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GLADEF COUNTY nc~rsaS^F Moore Haven, Fla. Thursday, March 16, 2006 Volume 79, Number 39 At a Glance MAAP meeting scheduled The next MAAP meeting will take place March 17, from 10 a.m. until noon, at the Glades County.Public Library located in Moore Haven. This meeting is the third in a series of meeting concerning imple- menting quality health care services in Glades County. Community input is essential in helping to establish realistic goals of improving health care within the county. Annual barbeque The Glades County Histori- cal Society will have their annual barbeque dinner March 18, from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m., at the historic Pieter Westergard House located at 270 Avenue L, in Moore Haven. The menu will consist of meals that include home cooked thick barbequed country ribs or chicken, pota- to salad, slaw, breads, desserts, and a drink for only $7. There will be extra baked goods to purchase as well. Shelter operation A Shelter Operations Train- ing schedule has been set for April 29, from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. The training will be given by ARC and is intended for those who have worked or would like to work in a shelter. The training is available tor anyone who wants it. If anyone is inter- ested, or would like additional information, they can contact Erica, at (863) 9-46-6020. Hurricane Wilma Disaster Relief Possible Help is still avail- able from our local Communi- ty Rebuilding Ecumenical Workforce (CREW.). But you must register again' Call CREW at (863) 983-4,316 or e-mail to: CREWheadquarters@aol.com . If you have registered and do not hear from us by the end of March, please let us know. CREW offices are at 352 W. Arcade in Clewiston, and at 300 Avenue L in Moore Haven (inside the Methodist Church). Youth Pageant The Washington Park Pageant Committee is getting ready for their 2006 %youth pag- eant, anyone who is interested in participating in the youth pageant this year please pick up your application form from Pat Brown (863) 946-0694 or Sharon Smith (863) 946-2806. Black Gold Jubilee contest The Black Gold Jubilee photography contest will take place April 8. For more infor- mation or details on rules, entry guidelines and categories please call Karen Corbin (561) 996-6851 or Sara Phillips (561) 996-2745. Deadline for entry is March 24 at 5 p.m. Lake Level 15.03 feet above sea level Index Classifieds . .18-21 Obituaries . . .2 Opinion . . .4 School ............ 7 See Page 2 for information about how to contact the newspaper. newszap.com Community Links. Individual Voices. 1I ll1 Illlllll 8 16510 00022 1 MHHS band to take stage By Mark Young Moore Haven's band program, .Band Director Robert Rawlings MOORE HAVEN The Wash- has brought the Moore Haven ington Post calls Dallas Brass a program out of the dust and into "first-rate ensemble." They have the spotlight. It wasn't that long taken up position atop some of ago that the Terrier Band was b the biggest stages in the country, something of an afterthought, f including appearing with the New although deeply loved by Glades I York pops; have shared the stage County citizens. with the late Bob Hope; and have But in a short time, the pro- i performed for presidents from gram has seen massive growth, as g Gerald Ford to George H.W Bush. students began to join the pro- I And now they are coming.to0 gram in droves, sending this once Moore Haven, but that's not the afterthought into a 40-plus mem- t good news. ber, marching, performing, musi- This premier brass band will cal machine. J, take the stage at the Glades Coun- "This program has morphed Z ty Auditorium for a one-night only into an amazing group of young I show, but will be accompanied by musicians," said self proclaimed I the Terrier Marching Band, from "band mom" Kim Hill alter I Moore Haven Jr. Sr. High School, announcing that the Moore Haven i March31. band came awa\ from the March Since taking over the helm of i-4 District 13 competition with the . Chalo Nitka: Celebration for all ages highest ratings that the school has received in 25 years. "I was amazed, they were fantastic," she said. Mrs. Hill has given full credit to Mr. Rawlings, who she said has proved to be, "an inspiration to the students." "He's fantastic and has put a lot of time and effort into the pro- gram," she said. "He inspires these kids to read and love music and they have. just blossomed tinder his guidance." For the first time in many years, the Terrier Band is now heavily active in Moore Halen's athletic programs .and has transformed Irom a few instruments in the bleachers into a full scale march- ing program that is, from many See Band -Page 10 Submitted to INI Members of the Moore Haven Jr./Sr. High School Terrier Band have taken some premier stages lately, but the stage they will soon take with the ensemble of Dallas Brass will surely be an opportunity of a lifetime. Main Street membership MOORE HAVEN Member- ships for Main Street Moore Haven, Inc. are coming in, fol- lowing a mass mailing campaign sponsored by the Glades County Economic Development Coun- cil. EDC members were in the vanguard of the Main Street membership effort, continuing to show their support for the ini- tiative aimed at revitalizing Moore Hamen's historic commer- cial district and the area along the riverfront and beyond. Submitted to INI Nothing quite like girl talk between friends, or at least that it appears from this young parade goer who opted for a little phone time over watching the festivities. This year's Chalo Nitka Queen and her royal court are all smiles and waves during this year's Chalo Nitka parade. Glades County Sheriff Stuart Whiddon shows off a little of law enforcement history in this old sheriff's car. New Main Street. Moore Haven members include, at press time, Sunburst Tours, Moore Haven Yacht Club, Ruben Arilles, Rawls Real Estate, North- lake Marine, Inc. and Jim Schnei- der. , "Because Main Sheet Mooie Haven will be a 501 c 3, member- ships and donations to the pro- giam will be tlax deductible," Ms. Whirls said "We're counting on Moore Haven and Glades County See Members Page 10 Friedman wins county contest MOORE HAVEN The competition for ideas for a Glades County'logo has come to a close and a winner has been named. She is Artist Anne Friedman who received the $250 award. A wide variety of ideas were entered mostly by students. Anyone of any age living in the county could have entered one or even multiple ideas or designs. The only stipulation to have entered the competition was that the contestant be a resident of Glades County. Those enter- ing the contest could be a novice, amateur, or profession- al. Anne Friedman's winning logo drawing is in full color and will be used on all printed mate- rials throughout the county including billboards, brochures, stationery, business cards, etc. Anne has %won many awards throughout the region. Her Submitted to INI Anne Friedman, a local Glades County artist has won the Glades County logo competition. This Muse native will see her most recent work on all of Glades County's official markings. work is in- watercolor, colored pencils, pen and ink, oils, acrylics and photographic mon- tage. And she is also a pub- lished writer. Dr. and Mrs. Friedman live in Muse where she works from her home. Meet your county manager By Barbara Oehlbeck MOORE HAVEN Capsule resume: Highly dedicated Execu- tive Manager with a strong back- ground in county service and gov- ernment, including managing team performance, planning and developing operations, maintain- ing budgets in excess of $30, developing and maintaining pros- perous business relationships and solving problems in a timely and effective manner. In addition, Mr. Taylor holds a Bachelor of Science Degree, has had extensive military training and was inducted into.the Florida 4-H Hall of Fame, 2002. With his background and vast experience, why did Wendell H. Taylor come to Glades County? His answer is straightforward and to the point. "I came here because I was invited to come as an interim county manager. I received a call from the Glades County Clerk of Court, Joe Flint, who had been asked to make the call by the Board of County Commissioners. They were looking for an interim manager. This was in July 2005. I1 actually received a call as early as June. And I said,' Before I come...have you seen my resume?' The answer was no. And I replied, 'You may not even want me'. Nevertheless, I faxed a copy of my resume. Then I said, 'After you've read the resume and your people look at it a little bit, you call me back if you still want me and we'll talk about this.' "About an hour and a half later I received another call which in essence said I got your resume, I've read it and a couple of the other commissioners have read it and we definitely want to talk to you. We need some help, an inter- im manager so when can you come down? We talked back and forth, as to when was I available and more importantly when would the'board be available. Well, we met with the first sched- uled meeting of the board in July, the 12th I believe. That morning I went in as part of their regular meeting and I was asked to speak. They seemed to be immediately inclined to listen for more. And then it didn't take them very long to decide that they wanted to hire me as an interim asking when could I start to work. This was on a Tuesday morning. I told them I See Manager Page 1 Submitted to INI Glades County Manager Wendell H. Taylor came on board just eight months ago and has played a vital role in helping the county overcome some major obstacles. 500 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, March 16, 2006 Obituaries Engagement Marta Baez Marta Baez was born in Artemisa, Cuba Feb. 24, 1931 and married Israel Baez, Sr. March 27, 1951. In October of 1963, the bold couple made a very risky decision to escape out of communist Cuba with her two sons, Israel Jr. and Juan, as well as her brother, Joaquin Alvarez and other family mem- bers and friends. They arrived safely in Texas where they resided for four months before moving to Belle Glade in 1964. During the 42 years she lived in Belle Glade, she was not just a great mother and a great wife, but she was also an ambassador for Belle Glade, telling friends and family members how much she loved this town. Marta acquired two daugh- ters when Israel and Cindy (Hen- ley) were married in 1975 and when Juan and Ana (Gomez) were married in 1979. In 1981, she became a grandmother with the birth of Israel III (Boo) and Carla Ceellia. Her third grand- child, Jay, was born in 1984 and in 1985, she enjoyed the arrival of her fourth grandchild, Pre- ston. Through the years, Marta enjoyed watching her grandchil- dren become young adults. On Feb. 25, 2006, after fighting res- piratory problems for several years, Marta embarked on another adventure in life, leaving her family, friends, and Belle Glade and moved to be with the Lord where she is resting and not suffering. She will be missed. Arrangements by Glades Funeral Chapel Belle Glade. Catherine Boe Catherine Boe, age 99, of East Main Street in Pahokee, died Monday, March 6 in the Chatuge Regional Hospital in Hiawassee, GA, following a brief illness. Funeral services took place Sat- urday, March 11 at 2 p.m., in the Canal Point Baptist Church, in Canal Point. The Rev. Doug Nicholson officiated with burial services following at the Port Mayaca Cemetery. Pallbearers were Erik Boe, Scott Hundley, Sylvester Corona, Normal Cole, Michael Cole, and Francisco Marfil. Mrs. Boe was a native of Charleston, South Carolina, but had lived in Pahokee since 1921. She was the daughter of the late William Francis Buchanan and the late Pamela Holmes Webb Buchanan and the wife of the late Olaf Boe. She was the owner/operator of Boe's Electrical Appliances in Pahokee and Belle Glade for over 50 years. Mrs. Boe was a member of the First Baptist Church of Pahokee and graduat- ed from Canal Point High School. She loved and grew orchids. Survivors include her daugh- ter, Pamela Boe Hundley, of Young Harris, GA; son, F.E. Boe of Pahokee; four grandchildren, Christa Munson, Eric Boe, both of Florida, Marie Hundley, of Young Harris, GA, and Scott Hundley, of Gwinette County, GA; and four great-grandchil- dren. May and Smith Funeral Directors. of Sandersville, GA, and Glades Funeral Chapel of Belle Glade, were in charge of all arrangements. The family suggests dona- .tions be made to the Regency Hosptial of N.E..Georgia, P.O. Box 494, Hiawassee, Georgia 30546, or the donor's charity of choice. Ervin Albert Kelting, Sr. Ervin Albert Kelting, Sr., age 69, of Clewiston, passed away March 5, 2006 in Cape Coral. He was born Dec. 31, 1936, in Indio, CA to the late Elwyn Wesley and the late Nellie Mae (Von Rader) Kelting. The family moved to Clewiston in 1949. Mr. Kelting married Lanora Faye Wiggins of Clewiston. He served in the National Guard- and Army Reserves. He retired in 1999, as a General Contractor for Clewis- ton Builders. Survivors include his wife Lanora Faye (Wiggins) Kelting; one daughter, Charlotte Drake (Henry) of Liberty, KY; and one son, Ervin Albert Kelting, Jr. (Kandis) of LaBelle. He was the brother of three sisters, Eleanor Jones of Lake Placid, Fla., Margaret Hogan, of Canada, Marilyn Boulifant of North Carolina; three brothers, Arvin Kelting, John Kelting, both of Ft. Pierce, and Richard Kelt- ing, of Stuart; granddaughter Kourtenay Kelting: grandson Timothy Ervin Kelting; and granddaughter Maliri Kelting, all of LaBelle. Funeral serviced took place Thursday, March 9, 2006, at 10 a.m., at Evangel Assembly of God, in Clewiston, with the Rev- erend Gary Corley and the Rev- erend Bernard Browne officiat- ing. Interment followed the services in Ridgelawn Cemetery, in Clewiston. Arrangements were handled by Akin-Davis Funeral Home Clewiston. Ferrell Coy Smith Ferrell Coy Smith, age 63, of Lehigh Acres, passed away March 4, 2006, in Fort Myers. He was born Feb. 17, 1943, in Auburndale, the son of the late John and Sarah Lee (Johnson) Smith. Survivors include one daughter, Lorrie (Jay) Lee Gur- ganious of Lehigh Acres; grand- son Joshua Gurganious; nieces Sarah Pompa, Wanda Winning; and nephew Sam Palmer. Arrangements were handled by Akin-Davis Funeral Home - Clewiston. Nellie G. Kirk Nellie G. Kirk, age 78 of Belle Glade, died Tuesday, March 7, 2006 at her home in Belle Glade. Mrs. Kirk was born in Montezu- ma, GA. inI1927. She worked in the agriculture business at a localpackinghouse. Survivors include sons, Bubba Watkins of Canal Point, John Kirk of Pahokee; daugh- ters, Caroline Hite of Okee- chobee, Kitty Broyles of LaBelle; brothers, Harry E. Moore of Macon, GA. Charlie F. Moore of Ft. White, FL; sisters, Tiny M. Whitaker, of Belle Glade, Mary Ann Mullins of Homestead, FL, Frances Womack of Midville, GA and several grandchildren and great grandchildren. Graveside services took place Friday, March 10, 2006 at Fort Myaca Cemetery with Jimmy Sims officiating. Arrangements by Glades Funeral Chapel in Belle Glade. Annis Ellen Carrick Ann passed away peacefully on March 3, 2006 in the pres- ence of her husband Glen after a lengthy illness. Ann was born April 15, 1930 to John and Estell Kennedy in, Arley, Alabama. She is survived by her loving and devoted hus- band of 52 years, 10 months and three days, Glen. She is also sur- vived by two sisters of Jasper, Alabama and four brothers of Arley, Jasper and Meek, Alaba- ma. She leaves to cherish her memory many nieces, nephews and cousins. The many friends and neighbors in Pahokee who loved her for her kindness, strong beliefs and her devotion to her husband Glen also mourn the loss of a true Angel. She will also be sorely missed by her beloved companion, their dog Pinto. Ann and Glen have made Pahokee their home since 1964 and invite all of you to join together in a Memorial Service to take place Saturday, March 18, at 11 a.m. at the Saint James A M E Church, 465 S. Lake Ave., Pahokee. In lieu of flowers it is requested that a donation to the Glades Health Care Patients Fund be made in her name. S.K. Butler S.K. Butler, 78, of Newville, AL, formerly of Belle Glade, passed away Thursday, March 2, 2006, at Dothan Memorial Hos- pital, Dothan, AL, after a linger- ing illness and pneumonia. He was born in Cape Charles, VA to the late Mildred and Lewis But- ler. He came to Belle Glade in 1942. He and his late wife, Earlene, were well known in the Glades area. Mr. Butler worked for Glades Roofing for many years until his retirement in 1994 and then moved to Alabama. He is survived by two sons, Keith and Kent Butler, Newville, AL; two daughters, Judy O's- teen, Wimauma, FL, Teresa Lowe, Abbeyville, AL; one grandson, Jonathan O'Steen; two granddaughters, Rachael O'Steen and Brenda Helms; one great-grandson, Hayden O'Steen and one great-granddaughter, Rayah O'Steen; two sisters, Pen- nie Bondad and Veronica Mob- ley, both of Belle Glade; and numerous nieces and nephews. .Serviced took place for Mr. Butler Saturday, March 4, 2006, at Hdlman Funeral Home, Head- land, AL. Interment was at Omega Holiness Church Ceme- tery, in Headland, AL. He was a member of this church. Sams Hatton The families of Miss Sharon Sams and Mr. Robert Carnahan Hatton, proudly announce their engagement to be married. A private ceremony will take place June 3, 2006, at the Casa de la Paz bed and breakfast, in St. Augustine, Fla. The bride-to-be is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Sams of Ocala. Sharon is the office manager at Citrus Hills Golf and Country Club, in Crystal River, Fla. The groom-to-be is the son of Mr. Roger Carnahan Hatton, of Pahokee, and Mrs. Jo Hatton of Crystal River. Robert is a gradu- ate of Eastern Kentucky Univer- sity and it currently the manager of Lake Rousseau RV and Fish- ing Resort, in Crystal River. Please join the Sams and Hat- ton families in wishing this spe- cial couple a wonderful new life together. MIONTUMENTS FAMILY OWNED SINCE 1969 MONUMENTS CUSTOM MADE ON PREMISES GRANITE BRONZE MARBLE -PLAQUES SE HABLA ESPANOL WWW.CITYMONUMENTINC.COM E-MAIL: CITYMON@BELLSOUTH.NET VISA "IN DORAL AREA" M/C city Monument co. 8483 N.w. 64 ST. PHONE 305-594-4628 MIAMI, FL. 33166 FAX 305-594-8944 SUNRISE APPLIANCE New In Box or Scratch & Dent Full Factory Warranty Save More In Moore Haven We Also Carry Used Appliances With Warranty Memorial Tribute Memoria Remember a loved one ho has departed with a special SMemorial Tribute in this newspaper. 'our tribute can be published following the memorial services, or to commemorate an anniversary ofyour loved one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph of your loved one, lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders -- and we'll make sure it all comes together attractively and tastefully. Vsit WWW2.newp.comemorials for sample ads and an online order form, or call 1-866-379-6397 toll free. Pro Steadman Scholarship Fund The Pro Steadman Scholar- ship Fund was started as a com- munity project in honor of Mrs. Pro Steadman. "Pro" was the mother of five 4-H'ers, a leader for 10 years, and was very active in all sectors of the 4-H program. She believed in the 4-H organization and seeing it reach its full potential for bringing fam- ilies together and keeping mem- bers interested in worthwhile projects. She was diagnosed with ALS (commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease) in May of 1988. Throughout her struggle with the disease, she maintained her interest and involvement in youth programs as much as she physically could. She died in Upgrade fishing license now The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's (FWC) ninth five-year freshwa- ter fishing promotion is under way. The first 3,000 people to upgrade to a five-year or lifetime freshwater fishing license will receive the the value-added pack- age. This package includes a soft- side tackle organizer from Shakespeare, Berkley Gulp Baits, a fishing towel, bait safer and hook sample. In addition, there are several new publica- tions included. All of the materi- als arrive via mail automatically without the license purchaser having to do anything extra. The activation date can be set for up to 60 days in the future, in case the current license is not expired. This promotion helps FWC increase revenue and stabilize ,fluctuations in license sales between years. The FWC also obtains approximately $7 in Fed- eral Aid in Sportfish Restoration funds for each of the five years the license is active. For more details, see http://www.myfwc.com/Fish- ing/5 yr-2006.html. To report a nuisance alligator call 866-FWC-GATOR (866-392- 4286). To report fish, wildlife or boating violations call 888-404- FWCC (888-404-3922). December of 1992, but still lives on in the hearts of the .many that she influenced. Mrs. Yvonne Swindle, current president of the Hendry County Fair Association, came up with the idea of starting an annual men's cake auction at the Coun- ty Fair to raise money for a 4-H Scholarship in honor of Pro. The idea involved many male "celebrities" from our local communities and required them to bake a cake to be auctioned at r "Landowners Ranchers a CabIfag Statewide 863-67 the Fair. The idea really took off and with the help of many gen- erous cake makers and bidders, as well as volunteers and fair directors, the auction now raises the money to provide two col- lege scholarships each year to worthy 4-H members. The male celebrity cake auc- tion will take place Thursday, March 23, at the Hendry. County Fairgrounds beginning at 7p.m. Please come out and give your Support. Pek~r ind: Faip BUY. Pe Pf1ms Mortgage Highway l t'i, /v/i ,,' .b a .!, /.. fi),,, '/., i{ rs l A .C r,^y 30 Year 1% Mortgage! 'RIO& $200,000 at 1% payments only $643.28 $500,000 at 1% payments only $1609.50 SBreakfast, I SLunchor A Dinner ! s. MDist Preisern Co'por, 1030 West Sugarland Hwy.- SNoI alhd u' arn u. oher Cle iston, Florida a Lo f pv ci : 863-983-3663 .i E k -- , $300,000 at 1% payments only $964.92 > I 11111L l i I.1111 I 1. 11 111,11. 1.1 1111111 1111 111111 1 1 I I 1-888-HIGHWAY W W W.MORTGAGEHIGHWAY.NET Thursday, March 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, March 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Submitted 10to INI Pet of the Week winner Say hello to this week's Pet of the Week winner, an 11- week-old boxer/black lab mix by the name of Daisy. Little (for now) Daisy emerged from a litter of 10 siblings and was the only one not chosen for a home until Robert and Sharon Wiley of Clewiston laid their eyes on this little cutie and gladly made Daisy a part of their family. Sharon says Daisy loves to cuddle and falls into a safe, deep sleep when she is with mom and dad. Sharon lovingly calls Daisy a "very loving addition to our family." Well Daisy, next time you crawl up on mommy or daddy's lap. you are going to be smelling grand and feeling spry after winning a day at Doc Savvy's Animal Hospital's pet spa where young Daisy will receive a day of pampering, bathing, and primping courtesy of Doctor Noelle Saved- off of Doc Savvy's Animal Hospital in Belle Glade. Doc Savvy can be reached at (561) 996-5500. Water managers welcome two governing board members Michael Collins and Miya Burt-Stewart take oath of office Two South Florida Water,. Management District Governing B6foard iffembers ore reap. pointed and one new were sworn :in at the agency's March. 8, monthly meeting in West Palm Beach. Appointed by Gov- ernor Jeb Bush to four-year terms, the two members are: Michael Collins, a self- employed fishing guide residing in Islamorada. He was initially appointed to the Board in March 1999 and subsequently reap- pointed in 2002, making this his third consecutive appointment to the nine-member, regional board. He served as Chair from 1999-2001. He is an at-large member for an area that includes St. Lucie, Martin, Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties. 'In addition to his seven years: on the District Governing Board, Collins has been active in local, state and federal .atlie resource issues for many years and partic- ipartes :n rtriInum' ru inlt agenri committees. He continues to chair the Water Resources Advi soi: C orrimissiior i- aid is body to the Governing Board which provides an expanded forum for public participation in the resource management deci- sion-making process. Miya Burt-Stewart, a public relations and business develop- ment consultant residing in Hol- lywood. She has been instru- mental in helping to frame both .corporate and public policies within Broward County as well as lending her professional expertise to outside entities. She succeeds Pamela Brooks- Thomas as the Broward County representative on the Governing Board. Gifted Alzheimer's Seizures Brain Injury We also need healthy people ages 16+, all races Non-invasive testing No medication Get paid while you learn Local office-no travel Call Dr. Bruce Borkosky, Psy.D. Licensed Psychologist 800-514-0832 The disability specialist since 1929 Royals FURNITURE A PPLIANCES & BEDDING "Dmpefla Sienna" -m . ("Dra Enhance Your Living Environment! Durapella Sienna is the perfect fusion of comfort and style. Loveseat also available only $399.95 Belle Glade 561-996-7646 ene Clewiston -M-41a21 & Ag lmmm r InmlnOkalee 239-657-6138 okeeclbonee ^Sadqhdpw8 2 I Submite to It NI Writing the wilds The Clewiston Library is sponsoring an "Author Talk" .on Monday, March 20. The featured author is Mark Renz, a Fort Myers native who has written several books related to Florida's past. He is the author of "Fossiling In Flori- da", "Megalodon: Hunting the Hunter", "Doug's Ark: Thinking Outside the Pile", and "Giants in the Storm". He and his wife Marissa operate Expeditions.com. a SW Florida fossil guide service. "Florida Through Native Eyes" is his latest work. It is a collection of landscape and wildlife photographs from panthers to birds to swamps and oak hammocks. Mark will have copies of his book to sell and autograph at the library. Admission is free and refreshments will be served. Milk helps kids grow strong and stay healthy Want another reason to encour- age your children to drink their milk? Drinking milk can help com- bat childhood obesity. The new' USDA dietary guide-. lines recommend three services of low-fat or fat-free dairy foods each day. A glass of low fat milk at each meal can help your child be healthlier Milk contains calcium- neces- saq' for building strong bones and teeth. It also contains protein. Studies have sho'\ that kids who drink three, eight ounce glass- es of milk a day may be less at risk for health problems such as obesity and Thpe 2 diabetes. Thetheory is that the protein and fat in the milk help stabilize the blood sugar. \\'hat idnd of milk should you serve? Ask your child's pediatrician. Which type of milk is right foryour child depends on his or her nutri- tional needs. When my son was very young, the doctor advised me to give him whole milk because he needed the calories. Now he's 7- years-old, the doctor suggested he drink low-fat milk. At my house, "chocolate" milk means Ovaltine. I like the idea of adding vitamins instead of just adding chocolate fla- voring. Juice is also "healthy" choice, but juice contains a lot of natural sugar. There's a reason "juice" glasses are small. One four ounce glass of juice a day should be the Healthier Life / with Katrina Elsken limit. Children who drink too much juice have a greater risk of becom- ing overweight. Children who drink more than one glass of juice a day rnay tbe consuming more calo- ries than their parentsiL realize 'The kids may also fill up on juice and not eat other health\ foods. Nutrifionists advise that sugared 'drinks, such as colas, should be limited. These beverages are high in calories and contain no vitamins, minerals or protein. They are "empty" calories. Instead of sodas, encourage children to drink water between meals. Before making any change in your diet or exercise plan, consult your doctor. This is especially important if you are on any pre- scription medications. Some drugs interact badly with foods that would otherwise be considered, healthy. BeautyModel Search a IS B America's Cover Miss " .. & Cover Boy, USA .. a-,"s --.,J .Coe Miss Age Divisions Girls: Birth-llmo, 12-23mo, 2-3yr, 4-6yr, 7-9yr 10-2yr, 13-15yr, 16-25 yr. Boys: blrfh-23mo & 2.-3yr. Don't Miss Out! Call today to qualify to win a $10,000.00 bond! , Q j to W .. THIS COULD BE IO,'. Iualiy to wina $10,000.00 Bond Entry forms available at Kids Korner Choose the location nearest you April 10 Okeechobee Civic Center 1750 Hwy 98 North 6 p.m. For information or a brochure callor visit our websiteat: www.floridacovermisscom or Email: covermiss@aol.com (850) 476-3270 or (850) 206-4569 LADES Electric Cooperative, Inc. 4 "Neighbors Working for Neighbors " A lucson, ergy' Cooperative _.___ Annual Meeting and Report to the Members March 25, 2006 Osceola Middle School, WolffRoad Okeechobee, Florida Door prizes for each Registered Member Space walk and videos for the children Drawing for over 40 prizes including: Color TV, DVD Player, Digital Camera, Gift Cards and the towi!r - Taking reservations now for a number of new developments around the Lake Okeechobee area. Call today to reserve your new home. Homes brought to you by Lake 0 Modulars visit us at vww LakeOModulars com r.! -,^-,ly tia'ntln' r,, '," i r.'l ir.j, l VI r iirtrl.i P '."" i'-'.' BELLE GLADE HOUSING AUTHORITY is now accepting applications for housing in Osceola & Okeechobee Centers. Efficiency apartments to 4 bedroom houses. Housing is for active, retired or disabled farm workers. SIZE OF UNITS EFFICIENCY APT. 1 BR APT. 2 BR SM APT. 2 BR LG APT. 3 BR HOUSE 4 BR HOUSE COSTS OF UNITS $42.00/WK $56.00/WK $63.00/WK $67.00/WK $77.00/WK $83.00/WK EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY The OL' OXBOW Lounge is OPEN Wednesday through Saturday 5 p.m. 11 p.m. HAPPY HOUR 5 p.m. 7 p.m. Vacancies starting at $78 1 Oxbow Drive LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-4411 Fax: 863-675-4892 eaMfi^1f Exbote-w n Dr'iveiwtaassw~!S Clinical Trials You may be paid $200 in 1 day If you might have any of these conditions, we NEED YOUR HELP for research: Mental retardation Miss Hendry County Pageant entries, Pages 16,17 Specializing In Custom Manufacturing D & J Machinery, Inc. Hubzone Cert. 728 E. Trinidad Ave. Clewiston, FL 33440 863-983-3171 CONSTRUCTION CORP. SERGIO RUBIO 445 E. SUGARLAND HWY. CLEWISTON, FL 33440 PHONE: 863-228-1174 Ignited Youth Ministry. Every Wednesday 7:15 pm 370 Holiday Isle Blvd pasios 863.983.3181 Chuck & Karen Pelham www.newharvest.net Serving the communibes south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, March 16, 2006 Thursday, March 16, 2006 4 OPINION Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the MooreHaven/Glades issues forum at http//www.newszapfo- rums.con/forum57. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits. The Devil made me do it; yeah right By Pastor John Hicks First United Methodist Church I read about a man who was suing a hospital. A doctor had per- formed staple surgery on his stom- ach to help him lose weight. A cou- ple of days after his operation, he raided the hospital refrigerator and stuffed himself with everything he could find.. This tore open the sta- ples and forced another surgery. He was suing the hospital for having a refrigerator near his room. He claimed the temptation was too great and that his complications were not his, but the hospital's fault! Since the Garden of Eden, humans have made it a regular practice to pass the buck. Do you remember Adam and Eve? God asks what's going on, Adam responds by admitting that he ate the forbidden fruit, but it wasn't his fault. "The woman You gave me, she made me eat that fruit." Is Eve responsible? Not according to her! Eve's response is, "The serpent deceived me, and I ate." "It's his fault. It's her fault. It's their fault." "It's not my fault. The devil made me do it." Since the beginning of time our first instincts have been to blame others for our own failures. Instead of accepting responsibility, we claim we are vic- tims. There is truth .in the statement that each of us is either a part of the problem or a part of the solution to everything we confront. We can choose to blame all of our prob- lems on someone else and become a part of these problems, or we. can take responsibility for our lives and seek to fulfill the pur- pose for which God created us and become part of the solution. Having problems with a rela- tionship? It will go much better if we accept responsibility for our part of the relationship, admit our mistakes and do what we can to make it better. If things are not going ;well at work, why not try changing the things we can and* focus on doing the best job we can? Chances are that even if things at work don't get better, our out- look will. If we are not satisfied with what is happening in our church, rather than just complaining, we can do our part to make things bet- ter- by taking an active part in the ministry and making sure we say only things which will go to strengthen our life together as a congregation. When we become part of the solution, God becomes much more visible in our life and in our hearts. We are now in the season of Lent, that period of the church year that calls us to a time of self-exami- nation as we approach Easter. God invites each of us to daily take stock of our lives and right our wrongs - not only to Him, but also to those we have hurt or have disagree- ments with. The challenge is to seek to find ways we can become a part of the solution to as many of the human problems we encounter directly or indirectly as we can. The devil may have made us do it, but thank God we have a way out of it. When we look in a mirror, we see the person w\ho holds the solutions to the most of the prob- lems we face in life not as one lone superman or superwoman, but as God's child with His Spirit in us; who can love, forgive, care, show mercy, and share joy! Recognizing Family Pioneer Farms Pet Corner Q: Dear Doc Savvy. Hello, my name is Jeanette Relloux. I have a very recent change in employ- ment, which takes me away on a very regular basis. I am a per- sonal assistant to a CEO, who travels nearly every weekend. In accepting this new position, I negotiated an understanding that my two Yorkies Bongo and Congo get to go where I go. They- come to work with me everyday, and now that is going to mean planes, and hotels pret- ty much every weekend. What do I need to prepare for them with travel? I'll guess I will have to pack for them too? Should I sedate them? Do they need spe-. cial travel documents? All this travel will be with private and corporate jets. I will be able to have them in carriers with me on the plane at all times. Thank you! I know you bring your dogs to work with you, and maybe a bit of traveling too? I'thought you would have some good advice for me. Jeanette. A: Hello Jeanette, sounds like you have a wonderful exciting new position congrats! Okay, let's take your questions step by step. Yes, you will, have to pack them a suitcase! Doc Savvy Bring toys, blankets, food dishes, food, and treats, which will keep them right at home. It is important to be consistent with the type of food they eat. This.will avoid diarrhea, which is associated with a change of diet. Consistency will help them to get used to the travel lifestyle too: Look how great Ihis is, they have you 24/7, they have each other, and they will have all the stuff they are used to having at home. I think they will acclimate right away. Oh and make sure you have any medications, heartworm prevention, flea medications, bathing and grooming products too. Choose an airline-approved kennel for them to travel in. Make sure it is cozy for them too. Write clearly with a permanent marker: -Your name, their names, address, and phone numbers. This way you will be properly identifying their ken- nels. Now, the plane part. Seda- tives may be a good thing at, first. This will help them be okay with the sights and sounds of being on a plane. Talk to your veteri- narian about Acepromazine. This will be a good choice of sedative to give Bongo and Congo about one hour before you board the plane. This way when the pill wears off, they will be okay with being on a plane. I would try this for the first 2-3 times getting them on a plane, then see how they do without it. In no time you will see they will' be real pros! Travel documents or, health certificates is mandatory for air travel with a pet. All commercial and private airlines require this, especially for international trav- el. It is a document, which is filled out and signed by a feder- ally accredited veterinarian. Not all veterinarians are accredited. It is a test or series of tests, which vets have to pass in order to write health certificates. My health certificates are standard forms from the USDA, and are -good for 30 days domestic trav- el. Sounds like you will have to get a new one about every 3-4 weeks. As long as Bongo and Congo are current on their vaccina- tions, are tested negative for internal and external parasites, are on heartworm and flea pre- vention, have a current rabies tag, and are free of any obvious disease, they can get health cer- tificates. Oh yes and very impor- tant -too Jeanette, get them microchips for :identification. This will help identify them in case they are lost. Make sure too they have their leashes and col- lars with their tags on! Keep in mind that you may .travel to a cooler destination at times, so they mayneed a new wardrobe and accessories! That's the fun part! Okay Jeanette! I hope that helps. Good luck, and bon voy- age to you, Bongo and Congo! Take care, Doc Savvy. E-mail your pet questions .to DocSawvy@aol.com and check out your answers weekly in The Pet Corner. You can live as a victim or the victor By The Reverend Samuel S. Thomas, Ph. D.+ Saint Martin's Church, Clewiston I remember my father asking me when I was growing up and wanted something, "How are you going to , pay for it?" He asked it about a radio trans- mitter when ,l had my first amateur radio '" license at age 13, about wanting a car, about wanting Samuel S. to go to Thomas school. He taught me to plan ahead, to think about what was going to be the implication of my actions today and how it would affect tomorrow. Of course there were always unexpected expenses or setbacks, but they might be con- sidered .along the way. When I ran out of money and scholar- ships, I went to work and saved money until I had enough to return to school. When I had an unexpected car accident, I pur- chased another car and added savings to offset the difference in price between my old one and new one. I like to plan ahead, consider any contingencies that come up and take them into account as best as I can. Jesus was talking to a crowd and says, "Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and esti- mate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it? (Luke 14:28)." He also speaks of a king who is about to go to war against another king (v.31ff) and asks if he won't first sit down and con- sider whether he is able to win - otherwise send a delegation while the other is a long way off and ask for terms of peace. -There is planning involved and there are contingencies to be adding in, the down payment, considered. Jesus. speaks' of looking at the depreciation on his these things in relation to being a old car over the next two years disciple -you have to count the and when we got done, he was cost and knowv that there will be shocked. a cost, then be willing to pay the The new car was going to cost cost. I have heard that the aver- him about $10,000.. Because age American is $10,000 in debt things are not paid for on the and when I served on a board of spot, many people simply don't directors for a homeless shelter, I think of what something really is learned that the average Ameri- going to mean for the years to can is two and one half pay- come. I believe in planning; in checks away from being home- y givig, in my purchases in . less. my giving, in my purchases, in less. ...my ordering : my actions to I sat down with a young man y gncl de r yill: ne t w include what it will meanrinthe who was doing his community weeks, months or years ahead service at my church and reflect- eeimonths or years Ahead. ed when he told me about a deal There is a cost to everything he was offered on another car. not planning brings a higher He told me about the monthly.. cost than many ever consider or payments, the trade-in on his old even refuse to look at. The disci- car, the down payment and what pie counts the cost and then goes the new car would have. I asked ahead knowing he can obtain him a question, "Will your cur- the spiritual victory that it brings. rent car last you another two The good steward counts the years?" He said, "Yes" and we sat cost too not only in his mat- down together, figuring out the ters of faith but in his daily life as -sum of-the monthly payments, well. : Florida," Mr. Bronson -said. "That is a great tribute to the many genera- tions of these families. Agricultural products produced on these properties ranged from BlackAngus cattle on the Knoblock property, to pecans on the Wain- wright property, to cotton and corn on the Billingsley property, to cattle and citrus on the Whaley property. Since the program began 25 years ago, 85 farms families have received the Century Pioneer Fami- ly Farm designation. The program is administered by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services with assistance of the Florida Agricultural Museum. For more information about the program or to apply for member- ship into the program, contact Richard Gunnels at gunnelr@ doacs.state.fl.us or call (850) 488- 3022. Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include: * Belle Glade/South Bay issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum51 l *Clewiston issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum52 * Hendry County issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum54 * Moore Haven/Glades Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum57 * Okeechobee city/county issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum58 * Pahokee issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum59 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community forums and links." S Glad uDm t Our Purpose... The Glades County Democrat is published by Independent Newspapers of F'ondra. Independent is owned by a unique trust that enables this newspa- per to pursue a mission of journalistic service to the citizens of the commu- nirt Since no dividends are paid, the company is able to thrive on profit marginr below industry standards. All after-tax surpluses are reinvested in Independent's rrussion of journalism service, commitment to the ideals of the First Amendment of the U S. Constitution, and support of the comnm- munir;, delibertarion of public issues. '" We Pledge... ' T ..pLe thi, rie ap. r : a public trnl * T. rl. uri ,.," urirv bEo:.-mi a b en'-r lj" ,,' d 'J .,, rih.Uh urs &, ia cid r o a- iT, ',i, r "j t Ih': lS Iu ,r l' i.,r.n ihe ri wi 'tLh honer. j i :ccuriacey Abli'c-Ieii feiknear and trmpasolna ... e uur upLu pags i:.- featllate -:ofruniuty debate. not to dominate ii with ..ur .ni rmplni.in T ,,i,-:l. ouri ,:,r. bo i t r mreene. or :-irinl -.sli. i.,-. r rr.,drr. i:,,:, .nJ ,:,ui- i,', ', il [,:. o.a n j i..r :,:tin"ri I,:, s IK pr,:,nm rir',c il ,cJ"irl.ew I 'b provide a night to reply to those we wnte about. To treat people with courtesy, respect and compassion. New,. Eda.:r NIs*York'.a RNp.-iri oJrs- .iiati Bid Fabran New, Ci,rlr 1idrybis Gv.fiafrr Advardabig Dimrtrtr jidy Lisler, Nato"AiisAcsar~its Iv Pamaii Advern-rqt Maroe~r Bren-Is jaifmiiF A.I~crng fStav,:es Me~ai A,'ee Liurer, Ad am lr lrodri I -ap45,. In, Chirnan lJw Sffmh i,-idn nt. Ed Daui 1.ce Prair~i.-J ra A-Two up-ire.r, -NP.-rnByrd Member ofi : -. Florida Press Asso adtoen Water under the bridge: A book review By Barbara Oehlbeck It had been a long day for the two octogenarians who sat doz-. ing in the little blind they had concocted earlier in the day. They'd missed their daily naps, which both had become accus- tomed to something neces- sary in the last several years. With age had come the desire to slow down and rest more fre- quently. In three months they'd both be 90 years old. This day would be one of their last hunting together. Over the last decade hunting days had become farther and fewer between, but today had been special, not intentionally. The two men had intended to go deer hunting. However, today it felt right to talk about their pasts and trusting their feelings was some- thing both men believed in. This day had:turned out to be a trip on the water under the bridge. Both men had fallen asleep as they sat leaning against the tree in their, makeshift blind. They were, after all, getting that much needed afternoon nap. Lonnie waked as a light breeze rustled a nearby oak; a cascade of acorns hit the ground. "Puss," he called low as he woke with a start.. Gazing about him, he quickly realized that he was not snuggled next to the wife he had been dreaming of. It had been a nice dream of Juanita, when they were both young and full of passion. Her long dark hair had been spread against the white pillow sham and in the dream her sweet smell was strong. He'd come to calling her "Puss," as a nickname sugges- tive of her cat-like ways, gentle and affectionate, but protective and ready to pounce on anyone who threatened her loved ones. Lonnie grinned as he glanced over at Clarence still leaning against the tree, snoring lightly. "Hey, yuh old fella!" He laughed and jabbed him with his elbow, "Wake up!" . "What...what?" Clarence woke with a start. "What's goin' on here?" Clarence's hand set- tled on the rifle by his side, the feeling of the cold steel jerked him to reality. He too had been dreaming, but not of women. "We musta fell 'sleep," he said matter of factly as he yawned and stretched. "Yuh know ol' friend, we're getting' old," Lonnie laughed. "Getting'? Hell, I think we done bin old fer quite uh spell," retorted Clarence. Water Under The Bridge by Carol Overstreet is the sequel to her Gator Creek/ 2004. Here again, Carol writes about real places, real events and real people. Her characters come alive in the telling. "Well, I know I ain't never fell 'sleep 'fore when I bin huntin'." "Woods ain't uh good place tuh fall 'sleep," responded Clarence. "I know I never done it 'fore either, maybe we are getting' old." He laughed a little and nod- ded his head in final agreement with his old friend. Letting the sleep crawl slowly from their brains, the two men sat quietly taking in the spec- tacular view of red sky, a striking backdrop for the cranes taking flight gliding through the maze of cypress, out into the piney flatwoods and strands of palmet- tos and flags. In the red o' the evening all the colors of sur- rounding cypress ponds and flat- woods seemed muted, but rich. Tiger lilies in the distance blinked against the faded green flags. Shadows cast by the water oaks and cypress were enhanced by cascading Spanish moss dripping from their limbs. The breeze kicked up again, bringing with it a coolness, reminding the men that winter was on its way. Their fingers fumbled with their jackets to button them. "Day's done," said Clarence, a slight sadness in his voice. Lonnie grunted in agreement then added as he looked around him. "Sure is perdy out here." He reached his hand out to touch the bush next to him." This here swamp willow's 'bout thug color of Puss's eyes. They sure wuz perdy sure do miss her." "Been nearly two years, huh?" commented Clarence." She wuz uh good woman." "Only woman I ever loved...and I'm thuh only man she ever loved." "You wuz lucky," snickered Clarence." I bin in love with too many women." Clarence thought for a moment, then added, "Sure do wish I'd found Elsie thuh first go 'round." "Now, yuh know she would- n't put up with none uh what yer were a doin', Clarence. She'd either made yuh quite moon- shinin' or she'd uh left yuh. Yuh know she didn't never like it." Clarence agreed with Lonnie. For a fact, Elsie had let him know I right from the beginning that she wasn't going to have any part of any man who made moonshine. She'd known him for 30 years or more, and she had always liked him despite knowing what he did for a living. But she was not going to have any part of illegal doings. She abided by the law as she ran the Little Five and Dime in Dade City. Though having known her for many years, he'd never tried to develop a relationship beyond friendship with her. Many times he'd visited the Five and Dime, finding her busy with a customer or at the desk behind the count- er, working on papers. Often they'd speak but it was usually Elsie who initiated the conversa- tion. He knew she liked him, but unlike his forward approach with other women, Clarence backed off. There was some- thing about her that let him know she wasn't going to put up with anything shady. Water Under The Bridge by Carol Overstreet is the sequel to her Gator Creek/ 2004. Here again, Carol writes about real places, real events and real peo- ple. Her characters come alive.in the telling. About the book, Charles Bronson, Commissioner, Florida Department of Agricul- ture & Consumer Services says: This is a grand book of Crack- er lore, based on real characters ,in the early 1900s reflective of many stories I have heard throughout my life. Great book! For more information and availability, please write, call, or e-mail Barbara Oehlbeck, 25075 Grassy Run Muse. LaBelle, Fl. 33935. Phone and fax are the same: (864) 675-2771. E-mail: doco@strato.net - Glades County Democrat Published by Independent Newspaper, Inc. Serving Glades County Since 1923 To Reach Us Address: PO. Box 1236 Clemston. Fla. 33440 Website: w%. newszap,cnm To Submit News The Glades County' Democrat wel- comes submissions fiom its readers. Opinions, calendar items, stones, ideas and photographs are welcome. Call 866-399-5253 to reach our news- room. Items may be mailed, laxed or e-mailed. The deadline for all news items is 12 p.m Monday pnor to the following Thursday's publication. E-mail: s dnew.i,,..newszap corn To Place A Classified Ad Call i877)353-2424 to place a classi- fied advertisement from home. The deadline for all advertising is 12 p.m. Monday for the following Thursday's publication. Fax: 1-877-354-2424. E-mail: claisadst~newazap.com To Place A Display Ad Call 866-399-5253. deadline for all advertising is 12 F m. Monday for the folloo-ing Thursday's publication. Fax 1-863-983-7537 E-mail: southlakeads,'-newszap corn Advertising Billing Department E-mail: billteam@newszap.com To Start or Stop A Paper Phine: (877)353-2424 E-mail readersrvcmnewip r.rn The Glades Count', Demoai is delIrved by mad to subscdber. on Thursda, and h sold in rackd and store locations in the Gldes County area. Call 8'771353-2424 to report na mnsed riew'paper or poor delivery Gladeu C.'.unty Dem',crat USPS 219066 Published Weekly d Independent NeWapdptra, [nc C lewio. FL 33.10 i.:,r $24 61 per year includmig tas. Second Class postage paid at Clewiston FIjnda, Postmamter send address changes to the Glades County Demucrat Circulannn Adnunistration PO BOx 7011 Douer, DE 19903 Pnrned at Sunshine Pnarng, a subuidiarv of Independent Newspaprs E-mail: pnnonrip'itoail. net Newszap! Online News & Information Get the latest news at www.newazap.com TALLAHASSEE Florida Agri- culture and Consumer Services Commissioner Charles Bronson announced that four more families have qualified for recognition as a Century Pioneer Family Farm. They include properties in Marion, Brad- ford, Polk and Leon counties. Recognition in this program means the families have maintained con- tinuous ownership of the property for at least 100 years. The families who qualify are: *Verner Evan Knoblock Marion County James Richard Wainwright Bradford County Cecil E. Whaley Polk County Richard Henry Billingsley Leon County "These families have been able to retain ownership of their land through the depression, droughts, freezes and the urbanization of Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee OPINION Thursday, March 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Glades County Sheriff's Office Arrest Report Driver license Editor's note: The following- Wayne Kendricks, 52, of Lake individuals listed in the arrest 'Placid, was arrested by Deputy Quee- reports are not an indication of nie Bell, on an active warrant for Fail- guilt. Anyone wishing to-contact uretoAppear. He was later released. the newspaper upon final disposi- tion of their case, may do so for publication. Feb. 26 Nicacio Rosaldo, 39, of Moore Haven, was arrested by Deputy Richard Ermeri on the charge of Bat- tery. He remains in custody with bond set at $500. Marilyn Parker, 35, of Moore Haven, was arrested by Sgt. Dewayne McQuaid, on the charges of Violation of Injunction X3 and Criminal Mischief. She was later released on a $1,000 surety bond. Feb. 27 Orlando Lopez, 40, of Miami, was arrested by Deputy Queenie Bell, on an active St. Lucie County Warrant. He remains in custody with bond set at $500,000. Donald Eischeid, 40, of Alva, was arrested by Deputy Brian Enderle, on the charges of Possession of Marijua- na over 20 grams and possession of drug paraphernalia. He was later released on a $10,000 surety bond. Feb. 28 Danielle O'Brian, 32, of Flagler Beach, was arrested by Deputy Jason Griner, on an active Flagler County warrant. She was later released on a $250 surety bond. March 1 Leslie Edmonds, 44, of Clewiston, was arrested by Deputy Queenie Bell, on two active warrants for VOR He remains in custody with no privilege of bond. March 3 Clinton Willis, 18, of Moore Haven, was arrested by Deputy Brian Enderle, on the charges of Burglary and Petit Theft. He remains in custody with bond set at $7,500. Brandon Morales, 18, of Pembroke Pines, was arrested by Deputy Jason Griner, on the charge of Possession of a Controlled Substance without pre- scription. He was later ROR'ed. March 4 Jose Rosado-Torres, 32, of Puerto Rico, was arrested by Deputy Jason Griner, on the charges of Possession of Cocaine and Purchase of Cocaine. He remains in custody with bond set at $10,000 composite. Michael Conner, 19, of Moore Haven, was arrested by Deputy Wayne Stripling, on the charge of DWLS. He was later ROR'ed. March 5 Albert Paul Rosier, 31, of Okee- chobee, was arrested by Depuly Queenie Bell on two active warrants 'for FTA. He remains in custody with bond set at $10,000. Ralph Allen Green, 47, of Lakeport, was arrested by Sheriff Stuart Whid- don on the charge of Aggravated Assault. He remains in custody with bond set at $100,000. March 6 Charles Hurley, 30, of Port St. Lucie, was arrested by Deputy Bilinda Pot- torff on an active warrant for VOR He was later released and turned over to Okeechobee County. Carlos Rodriguez,;43, of Miami, was arrested by Deputy Bilinda Pottorff on an active warrant for Grand Theft of vehicle and fleeing/eluding law enforcement officer. He remains in custody with bond set at $40,000. Nemecio G. Luevano, 24, of Iridiantown, was arrested by Detective Richard Jones on a charge of Tres- passing. He was later released on a $500 surety bond. Jessie Fussell, 36, of LaBelle, was arrested by Deputy Bilinda Pottorff on an active warrant for VOR He remains in custody without privilege of bond. Richard Helfinstine, 41, of Buckhead Ridge, was arrested by Deputy Holly Ramsey on the charge of Violation of Injunction. He was later ROR'ed. Keith Adams, 19, of Moore Haven, was arrested, by Deputy Leslie Fuce on the charge of Disorderly Conduct. He was later released on a $250 surety bond. March 7 Ralph Allen Green, 47, of Lake- port, was arrested by Deputy Bilin-. da Pottorff on an active warrant for VOR He remains in custody without privilege of bond. Tony Raul Navarro, 19, of Moore Haven, was arrested by Deputy Mike Pepitone on the charges of possession of marijuana with intent to see/manufacture/deliver, Posses- sion of Marijuana under grams, and possession of drug paraphernalia. He remains in custody with bond set at $10,000. -Ann Marie Dersa, 23, of Okee- chobee, was arrested by Deputy Queenie Bell on an active warrant for VOP. She remains in custody without privilege of bond. Sharon McCombs, 37, of Laud- erdale Lakes, was arrested by Sgt. Ronnie- Baker on the-charges of vehicle theft, possession of cocaine, possession of marijuana under 20 grams, and possession of drug paraphernalia. She was later released on a $16,500 surety bond. March 8 Lance Albert Gray, 38, of Riverview, was arrested by Deputy Wayne Stripling on an active St. Lucie County warrant. He remains in custody with bond set at $2,500. March 9 Houston Boyd, 62, of Moore Haven, was arrested by Deputy Tito Nieves, on the charges of DUI, DWLS, and attaching tag not assigned. He was later released on a $4 999 surety bond. checkpoints established Recognizing the danger pres- ent to the public by defective vehi- cle equipment, Florida Highway Patrol troopers will concentrate their efforts on vehicles being operated with defects, such as bad brakes, worn tires, and defective lighting equipment, at select checkpoints through Glades and Hendry Counties. In addition, attention will be directed towards drivers who would violate the driver license laws of Florida. The patrol has found these checkpoints to be an effective means of enforcing the equipment and driver license laws of Florida, while ensuring the pro- tections of all motorists. For the week of March 10-16: Flag Hole Road, two miles south of SR 25 and CR 731, in Muse. For the week of March 17-23: Devils Garden Road near D.O.T. entrance; Crescent Ave. For the week of March 24-31: Lyons Park,and CR 78, SR 29, two miles south of LaBelle. GD5 iU, __ii C i Ic Sh~ingSl esri\Ie'. clf Modified flu1.11 ol' ci~. a~c~ (-ainiiig% *aleparir'% ol'.%ll Kinds. Licensed 1and Insured Srah' Ce)rrified Rooliing C'ontraaiftr 1-s(I -C-126346 Call 863-385-5343 tdy One injured in GC hunting accident GLADES COUNTY-A Monroe County man mistakenly fired bird shot at tvo of his friends Thursday while the three hunted for turkeys in Glades County. Shortly after 7:30 a.m. as the three men hunted on the Lykes Brothers Ranch, Drew Kenneth Rutherford, 38, of Big Pine Key heard a noise he believed to be a turkey and fired a Remington 12- .;.. r... p shotgunn its direction. The birdshot hit John William Holroyd, 39, of Big Pine Key in the right cheek, forehead, right hand and in the corner of his left e\ e. The injuries were not believed to be life threatening. The shot also hit Ter- rence Gar) Van Arkel, 65, a \\inter resident of Big Pine Key, \ ho \\as wearing several ladeis of thick clothing and w\as not seriously injured. The men %%ere about 200i feet awvay from Rutherford when he fired the shot. In the 2004-105 hunting season, -Lhere were eight hunting accidents statewide, including txo fatalities. F\WC hunter safety experts remind hunters of three tips 'i, keep them safe during turkey sea- son: Properly idenrlif your target. Don't shoot at a noise. Don't wear red, white and blue, the colors seen on a turkey. Don't shoot at a hen call as it rrial be another hunter Steelman gets FBI Leadership Award The Federal Bureau of Investi- gation has awarded its "2006 \\romen in La% Enforcement Leadership Awvard" in the state cat- egoiv to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) Lt. Pavilion "Pam" Steelman. Steelman, a state officer since 1994, supervises a squad of ejght officers in .Hendry and. Glades Counties. She earned her promo- tion to lieutenant in 2002. "She promotes harmony and encourages team-building efforts while commanding the respect of others Lt Steelman constantly sets an .-.amrrple b\ leading from the front and projecting self-confi- dence, authority and enthusiasm," F.VC Capt. David Sterrnen wrote in Steelman's nomination letter. Steelman works in the FWC's Fisheating Creek .facility on, the western shore of Lake Okee- chobee. Her area of responsibility includes four wildlife manage- ment areas. In addition, she is a team leader for the FWMC's Special Operations Group and serves on the FWC's General Orders and Revie%\ Committee. Also, she rep- resents the FWC on the Florida Department of Law Enforcement's Child Abduction Response Team. There, she is an expert in supply- ing equipment to access remote areas. Fc, example, she designed ande built a gooseneck trailer capable of :carryirig a ,,..-. bhuggy, four AT's and 250 gallons of iru. After hurricanes, the FWC tov\s the t"i'l- er b\ truck Io affected areas to aide FWC officers perfoi ring search- and-rescue missions. Ceramic & Porcelain Tile 60o & up Instock Carpet at Unbelievable prices!!! EVERYTHING SLASHED UP TO 50% OFF ON WAREHOUSE MERCHANDISE WE'RE MOVING BACK TO 110 W. HWY 80 LABELLE ":,- _ ,,.., .. ..! -'" ." ""."., T " Board Certified by the American Board of Dermatology Tim loannides, M.D. and Cynthia J. Rogers, M.D. ,are pleased to welcome Jonathan S. Sanders, M.D., J.D. . to ' Treasure Coast Dermr-i-ogy Specializing in the Treatment of Skin Cancer Mohs Surgery Diseases of Skin, Hair & Nails 115 3thLaeSt. 22 1 S*Highwy 41- N HOMEia OF rUE L oatdAV RUrr (J AWEDl I PotSt uie: 72-9-81 Stua~rt 77-21-33 St. Lje'-West 77-88-37 -FoM "*rt Pirce 772-464-6464 Make up to $2,500 by filling in the space above! * 4 lines for 2 weeks 1 used item or Sell your personal valuables if they're $2,500 or less for absolutely free! No fee, no catch, no problems. * Price must be included in ad * Private parties only * 2 items per house- hold per issue Clewiston News E-Mail. grouping per ad priced at $2,500 or less * Independent Newspapers reserves the right to disqualify any ad. The Sun Toll Free 877-353-2424 classad@newszap.com Thursday, March 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Z olArms colmry 4r DEMOCRAT Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, March 16, 2006 Marie Clements Box remembers early Okeechobee By Twila Valentine Edited by MaryAnn Morris From 1977 until her death in. 2003, Independent Newspapers of Florida was privileged to have on staff a superb writer and historian, Twila Valentine. Mrs. Valentine wrote much about the history of the people and places around Lake Okeechobee and about the lake itself. Together with Okeechobee's Betty Williamson, President of the Okeechobee Historical Society, she co-authored book, now inits sec- ond printing, "Strolling down CountryRoads in Okeechobee." .The following story came from an interview Mrs. Valentine had with Mrs. Marie Clements Box dated July1988. Marie Clements Box was the daughter of Adeline Raulerson and Clifford James Clements. Her Grandparents were Peter and Louisiana Raulerson. They were the first to settle in what would become Tantie and then Okee- chobee in 1896. Mrs. Box said he moved from Basinger for more grazing land for his cattle. "My grandmother. was very lonely. There was not another per- son around here at all. She used to go out and look down the road every day to see if she could see a little bit of dust. If she did, she knew someone was coming. They put up everybody that came here. There was no town at all. She was just so glad to have company, it did- n't matterwho it was. "My youngest uncle was the first white man born here, Connie Raulerson. When he was a little toddler, my grandmother put a bell on him because panthers were so plentiful they would run right through their yard and he had a habit of running out of the yard where she couldn't see him.(The Raulerson home was on the west side of what is now Parrott Avenue.) "I won't mention any names, but I remember my grandmother and Aunt Faith telling me about this. One night, way in the middle of the night, they heard their cattle. lowing and they knew something was wrong. My grandfather got Uncle Lewis and several of the- men, (they had a good idea of what was happening) and went out to where the cattle were. The cattle were all scattered. There were thieves after them. My grand- mother was so frightened that my grandfather would shoot some- one. But, they got away. This sort of thing happened all the time. "This man, who was doing the rustling, wanted everything around here. He was quite jealous of my grandfather and the cattle he had. He wanted them, too. He hired a man to kill my grandfather. Special to INI/www.amartin.com These horsemen are posed with the Raulerson homestead on what is now S. Parrott Avenue. Mrs. Box's. uncle, Connie Rauler- son (on left) was the first white man born in Okeechobee. "One night, at my grandparents' house, they heard their hogs squealing and my grandfather took a lantern out to see what was happening. There was a big black bear on top of a hog, eat- ing it alive! Black bears were very plentiful and so were panthers at that time." Twila Valentine "They were camped out in the woods and this man was in the camp. Later on; the man told my grandfather what had happened. My grandfather told him, 'We knew what you were there for and every eyewas onyou.' "The man told my grandfather, 'You have treated me so well, I just could not do it.' She recalls another story about the dangers of those early days: "One night, at my grandparents' house, they heard their hogs squealing and my grandfather took a lantern out to see what was hap- pening. There was a big black bear on top of a hog, eating it alive! Black bears were very plentiful and so were panthers at that time" Escaped reptilian pets to be curbed by law ALTAMONTE SPRINGS A proposed bill to regulate reptiles is a giant step toward protecting Florida's citizens and natural landscapes from the dangers of invasive, non-native animals. Rep. Ralph Poppell (R-Vero Beach) proposes to expand a current law regulating poison- ous snakes to regulating other potentially invasive reptiles. The change will help Florida battle the invasion of species, such as pythons, monitor lizards and iguanas, which is overtaking many neighborhoods and natu- ral areas as a result of accidental and intentional releases. Rep. Poppell's bill would allow the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commis- sion to establish a list of reptiles that would require a permit before they could be bought, dis- played, housed or transported, including in the pet trade: "We are supportive of this effort," said Doria Gordon, the Nature Conservancy's associate director of conservation science. "The Conservancy is concerned about the impacts these non- native species are having on Florida's plants, animals and habitats. We support approach- es that prevent non-native, inva- sive animals from being released into the wild, thus avoiding unwanted impacts and costly and cumbersome control pro- grams." Ms. Gordon said the regula- tions should also help land man- agers meet their conservation goals and save taxpayers money. "This is a great step in the larger challenge of providing agencies with improved invasive species management tools. I hope future legislation addresses similar issues we have with other non- native, invasive species," she said. When released, non-native species often take over a habitat. From a few released pets in Boca Grande in the 1970s, Mexican spiny-tail iguanas have increased in the last five years from 2,000 to 10,000 on Gasparilla Island, more than double the island's in- season human population. Lee County is considering an iguana removal tax, allowing control efforts to begin as early as this summer. The Nature Conservancy is a leading international, nonprofit organization that preserves plants, animals and natural com- munities representing the diver- sity of life on Earth by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive. By working through funding from the voter approved Florida Forever program and the generosity of our donors the Conservancy has helped protect more than 1.1 million acres in Florida since 1961. For more information online, g6 to www.nature.org florida. -NO ONE WILL WORK HARDER FOR YOU THAN JAMIE NAVARRO GIVE HIM A CALL ON HIS 1WT.T Ar tfatf% Onat dfR P rA O A CELL AT (239) 822-9272 REALTY C. BAGANS FIRST WORLU 30 Colorado Rd. Lehigh Acres, FL 33936 ROAEA U rcT'Vaa.K- a ,-''-'.'.."' .. : .' '" o [itir triKSS thi o0epi kpfive tbriromi w) baih 2,(110 sq. t1 homt This home lemure uile oo l x, nd&scping, ncctr a'(, khs pJrk behind the home, crLeen pcrth, tle ,:otjnicr op'r, l, Idichen, toomanyeatras mention.This hmen ini m. located on the west side and within walkirig i. stance of schooKs, shopping. birrig and golf. ing. $249,900. I [u, I in m i, u i on threi three tdr'.'ni ird e .. bth ,'fi tarfll, r'.,m ]hal bhc'ie hahm beerl s oisipleieli rLl:mdelidJ. Nevc r r:.:f I tc. nl- -a i..... i( 'through ouL nr mri ienor do:,,ri d c..ien r, r. ll K I Rt cular dne 9J), iriid. ljurii, 'i-l..irfL'ij- ntmeit: i:h,.:l anid shppuig rhef, ii., rriu..h S". -TOmer gunned i, shoivs bke j mdcl Hlun-Irr .tcont last VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS SALES CINDY L. ALEXANDER LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER S- ASSOCIATES: EDITH HACKMANN SCOTT HACKMANN AND 1lM SPENCER A l 675-0500 Sl A NEW LOCATION l l* I 1 I233 N. BRIDGE ST SOn the comer of *.. |. U_ -BRIDGE St & WASHINGTON 0 1. meH i SE HABLO ESPANOL irus COMING AVIZB 2BEDROOM/1BATH HOUSE in LaBelle. Being sold "As CAl iFOR MORE INFORMATION. Is."Asking $125,000. HO .E FORM, ACRFAGEYOR SAE NEWLISTINGINLEHIGHACRES.This4Bedroom/2Bath NEWULSTINGIN PIONEERI3Bedroom/2Bath,largedou- home has 2,288 sq. ft. on a large overzied lot that is fenced blewide mobile home on fenced in 25 acres. Dualireplace, AskinHome has many extras. Call for an appointment today walk-in closes, outside buildings. Asking $199,900. 3BEDROOM2BATH, 2 CAR DETACHED GARAGE in 2.5 ACRES in Pioneer Plantation. $79,000. laBelle. Home has tile throughout, fenced in backyard and O S I I LE screened lanai. Asking $195,000. 2 LOTS in Moore Haven. $50,000 each. IN LEHIGH ACRES. Home has 1,900 sq ft with 2 master LOT INlake Placid. $29,000. bedrooms. Home is currently used as a 4/2. Has many BUIMBLE CANAL FRONT LOT in Lake Placid. Asking upgrades and a fenced in backyard. This home is a must see. $55,00, REDUCED $210,000. 55,000. IN PORT ILABELLE. large 3Bedroom/2Bath, 1 car garage BUSINESS LOT on Fordson Avenue with old blk building plus den. Off Bishop Cirde. Asking $185,000. sold "As Is" Asking $40,000. 3BEDROOMi2BATH 1 CAR GARAGE in Port LaBelle. Tile .11o N rofr tBBUJ through out house, updated appliances and new kitchen 2 LOTS in Moore Haven. $45,000 each. cabinets. REDUCED $179,900. LOT IN UNIT 1 on Herdues IRd. Asking $51,000. OFF MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. BLVD. 3Bedroom/lBath LOT IN UNIT 7. Asking $47,000. CBS home with carport. New Upgrades! Priced at $129,900. OTIN UNIT 7. Asking $45,000. LOCATED IN LEHIGH ACRES 3Bedroom/2Bath, 2 car ng 5,000. garage built in 2001 and in excellent condition. Home over LOT ON Sandelwood. Asking $42,000 each. looks canal and located in a great area close to Ft. Myers but KENT CT. near middle school. Asking $52,000. out enough for peace and quiet. Asking $230,000. N.E. TRADEWIND CIRCLE. $51,900. Home W Builders Building Communities, One Quality Home at a Time! Homes Startina in the Low 200's We have "move-in ready" homes available now 92 M bd Cir, Madison II, 312/2 9024 Mavwood Cir. Cvoress II, 3/212 802'".OS Cir, Macinolia, 4/2/2 5005 Pike Lane. Madison II. 312/2 9016 Lamkin Cir. Madison II. 312/2 5009 Pinetree Ln, Cypress II, 3/2/2 6008 Acorn Cir. Magnolia. 412/2 5012 Pinetree Cir. Cvpress II, 312/2 7035 Beaver Cir. Madison II. 312/2 f45 ~~%9t Cir, Madison, 3/2/2 3045 June Cir, Maanolia. 4/2/2 All Homes Include 1/4 acre home site, wood cabinets, upgraded tile, landscaping, full kitchen appliance package and much morel Vacant lots Available! One New Home Rental Left! 3/2/2 $1200.00 Mo. Visit Our Model Center 2480 East State Road 80 Open M-F, 8-5:30 and Sat & Sun 8-5:30 Call 863-612-0551, or Toll Free, 866-224-8392 www.chlhomebuilders.com CGC061264 W AT 3UI}.ma SoiAt4hC HOMES: * i595.900 'BDBA home ,:,n i+ Jcres in NjFl[, Hoine Itr'nclS-j a ptle brn crc-r liri., 'cci ri 4i >irffl dm Julfiplai ,. .al iikii.hertjrid a Murphs IJ luIl hi. iran,- J It iW Of the m ri) ear.- th. hl m I-. I..i:.i' fl' O ner Ageni hrig u ins -r.:iu- ..:.li * $550,000 PRIC REDLiCEDI iBD 3BA r.ome.:ni I+ aj.rl HniWc h'- jaula: l j ..tiie .:oIop. i ao,' rid ,pr.:' .u. "ti' itr : ible ,l 0i d ..in.] ii nr Jrii j h alt,,., e n.jrd ip::,,I, |u .l i', i tTi, J I ':ve,1 I1 lu.urnc- Lhu I ih n tbi.ji.rul i btrraic ,.f-rr * 155,000 .'P IBA p ,u.i hri.'i lic ruti. ..a.mT pletely fenced in yard and an above ground pool. MOBILE HOMES: * REDUCED TO $850,000 Mini ranch in Alva. This [' 2EA .Ie..,I:. I:- li e L, -, Ii, hi ..ir iJ i,.i..J.:. t r p... 'l' l i TI.:.'- * Wg'5.ti 00 1 -. -, :. IA ,E i O i,...tlr h:fr, f ir. .u. sits on 5+/- acres. This spacious home features an addi- tion with it's own entrance and much more. The proper- [,,',,,, i,,'L' ,. I.'iJ ,.:.,.1 * $300,000 .['[' IB.- T..:l i h.... tlu .h..: r1. i1 '. + j.ic '. lu'.- r: a.-:1 jIi .j r,..... Property is also fenced with a shed and pond. * $139,400 to $151,900 There are (4) available 3BD/2BA manufactured homes and (1) available 4BD/2BA manufactured home available in the El Rio subdsiso,n All hom.c' e .rn it"- ..re Nc inr d nll rideri .:or,l.rf ul.n' ll I t ro ,.umplieion djik * $120,500 S PBD.BA mrrnubftured hrrome IrniieJ i. the M:"irc H eirn Y,.:hl lut. TI1r- h,,Te trian net and *urider RdnrutiU.n' in 1 i [hI- imeIt Iirlc.st (0 lln] ,i. ,%f :rnvplcu,:ridI[C * $113,900 2BD/2BA -New and still under con- structi e Moore Haven a4 l".-The p0lUet W&REffd'ge-taway or winter home. Call now for completion date. * $112,500 2B[ .B,\ .1 'ci .ri,uu.::n ir, ih Moore Haven 'ij.:ht Llut. Ihic M.NIfe Hi,cin 'r..h Club is.a 55+/- : rci'hip tAlk a da I:,,) i.',:,.m- pletion date! * PRICE REDUCED $110.000 8BD 1BA mobi.hl 1rinc %*-n -'4 + j-.ri4 iif L Er i EIo|I peaceful C urtir, In tr, ei (lj.".d .:,r xa a icli c id geLJ.i J . * $78,900 3BD/2BA mobile home in Ortona. The mobile home is partially furnished. The lot is sur- .r'..rd.-,J in I -,uPrull i pr-iT ja ifi. ui-A c * JUSr REDUCED .6-900 :.b' 21 r ,riul..- tured home on .20+/- acres. ACREAGE: * $1,500,000 Hwy 27 frontage. Currently Auto Salvage yard. * $988,025 Warehouse & office on 1.38+/- acre. One of a kind Auto Salvage yard. Organized with.clean- bill of health. ' * $900,000-4i5+ a. ,' autifAl pi,,rure LriSd i * PRICE REDUCED $900,000. t i'+ Had i.: find a'.rto, aili.ding Batt.,Ck pro.:.prri -r, Muc Pid [.Jod * $850,000 tJ+.- ,acf: beauufull secluded uith pure, ponds, caibbget pfialri, and c.aks * $650,000 2.- -crei m the hean of Alh on bu_' SR81) * PRICE REDUCED $.-50,000 Build sour dreamr, counitr)y hoic on ihese 4 4+ -' cuGreaw I]CtLI.:,|i Cluie i.. LBclA Ali &i Fart M4cr' * $349,000 ,. Ialitrcs o:r ipiail ietrig in Nl. -re HJ.in Propm, teituro all .ort. ti e.ci:,C: iruno Erees and plan Ple barn J i 19d1i I hIome are l.:ar- ed :r, ihe pmpr'T. Homri t ,I., i ,.,Id As L * $272,000 ,+ ,. j-' ,i- i'Lh r Jie,,A p:n Anid shed. I : . * 98,900 2+ 5 eu,.-. "ciC2 in M.:.niur fh, rI j -rgtc wlc Tin ,hilc hmJn'uJ inudr th the pi'opem Ih irablic huomet 1;.1. t- .IdJ at. HOMES[IES $25,500 $72.900 Call for m.re information about '.,aAilblc in foids...n Padl The lots have been nicely maintained and are dose to everything in LaBelle. * $29,900 $34,900 Mobile home lots available in 55 and older Community located in Moore Haven Yacht Club. Call for more information. CALL FOR AVAILABLE HOMESITE IN PORT LABELLE. MONTURA AND LEHIGH ACRES S9 ty 3BD/Ba home in Oona. $950/Monthly 3BD/2Ba home in Ortona. 995 Homestead Ave, SClewiston, FL March 19th, 1:00 5:00 pm $399,900 AFFORDABLE LTRNIKEY MINI RANCH Think turnkev home on r 25 +,. :.:iud .J j.:re i. .,firiiel) b-c ri.r m irit.Err Ne lir ,irr flooding, c reriig,in piril rc, ri::,f rind Jf .i drii:cr ill .'ld ur r m l.c n rh hi .m n -...p uonra ulue E, E r. he flhrriu n li e, Iin aJdi.-rfhr i h r c Ire ,hr ut. urbl.Jr,,: .:.ri e i. P4 II .. square l: :l tI. rned plir. building great I fo j Lamil, ,gei ricr hcr anJr the .:thc- L a j HLGUL p.le bar, plus, an djid i.:rul lior i ',) uJre ,.',,- sior:,3e IudiriL J arid J J Ij.u.,' 700 S. Main Street LaBelle, FL S863-675-4500 Southern Inunstments Real siale Inc ww. LAND.com 23 N rioc t.-LaeLc F 39, 863-65-886 Ls n rvs -Lc S SlE at roe Roe asnD\ ighiILif. I riit c.ml Get your ad in the Hendry, Glades Real Estate Magazine today! Call Lauren or Melissa at 863-983-9148, 863-946-0511 or 561-996-4404 or. e-mail magee@newszap.com Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, March 16, 2006 Thursday, March 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee EDUCATION 7 oUuJIIiLLOU LU IN City pride The Moore Haven City Council, joined forces in the annu- al Chalo Nitka parade, which took place last week in Glades County. Submitted to INI Joining forces The Lehigh Fire Department joined in the celebration of the annual Chalo Nitka celebration held in Glades Coun- ty last week. GCD School Briefs TechBridge Youth training program techBride Youth training serv- ices a program that is dedicated to enhancing the employability and work readiness skills of Out of School Youth between the ages of 16 and 21 that live in- the Hendry/Glades area, is presently accepting applications for enroll- ment and is ready to assist young adults who are ready to deploy on the road to success. In association with the Clewiston Adult School and the Clewiston Career and Development Services Center, we offer students the opportunity to obtain their GED as well as con- duct job searches and assistance with continuance of their educa- tional goals. For more information contact Patrick, Coleman at (863) 983-1300 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. -Mon-Fri. Glades County School Board meeting The' Glades County School Board regular meeting scheduled for March 23 has been re-sched- uled for March 21 at'9 a.m. in the Glades County School Board meeting room, -100 10th Street, SW- Moore Haven Teacher of the Year celebration The glades County School Dis- trict Teacfier of the Year celebra- tion will be held April 20 at 6:30 p.m. at Northlake Estates R.V Park in Lakeport. The guest speaker will be Sam Bennett, 2006 Florida Teacher of the Year and finalist for National Teacher of the Year. The meal will be catered by Gator Hammock. The celebration will honor Mrs. Crystal drake OF Moore Haven Junior-Senior High School Teacher of the Year and Glades County 2007 Teacher of the Year. In addition, Cindy Ringstaff and Alice Gardner will be honored as the Teachers of the Year from Moore Haven Elemen- tary School and West Glades Ele- mentarySchool respectively. School Board meeting Regular. meetings will now take place on the second Thurs- day at 6 p.m. and the fourth Thurs- day at 9 p.m. in the Glades County School Board meeting room, 400 10th Street, SW in Moore Haven. Report available The NCLB School Public Accountability Report from Moore Haven Junior-Senior High School is available on the school Web site http: glades.edgate.org moore- ha\en index.php, copies of the report are also available in the school's main office, 700 Terrier Pride Dnr e S\V, Moore Haven. Glades Truancy Program, The Glades County School Board has adopted a truancy pro- giam --for all Glades. Count\ schools for the 2005-06 school year, in an effort to reduce unex- cused absences. Glades Truancy. Program handbooks are available at each school office. Sunday school St Theresa Catholic Church in Buckhead Ridge has begun its Sunday school (CCD) program. Please call Ann at 467-1516 or Fr. Dan at the Parish Office (863) 946- 0696 for more information. Fun for all ages! West Glades Elementary Parents: FCAT scores may be picked up at the school office, Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-4 p.m. GED classes The Glades County School Dis- trict is offering GED prep classes at Moore Haven High School (room 26-003) for adults, who wish to obtain their GED. Classes are on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6-8 p.m. You may reg- ister the night of the classes. If you have any questions you may call Scott Bass at (863) 946-0202 ext. 13. Children's advocates are needed The Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) Program needs volunteers to rep- resent the best interests of abused, abandoned and neglect- ed children before the court, social service agencies and the community. No special educa-, tional degree is required. Guardians-need to be someone with common sense, good judg- ment and a commitment to help- ing a child. Attendance at three training sessions held in Fort Myers is required. Please contact Kelie Hedrick at: (239) 461-4360 or (800) 269-6210 for more infor- mation, and to reserve your space for training. Accountability report The "No Child Left Behind School Public Accountability Report" for Moore Haven Ele- mentary School is now available in the elementary school office. If you would like a copy of the report, please stop by the office and one will be made available to you. Glades County School Calendar March 16: Report cards go out March 20-24: Spring break April 14: Good Friday holiday April 17: Spring holiday (Teachers/students) April27: Interim report cards May 21: Baccalaureate May 26: Graduation May 29: Memorial Day holiday May 31: Last day for students/early release June 1-2: Post school: teacher. workdays June 2: Last day for teachers Financial Assistance Available CCS is committed to financial assistance. Special meetings specifically designed to discuss financial assistance will be held at the school on: * Tuesday, March 28, 7:00PM * Wednesday, March 29, 1 I:00AM CCS intends to participate in the Florida Pride Corporate Scholarship Program. For more information on financial assistance check our website: www.clewistonchristian.org Tel: 863-983-5388 OFFICE IS CLOSED DUE TO HURRICANE DAMAGE We would like our readers and the community to know that we will not be returning to the 626 W. Sugarland Highway (US 27) location, and are now seeking an alternate office space in Clewiston more suitable to our needs. We will announce in your paper when we have done so. We will continue to publish your newspaper every Thursday Below is information on how to get in contact with us. We will be working out of the Caloosa Belle office located at: 22 Fort Thompson Avenue LaBelle, FL 33975 Caloosa Belle: (863) 675-2541 fax: (863) 675-1449 Editorial Email Addresses: Clewiston News: clewnews@newszap.com Glades County Democrat: gcdnews@newszap.com The Sun: sunnews@newszap.com Subscriptions: ing experience. S Competitive Health and Retirement rCE 9 100% tuition discount for K-6 children of full-time teachers. t Part-time positions available ethics t For information check our website: / www.clewistonchristian.org Tel: 863-983-5388 (877)-353-2424 Advertising Email Address: southlakeads@newszap.com To Place a Classified: (877)-353-2424 email address: classads@newszap.com Billing Questions: (800) 426-4192 email address: billteam@newszap.com Delivery Questions: (877) 282-8586 email address: readerservices@newszap.com www.3StepDivorce.com ? DIVORCE Provided by 3StepDivorce.com Learn more at our website or call us at 1-800-680-9052 Complete & ready for filing only $299 only I 100% guaranteed or your money back flatfee) Contact us today to find out how your child could benefit from one of our financial assistance programs. Committed t EXCELLENT in Christian academics, athi and the arts To read more news, visit www.newszap.com GOLDEN NUGGET RIVIERA EXCALIBUR ALADDIN FLAMINGO s429 '429 '4609 469 '499 BALLY'S LUXOR NY, NY TREASURE ISLAND MONTE CARLO s499 '529 '529 s529 *549 1 PARIS HOTEL MIRAGE MGM CAESARS BELLAGIO *559 *569 '5609 599 6099 Includes: Air, 4 nights hotel, transfers, 3 shows INCLUDES JULY 4TH HOLIDAY! PER PERSON, DOUBLE CALL SUNDAY 8-3 SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY | TAT. *Metal Roofing T EW A R *. Replacement Shingles L O VV KR T Structural Repairs "CONSTRUCTION aMold Remediation S'BRI0 NG Additions ROOFING REMODELING RECONSTRUCTION 1821 Lakeview Dr. Sebring 863-385-9403 Email: mark@mcscontractinginc.com www.mcscontractinginc.com Lic. # CCC1325639 Lic. # CBC047717 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee EDUCATION Thursday, March 16, 2006 [ Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, March 16, 2006 has been instructed by Daimler Chrysler to REDUCE HUGE INVENTORIES ,. A of all 06'& 05'leftovers This is a special ONE TIME inventory reduction event applicable to Hendry County and surrounding local counties. Huge Discounts on all CARS, TRUCKS, VANS & SUV'S! Thursday, March 16th Sunday, March 19th For mor information please call 1-888-200-1703 Lo .. e t ent! W $'iga~fld Hwy - .4 I 9 to 0, 'S C .10 'ii CL WVesaAve 955W. SugarlandHwy. Clewiston, FL Oil& Filter Change awm 16-Point Vehicle Checkup S INCLUDES Engine oil replay *emnt up to qot. .~- INewu, Mopar oil filter " Additional c a re m .ay - S diesel, V-tos. Im V-s, -- .. a secrlD-synThetic and t .......... *Tiresfire pressure -, -. 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See dealer for details. .Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, March 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thu rsda~v. March 16.2006 Urban stormwater pollution fund TALLAHASSEE The Florida Department of Environmental Pro- tection (DEP) recently awarded a total of $9.3 million to ten local gov- ernments and two universities to reduce urban stormwater pollution to Florida's priority impaired water- ways. These funds are part of the Water Quality Restoration Grant Program established by the Florida Legislature in 2005 through pas- sage of Senate Bill 444. "DEP is working with commu- nities throughout Florida to retrofit outdated drainage systems and improve stormwater treatment," said DEP Secretary Colleen M. Castille. "The funding made avail- able by the Water Quality Restora- tion Grant Program allows the Department to expand partner- ships with local governments, water management districts and other public entities to restore impaired (polluted) waters." Untreated urban runoff from older drainage systems is a primary cause of pollution to many of Flori- da's rivers, lakes and estuaries and the reason many of these surface waters have been determined to be impaired under the DEP's Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) pro- gram. The TMDL program estab- lishes the cause of impairment and works with local governments to develop and implement projects and programs to restore surface waters to healthy conditions. The Water Quality Restoration Grant Program promotes cost- effective construction projects to clean up waterways. Grants are awarded to local governments for projects that are ready to proceed, who provide matching funds and who have established a dedicated recurring funding source for stormwater management. Projects must be designed to reduce specif- ic pollutant loads, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, which cause the water body's impairment. Once complete, projects are typically monitored after storm events to document their effectiveness in removing pollutants. "We are pleased that DEP has another pro- gram available to local govern- ments to clean up Florida's surface waters and preserve them for the future," said Mimi Drew, Director of DEP's Division of Water Resource Management Under the leadership of Gover- nor Bush and the Florida Legisla- ture, Florida has invested almost $2 billion to improve wastewater treatment, clean up stormwater pollution and upgrade drinking water facilities, funding more than 950 projects statewide since 1999. For more information on the TMDL Water Quality Restoration Grant Program, visit http://www. dep.state.fl.us/waterAvatersheds/t mdlgrant.htm. ( COCHRAN BROTHERS *ROOFING, INC. F G II AI - Shingles Flat Roofs Roof Repairs - FULLY LICENSED e INSURED 863-385-4690 Sebring FL State Llc# RC-0066817 --. e"f 0- F-2 OW ~A .Aft Annual report highlights Everglades projects _. WEST PALM BEACH The Department of Environmental Pro- tection (DEP) and South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) has released a compre- hensive update of environmental projects in South Florida. The 2006 South Florida Environmental Report provides a detailed summary of Ever- glades restoration efforts and updates on the progress of other environmen- tal programs in the Kissimmee Basin, Lake Okeechobee, estuaries and other coastal areas. "No other government has taken on a mission as large and as important as Everglades restora- tion," said DEP Secretary Colleen M. Castille. "The 2006 South Florida Environmental Report delivers a comprehensive snapshot of Flori- da's unprecedented success over the past year." The annual report documents the accomplishments of state and federal scientists, engineers, plan- ners and program managers who are restoring the Everglades by reducing pollution and better man- aging the flow of water, while meeting the State's flood control and water supply responsibilities. Consolidating information com- piled from more than 50 separate reports, the 2006 South Florida Environmental Report covers "water year 2005" (May 1, 2004 thru April 30,2005). The report pro- vides extensive research sum- maries, data analyses, financial updates and.a searchable database of environmental projects. Highlights of the 2006 South Flori- daEnvironmental Report include: Stormwater Treatment Areas- (STAs) which have treated almost 1.5 million acre-feet of water and prevented 189 metric tons of phos- phorus from reaching the Ever- glades in water year 2005 alone. Best Management Practices (BMPs) recorded its tenth consecu- five year of outstanding results in reducing phosphorus inputs.. The BMP program achieved a 59-per- cent phosphorus load reduction in the Everglades Agricultural Area this year, more than doubling the 25 percent required by law. To date, STAs and BMPs com- bined have prevented more than 2,178 metric tons of phosphorus from entering America's Everglades.. In October 2004, Governor Jeb Bush unveiled Acceler8 a plan to accelerate the restoration of eight key environmental projects to be completed 10 years ahead of schedule. The millionth acre of melaleu- ca, an invasive exotic plant species, was cleared from the Comprehen- sive Everglades Restoration Project (CERP) area in wateryear 2005. To date, more than 210,000 acres of land have been acquired for use in CERP. "The 2006 South Florida Envi- ronmental Report is one of our agency's most impressive annual documents," said Carol Wehle, Executive Director of the SFWMD. "It showcases the first-rate science, engineering and water resource management that are making South Florida's environmental restoration a reality." Under the leadership of Gover- nor Jeb Bush, Florida forged a 50- 50 State-federal partnership to implement the $8.4 billion Com- prehensive Everglades Restoration Plan and has invested $1.3 billion and committed an additional $3 bil- lion through the end of the decade to clean up and restore the famed River of Grass. The 2006 South Florida Environ- .mental Report, including a 52-page Executive summary, is available online at http://www.sfwmd.gov/ sfer/. DOUBLE YOUR INVESTMENT IN ONLY 1 YEAR! Builders Lots Available in the Fastest Growing Areas in Florida - WHOLESALE PRICIN Sorting out the Medicare drug program mess By Melissa Ross Critics say the program is too confusing and offers too. many choices. But insurers and politi- cians are urging the public, particu- larly senior citizens, to have faith in, Medicare's new prescription drug benefit program, which went into effect Jan. 1 of thisyear. All Medicare beneficiaries, not just seniors, are eligible for what's called, "Medicare Part D". Simply put, the new program is insurance for prescription drugs, and benefi- ciaries have 40 or more plans to choose from in Florida alone. Flori- da Medicare beneficiary Patricia Morris reflects the concerns of many seniors who have been. bombarding insurance companies with calls and e-mails, as they try to sort out their options. "Maybe I just didn't understand it but to me it was confusing. I need to figure out what the best plan is for me," she said. So what is the best plan? If you enroll in Part D, you pay a monthly premium, an annual deductible and a portion of each prescription. The incentive the Bush administration estimates Part D could cut prescription drug costs in half for most Medicare beneficiar- ies, and could eventually cover about 11-million low-income and disabled Americans. "This is protection for now and the future," says Susan Walker, Medicare Part D Team Leader for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Flori- da. "You never know when you're going to have that life-changing event that could require you to be on five or six drugs. Most seniors are on a fixed income and they're very savxy shoppers. They do their home ork. And they realize the benefits of purchasing PartD both for their piece of mind and the financial benefit." Walker says the insurance giant has seen a large volume of calls from seniors interested in the cov- erage to offset potential drug cost increases in the future. "We've had great response," she said, estimat- ing "tens of thousands of people across Florida have enrolled." It's important to note, Medicare beneficiaries have time to compare plans before they make a decision. Beneficiaries have until May 15 to enroll without paying higher pre- miums and are urged by govern- BERO aDNNGBO SUITES SUITES LI1VINGROOM ODDS SUITES -86ENDS Introducing Highkmdtat Wa/nut F Creek, a 58'1 i-icrse developments Just -6 minutei4 m Ahe-bilfr. \\'ere fitnesso~ wrails and natural grcenspaces cc.-nntct ne-ghborhoceds with a clubhouie wirh gymn/ipa ftaciliri. Pre-developmerntpricing- outsandingrommunfiry aplto roare om-'e s~peyugfim ng t~e hmn Sbrought to ya by th Grande estate lts-:-eelprso Hglad Village green cottages Equestrian bomesites 888.625.89150 www.b~ighlandsreseris.COM eane de1 tlPe.,fa ~ Etl I k, n I t 6- -3s1v W t -, &.j 5tvnciq. .11, 1 .5t1, ,,tua! IVpqeT, 1t,,t1,,1 nCtAenuem a eabrA 5mv aT 4d.i stme l oreprd n$ct uat i n.1,ceabmee6 mA te 6%egvsnun r, ,p.~i,," rl ny n~s a 'up ment officials, advocacy groups, and. private insurers to do their research and ask questions. "Our job right now is to let peo- ple know there's help out there for them. This is a really important benefit and it's worth the time they need to take to learn it," says Cheryl Matheis of the American Association for Retired Persons., Some other important tips: Insurers, advise keeping a list of the name, dosage and cost of your prescriptions. Since differ- ent-Part D plans cover.dillerent drugs, this will help you compare plans and choose the right one to meet your needs. Also, enrollees in Medicare Advantage HMO and/or PPO plans may not have to do anything to receive Part D drug coverage in 2006. For example, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida Medicare Advantage plans automatically pro- vide Part D coverage to enrollees. And people on a fixed income may qualify for assistance in cover- ing the costs of premiums and co- pays. To find out if you're eligible, call 1-800-MEDICARE or visit ww\.v.medicare.gov or the Social Security Administration online at wvww.ssa.gov. * Call J.G. Wentworth's - Annuity Purchase Program J.G.WENTWORTH. 866-FUND-549. ANNUIrY PURCHASE PROGRAM -Sprint. Searching high and low to save? Get High-speed Internet, satellite TV, reliable home phone service and unlimited nationwide long-distance calling for less than $110 a month. 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All service marks and trademarks belong to their respective owners. DISH Network is a registered trademark of EchoStar Satellite LLC. All rights reserved arthnk is a registered trademark of EiarthUnk, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. SPR-45406 I I lui,)Uay3 Mal Lol I I U, ww I 10 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, March 16, 2006 Band Continued From Page 1 accounting, the envy of small school programs. But while very active in the athletic programs, which has been extremely appreci- ated by the. Terrier athletes, the focus of Mr. Rawlings is to not only Members Continued From Page 1 residents' 'pride of place,' and sense of history to give generously to the program, to' enable us to accrue funding for matching grants for facade improvements, signage and street-scaping projects, and promotion of the city and attrac- tions as they come on line." Founding memberships .for Main Street Moore Haven are $3,000. Partners, $1500, Support- ing members, $500; Building members, small businesses and. organizations, $50 and individual/friend memberships, $25. The March 1 deadline for dues has been extended to March 31 after technical difficulties the Manager Continued From Page 10 had my stuff in the truck and I needed to find a place to stay. I'd made a couple telephone calls ahead of time and had an idea where I could stay, so I said if every- thing went %well in the afternoon I could start the next morning, which is what I did. I was hired as of eight o'clock Wednesday morn- ing, July 131h. "I w ent in the next morning and worked through the end of July. I didn't realize when I came here that the board was seeking a coun- ty manager. So I worked for a cou- ple weeks and they' asked if I %was going to apply for the position. I said I hadn't decided yet, that I wanted to look around and see how it was going with the employ- ees, I wanted to know a little bit about this community, and I want- ed to know about commissioners and their attitudes and what.did it appear that they wanted for Glades County. "I felt positive about the feed- back I was getting from all the; areas, so on the last day I submitted my resume. I put it in saying I reserved the right to reach in and pluck it out if I decided to at a later point." Mr. Taylor said the board met the first day meeting in August and it didn't take them long to figure out what they wanted to do. A number of applications had been submitted, of course they read all of them, and then one commis- sioner said, "I've read all of 'em, then I read Mr. Taylor's and I see what he's done. As far as I'm con- cerned, he's the man for the job." Another board member said, "I was gonna make the motion but seeing you've done that, I second." "And so very quickly I was hired, we agreed upon a salary, in other words they offered and I accepted. I don't like to hassle teach his students the realm of school-pride music, but to create young musicians. As a small school, Moore Haven includes seventh and eighth grade students into their high school pro- -grams, given the challenge to someone like Mr. Rawlings of cre- ating a cohesive program of extreme beginners and what could be termed veteran band members loss of a computer in the EDC office and the breakdown of a copier in the Extension Office which the EDC shares delayed the distribution of letters and appli- cations to businesses not already members of the Economic Devel- opment Council. "We want to thank staff at the Glades County property apprais- er's office for assisting us in print- ing mailing labels from the occupa- tional list, and Glades County School Board secretary Lisa Ran- dolph for copying the letters and applications.for uswhen the copier went downi" EDC director and part time Main Street Moore Haven pro- gram manager Tracy Whirls said. "While being such a small com- munity and county sometimes has its draw backs, in that everybody wears multiple hats and the same folks are tapped to support every about money. They. need to set salaries, I don't do that. They sim- ply removed interim from the name because there is no perma- nent county manager. There is no such thing as that. The average 'life span' ofa county manager is about a year and a half. It's absolutely' essential that the Board of County Commissioner and the county manager work together. They make the decisions and they set the policies; the county manager car- ries out those decisions and poli- cies. I don't try to make those deci- sions. When they express their wishes to me in the form, of a motion or direction from the board, I take it and run with it." Wendell Taylor added, "Since I've been here I've worked real hard doing a lot of things. I've brought a lot of experience to the task. I love this county. If I had not loved this county I would have done the interim job, let them find somebody and I would have gone on. The county is rural...agricultur- al...cattle, sugar cane and citrus. I have a degree from the University of Florida in animal science...ranch management is the. old term. I do understand a lot that's going on. I know what these guys are trying to do out there. It's very difficult...it's done a little different than what I've been used to in North Florida, the science is a little different. "I enjoy the county, I enjoy working with these commission- ers. I have the feeling that these commissioners, in the past, have felt that Glades County could have moved a little faster and they want- ed to move a little faster into the future of the 21 st century. I felt that I would be able to work with them as a team, carrying out their wish- es, being able to discuss issues and that we could make that happen. So far I feel as though we're doing that. I was told there were certain things I couldn't do, they've been tried before and it didn't work. Well, we've overcome some of those and obviously there are who hold upper classmen status. While the word is now getting out about the Terrier Band, more community support is needed, according to Mrs. Hill. "We need more community support," she said. "Everyone from the community, to the school board, to the school is extremely supportive of this program. But it's very expensive to maintain. The worthwhile endeavor, it's nice to know that when you run into prob- lems, all you have to do is pick up the phone and someone will help you. out. They have to pay for that kind of assistance in the city!" Once the membership drive ends in March, the first annual Main Street Moore Haven mem- bership dinner will be scheduled in April, to recruit committee mem- bers and elect an inaugural board of directors. The dinner date/loca- tion will be announced later. In other Main Street related news: Moore Haven's $10,000 "start up" grant application will be reviewed by the state historic preservation ad hoc grant review committee March 27. The city of Moore Haven is cur- rently advertising for qualifications from planning consultants to assist some issues I can't get into but I don't mind giving it the old try, giv- ing it my best effort. Maybe the approach wasn't right, maybe they didn't understand, maybe the background and understanding to get the job done wasn't there. The board's reaction to me so far in Ihe way we've worked together as a team, I feel I am very much sup- ported by the entire board. They've been very, very helpful. I try never to surprise the commissioners. "I can sit do%\n and talk to each member in my office and we talk about a range of issues that they' bring up and I bring up. And when I see there is support for certain things Il go through with that. When I see there's not support then I look to see what's behind that and so we can work with that issue, too. : "My goal is to try to make. this board look as good as I can possi- bl, make them look...they deserve that. The citizens of this communi- ty voted them into office and that's what they're looking for and I'm going to help them in that endeav- or. "I have really enjoyed these eight months. We've done a lot of things that were difficult, we are doing things that are difficult like getting through the storm, how do we survive and get through and" recouping from that. We've been working with FEMA since- that time, to see what funds are avail- able and understanding FEMA rules. And we've not finished that process because it takes a long time, but.you've gotta- keep work- ing. "I wrote a personnel policy manual. This county had an anti- quated one when I got here and I was told you couldn't do that. There was one here that talked about a 35-hour workweek and things like that. Well, I started in on that." From that point Mr. Taylor took a manual he'd written for a county before coming to Glades County, dry cleaning bill alone for these uniforms would shock you. We hope to varnish more community support for this program. The boosters work very hard and we'd welcome anyone to our meetings who want to help us out." The March 14 performance is a fundraiser for the band and ticket prices will run $10. Members of Dallas Brass will be at the school with needed amendments to the city's comprehensive plan and land development regulations to support the revitalization effort. "Once we meet with Mr. Ham, we can begin to finalize an action plan and determine what kind of grant funding we need to pursue," Ms. Whirls said. "This might range from historic preservation acquisi- tion and development grants to purchase and rehab some building' or buildings, working with the Florida Department of Transporta- tion to secure enhancement fund- ing for sidewalks, street-scaping and other improvements down- town, or soliciting USDA or Eco- nomic Development Administra- tion funding for additional dockage along the seawall downtown." In addition to seeking funding for "big ticket" projects, Main Street Moore Haven will also be seeking *took the old one from Glades and another from a county nearby and worked them together, along %withi information from a committee that had been working on a manual for a long, long time. Over a period of several weeks he worked on the policy manual, then called a meet- ing saying, "We're gonna sit down this morning and go through this page by page. We'll make changes, and we're gonna finalize this thing. When we walk out today, you've got 48 hours to look at anything that we might w1ani to talk about, possible changes or wvhatet er But these have to be back in to me in the day of the concert to work with all sectionals of the high school band. The band will hold a regular practice, work closely with Dallas Brass, and then hold an after school practice with Dallas Brass in preparation for the night's per- formance. Ticket information will be released soon. In the meantime, more information can be obtained grant funding for the installation of historic plaques, describing each of the remaining commercial build- ings in the historic district on the National Register, to devise a brochure and map of the historic district for a walking tour and other projects. "That's why the membership drive is so important," Ms. Whirls said. "It's.-less about the money, although we will need money to match grants, install signage and promote the area, than it is about securing the support of a group of individuals willing to assist in organization, economic restructur- ing, promotion and other activities. "Securing the designation as a new Florida Main Street last August was just the first step. Now the real work begins!". Ms. W\hirls said shortK after the annual dinner, she hopes to sched- 48 hours after we leave here. We're gonna give it our very best today, then we still have 48 more hours. I'm gonna finalize it, it's going to the board in September. There'll be a workshop on it and at the end of the month you'll vote it up or dow alter %we've had the workshop." That's exactly what was done. The board look it, adopted it and now employees have a document that says this is w hat I can demand from the s,,stem and it also tells them what the system demands of them. It's all in agreement with Fedtial Fair Labor standards and . laws.. from Mr. Rawlings on the details of ticket sales, at the high school. That information will be released to the Glades County Democrat in the coming days. Join this one-night brass extrav- aganza while helping to support the growing Terrier Marching Band. ule Main Street Moore Haven's site team visit, during which Florida Main Street coordinator Joan Jef- ferson and a host of Main Street experts will visit to assist the newly formed Main Street committees in the areas of organization, aimed at encouraging cooperation and building leadership in the business community; promotion, aimed at creating a positive image for the city by promoting the downtown as an exciting place to live, shop and invest; design,, aimed at improving the appearance of the city and economic restructuring, aimed at strengthening and expanding the economic base of the city. For more information about Main Street Moore Haven, Inc., phone (863) 946-0300 or e-mail htvhirlsi@'gladescountyedc.com. Mr. Taylor further explained, "After this was done, I met with groups of employees in several ses- sions. I took the book, gave each a copy and walked them through it cover to cover. We discussed any- thing they wanted to. The response has been very, very positive. Now they feel as though they'll get a lair and honest shake from the county, and the county is expecting them to do their duty Nowv all people involved know what to expect from one another." The second in this series %will appear in following issues of The Democrat. 4 ~% viny .. '/ienw ~y &'~ i'~.Iha~ ~ iha~- Wi: 7.. I 'I ~rhrnii irFL f'.i-'.ll&%v M, i'rilli A MiD hIh 11 itr %% i. L")lI Il tdr I'q-it i i ri xi'- IriI. v.J p E.I: I rV rEm'- NI.p '- ii oiq, r'-irip I-ajrm' sl it j j 5r~jipriiv'.lr~, -jririL', '' [ u-iA WI 'y I I' C I 'ii- If v I j It lfj NIgl~ i I'- ivrip--l by yrr ri'.tijjid 'h'fip'iriiI' ,11.I:', t'i~i J'M1ii1r:piri ) I Iiiy I lrli't 'l '451 E' "Ii'l r a rl FL sl-d ioi \0r Fr-ifo '-. L'-' i FTPiIi h jr r Icr Fliji '-jir lH. :rii -i~'l h F11 1 t r~It i I .I )flIrlI II 'l S4Iff~r I uf Wil'ppf'.,~ u.irriv 41v yr ( iL m-utrnrig Li-i' i, r 'i I I N~riL'- 'i-.~ii'- Li h:~ L li- Ajfi jp- b i'Au [I i Q ''1 i 'I Kil -r. I :', Lw I .jfl ,I yvi'lvBll LAI'.'[iy0By Itir'. V IN''A .SyiJ,1:16 iil.iri Introducing Dr. Ellis Webster, ENT Dr. Webster has joined Glades General Hospital's team of physicians. Dr. Webster is looking forward to giving quality Ear, Nose and Throat care to our community. Please join us in welcoming Dr. Webster. Dr. Webster is currently taking appointments. Please call 561-996-3750 to schedule an appointment. Glades Medical Plaza 941 S.E. 1st Street Belle Glade (Behind Donut Connection) Dr. Webster is in the office lWednesdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. There is office staff there daily to schedule appointments. Medicare, Aledicaid and most insurance plans accepted. GLADES .GENERAL HOSPITAL 10EMSWINKR 10 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, March 16, 2006 Thursday, March 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee i I SACRIFICED i~'I TO THEd SUVS oTHEPUBLIC EVERY VEHICLE ON THE LOT WILL BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF LOSS OR PROFIT $2500 REAE AN DISCOUNT CHECK YOUR MAILBOX FOR OUR SCRATCH & MATCH MAILER ! --(GOOD THRU SUNDAY ONLY) ALL MAKES & MODELS AVAILABLE! .T.I. r f .. .i I -' 11v in u l r U t" i ir-!r * Bank Reprocessed * Lease End Turn-Ins * Corporate Vehicles * Used Demo's * Auction Vehicles PURCHASE A PRE-OWNED VEHICLE UP TO 90% OFF ITS ORIGINAL PRICE!! CREDIT PROBLEMS? NO PROBLEM! IF WE CAN'T GET YOU FINANCED, WE'LL GIVE YOU A CAR!! *With approved credit. Down payments may vary; vehicle payment totaled with your current monthly payments must not exceed 50% of your gross income. Must be at least 18 years of age. Any equity deficit in your current vehicle must be paid or refinanced with new vehicle. Bankruptcies must be discharged. "While supplies last 100% approval equity loan. (3) With approved credit. Vehicles subject to prior sale. No purchase or submission to sales presentation necessary. Purchase does not increase chance of winning. Void where prohibited. See complete rules available at Glades Ford, Lincoln, Mercury. Contest begins 3/15/06 and ends 3/19/06. Open to legal U.S. residents, age 18 or older with a valid driver's license who received an original mail piece via U.S. Mail. Employees of Glades Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, mail house, AHNO, associated sponsors or agencies, and their family members and members of same household are ineligible. Addressee must redeem original mail piece in person by close of business on 3/19/06. Original number on mail piece must match a randomly selected winning number to win corresponding prize. Winning numbers) will be displayed during normal business hours between contest dates at participating locations. Winning numbers) may not be released over the phone. Available prizes, approximate retail value and odds of winning: $5,000 cash (1:50,000 mailers); 42" Plasma TV (A.R.V. $2,000) (1:50,000 mailers); $1,000 Internet shopping spree (49,996:50,000 mailers); Wave Runner (A.R.V. $2,000) (1:50,000 mailers); $250 cash (1:50,000 mailers);. Maximum of one prize award available per prize level. In the event of print/mechanical errors or duplicate winning numbers distributed in error, the number match contest Is void and no prizes will be awarded. In event an error voids contest, promotion will be re-mailed at a future date. All validly claimed prizes will be awarded. Any unclaimed prizes will not be awarded. Sponsor not responsible for late lost, misdirected or damaged mail. Contest sponsor: Glades Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, 525 NW. Ave. L, Belle Glade, FL. Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, March 16, 006, -;4.J.-- - GUARANTEED FINANCING FOR Nt 8o* AVE L ------------- Thursday, March 16, 2006 12 SPORTS Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Lake Area Varsity Sports Schedules Submitted to INI Bass Buster winners The 10.42-pound monster was caught by Chris Rand of Weston Florida while fishing in Moonshine Bay on Lake Okeechobee. He was using a Purple Worm with Gold Flake Glitter made by Gambler Lures of Florida. The fish, was caught March 5, during the BASS BUSTERS BIG BUCKS TOURNAMENT. Three of the five bass that the team of Chris Rand and Jim Gildea weighed in on March 5. Their Sunday total was 28.99 pounds for five fish and moved them to sec- ond place overall for the two-day event. Winners of the two-day event were Allen Walls and Tony Bennett (former NFL Star). There two-day weight to win the tournament was 40.14 pounds. At Family Eye Care We Provide: Complete Eye Health Examinations Including Prescriptions for Contact Lenses and Glasses Treatment of: Glaucoma Eye Injuries Dry Eye Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) Evaluation of M..i,:ul.ar De liirr ir. Cataracts .. Flashes & Floaters Ater Suren C.arj of C.iiiar j,- GL! Ju.' i i.i Pterygium LASIK Specializing in bifocal, toric, daily disposable and hard-to-fit contact lenses. Full Optical Services In-House Lab.* High Quality Name Brand Frames Same Day Service on home Prescriptions Latest Technological Lens Design Saturday and Evening Appointments Available 24 Hour Emergency Available New Patients Welcome 863.675.0761 www.familyeyecarelabelle.com & lahes Hesith Car Cpvater 3 Skilled Long & Short Term Care Facility Healthcare Services Include: SSpecialized Wound Care Resident & Family Council Groups *Full Time Medical Director 'Specialized HIV Care *Dialysis Support *Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapy *Alzheimer's Support Groups *24 hour Registered Nurse Staffing * Intravenous Therapy *Therapeutic Activities 230 South Barfield Highway Pahokee, Florida 33476-1834 PHONE: ,561-924-5561 FAX: 561-924-9466 Other facilities in Gainesville & Bradenton Visit our website at www.floridacare.net Ted Schiff, M.D. and the professional staff at Water's Edge Dermatology will treat you with all the care and expertise you expect. Adult and Pediatric Dermatology Diseases of the Skin, Hair and Nails Surgery of the Skin, Skin Cancer Treatment MOHS Skin Cancer Surgery New patients are welcome. Medicare and most insurance accepted. NEW OFFICE: 542 W. Sagamore Ave. Building E, Hospital Annex Clewiston, FL 866-549-2830 Stuart: (772) 219 7 **Lc ( Editor's note: The spring sports season is upon us. To have your school's schedule pub- lished, e-mail them to myoung@newszap.com. To help us provide lake-area coverage, request a sports information sheet or please send game stats to myoung@newszap.com. If you don't see your school's sports schedule or sports news listed, please contact the schools direct- ly and ask them to cooperate in submitting this information to us. Spring Sports Schedules Glades Day Baseball March 16. Hosts King's Academy 4 p.m. March 17: At St. Edwards 7 p.m. March 28: At American Heritage (Del- ray) 7 p.m. March 30: At Benjamin 4 p.m. April 4: Hosts Summit Christian 4 p.m. April 6: At John Carroll 6 p.m. April 11: Hosts Clewiston 4 p.m. April 12: Hosts Moore Haven 4 p.m. April 15: At Palm Beach Lakes 1 p.m. April 19: At Pahokee 4 p.m. April 20: Hosts Seminole Ridge 4 p.m. April 21: At Glades Central 7 p.m. Softball March 17-18: At South Florida Slam Fest2006 March 28: Hosts Jupiter Christian 4 p.m. March 30: Hosts Benjamin 4 p.m. April 6: Hosts Clewiston 5 p.m. April 14-15: Bill Longshore tournament April 18-21: District championship tour- nament Track and Field March 16: At Moore Haven 3:30 p.m. March 30: At Palm Beach Qualifier TBA March 31: At Clewiston Invitational 3:30 p.m. Clewiston High School Varsity Baseball March 17: At South Ft. Myers 7 p.m. March 21: Hosts Cypress Lakes 7p.m. March 28: At Riverdale 7 p.m. March 29: Hosts Sebring 7 p.m. March 31: At LaBelle 7p.m. April 4: Hosts LaBelle 7 p.m. April 6: At Evangelical Christian 7 p.m. April 7: Hosts American Heritage 6 p.m. April 11: At Glades Day 4 p.m. April 14: Hosts Lake Placid 7 p.m. April 18: At Moore Haven 7 p.m. April 20: Hosts Bishop Verot 6 p.m. April 25-26,28: Districts at Lemon Bay Softball March 17: At South Ft. Myers 7p.m. March 28: At Riverdale 7 p.m. March 30: Hosts Avon Park 7p.m. March 31: At LaBelle 7 p.m. April 4: Hosts LaBelle 7 p.m. April 6: At Glades Day 5 p.m. April 10: Hosts King's Academy 7 p.m.- April 11: Host Immokalee 7 p.m. April 13: At Moore Haven 7 p.m. Tennis March 16: Girls at LaBelle. boys host LaBelle 4 p.m. March 28: Girls host Sebring 4 p.m. , March 30: Boys and girls at Immokalee 4p.m. April 3: Girls at Lake Placid, boys host Lake Placid 4 p.m. April 6: Boys and girls host Immokalee Apnl 13: Boys and girls at Okeechobee 4p.m. Track March 17: At Bishop Verol Invitalional TBA March 31: Hosts Clewiston Invitational 3:30 p.m. April 4: Hosts Charlotte/Moore Haven 5 p.m. April 7: At LaBelle Invitational 4 p.m. April 11: Districts at Golden Gate 1 p.m. Sports in Brief Tiger Tennis : Tournament CLEWISTON The Clewis- ton Recreation Department will be sponsoring: Tiger Spring Break Tennis Tournament March 24 and 25. The event will include Men's and women's singles and doubles. Entry Fee is $10 per per- son. For registration or more information call Steve Gwyn at 983-3294 Or Angie Kelley at 983- 1492. . Newszap Newspapers We make it easy to stay up-to-date! Community homepages newszep.com Click anytime for the latest LOCAL NEWS LOCAL ADVERTISI5 LOCAL ORGANIZATIiONS! Featuring links to: MAP wire Weather Obituaries Health news SStock quotes Horoscopes T TV listings Movie listings Lottery results Food & recipes White Pages Yellow Pages & much more! Newszap! Online News & Information newszap.com Black Gold tennis tournament BELLE GLADE Black Gold tennis tournament beginners to advanced. Singles play April 1, doubles play April 9. You can expect three to four hours of fun each day starting at 9 a.m. No entry fee. Contact Ken Buchanan (561) 996-6107. air Panctiri1e -1.1d Reir.11ar ik,-afdie pfi-Ie.' L Classic c as -'j CFI.,,!da Wilderness 'A M-t 5-f- 311 River Ranch Lots Offered in 14 parcels Ten parcels include road frontage on Highway 630 9Jp.-ireM C" iEWM t LWN, BO ON n rr F lfannLMg Alewlabled 1f i ,urihet.r i. irraillon 800-257-4161 www higgenboth.im corn - We Custom Build (We are the factory) - NMany Sizes Available , - Meets or Exceeds Florida Wind Code - Florida "Stamped" Engineered Drawings (included) METAL SYSTEMS LLC 800-920-1601 www.metalsystemsllc.com ConrO unit L nfl ks. /r liviul ,;ices __ Headlines Stories from Independent's 7 newspapers in South Central Florida, PLUS searchable archives. Post Your News Post or read press releases, announcements & information from your community. Public Issues Forum An open forum in which issues of the day are debated sometimes vigorously. Post For Free Post your personal messages on an open Bulletin Board for Florida residents. Local Links A directory of websites for location government, teams, organizations & columnists. Classified Ads The combined listings from Independent's 7 newspapers, distributed to 31,000 homes. Canal Point Pahokee Belle Glade South Bay Clewiston Moore Haven Ortona Muse North LaBelle Felda LaBelle Immokalee Pioneer Plantation Buckhead Ridge Okeechobee Basinger Frostproof A ALL STEEL BUILDINGS 25 x 25 x 7 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 1 9x7 Garage Door, 2 Gable Vents 4" Concrete Slab Installed $11,395 30 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $16,895 35 x 50 x 12 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2 10x10 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $28,995 25 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (3:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab (see photo) Installed $16,995 We Will Help You Design A Building To Meet Your Needs To read more news, visit www.newszap.com LEE Civic EP HALL available for private parties weddings, class and family reunions, quincenera's Call 239.543.7469 for more information ONLY 11 Units Left! Starting at $168,000 Rental History Available Possible Owner Financing LAUREL RIDGE SUBDIVISION GREAT SMOKEY MOUNTAINS NATIONAL PAR g RENTAL CABINS Call 1-856-774-0215 for more information Mwww.timtertapsfealestate.cam RENTAL HISTORY AVAILABLE ON ALL MOUNTAIN CABINS. See www.yourcabin.com for a list of managed properties CDL with HAZMAT LOCAL DRIVERS NEEDED!! P(>< ii.CORkP i puhbb ci..rpan nil ilth r.rl riJ InrgLl -.jFplitr .i S\ rinuiig Pt i l >ullphi.- L.qui n.nl hiu. iicedf tor wIt nrrt i & i 'mpiir.ir. (.)l Jdiitr. \ I1TH H.H.Vl..\1T LilAor.''.m -nr. S -. S I ..ntl pe'iir bre nchic .. (..i h l .L nii. I 'i b cl i Im 10 11 i ,iid; u.in i diU. l.-.li. n[ ic bi nci e ili, duc rl i.lii')onn liei in i Lt i1 l hii '. Naples 23Q.(>b4Q-S'1). 239-598q-4181 Fort Lauderdale 454-3 Q-0792 Port St. l.ucie 772-.43-l8Y16 772.84.44-47 Mianmi 305.266.1901iR 305.232-L048 305-256-1)0)U ) 305-.597.X3J)U Cape Coral 239.574-9100 Folrt Meer, 2394-?2-1214 Wesl Palm Beach5r.1-.242-1i241 \ erm, Beach '72.770i59-8 Palm Beach Garden 5hl *63U-773' F.\celienr Bencfits & Crimpcridve PNy F M./F/V,'D and Drug-Free www.poolcorp.cor Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee 12 SPORTS Thursday. March 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Dairies reduce phosphorus in runoff By Audrey Blackwell OKEECHOBEE Four area dairy farms are making progress on reducing the amount of phosphorus from their opera- tions as a result of practices initi- ated through .the Best Available Technologies (BAT) project of South Florida Water Manage- ment District (SFWMD). A dozen water-related agency people and area dairymen attended a BAT meeting on Wednesday, March 8, at the SFWMD's Service Center at 205 N. Parrott Ave. Representatives of SFWMD, Florida Department of Agricul- ture and Consumer Services, Florida Department of Environ- mental Protection, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Natural Resources Conservation Ser- vices; and local dairymen Randy and Doug Burnham attended. Del Bottcher, president of Soil and Water Engineering Technol- ogy, Inc., updated the group on the progress of the BAT project his firm has been leading since 2001.-The goal is to reduce the export of phosphorus from four dairy operations into Lake Okee- chobee. There are 20 dairy operations in Okeechobee County, and those dairies that are not part of the BAT project are engaged in other practices to help reduce the loss of phosphorus from their farms. They are involved with an Agriculture Nutrient Management Plan to help their operation become nutrient bal- anced and get a handle on their imports and exports of phos- phorus. The four BAT dairy farms are Butler Oaks, Davie, Dry Lake and Milking R. Even though Dry Lake Dairy was sold recently, the BAT system is still in operation because residual phosphorus remains on the land and when it rains, it can leach out of the soil. Each of the four dairies has a different technology system in place for moving and treating the water. Such systems usually involve a pump that moves water to a retention pond, a floc-. culation pond, chemical injec- tion and large drying beds. According to Gary Ritter, an engineer with SFWMD, the origi- nal goal for dairy operations was to meet a goal of 1,200 ppb (parts per billion) for phospho- rus export. Many were above that before the Lake Okee- chobee Protection Act was passed in 2003. "We said we would do better and bring the dairies below that, and each of the four has achieved that. With the systems, SFWMD speeds i.d. of algae they are all down around 200 ppb," he said. The four dairies involved in the BAT project are actual work- ing dairies that can serve as models for other dairy farmers in the future, especially as SFWMD works toward maintain- ing phosphorus levels at a total maximum daily load (TMDL) of 140 metric tons. Currently, the lake averages 500 to 600 tons of phosphorus. SFWMD has targeted reaching the desired TMDL by the year 2015. Dairy farm runoff represents only a portion of what contributes to phosphorus in the lake. According to Mr. Ritter, the district will do a cost analysis of the BAT project for funding. They will look at what it costs to install and maintain a net tech- nology system and compute the cost per the amount of phospho- rus removed. "We want to make sure oper- ating the technology is cost effective," he said. Share your opinion on a free forum at www.newszapforuns.com. F WE CAN HELP REBUILD YOUR CREDIT! " Guaranteed financing with as little as $2,000 down... sometimes less! y Coast Financial Group : With names like Spirogyra, Mastogloia and Schizothrix these common types of algae sound more like gourmet pasta dishes than slimy pond scum that grows on rocks or other, plants in the Everglades ecosys- tem. However, this pond scum - or periphytic algae have a very critical and beneficial func- tion: they are a natural link in the food chain, consumed by small invertebrates and fish and, are sensitive indicators of environ- mental change in wetland sys- tems. Periphyton are the first and fastest biological indicators to respond to changes t6 water quality conditions in the Ever- glades ecosystem. By monitoring and studying periphyton, scientists can pro- vide data needed to evaluate the progress and success of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) under the' Restoration, Coordination and Verification (RECOVER) Program. To obtain monitoring results sooner and. quantify complex periphyton dynamics and water quality interactions, the South Florida Water Manage- ment District (SFWMD) and Florida Atlantic Uni\'ersitv (FAU) scientists are implementing - for the first time a faster way of monitoring periphyton Today, the SFWMD Governing Board authorized a three-year cooperative agreement with FAU for monitoring Everglades peri- phyton using chemotaxomon.i technology, a rapid-assessment monitoring method The $240,000 agreement uses a. well-established method knov.n as chemotazLxonom% to quantirv periphylon abundance and composition of different types of algae based on diagnos- tic pigments. Samples can be analyzed faster than traditional .methods, such as chlorophyll .a or taxonomy. The current method of moni- toring can take between six to 18 months to complete, \ while this rapid screening method reports results in two to four weeks,-said District project manager 'and environmental scientist Scot Hagerthey, Ph.D. Because periphyton respond rapidly to changes in water chemistry, this method will allow more rapid identification of areas that may be undergoing changes due to CERP influences that may otherwise be missed by traditional sampling meth- ods. More than 480 samples will be collected each year from sites throughout the Everglades region starting April 2006. The chemotaxomonic assessment of these samples will be reported in the.context of their relation- ships ,to other key RECOVER projects, in the Annual Systems Status Report. CERTIFIED MARINE CONSTRUCTION SEAWALLS DOCKS DECKS BOAT HOUSES Repairs or New Construction Top Quality Work Agressive Prices Open 7 Days A Week 772-334-4722 State Lic. #CGC1504452 with manners? ~ IClewisto~n Df ooks at wyate Nevicemnete'y i, awl" MRi8m iii'N( 9Om. ' k.4 ua.mwa A legitimate role for the press is that of "the public's watchdog." Most cit- izens can't spend the time necessary to personally observe their public officials at work, or to determine how well public institutions are carrying out their public mission. But too many newspapers these days act more like "mad dogs" than "watchdogs." We're proud to be different. We try to carry out our "watchdog" role as humble representatives of the public, always maintaining a courteous tone and our reputation for purposeful neutrality. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or calling your editor. Clewiston News GLADES COUNTY DEMOCRAT TheSun Community Service Through Journalism To sa\e time and money by having the ne\\ paper deli' ered to \ our home b\ mail. call Reader Ser ices at 1-877-353-2424 or email - readerser\ ices@'ne\\ szap.com. If you're alreadN a subscriLer and have ques- ,. tions or requests about your home delivery. call Readere Service at 1-877-353-2424 or email readerser\ ices(@ ne\\ szap.com. \-- i. Clewiston News DEMOCRAT -. The Sun ;INCF j 952 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, March 16, 2006 Thursday, March 16, 2006 14 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee k~~ t t-I' Palm W** 9 4 III As Low As STK#62089 Or $ IIIIM m Lease UPIFFor 9 Per Mo. Plus Tax LEASE FOR 27 MOS. 12K MILES.YEAR $2189 DUE AT SIGNING PLUS TAX. TAG. TITLE, FEES. 2 TO CHOOSE! As wi =fr4 *.... r!:t ''"" "" STK#60955 LvIJ? sasMMMfMIMa --- M MAGNUM CHARGER SRT8 ST!4d65fl E Si-7Ng --* # b^aia^~ck -- - 2 TO CHOOSE! As c C IcJ Low As Jeep CHR- mVYSL-ER - -iu~^gai- lUHEI MHUUK: MUNI Y--HIDAY: b:3UAM 9:UI AI UHUAY: U:3UAM - UNDAY: 11:00AM 6:0( ADVERTISED OFFERS VALID ON IN-STOCK VEHICLES ONLY. OFFERS NOT IN CONJUNCTION. MINIMUM 750 BEACON SCORE REQUIRED. DEALER RETAINS ALL REBATES & INCENTIVES. PRICES INCLUDE ALL REBATES, PRICES PLUS TAX, TAG & TITLE, FEES AND DEALER INSTALLED OPTIONS. REBATES VARY ON SELECT MODELS, WITH APPROVED CREDIT. OFFERS EXPIRE DATE OF PUBLICATION OR MAY BE CANCELED AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE. RANKING BASED ON REGISTERED SALES FOR DAIMLER CHRYSLER THRU AUGUST 2005. ZERO DOWN, ZERO PAYMENTS TILL OCTOBER, AND 0% FINANCING AVAILABLE ON SELECT MODELS, MUST SCORE MINIMUM OF A+ THRU CHRYSLER FINANCIAL, NOT IN CONJUNCTION WITH OTHER OFFERS, RESTRICTIONS APPLY, SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. DEALER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS. VEHICLE ART FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. ALL LEASE PAYMENTS REQUIRE A+ CREDIT APPROVAL SCORE FROM CHRYSLER FINANCIAL, NOT IN CONJUNCTION WITH ANY OTHER OFFERS.@ 2006 CARRERA ADV A * Se S Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee 14 q T 7V I I L 1 0 1 TA , Thursday, March 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee '02 FORD RANGER -' SUPERCAB - 0$9,gg0 STK#62029A '03 CHEVROLET S-10 STEPSIDE STK.PL6734A .. ... .. .. ........... 8 ,990 '01 FORD F-150 CREW CAB XLT STK#6736A. .......... ................... ...... ... 1 0 ,9 9 0 '04 TOYOTA TUNDRA STK#6192A.. .. .... .......... 1 2 ,9 9 0 '00 DODGE 1500 SLT QUAD 4X4 STK 6209 A ............. .. .. ... ..... ..... .... .. 1 3 ,9 9 0 STK#62312AA..... ...... . .14,990 .. .. 15,990 '05 FORD F-150 STK#61773A ..... 15,990 '01 FORD F-250 STK#60483A............................................................. 1 6 ,9 9 0 '03 DODGE 1500 QUAD CAB SLT STK#61513A ............................................................ $ 1 6 ,9 9 0 '05 DODGE 1500 QUAD CAB SLT STK#60651A ........................................................... $ 1 9 ,9 9 0 '00 BUICK REGAL LSE STK-P6757 .. .................... .. 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' '99 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SPORT 2 TO CHOOSE ........... ... ..... .. '94 JEEP CHEROKEE 4X4 '98 CHEVY S10 XCAB STK-56068A. ... .. '95 CHEVROLET 1500 STK#61667A ... ..... '96 GMC SIERRA 1500 4X4 STK#56045A .. ......... ... .... .. '96 DODGE 1500 SLT 4X4 STKt61293A. . rms r~ .~ u 77,77"M rrrarT for aDTKIIR- '02 DODGE CARAVAN EC STKI 62291A. .. ...... .. ... .................. 6 9 9 '02 CHRYSLER VOYAGER STK#61758A.. ...... ... ...... ...... ........ 8 ,4 9 0 '03 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SE S TK 6i1781A .... ........ .. .... ............ ..... '02 CONVERSION VAN STK#61245A.... .. .. ... .. '03 FORD WINDSTAR STK,61750A .. ... ....... ..... '04 DODGE CARAVAN SXT STK#61282A ... ............. ............. '03 DODGE DURANGO STK#61601A... ... . '03 FORD ESCAPE . ..... ..... ... .9 9 0 .... ......... 1 1,9 90 ............... 1 2 ,9 9 0 ... 13,990 s-i mton STK*6439A.. ........ ............. I ........ '02 FORD EXPLORER XLT STK 622e 6 .. .. ...... ... ... ~ 9 9 '05 TOYOTA MATRIX STK6u0134A. .115,990 '05 DODGE CARAVAN STK#PL6 i67 .......................................................... +1 6 ,9 9 0 '05 JEEP LIBERTY STK#61267A 16,99 '05 HONDA ELEMENT STK#6607A............................................................ 1 7 ,9 9 '04 HONDA ODYSSEY EX STK#60625A............................................ ............. 1 7 ,9 9 0 I -- -SE ABLA ESPANVOL *PA.RLEZ VOUS FRAIVCAIS & CREOLE STORE HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY: 8:30AM 9PM SATURDAY: 8:30AM 9PM SUNDAY: 11AM 6PM Offers expire date of publication. Must present this ad at time of purchase to receive advertised offers. All offers to qualified buyers. With approved credit, Savings based off original MSRP. Dealer not responsible for typographical errors or omissions. Prices plus tax, tag & title. All vehicles subject to prior sale. See dealer for details. Art for illustration purposes only. '98 SATURN SL2 STK#6700A ......... .... ............. 9 '01 HYUNDAI TIBURON STK#61457A ... ...................... .... ,9 '02 OLDS ALERO .STK#6 1751A ........ ..... .. ........... '92 LEXUS LS400 STK#66- 48A ... ................ .. ........ '00 VW BEETLE STK#59 144A ... ... ...... .. ... ' '03 CHEVY MALIBU STK#55257C........ ... .... .. ...... 9 '98 VOLVO S90 STK 61519A .......... ......... ..... ...... $ 8 ,9 '04 CHEVY AVEO LS STK#6674AA..... ... ... ............. ........ .. ..i_ "., ,M e . . ..........I.... til'rki '02 DODGE 1500 QUAD CAB SPORT STK 65 2A .......... . '04 DODGE 1500 QUAD CAB Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursdayj March 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, March 16, 2006 Ashley Haggins; sponsored Tracey Victory; sponsored by Amber Rice; sponsored by Katlyn Frasier; sponsored by WW Plumbing. Seminole Tribe of Florida. Glades Ford. by 4-W Farms. ' Colberta Skinner; spon- sored by Gloria Garcia Photo. Tonie Tolar; sponsored by Tricia Farmer; sponsored by Kylie Pencarinna; sponsored T&C Produce. CDH Repair and Maintenance. by Jimmy Pittman Electric. Shelby Weeks; sponsored by Country Side Caf6 and Lake- side Aluminum. Hendry County Junior Miss Pageant The Hendry County. Junior Miss Pageant will take place at 7:30 p.m., at.the Hendry County Fairgrounds, March 21. Eighteen lovely young ladies are vying for this year's crown, so come out and sup- port these young community members as they bravely put them- selves up for judgment, for the bragging the rights to claim the title, Miss Hendry County Junior Miss. See more photos, Page 17. Tiffany Clinard; sponsored Jenna McDuffie; sponsored by by Economy Cars. South Florida Demolition. - - Cassandra White; sponsored by the White family. Heather Price; sponsored by Git-N-Go Split. Statewide Palms, Inc. 863 675 g/ d 525 NW A I, LIEE LImE 800-573-7983 www.gladesmotors.com ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL OUR CALOOSA BELLE OFFICE (863) 675-2541 OR EMAIL southlakeads@newszap.com auxilon cWest Lake FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATORY 805 N. Hwy. 27 Moore Haven (863) 946-1233 A uDINo, Inc. MAI LOPEZ LoasO seno a ?. mtE (54)687.'240 T,.LLFi.E l I.. 3."-0532 5900k Am DM sAVs. '.';. F- T. I ,, ,;!* -.L FL SUNRISE APPLIANCE New, Used, Scratch & Dent 401 US Hwy 27 Moore Haven 863-946-2666 8 3M I 1-H&M-11H ii)4 3 vfij lS3O!13. i DOG. l! l? DR. MERCER'S DENTURE CNIC 'BEST PRICES SAME DAY US 41 SOUTH' FT. MYERS 1-866-226-9400 RRoyal 's FURNITURE it 'LIn f d l rcntenipntii 'tII!., ' ALAN KELLY MORTGAGE Kelly Barnes Principal Mortgage Broker 825 Cowboy Way, Suite 110 LaBelle, FL 33935 Office: (863) 674-0091 Fax: (863) 674-0095 Cell: (239) 707-4404 alankeUymortgage@earthlink.net GLENN J. SNEIDER, LLC Criminal Law Bankruptcy Law Immigration Law 200 S.W. 9" Street Okeechobee, FL 34974 (863) 467-6570 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10,00 PER WEEK CALL OUR CALOOSA BELLE OFFICE (863) 675-2541 OR EMAIL southlakeadsi newszap.com ,eT-st're Coast Den'natolci\ l Sialhiig n thi Treamsiat f Ski Cmrg a Tim ilodnnides, M.D.. Rick Romagosa, M.D. Robert S. Kirsnur, M.D. PhD 1924 US Hwy. 441 N. Okeechobee 863-467-9555 :: ": [lfles 1efh Caire Cntfer 230 S. Barfield Hwy. Pahokee, FL 33476-1834 Phone: (561) 924-5561 Fax: (561) 924-9466 Email: C(ladesCareiu rloridaCare.net THE OPTICAL CENTER located in FAMILY EYE CARE 100 N. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 863-675-0761 R~eich & 1-888-7814-6724 A~ork.eri Compen.iminn Per..nijn.I njur) SvcwI 'ic urir- Diijbdm kivngtul fl&*jth KI*IITII (it *I -Inr irrlu'r l1,411%i.1 I. .114 It, coNsTIRuCtnon COrP SERGIO RUBIO PHONE: 863-228-1174 FAX: 863-983-1112 li E. SUGARLAND HWY, CLEWISTON STATE CERTIFIED GEIEPAL COiTRAICTOR LICENSE # CGC1508763 W 1. :iltitmfol iw m I Clewiston (866) 549-2830 Okeechobee: (863) 467.6767 Ft. Pierce: (772) 595.5995 Port St. Lucle: (772) 335-3550 Stuart:. 772) 219-2777 Palm Beach Gardenst (561) 694-9493 HENRY REGIiO MEDICAL CENTER 500 W," emWH "EI 863039121 Expect something extra." 1-800-SHOP CVS or Visit CVS.com OPEN 8am-10pm OR LONGER! 7 Days A Week -B, iW OM) ;ZI ,i' ;va _Lm! RICHARD K. SULLIVAN, ESQ. Criminal Defense Attorney FREE Consultations A lvaiab foror onluct A at.i normal buini-ss houri Pilpase call (863) 983-7552 Specialing In Custom Manufc during D & J Machinery, Inc. Hubzone Cert, 728 E. Trinidad Ave. Clewiston, FL 33440 863-983-3171 ADVERTISEYOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL OUR CALOOSA BELLE OFFICE (863) 675-2541 OR EMAIL southlakeads@newszap.com ;(IH: I R No Job Too Small or Too Large Free Estimates trucking Licensed & Insmred NELSON JOSE 561-261.1824 561-261-3176 * Driveways Fencing , Housepads Muck Fill #1 * Trees Removal P Rock, 57 Rock * Land Clearing Sod * Demolition Grading Dr. Ed Humbert HIP & KNEE SURGEON NOW SEEING PATIENTS AT HENRY GENERAL CALL TOA4YFOR ANAPPOINTMEu T 530 W. Sagamore Avenue Suite B Clewiston, Florida 33440 (863) 983-2896 http: / / wwwjointimlant.corn 1-S00-DODGE NOW 1.-61-*SJ-151 1 51i0 k1:eep hobee Blvd W.s & ho .bee & The TuInpike www.arrigoicj.com ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL OUR CALOOSA BELLE OFFICE (863) 675-2541 OR -MAIL southlakeadsiinewszap.com 'In The Old K-Mart Shopping Center* 965 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston (863)983-1108 Miss A Week Miss A Deal! ki w u Me .na . BONITA V HYATT 863-509-3083 www.fdirep.com/bhyatt Window Tint O, Gray flics Sjeciafizing in Signs, W.vindow Tinting Graphics 3644% South Main Street Belle Glade, Fl 33430 (561)996-2094 Submitted to INI Sara Armstrong; spon- sored by Jimmy Arm- strong, State Farm. Crystal Postell; sponsored by Postell's Country Meals. ..wnen youneed a se vice a professional for as little as $10.00 per week, per block. $I I ,f t^ Due to hurricane damages our Clewiston Office is temporarily closed -please call us at our Caloosa Belle office (863)675-2541 or email Sus at southlakeads@newszap.com to place yourad! 3'. l Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, March 16, 2006 Thursday, March 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Suomiuea to INI Tara Miller; sponsored by Furs, Furs, & Feathers Taxidermy. Erica Grooms; sponsored by Marilyn Garcia; sponsored by Shawn and Jerry Grooms. Clewiston Auto Body. Jessica Rosario; sponsored Jade Weiss; sponsored by by JMD Landscaping & JD's Mobile Home. Cleaning. Submitted to INI Junior Miss Pageant Lauren Hall; sponsored by- Melaine McGahee Attorney Johanna McIntyre; spon- At Law. scored by D&J Machinery. 1 I W . Erika Hernandez; sponsored Christina Morton; sponsored by Southern Bacon 4-H Club. by Sugar Realty. Bianca Sandoval; sponsored by Redish Glades Insurance. Emily Smith; sponsored by Dyess Real Estate, Cindy's Beauty Salon. Sandra Jenkins; sponsored by AA Equality Equipment. Brittani McNeil; sponsored by Barbara's Hair Salon. Adriana Martinez; sponsored by Lumos Neptune Seafood Restaurant. .;. .-. V .. 1; . Kadie Vita; sponsored by FM 99.5 Cane Country. Toni Ashton. Beauties vie for Hendry County title Ther coveted Miss Hendry beaurty tile is up for grabs once again and 19 incredibly lovely young ladies who are represent- ing their beloved county will vie for the title of Miss Hendry Coun- ty.' The pageantry begins at 7:30 p.m., March 20, at the Hendry County Fairgrounds. Come out and support Hendry County's loveliest young ladies in their quest for all around county bragging rights. Kayla Spears, above; sponsored by. Robinson Pool & Patio and Katrina Vannm, below;* spon- sored by P&A Pet Shop. If You Go Miss Hendry County Junior Miss Pageant March 21, 7:30 p.m. Hendry County Fairgrounds Miss Hendry . County Pageant March 20, 7:30 p.m. Hendry County Fairgrounds (rt!~ ~ AK4J __ --- ARM 'When you need a service, call a professional!" for as little as $10.00 per week, per block. Due to hurricane damages our Clewiston Office is temporarily closed please call us at our Caloosa Belle office (863)675-2541 or email us at southlakeads@newszap.com to place your adl SFOR AL YOUR, STORM SHUTTER NEEDS isualll 11 0 Eu .n#U i120320 coeTICT: KENNfTH COLE (561)798-1290 PH (561)723.9221I cLL COUNTRY HOMES & LAND REAL ESTATE Kathy Hutchins Lic. Real Estate Broker Office: 863-612-0551 Fax: 863-612-0553 Visit Our Website at: CentralFloridaLandSales.com R~ ltM" OGrolp. Ihc.. .isa Andrews tic. IReal. Estate BIroker 23: N. IIIi 1, L ,* ,1;, .1 i r-33935 863675-8868 VERGLADES REALTY, INC. Jeffrey A Davis Lic. Real Estate Broker Phone: 863-946-3900 Fax:863-946-3902 498 US Hwy. 27, Moore Haven Hoizons Real Estate Corp. 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 863-675-1973 e-mail:.uewhooizons..eceathlitlink.net If you are thinking of buying or selling, give MLS us a call! OLDE TOWNE REALTY, INC. THERESA "TERI" LEE RANGEL Licensed Broker OFFICE # 863-983-0075 AFTER HRS # 86 PORT LABELLE INN The OEL OXBOW Lounge is OPEN Wednesday through Saturday 5 p.m. 11 p.m. HAPPY HOUR 5 p.m. 7 p.m. 1 OXBOW DRIVE IABEILLE, FL 863.675.4411 I ~Tj~i.~Ria~. I ~. :~~LJjr' ~ C, Peiafin rown'"JR A 108 S, 1ei8 d, (ut r R va n ,i i) W ; t"i 'i :lN A K REALTY 233 N. BRIDGE ST ON THE CORNER OF BRIDGE ST & WASHINGTON VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM '' PROPERTY MANAGEMENT MS RENTALS SALES "W I I 7 '7 DENNIE H, Nsw CONSTRUCTION li)FlNG, C'''NT'ACIRo1 Licensed & Insured Lic. # CGC015735 FREE ESTIMATES "T='7w707 SCarolyn /horn as realty, Inc. Carolyn Thomas 946-2005 RAWLS REALESTATE 528 E Sgaflald iHwy,, Clewistoa wwwnrawsrealestatemcom (863)648-4416 (877)891-9111 State Certified # CCC026468 40 E, Sarlad Hwy, dJyssrealesatu~lcom 4E4 NO ONE WILL WORK HARD- ... ER FOR YOU + .. THEN JAMIE ^ ~ NAVARRO .:.: GIVE HIM A A CALL ON HIS CELL AT (239) 822-9272 RE A L-"i g'\\ ORLLD' C. BAGANS FIRST 30 Colorado Rd. Lehigh Acres, FL 33936 STATE EEI'WIED - CLEWISTON (863) 983.4747 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, March 16, 2006 d@ 1, ISe Sed ~ToI1~,4e I-k I'KiIle RI 5 for any personal items for sale under $2,500 FTD T More Papers Mean More Readers! Reach more readers when you run Announcements 1 Merchandise Mobile Homes your ad in several papers in" our newspaper network. Our newspaper network Employment Agriculture I Financial Services IllinmI Announcements -.rrporan, l r-. ... crr,-.... Please read your ad carefully the first day it appears. In case of an inadvertent error, please notify us prior to the deadline listed. We will not be responsible for more than 1 incorrect insertion, or for more than the extent of the ad rendered valueless by such errors. Advertiser assumes responsibility for all statements, names and con- tent of an ad, and assumes responsibility for any claims against Independent Newspapers. All advertising is subject to publisher's approval. The publisher. re.er.rei the nh. I ,it 1 .,, pt or relJCI ar./ cr all .:cop, and to r,,n tart ,t. le ihe O-c ',p I,he word adl.Erhi.u rr.eri' All ads accepted are subject to credit approval. All ads must conform to Independent Newspapers' style and are restricted to their proper classifications. Some classi- fied categories require advance payment. These classifications. are denoted with an asterisk *. Auctions 105 Car Pool 110 Share a ride 115 Card of Thanks 120 In Memoriam 125 Found 130 Lost 135 Give Away 140 Garage/Yard Sale 145 Personals 150 Special Notices 155 900 Numbers 160 ABSOLUTE AUCTION- Real Estate, Antiques, Col- lectibles, etc. March 25th & 26th. Garden Gate Antiques, Warrior, Alabama. For more information call (888)285-8408, www.red- montauction.com. Redmont, Auction & Land Co., Inc. Ed- die Propst, Lic# AU2051. REAL ESTATE AND ESTATE AUCTION 3 prop. in Live Oak and Lee FL JW Hill & Assoc- Call for info (888)821-0894 AB#2083. JEWELRY, at the Frost proof Sports Complex, .on 2/28, Call to identify (863)635-6677 CHIHUAHUA, Male, Please re- turn "TJ". Black & White/tan on face. Pioneer 17th St./Tampa Ave. Reward. 863-983-7702 DACHSHUND brown & red, miniature, friendly, Bass- wood entrance/Sunoco store on 98N. (863)467-6996. ENGLISH BULLDOG- missing in Clemonsville area, brindle color (863)304-2590 One Karat Marquee diamond, from wedding band on 2/28 please call (863)528-0633 or 528-2802 I READING A NEWSPAPER... dbod p-dk *^^ sand corval.., CUR MIX, 8 males, 1 female, free to good home. (863)763-4826 RABBITS (2), adult, Free to good home. (863)357-2274. STOCKADE FENCE- free, 50 feet +, (561)202-7702 Buckhead Ridge Automobi les Pulic Notices .I .. U ..ag/ad aes04 UGr. Place Your YARD SALE; ad today! Get FREE, signs and inventory sheets! Call Classifieds 877-353-2424 Empoyen Ful Tie 111 Citi Trends Fashion for Less NOW HIRING FOR OUR NEW STORE IN BELLE GLADE One of the Southeast's fastest growing chains of off price, family apparel has excellent opportunities in our Belle Glade location. We have openings for: Assistant Managers Managers in Training Part-Time Sales Temporary Set up help Citi Trends Fashion for Less offers: Competitive Salaries Flexible Hours Opportunity for Advancement If you are interest in a rewarding career with a fast growing company, then Citi Trends is for you. Please fax to 912-443-3674 or e-mail to tvargas(cititrends.com ADVERTISEMENT EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Salaried Executive Assistant position available at Southern Gardens Citrus. Position requires a mini- mum of 3 years experience assisting senior manage- ment. Candidate must have excellent clerical skills including shorthand, typing along with Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint computer skills. Benefits available. Contact HR Dept. @ 863-902-4133, fax 863-902-4315, or dmeltondsoutherngardens.com. CLEWISTON CHILD CARE CENTER DIRECTOR Harlem Academy Child Care Center is. seeking an experienced Center Director. BS/BA degree required with experience in all aspects of center operations. Send resume to R.S. 4315 Metro Pkwy. Fort Myers, FL 33916, FAX 239-278-3031. E-mail BobSalccswfl.org. EOE Drug Free Workplace Competitive pay, 401 K, medical, store discounts, sick pay & more. Apply Within. ACE Hardware, 310 E. Sugarland Hwy., Clewiston. Please ask for Nevin or Jordan. consists of eight papers one daily and seven weeklies. An ad run in all these newspapers will reach more than 164,000 readers*! Call Today For Details! * Sources: Pulse Research Market Srvey: Sirrmons Market Research: INI Marer Research Center Rules for placing FREE ads! To qualify, your ad ... Must be for a personal item. (No commercial items, pets or animals) r* bMust fit into 1. 2 inch . ... Must include only one item and its price (remember it must be S2.500 or less) Call us! No Fee, No Catch, No Problem! Empoyen Full Tim Emlymn FullTim Glades County Board of County Commissioners AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER MECHANIC-CLASS B SALARY RANGE: $9 00. $12 70 per hour , EXCELLENT BENEFITS, HEALTH CARE AND STATE RETIRE- MENT MAJOR DUTIES: Repair ad routine rrminteninrice on all uounrv equipment iricludin i irie Sop iiliy Appin:ani musil .be Ie I,: clean anid organce ithe sop laciiry Applic inr mui .lie 3.bl 10 prepare legible daily work, luc els re(i:oriling limnie Ptuipmprn nd in iverrlnry used Appliiaril musI be ble P 10 wrl,'k wiri road crews doing various iOD3 when rnece.,sary Applir rlln may O b required to perform labor dlutie sucln ar s rnovel ra.e trim trees or lay sod Appicant must provide sale cordiaonrs ,or eiripllynes drill ire jneer3al pulic anriI perlnorr any iwou nc:- . esi.aii 1o proi, el blades L ourity'ii lierr.il KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Applic ant mui be Cj- pjabl ol salely arn eni( ienfiy operjing any country equipment Applicant must nave the abiairy 10 lift up 10 100 IDS. and have tme abiliry O1 s. sitland wall,. sloop, bendi, crawl and work ouI- side for long periods of time in various wealner conditions Ap- plicant must possess knowledge and *kill in Ihe operation c automotive repair tools. and must be capable ,:l learning iO use diagnostic equipment Applicani must De able Io work IIPi'lee hours and overtime when necessary. Applicant must possess a minimum of one year experience in automotive repair. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: High school diploma or equiva- lent. Applicant must possessess a valid Class A Florida Comtner- cial Drivers License with an acceptable driving record. Applicant must be able to pass a screening test for illegal drugs. JOB LOCATION: Glades County Road Department, Moore Haven. WORK SCHEDULE: 7:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m., Monday Friday CLOSING DATE: March 31,2006 at 5:00 p.m. REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION: Glades County Application. Copy of valid Florida Drivers License. SUBMIT APPLICATION TO: Mary Ann Dotson 500 Avenue J PO Bo, 1018o Moore Haven, Fl33471 863-946-6000 Glades County is a drug-free, non smoking workplace CITY OF PAHOKEE IS ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS: Water Treatment Plant Operator Applicant must have a State of Florida Water Class C operator's license and possess a high school diploma. Trash Truck Driver Responsible applicant for driving the trash truck and performing heavy manual labor in the collection and disposal of vegetation and yard waste. Must have Florida CDL driver's license. Applications are available at the Human Resources Office, 171 N. Lake Ave., Pahokee, FL 33476 Mon. thru Fri. 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. Please submit resume with application. All positions will require applicants to pass a drug screen and background check. Open until filled. EOE. WANTED LPN Or Experienced Medical Assistant Family Medicine Practice Newborns to Seniors Friendly/Family Environment People skills necessary Send Resume to Sunshine Family Medicine Inc. 115 S. Gloria St. Clewiston, FL. 33440 863-983-2282 Competitive pay, 401K, Medical, Store Discounts, Sibk Pay & More. Apply Within. 310 E. Sugarland Hwy., Clewiston. Located inside Ace Hardware. Emlymn F u l T i e I l Emlymn Full Tim HELP WANTED Custodian. Must be able Io work evenings Must have a valid driver Ik sense Forklift Operator/Assistant a Ime Retycling & Ha.ardous Wavte Collie:ion Cenler in LaBelle. CDL license preferred. Mechanic I. Ba3s' meihrinr,: inow ledge e-perience as an au- 1tmoilive erve wijrkeci r mecrianic's helper preferred Mechanic II. Graduate iron jr approved course in reavy A& diesel rmeranics rine vejar: epenerenr' Both Mechanic positions require class B drivers license. Must have a High School Diploma or GED. Both located in Clewiston: GSi Coorrdinaioi r Ire L Blle ctinice Mu li rove Bachelor of Science Iromi an accrediied college or university in computer ;c ien(e geograpry. :r related tieli wIn considerable esperi- eniL in ime usie ,, eii,i]r,apriinr. in,:rmOraiirsn svr or ieyrs equivjlefi| ipinrien-i. e Tne.e priiiions are lull time woin medical tirielils retirement, .i:l, ani vacaiion leave These positions will be open until filled. Job descriptions &. applications can be obtained in the Satellite Office in Clewiston and the Courthouse in LaBelle in the HR Department. Vet Pref. EEO. Drug free. Applicants needing assistance in the applicallon process rould conma( the Hendry Counry Com- iTiSr.lifierSi HR Departmeni .-rI.0 AL r tfrlL 1 ; ,. : r : S. ,1 "' C, i;l LoAJJt r re..c-r'" E lJ_, i. i .sv ine, LPN Iorl (F'PTTPerdlem) Qt Lrr Lr iI ..01 I\'1.I-, l ,, Ct,.li l" ,th *;l.lJule Suppon & Full 1iTie- REGISTERED NURSE iL ii: ,.ll I ,r ,7'p 1il( u jin i't, (rjd RAdlologk Tehnokr'wMamnmographer -f f d r ,,: ,,lh,1-, j fL lu ,r._ d I:,T,,hl, vll't IQll $1. a'd i',j. >, Full time- CT/Radlolokc Tech 18 0 3 irn S p.m. or 10.30 a.r lo 7 p m I 01 -" T ,r i ,.'l- i i ,l,,l In LI.. "FL Lk ': i o r. f l ui( 1 ,:,.:, .,,:.ll ,- :.penumIi il, i w. C T,.jQ Pir die r, Housekeeper M I. F I. i i I. l l N :.1.:, l.l e'' ;. n e d ,1f1 :.i. h.:.ui . j l e j J. I.1. jr.Ljl rl' l.:,.'.m r.,'il Full uiripei diem-Food Service Aide -f: .6 1,, I F ',l I, u1 p1 p, ,,: l M ,J.r r,: t lh. I,:- :'lj,,J f AJ ll l ,10 T.u j 'N l ,, .Jlf j ,,i- ,ll,, ..r i. .' r Pn ime- Floor Tech I 1 i ,, ,,', (.' 11, ,,,:,,, r. 1l1l.-J i61-4ll !["', hl,,., I,:. '. l Jl,:l .I,. ",,',,,', Full Time/Per Diem C.N.A Must have valid FL C.N.A Certificate Phone: 863-902-3079 or Fax resume to: 863-983-0805 Drug Free Workplace EOE FAMILY HOME CARE A Medicare Certified Home Health Agency has immediate openings for experienced professionals. * DIRECTOR OF NURSING FL RN License Clinical & Management experience. * MARKETER/INTAKE COORDINATOR * PHYSICAL THERAPY Full Time / Part Time (Per Diem also available). * OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY: Per Diem * SPEECH THERAPY: Per Diem * CNA/HOME HEALTH AIDE: Full Time / Part Time. Offers excellent benefits. (Per Diem positions also available). For consideration, please fax your resume to (863)983-9883 ATTN: Human Resources Tel.# (863) 983-3700 License #299991018 LIVE IN COMPANION- for eld- erly man, Compensation. Outside employment also permitted. (863)763-9697 Tall Guy, Secure, Stable. To meet Attractive Gal or Friends for Dining, Traveling, etc. Lets meet! (863)946-3123 Is Stress Ruining Your Rela- tionships? Buy and Read DIANETICS by L. Ron Hub- bard Call (813)872-0722 or send $8.00 to Dianetics, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tam- pa FL 33607. Join aH the people who say, "I sold It in the clas- sifieds." us,.... H .,,~ E l 0 Ime l - Employment -205 Employment . Medical 210 Employment - Part-Time 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Training 227 Sales 230 AMERICA'S DRIVING ACADE- MY Siarl your Onving career Oienng courses in COL A & B One luilion lee' Many pay- meril ,plirjris' No registration ree' 1888)808-5947" T- lo'ameficisdidnvingacade- my com CDL DRIVER NEEDED Musl have had COL 2yrs Good Pay. Call Greg. (863)673-6132 Class "A" Semi Driver needed Driver needed to haul com- pany Iruil canle and equip- rrent Willing to haul in Hendry Counly anrid Polk County areas. Straight time. $9.50/hour. Full time em- ployment with paid holidays and vacation. Must have clean record, speak and un- dersiand Englisn. Apply at ri-Briion. Inc. Grove site lo- cated on Counly Road 832 IKeri Road) In Hendry County or .call 239-860-9085 M-F, 9:00AM to 5:00PM. Driver- NOW HIRING QUALI- FIED DRIVERS for Central Florida Local & National OTR positions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, 1o pumps, great benefits, competitive pay & new equipment. Need 2 years experience. Call By- num Transport for your op- portunity today. (800)741-7950. Drivers CDL A. Special Or- ientation Pay for Experienced Drivers! Home Weekends! Great Pay & Benefits! Paid Training for School Grads! Cypress Truck Lines, Inc. www.cypresstruck.comn (888)808-5846. Drivers CDL A. True Lease to own program. Low pay- ments/short term lease. Avg. $1.11/mile plus fuel sur- ' charge. No hazmat. No forced dispatch. FFE Trans- portation (888)864-0012. Earn 'Up to $550 WEEKLY Working through the govern- ment. PT No Experience. Call Today!! (800)488-2921 Ask for Department . Experienced Bookkeeper needed in Clewiston. Primary skills: Microsoft Word/ Excel and Quickbooks. Please call (863)599-0460 EXPERIENCED PLUMBER (863)675-1155 Experienced Rubber Tire Backhoe Operator (863)902-7070 Ask for John Feed Mill Manager Needed Benefits available. Experience in production, dispatch, troubleshooting and employee management a plus. Salary based upon qualifications and experience. Apply at: Syfrelt Feed Company 3079 NW 8th Street Okeechobee (863)763-5586 Mace Welding is now accepting applications for WELDERS Apply within at: 90 Evans Rd, LaBelle (863)675-6683 Shop here flrstl The classified ads FOREMEN to lead utility con- tract field crews. Outdoor physical work, many entry- level positions, paid training $20/nr plus bonuses after promotion, living allowance when traveling, company truck and benefits Must have strong leadersrhp skills. a good driving history and be able 10 travel throughout Florida Resume to Recruit- er3@osrrose corn or tax (985)871-0605 www Osmo- seUtlities com EOE M/F/D/V. HEALTHCARE Exciting Career Opportunities Await You At Glades General Hospital... NURSING OPPORTUNMES: Generous New Salary ~tructure RN CHARGE NURSE FT Medliur; ptcare kilL., W.2 yT, eip m acure hospbil. Leaderslupchurgeep.prelerrnd SHIFT SUPERVISORS 10 & 12 HR. SHITS 1n Prt u in supeinion ER & COiI Cal i Lederhip ib.ibe- & b a r e.u e player RN'S-12M HR.SHIFTS OB Days/Nights ER -NMOE. lDe>n- Di fNijth a " MONITOR TECH T Miibet cNA.-i.:ys p Uti.- rEC nitrpreutliain skilli hil Llmil Sru eLe.irv p. ALLIED HEALTH OPPORfUNITIES. MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST PT & PRN, mut hive current Fla. lie. in 4-5 lab areas.'Prev. hospital/lab exp. RESPIRATORY THERAPIST New Grads Welcome! $26/I. : PRN, requires a CRTT ACES, NRP& BLS, ability to work all : areas, Neonate thru Adult & venlilator. RT prefd. RADIOLOGY TECH. PRN, Must have FL lie. & ARRT lie, MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Fi, Mu n have 1-2 erS eip. in interior/exterior renovation. Skills req'd: electrical, carpentry, mason- ry, painting. Certifications a plus. PHYSICIAN OFFICE SPECIALIST Fr,9:00 AM 5:00 PM, Mon FrL Must possess exe, customer serve , oeaazational & interpersonal silas. Profident with PC applica- tions. At least 2 yrs of exp. in a hospital or physician office setting. Knowledge of Florida. Medicare/ Medicaid guidelines &' 3rd party payers. MEDICAL ASSISTANT Fl, 9:00 AM 5:00 PM, Mon Fri 'Current LPN or Medical Assistant lie., exc. customer service skill, bilingual prefd but not req'd. At least 2 yrs. exp. in previous office setting. Responsibilities to incl. office assistance as needed. ADMITrING SPECIALIST PRN, excellent customer service & commune. skills, knowledge of 3rd party payers. Prey. registration, billing, col- lections exp. in hospital setting. PORTER/DIET AIDE FT, 6a-2:30p & 10:30a-7p Cleaning, food prep., stocking, lifting (35-401bs). At least 6mos- lyr kitchen/food ser. exp. Requires weekend rotation. DIET AIDE FT, Must have at least 1-2 yrs in kitchen/food service prep. in healthcare/institutiona cook- ing. Req's weekend rotation. HOUSEKEEPER PRN, 8a-4p & 12a-8a. Must have at least 1 yr housekeeping exp., pref. in hospital setting. Able to read & write English. Competitive Salary & Excellent Benefits Package. Fax Resume to: 561-993-5627 DFWP/EOE/M/F 1201 S. Main St Belle Glade, FL (561)996-6571 Z, L "ZD Z Ext 2n 1, i-) piI'L Fax: (561) 993-5627 "NOW HIRING 2006" AVER- AGE POSTAL EMPLOYEE EARNS $57,000/YR Mini- mum Starting Pay $18.00/hr. Benefits/Paid Training and Vacations No Experience Needed (800)584-1775 Ref #P4901. METAL BUILDING WORKERS Needed. Experienced with transportation and tools for work in Pahokee. Call 561-635-0169 or 561-718-1527 I Th.ursday, March 16,2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Employment Full Time 12111 wl &E.8S Thursday, Match 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Full Taime020 HmI -^^ I I m -ployment FlailTimeJiiT-- MANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid. .Moore Haven, LaBelle, Clewiston and Okeechobee. We-are a franchise with 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic, honest, and responsible individuals. We offer: -Excellent Salaries -Medical and Life Insurance -Dental Insurance -401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For an interview please call: 863-983-4224 or mail your resume in confidence to:. Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL-33440 POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT CITY ATTORNEY The City Commission of the City of Clewiston is accepting ap- plications for the position of city attorney. This is a part-time position that reports directly to the City Commission. Florida Bar membership is required for the position and municipal experience is highly desired. Requirements and duties of the position include: Attending all regular City Commission meet- ings and attending all special meetings and work sessions, and when requested by City Commission, responding to any item on agenda needing a legal opinion. The attorney will at- tend meetings of any city board or committee when so re- quested by the city manager or City Commission in order to advise the members thereof on any legal matter which con- fronts the board..The attorney also will provide legal counsel- ing and guidance, including the rendering of legal opinions to the City Commission in reference to all matters that pertain to the official duties of the City Commission, and also provide legal counseling and guidance and opinions to the city man- ager and the department heads in reference to the operations of the city as necessary; prepare and/or review charter revi- sions, ordinances, resolutions, referendum questions, con- tracts, surety/performance/payment bonds, insurance policies, deeds% bills of sale, waivers, subordinations and other legal instruments, contracts, agreements, documents and papers that ar papersthat are ertaining to city matters upon request by City Commission. The City is open to a variety of compensa- tion approaches for these legal services but encourages a monthly contract service (retainer) fee.and hourly rate for le- gal services outside of the traditional scope of work. Please submit proposal for monthly retainer fee and proposed hourly rates for "other' legal services along with bref resume (pro- vide Florida Bar number with resume) with references no lat- er than April .7, 2006, to: Wendell Johnson, City Manager, 115 Ventura Avenue, Clewiston, FL 33440. Resumes are public records under applicable Florida law., Detailed specifi- cations, of "traditional" contract services and responsibilities are available by request at (863) 983-1484. The'City Com- mission will conduct interviews and make a selection no later than April 17,2006. SURVEILLANCE SPECIALIST Seminole Tribe of Florida (BRIGHTON RESERVATION) Good computer skills. Proficient w/computers & surveillance cameras. HS Diploma or GED.. Knowledge of criminal offenses &tribal gaming regulations. Monitor trans. of all chips, cash & funds. Excellent salary & benefits. Fax resume to: (954)967-3459 GROVE LABORERS/ TRACTOR OPERATORS Duties include all aspects of Grove/Farm labor and opera- tion of various farm equip- ment. Full time, year round employment. Paid holidays and vacation. Must speak some English and have own transportation. Apply at Tri- Britton, Inc. Grove site locat- ed on County Road 832 (Ked Road) in Hendry County or call 239-860-9085 M-F, 9:00AM to 5:PM. Industrial Electricians -Journeymen Only Immediate Employment Opportunities Benefits + Health, 401K, Paid Holidays Overtime Available Opportunity for Advancement Equal Opportunity Employer Contact: 800-606-2099 Fax Resumes to: 813-620-2701 INSTRUCTOR CASE MANAGER Henkels & McCoy, a national training provider, is seek- ing a self-motivated, ener- getic individual in the Odando/Lakeland area. A minimum of 3 years expe- dence with certifications in A+ or MOS or IC3 is desirable. Must have strong communication skills with the ability to develop relationships with the community. Must be able to relate with a diverse multi-cultural popu- lation. Fax resumes with salary requirements to: 863-519-4507 attention Nilda Blanco. EOE M/F/D/VN PLUMBERS. HELPERS & BACKHOE OPERATORS Commercial Work in Immokalee & Naples Excellent Wages, Benefits Metro Mechanical (239)275-5325 Drug Free Job Site Empoyen Full Tim $6.25 plus tips $5.50 plus tips $9.00 per hour $8.00 plus tips $10.00 per hour $21.00 avg. w/grats POSTAL JOBS $16.46 $22.97/hr, Now Hir- ing. For application & free .government iob info., call American Assoc. of Labor 1-913-599-8226, 24hr. emp. serve. RECEPTIONIST Job opening for an upbeat receplionisi who musl be great with people and pays allerion in detail. Our com- pany is offering a lull-time position located in Moore Haven, FI In this posiloni you will be responsible lor reception, customer service and general office duties. Send your resume and sala- ry requirerrent as a Word Anacnmeni l to lisa@'aclearlilleco.com or la.. your resume to 863-675-6744. PLEASE NO PHONE CALLS! ROOFING SALESMAN! ESTIMATORS Real Pay. High demand Product. Weekly pay, Start Todayl. Call Shorty (863)675-1560 SERVICE MANAGER Looking or sell motivated ser- vice manager to oversee Serv. Depis. lor HVAC. pro- pane and appliance co. Drugfiee workplace. Com- pertive wages and benefits. Apply in person 10 Glades Gas Co. ', 309E Sugailand Hwy.. Clewisionr TECHNICIANS/HELPERS HVAC & Propane all positions. Competitive wages & bene- fits. Must be over 18, pass background check & drug test. Good driving record. Apply in person to 309 E Sugarland Hwy, Clewiston or 804 Parrott Ave, Okeechobee TRUCK DRIVER Full time CLASS B hazmat driver to deliver for propane co. Must beover 21, pass background check & drug test Competitive wages & benefits. Apply in person 804 N Parrott Avenue, Okeechobee . VAN DRIVER NEEDED P/T Split shift. Call Labor Find- ers (863)902-9494 or Apply in person at: 202 East Sug- arland Hwy, Clewiston, FL 33440. When you want something sold, advertise In the classlfleds. NOW HIRING Vickers Chiropractic 3 positions Applications now being accepted between 9am-5pm Mon.-Fri. (863) 983-8391 $5,500 Weekly Goal Potential If someone did it, so can you! 2-3 confirmed appoint- ments daily! Benefits Available... Call Catherine McFarland (888)563-3188. Financial Business Opportunities 305 Money Lenders 310 Tax Preparation 315 #1 Corporate/Sports Apparel Franchise Full Training and Support. No Exp. Needed. Fi- nancing avail. Call (800)727-6720. www.Em- broidMe.com. miplym- FullITim Benefits available for all employees www.theseminolecasino.com Apply in person at 506 S. 1st St., Immokalee, FL 34142 1-800-218-0007 The Seminole Casino is a Drug-free Workplace READING A NEWSPAPER... makes you a more informed and interesting person. No wonder newspaper readers are more scessfill iEmplt Full Tm e I Phone 868-946-2420 F.ax 863-946-2487 Equal Opportunity Employer ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day7 30 Ma- chines. Free Candy All for $9 995. (888)629-9968 802000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold' Earn $500 daily' No selling We make every $597 sale and pay you $500 commis- sion. Not MLM (877)251-8300 NOTICE Independent Newspapers will never accept any advertise- ment that is illegal or con- sidered fraudulent. In all cases of questionable val- ue, such as promises of guaranteed income from work-at-home programs if iI sounds loo good to be true. chances are that it is. If you have questions or doubts about any ad on thes- pages, we advise that before responding or send- ing money ahead of time, you check with the Better Business Bureau at 772-878-2010 for previous complaints. Some 800 and 900 telephone numbers may require an extra charge, as well as long distance toll costs. We will do our best to alert our reader of these charges in the ads, but occasionally we may not be aware of the charges. Therefore, if you call a number out of your area. use caution. Vending Route: Snack Soda. Juice, Water, All Brands Greal Equipmeni & Support Full Line. Financing Availanle w,'17.500 Down i 8 7 7 ) 8 4 3 8 7 2 6 '(B0#2002-037 . WE BUY MORTGAGES. Are you Collecting payments on a mortgage? Why wait years for payments? Call (800)282-1251. How do you find a job In today's competitive market? In the employ- ment section of the clas- slfleds Services i Chi Care eeded410 Child Care Offered415 Instruction 420 Services Offered425 Insurance 430 Medical Services435 ARRESTED? All Criminal De- fense Felonies...Misdemean- ors, State or Federal Charges, Parole...Probation, DUI...Traffic Tickets, Bond Reduction. PRIVATE ATTOR- NEYS STATEWIDE 24 HOURS A-A-A ATTORNEY REFERRAL SERVICE (800)733-5342. DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS children, etc. Only one sig- nature required! *Excludes govt. fees! Call weekdays (800)462-2000, ext.600. 8am-7pm) Alta Divorce, LLC. Established 1977. NEW SELF STORAGE 46 units 7x15, 8x15,10x15, 10x30,12x30,15x25. Full electric, secure on Commereio St. 350 ft. from Clewiston Police Dept. 863-983-6663, 863-983-2808, after hrs. 863-983-8979 Emplymn FumJJTiynme ( Need Faster Internet?' High Speed Internet via Satellite Fast Affordable Available Secure CalNo -10 f wntllto SkyTalk 866-639-8754 WiLDB -ur Available Virtually Everywhere \ 1' T I '" lu" tlh .. .. ./ Dining Room Table Busser Dining Room Server Housekeeper Poker Brush Security Officer TAD Clerk The GEO Group, Inc. The GEO Group, Inc. A worldwide leader in privatized corrections SIGN ON BONUS $1,000.00 CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS *RN MOORE HAVEN CORRECTIONAL FACILITY 1990 East SR 78NW Moore Haven, FL 33471 Merchandise Air Conditioners 505 Antiques 510 Appliances 515 Appliance Parts 520 Beauty Supplies 525 Bl,-cles 530 Books & Magazines 535 Building Materials540 Business Equipment 545 Carpets/Rugs 550 Children's Items 555 China, Glassware, Etc. 560 Clothing 565 Coins/Stamps 570 Collectibles 575 Computer/Video 580 Crafts/Supplies 585 Cruises 590 Drapes, Linens 9 Fabrics 595 Fireplace Fixture 600 Firewood 605 Furniture 610 'Furs 615 Health Reducing Equipment 620 Heating Equipment/ Supplies 625 Household Items 630 Jewelry 635 Lamps/Lights 640 Luggage 645 Medical Items 650 Miscellaneous 655 Musical Instruments 660 Office Supplies/ Equipment 665 Pets/Supplies/ Services 670 Photography 675 Plumbing Supplies 680 Poole & Supplies 685 Restaurant Equipment 690 Satellite 695 Sewing Machines 700 Sporting Goods 705 Stereo Equipment 710 Television/Radio 715 Tickets 720 Tools 725 Toys & Games 730 VRs 735 Wanted to Buy 740 AIR CONDITIONER-'05 York 3.5 ton package unit w/ heat, new in box $1250 (954)309-8659 ANTIQUES FOR SALE: Stove- Blue, Ice Box, Dry Sink, Tele- phone, Hoosier Cabinet, Butter Churn, Ice Cream Maker & other small items. $4500. for all, will sep. (239)872-8504 CAST IRON KITCHEN SINK- with faucal, $25 (863)763-6901 CEDAR CHESTS Antique, (2), approx. 47"L x 19"Wx 22" H, $350/neg. for both. (863)634-2863. FIREPLACE MANTEL- Oak w/surround. Painted Unique Excellent condition. $300. (863)763-4982 CHEST FREEZER Frigidaire, brand new, paid $350 selling $150 must move (863)946-0642 CONVECTION OVEN- Sharp, Like new. Large capacity. $200. (239)324-2386 RANGE- GE, 30" Brand New. Electric, w/oven White. $250 or best offer. 863-763-9447 REFRIGERATOR & STOVE- Ig side by side refrig, reg size gas stove, both black ,$800 for pair (863)635-5975 9-6 REFRIGERATOR Kenmore 14 cf, Frost free. glass sliding shelves, 18 mo old, $200 863)635-5826 Frostproof WASHER- small capacity, works great, $50 (561)248-7327 BOOKS- 13 by 0. Henry, print- .ed 1912,1913,1917,1919, good shape, worth $200 sell for $25 neg (863)675-3032 BUILDING SALE "Beat Next Increase!" 20x26 Now $4200. 25x30 $5800. 30x40 $9200. 40x60 $14,900. Ex- tensive range of sizes and models. Front end optional. Pioneer (800)668-5422. WOOD FRAME & Floor 12x24, Storm damaged shed, needs some metal work $750 (863)763-7613 Find your pot o' gold with these JOB OPPORTUNITIES LUMBER: 14 Treared 2,6.-'10 FI. $70 lor all3. will Sep 1772)201 -8932 OKEECHOBEE METAL ROOFING SAVE 1$$ Buy Decir From Manulaclur- er 20 colors in sloc:k wilh all Accessores Ouic lurn around' Delivery Available Toll Free 18881393-0335 NEW SINK- [a:,e. laucel ask- ing 190 1863)6;75-1634 aher (pm PIPE- 1 1.-4 a13c piasli, 90 ri ro1 l.20 ,\.33 63-69 SCREEN ROOM MATERIALS: Walls Roof Panels & Doors $1000. 17721201-8932 0r.EE. CHOBEE SHINGLES- 9 bundles 25 yr iniique ilvei. 23 .bundles J0 yr ,tnilque ,Siv r '1.5.3 lor jll (2 :914-64.1198i7 USED PLYWOOD- 50 p , 2. :1 & 50 pi:s 3'-2. 3/4 '1l U0l For all 12391770-685.5 PROM DRESSES Precious Normal Alyce. Job, Size small $125 will sep 18631635-6677 CLOCK Sc rhll Beer neoni ilec. :0ll .i nrlinii. ele:ric i . 40+ yrs, running ,. ec:. 1,100,neD. 1861465.9470 ELVIS RECORD & SOUVENIR COLLECTION: Appro. 44 yr old Rare iiT $ms ,1000 311 or bei ohtr :8t.3-324-3358 FOOTBALL & BASEBALL CARDS(3-400 RFacing & Comic lale 81S early '0is E i..nrid 1.400 rne 863i6i.!S'743 PRECIOUS MOMENTS-1 lOi 1 Signeil As.,rig $.150 tor an or.will sell separate (863)357-1560 COMPUTER- Dell, Win Xp, lots of games & software, CDRW/DVD, 256MB Ram, $225 (239)728-3454 Iv msg BR SUITE- 5pc, pine, no bed- ding, $250 (863)467-0627 BR SUITE- full size, w/pillow top mattress, $250 Avail to see Thur Mar 2nd 1-4pm (863)357-5881. COMPUTER DESK- Large, Good condition. $75. (863)467-2545 COUCH- Earth, Multi color, 7', Primarily blue, Over stuffed, 3 cushion. Less than 2yrs old $125 neg 863-634-3866 DR TABLE- with 4 chairs, lass top, Italian marble base 60(863)824-3319 DRESSERS- 2, Sm Entertain- ment ctr, Coffee table, Arm chair. $150. neg. (863)634-3866- FUTON BUNK BEDS- Black metal, With mattresses, Al- most new. $200. 863-532-9667 FUTON, like new, wood and wrought iron base w/6 inch mattress $200 neg. (863)467-2063 KING BED SET- complete, 14" pillow top mattress, dark wood headboard, good cond $150 (863)635-5457 LARGE light wood computer desk, w/ extra storage $50 or best offer (863)467-7359 Mahogany chine 34" with Slass shelves, lights inside 300 (561)704-3690 OFFICE DESK- Modern & Oak 2 drawer Filing Cabinet $100. Will separate (863)763-4658 RECLINER LOVESEAT- Like new, Leather, Pastel green, Pd $1500 Asking $500. (863)357-2233 Okee. SOFA- 76" Long, New, Firm support. Light blue, beige, white & grey striped. $250. or best offer. (863)467-0670 SWIVEL ROCKERS- 2, Excel- lent condition. $80. Will sep- arate 863-532-9667 TABLE- Round, Solid wood, w/leaf. 4 Matching Captains chairs on wheels. Cream, $100. (863)634-3866 Wicker glass dining table with 4 chairs $50 (561)704-3690 A'. The most important 20 minutes of your day is the time spent reading with your child from birth to age nine. GOLF CLUBS- complete, matched set, metal woods, irons, bag, putter, $135. (863)946-3123 HAWKINS- .50 Caliber. Cap niOCK muzzle loader Beautiful wood stock & recoil pad Exc cond $185.863-467-8578 REMINGTON 7MM MAGNUM, with scope 3x9, $400. (863)634-6597 BOW FLEX POWER PRO- WAeg press & vertical pull down oar 1800 ir besI owner (863)467-8814 Jackie PROFORM ELLIPTICAL TRAINER- Very good condi- ton. $150 (5611248.7.327 ACTION SCOOTER, 3 Wheeler Heavy Duty E.cellenl condi- non. $650 or Desi offer (863)675-2596 Electric scooter, red brand new $1200lti3O763.;' MEDICAL CHAIR- Jet One, Live ne w u:ld 1 iTlO'iln 1.400 \i'913242386 MEDICAL SCRUBS 6 Pirs i:e rmediium $60 i6 31763-8742 AIR BRUSH VA(. Taa,;cri Guoio i c rn iion 1.1 L (863)675-2596 EARN DEGREE online from home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers *Criminal Justice. Job Place- ment. Computer provided. Fi- nancial aid if qualify. (866)858-2121 www.onli- netidewatertech.com. MOVING SALE!!! Household items & Garage Items. Includes tools, furniture and more! (772)201-8932 RIVER SLOT MACHINE w/ 200 c)ins '.225 ,r [,e- i ijirll 863 82-4-6;99 or 863)697-3944 WELDER TRAILER, single ax- le, capable of holding gas powered welder, $150 or best offer. (954)520-6707 ORGAN- Good deal. elec bench, iiitruclions shrel music; Co $.4300 0 acniice $700 (863)635-4076 FAX REFILL -2 pack of PC 202RF .paid $50. asking 135 negI 1863i16N4--783 PAPER SHREDDER - CCS ,000 Acriever Cross- :ul. niw $250 now $125 (863)634-2863 BABY MINI POT BELLY PIGS $50 each (.iil Debbie 86 si83-7 ;:2 CHIHUAHUA, puppy, Shots current, Health Cert. $300. ,(863)675-3729 or (863)675-2541 DOG BOX, decent shape. 2 ern-iel. $150 ir ce':.i 0ri er )954 520-6 707 PEKINGESE PUPS- all shois. Ch(. Oaulilul 3all Co:Ioi/SIes1 $ )00-400 will deliver (863)983-5597 PET SHEEP, female, 1 year uiil,i wi0l bs of feed. $100 liF3i824-0899 PIT BULL PUPPY- Fenjle. 8 w owl Bejuljulu colors ormr, ed I 20 . 3021335-."52: YORKIE, Male, IJKC Born 11 '1105 Ha? sgriil':. Anec- Suppnale W..orel lipsi0 ilnn DEMO HOMESITES WANTED NOW! For the NEW Kayak Pool! The On-Ground Pool with In-ground Featu'es! Unique Opportunity. SAVE $$. Call (866)348-7560 FREE ESTIMATES! Financ- ing. HEDDON FISHING LURE- Old- er Vimage. Good shape. $25 8i631 946j-.'" - HUNT ELK, Red Stag, White- ldii Burnila:, Wild V 3r Our seas:onr nrow- 331 06 Guii- arr iee i.", 115 Ir,-. phy in two days. No- Game/No-Pay policy. Days 314)209-9800; evenings (314)293-0610. '4 I Internet I Internet Thursday, Match 16,2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee HUNT DEER, TURKEY QUAIL. Semi-guided hunts 5 days, room included. Book 5 hunts get 1 FREE. Oklahoma bordering Kansas, 1 tract along the Cimarron River. Approx.-6,000 acres. Call Sid at Woolfolk Ranch (580)334-8294. PHONOGRAPH- Sonora #3, plays 78's records. Windup, Desk top type. Looks & plays good. $450. 863-697-9704 BIG SCREEN TV 54", Sony, liie new, ashiriy $650. (9541931-9946 COLOR TV- 13", cable ready $40 (863)635-5457 or (863)528-0477 PROJECTION TV 48" great cond. $500 or best offer (8631763-3327 TV- '03 Sanyo 32", asking S$1200 1863)357-2233 O.ee area AIR COMPRESSOR- 11hp Honda. 250 gal Good condi. ion 1.500 ('721342-7304 AIR COMPRESSOR, 80 inger- soil-Rand, gas, w/elec. start, 11hp,30 gal., 14.9 lb per sq. ft, $550. (561)718-8580 COLEMAN POWERMATE GENERATOR 5-6,000 watt surge, used.1 week, $500 t863)692-2229 CUT OFF SAW- Black & Deck- er, 9", Extra 9" blades, Excel- lent condition $75. Or best offer. 410-228-7137 EXTENSION LADDER, 18 li. berglass new*, $90 cashr 8631675-497C0 leavee pmes sage GENERATOR- 25 KW self con- iird Fr:ropaneri. Excellent Sprndili.ri 0 $2500. (772)342-7304 MECHANICS CREEPER- plas- tic, ec: nor half price, $17 cash 1863675-497'0r leave message RIGID PIPE.STAND w/vise, very strong, Filgid ipe wrenches & fuller $150 (502)931-8101 SCROLL SAW-, Sears, 16", Excellent condition. $50. or bes; onier 1410)228-7137 VCR, DAEWOO like new $25 or best offer (863)467-0670 ADULT DVOD'S- (12) new for $100 lum No call after 8pmr please 1863)634-3783 One man's trash is anoth- er man's treasure. Turn your trash to treasure with an ad in the classi- fieds. t-/f 9a7m* 4%1c Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, March 16, 2006 -Sale 1025 Y9 `118! LOCAL REALT'OR INI 'OgiN 'WW Ilo'Ui flilr.' P ,-i-1'. Palt Ll..w ilA J !i r 't1,r, [LT-CIEHlIYOFI on863"96E.390 J EVER LA DES (CwSAifEl liAElHA| Fa 863-R-302 REALTY, INC. hl l CiHM10 498DUSilviy.27 N1oow ee av ** * "Service, Excellence. Results" Beautiful 4 Lot pkig.. .n. ier. New Model Home Fi-. l..u. Ise\er, nex toi a park. nmer&. more. Mut Sce. 3 "'2. Vici-r l .1'., re ,r W M.:ore H-Lnen $.I:IK Hy.ern. $152.- 5 Full Landscaped Lot.L 43 Single Family Home ,,:.' P rkl Yacht Club WJ', Moore H .aen Aenue t.l.:.re lit,-n f24_.i.i f | ,$3li 11il Excellent Bu\ F'mi Tres & -' l - US HighwaS 27 5 "1 cru'. Doublewide Mobile Home Zoned Commerical. $ 5(1i111 1 h'C ,:lit ('ld. ,h .i Large Lot, I cir) Limit-. "Hi.cn i : - M.oore Ha.en. lust reduced Moore Hasen Rier Gardens 'r,, $7",ui li to 1~ .39 i ..,r- .tarting ii 'i- I. l h I e Central located 3 lot't-roJ I. T:, t.tpre: .le . M :..:.re Haen. -r ,3.11. i "Coming Soon. RI1T [ E E _ Over 1 Acre Lot in Lakep.:.-i NO RELTOP' -'LEA\,E" Hon 1126.0 Chick Dr,%e. $24.11011, IMriSEE Tor Ai '-p tCsaEviK tyrL,-LLUi,',r, -C ;BK'" rn NLirir t.viM.i i_ H,':.,,i T' Hi LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER 420 E. SUGARLAND HWY' ... (863) 983-6663 .'.; -. : A -- ums (863) 983-9770 WEBSrME: DYESSREALESTATE.COM ELMAI: ANN ('DYETSSREALESTATE.COM AFTER HOURS.- ANN DYESS Luke Mazzina LAURA SMITH TRAVIS DYESS (863) 983-8979 (863)228-2744 (863)599-1209 (863)228-2215 RESIDENTIAL Nes C,:Ta -.rucmni 3BR 2BA 2BR. IBA w. detached Sugarland Circkl 24\'30' metal bundling 2BR 2BA homie. dt.a.:hed $150.000 garage guvet suite :.nr 3BR. I 12 BA and 12.8' CRC l r - elficenc, $131.000o CBnt,'3 4BR. 3BA Del MonteC 2BI._I B .t ')2BP, I BA $279,001) $295.00 2BR, 1 1/2 BA Condo 181 4BR. 2BA Ne% Home $I150K $345.000 3BR. 2BA with tud, and pc.ol. New Subdivision $359,900 3B 7Lb:,t MONTURA 2BR. 2'BA 199l1 Sill 125 a r :e f 9 9 .9 , RB e. 'iB S 1 IH 1 .5 a.T - PIONEER -'BR,. 'BA.i(S ..: $S9 ,, VACANT LAND 5 cr.-. P -- -4 ..l'n, M1.nur L._:.q Ab,,ble MOBILE HOMES 3.*: Lade,.: I169.0I0i ..nr. 3BR. 2BA 1998 Nlobile Car.,:r., L- r,e Home $72.000 COMMERCIAL 2BRD .. B ld,, -I.: .q I .r", LiS $1 l .J1 >:,T| 1=-ii " MOORE HAVEN irn.I,"A lpD.," + 3BR, IBA CBS : lbe I *w $162.XO Cabrint S 4.:.p 4 i it 2B A IPELBING' ^P Ar ": t,2.o.9)0 REDUCED!! Beautiful 4 bedroom, 3 bath brick home on Ridge. Call For Details. *NOW ON THE MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE TO BETTER SERVE OUR CUSTOMERS!!" 528 E. Sugarland H*v., Cle* sion -00 S. Main St. (863) 983-8559 lalaelle, FL 33935 Ahei Hours Phone (berlv b] 1863i 28 1561it Miquelaigu ll611 284314spanl So uthern 863,1675-450 Magqe Sanua18531;22841 4 63i673-6575 Fax land Real Estate I %w~~.soan Im ViitWISEio'ur bi(IUformotherl~isIbtingst: lIE $988.5~~ ii '110 'I I G. I t T d i i 1. i 99n tic- 1 -. 2 .I+ A2 1591.900 s129mHil) . +; AO I 3-.A,.f6995 I l ii'1. tl;:.i..liii 1 1.1- Aif...]-',,.I IL 69.900 46o,950 455$6.000. 877314304 LAND 2.5 acres 10 g^luft flgto go! 1.25 acred tracts available "*Lease Your Worries In The Hands Of A Real Professional" r..,, ..V i- i i fn. i. e,.:,,. 110, < L, iag *.i J.o,' ,\!u ," [",.,i #s',.i,*.,,',.., i i. b._ ,'i & 7li t .:17 RPFR'JL Em..ti by .. o,.b ol .-. m f :" II R o..f l... Rl l Ec.1/ Nl ts ----------- - MINE Luan B. ',i Glenn A. Sarah A. Charmaine Walker Smith Williams Montgomi 863-677-1010 863-983-3508 863-228-6867 863-697-0 Se Habla Espar CBS New Construction OnlykX 8 avail I; Home Improvement Business: L-tatLch, I; Del Monte Ave 3 Bedroom, 2 1) Muse able. 3 bd/2 ba/1 garage Texas Ave., Homeimpraementbusinessandconveniencestore Bath CBS home on over Y2 acre. Absolutely Perfect for your Harlem S/D 1673 sq ft.. Special Loan on2.5acres.Fullyequippedandpermittedcafady, Walking, distance from the mari- home. 20 Fenced Acres w/p Pkges LUTZ BUILDERS $151,300 Why be opened. Lated near the ouse in and Lake Okeechobee. Call of 10 year oldpines w/ so buy old when you can get Brand New? MonturaRanchd.AlfumiturefixUr sequipmentand nas and Lake Okeechobee. Call o 10 year old pines w/sore Price Will Increase to $158.8K March noindud edBeyourtwn bss!!CaJlforGlenn for appointment $259,900 MLS# Priced below recentsales. W 31, 2006 Due To Hendry County @ 677-1441 for more information. MS 200520398 -Fast! Only $409,900.00 Impact Fees. 200530488 2) US2z pact Fees. 2) Moore Haven 3 br/2 ba mobile home 2) Montura Ranch Estates Large Looking for the imposs No Other Listing compares to this Oversize Living Room with Cathedral -lomtie r 4 f -l 1.25 Opportunity seldom kn North Side on Avenida Del Rio 3bd/2ba Ceilings. Large open kitchen and formal din- cAre b twice acres on US 2 home 2 car araq, Tile throu-1,out. i ing room. Large rear deck with built in bbq h-ous. ci a some twice! 5 acres on US 27 New alri(h !lt hutII and gazebo. Must see at $124,900 MLS# work but will not last long at the Palm Beach/ Hend, ters, r turn 200540984 $174,900 MLS# 200528863 County line. Over 937 feel key Juce. 3) Reduced!! 4bedroom/2 bath-oer2400sq.ft- US 27 for easy access price $259,900 rn'.-h.,nl'l:''' 3) Pioneer Plantation 2.5 wood- right for a quick sale @$; $259 900jlr-an ed acres on Riviera. Listed at Don'tletthisonegetawa Custom Home, 2bd/2ba home w,,a''. -.: $84,900 MLS# 200604536 3) Moore Haven River Gardens located in Pioneer Plantation sits on Mustsee@$129,900MLS#200521690 7 Lots Available. New Con 7.5 acres. It has a front porch and 4)'05 Homes of Merit3 Bedroom/2Bathhome 4) Pioneer n 5 acres in Growing Area. Builc beautiful oak tress. Call Luan for on a m .. .. nPPi1nd priced for .ile. Partially Dream Home Here! more information! pg. cleared an -t $124,900 Meyerchick Drive, Lot#15, Sweetwater Ave. This property has MLS#200514068 MLS# 2006359 pond @$62K many beautiful trees that include wild 5) Port Labelle Build able Lot ready for your Thatcher Blvd., nearthe riv maple and oaks. Small man-made lake new home $59,900 MLS# 200512627 The SMITH/WILLIAMS TEAM @$68,000.00 hidden in thick trees & brush. There is 6) Land Ho!! Beautiful 10 acre parcel located As life long residents of Thatcher Blvd., Lots 6 & 7 c an abundant of wildlife 2.5 acres cn LI if off Clewiston, we know the area. $58,500.00 each $74.9K HighW% LaJWfIfiiJ le Allow us to help you with any Thatcher Blvd., Lots 11 and Fr .. t.ring lor real estate needs that you may 12, @$60K Ready To Go! New Construction your new home. $299,900 MLS# hae.toWe MARKET properties 4)Montura Ranch Estates 3br/2ba Home one car garage located 20053352 da$29.9Kly to over 6 million potential 125N. Kennel $42,995 in Sugarand Estates $219.9K 7) New Listing!! 2.5 acres in Pioneer buyers. Call us today and get you 735 Palm $49,000995.0 Brand New CBS 3'/2/1 Texas Ave. SOu .l Blvd. FREE comparable market analy- 530 S. Shetland $52,50 Harlem S/D $160K Pr:per.p.- ..*.. .. ..' -. -4,900 sis on you home or land. 770 S.Shetland $44,90( MLS# 2006148.40 4 Sam J. Cathy S. 4 Walker Garcia J-L 863-677-1013 863-228-4798 Se Habh Eqpanol MonturaTracts,IUst, ShowandSell 1.25 Very Nice 3 bedroom 2 1/2 Acre Tracts. Call For Information or Appointment! bathroom home with large Need a Building? We have a Flori dargJtj Thalso 12,500sq.ft. Engineered Steela sof Dl ... T.lh T . Building on 5 Ac. Offered @ $215K has L i l ed Tower Lakes! DBLWDE 3/2 1782 very ieri. Sq.Ft. Liberty Home. On a Large Fenced Corner Lot with Lakefront. tary schools. Give me and call I @ $94.9K would love to show this home to Mobil\ Aq U >a. I elf es in Monti ~esr J you. This home is being PMone P A-'one GnM 2.5 offered at $149,900. acreS. 10 Acres Al Don Farming Rd. @ $299K Cathy S. Garcia is a life-long 5 Acres on Highway 27 going @ resident of Clewiston and $275K Just Outside of Town! Fleetwood newest member of our team. Home on a beautiful Y. acre. The property has a 24x30 shop with office listed at $174.0K Call for an Sugar Realty is proud to appointment today! announce our sponsor- New Listing! 2003 4/2 Doublewide ship of the 2006 Miss on 2.16 acres. Property features a second mobile home, large steel Sugar Pageant building and storage sheds and has substantial potential A. Marshall Maribel ery R. Berner Gonzalez 189 863.2283265561-722-7347 nol Se Habla Espanol i0 Great Location! 3bd, 2ba CBS Home Get the moving van ready r dream One Block Fro _if ans Marina because you have found your pot ond. Lots Fenced Back III| Throuagl out of gold! This 4bd/2ba home w/ an e oaks. Potential for .l ih. in ground swimming pool wI an illGo oversize-lot on the North side of 2) W.Ventura 2bd/lba. in Brand New Clewiston is just what you've been Condition Readyto Move in. Hardwood looking for! Priced @ $31 5,000.00 sible? Floors, New Appliances, 8ft. Privacy MOO!T Crrow. ocks Fence, Big Back Yard. Don't Miss On pigs, g.1.I J UK' lIIUl 25 7 on This Great Deal! $97K. H n place DWMH It inuo'edli nuo a ,aoiplace ry 3) New Listing! 3bd/2ba MH in MRE on but a place for living. Available for only Son 1.25 Ac. Land is Cleared With Beautiful $105,000.00 ed Pines. Home is Very Spacious With Definl eJ2tll l' 275K Great Floor Plan. Place is Immaculate! Bd diIi 'mcaFI lnf|lJ ,Il a, y! $108,5K. us buy t i ome struction 4) Moore Haven Yacht Club 2bd/2ba in Seminole Manor for not much d Your MH w/ extra lot, *Included in Purchase more than the lot value at $39.9K Price* Partially furnished & Squeaky Looking for peace & quiet? Step on the Clean! 55 & older community. Reduced into this 4bd/2ba dbwide mobile to $129,900 for quick sale. home located in MRE. Home fea- er tures formal living room and sepa- 5) New Listing in Flaghole! rate family room with a fireplace. r 8 3bd/2ba MH on 1 ac. home hass tile & Garden tub in master bedroom only hard wood floors throughout. Recently $152K or remodeled 5ft. fence around property New Listing. 2bd/2ba dbwide with pole barn in backyard. Get your New Listilg! 2bd/2ba dbwide hands on this beauty for $169.5K bi..al e f Jli', l 1l high .0 school carpet I have the experience and knowl- :hr:,ugi."u d1 e iw loring. 0.00 edge to help you find the Sweetest Located in Seminole Manor you 0.00 Deal In Town!" Call Me Today! can't pass this up @ only $79.9K! -1 Ashley Enrique Jerry W. Charles P. Wood Acosta Smith H. Kehm 863-228-1132 305.506-5876 561-261-3444 III - Se Habl Espanolis 305-968-2262 Mon Ir l-rr680 New Listing! 3BD/2BA Nice 30 acres of pasture and woods in New Listing! Established commer- S Jil'A" D In .25 Kept,Many Fruit Trees,New A/C, Ladeca. $25,000.00 /acre. Rare cial upholstery business and. SHorseshoe Ac. @$145k combination of seclusion in a natural property $250K L'$ '. .9K Horseshoe Ac. @ $145k setting! Montura Ranch 3bd/2ba MH 5 wooded acres in Ladeca. $150K New Listing! Beautiful building loon.ks !. ilot/investment property in Port Great starter home or invest- looks :paved 2.5 acres in Montura, cleared and LaBelle $49.9K Redueuced for Great starter home or invest- road, ., new fenced $92K Quick Sale ment property in Montura septic @ $124,900 2.5 Acres in Montura asking $85K Ranch 4/ New ii Lot 1.25lj-2 a 1ip .f with 2.5 Acres in Montura asking $90K locar "rnii[il ranch JUSt yV W for. ofM.Ed $. 68,900 Fl split f/Y b purc h_ r ,MH 5 Acres in Pioneer asking $1 79.9K Estat.eller N wYjust ea,,o for. Offered nn$68,900 Bring the kids & dog! This is a big lot. Fr,.7 a.Z . Start your New Year off right Pioneer Plantation!!! 2.5 acres 3bd/2ba brick home, pool & fenced New Redidential Listing on with country living at its best. wow! @ $89,900 $319,000.00 exclusive Ridgewood Ave. 1.25 ac., priced to sell at only New Listing! 2bd/1ba on huge New Development! Call me for sky 3b owner financing avail- $89,900. lots in Horseshoe Acres. Bring all able. Contact me for details & offers Seller Mtivat K Handy man's special! Bring your showing. offers. Seller Motivated $1 65K tools. Located in Moore Haven an As I have the time to list, show Montura Lots many to choose is frame house going for $65K As a new home owner and full and sell your property. I from starting @ $39.9K 5 wooded acres in Pioneer time resident of Clewiston it will Plantation on paved road asking be my pleasure to assist you pledge to you the most cus- New Listing! Montura Ranch $149K with your commercial and resi- SNew Listing! Montura Ranch dential real estate needs. With tomer service any Realtor Estate 2bd/2ba Mobile Home. Ready to move in! 3bd/2ba manu- over 30 years of land, home & can offer. Just ask my past Located on paved road. Very clean, factured home in Moore haven commercial property sales expe- customers! (References Fenced, All appliances included. $79.9K rience I am looking forward to serving the business and resi- Avaiable) Call Today!!! Get it while you can! Won't Last Call me for vacant land. dential community. Long! 107.7K Lots or acreage. 100S. B~m rPl(tr:osfur zlntt 86 -83 2 33vvvvsujtr~ztt- S~m U UI -' *** ~, -3 -. ru~ I.!: ME -so on on on no I A- a 3 1 -B - FEATURED LISTING PRICE REDUCTION 'w,',4 3 2 DO. MOBLLE HOME ON :' 31 ACRES CCOMPLETLY FENCED &NEW SCREENED[IN BACK PORCH $1I75,000 1 ,/171 "ii, r onh 'i,.. Comcioi r r: l t Caro Tho'ras 946-2005 S'eIt Li D Arn D orur.hut 22".11221 David Rister 634-2157 Gr) 'r / I i:.,i ". ,,r 7," THERESA "TERI" LEE RANGEL Licers d Real Esaie Broker 7111) V Sugarlarid Hliy OFFI(..E # S..)-98-3.(i7~, AFTrER HRS # 5r,:.21 `8 1142 HOMES REDUCED.'! Drop Dead Gorgeous I Big Beaunf1Al & Lde w N 4 r.,, 4 2 ,er i3JI0 i rt N:,nhr-,de. Cornerlot reni.:d A:d, repaired & repaIrat.d az Qng i.359 9K Cute Ab A Burton b-.,tr, b-,d-uj r ha~rd%%o,ad floors .3.-2 CBSM n & T.-m r HrOjr, ngES,, ,rd,,r, ang ,21K REDwLiCE Prime Location T- .31 t oer 2100 $,4 It Rlrmhlrrt. .r-%!Id homet oa':n avnoi a I >acre Great Starter!- I N -"-n1,, ii Beo u .:l 3" _Mq fi Lot' Ask-u-,g ONLY 't1-1- u-9K !NLINFFACTURED HOMES N L Alp- N -r, k i- re ThnaI 1l9 s._ r I :L. are. :. i.rg $149.9K COM1MERICAL & JNVESTI"ENTS ,oanDdlo r 7 `er Khe I Houses Sale I Houses Sale I Houses Sale I Houses Sale I Houses Sale I Houses Sa I Houses Sale 1025 1 -. I- --. h- E Thursday. March 16. 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee -Build To Suit- GEORGIA BLAIRSVILLE IN THE NORTH GEORGIA Up To 10,000 SQ. FT. MOUNTAINS. Land, Homes, Commercial & Investment. "EVERYTHING WE TOUCH Belle Glade Area TURNS TO SOLD" Jane Baer Realty, (706)745-2261, (800)820-7829 www.jane- C 5 2 6baerrealty.com, jane- baer@alltel.net. INVESTMENT or RECREA- TIONAL Properties in the Vactin BEAUTIFUL STATE OF GEORGIA. Contact Peach- 06 State at (866)300-7653 or DESTIN, FLORIDA. Directly on Visit our Property For Sale DESTIN, FLORIDA. Directly on Section at www.rubuyin- the Water, NEW Boutique grealestate.com GAL2550. Hotel. Harbor Beach, Pool. Steps to Finest Restaurants. LAND AUCTION 200 Props Minutes to Gulf, Golf, Shop- Must be Sold! Low Down / ping. Introductory Rate. E-Z Financing Free Catalog www.innondestinharbor.com ( 8 0 0 ) 9 3 7 1 6 0 3 (800)874-0470. WWW.LANDAUCTION.COM Agriculture Real Estate Christmas Trees 745 Business Places - Farm Equipment 805 Sale 1005 Farm Products 810 Commercial Farm Miscellaneous 815 Property Sale 1010 Farm Produce 820 Condos/ Farm Services Townhouses Sale1015 Offered 825 Farms. Sale 1020 Farm Supplies/ Houses Sale 1025 Services Wanted 830 Hunting' Property 1030 Fertilizer 835 Investment Horses 840 Property Sale 1035 Landscaping Land Sale 1040 Supplies 845 Lota Sale, 1045 Lawn & Garden 850 Open House 1050 Livestock 855 Out of Stato - Poultry/Supplies 860 Property Sale 1055 Seeds/Pants/ Property fo1spectl 060 Flowers 865 Re Esta Wmted1065 Resort Property 1 ISale 1070 Hmores 08I4 Warehouse Space 1075 Waterfront Property 1080 BAREBACK PAD Red fleece, slightly used, good cond., $20. (772)263-1178. co I SADDLE Handcrafted leather, exc. cond., dark walnut fin- Belle Glade, Muti-Unit ish, $300/firm. CBS Apartments. 1 &2Bdrm. (863)357-2274. Call Thompson-Broker. SADDLES (2)-2 saddle blan- (561)996-5264 kets, 1 Ig horse blanket & saddle stand, $600 will sell sep. (502)931-8101 TOE STOPPERS (2), fits any MONTURA, 3br, 2ba, New size/style stirrup, used 2x's. Home. 1+ ac Owner financ- Paid $80, asking $40. ing.(863)675-6129 (772)263-1178. PORT LaBelle: Unit 4, 4/2, Newly renovated, near schls., Priced to sell @ $175,000. Call owner: 863-673-5071. Murray lawn Mower, 4.5 hp, -Riverfront Home 22", Irg whis, Black & Decker LaBelle leaf blower & Crftsmn edger $200 neg. (863)763-7613 Dock/Lift Boathouse Rider Mower good for'pull- 2BR/2BA ing small, garden trailer $25 Appraised $675,000 (863)467-0171 Quick Sale Price RIDING LAWN MOWER, John $599,000 'Deere, 7hp, 42" cut, under Ownerfinancing, 250 hrs., $1100 or best of- i ta f fer. (863)697-8831 Will trade for RIDING MOWER Yard King, acreage. 12 HP, rear bagger, needs 305-481-1316 or, engine work. $40. 863-234-1814. (863)467-8124. RIDING MOWER- Murray, 42" West Central Florida Real Es- cut, hydrostatic transmission tate, Wayne Cormier Gate $600 (863)763-8548 House Realty. waynecormi- er.com your website to Flod- Small tractor Allis Chalmqrs da's Nature Coast Real 18 hp Briggs 7 Stratton $300 Estate in Citrus County. Call (863)467-9877 (352)422-0751. MOORE HAVEN 33471 Okeechobee Livestock Market Sales every TOP LOCATION - Mon. 12pm & every Tues. 11am. 763-3127 Will Divide Se /asCityblocknexttocourt- house, govemrnmentcenter, high school, 500 feet on US #27 Ideal for Bank, Fast PALM CORN PLANT 5 1/2' Food, Law, Medical, Retail, tall in 7 gallon pot. Expen- Realtor, Insurance, etc. sive, but ashang $50. (863)763-0625. Call owner Pat A- READINGA- NEWSPAPER. L.. o -Sl e 0.4I leads you MONTURA RANCH ESTATES, l o~lue s1.25 ac. Near Clewiston in e growing Hendry County, FL. best products Good location on Datil St. I andservies. Community with Recreation Center & swimming pool. Asking $45,000.00 E-mail:. Neidajim@comast.net 732-656-0214 1060 acre farm in North Ar- kansas, pasture, timber, great deer and turkey hunt- ing, 6 ponds and 35 acre lake. $1,500,000 Mossy Oak Properties of the Ozarks (800)783-6634. ASHEVILLE, NC AREA ACREAGE Private, gated mountain community with S over 4 miles of riverfront. 1 Re tl 1 to 8+ acres from the $60s. Ren a Incredible views! Custom RENT community lodge with mountain spas, riverwalk. Call (866)292-5762. Bear Apartments 905 River Lodge. Business Places 910 BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLI- Commercial NA. WINTER SEASON IS Property 915 HERE! MUST SEE THE Condos/ BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL Townhouses Rent920 MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN Farm Property NC MOUNTAINS. Homes, Rent 925 Cabins, Acreage & Invest- House Rent 930 ments. Cherokee Mountain Land Rent 935 Realty GMAC Real Estate, Resort Property Murphy www.cherokee- Rent 945 mountainrealty.com Call for Roommate 950 Free Brochure Rooms to Rent 955 (800)841-5868. Storage Space - Rent 960 COASTAL NC WATERFRONT! 1.5 Acres- $99,900. Beauti- fully wooded, great views, fnMe Im pristine shoreline, deep beatable water! Enjoy access ORTNA N Un, to ICW, Sound Atlantic. ORTONA- Near river, Unfurn, Paved road, underground 3br, 2ba, garage, AC, heat utilities. Excellent financing. canal, oaks, orange trees, Call now (800)732-6601 x Quiet! 15 mins to La Belle 1510. $950/mo, Lst/sec (248)939-1447 Florida, Tennessee, and Ar- jnagel932@aol.com kansas lots for sale at bar- gain prices. Building lots are www.lotsales.us. For Sale Rural Hunting Timber $2500/acre. Atkinson County, Georgia. Call for infoo I will buy your vacant lot or land for cash. Close in week. Kawasaki 800 '98, wind- Hendry? Glades? Anywhere? shield, saddlebags, Cobra Call Randy 863-673-5071 or seat/pipes, $3000 561-441-2800 ( 8 6 3 ) 6 3 4 2 7 3 0 kc7wtdl@yahoo.com L! YAMAHA 400 DIRT BIKE, '85, good cond., shows 793 ml., (561)718-8580. IIUIs 3035 Mobile Home -Lots 2005i Mobile Home Parts 2010 ENGINE, KAWASAKI, brand Mobile Homes Rent 2015 new, 10 hp, fits John Deere Mobile Homes Sale 2020 Gator or Kawasaki Mule. Never ran. $900. (863)692-2229. GO CART- 6hp, 2 seater, older model, $250 (863)674-0539 LaBelle area. MOBILE HOME LOTS GO KART Scorpion, 2 seater, For Sale roll bars, great shape, $800 Shiv Island & Pahokee firm. (863)634-8828 days or (561)996-4524 (863)763-4132 eve's. Eagle's Nest Estates A secluded, private ranch subdivision vistas of pristine natural habitat. .. . Offered in combinable 40-60ac Tracts for discerning homeowners or weekend nature enthusiasts. Only eleven of these exceptional tracts available. I 772-468-8306 Lakefront and Lakeview Prop- MOBILE HOME 50x12, fur- erties Nestled in the hills of nished, 36x10 F Room, patio,, Tennessee on the shores of deck, 157 Meadow Lot camp- pristine Norris Lake. Call ground Ortona, $14,000 neg. Lakeside Realty at (423)626-5820 Or visit www.:akesiderealty-tn.com. Large Mtn. Land Bargains, High Elevation. Adjoins Pris- tine State Forest, 20+ AC to 350 AC. Sweeping Mtn. Views, Streams. www.live- Boats 3005 inwv.com. Cam pers/RVs 3010 Jet Skits 3015 LOOKING TO OWN LAND? In- Marine Accessories 3020 vest in rural acreage Marine Miscellaneous 3025 throughout America; coastal, Motorcycles 3030 mountain, waterfront proper- Sport Vehicles,/ATVs 3035 ties. 20 to 200 acres. FREE, monthly Special Land Re- ports: www.iand-want- l liimi ed.com/sw. MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA BASS BOAT- '89 Range URPHY, N A LINA -1' littiergaiss, 150HP AAH COOL SUMMERS MILD Jnnor, $700ores oer WINTERS Affordable Homes 86 82 -1 & Mountain Cabins Land CALL FOR FREE BROCHURE BOAT, 20 Ft.. Center Console 77-83'-2288 EiIT REAL- w"T-Too V4 i115 Evinrude mo- T IOUITAIN VIEW PROP- lor DDI a.le Brake Auwy trail- E 'R T I E S er $2500 (86314.67-8580 www.exitmurphv.com. BOAT MOTOR- older model NC MOUNTAINS 10.51 acres Jonnson 10hp, starts & runs on mountain top in gated great. Bargain $295 community, view, trees, wa- (863)635-3465 terfall & large public lake AR SKIFF nearby, paved private ac- CAROLINA SKIFF- '01, 17', cess, $119,500 owner Excellent cond. Includes (-8 6 6) 7 8 9 8 5 3 5 trailer. 863-634-2342 www.NC77.com. HYDRO SPORT 1998, 18 Ft., Center Console, 1-15 Johnson, NEW TO MARKET! DEEPWA- I ew elaiironiec Tandem TER LOTS Brautifully situat- Tr ier $9500 863-610-i674 ed oni 50 ., re.r7 with 2,800 reel of magriiiierin Iraiomge LOW PONTOON- '96 model, on Battery Creek in Beaufort, .Othp Evinruae., EQuip for SC. Offering deep waterfront gr oir 1riin H a n genera- dockable, tidal creek and pri- fi:r $d500 (863)357-2414 vacy wooded lots starting PONTOON- 30', Rede deck, from $5-9,900. Call PONTOON-30,Redo deck (877)929-2837. Carpet, seats, Bimini, camo gray, 60hp Johnson Runs North Carolina Gated Lake- good. Needs carb work, no front Community 1.5 acres 1t3ler $3500 neg. plus, 90 miles of shoreline. (863)673-2480 , Never before offered with PONTOON BOAT- 26', 50HP 20% ore-development dis- Evinrude, needs work, good ,':,u,- "'ii,. i,,,,,,,i :J proj ect, $1400 neg t800)709-5.25 (863467-5725for more mnio TENNESSEE MOUNTAIN RENKIN, 19', w,85hp John- ACREAGE Gi,1 maouiiidiri son, troll, mtr., nice trir, wa- community bordering a large ter test, runs strong, $1800. lake. Spectacular views. (937)336-2855 Community boat ramp, pri- vate boat slips. Between TIDECRAFT PRO BASS BOAT, Chattanooga & Knoxville. on trailer, runs great, $2500 Call today (866)292-5769. or best.offer. (561)281-5429 Gates of the river. VOLVO PINTA ENGINE & THOROUGHBRED HORSE OUTDRIVE, $450. FARM 67 acres $689,900 (863)674-1695 Beautiful stone home, huge barns, indoor arena, 70+ I stalls, lush fenced paddocks, nice setting on quiet country Pace Arrow 34ft 1983, 80k lane!3 1/2 hrs NYC! Call miles, fully equipped, leveling now! (877)909-5263 jacks, just tuned $7500 http://horsefarm.upstateny- (772)597-6158 or land.com. 1954)801-6158 TN WATERFRONT MOUNTAIN PROPERTY Scenic home- -i hWIii sites surrounding Lake Bark- ley. 1 to 6 acre view sites & Okee, Eagle Bay Roost, Lot 5 to 40 acre privacy sites 45, adult park, 37', '86 Holi- from the 40's. 90 min to day Rambler Fifth Wheel, tied Nashville. Grand 'opening of down, 28' carport, $5000. Phase II on now! Call (865)850-9288 (866)339-4966.Reading a newspaper WATERFRONT BARGAINS! helps you understand Lake Access from the world around you. $202/monthl* Direct Lake- No wonder newspaper front starting at $99,900! readers are more suc- ONE DAY ONLY LAND SALE! cessful people SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 2006 Just 20 minutes from Augusta, GA Excellent fi- nancing available Call today II for an early appointment! (888)LAKE-SALE x 1030 FISHING TROLLING MOTORS Based on purchase price of (2) w/all controls, 12 & 24 $39,900 w/10% down, fixed volt, new never used, $450 rate of 6.75% for 5 yrs, (561)622-0736 15-year term w/balloon pay- ment due at the end of 5 yrs. KAYAKS- 2, 14', Like new, Terms and rates subject to $750. (863)763-4982 change without notice. Void SURF & BOAT POLES- Sever- where prohibited by law. al, $1 65. or best offer Western New Mexico Private (302)875-2350 62 Acre Ranch $110,990 Mt. views, trees, rolling hills, How fast can your car pastureland, borders BLM. go? It can go even faster 1930's stone homestead when you sell It In the with 2 barns. Horseback rid- classfieds. ing, hiking, hunting. Perfect _ family ranch, electricity. 100% financing. NALC. (866)365-2825. GSXR750 '04- great shape, garage kept $6500 jrissomebeach@earthlink.net HONDA MOTORCYCLE TODAYTURN YOUR CM400, '81, needs work, VACANT LAND brand new light & tire to be ..INTO BIG $$$$ put on $200. (863)983-7457 Automobiles MIDiiP. Heavy Duty Trucks 4040 'Parts Repairs 4045 Pickup Truks 405E Sport Utility 4055 Tractor Trailers 4060 Utility Trailers 4065 Vans 4070 BUICK SKYLARK, '87, runs $900 or best -offer (863)801-1407 or (863)801-1408 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUN- TRY '98, 62K mis. Good con- dition. 1 Owner. Book=$6850 Asking $6000. 863-467-1301 CROWN VICTORIA 1990 ask- ing $600 Call Beverly (561)755-0239 GEO TRACKER. '92 -1 (l, may need Irujnrs wuik. $700 or woIl uade 561 )261-0j205 HONDA ACCORD DX 1987. aulo 57.k actual miles. $1200 1863)824.6799 or 1863)697-3944 LINC CONTINENTAL '95- good cond., new tires., lowrder, great sound system $2000 neg (863)675-6511 LINC TOWNCAR '92- 4dr ex- ecutive, all power, 120K, runs great, tires& brakes ok $2500 193,)631.4601 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS LS 1991 eve. condition, wmae, 4 dr. mag wheels, $2400. (863;675-1891 NISSAN ALTIMA, '95, 4 or. 4 cyl. auto, cold a3/c. runs good, looks good, $2400. (561)261-0205 OLDS DELTA 88- '94, 68K orig. mi. New tires, 2 owner car. Good cond $2800.' (863)763-4576 OLDS DELTA 88 RCrALE '84- asking $300 or Desi oiler (8631824-3319 AUTO WANTED: Looking to buy Antique Car/ Convertible/Truck. Please call (954)561-2776 BRONCO II '89 perfect en- gine, rebuilt trans, 0 miles, needs paint but no rust, $1750 firm. (863)805-8789 CHEVY TRUCK FRAME- With axles. Good for a buggy. $200. (863)228-2351 JEEP CJ-7 1986, 6 cyl, new seats, console, top, bikini top, and paint. $7000 neg. (863)763-8072 Jeep Wrangler Sport '98, 4.0L 4WD Auto, Red, Tan Hardtop, Loaded! Gar. kept/Exc. Cond. $9900. neg. 863-697-1972 SUBARU SW- '89, 4x4, Very Clean, New tires. $1000. (863)214-1286 GOLF CART, '89 Club Car, 36v, with charger, new seat & tires, $1000 or best offer. (863)467-5616 GOLF CART, '94 Club Car, lights, curtains, charger, high speed, exc. cond., $1650. (772)332-6623 GOLF CART- Club Car, 48V elec, w/batt charger, also roof, $1300 (863)763-8714 CARBURETED HEAD- 350, with 202 valve $200. (863)763-5067 CHAIN FALL- American, 3,000 lbs. lift, like new, $75 (239)357-5984 HONDA ACURA 4 LUG RIMS- (4) with new tires, $300 (8 3)675-2627 HYDRAULIC TRUCK CAP- fits 8ft bed, $500 (863)357-0607 or 863)697-1417 SUPERCHIP- For 6.0 Ford Die- sel Truck, '04-'05. Asking $350. or best offer. (863)634-3296 Cody TIRES on rims, from Jeep Wrangler, brand new 30/9.50/R15 Lt, Goodyear $450 (863)634-3261 TOYOTA STOCK RIMS- 15", For a pickup, asking $20 for all 4 (863)467-1308 Truck Bed, Lights, Bumper Tail Gate for '99-'01 Ford F150, white in color, $350 or best offer. (863)946-1138 CHEVY PICKUP 86 Custom tin, A/C, 37K, new D/T. $3500. (772)360-5067. DODGE DAKOTA '94- no title, $500 (863)763-3451 TONNEAU COVER- For Dodge 6' box, Black $150. (863)675-4525 F350 1994, 4 door crew cab, white, automatic, bedliner, $5,000/or best offer. (772)360-5067. TONNEAU COVER- Fiberglass, For full size truck $600 or best offer. (863)357-2111 or 772-519-2256 TRUCK BED- '95, F350, Ex- cellent shape. $500. or best offer. (863)261-4781 CHEVY BLAZER, 4 Door, V6 motor, Runs & Drives good. $2500 (863)673-4470 CAR DOLLEY good condi- tion, $450 firm (863)763-4617 UTILITY TRAILER, 19', open w/rails, HD, dual axle, 1 yr., holds 1 car & 2 motorbikes, $1750. (561)909-7367 ECONOLINE 150 MACH 111- '97, 7 passenger, White, Like new cond 94k, $5000. (8631467-1682 FORD AEROSTAR VAN 1990, Runs good. Some front end damage. Selling for $1000 Of oesi ofter (239)465-7156 FORD CLUB WAGON XL- '89, Clean, $2500 or will trade for small American P/U. (863)635-9458 Ford E350 Conversion Van, '84. heavy duly. '99 eng , oual air 8 neal, 4 spkr cass, $2100. (863)635-9084. Public Notices Public Notic6 5005 State Public - Legal Notice 5500. a a II IN THE 'IRCUIT COURTT FOR HENRY COUNrY. FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No: 2005-202 CP IN RE: ESTATE OF MELI LOPEZ-PEREZ Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of MELI LOPEZ-PEREZ, deceased, whose date of death was August 5, 2005, Is pend- ing In the Circuit Court for Hendry County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is PO. Box 1760, Labelle, Florida 33975-1760 The names and addresses of the Personal Representative and the Personal Rep- resentative's attorney are set forth be- low. All creditors of the Decedent and other persons having claims or demands ,'.')y i Ir-a [, )l:r r ': lu t,,, .rrr rl] nu. T nilw l eh ':i.IIITr: wnrl Ir., Court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the Decedent and persons having claims or demands against the Decedent's Estate must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. : ALL LAIlMi, li MAN v., ANJD tJEE - ii' fi, NOT ? FILtuL *iLL L BE fa- EvyEuBARRED NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the first publication of this Notice is February 23,2006. Attorney for Personal Representative: D. Hugh Kinsey,.Jr. Flodrida Bar No. 961213 Sheppard, Brett, Stewart, Hersch & Klnsey, PRA. 9100 College Pointe Court Fort Myers, FL 33919 Telephone: (239) 334-1141 Personal Representative: D. Hugh Kinsey. Jr. 9100 College Pointe Court Fort Myers, Florida 33919 118420 CGS 3/9,16/06 IN THE CIRCUIT OF THE JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA VICTORIANO VAZQUEZ and AMARILIS VAZQUEZ Plaintff VS. JUAN F. MOLINA and NUBIA MOLINA, his wife and MARIA M. QUINONES and FERNANDO E. ZAMORANO, Defendants NOTICE OF ACTION YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to Quiet Title on the following property In Hendry County, Florida: Lots 11 and 12, Block 26 of Montura Ranch Estates First Subdivision ac- cording to the Plat thereof, recorded In Plat Book 3, Pages 37, 38, and 39 of the Public Records Hendry County, Florida. Has filed against you, and you are re- quired to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Elizabeth A. Merceret, Esq., Plaintiff's attorney, whose address Is 1800 West 49th Street, Suite 332, Hialeah, Florida 33012 on or before 30 days from the date of first publication of this notice and file the odginal with the clerk of this court either before service on [ plaintiff's attorney or Immediately hereafer; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded In the complaint or petition. DATED on the 9th day of March, 2006. As Clerk of the Court By/S/R. DeLaCruz As Deputy Clerk 120989 CGS 3/16,23,30; 4/6/0 NOTICE OF SALE TO: Robble Roland 1271 Sherwood, Clewlston,.FL You are hereby notified that the property stored by you with Randy oyle& Rena Blissett, Unit #8 located at 1801 Red Road, Clewiston, FL 33440. The items are believed to be household and miscellaneous Items and will be sold to the highest bidder for cash at the above address on March 24, 2006, at 11:00 a.m, along with the advertising costs In the amount of $245.60. We reserve the right to refuse any and all bids. 120093 CGS 3/16,23/06L 0 SaleMobile Home Mobile Home Sale 1 1 11 CLEWISTON COUNTRY ACRES Modular/Floor Plans. From $79,900 & up, 3/4/5BR, 2/3BA, acre & 1/4 available or use your land as down payment. Financing available. 863-673-6417 or 561-721-5299 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on NOTICEOFSHERIFF'SSALE 03/25/2006 at 11:00 AM at FORT KNOX SELF STORAGE, 1025 Com- Notice is hereby given that pursuant to a Writ of Execution, issued in the Circuit merce Drive, LaBelle, FL, Court of Broward County, Florida, on the 15th day of October 1991, in the cause 863-675-1025, the undersigned, FORT wherein First Union National Bank of Florida was plaintiff and Jorge Mercado KNOX SELF STORAGE, will sell at Pub- and MIldalla Nieves are defendants, being Case Number 91-01899COSO (62), lic Sale by competitive bidding, the in said Court, I, Ronald E. Lee, Sr., as Sheriff of Hendry County, Florida, have lev- personal property heretofore stored ied upon all the right, tile and interest of the defendant Jorge Mercado and Mig- with the undersigned: 863-675-1025 dalla Nieves, in and to the following described property, to-wit: Cute V. StokesJ-42 SPECIRFIC DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 6 Block 54 of Montura Ranch Estates Furniture, mattresses and misc.items First Subdivision, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 3, at Farah,Semexant6 Pages 37, 38 and 39 of the Public Records of Hendry County, Florida, including Bikes, baby swing and misc.Items only such Oil, Gas and Mineral rights as the Grantor may possess. Subject to Tammy Pierce X-2 conditions, restriction reservations, road and canal rights-of-way, enforceable Bikes, refg., dressers easements of assessments. Subject to real estate taxes for 2005 and subsequent Pastor Darryl Joyner 804 years. Computers, misc. items a/1a 230 N. Mayoral Street, Montura Ranches 120676 CGS 3/16,23/06 And on the 20th day of April, 2006, In the Courtyard of the Hendry County Court- house, LaBelle, Florida, at the hour of 11:00am, or as soon thereafter as possible, NOTICE I will offer for sale all the said defendants Jorge Mercado end Mlgdalla Nieves, right title and interest in the aforesaid real property, at public auction and will sell The annual report for Farmers Helping the same, subject to taxes, all prior liens, encumbrances and judgments, if any, to Farmers, Inc. for its calendar year the highest bidder for CASH IN HAND, the proceeds to be applied as far as may ended Deceber 31, 2005 is beto thepaymentofcosts and the satisfaction ofthe above-described execution. available at its office at United Ronald E. Lee, Sr. States Sugar Corporation, 111 Sheriff Ponce De Leon Avenue, Clewvston, Hendry County, Florida FL 33440, for inspection during By: Captain Andy Lewis regular business hours by any cli- Deputy Sheriff zen who requests it within 180 days 114892 CGS 2/23;3/2,9,16,23,30/06 hereof. The principal managers of the organization are Robert E. Coker, Gerard A. Bernard ind Charles F.Shide. SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Authorized by GerardA. Bernard PUBLIC NOTICE OFAPPLICATION 120664 CGS 3/16/06 iru: r.A i; ,:[,. iri.0 10 ururi.' I, 1:r.i i. .,ri .alun : nii-O i allowing ,.I ,,'110 (1'1 'tII ,L- ,r TI Ir T ," r [i [ t i ":. i.v ,h tI,, l, HCr!A.Y '. l",'i~ji-rv NOTICE Cypress #1 Inc (Oceanboy Farms Cypress #1) 2954 Airglades Blvd, Clewiston, FL NOTIE 33440, has submitted Application 060210-14 for renewal of Water Use Permit The annual report of the United States 26-00694W to irrigate 948 acres of quaculure. The water will be withdrawn nugal Corportof Cthenritabled S Tt from the Lower Tamrniami and Floridan Aquifers and the project is located in Sec- fugarsCorporation ar er tons 19,20, Township 46 South, Range 3 East. for its fiscal year ended October 31, l20 Twni 46 Sth e ast Un2005 Is available at its office aton Farmland Reserve Inc (Bsyrock Groves) 139 E South Temple, Ste 110, Saft Lake 111 PUnited State LSegar Corporaion, City, UT 84111, has submitted Application 060228-15 for renewal of Water Use 111stPonce 344, on AvenueCie- Permit 26-00318-W to irrigate 1152 acres of agricultural lands. The water will be duwins regular business hours bi withdrawn from the Lower Tamiami Aquifer and the project is located in Sections any citizen who requests it within 10-12, Township 44 South, Range 32East. 180 days hereof. Theprincipal Collier Enterprises Management Inc (Section 33 Farm) 975 New Harvest Rd, Im- Robert H. Bukr Jr' Malcolm S 14 4 Rbert HBarJr., Malcofl .. l 3 111 r n: .l; ..lrh.l f .pi,,Alr o' i' an Environmentali Wade, Jr. and RobertE Coker. r a r, ii., I r water will be dis- i ". J.r. i1,,nr .,.1 ir, I, -i, v, ai ,r ,f a'.. ; 4,33,.Townships AuthorizedbyRobertE.Coker ';':ir, h.' 3i .: 120660 CGS 3/16/06 hpll, ,N r,, a..,. ,',N, ,...., '.m .,iI,' ir. i ",, ,i.', .'. : 1.iii,, ,,n,-A ,,:q ,I 'I. "I ian .:.I rr r i fo .0 i.lni.ii'aior.) -... ''.il' i. i. .'r in.: r ,. Ph i )Iii v .,-Wl Q I.., ll l> hiji ,n W' I ,ll M j1'. :,iirTr.',I :1f.1.. 1 AIlrrr. [,i hu.. NOTICE OF M EETING ,",,,,T:i I, A ,11,1,A ,,1 or l..) ii r',.:I f A r, It,A-r I: L A i : luill G E R B E R G R O V E S iu l : i :.: '...i .: u .l [ ,'. ,' I I .1r 1 : WATER CONTROL DISTRICI ii ',, r,n ,, ,,ri.i.:i .. r, an rr mua .Tie n : t [r.i i nd n r, idia Nr lu i atliir 's i ,r i N.1i .: [.. ] ,l r ii ,. i.i,. 'lj A.i' i :1 Lii C r-lir iao.sa W jl .' i (arl L"a l ''e.un'1 .I. i 1 i. ,,'. r, ,, ,l ..t : U i."i I.' ':" "' 'ir"'j: I iil re nheid 31 lu or ,] iT, & rn rFni.y ',,'.i j. ,i.i ii ilv wr iln i .: "ih r 1: i,,i il I'.'''- Iti i in," .rT, ',, h j, ia,. r. ,.,', ,QIt- M.ir.rj ;4 .;0 6 l" S rin,01 iTi r.':Ti l. ,'laI'',j I5- r"'.'v'.'il .,ri,.v i.a' ,l'". 'y a r.iTrIT'ar.u a ,r .ir, :"a ir, ,o.a-:ri ri.,, I, jTIir, Mar.:l cay ;06 in r ,:Auno e Ena ri,,, om n Ih Ir., ...i.ir.an o 01 [i Henild ry :iOui1 V 1.n l:' ( i, n' O i-rAQ lr hi, ;i- i i-". i Laie uie i onH A 0 TiA rig Oi ire, 20 ij i i )a.: Bo3raO l Supieii'u.i will ti hyil im-i. iT di 1ril v atirr lhio i.,Iad ,.-, iT:fl. i. i Ing ri, Du ,s,.e ,r r me i rio .IA : boarbdTT,,3I apro e ,aa'l a ,rr.r AITIENTIO NMNIuRA ESrENIS fiC ,iR ar 2006,0. no ii I r. ,ir,, NlOIrCE OF LAhODOWriEi S MIaEEhING AND uir,ua,,"5 ., neriy ANNuAL ELECrTiO FOR CENiRIAL Cautll SLO WAFER CONIROLE DIRltI br ryrn B rBr Ereilaaiwara 119707C Ec'aS ltdoSr. lli,' I r:ari.hy r t. ira r.,. ,j0'ia l 'I si- ''.:' iry if.'.ion. ii 'i.jI'.I u iVl. StI'ljl'lu Il [al.alilI wll 1 1'l3 I ir .. i.i.l ijA'.lAa,,'n Tt,f..a,1 .',il Jnaj"la rai a "-l.al I NOTICE O F REG ULAR M EETING O F THE 0 inrad 'i i ,a r, ar a ,ar ,a 'ti0 a i Jlu.1 i, 01 a'i i'a. A 1aa T, iAj n' ,, ,rj r.: . BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE Ip iTA. 1arit h tarvaai:a AI ifi.. iial'ia,). -., ll H3.,i'idj ctil ,. M,.,,-aiu C E N T R A L C O U N T Y W A T E R C O N T R O L [ :.' O i .'rll Tr ,, ,u 1rc I l : i'ai' l '1-a, r. .Ta, i h ,)j i ha a .a: a ..ia: l [ r.a,, : "i. a l i ,n . D I S T R IC T Oi r ; I. ,i ia l it l r .r, u ,. ir a 1 ,.,. a ,) Ia w a O:A 11 ,.a a ,u .. ,,;a ,i You are nearby noihrl ui inra pR In e ulir ,Iii .li, .i b ," .I Jlr. : a. r;i .,i..,,Tr.,,. ,pi .T, 1 ,,iiii ni m, p o r 01Me e ton g o l d iU o ,11r o l u ,l O l ] U n l ,la ia i r I .I ', i. lw i hI r ,. I: .)a .T ', ,l l AT e l rhe e .11 Courav Wara[.' C no- Diu 61. a. ur a- ll l[',. i 'a i lra h i rn 1',,' l. ni willbe niJd enWedne:a.iy Ma n CENTRAL COUNTY WATER 22 2006 al 7 p am n in Mo.iur CONIROL DISIRIC EClunlouse McOi'ilura duch Eifil . Sin'e Road 833 O ewiiii Fai1 ATENCIONRESIDENTESOEMONTURA: rnliavra ma v il'i3ri-.- erlLrl NOTICIADE REUNION PARA DUENOSDETERRENOS rmny ,:orr,, tel ,r, i Ir, 8 ll i i t'. (HACENDADOS)Y son decides to appeal the decision of ELECCIONANNUA PARA EL CONDADO CENTRAL DEL the Board of Supervlsors with respect DISTRITO DECONTROL DEAGUA to any matter considered at the public mree ting or hearing herein referred he P ." 1 "" ,, ,,, ..: i i i .,1 i i .' ,i .).i... ,,:: ,6 1 il or she may need to Insure that a ver- t."a,,, n ', ,111,' ,i 1.1 ,:h,,,, 1, '.1. 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ICHEVROLET Z AN AMERICAN REVOLUTION S ?aMaroone Chevrolet DAN MARINO Spokesperson CORD BREANMG SA 'NE IS OUT TO BREAK AN ALL-TIME KLCOKD OF 10,000 SALES IN ONE MONTH, SO YOU'LL GET KL.CUiK BREAKING DEALS! BRAND NEW CHEVROLfT 2006 TRA/ILBI * Automatic Trans. * 275 HP Engine 4200 Vortec 16 Engine *ONSTAR BUY FOR: * Cruise Control * Power Windows * Power Door Locks * 4 Wheel ABS Brakes W m' I S S -F * Aluminum Wheels * Air Conditioning * AM/FM/CD And More * Stk#62122624 LEAE OR OD9D21" PLER 89r2 s1 13 MO.* OVER 165 TRAILBLAZERS IN STOCK! BRAND NEW 2006 CHEVROLET COBALT 2.2L, A/C. AM/FM/CD AND MUCH MORE, STK#6F611873 s89,8 AT7T2 N98H 168 COBALTS AT DISCOUNTED PRICES BRAND NEW 2006 CHEVROLET TAHOE. POWER WINDOWS, POWER DOOR LOCKS, CRUISE CONTROL, V8 ENGINE, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, STK#6R133309 273 AE AT DI UNTED PRICES 217 AHDES AT DICOoNTED PRICES BRAND NEW 2006 CHEVROLET SILVERADO EfT CAB VORTEC 4300 V6 ENGINE, AUTO, CLIMATE CONTROL, AM/FM STEREO, SUSPENSION PKG, SPARE TIRE LOCK, STK#t6Z112172 115, u1 5992lH l10L 112 SIVERADOS AT DISCOUNTED PRICES BRAND NEW 2006 CHEVROLET SILVERADO REG CAB 3.23 REAR AXLE RATIO, VORTEC 4300 V6 ENGINE, SPARE TIRE LOCK, SMOOTH RIDE SUSPENSION AND MUCH MORE. STKB6G171835 0 .O 104112.l 128Io 112 S VERADDS AT DISCOUNTED PRICES a BRAND NEW 2006 CHEVROLET m. ~IMPALA AUTO, POWER SEATS, CRUISE, 16" WHEELS, AM/FM STEREO, 6 SPEAKER SYSTEM. SIDE AIRBAGS, STK#69153571 '11 III 2992. q *PER hPAlAS AT DISU NTED PRICESP Ing I!PALAS AT DISCOUNTED PRICES BRAND NEW 2006 CHEVROLET MALIBUi- LS PACKAGE, 2.2 ENGINE, AUTOMATIC TRANS., AM/FM STEREO CD, POWER WINDOWS & DOOR LOCKS. STK#6F193387 3 988 1 20521m 158 I PERM 120 iMALIBUS AT DISCOUNTED PRICES '98 CHEVROLET TAHOE LT 4X4 4 DR, LEATHER, CLEAN, STK#WJ335888 ..................................................................................'898 1 '05 CHEVROLET MALIBU ALL POWER, GM CERTIFIED, STK#5F212484 .............................................................................11,992 '03 CHEVROLET S-10 REG CAB 4/3 LITER, V6, AUTO, 27K MILES, STK#38150598 ......................................................'12,881 '02 CHEVROLET TRAILBLAZER LT LEATHER, SUNROOF, ONSTAR, GM CERTIFIED, 48K MILES, STK#22111897 .......................... ...................... '15,981 '05 CHEVROLET ASTRO LS REAR A/C, 8 PASSENGER, PRIVACY GLASS, GM CERTIFIED, STK#5B111648 .......... .................... ......... 15,981 '04 CHEVROLET TRAILBLAZER EXT 3RD ROW SEATING, ALL POWER, GM CERTIFIED, STK#46197743 .............. ............... ..........' 18,981 '05 CHEVROLET EQUINOX LS AWD ALL POWER, GM CERTIFIED, 18KMILES, STK#56067845 .............................................................. $18,981 '04 CHEVROLET 1500 LS CREW CAB Z71 OFF ROAD 4X4 ALL POWER, GM CERTIFIED, STK#41412519 .................. ................................................. ....$22,981 '03 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN LS LEATHER, SUNROOF, STEARING CONTROLS, BOSE, GM CERTIFIED, STK#3G315092 ........ ................ ....... $22,991 '04 CHEVROLET 2500 HD LT VCAB 6.0 LITER, LEATHER, GM CERTIFIED, 10K MILES, STK#4E379936.................................. .................... $23,881 '05 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN LS REAR A/C, ONSTAR, 3RD ROW SEATING, 9 PASSENGER, 10K MILES, STK#5G203493 ........................................ 26,771 Pre(,)wedQustons Cll1-7790 -15A '06 CHEVROLET CORVETTE Z06 GM CERTIFIED, 1K MILES...........................................................PLEASE CALL '93 CHEVROLET CORSICA 4 DR, A/C .......................................... ... ...... .. ... ........ ....................... ................. 4 9 1 '98 CHEVROLET ASTRO MARK 11 CAPTAINS CHAIRS .......................................................... .... ......... 7991 '99 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN 10 PASSENGER, 87K MILES .......................... .............................................................. 9993 '03 CHEVROLET BLAZER GM CERTIFIED, GM CERTIFIED, 56K MILES ............. ................ ................. ...................... 11,992 '03 CHEVROLET IMPALA P/WINDS/LKS .................................................................................................... ,992 '02 CHEVROLET S-10 EXT CAB LS 49K MILES ......................................................... ............... ......................... 12,992 '03 CHEVROLET IMPALA P/WINDS/LKS, 34K MILES............................. .....................12,994 '05 CHEVROLET MALIBU MAXX LS 34K MILES ............................. ....................................................................... $13,991 '03 CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO SS LEATHER. LOADED, 44K MILES .................................................................. ................... 14,991 '05 CHEVROLET ASTRO 25K MILES ...................................... .................... ............................ ............. 14 ,9 9 4 Maron-.com* 5757 Lake Worth Road I..... Between Military Trail and Jog Road Greenacres 1-888-768-5485 * 1-95 & Linton Boulevard -'- 1111 Linton Boulevard Delray (MEE 1-888-382-4177 .e 51 All leases, 36 months (48 months Silverado Reg Cab & Ext. Cab)(Trailblazer 24 months, $2995 down, 10,000 miles per year) $1995 down, plus tax, tag & title fees, no security deposit. With 750 Beacon score. *Money back guarantee based on 3 days/150 miles whichever comes first. Some restrictions may apply. See dealers for details. With approved credit. All prices include rebate in lieu of factory finance rate. You must present this ad at time of purchase or lease to receive these special prices. Advertised prices not applicable to exporters. Offers good on date of publication only. Not responsible for typographical errors. Pictures are for illustration purposes only. 1996-2006 AutoNation Inc. , /P- I Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, March 16, 2006 0 14 0 4 I 0 |