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Iilh dkfi?- Pag GLADES CQ- T TTTTV ~a****"'LL FOR ADC 2C) 2C~ SLI UF LIBRARY OF FLORIDA HIST Pi FO BOX 1170C)-,7 GAINESVILLE FL 32611-7(:'7 'WA Moore Haven, Fla. Thursday, May4, 2006 Volume 79, Number 46 At a Glance MHHS Class Reunion The MHHS Class of '86 is having it's 20 year reunion on Homecoming Weekend this year. Organizers are inviting the Class of '87 and Class of '88 to join the fun, as well. Reunion planners are in need of assis- tance in locating and notifying all members of the above class- es. The initial plan is to have a tailgate type get-together the night of the Homecoming Game and, on the.following day, have a BBQ for the family at the City Park or a similar loca- tion. Anyone interested in assisting may contact David Lee at dlee-1967@skyeone.com or (863)946-2512. School Advisory Council to meet The School Advisory Coun- cil of Moore Haven Junior- Senior High School will hold its regular monthly meeting on Monday, May 8, at 7 p.m. in the media center. Parenting seminar planned for May 5 Calling All Parents a free presentation "Six Hours of Effective Parenting: How to Par-. ent the Disobedient Child" is coming to LaBelle. The fea- tured speaker will be Dr. Paul Hofacker, a clinical psycholo- gist experienced in working with disruptive and challenging vouth. Register today to reserve your seat by calling FDLRS Heardland at i-800-316-7057. Se habla espaFol!. The event is planned for Fri- day, May 5, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m, at lhe Dallas To\nsend Agricultural Building, 1085 Pratt Blvd., LaBelle. There will be free handouts, materials, and door prizes. Snacks and a bag lunch will be provided. CREW needs volunteers The Community Rebuilding Ecumenical Workforce (CREW) of Hendry and Glades Counties is seeking volunteers to assist residents with repairs and continued clean up efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Wilma. Carpenters, electricians,. plumbers, drywall installers and other trade skills are needed and anyone willing to lend a hand! For more information, e-mail CREWheadquarters@aol.com or phone (863)0983-4316 or (863)946-1457. Free services to help elders Center for Independent Liv- ing will be doing outreach on a regular basis at the Moore Haven, Clewiston, and LaBelle sites between the hours of noon to 2:30 p.m. You can con- tact Tera or Linda at the Center for Independent Living at (941) 766-8333 in Charlotte County to find out the days that they will be available in those areas. Lake Level v13.83 feet above sea level Index Classifieds ... .. .16-20 Obituaries ..........2 Opinion .. ..........4 School ......... .. .9 See Page 2 for information about how to contact the newspaper. neuwszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. I8 1111 Ill0l0 I 8 16510 00022 Cooperation is the real key Hendry, Glades begin dialogue By Patty Brant Hendry and Glades County Boards of County Commission- ers came together Tuesday evening in a historic joint work- shop meeting, discussing mutu- al issues ranging from the- health of Lake Okeechobee and the Caloosahatchee River to the need to plan bicycle paths. Overall, continuing quality of life is what this meeting was all about, and also what both boards are working to save for current residents and those who Willbecome neighbors. Although lake and river water issues are out of local hands, governed largely by the Corps of Engineers and South Florida Water Management, both Hendry and Glades offi-. cials understand they are of pri- mary importance. The varying uses of these bodies, including flood protection, water supply and recreation, add to the com- plexity of the issue which isn't really a single issue at all.. The officials also discussed coming up with a joint planning area. Obvious areas of mutual concern include the LaBelle Bridge and State Roads 80, 78 and 29 all major transporta- tion corridors that draw from and affect both counties, as well as North LaBelle and Muse. There was some discussion of a regional approach to utili- ties water and wastewater facilities that would straddle the county line. Public safety issues including fire, EMS, 911 and Emergency Management have long been problematic, although fire and EMS person- nel from both counties have worked together harmoniously for years. Transportation will have to be addressed long before real growth can occur, both boards agree, and they will be sorting out responsibilities, addressing sticking points and looking for common ground. The commissioners were all amenable to working asa team rather than as separate entities. Glades County Commission Chairman Butch Jones noted See Meeting Page 12 Zaragoza is named new S. Lake editor Jose Zaragoza, longtime reporter for The Sun, has been named as the news editor for The Sun, The Clewiston News and the Glades County Democ- rat newspapers. "Jose has proven his abili- ties as a community journalist and his dedication to the val- ues of the Independent News- papers group," said INI Florida Executive Editor Katrina Elsken. "As we take advantage of new technology, he'll work to improve the papers and their service to the communi- ties around the south side of Lake Okeechobee." The three weekly newspa- pers are part of the Indepen- dent Newspapers Florida group. They share office space in Clewiston. Originally a Texas native and beginning his journalism career with a small daily in Texas at the age of 19, Mr. Zaragoza has been in South Florida for the past five years and has been rooted in com- munity journalism for The Sun. He began his career with INI as a news clerk, became a part time reporter and has evolved into a well respected journalist within the Glades communi- ties "Jose has a natural instinct for news," said Mr. Young. "His instincts and nose for news is See Editor-Page 12 Students make a difference By Mark Young MOORE HAVEN The story of Moore Haven's senior American Government class,' taught by Moore Haven Teacher of, the Year Crystal Drake, has been one ofdedica- tion and inspiration throughout the controversy involving lake discharges into the Caloosa- hatchee River. , The -controversy erupted months ,ago following yet another busy hurricane sea- son,.which not only dumped several inches of extra rain into South Florida's watershed, but had Hurricane Wilma strike the lake with unexpected ferocity that stirred the Big "O" like a muddy cup of stagnant coffee. The students became involved in the controversy when residents and politicians of Lee County and the city of Sanibel began pointing accusa- tory fingers at the rural com- munities surrounding the lake, Moore Haven in particular for its close proximity to the river. Politicians on the West Coast of Florida launched a saber-rattling campaign and were, for all intensive purpos- es, calling for the end to rural life in and around Glades See Students-Page 12 On March 17 and 18, a National Tournament took place in Orlando at the Sheraton Hotel. In this tournament, five stu- dents from Luis Maisonet Taekwondo participated, bringing back nine medals. These students represented Moore Haven well. Pictured are Sean Thompson, third in form (front); (sec- ond row) Taylor Harris, first in sparring, third in forms; Everett Youngblood, first in sparring, fourth in forms; (laws row) Lucas Ortiz, third in forms, Desiree Bowling, fourth in forms; and, Luls Maisonet, first in forms, third in sparring. Congratulations By Ideybis Gonzalez MOORE HAFLEN- On May 2, Glades County leaders gathered for the ground breaking of the new Glades County Detention Center and Glades Count Sher- iff's Department. Glades County Commissioner Alvin Ward began the introduction at the ceremony saying, "It's has been a great struggle to get were we are today, butwe are here". : The $33 million facility will be possible through the work and donations by county officials and community partners. The facility will be built on State Road 78 Northwest directly across from the GEO Prison. It will be a 440-bed facility with capacity to expand by 250 additional beds. The building will be up to date in security and tech- nology systems and will hold one judges' chamber and one court, with the ability to expand to two additional courtrooms in the future. The construction of the facil- ity promises to bring 80 new jobs to the community and an estimated $450,000 in taxes to -a~~ NbPLj ~ A.5,I With shovels in their hands and excited that the big day had finally come officials and partners participated in the ground breaking ceremony May 2 in Glades County. "It's has been a great struggle to get were we are today, but we are here". Alvin Ward, Glades County Commissioner Glades County. wages," said Mr.Ward. "This will also assure a raise "This reminds me of a movie I for the officers from a 20th centu- really love, 'Field.of Dreams,' build ry wages to the 21st century it, theywill come," he added. Submitted to Glades County Democrat TaeKwondo students take honors On April 7, 2006, students from Luis Maisonet Taekwondo in Moore Haven passed a pro- motional best testing. These students worked very hard to achieve their next belt rank. Dur- ing the testing, the students had to show the techniques they learned during the training cycle. Parents were very proud of their child's achievements which are: Front row, left to right: Gabriela Moraflores, yellow to orange belt; Giovanna Maraflores, green to senior green belt; Everett Youngblood, white to yellow belt, Amanda Ortiz, senior green to blue belt, Sean Thopson, orange to green belt. Back row, left to right: Fernando Moraflores, white to yellow belt; Ron Bock, green to senior green belt; Rick Anthony Ortiz, senior green to blue belt; Ethan Harris, brown to senior brown, Desiree Bowling, senior blue to brown belt, Lucas Ortiz brown to senior brown belt and Mr. Luis Maisonet, Chief Instructor. 5-00 Groundbreaking: New detention center Glades County Democrat/ldeybis Gonzalez An emotional Sheriff Stuart Whiddon said, "I give my thanks to all the men and women that work for us at the Glades County Sheriff's Department for bearing with us because They could-have left to other high-paying agencies and-they didn't. Thanks." $33 million facility breaks ground ~f~jf~ g8~~-d~ "+-~l~s ~I r-lc~s- w;-~t--i"-R~6sgillr Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 4, 2006 State budget includes courthouse funding TALLAHASSEE The 60-day legislative session is nearing its close and funding has been secured for courthouse facilities in several rural counties in Flori- da according to State Senator Rod Smith (D-Alachua). Budget conferees met throughout the weekend in Talla- hassee and reached a final agree- ment on several issues, including funding levels for several small county courthouse projects, on Mondayevening. Senator Smith announced that several rural counties have secured funding for courthouse facility improvements. "We've been fortunate in the past four years in that we've been able to secure funds for the facility needs of public courthouses in many rural counties in the state," said the Senator. "Having personally tried, cases as a prosecutor in many rural courthouses, I know that we have some very real facil- ity needs and recognize that it is difficult for many rural counties to foot the bill," he continued. The bill includes $550,000 for Glades County Courthouse Safe Record Area and $200,000 for the Hendry County Courthouse. Senator Smith serves as Vice- Chairman of the Senate Justice Appropriations Committee and chaired the committee during the 2003 and 2004 Legislative Sessions. Obituaries William Thomas Aspey William (Bill) T. Aspey, 75, of Belle Glade died April 29, 2006. He was born on Jan. 14, 1931 in Titusville, Penn., son of Donald T. and Josephihe Gardner Aspey The family moved to Belle Glade in 1936 and Bill graduated from Belle Glade High School in 1949. He graduated from Florida State University in 1953 and was a member of Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity. He was an active member of Seminole Boosters. After graduation from FSU, he served in the US Marine Corps. He retired from Sugar Cane Growers Cooperative in 1993, after 28 years as payroll supervi- sor. Survivors include his loving wife, Helen Folds Aspey of Belle Glade; son Robert Wester Jr. (Nancy) of Royal Palm Beach; daughters, Sheryl Wester Shaw of Gainesville, Fla; Keith Shaw, Gainesville, Fla.; Robbie and Krystel Wester, Royal Palm Beach; Allie and Jarret Morgan, Naples, Fla.; and his brother-in- law, Allison E. Folds (Jackie) of Gainesville, Fla. He was preced- ed in death by his son, Steve Wester in 1976. He was a member of Masons for over 50 years and past master and treasurer of Belle Glade #273 and-a member of Okee- chobee Lodge #237. He was District Deputy of the Grand Lodge of Florida in 1983. He was a member of Scottish Rite/Valley of Lake Worth and a 33 Degree Mason. He was a former.mem- ber of Maki Shrine Temple, Miami and a charter member of Amara Remple, Palm Beach Gar- dens, serving as marshall and captain of the guard. He also served as president and treasur- er of Amara Ambassadors. He dedicated many hours, serving on the Shrine Children's Hospital committee. He served as worthy patron of Belle Glade Chapter #196 Order of Eastern Star and a member of Clewiston Chapter O.E.S. He was a member of B.P.O.E. 1716 Order of Elks. He was a member of Community United Methodist Church of Belle Glade. Visitation was Tues- day, May 2, 2006 at Glades Funer- al chapel 1040 N. Main St., Belle Glade with Masonic service at 7 p.m., Funeral Services were held Wednesday, May 3,. 2006 at Glades Funeral Chapel. at 10. a.m., Entoumbment followed at Foreverglades Funeral Mau- soleum. Donations may be made to: Shriners Hospital for Children Transportation fund, Amara Shrine Temple, P.O. Box 30335, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33420- 30335. Willard William Lix Willard Lix, 74, of Buckhead Ridge, died April 29, 2006 at home. Mr. Lix was born July 15, 1931 in Patton. Missouri to Cecil- ia and William Lix. He had lived in Buckhead Ridge since 1983 previously residing in Hidden Valley Missouri. Mr. Lix proudly served our country in the US Army and retired from the Army corps of Engineers in 1979. Mr. Lix was preceded in death by his wife Geraldene in 1998 and his granddaughter, Molly in 200-1. He is survived by sons, WVilliam Lix. of Scott City, Mo., DeWayne Lix. of Benton, Mo.; daughters Linda Shank of Buck- head Ridge and Jeannenne San- born of Buckhead Ridge; 10 grandchildren; 6 great-grandchil- dren; and, one brother Geroid Lix of Jackson, Mo. Funeral services will be held at Amick-Bennett funeral Home, in Scot; Cirt, Missouri, Interment will be at Cape Girardeau Memo- rial Park. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to: Make a Wish Foundation, 3550 N. Central Avenue, Suite.300, Phoenix, Arizona 8501.22127 or Hope Hospice, 9470 Healthpark Circle, Fort'Myers, Fldrida 33908. All arrangements are entrust- ed to the loving care of Bass Okeechobee Funeral Home and Crematory. Dean A. Manor A memorial service for Dean Allan Manor, 42, of 309 Lawrence Street, Roxboro, N.C., who died on Monday, April 24, 2006 at Person Memeorial Hos- pital, was conducted- on Satur- day, April 29. Mr. Manor was a former resi- dent of Clewiston. He was the son of John and Shirley Manor, Cooksburg, Penn., who survive. Surviving, in addition to his parents, are his wife, Denise Manor: a son, Damian Manor, of Roxboro; and two brothers, Dar- rell Manor of Asheville and John Manor of Clarion, PA. Memorials may be made to Home Health & Hopice of Per- son County, 325 S. Morgan St., Roxboro, N.C. 27573. Robert L. Schultz, Sr. Robert L. Schuliz, Sr., 75, of Lake Placid died Thursday evening, April 20, 2006 at his res- idence. He was born in Detroit, Mich. to parents Brenton Sr. and Brenda Schultz. He played on the Dexter Michigan High School football team that was un-scored upon one year and undefeated another, receiving personal con- gratulations from University of Michigan football coach Bo Scnemblecher at a house party. He served his country in the LI.S. Arm\ for six years, stationed in Alaska, Virginia, and Washing- ton. A charter member of the Dexter Lions Club and a mem- ber of the Washlenaw County Sheriffs skin diving recovery- team. Before moving to Belle Glade he was the owner of the Mill Creek Sporting Goods Store in Dexter and continued repair- ing E\inrude motors and golf course grounds maintenance in Florida. He is survived by his lov- ing wife of 55 years Betty, daugh- ters; Pamela Tasker (Jay), Susan. Davenport (Ross), sons; Bobby Schultz, Jr. (Debbie), grandchil- dren; Britt Tasker (Julie), Karra Dettling (Andy), Joshua, Jacob, Jesse Schultz Rebecca, Sarah, Zachary Davenport, twin great HOME Of THE "ORI&HlAV S ...- Si l-.'':": :. i;;..T1~ r LiTlrl-l-'9-.. ;. ,,. ."':"'" "'W";" -'o., '' . ..-' ,' ', " -.* ". t .**" '" "-"'., :- :- "'.'*"--7 "" .' '" ... ..,... *c ;A r "L. -,: ,, ;' a . .. 'v .. ."y '. > -- .- .- .-* .. . Make up to $2,500 .by filling in th ,pc abov hoe! 2" ,. u 'N.r .- ,,, -1 '" " ,, "- &- "- [ ," ," ,. . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 i lI -'u ,2 hr "', .. .. ;-,: .-.1i~ "q ..' -::,.... -. ..: -a .. .,:', .. .. ; ,, ,,.... ;:.. i-:: ..1" .._.'- .: \) ,,i :-- '-.,6 m '&:-.7 :-,.- Make up to $2,500 by filling in the space above! 4 lines for 2 weeks Price must be included in ad Private parties only 2 items per house- ..-hod per issue *'<;*,: .f" ;*%:. . VClewiston News E-Mail: * 1 used item or" . grouping per ad: .. priced at $2,500: or less * Independent Newspapers reserves the right to disqualify any ad. grandchildren, mother, Bertha, a twin brother; Brenton, Jr. (Mar- cie), sister: Marlelayne Newell (Raymond). Services will be held at a later date in Michigan. Family suggest memorial dona- tions to Good Shepherd Hos- pice, 4418 Sun "N" Lake Blvd, Sebring, Florida 33852. All arrangements entrusted to Scott Funeral Home, Lake Placid, Fla. George L. Towell George L. Towell, 59 of Lake City died early Thursday morn- ing, April 27, 2006 at the Lake City Medical Center. A native of Litchfield, Illinois, Mr. Towell had lived in Lake City for the past twelve years having moving there from Belle Glade, Florida where he had been a long time resident. Mr. Towell was very active in the Belle Glade Elks Lodge #1716, American Legion Everglades Post #20, Okee- chobee Masonic Lodge #237, the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in Lake Worth, Amara Shriners in Palm Beach Gardens, Order of the Eastern Star Sugarland Chap- ter 220 in Clewiston and he most recently became a member of the Lake C'it Board of Realtors. In his spare time he enjoyed tra'- eling, spending lime vith family and friends and \\as an avid Florida Gator fan. Mr. Towell is sunrived by his wife, Gail Towell, Lake City, t\wo sons, William Towell. Titus\ ille and Ralph Towell iNicholei, Royal Palm Beach, two daugh- ters,, Terri Weeks (Matt) and Janet Towell both of Belle Glade, one brother Ray To\vell (Jen- .nifer), Stuart and three sisters, Maxine Parson (Tony), Ponce De Leon, Jeanne Woodard (Bobby), Belle Glade, and Mary Frances Alford (Tony) Branford. Two grandchildren, Kalhryn and Lau- ren Weeks of Belle Glade and a host of nieces and nephews also survive. Memorial services for Mr. Towell were conducted Tuesday, May 2, 2006 at Akin-Davis Funer- al Home in Clewiston. Share your opinion on a free forum at www.newszapforums.com. Memorial Tribute Remember a loved one .who h'as departed with a special F r memorial Tribute in this newspaper. commemorate an anniversary ofyour loved one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph ofyour loved one, lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders -- and we'll make sure it all comes together attractivelR and tastefully Visit www2.newszaplcon ritemorals for sample ads and an online order form, or call 1 -866-379-6397 toll free. and an onlni order form, or call1-866-379-6397 tollfree. 3-~ ,. . : I' t-p** 1c *^3~ Chain ownership? Yes, this newspaper is part of a "chain." But this "chain" is unlike any other. We are owned by a journalistic trust. All after-tax profits are invested in our mission of com- munity service through good local journalism. Staffing is local, and we seek out people who care about the com- munity and want to stay here. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feed- back@newszap.com or call your editor. Glades Chiropractic Center Dr. Manuel L. Soto III Chiropractic Physician FREE CONSULTATION & EXAM >. (a $190 value) , Glades Chiropr.icuc Center is a sub1LLxji-n'n-based. wellnessss heilthcare tiacili SWe pro.\ide Chriopricuc. Phvsic]l Therapy; Nlassage i: 'Therapy. Spinjl Decomnprcssion,r Pernmnent Hair Remo\ al. Wrinkle &- Acne Treatments. X-ri\ on site. We treat a wide \vrier ofconrditions including auto accident recovery, disk hern-atnons, back & neck pain. sciatica, sports injuries, school & sports physical. N .I ..,-r -ran.:e .ccpr:.i],- frdV tle F-.i, e plrni m :.'r i' u rnin ucd 1100 S. Main Street, Belle Glade Phone: 561-996-4242 S Fax: 561-996-4232 'n- F ,L-i -cJ per"'i,, p-.n r b- .'rti l I- p.Tii ni M rd,. ri p rc, a d" a t:. ari- : .i .. i d..T ,.re ne. mfr ratm e (DET : WAT Clewiston News iTheSun ~ ( DEMOeRAT* i SClewiston News TheaSun ... ...... .... .. ' So TheSun SCity approves plan for cafeteria S Glade. Latino ...C n-o-. r I (nnief available .... .. :::- :L :' ....'7, .F .......... .... ... .'=:* i Clewiston News GrLADES COUNTY DEMOCRAT TheSun Community Service Through Journalism Sell your personal valuables if they r $2.500 or less for absolutely free! No fee, no catch, no problems! .-. .The Sun bu Free 877-353-2424 classad@newszap.com a I Thursday, May,4, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Te I DEMLOCR~AT Thursday, May 4, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Could the dike fail? State panel . finds problems ... with the dike By MatyAnm Morris In a78-page report released to Gfov. Bush on April 27, an inde- pendent panel of engineers, brought in by South Florida Water "The major concern is not-with Management District (SFWMD) the costsrequired tomake minor reported problems with the Her- repairs to the levees .. butwith the bert Hoover Dike. The dike encir- consequence of complete levee ces Lake Okeechobee and pro- failure. The costs associated with tects the communities some such an occurrence would be 60,000 peoplewho l is e oithere astronomical." from flooding. It also holds the The report raises question fresh water Supplies for much of about danger to the dike while the South Florida. current repairs are.ongoing and Gov. Bush, upon review of the also questions the nature of the report; wrote to Principal Deputy repairs as a whole. The COE will re- Assistant Secretary of the Army in evaluate the design of the repair to charge of civil works, John Paul ensure that the best repair will be Woodley, listing nine points of con- made under the level of protection cern about the 70-year-old dike. authorized by congress. The Corps of Engineers has posted In 2005 Congress authorized the a response to.the nine points of Herbert Hoover Dike be placed on Concern made by Gov. Bush and ethe National Inventory of Dams. the news release and Gov. Bush's This increases the standards by these o rmnyears. directly rete itwhich the dike is maintained. The USo A s of Engi- in Lake Okeechobee, said Steve dley w hewsads, respded it a ot- The report discusses the fact Toews ase sinae.army.miong ot hat problems with the dike are "T ere are no surprises e" moreand more likely the higher "There are no surprises-here," thewalerismaintained and recom- said COE 'Chief of Engineering thends changes in the regulating Steve Dubainateleconference May rulends that govern in the regulatingke. actions that put protection of the and care of vernthe COE perso.el in t2. "We have been dealing with "The risk of piping (leaks) is these i issues for manyyears. directly related with the water level The US Army Corps of Engi- in Lake Okeechobee, said Steve neers (COE), which Secretary Duba, ChiefCOE Engineer. Woodley heads, responded with a Also, as the report points out, a news release stating among other serious breach of the dike would "poinThe U.S. Army corps of Engi- cause a-loss of life, cities, crops and independent review panel of ngi- reached loss of water supplies to the neers holds publicsafetyas its high- coastal omw unities and e lake est priority," said Woodley in the communities. ai news release. "We have always The report goes on saying that taken, and will continue to take, the quick response, knowledge actions that put protection of the d care of the COE personnel in public above all other considera- watching and repairing problems tions. Thatis why we have acom- as they happen has been the one prehensive program to ensure the this that has kept South Florida integrity of the Herbert Hoover Dike from a tragic and- expensive catas- is always maintained and Lake tiophe, but that the structure itself Okeechobee water levels areman- must prevail. aged to minimize risks as we enter The COE's goal was to have the hurricane season." lake at elevation 14.0 by May I and "The report, prepared, by an that was exceeded when the lake independent review panel of engi- reached 13.83. The amount of neers confirms and validates con- water allowed into Lake Okee- cerns that the Corps has expressed cihobee is indeed an issue. for some time now, and which h we "Construction of the Stormwa- have already begun to address," ter Treatment Areas iSTA's) and said ,oodley "'The Corps provided impoundment areas being built all information requested by the with the Accesser8 projects func- independent panel to conduct their tion as storage for excess stormwa- anaJ'sis." ter," said Randy Smith Lead Media The report-itself quotes a 1986 -.Specialist for South Florida \\bier COEdocumenl: _O. -. .Management District. "Hendry Regional has free diabetes education class S Diabetes affects your heart and blood vessels. Complications include heart attack, coronary artery disease, stroke and poor circulation to the feet. Heart dis- ease affects 75 percent of those with diabetes. People with Type 2 diabetes have an even great risk of cardiac complications because damage to blood vessels starts many years before blood sugar levels elevate. Insulin resistance, the cause of the Type 2 diabetes, leads to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and fat deposits 20-30 years before the blood sugars start to rise. Diabetes causes changes in the way fats are used in the body. Cho- lesterol and triglycerides elevate and the good cholesterol (HDL) level falls. The cholesterol becomes small, dense, and sticky, causing it to stick to the sides of blood vessels. This leads to atherosclerosis, fatty plaques that form on the sides of blood vessels and shrink the open- ing that carries blood to organs, arms and legs. The red blood cells become sticky and clump together, increasing the risk for high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, affects more than half of all people with diabetes and plays a major part in the progress of eye and kidney problems. Blood pres- sure in people with diabetes increases with age and weight and is twice as likely in African- Ameri- cans as Caucasians. It adds to the higher risk of stroke. Hypertension worsens hardening of the arteries, where the walls of the arteries become thick and hard, leading to poor circulation. Prevention of heart complica- tions is possible with daily exercise, low fat diet and medications for hypertension and cholesterol. Call (863)983-1123 for more information. C F--1 iJ r C FA-- Ignited Youth Ministry. Every Wednesday 7:15 pm 370 Holiday Isle Blvd PwIois 863.983.3181 Chuck Karen Pelhm www.newharvestnet A Clear Title Company of the Glades, LLC has opened a branch office at 671 U.S. Highway 27 NW #6, Moore Haven to provide the area with prompt and professional title insurance and real estate closing services. For more information, contact our office at (863) 946-3705 or our main office in LaBelle at (863) 675-6705. Leaders to discuss rock pit By Jose Jesus Zaragoza PAHOKEE Pahokee city leaders are expected to review a proposal from U.S. Sugar for the operation of a rock pit near 20- Mile Bend. While officials have no say over whether or not the plans are approved by the county, leaders say they would like to know more :about the plans before giving them the city's stamp of approval. At this point, U.S. Sugar repre- sentatives say the proposal would allow it to lease a piece of property near 20-Mile Bend as a rock pit, west of an aggregate rock company near West Palm Beach. At least initially, the rock-min- ing operation is expected to cre- ate a number of new jobs, though an exact figure is not yet known. According to Judy Sanchez, director of corporate communications for U.S. Sugar, said the mining company is expected to grow through the years with the potential to encompass 4,000 acres of land. U.S. Sugar has signed a lease agreement with Stuart Mining, the company that \ ill manage and operate the mining site. Unlike companies like Palm 'Beach Aggregates near West Palm Beach whose constant stream of heavy truck traffic bogs down Southern Blvd. - the product dug at the site will be transported from the area via rail. Residents near the area and drivers who use the road to Canal Point often, U.S. Sugar: representatives said, should not expect to see the commercial vehicles on the highway. The next step for U.S. Sugar will come in the form of a request to Palm Beach County. It' is expected that the mining oper- ation will pass through the coun- ty's planning and zoning depart- ment for approval. Pahokee city officials at a recent meeting seemed unop- posed to the idea of supporting the concept, but ordered staff to get more information before they vote either way. 'The administration hasn't had the opportunity," to review the material, said City Manager Lillie Latimore. "We're going to \write them a nice, neutral letter and have them explain it to us." At least one commissioner agreed. "Give us time to look at this," said Commissioner Keith Babb. . By Patty Brant Homelessness can be fairly easy to hide. It's not only scruffy people living on the streets or in wooded areas. The homeless includes people who drill from relatives to friends to other rela- tives because they cannot afford a place of their ow\\n. Being homeless in ,Hendr CountN is a particular problem because there are so few\ servic- es here. The official norneless count, conducted Januar1 27. w\as 417; howve er, coalition mem- bers are sure that's just the tip of the iceberg. Of the 417 homeless counted. 95 \wee in Clewiston, the rest in LaBelle. With only a handful of volun- teers to canvas and almost all of those centered in the imme- diate LaBelle area -most of the county was not involved at all in the process. Of course, Hurricane Wilma added to the number of home- less left in this area, with 645 homes destroyed. The big dream is to open a shelter for the homeless, how- ever finding an appropriate site is a big issue as is the funding it would take. A possible site at the Freedom Fellowship Church has not panned out, but coalition members are continu- ing to search for the most appropriate means to serve the I homeless, whether it be a soup kitchen, an emergency shelter or transitional housing, which offers shelter for three months to two years and seeks to help solve the issues that cause homelessness, including drug abuse, a lack of job skills, tem- porary disability or just bad cir- cumstances. They are also con- sidering partner ing with other entities, such as Habitat for Humanity and local govern- ment. Last year the six-county coalition received $249,000 for local services. This year, the local coalition hopes to receive ,$450,000 for services. A new system to document the home- less is to be in place by the next official count, which will take place in January 2007. A system using electronic service points - Inputting homeless informa- tion into a data base is coim- ing into play. Three local groups will initially be licensed as take- in points: Freedom Fellowship Ministries, United Way and Sal- vation Army. The next homeless coalition meeting will be at the United Way House at 10 a.m. Thursday, May 18. The public is encour- aged to come learn more about homelessness and become a part of the solution. MUSIC. HERITAGE. LEGEND. MAY 26-28, 2006 * Experience old-fashioned Florida storylellng. crafts and culture, plus Rosanne Cash and over 300 performers. ,.. 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FT. MYERS To sa\e time and money\ b% having the newspaper delivered to your home by mail. call Reader Services at 1-877-353-2424 or email readerserv\ices@' newszap.com. IBUr 'P`""g*~a~arr~dgffap~8R9E~8~[8~.1 -------------II ~q~qS~ll~llll( Thursday, May 4, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee :a ~;t~E 4 OPINION Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 4, 2006 Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the MooreHaven/Glades issues forum at httpV//www.newszapfo- rums.comiforum57. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits. Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include: *Belle Glade/South Bay issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum51 * Clewiston Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum52 * Hendry County Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum54 *Moore Haven/Glades issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum57 *Okeechobee city/county Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum58 * Pahokee Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum59 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community forums and links." Letter to the Editor Environmental issues deserve attention To the Glades County Board of Commissioners: On the 24th of April 2006, I attended the Glades Board of County Commissioners (BCC) public meeting. On the agenda was a presentation by South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) on "Recreational Oppor- tunities in Glades County." I was there simply to encourage the Glades BCC to hold SFWMD to a greater degree of accountability for ensuring that public access would be provided, in a timely manner, to the land purchased with tax rev- enue-ish dollars. Iwas also going to ask/recommend that the involved parties enter into an agreement where the FWC would be the lead agency in determining wildlife management issues and in desig- nating which areas were appropri ate and suitable for hunting and/or fishing. Well ..thank you Commis- sioner Ward for assuming incor- rectly that my statements would be otherwise. Your ensuing com- ments immediately led to my con- clusion of an obvious bias against Mr. Chesley, a resident of Glades County, and his determined efforts to improve and restore Lake Okee- chobee's habitat to the benefit of all who are, or should be concerned, about the future of this valuable natural resource. Central and South Florida's nat- ural resources have suffered immense harm as SFWMD and many elected officials seemingly catered to the interest of "Big Sugar." With a clearly known motive of financial gain, agricultur- al interests have almost single- handedly led to what may prove to be irreparable harm to the entire Okeechobee watershed and Ever- glades. As such, I find it absolutely appalling that you would call into question the motives of any individ- ual or group that may somehow benefit from projects such as the one proposed by Mr. Chesley and the nonprofit organization known as Lake Okeechobee Habitat Alliance (LOHA.) If as Commis- sioner Ward stated, he has given "great attention to the matter," it would be recognized that the list of beneficiaries from LOHA's propos- als includes not only hunters and fishermen, but those who enjoy wildlife viewing, boating, family . outings, etc., and the businesses of Glades County that have historically prospered as people enjoyed the Lake. Most of all, the lake itself would benefit; as would the water- shed southward; the fish and wildlife that depend on them; the citizens whose quality of life is equally dependent and tax-payers everywhere. Indeed, it was the average out- doorsmen and women; not politi- cians; NOT SFWMD; and most cer- tainly NOT "Big Sugar," that forewarned the disaster now occurring on Lake Okeechobee. It has been these same individuals, and groups, that have perservered great insult from those influenced by agricultural interests and devel- opers for decades. It has been my experience this still occurs. The dedicated efforts and persistence of these same outdoorsmen and women most definitely led the way to current restoration projects such as seen on the Kissimmee Chain of Lakes, the Everglades, and Lake Okeechobee. It's a crying shame their insightful understandings of the complexities of Florida's ecosystems were dismissed as they were. In myyears, I've had the oppor- tunity to attend many Board of County Commissioners-type meet- ings, in many counties across the State. Some of which involved very passionate views and opinions. Apparently this was once again the case April 24th. Following the com- ments of Commissioners Ward and Jones, I attempted to return to the subject I introduced as my purpose for being there. With little more than a sentence spoken, yet anoth- er Commissioner (Mr. Geisler) spoke over me-saying, "It's been a long meeting. Can we move ahead?" Being a guest in someone else's sandbox, in attendance as a repre- sentative of an organization and accepting that I was once again in a biased and possibly hostile envi- ronment; I chose to follow advice I've often given my sons, and "Do what (Gunsmoke's hero) Marshall Dillon would do." All things consid- ered, I excused myself from what appeared t6-" a p6ifiitss tonver: station as politely'as possible. As a man, I do belie an aeplogy to Mr.. Chesley is in order. Congratulations gentlemen and thank you for the enlightening experience. You have convinced me that I should take a greater personal interest in, and give greater atten- tion to, Lake Okeechobee's future. As a concerned Floridian, tax- payer, and frequent visitor to Glades County, Iwvill do as every responsible citizen should do; edu- cate themselves, get involved ... and stay involved. My hope is found in recent changes of attitude, of so many, towards our natural resources. The pendulum does swing both ways. Somewhere near the middle is a solution that benefits all, and pro- tects that which God chose to bless us with Florida's natural resources. Wouldn't it be grand if more people took the initiative. exemplified by folks like Mr. Ches- ley to protect and preserve Florida's outdoor legacy? I'm hopeful that our future encounters will be much more pro- ductive. With due respect, Allen Johnson Avon Park, Fla. Glades CuntDemCmtrt Our Purpose... The Glades County Democrat is published biy Independent Newspapers of Florida. Independent is owned by a unique trust that enables this newspa- per to pursue a mission of journaistic service to the citizens of the commu- nity. Since no dividends are paid, the company is able to thrive on profit margins below industry standards. All after-tax surpluses are reinvested in Independent's mission of journalistic service, commitment to the ideals of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and support of the comm- munity's deliberation of public issues We Pledge... * To operate this nwpaper as a pubhc trumt * Tb help our c.mmtity become a better place o live and wrtk, through our dedicanon to corscientiou lounmahan * b pi mde the inlortnadtib-n cilm.e need l make then own inteligenr deasions about Ipunlc isc'. STo repon the rnes wi honesty acc cey. aU e obectivnry.e Irlessie and sa mpasion. * To ias our opuuvo pages i) fadtli~ra ' ac.mu~ty debate. t to dominate t with our own amoinlos. ' Tc duickie or oern conflict ofirarest ar pjvleronil ctrifi to our readers STo corrmc our em.rs and to -pe each cmr reitnn lu ithe priomnitrnci i desenesa STb provide a right to reply to those we write about. STb treat people with courtesy, respect and compassion. E~hmiak K Editamr J- Zarap a NewsCmAis ldihbasGusrwsls Ad tinF emai auaisadda@zpwezjapow Adsra gDIre-vI'. Judy Raw.rr NaiursI &urocts: Ja Par-,h Advertaicig Manager- Baisd jtairriti Advemoin Ssncwel ttc ie'a AEro Ldws-f Ades: lndr-r,.lhr ii 0. ~ in. Chdlfi-Mr. or -rs, Prc-:or Ed Dis, Vice Pre -id.,, -:1 Fkli Fk-n C' Op n R--mIs B,-d Eii. m E11 lmlu Eldlui. Member of Florida Press Assmiarlon Economic Council Meetings The Glades County Economic Development Council normally meets the first Monday of the month at 6:15 p.m. in the confer- ence room at Glades Electric Cooperative. If you are not a member, please contact the EDC about joining. If you are a mem- ber, please plan to attend the meetings. As the_ Main Street effort, and other initiatives move forward, we will need a host of knowledgeable volunteers to serve on various committees and we encourage your partici- pation. American Legion open Moore Haven American Legion Post 299 is now having bingo, Saturday nights at 6 p.m. Hamburgers, drinks and dessert will be provided at a minimal cost. B.H.R. Moose Lodge The lodge is located on U.S. 78 W in Buckhead Ridge. Regu- lar bingo is played Tuesdays at 12:30 p.m. Lunch is available each day. Members and qualified guests may play. Wednesday feature an Italian dinner or alter- nate entree from 5 7:15 p.m. and Saturday's dinner is from 5 - 7:15 p.m. Music for dancing starts at 7:30 p.m. Call the lodge to see who is playing. Sunday morning breakfast is served from 8- 10:15 a.m. VFW Post #9528 The VFW Post #9528 is locat- ed at 2002 Hwy. 78 W. in Buck- head Ridge. For more informa- tion call (863467-2882. Post hours are from noon until 8 p.m. daily. Wednesday is Ladies Auxil- iary dinner from 5:30-7 p.m., and the cost is $5. Every Thursday, the post has bar bingo at 12:45 p.m. Lunch will be available. Every Friday a steak dinner with baked potato, salad and rolls are served from 5:30 7 p.m. with a $9 donation. Dancing immedi- ately follows the dinner. All games and special events are shown on three televisions. The game room has a regula- tion-size pool table. Post meet- ings are held on the second and fourth Saturday of the month, beginning at 10 a.m. Comman- der Albert Crank is available at 467-2882.- VFW Post #10539 The VFW will be open Mon- day through Wednesday 10 a.m.- 8 p.m.; Thursday, 10 a.m.-10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m.-11 p.m., or later; and Sun- day, 1 8 p.m. Happy hour is from 4 6 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Dinner is served at 5 p.m. Tuesday evenings. Bar bingo starts at 12:45 p.m. Wednesday. Lunch will be available. Singles darts every Wednesday, 7 p.m. Cafeteria is open from 5 8 p.m., Thursday nights. Friday at 7 p.m. there will be live music and dancing. On Saturday, hotdogs with kraut are served at noon. Saturday dart doubles at 7 p.m. Diabetes Awareness Hendry County Health Department Heart to Heart Pro- gram and Senior Connections are offering an eight-week Dia- betes Class at 2 p.m. each Wednesday at the Nobles Senior Center. Classes include the dia- betic diet, understanding carb- counting, eye and foot care, and the ABC's of diabetes (the AIC test, Blood Pressure, and Choles- terol. All diabetics, long term or newly diagnosed, are welcome. Support Services The Agricultural and Labor Program, Inc. located in Winter Haven, has been awarded a grant from the Department of. Community Affairs to provide. Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP) services to eligible applicants in Hendry and Glades counties. For an applica- tion and/or information please call (800)330-3491. Addiction recovery help At NARCONON ARROW-, HEAD we have the answers to addiction recovery, call us. 800- 468-6933 or log onto our web site at www.stopaddiction.com, Audubon goes back to nature's roots By Bill Fabian HENDRYiGLADES A regional chapter of the Audubon Society has been established in the Hendry and Glades area, giv- ing residents the special oppor- tunity to meet .other -nature enthusiasts and become involved in conservation and education activities in the local community. According to Hendry-Glades .Secretary Margaret England and Chapter President Stephen Buczynski, the chapter of Hendry-Glades Audubon became Florida's 43rd Volunteer Society on Jan. 14. Among the current activities the Audubon chapter partici- pates in is a birding tour of Storm-water Treatment Area Five (STA-5), where many species of native birds and wildlife are observed every sec- ond Saturday during the months from October to April. According to Mr. Buczynski, most of the participants in the tours of Ihe STA-5 located approximately 20 miles south of Clewiston off of SR 835 are birders from throughout the state, and a lot of nature enthusi- asts in Clewiston may not be aware that such a haven for wildlife and natural beauty exists so close to Clewiston. "The majority of our mem- bership is from, LaBelle' and other areas, and we are looking to recruit new members from the Clewiston area," said Mr. Buczynski. "The Audubon Soci- ety is about conservation and education. We would certainly, like to see this community and its residents become more involved and appreciative of its natural beauty," he said. The monthly meetings of the Hendry-Glades Audubon Society chapter are currently held in LaBelle. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 8, when guest speaker Marianne Korosy, a researcher at the Kissimmee River State Preserve, will speak and present informa- tion about grasshopper spar- rows, an endangered species native to the area. The meetings are held at the Dallas Townsend Extension Office at 1085 Pratt Blvd. in LaBelle. The May 8 meeting will be the society's final meeting before adjourning for the sum- mer months, after which meet- ings will resume in September. SAdditional 2006-2007 officers and board members include Vice-President Norman Dillman, Treasurer Janet Falk, and board members Arthur Gallagher, Martha Valiant, Nikki Yeager, Teresa Lazar, and Sonny Mow- bray. Potential new members inter- ested in joining the Audubon Society are encouraged to con- tact Mr. Buczvnski by calling (863i902-0856 or by e-mail (stephenbuc@:,earthlink.net). A victory that came through his hands By The Reverend Samuel S. Thomas, Ph.D.+ Saint Martin's Church, Clewiston There is an Old Testament story about a battle between the people of Israel and the Amalekites who attacked them (Exodus 17:8ff). Moses was leading the Israelites with his staff in his hand, raised over the warring troops. The report notes that "as long Samuel S; as Moses held Thomas up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning (verse 11)." Finally, Moses grew tired, so they found a stone for him to sit on, then Aaron and Hur stood on each side and held his hands up "...so that his hands remained steady till sun- set. So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword (verses 12-13)." The story ties together victory with God's pres- ence being invoked; victory was somehow tied to raising ones hands to call upon God to be present even as the worst of ene- mies were attacking. There is something special about asking God's blessing even at the worst of times. I watched a news account of someone trying to sell a hbuse without success, until he called on a minister to bless it. Others had similar expe- riences and the news report ended by noting that there were now realtors calling upon clergy for house blessings when prop- erties don't move! A bit supersti- tious, you say? Perhaps, but what is going on? It may be that the seller comes to believe and thus changes his attitude; the realtor shows the house to someone once again because his confidence (faith?) is restored that. the property will move, his belief about the prop- erty is restored, the people of Israel come to believe victory is theirs because God wants it and they will do what it takes; i.e. raising ones' hands in prayer. Apparently it was work for Moses to keep his hands elevat- ed that day; he had to have help. Nevertheless, he offered his work to God and that's where his blessing came from. He had others help him too; they saw his belief and so they supported his work, literally, but they were all rewarded. Raising hands in prayer is work when it's done right! There is a Greek word, "Liturgy" which commonly refers to 'Church services but means in its roots "the work of the people." In fact, when we pray diligently and fervently, that is hard work. Someone said "Prayer changes things, or you change!" and this statement must have come from many hours of holding up hands with nothing happening as planned or predicted. Then as hands might be about to drop in frus- tration and disappointment, there comes an insight that maybe the wrong things were asked for, or maybe God has other ideas, or maybe we're about to learn something. Victo- ry fdr the-lsraelites didn't come- that day because Moses blessed' all by hinsef, he had help along the way. Our prayers need our best work, and at times we should rely on the works of oth- ers to support us too. Churches keep prayer lists, "holding up" to'. God the prayers of many to sup-. port the prayers of those seeking victory in one way or another. When our spiritual arms tire, there are others to pick them up and share with us the burden of the spiritual struggle that goes on even beyond our physical or spiritual strength. When we, would like to give something to someone, we can support them in prayer even when they seem tired, frustrated, disappointed, discouraged. That has to do with the importance of being part of a; faith community and worship. It is truly "the work of the people," hard work if done right and the victory that comes to those who believe enough to really keep atit. Thank God for our mothers' true love By Pastor John Hicks First United Methodist Church A teacher gave her class of sec- ond graders a lesson on the mag- net and what it does. The next day in a written test, she included this question: "My full name has six letters. The first one is "M," I pick up things. What am I?" When the test papers Were turned in, the teacher was aston- ished to find that almost 50 per- cent of the students answered the question with the word Mother. Mothers are important to us. That's one of the reasons we set aside a special day to honor them each May. Mothers pick things up. Mothers sacrifice so we might be blessed. Mothers love us to the end. When I think about what mothers do and give, I think back to something that happened in Yellowstone National Park in 2002. Landscapes in Yellowstone have long been shaped creeping ground fires often described as good for vegetation growth. These are.hot, wind-driven fires that burn up everything in their path. In the 2002 fire season, there were total of 46 fires 4 power line fires and 42 lightning- caused fires. After each fire, the staff at Yel- lowstone National Park goes to work surveying the impacts of the fires on wildlife, plants, historic structures, trails, etc. During one of these assessments, rangers came across a vivid testimony to a mother's love. At the base of a tree, complete- ly charred in ashes, was the car- cass of a bird. Somewhat sick- ened by the sight, one of the rangers turned the bird over with a stick. When he did, three tiny chicks scurried out from under their dead mother's wings. The loving mother bird, aware of the impending disaster, had carried her babies to the base of the tree and had gathered them under her wings, protecting them from the heat and smoke. She could have flown to safety, but had refused to abandon her little ones. Because she, had been will- ing to die, her babies under the cover of her wings would live. God's promise in Psalm 91:4 is that "He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart." Just like the bird, our God loves us sacrificially, and longs to gather us together, as a hen gath- ers her chicks under her wings for protection and nurture. (Matthew 23:37) Many times, mothers are the instrument God uses. Moth- er's Day is coming up soon. Why not use it as an opportunity to remember to thank God for the many sacrifices mothers make. It is also a good time to give honor to mothers everywhere thank- ing God not only for our present mothers, but for future mothers and mothers past, and for those special mothers with have no chil- dren of their own but are mothers to children of others. Mothers, we thank God for you! For all of the sacrifices you make, for all that you do, for the kindness you show, for the love you give, and for the example you are. We love you ,with all our hearts! May God bless you on your special day, and "may you be rich- ly rewarded by the LORD, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge." (Ruth 2:12) -jl Glades County Democrat Published by Independent Newspaper, Inc. Serving Glades County Since 1923 To Reach Us Address: PO. Box 1236 Clewiston. Fla. 33440 Website: www.newszap.com To Submit News The Glades County Democrat wel- comes submissions from its readers. Opinions. calendar items, stories, :deas and photographs are welcome. Call 866-399-5253 to reach our news- room. Items may be mailed, laxed or e-maled. The deadline for all new.s items is 12 p.m. Monday prior to the following Thursday's publcaton. E-mail: gcdnews 'anewszap.com To Place A Classified Ad Call (877'353-2424 to place a classi- fled advertisement orW home. The deadline for all advertising is 12 p.m. Monday for the following Thurday's publication. Fax: 1-877-354-2424. E-mail: classad(i@newsap.com ' To Place A Display Ad Call 866-399-5253. deadline for all ad erunsmg is 12 p.m Monday for the allowingg Thursday's publication Fax- 1-863-983-7537 E-mail. southlakeadsa'newszap.com Advertising Billing Department E-mail: billteam@newszap.com To Start or Stop A Paper Phone: (877)353-2424 E-mail- readersercesianewszap coin The Glsde<.Comrty Deoctal is delivered by mad to hubsters on Thursday and is old in racks and store locations i the Glades Countyarea. Call 18771353-2244 t rep on a mussed newspaper or poor delive~ty Glades Cornty Democrat LSPS 219060 Pubbihed Weekly by Indeendent Newcpapera, Inc ClewionFI,33440 'Lr $24.61 per year mduding tax. Second Clss potage paid at Clewaton Florida. Poasmater send address changes to the Glades County Democrat Circulaton Admsnijtration PO BOx 7011 Dover, DE 19903 Printing Pnnted at Surinhe Pnrintig, a subidilry of Independent NEwspapers E-mail. pnnongil'atrt nrt News in Brief Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 4, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thumrsrdav. Mav 4. 200R I LMg I I ON h I lA. KI I I I ai )I 26. MPG! MPG! SI I iH ED STORE HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY: 8:30AM 9:00PM SATURDAY: 8:30AM 9:00PM SUNDAY: 11:UUAVI b:UUI-'V ADVERTISED OFFERS VALID ON IN.STOCK VEHICLES ONLY OFFERS NOT IN CONJUNCTION. MINIMUM 750 BEACON SCORE REQUIRED, DEALER RETAINS ALL REBATES & INCENTIVES. PRICES INCLUDE ALL REBATES, PRICES PLUS TAX, TAG & TITLE, FEES AND DEALER INSTALLED OPTIONS. REBATES VARY ON SELECT MODELS, WITH APPROVED CREDIT OFFERS EXPIRE DATE OF PUBLICATION OR MAY BE CANCELEDATANYTIME WITHOUT NOTICE. RANKING BASED ON REGISTERED SALES FOR DAIMLER CHRYSLER THRU AUGUST 2005 DEALER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS. VEHICLE ART FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLYPRICEMUSTBEOF IDENTICALLY EQUIPPED, IN STOCKVEHICLE. MUST PRESENT BONAFIDE WRITTEN OFFER FROM LOCAL COMPETING DEALER. DEALER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO PURCHASE OTHER VEHICLE AT THAT PRICE. NOT IN CONJUNCTION WITH ANY OTHER OFFERS, OTHER RESTRICTIONS APPLY, SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. t$10,000 MINIMUM TRADE BASED ON DEALER LIST PRICE. LIMIT ONE TRADE IN PER PURCHASE MUST PURCHASE SELECT IN STOCK RAM OR DURANGO, NOT IN CONJUNCTION WITH OTHER OFFERS. OTHER RESTRICTIONS APPLY, SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. PRICES AND MINIMUM TRADE OFFER INCLUDES CFC REBATE, MUST QUALIFY THRU CFC TO GET PRICE OR OFFER. MPG BASED ON GOVERNMENT EPA HIGHWAY ESTIMATES. 2006 CARRERA ADV. I FlUlbily, IVCXY 't r-VI BRAND NEWI 2006 CHRYSLER BRAN MEW2006CHODSIER RN- AW410-- moSER:4 ml l I Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 4, 2006 'U ULI:l 1} 'I II // UI Ir a I GUARANTEED FINANCING with a little as $2,000 down ...and sometimes less 1 ...... --. 1 ... ',.. wim!: I .!.5! M-U. IA I .;;f-4MM 2*% n ..:- i- 1 rI ;LJSJ~J ~i~i:IJi ~EJjJWjj 1*1 a' ' ub147 A Al~ mm J'j 'K J,.J-.J sMir -P' rnJii ;J&5j -M~q 41k t A ; J]5jJ ml l %J 1,~~~ %BJ IJAJJ mFI Ml-l ~25WJJ Il)2291J a-.J V~Pr Ir 40 19 [It Nt cl to credit approval witt variable Cash clown. 5es dealer for detail s o ITS N fees. See dealer ior ri b 15115 pII Fa,,^^ // 'I 5HM.'1 / - - H If qIu -;i Thursday, May 4, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee .*T'L -eb Il 14 rI~J~ ., I I 1. I i. i ir r Jjl "? ~'1~J~il i vIVLZ Y4i~BI " Isll -*'1'J ;r 1/11 c, idrl O PF,J d, OMGF1 ,i. L~V/ t/lo I ~f MW ~ii Thursday, May 4, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Marijuana found in Flaghole Intelligence leads developed by the HCSO Criminal Investiga- tions Division led to the 1 Ith bust of an illegal marijuana grow- house since February- 2005. According to Sheriff Ronnie Lee, a search conducted at approxi- mately 10:20 a.m. April 10 at 320 Kilpatrick Loop in Flaghole found marijuana plants from 2 1/2 to three feet tall. The plants were being cultivat- ed with elaborate electronic-aided equipment in two rooms of the res- idence. The seizure occurred just prior to harvest. Estimated value of the plants is $45,000-$50,000. The two people arrested were both from Dade County. Yajaire Irizarry, age 53, a Venezuelan citizen in the US on a work visa and Rafael Suarez-Perez, age 30, were trans- ported and booked into the Hendry County Jail. Varnum faces 31 counts of grand theft By Eric Kopp OKEECHOBEE A former mobile home dealer in Okee- chobee has once again been placed behind bars when he was arrested last week at. a mobile home dealership in Sebastian. Michael A. Varnum, 55, of Clewiston, has been charged with 30 counts of. grand theft and one count of organized scheme to defraud. He was booked into 'the Indian River County Jail Friday, April 28, under a bond of $1,239,500. He was booked into the Okee- chobee County Jail Monday afternoon, May. 1. Varnum was arrested by Florida Highway Patrol Trooper Lieutenant Michael E. Sheehan. Varnum was working as a sales- man at Whispering Palms Manu- factured Home Community on U.S. 1 in Sebastian. Accompany- ing Lt. Sheehan was Detective John Zeigler of the Okeechobee City Police Department (OCPD). Varnum is the former sales manager for Taylor Creek Mobile Homes in Okeechobee. Prior to that, he owned Central Homes of Okeechobee, Inc., which filed for bankruptcy'in May of 2004. He was arrested in March of '05 by the FHP on warrants from Okeechobee County that charged him with grand theft and tax fraud of over $20,000 but less than $100,000. He was also arrested in June of 2004 on a "charge- of uttering a 'fforged instrument. He went to trial and was acquitted of that charge by Judge Robert Makemson. Since Varnum's latest arrest, a weary Detective Zeigler has been in the process of contact- ing the 30 victims to tell them that Varnum's been arrested and now they need to set a date to meet with the state attorney. "It's been exhausting," said the detective of the two-year investigation. "I haven't been able to find him in the last two years. We heard he was in Vero Beach, Punta Gorda, Sebastian and a couple of other places. FHP finally got a break and found him." According to State Attorney Ryan Butler, FHP was the origi- nal investigating agency when the initial complaint was filed in 2003. FHP has jurisdiction since mobile home licenses are regu- lated by the Department of Motor Vehicles. Simply put, the OCPD detec- tive indicated complaints were, filed against Varnum alleging fraud and grand theft. Detective Zeigler said Varnum would, at the time of purchase, accept multiple deposits from cus- tomers without ordering or delivering their mobile or modu- lar home. He said the losses sustained by the 30 victims are over $940,000. And to some, the money they lost was everything they had. "Some of the victims have had to move in with their sons or. daughters to survive financially," said Detective Zeigler. He went on to say if anything comes of this case, he hopes it is better regulation in the mobile home industry. One regulation he hopes to see is that when someone orders a home, their money is placed into an escrow account: "There's no provision by law to keep customers' funds in escrow accounts. The industry doesn't require that," he contin- ued. "Many of the victims thought their money was pro- tected. "There have been a lot of tears cried in this office," added Detective Zeigler as he recalled, talking to victims in his OCPD office, where boxes upon boxes marked "Varnum" are stacked on his desk. By Monday afternoon, Detec- tive Zeigler said he had contact- ed about half of the victims and told them that Varnum was under arrest. "A lot of them are ecstatic. I had one lady tell me she loved me," he said with a smile. "They're looking for closure in all of this. They want to put this behind them." Neither Detective Zeigler nor Mr. Butler knew if Varnum has an attorney. Crime Stoppers The Palm Beach County Sher- and neglect of iff's Office seeks the public's a child. help in locating Gregory Lee, 39. If you have Lee is a white male, about 6 information feet tall with black hair and' on this person or about any green eyes. He has a scar on his crime, contact left leg. His last known address is the Palm Old U.S. 27 in Clewiston. He is a Beach County heavy equipment operator. He is Sheriff's Office wanted on a felony warrant for at 1-800-458- Gregory violation of probation assault 8477. Lee Glades County Arrest List The following individuals were arrested by the Glades County Sher- iffs Office. This column lists arrests, not convictions, unless otherwise stat- ed. Anyone who is listed here and who is later found not guilty or has the charges against them dropped, is welcome to inform the newspa- per. We will confirm the informa- tion and print it Information for this column was provided by the Glades CountySheriff's Office,. eShawn Moore 45 of Ft. Laud- erdale was arrested April 22 by Bryan Enderle on charges of Pos- session of Cocaine, Possession of Cocaine with intent to sell, Posses- sion of a weapon by a convicted felon and Display of weapon dur. ing a felony. He was later released on a $40,000 surety bond. *Rickie Cook 45 of Lakeland was arrested April 23 by Sgt. Dewayne McQuiad on charges of Possession of controlled substance without prescription and posses- si5n of marijuana under 20 grams. He remains in custody with bond set at $5,000. *David Mitchell 26 of Lakeland was arrested April 23 by. Sgt. Dewayn McQuiad on charges of Possession of cocaine Possession of a controlled substance without prescription, Possession of Marijua- na under 20 grams, and Possession of drug paraphernalia. He remains in custodywith bond set at $7,500. eClayton Wetherington 25 of Moore Haven was arrested April 25 by Deputy Jason Griner on the charge of Battery (domestic vio- lence). He was later released on his own recognizance. *Jose Olivarez 30 of Okee- chobee was arrested April 26 by Deputy Deputy Leslie Fuce on an active warrant for violation of pro- bation. He was later released on a, $10,000 surety bond... eTarina Williams 30 of Clewis- ton was arrested April 27 by Sgt. Ronnie Baker on an active Hendry County warrant. She was later released on $3,000 surety bond. *Samuel Allison 29 of Clewis- ton was arrested by FHP Officer McGrede on the charge of driving while license suspended. He was later released on his own recogni- zance. *Jamie Sinih 58 of Okee- chobee was arrested April 29 by SPD Officer Goodman on charges of Driving under the influence, driv- ing while license suspended, reck- less driving and open container. He was later released on a $750 surety bond. *Donnie Thomas 51 of Arcadia was arrested by Deputy.Wayne Stripling on charge of reckless driv- ing, driving under the influence and driving while license suspended. He remains in custody with bond set at $750. Deputy injured in adult melee at softball game OKEECHOBEE Thomas Gre- gory Barnes, 21, Moore Haven, was charged with felony battery and booked into the Okeechobee County Jail under a bond of $5,000. Barnes was arrested after he allegedly knocked an off-duty Okeechobee CUo.'- Sheriff's Office. (OCS@) uncons,e.. .'s. According to a report by OCSO Deputy Corporal Jack Nash, OCSO Deputy Tim Higgins was transport- ed to Raulerson Hospital by Okee- chobee County Fire/Rescue per- sonnel with facial injuries. Cpl. Nash's report states that shortly before 8 p.m. on Saturday, April 29, he was summoned to the softball fields on N.W Ninth Ave. in Okeechobee in regard to an argu- ment that was getting out of con- trol. Barnes said he thought he was being attacked so he struck the man until he let go, wrote the cor- poral. According to the OCSO report, Cpl. Nash spoke W\ilh several other witnesses. Statements from those witnesses indicate that Deputy Hig- gins was trNing to calm everyone and was trying to separate Barnes from Ihe crowd. OrENiNG NOVEMBER 2006. THE W OF DAYTONA BEACH. The Ultra-Luxarious Oceanfront Condominium with Concierge Services and Golf& Spa Privileges. Oceanfrnt Po ol with Sun Terraces and Lush Gardens Ultra-Luxury 2 and 3 Bedroom residences with Fireplace, Panoramic VIL% Balc,.nic', Gourmet Kitchaens and Designer Baths. Call today 1-866-741-8317 www.oceanvistasdaytona.com S'^":''* Metal Roofing T E WART Replacement Shingles OT U N Structural Repairs CONSTRUCTION F Mold Remediation *SEBRING, FL ".- B Additions ROOFING REMODELING RECONSTRUCTION 1821 Lakeview Dr. Sebring 863-385-9403 Email: mark@mcscontractinginc.com www.mcscontractinginc.com SLic. CCC1325639 Lic. CBC047717 .: ^ TOUCHDOWN - SBREAKFAST 10% OFF 2 Pancakes, 2 eggs, 2 bacon Breakfast, strips and 2 sausage links Lunch or I- I Dinner I Not valid w/any other Mk$ 2 1g offer Exp 5/31/06 r^ m --- * 10% OFF'i i Breakfast, I I Lunch or i S Dinner Must Presnt Couponr 1030 West Sugarland Hwy.-, I Not t'ad 1i.v any otier I Clewiston, Florida I rE.L 5. 306 863-983-3663 ,Yn /o OFFICE IS CLOSED 'M! DUE TO HURRICANE DAMAGE We would like our readers and the community to know that we will not be returning to the 626 W Sugarland Highway (US 27) location, and are now seeking an alternate office space in Clewiston more suitable to our needs. We will announce in your paper when we have done so. We will continue to publish your newspaper every Thursday Below is information on how to get in contact with us. We will be working out of the Caloosa Belle office located at: 22 Fort Thompson Avenue TaRelle, FL 33975 Caloosa Belle: (863) 675-2541 fax: (863) 675-1449 Editorial Email Addresses: Clewiston News: clewnews@newszap.com Glades County Democrat: gcdnews@newszap.com The Sun: sunnews@newszap.com Subscriptions: (877)-353-2424 Advertising Email Address: southlakeads@newszap.com To Place a Classified: (877)-353-2424 email address: classads@newszap.com Billing Questions: (800) 426-4192 email address: billteam@newszap.com Delivery Questions: (877) 282-8586 email address: readerservices@newszap.com By Mail: CLEWISTON NEWS PO BOX 1236, CLEWISTON FL 33440 m Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 4, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 4, 2006 .. ... .. -- .. '01 DODGE CARAVAN '94 TOYOTA PICKUP CORT 4 DR. '00 FORD FOCUS 4 DR. '97 DODGE CARAVAN '01 DODGE CARAVAN '94 TOYOTA PICKUP L STK622i7A ST061357A T06A ST061408A T 0 03 5 B I $4~. S'97 NISSAN MAXIMA STK#62757A LirC~ 90r,~, 1~ '99 CHRYSLER 300M ST KI62683A .... V ., n ....... . % 31^. '00 DODGE CARAVAN '00 FORD EXPLORER XLS T" ^0 A .. ... 8 s .' . . .. .. .. .. .. '02 FORD RANGER XLT .' -: 6-9.A -! !: ~ ." : :..-:: , 4a - ..i-t- &;fi;:~ '93 CHEVROLET CHEYENNE ~Aklzb STK*60719A ..... .D ,.... .1 0 SL. '02 DODGE 1500 SLT --. STK#7026A y -43. r ..... *V-.-..-... .. %., i i... | + '___= ,- .... + + = +-+ + --------. .. .. ....- ------ -,. '99 DODGE RAM 1500 QUAD CAB '00 FORD RANGER XLT 4X4 '03 DODGE RAM 1500 TK 7 ,9 9 0 STKP2000 .............................................................. STK#61636A.... $1 6 ,8 9 0 '04 CHEVROLET COLORADO CREW CAB 4X4 '04 TOYOTA TUNDRA '05 DODGE RAM 1500 STK#60023A.................................................... ...... 18 ,990 ST61392A. 12,990 STK#62770A........................... ........ 15,990 '04 DODGE RAM 1500 QUAD CAB 4X4 STK#61031A....................... 18 ,99 0 '02 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 QUAD CAB '04 DODGE RAM 1500 QUAD CAB '04 TOYOTA TACOMA 4DR. STK#62488A 1 2,990 4 TO CHOOSE!.......... .... ............ ...... FROM 15,990 STK#62814A.................. $22,990 ..- L . .--. --------.-- ----------------.....t-- "'"- m ,- ... ~ ...- ... I~ ll,~kE~1\C~~B;mA PI '99 MAZDA 626 . STK#62957A........... ....... .................. 5 , '00 TOYOTA CAMRY LE STK#61101A $7,990 '01 CADILLAC CATERA STK#63214A 7,990 '01 FORD FOCUS 99 STK#61937A $8, '03 FORD TAURUS 9,99 STK#62715A '04 CHEVY CAVALIER '03 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER STK#612-10A ................ STK#PL6829A ................................ 3 ,9 9 0 '04 SATURN ION '02 VW JETTA STK#62205A .............................................. ....... STK#60958A 1 3 ,9 9 0 '03 HYUNDAI TIBURON ,'05 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER CONV. 5,990 STK#63017A................................................. STK#6596A.... '01 SAAB 9-5 WAGON '04 MAZDA RX-8 1 9 STK#62749A ........................... .... ................ STK#6867A................................. '03 FORD MUSTANG '03 ACURA 3.5 RL STK#61866B............................................................ STK#6781A ...........................................................,9 9 '02 DODGE CARAVAN '03 DODGE DURANGO $ '05 DODGE DURANGO TK#62291A ............................................................... ST K#60207A ......................................................... ST K#62967A ......................................................... , '00 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LTD. 4X4 '01 GMC SAVANNA 15 PASSENGER '03 MITSUBISHI MONTERO $*1 990 STK#63186A .............................. ........ .... ,9 STK#61413A ............................. ..................... STK#62054A.......................................................... 8 ,9 9 0 '02 DODGE CARAVAN '05 HYUNDAI SANTA FE '04 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LTD. 9,99 STK#61281A 8 ,9 9 STK#PL6818........................................................ STK#61958A.................................................. '02 KIA SEDONA g '01 TOYOTA RUNNER SR5 $1 9 '04 TOYOTA SIENNA LE AWD STK#62947A 9 ,9 9 STK#6785A......................... STK#60825A......................................................... '00 HONDA CR-V $1 990 '04 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN $ 5 '04 CHEVROLET TAHOE STK#62101B 1 STK#61868A.................................. STK#62955A............................................. I II SE "IABLA ESPAN VOL 7 PARLEZ VOLUS FRANICAJIS & CREOLE STORE HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY: 8:30AM 9PM SATURDAY: 8:30AM 9PM SUNDAY: 11AM 6PM Offers expire date of publication. Must present this ad at time of purchase to receive advertised offers. All offers to qualified buyers. With approved credit. Savings based off original MSRP. Dealer not responsible for typographical errors or omissions. Prices plus tax, tag & title. All vehicles subject to prior sale. See dealer for details. Art for illustration purposes only. '97 FORD ES v ,was Thursday, May 4, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee :. ;- EDUCATION Th r d y a 2 0 e v n h om u ii s s u h o a e O e c o e School Happenings a ... , lirI;?. tFh. newszap~com 'ommunity Lihks. Indivi Idual. Voices. a CON STRU MTON CORP. SERC'IO RUBIO 445 E. SUGARLAND HWY. CLEWISTON, FL 334D PHHONF,:-863-983-3457- VS0 JFAXx: 863-983-1t11-2, TrATE di~rIMD GENERAL CONTRACTOR LICENSE # Cr.C1508763 Specializing In Custom Manufacturing D & J'Machinery," Inc.' Hubzone Cert. 728 E. Trinidad Ave. Clewiston, FL 33440 863-983-31~71 Submitied to Glades County Democrat Kyle Hubbard in Mrs. Williams Class was Overall winner for 3rd Grade in the class' recent Solar System project. School News in Brief Glades County Schools Lunch Menu. Thursday, May 4 Tossed salad Tuesday, May 9 Turkey/ Gravy Salad dressing ~ Shepherd's pie -Rice-., Chol. Chip cookie Green beans Plackf; eye peas, ik-aieyVhite bread VWheatbread Peachesiet Fresh cherries Monday, May 8 Ml-ait Milk-variety Beef and Bean burrito Wednesday, May 10 R Iiday, May 5 Corn Chili-turkey and cheesetick Pizza Pineapple puff Curious George pk. French fries Milk-variety Milk-variety OPENING THIS FALL ?,. " 1/171E iINSRINS PRUCH001I - *FULLTIM5 E PRESCHOOL 8 AFTER CARE *3-4 YEAR OLD 5 DAY PROGFAM.W *ABEKAuS CURRICULUM *COMPUTER LAB *CERTIFIED TEACHER WITH 6~ YEARS 1EXP. *PRESCHOOL 8 A,M*- 12 P.M. AFTER CARE 12:PM. 5:15 PxM *EARLY D)ROP OFF AVAILABLE 7:30 A.M., 8 kk.. CALL To RzssRvE YOUR CHILD IS SPOT! OWNEsR: J9NNN1FER PRICE REGIS IR rf w 83-983-8494/863-673-2027 REGITER OW! 520 EAST ALVERDIZ CLEWIISTONll, ftommDB ATAM P11 11*3 bCI t'W 1; I IN ~ 2006 Dlinn er Cele~bration Date. Mfay 6th Time, 6.-OOPM Proceeds will 8o towards Plc:~~Cleitx onriub Student scholayships Dress: Casual ranging from $1000 to Frmr nomtono u coasis ii uwbieo $6000. Please praayeffulh j call us atoousolrsisvsi ouebito considey how ijou can 6-3-58 rmtiua contributed~ to a C616d~ life. 6-8-38o -a sa I ii-nancialassistanceoclewilstonchristianor 1W~ CCS Scholastic Book-Fair Corning May 15-19 A Tel: 86j3-983-5388 For mome information check our website: Wwwwcfewistonchristian.org For info about secondhand smoke, or to anonymously report workplace violations, call 1-800-337-3742. HE) A Lf Seriring the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 4, 2006 .~;-: r-,5f~ :~ .. i I: * "' i.-l.i. ;; rCI; 1 - ;; ,, I : ..*~ : ; r:k-- "' : ...; : Kevin Velasquez in Mrs.- Williams Class proudly shows off his display.. grade and each class had top three categories. FCAT online Moore Haven' Elerrentary FCAT scores for third grade arrived Monday. "MHES' third, grade beat the state average in Reading with 1415 vs. state avg. of 1382 and Math 1495 vs. 1409 for state average. The parents will be able to have~access on line at https://wWw.ffcatparent-- network.corr/welcoirii.do web- site on May 3, 2066. Moore Haven Elementary S~hool Third grade students at Moore 14aven Elementary have been doing a lot of "hands on" science. A unit on the Solar Sys- tem recently took off as students created models of the solar sys- tem that made their learning fun and concrete. The projects were displayed 'in the hallway ~for classesS to come by and view. Kyle. Flubbard was chose as the overall, 'wiinner in the entire - -- ---- --- Mrs. Pryor's students, Bronson Bass and Hannah Smith, show off their projects. is raffling off a new freezer full of :prime fed beef Tickets are on] N, $5 or 5 for $20 wit\ih the dra~!ying ,to be held May 12. The~proceeds of I his fundraising effort will pro- vide scholarships to graduating seni 'ors frorri Moore Haven High,, 'School. Tickets can be rpur- chased' at Chappy's Store in thakeport orat the Glades CouniN School Board Offiice in Mloore Ha~en. MHIIS, Class Reunlion The MHHS Class of '86 is hav- ing it's 20 year reunion on Homecoming Weekend this year. Planners are inviting the Class of '87 and Class of '88 to join~us, as well. They are in need ,of assistance in locating and notifying all members of the above class~es. The initial plan is to have a tailgate type get-togetri- er the night of the 1-16FITI~tdinin Game and, on the following day, have, a BBQ for the family at the City Park or.a similar location. Anyone interested in, assisting maycontact ,David -Lee at dlee-, 19.67(Evskyeone.com : or (863)946-25,12. Band plans Spring-Concert, The brand -ne~v West Glades Band 'is working g hard for its annual spring concert. on Thurs- day, May 18, at 7 p.m. The band, will beepromn a repertoire of special beginning band ~om- positions and solos and will highlight some featured soloists. Admission is Free. Dean Paul is, the director. Sch Warship raffle The Mroore Haven High -,:School Scholarship Foundation Memory Foam Pillo~w Top _:Queen,"Size Set $1,365, King Size set. $1,680 *bile Sp~ecial Supply Last Witb FREEE Local Delivery and Removal Jackson RlVI5- Iffore Furnishings &r Decor,~ At the Foot of the Bridge 340 North Bridlge Street 863-'74t?00 LaBelle Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 4, 2006 Engagements .) i SUNRISE APPLIANCE New In Box or Scratch & Dent Full Factory Warranty Save More Inr oore HEaven We Also Carry Used Appliances With Warranty 401 US HHw 2, Moore Haven 863946666 Emily Moore plans to wed Wayne Arthur in June. Lucritia Marahia Jackson and William E. Allen Jr. plan to marry in December. Jackson- Allen Michael E. Jackson of South Bay and Linda F. Johnson also of South Bay, announce .the engagement of their daughter, Lucrilia Marahia Jackson to \\illiam E. Allen Jr. William is the son of Gladvs F. Allen and the late, William E. Allen of Collins, 'Mississippi. NO ONE WILL WORK HARDER FOR YOU THAN JAMIE NAVARRO GIVE HIM A CALL ON HIS W O 30 Col orado Rd. Lehigh Acres, FL 33936 I r .i IAppr. liiMilot E..I1ijBci l Muic " iafc 1.r) kIL homic'rn ro 4 .: 11rr D homiic Ir rurr built i d: .i -ble ve',r rric f p i: .i.rihedrll ri n ,.. ,l,. .r ,,1 t.p-.[o ,., [ It It walk yat :,rrip~ !,ly ,rd IN- Irr, e 1r11f, ,pririlder tr .r .el th :,,e h.r m.,'Tfrplclh Itrnted in Orih :, p f,'i..' u i ht, --ASSOCIES: EDITH H-C--MAN- S.)I,,,, m:nB tO, rrT HACr:,MANN AND TIM S C: 699,900. 2,i ti h.. in %538,,000anacre'!I50 ASSOCIAE ED LOCATION! .' ri nn *' i l- ,,- l .On I',he ,comerl h j i"., i fIf Cr ia :lid, Vi u' i. rrt-i .--- 1 H-B ..: n :S a M| ibptiai-]ns fi -t REDi tl.J '. '[If i d.i_.a n e ,,' .. h i,,, b ,: ir s l r rd, ,,ll. 3/2 DUP IN TOWN. 50/MNO S n $9.900. VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS SALES BRAND NEW HOUSE PO INDY L ALEXANDER LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER LOCAD IN LH ASSOCtIA TES EDITH h ACKMANN 01 .RiS IN COTTDupl HACMANN AND TIM SPENCER S$1450. new plumbing ad tile t t unit. Aking 675-0500 . niBrOe 6ES!i & W IIIHITQII .31 ON MAR IN LULTR KING BSD I750M N O It,'.,uj h j,,,-_ ij. ,-, ju-dif ,,h, ,- ,. l i,: IN LEHIGHACHE S-This 4Bedroom/2Bath homehas 2,288 AFAC~G BFORS AE . sq. ft. on a laIge corner lot that is fenced in. Home has many IN PIONEERI 3Bedroom/2Bath, large doublewide mobile enras. Call for an appointment today. Asking $288,900. home on fenced in 2.5 acres. Dual fireplacewalk-in closets, PEDIUC outside building. Asking 199,900. IN DUPLEIN TOWNAC $750Home has 1,9 sq with 2 master RES in Pioneer Plantation. 79,000 bedrooms. Home is currently used as a 4/2. Has many upgrades and a fenced in backyard. This home is a must see.L nl. ffi. ., ..ji H21O,800 WE HAVE LOTS FI SA(LE IN L BELLEL, POT ,, ( .L T,, i,.~LL 1 I ti.',., 2- s,,r. 11 i,- J ic J .f .]f, ,-i :- IN PORT IABELLE. Large 3Bedroom/Bath, 1 car garage LABE MOORE HAVEN AND LAKE PLACID. CA1. LL plus dhn.0 fBishop Circle. Asking 185,000. FOR MORE INT HO LERMION J ,,J,:,',ll I'0'r'f J A 5 14 IN CAPE CORAL.-Duplex 3/2 on both sides, new roof $145,000. new plumbing and tike throughout units. Asking $325,000. IN ILRIGHACRES-This4Bedroomn2Bthhome has 2,288 ACRIAEmAIG E.O sq. ft. on a large corner lot that is fenced in. Home has many IN PIONEERI 3B3edmnom/2flath, large doublewide mobile extras. Call for an appointment today. Asking $288,900. home on fenced in2.5 acres. Dual fireplacewalk-in closets, .REDUCEDI outside buildings. Asking $199,900. IN LEHIGH ACRES. Home has 1,900 sq ft with 2 master 2.5 ACRES in Pioneer Plantation. $79,000. bedrooms. Home is currently used as a 4/2. Has many I tnsFO8LE upgrades and a fenced in backyard. This home is a must see.WIL $210,000. WE HAVE LOTS FOR SALE IN LABELLE, PORT IN PORT LABELLE. Large 3Bedroom/2Bath, 1 car garage LABELLE, MooRE HAVEN AND LAKE PLACID. CALL plus den. Off Bishop Circle. Asking $185,000. FOR MORE INFORMAIONr: pO _Home He-n ..... Builders Building Communities, One Quality Home at a Time! Hendry County's #1 Top Quality Builder Lucritia is attending Naturopath- ic medical school and William works in the biomedical research arena in the Seattle area. The wedding will be Decem- ber 16th in Belle Glade and the couple will reside in. Seattle, Washington. Moore- Arthur Mr. And Mrs. Bob Moore would -liice to announce the engagement of their daughter- Emily Moore to Wayne Arthur, son of Ms. Louise Arthur and Mr. Danny Arthur. Emily is thePhoto Lab Super- visor at CVS Pharmacy in Clewis- ton. Wayne is a working, co- owner of 3AW Welding in Clewiston. The wedding %will be June 24, 2006 at the first Baptist Church of Clewiston. RcjrmG OLwo RFAL F.;TATG 9UYEfI GUIOG 580 S. Main St. SLaBelle, FL 33935 l;" 863 HOMES: $589,000 PRICE REDUCED!- 3BD/2BAhomeon 2.34+/- acres in Naples H..rm. icilrtrc, prol barn, screen lanai, security s5)cuTm, dl f ircpljc eji-in kitin iand Murplrihn lu'.,I I.: mine j ifcw ofihr brnr in C.trii h. ,. fl ' $526,000 PRICE REDUCEDI- 4BD/3BAhome on 1+/- acre. Home has vaulted and coffer ceilings, a sound proof studio, moveable island in kitchen and an -above ground pool just to name a few of the luxuries that this beautiful home offers. * S3'4,900 ,B .'M .rulirtul 'ui i : irn ini's].J h.iff or, i,,r...u..u-'J I +. J.I. ,l itl cllc irl gJlcdJ Riverfront Community. * $179,900 2BD/2BA E'cellent ractirn or trtrrer home on a corner lot in P.'ri tiBell .,'):".i.u. liIr, room and separate dining room. Screen enclosed front ind bhic: h -i i'lo r h a icr' l: ...i..-h, ndr-j .T.ui Iftc : h '.-Ir.: J i I. kisJ: * $149,99)9 :BD lEi i p. :,uu: h.-in: Icriurc ..0:.r :4l 1: I': A: i, I r.]. '. J J J J'i Jt--b : t a .ui.d poi l * 594900 IB1 NCI..Ih ci4 ,,,Jclc.J t..,Le ., i r,,,ic ,- i ,:,, R ,ff-gi oic able warranty. Great investment potential or tirst time home buyer. MOBILE HOMES: $ 75,000 -lu,,..... r 3Bi 5.1 if .l1-k r.:,Tric M.u:c "i[i r) S,+ r,.tr. Ii,: .pJ ir rr hoimr Irji uii if. JJ.J ,l'r rt II ,, ., r rld., J ln..c ii ld ITruth m-vtc i'ch pr-pci I) hJ: J p:ilrl Ailh in fll ndiL d tbn.Je, i.n itr,.c g ,iunl pool, 2 barns and more. * $300.000 iBSD IBA mort.Jl honii In in lurc hi..h rests on 5+/- acres features a new well and roof. P,.p:cT L,.r i aI .cd inh j iii.bJ i.J pond * 1197,900 IBD 2BA ..:.rg :,u upi (lrd.j .uln.: ilucd in r icTIIc Th -ic it h. c kilUj Ji uir I I lr 1ni.:r pln nd il ci .wr, i ,...iJ,-I. .g r. in, ir i r i. .J .ir.irci room. * $139,400 to $151,900 There are (4) available 3BD/2BA manufactured homes and (1) available 4BD 2BA mjinuf.l:rurJd hl...i I ,itc l i if. .: El Rio Sutj djl' inlr.n Al nh'.'m i: .I- r .*i ,.+ .:'c iJ.r and , 1[l I n, J r, ..,..f u,:ll,:", :: f1,o :,l,,3Tll-.,ir|...,. J Olr . * $147,700 3BD/2Ba New Manufactured home with pantry, dual inl.:, ;.iJri, it.. '.lJrji' shower and skylight in the guest bathroom. * $112,500 $120,500 Manufactured Homes New and under construction in the Moore Haven Yacht Club. The Moore Haven Yacht Club is a 55+ "owner- ship ph Ci dl I'o. J., f1i: ::' il'.-i ,J cici * PRICE PEDLCED $110.000 2;[,. IBA mobile home on 2.5+/- acres in Clewiston. Enjoy peaceful country living year round or as a weekend getaway! * $18,900 3BD/2BA mobile home in Ortona. The mobile home is partially furnished. The lot is sur- rounded in beautiful palm and oak trees, * $55,000 PRICE REDUCEDI- 3BD/2BA Nice cor- ner lot in LaBelle with a manufactured home located dose to schools, shopping and restaurants. ACREAGE: * $1,500,000 Hwy 27 frontage. Currently Auto Salvage yard. * $1,250,000 16.04+/- Acres Great Development Opportunity! Close to schools, recreational park, town The Glades County School Board Will Hold A Special Meeting On May 16, 2006 at 10:00 a.m. In The- Glades County School Board Meeting Room 400 10th Street, SW Moore Haven, Florida Items On The Agenda Will Include Student Recognitions And Approval of a GMP For Hurricane Repair And Moore Haven Elementary Administration Renovation Project WHY RENT WITH LISTINGS LIKE THESE? SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Bank of America Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com Now with an office in LaBelle at 415 WN. Hwy 80 Call for an appointment ASK ME ABOUT OUR SPECIAL LOAN PROGRAMS FOR TEACHERS. MEDICAL WORKERS, LAW ENFORCEMENT. AND FIREFIGHTERS h,.:: jr,i iT,uih nTic' * $988.025 r *ch.,u.~ :. ,.,ff:e ..r, I .+ .tcre I'n' :l i LIn'iJ ,ui', S i!' r(': r jinJ 1jrg nn: l ,r l.c l' ii -lejrl bill ul hr-1-Ai * PRICE REDUCED $900.000 -6i+ Had to find a,.r .. ,dir,irg Btr,.,..l [Iiilfcrr in m L.Ee Pjde r,:J d * $850,000 -in.,+. r, ci tbcluuiulll s.:lnuded with prFiuIc p':'iod.> .:jbl:,: p.filmid o.l k * $650,000 .+ .rc in ih. hnrt ol AhlAl :on bus) * PRICE REDUCED $450,000 Bulid sour dream country home on these 4-,I i c cilGre lixhJrlin' Close to LaBelle, Alva & Fort Myers! * $3i9.000 :fc+ .- .:'. r j t[r1ropi ild ening in i.,I r Hin ijcriF:.opr Icliuio c dll i~ns.i:cf r : fruil i.c iN, plninri. "h: 'n nr,. 'ridP I ..1 hionTc ire Ik.h - ed on the property,. Home is to be sold "as is." * $272,000 10+/- acres with pines,a pond and shed. * 4 -149.900 -'** \..r' i -...,d i ilht li' *A,.'.- ti UDBRiLONTRACT * $98,900.- .;*+ r.. it c i fj.i c ii.M.iiiurr Thci er. single j ll Reei P"l fllNf j rty. The mobile home is to be sold "as is." HOMESITES: * $25,500 $72,900 Call for more information about 3 available lots in Fordson Park. The lots have been nicely maintained and are close to everything in LaBelle. * $29,900 $34,900 Mobile home lots available in 55 and older Community located in Moore Haven Yacht Club. Call for more information. CALL FOR AVAILABLE HOMESITE IN PORT LABELLE. MONTUR& AND LEHIGH ACRES RENTALS: * $950/Monthly 3BD/2Ba home in Ornona. ment property! Only $67,000 each * Corner lot in Unit 102 wAarge oak. Beautiful lot for your dream home. $54,900. - * Triple lot in Unit 6. $49,900 each * Double lot in Unit 9. $49,900 each. * Beautiful wooded 1+/- acre homesites! Outside LaBelle limits but only minutes from town! Just offE Road. Don't miss owning acreage close to LaBelle. $46,900. J K^ur Mtmfntt r-i^*Lt, i EsNew Horizons Real Estate Corp. We have "move-ln ready" homes available now 9024 Maywood Cir, Cypress II. 312/22 9016 LamlkiJn Cr. Madison II, 3/2/2 5005 Pike Lane. Madison II. 3/2/2 Oante .flASnC .,. mafl413%iou. fl. *4OS.Ovuu 9002 E. Broad Cir, Buttonwood. 312/2 $218.900 FREE Pre-Qualification with: CHL Home Mortgage, LLC. (863)612-0012 AMNOWM m are M Kerx-ST V01Mz. Fail Call 863-612-0551, or Toll Free, 866-224-8392 www.chihomebuilders.com CGC061264 *All spec. Homes Include %' acre home site **Paved Roads**County Water*Power"Schools In Subdivision" SJust like NEW! 3BR/1.5B CBS home within walking distance from shopping. Features include new berber carpet, ceramic tile, all new cabinets and much more. Priced to sell at only $119,900. *2' V ni.liif ,,'lr. i f .LaLt. N OFFER! Genuine ..-iii, f.:.l II i'r. iu- being at this beautiful ,i ,2 i.., -: .. i .. ,. I.J rwoodwallsandceil- .- ".. -.'. .f, super large work- shop with RV parking. Majestic Live Oaks make the ,. l .. 1,: 4:1 nI" '' I I o '' ":; ,, :urselfBto see! $(.N.9)iu I f1- ,.I,,1., ,I h tll,: ,.-... jrl,: 1.8R/1B CBS I -t, ,1, l I ..I.,.,, .,f,..: n., I rBelle limits. E.... ..,-. lhi ..n ill .. .I ,I-I -c -., r 'r, Icondition- I. ,, I, .1,,, ,., j,.I hint deck to HOP, SKIP & A JUMP! Only minutes separate you from banking, shopping, schools and much more. This 3BR/2B home has it all. From it's fenced back yard, spacious rooms, wood burning fireplace, new kitchen cabinets and storage galore! Best of all after a hard days work you can sit out on your lanal and enjoy the sunset over the lake in Lehigh Acres. Only $219,900. *REDUCED! PERFECT STARTER HOME! 2BR/IBA CBS home located in LaBelle on a quiet oak filled street. Features new flooring and a fenced back yard. P . * Just 1.Rl/v K id F lTalk- ing distance from shopping. Features include new berber carpet, ceramic tile, all new cabinets and much more. Priced to sell at only $119,900. t._M __aii.iL__, oM Mi * sack on the market! mlhs .+/- acre mini estate makes relaxing easy with a 3BR/2B manu- fctured home. Featuring ceramic tile, textured walls & spacious kitchen. Only $179,900. * Running out of room for your family? This huge 2005 4BR/2B manufactured home boasts, 2,304 sq ft of living space and sits on 2.34 fenced acres in the quiet rural community of Double J Acres. Country living just a hop-skip away from LaBelle or Ft. Myers makes this a perfect location! $269,900. * Back on the market! This 2.5+/- acre mini estate makes relaxing easy with a 3BR/2B manufactured home. Featuring ceramic tile, textured walls & spa- cious kitchen. Only $179,900. * Tired of the Circus? No clowning around about the calm you'll enjoy in this spacious 3BR/2B MH on clearUlHPER IO)MsNCFiM& ut the huge horse barn and workshop. Box stalls, feed room large workshop. Lower your blood pressure! $169,900. * 3BR/2B mauVfte pe in Immokalee. Features new ciSl fft fenced corner lot. Listed at only $155,900. * Relax the rural way! Situated on 1.25 ac in grow- ing Montura, beautiful new 2006 3/2 manufactured home with over 1100 sq ft of living area ready for occupancy. SELLER FINANCING AVAILABLE! $149,900 * Location of a Lifetime! Generations will file past well-traveled location of this 8+/- acres on SR 80 in Alva. Over 1,000 ft. of road frontage and 3 existing entrances off of SR 80. Cleared with well and elec- tric. Time's on your side in this investment! $2,750,000. * The opportunities are endless! Bring your invest- ment d "llasJere 25 be4 tti.Wt lifW 27 except forth majestic Live Oaks. Bring your ideas and see! $650,000. * 5+/- acres in Pioneer Plantation. Suitable for site built home or manufactured. Only $170,000. * Uncramp yourself on this spacious 2.5+/- acres on Evans Rd. with a pond and fenced for livestock. So say goodbye to city pressure and enjoy the coun- try. $130,000. * 1.84+/- acre located off Jacks Branch Rd. in Muse. This property has lots of oaks, pines and palm trees. Perfect for the nature lover. Priced at only $95,000. * Genuine Country Feel! Days gone by are back! Relive the best on this private & secluded 2+/- acs. Fresh air special! $93,900. * Call for prices on all our Montura Listings! I --- er--m- B * Hard to find double lot in growing Port LaBelle Unit 102. $119,800. * Drop dead gorgeous! If you're looking for the dream lot for your new home look no further. Located in the sought after Belmont S/Diin LaBelle. This .37+/- acre is truly a dream come true. Only $79,900. * .29+/- acre in the Belmont S/D. Priced to sell @ only $67,900. Possible seller financing. * 2 Lehigh Acre lots zoned for duplex. Great invest- * Prime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel located near West Glades Elementary in Muse and just minutes away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot. * Prime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel located near West Glades Elementary in Muse and just minutes away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot. * Sable Palm R/V Campground truly a 50 acre gold mine!! This beautiful property features a 10 acre 70 site R/V campground located off US27 in the peace- ful country side of Palmdale. The park even has its own fishing lake and grass landing strip. The remain- ing 40 acres could accommodate several hundred additional R/V sites. $2,800,000 * Loaded with possibilities! 2 steel buildings with over 5,800 sq ft of work area on 1+/- acre. Zoned for Heavy Industrial use. Currently is fully rented out to 3 businesses. Listed at only $525,000. * Prime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel located near West Glades Elementary in Muse and just minutes away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot. * 1.18+/- acres zoned C-1 commercial just South of LaBelle with 175+/- feet of frontage on SR29 and frontage on Luckey Street. Asking $450,000. * Investor's dream! By purchasing this commercial cornvk I Vy a kk ntal income could mtiply your vest this site now! $165,000. * Beautiful .25+/- acre corner lot in downtown LaBelle w/great potential. Currently zoned for duplex or single family w/a possibility of rezoning to Business. $119,900. Thinking About -Where youf'IfCome 'Up WVitTeh Adi~hh.ooney For A w liome? 2181 N.Big t aelF 33 863675886 1_ c\, Lc Ra *l Boc ,isbb AnB Aoiis ;1(1: 1NIdr LnaD lcDbs p.mc Inc.,lbx m ineoKxi esn Thursday, May,4, 20()6 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 4, 2006 Serving the con'imunhties south of Lake Okeechobee ---- ----- - -- ----- ---- --- -----r~ II ~*'' - ------- EK ''L L SOil& Filter Change wata 16-Point Vehicle CheMkup $22.95 -- INCLLOES :" ri.;; ..-:;' :epjacement up to 5 qt - .- l filter. 4 1 ., I.,-1- .f .n .... . ... . dIe -:.pi:5!/0, I' I I I I : :: -( f- %semi-synthetic and -, i.1tir .-L t.;:" . 'l.l inspection of these andi .: i .n iI items not i t - a* ircea/tr pressure .r.! mixtrximaJks VV indshield wipers . Extmsort Lamps BEatsfHoosn S Air Iiltttr 9 :r does not include repairs which may be required after inspection.. SAsk SerPvice Advaislorfor r-; iar -ini ,pi '=\ Expires 5/10/06 MWopar Value Line Brake Pad or Shoe Replacement f . $119.95 < INCLUDES: FroInt or ro.r disc brake pad or shoo rcplace.ncntt .ihi M. o It IVo r 'i Value Limne Brakes ( ck I. k (: Ram Heavy-Duty .1x4,2500/3500 trucks higher Vehicles not -tvurod by Maopar Value Line brakes are hifuher Expires 5/10/06 HAMIPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP HENRY COUNTY'S ONLY 5-STAR -EHCHRYSLER-DODGE-JEEP DEALERS iCHRYSLI ERI It really does make a difference! .r ~ IBITS^TX^T^'T B31TI ftlU 1^ Mitft <4~ l^AA M 'j RgIgfCff '^^^r^ (863) 983-4600 202 W. Sugarland Hwy. Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 Prices Plus Tax, Tag, Title & Fees. Sale Good Thru May 10, 2006. All Vehicles Available At Time Of Press. ---------- Il ~s~ Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 4, 2006 -- Water management important to every Floridian A home-brewed pot of morn- ing coffee and a quick drive to the grocery store probably don't get you thinking about water man- agement. Yet you benefited from it in many ways. From the flowing tap at your kitchen sink to the well-drained roadways through- out your town, water manage- ment smoothed your way. Even the green lawns and the protected wetlands.you may have driven by are there because of careful water management. Who provides this vital serv- ice? Most directly, it is local water utilities and public works organi- zations in your city or town. But who works behind the scenes, keeping the water flowing for them? That's the job of the South Florida Water Management Dis- trict. This government agency takes on the many tasks of man- aging water in a 16-county region that stretches from Orlando to the Florida Keys and from Fort Myers toFort Lauderdale. Carol Wehle, executive direc- tor, describes the District's com- mitment to carrying out its broad mission. "Our agency works around the clock to. meet the water needs of 7 million people, thousands of businesses-includ- ing vast agricultural lands-and various habitats and ecosystems in the natural environment," Ms. Wehle said. With responsibilities much broader in scope than a local water utility, the District addresses water issues at the regional level, managing flows in South Florida's primary rivers, lakes, canals, wet- lands and estuaries. An important part of this responsibility is provid- ing essential flood control, work- ing with local and county facilities to quickly and safely move water S.. Hendry County Commission M meeting Chairman Darrell Harris was impressed with the way the two Continued From Page 1 boards and staff met the chal- the importance of issues that lenge of their first meeting. cross the county line "issues "We'll continue as needed," he like water, development growth said,' and we 'need to get Lee and traffic I could go on, and and Charlotte counties involved, on." too". Editor Continued From Page 1 among the best that I have worked with across the country and I take pride in the fact that I have worked with some of the best. Jose brings a lot of youthful energy into this position, but at the same time brings a solid foun- dation of news experience that will serve our communities well." Mr. Zaragoza's journalistic progress has been steadfast thanks largely to his unyielding commitment to the communities in which he serves. "Since starting work here, I have developed a strong connec- tion with the community and I look forward to the many excit- ing prospects the future holds for the cities and towns around the lake," he said. "There's no doubt about it, change is coming to our area and it will be up to our resi- dents to decide whether it is ulti- mately good or ultimately bad. Our job is to provide the unbi- ased information' necessary for our citizens to make their own determination." Mr. Zaragoza is intent on maintaining the high quality of standards that is INI's commit- ment. "Our newspaper will continue to serve in the role of the home- town paper, and my goal is to embrace all of the things that our residents would like our paper to be," he said. "The newspaper has become an important 'bulletin,' a weekly catch-all document, that our readership has come to rely Students Continued From Page 1 County, asking state and federal agencies to flood out the agricul- tural communities in lieu of the continuing pulse releases into the river. The Moore Havens students launched a campaign of their own, one designed on education. Through, a thorough fact finding mission, the students gathered facts and figures on what was actually occurring within the Caloosahatchee River and where the bulk of their problems were stemming from, which pointed an appropriate finger to the mas- sive development of areas to the north, more so than Lake Okee- chobee, although everyone agreed at that time that pulse releases were not helping the situ- "Our newspaper will continue to serve in the role of the hometown paper, and my goal is to embrace all of the things that our resi- dents would like our paper to be. The news- paper has become an important 'bulletin,' a, weekly catch-all docu- ment, that our reader- ship has come to rely upon. My aim is to con- tinue that tradition." Jose Zaragoza, news editor upon. My aim is to continue that tradition." Mr. Zaragda may' be reached by email at jzaragoza@newszap. com. Items for publication in the newspapers should be sent to the following addresses: Clewiston News clewnews@inewszap. cor; Glades County Democrat - gcdnews@(newszap.com; The Sun sunnews'n newszap.com. Former News Editor Mark Young resigned as of April 28. Mr. Young said he will be the general manager of new Florida sports publication and that he proudly turns over the reigns of the news editor position to the former senior reporter. alion. The students developed a power-point presentation that has been seen and applauded by local, state, and federal agencies alike. As part of their reward in their continued mission to be involved in educating the public, the students were invited to Talla-. hasee under the sponsorship of State Senator Dave Aronberg (D- Greenacres). Eight students and Ms. Drake took the trip to the state capitol where they attended a House Water and Natural Resources Committee meeting to discuss House bill 1241, which involves the Caloosahatchee/St. Lucie Rivers Corridor. The bill, sponsored by Rep. Trudi Williams (R-Ft Myers), was already known about by the stu- dents who had heard of the bill during the nine-county coalition in, storm-related emergencies. During a drought, the agency manages limited available water supplies and calls for region-wide conservation efforts. The District also protects water quality with pollution prevention requirements and ongoing moni- toring programs. Additionally, the agency safeguards the natural environment, including a partner- ship with the federal government to revitalize the Everglades ecosystem. "All of these tasks are accomplished with public involvement and a commitment to public service," said Ms. Wehle. That's a lot to think about dur- ing a trip to the grocery store. Yet managing water is only part of what this agency does. By monitoring water quality, depths and flow in lakes, rivers, canals and wetlands, District scientists continue to gain deeper knowl- edge about the region's unique ecological needs. By bringing land into public ownership, long- term restoration projects can move forward. By constructing new pump stations, water storage sites and wastewater reuse sys- tems, the District stays prepared to meet the needs of South Flori- da's rapidly growing population. The expertise needed to pro- vide these many services is excep- tional. Engineers, land managers, meteorologists, heavy machine School Briefs TechBridge Youth training program TechBride Youth training services a program that is dedi- cated to enhancing the employa- bility and work readiness skills of Out of School Youth between the ages of 16 and 21 who live in the Hendry/Glades area, is presently accepting applications for enroll- ment and is ready to assist young adults who are ready to deploy on the road to success. In associ- ation with the Clewiston Adult School and the Clewislon Career and Development Services Cen- ter, we offer students the oppor- tunity to obtain their GED as well as conduct job searches and assistance with continuance of their educational goals. For more information contact Patrick Coleman at 1863)983-1300 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday - Friday. School Board meetings set Regular meetings \vill now take place on the second Thurs- day at 6 p.m. and the fourth Thurs- day at 9 p.m. in the Glades County School Board meeting room, -100 10th Street S\V, Moore Haven. School Accountability Report available The NCLB School Public Accountability Report from Moore Haven Junior-Senior High School is available on the school Web site http://glades.edgate.org/moore- haven/index.php. Copies of the report are' also available in the school's main office, 700 Terrier' Pride Drive SW, Moore Haven. FCAT scores available West Glades Elementary reminds parents that FCAT scores may be picked up at the school office, Monday-Friday 8 a.m to 4 p.m. GED classes set The Glades County School District is offering GED prep classes at Moore Haven High meeting, which had been held in Okeechobee a number of weeks ago. Some of the students toured FSU while the others.attended the committee meeting and senior Jennifer Haman \was able to testi- fy before the committee in regards to the students' ongoing project. Ms. Haman was received well by the committee who intends to appoint a 17-member board that would meet at least five times within the next year and who will then report directly to the gover- nor and the State Legislature to propose solutions to the problem. This committee will include representatives of all involved counties, including Glades Coun- ty representatives, which could include anyone from local politi- cians to tourism representatives, to local farmers. School, Room 26-003, for adults who wish to obtain their GED. Classes are Tuesday and Thurs- day nights from 6-8 p.m. You may register the night of the classes If you have any ques- tions you may call Scott Bass at (863)946-0202 ext. 13. Children's advocates are needed The Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) Program needs volunteers to rep- resent the best interests of abused, abandoned and neglected chil- dren before the court, social serv- ice agencies and the community. No special educational degree is required. Guardians need to be someone with common sense, good judgment and a commit- ment to helping a child. Atten- dance at three training sessions held in Fort Myers is required Please contact Kelie Hedrick at: i.239)461-4360 or (800)269-6210 lor more information, and to reserve your space for training. Accountability report The "No Child Left Behind School Public Accountability Report" for Moore Haven Elemen- tary School is now available in the elementary school office. If you would like a copy of the report, please stop by the office and one willbe made available to you. Stop the violence The Hendry ahd Glades Domestic aiid Sexual Violence Council's mission is to increase community awareness about domestic and sexual violencee and victimm safety by providing servic- es, refenrals and education relating to the affects of domestic.'sexual violence in our communitN. The meetings rotate between LaBelle, Cle%\iston and Moore Haven. To get involved in the council or for information about meeting dates and times, please call Abuse Council and Treatment, Inc.'s Rural Extension i REACT): (8631674-1811 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. to speak with an advocate. "This time we were on the same side with Sanibel and Lee County, as they were there in full force in support of the bill," said Ms. Drake. "This indicates a great step in the direction of inland and coastal communities working together instead of against one another" To further highlight the impact these students have had on this subject, the Moore Haven seniors received an award from SFWMD for their research on this project, at an April 12 meeting in Okee- chobee. SFWMD stated that the stu- dents' involvement in this very complicated subject has helped bring civility to the argument and has helped in finding common ground. "The county should be proud of our students and their work on this issue," said Ms. Drake. Clewi.son 965 W 5 00%: operators and wetland ecologists are just a few of the many profes- sionals who are part of the 1,700- member workforce. They are directed by a nine-member, poli- cy-making governing board, each appointed by Florida's governor. District headquarters are in West Palm Beach with field stations and service centers throughout the region. Established in 1949, the agency is the largest and oldest of Florida's five water management districts. Each covers one of Flori- da's primary watersheds: South Florida, Southwest Florida, North- west Florida, St. John's River and Suwannee River. Together they safeguard water for the entire Any Purchase .ve ..il r, .i L- UNDERSOLD C-.av onirl e : e Cll 1 II ,"1 IoI pnrl. : b, a T.3 Tu ju o .' lei L C .", p, r .: ; I ; h'r." j o I- . i:7 ,:.p l.l..r .' I .ll ,T ih &.Al.r pr.ce aO'd a The Glades County School Board Regular Meeting Scheduled For May 25, 2006 Has Been Re-Scheduled To Begin At 10:00 a.m. In The Glades County School Board Meeting Room 400 lOIh Street, SIW NMoore Haven, Florida The Agenda Will Include A Public Hearing Scheduled For 1:00 p.m. To Approve Proposed Changes To The Moore Haven Jr.-Sr. High School Student Handbook Copies of the Proposed Changes Are Available By Contacting: Mrs. Jean Prowant, Principal Moore HavenJr.-Sr. High School 700 Terrier Pnde Drive, SW Moore Haven, Florida 33471 (863)946-0811 Clinical Trials You may be paid $200 in I day If you might have any of these conditions, we NEED YOUR HELP for research: Mental retardation Gifted Seizures Alzheimer's Brain Injury We also need healthy people ages 16+, all races Non-invasive testing No medication Get paid while you learn Local office-no travel Call Dr. Bruce Borkosky, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist 800-514-0832 The disability specialist Ted Schiff, M.D. and the professional staff at Water's Edge Dermatology will treat you with all the care and expertise you expect. Adult and Pediatric Dermatology SDiseases of the Skin, Hair and Nails SSurgery of the Skin, Skin Cancer Treatment SMOHS Skin Cancer Surgery New patients are welcome. Medicare and most insurance accepted. NEW OFFICE: 542 W. Sagamore Ave. Building E, Hospital Annex Clewiston, FL 866-549-2830 f t ldWes Health Care Center s Skilled Long .& Short Term Care Facility Healthcare Services Include: *Specialized Wound Care Resident & Family Council Groups *Full Time Medical Director *Specialized HIV Care *Dialysis Support *Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapy *Alzheimer's Support Groups -24 hour Registered Nurse Staffing * Intravenous Therapy -Therapeutic Activities 230 South Barfield Highway Pahokee, Florida 33476-1834 PHONE: 561-924-5561 FAX: 561-924-9466 Other facilities in Gainesville & Bradenton Visit our website at www.florldacare.net LI P ED- C Experience the S E PRESSURE RELIEVING Tempur-Pi Swe C sMattess SWEDISH MATTRESSES AND PILLOWS You've got p to feel it to believe itTM .' Royal's FURNTURE See store for details. y APPLIANCES & BEDDING L - 117 S.: Deame Duff, Clewiston, 863-S83-4121 ONLY AVAILABLE AT ROYAL'S CLEWISTON SHOWROOM [ I INo Down Payment* & I V/SA w 90 Days Sam As Cash' J *WITH APPROVED CREDIT Ir~Lfll ~3C13 ~ = , ,, Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 4, 2006 ROYAL'S E-Z FINANCING AVAILABLE' state. In South Florida's subtropical climate, water management can indeed be challenging. With wet and dry seasons, hurricanes and .periodic droughts, extreme condi- tions may seem like the norm. "Fortunately," said Ms. Wehle, "after 57 years of ongoing service, the South Florida Water Manage- ment District knows what it takes to keep South Florida's feet dry, its thirst quenched and its natural areas protected." For more information about the South Florida Water Manage- ment District, see the link at http://www2.newszap.com/local; links florida index htm.) 0I of S15 or more.' i , II Ic.'.' ird a lo. I r pi r .:e o '-o r l.eT, ... .- u 1 .'', F,'ce Gi uaroa'i.e 'Je e S]r",' or, ,,-, ,&d ,ihCOl r, ;ol :,'. leT a1 a .a tj o GOu bal':l 1 i' 1ihe dj.H rer.: ..ihir, ,cour p.Ji hae '.l' -f1,-l 9.- I lII[,TuI, li1 I ,. iuqo. lon h 6 863-983-1108 10 . Opr Onl s M.2o6a per m iesr, p dy hm lomcmj~ni e~ ~Ojj'ijdlli_ ^ ThusdyMa 4 2006 tecmmntessuh fLkeOechbe1 __~lfit~-stca rtdf:rIbebrr/I~~f& j~;Yirz ~i 4siit Glades General Hospital's Nurse Managers (pictured jioi lefi): Ana Hilyer, Shelle' Nesbin, Patty Hood, Lynn Foley, Mar)y lieeks, Sharon Jones, Kimberly Sample . ... .. ,_ II 2006 Palm Healthcare Foundation Awards On Friday, May 5, Palm Healthcare and and WPTV NewsChanel 5 will sponsor the Fourth Annual Nursing Celebration Dinner. Several Awards will be given in several categories including, RN, LPN, Nurse Educator, CNA, NursingVolunteer, Nursing Leader and Nursing Student.These Awards are for nurses who have made an impact in Palm Beach County. One nurse will be selected from the above categories for Palm Healthcare Foundation's and The Palm Beach Post's 2006 Nurse of theYear Award.: Glades General Hospital is proud to announce that several of our nurse managers were nominated for awards this Vr fId- our, very own IN.. 1WW b RW A9. B W 4 ilie AI~lAd4. Congratulations Patty and please join us in ~ig professionals in our community! 0',. 46 STake a closer look at Glades General Hospital... you'll be impressed by what you see. GLADES GENERAL HOSPITAL 561-996-6571 1201 South Main Street Belle Glade, Florida 33430 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee 1 11 -L ....A .. R ~ r. .. :. :: :;~~i ir; ~arrt mylrrr%@% WAR-*1 "I think that we Kooo tho eot num ma oialon in ftilm s0;ath cu~ty ' iand admin istraton iand %taffrapreat e Thursday, May 4, 2006 14 SPORTS Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee CHS Tigers compete for track and field title By Bill Fabian JACKSONVILLE Clewiston track and field participants com- peted at the State Championships in Jacksonville this past weekend, resulting in some good finishes and impressive showings by the Clewiston men and women. Sim Putmon finished eleventh in the boys 400 meter dash, run- ning a preliminary round time of 50.76 and final round 52.19. Richard Pope, who ran 110 meter hurdles, finished but was eliminated with a DQ for running around a hurdle. Warren Wood ran 300 meter hurdles, finishing 12th. For the boys 4x400 relay, Clewiston runners finished ninth with a final round time of 3:28.39. The four participants in the relay were senior Daniel Collins, soph- omore Brian Lindsey, junior John Melton, and junior Sim Putmon. Junior David Pope threw shot put for the Tigers, finishing 15th with a total distance of 13.91 meters. Total team rankings for the women resulted with Clewiston women finishing in 30th place with six points from 17 events scored. The Clewiston Men fin- ished 25th with eight points from 17 events scored. FWC lists top catfishing destinations By Bob Wattendorf Kim Bonvechio and Phil Chapman Florida's freshwater catfish, including bullheads, are among the most popular for the table, and they are relatively simple and fun to catch. Many anglers bag them with a basic cane pole, bobber, sinker and small hook baited with earth- worms, just fishing along the bank for a good olewhisker-mouth. Florida Fish and Wildlife Con- servation Commission (FWC) biol- ogists have compiled this list of great catfish destinations and tips. Escambia River: Battle some big channel catfish from mid-April through June and early October into November if the water stays Sports in Brief Wanted: High school football officials CLEWISTON Have you ever thought about becoming a foot- ball official? Well, according to Nick Smith, Game Assigner for the South Gulf Football Officials Association (SGFOA), there has never been a better time. According to Mr. Smith who is a LaBelle resident and veter- an high school official, a very severe shortage of officials for all sports at all levels exists nation- wide. The demand for officials in Florida has outgrown the growth of the officiating ranks. Mr. Smith said the SGFOA will train, assign games and pay you for officiating high school games. Youth (Pop Warner) officiating can also be scheduled through SGFOA membership. The spring recruiting meeting of the SGFOA will be held Monday May 8, beginning at 7 p.m. in the cafeteria at Fort Myers Senior High School. All persons interested are invited to attend the meeting and/or call Nick Smith at (863)675-3502 for more. information. Lifeguards needed CLEWISTON The city 'f. Clewiston Recreation Department is hiring Red Cross Certified life- guards for the 2006 summer term. Starting pay is $9 per hour. Appli- cations are available at Clewiston City Hall. Big Bucks tournaments are coming CLEWISTON Fishing tour- naments will be held May 6-7, and June 10- 11.The Big Bucks Tourna- ments allow for larger paybacks and more prizes. These are two- day events with total two-day weight winning the tournaments. Multiple places \will be paid based on the number of participants. Entries may be picked up at local bait and tackle shops, on the Bass Busters Web site at www.bass- bustersflorida.com or by calling Chris Fickly at (941)232-9539. The Team entry is $200 and includes the Big Bass Jackpot. All tourna- ments run from Safelight to 3 p.m.. Sign-ups are accepted up until tournament start time at the city ramp in Clewiston. Coast Guard makes house calls LAKE OKEECHOBEE Did you know the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary makes house calls? They will come to your home to discuss the required safety equipment needed on your boat.- This service is free. You will receive a cordial, informative and confidential boat inspection. A vessel safety check decal will be placed on boats that meet all the requirements. Call 467-3085 to arrange a boat check. warm. Catch small catfish year- round, but expect the action to slowwhen it is cold. Apalachicola River Wear yourself out, hauling in big channel cats here from late May into early July. Flatheads pick up in April, and action runs into the summer. Small catfish bite pretty much year- round, but spring and summer months are best. Fish river bends and snags from Jim Woodruff Dam south, old creek channels, Lake Seminole backwaters and around mouths of tributaries. Choctawhatchee River: This baby has 30-pound flatheads all over the place, and several years ago, biologists collected and released a 46/2-pound channel cat- fish that would have been a new state record if they'd caught it on a hook and line. There's plenty of big channel catfish from May through early July and October into Novem- ber if the water slays warm. You find most of the big catfish in the northern half of the river. Small cats keep biting year-round but slower when it's cold. St Johns River and Dunn's Creek: Early May through June is the best time to go after big chan- nel catfish here. Small catfish always are around, but spring and fall seem to be the best times to land them. Fish Dunn's Creek to Lake Crescent, Murphy's Creek from the St. Johns River to Dunn's Creek and the river from Palatka to Little Lake George. Try the hole on the north side of Buffalo Bluff Bridge, but bring plenty of hooks and weights, sincelots of snags will costyou some tackle. Ocklawaha River: Keep your fish fryer ready, and go after big channel catfish May through June and October until mid-November. Small catfish stay hungry year- round here. Fish from Rodman Dam to the St. Johns River and the west end of Rodman Reservoir to Moss Bluff lock and dam. Catfish hang out below Rodman Dam in the spring. Put soy cake around fall- en trees the day before fishing to attract catfish. When the water is clear, night-fishing is the way to go. Ochlockonee River: April is when flathead catfish start biting, and mid-May into early summer, channel catfish join in, and the action stays hot until October or November. Small catfish bite year- round, but slow down in cold months. The Talquin tailrace area is a honeyhole. Suwannee/Santa Fe Rivers: Big channel catfish just beg to get caught here from late April through June. Small catfish bite pretty much year-round. Try the lime rock areas throughout the river, particularly the upper and middle reaches; deadfalls are best in the lower river. Clermont Chain of Lakes: You can catch cats here all year, but spring and fall are, best. Offshore, open-water areas, particularly near drop-offs or around bottom struc- ture are the hptspots. Canals and channels that connect the lakes are good too when the water is flow- ing. Commercial trotliners catch catfish with chunks of freshly caught gar in bigger channels and with honey bees in smaller chan- nels. Haines Creek: This is a good place to bag big channel catfish from mid-April through June and October and November as water temperatures begin to drop. Small cats bile year-round here, especial- ly where waler is flowing Try the creek between lakes Eustis and Griffin, especially below the lock and dam. Upper Kissimmee Chain of Lakes: Big channel catfish spawn- ing peaks between April and June. Bullheads primarily spawn from October into November but can spawn year-round. Look for mov- ing water. That's where catfish gather. Try the drop-offs in the canals and below the Kissimmee River structure. In and around the mouth of Shingle Creek is another good spot, and so are the fish attractors. Southwest Florida Lakes - There are lots of them Tenoroc Fish Management Area, Mosaic Fish Management Area, Hardee Lakes Park, Lake Manatee, Medard Park, Dover District Park and Stephen J. Wortham Park. Catfish angling is best during the warmer months, but these fish bite in win- tertime too. Catfish are usually most active in the morning and evening. Night-fishing can be out- standing sometimes. Fish on the bottom with a wide variety of baits from chicken livers to commercial stink baits. Larger catfish go for small shiners and minnows. Cat- fish concentrate around automatic fish feeders in lakes and ponds that have them. Around the feeders, use small pieces of dog food, bread and hot dogs for bait. Channel cat- fish typically school where the bot- tom drops off and also hang around the deeper, outside edges of weed beds. One more thing: The first 3,000 resident anglers to buy a five-year freshwater fishing license after March 1, 2006 will receive a pack- age of free fishing equipment in the mail automatically. This will likely continue to be available until around the beginning of June, but to be certain, visit MyFWC.com/Fishing/5yr- 2006.html. The license cost is only $61.50 and remains valid even if license prices go up, or you move out of state. Visit MyFWC.corr Fishing/Fore- casts for quarterly updates on fish- ing around the stale and more details about the best places to go. D 1 i Due to hurricane damages our Clewiston Office is temporarily closed please call us at our Caloosa Belle office (863)675-2541 or email us at southlakeads@newszap.com to place your adl Statewide Palms, Inc. 863 675 4844 (jlad^ od 125 II A I ,, BELa Eli 8100-573-7983 ww.ladesmotors.com ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL OUR CALOOSA BELLE OFFICE (863) 675-2541 OR EMAIL soutakeads@newszap.com FUNERAL HOMEa Vest Xlake FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATORY 805 N. Hwy. 27 Moore Haven (863) 946-1233 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL OUR CALOOSA BELLE OFFICE (863) 675-2541 OR EMAIL southlakeads@newszap.com SUNRISE APPLIANCE New, Used, Scratch & Dent 401 US Hwy 27 Moore Haven 863-946-2666 In Cm Y Dom JiP -k 01 W, lrlld lIB., elilts -63.H3.4600 1.888.200.1703 DR. MERCER'S DENTRE C BEST PRICES SAME DAY US 41 SOUTH FT. MYERS 1- 866-226-9400 a! .S2plary,l I 340 N. BRIDGE STREET LABELLE, FL 863-674-0003 lackson River Where Quality is oe in Style BankofAmerica SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com 415 W. Hwy 80 LaBelle GLENN J. SNEIDER, LLC Crimi Law 0okrul y Laxwy. Immigrant n Law 200 S.W. # Street Okeechobee, FL 34974 (863) 467-6570 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL OUR CALOOSA BELLE OFFICE (863) 675-2541 OR EMAI southlakeads@newszap.com rceasure Coast Demiatology --1Swaididain the Trmaltmem o(Sk! Cierx Tim loannides, M.D. Rick Romagosa, M.D. Robert S. Kirsner, M.D. PhD 1924 US Hwy. 441 N. Okeechobee 863-467-9555 FURNITURE APPLIANCES &BEDDING Ivit iewifi o r nJl it 'ebtidons: 3iit elle G6ale ImiolaI 'ke eOhoee ALAN KELLY MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes Principal Mortgage Broker 825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBelle, FL 33935 Office: (863) 674-0091 Fax: (863) 674-0095 Cell: (239) 707-4404 alankellymortgage@earthlink.net Reich & Mancini 1-888-784-6724 Worker' Compentalion N oSnD l Injury Soeda StiCly Dtisabillty Wmnqgfl ta Palm Cin lCon frPicrrc Prit St. I.,,ic \Trcl Paln IhiucIh lHca IH aon 1 1 - 370 Holiday Isle Blvd. I Clewiston 863-983-3181 Clewiston (866) 549-2830 Okeeciobee: (863) 467-767 Ft, Pierce. (772) 595.5995 Port St. Luctae (772) 335-3550 'c6ladaleds Nealeth CAre CeNTer 230 S. Barfield Hwy. Pahokee, FL 33476-1834 Phone: (561) 924-5561 Fax: (561) 924-9466 Email: GladesCare@FloridaCare.net THE OPTICAL CENTER located in FAMILY EYE CARE 100 N. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CAL OUR CALOOSA BELE OFFICE (863) 675-2541 OR EMAIL southlakeads newszap.com CONSTRUCTION CORP SERGIO RUBIO PHONE: 863-228-1174 FAX: 863-983-1112 445 E. SUCARLAND HWY. CLEWISTON STATE CERTIFIED GENERAL CONTRACTOR LICENSE # CGC1508763 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL OUR CALOOSA BELLE OFFICE (863)675-2541 OR EMAIL southlakeads@newszap.com HENRY REGIOWL MEDICAL CENTER 5S0 W, hmNuhI.Citm 663-O63-9121 Expect something extra." 1-800-SHOP CVS or Visit CVS.com OPEN 8am-10pm OR LONGER 7 Days A Week I-mUU-UULUjf a 1-561-683.I5$1 6500 Okeechobee Blvd. West Okeechobee & The Turnpike wwwarrigodcj.com Specializig In Custom Manufacturing DI J Machinery, Inc. Hubzone Cert. 728 E. Trinidad Ave. Clewiston, FL 33440 863-983-3171 *In The Old K-Mart Shopping Center* 965 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston (863)983-1108 Miss A Week Miss A Deal! TeITO'S LANSCAriNm 504 EAST VENTURA CLEWISTON, FLORIDA 33440 ASK FOR ALFONSO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL OUR CALOOSA BELLE OFFICE (863) 675-2541 OR EMAIL southlakeads@newszap.com Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee 14' SPORTS i i -I s a 4 20 S Insect spreads citrus greening INDIANAPOLIS Florida's citrus groves are under attack from an unseen assailant a disease that slowly distorts and discolors the leaves, renders the fruit useless and ultimately kills the tree. And, it could be much more difficult to manage than canker.' - "Citrus greening is a serious disease that is systemic in a plant and can go undetected for some period of -time," explains Michael Rogers, assistant profes- sor of entomology at the Univer- sity of Florida Citrus Research. and Education Center. "We don't know exactly how long it takes for a plant that's infected to begin showing symptoms. "Right now, the disease is present throughout the southern part of the state," he continues. "We don't know exactly how far it's spread. The fact that we can't diagnose or detect greening-pos- itive trees in the grove is a real problem for us." Greening is spread by an insect the Asian citrus psyllid. The pest has been present in Florida since 1998 and has become well established throughout the state's citrus growing areas. Consequently,. managing the spread of greening depends on controlling psyllid populations. "We can't eradicate the psyl- lid, because it's too well estab- lished in the state," points out Rogers: "But, managing infesta- tions will be important to slow the spread of greening. We'll, probably see several additional insecticide applications each year for psyllid management, especially on young trees." .Young citrus trees continually put out new leaves, or flush, and are the most attractive targets for Sepcial to INI/Douglas L. Calwell, Univ. of Fla. Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences The adult Asian citrus psyllid must be managed to stop the spread of citrus greening in Florida. psylla, which need new flush to feed and reproduce. In spring and early summer, when tem- peratures hold steady in the 70 to mid-80 degree range, a single female psyllid can lay as many as- 700 to 800 eggs. That creates the potential for psyllid populations to grow very quickly. "Psyllid populations are start- ing to build up right now," warns Rogers. "We had a cold snap several weeks ago, and psyllid populations dropped off a bit. Now we're,starting to see those populations rebound and build up on the flushes that are pres- ent." According to Rogers, an inte- .grated pest management pro- gram, including both biological: and chemical controls to keep all nursery arid young trees psyllid- Email: sandstravel@adelphia.net STATE OF FLORIDA REGISTRATION #ST36324 free, is the most effective means for controlling the pest and limit- ing the devastation from' green- ing. Groves should be scouted regularly, and those where psylla are present should be treated prior to each flush. "The most important thing when psyllid is found in your. grove is to manage them and slow down the spread of the dis- ease in that grove in order to maintain citrus production in an economically-feasible manner," Rogers suggests. The University of Florida rec- ommends several insecticide products for rotational use in psyllid control, including Admire, Provado, Temik, and Lorsban-4E insecticide. "The goal for insecticide use is to reduce the psyllid popula- tion," reminds Rogers. "It's kind of a numbers game. We need to lower the psyllid population to help slow down the spread of the disease." Many growers have found that the cost effective control of Lorsban helps keep psyllid pop- ulations in check, plus provides broad spectrum protection against other pests found in groves, including Citrus rust mite, scale, mealybugs, aphids, Whiteflies and fire ants. The product's quick knockdown action also allows for faster recolonization of beneficial insect populations, which are also important to psyllid man- agement. , "In countries that have been dealing with citrus greening for a number of ears, growers have been able to keep the incidence of the disease fairly low," says Rogers. "And part of that pro- gram has been using insecticides to manage psyllid populations and timing those insecticides properly when populations are beginning to build up." Lorsban is a trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC, Lorsban-4E insecticide is a federally Restricted Use Pesti- cide. Always read and follow label directions. Florida Citrus Mutual urges immigration reform Florida Citrus growers this week applauded the efforts of U.S. Senator Mel Martinez (R-FL) in working to bring about com- prehensive immigration reform. Florida citrus growers are encouraging congressional leaders to take action on the Hagel/Martinez bill when Con- gress returns to Washington next week. The Hagel/Martinez bill shows a clear understanding of the special needs of "Florida's citrus growers," said Florida Citrus Mutual Interim Executive Vice Presidenl'CEO Jay Clark. "We applaud Senator Martinez for ensuring that the bill recognizes and meets the unique challenges faced by citrus grow- ers and other labor intensive agri- culture industries." Ag labor has always been viewed as a special case and the Martinez'Hagei Compromise continues to recognize the differ- ences and challenges that labor- intensive agriculture industries face The compromise includes the reforms of the 50 wear old H2- A agriculture worker program to make it more user friendly and affordable for all growers. The current H2-A program is badly outdated and only encompasses about 2 to 3 percent of the entire agriculture labor force. Further, the Hagel/Martinez bill includes a one-time opportu- nity for trained and experienced agriculture workers who lack proper immigration status to undergo a background check, pay a substantial fine, a required commitment to stay in the agri- culture workforce for at least 3 years to eventually earn the right to apply for legalized status. In addition, the prevailing wage employers must pay agriculture workers will be frozen for the next three \ears to allow% employ- ers to adjust to the new program. These are all substantial improvements over the current. out-dated and badly broken agri- cultural worker program. "Comprehensive immigration reform is vital to Florida's citrus industry. As a group we are proud Senator Martinez has taken the lead on this issue," Mr. Clark concluded. Buy, Sell or Trade in the Classifieds, Pages 15-20 IL~II=~---- ~--l-------- ------T11 Wool Xfvsil ft 9 i ff el l I imi Q awn W6;-RK --- --- --- 3ZWZ :LJ ., --,.,- A. .,, ;... .. ... . Headlines Stories from Independent's 7 newspapers In South Central Florida, PLUS searchable archives. Post Your News Post or read press releases, announcements & information from your community. Public Issues Forum An open forum in which issues of the day ore debated sometimes vigorously. Post For Free Post your personal messages on on open Bulletin Board for Florida residents. 7m"m Local Links A directory of websites for location government, teams. organizations & columnists. Classified Ads The combined listings from Independent's 7 newspapers, distributed to 31,000 homes. Canal Point Pahokee Belle Glade South Bay Clewiston Moore Haven Ortona Muse North LaBelle Felda LoBelle Immokalee Pioneer Plantation Buckhead Ridge Okeechobee Basinger Frostproof --mm II .- , I4O I, Sgiarla HIy, iyerlesmtatercm NO ONE WILL WORK HARD- ER FOR YOU THEN JAMIE NAVARRO GIVE HIM A CALL ON HIS CELL AT (239) 822-9272 REALTY C. BAGANS FIRST 30 Colorado Rd, Lehigh Acres, FL 33936 OLDE TOWNE REALTY, INC. THERESA "TERI" LEE RANGEL Licensed Broker OFFICE # 863-983-0075 AFTER HRS # 863-228-1142 "The Road to Home" COUNTRY HOMES & LAND REAL ESTATE Kathy Hutchins Lic. Real Estate Broker Office: 863-612-0551 Fax: 863-612-0553 Visit Our Website at: CentralFloridaLandSales.com RIVERSIDE REAL ESTATE Comer of Hwy 80 & 45 South Riverview LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-2718 www.labelleriversi/e.com e mail: realestatet laeilleri side.com __ LMarilyn Sars .' Uienscd Real Eate Broker - MI$ T i LS I BARTON "The Sweetest EALTY NC Deal in Town", 1 ..... .v, 10 1, Ber11 l i (Icroll frm Valirit) rwv,ioit'reiltl,toi eew Hozons Real Estate Corp. 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 863-675.1973 e-mail: newlhoizons-e e@ea cItiilk.net If you are thinking of buying ___ or selling, give I A.LSI us a call! 'Rcn'lt' GrOtl'. hIIc. Lisa Andrews Lic Re. .lRt;Src Brokcr 238 N. Bridge *' F ?'6 v v .sf '^(> ^*S*^i' 417 / WV Miv., a i. nli 1 I'Wy. 863-983-6262 FPa 863-983-4464 Cedl Phones: Broker Lilia Jos4y 305-495,4739 Sales Associates: Alber'tol OF S 7i2, i i-3( 3 Gabriel Ros 786,281 -3003 r Carolyn hreas Realty, Inc. Carolyn Thomas 946-2005 I if I I V5, 0 REALITY 233 N. BRIDGE ST ON THE CORNER OF BRIDGE ST & WASHINGTON VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM :1 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT iMiLS r RENTALS SALES PORT LABELLE INN The OE OXBOW Lounge is OPEN Wednesday through Saturday 5 p.m. 11 p.m. HAPPY HOUR 5 p.m 7 p.m. 1 OxBow DRIVE LABELLE, FL 863.675.4411 CURTIS A. THOMPSON JR. REG, REAL ESTATE BROKER Sr CFRTIr;EL PR R ; NiL REA L ESTATE; APPRAISER RO'ii.! SERVICING WrrEP;,. P.A% \ B[ AH COUNTY 561-996-5264 v.w,ravrealeatate.com BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL OUR CALOOSA BELLE OFFICE (863) 675-2541 OR EMAIL southlakeads@newszap,com I1 ihen you need a service, call a professional! ,i e I for as little as $10.00 per week, per block. l 1 Due to hurricane damages our Clewiston Office is temporarily closed please call us at our Caloosa Belle office (863)675-2541 or email -= us at southlakeads@newszap.com to place your adl " ''' =1 To m - - --------- e E~ __a~~n~l~~~bn~~: Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 4, 2006 W M I:111; Thursday, May 4, 2006 16 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee .Toall . 1-877433-242 . .. .,., j -... ., .. ...j -, .. .." 0I 1i50 ^Ti -Sa 12000 1I300I ~III r- - ---- .. IIIA0 fnr nni, ne l itel ;ms fnr cnl sa nrle r n er2.0 Papers Mean More Readers! Reach more readers when you run your ad in several papers in N . our newspaper network. ; bOur newspaper network consists of eight papers one daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will reach more than 164,000 readers*! Call Today For Details! Sources: Pulse Research Market Survey; Simmons Market Research; INI Market Research Center Rules for placing FREE ads! To qualify, your ad Must be for a personal item. (No commercial items, pets or animals) Must fit into 1/2 inch S (that's 4 lines, approximately 23 characters per line). .. Must include only one item and its price (remember it must be $2.500 or less) Call us! No Fee, No Catch, No Problem! Announcements IT - Imp='rtan Irnformation: Please read your ad carefully the first day it appears. In case of an inadvertent .error, please notify us prior to the deadline listed. We will not be responsible for more than 1 incorrect insertion, or for more than the extent of the ad rendered valueless by such errors. Advertiser assumes responsibility for all statements, names and con- tent of an ad, and assumes responsibility for any claims against IIndependent NIewspapers. All advertising is subject to publisher's approval. The publisher re.er. Ithe righl 1. accept or rem.fi ij'y r all copy. and ir i-;, n ab:;.. rhth c,.p. the r'O.--r, '3 .,:ril,-emeni All ads accepted'are subject to credit approval AlI ad? must iconfr.:mrn i. li',dependent Nacwspper.' srle an are restricted to their proper classifications. Some classi- fied categories require advance payment. These classifications are denoted with an asterisk *. Auctions 105 Car Pool 110 Share a ride 115 Card of Thanks 120 In Memoriam 125 Found 130 Lost 135 Give Away 140 Garage/Yard Sale 145 Personals 150 Special Notices 155 900 Numbers 160 Bankruptcy Auction, Thurs- day, May 18, 10am- Prime Commercial Real Estate, Val- dosta, GA. 2pm- 211+/- acres divided, Lake Park, GA. Rowell Auctions, Inc. (800)323-8388 10%BR GA- LAU-C002594, www.rowel- lauctions.com. Estate Auction, 12 farms SW GA, plantation country. Ex- cellent hunting, beautiful homesites, 2597+/- acres- divided. Saturday, May 13, 10:00 a.m. Rowell Auctions, Inc. (800)323-8388 10% BP GAL AU-C002594 www.rowellauctions.com. Executive Estate Auction on the St. John's River Mort- gage Foreclosure 4BR/4.5BA Home On 2 ac Boat house with dock May 13 1pm in Mandarin, FL jwhillauc- tions.com; call 888-821-0894 AB2083 REAL ESTATE & ESTATE AUCTION 3 Properties in SU- WANNEE CTY. Antiques, Collectibles, Tools, PLUS MANY MORE. MAY 6 at 9AM Call For a Complete Package (888)821-0894 www.jwhil- lauctions.com Lic# AB2083. DOG- Found on Drive In Rd. Wk/end of 4/28th Small Ter- rier. Please call(863)357-1350 BLACK BILLFOLD- important papers inside. Credit cards ave been canc. Vic of Price Cutters. (863)983-9780 BULL MASTIFF- Male 130-1401bs. Missing bottom K-9. Vic. E. Palomar & S. Edge Water 863-673-2113 Reward CHIHUAHUA, Male, Small, Brown & 1 dirty white fiber- glass Canoe. Missing 863-675-1497 Muse Area Rottweiler, male, 4 mos. old, answers to Baby, allergic to fleas & hypoglycemic. RE- WARD! No questions asked! missing Sat., 4/8, on Red Rd., belongs to little girl, very friendly. (863)677-4562 Find it faster. Sell it soon- er in the classifieds Epioye FullTim I I N I 19] kI 1066 Ac' Offered in 18 Parcels Ranging from 27 to 118 Acres Great Development Potential * at Auction Prices. Close to State Road 70 & US 17 Less than 1 Hour from Ft. Myers & Sarasota CORGI- to-good loving home; female, spayed, hsebroke, needs lots of love (863)228-7230 CURR & PIT MIX- 7 weeks. Give away to good homes. (863)675-2844 FREE GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES great watchdogs, all shots. (863)983-5597 PIT BULL MIX- male, brindle, free to good home. (863)675-4697 LaBelle LAKE PORT, Sat. May 6th, 8am-?, Off of Loop Rd. 10475 Coleman Ln. NW. Everything Goes. Furn., Household, Tools, Toys & Much Much More! HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA- TOR TRAINING FOR EM- PLOYMENT: Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, Excavators; National Certifi- cation, Job Placement Assis- tance; Associated Training Services (800)383-7364 www.atsn-schools.com. Employment Em loyment - FulTime 205 Employment - Medical 210 Employment - Part-Tme 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Training 227 Sales 230 A COOL TRAVEL Job. Now hiring (18-24 positions). Guys/Gals to work and travel entire USA. Paid training, transportation, lodging fur- nished. Call today, Start to- day. (877)646-5050. Driver- DRIVERS LOOK. Gene Hyde Trucking Co. $700 to $1200/week. In State & Southeast runs. Must have 2 years CDL ex- perience. (800)229-5248, x219. AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADE- MY Start your driving career! Offering courses in CDL A. One tuition fee! Many pay- ment options! No registration feel (888)808-5947 in- fo@americasdrivingacade- my.com. Case Manager Bi-Lingual for family-centered approach home visitation. Belle Glade. Working with pregnant & parenting families. Degree in Social Work or related field-required. Resume by Fax to: 561-996-3653 or e-mail to: HumanResources * familiesfirstpbc.org Visit us at familiesfirstpbc.org for more information. Drivers CDL A "Honey I'm Home...Every Weekend!" Great Pay & Benefits! Special Orientation Pay for Exp. Driv- ers! Paid Training for School Grads! Cypress Truck Lines, Inc. www.cypresstruck.com (888)808-5846. Drivers- BE IN DEMAND Plen- ty of freight, Many Home time Options. Low Cost CDL Training Available, 100% Tui- tion Reimbursement (800)231-5209 www.Swift- ruckingJobs.com. EVERGLADES FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Now accepting applications for: F/T LOAN INTERVIEWER Must have excellent Comr munication skills, previous experience in Loans pre- ferred, Proficient in Word and Excel. BI-Lingual a+. May apply in person, Mail resume to 1099 W. Ventu- raAve., Clewiston, Fl 33440, Attn: Marta or email resume to: morales2(earthlink.net. P/T TELLER/FLOATER Must have excellent commu- nication skills, cash han- dling experience preferred. Bi-Lingual a+. Must be 18 yrs of age and have a High School Diploma or equiva- lent. May apply in person, mail resume to 1099 W. Ventura Ave, Clewiston, FL 33440 Attn: Brandy or email resume to: bulifantb(earthlink.net Employment Ful Tim Eiplye Ful -im I'l ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Executive Secretaries & Administrative Assistants-L2 (#64031030) Provides adm inistrative support for the Hendry & Glades County Health Department Director; self starter with excellent secretarial,administrative skills; must have ability to multi-task & use a variety of computer software I i.e., word, excel, power point, etc.. Background screening/fingerprintirig required. EEO/AA. Apply on line: https:/lpeoplefirst.mvflorida.com or Call Lynn @ 863-674-4041 x115 for more details ----_ -------- Must have advanced knowledge to troubleshoot, make minor & major repairs to wiring, motors, elec- trical components, panels and equipment and PM throughout various departments in the plant. Basic math and reading skills. Available to work extended shift and days. Medical/dental/vision, 401K, holl-. days, vacation, sick, other benefits available. Apply in person at 6007 S. Hwy 29, LaBelle, FL (863-675- 0336 ext/ 3538 A. Duda & Sons, Inc. Citrus Belle is EOE/Drug Free Workplace compliant Day & night shift positions available. Use lab instrumentation to conduct tests & inspections of manufacturing product. Collect, handle, store and retrieve samples. Input data into computer. Strong English speaking & reading skills. Medical/dental/vision, 401K, holidays, vacation, sick leave, other benefits available. Apply in per- son at 6007 South Highway 29, LaBelle, FL. (863) 675-0336 ext. 3512 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK BRIGHTON RESERVATION High School Diploma or GED minimum one (1) year exp. Accounting exp., invoices/ purchase orders, knowledge of MS Excel & Word. Excellent phone & Customer service skills. Data entry exp. Fax resume or application to: (954)967-3477 PROJECT MANAGER Okeechobee Waterways with Excellent Benefits, is needed to plan, organize, supervise, and review the maintenance and care of levees, riverbanks, campgrounds and other land- scaped areas on public properties. Requires 5 years of in- creasingly responsible experience in the assigned area, including supervisory capacity, and specialized training in landscape maintenance experience with modern methods, practices, materials, equipment, and tools used In grounds maintenance. Preference will be given to candidates with Herbicide Certifications. Associates of Arts degree and/or college coursework in horticulture or a related field is highly desirable. Fax resume: Attn:Rhonda C. (561)848-1475 No telephone calls please. I A. Duda & Sons, Inc. Cane operation in Moore Haven has job opening for a General Office Clerk, must be organized, proficient in Microsoft Word and Excel. Payroll and H.R. experience a plus. The work schedule is from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, M/F. This position offers an attractive benefits package. To apply send or fax resume to Frank Diaz, Employee Relations Director; PO. Box 2015, Belle Glade, FL 33430, Phone # 561-996-7621 ext. 5222, Fax # 561-992-7444, EOE. Empoyen Ful im 00 Epye Ful -im I'l Employment FullTim THE BUD GROUP Join a Company known for tme Great People We Hire! Now hiring Security Officers for the Clewiston Area JOB FAIR MAY 9TH 9AM-1PM Career and Service Center of Hendry/Glades 215-B South Francisco Street SClewiston, FL We Offer: S Competitive Wages :Flexible Hours Health/Dental Benefits 401K Advancement Opportunities Positive Work Environment .jjjH *)~1,.~' i'~i - If you are unable to attend call 800-888-2980 or email tampajobs(abuddgroup.com for more information To learn more about The Budd Group visit us @www.buddgroup.com HELP WANTED BUILDING INSPECTOR- Must have 8 yrs experience with a li- censed contractor. MECHANIC I- Basic mechanic knowledge, experience as an automotive service worker or mechanic's helper preferred. MECHANIC II- Graduate from an approved course in heavy & diesel mechanics, three years experience. Both Mechanic positions require class B drivers's license. Must have a High School Diploma or GED. Both located in Clewiston. SIDEWALK & BRIDGE FOREMAN- For Hendry County Road & Bridge. Clean driving record. Must have class D or higher drivers license, High School Diploma/GED or 2 years experi- ence in concrete construction to include knowledge of con- struction plans, measurements, forming, pouring finishing, supervision and other related experience. Pay range $30, 160 and $36,400 annually depending upon experience. GIS COORDINATOR- For the LaBelle Office. Must have Bache- lor of Science from an accredited college or university in computer science, geography, or related field with consid- erable experience in the use of geographic information sys- tems or 8 yrs equivalent experience. The positions are full time with medical benefits, retirement, sick and vacation leave. These positions will be open until filled. Hendry-LaBelle Recreation Board is accepting applications for employment for a six week Summer Youth Program. Posi- tions available are for one Program Director, one Assistant Program Director, and several Group Leaders. Applications must be submitted by Friday, May 12, 2006. Job description & applications can be obtained in the Satellite Office in Clewiston and the Courthouse in LaBelle in the HR Department. Vet. PRef. EEO. Drug Free. Applicants needing assistance in the application process should contact the Hendry County Commissioners HR Department MAINTENANCE WORKER II (Glades District Park, Pahokee) $11.37/hr. Reports to Glades Pioneer Park. Per- forms general park landscape/athletic field mainte- nance, custodial duties, refuse collections or other duties related to the maintenance of parks and their amenities. Requires 1 yr. exp. in laboring work providing a familiarity with any (or a combi- nation) of the following: Landscape/natural area/athletic field maintenance, refuse collection, custodial work. Preference for exp.: Performing la- boring work in a park system; operating a tractor with bush hog or flail mower attachments, gar- bage packer, brush chipper stump grinder, reel mower or chainsaws. Also desirable: Current FL Class B CDL, Air Brakes; HS/eq. Visit www.pbcgov.com for job description & employ- ment appl.; submit with any Vet. Pref. doc. for re- ceipt by 5pm 5/12/06 to Palm Beach County HR, 50 S. Military Trail #210, WPB, FL 33415 Fax 561-616-6893 EO/AA M/F/D/V (DFWP) 20 SIWIm U f *, " 3. 7,.1.. VISA * i ; "*- .' :..-11 T.^ 't. ^^u B m~rl~a lAuctions lAuctions IVI UII, P I fm I I IL.1.. ,... May 4 2r en FlTime "I'll Employmit Okeechobee News The Okeechobee News is seeking a full time Outside Sales Consultant. The right applicant will: Be enthusiastic' Be inquisitive Be service oriented Be highly motivated Be a self-managed individual Be well organized Preferably have previous sales experience Be a good team player Be able to handle pressure Have computer .skills The Okeechobee News offers: Potential for advancement A unique work environment where employees are trusted and empowered Competitive pay and benefits Life and Diz-abillr, Insurance 401(K) Retiremeit Plan Generous time off program T'l, Ai, l~'ort.c~ N ai .; E. ,ai Ctpp,.hnrn, Emprw, Gee The GEO Group, Inc. The GEO Group, Inc. A worldwide leader in privatized corrections BENEFITS INCLUDE: HEALTH, DENTAL, VISION, LIFE, DEPENDENT LIFE INSURANCE & 401K RETIREMENT SIGN ON BONUS $1,000.00 (call for details) CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS VOCATIONAL INSTRUCTOR (Web Design). SUBSTANCE ABUSE INSTRUCTOR LIFE SKILLS INSTRUCTOR MOORE HAVEN CORRECTIONAL FACILITY 1990 East SR 78NW Moore Haven, FL 33471 Phone 868-946-2420 Fax 863-946-2487 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V H-.M.. .ENDRY REGIONAL '': MEDICAL CIEN ITER Cnp'h-" a n' Clp Sy E~rem 5n B*l -.'-,A',- Cla.ib cakL addPrn.'* E du, l .FI A.estln: LPNIorll (FT;PTPerdlem) FL IPrj t ', & IV Ce. Wil.i, I.-. w.iI l 'it hC .h ju Suppon & Full Time- REGISTERED NURSE FL Ii. wilh I ir ep. wlll Illn nr,, u RadiologIc Tednlogst/Marmogaplie .Rvri R g i ls ih i FL tcnse 'FaT.lli with MQSA si,,L.n & MNtjTm.:.graph. QA pioaedai i Full ime- CTRadiogIc Tech 18 30 a.m 5 p m. or 10:30 am. o 7 p.m.l AAR- rL. ,ii 0 fL Lc. 3 E. I piJ MuO p,; ; .;":'0 li,', c. I ,', .1 11: .I l r> r -,Ru .denilv pifcl.:i.'er ', C T j, Cad (,,',I- Raj--i-yaphy. Per dlem- Housekeeper Must "3'i I ."* eJ1 ,T W h a.''. r h Oi l p ', i'i a ,,3,, jI I mITIII'Ijl -l' J *J 'jrlia fl'i mIT.l':.'lTlr:,'i | Full Uime/per dlem-Food Service Aide Prev :p f'li cl'i Ir. '!i a up Fpi(' Mtu I bt i'll I. i .l. u jll .i, IulJI. ITIjIn 'I ie i l Ir .] r .I,i ,I.ITi I Part tme- Floor Tech I yr c.p' i ( ...:.i li_ i~l]r a N 6lln l I l. l, ,, ...lij.,',: IL' '.lP.. I.) II" I,3, 6 ;11[ i. .311 1Y ,, ,C M. iiu'iT i. l Full nlme/Pr Diem C.NA Musl hie alid FL C I Ceaii ^e Full lime- CCU Nurse Manager Valid Fl,:.i.l j i,,:e ti '-d '.CiS re., I,):si.~ i e'p -J 1' d years of CCU skill competencies req I year of management exp. necessary. Phone: 863-902-3079 or Fax resume to: 863-983-0805 Drug Free Workplace EOE Employment Ful ime Exp'd Plumbers & Helpers Needed, commercial/resi- dential, full time starting im- mediately. Paid Holidays ano vacation. (561)996-1159 E-Z! CASH! $500-$1 000 per week and mir' Sim'plv re- turning phone calls part time from home. No Selling, Not E Job, Not MLM (888)248-4544. FAMILY HOME CARE RN OPPORTUNITIES: ODrect0ry oi Nursing Ci.i C ailiManil emilenTl E,.perieri:es Feldo Sah RN FTPT 'Benefits Package. Sign on flonus Fa, resume 18b31983-9883 Tel |863)983-3700 Licere #299991(118 ACDelco ,-A-.: ^ '-mw-T"- --*------ Automotive Parts F/T DRIVER NEEDED Must have a Class B Drivers License and a Clean Driving Record Apply in Person at: Original Equipment S1348 South Main Street Belle Glade HELP NEEDED: Deli & Delivery. Bi-lingual preferred 786-380-2614 or 863-983-0333 HELP WANTED Earn Extra in- come assembling CD cases Irom an/ locallor Slart Im- medialely No experience necessary. (800)405-7619 Ext 425 www.easywork- greatpay.com. In-Store Demonstrators, Prljuci Sirruia-rs, and Coor- dinators Needed! Experience Preferred. $9-$11 per hour. info@facetimepromo.com. Download an Application from: http://www.facetime- promo.com. Job Crafters, Inc. NOW HIR- ING!! First Class Shipyard Triae.i Pipe Fitters, Structu- ral Fitters, Structural Weld- ers. Work in FL, AL Over Time + Per Diem UP TO $23./hour. Toll-Free: 800)371-7504 Phone: 251)433-1270 Fax: 251)433-0018. NOW HIRING FOR 2006 POSTAL JOBS $18/hour Starting, Avg. Pay $57K/year Federal Benefits, Paid Train- ing and Vacations No Experi- ence Needed! (800)584-1775 Ref #P4901 OFFICE HELP/SECRETARY NEEDED: For busy Sod & Landscaping Business in LaBelle. Good Communication & Computer skills a must. Bi-Lingual a plus, but not required. Send resume to: 2696 Howard Road, LaBelle FL 33935 PIPE LAYERS EXPERIENCED LABORERS & FORM CARPENTERS Familiar w/pump stations. Mechanicallyinclined. Construction knowledge. Must Be Dependable & willing to work. Drug Free Work Place Site Location: 1200 S. Olympia Street in Clewiston Call Scott Lucius (954)296-6216 TELLER SUPERVISOR Experienced teller needed to supervise teller line to en- sure prompt, efficient, and friendly service. Duties hi clui je i lrig illl '.: inr processing all banking and general ledger transac- tions, instructing tellers in their responsibilities and coordinating employee scheduling. Apply in person at: 205 W.C. Owen Ave. Clewiston or send or fax resume to: Sheila RO.Box 1779 CGlewiston, FL 33440. FAX (863)983-5860. EOE Shop here first! The classified ads Emplymen Full Time~l MANAGEMENT Join the most exciting attraction in SW Florida JOB OPPORTUNITIES Cage Cashier Cocktail Server Dining Room Hostess Dining Room Server Dishwasher/Steward Housekeeper Maintenance Worker NEWI Poker Dealer Prep Cook Security Officer Sous Chef TAD Floor Clerk NEW! TAD Technician $9.50 per hour $5.50 plus tips $8.00 per hour $5.50 plus tips $7.50 per hour $9.00 per hour $10.00 + D.O.E. $28.00 avg. w/grats $8.00 per hour $10.00 per hour $12.00 + D.O.E. $21.00 avg. w/grats $12.50 per hour Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, Moore Haven, LaBelle, Clewiston and Okeechobee. We are a franchise with 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic, honest, and responsible individuals.' We offer: -Excellent Salaries -Medical and Life Insurance -Dental Insurance -401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For an interview please call: 863-983-4224 or mail your resume in confidence to: Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 33440 Emlymn Employmen Medical ? : Licensed SPractical '- Nurse The Seminole Tribe of Florida has an opening for an LPN at our Health Clinic at our Big Cypress Reservation. Provide ambulatoNr Nursing services. Phone triage. Administer meds. therapeutic treatments & diagnostic testing. Assist w transport. Home visits. Active FL LPN lic. required. Curreent BLS certification. Resume to: galtman(fsemtribe.com or fax to: (954)967-3477 Details at: www.semtribe.com d HEALTHCAREDISTRICT Irtsi0 PAL.I BL :-LH .i. T' . SCHOOL RN NURSE Position #153-7084 Tie Hea3iIn Care Li,... -.' ain r depl]e-n le and. ml,,aledji individual 10 join our Scihool s ., -'rrimr n irfl rinid lei should be currently licensed i' F:I i -iirr-,, ..: In irn, '.ij r of Florida, lh ir trelererice lur L S i uin ,ur in anlr 'i' '.prir ie in the school sending. pedianic nur:irn j anrdor In.iimmunitv hiellh We have jperiiArg ina In Bri elej 113 Pi3 i .ar e irf e .:,i:,r[:il. Functions will nicludC piovidirng rnuriin i jssi rmeni l cri ijri,; - ing, and referrals; developing studrni nreai- r pilji: mnriil liiii prescribed medications; ensuring : iiTripi lri e h a if Triimuni3. tion anid hriealin sseccrmenrl iqu ilemu in i : lollwingi--up rli screening outcomes; identifying high-ri f ludienir a-ri p:rivl]- ing in-services for school personnel Applications/resumes must be received by 5PM 7,07. '0 Send to: HCDPBC, 324 Datura St., #41)1 WPB FL .34(11. Fa. (561)671-4670 or e-mail to EmplovmrniiTanrii ri ido irg EOE FWP, Vet. Pref. CRISIS SUPPORT SCREENER Needed to perform preliminary assesrmernl for triage of Glades residents seeking or in need of behavioral health services. Requires a bachelors degree in psychol:Igv, s.ociil work or related field or must be a registered nurse. Also requires 2 yrs. of experience working with co-occurring disorders Competllive salary ad excellent benefill. Fa, resume to (5611514-1987. You may e-mail your resume to: bsears(oakwoodcenrier org Oakwood Center of the Palm Beaches, Inc. Glades Services 149 SE Avenue D Belle Glade, FL 33430 EOE; M/F/D/V THERAPISTS WANTED- LI- CENSED SLPS in Miami- Dade and Broward counties. Bilingual a plus. Per diem & F/T. Bilinguals Inc. Child & Parent Services, (866)696-0999 x122 www.bilingualsinc.com. WELDERS, FABRICATORS AND ERECTORS 851 S. Elm Street LaBelle, FL DFWP NURSING Not An Average Nurse? Well neither is the rest of the Nursing staff at Prison Health Services. When you join our team, you will quickly find that correctional healthcare is a step above the rest. Join us at the Glades Correctional Institu- tion in these immediate openings: RNs & LPNs FT, days & nights; 12 hour shifts (7a-7p & 7p-7a) PRN, all shifts We offer excellent rates and benefits. Contact Laverne Jones at (561)829-1451; fax (561)996-8995. EEO/AA www.prisonhealth.com PART-TIME HELP NEEDED Flagers/Check-In 20 hrs per. week. $8.00 per hi Seniors Welcome No Benefits. Call: Seminole Tribe Motocross 863-983-1908 or 1894 WANTED- responsible lawn service to mow large yard in Indian Hills area (651)592-6968 Join all the people who say, "I sold it in the clas- sifleds." Financial Business Opportunities 305 Money Lenders 310 Tax Preparation 315 :Business ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Ma- chines, Free Candy All for $9,995. (888)629-9968 BQ2000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold! GREYHOUND RACING DOG OWNERSHIP. Minimum 20% Profit Guaranteed. We Do the Work, You Have the FUN! You Can't Lose! Successful Since 1989. (888)988-9199. www.G3Kennel.com. We are also seeking candidates for these professional positions: Financial Analyst Housekeeping Supervisor Human Resources Manager Security Supervisor Benefits available for all employees www.theseminolecasino.com Apply in person at: 506 S. 1st St., Immokalee, FL Phone: 1-800-218-0007 The Seminole Casino is a Drug free Workplace WHISKEY BARRELS (2) - About 100 years old. $1200 or best offer for both or will sep.(863)634-5821 REFRIGERATOR, 15 cu. ft., $100. (863)357-1517 aft 6pm REFRIGERATOR- bottom freezer, white, exc cond, $250 cash (863)357-3026 REFRIGERATOR, KENMORE, 2 Door, Upright, Gold. $100. or best offer. (863)983-2872 WASHER & DRYER Whirl- pool, matching set, great for shop/mud room, $100/both. (863)675-2404 after 5pm. WASHER & DRYER- 6 mos old, like new, $400 (863)467-6030 ' VENDING ROUTE! Gas-Saver Special! Collect More per Stop. Electronic Snack/Soda. Great Equipment/Support! Fi- nancing Available w/$6,000 Down. (877)843-8726. 80#2002-037. Services II Babysitting 405 Child Care Needed410 Chid Care Offered415 Instruction 420 Services Offered425 Insurance 430 Medical Services435 $$CASH NOW$$ AS SEEN ON TV. Prosperity Partners pays you the most for your future payments from settlements, lawsuits, annuities, and lot- teries. (800)509-0685 www.prosperitypart- ners.com. ALL PERSONAL INJURY. AC- CDENT WRONGFUL DEATH AUTO MOTORCYCLE TRUCK PREMISE PROD- UiiCT SLIP S FALL. PEDES- TRIAIN.AIJIMAL BITES A-A- A ATTORNEY Relerial Ser vice (800)733-5342. 24 Hrs 130's oi L wyers Saliewide DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS children, etc. Only one sig- nature required! *Excludes govt. fees! Call weekdays (800)462-2000, ext.600. .,mIT-7pmI Alla Oivorce, LLC. Established 1977. ROOFING REPLACE/REPAIR Liir eridial(CC( 326f62 Insuruied I r e i NEW SELF STORAGE 4-6 unill 7.15 8I15 10. 15. lli.i0 lj12 ;': 5 Full Sn, :uf i ur Co irnrmi rio SI 315( II Irom Clewl.)n Police Dept. 863-983-6663, 863-983-2808, after hrs. 863-983-8979 Merchandise Air Conditioners 505 Antiques 510 Appliances 515 Appliance Parts 520 Beauty Supplies 525 Bicycles 530 Books & Magazines535 Building Materials540 Business Equipment 545 Carpets/Rugs 550 Children's Items 555 China, Glassware, Etc. 560 Clothing 565 Coins/Stamps 570 Collectibles 575 Computer/Video 580 Crafts/Supplies 585 Cruises 590 Drapes, Linens & Fabrics 595 Fireplace Fixture 600 Firewood 605 Furniture 610 Furs 615 Health & Reducing Equipment 620 Heating Equipment/ Supplies 625 Household Items 630 Jewelry 635 Lamps/Lights 640 Luggage 645 Medical Items 650 Miscellaneous 655 Musical Instruments 660 Office Supplies/ Equipment 665 Pets/Supplies/ Services 670 Photography 675 Plumbing Supplies 680 Pools & Supplies 685 Restaurant Equipment 690 Satellite 695 Sewing Machines 700 Sporting Goods 705 Stereo Equipment 710 Television/Radio 715 Tickets 720 Tools 725 Toys a Games 730 VCRs 735 Wanted to Buy 740 AIR CONDITIONER 5 ton, hardly used. As is. $800 Call Steve (239)564-2173 La- Belle AMERICAN OAK DRESSER- 1800's, Excellent condition, $500. or best offer. (863)675-4201 BED FRAME, Antique, Oak w/High Headboard & Foot- board & Side rails. 1800's. $600. (863)612-0992 Headboard & footboard with rails. $50 (561)704-3690 Washer/Dryer, stack set, $150. (863)357-1517 aft 6pm COFFEE POT-10 cup Farber Ware, like new, $20 (863)467-8681 GARBAGE COMPACTOR- Ken- more, used very littel great condition, $100 (863)763-7437 BUILDING SALE! "Plus Free Bonus!" 20x32 Now $4100. 25x42 $6200. 30x52 $9800. 40x82 $18,400. Extensive range of sizes and models. Ends/accessories optional. Pioneer (800)668-5422. BATHROOM VANITY TOP - 31" Marble, shell shaped, w/sink & faucet. $30. (863)763-8548. KITCH. CAB DOORS- oak w/handles & hinges, 1 pr 24220 5pr '32.20 pr 32-28 $45 (863163-1997 METAL ROOFING SAVE $I.$ SBuy DirecI From Minulaciur- er 20 colors in stock; waili all Accessories OQuic luin round Deliverv Avajiable Toll Free 888393-0335 ROOF SHINGLES- 10 packs, $150. will separate. (863)467-1120 STORM WINDOW PANELS. 24 gage 14i 33'. (1 j-') 1121 40 11ll 69" Like new til0 1o all (86b3946-1692 WINDOWS (6) aluminum ran.. OulS 29 5W x 52"L ilrh sreern $25 BABY CRIB- rand new; nd mallress 't-10 Clothin'g5. 05 65 SCRUBS- 15 top, Sime panil Size SriTall $50 S i z i' j ii 3 ELVIS RECORD & SOUVENIR COLLECTION: Appro. 44 vrS old Rare iiemr ',1000 all or besioiher 863.824-3358 HP Compaq Presario Win .,.P, 1 7 morintir,. Keyoiard mi:use & ipeai.er. Ec c.or, .57,5 1 8637;F,-6 2 BEDROOM SET: 6 pi: H'el- o:ard .niv ]I.u10 L 1 all l 'h 5-K: ,l0l2 CAPTAINS BED- wilh 6 draw- er. 5.25001863i261-111 38 CAL Stainless steel. 5 shot revolver. 2" barrel, cus- lomer grips, like new, $395 (863)467-6696 SIG SAUER P226 9MM- case with 3 clips, $550 (863)697-9060 BOWFLEX EXTREME, mint cond., w/all accessories, $800. (239)324-2335 TREADMILL, VilaMaster, Runs good. 15 hp motor, up to 8 mnh 'nciine $250. llb, 5-0104 WEIGHT BENCH, like new 2 people can work Out at same lime used 3 lirres $600 1863)674-1727 DIAMOND RING- 1/2 ct, w/surrounding diamonds, 5500 4863)675-7105 or (863)673-5023 LOOP EARRINGS: 14 Kt, Sol- id Gold. Custom made. Paid over $400. Sell for $175 (863)612-0992 NECKLACE, KINGMAN Tur- quoise, Squash Blossom w/Bear Claws. Very unique. $2400 neg (863)467-8161 BED FRAME, 'Mattress & Spring Full sie. Great con- dition $75. (863)467-4649 SATURDAY MAY 6th 10 a.m. Hendry County Speedway 1002 US Hwy 27, Clewiston, FL SURPLUS HEAVY EQUIPMENT S'98 Caterpillar D8K bulldozer S'96 Case 1450 bulldozer, new tracks '96 Bobcat 863, bucket, rake & grapple Huber F1700 grader [ '90 Kato 1880 SE excavator S'90 John Deere 444E front end loader S'89 John Deere 444E front end loader S'84 Kobelco 907 excavator S'83 Caterpillar 930 front end loader Koehring Bantam 366 excavator S'81 Caterpillar 950 front end loader S'78 Calerpillar 920 front end loader TRUCKS: 90 Ford L8000 dump truck '89 Peterbuilt road tractor '88 Mack MH600 road .tractor '84 International dump truck TRAILERS: '86 27' Phelan Trailer *'64 27' Birmingham trailer '95 16' custom trailer Everything sells REGARDLESS OF PRICE! TERMS: Cash to bid.- 10% B1P, 'AS IS" Karlin Daniel . & Assoc., Inc. ^i- The most important 20 minutes of your day is the time spent reading DINING ROOM SET- Pecan ta- ble w%3 teals. seats 4-10, 6 chairs, buffet & hutoh. $600. (239)822-5955 LaBelle DINING TABLE, Glass top w/6 chairs..$575. (239)537-4253 DRESSER Large, 9 drawers. Antique nandles, edc cdnd. Har1 woo0a. $30 a8631763-3830, 697-65(07 ENTER CENTER- Ranan, ask- ri ,'1.150(1 1863674-r963 ETAGERE- China 4 snein. ask- mni 5$150 very nice (863i674.j -063 MEXICAN BAR Lifnli green winiii oveirriae d stem glass noloer $150 1561 i70-1.369(0 RECLINER LOVESEAT- Like neo. Leaiher. Pd $1500 Will irfde tor nlice DObl. Bed & Gold i.hijii. 863-357-2233 Oee SHELVING UNITS 2 match- ri, cream wl/lack bkgrd 52', $100 lor both. (863)6- 4o0098 Sleeper-Sola- Oueen, Castro Corvertible & i-h couri. $250. Will separate. LaBelle 239-822-5955 SOFA & LOVESEAT 6 mths. ild. Pd. $2000. asking $.1500 or best offer. i86.1ri.4.5821 call any- SOFA. Sectional, 3 pc. Tan. Solj + Oversized swivel chair, PRoind Coffee & 2 End Tables. $1800 12391537-4253 YOUTH BED $40 (863)614-1727 Farm~llak Farmn~ll Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursdav, Mav 4, 2006 I LIFT CHAIR- Pride. Great con- dition $375. Firm (863)635-3540 SCOOTER, Electric, Rally, Ex- cellent condition. Brand new batteres. $1000 or best offer. (863)674-1823 ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from home. *Medical, *Busi- ness, *Paralegal, *Comput- ers *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Com- puter provided. Financial Aid if qualified. Call (866)858-2121 www.Onli- neTidewaterTech.com. BEER KEG FRIDGE, $50 (863)763-8548 PENS & PENCILS (2) asking $15 (863)634-1374 GUITAR- Bentley, 6 string, With hard case. A-1 condi- tion. $150(863)635-3382 DESK, Large, oak. $100. or best offer. (863)467-6943 OFFICE CHAIR, $75 or best offer. (863)467-6943 ii I. ICT BABY GEESE (4) LaBelle area $40 will separate. (863)675-4981 CAT- Cute, gray with white markings. 3yrs old Neutered & declawed. To Good Home Only' $50. (863)634-3841 DOBERMAN PUPPIES- AKC, Parents on premised. $650.-$750. (863)467-5400 DOBERMAN PUPS- AKG, Health Ceri., Shots, Tails. De- clawed Parents on premises. Free Family Tree $650 -750. 18631467-5400 DONKEY- lyr old, male, $100 (561)644-5418 -or (954)465-6614 . GERMAN SHEPHERD- female, spayed, 3yrs old, home must have fenced yard $5.0 (863)357-3026. PITBULL PUPPIES, UKC Reg., 4 wks. Ready to go! Large, Red Nosed. 863-634-5364 af- ter4 pm for details. RED NOSE PIT PUPS- With, papers 8wks old. Ready to go to good homes. $400. (863)801-1236 SOCIETY FINCH- Brown & white Good foster parents. $18 (863)357-3639. SOLAR PANELS- 7, large, Make your own eating pool sy1sim $175 or will sep3r- ate (239)394-7005 REEL- Penn 4400 SS Open lace reel LIKe new. $40. (863)635-3382 CAR AMPLIFIER Kenwood, 900 watt man. $120 (863)824-0776 JL AUDIO 5.25 COMPONENT SYSTEM, Brand new, Model VR525CS. $225 (239)340-1369 SUBWOOFER 15" MA Audio in sealed or ported box. $120 (863)824-0776 TRUSSED ANTENNA- 70 ft, 1.0 ft sections, with base, mast & hardware. $400. or best 'offer (863)675-4201 COLEMAN POWERMATE GENERATOR 5-6,000 watt surge, used 1 week, $500 (863)692-2229 ' DRILL, Cordless, Black & Decker, 18 volt. New in box. Paid $89, Asking $49. (863)675-0104 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee M GENERATOR- Coleman Pow- ermale, 2500w, 5rp Briggs & Straton eng New condi- ton $200. (863)763-1501 GENERATORS- Honda, 1-3100w & 1-1500w $525. Firm. 863-763-7950 or 863-634-8474 JACK To pull engines, good condition. $80 (239)657-4348 Immokalee VARIOUS ASSORTMENT OF TOOLS- Hand looLs. Ladder. SYard lools & more' Take all for $150.(863)635-04741 k l^ 'lfTflr ii NEW COIN COLLECTOR wani- ing to add to my collection. Please call to sell coins & paper money 239-693-4891 Wanted: Slide in Pickup Camper. 18631234-9595 Agriculture Christmas Trees 745 Farm: Eqip et 805 Farm Feed/Produots 810 Farm MlsceHaneoss 815 Farm Produce 820 Farm Services Offered 825 Farm. Supples/ Services Wanted 830 Fertilizer 835 Horses 840 Landscaping Supplies 845 Lawn & Garden 850 Livestock 855 Poultry/Supplies 860 Seeds/Plants/ Flowers 865 TRACTOR- Ferguson, 195,1,. exc cond., w/new bush hog, $4500 or best offer, (863)763-3679/697-31,08 APHA PAINT MARE 6 yrs. Experienced rider only. Sweet & pretty. $1500 (863)258-3838 BAY MARE 8 yrs. old. Thor- oughbred, rides good, up to date on shots, loads, clips. $2500 neg. (863)509-3446 HORSE, 8 yrs. old. Gelding Good horse, great w/kids. Moving must seli $2000 or bet offer.1i2391633-3649 QUARTER HORSE REG PINTO GELDING- 14yrs old, 15.2, great disposition, gentle, kid safe $1800 (863)763-4257 REG. APP. GELDING 14yrs. SKid safe but also a good ride for beginner to adv. adult. $1500(863)638-4006 SADDLE, 15", tan roughout, new rawhide stirrups & new WeaverSmartCinch. $200 (772)263-1178 CHAIN LINK FENCING 265' of 5' fencing, (2) 6' gates, some poles. $100 Must take .all. (863)357-6315 Do-It-Yourself Ideas Cupola Inexpensive and easy to build, cupolas not only improve the appearance of a home but can improve ventilation, too. This project is excellent for do-it-yourselfers who want the aesthetic qualities of a cupola, as well as for those willing to do the extra work for ventilation. (It is, however, a good idea to consult with a profes- sional before cutting a hole in the roof.) The finished cupola measures 25 inches square by about 36 inch- es tall and adjusts to fit any roof pitch. Cupola plan (No. 348)... $9.95 Patio Projects Package (No. C99) Three other projects ... $22.95 Catalog (pictures hundreds of projects) ... $2.00 Please add $3.00 s&h (except catalog-only orders) To order, circle item(s), Please be sure to clip & send w/ check to: include your name, U-Bild Features address and the name of 15241 Stagg St. this newspaper. Allow Van Nuys, CA 91405 1-2 weeks for delivery. Or call (800) 82-U-BILD u-bild.com Money Back Guarantee CHAIN LINK FENCING 75tN ol 41 w/ 12) 3ft. gales and approx. 12 poles $100 must lake all. (863)634-0465 RIDING LAWN MOWER - Craftsman LT 1000. 42" cut. About 6mos. old. Asking $750.(863)697-3212 RIDING MOWER- 6 mos old. 3sking5$800 18631467-6030 SNAPPER 30"- rear engine, $600 (863)517-2077 La- Belle , Real Estate Business Places - Sale 1005 Commercial Property Sale 1010 Condos/ Towhnhouses Sale1015 Farms Sale 1020 Houses Sale 1025 Hunting Property 1030 Investment Property -Sale 1035 Land Sale 1040 Lots Sale 1045 Open House 1050 Out of State - Property Sale 1055 Property Inspection 1060 Real Estate Wanted1065 Resort Property - Sale 1070 Warehouse Space 1075 Waterfront Property 1080 Well Established Bridal/Eve- ning Wear. Central Florida Local & Intemariional clients Growing 17.20Ij' vear ... $595,000 + 4lenliry y els $300K. Financing available. See pictures at www.florida- capital.com Agent (941192--237'8 CLEWISTON, WOW, Water- front 3br, 2ba, 'A ac; Fenced, new roof/dok 5 min from Walmari See & make offer! $169,500. Possible owner fi- rinre of down paymeri (WACi (8b. 805-0272 J & S ESTATES-11 yr old frame house 2BR/2BA, w/gar. 500 sq ft. Rec. room, Pool, Steam cabinet, Sauna cabinet Treadmill & Weight equip $155,000. Broker protected. (772)597-6158 or (954)801-6158 MONTURA RANCH,.Beautiful 1.25 ac on dead end street., community w/club house & pool $39,000 786-553-5317 j.echevarria@yahoo.com PORT LaBelle: Unit 4 Move In Today! - Newly renovated, near schls., Large yards, New S/S Appl. 4/2 @$175,000. or 3/1 @ $142,000. Call owner: 863-673-5071 cshdz_04@earthlink.net HUNT ELK, Red Stag, Buffalo, Whitetail, Fallow-Guaranteed hunting license $5.00; Sea- son 8/25/06-3/31/07. We have a No-Game-No Pay policy. Book now! Days (314)209-9800; Evenings 314293-0'610. Free Video and Brochure. FL LAND BARGAINS. Opportu- nities to own your own farm, ranch woodland or lakefront homestead. Old Florida at its best! Still affordable! Call (866)352-2249 or www.fllandbargains.com. "Location, Location, Loca- tion" Time to Buy. INVES- TORS & BUILDERS, Great Buildable Lots For Sale in one of Florida's Fastest Growing Areas Fort Myers. (888)558-0032. MONTURA RANCH ESTATE 1.25 ac For Sale By Owner 412 Bald Cypress Ave. $55,000 (561)993-5886 LOTS FOR SALE Starting at $35,000. Quiet .63 + acres on private 2+ acres Deep lake. Near Lake Okeechobee access Lakeport, FL 863-946-0307 COASTAL GEORGIA. Land for sale by owner. Private golf community designed by Fred Couples / Davis Love. Mari- na/Tennis/Pool/Fitness. Jeckyll/ St Simons Island $119,900 Call (315)529-1277. me CLEWISTON COUNTRY ACRES Modular/Floor Plans. From $79,900 & up, 3/4/5BR, 2/3BA, acre & 1/4 available or use your land as down payment. Financing available. 863-673-6417 or 561-721-5299 Eagle's Nest Estates A secluded, private ranch subdivision offering beautiful . vistas of pristine natural habitat Offered incombinable 40-60ac Tracts for discerning homeowners or weekend nature enthusiasts. Only eleven of these exceptional tracts available. == 772- 468 830 cMcMurrm. 772-468-8306 asawrictnS/lleShteaw About Our Investor Pkg. 7 Waterfront Lots for Only $79,900! Call toll-free (866)770-5263 ext8. ASHEVILLE, NC AREA HOME- SITES Sneak preview of Phase II on now Just 25 miles from Asneville Over 4 miles of Cry.rai clear river- front. Incredible mounlain views Riverwalk custom lodge. nature trails. Call 1866)292-5762 BANK FORECLOSURES! -Homes trom $10.0001 1-3 bedroom avaiiable HUD, Re- Dpo. REO. eic. Tnese homes must ell' For ilsllngs call 1800)425-1620 eiT -1237 GEORGIA BLAIRSVILLE IN THE NORTH GEORGIA MOUNTAINS. Land, Homes, Commercial & Investment. Lakefront and Lakeview Properties le;lled in Ihe nills of Tennessee on ine shores or prishne florrii Lake Call Lakeirde Realty at 14231626-5820 Or viii www Ij3k.esderei[y-n coiim. Large Mtn. Land Bargains, High Elevalion Adjoins Pris- line Slate Forest, 20+i AC to 350 AC Sweeping Mrn Viels, Streams nww.Vlive- inwvcom Mountain Properly! interested ir buying property In the Blue Ridge Mounlairis or lJC? Call AClive RealTy today at (80)1979-5556 or visil our websle al www AcliveReal- ryNC.com. MURPHY. NORTH CAROLINA AAH COOL SUMMERS MILD WINTERS Affordable Homes & Mountain CaDins. Land CALL FOR FREE BROCHURE (877,837-2288 ElIT REAL- TY MOUNTAIN VIEW PROP- E R T I E S www.exitmurphy.com. NC Mountain Property Ior Less, Breaihlidina Blue Ridge Parf.way. rle River Stone Mountain, Golf Cours- es and qu3inr Snops cii Spar. ta. waw sCiernicrealty (om l.7 32-7 211 or (8771363-5551:1 NEW! ALABAMA WATER- FRONT 2 hours l t Allanta & ine Coasi WVaerironl com- munirv v tn increOible moss. draped nardwoods. Planned clurhOu'se' dOC s more. 1 2 Il 3 aires Irom ine 1,50'S Minutes tO nisionC Eufaula. Call owner (866)882-1107. North Carolina Cool Mountain Air, Views & Streams, Homes, Cabins & Acreage. FREE BROCHURE (800)642-5333. Realty Of Murphy 317 Peachtree St. Murphy, N.C. 28906. www.realtyofmurphy.com. North Carolina Gated Lake- fronl Cirmmunily 1.5 acres plus, 90 miles of shoreline. Never before offered with 20% pre-development dis- counts, 90% financing. Call (800))709-553. Norlh Georgia Sa3ed Mounilin Community. New Homes close to Infrastructure. One Hour North of Atlanta. Golf, Tennis, Lake, Pools. For more info (678)232-8415 or www.benttreegeorgia.com. TENNESSEE/KENTUCKY LAKEFRONT Private lake- front or view retreats. Rolling hills, mild climate. 1 to over 40 acre sites from $40K. On the border 90 min to Nash- ville. Phase II selling now! Owner (866)339-4966. TN Mountain Acreage Lake- side 1/2 to 5 acre homesites nestled around a scenic lake. Direct lake access, boat ramp, pavilion and more. Gated, near Chattanooga. Ready for your mountain dream home! Call (866)292-5769. UPSTATE SACRIFICE 20 acres- was $39,900 NOW $29,900 Nice Adirondack woodland! Walk to public land! EZ access to major lakes & rivers! Bldg site guaranteed! Town rd, terms avail, won't last! (800)890-7927. VA MOUNTAINS 5 acres with frontage on very large pris- tine creek, very private, ex- cellent fishing, canoeing, good access, near New Riv- er Trail State Park, $39,500. Owner (866)789-8535 www.mountainsofVA.com. Western New Mexico Private 74 Acre Ranch $129,990 Mt. views, trees, rolling hills, pasture land, wildlife, bor- ders BLM. Picturesque homesite at 6,700' elevation. Horseback riding, hiking, hunting. Perfect family ranch, electricity. 100% fi- nancing. NALC (866)365-2825. When you want something sold, advertise in the classifileds. ~ MOTIVATED SELLER - Deep water. Sailboat access. Lot with reparable home. Details 239-823-2587 Waterfront Land Sale! 3 Acres Dockable Waterfront Property Build Up to 3 homes Only $99,900! Ask HONDA 400R '00, 4 cycle Dirt Bike, Never raced. Excellent shape. Many extra's! $3100 or best offer. 863-801-1620 HONDA CMX 250, 2003, ex- cellent condition $1800 (863)517-2077 La Belle MINI CHOPPER- really good cond, paid $800 asking $500 (863)673-1877 SCOOTER- '04 Honda Elite 80, Excellent condition. 1300 mi. Red, $1700 (863)763-6646 YAMAHA 1000 VIRAGO, '84, $3000 firm. (863)357-3773 YAMAHA ROADSTAR 1600 2002, 26K'mls., Excellent con- dition w/extra's. $5,500 or best offer. Call 863-763-1380 or 863-447-0127 or email carlzachsam@hotmail.com YAMAHA TTR125, 2001, off road, excel. cond. $1300 (863)763-4982 YAMAHA ZUMA SCOOTER 2005, Under warrantee. $1700 or best offer. (863)801-1620 I Puli Notice I Public Notice HENRY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULE SUBIMITEDBY:R.ScottCooper DATE 5/9/06 SUBJECT AREA: 203 Part-Time Adjunct Educators, Non-Certified and Substitute Teachers Instructional Peroovnel EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF PURPOSE The proposed rule etablishes the policy part-time adjunct educators, non-certified and subsitote teachers insucional personnel CITATION OF LEGAL AUTHORITY: 6A-1.502 S.B.R., 23.17(2) (a)-(t), 1001.42, 1001.43,1012,22,1012.32 and 1012.35 .S. CITATION OF SPECIFIC LEGAL REFERENCE: 6A-1.502 S.B.R., 23.17(2) (a)-(f), 1001.42,1001,43,1012.22, 1012,32, and 1012.35 F.S. FULL TEXT: A copy of the full tex of the proposed rule may be obtained, without a cost atthe Office ofthe Superintendentof Schools. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The proposed rule establishes the policy for part-time ad- uicnrteductIour nun-certified aid asub tue teachers instr ctiona r psonniel SiArEMENT Of REGULATORi COC ii TFe proposed pocUy reinsi.n *ill cru no luOIu'.il l ,rl iCITiJIni ri.j ee In I i u10 e oreil TiO' re ;i ol 'rnn,'@g .'d On i.T.rul1cr : LOCArION OF MEETING. TIME AND OATE Heriry Crousnt Scnro0l ooira Meeting RAoimT 45 E Ojceoia Aeiiue Cleilon FL al S41 am or s sooi iOeirean-er a or.e maier '.:y ie ri ear1 Ci' May 4. 2006 Nolice' Aill ero.r n wh, wiri Iei T roid e mte ScihiS l Boaro r. Iiirmationi le- iafraI0.A ie slernmre otf e~malae retul0.nor i063 r or 1 0 pruvin purou~ aC ICli a lowei o 10 rceulaory 01aemn1ive must n o son wrrang wil.tiui 21 day" 3aler Ouni. caon)l or s.t ooce Notice: 11 Rquesle In wning and r,1 oeeiTe unnecessary 0y re Agency Heed. a Rule OlvilopTrie' Wol~rnop will br neard 31 a 0o0e aid dale Io be soverbied In irc Ionsre Notice: Tre Drocedure oIr oDoinnlrg a pUDIIc nearing onr, triipropoeo role ii to re- ul in ng a neanng I neag Tr,e raquiel shall be ubmlnl Io tie Supirinleite'l SS ol c 0 0 wia h iwiig witinm 21 day art11e pubilCon ol d is nutice Tile requeml manll ipecity n, w ,i persur requesting 0S p0uDio r.ce nr, would oe 31ttctea by Sri Oprupo':ei wu Tr S hirl Board upon 3paropnal1 ro uesi. tmail giv aIlel- ed pr.o10 13r. Oaporun,1Ty Ii i0rese evildee anU argumrril rn rire lSiue unien ioroiiwiiriri No1ie il.(;0ecno.i'i a i o .iCyrg anll iiaen m3inal0 31 orisiru0u:i'ui nl.c rcor00s subrmnirdI.1 ,, i igei0 y Ifcj3r,;g 1 r rtle lr mry Lie oD10n0 u by ii u0 11 in *1,I- .n) lw i n r Juti ilnl.i l ic n ol lil Noltce' rr, c,inooil 8oa, iT3my reco0 n.ze jny rrmanI .*,lr.n Mr, y tie luil11y f'io. n ol aia iu, 1. orpr31 ricm in re rc.)ra 0me rule le maing proieeiing The ,:nu.:0l ,Bj.a ,TaJ ir0i.or ile ra iern ty reteinie ,ilo 11ne 0r iseJa rule Notice. II vou .l-eed i0' iCiOm11alToln I orr Ir participane n Il process ple0 0 rnoury nThi,.a W C:rrner tr.e dupDrnirenlemOr l icnrS:.l'i int.il ..74-464 r 311 ir11 H criiO y C.urry Countr.ui LaBelle. Flonao1a 33935 1 leaE 4 ruuFr. nOM Nouce it C ircro01 Boo a ipSi 1M pip0osea ul5 ornu e ceriried copy of me pri- '.;e4 ul i rSii be0I he In tr. iOnllie OI me upernicrioel or ,,:,ulo ou1ui.,i 10 I12i i,41|.:-i :S 12812 : O J: 275 4 C8 514,(6 Mobile Home s Let 5 Mobile Home s ei 1 15 MoBhile Hoises-i"i( il5 Mobile Homes BSa 2020 GRANDMA'S GROVE in LaBelle. 5thWheel RV Mobile Home w/Florida room at- tached. $7500 (239)303-0741 or email dwill98(&earthlink net Mobile Home, '93, need some inside work, $3500. (239)657-4122 SELLSTATE PRIORITY REAL- TY NETWORK, INC, LAKE- FRONT 3Dr, 1 503, Cover crpori & porch. New carpel, lioorin) & Irenri pjint $85,000. 585 Tanmv Rd Clewision. Owner will consider lirunLcing wilh qudliling lerms Nalacia LUgo 12391410-0331. Sa.#239-573-3438 Se Haola Espairil Recreation l Boats 3005 Campers/RVs 3010 Jet Skils 3015 Marine Accessries'3020 Marine Miscellaneous3025 Motorcycles 3030 Sport Vehicles/ATVs 3035 AIR BOAT-10', Foerglass hull, 65hp Conienenial + 2 e lra moior; & hub Like new Wood prop $3500 863-673-1963 HOUSEBOAT 66f1, Paddle Wheel, Repo, sac rice $8000. (406)628-2181 in LaBelle. JOHN BOAT- 14', Compleie wiin 9 8rp Evinrude oul- toard motor $700. (863)675-0129 Lower Unil lor older Mercury. Molor, good shape, $200 or bestoffer(863)675-6738 PONTOON, 24', 90hp John- .son, bimini top, no trailer, ready to fish or cruise, $3000 or best offer. (863)634-3107 or (863)634-5471 email: rman605@aol.com PONTOON-28', 50hp John- son, New deck/carpet. Great cond. $3200. (863)467-1720 mattmcdanahotmail.com Smoker Crafl, 16, lill trailer. trolling motor, 35np Merc.. ready to fish, $1800. (863)467-7428 Sprint Bass Boat, '93, 18' 3" long, fiberglass, 175 Mariner '94 model, 3 pedestal seats & 1 bench, 401b. thrust troll. mtr., runs perfect, $5500. (863)357-2219 CAMPER/TRAVEL TRAILER, 22 Ft., Dual Axel w/Air Condi- tioning. $2500 or best offer. (863)763-8828 COLEMAN SUNVALLEY 1982, A/C & Awning (Both New '04), propane stove, pressure water pump. $1400. (863)467-7905 Toyota Motorhome, '81, 4 cyl., new tires, only 44k orig. mi., $2500 firm. (863)763-2034 TRAVEL TRAILER, 16 Ft., Shasta 1959, Show Condi- tion. Very cutely $2500 or best offer. (863)467-8161 TRAVEL TRAILER- '95, Salem, 5th Wheel, Exc. cond. Very clean, $5000 863-763-7727 or772-263-1803 TRAVEL TRAILER TIRES (3) ST225-75R15 0 Rated. Good tread. Look new. $150 for all, will sep. (863)467-6696 WINNEBAGO '85- Motor home, 26', V8, sips 8, very good cond, 62K, $10,000 or best offer (772)284-1194 ii II^^C ENGINE, KAWASAKI, brand new, 10 hp, lits Jonn Deere Gator or Kawasaki Mule Never ran $900. (863)692-2229. GO KART Scorpion, 2 seater. roll bars, greal shape, $600 lrm. (863)634-8828 days or (863)763-4132 eve's. KAZUMA 250 E, '03- asking $1200 or best olter (863)357-4744 after 6pm Automobiles Automobiles 4005 Autos Wanted 4010 Classic Cars 4015 Commercial Trucks 4020 Construction Equipment 4025' Foreign Cars 4030 Four Wheel Drive 4035 Heavy Duty Trucks4040 Parts Repairs 4045 Pickup Trucks 4050 Sport Utility 4055 Tractor Trailers 4060 Utility Trailers 4065 Vans 4070 $500 Police Impounds, Cars from $500! Tax Repos, US Marshal and IRS sales! Cars, Trucks, SUV's, Toyota's, Honda's, Chevy's and morel For listings Call S(800)425-1730 ext.2384. CADILLAC '92- high miles, very good cond, $2000 (772)284-1194 CHEVY CAPRICE WAGON '89, Immaculate & Runs Wonder- ful. $2250. (865)963-9683 CHEVY CELEBRITY '89- 4dr, runs good, needs body work, $1000 or best offer (863)983-9780 CHEVY NOVA '76, Runs good. Needs a paint job. $2500. Call Ramon (239)503-5131 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER '87, 318 engine. Real good running condition. Only asking $500. (863)612-0657/612-5413 JAGUAR '02 X-type, great condition, 33,200k, loaded, w/rims. Needs tires. $18,000 neg. (239)462-2678 Felda LINCOLN CONTINENTAL '91 - V6, auto, good shape, needs transmission, $400. (239)657-4348 NISSAN STANZA 1985, Cherry condition. Runs good for 20 year old car. $1200 cash. (561)358-6307 OLDS INTRIGUE GLS- '2000, Low mi, Leather, Loaded. All power, Prem. wheels, Spoil- er $9500. (863)697-2906 TOYOTA CAMRY '87 Body and int. in good cond. Engine needs work. Good for parts. $300 (863)673-0645 I lBBBBB I AUTO WANTED: Looking to buy Antique Car/ Convertible/Truck. Please call (954)561-2776 BRONCO 11 '89 New trans. 4 good Tires 8 bakery. 60k since rebuilt engine. $1750 (863)805-8789 CHEVY TRUCK '96- 4x4. $2500 or- est offer (863)467-2139 FORD BRONCO '95- 4x4. $2500 or best offer (863)467-2139 GOLF CART- Club Car, lights. curtains, hi speed. $1600 (772)332-6623 BED RAILS NASTA Stainless polished, fit Chevy Silverado snort bed 99-current New in box. $100 (863)697-0328 BEDLINER for full size Ford Pick up Truck, excel $100 or best oDer (863)763-6747 CAR DOLLY, '04, like new, used 2 times, $875 or best offer (863)697-9704 DRIVE ON RAMP- you must remove and haul $125' (863)467-4328. ENGINE & TRANS- '97 Toyota Corrola 1.8; runs good cond. low, miles, $600 (772)216-9002 TIRES- 275/45/20" 20 64 Ea- gle/Chrome rims/spinners paid $2500 asking $1500 firm (863)634-8511 eve only DODGE RAM 1500 '95, Needs some work, has new tires & front body work. $2000 (239)872-0295 DODGE RAM 25001997, Ext. Cab w/Cummins diesel. Long bed w/goose neck hitch. $5995 (863)673-0648 FORD F150 '87 Runs good. Need to sell! $900 or best offer. Call Deanne anytime. (863)634-5143 FORD F-250 '84 Diesel. Manual trans. Good work truck. Needs minor work. $800 neg. (863)228-0580 FORD RANGER XLP 88, 5sp, runs & looks good, $1700. (863)763-6747. FORD XLT F150 '92- 2 wh drive, long bed, AC works, $2500 (863)634-7574 GMC SHORT BED '74 Good cond, Needs motor & trans- mission. Good Cab, bed, in- terior,$1,500 772)519-3979 ISUZU HOMBRE, '96, 4 cyl., 5 spd., very good cond., a/c, anti-lock brakes, $2500 firm. (239)324-2335 EQUIP TRLR- 20ft, Goose Neck, ramps, tool box, 8 x 14.5 tires, 2 axle, $2200 (863)697-9704 MAKO 224 '81 YAMAHA 200'90 Rite-On Trailer '81 $7500 (239)823-2587 CHEVY 2500- '87, cold air, 1 owner. Runs good $1150. (863)674-0837 or 63-673-0782 LeBelle S ,lic N Ioic I u li o i CHEVY LUMINA 1990 VAN, Runs good. Needs body work $900 or oest otter. (863)357-1430 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN 99 Some damage/mech. pross, am/lm/cd, p/I, p/w, ac. $600 (863)763-0920 Public ties IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN ANDFOR GLADES COUNTY FLORIDA. PROBATE DIVISION CASE NO.2006-CP-3 IN RE: ESTATE OF DAVID MORRIS IELLER, afka DAVID M. KELLER, .,Deceased NOTICETO CREDITORS The admnislration of the estate of DAVID MORRIS KELLER, a/k/a DAVID M. KELLER, deceased, whose date of death was February 15, 2006, and whose SocialSecurity Number Is 400-22-5918, Is pending In the Circuit Court for Glades County, Florida, Pro- bate Division, the address of which Is PO. Box 10, Moore Haven, Florida 33471. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedents estate on whom a copy of this notice is served within Three months after the date of the first publication of this notice must file their claims wihthis Court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICA- TION OF THIS NOTICE OF THIRTY DAYS OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent must file their claims with this court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENTS DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the first publication of this notice Is May 4, 2006. RubyAtmnan Personal Reresentative RO.Box 843 Okeechobee, Floda 34973 CONELY& CONELY, RA. Post Office Drawer 1367 Okeechobe, Florida 34973-1367 (863) 763-3825 By:TomW. Conelyll Florida Bar #096482 Attomy for Personal Representative 130745 CGS 5/4,11/06 Reading a newspauP helps youn Heilim l the wolM rou yro po es wre ane ae- cdsm Ipqll IN THECIRCUITOFTHE 20th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HENRY COUNTY, FLORIDA VICTORIANOVAZQUEZ and AMARILIS VAZUEZ Plillin vs CaeNo 06-194-CA JUAN MOLINA a NUBIA MOLINA r0 fone lad MARIA M OUINONES and FERNANDOE. ZAMORANO, DeienanrT, NOTICE OF ACTION YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to Quiet Title on the following property In Hendry County, Florida: Lots 12 and 13, Block 26 of Montura 'Ranch Estates First Subdivision ac- cording.to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 3, Pages 37, 38; and 39 of the Public Records Hendry County, Florida. Has filed against you, and you are re- qured to serve a copy of your written defense any, to ton lizabeth A. Meercret E Plaintiffs attorney, whose address is 1800 West 49th Street, Suite 332, Hialeah, Florida 33012 oh or before 30 days from the date of first publication ofthis notice and file the original with the clerk of this court either before service on plaintiff's attorney or Immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the complaint or petition. Answerdue Aprl15,2006. DATED on 8 th day of March, 2006. As Clerk of theCourt By/S/R. DeLaCruz As Deputy Clerk 128456CGS4/20,27:5/4,11/06 MEETING NOTICE Program Planning Committee Ofthe - Southwet Florida Worforce Development Board Region 24 Date: Wednesday, May10,2006 Time: 2:00p.m. Place: Career and Service Centers f Southwest Florida 4150 Ford Shtreet Extension FortMyers, FL Info: MaryAnneZum 239-992-8000 Ext229 130964 CGS 5/4/06 MEETING NOTICE SouthwestFlorida Woardrce Devlropment Board Region 24 Date: Wednesday, May 10,2006 Time: 3:30p.m. Place: Careerand Service Centers of Southwest Florida 4150 Ford Street Extension Fort Myers, FL Info: BehtaRichards 239-992-8000 Ext.240 130963 CGS5/4/06 NOTICE OF MEETING The Barron Water Control District Board of Supervisors will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING and meeting at 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, May23, 2006, at the office of e Dlstrict, 3293 Detlwood Terrace, PortLaBelle. The purpose of the public hearing and meeting will be to adopt a final opera- tlon budget for fiscal year 10/1106 - 9/30/07, levy a per acre maintenance tax for 2006, capital projects tax for 2006 for lands within the Port LaBelle Agrictural ProJect and conduct other business requiring action by the Board. This meeting Is open to the public. Mark Colbert, Chairman 130576 CB/CGS 5/4,11/06 Gra a bh ga fr your attin, MbasM t or clas- athn b rl's debslleds. Thursday, May 4, 2006 April 18. 2006 INVITATION TO BIDDERS 05-06-05 ilC ILYfyl a ilI a 0, AWee/: LVetr*a veu el fl o 31wlc 1. oe IT ard pl.iace ly will be openrCr and re3d aloud hb rIub umid 36le Io l l c'i'. i iel Of telOr' O3 f peclons ay iea2l i Hall. 1i WesiVeilur Avenue Cleosion. FL 33440 (r, 0 rr, u. be 1,1 ;a red ao101 clea1d..rled "PAVI4G BID Bide 173y __e 'l 01 h.', lelvred cOyH 1 I Wes venra aenue Cl,.S- lor Fi tL 3 1440 io reiponsirlTy sna11l e nac(ied 10 any foticers IOr me prima- ru.le r..n uI dl .I n0l p.poeny alesiseo an0 >unEii'ed FrO IiTy ,ji l C wlelsin .,[,C Le rehl Ta 10old alli illS Ir 60 Oda ina IO rsjj c 3n4 31a 31131 pl r lm, of lrI O"dule 1, W1 16nCl C0Sc i 'd irl0oi- mi3rI,' ui j10 jril nr n r il rjI j1 u1L i udlmrIn best erue mae Ciy CiT OFCLEWISTON FLORIDA Ivj PelTran Deputy Clerk I ni2 ], 4/ .,0. u I Land Sale bile Hom I Land Sale BID SOLICITATION NOTICE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENTOFTRANSPORTATION Barlow, Florida April 18,2001 AdvertRamont No.1 CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS Sealed bids wi be received untl 2:00 PM. (Barww Local Time) n Thursday Mo 18, 2006 atthe District Office, State of Florida Deparent of Tnsportaoo, 801 North Broadway Ave., Bartow, Florida 33830 for the following work Bids received win be opened and public read aloud in the Muli-Purpose Conference Room, .Sealed bids may be malned and mustbe received prior to bid opening to State ol Florida Department of Transportation, 801 North Broadway. Ave., Atn: District Contracts MS 1-18, Bartow, da 33830. Ifthe bid amountIs greater than $250,000.00 on costrutn cthe Contractor must be pre-qualified as re quired byFlorida Statute 337.14(1) and Rule Chapt rl4-22. -*-NOTE-- Propoul Formi i ll Ar lsued ataer 200 PM IBfrtu Local Tine) on, Wdnes- i May i. 2006 Plan nokleMers t wi notl be issue 31ttr S0 pm on Fnda, May 12 2006 NOTICE TO BiDDERS 1YOU MAY OBTAIN PLANS SPECIAL PROviSIONS AND/OR BiD DOCUMENTS Bi FACING A FAX ORDER FORM TO t8631 534-N172 THI, FORM MAY BE DOWNLOADED AT WWW-DOTSTATE FL US'CONTRACISADMI. NI~lIRAlONDISTRICTI NEW BIDDERS ORIENTAInON MEETING HAS atEN CirlEDULEO FOR TUESDA MAY9.2006AT200 PM (CO)NT ACI NO EIF55-RO) COUNTIES Higilands ano Okeecnobee FINANCIAL PROIfECT NO 421126-1-;2-1 Woor. consists of cleaning andgrubbing le al. rriig arme removl (Appro 365 Calendar Days) NOTE PROJECT MANAGER jGry Bmel. 18631 385-6104 j3y DuiTrOtleau ll fl us BUDGET AMOUNT $1 0 uO 600 NO CHARGE FOR PLANS AND SPECS CONTRACT NO E1F56 RuO COUNTY Okeecrooee FINANCIAL PROJECT NC 42112 .1-72-01 Wort 0(oits ol spo0 snoIlder repair seed ando sod Appor 365 Cajena3r Daysl NOTE. PROJECT MANAGER Gary Burnett, 08631386-6104 a mry m lltdont ate flus BUDGET AMOUNT $90.000.00 O CHARGE FOR PLANS AND SPECS (CONTRACT NO EIF57-RO COUNTIES MnrleD ano Sarasota FINANCIAL PRO JECT NO 421124.1-72.01 & 421123-1-72-01 Work conrlsts of neoticide str. app11(J0on on me prmlary syrnm lAp.ro 365 Calenlar Days) NOTE PRO. JECi MANAGER Art Hall, 8631359-7312 arlnurnal'Cdom 3-teU n u BUDGET AMOUNT $136 000 00 NO CHARGE FOR PLANS AND SPECS. (CONTRAli NO EIF58-RO) COUNTY DOsorci lWie. FINANCIAL PROJECT NC 4l1144-1-7.-01 ol Wor con,1t ol ir o lVnrepair teong Iro lomn an wtel retuo Dornai lIADpiu 365 Calendar Days) NOTE. PROJECT MANAGER Rob Diyer 18631 519-2752 l Poerl Jwyerdolta1 iflus MAXIMuM BUDGET AMOUNt 1150 o0o 00 NO CHARGE FOR PLANS A1D SPECS. ( ONTRArC NO E1F60-RFO) COUNTIES Oesom & iardee FINANCIAL PROJECT NO 441433-112-01 & 414934-l-72-0i Work ConISIts l rI o nimirlob r and r110in rrmiovr (Alnpu 365 Calendar Davl) NOTE PROJECT MANAGER Bgbby Car- roll, (1861993-4634 Dobsv carroll"ddo.galae II u' BUDGET AMOUINT $1lO8.0 00 NO CHARGE FOR PLANS AND SPECS Older, lor mene documdnAs lOul DO arectoa t me ODl o le Cnitrans h nAdolrIlA. ow. Diseic Cutiracs Orfice Mal Sta on 1-18. FRondo Depan em of Trarsporo. uon 801 Norm BroaDway Bartow, Florida 33830. or PO bor 1249 Banovy Flo0j 33831 Pnone 18631 519-2559 Chetks shoul DBe made payDoli 1o me 13le o0 RFlorda Deparentr of Transporrinor, No refuno will be md ae Tn ng i loseruiedC l rejcld a'f y O all lDI Cneryl Sarinnioi DiSncl ComiraIts AdmIrnistrtor 128466 ON 1GS 4,27 51410 AVISO DE ELECTION GENERAL '1 Sui M CboD Secrrtano.jlf ,a o .a.l( .,l, aoono Fi nda a pO. apiDrerete d0oy 0il de qua h Er ine eLLLIU4 rN cIIAL en el 0 donamo o r'lry. rdl- do de la Rlrda. el l Siere de Noverrbra, D C. 2006 para ilena a manlenerr as sigul10tem posiciones oibcial Se3naor de Ios Estas Unldos Reprsr entare en el Congreo p el Olsti m(si 16 y 23 Gobtiadot y Tenienle Gobemador Fi cliGeneral Conrralor Eslata Comislonsdo d Agncullura ProcuiadorEsiatal Circulto2 Deflersor Pufico Circuto 20 Mieabro a s C a,,ra de Represeilantis Estalal. Disto i77 Retlenri deIres Mgistrado de la Cone Supre m Reten on de clnco Jdjces de oI Corle ae ApelaconIesn oe ismO o Segundo juascoOlCaCortedelC luaiunVioeilmo.Gruoos2 5.8 9 11,14 1/ 1 Ol01.io de Diarrnoiu de i.a Comuiddd Oe Port LaBelle. Escmos 1. y5 Juecesi ae i0Corn di Colaudo Grupol jun1a de los Coriiio,',jlo del Coridiao. DIOmoos 2 y 4 Mielro da LenairE3 EiOir DIlreos 3 y Dier1i ode Cunlervac dn de ierro v Agua Or Hnory GruaS 1 Iy 5 Aulondad atd- oshpralu Adl Cond.io 0ae Henory DiswOrl 2y 4 Dlinio de Control de 13 Aguas del ~sfi Conaro de Hentry Eicaits 2 y 4 En lisnimnlJ di lo CLuI 0i h1 anIter mni rnm.ir a eSn1 Grar il eo oei Eaa o oe 13 Flona en rallina .e La Ca.3rl. en 2 oe Aprl D C. 2006 SueM CODo SeCiaana de Estadu 128345 CB.'CGri O 5/4, NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF THE LANDOWNERS OF DISSTON ISLAND CONSERVANCY DISTRICT Noate hoeray grea1 t pursuanl t0 caIl or ie Boara SuipersW orrs ol DOstn Is- Iand Coniervna.c Dorlmti a ii accordiance ian Cnapter 298 londa Statutes 1941 an laiw merdatorymereno tre Annual Meeong ol ne LanEowrers ol Di- AloI Islard ConIa.o l ir.cy DsA n ifor Che year 2005. el oDe neld o Unerd Statle Sugai Corporanon Molasses Sales Onice. North US 27. Clreslion. Flonid on lrueaoy May 9.2006al 1000A M lo tIe purpose of 1 Electig one ll Supervwioror aerm l Inree 131 years 2 Recesing annual reports and long such acon nith respect merlo as me landowners may o lermnne 3 Transadng sdeR ulri to dinies as may property come before In meebng BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MISSION ISLAND CONSERVANCY DISTRICT BY Jason Langoale Presidem 1298894CG5 47/06 5/4/06 - -- -- ..c e oue xc~~z I U 417 W. aSladhw, 8A3 8H3-6262 Fax 863-983-4464 d antcl Poa hleto iistl el z 8(']:228.1973 Sales iSociaies: REAILi11, AlOiSelz : *9w M ar : ( t(305-304-38B65 * Pioneer 5 acres.3/2 mobile home with a . beautiful pond and native trees, fenced, corner lot. $220,000) * LaDeca 5 acre lots to choose from $130,000 * SALEPENDMNGII Excellent Investment property, 1.5 acres on HWY 27, house, apartment & building S235,000 * GORGEOUS 40 ac farm, 3/2 w/2 story barn & more, $1,200,0000 * 2 1/2 beautiful acres, agicultural, cleared, fenced, pond. ready to build, $105,000 will sell fast. * Montura Ranch 2.5 acres $85k. * Pioncrr 2.5 from S65k. * 1 25 acre lois trom S45,(0X). CS^ 9 -al rty. In. FEATURED LISTING Lock, 312 ih omdpoo, rplao, pit ge ompan4 alt le oo -pricvd at MOTIVATED SELLER BRING OFFERS!I Caff Us, Wle Iffi vesmY!! viro r: Carolyn Thomas 946-2005 a/lf social :AnnDonohue 228-0221 David Rister 634-2157 .1. I. 528 E.Sugarland Hwy., Clewiston .AJVZ V % .Z5S (863) 983-8559 ZI.rC RALzSTAT U aROn SAfter Hocrs rPho: ehrTI Eby (8 3) 22i -162l&t o 420a SuGARLAND HWE MiguelkSurma(3a.-i.2284314Espl I- (863) 983a663 Magge Stna 1n3) 2864314 Espaadol 863) 98-9770 Elsie Sellers (239)122 7490 spaol A WBSIE: DYBSrsALSTATE.COM EMAIL AN W@DYEMSIRALSTATE.COM Me __a n AInc. lAWAF "7E R LOrZ RS. ANN DYESS LAURA MiTHw TRAVIS DYSS ANGELICA GONZALEZ S**- ( t, ".(863)983-8979 (863)599-1209 (863)228-2215 SE HABLA ESPANOL / ,f "OR-t7t4 (- 863)228-0023 ureat Ftsing Ketrea! ,li2 w/ large detached garage near marina's and oat ramps. Call For Details. RESIDENTIAL. CLEWISTON * Lr. 3BR.2BA, MH on WtrFrt Lot wiateveeGround Ptwl, 2 Storage Sheds w/Eilectri, Nicely SL.j. Oi d %.'- il 4 -i i ll',iN, Mi.E P.-% it. M I b-al. -irchA MU, S ;N E M i. bi l 1, 1) 1 * 2BityBA Conerlot, Semaime $14K MOORE HAVEN SY lu 2P 'Bul A .on., r ll N' "- P,,,: I s.:=. i!.,-A * Yact Club 2/2, eg, unroon, great views, Fshermno Paradise $1285K SLakeprt 2BI/IBA Waterfront with lake scesm $125,000 PIONEEBRLANTAION * 2.5 ac wl feTduewimofriebome, beatifeullot $189900' Starter Home, 2/1 w/ carport, Won't Last Long $125.000 FIRM ACRGA, LW &LOTS * Rim Lnnd AvateiCaitfrDeta S160 Aoo rHendylsesBlod Rke Redul $20000 per acre Gcat Dwesexm5si Poten tl S1) AC OFF OLD US 27 $420K 'Wooded Lots: Cle &Seyeda&SuvsyLot e $48K S.PalmnSt. Reduced to $35K L .nt .hi'lr." Club '.'s t S- l M.-i,: -l.Js ,, L,-,i =-. ,_ S-lOg * Frni,..i Ro.. 2. AC '1K * Large 4BR/tBA MH on 1.25 ac on Hacienda $115K BIOHLANDS COUNTY S80 Acres w/ great development SU A, it rl H EETNit fretat EXCEPTIONALN~ PROPERTIES Karen Sandelli -ic. RealEstate Sales Associate 228-0627 Marshall Berner Li. Real Estate Sales Associate 228-3265 Teresa Rundes Lie. Real Estate Sales Associate 885-2187 Ruiffie t h (pnio Li Real Estate Sales Associate 228-7185 HOMES .DR.L17IG 1'F .VCi 'OA(RSTRI LCTIO IWAKE UP i E GOT IT7 l. LL TO 'INUIRE .3 '+ 1.'2 TILHT LOOKS LIKE .LIE It' DETACHED OFFICE &s PRI:AELY FENI EL) l:tRD 21 N VEIZ i) HR ODELED .ND PRlr *D TO PLEASE A.SK .,L9P 9K 2/1 GREATSTARTER HOME W/A NICE SIZE BACK YARD $149.9K 3/2 VE1?YOMMK TRIPLE T j~7 ms ""PL. RRXXW, W" ' MANUFACTURED IJOMES .3/2 W1A DEN SITS ON 1.25 ACRES ASK $149.9 3/2 COULD BE 4, A 2005 CLEAN & PRISTINE ASK $132K I,.V i "t Ti.- F l k.. a I 1Sff .,, r RESIDENTIAL CBSi Rl, VACANT LAND 3BR, 1 1/2 BA and 2BI f t 3 Montura 125 acre luos avail- efficency $131.000 2BR. 1 BA $279,000 able.Callf- I LUn 3BR. 1BA $168,000 2BR, 1 1,2 BA Condo (8) 4BR, 3BA Del Monte $150K ACREAGE $295,00 MOBI HO ES +/55 acres$25tWacGladesCo. $295,oo0oM3 EHOMES aBingloffers. 4BR, 2BA New Home 3BR, 2 Mobile ng $345,000 Horne$7 COM RCIAL 3BRI, 2BA with sdy and 3BR, 2BA Ridgdlff S/D- COMMERCA L 3pool. Newt study an $130,000 Building 2476 sq. A. on US $359,900 SMOORE HAVEN 27 100xl' $550,000 3B, 1BA CBS 3 lots + f =13B o-d f.b... $162,000 + $1 2 oro, er Cabinet Shop 4800sq.ft. 3B) 7- & Apt. $200,000 $299,900 3BR, 2BA Home with e- MONTURA aencv Good condition 2BR, 2BA 1994 SWM 1.25 $175,900 acres$87,500. New Cas 3BR&O2BA 2BR, 2BA SWMH 1.25 acres Sugarland Circle 577.000 sdj lot aailale Turnkey Watercress Farm 15 acres in Pioneer Call For More Info "NOW ON THE MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE TO BETTER SERVE OUR CUSTOMERS!!" Phone: 863-946-3900 Fax: 863-946-3902 498 US Hwy. 27, VERGLADES'' S Moore Haven REALY, INC. .: I.. In, A 1,. .._L. 16 1,, .... HOMES US ghh .w 5; 1 lcrc. Zo'ed lHOME O.N.HEiJ WATER 2?2.15 li.i.,iJ S ( i'nmtrn icd, Srlin Yuur Own Bi, ines.' Dr Moore H.nin. [ieit'ul 21R I5H th . 775,il)01l O~a ncr Will Subdir. dc prri nte d,: k ,rd nice porch On yiv $ I ..1 )t11i Palmdale Area csT CrI lilr, I;T r ti lr call WIater Fro Pfroi erI in Turksv c rck f 1 I, -imtliier L ircuil: r(I.i 3 ll. t'?l' ii lio, c,;injl n th i ,lock 1sMU aIaa RE1Tchsl I i 2' jr,: ,i ..'ii.'Lr, l upjid.rc. I.llI)'.'l Appr I. c...'i,,r lo, l .ill.( Reducc-d Nei A ldel Hom 1 I 2 i.: U -0., -.i Li 'i ,4; [ R 'B tbl.,i nt i.. '4 ,' lt ''h I b A scnuA l K Nuir2 e Havcn 4 rL,,. p,,1.'.r. A.. Moo. 11 -,. 4'.-T I ,14" i.'.~ r *r... r. n or tp .r A ,.i-nr,,-. Mobill e H n lh Xtra Lot Included c..oirr% 32 1 1 mil 2iR.;2 I _,L I'.u' .' li ,,1 I r '.clIt "h, i . Orlnna Cleared li cl .,r. 22 acr,:' .1i'' ti.r r H- IirllHI l',',,',v L1.,c Moore H.A en Yacht Club 2 I, 421 ',c Club i ..,.. .t.. r :,re l .cr,. ~l2.7 ' for dl, br.L i ,llnyi' hr Cluhb i,, iiin I M' ohile Homee e 1.l165. acreI .i S3. inj $ 2d M 1)1:00 1 e 0 ik ) kE.- ,r Or M n -re I I v 1 i 5 o, 1 T Many b List M .,rg H- ..:. Riw., beautiful FHo e ncr r., the .-.-,cr. 'bkl 2UA &1a ( u .rd i L,.h, 1 rni ts.*"I. I '. th pn..r,. J.,-k & it h titi i ll-int Sprmnp, ^ ,;2i.i75 SALES 5SOCIATES WANT ED. New On JThe Market 1DP IB \. nii lt.. C(OMB.JOINO( UR(C.NO(WING TEAM NI .' ..:.,,c N -M,,r... 12".'l) J S WELCOMEOULR NFE.' Vrand Ne. S CBS Home 3.IitR BA SALES ASS 'CIATr KFLLI.ATKINSON rrlrrint Pr. -rn 24', IIvrid. In11L. CALL JEFFRE D\MIS, BROKER .l. li :n ."'.' , AT W863B -228-26-F-ER 2UPER BkI',\ ].ll.ir .,, lht !.ii, I Ii5J Pi" '. NE. [.d p,.n Il.tsJ1 -t Iii ,.- Mi WM I ... ; 1y :9'i:.. -' *.~ Luan B. Glenn A. Sarah A. CharmaineA. Walker Smith Williams Montgomery Lie. Real Estate Broker 863-983-3508 863-228-6867 &eo 863-697-0189 863-677-1010 Se Habla Esnl Why Wait To Build? Get it Now! CBS 1)Home Improvement Business! 1) Montura Ranch Estates Large I) Muse 20 Acres Home, 1,670 sqft. 3bd/2ba/l car garage, Established Home improvement business Homr ii ?, tt l i 1 .25 Absolutely Perfect for your located on Texas Ave. Appliance package and cosnnierice store on 2.5 acres. Fully acreJ club dream home. 20 Fenced Acres included. citr water and sewage. Pead' to equipped and permitted caf6 ready to be Acre cuIb cw/ pond. Lots of 10 year old Move In S160 00i0 00 opened Located near the Clubhouse in house on Hacienda. Needs some pines w/ some oaks. Priced Custor ldf t bl 'M tled in Montura Ranch All furniture, fixtures, equip- work but will not last long at below recent sales. Will Go Ploneer n" l f luVl rt has a menr and inventor/ included. Be your own $199,900 MLS# 200528863 Fast! Only $409,900.00 front pcahi- --lu -I2l299K I boss" Call for Glenn 6-7-1441 for more Sweetwater Ave. This property has infcrmafon MLS- 200530488 2) Moore Haven River Gardens 2 JS 27 5 Acres many beautiful trees that include wild 2) Moore Haven 3 br/2 ba mobile home 2 Home lots ready for your new Looking for the impossible? maple and oaks Small mon-mode tIke hidder,n in thci ree; & brush There s an OervSze Li.ng Room wth Cathedral home. Corner lot for $55,000, Opportunity seldom knocks .bund3ni of wildlife o 5 acres 574 9K i Ce~liins. Large open kt.:her, and formal din- inside Lot for $50000 or both twice acres on US 27 on inside Lot for $50,000 or bothutwice! 5 on on Readrba ng roon' Large r.ar de, v wth built in bbq the Palm Beach/ Hendry Sand gazebo gz lu it see iSt 121,900 MLS# for $100,000! County line. Over 937 feet on Roea rr l gad 200540984o n E ae j T W20050984 I L US 27 for easy access priced 3) Ridgdill .Subdivision 2 Water right for a quick sale @ S275K Why bu ied new Seminole Manor 3 Bedroom/2 Bath Mobile Front Mobile Home Lots available Don't let this one get away! Ne C-ltir h R i Iod Home Walking distance from Gewiston immediately!! Cleared and ready Conr>jLnIIM i i9,90 High School and Clewiston Elementary for your new home. Will not last 3) Moore Haven River Gardens 'hAs Cue as a Buon ralebee&n remodeda great local n As Cue as a Button Adorable n perfect I ldret price in a grlongat $55,000 each!! 7 Lots Available. New conditlor. Entrance has beautiful hard on. MLd#200636722 Construction in Growing Area. wood floors & fireplace. The knockdown & 4) Pioneer Plantation 2.5 acs. on Build Your Dream Home Here! paint on walls are excellent including Crown oWu' Par l dining 4) Investment opportunity! 13 Acres of Riviera St. Reduced for Quick Meyerchick Dive, Lot#15, on 1oorrm l erAfl iTrd lana, Producing Orange Grove!! High and dry with Sale!! $74,900 MLS#: 200604536. thepond @$62K v,/ ou .iailIl ravonre irrigation from bordering canal. Additional Thatcher Blvd., near the river music M".',ountain acreage available. Call Glenn @ (863) 677- 2 a @568,000.00 or outdoor fire in a mll garden setting 1441 fr appointment 5) Need Space Over 2 acres Thatcher Blvd., Lots 6 & 7 or 8 Are you a hobbtisr there a house out in the desirable Flaghole $58,500.00 each back 14' 21 AC In one of the best 5)Lake View! 3 br/2 ba mobile home ('05 Community. Mobile Home needs Thatcher Blvd., Lots 11 or 12, locations in Clewiston on Royal Palm Av. Fleetwood) in Sunshine Lake Estates. 15 x 15 work due to hurricane @$60K Please note the brand new roof will be screen porch overlooking the lake. Open omeueto urrcane installed within the next 30 days so make kitchen with large pantry and breakfast bar, damage so it is being sold as is. 4) Montura Ranch Estates this your top priority to see today! Mustsee @$129,900 MLS#-200630432 Great location, and very nice 125N.Kennel Reduced $39,995 $164,900.00 property MLS# 200636527 735 S. Palm $49,000.00 6) Montura Ranch 1.25 acres ready for your 530 S. Shetland $52,500.00 new home. I can help you with the entire 770 S. Shetland $44,900.00 homebuilding process. Call me at 677-1441 for details. Cathy S. Ashley Enrique Jerry W. Garcia P. Wood Acosta Smith 863,228-4798 863-228-1132 305-506-5876 561-261-3444 se BIabli w pol Se Habla Espanol Very spacious 2001 manufactured Montura Ra fc states 680 Just Reduced! 3BD/2BA Nice 5 wooded acres in Ladeca. home on the lake, has all the room you S. Jinete S5 II.nft lot 1.25 Kept,Many Fruit Trees,New A/C, $1 50K are looking for. This 3bd 2ba home has acres Grea9~ ln! $39.9K Horseshoe Ac. @ $1 39.9k several walk-in closets and a very large llv- Don't Let This One Slip Away! Montura Ranch Estates ing/dining area. This home is being Greatstarterhome or investment 2bd/ba on huge lots in 2.5 Acres in Montura $85K offered at $124,900. nronnrtv in Montura Ranrh Thisk ^rs^s^ Acre. Brin al offers i2 Acrr in Mnntl.ra $Q l. oeeiC il.tiALea. IO mmm Se Bha Espand M~ ........ The Summer of'06 will be a fun-time just Outside of Town! A Fleetwood with the sparkling pool that comes home w/ a 24'x30'. shop on a beauti- with this 4BR. 2-bath set amidst flow- ful 1/2 acre; Make an Offer ering shrubs and colorful plantings in enviable North Sde of Clewlston With Flaghole!!!! Oak trees, paved drive- its spacious rooms, bar area, and way. 5' fence, & pole barn on 1 acre oversize lot you will vacation every lot. Almost forgot the beautiful day for the price of an ordinary home: -emodeled mobile home! Listed '. $305,000.00 $169,90000 Good 01' Country Livin' will be yours as You won't want to miss out on a theownerofthis3BR2Bathseton 1.25of deal like this! 2003 4bd/2ba dou- the prettiest acres you will ever see In blewide on 2.16 acres. Property fea- Montura Ranch Estates. Theres even a tures a second mobile home, large Jacuzzi tub in master bat-, and a fireplace steel building and storage sheds. in family room It's just waitng st$4500, 15,4,900 $245,000.00 Definitely Not Nice, In fact it's a 2 Country living at its Best! Hone sits Sd disaster! F lfld d it may Just on 7 35 rnplDMel be livable An l Il can buy this made .1iStall for doublewlde mm lM e in Seminole Information Manor for not much more than the lot Best 1.41 acre ake front lot in value at $39 9K The Best l41 ace lake front lot in Montura 105 Pinelake Ave. Call for The Great Escape Off a country lane showing $77,900.00 In Montura Ranch Estates on 1.25 acres sits a doublewide mobile home Now must be the time to buy your on a corner lot with bedrooms 2 Montura Tract. list, show and sell bath, There's ajacuzzi tub in master them. Call for information or an bath and a fireplace In family room. It appointment. can be your family's haven for just $152,000, 5 Acres in Pioneer w/ steel building $215,000.00 Why Pay high space rents when you New Listing and it is going fast! can own the land with a 3BR, 2-bath 2 246sqft. Home on acres located double-wide with room for a double 2,246sqft. Home on .6 acres located carport, patio, and shed in Easy Life In Clewiston's beautiful Ridgeview subdivision It's going to sell fast at Estates. Offered @ $269,900.00 Call $79,900. for showing. Charles A H. Kehm L Oak Trees Une The Driveway! 3bd/2ba MH w/ full open deck on front to sit In you rocker. Home sits on 1 acre of land in Flaghole. Home has tile & hardwood floors throughout. Recently remodeled, 5ft fence around property, and pole barn in back yard. Get you hands on this beauty for $169,500.00 Come See This Little Piece Of Heaven In The Country! CBS House on 5 acres in Flaghole 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, screened Lanal, 960 sq. ft. garage, loaded with Oak trees 5415,000 Gone Country! 2bd/1 ba CBS home with a large family room on a very nice corner lot available on W. Oblspo. The roof Is brand new! Home is being offered at $165K JUST REDUCED!! Absolutely Gorgeous 2004 Homes of Merit DW is brand new condition. This 4bd 2ba home with fami- ly room has a total of 1860 sq ft. and has a great view of the lake. This home is being offered for $132,500. '94 MBH, 4/ ~itfdroom plan may be justlil lll're looking for. Start yo UUlear off right with country li/,y l 'ts best. 1.25 ac., priced to sell at only $89,900. Check this outl 3bd/2ba MH in MRjp~ P.z. j.nd is clear4lJRI Ulf illriines. Horm R oI1 wf . great w -.r -I"rt".e is immaculate! $108,500.00 What a Deal! 2bd/2ba MH w/ extra lot, *Included in Purchase Price* Partially fur- nished & squeaky clean! 55 & older community. Reduced again to $119,900. Looking for Land? Look No Further! 50+ acres located in Highlands Co. Call for details! eller I tiVLdU $ K031\ New Listing! Alontura Ranch Est ae! 1m n, Loca vvean Femnc Aded' Get it while vou can' Won't Last Long! $107.71<. Got Land? Looking for develop- ment land? 28 acs. in LaBelle Ranchettes! Priced to sell fast @ $341 per acre Need Some Space? Spacious 4bd/2ba doublewide MH in Montura. Split floor plan, living room, family room, too many extras! Hurry, won't last! Motivated Seller! Only $159K Looking for a weekend get away or starter home? 2bd/2ba single wide MH in Montura RanchEstates fenced and on paved road. Only $84.9K New Listing! Secluded well main- tain 1995 doublewide 3bd 2ba, split floor plan, master bathroom includes garden tub w/ separate shower, property fenced and has horse fenced area, also next to a canal. S1 24.900.00 2.5 acres in Montura, fenced $92.5K Bring the kids & dog! This is a big lot. 3bd/2ba brick home, poo & fenced $319,000.00 New Development! Call me for sky valley lots. 5 wooded acres in Pioneer Plantation on paved road ask- ing $149K Ready to move in! 3bd/2ba manufactured home in Moore haven $79.9K 30 Acres of pasture and woods $755K New Listing! Moore Haven 3bd/2ba, CBS house $220,000.00 Call me for vacant land. Lots or acreage. New Listing! 3bd/2ba CBS home on W. Crescent Dr. This well maintained & landscaped home will sell fast Don't Miss Out! $225,000.00 New Residential Listing on exclusive Ridgewood Ave. 3bd/2ba on half an acre. Possible owner financing avail- able. Contact me for details & showing. Back On The Market! 3 bed- room J a on ertyo Iyt nce of shopping .$ I 59.K New Listing! Ranch Lake Estates Moore Haven 2 Building Lots Side by Side $30,000.00 each S/.L county Ka. 721 Loop NE A little piece of Heaven! Beautiful two story home with spiral staircase and wood floors. Big backyard with boat access to the Gulf and direct access to Lake Okeechobee. Home on one acre among oak hammocks. Kitchen feature granite counter tops. Property could be used as a Bed & Breakfast. Detached workshop can easily be converted for an additional living area for a Bed & Breakfast. $575, 000.00 100 S. er erR -ztros r:. 863983293 kMLS; I Houses Sale I Houses Sal I Houses Sal I Houses Sale I Houses Sale I Houses Sale I Houses Sale~k I Houses Sale I Houses Sale Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 4, 2006 I ~~i:" Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, May 4, 2006 I Pb ic Notic505i I Pblic Notice I Public Notice I Public Notice NOTICE SHAWANO WATER CONTROL DISTRICT NOTICE OF CHANGE OF MEETING DATE REGULAR BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all own- SUBMITTED BY: R. Scott Cooper DATE: 5/906 bouf nds located WA- SUBJECT AREA: 543Prequafication of Contracrs bEondarie sTof the SHAWANO WA- TER CONTROL ISTRICT, that the EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF PURPOSE: The proposed rule establishes the policy for Regular Meeting of the Board of Su- pesors of the SHAWANO WATER procedures whereby certified general an roofin contractors may prequalfy, an- CONTROL DISTRICTwhich was nually, to submit competive bids on projects. scheduledfor Frid ately,9,2006 CITATION OF LEGALAUTHORITY: 1001.41 and 1001.42 F.S. at 10:30a.m. Gldor iew Board fol- lowing the r adeview Board of Su- CITATION OF SPECIFIC LEGAL REFERENCE: 255.05, 287.0585, 489.125, AND rescheduled for Frday, May 12, 1013.45 s. 2006ms Co :3 at thi SugarMi FULL TEXT: Acopy of the full text of the proposed rule may be obtained, without a Road, Belle Glade, Forda. cost, at the Office of the Superintendent of Schools. If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board of Su- pervisors withrespect to any matter considered at this meeting, e/she will need a record of the proceed- Ings, and that, for such purpose. he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Pursuant to the provisions of the Americans with DisabilitiesAct, any "[r. [.i"sin r[,:,,r.t Cr.,aii F ',e 1.hc1rr 0 i ( a 62in 0 C iesi TI lrv 51 ci rel ir iys ortr tIu I lr dmrij oif Milvi , IVlit mlI 1 y M3y 2016 by Cna.rie Irrce..n Ei i 131954 CGS 5/4/2006 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Port LaBelle Community Develop- ment District will hold a Board of Su- pervisors' Meeting on Thursday, May 11, 2006, at 6:30 pm at the offce of the District located at 3293 Dellwood, Terrace. The purpose of this meeting is to conduct routine business which may require action by the Board. This meeting is open to the public. Patrick B. Whidden, Chairman 130575 CB & CGS 5/4/06 PUBLIC NOTICE Public notce is hereby given that Fergu- son Towing will sell at Public Auction free from all prior liens, the following vehicles that remaining unclaimed in' storage with charges unpaid, pursuant to Florida Statutes 713.78, to the high- est bidder at 12065 Lakeshore Drve, Canal Pt., FL 33438. 1988 GMC (Red) Pick-Up Vin#1 GDHR34J1JJ51 8266 1998 CHEVROLET (WHI)4 DOOR Vin# 1G1JF52T7W710298 1997 CADILLAC (GRN) 2DOOR Vin#1G6EL12Y8VU615260 2003 FORD (RED) UTILITY Vin#1FMRU17W43LA23209 Sale Dale: May 15,2006 @9:00 AM 131986 CGS 5/4,11/2006 PUBLIC NOTICE U-Lock-lt Storage 500 South San Gabriel Clewiston, FL 33440 863-673-0662 Contents of the following units will be sold on May 20, 2006 9:00AM Unit#30,31 Amanda Cypress 736 Bond Street Clewiston. FL 33440 130844 CGS 5/4,11/06 - READING A NEWSPAPER... leads you Bll to rbe bet produce. !a ond senlices. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The proposed rule establishes the policy for procedures whereby certified general and roofing contractors may prequalify, annually, to submit competitive bids on projects. STATEMENT OF REGULATORY COSTS: The proposed policy revision will create no additional district economic Impact in exceed of $100.00 except for the costs of printinganddistributions. LOCATION OF MEETING, TIME AND DATE: Hendry County School Board Meeting Room, 475 E. Osceola Avenue, Clewiston, FL at 5:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard on May 9, 2006. Notice: Any person who wishes to provide the School Board with information re- garding te statement of estimated regulatory costs, or to provide a proposal for a lower cost regulatory aitemative must do so in writing within 21 days after publi- cation of this notice. Notice: If requested in writing and not deemed unnecessary by the Agency Head, a Rule Development Workshop will be heard at a time and date to be advertised In the future. Nlice. Tnr procedure for obtaining a public hearing on this proposed rule Is to re- que, in writing, a hearing. The request shall be submitted to the Superintendent of Scnhols, in writing, win 21 days er publication of this notice. The request shall specify how th person requesting the public hearing would be affected by the proposed rule. The School Board, upon appropriate request, shall give affect- ed persons an opportunity to present evidence and argument on the issues under consideration. Notice: Inspection and copying of all written materials constituting public records submitted to the agency regarding draft rules may be obtained by request, in writ- ing, to the Superintendent oSchools. Notice: The School Board may recognize any material which may be judicially no- Oced and to incorporate them into the record of the rule making proceeding. The School Board may incorporate material by reference into the proposed rule. Notce: If you need an accommodations order to participate in this process, please notify Thomas W. Conner, the Supetendent of Schools at (863) 674-4642 or at the Hendry County Courthouse, LaBelle, Rorida 33935 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting orworkshop. Notice, I tric Hi:S. u.iid jd-p i~ Ie .iprooSc o i rr o lul o e cried oy ul tr ie ai p.iird rule i rta.1 [,1 ,ld i n ie i lf- r 1I] Uth ui 1'H1''ilnOi I Ol'. [,uruu.iif Fu l);'O54|:i|(t l CS 128212 CGS 4/20,27;5/4 CB5/4/06 NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION I, Sue M. Cobb, Secretary of State of the State of lorida, dr nriio, r o rie n o that a GENERAL ELECTION will be held in HENDRY County, iatE ol flohrlo, on the SEVENTH day of NOVEMBER, A.D., 2006, to fill or retain the following offic- es: Lh'ledl irA.i-i ric.i, l'Hfr ,- 1 L .1, r l', Trl GiHniSii .iSrci Liculn ii L H ,,,i:'r U iiH:i Ci ,ri.. 1 :11 11:51 lcTe Anurr l. y .lui'n I i 'i, c o Fiij[h: 'I l, A-i l.1 Juil0iil -ul 20 01rr i' nrlW: i btilrr"U Ili:"l i)u' : . i. ( iuJuidqr Twil i,.In l uiol.l.uij I'i i : iuTr ,oupl' ; i 11 14,-" oiI ..i L i'e rll i i Ji' i rlT IL >c l T ,'i[ i lHTnIL IJ ..r I r. I rl.l] SunT) l JCuu l1 G1100 U1up I School Board: Districts 1,3 and 5 CI:,riinT Cl.,ITlIrr in ira' uin clrIr A urd .. H,-lry iCoIr'i HI).iui rZ ,ijnrH [ll'yhOtiin i itiJt i Hart,,.-y iS.1 it Iutiir L ,,i,'cS3t1r, DiOTOHOI il:au ii I Sj ']i '. Lj.-n Couiifr, R 1i. Cr.0nio'i inl iLr cin-l Il14 IN T litiHnTuIi ru ii l r l l H.i.i1 v- -i ) u t l f- il Oi r i.s ih n iuHF l 1 il 1 i: i -i-r ri :IXT ti ri,.rit ul i.D iiT .i)ir c i F-C C el r 111, i i ,, ,H;i: i,.tc,,'q A l OIHI A i Uif1 Sue M.Cobb S rac l.-v uil iile 128391 CGS/CB 4/20;5/4/06 NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF THE LANDOWNERS OF BOLLES DRAINAGE DISTRICT IjOuei IS n.,Tjy give,1 aIrHl i puluinr lu CtI oi me BOill iSuerv u(lco Z 0 Bulle. laairidgO iclitr jcIi Ia n JAl:iiji'iiC with0 CriPlneir Z9 1 l8i'iita SBaiwuit 1-941 rid Fl.w arme'rlaaOry Irmbroo lhIN Aniual rMillrn f irO Ii L:rcdijAeri 0il brliII r1irie l.'nilili 1 lnor b'l yi ar i05j Will Ii r nowll il l.lnnlle I i i ijysr li.lo-oc.r- Hin M :,lli eisi, 1 at i i .r 11:,r i .: L I: I i.iu F lioiJ. i:.- iidr:.l3j MJy 'I .,i0d AlT I tN A M ll 1li, -ICIP e 301 " 1 El 1,:[lrr .a T Ic i1 u I.li l,:, t T|, l i rLi.rc i )) i. ,. R f:f. r itr i'u ui r bl anlt [hi tut:r j:cllj iOl r lft.:t rileidu l.1: : 3. ii.iuntu.iari ;uiri h cr H-trIo c 'S.l ii c1 0 0-iu:tiry :.mi 0 tirl0S r J m rticR 0AAO(Ait ijPr F vi)At: hr S,:ICL 42.iHl ii i F'iii pl, l;0l9L/I Cii- 2?: iii. 0 41.5 HENRY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULE RITTA ORAIfIAGE DISTRICT r'. i: r r ei g ea i0 r uucr4uj In H..Ii 'I eIrI Bu uia "i iuo vci:(i ci ui T 5mn 03n- a 1 Itiiliti itld In 3j.:LracliHi c IOri CruItler 2')tB Ci9 l.,i 3 S1.ru1i 1941 dr 'l la, .iiT, 'intlilor O r I l i r Air ll'i l rcD 1 1',gi u l I lH'i'Hiu llSr 'i l 0 lni h rn ii DI.0 ll'il1: h liji r r y i'H 2 H iiI rinU r i l iricLit'l l010 :s,: -utii -" U 0 "1:11 1.1-tb' o' i: : 'ill "mr.? 1.rr '. M '. i .li':r, Hl-,-tiU ..'l Ii :Ilu i .tc j 'i -ic l Tit. l I iI1i A.M. forthe purpose of: . 1. :IlC:lr'r3u .'Ii u31 i Z ,,%.I' tH: Pi! ; yllr, 2. ilctitr .lrn'l il :.ii r irtl Siii i cr, u: i ,,dr i l i mrH.:F iri'rir.':' j rir landowners may determine. 3. Transacting such other business as may properly come before the meeting. 129894 CGS 4/27/06 5/4/06 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS In iR rlI.r ll;i. lllT PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Clewiston Planning and Zoning Board will meet at 5:30 p.m. onnday, May 8, 2006 in the City Hall Commission Chambers, 115 West Ventura Avenue. Included in the agenda will be the following request 1)A request from Michael & Carol Fagan in accordance with City Code Section 110-60 tted 'Required findings: Variance' for a variance from the restrictions of the area and lot requirements standard of City Code Section 110-341 in order to replace a trailer In a mobile home and recreational vehicle park district The prop- erty is located at 819-825 E. Ventura Avenue, A.KA. Lots 6 9 de., Block 384, GPOC.Zoning is RM-1. 2)A request from Morrison Engineering, Inc. in accordance with City Code Section 110-61 led "Special Excepon" to allow construction of a self-storage unit fa- cltyon a commercial lot The property is located on lots 1 5 & 12 -16, Block 379,GPOC. The property zonedC. 3) A request from Timothy Crane in accordance with City Code Section 110-60 ti- tled 'Required findings: Variance" for a variance from the restrictions of the per- mitted uses standard of City Code Section 110-267 in order to allow a tiplex to remain at 612 E. Trinidad Avenue, A.K.A. Lots 14+15, Block 374, GPOC. The property Is zoned R-2. 4)A request from William & Kelly Dyess in accordance with City Code Section 110-60 titled "Required findings: Variance" for a variance to construct a 1,000 sq. ftmetal shop building at 316 Trocadero Avenue, A.K.A. Lots 10 & S 1h Lot 11, Block E, Golfview S/D. The property is zoned R-1B where City Code Section 110-438 (lb) standards allow 600 sq. ft. maximum for an accessory structure. 5)An "Appeal of Administrative Decision" from Asnaldo Sanchez from the parking restrictions in accordance with City.Code Section 102-47 (23). The applicant is also seeking use of city owned parking. The property is zoned C. EiA itul r Ti Hu Rua' li ,in ,.i :.:,.i.in:- cwln RCTy (one ,.cOu I 10-60MI IO Reqlreoa lnaings: Varince 1I. ,, vJA : lTO ',ii.l-'c Hr':l a. il 1 0 n Tan l iHvi [Iulliluj di ; I"E Url Mifil. AI l De .ul A 0f A LA-r I t2 A LKt .iU4 . striction in aordance with Citry RCode SectionA a e r102 CI-47 Te property tiltailiriitmCi H ric660ii :i.0 Ql Tu iTiffl~um-l i 0-II,:eiMi; ir':ruli 71A rciu,4 irur. Tr I eic 3n H3,*1 n s-:-'r :il.n C war C1'ry COi& Secnuri d 11044O Titie CRequire C lirmingi Vaw i ne d a PUBLIC E N t-o consider recir esenda il.adi?1 r.ii... 3 ir 0 ,xi 5.iJ E [Li. MoviA.nc.ui A A LL-21 I W ': I I01 LOl 0 1: 16 ni:t rr. 0i.i.rnay 1:r RI A *.1 N it weqF Ci\ Cali ':ctlit 11 -.uJ ("iln+ )Q I + 11 ,a 1 n ij, ir i' n 1 .ia. irrI 10 n i. 5ll:o r.x 1 i i) A .- cessory structure. . 8)An "Appeal of Administrative Decision" from Martin Vallejo from the parking re- strictions in accordance with City Code Section 102-47(23). The property is zoned C. The City Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING to consider the recommenda- tions of the Planning & Zoning Board and take final action on these requests on May 15, 2006 at 6:0 p.m. in the City Hall Commission Chambers. All I:,Ti,. : an ,il iriilrd p.i~L' 3. l: i ', u yid i l 0 I, [i P i',. 2 itll i Tir Tin ,i'.] Ire Lirv' [umiT T I-'zib pU.'ll" r.1 rj irij Ari" lllq ii.llpw ir ,irilir iime r ,inf; og ,i Ic I r : lI InI l clnl t l :l ..ll'l l ,:l' It,, i llTlo..j.. nr.n i :l':l .,., ] A..iry ,l r.,il'll a I alr.[ir -ril .: lu.i r .. r. 0 n, u .7f .A i .lr, i ...Nrjull i..cH |I i-1 aull-lfi oni i n.i 3 r avrio:r.\ i i y: fio in.r: rne ig CITYOF CLEWISTON 7 -ui R.eio Buloild rrmti-ll BuOilnihg Onr i NOTICE OF INTENTTO ADOPT/AMEND RULES OF THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT AFFECTED RULES: 40E-1.021, 40E-1.5095, 40D1.511, 40E-1.603, 40E-1.6058, 40E-1.6065, 40E-1.6105 10E 1107 10E 1 ;,15, '40E-4.021, 40E-4.091, 40E-4.101, 40E-4.321, Zl r :' l tCi '*,, 40E-61.031, 40E-61.042, 40E-61.321, 40E-61.381,40E-400.211; 40E-400.475 SUMM ARY Tr,, |j ,,',:, l h r, ,T,', : ,e 1i ll l i),,, .1 .r.r,.r i l-].,-. iri TIME AND DIAE 0F HEARiNlGS l Ii i.- lul, ni I I l. LOCATION .li:rli I lllll I ilj l rii mT il ll:rir i Il i lll i ic 8i ll B ulA ii uS l":' il -, I i i i nl V i : .a ) S i. on i )' ic : l. iir ii u r u,:,Hi Cci C..-i ri u i; li c : ,, ,i 'i i i, l i Ijl i l l l u l i ia ir i :l i : I i.ll l l r l ri l, In. I I '.l. I 1 : 1, l I.j i. lln. irU i iT :.Hli 1 1 ll1; I n .I IJ : irli] A lrtIJ I ll ] lU0Irla ll.l: i: 1 ,'li i I ,i I IlI: I '.j] I ii ii: i.l: i i, in l ] I.: l llli.f I U nl n .r l llh 4 (1. 11, 1 I:4I .l l3 Ir l : lulrl 'luli i l i r i" n 1 I'l ll'l""ll hI i ''l l : lj l~l ll ll 'T ii 6lA' 1 l;.'l .ill 1' 1l [I lll. llu1 I' .1 : oIl0lI 'l i ii'l' Il TIj y w O l, .lA, Grab a bargain Irom your neighbor's garage, attic, basement or clos- et In today's classlfleds. How fast can your car Looking for a place to go? It can go even faster hang your hat? Look no when you sel It In the further than the classl- classlfleds, fleds. Doc Savvy's Pet Corner Earth Talk Question" Dear Doc Savvy. My name is John, and I enjoy reading your column tremendously! Here is my :question: Do pets go to Heaven? John and Liz S. Answer: Hello there John- and Liz. Yes, this is a tough one to try to answer! Doc Actually there Savvy isn't really one answer, but there are plenty of opinions. So, here goes mine. I believe they do. The best way for me to describe my view of what pet Heaven is like, is a poem called, The Rainbow Bridge ". Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and con- tent, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very spe- cial to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one sud- denly stops and looks into the dis- tance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carry- ing him faster and fast You have been when you and your finally meet, you clin joyous reunion, neve again. The happy kis, your face; your hands the beloved head, a once more into the tr your pet, so long go life but never abseo heart. Then you cross Ra together ... Author unknown.. And if there is ar could add John and Li this: Anyone I've share with; no matter what take on this may be, to smile when they rea Doc Savvy. E-mail your pet DocSawy@aol.com, out your pet answers Pet Comer! "MaIN Ad fsk espomi lb 4-4 0 Am" omm -m a ft - - "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Provi :er. spotted; and special friend From the Editors of E/rhe Environmental Magazine ig together in Dear EarthTallc I've heard that it r to be parted is now safe to throw away com- ses rain upon mon household batteries and that s again caress only rechargeable batteries can >nd you look now be recycled. Is this true?- usting eyes of Doug Reynolds, Martinsville, Ind. nt from your Today's common household batteries those ubiquitous AAs, inbow Bridge AAAs, Cs, Ds and 9-volts from Duracell, Energizer and others - are not thought to pose as great a oything else I threat to properly-equipped mod- iz, itwouldbe ern landfills as they used to because they contain much less ed this poem mercury than their predecessors. their personal As such most municipalities now they all seem recommend simply throwing such ad it. batteries away with your trash. Nevertheless, environmentally questions to concerned consumers might feel , and check better recycling such batteries any- weekly in The way, as they still do contain trace amounts of mercury and other potentially toxic stuff. Some municipalities will accept these I batteries (as well as older, more toxic ones) at household haz- ardous waste facilities, from where they will most likely be sent elsewhere to be processed and recycled as components in new batteries. Other options abound, such as the mail-order service, Battery Solutions, which will recycle your spent batteries at a cost of 85 cents per pound. To find a company near you where you can drop off your old batteries for recycling, check out the comprehensive national database at the Earth911.org web- site. Meanwhile, the national chain, Batteries Plus, is happy to take back disposable batteries for recycling at any of its 255 retail stores from coast-to-coast. Users" Consumers should note that any old batteries they may find buried in their closets that were made before 1997-when Con- gress mandated a widespread mercury phase-out in batteries of all types-should most surely be recycled and not discarded with the trash, as they may contain as much as 10 times the mercury of I newerversions. Perhaps of greater concern nowadays is what's happening to spent rechargeable batteries from cell phones, MP3 players and lap- tops. Such items contain potential- ly toxic heavy metals sealed up. inside, and if thrown out with the regular garbage can jeopardize the environmental integrity of both landfills and incinerator emissions. Luckily, the battery industry spon- sors the operations of the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation (RBRC), which facili- tates the collection of used rechargeable batteries collected in an industry-wide "take back" pro- gram for recycling. Consumers can help by limiting their electronics purchases to items that carry the RBRC logo on their packaging. Furthermore, they can find out where to drop off old rechargeable batteries (and even old cell phones) by calling RBRC's hotline at 1-800-8BATTERY or by visiting the online drop location finder at RBRC.org. Also, most Radio Shack stores will take back rechargeable batteries and deliver them to RBRC free-of-charge. RBRC then processes the batteries via a thermal recovery technology that reclaims metals such as nick- el, iron, cadmium, lead and cobalt, repurposing them for use in new batteries. CONTACTS: Battery Solutions, www.batteryrecycling.com; Earth911, www.earth911.org; Bat- teries Plus, www.batteriesplus. com; Rechargeable Battery Recy- cling Corporation (RBRC), www.rbrc.org. GOT AN ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTION? Send it to: EarthTalk, c/o E/The Environmental Maga- zine, P.O. Box 5098, Westport, CT 06881; submit it at: www.emagazine.com/earthtalk/th isweek/, or e-mail: earthtalk@ emagazine.com. Read past columns at: www.emagazine. com/earthtalk/archives.php. 'Simplee' pet of the week Here is Simplee, a 19-plus pound hunk of love that Rose- mary Buchanan of Belle Glade adopted after she was res- cued by Doc Savvy. She expects a daily brushing, but isn't bothered by much else except the vacuum cleaner. Her much younger "catmates," Ty and Di, give her wide berth because, her owners think, she considers them "silly." newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. Smy oma- chmL W. ma iOaccca ,cmc I vs. 1 m-, 'tan an ,sinc C f~~llu a Z c-~U ac r* c- a Jvr. ,,ccc cc .5j.c rra-,an s inasca in -S cons s~ ,sS4~~la imlu Sa, cA nr-cc..~r*il l~ r l5EII -lI aulcoaic to u sa mON m~ la~n~ uau ac On Hurc' ~a ~m cm. csuoa-. non cm. icc- u'- db Hc~cccs Otarry c mcatL aLa ncc 1a~cnrm.r or. It Iro HI LOJ~t 'Ho-ma',uri~ 0cc r. N.H ,,u uaH C~OS Ho am lsfO, Xc L~nsmac. ansmn Hc. am. ummaman sc mon a, cc i la LOU -wan cHmn cc.."-., ,.cc.Ho. ccjlccc cc S a fluWI occartor hcm to- amn H> Oc.ra cu It uisl o~ ccc c Ic.Occ m c at~ ~-a alrn rHot c cc, H~ic. H'l Z CS n cH c~m Hol SC yinfo,.W 5 c. m.5HZ I H-A.rn, cr04 cil~-aH ~ il.HZ Z1- H'' H''HJ.flZ', ncaeon ouc0 to' a sca cm at Zr i.u ,occoar mm c lrc. I c S rrn) It ccsic -Ho ma cr, cc, -ay FcO arnS incoRp mcccoo ~rrn colarocomoat- Ha ai-.' cocln~a H -0 n'cc car.- ccc-, dc Ha USOOHUS u, c Zacacog cac c toac, 1-scm, cnam a Oat Um cHr c 'a c -ilu t,n~OH. -~.1,, I c'fola~na- aooac c4 -jrr~~. LM-0 ."IL M-1 MEL 41 C~liMI I M, M, n-c a.oi no, IS,, t a.~mmMItoc.PE H,, cHya-Z.OcIc cc-c Sr J. -C-c -abc' a,'p~ af c. tlI o t, coc IAT 0*0~nl cc Yto vl.r ccbosc~ Smhoc.-oICl rason. acJO Hc ZZOaccC H 'cI"-ilil in HAS c tocc aU N- Ii.LjIHAHbOS' r c C-aIc o-.. cc,, cc, -no' .c,- I1 % Daa cc d a ao -.a or -crc H UII~~lq dl acm OIcccr- ronacce* c*-acli~r LI.'crNccc. Zcacccl 0 Cc cr~cncccc ThLcrcrI ccc, cag 5ccv ZZca .. l.a.-...ellX H. .6l oHI c O 4Hl 6 .c*i r 'c I. r ccA. i. .? ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iE--.p. Hor~~cH~cc inoHi~ I, a xN, I a L a aK4-- SH ?''c ic N ,. ,. .. ., -,,.i 14 ..~~ cc :i I i r c,,,,~ j.- I H 1 1. .4.15 cl ir~ I~,I : ~ I ZtHU.,, ZH cc ZI~s ... .a U. ..... ~ sa, ~-a,,I A00 -- HZH0.,-cH ',cc c : -,. .... Mcccn-acHHHZZ nH a A r !1uc 6.,cH ......... ....U.c ...., anac -ccc I ~ ...~. -H -' 'H HI. -.., c.~, a H H.,,'., cc.~.~,- H, H.u ': ...', O,, 5 ',, ~ H -',a,a', -,, ,c',:; .r ,H, ~.H.HZZ ca~~r '.r.'-., ...i ,... cu-- -1 i- r I- -. 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IHl~ll H'.. ,,,, i l *HHI ll~lu, .. 1l~ H 1 1111~ .11 - -,":~ .. .....,'Hl. ..~. 1ro n~llncL ilH ,IH, H'''' 'H1. .c,,,'II.II II,cln ,,- 111:1:. 1 1::: I I P i N ic I PublaicNotice I Puli Notce B P I~ U1 Q) d (AommoI T a 4 0i c n s ,h d 4, Contact lens wearers at risk TALLAHASSEE The Florida Board of Optometry commends the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the * Florida Department of Health for their quick response and current investigation into potential cases of Fusarium Keratitis. Without the proper eye drop treatment, this eye disease can cause scar- ring of the cornea and result in permanent blurry vision, or even blindness. The board strongly recom- mends that consumers immedi- ately discontinue use of Bausch & Lomb Renu with Moisture Loc solution until CDC's investiga- tion is completed. The board also strongly encourages anyone who has used the solution and is having eye problems to see an eye professional immediately. The board would like to remind all contact lens wearers to follow their eye doctors' instructions on hygiene and proper wear of their contact lenses, and to follow these six recommendations for clear and safe contact lens wear: Always wash your hands before handling contact lenses. Carefully and regularly clean contact lenses. .* Store lenses in a clean and proper case, replacing the case every three months. Use only cleaning products recommended by your eye pro- fessional. Never re-use old solution. .* Replace contact lenses as prescribed by your eye doctor. i maEa^ A IBW As seen FOR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, on TV. ANNUITIES and INSURANCE PAYOUTS (800) 794.7310 Ja. Wentwort means CASH NOW for Structured Settement s YOUR PROm TUX HEADQUARTERS! A GOWNS BY: p 'M/ : Milano Lida Mauri Simone S. Dave;& Johnny's Aurora Formals Consignment -TUXEDOS BY: Bridal & Tuxedo Rental After Hours Jim's Formal Wear >itV SHOES BY: SColorful Creations Se do alterations & AIRBRUSH TANNING Open until 8pm every Thursday during April. Courtyard Shoppes at North Shore Plaza 810 EN Park St (863) 357-9099 Submitted to INI/Martha L. Sullivan Veterans remembered In recognition of Governor Jeb Bush's proclamation establishing April as Florida Confederate Month, the Ft. Myers United Daughters of the Confederacy Chapter 2614 and the Sons of the Confederate Veterans of Ft. Myers Chapter 1950 held memorial service April 15 to honor those who defended the Confederate States of America in the Civil War. They also celebrated the life of Brad Stanford of St. James City, who died March 29 at the age of 95. He was he last son of a Confederate veteran. Among those members attending the ceremony were Louise Sullivan, her daughter, Mary Ann Sullivan and granddaughter Heather Tharpe, whose grandfather William Charles Hawkins was honored. He served with the First Florida Cal- vary from 1862 until he was paroled at the surrender in Greensboro, North Carolina IN 1865. He was one of only 20 in his unit to survive after serving in all the major battles for the duration of the war. Pictured are from left to right: Mary Ann Sullivan Louise Sullivan and Heather Tharpe. Should you be vaccinated for the mumps again? The mumps are back. A childhood disease we thought was just an unpleasant memory is back in the news as cases of mumps turn up in the Midwest. I was among the last of my gen- eration t6 have suffered through the mumps. The vaccine \was not yet available \when-l entered school.. Mumps, as I remember it, came with fever, nausea and difficulty swallowing. I also remember hav- ing the mumps on both sides of my face. This not only accounted for the difficulty swallowing, but also made it difficult to talk. I also recall that because I caught mumps during the sum- mer, I didn't even have the benefit of missing school! It is possible to have mumps on only one side of your face, and if you only have it on one side, it is possible to have it again, on the other side. Recently in the news doctors confirmed that it is possible to have the mumps twice, making the announcement as if this was a new discovery. When I was a child, this was common knowledge. We all knew people who had the mumps twice. So while it was more painful - and miserable to have it on both sides at the same time, at least those who had the "double" ver- sion knew they only had to suffer through it once. The new cases of mumps indi- cate that vaccines might not be completely effective, or perhaps not effective in all people. More boosters might be needed to main- tain protection. Since most of the new cases are among young adults, there is a the- ory that an additional booster shot should be given to college students. College students apparently are more at risk because they live in with Katrina Elsken close quarters. What does this mean to you? Talk to your doctor. If you never had the mumps, or if you only had it on one side, your doctor might recommend a booster shot. Of course the immunization shots themselves carry some risk. Mumps can be more serious for adults than for children. There is a particular risk for adult men - mumps can cause sterility. The eld- erly and those persons whose immunize systems are already weakened, may also be more atrisk. Of course, the immunization shots also carry some risks and possible side effects. Talk to your doctor about your own risk so you can make an informed decision based on your own health history. If mumps is back, will other childhood diseases also return? I also vividly recall surviving chicken pox, "three day" measles, German measles and whooping cough. I hope my children will never have to suffer through these illnesses that we used to consider "normal" childhood diseases." Before making any change in your diet or exercise plan, consult your doctor. This is especially important if you are on any pre- scription drugs. Some drugs inter- act badlywith foods that might oth- erwise be considered "healthy." Book honors days of community journalism By Barbara Oehlbeck This is not a new book, yet it is new to all those who have never read it."The Last Cracker Barrel," by Ernet Lyons, is the essence of "country journalism", the real rea- son, and maybe the only one, for existing for thousands of small newspapers across this country. People, their births, parties, engage- ments, weddings, hopes, accom- plishments, victories, defeats, trou- bles and deaths, are all important, but as one editor said, the home town paper is the only one on earth to whom these happenings are important enough to print. This small book is about the real Florida, albeit an older Florida, and a quieter style of life, when people took time to notice the ways of fish and flowers, birds and the river, ponds and pastures, and especially their fellow man. Ernest Lyons' way among these mysteries is a gentle, earthly path of plain-spoken words that guides the reader to a new understanding of the country- side and people around him. The older world of nature and small towns and settlements can still be seen by those who know how to look for it. About his book, a colleague remarked: It is earthy, elemental, and reminiscent of those informa- tional, wide-ranging and mostly inconsequential discussions which went on in country stores when America was a simpler land. Folks would gather around the cracker barrel to discuss the weather, gos- sip, politics, whether Halley's Comet was going to burn up the atmosphere and mess up the crops or what ought to be done about the town idiot if anything, whether the preacher was planning to run off with the choir leader and when this interesting diversion could be expected to occur if at all. They talked about whose dog could whip everybody else's dogs, and startling medical breakthroughs like a gob of fresh-chewed tobacco was guaranteed to cure a catfish finning, and hanging a Bull Durham sack of asafetida around the neck was a sure way toward off the flue. And some tall tales and out- landish theories that originated there were dismissed as "just cracker barrel talk", but no less enjoyable. "Ernie" Lyons lived in Stuart since 1915, and worked as a writer and editor for 44 years. He and his weekly editorial page writings have won nearly every prize that Florida can give for writing and conserva- tion. In 1965 he was among the winners of the National Edward Meeman Contest for conservation ERNEST LYONS l. THO-R OF MY FLORIDA writers. "The Last Cracker Barrel" is over 200 pages of Florida reading you won't soon forget. For availability and more information, call, write, tax, or e-mail Barbara Oehlbeck, 25075 Grassy Run-Muse, LaBelle, Fl.; Phone/fax: (863)675-2771; e- mail: docb@strato.net. Newszap & Newspapers We make it easy to stay up-to-datel Community homepages newszmp.com Click anytime for the latest LOCAL NEWS LOAL ADVERTIIIIN LOCAL ORiANIZATIOIS! Featuring links to: MAP wire M Weather M Obituaries 0 Health news Stock quotes Horoscopes STV listings Movie listings Lottery results Food & recipes SWhite Pages Yellow Pages & much more! Newszap! Online News & Information newszap.com BEDROOM g DINING ROOM SUITES SUITES - - .......... .. LIVINGROOM 0 ODDS SUITES I ENDS Concerned About Your Child's Education? Register now for the 2006-2007 school year! COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL NURSERY 8th GRADE 1092 E. Cowboy Way, LaBelle (863) 675-3277 Website: www.ccslabelle.com Elementary School * Phonics Reading Program * Traditional Mathematics * Small Gasses * Individual Attention * A-Beka Curriculum * Music Program * School Technology Jr. High School * Advanced Math & Science Curriculum * Small Classes Insure Individual Attention * A-Beka Curriculum * Music Program * School Technology Instead of Daycare, Why Not School? * Pre-School Students Read * It is now possible to get the best in Private Education for the cost of daycare. * Special rates, discounted for families. * Free before school care, open at 7 A.M. * Bible based curriculum starts at age 2. * We do not discriminate based on race, color, nationality or ethnic origin. * Bus transportation avail- able from Immokalee & Felda * Members of Florida League of Christian Schools & Florida Association of Christian Colleges & Schools, Inc. 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