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Coutylogocotet- Pge4 GLADES COT- - IIl Moore Haven, Fla. Thursday, February 16,2006 Volume 79, Number 35 At a Glance Chicken and biscuit dinner Buckhead Ridge Volunteer Fire Department Ladies Auxil- iary chicken and biscuit dinner, Saturday, Feb. 25 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Fire Department on Highway 78 'in Buckhead Ridge. Eat in or take away. Chicken, biscuit drink and dessert is $6. For more informa- tion call (863) 467-0173. Quilt show North Lake Estates quiltlers 3rd annual quilt show is Satur- day, Feb. 18 at North Lake -Estates RV Resort clubhouse, 765 E. St. Rd. 78, Lakeport from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. There will be door prizes each hour, quilt set raffled, items for sale, lunch available on site. Goat Production workshop The UF/IFAS Cooperative Extension Service in collabora- tion with the Florida Meat Goat Association (FMGA) and the Division of Animal Industry of the Florida Department of Agri-. culture will be holding a Meat Goat Production workshop on' Saturday, March 11 at the Dal- las B. Townsend Ag Center in LaBelle, FL (1085 Pratt Blvd) from 9 a.m.-noon. The pro- gram will consist of the USDA sponsored National Animal. Identification (NAIS) program and the voluntary, Scrapie-Free Flock Certification Program (SFCP). Not only will NAIS and SFCP be discussed in great detail, other information will be presented such as general goat management, selection and management of goal pas- tures as well as hands on train- ing with goats. The workshop is free, but you are required to pre-register. For more information, feel free to contact the UF/IFAS Hendry County .Extension Office by phone at (863) 674- 4092 or (863) 983-1598 or by E-mail at sycrr@ifas.ufl.edu. UF/IFAS to hold conference II The UF/IFAS South Florida Beef Forage Group will be holding a Small Farms Live- stock Production conference II on March 18 at the Dallas B. Townsend Ag Center begin- ning at 8:30 a.m. This advance conference for goat, cattle and horse owners is designed to give producers on a few acres a better understanding of weed pasture problems and control; selection of founda- tion animals; body condition scoring for health, nutrition and reproduction; the Nation- al Animal ID system and record keeping; sound vacci- nation as well as other pro- duction practices and tech- niques to assist in being as productive and economically efficient as possible. The regis- tration fee is $20. For more information, feel free to contact the UF/IFAS Hendry County Extension Office by phone at (863) 674- 4092 or (863) 983-1598 or by E-mail at sycr@ifas.ufl.edu. Lake Level 15.51 feet above sea level Index Classifieds..... 19-23 Obituaries . . .2 Opinion . . .4 See Page 2 for information about how to contactthe newspaper. newszap.com Communi Links. IndMdual Voices. II i! 111 11 1 8 16510 00022 1 Lake's future questioned By MaryAnn Morris FORT MYERS Community members from around the lake turned out in force for a meeting of the South Florida Water Manage- ment District Governing Board (SFWND). Local people, public officials and high school students con- verged on the SFWMD Governing Board meeting in Ft. Myers at Flori- da Gulf Coast University Wednes- day, Feb 8. They came from the east, they came from the west and they came, from the center the counties and towns around Lake Okeechobee, the center of the controversy that has raged for many months and years. Placards held by irate citizens spoke to individual views of the problem: "Don't Flood Our Town," "Save Our River," "Stop the Muck," "SFWMD is Sugar Coating the Problems," "Stop the Blame" and similar sentiments. Reports by SFWMD regional officials and: engineers outlined the situation. Dr. Susan Gray, Ph.D. Director of the Lake Okeechobee District Watershed spoke of the worsen- ing condition of the lake water and loss of aquatic plants, which deprive the lake water of needed oxygen and spawning beds for the bass and other fish in the lake. "There is no silver bullet, no one solution," said Cal Neidauer, an engineer of 20 years with SFWMD. He spoke of, among other matters, the schedule, which governs the amount of water that is held or discharged from the lake through locks and floodgates. "Operational changes will help," he said. . Rhonda Haag, Interim Director of Southwest Florida Water Man- agement District, made note of the- fact that while water shortage is a problem in areas of her district; many areas re-use 100 percent of their wastewater to lessen the need for fresh water from Lake Okeechobee. Alternative water sources are also being developed. "By working together we will reach responsible solutions as. a team," said Alice Carlson, of the SFWMD Governing Board, "We are a diverse district and I'm glad to see so many representatives of so many of the district's factions. The district believes firmly in open, respectful communication." A dozen civic/community pre- SeeLake-Page 9 CREW seeks out helpers Housing, workforce devel- opment, social services, health, and mental health staff, non- profit organizations, as well as ministers, church members, cit- izens, city and county officials from both Glades and Hendry Counties formally joined forces Feb. 1 to begin a long-term effort to help Hurricane Wilma victims rebuild their homes, lives and communities. Community Rebuilding Ecu- menical Workforce (CREW) ofl Hendry and Glades Counties, led by an executive committee comprised of people who care about Glades and Hendry Coun- ty meets each Wednesday at 10 a.m. in the conference room at ..Hend iy Regiorna Medical.Cen-.. ter in Clewiston. Everyone is 'invited! "It should be obvious to any- one that residents in mobile homes in areas like Twin Lakes, Monlura, Washington Park and Crescent Acres in Hendry and Glades Counties were particu- larly hard hit by Hurricane Wilma," said CREW chairman and pastor of Community Pres- byterian Church Angel Ramos. "Many of these residents are low income, elderly, African American or Hispanic, and may lack the necessary resources to rebuild following the storm. "Our goal is not only to ensure that their housing needs are met, but in the long run improve the quality of life for them and their families." Pastor Ramos noted that the rebuilding effort will provide jobs for up to nine caseworkers as well as an executive director overseeing operations in Glades and Hendry Counties. The pro- gram is also expected to bring See Crew -Page 9 Oh, those very yummy Loquats Lakeport's Sour Orange Festival Feb. 11 brought clowns Mr. and Mrs. Bubbles to entertain the kids with balloon art and face painting. Shelby French, top and Jessie Whitman wait for their decorations. By Barbara Oehlbeck Small, tear-shaped fruit that looks a bit like a little elongated pear, is in fact, a tropical pear. Botanically speaking it's Eri- obotrya japonica, a delicious, nutritious fruit that's delightfully fresh from the tree (just pick 'n eat), in a fruit bowl, or made into jams or jellies.I It's been said by some not familiar with the tropical pear -. that the leaves.of this sub-tropi- cal tree resemble magnolia leaves. It's true that the leaves of the two trees are similar in shape and size, both being large, heavy, and of a deep green color, but that's where the similarity ends. Loquat leaves are heavily and distinctly ribbed with whitish down on the undersurface. This small, handsome tree that fruits and flowers the year round, is grown in many warm regions of the world. Although the tree requires .practically no maintenance, it is grown in .very few places commercially, thus the fruit is not available in markets. For whatever reasons, loquats are generally grown simply as an ornamental, not for its fruit. And, according to the book Florida, My Eden, loquats are hardy as far north as North See Loquat Page 9 By MaiyAnn Morris In Lakeport Saturday, Feb. 11, neighbors, friends and winter residents joined to have just a good old time. People came hungry and left full of barbecue and sour orange pie over the five-hour frolic on a beautiful Florida winter day. The Gator Band outdid themselves and pie-eating contests ruled. A dozen or so craft booths sold hand-made crafts, T- shirts, sweatshirts, the famous "Sour Orange Cook Book", and of course, sour orange entrees and desserts. The sour. orange was brought to Florida in the 1500s by Spanish explorers required by law to plant orange seeds wherever they traveled because of their medicinal value. Sour oranges are used by many nationalities to make wine, marmalade, candy and to flavor meats, such as in the Cuban mojito sauce. Sour oranges are more aro- See Festival Page 4 High school class wows SFWMD at meeting By MaryAnn Morris FORT MYERS The Gov- erning Board of South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) thought they were prepared for a high school pres- entation, but instead they heard the most astute and profession- al presentation of the meeting in Ft. Myers Wednesday, Feb. 8. Thirty-three senior students met in the Moore Haven High School parking lot at 6:45 a.m. to travel by chartered bus with their teacher, Crystal Drake and chaperone Ardis Hammock to the meeting. Since November, Mrs. Drake's senior class had gath- ered data, listened to politicians and experts and questioned, questioned, questioned. Glades County Commis- sioner, Alvin Ward had alerted them to the issues surrounding the condition of Lake Okee- See Students Page 4 Glades County Democrat/MaryAnn.Morris Thirty-three Moore Haven High School students from Mrs. Crystal Drake's senior class traveled to Ft. Myers to address a packed house at the SFWMD Governing Board Wednesday, Feb 8. 5O~W A tangy treat: Celebration is recipe for fun Glades County Democrat/MaryAnn Morris Young pie-eaters at Lakeport's Sour Orange Festival Saturday, Feb. 11 got into much more than the spirit of the contest. Left to right are: Ethan Bennett, Lacey Greene and Taylor Bennett dig in. Lakeport plays host to festival 07 -m 9-_- Obituaries Barbara Lee Rudd Barbara Lee Rudd, age 64, of Clewiston passed away Jan. 29, 2006 at Hospice of the Palm Beaches. Barbarawas born Feb. 15,1941, at Sanford, FL to the late John Eric Crosby and Mamie Ruby (Teston) Patterson. She moved to Clewiston 50 years ago from Miami. She and her late husband Jerry owned and operated Rudd's Fish Company. Survivors include her sons, Jerry Keavon Rudd, Richard Kregg Rudd, and William Eric Rudd; a daughter, Kymm Rudd McCall (Mike) all of Clewiston; brothers, Ronald Eugene Crosby (Nanelle), of Clewiston, Gerald Patterson (Lind) of Cape Coral, A.J. Patterson of Dalton, GA.; brother-in-law, Brain Rusling, of Dalton, GA; and four grandchildren. She was preceded by her par- ents, John and Mamie Crosby, hus- band Jerry Rudd and a sister Nancy Patterson Rusling. Billy Joe Alexander Billy Joe Alexander, age 75, of Pahokee, died Saturday, Feb. 11, 2006 in Okeechobee. He was born in Madison County Sept. 16, 1930. His parents were John Vance and Karie Alexander. Mr. Alexander served in the U.S. Marines and he was self- employed in the excavating busi- ness. Mr. Alexander was a Paho- kee resident since 1950 moving from Elba, Alabama. He was a member of the American Legion of LaBelle. Survived by his wife of 48 years Mary E. Alexander of Pahokee; three sons Timothy E. Alexander of Moore Haven, Jimmy W. Alexan- der of Gordonsville, TN and Joseph A. Alexander of Leigh, FL; two daughters Janet M. Faulkner of Okeechobee and Rita D. Ragsdale of Gordonsville, TN, 18 grandchil- dren and 3 great-grandchildren, brother Alexander and sister Laura Moss both of Jackson, MI. Visitation was took place Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2006 from 6-8 p.m. at Bass Okeechobee Funer- al Home. Burial will be in Gor-- donsville Cemetery in Gor- donsville, TN. Local arrangements entrusted to the loving care of Bass Okeechobee Funeral Home & Crematory. George Harris Gregory George Harris Gregory went home to be with his youngest son Lance who passed away in 1986. A resident of Moore Haven, he was bom Jan. 7, 2006 at Kindred Hospi- tal in St. Petersburg, FL. He was a missionary in Brazil for 21 years, the Bahamas for three years and El Paso, TX for six years. He also ran a guesthouse for missionaries in Miami for six years. He retired to Florida in 1992. He is a member of the First Baptist Church in Moore Haven. He is survived by his wife Susan of 57 years, his two sons Christopher and Mark, his two daughters Melody Brown and Rebecca Mintz, one brother Eugene, 19 grandchildren and six great grandchildren. He is preceded Take responsibility for your Births own health; know what to do A new television show about an eccentric doctor, "House," has a recurring theme it can be dif- ficult for doctors to properly diag- nose a problem because so many patients aren't completely truth- ful. The days of the family doctor who knew everything about you are long gone. Today, many peo- ple may see a variety of doctors. And one doctor may not be aware of the problems another doctor is treating, unless you tell them. Some people just don't think one ailment has anything to do with another, so they don't both- er to mention it. Does a doctor treating a pain in your leg need to know about your indigestion? Yes, to properly diagnose the problem, he probably does. Other people expect their physician to have the diagnostic abilities of Sherlock Holmes, who could just look at someone and know what is wrong. This leads to frustration for both the doctor and the patient. Doctors need information to diagnose a prob- lem, and the person best quali- fied to give that information is the patient. Some things to remember when visiting a doctor: Research your own family history. Start with your parents. You might be surprised to find out. they have health problems they A Healthier Life with Katrina Elsken never told you about. Find out as much asyou can about grandpar- ents, aunts, uncles and cousin,. Give your doctor the names of other doctors you are seeing, and the ailments these doctors are treating. Make a complete list of all prescriptions you are taking and give a copy to the doctor. This is especially important if you are on a number of prescriptions. Make a list of any vitamins, nutritional supplements and over-the-county drugs you take and give a copy of this list to your doctor. Just because something is sold over the counter does not mean it is safe for everyone. Some prescription medications interact badly with certain over- the-counter drugs. If you are in pain, keep a 'pain diary." rite do\vn how the pain feels at different times of the day (sharp? burning? aching?) and rate it on a scale of one to ten. This can help, the doctor determine the cause of the pain. Be honest. If you have been cheating on your diet, don't lie about it to the doctor. Some foods interact badly with pre- scription drugs. "Fibbing" about what you have been eating could put you in danger. Tell the truth about other lifestyle factors. If you smoke cigarettes, admit it. If you drink, be truthful about how many drinks you average. The- doctor is not there to judge you. Questions about your eating, exercise and other habits can be important to properly diagnosing the problem. .. The internet is an amazing source oi information. If you are diagnosed with a health problem, go online and do a little reading. Find out as much as you can about your illness or injury. If sur- gery is suggested, look it up. Check out the possible complica- tions. If you don't feel comfortable with the treatment prescribed b5 your doctor, don't be afraid to go to another doctor for a second opinion. Doctors don't always agree with each other. It's your life and you have the right to make an informed decision about your treatment. Before making change in your diet or exercise plan, consult your doctor. This is especially impor- tant if you are on any prescription drugs. Olivia Marie Sanford Michael and Carmen Sanford of Belle Glade are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Olivia Marie Sanford. She was born Dec. 6, 2005 at Palms West Hospital in Loxa- hatchee, Florida. She weighed eight pounds, 11 ounces and was 20.25 inches long at birth. Olivia was welcomed home by her big brother Trey. Maternal grandparents are Gustavo.and Carmen Ruiz, paternal grand- mother is Joyce Smith, and great-grandparents are Roberto and Maria Molina, all of Belle Glade, Florida. Javian Wyatt Ortez Courtney Ervin and Richard Ortez are proud to announce the birth of their son Javian Wyatt Ortez. He was born Dec. 30, 2005 at 5:20 a.m. at Belle Glade Hospi- tal. He weighed seven pounds and three ounces and %was 20 inches long at birth. Maternal grandparents are Billy Joe Haith- cock and Mada Cavazos. Pater- nal grandparents are Jose Flores and Maria Orlez. Great grand- mother Joyce Ervin welcomed Javian home. To read more local news, visit www.newszap.coni in death by his father and mother George E. and Lillian of New Jersey. William Alberson Bulifant William Alberson Bulifant, 78, of 919 North Berner Road, Clewis- ton, died Thursday, Jan. 5, at his residence in Clewiston. Born in Union, NY, He was the son of the late Fredrick Churchill and the late Ruth Marie (Mayers) Bulifant. He moved to Clewiston at age 37 and started working for Jones Farm, eventually becoming partners with L.S. Jones starting the Jones Ser- vice Station. He became sole owner of the station in time and changed the name to Bill's Citgo & Wrecker Service. Survived by his wife Betty Marie (Adams) Bulifant, one daughter Sharon H. Gruber (Greg) of Light- house Point, FL and our sons Robert Lee Bulifant (Teresa) of Petersburg, VA, William Fredrick Bulifant (Mariylin) of Willow Springs, NC, Ronald A. Hunt of Clewiston, Donald 0. Hunt (Debo- rah) of Old Town, FL. Funeral services took place Monday, Jan. 9, at Akin-Davis Funeral Home-Clewiston. Inter- ment followed at the Ridgelawn Cemetery. Memorial Tribute Remember a loved one Siiho has departed with a special J Memorial Tribute in this newspaper. Your tribute can be published following the memorial services, or to commemorate an anniversary of your loved one's birth or passing. You can add a photograph of your loved one, lines from a poem or scripture, and special art or borders -- and we'll make sure it all comes together attractively and tastefully. Visit www2.newszap.connmemorials for sample ads and an online order form, or call I-866-379-6397 toll free. HIP & KNEE SURGEON NOW SEEING PATIENTS AT HENDRY REGIONAL Dr. Ed Humbert is a fellowship trained hip and knee surgeon specializing in joint replacement and arthroscopy of the hip and knee. CALL TODAY FOR AN APPOINTMENT Dr. Ed Humbert Next to Hendr' Regional in Suite B 530 W. Sagamore Avenue Clewiston, FL 33440 http://www.jointimplantcom (863) 983-2896 JOINT IMPLANT SURGEONS OFFLORIDA OF FLORIDA uwRo~ ~' Mortgage Highway /' / h /t L d ) /1flU scl 1nty 30 Year 1% Mortgage! $200,000 atl1% payments only $643.28 $300,000 atl1% payments only $964.92 * nu* iii iiiijn111111iiHiiiiiio iiik~ip ~~i~ $500,000 at 1% payments only $1609.50 ~ ~~aiofiknd Min~nn .d N' orse and Burro PRoaram 1-888-HIGHWAY W W W.MORTGAGEHIGHWAY.NET Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, February 16, 2006. Thursday, February 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee HAMPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP ANNOUNCING A0'PR FINANCING FOR 60 MONTHS CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY TOURING The industry's first and only Stow 'n Go" seating and storage system Best-in-class cargo capacity1'8 Five-Star Government Crash Test Rating JEEP LIBERTY SPORT 4x4 * Five-Star Government Side Crash Test Rating Standard 3.7L V6 engine w i r- ,i L .". .. . ... .. ..... .. .-* S-- '' -_ ---,..* ,*.* Q'~ I CHRYSLER PACIFICA * Five-Star Government Front Crash Test Rating Four-Star rollover resistance rating PICKUPS DAKOTA LI BE RTY JEEPR COMMANDER 4x4 * 3-row/7-passenger fold-flat stadium seating Side-curtain air bags(-] all 3 rows * Standard Electronic Stabilitv Prooram w/ABS COIMMdIVANDER CARAVANS PACIFICA TOWN WRANGLER & COUNTRY HURRY OFFER ENDS FEBRUARY AlkJA ~ Jeep oi&FiltR~er Change wufhl 6-Pwint Vehicle CheCkugp L 1- m placement cap ru 5 Qt V. -. & oil fitg'r Addition"al havr--t mav- he ppfita-d f- sem sn, -rh fnT ic -a n.d .r i f i --m niI,l~ P Ius, ispection of thegs.e and ad aaczl* 1l tarn s riot stledl S I- -- M#'Orlte ''%tir ni, i rn tm, hnr n, I ol S * sinrdrlht'ttd vip r, F it tI lfvt'f -E, Ank S'v--rvicrp .Advicsae-,n In-r nadristc-asl e ra ( 'l-a ]Expires 2/22/06 Mloper Value Line- s Drake Pad or Shoe Repacement $119.95 I *axth~ r'IVlI. jI" iVa Iue Line B a1icae s seg n-- it~~ -In~spect rcstnr drum l9nrl f- Itf *-Check brcakeg ti ni leel I-R.i-d-tast vehicle Ro rn aV- 'u'Ay 4x4, '.C.3500:U TrUcks higher Ve Vhiclus nal CoiteVred by Mpa venIt f l~eL16e ir a k p s s reh i Uh or Expires 2/2 2/06, HAMPTON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP JR HENRY COUNTY'S ONLY 5-STAR _ * It really does make a dif 202 W. Sugarland Hwy. DEALER~ 01MSAJLIK:R erence! BlMM N * TA * *itrs~y^ ^ I- M fe M e L4j I --7Z3 Toll Free 1-888-200-1703 Special 0% rate on most models when financed thru Chrysler Financial. WA.C. Excludeds SRT models. Not compatible with all other incentives. Subject to change. See dealer for details. RAM IDURANGO 28Tr (863) 983-4600 rl rs Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, February 16, 2006 I Vi 4e 4 OPINION Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, February 16, 2006 Speak Out Have an opinion or a question about a public issue? Post it anytime at the MooreHaven/Glades issues forum at http://www.newszapfo- rums.corm/forum57. It is a hometown forum so visit the page as often as you would like and share your comments (but no personal attacks or profanities, please). You can also make a comment by calling our Speak Out 24-hour opinion line at (863) 983-9140. Comments will be published in the newspaper as space permits. Public issues forums Join the discussion of important issues at newszap.com. Topics include: *Belle Glade/South Bay issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum51 * Clewiston issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum52 * Hendry County issues: http://www.riewszapforums.com/forum54 * Moore Haven/Glades issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum57 *Okeechobee city/county Issues: http://www.newszapforums.com/forum58 * Pahokee issues:.http://www.newszapforums.com/forum59 Go to newszap.com, click on your community and then on "community forums and links." Festival Continued From Page 1 matic than sweet oranges and the French consider sour oranges essential for duck a l'or- ange. Cointreau, Grand Marnier and Curaco are made from sour oranges and in the Middle East, cakes and candies are flavored with orange flower water. Sour orange can be used as a substitute for lemon juice in any recipe: It will flavor meat and vegetable dishes, desserts, and the famous sour orange orangeade, which is remarkably delicious. The festival raises funds for the Lakeport Volunteer Fire Department and conscious- ness of the sour orange, a South Florida tradition. I wanted it to be so much more By Pastor John Hicks First United Methodist Church I knew she was seriously interested in someone else, but I decided to throw myself into the pot anyway. I pulled out all of the stops, and let her know that I was interested. The death toll came after our second date. At her door, she told me, "Let's just be friends." I had no interest in being "just friends". I wanted our rela- tionship to be much more! All my life I had had safe brother/sister relationships with a number of members of the opposite sex. I was a good brother. Even when I secretly desired a deeper relationship, I kept it safe. so we would not strain a good friendship with boyfriend/girlfriend issues. I was safe. Well, one day I decided that I had had enough of this brotherly platonic relationship stuff. I wanted more. I'll tell you, it hurts to spend a lot on someone you care about and basically have them not I care. She told me I might wait around, S and some- thing might happen down the road. Yeah, right! I was still John interested, but Hicks I set my mind that I was not going to wait around. We still did things together with the singles group, but I also dated others. What happened? .She decided that maybe she wanted to be more than just friends after all. That seemed like a good idea to me as well, so I married her! Setting aside the romantic part of this, I can't help but won- der if Jesus doesn't want to have a similar relationship with us. I can imagine Him saying, "I'm tired of the level of relationship you've settled for with Me. I want it to be so much more!" How many of us have been set- tling for a static and platonic brother/sister type relationship with Jesus when His desire for us is for something far more pas- sionate? The question we need to ask ourselves is' this: Are we ready to take our commitment to Jesus to a much deeper level? Do we want our relationship to be ,much more than what it has been? We can settle for the same old level .of loving Him. We can play it safe. Or we can take it to a deeper passionate level and enjoy the blessings of what hap- pens when two become one. Imagine Jesus standing there in front of us, looking us in the eyes saying, "Are you ready to really love Me? I love you and gave my life for our relationship to be more than this." What will it mean to become more passionate in our love for Jesus? First, it would mean us spending more quality time with Him not just rushed or occa- sional time in the margins of our schedules. Second, more pas- sionate love means deeper com- munication not just talking to Christ with head talk, saying what we think we are supposed to say. More love means sharing the inner most desires and con- cerns of our hearts. Finally, to go beyond a platonic brother/sister relationship means giving, up individual control in order to do things in union. With Christ, we will find that we. are stronger and more complete than what we would be by ourselves. Dare to gg beyond the platon- ic to the passionate! You will be blessed! Glades County Democrat/ MaryAnn Morris Lei Bryn of Okeechobee enjoyed Grandson Tucker Knabe in the sunshine at the Sour Orange Festival in Lake- port Feb. 11. Students Continued From Page 1 chobee. Then they had read an arti- cle in the Ft. Myers News-Press about Sanioel City Council consid- ering a lawsuit against water releas- es from the lake, which they felt were responsible for fouling the waters off the Ding Darling Nation- al Wildlife Refuge on Sanibel. At the Feb. 8 meeting, Jessie Capuzzi, Jennifer Haman and Azuree Arias spoke for the class to a hushed audience of 500. Not-a whisper distracted from the power point presentation. At the "tongue in cheek" sug- gestion that "The only perfect solu- tion to the Okeechobee, .St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee water- shed issue is that everyone south of Orlando pack up. all his or her belongings and leave the state immediately!" the entire audience roared with laughter and applause. The students' presentation chronicled the history and prob- lems of the watershed and those who depend upon its water to live, the mistakes that have been made and the resulting current conflict. From their research they found that "urban runoff is designed to short circuit the natural system and remove rain waters as rapidly as possible." "Runoff from an urban area fre- quently has characteristics similar to raw sewage,"' the presentation L' 7 L.-- - continued. ,- . After describing how the drain- ing of the area south of Lake Okee-, ..- ' chobee saved the state of Florida from bankruptcy in the 1800s, they . pointed out that all factions want the same thing: To protect property values and livelihood, and clean water. Submitted to INI "As young adults it is dishearten- Showing off Glades County's many festivals was just one ing for us to see the adults pointing entry into a contest held by the county to see what their new fingers at each other instead of try- official logo will be. ing to work together for solutions official logo will be. that would be beneficial for all C-t Foridians," they said. O "We are all part of the problem OU R 010 OH - we must all agree to.be part of the solution," was their final con- dusion. MOORE HAVEN The com- A wide variety of ideas were "It gets really hot," said student petition for ideas for a Glades entered, mostly by students. Any- Ashley Jories'after-the meeting. County logo has come to a.clpse one qJ any age living in the coun- "There's a lot of controversy. We and a winner; has been 'imed. ty couid enter one or even multi- made our presentation to the Cty She is Artist Anne Friedman' who pie ideas'designs ' Commission of Sanibel and toured will receive the $250 awa'd. '" Hetre re a fleW'entries chos6h their problem areas. Then two of the Sanibel City Commissioners L came and toured Lake Okee- Letter to the Editor. cuobee witi us. "Thank you for letting us do this," said Kayla Lee, one of the stu- dents to Mrs. Drake after the meet- ing. "We feel like we accomplished something." "I thought the kids were the best speakers," said Larry Lindahl, a 41- year veteran of water resource engineering in Florida, speaking for the SFWMD board, "and they were the only speakers who never used the wrong terms." Community Briefs Buckhead Ridge VFW plans dinner The Buckhead Ridge VFW Post 9528 will hold their annual corned beef dinner on Sunday, March 12 dinner is served from 12:30-3 p.m. Music by Don and Kim from 3-7 p.m. Donation $7. Bring your Irish friends and join up for a great day of fun. Buckhead Ridge VFW is on S.R.78 West, Okeechobee. Youth Pageant The Washington Park Pageant Committee is getting ready for their 2006 youth pageant, anyone who is interested in participating in the youth pageant this year please pick up your application form from Pat Brown (863) 946-0694 or Sharon Smith (863) 946-2806. G'adeso DenNffocat Our Purpose... The Glades County Democrat is published by Independent Newspapers of Florida Independent is owned by a unique trust that enables this newspa- per to pursue a mission of journalistic sern-ce to the citizens of the commu- nity. Since no dividends are paid. the company is able to thrive on profit margins below industry standards All after-tax surpluses are reinvested in Independent's irrusion uf journalistic service, commitment to the ideals of the First Amendment of the U S. Constitution, and support of the comm- munity's delibertaiion oi public issues. We Pledge... * T, -:,4p r.Wir L iLL :,..p [.,-r ut tri-u'. ' T help .ur...r.mmnr r, ,'.-rn a t.erne ,lIc.: IV, b., jA ,.1J ,,1. Lj'.: ,j J l.:&ji'j t ior. I ,.,, r': i..,ir, ru. i,'.urrA,arm * Tt. ,, ih.,'lc ': l .,-,,nI 3 ,:.n cln eri n n ,ri j I.- nma,,i- th Ir .:- Tn irii i.,r i-dea 'iC.r, a b,.ui putll,. i .1'Ij ST.. rp-'1n LhP rE' ,MIth h,r-Nry., a curjceiv, 't'-ti.'iry i-ile,:ensir and crjmpass.ton T,., u, u iow uppin pg' toI lalitaB c..riiiurury debalrnit t: 'inraate ift with (.r .) ii r.pinic.na * T, Ai':l-..' ,ur ..,rl ofl i interest o p,, rinrirl .:rIcul .:. : uur rt .iA r,. * Ti. .. .. ,,r -.n.- and I.. p c ,:hr ,:,r '.J r i. ir' pirniri'L-r,:r i l 'r, i ' To provide a night to reply to those we write about. * To treat people with courtesy, respect and compassion. Editodal: Pe Ie -i.Ziv Bill FiAan Advertising e~.mai: sdalICOOEWsxaOw Al~esurterg Dwm udyi 5erus Nabtr,ruil A.:, J.:.a ,. j r-. Ads'nr,meNai~hu.,5nrBrond sa samO... Ljui,u', A.ljias v-'u Pfr,%.&.torir.--fFi-d.'-,i-0'ar-,r-, T-m Byrd Florida Pres Associhation More landfill questions Dear editor: I just read recently in a local newspaper about ; a trip the Mayor. of Moore Haven took that was reported as a fact-finding mission. I commend him for tak- ing the time to do so. Not many of our elected officials would take such an undertaking with- out some ulterior, self-gratifying motive. The article left the impression that a landfill was a great idea and a moneymaker. I did not take a trip to :Jesup, Georgia where this regional landfill exists, however I did visit Wayne County Georgia via Inter- net. I was not nearly as impressed by what I found. I found that Screven Georgia is where the landfill is located. That is about 13 miles from the largest city in Wayne County, that being Jesup with a current population of about 9700 persons. There are 3 cities in Wayne County. Jesup is the largest. Screven is the sec- ond largest with a current popu- lation of about 749 persons and Odum is the 3rd city with a pop- ulation of about 443 persons. There are no other cities in Wayne County. It was interesting to note that the article said the regional land-, fill was about 10 or 11 years old. The population of Screven Geor- gia dropped from about 819 per- sons to the current level of about 746 during that period of time. The average property value in the City of Screven is around $40,000. The landfill appears to be less than two miles from the center of the City of Screven on the map from the Internet. The following statistics were taken from the Internet. Screven compared to Georgia state average: Median household income below state average. Median house value signifi- cantly below state average. 'Black race population per- centage above state average. Hispanic race population per- centage significantly below state average. Median age above state aver- age. Foreign-born population per- centage significantly below state average. Renting percentage below state average. Number of college students below state average. Percentage of population with a* bachelor's degree or higher significantly below state 'average. Population, density signifi- cantly below state average for cities. These statistics do not appear to be very impressive and a case could be made that would indi- cate that the regional landfill did not do much for the economy or the educational system. On another subject. The State of Georgia is well known for the abundance of the "red clay" that is very evident as you drive through the state. Kaolin the sci- entific name for the clay in Geor- gia and .it happens to be a rela- tively high grade of clay as compared to some of the other "clay mining" states across the country. It has many uses like lining ponds and lakes (and landfills) because it compacts very well and does not allow great amounts of water to "per- colate" through. Florida is not a State where very much clay is even found. Florida is sand. Sand allows water to "perco- 'late" at an extremely high rate, so high that if you had a pond dug in sand your water level would be the ground water table level. It would rise and fall as the wet and dry seasons come and go. Sand may trap some parti- cles as the water flows through it but it will not prevent dissolved salts or nutrients from passing through. When you cover a landfill with clay the rainwater cannot penetrate into the debris in the landfill. When you cover a landfill with sand the rainwater can and does penetrate the decaying and rotting debris and it picks up the nutrients and pol- lutants and passes them along to where ever the water goes to through the sand. Having said that, there were about 20 years ago a landfill called Minisport near Miami. Miami happens to be near a body of water called Biscayne Bay. There was some pollution problems in the bay and in an attempt to find out where the pollution (nutrients etc.) came from a series of "monitor wells" were drilled at various distances from the landfill going toward Biscayne Bay. Samples were taken from the wells at depths of about 5 feet, 15 feet and 30 feet. A truly inspiring entry to Glades County's logo contest, this. entry implies the discovery of Old World charm that Glades County offers. petition concludes at random from those that were submitted into the contest.The only stipulation to enter the com- petition was that the contestant live in Glades County. Those entering the contest could be a Some tracers were also put into the landfill so the trail could be followed to see where it went. There were 'a number of surpris- es. There was very little pollu- tion found in the 5-foot and the 30-foot depths. There were large amounts found in the 15-foot .level and the tracers showed up in Biscayne Bay. It was also found that the majority of the pollution came immediately after large. rainfall events and very little at any other time. EPA forced the closure of the landfill long before the expected life, of the landfill. Nothing has been built on the land since the clo- sure. Miami just about this time last year appropriated FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS to attempt to clean up a very small portion of the landfill so some building can be done on that portion. That is twenty years AFTER .the landfill was closed down. To Glades County that would novice, amateur, or professional. Anne Friedman's winning logo drawing is now being-final- ized andi.vill be pub'lised in a later edition of the Glades C6unty Democrat. amount to about ten years of profit from the landfill down the tubes and that is only the begin- ning. In a very nice way I think Waste Management was trying to tell our commissioners that our current landfill is a liability and not an asset. They wanted to close down our landfill and build a transfer station. Our "grandstanding" commissioner took care of that and now he wants to be rewarded with another term as a county com- missioner. We had a guy named P. T. Barnum from Philly and one of the comments attributed to him was "there is a sucker born every minute". With the described glowing words to those that heard them maybe the Republic representative felt like P. T. Barnum in disguise? Fran Koebert, taxpayer Muse Glades County Democrat Published by Independent Newspaper, Inc. Serving Glades County3 Since 1923 To Reach Us Address: RO. Box 1236 Clewiston. Fla 33440 Website: aww- newszap.comrr To Submit News The Glades County Democrat sel. come. subtrrusio n, from its reader, Opinions, calendar items. st.rie-s. ideas and photographs are welcome. Call 866.399-5253 to reach our hnews. room. Items may be mailed. faxed or e-mailed The deadline for all new-' items is 12 p.m Monday prior to the following Thursday's publication E-mail: acdnews,,''n'-wszap.com To Place A Classified Ad Call 18770353-2424 to place a classi- fied advertisement roman home. The deadline for all advertiaingis 12 p.rr, Monday for the following Thursda\ 's publication. Fax 1-877-354-2424. E-mail cla sadst(' ew7szap,com To Place A Display Ad Call 866.399-5253. deadline for all adverrming is 12 p m. Monday for the following Thursda'is publication Faxs 1-.8.3-983.7537 E-mail' outhlakeads-5'newszap com Advertising Billing Department E-mail: billteam@newszap.com To Start or Stop A Paper Phone: (877)353-2424 E-maiLk ri' rvri eir' ap ,oIr The Glades Couirn Demncra : ,dIve.erd, b-i mal trnA oubinbr- on Thur.d.., and is .l. in r3,:k- and s':.,i lucalon6 r in The Glade C:,unrty are Call i '771'.3.2424 1.:. T pnt am ulfJ n i, :. ,r ,.r por debrery Glad,.: C:runty Democrat LISPS -'1,i"60 Pubhlhe Weekhl by Indepe.ndent [i :p.aperi, tr,,: Ckior,-n. FL334-40 l:r $24 61 per year r includrn ta. Se:':rid Cla,.s, pr.age paid at Ckswitun Florida. Postmeater ,.end AJdres ch. rges to the Glades Cunrn Den-':,,.ita Circulati- 1n Admirurat3f.'n PO BO 71.111 Dour. DE 41.03 Printing Prim.-d at Sun. hin- Pnrmrn. a.ut..id r,' 'of Indepnlendt Ni. ,pjper E.mAil pnrnr unL ,,.'-i trr i.. ri Newszap! Online News & Information Get the latest news at www.newszap.com Thursday, February 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee - OPINION Thursday. February 16. 2006 U.S. Sugar looks to prevent vandalism; theft Due to an increasing number of trespassing incidents including van- dalism, poaching, equipment theft and arson on company property, U.S. Sugar is stepping up efforts to deal with trespassers. The compa- ny has asked local, state and federal law enforcement for assistance with increased patrol and surveil- lance of the property as well as help in spreading the word that all tres- passers will be prosecuted, regard- less of circumstances. U.S. Sugar is particularly trou- bled with the number of high school kids involved in trespassing incidents on U.S. Sugar property. Two weeks ago, four local high school students were trespassing on one of the farms and ended up driving their truck into a canal. Two kids were trapped inside the vehi- cle. Last year, another group of high school students rolled a jeep over, narrowly escaping serious injury. Several years ago, a car full of kids lost control while trespass- ing in the Bryant mill area. The car flipped and one of them was killed. "The amount of juvenile-related trespassing and vandalism on our property has been rapidly increas- ing, and in some cases has involved serious vehicular, accidents," said Charles Shide, Vice President of- Human Resources. "Our company and our community law enforce- ment are working together to stop this type of thing before someone else is seriously hurt or killed." These incidents not only threat- en U.S. Sugar property and inter- ests, but endanger the community as well. A cane field intentionally set on fire threatens surrounding people and property. Community safety is a concern when out of town poachers, thieves and van- dals are in the area. According to Sheriff Ronnie Lee, the Hendry County Sheriff's Office has increased its patrols through- out the rural areas and has special Ag deputies on patrol both night and day. "We are doing all that we can to help. Hendry County is a member of a multi-county Agricultural Task Force that provides additional man- power to patrol the farming area and participate in area sweeps," Sheriff Lee said. "U.S. Sugar is increasing the posted "No Trespassing" signs on its property as well as communicat- ing its intentions and concerns to both our employees and the com- munity. We need everyone to be aware of just how serious this issue has become," said Fred Dyess, Jr., Human Resources Manager.' In addition to trespassing and vandalism, there have been increased number of thefts - equipment stolen from U.S. Sugar and its contractors. Poaching and arson have become a real problem facing not only the company, but the community as a whole. "Teenagers, guns and lire could result in a deadly situation and we are doing all that we can to prevent these situations from occurring. Regardless of who these individu- als may be or what they may be doing, anyone caught trespassing on LU.S. Sugar property will be pros- ecuted to the fullest extent of the law," said Shide. CrimeStoppers Crime Stoppers of, Palm Beach County needs the help of the community to help locate a waned fugitive as of Feb. 10, 2006. His name is Alfredo Malen- dez, also known as Alfredo Sali- nas. He is described as a white male, D.O.B: Dec. 31, 1976. He is 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighs 195 pounds he has brown hair and brown eyes. He has tat- toos on right arm and wrist. His last known address is SE G Ave., in Belle Glade: His last known occupation is laborer. He is wanted for Felony fail- ure to appear, aggravated ,stalk- ing, trespass upon grounds of a school facility; misdemeanor failure to appear, battery; traffic: failure to appear; no improper expired drier's license; attaching registration License plate not assigned. If you , should have any informa- ' tion or know . the where- abouts of Alfredo Malen- dez, alias Alfredo Alfredo Sali- Malendez nas, please call Crime Stoppers at (800) 458- TIPS (8477). You may remain anonymous and could be eligi- ble for a cash-reward. Glades County Sheriff's Department Arrest Report Editor's note: The following individuals listed in the arrest report do not indicate guilt. Anyone wishing to contact the newspaper upon final disposition of their case may do so for publication. Feb.2 Billy Rudd, 33, of Okeechobee was arrested by SPD Officer Good- man on the charge ofTrespass after warning. He was later released on a$500 surety bond. Feb. 1 Ramon Montoyo, 27, of Clewis- Enrique R. Quesada, 27, of ton was arrested by Deputy Jason Miami was arrested by Detective Griner on the charge of NVDL: He Richard Jones on the charge of remains in custody with bond set at DWLS X4. He was later released $500. from custody with a $2,000 cash Debra McLaughlin, 46, of Cape bond. Coral was arrested by Deputy Manuel Perez, 36, of Miami was Jason Griner on the charge of pos- arrested by Deputy Richard Jones session of controlled substance on an active Dade County warrant without a prescription. She, was He remains in custody without later released from custody on a privilege of bond. $10,000 cash bond. Mathew Sanborn, 33, of Buck- Margarito Flores-Mendoza, 20, head Ridge was arrested by Deputy of Plant City was arrested by Richard Ermeri on the charges of p u Holly Ramsey on the battery (domestic violence), crimi- ofu y Hul He remains in cus-h nal mischief and escape. He was charge_.ofDU. He. ran later released from custody on a tywitond set at $750l -. $2,500Qsuretybond. Domitilio Morales, 27, of Clewis- Shelton Gilles, 21, of Bradenton ton was arrested by Deputy Jason was arrested by Deputy Jason Griner on the charge of resisting Griner on the charge of possession officer without violence. He of cocaine. He was later released remains in custody with bond set at on a $20,000 surety bond. $1,000. Hendry County Sheriff's Department Editor's note: The following, individual listed in the arrest report do not indicate guilt. Any- one wishing to contact the newspaper upon final disposi- tion of their case may do so for publication. Crack cocaine found during traffic stop CLEWISTON When deputies from the Hendry County Sheriff's Office Road Patrol Divi- sion stopped a white in color Oldsmobile for running a stop sign they issued more than a traffic ticket. Sheriff Ronnie Lee reports that while the driver was guilty of a traffic infraction, his passenger, 23-year-old Larry Wayne Sum- mers had a much more serious charge. Summers was found to be in constructive possession of more than 75 pieces of crack cocaine. The traffic stop was made near the intersection of Sonora and Francisco within 1,000 feet of Clewiston High School leading to a charge of cocaine possession with intent to sell with- in 1,000 feet of a school facility. Summers was, arrested and booked into the Hendry County Sheriff's Jail. Traffic stop leads to drug arrests CLEWISTON A traffic stop by a member of the Hendry Coun- ty Sheriff's Office Road Patrol Divi- sion led to the arrest of two people on drug related charges. Accord- ing to Sheriff Ronnie Lee, deputies stopped a gold in color Chevy S-10 pickup truck driven by Amanda Denise Hutchinson, 'age 22, of 8016 N. Carey Rd. in Lithia Florida accompanied by James G. Hutchinson, age 25, 8013 N.Carey Rd., in Lithia Florida for running a red traffic signal at the intersection of U.S. Highway 27 and Berner Road in Clewiston at approxi- mately 12:33 a.m. on Jan. 28. Actions by the two occupants prompted deputies being assisted by the Clewiston Police Depart- ment to ask for permission to search the vehicle. Both Hutchin- son's were charged with posses- siori of marijuana with intent to distribute and possession of drug paraphernalia and booked into the Hendry County Jail. Feb. 3 Manuel Bolanos, 32, of Moore Haven was arrested by Deputy Steven McKinley on the charge of DWLS. He was later released on a $1,000 surety bond. Joseph D. Toneges, 27, of Okee- chobee was arrested by Deputy Steven McKinley on an active war- rant for FTA. He remains in custody with bond set at $2,500. Feb. 5 Miguel Hernandez, 20, of Labelle was arrested by Deputy Tito Nieves on the charge of NVDL. He was later released on a $350 surety bond. Elton L. Hutson, JR., 33, of Palmdale was arrested by Deputy Bryan Enderle on the charges of burglary and grand theft. He was later released on a $10,000 surety bond. Gifted Alzheimer's Seizures Brain Injury We also need healthy people ages 16+, all races Non-invasive testing No medication Get paid while you learn Local office-no travel Call Dr. Bruce Borkosky, Psy.D. LicensedPsychologist 800-514-0832 S no a .. e The disability specialist Vote March 14th for FRANK DUANE MAYO City Commissioner Seat E Stop the lack of Police Protection. Stop the Inadequate city services. Vote for a person that will listen to YOU! Put an end to hidden agendas. Elect a commissioner that will vote for issues because it is the right thing to do. Put a stop to the abuse of office and authority. Vote for equal and even handed decisions not heavy handed authority. i* My phone number is printed on all of my political advertisements. It is there for each citizen. Call me if you have questions and I'll have answers. VOTE FRANK "DUANE" MAYO I stand for the right decisions, the right way, and for all citizens! 561-261-1672 Political advertisement paid for and approved by Frank "Duane" Mayo for commission seat "E" Belle Glade Fl. II Il I I ll Illl I I I I' I '. ......... .. ................................. ........ ,:'] 01W ,,m Al r, I I IUI OACLyp I l U"I Y I Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee I FURNITURE A APPLIANCES & BEDDING y* m AU Leather! MLnM .' ~-~ ~e~v.~aIl ny -499.95 Clinical Trials You may be paid $200 in i day If you might have any of these conditions, Swe NEED YOUR HELP for research: Mental retardation Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, February 16, 2006 1- I Palm I-D I' MK* i IlK itE!H 'mTi-i 2 TO CHOOSE! I~ ~ .1 t ^ i: r I . OU' As i e w Low r :: As IW MmS 2 TO CHOOSE! As h LowL As 2 TO CHOOSE! i0 0 As Low As PT CRUISER Tn" I RI IURfluINl 2 TO CHOOSE! t As, I 9 Low As11999 TOWN & COUNTRY 2 TO CHOOSE! As " Low As 4 819 t_^lf 2 TO CHOOSE! As18,999 Low As p q Jeep C HI RYS L.E R ATui -gffk STORE HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY: 8:30AM 9:00PM SATURDAY: 8:30AM 9:00PM SUNDAY: 11:00AM 6:00PM ADVERTISED OFFERS VALID ON IN-STOCK VEHICLES ONLY, OFFERS NOT IN CONJUNCTION. MINIMUM 750 BEACON SCORE REQUIRED. DEALER RETAINS ALL REBATES & INCENTIVES. PRICES INCLUDE ALL REBATES, PRICES PLUS TAX, TAG & TITLE, FEES AND DEALER INSTALLED OPTIONS. REBATES VARY ON SELECT MODELS, WITH APPROVED CREDIT. OFFERS EXPIRE DATE OF PUBLICATION OR MAY BE CANCELED AT ANYTIME WITHOUT NOTICE. RANKING BASED ON REGISTERED SALES FOR DAIMLER CHRYSLER THRU AUGUST 2005. PAYMENT MATCHING REQUIRES FINANCING THRU CFC, MUST SCORE MINIMUM OF "A' THRU CHRYSLER FINANCIAL. 0% FINANCING ON SELECT MODELS, MUST SCORE MINIMUM OF "A" THRU CHRYSLER FINANCIAL. NOT IN CONJUNCTION WITH OTHER OFFERS. DEALER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS. PRICE OR PAYMENT MATCHING MUST BE FROM A LOCAL BONAFIDE DEALER, MUST PRESENT BONAFIDE BUYERS ORDER. MUST BE ON IDENTICALLY EQUIPPED IN STOCK VEHICLE. VEHICLE ART FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. @2006 CARRERA ADV. v I I WE MATCH "ALL ADPED CES & PAYMENTSIS %- -.oo Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, February 16, 2006' .00F . I 9 I Thursday, February 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Doctors Darrow served lake area Editor's note: The following story was written by the late Twila Valentine, who chronicled the area's history for the Okee- chobee News, from 1977 until her death in 2002. It took special, unique people to challenge and overcome the Florida frontier shortly after the turn of the century. Today, hus- band and wife doctors are not uncommon. It can be said they are Simply following a long tradi- tion, started in the village of Tantie nearly 80 years ago. Drs. Anna and Roy Darrow were physicians from Chicago, where he had been on the staff of Cook County Hospital. Illness and poor health culminated in a recommendation that Dr. Roy move to a "kinder and gentler" climate. The couple first visited Florida in 1909 to take the State Board 'Exam and Dr. Anna passed the exam with a grade of 98, the highest grade ever made, and shocked the examiner when he discovered this high.scorer was a woman. She was the sec- ond woman ever to be licensed as a physician in the state. In 1911, the Darrows migrat- ed to Florida in a brand new Model T Ford. Dr. Roy had never driven a car, so the Fort Motor Company sent a driver along to Jacksonville until the Darrows learned to drive. The trip from Jacksonville to Fort Pierce took five days. "Most of that was pushing," recalled their daugh- ter, Dolly, during a talk to the Okeechobee County Historical Society back in 1977. "Those old-timers who have driven through sand and scrub know that you cut palm fronds and put them under your wheels for trac- tion. Otherwise, the wheels just spin and dig in deeper." Accompanying the two physi- cians on this trip, were Dolly, her brother, Richard, and a Swedish grandmother. The car remained in. Ft. Pierce until a grade was built to 10 mile. From there, it was low gear to Cypress Creek. The first stop over-night was at Red Buig Island, and it was well Recollections A series about Florida's pioneers and history named.-The car had to be forded over Cypress and Mosquito Creeks, as there were no bridges. The only bridge they were able to drive over, was the one at Taylors Creek. Today, that same Model T Ford is on display at the Fort Museum in Dearborn, Mich. The Florida East Coast Rail- road was beginning the rail line that would link Titusville on the Florida east coast with the small village of Tantie, soon renamed Okeechobee, nestled against the north shore of Lake Okee- chobee. Dr. Roy had the position of physician for the railroad con- struction company. Dr. Anna, who became known as "Doc Anner," had quickly developed a reputation as she drove all over the woods treating patients wherever the need existed. That old Model T just wouldn't make it, so most of her traveling was done with a horse and buggy. She never refused to go when she was called on, and she was as likely to end up traveling in a motor boat, or by push-poled canoe or behind According to "A Cracker His- tory of Okeechobee," by Lawrence E. Will, Doc Anner charged $1 for an office visit or $1.00 a mile if she had to travel. Her fee for delivering babies was $10, although Will says she later upped her fee to $25.00 Fisher- man, trappers, Indians and even the gangs of outlaws residing in the area, all called on Dr. Anna, and no matter the hour or the distance, she would go. Special to the Okeechobee News/www.TommyMarkham.com This photo of the Darrow family includes (left to right) Dorothy, Dr. Roy, Dr Anna and Dr. Anna's mother. Submitted to INI Pet of the Week winner Welcome to life of Suzi, a Catahoula Leopard mix with an appealing mixture of one blue eye and one brown eye. Suzi is clearly demonstrating her love of relaxation and has been named as this week's Pet of the Week winner. This two-year old belongs to Adam Choban, but is being pampered by Adam's grandmother, Nita Choban while Adam is away at college. If he plans on visiting anytime soon, he will come home to a freshly spruced Suzi who will get to the spend the day at Doc Savvy's Animal Hos- pital for a day of pampering at her pet spa. Doc Savvy is located in Belle Glade and can be reached at (561) 996- 5500. If you have any interesting photos of your pet, sub- mit them to me at myoung@newszap.com and win your pet a day of pampering. Buy, Sell or Trade in the Classifieds, Pages 19-23 Specializing In Custom Manufacturing D & J Machinery, Inc. Hubzone Cert. 728 E. Trinidad Ave. Clewiston, FL 33440 863-983-3171 MOr Tfm" iV ET ir S FAMILY OWNED SINCE 1969 MONUMENTS CUSTOM MADE ON PREMISES GRANITE BRONZE MARBLE -PLAQUES SE HABLA ESPANOL WWW.CITYMONUMENTINC.COM E-MAIL: CITYMON@BELLSOUTH.NET -VISA "IN DORAL AREA" M/C city Monument co. 8483 N.W. 64 ST. PHONE 305-594-4628 MIAMI, FL. 33166 FAX 305-594-8944 .- -- .- -- -- ---------- SUNRISE APPLIANCE New In Box or Scratch & Dent Full Factory Warranty Save More In. Moore Haven We Also Carry Used Appliances With Warranty 401US Hwy 7, Moore lHaven' 863946666 - r1>r '~;, ,~ VI ~-s,~ P At Home Atmosphere (8631) 763-6577 6315 S.E. Hwy. 441 Okeechobee Nubin Slough Bridge Kitchen Hours: Mon. Sat. 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sun. 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. CARRYOUTS WELCOME! ILY NEWS Fidelity Federal Bank & Trust ANNOUNCES BUSINESS CHECKING OFFICE IS CLOSED DUE TO HURRICANE DAMAGE We would like our readers and the community to know that we will not be returning to the 626 W Sugarland Highway (US 27) location, and are now seeking an alternate office space in Clewiston more suitable to our needs. We will announce in your paper when we have done so. We will continue to publish your newspaper every Thursday Below is information on how to get in contact with us. We will be working out of the Caloosa Belle office located at: Caloosa Belle: 22 Fort Thompson Avenue LaBelle, FL 33975 (863) 675-2541 fax: (863) 675-1449 Editorial Email Addresses: SAVE TIME AND MONEY WITH FIDELITY FEDERAL'S FREE BUSINESS CHECKING * No minimum monthly balance requirement * No monthly service charge * FREE Online Banking with Bill Pay * FREE VISA Debit Card with VISA Extras * FREE descriptive monthly statements available online * 300 FREE transactions* per month- $0.30 per transaction thereafter FFIDELITY FEDERAL BANK &TRUST 50 convenient locations from Broward to the Treasure Coast Open 7 am 7 pm, Mon Sat at select locations (561) 514-9222 | (800) 607-4646 I www.fidelityfederal.com Clewiston News: clewnews@newszap.com Glades County Democrat: gcdnews@newszap.com The Sun: sunnews@newszap.com Subscriptions: (877)-353-2424 Advertising Email Address: southlakeads@newszap.com To Place a Classified: (877)-353-2424 email address: classads@newszap.com Billing Questions: (800) 426-4192 email address: billteam@newszap.com Delivery Questions: (877) 282-8586 email address: readerservices@newszap.com FDIC Insured Thursday, February 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, February 16, 2006 _ ----- hL.. fl lr OVER 650 VEHICLES ALWAYS IN STOCK! --^' <-.L -..., .*',* '93 LEXUS LS400 STK#61491A '01 TOYOTA ECHO 40R. 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With approved credit. Savings based off original MSRP Dealer not responsible for typographical errors or omissions. Prices plus tax, tag & title. All vehicles subject to prior sale. See dealer for details. Art for illustration purposes only. Ranking based on registered sales for Daimler Chrysler thru Aug 2005. Thursday, February 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, February 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Lake Continued From Page 1 sentations followed. "We have killed Lake Okee- chobee," said Commissioner Alvin Ward of Glades County, "It's stag- gering to me being raised on Lake Okeechobee to see the atrocities that have been committed. It has become a cesspool the Lake Okee- chobee has become and the estu- aries have become the drain field for the cesspool. The Kissimmee Riverwas man's mistake." Commissioner Ward recom- mended dredging the sediment at the bottom of the lake, saying, "If we can put men on the moon, we can put a dredge on Lake Okeechobee. At the same time we want to see some type of program that would take out undesirable fish so that when a female bass spawns, 90 percent of those eggs could be raised, instead of one or two percent." A governing board member advised that there is a cleanup of Lake Osborne in Palm Beach County including dredging as some other areas are and the sediment from that lake was being used as the "underpin- ning" for a county golf course. Similar projects are underway in Crew Continued From Page 1 new investment to the community in the form of grant funding for the rebuilding effort. Also serving on the inaugural executive committee are vice chairman David. McClusky, secre- tary Iva Pittman and treasurer John Hicks. I Also working with the newly created nonprofit are: Arlene Bet- tencourt, United Way 211; Tom Conrad, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance; Marcia Cuellar, First United Methodist Church; Father Marcial Garcia, St. Margaret s Catholic Church; Stew Gaylor, Lutheran Services; Gricel Hernan- dez, United Methodist Relief and UMCOR; Nancy Phillips,, Leslie Pittman, American Red Cross; Sheila Robinson, Children s Advocacy Center; Janet Taylor, Hendry. County Commissioner; Maria Torres, American Red Cross; Kyra and Bill Watson, First Baptist Church; Judy Wetzig, PDA; Stan Wickett, FIND; Nina Acree, Glades County SHIP; Ann Marie.Dilling, U.S.Sugar Corporation; Ben Esc- sorcia, Pentecostal Church; Doug Fowler, Project HOPE; doe-Hsick, Hendrv Glades Behavioral Health Cener; Art and Anne Jackson, Christian Reformed World Relief; Debbie Lavender, LaBelle Salva- tion Army; Rebecca Meeler, Work Force Development; Candice Mishkin, Agape Home; Jennylyn Mitchell, United Way; Steve Nemazie, Project HOPE; Christine Nolan, Senior Connections; Anglea Osceola, Glades Emer- gency Management; Bo Pelham, City of Clewiston/Hendry County; Maria Rios, Workforce Develop- ment; Sheila Robinson, Children s Advocacy Center, Fort Myers; Lupe Taylor, Hendry County SHIP; Judy Wetzig, PDA; Tracy Whirls, INI/MaryAnn Morris Posters like these lined both sides of the standing room only meeting Wednesday, Feb 8 in Ft. Myers about the pollu- tion problems of Lake Okee- chobee and Caloosahatchee and St. Lucie Estuaries. other parts of the country. This is being looked at as part of the solution for Lake Okeechobee. "Substantial amounts of land have been purchased as part of panther habitat and Everglades restoration. When land is pur- chased by public agencies it is Glades County EDC; Stan Wickett, FIND; and Marcy Woznick, Glades County Social Services. CREW's mission CREW is a caring network of Hendry and Glades Counties civic, social, service, and faith-based groups, agencies, and organizations, along with con- cerned individuals and businesses, formed to address the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the community in the restoration and rebuilding of their lives and homes in times of a natural or man-made disaster. In short, CREW will provide collaborative leadership and advo- cacy in meeting the needs for revi- talizing and improving the quality of life for the most vulnerable in the larger Glades community. By accessing National Energy Grant funds, through Workforce Development, CREW will hire three to nine caseworkers, prefer- ably bilingual, to perform outreach with residents throughout Hendry and Glades County, and other grant funds to hire an executive director to oversee the long term recovery program. In the meantime, Project Hope,, caseworkers will be joined by a 12- 14-member Christian Reformed World Relief (CRWC) assessment team beginning Feb. 20 through March 6 to go door to door throughout Hendry and Glades Counties to assess the needs of residents still recovering in the aftermath of Hurricane Wilma. Hendry County Commissioner and Clewiston Fire Marshall Bo Pelham has arranged with Hendry County to provide ten recreational sites, complete with utilities, at the Wayside Park on Francisco Street, for some of the volunteers and is seeking other housing options, including the fairgrounds after the annual fair has concluded. Area removed from the tax roll. We can't lose any more of our tax base," said Janet Taylor, Hendry County Commissioner. "You're going to hear a lot of comments today about 'Stopping the Muck' and 'shared adversity.' We cannot deal with these prob- lems one by one," she continued. "The central and southern Florida flood control system is a micro- system that cannot be micro-man- aged. We must recognize the role that increased urbanization north of the Kissimmee (River) and restoration (channelization) of the Kissimmee River has played. in worsening the lake's condition. The system as a whole needs to be addressed." "Charlotte County needs a sus- tainable potable water supply," said Tom Moore, Charlotte County Commissioner. "We are working with the developer of Babcock Ranch to preserve 80 percent of that land. That water will be used exclusively in Charlotte County." "Our runoff has deteriorated to the color and consistency of chocolate syrup," said Jim Flem- ing of Lehigh Acres in Lee County. "Lehigh Acres has 65,000 people on septic tanks and permits con- tinue to be issued. Get our water out of the Caloosahatchee River. Please help us." RV parks are asked to contact Mr. Pelham, at 983-1499 if they have available sites for recreational vehi- cles and tents. According to Volunteer Com- mittee chairman Marcia Cuellar of First United Methodist Church in Clewiston, the CRWC assessment team and other church volunteers with specialized skills, such as retired plumbers, carpenters, con- tractors and electricians, will be assisting Hendry and Glades Coun- ty residents with making needed repairs to their homes, once need- ed materials are secured. The program will target home- owners who are uninsured or under insured. Residents receiving assistance will be asked to provide proof of proper ownership and income, such as tax. returns ; Already. Project Hope coun- selors in yellow shirts are begin- ning door to door outreach to identify residents needing assis- tance. They will be joined by CRWC outreach workers wearing green shirts mid-month. Glades County emergency management director Angie Osce- ola said her staff will provide a copy of a countywide map, pre- pared by FEMA disaster reco\erv personnel immediately following the hurricane, to assist outreach workers in identifying residents' who may still need home repairs and other assistance. The duplication of effort is nec- essary, because federal regulations prohibit FEMA from releasing the results of their assessments to the long term recovery committee. The large Hendry and Glades County wall maps will be used to mark past, present, and future assessment areas. Smaller maps will be needed by volunteers con- ducting the outreach surveys. First United Methodist Church of Clewiston, 331 West Osceola Avenue, is providing office space and a dedicated telephone line Ray Judah, Lee County com- missioner, took issue with SFWMD data. He said that the data of the Comprehensive Ever- glades Restoration Plan (CERP) used by SFWMD was flawed and that there was insufficient water storage in the CERP plans to the handle heavy flows of the wet cycles. He also said that the economic impact of the foul waters had a greater impact on the coastal coun- ties than the rural counties. Com- missioner Judah has promoted the flooding of the sugar farms to the south of the lake for water storage. "The credibility of the CERP model (data) has been questioned. This data has had many profession- al reviews, peer review. It has been brought before the SFWMD Water Resources Advisory Committee. The document that has been pre- sented has had no peer review. It is biased," stated Larry Lindahl, a water resource engineer of 41 years experience who sits on the SFWMD Governing Board.. "Carole (Wehle, Executive Director SFWMD) would like to get out a response to that document," was Mr. Lindahl's final statement. Ms. Wehle nodded. But there were other views from Lee County. "We know that 80 percent of (863-983-4316) for the recovery effort. As the needs assessments begin, CREW employees will enter data on a database provided by CRWRC and owned by CREW. In addition to conducting door- to-door surveys of residents living in hurricane damaged neighbor- hoods during the week, four walk- in centers, one each in Hendry and Glades Counties, open on two consecutive Saturdays will be-set up to service those folks missed by the outreach teams. The Montura Clubhouse and the Harlem Community Center were mentioned as possible sites for the Hendry County outreach centers, as well as St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church or Maple Giov Baptist Church in Glades County, although final site selec- tion has not been made. Each cen- ter, which will be open from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m., will need a private area with a table and chairs and refreshments for the clients. Flyers will be distributed to everyone in an affected areas, and at high traf- fic establishments like Wal-Mart in Clewiston or U-Save in Moore Haven a veelk be foe the te vnt. I The United \\'a will lump start the project b) identifying funding for hiring personnel and will assist in training that person- nel, particularly in securing addi- tional grant funds. Residents needing assistance in making home repairs, removing debris or other services as well as volunteers interested in assisting local residents with those needs are urged to call First United Methodist Church in Clewiston at 983-5269. The next CREW meeting is slat- ed for Wednesday, Feb. 15 at 10 a.m. in the conference room at Hendry Regional Medical Center in Clewiston. the pollution comes from west of the Franklin Locks. We have to retrofit and eliminate septic tanks," said Wayne Daltry, Lee's Smart Growth Director. "We have committed to be part of the regional solution," said Mr. Daltry. "From our silence we've consented to the current situation. We are no longer silent." Long applause followed. "We are committed to reach across the state to the north to the south and to the east, that we are committed to working with you. We know aren't just victims of the pollution," said Tammy Hall, also of Lee Countygovernment. "Is water storage in the Ever- glades Agricultural Area feasible?" asked Chip Merriman Deputy Exec- utive Director, SFWMD. "If 400,000 acres of sugar farms were lost it would cost the taxpayers $4 to $8 billion dollars. You have to figure in the cost ol mills,'efineries, distribu- tion systems, farmland and future income that would have to be paid to the current owners." "The Kissimmee River used to meander 103 miles," he continued, "until it was channelized down to ,56 miles of straight canal. When its restoration is complete it will wan-, der back to 86 of the original 103 miles," said Mr. Merriman. "We must play nice together," Loquat Continued From Page 1 Carolina. We have China and Japan to thank for Florida's Eriobotrya japonica, (family Rosaceae), com- monly called loquat. In China, it's call pipa, in Japan, it's known as biwa, while the Spanish name is nispero. By any name, the deep golden fruit grows up to three inch- es long with large, hard seeds, which, when fully ripe peels easily simply by pulling off the skin with the fingers. However, peeling is not neces- sary as the skin is pleasing to the taste and adds texture to the soft meat of the fruit, which ranges from being very sweet to slightly tart. Jim Scrivner, Scrivners Garden Center, Fort Myers: "Over the years we've found that the taste of loquats largely depends upon which cultivar is being grown, and there are many, but also depends upon the season...that is, tempera- ture and rainfall. Personally, I like it from several standpoints. Being a small, well'shaped; maintenance- liee tree, it fits well into numbers of landscapes. And being edible makes it double\ valuable. Truth is, as long as it's a loquat, Ilike it!" Generally, many seem to agree that this is an exceptional year for loquats, probably due to the region 's extra wet winter season which, apparently has allowed the fruit to grow larger and develop a sweeter taste. There are those who say that the ripe fruit tastes slightly like that of a cherry; however, most Floridi- ans seem to liken loquats to the del- icate taste of an apricot, which it highly resembles in color and tex- ture. Jams and jellies made from slightly unripe loquats, including the seeds while cooking, have an said Martin County Commission- er Michael DiTerlizzi. "In Martin County we permit no wetland mitigation. We are restoring wet- lands. Our sewage effluent goes into our landfill, not on our land. We are looking at ways to pellet the effluent and sell it for fertiliz- er. We will retrofit. Our citizens voted to tax themselves one cent to raise millions to retrofit older storm water facilities. Communi- ties must work together. Partner- ships are critical. Please listen to us these are our lives." But the 33 Moore Haven High School seniors from Mrs. Drake's Economics and American Gov- ernment class made ,the biggest impact. Their presentation was so astute, factually correct and well done, that there was com- plete silence in the meeting room the entire time they spoke. They also received the. most applause and high accolades from the SFWMD board. "I thought the kids were the best speakers," said Mr. Lindahl, "and they were the only speakers who never used the wrong terms." "Thank you for letting us do this," said Kayla Lee, one of the students to Mrs. Drake after the meeting. "We feel like we accomplished something." almond-like flavor. Some loquats have one large seed while others have two. The combination of sec- tioned oranges and loquats, fresh or in jams and jellies is delightfully delicate and tasty. Loquat trees are ideal yard trees typically reaching a height of 20 to 30 feet, and are classed as a small, flowering, evergreen, with bloom cycles in both fall and winter. The small showey flowers are white, fragrant and tubular, and appear in clusters as does the fruit. Naturally a well shaped, loquat trees seldom need pruning. Its salt tolerance is medium and it will grow and thrive in a wide range of soils. Loquats. much prefer high light, that is, lots of sun, yet it will do very well in partial shade. It's nutri- tional requirements are low while it's drought tolerance is high, how- ever as evidenced this year, loquats take kindly to more water in winter when they are busy producing their first crop of the year. When fully ripe, loquats are a deep golden color, not unlike fully ripe apricots. The trees are easily propagated by seed and will grow rapidly with a little extra food and water. Some of which have been given extra attention have attained fruiting size in five )ears. However, if time is a factor in gardening efforts, fruit-bearing sizes are readi- ly available in most full line nurs- eries. Loquats have no human haz- ards and no environmental prob- lems. This small, delightful fruit is now coming into its first crop of the year. When they first turn a light yel- low they are not ready to eat - being at this stage a bit too tart. However, in a couple weeks or so, depending on the weather, they'll turn a rich apricot color. At this stage, try one. If it's sweet and juicy they're ready to be picked. Be sure to pick a lot because they're more than a little habit forming. March 1, 2006 will end the exemption filing period for the 2006 tax year. Applications for tax exemptions can be made in the Property Appraiser's Office in the new courthouse third floor in LaBelle during office hours (8:30 a.m. till 5:00 p.m.) Monday thru Friday and at the Clewiston sub office at 100 E El Paso 'Ave. (Satellite Office at the corner of Central Ave. and El Paso Ave.) during office hours (8:30 a.m. till 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. till 5:00 p.m.) Monday thru Friday. YOU COULD QUALIFY FOR THE FOLLOWING EXEMPTIONS: 1. Homestead $25,000 2. Disabled Veteran's Exemption $5,000 3. Widow's and Widower's Exemption $500 4. Non Veteran Disability $500 5. Additional Exemption 65 Years of Age or Older (documentation required) 6. Agriculture Exemption $25,000 Homestead exemptions and Agricultural Classification (greenbelt exemption) are NOT transferable. New applications must be filed in the event if any changes or deed transfers. TO FILE FOR HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION PLEASE FURNISH 1. Florida Driver's License/Florida I.D. 2. Florida Vehicle Registration 3. Hendry County Voter Registration or Declaration of Domicile 4. Social Security Number. If making an application for Homestead Exemption for the first and you live in a mobile home, bring a copy of your mobile title or registration in order to pur- chase the permanent "RP" LICENSE. Kristina A. Kulpa, CFA, ASA Hendry County Property Appraiser PO Box 1840, LaBelle, FL 33975 In LaBelle: 863-675-5270 In Clewiston: 863-983-3178 Fax 863-675-5254 8'E SUIT ER 'EIN j k ijll I~ f~~ f 'M Z I '3I 'Ii Lv 4L1 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, February 16, 2006 NOAH awarded $1.2 million to provide help and hope BELLE GLADE When U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Alphonso Jackson and The Ad Council launched the "There is hope, there is help" cam- paign last month, they wanted to inspire, reassure and educate fami- lies displaced by last season's hurri- canes. For home-ravaged residents of the Glades, NOAH became a very visible and active part of that campaign. NOAH was contacted by Hous- ing Finance Authority of Palm Beach County and awarded a grant of up to $1.2 million to find homes for families displaced by Hurricane Wilma and jobs for workers unem- ployed because of the Oct. 24 storm. "We have assisted maybe 40 families into housing," said George Kinsler, director of Residential Hous- ing Services for NOAH. "They were living with relatives or in motels or other forms of shelter. I have await- ing list of probably 50 more. The problem, we're having is finding places for them to move into. "We're not ruling out anything in the Glades. Most folks don't want to leave the area. Their families live here; they've lived here all their lives. We're evenasking residents if they know housing that's vacant, they can contact the landlord and what we are going into a lease agreement between the landlord and NOAH, so the landlords won t have a second thought about get- ting their money." The Housing Finance Authority and municipal governments sub- mitted lists of families in shelters, and NOAH agents Went down that list first. As word of mouth spread, NOAH was contacted by other agencies. County instructions were to give assistance to anyone who qualifies, so when others asked for help, "we said by all means," Kinsler said. While the hunt for homes con- tinues, residents live in stifling con- ditions, but through resiliency, are getting by. "They're living with three or four families in one household," Kinsler said. 'All of the cousins, aunts and uncles and everybody are living together. That's what they do in this community, they pull together." The difficult search rears inher- ent frustrations, but it also yields rewards. "We went out and we inter- viewed a few families we placed and asked them about their situa- tions, and they were overwhelmed with joy," Kinsler said. "The first thing that overwhelmed them is they were out of a congested envi- ronment, and the second most important thing that really struck them was that, financially, they were going to be able to save money for a year and get back on their feet" Also helping residents gain foot- ing is a work development program through The Workforce Develop- ment office. NOAH hired 27 work- ers to clean up after Wilma. "What we tried to do was hire workers who were unemployed because of the hurricane," Kinsler said. Maybe the place they were working at was destroyed." Workers have cleared debris, cleaned mold and mildew, cleaned and painted damaged properties. Each worker can earn a maximum of $12,000 in six months or 1,040 hours. Kinsler said he also is struck by support coming to the area. He grew up in the Glades and is aware of its condition and the.struggles of residents. "They feel as though no one Medicare assistance available at fairs Anyone eligible for Medicare can take advantage of the Medicare Prescription Program through Medicare Part D. Signing up for Medicare Part D has been difficult for many people due to the various types of plans and confusing instructions. "My Medicare Matters" is aserv- ice sponsored by the National Council on the Aging. "My Medicare Matters" is a new, comprehensive national education program to help people with Medicare and their families understand the new Medicare Prescription Drug Cover- age. They have the ability to assess anyone's personal situations, understand their choices, compare plan options and make the enroll- ment decision that is right for their health and their financial situation. "My Medicare Matters" will make their technology available to our community during the Rural Health Fairs being held this week- end. The Belle Glade REACH fair will take place Saturday, Feb. 18, at Belle Glade Elementary School from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Hendry/Glades Community Health Fair take place Sunday, Feb. 19, at the Clewiston Middle School from 10a.m. to4 p.m. Participants will be able to take advantage of various services and educational materials. Area physi- cians will be on hand to provide exams, assisted by medical stu- dents from Nova Southeastern Uni- versity Health Professions Division. On site health services include, medical exams, optometric screen- ings, HIV testing, occupational and physical therapy. Asthma, Diabetes and Tuberculosis testing, dental exams, women's health issues, flu shots, pneumonia shots, -osteo- porosis screening, prescription assistance programs, mammogram vouchers, vouchers for free eye- glasses, and many more services., cares," he said. "They feel like everything trickles down to the Glades from West Palm Beach. So this is very rewarding for me to see we are getting money from the county. We are grateful." Established in 1983 to address the need for adequate, safe hous- ing in the Glades, NOAH provides residential, social and family and child development services for local residents. NOAH's mission is to improve housing in the Glades area of Palm Beach County, which includes Belle Glade, Pahokee and South Bay; to empower disadvan- taged individuals toward self-help and self-sufficiency; and to build bridges among the diverse racial, ethnic and economic groups. Its main offices are located at 601 Covenant Drive in Belle Glade. With the appreciation homes in southwest FL have seen in the last couple of years, certainly you have a lot of equity just sitting in your house. I understand how easy it is to spend money on credit cards, heck with six children! :Yu bet I understand. For years we have been helping families corisolidate, their debt, and put together a budget to avoid future over spending. '"Last year we spent so much on Christmas, we couldn't pay our bills" Bob helped us refinance our house, pay off our credit cards, &put together a budget so that doesn't happen again" Thanks, Bob you have been a blessing to us, Steve & Monica Dean. "Helping that young couple with a two little kids get out of an apartment & get into their first home & build equity, that some- day will help finance the college education of their children, just makes me feel like a hero. I love what I do!" All you have to do is, Call Bob Hahn Immediately at 863-674-0091 all your ques- tions answered FREE; I '" T, ,T II-" I" ,l A .h' i1" *,, ,,,n ,,, ,,,J "I,, .,l ,, Ir ll NO ONE WILL WORK HARDER FOR YOU THAN JAMIE NAVARRO GIVE HIM A CALL ON HIS CELL AT (239) 822-9272 S REAL C. BAGANS FIRST SWO/ RLDU 30 Colorado Rd. Lehigh Acres, FL 33936 , i, 's iu 'l I iiM N lk iFi.4 ]| ',iur.icc u." ujr.' "i, i .rIc .rr ir ell Thr i r ii h .' i c I h',u mljhI m, r, ni i I .. '1 $699,000. ~ talih family room. this home has been I. M i:'pl,,ricel\ remodeled. Newer roof, New win- -iiu% .ij"do ,, n,, kitchen with tile counter tops, tile S ihriuh nt, new interior doors and exterior, g :.:ul*rdrive way,1 inside laundry. Walking dis- "u,-i,.,:. ,.hool and shopping. There is to much in. a mc ined its shows like a model. Hurry I1 ;,~ ~. r ,I I~t l .. -4 a e f ' VISIT US ON THE ., RENTAlS COMi CALL FOR MORE INFORM NEW LISTINGI3Bedroom/2B LaBelle. Home has dile through fA'. T WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RENTALS SALES CINDY L. ALEXANDER I LI Im LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER ASSOCIATES: EDITH HACKMANN A LIC RA SCOTT HACKMANN AND TIM SPENCER mnar JI II M A 675-0500 REA ITY NEW LOCATION! li I 233 N. BRIDGE ST On the comer of Iy P , SE HABLO ESPANOL a i NG AVAIMtl prestigious oaks of LaBelle. Home is'well maintained with ' IuON. updated appliances and a new roof.Asking $135,000. a- ai m g i i OAl 3BED/2BATII 2 car garage CBS house. Sits on Pollywog ath, 2 car detached garage in Creek approx. 2 lots from mouth of river. Being sold "as is". ghout, fenced in backyard and REDUCED $450,000. " icrenn uarfsinu onu. )avninunu&TlMUru uanmv Lanene. igsumn as.;-6 A y wIl screened lanai. Asking y$195,000uuu. 2BEDROOKUUm/1BATII HOUSE in LaBelleue. Being sold As is. JUST LISTED IN LEHIGHT ACRES. Home has 1,900 sq ft Asking $125,000. with 2 master bedrooms. Home is currently used as a 4/2. Has ACRFAGE FOR sus many upgrades and a fenced in backyard. This home is a must NEW LISTING IN PIONEER! 3Bedroom/2Bath, large dou- see. Asking $230,000. blewide mobile home on fenced in 2.5 acres. Dual fireplace, IN PORT LABELLE. Large 3Bedrom/2Bath, 1 cargarage plus walk-in closets, outside buildings. Asking $199,000. den. OffBishop Circle. Asking $185,000. 2.5 ACRES in Pioneer Plantation. $79,000. 3BEDROOM/2BATH 1 CAR GARAGE in Port LaBelle. Tile = FOR WAL through out house, updated appliances and new kitchen cabi- 2 LOTS in Moore Haven. $50,000 each. nets. Asking $185,000. LOT IN Lake Placid. $29,000. GREAT INVESTMENT R HOME. BUILDABLE CANAL FRONT LOT in Lake Placid. Asking lBedroom/IBath Village. Asking $55,000. $92,500. x BUSINESS LOT on Fordson Avenue with old bik building OFF MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. BLVD. 3Bedroom/lBath sold "AsIs" Asking $40,000. CBS home with carport. New Upgrades! Priced at $129,900. mLS IN PO tuWa LOCATED IN LEHIGH ACRES 3Bedroom/2Bath, 2 car LOT IN UNIT 1 on Herclues Rd. Asking $51,000. garage built in 2001 and in excellent condition. Home over LOT IN UNIT 7. Asking $47,000. looks canal and located in a great area dose to Ft. Myers but LOT IN UNIT 7. Asking $45,000. out enough for peace and quiet. Asking $230,000. 2 LOTS on Sandelwood. Asking $42,000 each. IN PORT LABELLE -_ 'j om/2Bath/l Car garage KENT CT. near middle school. Asking $52,000. home sits on a beap .25 acre lot under the N.E. TRADEWIND CIRCLE $51,900. ".- I Home _" I L Builders Building Communities, One Quality Home at a Time! Homes Startinq in the Low 200's We have "move-in ready" homes available now 9022 Ma e wood Cir. Madison II, 312/2 9024 Maywood Cir. Cypress II, 3/212 5020 Gunn Cir, Maqnolia, 412/2 5005 Pike Lane, Madison II, 3/2/2 9016 Lam kin Cir. Madison II. 3/2/2 5009 Pinetree Ln, Cypress II, 3/2/2 6008 Acorn Cir. Magnolia. 4/212 5012 Pinetree Cir, Cypress II, 312/2 7035 Beaver Cir. Madison II, 3/2/2 6045 Pecan Cir, Madison, 3/2/2 3045 June Cir, Maanolia, 4/2/2 All Homes Include acre home site, wood cabinets, upgraded tile, landscaping, full kitchen appliance package and much morel Vacant lots Available! One New Home Rental Left! 3/2/2 $1200.00 Mo. Visit Our Model Center 2480 East State Road 80 Open M-F, 8-5:30 and Sat & Sun 8-5:30 Call 863-612-0551, or Toll Free, 866-224-8392 www.chlhomebu ilders.com CGC061264 J" J l ,id L-a 7 Tlg.rdftl Or.,,g' 23S1 N. Brig t.*L BelF 395 Li. An res- Lc.Rel.stteBrke IIHOMES * $550,000 PRICE REDUCED! 4BD/3BA home on 1+/- acre. Home has vaulted and coffer ceilings, a sound proof studio, moveable island in kitchen and an above ground pool just to name a few of the luxuries that this beautiful home offers. * $259,900 3BD/1BA home with a lot of extras -The home features new paint on the interior and exterior, a paved driveway, well kept lawn with a fenced in back yard and much more! * $155,000 2BD/1BA spacious- home, features a completely fenced in yard and an above ground pool. MOBILE HOMES: * REDUCED TO $850,000 Mini ranch in Alva. This 3BD/2BA mobile home sits on 10+/- acres and includes barns, ponds & much more! * $475,000 Spacious 3BD/3BA mobile home in Muse sits on 5+/- acres. This spacious home features an addition with it's own entrance and much more. The property has a pond with an island and bridge, an above ground pool, 2 barns and more. * $300,000 3BD/1BA mobile home in Muse which rests on 5+/- acres features a new well and roof. Property is also fenced with a shed and pond. * $139,400 to $151,900 -There are (4) available 3BD/2BA manufactured homes and (1) available 4BD/2BA manufactured home available in the El Rio Subdivision. All homes are on .50+/- acre. New and still under construction! Call fro completion date. * $120,500 3BD/2BA manufactured home locat-, ed in the Moore Haven Yacht Club. This home is brand new and under construction! This is the time to invest! Call now for completion date. * $115,000 2BD/1BA mobile home on 2.5+/- acres 1Jgi]SR W ] iloil Fy living year round or as a weekend getaway! * $113,900 2BD/2BA New and still under con- struction! This mobile home is located in the Moore Haven Yacht Club. The perfect weekend getaway or winter home. Call now for completion date. * $112,500 2BD/2BA New Construction in the Moore Haven Yacht Club. The Moore Haven Yacht Club is a 55+/- "ownership" park. Call today for completion date! * $78,900 3BD/2BA mobile home in Ortona. The mobile home is partially furnished. The lot is surrounded in beautiful palm and oak trees. * JUST REDUCED $64,900 3BD/2BA manufac- tured home on .20+/- acres. ACREAGE: * $1,500,000 Hwy 27 frontage. Currently Auto Salvage yard. * $1,025,600" 51+/- acres, secluded, lots of trees, fronts on two roads, owner will divide. IVI~E3 I L E-I~ivi ~1 1 i BE Genuine Country Feel! It's relaxing just being at this beautiful 3BR/2B home on 5 acres. Cedar wood walls and ceilings, stone fireplace, new roof, super large workshop with RV parking. Majestic Live Oaks make the acreage feel like a park. you owe it to yourself to see! $749,900. Genuine Country Feel! It's relating just being at this beautiful 3BR/2B home on 5 acres. Cedar wood walls and ceilings, stone fireplace, new roof, super large workshop with RV parking. Majestic Live Oaks make the acreage feel like a. park. you owe it to yourself to see! $749,900. NO COMPROMISE NEW HOME! Extra effort to design and build a lasting quality home makes this NEW Home totally eclipse the oth- ers! V vwexaD tfs au- tir ri AS g y in the master suite featuring his and her closets, his and her sinks, walk-in shower plus separate tub w/showecr Relax and sip your iced tea out on the lanai while enjoying a refreshing breeze. $229,900. Cute remodeled home on a 1/2 lot! This little homlis f l iite zon- ing !$ants e Tses rental. Convert home into an office for future use. $99,000. * You can hear the birds chirp...the crickets crick, from this, the nicest, most well kept 2.5 acre "get-a-way' in all of Pioneer Plantation. Seller's motivated....don't let this opportunity pass you by. $134,900. * Tired of the Circus? No clowning around about the calm you'll enjoy in this spacious 3BR/2B MH on cleared 2.5 +/- acres. WOW! Be sure to check out the huge horse barn and workshop. Box stalls, feed room, large work- shop. Lower your blood pressure! $189,900. * STOP DREAMING AND START LIVING! This 2.5+/- acre mini estate makes relaxing easy with a 3BR/2B manufactured home. Featuring ceramic tile, textured walls & spacious kitchen. Only $179,900. * 3BR/2B'manufactured home on 2.5+/- acres fenced with outbuildings. Features a huge mas- ter suite, ceramic tile, built in cabinets and much more. Only $175,000. * 3BR/2B manufactured home in Immnokalee. FeatrUNNDIERt I OWTIHAIS f cor- ner lot. Listed at only $155,900. * Kids driving you crazy? More space can help! Escape to a private master bedroom with retreat room and garden tub! Features 4 bed- rooms, laundry room and a large Family room with fireplace. Located on 1.25 acres. Get some peace in this 2300 sq. ft. family friendly home! Home is a 2005 and a bargain at $154,900. * 2BR/2B manufactured home on .25+/- acres of land in North LaBelle. Perfect for a first time buyer or investor. Only $54,900. * Location of a Lifetime! Generations will file past well-traveled location of this 8+/- acres on SR 80 in Alva. Over 1,000 ft. of road frontage and 3 exist- ing entrances off of SR 80. Cleared with well and electric. Time's on your side in this investment! $2,750,000. * 20+/- acres in Muse on CR720. Partially cleared & ready for your dream home. This property has a well, septic, electric & an older mobile home for rental income. Priced at only $40,000 per acre. * The opportunities are endless! Bring your'invest- ment er0ej ,t t 27 except for the majestic Live Oaks. Bring your ideas and see! $750,000. * BEAUTIFUL HOMESITE Hard to find 5+/- acres. Just minutes from LaBelle on Case Rd. $219,900. * 2+/- acres on Ft. Center Ave..in LaBelle. Alread0#c 40ic m erty. Enjoy l g 1 nt o town. Only $119,900. * 1.84+/- acre located off Jacks Branch Rd. in Muse. This property has lots of oaks, pines and palm trees. Perfect for the nature lover. Priced at only $95,000. * Genuine Country Feel! Days gone by are back! Relive the best on this private and sedud- ed 2+/- acres. Fresh air special! $93,900. * Beautiful wooded 1.25+/- ac. on Jasmine St. in Montura. Great for investment or homesite. Only $46,000. * 1.25+/- acre on Datil in Montura. $45,000. * Spacious lot in Montura. $44,900. * JUST REDUCED MOTIVATED SELLER! 1/2 Acre lot in Alva on Pearl St. $124,900. * Hard to find double lot in growing Port LaBelle Unit 102. $119,800. * Drop dead gorgeous! If you're looking for * $988,025 Warehouse & office on 1.38+/- acre. One of a kind Auto Salvage yard. Organized with cleanliiltlo tfalitle - * PRICE.REDUCED $949,000 100-'. H,. I I.. find ,,,,: ..,r,,, I-. I':,,., ,,:l [ i..- ir, if, I J "'! Paved road access. * $650,000- 2+/- acre in the heart of Alva on busy SR 80. * PRICE REDUCED $450,000 Build your dream country home on these 4.4+/- acres. Great location! Close to LaBelle, Alva & Fort Myers! * $349,000 5.76+/- acres on a tropical setting in Moore Haven. Property features all sorts of exotic fruit trees and plants. Pole barn and 1930's home are located on the property,. Home is to be sold "as is." * $272,000 10+/- acres with pines, a pond and shed. * $135,000 REDUCED! 4.70+/-acres. The per- fect placU t eaG W A plrtr ty is secluded, yet close to town. * $98,900 -2.5+/- acres. Cleared in Montura. There is a single wide mobile home included with the prop- erty The mobile home is to be sold "as is." HOMESITES: $25,500 $72,900 Call for more information about 3 available lots in Fordson Park. The lots have been nicely maintained and are close to everything in LaBelle ,2 .'0)i 5 9i~:ii. ...11 ... '.. i. i:.t. Ji b ic Yacht Club. Call for more information. CALL FOR AVAILABLE HOMESITE IN PORT LABELLE. MONTURA AND LEHIGH ACRES the dream lot for your new home look no fur- ther. Located in the sought after Belmont S/D in LaBelle. This .37+/- acre is truly a dream come true. Only $84,900. * .29+/- acre in the Belmont S/D. Priced to sell @ only $72,900. Possible seller financing. * 2 Lehigh Acre lots zoned for duplex. Great investment property! Only $67,000 each * Corner lot in Port LaBelle Unit 102 ready for your new home. $64,900. * Corner lot in Unit 102 w/Aarge oak. Beautiful lot for your dream home. $54,900. * Triple lot in Unit 6. $49,900 each * Double lot in Unit 9. $49,900 each. * Beautiful wooded 1+/- acre homesites! Outside LaBelle limits but only minutes from town! Just off E Road. Don't miss owning acreage close to LaBelle. $46,900. . ...... .-- -- " * Loaded with possibilities! 2 steel buildings with over 5,800 sq ft of work area on 1+/- acre. Zoned for Heavy Industrail use. Currently is fully rented out to 3 businesses. Listed at only $525,000. * 1.18+/- acres zoned C-1 commercial just South of LaBelle with 175+/- feet of frontage on SR29 and frontage on Luckey Street. Asking $450,000. * Investor's dream! By purchasing this com- mnercial corner lot with 3BR/2B mobile home for rental income could multiply your invest- ment! Grab this site now! $165,000. * Beautiful .25+/- acre corner lot in downtown LaBelle w/great potential. Currently zoned for duplex or single family w/a possibility of rezon- ing to Business. $119,900. y|580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 33935 N fW 9 you863-675-1973 Sf. If you are thinking of buying or selling, give us a call! S 1 CHECK US OUT ONLINE AT www.newhorizons-re.com GREG MINERS Se Habla Espanol SMS -1 Real Estate Corp. JASONBISCHEL WooDyHILL DEBBIE HDSON DELIA MINERS JENNIFER OSWALD HUGoVARIAS ,"; Associale Associate Associlae Associate Associate Associate Get your ad in the Hendry Glades Real Estate Magazine, today! Call hauren or Melissa at 863-983-9148, 863-946-0511 or 561-996-4404 or e-mail magee@newszapxom Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, February 16, 2006 Thursday, February 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee INI/Bill Fabian Now a familiar sight to passerby, the partially submerged remains of Capt. Justin have been parked in the rim canal at Clewiston's Lake Okeechobee public access for a very long time. Who is Captain Justin? Shipwreck abandoned and left unclaimed - By BM Fabian CLEWISTON A very large boat has been capsized for a very .long time in Lake Okee- ,chobee, and the owner of the boat does not seem to care. The boat, which appears to be have been used for commer- cial fishing at one time, is now an eyesore partially submerged in the rim canal in front of the public lake access in Clewiston. Little is known as far as how the boat was sunk, and nobody in the Clewiston city offices, the South Florida Water Manage- ment District, or the Army Corps of Engineers has any idea who owns the boat. o In the meantime, other boaters cannot tie their crafts to the pylons occupied by the abandoned watercraft., Even Hurricane Wilma, which man- aged to topple and displace nearly every other structure and human being in Clewiston three months ago, could not muster the proper force to move the list- ing vessel from its resting place. Some have suggested that maritime law dictates any aban- doned boat can be taken under new 'ownership by anyone who chooses to board the craft and claim the vessel as his own. Indeed, the Maritime Law Asso- ciation of the United States describes a lengthy legal prece- dent (dating back to the Byzan- tine Empire, ca. 330 AD) that a salvager is entitled to at least a reward for unclaimed ship-, wrecked property, if not full cus- tody of the shipwreck in ques- tion. Though it is unclear as to whether any one person has yet laid claim to ownership of the vessel under the "shipwreck sal- vage law", one must wonder if there is anything valuable on the ship, among other questions., Such as.. How did the original occu- pants/crew of the vessel return to their .home, which may or may not bein Tampa, FL? What agency is responsible ,for keeping the rim canal clear of reasonably detectable obsta- cles such as the Capt. Justin? Cle% iston City Commissioner Jimmy Pittman raised public attention to the submerged ves- sel during a regular commission meeting. "Captain Justin why is he still in the rim canal, swamped?" was his question to other commissioners and atten- dees in general. It was likely that everyone in attendance was familiar with the shipwreck of discussion. After all, anyone with no particular destination int mind has to have at one time or another grat itated to the Lake_ Okeechobee public grounds (during daytime hours, of course), where pavilions and boat ramps have been set up for years. So, there is no doubt that just about anyone would recog- nize the name of Capt. Justin from Tampa, FL. Clewiston City Manager Wen- dell Johnson indicated that the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conser- vation Commission had issued a general order to remove the ves- sel. Other calls by city staff have been made to the Game and Fish Commission and to the United States Army Corps of Engineers kindly asking to remove the boat. The calls were unsuccessful, but Mr. Johnson promised to further pursue the matter. A dispute has grown over contention as to where the ves- sel is precisely located; since it is behind the pylons, Army Corps officials deny that the wreck is within their jurisdiction, accord- ing to Mr. Johnson. Despite being located less than 200 yards away and armed with very large barges equipped to collected very high volumes of tree trunks from the rim canal, the Army Corps has not made a move as of yet to remove the ship- wrecked Capt. Justin.. Some have grown so accus- tomed to the sight that it may be a distress to ride by and not see the familiar sight. However, time will tell whether the infamous Capt. Justin from Tampa, FL will confini&e its stay in Clewiston, or if it is destined to be claimed by salvagers or perhaps its namesake, whoever that may be. Goodwill Industries receives grant to create transition program TALLAHASSEE The Able Trust awarded $40,000 in grant funding to Goodwill Industries of Southwest Florida, ,Inc. to expand the existing Florida High School/High Tech (HS/HT) site, a transition program designed to motivate and prepare high school students with disabilities for college, jobs and careers of the 21st century. The Goodwill Industries HS/HT site will provide for 20 to 25 students within the counties of Hendry and Glades to partici- pate in job shadowing, mentor- ing opportunities, and summer internships, among other work- based experiences. "The Able Trust is proud to support Goodwill Industries as they reach out to students with disabilities in the area, in order to ensure their success in the future," said Eladio Amores, Board member of The Able Trust. SHEROADS 863-314-0999 8X10 $1,500.00 10X10 $1,899.00 10X12 $2,059.00 10X14 $2,259.00 12X16 $2,999.00 12X20 $3,499.00 - 12X24 $3,999.00 INSTALLED + TAX 0% FINANCING PAYMENTS START AT $54.00/MONTH The Able Trust is the statewide sponsor of Florida HS/HT, which is a national initia- tive of the U.S. Department of Labor Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP). Currently more than 500 stu- dents are enrolled in 20 HS/HT sites throughout Florida. The goals of HS/HT are .to help reduce the dropout rate of youth with disabilities, increase their enrollment in college and improve participation in educa- tion, vocational and employ- ment related activities for young adults with disabilities. Funding for the Goodwill Industries grant is made possible through collab- oration between The Able Trust and the Florida Department of Education Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR). Florida's Vocational Rehabilitation Pro- gram serves youth with disabili- ties transitioning from school to work and has partnered with the HS/HT initiative to meet the needs of these students. Goodwill Industries is one of eight nonprofit agencies to receive grant funding from this collaboration to implement HS/HT sites statewide, providing for an additional 200 students with disabilities to be served. The program shows proven results for students with disabili- ties, with more than 90 percent of Florida HS/HT graduates entering post-secondary educa- tion, vocational training or" securing employment in 2005. For more information about the Goodwill Industries HS/HT site in Hendry or Glades County, contact Carla Craver at (239) 995-2106 ext. 229. For more information about the Florida HS/HT program, visit www.flori- dahsht.org http://www.flori- dahsht.org/. ^ TOUCHDOWN r BREAKFAST 10% OFF % 2 Pancakes, 2 eggs, 2 bacon i Breakfast, ^ strips and 2 sausage links i Lunch or ' 9 Dinner i Must Present Coupon * SNot valid w/any other SI $1 offer Exp 2128/06 mr : -r r ~w ..< o e kse 1 & un S10% OFF' I, Breakfast. , S Lunch or i Dinner i Al Must Present' ,upon Notr .alid u' anu ,:'t r I /l'tl-rEtp2 "28 06 I 1030 West Sugarland Hwy Clewiston. Florida 863-983-3663 LABELLE 2 +/- acre creek front lot with frontage on CR 78 would make an ideal site for a spec home! $89,900 Immaculate 3/2 DWMH w/ sunroom addi- tion located on a lake! It sparkles inside w/ new carpet & paint! $116,900 Unique 3/2 multi-level home located on a 1/2 +/- acre in town lot with beautiful oaks! $199,000 Old Fort Denaud Subdivision, 1 +/- acre homesite for your perfect home. $215,000 PORT LABELLE Reduced to Sell! 4/2 home located o0 an oversized corner lot boasts a new roof & a fresh coat of paint inside & out! $168,000 MUSE 2/2 MH on A +/- acre in a rapidly growing area. Ideal for investment! $59,000 4/2 DWMH located on a manageable 1A +/- acre. $79,900 2/2 MH located on a beautiful 1 +/- acre homesite. $154,000 / MONTURA RANCH 2/1 MH located on 2.5 +/- fenced & gated acres just off a main thoroughfare. $124,900 PIONEER PLANTATION Brand spanking new 3/2 DWMH located on 2.5 +/- acres on the main thoroughfare. $170,000 3/2 DWMH in "as is" condition located on 5 +/- private & pristine acres. $160,000 LABELLE 1940's home receives an extreme makeover to transform into a 3/2 beauty with a loft! $224,900. 3/2 CBS in town home, located on a +/- acre fenced & landscaped lot, is within walk- ing distance of downtown dining & shopping attractions. $239,000 River accessible +/- acre Bee Branch Creek front homesite. Quiet & scenic! $239,000 +/- acre, located in Indian Hills, on a deep water canal w/ access to the intfa- coastal! $249,000 3/2 CBS home, located in Laurel Oaks. S/D, boasts spacious rooms & a great floor plan! $249,900. MOTIVATIVE SELLER!!!!! Contemporary 3/2 split floor plan home offers informal & formal living areas, a fenced back yard & much, much more. Located in Laurel Oaks S/D! $259,900 Beautifully maintained 3/2 DWMH boasts many luxury upgrades & is situated on 3.5 +/- fenced & gated acres. $285,000 Renovated & centrally located office building w/ room to expand! $299,900 Home on acreage 3/2 DWMH on 2 +/- acre completely fenced located just outside of town. $299,000 PORT LABELLE * Brand new 3/2 CBS home, located close to schools & parks, boasts fantastic upgrades at an economical price! $225,000 PIONEER PLANTATION * 2003. large 4/2 DWMH with cathedral ceil- ings, working fireplace and garden tub in master on 2.5+/- acres. $ 225,000 LABELLE * Custom built 3/2 two story, located on an immaculately maintained homesite in the prestigious Caloosa Harbor S/D. $359,900 * Beautiful 3/2 two story home, located on 4.5 +/- acres just outside of town. Bring your horses to this one-of-a-kind country retreat. $399,900 * Brand new 4/2 luxury home, located in one of LaBelle's best neighborhoods, is nestled on a beautifully landscaped +/- acre homesite! $430,000 ORTONA * 2/1 handicapped accessible DWMH locat- ed on a beautiful homesite overlooking the famed Caloosahatchee River! $425,000 700 S. Main Street LaBelle, FL. 33975 863.675.4500 Realtors: Emily Ankeney Tony Barnes Gregory Bone Lisa Cleghorn * Bonnie M. Denning, CPA Ward Dickinson Art Fry. Joyce Gerstman Yvonne Hallman Lisa Herrero Phyllis Kelley-Miller Wayne McQuaig *Paul Meador Dan Pool Katie Solomon Synda Williams Tracey L. Williams * Seller Motivated!! Handy man special on a beautiful lot located in Turkey Creek. Best hurricane hole around! Make an offer. $325,000 * Turkey Creek 3/2 DWMH located on a deep water canal with a fabulous dock. $450,000 FLAGHOLE * Astounding 5.32 +/- acres, backs Girl Scout camp, and includes a 3/2 home with addition. Bring all $385,000 up the mobile offers! PIONEER PLANTATION Custom built home, located on 6.25 +/- private & pristine acres, offers country sol- ace beyond compare! $399,900 Motivative Seller!!!! LABELLE A + acre riverfront acre located in the prestigious Riverbend S/D. $515,000 1 +/- acre w/ 100' +/- of intracoastal frontage located in LaBelle's only gated com- munity! $529,000 1 +/- riverfront acre located on one of the most scenic roads in Hendry Co.! $585,000 Fairy tale 3/2 two story home, located 5 +/- fenced & gated oak-graced acres minutes outside of LaBelle. Additional acreage avail- able! $585,000 40 +/- acre, subdividel unit per 10 acres, JUST REDUCED TO $17,000/ACRE. 3/2 CBS home offers a smart family- friendly floor plan & is located in presti- gious Riverbend S/D. PRICE REDUCED AGAIN TO $675,900 1.75 +/- riverfront acres located in an area of beautiful riverfront estate homes! $759,000 3/2 home located on 20 +/- private acres just a short distance from town! $700,000 Riverfront Paradise! 3/2 in deed restricted Riverbend Estates. $775,000 Custom 2,500 +/- sq. ft. home located on 1 +/- tropical riverfront acre inspires awe! $799,900 Spacious 4/3 Riverfront home in beautiful Caloosa Estates subdivision. Completely remodeled has boat dock with 10,0001b lift. $799,900 Interior decorator's contemporary 3/2 CBS riverfront home is "picture perfect" and located in a great neighborhood! $899,900 1.8 +/- riverfront acres located in town in one of LaBelle's top neighborhoods! $899,000 PORT LABELLE * New Listing! Magnificent 3/2 two-story riverfront home located on 2.5 + acres in "The Ranchettes" $845,000 * 6.5 +/- riverfront acres located in the upscale residential acreage S/D, "The Ranchettes." $995,000 ORTONA * Spacious 5/3 custom pool home located on 5 +/- riverfront acres in a booming area! One of the few riverfront parcels that allows horses! $998,500 MUSE * 3/2 MH located on 15 +/- beautiful acres! $700,000 Call our knowledgeable and friendly staff about land form 1/4 acre to 100+ acres!!! WE'RE LAND EXPERTS! OPPORTUNITY ant Investments 8 Real Estate Sherri Denning Licensed Real Estate Broker www.soland.com Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, February 16, 2006 Toll Free877.,314..3048 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeochobee Thursday, February 16,2006 IDENTS OF THE GI ES! PLEASE JOIN GLAI Saturday, Febru Belle GI 500 NW Avenu R R L EYEGLASS STIPEND& .CC TIESL H PROGRAM Over 100 Partici free m Medical I Physical Therapy Occupa HIV Testin; Distribution of Asthma He 4: Mammo EVI WE WANT TO THANK BOTH PAST Nova Southeastern University Health Professions Division Everglades AHEC, Inc. La My Medicare Matters CL Brumback Community Health Center Glades General Hospital Health Care District of PBC Glades Prescription Assistance Prog. Glades Initiative Management Board Quantum Foundation, Inc. Finlay Clinical Labs Potter's Garden Comprehensive Family Medical Providers ADD Palm Tran Glades Community Development Corp. Boca Raton Sunset Rotary Club Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. For M Shelley Warshaw Marilyn Thomas Cherizard US FOR THE FIFTH ANNUAL DES REACH FAIR iary 18, 2006 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. ade Elementary School ie "L" E D U C A T I 0 * Belle Glade, FL 33430 A W A R E N E S C 0 O M M U N I T H E A L T H E HEALTH SERVICES! S AND MEDICAL GIVEAWAYS PROVIDED BY: HCAP healthyy Communities Access Program pating Agencies and Organizations Offering medical care and health education Local referrals made on site Examination: Infants through Elderly itional Therapy Dental Services Hearing Screenings g Eye Exams My Medicare Matters Amplified Phones for Qualified Residents Diabetes and Tuberculosis Testing 'alth Education and Counseling gram Screenings and Immunizations ERYONE IS WELCOME! AND PRESENT ORGANIZERS AND SUPPORTERS OF THIS EVENT: Primary Care Practitioners & Assoc. Belle Glade Elementary School Healthy Communities Access Program (HCAP) Florida Atlantic University ike Okeechobee Rural Health Network (LORHN) College of Nursing, Wellness Ctr. Child Outreach, Inc. Palm Beach Community College Triple J Promotions South University, Nursing Belle Glade Meat Market Glades Health Initiative Belle Glade Bread Christ Fellowship Church Belle Glade Wholesale Avon The Company for Women Belle Glade Sun American Lung/Glades Asthma Lenscrafters Amerigroup, Inc., Gift of Sight The H.E.A.R.T. Project Bayer Healthcare, Diabetes Division Subway, McArthur Dairy Glades PATCH Board McDonalds ITIONAL VOLUNTEER SUPPORT: Kappa Alpha Psi PBC Multicultural/Title One Migrant Prog. PBCC International Students Club Glades Central Medical Science Academy Redlands Christian Migrant Association PBSO's Eagle Academy Belle Glade Explorers lore Information Please Call: - (561) 640-3620 EAHEC (800) 819-2357 Leeds (561) 993-1269 LORHN I- (561) 996-0500 Glades Health Initiative b V mommi Serving the communities. south of Lak.e Okeechobee Thursday, February 16, 2006 . Thursday, February 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee U ~ =-o BRAND NEW CHEVROLET 2006 TRAILBLAZER * Automatic Trans. Cruise Control Aluminum Wheels * 275 HP Engine 4200 Power Windows /Air Conditioning Vortec 16 Engine Power Door Locks AM/FM/CD And More *ONSTAR 4 Wheel ABS Brakes Stk#62122624 -/I i/ONOFOR:i OVE 65 TRILLAES NTOK SE LESEFO: i, OVER 165 TRAILBLAZERS IN STOCK! BRAND NEW 2006 CHEVROLET SiiiiCOBALT 2.2L, AM/FM/CD AND MUCH MORE, STK#6F611873 I BUYFOR: $000 '3112 63,PER 188 COBALTS AT SIMILAR SAVINGS BRAND NEW 2006 CHEVROLET TAHOE AUTO, STK#6R133309 ,.... 918 1192 '29 TAHOES AT SIMILAR SAVINGS PER MO' BRAND NEW 2006 CHEVROLET -il BRAND NEW '- SILVERADI .... 1^ r2006 CHEVROLET VORTEC 4300 V6 ENGINE, AUTO, CLIMATE CONTROL, AM/FM AUTO, POWER SEATS, CRUISE, 16" WHEELS, AM/FM STEREO, STEREO, SUSPENSION PKG, SPARE TIRE LOCK, STK#6Z112172 6 SPEAKER SYSTEM, SIDE AIRBAGS, STK#69153571 15198 '5112 111 6 '11,1 2112 *i 112 S.LVERADOS AT SIMILAR SAVINGS 108 IMPALAS AT SIMILAR SAVINGS '' BRAND NEW 2006 CHEVROLET SIIWRADE 3.23 REAR AXLE RATIO, VORTEC 4300 V6 ENGINE, SPARE TIRE LOCK, SMOOTH RIDE SUSPENSION AND MUCH MORE. STK#6G171835 11S998 S4812 12L8 I 112 IIVERADOS AT SIMILAR SAVINGS BRAND NEW BRAND NEW 2006 CHEVROLET MALIBU LS PACKAGE, 2.2 ENGINE, AUTOMATIC TRANS., AM/FM STEREO CD, POWER WINDOWS & DOOR LOCKS. STK#6F193387 L BUY OR: 1 S S S 13 O98 2452111 1208 ALIIUS AT SIMIlAR SAVINGS Al Ne 0reOndCas&TucsAe rtcedB u '97 CHEVROLET CAVALIER COUPE 5 SPD, A/C, CLEAN, STK# V7188721................... '2991 '98 CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO LS LEATHER, CLEAN, STK# 19197434 .................... '3992 '02 CHEVROLET MALIBU 4D, AUTO, A/C, P/WINDS/LKS, STK# 2M527168......... '3994 '99 CHEVROLET CAVALIER 4DR, AUTO, A/C, 63K MILES, STK#XS825024 ........... 4941 '97 CHEVROLET BLAZER LT 4D, 2WD, LEATHER, 2-TONE, CLEAN, STK#V2191265..... 4992 '94 CHEVROLET G20 "HI TOP CONVERSION VAN" LEATHER, MINT CONDITION, STK RF176987.,............ 5991 '02 CHEVROLET CAVALIER LS SPORT 4D, CHROME, WHLS, ALL PWR, STK# 27282048 ........ .6993 '99 CHEVROLET EXPRESS "HI TOP CONVERSION" VERY CLEAN, STKt# X1034544 ....................... 8991 '99 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN LT LEATHER, 3RD SEAT, CLEAN, STK#XG247407 ......... .10,591 '04 CHEVROLET IMPALA POWER WINDOWS, LOCKS AND CRUISE ......... 12,991 IL Pr-we usinal1879615 -'Maroone ,Chevrolet F411J4;EW4AYIW4 A a, m &^-a, c~ 5757 Lake Worth Road Between Military Trail and Jog Road Greenacres 1-8B-308D-3324 STORE HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-9PM SAT 9AM-7PM SUN 11AM-6PM SERVICE HOURS: MON-FRI 7AM-7PM SAT 8AM-5PM SUN CLOSED FOREST HILL BLVD. SLAKE WORTH RD. LANTANA RD. N ------ 36 month (48 months Silverado Reg Cab & Ext. Cab) lease, $1995 down, plus tax & tag, ne secuirty deposit. With 750 Beacon score. *Money back guarantee based on 3 days/150 miles whichever comes first. Some restrictions may apply. See dealers for details. With approved credit. All prices include rebate in lieu of factory finance rate. You must present this ad at time of purchase or lease to receive these special prices. Advertised prices not applicable to exporters. Offers good on date of publication only. Not responsible for typographical errors. Pictures are for illustration purposes only. 1996-200' AutoNation Inc. Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, February 16, 2006 BUY FOR: 4 I Smith qualifies for state after taking 2nd at regional By Mark Young Clewiston's Kris Smith ended a controversial regional wrestling run with the runner-up championship title after losing a 7-6 decision while still in the run for the regional title with just over two seconds left to wrestle. An apparent controversial call on the mat led to Smith being dropped into the loser's bracket where he was able to fight back to claim second place and guarantee him a trip to the state finals and the opportunity to wrestle for the state championship in one of the tough- est, most competitive weight class- es in high school wrestling. The 140-pound Smith was the only Tiger to qualify for state after an overall tough outing for the Tiger grapplers who can still be proud of a very successful season after fielding an overlyyoung squad this year. Smith, a junior at CHS this year, made headlines last year after a highly successful sophomore sea- son and was expected to make an impact this year as one of a handful of upperclassmen on the squad. Smith did not disappoint after claiming the team's only individual district title last week and will now compete for state glory. That journey kicks off today at the Lakeland Civic Center. The rest of the Tigers saw their successful season come to a bitter end, but the squad came very close to giving Smith plenty of company at the state tournament. Bryon Holmes (112 pounds) had a respectable showing at regionals with a 2-2 record and was' one match away from qualifying for state. It was the same scenario for Jared Bacallao (119 pounds) who finished with an identical' record and was also a victory away from the big show. Bacallao went through day one undefeated, but suffered his first defeat to. a return- ing state champ before eventually Lake Area Varsity Sports Schedules 'Editor's note: The spring sports season is upon us. To have your school's schedule pub- lished, e-mail them to myoung@newszap.com. To help us provide lake-area coverage, request a sports information sheet or please send game stats to myoung@newszap.com. If you don't see your school's sports schedule listed, please contact the schools directly and ask them to cooperate in submitting this information to us. Winter Sports Schedules Wrestling Feb. 16-18: State finals at Lake- land Spring Sports -Schedules Glades Day * !/ Feb. 17: Hosts Jupiter Christian 3:30 p.m. Feb. 21: At King's Academy 4 p.m. Feb. 23: Hosts Benjamin 3:30 p.m. March 1: Hosts American Her- itage (Delray) 3:30 p.m. March 7: At Jupiter Christian 7 p.m. March 9: At Summit Christian 3:30 p.m. .March 11: Hosts St. Edwards 1 p.m. March 13: At Dwyer 7 p.m. March 16: Hosts King's Acade- my 4 p.m. March 17: At St. Edwards 7 p.m. March 28: At American Heritage (Delray) 7 p.m, March 30: At Benjamin 4 p.m. April 4: Hosts Summit Christian 4p.m. ; April 6: At John Carroll 6 p.m. April 11: Hosts Clewiston 4 p.m. April 12: Hosts Moore Haven 4 p.m. April 15: At Palm Beach Lakes 1I pm. April 19: At Pahokee 4 p.m. April 20: Hosts Seminole Ridge Baseball 4 p.m. Feb. 16: At Seminole Ridge 7 April 21: At Glades Central 7 Softball Feb. 17: At Okeechobee 7 p.m. Feb. 21: Hosts King's Academy 4 p.m. Feb. 24-25: At Park Vista tourney Feb. 27: At Summit Christian 3:30 p.m. Feb. 28: At Benjamin 4 p.m. March 2: At Jupiter Christian 4 p.m. March 7: Hosts Summit Christian 4 p.m., March 9: At King's Academy 4:30 p.m. March 17-18: At South Florida Slam Fest 2006 March 28: Hosts Jupiter Christian 4p.m. March 30: Hosts Benjamin 4 p.m. April 6: Hosts Clewiston 5 p.m. April 14-15: Bill Longshore tour- nament April 18-21: District, champi- onship tournament Track and Field Feb. 28: At Clewiston 5 p.m. March 7: At American Heritage (Plantation) 3:30 p.m: March 16: At Moore Haven. 3:30 p.m. March 30: At Palm Beach Qualifi- erTBA March 31: At Clewiston Invitation- al 3:30 p.m. Rodeo is centerpiece of festival The Field Days Festival and $100,000 PRCA Rodeo, to be held at the Brighton Seminole Reserva- tion Feb. 18 and 19, is adding another national event to the already crowded festival line up. The National Team Bronc Riding PAssociation, commonly called the IWild Horse Racers,.will be holding their w'oid finas during the festi- %,l.s rodeo Teams.from across the N orth neLican continent will be competing for the championship in The wild horse racing is the wildest and perhaps the most dangerous event in rodeo, even eclipsing the bull riding in the total number of injuries suffered by the contestants. The $100,000 PRCA Champi- onship Rodeo will once again be the centerpiece of the Field Days Festival. In addition to the wild horse racers, top professional bronc riders, bulldoggers, barrel racers, ropers, and bull riders from across North America will compete for a share of $100,000 in prize money. This competition has become one of the largest paying rodeos on the east coast, with the result that in any given year, over 80% of the top 15 cowboys in each event will enter. The Indian-Festival will be held be held in the-rnique environment of the Brightcl Seminole Reserva. lion, a combination t* modern covered arenas and an authentic, turn of the century Seminole village Approximately one hundred venders will offer Native American art, crafts and food to festival visi- tors. Entertainment will include Native American Dancers, alligator wrestlers, Seminole Tribal clothing exhibitions, a snake and reptile show and country cloggers. This year the featured dance groups will be New Mexico s Mescalero Apache Dancers and the Haskell Performance Dancers from Lawrence, Kansas. Other activities will include the Seminole tribal clothing contests and exhibitions, pole peeling, sack racing, turtle rac- ing, men's archery contests, women's skillet throwing contest and a baby contest. ,:The Brighton Field Days Festival,, Gates will open Saturday, Feb. lI at 9 a.m., arid Sunday, me 19th at 11 a.m. Rodeo performance times are p.m. Saturday, 3 p.m. Sunday. Rodeo tickets are $10 advance and $12 at the gate, and include festival admission. Admittance to the fes- tive alone will be $5 at the gate. Advance tickets are available local- ly at Elis Western Wear, Rustic Ranch and Eddie Accardi. More information can be found at www.rezrodeo.com or .by calling (863) 273 1125. Recreation area an interim benefit No-cost lease allows PB County to open 313 acres for public use PALM BEACH The Govern- ing Board of the South Florida Water Management District and the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners have reached a no-cost lease agree- ment that will help the county establish a public recreation area on 313 acres west of Delray Beach until the land is needed for con- struction of an Everglades restora- tion project. The land, known as the Siemens Property, was purchased by the District as part of its East Coast Buffer project and is slated to be transformed into a water preserve area in the future. Because construction is not scheduled to begin for several years, the county will maintain and manage the land in the inter- im as a place where the public can jog, fish, mountain bike and hike among many other passive activi- ties. A specific list of allowed uses will be determined'by their com- patibility with the preservation of the natural and historical resources of the property. The initial term of the lease is for seven years. The planned con- struction start date on the Ever- glades restoration project is set for 2013. State Representative Richard REMODELING & RENOVATIONS SPECIALIST Since 1989 ROOFING REMODELING RECONSTRUCTION Metal Roofing Replacement Shingles Structural Repairs Mold Remediation New House Construction Additions Whole House Remodeling "We Warranty Our Work." 863-385-9403 Email: mark@strato.net www.mcscontractinginc.com Lic. # CCC1325639 Lic. # CBC047717 Machek supports the agreement. "Anytime the public can gain access to something they have paid for in the form of a park is a good deal," he said. "The South Florida Water Management Dis- trict has been very kind to give Palm Beach County the opportu- nity to prepare the land for a park. This sets a precedent for other property to be used this way." being eliminated from the regional tournament. Brandon Caulkins, a freshman upstart at the 125-pound weight class, finished his first regional competition with a' 1-2 record and has caused some excitement this season as a young up and comer. Joey Cordova (135 pounds) had the misfortune of taking the mat against the well publicized grappler from Moore Haven, Trey Toms, This one-man Terrier wrestling team, coached by his mother, was too much for Cordova who fin- ished the tournament with a 1-2 record. Smith's battle through the Sports Briefs Youth Baseball and Softball sign ups MOORE HAVEN The Glades County Youth Association is announcing sign ups for this. year's youth baseball and softball seasons. Sign ups will be Feb. 18. at the city ball fields from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. A registration fee of $35 is required for the first child. and the fee is $25 for each child thereafter. For more information, call (863) 227-1201. Coast Guard makes house calls' SOUTH LAKE ,- Did you know the U.S..Coast Guard Auxil- iary makes house calls? The\ will come to your home to discuss the required safety equipment need- ed on your boat. This service is free. You will receive a cordial, informative and confidential boat inspection. A vessel safety check decal \\ill be placed on boals lhat meet all the requirements. Call, 467-3085 to arrange a boat check. Classifieds, Pages 19-23 regional tournament was flawless until the final match where an unknown grappler from Riverdales took the 7-6 championship deci- sion from Smith, who noted that he certainly wouldn't mind meeting up with the regional champ during the state tournament. "Forget about this past week- end," said Smith. 'All that counts is this coming weekend at the state tournament, although I would like to meet up with (Fellows) again at state." Alton Edmonds had a solid out- Newszap & Newspapers We make it easy to stay up-to-date! Community homepages newszap.com Click anytime for the latest LOCAL HIM LOCAL AOV[RTIIIN6 LOCAL OROAIZAMIO ! Featuring links to: MAP wire m Weather M Obituaries 0 Health news Stock quotes Horoscopes TV listings Movie listings Lottery results Food & recipes White Pages Yellow Pages & much more! Newszap! Online News & Information newszap.com ing in the 160-pound division and finished the regional tournament with a respectable 2-2 record in a very tough weight class. Exciting Career Opportunities Await You At Glades General Hospital... NURSING OPPORTUNITIES: Generous New Salary Structure RN CHARGE NURSE FT, Med/Surg pt care skills, 1-2 yrs. exp in acute hospital. Leadership charge exp. preferred. SHIFT SUPERVISORS 10 & 12 HR. SHIFTS FT, Prev. exp in supervision, ER & Critical Care. Leadership abilities & be a real team player. RUN'S 12 HR. SHIFTS OB Days/Nights ER Nights Telemetry Days/Nights MONITOR TECH FT, Must be CNA, 1-2 yrs. exp w/basic EKG interpretation skills and Unit Secretary exp. ALLIED HEALTH OPPORTUNITIES: INFECTION CONTROL NURSE FT, requires FL License LPN/RN, 5 yrs. mgmt. in health related field, preferably in Inf. Control. MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST PT, Fla; lic. in 4-5 lab areas Prev. hospital/lab exp. RESPIRATORY THERAPIST New Grads Welcome! $26/hr. PRN, requires a CRTT, ACLS, NRP & BLS,. ability to work all areas, Neonate thru Adult ventilator. RRT pref'd. RADIOLOGY TECH. PRN, Must have FL lic. & ARRT lic. MAINTENANCE MECHANIC FT, Must have 1-2 years- exp. in ' interior/exterior renovation. Skills req.: Electrical, carpentry, masonry, painting. Certifications a plus. ADMITTING SPECIALIST PRN, excellent customer service & comm. skills, knowledge of 3rd party payers. Previous registration, billing, collections exp. in hospital setting. Competitive Salary & Excellent Benefits Package. Fax Resume to: 561-993-5627 SDFWEl A/Main St. SBelle Glade, FL (561) 996-6571 Gc F ( r s 9Ext. 222 'ri{,, Fax: (561) 993-5627 Family First Homes "Whe re Families Come First '% *.It II''". . New Home Features S Hurricane Protection .I. High-hat Lighting ; Solid Wood Cabinets S, .Unlimited Interior Upgrades Variety of Flooring Options ......... 866-549-DOWN S. 866-549-3696 Taking reservations now for a number of new developments around the Lake Okeechobee area. Call today to reserve your new home, Homes brought to you by Lake 0 Modulars visit us at www.LakeOModulars.com SMroriiyi' paymentt does not include taxes or insurance, $549 to reserve U U Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, February 16, 2006 14 SPORTS Thursday, February 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Cows R Us Ten dairy club members par- ticipated this past weekend in the dairy show at the South Florida Fair. The youth compet- ed in a fitting and grooming con- test, dairy judging, showman- ship, the youth dairy show, and the open dairy show. Fitting and grooming is where the partici- pants have one and a half hours to clip and groom their animals. They are judged on the clean- liness, and overall appearance of their animals. The dairy judging contest consists of six classes of animals and the youth have to ( place the animals how they feel they rank. In the showmanship contest the youth are judged against other exhibitors in their age categories on how well they exhibit their animal. Glades County really shined this year. They had four' exhibitors compete in the fitting and grooming contest. They were Kelsey Ahern and Dustin Chapman in the Jr. division, Teale Humphries in the Int. divi- sion, and Heather Simmons in the sr. division. Dustin Chapman placed third in his group, and they each received new show halters for participating. We also had a Glade team in the junior division and a team in the sr. division of dairyFlorid judging. The jr. team was made team up of Kelsey Ahern, Dustin team c Chapman, and Nathan Sim- Afte mons. Kelsey finished 10th over- and d all, Dustin was fourth overall, shown and the team finished third high Jr. tea team in the contest. Ahern The sr. team was made up of Chapi Amy Lundy,' Jessica Stafford, mons. Heather Simmons, and Dusty pie did Wilson. Jessica Stafford was were fourth high individual, and the Hump Dairy Club is successful Submitted to INI/Shelley Humphries s County youth had a promising showing at The South a Fair, with most placing in the top five. also finished fourth high overall. er fitting and grooming airi judging it was on to manship. First up were the am. They were Kelsey , Cooper Bartley, Dustin nan, and Nathan Sim- Each of these young peo- Svery well. Next in the ring the intermediates. Teale hries and Duskt \\ilscon , ATTENTION :I Landowners, Developers, Ranchers and Farmers We Buy Cabbage Palms Statewide Palins, Inc. 863-675-4844 s : .; ; ,..... :i....". ,. f*^:' :i,, ; V.- a K were the exhibitors from Glades County in this age group. They competed against 19 other exhibitors and Teale came out on top. She was awarded the belt buckle for being the top showman in the class. Next it was Amrn Lund\, Jessi- ca Stafford, and Heather Sim- mons turn in the sr. di ision. There were quit a few compet- ing for this a%\ard, and after the Youth Show Heifer Classes Class 1 Brown Swiss 2nd Teale Humphries & Kulp Terra Turmoil Sonya ET 4th Kelsey Ahern & FTE Driver Daisy Class 1 Holstein 2nd Amy Lundy & Amythust 3rd Cooper Bartley & Glory 4th -Jessica Stafford & Sugar Baby 6th Nathan Simmons & Heart 7th Dustin Chapman & Star 8th Heather Simmons & Zayda 1 th Kelsey Ahern & Milky Way 12th Chloe Ahern & Jewels Class 2 Brown Swiss 3rd Kelsey Ahern & FTE Dallas Dafadil Class 5 Holstein 1 st Amy Lundy & Milking R Cooper Meisha (Reserve Jr. Champion) 3rd Teale Humphries & Milking R Iroquois Pansy 5th Dusty Wilson & Cowgirl 7th Dustin Chapman & Sunshine Class 11 Brown Swiss 2nd,- Teale Humphries & Round Hill Vision Dollars Class 13 Brown Swiss 3rd Teale Humphries & Turnpike DM Maple Sugar first cut Amy was the left in the top six, although she did not win she did an outstanding job. Our heifers and cows did not do so bad either. The following is a summary of how each heifer and co\\ did in each class. Con- gratulations to Amy Lundy for exhibiting the Reserve Jr. Cham- pion Holstein in the Youth Show, Milking R Cooper Meisha! All of the youth did an outstanding job of representing Glades County and the 4H program Next the group is off-to Kissimmee for the State 4H Dairy Show, let's wish them Good Luck! Share your opinion on a free forum at www.newszapforums.com. ,t; .www.3StepDivorce.com ,n - DIVORCE Provided by 3StepDivorce.com Learn more at our website or call us at 1-800-680-9052 Complete & ready for filing only $299 only 100% guaranteed or your money back (fla"tIe) 4001 Skilled Long & Short Term Care Facility Healthcare Services Include: * Specialized Wound Care Resident & Family Council Groups *Full Time Medical Director *Specialized HIV Care * Dialysis Support Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapy *Alzheimer's Support Groups .24 hour Registered Nurse Staffing. * Intravenous Therapy *Therapeutic Activities 230 South Barfield Highway Pahokee, Florida 33476-1834 PHONE: 561-924-5561 FAX: 561-924-9466 Other facilities in Gainesville & Bradenton Visit our website at www.floridacare.net Ted Schiff, M.D. and the professional staff at Water's Edge Dermatology will treat you with all the care and expertise you expect. Adult and Pediatric Dermatology Diseases of the Skin, Hair and Nails Surgery of the Skin, Skin Cancer Treatment MOHS Skin Cancer Surgery New patients are welcome. Medicare and most insurance accepted. NEW OFFICE: 542 W. Sagamore Ave. Building E, Hospital Annex SBe" G4- I3- .Ls '- Clewiston, FL 866-549-2830 HOMf Of tH LORi& id A1 CLASIW^~ Make up to $2,500 by filling in the space above! Sell your personal valuables if they're $2,500 or less for absolutely free! No fee, no catch, no problems! * 4 lines for 2 weeks * Price must be included in ad * Private parties only * 2 items per house- hold per issue Clewiston News E-Mail: * 1 used item or grouping per ad priced at $2,500 or less * Independent Newspapers reserves the right to disqualify any ad. The Sun Toll Free 877-353-2424 classad@newszap.com Your right to reply. DE.Aj Clewiston TheSun City looks at water New cemetery C c PP.ty "a.v planor tafetdta m s. A n o c ,uf:0 0 t i : : a :SL;_ , We are pledged to operate our newspaper as a public trust. Fairness is extremely important to us. We admit our errors promptly and we don't "bury" the corrections. (If error appears on the front page, that's where we print the correction.) Sometimes people don't like what has been written about them. In those cases, we offer a "right to reply" and allow them to tell their own side of the story. How are we doing? Let us know by mailing feedback@newszap.com or call your editor. Clewiston News D LADES COUNTY DEMOCRAT TheSun Ronald B. Smith, Esq. John "Jack" Jordan, Esq. SFamily Law Criminal Law Divorces SChild Support- Paternity Adoption Criminal Defense Probate Civil Litigation Evictions Foreclosures Corporations Trio hiring of an attorney is an important decision 3nd should not De based solely on advertisements. Belore you decide, asb us to send you hree witten information about our qualificalions and experience Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, February 16, 2006 D GLADES CQIJN'rY EMOCRAT Weight loss helps bladder control in diabetic women Losing a modest amount of weight through dietary changes and increased physical activity reduces the occurrence of urinary incontinence (UI) in women with pre-diabetes, a condition in which blood glucose levels are higher than normal but not yet diabetic. This finding comes from a new study, published in the February issue of "Diabetes Care", of women who participated in the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), a landmark clinical study funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Launched in 1995, the DPP's main results were announced in 2001 and reported in 2002: losing 5 to 7 percent of weight through diet and a consistent increase in physical activity (e.g., walking five days a week,,30 minutes a day) reduced the onset of type 2 dia- betes by 58 percent. Treatment with the drug metformin lowered the chances of developing dia- betes by only 31 percent. "To combat the dual epidemics of obesity and type 2- diabetes, Americans need to know about the proven benefits of losing some weight through calorie reduction and increased physical activity," said NIH Director Elias A. Zerhouni, M.D. The DPP randomly assigned 3,234 overweight people with high- er-than-normal blood glucose levels to one of three approaches to pre- vent type 2 diabetes: dietary changes and increased physical activity aimed at a 7 percent weight loss; treatment with the oral dia- betes drug metformin; or placebo. The last two groups were also given standard medical advice about diet and weight loss. In the study, 660 women were randomly assigned to intensive lifestyle changes, 636 to metformin treatment, and 661 to placebo. Their average age was 50 years old, with an average body mass index of 35 (e.g., a 5' 4" woman weighing 204 pounds). Women who implemented intensive lifestyle changes and lost 5 to 7 percent of their weight had fewer episodes of weekly inconti- nence compared to those in the metformin or placebo groups (38 percent vs. 48 percent vs. 46 per- cent, respectively.) "Our findings reinforce the DPP's good news about the bene- fits of modest weight loss. A 200- pound woman who loses 10 to 15 pounds not only lowers the risk of developing type 2 diabetes but also improves bladder control," said lead author Jeanette S. Brown, M.D., of the University of California, San Francisco. "If you're a woman at risk for type 2 diabetes, prevent- ing or delaying diabetes and improving bladder control are powerful reasons to make these Value Packed Manufacturing SFor DealsDealer Dscoun964 ts8335 Call For Deals 1-800-9064-8335 lifestyle changes." Weight loss was particularly effective in reducing episodes of stress incontinence leakage of small amounts of urine during physical movement, such as coughing, sneezing, and exercis- ing. Stress incontinence results, in large part, from a weakening of the pelvic floor muscles that support the bladder. Though researchers do not fully understand all the fac- tors contributing to stress inconti- nence, it is linked to obesity, dia- betes, and other conditions, such as pregnancy, which increase pres- sure on the pelvic floor. In the DPP. participants, weight loss did not alleviate urge incontinence - leakage of urine at unexpected times. Urge incontinence is more* closely linked to overactive nerves that control the bladder, some- times triggering inappropriate con- tractions. Some studies have reported that increased physical activity worsens incontinence, but DPP participants randomly assigned to lifestyle changes, who typically chose walk- ing as their physical activity, did not have increased problems with incontinence. "Urinary incontinence is a costly, socially isolating condition that -impairs quality of life and takes a psychological toll on rnanN\ w omen. For \\omen at risk for tpe 2 dia- betes, losing a modest amount of weight is likely to alleviate inconti- nence, especially stress inconti- nence," said Leroy Nyberg, M.D., Ph.D., of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), which funded the study. Nearly 21 million people in the United States 7 percent of the population have diabetes, the most common cause of blindness, kidney failure, and amputations in adults and a major cause of heart disease and stroke. Type 2 diabetes accounts for up to 95 percent of all diabetes cases The NIDDK funds a great deal of research to improve the treat- ment and prevention of diabetes and urologic disorders. These efforts include the Urinary Inconti- nence Treatment Network (http://www.uitn.net/) and the Specialized Center of Research on Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction in women, a multidisciplinary translational research center at the University of California, San Fran- cisco (http: \vx-w.ucsf.edu score . Recently, NIDDK's Central Repository (https: \\ww.nidd- krepository.orgi, which houses data collected in large clinical trials funded by the Institute, made data from the DPP available to researchers free of charge. The NIDDK also sponsors "Let's I'rFIND THE HERO Your di:':ation Io the road is 5h, mirIicins cr Amnncrin:. hae food on their tables dlii CJolhh o'n Iicir b k.i' s You do2-.nJL' 7tl. LieW trnipainy 'rnd .lhio. tr, iIrIIiiptco i.siiI[ Ihe induIst ha En otfter " E.priPc ri'r:iv,arded b ut ria rquijieJ " Co m r ypro. r-l, Cc lAfir.- ] Iq r I il. -11i,in.' lC.ns S 34.500C-S7,500 dc..ndiino ii 'r.'. i SIni '-')Jia l L 'ti- ,il: le .,,r .. 'i r.rJ .Ii" r,r * Sili.-Fn -in',s m -.plv Vit; SL r'nii 1 n?; l i r i d ui m.lji i 'i ria. Apply online @ schneiderjobs.com O ii n o ... ..u I..1 ?. j4, , .,g f ED Talk about Bladder Control for Women," a campaign to inform women about treatments for incontinence, from pelvic floor exercises to surgery. For more information, call 1-800-891-5388 or see http://www.niddk.nih.gov. The National Diabetes Education Pro- gram, jointly sponsored by the NIH, the Centers for Disease Con- trol and Prevention, and 200 part- ner organizations, is disseminating the DPP's good news through its education campaign, "Small Steps. Big Rewards. Prevent type 2 dia- betes."For more information about NIH and its programs, visit http://www.nih.gov. ." z.-.- .---. - * .*t r* > 'g. <. . . "When you need a service, call a professional! for as little as $10.00 per week, per block. Due to hurricane damages our Clewiston Office is temporarily closed please call us at our Caloosa Belle office (863)675-2541 or email us at southlakeads@newszap.com to place your ad! Statewide Palms, Inc. 863 IS 675 f4 4844 r " 800-573,7983 www.gladesmotors.com ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL OUR CALOOs BELLE OFFICE (863)675-2541 OR EMAIL soutlakeadsCnewszap.com West Cake FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATORY 805 N. 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Okeechobee 863-467-9555 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL OUR CALOOSA BELLE OFFICE (863) 675-2541 OR EMAIL southlakeads@newszap.com -0,t, II Expect something extra - 1-800-SHOP CVS or Visit CVS.com OPEN 8am-10pm OR LONGER! 7 Days A Week Reich & 1-888-784-6724 Momkor%' Compen'ifion Pcrunal Injury Scijl S Adrii Dla'ililM WiVinglul DnIh I'almn (:i I rt,, I'ita PoriSt.L cde M1-ci Palm Reach Ho.Ra KRaon ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL OUR CALOOSA BELLE OFFICE (863) 675-2541 OR EMAIL southlakeads@newsap.com Clewiston (866) 549-2830 Okeechobee. (863) 467-6767 Ft. Pierce: (772) 595-5995 POrt St. Lucie: (772) 335-3550 Stuart (772) 219-2777 Palm Beach Gardens: (561) 694.9493 , l: sGaes Hea lath Care Ceuter 230 S, Barfield Hwy. Pahokee, FL 33476-1834 Phone: (561) 924-5561 Fax: (561) 924-9466 Email: GladesCare@FloridaCare.net - ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL OUR CALOOSA BELLE OFFICE (863) 675-2541 OR E.AILsouthkeads@newszapcom ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL OUR CALOOS4 BELLE OFFICE (863) 675-2541 OR EMAIL southake1ads newszap.comn Specializing In Custom Manufacturing D I&J Machinery, Inc. .Hubone Cer \ 728 E. Trinidad Ave. Clewiston, FL 33440 863-983-3171 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL OUR CALOOSA BELLE OFFICE (863) 675-2541 OR EMAIL southlakeads@lewszap.com MEDICAL CENTER HENRY GENERAL OIU. IVYF tORANAPPOfINTMENTr 530 W. Sagamore Avenue Suite B Clewiston, Florida 33440 (863) 983-2896 ggW//agg3.g>,na~afl 1-800-DODGE NOW 1.561-- -1511 : : 65IN Okeechobee Blvd. West Ol:ee:h'bee & The Turnpike www, arfig0 dcj, com ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10.00 PER WEEK CALL Ou CLCOOSA BELLE OFFICE (863) 675-2541 *R EMAIL southlakeads flnewszap.com iln The Old K-Mart .lo,,rn;r. Center* 965 W Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston (863)983-1108 Miss A Week l ORTOAOE fuJpUNDING. Inc. laO-s p,.,. r,,-1..1 To FRE:1-4 -223-0532 Window Tint Window Tinting '/ Graypiics 364'1/ South Main Street Belle Glade, Fl 33430 (561)996-2094 SKIllED CHIROPRACTIC CARE 33 YEARS OF SERVICE TO CLEWISTON & MOORE HAVEN AREAS Auto Injuries Headaches Work-Related Injuries Neck Pain Sports Injuries Carpal Tunnel/TMJ Sprains/Strains -Back & leg Pain -. C la. PROVIDER FOR MOST HMO'S/PPO'S BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD PROVIDER MEDICARE/MEDICAID PROVIDER DR. EDWARD VICKERS SR., Chiropractor Office Hours: M-W-F 8:30AM to 6:30PM by Appointment ( Call lor an Appoiniment Today! ) CHIDOPRJACTIC & REmABILITATION CLINIC (863) 983--8391 905 W. Ventura Ave. Clewiston E I milriTTILME=l F&Ctorv Participation 7y Discounts d l nil Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, February 16, 2006 Thursday, February 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Fla. senators aim to provide protection WASHINGTON, D.C. Flori- da's two U.S. senators unveiled "historic" legislation to perma- nently protect the state's unique environment and tourism- Vependent economy from the reat ofoffshore drilling. The legislation, known as% he Permanent Protection for :/orida Act, provides lasting pro- jections from drilling in the east- Tern Gulf of Mexico not only for the state's economy and ecosys- tem, but also for the nation's military training ranges in the eastern Gulf. The bill, by Senators Mel Mar- tinez and Bill Nelson, also takes into account the unreliability and increasing price of foreign energy supplies by allowing lim- ited new exploration far off the state's coast some 260 miles from Tampa Bay. As the two senators crafted their bill over the past few weeks, it drew support from rep- resentatives of some of the country's leading consumer and environmental groups, including the Florida Public Interest Research Group, or PIRG. Both senators said the meas- ure is needed now, especially because Florida can no longer rely on temporary moratoriums. Current presidential and con- gressional moratoriums pro- hibiting drilling expire in 2012. And an administrative agree- ment forbidding drilling in so- called Lease Sale 181 an odd- shaped tract 213 miles off ' M, NV. B-,, ,, Submitted to INI The two senator's legislation and a map showing where oil and gas rigs would be banned off the coast of Florida. Tampa Bay expires next year. And a development that fur- ther threatens the state came last month when the Depart- ment of Interior published a plan to shift state underwater sea boundaries and place much of Lease Sale 181 under the con- trol of pro-drilling Louisiana. S.Martinez and Nelson, who last year united to defeat two legislative attempts to allow drilling closer to Florida, urged the Senate to expedite passage of their proposal. "This bill sends a message that's loud and clear Florida's waters are off limits," Martinez said: "Florida's leaders have worked too long and too hard on building up these protections just to have them disappear dur- ing a brief moment of high ener- gy prices. We have a lot at stake and it's time to solidify our pro- tections into law." "Florida's economy and envi- ronment, and our country 's mili- tary preparedness, are at stake," Nelson said. "Our unspoiled beaches and abundant fisheries make Florida one of the world's tourism jewels. And the people of Florida want it to stay that way." Specifically, the bipartisan bill would create a permanent no- drilling zone at least 260 miles .LRoaasIce Nursery Freshwater frontier distributes regional brochures a PRIMARILY PALMS & _F ..... : '. a...... t. a .-..-n FLOWERING SHRUBS Florida's Freshwater Frontier, a six-county and four-communi- ties regional tourism organization that promotes festivals, events, and attractions at several market- ing events in Florida and several festivals within the region. Just recently Florida's Fresh- water Frontier manned a booth at the Snowbird Extravaganza held in Lakeland, Florida Jan. 17-18. More recently, Florida's 'how in Sebring, Jan. 12-15. You will also see a represen- tative irom Floridaas Frreshrater Frontier at many festivals within the region, such as thle Big "0" Birding Festival. Roaring 20's. Swamp Cabbage Festival, just to name a few, working in conjunc- tion wilh the local chambers of commerce and Tourist Develop- ment Councils. During these shows festivals, Florida's Fresh- water Frontier distributes their regional brochures. A Heritage & Cultural Travel Guide which lists attractions in the region and includes a map of the region showing various attractions and DOUBLE YOUR INVESTMENT IN ONLY 1 YEAR! Builders Lots Available in the Fastest Growing Areas in Florida WHOLE : S] ALE.' .J: P ICI'N[ 954-55-5300 ibo\ to get there. Florida's Freshwater Fiontier Attractions and Events, a pocket guide for the region, includes a monthly calendar listing festivals and events w within the region. The center of the guide lists all cham- bers of commerce and TDC (Tourist Development Council.) phone numbers, Web sites. The second half of the pocket guide lists attractions by cities tow% ns in the region. Outside the region, Florida's Freshwater Frontier also distributes many individual city tow n attraction brochures, ill addition to their reu giouna brochures. If you would like to receive Florida's Freshwater Frontier brochures, stop into your local chamber of commerce or TDC offices and ask for the brochure, or view brochure information via our W\eb site: www.floridafresh- waterfrontier.com Please feel free to send your comments regarding the brochures to e- mail: info'ftflaheartland.com or mail: Flo ida's Freshwater Fron- tier, P. 0. Box 1196, Sebring, Florida 33871-1196. GOLDEN NUGGET RIVIERA BALLYS ALADDIN FLAMINGO S399 0399 399 399 6439 PARIS HOTEL LUXOR TREASURE ISLAND MONTECARLO MIRAGE s449 $449 6459 6479 $499 S MGM MANDALAY BELLAGIO VENETIAN WYNN 509 529 $599 609. s629 Includes: Air, 3 nights hotel, transfers, 4 shows INCLUDES MEMORIAL DAY! PER PERSON, DOUBLE CrALL SUND.A)8 3SiUBJECT TO. WAJLABILrITy 812 NE 40th Avenue Okeechobee (863) 610-0296 Registration #47231654 $4 STORM SHUTTERED tEDos Illso Ao so11D lo#nD 1120320 CONTACT: KENNETH COLE (561)798-1290 PH (561)723-.9221 c~Ci FREE ESTIMATES COUNTRY HOMES & LAND REAL ESTATE Kathy Hutchins Lic. Real Estate Broker Office: 863-612-0551 Fax: 863-612-0553 Visit Our Website at: CentralFloridaLandSales.com Rc.lni Group. I C. Lisa Andrews I.ic. Real Estate Broker -'' N. i -. i : 1: 33935 863.675-8868 ww.xhiwcsf I REAIT EVERGLADES . REALTY, INC. Jeffrey A Davis Lie. Real L '..-. I'r ,I ,r Phone: 863-946-3900 Fax: 863-946-3902 498 US Hwy. 27, Moore Haven ,,ew Horizons Real Estate Corp. 580 S. Main St. LaBelle, FL 863-675.1973 e-mail: newhorizons- re@ieatthlink.net If you are thinking of buying or selling, give .- Ai LS i us a call! ULDE TOWNIE REALTY, INC. "The Sweetest Deal/n Town". THERESA "TERI" LEE RANGEL Licensed Broker 0 OFFitCE # 863 983-0075 AFTER HRS # o.ei-, :s-1142 1IN S, Eterur dl i W frois wllm lrt "The Road to Home" iw lWupr\ltly OM Southern land. Investments & Real Estate, Inc. 700 South Main Street PI). Box 1680 LaSelte, lorida 33975 863-675-4500 -ea; 863-675-6575 wvw.splantfl.nm TOLL FREE: 877-314-3048 DEnm H.NEW CONSTRUCTION ROOFImG CONTRACTOR Licensed & Insured Lic, # CGC015735 FREE ESTIMATES REALTY IGJINC. 233 N. BRIDGE ST ON THE CORNER OF BRIDGE ST & WASHINGTON VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.OAKREALTYINC.COM .f .. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SaM.S RENTALS* SALES - ROOFERS 4 ~ urbeu. (863)6 48-4.4 16 (877)891-9111 State Certified #CCC026468 -hCarolyn homas Realty, Inc. Carolyn Thomas 946-2005 RAWLS REALESTATE 8M E. hpfllhI tw;y, Cleyisto T 11 iv 0 H V I ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE FOR AS LITTLE AS $10,00 PER WEEK CALL OUR CALOOSA BELLE OFFICE (863) 675-2541 OR EMAIL southlakeads@newszap.com E Euarld HwI, dye(srealestate~em NO ONE WILL WORK HARD- ER FOR YOU THEN JAMIE NAVARRO GIVE HIM A CALL ON HIS CELL AT (239) 822-9272 WF REALTY C. BAGANS FIRST 30 Colorado Rd. Lehigh Acres, FL 33936 STATE CERTIFIED III WL _ CLEWislON (863) 983,4747 CCC132574 LICENSED ISED To save time and money by having the newspaper delivered to your home by mail. call Reader Services at 1-877-353-2424 or e-mail -. readeiser% ices'.dne\\ szap.com. .- If you're-already-a subscriber and have ques- tions or requests about your home deliver, , call Reader Services at 1-877-353-2424 or .. email readerser' ices;@new\.zap.com. Clewiston News y OLADEFC COUNTY * DEMOCRAT The Sun "" " .... il"When you need a service call a professional! S or as little as $10.00 per week, per block. Due to hurricane damages our Clewiston Office is temporarily closed __1 please call us at our Caloosa Belle office (863)675-2541 or email us at southlakeads@newszap.com to place your adl offshore in much of the eastern Gulf. And off Pensacola and Florida's East Coast, the no drilling zone would extend out to 150 miles offshore. It also would remove existing leases close to Florida's coastline by granting royalty forgiveness on active leases in the western and central Gulf. Nelson, a member of the Armed Services Committee, and Martinez, a member of the Ener- gy Committee, also noted that the 260-mile buffer against drilling in the eastern Gulf would .enhance our nation's military readiness. The Air Force and Navy use this restricted area to perform essential testing and training activities. Among those already sup- porting the bill is one of the lead- ers of the National Outer Conti- nental Shelf Coalition, Richard Charter, who called it "a historic piece of legislation" that would "permanently preserve Florida's landscape and the quality of life for millions of people. It also; would provide long-term protec- tions for vibrant coastal-depend- . ent economies elsewhere on the U.S. East and West coasts." , And Mark Ferrulo, director of Florida PIRG, said, "This legisla- tion would greatly expand Flori- da's protections against offshore drilling. The. state's world famous coastline would be pro- tected for millions of Floridians and visitors far into the future. Homeowners with money worries may qualify for low-interest loans Hawyznmbetanureddownforaloae? bills? IRSliens?/tdoesdFoauter! DOou nred more than $10,000 foray i l.vu a v a I n nlcn\r nr hiktll. tit reasonAr cyoupaying inore thm 7% equil. Ilh re lu i c-.ili'ii clui.nv in, interestonayoterl oansorcreditc is? w\illqualii railor -t,- dhmti i,,,'-, 1I %om arc ahom i ,ner and answer- hours. ed "~C.sini arnyofh iicquL-ihions.Ihey h Mu can lind n iKtrtheliphoil-aind can ell liluti er thi phL e ad uidii u/ fr Ir o l iha i.nII qualik II ,iwy abhiga irf tquAfI M.ie IloilC L.uoan ih lkcn -,w h N i1 wM ,iuuthe PL Dept. of Financial I .hoOakrcared d I.ss-tar,,ct Services. Open 7 days a week tor creditS l.l'nph)cla' I .a' hc pa.- Your cilo.cnvierncc nmets? -inaicial problems' Mcdical 1-800-700-1242 ext. 278 i WE CAN HELP REBUILD YOUR CREDIT! Guaranteed financing with as little as $2,000 down... sometimes less! i Coast Financial Group , O i S.L T ftwAmommmwb ilwvu i LWA"JLZ i Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, February 16, 2006 REACTOR % .... . .,R AIL .l .- 1 k T I USDA's $100 million funding applauded To read more news, visitwww.newszap.com WASHINGTON D.C. U.S. Senator Mel Martinez (R-FL) applauded the U.S. Department of Agriculture's .(USDA) release of $100 million in funding to com- pensate commercial citrus grow- ers in Florida owed for losses suf- fered as a result of complying with eradication efforts. "Our losses have been severe and growers have suffered season after season of critical crop dam- age. These funds honor the feder- al government's commitment to growers who abided by canker eradication rules," said Martinez. "I especially want to thank Secre- tary Mike Johanns and the USDA for bringing this much needed assistance to growers facing extreme adversity." The 2004 and 2005 hurricanes spread citrus canker so extensive- ly that USDA determined on Jan. 10 that the established eradication program was no longer a scientifi- cally sound option to address cit- rus canker. The program was modified to eliminate the require- ment that healthy trees within 1,900 feet of an infected tree be destroyed. Also on Jan. 10, tree destruction orders were revised to reflect the fact that compensation would no longer be provided for losses related to destroyed trees. The assistance provided by USDA is part of compensation owed to growers who complied with the citrus canker eradication rules prior to the program's cancella- tion. "I continue to work with the administration and growers to make certain outstanding claims are met," said Martinez. "I pledge to continue working with USDA and the state to find new ways to battle this devastating disease." USDA has provided a total of approximately $436 million for compensation to producers affect- ed by this disease. Citrus canker is a rapidly spreading, highly conta- gious bacterial disease that causes fruit to drop prematurely. Same Day Service Lab On Premises SINGLE 390- ingl FULL SET $720- imu PARTIALS $36 -ac MERCER DENTAL CLINIC ON Us 41, S. FPr. MYERS , GENERAL Am CALL F QUOTE A 1,-866 ITO IESTHESIA AVAILABLE"' OR YOUR PRICE ND INFORMATION. -226-9400 OLL FREE Swindle family endowments honor two friends GAINESVILLE Two student programs at the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences will soon have more financial support, thanks to two $70,000 gifts pledged by a Plant City family to establish two new endowments. Larry and Debbie Swindle and their family made' the pledges to honor two friends who are now top UF administra- tors. State matching funds are expected to add another $35,000 to each endowment. The Jimmy G. Cheek Ambas- sadors Enrichment Endowment, named for UF's senior vice presi- dent for agriculture and natural resources, will support the Col- lege of Agricultural and Life Sci- ences Ambassadors, a group of outstanding students who make public appearances to educate audiences about agriculture and careers in agribusiness. The Larry R. Arrington Exten- sion Internship, named for UF's. dean for extension and director of the Florida Cooperative Exten- sion Service, will support a sum- mer program that enables under- graduate and graduate students to work in county extension offices, developing and teaching classes for local residents. Both endowments are new sources of funding for these two programs, said Ken DeVries, UF/IFAS assistant vice president for development. Endowments are permanent, named funds that provide annual support for academic programs in perpetu- ity.. "This is very exciting, because the endowments will enhance the quality of both student pro- grams and provide stable sup- port for the future," DeVries said. "Internships and extracurricular activities add a new dimension to students' education and we. encourage other donors to con- sider endowment support of this type." The endowments were announced at the college's annu- al "TailGATOR" barbecue before the UF Homecoming football game, he said. Though the Swin- dles had previously discussed their arrangements with Arring- ton, the announcement concern- ing the endowment in Cheek's name was kept secret from Cheek to surprise him. "Not only was I surprised, I was stunned," Cheek said. "It's a wonderful honor to be recog- nized by the Swindle family. Their friendship means a great deal to me personally, and these endowments will mean a great deal to our student ambassadors and interns." The family chose to support student programs because they want to inspire future genera- tions of agribusiness leaders, Debbie Swindle said. "The programs we're sup- porting also educate the public and we feel good about that," she said. "Agriculture touches everybody's lives, and people need to know it." The Swindle family includes Larry and Debbie Swindle, son Jonathan Swindle and his wife Lori, daughter Stephanie Conrad and her husband Jason Conrad, and granddaughters Anna Beth Conrad and Madilyn Claire Con- rad. The family owns Rocking S Farms, a beef cattle operation in Plant City, Debbie Swindle said. .They also. own timberland in North Florida and are involved in a Tampa-based commercial insulation business. * The Swindles have a long his- tory of supporting agricultural education at the elementary school, middle school, high school and college levels, Arring- ton said. "They believe in Florida agri- culture and are always eager to share their success with others," he said. ."I'm humbled that the Swindles think enough of me to make me a part of their efforts." Arrington's friendship with Larry Swindle dates back to boy- hood, when both attended Cork Elementary School in Plant City, Swindle said. The two remained close after high school, when Arrington left his hometown to pursue a career in academia. The Swindle family became acquainted with Cheek in the 1990s, as a result of their support of agriculture programs at UF, Swindle said. "Larry and Jimmy are bo,)l very likeable, personable people who give a great deal of them- selves to promote agriculture," he said. "Our family wanted to show some appreciation for the work they do, that's what inspired us to pledge these endowments." The patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment that is preformed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee or reduced fee service., examination or treatment. ' At Family Eye Care We Provide: Complete Eye Health Examinations Including Prescriptions for Contact Lenses and Glasses Treatment of: Evaluation of: After Surgery Care of: Glaucoma Macular Degeneration Cataracts Eye Injuries Diabetes Glaucoma .. Dry Eye Cataracts Ptcnrgiunm Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) Flashes & Floaters L..5K ... Specializing in bifocal, toric, daily disposable and hard-to-fit contact lenses. Full Optical Services In-House Lab High Quality Name Brand Frames Same Day Service on Some Prescriptions Latest Technological Lens Design Saturday and Evening Appointments Available 24 Hour Emergency Available New Patients Welcome 863.675.0761 www.familyeyecarelabelle.com Federal money available to feed low-income children ATLANTA Federal funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is available to Florida faith-based and com- munity sponsors to operate feed- ing programs for low-income children this summer. The feder- al funds will reimburse organiza- tions that operate the USDA Summer Food Service Program for Children. When school lunchrooms close for the summer, a significant iiumbter of children in low- income Florida communities could be at risk of hunger or poor nutrition because free and reduced price school meals are not available. USDA's Summer Food Program is designed to bridge this summer nutrition gap. It reimburses organizations for serving free, nutritious breakfasts, lunches or snacks to children in eligible low-income areas. How- ever, the program continues to be underutilized, largely due to a lack of willing operators and feeding sites. Last year 8,067,535, free meals were $served tolow income Florida children at a USDA sum- mer food program. Yet the num- ber of free and reduced price school lunches that Florida chil- dren ate during the school year was 178,176,514. In Florida the Summer Food Program is administered by the Department of Education. To operate the program this sum- mer, organizations should contact this state agency as soon as possi- ble to attend one of the required training being held on the fol- lowing dates: Feb. 21,;Feb. 22-23, Senator speaks out about NSA Program As Congress explores the National Security Agency's terrorist surveillance program, I believe it is important to keep in mind that the program was authorized in the wake of the terrorist attacks of 9/11, that it is a very targeted program used when people in our country are talking with members of al Qaeda, and it is a critical tool in fighting the war on terror. On Sept. 14, 2001 when Con- gress authorized the president to "use all necessary and appropriate force," it came at a time when our country was under attack and there was great bipartisan unanimity about giving the president whatev- er tools he needed to keep our country safe. I think the imminence of another attack was on all of our minds. And at that time, in that con- text, and at that moment in history, I don't believe there would have been too many questions raised about the president putting in place a program that would provide the opportunity to connect the dots - as we know we didn't connect prior to 9/11 and allow us to monitor the conversations between a known terrorist organi- zation outside the United States and someone within the United States. But when confronted with alle- gations of a domestic surveillance program, Congress must gather the facts. And as we have begun this process, the facts are quite different than they might have appeared on the first day this program came to light. The facts are that it was not a widespread domestic surveillance, program; it is a very limited pro- gram, very narrow in its scope, and focused purely on terrorist organi- zations making calls into the United States. With that context, I believe that this program is an integral part of the war on terror and it is a part of the battlefield plan that the presi- dent is carrying out under his con- stitutional authority as commander in chief to respond in a time of war with timely intelligence. The fact is that this surveillance is not being done for any purpose other than to be utilized as early warning intelli- gence for us to respond to potential attacks on the United States. It is terrible that we have to talk about this program at all because such talk might be of assistance to those abroad who seek to harm the United States. It is too bad that we might, even as we go forward in this process of hearings, discuss something that ought to not be dis- cussed. As I recall, in World War II there were things we were able to do through our intelligence agen- cies that no one would dare talk about; because they were so secret, so instrumentally valuable to the United States that such pro- grams were best left un-discussed. So I hope that as we go forward to discuss this program, we keep in mind the necessity for national security, the necessity for discre- tion, and the necessity for secrecy. Lastly, as a citizen of this coun- try, I have always prided myself on the fact that when it comes to national affairs of great importance to the security of this country, our nation speaks with one voice. Just as our nation spoke with one voice following World- War II and at the height of the Cold War, this nation should speak with one voice on this matter. On this there is no need for division as Republican or Democrat; we should find one voice as Americans, to protect the security of our country. So as we go forward in this great and important discussion, I hope we will remember the need for us to remain in a working together mode working togeth- er as Americans to ensure the safety and security of our people, while also keeping in mind the very important safeguards that our Con- stitution provides to civil liberties. 1^ SPECIAL CUEST STARS PERFORMING LIVE! * JOE BUDDY ". FEB. 25TH DIFFIE JEWELL MARCH 4TH 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. Reserved Concerts are reserved seating only. Reserved SSeating $10 reserve seat does not include admission. Seating I F l~ shows 4,fra arwin GATE ADMISSION- Adull 54.. CrIjldrr, er2 ,2 1near Chl-,men 5 and naer are Iel f RIDE TICKETS* Sm L.I 1 $12--, PEPSI RILY ON SALE 'HRU FEB 22ndlt GET YOURS TODAYSI S ALL. AL OL ADVANCE PRICE TICKETS WILL - SJl.ONLY BE ON SALE UNTIL FEB. 22nd! -fw 5....., ,-^OvBREEZE Ss 11831 Bayshore Road Ft. Myers, Exit 143, 3 miles east of 1-75 WALSH FRE L NER & Tickets: 239-543-7469 or visit www.leeciviccenter.com TICKET OUTLETS: Central Mobile Homes of LaBelle, Hayloft Western Wear, MaryLou's Western Wear Feb. 27-28, Feb. 28, March 2-3, and March 7-8, 2006. Applications and sponsor information may be obtained from the Child Nutrition Programs, 325 W. Gaines Street, Room 1122, Tallahassee, FL 32399-040. The contact person is Michelle Morris at (850) 245-9262, or she can be reached by e-mail at michelle.motrris,'fldoe.org. CallJ.G. Wentworth's - Annuity Purchase Program J.G.WENTWORTH. 866-FUND-549. ANMurrT PURCHASE PROGRAM Sa. ,rTim loannides, M;D. and. Cynthia J. Rogerf, M.D. at care pleased to welcome Jonathan S. Sanders, M.D., J.D. to 'F/ Treasure Coast Dermatology .. II .Special,zing in the Treatment of Skin Cancer Mohs Surgery Diseases of Skin, Hair & Nails Board Certified by the Amrerican Board of Dc,rr c.-ogy " ALL STEEL BUILDINGS *-, ,.. I::," & 25 x 25 x 7 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 1 9x7 Garage Door, 2 Gable Vents 4" Concrete Slab Installed $11,395 30 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $16,895 35 x 50 x 12 All Steel Garage (2:12 pitch) 2 10x10 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab Installed $28,995 25 x 30 x 9 All Steel Garage (3:12 pitch) 2 9x7 Garage Doors, 1 Entry Door, 2 Gable Vents, 4" Concrete Slab (see photo) Installed $16,995 We Will Help You Design A Building To Meet Your Needs - We Custom Build (We are the factory) - Many Sizes Available METAL SYSTEMS LLC -Meets or Exceeds Florida Wind Code 800'920 0 " - Florida "Stamped" Engineered w, w92y 6ms . Drawings (included) www.metalsystemsllc.com I APPEARING OAILV"! Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, February 16, 2006' I i Thursday, February 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee For any personal items for sale under $2,500 Announcements kFITwJ- 120. Agriculture Mobile Homes RIllm 300 i financial Rentals Automobiles Ell RENT Ill Services i I I.i- III Public Notices I E iii A Submit Your FREE Classified ad today at www.newszap.com/class You Can Reach She World, With Your Ad! Rules for placing FREE ads! 4 lines for 2 weeks. Price must be included in ad. Ad must contain only 1 item. 2 ads per household. Regular deadlines apply. Must be personal items for sale under $2,500. Announcements Importan Information. Please read your ad carefully the frst day it appears. In case of ar, inadveert error. please notify us pror to the eadline Imted. We 1,11 not be responsible for more than 1 incorrect insertion. or for more than the extent of the ad rendered valueless by such errors Advertiser assumes responsibility for all statements. names and con- tent o. an ad. and assumes responsibility for any claims against Independent Newspapers. All advertising is subject to publisher's approval. The publisher reserves the nght to accept or reject any or all copy, and to insert above the copy the word "adverilsEmernt' All -ad, accepted are subject to credit approval. All ads must "conform to Independent Newspapers' style and are restricted to their proper classifiators. Some clasuI fled categories require advance payment These classifications are denoted with an aslenik '. Auctions 105 Car Pool 110 Share a ride 115 Card of Thanks 120 In Memoriam 125 Fownd 130 Lost .135 Give Away 140 Garage/Yard Sale 145 PeIsonalo 150 Special Notices 155 -90 Niumbers 160 A-1-A AUCTION Pallet Deals Auctions Feb. 17th @ Noon 950 S., Kenansville Rd. (US 441) Kennansville, FL www.auctionzip.com/ alaauction ab 1933 au 606 Carole Miller, Auctioneer Auction-Luxury Ski Condo- miniums, Steamboat Grand Resort Hotel & Condomin- iums, Steamboat Springs, Colorado. March 18, 2006, at 10AM. Daily previews. www.SteamboatGrandAuc- tion.com, David L. Harley, broker Lic.#ER40030654. LAND AUCTION 200 Props Must be Sold! Low Down / E-Z Financ!ng Free Catalog (800)937-1603 WWW.LANDAUCTION.COM Log Home Auction Tallahas- see, FL March 11th Tam- pa, FL March 12th. 26 New Log Home Packages offered. One absolute to highest bid- der! Package includes sub- floor, logs, windows, doors, rafters, roofing...Daniel Boone Log Homes (800)766-9474. DOG- Black & white, Male, Vic. Clayland Park. (863)763-4118 BOSTON Terrier, female, spade. REWARD goes by the name Pop-eyes, (863)357-9453 CHIHUAHUA, Male, Black & White w/tan on face. Vicinity of r Pioneer 17th St. & Tampa Ave. - $250. Reward. 863-983-7702 DRILL- Walt portable 14 volt. SJan. 26th Okee. RV park. Hwy 78 (270)556-0296 Re- ward Garg . DWARF RABBIT- white, to good home, comes with cage and food. If interested call (239)464-6136 Kim FREE PUPPIES- mixed breed, good homes only, will deliver (239)841-0262 FREE PUPPIES! TO GOOD HOME ONLY! 6 weeks old. (863)357-2147 ROTTWEILER- 2yr, Female, Free To Good Home Only! (863)763-3910 ROTTWEILER- 3 yrs old, Male, Free To Good Home Only! (863)763-3910 LAKE PORT RV Park Wide Sale Lake Port, Sat., Feb., 18th, 8a-4p, 2800 Milum Dr. NW Something for everyone! See you there!!! EARN DEGREE online from home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers *Crminal Justice. Job Place- ment. Computer provided. Fi- nancial aid if qualify. (866)858-2121 www.onli- netidewatertech.com. Employment t-me 205 Employment - Medical 210 Employment - Part-Time 215 Employment Wanted 220 Job Information 225 Job Training 227 Sales 230 CITRUS WORKER- EQUIP OPERATOR Provide transportation with valid drivers licence. Great Benefits Call Anixa at 772-473-5576 Se habla espanol Exp'd Plumbers & Helpers Needed, commercial/resi- dential, full time starting im- mediately. Paid Holidays and vacation. (561)996-1159 Find it faster. Sell it sooner in the classifileds U..ge COMPUTER LAB TECHNICIAN Will supervise computer- based educational programs in a K-6 school. Fax resume to: 561-993-5001 or call 561-993-5000 CUSTODIAN Experience in school or institutional setting preferred. Must know how to use floor' machines. Only those with a clean record need to apply at Lakeside Academy 716 S. Main St. Belle Glade Customer Service Representative Must have strong analytical, oral & written skills. High School Diploma with 5 years experience in Customer Service/Purchasing or AA or BA. Send Resume and salary requirements to jobs@oceanboyfarms.com. DRIVERS Local P & D and Dedicated Road Opportunity Now Avail! CT/JWA seeks driv- ers for local P&D/dedicat- ed road runs: Miami and Pompano Beach. Excellent Wages/Opportunity. *Home daily/no weekends! *Local-$14.50/hr starting. Road-$.40/mi starting w/ certification. 2300 + mi/wk. Vacation/Holiday Pay. Health Benefits. CDL-A w/hazmat req. Local- 6-12mo. Exp. req. Road-Min lyr doubles & 4yrs Tractor/Trailer Exp. (24hrs) 800-331-1176 email: jwacorp@yahoo.com ESTABLISHED LaBelle Company Seeks full time warehouse worker. Competitive pay and great benefits for the right career minded individual. FL DL required Some heavy lifting. Forklift exp. preferred Call 800-330-1369 FLORIDA WATER TREATMENT Needs outside sales person. Some office work & clean- ing. Commission, car allowance and more. Call (863)983-1341 or 599-5900. How fast can your car IO? It can go even faster when you sell it in the classified. Emlymn Ful T me 1 01 Emlymn Full Tim MANAGEMENT Immediate restaurant management openings in Lake Placid, Moore Haven, LaBelle. Clewiston and Okeechobee. We are a franchise with 27 restaurants throughout South Florida and are hiring energetic. honest, and responsible individuals. We offer: -Excellent Salaries -Meau.l .-, f Life Insurance -Dental Insuranct; -401K Savings Plan -Paid Vacations -Advancement Opportunities -Training Program For an interview please call: 863-983-4224 or mail your resume in confidence to: Pauline Alvarez Southern Management Corporation 1014 W. Sugarland Hwy. Clewiston, FL 33440 Assistant Chemist $15.87 per hour (plus benefits) Primary Function: Collect, deliver, prepare and perform la- boratory analysis to control the refinery process such as but not limited to Brix, pH, Color, Sediment, etc. Responsibilities: *Perform simple analysis and operate laboratory equip- ment. *Maintain equipment and work area in accordance with CGMP *Participate in training sessions related to the position. *Capable of working with minimum supervision. FAX 863-902-3186 United States Sugar Processing is an Equal Opportunity Em- ployer committed to a diverse workforce. Women and mi- norities are encouraged to apply. We maintain a drug-free workplace and perform pre-employment substance abuse testing. LABELLE COMPANY NEEDS A DRIVER We have a position in our small company that requires a driver with minimum of a CDL "B" with Hazmat en- dorsement. We offer good starting wages, benefits and an exciting opportunity. If you are ambitious, and are looking for a job with a future please call today at 800-330-1369 Mace Welding is now accepting applications for WELDERS - Apply within at: 90 Evans Rd, LaBelle (863)675-6683 Managers Position available at local produce company. Mechanical experience needed. Please call (561)992-7768. PARTS/INVENTORY CLERK Clerk wanted $10. hr, knowledge of Quicksbooks req. Some clerical duties, understanding of how mechanical parts work very helpful. No phone calls, pick up applications 1100 Fox Lane, Moore Haven Thomas Grinding, Inc. Join all the people who say, "I sold it in the classifieds" SOD FOREMAN NEEDED Drivers License Required Experience a plus Palmdale Sod, Inc. 863 673-1491 TRUCK DRIVERS NEEDEDI!! Must have Class A CDL. We have Benefits, Paid Vacation, Paid Insurance & Bonuses. Home every night. Apply at: Syfrett Feed Co., 3079 NW 8th Street, Okee Wanted: Plumbers/Plumber Helpers/Service Tech. Call for appointment (863)675-1155 Shop here first! The classified ads Empoyen Full Tim Emlymn Full Tim HENDOR V RECGIONP4L E. v E CAVR C;ErNTER LPN I or II (FT.PT. Perdlem) FL LPN Lic & Ci IV i w l lli 10 ,'rl. Il ible, c,:hdule Support & Full Time- REGISTERED NURSE FL hc wih I yr e,.p i'ill ia31n new glad Radiologic TechnologisL/Mammographer SRRT e, ,ih 1 FL License. Familiar aithi MQSA slandads S Mammographic Q.\ procedures Full time/Part time/AL Home- TRANSCRIPTIONIST 3 + vfS S p in h:ispilal loincipton EiicllenI e IaiTmmJ shillS andd Ihc biliiv o underirand multiple d i .cis te csenri, l "Muil iYpe 60 words per m inuie Full Lime- CTIRadlologic Tech 18-30a.m 5 pnLor 1.30a.m Lo7pm.| RT icf, i.,ih 3 1id FL Li: 2 ',:j,' .:* 'r4 d M.isl' Possie.ssccellent cus s .ic Nis ill: "nco'l.. ,ind penderil. piciCic:elil in CT arind Genern Radi,.r.Aph., :,c Full ltme-Medical Technologist 6S ir N.d Tel.:', : Lt : it. an H rl.ol-u Irnmmur.:nihemrl'e'. , thch T,.iisi.. M .:robicl,; :,i & S.rolo, r.ITlASC 'l- Rcl Full Ume- Insurance Biller 3+ + i In a loopliAl or medical .:itTr.:, nei In prel Knowledgeable of 3rd party reimbursements, co-pays, med terminology, UB-92, 1500 claim forms. Phone: 863-902-3079 or Fax resume to: 863-983-0805 Drul Free Workplace EOE Duda Farm Fresh Foods. has several job openings with different levels of experience: fuel truck driver, welder, mechanic and mechanic helper. Will train right individual. Drug Free Work Place. Pay com- mensurate with experience. Medical/dental/vision plans, 401K, vacation, holiday pay, plus other bene- fits. Apply in person or call for appointment (863) 675-0545 ext. 3135 EOE Duda Farm Fresh Foods busca un camionero, soldador, mecAnico y ayudante mecinico con various niveles de experiencia. Entrenamiento esta disponible. Sitio libre de drogas. Pago a segdn experiencia. Planes medico/dental/visi6n, 401K plan de retiro, pago de vaca- ciones y dias feriados, mis otros beneficios. Aplique en persona op !lame por una cita a (863) 675- 0545 ext. 3135. Empleador de Oportunidades por Igual. ARNP (Registered Nurses L-3) (#64082772) ARNP working in HIV/AIDS outpatient primary care with HIV/AIDS Specialist Physician. Must have valid Florida Driver's License, ability to travel & flex schedule. Pre-employment Drug Testing, Background screening/fingerprinting required. Bi-lingual English/Spanish helpful. EEO/AA Apply on line: https://peoplefirst.myflorida.com or Call Glenn @ 863-674-4041 x133 for more details. FAMILY SUPPORT WORKER (Social & Human Service Assistants L1) Two Positions (#64082236 & #64081974) home visitor position with Healthy Families Program at Hendry County Health Department in Clewistion; must have ability to travel & flex work schedule when needed; Bi-lingual English/Spanish helpful; Background screening/;fingerprinting required. EEO/AA Apply on line: https://peoplefirst.myflorida.com or Call Jeannie @ 863-674-4041 x167 for more details. Competitive pay, 401 K, medical, dental. Walk in to apply at ACE Hardware, 310 E. Sugarland Hwy., Clewiston. Please ask for Nevin or Jordan. Empoyen FullTime 020 Emlymn Ful Tie 005 HELP WANTED HENDRY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Mecrhajr I b31( rmec'nrii: liowledge, e. -perienrie .i al au lomotive service w erorr orm:nn,ainii:'s helper preterreI Mecriari, II Grjlduale Irom an jppri:ed coursee in neavv & deel n ei. -hj ,rii ;, Ihii e years e ,pene ,e. Boir Mecridaic posiiions require class B driver; 3iiense Musi have a Higqn crinool Diplomrra or GED Both licahed if Clewiloon GSI Cuoorinalor lor the LaBelle ohice MuSi have Bachel-ir 15 Science Iromr an accrediileO college or university in computer science geoqraphy or reldiled lield witn corjsirajble epen ence in the use ol geographic information, S ylefiTi Or 8yrs equivaleni experience Emergency Mariagemeni Planner or otie LaBelleii oice Musi nave computer sh1S., e'penenric:e win Mic r.tt programs i& eicel Musl tie ile 1 0 wor' indepeniderilly tbe ',ell rTOjliva len l ,:,rigdi-Zei A Higrl Si.rciul Diprloma or GED repQuied Buiiaing Irispector I: Ire -aBelle otnlie 1 cne lor Inr Clevatii:r, oinice Musil nve 8 yr.i e.p rierniie will a i erise,,d :.rirai:lor Fielil Servi:e lort FP LaBelle UiiliiiP A vj1ii anver.i n t e S i: reQuired i e iIot, consist or in .iaiiing t oii rngi] waler rrmeers. laying waler lines ciperjling eluipiTren iii irhe held O n Iir*e ol rIning po,siOle 10 avaricemerni All positions are full time with medical benefits, retirement, sick and vacation leave. These positions will be open until filled. Job descriptions & applications can be obtained in the Satellite Office in Clewiston and the Courthouse in LaBelle in the HR Department. Vet Pref. EEO. Drug free. Applicants needing assistance in the application process should contact HR. Mechanics and Welders $19.67 per HR Mechanics 5+ years of experience as a journeyman level mechan- ic with the ability to install, maintain, troubleshoot and repair industrial equipment such as pumps, motors, conveying systems, hydraulics, turbines, gear boxes and related equipment. Welders Perform welding on various types of steel structures, pressurized vessels and pressurized piping. Able to weld with mig and tig. Ability to use a plasma cutter, air arc and acetylene torch. Fax: 863-902-3168 Email: Jdooley@ussugar.com Employment Office on WC Owen in Clewiston US Sugar is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to a diverse workforce. Women and minorities are en- couraged to apply. We maintain a drug-free workplace and perform pre-employment substance abuse testing Lykes Bros. Inc Ranch Division has an opening for the following position: WELDER/MECHANIC Applicant must have one (1) year prior ex- perience with farm and diesel equipment, have own tools and a valid Florida Driv- ers license. Applications accepted Mon- Fri., 8am to 3pm at 106 SW County Road 721, Okeechobee, FL. Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Drug Free Workplace M/F/D/V Central County Water Control District is now accepting applications for a Club- house Maintenance Person. This is a full time position with full benefits. Must be able to work flexible hours, nights and weekends, some holidays. This is a drug free workplace. Apply in person at the Montura Clubhouse, located at 255 N. Hacienda Street, Montura Ranch Estates, Wednesday thru Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. /ww'wnewszcqp.com/dcmss YARD SALE Place Your YARD SALE ad today! Get FREE signs and inventory sheets! Call Classifieds 877-353-2424 FIND IT FAST DIRECTORV. ....... Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, February 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, February 16, 2006 Emplomn Ful Tie I'l Emlymn Ful Tie 111 Emlymn Full Tim Empoyen Full Tim I Employmen Empoyen Full Tim Earn $126+ a day OUR PEOPLE MAKE THE DIFFERENCE WAL-MART DISTRIBUTION CENTER IN FT. PIERCE FL FLEXIBLE SCHEDULES/PART TIME SCHEDULES LOADER and UNLOADER and ORDERFILLER POSITIONS (100+ POSITIONS AVAILABLE) 3 6 12 18 24 30 Months Months Months Months Months Months 12.65. 13.15 13.65 14.15 14.65 15.15 15.65 Weeknight; Tuesday-Friday 4:00pm-2:30am Weekend: Sat- Mon- 6:00am-6:30pm Team incentives based on performance(potential $.75 an hour) 1.35/ Hour weekend shift differential .35/Hour 2nd shift differential We offer a competitive benefit package-Medical, Dental, Paid Holidays, Vacation, Stock Purchase Plan, 401k and much more. Wal-Mart Distribution Center is located off Exit 126 Midway Rd. Go East, at 1st red light turn Left on to Glades Cut Off RD. Take 1st left under overpass on to Jenkins. ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS ON-SITE 24 HOURS A DAY/7 DAYS A WEEK Wal-Mart is an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V i i The GEO Group, Inc. The GEO Group, Inc. A worldwide leader in privatized corrections OFFERS CHALLENGING AND EXCITING OPPORTUNITIES. FULL TIME POSITIONS & EXCELLENT BENEFITS CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS COOK SUPERVISOR LPN RN (2 availalbe) MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM LIFE SKILL INSTRUCTOR MOORE HAVEN CORRECTIONAL FACILITY 1990 East SR 78NW Moore Haven, FL 33471 Phone 868-946-2420 Fax.863-946-2487 ' Equal Opportunity Employer IN U " Water Master: Operate entire Water Control Sys- water pumps/systems. HS dip/GED. FL Drivers lic. Water Control Structure Operator: Work w/local Seminole Tribe of FL Water Resources Dept. has openings at our Big Cypress Reservation Water Master: Operate entire Water Control Sys- tem. Supervise operation & maintenance stafflear- Exp. in all areas of operation & general main. of water pumps/systems. HS dip/GED. FL Drivers lilic. Water control Structmure Operator: Work w/local agricultural operators to determine structure set- tings Set boards in risers, asst. w/maint he areas of water control system & rights of ways. Cleaning & clear- ing as needed. Mech. abilities pref. HS/dip/GED. FL drivers lic. Apply by email galtmanasemtribe.com: fax 954-967-3477 or mail: HR, 6300 Stirling Road, PROGRAM MANAGER/ CASEWORKER For a non-profit organization experienced in program development and implementation in the areas of hous- ingreducation,directassistancecaseworkbased in Clewiston. A college degree or equivalent, experience organized, self-motivatedn able to work indepen-. dently, with excellent written and verbal communica- tion skills. Grant writing experience is preferred. Send Catholic Charities Guadalupe Social Services PO BOX 5034 Immokalee, Florida 34142 Attn: Director of Rural Services or Fax to 239-657-7761 One man's trash is How do you find a job another man's treas- in today's competitive ure. Turn your trash market? In the to treasure with an ad employment section in the classified. of the classified STUDENT Development Advisor To provide guidance to students regarding programs and services of the college. Bachelor's degree & related exp. reqd. Learn more or apply on -line at www poDi: edu or submit your completed application package no laterthan 3/15/06 to the Office of Human Resources Palm Beach Communnry College, 4-200 Cronogress Avenue Lake Wonrin FL 33161. fax 561-868-3131 EOE AA'vP.ADA DENTAL HYGIENIST NEEDED. for LaBelle Office, (863)674-0799 or fax re- sume to (863)-674-0899 ,E plym n CHILDCARE Fundraising Di- rector. National fundraising company seeking energetic phone person. Work from your location to call child- cares to help them raise money. $15/Avg. (813)862-2769. Driver- NOW HIRING QUALI- FIED DRIVERS for Central Florida Local & National OTR positions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay & new equipment. Need 2 years experience. Call By- num Transport for your op- portunity today. (800)741-7950. Drivers- Flatbed, Reefer & OTR. Recent Average $1.27-1.47 per mile. No Ex- perience? On the Road Training Available. (800)771-6318 www.pri- molnc.com. "NOW HIRING 2006" AVER- AGE POSTAL EMPLOYEE EARNS $57,000/YR Mini- mum Starting Pay $18.00/hr. Benefits/Paid Training and Vacations No Experience Needed (800)584-1775 Ref #5600. ENJOY OUTSTANDING BENEFITS, EXCELLENT PAY, AND A FUN PLACE TO WORK! Server Cocktail Server Tad Clerk Poker Brush Housekeeper Players Club Security Officer Line Cook $5.50 plus grats $5.50 plus grats $21.00 avg. wigrats S8.00/hour $8.00/hour $10.00/hour $10.00/hour $10.00/hour Apply in person or download application from www.theseminolecasino.com or mail or fax resume to: Seminole Casino. HR Dept., 506 S. 1st St., Immokalee, FL 34142 Phone: 1-800-218-0007 Fax (239) 658-8289 Seminole Casino, the most exciting attraction in SW Florida! The Semrn.nle C arino is a Drug tree Workplace Case managers needed Community Rebuilding Eumenical Workiori e (CREW) i; .ee: - ing lull time case managers to asisi lamilies in Glades arnd Hendry Counties allecled by HurnLane Wilma Applirani must be a high school graduate/GED Strong verDai and writ- ing skills, reliable ranrisp rlalion required Bilingual prelerreed Applicalior's can be picked up at 352 W. Arcade, Clewi;ion For more information phone (863) 983-5269 Executive Director Community Rebuilding Ecumenical Workforce (CREW) is seek- ing a full Time executive director o coordinate long lerm re- covery aclvities Io assisI families in Glades and Henary Counties affteCle Dy Hurncane Wilmi The director will coordinate rebuilding. case managlemerit and volunteer efforts, prepare materials tor monthly meetings. seek grant funds, donations and volunleers Ability li com- municate etreciively boin orally ana in writing Bilingual a olus Successful candidate should have a bachelors degree and at easi rwo years in an admnisira3ive rmanaeremen i apaciy -ong lerm recovery e.,perrence a plus Salary range 1.40,.000 to $60.000 plus Denelis, contingent on experience Re- sumes may be submiled al 352 W Arcade, Clewstn For more information prionre 186' 983-5269. I r FOAM INSULATION Companyv ased out ot Clewislon now nrr- ngj installers. South lorida travel required. Company vehicle provided; Monday inrough Friday. Piece work. Guaranited minimum $550 a week during Irarinirn period Beneits. bo- nus, and Iravel cosi paid. Must be 21 years or older wiint clean drivers license We are a drug ree workplace Inier- views will be conducted every Monday morning Irom 8-10a.m. at our Clewisrl, Fa tlrvy. Call 800-683-3155 to line up an interview time ODrecions Ii our laciiry will be giv- entoyouatthattme. FOREMEN to lead jily con- tract field crews Outdoor physical work, many entry- level positions, paid training. $14/hr plus bonuses after promotion, living allowance when traveling., company truck and good benefits. Must have strong leadership skills, a good ddving history and be.able to travel in Ten- nessee and nearby states. Email resume to Recruit- er3@osmose.com or fax (985)871-0605 www.Osmo- seUtilities.com EOE M/F/DN/V. If You Can Drive, You Can Buy! No Credit? No Problem! New Lease Purchase Pro- gram. Owner Operators needed for 48 States & Re- gional Runs. Call (800)895-0017. Parts and Service Coordina- tor needed for Tom Johnson Camping Center at our Con- cord, NC Dealership. Com- puter experience helpful, work well with other employ- ees and able to work with the public. Benefits are included. Experienced RV Technician. RV Dealership in the heart of Race Country needs experi- enced RV Techs. Great benefits. Pay based on expe- rience. Hourly shop. Please fax resume to: (704)455-1439. No phone calls please. Financial | Business Opportunities 305 Money Lenders 310 Tax Preparation 315 ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Ma- chines, Free Candy All for $9,995 (888)629-9968 B02000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold! INTERNATIONAL INVEST- MENT BANKING Firm Has Middle Market Business For Sale. If Interested In Buying Or Selling A Business, Call (877)217-8231. READING A NEWSPAPER... makes you a more informed and Interesting person. No wonder newspaper readers are more successful NOTICE Independent Newspapers will never accept any advertise- ment that is illegal or con- sidered fraudulent. In all cases ol questionable val- ue, such as promises of guaranteed income from work-at-home programs if it sounds too good to be true, chances pre that it is. If you have questions or doubts about any ad on these pages, we advise that before responding or send- ing money ahead of time, you check with the Better Business Bureau at 772-878-2010 for previous complaints. Some 800 and 900 telephone numbers may require an extra charge, as well as long distance toll costs. We will do our best to alert our reader of these charges in the ads, but occasionally we may not be aware of the charges. Therefore, if you call a number out of your area, use caution. GOV'T HOMES! $0 DOWN! BANK REPO'S & FORECLO- SURES! NO CREDIT OK! $0 / LOW DOWN! Call for Listings (800)498-8619. IMMEDIATE CASH!ll US Pen- sion Funding pays cash now for 8 years of your future pension payments. Call (800)586-1325 for a FREE, no-obligation estimate. www.uspensionfund- ing.com. Services I Babysitting 405 Child Care Needed410 Child Care Offered41 5 Instruction 420 Services Offered 425 Insurance 430 Medical Services435 Is Stress Ruining Your Life? Read DIANETICS by Ron L. Hubbard Call (813)872-0722 or send $7.99 to Dianetics, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tam- pa FL 33607. LOWEST PRESCRIPTION PRICES Less than Canada. Better than MedicareD. Flo- max 0.4mg/$27.00, Ambien 10mg/$53.00, Nexium 40mg/$30.00/month. Viagra 100mg..$2.75. Global Medi- Scines (866)634-0720 www.globalmedicines.net. DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS children, etc. Only one sig- nature required! *Excludes govt. fees! Call weekdays 800)462-2000, ext.600. 8am-7pm) Alta Divorce, LLC. Established 1977. ACCIDENT INJURED All Per- sonal Injury 'WRONGFUL DEATmH AUTO MOTORCY- CLE 'TRUCK 'PREM- ISEPPRODUCT ANIMALL BITES 'SLIP AND FALL "PE- DESTRIAN A-A-A Attorney Relerral Service (8001733-5342 24 Hours PROFESSIONAL RESUMES Cover Ledler, Resume & Relerences Provided Corlaci Diane at 1863)677-0908 NEW SELF STORAGE 46 urniis 7'.15 1t5, 10...15. 10'30, 12,30, 15,x25. Full elecuc sec ure on Conmmer-io St 350 t fIrom Clewi ion Poil e Depi 863-983-6663, 863-983-2808, after hrs. 863-983-8979 Merchandise Air Conditioners 505 Antiques 510 Appliances 515 Appliance Parts 520 Beauty Supplies 525 Bicyles 530 Books & Magazines 535 Building Materials540 Business Equipment 545 Carpets/Rugs 550 Children's Items 555 China, Glassware, Etc. 560 Clothing 565 Coins/Stamps 570 Collectibles 575 Computer/Video 580 Crafts/Supplies 585 Cruises 590 Drapes, Unens & Fabrics 595 Fireplace Fixture 600 Firewood 605 Furniture 610 Furs 615 Health & Reducing Equipment 620 Heating Equipment/ Supplies 625 Household Items 630 Jewelry 635 Lamps/Lights 640 Luggage 645 Medical Items 650 Miscellaneous 655 Musical Instruments 660 Office Supplies/ Equipment 665 Pets/Supplies/ Services 670 Photography 675 Plumbing Supplies 680 Pools & Supplies 685 Restaurant Equipment 690 Satellite 695 Sewing Machines 700 Sporting Goods 705 Stereo Equipment 710 Television/Radio 715 Tickets 720 Tools 725 ToRs & Games 730 VRs 735 Wanted to Buy 740 WINDOW UNIT 7000 BTU, works good $30 (863)635-7987 FARM-ALL CUB Circa 1948. Good shape. $2150 (863)673-9200 COFFEE SET- Farberware' 55yr, Old polished 44 perco- lator, sugar, creamer, tray. Like new $55 863-763-8149 ELECTRIC STOVE, Whirlpool, 2 yrs. old, white, asking $75 or best offer. (863)675-0107/675-2234 LENOX ANGEL- Very beautiful, in box w/certificate. Will sac- rifice below cost $50. (863)763-8149 STOVE- self cleaning, good condition, $125 (863)675-2627 ADULT Tricycle wide seat, new tires, $50 (863)467-7792 BICYCLES- 1 means like new cond. $60 (863)357-3779 Need Faster Internet?> .High Speed literri,- i v' S.ielliile Fast Affordable Available Secure uEIII^- $10,ff Instalation Mens 26 10 speed Bicycle. Roadmasier Climber .35. 18t3i357-19217 GOING OUT OF BUSINESS- Used book sicire. all books $100 eacn 412 NE Park Si Okeecnobee (863)46;'-2210 BUILDING SALE! -Rock Bol- tom Prices'" 20<26 Now $3340. 25-30 $4790 30.44 $7340 40.661.11490 Fac- Tory Direct. 26 Years Many oinhers Ends,.accessories optional. Pioneer 1800)668-5422 METAL ROOFING SAVE $$S Buy Direct From Manufltur-- er. 20 colors in stock with all Accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery Available Toll Free 18881393-0335 PAGEANT DRESS- LnIle girls Pastel green w/seouins Size 4 $45 Call 1863),63.5918 aner 5.30pm PURSES (6) Dooney Guci, Summer leather bag, silver evening bag w/olier learner bags $75 tim (863)675-3888 SkyTalk 866-639-8754 .J OLD RECORDS-145 records) 78s Jon, James Saran Vaugnn, Bill Haley,Doris Oay.Guv Lombardo, Mills Bros. Nai Kino Cole Frank e Lairie & more In albums. All lor $200 1302)674-4149 Delaware Wil snip COMPUTER, good working computer $100 internet ready (863)357-2271 DELL NETWORK COMPUTER- Penourm Il Win XP Word. G)mes Conmplee 1.i15) 1866)855-I0158. MONITOR- 17" Flat screen CRT, Color. $50. (863)635-3465 Frostproof SCHOOL COMPUTER Win- dows XP Microsoft Works & .games. Complete system. 150 (239)464-3260 CERAMIC KILN like new, with over 100 molds, $1200 or best offer (863)634-9513 CERAMIC KILN- qooo Terra- gonr, $1250 1863i675-0550 DRAFTING TABLE & CHAIR,. 31)-42 w/siide k n.w* $60 18631824-01b.35 BOOK SHELF Like new 4 shelves $25 1239)810-3312 Emlymn Emplym Part.Time LYKES BROS., INC. RANCH DIVISION Has an opening for EQUIPMENT OPERATORS Applicant must have one (1) year prior experience with farm equipment and a valid Florida drivers license. Applications accepted Mon-Fri., 8am to 3pm at 106 SW County Road 721 Okeechobee, FL Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Drug Free Workplace M/F/D/V I Do-It-Yourself Ideas jib' Wooden Puzzles If you're handy with a jigsaw or scrollsaw, here are three easy puzzle projects to please any child. The puzzle pieces are traced from full-size patterns, so the projects require just five steps: trace the patterns onto wood, saw, sand, stain or paint and assemble. The map of the U.S. is 28 inches by 19 inches. The T-Rex stands 11 inches tall, and the Pentaceratops measures 10 inches long by 5 inches tall. Wooden Puzzles plan (No. 778)... $8.95 Wooden Toys Package (No. C125) Three other projects.. $19.95 Catalog (pictures hundreds of projects) ... $2.00 Please add $3.00 s&h (except catalog-only orders) To order, circle item(s), Please be sure to clip & send w/ check to: include your name, U-Bild Features address and the name of P.O. Box 2383 this newspaper. Allow Van Nuys, CA 91409 1-2 weeks for delivery. Or call (800) 82-U-BILD u-bild.com Money Back Guarantee 5pc BR SUITE- black & gold, like new, $350 (863)675-3793 CEDAR CHEST- New with fray Solid cedar, $125. Call (863) 467-4328 CHINA CABINET Glass front, lighted, old, $200 firm. (863)763-6336. CHINA- Mahogany, 34" class shelves, lights inside $300 (561)704-3690 COUCH & LOVESEAT, black, leather, exc. cond., like new, $550. (954)931-9946 CRAFTMATIC BED 4 years old, rarely used, massage Sjnif. $500 863-461-5800. DINETTE SET- table, 4 capt. chairs, mauve, good condi- tion, $150 (863)1467-9054 DINING TABLE & 4 CHAIRS- wicker, glass, $50 (561)704-3690 FOLD UP COTS (2) new mat- tresses $40 will separate (863)467-7792 GLASS TOP DINING TABLE w/ 6 chairs, $525 1239)537-4253 RECLINER large, leather, hunter green, $50 or best of- fer. (863)763-6346 SOFA- 2yrs old, wine colored, with recliners at each end $300 1863)675-0777 SOFA- beige, blue, mauve. less inan 1 yr old,. new $500 asking $250 1863)635-3918 (8631528-0825 Frostproof SOFAS (2) like new 76" long. firm support, $500 will sell separate 1863)467-06;70 TABLE & CHAIRS- custom made 42" sq oak table, 4 Windsor chairs, very good' cond $350 (863)763-2458 Tan cloth 3 pc Sectional sola, matching over stuffed swivel chair, 2 end and 1 coffee ta- ble, $15001239)537-4253 GOLF CLUBS- full set, metal airways, 1,3,5, excellent condition, $150 (8631467-9892 LADIES CALLAWAY- Woods 0-2. 3 4, 5 & 7. Putter, PW 8.,7 6, 5, 4 & 3 Irons All $400 neg 863-467-1910 GOLF CLUBS- Ladies, Ping with bag Great conillion $100. or best offer (863) 357-6703 TOMMY GUN- .45' ACP $900 18631697-1443 DUMB BELL SET- with rack, $40 1863)467-5299 WEIGHT BENCH- $10 (863)467-5299- ENGAGEMENT RING GOLD 3/4K diamond Soilaire. W/ band, Appraised $1800 sell for $1000/neg (863)763-3765 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee Thursday, February 16,2006 I Internet I Internet % n xk. I. I rpj j I I, f, T. I... r. 11 1.1 \ 4 A 0.0. im, ....... .... .... ...... ------------ -- -------- -- -------------- ----- ----- ------ ------ --- Thuirsdav February 16. 2006 *O/o 7O/0 7, :7/7, ^FI ,A0e ./toado .JWome Specializing In Ne THERESA "TERI" LEE RANGEL Licensed Real Estate Broker 700 W. Sugarland Hwy. OFFICE # 863-983-0075 49 AFTER HRS # 863-228-1142 REDUCED! Drop Dead Gorgeous Must See (Big, Beautiful & Like Brand New) 4/2 over 3,000 sq. ft. Northside, Cornerlot been remodeled, repaired & repainted asking $415K Cute As A Button with beautiful hardwood floors to t ,' .,_ r, die for 3/2 CBS home in immaculate condition asking Brand new $219,900 located on the North Side 943 Gerace C New I is& oveee e, e.e 1998 Lovy 3/2 H over ara tfy ede. "elexs Are O, Moore Ha Read To Go! Asking $82K Large Lot. 1 Prime Location This 3/2 w/ over 2100 sq.ft. Ranchette Just reduced Styled home sits on almost a 1/2 acre corner lot on 1 of Vacant land Clewiston's finest avenues! Asking $289.9K g 1. Commercial Building Over 4,000 sq.ft. w/Apt. for on- -laen.-* o site living Call 4 More Info. Lot for sale Industrial Rentals Coming Soon! Haven,$25,0( New Listing (Investors Get It Quick!) Beautiful Lo Triplex w/ a pool & great monthly income asking 199K Moore Haven Call For Details. Lovely Lot 3/2 MH rental in Seminole Manor. Moore Have We invite you to stop by our office or call today for our list of listings and free local maps to help you get where your headed or just call for an appt. and SA Olde Towne Realty, Inc. will take you there. 5H wi Aftere .Hours rBPhh n 52 ....i . M i.,g u 'iE A n n ',' ,,lvDi,,TOA,,T, i iii, l RESIDENTIAL. CLEWISTON MONT'lTA F NE s t S a I ., L.- AkD.m.,- ii LA; . A CPF A.. MH n i,. t r 3- E 1.. U.,] .. 1 '. - HAL. e'BA- P ': B.RlJ..A, BR :, FUGHLA.,DS COtrlNTY i 1, .J 1'SB- F" L,-, ,fw -iRL I r EALE ,- S ,Tb' E-Mail,:': ehra' ui' s ar C Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee I I I I I M-k'r- -low .~.lip -an RST LOCAL IISATOR IN T#WMa ! w Construction Resale Investment Vacant Land Commercial Property Phone: 863-946-3900a IEVERCGL DES Fax: 863-946-3902EA T 8 US Hwy. 27, Moore Haven REALTV, INM . Jeffrey A Davis Lic. Real Estate Broker "Service, Excellence, Results Y 'Ir. e CBS 3/2 most appliances incl. .Bran,!.t, ;t, Moore Haven, $168,375 Moore Haven $l.7.90F tome on 3 Lots, 414 Avenue Single Family Home. 669 Park Avenue, aven. $224,900 Moore Haven $245,000 city Limits, Moore Haven, Singlewide Mobile Home, 400 Pine from $93,000 to $87,000 crest, Moore Haven $55,000 1 Acre, Moore Haven, $52,900 Doublewide Mobile Home, 921 Yacht rA iffMoore Club Way, Moore Haven $132,750 Moore Haven River Gardens lots start- 1/4 acre tract, Moore ing at $38,000 / 0 ot for sale 956 Watson Way, "Coming Soon" RIVERS EDGE 1/3 acre n $45,000 tracts, River view quiet community close for sale, 954 Gerace Court, to lake call for details. Homes by Brian n, $40,000 Sullivan NO REALTORS PLEASE!! 5.91 AcRos S600,lOROl t A-- --T- T 1 3 ACRES IN LAItiA E MOTIVATED SELLER MAKE Us AN OFFER! S .*J...-8 ri..'-4 ~ fE3~.J~~ ImumEm i\IbumI Now! MtJ~IME1 MI-fERT THSPM Of E\EH M (3E1 HTUfR C@ TODAY!! a .......... -......-........1 ......... ... 5~~ l V2i DV DSS LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER S 420 E. SUGARLAND IHWY. -_ (863) 983-6663 S*MS (863) 983-9770 WEBSITE: DYESSREALESTATE.COM E-MAIL: ANN @'DYESSREALESTATE.COM AFTE..R f-OURS: ANN DYESS FAYE KELTING LAURA SMITH TRAVIS DYESS (863) 983-8979 (863) 677-0707 (863)599-1209 (863)228-2215 RESIDENTIAL New Construction 3BR/2BA MONTURA 2BR: 1BA w/ detached Sugarland Circle 3BR.2BA.1.25ac. $160,000; 24'-30' metal budlhng 2BR 2BA home. detached PIONEER $162.000 garage w. guest suite on 2BR. 2BA M- 2 5 ac. $89.SH) 3BR, 1 1/2 BA and 12.80 ac. Call for details 3BR /2 BA and CBS T-Plex Until 4BR VACANT LAND efI'hen:cy $131,000 2BAUnit22BR, 1BAUnit3 5 areas orneer $125.0.0 4BR. 3BA Del Monte 2BR. I BA $279,000 8 Monutra Lots Available $314,000 2BR, I 1!2 BA Condo 18) ac Ladeca 169.00 on 3B 4rv150 Carp, Lar, 9 .. MOBILE HOMESCOMMERCIAL 4BR. 3 .LIgew.od 4BR/2BA 2003 DN I BLldLran 2476 sq. I't on US $-I 10.000 s0 th 30'x50' mrral budding 2; 100'l00' $550.000 3BR. 2BA Lht-, .ru%.' and 2.16 acres 1 9.2900 C.:rrarrimn.i-al B, .dlr ;5"'il2 ' p.:.l Ne- SJbdi.ision MOORE HAVEN [rD : ail + $375.01.) 3BR. IBA CBS 3 I.:. lR + 3 B c f i h ot 'i n1 -' .'i, l u" 3 il ,9 .S.ill- :-BR 2BA .o.-ksh.:., p. nl.; Cabinet Shop 4_00I q It $2,1.a ui,'i- & Apt $200.000 SPECIAL River Front home under $300K, right on the Caloosahatchee River, Gulf access and minutes form Lake Okeechobee. Laundry room and work- shop in garage. This home won't last at this price. *NOWl' ON THE MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE TO BETTER SERVE OUR CUSTOMERS!!" - -. -- -- -- -- -_ CBS New Construction Only X6" 9 avail- able. 3 bd/2 ba/1 garage Texas Ave., Harlem S/D 1673 sq ft. Special Loan Pkges. LUTZ BUILDERS $151,300 Why buy old when you can get Brand New? No Other Listing compares to this North Side on Avenida Del Rio 3bd/2ba home, 2 car garage, Tile through out, New alu- minum roof, Hurricane shutters, Irrigation System, Move in turn key Pristine Clean going @ $264.9K New Listing! 2bd/2ba home located in Pioneer Plantation sits on 7.5 acres. It has a front porch and the whole prop- erty is completely fenced. Call Luan for more information! Acreage in Pioneer Plantation (4) 2.5 Acre Tracts 1. Tampa Ave This property is fenced and has many mature native trees, which include FL Pine, Oak and several 35-40 ft. tall treasured Sable Palms. 2. 155 Union Ave. This property is secluded, heavily wooded w/ native Pine, Oak and Palms. Wildlife wanders freely and the quietness of these woods is awe- some. 3. Sweetwater Ave. This property has many beautiful trees that include wild maple and oaks. Small man-made lake hidden in thick trees & brush. There is an abundant of wildlife. 4.195 Union Ave. This property is untouched and very private. Heavily wood- ed with paths throughout created by Florida's native wildlife. .;,,>* od-0yo-dous 1) Home Improvement Business! Established Home improvement business and convenience store on 2.5 acres. Fullyeqipped and permittedafe readyto be opened. Located near the Clubhouse in Montura Randch. All furniture, fixtures, equipment and inventory included. Beyour own boss!! Call forGlenn @677-1441 for more information. MLS# 200530488 2) Moore Haven 3 br/2 ba mobile home Oversize Living Room with Cathedral Ceilings. Large open kitchen and formal dining room. Large rear deck with built in bbq and gazebo. Must see at $124,900 MLS# 200540984 3) Reduced!! 4 bedroom/2 batover 2400 sq.ft- mobile home in Moore Haen. Home was new in '04. Split floor plan. Cathedral ceilings, large open kitdien with island. Beautiful home reduced forquicksale. Must see@$129,900 MIS#200521690 4) Reduce du .SIaa u vontura Ranch. M S / ns.y n sale. Mustsee@$70,00IMLS#200521640 5)'05 Homes of Merit 3 Bedroom/2 Bath home on a man m -.. npgraIde. newwhenthisone is only $134,900 MLS#200514068 6) Port Labelle Build able Lot ready for your new home $59,900 MLS# 200512627 7) Land Ho!! Beautiful 10 acre parcel located on Al Don Farming Rd. Just Y' mile off of Highway 80.Just a short ride from Labelle and Ft. Myers. High and dry and waiting for your new home. $299,900 MLS# 200533528 8) New Listing!! 2.5 acres in Pioneer Plantation. Great location-just 1 Block south of Tampa on Hendry Isles Blvd. Property will not last long at $74,900 MLS# 200614840 1) New Listing!! 8 Acres in Montura Ranch buildable lots-4 @1.25 acres and 3 I e, rrnt 200602389 2) Del Monte Ave 3 Bedroom/2 Bath CB5S he or O.er .'realking d rtanr VArhDLak 259,9ju0 MLS# 200520398 3) Montura Ranch Estates Large Honle. Ic3:re-. HnLocate te n Ha cAen ,t e ,I not lall DiIl I I.MLLS 200528863 4) Pioneer Plantation 3 bedroom " bath v Vtil nl n lTTIIl ier, nice pr ei fl..jI lh . Must M i MLS# 200514439 5) Pioneer Plantation 2.5 wooded acres on Riviera. Listed at $84,900 MLS# 200604536 6) Pior a rt 'aPI IPpriced for quick sale. Partially cleared and listed at $124,900 MLS# 200603592 7)Your Home Here!! Call the Smith/Williams team!! Let us show you how we can market your home to over 6 million potential buyers a month!! At&".W Se Habla Espanol Looking for the impossible? Opportunity seldom knocks twice! 5 acres on US 27 on the Palm Beach/ Hendry County line. Over 937 feet on US 27 for easy access priced right for a quick sale @ $275K Don't let this one get away! One of a kind!!! 3 bedroom 2.5 bath home on Del Monte. Almost 3500 sq. ft. under air. Caged pool & Spa with poolside kitchen. Separate office building with half bath. Could easily be converted to a 4 or 5 bedroom home. Too many extras to list. Photos & info on realtor.com MLS#200521924. Moore Haven River Gardens 7 Lots Available. New Construction in Growing Area. Build Your Dream Home Here! Meyerchick Drive, Lot #15, on the pond @$62K Thatcher Blvd., near the river @$68,000.00 Thatcher Blvd., Lots 6 & 7 or 8, $58,500.00 each Thatcher Blvd., Lots 11 or 12, @$60K each MUSE Absolutely Perfect for your dream- home. 20 Fenced Acres w/ pond. Lots of 10 year old pines w/ some oaks. Priced below recent sales. Will Go Fast! Only $409,900.00 863-228-3255 11 Gr a CBS Hom I. olI fjIdolfand Marti i rf l V Back Yard, Tiled Through-out. Potential for 4th Bedroom. $209,9K. 2) W.Ventura 2bd/1 ba. in Brand New Condition Ready to Move in. Hard wood Floors, 'New Appliances, 8ft. Privacy Fence, Big Back Yard. Don't Miss On This Great Deal! $97K. 3) Reduced'w J'k Sale: 1.09 Acres. 2bdIlof If-I in MRE. Walking DUV Irom Mary Lou's Store. Price Reduced to $60K. 4) New Listing! 3bd/2ba MH in MRE on 1.25 Ac. Land is Cleared With Beautiful Pines. Home is Very Spacious With Great Floor Plan. Place is Immaculate! $108,5K. 5) Moore Haven Yacht Club 2bd/2ba MH w/ extra lot, *Included in Purchase Price* Partially furnished & Squeaky Clean! 55 & older community. Reduced to $129,900 for quick sale. G REDUCED! YOU Ml Tell your wife to qu because you have f place located on a Country Side Meado Double-Wide 3 bedr mobile home feature master, bath, formal family room, and it yard with lots of tre MOO! There's room ft pigs, gof o in Mon ; included ada for living. Available for Definitely Not Nice Bd disaster! Fix It I be livable. Anyway, doublewide mobile Manor for not much value at $39.9K Looking for peace, this 4bd/2ba dbwi located in MRE. Hon living room and sep with a fireplace. Gar bedroom only $152 New Listing! 2bd/2 home walking dista mentary schools a Home has new carpet new flooring. Local Manor you can't pa $79.9K! - .-: --- =--- ..... Maribel }onzalez 61-722-7347 Se Habla Espanol UST SEE TODAY! it looking around found the perfect a quiet .street in ws, Moore Haven. room 2 bathroom es a garden tub in living room, and even has a fenced es. or a contented cow, Uft~tlf i acres 'MH is .11Ell place only $105,000.00 e, In fact it's a 2 ip and it may just you can buy this home in Seminole more than the lot & quiet? Step into de mobile home ie features formal arate family room den tub in master K ba dbwide mobile dance to local ele- and high school. et throughout and ated in Seminole ss this up @ only SamJ. Cathy S. Ashley Enrique Jerry W. Charles Walker Garcia P. Wood r., Acosta Smith H. Kehm 863-677-1013 863-228-4798 863-228-1132 305506-5876 561-261-3444 3059682262 Se Hbla Espno7l : 7 SeHa~bla EpaEol 301-961-3442 Montura Tracts, I List, Show and Sell Very Nice 3 bedroom 2 1/2 Great starter home or invest- New Listing! 3BD/2BA 30 acres of pasture and woods in New Listing! Established 1.25AcreTracts. Call Forlnformation or bathroom home with large meni pre tura Nice Kept,Many Fruit Ladeca. $25,000.00 /acre. Rare commercial upholstery Appointment! Florida room. This home Ran 4/2 Trees,New A/C, combination of seclusion in a natural business and property Need a Building? We have a also has an efficiency and is split 0f1 be Horseshoe Ac. @ $145k setting! $250K 12,500sq.ft. Engineered Steel located very close to our local just W i W for. 5 wooded acres in Ladeca. $150K Building on 5 Ac. Offered @ $21 5K elementary schools. Give me Start your New Year offright Montura Ranch 3bd/2ba Call me for vacant land. Lots or New Listing! Beautiful Tower Lakes! DBLWDE 3/2 1782 and call I would love to show with country living at its best. MH looks like a log acreage. building lot/investment Sq.Ft. Liberty Home. On a Large this home to you. This home 1.25 ac., priced to sell at only cabin, on paved road, property in Port LaBelle Fenced Corner Lot with is being offered at $89,900. appt, today!! tenant occupied,fenced, 2.5 acres in Montura, cleared and $55K Lakefront. @ $94.9K $149,900. new septic @ $1 24,900 fenced $92K Mobil, Adr D TlSs in I have the time to list, show 2.5 Acres in Montura going @ $85K New Listing! 1.25 Acre Lot Montub l '4 LYWKfli s Cathy S. Garcia is a life- and sell your property. I 1.25 ac IMPROVED FREE located in Montura Ranch long resident of Clewiston pledge to you the most cus- home with purchase of 2.5 Acres in Montura going @ $90K Estates going @ $45K Pioneer Beautiful Cabin on 2.5 and tomer service any Realtor can land, single-wide MH 5 Acres in Pioneer going @ 179.9K acres @ $249.9 newest member of our offer. Just ask my past cus- offered @ $68,900 As a new home owner and 10 Acres Al Don Farming Rd. @ team. tomers! (References avail- Bring the kids & dog! This is a full time resident of $299K able) Call Today!!!! Pioneer Plantation!!!! big lot. 3bd/2ba brick home, Clewiston it will be my SAcres on Highway 27 going 2.5 acres wow! @ pool & fenced $319,000.00 pleasure to assist you with 27Ac5Kres on HighwaySugar Realty is proud $89,900 New Development! Call me for your commercial and resi- to announce our spon- sky valley lots. dential real estate needs. Just Outside of Town! sorship of the 2006 New Listing! 2bd/1 ba With over 30 years of land, Fleetwood Home on a beautiful a Y 2 Si of t ean on huge lots in Handy man's special! Bring your home & commercial prop- hop with office listed a 24x30 Miss Sugar Pt agent Horseshoe Acres. Bring tools. Located in Moore Haven erty sales experience I am $174.0K Call for an appointment all offers. Seller an As Is frame house going for looking forward to serving today! Call for more Motivated $165K $65K the business and residen- information! tial community. 1 00S.. Merer .- cr ssfron Wtm 86 -&3 93 3vvv -s gzr zt yS) IES [B... .-r- .--r- .... AL ; I I lul oucly, -- I Houses Sale I Houses Sale I Houses Sale I Houses Sale I Houses Sale e 1 [ ( 1 { ! I Houses Sale I Houses Sale I Houses Sale I Houses Sale 1025 i I I Thursday, February 16, 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee a LAMPS (3) $10 for all. (863)357-4831. PATIO BAR- with 6 chairs, pewter color wrought iron frame, ceramic tile top, exc cond. $500 (863)467-4253 PICNIC TABLE custom built, seats 8, 2" lumber was $850 now $450 slight hurricane damage (863)467-6875 PICNIC TABLE custom built, seats 8, was $850 now $450 slight hurricane dam- age (863)467-6875 Ie 0 65 I0 I ACTION SCOOTER, Heavy Duty. Excellent condition. $650. or best offer (863)675-2596 LIFT CHAIR- Like new condi- tion. $425. (863)467-4328 MOBILITY SCOOTER, Pride Revo SE63, 3 WhI. Like new. Used indoors only. Pd. $1995, now, $800. (863)517-1708 RAMP "Moving On Mobility". Aluminum, 5 Ft. w/cover. For Hover-Round Wheel chair $225 or best offer. (863)675-2596 WHEEL CHAIR- Extra large, up to 5001bs, asking $100 (239)657-2427 Angel WHEEL CHAIR LIFT Hydraulic- electric, for van or mini bus $300 (863)357-1632 ask for, Gene WHEELCHAIRS, good shape oversized, new, $250. 863-357-8788, leave phone #. - WHEELCHAIRS, regular adult size $175. 863-357-8788, leave phone #. Complete Screen room, 30'x9' $1000 (863)697-2434 CRUISE- 7 NIGHTS, EASTERN CARIBBEAN. Brand new ship sailing r/t from Ft. Lauderdale November 2006- March 2007. From $499 (port taxes included) with FREE BUS! (800)741-1770, www.alla- boardtravel.com. FLEA MARKET ITEMS New & used. Large inventory. Bring lots of boxes. $350 for all. (863)357-0037 MOBILE HOME DOOR 32x76 Left hand no window $40 (863)357-1657 PAINTING -Framed 28x40 Couch sized painting, Moun- tain water, trees scene, Must sell! $85 (863)824-0801 T-CLOTHES POLES- (2) heavy duty, steel. excellent cond no' rust, $40 (863)675-0550 ELECTRIC PIANO- Korg P80, L'IKE NEW 3 sleal Ai $800 >r belst jnr v863)763-3229 IBANEZ AK85 GUITAR- like new, $500 or best offer '863)763.3229 ORGAN- Freedoml II with all instruments and stool, exc cond. $1500 or best offer (863)467-4253 BABY MINI POT BELLY PIGS $50 each. Call Debbie (863)983-7702 CANARY- red frosted female, $80 (863)357-3639 CHIHUAHUA, Toy puppy, Shots current, Health Cert. $350. (863)675-3729 or (863)675-2541 JACK RUSSELL PUPS- color- ful, shots, wormed, $250 (239)340-8503 PIT BULLS, 2, Male, White, Red Nose. Less than 1 year old. $150 each or both for $250. (863)673-2354 YOUNG DOVES- various col- ors $15 each (863) 675-6214 after 6 pm LaBelle area. PAINT BALL GUN- wit' 2 tanks, mask, Tipman 'tio Lite, $80 (863)697-1443 PITCHING MACHINE- Louis- ville Slugger, like new, $50 firm! (863)467-1574 RIFLE, 22 cal., Single shot $100. (863)467-9892 High Power CD player, Pio- neer, AM/FM, detachable face, retail-$300 sell $200 in box (863)357-0448 AIR COMPRESSOR- upright, 220 V. w/pressure regulator, filter & long hoses, $200 (863)675-3357 BAND SAW- 1 hp, Sears, stand, tilt head, 12", $140 (863)674-0467 BEN&H DRILL PRESS w/ bits, 10" table saw, 4" belt disc sander, 6" grinder w/stand, Bench band caw w' cabinel 36" woci latrie w, luos, 6" joiner planer. ssoried clamps, wood.chisels, rouler and table, air compressor 4 dr tools cne;st on wheevi. box of tools. & miIs( 31ji rough cut. wood. (863)674-5770 after 4pm COLEMAN POWERMATE GENERATOR 5-6,000 wian surge, used 1 week, $500 (863)692-2229 GENERATOR- new, $375 firm, ()72)201-8932 PACHINKO MACHINE- me- cranical vertical J3apnese pinball, good cond $70 or' be;tjoer (8635 .7406b DAEWOO VCR- like new $25 or best offer (863)467-0670 WANTED: FL ART A.E. Backus, J. Hutchinson H. Newton, G. Buckner, E. Buckner, L. Roberts, A. Hair, R A. McClendon, S. Newton, BIG $$ (772)562-5567 READING A NEWSPAPER... makes you a more inftoned and ifefesting peron. Mo wander newspaper readers are more suceusfull Agriculture I Christmas Trees 745 Farm Equipment 805 Farm Feed/Products 810 Farm Miscellaneous 815 Farm Produce 820 Farm Services Offered 825 Farm Supplies/ Services Wanted 830 Fertilizer 835 Horses 840 Landscaping Supplies 845 Lawn & Garden 850 Livestock 855 Poultry/Supplies 860 Seeds/Plants/ Flowers 865 HORSE- 5yr old, Gelding, Palomino, Rides good. $800 or best offer. (863)697-2412 Tennessee Walker/Appaloosa Geldinl red ro n, gaiied. 15 2 nands, i5 yrs old, $1100. (239)353-7517 Snapper mowers, 12hp, 42" and 30" 11200 itr[h of will I epIIle L aBJICe 1863517.-2077 LAWN CART- Pull bniNri iII- tg. $50 e('.4ib9.325.7 LAWN EDGER- Briggs lr ral- I nrl gaj eing n ie 1.-i 1954 629 3259 LAWN TRACTOR- Craftsman #DLT3000, 18.5 hp; 42" cut, elec stajr, auIo trans, $1050 (863)599-0887 RIDING MOWER- Murray, 42" cut, hydrostatic transmission $600 (863)763-8548 TRACTOR restored Gilson. 11h/p; 4spd. New tires, tubes, Danerv & sea Reibuiri eng $350 (863)46-6696t Okeechobee Livestock MarketSales every Mon. 12pm & every Tues. 11am. 763-3127 PLATTS BLUFF, 3br Home, washer/dryer, all utilities in- :luded 1400 mo Is1. Last & Sec req 863-357-4453 Real Estate I Business Places - Sale 1005 Commercial Property Sale 1010 Condos,' Townhouses Sale1015 Farms Sale 1020 Houses Sale 1025 Hunting Property 1030 Investment Property Sale 1035 Land Sale 1040 Lots Sale 1045 Open House 1050 Out of State - Property Sale 1055 Property Inspection 1060 Real Estate Wanted 1065 Resort Property - Sale 1070 Warehouse Space 1075 Waterfront Property 1080 Belle Glade, Muti-Unit CBS Apartments. 1 & 2 Bdrm. CI1 Thompron-Broker I. t6)99 -5294 CLEWISTON, 4br, 2ba, 2 car gar. Brand new on a large lot. $326,900. (786)326-3502 DUPLEX- 3/1 & 1/1, on 2 lots, new roof, Great income property $160,000/neg. (863)599-0611 MONTURA, 3br, 2ba, New Home. 1+ ac. Owner financ- ing. (863)675-6129 MOTIVATED SELLER. Lake Port Mobile Home,.1.1 acres, detached garage, 2 sheds, Sunsetter awning, wood deck, Ig alum car port, on public water, near fish eating creek. $139,900, Call Frank (954)347-5604 NEWER HOME- 3/2 on 5 acres, between Labelle & Clewiston, Partial fencing, many extras, $249,000 (239)297-5864 PORT LaBELLE 3br, 2ba. 1 car garage. On Greenbelt. Nice condition. For more info, (863)675-3699/673-4828 PORT LaBelle: Unit 4, Modern 3/2 Newly renovated, Large lot. $1400 mo. + sec. dep. & ref.Call 863-673-5071. REMODELED 2BR/2BA house, $135,000 537 E. Ventura Owner/Realtor (863)228-0221 or(863)805-0066 |IlllllJII11ll(dillk MOORE HAVEN 33471 TOP LOCATION - Will Divide City block next to court- house, government center, high school, 500 feet on US #27, Ideal for Bank, Fast Food, Law, Medical, Retail, Realtor, Insurance, etc. Call owner- Pat Looking for a place to hang your hat? Look no further than the classified. MONTURA, 1.25 acres, $38,000 Carolyn Thomas Realty Inc. (863)946-1957 OCALA/ ORLANDO, FLORIDA AREA. $15,000 DISCOUNT. 1.7- 21 Acres from $149,900. Rolling hills, views, trails. Only 2 miles- 1-75. Discount ends 2/28. Brok e r/ O w ner. (352)330-0022. Port LaBelle, 2 vacant bldg. or investment lots- 80x125, Moss Circle or Hob Court. New homes on street, phone, elec., water. Owner may con- sider financing. Your choice $39,900 (941)924-5120 or mail rabj64@yahoo.com Port LaBelle Off RT 80, Ranch 'area. Location: Aspen Blvd. & March Ln. Block 68, Lot 73. $71,500. (561)790-0053 Rentals Apartments 905 Business Places 910 Commercial Property 915 Condos/ Townhouses Rent920 Farm Property - Rent 925 House Rent 930 Land Rent 935 Resort Property - Rent 945 Roommate 950 Rooms to Rent 955 Storage Space . Rent 960 -Build To Suit- Up To 10,000 SQ. FT. Belle Glade Area -alI6126-67 WATERFRONT! 2 acres +/- $159,900. Gorgeous acreage, great views, pristine shoreline & deep boatable water! Near Bath NC. Enjoy access to ICW, Sound, At- lantic. Paved road, under- ground utilities, well water, septic approved. Excellent fi- nancing. By appointment on- ly. Call now (800)732-6601 x1497. Waterfront Land Sale! Direct Waterfront Parcels from only $9,900! 2 acres dockable with Log Cabin Pkg. from $89,900! 4.5 acres dockable Waterfront only $99,900! All properties are new to the market! Call toll-free (866)770-5263 ext. 8. Grab a bargain from your neighbor's garage, attic, basement or closet in today's classified. BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLI- NA. WINTER SEASON IS HERE! MUST SEE THE BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS. Homes, Cabins, Acreage & Invest- ments. Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate, Murphy www.cherokee- mountainrealty.com Call for Free Brochure (800)841-5868. E Tennessee Lake Properties Homes from $200,000 to $1,000,000. Lakefront lots from $100,000 Lakeview lots from $35,000 Call Lake- side Realty (423)626-5820 or visit www.lakesiderealty- tn.com. EAST TENNESSEE Mountain Property. Only minutes from Gatlinburg, TN. 7 acres & Stream $39,900. 20 acres Wooded $79,900. Opening March 4th. (800)770-9311, ext.321. EASTERN TENNESSEE MOUN- TAIN HOMESITES Gated lakeside community. -1 to 5 acre wooded and lake view sile. trom ihe $.40s Planned amenities. Minutes from Chattanooga. Call today S866)292-5769 Gates of the iver. GEORGIA BLAIRSVILLE IN THE NORTH GEORGIA MOUNTAINS. Land, Homes, Commercial & Investment. Ev-ER. THliG WE TOUCH TURUIS TO SOLD" Jane Baer Realty, (706)745-2261, (800)820-7829 www.jane- baerrealv cornom. jane- baera'.illel.rinet' HORSE FARM LIQUIDATION. '20 acres- $59,900 Lush pastures, beautiful trout stream, specijcular upside lt setting, Ideal summer nome silie Terms availl Call now' (T8OO1909-5263 www uplaIleNlarid i com Large Mtn. Land Bargains, High Elevaion. Adjoins Pri-. line State Foretl )0+ AC to 350 AC S weepir, Min Views stlreimn www.Iive- inwv .rnm MOUNTAINS OF NORTH GA. The Very Bcil or Riverlroni La31erroril Acreage Tracil building Pjrcel From I to 15 Ar.res Direil From Own. Prs 1706127,6--773. MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA AAH (OOL Sr.IMMERS MILD WINTERS Anoraile Homet .x Mountain abins Land CALL FOR FREE BROCHURE (8,-1837.2288 E.XIT REAL. TV MOUNTAIN VIEW PROP- E R T I E S www e.ilmurpny corn NC AND VA Mountain Land Available 4 ac. Alleghany Co..- NC Stone Mtn. State Pk. Area A-Frame. Apt. & Garage Lake Guest House -3 goll i.our, nearby Juii *249 900 0il-. Call Sujan 1 3617a9-292. 49 a: - Surrv (,, Normn Cadrulii Boriom Land 4,000 II on Fishe River Beaulilul wood land & home sie Private lo- cation- Springs & Branches - $225,000;00 -Call Bracky (336)789-2926 86 ac - .-wgap Surry Co lorthh .arolina Beaulilu remod- ele'd house all fenced - stream old cabin timber - private Oulbuildidnas - $499,001 00 Terms available Call Susan (336)789-2926. 70+/- ac. - eulah Community Surry Co. North Carolina All cleared, grassed & fenced - panoramic view of surround- ing mtns. pond fabulous views $6,250.00 per ac. - call Bracky (336)789-2926. 215+/- ac. Carroll Co., Vir- ginia Hwy. 52 just north of Mt. Airy, North Carolina - Brick home needs updating county water long hwy. frontage possibly commer- cial $1,300,000.00. Owner financing Call Mark (336)789-2926. NC MOUNTAINS 10.51 acres on mountain top in gated community, view, trees, wa- terfall & large public lake nearby, paved private ac- cess, $1.19,500 owner www.NC77.com. NEW TO MARKET! DEEP WA- TER LOTS Beautifully situat- ed on 50 acres with 2,800 feet of magnificent frontage on Battery Creek in Beaufort, SC. Offering deep waterfront dockable, tidal creek and pri- vacy wooded lots starting from $59,900 Call (877)929-2837. North Carolina Gated Lake- front Community 1.5 acres. plus, 90 miles of shoreline. Never before offered with 20% pre-development dis- counts, 90% financing. Call (800)709-5253. TENNESSEE LAKEFRONT RE- TREATS Newly released lakefront, wooded and mountain view sites. 5 to 50 estate acres from the $39,990 90 minutes to Nashville. Don't miss the sunsets over.the lake! Call (866)339-4966. Eagles Ridge. HANDYMAN SPECIAL ~ Deep Waterfront - Great Investment 239-823-2587 Mobile Homes ! Mobile Home Lots 2005 Mobile Home Parts 2010 Mobile Homes Rent 2015 Mobile Homes Sale 2020 Mas de 40 trailas san- clas in envertario. Listas para ser senladas en su propidad. Bajo encunche y bala pago de Mensu- aledad. Llamme para mas information. (863)234-9804. MOBILE HOME- 75. br Fully Furnrc ned I.15(10 or Dest 01- ier. 1863 7675-189i MOBILE HOME & LAtID 93 HomeP; i1 Meril 2BR 2BA w dererie daragled on .3 atre 63.983-6002 OKEE.. 35 Tara, Fi rm Shea 2 eidie 25"' TV, Cnetl Freezer Complex lyv f urrn i ed 1u 001)iL 18631467.5472 Recreation Boats 3005 Campers/RVs 3010 Jet Skiis 3015 Marine Accessories 3020 Marine Miscellaneous 3025 Motorcycles 3030 Sport Vehicles./ATVs 3035 ALUM BOAT W,'TRLR- 12In 95 rip Johnson molor, $600., l8631i763-3451 ALUM WOLVERINE '57- 35hp Mere, elec start, steering wheel, full windshield $1650 (863)214-1286 BASS BOAT- 16', 1 Owner, Evirlrude 11t.rip Trolling mno- o r, uein hinder 1.r3000 (863)824-0197 ' BASS BOAT- 16'9" Challenger, 140 Evinrude, w/trlr, trolling mtr, too much to list $2500 firm (863)467-4646 CAROLINA SKIFF 16'- '97 Evinrude, 30HP, w/stainless prop, trolling mtr, fish finder, trlr, $2250 (863)612-9200 DECK BOAT- '93 Sea Nymph, 19' w/120 hp Evinrude, trail- er, ould cund $5000 firm 1863)634 t.OOI FORCE 0B 85- 125hp, LOW- ER UNIT, 20", $250 (863)467-5736 JON BOAT 12ft, V bottom, w/ trailer $300 (863)763-8415 KAYAK- sit inside, 17' Pursuit Rotomolded Sea-kayak-, good condition $600 (863)357-7406 Mercury Outboard 1984 7.5hp, used very little, tank and hoses included, $385 (863)946-3269 RINKER '83, 16'- Wilma dam- aged, 90hp Merc, controls, trir, as is $450 '(863)946-1728 Don't Miss This One SEA NYMPH 17', Aluminum, Trolling motor, 40 hp mercury, trim & tilt. D/F & TrIr. $1850 863-634-5609/35'7-4837 Sports Boat, 10'5", Mercury WaterMouth & trailer, $2,500. (863)612-0159 STARTER- $75 (863)467-5736 WANTED BOAT TRAILER for 20ft Pontoon (863)467-8567 FIFTH WHEEL- 30', w/screen room, in Lake Port, $3500, lot rent $140 (863)465-5944 HUNTER or FISHERMAN'S dream, travel trailer w/Florida room, you move $2500 neg. (863)467-6604 POP-UP CAMPER 2001 Star- craft, 10ft, nicely equipped, perfect cond. $3000 (863)467-1077 SUNLINE T2653 '95, 27 Ft., Deluxe front kitch., full ba, rear bdrm., sofa, hitch, load leveler. $7900 neg. (772)291-3206 Carriage Fifth Wheel, '93, 40', new awning, carpet, micro- wave, fridge, w/d, walk around queen bed, all oak wood, lots of storage, $6000 or best offer (561)845-7934 POLARIS 750 WAVE RUNNER '94- asking $600 no trailer (863)674-0467 BOAT MOTOR, Johnson, 15 hp., Electric Start. $550. Firm. (863)674-1065 When you want some- thing sold. advertise in the classifieds. AIR BOAT BOTTOM COATING Steeitle, 2000 SUPER SLICK Epoxy coating, 1 gal- lon $90 (863)467-6696 HONDA SHADOW VT 750- 05 Silver, Brand new. 243 mi. Accessories included $7800. (863j)675-3469 HONDA VALKYRIE 2001 V6 14k miles, greal condo Lake Pori, $8.000 (i'061338-0653- MOTORCYCLE HELMETS- 3 2-Snoitys, i-Full ace $70 Will separate (8631763-7854 VULCAN 750, '03 4,202 mi. wirndstield & saddleaqgs. $4000. 863|673-4314 anter 5pm VULCAN 750, 03 4 202 mi., windsnielo & sa allebags;, $4000 18631673-4314 arier 5pm ATV 110CC NEW 2006- 4istroPe en]j w'rev, elec slart lights w'warr, manri colors vail, (csn 0o credit Oi SALE $1399 Labile 18631674-1-944 or Naples 1239C293-6670 ATV 150CC new 2006- 4 stro'.e eig w/rev, elect Siarl. lights, w/warr, many colors avail, cash or credll ON SALE, $1599, LaBelle (8631674-1944 or Naples (239)293-6670 ATV 250CC New 2005- 4 * sroke eng, w/rev, elect slr., lights, cargo racks front & rear, w/warr, many colors avail, casr or credit ON SALE 12299 Labelle 1863i674-1944 or Naples (239)293-6670 ATV 90CC New '06- 4 stroke, engine, remote till Swiich, elec start, many colors avail w/warr, cash or credit, ON SALE $1199, LaBelle 863.31674-1944 or Naples 12391293-6670 ENGINE, KAWASAKI, brand new, 10 hp, fits.John Deere Gator or Kawasaki Mule. Never ran. $900. (863)692-2229. HONDA RECON- '02, Low hours, Senior ridden, Electric shift $2400. (863)675-0349 LeBelle area POLARIS PREDATOR '03 500cc, has motor work, $4000 (561)798-3674 Automobiles Automobiles 4005 Autos Wanted 4010 Classic Cars 4015 Commercial Trucks 4020 Construction Equipment 4025 Foreign Cars 4030 Four Wheel Drive 4035 Heavy Duty Trucks 4040 Parts Repairs 4045 Pickup Trucks 4050 Sport Utility 4055 Tractor Trailers 4060 Utility Trailers 4065 Vans 4070 CADILLAC EL DORALDO- '97, Northstar White Diamond Looks & runs good $4400 Call for detail 772-343-0012 CAMARO Z28 80- auto, all original, nice restoration pro- ject, $2000 neg. (863)634-6601 Ive msg. DODGE INTREPID -'93, 69k, Runs good. Good shape $2500 (863)467-1046 FORD ESCORT LX 1995 4dr sedan, cold air, pwr steering & brakes, 56k miles, excel. condo. $2500 (863)635-1139 FORD TAURUS SHO '96- V8, black, 2dr, tan interior, runs good $4250 (561)358-2628 FORD THUNDERBIRD 1997- Runs and looks good, $1800 neg.(863)801-9441 JEEP 2004, 4x4, 6 cyl., 9,800 miles. Willys Military Edition. Limited Edition. $14,400. Call (863)675-3278 LINCOLN TOWN CAR, '91, Cartier, silver, 126k miles, sun roof, well kept, $800. needs trans work drive able (863)467-6060 MERCURY SABLE WAGON, in Montura, engine needs work, $900 neg. (863)805-8786 MUSTANG '02- V6, auto, PW, PL, white w/tan inter. 39K mi, exc cond., $9200 (302)245-0401 Dover PONTIAC FIERO, '88, good tires, 4 cyl., 5spd., good on gas, $1500. (863)467-0030 SATURN 1991- Stick shift $1200 (863)675-2388 around 6 p.m. CLEWISTON COUNTRY ACRES Modular/Models. From $79,900 & up, 3/4/5BR, 2/3BA, acre & 1/4 available or use your land as down payment. Financing available. 863-673-6417 or 561-753-8355 AXLES- 12) #520I.i Tni onr, on 102' rlr w 4 iwh lire, 6 lug wbraeji- very ylod Conld 500 St151167 ib-7416 CAR DOLLY, e. el worLd $i50 i861')-16-23i .3 or ('281 340-5296 Moore Haven TREE RACK- 8'- for flat bed trailer $150 (863)697-2724 UTILITY TRAILER, 19', HD, dual ade '1 yr old. hold'i. 1 car a. 2 mni)lorblkes t$1750 (561)909- 7 367 FORD AEROSTAR 1989, Red, V6, Auto., A/C Lo0oS & Runs good. ,2500 or e.:ps offer. (772)291-3206 Public Notices i Public Notice 5005 State Public - Legal Notice 5500 * f a II LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE TO: Bibiana &Salva Gonzalez 212S. Lopez Street Clewiston, FL 33440 You are hereby notified that the property stored by you with S & E Properties, Inc. Self Storage of Clewiston, 600 Block of East Obispo Avenue, Clewis- ton, Florida believed to be household and miscellaneous will be sold to the highest bidder for cash at 600 Block of East Obispo Avenue, Clewiston on February 25, 2006. At the hour of r nnnur tn .stisfy rental in the We reserve the right to refuse any and all bids. 114504 CGS 2/16,23/06 NOTICE OF MEETING The Barron Water Control District Board of Supervisors will meet at 10:00 am on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 at the office of the District, 3293 Dellwood Terrace, Port LaBelle, Florida. rt oP I I:I I I Ir i: T :.lilr,, I ,, I ,I. au..I Board action. This meeting is open to the public. Mark Colbert, Chairman 113518 CB/CGS 2/16/2006 SaleMobile Home Mobile Home Sale Do-It-Yourself Ideas i "T iiM Chest on Chest Do-it-yourselfers looking for an original design for the bedroom will love this chest on chest project. It's part of a beautiful six-piece country-pine bedroom set that also includes a headboard, night stand, armoire, dresser and mirror. The chest on chest mea- sures 70 inches tall by 42 inches wide by 20 inches deep. Chest on Chest plan (No. 680) ... $9.95 Pine Bedroom Set Package (No. C56) Six matching projects incl. 680 .. $24.95 Catalog (pictures hundreds of projects) ... $2.00 Please add $3.00 s&h (except catalog-only orders) To order, circle item(s), Please be sure to clip & send w/ check to: include your name, U-Bild Features address and the name o P.O. Box 2383 this newspaper Allow Van Nuys, CA 91409 1-2 weeks for delivery. Or call (800) 82-U-BILD u-bild.com Money Back Guarantee A/f 9 %h H The most important 20 minutes of your day is the time spent reading with your child from birth to age nine. I 1 Ford Model T 1926 touring car, 600 miles on restoration, runs out well, $10,500 (863)467-0423 Quinn FORD EXPLORER '93- V6, AT limited edition w/leather. all power, good paint, 104K, $2500 neg (561)248-8100 GOLF CART- 94 Easy Go, top 2 seats, elec, no charger, $950 neg (863)675-1472 DRAW TITE HITCH w/Receiver & 2" ball. Fits '91-'94 Ford Explorers. Pd. $150, Now $75. (863)517-1708 POS TRAC UNIT- 8.5 w/gears, 342 & 373, $250 or best of- fer (863)467-8856 TRANSMISSION- 4L60E, $300 or best offer (863)467-8856 CHEVYW 10'86 -ext. cab, runs but needs a motor $300 (863)634-7394 CHEVY SILVERADO 19A6. V8 Diesel no a: $1 300 (863)357-7214 after 5pm FORD F250 '00- Club cab, $14,000 .(863)763-8415 , LEER TOPPER- For 8' Chevy bed. Like new. $875. (239)872-7793 NERF BARS- Blad,, Excellent coondilOn $200. Call .(850)251-8817 TOYOTA PU 87- musI see. verr/ 10w liTes (863)163-6097 TRUCK CAP- 8i, sliding wn. dW ll jii jrounfd, 300 177212i-8932 0 a? me:- Uilyrale THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY: Lj, .,i Iin L l Lie I.UC')iU h. ').I, "ilJ"iK l J1 r, r, 4A T 'ini, i r, hi. iyl -' ri I 4l'T u T ,r.,ir : nz ,iylj I ',.la'Tjir ir, IN, (if)r -3r6ilI i r aoui'l .fioiiw in r ASAt i'riuri ,0a DsirI rir. :re l'l 1e | 'lIii (is llnIc l I sle pI'II i r :. j r.e ,.0 i ,il[i i '' i 9 1:: itli O Il,"l.lr l I ;I. I) ]i o.:l llj F'is i IOn r .i HIrI l L-.2 NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE CENTRAL COUNTY WATER CONTROL DISTRICT You are hereby notified that the Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Jri .,,l r11 C r h l N ei e W rl ic-lay Febru- i -y -' i at l fi .i ir Monr ur, i..r.nru.cr Mu.'aurs Rjfrcn E-rIrei .l~il. H il. 8 j Cirliew.:lun FlnolO irn purpe Oi l Ir: iTrieellr.g s0 err, i:ji'f i 'o wi i3nu l riu i : wrtich .rSy 0:l7 )i i reifif b.On 1 e .I 3A pir. A.l" '.rtl.: I .) I apnel in d.:(r;i n ol LrI, ,JjdO rI S i'e'v,I.ei wa r,ri'1-.il aI r, iTnrr li ,s'"end x3 n punrliC r r.:T.r.i] p r:i rere.il rflrrel rhe m.e.,r. r r, iei 1.,s iio .1:61 C" iredo revs; iTi.,]: .J.e r lh i 'lll,:l'a rIjl .r,j iri. apnoeal is based. i rJ .J A li, :I "A. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE TO: Mada Llorea 215 Avonida Del Centro Clewiston, FL 33440 l.i. ;r. i lrl.rl i.. io r i. luve rre : il 1 6I,i l l .l re l. ri toiruram, vf Ci;r.ii of h) ii.n la [ .iiiiu h c in rl.Ssi r.ic ) ri hir.;.:. riiii r i ,ii. :.r. ., S it) hr.,: 'ic IJ. 25, 200; Ar ine rnul uf Ii1 O iJty 10 : i ] rInV'n l. in ire Wr ., :;i' airi n r.li l s etu,' ,ray aid ill 114498CGS2/16,23/06 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING The Area Housing Commission of Cle- wiston, LaBelle and Hendry County will hold the Regular Monthly Meeting on Thursday February 16 2006 at 5.00 EM. at The Greentree South Commu- nity Center at LaBelle, Florida, Hendry County. The purpose of the meeting is to conduct the general business and consider any other matter that may be brought be- fore the Housing Commission. Any person or persons wishing to appeal any decision made at such meeting TI .i ri'- i'l 1a a a l tiii ic ord ; I- ijiy. i rinh ri e ii i -r. Tl ,II]) .'IW O llIh,:llji], ,illA tU 'l'( t). 1.:1,:,, r H,:", y Luu',ry 1jurn-Pil Housing, Inc." 115000 CO/CGS 2/16/06 Need a few more bucks to purchase something deer? Pick up some extra bucks when you sell your used items rin the classifeids. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR HENDRY COUNTY CIVIL DIVISION GREEN TREE SERVICING LLC F/K/A GREEN TREE FINANCIAL SERVICING CORPORATION, Plaintiff vs. CASE NO. 05-992-CA CARLOS M. CRUZ; THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF CARLOS M. CRUZ; JAC- QUELINE CRUZ; THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JACQUELINE CRUZ; IF LIVING, INCLUDING ANY UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF SAID DEFENDANTSS, IF REMARRIED, AND IFDECEASED, THE RESPECTIVE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVI- SEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, CREDITORS, LIENORS, AND TRUS- TEES, AND ALL OTHER PERSONS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST THE NAMED DEFEN- DANT(S); UNKNOWN TENANT #1; UN- KNOWN TENANT #2, Defendants) NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to a Final Summary Judgment of Foreclo- sure entered in the above-styled cause, in the Circuit Court of Hendry County, Florida, I will sell the property situat in Hendry County, Florida, de- scribed as: THE NORTH 1/2 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 44 SOUTH RANGE 32 EAST, HENDRY COUNTY FLORIDA. SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT FOR AN ACCESS ROAD -OVER THE WEST 30 FEET THEREOF ALSO KNOWN AS LOT NO. 2799, MONTURA RANCH ESTATES. To include a: 1998 MERI HS; VIN#FLHMLCB118517742A; TITLE #74071354 1-' ,,IE R vH Virl n .H .i.a116': ii J.2B, TITLE #74071355 NK/A 625 NORTH JINETE STREET CLEWISTON, FLORIDA 33440 il tubhil. e a lr dO0 0.CI:i AM C.r a. .)0; vein e1ai.lr .i 3ime asn ie Uiio lu i r higrne. l bi r or bioacer I. >l r.i:h Im ir i io'IomI:e al the iCnI oi t(,..ui (.)ur ir, inre He.iijy rj.011n C(u ilnouse Ibe'.ij ire ecuriad oIlor ')iiwi Oi ine Her.ory COunry C,'ari BuIiOiingi) Liele FL t3J,%3 (n M. in:r, 8 zot. tiiO ftiH I0r.0A, OF F mnX106 CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT By:R.DeLa Cruz Deputy Clerk Thi irrirav Februarv 16. 2006 Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee I Pul cNo ice I Pbi o ice I Pb ic No ice 50 Fu :bi cNotitc I Pbic Notice I Pblc o ice *I Pb ic o ice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HENRY COUNTY, FLORIDA STANFORD W. FREEDMAN, TRUSTEE, Plaintiff v Case No.: 06-58 CA JOYCE A. JAUHOLA, as petitioner of the Estate of MILTON c. JAUHOLA and in- dividually as the sole beneficiary of the Estate of MILTON C. JAUHOLA, de- ceased, and MUSSETTE L JAUHOLA, her devisees, heirs, grantees, creditors and other parties claiming by, through, under or against her and all unknown natural persons, if living, or if dead, their unknown spouses, heirs, devi- sees, grantees and creditors, or other parties claiming by, through or under these unknown natural persons, and all parties having or claiming to have, any right, title or interest in and to the real property herein sought to have title quieted defendants NOTICE OF ACTION CONSTRUCTIVE SERVICE To Defendants JOYCE A. JAUHOLA, as petitioner of the Estate of MILTON C. JAUHOL and individually as the sole beneficiary of the Estate of MILTON C. JAUHOLA, deceased, and MUSSETTE L. JAUHOLA, her devises, heirs, grantees, creditors and other parties claiming by, through, under or against her and all unknown natural persons, it living, or if dead, their unknown spous- es, heirs, devisees, grantees and creditors, or other parties claiming by, through or under these unknown natu- ral persons, and all parties having or claiming to have, any right, title or in- terest in and to the real property herein south to have title quieted, AND ALL OTHERS WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to quiet tille on the following real property In Hendry County, Florida: Lot 16 and 17, Block 2329, Port LaBelle Unit 9, according to the map or plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page(s) 159, Public Records of Hend- ry County, Florida. Less and except Gas, Oil, and Mineral rights not owned by prior owner. Subject to existing easements and right of ways of record. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your writ- ten defenses, if any, to it on Alison C. Hussey, Pavese Law.Firm, Attorneys for Plaintiff, whose address is Post Of- fice Drawer 2280, LaBelle, FL 33975, on or before March 6, 2006, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on the plaintiffs attorney or immediately thereafter; oth- erwise a Default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. Dated on.this the 30th day of January, 2006. BARBARA BUTLER Clerk of Circuit Court /S/S.Hammond Deputy Clerk 112455 CGS 2/2,9,16,23/06 NOTICE TO PUBLIC The Hendry County Hospital Authority Fei- nancial Committee will conduct their monthly business meeting on Thurs- day, February 23,2006 at 10:30 a.m. in the Conference Room at Hendry Re- gional Medical Center, 524 West Sagamore Avenue. 114799 CGS 2/16/06 PUBLIC NOTICE Public notice is hereby given that Fergu- son Towing will sel at public Auction, free from all prior liens, the following vehiclesithat remaining unclaimed in storage with charges unpaid, pursuant to Florida Statutes 713.78, to the high- est bidder at 12065 Lakeshore Drive, Canal Point, FL 33438 on February 20, 2006 at9:00 A.M. 1998 4-door(WHI) Chevrolet Vin#1G1JF52T7W7110298 114729 CGS 2/16/06 PUBLIC NOTICE The Board of Directors of the Housing Authority of the City of Belie Glade an- nounce that their regular monthly meeting is scheduled for 5:00 P.M. on February 21, 2006 at the Administra- tion Office in Osceola Center, 1204 NW Avenue L Terrace, Belle Glade, FL. 114797 CGS 2/16/06 Find it faster. Sell it ion- er in the classifieds CENTRAL COUNTY WATER CONTROL DISTRICT CLEWISTON, FLORIDA REQUEST FOR BIDS Bid No. 2006-1 Furnish and Install two pumps, #1 & #2 on Hunting Club Avenue Sealed bids for the manufacture and installation of two complete pumps will be re- ceived by the Board of Supervisors for Central District Water Control District, hereinafter referred to as 'DISTRICT" at 475 S. Cabbage Palm St. Mentora Ranch Estates Clewiston, Florida Until 1000 am local rime on February 20, 2006 for furnishing labor and materials and performing all work set forth in the Invitation to Bid, Instructions to Bidders, Bid Form, Construction Cotrct Detailed Specifications and Drawings which comprise the Bidding Documents. Immediately following the scheduled closing time for the reception of bids, all bid proposals which have been submitted in ac- cordance with the conditions of the Invitation to Bid, Instructions to Bdders and any Addenda, f any, issued in relation to this Project will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bidder is responsible for the delivery of bid and bids received after the specified day and time will not be opened. The Work to be bid upon is de- scribed as the manufacture and installation of two diesel powered engines with vertical lift pumps capable of pumping 25,000 gpm each as specified in the de- tailed drawings and specifications prepared by Rock Aboujaoude, PE. A pre-bid meettng shall be held on February 9,2006 at the Clubhouse at 10:00 am. Con- strtEon drawings and specifications may be obtained from Rock Abougaoude, PE. (contact person) at 180 N. Bridge Stmret, LaBelle, FL 33935 or from CCWC office at 475 Cabbage Palm fSreet. Rock's tleprhone is (863) 612-0011. CCWCD phone no. is (863) 983-5795. . Each bid must be submiaed, in duplicates on the prescribed bid form and accom- panied by bid security on the prescribed form, payable to the District, In an amount not less than frve percent (5%) of the bid amount. All siubcontractors shall be declared on the prearibed Subcontractors Declaration Form. All bids shall be opened and read aloud on February 20.2006. at 10:00 am in the Club House located on 255 N. Hacienda Avenue Clewston, Florida. All bidders are welcome to attend. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish the nec- The Bid may be withdrawn prior to the date and time of bid pening. Bds shall - main open and subject to acceptance for a period of thirty (30) calendar days af- ter the date of bid opening but the District at Its sole discretion may release and Bid and Bid security. No bidder may withdraw his Bid for a perid of thirty (30) calendar days after the date .of Bid opening. In order to perform public work, the successful Bidder shall have all licenses anod permits required by Federal, State, and local statdutes, regulations and ordinances. conduct such investigations as are necessary to determine the performance record and ability of the apparent low Bidder to perform the size and type of work specified under this Contract. Upon request the bidder shall submit such informa- tion as deemed necessary by the Disttict to evaluate the bidder's qualifications. The District reserves the right to reject any or all Bid(s) nat conforming with the in- tent aind purpose of the Contract Documents, and may postpone the award of the : Contract for a period of time which, however, shall not extend beyond thirty (30) calendar days from the bid opening date. DATED this 26 day of January, 2006. ATTEST: Central District Water Control District By: Carolyn Hester 112027 CGS 2/2,9,16/06 READING A NEWSPAPER HELPS YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORLD AROUND YOU. INTHE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.: 06-03 CP IN RE: The Estate of; ROBERT B.TILLITT, Deceased. NOTICETO CREDITORS (Summary Administration) TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE: You are hereby notified that an Order of Summary Administration has been entered in the estate of Robert B. Tilit, deceased, File Number 06-03 CP, by the Circuit Court for Hendry County, Rorida, Probate Division, the address of which is RO. Box 1760, LaBelle, FL 33975; that the decedents date of death was April 18, 2000; that the total value of the estate is $41,000.00 and that the names and ad- dresses of thoseto whom it has been assigned by such orderare: Name Address Barbara T. Phillips' 6830 Darlington CL, Cumming, GA 30040 Donna Mane Smith 3494 Navigator Point, Knoxville, TN 37922 Albert Hill Smith 3494 NavigatorPoint, Knovillte, TN 37922 Robert Bruce Tililt 1470 Goshawk Lane, Fairbanks, AK 99709 Patricia T. Wright 18 Wright Road, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Scott W. Tilitt 725 ChartersStreot,Bridgeville, PA 15017 JeanT.Rosille 10095 Hounsdale Drive,Pickerington, OH 43147 Gretchen M.Tillitt 1844 West North St, Bethlehem, PA 18018 Anne Williams Tillitt 3670 Rivendell Lane, Cumming, GA 30083 ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARENOTIFIEDTHAT: All creditors of the estate of the decedent and persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent other than those for whom provision for full payment was made in the Order of Summary Administration must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE. ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOTSO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER APPLICABLE TIME PERIOD, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS B A RR E D . The date offirst publication ofthis Notice is February 9,2006. Person GMng Notice: Barbara T. Phillips Atforney for Person Giving Notice: Alieon C. Hussey orddaBarNo.0116165 PAVESE LAW FIRM RO. Drawer 2280 481 South Main Street LaBelle, FL 33975 Telephone No.: (863).675-5800 Fax:(863)675-4998 113529 CGS2/9,16/06 PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT iTr ,u fliij Uit..,A .,,r L,)i,,'.r,'vn We :', I Iev iffiTt l'Council, a hot for i u,' .f Wio l rm r'iih9ij j puriII. ,Tirnrij or P,ui ,':r Ii, to u discussthe Gulf (inmu: ., I Mfl it,,,,,-,, Plri:ii'o, IMPi ,l-ir.,e'v ijIhsgrr The meeting will o.: rei u 1 fi e li) .i r fii .n r C 1 tj,:r i.' ]ii Ayi lilioTuI l j i i ( mr r located at 1085 The Gulf Citrus BMP cost-sar program has been established to promote agricultu- ral best management practices in order to achieve water quality and quantity benefits in the GuIf Citrus Produdction Area of Southwest Florida. Through the pro- gram, the Rorida Department of Ariculture and Consumer Services.(FACS) will providereimbursement forselected agricultural practices that have potential water conservation, sediment control and water quality benefits. ApivrJ.li(,; ii irj .[re Oun I.vuS BMP c Orsisn3ir gi, a3m [:( tm otitori1ed by cil1iig inre Heri.y j Uoi rl Oril i,' ,:,r,atir3,iurin Ori l A f63) 6T4-4161 Appicano.s wiii br icLct nta, iougri Maii lt, 1.206 READINGA NEWSPAPER... ii leads you to the best Products and services. PUBLIC NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE AIR PERMIT Florida Department of Environmental Protection Draft Air Permit No. PSD-FL-333B Project No. 0510003-030-AC U.S. Sugar Corporation Cloewiston Sugar Mill and Refinery Hendry County, Rorida Applicant The applicant for this project is the U.S. Sugar Corporation. The appli- cants authorized representative and mailing address is: Mr. William A. Ratola, Vice President of Sugar Processing Operations; U.S. Sugar Corporation Clewis- ton Sugar Mill and Refinery; 111 Ponce DeLeon Avenue; Clewiston, Florida 33440. Facility Location: U.S. Sugar Corporation operates an existing sugar mill and refin- ery, which is located in Hendry County at 111 Ponce DeLeon Avenue in Clewis- ton, FRodda. Project The applicant proposed the following revisions to Permit No. PSD-FL-333 for newly constructed Boiler No. 8: add the primary requirements of NESHAP Subpart DDDDD; include the "alternate pH monitoring procedure" (i.e., no pH monitoring) as athorized by EPA Region 4 in a letter dated September 4,'2005; revise the original particulate matter BACT standard from 0.026 Ib/MMBtu to 0.25 Ibh/MMBt (final NESHAP standard) an requested by the applicant, replace the Hnon-BACT" CO limit (0.38 Ib/MMBto based on a 12-month rolling average) with the final NESHIAP CO standard (400 ppmvd based on a 30-day rolling aver- age); allow tIe firing of wood chips as supplemental sd alternate tuel; and al- low the firing of bagasse and wood chips used to remeodiate spills or leaos of on- specification used oils in any ofthe bosyilers. Details of the project are provided In the In the application and the Department's Technical Evaluation and Preliminary Determination'. Permttng Authority: Applications for air construction permits are subject to review Chapters 62-4, 62-210, and 62-212 of the Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C. The proposed project is not exempt from air permting requirements and an air permit is required to perform the proposed work. The Bureau of Air Regulation is the Permitting Anthority responsible for making a permit determination for this project. The Peormiting Authority's physical address is: 111 South Magnolia Drive; Suite #4, Tallahassee, Florida. Te Permitting Authority's mailing address is: 2600 Blair Stone Road, MS #5505, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400. The Per- mitting Authority's telephone number is 850/488-0114. Project File: A complete project file is available for public inspection during the nor- mal business hours of 8:00 a.m, to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (except le- gal holidays), at address indicated above for the Permitting Authory. The complete project file includes the Draft Permit, the Technical Evaluation and Pre- liminary Determination, the application, and the information submitted by the ap- plicant, exclusive of confidential records under Section 403.111, F.S. Interested persons may contact-the Permitting Authority's project review engineer for addi- tional Information at the address or phone number listed above. Notice of Intent to Issue Air Permit: The' Permitting Authority gives notice of its in- tent to issue an air permit to the applicant for the project described above. The ap- plicant has provided reasonauir assurance that operation of proposed equipment will not adversely impact air quality and that the project will comply with all appro- . priate provisions uf Chapters 62-4, 62-204; 62-210, 62-212, 62-296, and with the conditions of the proposed Draft Permit unless a timely petition for an ad- ministrative hearing is filed under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, ES. or unless public comment received in accordance with this notice results in a different deci- sion or a significant change of terms or cdndtiiOns. CcPnetlns : i re i n Ti. .wheu.tr n.irl, .i nii .. in alnttl i i y :. TIITheII. p joi.eidn. up I ti nrl cisJil"-l mal yrTn Iionl fr, l fJ i l In:nurl ti vel'l h s gl : in : ilc t uI ljtvllle:.c- ,l.ll'll Irli Init fJl.lii I: l.liili I IInTiTII'l: ITmIj I i. .llii i.:i n l l. i i' r IrPl-n.lll] Auis 1.Irv al irn; i2.i:. 'Ir. pt R'. i .iioln r t tI. n.tI. Inplo ma io [er fi ei JlllirJIr h)l' yl"t.nl l hirl:r 1 il' II : l-.ll-i 'IiITITII: 111. .II we1 I .lj 'l i .llllll'iln Petitions: A personF whose substantial interest are affected by the proposed permit- ting decision may petion for an admin stativa, headng in accordance witi.Sec- below and must be filed with (received by) the Departments Agency Clerk in the Office of General Counsel of the Dpartment of Environmental protection at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station #35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000. Petitions filed by any persons other than those entitled to written notice under for notice of agency action may ie a penuon wiinm loureen f14) days 1e rcccifp of that notice, regardless of the date of publication. A petitioner shall mail a copy of the petitio to the applicant at the address indicated above, at the time of iling. The failure of ay person to file a petition within the appropriate time period shal constitute a waiver of that person's right to request an adminIstrative determina- tion (hearing) under Sections 120.569 and 1 *'u V; ** ,,: ,,u ,0mr i, ir',; proceeding and participate as a party to it. A *,,t i',urdi ,,.rrwO,,1101 MIii l,. only at the approval of the presiding officer upon me dirng oe among in compli- ance with Rule 28-106.205, FA.C. .* A petion that disputes the material fact s on which the Permitting Authority's action is based must contain the following inforheton: (a) Tie name and addtires of each agency affected od and each agency's file or identification number, if known; (b The name addressand teleph t petion e number of the petitioner the nameaddress and telephone number of the petitioneri's representative if any; which shall bethe address for service purposes during the course of the proceeding; and an expla- nation of how the petitioner's substantial rights will be affected by the agency de- termination; (c) A statement of how and when the petitioner received n000o of the agency action or proposed action; (d) A statement of all disputed Issues of mate- rial fact If there are none, the petition must so state; (e A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, including the specific facts the petitioner contends war- rant reversal or modification of the agency's proposed action; ( A statement of the specc rues orstats the petitioner conte t o ndtoi s require reversal or modifica- tion of the agency's'proposed action; and, (g) A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action the peitioner wishes the agency to take with respect to the agency's proposed action. A petition that does not dispute the material facts upon which the Permitting Authority's acton Is based shall state that no such facts are In disputeoand otherwlsv shali contain the same information as sat forth above, as required by Rule 2-106.301, EA.C. Because the administrative hanIeaing process is designed to formulate final agency action, the tiling of a petition means that the Permitting Authority's final action may be different from the Iositon taken by it In this Public Notice of Intent to Is- sue Air Permit. Persons whose substantial interests will be affected by any such final decision of the Permitting Authority on thrtoe application have the right to peti- Ptio to become a party to the proceeding, in accordance wth the requirements set forthabove. ' Medlaltin M.,iu,1, '.. ... .ari,,i i ir,o.. [,,.: ). i a a .30,0 PUBLIC NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE AIR PERMIT Rorida Department of Environmental Protection Draft Air Permit No. PSD-FL-333B Project No. 0510003-030-AC U.S. Sugar Corporation Clewiston Sugar Mill and Refinery Hendry County, Rorida Applicant: The applicant for this project is the U.S. Sugar Corporation. The appli- cants authorized representative and mailing address Is: Mr. William A. Raiola, Vice President of Sugar Processing Operations; U.S. Sugar Corporation Clewis- ton Sugar Mill and efinery; 111 Ponce DeLeon Avenue; Clewiston, Florida 33440. Facility Location: U.S. Sugar Corporation operates an existing sugar mill and refin- ery, which is located in Hendry County at 111 Ponce DeLeon Avenue in Clewis- Ston, Rorida. Project: The applicant proposed the following revisions to Permit No. PSD-FL-333 for newly constructed Boiler No. 8: add the primary requirements of NESHAP Subpart DDDDD; include the 'alternate pH monitoring procedure' (i.e., no pH monitoring) as authozed by EPA Region 4 In a letter dated September 4, 2005; revise the original particulate matter BACT standard from 0.026 lb/MMBtu to 0.025 Ib/MMBtu (final NESHAP standard) as requested by the applicant; replace the 'non-BACT" CO limit (0.308 b/MMBtu based on a 12-month rolling average) with the final NESHAP CO standard (400 ppmvd based on a 30-day rolling aver- age); allow the firing of wood chips as a supplemental and altemate fuel; and at- low the firing of bagasse and wood chips used to remedlate spils or leaks of on- specification used oils in any of the boiler. Details of the project are provided in the In the application and the Departments *Technical Evaluatson and Preliminary Determination'. Permitting Authority: Applications for air construction permits are subject to review in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 403, Rorida Statutes (F.S.) and Chapters 62-4, 62-210, and 62-212 of the Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.. The proposed project is not exempt from air permitting requirements and an air permit is required to perform the proposed'work. The Bureau of Air Regulation Is the Permittig Authority responsible for making a permit determination for this project. The Permitting Athority'sphysical address is: 111 South Magnolia Drive, Suite #4,Tallahassee, Florida. The Permitting Athority's mailing address is: 2600 0Blair Stone Road, MS #5505, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400. The Per- miing Authority's telephonenumber is 850/488-0114. Project File: A complete project file is available for public inspecion during the nor- mat business hours of 8:00 a~m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (except le- gal holidays), at address indicated above for the Permitting Authority. The complete project file Includes the Draft Permit, the Technical Evaluation and Pre- liminary Determintion, the application, and the information submitted by the ap- plicant, exclusive of confldenal records under Section 403.111, FS. Interested persons may contact the Permitting Authority's project review engineer for addi- tional information at the address or phone number listed above Notice of Intent to Issue Air Permit The Permitting Authority gives notice of its in- tent to issue an ar permit to the applicant for the project described above. The ap- plicant has provided reasonable assurance that operation of proposed equipment will not adversely Impact air quality and that the project will comply with all appro- priate provisions of Chapters 62-4, 62-204, 62-210, 62-212, .62-296, and 62-297, EA.C. The Permitting Authorty will Issue a Rnal Permit in accordance withhe conditions of the proposed Draft Permit unless a timely petition for an ad- ministrative hearing is tiled under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, ES. or unless public comment received in accordance with this notice results in a different deci- sion or a significant change of terms or condions. Comments: The Permiting Authority will accept written comments concerning the proposed Draft Permit for a period of fourteen (14) days from the date of publica- tion of this Public Notice. Written comments must be provided to the Permitting Authority at the above address. Any written comments filed will be made available for public Inspection. If written comments received result in a significant change to the Draft Permit, the Permitting Authority shall revise the Draft Permit and require, f applicable another Public Notice. Petltiant: A person whose substantial interests are affected by the proposed permit- Uting declson may pettiun for an administrative hearing in accordance wit Sec- tions 120.569 and 120.57 F.S. The petition must contain the Information set forth below and must be tiled with (received by) the Departments Agency Clerk In the Office of General Counsel of the Departroent of Environmental Protection at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mall Station #35, Tallahassee, Rorida 32399-3000. Petitions filed by any persons other than those entitled to written notice under Section 120.60(3), ES. dust be tiled within fourteen (14) days of publication of this Public Notice or receipt of a written notice, whichever occurs first Under Section 120.60(3), ES., however, any person who asked the. Permthng Authority for notice of agency action may.file a petition within fourteen (14) days of receipt of that noce, regardless of the date of publication. A petitioner shall mal a copy of the petition to the applicant at the address indicated above, at the time of ailing. The failure of any person to file a petition within the appropriate time period shall constitute a waiver of that person's right to request an dministrative determina- tion (hearing) under Sections 120569 nd d 120.57, EfS. or to intervene In this proceeding and participate as a party to it. Any subsequent intervention will be only at the approval of the presidisng officer upon the tiling of a motion in compli- ance with Rue 28-106.205, FA.C. , A petition that disputes the material facts on which the Permtng Anthority's action is based must contatein the following information: (a) The name atndi address of each agency affected and each agency's file or identification number, if known; (b) The name, address and telephone number of the petitioner; the name address and telephone number of the petitioners representative, if any, which shall be the address for service purposes during the course of the proceeding; and san epla- nation of how the petitioners substantial rights will be affected by the agency de- termination (c) statement of how and when the petitioner received notice of the agency aoton or proposed action; (d A statement of all disputed issues of mate- rial fact If there are none, the petition must so state; (er A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, Including the specific facts the petitioner contends war- rant reversal or modification of the agency's proposed action; (f) A statement of the specific rules or statutes the petitioner contends require reversal or modifica- tion of the agency's proposed anton; and, (g) A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, statingprecisely the acntio t tinoner wishes the agency to take with respect to the agency's proposed action. A petition that.does nt dispute the material facts upon which the Permitting Aothonty's action is based shall state. that no such facts are in dispute and otherwise shall contain the same information as set forth above, as required by Rule 28-106.301, EA.C. Bc:f.iuc e iGe n.iderl niisein;vu h ei:,r;r.g pv :. : i lo .;i)'rd I,, ft'.iirmulr., Ci l ,iat]. '. 3.:10u' inw lii') 01 ea irldl,.i me.i. Irlt Ir # I ',mmrII a iJnlee lridta n3 -i3in iI ,v fil lnern rism 0e POs t Ol' i.i trsl Ov se ii tr l v uI rii. l i: u I I lr I Itn i II - ie s lr Pu fcit. Peti orir wrOie uutie ltu.iil l lc-i. will Ir i5l'l, lr y 1 i r s i.mi otll'ei' leln iJ o, Irp e Peimnning Auprli r.rc an'a rle apsind c a ltlab rljve Ul, : att e i'oil g. hIs 10 teise oI a rny eou nre phio:ei u', it, io caiit inv winn ap r, i reicTmri,: .o l lOrm ei[,ut Menlaarin Mg)lundr Se..; our ad1ir ler i. o.'r .oiih.,0,,-,.l eiatCLi.e icyaflfteri Estimate orange Rmrm wk to caskw crop unchanged LAKELAND, Fla. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released its fourth crop forecast for the 2005-2006 sea- son, Feb. 9, which indicates no change from its Jan. 12 crop estimate. The USDA expects the state's orange crop to pro- duce 158 million boxes during the 2005-06 season. Grapefruit estimates remain unchanged at 16 million boxes. For specialty fruit, the USDA predicts 800,000 boxes of Tem- ples; 1.2 million boxes of tan- gelos; and 5.2 million boxes of tangerines, including 2.8 mil- U ubeo- 10- Atos4w-no 40 0-0 a 4080- - qmm*im- 4s eM, mbww -S *.* lion boxes of early varieties and 2.4 million boxes of Honeys. The yield for frozen concen- trate orange juice (FCOJ) was increased from 1.55 to 1.58 gal- lons per 90-pound box. The Florida citrus industry has a $9.1 billion economic impact to the state, employs nearly 90,000 people and cov- ers more than 650,000 acres in the state. Florida Citrus Mutual, founded in 1948, is the state's largest citrus grower's organi- zation with nearly 11,000 grow- er members. Bronson lauds USDA for cankeer funding TALLAHASSEE Florida Agriculture and Consumer Ser- vices Commissioner Charles H. Bronson last week applauded U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns and the Bush Administration's deci- sion to make an additional $100 million available to com- pensate Florida citrus growers who have lost trees to citrus canker. The funds come oh top of $200 million that USDA made available in December to com- pensate growers for losses from the bacterial disease that afflicts citrus. "I want to express my grati- tude to Secretary Johanns for responding to the needs of our growers who have been hit hard by this devastating dis- ease," Mr. Bronson said. "Since USDA announced in January that eradication of canker was no longer possible, Florida cit- rus growers are understand- ably anxious to know the pro- cedures they will have to implement to sustain citrus production. While I know there are more questions than answers right now, I have given Secretary Johanns my personal Commitment to make all "I want to express my gratitude to Secretary Johanns for respond- ing to the needs of our growers who have been hit hard by this devastating disease." Charles H. Bronson, Florida Agriculture and Consumer Services Commissioner resources of the Department available to USDA so that this information can be provided to our growers as quickly as pos- sible. I am sure that the Secre- tary's announcement will pro- vide many in our citrus community with some much needed relief arid reassurance." Mr. Bronson reiterated his commitment to homeowners who have lost citrus trees to canker, saying he will seek funding from the Florida Legis- lature this spring to reimburse homeowners whose trees have been destroyed. - - . . - e* "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" 23 I ubicNoice I I I Ul zucty, I VL.I I - -........... . - * Q - 4wP Serving the communities south of Lake Okeechobee i4NA-Fjgm~j~ -~ -ar kM I~ 7I = F OAP 4 SFINA4NCIN! IN REBATES ON SELECT MODELS!' ON SELECT NoA Al- VUffuJAW1FZRD .FSO SE14 LEATHER ,. _* -" ^ ,; '' -" " SUPERCAB . __ -. ...~M^. 7~j. 'I - e.g gg 0 :f I: I:L!k! :'eIei u-i-i 111 i I oi 3 *IF0 0 lb T ~19T +NADA OFFER BASED ON LOAN BOOK VALUES, LESS EXCESS MILEAGE AT 20CENTS PER MILE, LESS RECONDITIONING CHARGES, WITH APPROVED CREDIT. ++MUST Fir lAf I-E THRU FORD MOTOR CREDIT, WITH APPROVED CREDIT. OFFERS CANNOT BE COMBINED. VEHICLES SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. PHOTOS FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. SPONSORED BY GLADES FORD LINCOLN MERCURY. OMGF1049. r OJk~hL zi: I III'Y LU DOMESTIC CARS - IMPORTED CARS & TRUCKS r 63 Years of Service 2006 FEBRUARY 2006 0 il I 49MA -9w IF- 1w vo Bp- Thursday, February 16, 2006 re I LA A: mmd I : -:7 --'...-T:., ' -:.' ,f - - ;- mumi I,~.1r>- JA Ai ROM r:l MM4 :100 1 lip! r P =qo 2-4 V:i ko Ubb %,% IN I |