the Wal-Mart Teacher of the Year program began in 1995, Wal-Mart has honored more than 26,000 teachers nationwide and donated more than $23.4 million to local schools. "Educators need to be recog- nized now more than ever as they face the current challenges of improving student achievement," said Dr. William Bushaw, execu- tive director of Phi Delta Kappa. "The recognition that this pro- gram brings, as well as the dollars it provides to schools, is a very tangible contribution by corpo- rate America toward school improvement across the coun- try." Sports Brief BASS BUSTERS plans tournaments CLEWISTON BASS BUSTERS Tournament Trail will hold the Silver Division Open Tournament on Saturday May 20, in Clewiston Florida the team entry is only $70. Bass Busters tournament trail will hold the Gold Division Open Tournament on Sunday May 21 in Clewiston Florida the team entry is only $100.00 Both weigh-ins will be Held At Roland and Maryann Martin's Marina at 3 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday May 20 and 21. For More Information Contact Chris Fickey at 941-232-9539 or visit the official BASS BUSTERS website at www.bassbusters- florida.com I'lTEMPURPEDIC PRESSURE RELIEVING SWEDISH MATTRESSES AND PILLOWS Moonlight Gator Cruises opens CLEWISTON Captain Jim Taylor of JT Adventures in Clewiston is offering a new type of airboat cruise which he calls a "Moonlight Gator Cruise", featuring a fascinating look at the mysterious world of night- time on Lake Okeechobee as gators, raccoons, frogs, roost- ing birds, and other nocturnal creatures hunt and move about in the eerie stillness of the dark. For more information call (863) 228-6704. The Hair Haven tanning f .&Vails Family Hair Salon Hwy. US 27, Moore Haven Men & Walk-Ins Welcome! 9a.m. 5 p.m. Closed Sun. & Wed. CONSTRUCTION CORP. SERGIO RUBIQO 445 E. SUGARLAND HWY. CLEWISTON, FL 33440 "- PHONE: 863-983-3457 FAX: 863-983-1112. SLATE CERTIFIED GENERAL COACTOI' LICENSE # CC1508763:' DIGITAL RECEPTION, SERVICES, INC. Satellite TV Inastallervs Positionitxi ougho u ida for details and t Iftte go to: www.rmcacclai an Lida careers / TUXEDOS BY: SAfter s seen FOR STRUCTURED SETEIENTS, on T.V. ANNUITIES and INSURANCE PAYOUTS (800) 79447310 JG. Wntwrtho means CASH NOW for Structured Settlements! YOUR BRIDAL HEADQUARTERS! GOWNS BY: l/Y OMilano Lida Mauri Simone Dave & Johnn)'s Aurora Formals "'I TUXEDOS BY: After Hours Jim's Formal Wear.- SHOES BY: Colorful Creations We do alterations & ,URBRUSH T4AN'NING! Courtyard Shoppes at North Shore Plaza 810 EN Park St (863) 357-9099 as- The Glades County School Board Will Hold A Special Meeting On May 16, 2006 at 10:00 a.m. In The Glades County School Board Meeting Room 400 10th Street, SW Moore Haven, Florida Items On The Agenda Will Include Student Recognitions And Approval of a GMP For Hurricane Repair And Moore Haven Elementary Administration Renovation Project Experience the Tempur-PedicSwdish Mattress believe itTM Since 1929 Royals FURNITURE APPLIANCES & BEDDING 117 S. Deane Drf, Clewiston, 83-9O83-4121 ONLY AVAILABLE AT ROYAL'S CLEWISTON SHOWROOM No Down Payment* & 90 Days Same As Cash* J :. -.,. *WITH APPROVED CREDIT See store for details. i IrT I -.- I ,, ROYAL's E-Z FINANCING AVAILABLE'! 3: ,!(, Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 11, 2006 --~--;*t4i~l Thursday, May 11, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee M I I I #1 I ,*IL rtI hJ 4Ik4 i; I- -...i.. -an r 1t~VA I eeJ "V Jeep 9 S T0 STORE HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY: 8:30AM 9:00PM SATURDAY: 8:30AM -9:00PM SUNDAY: 11:00AM 6:G3PMB ADVERTISED OFFERS VALID ON INSTOCK VEHICLES ONLY OFFERS NOT IN CONJUNCTION. MINIMUM 750 BEACON SCORE REQUIRED. DEALER RETAINS ALL REBATES INCENTIVES. PRICES INCLUDE ALL REBATES, PRICES PLUS TAX, TAG TITLE, FEES AND DEALER INSTALLED OPTIONS. REBATES VARY ON SELECT MODELS, WITH APPROVED CREDIT OFFERS EXPIRE DATE OF PUBLICATION OR MAY BE CANCELED AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE. RANKING BASED ON REGISTERED SALES FOR DAIMLER CHRYSLER THRU AUGUST 2005. DEALER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS. VEHICLE ART FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ZERO APR FINANCING TERMS VARY ON SELECT MODELS, MUST HAVE A++ THRU A CREDIT SCORE THRU CFC, OFFERS NOT IN CONJUNCTION, SEE DEALER FOR MORE DETAILS. PRICES INCLUDE CFC REBATE, MUST QUALIFY THRU CFC TO GET PRICE OR OFFER. MPG BASED ON GOVERNMENT EPA HIGHWAY ESTIMATES. $100 GAS CARD WITH PURCHASE OF NEW 2006 VEHICLE, OFFERS NOT IN CONJUNCTION, | LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER. PREVIOUS SALES EXCLUDED. ALL OFFERS EXCLUDE SRT MODELS AND VIPERS. 02006 CARRERA ADV. Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 11, 2006 I:: :Q t lilt~ 1IpinI-- qr~~-7" '111'1 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 11, 2006 Ui * A toy~ _'"'<' ~ ~ -~4~ elle, f917 ^, ^^ ^ ^M lfhilliif r _. "-Ilj- Tf* _fti ^ I_ -BB 1^^ ^R ;IM fl B I 9 '6rg F omti Atomotii F " J jr ,,, " qH h, :JJZ(.r;:% f~~s T ~ ~ i44 aIj M-2j GUARANTEED FINANCING with as little as $2,000 down ...and sometimes less RAIT M -PF YFA jfp95E6 ~J:jjj ~j~jjj : IjjWJJ - -1 ..... 42I~ ,h IITT i-Ic E1 rJl JJ1 [ ,. I J.I r 14 f ~I I 'KUJl~JJ . -ji j 1 1i11 .jJIJJcJIJ U~~~~~~ i L U A -- ' Sll~. : aJ, r P II r~ Y RII LL2J2J ~22,IThii ~j1jJ F'jjJJ .;UIsl ". E U U / - li ', !-a! "` F 7E v W L -AFA E" Thursday, May 11, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee PA kS-.A '. i ~r I ~r rl r~J~J " ~LI~J~IJ~J -r''~C~WBB~B~OP~~g~;r? ~ "1~r I .>.--- IL1~j Zi il I I l~ ~-I"'~ --'" -' ~'- '"-"~1 ;''''"''i ~'" `'"' -'"~ i _li m11 4i~IF O.A t R- EDUCATION Thursday, May 11, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Glades County Schools Lunch Menu Thursday, May 11 Chicken and yellow rice Garden peas Cherry cobbler Roll Milk-variety Friday, May 12 Pepperoni pizza French fries Tossed salad Shape-ups Milk-variety Monday, May 15 Beef a Roii Corn Salad/ranch Peanut butter squares Biscuit Milk-variety Tuesday, May 16 Corn dog Baked beans Curious George Milk-variety Wednesday, May 17 Hamburger/bun Lettuce and tomato Gold fish cracker Mayo, ket, mus, pks Peaches Milk-variety Thursday, May 18 Chicken and noodles Mashed potatoes Green beans White bread Pineapple puff Milk-variety Friday, May 19 Pepperoni pizza . French fries Tossed salad Shape-ups Milk-variety By Joe Marlin Hilliard with Barbara Oehlbeck Briefly stated, Hilliard Brothers of Florida's creation of its mega- enterprise agricultural empire was based on three things: character, intelligence, and opportunity. Those words were used by an agricultural corporate officer recounting his 45 years association with the Hilliards as told in "The Ranch"; the integrity of those traits is carried on now in a third Hilliard generation. "The Ranch" -is rich in history, not only of a great family, but of cat- tle ranching and multiple farming industries covering a span of nearly a century. From Mr. Hilliard's recount of his grandfather's move from Fort Basinger to Fort Myers in April 1906, all the way through to more than 75 narrations of his pro- fessional associates, employees, friends and family, "The Ranch" is much more than just a historical chronicle. Its testimony of true Florida pioneering spirit vibrantly brings to life legends of people, places and times, and events that will never he duplicated. SPioneer ranchers acquiring close to a hundred square miles of land mostly in Hendry County, Florida, brothers Joe Alexander. Hilliard and Marlin W Hilliard were "conservative environmentalists" long before that phrase was coined. Ir, noalive, selling high standards of xceilence in'their own personal principles and work ethics, both men, highly intelligent with innate and diverse business acumen, left a monumental legacy of dedication and ingenuity. Son/nephew Joe Marlin Hilliard has excelled in amplifying those characteristics and with much hard work has expanded the estate to the status of 27 corporate entities with properties and interests in more than four states. Yet the down-to-earth realness of these three men is so evident in the wit- ness of their peers who include friends, neighbors, employees (including former) pilots, farmers, partners, legislators, accountants, lawyers and family doctors. "The Ranch" is has over 400 hundred photographs, many in full color depicting the natural beauty of Hopedelagee, Dinner Island, Gun-Shy and the entire ranch and farming operations. Dated from 1918 through 2004, you will find rodeo bulls, cane fields, farming equipment, cattle round-ups, cit- rus, wine and gun collections, fam- ily, friends hunting and partying, trophy mounts of deer and elk, political figures, showcase man- sions, cowpens and miles of fences, wild game and animals enjoying the yet unspoiled beauty of Hilliard's Ranch. Evident from his youth, the handsome face of Joe Marlin Hilliard depicts intense intelligence. The photo collection alone affords reflection ofa unique part of Florida few every see. Mr. Hilliard's choice of writing with author Barbara Oehlbeck proved wise, as she related and transcribed dozens of interviews with folks more. than willing to expound on their relationship wth the Hilliards The dominant theme Swas respect and apljreciation. Mrs. Oehlbeck captured the personality of each story-teller, even to making their conversations come alive using phonetic spelling of their speech vernacular. Stories of rounding up cattle with Jeeps, eradicating screw-worms and deer Community Events Economic Council Meetings The Glades County Economic Development Council normally meets the first Monday of the month at 6:15 p.m. in the conference room at Glades Electric Cooperative. If you are not a member, please con- tact the EDC about joining. If you are a member, please plan to attend the meetings. As the Main Street effort, and other initiatives move for- ward, we will need a host of knowl- edgeable volunteers to serve on var- iois committees and we encourage your participation. American Legion open SMoore Haven American Legion Post 299 is now having bingo, Sat- urday nights at 6 p.m. Hamburgers, drinks and dessert will be provided at a minimal cost. B.H.R. Moose Lodge The lodge is located on U.S. 78 W in Buckhead Ridge. Regular bingo is played Tuesdays at 12:30 Come 6et y our summer reading. Book Fair Begins Monday Open Dailt 10:00-5-00 and Tuesday and Thursday from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Lunch is available each day. Members and qualified guests may play. Wednesday feature an Italian dinner or alternate entree from 5 - 7:15 p.m. and Saturday's dinner is from 5 7:15 p.m. Music for danc- ing starts at 7:30 p.m. Call the lodge to see who is playing. Sunday morning breakfast is served from 8 - 10:15 a.m. VFW Post #10539 The VFW will be open Monday through Wednesday 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; Thursday, 10 a.m.-10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m.-ll p.m., or later; and Sunday, 1 8 p.m. Happy hour is from 4 6 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Dinner is served at 5 p.m. Tuesday evenings. Bar bingo starts at 12:45 p.m. Wednesday. Lunch will be available. Singles darts every Wednesday, 7 p.m. Cafeteria is open from 5 8 p.m., Thursday nights. Friday at 7 p.m. there will be live music and dancing. On Sat- urday, hotdogs with kraut are served at noon. Saturday dart dou- bles at 7 p.m. ticks, 50-cents an acre land pur- chases, tragic losses, letters of loy- alty, 18 miles of canal digging, and more too numerous to list, all will engage the reader's interest. Joe Marlin Hilliard is well known, admired, respected and influential in wide political circles across all party affiliations. Local, state and national elected officials are included in the interviews, which comprise much of the nar- ration of "The Ranch". He is (almost singly) responsi- ble for the innovation of sugar cane harvesting when he thought "out- side the box" and went to Australia for .machinery, operators and machinists who, under his direc- tion, forever changed the econom- ics and terrain of the sugar cane industry. His creative adaptation of equipment allows cultivation of cane on sandlands in addition to mucklands and eliminated the expense of importing and housing foreign laborers to harvest cane.. With his beautiful wife Barbara, Joe Marlin has earned a reputation of extreme generosity. The family tradition of "working hard" and "giving back" has been instilled in a third generation Hilliards: Joe Mar- lin Hilliard II. Mary Beth Hilliard Carroll, and Bryan Reed Hilliard, all three of whom are engaged in full participation in Hilliard Brothers of Florida. / Whether or not you have ever lived or worked on a ranch, you vXtlS b&'"intfigbed, 'educated, afid' entertained and you will.want to thank Joe Marlin Hilliard for pro- ducing "The Ranch". And you'll wish you could go back in time.and visit Marlin and Joe A. The book is available from the Hilliards by calling (863)983-2481. Lock Continued From Page 1 position only when the level of Lake Okeechobee falls to approximately the same level as the tributaries coming into the Lake so that boaters may navi- gate safely from the tributary into the Lake. The water level in Lake Okeechobee on Tuesday, May 2 was at 13.41 feet NGVD. The nav- igation lock at Lakeport (S-131) will not be considered for open- ing until the lake level stabilizes near 13 feet NGVD. When conditions call for the District to return to normal lock operation schedules, the public will be notified through the news media. Normal lock operating hours vary depending on the loca- tion and season. Please check with the locktender for hours of opera- tion when locking through. Boaters are asked to call the Okeechobee Service Center with questions and comments in the absence of a locktender. The Ser- vice Center telephone number is (863) 462-5260 or (800) 250-4200. Over $40,000 available For more Information on our scholarships visit our websiteor callusat 863-983-5388 ore-mailusat flnancialassistance@clewistonchristian.or SCCS Scholastic Book-Fair Coming May 15-19 For more information check our website: www.clewistonchristian.org School News in Brief MHHS Class Reunion School Board The MHHS Class of '86 is hav- ing their 20 year reunion on Homecoming Weekend this. year. Planners are inviting the Class of '87 and Class of '88 to join us, as well. They are in need of assistance in locating and notifying all members of the above classes. The initial plan is to have a tailgate type get- together the night of the Home- coming Game. and, on the fol- lowing day, have a BBQ for the family at the City Park or a simi- lar location. Anyone interested in assisting may contact David Lee at dlee-1967@skyeone.com or (863)946-2512. Band plans Spring Concert The brand new West Glades Band is working hard for its annu- al spring concert on Thursday, May 18, at 7 p.m. The band will be performing a repertoire of special beginning band compositions and solos and will highlight some fea- tured soloists. Admission is Free. Dean Paul is the director. Scholarship raffle The Moore Haven High School Scholarship Foundation is raffling off a new freezer full of prime fed beef. Tickets are only $5 or 5 for $20 with the drawing to be held dsay 12. The proceeds of this fundraising effort will provide scholarships to graduating seniors from Moore Haven High School. Tickets can be purchased at Chap- py's Store in Lakeport or at the Glades Counry School Board Office in Moore Haven. TechBridge Youth training TechBride Youth training serv- ices a program that is dedicated to enhancing the employability and work readiness skills of Out of School Youth between the ages of 16 and 21 who live in the Hendry/Glades area, is presently accepting applications for enroll- ment and is ready to assist young adults who are ready to deploy on the road to success. In association with the Clewiston Adult School and the Clewiston Career and Development Services Center, we offer students the opportunity to ,obtain their GED as well as con- duct job searches and assistance with continuance of their educa- tional goals. For more information contact Patrick Coleman at (863)983-1300 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Friday. meetings set Regular meetings will now take place on the second Thursday at 6 p.m. and the fourth Thursday at 9 p.m. in the Glades County School Board meeting room, 400 10th Street SW, Moore Haven. School Accountability Report The NCLB School Public Accountability Report from Moore Haven Junior-Senior High School is available on the school Web site http://glades.edgate.org/moore- haven/index.php. Copies of the report are also available in the school's main office, 700 Terrier Pride Drive SW, Moore Haven. FCAT scores available West Glades Elementaryreminds parents that FCAT scores may be picked up at the school office, Mon- day-Friday8 am. to4 p.m. GED classes set The Glades County School Dis- trict is offering GED prep classes at Moore Haven High School, Room 26-003, for adults who wish to obtain their GED. Classes are Tues- day and Thursday nights from 6-8 p.m. You may register the night of the classes. If you have any ques- tions you may call Scott Bass at 1863)9-16-0202 ext. 13. Accountability report The "No Child Left Behind School Public Accountability Report" for Moore Haven Elemen- tary School is now available in the elementary school office. If you would like a copy of the report, please stop by the office and one will be made available to you. Children's advocates needed The Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) Program needs volunteers to repre- sent the best interests of abused, abandoned and neglected children before the court, social service agencies and the community. No special educational degree is required. Guardians need to be someone with common sense, good judgment and a commitment to helping a child. Attendance at three training sessions held in Fort Myers is required. Please contact Kelie Hedrick at:. (239)461-4360 or (800)269-6210 for more informa- tion, and to reserve your space for training. Stop the violence The Hendry and Glades Domes- tic and Sexual Violence Council's mission is to increase community awareness about domestic and sexual violence and victim safety by providing services, referrals and education relating to the affects of domestic/sexual violence in our community. The meetings rotate between LaBelle, Clewiston and Moore Haven. To get involved in the council or for information about meeting dates and times, please -call Abuse Council and Treatment, Inc.'s Rural Extension (REACT): (863)674-1811 8:30 a.m.- 5 p.m. to speakwith an advocate. ?'l- Glades Chiropractic Center hIi Dr. Manuel L. Soto III RChiropractic Physician FREE CONSULTATION & EXAM (a $190 value) Glades Chiropractic Center is a subluxation-based, wellness healthcare facility. We provide Chriopractic, Physical Therapy, Massage Therapy, Spinal Decompression, Permanent Hair Removal, Wrinkle & Acne Treatments. X-ray on site. We treat a wide variety of conditions including auto accident recovery, disk herniations, back & neck pain, sciatica, sports injuries, school & sports physical. Most insurance accepted. Affordable payment plans for the uninsured. 1100 S. Main Street, Belle Glade Phone: 561-996-4242 Fax: 561-996-4232 he patient andany other personmshle fr payments has a rigt to rese to pay cancel payment, orbe reimbursed for paymentfor any otheervice examination or treatmentwhichis perfonnedas a result ofand within72 hours ofespondingtothe adeverisementfor the feeor dimunted servie% examination or treatment Sell your personal valuables if they're $2,500 or less for absolutely free! No fee, no catch, no problems! 4 lines for 2 weeks Price must be included in ad SPrivate parties .J : .~Per house- ~~4`oniy SClewiston News Toll Free * used.tumo grouping per a priced at $2,500 or less * Independent Newspapers reserves the right to disqualify any ad. S LADES COUAT 44 DEMOCRAT 877.353-2424 classad@newszap.com "The Ranch" showcases Hilliard Brothers HOMlfE Of THfE "ORI6IW T' H' W ."L. ,.-. L."" '.^T^ .. .. .-. "^'n ^,"^^ .^ '. ... ':; ..... ; : : '. ''"- ':; -'". ." i '; '* "" ": .*I, ......" ,, L.:, .i S .A-'"--:.. : .4 t Make up to $2,500 by filling in the space above! Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 11, 2006 Tel: 863-983-5388 E-M~ail: The Sun Serin th omnte ot fLk kehbeTusaMy1,20 Engagements , -EV Submitted to INI Crystal Lenae Hair and Billy Joe Rawls plan to marry in July. Smith - Charlestin Mr. and Mrs. James Smith, Jr., of Wellington, announce the engagement of their daughter, Yolanda D. Smith, of Belle Glade, to Charles Chalestin, Jr. of Belle Glade. The bride is also the daugh- ter of the late Pauline Foster Smith. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Willio Francois of Belle Glade and of the late Charles Charlestin. The bride attended Florida A&M University and Florida State University. She is currently pursu- ing a doctorate degree in Educa- tional Leadership at Nova South- eastern University. She. is employed as a Guidance Coun- selor at Glades Central Communi- ty High School and a former Adjunct Professor at Palm Beach Community College. The groom is a graduate of Tolbert - Ellison Shannon Tolbert and Frank S. Ellison Jr. plan to be married on June 10. The bride is the'daughter of the late Hoover and Winifred Tolbert. The groorn is the son of the late Mary James Rowley and Frank S. Elisson Sr. The wedding is planned for Mt. Zion AME Church, 249 SW 10th Street in Belle. Miss Tolbert is a 1995 graduate of Glades Central Community High School. Mr. Ellison is a 992 graduate of Glades Central Community High School 1992. The bride-to-be is a Data Entry Operator at Glades Correctional Hair Rawls Ronnie and Renee Hair of Okeechobee are proud to announce the engagement of their daughter Crystal Lenae Hair to Billy Joe Rawls of Belle Glade. The prospective groom is the son of James and Barbara Smith of Okeechobee. The wedding is planned for Saturday, July 22, 2006 at the Gathering. The bride to be is a 2002 graduate of Okeechobee High School. She attends IRCC. She is employed as a substitute teacher with the Okeechobee County School Sy stem. The groom is a 1991 gradu- ate of Okeechobee High School. He is employed as a water plant lead operator with the City of Pahokee. After the wedding, the couple will reside in Okee- chobee. Submitted to INI Yolanda D. Smith & Charles Charlestin, Jr. plan to be married May 27. Glades Central Community High School. He is a Sergeant First Class Recruiter in the United States Army. The wedding is planned May 27, 2006, at Saint John First Mis- sionary Baptist Church in Belle Glade. A reception will tollo\\ immediately after the marriage ceremony. Submitted to INI Shannon Tolbert and Frank Ellison plan to wed on June 10. Institution. Glade. The prospective groom is Field The couple plans to make their Representative for the City of Belle home in Belle Glade. Introducing the newest member of our General Surgery Team. Harold L. Martin, M.D., FA.C.S. S. Dr. Martin received his bachelor's ,- degree n Pharmacy trom Florida A&MN Uruversirty in Tallhassee and S--- -" -, hpie his hedicall Degree from Hooward University School of Medicine Sin Washington, D.C. Dr. Mart n speciaizes in laparoscopic surgery, general and peripheral vascular surgery ; flexdble and rraO ia. iAmerican Board of Surger eligible, Dr. Martin is aso a Diplomate of the National Board of .... 6anda a Pllow of the American College E of Surgeons and the Artiican Soc-iety ofAbdonun.A Surgeonq. Coming to Glades General Hospital from Northern Mlontana 7 Hospital in Havre, Montana, please join us in welcoming Dr. Martinn .to our community. .- .uMartin is currently accepting appointments, please call 561-992-4393. 941 S.E. First Street, Belle Glade, FL 33430 Take a closer look at Glades General Hospital... you'll be impressed by what you see. GLADE E S GENERAL HOSPITAL 561-996-6571 1201 South Main Street Belle Glade, Flonda 33430 Subscriptions: Advertising Email Address: southlakeads@newszap.com To Place a Classified: (877)-353-2424 email address: classads@newszap.com Billing Questior Delivery Questi email address: readerservices@newszap.com By Mail: CLEWISTON NEWS PO BOX 1236, CLEWISTON FL 33440 Wedding Livingston - Rupp Lovetta "Lovey" Marie Liv- ingston, of Dover, Penn. (formerly of Clewiston), and Corey Rupp of Dover, Penn., were joined in mar- riage on April 29,2006. The bride is the daughter of Carl Livingston and Barb Boyd, and Robin Stewart. Both Mr. Livingston and Ms. Stewart are former residents of Clewiston. The groom is the son of Ann and Jeff Nixdorf. His father was the late George Rupp. Justice of the Peace Shawn Hughes presided at the wedding in Dover, Penn. Newszap & Newspapers We make it easy to stay up-to-date! Community homepages newsap.com Click anytime for the latest LOCAL hEWS LO(AL ADVERTISIH6 LOCAL OR6AHIZATIOKS! Featuring links to: SAP wire M Weather 0 Obituaries 0 Health news Stock quotes Horoscopes STV listings Movie listings Lottery results Food & recipes White Pages SYellow Pages & much morel Newszap! Online News & Information newszap.com The bride was given away by her father. The ring bearers were Bradley Thomas Stevens and Christian Lee Rupp. Skylar Marie Livingston was the flower girl. The bride is a full time mother. The groom is employed as a Selecter at ES3 in Strinetown Penn. The couple will resident in Dover, Penn. with their three chil- dren, Bradley Thomas Stevens, Skylar Marie Livingston and Christ- ian Lee Rupp. They are planning a belated honeymoon trip to Florida this Christmas. Delivered to Declare Your Your Door at No Cost! Independence with FEED e 888-722-7556 Sunglass Extravaganza Come See The New Styles for 2006 The Opuoal Cenier I.: J I',J ln Family! Eve Care l""i'II N.I w. i L iBcnl, i i .,'.'5. 8s:3-,s.0r-,1 May 25, 2006 Ii Savings on ensure selection of sunglasses C Since 1929 Royal's FURNITURE gab .4PPLL4ANCES & BEDDL'VG "Opim8 Mocha" s e r Ai All Leather! M1.1 rNnj LI'II t L . Ldveseat also available only $499.95 Belle Glade 561-996-7646 n Clewiston 863-83.4121 abhley IuMW fomestore MI ImOkalee 239-6576138 oeewee '^9*m SS" dmA*' 863-7634293 OFFICE IS CLOSED I HURRICANE DAMAGE We would like our readers and the community to know that we will not be returning to the 626 W. Sugarland Highway (US 27) location, and are now seeking an alternate office space in Clewiston more suitable to our needs. We will announce in your paper when we have done so. We will continue to publish your newspaper every Thursday Below is information on how to get in contact with us. We will be working out of the Caloosa Belle office located at: 22 Fort Thompson Avenue LaBelle, FL 33975 Caloosa Belle: (863) 675-2541 fax: (863) 675-1449 Is: (800) 426-4192 Editorial Email Addresses: Clewiston News: clewnews@newszap.com Glades County Democrat: gcdnews@newszap.com The Sun: sunnews@newszap.com (877)-353-2424 email address: billteam@newszap.com ions: (877) 282-8586 Thursday, May 11,. 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday. May 11.2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee '00 MAZDA B2500 '99 DODGE QUAD CAB DIESEL 4X4 '04 GMC 2500 H.D. STK#62825AA ............... ...... .........S......5 ,9 9 0 STK6308 0A ................. ... 3 ,9 9 0 STK63263A........... ................ 6 ,9 9 0 '03 CHEVROLET 1500 CREW CAB H.D. '02 DODGE RAM 1500 QUAD CAB '05 DODGE RAM 1500 STK#62539A .............................................. 17990 STK .................................................. 11,990 TK62770A........... .. 5,990 '04 CHEVROLET COLORADO CREW CAB 4X4 STK#60023A.......................... ..... ............. 1 8 ,9 9 0 '02 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 QUAD CAB '03 DODGE RAM 1500 LARAMIE '04 CHEVROLET AVALANCHE STK#62488A ............... .................. 6312,9900 STK6131 .STK#62553A................................. 22,590 '01 FORD FOCUS STK#61937A..... ...................................... 0 '00 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL STK#6551A.......... 799 '01 CADILLAC CATERA STK#63214A............... .........7990 '03 OLDSMOBILE ALERO STK#61411B ................................................................. '03 FORD TAURUS STK#62715A................................. .... 199 9 0 '00 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LTD. 4X4 STK#63186A...................................... ,8 '02 KIA SEDONA STK#62947A ............................................................. , '00 HONDA CR-V 11,99 STK#62101B ....................................... '03 FORD SPORT TRAC STK#62499A........................................................... 3 ,4 5 0 '02 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE $ STK#62825A 13,990 '04 CHEVY CAVALIER '03 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER STK#61240A 990 STK#PL6829A .... .................... 13,990 '04 SATURN ION $ 0,990 '04 HYUNDAI XG350L STK#62205A $N '03 CHEVROLET IM PALA STK#6808 ................................................................. 4 ,9 9 0 STK#62301A ............ 10, '05 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER CONV. '03 HYUNDAI TIBURON TK#6596A............................................................. 5 ,9 9 0 STK#63017A...................................... ............. I I ,... '03 FORD MUSTANG '04 MAZDA RX-8 STK#61866B ..................... .............. .... .... ............. STK#6867A.... ....................... ......,9 9 0 '03 FORD ESCAPE '05 CHRYSLER PACIFICA STK#7036A........................................................... 3 9 9 0 STK#61220A .............................. .......................... 1 6 ,9 9 0 '05 KIA SEDONA EX 7 PASSENGER .. l '04 GMC ENVOY$1 9 STK#62977AA.............. I STK#62385A.............. ................. ............. '05 HYUNDAI SANTA FE '03 MITSUBISHI MONTERO $1 o ............................ 5,.1908990 STK#PL6818.. ........................... STK#62054A..................................... ................ , '01 TOYOTA RUNNER SR5 15 '04 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LTD. 19 STK#6785A 1 0 STK#61958A........................................................., '05 DODGE DURANGO $10 '04 CHEVROLET TAHOE 90 STK#62967A 15,9 STK#62955A.................... .................. 2 , AJ& IJtI5L^./ J&AjCf Z11V(JI j* lJAJCI V (J^-/ L ^ .ICA./IVC AL.i : (-I f^Lf, | STORE HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY: 8:30AM 9PM SATURDAY: 8:30AM 9PM SUNDAY: 11AM -6PM Offers expire date of publication. Must present this ad at time of purchase to receive advertised offers. All offers to qualified buyers. With approved credit. Savings based off original MSRP. Dealer not responsible for typographical errors or omissions. Prices plus tax, tag & title. All vehicles subject to prior sale. See dealer for details. Art for illustration purposes only. Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 11, 2006 . ..I . Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May ii, 2006 SGlades County Sheriff's Office Arrest Report Special to Glades County Democrat Moore Haven Vice Mayor Dave McGee holds the net for the balloon toss game, in which motorcyclists toss a water bal- loon into a fishing net held by a city official. This column lists arrests, not convictions, unless otherwise stated. Anyone who is listed here, and who later has the charges against them dropped, is welcome to inform the news- paper. The following informa- tion was provided by the Glades County Sheriffs Office. April 30 Jacinto Lopez, 30, of Moore Haven was arrested by Deputy Joseph Sapuppo on an active warrant for VOP. He remains in. custody with bond set at $2,500. May3 James Bradley, 42, of Winter Haven was arrested by Deputy Richard Ermeri on active Polk County warrant. He was later released on a $3,000 surety bond. Ashley Wilcox, 19, of Auburn- dale was arrested by Deputy Joseph Sapuppo on the charge of possession of marijuana under 20 grams. She was later released on a $250 cash bond. Wesley Garcia, 33, of Chero- kee North Carolina was arrested by Deputy Queenie Bell on two active warrants for failure to pay court ordered fines. He remains in custody with bond set at $1,000 cash only. May 4 Marcos Medina, 40, of Miami was arrested by Deputy Jason Griner on the charge of failure to sign and accept summons. He was later released on a $500 cash bond. Felix Vasquez, 41, of Moore Haven was arrested by Deputy Wayne Stripling on the charge of aggravated assault with deadly weapon and battery. He remains in custody with bond set at $7,500. Marcial Garcia, 26, of Moore Haven was arrested by Deputy Tito Nieves on the charge of aggravated battery with deadly weapon. He remains in custody with bond set at $15,000. May 5 Todd Story. 34. of Indiantown was arrested by SPD Officer Mor- gan on an active warrant from Okeechobee County and an active warrant from Hillsbor- ough. He remains in custody with bond set at $12,500. Rowru AshCrIo0%-, INC. I Special Financing Aeaablel 1 Call MD323-2838 for datallst Same Day Service Lab On Premises SINGE $30 ingl FULLSET 720- Prmiu PATAL 35 Ec Porelinan Wit MERCER DENTAL CLINIC ON Us 41, S. FT. MYERS e. ,. *; . Sargent's Towing proprietor Steve Sargent earned a prize for completing the slolam during last year's first River Rally. Rally Continued From Page 1 hand following the run will split the pot with the Volunteer Fire Depart- ment. The second annual river rally itself will begin with opening cere- monies at 10 a.m., followed by the Blessing of the Bikes. Biker games, including the "Road Kill game," in which the biker must scoop up "road kill" with a fishing net, begin at 11 a.m. Other popular games include: "Bite the wveenie," in which bikers ride tandem and the biker riding the queen seat must catch a hot dog suspended on a fishing line across Riverside Drive in their teeth; and, "Slow bike," in which bikes are lined up, and the rider able to ride the slowest, without putting down his feet or falling over- wins a prize. Other games include slaloms and balloon toss. Gator Continued From Page 1 deep water. "I had been wade fishing off the south end of Big Island for over three and a half hours without a bite. Around noon I moved into the deeper water. Suddenly; I was knocked sideways," said Mr. Crutchfield. "Something locked onto me by the right hip and wouldn't let go. I started punching him as hard as I could. He finally released me and I took off toward our flats boat. I called to my part- ner that I had been bitten and he wouldn't believe me. "He still wouldn't believe me until I dropped my shorts and you could see the imprint of its teeth around my hip. My leg is so bruised that it looks like I've been hit by a car going 80 miles an hour," added Mr. Crutchfield, a fifth-generation Floridian. According to Mr. Crutchfield, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Con- servation Commission (FWC) sent trappers out to the island to catch the alligator Wednesday morning. However, they couldn't locate it because there were over 100 alli- gators on the island over that were 10 feet in length, or longer. "I didn't see any alligators before I was bitten, but spotted two others as I headed in," said Mr. Crutchfield. "I feel that there is a major problem on Istokpoga. If you can't even get a bite fly fishing Game registration is $15, with proceeds to benefit Main Street Moore Haven, Inc. Door prizes, sponsored by Ft. Myers Harley Davidson and others, will be awarded beginning at 3 p.m., followed by prize drawings at 3:30 p.m. Enjoy live music provided by SpiritWind and Moore Haven High School teacher/DJ Michael Snowden. Vendor space is available, but going fast as E.L. Leather G@ods, Signs Lines and Glass Designs, Ask and Receive. Mike's Roasted Peanuts, Horney's Custom Cycles and others are expected to return for the second annual event. Booth space is $25, with proceeds to ben- efit Main Street Moore Haven, Inc. Sponsors for this event include. Ahern's BP, Everglades Realty, Harley Davidson of Ft. Myers, Hor- ney's Custom Cycles, Honorbound Motorcycle Ministries, Dave's Music and others. For more information, or to reg- ister, phone (863) 946-0300. in three-and-one-half hours, some- thing has gone wrong with the food.chain. I feel that there are too many alligators on that lake and if there are over 100 gators over. 10 feet long in one area, then they're. eating the smaller ones. "They've gone through the fish, and then they started eating small- er alligators. Now all that are left are the big ones. All I know\ is that I won't be back on Istokpoga for a long time. The fishing is not good enough to take that kind of chance again and, believe me, I won't be in the water anywhere any time soon," he added. Despite the attack, the angler did not blame the gator. "I hold no malice toward the alligator. I was in his house and he was doing what nature intended him to do guarding his home and looking for something to eat," said Mr. Crutchfield. In order to co-exist with these remnants of the prehistoric age, the FWC has published a list of safety tips. Be aware of the possibility of alligator attacks when in or near fresh or brackish water. Many attacks occur when people do not pay close attention to their sur- roundings when working or play- ing in or near water. Closely supervise children when they are playing in or around water. Never allow small children to play by themselves near water. Do not allow pets to swim near water known to contain large alli- gators, or in areas with thick vege- West Glades Principal Larry R. Luckey II explained that the ribbons on the fence at West Glades Elementary School have meaning. Holocaust Continued From Page 1 to this request, so many paper clips and funds-were raised that they were able to purchase a railroad car which had taken holocaust victims to' the death camps. Funds raised were enough to .not only buy the car but to have it shipped,to Ten- nessee, which was later turned into a holocaust memorial. It is said that people from all over the United States have visited Whitwell just to see the.Railcar Holocaust Memorial. From watching this docu- station. Do not swim outside of post- ed swimming areas or in water that might be inhabited by large alligators. Swim with a partner. Avoid swimming near areas of thickvegetation. Alligators are most active between dusk and dawn. There- fore, only swim during daylight hours. Leave alligators alone. State law prohibits killing, harassing or possession of alligators. Do not take any alligator no matter how small from its natural habitat. They do not make good pets and it is against the law to have one as a pet. Never feed or entice alliga- tors. It is dangerous and illegal. When fed, alligators overcome their natural wariness and learn to associate people with food. When fishing, do not throw fish scraps into the water or leave them on the shore. These scraps act as an enticement to alligators and will lure them into areas inhabited by humans. By following these simple steps, alligators and humans can safely co-exist in Florida. If an alligator does represent a serious threat to humans, pets or livestock, contact FWC's Alligator Hotline at (866) 392-4286. Since alligators are classified as a threatened species and are pro- tected by state and federal law, only official representatives of the FWC have permission to handle nuisance alligators. OPENING THIS FALL C 2006 IT EINSTEINS PRESCHOOL *FULLTIME PRESCHOOL & AFTER CARE *3-4 YEAR OLD 5 DAY PROGRAM *ABEKA CURRICULUM *COMPUTER LAB *CERTIFIED TEACHER WITH 6 YEARS E *PRESCHOOL 8 AM 12 P.M. AFTER CARE 12 P.M.- 5:15 P.M. *EARLY DROP OFF AVAILABLE 7:30 A.M. 8 A.M. REGISTER NOW! mentary, West Glades students were motivated to do something else for recognition: ribbons on the front fence of their school. For those who. want to learn more, go to WWW.USHMM.ORG where you'll find over a thou- sand links to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Over one million students and others have used this web- site. Alice Gardner, coordinator, sixth and seventh grade lan- guage arts teacher was the mov- ing "link" to this project, explain- ing what and why the students undertook this project. Storm Continued From Page 1 insurance policies, wills, deeds, birth and marriage certificates, tax records, etc. Assemble a Disaster Supplies .Kit including the following items: First aid kit and essential medica- tions; canned food and can open- er; at least three gallons of water per person; protective clothing, rainwear, and bedding or sleeping bags; battery-powered radio, flash- light, and extra batteries; special items for infants, elderly, or dis- abled family members; written instructions on how to turn off elec- tricity, gas and water if authorities advise you to do so. (Remember, you'll need a professional to turn them back on.) More information on preparing for natural disasters may be found online at http://www.redcross.org/ services/disaster/0,1082,0_587_,00. html. GENERAL ANESTHESIA AVAILABLE CALL FOR YOUR PRICE QUOTE AND INFORMATION. 1-866-226-9400 TOLL FREE l,: p d'. il.. 1 f jrl ,.:, (,:, ,.. ,. : .'., .,.I: 1.,, i, ,,,'-,,I I J ,,L.I h ,.h.' ,. 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Lcie: 772-98-823 Start:M-22-33 St.Luci Ws: 7288-37 or Pece 7246-66 MeiarHuaaEplyrsMta ccpe Losing a Loved One to Drugs or Alcohol? .We have the answer! Over 70,q Sui .i, Rate 3.6 M6onth Residenual Program SScen;e Pnvale Lake Scttng Sauna IXLio, to Remown Drug Reidlues ,and ElinmiaL Physical Crahnn Lite Skill Training Prepanre Sludent% for Long Term S--.'.'s, S.tPcl-Pru.grm Job Rieer.il Newv.rk Start Living Life Again, SIall NARCONONO STONE HAhWK 1-800-998-0989 NAr-. NcNO Sw w w. narcn o nst o neh a wk ..co1m Baker, Calhoun, Randolph & Terrell Counties, GA Saturday -:- May 13 -:- 10:00 a.m. Great Hunting Tracts With Abindant Game & Excellent Merchantable Timber, * B le.iirlj Ml Hi ll C-." *'1 T11Or'; .] i BJI:' .r r:nr On Lak * E% iierl II I l i p d CrrjpLir ,i B I I B tI : '. ",.,- 1:i'l L ax '. P-Prid Thursday, May,l 1, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee I Expert panel review states Hoover Dike could fail By MaryAnn Morris Editor's note: The following is a synopsis of the "Report of Expert Review Panel Technical Evaluation of Herbert Hoover Dike, Lake Okeechobee, Florida" including both quotes and sum- maries. The complete report is available on line on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) Web site under "Hot Topics" at: www.saj.usace.army.mil.htm. Whywas the reportbuilt? "The report is the result on an independent technical review of the stability and safety of the Her- bert Hoover Dike (HHD) around Lake Okeechobee ... Concerns regarding the safety of the dike during high water have been expressed for many years," the report stated. After the hurricanes of 2004 and 2005, and the dam- age caused by Hurricane Katrina, South Florida Water Management District, in partnership with the city governments around the lake decided that an independent study and review of the dike's sta- bility and safety should be done. An independent panel of engi- neers was formed to review 50 years of documents about the design and construction of the dike, the results of years of moni- toring its performance, the main- tenance that has been done, recent damage from hurricane storm surges and a proposed major rehabilitation by the COE. The review also involved meet- ings and discussions with SFWMD and COE staff and visits to the dike to see completed repairs and maintenance, recent damage and rehabilitation work, now under way. Why is the report so impor- tant? What is in the report? Is that information most important to dike safety? Was it reasonable? Was the information used suffi- cient to make the decision? Where the panel did not find that ade- quate investigation had taken place, they said so. They said that the COE and SFWMD were very open and helpful. Two things struck these experienced engi- neers: "the depth and extent of its technical evaluations," and "how few outside a small circle of spe- cialists understand its importance." "...The report seeks to put the HHD (Herbert Hoover Dike) into its proper context as the corner sione of the.% valer management system," it states. Reams of techni- cal data discourage reading, plus, as the report points out, the dike's familiarity makes it fade into the background of daily life. Why are there these problems? The HHD has a long history of problems. But, the fact that it has been there for 70 years makes it hard to understand that most peo- ple are not aware how close it has come to failure, or the "heroic measures it has taken to save it." Lake Okeechobee is about 730 square miles in area, but before drainage and dike construction during the past 100 years the lake was closer to 970 square miles. It's shallow- averaging about 10 feet deep. The HHD was con- structed bit by bit around the lake to act as a levee and give flood protection to surrounding land. It is 140 miles long ("the distance from Orlando to Jacksonville" if you went straight!) The dike was originally intend- ed to be a levee with water levels at or near the level of the adjacent natural ground, except during periods of heavy rains. It was built from local materials excavated by dredges or draglines without con- cern for their stability or the kind of soil on which it was built ("pri- marily muck and porous lime- stone"). Since it was built, the peat soils on the south side of the lake have subsided several feet, so the now lake level is well above the ground level outside the dike on the south side. Increasing demand for fresh water from South Florida from Palm Beach County to the Keys and the towns around the lake has resulted in the lake being kept at higher lev- els. Environmental concerns over discharges of lake water to the coastal estuaries and to the Ever- glades also make for greater demands to store water in the lake. The lake also provides a bar- rier to salt water intrusion into the aquifers. "Rainfall from as far north as Orlando flows overland into streams that empty into the lake," the report stated. "Because the dike was built with a limited capacity to discharge excess water, large rainfall events over the watershed can cause fairly rapid increases in water level - up to several feet within the lake, even if maximum discharges are being made." That is different from more typical reservoirs. Because of this inability to control lake levels, concerns over seep- age and dike stability problems exist when the water is high. When the HHD was built, it was built as a "navigation project," as a levee. "A common theme in the doc- uments we have reviewed it a continuing conflict between HHD's original development as a levee and its current use as a water-retaining dam." The porous soil and limestone allows water to seep through, car- rying dike soil with it. The higher the lake level, the worse it is. There is legitimate concern that this cause the dike to "fail," mean- ing "a catastrophic breaching of some portion of the HHD sys- tem," the report stated. "This situ- ation would result in flooding, as waters from Lake Okeechobee passed through the breach and onto adjacent lands." This state- ment comes from a 1999 report from the Army Corps of Engi- neers, COE 1999, quoted by the review panel. Federal Law The repairs being made by the Army Corps of Engineers iCOE), authorized as they must be by an act of congress, allow repairs to be made to known structural defi- ciencies (seepage, internal ero- sion and slope instability) and to the level of protection authorized by Congress. Nothing more. In 2005 the HHD was officially classified as a dam by Congress. The development of new, higher standards of maintenance and repair and approval by Congress can take many years. "Seven years is the quickest I've seen," said Richard Bonner, Deputy District Engineer for the Jacksonville COE in a telephone interview. "It can take 15 to 20 years to accomplish authorization and study. It's not what we need to be doing now." "Federal law requires that the Corps of Engineers continue to operate within a tangled web of authorizations, policies, criteria, and procedures that limits the degree of public safety that HHD is allowed to provide and pur- posefully restricts the effective- ness that repairs are permitted to achieve. We acknowledge the extent to which the Corps' hands are tied by these requirements of government process. At the same time, it needs to be made clear that our review in not constrained. by these requirements. From an engineering standpoint, HHD is a dam and this review considers it as such-along with the require- ments for public protection this imposes." ..."There is no more important lesson to arise from Hurricane Katrina than that the protection of public safety provid- ed by levees as currently author- ized and designed is patently unacceptable." Dike is an earthen levee Lake Okeechobee is so vast and so shallow that it is subject to an unusual danger wind. These are the hurricane winds so destructive in Florida and else- where and on Lake Okeechobee their effects are little short of bizarre. A large flow of water into an ordinary reservoir can cause it to overflow, but wind can push water even higher up onto the HHD. "With a force usually seen only on the open ocean, wind surge can elevate water levels .against the HHD by as much as 15 feet depending on the speed of the wind and its direction, which varies according to the path of a hurricane and directional rotation as it passes over the lake," the report stated. "Stranger still, are the directional wind effects as the hurricane passes, which produce a sloshing effect and swirling around the perimeter like water in a teacup." Storm surge and wave action produces erosion of the dike, as was seen last year behind the Pahokee airport. Depending on ,the type of soil dredged to build the dike in various areas, some places are more erosion-prone than others. If storm surges "over- top" the dike, erosion can occur on the land side of the dike as well as the lake side. What is the dike made of? The materials of which the dike is made sand, silt and clay and weak porous limestone, plus a surface layer of organic peat - are in various areas in and under the dike and have much to do with its present condition. Depending on the lake level, these materials can allow large seepage flows that encourage sand particles into and through them. Because the areas sur- rounding the lake were then marsh, dike fill could only be obtained by underwater dredging or dragline operation within the lake itself. This resulted in an underwater "canal" equal in vol- ume to the dike. This exposes foundation materials to lake water and allows seepage restrict- ed only by a thin layer of lake sedi- ment on its surface. The rim canal on the outside of the dike, exca- vated as low as elevation minus ten, can allow these particles to flow through into deep water of the rim canal concealed from .4, .: .. t 7" ' Special to INI/SFWMD Photo Gallery This photo from 1965 shows construction of the Herbert Hoover Dike around Lake Okeechobee. The dike is named for Pres- ident Hoover, who was instrumental in obtaining funding for the project, after the 1928 hurricane left thousands drowned ,. ~~c "~ ." -- ';J .. ', :" ,, ,. '; .. .- ., : -'b ... ':". ," ,g, .k. ... .,. a~ ,;sl .. .. .-. ". ",, -- .:-- '" '& . r ,.** :"' ', .... i .. .., Speia to~= IN/SWD htoGllr Tiphtfrmi96 show cosruto ofteHretHoe ieaon Lk kehbe h iei ae o rs idn Hoer h wsintuena i btiig udigfr the prjet afehe98hrriaelf huad rwe south of Lake Okeechobee. visual inspection. What has happened? In late summer and early fall of 1995, Lake Okeechobee rose to 18.8 feet, water seeped through ("internal erosion"), causing near-failure of the dike at nine separate areas along the south and southeast shores: near Lake Harbor, Pahokee and Belle Glade ranging in length from 100 feet to over a mile. Emergency repairs were immediate mainly sand- bagging which helped sate the dike. "In documented case-histo- ries of internal erosion, it is all but unknown for a dam to sustain that kind of damage ... and sur- \vie," the report stated. In 1998 the lake again rose above 18, with similar effects and similar responses at both former and new locations. "... a well- organized inspection campaign was mounted to monitor up to 94 separate problem locations," the report conliuefi.'" There- were, more problems: near South Bay in 2003 when the lake was at 15.3, again in 2004 at four places from Belle Glade to north of Canal' Point at 18.04 and in 2005 near Pahokee Airport at 17.01. It was noted in a COE report for 2003-2004 that: "Over the past 8 years the stage at which seep- age occurs in this area is lower that previously experienced. This indicates a worsening condition." The report goes on to quote another report, that of a panel of geotechnical experts. This report concurred that the seepage, which in this case occurs in streams which come through the dike, taking dike material with them could cause a catastrophic failure and loss of the reservoir. The COE personnel has always fixed them, \ whether it be internal erosion or erosion of the slopes of the dike. SWhy is that a problem? The report expresses concern that these occurrences can become accepted as normal and they should not be. "In the end, public protection must rely on the integrity of the structure, not on the emergency response of its engineers," the panel wrote. Dike has deteriorated The dike was built, starting in the 1930s to completion in the 1960s of materials dredged either from the lake or the land beside it: sand;,clay, porous limestone and clay. These materials do not hold back water for long periods very well. The dike has taken a beating because of heavy storms: erosion inside and outside. That has been repaired, but federal authoriza- tion only allows a "known defect" to be repaired and only to levee standards. "There is reason to believe that the Herbert Hoover Dike (HHD) may be experiencing cumulative Expert panel reviews dike data The "dike report" was authorized by the Governing Board of SFWMD on Jan.11, 2006. Members of the panel were: Les Bromwell,ScD (Doctor of Science), PE (state licensed professional engineer) and principal engineer of BCI Engi- neers & Scientists, Inc, an expert on earth structures and foundations Robert Dean, ScD, PE and graduate research professor (emeritus) at the University of Florida, an expert on hydraulics and water wave monitoring Steven Vick, PE and consult- ing engineer, Bailey Colorado, a specialist in dam safety, risk analysis and geotechnical engineering Mark Schwartz assisted the panel on hydraulic and hydro- logic aspects. "The conclusions reached and recommendations con- tained in this report are solely those of the panel. Although both SFWMD and COE staff provided vital information and assistance in locating various materials and sources, they did not have a role in the prepara- tion of the report," the introduc- tion of the report states. -S TOUCHDOWN r BREAKFAST 1 0 rOF SPancakes, 2 eggs, 2 bacon Breakfast strips and 2 sausage links I Lunch or I Dinner I lust Present Coupon I 1I Not valid u'/'any other I LI I S $4 29 1 olfer Exp 5'31, 6 -.- _6 -_ _-J.- .A I 10% OFF Breakfast, SLunch or DDinner Arhif s Present Coupon * Nol vald w iarm mother I i -r E'p 5 31 06 I :. A men 12&une 1030 West Sugarland Hw~y. Cle\-iston, Florida 863-983-3663 '^ _9g p _g g ( /- *\ Memory Foam Pillow Top Queen Size Set $1,365 King Size Set $1,680 While Special Supply Last With FREE Local Delivery and Removal Jackson River Home Furnishings & Decor .'M,. v,7' At the Foot of the Bridge .'".-.. 340 North Bridge Street 863-674-0003 LaBelle damage and progressive deterio- ration with respect to internal ero- sion and seepage," stated the report prepared by a panel of experienced, independent engi- neers hired by a joint effort of the towns around the lake and the South Florida Water Management District (SFVMD). The engineers reviewed 50 years of engineering records of the dike and the report tells their conclusions. During hurricanes, the wind causes the lake to wash up on the dike and fall back; wash up and fall back. "... this rapid, back-and- See Dike-Page 14 Email: sandstravel @adelphia.net STATE OF FLORIDA REGISTRATION #ST36324 /- Ta> 6~c~i~ /4~'dj 4/ Introducing Highlnds at Walnut Creek, a 584-acre development just 45 minutes from Asheville. Where fitness i (rails and natural gle-nspaces connect neighborhoods with a clubhouse ith i gym/spa facilities. '* Another Pre-development pricing. :outstanding acmmunltr up to tuo ta re Iomrite from the low $50s.' broughttoyou by the Grande estate lots developers olf Hlqh '-* oflake lure Village green cottages Equestrian homesites 888.625.8950 www.hlghlandsresorts.com l l ia.iJw IlnapmoF IILI ift.rf i au M a x.l i l -TI M a m,]d "1'1-!1-K-1'flfrr 'W btQie^omesatypehicrfnsast^(easdeQdrde .Actu~a ^*revcgm ben mayn easarme poQSredoedIr A IaI _ ~I_ Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 11, 2006 hMCA J I .^ w^ Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 11,2006 Dike Continued From Page 13 forth flushing action in much the same way that a toilet plunger removes a clog." Earthen structures like the dike are not subjected to this kind of wear and tear. The seepage that has weakened the dike is taking place at lower and lower lake water levels; 18.8 feet in 1995, 17.01 feet in 2005 and 15.3 feet in 2003, wind and condition of the dike being a factor at each time and location. Because there is no "spillway" the water in the lake can rise quickly. The engineers recommend that the lake be kept 2 feet lower that it has been. In 1999 a US Army Corps of Engineers (COE) report calculat- ed the chance of "failure" (mean- ing "a catastrophic breaching of some portion of the HHD sys- tem." "This situation would result in flooding, as waters from Lake Okeechobee passed through the breach and onto adjacent lands," according to COE 1999 docu- ment, quoted by the panel. The calculations show that the higher the lake level, the greater chance it will fail. "At elevation 21 feet failure is certain (100 percent chance) with nearly a 50/50 chance at elevation 18 feet(46 percent chance) with about a 15 percent chance of fail- ure for lake levels at or below ele- vation 17 feet. These probabilities reflect the condition of the dike in 1999, with no attempt to adjust them for recent occurrences." The report concludes that: "This said that in any given year, absent intervention, there is roughly a one-in-six chance (16 percent) that failure will occur somewhere around HHD." This takes into account various lake levels from 13 to 26 and half the peak storm surge, according to the report. Historically there have been six occurrences in 33 years (1974 through 1998); an average of 18 percent. The report, in comparing HHD to all earth dams in the eastern United Stated said that with a 16 percent chance of failure, "The HHD, in its existing (1999) condi- tion is 4,000 times more likely to fail in any given year from these causes (internal erosion and washing away of side slopes) than dams of its kind as a whole." Using potential loss of life, at one life lost for each failure, a prospect the panel believes is cer- tain, the chance of failure of the dike gives justification for "expe- dited action to reduce risk" that is "literally off the scale of the chart," the panel stated. Internal weakening of the dike cannot be seen. During a hurri- cane, maintenance personnel cannot be on the dike to see what is happening. If there is a flood condition because of heavy rains, sandbagging the dike may not be possible. Consider this, "every one foot drop in lake level would release 500,000 acre-feet" of water (enough water to cover an acre of land one foot deep) ...that's half million acres under a foot of water. At 640 acres to the square mile, that's 781 square miles one foot deep in lake water for every one foot drop caused by a breach in the dike. The report stated that the engi- neers found problems with the on-going rehabilitation. They also found that the rehabilitation, due to the limitations placed by feder- al regulations, will not make very much difference in the safety of the dike. The repairs are to levee standards. A "levee" is only meant to hold back water for a short time, not to hold a large amount feet above the nearby ground per- manently. The 2005 change to classify the dike as a dam will change that- eventually. The engineers made a techni- cal assessment of risk and report, "In light of this assessment, should a failure occur we have no doubt that the dike repairs cur- rently proposed would be widely viewed in retrospect as having been too little, too late." "The overreaching conclusion from our work is that the current condition of HHD poses a grave and imminent danger to the peo- ple and the environment of South Florida. In this we join many other investigators, from grassroots engineers to eminent specialists, who for 20 years have warned that HHD needs to be fixed. We can add only that it needs to be fixed no.w, and it needs to be fixed right. We firmly believe that the region's future depends on it," the report stated. The report contains the engi- neers; recommendations: Comprehensively review and update the Emergency Action Plan and include "dr\-run" exer- cises with local authorities. Install a remote sensing sys- tem to quickly and accurately iden- Dike work approval may take ten years tify breach locations so that evac- uees are not sent into harm's way. Modify the lake level rules to lower the lake by two feet through the full range of scheduled levels. Include specific measures into the plans and specifications of work on the dike to assure that stability of the dike is maintained during construction of any improvements." FLORIDA FOLK FESTIVAL Music. HERITAGE. LEGEND. And finally, Because of the "disappointing progress of recovery efforts in New Orleans" the report said, "planning for post-disaster recov- ery needs to be a pre-disaster activity. We correspondingly sug- gest that regional-scale studies be initiated to evaluate scenarios associated with loss of confine- ment-of Lake Okeechobee." Celebrating Florida's Diverse Heri'tae at the Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park in WVhite Springs, FL SMAY 26-28, 2006 By MaiyAnn Morris The Herbert Hoover Dike, which encircles Lake Okeechobee was built as a levee. A report released last week stated that to ensure the safety of the communi- ties around the lake, the dike should be brought up to the stan- dards of a dam. How long will it take? "It will take two to five years, after congressional authorization to proceed, to do the studies to assure the impacts on the environ- ment, water supply, potential for salt water intrusion and the struc- ture itself," said Richard Donner, Deputy District Engineer for the US Army Corps of Engineers (COE). "So up to ten years before you can start turning dirt islikely." According to the US Army Corps of Engineers (COE), who are responsible for the maintenance of the Herbert Hoover Dike (HHD) around Lake Okeechobee, the dike's classification was, in fact changed to a dam in April of 2005. According to Brent Trauger with the COE, the re-classification placed the HHD on the National Inventory of Dams as NID#FL36001. With its new classification, the dike is eligible for federal funds to increase its strength or rebuild it as a dam. That will take time and money. "The structure (the dike), if the ongoing rehabilitation is complet- ed, will bring the dike up to what we call Standard Project Flood ISPF) (lev'ee standard)," said Mr. Donner, "The cost to bring the dike up to dam standards Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) (dam stan- dard), with 31 flood-control struc- tures to replace or modify; my engineers tell me would be around $2 billion. I think that it will cost closer to four times that much; about $8 billion." "The report, which reviewed only available materials, suggested putting the cutoff wall, now being built; deeper to strengthen the dike," said Mr. Donner, "but I have concerns that putting the wall deeper would interfere with the flow of ground water that replen- ishes our aquifers and affect water supplies. It is not simple." S -t ... . Olde To)x\ne Realry Would Like tfor ou to Come and Check Out this 3 Bed, 2 Bath New\ Construction Home Located at 1027 W. Aztec. Ave. on Saturday, May 13th. from 11:00 to 3:00. Statewide Palms, Inc. 863 675 4844 525 NI Il, 1, nUIE lAni 800-573-1983 www.gladesmotors.com ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL (863)983-9148 OR EMAIL southlakeads@newszap.com 'iij!!! .! 340 N. BRIDGE STREET LABELLE, FL 863-674-0003 Jackson River Where Quality is Done in Style WFROAWN SERVICe COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL LICENSED & INSURED FREE ESTIMATES JESUS M. 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If you would like a Call A Pro ad please call us at 863-983-9148 or mail us at southlakeads@newszap.com to place your adl mo- --s- .~~asspr Thursday, May 11, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Dike report describes 'grave and imminent danger' By Audrey Blackwell, Rep. Mark Foley said he was appalled when he heard the recent information that the Herbert Hoover dike surrounding Lake Okeechobee now poses a "grave and imminent danger," according to a report recently released by an independent panel of engineers. The 78-page report addresses only the integrity of the dike and not environmental concerns. In the report, the engineers call for a three-step intervention to include the following: detect failure conditions; respond with personnel; and, provide materials, equipment and mitigation to stabilize condi- tions. Concerns with the design process call for modifications, improvements, and more involve- ment with South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) for technical expertise and financing, the report said. A few months ago, engineers with the U.S. Army Corps of Engi- neers had told the Florida con- gressman that the lake and dike were fine. "The report took me by sur- prise," Rep. Foley said during a tele- phone interview on Wednesday, May3. He added that he had been talk- ing with pioneer families in the south Lake Okeechobee area who are concerned with the upcoming hurricane season. "They look at the dike in their backyards and ask, 'Can we have a Katrina on our hands?' Now, inde- pendent experts say we could ha\ e a complete failure of the dike and that tells me one of two things. Either we have not been provided with adequate data or we haven't been receiving warnings about the structural integrity of the dike. Both options are unacceptable," he said. Rep. Foley said he thinks SFWMD asked for the independent study because of its own concerns about the dike. He said it is a very comprehensive report. "We have provided .money in the. budget to maintain the dike, but more is needed to do more- extensive work," he said. One option the.congressman supports is lowering the lake level to about 11 feet.:By so doing, he said it would not only be a safer sit- uation during hurricane season, but it would also create a better environment for fishing stock. "It benefits lounmsm and the ecology if we clean up the lake, and it will cause less leakage to the estuaries that can benefit coastal residents," he said. While the report addresses the entire 143-mile length of the dike that stretches around the lake, Rep. Foley said it is pretty conclusive that the most problematic part of the dike is a 68-plus mile area largely in the south part of the lake. Water crested to about 19 feet after last hurricane season and there was structural damage to the dike south ofthe lake. "There is a stronger concern at the south end of the lake, but I would not give any assurance to people living anywhere around the lake. There could be a problem at either end. It depends on which way the winds blow and how much water is involved. That is why Governor Bush is asking for an emergency preparedness model," he said. Because of the large number of storms that have crossed the state in the last two years, the governor is very concerned and is asking communities to develop an evacu- ation plan that spells out how they would evacuate people if they know a storm is coming. Accord- ing to Rep. Foley, this is done rou- tinelywith the barrier islands. "Now we're asking communi- ties around the lake to do the same thing. We want to protect people from flooding that could cause damage to life." SMetal Roofing T W A R Replacement Shingles Structural Repairs CONSTRUCTION Mold Remediation SEBRINC. F --NG- F* *Additions ROOFING REMODELING RECONSTRUCTION' 1821 Lakeview Dr. Sebring 863-385-9403 Email: mark@tmcscontractinginc.com iwwv .mcscontraclinginc.com Lic. rCCC1325639 Lic. aCBC047'17 South end of lake at most risk By Pete Gawda OKEECHOBEE A recent report issued by the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) stated that the Herbert Hoover Dike has a 50/50 chance of failing within the next four years. In spite of talk of plans to evacu- ate residents of Palm Beach County living near the lake, Okeechobee and the area on the northern end of the lake is relatively safe. "No questionabout it," said Luis Ruiz, chief of geotechnical branch of the U.S. Army Corps of Engi- neers (COE) Jacksonville district, "the south end of the lake faces the biggest risk." He noted that the land is lower at the southern end of the lake. The SFWRMD report is based on COE data concerning the condition of the Herbert Hoover Dike. The 140-mile earthen dike that encircles Lake Okeechobee was built in stages. President Herbert Hoover signed legislation to begin the proj- ect in 1930 and it was completed in the 1960s. A 1993 COE report divides the levee into eight numbered sections designated as Reaches. They are not numbered consecutively. According to Mr. Ruiz, each Reach is 15 to 20 miles long. The boundaries of a Reach are deter- mined by natural barriers that would contain the water if the dike were breached at that Reach. Beginning at the top of the lake |nd going clockwise. Reach 5 extends from the Kissimmee River to Nubbin Slough and covers most if Okeechobee County. Reach 7 xstends from Nubbin Slough to the 3t. Lucie Canal, w while Reach 1 goes from the St. Lucie Canal to Belle Glade and includes Canal Point. The southern end of the lake around South Bay makes up Reach 3. Clewiston is included in Reach 2 that extends northwesterly to Moore Haven. Reach 4 covers the This U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) map shows the segments of the Herbert Hoover Dike that COE designates as "Reaches." The City of Okeechobee is at the top or northern end of the lake. Canal Point is about two-thirds of the way down on the right side of the lake. Belle Glade and South Bay are at the bottom of the graphic. On the left side of the graph- ic are the cities of Clewiston and Moore Haven. area between Moore Haven and a point near the mouth of Fisheating Creek. The lakeshore between Reach 4 and the mouth of the C-40 canal make up Reach 6. Reach S extends from there to the mouth of the Kissimmee River. "We will repair the whole thing," Mr. Ruiz said of the entire dike. That work is pending avail- ability of finds. The most concern, he said is expressed about Reach 3. Histori- cally, before the dike was built, Lake Okeechobee flowed into the Everglades through Reach 3 and parts of Reach 2 and Reach 1. Nr. Ruiz said the emphasis on Reach I because ol the risk to pop- ulation and propent \ [lee E failuil- there '.'. uld h. ,- tli: I,:u el impact, he said. He said Reaches I. 2. 3 and 7 were priomLies because the\ olter the biggest risk. He noled that in the '1928 hurri- cane when theie \\ ee o:)nl\ small muck cikes around the lake, there was ex:ersi\e floill:ing firori o\er- topping of thie dike in Ihe area ol Reach 1. Hoxe\e'r, lthe afterr did not overtop the dike al ith norrthern end of the lake JEzemcutive Title All searches are done IN HOUSE including Hendry and Glades Counties for a fast turn around time on Commitments. SureClose is our FREE Transaction Management Program that allows you and your client to track the progress of your closings online 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Reduce stress, save time and money for you and your client by using SureClose. There's only one way to close- SURECLOSE! -Iti Loateiedrat: 998 E. Cowboy Way LaBelle, FL 33935 PH: 863-674-0111 I FX: 863-471-8188 -. When you need a service, call a professional! (' Lr for as little as $10.00 per week, per block. SIfyou would like a Call A Pro ad please call us at 863-983-9148 Sor e-mail us at southla ds@newszap.com to place our ad or email us at southlakeads@newszap.com to place your adl OLDE TOWNE REALTY, INC. 0L I. S3prla EyU dyerssesacetateoi NO ONE WILL WORK HARD- ER FOR YOU THEN JAMIE NAVARRO GIVE HIM A CALL ON HIS CELL AT (239) 822-9272 REALTY C. BAGANS FIRST 30 Colorado Rd. Lehigh Acres, FL 33936 THERESA"TEJI" LEE RANGEL L,,. r OFFICE # 86:3-9jS-0i0 AFTER HRS # 863-228-1142 "The Road to Home" COUNTRY HOMES & LAN REAL ESTATE Kathy Hutchins Lic. Real Estate Broker Office: 863-612-0551 Fax: 863-612-0553 Visit Our Website at: CentralFloridaLandSales.com ,*RIVERSIDE ^REAL ESTATE Comer of Hwv 80 & 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-2718 www.labcrierhersice.com e *ail: realcstatc( blablr ,ewr sidc .cor i S Marilyn Sears liUeCn l RCd Estae Brk ir IR i n -"/ BARTON "The Sweetest REALTY, NC Deal in Town" I, I.-% I f 810 8, Bele 1, (irp froim walmitt il iularrteilt.cfm Jjhew Hoizons Real Estate Corp. 580 S. Main St. 4 LaBelle, FL 863.675.1973 e-mail: newhuo zos. ((r'e;a rtlink.inet If you are thinking of buying ff s or selling, give I Ms I us a, call! F m.*1. i-'ty C~rrlf fc 41 7 W Stgar1an0 riWM 863-983-6262 Fax 863)83-4464 ( II I -. Broker i ii., 1- 1 -.1. i305 -4 739 Sals Associates: Alberto Ranirez 863,228-1973 (3abriel lRos 786-281 -3003 a :47, 1 m M F q 4- Z Carolyn lhomas &ealty, Inc. Carolyn Thomas 946-2005 W Vsf'~, AIffk i4 ." 2tillit O AK REALTY INC. 233 N. BRIDGE ST ON THE CORNER OF BRIDGE ST & WASHINGTON VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM jm J PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SMLS RENTALS SALES PORT LABELLE INN The 01 OXBOW Lounge Is OPEN Wednesday through Saturday 5 p.nL 11 p.m. HAPPY HOUR 5 p.m. 7 p.m. 1 OxBow DRIVE LABELLE, FL 863.675.4411 CURTIS A. THOMPSON JR REG, REAL ESTATE BROKER SITA, CIFiIl[l RL- D 1i!,Efi DL Eu'iA APPRAISER PD ,i"'. . S, '"*' Wt i l ';1:F B:, 1;H CL',W 561-996-5264 72 E. MLX BLVD BELLE GLADE 581 SEgrlaid H8y,, Clewiston 863.983.8559 ww.tawlsrealestatelcm AD VERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL (863) 983-9148 OR EMAIL southlakeads@newszap.com REV7 I L -- ~ -- ~ I Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday,~ May 11, 2006 Mu ITT 7111 "llm Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 11,2006 . NO ONE WILL WORK HARDER FOR YOU THAN JAMIE NAVARRO GIVE HIM A CALL ON HIS CELL AT (239) 822-9272 REALTY C. BAGANS FIRST - WO RLU 30 Colorado Rd. Lehigh Acres, FL 33936 S.. Jwi Approx 10 Miles NE ofLaBelle. Must see 3/2 Ranch style home on 9.5 acres. This home fea- i ures built in double oven, range top, cathedral ceilings, metal roof, plenty of cab-space, 10 ft walk way completely around the home under roof, sprinkler system, two wells. This home is ------ -ompletely fenced in with sep pasture. There Lis i::o much to mention. Must see!! $699,900. T.i's less than $38,000 an acrelIll Do not miss thi well kept five bedroom two bath 2,000 sq. ft. home. This home features tile roof, landscaping, new a/c, kids park behind the home, screen porch, tile counter tops in kitchen, too many extras to mention. This home is located on the west side and within walking distance of schools, shopping, banking and golf- ing. $249,900. VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS SALES ASSOCIATES: EDITH ACKMANN K SCOTT HACKMANN AND TIM SPENCER 675-0500 REALTY in NEW LOCATION 233 N. BRIDGE ST SOn the comer of S _BRIDGE ST & WASHINGTON I n P SE HABLO ESPANOL p. TMS COMING AVARABE 3BEDROOM/2BATH 1 CAR GARAGE in Port LaBelle. Tile 3/1 ON MARTIN LITHER KING BLVD. $750/M. NO through out house, updated appliances and new kitchen PETS cabinets. REDUCED $179,900. 3/2 DUPLEX IN TOWN. $750/ NO PETS OFF MARTIN LUTHER INGJR. BLVD. Bedroom/lBath BRAND NEW HOUSE IN PORT LABELLE 3/2/2 CBShomewithcaport.NewUpgrades!Pricedat129,900. $1,800/M LOCATED IN LEHIGH ACRES 3Bedroom/2Bath, 2 car IN COUNTY Lth, tecar garage, new garage built in 2001 and in excellent condition. Home over roof. Asking $125, N looks canal and located in great areadose to Ft.Myers but IN PORT IABI J.l Bath, 2 car garage off out enough for peace and quiet. Asking $230,000. School Circle. Indunced in backyard and 2BEDROOM/1BATH HOUSE in LaBelle. Being sold "As a large shed. Asking 189,900. Is"Asking $125,000. OFF COWBOY WAXy .Bae B]f ath is currency used as Is." A $ ,00,. Oa residential pm commeral. Asking IN CAPE CORAL Duple 3/2 on both sides, new roof, a145,000. new plumbing and tile throughout units. Asking $325,000. IN LEHIGH ACRES This 4Bedroom/2Bath home has 2,288 AKcGErORSAtE sq. ft. on a large corner lot that is fenced in. Home has many IN PIONEER! 3Bedroom/2Bath, large doublewide mobile extras. Call for an appointment today. Asking $288,900. home on fenced in 2.5 acres. Dual fireplace, walk-in closets, REDUCEDI ,:,uL.d t.,ddil g LUi, $199,900. IN LEHIGH ACRES. Home has 1,900 sq ft with 2 master 2.5 ACRES in Pioneer Plantation. $79,000. bedrooms. Home is currently used as a 4/2. Has many upgrades and a fenced in backyard. This home is a must see. W $210,000. WE HAVE LOTS FOR SALE IN LABELLE, PORT IN PORT IABELLE. Large 3Bedroom/2Bath, 1 car garage LABELLE, MOORE HAVEN AND IAKE PLACID. CALU plu i iil ,.i,,,,.rjJ: ,I ,:I S .u00. FOR MORE INTORMAIOMN \ Home .HORTO ^E..L L Builders Building Communities, One Quality Home at a Time! Hendry County's #1 Top Quality Builder We have "move-in ready" homes available now 9024 Maywood Cir. Cypress II. 3/2/2 9016 Lamkin Cir, Madison II. 3/2/2 5005 Pike Lane. Madison II, 3/2/2 kitchen rabj gdto i ,lit ,e a hard dsIlW& l a l i and enjoy the sunset over the lake in Lehigh Acres. Only $219,900. * REDUCED PERFECT STARTER HOME! 2BR/1BA CBS home located in LaBelle on a quiet oak filled street. Features new flooring and a fenced back yard. Priced @ $159,900. * Just like NEW! 3BR/1.5B CBS home within walking distance from shopping. Features include new berber carpet, ceramic tile, all new cabinets and much more. Priced to sell at only $119,900. I i ~orve A _ RLAL GL 0. 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863 675-1973 Ifyou are thinking of buying or selling, give us a call! CHECK US OUT ONLINE AT www.newhorizons-re.com S Se Habla Espanol -1~ '--~91 .su4 une L rvl nnacinona. ,tzI, *FLDzo,.U 9002 E. Broad Cir, Buttonwood, 3/2/2 $218,900 FREE Pre-Qualification with: CHL Home Mortgage, LLC. (863)612-0012 Call 863-612-0551, or Toll Free, 866-224-8392 www.chlhomebuiiders.com QB39922 'All spec. Homes Include '/ acre home site "Paved Roads"County Waler-Power-Schools in Subdivision" Rea23y Noup. SF.9 OMES \ $300,000 3BD/1BA mobile home in Muse which. * $589,000 PRICE REDUCED!- 3BD/2BAhome on rests on 5+/- acres features a new well and roof. 2.34+/- acres in Naples. Home features a pole barn, Property is also fenced with a shed and pond. screen lanai, security system, dual fireplace, eat-in $197,900 4BD/2BA Gorgeous upgraded manufac- kitchen and a Murphy Bed just to name a few of the turned home in LaBelle. This home features a split floor many extras this home has to offer! Owner/Agent plan and all crown moldings in the living and dining bring any serious offer. room. S526,000 PRICE REDUCEDI-4BD/3BAhomeon $139,400 to $151,900 There are (4) available 1+/- acre. Home has vaulted and coffer ceilings, a 3BD/2BA manufactured homes and (1) available .,:,ur .1 p ui,-l runm. oei m.jtle island srn krcher, nd min 4BD/2BA manufactured home available in the El Rio jb:.ti.e .ro:,ud po-l lu 1 rjm.,: i i' 1 f ..'the lu\vurn Subdivision All hornes are on' SO+/- acre New and Lear di:N brl.u!ful hoiu me :'ic'rs sull under :,ri u-ui,.ti',' (.ll I1 f :''.:mplrl.r.r, dalI * $374,900 3BD/2BA Beautiful well maintained home $14",I !.BD Bj 2 io:, Mi-,ut.:rured h.:'ic .th on manicured 1 +/- acres in LaBelle's first gated pantry, dual sinks, garden tub, separate shower and Riverfront Community. skylight in the guest bathroom. * $1"9,900 .'BD ?BA E\cellerl ij.:.uun o, starter $112,500- $120,500 Nuriufl.:ru.d H.:.ri ,,, home on a corrn 1.1 i n h:.n LaBelle S' p.Fs living and under construction it, tie ]:o.)re HJc.i t r,.:hl ri:.: id ii eprie dining r:,om, Screen ernld:d fron Club. The Moore Haven Yacht Club is a 55+ "owner- ,.r,, ti.:i.. lin,,j Loi h i si p.tc uorklhop md i, smll ship" park. Call todayfor completion date! cee hr.u.c rir l.r lukij PRICE REDUCED $110,000 2BD/1BA mobile * S$19.999 2B[, 1BA .paous home, letauite com- home or 2 5+.' aJire in Clei.i',n Enj'.i pea':eful pliclls, Ife.oiJ in yard.J d jr .t ,, ground pool ciuntr Ining yei ifornd .:r .;. J .cck end getauui' * $94-,900 O .BIBA iewily remriolded home in $78,900 .BD02BA mobile home in Oin,:.,ni Tri, Laelle r,,i nmieir i Ste Hl ,net mobile home a' pmully ftinshel The 1,:1 .i lur. hl aie,~f .erft.Frjo urdo'Wiri-,r- rounded in beautiful palm And ,:.jk trec. iblk wfrrnr) Grerl ini.tc.rrtl pokalnuirl i.r hfin ume 555.000 PRICE RFDLUCDI- WBi 2BA Ni.:e ,:.:r huone bu)ci. nef loi in I Btllle witl mTanuTJril:ri hmi: e I..l" MOBILE HOMES: .:lose to .,.hoL'.s. hppiig nd ri-uIrnis $475,000 Spacious 3BD/3BA mobile home in Muse ACREAGE: its "o '.+ ira.r Thi p,,!pj:iu: h ',ime iroiur ai iddi.- S 1,500,000 Hwy 27 frontage. Currently Auto I.:, iril Ir -.n i-..r i jril C Ad ri. ,.h m.:re ile proper- Salvage yard. r, h .sj ...,,rd -it,h i,, -I .J',d i r tid n.J9 i it,,' e r.ilund 1.250,000 I3 0+ A-'r: Cr. r L',',-l.:.pmc,-.' V,....J, .- tmr.r d m : ri.ic Oppo.:rn ury'IC Cl i ,e I. :.- : .:.I:l- ic:,,'ul p, k., r.. I shops and much more! * $988,025 Warehouse & office on 1.38+/- acre. One of a kind Auto Salvage yard. Organized with clean bill of health. * PRICE REDUCED $900,000 45+/- Hard to find acres adjoining Babcock property in Muse. Paved road access. S$850.000 -'40+'. i.:re beuifullv -eduded with [p. l r:. p...di- i bt.Lage f .l Ar j ,-.4i S$650,000 2+/- acre in the heart of Alva on busy SR 80. * PRICE REDUCED $450,000 Build your dream country home on these 4.4+/- acres. Great location! Close to LaBelle, Alva & Fort Myers! * $349,000 5.76+/- acres on a tropical setting in Moore Haven. Property features all sorts of exotic fruit trees and plants. Pole barn and 1930's home are locat- ed on the property,. Home is to be sold "as is." * $272,000 10+/- acres with pines, a pond and shed. S$149,900- 9.87+/- Acres adjoining with 9.88+/- Acres that is al"IDB 1 pNTRACT * $98,900. 2.5+/- acres. Cleared in Montura. There is a single vwr lp e a6'lfta rdtry. The mobile home is to be sold "as is." HOMESITES: $25,500 $72,900 Call for more information about 3 available lots in Fordson Park. The lots have been nicely maintained and are close to everything in LaBelle. $29,900 $34,900 Mobile home lots available in 55 and older Community located in Moore Haven Yacht Club. Call for more information. CAU. FOR AVAILABLE HOMESITE IN PORT LABELLE. MONTURA AND LEHIGH ACRES RENTALSt, $950 Monthl] .B !,B b :". .i rn.:. .. - *---.- -~~~ 'nlv i dream -nme true Onh' $"9,900. * ."+ j ,.i- ,1 Ih il l.Tir.-.ri [,' Pficv. to sell @ :..l $6".900 Possible seller timncing. * 2 Lehigh Acre lots zoned for duplex. Great invest- ment property! Only $67,000 each * Corner lot in Unit 102 w/large oak. Beautiful lot for your dream home. $54,900. * Triple lot in Unit 6. $49,900 each: * Double lot in Unit 9. $49,900 each. * Beautiful wooded 1+/- acre homesites! Outside LaBelle limits but only minutes from town! Just off E Road. Don't miss owning acreage close to LaBelle. $46,900. -t" H--- -- -.l S.N"t *-,/!. I . Loaded with possibilities! 2 steel buildings with over 5,800 sq ft of work area on 1+/- acre. Zoned for Heavy Industrial use. Currently is fully rented out to 3 businesses. Listed at only $525,000. Prime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel locat- ed near West Glades Elementary in Muse and just minutes away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot. Sable Palm l/V Campground truly a 50 acre gold mine!! This beautiful property features a 10 acre- 70 site R/ campground located off US27 in the peaceful country side of Palmdale. The park even has its own fishing lake and grass landing strip. The remaining 40 acres could accommodate several hundred additional R/V sites. $2,800,000 Loaded with possibilities! 2 steel buildings with over 5,800 sq ft of work area on 1+/- acre. Zoned for Heavy Industrial use. Currently is fully rented out to 3 businesses. Listed at only $525,000. Prime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel locat- ed near West Glades Elementary in Muse and just minutes away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot. 1.18+/- acres zoned C-1 commercial just South of now! $165,000. Beautiful .25+/- acre corner lot in downtown LaBelle w/great potential. Currently zoned for duplex or single family w/a possibility of rezoning to Business. $119,900. Running out of room for your family? This huge 2005 4BR/2B manufactured home boasts, 2,304 sq ftof living space and sits on 2.34 fenced acres in the quiet rural community of Double J Acres. Country living just a hop-skip away from LaBelle or Ft. Myers makes this a perfect location! $269,900. * Running out of room for your family? This huge 2005 4BR2B manufactured home boasts, 2,304 sq ft of living space and sits on 2.34 fenced acres in the quiet rural community of DoubleJ Acres. Country-liv- ing just a hop-skip away from LaBelle or Ft. Myers makes this a perfect location! $269,900. * Back on the market! This 2.5+/- acre mini estate makes relaxing easy with a 3BR/2B manufactured home. Featuring ceramic tile, textured walls & spa- cious kitchen. Only $179,900. * Tired of the Circus? No clowning around about the calm fuf h' i.w w iiR i on cleared'7.5" ./-crsWOw!RBe sure to cec-out the huge horse barn and workshop. Box stalls, feed room large workshop. Lower your blood pressure! $169,900. * Reia the rural wjy, '.S'uj ,s ..r, I 2'i J. i r.'.i r. "'.- M.,rniurj, ti-e ul i' nei Wi',i : i' miut'.. I r,-d I....T.: with over 1100 sq ft of living area ready for occupan- cy. SELLER FINANCING AVAILABLE! $149,900 E'ST**------ tf 'HB4lilOB;S * Location of a Lifetime! Generations will file past well-traveled location of this 8+/- acres on SR 80 in Alva. Over 1,000 ft. of road frontage and 3 existing entrances off of SR 80,. Cleared with well and electric. Time's on your side in this investment! 2,750,000. * The opportunities are endless! Bring your invest- ment 6"l #ri .llip ith? ift~i, 27 fron e.Next to water pant. property was -ceared except for the majestic Live Oaks. Bring your ideas and see! $650,000. * 5+/- acres in Pioneer Plantation.'Suitable for site built home or manufactured. Only $170,000. * Uncramp yourself on this spacious 2.5+/- acres on Evans Rd. with a pond and fenced for livestock. So say goodbye to city pressure and enjoy the country. $130,000. * 1.84+/- acre located off Jacks Branch Rd. in Muse. This property has lots of oaks, pines and palm trees. Perfect for the nature lover. Priced at only $95,000. * Genuine Country Feel! Days gone by are back! Relive the best on this private & secluded 2+/- acs. Fresh air special $93,900. * Call for prices on all our Montura Listings! ....MEMOM M L -.%. * Hard to find double lot in growing Port LaBelle Unit 102. $119,800. * Drop dead gorgeous! If you're looking for the dream lot for your new home look no further Located in the sought after Belmont S/D in LaBelle. This .37+/- acre is THIS CHARMING CEDAR HOME sits on an oversized corner lot in the city. The 2BR/2BA home has vaulted ceilings and tile in the living area. French doors provide views to the outside. Fenced back yard and 8' x 10' shed for extra stor- io. iQoQQann0 MOVE IN READY] Newly remodeled 3BR/2BA home located on large lot in the city. New carpet, flooring and interior paint and spacious master bedroom. Price reduced to sell $179,900 4BR/2BA SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME features large kitchen, new a/c, upgraded appliances, jet tub and above ground pool. $174,900 we amerkt m esms s am ms' THIS IMMACULATE MANUFACTURED HOME is situated on shaded oversized lot in town and completely fenced. Home features vaulted ceil- ings, split floor plan, kitchen with pantry and breakfast island. Front and back porches are great for outdoor entertaining and enjoyment. REDUCED $134,900 WATERFRONT HOMES/LOTS LOCATION. LOCATION; LOCATION!!! This 3 +/- acre peninsula has over 700' of Caloosahatchee River frontage with Hwy. 29 access. Zoned C-2 your possibilities are endless! $3,900,000 ONE OF THE FEW RIVERFRONT PARCELS on the market. This stunning 10.7 Acres is very unique with 600 +/- feet fronting on the beautiful Caloosahatchee River. Look to the East and West and enjoy endless views from the raised riverbank. The waterfront piece features lakefront on the South side and riverfront on the North. Build your dream home and enjoy the peace and tranquility that LaBelle's Caloosahatchee has to offer. $1,950,000 SPECTACULAR RIVERFRONT ESTATE SITE with over 200 feet of waterfront and already sepa- rated into 2 lots. The fabulous view is naturally pristine across and up the river from this "Point" on both the main river and the "Old River", which features 60 feet of protected dockage. Rip Rap of riverbank is in progress. There is NO "Corps Setback" on either lot, which may allow houses and/or pools unusually close to River. Beautiful area of upscale homes within blocks of central LaBelle. $1,500,000 GORGEOUS RIVERFRONT This 1.04 acre lot is wooded and located on County Road 78. Build your dream home on this parcel and enjoy endless views of the Caloosahatchee River. Price Reduced $499,900 SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR NATURE LOVERS This 2/2 CBS Home & Guest mobile is on Jacks Branch with river access. This Unique one of a kind property also has it's own private ISLAND. Gorgeous property is covered with large oaks. Call for more details. This is a MUST SEE. $475,000 EXCELLENT BUY1 This .84 +/- Acre creek front homesite is located on Pollywog Creek in beauti- ful river front community. Build your dream home on this oversized Creekfront lot which pro- vides beautiful oaks, access to the Caloosahatchee River and some river views. Price Reduced $149,900 Possible Owner Financing Available! BEAUTIFUL RIVERVIEWS from this waterfront homesite on dredged river oxbow w/ private dock in place. Homesite is located approx. 75 ft. from the main river in an area of nice homes. .Permits are in place to re-dredge oxbow to 6-8 ft. depth. $499,000. HOMES IN LABELLE WELL MAINTAINED 3BR/2BA MANUFAC- TURED HOME w/ office or possible 4th bed- room. Located within city limits, completely fenced and priced to sell! $99,900 HOMES LIKE NEW THIS 3 BEDROOM. 2 BATH FEA- TURES A LARGE BONUS ROOM. The home offers a split floor plan, upgraded appliances, pantry, laundry room, custom floors, and a large open patio. The landscaping is done and the cus- tom driveway adds a nice touch to this one of a kind must see. $185,000. SELLER RELOCATING! Ready to move in and a must see to believe! Located in a private country setting in Horseshoe Acres Subdivision. This 2 bedroom, 1 bath manufactured home is situated on over a half acre lot, shaded screened deck, with many fruit trees and partially fenced yard. Dog on premises. Call ahead. $129,500. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! This 2 bedroom 1.5 bath mobile home is located in quiet River Oaks Subdivision, Ortona Fl. Great investment for the part-time Floridian, or a great get-away. The home is being sold partially furnished, and offers a split floor plan with vaulted ceilings. $58,500 HOMES ON ACREAGE UNIQUE. DESIRABLE AND SECLUDED Less than a mile from the new West Glades Elementary. This property is 14.5 acres in one of the fastest growing areas of Glades County. Surrounded by large acreage, this parcel has been cleared and fenced. This custom built home is spacious and very well kept. Over 3,400 sq.ft. split floor plan features ceramic tile, 3 large bedrooms, walk-in closets, and 2.5 spacious baths. The island kitchen has walk-in pantry, breakfast area, and is open to the large family room. The master bedroom and bath offer his and hers walk-in closets, garden tub, separate shower, dual sinks and access to the pool. Too many improvement to mention, call for your private showing! $1,450,000. iBR/1BA CBS HOME ON 8.8+/- ACRES fronting on paved road approx. 3 miles from town. Property is fenced & cross fenced w/ gorgeous oaks and horse stable. $490,000. 3.18 +/ ACRES W/1RI1.5BA COTTAGE style home located in Port LaBelle Ranchettes, one oflaBelle's most desirable communities. Situated at the end of a cul de sac provides a peaceful & private setting. Cathedral ceil- ings, ceramic tile throughout, open floor plan and wrap around porch. $469,900 3BR/2BA LIKE NEW 2003 PAIM HARBOR manufa- cutured home on 2.5 acres located west of LaBelle. Split floor plan, spacious kitchen, breakfast bar and walk in closets. $219,900. QUIET COUNTRY RETREAT Like new manufactured home on 2.82 acres in quiet Ft. Denaud. This immacu- late home offers vaulted ceilings, entertainment pack- age includes a large screen television w/stereo and sur- round sound, split floor plan, built in computer center, large master bedroom and bath w/ garden tub and sep- arate shower. Upgraded appliances add a nice touch, to the large open kitchen w/ eat-in breakfast bar and for- mal dining. $212,500 ACREAGE/LOTS 40 ACRE Gerber Grove $660,000 2.5 +/- ACRES stocked pond, partially fenced, unique oak grove and ready to build. Great location on CR 78 approx. 2 miles from town. Seller motivated! $199,000 10 ACRE PARCEL located off Hwy 74 (Bermont Road) in Charlotte County. Property zoned agricultural. Price Reduced $100,000 BEAUTIFUL OAK COVERED CITY OF IABELLE LOT. Located in established neighborhood. Build your home on this .45 acre lot. Price Reduced $79,900 BEAUTIFUL 100' X 185' RESIDENTIAL HOMESITE w/beautiful oaks located in the city of LaBelle and ready to build! $89,900 OVERSIZED .64 ACRE WOODED residential home- site located in the city. $89,000 1.25 ACRES LOT in growing Montura Ranch Estate more lots available $49,500 RESIDPEN3 Ui 3 lot w/well, septic &i 2 culverts ] J i r home or mobile home. Re to. COMMERCIAI/BUSINESS PRIME LOCATION! Business zoned property located in Downtown LaBelle. Perfectly situated on the corner of (Hwy 29) Bridge Street and Park Avenue thi property has endless possibilities. "Old Historical Florida-Style" two story building, 1,846 sq. ft. w/ 122' frontage on Bridge Street and a "Quaint Old-Florida Cracker-Style" office fronting oq Park Avenue. $1,200,000 II ifira .n l B .. "- MI il iI.,...IL I nII N4 I,'1! ,,1, 1 i. . Corner of Hwy. 80 & 45 South Rlverview LaBelle, FL 863-675-2718 1-877-675-2718 : wwwJabelleriveride.com E-mail realestate@labellerivside.com ,, __________________________ S."me ir -,Mi,-, .'Sc- f 'W T^ Wl I F^SSa IIr fISa Se Habla Espanol Marilyn Sears Licensed Real Estate Broker Sales Associates Nancy Hendrickson, Margaret Whatley, Yvonne Doll, Consuelo Tarin Lopez, Suzanne Sherrod Judy Cross McClure and Receptionist Emily Curtis WHAT A GREAT OPPORTUNITY Historic commer- cial building w/ 3 completely renovated rental units. Renovations include new roof, 2 new a/c units, stucco, paint, resurfaced parking and more. Located in a high traffic area surrounded by offices, restaurants and busi- nesses. $550,000 REDUCED PRICE $350,000111 RENOVATED BUILDING! READY FOR YOUR BUSINESSI!l Need aplacetolocateyourbusiness. This isit! Highlyvisable, only 180 ft. East of Bridge Street. Totally remodeled building situated on .31 acre lot fronting on 'Washington Ave. across from bank drive thru. Property is 175' deep which leaves room for future expansion. Renovations include all new crown molding, ceramic tile, siding, plumbing, electric and A/C. BUSINESS ZONEDI This 2BR/1BA home is situated on a high traffic road in the city. Just 2 blocks north of Hwy 80 and 1 block east of Bridge Street and surround- ed by local banks and businesses. Price reduced $215,000 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ESTABLISHED IN 1984 TIE GATOR BAIT PUB has been a thriving business in the Pioneer Community for many years. If you've ever wanted to run your own Restaurant and Lounge here's your chance. This quaint establishment comes fully fur- nished with a completely equipped kitchen, and offers a great start for any entrepreneur. Priced at $174,500 INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIA-INDUSTRIALINDUSTRIAL1 This 1.12 acre parcel features easy access off of two paved roads & a currently occupied steel building w/over 5,400 sq. ft. PRICED TO SELL AT $525,000. UNDER CONTRACT 4.14 ACRES ZONED INDUSTRIAL Property features 80' x 100' hangar plus 1998 3BR/2BA 2,200 sq. ft. dou- blewide mobile home. Great investment... Great Location! $1,500,000 UNDER CONTRACT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Excellent investment opportunity w/ 277' frontage on Hwy 29. 1.59+/- acres on corner of Hwy 29 and N. Industrial Loop Road, 3 steel buildings- (Warehouse-3,800 sq. ft.; shop -1,600 sq. ft.; office building 2,520 sq. ft.) all currently leased. $1,300,000 STOP BY AND VISIT US AT OUR'NEW LOCATION ON HWY 80 S iNew Horizons Real Estate Corp. Thursday, May 11, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Bakof America SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Banko Aria Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate 'Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com Now with an office in LaBelle at 415 W. Hwy 80 Call for an appointment ASK ME ABOUT OUR SPECIAL LOAN PROGRAMS FOR TEACHERS, MEDICAL WORKERS, LAW ENFORCEMENT. AND FIREFIGHTERS WHY RENT WITH LISTINGS LIKE THESE? ....u.ay. May 11.0ch AnnouncementsI Merchandise Mobile Homes i Employment AgricultureI :l Tif FiI M -.j. III .. .. .... .. ----- -- Financial Rentals Automobiles 1. Iij- -- -.Ii-i---- --- --- Services ealEstate Public Ntices Ell I I I 0, for any personal items for sale under $2,500 your ad in several papers in our newspaper network. Our newspaper network consists of eight papers one daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will reach more than 164,000 readers*! Call Today For Details! SSources- Pulse Research .13rket Sur.iey; Simmons Market Research; INI Ilarklet Research Center Rules for placing FREE ads! To qualify, your ad " Must be for a personal item. (No commercial items, pets or animals) Must fit into 1 '2 inch p- (that's 4 lines, approximately 23 characters per line) .. Must include only one item and its price ,, (remember it must be $2,500 or less) N Call us! No Fee, No Catch, No Problem! / For Legal Ads:. / br Al Other Classifed / Mn / Mon-Fri ,'S.m. .m, 6 .3m -6 pn. T' - lam~, lrSuhpuiatnleats Ft ............:~ .. Announcements I rpcn It Irormalron .; a .u your ad carefully the first day it appears. In case of an inadvertent error, please notify us prior to the deadline listed. We will not be responsible for more than 1 incorrect insertion, or for more than the extent of the ad rendered valueless by such errors. Advertiser assumes responsibility for all statements, names and con- tent of an ad, and assumes responsibility for any claims against Independent Newspapers. All advertising is subject to publisher's approval. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any or all copy, and to insert above the copy the word "advertisement'. All _dn ..'..'t.t ,r are iubjet tu.. :'rj,i apprl.:,al. AlI ads music .;jninr. lto Independenr-- Newspapers' style and are restricted to their proper classifications. Some classi- fied categories require advance payment. These classifications are denoted with an asterisk*. Auctions 105 Car Pool 110 Share a ride 115 Card of Thanks 120 In Memoriam 125 Found 130 Lost 135 Give Away 140 Garage'Yard Sale 145 Personals 150 Special Notices 155 900 Numbers 160 715 ACRES overlooking Lake Guntersville, AL: Subdivided into 28 tracts, offered separ- ately & as a whole. Absolute Auction. May 20. Furrow Auction Co., 1-800-4FUR- ROW, www.furrow.com. AL Lic. #0872. Estate Auction, 173+/- acres- divided; Homesites, river frontage, timber cruise. Col- quitt County, GA. Saturday, May 20, 10:00 a.m. 10% -buyer's premium. Rowell Auctions, Inc. (800)323-8388 www.rowel- lauctions.com GAL AU- C002594. Executive Estate Auction on the St. John's River Mort- gage Foreclosure 4BR/4.5BA Home On 2 ac Boat house with dock May 13 1pm in Mandarin, FL jwhillauc- tions.com; call 888-821-0894 AB2083 BABYSITTER NEEDED to care for 2 young children. 4- V1 days per week. Ref. required. Call Valerie 863-697-2181 DACHSHUND, small brown male, near US 98, in Bass- wood, Sun., May 7th. Call to identify. (863)467-2600. DOG- Found on Drive In Rd. Wk/end of 4/28th Small Ter- rier. Please call(863)357-1350 BULL MASTIFF- Male 130-140lbs. Missing bottom K-9. Vic, E. Palomar & S. Edge al'., .'n6.-r, 2113 Reward DOG, Min. Schnauzer, light gray female, "Abby", was in car accident on SR 80. REWARD. (407)718-0958 DOG, Min. Schnauzer, light gray female, "Abby", was in car accident on SR 80. RE- WARD $1000 (407)718-0958 DOGS, Neutered male chihua- hua & female beagle in Muse area. (863)674-0874 or (239)425-7016. Shop from a gift catalog that's updated regularly: the classified. Eimplomen Full Tim 10D66 AC- Offered in 18 Parcels Ranging from 27 to 118 Acres Great Development Potential at Auction Prices . -Close to State Road 70 & US 17 Less than 1 Hour from Ft. Myers & Sarasota BASSET HOUND, Male, 2 years old. Free to good home. (863)763-4052 CAT- 12yrs old, blk, w/whi markings, F, spayed, very friendly, prefer adults w/no pets (863)675-6205 CURR & PIT MIX- 7 weeks. Give away to good homes. (863)675=2844 FREE GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES great watchdogs, all shots. (863)983-5597 KITTENS- 3, Tabby Calico, Avail. 05/26/06. Not good for small children. (863)467-2474 KITTENS- FREE Lovable. Ready on 5/23/06. (863)467-8464 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA- TOR TRAINING FOR EM- PLOYMENT: Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers; Excavators; National Certifi- cation, Job Placement Assis- tance; Associated Training Services (800)251-3274 www.atsn-schools.com. Teachers Wanted! Over 50 South Carolina school dis- tricts interviewing at the an- nual SC EXPO for Teacher Recruitment in Columbia, SC, June 12. FREE registra- tion online at: www.cer- ra.org. Statewide online teaching application available at: www.win- throp.edu/scteach. READING A NEWSPAPER... makes you a mare informed and Interesting peron. No wonder newspaper readers are more successful LOOKING FOR SOMEONE to set up a Web Page. Please call Lucy (863)467-6423 Shop here first! The classified ads Em loyment - Employment - Employment - Medical 210 Employment - Part-Time 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Training 227 Sales 230 Driver-HIRING QUALIFIED DRIVERS for Central Florida Local & National OTR posi- tions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay & new equipment. Need 2 years experience. Call By- num Transport for your op- portunity today. (800)741-7950. Exp'd Plumbers & Helpers Needed, commercial/resi- dential, full time starting im- mediately. Paid Holidays and vacation. (561)996-1159 FAMILY HOME CARE RN OPPORTUNITIES: Directory of Nursing Clinical/Management Experiences. Field Staff RN: FT/PT Benefits Package. Sign on Bonus. Fax resume: (863)983-9883 Tel.: (863)983-3700 License #299991018 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR With valid CDL drivers license. Please call 863-983-9941 or apply at 2954 Airglades Blvd, Clewiston. Job Crafters, Inc. NOW HIR- ING!!! First Class Shipyard Trades: Pipe Fitters, Struc- tural Fitters, Structural Welders. Work in FL, AL Over Time + Per Diem UP TO $23./hour. Toll-Free: 800)371-7504 Phone: 251)433-1270 Fax: 251)433-0018. TRUCK DRIVERS NEEDED!!I Must have Class A CDL. We have Benefits, Paid Vacation, Paid Insurance & Bonuses. Home every night. Apply at: Syfrett Feed Co., 3079 NW 8th Street, Okee Eiplye Fu 11 Tim ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK BRIGHTON RESERVATION High School Diploma or GED minimum one 1Qi year exp. Accounting exp., invoices/ purchase orders, knowledge of MS Excel & Word: Excellent phone & Customer service skills. Data entry exp. Fax resume or application to: 1954)967-3477 CENTRAL COUNTY WA l, ""'lITROL DISTRICT is now accepting 3pplicalioii ;'r 3 Clubhouse Mainlenance Person This is a full time position wan lull beneiesi Must be able to work flexible hours, nights and weekends, some holidays. This is a drug free workplace. Apply in person at the Montura Clubhouse Located at 255 N. Hacienda Street. Montura Ranch Estates Wednesday thru Sunday, 10 am to 4pm POSITION AVAILABLE CITY OF SOUTH BAY I, City Clerk's Department Administrative Assistant $12.62 hourly with benefits Apply at South Bay City Hall 335 SW 2nd Avenue South Bay, FL 33493 Email Resumes to: parchmenta@southbaycity.com Deadline May 12, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. Contact: Annette Parchment Human Resources Director/Deputy City Clerk at 561-996-6751, ext. 14 for more information. I, POSITION AVAILABLE CITY OF SOUTH BAY Community Development Department Office Assistant II $9.50 hourly with benefits Apply at South Bay City Hall 335 SW 2nd Avenue South Bay, FL 33493 Email Resumes to: parchmenta@southbaycity.com Deadline May 12, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. Contact: Annette Parchment Human Resources Director/Deputy City Clerk at 561-996-6751, ext. 14 for more information. Hendry LaBelle Recreation Board is accepting applications for employment for a six week Summer Youth Program. Positions available are for one Program Director, one Assistant Program Director & several Group Leaders. Applications must be submitted by Friday, May 19, 2006. Job description & applications can be obtained in the Satellite Office in Clewiston and the Courthouse in LaBelle in the HR Department. Veterans preference as outlined in the Florida Statutes. Hendry County is an equal opportunity employer. Drug Free Workplace. Fll Time"m Glades County Board of County Commissioners AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER May 3, 2006 PROBATION OFFICER ANNUAL SALARY RANGE: $28,000 -$30,000 EXCELLENT BENEFITS, HEALTH CARE AND STATE RETIRE- MENT MAJOR DUTIES: rotation Onicer will oe in crharge ol tne Pro- roltn Onire and supervise oie employee Serve':s j a Probj- iron Orii:er and Community Servir.e: Director. Selecilee mui oe sell-motivated and will be required to or wilk l r. nlideririjl personal information. Must work closely with the Sheriff, Judi- ilal Sysiem and Clerk of Court. Must have knowledge of legal svilem and some law. . KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: SeleciWe'musihfi'e ewcelleni compuler skills and oD capalIe oi operating office machines and be knowledgeable in Mirrosill Works, Word and Ecel Musl present a neal jnd well-mannered appearance and possess excellent writing and communication skills. Excellent recordkeeping is essential. Bi-lingual skills are a plus. Must be able to work effectively with an array of clients. Patience and steadfastness are a must. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: High School Diploma or'Equiva- lent and a valid Florida Drivers License with an acceptable driv- ing record. JOB LOCATION: Glades County Courthouse, Moore Haven WORK SCHEDULE: 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday CLOSING DATE: June 5,2006 at 5:00 p.m. REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION: Glades County Application. Copy of valid Florida Drivers License. SUBMIT APPLICATION TO: Mary Ann Dotson County Managers Office 500 Avenue J PO. Boxl1018 Moore Haven, Fl 33471 863-946-6000 Glades County is a drug-free, non smoking workplace i;------------------ Duda Farm Fresh Foods. has several job openings with dif- ferent levels of experience: fuel truck driver, v clJ'f, mechanic and mechanic helper. Will train right individual. Drug Free Work Place. Pay commensurate with experience. Medical/dental/vision plans, 401K, vacation, holiday pay, plus other benefits. Apply in at 12255 Hwy 29 N in Felda person or call for appointment (863) 675-0545 ext. 3135 EOE Duda Farm Fresh Foods busca un camionero, sol- dador, mecAnico y ayudante mecAnico con various niveles de experiencia. Entrenamiento esta disponible. Sitio libre de drogas. Pago a seg6n experiencia. Planes medico/den- tal/visi6n, 401K plan de retire, pago de vacaciones y dias feriados, mis otros beneficios. Aplique en persona 12255 Hwy 29 N in Felda, Florida o Ilame por una cita a (863) 675-0545 ext. 3135. Empleador de Oportunidades por Igual. Must have advanced knowledge to troubleshoot, make minor & major repairs to wiring, motors, elec- trical components, panels and equipment and PM throughout various departments in the plant. Basic math and reading skills. Available to work extended shift and days. Medical/dental/vision, company matched 401K, holidays, vacation, sick, other bene- fits available. Apply in person at 6007 S. Hwy 29, LaBelle, FL (863-675-0336 ext/ 3538 A. Duda & Sons, Inc. Citrus Belle is EOE/Drug Free Workplace compliant Utility Operator/ Mechanic Southern Gardens Citrus Processing Corporation has immediate opening for a utility operator/mechanic with 3 to 5 years experience working with utility systems including portable water, steam, compressed air, ammonia refrigeration, and waste water systems. Ability to pass PFT fit test and respiratory physical. Also need Mechanic with experience in pneumatics, hydraulics, screw conveyors, pump repair and welding. High school or equivalent, shift work and weekends required. Good pay, bonus, 401 K, benefits, and over- time. Contact HR Dep. @ 863-902-4133, fax 863-902-4315 or dmelton(asoutherngardens.com Empoyen Full Tim Employment Full imel^ Glades County Board of County Commissioners AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER May 8, 2006 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR I ANNUAL SALARY RANGE: $7.25 $11.25 PER HOUR EXCELLENT BENEFITS, HEALTH CARE AND STATE RETIRE- MENT MAJOR DUTIES: Operation and routine maintenance of single axle dump trucks, mowing tractors and associated imple- ments. Preparing legible daily work tickets, recording time, equipment and inventory used. Provide safe conditions for em- ployees and the general public, working with road crews, do- ing vanous JoJE when necessary. will be required ao perform laoor auriei. sucn as shove, rake or lay Sod jny olner relaleji and assigned dunles KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Must be capable of safely and efficiently operating a variety of light and medium mrainlenance and conslruclon equipment Must have the ability io lih up to 100 Ibs. and nave ihe ability to sit, stand, wall. soop. Dend, crawl and work outside lor long periods in vinous weather coiiondio Requires knowledge and skill in op- eration and maintenance rI dump trucks and iractors Abiliry to read and wrnle eenecively. Requires a minimum i 6 rrn)ntnr il[ directly related eopernerce Ability Irl work,: ltedble hours and overtime under emergency siluaiion; MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: High School Diploma or Equiva- lent Must have a valid Class B Florida Commercial Drivers Li- cense with acceptable driving record. Screening test for illegal drugs. JOB LOCATION: Glades County Road Department, Moore Haven. Work is county wide. WORK SCHEDULE: 7:30 am 4:00 pm, Monday-Friday CLOSING DATE: May 22, at 5:00 p.m. REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION: Glades County Application. Copy of valid Florida Drivers License. SUBMIT APPLICATION TO: Mary Ann Dotson County Managers Office 500 Avenue J PO. Box 1018 Moore Haven, Fl 33471 863-946-6000 Glades County is a drug-free, non smoking workplace MA E A C,5L C Er, !4 'Ci, i :,' 5 3 E-1- S' .' E - LPN Iorl T(FTPTPerdlem) Sl. LPr 1...: ,. '.i h i :, 1,'..'. I'h.- i ..4ihcu' ,: Suppon & Full Tme- REGISTERED NURSE L IL n' ,h I ,1 t'f. ill I'j,- ,,:r ,j,] Railogic TechrnologLs~himmrgrapher .'PIT ,C ,rlh j rL l,.rn FiTll ,1 witn, h .rQ \\ I... J,,J-J M,\ inn,.:.-, 1h.: Q p... J,, j, Full Uime CT/adlologlc Tech 18 30 am pr m. or 1030 am io 7 p m I A AR 1 l .i ,%,i j ,-jl.J N I ,: $C Jl En i p .r"l o ". .... 11:1 C. I -..: nH l. .I ...i..l ..jcills p .L i -I- C 1 J -0 fi_.J..o-d pl,. Per dremi Housekeeper Must FOIL I L j l .pl .-i lrll o'p Jir 1 l.0 .. 1 1. I n.il .r J j)L jar, .1 > ll.. ll Full Ume/per d em-Food Se.nce ride Prevy,- '., p:. rin. I'ji oi ,up p, I r u. b d, I.l,. i J ,'. j .ir -, j... wo. j jrui i J .;1 )-l j rj i c rni,...,,-l,..l Prt time- Floor Teih Full Time/Per Diar C NA r.l., l hj. il.j fL C I'] l.lll l' Full Ime- CCU Nurse Manager V alid l.i i.Jj -:r- .: .- : l '.L L -, .. ..i p* l years of CCU skill competencies req. I year of management exp. necessary. Phone: 863-902-3079 or Fax resume to: 863-983-0805 Drug Free Workplace EOE BOOKKEEPER Full Charge, F/T Position for agribusiness in Clewiston area. Payroll, Accounts Payable & experience using Excel a must. Must be self-motivated and able to mulit-task. Position offers a competitive wage. To apply send resume with current salary to: Hilliard Brothers of Florida 5500 Flaghole Rd. Clewiston, Florida 33440. or Fax 863-983-5116 1- VISA i I Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, Mav 11, 2006 Emplymen lAuctions lAuctions I U Emplymn FullTime 020 Fuli me 'I'll imnml^ Epoiymen Fulltme Fl Ti me 02 5 Empoyen Ful Tie 0,1 Eim Ilymn Ful im 00 Employ In MANAGEMENT Join the most exciting attraction in SW Florida JOB OPPORTUNITIES Cage Cashier Cocktail Server Dining Room Hostess Dining Room Server Dishwasher/Steward Housekeeper Maintenance Worker NEW! Poker Dealer Prep Cook Security Officer Sous Chef TAD Floor Clerk NEW! TAD Technician $9.50 per hour $5.50 plus tips $8.00 per hour $5.50 plus tips $7.50 per hour $9.00 per hour $10.00 + D.O.E. $28.00 avg. w/grats $8.00 per hour $10.00 per hour $12.00 + D.O.E. $21.00 avg. w/grats $12.50 per hour We are also seeking candidates for these professional positions: Financial Analyst Housekeeping Supervisor Human Resources Manager Security Supervisor Benefits available for all employees www.theseminolecasino.com Apply in person at: 506 S. 1st St., Immokalee, FL Phone: 1-800-218-0007 The Seminole Casino is a Drug-free Workplace Okeechobee NewS The Okeechobee News is seeking a full time Outside Sales Consultant. The right applicant will: Be enthusiastic Be inquisitive Be service oriented Be highly motivated Be a self-managed individual Be well organized Preferably have previous sales experience Be a good team player Be able to handle pressure Have computer skills The Okeechobee News offers: Potential for advancement A unique work environment where employees are trusted and empowered Competitive pay and benefits Life and Disability Insurance 401(K) Retirement Plan Generous time off program The C''." f I r: E,1i..11 a irr, 'irPP iror k E pic er OKEELANTA CORPORATION ACCOUNTANT Immediate need for an Accountant with a BA/BS in Business preferred or AA degree in Business. Must have advanced Excel abilities. Responsibilities include prepar- ing monthly and weekly department bud- gets, monitoring budget control points, and generating reports. Must be able to meet deadlines and work overtime when required, in preparing budget.trends, and provide graph/report- ing information. We offer a competitive salary and benefits package. Qualified applicants should re- spond to: Okeelanda resume@florida- crystals.com or fax a resume to 561-993-1605. An EEO/AA Employee MFVD POSITION AVATTARTLE CITY OF SOUTH BAY Finance Department Accounting Specialist I $12.98 hourly with benefits Apply at South Bay City Hall 335 SW 2nd Avenue South Bay, FL 33493 Email Resumes to: parchmenta@southbaycity.com Deadline May 12, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. Contact: Annette Parchment Human Resources Director/Deputy City Clerk at 561-996-6751, ext. 14 for more information. Boom Pump Operators Moffet Drivers Dump Truck Drivers Dirvers Class A & B Salary commensurate with experience & benefits including health insurance, paid vacation/sick time & holidays. Se hablamos Espanol! Please apply in person at either location: K.A. Wallace, Inc., 5610 Division Dr., Ft. Myers The Wallace Group, 825 E. Cowboy Way, Suite 106, LaBelle or fax resume to 863-674-1164. EEO/DFWP Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, Moore Haven, LaBelle, Clewiston and Okeechobee. We are a franchise with 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic, honest, and responsible individuals. We offer: -Excellent Salaries -Medical and Life Insurance S-Dental Insurance -401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For an interview please call 863-983-4224 or mail your resume in confidence to: Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 33440 HELP WANTED ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR- Must have 8 yrs experience with a licensed contractor. ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR & LIFEGUARD openings at East Recreation in Harlem for summer Program 9-$12 hour Applicatons dvailaDIe & accepted at Sub-Office. Civic Center and Harlem Otfce in Clewiston and Personnel Ohice in L3- Belle. Lileguard must De Cerbiled.' 1st Ald!CPR pnor to em- ploymem. MECHANIC I- Basic mechanic knowledge, experience as an automotive service worker or mechanic's helper preferred MECHANIC II- Graduate from an approved course in neavy & diesel mechanics, tree years expenence. Boir Mechanic positions require class 8 drivers license Must have a High School Diploma or GED. Both located in Clewislon GIS COORDINATOR- for the LaBelle office Must have Bachelor or Science from an accredited college or university in com- puter science, geography, or related held with considerable expenence in the use or Geographic inlormanon systems or 8yrs equivalent expenence. The positions are lull time with medical benefis, retirement, sick and vacaton leave. These positions will be open until filled. Job description & applications can be obtained in the Satellite Office in clewiston and the Courthouse in LaBelle in.the HR Depaitmeni. Vet Prel. EEO. Drug Free Applicants needing assistance in Ihe applcaoon process should contact tme Hendry County Com- rmissioners HR' department S.1: , REDLANDS CHRISTIAN MIGRANT ASSOCIATION The Redlands Christian Migrant Association (RCMA) is a unique, well established, non-profit organization that provides quality child care and education for migrant and rural low income children in 20 counties within the State of Florida. RCMA seeks highly motivated individuals who possess a BA in Early Childhood Education or Special Education or Nursing with an emphasis in.pediatrics and child development to be responsible for a full range of education and health services for infant/tod- dler, and preschool children. Bilingual in Eng- lish/Spanish a plus. RCMA offers an excellent benefit package that usually surpasses other child care insti- tutions. Competitive pay range between $13.00 up to $19.50 an hour depending on experience. Send resume to: Lynn Bowen at Lynnb@rcma.org or to the LaBelle Area Office 551 W. Cowboy Way, LaBelle, FL 33975. Deadline: May 15, 2006 Drivers (Companvy) Be Home Every Night! Big Sign-on Bonuses All Late Model Tractors Paid Life Insurance Blue Cross/Blue Shield Paid Vacation & 401(k) lyr. Exp., 23yo, CDL A GENERAL MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (2.Positions, Facilities Mgmt., Belle Glade) $12.42/hr. Requires HS/eq and 4 yrs. exp. in building, facilities maintenance, mechanical/ electrical/ plumbing repairs at the semi-skilled level (1 additional yr. of related work experience may substitute for HS/eq.) Prefer exp. repairing maintaining or installing carpentry, plumbing, electrical or A/C equipment; maintaining, repairing and/or building in a commercial, institutional or correctional facility. Visit www.pbcgov.com for detailed job description & employment application. Submit applications/resumes with any Vet. Pref. doc. for receipt by 5 pm 5/19/06 to: Palm Beach County HR, 50 S. Military Trail #210, West Palm Beach, FL 33415. Fax 561-616-6893. EO/AA M/F/D/V (DFWP) Reading a newspaper helps you understand the world around you. No wonder newspaper readers are more suc- cessful people Time to clean out the attic, basement and/or garage? Advertise your yard sale In the classl- feds and make your clean un a breeze Retail Shop for a career that's more suited to your needs. BALLS OUTLET -Clewiston- Bealls Outlet offers a hitting opporruniry olr ihose seek- ing real advancement po- Ieniial As an esiabliised. lamily-ownied oI-price re- tail cahin wiln stores throughout the Souin Bealls Outlet sells urand name apparel ando nome decor 31 up 10 70% oH1 de- partment sioic prices. Join uc and Decome parl of our successtul leam in CLE- WISTON. STORE MANAGER" We offer an excellenrI ene. Sfits package including medical insurance. 401K paid vacation and holidays and employee discounts Call our Jobline ai 1-800-250-9206 exl. 6156 eoe www.beallsoutlet.com TELLER SUPERVISOR Experienced seller needed to supervise teller line to en- sure prompt, eficient, and Iriendly i.rvwie DulieS include assisting tellers in processing all banking and general ledger transac- tions, instructing tellers in their responsibilities and coordinating employee scheduling. Apply in person at: 205 W.C. Owen Ave. Clewiston or send or tav resume to Sheila RO. Box 1779 Clewiston, FL 33440. FAX (863)983-5860. EOE WELDERS, FABRICATORS AND ERECTORS 851 S. Elm Street LaBelle, FL DFWP How do you find a Job In today's competitive market? In the employ- ment section of the clas- slfleds Need a few more bucks to purchase something deer? Pick up some extra bucks when you sell your used Items In the classifelds. Do-It-Yourself Ideas Futon Sotabed The good looks and space- saving convenience of this futon sofabed make it ideal for do-it-yourselfers with a limited amount of space. As a sofa, the unit mea- sures 86 inches long by 33 inches tall by 36 inches deep. As a bed, it measures 86 inches long by 54 inches wide by 21 inches tall. Futon Sofabed plan (No. 850)... $9.95 Futon Sofabeds Package 2 plans incl. 850 (No. C86)... $16.95 Catalog (pictures hundreds of projects)... $2.00 Please add $3.00 s&h (except catalog-only orders) To order, circle item(s), clip and send with check to: U-Bild, 15241 Stagg St, Van Nuys, CA 91405. Please be sure to include your name, address, and the name of this newspaper. Allow 1-2 weeks for delivery. Or call (800) 82-U-BILD u-bild.com Money Back Guarantee The GEO Group, Inc. The GEO Group, Inc. A worldwide leader in privatized corrections BENEFITS INCLUDE: HEALTH, DENTAL, VISION, LIFE, DEPENDENT LIFE INSURANCE & 401K RETIREMENT SIGN ON BONUS $1,000.00 (call for details) * CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS * VOCATIONAL INSTRUCTOR (Web Design). * RECEPTIONIST * SERGEANT * RN MOORE HAVEN CORRECTIONAL FACILITY 1990 East SR 78NW Moore Haven, FL 33471 Phone 868-946-2420 Fax 863-946-2487 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V HEALTHCARE Glades General Hospital, where rewarding careers and a bright future await you... NURSING OPPORTUNITIES: Generous Nuew Salar Structme * RN S 12 HR SHIFT 6 al-up lSp-81 OB F7 PRN Med/Surg- -PRN ER-FTr T- llbun ne. gradi waomud OR 7a-p I i-4p FI sdl tra. ina g di. *ieljmc! * RN CHARGE NURSE FT MWdlurg I-2 iT rr p m iudle ho.pita! ideihJehip haug ep. preferred. * SHIFT SUPERVISORS 10 & 12 HR. SHIFTS FT, Prev. exp in supervision, ER & Critical Care, Leadership jblh- u i r, NlN imu plhr. * CNA. PRN: Lf.;i b icumdill ,crfiiid, 'f T..dl iirc CNA %p c * MONITOR TECH F, 'ustbe CNAI-2 ys exp w/basic EKGidterpretatlon'skill ' iLd Unai S,crebn i, p ALLIED HEALTH OPPORTUNITIES: CENTRALIZED SCHEDULER Temporary, 2 mos, Requires exp. "k'iPrf n a Ilh spilal/d.uli SilTi u illh Midid Trm Radiology & Respiratory pmcedures dealing with admitting, registration, scheduling, ins. verification & coding. Must possess exc. comm. & customer service skills. SA/P SPECIALIST FT, 2 yrs. acdg exp. inhospital/ healthcare exp. Excellent computer skills (Excel). Duties include: coding to G/L, watching, data entry, working with vendors, processing weekly check run, monthly A/P. MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST PT & PRN, Must have current Fla. li,,n-, in 1.51 ht,'i ii FPr,;'.u. h.-.pill lih cxp. RESPIRATORY THERAPIST New Grads Welcomel $26/hr. PRN,requires a CRTr, ACLS, NRP, & BLS, ability to work all areas, Neonate thru Adult & ventilator. RRTpref. RADIOLOGY TECH PRN, Must have a FL & ARRT lic. MAINTENANCE MECHANIC FT, Must have 1-2 years exp. in interior/exterior renovation. Knowledge of electrical, carpen- try, masonry, painting, plumbing and tile setting. Cert. a plus. COLLECTOR T, Excellent customer service and computer skills. Bilingual required. At least 2 years hospital experience preferred. Knowledge of third party collections and HMO. Competitive Salary & Excellent Benefits Pkg. Fax Resume to: 561-993-5627 DFWP/EOE/M/F S1201 S. Main St. Belle Glade, FL (561)996-6571 Ext 222 i Fax: (561) 993-5627 HOUSEKEEPER: Needed P/T. In the Bassinger Area to help Cleaning Windows & Screens, etc. Call 863-467-4823 PART-TIME HELP NEEDED Flagers/Check-ln 20 hrs per. week. $8.00 per hr Seniors Welcome No Benefits. Call: Seminole Tribe Motocross 863-983-1908 or 1894 AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADE- MY Start your driving career! SOffering courses in COL A. One tuition fee! Many pay- ment options! No registration fee! (888)808-5947 in- fo@americasdrivingacade- my.com. Drivers CDL A "Honey I'm Home...Every Weekend!" Great Pay & Benefits! Special Orientation Pay for Exp. Driv- ers! Paid Training for School Grads! Cypress Truck Lines, Inc. www.cypresstruck.com (888)808-5846. Looking for a place to hang your hat? Look no further than the classl- Ileds. F WORi AAILABII kM~MK i Fl (13) m . DRIVERS 51500.00 bonus every 6 months OTR, Excel- lent home time. New Equip- meni. 1 year Experience Class A with lank & haimal Call (877)882-6537. wmw.oakleyiansport corm. When you want something sold, advertise in the classlfleds. financial Business Opportunities 305 Money Lenders 310 Tax Preparation 315 ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Oo you earn $800/day? 30 Ma- cnnes. Free Candy Ail toi $9.995 18881629-9968 802000033. CALL US: We will not De undersold' THOUSANDS OF BUSINESS- ES For Sale By Owners Na- tionwide. Preview Business For Free! Interested In Buying Or Selling A Business Call: GW Merger- (877)217-8231 Or Visit www.gwmer- gercom. Services i Babysitting 405 Child Care Needed410 Child Care Offered415 Instruction 420 Services Offered 425 Insurance 430 Medical Services435 E-ZI CASH! $500-$1,000 per week and morel Simply re- turning phone calls part time.from home. No Selling, Not a Job, Not MLM. (888)248-4544. INJURED ACCIDENT! PER- SONAL INJURY HURT.. NEG- LIGENCE WRONGFUL DEATH Call now 24 hrs A-A- A ATTORNEY Referral Ser- vice (800)733-5342. Speak to a lawyer now! Protect your Rights. No Fee. An ac- cident is a Serious Matter. FREE DIABETIC SUPPLIES MEDICARE PATIENTS! Call Us Toll Free (866)294-3476 and receive a FREE METER! Am-Med Quality Diabetic Supplies. ROOFING REPLACE/REPAIR Licensed#CCC1326662 /Insured Call (561)255-6192 NEW SELF STORAGE 46 units 7x15, 8x15, 10x15, 10x30,12x30,15x25. Full electric, secure on Commereio St. 350 ft. from Clewiston Police Dept. 863-983-6663, 863-983-2808, after hrs. 863-983-8979 I Licensed Practical Nurse The Seminole Tribe of Florida has an opening for an LPN at our Health Clinic at our Big Cypress Reservation. Provide ambulatory Nursing services, Phone triage, Administer meds, therapeutic treatments & diagnostic testing. Assist w/transport. Home visits. Active FL LPN lie. required. Current BLS certification. Resume to: galtman( isemtribe.com or fax to: (954)967-3477 Details at: www.semtribe.com HEALTHCARE DiSTRICT OF PAIM BEACH COUNT~ SCHOOL RN NURSE Position #153-7084 The Health Care Oisnict is seeking dependable and motivated individuals t, loin our Scnool Health Department. Candidldes should De currenUy licensed as a Registered Nurse in ine Stale ol Florida, with prelererce lot B.S In Nursing and epenierice in te school seating. pediatnc nursing and/or community nealn. We nave openings in tne Belle Glade/Pahokee area schools Functions will include providing nursing assessments, counsel- ing, and retenals, developing student healin plans: monitonng prescribed medications; ensuing compliance with immuniza- lion and health assessment requirements: tollowing--up on screening outcomes; identifying ngn-nsk students and provad- ;ng n-serices tor school personnel Applicatons/resumes must oe received by 5PM. 7/01/06. Send lo: HCDPBC. 324 Datura Stl. #401 WPB. FL 33l0l4 Fa. (561)671-4670 or e-mail to EmolovmenrtrihcdobcD oro EOE, DFW, Vel. Pret eee The GEO Group, Inc. LPN'S & RN's NEEDED The GEO Group a worldwide leader in privatized Corrections, offers a challenging and exciting opportunity. WE OFFER :Top Pay. Medical, Dental, Short term disability, 401K. Paid vacation & Holidays and Life Insurance. THE GEO GROUP South Bay Correctional Facility 600 US Highway 27 South South Bay, FL 33493 Phone: 561-992-9505,Fax: 561-829-1902 EOE, M/F/V/H Empoyen I~~ml - ... ,PRESCHOOL m TEACHER i Immokalee Indian Reservation HS Diploma & C.D.A. credential, 15 hours DCF training. Ability to meet the County's licensing agent requirement. Ability to secure and maintain a FL Class D License with a "P" (passenger) endorsement. Fax resume to: (954)967-3477 Her'claiiis'e Air Conditioners 505 Antiques 510 Appliances 515 Appliance Parts 520 Beauty Supplies 525 Bicyles 530 Books & Magazines535 Building Materials540 Business Equipment 545 Carpets/Rugs 550 Children's Items 555 China, Glassware, Etc. 560 Clothing 565 Coins/Stamps 570 Collectibles 575 Computer/Video 580 Crafts/Supplies 585 Crises 590 Drapes, Lanes & Fabrics 595 Fireplace Fidure 600 Firewood 605 Furniture 610 Furs 615 Health & Reducing Equipment 620 Heating Equipment/ Supplies 625 Household Items 630 Jewelry 635 Lamps/Lights 640 Luggage 645 Medical Items 650 Miscellaneous 655 Musical Instruments 660 Office Supplies/ Equipment 665 Pets/Supplies/ Services 670 Photography 675 Plumbing Supplies 680 Pools & Supplies 685 Restaurant Equipment 690 Satellite 695 Sewing Machines 700 Sporting Goods 705 Stereo Equipment 710 Television/Radio 715 Tickets 720 Tools 725 Toys & Games 730 VCRs 735 Wanted to Buy 740 BED FRAME, Antique, Oak w/High Headboard & Foot- board & Side rails. 1800's. $600. (863)612-0992 Headboard & footboard with rails. $50 (561)704-3690 HUNGARIAN HAY WAGON, antique, great for decoration store or farm, $2500 (863)467-1322 WAGON WHEELS; Hungarian (100) wooden, $75 (863)467-1322 ELECTRIC/PROPANE REFRIGERATOR, 6 cu. ft., new. Get ready for hurri- canes. 5750 (239)297-4006 REFRIGERATOR, 15 cu. ft., $100. (863)357-1517 aft 6pm REFRIGERATOR, KENMORE, 2 Door, Upright, Gold. $100. or best pffer. (863)983-2872 WASHER & DRYER Whirl- pool, matching set, great for. shop/mud room, $100/both. (863)675-2404 after 5pm. WASHER- needs belt $50 (239)292-7509 Washer/Dryer, stack set, $150. (863)357-1517 aft 6pm COFFEE POT- 10 cup Farber Ware, like new, $20 (863)467-8681 GARBAGE COMPACTOR- Ken- more, used very littel great condition, $100 (863)763-7437 BATHROOM. VANITY TOP - 31" Marble, shell shaped, w/sink & faucet. $30. (863)763-8548: CHAIN LINK GATE, 15ft. with post & hanging hardware. $100 (239)810-2821 MEDICINE CABINETS (2), White, 3 shelves, towel bar, mirrored door. 30" x 16". $10/both. (863)763-4098 METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct From Manufactur- er. 20 colors in stock with all Accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery Available Toll Free (888)393-0335. SHUTTERS- Decorators, Vinyl. 1-pr 12"x24" 2 pr 12"x48", 2 pr 14"x49", Needs paint $25. for all (863)763-1997 STORM WINDOW PANELS, 24 gage: (4) 33", (6) 34", (12) 40", (1) 69". Like new. 100 for all. (863)946-1692 WINDOWS (6) aluminum crank outs 29.5W x 52"L with screen, All for $25 (863)763-1997 SCRUBS- 15 top Some pants Size small $50 (863)697-8084 EmploymentII Thursday, May 11, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday. Mav 11. 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee ELVIS RECORD & SOUVENIR COLLECTION: Approx. 44 yrs. old. Rare items. $1000 all or best offer.. 863-824-3358 PLATES -12, '94 Betty Boop, Danberry Mint, America's Sweetheart, mint cond., $300. (772)342-1967 SALT- n PEPPER SHAKERS (1041 Sets) asking $2500 863)801-4949 BED SET- Queen, Comforter. Matching pair shams. Beige background w/floral. $50. '(863)467-8681 BEDROOM SET Daybed, chest of drawers, dresser, hutch & mirror. $300 (863)447-1136 BEDROOM SET, 5-piece, baby gir. Solid wood, white & pink. Good condition. $650 email: audreykylie@yahoo.com DINING ROOM SET- Pecan ta- ble w/3 leafs, seats 4-10, 6 chairs, buffet & hutch. $550. (239)822-5955 LaBelle DINING TABLE, Glass top w/6 chairs. $575. (239)537-4253 , ENTERTAINMENT CENTER - Armoire style. $400 (863)447-1136 MEXICAN BAR Light green wood w/ overhead stem glass holder. $150. (561)704-3690 RECLINER LOVESEAT- Like new, Leather, Pd $1500 Will trade for nice Day Bed & Gold Chain. 863-357-2233 Okee. ROCKER, Bone, $20. (863)467-4095 ROCKER RECLINER, Blue, good condition. $25 (863)467-4095 Sleeper-Sofa- Queen, Castro Convertible & 7-ft couch. $250. Will separate. LaBelle 239-822-5955 SOFA, Sectional, 3 pc. Tan, Sofa + Oversized swivel chair, Round Coffee & 2 End Tables. $1800. (239)537-4253 YOUTH BED $40 (863)674-1727 BOWFLEX EXTREME, mint cond., wall accessories, $800. (239)324-2335 TREADMILL, VitaMaster, Runs good. 1.5 hp motor, up to 8 mph. Incline. $250. (863)675-0104 WEIGHT BENCH, like new. 2 people can work out at same time. Used 3 iimes $600 (863)674-1727 .. CERAMIC DISHES Like new, 5-piece place settings for 9 & 8 matching glasses. Blue & white. $35 (863)763-8149 I Land-Sal LOOP EARRINGS: 14 Kt, Sol- id Gold. Custom made. Paid over $400, Sell for $175 (863)612-0992 NECKLACE, KINGMAN Tur- quoise, Squash Blossom w/Bear Claws. Very unique. $2400 neg. (863)467-8161 BED FRAME, Mattress & Spring. Full size. Great con- dition $75. (863)467-4649 ELEC MOTORIZED CHAIR- Alante', 3yrs old, cost $5000 new will sell for $1400 (863)447-2130 ELEC WHEELCHAIR- 3 wheel Sonic Pride Mobility, elec. lift. Excellent cond., hardly used. $1150 neg. (863)675-2596 SCOOTER, Electric, Rally, Ex- cellent condition. Brand new batteries. $1000 or best offer. (863)674-1823 WINCH LIFT power operated for mobility chair. Like new, $400/best offer. (772)342-1967. ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from home. *Medical, *Busi- ness, *Paralegal, *Comput- ers *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Com- puter provided. Financial Aid if qualified. Call (866)858-2121 www.Onli- neTidewaterTech.com. BEER KEG FRIDGE, $50 (863)763-8548 TARP- Roll up for Motorhome or RV. 19', Very good cond. $125.863-697-2724 THERAPISTS WANTED- LI- CENSED SLPS in Miami- Dade and Broward counties. Bilingual a plus. Per diem & F/T. Bilinguals Inc. Child & Parent Services, (866)696-0999 x122 www )ilingualsinc.com. WOLFF TANNING BEDS Buy Direct and Savel Full Body units from $22 a month! FREE Color Catalog CALL TODAY! (800)842-1305 www.np.etstan.com. GUITAR- Bentley, 6 string, With hard case. A-1 condi- tion. $150(863)635-3382 COPIER- Konica 7033, comm with 3 drawers, duplcator. sortr, collales, little used, $2500 neg.(863)763-1550 DESK, Large, oak $100 or best offer 1863-167-6943 OFFICE CHAIR. 75 or DeSI otter (863)467-6943 ARIFICAN GRAY- 1 yr old, Learning to talk. Can be han- dled. $500. (863)634-9228 CAT- Cute, gray with white markings. 3yrs old Neutered & declawed. To Good Home Only! $50. (863)634-3841 CORGI PUPPIES, AKC, 8 wks. Champion Bloodlines. $500. Call (336)909-0740 or email: michellebell@yadtel.net NANDAY CONURE PARROT, Male w/cage. $160 (863)673-4716 PITBULL PUPPIES, UKC Reg., 4 wks. Ready to go! Large, Red Nosed. 863-634-5364 af- ter 4 pm for details. RED NOSE PIT PUPS- With papers 8wks old. Ready to go to good homes. $400. (863)801-1236 SHIH TZU PUPPIES, male & female, small, ready 5/12, $300. (863)763-8028. SOCIETY FINCH- Brown & white Good foster parents. $18 (863)357-3639 SOLAR PANELS (12), for hot water heater. $600 or will separate. (239)810-2821 SOLAR PANELS- 7, large, Make your own heating pool system $175. or will separ- ate (239)394-7005 SEWING MACHINE-$25 (239)292-7509 Job Crafters, Inc. NOW HIR- INGIII First Class Shipyard Trades: Pipe Fitters, Struc- tural Fitters, Structural Welders. Work in FL, AL Over Time + Per Diem UP TO $23./hour. Toll-Free 800)371-7504 Phone: 251)433-1270 Fax: 251)433-0018. POOL TABLE, American Heri- tage, Blue Felt Top. $1200. 786-229-8822 or 863-674-4050 REEL- Penn 4400 SS Open face ree, Likeh nei 140. (863)635-3382 JL AUDIO 5.25 COMPONENT SYSTEM, Brand new, Model VR525CS. $225 (239)340-1369 TOSHIBA- 31" wremole Pd. 11000 Asing .175 o.rr Irjdi- Ior Jewelry (if equal value 1863)634 9620 DOee area WIDESCREEN HDTV 51" Mag. navox, only 18 mos. old and works perfect. $600 firm. (863)528-3211 5pm to pm DRILL, Cordless, Black & Decker, 18 volt.New in box. Paid $89, Asking $49. (863)675-0104 DRILL PRESS: $150. (863)763-9527 GENERATOR- Coleman Pow- ermate., 2500w, 5hp Briggs & Straton eng. New condi- tion $200. (863)763-1501 PRESSURE WASHER- Sears, 2000 PSI, 6HP engine, $100 (863)763-7989 READING A NEWSPAPER MAKES YOU A MORE INFORMED AND INTERESTING PERSON. 0o ownder newspaper readers ore more popular! Agriculture Christmas Trees 745 Farm Equipment 805 Farm Feed/Products 810 Farm Miscellaneous 815 Farm Produce 820 Farm Services Offered 825 Farm Supplies/ Services Wanted 830 Fertilizer 835 Horses 840 Landscaping Supplies 845 Lawn & Garden 850 Livestock 855 Poultry/Supplies 860 Seeds/Plants/ . Flowers 865 HORSE, 8 yrs. old. Gelding Good horse, great w/kids. Moving must sell. $2000 or best offer. (239)633-3649 SADDLE, 15", tan roughout, new rawhide stirrups & new WeaverSmartCinch. $200 (772)263-1178 SADDLE, Bob Marshall, 15.5" treeless barrel. Chocolate suede. 2 mos. old. $750 neg. (772)263-1178 JOHN DEERE GATOR- 6x4, elec dump bed, motor just tuned and serviced $1995 (863)673-1042 MOWER, 5ft. Bush Hog finish. Excellent condition. Side dis- charge. $1100 or best offer. (863)697-3008 CALVES: Shots, Wormed $200 & up. Also Cows: Young & Healthy. $400 & Up. Will Deliver. 863-235-0838 Rentals 4 J il RENT Apartments 905 Business Places 910 Commercial Property 915 Condos.' Townhouses Rent920 Farm Property . Rent 925 House Rent 930 Land Rent 935 Resort Property - Rent 945 Roommate 950 Rooms to Rent 955 Storage Space - Rent 960 -Build To Suit- Up To 10,000 SQ. FT. Belle Glade Area ELDERLY PROFESSIONAL GENTLEMAN: Wishes to rent room in Clewiston area w/quiet family. Does not drink or smoke. Call (239)443-6765 or email: lanton17@aol.com Real Estate Business Places - Sale 1005 Commercial Property Sale 1010 Condos/ Townhouses Salel015 Farms Sale 1020 Houses Sale 1025 Hunting Property 1030 Investment Property Sale 1035 Land Sale 1040 Lots Sale 1045 Open House 1050 Out of State - Property Sale 1055 Property Inspectionl060 Real Estate Wanted1065 Resort Property -. Sale 1070 Warehouse Space 1075 Waterfront Property 1080 CLEWISTON. WOW, Water- Ironl 3br. 203, ac. Fenr ed. new root/docki. 5 min riom WaImarl. See & make oflfef $169,500. Possible owner Ii- narice ot down payment (WAG) (863E18 5-0272 J & S ESTATES- 11 yr old frame house 2BR/2BA, w/gar. 500 sq ft. Rec. room, Pool, Steam cabinet, Sauna cabinet Treadmill & Weight equip $155,000. Broker protected. (772)597-6158 or (954)801-6158 PORT LaBelle: Unit 4 Move In Today! - Newly renovated, near schls., Large yards, New S/S Appl. 4/2 @$175,000. or 3/1 @$142,000.. Call owner: 863-673-5071 csnrdz_04-,'EarIhiinkl nel MONTURA RANCH ESTATE 1.25 at For Sale By Owner 412 Bald Cypress Ave. $55,000 (561)993-5886 Mobie Homes Mobile Home- Lot 2005 Mobile Home Parts 2010 Mobile Homes- Rent 2015 Mobile Homes Sale 2020 GRANDMA'S GROVE in LaBelle. 5th Wheel RV Mobile Home w/Florida room at- tached. $7500 (239)303-0741 or email dwill98(earthlink.net Mobile Home, '93, need some inside work, $3500. (239)657-4122 SELLSTATE PRIORITY REAL- TY NETWORK, INC, LAKE- FRONT 3br, 1.5ba, Cover carport & porch. New carpet, flooring & fresh paint $85,000. 585 Tammy Rd. Clewiston. Owner will consider financing with qualifying terms. Natacha Lugo (239)410-0331. fax#239-573-3438 Se Habla Espanol Recreation Boats 3005 Campers/RVs 3010 Jet Skiis 3015 Marine Accessories 3020 Marine Miscellaneous 3025 Motorcycles 3030 Sport Vehicles/ATVs 3035 AIR BOAT HAULLS- 2, Fiber- glass. 1 comes with trailer. 1000. All offers considered. (863)824-0505 AIR BOAT-10', Fiberglass hull, 65hp Contenental + 2 extra motors & hub Like new Wood prop $3500. 863-673-1963 BASS BOAT-'85, 17'.7", 150 Evinrude, Rebuilt approx 1 yr ago, 30hrs. All orig. $2500. (863)634-4818 HOUSE BOAT 66ft, Paddle Wheel, Repo, sacrifice $8000. (406)628-2181 in LaBelle. Jet Boat, Project, 22ft., Bies- meyer, 454 engine, recondi- tioned. Matching galvanized trailer. $9700 (863)674-0898 MAKO 224 '81 w/ YAMAHA 200 '90 engine & Rite-On Trailer '81 $7500 (239)823-2587 PLASTIC BOAT, 10ft., 2-man, swivel seats, live well, bat- tery box & galvanized trailer. $500 (863)635-5550 PONTOON- 28', 50hp John- son, New deck/carpet. Great cond. $3200. (863)467-1720 mattmcdan2hotmail.com MobiUe Home Eagle's Nest Estates A secluded, private ranch subdivision 3 offering beautiful . vistas of pristine '- naturalhabita . Offered in combinable 40-60ac Tracts for discerning homeowners or weekend nature enthusiasts. Only eleven of these exceptional tracts available. M 772-468-8306 H 772-468-8306 Smoker Craft, 16', tilt trailer, trolling motor, 35hp Merc., ready to fish, $1800. (863)467-7428 Car^pes/ 01 ALLEGRO MOTORHOME, Onan, Generator, ice cold air, for camping or live-in. (863)824-8746 $5900 COACHMAN CATALINA 1995, 26 Ft.. Like new Low mileage. $16,000. or best ofter Call 863-634-5914. COLEMAN SUNVALLEY 1982. A/I & Awnrng (Both New '04), propane siove, pressure waler pump $1400 (8631467-7905 DODGE '78, Working gas stove and relrgeralor, inside rights work Goo condition $2000 irm. (863)675-6511 WINNEBAGO '85- Molor home, 26'V8, sips 8. very good cono, 62K, $10.000 or best oler (772284-1194 YAMAHA 550 '87, Wave Run- ner wilrailet, runs good $575 18631674-0874 or (239)4'25.7016 HONDA MAGNA 1985. 700 C'Cs. 6 Spd Runs great' $2000. or best oiler 1863)615-0596/673-2025 YAMAHA ROADSTAR 1600 2002.26K mis. E,.celleni con- orion w/tlexia's $5,500 o0 best offer. Call 863-763-1380 ur 863-4147-0127 or email carlzachsam@hotmail.com ATV TIRES & RIMS, Blackwa- ter, Yamaha, rear, mounted. Great for mud! $150 for both. Call Rick. (239)410-3784 ATV TIRES & RIMS, Sand Shark, Yamaha, rear, mounted. Great for sand! $150 for both. Call Rick. (239)410-3784 FOUR WHEELER, 110 Rrcketa BMX $1300 or beEI oiler 86)633-1.5476 _ GO KART Scorpion. 2 seater. roll oars, great shape, $600 firm. (863)634-8828 days or (863)763-4132 eve's. Automobiles -, Automobiles 4005 Autos Wanted 4010 Classic Cars 4015 Commercial Trucks 4020 Construction Equipment 4025 Foreign Cars 4030 Four Wheel Drive 4035 Heavy Duty Trucks4040 Parts Repairs 4045 Pickup Trucks 4050 Sport Utility 4055 Tractor Trailers 4060 Utility Trailers 4065 Vans 4070 $500 Police Impounds, Cars from $5001 Tax Repos, US Marshal and IRS sales! Cars, Trucks, SUV's, Toyota's, Honda's, Chevy's and more! For listings Call (800)425-1730 ext.2384. CHEVY BELAIR- '60, 2 dr Hard Top, 283 eng. Runs & Looks Great. $7500. or best offer. 863-634-9368 CHEVY BELAIR-'60, 2 dr Hard Top, 283 eng. Runs & Looks Great. $7500. or best offer. 863-634-9368 CHEVY CAPRICE WAGON '89, Immaculate & Runs Wonder- ful. $2250. (865)963-9683 CHEVY NOVA '76, Runs good. Needs a paint job. $2500. Call Ramon (239)503-5131 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER '87, 318 engine. Real good running condition. Only asking $500. (863)612-0657/612-5413 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL '91 - V6, auto, good shape, needs transmission, $400. (239)657-4348 LINCOLN TOWN CAR '95, Super deal, great gas mile- age. $2500 (863)763-8149 or (863)610-0270 NISSAN 200SX '96, 5 spd. in good shape, clean inside, runs great, only needs a starter. $1800 (863)673-4736 Jeff. PONTIAC GRAND AM- '93, New paint job. Needs trans- mission. $300. (863)467-2894 PONTIAC SUNFIRE-'99, 4 cyl, Auto,Clean, Runs Excellent, First $1600 (863)532-9700 467-1547 AUTO WANTED: Looking to buy Antique Car/ Convertible/ Truck. Please call (954)561-2776 CHEVY TRUCK '96- 4x4, $2500 or best offer (863)467-2139 FORD BRONCO '95- 4x4, $2500 or best offer (863)467-2139 BEDLINER for Ford F150 shortbed, exc. cond., $200. (863)634-1772 Chevy truck bare cab and short bed. 1985 with title. $150 (772)359-2923 or (863)476-5401 DRIVE ON RAMP- you must remove and haul $125 (863)467-4328. ENGINE, 3208 Caterpillar, Remanufactured. Like new. $2500. (863)673-5852 or (863)612-5413 Heads and four barrel intake for small block Chevy $150 (863)467-7415 HYUNDAI EXCEL 1990, For paris. No title. Asking $200. (863)675-2598 Iv msg. RIMS For S-10 Iruck, 18" x 7 1/2", brand new, never on truck, asking $950. (863)697-3865 TIRES & RIMS (4) 8 Lug Aiu- minum wi19 5-44-16.5. TSL Boggers. $1700 or besi owner (863)990-5544 TIRES- 275/45/20" 20 64 Ea- gle/Chirme rims/spinners Said $2500 asking $1500 firm (863)634-8511 eve only UTILITY BED. ii, gale. 82 Cnevy truck, all apart $400 or best offer or trade.. (863)674-0375 One man's tash Is anoth- eor man's treasure. Tirn your trash to treasure with an ad t the dassl- Reds. DODGE RAM 1500 '95, Needs some work, has new ires & front body work. $2000 (239)872-0295 FORD F100, '83, auto, air, 300ci, new tires, two-ione blue, $1500. (863)697-3306 FORD F250 1989. t cyi..J .sp, needs di'str'ibuLoi, $600i/est oiler S(8631634-3055 Okee. FORD RANGER XLP- 88, 5sp, runs & looks good, $1700. (863)763-6747. ISUZU HOMBRE, '96, 4 cyl., 5 spd., very good cond., a/c, anti-lock brakes, $2500 firm. (239)324-2335 NISSAN- '94, Red, Chrome wheels, Bed liner, hitch. Needs transmission. $500. (863)675-1490 FORD EXPLORER '01, 5 spd., Pioneer CD/radio, p/w, p/A. Ex- cellent condition. $5500 or best offer. (863)467-4680 ARMY CARGO TRAILER- 5 ton M105 single axle. 900x20 tires. $700. (863)675-1490 INTERSTATE 2006, 7x16, En- closed, Rear Ramp, Dual Axel, 4 brakes. As New. $4800. (863)675-4565 SEMI TRAILER For storage, 45'. You move. $300 (863)467-7415 TRAILER, 16 ft. long, 14 ft. loading space, 7 1/2 ft. wide, 2 toolboxes, loading ramp. $600 (863)675-4706 TRAILER, plywood deck 4x8, tires 4.80 x 8, 1 7/8 coupler. $80 (239)357-5984 CHEVY LUMINA 1990 VAN, Runs good. Needs body work. $900 or best offer. (863)357-1430 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN '97- wheelchair ramp auto, fully equipped ,$7500(239)292-7509 Public Notices Public Notice 5005 State Public - Legal Notice 5500 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on 05/27/2006 at 11:00 AM at FORT KNOX SELF STORAGE, 1025 Com- merce Drive, LaBelle, FL, 863-675-1025, the undersigned, FORT KNOX SELF STORAGE, will sell at Pub- lic Sale by competitive bidding, the personal property heretofore stored withth the undersigned: 863-675-1025 Nuben Anna Cuggln A-5 TV, washer, dryer, misc. Iems Joyce Nucamendl 12 Cabinet, chair & misc. items Rhonda Smith K-27 8& K-28 Tv misc. items Chance Lamkln J-50 Washer, misc. items Martina Pares 738 Mattresses, Box spring, misc. items Lor Snyder K-39 Sofa, table & chairs, mattresses Shirley Mason J-62 Misc. items Johnnle Sue Beckworth M-3 Chair, misc. items Susanne Ralston 707 Misc. items Branna Nelson K-29 Misc. items 134464 CGS 5/11,18/06 I Publ iNo i I PublicI Not i REQUEST FOR BIDS (RFB) CN060682 S-135 PUMPSTATIN HARDENING, UPGRADES AND MAINTENANCE, MARTIN COUNT, Florida The Procurement Department of the South Rorida Water Management District, B-1 Building, 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33406, will receive sealed bidsoup to 2:30 p.m. opening time on Thursday, June 8, 2006 for the SFWMD pump station S-135, to include, but not necessarily limited to, pump sta- tion hardening, pump bearing replacement and pump reconditioning, supervisory office control panel, and to finish and nstall a185 foot self supporting commu- nictions tower and pre-manfactured concrete equipment shelter In accordance with plans and specifications. Project will includes ite work, concrete, structural steel, doors, windows, mechanlcalelectrca l work ectronics, controls and painting. An OPTIONAL pre-bid conference will be held on Tuesday, May 23, 2006 at 10:00 a.m. at Okeechobee Service Center, 205 North Parrott Avenue, Fish Eating Bay Conference Room, Okeechobee, FL 34972. For directions call (863) 462-5260. All bids must conform to the Instructions in the RFB. Interested respondents may obtain a copy of the complete RFB by downloading It for free from our website - twww.swmtd.o; by purchasing a set for $52.00 at the above address, by calling (561) 682-6391, or by calling the 24-hour BID HOTLINE 800-472-5290. The public is nvted to attend the bid opening. Information on the status of this so- licitation can be obtained at our web site www.sfwmd.gov. 133312 CGS 5/11/06 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR GLADES COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATEDIVISION CASE NO. 2006-CP-34 IN RE: ESTATE OF DAVID MORRIS KELLER, a/k/a DAVID M. KELLER, Deceased NOTICETO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of DAVID MORRIS KELLER, a/k/a DAVID M. KELLER, deceased, whose date of death was February 15, 2006, and whose Social Security Number is 400-22-5918, is pending In the Circuit Court for Glades County, Florida, Pro- bate Division, the address of which Is P.O. Box 10; Moore Haven, Florida 33471. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is served within three months after the date of the first publication of this notice must ile their claims with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICA- TION OF THIS NOTICE OF THIRTY DAYS OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent must file their claims with this court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENTS DATE OF DEATH IS .BARRED. irn ail, r'l hi, ,l',l [tutlliji 'r:,r of this ,',l, I :May 4 ,'U ,6 .CO trL, L :,ir PA By m W Conrr 6i..i Fh:n 'a 0il3 Ba".5End!W r30; 4'CG liar I/41 6 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETHJUDICIALCIRCUIT OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO: 2006-274 DR IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF MICHAEL HARTWICK,, Peitiloner/Hsusband and ELIZABETH LEE HARTWICK Plainfaff/Wife TO: Elnzabtr Lee Hartwirk ' ResioeiLe Unkown OU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED fir a er IIn m io a:riio ulinor,:,1 MArnai.i r, r da(.e hd irii yuY0s a'' yOU i3r r' 11U:6 ,, f OjoY 61 ylJU. .nnl 2006, otherwise, a judgment against WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, re, requires certain automatic disclosure of docu- ments and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, in- cludlng dismissal or striking of pleadings. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court on April 19, 2006. CLERKOFTHECOURT B : S. Hammond &PUTY CLERK 133504 CGS 5/11,18,25:6/1/06 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 20TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION Case No. 2006-73-CA Div GKC NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE THE BANK OF NEW YORK, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF COUNTRYWIDE MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES SERIES 2003-R4, Plaintiff JOSE J. OVALLE, et al., Defendants. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclo- sure Including Award of Attorneys' Fees and Costs dated May 3, 2006, entered in Case No. 2006-73-CA Div. GKC of the Circuit Court of the 20th Judicial Circuit in and for Hendry County, orida wherein THE BANK OF NEW YORK, AS TRUSTEE EOR THE CERTIFCATEHOLDERS OF COUNTRY- WIDE MORTGAGE BACKED SE- CURITIES SERIES 2003-R4 is the Plaintiff and JOSE J. OVALLE and NANSI OVALLE, his wife; SHERWOOD HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, INC, a Flrida corporation; JOHN DOE, NIIWA CUACHTEMAC LOPEZ and JANE DOE, N/K/A MARIA CARBAJAL Is/are Defen- dants, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, at the second floor hallway, in front on the main Clerk's Office, Hendry County Courts Building, Labelle, Florida n the City of LaBelle, Florida at 11:00 A.M., on Wednesday, the 31st day of May, 2006, the follow- ing described property, as set forth in said Summary Final Judgment of Fore- closure Including Award of Attorneys' Fees and Costs, to-wit: Lot 9, Block B, of SHERWOOD SUBDI- VISION, according to the Map or Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 127, in the Public Records of FLFLS33A16819SU31 and FLFLS33B16819SU31 andTitle Num- bers of 71638732 and 71638733, which is permanently affixed to real DATED ths 3rddayof May,2006 BARBARA BUTLER, Clerk By: IS/Hammond Deputy Clerk DENIS M. ROSENTHAL, ESQ. ADORNO&YOSSLLP 2525 Ponce De Leon Blvd. Sutie 400 Miami, Forida 33134 (305) 460-1100 In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the Senior Deputy Court Administrator whose office is located at the Lee County Justice Center, Rm 3112, 1700 Monroe Street, Fort Myers, Flori- da 33901, telUephone OnumbRer (813) 335-2299; 1-800-955-8771 ITDD, or 1 (800) 955-8770 (V), via Florida Relay Service, not later than seven (7) days priorto the proceeding. 133374 CGS5/11,18/06 500 South San Gabdsi Clewiston, FL 33440 863-673-0662 Contents of the following units will be sold on May 20, 2006 9:00 AM Unit #30, 31 Amanda Cypress 736 B8nd Street CLFewston, FL 33448 130844 CGS 5/4,11/06 IN THE CIRCUIT OF THE 201h JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA VICTORIANO VAZQUEZ and AMARILIS VAZQUEZ Plaintiff vs. Case No.: 06-194-CA JUAN F.MOLINA and NUBIA MOLINA, his wife and MARIA M. QUINONES and FERNANDO E. ZAMORANO, Defendants NOTICEOFACTION YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to Quiet Tile on the following property in Hendry County, Florida: ' Lots 12 and 13, Block 26 of Montura Ranch Estates First Subdivision ac- cording to thePlt thereof, recorded in Plat Book 3, Pages 37, 38, and 39 of the Public Records Hendry County, Florida. Has filed against you, and you are re- uired to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Elizabeth A. Merceret, Esq., Plaintiff's attorney; whose address is 1800 West 49th Street, Suite 332, Hialeah, Florida 33012 on or before 30 days from the date of first publication of this notice and file the original with the' clerk of this court either before service on plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the complaint or petition. Answer due April 15, 2006. DATED on the 9th day of March, 2006. l 1.i r 1 ,71. (1 ,, As Deputy Clerk 128456 CGS 4/20,27;5/4,11/06 NOTICE OF MEETING The Barron Water Control District Boaid of Supervisors will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING andmeeting at 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, May 23, 2006, at the office of the District, 3293 Dellwood Terrace, Port LaBelle. The purpose of the public hearing and meeting will be to adopt a final opera- tion budget for fiscal year 10/1/06 - 9/30/07, levy a per acre maintenance A., ,iar O. ,i :,,5 rT a Ii',, :.l i r, ,I .'Jite ".: ',')( : nIr lf l 'it ` I L ib riih A,],',m ul Ul u 1 P.0',i!:0 l i] ,r,' lu,. ,iri;, Du5'i'l'' /lqul""'l3 si' "":'"' [') rr,, Board. SMark Colbert, Chairman 130576 CB/CGS 5/4,11/06 PUBLIC NOTICE Public notice is hereby given that Fergu- san'Towing will sell at Public Auction free from all prior liens, the following vehicles that remaining unclaimed in storage with charges unpaid, pursuant to Florida Statutes 713.78, to the high- est bidder at 12065 Lakeshore Drive, Canal Pt., FL33438.. 1988 GMC (Red) Pck-Up Vin#1GDHR34J1JJ518265 1998 CHEVROLET I(WHI)4 DOOR Vin#1G1JF52T7W7110298 1997 CADILLAC (GRN) DOOR Vin#1G6EL12Y8VU615260 2003 FORD (RED) UTILITY Vin#1FMRU17W43LA23209 Sale Date: May 15 2006 @9:00 AM 131986 CGS5/4,11/2006 CLEWISTON COUNTRY ACRES Modular/Floor Plans. From $79,900 & up, 3/4/5BR, 2/3BA, acre & 1/4 available or use your land as down payment. Financing available. 863-673-6417 or 561-721-5299 ~`~------~~ ~~~~~ I I II Mobile Home1 I Land Sale l~i - II Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee ~-Z- Phoane.,"A3- 498 US Hwy. 27. Moore Havn- VERGLADES A Jeffrey A. Davis Real Estate Broker EALTY Inc. I/Af 1 1 1111 F11 I HOMESS L .. HkLIr..A --;,I .. -.wi j .,ll t.rditrCII.1. % ide r YBjiBr A w ip r JJJ, 41: A ll 'J.r-id I (r. i, S I ,iXnl PainrialAOI,. In.*L........r 111' frf.rlter d, ri .Wa er Font Prja r n l, Ik,- Cn'ik C)nr,3, !IIIC.2iA -311 Ain r. R,,n.-ht i ,. i I n In o\ror 1'.r' rICEilir ..nal.ih Idld,' Fi'CIIk'. jpduerJ, ililr. n I 2.* '. I '.loeh Fnnl .rrL '~~ IXpil 22 ~ 44'' i 3LS I JTl .I r 2 d Reduce.d hi N r iHomen .'Bit 'BA f'ibld-A. muLb I~rI I. -nd I Nr 41. f I:, o ri 4 4 ~n 11 % Mubil H % yme 7j ~ih X= LnLa I ne Iu d d 2 13 k '2 i N bnq CinLinur,'i n I,. n UfLtflT) 7 Ni1.rr F -I.Vin 5I32J75i1 Ai..ni... h .K I M ore H 3%er n .r pk. i&',. A. c. F'.'.mr. CiC.f I-2biI5J goD 5 .-&5 PSL AC)I.: Ca I ) -L I I Ib o.l l 59i p-II, i- i '. I ,i--- i t '-21 1;eajutiful Home.ie n., r 'ill,I -iam. "Il l-t2. .-,Ah rn,.ii duck (Ir .onp, Q e.,rd I-. I I -. .2'11.' f_ %- ll f, Lar-. Jilli,, 4A. I1,I-,,nlFL Ilnirn.. Sl-nng. i')2tQi- M.oorr H:ii~rii Yacht C uh l'r lul .1i i [ .f r ( )hi lhE Sarker ?23 IIR iI.i I ,n 'I, m r lme N. 0 ,11. '. % ., ..I n. 1 1 iio, 5 tM 2 II ).'))i T") ILLM TiIIit o~'I I i LiC. Rin id. I L, imh Brand Nsma CBS Horn seMIRl 2BA .- nritrir Iin P nropry Nmi, H- r-idc IrikV. Moor-n'Ii C0imniericaI Pmiicrsin l n,. A ,. i l i m hht*.j'L'~'IS o 27,tC4 u* -,LJn Ir/ Ii I4. 'Iih ipi-Ranc 3.%if 211A 12 Hoy-.'-.(Inih Ate. li-inn]F, l(InrlCEx SALEi' ASSOCLLtTES WANTEDL11, IX0 COMEL 111 (L!(;R4)%1NL; EAA1& X-I7] WOUR Countrl Livin 2BR-BA ll:I Cahbice Fhglwbi~l NLW SALS ASSOCIATE XELI AflUNSON iJi i k1- L FJ'REI =A'AS.HROKER 3k II BeDxY o zax LL No 'i t-5 IISn 1 -943 Gecracc C 1TW~2S92666 Niourri [urn. lease apno~lin LIC REAL ESTATE BROWER 420 E. SUOARLAND HWY. (863) 983-6663 Asa LP (863) 9&3-9770 WEBSITE: DYESSRaALSWTATE.COM MAIL: ANN@DYESMUCALESTATE.COM ANN DYESS LAURASMITH TRAVISDYFSS ANGELCAGONVZALEZ (863) 983-8979 (863)599-17209 (863)22-221 SEOHABLA ESPANO RESIDENTIAL CBJW P"R dR. VACANT LAND reAlestPR. 2,BR. 1 1-2 BA snd 2B. a h3 Matun 1.25lcm krs .aad .- S$ili-cnc J1,Uuu B2R. 1 BA$279.000 able Callfc-Te Lmnp 3BR. iBA $168,000 2BR, 1 1/2 BA Condo 18I 4BR, 3BA. Del Monte $150K ACREAGE $295,00 MOBILE HO..S t 55 acrs $t25kiac Glad,, Co. 4BR, 2BA New Nomu 3BR, 2 ,.Mobile $345.000 HKm- ,WI 3BR, 2BA wvith study and 3R, 2BA Rzidgdlll SID CO1dnI*RCIAL $13000 Building 2476 Eq. it on US GrmFl~ngu d trew ,'2 hign N-, ~-~i SubdhriI~ion iLr& rgnk u , S2.MOOR HAVN 2 100'xO100' $551.O j t.ir rnpi C 31i Fu crNisI *BR, IBA CBS 3 Ior-In + 85SJDSNTIAL ~.~EVf1N. $I1o2ArXJCL RWISTOJV ?,BRZ 2B-A uurlhp. n-ncr CCbinetr Shop 48tiliq.ft. L'.i R "BA M -i.iH Wl' & Api. S200,000 S Ji iL. '..i Pit 31*' -'BA Hcm'm wi-th ef. MONTURA r t G-I-,ljnjorx iBR. 2"BA 149 SUVM 125 175 t5 b- vxes $87.100 RIAC IW ['lI kI C,,r.-P06@!.'BR-2BA 'BR. 2BA SWMJ-1 25 are. MOORE RAVEN 5-.c'T01j i-1 clp ~l 1 D.,I~rim- !BPld. l.I~ Turnkey Watercress Farm ;.Y 15 acres in Pioneer PIONSE. vrUTAon Call For More Info N-NI)I' oN THE MULTIPLE LISTINrG SERVICE TO nwERWSE BETTER SERVE OUR CUSTOMTERSE!M Thursday, May 11,2006 -U~---- --- (9de Jawne ,Reatty, nt, c. "S.e Seaad f.a aome" 863-983-0075 330 W. Sugarland Hwy, Suite 11 & 12 Theresa Lee '- ler" RageI Karen Sondelit Mnarsnull Bnemr Ter-so iRunkcs oers HM,-r Lr, m Lr Real Esta Broker LU. PE. Saoles Aa'o.k e Lw. R.E Sals Asaiarte tic RE fakes xA-.otea LC. R.E. Sale: Assc.nt- 863-228-114'2 863-228-0627 863-228-3265 86,3-8952137 863.228-7185 HOMES *DROP DEAD GORGEOUS 4 2, OVER 3,000 SQFT. NORTHSIDE. REMODELED & REPAINTED' ASKING ONLY S389Kl *GREAT STARTER 2,1 WOOD HOME W/' A NICE-SIZED BACKYARD! ASKING ONLY $149.9K *TRIPLE THE $$SI 3 TIMES THE RO(Q I- H (L BE GONPL*I"E N199 * ONLY $199K P*C ')3ERY FLUD O l At ri uDr'*5'219 .9K STrn.' Him; II. n :Apm '': I Lu .1 Ltr, - I .'5.&0' FMFJ'I j tCR LAD. *srr LC7 MOI'FWI5A C F 1.1.r. A',I"r.-.. t 4'I *ir. .e.~ 4SF '. *lt''* I. hr7itLAAN5 Ot cs-I-rs 1 ohrltnsa ALESTATE.COM~ awls'ci.. 1'ga te met *NEW YAJ.A FbTIj jj HUGE BACS i ldNCEIE ASKING ONLY 589.9K *NEW CONSTRUCTION 3/2 CBS HOME! ASKING ONLY 5249.9K *NEW CONSTRUCTION ASKING ONLY S245K *BOYNTON BEACH HOME CALL TO INQUIRE MANUFACTURED HOMES .CLEAN & PRESTINEI 3/2, COULD BE 4BR, SITS ON MANMADE LAKE ASKING ONLY $132K *GREAT COUNTRY LOCATION 3/2 W/A DEN, 1.25 ACRE LOT! ASKING ONLY $149.9K BARTON REATY, INC. 'i-' l III.. l'I' I. (~s.:i Ilu~!lt.. '1.", 11 1 , )o(; 1111111 11 )111rll 1 Ind 1-1 11I\ ., ll [I.CLI. IC1.1CC~I 1. C'rne ,11 '1, SI221uIIIt H ) *Lo1l) 'LO .5 tIi l'.' 11 it%. iu NcI ii oC h i SIii' 31,1'1 f I S(.)LDI l Fvrlll II'. In\Ifl\ sInlu1llriiIn..I1\. * (( r i A: IL's: All' '' Lol] A ,' 2 IV b (ii I'll.11111 11L! 'I I. 2 ' * \Iunroor. I Illlll l 2 1,11 11s i, VACANT LOTS *PLENTY OF MONTURA LOTS TO CHOOSE FROM CALL TO INQUIRE *SPACIOUS MANUFACTURED HOM ,AUifr f"dJ AST IN ONLY S42K "LEAVE YOUR WORRIES IN THE HANDS OF A REAL PROFESSIONAL" alr t -2 y I-D, c k S'i- FEATURED L .a a.e.a ..h na with seawaD 3 minutes to L.a 323 2uingrumdpool., tFe Ia.w, split Bo"r plan, a d tie rwora priced at 3290,000 Cr.TaCOTI.%ITTED SELLER BF.ING OFFERS"' rr Crolvrn Thomas 946-2005 941h\ifr,i' Arnm Duri,,hu: -2s. L.221 D,,.ld P iv i 634-2157 *3.i. i -1 i A ' A.s. . ,A .:. -Ti SLuan B. Glenn A. Sarah A. Caraine A. S. Walker Smith Williams Montgomery Lie. Reale Estate Broker 863-697-0189 / 863671 863-983-3508 863-228-6867 A 863-697-0189 S 863-677-1010 d & Se Habla Espanol hs a1 311 To Build' Gel it Now! CBS IIHome Improvement Business! I) Montura Ranch Estates Large U Muse- 20 Acres Ho)n I Ici( Qoft j3bd 2ba3 I car garage, Established Home improvement business Homn l' t fI ,1.25 Absolutely Perfect for your I.::.;etj ,:.n TP.is. '.-e A. ppliance package and convenience store on 2 5 acres Fully acre JtlU I( club dream home. '0 Fenrced cile' .,.:hlIled .:lr, eaiter and setage Read, to equipped and permitted cale ready to be acre ul puod. Lots f 10 ear old Move In! 5165,000.00 opened Located near the Clubhouse in house on Hacienda. Needs some pines w/ some oaks. riced Custom Home Al f elome located in MonturaRanch All fumnure fixtures, equip- work but will not last long at Lbekl. recent sales. Will Go -in,.sr, wilara ioTa1 lij acres It has a ment and inventory included Be our own $199,900 MLS# 200528863 Fast! Only $409,900.00 i,,ii p:rci.ndj IYV litress 5299K' boss" Call for Glenn 6771441 for more Sweetwater Ave. -.This property has information ML :S#200530488 2) Moore Haven River Gardens 2) US 27 Acres man beautiful trees that include itak 2) Moore Halen 3 br./2 ba mobile home 2 Home lots ready for your new Looking for the impossible? hihien irn thil- trees brush. Thereis an erase Livng Room with Cathedral home. Corner lot for $55,000, Opportunity seldom knocks abtnr. r,ir ,.5idiIe t 5 acres $74.9K Ceilings Large open kitchen and formal din Inside Lot for S50,000 or both twice 5 acres on US 27 on Sing room Large rear deck with built n bbq f the Palm Beach/ Hendry ENgr..le2br.a and gazebo Must see at 4J, M. fo $100,000! inie ra.l.N~ Iiw aand 200540984-County line. Over 937 feet on 2003)Rid subdivision 2 Water US 27 for easy access priced -.Wte_.. bu.. 3) Ridgdill Subdivision 2 Water rightfora quick sale @ $275K Whill bu 'l r lld / new' Seminole Manor 3 Bedroom/2 Bath Mobile Front Mobile Home Lots available Don't let this one get away! ^r, r l^lH na 'Y ] gO, Home Walking distance from Clewiston immediately Cleared and ready Asigh Schlu and Clewlstol Elementary for your new home. Will not last 3) Moore Haven River Gardens As Cute as a Button Adorable & in perfect Schools Home has been remodeled roof "s long at $55,000 each!! 7 Lots Available. New condition! Entrance has beautiful hard-- only 1 ,.ear old Great pnce in a ureal loca. Construction in Growing Area. wood floors & fireplace. The knockdown & tion. ag Construction in Growing Area. paint on wails are excellent including 4) Pioneer Plantation 2.5 acs. on Build Your Dream Home Herel crown molding. Perfect kitchen & dining Meyerchick.Drive, Lot #15, on .w" ....,i.cile,.d linPric1etlkt lanai 4) Investment opportunity 13 Acres of Riviera St. Reduced for Quick M ch Dr, Lt # , .*. -.A l lllfnl avarne ProducingOrange Grove!! Highanddry with Salel!! $74,900 MLS#: 200604536 -thepond @$62K ..";r:., Jlf n lflllTg untaln irrigation from bordering canal. Additional Thatcher Blvd., near the river ,: N,* f .en.ng acreage available. Call Glenn @ (863) 677- @$d S68,000.00 Sn 1 hobist there s house our 1441 forappointment 5) Need Space? Over 2 acres Thatcher Blvd., Lots 6 & 7 or 8 back 14' x 21' / AC. In one of the best in the desirable Flaghole $58,50000 each locations in Clewistnon Royal Palm Av. 5)Lake View 3 br/2 ba mobile home ('05 Community. Mobile Home needs Thatcher Blvd., Lots 1 or 12, Please note the brand new roof will be Fleetwood) in Sunshine Lake Estates. 15 x 15 some work due to hurricane @$60K installed within the next 30 days so make screen porch overlooking the lake. Open this your top priority to see today! kitchen with large pantry and breakfast bar. damage so it is being sold as is. ...41..M.-aQMr4.aBa _.tfati $164,900.000 Mlutsee @Pl12900 MLS#:200630432 Great location, and very nice 125 N.Kennel-Reduced$39,995 Why uy Old When You Can Get New 4 6) MonturaRanch 15 acres ready foryour property MLS# 200636527 735 Palm $59,000.00 lots available 3BR/28A 1 car garage locat- new home. I can help you with the entire 770 S. Shetland $44,900.00 ednfonTexas Ave. Call For More homebuilding process. Call meat677-1441 for details. SMaribel Sam J. Gonzalez .. Walker 561-722-7347 8636 1013 SelEspanolS 863-6771013 The Summer of '06 will be a fur trime Just Outs;de of Towni' -\ Fle~rcood with the sparkling pool that con.ei homi- ,. .a '4'. ri' shop on a be.aul. with this 4BR 2-bath set amidst ilow ful I 2 acre, r, .ke an O(iff- ering shrubs and colorful plant.nqis ir enviable North Side of Clewiston. With Flagholet!!! Oak trees, paved drive- its spacious rooms, bar area, and way, 5' fence, & pole barn on 1 acre oversize lot you will vacation e er, lot. Almost forgot the beautiful day for the price of an ordinary home: remodeled mobile home! Listed @ $305,000.00 $169,900.00 Good 01' Country Livin' will be yours as You won't want to miss out on a theownerofthis 3BR 2Bath set on 1.25 of deal like this 2003 4bd/2ba dou- the prettiest acres you will ever see in blewide on 2.16 acres. Property fea- Montura Ranch Estates. There's even a tures a second mobile home, large Jacuzzi tub i master bath and a fireplace steel building and storage sheds. in family room 's just vatllg 00000 $154,900 $245,000.00 Definitely Not Nice, In fact Its a 2 Country living at its Best! Home sits Bd disaster F.' i d it may just lnArFp be livable. AnJ'F cran bol tt1 made. "SNai l.al frr doublewide mUlaIUfe inr Semriol, lrinfoari3tir, Manor for not much more Iton tlh Ilc [ value at $39.91( The Best 1.41 acre lake front lot in Montura 105 Pinelake Ave. Call for The Great Escape Off a country lane showing $77,900.00 in Montura Ranch Estates on 1.25 acres sits a doublewide mobile home Now must be the time to buy your on a corner lot with bedrooms 2 Montura Tract I list, show and sell bath, There's a jacuzzi tub in master them. Call for information or an bath and a fireplace in family room. It appointment. can be your family's haven for just $152,000. 5 Acres in Pioneer w/ steel building $215,000.00 Why Pay high space rents when you New Listing and it is going fast!. coan blevl )1 I' *Rlbt all, u 2,246sqft. Home on .6 acres located 'arp nlL. Irl. Fe in Clewiston's beautiful Ridg'eview subd. Estates. Offered @ $279,900.00 Call $79,900. for showing. Cathy S. Ashley Garcia P. Wood 863-228-4798 863-228-1132 Very spacious 2001 manufactured Hidden Tranquility! This Just Reduced! home on the lake, has all the room you Montura home is a must see KeptMany Fruit are looking for. This 3bd 2ba home has Horseshoe Ac. @ several walk-in closets and a very large liv- for the nature lover seeking Don't Let This ing/dining area. This home is being peace and quiet. Beautiful lot 2bd/lba on offered at $124,900. filled with fruit trees is fenced Horseshoe Acret Seller Motivated and ready for your enjoyment. i,,:,,, Oak Trees Line The Driveway! 3bd/2ba and ready for your enjoyment. New Listing' MH w/full open deck on front to sit in you Offered at $139,900.00. Call Esta il lal rocker. Home sits on I acre of land in Today! Locar jlt~ lvj Flaghole. Home has tile & hardwood floors Get it hile pyot throughout. Recently remodeled, 5ft What a Deal! 2bd/2ba MH / Long! $107.7K fence around property, and pole barn In back yard. Get you hands on this beauty extra lot, *Included in Got Land? Lool foi s169,500.00 Purchase Price* Partially fur- Ranchettesi Pric nished & squeaky clean! 55 & $34K per acre Come See This Little Piece Of Heaven In older community. Reduced Need Some S The Country! CBS House on 5 acres in again to 1 9,900. 4bd/2ba doul: Flaghole 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, again to $119,900. Montura. Split screened Lanai, 960 sq. ft. garage, loaded room, family r with Oak trees $415,000 Looking for Land? Look No extras! Hurry Further! 50+ acres located in Motivated Seller! Gone Country! 2bd/lba CBS home with a Highlands Co. Call for details! Looking for a w large family room on a very nice corner lot or starter home iaille o W. Obispo. The roof is brand wide MH In Mon available on W Obispo. The roof is brand Check this out! 3bd/2ba MH fenced and on new! lome is being offered at S165K in 1MRI l nd Is $84.9K JUST REDUCED!! Absolutely Gorgeous clearS n: r l J nes. New Listingl Se ,,) d new Hoom l l w/ tain 1995 doubt '( : .,t',,l lA h rfmi- great floor plan. Place is split floor plan, I ... l ,rd has immaculate! $108,500.00 "cludes garden a .,; r .... i ,. .cme is horse fenced ar being offered for S132,500. canal. $124.900. Enrique Jerry W. Charles Acosta Smzth H. Kehm 305-506.5876 561-261-3444 305 Se Haba Eapaol 305-968-2242 3BD/2BA Nice 5 wooded acres in Ladeca. Want to Own a Business? Check tTrees,New A/C, $1 50K this Out! Established commer- 5$139.9k cial upholstery business and One Slip Away! Montura Ranch Estates property $250K huge lots in 2.5 Acres in Montura $85K s. Bring all offers. Own a Piece of Paradise! $.165K 2.5 Acres in Montura $90K Beautiful building lot/invest- .lontura Ranch 5 Acres in Pioneer $179.9K ment property in Port LaBelle IrtQl4TIl'lmni e $49.9K Reduced for Quick V fl ean 2.5 acres in Montura, fenced Sale $llJ/Jed %92.5K < " S.Ian don d $92.5K New Listing! 3bd/2ba CBS n Bring the kids & dog! This is hamrl,-, lis a big lot. 3bd/2ba brick home, ell n I U ld king for develop- poo &fenced t $31 9,000.00 hc,.I ~D- .RI 1 s acs. in LaBelle ed to sell fast @ New Development! Call me Out! $225,000.00 for sky valley lots. New Residential Listing on Space? Spacious 5 wooded acres in Pioneer exclusive Ridgewood Ave. lewde MH in Plantation on paved road ask- 3bd/2ba on half an acre. room too many ing $149K Possible owner financing avail- ,won't last! Ready to move in! 3bd/2ba able. Contact me for details & Only $159K manufactured home in Moore showing. weekend get away haven $79.9K Back On The Market! 3 bed- turaRanchEstngle 30 Acres of pasture and r, n l l paved road. Only woods $755K COr.l .I.i'fT, New Listing! Moore Haven oft shopping S$ ., _- , eluded well main- 3bd/2ba, CBS house O pp Dlewide 3bd 2ba, $220,000.00 New Listing! Ranch Lak master bathroom New Ling! Ran tub w/ separate Estates Moore Haven 2 y fenced and has Call me for vacant Building Lots Side by Side ea, also next to a land. Lots or acreage. $30,000.00 each .00 I0-- FETUE 0 eTI ^ip.'rli@ ac--- "-- 775 County Rd. 721 LLoop NE A little piece of Heaven! Beautiful two story home with spiral staircase and wood floors. Big backyard with boat access to the Gulf and direct access to Lake Okeechobee. Home on one acre among oak hammocks. Kitchen feature granite counter tops. Property could be used as a Bed & Breakfast. Detached workshop can easily be converted for an additional living area for a Bed & Breakfast. $575,000.00 LV I I I I Houses Sale I Houses Sale I Hoses- Sae 125 I Houses Sale I Houses Sale I Houses Sale I Houses Sale I Houses Sale1 [Houses Sale 10 .BenIra (a~r~s rim zl .it 8 6 3 -9 8-2 9 3 3 vvvvv s uig.arrcttl ty- co m Thursday. May 11,2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee I l i Noi F I U blic N Iic I Pul c Notice D THECYOFCLEWISTOCOMPREHENSIVESOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AMENDING THE CY OF CLEWISTON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PUBLIC NOTICE OF APPLICATION Notice Is herby given that the City of Clewiston shall hold a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Board acting as the Local Planning Agency on Monday the 22nd day of May. 2006 commencing at 5:30 p.m., at the Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Chapter 373, Florida City of Clewiston City Hall, 115 West Ventura Ave., Clewiston, Florida 33440. The purpose of this public hearing is Statutes, the following applications) for permit have been re- to consider changes to the Evaluation and Appraisal Report-based Comprehensive Plan Amendments of Clewiston, ceived for projects) in Hendry County: Forida and to transmit the amended Comprehensive Plan to the City Commission. These revisions and updates are for the following Ordinance: ic Prevatt construction Inc (Borrow Pit) 5791 Staley Rd, Ft AN ORDINANCE OF CLEWISTON, FLORIDA BASED ON ITS EVALUATION AND APPRAISAL REPORT Myer FL33905 has submitted Application060322-15 for INCLUDING AMENDMENTS TO THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP THE TEXT OF THE FUTURE LAND USE, modification of Water Use Permit 26-00760-W to dewater on TRAFFIC CIRCULATION, HOUSING, SANITARY SEWER, SOLID WASTE, DRAINAGE, POTABLE WATER 50 acres of undeveloped lands. The water will be withdrawn AND NATURAL GROUNDWATER AQUIFER RECHARGE, CONSERVATION, RECREATION AND OPEN from the Water Table Aquifer and the project is located in SPACE, INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION, AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AND CONCURREN- Section 15, Township 45 South, Range 28 East CY ELEMENTS; TO REVISE AND UPDATE THE EXISTING GOALS, OBJECTIVES, POLICIES, AND DATA AND ANALYSIS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANDATES SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 163, FLORIDA .Cttn BrOtheS (Cotton Cirus 261 STaft Blvd, Clwiston, FL STATUTES; ADOPTING AN OPTIONAL ECONOMIC ELEMENT; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL TO THE Con B 61 C STATE LAND PLANNING AGENCY; PROVIDING A CONFLICTS CLAUSE AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, 33440, has submitted Application 060327-18 for renewal of PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Water Use Permit 26-00383-W to irrigate 172 acres of agd- cultural lands. The water will be withdrawn from Lake Okee- Furthermore, revisions have been made to the map series, particularly the Future Land Use Map In order to chobee and the project is located in Section 12, Township 44 respond to the recommendations of the City's Evaluation and Appraisal Report of the Comprehensive Plan. These South, Range 32 East. revisions may affect property values. A copy of the proposed Amendments and the Adoption Ordinance shall be available for inspection on week- days between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. atthe Office of the Deputy Clerk, City of Clewiston City Hall, 115 Ascot Development LLC (Caloosa Lakes) 10175 Six Mile Cy- West Ventura Avenue, Clewiston, Florida 33440. Interested parties may appear at the meeting and be heard with press Pkwy, Ste 2, Ft Myers, FL 33912, has submitted Appli- respecttothe proposed amendments. cation 060323-12 for an Environmental Resource Permit for IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISIONS MADE BY THE LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY WITH 507.2 acres or resldental lands. The water will be dis- RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE HEARING, THAT PERSON WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PRO- charged to the Caloosanatchee River and the project is locat- CEEDINGS, AND HE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS-IS MADE WHICH ed in Section Township 43 South, Range 28 ast. RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. The proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments shall apply to all property within the incorporated areas of R C P I the City of Clewiston as depicted on the map. Resource Conservation Properfies Inc (MIphy's Landing) 9990 Coconut Rd, Ste 200; Bonia Spnngs. FL 34135. nas submitted Application 060328-4 foran Environmental Re- source Permit for 130.74 acres of residential lands. The wa- ter will be discharged to the Caloosanatchee River and the project is located in Sections 29,30, Township 43 Soutn, Range 28 East. Moreno Farms Inc (Felda Grove) 3605 SW 149th Aye, Ste 8, Miami, FL 33196, has submitted Application 060403-13 for a Water Use Permit to irrigate 97.5 acres of agricultural lands. The water will be withdrawn from the Sandstone Aquifer and the project is located in Section 17, Township 45 South, Range 29 East. Interested persons may comment upon the application or sub- mita written request for a copy of the staff report containing proposed agency action regarding the application by writing to the South Florida Water Management District, Attn: Envi- ronmental Resource Regulation, PO Box 24680, West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680, but such comments or requests must be received by 5:00 PM within 21 days from the date of The City of Clewiston publication. Mali Chamness, Mayor Clewiston, Florida Nofurther public notice will be provided regarding this applica- tion. A copy of the staff report must be requested in order to HIGHLAND GLADES WATER CONTROL DISTRICT remain advised of further proceedings. Substantially artected Persons are enliled to request an administrative hearing re- READINGA REQUESTFORQUALIFICATIONSFORANNUAL FINANCIALAUDITSERVICES glarding ne proposed agency ac31on Dy submitting a wnllet S. :. r quest mere ror after reviewing the staff report. REQUEST FOR OLALIFICATIONS FOR ANNUAL FINANCIAL AUDIT SERVICES SCOPE OF SERVICES* Highland Glades WdAuder Coi rl m ,Dislir. l Kcl, rii3g iner IE jIIkseniics o an indepealnl (reiffled accomg hrm to nPride annual dlif- :Lcilel ijiup0iis lor Annudl Firinsitl Au.ill (cu.COS uil be received lby 5inawn cIl Independn flnanclil auollng srvie 1 Ihe DIslric beginning illh an i Control Disl. 32 RIyal PUm W'y 00. T. ii .h FL I.0 I ai o te nanclal slalemen. I Ihe Dlil I Ie nul yer ending Sep. or y UUNE 9 200 No Later Than 00200 Almber 30. o205 The DisrlilcL desires me audiloir I eiprs an Dpinion ol hie lair presBolariin ol uIs basic Anacilal slalements in cinflormi allh generally An ellre (ialpo.als hl are imely receiea wil on pu|lici opened Propotals re- SI acceple acoun,. ing principles .r rr i,,e cu:-o ite 1 ,I me al. Ll: hri c i ,,ii Tnre Srt ii ni. r- Sff. ia upoi Ilr .1trbe U Sr Malrl or pn v)le in, regrd ,, ,:, mjil bCONTROL DISTRIT S, ie Request for Qualificatons is available for pick-up or will be mailed or transmit- 0i 6ci.le on ;i r.il j p.opoil ji t'e cor1idr.d ted electronically to your office upon request.: GET INVOLVED IN REQUEST FDR ORALIFICATIONS FOR ANNUAL FINANCIAL AUDIT SERVICES SCO SCOPE OF SERVICES Shawano WHighlander Conlaol drt ers slonroing series OM UNIerice lan ndepe Contact: HIGHLAND e arfGLADES WATER CONTROL DISTRICT o f an I~ ndependent c ert iflno accounSlng A Irm to provide annual external ide-n 324 Royandependenl nalm Way,Silngite 300 Drc bependninnit financial adding sericesal Pan ne Olislrlc b3egnning w0ln a. n a1dll o80 a lea o FL33480 tacale financial statements o ehe DDircl fr he scl ear yeaending Sy JUNE 200 No Laereptemberhan PM eler 3.205 The Distric 32005. The dse desires uhe adrlor lo eprelp an opi n Io lr Fair p (61)ent pr iSesn lalon bal bal ge financial lmalemven e in tonlomiy ubl h generally ac- '-I accepleo ac9g un ng principles ,i' 5vec 1 nrie ,r e o us Mn&41 0 4care andti ,, n noei o r 1 .rldei 9 T0I ne L4Di rlst ic l tis re- pAttenon: Charles F.Schoech, District Counsel cepied accoelidng principles 01 O r The sRequnt rese esthe rightto reject a ny or all Prop osals, to w aive informalnsities, r.tsi, w tu-1 ,1 n n ii n iDie (au or ,', 1t (A ,r, r Brdrei Sated electreadvertise. your office lplrii:rn reque yOuioii uon remue lt Cnewppr ABYORDER OF HIGHLAND GLADES WATER CONTROL D DISTRICT of an Independent COa g frm to prove annual eOtrnal Ie- r 12 324 Ryoya Palm Way, Sute pendent fnaal auditng a e l tee wl an a o300 133448 BELE GLAE SUN5/11/06 Palm Beach.sns he Dr thecalear September334 Telephone:61655-06202005. Tlphoe Dll dere: 51 he er 6prs opi on 550 lai20 Fax: (561) 65-3 775 55presentlaton ol isbasic financial staltments in conformity wit generally 3ac- Attention: Chares.Schch, District Counsel Scepec acconrg principCosel a wonder 9 Time to clean out the Time to clean out thles T rriilieiii9r inr.ir aino 4i9e4i vyi (ic. or a i 99ripofi4. o 9..i.i ir.l anttic, basement andi. /or attiO l c, basement and/oyr i"'ly.,* 0( egr aaBYgORDER Ad HIGHLAND GLADES WATER CONTROL DISTRICT your Elac: S iWAN WATER CONTROL DISTRICT i ya hd sale n e as yard sale 324Ryaln the lmWaass- 30 m oln 133440 BELLE GLADE SUN 5/11/06 Palm Beach. FL 33480 moare funlTelephona: 156116555-020 Fax:1te116551.3775 Attention: Caranes F Schleech, District Counsel Time to clean out the Time to clean out thie rr, eisirc' ,,)rs91 [tr, 91(9 ,om 9 999a c,',y,,,all, Piopu'ai.. o ,, *4,,'vo ic.rrii9 attic, basement and/or attic, basement and/or p 9,',Ao10 ,9919se garage? Advertise your ....garage? Advertise your 6, OROEA OF 4HAWAu9O 9AIEAR 9,019 TROL 1lrni ... yard sale In the Masl- yard sale In the classi- fleds and make your lieds and make your i'pm1 ace'6 1 ""3 S"'. 5'1"06 clean un a breeze clean un a breeze Citrus farmers help reduce nutrients in runoff By Patty Brant "A day without orange juice is like a day without sunshine." We've all heard that. It's one of Florida citrus' most famous adver- tising slogans. Perhaps the only liq- uid more important to Florida is water. But how do citrus and water affect each other? Are these two liq- uid powerhouses compatible? They are competitors for the state's water supplies to be sure - supplies that are becoming more stressed by pollutants and demand- ing populations everyyear. The citrus industry has been a major factor in Florida's economy, along with other agricultural crops. Perhaps citrus, though,.says "Flori- da" louder and clearer than any other agricultural commodity. Although there were groves deep in South Florida as early as the 1890s, the citrus industry really became established in the Lake Placid area in the 1940-50s. In the five-county Gulf Citrus Region, including Hendry, Glades, Lee, Charlotte and Collier counties, citrus accounts for a total of 169,386 acres. The vast majority (93,155 acres) are in Hendry Coun- ty. Collier has the next largest acreage in citrus, with 34,878; fol- lowed by Charlotte with 20,183, Lee with 11,067 and Glades with 10,103 acres. The number of citrus trees planted in each county is stag- gering: (1,000 trees) Hendry has 14,298.1; Collier has 5,101.1; Char- lotte has 2,998.9; Lee has 1,640.9 and Glades has 1,549.2. The region accounts for about 25 percent of the state's citrus production, according to the Gulf Citrus Grow- ers Association. As Florida's #1 cash crop, citrus generates about $1.5 billion in rev- enue statewide on approximately 800,000 commercial acres. Citrus is just one of the many competing interests stressing the state's limited water resources. As two of the area's top experts in water, Dr. Sanjay Shukla and Dr. Edward A. Hanlon of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agri- cultural Services (IFAS) Southwest Florida Research Center in Immokalee agree that everyone who uses water in Florida must share in the "pain" to solve the problem. That "pain" will undoubt- edly include costs as well as changes in lifestyle. In this part of the state, the Caloosahatchee Watershed keeps the water flowing. A watershed is an area of land that water flows across as it moves toward a common body of water, such as a stream, river, lake or coast. From central Florida, water flows southward, moving through the watershed to the Caloosahatch- ee River and from there to the Gulf of Mexico, providing life giving water to the land, animals and humans alike. All groundwater in Caloosa- hatchee Basin drains to the river eventually if not evaporated or used by plants. It carries with it nutrients and pollutants that eventually also end up in the river if not removed beforehand. Dr. Hanlon is a professor of Soil and Water Science at the IFAS Cen- ter. He's been involved in the study for 22 years. Dr. Sanjay Shukla has been an Assistant Professor in Agri- cultural and Biological Engineering there for six years. The two men agree that the problem of supplying fresh clean water for all of this area's needs can be solved, but the answer will come only if we all change the way we think about water and are will- ing to pay the cost to protect it. For citrus growers, that cost now includes implementing Best Management Practices (BMPs). Just a few months ago, a system of BMPs for the Gulf Citrus area was established. It is the third citrus BMP area to be set up, following Indian River and Peace River. A cooperative effort of multiple cit- rus-related groups including Gulf Citrus Growers Assoc., IFAS, South Florida Water Management District, Charlotte Harbor, Farm Bureau, Florida Citrus Mutual Fresh from Florida and National Resources Conservation Services came together to forge the system of vol- untary procedures. These BMPs are a set of scientifically-scrutinized methods aimed at improved water quality, which are economical for the grower and produce practical results, Dr. Shukla explained. Growers' operations were visit- ed by a BMP committee of IFAS, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and the Depart- ment of Environmental Protection. They explained the options avail- Special to INI/Florida Archives This photo from 1916 shows oranges being transported to market by water. Boats traveled the Caloosahatchee River to collect the orange crop from area groves. able to each and made suggestions to customize BMPs for their individ- ual operation. These BMPs look at four areas: *Water Management Erosion Control and Sediment Management Pest Management Nutrient Management Once a grower signs off on the document, they are presumed to be in compliance with regulations. Therefore, if a problem exists with water quality, growers who have not yet signed off on it will be looked at first as the possible source of pollution. The burden will be on them to show that their runoff is not harmful to the environ- ment. This monitoring is costly and time consuming, making it much more attractive to growers to sign on to these environmentally sound practices. BMPs handle water quality by keeping water on the farm or grove for an extended period where it is filtered through the soil several times. It then can be used again by agriculture or be diverted for urban uses. The integration of BMPs into the citrus industry is an important step forward. "BMPs are "useful com- mon sense techniques that are directed at enhancing and protect- ing water quality," according to Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Commis- sioner, Charles H. Bronson. Although agriculture gets much of the blame for pollution, Dr. Shukla said Florida's farmers actu- ally do a very good job of cleaning up the nutrients they add to the land. BMPs are just the newest part of that. Agriculture also gets tagged as being a heavy water user, possibly because citrus and cattle are the largest land area in Southwest Flori- da. However, according to Dr. Shukla, about 40 percent of the total water used to irrigate citrus returns to recharge the aquifer a similar percentage as irrigation water from row crops. He points out that it's an important way that agriculture serves society. Irrigation water filters into the soil, and is purified as it makes its way to the ground water, ultimately to supply water for everyone. In fact, open areas of all types, known as critical groundwater recharge areas, help water return to the aquifer. That doesn't happen in urban areas, where the land is "protected" by concrete and human structures and water runs off. Most citrus operations in the Caloosahatchee Basin use impoundment areas (storm water impoundments, reservoirs and farm ponds), a requirement of South Florida Water Management District that helps prevent down- stream flooding. Dr. Shukla is putting forth his idea that water from these impoundments could be used to irrigate crops and sold to water util- ities, reimbursing the landowner for costs incurred. In that way, they would become integral parts of the water utility system. These impoundment ponds are a maximum of two feet deep, stor- ing an inch of stormwater, and are situated all over the watershed. They are effective in cleaning our water, Dr. Shukla explained. Hold- ing water on the land is a benefit because it stays in the watershed longer and results in better quality water through natural filtration. Known as the distributed reservoir concept, it adds no cost to society. They are already there so growers don't have to invest funding to put them in or take more land out of productive use, and local govern- ments won't lose land from their tax roles. Currently, test cells for the C-43 Reservoir just west of LaBelle, are under construction. This reservoir is not intended as a water source, but is to hold water to minimize discharges, overflow and surges downriver to the estuary. Such reservoirs have a high construction cost to the taxpayer and take land off tax roles. Runoff which is stored in impoundments before being even- tually discharged into a swale, ditch, then a canal and the river has environmental benefits similar to a wetland, eventually discharged into the river. By the time it gets to the river, most of the sediment has been retained in the impound- ment. Dr. Shukla admits he has no data on water quality going to the river from impoundments at this time, but a large percentage of the nitrogen and phosphorous it car- ried has been filtered out by that time. Water that still contains phos- phorous and other nutrients can be reused on crops. Dr. Hanlon's idea is not to divide agriculturists, urbanites and envi- ronmentalists. We all need to learn what is best for the entire system, he points out, adding that discharg- ing runoff down the river is not only a waste, but can be harmful to the environment. Instead, that water could be sold for urban use, utiliz- ing Dr. Shukla's research and changing the way we think about water. Dr. Hanlon's.concept involves a closed cycle, much like the rain cycle water falls from clouds as rain, is absorbed into the ground and eventually ends up in the ocean where it evaporates back into the atmosphere. In Dr. Hanlon's cycle, runoff is stored in agricultural impound- ments for an alternative water sup- ply program. The runoff is filtered naturally through a series of impoundments. It would then be collected at a water purification facility. From there some will be returned to the impoundments for agricultural use or go through addi- tional treatment for urban use. (See graphic of Dr. Hanlon's concept.) Detention/retention ponds may also be used for mitigation of endangered species. A pilot study is under way now for the Okeechobee Basin, Dr. Shukla said, in which will pay ranchers to save water. Dr. Hanlon sees pitfalls in some other proposals for water manage- ment. He cautions that we need to make sure short term answers don't cause a problem in the long run. By 2050, he said, water supply plants are expected to draw from the Floridan aquifer, which is brackish/saline and requires the use of expensive reverse osmosis to clean. Instead, he reasons, we should think ahead and use water filtered naturally through a system of ponds that would make its way over time down to the west coast, or could be pushed along faster through a pipeline. Dr. Hanlon is sure that "water harvesting for agri- cultural lands is the ticket." "It's cheaper. It's natural. It makes sense," he points out, adding that such a system might need pumps and a filter system to actually work as utility company infrastructure. Using water as a commodity, providing an additional capital source for farmers, could drive the system, he feels. Dr. Shukla believes everyone in the watershed area is part of the problem, and therefore needs to be part of the solution. He believes we should "keep agriculture in agricul- ture" the more of the Caloosa- hatchee Watershed that becomes urban, the less is in agriculture and wildlife which can actually improve the state's water situation. He feels growers should be helped to meet the challenge of a clean environ- ment using changing regulations while remaining competitive. Ron Hamil, Executive Director of Gulf Citrus Growers Association, points out that the citrus industry has survived hurricanes, droughts, freezes, diseases and financial downturns. The industry is facing increasing pressures to practice ever more environmentally friendly conservation methods and is tak- ing positive actions at a more sophisticated level of environmen- tal leadership. BMPs, he said, can save costs to growers and result in higher productivity. Drs. Hanlon and Shukla point out that development exacerbates water problems, saying everybody relies on groundwater but not everybody recharges the ground- water the way agriculture does. 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