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GLADES COUNTY - -..1CO S Thursday, April 27, 20 Voume 7, Num 49 Moore Haven, Fla. Thursday, April 27,20 Volume 79, Number 49 At.a Glance School Advisory Council to meet The School Advisory Council of Moore Haven Junior-Senior High School will hold its regular monthly meeting on Monday, May 8, at 7 p.m. in the media center. Parenting seminar set Calling All Parents a free presentation "Six Hours of Effective Parenting: How to Parent the Disobedient Child" is coming to LaBelle. The featured speaker will be Dr. Paul Hofacker, a clinical psychologist experienced in working with disruptive and challenging youth. Register today to reserve your seat by calling FDLRS Heartland at 1- 800-316-7057. Se habla- espafiol. The event is planned for Friday, May 5, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., at the Dallas Townsend Agricultural Build- ing, 1085 Pratt Blvd., LaBelle. There will be free handouts, materials, and door prizes. Snacks and a bag lunch will be provided Hendry, Glades officials meet:: LABELLE- A common approach to impending growth will be the topic of a joint Hendry-Glades commis- Ssion meeting on Tuesday, May 2, at 6 p.m. The round table session will take place in the Dallas B. Townsend Agriculture Center in LaBelle. Shelter training planned A Shelter Operations Training schedule has been set for April 29, from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. The training will be Given by ARC and is intended for those who have worked or would like to work in a shelter. The training is avail- able for anyone who wants it. If anyone is interested, or would like additional infor- mation, they can. contact Erica, at (863)946-6020. CREW needs volunteers The Community Rebuild- ing Ecumenical Workforce (CREW) of Hendry and Glades Counties is seeking volunteers to assist residents with repairs and continued clean up efforts in the alter- math of Hurricane Wilma. Carpenters, electricians, plumbers, drywall installers and other trade skills are needed and anyone willing to lend a hand! For more information, e-mail CREW- headquarters@aol.com or phone (863)0983-4316 or (863)946-1457. Lake Level 13.80 above sea level Index Classifieds ...... .18-22 Obituaries ..........2 Opinion ........... .4 School ......... .. .9 See Page 2 for information about how to contact the newspaper. newuszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. 1 II 11 1111110 8 16510 00022 Landfill negotiations resume By Mark Young MOORE HAVEN Glades County citizens have watched a back and forth debate play out in several forums over whether or not the county should agree to have a regional landfill placed within the county. Some citizens were dismayed at the apparent squandering of county funds and the loss of a $1 million in immediate revenue, which was in place during the ini- tial negotiations with Waste Man- agement while others were pleased that the landfill deal never went through. After abandoning months of negotiations with Waste Manage- ment, and turning their attention towards a controversial company, and being bombarded with anonymous opponents to any landfill, County Manager Wendell Taylor and County Attorney Richard Pringle .announced that the county is closer to making to a deal with Waste Management. At the regular Glades County Board of Commissioner's meeting on April 24, Mr. Taylor and Mr. Pringle informed the board of commissioners that negotiations were moving forward with the pri- mary attention being devoted to protecting county interests. "Removing as much of the lia- bility issues as possible has been our primary focus in these negoti- ations," said Mr. Taylor. According to the count man- ager, some the highlights of the proposed contract with Waste Management will include a 30- year deal once the current fill areas have been exhausted, which could take another four to five years. At that time, Mr. Taylor said, Waste Management would then operate the designated 40 acres allotted to the landfill, along with the facilir\. The count\ would d still ow n thM land and the facility upon completion of the landfill. Mr. Taylor. also noted that Waste Mlacniairnent would also buy existing equipment from the county and conduct a search for .employees though the existing countN employees. Mr. Tavlor and Mr. Pringle also noted that aJI asso- ciated costs \\ill be \\ate Manage- ment's responsibility and that the country can look forward to gener- ating possible. revenue in two areas- Charge $1 pet ton for out of county waste, and charge $1 per ton over what Waste Management willcharge for in county \ aste. Mr.,Taylor also noted that noth- ing has been finalized, but that he hopes a more formal presentation See Landfill-Page 12 Recreational uses planned on state land By Mark Young NMiOORE HAVEN It became. more of a.question than a state- ment when South Florida Water Management's (SFWMD1 I Direc- tor ot LandL Stevard-shp. Fred' SDa is -ga:e a presentation titled: "Prlsentlltion on Recreational Opportunities for Glacdes Coun- ( " Mr.Da i's presentianon \\as about SF\\MD's purchase Io some 350,0,Ii). acres across the saIte tI:. open upll m-, e land for puLtlic use SFV\,MD o'.\ns more than onre million acres state, ide, but under this proj- ect, these 3j50,000 acres are des- ignated to ploi'de Floridians with more access to open lands. Mr. Davis informed the Glades County Board of Com- missioners, at their April 24 reg- ular meeting, that although SFWMD does not own that much land within Glades Coun- t\, they are working on a restoration project for Fisheat- ing Creek and SFWMD's inten- lionis to flood the Nic-.demus Slough area to tL\ ri-inrimize lake discharges, w\lich impact the Caloosahatchee estuary . Citizens attending the com-. missiron meenlin 6olloWed Mr. Davis's presentation n \.ith the question ,o, "\'hat are the See SFWXIMD -Page 12 ORTOTJN Th- 'Ot.:.n:, C~r iu]-nity Association cele- brated the Easter -holida\s uwth a children's egg hunt at Larr\ Lucke Indian Mound Park. Ti\ent-one children and ten adults, plus four vo:lunl-ier helpers, enjoyed the festivities that included the egg hunt, r l. Zlrrsrsg ? B.*jlBA"'^ 1 v, *Klf Lgar.ies-, pi Lz,s anid rereshnments Prizes we\re hiddern li special eggs Talor Kirkland, Samantha King and Nickolaus Pasch \\Con the decorated Easter Bask4ets Plrzes ,"ere als: al.'.aided in each agie categorN as '.\ell as for the m"st I, ndI least eggs found. De Mitchell. children's activi- tes \ oluinteer ditectorl commnnnt- ed, "I \ianl t0 be sure all children have fun and leave with a prize of somes ort" Other winners included Rod- ne\ and Kena Billings; Alohs, Deleon, Darcie NMcRo\, Kirriberl\ Mlitchell, Haley Rogers, Bryce Tanner and Joslyn West. Area citizens discuss land development .C~ .- ~ hL' * 1. "... . Ortona kids made like bunnies while hopping in the sack race at the Ortona Communi- ty Association's Easter celebration. By Mark Young MOORE HAVEN At the April 24 regular meeting of the Glades County Board of Com- missioners, a public hearing took place to discuss a pro- posed ordinance .that will impact land development with- in the county. As Glades County continues to prepare for the growth spurt that many are now calling "inevitable," the county is mak- ing several preparations to aid the county's response. One is the new Glades County Com- prehensive Land .Use Plan, which has been updated for'the first time in decades by County Manager Wendell Taylor. The comprehensive land use plan is nearing completion and is expected to be present- ed to the board of county com- missioners soon. Now the county is also looking at having ordinances in place which give developers more responsibility, See Land Page 12 Glades County School District honors outstanding teachers Glades County school dis- trict held their second annual "Teacher of the Year" banquet for the Golden Apple Teacher Award on April 20, at the North Lake Estates clubhouse. Teachers, administrators and school board members attended. Three teachers, one from each of the schools, were honored with a commemora- tive plaque at the ceremony. The Moore Haven High School recipient was Crystal Drake, who also is named the Glades County Teacher of the Year. Mrs.'Drake thanked all of the people who have helped her throughout her career in teaching with a funny and heartwarming speech. Cindy Ringstaff and Alice Gardner from Moore Haven Elementary and West Glades Elementary respectively, hold the title for their schools and were also recognized by Superintendent of Schools, Wayne Aldrich. It was a wonderful evening with special guest, Samuel Ben- nett, the 2006 Teacher of the Year for the state of Florida. Mr. Bernett is from Polk County, where he teaches 5th grade at Garner Elementary School in Winter Haven. He addressed the room full of teachers, listing the defining moments in his year as Teacher of the Year of Florida. His crowning moment was when one of his students told reporters that he wished that Mr. Bennett was his dad. The Glades school district would like to thank all of the sponsors for the event. Golden Apple Sponsors with a $1,000 donation were the Glades Sheriff's Depart- ment and Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union. Silver Apple Sponsors with a $500 donation were Lodge Con- struction, Houghton Mifflin, and Pearson Digital Learning. The Red Apple Sponsors with a $200 donation were Glades Electric Cooperative, Inc., Dina Heffernan (Great Source Edu- cation Group), Frank Craw- ford, Inc. (Herff Jones Compa- ny), Susan & Butch Jones, Nisbet Enterprises, Inc. (McDonald's of LaBelle), North Lake Estates, and SRA/McGraw Hill. Submitted to the Glades County uemocart Moore Haven High School Teacher of the Year Crystal Drake was also named Teacher of the Year for the Glades County School District. ' "1 s5o Community fun: Easter celebration Submined to the Glades County Democrai Ortona children and parents gathered for an Easter egg hunt at Indian Mount Park. Ortona children enjoy egg hunt I LakepoT~rt man accused of child pornography Page 5 L' t, w Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, April 27, 2006 Engagement Anniversary Morris - Mulligan Juanita Morris of Moore Haven would like to announce the engagement of her daughter Christina Fay Morris to Michael John Mulligan both of Fort Myers. Christina is the daughter of Juanita Morris and the late Clear- ance Ronald Morris. Christina is currently employed at Source Interlink Companies as a Catego- ry Manager. Michael is the son of John and Rose Mulligan of Mandeville, La, He is a graduate of Louisiana State University with a degree in Business. He is currently employed at Shaw industries as a Territory Manager in Fort Myers. The wedding date is set for Dec. 30, 2006 in New Orleans, La. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards, of Pahokee celebrated their 65th anniversary on April 26, 2006. They were wed April 26, 1941. Back in, 1941 in Columbus Ohio an auspicious occasion took place the marriage of a young Margaret Evans and Charles B. "Chuck" Edwards. This young couple met in 1925 when they where 9 years old but they really began dating when they were 14 years old .They would meet at the Farmers Grange meetings which were always followed by a dance.- Margaret and Chuck would dance to songs such as "Pig in a Parlor" and "Skip to my Lou". "Things really got serious July 4, 1939. "We went on a picnic that day and from that time on, I knew we were getting serious," stated Chuck Edwards. "We moved here to Pahokee back in 1975. We owned and operated the Western Auto here in town (Pahokee). Our son- (Bud Edwards) moved here about six months after we did with his wife, Barbara, and their son, Lewis Charles. Then their second son was born in the Pahokee Hospital, David Franklin. David Franklin still lives locally with his wife, Jennifer and Son Sebastian," he said. Margaret fell ill a few months back and is now living at Glades Health Care Center but not a day passes by when Mr. Edwards does not visit his wife at GHCC "We have been together 65 years how can I go through a day with- out seeing her. We have always been together. I am lonesome -without her at home. I visit her every day because she is every- thing to me," he said. Rev. Broadbent from the Methodist Church in Canal Point ,Mr. and Mrs. Edwards, Barbara and Bud Edwards Linda Brown were in attendance for the inti- mate 65th Anniversary celebra- tion of this extraordinary and dedicated couple. The couple's children include Bud and Barbara Edwards. Grandsons are Lewis Charles and David Franklin Edwards. They have one great-grandson, Sebastian Edwards. Post your News Post or read press releases, announcements & information from your community. Community Links. Individual Voices. FAMILY OWNED SINCE 1969 MONUMENTS CUSTOM MADE ON PREMISES GRANITE BRONZE MARBLE -PLAQUES SE HABLA ESPANOL WWW.CITYMONUMENTINC.COM E-MAIL: CITYMON@BELLSOUTH.NET VISA "IN DORAL AREA" M/C city Monument co. 8483 N.W. 64 ST. PHONE 305-594-4628 MIAMI, FL. 33166 FAX 305-594-8944 CONSTRUCTION CORP. SERGIO. RUBIO 445 E. SUGARLAND HWY. CLEWISTON, FL 33440 PHONE: 863-228-1174 FAX: 863-983t 1 1 STATE CERTIFIED GENERAL CONTRACtOU UCENSE # CGC1i508763 -i Christina Fay Morris and Michael John Mulligan plan to be wed on Dec. 30. C -- Li rz, - Smith- Burnsed Jim and Carol Smith of Lake- port and Josie and Lorry Burnsed of Jacksonville are pleased to announce the engagement of their children, Stefanie Smith to David "Joey" Burnsed. The wedding is planned for June 10, 2006 in Orange Park, FL. Stefanie is an agriculture teacher at Baker County Middle School in Macclenny, FL. Joey is employed by the State of Florida as a Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Offi- cer in St. John's County. Pastors Chuck & Knien PeIkm Ignited Youth Ministry. Every Wednesday 7:15 pm 370 Holiday Isle Blvd 863.983_31 1 www.newharvest.net Margaret Evans and Charles B. "Chuck" Edwards were mar- ried on April 26, 1941. Concerned About Your Child's Education? Register now for the 2006-2007 school year! wi'n" I Stefanie Smith and David "Joey" Burnsed plan to wed on June 10. Community .. Briefs Hope Hospice Support Groups Mending Steps is adult grief support in Clewiston for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one. For more informa- tion, please call (239)489-9149 or toll-free (866)983-7771. Help for the needy The community prayer wor- ship will be giving food and per- sonal items to the needy the 29th of every month. For more infor- mation call (561)996-7276. Food can be delivered to your home or picked up from church at 141 Bond Street, Clewiston. Obituaries Charline Carson Smith Charline Carson Smith, 81, of Rockledge, Florida died Saturday, April 15,2006 Charline was a 40 year resident of Belle Glade. She was a school- teacher at Gove Elementary School for 23 years. Charline wad proceeded in death by her husband, Marvin M. Smith and a sin Jeff Smith. Surviving are a son Ned Smith of Viera, Florida and a daughter Beth Clemmer of Leesburg, Indi- ana, 13 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Services were held Wednesday, April 19 at Port Mayaca Cemetery. Linda Rose Barton Linda Rose Barton, 63, of Greenville, S.C. passed away on April 20, 2006, surrounded by her loving family. Linda was born on June 8,1942, in Pahokee, Fla., but grew up and lived most of her life in Clewiston, Fla. Linda moved to Greenville in 1993, and was currently employed at Greenville Hospital. She owned and operated The Clothes Line for several years and also established Barton Reality where she was a licensed real estate broker. She is survived by her mother and father, Dorothy Herring of South Carolina, Walter T. Bembry Jr., of LaBelle; her daughters and sons-in-laW, Dr. Rodni Cruz and Robert Cruz of Florida, Natalie Her- nandez and Robert Parker of South Carolina, grandchildren, Roberto *Cruz, Mallory Cruz, Max Cruz, Charlie Cruz, Jake Hernandez, Gus Parker, and Georgia Parker, all of South Carolina; sister and brother- in-law, Gale Clark and Ray Clark of Clewiston, brother and sister-in- law, Walter T. Bembry, III and Hildegard of Kansas; sister, Theresa Hamilton of Naples; aunt, Jean Sprouse of Jacksonville, Fla.; niece Shawn Grooms and nephews Steve and Carson Clark, all of Clewiston; and her many friends in Memorial Tribute Remember a loved one, who has departed with a special SMemorial Tribute in this newspaper. ~, ta. ~ , Your tribute can be published following the memorial services, or to commemorate an anniversary ofyour loved one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph of your loved one, lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders -- and we'll make sure it all comes together attractively and tastefully. MI za al Visit www2.newszap.comn/memorials for sample ads and an online order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 toll free. Clewiston and Greenville. Her memorial service was held on the campus of Furman University by the bell tower on April 22, 2006. Linda will be remembered as a loving and devoted mother, daughter, grand- mother, sister and friend. Linda's family would like for her friends in Clewiston and Greenville to.know how much she cherished them. Her spirit will remain with us all and never be forgotten. SIn lieu in flowers, donations may be made in her memory to Loaves and Fishes, A charity that feeds the hungry, c.o., United Ministries Brownell-KelletAdministration. Newszap& Newspapers We make it easy to stay up-to-datel Community homepages newszap.com Click anytime for the latest LOCAL N[WS LOCAL ADVERTISII6 LOCAL ORB6ANIATIOA$! Featuring links to: mAP wire M Weather Obituaries k Health news 0 Stock quotes m Horoscopes STV listings M Movie listings 0 Lottery results M Food & recipes M White Pages M Yellow Pages & much more! Newszap! Online News & Information newszap.com COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL NURSERY 8th GRADE 1092 E. Cowboy Way, LaBelle (863) 675-3277 Website: www.ccslabelle.com Elementary School * Phonics Reading Program * Traditional Mathematics * Small Classes * Individual Attention * A-Beka Curriculum * Music Program * School Technology Jr. High School * Advanced Math & Science Curriculum * Small Classes Insure Individual Attention * A-Beka Curriculum * Music Program * School Technology Instead of Daycare, Why Not School? * Pre-School Students Read * It is now possible to get the best in Private Education for the cost of daycare. * Special rates, discounted for families. * Free before school care, open at 7 A.M. * Bible based curriculum starts at age 2. * We do not discriminate based on race, color, * Bus transportation avail- able from Immokalee & Felda * Members of Florida League of Chrishan Schools & Florida Association of Christian Colleges & nationality or ethnic origin. Schools, Inc. SExperience the l PUR-PEDIC Tepnur-Pd Swedish Mattress PRESSURE RELIEVING Tempu -Pl v shUatess SWEDISH MATTRESSES AND PILLOWS You've got to feel it to believe itrM t ; g ,,. *1gL ~ Since 1929 Royal's FURNITURE APPLIANCES & BEDDING 117 S. 1Dea e Diu Clewiston, 863-983-4121 " ONLY AVAILABLE AT ROYAL'S CLEWISTON SHOWROOM No Down Payment* & SA 90 Days Same As Cash* *WITH APPROVED CREDIT See store for details. wI N I"r I:R2,j 77 ROYAL'S E -Z 1, INAN CI N G' A VA 11, A I :( - -- -C I r Thursday, April 27, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee "aclTP-T-S S -aam Thursday. April 27, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Projects restore part of Kissimmee By MaiyAnn Morris By the 1940s, Central Florida was well-populated. The primary industry was cattle. In 1946 and 1947, storms and hurricanes dumped record rainfall on South Florida. The Kissimmee River swelled out over its floodplain and thousands of cattle were drowned. South of Orlando, most of the state, was under water with flooding responsible for exten- sive property damage throughout South Florida. A group of concerned citizens met in Okeechobee, formed the Central and Southern Flood Con- trol District (which later became South Florida Water Management District) and ultimately petitioned the government to help control the flooding. To protect developing areas around Kissimmee and control flooding in the Kissimmee River Valley, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers straightened 103 miles of the meandering Kissimmee River and its 35,000 acre flood- plain into a 56-mile-long, 30 foot deep, 300 foot wide channel, draining 21,000 acres of flood- plain in the process. This is the C- 38 Canal. The, wading birds left. The. sandy river bottom where fish spawned became covered with- silt brought down by rushing water from the northern reaches of the watershed and the fish left. The marshes dried up and ducks no longer made their nests along the Kissimmee. The region that drains into lakes or rivers is called a water- shed. The :Kissimmee River watershed forms the headwa- ters of the Kissimmee-Okee- chobee-Everglades System. It is all inter-related. It feeds Lake Okeechobee and the Everglades.. Water matters in this region are handled by the South Florida Water Management (SFWMD), one of a number of such state agencies in Florida. Flood con- trol, water supply, water quality and maintenance of the natural areas of the watershed are all responsibilities of SFWMD. This includes many different wetland and aquatic ecosystems, more than two dozen lakes, their trib-' utary streams, and the Kissim- mee River. The restoration of the Kissim- mee River is not a single project. The Kissimmee Basin Modeling and Operations Study, Kissim- mee River Restoration Project (KRRP), Kissimmee River Head- waters Revitalization Project (KRHRP), and Kissimmee Chain of Lakes, (KCOL) Long-Term. Management Plan (LTMP) are major projects in the watershed. These projects include ecosystem restoration, evaluation of the: work, aquatic plant manage- ment, land management, water quality improvement, water sup- ply planning and how better to balance them all, while also con- sidering the impacts across ecosystems including Lake Okee- chobee and the Caloosahatchee and St. Lucie estuaries. The Kissimmee River Restora- tion and the Kissimmee River Headwaters Revitalization proj-. ects were jointly authorized in the 1992 Water Resources Develop- ment Act. The two projects have an estimated combined cost of $578 million and will be complet- ed in several phases, with the final phase of construction sched- uled for completion in 2012. The primary goal of the Kissimmee River Restoration Pro- ject is to re-establish the river- floodplain system. The project will restore over 40 square miles of river/floodplain ecosystem including 43 miles of meandering river channel and 27,000 acres of wetlands. The restoration project is a joint partnership with the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and US Army Corps of Engineers (LiSACE.i. This requires reconstruction of the river closer to its natural form, i.e., backfilling canals and ditches, removing water control structures, and eliminating added levees and roads and reestablish- ment of historic flows. Basically, it means un-straightening the river.'A key element of the project is the program for tracking eco- logical responses to restoration: to see what doesn't work, what works and how well it works. This will give environmental sci- entists the ability to judge the suc- cess of the restoration, and, in addition will provide scientific information for fine-tuning future project phases. Everything was documented before work was started, so that scientists can judge the changes that take place. Phase I of the KRRP was com- pleted in February 2001. Phase I filled approximately 7.5 miles of the C-38 canal (the straightened Kissimmee River.), re-carved approximately 1.25 miles ol river channel, and demolished the S- 65B structure to reconnect 15 miles of continuous river chan- nel. The most recent surveys showed that the water quality was improved and that popula- tions of wading birds and ducks I M - had increased along with signifi- cantly more fish. Much of the water flowing to the KCOL and Kissimmee River originates in four headwaters basins north of the KCOL.. This area is one of the most rapidly urbanizing areas in Florida. The quality and quantity of water flowing through these basins influence the health of all down- stream systems. The SFWMD works with local governments throughout the Upper Basin to fund water-resource projects to improve water quality, water sup- ply, natural resources, and flood control levels of service. The KICCO Wildlife Manage- ment Area is an approximate 7;400-acre property in Polk County, managed by the Dis- trict's Land Stewardship Division and was purchased under the Save Our Rivers Program in 1985 as part of the KRRP. The area is located on the west side of the C- 38 canal in Pool A of the Kissim- mee River. The north border is State Highway 60, and the south border lies south of the S-65A water control structure. Since the C-38 canal will not be backfilled north of S-65A, flow will not be restored to the remnant Kissimmee River in' Pool A. Although restoration of the river will not take place in Pool A, there are smaller proj- ects within the pool that will serve to increase water storage,, improve water quality, mitigate flooding, and restore the wet- land community in parts of the floodplain associated with the river's tributaries. This will restore historic (pre-C&SF Pro- ject) floodplain to Packingham and Buttermilk sloughs. Increased wetland habitat for wildlife and creation of a "wet- land corridor" between Lake Kissimmee and the restored por- tion of the Kissimmee River will result. The main features of the restoration plan are the creation of two containment levees, back- tilling of drainage ditches, and installation of gated water control structures that will manage water levels to mimic the historic sur- face water levels in the basin according to a model developed from historic data at nearby Fort Kissimmee. This modeling was completed in March 2005. Detailed design is under way and is scheduled for completion this fiscal year. Rolling Meadows Ranch lies on the south shore of Lake Hatchineha. The 2,260-acre prop- erty was purchased by the SFWMD and the FDEP as part of the KRRP. Currently, this property is leased back to the previous owner and operated as a sod farm. The restoration plan shows Caloosahatchee River 'endangered' 'FORT. MYERS The Caloosahatchee River received a dubious honor April 19 it was listed. as the seventh most endangered river in the U.S. by the American Rivers Association. The Conservancy of South- west Florida joined with the Caloosahatchee River Citizens Association/Riverwatch and endorsed the nomination of the' river to this annual list in the hopes that the disturbing desig- nation would increase aware- ness of the, dire state of the river and accelerate restoration efforts. "We hope this designation will provide a means to expedite improved public policies and increased funding from govern- mental agencies to save the Caloosahatchee from further decline and aid in its restora- tion," said Jennifer Hecker, Con- servancy natural resource policy manager, in a letter endorsing the nomination of the river. The Caloosahatchee River Watershed earned a grade of C- for both water quality and wildlife in the Conservancy's landmark Estuaries Report Card for Southwest Florida, released in December 2005. (To view the full report, go to www.conser- vancy.org.) The report presents a detailed review and grading of 10 Southwest Florida estuaries, and offers science-based recom- mendations for each estuary, written in a format designed to help policy-makers make informed decisions concerning Southwest Florida's environ- ment. According to the report, the river suffers from a radically altered water flow, with massive dumps of freshwater from Lake Okeechobee during the wet sea- son, and not enough water flow during the dry season. The resulting spikes in salinity, com- bined with the nutrient-laden water from Lake Okeechobee, have severely impacted the watershed. Recommendations in the report for the Caloosahatchee include: increasing stormwater treatment standards in the per- mitting of new developments and retrofitting older areas to reduce stormwater runoff vol- ume and pollution, reducing dependency on septic systems, increasing the capacity for municipal wastewater treat- ment, restoring natural flow- ways for water storage, and pro- tecting the aquifer recharge areas. The Conservancy is actively involved in improving water quality in both the Caloosa- hatchee and throughout the southwest Florida region, and in 2003 filed a legal challenge against the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), calling for more stringent water quality certification standards for stormwater runoff systems in new developments. The Conser- vancy is now working with the SFWMD and the development community to develop new cri- teria that would provide incen- tives for stormwater runoff pre- vention, and incorporate more effective treatment approaches in the design and construction of new developments in southwest Florida. "The South Florida Water Management District acknowl- edges that over-half of the nutri- ent pollution in the Caloosa- hatchee comes from stormwater runoff from the watershed itself, rather than from Lake Okee- chobee. To address this issue, the District needs to impose standards in their permitting of new development that requires them to take care of their own pollution on-site, and not con- tribute to the cumulative degra- dation of our water resources," said Ms. Hecker. The Conservancy and other environmental groups also recently intervened on behalf of the State of Florida to uphold the Water Resource Implementation Rule, which allows for water to be reserved for fish and wildlife protection and Everglades restoration, instead of being siphoned off for human use, to the detriment of environment. The rule would give rivers such as the Caloosahatchee a legal source of water to maintain its ecological health. "Water is clearly the lifeblood of our region," said Andrew McElwaine, president and CEO of the Conservancy of Southwest Florida. "The health of our rivers and bays directly impacts both our tourism-based economy and our quality of life. That's why the Caloosahatchee's designation as one of the top 10 most endan- gered rivers is so important. It's a wake up call for our region. The time to act is now." Tel: 863-983-5388 For more information check our website: www.clewistonchristian.org the construction of a 1,670-acre impounded wetland, possibly fed by water from Lake Hatchineha and from Catfish Creek. The wet- land will be managed to mimic the natural lake and will provide habitat for wildlife. The area out- side the impounded wetland may be incorporated into the Lake Kissimmee State Park. To assess how water will be delivered to the impoundment, hydrologic modeling of Catfish Creek was completed in March 2004. The report outlines three options for providing water to the impound- ment. A final decision has not been made. Currently, a statement of work to develop a conceptual restora- tion plan for the property is under review. This contract will include creating a conceptual restoration plan for the Rolling Meadows/Catfish Creek property. Historical (pre-C&SF Project) data such as aerial photography, vegetation and soil maps, and stage data, shall be used to delin- eate natural communities and the historical route of Catfish Creek. The primary purpose of the Kissimmee River Headwaters Revitalization Project is to pro- vide the water storage and regula- tion schedule modifications needed to restore the historical flow characteristics of the Kissim-_ mee River system. The secondary purpose is to increase the size and quality of lake littoral zone habitat in lakes Kissirmee, Hatchineha, Tiger, and CN press to benefit fish and wildlife. The Long-Term Management Plan for the Kissimmee Chain of Lakes was begun by SFWM D in April 200(3. The project's purpose is to improve and sustain the ecosystem health of the KCOL regulated lakes while minimizing adverse impacts to downstream ecosystems. Over the last year, an annotated bibliography of KCOL literature has been assembled, (2) a stake- holder value survey of users of the KCOL was taken to see what citi- zens feel is most important and other scientific studies. Surveys of people in the KCOL area weie col- lected. The responses showed that people wanted recreation such .as, fishing, swimming and boating and quiet places where they could enjoy nature. Project goals will be changed to rellect those preferences. A need for\ more information was also shown and two brochures will be brought outto keep people updat- ed on the progress of projects, another willbe more general, out- lining jurisdictions and the agency responsible. Information for this article came from the South Florida Water Management District Web Dress: Casual For more information visit our website or call us at 863-983-5388 or e-mailus at development@clewistonchristian.org Register on-line at www.clewistonchristian.org Vacancies starting at $84 1 Oxbow Drive LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-4411 Fax: 863-675-4892 All proceeds will go towards 2006 financial assistance programs, children's computer lab and library books. Door Prizes, Drawings, Live and Silent Auctions 8 0906 4 6 4 Guaranteed financing with as little as $2,000 down... sometimes less! SCoast Financial Group j EXCAUBUR GOLDEN NUGGET RIVIERA LUXOR HYNY P 419 s449 s469 '479 $479 FLAMINGO TREASURE ISLAND MONTE CARLO MGM MIRAGE '499 499 499 s519 s549 a BALLS MANDALAY BELLAGIO CAESARS WYNN '569 $599 $649 '649 '729 Includes: Air, 4 nights hotel, transfers, 3 shows PERPERSONDOUBLE*CALL SUNDAY84-SUBJECTTOAVAILABILITY 1 Specializing In Custom Manufacturing D & Machinery, Inc. Hubzone Cert. 728 E. Trinidad Ave. Clewiston, FL 33440 863-983-3171 SUNRISE APPLIANCE New In Box or Scratch & Dent Full Factory Warranty Save More In Moore Haven We Also Carry Used Appliances With Warranty 401 US Hw 2l, Moore lHaven' 86539462666 SGids NeSith Care Center I Skilled Long & Short Term Care Facility Healthcare Services Include: *Specialized Wound Care *Resident & Family Council Groups *Full Time Medical Director *Specialized HIV Care *Dialysis Support *Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapy *Alzheimer's Support Groups -24 hour Registered Nurse Staffing *Intravenous Therapy *Therapeulic Activities 230 South Barfield Highway Pahokee, Florida 33476-1834 PHONE: 561-924-5561 FAX: 561-924-9466 Other facilities in Gainesville & Bradenton Visit our website at www.floridacare.net Ted Schiff, M.D. and the professional staff at Water's Edge Dermatology will treat you with all the care and expertise you expect. Adult and Pediatric Dermatology Diseases of the Skin, Hair and Nails Surgery of the Skin, Skin Cancer Treatment MOHS Skin Cancer Surgery New patients are welcome. Medicare and most insurance accepted. NEW OFFICE: 542 W. Sagamore Ave. Building E, Hospital Annex Clewiston, FL 866,549-2830 The OL' OXBOW Lounge is OPEN Wednesday through Saturday 5 p.m. -11 p.m. HAPPY HOUR 5 p.m. 7 p.m. rmrmrn6 ^^^^^*fl^nCT^^^^^^a^ Serving the communities south of Latke Okeechobee Thursday, April 27, 2006 4 OPINION Serving he ommuitis suth f Lke keehobe Thrsdy, Aril27,200 Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the MooreHaven/Glades issues forum at http//www.newszapfo- rums.corn/forum57. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits. Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include: *Belle Glade/South Bay issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum51 * Clewiston Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum52 * Hendry County issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum54 * Moore Haven/Glades Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum57 SOkeechobee city/county Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum58 *Pahokee issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum59 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community forums and links." . Glades Happenings of Yesteryear Submitted by Jeanette Peeples ' The Glades County Public Library recently obtained bound issues of the Glades County Democrat beginning in 1924 for their Historical Room. Because of their fragility, they will only be available for limited use. Howev- er, the Library will be sharing interesting news items from yes- teryear and also asking for assis- tance in obtaining historical infor- mation, particularly on Glades County and also South Florida. An item of interest found in the February 13, 1924 issue: For rent- A three room house and a 4 room house with 2 acres of land in the city limits. Rent is $6 per month and $10 per month in advance. July 16, 1926 Advertisment: Moore Haven Novelty Works Located across from the Stonecrest Hotel. Can anyone tell us where the Stonecrest Hotel was located? Call the Library at 946-0744 if you can tell us where the Stonecrest Hotel was located. The Library would also like to ask that if you have old pictures, books, school annuals and other items of interest pertaining to Glades County and would be willing to share them to contact either the Library or Jeanette Peeples. Our goal is to preserve our History and Heritage. Angry words can hurt the family What is it about out busy lives that cause us to spout angry words like a geyser? At the drop of a hat we can spew nastiness all over our loved ones, friends and even total strangers. I have heard every excuse in the world for the angry words that come from our mouths. They start with, I had a bad day, I didn't get much sleep and the worst is you made me do it. This excuse is no different from the abusive hus- band who blames his wife because he hit her. I will never forget a testimonial we received from a mother who sent her child out into the world with angry words ringing in his ears. Those angry words were the last words he ever heard from his mother because he was killed when a car ran over him. There is no excuse for ever allowing abu- sive language to hurt anyone. Think back to when you were a child. Can you remember some hurtful words that were yelled at you in anger? When a room full of The Flylady by Maria Cilley people of all ages was asked this question they could recount the event as if it were yesterday. Angry words linger and fester! They can- not be taken back. They leave your lips and scare people for life! I want to get to the basis of this ILL behavior. This is just what it is! I think it is because you are not getting your nap out. We all know how our babies act when they have not had their naps. Lack of sleep makes us cranky, angry, fat, sick, sidetracked and unable to concentrate. These are some of the symptoms we experience from our inability to go to bed, shut our brains off and get the rest that our bodies need. There a lots of reason we do not get enough sleep. It could be that you don't go to bed at a decent hour or when you do go to bed your mind will not shut off. You may need to see your doctor for some help. Another reason is that you have sleep apnea. Your doctor can help you with this too. I am a light sleeper and have dis- covered that wearing earplugs has helped me to get a good night's sleep. These earplugs keep me from hearing every little noise in the house. Not only have I had more energy but I think this is one of the reasons I have reduced my Body Clutter. I have started to dream again and feel refreshed when I get up in the morning. Not every- one can do this because of being alone in the house or having babies. A white noise machine can also help you to sleep better. Now let's look at what hap- pens around you when you have this ILL attitude: Your children run for cover, your husband has learned to ignore you and'your co workers give you a wide berth. Then you compound the lack of good sleep with the stress that we place on ourselves with perfec- tionism. It's a wonder we can stand ourselves. You know that may be real problem. When we don't like ourselves, we don't do what we need to do to stop this vicious cycle of NO SLEEP, STRESS and SOUR Atti- tudes. I want you to find peace. We can't have this peace if we are lashing out at our family in anger. For more help getting rid of your CHAOS; check out her Web site and join her free mentoring group at www.FlyLady.net or her book, Sink Reflections published by Bantam and her new book, "Body Clutter." Copyright 2006 Marla Cilley; Used by permission in this publication. Eat right to avoid 'junk food clutter' ulaoes uounry uemor Andrew Cowin was a lucky young man at the recent Bun Bingo event at West Glades. He won a bicycle however was a girl's bicycle and not a boy's. So what did he d Andrew gave the bicycle to a friend! He also won many r fie prizes (which he kept), Andrew's mother won the 50, drawing.. Andrew is a first grader in Mrs. Todd's class. Bunny bingo leaves mark at West Glade By Barbara Oehlbeck This was a first but certainly will not be the last. Bunny Bingo night at West Glades Elementary was a tremendous success from all standpoints. This first event was held Friday, April 7, and proved to be even more than the school hoped. "We had no idea that we would get so much support from the community," said Principal Larry R. Luckey, Jr. "Support came from all directions: Prizes for playing Bunny Bingo, raffle prizes, etc. The prizes included a television, bicycles, outdoor grills, Easter hams plus other items. It was such an exciting time for stu- dents, guests and members of the PTO." (Parent-Teachers Organiza- tion) "We've been asked over and over when the next event will be held," Mr. Luckey said. "The answer to that question is Bunny Bingo at West Glades School will be an annual event, to be held each year prior to Easter. The actual date will be announced early nextyear:" Since its opening in 2004, the new West Glades School has been woefully lacking in play- ground equipment for students. Bunny Bingo was the first event especially held to raise funds for such equipment. "We are overwhelmed at the financial success of this event which amounted to $3,900," said Mr. Luckey. "Also of primary importance was the fun and pleasure for everyone who was there. Any number of those, attending won more than one prize! We cannot thank the mem- bers of the PTO enough, especial- ly Mrs. Edith Hackman and all the other members of the PTO who contributed so much time and effort, working tirelessly in organ- izing this event for our school. Playground equipment is extremely important for our stu- dents and now that the Play- ground Fund is off to such a great beginning. We know it won't be too long before our playground will have the equipment it needs." Believe it or not, there is such a thing as food clutter. This is the stuff that truly does not qualify as food, but instead is an artificial coloring, flavoring or some kind El of chemical additive that will pre- crat serve or influence the manufac- ny lured food. This food clutter is r it also known as junk food, but I lo? prefer to call it food clutter because clutter is like litter: you af- just want to get rid of it. /50 Now more than ever, nutrition- al nightmares abound on grocery store shelves. Products that are manipulated to hook us into food addictions take us hostage daily. It simply does not have to be like that. I tell you what, you imple- ment these simple rules, and you s will no longer be victimized by the food industry again: read the fri 1au~il'lf nl rf hn anri rv oioo aeis o eac ana every productyou buy. SKIP anything with an additive The Dinner Diva by Leanne SEly you can't pronounce or don't know what.it is. Watch too, for food dyes. Did you know that Red No.3 (a dye allowed in foods) is also used as a pesticide for spray- ing on manure piles to kill mag- gots? (Source: EPA) Think about it: why would,you want your child drinking an electrolyte replace- ment drink that lookslike toilet cleaner? Do you REALLY want that kind of dangerous clutter in your food? These additives, fake colorings and flavorings are the food industry's weapons of mass destruction true chemical war- fare. Say NO to this "food" because it is not food! Keep it simple: eat real food, skip the icky mixes that you con- stitute with water, partially hydro- genated and hydrogenated oils, and all that garbage. You know what food looks like. You'll find it in .the produce section, the meat counter, and some fairly inexpen- sive dried beans, whole grains and breads on your grocer's shelves. Read the labels, strap on a whole new mindset of aware- ness and get rid of the junk. The results will astound you. You will see your children's behavior improve, your own moods even out and your grocery bill decrease junk food is expensive. We need to be reminded that we are feeding souls not filling 9-1-1 office needs your help MOORE HAVEN As many community members are aware, the Glades County 911 Office has recently secured a grant from the State of Florida's Wireless 911 Board. This grart is to enhance and improve our current 911 system. However, they can not do this without the support of the residents of Glades County. The 911 office is currently in the Field GPS/Information Col- lection Stage, which means there is a filed technician from GeoComm, Inc., here in Glades County collecting data from each resident within the county. The information that is being collected is the actual GPS loca- tion of your residence, your .name, your telephone number and the current physical address that you are using at this time. If you are not at home or you have a gated entrance, you will find a Survey Packet on either your front door or your gate. County officials are asking that you please take the time to fill out this survey and return it to the 911 Office in the self addressed envelope that has been left with your Survey Pack- et. This information is confiden- tial and is being used to update s '' '; : wm -~ ~- rgr,'t '*' e Glas 5dmNoff.ioct Our Purpose... The Glades County Democrat is published tiy Independent Newspapers of Florida. Independent is owned by a uruque trust that enables this newspa- per to pursue a mission of journalistic service to the citizens of the commu- niry. Since no dividends are paid. the company is able to thrive on profit margins below industry standards. All after-tax surpluses are reinvested'in Independent's mission of journalistic service, commitment to the ideals of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and support of the comm- munity's deliberation of public issues. We Plede... '* re..:' 1i- rte ri.pa'p.Fr a plubic tnrui * Tuo t6rlri rc..,iiirr, t-e:,rrr a N'i ir pLiace r hlie and w "ik. thriou our desica 13, r11] im l .inII ljiiiiho rrn * T. pio'.ie thr lmicnirrution atlwce need tol [Take ditu ,wn in ilhtcnlI dCi lot bouut punblc ei.U,. ' T repun the nesi wi Lhonesty, accuracey, oblctrLiat. i-aeile Jnes snd ccrapaonm. * V, le our lPirUaN pag- to faaditate" communiydye se not to d6minlim itwith uir own opinions * 'i ~iiJ:..e- r 'aI Uit jrlcrd of ilerit ao r p...ionAlJ .:rllj-lu io our r adc.rs STr. c':ri Li our rf'i. arnd i,, p- cadi .tcu T..:.], i i, pr' mirirl iI d& rvEi * io provide a right to reply to those we write about. SIbo treat people with courtesy, respect and compassion. Etodria NIAs's Edjnr MrarYard U11 Fabia Advertiing Ewml WPwWNdI@Mauwc= Advrmcslng Dihftir J41y ster -tical Acca.its joy Pariri Adoencing Managr Brenda, arirenl' AdrernsngSerse eiMsa Ages Lauren Adami irideper1~i tJ*'wpaper; 1'.: Chw irr, J,'n SrIr,. Pitiidl Ed Duln Vice Pren,.wenri 4 Fkiskd Uptjjt, askm aByrd E. :utoe Es., .ni Rar.. EI-kn Member df Florida Press AIssaarlon Submitted to the Glades County Democrat Where's that bunny? Toddler Maycie Kirkland appeared to wonder, "Where's the bunny? I want more chocolate!" . Onewsli idllop Community Links. Individual Voices. our 911 system. In order to improve and enhance our 911 system, the county needs your help and your cooperation with this proj- ect. When you call 911 you expect to be helped immediate- ly. In order to do this we need to know who you are and where you are. So please, take the time necessary to complete this sur- vey and return it to us as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please feel free to speak with the GeoComm technician or call the Glades County 911 Office at (863)946-6028. holes. Your children's tummies can't be filled like a hole in the plaster. They need honest nutri- tion that will help them grow, learn and become all that God intends them to be. They can't begin to reach their potential if they are under nourished (with real nutrients) and over fed (with junk). Think about your car. You'd NEVER intentionally put less than decent fuel in it or you might damage the engine. Why would you do that to yourself or your family? You can always replace your car, but those faces across the dinner table are irreplaceable. For more help putting dinner on your table check out her Web site www.SavingDinner.com or her Saving Dinner Book series published by Ballantine; Copy- right 2006; Leanne Ely; Used by permission in this publication. OCA elects new officers The Ortona Community Asso- ciation (OCA) elected officers and directors at its membership meet- ing April 12. New OCA officers are: president, Hugo Geistman; vice president, Larry Luckey; sec- retary, Marge Vanderbent; treasur- er, Joyce Schofield; directors, Dorinda Campos and Marie Kuss- man. Fran Way is immediate past president. The new board will have an orientation and planning meeting in May. The meeting date will be announced and all OCA members are cordially invited to attend. Share your opinion on a free forum at www.newszapforums.eom. Glades County Democrat Published by Independent Newspaper, Inc. Serving Glades County Since 1923 To Reach Us To Start or Stop A Paper Address: RO. Box 1236 Phone:(877)353-2424 Clewiston, Fla 33440 E-mail: readiervrvicesCo izap,crjm Website: vwwv.newv..ap.co1 Website: www.nezp.The Gladti Coanoa Democrat is delvred To Submit News by mail to hubsrlnbEr n Thurday, and is Aold in rack; and sltor location. in the The Glades Counn, Democrat ...el- Glae Cun area comes submrnlions Irom its readers. Opinions. calendar items, stories. Call 8771353-2424 to repon a misled ideas and phltogr.aphs are .elcomer n: nEapper or poor delivery. Call 866-399-5253 to reach our neis- GladeA Cunty Demriat room. Items may be mailed, lfa.-d or Sps iiP 16 e-madled The deadbn ne e or all Plu:,lh', ,J Weekly by Indepndent items is 12 p m. Nlonday pnor to the Nrispa,pera, Inrc fo:llouing Thursday's publicatirn Cler 'iET, FL334 E-mail: gccdnetasanewsapcom o 2 .61 p year building tax. Second Clss postage paid at Clewiston Flonrida. To Place A Classified Ad Postmar send address, changes to the Call 18771353-2424 to place a cla-isi- Glades Courin, Demriat fled adverusement fromb home. The Circulaldin Ailminisatnon deadlie Ibr all advertising is 12 p.m PO BOx 7011 Monday for the following Thursday's Doer. DE 19903 publication. Fax: 1-877-354-2424. Prtint E-mail: classadsla newszap.com n tin Prin] al Sunrhn. Prinntng, a s ubsidiarv of To Place A Display Ad [IndspcnrI Ne*aarpper, Call S66i.39.5253, deadline for all lnn,,',,', nt advertising is 12 p m NMonday for the f:.llk-ving Thur:sday'; publKauion Fa., 1-863. 983-7537 ENmail: sijuthlalsad'"" in-.ap or iew szap! Advertising Billing Department Online News & Information E-mail: billteam@newszap.com Get the latest news at www.newszap.com Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, April 27, 2006 Thurday Apil 2, 206 ervig te cmmuitie soth f Lae Oeecobe Lakeport man accused of child pornography By Eric Kopp MOORE HAVEN A Lakeport man has been booked into the Glades County Jail under a bond of $915,000 after being arrested on numerous child pornography charges. Michael James Tyler, 34, was arrested and charged with: 157 counts of possession of photo- graphs cf the sexual performance of a child, six counts of transmis- sion of child pornography; two counts of distributing obscene material; and, one count of obscene communication via the computer. The investigation began April 16 when the Glades County Sheriff's Office (GCSO) received a com- plaint from a concerned parent in the Lakeport area. The parent said that children had viewed sexually explicit material at lyler's home. Shortly after this, GCSO detec- tives Mike Pepitone and Steve Har- ris arrested Tyler on the dis- tribution and obscene com- munications charges. "Detective Pepitone worked nearly 24 hours a day on this," said Michael GCSO Captain James Tyler Daryl Lewis. Then, as more victims were identified and hidden computers files were retrieved by the United States Secret Service and the Feder- al Bureau of Investigation, Tyler was charged with the 157 counts of possession of photographs and the transmission of child pornography. The captain said one picture equals one count According to Capt. Lewis, the Secret Service retrieved photos reportedly taken by Tyler with the children from the hard drive of his computer. He went on to say that the Secret Service is currently trying to ascertain where the photos were sent. Capt. Lewis said the apparent victims were all from the Lakeport area and were boys between the ages of 14 and 17. The alleged crimes were all committed in Tyler's home, the captain added. None of the victims were physi- cally injured, said Capt. Lewis. Tyler, said Capt. Lewis, had only lived in Lakeport for a little over a year and he's had no prior arrests. "He's clean," said Capt. Lewis. "He bounces around, that's why he's stayed under the radar. He's lived in Broward and Dade coun- ties, as well as in Melbourne." Glades County Sheriff Stuart Whiddon said the investigation is continuing at both the state and federal levels. He said the FBI is cur- rently seeking federal indictments against Tyler. At the federal level, Capt. Lewis said if convicted of one count of production of child pornography Tyler could be sentenced to life in prison. He went on to state that the investigation will be continuing because "we're sure there are more victims out there." Sheriff Whiddon said anyone having additional information regarding this case should contact Detective Pepitone at (863) 946- 1600. Trigger man sought in Belle Glade shooting By Jose Jesus Zaragoza BELLE GLADE Detectives with the Belle Glade Police Department are looking for the suspect behind a shooting that happened in Belle Glade early Sunday. The shooting was direct- ed at two people, one of whom is now suffering from life-threat- ening injuries he received in the attack. According to detectives han- dling the case, the shooting hap- pened April 23 at approximately 4a.m. The two victims were walking along the 900 Block of Avenue A, walking in front of a residence, when shots were fired in their direction. At this point, police believe the shooting may have been the result of a drive-by attack. When they heard the shoot- ing, the two victims tried to run away from the source of the attack, but one was hit by the gunfire. The victim, whose name is. being withheld by police, suf- fered a serious gunshot wound to his back. He was transported to St. Mary's Hospital for further treatment, but on Monday was listed in critical condition. Discussing the condition of the victim, Detective A. Willis said, "We're hoping he'll make it through." In the meantime, police have identified a "person of interest" in the case and will be following up the investigation of the case. According to police, the attack may have been the culmi- nation of a feud between the vic- tim and the suspect. "The suspect definitely knew\ who he was shooting at," said Sgt. Calipto Gonzalez, who said that witnesses have suggested the shooting w\as over a girl. Police officials said they would like to make arrest by the end of the week and urge the public to contact tiern if they have any information on the case. Detectives can be reached at 996-7251.: PBSO observes National Victims Rights week WEST PALM BEACH On Thursday, April 27, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. the Crime Awareness and Prevention Fair will be pre- sented at the Palm Beach Mall, in West Palm Beach. The fair is a multi-faceted community effort to educate the public about .crime prevention and programs available to assist vic- tims of crime. It also includes a children's art exhibit. On Friday, April 28, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., the 26th Annual Awards Luncheon will be held at the Presidential Country Club, 2300 Presidential Way, West Palm Beach. Crimestoppers Palm Beach County Sheriff's .Office officials are asking for help in locating fugitive Christine Smith. Smith, 18, a black female, is 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighs approximately 192 pounds. She has black hair and brown eyes. She has a scar on her right arm. Her last kno\\n address is Shirley Drive in Pahokee. She is wanted on felonN charges of violation of supervised release, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer with a dead- ly weapon and domestic battery. A warrant for her arrest was issued: April 21,2006. Any- . one who has information about this person is Christine asked to call Smith 1-800-458 TIPS (8477). For more informa- tion online, go to 'vw..cnrmestoppers.com Same Day Service Lab On Premises SIGEI30 ingl F7I P T S.E Free amateur radio training now available LABELLE Free amateur radio classes are planned in Hendry County. Technician "no- code" License will be offered in cooperation with the Hendry County Emergency Management Office to people of all ages. The classes run three Saturday morn- ings; May 6, 13 and 20 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The classes meet at the Hendry County Emer- gency Management Office (North-east entrance to the "old". Hendry County court house on the third Floor.} The instructor is Norman Dillman. For more infor- mation and reservations call him at (863)674-9016. The Riley and Glade County Emergency. Management Plans call for several "Ham" radio oper- ators to provide backup comnu- nication between the operation centers and shelters. Reliable communication is crit- ical in emergency situations and is often a problem. For many years. Ham radio operators have often provided backup communication for floods, fires, hurricanes, earth- quakes, tornadoes, etc. Often tele- phones and cell phones become overloaded and are not useable. Also, public safety radios are busy with. other activities. RACES (Radio Amateur Ciil Emergency Servicelis the official group authorized to communicate dur-. ing declared emergencies. Jim Sparks. (8631983-8348 of Clevvis- ton is the Hendry Counti RACES Coordinator. The course includes over 7 hours o! video material produced by the American Radio Relay League plus demonstrations and practice exams. Arrangements will be made for participants to take the FCC examination for the tech- nician license. There is a $10 fee for the exam but the class and the 10-year license are free. Texts are available at book stores or on-line but are not required for the course: l"Now 'bu're Talking! All bou Need to Get Your First Ham Radio, License," American Radio Relay League, paperback, 5th edition. *"Tecrhnician Class Element 2 FCC License Preparatlon," by Gor- don West, paperback The course DVD, text and study material \\ill be on reserve for use in the Barron Libra y in LaBelle for anyone who misses a class or needs to review. A good way to re iewv the material is to take prac- tice examinations on the Internet. http- \v\\x .han-itestonline.com st udy.jsp. Ham iadio: Talk around town, talk around the \world, learn about digital communications, satellites, antennas, propagation and be a ser\ ice to your community. Nw require airboats to have mufflers ": Florida airboat o\;wners'have a few more months to ensure their crafts have automotive-style muf- flers installed on the boats' engine exhausts. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) approved the enforcement proto- col last year, effective June 30, 2006. An education campaign for air- boat owners will continue through June 30. After that date, FWC offi- cers have the option to issue writ- ten warnings or citations for failure to use the appropriate muffling devices. Registered airboat owners in Florida should have-redeived.a let- ter and brochure explaining in detail the law enforcement proto- col airboats must have automo- tive-style mufflers or a muffling sys- tem designed and installed to abate exhaust sounds and gases emitted from an internal combustion engine. Anyone who has yet to receive a letter and brochure, or who needs additional copies, should, call Brian Rehwinkel at (850) 488-5600 or e-mail him at brian.rehwinkel@MyFWC.com. State law requires vessels' engine exhaust to be muffled effec- tively in a reasonable manner. Indi- vidual counties may enact addi- tional ordinances to restrict vessel sound to 90 decibels at 50 feet. Researchers examined sound levels from different styles of muf- flers including exhaust and intake manifold mufflers and differ- ing propeller designs at various operating speeds and distances from an observer. They deter- mined that several components, when used together, could provide the needed incremental improve- ments to reduce airboat sound lev- els significantly. They include muf- flers, wide-blade propellers and prop-speed reduction. Historically, "flex-pipe" (flexible tubing that diverts engine exhaust behind the boat) has been widely accepted as a reasonable device for muffling sound. Newly released scientific research reveals flex-pipe does not meet Florida's muffling requirements. "Your Guide to Safe and Courte- ous Airboat Operation," a brochure included with the letter, discusses additional methods to further reduce sound levels 'and includes the Airboater Code of Ethics, tips on courtesy and proper outdoor stewardship. For more information about air- boat muffling requirements, go to MyFWC.com/Boating/AirboatMuf- flingRequirements.htm. MERCER DENTAL CLINIC ON Us 41. S. FT. MYERS GENERAL ANESTHESIA AVAILABLE CALL FOR YOUR PRICE QUOTE AND INFORMATION. 1-866-226-9400 TOLL FREE h,,I 11J iTiIlAl I, ,i li ,i .,: 'iin .. I hi l"ril l Iui : l"'i:l'."""":'J L J 'r I ul l i'"1 ,-l l.,i ", h ,Ui ,,I T At iF OF CLOW MIMC4 Presented by: Toby the Clown Foundation i0atki"$ As -Wtatei'& Saturday, April 29,2006, 2pm 3pm Q&A, Reception Learn about the History of Clowning thru the aaes. Lake Placid Art League 127 nl Ial Hll Rlud Assisted by: Lake Placid Art League, Lake Placid Mural Society, Heartland Cultural Alliance COUNCIL MANY STYLES TO CHOOSE FR;01N ^lJ fJ| t-jAX _- II II m M A N w a s u mal l m ov e RSVP: 863-465-2920 Toby the Clown Foundation ME I WO MIEN' S & KIDS I SAVE $20ik D TAMT Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, April 27, 2006 . Serin-th cmmuiissotMfLaeOecobeTusdy pil2,20 /m 10,000 Minimum For Your Trade! PT CRUISER 2 TO CHOOSE! As $1I As14,999 GRAND CHEROKEE 2 TO CHOOSE! As 1 Low As w21,999 As 21 , I UHmI -OJURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY: 8:30AM 9:00PM SATURDAY: 8:30AM 9:00PM SUNDAY: 11:00AM 6:00PM ADVERTISED OFFERS VALID ON IN-STOCK VEHICLES ONLY. OFFERS NOT IN CONJUNCTION. MINIMUM 750 BEACON SCORE REQUIRED. DEALER RETAINS ALL REBATES & INCENTIVES PRICES INCLUDE ALL REBATES, PRICES PLUS TAX, TAG & TITLE, FEES AND DEALER INSTALLED OPTIONS. REBATES VARY ON SELECT MODELS, WITH APPROVED CREDIT OFFERS EXPIRE DATE OF PUBLICATION OR MAY BE CANCELED AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE. RANKING BASED ON REGISTERED SALES FOR DAIMLER CHRYSLER THRU AUGUST 2005. DEALER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS. VEHICLE ART FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. 'PRICE MUST BE OF IDENTICALLY EQUIPPED, IN STOCK VEHICLE. MUST PRESENT BONAFIDE WRITTEN OFFER FROM LOCAL COMPETING DEALER. DEALER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO PURCHASE OTHER VEHICLE AT THAT PRICE. NOT IN CONJUNCTION WITH ANY OTHER OFFERS, OTHER RESTRICTIONS APPLY, SEE DEALER FOROETAILS. tS10,000 MINIMUM TRADE BASED ON DEALER LIST PRICE. LIMIT ONE TRADE IN PER PURCHASE. MUST PURCHASE SELECT IN STOCK RAM OR DURANGO, NOT IN CONJUNCTION WITH OTHER OFFERS.OTHER RESTRICTIONSAPPLY, SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS.PRICES AND MINIMUM TRADEOFFER INCLUDES CFC REBATE, MUST UALIFYTHRU CFC TOGET PRICE OR OFFER.2006 CARRERAADV. ~r~t~~ac a~se_8a~ I Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, April 27, 2006 ~a~ _: Thursday, April 27, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Glades gets peek at area economic entity By Jose Jesus Zaragoza BELLE GLADE History will show that the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry. SThe statement can be evi- denced in the myriad projects in the area that, due to a lack of financial or professional follow- through, often did not make it past the conceptual stage. Looking to provide an avenue through which the plans of local cities and residents may actually have a chance, officials in Palm Beach County are hoping that the Glades will embrace a regional economic development entity. SThough the idea is still at a very early stage, and the board does not yet exist, the plans have already caught the attention of local leaders some of whom are excited with the plans, oth- ers who feel that they should tread more carefully, worried that they may be losing the power to shape the future of their own communities. "I think it will be a benefit to the Glades if it can be an entity that doesn't dictate to the cities, but will partner with the cities," said Pahokee Mayor J.P. Sasser. The idea behind the concept resulted from a study in 2002, completed by Dr. Herb Marlowe of Arrington-Marlowe, called the Business Plan for the Glades. This study looked at many eco- nomic efforts currently under- way in the Glades, and asked residents and business leaders in the area to identify how best to put the plans into place. The consensus was the suggestion to establish a "regional economic development entity governed by the economic interests of the region." Now, the Palm Beach County Office of Economic Develop- ment, along with Dr. Marlowe, is introducing the concept to the local cities. A presentation of the concept was provided at the Monday Tri-Cities Meeting in Belle Glade. The role of the regional eco- nomic development entity has been the topic of much debate in recent weeks, with one of the comments being that the new agency would usurp powers that each municipality now has in the development of their cities and towns. Dr. Marlowe said that the plan for the economic development entity was never based on taking powers away from municipali- ties, but had been planned from the start as playing more of a complementary role, aiding the cities in some of their more ambitious projects. "If you guys say we don't want to do it [a project], then we don't want to do it," explained Dr. Marlowe. "It's not trying to make policy, that's your job," he told commissioners. "This is not a governmental bureaucracy." The idea is in shaping rough concepts to the point where cities then have the ability to look at them from a more pre- cise and more logically thought- out perspective. The profession- al expertise would fill in those gaps such as design and plan- ning that the local cities with their budgetary constraints sometimes cannot afford to pay. The entity would take referrals from the cities, or the unincor-: porated areas, and, depending on staff, could concentrate on Submitted to INI High Yield Winners The sugar farmers whose fields produced the greatest sugar yields for the recently com- pleted crop were honored at the Sugar Festival High Yield Award Luncheon, sponsored by First Bank, last Thursday in Clewiston.. Left to right are Miller Couse, President/CEO of First Bank; Russell Echols, A. Duda and Sons (Sandland Cane Winner); Miss Sugar Brittani McNeal; Don. Sellers, U.S. Sugar Corporation (Warm Muck Cane Winner); and Mike Watkins, Hundley Farms (Cold Muck Cane Winner). OFFICE IS CLOSED Vrv- mo S~'oo, *\ DUR E DT HURRICANE DAMAGE We would like our readers and the community to know that we will not be returning to the 626 W. Sugarland Highway (US 27) location, and are now seeking an alternate office space in Clewiston more suitable to our needs. We will announce in your paper when we have done so. We will continue to publish your newspaper every Thursday Below is information on how to get in contact with us. We will be working out of the Caloosa Belle office located at: 22 Fort Thompson Avenue LaBelle, FL 33975 Caloosa Belle: (863) 675-2541 fax: (863) 675-1449 Editorial Email Addresses: Clewiston News: clewnews@newszap.com Glades County Democrat: gcdnews@newszap.com The Sun: sunnews@newszap.com Subscriptions: (877)-353-2424 Advertising Email Address: southlakeads@newszap.com To Place a Classified: (877)-353-2424 email address: classads@newszap.com Billing Questions: (800) 426-4192 email address: billteam@newszap.com Delivery Questions: (877) 282-8586 email address: readerservices@newszap.com By Mail: CLEWISTON NEWS PO BOX 1236, CLEWISTON FL 33440 about a handful of projects from year to year. The entity would be funded by a combination of public funds, grants, foundations and university support. "If there is a project that you can't put your arms around, this team can do it," said Pam Nolan with the county's office of eco- nomic development. According to Ms. Nolan, the entity would also relieve her staff from having to concentrate simply on the most important projects going on in the Glades at any given time. "In my office we're swamped with projects from the Glades." The actual entity may have approximately three people on staff, including an executive director, an architect and a per- son with project development experience, or perhaps a slight variation, depending on the focus of the entity. South Bay Commissioner Shirley Walker-Turner expressed concern at the "regionalization" of the area. With more and more services being turned over to the county including fire, police and the regional water plant that is now under construction - she asked when the regionaliza- tion would end, or if the county had eventual plans to create a single, large area made up of the three cities in the Glades. While local cities have a limit- ed sav on whether or not the board is created, the request from the group for the appoint- ment of members to the board may just be the trigger to get the agency up and running. At the moment, the board is to be made up of over 21 mem- bers, which will be appointed by each of the cities and the unin- corporated lands, the area chambers of commerce, the local college, and representa- tives from the agricultural com- munity, as %vell as the Workforce Alliance and other associations. The make-up of the board also represents the desire to add more political weight to the enti- ty. "I stress that it needs to be regional," Dr. Marlowe said. "Out here, everyone wins together or everyone fails together." Share your opinion on a free forum at www.newszapforums.com. YOUR PROm TUX HEADQUARTERS! GOWNS BY: 'pr VMilano Lida Mauri Simone S, Dave & Johnny's Aurora Formals Consignment TUXEDOS BY: Bridal & Tuxedo Rental After Hours Jim's Formal Wear SHOES BY: Colorful Creations Sedo alterations & ,-iRBRUSH T.ANTING! Open until 8pm every Thursday during April. Courtyard Shoppes at North Shore Plaza 810 EN Park St (863) 357-9099 6 L Open:I ^^^M011dV -S.Itrda 10uimfflEmuI At Family Eye Care We Provide: Complete Eye Health Examinations Including Prescriptions for Contact Lenses and Glasses Treatment of: Evaluation of: .Afier Surger) Care of: Glaucoma Macular Degeneramr n Cataracts Eye Injuries Diabeies Glaucoma Dry Eye Cataracts Pterygium Conlunctitids Pink Evel Flashes & Flojaers LASIK Specializmg m bifocal, loric, daily disposable and hard-.o-fit contact lenses. Full Optical Semces In-House Lab High Qualiry Name Brand Frames SSame Da\ Ser'ice on Some Prescnpiion Latest Technological Lens Design Saturday\ and Evening Appoi!nmenrs Aaila:ble S 21 Hour Emergen,:y .Aailable New Patients Welcome 863.675.0761 nvn tamd ,eyecarelbel!e ccm BEDROOM DINING ROOM SUITES SUITES LiVINGROOM ODDS SUITES 8.ENDS a . S1 Joseph MUchael Poste.Lt 1' 11/25/51 4/11/06 Joseph Michael was born November 25, 1951 at Hendry General Hospital in Clewiston, Florida to SDorothy and Fred Postell. "Joe" was the youngest sibling. *-His older brothers were Wilbur Postell of Clewiston, rh Dennis Postell of Punta Gorda, Florida and one sister, S- Anna Postell Clinard of Clewiston. He was preceded in I death by a brother. Melvin. a niece, Connie Clinard and his Dad, Fred Postell. Joey died April 11, 2006 at Lee Memorial Hospital. Joe was born healthy but with a defect in his bladder that was difficult to diagnose. Before his first birthday he had suffered permanent dam- age due to high fevers resulting in his mental retardation. Even though Joe was deficient in his mental abilities, he was a most unique and special creation of God. His life was colorful with his own exceptional personality and his love for people was unsurpassed. Joe's love and respect for God was commendable and genuine. Our Dad became very ill. Due to the intense care of Daddy we had to make a decision in Joe's behalf and admit him to Gulf Coast Facility in East Ft. Myers, Florida. Joe spent 13 years at the facility but frequented his home town with visits until his health no longer permitted home visits. Joe will long be remembered as the self employed, self appointed "inspector" of all building sites, including City Hall, Post Office, Banks, Department Stores, Grocery Stores, Churches or whatever may be under construction including sidewalks, Sugarland Highway, W.C. Owen, Aztec, drainage canals/ditches. Joe never missed a happening when it involved his sweet home town of Clewiston. His enthusiasm to "assist" often turned into havoc, but none the less he could be counted on to "be on the job." Joe had an admiration for the Fire Department that ran a close first to his job as Inspector. He never missed a meeting and he would be available to direct the trucks to and from the calls whenever the sun was up or had not set beyond dusk. Our home was across the street from the Fire Station. Our parents owned and operated Clewiston Seafood and Poultry Market for many years. It was located across the street from the Fire Department also. Availability to the entire community was convenient whether he was on his bicycle or walking. Our family was comforted, at the service for Joe, when various friends would share about their good times with him down through the years. Michael Baldree was in the states for a few days (he's a Missionary overseas) and spoke of his families times growing up around Joe. Bo Pelham, Fire Marshall, gave accurate data pertaining to Joe's activity around the Fire Department. The united messages by Pastor Corley and his son, Gary, gave a fresh insight on God having a purpose for each of His creations - fulfilling purpose is not always the picture perfect definition we may be prone to place on God's plan. So it was with our son and brother, Joe. It would not be complete if Joe's love and care for all fellowmen were not included. Many will remember Doc's Taxi Service from Harlem. You may also remem- ber Doc had a most individualized method of conducting his business of transporting his passengers in and out of the various streets, alleys and roads of our area. Basically, you rode at your own risk. Although, Joe would hitch a (free) ride with Doc on any given day and never think twice about Doc's driving skills. In fact, more often than not, he drummed up ample business for Doc from his reserved front passenger seat. Having the biggest and newest fire truck leading the procession for Joe as he was being taken to his burial at Ridgelawn Cemetery was a tribute, in his behalf, we will always remember. As Joe's family, we will hold Joe's friends in our community close to our hearts. Thank you for loving him and caring for him through the years. God bless each one of you. ".......the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." Romans 7:18 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, April 27, 2006 S .J .i.--~.. rr-:/il:: L ~ i F '01 FORD FOCUS S. , '00 CHEVY CAMARO .:l- .ST.'. c 2 B '- It '97 DODGE CARAVN '02 DODGE CARAVAN SE i .'- l.,,-. I bI #, 17 .' Si: b,' 70 -A !'. "," ] .: r:: o .. .., .., P ": '91 CHEVY CORVETTE '01 DODGE NEON ;'00 OLDS SILHOUETTE PREMIERE '94 JEEP WRAI T!8 STK -A ( STW, i - $5599 $4,99QU $Is5-9 iNGLER NULtIf STK #6 3 062A I '96 CHEVROLET S-10 '97 FORD EXPLORER EDDIE BAUER S:.iSTKei62,CA STK.#62.39OA $4,490- $ ii,99 .4 490 .;i,.-,, 9.0" ,.' o -""= '04 TOYOTA TUNDRA '05 DODGE RAM 1500 '03 DODGE RAM 1500 STK 2A... 1.2 990 STK62770A....................................................... 15,990 STK#61636A............................................... 6,89 STK#61392A........................................................... '04 CHEVROLET COLORADO CREW CAB 4X4 '03 DODGE RAM 1500 LONGBED '04 DODGE RAM 1500 QUAD CAB TK#60023A................................................ 8,990 STK#62787A ... 13UhU990 4 TO CHOOSE'1 9 FROM *5,90 '04 DODGE RAM 1500 QUAD CAB 4X4 STKo62787A .........................................................1,3,990 4 TO CHOOSE!................................................ FRM15990 04 DODGE RAM 1500 QUAD CAB 4X4 STK#61031A ............................................................ 8 ,9 9 0 '03 CHEVROLET 1500 CREW CAB '03 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT QUAD CAB 04 TOYOTA TACOMA 4DR. 22, STK#62200A............. ..........................4 ,9 9 0 STK#63061A ................. ...................................... 6 ,9 9 0 STK#62814A ..................................... 2 2 ,9 9 0 .... .-. '...' -., I. ;-4 .'r7 jy fl '02 DODGE INTREPID '03 FORD TAURUS '02 DODGE I N T R E P I .D.... ..................................... ST $ .. ,990 STK#6840A ............................... ................ STK#62715A ........................... ........... ... ...... '00 TOYOTA CAMRY LE '04 CHEVY CAVALIER STK#61101A ................................................................ STK#61240A .............. '00 CHRYSLER SEBRING CONV. JXI ,% '04 SATURN ION a a a S T K# 60506A .................................... .......... ............ ..... '01 FORD FOCUS STK#61937A ........................... ............... .. '00 CADILLAC DEVILLE .STK#63115A................................... ... .-,,990 '02 DODGE CARAVAN , STK#62291A ................................. , '02 SUZUKI VITARA XLT 7 1 STK#62651 A ................................................. , '02 DODGE CARAVAN $AI STK#61281A 8,990 '02 KIA SEDONA $ 6 111 STK#62947A........................ ........................... ,9 9 0 '00 HONDA CR-V 1, 9 STK#62101B.... ............................ ,I STK#62205A ........................................................... '02 DODGE INTREPID ST K#61517A ............................. ....................... '03 FORD MUSTANG STK#61866B........................................................... 11 9U,90 .$11,1990 '03 FORD WINDSTAR 99 STK#61750A ......................................................... 1 1 , '03 DODGE DURANGO 99 STK#60207A ......................................................... I , '01 LANDROVER DISCOVERY 2 13 990 STK#62734A ............................................. '01 GMC SAVANNA 15 PASSENGER $1 3990 STK# 61413A ................................................... .... , '05 HYUNDAI SANTA FE $15,490 STK#PL6818.....................................15,490 '03 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER $ STK#PL6829A ............................. ......................... '04 CHRYSLER SEBRING CONV. LTD. $ , STK#6781AA ............................................................ 1 7 ,9 9 '04 MAZDA RX-8 $4 O ST K#6867A ............................. ......................... '06 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE 1 ,7 STK#61 841 A ............................................................. '03 ACURA 3.5 RL ST K #6781A ........................................................... '04 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN STK#61868A ....................................................... ,9 9 0 '05 DODGE DURANGO 15 990 STK#62967A..................................................... '03 MITSUBISHI MONTERO $18,990 STK#62054A....................... ........................ '04 TOYOTA SIENNA LE AWD 21 990 STK#60825A............................... ............................... '04 CHEVROLET TAHOE $22 990 STK#62955A.......................... .................. LIA -SE HABLA ESPANOL PARLEZ VOUS FRANCAIS & CRE 'OLE STORE HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY: 8:30AM 9PM SATURDAY: 8:30AM 9PM SUNDAY: 11AM- 6PM Offers expire date of publication. Must present this ad at time of purchase to receive advertised offers. All offers to qualified buyers. With approved credit. Savings based off original MSRP. Dealer not responsible for typographical errors or omissions. Prices plus tax, tag & title. All vehicles subject to prior sale. See dealer for details. Art for illustration purposes only. Thursday, April 27, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee RAl mi School Happenings Moore Haven Elementary School Citizens of the Month The following students have earned recognition as March Citi- zens of the Month at Moore Haven Elementary School. This is a very special honor since it means that they have done a commendable job of showing HONESTY. HONESTY is truthfulness, sincerity, and will- ingness to acknowledge mis- takes. KINDERGARTEN: Carlos Car- dona, Kimberly Hogan, Jaida Stadler FIRST GRADE: Nicolas Garcia, Fabian Pena SECOND GRADE: Cesar Salga- do, Ariana Secudino, Taysia Wilcox THIRD GRADE: Kyle Hubbard FOURTH GRADE: Justice Hardwick, Elizabeth Johnson, Angel Ponce, Jesse Pope FIFTH GRADE: Javontae Broughton, Lailoni Carey, Saul Leon SIXTH GRADE: Shanice Gor- don, Taylor Harris. Kindergarten registration Spring is here and that means that the school year is winding down. It is time for Moore Haven Elementary to begin planning for the new school year and.for the new KINDERGARTEN students who will be knocking on the door On April 21, kindergarten registration was held at Moore Haven Elementary School. Principal Brickel (pictured) and other staffers talked to parents about the school while the new kindergarten students enjoyed a video and a chance to meet some of their new classmates. in August. To help get ready, the annual "registration" day was held at MHES on Friday, April 21, 2006 at 9 a.m. in the Richie Bldg. While the parents learned about the transportation, school lunch- es, curriculum, the volunteer pro- gram, being a Reading First school and other important things that their students will be exposed to next year, the soon to be MHES students were treated to a video and some time to get to know one another. The parents then rejoined their children and took a tour of the Kindergarten classes and enjoyed pizza in the cafeteria. It was a good opportu- nity for the children to get their feet wet and see some of what happens each day in school. If you are a parent of a child that will be attending Kinder- garten in the 2006-07 school year and were unable to attend, please be sure and stop by Moore Haven Elementary School's front office and pick up a registration packet. Moore Haven High School Scholarship Foundation Our school year is about to end and we have another great idaue: ouuIIy LtYu IIILuu' Band plans Spring concern The brand new West Glades Band is working hard for their first Spring Concert on May 18 at 7 p.m. The band will perform a repertoire of special beginning band compositions and solos and will highlight some featured soloists. The public is welcome. Admission is free. Band members include: (first row) Band director Dean Paul, Jarod Brown, Beat- riz Jimenez, Nathan Lax, Allison Aldrich, Kelsey Cohen, Daniel Ibarra, Preston Long, Miranda Mansel, (second row) Kendal Weatherford, Alayna Ridgill, Larisa Rivera, Jese- nia Cisneros, Amanda Lopez, Dylan Fussel, Landon Beer, Rebecca Fletcher, Bobbie Farabee, (third row) Willam McKenzie, Trevor Selph, Mariana Nelson, Josh McCardel, Roy Mendez, Sara Urbanowski. Not pictured are Alex Zamarron, Taylor Jordan, Dante Dil- low and Stephanie Yarger. St. ^ Glades Chiropractic Center Dr. Manuel L. Soto III Chiropractic Physician FREE CONSULTATION & EXAM (a $190 value) Glades Chiropractic Center is a subluxation-based, wellness healthcare facility. We provide Chriopractic, Physical Therapy, Massage Therapy, Spinal Decompression, Permanent Hair Removal, Wrinkle & Acne Treatments. )-ray on site. We treat a wide variety of conditions including auto accident recovery, disk herniations, back & neck pain, sciatica, sports injuries, school & sports physical. Most insurance accepted. Affordable payment plans for the uninsured. 1100 S. Main Street, Belle Glade Phone: 561-996-4242 Fax: 561-996-4232 The patient and any other person responsive for payments hasa right t refuse to pay, cancel a payment, or be reimbursed for payment for another service, examinationor treatment which is performed as a result of and within 72 hours ofrespondingto the adevertisement for the free or discounted service, examination or treatment. class of Senior Scholars graduat- ing from Moore Haven High School. The Scholarship Founda- tion is working to provide scholar- ships to the Valedictorian and other college bound students. The Scholarship Foundation recently received a letter from one of the scholarship recipients which theywould like to share. Dear Scholarship Foundation, My name is Stacy Nicole Ahern and I graduated from Moore Haven Jr. Sr. High School in 2001. I was the first Valedictorian Schol- arship recipient. I received my Associates Degree from Santa Fe Community College. In May, I will be graduating from the University of Florida with my Masters in Accounting. Later this year, I hope to have my CPA License. I have accepted a job offer to work in Naples, FL with McGladrey & Pullen beginning in July. Your donations to the Valedic- torian Scholarship Fund are sin- cerely appreciated. Without your assistance, my college education would have been much more,of a financial burden. I feel privileged to know that the people in my town care about their youth. As Walt Whitman once said, "The habit of giving only enhances the desire to give". Once capable, I plan to give back to.this scholar- ship that has allowed me to attain on of my life goals. Knowing how essential this scholarship was to my education, I hope you continue, when possi- ble to show\ your generosity. With sincere thanks, Stacy N. Ahem The Scholarship Foundation is asking you to help by investing in our Glades County youth, our Glades School Brief TechBridge Youth training program TechBride Youth training serv- ices a program that is dedicated to enhancing the employability and work readiness skills of Out of Schoolbouth between the ages of 16 and 21 who. live in the Hendry/Glades area, is presently accepting applications for enroll- ment and is ready to assist young adults who are ready to deploy on the road to success. In association with the Clewiston Adult School and the Clewiston Career and Development Services Center, we offer students the opportunity to obtain their GED as well as con- duct job searches and assistance with continuance of their educa- tional goals. For more informa- tion contact Patrick Coleman at (863)983-1300 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mon-Fri. C ySince 1929 77i PoyalS D n FURNITURE Sa A4 PPLIA ACES & BEDDING sclb4 h. t-o, ,. ,Ce aw a. 2 BefleGlade 561996766 mTe ciewiston o63463 &mw-4Wmm A,& IM394574 2"7-688 okoeebeobj 'iaccmw IShwdC. ~Spcd~~ t~sT*.wds Pa#f&. 1037~34293 finest resource. The Foundation needs your help in sponsoring these graduating seniors who will be attending college or University this fall. All contributions are tax deductible and checks may be sent to the following address:. Moore Haven High School Schol- arship Foundation, Inc., care of Wayne Aldrich, P.O. Box 459, Moore Haven, FL 33471. If you need further informa- tion, please phone (863) 946- 2083. 6 .wA yw J.eamn art ldl Towr cnora IslandTownlCenter cArnmA New Smyna B i-a r ---I a eo drimw h S Enwja ourxtw2mad i1wavierin pates. paw .* r."... n.- : E mr tHnin"W ....n , Pra nw~ on priow from dhe $4rY0s (888) 312-2004 to t WmiJ$dqO. w .islandiowicncatercom LEGAL NOTICE OPEN RANGE COMMUNICATIONS INC We are a prospective applicant under the Rural Broadband Access Loan and Loan Guarantee Program being administered by the Rural Development, Utilities Programs (RDLIP), United States Department orAgriculture. We a re quired, as a prospective applicant to announce our intend to provide hroadbanrd services (200 kilobit upstaram and downstream in the STATE OF FLORIDA in the following communities: Bayshore Gardens, Big Pine Key, Clewiston, Edgewater, Eglin AFB, Estero, Fort Meade. Fort Myers Beach, Fort Pierce North, Indianlown. Islamorada-Village of Islands, Key Largo, Lake Lorraine, Lake Wales, Lakewood Park, Longboat Key, Marathon, Micco, Mims, Naples Manor, Ocean City. Orange City, Pahokee. Port St. John, Punta Gorda, Rotonda, Sanibel, Sebastian. Siesta Key, Silver Springs Shores, Valparaiso, West Samosel Incumbent broadband service providers have 30 days from the dale ofthis Legal Notice to inform RDUP if they are currently providing broadband er~vice in these areas or if they have a commitment to pmr\ de smerce in these areas. Incumbent broadband service providers should submit to RDUP, on a orln prescribed by RDUP, the number of residential customers receiving broadband sern Ie in the proposed service area, the rates or data transmission, and the cost ot each level of service or proof of commitment to provide service in the proposed sen ice arca. A map should also be provided showing the boundaries ofU our s r\ ice arena in relation to the communities above. A Legal Notice Response Form can be obtained from RDUP's website at www.usda.gov/rus/telecom. IntroduingHiglMadat Walwrt Cree, a 584-acre development just 45 minutes from Asheville. Where fitness trails and natural greenspaces connect neighborhoods with a clubhouse with gym/spa facilities. Another Pre-delopment pricing up to two ere hmersir e forom rd low $50s' rouhtto you by t Grane estate lots. opoli SVillage gseen cottages *Equesuian homesites 888.625.8950 WWw.hllUllandsreorts.comla y- a Ila Moasa pn.cplaw. Tim o i.s fa.a iumodareaft Ia 1 e"eV1n9eh etti ,~a Weadlm'po small dalg e xtldpde tatd ~ALu d pem f mapll rabemo5wsre slled p lsas e Clinical Trials You may be paid $200 in 1 day Ifyou might have any of these conditions, we NEED YOUR HELP for research: Mental retardation Gifted Alzheimer's Seizures Brain Injury We also need healthy people ages 16+, all races SNon-invasive testing No medication Get paid while you learn Local office-no travel Call Dr. Bruce Borkosky, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist 800-514-0832 The disability specialist Tim loannides, M.D. and Cynthia J. Rogers, M.D. are pleased to welcome Jonathan S. Sanders, M.D., J.D. to Treasure Coast Dermatology Specializing in the Treatment of Skin Cancer Mohs Surgery y Diseases of Skin, Hair & Nails 1155 3tLaeSt.221 4US Hihwa 44, N 0) T ~ Pot t Lce: 77-98813 Suat:72-2-33 .a St uceW st.7-88376 Fr.Pec: 1-6466 Meiare HmaaEmloes M accept NEC Authorized Business Telephone Systems Serving: Okeechobee, Glades, Hendry, Highlands, Martin, St Lucie & Indian River Counties Since 1990 403 S. Parrott A. keechobee Cont actd .i.t. "& 4 - sales w*is Board Certified by the American Board of Dermatology 1111_~_11~1~11_ I Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, April 27, 2006 EDUCATION Your Five Star Dealer Team - trained for excellence. 2006 CHRYSLER 300 2005 PT CRUISER CONVERTIBLE SAVE 2006 JEEP LIBERTY DIESEL MODELS IN STOCK 2006 TOWN & COUNTRY LX SAVE 2006 JEEP WRANGLER 2006 SEBRING SAVE UP TO $1000 CHRYSLER FINANCIAL CASH NO PAYMENTS TILL OCTOBER DISCOUNTS UP TO $10,000 S.J ~F eep Chryslerand Jeep are registered trademarks oi DaimlerChrysler Corporation. HIII Oeep f -6W, %r ML M=-W ' 1 C31PZr C="M" F. K .r .... T : ', . STICK-W IT_ ,P-_-E_-,l---a"." EXPER IIEHNIC NS PECILIZE TIMON --A IN"C -PAP ARTSvp:ACrE **~C I I" -oil& Fiilter Cnhiene wim 16-Point Vehicle Checkup 3 a $22 09 Lclfe;;iT ------- -------- -- ----- ..- -.- --~ -.----.---- - -- a.- arter nit fihc mr 'A tTlfTr.l Is rn I i', I. P d oese s t ld- 111s H r'ni t w c JS 1iiisdj w ihr ( o a i. I A PuSk irvss: im oF these and adforritnal i mE nie5 t /3/06 -- -E --rk- L -ps -t- -- U - - - - I Lc P ri~s: does eLi eclude reparis w~ich1 ntaey bt. reduireri~s a~tkr ins tec~i~onr. ~ skSe-teeAt~n~fo adiinei ~tii.Expires 5/3/06 Moijoar, Value Line aa aa Brake Pad or Shone, R~leplacementr/~ S SL S c $119.95 I- rtnr d r m nr - C eU-'k b ra~kse i ti i I v ief - Road-tesotvsehicio - Rarn. Ntavy-Duty 4.x4,0')l.. :1 I irUcks ii' dr-r - Vehicles riot coveredi bv r, p.r S~~~~~~~_ h"ttr ~fet~.I~ ,seExpires 5/3/06 - HAMPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP SIIP_ HENDRY COUNTY'S ONLY 5-STAR j Ui RYSLERI CH RYSL ER-DODG>E-JEEP * It really does make a dif -. B E S . rs ID EALERo erence!S Sren e -. *o * ArI gi (863) 983-4600 202 W. Sugarland Hwy. Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 CFC cash on select models. Not all customers will qualify. Delay payments effect term. WA.C. Rebates may require eligibility, subject to change,see Dealer for details. I -- I I I II I II I I] 1 I - 'CV, iOMP I.V, io,& io&, I We're- better. We'll prove it."" E Serving the comfnunities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, April 27, 2006 I~IL_-1C _* -qCCC Thursday, April 27, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Avian influenza: Bird flu scare This information is part of a series 'on Pandemic Influenza provided by The Hendry and Glades .,County Health Depart- ments. The series will cover basic information and actions to be taken if Pandemic Flu becomes a realistic threat to the citizens of Hendry and Glades County. This is the fourth article in the series. For the past few weeks we have been discussing Avian Flu and steps that can be to taken to prepare in the event of a pandem- ic flu. Dr. Fernandez, Director for Hendry and Glades Health Department, has encouraged citi- zens of Hendry and Glades Coun- ties to prepare a disaster kit. The supplies can also be used to be prepared for hurricane season. Dr. Fernandez has recommended stocking up on prescription med- icines, preparing a family emer- gency plan, and purchasing sev- eral non perishable food items each week. What is Avian Influenza? Bird Flu is a virus that affects birds. Avian Influenza does not usually infect people, but infec- tions with these viruses have occurred in humans. The possi- bility of a human being infected is rare and usually involves touch- ing a sick or dead bird that carried the virus, handling infected birds, or touching surfaces contaminat- ed by sick birds or their drop- pings. What is an epidemic? An epidemic is a widespread outbreak of disease. What is a pandemic? A pandemic is an epidemic (widespread outbreak) that affects the world. Pandemic flu is a global disease outbreak that occurs when a new influenza virus appears that causes serious illness. People have little or no immunity to the new virus and it can spread easily from person to person. Currently there is no pan- demic flu. What causes a pandemic? A pandemic starts when three things happen: *A new influenza virus sub- type emerges *It infects humans, causing them to be seriously ill Iet spreads easily and rapidly from human to human. Experts are concerned because the first two conditions have already been met. The H5N1 is a new virus for which humans have no immunity. It has infected over 194 people in which half died, which means it is a par- ticularly virulent (potent) disease. As the disease spreads, there are more opportunities for the virus to mutate (change) into a strain that is easily transmissible between people. What happens in a pandemic? What could I expect to see? There would be warning signs. Possible signs might include: ..*Clusters of patients with avian flu symptoms in different parts of the country. *Health workers caring for these patients would start to show the same symptoms, indi- cating that the third criteria for a pandemic had been mel: person to person transmission was tak- ing place. *Because the flu can be trans- mitted by coughing or sneezing even before a person knows they are sick, avian influenza would spread rapidly because of travel and transmission due to close proximity. *Hospitals could be over- whelmed by the number of peo- ple seeking care, and there may be high rates of worker absen- teeism which could interrupt the flow of services such as police, fire, and rescue. eTransportation and commu- nications could suffer if there was a quarantine order; and leisure activities would be discouraged thereby affecting the economy. *Medicine and medical equip- ment might be in short supply. *Pandemics can last 6-24 months. More information will be pro- vided next week,- but remember that the best defense against any infection is proper hand-washing. Dr. Fernandez states, "Our com- munity should use this time to prepare, not panic, and remem- ber that the goal of the Hendry and Glades County. Health Departments is to keep our com- munit wveil informed". Your #1 Choice For Repairs Steel Buildings & Components * Structural products Standing seam roof systems * R-panels, U-panels, A-panels Full line of accessories l ALL AMERICAN fre CONSTRUCTION 1-866-279-5035 Sfax: 904-493-2842 Licensed & Insured For Product Information, Pricing & Order Forms www.americancomponents.com www.americansteelmfg.com CBC 1251774 Sports in Brief Wanted: High School Football Officials CLEWISTON Have you ever thought about becoming a football official? Well, accord- ing to Nick Smith, Game Assign- er for the South Gulf Football Officials Association (SGFOA), there has never been a better time.- According to Mr. Smith who is a LaBelle resident and veteran high school official, a very severe shortage of.officials for all sports at all levels exists nationwide. The demand for officials in Florida has outgrown the growth of the officiating ranks. Mr. Smith said the SGFOA will train, assign gamesand pay you for officiating high school games. Youth (Pop Warner) offi- ciating can also be scheduled through SGFOA membership. The spring recruiting meeting of the SGFOA will be held Monday May 8. beginning at 7 p.m. in the cafeteria at Fort Myers Senior High School. All persons inter- ested are invited to attend the meeting and/or call Nick Smith at (863)675-3502 for more infor- mation. Lifeguards needed CLEWISTON The city of Clewiston Recreation Depart- ment is hiring Red Cross Certi- fied lifeguards for the 2006 sum- mer term.: Starting pay is $9 per hour. Applications are available at Clewiston City Hall. Big Bucks tourna- ments are coming CLEWISTON Fishing tour- naments will be held May 6-7, and June 10-11. The Big Bucks Tournaments allow for larger paybacks and more prizes. These are two-day events with total tvo-day weight winning the tournaments. Multiple places will be paid based on the number of participants. Entries may be picked up at local bait and tackle shops, on the Bass Busters Web site at www.bass- bustersflorida.com or by calling Chris Fickly at (941)232-9539. The Team entry is $200 and includes the Big Bass Jackpot. All tournaments run from Safe- light to 3 p.m. Sign-ups are accepted up until tournament start time at the 'city ramp in Clewiston. Coast Guard makes house calls LAKE OKEECHOBEE Did you know the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary makes house calls' They will come to your home to discuss the required safety- equipment needed on your boat. This service is free. You will receive a cordial, informa- tive and confidential boat inspection A vessel safety check decal will be placed on boats that meet all the requirements. Call 467-3085 to arrange a boat check. Christian Athletes Banquet and Silent Auction CLEWISTON Everyone is cordially invited to attend the 2006 Fellowship of Christian Athletes Banquet and Silent Auction on Thursday, April 27 at Sonny BBQ, dinner at 6:30 p.m. There will be a special guest speaker and a silent auction with many incredible items. Please RSVP to Jimmy or Paula Pittman at: days 983-5450 or evenings at 983-2373., . E m ;a :. sa nd t r av If a ad l I p h -a. net STATE OF FLORIDA REGISTRATION 4ST36324 / HEALTHH WeaMicr erle w ei sto. TheSoin e ..- :: s tr . --. .,; ...-, :-- .-- ,'=;-; "F, Hoyw ooks at wate ingNew cemte i ppra ptan lor ca I We are pledged to operate our newspaper as a public trust. Fairness is extremely important to us. We admit our errors promptly and we don't "bury" the corrections. (If error appears on the front page, that's where we print the correction.) Sometimes people don't like what has been written about them. In those cases, we offer a "right to reply" and allow them to tell their own side of the story. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or call your editor. Clewiston News GD LADES COUNTY DEMOCRAT TheSun Community Service Through Journalism Building Healthy Lifestyles For YOU And YOUR FAMILY A -, Do you and your family need health coverage? Are you looking for an affordable health care option? / From in ~ ,nr piLin parents ht tlzoe ivhi arte elf-employed, Vita Health nmay e lust fcr you: S*If you rLs-J in Palm Beiachi C'ouniity and .o o, '.r u fan l minemlers are betwee-n the age of I and 65 and *You',te hee ,l \Willt,it health c .'c-rat'e for the pa.i.l z IT rntrith and OY L ll' [L ik\ 4'1WL' .-tli1 Illk:0111L* 1I11 L C o li'taill ?cvv W(ith1 prerniLum ranging from only. $25 to lcs than $100 per month, Vita Health gives you the peace ol mind ot knowing that health care is there if you need it. Call a Vita Health Representative today at 866-930-0035. AT I .. ,1 ..... ,,,.- r.. .. Il.j l .l ., rt,.r .n-, .. ':M /- l. ,.r,,l-., .. ..... r. / /1 f ..rt,( ,,. I. / ,[ l, r, t. ,.-,,'.' ,, wa Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, April 27, 2006 b. ui r !A I Serving he ommuitis suth f Lke keehobe Thrsdy, Aril27,200 Community Briefs Teachers honored Stop smoking help available Heart To Heart will be offering FREE smoking cessation classes began Aug. 31, at 5 p.m. at the Hendry County Health Department 1140 Pratt Blvd., LaBelle, Florida 33975. The class is a seven-week course that will meet on Wednes- days. If you have any questions please call Lasheba at 674-4056 Ext. 128. Free services to help elders Center for Independent Living will be doing outreach on a regular basis at the Moore Haven, Clewis- ton, and LaBelle sites between the hours of noon to 2:30 p.m. You can contact Tera or Linda at the Center for Independent Living at (941) 766-8333 in Charlotte County to find out the days that they will be available in those areas. Economic Council Meetings The Glades County Economic. Development Council normally meets the first Mondayof the month at 6:15 p.m. in the conference room at Glades Electric Cooperative. If you are not a member, please con- tact the EDC about joining. If you Share a member, please plan to attend the meetings. As the Main Street effort, and other initiatives move for- ward, we will need a host of knowl- edgeable volunteers to serve on var- ious committees and we encourage your participation. American Legion open Moore Haven American Legion Post 299 is now having bingo, Sat- urday nights at 6 p.m. Hamburgers, drinks and dessert will be provided .at a minimal cost. VFW Post #9528 The VFW Post #9528 is located at 2002 Hwy. 78 W in Buckhead Ridge. For more information call (863467-2882. Post hours are from noon until 8 p.m. daily. Wednesday is Ladies Auxiliary dinner from 5:30-7 p.m., and the cost is $5. Every Thursday, the post has bar bingo at 12:45 p.m. Lunch Will be available. Every Friday a steak din- ner with baked potato, salad and rolls are served from 5:30 7 p.m. with a $9 donation. Dancing imme- diately follows the dinner. All games and special events are shown on three televisions. The game room has a regulation-size pool table. Post meetings are held on the second and fourth Saturday of the month, beginning at 10 am. Commander Albert Crank is avail- able at 467-2882. B.H.R. Moose Lodge The lodge is located on U.S. 78 W. in Buckhead Ridge. Regular bingo is played Tuesdays at 12:30 p.m. Lunch is available each day. Members and qualified guests may play. Wednesday feature an Italian dinner or alternate entree from 5 - 7:15 p.m. and Saturday's dinner is from 5 7:15 p.m. Music for danc- ing starts at 7:30 p.m. Call the lodge to see who is playing. Sunday morning breakfast is served from 8 - 10:15 a.m. VFWPost #10539 The VFW will be open Monday through Wednesday. 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; Thursday, 10 a.m.-10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m.-ll p.m., or later; and Sunday, 1 -8 p.m. Happy hour is from 4 6 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Dinner is served at 5 p.m. Tuesday evenings. Bar bingo starts at 12:45 p.m. Wednesday. Lunch will be available. Singles darts every Wednesday, 7 p.m. Cafeteria is open from 5 8 p.m., Thursday nights. Friday at 7 p.m. there will be live music and dancing. On Sat- urday, hotdogs with kraut are served at noon. Saturday dart dou- bles at 7 p.m. Diabetes Awareness Hendry County Health Depart- ment Heart to Heart Program and Senior Connections are offering an eight-week Diabetes Class at 2 p.m. each Wednesday at the Nobles Senior Center. Classes include the diabetic diet, understanding carb- counting, eye and foot care, and the ABC's of diabetes (the AlC test, Blood Pressure, and Cholesterol. All diabetics, long term or newly diagnosed, are welcome. Support Services The Agricultural and Labor Pro- gram. Inc. located in XXinter Haven, has been awarded a grant from the Department ol Community Affairs to provide Low Income Home Energy Assistance I.LIHEAP. servic- es to eligible applicants in Hendr\ and Glades counties. For an appli- cation and/or inforn mtion please call (800)330-3-191. Submitted to me Glades County Democart Cindy Ringstaff is Teacher of the Year for Moore Haven Elementary. a w n; a School Briefs Scholarship raffle The Moore Haven High School Scholarship Foundation is raffling off a new freezer full of prime fed beef. Tickets are only $5 or 5 for $20 with the drawing to be held May 12. The proceeds of this fundraising effort will pro- vide scholarships to graduating seniors from Moore Haven High School. Tickets can be pur- chased at Chappy's Store in Lakeport or at the Glades County School Board Office in Moore Haven. Landfill Continued From Page 1 and a possible vote on the matter could occur at the May 9 commis- sion meeting. Mr. Taylor is hoping that a con- tract with Waste Management will go into effect as of July. Negotiations are still ongoing according to Mr. Pringle who will not allow a contract to be present- ed to the board without removing all associated future liability issues. "In all of our efforts put forth on School Board meeting Regular meetings will now take place on the second Thursday at 6 p.m. and the fourth Thursday at 9. p.m. in the Glades County School Board meeting room, 400 10th Street SW Moore Haven. Report available The NCLB School .Public Accountability Report from Moore Haven Junior-Senior High School is available on the school Web site http: glades.edgate.org moore- haven index.php. Copies of the report are also available in the this matter, it is necessary to avoid liability issues as is all possible," said Mr. Pringle. After reviewing some points of the contract, Glades County Com- missioner Alvin Ward re-pledged his commitment to keep an open mind, but would not allow any deal to move forward that would jeopardize the citizens of Glades County. In an unofficial poll conducted by opponents of an\ landfill within Glades Count., the overwhelming majority of volers within the county oppose the landfill. But admitted , school's main office, 700 Terrier Pride Drive SW, Moore Haven. Sunday school St Theresa Catholic Chuich in Buckhead Ridge holds Sunday school (CCD) program classes every Sunday before Mass. Please call Ann at 467-1516 or Fr. Dan at the Parish Office (86t3)946-0696 for more information. Fun for all ages! Glades Truancy Program The Glades County School many citizens just wanted more information about how\ the landfill \would generate revenue and ho\\ that revenue would be spent. Mr. Ward appeared to remain skeptical about any landfill deal after the county had already given up $1 million during previous negotiations and expressed dismay at the prices quoted for in county waste being approximateKl $43 per ton at which time the county would charge $44 to gain the,$1l per ton revenue, when Okee- ,chobee citizens were paying approximately $27 per ton. Board has adopted a truancy program for all Glades County schools for the 2005-06 school year in an effort to reduce unex- cused absences. Glades Truancy Program handbooks are a\ail- able at each school office. FCAT scores available West Glades Elementary reminds parents that FCAT scores may be picked up at the school office,' Monday-Friday 8 Sa.m. to 4 p.m. Mr. \Vard, again, pledged to keep an open mind, but also expressed sentiments thdt he \as less than pleased at what he saw 'thus far. Commissioner Russell Echols conducted a point by point query and complimented the county manager and county atlot- ney for their hard or, k. No action was taken by.any board members, as this was simple\ a presentation segment of the commission meeting and did not require action to be taken. A more formal discussion will take place at the May 9 meeting. Alice Gardner is Teacher of the Year for West Glades Ele- mentary. REICH'X MANCINI Se Habla Espaiol Offices in Port St. Lucle The hiring of an anorn y is an Impnran decision and snould not be based Solely on advertisements. Before you dedeide us 10 provide you eith nwrier, informj3lon aboul our qualificl on and experience. SFWMD Continued From Page 1 recreational opportunities you are talking about?" Mr. Davis said this presentation was not meant to be specific to any one project, but that all District land is available for public use and recreational opportunities. As Mr. Davis and the commis- sion reviewed the map which showed the SFWMD-owned prop- erty, it was found that a piece of Glades County, owned by' SFWMD, is currently being leased by the City of LaBelle who intends to build a park there. "Nothing has ever come out of that," stated Mr. Davis. Glades County Commissioner Alvin Ward said that it deserved to be looked into, considering the property is in Glades County and the county may want to look at the possibilities of doing something with it them- selves. Mr. Davis said that the county would have to open up dialogue with the City of LaBelle which cur- rently.leases the property. While SFWMD representatives were at the meeting, commission- ers asked what the intentions were with the lake cleanup and hydrilla spraying on the lake. A SFWMD representative informed the com- mission that there has been no hydrilla spraying program on the lake. "Hydrilla represents less than 10,000 acres on Lake Okee- chobee," the representative said. "Given the lack of the best possible fish habitat such as eel grass, it is our opinion that hydrilla creates a 'decent' fish habitat, which is bet- ter than none. The situation on the lake is dire." The representative continued, stating that de-mucking operations are still planned, but that much more needs to be done, such as bringing in engineers to survey the contour of the lake bottom and further stated that in some places, the lake will need to be down to nine feet before cleanup opera- tions can occur. Lake Okeechobee had reached the nine feet mark during the severe drought of a few years ago. The results were beneficial to the lake itself, but wreaked havoc on the fishing and tourism industry when it had become close to impossible to launch a boat from any of the lake's ramps. Just as the health of the lake returned, Florida was decimated with back to back severe hurricane seasons and the forecast for the coming years is more of the same. While every attempt is made to control the lake to everyone's lik- ing, no one will control Mother Nature. We Love You, ., , . '.. SBillie-Jean Phillips 12/19/84 4/24,05 ------1 /-' Mama & Dad, Darrell, Lyndsey, Dewayne Land Continued From Page 1 a move that is taking place practi- cally nationwide, especially in rural areas of the country. However, the wording of such ordinances is critical to the suc- cess of responsible growth and at the first public hearing of a new ordinance pertaining to develop- ment, Mark Lapp, of CHL Hold- ings, challenged the current lan- guage of one proposed ordinance. Mr. Lapp said he had three major issues with the ordinance as it currently reads. The ordi- nance includes a section stating that the county would require all subdivisions to have proper potable water and sewer avail- able. Mr. Lapp said that given the rural nature of Glades County, that was unreasonable unless the. county plans to build a sewage treatment plant for every subdivi- sion not within direct contact of the current plant. The county stated that it would depend on the lot sizes and the size of the subdivision, but that they were willing to revise the lan- guage before the ordinance went before the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Lapp also challenged limit- ing the number of units that could be placed in a one-acre lot and further challenged the proposed requiring the developer to be responsible for three years of maintenance on roads following the completion of a development, when the current requirements are one year. "That just seems excessive to me," said Mr. Lapp.' No official response was pro- vided to Mr. Lapp on his sugges- tions other than a promise that the language of the ordinance would be revised before the pub- lic meeting that is to be held in front of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Upon completion of that public hearing, the ordi- nance will then come before the commission for its first reading, at which time, further arguments or comments can be made as the commission takes into considera- tion the adoption of the ordi- nance, which will occur after its third and final reading. OPENING THIS FALL 2006 (TImE EiNmINs PRESCHOOL *FULLTIME PRESCHOOL & AFTER CARE *3-4 YEAR OLD 5 DAY PROGRAM *ABEKA CURRICULUM *COMPUTER LAB *CERTIFIED TEACHER WITH 6 YEARS EXP. *PRESCHOOL 8 A.M 12 P.M. AFTER CARE 12 P.M. 5:15 P.M. *EARLY DROP OFF AVAILABLE 7:30 A.M. 8 A.M. Savannah sez... "Hey, it's all about being comfortable, right? Let my Dad help you get Comfortable. He's been in the business over 20 years. Ask for Buuud." REGISTER NOW! CALL TO RESERVE YOUR CHILD'S SPOT! OWNER: JENNIFER PRICE 863-983-8494/863-673-2027 520 EAST ALVERDEZ CLEWISTON, FLORIDA and H~ading a Call Us Today! 467-1545 St. Lic. CAC029420 SDarrell Wayne Phillips ,. 5/5,'86- 6/21/86 -' -------- Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, April 27, 2006 ;' ..I '' '' s~-* ~C~ '" ., .. * Area alligator farmers cashing in on fashion trends GAINESVILLE, Fla. While some agricultural producers are facing tough times, Florida alli- gator farmers are cashing in on reptile chic the growing worldwide demand for alligator skins on everything from belts and boots to $10,000 designer handbags. "The market for high-end alli- gator leather products is very strong right now, and farmers are getting top dollar for their gator skins," said Perran Ross, a wildlife ecologist with the Uni- versity of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. "Florida alligator farming has had its ups and downs in recent years, but it's definitely a good time for those who are already established in the business." He said Louisiana is the nation's leading producer, har- vesting about 300,000 alligators every year compared to 60,000 in Florida, but Hurricanes Katri- na and Rita damaged alligator egg production in Louisiana. As a result, luxury-goods manufac- turers in the United States and Europe need to. secure future supplies of alligator skins, which is helping Florida farmers who can provide high quality prod- ucts. He said the value of finished alligator skin products may be anywhere from five to ten times the raw-product value. Allen, Register, owner of Gatorama in Palmdale, Fla., one of 60 licensed alligator farms in the state, said prices for alligator bellies range from $40 to $50 per foot, which is up by almost 50 percent from a few years ago. He said that belly skins are more valuable because they are soft AP Photo/Marisol Amador/UF/IFAS Perran Ross, a wildlife ecolo- gist with the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, holds an alligator being raised for its meat and skin - Monday, March 27, 2006. He said that demand is high and prices are good for Florida alligator skins, particularly smaller skins of high quality used in fashion accessories. In Louisiana, the nation's largest producer, the 2005 hurricanes reduced the har- vest of wild alligators and damaged egg nests, boost- ing demand for Florida alli- gator products. and flat, compared to horn-back skins that have bumpy ridges and are often-used in western- wear market." Like other Florida alligator farmers, Register harvests gators when they reach four or five feet in length, which requires about two years of growth. He said Louisiana farmers typically har- vest three- or four-foot long alli- gators after one year to save on the space needed to raise such large numbers. "In the past, buyers have been a lot more fussy about scars and scratches on hides, but we are seeing less emphasis on those imperfections, proba- bly because of the increased demand from U.S. and foreign luxury-goods manufacturers," he said. "After some slow times during the past eight or nine years, the market is definitely on the upswing." In addition to the strong inter- national demand for alligator hides, the domestic appetite for alligator meat is growing, com- manding prices of $4.50 to $4.75 per pound at the wholesale level and $7.50 to $10 per pound at retail, Register said. Christy Plott Redd, marketing director for American Tanning and Leather Company in Griffin, Ga., buys skins from producers all over the world but prefers American alligator skins because of their high quality. "Florida is key to our busi- ness because we need those grade-one.skins to sell to hand- bag manufacturers and fashion designers," she said: "As the demand for better quality, faster delivery and larger sizes contin- ues to grow, the farmers in Flori- da will play a bigger role in the luxury market." She said some skins are com- mercially harvested, while oth- ers are taken in cooperation with a state's nuisance alligator program. "From our experience, the percentage of grade-one Our CT capabilities are at LightSpeed.] When you have a CT exam, you want the clearest and most accurate images possible. That's why we have the LightSpeed CT imaging system from GE Medical Systems, the state-of-the-art in CT. With LightSpeed, our doctors get the clear, detailed images they need to make accurate, confident diagnoses so you get the very best care possible. Take a closer look at Glades General Hospital... you'll be impressed by what you see. GLADES 561-996-6571 GENERAL 1201 South Main Street Belle Glade, Florida 33430 HOSPITAL skins or handbag-quality skins - is about 8 percent from those taken from the wild. That num- ber jumps to 90 percent or more when we buy farm-raised skins." Ms. Redd said there will always be a demand for good quality skins, and farmers who are good can stay in business during difficult times. "We have all seen the hard times in this business, and it's not pretty," she said. "It's sad to see people who've been around for years and years suddenly go out of business, but it happens in every industry." She said farmers should focus on growing the best alliga- tors they can rather than grow- ing the most alligators they can. "When demand slacks off, that's when we start getting more picky," Redd said. "We can always sell good skins, but we can hardly give the poor- ones away. In this industry, we need more research on how to growth best quality skins." Ross, an alligator and croco- dile expert in UF's wildlife ecolo- gy and conservation depart-- ment, said alligator farming has about a $25 million impact on Florida's economy. He said it is not a "get rich quick scheme" but one that requires large capi- tal investments over a three- or four-year period when little or no income is being generated. To protect this renewable resource in Florida, alligator farms are licensed and regulated by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. He said the vast majority of alligator skins are produced from eggs purchased and col- lected from wild alligators in the state. "These eggs are hatched and raised in farms to produce a fast growing and better quality prod- uct," he said. "Therefore, there is a direct link between these valuable reptiles and maintain- ing wetland habitats for them." Ross said the commercial harvest of alligators actually helps conserve the species and their habitats because the eco- nomic incentives from egg pro- duction and legal harvesting encourage landowners to main- tain wetlands. In addition. license lees from the program help support research,, monitor- ing and wildlife management programs that conserve alliga- tors. "In other words, alligators pay their own way for their con- servation," he said. "Florida has a model program that is emulat- ed all over the world for manag- ing alligators and their habitat for sustainable economic gain." Another advantage of alliga- tor farming is that farmers can produce high-value products year-round for national and international markets, he said. "Alligator farms do not require large tracts of land or water, and farm operations do not have adverse effects on the environ- ment. Land that may have been a nonproductive or marginal wetland can be used for alligator farming," he said. Alligator farming is also an efficient way to utilize meat and meat products that are not suit- able for human consumption. Aged or freezer-burned meat, unused fish from commercial trawlers and offal from poultry processing plants are good Sources of food for farms, Ross said. He said American crocodiles, whose hides are similar to alliga- tor skins, are making a come- back in South Florida, but these endangered reptiles cannot be harvested or raised commercial- ly in the United States. ~iiiiiiii lmA, bid___ II / IL I ~LI/ K ~ im row IT I-Y~ K I-EIMZ 3- 4-- ofIf the kis menu 1 &unde Headlines Stories from Independent's 7 newspapers in South Central Florida. PLUS searchable archives. Post Your News Post or read press releases, announcements & information from your community. Public Issues Forum An open forum in which issues of the day are debated sometimes vigorously . Post, For Free Post ybur personal messages on an open Bulletin Board for Florida residents. Local Links A directory of websites for location government. teams, organizations & columnists. Classified Ads The combined listings from Independent's 7 newspapers. distributed to 31,000 homes. SCanal Point Pohokee Belle Glade South Bay .*- Clewiston Moore Haven Ortona Muse North LaBelle Felda LaBelle Immokolee Pioneer Plantation Buckhead Ridge Okeechobee Basinger Frostproof A T C HANCE To Save 25% on ALL of Our Work Class Accessories, Lamps, Pictures and Rugs Jamison Memory Foam Pillow Top Queen Mattress Set Now $1,299 Jamison Extra Firm with Plush Comfort Level Queen Set Now $499 Glove Leather Sofa & Loveseat Now $1,099 Microfiber Big Mans Recliner (3 colors to choose from) Now $299 Microfiber Sofa & Loveseat group Now $899 Mahogany Bedroom Suite $999 Our Anniversary Sale Ends Saturday, April 29 at closing Jackson River Furniture &Decor Serving the LaBelle Area now for 2 Years with Quality Always Done in Style 863-674-0003 At the Foot of the Bridge 340 North Bridge Street LaBelle, FL Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, April 27, 2006 S eIn h o m n t e o t f L k k e h b eT u s a A r l 2 2 0 Hendry Glades counties combine shelters By Patty Brant LABELLE The 2005 hurri- cane season made believers out of a lot of Hendry and Glades County residents. Many are still trying to piece their lives back together after Wilma's catastrophic strike last October. With the start of the 2006 hurricane season only about six weeks away, preparations are in full swing for what is being fore- casted as another year of numer- ous and potentially deadly storms. This year Hendry and Glades are trying something new to serve some of its "most fragile residents." Persons with Special Needs (PSNs) those with chronic medical con- ditions requiring special accom- modations are provided with a special shelter during times of extreme emergency. Special Needs Shelters offer basic life preserving accommodations only. There is a public health nurse on site, but Director of Nursing for the Hendry/Glades Health Department Pat Dobbins warns their function is to "get you through the crisis" only. As with all shelters, people must bring their own necessities includ- ing food, bedding, toiletries, water and other comforts as well as their medications and other health care needs, including oxygen and dia- betic paraphernalia. In addition, those at PSN shelters must have a caregiver staywith them. During Wilma, local PSNs Were open for 96 hours. Keep in mind that shelters are not comfortable places. They are simply large struc- tures built to withstand high winds, intended to keep people safe through the storm. So, any com- forts you may have, you will have to bringwithyou. In the past few years, there have been a total of three PSN shelters in Hendry/Glades. This year the two Emergency Management offices and the Hendry-Glades Health Department have partnered to con- solidate them into. just one the Muse Community 'Center. Built to withstand a Category Four storm, the Muse center is a compromise. Hendry's Emergency Management Director Tom Kochheiser said the state wanted local PSNs to be shel- tered at Sarasota. After Wilma last year, the state recommended the area regionalize Emergency Man- agement functions. The joint PSN is one way the two counties are. cooperating through team work to achieve a "high level of service and safety efficiency," Glades EM Direc- tor Angela Osceola agrees. PSN procedures remain the same. You must register in advance with your Emergency Management INI/Patty Brant A joint Hendry/Glades pilot project has consolidated the area's shelters for Persons with Spe- cial needs. Members of the bi-county team are, pictured from left: Hendry/Glades Health Depart- ment Planning Consultant loannis Gountas, Hendry County EM Director Tom Kochheiser, Health Department Director of Nursing Pat Dobbins and Glades County EM Director Angela Osceola. office as a PSN. Currently, there are some 35 people on the PSN registry in LaBelle, 12 in Clewiston and ten in Moore Haven. As a storm approach- es and the shelter.opens, emergency management personnel will still call those on the register to coordinate their plan. As previously, Good Wheels will still pick up people reg- istered for the PSN shelter or they may be transported there by family or friends. Remember, you must be ready to go when the Good Wheels .bus arrives it will not wait and it %\ill not return forvou. Health department nurse Susan Holland said staff stationed at the PSN will check patients in, along with their caregiver and supplies. They will go over their registration form and verify their information. Health department staff.is there to support caregivers, not take their place in any way, and to provide a calming effectwith a little extra TLC. The Glades County EMS will also be using the Muse Community Center as a staging area, so during the storm there will be the added advantage of having EMT/para- medics on hand if needed. Howev- er, once the storm passes and ambulances can again be on the road, theywill be responding to the many emergency calls that will inevitably be coming in. Residents should remember that all public shelters are "refuges of last resort" only. No comforts and no pets (so make sure to have a plan for your animals before the storm hits). Public shelters are crowded and noisy, with none of the relative comforts you woyld have at home, even \ ith a loss of power. Emer- gency personnel advise thal, if you have anywhere else to go during the storm, that's your best bet. Stay home, if possible, shelter with fami- ly or friends in a substantial struc- ture or leave the area. Ms. Osceola and Mr. Kochheiser remind all residents to start putting their hurricane supplies together now. Include necessary medica- tions (or at least a list of them), nonperishable foods, water, flash- lights, radios, batteries, extra newsza p corn Community Links. Individual Voices. . DOUBLE YOUR INVESTMENT IN ONLY 1 YEAR! Builders Lots Available in the Fastest Growing Areas of Florida W PRICIN clothes and things to keep you occupied (books, magazines, games). If you have a baby, don't forget baby food, formula, diapers - all the everyday supplies that babies need. To register as a PSN or for more information, call the Hendry Coun- ty Emergency Management at 612- 4700 or Glades County Emergency Management at 941-6020. Doc Savvy's Pet Corner Question: Dear Doc Savvy. My name is Ivan and so is my cat's! Although we have similar names, we do not have similar problems. Ivan is an indoor/outdoor cat with usually very little wrong going on. However just yesterday I noticed he had little white worms crawling out of his butt! It was %erN disgust- ing to say the least. I bought him a de-wormer at the. feed store but those darn things won't go away. What do I do, and where did he get those things from anyway? Ivan in Canal Point. Answer: Hey Ivan and Ivan! Sounds like Ivan the cat has tape- worms. Tapeworms are a type of intestinal parasite which are trans- mitted, by fleas! Not by a flea bite, but by eating a flea. More than like- ly Ivan the cat accidentally ate a flea while grooming himself. Tape- worms are gotten rid.of by a veteri- nary cesticidal de-wormer. In other words you have to go to the vet for help. This de-wormer comes in both pill and injection form,.and has to be repeated two weeks later. DocSawy Also Ivan, consider buying some advantage for your cat for monthly flea control? Hope that helps Ivan the person! Take care, Doc Sawy. E-mail your pet questions to DocSawy@aol.com and check out your pet answers weekly in The Pet Comer. J' i , "'The Swete.st / i Town ".^ Open House April 29th From 11 a.m.- 3 p.m. New Construction on Aztec Avenue Free Food For info about secondhand smoke, or to anonymously report workplace violations, call 1-800-337-3742. FifRiiDPUF- _NT -:,F HEALTH i S I 7C Eq~ Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, April 27, 2006 Thursday, April 27, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Papaya are packed with nutrition Tread morenews,visitwww.newsapm. I noticed at the grocery store this week that papaya is in season. Papaya is one of Nature's "superfoods." Papayas are good sources of carotenes, vitamin C and flavonoids; the B vitamins, folate and pantothenic acid; and the min- erals, potassium and magnesium. The fruit is also a good source of dietary fiber. A ripe papaya will be mostly yellow to yellow-orange and will give slightly between your palms, but not be mushy. Papaya is also good for your digestion. It has long been used as the "health food" remedy for ulcers. Papaya enzyme helps break down foods. For this reason, papaya enzyme is often an ingredi- ent in meat tenderizers. Papayas are a tropical fruit. In the United States, they are grown in Hawaii, California and Florida. The following information about papayas came from the Uni- versity of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Services. The papaya \\as first described by the Spanish chronicler Oviedo in 1526 from the Caribbean coast of Panama and Colombia. It was soon grown throughout the trop- ics, its distribution undoubtedly being aided by an abundance of seed of relatively long viability (up to 3 years under cool, dry condi- tions). It has become naturalized in, many tropical regions, particularly in areas with fertile soils and abun- dant rainfall. Papayas are giant herbaceous, dicotyledonous plants which may produce fruit for more than 20 years. When cultivated, plants usu-, ally have a single trunk, but several with Katrina Esken branches may develop as the plants become older. Trees growing in fer- tile, well drained soils with sufficient moisture may reach a height of 30 feet or more. The grayish trunk is marked by characteristic large leaf scars and has soft, pulpywood. The large, deeply lobed leaves, some- times reaching 3 feet across, have hollow, soft petioles 2 feet or more in length. The melon-like fruit varies considerably in size and shape, and hangs from short, thick peduncles at the leaf axils. The papaya thrives best under warm conditions with abundant rainfall or irrigation. It cannot toler- ate strong winds, flooding, or frosts, and it recuperates very slow- ly if it has sustained considerable leaf or root injury. Temperatures of 30F or lower usually cause severe damage or death. Seeds reproduced abundantly and germinate readily (in 10 to 15 days) and uniformly Under suitable growing conditions fruit can be har- vested in 8 to 10 months. Seeds should be obtained from ripe fruit, \%ashed to remove the gelatinous aril, planted in small pots, and ger- minated under full sunlight. Peat VISIr US ON ThE WEB AT WWW.OA A* RENIAIS COMING AVAILABl 1/1/ IN COUNTRYVILLAGE. $550/M , 3/1 OFF MARTIN LUTHER KING BL PETS HOMES FORSALE NEW LISTING IN COUNTY VILLAGE. 2] car oaro new rnnf AkLino 12 0nnn IN PORT LABELLE 3Bedroom/2Bath, 2 car garage off ,:,'J;:, i ,,,Ii ,- ,:i1111 u :' IIj,,'ll H.T,: ,, . School Circle. Includes chain linked fenced in backyard and looks canal andcaedt in a great area dose to Ft. Myersbut a large shed. Asking $189,900. OFF COWBOY WAYthis currently used as out enough for peace and quiet. Asking $230,000. a residential propeR Hi. commercial. Asking 2BEDROOM/1BATH HOUSE in LaBelle. Being sold 'As $145,000. Is." Asking $125,000. IN LEHIGH ACRES This 4Bedroom/2Bath home has 2,288 IN CAPE CORAL Duplex 3/2 on both sides, new roof, sq. ft. on a large corner lot that is fenced in. Home has many new plumbing and tile throughout units. Asking $325,000. extras. Call for an appointment today Asking $288,900.AC E FR REDUCED! AC G FKR SAL 3BEDROOM/2BATH 2 fi DGARAGE in IN PIONEER! 3Bedroom/2Bath, large doublewide mobile laBelle. Home qS6 B S n backyard and home on fenced in 2.5 acres. Dual fireplace, walk-in cosets, screened lanai. i 5,000. outside buildings. Asking $199,900. IN LEfIGH ACRES. Home has 1,900 sq ft with 2 master 2.5 ACRES in Pioneer Plantation. $79,000. bedrooms. Home is currency used as a 4/2. Has many I R SALE upgrades and a fenced in backyard. This home is a must see. E H E L F $210,000. WE HAVE LOTS FOR SALE IN LABELLE, PORT IN PORT IABELLE. Large 3Bedroon/2Bath, 1 car garage IABELLE, MOORE HAVEN AND LAKE PLACID. CALL plus den. OffBishop Circle. Asking $185,000. FOR MORE INFORMATIONI Home Builders Building Communities, One Quality Home at a Timel Hendry County's #1 Top Quality Builder olifr.i..[lH...:TM!r1T41.II.i IrsIIrgggMgSIIJ. V. We have "move-in ready" homes available now 9024 Mavwood Cir. Cvoress II. 31212 3045 June Cir, Maqnolia, 4/2/2 $282.900 9002 E. Broad Cir, Buttonwood. 3/2/2 $218.900 FREE Pre-Qualification with: CHL Home Mortgage, LLC. (863)612-0012 Call 863-612-0551, or Toll Free, 866-224-8392 www.chlhomebuilders.com CGC061264 *All spec. Homes Include /4 acre home site **Paved Roads*County Water*Power"Schools in Subdivision'* 9016 I --1. 3/22 I1, 3/2/2 pots are ideally suited for this, since they can be set directly in the field without removing the plants from individual containers. Two to three seeds are sown per pot to compen- sate for low germinations, damage by insects, and removal of male plants. Planting distance depends on soil fertility, irrigation facilities, and location. The home owner should space his plants 8 to 10 feet apart. The use of machinery in com- mercial operations requires rows to be 12 to 15 feet apart, but plants should be 6 to 8 feet apart in the row. Seedlings are set in the field when 6 to 8 inches tall. They begin flowering after 5 months, and only one vigorous bisexual or female plant is allowed to grow, in each site all others being removed. In south Florida, if plants are set in the field in February or March, it is possible, with good care, to har- vest fruit in October or November. This requires starting seedlings in a greenhouse or under plastic, and protecting them against frosts by heating or sprinkler irrigation. In cooler areas of the state, May and June are better months for field planting, and good yields cannot be expected before the following April orMay. The soil should have good drainage. Papayas are very sensi- tive to even short periods of flood- ing. If not killed, they lose their vigor and regain it \ery slowly. Irrigation should be provided during dry spells because a fluctu- ating water supply may cause growth retardation, flower abor- tion, and dropping of young fruits. Papayas are last growing plants jU:.: U~~~Il~ib ilI J/. 580 S. Main St. SLaBelle, FL 33935 863 675-1973 If you are thinking of buying or selling, give us a call! CHECK US OUT ONLINE AT S www.newhorizons-re.com Se-Habla Espanol -- - i -- tH",es~aiiu which require an abundant supply of nutrients if they are to be highly productive. Supplemental fertiliza- tion is particularly important in infer- tile soils. Nitrogen and phosphorus are especially important In Florida, young plants should be started with /2 lb of a 10-10-10-5 mixture (with 30 percent of the nitrogen from nat- ural organic sources) at planting time or shortly after. This amount of fertilizer is applied every 2 weeks and should be increased gradually to 1'/2 lb until the plants are 7 to 8 months old. Thereafter, monthly applications should be sufficient, unless unusually hard rains occur. Fertilizer should be reapplied under these conditions. Green papaya ripeps at room temperature in about three to five days. Ripe papaya can be refrigerat- ed for week. A food safety note: If you still have colored hard-boiled eggs in your refrigerator from Easter, it is time to throw them a\vay. Accord- ing to the USDA food safety guide- lines, refrigerated hard boiled eggs may not be safe to eat if kept longer than a week. Hard boiled eggs left out of the refrigerator for more than 30 minutes should also be discard- ed. Boiling creates tinv holes in the egg shell. These holes are too lin\ to see, but large enough to allow bacteria to get into the egg Before making any change to your diet or exercise plan, consult your doctor. This is especially important if you are on any prescrip- tion medications. Some drugs inter- act badlywith foods that would oth- erwise be considered "healthy." Thining About Where you'll Come 'Up 'ithi The oney For A Nfew Hiome? e 'WorTryoNo5More o r 'We ave A " !Solutionfor youl ,... a ing, Build i~~ea .lom /Ca & Pay off Crit Cardf We H ; edLoans That Others Couldn't Alan Kelly Mortgage Call Bob Hahn Now! 823-674-0091 D[LI SE.'yl.WdrJtr , RCith. C'rouII'. hi To save time and money by having the ne\\ paper delivered to ,our home by mail, call Reader Ser\ ices at 1-877-353-2424 or email readerservices(@'ne\vszap.com. If you're already a subscriber and have ques- - tions or requests about sour home delivery, 't call Reader Ser\ ices at 1-877-353-2424 or e-mail readerser\ ices@('new\szap.com. .- Clewiston News GLADE. COLINT DEMOCRAT I The Sun i WHY RENT WITH LISTINGS LIKE THESE? Bank of America SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS BanMortgage Loan Officer S Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 shirley.will is(C: bankofamerica.com Now with an office in LaBelle al 415 IV. Hlwy 80 Call for an appointment ASK ME ABOUT OUR SPECIAL LOAN PROGRAMS FOR TEACHERS. MEDICAL WORKERS, LAW ENFORCEMENT, AND FIREFIGHTERS 238s N. BideSt L*el, L333 Asocats Sanr lxndr id DkeDvs HOMES: i 595,900 -.P.[,' :.ti.i .. : .: -/-acres in 'dir,,:" H,,ff r Jlljic' J p,,h: ,r '. -,, ,:,-, lj,-, .: ufir' in ciTi ,Juil ik'tre'll J... P i I l' .l,,:r, i..L .1 lMaurpl',I L',d ja '. I,':, i, J ti:.. t [I n, ri j)- cr.ri, this home has.to offer! Owner/Agent bring any seri- ous offer. $550,000PRICE REDUCEDI 4BD/3BA home on 1+/- acre. Home has vaulted and coffer ceilings, a sound proof studio, moveable island in kitchen. and an above ground pool just to name a few of the li.'-.ul c .l'hil [i,i b .cj lle.lj i,:.r......f .. $374,900 '.BL :'B'R Beruii.ll :%Ili maintained home on manicured 1 +/-acres in LaBelle's first gated Riverfront Community * $149,999 2BD/1BA spacious home, features a completely fenced in yard and an above ground pool. S '9i,900 ,b '1 I *h.r:,, ih ,,.,l., :,J hi......: ,,- r-; ..'i t,, w g^, 'i"., T,,,.,, ,','-.,''.' ',,'" h r fr l l .r,, l J1 W.i c-,[, [ fP, IF l,,l ,l ,,," first time home buyer. MOBILE HOMES: * $475,000 Spacious 3BD/3BA mobile home in Muse sits on 5+/- acres. This spacious home features an addition with it's own entrance and much more. The property has a pond with an island and bridge, an above ground pool, 2 barns and more. * $300,000 3BD/1BA mobile home in Muse which rests on 5+/- acres features a new well and roof Propertyis also fenced with a shed and pond. * 19"'. 00 fB[' b,. :..:.._....r uIL,.i'jlJ.J iTiTi., Ij:ilui II i..-i, r b11 l B l- .r l, h' .,n : l',:j ui c J. plI| |1 [ -, l jn l -, .j n | .. ..t .,- ..I. II-.,l 11 if, l, l1 i- "r *i,1 dining room. * $1 9,400 Io0 1,9o00 Th.eric _rr i, ailajl.l.e 3BD/2BA :.-.i.i'. I:,ur..j i.,,.r..: ji. (1t) j nuilj if_, 21 '\ ... .iis'r:hi.:l h..I.n available in the El. r;i:'. Sul ..h',i-' ~ IllI..-.i.' jic..n ''ii+ J.rc rNlc . jr,.i hll -,11 ur.V i I. ..r'tr u0..n..r 0 j-ll t... .....Tn plcl,.,In J.jl.. * $147,700 :. .l B 2tj lie-Manufactured home * PR -,.iiE R. d.ui D -i it.. o i; r.l o i, u ri. iiu..rv- country lir~no yes' monl i' 'as 'a we~eki-d onnV C[ iirl *I'-il i n., h l lilc Cu i'.lI h.hi:llhlu.n Thel * $12,500- 120.00 H 27 f ro Cuui.:irre Htl ts N,:-, jJ u-,J- .,:,-' tuin ih.. M _.,, ,kAL- c H ,I:n Ya..hr ,ut. Th, M r. .:r, h a ,:r, I... [ I i ..tr. j '.+ "0 icr h.F i-',Ji ,. 1 l :..Jr, t.b., .:..r,.plr.[..n .'JjIrI * PRIERDLiCEDi$1l10.00-2.4+ IBAI.cres t... hD:.'ee men .+ Opportunit! .: Close to, scools.u country lhiing vear rmjnd nr is I weekend tet"nay v S '$81,900 P,['1 P.B\ l,: ,,,,n,-r I,,i r, L ,Bd.1 w ith a 1,j, .ij,:i i.:,..l I .-,, r, I,.,: 11 .I.. rr , .J,: ,-,, ,1..' ,f',;'-'L J.,dJ li ] Jf li-i[ , , $'8,900 ',PCL -e.\ ri.l.,: I,..T., in Ortona. 11i, .,.,.i, h, ..,c fiji llj i, hj i.-.l J The lot is %C REAGF $1,500,000 Hwy 27 frontage. Currently Auto Salvage yard. $1,250,000 16.04+/- Acres Great Development Opportunity! Close to schools, U New Hornzons Real Estate Corp. ~dimpa * REDUCED this livable, loveable 3BR/1B CBS home with 4th bedroom/office in LaBelle limits. Features include walk-in closet, newer air condi- tioner, fenced backyard, irrigation and a front deck to die for. Only $239,900. ~~~- ......- .~, * l .' 'L. i. .\l.1' iT r.1AKE AN OFFER! Genuine 'is,, ,,I.' :1i' 'lII r ,Ilr g just being at this beautiful .'.P N'r .:.,-i ,i'.' Cedar wood walls and ceil- i' I. '" I,:f'1' ...,'- .. roof, super large workshop with RV parking. Majestic Live Oaks make the acreage feel like a park. you owe it to yourself to see! \* I f' ii r.'_: f i,. i,,.I.- .I.,' l ii' [ B CBS home - ,1h I', I',,. I 111.Z l, hits. Features fff.lu.J: Il ..h .: J..Jtioner, fenced t-1-, ii l-l...- ,it J:0 1.i die for. Only * HOP, SKIP &A JUMP! Only minutes separate you from banking, shopping, schools and much more. This 3BR/2B home has it all. From it's fenced back yard, spacious rooms, wood burning fireplace, new kitchen cabinets and storage galore! Best of all after a hard days work you can sit out on your lanai and enjoy the sunset over the lake in Lehigh Acres. Only $219,900. * REDUCED PERFECT STARTER HOME! 2BR/1BA CBS home located in LaBelle on a quiet oak filled street. oo" e b ard. Priced P SJust like NEW! 3BR/1.5B CBS home within walking distance from shopping. Features include new berber carpet, ceramic tile, all new cabinets and much more. Priced to sell at only $119,900. - BeL._e HO .MES. "J. apty; ".il "'" '-- Running out of room for your family? This huge 2005 4BR/2B manufactured home boasts, 2,304 sq ft of living space and sits on 2.34 fenced acres in the quiet rural community of Double J Acres. Country living just a hop-skip away from LaBelle or Ft. Myers makes this a perfect location! $269,900. Running out of room for your family? This huge 2005 4BR/2B manufactured home boasts, 2,304 sq ft of living space and sits on 2.34 fenced acres in the quiet rural community of DoubleJ Acres. Country liv- ing just a hop-skip away from LaBelle or Ft. Myers makes this a perfect location! $269,900. Back on the market! This 2.5+/- acre mini estate makes relaxing easy with a 3BR/2B manufactured home. Featuring ceramic tile, textured walls & spa- cious kitchen. Only $179,900. * Tired of the Circus? No clowning around about the calm you'll enjoy in this spacious 3BR/2B \MH on cleardttl DERWM I Ml RA t the huge horse barn and workshop. Box stalls, feed room large workshop. Ion er your hlood pressure! $169,900. * 3BR/2B manufactured home in Immokalee. Features new carpet and vinyl and fenced corner lit. Listed at only $155,900. * Relax the rural way! Situated on 1.25 ac in growing Montura, beautiful.ra' l p lufactured home with over 1100 sq t'ivng area dy for occupan- cy. SELLER FINANCING AVAILABLE! $149,900 SsLCE--'O=AkamM_ * Location of a Lifetime! Generations will file past well-traveled location of this 8+/- acres on SR 80 in Alva. Over 1,000 ft. of road frontage and 3 existing entrances off of SR 80. Cleared with well and electric. Time's on your side in this investment! $2,750,000. * The opportunities are endless! Bring your invest- ment d"orler her, beuJ J b.U 27 except for the majestic Live Oaks. Bring your ideas and see! $650,000. * 5+/- acres in Pioneer Plantation. Suitable for site built home or manufactured. Only $179,900. * Uncramp yourself on this spacious 2.5+/- acres on Evans Rd. with a pond and fenced for livestock. So say goodbye to city pressure and enjoy the country. $130,000. * 1.84+/- acre located off Jacks Branch Rd. in Muse. This property haslots of oaks, pines and palm trees. Perfect for the nature lover. Priced at only $95,000. * Genuine Country Feel! Days gone by are back! Ielive the best on this private & secluded 2+/- acs. Fresh air special! $93,900. * Call for prices on all our Montura Listings! SM&M i~ l -Awl * Hard to find double lot in growing Port LaBelle Unit 102. $119,800. * Drop dead gorgeous! If you're looking for the dream lot orr yur new h ome look no further. located in the ..... ii. 1 i i i ii. This .37+/- acre is irulv a dream come true. Only $84,900. * .29+/- arre in thle Belmont S/D. Priced to sell @ , i'.Li' ,'. ri. Jalpul., IF:.i *vr, p). i',, iT-i.u in.T,.Fi '' * $988.025 A. '. I, :h.u .li.:i :f i I .-.+ .:i : i: .t '.r ,, Aui'.. J): ap ,jjj ij-EI|']]:J ."rl', ,: J. hill. l 1:,t heilli * PRICE REDUCED $900.0000 a-- MJia I... Gild AUre:, jdrlurrln Blhi.:i ,,:il, pr,:.Fe'ri' If I-lu. f..cd roid J....:,.:. * $850,000 s0+.'-acres beautifully secluded hi' rhe'l.- r: p.,ri'. 2,j c.re pjliT:m aii'j :',.l * $650,000 + .re Ir,- n hIir : hcu[ .1. j1 .,i * PRICE REDiCED $450,000 Budd s.:-ur.iferi .uirin,1 he..n ...cr l,- 1 J.. i + ,'jl li,.jhn..'. CI t L.I. L A. e ,, k I F,.n i)er. * $3-9,000 -5 "';+ ia:re, :nr .i ..:p, pc iselnp in '-, ,: Hjirn- Pf..,p,-: ry lr.: ure. all :ll ..,l, fruit trees and pl.r''. P'ole tn jd I'.,i:i. lih:.ni. a ': l.,::[edl '.:.ri Lh: ir'i r:l'.r\, H..m.- ei .,I h 1. * $272,000 li e- ,r ,- ..i, pLr.c- i p',rid jnrJ *hel * $98900 l- .. J, ,I :,i .r. M:.riiu r liei: 'a ''5 i i0'F P ," W o. .'dW- ( ,,,.:,p. ',T, Tl,,- ...&,ll h,,r.- it, h,: ,-|,J i. HOHMlIrFS S * $25,500 5'2.900 i dl I'.:. if .:,ie .ilii, Ti i ..r, iab .u jii'i,: lots in Fordson Park. The lots .-i I I:.:,:ri, i.'cl maintained and are close to everything in LaBelle. * $29,900:- $34,900 Mobile home lots available in 55 and older Community, located in Moore Haven Yacht Club. Call for more information. CALLFOR AVAILABLE HOMESITE IN PORT LABELLE. MONTURA AND LEHIGH ACRES S$950/M ENTnthly 3BD2Ba home in Ortona. * $950/Monthly 3BD/2Ba home in Ortona. only $71,900. Possible seller financing. * 2 Lehigh Acre lots zoned for duplex. Great invest- ment property! Only $67,000 each * Corner lot in Unit 102 w/large oak. Beautiful lot for your dream home. $54,900. * Triple lot in Unit 6. $49,900 each * Double lot in Unit 9. $49,900 each. * Beautiful wooded 1+/- acre homesites! Outside LaBelle limits but only minutes from town! Just off E Road. Don't miss owning acreage close to LaBelle. $46,900. * Loaded with possibilities! 2 steel buildings with over 5,800 sq ft of work area on 1+/- acre. Zoned for Heavy Industrial use. Currently is fully rented out to 3 businesses. Listed at only $525,000. * Prime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel locat- ed near West Glades Elementary in Muse and just minutes away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot. * Sable Palm R/V Campground truly a 50 acre gold mine!! This beautiful property features a 10 acre 70 site R/V campground located off US27 in the peaceful country side of Palmdale. The park even has its own fishing lake and grass landing strip. The remaining 40 acres could accommodate several hundred additional R/V sites. $2,800,000 * Loaded with possibilities! 2 steel buildings with over 5,800 sq ft of work area on 1+/- acre. Zoned for Heavy Industrial use. Currently is fully rented out to 3 businesses. Listed at only $525,000. * Prime 20+/- acre potential commercial parcel locat- ed near West Glades Elementary in Muse and just minutes away from downtown LaBelle. $3.50 per square foot. * 1.18+/- acres zoned C-1 commercial just South of LaBelle with 175+/- feet of frontage on SR29 and frontage bn Luckey Street. Asking $450,000. * Investor's dream! By purchasing this commercial corntUs!v W/V OlVPLA0Ceni il income could multiply your investment! Grab this site now! $165,000. * Beautiful .25+/- acre corner lot in downtown LaBelle w/great potential. Currently zoned ifr duplex or single family w/a possibility of rezoning It Business. $119,900. NO ONE WILL WORK HARDER FOR YOU THAN JAMIE NAVARRO GIVE HIM A CALL ON HIS CELL AT (239) 822-9272 REALT' C. BAGANS FIRST P" -rpI OR LD 30 Colorado Rd. Lehigh Acres, FL 33936 .... .. S. lu : r, III Mk | IE.:. .fi Leii[ c Mu.I c , lr. iull In ri l ane ge imp. 'Jl',Jrl -------- -d---,in ,ni ,l nsf p ,kr o :ji trsl, ],:p I0 hI walk wa)y cu ripleeI ar,:,Jrid tlie hom i irder nf SfrinlnJer r lem, vwoa dis Th.i h,.,m ,:I rn .lmpleil ly ried min lh -cp pasture There 1 ucu I, rui., renuon Miu't sce" $699,900. 4. t,' ,i\sih,in5l 38,(M0so anacre!!l "I."' ri[r T Ihr i el l k. pl I'm lhe l:,i:' m rin :. '. *". .. t jjlh "nn1111.l ,q h hi' r [I i ra hi iTl: ,JI t i U[,irc lWe r ,- Iad:.p r ,i a ,. Iid, pairk bethrd ithe i I '. 'te : ll e I p s. h, il l ll lurlic r p ICId -IIIt,1 I 2., .113 .,l No' ,-.l rll bn ir., h e, 1.... j I2I -If,9l .~-I r ln *10 ........... ... ..-.'" .. .... '.' -1.1`1.... d iKREALTYiNC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS' SALES CINDY L. ALEXANDER r LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER I %.I U ASSOCIAIES: EDITH HACKMANN SCOrt HACHMANN AND TIM SPENCER 675-0500 REALTY A S233 N. BRIDGE ST On the comer 0ot EBRI iE Sr & WASHINGTON f k MS. N SEtlHABLOESPANOL E 3BEDROOM/2BATH 1 CAR GARAGE in Port LaBelle. Tile NO PETS through out house, updated appliances and newkitchen YD. $750/M NO cabinets. REDUCED $179,900. ' OFF MKALN UTITHER KIR BlNGJR B6D '.1..T. Pijl , Bedroom/lBath, 1 (t I ,,,: ,it.. h- "if t ir' I .Ir ,'uj ,: P ,:,) 12.9 J OCATEP. IN I.EHIHC ACRES.- BRedroom/Bath. 2 rar 5005 Pike Lane, Madison II, 3/2/2 -- - Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, April 27, 2006 ~~I: ~j~gt~~L::~8~ or, Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, April 27, 2006 Florida history teachers honored NEWYORK, N.Y -The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History is seeking nominations for the annual' Florida History Teacher of the Year Award. The Institute, in partnership with Pre- serve America, inaugurated the award in 2004. The History Teacher of the ry for at least three years; a deep career commitment to teaching American history; evidence of creativity and imagination in the classroom; and close attention to documents, artifacts, historic sites, and the other primary mate- rials of history. The state winner will receive a tor, at 850-245-0760 or levon.ter- rell@fldoe.org. The 2005 Florida History Teacher of the Year was Alan Kay of East Lake High School in Tar- pon Springs. Founded in 1994, the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History promotes the study and implement Teaching American History grants, produces print and electronic publications and travel- ing exhibitions, and sponsors lec- tures by eminent historians. The Institute also funds awards including the Lincoln, Frederick Douglass andGeorge Washington Book Prizes and offers fellow- Share your opinion on a free forum at www.newszapforums.com. Year Award is designed to pro- O$1,000 honorarium and will e in love of American history. Increas- sips ror scholars to work in isto- Metal Roofing mote and celebrate the teaching 'the running for the National His- ingly national and international in ry archives, including the Gilder Replacement Shingles of American history in classrooms tory Teacher of the Year award to scope, the Institute targets audi- Lehrman Collection. T E W AR T Replacement Shinles across the United States. It honors be selected this fall. His or her ences ranging from students to Preserve America is a White CONSTRUCTIONructural Remepairs one exceptional K-12 teacher of school library will receive a core scholars to the general public. It House initiative that encourages SEBRING M d R di American history from each state archive of history books and creates history-centered schools greater shared knowledge about ..S Additions and U.S. territory. The selection of materials. and academic research centers, the nation's past and increased ROOFING the state winner is based upon The deadline is May 5, 2006. organizes seminars and enrich- local participation in preserving R OI several criteria, including: experi- For more information, contact ment programs for educators, the country's cultural and natural REMODELING RECONSTRUCTION ence in teaching American histo- Levon Terrell, Florida Coordina- partners with school districts to heritage assets. 1821 Lakeew Dr. Sebring 863-385-9403 SlEmail: mark@mcscontractinginc.com www.mcscontractinginc.com F a lsLic. #CCC1325639 Lic. # CBC047717 False witness legislation approved __ _ TALLAHASSEE Attorney Gen- eral Charlie Crist commended the Florida Legislature for final pas- sage of the "False Witness" bill, which will make it a criminal offense for anyone to knowingly provide false or misleading infor- mation to law enforcement offi- cers as they conduct felony or missing person investigations. The Senate today voted unani- mously to send the measure to Governor Bush, just one day after the House approved it unani- mously. The legislation, sponsored by Senator Jeff Atwater and Repre- sentatives Michael Grant and Charlie Dean, was prompted by the investigation into the disap- pearance of Jessica Lunsford, whose body was fouhd not far from her home. As law enforce- ment officers investigated, rela- tives of the man eventually charged with the brutal murder were not forthcoming with authorities regarding his where-. abouts. Prosecutors concluded they had no avenue to charge the relatives under existing Florida law. The bill would change that and subject violators to up to a year in jail and a $1,000 fine. "In the last 24 hours, the Flori- da Senate and House have taken a major step to ensure that investi- gations are not foiled by some- one's misguided attempt to pro- tect a suspect, said Mr. Crist. "Pub- lic safety depends on law enforce- ment receiving accurate informa- tion quickly, and the False Witness bill will help make sure this happens. I commend the sponsors for guiding, the bill to speedy approval and look for- ward to Governor Bush signing it into law. The bill was approved 36-0 by the Senate, less than 24 hours after the House approved it 116-0. GA S FOR STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS, on ANNUITIES and INSURANCE PAYOUTS (800) 794.7310 J.G. Wentwoh means CASH NOW for Strotured Settements! Fosania'. has been linked to oi rku-i o-Tione ditc.wc cknowvrn as osteonecrosis of the the jaw (ONj) or "dead jaw." Symptoms of ONJ irnl .rud loosening of the teih severe infections and swelling. If you or a loved one has suffered any of the serious side effects listed above, call Ennis & Ennis toll free at 1-800-856-6405 for a free consultation, visit us online at www.fsamax-lawyer.co E ,nniWSFn's. 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Due to hurricane damages our Clewiston Office is temporarily closed please call us at our Caloosa Belle office (863)675-2541 or email us at southlakeads@newszap.com to place your adl , Statewide Palms, Inc. 863 675 4844' 515 NW AIY L, BElIE SHn 8*00573-7983 www.gladesmotors.com ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL OUR CALOOSA BELLE OFFICE (863) 675-2541 OR EMAIL southlakeads@newszap.com (West Lake FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATORY 805 N. Hwy. 27 Moore Haven (863) 946-1233 BONITA V HYATT 863-509-3083 www.fdirep.com/bhyatt -.. :. J ,,. SUNRISE APPLIANCE New, Used, Scratch & Dent 401 US Hwy 27 Moore Haven 863-946-2666 btifflI C BLUDoE J US 41 SOUTH FTMYERS 1-866-226-9400 340 N. BRIDGE STREET LABELLE, FL 863-674-0003 Jack-.n RI\er( l1're Quality is, lthnir in 51i1, BankofAmerica SHIRLEY IMHOFF WILLIS Mortgage Loan Officer Consumer Real Estate Tel: 863.675.9065 239.415.6302 Fax: 239.415.6311 shirley.willis@bankofamerica.com 415 W. Hwy 80 LaBelle GLENN J. SNEIDER, LLC Criminal Law Bankruptcy Law Immigration Law 200 S.W. 9u' Street Okeechobee, FL 34974 (863) 467-6570 R No job Too Small or Too Large Free ]ltimates taking Licensed & insured NEISON JOSE 561-261-1824 561261;3176 SDriveways Fencing Housepads Muck- Fill #l Trees Removal P Rock, 57 Rock land Clearing Sod *.Demolition Grading L Treasure Coast o) I.n-mn olo q I 'i4itiiW the Treatdmnt d Skin Cnorr Timn Toainniides, M.D. Rick Romagosa, M.D. Robert S. Kirsner, M.D. PhD 1924 US Hwy. 441 N. Okeechobee 863-467-9555 FURNITURE APf'! i \;,-'- !,i ,\, oief f it f (illel n rt II (tll. Ctie stonl &ir Gla&d ':,mm:kv 0keaechbl ALAN KELLY MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes Principal Mortgage Broker 825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBelle, FL 33935 Office: (863) 674-0091 Fax: (863) 674-0095 Cell: (239) 707-4404 alankellymortgage@earthlink.net Reich & Mancini 1-888-784-6724 WrkWc Cs'epCsesation* isersnal Injry ov.ii, Sec-auin l ni.h1il1 WmangtfulDeat i PI',l i City Fir PIirrcc r i' l .Si. I .11(i \csi I 'al ilnlidi lm-ii auioll 1- i .. I * 370 Holiday Isle Blvd. Clewiston 863-983-3181 Clewiston (866) 549-2830 Okeechobe,: (863) 467.6767 Ft Pierce: (772) 695-5995 Port St, Lucte: (772) 335.3550 Stuart (772) 219.2777 Palm Beach Gardens; f561) 6949493 *.," 1 .. Ciars Center 230 S. Barfield Hwy. Pahokee, FL 33476-1834 Phone: (561) 924-5561 Fax: (561) 924-9466 Email: GladesCare@FloridaCare.net THE OPTICAL CENTER located in FAMILY EYE CARE 100 N. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 Brian Sullivan Class.A General Contrator CG061O55 863-441-4202 863-465-1371 Se Habla Espatiol pw,'briansullivanentractor,comn CONSTRUCTION CORP SERGIO RUBIO PHONE: 863-228-1174 FAX: 863-983-1112 445 E. SUGARLAND iWY. CLEWISTON STATE CERTIFIED GENERAL CONTRACTOR LICENSE # CGC1508763 'pig IM1lk 1,;I m il 1-800-DODGE NOW, 1-561-683-1S1 6500 Okeechobee Blvd, West Okeechobee & The Turnpike ww.a.rigodcj,.com Specializing In Custom Manufacturing D & J Machinery Tn, Hubzone Cert. 728 E. Trinidad Ave. Clewiston, FL 33440 863-983-3171 EI, R-WoiU4A".h1 ADVERTISE YOUR M BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS n TheOld K-Man $10.00 PER WEEK 965 W. S CALL OUR CALOSA BELLE OFFE Hwy. Cl (863) 675-2541 (863)98 Miss A OR EMAIL southlakeads@newszap.com Miss A HENRY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER 863-983-9121 CVS/Pharmacy/ Expect something extra." 1-800-SHOP CVS or Visit CVS.com OPEN 8am-10pm OR LONGER! 7 Days A Week Shopping Center* garland ewiston 3-1108 Week Deal! , TcT's$ LANDSCAVING 504 EAST VENTURA CLEWISTON, FLORIDA 33440 941721ASK FOR ALFONSO321 ASK FOR ALFONSO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL OUR CALOOSA BELLE OFFICE (863) 675-2541 OR EMAIL southlakeads@newszap,com aa 111 11o *II I I Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, April 27, 2006 Thurday Apil 2, 206.Sering he ommnitis suthof ake keehobe 1 Ossie Raulerson recalled outlaws and shysters By Twila Valentine, Edited by MaryAnn Morris EDITOR'S NOTE: From 1977 until her death in 2003, Indepen- dent Newspapers of Florida was privileged to have on staff a superb writer and.historian, Twila Valentine. Mrs. Valentine wrote much about the history of the peo- ple and places around Lake Okee- chobee and about the lake itself. Together with Okeechobee's Betty Williamson, President of the Okee- chobee Historical Society, she co- authored a book, now in its sec- ond printing, "Strolling down Country Roads in Okeechobee." The following story comes from an intervieu.w Mrs. Iblenrine conduct- ed with Ossie Raulerson Ossie Raulerson remembered South Florida "outlaws": "There was a man named Mort Manning and he was the first to live on that ridge section of the lake. He always cussed a lot. He had an old parrot and he taught that old parrot to cuss just like he did. It would say, "By God, honey old fella," He was a tough old man. The rumor was that he got into a fight with a man, took a pocket knife and cut him to death. The man had a moustache and when the wind blew his mous- tache the old man thought he was still alive, so he cut him some more and that's why he was down here. He was an outlaw and all the out- laws came in to the ridge of the lake because no one could get to them. "The onKl way you could get to the lake \\as by the Kissimmee River or Taylor's Creek or if you wanted to go on the lake, you could co me in on the Caloosa- hatchee River. All around the lake where people live now\, they had old houses made of tar paper with a little lumber. La\\ enforcement men would not go there and if the\ got in there, they couldn't find any- body. You didn't even have a %wagon road, just a little path through the elderberries "Basinger was big enough to support two hotels then. I asked a friend who lived there why in the world they would come there. In the 1880s the- would come. My daddy told me there \\as a feller, named Hunter and he bought all that old prairie land north of Basinger. There was miles and miles of it and he built a little old house up there and. called it Hunter's Camp about a mile north of Zelta Durrance's north line up there. But the people from up North have alwaa s %w anted a piece of land in Florida The 'd come by steamboat down the Kissimmee to Basinger. Hunter's people had a horse and wagon ard the, 'd meet them at the landing and bring them up to the hotels at Basinger, about htwo or three miles from the river. The people would stay in the hotel special to iNi/www.lamartn.com William Hardy Walker's store in Basinger was there when lots up on the prairie were being sold to people brought in by steamboat by the Southern Colonization Company in the early 1900s. Special to INI/www.lamarlin.com This picnic in Basinger is dated 1906 1910 around the time when potential land buyers were being brought by steamboat to Basinger by the Southern Colonization Company. Recollections A series about Florida's pioneers and history until the nest day Thefi they'd carry them our to this camp, some three, four, five miles up, I guess on the old Peaxine Trail. "One day this feller. Hunter, he knew when there was a bunch coming dpwn .ad he'd go out there and dig up that old prairie land and plow up a bed and he'd bury big potatoesthere. Then he'd go out there with the'potato rake and dig them up and show the folks what fine big potatoes the land would grow out there. Those people were so vulnerable; they didn't know there was supposed to be a stem or a vine or anything to go with them. He'd just dig this potato up. He got some fruit trees and he'd put them in and keep them alive long enough while the people were here. He sold acres and acres of that old land out in there. You couldn't grow anything on it, but there was lots of people who bought five, ten and twenty acre plots., "There was a fella named Fergu- son out there at Seven Mile Gully. He built himself a two-story house along old Peavine out there and stayed there for a while. I never did see him, but I've been up there quail hunting many a time and we'd sleep on the porch of that house when it would be raining or something. We didn't go inside the house for fear it would fall down. "Of all the land sold out there, there -~as only two houses ever built there. Those people would pay the taxes on that land for aw\ while, and then they would just give it up.There \\as a lot of hunters here at that time, and they'd pay the taxes on it ten acres here and ten acres there to come to hunt. But there was a woman named Bass who lived in Avon Park who tried to keep them from hunting in there, but I;:used to hunt quail all over that place out there on that prairie land." HOME OF rt "rlORI&IH SCLASWNE No, M, Make up to $2,500. by filling in the space above! Sell your personal valuables i they're $2,500 or less for absolutely free! No fee, no catch, no problems! 4 lines for 2 weeks Price must be included in ad :iPrivate parties Only ' .2 items per house- o iJ:,ld per issue -. i. grouping'ps. priced at $2 5O1 t or less SIndependent Newspapers reserves the right to disqualify any ad. Clewiston News 71 e L-DES CO'NIY dn DEMOCRAT the Sun Toll Free 877-353-2424 E-Mail: classad@newszap.com '. IjUI d Lor as i i as i U.UU per WCC, pCI DIULOL Due to hurricane damages our Clewiston Office is temporarily closed please call us at our Caloosa Belle office (863)675-2541 or email us at southlakeads@newszap.com to place your adl EVERGLADES REALTYT, INC. l..i 'r lavis i R.- d.- I [";L,, Broker Phone: 863-946-3900 Fax: 863-946-3902 498 US Hwy. 27, Moore Haven oAV55 M20 E.Suhrland HwB. 86W981666_ 86!3983 9S!0 dyessrealestatecom NO ONE WILL WORK HARD- ER FOR YOU THEN JAMIE NAVARRO GIVE HIM A CALL ON HIS CELL AT (239) 822-9272 I REALTY C. BAGANS FIRST 30 Colorado Rd. Lehigh Acres, FL 33936 OLDE TOWNE REALTY, INC. THERESA "TERI" LEE RANGEL L ,, r, I I,,I r OFFICE # 8l-il8-tilOO75 AFTER HRS # 863-228-1142 "The Road to Home" COUNTRY HOMES & LAND. REAL ESTATE Kathy Hutchins Lie. Real Estate Broker Office: 863-612-0551 Fax: 863-612-0553 Visit Our Website at: CentralFloridaLandSales.com .Y >., - Iisa Andrews .irk. fal isiatc Broker 2~ N. Brjdg Sr i I.r. llc FI. .3393 863.675-8868 II BARTON REALTY, INC. -II \\ I ..Il,.rl, if (I 1 4,1. ell Phones: H I.i hi i l,, n'. 1-, 47 IlI \ S lll \- i .( I ,i 1'1i 1,.'"il ii "bipNew Horizons Real Estate Corp. 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 863-675-1973 e-mail: newhorizonis-te@eia:tlhllnk. et If you are thinking of buying n, s or selling, give MLs Its a call! 1030 West Sigalad Hf., Cleiston PORT LABELLE INN The OL OXBOW Lounge is OPEN Wednesday through Saturday 5 p.m. -11 p.m. HAPPY HOUR 5 pm. 7 p.m. 1 OxBow DRIVE LABELLE, FL 863.675.4411 Carolyn 7ieoma s *ealty, Inc.. Carolyn Thomas 946-2005 (863)648-4416 (877)891-9111 hIolmdi'l looaGi P Or1stiOxl State Certified # CCC026468 CURTIS A. THOMPSON JR. REG. REAL ESTATE BROKER STATE CEFIiNED RES(DEIAL;T REAL ESTATE APPRAISER RDim)ri,,, SELPviCl:I WE rEPY PALM BEACH COUNTY 561-996-5264 72 E, MLK BLVD, BELLE GLADE Il y . 28 E, Spgarlan Hwy,, Cewiston 863.983.8S59 wwwr.wlsrealestatte,.om ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL OUR CALOOSA BELLE OFFICE (863) 675-2541 OR EMAIL southlakeads@newszap.com 6A,'elqI bl I REA170 17 Serving-t he communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, April 27, 2006, I ROOFER Thursday, April 27, 2006 18 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Announcements merchandise MobilHomes Employment Agriculture eCrea Financial Rentals Aut omobiles kil *ggi RENTB~l ggy Services LAIB B 1[1III I __ 14'aI'IE consists of eightpapers one daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will reach more than 164,000 readers*! Pulse Research Market Survey; SimmonsMarket Research; INI Market Research Center SRules for placing FREE ads! T: To qualify, your ad Must be for a personal item. (No commercial items, pets or animals) : ;-: *Must fit into 1/2inch F ^(that's 4 lines, approximately 23 characters per line) Must include only one item and its price (remember it must be $2,500 or less) ,, UIGarag Yard Sales IEmpoyen Ful imI001 Emplymen m oII TIIe011 Eimploymen FullTim Empoment Ful im 20 Please read your ad carefully the first day it appears. In case of an inadvertent error, please notify us prior to the deadline listed. We will not be responsible for more than 1 incorrect insertion, or for more than the extent of the ad rendered valueless by such errors. Advertiser assumes responsibility for all statements, names and con- tent of an ad, and assumes responsibility for any claims against Independent Newspapers.. Al advertising is subject to publisher's approval. The publisher reserves the right to accept or. ectanyor all copy, and to insert abethe-cop the word dM isemht All- ads accepted are subject to credit approval. All ads must conform to Independent Newspapers' style and are restricted to their proper classifications. Some classi- fied categories require advance payment. These classifications are denoted . a. Qt_ 1* BIG SET OF KEYS ON 4/16 AT CITY BOAT RAMP. (863)675-8828 BLACK BILLFOLD- important papers inside. Credit cards ave been cane; Vic of Price Cutters. (863)983-9780 CHIHUAHUA, Male, Small, Brown & 1 dirty white fiber- glass Canoe. Missing 83-675-1497 Muse Area Rottweiler, male, 4 mos. old, answers to Baby, allergic to fleas & hypoglycemic. RE- WARD! No questions asked missing Sat., 4/8, on Red Rd., belongs to little gir, very friendly. (863)677-4562 Looidng for a place to aign ym hat? Look no tuther than the classi- iedas. BEAGLES (2) to good home, must have fenced yard, spayed, good w/kids & other animals (863)634-2191 CORGI- to good loving home, female, spayed, hsebroke, needs lots of love (863)228-7230 DOG- small female, mixed breed, spayed, hsebrk, good w/kids & other animals. (772)215-5810 PIT BULL MIX- male, brindle, free to good' home. (863)675-4697 LaBelle JVta-V-Ar,.Jg Belle Glade, Fri. & Sat., April 28th & 29th, 8am-?, 501 NE 1st St, Right off of Main St Fumiture, Jewelry & Much More. See you there! Is Stress Ruining Your Rela- tionships? Buy and Read DIANETICS by L. Ron Hub- bard Call (813)872-0722 or send $8.00 to Dianetics, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tam- pa FL 33607. SATURDAY MAY6th 10 a.m. Hendry County Speedway 1002 US Hwy 27, Clewiston, FL rS1EAVY LP '98 Caterpillar D8K bulldozer '96 Case 1450 bulldozer, new tracks : , '96 Bobcat 863, bucket, rake & grapple *Huber F1700 grader ., '90 Kato 1880 SE excavator '90 John Deere 444E front end loader :" '89 John Deere 444E front end loader S'84 Kobelco 907 excavator '83 Caterpillar 930 front end loader Koehring Bantam 366 excavator '81 Caterpillar 950 front end loader , 78 Caterpillar 920 front end loader TRUCKS: '90 Ford L8000 dump truck' '89 Peterbuilt road tractor '88 Mack MH600 road tractor '84 International dump truck TRAILERS: '86 27' Phelan Trailer '64 27' Birmingham trailer '9516' custom trailer, Everything sells REGARDLESS OF PRICE! Karlin Daniel & Assoc., Inc. Li RE. Broker. AB878AU207 Lake Placid- II AN S.,8tRetidentllAtWsOfferedin 7 ct 983 Lake Drive East, Lake Pladd On Site Preyiew: l-4PM Snunday,Apri23 S5.18 acres ofer d in 7parcel ranging from .5 ac I6 ac SIMst fronageonLtakeMlror SLae Front and takeVew L m -All tot coluny appr.ovd as buildable homesite Zoned EU Estate DistriL -* to C-07-37-30-0 10-00000 t Frostproof 2PM 581 aedeftlo Aces Offered i Ie Ttto Otto Polk Road, Frostproof On Site orive yToPrevwew s5fcres offered in I parceltsfrom 5.3 acres to 6.9tacres Suidabl homestes I .9W frtage on Oto Polk Road SZonedARR FParceltDo 27-32-14.000000.014010 Broker Particripoton Welcome. Con for Regimrtao lnfonrmtlen. Call for infourmti mA ui EW ligencp fackets rn 800-257-4161 for family-centered at 1 approach home visitation. Working with pregnant & parenting families. Degree in Social Work or b a 2 related field required. Resume by Fax to: *m 561-996-3653 or e-mail to: SHumanResourcese familiesfirstpbc org AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADE- famisi s or MY Start your drivingcareer! for more information Offering courses in CDL A. One tuition fee! Many pay- ment options! No registration Driver-HIRING QUALIFIED fee! (888)808-5947 in- Driver-HIRING QUALIFIED fo@americasdrivingacade- DRIVERS for Central Florida fo@americasdrivingacade- Local & National OTR posi- my.com. tions. Food grade tanker, no Driver- DRIVERS LOOK. hazmat, no pumps, great Gene Hyde Trucking Co. benefits, competitive pay & $700 to $1200/week. In new equipment. Need 2 State & Southeast runs. years experience. Call By- Must have 2 years CDL ex- num Transport for your op- perience. (800)229-5248, portunity today. x219. (800)741-7950. Place Your YARD SALE ad today! Get FEE.g . signs and inventory sheets! Call Classifieds 877-353-2424 Drivers CDL A "Honey I'm Home ..Every Weekend!" Great Pay & Benefits! Special Orientation Pay for Exp. Driv- ers! Paid Training for School Grads! Cypress Truck Lines, Inc. www.cypresstruck.com (888)808-5846. Drivers- BE IN DEMAND! Plen- ty of freight, Many Home time Options. Low Cost CDL Training Available, 100% Tui- tion Reimbursement (800)231-5209 www.Swift- TruckingJobs.com. Employment opportu- nity at First Bank in Clewiston! Accepting applications for two customer service rep- resentative/teller posi- tions with great benefits and salary commensurate with experience. Job re- quirements include high school diploma or equivalent, bilingual and must have excel- lent customer service skills. Apply in person or contact Mall Cham- ness at 300 East Sug- arland Hwy., Clewiston, EOE EVERGLADES FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Now accepting applications for: F/r LOAN INTERVIEWER Must have excellent Com- munication skills, previous experience in Loans pre- ferred, Proficient in Word and Excel. Bi-Lingual a+. May apply in person, Mail resume to 1099 W. Ventu- ra Ave., Clewiston, Fl 33440, Attn: Marta or email resume to: morales2(earthlink.net. P/T TELLER/FLOATER Must have excellent commu- nication skills, cash han- dling experience preferred. Bi-Lingual a+. Must be 18 yrs of age and have a High School Diploma or equiva- lent. May apply in person, mail resume to 1099 W. Ventura Ave, Clewiston, FL 33440 Attn: Brandy or e-mail resume to: bulifantbmearthlink.net Exp'd Plumbers & Helpers Needed, commercial/resi- dential, full time starting im- mediately; Paid Holidays and vacation. (561)996-1159 FAMILY HOME CARE RN OPPORTUNITIES: Directory ofNursing Clinical/Management Experiences. Field Staff RN: FT/PT Benefits Package. Sign on Bonus. Fax resume: (863)983-9883 Tel.: (863)983-3700 License #299991018 Automotive Parts F/T DRIVER NEEDED Must have a Class B Drivers License and a Clean Driving Record. Apply in Person at: Original Equipment 1348 South Main Street Belle Glade HELP WANTED Earn Extra in- come assembling CD cases from any location. Start Im- mediately No experience necessary. (800)405-7619 Ext 425 www.easywork- greatpay.com In-Store Demonstrators, Product Samplers, and Coor- dinators Needed! Experience Preferred. $9-$11 per hour. info@facetimepromo.com. Download an Application from: http://www.facetime- promo.com. Job Craflers, Inc. NOW HIR- ING!!! First Class Shipyard Trades: Pipe Fitters,-Structu- ral Fitters, Structural Weld- ers. Work in FL, AL Over Time + Per Diem UP TO $23./hour. Toll-Free: (800)371-7504 Phone: (251)433-1270 Fax: (251)433-0018. NEEDED DENTAL ASSISTANT Experience preferred but not required. Please contact 863-983-7361 for an application or send resume to: 205 South Gloria St. Clewiston,FL 33440. Earn some extra cash. Sel your used Items hi the classifeds BUILDING INSPECTOR- Must have 8 yrs experience with a li- censed contractor. MECHANIC I- Basic mechanic knowledge, experience as an automotive service worker or mechanic's helper preferred. MECHANIC II- Graduate from an approved course in heavy & diesel mechanics, three years experience. Both Mechanic positions require class B drivers's license. Must have a High School Diploma or GED. Both located in Clewistdo. . SIDEWALK & BRIDGE FOREMAN- For Hendry County Road & Bride. Clean driving record MusfiavdlasD irhihgr er!:. Sdriversleilit&en High School iplora D. 'earxpn encejn:concreter construction to iddeoed f con- .strucpioyn plans, measurements', f6"Ilh, i' h'fi ;i supervision and otherrelated experience: Payrange $30, 160 and $36,400 annually depending upon experience. GIS COORDINATOR-Forthe LaBelle Office. Must have Bache- lor of Science froman accreditedrcollege or university In conlputer science, geography, or related field with consid- erable experience in the use of geographic information sys- tems or 8 yrs equivalent experience. The positions are full time with medical benefits, retirement, sick and vacation leave. These positions will be open until filled. Hendry-LaBelle Recreation Board is accepting applications for employmentfor a six week Summer Youth Program. Posi- tions available are for one Program Director, one Assistant Program Director, and several Group Leaders. Applications must be submitted by Friday, May 12, 2006. Job description & applications can be obtained in the Satellite Office in'Clewiston and the Courthouse in LaBelle in the HR Department. Vet. PRef. EEO. Drug Free. Applicants needing assistance in the application process should contactthe Hendry County Commissioners HR Department The GEO Group, Inc. The GEO Group, Inc. A worldwide leader in privatized corrections SIGN ON BONUS $1,000.00 (call for details) CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS VOCATIONAL INSTRUCTOR (Web Design). SUBSTANCE ABUSE INSTRUCTOR MOORE HAVEN CORRECTIONAL FACILITY 1990 East SR 78NW Moore Haven,-FL 33471 Phone 868-946-2420 Fax 863-946-2487 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V Join al the people who Get a quick response to say, "I sold It In the cas- any item you may be sel- snleds." Inn with a classified ad. BOOKKEEPER Full Charge, F/T Position for agribusiness in Clewiston area. Payroll, Accounts Payable & experience using Excel a must. Must be self-motivated and able to mulit-task. Position offers a competitive wage. To apply send resume with current salary to: Hilliard Brothers of Florida 5500 Flaghole Rd. Clewiston, Florida 33440. or Fax 863-983-5116 FARMWORKER COUNSELOR (Employment Counselor/Job Trainer, West Palm Beach), $15.29/hr. Must travel to Belle Glade as needed. Recruits potential participants and determines eligibility. Teachs'emloyability skills and coun- sels participants on educational, financial or per- sonal problems, assists with job placement. Performs field work and makes home visits. Re- quires BS/BA and 1 yr. exp. in employment counseling or related social services/ob training (i.e., unemployment-counseling); or AS/AA and 3 yrs. related exp. Prefer exp.: Working with the Sigr~ntE rm rkfipopulatioffnspecifyamt of time); teaohiffg aduIstP lingfl f(Efli h/Span- ish) strongly~pfef- rred ,; LIBRARY ASSOCIATE II (Floater for West Area Branches, Circulation), $12.80/hr. Paraprofes- sional public library work at six branches in western Palm Beach County. Based at Library Headquarters in WPB, requires travel to branches in Greenacres, Wellington, Royal Palm Beach, Belle Glade, Pahokee and South Bay using County vehicle (may receive reimbursement for travel to branch libraries in person vehicle). HS/eq. & 2 yrs. college crswrk (must specify 60-sem./90-qtr. hrs. or an AS/AA) OR 1 yr. col- lege crswrk (30-sem./45-qtr. hrs.) and 2 yrs. exp. working in a library. CLERICAL SPECIALIST (Senior Services, Belle Glade), $11.04/hr. HS/eq. & 2 yrs. exp. perform- ing general office and clerical work. Prefer 1 yr. exp.: Interacting with the public in person and over the telephone; typing correspondence, maintaining files; verifying accuracy of data en- tered into a database; using Word/Excel, STARS/CIRTS/other tracking system. Visit www.pbcgov.com for detailed job descriptions & employment applications; submit appl./resume with any Vet. Pref. doc. for receipt by 5 pm 5/5/06 to Palm Beach County HR, 50 S. Military Trail #210, WPB, FL 33415. Fax 461-616-6893 EO/AA M/F/D/V (DFWP) L N or I lyr;fiFerlieflm) FL LPN Lic. & IV Certi. Willing tovork flexible schedule. Support & FulIre- nEGSTia NURSE ARFT ,1g with1 FL Lie nse Fhmil 'Iar NQSAstlandqs (8:30 a.m. -5 pm. l3iam.t07 p.m.) AART reg. with a valid Fl'UI 2,sr2 L'flst possess excellent cust svc skills, work in.endii rotfkt in CT and General Per k e&I1"R Must have 1-2 years hospital or hipel ek ,stnd and walk long hours, & maintain asa sae, ary ironment. Full tne/per serhn-Ftd Sernice Aide Prev exp. in patient tray set up pre~I MusP e able to stand & walk long hours, & maintinn a~iar znitaCy environment. Part Ute- nor Tech I yr exp in an environ svcs rel.tedsig. Ability to perform cleaning functions to maintain a saiart' safe, & orderly environment. Full Time/Per iem C.N.A Must have valideFL A Certificate Full time- CCcU Nurse Manager Valid Florida license and ACLS re,. 5 years clinical exp. and 3 years of CCU skill competencies reo I year of management exp. necessary. Phone: 863-902-3079 or Fax resume to: 863-983-0805 DruO Free Workplace EOE BUS MONITOR Seminole Brighton Reservation Good attendance record. Prior exp. working with children. Background check req'd. HS diploma or GED (+). Salary negotiable with benefits. Fax resume/application to: 954-967-3477 S L G Garaqg/'Sales 0145 Yard I lnutios 005 I Auction ,ITIhugay Ar Emplymen Full Tim Join the most exciting attraction in SW Florida JOB OPPORTUNITIES Cage Cashier $9.50 per hour Cocktail Server $5.50 plus tips Dining Room Hostess $8.00 per hour, Dining Room Server $5.50 plus tips Dishwasher/Steward $7.50 per hour Housekeeper $9.00 per hour Maintenance Worker $10.00 + D.O.E. Prep Cook $8.00 per hour Security Officer $10.00 per hour Sous Chef $12.00 + D.O.E. TAD Floor Clerk $21.00 avg. w/grats We are also seeking candidates for these professional positions: Financial Analyst Housekeeping Supervisor Human Resources Manager Security Supervisor Benefits available for all employees www.theseminolecasino.com .Apply in person at: 506 S. 1st St., Immokalee, FL Phone: 1-800-218-0007 The Seminole Casino is a Drug-free Workplace MANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, Moore Haven, LaBelle, Clewiston and Okeechobee. We are a franchise with 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic, honest, and responsible individuals. We offer: -Excellent Salaries -Medical and Life Insurance -Dental Insurance -401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For an interview please call: 863-983-4224 or mail your resume in confidence to: Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation "i-:' 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 33440 Lykes Bros., Inc. ~ Ranch Division, Has the following positions available: Ranch Hand Must have own tack and saddle, experience helpful. Equipment Operator: Applicants must have one (1) year prior experience with farm equipment and a valid Florida drivers license. Applications accepted Mon-Fri 8am to 2pm at North Island Ranch- 15440 N. Island Rd./Hwy 29, Palmdale, Fl. Lykes offers competitive wages, benefit package and paid holidays. Affirmative Action Employer, Drug Free Work Place, Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. M/F/DN Day & night shift positions available. Use lab instrumentation to conduct tests & inspections of manufacturing product. Collect, handle, store and retrieve samples. Input data into computer. Strong. English speaking & reading skills. Medical/dental/vision, 401K, holidays, vacation, sick leave, other benefits available. Apply in per- son at 6007 South Highway 29, LaBelle, FL. (863) 675-0336 ext. 3512 I CRANE OPERATOR in Hendry County for 40 ton hydraulic crane. Approx. $21 / hour, based on experience. (561)993-3333 Labelle Company needs Warehouse Supervisor The Dumont Company seeks a successful candidate with at least 2 years of supervisory experience, good administrative skills, solid leadership skills and holding a current CDL "B" with Hazmat endorsement The candidate wil be responsible for supervising a warehouse, organizing shipping papers, controlling the inventory and supervising the activities of the drivers. They will also be required to act as the back up driver when necessary. It is important that the candidate be a hands on team player. We are a small company where the Supervis- or wears many hats and must be willing to do whatever is nec- essary to support the effort We offer an exciting opportunity with good starting wages, a comprehensive benefits package (including Health care, 401K with company matching, Life and Disability insurance and a Profit Sharing plan). If you are ambitious, and are looking for a job with a future, please Fax your resume today to 800-524-9315. NOW HIRING FOR 2006 POSTAL JOBS $18/hour Starting, Avg. Pay $57K/year Federal Benefits, Paid Train- ing and Vacations No Exped- ence Needed! (800)584-1775 Ref #P4901 the p ei a gnt catalog aI tw Iaiated eguialy: Sthesclashnles. rif m Reading a newspaper helps you understand the world around you. No wonder newspaper readers are mor asuc- cessful people Your next Job coud be In today's classFeds. Did vou look for It? LABELLE COMPANY NEEDS DRIVER-The Dumont Com- pany has a position in our small company that requires a driver with minimum of a CDL "B" with Hazmat en- dorsement. We offer good starting wages, benefits and a secure future. If you are ambitious, and are looking for a job with a future please call today at 800-330-1369., OFFICE HELP/SECRETARY NEEDED:For busy Sod & Landscaping Business in LaBelle. Good Communication. & Computer 5KIIs a must Bi-Lingual a plus. out not required Send resume 1 2696 Howard Rojil LaBelle FL 33935 0/0 Driver FFE, The F/S is higher here! $1.11 Avg. $2,000 sign-on $2,600 Re- ferral Bonus. Base Plate pro- vided. No truck no problem. Low payment with short lease. (800)569-9298. THERAPISTS WANTED- LI- CENSED SLPS in Miami- Dade and Broward counties. Bilingual a plus. Per diem & F/T. Bilinguals Inc. Child & Parent Services, (866)696-0999 x103 www.bilingualsinc.com. Grab a bargain f om you neighbor's garage, attic, basement or cIos- Set n today's clasifleds. BECOME A CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANT And leave the finances to us. We'll pay for your training, state exam, workbook and best of all, prove yourself and we'll GIVE YOU A JOBI Oakbrook of LaBelle 250 Broward Ave. LaBelle, FL 33935 Come in and apply GRAND OPENING PALM TERRACE OF CLEWISTON New Building, New Team, New Ideas Join us as we re-open our long term care/ skilled nursing facility. Position available in the admission office for Nurse/Community Liaison. Experience preferred. Fax resume to Karen Mappin at: 863-983-6698. PHYSICIANS ASSISTANT: Needed for New Doctors Office in Pahokee. Fax resume to: 561-924-3689 or call George Vivanco @ 786-443-0611 (Cell) Time to clean out the attic, basement and/op garage? Advertise your yard sale h th e lassi- fleds and make your dceanan a breezel PART-TIME HELP NEEDED Flagers/Check-ln 20 hrs er. week. $8.00 per hr Seniors Welcome No Benefits. Call: Seminole Tribe Motocross 863-983-1908 or 1894 Sales: $400,000 +/yr How Good Are You? Retiring Mil- lion Marketer seeks TWO sales professionals to teach my business to. Top produc- ers currently averaging $30-$40K per month. PLEASE, serious inquiries only. Goji Intl, LLC. Commis- sion/Bonuses (800)605-8675. WANTED- responsible lawn service to mow large yard In Indian Hills area (651)592-6968 -I^^BjU Empoyen Meical The GEO Group, Inc. LPN'S & RN's NEEDED The GEO Group a worldwide leader in privatized Corrections, offers a challenging and exciting opportunity. WE OFFER Top Pay. Medical, Dental, Short term disability, 401K, Paid vacation & Holidays and Life Insurance. THE GEO GROUP SSouth Ray Correctional Facility 600 US Hlgji,,v; "7 South South Bay, FL 334Yo Phone: 561-992-9505, Fax: 561-829-1902 EOE, M/F/V/H Empoyen EIplye TEACHER (Temp. P/T) (Brighton Reservation) The Seminole Tribe of FL is looking for Kindergarten Teachers (PT Summer) FL certified for Kindergarten, BS Early Childhood Ed. Valid FL Dr. License. Fax resume to: (954)893-8856 or call (954)989-6840 Ext. 1314 Financial TII1 A COOL TRAVEL Job. Now hir- ing (18-24 positions). Guys/Gals to work and travel entire USA. Paid training, transportation, lodging fur- nished. Call today, Start to- day. (877)646-5050. ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Ma- chines, Free Candy All for $9,995. (888)629-9968 B02000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold! VENDING ROUTE All Cash Biz. Water, Juice, Energy Drinks, Soda, Snacks, Can- dy. Great Equipment & Sup- port. Complete! Financing Available w/$7500 Down. (877)843-8726. B0#2002-037 Find It aster. Se It soon- er In the assfMleds READING A NEWSPAPER MAES YOU AMOREINFOIMED AND INTERESTING PERSON. D awod erwspaop iredenss Oa re popuarl Services Babysitting 405 Child Care Needed 410 Child Care Offered415 Instruction 420 Services Offered425 Insurance 430 Medical Services435 DO YOU NEED.....? * Land Clearing * Bush Hogging * Dirt Hauling * House Pads "'Hendry & Lee County" Call Dave #239-633-3649 ALL PERSONAL INJURY. AC- CIDENT WRONGFUL DEATH AUTO.. MOTORCYCLE.. TRUCK.. PREMISE.. PROD- UCT SLIP & FALL..PEDES- TRIAN..ANIMAL BITES A-A- A ATTORNEY Referral Ser- vice (800)733-5342. 24 Hrs 100's of Lawyers Statewide. DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS children, etc. Only one sig- nature required! *Excludes govt. fees! Call weekdays (800)462-2000, ext.600. (8am-7pm) Alta Divorce, LLC. Established 1977. NEW SELF STORAGE 46 units 7x15, 8x15, 10x15, 10x30, 12x30,15x25. Full electric, secure on Commereio St. 350 ft. from Clewiston Police Dept. 863-983-6663, 863-983-2808, after hrs. 863-983-8979 Emplymen ROOF SHINGLES- 10 packs, $150. will separate. (863)467-1120 SCREEN ROOM MATERIAL- W assembled walls & 4x8x10 roof panels. $500. (772)579-1322 Okee. WINDOWS (6) aluminum crank outs 29.5W x 52"L with screen, $25 (863)763-1997 STEPS, w/rail 3 risers, $30. (772)201-8932 BABY CRIB- Brand new, no mattress. $40. (863)675-7105 Emlymn Ful -im I'l HEALTH CAREDISTRICT SOF PALM BEACH COUNTY SCHOOL RN NURSE Position #153-7084 The Health Care District is seeking dependable and motivated individuals to join our School Health De- partment. Candidates should be currently licensed as a Registered Nurse in the State of Florida, with preference for B.S. in Nursing and experience in the school setting, pediatric nursing and/or com- munity health. We have openings in the Belle Glade/Pahokee area schools. Functions will in- clude providing nursing assessments, counseling, and referrals; developing student health plans; monitoring prescribed medications; ensuring com- pliance with immunization and health assessment requirements; following--up on screening out- comes; identifying high-risk students; and provid- ing in-services for school personnel. Applications/resumes must be received by 5PM, 7/07/06. Send to: HCDPBC, 324 Datura St., #401 WPB, FL 33401, Fax (561)671-4670 or e-mail emoloyment@hcdpbc.org. EOE, DFWRP Vet. Pref. Licensed Practical Nurse The Seminole Tribe of Florida has an opening for an LPN at our Health Clinic at our Big Cypress Reservation. Provide ambulatory Nursing services, Phone triage, Administer meds, therapeutic treatments & diagnostic testing. Assist w/ transport. Home visits. Active FL LPN lie. required. Current BLS certification. Resume to: galtmanRsemtribe.com or fax to: (954)967-3477 Details at: www.semtribe.com Merchandise Ia 520 usAir o Equripne it545 Carpets/Rds. :g 550 chnidan'C Item i:655 c 0hebsasw ~.560 Clothing 565 CoBleaus.ta 575 i sls es .. 590 Equipment 620 aDrpe quni e hbs 595 Fireplace. Fhtu-e 60D Fous odrnture t 610 Furs .. 615 Usealth A ReducIng Euiaient 620 M e dia ls It em s 5 70 MiCeollneot s 655 oMuical Equtru ents ffppiSupps 625 Housepbld[tetms 630 .Jevilryi, 635 Lamps/Ught 640 Lugga0e 645 Medical Items 650 M iceilaneous 655 Musical rantre. 660 Offiea Supplies/ Equipment 6650 PetN/Bpplies/ Sewin Mac hnes 70 Photography" 675 Pluortmbing Supplies 680 Equrpentupment 690 Toolies 725 Satellite 695 Sewing Machines 700 Sporting Goods705 Stereo Equipmont 710 Television/Radio 715 Tickets 720 Tools es 725 Wanted to Buy 740 A/C WALL UNITS- 2, 5000 BTLis. Works well, $130. or will separate. 18631612-0992 AIR CONDITIONER 5 ton, hardly used. As is. $800 Call Steve (239)564-2173 La- Belle AIR CONDITIONER- Large room, $175. (863)763-8548. AMERICAN OAK DRESSER- 1800's, Excellent condition $500. or:best offer. (863)675-4201 BARBER CHAIR, Antique, Mfg. by Emnil J. Padair Co. Pat # 1594408-1594409. Good cond. $800 (863)697-0328 ROCKER-Solid, Walnut, Fold- ing Seat 14Y", Back 19", Padded seat & back $50. (863)946-1896 WHISKEY BARRELS (2)- About 100 years old. $1200 or best offer for both or will sep.(863)634-5821 DISHWASHER- Kenmore, $50, (863)675-2404 after 4:30pm REFRIGERATOR- bottom freezer, white, exc cond, $250 cash (863)357-3026 REFRIGERATOR, GE, Side By Side, 25 cu. ft. 3 years old. Excellent condition. $300. (863)675-1929 REFRIGERATOR Kermore 14 cf, Frost free. glass sliding shelves, 18 mo old, $200 863)635-5826 Frostproof SMALL FREEZER- Kenmore, 5 cu ft, $100 (863)946-3822 WASHER & DRYER- 6 mos old, like new, $400 (863)467-6030 Ware, like new, $20 (863)467-8681 BUILDING SALE "Plus Free Bonus!" 20x32 Now $4100. 25x42 $6200. 30x52 $9800. 40x82 $18,400. Extensive range of sizes and models. Ends/accessories optional. Pioneer (800)668-5422. BATHROOM VANITY TOP - 21" Marble, w/sink & faucet. $30. (863)763-8548. KITCH. CAB DOORS- oak w/handles & hinges, 1 pr 24x20, 5pr 32x20, 1 pr METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct From Manufactur- er. 20 colors in stock with all Accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery Available Toll Free (888)393-0335 M.I. HUMMEL FIGURINES - Merry Wanderer, Apple Tree Boy, Just Resting (handle broke) $225 (863)801-3344 SALT- n PEPPER SHAKERS (1041 Sets) asking $2500 863)801-4949 COMPUTER SYSTEM, Dell, Win XP + lots of programs &.. games. $175. (863)843-0158 WEB TV- computer w/2 key- boards, $75 (863)902-0257 BR SUITE- 5pc, Golden Har- vest, Simmons bedding, bed, 2 dressers, ristnars, mirror, chest. $800 (S613)146i-8481 CAPTAINS BED- with 6 draw- ers, $250 (863)261-1117 COMPUTER DESK- New, Tall, $60. (863)763-0486 After 6pm - DINING ROOM SET- Pecan ta- ble w/3 leafs, seats 4-10, 6 chairs, buffet.& hutch. $600. (239)822-5955 LaBelle DINING TABLE Drop leaf sol- id wood, circa 1950's. $100 (863)467-7676 DRESSER Large, 9 drawers. Antique handles, e.'.c cond. Hard wood $30 (863) (63-3830/697-6507 D/RM TABLE- Cljw loul leal, 4 chairs, Cnir idcab hulr. $175 863-635-0813 or 803-41 7-959 ENTER CENTER- Ranjri ask- ing $150 (863)674-0963 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER- Bush, for 32" tv. Like new. $125 l6ij31697-6077 ETAGERE- China 4 ;,rll ..sk. ing $150. very nice I86j674-0963 FUTON BUNK BED, w/match- ing desk. Full sz bottom & sirigle S on ltop .' mjnrnfS $225.|8631357-ib63 MEXICAN BAR Ligni green wood wi' overhead slem glass holder $150. (561)704-3690 QUEEN BED- light wood, Sea- ly Post matt, dresser w/mir- ror, chest, 2 nite stands $1300 (863)763-9410 SHELVING UNITS 2 match- ing, cream w/black bkgrd. 5'x2', $100 for both. (863)674-0098. SOFA & 2 CHAIRS- cream col- or, dark oakwood trim, good cond. Need cleaning, you move, $125 (863)467-8112 SOFA & LOVESEAT 6 mins.. old. Pd. $2000, asi'ing $15,00 or best oiler. (863)634-5821 call any- time. TODDLER SLEIGH BED - w/mattress wliile $4i or best'Offer. (86.ij467-.:723 Okeechobee WALL UNIT Cherry wood, has curved glass doors. paid $1500 sell $350 or best of- fer (954)448-8253 IDo-It-Yourself Ideas Hammock Frame Here's the perfect do-it-yourself project to kick-off the warm-weather season. This hammock frame will make a great retreat on the patio, next to the pool, in the yard or wherever it's used. Straightforward construction and mostly straight cuts make building the frame a breeze. Simply mea- sure, cut, assemble, add a hammock and relax. Designed to fit a standard-size hammock, the completed hammock frame measures 16 feet long by 4 feet wide. The plan includes complete step-by-step instruc- tions with photos, construction diagrams and a mate- rials list and cutting schedule. Hammock Frame plan (No. 868)... $9.95 Outdoor Furniture Package (No. C94) Four other projects... $25.95 Catalog (pictures hundreds of projects)... $2.00 Please add $3.00 s&h (except catalog-only orders) To order, circle item(s), Please be sure to clip & send w/ check to: include your name, U-Bild Features address and the name of 15241 Stagg St. this newspaper. Allow Van Nuys, CA 91405 1-2 weeks for delivery. Or call (800) 82-U-BILD Su-bild.com Money Back Guarantee 38 CAL Stainless steel, 5 shot revolver, 2" barrel, cus- tomer grips, like new, $395 (863)467-6696 BOWFLEX ULTIMATE Like new, has leg extension, paid over $2000, will sell for $800.(863)467-7676 DIAMOND RING- 1/2 ct, w/surrounding diamonds, $500 (863)675-7105 or (863)673-5023 EARRINGS Ladies, Peacock design. Hand made in Hong Korig 24K, 100yr old. $450 neg. (863)634-9620 Okee BLOOD PRESSURE MONI- TOR- Digital, Wrist, Brand new. Never been used. $39.99(863)467-1120 LIFT CHAIR- Pride. Great con- dition- $375. Firm (863)635-3540 POWER CHAIR- Jet 3, Fairly new, Works great. Excellent condition $400. (863)467-8094 ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers *Criminal Jus- tice. Job placement assis- tance. Computer provided. Financial aid if qualified. (866)858-2121 www.Onli- neTidewaterTech.com. DE-HUMIDIFIER- '99, Used very little. Like new $100. (863)467-1110 PENS & PENCILS (2) asking $15 t863)634-1374 UNRUST.COM Stop irrigalion rust stains. Tired of chemi- (i s iria do not work? UN- RuST beals them all! Guaranleeda Save money & eliminjit ruSt stains! www UNRUSTcom. ENGLEHARDT BASS- stand, ig bag and electric hook up, 1200 or best offer (863)635-5826 GUITAR, Electric, Fender Stalcasiler w!Fenaer 15R am- plilier S20 1863)67.3-3860 ^^ is Ii I CAT- Cute, gray with white markings. 3yrs old Neutered & declawed. To Good Home Only!$50. (863)634-3841 CHINCHILLAS 2 rrmies. 2 fe- miles $75 each. (863)634-8118 CHOCOLATE LAB PUPPIES, AKC, 8 wks. old. Ready to go w/health certificates. 1 Female, 5 Males. $625. 863-674-0474 GERMAN SHEPHERD- female, spayed, 3yrs old, home must have fenced yard $50 (863)357-3026. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS: AKC, 4 male, 1 fern., 1st shots & wormed, blk/tan, parents on prem., $600. (863)447-6619 PARROT CAGE- White w/ playpen on top. Good condi- tion $85. (863)357-0037 Okeechobee DEMO HOMESITES WANTED NOW! For the NEW Kayak Pool! The Above Ground Pool with In-Ground Fea- tures! Unique Opportunity. SAVE Up to $4,00. Call (866)348-7560 FREE ESTI- MATES! Financing. POOL TABLE- 8', Full size pool table, great cond. Burgundy felt, Pool sticks, Many ac- cess. $675. neg. 634-2094 CAR AMPLIFIER Kenwood, 900 watt max. $120 (863)824-0776 SUBWOOFER 15" MA Audio in sealed or ported box. $120 (863)824-0776 FLAT SCREEN TV 32" JVC Model AV-32F475, 1. yr old, perfect condition. $325 Must Sell. (863)697-6077 TOSHIBA- 31" w/remote $200. neg. (863)634-9620 Okee area TRUSSED ANTENNA-70 ft 10 it sections, with base. mast & hardware. $400 or DesI otter. 8631675-4201 COMBO SET Ryobi 18v, drill, circular saw,,recip. saw, 2 batts chrgr, & more. Like new. $100 (863)467-0668 GEiiri~HaOR Homelite LRX 4500 watt, 8.5 hp, 120/240 volt, 142 hrs. $450 (863)763-5613 GENERATORS- Honda, 1-3100w & 1-1500w $525. Firm. 863-763-7950 or 863-634-8474 VARIOUS ASSORTMENT OF TOOLS- Hand tools. Ladder. Yard tools & more' Take all for $150.(863)635-0474 ALUMINUM CLAMSHELL AWNINGS, will remove, 18631824-2248 ask tor Kurt SNEW COIN COLLECTOR want- ing to add to my-collection. Please call to sell coins 8 paper money 239-693-4891 WANTED- Used trailer for 20ft Pontoon boat, in good cond. reasonably priced (863)697-2936 -L Thursday, Aliril 27, 2006i Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Agriculture IND. PARTS TRACTOR- Jonn Deere 440, w/shuttle, $200 (863)357-3981 TRACTOR- Ferguson, 1951, exc cond., w/new bush hog, $4500 or best offer, (863)763-3679/697-3108 BAY MARE 8 yrs. old. Thor- oughbred, dides good, up to date on shots, loads, clips. $2500 neg. (863)509-3446 PAINT MARE- 4-5yr old, green broke. Sweet disposition. $1000 or best offer. (863)763-2379 QUARTER HORSE REG PINTO GELDING- 14yrs old, 15.2, great disposition, gentle, kid safe $1800 (863)763-4257 Its never too late to fhnd the perectglft. Look for It thea urn sfld s.t CHAIN LINK FENCING 265' of 5' fencing, (2) 6' gales, some poles $100 Must lake all. (8631357-6315 CHAIN LINK FENCING 75ft. of 4ft. w/ (2) 3ft. gates and approx. 12 poles. $100 must take all.(863)634-0465 MTD CLASSIC- 46" cut, needs lower deck & battery, $100 (863)763-4982 PUSH MOWER- Briggs & Stratton, 5.0 HP, Gold Se- res, $50 (863)675-2404 af- ter 4:30 pm. RIDING MOWER- 6 mos old. asking $800 (863)467-6030 RIDING MOWER, TORO, Wneel Horse, 44" cut. $650 (863)612-1018 RIDING MOWER- Yaraman. 42", with 15HP Konier mirr $225 (863)675-0548 SNAPPER 30"- rear engine, $600 (863)517-2077 La- Belle TURF ROLLER- 4ft, asking $100(863)357-3981 I Land- Sal Okeechobee Livestock Market Sales every Mon. 12pm & every Tues.11am.763-3127 Rentals Apartments 905 Business Places 910 Commercial Property 915 Condos/ Townhouses Rent920 Farm Property - Rent 925 House Rent 930 Land Rent 935 Resort Property - Rent 945 Roommate 950 Rooms to Rent 955 Storage Space - Rent 960 TAYLOR CREEK CONDOAvail. Immediately, Newly furnished, ,New carpet. Pool; Tennis & Boat dock. 1 br, 1 ba, $800 + until. Annual lease 215-359-7779. Really Nice! Pioneer Pla rarion, looking for peace and quiet? 3BR/2BA home situated on approx. 5 ac. Screened porch, and open deck. New paint and tile floors. Large workshop and private pond. $900/m. Call Eric at Century 21 Sunbelt Realty, Inc. 863/675-1616 LABELLE- Belmont Subdivi- sion. 3tr 2?., lurnished on canal, new ile,, windows & landscape. $1150/mo. + sec dep, refs req. (863)673-5282 , Ichapman1985@yahoo.com ORTONA- Near river, Unlun. 3br. 2b3. garage. AC, heal canal, oaks, orange nees, Ouiepl 15 mins Io La Belle $950/mo, Ls/sec (2481939-1447 irwlpi'932,a@aol coirri READING A NEWSPAPER. , makes you a more inormed end Interesing peron. No wonder newspaper readers are more successful! -I - -Build To Suit- Up To 10,000 SQ. FT. Belle Glade Area RealEstate Business Places - Sale 1005 Commercial Property Sale 1010 Condos/ Townhouses Sale1015 Farms Sale 1020 Houses Sale 1025 Hunting Property 1030 Investment Property Sale 1035 Lald Sale 1040 Lots Sale 1045 Open House 1050 Out of State - Property Sale 1055 Property Inspectionl080 Real Estate Wanted 1065 Resort Property - Sale 1070 Warehouse Space 1075 Waterfront Property 1080 CLEWISTON, WOW, Waler- Iront 3r,. 2Da, '3 ac Fenced. new root,'dock 5 mn trom Walmarl See & make offer' 5.169 500 PossiDie owner I- nance of down pavmreni (WAC)18631805-0272 J & S ESTATES- 11 yr old lrame riouse 2BR'28A, w,'gar 500 sq It Rec room. Pool Steam cabinet, Sauna cabinet Treadmill & Weighi equip $155,000. Broker projected. (772)597-6158 or (954)801-6158 LOCATION: This house has it all! 2144 Sl CrOI:. Ave. Ft Myers. $461.900.docK w!oal3 ft, direct access to River and Gulf, 3br, 2ba, Solar healed pool. and much more Call Al Keller Williams World Class Realtors 12391839-9368 MONTURA RANCH, Beautitul 1.25 ac on dead end street community nw':lub nouse & pool $39,000 786-553-5317 i echevarria@yahoo.cor PORT LaBelle: Uni -1 4/2 newlyy renovated. near schis., Priced o sell @ 175.000. Call owner 863-673-5071 Need a few more bucks.to purchase something deer? Pick up some extra bucks when you sel your used Items in the classilelds. Eagle's Nest Estates A if.. .- LI L. Offered in combinable 40-60ac Tracts for discerning homeowners or weekend nature enthusiasts. Only eleven of these exceptional tracts available. SM5S 772-468-8306 */",, in(arAr. .Wl MOORE HAVEN 33471 TOP LOCATION - Will Divide City block nex.r o court- house, government center, higr school, 500 leel on US #27. Ideal forBank, Fast Food, Law, Medical, Retail, Realtor, Insurance, elc. Call owner- Pat HUNT ELK, Red Siaq, Buffalo. Wrauelail Fallow-Guaranleed nurinlg license $5.00- Sea- son 8,25/06-3/31/07. .We nave a NIo-Game-No Pay policy. Book now' Days 13141209-9800- Evenings (314-293-0610 ADIRONDACK LAND SALE 20 acres -was 39,900 NOW $29,900 Escape to Ihe Adi- rondack Mmns ot NY Slate' Woods. Black River access, beauilul bldg si e' Town rd. survey, great terms' Call now (800)890-7927 BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLI- NA. ESCAPE TO BEAUTIFUL WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS FREE COLOR BROCHURE & INFORMATION MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES WITH SPEC- TACULAR VIEWS HOMES CABINS CREEKS & INVEST- MENT ACREAGE Cherokee Mountain GMAC Real Esiate www cherokeemounlainreal- ry.com (800)841-5868 BEAUTIFUL TEXAS LAND' 20 Acres. Only 8 Miles East of Pecos and 3 Miles Iuorin of 1-20: Roads, Relreences Surveyed $13,500. $500 Down-$135. Per Montr. No Credal Check' (800)887-3006 Hurryl Limit- ed Quantity COASTAL GEORGIA. Land for sale by owner. Private golf community designed by Fred Couples / Davis Love. Mari- na/Tennis/Pool/Fitness. Jeckyll/ St Simons Island $119,900 Call (315)529-1277. FL LAND BARGAINS. Opportu- nities to own your own farm, ranch woodland or iakefront home.lead Old Flonda at ili Dest SillI allordablel Call (866)352-2249 or www lifanrd'Jiga3ns.ctom Lakefront and Lakeview Prop- erties Nestled in the hills of Tennessee on the shores of pristine Norris Lake. Call Lakeside Really at (423)626-5820 Or visit www.lakesiderealty-tn.com. LAKEFRONT PROPERTY IN TN Waterfront, view & estate homesites. 1 to 40 acres from the $40s. Situated around a 45,000 acre lake. Just 90 min to Nashville. New building sites just re- leased. Call owner (866)339-4966. Large Mtn. Land Bargains, High Elevation. Adjoins Pris- tine State Forest, 20+ AC to 350 AC..Sweeping Mtn. Views, Streams. www.live- inwv.com. "Location, Location, Location" Time to Buy. INVESTORS & BUILDERS, Great Buildable Lots For Sale in one of Flori- da's Fastest Growing Areas Fort Myers. (888)558-0032. MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA AAH COOL SUMMERS MILD WINTERS Affordable Homes & Mountain Cabins Land CALL FOR FREE BROCHURE (877)837-2288 EXIT REAL- TY MOUNTAIN VIEW PROP- E R T I E S www.exitmurphy.com. NC- ASHEVILLE AREA HOME- SITES Gated community with stunning mountain views. Situated between 2 moun- tains on over 4 miles of riv- erfront. 1 to 8 acres from the $60s. Custom owners' lodge, riverwalk & more. Call (866)292-5762 NC Mountain Property for Less! Breathtaking Blue Ridge Parkway, New River, Stone Mountain, Golf Cours- es and quaint shops of Spar- ta. www.scenicrealty.com (877)372-7211 or (877)363-5550. NC MOUNTAINS 3 acres on mountain top in gated com- munity, view, trees, waterfall & large public lake nearby, paved private access, $58,500 owner (866) 789-8535 www.NC77.com. North Carolina Gated Lake- front Community 1.5 acres plus, 90 miles of shoreline. Never before offered with 20% pre-development dis- counts, 90% financing. Call (800)709-5253. TN LAKESIDE MOUNTAIN ACREAGE situated around a 36,000 acre lake in eastern TN. 1/2 to 5 acre building sites from the $40s. Planned community amenlies & di- rect lake access. Owner: (866)292-5769 TN- Swan Ridge Lake Resort on Dale Hollow Lake, a pri- vate. galed community. En- joy me best oi boln worlds. Lake-View and Mouniain- View Homesiles. 1931)243-4871 www swan- ndgedevelopment.com Waterfront Land Salel 3 Acres Dockable Waterironl Proper. ty Build Up to 3 homes unly $99,9001 Ask ADoul Our In- vesior Pkg 7 Walertont LOIS lor Only $79,900' Call IolI-iree 18661770-5263 e,18. WATERFRONT LAND SALE' Lake Access from $257n;monin' Direct Lake- Iront from $124.900. ONE DAY ONLY SATURDAY, MAY 6. 2006 Minutes Irom Au- gusla GA. Excellent financ- ng available w/low down payment. Call roday for an early appointment i888)LAKE-SALE xl 217 abased on purchase once o01 $149,900 w/10% down. inter- esi only loan w/lixed rate ol 6.875". lot 5 yrs. Terms and rates subject lo criange wnh- out nonce. Void where pro- hibiied by 13w Western New Me'ico Private 74 Acre Ranch $129 990 MI views, trees, rolling nlls, pastureland. wildiile borders BLM Piclurescue homesiie l 6 700' elevation Horse- back riding, hlking, hunting Perlect family ranch, elec- Iricty 1O001o financing NALC 18661365-2825. WANTED- vacant land to lease" monlnly for responsible couple to target school Have els (772)336-6093 Mobile Homes Mobile Home Lots 2005 Mobile Home Parts 2010 Mobile Homes Rent 2015 Mobile Homes Sale 2020 LaBelle, '80, 24x56, 3or 2ba In Great shape. 'Jew Kit cabinets & floor.$10,000 (863)675-3665 MOBILE HOME: '91 4/2 Wind Zone. Fixer upper. Must be moved. For more info. $5500 or best offer. (863)228-6822 Recreation | Boats 3005 Campers/RVs 3010 Jet Sklis 3015 Marine Accessories 3020 Marine Miscsllaneous 3025 Motorcycles 3030 Sport Vehicles/ATVs 3035 FIBERGLASS BOAT- 16', older Challenger exc shape needs motor & seats. $800. ask for Nick 863-697-8108 Lower Unit for older Mercury Motor, good shape, $200 or best offer (863)675-6738 PONTOON, 24', 90hp John- son, bimini top, no trailer, ready to fish or cruise, $3000 or best offer. (863)634-3107 or(863)634-5471 email: rman605@aol.com, PONTOON BOAT- 20ft, trlr incld, 60HP Yamaha, new CD, ready to fish, $5000 neg (863)467-7073 CAMPER/TRAILER, Mallard, 1986, 27', exc. cond., $900. (305)853-0298 CAMPER/TRAVEL TRAILER, 22 Ft., Dual Axel w/Air Condi- tioning. $2500 or best offer. (863)763-8828 TRAVEL TRAILER TIRES (3) ST225-75R15 D Rated. Good tread. Look new. $150 for all, will sep. (863)467-6696 TROLLING MOTOR: MINKOTA 2002, 55 Ibs. thrust. Excellent shape. $300. or best offer. (863)801-1620 TROLLING MOTOR- Minnkota, 651b thrust, w/foot controls, never used still in box, $350 neg (561)744-9031 U.'ie om A secluded, private ranch subdivision offering beautiful vistas ofpristine natural habitat. .Le Thursday, April 27, 2006 mm CLEWISTON COUNTRY ACRES Modular/Floor Plans. From $79,900 & up, 3/4/5BR, 2/3BA, acre & 1/4 available or use your .land as down payment. Financing available. 863-673-6417 or 561-721-5299 HONDA 400R '00, 4 cycle Dirt Bike, Never raced Excellent shape Many eTas' $3100 or best offer. 863-801-1620 HONDA CMX 250. 2003. e. celient corndiln i$1800 (86351 7-2077 La Belle MINI CHOPPER- really good cond, paid $800 asking $500 (863)673-1877 SCOOTER-'04 Honda Elite 80,4 Excellent condition. 1300 mi. Red. $1700 (863)763-6646 YAMAHA TTR125, 2001, oh road. e.Cel condo. $1300 (863)763-4982 KAZUMA 250 E. 03- asung $1200 or best oiler (863)357-4744 aner 6pmr YAMAHA ZUMA SCOOTER 2005. Under warranlee $1700 or best oiler (8631801-1620 SKYLINE, Nice, Sleeps 6. $2500 i772i579-1322 Okeecnobee Automobiles Automobiles 4005 Autos Wanted 4010 Classic Cars 4015 Commercial Trucks 4020 Construction Equipment 4025 Foreign Cars 4030 Four Wheel Drive 4035 Heavy Duty Trucks 4040 Parts Repairs 4045 Pickup Trucks 4050 Sport Utility 4055 Tractor Trailers 4060 Utility Trailers 4065 Vans 4070 BUICK SKYLARK '87 $150 or best oHer. (8631467-1484 Ask for Linda or leave rmss CADILLAC '92- high miles very good cond, $2000 (772)284-1194 CHEVY CAVALIER 1997. 2 Door, Good. 153K miles. Runs real. Cold A/C. Stereo system $2500. (239)243-3697 CHEVY CELEBRITY 89- 4dr. runs good, needs body work $1000 or best oiler (863)983-9780 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUN- TRY '98. 62K mis. Good con- dilion. 1 Owner Br'oK=,6850 Asking $5800 863-467-1301 JAGUAR '02 ,-iype gredi condition. 33,200k. loaded. w/rims. reeds rlres $18.000 neg. (239)462-2618 Felda LINCOLN CONTINENTAL '91 - V6. auit, uood ;hjae. needs transmrisson, n. 400 (239)657-4348 MERCURY COUGAR, '92, cold a/c,.V6, auto, nice in & out, good tires, $3000 neg. (863)610-1239 NISSAN 300TX 1990, Asking $4000 or best offer. (863)673-1877 NISSAN STANZA 1985, Cherry condition. Runs good for 20 year old car. $1200 cash. (561)358-6307 OLDS INTRIGUE GLS- '2000, Low mi, Leather, Loaded. All power, Prem, wheels, Spoil- er $9500. (863)697-2906 PONT GRAND MARQUIS '92- runs good, needs brakes, $1000 or best offer (863)697-6384 after 5pm PT CRUISER- '02, 5 spd, CD, Tape, Radio, fog lamps, cruise, AC, Silver, $8400 (863)599-2556 TOYOTA CAMRY '87 Body and int. in good cond. Engine needs work. Good for parts. $300 (863)673-0645 TOYOTA CAMRY, '95, needs work or good for parts, body in good cond., $300 or best offer. (863)673-0645 AUTO WANTED: Looking to buy Antique Car/ Convertible/ Truck. Please call (954)561-2776 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD 1959, New mufflers, Battery, Tune Up. Exc. cond. Beautiful car. $8500 863-357-7214 after 5p BRONCO, 4x4, 1978, orig. owner, $2495 (863)612-1018 GOLF CART- Club car, electric, green w/ top no charger, 1095 (863)675-1472 GOLF CART- Club Car, lights, curtains, hi speed, $1600 (772)332-6623 CAR DOLLY, '04, like new, used 2 limes. $875 or besI .offer (863)697-9704 ENGINE & TRANS- 97 Tovoda C:irrola 1 8, runs good Cond low miles. $600 1772)216.9002 FORD F150 79- 351 Windsor, engine good for rebuild, good trans, body rough, :$300 (863)675-2759 MITSUBISHI EXPO 94- Blown plans. New Irres, cold a/i, new e.rhausi, p/w, ,ruise $500(239)368-6771 : PONTIAC SUNBIRD 92 For paris You low $300 lrm 1863)467-1484 Ask for. Linda or leave mess POSI DIFF 8 5 GM, .150 or besI offer. Call (8631467-8856. TIRES- (41 brand new 7.00-1 LT Power Kings Mud aTres $200 lirm (8631634-1545 TOW BAR & BASE PLATE: For a Geo Melro $.150 or es1 orer 18631735-1753 TOW BAR- Slowmasier Used on a Saturn, Can oe adapted to any venilce $150 (8631763-6757 TRANSMISSION Rebuilt 7)04R $300 cr best olfer. Call (8631 467-8856 CAMPER TOP- For a Ford F-150 In Great cond It is not Ine aluminum type. $250. 1863)674-0825 LaBelle DODGE RAM 25001997, ET Ca3 w, Cummins diesel Long Ded w./oose neck niin $5995 18631673-0648 FORD F150 '87 Runs good. Need 1o sell' $900 or test "iter Call Deanne anytime 18631634.5143 FORD PU 90- 302 eng, needs minor woro $700 or best oi- ler 18631673-1625 LaBelie GMC SHORT BED 74 Good cond Needs motor & Irans- mission Good Cab, be, in- ienor,'1,500 7;?2519-3979 GMC SONOMA PU, 92. 6 cyl. auto, cold a/c, economical & well maintained, $2450. 863-484-0110. TOYOTA-'87, 2WD. 4 cyl, Au- lo. A/C, Excellent condition $2500 (863)632-9166 JEEP CHEROKEE PIONEER '86 Runs good. (Old a'c. $2000 or nest ofer. (8631467-8723 Okeechobee- CAR HAULER TRAILER- 16, .i/3' dove jai tandem axle, elecinr brakes, $1500. 1863 167- 09i-20 EQUIP TRLR- 20ft, 5th wheel, .ramps, tool box, 8 x 14.5 Inres 2 a le $2200 (86F3)697'37I1 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN 99 Some damage/mech. probs., am/fm/cd, p/1, p/w, a/c. $600 (863)763-0920 Public Notices Public Notice 5005 State Public - Legal Notice 5500 IN THE CIRCUIT OF THE 20th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HENRY COUNTY, FLORIDA VICTORIANO VAZQUEZ and AMARILIS VAZQUEZ Plaintiff vs. Case No.: 06-194-CA JUAN F.MOLINA and NUBIA MOLINA, his wife and MARIA M. QUINONES and FERNANDO E. ZAMORANO, Defendants NOTICE OF ACTION YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to Ouiel Title on the following property in Hendry County, Florida: Lots 12 and 13, Block 26 of Montura Ranch Estates First Subdivision ac- cording to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 3, Pages 37, 38, and 39 of the Public Records Hendry County, Florida. Has filed against you, and you are re- quired to serve a copy of your written defenses, If any, to it on Elizabeth A. Merceret, Esq., Plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 1800 West 49th Street, Suite 332, Hialeah, Florida 33012 on or before 30 days from the date of first publication of this notice and file the original with the'clerk of this court either before service on plaintiffs attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the complaint or petition. Answer due April 15, 2006. DATED on the 9th day of March, 2006. As Clerk of the Court By/S/R. DeLaCruz As Deputy Clerk 128456 CGS 4/20,27;5/4,11/06 LEGAL NOTICE The Empowerment Alliance of Southwest Florida is applying for a USDA grant to repair 15 substandard, owner-occu- pied homes in Immokalee and eastern endry County The program narrative for this grant s available for review at the Hadrem Library. Comments on the narrative are due by May 12 to Ana Salazar at 750 South Fi Street, Im- mokalee, FL 34142 (239-658-3318). 129974 CN 4/27/06 -mmPulicNice I NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Frte Aif3 HOuuiil' CuiTnn5iiil n o Cile illn10o LaBiIle and Hcadry Cunluy wil nruo me Regulair Monthly Mciina ui, Tnruisay Aonrl '; )i061 500 PM ai inm Cieerlree Souli Communry Corner 31 LaBelle. Florine Hr mly COunTy Trie purpols ol Inme ,Tneeang is. o10 ,rnau: Ihr gianeral buin'i',r jnd cofi'dWi a y oitri mtin-l itri ,Miy bt Dmaughl Oi lore Ine Housing CommiTliison Arn pei'l On 0 aisonn wi Shirg 1T jpBrj1 3r,y a.:y'iri ride ii 31 .uir, iireeinr, mun ernure rla a vrrti m fivora I1 Tr.ia] uupon rr, irCe a iJeca ii lu tir rra 3neati"g ClI III LUUeI jSUy tiuIrii raieoi me Heniry Couiry JNion-Prou Mii'ul'G" Ini NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Tnre Heary [ iunoy C"inui':ll'in', Lieri. 'rtg Uiarij vill r id ia guiirly *':reia- urlea T iillnj 0,', l) vil 2 271"t. .11 6 0 D[i 1C (u-riuuiul Ci 1iUle butuni,6,; Tri ITeo.n rIII ne reill sn .05 HrllrOnuirl- eC Are H'en.iy c'usntl C uir'Ue ui)ri pia LdBAli Filor.ia i r r.n Licourly CiOmm ilaui'oerr CnIabl' era 129701i CB:.'GS 4 a2.'0 NOTICE TO BIDDERS rn, 'Scnuoi Barot 1 Overy Cou'y will e 3iiering Seaia DBiad uiUl May 5 21006 lIO Bid#Un06-00i9 Repaill ol Arulnumrin a, i nopies guneri. aosnspouts mem, i'.y lyl ohl wi3sa OCIiard mrim and leDlacem,-i -r sriiing syreTi in vranoui porijle', IroiTI Ie i Tm ( gea C3uO eda y nnrM caiei Wilma at eanous Crewilcn loijbtni. Specdilicai.r.r Will 3jiajbla a Ine oal rle nrl fil'irlC r ao I1 Curry ii'iel in LjBaile Call i863) 6;4 4i100 to have r iIIr. iaje aor rnmlle Hiianary Ciouny Srinuol Borid Jutnf' iciy in CnjLriar, ,2'?456Cb'ir J,';6,06 NOTICETOBIDDERS -i r Sinjol bo..l' oi Merniry Courlry ,ilr ue S3.::61Ua" u le ,ds u11nll an y a 210 ior Prooia ii ia0t-Oii0 M. n., .:rou:,l eilc:e LlIne:ln & LaBelle. ii ainanI will be nuajiav nle ar it iri bo.[ulsa llInarnr:e one ic In n 11 Curly Siel n' L.Ble Calle il ii 1) 6.;J J100 i.:. njir inreoe .:i li.-n or1y mail' eMrav riCaury S,: noori[ .i. Jorun', : rry 1 aiJ CrnTai 2i ii':B COS4 6 i06 PUBLIC NOTICE Purnl,: 'Oieu, lci rirre, y i,, irial r ayu :0,' iTju 'lg wll l 4.i1 l Pu llUc Autlon tier no ,T 1ir :. p |rri I ar3 s iniri huii CrLe i ranjl iem.nilng uniildl lalu ia itl'),rai mir ur, ijlgi palid purcui,- 1.a Fic..n yrulauii 713 78. io me nlon. ,Sl [riddel 1 1r065 Li&enroia Onre SCanal Pt.,FLj3438 19914-door UNK Ford Vn# IFA PI14J2MW397285 Sale Dale: May 1,2006 9 00 AM 1l'9437 i:GS J12/E06 Do-l-Yourself Ideas Foundation Piecing Foundation piling isa quill- ma ing le nique that allows the quille to create magifi- icnt quilt with exceptional jacui s ad.nd ease. You can Irern ithis dslong and nme- aving lechnIque with the help ofj a68-page guidebook. 6 complete quil designs with full-size IoundanoDn pamerns m.ke ii easy to get sued. Learn to Make a Foundation-Pieced Quill lNo.AN411S41 ..$16.95 .Inn sriiilable. Foundation Piecing with a Nvw Attitude guide iNo.AN4175). $9.95 Please add $3.00 s&h ToI order. Lircle Iem(ils, cbi and end with check 10 li-Bid, 15241 Stagg SL, Van Nu), CA 914115. Include your namne,. address and the name or this news- aer Allow 1-2 week for delivery. Or call 800182-li-BLD craflbook.com Money Back Guarantee Do-It-Yourself Ideas ... t. Paint-A-Pot A new, full-color, 40-page guidebook, "Paint- A-Pot," will show you how to transform inex- pensive terra cotta pots and saucers into color- ful accessories for your home and garden. The book includes materials lists, step-by-step instructions and full-size patterns for 12 clay pot projects that also make great gifts. Paint-A-Pot (No. LA22588)... $10.95 Also available: I Can't Believe I'm Painting guidebook (No. LA22566)... $10.95 Please add $3.00 s&h To order, circle itemss, Please be sure to clip & send w/check to: include your name, U-Bild Features address and the name of 15241 Stagg St. this newspaper. Allow Van Nuys, CA 91405 1-2 weeks for delivery. Or call (800) 82U-BILD Scraftbook.com Money Back Guarantee I I I NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OFTHE LANDOWNERS OF DISSTON ISLAND CONSERVANCY DISTRICT Notice is herby given that pursuant to call of the Board of Supervisors of Disston Is- land Conservancy District, and in accordance with Chapter 298, lorida Statutes 1941, and law amendatory thereto, the Annual Meeting of the Landowners of Dis- ston Island Conservancy District for the year 2005, will be held at United States Sugar Corporation, Molasses Sales Office, North US 27, Clewiston, Florida on Tuesday; May 9, 2006 at 10:00 A.M. forth purpose of 1. Electing one (1) Supervisorfor a term of three (3) years. 2. Receiving annual reports andtaking such action with respect thereto as the landowners may determine. 3. Transacting such their business as may properlycome before the meeting. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DISSTON ISLAND CONSERVANCY DISTRICT BY:Jason Langdale, President 129889CGS 4/27/06 5/4/06 NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF THE LANDOWNERS OF BOLLES DRAINAGE DISTRICT Nll i nirby ,rn, ,i ,il uil.u3 u l o run all or 1 eiaod U rn iulervloo r Bol0e Oijl',gi [linirir a -d in 1r:.:,rrnlii's wi Cruri' 2`i Fiori.3 Salu&T.u 1941 r'] 13-A jT5,i'iaiu'y Iin,,eiO s VrI Ari'u.il sMe.i,] Ar Ld'r ,UA.ira 01 tUrles bLrali.5c il'ail rir Irni rv3 2'5 lASl wi nwrl rl Uilna Sixne Sugar Coinri.- riir Mcaiiiu. 4r IMncp tinroi u; Ci;j levt uirio Fi.:,r. on Tueasoi May 9 1-.6 i i1 r l A M i, Ltui ruotr.,r 1. .a:l,',is 0,, 111 uria ,or Ir,' j iairi, 1 5 ,'l I 1ii y -"; 2. riIQ'i :''',u31 rrir fie In r L -.ULr R n jiOdi wm'm ri i ril riiras 35 ri Slanaowneis may seiermnne. 3. Transacting such other business as may properlycome before the meeting. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 1 J.ztioLarngdale PR iiem )991Cm i.2to 610 bile Home I Public Notice 5005 1 I Land Sale Thursday, April 27, 2006 F . I-Tj Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee ,'.... .,_- / -.; __ iET -. ....... ...... .. .. ... ... .. Phone: 863-946-3900 Fax: 863-946-3902 498 US Hwy. 27 EVERGLADE Moore Haven REALTw INC .. .efy A DaMis .ie Real smte Beroker VA TL HOMES US Highway 2 5.91 acres, Zoned HOME ON THE WATER 2235 Riverside Commerical, Start Your Own Business Dr. Moore Haven. Beautiful 2BR/1BA with a $775,000 Owner Will Subdivide private dock and a nice porch Only $300,000 Palmdale Area over 30 lots for sale, call Water Front Prope in Turkey Creek / for further details Ortona, 2BR/2BA on the canal with a dock, Montura Ranches 1.25 acres on Appaloosa recently updated, $410,990 corner lot $50,000.00 Just Reduced New Model Home 3BR/2BA 1.25 acres on Live Oak $48,000.00 fabulous must see, 945Yacht Club Way, Moore Avenue K Moore Haven 8 Lot package, Haven $147,890 water, sewer, near park, river & TennisMole Home With Xtra Lot Included courts. $320,000 rtoa Cleared level lot, 220 2BR/2BA great buy; 803 Renn Dr. Yacht Club, SOrtona Cleared level lot, .220 acres, canopy lane, $38,000 Moore Haven $180,000 Moore Haven Yacht Club 2 lots Mobile Home fq Retirement 3BR/2BA S for sale, both on Yacht Club 921 Yacht Club Way, Moore Haven, $132,750 Way, $30,000 and $28,000 each 2 Mobile Homes on 1.165 acres on 86 Oleta Too Many To List Moore Dr. Moore Haven, $86,500 Haven River Gardens Lots Starting Beautiful Home next to the water, 2BR/2BA @ $38,000O with private dock & boat lift, Bonita Springs SALES ASSOCIATES WANTED $23 COME JOIN OUR GROWING $928,375 TEAM CALL JEFFREY DAVIS, New Q The Market 2BR/1BA on 5 lots, 'BROKER AT 863-228-2666 328 Avenue N, Moore Haven $129,995 LC. REAL ESTATE BROKER S 420 E. SVGARLAND HWY. i!" (863) 983-6663 'Int (863) 983-9770 WEBSITE: DYESSREALESTATE.COM E-MAIL: ANN@DYESSREALESTATE.COM AFTER HOURS: ANNDYESS LAURA SMITH TRAVISDYESS ANGELICA GONZALEZ (863) 983-8979 863)599-1209. (863)228-2215 (863)228-0023 RESIDENTIAL 3BI&SB=EWBqMBGI VACANT LAND 3BR, 1 1/2 BA and CB R,, 5 ac. Ladeca $169,900 on efficiency $131,000 2B ijF 3 Canopylane 4BR, 3BA Del Monte 2BR, 1 BA $279,000 Montura 1.25 acre lots avail- $295,00 2BR, 1 1/2 BA:Condo (8) able. Callfor Listing. 4BR, 2BA New Home $150K $345.000 MOBILE HOMES ACREAGE 3BR, 2BA with study and 3B bile 55 acres $25WacGladesCo. pool. New Subdivision Horme ,. Brg $359.900 MOORE HAVEN COMMERCIAL 3BFa~.C FL JBR. IBA CBS 3 lots Building2476s.q It or, IS 119~Fr~rZIVUUVi 1)62.0)0 S, 5r1oo 2i 1 BR. 2BA s1rkh. 1p0. nver 0'x00' $5.00 3BR, 2BA Hone- mith eti- Cabinet Shup -800Csq.lt agency CGo:d condition MONTURA & Apt. S200C.000 5,l 500 2BR, )BA 1994 SVIM 1.25 N e' set A $S7 ,500 Sg'efl^ WC1- 1 2BR. 2BA SWM-I 1 25 1a.2 $77. X0O adj. lot aslalable +/- 55 acres $25K/acre in Glades County Bring Your Offers!!!!! "NO ON THE MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE TO --BETTER SERVE OUR CUSTOMERS!!" Great Fishing Retreat! 3/2 w/ large detached garage near marina's and boat ramps. Call For Details. RESIDENTIAL CLEWISTON * 4BR, 2BA, MH, Sherwood S/D, Newly Remodeled $84,000 * Lrg. 3BR,2BA, MH on WtrFrt Lot w/above Ground Pool, 2 Storage Sheds w/Electric, Nicely Landscaped, A Must See $140,000 * 3Bedroos, 2 Baths,Seminde Manor LargeScreened Porc A MUST SEE Reduced to $120,000 I ',, l, l C L L, L i ; l ," $89,900 MOORE HAVEN * Yacht Club 3BR, 2BA, Modular Home w/Lt $119,000 * 2 Duplexes 2BR, 1BA each unit New Roofs $229,000 W**.. -.F .J,,--.." ii. r .. BARTON REALTY, . Starter Home, 2/1 w/ carport, Won't Last Long $125.000 FIRM * Lakeport -2/1 Waterfront'with lake access $125,000 ACREAG IAND & LOTS SFarm Land Avaiable CallforDeans * 160 AesoffHeodrysleBlvd Price Reduced$20,000 peracre ireatDevelopnmetPotential S19.86 AC OFF OLD US 27 M420,000 MONTURA * Wooded Lots: Cleared & Surveyed Lot Jinete $48,000 S. Palm St. Reduced to $35,000 Estribo/Horse Club w/ improvements $50,000 * More MonturaLots $38,000 *Perminter Road 2.5 AC $95,000 HIGHLANDS COUNTY S80 Acres w/ great development potential, $23,500 per acre * 10 Acres w/ DblWd Mobile Home, 41 ; iV ,i r'S1" Ii '.', Ceg Phones: Broker Lilia Joslyn 305-495-4739 Sales Associates: i'J I- '. (, ,, I9,,, -, ', y , CLEWISTON .HlOME ON 2.27 ACRES, CITY AND COUNTRY LIVING MAKE OFFERS., * 2 v. ,ij,, l :,, -- .: I, i.,, I to build. $105,000 Prire N~eotiabhl SALE-.PzNDiNG" LuanB. Glenn A. Sarah A. CharmaineA. Walker Smith Williams Montgomery ':'.' ,' ... Lic. Real Estate Smith Williams Ij ontgomer 863 rok 0 863.983.3508 863.228-.67 6867 863-697-0189 863-677.1010 Se lHabla Espanol Why Wait To Build? Get It Now! CBS lIHome Improvement Business! I Montura Ranch Estates Large 1) Muse 20 Acres Home, 1,670 sqft. 3bd/2ba/1 car garage, Established Home improvement business Hom ". C nTi." r t 1.25 Absolutely Perfect for your located on Texas Ave. Appliance package and convenience store on 2.5 acres. Fully re lclu dream home. 20 Fenced Acres included, city water and sewage. Ready to equipped and permitted cafe ready to be ac club w pond. 2Lots of e year old Move In! $160,000000 opened. Located near the Clubhouse in house on Hacienda. Needs some pines w/ some oaks. Priced Custo n. e lfe, ted in MonturaRanch.All fumiture, fixtures, equip- work but will not last long at below recent sales. Will Go Pioneer ,haa ment and inventory included. Be your own $1 99,900 MLS# 200528863 Fast! Only $409,900.00 front ;pii iM ?99K boss!! Call for Glenn @ 677-1441 for more Sweetwater Ave. This property has information. MLS# 200530488 2) Moore Haven River Gardens 2) US 27 5 Acres many beautiful trees that include wild 2) Moore Haven 3 br/2 ba mobile home 2 Home lots ready for your new Looking for the impossible? mapl e and oaks. Small man-made lake hidden in thick trees & brush.There is an Oversize Living Room with Cathedral home. Corner lot for $55,000, Opportunity seldom knocks abundant of wildlife 2.5 acres $74.9K Ceilings. Large open kitchen and formal din- Inside Lot for $50,000 or both twice! 5 acres on US 27 on ing room. Large rear deck with built in bbq the Palm Beach/ Hendry Ready br ba and gazebo. Must see at $124,900 MLS# for $100,000! County line. Over 937 feet on Eae. Riddil S ivisin 2 W r 5 4 US 27 for easy access priced 3) Reduced! 4 bedroom/2 bath-over 2400 3) Ridgdil l Su division 2 Water right for a quick sale @ $275K Why buy old? When you can get brand new! sq.ft-mobile ho r .M Haven. Home Front Mobile Home Lots available Don't let this one get away! New Construction homes built by Toby Uoyd was new in '04 plan. Cathedral immediately!! Cleared and ready Construction Co. Only One Available $219,900 ceilings, large ..Ren with island, for your new home. Will not last 3) Moore Haven River Gardens As Cute as a Button Adorable & in perfect Beautiful home reduced for quick sale. Must long at $55,000 each!! 7 Lots Available. New condition! Entrance has beautiful hard- see @ $129,900 MLS# 200521690 Construction in Growing Area. wood floors & fireplace. The knockdown & 4) Investment opportunity 13 Acres of 4) Pioneer Plantation 2.5 acs. on Build Your Dream Home Here! paint on' walls are excellent indcudng pairt o walls are excellent ilinld Producing Orange Grove!! High and dry with Riviera St. Reduced for Quick Meyerchick Drive, Lot#15, on Sroon, l tll .d lr,;, irrgation from ordering canal. Additional Sale!! $74,900 MLS#: 200604536 thepond @$62K A LfouI I, lI 'a.rlre acreage available. Call Glenn @ (863) 677- Thatcher Blvd., near the river ,u,,: .rIur.,n 1441 for appointment MIT/I IAMS TAM @$68,000.00 our ..uld.:ir a small garden ierlng The SMITH/WILLIAMS TEAM Thatcher Blvd., Lots 6 & 7 or 8 Are you a hobbyist there's a house out 5)Lake View! 3 br/2 ba mobile home('05 As life long residents of $58,500.00 each back 14' x 21' w/ AC. In one of the best Fleetwood) in Sunshine Lake Estates.15x15 Clewiston, we know the area. Thatcher Blvd., Lots 11 or 12, locations in Clewiston on Royal Palm Av. screen porch overlooking the lake. Open Clew e kow th a $60K Please note the brand new roof will be kitchen with large pantryand breakfast bar. Allow us to help you with any @$60K installed within the next 30 days so make Must see @$129,900 MLS# 200630432 real estate needs that you may 4) Montura Ranch Estates this your top priority to see today! 6)M as d f have. We MARKET. properties 125 N. Kennel- $42,995.00 $164,900.00 6) Montura Ranch 1.25 acres ready for your million otntial 735 S. Palm $49,000.00 new home. I can help you with the entire daily to over 6 million potential homebuilding process. Call me at 677-1441 buyers. Call us today and get 530 S. Shetland $52,500.00 for details. your FREE comparable market 770 S. Shetland $44,900.00 analvyis on vnur home or land. Cathy S. Ashley t Enrique Garcia P. Wood Acosta 863-228-4798 863-228-1132 305-506-5876 Se Habla Espanol Se Habla Espano!l Very spacious 2001 manufactured Montura Rarb states 680 Just Reduced! 3BD/2BA Nice 5 home on the lake, has all the room you S. Jinete St~ lot 1.25 Kept,Many Fruit Trees,New A/C, $ are looking for. This 3bd 2ba home has acres Gre t $39.9K Horseshoe Ac. @ $139.91< several walk-in closets and avery large liv- Don't Let This One Slip Away! ing/dining area. This home is being Greatstarter home orinvestment 2bd/1ba on huge lots in 2 offered at $124,900. p y i M ra R Ti Horseshoe Acres. Bring all offers. ere at 4,. property in Montura Ranch. This Seller Motivated $165K 2 Oak Trees Line The Driveway! 3bd/2ba '94 MBH, 4/1.' tlfdroom plan New Listing! Mc.r.,ura Ra.:h 5 MH w/ full open deck on front to sit in you may be just l| | re looking tEC(l .i rocker. Home sits on 1 acre of land in for. Start yoolIl/ ear off right LOca r .n, 2. Flaghole. Home has tile & hardwood floors with country'T aT i i'ts best. 1.25 Frc 2 wre 'D: { cIG. $ e t ,l v i :ie, ,';o can r, 1 La-t B throughout. Recently remodeled, 5ft ac., priced to sell at only $89,900. Long! $107.7KB fence around property, and pole barn in ., r a back yard. Get you hands on this beauty Check this out! 3bd/2ba MH GntLand? Lokingacs.forn deelo for $169,500.00 in M W nd is Ranchettes! Priced to sell fast @ N clear lI' N i lines. $34K per acre f( Come See This Little Piece Of Heaven in Hom fl i r a w/ Need Some Space? Spacious 5 The Country! CBS House on 5 acres in great i e is 4bd/2ba doublewide MH in Flaghole 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, immaculate! $08,50000 Montura. Split floor plan, living screened Lanai, 960 sq. ft. garage, loaded room, family room, too many ir with Oak trees $415,000 What a great catch! 2bd/2ba extras! Hurry, won't last! R h at a great catch! 2d/2a Motivated Seller! Only $1591K Gone Country! 2bd/l ba CBS home with a MH / extra lot, Included in Looking for a weekend get away h large family room on a very nice corner lot Purchase Price* Partially fur- or starter home? 2bd/2ba single 3 available on W. Obispo. The roof is brand nished & squeaky clean! 55 & wide MH in Montura RanchEstates new! Home is being offered at $165K older community. Reduced to fenced and on paved road. Only w $129,900.00 for quick sale. $84.9K N JUST REDUCED!!! Absolutely Gorgeous New Listing! Secluded well main- 3 2004 Homes of Merit DW is brand new Looking for Land? Look No tain 1995 doublewide. 3bd 2ba, $ Tt L ng or an Look No split floor plan, master bathroom condition. This 4bd 2ba home with fami- Further! 50+ acres located in includes garden tub w/ separate ly room has total of 1860 sq ft. and has Highlands Co. Call for details! shower, property fenced and has a great view of the lake. This home is horse fenced area, also next to a being offered for $132,500. canal. $124,900.00 Maribel Gonzalez 561-722-7347 Se Habla Espanol The Summer of '06 wlII be a fun-time with the sparkling pool that comes with this 4BR, 2-bath set amidst flow- ering shrubs and colorful plantings in enviable North Side of Clewiston. With its spacious rooms, bar area, and oversize lot you will vacation every day for the price of an ordinary home: $305,000.00 Good 01' Country Lvin' will be yours as the owner of this 3BR 2Bath set on 1.25 of the prettiest acres you will ever. see in Montura Ranch Estates. There's even a Jacuzzi tub in master bath, and a fireplace in family room. It's just waiting @ $154,900 Definitely Not Nice, In fact it's a 2 Bd disaster! Fn rl d it may just be livable. 'An.,l' i ,:an buy this doublewide ml(Vwr4' in Seminole Manor for not much more than the lot value at $39.9K The Great Escape Off a country lane in Montura Ranch Estates on 1.25 acres sits a doublewide mobile home on a corner lot with bedrooms 2 bath, There's a jacuzzi tub in master bath and a fireplace in'family room. It can be your family's haven for just $152,000. Why Pay high space rents when you can own the land with a '3BR, 2-bath double-wide with room for a double carport, patio, and shed in Easy Life subdivision It's going to sell fast at $79,900. Jerry W. m Charles Smith' H. Kehm III A. A:" 561-261-3444 5612613444 305-968-2242 wooded acres in Ladeca. Want to Own a Business? Check 1 50K this Out! Established commer- cial upholstery business and lontura Ranch Estates property $250K .5 Acres in Montura $85K .5 Acres in Montura $90K Own a Piece of Paradise! Beautiful building lot/invest- Acres in Pioneer $179.9K ment property in Port LaBelle .5 acres in Montura, fenced $49.9K Reduced for Quick 92.5K Sale ring the kids & dog! This is New Listi Acre Lot big lot. 3bd/2ba brick home, located i n fll0 ra Ranch ool & fenced $319,000.00 Estates go LiLjJ45K Seller lew Development! Call me Financing A latTie or sky valley lots. wooded acres in Pioneer New Residential Listing on wood acres in ion p r k exclusive Ridgewood Ave. antt on pave ro a- 3bd/2ba on half an acre. SPossible owner financing avail- eady to move in! 3bd/2ba able. Contact me for details & manufactured home in Moore showing. aven $79.9K 0 Acres of pasture and Back n The Market! 3 ed- roods $755K roo m l",a on Coro lew Listing! Moore Haven erty r. nrr.s nce bd/2ba, CBS house of shopping $139.9K 220,000.00 New Listing! Ranch Lake Call me for vacant Estates Moore Haven 2 and. Lots or acreage. Building Lots Side by Side an. L or acreage. $30.000.00 each Sam J. Walker 863-677-1013 Montura Tracts, I List, Show and Sell 1.25 Acre Tracts. Call For Information or Appointment! Need a Building? We have a 12,500sq.ft. Engineered Steel Building on 5 Ac. Offered @ $215K Country Living at its Best! Home sits on 7.5 acres. Home is completely made of 100% cedar. Separate building 10 ft. away from home is CBS constructed and trim matches the main house. Separate building could be use as an office or guest house. Call for more information! 5 Acres on Highway 27 going @ $275K Just Outside of Town! Fleetwood Home on a beautiful Y2 acre. The property has a 24x30 shop with office listed at $164.9K Call for an appointment today! You Won't Want To Miss Out On A Deal Like This! 2003 4/2 Doublewide on 2.16 acres. Property features a second mobile home, large steel build- ing and storage sheds and has substantial potential $245,000 m L : 775 County Rd. 721 Loop NE A little piece of Heaven! Beautiful two story home with spiral staircase and wood floors. Big backyard with boat access to the Gulf and direct access to Lake Okeechobee. Home on one acre among oak hammocks. Kitchen feature granite counter tops. Property could be used as a Bed & Breakfast. Detached workshop can easily be converted for an additional living area for a Bed & Breakfast. $575,000.00 1 00 So-. s S 86393-93vvvvsuoz Sly-cl IFS V i s i t m a r w e b sisa f r o el9ii sa ut9in g s a t : www.AWLSEALSTAT.CO -''.5,' I CMLS III I I I Houses -Sale 1025 , I Houses Sal I Houses Salek I Houses Sale I Houses Sal I Houses Sal I Houses Sale I:mn~I 700 S. Main St. ___ c a o y n wALaBelle,FL 33935 11h o at s 63/675 -450 0F A T U RE3. D Southern _,MB^^i South n 863/675-6575 Fax FEATURED |land, Real Estate Laa ..omert SL ocCa Th 946-20d pool05 a tHOile Door priced at PIONEER : 2.5+ acreor TP.'ATED SELLE E BRING OFFEFS'V I 'I.i A ik d A Mrar haund y onr i ... ..... ;. a E ,,49 ,000 : Carolyn Thomas 946-2005 DIcrECT ACCESS CAEIg. FROi T MOTZ25 /- A af, esdlo Cadfi AnnDon. hue 228-0221 David Rister 6342157 HOME! This 3/2, 2 car garage on ACLOE ComcI B Lodl liuridrour deep wa1er Cnal bal a new .r(no hAne on this lo and cnjoa new AC, and a fabulos s-eneds Communin vPooland Pxo'h. fhis probprty also 'bsls : Clubhousem. x$99,900 Reverse sn OsmosLw'c y sprpiokicr PIONEER: ikBcautifi, ecludc system andia 25' dock. Iilacted in 2.5 +,acre homesite ua. a A. $599,900 fiad mad ingrowing Pironerf .Tkwa god' : lant$ton.$90,000 SPIONEER: 2. acre cornerReal Eate Sales A ate 5 I ,, r.s.... ", PIO OEfR. o r les :c Real Esta S alesuite A ie 8 21 '"'J I ,I l '.3 h ul *U I h. 1 .. . brisu;ihlls maaicurlrd ,gak' li..n dcd ont11h15gs2ouacrag. l lo\vtlkv ti? alIv c'iuuIull.CiUIn Pwlti-. ik Ls31 iDk t, i I so$80,000 Karen Sandelli Lie. Real Estate Sales Associate 228-0627 ,., ~,,,,PONE s e Marshall Berner Li. Real Estate Sales Associate 228-3265 nary with noi lorvouranl ~ Teresa Runkles Lic. Rea Estate Sales Associate 885-2187 I. ... ,,,,,,, i- j ... Buffie Chapman -Lie. Real Estate Sales Associate 228-7185 -. 0,-- 469.11A HOHEE MOINTLIR I. '* ,.. OVER O2000 SQ.FTALMOSTA 1'/ACRE ASK PREMIUM HOME IN PRIME I IIe.,h i.i.r,.r. kr,,. 5K LOCATION! This brand new /2 r ,, ,, n .1 ,4 i 4/S NEWLY REMODELED ALL YOUNEED IS YOUR .,,.u i location r, you're TOOTHBRUSHASK 389K 1........ ,tie)ll53- tlonro1urhome THAT LOOKS LIKE NEW W/ DETACHED . ic.en on 2.5 +1- It! "3Jn V J 1f 58.cres,1nd OFFICE d. PRPJIA:EL L FEANCED :-lARD or with front loader. hi blh & MONTURA: Great i25/- acre 2 I ,'EII I RElIODELED .AD PPJCED TO PLEASE bush mower, T.Locaed in lroler eI ...... r ,.' i.,' .i' 4.K AEBACK tbi mo2er. 1Rd i I'iaee ''r ''i' i I GRPET Sr. rTER HOMrE II' .A NICE SIZE BACK I ,, l i. ., r. '" ., I P, 9.9 ..-. .. ,, T... ,. E..... J .3 IERIid..i f S ., v "'*'*'-* *& ,"^'..IO IU l\. >, [TP F .LE\" 'A,' ' Iomesit(I.This Beutifu - ..... ... B... I. .. I VIi'T4CTLTU ED HO IIES J G .;|,,, 0 i ,i ... I ,,,, -'3 it 4 DEN SITS ON /1 I .C'R5 .L h"149,9 AFFORDABLE UVING itS 3/2 ,l COULD BE 4 A 24005 CLFAN & PRISTINE ASK 1,,. ,, I l ,.." 1 *r ,,',,,'1111, ,, ,. ,".',,l, 1 i't ,.I r i, r _,,, I SJ ,, .. .. ,,, i i E - : L I [ :; ": i; ; .. . J L ~ "I:L? ::""' :: ;I I cilll u Other Poperties' ailahle alalal u lyu l lu lc l alu Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, April 27, 2006 IPbic Noice I Public Notice I i i N i I*Pulic oie 5i 5i I Public N Ie I I Public NotIce I Pb ic o ice ATTENTION MONTURA RESIDENTS NOTICE OF LANDOWNERS' MEETING AND ANNUAL ELECTION FOR CENTRAL COUNTY WATER CONTROL DISTRICT Notice is hereby given that the Board of Supervisors for the Central County Water Control District will hold their annual landowners' meeting and annual election for the Board of Supervisors on Saturday April 29, 2006 for 8;00 am. through 6:00 p.m. at the Montra Ranch Estates Clubhouse, 255 N. HaciendaStreet in Montu- ra, Rorida The purpose of the landowners' meeting is to conduct business of the Distirct, and hold le Annual Election for the Board of Supervisors. If you need ecifc ecio t se or addiio inf youmaonact lstc oce at 3-91 etweenl urs oo.. o : p.m. interested persons are invited to attend and by heard. CENTRAL COUNTY WATER CONTROL DISTRICT. ATENCION RESIDENTS DE MONTURA: NOTICIA DE REUNION PARA DUENOS DETERRENOS (HACENDADOS) Y ELECTION ANNUALPARAEL CONADO CENTRALDEL DISTRITO DE CONTROL DE AGUA Por lo present se esta dando la noticia de que la Junta de Supervisores para el Condado Central del Distrito de Control de Agua, tendra su reunion annual pa los duenos de terrenos (hacendados) y las elecciones anuales para la Junta de Su- pervisores el Sabado 29 de Abril, 2006, desde las 8:00 am. hasta las 6:00 p.m. en el Centro de recreation de Montura Ranch Estates,255 N. Hacienda Street en Montura, Florida. El motive de la reunion es para conducir los asuntos del distrito y hacer la election annual de la Junta de Supervisores. Si necesita instrucciones especificas para llegar al centro de Recreacion a mas informacionporfavor lame a las oficinas del distrito as 863-983-5797 de las 7:00 a.m. a 5:00p.m. Todos los interesados estan invitados asistir yser escuchados. CENTRAL COUNTY WATER CONTROL DISTINCT 11736 CGS 3/1,9,16,30;4/6,13,20,27/06 April 18, 2008 INVITATION TO BIDDERS 05-06-05 and placetheywill be opened and read aloud. The bids submitted are for: Aproximately 26412 snare ords of ont ',i,:r1 |l") Ie II AI0rI, 'Jil in l " peaceonsldetsiI me acy oflrUewisnon. :,pefITl.y.orr.'.irE by e ,, i1 i l Hll. 115 WestVenturaAvenue. Clewiston, FL 33440. EIr:h. r.L ,I N1,] 'l 0i /i oir] iiI nN,113 Adi Il ily ITihf. "IAVI9hYOl BII) Bid. Tij n ,[,, ;ii r.] ,:. ,,'] ,iirJ'eld I l'y li II.., et r ,r vel'lle l.lew. :J i' L 0 :4,4I ):I N rJ.O i>,: ,iribj lyr l r t,0 lli. 11 1,: l 1 IC l ,a y I jIT,..C hii 0 [1il e p0io r i t ' u' Ci 0 .. ""i'j' ri. I] :.piupt 1y .ad'e: id d ,] n I rli ,i l The CI o Cistoneserve.eht to hold a bids fr 60days and to eect any ad a wn or wo e, waie ecnical errors an o- malities, or to acceptthe bid that in its judgment best serves theCity. O(i1 : (LEWiSiO1N FLOAuIA lua Pi;man Deputy Clerl 129337 CN 4/27;5/4/06 PELICAN LAKE WATER CONTROL DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2006 "JliCE ii MEREt'BI ivE injl In li iiordile wit 1h ne [rouvi;uion oi re Ljaw o : i0I.'i0.3 Irl B0ord 01 Oueri.Oir ., Pel0irn Le 31Wal Ci nrrl.1 0[ii-l 3 drj3n. jun dChl..:1 oig3l.i'ei d j,0. eo ilig udrr [ri LrwS i 01 rnrj3 .ind eTibij.l. Iji:. C,,nir, Pil, 11 'ilm ii Cou ry ris ..juii d I..: [be pliirpjid l Budi l iowcind, fire llui-eTiOiil. ,Il ire D ilril1 lur maincn.in n, perillu.r ji..1 OlliT ll, raOii lu,',,' ,0 l eji [r'nl. '". "i "".o ir.... r.[I ..iiy 01 0.,l i r .o .1.j 1 in l 0. dir,.i ] 0.. O lp i miyil ,0I 1i .5ii e eiTi0,0,i r i'1: .il, Blijrlel im.:,,', Iolior .ir,,' r ,inuru Ir,0 i 1 .'i.l I llm.'in .e pea ::i T.im.l p.r .ip.1 i 'leiza.iry O 10 0 iT'Ule-i Jl upO [.. 1i V wlrni .i : : n D in,. i1r in e r Oerl0 -ri I, l .j,1u :. i-i)w uo'i I4 3m) i iimay be D re jiT, 'ldi .1 ,iJl r fic| ul [r.: :iCr Iary .,I int lil:ii :l Jl B.ire iI i.,]r i.n i..,U.Pi in 1 O ,l ':U10 :l'. r 'l' "u. i 'ir fP ll L0 1 0 jii ..' I.,.. ll'l .r l ri: .11 0ll ie.Cl jl I1 .1 0 A I edALeille aly May II 'M i lUti ,31 e i.rl i.'1 r i ) .M lhrl y Oi rir[ D :|r it h'i B ller Ij.ie F 'i6 103 ro I r ,1 pur l4 GI ri ,,iL, :[i .i,,i: 3,',, m.:.ii I; wil./ le: c I:T ir ;3 1 1 i.i mu l j i'iu 10C ine u.i.: ... I : .i.1.: i.. 00 .] r... Ir [lu:ii0 *:n r '0t 00 y TOJ.TIM y ,m111 t.".:.d e ':l1 B I I .R ol, ,u 0 y y "1. , BOi'h:AI OF :UI't. Vii .. OF ' eil.i/ ihl 1.3LW5.TE0 .l1101R .I2 70.2L fa ,T1 " t0 Cjul ii. 0. AN : PLu llIh-T President *l; i]. .I, 1 NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF THE LANDOWNERS OF RITA DRAINAGE DISTRICT ll1r r r.,,I r. rbry ]re, 1 [i ur:ua. 1l 1. u 101 B1j1oara)1 'uerW ur'. i 0: i .I i lil,.ri' .0.1 li..h.ir 3i 0 :, ii ....l iiO : .. rW rl er .r xii i..4 ,in d3 l ttir 19 h 1 I ld 1iw 3.TiL'.ijii..r Ir.i:iu ijli A.irluA l Me inmIl o l Lie Lj.liun i .)1 RillA Drai-imio Di0 In.' I .ir Inr nri' 'U'2., will fira d 31 U,,i'li. i1 ,ii iudojir (.F,.3ljr. Mu.i:es '.. 1, .: ln.,0' r ,ut r' I.I' .r'. Irl i.uihl FlO ni.I) ri iu id y Mjy 9 21'.I, i 1 0li A l r Iri,c pu[i'u : ..i 1. ie. r'. onr.: 11. iuper, II TO.' 1 riTi o i r re 13 year 2. .: '.j u ,inu r in0 .]1 ,0l :,.:r],*; 3n .: r, ri T 1 re0eil l[reel, 0.1. r, I -i..,l.wiiri 0. OTiy ,/,]1:e,1 '.0' 3. i, .J. l,,i .,l J:i ,u1i: 1r iJ:.i. -: a' iTy pii'O O,': '.,T," [,.iA i''i1. .T 0 i0 ] 1 Oi4 ) : 1 J': i.i7 51 1, .6 B6uJAR OF (Ufffo:.OAS RMlAO kAiNloCE 0S6RiC T B6',..~ 1 w~.pf,00 HENDRY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULE SUBMITTED BY: R. Scott Cooper DATE: 5/9/06 SUBJECT AREA: 203 Part-Time Adjunct Educators, Non-Cerftifed and Substitute Teachers Instructional Personnel EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF PURPOSE: The proposed rule establishes the policy for part-time adjunct educators, non-certified and substitute teachers instructional personnel CITATION OF LEGAL AUTHORITY: 6A-1.502 S.B.R., 23.17(2) (a)-(f), 1001.42. 1001.43,1012,22,1012.32 and 1012.35 ES. CITATION OF SPECIFIC LEGAL REFERENCE: 6A-1.502 S.B.R., 23.17(2) (a)-(f), 1001.42,1001,43,1012.22,1012,32, and 1012.35 ES. FULL TEXT: A copy of the full txt of the proposed rule may be obtained, without a cost, atthe Office of the Superintendent of Schools. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The proposed nile establishes the policy for part-time ad- junct educators, non-certified and substitute teachers instructional personnel. STATEMENT OF REGULATORY COSTS: The proposed policy revision willcreate no additional district economic impact in exceed of $100.00 except for the costs of printing and distributions. LOiAiloN OF METEihiG TIME AND OAiE Hrndry CuuuTy i'. uool Board Mneeng l4,.IIl,, 4;,, Oire'ol. Aveue Cler.:lmOiiln .L t 30 p m o, 3'. or.' tirei13i I j r m inejy i.e ijied on M.ay 4 2006 Notice: Any person who wishes to provide the School Board with.information re- garding the statement of estimated regulatory costs, or to provide a proposal for a lower cost regulatory alternative must do so in writing within 21 days after publ- cation of thisnotice. Notice I flequil'To iI wioIg andam rioi deeed uiln::0s ii v y rie Aye.iec Head a Ruir DOeiT.lopimT I 0 .rn.:p mil be neloa a a [m. and ilr Io be 0 dArvuOle .I' mie luure Notice: Tn. proiuur for uOniiiig a pul.ic, r iOy n Omi1. p.ipoied iure i: I1 rE QurSl 14 arnTim n r.iorng Trn. lquel inijll Siubliiled 1O iE :, t ,J0erl1n1' nlr ul cruul. i.. *,r-.i iarin i21 ay l il r iulll, .jThl Ij Lri [ iirOLe TrIe elqueil n:r., ill plly N in ir. IJ .1ji'sooiB upr ilng puElill: rjl.o0 wOuld e nAri.'led [r, Pio[,',:rd cu ir iri r:ii l:, BOc i, upuin 3[prrrjpr.ne '.1luliJ l *:rllj yv 1 anre l cd p':r;.:i; nA p000nirTnu.Ty 1 i)0. rl euileni rid :drju.Tirlm oir. I ,ilho :i u i'.10 Notice ieOnip o'.i jn-,l ..ui.y,'g oI 411 wiNiei'i roMienili .:iTrilul.ni lurilc IOoiui 1umine0 i TrT e .i.r'iO 1y .0iiiler10 n eojn uir. m.i y i0e :blin0.0d ['y i':lui.l ,ril .l I s ,it upineil' ,eii 1 r.,I i riouli Nelice. Tr.r 0.i.l: no Buro fni3y recogio.i:r arly mrlna l r,.n may ba IjuliD1.iiy rio D0 e1 "i,,l i u i,.OK, T ,i'i 'F 0rr i ,110 ir00C.h 1 0,i u i C : 01 i ,lr0 i..ll 'j i, rOI :ee,],,,ld r 0I 1 ,1 B ..1 .0. iy i..l :"I r.. 1 n. ,o 10, re10.ii yl .e1i,:e r.no niOO.:p.OP"0 ml1 Nelice. II yOu 0i aI .::O.Ti.aTOujrun .orII oi'd e lT ip 1 Jli iA" ir0 ':t11i [, i3 F '0 A ilr1 y ih Toii W LC. 1 1r IT. r i 3 Auerine;1 ind T 01 i lcool: ifA 1 3) .76 ,461. ,ir Il [iPe Henl'y L.uu.Tyv I.i ,jrlr.:., L' belle fl....i 10j .il ic l n I i r.uz, io i ) ' [ ir : i0 h'llrn, ull,', I'I,., Nolice:11 iImt .cri.ol Brrd ,jilJaw ire proie ieo l ul i in i c rlrifiid iopy uTl mri pro po iil rulc Ol.rill bi fida irl ir Oni.. oI ,tri Supcigesie ,-l oil r01 rul: 0 .lp :u.iri l, 1208212 iCC'L~ u; 5i4 E6 4., EAST SHORE WATER CONTROL DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2006 NOTICE I' HEREBY GIVElN iral ii le.orO.tce wilh r.it prOvi0.0n-: ,1 in. Li3, ol FlJnd.a l. ur iU 0i l ma .'upervi.uir u Ea1 i al.ri i Wa l r .iwoilO r..il .irn d.jii' dalril oroj.icr.a i.i] e Prihg unrimer Ir.e Lraw ol FIlhicno .a.1 im lErbji.i Ijnn wmlin .Plm Pa'inT I. Cou.i n.l: .r ; ij.d 1o be piepwred a Buirjtl eiri i In t - u.1.1iT n I lirrI 0.':r"..I r i,[ iT. 1Aii''fice Oucr I:.'ii 1."I.] i 00.Ti.i;r. l .ir ljril n'ir .e ya.ii Drigipbn'rg 'o' -r m ..i. y d I Orjiber 20(06 0nrd endn'. on [rie trirblifi djy ul0 i .pliTii r i'Ul.; ,l.d Budil m3101f Oi 1 t [rni tlil Owj ie m' ,iou,1 I M ileitl .cri, A : :.. ,Tii er die. r ic .e : o., ry 10 [e levied upoi [ne la i'i ,winir, 1;.10 11 0.r e i' [i, y .l 2111r. Tr.e .)w1. Biigor0o iww', 0. l .: jn0a1 n'.y 0b0 T.iT',hed 01 Tn .i-A1: 0i1 0,i .0eue0'T0 l ir. O Dlinil bele 1 10w li ,l u id. l j .r b0.0id 0 iu ri.ii' 010 C i E.I :.re Vv, r C itLri.,jl i tiP I wll wiiT,001 94 M WN1 di id.eiy M. hi i 'l'Oit.l IlAe 01 I. ,11:e inr bri iriJry ul [nr ';.oi .:1 In b' o i e Clale ioildaj r1 0 1 ,l pupo'. I ul n.i: tln rliji.[1'i, : 0i,] oia Ti i ,i irir rril.i,:I T10o ie i0d Bud r'el .in1 K., lirf purpTOIr 0' T ...' 'i .,i'ij i u,:ri ,'iril v uifn'. .. i mly il.Epiily (0.T.e ber0,0' : i,) meAilin) BOAR, (lfUPEfIvI:.FiiH H i EAiis HOFRE t Ait001 (JTROLOi)i.iKi, ii 6. o Lec- 00.1,0... PIT'i' SLi 1 "I '" *. '" PAHOKEE WA[ER CONTROL DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2006 NOTFE IS HERE61 GIVE N 1 nri 1 11'i crd.incn wilt, ie piroviclor.i Oul Int La c .)0 FHko.nai me Buara ui Superi.or. 01 Priolrr vt3Jr CororIl 0i'~,ril diJoi3de ]1,:li-i.:1 riljrn.ied .ad r. ,,iOig undlr Lri Laji OI Ilro na3 a1.] rITmOii jla.d cid~r.ilm Ti.h i0i : Counry hi. A'.d 10 0o pipiered i Budi.9l i.nirlng lit re u.llriili l I Iui .il ;rir.:1 lor mliOdlnF.ic opeiniri3ri na adiTi.rni. llor. acur. in .0.ifsr.beoi'rn r t uri ro mrn Ir y oi Oclober 2001. and end,'ig on irie InlIanr. liJy I Spmilit Er 2007 .Sai Budgrl 3jTor.,i omr rinin ifi Dw. t.ihe imoui'l vi "Mjalt'inir.i-'A' -:''i.,0 pe, *,.'- ..:,r .jnr lu te k. ed up,:0'i iw ljr.,i,. C iI.lr. 11 1.pr li.r0i, 31 Blc 1lld. Fhr.]j lriu B0.,i'd ul 'iu[Wrli-.rl.. ..il .i e.l WIle. C(01n io ClliT. 1 wln IT.tr1 il 9 I'. ,'hI'.1' A V1 Weile.0oy IMay II .10u JI int ,rlnodl,,) ul n.i: 'li n.1] .) rr. .. l'. h 11 Ic n u 0.I iClti B iudel a1d IO:r i ri plj riue, i ri is. i.[il,:i .u,.r. ur:t i n u.flou il r;o n Iury ,onioO ry ir.i.bu.i[ lr,,i0 ['.. r .1 UrT i -' ,AII li'l hh i', wil .I-lnr j l lfi cIU rl jy InO CN r I. ji n il li F PiI] tI 10'i6ii l BORDER OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF o:'r: .]ill.. T I.ll ii 1 cLIrt ; ,06, HENDRY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULE SUBMITTED BY: R. ScottCooper DATE: 5/06 SUBJECT AREA 543 Pequaliicationof Conlactors EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF PURPOSE The proposed rule establshes tie polcy tor procedures whereby certified general nd roofing contractors may precqualrr V nually, to submit competitive bids on projects. CITATION OF LEGAL AUTHORITY:.1001.41 and 1001.42 F.S. CITATION OF SPECIFIC LEGAL REFERENCE: 255.05, 287.0585, 489 125 AND 1013.45f.s. FULL TEXT: A copy of the full text of the proposed rule may be obtain wmroul a cost, atthe Office of the Superinteonde of Schools. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The proposed rule establishes the policy fo: procedurec whereby certified general and roofing contractors may prequafly, annually. to submit competitive bids on projects. STATEMENT OF REGULATORY COSTS: The proposed policy revision wiu create no additional district economic impact in exceed of $100.00 except fo me costs o0 printingand distributions. LOCATION OF MEETING, TIME AND DATE: Hendry County School Boai MeetnOg Room, 475 E. Osceola Avenue, Clewiston, FL at 5:30 p.m. or as s(on meralner as the matter may be heard on May 9,2006. Notice: Any person who wishes to provide the School Board with irrormrnon re- arding the statement of estimated regulatory costs, orto provide a proposal lo a power cost regulatory alternative must do so in writing within 21 days afte, ubill caton of this notice. Notice: If requested in writing and not deemed unnecessary by the AgOecy Heat a Rule Development Workshop will be heard at time and date to be at.erned in tliefuture. 0Noli: rne pia. r.]u.u o10 O uliliil.r ) public rniinrg uiI oi il Dropoe.i rule is 10 re- .]iu:: ... Ir.i ) 1 riEial inrr reu'ri E l anl be os.ITbmini d i me Supornteadern ,)l 2,;ij l'r winAg Iin1, II.' 1 dyS il uUlI.l f Ori u n l ile .'"i.fle Tie leiucES Lrnii ;[pry now tr. pr oriin .ial.iriag 1ie public reartnog would u aieid by Irv i'iOi,":.:, ulO ,i i e noo l, b iii upun Ippr p'iO e eiuilu s inall give aferlt- ',i 0,"u, .i" ,( e.iliui.Try Ih pi,:e'rnl evulri ar10 3a.uiTie. onl me lI iur unaer ,:i:.,, :,re,)3 r, Nllce li'D:,ri.0.:i. jn LrOVI 01 jll w Ten m.ilrn.ili :ll t iltu 1-rig publiC records i.u.TiiTli0 I'. lri agt y ,i'.vrdn"iAg 0jlTi ruleC i my Dbe ObLJiled by reQuei in wriT- .9g inr. IL, pi (ilcrilo ii..e:nlo Nollce. Trie 'i, rI o I B0, ud ml y i)grl-li .lly T.ller n Cri aci il y oD ludli.illy 0. n,:0. 3,ji0 TO ui,,,.iOusol IrTm 1i1i, 5itI rCiui'm '~ mE' rule min..ai proieealng The ': :r :j is ei.r] T m V l~~y u r le Tl-n ,i e,-,y o C i l nepli,'ul:oi ed'ulc Nolec. II %ou il''. .i' :.:immi ajijn O d idr IO prOuilpal3c ,n mrli process plera collTry ih1 jT.i W( V [..lnci Ire: upln Yinaci 01 Sicruli 31 631i 6;1-4641 Oi al Ir HOi'.lry l.,ur.v i;...rioi.u r u. L0lli. liadj Id4O 1 31 l i 48 Mnuri prlor to Nollce: II i.L i,:hi.l l.iid 3jll:t'd; Hie uioljOi rule one .:ertiferd ipy l0 me plro p. .u n ") ,lnj l ; 0i ... i n rr uion. 01 f'-i Su'.rnfUideil l Scihools pursuall to 121) Ill lel F , 1'6212.`1. oI1, o2 ;54 L4.06i4!1)6 EAST BEACH WATER CONTROL DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2006 liJill.E I HFRifl B miiv Lnar in ji cuidalojn wOn mmir: pruvii.ons I me La1w 01 firO.dj Ic 0.iao 01 'uue'r vior El)l BI Oe, Wal] Control 0DOlI l 3a w31r .:0il.i r1111,ll oi.'lini1 '.ln id nr1.liing un,1: l mi" Law ul Flnorl1 ani erorcing ijrnds wOnll, Pljim aBi:r Ccouniy r.au- :, e u rel la r reia a BudgeT snowlrng ik.c i'cuulrTir lI. rle l0.I .iil .or m:.imen i'iine outrzanrs nd administration durl.i B]i 0(l..I1 Jil In. il l Oi cobe 0110r 2006 i edriniog on ier irnrlr- 're iy :i lmrTi ).' 0. i' i Budgel MiTl'ig dir.'r 0ini'i. ChrouS me Ornour 1u M.jinli-jr.:. A :Eii.,il pIrI .ir1 reoniceiry tI.I be levied uprO inhe landO ualinr. 0 ll.l l in..: [i1i [hir y0 0,ii Trin, .'.d Bu,, ilI: ,;,ow 'iir,il, f Ir, ri 11 .0 i ,- iTni'e0 31i [r,. (M, -: ,31: [ie Scl elai'y :.1 iT hi. [ n if,. a. i Ii ia Fii l6ai Inr T ,. .1'I :up rvi surip fin, tail Beacn iWa Ir 1,0.lli01 lj: -i.I All mii'lI .I 1 I : ', luclk PM W widelyeliy. May 10. 2006. ar Il. 0n11..,' 1 ii 1 ri ci ,y 1 ll'h1 r 11 lir 1. i ll, l oridl,'. Froid3 l Er ie pulnrjIe 1l n;.i .l '-. ii 'i'i. i' .:0mpl l'il irIl l uino l Io Irit ; i] Budgel and tor Itfie uulu'. o I [i r :.' lln' .u1.n irl. D au':iii : r: ilTuy iopiln y ':')Te belOre sid BYORDEROF . E oIBEAl iATEI: .o E iI, 1 l01 ,lL F bi F .:,,j,-i Hi[]i,,, h 0:l. .14 ';'r;:. CLEWISION DRAINAGE DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2006 r1Uil:. IS HAirbl GlvEI [rin Ian ia.: ordarce wlih he povisilonj oi0 ui Laws or Fluj] n1' Bire B,)rd Sueri'v.ui. 'i Liewiion DiOnlgrle Di.ieCl. a drainage dinell oGrl]in .1 anrid eal.li., uniatl IhL LJtf 01 Flurnd and embracing l Ias Cilli Hn'irhiy (iulit rnj; itjurrd, Io a prepared 3 tiudqel nowlirg me requiremeriln 01 [in Dii:0ic Ii ,i iti.,lr.ai. oi erhui 'iLi joid nd. rnlniTra n dair'ig tre year Deginnlng onf riP ir.1 idy u iat ul.obtr. 2006.. njd union o0n Ir miroam auoy a September i0, *3'i4 ijnBouQl 1min.0d lnT'i iting i0pi r1 w amroTn. or01 Mralieiiarnc As. :r .. ,iTal il ". ...'rr ::i' y 'i r. Iucr Un up llr, inI iwir .rn ri Dii.ln I Il)r hr v' r II111"I:. ir. :i.l,) Bu1J'1i: I nOW ,An 116 jni0 ITIjy [' F.,jiTllried iIT t j.ih ul fie Se60rairy Ir. lll:.l i :i. jl1 i :l.il Ji ,Jlori Tri B0.irld il Supn.rl.irs Ol (Itwi lO n Draln.igne 0U'.ll i 3ll iT,1l jl I .'. pM Tur;ldly May 0' JuiJ6 a il r, eii lil r.a Se iirary 0, Thr lilr I i'n' i1'1 l O ., ', floh d fi i 1e, [luripo,'. ul lhE3nri 01oblill0orii 3n .pITiiiuli : w In rtc.,. 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Boas.u ius wil be ope.ea and puslcly nrea aloud In Ire Mul-Purpose Coritenice RooT Sea MDias may be miller and musf be recelned pour to D op~ernn 10 i Stle ol Flor.a Deparor.en of TransDorsaner.. 801 Norm Bro3Ua3y Ave Att Dlarr: Contracts MS 1.18 BartDow A1ni 3300 I [re omd aTrmoun is greaile than S250 00O 00 on construLoin puroecit ie Cmracldor Tm.u, i re-qiuaJlf.ca a re qu.red Oy Fornda Sinate3 37 14111 adl Ruin lilatr 14-22 --NOTE -- roposal F ms wll o be issued aher 200 PM (Banow Loca Timil or Weies- ay. May 17 2006 Plan holaenrs Is l nor be iiueu afer. 5 00 pmi on Friday Mar 12 2006 NOTICE TO BIODERS YOU MAY OBTAIN PLANS SPEGAL PROVSIOINS ANDOOR BID DOCUMENTS BY FAXING A FAX ORDER FORM 10 18631 5s-17; TIllS FORM MAY BE DOWNLOADED AT WWWOOT SIATE FL USCONTRAr ISADMI. NISTRATIONDISTRICT1 NEW BIDDERS ORIENTATION MEETING HAS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR TUESDAY MAY9.200 AT 2 00PM (CONTRACT NO 1F55-R0J COUNTIES Higr.ao arnd Okeecnooee FINANCIAL PROJECT NO 421126-1-72-01 Work r ciis or cdnlena- 3,l truODDlg. Bn Ifm- mn and remoeal (Apprai 365 Calcriar Days) hDIE PROJECI MANAGER Gay Bumett (863) 386104 o'ry DumeOl@doltae lu BUDGET AMOUNI i00 k 00 NO LARGE FOR PLANS AND SPECS. (COLiRACT NO EIF56-ROI COUNnT Oreechobee eiNANCIAL PROJECT hO 42112iI1-72-01 Wod 1( LOSli 01 op ,l oTi ulldei rlea i s'ed ad ,o3 (Apprlt, 365 Calendar Darys NOTE PROJECT MANAGER Gary Burnell. (863) 386-6104 qyar.brbme e dl nmle uS BUDCET AMOUNT 590 000 u NO CHARGE FOR PLANS D SPECS (CONTRACr NO E1F57 ROI COUNTIES Mnratee and Saraiolo FINANCIAl. PRO- JECT NO 421124-1-17201 -;2-l2 1 Wo,. voni. ioi olf iernric~e -an apillcatoafi on ith pnmjry iysleim (Appioq ji Canrfidr OD.ial HNOE PRO. IECT MANAGER Arl Hall (883 35097312 riFnurrnallku,-idalailu' BuuET AMOuT 11 35.000 00 N CHARGE FOR PLANS AND SPECS. CONTRACTI NO E1F58-RO) COUNTY' Di.trNl Wide FINANCIAl. PROJECT NO 421144-1-72-01 Won. colii.tS of I'talLrir lerIir I raoni ori a [rm we.ir reirSil.. ponds AADplo, 365 Cajlei.dr Day, NOTE PROt'r MALACGER ROD Dwyer (863) 519.2762 loDer dtyeredol 1ale II u4 MA.IMUM BLIOGET AMOUIN 5150 00u 00 NO CHARGE FOR PLANS AND SPECS. (CONTRAI NO EIF6O RO COUNTIES DesMo & H.ili, FINANCIAL PRIjECTr NO 414933-1.;2-01 414j34.1-.7-01 Wo1. cio.~lns ol Irfe fmm.Timi anid g su i [ removal lA roi 165 Calendar Ojy.I NOTE ROJECT MANAGER Bobbt Car- roll. (863)993-4634 bobDv scaroii..J.ol ral' a11 u' BuOGET AMuuNI $100.u1O) 00 NO CHARGE FOR PLANS AND SPECS. Oraecs loi 00ne1 uoiuilie snrould ti IIedc:Iad tl. T [,itr.Lci CoiitrjAlr Aniineira tor DicirCi Comi tas Olfe ml M Suib I 1 Fiuondl, Dp''0irricil 01 i3anfipOril- lioo 801 Norm Broadway Barlow fiuldOaj J030 or PO Bo 12 Barrfo Flonida 3j31 Pnone 1i8631 519-255' ini,:s souid or manl pjyaie lu i,. Stlae oal Roaa Depranmem ol TraisporLion No rrruno w-iI o ie .Je ine ngril Is rei a rere red any or an bldi Cneryl Sancnoum Diima Contracts Adminirlraler 128466 ONICGS 4;27 54/06 SOUTH FLORIDA CONSERVANCY DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2006 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN dial in accoluanric wh ir.e l proIon., ol m[e Lawsi 0 Flona tre Boira ol Sooerivler.s ul Ooun FulorIda Lonr.rvai. (y 1.tric drain. age dis.0il or1 jnize a nd eli.ting unadr rin LJwa or Fl.jin 3and ,1 eior in larid wil in Palm t Batn County and Heraiy Couiry. rinasi u u t b prrp.iled a Budget inow.rnig me reuiime' oal mIre Disl yi i r iraiin ic'eii:r OPranuni jr. 3.drnlisitrailo Oauing dte year Dolraning or. [r .i oay ul iu laler 2006 ifi. eroding on [ie ilrfledi day ol Stepcinoer 2007 Said budg'l acting othir [rh'liy ihows the, aTiournm Of Mlilfenjr ani Ac.aiijmTei per a3ie' nrecii';.ry li IIevlr upon 1re lands witirn aJl Del Unfo r [he ycar 00U6 Tne 4id Budget14 i now -.m1 hie ac may rbe 0.Onridm'itnd aT fie O cTik il i S.o.oi ii'y io me District Iir Bels ijd11 Flona.i Tne Oujrd oI iul)ervi:' 01 Louin Fion..i Conservanyri DistvIcr t ie el il 1 11'55 .k: A M Wdrii;]1.iy M.iy u1 i0 20 at [eit ice [ o if[r ( Seretary 01 irre Dl:.mr in bill Gdie luno3 0d i ~i i ui,'~r oi r0Oanig ,)ljctuni s and corli0p111 wall r. rif l lin *; iil n t 1ildg .:1 in 101 [re lnpurpose Of Ir an0aLIng uch or1eil Du irOii .1 miT3Iv lIuuprly .:OTI plouir ..]1 UB ORDER OF THE BOARDOF SUPERVISORSOF iOUr FLORIDA CONSERvANAi J ir li I Or ; i. 1,I2 5liil Jr (n.iarimar 129;06 SUNl 4i27,,6 SOUTH SHORE DRAINAGE DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS FORTHE YEAR 2006 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. tha3 in r aoildirnce Airm t pic ,.on9ri ol In Lawi ul Florid me Board ol Super.vior1 ol Sut. Srnore DrjinIge u iOtil a drainage d~ Incl orgunince and eri rng under Ire Law. 01 F'lo1a and eiontracig laruis oilhi.' Palm Beacn County has caused It De piepjied 3 Budgol hirioAiig lir i,]:uilc minrm ofl n e ODitrid for malhflenalce. opeiaboio d ad arrminiiraun during r., year beginning on hIe firsl ay ol Odooer 2006 ard eiaoin on me thirreit div of September 2007 Sala Budget. among other inriig'1 now* the a3mTiurI o0 Maineflanc. Assessimicent per airu nicr:%iy i be lei.ed up.n the r.rndl it.il Iail Diri 0ir mine vear 2006 ... The iad Budget li n orw On fle .nd may DCu earlined tl ri i office 01 Lr mS:rr13ry 01 ir.e l0Di10i at Beli Giade FoGilda The bOMad uI 'upfluriO (.01 i0.ul ':l .ii. Dianage Dismcl ilnl me atl 10 45 AM Wedoi'eday. Mivy I0u 2(31 :il ire .lh.ei 01 me .ecretry olf ie DSDinc inh Budie Glade FlrOnda fOir i i0 urpa:e. .1i nrarirn O licn on and colnmplmain win rips.il ai p ie rajl.i Budgrel 3 l4 I)r nIie Ouuir u. raneatCDg iuuiri uM l buS.lti.s smay troperTy ofmie nirir os lo rnierr BY ORDER O f HE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF SOU H SHORE DRAINAGE DOiSWC B 1 isBa lK Ander on Pr9eii05 u 129;05 uN 4,22.,06 Agriculture leaders read to children GAINESVILLE The number of Florida agriculture industry partners who read in honor of Agriculture Literacy Day this year grew 18 percent to nearly 1,300, Ag Literacy Day sponsor Florida Agriculture in the Classroom, Inc. estimates. About 40 percent of this year's Ag Literacy Day readers were FFA students; 23 percent were Univer- sity of Florida/IFAS Extension and 4-H agents, master gardeners and students; 13 percent were Florida Farm Bureau and county Farm Bureau members; and 4 percent were Florida Cattlemen and Cat- tlewomen. The remaining num- ber of readers identified them- selves simply as educators or volunteers without an industry affiliation. They read to more than 75,000 Florida school children as part of Florida's third annual Agriculture Literacy Day, Thursday, March 16, which Florida Ag in the Class- room and the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Ser- vices organize. "Agriculture Literacy .Day wouldn't have been nearly as suc- cessful without the help of our industry volunteers," said Heather Nedley, chairman of Florida Ag in the Classroom and executive director of Polk County Farm Bureau. '"We depend on -our grass-roots network ofvolunteers, and appreciate everything they do for us." Florida Agriculture Commis- sioner Charles H. Bronson applauded industry's participa- tion. "The best ambassadors of Florida agriculture are the folks who earn their living from it," Bronson said. "They can give stu- dents first-hand knowledge of their agricultural operations and help explain to these students where food, clothing and land- scape materials come from." Florida Ag in the Classroom received a grant from Monsanto for Florida Agriculture Literacy Day this year. The grant money allowed it to buy more books, and develop lessons for each book. Volunteers either read "Til the Cows Come Home," a story about a cowboy who uses and reuses a beautiful piece of leather and sees it as a sign of unending possibilities, or "Pig and Crow," a story about how a lonely pig who loves to bake learns the value of hard work and patience in a mod- ern day fable.A panel of 12 Flori- da teachers selected the books, which they said would reach pre- kindergarten through fifth grade. Florida Ag in the Classroom - a Gainesville-based, non-profit organization funded by the agri- culture specialty license tag or the "Ag Tag" provided the books free to volunteers who donated them to the school library after- ward. Each teacher received a les- son developed for the book. Each elementary school student received a bookmark summing up the economic and environ- mental contributions Florida farmers make to the state. Commissioner Bronson host- ed a press conference in Tallahas- see to kick offAg Literacy Day and sponsored a resolution that Gov. Jeb Bush and other Florida Cabi- net members adopted declaring March 16 as Florida Agriculture Literacy Day. National Agriculture Week was March 19-25 this year. Florida Ag in the Classroom is charged with educating students and teachers unfamiliar with agri- culture about the industry's importance. It provides curricula, materials, grant money and pro- grams that help kindergarten through 12th grade teachers incorporate agricultural concepts in their language arts, math, sci- ence and social studies classes, among other activities. Its resource materials are correlated to Sunshine State standards. Bakers support naming official state pie ATLANTA Edwards gourmet desserts and the American Pie Council (APC) has announced a show of support for Floridians who are fighting for an official state pie. The decision may come soon. State pie legislation has passed the Senate, sponsored by Senator Larcenia Bullard (D- Miami) and must now pass the Florida House of Representa- tives. If approved, Key Lime, an official symbol of Florida since 1994, will become the official state pie effective July 1, 2006. Passage of the so-called state pie legislation would be historic. Presently, only one state, Ver- mont, has an official state pie. In support of Florida's efforts, Edwards and the APC have part- nered to host a "Please Pass the Pie" campaign during the APC's annual Great American Pie Festi- val in Celebration, Florida, April 22-23, 2006. The APC is the only trade association dedicated to preserving America's pie heritage and promoting America's love of pies, year-round. The annual pie festival is the public portion of the four-day APC Event. "At Edwards, we believe that every state should have an offi- cial state pie if the people want it. State pies are a way to preserve a part of our national pie heritage," explained Melinda Pritchett, Edwards Brand Manager. "There's no way we could partic- ipate in this year's Pie Festival in Florida, without expressing sup- port for Senator Bullard and the state pie initiatives. This year's Festival message is simple: "Please Pass the Pie" "Please Pass the Pie", high- lights include an internet pod- cast, "Pie Day" at the Capitol, and mock ballot boxes for the public to vote in support of a state pie. While supplies last, the team will give away "Please Pass the Pie" promotional items at the Festival to raise awareness of the legislation. Linda Hoskins, Executive Director of the American Pie Council, invited dessert-lovers to join the Festival weekend, near Orlando, where some of the nation's best bakers will com- pete and share treats. "We'll have a great time. Guests can help themselves to the Festival's Never-Ending Pie Buffet. Schwan's Bakery, Inc., makers of Edwards, will host the annual Pie Eating contest. And, on a more serious note, we'll help spread the word that many Floridians want an official state pie. Hopefully, Florida will get that wish during this session." Florida's 2006 legislative session ends May 5th. The Georgia-based Edwards and the APC are non-partisan with respect to the state pie selection. The team recognizes that some consumers, for exam- ple, have expressed a preference for other varieties, particularly pecan. Nevertheless, Pritchett says it's the designation that matters because Edwards is known for its best-selling Key Lime, Georgia Pecan and Lemon Meringue pies. "Which pie becomes the state pie is for local pie-lovers to determine. But the act itself is historic," she explained. "Our hope is to see state pie legislation passed in Florida and in capitols across America." The Edwards Baking Compa- ny was founded in 1950 by namesake Tom Edwards as a small retail bakeshop in Atlanta, Georgia. Now based in Suwanee, Georgia, Edwards desserts are found in grocer's freezers nation- wide. Edwards recently announced the start of its popu- lar "Invent Your Own Indul- gence" recipe contest. Schwan's Bakery, Inc. is a division of The Schwan Food Company, a world- leading manufacturer, marketer, and distributor of frozen foods. For more information on the Great American Pie Festival con- tact the APC at www.piecoun- cil.org. For information on the state pie legislation log on to www.myfloridahouse.gov. And don't forget to say Please Pass the Pie. For Edwards, visit www.edwardsbaking.com, New Web site has energy savings tips TALLAHASSEE Saving money on utility bills is as easy as a trip to the Internet. The Florida Public Service Commission has unveiled the PSC Conservation House Web page, an interactive tool for helping to educate consumers about ways to reduce monthly utility charges. Recent utility bill increases, caused by the escalating cost of fossil fuels used to produce elec- tricity, have customers seeking ways to conserve energy and save on their natural gas and electric bills. The Conservation House, is accessible through the Commis- sion's website. Visitors to the Conservation House website can pick up money saving tips such as improving insulation, using com- pact fluorescent light bulbs, and installing a programmable ther- mostat. "It has never been more important for Florida utility cus- tomers to take control of their energy use," Chairman Lisa Polak Edgar said. "The Conservation House gives customers informa- tion they can use to make the most of every dollar they spend on utility service." For additional information on the PSC Conservation House, contact Bev DeMello or Dick Durbin at 850/413-6480 or go to: http://psc.state.fl.us/consumers/ house/. Mumps: are your family's vaccinations up to date? TALLAHASSEE Florida Department of Health (DOH) advises all Floridians to be sure family vaccinations are up to date for the measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine in light of the recent mumps outbreak in the Midwest. "We encourage everyone to know the status of their vacci- nations in order to ensure safe- ty and resistance against many diseases, including mumps," said DOH Secretary M. Rony Frangois, M.D., M.S.P.H., Ph.D. "Proper routine vaccinations help protect individuals and raise their levels of immunity. While vaccines are not 100 per- cent effective, they do offer the highest form of protection against harmful infections and diseases." Mumps is a contagious dis- ease spread by mucus or droplets from the nose or throat of an infected person, usually when such a person coughs or sneezes. Transmission can also occur if an infected individual touches an object with unclean hands and someone else touch- es the same surface and then rubs their eyes, mouth or nose. Transmission of this type rein- forces the importance of healthy habits, including proper hand washing, keeping fingers away from one's eyes, nose or mouth, and sneezing and coughing into a tissue or one's sleeve. Anyone who experiences the following symptoms: fever, headache, muscle aches, tired- ness and loss of appetite fol- lowed by the onset of parotitis swollen and tender salivary glands under the ears, on one or both sides), should immedi- ately contact their primary health care physician by phone and explain their symptoms in order to receive proper instruc- tions. Those individuals should also avoid contact with others until the cause of their symp- toms is certain. For additional information, visit DOH's Web site at www.doh.state.fl.us, click on the diseases and conditions tab on the left-hand side and select mumps from the list. To check on a vaccination status, contact your primary health care physi- cian or your local CHD. (i S0 0 Y ' I -I . I Public Notic~k~k E ri! Thursday. ADril 27. 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee OVER 200 CARS, TRUCKS, S and SUV STARTING AT $2995 NO PAYMENTS UNTIL 1W 280 ALL ES & MODELS A AILABLE! PURCHASE A PRE-OWNED VEHICLE UP TO 60% OFF ITS ORIGINAL PRICE!! NEGOTIATING CREDIT PROBLEMS? NO PROBLEM! WILL BE IF WE CAN'T GET YOU FINANCED, NECESSARY! WE'LL GIVE YOU A CAR!! *With approved credit. Down payments may vary; vehicle payment totaled with your current monthly payments must not exceed 50% of your gross income. Must be at least 18 years of age. Any equity deficit in your current vehicle must be paid or refinanced with new vehicle. Bankruptcies must be discharged. **While supplies last 100% approval equity loan. (3) With approved credit. Vehicles subject to prior sale. No purchase or submission to sales presentation necessary. Purchase does not increase chance of winning. Void where prohibited. See complete rules available at Glades Ford, Lincoln, Mercury. Contest begins 4/26/06 and ends 4/30/06. Open to legal U.S. residents, age 18 or older with a valid driver's license who received an original mail piece via U.S. Mail. Employees of Glades Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, mail house, AHNO, associated sponsors or agencies, and their family members and members of same household are ineligible. Addressee must redeem original mail piece in person by close of business on 4/30/06. Original number on mail piece must match a randomly selected winning number to win corresponding prize. Winning numbers) will be displayed during normal business hours between contest dates at participating locations. Winning numbers) may not be released over the phone. Available prizes, approximate retail value and odds of winning: $5,000 cash (1:50,000 mailers); 42" Plasma TV (A.R.V. $2,000) (1:50,000 mailers); $1,000 Internet shopping spree (49,996:50,000 mailers); Wave Runner (A.R.V. $2,000) (1:50,000 mailers); $250 cash (1:50,000 mailers);. Maximum of one prize award available per prize level. In the event of print/mechanical errors or duplicate winning numbers distributed in error, the number match contest is void and no prizes will be awarded. In event an error voids contest, promotion will be re-mailed at a future date. All validly claimed prizes will be awarded. Any unclaimed prizes will not be awarded. Sponsor not responsible for late, lost, misdirected or damaged mail. Contest sponsor: Glades Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, 525 NW. Ave. L, Belle Glade, FL. 'l I Irli7 'I II II Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, April 27, 2006 ....... ji i a 1P~.~~'~~*rll"lll$B~ k 10~~All I i'i ':"'.*: j-f ;-' ?K kL I 191' I I I CHEVROLET & AN AMERICAN REVOLUTION BRAND NEW CHEVROLET 2006 TRAILBLAZER * Automatic Trans. * 275 HP Engine 4200 Vortec 16 Engine * ONSTAR BUY FOR: * Cruise Control Aluminum Wheels * Power Windows Air Conditioning * Power Door Locks AM/FM/CD And More * 4 Wheel ABS Brakes Stk#62122624 IS3CV -4 OVER 165 TRAILBLAZERS IN STOCK! BRAND NEW 2006 CHEVROLET COBALT AIR CONDITIONING, 2.2L, AM/FM/CD AND MUCH MORE, STK#6F611873 SE3LJ ir 1-[o] *9998 '4072 IB8 HnRALTS AT SIMILAR SAVINGS BRAND NEW 2006 CHEVROLET A TAHOE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, POWER WINDOWS, POWER DOOR LOCKS. CRUISE CONTROL, v8 ENGINE. STK#6R133309 e -F s25498 1Q0 L 2 278 TAKOES AT SIMILAR SRINGS BRAND NEW 2006 CHEVROLET SILVERADO _EXT. CAB VORTEC 4300 V6 ENGINE, AUTO, CLIMATE CONTROL';AM/FM STEREO, SUSPENSION PKG, SPARE TIRE LOCK, STK#6Z112172 S15 98 5992 l 112 LVERADOS AT SIMILAR SAVINGS BRAND NEW 2006 CHEVROLET MALIBU LS PACKAGE, 2.2 ENGINE, AUTOMATIC TRANS., AM/FM STEREO CD, POWER WINDOWS & DOOR LOCKS. STK#6F193387 $13,9988 2452I 120 MALIBUS AT SIMILAR SAVINGS '98 CHEVROLET S-10 PICKUP 4 CYL, AUTO, A/C, STK#WK231208 .............................$3993 '02 CHEVROLET MALIBU 4 DR, AUTO, A/C, STK#2M552312.................... ........... 5951 '97 CHEVROLET SILVERADO XCAB STEPSIDE, 2-TONE, TONNEAU COVER, LEATHER, CLEAN, STK#V1207302 8661 '00 CHEVROLET IMPALA LS LEATHER, ALLOYS, ALL POWER, 82K MILES, STK#Y9246546........... $8891 '02 CHEVROLET TRACKER LT 4 DR, AUTO, LOADED, 36K MILES, STK#26948726 ................. 10,991 '06 CHEVROLET UPLANDER LS REAR A/C, ALL POWER, GM CERTIFIED, 13K MILES, STK#6D119258.... $18,891 '05 CHEVROLET EQUINOX LT ALL POWER, 17" WHEELS, 29K MILES, STK#56014328..... .........18,981 '03 CHEVROLET TAHOE LS - 3RD ROW, REAR A/C, ALL POWER, 64K MILES, STK#3R205275....... 118,981 '01 CHEVROLET CORVETTE COUPE AUTO, HEADS UP DISPLAY, RED, 80K MILES, STK#15107620 .........19,981 '03 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN LS 3RD SEAT, REAR A/C, GM CERTIFIED, 33KM MILES, STK#3G308639... '19,981 I .6. -o n I I LA oi I )I'c ,&. Maroone Chevrolet 5757 Lake Worth Road Between Military Trail and Jog Road Greenacres 1-866-308-3324 STORE HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-9PM SAT 9AM-7PM SUN 11AM-6PM SERVICE HOURS: MON-FRI 7AM-7PM SAT 8AM-5PM SUN CLOSED FOREST HILL BLVD. R m SLAKE WORTH RD. LANTANA RD. N Cu -- LU All leases; 36 months (48 months Silverado Reg Cab & Ext. Cab) $1995 down, plus tax, tag & title fees, no security deposit. With-750 Beacon score. *Money back guarantee based on 3 days/150 miles whichever comes first. Some restrictions may apply. See dealers for details. With approved credit. All prices include rebate in lieu of factory finance rate. You must present this ad at time of purchase or lease to receive these special prices. Advertised prices not applicable to exporters. Offers good on date of publication only. Not responsible for typographical errors. Pictures are for illustration purposes only. 1996-2006 AutoNation Inc. 1 3 ; I L Thursday, April 27, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee I - |