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Serving Gilchrist County and Surrounding Area for over 75 Years Vol. 76--No. 16 Phone (352) 463-7135 Fax (352) 463-7393 T1t'F0AI6hsaA06 P e50eam Vol. 76 No. 1ilchristjou6 Trenton, Florida 32693 Thursda, August 3,2006 Price of Dixie &evyCounties), $24.00,OtherAreas gilchristjourmal@bellsouth.net 3,,20 -. 6 P W Of Florida, $28.00 Out Of State,. Gilchrist County 911 Service Upgrades To New Electronic Computer Mapping And Dispatch Equipment City of Trenton Proposes 8.34 Mills Property Tax In Municipality By Anna Wild The Gilchrist County Emergency Management Center and Sheriff's Office have been working to get the 911 service upgraded to the newest Phase 2 equipment. Molly Brafining, Supervisor of the 911 Communications Dispatch' Center, was happy to report that the equipment is now installed and dispatchers are very pleased with the new equipment. All of the equipment was purchased with funding from. grants received through the 911 Communications Center. What. .this upgrade means to the taxpa) ers of Gilchrist County is, -that when we call 911, dispatchers % ill see immediately where the call is originating from, on one of fi' e computerized screens on their, %ork station. The, new, telecommunications and, mapping system is tied through a computer that also records the, call. Even if .you live in a new development, the map will sho\\ a call coming from \our property. et en if the roads are not on the map. This means faster service which could- save lives. , Before this upgrade, the dispatchers used several t pes of equipment Ihich "ere not electronically compatible. Cellular telephone users who have a phone with a GPS chip will now be able to call in and their location will show on the mapping system screen. Unfortunately, the GPS upgrades rely on the cellular telephone companies to upgrade Henrit How'e of Trcnt,.n came to tle Sherli" f'S Otice ,.1- Di;palchler jst oV. 1 ,- iear ILa. Hi. is very haipit with tlie .,tade'd e'i]ipnz'1t;t' especially one new service called "Rapid Recall" which he explained allows themL to replay a call. This cones in veri handyi whe nn multiple calls are coming in and an officer calls in and their message ;taI not cleart/l heard. Now he can push a button anid replayi the transmnission and not ha1'e to have them repeat theImseIlves. Photo by Anna Wild. their cellular towers in the county. As for now, %hen a call is made on a cellular phone, the call is identified and % ill sho% up on the 911 emergency dispatch screen. Once the cell towers are upgraded, information received through the system will be- accurate with) 10 feet. This system upgrade has been needed in Gilchrist Count. for man\ \ears The 911 indi iduals \\ho ans" er all the 911 calls also receive calls for the sheriff's office and dispatched calls from sheriff's office employees over the radio. Eleven years ago they received an estimated 6000 dispatched calls for the entire year.. According to Molly Branning, in 2005, Gilchrist County Emergency 911 received an estimated 6000 911 calls, over 23,000 dispatched calls, and 115,000 phone calls that came into the sheriff's office. That is 144,000 times a year these ten individuals are asked to help in some way or 394.5 calls on an average per day or 16.5 average calls per hour. Right now we have two people working together 24 hours everyday. Considering the growth we know our county 'will be experiencing in the very near future. %e maN need to add een more indi' iduals to the dispatch center soon. The ne" equipment Gilchrist Counts received allows for three work stations to. receive and manage information. Each station has five computer screens and two keyboards (which will soon be one keyboard). Training for this new system only took about 30 minutes. Dispatchers and management found' the equipment very user friendly) and since most screens showed the information in the same format they were already accustomed to, training was very easy. Gilchrist County should be very proud to 'be 911, Phase 2 capable. We are one of only a couple counties in Florida with the newest equipment available. My name is Mitchell Gentry; I grew up in Gilchrist County, and am married to Theresa Gentry. We have two children, Steven and Leah, and two grandchildren Colby and Emma. I thank God for my family and being able to raise them in this area As your county commissioner for district 2, serving you for the past four years has been. an honor, and your support has. made it a re- warding and wonderful experi- ence. I promised you to work hard to become a well informed county commissioner. I became the first county commissioner certified through the Florida Association of Counties, and I have earned a degree in Business Administration. I consider my- self a life long learner, and will continue to gain knowledge and do my job better. My strengths are: Compas- sionate understanding of issues and problems you have involv- ing our county, a willingness to lead when I believe it is for the benefit of Gilchrist County, and the ability to balance and main- tain a budget within our means. These strengths, coupled with the knowledge I have gained, and my experience as your county commissioner, qualifies me to serve you best. You chose me to be your county commissioner four years ago, and with your help I would like to continue to represent you. Now is the time for me to work for you to meet the challenges involving growth, providing services, and preserving the heritage and beauty of Gilchrist County. I ask for your support in the upcoming election to con- tinue with strong leadership for Gilchrist County in the future. Thank You, Mitchell Gentry County Commissioner District 2 By John M. Ayers The Trenton City Commis- sion took action Monday night to propose an 8.34 millage tax, increase that "as identified b\ the City Manager Jered Otten- uess as required to balance the General Fund budget. The five member Commis- sion discussed the deficit condi- tion Of the City's General Fund and some -of. the things the board could do to reduce the budget. "Are there any areas in the proposed budget that we can make additional cuts," Coinmis- sioner Tim Kinsey asked the City Manager? .. City" Manager Jered Otten- wess explained that the Trenton Police Chief has proposed the addition .of one full time po- liceman in the 2006-07 'pro- posed, budget. -If the board strikes this.from the budget, this would be an identified savings of $20,000. The board discussed the cost of health insurance for the commissioners. .The proposed budget identifies the estimated .cost to be $15,000 per board member. Commissioners Tim Kinsey and Bill Clifton ex- plained that they don't use the City of Trenton insurance.' "Last year when we passed the proposed budget, we knew we were going to be in a tight financial pinch going into the .2005-2006 fiscal year," Com- missioner Glen Thigpen ex- plained. "We need to adopt a realistic budget that we can live with," Commissioner Thigpen added. Commissioner Tim Kinsey :asked the City Manager if he had checked on, the amount of .gasoline that the City uses and if there was any way to reduce this use? The City Manager explained that there are tuo vehicles that are driven home b) employees that are in olhed in responding to emergency calls. The Cit', Manager \\as asked what percentage of the General ,Fund revenues is actually used to /pay salaries? "I would esti- mate around 50%," Jered Ot- tenwess explained. "It appear -that the bottom line is, we are going to.have to approve an ad alorem tax," .Mayor Peter Randolph ex- plained. Trenton resident Rand) Rut- ter explained to the board that the ad valorem property tax is the most unfair tax that can be passed onto the residents, prop- ert3 o% ners and businesses. An employee of the Levy County , Properly Appraiser's office, he .explained the Homestead Ex- emption in Florida and the 3%. maximum increase annuallI has also limited the value of the properties filed under the home- stead exemption act. Commissioner Bill Clifton recommended the board to pro- pose the 8.34 millage rate in iContinued to Page T\o) Gilchrist County Accepts Resignation Of Building Inspector Randy Wiggins By John M. Ayers .. The Gilchrist County Build- ing Inspector Randy Wiggins had his attorney Ray E. Tho- mas, Jr submit a letter of resig-. nation which explained this was his two-week notice as the, building official and municipal fire inspector in Gilchrist County. The resignation was received July 25, 2006. The attorney explained in the letter that Mr. Wiggins' em- ployment has become such that he finds himself in. a position that he cannot continue em- ployment with Gilchrist County under the 'current arrangement. Mr. Wiggins is a professional engineer. Therefore, his license is not only at risk for his actions and decisions, but also for those of the staff that perform their work under the umbrella of his license. The attorney explained in. the letter that Mr. Wiggins has been informed that staff assigned to building permitting and inspecting and fire inspec- tions do not have to take direc- tion and supervision from him. It is difficult to imagine a situa- tion in which a professional, whose license is at risk, would not have the authority to direct the staff that assists him, the attorney explained. "It is my understanding that Mr. Wiggins has previously been advised that he answered directly to the board which re- tained his professional services. If the board so wishes, I am authorized 'to initiate negotia- tions for Mr, Wiggins 'services under new terms and conditions, to be set out in a professional services contract," the attorney wrote. The board should be fur- ther advised that Mr. Wiggins ,will not engage in such negotia- tions beyond August 15, 2006, the 'attorney explained in the letter. County Administrator Ron McQueen advised the, board in the Monday evening meeting that he had received the letter from the attorney. The board discussed the. is- sue before Commissioner Mitchell Gentry made a motion to accept the letter of resigna- tion. Gilchrist County Attorney. John McPherson advised the board that they do not need to take any action involving this issue. He explained that the County Administrator received the letter and advised the board (Continued to Page Two) NRA Welcomes Over 300 Supporters To Annual Banquet $3,500 For Bell High School JROTC By Anna Wild On Thursday, July 27, 2006 the Suwannee River Friends of NRA hosted their. 4th an- nual fundraising banquet in the Trenton Elementary School Caf- eteria.. The evening was a tre- mendous success as the banquet with over 300 supporters attend- ing raised over $25,000 for area NRA programs. The banquet be- gan with a social hour and games tq raise funds and allow guests the chance to win prizes. There was also a silent auction and sev- eral raffles so everyone had the chance to win something. The meal was catered by Bells Cater- ing of Chiefland, and they did a terrific job with the steak dinner. After dinner and a brief time in the dark, thanks to a thunder- storm, the real fun began. Auctioneer, Bill Elrod, was on hand again this year to auction off items from NRA blankets to prints and decoys, to firearms. The two top sale items of the evening were the 2006 Gun of the Year, a Weatherby Vanguard .270 WSM for $2850, purchased by Mr. Stevens, Levy County Bell High School Principal Ronda Parrish is shown receiving a check for $3,558.00 from National Rifle As- sociation board member Randy Durden. 1st Sergeant Jon Meinholz of Bell JROTC is representing the recipi- ent organization of the grant. Commissioner. And a Win- chester Model 94 in .44 Reming- ton Magnum rifle was purchased for $2100 by Dr. John Frazier of ed the sale of "Butch the Dog" who was happy to go home with the same farpily who purchased Bell. Other notable sales includ- (Continued to Page Eighteen) Mitchell Gentry Qualifies For Commissioner In District 2 Gilchrist County, Florida 2006 Qualified Candidates County Commissioner District 2 Mitchell Gentry 4959 SW 80th Ave., Bell, FL 32619 352-463-7080 (D) D. Ray Harrison Jr., 4599 SW 90th Court, Bell, FL 32619 352-463-2147 (D) Terry D. Parrish P. 0. Box 82, Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-2248 (D) County Commissioner District 4 Mervin L. (Skip) Hines 2198 NE CR 337, High Springs, FL 32643 386-454-4204 (R) Tommy Langford 6650 NE 55th St., High Springs, FL 32643 386-454-3022 (R) John Rance Thomas 2000 NW 80th St., Bell, FL 32619 386-935-0937 (D) School Board District 1 (Nonpartisan) Delight H. Curtis 7339 SE 69th Lane, Trenton, FL 32693 352-472-6012 Cloud E. Haley 621 NE 2nd Street, Trenton FL 32693 352-463-2917 Lucy Swilley P.O. Box 855, Trenton FL 32693 352-463-7716 School Board District 3 (Nonpartisan) Dr. John D. Frazier 3539 SW 47th Ct., Bell, FL 32619 352-463-2652 Robert G. "Rob" Rankin 5329 NW 37th Ct, Bell FL 32619 386-935-2187 Lacy A. Redd 9050 SW CR 344, Bell, FL 32619 352-463-6266 School Board District 5 (Nonpartisan) Michelle Carter P.O. Box 1463, Trenton FL 32693 352-463-2950 Ann Marie (Anni) Egan 4829 SE 25th Lane, Trenton, FL 32693 352-472-4986 Supervisor of Elections Leigh Hartzog P.O. Box 1450, Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-0333 (D) Bill Martin 7699 SW CR-334-A, Trenton FL 32693 352-463-7439 (D) Connie Douglas Sanchez 7246 Cardinal Tr., Fanning Springs, F1 32693 352-463-30,44 (R) County Court Judge Group 1 (Nonpartisan) David Miller (Duke) Lang P.O. Box 51, Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-7800 Edward (Ed) Philman 5880 NW 57th Ct., Bell, FL 32619 386-935-2333 GTT .CHRIST COT INTY JOT IRNAI THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 2006 Gilchrist County Journal USPS-218-620 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY IN GILCHRIST COUNTY, 207 N. MAIN . TRENTON, FLORIDA Less than 75% advertising' We reserve the right to shorten articles, letters, etc. and delete any part or leave out in its entirety if we judge such to be. offensive. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $20.00 A Year In Tri-County Area $24.00 All Other Areas In Florida $28 Out Of State JOHN MIN AYERS II EDITOR, PUBLISHER AND OWNER Cindy Jo, Mark Schuler, Aleta Sheffield, Rene6-Philman, Kathy Hilliard & Chris Rogers ASSISTANTS Entered as Periodicals at the Post Office at Trenton, Florida, under the act of March 3, 1879. POSTMASTER Please Send Address Change To: Gilchrist County Journal, 207 N. Main Street, Trenton, Florida 32693 John's Comments By: John M. Ayers The Trenton City Commis- sion took action in their July 31, 2006 meeting to propose an 8.34 millage rate for the busi- nesses and the property owners in Trenton to bring the City out of debt in one year. City Commission W.O. Bill Clifton got the board's attention when he spoke up to go with the City Manager's recommenda- tion to approve an 8.34 mill levy and get the City out of debt in a single year. "I want a bal- anced budget for the City of Trenton," Clifton told his fellow board members. The City of Trenton Budget Workshop continued Mondaiy evening as the board members proposed that they could take a closer look at the salary sched- ule and the proposed increases for the 2006-2007 budgets. Commissioner Glen Thigpen told the board that he did not see anything in the proposed budget that really needed to be trimmed. He explained thatche- thought that it was more impor- 4 tant for the City of Trenton to adopt a realistic budget and be able to stick to it. The City Commission dis- cussed the General Fund and the deficit shape that it is in. The City Manager was asked approximately how much of the General Revenue fund is pro- posed for salaries. He explained, approximately 50% of the pro- posed $811,035.00 ,General Fund. The City Manager also told the board. that he had fig- ured from 4-6% salary increases for City, employees, which could include some overtime for the departments that had a lot of overtime in the 2005-06 fiscal year. The board also looked at the insurance that had. been budg- eted for the employees as well as the Commissioners. Commissioner Thigpen pro- posed to the board a 6-mill tax for levy and for the board to stay within the budget in the 2006- 07 year. The Commissioners discussed that they could not pass a higher village rate than what they had proposed. The board did not have to make a motion and receive a second and vote on the pro- posed ad valorem village rate tax. The City of Trenton will now ad% ise the Gilchrist County Property Appraiser's Office that they propose an 8.34 millage tax levy for the City of Trenton. The City Manager told. the commission that he could pre- pare more information for the board. to consider in the next, workshop meeting. The board did not ad% ise the City Manager, to cut any line. items from the proposed budget., It seems that the Cirt Com- mission just can't come to grips that they can't afford what they think they need.' . The Police Department pro-, posed another fulltime police- man. Commissioner Clifton told the board that he would not be in favor of cutting anything from the Police Department or the Fire Department proposed budget. I can understand that the majority of the board has been in their commission seats for over five years, but they still continue to approve budgets that continue to get them further and further into, debt. Some of the board' members point out that' the commission should have passed an ad valorem millage rate several years ago. They explained that they would not. be in the financial shape they are in today if they have taken that.actioin then. The fact that you continue to spend more money than you take in is a real time case of poor financial management. If the City can't afford some of the things that have been budgeted, then it is the Commissioner's job to question the need and determine if the need is suffi- cient enough to fund. The City. Manager showed Streetwise By Lauren: Rudd Regardless of market condi- tions, there always seems to be a company whose shares defy traditional analysis and market trends. I am not talking about some story stock whose overly hyped future is nothing but a pipe dream. No, this is. a solid blue chip company I wrote about last year at this time and whose 2005r earnings came in well below my, forecast, despite being the leader in its industry. At the time. the stock was trading at $44. My 2005 earnings estimate w as for $2.80 per share and the company earned $2.43. , Nonetheless, .its shares are up 9.1 percent over the past 12 months, in addition to a 2.2 percent dividend yield. Further- more, the company's outlook appears to be improving %with the announcement last week of bet- ter-than-expected second quarter, earnings. Anheuser-Busch reported that it earned 82 cents per share for the second quarter., as compared to 76 cents a year ago. If you exclude a tax gain, the company posted earnings of 81 cents per share.i Meanwhile, the shares recently hit a 14-month high of $48.70. With about a 50 percent share of the domestic beer market, the company said net sales for the quarter came in at $4.25 billion, as compared to $4 billion a year ago.. In an effort to expand its stable the Commission what the per- centage break down would be involving wh .would actually ,be paying the, ad valorem tax. This information showed that 25% of the homeowners would be paying the tax. An estimated, 15% of the residents that own mobile homes would be paying the tax. Last but not least, 100%. of the people that own commer- . cial businesses would pay the tax. The real loser in all of this proposed tax levy discussion is the few people that own busi- nesses in Trenton. They will have to provide the City of Trenton with the greatest per- centage of the money to come clean from their debt. The ques- tion remains, if the over spend- ing of the General Fund is not curbed during the upcoming year, the Commission could come back and propose a 10 mill tax levy to get them out of further debt for the 2007,2008 budget year. State House District 11 Meet, Greet and Eat with Ray Walker District 11 UX11 ,1111l br.e s C*O*O*K*I*N*G. By Cindy Jo Ayers The long hot days of summer have arrived. This time of year I've backed off the yard work. Frankly, my flowerbeds show the lack of care. But, it's too hot to get out there and dig those weeds out. Recently I've been spending the late afternoons on our shady back porch sipping on a tall glass of sweet ice tea. When the weather turns cooler which will be a while I'll have to attack those ol' weeds with a. fury., This past weekend John grilled pork chops and smoked a fresh pork loin. That pork was of brands, Anheuser-Busch re- cently acquired the Rolling Rock brand, while at the same time an- nouncing that it had an exclusive. arrangement to import and dis-. tribute Dutch brewer .Grolsch's beers in the United States and to become the exclusive. importer of Asia Pacific's Tiger beer: To its credit, Anheuser-Busch has, accelerated efforts to broad- en its. portfolio of:imported and ,craft. beers. While sales of do- mestic beer in the United States have been sluggish as consumer tastes hale shifted toward cock- tails and mine. imports and craft brews hate seen strong growth. Anheuser-Busch also said in its earnings statement that productivity improvement ini- tiatives are helping to mitigate continuing cost pressures. Al- though earnings and domestic, shipment volume are expected to be higher in 2006 than in 2005, the company did not provide a specific forecast. If you look *at the intrinsic value of Anheuser-Busch, it is a mixed story at best. Using a discounted earnings approach. with an 8.3 percent earnings grow th rate and an 11 percent discount rate, the intrinsic value is $42.51 .' : .'" . -However, if: you calculate the intrinsic value using a dis- counted free cash flow to the Firm approach, the intrinsic value is $52.86 with a 4.5'per- cent earnings growth rate. Raise the growth rate to 8.3 percent and the intrinsic value increases to $75. Even with the $52.86 figure, there is a .9.3 percent inherent value over the recent $48.35 share price, plus the 2.2 percent dividend yield . My earnings projection is for Anheuser-Busch to earn $2.48 in 2006 and $2.67 in 2007. The company currently trades at a multiple or price-to-earnings ra- tio (P/E) of 20.6. If that multiple continues, and there is no reason why it should not, you have the potential of a $51 stock in six to eight months. You can write to financial col- umnist Lauren Rudd at 5. Gulf Manor Drive, Venice, Fl. 34285 or email at LVERudd@aol.com. Prior columns are available at RuddReport.com. Lottery Numbers Wednesday July 26 Lotto Drawing: 1-6-17-30-42-49 No winner of the $18 million jackpot. 5-Digit Winners: 76 at $5,941.50 4-Digit Winners 5,214 at $70 3-Digit Winners: 105,434 at $4.50 Play 4 Drawing: S 4-3-7-4 Cash 3 Drawing: 5-1-0 Saturday, July 29 Lotto Drawing: 16-25-27-30-34-44 No winners of the $25 million jackpot. 5-Digit Winners: 201 at $2,995.50 4-Digit Winners: 7,482 at $68 3-Digit Winners: 147,069 at $4.50 Play 4 Drawing: 0-8-3-8 Cash 3 Drawing: 6-9-3 so fine, I do love it when John fires up the grill or smoker. I Made a big bowl of potato salad. Grilled ,meat and. homemade' potato salad just can't be beat on a hot weekend in late July. This week I've .,searched through a lot of potato salad recipes just to see what I could find that sounded good. John stopped by my desk and questioned if I was planning on changing the potato, salad recipe we use. He was somewhat relieved when.1 assured him I had no plans to change, it. I grew up eating really good homemade potato 'salad. My: mother makes what .I consider the traditional Southern potato. salad. Ijer recipe goes pretty- much like the one that follow s at the bottom of this, column called Old-Fashioned Potato Salad. Se\ eral \ears ago I fell in love with the potato salad that was served in the Greek Salad at the Heron Restaurant in Cedar Ke%. The chef-o% ner of the restaurant Ms. Janice Coupe made incredibly good food. I still .to this da) order Crab Bisque hoping it will be as good as Ms. Coupes but it's ne'er quite the same. Although the' restaurant closed in 1993 several of her faithful customers still reminisce about our favorite items that she turned out with amazing consistency for over ten years. Some years after closing her. restaurant she published a, cookbook, which is.still for sale ,in Cedar Key. Her cookbook is entitled. "Gourniui Cooking , Sixty Miles From A Lemon." If you see this book by all means pick it up, not only does it have great recipes but it's also a:great read. The potato salad that my 'family 'looks forum ard to is Our - Faminl's Favorite Potato Salad version of Ms. Coupe's original recipe except that of course I've, changed a few things and made it my own. A recipe is only a starting point and most serious cooks will make changes in any recipe .no matter how good it was to start with. 6 to 8 large Irish potatoes 3 eggs, boiled and peeled 3/4 cup of chopped sweet pickles 1 medium sweet onion, chopped 3/4 cup finely chopped celery 3/4 cup chopped Bell pepper cup mayonnaise 2 tablespoons prepared mustard Salt and pepper 1/4 teaspoon celery seeds Peel and cube potatoes and place in saucepan, cover with water. Add a teaspoon .of salt and boil until just tender over medium heat this takes about 10 minutes. Drain potatoes well and add boiled eggs, which have been chopped. Add pickles, celery, bell pepper, salt and pepper to taste, celery seeds mayonnaise, and mustard. Mix ,thoroughly and sprinkle paprika over top. Mix all this up while potatoes are still warm. Serves 8-10. My mother recommends that you let this salad set together for two to three hours before you serve it. . S tt& ___, 8 to 9 Idaho baking potatoes 3/4 cup bell pepper, finely chopped I cup green. onions, finely chopped (use green tops too) 3/4 cup fresh parsley Kraft mayonnaise 1/2 teaspoon McCormick's Season-All Season Salt Salt Fresh ground black pepper . Peel potatoes and cut into 1/2 inch cubes. Boil until just tender in salted water. Wash and dry fresh parsley and then mince it.. Drain potatoes very well. -In separate bo I add onions, bell pepper., and parsley. I mi\ this salad in layers.. I add a layer of hot potatoes to bottom of large bou I then about a hand full the onion, bell pepper,' and parsleN. Then spread a lay er of Mayonnaise on top. sprinkle w ith season salt and black pepper. Then repeat this process until all ingredients are added. Then I .mix it all together %with a large spoon. Taste at this point and add additional salt ohly if you need it.. You may also need to add additional mayonnaise at this point if your salad is too dry. The hot potatoes will soak up all the fla ors. We like this salad best. if served at once while it's still warm. Al avys. always use fresh parsley. the curly kind if you can get it. Never use any other mayonnaise except Kraft because it will not taste the same. I would also caution \ou to wash the parsley very well. If you rinse it several times in a bowl of water you will be' surprised about the amount of dirt that washes out. Also, I Date High don't use the parsley stems only the leaf part. When I have washed it well I drain and pat it, dry on paper towels. Gilchrist Building Inspector Resigns, County Accepts Resignation (Continued from Page One) of the decision to accept the letter of resignation. McQueen explained to the board that there is an individual that lives in the county that could possibly serve as the in- terim county building inspector. The county administrator told the board that he would com- municate with the individual in order to hire him on an interim basis. The County: /Administrator explained to the board that he would advertise the position for the hiring of a fulltime building official. Trenton Commission Proposes An 8.34 Mill Property Tax (Continued from Page One) order to balance the proposed budget. The board agreed to sched- uled another workshop meeting to be held August 21 at 6:30 p.m., Vinyl Letters Banners Real Estate Signs Printing Advertising Office Supplies Low High Low High Thu 1.899 ft. 3.386ft. 0.770 ft. 2.367 ft Aug 3, 06 2:05 AM 8:06 AM 4:05 PM 10:56 PM Fri 2.172ft. 3.409ft. 0.514ft. Aug 4, 06 3:17 AM 9:12 AM 5:28 PM Sat 2.524 ft. 2.298 ft. 3.514 ft. 0.175 ft. Aug 5, 06 12:31 AM 4:45 AM 10:24 AM 6:37 PM Sun 2.718 ft. 2.249 ft. 3.706 ft. -0.152 ft. Aug 6, 06 1:32 AM 6:02 AM 11:32 AM 7:32 PM Mon 2.877 ft. 2.077 ft. 3.929 ft. -0.393 ft. Aug 7, 06 2:i16 AM 7:04AM 12:32 PM 8:19 PM Tue 2.993 ft. 1.832 ft 4.119 ft. -0.497 ft. Aug 8, 06 2:52 AM 7:55AM 1:26PM 9:01 PM Wed 3.079 ft. 1.540 ft. 4.223 ft. -0.445 ft. Aug 9, 06 3:24 AM 8:43 AM 2:18 PM 9:41 PM Full Moon: 8/9 6:55 AM The Voice Of The Seven Thunders (Kent Heaton) The book of The' Revelation is filled with many wonderful visions and images thrilling the mind with the array of splendor, power and majesty at the grace of God upon His redeemed; justice and vengeance on those who reject Him. John affirms the message of the book can be read and understood: "Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of the prophecy, and keep the things that are written therein: for the time is at hand" (Revelation 1:3). The student is admonished to read the book, hear what the book is saying and to obey its divine will. John tells his own people the events of The Revelation are "at hand." Before the great battle unfolds in chapter 12, a series of visions take John to images of seals, trumpets and woes declaring the wrath of God upon the unbelievers and the salvation of the righteous. A strong angel appears in Revelation 10:1 in wondrous splendor and power. As he cries forth, "the seven thunders uttered their voices" (v3). The apostle is about to write what the seven thunders uttered when a voice from heaven says, "Seal up the things which the seven' thunders uttered, and write them not" (v4). The voice from heaven presents a valuable lesson for the student of Holy Writ. There are many things that are revealed by God to man for his instruction; there are some things that are never revealed. Johrl heard what the seven thunders uttered. He was about to write those words down. The voice from heaven forbids the writing of what he heard. When the great apostle died, the words he heard died with him. The temptation is to try to determine what the seven thunders said and many have undertaken this task in commentaries filling pages with postulations of man's Wisdom. When it is all said and done no one knows save God. Jehovah does not reveal everything to man. This insults the wisdom of man who expects to know all things as much as Jehovah God. The student of the Bible must realize the purpose of its message is to save him from condemnation. It is not in the divine will of God to give man an answer to every question he may ask. Peter said, "His divine power hath granted unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that called us by his own glory and virtue" (2 Peter 1:3). Everything we need to know is in the Bible. The task of man is to understand all that God has given unto man to obey and to find salvation in those words. Noah was told to build an ark for the saving of his household without a great deal of explanation of the deeper theological analysis. of why God will destroy man (Genesis 6-9). Abraham is commanded to offer his only son as a burnt offering without the volumes of questions modem man would present at such a challenge (Genesis 22). These men did not question the absence of information but simply obeyed their Lord and God. The children of Israel are reminded in the Law: "The secret things belong unto Jehovah our God; but the things that are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law" (Deuteronomy 29:29). There will be many questions that are never answered but one. question is answered with the blood of Jesus Christ - "What must I do to be saved." The answer is God's word. We can find salvation in obeying what we know as revealed by God. Let the secret things belong to God. Page Two forth mothof*heSuwnne Rve Trenton Church of Christ 463-3793 502 Northeast 7th Street Trenton, Florida 32693 Please Visit www.trentonchurchofchrist.com Email kerux@bellsouth.net X GLE, X VY %J A %..J 1% L JL IA X i THURSDAY AUIGTIST 312006 GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Page Three L -.,?.., ' %-.. + ',4 Evalyn Noelle Frazier Dr. John and Sheila Frazier Nathan and Nolan are very ex- are very proud to announce the cited to have a little sister. arrival of their daughter, Evalyn Grandparents are Billy and Noelle Frazier. Evalyn was born Myrtle Roberts (PaPa and Ne- on May 4, 2006, and weighed ;Ne) of Bell and Earnie and seven pounds and four ounces. Bertha Frazier (PaPa and Gran- Her three big brothers Noah, Gran) of Houston, Texas. Gator Storage Trailer Rentals W 352-372-6206 IRON-FREE WELL WATER COMPANY, INC. Taking Iron Out Of Your Water Every Day 1-800-437-1128 Or visit us at: www.iron-free.com See our ad in Classified section of this newspaper *** Hunt's Pest Control, Inc. GET RID OF: Cockroaches \\aterbugs German Roaches Ants and other Household Pests M &S TRACTOR SERVICES, INC. Land Clearing Site Prep and Cleaning House Pads Driveways Glenn Hines Business: 352-472-1660 Mobile: 352-354-5493 Pole Barns Crane Service Truss Setting g 18-in Auger (352) 543-6643 P 0. Box 218 Otter Creek, Florida 32683 Lic. No. RB0031694 www.gilchristcounty.com The Chamber Corner The Gilchrist County Cham- ber of Commerce would like to. introduce and welcome our new- est members to the, Chamber of Commerce. Hiers-Baxley Funeral Ser- vices- Established since 1885. Owners-John Hiers and. Den- nis Baxley and their manager Buddy Leaptrot. Providing funeral services, Burials .ser- vices and Cremations. Located at 130-1 N. Young Blvd., Chief- land, FL. 32626. For more. information or to speak person- ally n ith John, Dennis or Buddy ,please contact them at (352) 493-0050 Fax: (352)493-0844 or you can send an email to: Hierschieflandfhii'-ad.coin also visit their website at: Hiers- Baxley.com ' Beauchamp and Edwards. CPAs-owners, Robert and Jef- . frey Beauchamp. They are an accounting firm :offering all personal and business account- ing needs. They have been es- tablished in our area since 1984 and have a full staff of seven ac- countants available for all your accounting needs. Beauchamp and Edwards, CPAs are located at 105 E. Park Avein Chiefland, FL, their mailing address is P.O Box 1777, Chiefland, FL 32644. You can contact them at (352) 493-4808, Fax; (352) 493-7107 or you can contact their office through an email to: rbeaucham pcpa(a),bellsouth.net ... We would like to, thank Ann Bamrnett of Oak Walk Subdivi- sion and her family, friends and staff, for a very successful Chamber Mixer on Monday, July 24th. Our next Chamber Mixer will be on Monday, August 21, 2006 Hosted by Riverland Mortgage Corporation Owners Bill Deen and Brenda. Wilkerson located ,gt 723 El. Wade Streei. Trenton, bet,'%-een the h,,i'urs of 5 0 p in - 6:301 p. . If you are interested in hosting' a Chamber Mixer please contact Maureen at the Chamber office Monday-Friday (352) 463-3467. Reminder: Trenton Com- munity Farmers' Market at the Train Depot-(419 N. Main St.) Trenton Open every Tues- day from 2:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.. The Gilchrist. County Char- acter trait for the month of July presented by the Character First. Council is: "Teacher" ... (defi- nition) "Imparts wisdom, matu- rity, and skill to others." Linda Brown Reporter " Preston and Tracy Richburg are proud to announce the wed- ding of their mother Linda Rich- 'burg of Trenton to Ed Crites of Cross City. The ceremony will .be held Pt the Trenton, Woman's Club August 5, 2006 at 4:00 .P.M r ': ,, ., ,, Reception ,to tollo%\ at same place. No invitations are being sent, all friends and family are invited. | Gilchrist I y County Journal }. FAX 463-7393 RE ES The Republican Executive Conummittee Invites Public To Event In Bell 'The Republician Executive Committee cordially invites you to join us on August 8, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. at the Bell Community Center. Judge Edward (Ed) Philman, David Miller (Duke) Lang, Mitchell Gentry, D. Ray Har- rison, and Terry Parrish will be guests. We will be discussing the up- coming elections. Please join us for an informative evening. U L Bell FFA Alumni News. The 2006-2007 'school year is here and the Bell FFA Alumni is getting ready ith its hrst meet- ing on Thursday. August 10th at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Bell Ag. Building. STopics for discussion include the shin-dig, fundraisers, and officer elections. A covered dish dinner will be 'served. The Alumni will 'provide the drinks and paper products:. All parents especially ) the parents of new ag. students), grandparents, past FFA mnem- bers, and all adults interested in supporting the Bell Ag. program are invited to attend. Socials And Personals On July 20th Mrs. Alice White and family members out of Gainesville, enjoyed a Mosley .family reunion aboard the Fasci- nation Fun Ship of the Carnival Cruise lines. Approximately 50 family members met in Miami to board the ship and they cruised out of Miami to Nassau, Baha- mas for a three nights, four days cruise. While in the Bahamas the family also enjoyed an ad- ditional tour of Paradise Island. The family left 'the Bahamas at 5:30 a.m. on Sunday morning and 'arrived in Miami at 8:00 a.m. on Monday morning, July 24th. * Pumpkin Brown Cheek's hus- band Tom is very sick and in the hospital in Jackson. Happy Birthday wishes to Carl Johnson, Rebecca Doug- las, Jennifer Manders, Johnny Parrish, Da\ n Wiggins, Megan Jones, and Mildred Beach on August 3rd; Ray Sanders, Jack Cook. Chelsea Lee, and Tasia Brown. on August 4th; Brooke Ridge'% aN. Brad Brown, Nicho- 'las Langford, Kristen Smith, Patsya" Turner, 'and Mitchell Owens on August 5th; Leslie Sapp, Grace Thompson, Mike .Lord, Kathleen Robinson, and, Craig Jones on August 6th; Beth Bonnet. Rick Riess, and Brooke Griffin on August 7th; Greg Durden, Janiece Holder. Caro- 'line Johnson, Belinda Todd, and Annie Wallace on August. 8th; Jennifer Owens Halter, Pee Wee Smith, and Cynthia Sheffield on August 9th. . Happy Anniversary wishes to: Mr and Mrs. Bruce McElroy on August 3rd; Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Downing on August 5th; Mr. and Mrs. Brainard Richard- Mr. and Mrs. Tim Langford of Trenton and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown of Newberry are pleased to announce the upcoming wed- ding of their children, Cassie Langford and Timothy Brown. The ceremony will take place on Saturday, October 14, 2006, at 2:00 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church in Newberry. A reception- will be held in the church fellowship hall following the ceremony. All friends and family are cor- dially invited to attend. Elect TWO some lines count ..... don'tdefine ado..... For County Commission Dist. 2 The qualifying is over. Yodinow have the chance to elect the candidate that w\ ill be repre- senting District 2 as-County Commissioner, for the next four,. years. Please examine the choices and I6okath'e experience and qualifications offeach candidate:' " I have 39 years of experience in Gilchrist County government dealing with budgetss' 'Under my leadership we developed the county's computerized mapping and GIS systems. I know and understand our government and can lead us in the future. I am not running for this office because I need a job, I am seeking this office because I know I can do the job and believe I am'the best qualified. I need your help to accomplish the task of getting elected; please go to the poles and vote for D. RAY HARRISON, JR. I promise to, give you my very best efforts to make you a commissioner that ,has no personal agenda. I want our growth to be very controlled and well-planned. We need to make sure to'protect our environment as the county grows. I am very service oriented and will help you with your concerns of government and government services, and will get you answers to your problems. Please call me if you have any questions-or concerns at (352) 463-2147 or go to my website at www.drayharrison.com or email me at rharrison(Adirecway.com Thank you for your consideration, and your VOTE and support will be deeply appreciated. Your Friend, D. Ray Harrison, Jr. Political Advertisement Paid and Approved By D. Ray Harrison, Jr. For County Commission-Dist. 2 (D) '1U TRI-COUNTY CCHIROPROCTIC "Care for the Entire Family" Dr. Bennitt Patterson * Available on Location: X-Rays, Physical Therapy & Licensed Massage Therapist (MM0007612) Most Insurance Accepted - Major Medical Medicare/Medicaid Most HMO's & PPO's Personal Injury/Auto Accidents Workers' Compensation 493-1540 2220 N. Young Blvd., Chiefland (Across from Wal-Mart Super Center) OFFICE HOURS Monday / Wednesday / Friday 9 a.m. Noon & 2 p.m. -6p.m. Tuesday 8 am 12:30 pm Thursday 8 a.m. Noon & 2 p.m. 5 p.m. ~ Walk-Ins Welcome ~ 341 Chiefland Regional Tri-County Shopping Center Chiropractic US 19 WalMart N Super Center WE DO TERMITE INSPECTIONS Phone 493-1051 493-4772 Ie send em packina MO THI TIR BraKes Alignments Oil Changes Southern Tire & Brake 626 North Main Street Trenton 463-605o0 Andrew Nguyen, M.D. General Practice Trenton Office Newberry Office 308 N. Main Street 50 SW Main Street (Next to Best Drugs) 463-7381 472-2275 Monday, Wednesday, Friday Tuesday & Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Monday'through Friday 2:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Appointments Preferred Timothy Brown and Cassie, Langford eW/' son, Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Griffin on August 6th; Mr. and .Mrs. Brad Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Czarniak on August 7th; Mr, and Mrs. John Vickers on August 9th. Life is' a great hbi canvas; throw all the paint on it you can. Danny Kaye FI Pn Four -JCRS CONT JORA T-DY AUUS 3,20 CHURCH NEWS Gracie Lynn Parker ~4~W6;~~ Z~er~ Lance and Carrie Parker of Trenton are proud to announce the arrival of their daughter, Gracie Lynn Parker. Gracie was born on May 8, 2006, at North Florida Regional Hospital. She weighed eight pounds, five ounces and was twenty and a half inches in length. -Gracie is the granddaughter of Terri Gunter and Art Wit he' of High Springs and Burnell and Judy Parker of Newberry. She is the "great-granddaughter of Shirley Gunter and the late Wayne Gunter of Newberry,- Leonard and Celita .Withey of High Springs, Doris and the late. *John Lee Cook of Newberry and Hillary and Betty Parker of Newberry. She is also the great-. great-granddaughter of My. rtle Swearingen ofAnthony., New Life "-K' Assembly of God - 9579 US-129 S Trenton;, Florida 463-7004 You can make a difference! Services: Sunday School 10 am Praise & Worship/KidZone 11 am, Everung Worship 6 pm Wednesday Nighi Sen ice & "The Place" i Youith 7 pm Pasior. Doti & Jefri Luinsiurd Fanning Springs Community Church Will Host Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University For Thirteen Weeks Fanning Springs Community Church will host Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University on Sunday nights from 6:00 p.m.-8: 00 p.m. for 13 weeks beginning. Sunday, August 27th Novem- ber 19th. Orientation will be held at Fanning Springs Com- munity Church on Sunday, July 30th at 6:00 p.m. and Sunday, August 6th at 6:00 p.m. Come! find out how to: Make a budget that you will understand and actually use, get out of debt and stay that way, communicate, with your spouse about 'finances, invest with con- fidence, change your financial future.. This will change your 'life., For more information,. contact Robbin Vaughn at Fanning' Springs Community Church at 463-2602.. Riverside Baptist Church To Have Homecoming On August 13th Riverside Baptist Church will ,be having homecoming on Au- gust,13, 2006, at I11:00 a.m. in the fellowship hall. There will be special music and a covered dish dinner fol- lowing the morning worship ser- \ ice. The morning message \\ ill be delivered by Alwm Pflueger, Starts August 16th at Pine Grove Baptist Church 463-2151. Registration/Sign in will be in the foyer of the New Church Building from 6:15 6:30 pm Opening Ceremonies begin at 6:30 pm Closing Ceremonies at 8:20 pm COME JOIN THE FUN!, YOU ARE INVITED TO A Ken Leach of Sun City, Arizona with Services 10 am, 11 am & 7:30 pm Sunday 7:30 pm Nightly, Midway Church of Christ 5750 S.W. CR-232 Bell, Florida 32619 For Information: (352) 463-2057 Topics Include: Sunday (10 am) Psalms 119:11 (11 am) Nehemiah's Plan for Church Growth (7:30 pm) Heaven Monday The Spirit of Christ Tuesday Benefits of Suffering Wednesday The Compassion of Christ Thursday Caleb: Faithful Optimism Friday Repentance pastor. Riverside Baptist Church is located at 10760 NW 5th Ave. Branford, behind the fire station on Hwy. 138. For further information please call (386)935-3935. They would love to have you join them in' this celebration. Mt. Nebo Baptist Church To Hold Everything's Free Yard Sale Mt. Nebo Baptist Church's "Everything's Free". vard sale is, on Saturday, August 5th from 8:i 00-2:00 p.m. It is time for our annual Caring and Sharing Day and we would like to invite our community to come out and see- if. we can help you with your need. Items available will be furni- ture, clothes, household items, school supplies and more. Re- member, everything is FREE! No donations w ill be accepted. Nit. Nebo is located three miles north of Bell on Hwy. 340 "est. International Missionary To Speak, At Mt. Nebo Baptist Church On August 6th On Sunday, August 6th at 6:00 p.m. Missionary to Nicara- gua. Jim Palmer, will be speak- ing at Nit. Nebo Baptist Church. Come and hear his exciting report on the work being done there. AWANA is coming to. Mt. Nebo very soon. Watch the paper for more details.- Come worship with us. Mt. Nebo is located three miles north, of Bell on Highway 340 west. We look forward to seeing you! Dr. Leslie McNulty To Be Guest Speaker At Lighthouse Word Church On August 13th Dr. Leslie McNultr. global strategist, world evangelist, teacher and author -will be speaking at Lighthouse Word' Church on Sunda.. August 13th at the 10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. services. Dr. McNultr is co- founder of Christian Adventures International and pioneer of the 100 -Tent Project across Eurasia. She and her husband, Dr. Kevin NMcNulty, travel throughout Eurasia and Africa, training and ,raising up pastors and evange- lists to carry the gospel through tent ministry. Leslie's education has unique- ly prepared her for the current world hardest with a degree in finance from Stetson University, a bachelor's degree in church administration, a master's in theology from Life Christian University and a conferred doc- torate. You will be blessed b. her exciting ministry! For more information, call 439-1554. We Welcome You To Mt. Nebo Baptist Church (SBC) 4200 N.W. CR-340, Bell, FL 32619 : (3 miles North of Bell on Hwy-340 \'est) Sunday School............ ............... 9:45 am Morning Worship ... 11 am Evening W orship .......:.......................... 6 pm, Wednesday Evening Services: Adult Bible Study, Children, & Youth .,. 7 pm Pastor: Rev. Jimmy Corbin Minister of Youth: Matt Hoptsclaw S Chvrchhqe: 386-935-3575,, , "'Committed to R.aching People J'or' Christ" PINE GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH i 16655 N. W CR-339 Trenton, Florida 32693 352-463-2151 www.pgbcfl.com Bro. Greg Douglas, Pastor Bro. Rickey Whitley, Minister of Students Charles'Brock, Music Director Sunday School/Bible Study....,................ 9:15 AM Morning Worship Service.......................10:30 AM Children's Church .......:.................. .... 10:30 AM Evening I Worship Service.........................6:00 PM Wednesday Night Services:.Prayer Meeting, AWANA & Youth Worship.. ................ 7:00 PM SNursery Provided for All Services - WE WELCOME YOU TO UNION BAPTIST CHURCH SBCo 6259 $S.E. 75TH AVENUE NEWBERRY, FL 32669 SUNDAY SCHOOL ................................. 945 AM MORNING WORSHIP ................................... 11 AM EVENING WORSHIP ...................................... 6 PM WEDNESDAY EVENING SERVICES: ADULT BIBLE STUDY, CHILDREN, & YOUTH ... 7 PM PASTOR: TRAVI$ MOODY MINISTER OF YOUTH: ROBBIE BEACH CHURCH PHONE: 386-472-3845 "WIN THE LOST AND TEACH THE SAVED TO SERVE" l eliebe "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof for correction, for instruction in righteousness:" ~ 2 Timothy 3:16 . Pew 00ope jfamtip (tiurtd) 4470 N.W. County Road 236 Bell, Florida 32619 ~ 1 Mile West of US-129- Service Times. Pastor: 10:00 am Sunday School Rev. Lynn Wagner 11:00 am Sunday Morning Worship Office: 6:30 pm Wednesday Bible Study 386-935-4219 "In the beginning was the .Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us..." ~ John 1:1, 14 . Ella Grace Wood Cody ,and Tiffany Wood of Wake Forest, North Caro- lina. would like. to introduce N\ou to their daughter. Ella Grace Wood. Ella was born on July 22, 2006, at 3:13 a.m.. at Duke .University Hospital in Durham,' North Carolina. She weighed- seven pounds and one ounce and 'was 20 inches long. . Ella is the granddaughter of David and" Teresa Ozment of" Trenton and JimmN and Debo- rah Wood of Jacksonville. She is the great granddaughter of James and Ann Ozment of Tren- ton, Mary Anp Windham Cook of Bay Springs, Mississippi, Fay Aldrich of Newv berry, and Mar- tha Lee of Atlanta, Georgia. American Legion Hall Available Meetings Parties W weddings & Receptions 352-463-1501 Trenton United Methodist Church 9:30 am Sunday School 11:00 am Morning Worship Service 6:00 pm Wednesday Bible Study Nuirsery provided 9-12 Sunday Morning 203 N.E. Second Street, Trenton Office: 463-2877 Rev .D.I"Hank" Cribb, Sr. Trenten Church of God SWelcomes you to come worship Aith us Sunday School-, .10:00 a.m. . SundMa Praise & Worship 11:00 a.m. Evening Praise & Worsh0ip. .O p.m. Wednesday Bible Study- 7:00 p.m. Phone 463-6543 Ne -\.geocities.com/ichnurchofgod_trentonfla BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH "Committed to living and sharing the message of God's love." Bible Study 9:45 a.m. SSunday Worship 11 a.m. & 7 p.m. Prayer & Discipleship Wed. 7 p.m. o Youth Praise & Worship Wed. 6:30 p.m. A iAwana Program Wed. 6:30 p.m. 7070 S.W. CR-334AI Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-2028 Pastorr e-mail: bethelit@bellsouth.net Ralph Rodriguez www.backtobethel.org YOU ARE WELCOME AT PRISCILLA BAPTIST CHURCH 5509 S.W. County Road 232, Bell, Florida (Between Bell & Trenton 2.5 miles West of SR 129) SSunday School..........................10:00 AM Morning Worship.......................11:00AM Evening Worship..........................6:00 PM Wednesday Night Prayer/Youth...7:30 PM Be a part of an exciting time of Worship and Bible Study. Web: www.ForMinistry.com/USFLSOBCOPBCl . t firpsf t aptisf t hurch t Welcomes You! "Embracing the Past and Reaching Toward the Future. Corner of NE Second St. and Highway 26 in Trenton (Nursery provided for all services) Sunday School 9:45 AM (classes for all ages) Sunday Morning Worship & Children's Church 11 AM Sunday Night Bible Study 6 PM Wednesday Nights: Awana 6.20 PM Youth Bible Study, Praise & Worship 6:30 PM Adult Bible Study & Prayer 7 PM DYNAMIC MINISTRIES FOR ALL AGES! Call 463-2038 for more information or www.fictrentonfl.org GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL THURSDAY, AUGUST 3,2006 Pa g e Four T ....... A~UGUST...20~06 vT HRST~v I A 0% .... JT v NV P F 'Dobey' The Family Dog Of Parker And Levi Ferguson Is Lost W. v Shownfrom left are taIvnda and Dobey Ferguson. 'Dobey' The Dog Please help us look for our newest member of the family. He is lost and out somewhere all alone. "Dobey" is a black and brown, two-year-old dachshund. Dobey wears a blue collar with a 'gator' identification tag. Do- bey was previously a member 'of Bob and Wanda Clemons family. Shortly after our whole life changed in April when my husband Sam passed away Wanda approached me with the. Clemons, Parker and Levi Ferguson possibility of the boys taking on the responsibility of having a cute little dog in our home. They knew the boys would love Dobey and they were so right. It was love at first sight. Parker and Levi do nothing without having Dobey tag along. Dobey simply crossed over our rock road into the neighbor's field of pines on Friday (Parker and Levi's 5th birthday) to take care of a little business. Just as. i he does every time he gets that urge, except this.time he did not return. What a terrible birthday present. We have searched the pines fearing a possible snake bite. We have searched the roads just in case he had been hit. We have visited with our neighbors checking to see if Dobey had found a buddy or maybe even a girlfriend. Now, we are ventur- ing out to you. Dobey is a very loveable dog, loves attention, loves to play and loves to cuddle. Dobey is on a special diet to keep him fit and beautiful. If you have seen Do- bey my phone number is (352) 463-1409 or if you found Dobey hurt, he is a customer/patient of the Trenton Animal Hospital; please feel free to take him there and I will cover any expense. If you by chance saw him thinking he had been dropped off (which we know happens sometimes) that wasn't the case. That would never happen with him. He just loves to be out and about, he's. very adventurous. Dobey .loves to. travel. He' goes to the, babysitter everyday with Parker and Levi. He's been to Cedar Key fishing just recent- ly when the boys each caught their very first fish. He loves running down the beach with the boys. He's'even gone to Vaca- tion Bible School with them. He always visits our family 's homes running and playing %%ith his new friends Sport i Jack Russell.). Tiny (Chocolate Lab puppy) and Bags (German Shep. Dobey was last seen the after- noon of July 2A, 2006 in front of our house at 3349 SW 20th Street, just south of the school bus garage off SR 129. Dobey is very missed at home. We go out several times a day search- ing and calling with our fingers crossed, hoping he'Jl just run up' and jump at our knees or knock the boys down with excitement. For those who know Parker and Levi Fergusori (my guys), you know they are struggling at times with different things because of losing their Daddy. We talk about Daddy being in heaven and look for the brightest star at night. They ask a lot of questions about Daddy not being around because they do not fully understand death and how final it is. They were certain Daddy would be at Cedar Key the other day to fish 6ause that's what Daddy enjoyed. I am keeping my fingers crossed hoping Dobey returns, hoping I don't have -to explain to them this type of final. They jump right up each day and call for Dobey. I'm hoping at one of those moments Dobey. will be whimpering at the back door to get in. If you've seen Dobey and can help us in any way, please call. Thanks so much.' Ra) anne Ferguson. Providence Ministries Of Otter Springs RV Resort Presents Front Porch Music Pro% idence Ministries of Ot- ter Springs RV Resort presents: 1st Saturday Front Porch Mu-, sic, Saturday. August 5th at 7: 00 p.m. There %\ill be a covered dish dinner with non-denominational christian fellowship. The guest speaker \%ill be Luther Beauchamp, Profes- sional Christian Speaker. and the Providence Gospel Group will also be performing. To reach Otter Springs from Hwy. 26, turn north on CR 232' and then left .on SW 70th St. The entrance is one mile on .the right. For more information, call Trish' Keene at 352-463-0800 or. 1-800-883-9107 Email: otterspri ng rv (i' a o 1. c o ni Or visit outr. website: Vwwt.ottersprings.com It's Mosquito Season Again! , . Let Trenton Animal Hospital help in the . fight against mosquito-transmitted " S-' heartworm disease. Buy 1 year of 1' '- any heartworm 'n S' preventative and - : save!! a W Setupyour appointment today!! ' Trenton Animal Hospital 603 N. Main St., Trenton, FL (352) 463-7100 ^3^3 t ^ 4* 4 ^ 4* 4* ^ 444 SRWMD Governing Board Meeting On Tuesday, August 8, 2006, the Suwannee River Water Management District Governing Board will meet at 9:00 a.m, at District Headquarters, Hwy. 49 and 90 East, Live Oak, Florida.: The meeting is to consider Dis- trict business and conduct public hearings on regulatory and land acquisition matters. All meetings, workshops, and hearings are open to the public. The Power Plant In Crystal River Is Named One Of The Dirtiest In a new report, the Progress Energy's coal-burning power" plant in Crystal River has once again been named as one of the dirtiest power plants in the na- tion. The plant is ranked among the top 50 polluters in its total output of four substances harm- ful to public health and the envi-' ronment; sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide and mer- cury according to the nonprofit- Environmental Intergrity Project in Washington. Itis the third consecutive %ear on the list for the plant. Alzheimer's Association Presents "Communication and Dementia Workshop" The Alzheimer's Association presents "Communication and Dementia Workshop" for care- givers of persons with memory loss at the Gilchrist County Pub- lic Library on Thursday, August 10th from 1:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m. This program is free and open to the public. For more informa- tion, call (352) 372-6266. . The Library is located at 105 NE 11th Ave., Trenton. PERSONAL INI r Married to Marty for 20 years ' r One daughter, Asheton A Resident of 20 years in Gilchrist * Attended Bell Elementary Schoo of Dixie County High School COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT * Gilchrist County Education Foun * Gilchrist County Woman's Club * Gilchrist County Chamber of Co' * Gilchrist County Cattleman's'Ass A Gilchrist County Farm Bureau * Tri-County Relay for Life A Leader of Little Farmer's 4-H * Supporter Gilchrist Booster Club * Supporter Suwannee River Fair * Wild Beast Feast * Gilchrist County Walk-A-Thon First Visioning Meeting Titled "Managing Gr( To Be Hosted B City Of High SI The first Visioning 'to be hosted by the Cit Springs is titled "] Growth" and it -will be coming Monday even 6:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m. a Civic Center. . Topics will be: Ho High Springs manage What type of dev should be encouraged should it be located residential densities a private and where? Sh space, agricultural l environmentally sensi be preserved? What s roadway system look 1 We all need to attend need to speak out and city officials know ju what our concerns are the city intends to growth. We need to let el officials know that growth is, and will create, a financial burd idents bf creating gov systems for future resi don't even exist as of' S PLEASE START( SMART GROWTH. From The Des] Gilchrist Coun Sheriff David I Turner \\eekly Sheriff's Re Week Endin July 3142006 On July 24, 2006 Harper, 7/26/62, was on charges of FTA/Pos Drug Paraphernalia P of Controlled Subst Bond. Surrender. I On Jul 24,2006. Jo cia, 2/22/66. was arres charge of VOP/DUI. On July 26, 2006, Sheila Clark, 7/9/66, was arrested on )wth" charges of DUI, Refusal to Sub- mit to Breath Test and, Violated ,y The Drivers License Restrictions. springs On July 27, 2006, Brandon C. Meeting Allee, 11/19/80, was arrested on y of High charges of DUI, Attached Tag Managing not Assigned, Tag Expired more held this than 6 Months. ning from On July 27, 2006, Jason D. t the City Kinsey, 2/21/75, was arrested on the charge of Manufacturing )w should- Cannabis. a growth?, On July 27, 2006, Bud L. development Smith, 2/29/81, was arrested and where on the charge of Violation of ? What Probation. ire appro- On July 27, 2006, Dominique would open Mesby, 6/19/87, was arrested ands and on charges of Battery and Ag- tive lands gravated Battery with Deadly should the Weapon. ike? Onr July 27, 2006, Hedtor id and we Martinez, 4/15/86, was arrested let elected on charges of No Valid Drivers St exactly License and Carrying a Con- and how cealed Weapon. deal with On July 27, 2006, John L. Land, 6/22/SO, was arrested on ected city the charge of D\,WLSR: excessive On July 27, 2006, Mark:M. eventually MNorill, 1/29/79, was arrested len on res- on charges of Possession of Less 'ernmental than 20 Grams and Possession of dents who DrugParaphernalia yet. On Jul\ 27, 2006, Gilliam R. STHINK- Perkins, 1/23/61, was arrested on charges'of Alcohol in. Park, Ed Shupe Possession of Less than 20 Grams and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. "-* On July 28, 2006, Vernisha L. k Of Mitchell, 5/7/81, was arrested on ty the charge of DUI. On July 28, 2006, Sheila L. Brown, 11/7/75, was arrested on the charge of Burglary of Occu- port For pied Conveyance. g I On July 29, 2006, Mel in G. 6 Schreiner, Jr., 3/21/74, was ar- , Thomas rested on the charge of DUI. s aoneteaU session of Possession ance and, se D. Gar- ted on the We Hale Color Copies Call The Journal 463-7135 ,Qi ,^ ,ears experience CONNIE DOUGLAS SANCHEZ FO Why Vote For Connie? Experience In: Voting Equipment (Optical Scan & County )1, GraduateTouch Screen) HAVA (Help America Vote Act) FVRS (Florida Voters Registration System) UOCAVA (Uniformed & Overseas Citizen IT Absentee Voting Act) idation Election Laws mmerce Budgets sociation Candidates Poll Worker Training Financial Disclosers Day to Day Operations of Office Assisted with 22 Elections since 1997 Make Experience Count! CONNIE DOUGLAS SANCHEZ for SUPERVISOR of ELECTIONS 7246 Cardinal Trail, Fanning Springs, FL 32693 (352) 463-3044 Political advertisement paid for and approved by Connie Douglas Sanchez, Republican, for Gilchrist County Supervisor of Elections PERMITS. We will make it simple from start to finish Smith Septic Tank Service, Inc. Pull Permits for: Mobile Home Move-On Pre-Inspection on Used Mobile Homes New Septic Systems Repair or Existing Systems Site Evaluations (Perk Test) Mobile Home Packages Well Septic Power Pump Outs and Certifications Portable Toilets One Call Does It All (386) 935-1429 Toll Free 1-866-935-1429 FAIRNESS S#RI** I am making every effort to visit as many people as I can during my re-election campaign. Time constraints will not allow me. to visit every- one in their homes. With this in mind, several of my supporters have co-sponsored the following events to allow you to become better acquainted with me both personally and professionally. Please mark your calendar, come by and enjoy good fellowship, entertainment and ,food with me. TUESDAY GINNIE SPRINGS. 8/01/06 O FRIDAY BELL COMMUNITY CENTER 5:00 -7:30 PM 8/11/06 ENTERTAINMENT TIM TRAIL FREE DINNER CATERED BY AKINS BAR B QUE DESSERTS BY RITA & HUGH MARTIN SPONSORED BY RAY E. THOMAS, JR. P. A., RITA & HUGH MARTIN, THEODORE M. BURT AND SUPPORTERS D THURSDAY TRENTON TRAIN DEPOT 5:00 7:30 PM 8/17/06 ENTERTAINMENT THE PHILMAN FAMILY BAND & ARCHIE & RUTH KNOWLES GOSPEL SINGERS FREE DINNER CATERED BY AKINS BAR B QUE SPONSORED BY GRAY CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC., THEODORE M. BURT, VERNA MAE EADY REAL ESTATE, INC. AND SUPPORTERS D SATURDAY HURLEY'S WACCASASSA PLANTATION 5:00 7:30 PM 8/19/06 ENTERTAINMENT BLUEGRASS PICKING & GOSPEL SINGING FREE HAMBURGERS & HOT DOGS WITH THE TRIMMINGS SPONSORED BY HURLEY'S WACCASASSA PLANTATION & TOM HURLEY MONDAY VOTE TO RE-ELECT JUDGE EDWARD (ED) PHILMAN 8/21/06 ** EARLY VOTING BEGINS MONDAY 8/21/06 9/02/06 ** TUESDAY VOTE TO RE-ELECT JUDGE EDWARD (ED) PHILMAN 9/05/06 Please visit my website or call me for information on my experience or if you have questions. Home 386-935-2333 Cell 352-221-4673 www.Re-ElectJudgeEdPhilman.com Political advertisement paid for and approved by Edward (Ed) Philman, nonpartisan,. for Gilchrist County Court Judge, Group 1 -A- tll*V,%%&At THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 2006 GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Page Five rage lX JkLL.lkXi-I .t- J..., L, A J -5,- X I :Springh.ouse I S Quilters I i. U. News i Shown is Edna Barron and Elaine Faison .enjoying reminisc- ing over pictures of 4-H projects, quilting projects and previ- ous fun activities of Sr ing-house. Springhouse Quilters News Springhouse Quilters were surprised at their monthly meet- ing in July when a previous resident of Gilchrist County and member of Springhouse, Ms. Edna Barron, returned from Arkansas for a brief visit with friends and family. . Ms. Edna, as she is affection- ately called, was and is still a member of Springhouse Quilters for many years. She was a great supporter .of Springhouse dur-. ing 'the acquisition and locating of Springhouse to the present location. She was also a great supporter of all Springhouse 4-H summer sewing camps and quilting projdcts.-' Ms. Edna, moved from Gilchrist County., early this year to relocate to be near her daughter. We miss Ms. Edna but she is always welcome to visit during any of her return visits. Springhouse members will be enjoying a workshop this month by Mary Rawlins. She will be.' presenting a workshop on a wearable, flannel rag-jacket. Members will .need to signup for this workshop during the regular meeting which will be on August 8th, beginning at 9:00 a.m. Springhouse Quilters will be raffling two quilts during the Trenton downhome days event in November. Tickets for these quilts are available from Spring- house guild members or at the Suwannee Valley Quilt Shop in Trenton. One quilt is a-small wall hanging, in patriotic colors, with an angel completed in' red and blue work on each square. This quilt was made and donated to the guild by. the Nite Owls. The second" quilt is a double wedding ring made b\ the for- mer Mrs. Willie Gilliam of Bell and donated to the guild by the Gilliam family. For information-about Spring- house Quilters, contact Anna Gilliam, 463-7922 or Lois Scott, 463-2207. ; .. Lois Scott, Publicity. It's not about your life, it's about theirs. Life insurance isn't about your life, it's about the people who rely on it. As a local independent agent, we can design an insurance program that's just right for you and your family. Give the people you love Safe.Sound.Secure. protection from Auto-Owners Insurance Company. futo-Owners Insurance Nature Coast Insurance 12372 NWHWY 19, Chiefland, FL 32626 352-493-2565 Trenton Community Farmers' Market At the Depot 419 North Main Street (Hwy-129) Open Every Tuesday from 2pm 6pm LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Every week: Open Mic from 2 -3, Featured Act 3-5 Farm Fresh August8-"HACK CRAMER August 15- COUNTY ROAD Produce August 22- MACK & PAULA TYNER August 29 -,CLOGGING WORKSHOP with SELETA SUCSY of the Cross Creek Cloggers Plants and Art Show/Block Party Drop-Off location for Canned Goods for the Food Pantry InfoLine: 352-463-4000, option 8 Vendor Information 386-454-3950 Sponsored by City of Trenton & Gilchrist County Journal Suwannee River Fair Announces Mandatory Meeting Dates July 31, 2006: The Suwannee River Fair Board of Directors met Monday night to discuss many important issues pertain- ing to the 2007 Fair. Issues in- cluded mandatory meetings for all exhibitors, new rule changes affecting all exhibitors, weigh-in and tag-in dates, date and time for the annual meeting, and pos- sible schedule changes. Mandatory meeting dates have been scheduled as follows:. August 21st at 7:00 p.m.;. Fat Steers, Feeder Steers, Swine and Heifers. August 28th at 7:00 p.m.; Dairy, Horse, Poultry, Rabbit, Home Economics. September" 18th at 7:00 p.m.;, All exhibitors. **All meetings are to be held at the Fairgrounds. Exhibitors are required to attend a meeting designated for the show they wish to enter. Entry forms will be given out at these meetings and no where else. You must attend these meetings to partici- pate. Along with the entry forms being handed out, new important rules will be discussed.: The weigh-in and tag-in dates- are as follows: October 7th at 7:00-10:00 a.m. Fat Steer Weigh-In. December 1st from3:30-5:30 p.m. Feeder Steer Weigh-In. . December 2nd from 7:00-10: 00 a.m. Swine Tag-In. December 2nd from 12:00-2: 00 p.m. Heifer Tag-In. January 2nd from 12:00 All- other Entry forms due. This years annual meeting is set for Septmeber 25th at 7:00 p.m. at the Fair Office. New directors :and officers will be elected and important issues in-. volving this year's fair Will be discussed. All concerned mem- bers are encouraged to attend. Trenton High School/ Middle School Band Boosters To Hold First Meeting Of The Year The Trenion HS/NIS. Band Boosters organization w ill hold ,the first meeting of the year-on August 14th, at 7:30 p.m. We will adjourn at 8:30 p.m. when the students are released from evening practice.. 'We want to extend a special welcome to any new band stu- dent parents. We will also be .sending notices of our meeting out to your band student at the first of the year for a reminder, so remember .to ask them for that. Our organization's goal is to support the band in many dif- ferent ways and we have a lot of fun doing that. There are many different ways in which you can take part and any help you can give us will be greatly appreci- ated. If you. would like to be a part in our fun group, just come to a meeting, or call Michelle Carter at. 463-2950 to find out more about this fun and important organization. Hope to see all of you on the 14th! Submitted by, Ellie Andrews RP Trenton HS/MS Band Booster Head Start Announces Orientation Dates CDI Head Start parent orien- tations are scheduled for August. All parents and legal guardians are encouraged to attend parent orientation/open house. This is the opportunity, for parents to meet the teachers and visit your child's/children's classroom and review CDI poli- cies and procedures.. The following are the loca- tions, times and dates for indi- vidual centers located in Tren- ton: Trenton Head Start August Woodham's Garage Complete Automotive Service ASE Certified Mechanics 15391 N.W. Hwy-19 Chiefland Halfway between Chiefland and Fanning Springs. 352-493-2904 Other Major Credit Cards -I CDyn -,.SA 10th, 6:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. at Trenton Elementary School in the Head Start classroom. Trenton Early Head Start August 10th at 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. at the Early Head Start Classroom. For more information please contact Sabrina Tanner at (352) 486-1229 or 1-800-303-7812. Ameris Health Systems To Hold A Town Meeting On August 17th To Answer Questions On Proposed Hospital Ameris Health Systems Tri County Hospital propose to build a full service hospital serv- ing residents of Gilchrist, Dixie and Levy Counties to be located in Chiefland behind Walmart and will have a "town meeting" on Thursday, August 17th at 12:00 p.m. at the Trenton Com- munity Center. Representatives will provide an overview of the proposed hospital and answer questions from residents.. In 2004 the company held a similar meeting at the center which was attended by over 250 people. The Certificate of Need applica- tion e\as denied by the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA). . Ameris believes the need for a hospital continues to increase and therefore is reapplying an application. with AHCA. Those who want to send a letter of-sup- port should mail them to: Trin County Hospital. C/O Frank Schupp, 193 Ventana Blvd., Santa Rosa Beach. FL 32459, If you would like for Mr. Schupp to meet \ith you., our church or organization. he can be contacted at 850-496-7471 or email frankgschupp(E'earthli nk.net. We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. Mother Teresa I Healthy Start Of North Central Florida Healthy Start of North Central Florida Service Provider Coun- cil will be having a conference call meeting on Wednesday, Au- gust 9th at 2:00 p.m. The public is invited. The mission of Healthy Start of North Central Florida is to create a collaborative partner- ship to ensure maternal and child health through proactive planning and cost effective al- location of resources. Please call Celia Paynter at (352) 313-6500, ext. 118 if you need additional information. 17th Annual Job Fair At Santa Fe Community College Where Employers Can Register To Meet Job Seekers Registration is open for em- ployers seeking job hunters who wish to participate in the 17th annual Job Fair at Santa Fe Community College 9:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. Saturday, August 19th, in the campus gym, 3000 NW 83rd Street, Gainesville. . Last year's job fair was at- tended by more than 1,000 job seekers, according to Bruce Gordon, SFCC Career and Job Placement Sern ies coordinator. To guarantee space, employ-' ers should register by Tuesday, August 15th. The event is sponsored by Florida:Works, Florida Emplo\ - er Advisory Council, Gaines, ille Area Chamber of Commerce, Santa Fe Communit\ College Career, and Job Placement Ser- vices, North Central Florida Society for Human Resource Management and Asterisk Com- munications, Inc. For more information, call SFCC Career and Job Placement Services at (352) 395-5582. You cannot lead anyone else farther than you have been abl< to go yourself. Beth Davis Photography WEDDINGS PORTRAITS SPECIAL EVENTS (352) 543-5568 CEDAR KEY FLORIDA ~XeCt PERSONAL INFORMATION * Life long resident of Gilchrist County * 39 years old * Married to Ronda Parrish (14 years) * 2 children (Hunter & Brooks) * Parents are Eudell and Maxine Parrish of Trenton . Self employed in Aquatic Vegetation Management * Member of Ebenezer Baptist Church EDUCATION * K-12 Trenton Schools with the Gilchrist County School .System Bachelors of Science in Food and Resource Economics, University of Florida Norman and Edwina Robertson JV~ivna/~' awl ~a~v~z& ert~ivo,~' 6e/eL,~& ~7Aeir- 60t4 ~1e/~ray' Celebrating their 50th wed- ding anniversary. Norman and Edwina (Brant) Robertson werd married on August 5, 1956, at First United Brethren Church in Lutz., Florida. They are blessed with three children Jay (Janet), Tammi (Donnie) and Terri (Bret) and six grandchildren, Summer (Jeff), Andrew, Olivia (Donnie), Josh, Ronnie and A.J. Family and friends are invited to celebrate with them on August 6th from 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. at their home in Trenton. .-,d/pmcnt CORP LICENSE.y& INSLIKLL) CBC1253693 CRC1328366 Where imagination meets reality Building projects are not for the faint-at-heart. The culmination of hopes, dreams and ambitions into a finished product can be nerve-wracking and is quite often one of the largest financial and emotional investments you will ever make. Wherever you are,in the .process, brainstorming, planning,, drafting, or location finding, Dream Builders-Development',. Corp. is ready to partner with you. Quality e Craftsmanship Integrity Honesty Teamwork *'Personal Relationship Call (352)463-2210 today; or visit www.DreamBuildersDevelopment.com Terry D. Parrish LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCES . City Commissioner, City of Trenton * State FFA President * University of Florida Agriculture Council President . Trenton Rotary Club President * Gilchrist County Chamber of Commerce Vice-President * Gilchrist County Education Foundation Board Member * Suwannee Valley League Board Member * Gilchrist County Recreation Authority Board of Trustees * Suwannee River Fair and Livestock Show Board of Directors COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT * Suwannee Valley League Coach for Football and / or Baseball for the past 10 years * Gilchrist County Education Foundation Beast Feast Cook . Member of Gilchrist County Booster Club for Suwannee River Youth Fair . Harmony-Baptist Association Nominating Committee Member Political advertisement paid and approved by Terry D. Parrish, Deniocra(, for County Commissioner District 2 JOHN YENCHO S' I HOUSEPLANS -YOUR DESIGN OR MINE ~- N.EW HOMES / REMODELING TR O, F40 YEARS EXPERIENCE TRENTON, FLORIDA 352-463-7282 * for , County Commissioner ', District 2 % I THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 2006.. CITT CT4RT.qT CC)TTNTY JOURNAL n--- 0.- I Iii f-rTT fTT-T-Tc-m(r OTT T'NPVT'XTTCT T'DAT THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 2006 UtILrUa~tI uIN' Jx ai U .Ui .-_I.t. Shown on the front row from left are Amber Wood (Captain), Sarah Waldman, Paige Norton-. Aronowicz (Captain), and Brittairi Grieves. On the back row shown are Valerie Beasley, Samantha Hooper, Amy Freeman, Brittany Tieries, Ashlee Sullivan, Lauren Hudson, and Kara Smith. Bell Varsity Cheerleaders Attended UCA Camp The BelftVarsity Cheerleaders traveled to Q.I. Roberts Middle School in Putnam County on July 13-14, 2006, to attend a Universal Cheerleading Associ- ations Camp. They learned new cheers, stand chants, and dances 4-H County Council Meeting Was Held On July 11th On July 11, 2006, the Gilchrist 4-H County Council officers met with President, Briana Bishop; Vice President, Tray Roux; Secretary, Brittany McDavid; Reporter/Historian, Brandal1 n Bishop and our 4-H Extensionr Agent Mr. Chris DeCubeullis. along with three other schools during their two days of canip. The cheerleaders traveled by bus, leaving at 7:00 a.m. in the morning, and returning at 7:00 p.m. each evening. Now that's some S-P-I-R-I-T! At the end of the Univer- sal Cheerleading Association Camp, two of our own Bell Var- sity Cheerleaders were, selected We discussed things we need to iniprove our county 4-H program, what we should do to get more kids into 4-H, and we participated in activities among ourselves to learn more about each other. We had lunch and' discussed what we could do to make The Best Better. The meeting was adjourned. All officers were present. Brandalyn Bishop Reporter/Historian Barron's Aluminum * licensed & Insured S* Free In-Home Consultations Screen Rooms SSun Rooms Year-Round Living Space Lifetime Transferable Warrnthy (Sun Rooms Only) kkll. -Carports Pato & Deck Covers .* Decks & Handrails Vmn)l Siding Storm Panels & Shutters Email: bahomepros@bellsouth.net 1-800-203-8214 or 352-463-3004 AMERICAN LEGION AIRS JAMERSON-SHEFFIELD POST 91 P. 0. Box 559 TRENTON, FLORIDA 32693 352-463-1501 . MEETS: 3RD THURSDAY NEWBERRY POST 149 P. 0. Box 1 NEWBERRY, FLORIDA 32669 352-472-6125 MEETS: 1ST TUESDAY a -. - American Legion Airs On Tuesday, August 1, at 7:00 PM, The Post 149 Family will have an Installation of Officers. The meeting will begin at 7:00 PM and after the welcome and introductions are complete, the meeting will recess for the dinner that is planned. The Post 149 Family Installations will begin right after dinner. The District Staff will install the Post Officers, Auxiliary and Sons of the American Legion, and the Fourth District Auxiliary, staff will install the Auxiliary Unit 149. All Legionnaires and Legion Family are invited to attend this meeting and show support for your new Officers for this coming year. Come out and see where you want to get involved with the Legion and Auxiliary Programs this year. There is room for everyone. There are usually some "anniversaries" connected with almost every day of the year and this week is not excluded. Air Force Day was August 1st, the U.S. Coast Guard was established on Friday, August 4, some 216 years ago inl790, and on Monday, August 7th, the Purple Heart Medal was established 224 years ago in 1782. August 14th, in 1945, Japan surrendered, ending WWII and is also the Navaho Code Talkers Day. For those that parachute out of perfectly good, and flying, airplanes, Wednesday, August 16th is National Airborne Day. So, there is a "Day" out there for everyone to celebrate. Remember to mark your calendars for the second Thursday of the month (August 10) at 6:00 PM for the Executive Committee meetings for the Post 91 Legion Family. The Auxiliary and Legion meet at the same time and place at the Post Home on US-129 five miles north'of Trenton. At the regular monthly meeting at Trenton's Post 91 on August 17th,, the donation dinner will be chicken and dumplings, starting at 5:30 PM and will be served until about 6:45 so the meeting can start on time. Plan to get there early, get supper and visit with your fellow Legionnaire veterans and Unit members and get ready for the meeting that follows. The American Legion and the Department of Defense signed a partnership, formalizing the "Heroes to Hometowns" program, a support network and resource coordination effort for our severely injured service members to .be able to return to their homes. The program will set everything in motion before the injured service member returns home, such as: child care, temporary housing, errand-running, adapting homes or vehicles, spiritual support, government claims assistance and financial aid. These are just some of what the over 15,000 American Legion Posts all around the world will assist in providing. National American Legion Commander, Tom Bock said "The American Legion had its origin in 1919. At the end of W.W.1, a bunch of Doughboys got together to make sure returning vets were taken care of. Our involvement in this program is what The American Legion has always been about -- Veterans helping veterans" Remember our Armed Forces all over the world each day in your thoughts and prayers, and here at home, keep watch over our Legionnaires, veterans, widows and the families of those in service to America, helping out however and whenever we can. For God and Country, Wayne Gravely, Sgt-at-Arms, Post 149 to participate in the "Varsity All Stars"! This is a group of select cheerleaders from ground the United States, who are invited to travel to London, England to participate in the 2006 New Year's London Parade! What an honor and an opportunity for these girls! Congratulations twoour two All Star Bell Var- sity Cheerleaders, Paige Norton- Aronowicz and Sarah Waldman. Trenton High School Alumni Reunion To Be Held October 21st* All ,THS alumni, teachers. coaches, friends, and families are invited to attend the annual THS reunion. It will be held on Saturday, October 21, 2006, at 6:00 p.m. in the Trenton El- ementary School cafeteria. As part of the program, a power point presentation of pictures from the "past" is being organized. We need your help. Please search through your high school pictures for any you would like included Make copies of them and send them to Wanda Jones, P.O. Box 183, Trenton 32693, by September 1st.. We know how much fun. it will be to see ourselves'as we once were. A catered dinner will be. served; reservations are $15 per person. Checks should be made payable to (and mailed by Octo- ber 10th) either of the following: Carol Turner Hill, P.O.'Box 891, Chiefland, FL 32644 or Jennie Lou Colson Sharp, 6450 NW 110th St., Chiefland, FL 32626. The planning committee asks your : help in inviting anyone you think-would be interested in attending. The "multi-class reunion" has been a successful annual event in recent years; please help us to continue the / tradition. Special note: the class of 1956 will be celebrating their 50th reunion, so hopefully all of' those alumni will make a special effort to attend. Humane Society Of Gilchrist County (Serving The Tri-County Area) Presents The 2nd Annual Dog Extravaganza Each Winner Shall Receive A Special Prize! All contestants Shall Trot Away With A Treat! The Humane Society of Gilchrist County will be hav- ing its second annual dog ex- travaganza on Saturday, August 19th starting at 11:00 a.m. at the Trenton Community Center which is located on Third Street, off of 129. The facility is air conditioned. The categories are as follows and there will be winners in each of them: talent, best dressed, biggest, smallest, owner/pet look-alike, most unusual look- ing, and best of show. The entry fee is $5.00 plus $1.00 per category. Pay at the door. All of the fees help support our Foster Animals'. care and spay/neuter program. RSVP is required before 5:00 ,p.m. the day before, on August 18th. Telephone RSVP: Tri-County Pet & Bird Hospital-352-472- 4200; call us anytime to talk to us, or leave a message anytime (24x7) on our voice mail. There will also be a conces- sion stand with food, beverages, and t-shirts. COME JOIN US FOR SOME FUN! American Legion Hall Available Meetings -Parlies Weddings & Receptions 35S2-463-1501 I FAMIILY REUNIONS I Make sure you wear clothes that can get both dirty and wet, same with shoes. The sun has been scorching lately, so sun- screen and a hat are a good idea, as is a water bottle. At least you'll be on a river with swim- mable water and can dunk your- -self every so often if need be! We hope to have a good group for this cleanup. Maybe you will be one that can help? Let me hear from you! And thanks! Fritzi S. Olson Executive Director Current Problems, Inc. Home Schooler News Attention Home Schoolers!, Are you looking for inexpensive ways to obtain teaching materi- als, such as workbooks and stu- dent desks? Such are available by calling either one of the fol- lowing ladies...Mrs. Carla Butler at (352) 498-0778 or Mrs. Car- leena Sherrill at (352) 498-3968. They have a limited amount of workbooks and desks available, so it's first come, first served, but you'll need to make an appoint- ment to see what is available Surprise! All resources are FREE for the asking! Location: Horseshoe Beach. Small buildings, boats, etc. 24 hr. towing service, 22ft. rollback bed. Carports also available. Reasonable Rates. 463-2900 493-0345 JOE'S TOWING & ROLLBACK rC credit Cards Accepted BELLS & WHISTLES STORAGE Phone: 386-294-3867 Across from the Dollar General. 1859 North Hwy 129 Bell, FL 10 x 10 UNITS, 10 x 20 units & 10 x 20 climate controlled available Locklear Annual Reunion The Hanniabal Jack and Mol- lie Ann Locklear reunion will be held in the Hart Springs Pavilion ' on Sunday, August 6, 2006. All relatives and friends are invited. A picnic lunch will be spread at 1:00 p.m. Alice Lightsey Thomas Reunion The. Alice Lightsey Thomas family reunion will be at Hart Springs, Pavilion A, on Sunday, August 13th. This will be the last reunion on a Sunday. Next year, we are fortunate to be hav- ing reservations on the second Saturday in July of 2007. All family and friends please come and reminisce and get reacquainted with us. We are looking forward to seeing you there.: Anyone needing information please call Mary Pauline Gibbs at (386) 935-2932. . Townsend Reunion To Be August 12th The Townsend Reunion will be Saturday, August 12, 2006, 1: 00 p.m. at Otter Springs. ,. SPlease join your family heri- tage:a tasty tradition since 1948. Otter Springs RV Resort is lo- cated at 6470 SW 80th Avenue, Trenton, Florida 32693 Philman Family Reunion To Be Held On August 5th At Hart Springs The first Philman Reunion was held on August 28, 1966 and it's been told that the following in- vitation was. written by Orlando and Agnes Philman, Charlie and Alice Philman: - "Come one, come all, The Philmans will gather. Come-. answer the call no .matter the weather. ,A reunion it will be. We are looking for a bunch. Your kin you will see. Bring a basket lunch. Come and join the fun at Hart Springs for the Philman roundup!" Thanks to each family mem- ber and friends that over the years has,"attended and helped to continue this special gather- ing. Spread the news and let's make this years 40th reunion a memorial to our ancestors and, continue their desires for closer family relationships. Please make plans to attend. this year's reunion on Saturday,' August 5th. 9:30 a.m., Pavilion A and B at Hart Springs. Bring a. picnic lunch, ice, etc. to share. Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. Helen Keller OUR STAND GOOD GRADES DESERVE MORE RECOGNITION THAN AN HONOR ROLL BUMPER STICKER. Call me today to see how much you can save with Allslate's good student discount (352) 463-1542 StanleyInsurance Agency, Inc. David Swilley & Steve Jenkins 630 NE Santa Fe BLvd. High Springs info@wtstantey.com A llstate. Call for a free quote "ure In god hands. ;cT,1pi.'. AI i.lA lj rIe ,Pr ,i.'Y Cj'.uil l.-.um3n.:e Co.iln and a lI,31Td rl ..,'.r C:.n.[, ,, rlr,,r,.6 l L t, ,AliI lc t I,', ,ul i-,i. c I ,'jTl0ii'y, VOTE AND ELECT David Miller (Duke) LANG for Gilchrist County Court Judge Group 1 Post Office Box 51 Trenton, Florida 32693 (352) 463-7800 E-Mail dlangxxj@bellsouth.net DID YOU KNOW? *That because of the nature of the position -that I am seeking and the potential for or the appearance of future conflicts of interest, I have personally chosen not to accept monetary contributions for election to this office, but I am indeed grateful and would like to thank the many people who have offered to contribute to my campaign. *That the terms of office of elected county court judges is for six (6) years. *That county court judges are entitled to membership in the Florida Retirement System and become vested and eligible to receive a future retirement benefit upon completion of six (6) years of creditable service. *That your county court judge has a variety of duties some of which include misdemeanor cases; violations of municipal and county ordinances; civil actions where the amount in controversy does not exceed the sum of $15,000, exclusive of interest, costs, and attorney's fees; landlord and tenant cases; 'and proceedings relating to the right of possession of real property and to the forcible or unlawful detention of lands and tenements within the jurisdiction of the county court. *That pursuant to Canon 7 of the Code of Judicial Conduct a judge or candidate for judicial office' shall not make pledges or promises of conduct in office other than the faithful and impartial performance of the duties of the office or make statements that commit or appear to commit the candidate with respect to cases, controversies or issues likely to come before the court. IF YOU BELIEVE OPPORTUNITY TO THAT IT IS TIME FOR A CHANGE I WOULD APPRECIATE THE SERVE AS YOUR NEXT COUNTY COURT JUDGE IN THIS VERY IMPORTANT OFFICE. Political advertisement paid for and approved by David Miller (Duke) Lang, nonpartisan, for County Court Judge Group 1 Page Seven Poley Horne Reunion SThe Poley Home Reunion will be held on Sunday, August 6th, at the Levy County Quilt Museum. Bring food and all the children so they will know who they are kin to. We will have music also. For information please call (352) 493-2801. Winnelle Home Coleman Reunion The annual Coleman reunion will be held on Sunday, August 27, at Hart Springs. Dinner, will be served at 1:00 p.m. Pleases bring pictures and other information 'on the Cole- man family. For more information, call Lucy Coleman Lacey at (352) 472-1515. Viola Crews Shepherd Family Reunion Is Set For August 5th The Viola Crews Shepherd family will be having a reunion on Saturday, August 5th, at the Bell Community Center All family members and friends are invited to attend. A covered dish luncheon will be served at 12:00 p.m. Come early and bring pictures of family and memories to share together. Hope to see you there! A , rage g lgll %,,.al%.a..,a. a. .....J Commit issioner Buddy Lamb Speaks To Tri-County Gator Club Shown from left are Dave Wilson, Tri-County Gator Club Director, Commissioner Buddy Lamb, and Tom Auvil, Tri- County Gator Club President. * Commissioner Buddy Lamb Speaks To Tri-County Gator Club County Commissioner, Buddy Lamb, of Dixie County was re- cently the guest speaker of the Tri-County Gator Club. His, topic was about the ,existing need for a hospital in the tri- county area, which he strongly supports. Commissioner Lamb stated that he understands the infrastructure of Dixie County, isn't in place to support such. a venture at this time, but the hospital is desperately needed in- the area. Whether it is located in Chiefland, Trenton or nearby,. it didn't matter as long as we had one. FENCING Commissioner Lamb said that the wear and tear on the county 'ambulances and gas consump- tion and time' in;voed in the many roundtrips ,to and from Gainesvil'e are very .costly. Every time at ambulance leaves the county to go to Gainesville is .one less life-saving vehicle and emergency personnel that is not * available to our needs locally. The State of Florida rejected a Certificate of Need two years ago over financial questions involving Ameris Health Sys- tems, the company attempting to secure the CON and build a, hospital in Chiefland. All indi- cators are that the company is in good financial shape at this time Once again Ameris has filed a CON application %\ith the state - ALL TYPES 4' Chain Link $6.50/ft. pI Installed: Includes Labor & Material 6' Stockade/Wood Privacy $14.00/ft. 5 Installed: Includes Labor & Material Field Fencq $2.75/ft. (5o'Min.) :'rb -h I!nstalled: nd'duse Labor & Material **p-y^ *! ~ ~ r .-. ,> Wood Chainlink Field & Barbwire Also Repairs & Free Estimates Locally Owned Licensed & Insu (552) 284-7081 (552) 949-0320 S Carlisle Fence, jred Enterprises, LLC Bell, orida umd ,JI Mo.. .da back in April for up to a 100-bed hospital to be built in Chiefland. Shands Hospital is in support of the Tri-County hospital applica- tion; however, North Florida Regional Hospital has not given a definitive approval. The City Commission of Cross City, Chiefland and Tren- ton have written letters of sup- port for the hospital. The public is being urged to write letters of support. The decision by the State of Florida is expected on December 15, 2006, for the CON application. So the letters need to be written in support of Ameris Health Systems, LLC - for the Tri-County Hospital and sent to Alan Levine, Secretary of Health, c/o Frank Schupp, 193 Ventana Boulevard, Santa Rosa Beach, Florida 32459. FWCAnnounces. 2006-2007 Hunting Season Dates FloridaFish and Wildlife Con- servation Commission 2006- 2007 hunting season dates, (Seasons and dates are not ap- plicable to wildlife management areas). Northwest Zone Archery, October 14th-Novem- ber 12th; Deer-dog training, October 28th-November 16th; Crossbow, November. 27th- December 3rd; Muzzleloading gun, November 17th- 19th and February 15th-25th; General gun, November 23rd-26th and December .9th-February, 14th; Antlerless deer. December 16th- 22nd; Fall turkey*, No'ember 23rd-26th and December 9th- January 14th; Quail and gray squirrel. November 1lth-March 4th: Bobcat and otter. December Ist-March Ist: Spring turkey. **March 17th-April 22nd. Central Hunting Zone Archery. September 23rd-Oc- tober 22nd; Deer-dog training, October. 7th-26th; Crossbow, October 23rd-27th; Muzzleload- ing gun, October 28th-N6vem- ber 5th; General gun, November. 11th-January 21st; .Antlerless deer, November 18lh-24th: Fall turkey*, November 11th-Janu- ary 7th; Quail and gray squir- rel, November 11 th-March 4th; Bobcat and otter, December Ist-March -1st; Spring turkey, March-17th-April 22nd. , South'Hunting Zone-, ' Archery, September 9th-October 8th; Deer-dog training, October 7th-26th; Crossbow, October 9th-13th; Muzzleloading gun,, October 14th-22nd; General gun, October 28th-January 7th; Antlerless deer, November 4th- 10th; Fall turkey* November 11th-January 7th; Quail and gray' squirrel. November 11th-March 4th; Bobcat and otter, December Ist-March 1st; Spring turkey, March 3rd-April 8th. Wild hogs, rabbits, raccoons, opossums, skunks, nutrias, bea- vers and coyotes may be taken year-round. Hunting bag limits for resident species (bag limits on wildlife manage- ment area may differ). Antlered deer, .daily-2, pos- session-4, season-no limit. Antlerless deer (by permit), daily-2, possession-4, season- permit. Antlerless deer (archery season), daily-2, possession-4, season- no limit. , Antlerles.s deer (antlerless deer season) daily-1, posses- sion-2,season-7. Note-Harvesting more- than two deer per day is prohibited regardless of season, sex of deer or number of antlerless deerper- mits. Turkey (all fall seasons com- bined)*, daily-1, possession-2, season-2. Turkey (spring season), daily- 1, possession-2**, seas6n-2**. Quail, daily-12, pbssession-, 24. season-no limit. Gray squirrel, daily-12, pos-. session-24. season-no limit. Rabbit,' daily-12, possession- *24, season-no limit. Wild hog, raccoon, bobcat, otter, opossum, coyote,. nutria,, skunk and beaver, daily-no limit,' possession-no limit, season-no limit. *Except for Holmes County where there is no fall harvest of turkeys allowed. i **Spring turkey season is limited to March 17th-19th in' Holmes County where the sea- son and possession limit is one turkey. College-Bound High School Students Should Register For; ACT Exam By August 18th The next ACT test will be administered on September' 16,; 2006. College-bound high school students who. wish to take, the exam must register by August 18th- the deadline for having the, registration postmarked..; Th8er is a late, registration 'postmark , deadline of August 25th, but an extra fee is.charged for late reg- ,istrations. Students can register online at www.actstudent.org, or registration forms can be picked up at high school guidance coun- seling offices. The cost is $29 for the tradi- tional ACT and $43 for students who choose to take the optional ACT Writing Test. Some col- B"Bi!I Martin for Supervisor of Elections '.S ... ). ..' "-" - Lindsey, Kristi, Kaitlin, Bill and Kim My Goals: To educate everyone from youth to senior citizens about the election process To work ivith the school system to increase the registration of 18 year old students To encourage all citizens to register to vote To increase voters' awareness of the issue My Qualifications: Gilchrist County raised and educated with a true love for the people and community Bachelor's degree from the University of Florida Master's degree in Leadership and Administration from Nova University 23 years of educating and serving the families of Florida 16 years as a Gilchrist County Agriscience Teacher and FFA Advisor IT'S TIME FORA CHANGE! GO TO http:www.votegilchrist.com TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT YOUR CANDIDATES Any Questions? Call Bill @ 463-7439 Political advertisement paid and approved by Bill Martin, Democrat, for Gilchrist County Supervisor of Elections '.4 4, Bell Purple Powerihoue '" Spinners" Flag Team! Some of the team takes a well-deserved "posed" rest during Flag Camp on July 24th-28th. Shown on the front row from left are Morgan Smith (Captain), Sarah A foney. and Jennifer Norton-Aronowic:. Shown on the back row from left are Kara Cnn noi, Ainanda Simmons, and friend'Orrie Sheppard. Not shown are Ulrica-i, Diamond, (Co-Captain) and Maria Delacruz. Sponsors are Debbie Destin and Debbie Norton- Aronowicz. leges require a writing score but many don't, so students should, find out the requirements of pro- spective colleges before regis- tering for the exam. ACT scores are accepted by \ irtuall all U.S. , colleges and universities., includ- ing all I\' League schools. ACT's website: '\ ww\v.actstudent.org') has help- ful information, sample tests and. the opportunity to order inex- pensive test prep materials. 01551809 FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY COVERALL CLEANING CONCEPTS Own a COVERALL Franchise for as little as $1,500 Down Guaranteed Customers Complete Training & Support ,Equipment & Supplies Guaranteed Financing Our secret can be your success! S1 QP.OkI 3 TIESIN ,* arim c NORTH'CENTRAL FLORID.A - (800) 249-2532 . Veteran Phone Scam The Health Re'enue Center has advised of the follow ing: "We have received credible information regarding a tele- phone scam whereby veterans .are contacted and urged to call a 1-S00 number. The prete\t for this action is regarding the recent data loss by the VA and publicity generated from that event. The veteran: is compelled to believe this is a resource to assist them. Once the \teeran calls the 1-800, number. the\ are directed to call a 1-900 number where they in- cur a $9.99 per minute charge. So far, this scam has only been identified in VISN 16." Respectfully, Courtney Heidelberg Public Relations Manager Florida Department of Veterans' Affairs Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memorN banks of our' children. Charles R. Swindoll, The Strong Family County Commissioner District 2 I would like to thank the citizens of Gilchrist County for electing me to serve as your County Commissioner four years ago. My experience makes me uniquely qualified as your county commissioner to lead us into the future. Political advertisement paid and approved by Mitchell Gentry, Democrat, for Gilchrist County Commissioner, District 2 CK Contracting, Inc. Building Contractor Licensed & Insured Specializing in Spec & Custom Homes Serving the Tri-County Area Many home plans available: 3 or 4 Bedroom .Ranging from 1,200 2,300 sq. ft. Personalized service for every home owner Give us a call, we'll be happy to help you create a wonderful nev home. 352-472-9888 Chad & Kellie White SHicks Seal Coating and Striping, LLC. C(ommiercial and * Decorative Thermoplastic Residential * Truncated Domes Asphak. Parking Lots an d D ri' e \ %a s Phone: (352) 535-5479 Fax: (352) 463-7745 Ronnie Hicks Licersed and Insured Trenton. Flondi RE ELECT Mitchell Gen Noll GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL THURSDAY, AUGUST 3.2006., PDor"1 ,-ir1ht i 'I'TTT.5,hV ATCUTQ'T'I )AAL (IT r4PT-T ITN Y 1 11RNATPae in These cheerleaders participated in the Suwannee Valley Leagues. Cheerleading Camp held last week. The camp was held four days and was sponsored by Riverland Title Services. The, cheerleaders were "Proud to be Loud," the motto they adopted during the camp. Santa Fe Community College Cheerleading Captain Stephanie Miller provided instruction to the future cheerleaders during the program. Football and cheerleader sighn-ups are at McArthur Park on Saturday from 9 a.m. until 12 noon. Hope to see you there. Photo by Anna Wild. Hart Springs A Gilchrist County Park Hart Springs is a Gilchrist If you're a safe driver, I can help you save on insurance. Call me today. (352) 493-2501 . Stephen Quincey Tri-County Insurance Services, Inc. 13564 NW HWY 19 Chiefiand Serving the community for dyer 30 years County owned and operated park. It is open to the public from 9 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. from Memorial Day until Labor Day. The entrance Fees for Hart Allstate. OFFICIAL PARTNER Il l -.Kr;I iThe stylized E with checkered flag (R) and 9 (R) are registered trademarks and service marks of Evernham Motorsports, LLC, used under license. Kasey Kahne TM likeness and signature are trademarks of Kasey Kahne Inc. licensed by Evernham Motorsports LLC. Dodge (R) is a registered trademark of DaimelerChrysler Corporation. NASCAR (R) is registered trademark of the National Association for Stock ,Car Auto Racing. Inc. Insurance and discounts subject to availability and qualifications. The 'Cupped Hands' logo is a registered service -mark and 'Our Stand' is a service mark of Allstate Insurance Company. Allstate Property & Casualty Inturance Company and Allstate Indemnity Company: Nonrthbrook, IL @2006 Allstate Insurance Company. - LAKE CITY COMNIYCOLG DITCHES 6 FIELDS TOM WILKIE 352-463-2584 352-538-5072 DISASTER/STORM RECOVERY LAND CLEARING & SITE PREP TREE & BRUSH REMOVAL BACKHOE & BUSH HOG BOX BLADE Insured: Cub Scout Pack Enjoys Day Camp would provide money for as- bestos research and treatment programs. Because veterans as a population have borne a dispro- portionate share of asbestos-re- lated illnesses, the bill says that these programs are to be located near veterans' hospitals, so that sick veterans can benefit from medical advances in the treat- ment of asbestos diseases. Today's legal process for han- dling asbestos claims is clearly broken. For the rare claimants who make it through the current flawed system, it takes years to see a dollar of relief. But sick veterans do not have years to wait. As a Florida veteran, I thank Senator Martinez for his sup- port for an earlier version of this bill that was debated in the Senate earlier this year. I also ask Senator Nelson, a longtime Florida public servant and a for- mer Army reservist, to support this critical legislation for vet- erans. By passing the FAIR Act, the Senate can ensure that many thousands of ailing veterans will get the compensation and help they deserve. Seven People Injured In The Homosassa River Boating Accident Seven people "'ere injured in a boating accident in the Homo- sassa River Saturday when their vessel struck a channel marker. The 23-foot Carolina Skiff. operated by Anthony S. Watson. 38, of Homosassa, was east- bound on the Homosassa River, traveling at approximately 30' miles, per hour, according to investigators from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC). Near channel marker 70, other boat traffic '.was west bound, causing wakes. The operator at- tempted to steer clear but struck the marker with the right bo'% of the vessel. The nine people on board were thrown forward, causing injuries to seven. T.J. Watson, the operator's son, was transported by helicop- ter to Tampa Regional. The six others were transported by Cit- rus County Emergency Medical Services to Seven Rivers Hos- pital in Crystal River. The elder Watson was uninjured. The injured passengers,w.ere: Mithaa~ckiPullias;'36;,Elizabeth .a L. Pullias, 35; Jake Pullias, 14; Rachel Pullias, 12; Hannah Pul- lias, 9;.and Isabel Pullias, 2. The other passenger, .Nathan Pullias, 3, was uninjured. The family is from Peachtree City, Ga. FWC,officials are continuing 'the investigation. At Hart Springs Cub Scout Pack 406, enjoyed a day at Hart Springs park. Pack 406 sponsored by American Legion Post 91 participated in' their June summer activity titled "Days of Knights and Dragons". The boys hand made card- board armor to match the ram- parts of their cardboard castle. The lances, made from pool noodles, had foam tips. : IE I would like to commend the I parents and leaders who have helped make this year one we will always remember. Margart Daub FWC's Bowhunting Shown Course Scheduled Greiggs, For Annual Liam M, Jamboree Cameroi Learn how to bow hunt, for free. The course will 'be offered O from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. September 2nd, during the Florida Bowhunting Jamboree C at Citrus Wildlife Management Area, conducted 'by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's (FWC) Hunter SafetN section and the Florida Bo\ hunters Coimcil. The 4380 jamboree has attracted approxi- 3 mately 600 archers in the past. Bell,I The. participants competed in shooting skills using broadhead- tipped hunting arrows. This year's added attraction is the FWC's Bo% hunting Course, designed to meet the require- ments of some states that require National Bowhlnter Education Foundation (NBEF) certification prior to purchasing a bowhunt- ing license. Participants can expect to learn all aspects of bbwhunt- dng including: history of bo"- hunting. safe and responsible bowhunting, know your bow and arrow, preparing for the hunt, shot placement and game / recovery, use of ele ated stands and other techniques, outdoor preparedness. Participants must bring all. equipment, including bow and, arrows. Instructors Lowe Mor- .rison and Terry and Norma Neenan. are among the most ac- complishedafid expectedd bow- hunting instructors in the state. Students, should pre-register for the course by calling the FWC's Lake City Regional Of-. fice at (386) 758-0525. Students of all ages may participate. For more information on the Jamboree, please see http://ww w.floridabowhunters.org/. S.W. 40th Street Florida 32619 le-Roofing & Leaks Metal Roofing 25-Year Warranty Manufacturer's Springs is $2.00 for adults and youth, and $1.00' for senior citizens. Children under 5 are free. An annual family pass is $50.00. The. park has full ser ice camping for $20.00 per da\ for up to 4 people, plus $2.00 for additional people over the age of 4. Hart Springs is a wonderful place for local families to spend the. day swimming, picnicking or just taking a walk down the boardwalks. Senator Nelson Urged To Support Veterans Support, Asbestos Reform Act A.E. Hall, Past State Com- mander Florida Department of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. With more than 1.8 million currently residing full-time in Florida, our state has the sec- ond largest veterans' population in the country after California. And that number doesn't even include the veterans from colder states who spend the winter months in the Sunshine :State. Florida also has' the oldest vet- eran population, rand many of the veterans here in the, state have critical health care needs. Sadly, among those with criti- cal health care needs, there are thousands from the World War II era, the Korean conflict period and the Vietnam War who are sick from exposure to hazardous asbestos that occurred during their military service. Before the dangers of this substance were understood, asbestos was used in many aspects of military construction, including Navy shipbuilding. Because of the long latency periods of these debilitating and deadly asbestos-related diseases, some veterans who served as far back as World War II are only today learning that they are ill. But today veterans don't have the same legal rights to compen- sation for their illnesses as. civil- ian sufferers of asbestos-related diseases. Due to the principle of "sover- eign immunity" veterans cannot seek compensation from their former employer, the federal government, through the courts. Often, the only option for veter- ans is to try to track down and sue the companies that once supplied asbestos to the military. And in most instances, these companies no longer exist. Even for the few veterans who can find a responsible party and gain access to the court system, it is still a very difficult and drawn-out process. There are thousands of asbestos lawsuits currently pending in the courts, so claimants must wait years before their, cases are heard.' Also, many -of the companies responsible for exposure are in bankruptcy, making it a harder and longer for victims to get the compensation they need. The Fairness in Asbestos Injury Resolution (FAIR Act), which is currently pending in the U.S. Senate, would finally pro- vide prompt and equitable com- pensation to veterans and other victims of asbestos exposure. If enacted, this bill would provide compensation to sick victims on a no-fault basis victims would no longer need to identify a party responsible for their exposure. What's more, the compensa- tion fund would be financed by defendant companies and their insurance companies, so taxpay- ers' dollars would be needed. In addition to providing help to those suffers of asbestos related diseases, the FAIR Act 352-463-7502 3 2 #- RC 001 384 -iI CC 3259I -Boned Insurd' David Miller (Duke) ASSOCIATIONS: Member Gilchrist County Chamber of Commerce. Member Gilchrist County and Florida Cattlemen's Association. S"Member Florida State University Alumni Association. L A N G Member Florida State University Seminole Boosters. for Active supporter, contributor, and coach with Suwannee Valley Gilchrist County Court Judge Group 1 Leagues, Inc.. Supporter of the Suwannee River Fair and Livestock Show. Member AARP. Member William T. Carlton Lodge Number 46. Member Suwannee River Shrine Club. Past Member of the Gilchrist County Elections Canvassing Board. .* Attend Trenton First Baptist'Church. PERSONAL AND FAMILY: 51 years of age. Married to Carol (Parrish)'Lang. Two children, "Allie" who is 12 years old and in the seventh grade Sat Trenton Middle School, and "Mill" who is 9 years old and in the fourth grade at Trenton Elementary School. I am the son of Miller Lang, who served as Gilchrist County Judge until his retirement, and Marie (Slaughter) Lang who was secretary at Trenton High School until her retirement. PROFESSIONAL: * Member Florida Bar. * Member of the City, County and Government Law Section of the Florida Bar. * Member of the Florida Municipal Attorneys Association. * Member of the Eighth Judicial Circuit Bar Association. * Former Mayor-Commissioner of the City of Trenton, Florida. * Owner of General Private Law Practice in Trenton, Florida since 1994, regularly representing clients throughout the Eighth and Third Judicial Circuits particularly in Gilchrist, Levy, Dixie, Alachua, and Columbia counties, handling such diverse matters as various types of civil cases, landlord-tenant cases, estate and probate cases, family law, real estate litigation and closings, and some criminal actions. * City Attorney for the City of Trenton, Florida since 1995. * Town Attorney for the Town of Bell, Florida since 2001. * Vast range of experience and knowledge in dealing with legal matters directly affecting our citizens at the local level, including municipal ordinances, quasi-judicial hearings and comprehensive planning and local zoning issues. "I believe in spending quality time with family and being " Numerous Pro Bono hours provided to deserving clients, personally involved in my family's activities. I also be- lieve in courtesy, respect, and impartial treatment for all EDUCATION: under the law, holding steadfast to the knowledge that the * Graduate of Trenton High School. County Court is truly the people's court, and I willfaith- * Graduate'of Lake City Community College with an Associate of fidly and impartially perform the duties of this important Arts Degree. office if elected." Graduate of the Florida State University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Govemrnment. Graduate of the Thomas M. Cooley Law School, Lansing, Political advertisement paid for and approved by David Miller Michigan, with a Juris Doctor Degree. (Duke) Lang, nonpartisan, fJbr County Court Judge Group 1 Page Nine TMT-P-QnAV ATMJTTl 9006 01T.CHRIST COT TNTY JOURNAL on top row from. left. are Robbie Gatlin, Stephen Keegan Miller, and Austin Goff. Seated from left are acLean, Ryan MacLean, Troy Miller, Rory Erwin, and n Kirk. NES LAWN SERVICE completee Lawn Care, Maintenance Commercial & Residential Free Estimates Pair,%n fUr-rrm fTNTVTlTPATTUSDY AGS 320 From The LOGCABIN QUILTERS Shelves Of Alice Alae Haire makes a lot of quits and tops. Red hats are very popular and this top is a one of a kind. Log Cabin Quilters Log Cabin Quilters met Thursday, July. 27th, at the Levy County Quilt Museum. It was show and tell day. Ann Hardee has quilted a beautiful blue and white chicken scratch, this was done by many, several years ago but today we don't see it very much. Ann, Christine and Ash- ley put in two more quilts to be done at home. Betty Dillon has finished a church dash and our visitor from Dunellon. brought in a blue and white (we will find the names as soon as we can). Pat has finished the autograph quilt that will be taken to Camp Caruth next Thursday.' It is to be signed by the Sheriff's of: Florida as well as anyone who is connected, to the camps. Our gazebo is going to be ded- icated on Saturday, August 5th at 3:00 p.m. This is done so the angels can watch over it. Todd Troyer will come and do the honors. We invite anyone to come out and enjoy. Greg arid six boys were out Tuesday. It seems there are al- ways things to be done and next week we will start cleaning all the tables and shelves that are full of whatever. Lunch was great with corn fritters, rice, venision stew, macaroni and cheese, chicken salad, Betty's coconut pie, and Lois makes the best chocolate dessert, lots of good food. There were 14 members and 4 visitors present. Winelle Home 8851 NW 115th Street Chiefland, Florida 32626 352-493-1398 1-877-766-2707 Osborn G. Barker Owner Insulated Roof-overs Vinyl & Aluminum Siding Carports Screen Rooms Decks Patio Roofs Soffit, Fascia & Gutters Hurricane Awnings Skirting Pool and All types Enclosures Free Estimates *" < DJ -SOLUTI -ONS weddings parties karaokb--light shows '-any special event (352) 463-8438 .. ,r D -- i-*--.I cel "-kl [ (352)215-0161 J Puma ino rnm niiumar@dislutionnouinnc nm The Bell Library For the beginning readers, we will suggest you read Corduroy, a delightful little book written and illustrated by Don Freeman. Corduroy lived on a shelf in a department store. One day a little girl saw him and begged her mother to purchase him but they had spent all their money. Read the story to learn if the mother and little girl came back and took Corduroy home with them and if he was happy.. I found a fascinating junior book, Bigfoot ( man, monster or myth?). In the early years when the lands in the wild northwest were being settled, the trappers, prospectors, and ranchers saw footprints of a man or animal which were much larger than a normal man's footprint. There were stories of numerous en- counters with this creature, kidnapping of people, and that men had captured him. Carrie Carmichael recorded many of the accounts of these occasions in this book. Last week I told you about the new large print books Mrs. Jordan donated to Bell Library. Among these were another set, The Heirs of Montana, three novels written by Tracie Peter- son tracing the lives of families as the traveled west in a wagon train and then settled on land in the beautiful state of Montana. Come in and check these o'er and we hope you like %\hat Nou Ssee. .. The Bookworm North Central Florida Long-Term Care Ombudsman Council Holds Monthly Meeting August 17th The North Central Florida Long-Term Care Ombiudsman Council will hold its August' 2006 monthly meeting on Thurs-' day, August 17th at Hospice of North Central Florida, 4200 NW 90th Blvd. The meeting will commence with;an open session at 12 30 p.m. All interested par- ties are encouraged to attend. The North Central Florida Long-Term Care Ombudsman council is made up of local om- budsman, whose goal is to im- prove the quality of life and care of residents of long-term facili- ties, including nursing homes, assisted living facilities, adult family\care homes, and skilled nursing units in area hospitals. The North Central Florida Long-Term Care Ombudsman Council serves Alachua, Brad- ford, Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist, Hamilton, Lafayette, Levy, Putnam, Suwannee, and Union counties. Individuals may call (352) 955-5015 or e-mail dolsberryjl @ elderaffairs.org. For information on Florida's Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program, visit httlp //ombudsman.myflorida.com. Spring Ridge VFD To Have Pancake Breakfast In August To Help Raise Money For The Children's Miracle Network The Spring Ridge Volunteer Fire Department invites you to its next and very special Pan- cake Breakfast this Saturday at its fire station. We .will be donating the funds collected at this breakfast to the Children's Miracle Network. We have set a goal of $1000.00 dollars, and we hope you will join us in trying to reach and exceed this amount. The Children's Miracle Network is a local charity that operates to help meet the medical needs and comforts of this area's children. We invite all qualifying can- didates for Gilchrist County and regional offices to attend this breakfast, and we challenge them to help us reach our goal in supporting the Children's Miracle Network. Voters, this is a great opportunity to meet the candidates directly and hear what they have to say, and to let them know ho'\ you feel, while we all join together to support this worthy y cause. This breakfast will start at 7:30. a.m. on Saturday, Au- gust 5th, and run until at least 10:00 a.m. All residents of the northeast Gilchrist County area and surrounding communities are in ited to attend. Blueberry, walnut and plain pancakes will be served, along with sausages, eggs, coffee and juice. As usual, the cost for the breakfast will be a donation to the fire department (which this month will be sent to the Children's Miracle Net- worki. The Spring Ridge fire- house is located on Counts Road 340 (Poe Springs Road ). near the ,Spring Ridge Church of God. * Married 13 Years, 2 Children * Active Member First Baptist Church * Director, Chamber of Commerce * Serve as Rotarian, Trenton Rotary Club Come'have a nice breakfast and chat with your neighbors. See' you on the first Saturday of Au- gust (and every month)! Remember Our Troops For those who believe, prayer is a powerful weapon. It not only does something for the pray-er, but also it can increase the faith of those who are being prayed for; especially those who are in harm's way and protecting our freedoms which we some- times take for granted here in the United States of America. We all should be consistent in our prayers for those of our county who are serving in the Armed Forces. The following, is a known list of those who are on active duty, and who either have a residence here or who are. relatives of someone who lives here in Gilchrist County. (If you know of an active military per- sonnel who is not listed, please contact the Gilchrist County Journal, so that person can be listed the next time, this article is published.: Clayton App, Kathy Ar- rington, Peter Belanger, Steve Calloway, Drew Cheatum, Wayne Cheatum, Robert Dean, Jimmy Fletcher, Jr., Chris Geiger (Iraq), Jon Guzman (Afghanistan), Gary Hilliard, Mark Hilliard, Steve Hilliard, Joe Hudson, Heather Langston, Matthew C. Lind, Rob Long, Katie Lovett, Jonathan Luchak, Gus Mauldin, Michael Mayo, Evan McQuistan, T.J. Miller, Mark Milton, Allen Murray, Stephen Reed, T.J. Rush, Mat- thew Riordan, Lance Corporal Stephen Roberts, Jr., Donna Slayton, Donny Slaton, James Slayton, Jeffrey Solis (Iraq), Jus- tin Twigg (Iraq), Nathan Twigg, LaShonda White (Iraq), Wesley Wilson, Kyle Worthington, and Daniel Wood (Iraq). SVL Board Meeting Notice Our August board meeting will be Monday, August 14th, 'at 7:00 p.m. at the McArthur Park conference room. The public is encouraged to attend&. Hope to see you there ! * Integrity * Leadership * Dependability S.Trenton Medical Center, Inc. is a complete primary medical and urgent care service provider ' -p ^for residents in Gilchrist County and North Central Florida. Part of the Trenton and Bell community since 1971, we offer healthcare services for the whole family, focusing on health and well- ness from birth to senior care. With everything from health check-ups and x-rays, to chronic disease management and health screening, to chiropractic care and a full-service pharmacy, we're a one-stop medical provider for all your health needs. Sa Most Insurance Accepted Chiropractic Care Sliding Scale Fees '* Minor Surgical Procedures Complete Primary Caren Diagnostic Laboratory Well Baby Exams Vaccinations Diagnostic X-Rays Family Planning 0 Minor Trauma Hearing & Vision Testing Immunizations ADD/ADHD Evaluation Our Approach to Wellness Lasts A Lifetime Trenton Medical Center, Chiropractic & Trenton Pediatrics 911 S. Main Street Trenton, Florida Bell Family HealthCare & Bell Pharmacy *1830 N. Main Street Bell, Florida Visit our website at www.TrentonMedical.org S.: .,S- _._S ,::q, .- Licensed and Insured !} ^ESS :ELECT ,*: Leigh., Hartzog: for SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS GILCHRIST COUNTY * Supporter of the Suwannee River Livestock Fair * Successful Business Owner, Badcock Home Furnishings Trenton/Newberry S- I Please feel free to callI:463-0333 . The Public is Invited to Attend My Meet & Greet on Saturday, August 12, 2006 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. at the Trenton Train Depot Political advertisement paid and approved by Leigh Hartzog, Democrat, for Gilchrist County Supervisor of Elections chief land rA C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3,2006 Pavfe. Ten I CTTT.CT4R TRT COT TNTY TOT TR NAT. THURSDAY, AUGUST 3,2006 GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Page Eleven Charlene Caraway, John Yencho, Dr. Surrency, Sue Reed, and Gayle Dasher working in a group on "Rigor and Relevance" framework. I .... : :: K; i~:;J: i? ;' A group of Gilchrist County teachers obtaiinng inf-rmation about the different learning styles of students. . Freeman Plumbing Now Has a Service Van Available To Handle Your Plumbing Needs. Residential & Commercial-Service Work- & New Construction, Additions, Remodeling, Etc. (352) 498-0703 (352) 493-3801 (352) 210-0062 LICENSED INSURED FREE Walter Freeman If._ I Master Plumber AccptingMajor Credit Cards ESTIMATES. State Certified. #CFC057595 p Gilchrist County High School Teachers Participate In High School Reinvention Training SGilchrist County high school teachers recently participated in training on High School Reinvention and how it relates to their classroom instruction: and how it affects students now and in the future. Why did our teachers need this training? The kinds of skills needed in contemn- - porary soclet) are different from the skills traditionally taught in American schools, and the level of competency required in them is higher than ever before. Gilchrist County Schools, along with schools across the state, are realizing we must change in order to meet the needs of our students in an ever changing world. Anni Egan your voice for education. Elect an experience, dedicated educator. Our children deserve nothing less. Vote Anni Egan for School Board, District 5 Political advertisement paid and approved by Ann Marie (Anni) Egan for Gilchrist County School Board District 5 (NP) 8t 4 The five day training began with teachers looking at data-of students they will be' teaching in the upcoming school year. This allowed teachers to acquire the strengths and weaknesses of their students and target areas where in-depth instruction needs to occur. The next two days introduced teachers to the Rigor and Relevance Framework which they will use when writing lesson plans. This framework requires teachers to prepare les- sons that are rigorous, requires students to think differently, and requires more complex thinking. The framework also requires les- sons to be relevant to the student and is taught through application of skills to real-world situations. The last two days involved in- formation about learning styles of students and how to teach to those styles, building ,relation- ships among students, teachers, and administrators, and how' to work as teams 'for student achievement and success. Gilchrist County High School teachers are looking forward to' a great year incorporating all the strategies learned during this training. ; . FHP Checkpoints For August The Florida Highway Patrol will be conducting driver license and vehicle. ifispection check- points during the follo\i ing dates: August 1-31. 2006. These checkpoints will only be held at the following locations, in the following counties: The checkpoints in Dixie County will be on: Chavous Road,- county road 55A, state road 349, county road 349, county road 351, county road 358, and at Willow Hole Road. Gilchrist County checkpoints will be at: state road 26, state road 49, state road 47, county road 138, South East 70tl Av- enue, county road 232, county road 340, and county road 341. Lafayette County will have checkpoints at: state road 20, state road 51, state road 53, and state road 349. The checkpoints in Levy County will be at:. state road 24, state road 45, state road 49, state. road 121, state road 500, county road 320, county road 3339, county road 341. county road 345, county road 337, county road 335, county road 316, county road 464, county road 323, and.county road 326. Troopers will .focus on vehi- cles that are being operated with defects and violations such as: worn/unsafe tires, bad brakes,; improper window tinting, cracked/broken windshields,' unsecured loads, and defective lighting.. In addition, attention will be directed to violations of: driver license laws, motor ve- hicle registration laws,' non-use of seatbelts, and motor vehicle insurance requirements. The Florida Highway Patrol has found these checkpoints. to be an effective method of en- forcing state laws, which relate to the safe and legal operation of motor vehicles. *Checkpoints will only be conducted between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Authorizing supervisor: Lieu- tenant Patrick V. Riordan NAM Lauds Florida Senators For "Critical Step Forward" To Address America's Economic And Energy Security Further Senate Action Needed to Pass Act and Lower Energy Costs The National Association of' Manufacturers, (NAM) today commended Senators Bill Nel- son and Mel Martinez for voting to proceed with debate on safely unlocking America's energy sup- ply in the GulfofMNlexico. NAM President John Engler hailed the Vote as a "critical step toward addressing America's growing .energy crisis, and lower energy costs for all consumers." By- a 86-12 bipartisan vote, the Senate agreed to begin debate on S. 3711, the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act, which opens leasing in 8.3 mil- lion acres of the Gulf of Mexico Sto safe energy exploration and development. "Clear1\ Florida's Senators recognize that, at a time when prices are at all-time highs and energy development is easier and safe, there is no reason the U.S. should, continue shooting itself in the foot," Engler said. "Over the past six years, Amer- ica's annual natural gas bill rose from $50 billion to $200 billion, slowing our economy, damaging our competitiveness, and hurting consumers and workers alike. "As S. 3711 moves to a final vote, we encourage all Senators to show their continued com- mitment to addressing the se- vere energy crisis by unlocking the abundant energy supply in the Gulf," Engler continued. "Passage of this act will help alleviate the negative impacts high energy prices are having on all Americans, so jobs.stay in America and consumers pay less to heat and cool their homes." NAM- The National As- sociation of Manufacturers is the nation's largest industrial trade association, representing small and large manufacturers in every industrial, sector and in all 50 states. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the NAM has 10 additional offices across the country. Visit the NAM's award-winning web site at www.nam.org for more informa- tion about manufacturing and. the economy. 1331 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 600, Washingion, DC 20004 (202) 637-3000 ')I VOT VOE1 VOT I~E VOTE VOTEI] b~. I1:1i | *UI:II > DR. JOHN D. FRAZIER For Gilchrist County School Board, District 3 As YOUR School Board Representative, I PROMISE: To keep our children first in the educational decision making process. To approach this position open-minded, without any preconceived agenda. To empower parents to be active advocates for their children. To be an avenue for the community to have a voice in our School District. Political advertisement paid and approved by Dr. John D. Frazier, for Gilchrist County School. Board, District 3 (NP) L ~/ Trenton H.S. Quarterback Club Golf Tournament was held Saturday, July 29, 2006 at Chiefland Golf & Country Club The following are a list of the sponsors. THANK YOU! Nature Coast Insurance Drummond Community Bank Ameris Bank Ted Burt, P.A. Farm Bureau Insurance-Larry Merritt Subway Riverland Title Services praiser Lacy Redd Lucy Swilley Buddy Vickers- School Superintendent Country Cleaners Riverland Mortgage Quality Homes Direct Southern Air Systems, Ed Janes Wilson Home Center Bill Stanley Insurance Damon Leggett-Property Api GMAC Realty-Brad Smith Jonathan Kincaid Gray Construction THURSDAY, AUGUST 3,2006 GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Page Eleven I- ai& Page iwelve UtIJij u'IUut u INI"Iii .A u' x .,- .. Garrett and Terry Boyd killed this rattlesnake Sunday after-, noon on their property'near High Springs. The snake was 4'8" and had seven rattles and one button. The FWC Report For July 21st-27th This report represents some significant events the ,FWC handled over the past. week; however, it does not include all actions taken by the Division of Law Enforcement. NORTH CENTRAL .REGION CLAY COUNTY.. July 22nd Officer Michael Heath responded to a boating accident on Lily Lake. Accord- ing to Heath's investigation, two PWCs were traveling on a paral- lel course to each other with one slightly ahead of the other. One of the PWCs turned, to spray the other, resulting in a. collision. One of the operators sustained a compound fracture to his right leg and minor contusions. The other operator was not injured. Charges have been filed with the Clay County States Attorney Of- fice against both operators. July 24th, Officer Harold Bar- ry was dispatched to. a boating accident that occurred on Kings- ley Lake. Investigation revealed that one PWC occupied by two females was drifting in the water when a second PWC approached on plane. The second PWC reportedly experienced engine trouble and was unable to steer clear of the drifting PWC. The two vessels collided resulting in minor injuries to the passenger' of the drifting PWC. The opera- tor of the PWC responsible for the collision was cited for two violations. COLUMBIA COUNTY - COPS July 17th, Officer Jeff Sum- mers provided an added level of safety to divers who attended a Santa Fe River cleanup at Ginnie Springs. Approximately 15 div-' ers participated during the event.' They covered less than half a mile and collected an estimated. two tpns of cans and bottles from the river bottom. They are plan- ning additional cleanup dives in the near future as the water level is down. a DUVAL COUNTY July 21st, at approximately 4:30 a.m., Officers Craig Magu- ire and Brad Givens responded to a report of a Kingfish Tourna- ment vessel that struck the Little Jetties in the ICW. When the officers arrived, they discovered the vessel pinned on top of the jetties. Maguire pulled up to the vessel and assisted two individu- als, who were onboard, into his patrol vessel. The operator was transported to the hospital due to a laceration to her chin. The op- erator of the vessel was issued a notice to appear for violation of a fiavigational rule resulting in a boat accident. July 21st, Officers Craig Maguire and Brad Givens were, on water patrol in Duval County working 'the Kingfish Tournament. .At approximately 9:00 a.m., the officers heard the captain of a local commercial dive boat, located approximately 40 miles off of St. Augustine,, hail the U.S. Coast Guard for assistance due to the 'vessel's mechanical difficulties. Magu- ire contacted the Coast Guard in Mayport to offer assistance with boarding the vessel. The two of- ficers joined the Coast Guard on the Cutter King fisher. While en / route, the captain of the disabled vessel contacted the CoastGuard' and advised that he had fixed the problem and that he was under- *way again. However, the King- fisher continued on course to intercept the vessel at about 16 miles off of St..Augustine. Once the commercial %essel was in "isual range. four Coast Guard boarding officers, along with Givens and Maguire, launched the boarding vessel from the' Kingfisher and proceeded to the commercial dive vessel. When the boarding vessel was approxi- mately one-quarter mile from. .the stern of the commercial %es- sel, the captain of the dive boat turned hard to starboard, turn- ing his bow toward the USCG boarding vessel. Maguire and Givens boarded the vessel with two Coast Guard officers. As the officers inspected the ves- sel, they began to find lobster parts on the deck and in several other areas -of the vessel. Ap- proximately two minutes after the officers boarded the vessel,. the Kingfisher advised them that something was floating near their bow. Floating were several plastic bags containing over 60 pounds of lobster tails. The captain of the vessel admitted throwing the lobster over board when he saw the boarding boat approaching. Some of the lob- ster -were egg-bearing and had been speared. The two FWC officers and two Coast Guard officers stayed on board until the vessel docked in St. Augustine where they were met by special agents from the National Marine Fisheries Service. The cap- tain of 'the dive vessel is being charged federally for possession of lobster during a closed sea- son, possession of egg-bearing lobster and for spearing lobster. He also received citations from the USCG for safety violations. Other state and federal charges are pending further investiga- tion. July 24th, Officers Jamie Bevan, David Garns, and Eric Hall were on water patrol as part of a.two-day detail designed' to' detect illegal. early harvest of lobster. FWC Pilot Steve Stout and Capt. Mike Edwards were in an agency aircraft as part of the detail. At approximately 6:30 p.m., Edwards noticed a shrimping vessel a half mile off shore towing four nets. Bevan, Gamrns and Hall intercepted the vessel and cited the vessel's cap- tain for the violation. (July 25th, Lt. Gary Klein and Officers Chip Butler and Givens 'were on water patrol, as part of the lobster detail, when they stopped a small boat with two occupants on board. During a safety and marine fisheries in- spection, the officers discovered an undersized snapper, an under- sized grey triggerfish and three undersized black sea bass. A citation \was issued for the-snap- per and warnings were issued for the other two species. July 25th, Officer Craig Mla-' guire received a complaint about a vessel that w.as in the process of being dismantled and dumped into the Trout River. Maguire ar- rived and spoke w ith the owner. of the. vessel, who stated he was in the process of moving the vessel when it broke down. The owner said he %would have it moved by that night. The next' day. Maguire received a call that the vessel had broken from its anchor and \\as drifting down" the river. Maguire and GiQens responded, towed the vessel and., re-anchored it in a safe location. Bevan; met with the %essel's owner and' issued him a citation for failure to secure his vessel properly. LEVY COUNTY July 20th, at 1:30 a.m., Officer' Ryan Maier observed a vessel return to the CR 40 boat ramp in Levy County. The vessel had three occupants onboard.` Maier noticed two gig poles with spear tips and a cooler. He conducted a safety/saltwater fisheries inspection on the vessel .and occupants. The vessel had several boating safety violations including ,no registration cer- tificate onboard, no sound pro- ducing device, and insufficient number of visual distress mark- ers-flares. He discovered four speared redfisbh in the bottom of the cooler. The redfish mea- sured approximately 21 inches, 17 inches, and two at 16 inches. Maier cited the individuals for illegal method of taking redfish, over-the-bag-limit redfish, ,and possession of undersize redfish. One individual was cited for no ,saltwater fishing license. The captain of the vessel was given Written warnings for the boating safety violations. American Legion And Department Of Defense Launch "Heroes To Hometowns" The tradition of veterans help- ing veterans was extended to a whole new generation of Ameri- can warriors and their families Wednesday with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH H GILCHRIST COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Well Child & Newborn Care School & Sports Physicals Chronic & Acute Care Communicable Disease Maternity Care By UF Dept. OB/GYN Family Planning School Health Services TB Testing Laboratory Procedures Healthy Start Services WIC Services (Baby Formula & Food Coupons) HIV Anonymous & Confidential Testing Attention Deficit Disorder Evaluation & Treatment NO APPOINTMENTS NEEDED FOR: FREE PREGNANCYTESTS FREE BLOOD PRESSURE SCREEN CHILD & ADULT IMMUNIZATIONS We accept Blue Cross/Blue Shield, AvMed, PPC Care Manager, State Employees Group PPC, Health Options, Champus, CMS, Medicaid, Medipass, Medicare, and most other major.insurances. 119 N.E. 1st Street, Trenton, Florida 32693 463-3120 Office Hours Monday Friday 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. (MOU) between The American Legion and the Department of Defense formalizing the "Heroes to Hometowns" program. "The American Legion had its origin in 1919. At the end of WWI, a bunch of Dough- boys got together to make sure returning vets were taken care of," said National Commander, Thomas L. Bock. "Our involve- ment in this program is what The American Legion .has always been about -- veterans helping veterans." The MOU establishes a part- nership between the American Legion National Headquarters and the Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Military Community and Fam- ily Policy). The "Heroes to Hometov. ns" transition program will start set- ting up a support network and coordinating resources before a severely injured servicemember returns home. Child care, tem-. porary housing, errand-rurinning, adapting .homes or vehicles, spiritual support, government claims. assistance and financial aid are just some of what Le- gion posts will provide. "The American Legion .has nearly 15,000 posts around the world to help our returning Heroes," Bock said. The American Legion Na- tional Headquarters now has a full time representative, VA&R Assistant Director David Marsh, (703) 692-2054, staffing the American Legion "Heroes to Hometowns" office located. at the .Pentagon Military Severely Injured Center (MSIC). Details forthcoming in The American Legion Magazine and Dispatch. Somewhere out there is a, unique place for you to help oth- ers--a unique life role for you to fill that only you can fill. Thomas Kinkade Hall Available 386-935-S311 Rudd 100% Cypress Mulch/Chips 8yds$125-4yds$70 We will load Free Delivery In Area 8 am -5 pm Monday -Friday 8am- 12pmSaturday 352-538-5098 Pole Barns Installed Complete $1,79500 Total 352-472- Akins Heating & AC, Inc. 5120 N.W. 5th Street Bell, Florida 32619 352-463-2380 Servicing All Makes & Models * Specializing in High Efficiency Units * Indoor Air Quality Products * Call us today to ask about an additional power company rebate of up to $350. License#CAC1813540 A ....LENNO Elect MICHELLE C R E ' for School Board I District 5 I Background Information: * 38 years old * Married to Al Carter, .18 years , Two Children: Jamres'- Akge 15, elby- Age 13 .. ... * Office Manager, Omicron, Inc. * President, Trenton Middle/High Band Boosters * 2002-03 Gilchrist County District School Advisory Council Member,. Parent Representative Good reasons to Elect Michelle Carter for Gilchrist County School Board: * Parent of two children attending Gilchrist County Public Schools * Actively involved in the Gilchrist County School System for the past 10 years * A Christian that will make decisions reflective of that * Able to stand alone, if need be, for what I feel is right * Level headed and able to evaluate all aspects to come to a conclusive decision that is the best for our children * Flexible schedule makes me available to discuss any concerns you may have Political advertisement paid and approved by Michelle Carter for Gilchrist County School Board, District 5 (NP) -4 RBE CONSTRUCTION Trenton, Florida 352-463-7848 THURSDAY, AUGUST 3,2006 r-TT f-U-IT4ZT CC)TTMTV TC)TTPT\TAT. m I .... 7........... IVI.&ofI% LvpW% fff JTTT 1TTKNC'Th AUU,)1.,ZU' T fx T"T 2 2A( m flI-T('IITY111rNAi ae hrte Mr. Ray Mitchell Branch Mr. Ray Mitchell- Branch of Old Town died on Saturday, July 29, 2006 from an automobile accident. He was 53 years old. He was a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Donna LaVonne Branch; two sons, John Paul and Joshua Ezera Branch and a sister, Sharon C. Smith. Mr. Branch is survived by his mother, Mary Louise How- deschell; his wife, Celestine Paul King; five sons, Jeremiah Mitchel Branch, Jason Donald Branch, James Ray Branch. Joseph Aaron Branch. and Jona- than Andrew Branch all of Old Town; three daughters. Rachel Revell of Hatfield. Arizona. An- gelina Loughtey of Stockbridge. Georgia, and Katrina LaVonne Branch of Old Town; two. brothers, Ivan Norman (Buddy) Branch'of Old Town and Bart R. Lyons of Perry;., seven sis- ters, Deborah Branch and Jessie Boehmler both of Cross City, Joyce Turner of Perry, Jeanette O'Quinn of Greenville, Virginia Wood of Mayo, Wanda Branch .of Old Town, 'and Glenna Yheagle of Luraville; and 11 grandchildren. A funeral service will be held on Saturday, August 5, 2006, at 3:00 p.m. at the Rick Gooding Funeral Home with Pastor Bill Schnorbus officiating. Inter- ment 'will follow at the Cross City Cemetery. A visitation will be Friday, August 4th between ,6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. at the Rick Gooding Funeral Home. ' Arrangements were under the care of RICK GOODING FUNERAL HOME. Cross City. Florida. Mr. William W. Booth Mr. William W. Booth of Middleburg died Friday, July 28, 2006. He was 62 years old. He was born and raised in Ce- dar Key and lived in Middleburg for 27 years. He was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints-Middleburg Ward. Mr. Booth is survived by his wife, Robby Alice Booth; four sons, William W. Booth, II, Adam Capps Booth, Jared Thomas Booth, and Benjamin Dallas Booth; two daughters, Heather Alice Bruce and Kath- erine J. Randolph; one brother, Harold Richard Booth. and one sister, Wilma Ruth Daniel. A funeral service was held on Tuesday, August 1, 2006 at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints with Bishop James Wheeler officiating. A graveside service was held in Cedar Key. Arrangements were tinder the care of HOLLY HILL ME- MORIAL PARK, Middleburg, Florida. Mrs. Ruby L. Bruce Mrs. Ruby L. Bruce a life- long resident of this area, died Wednesday, July 26, 2006, at Cross City Rehab following a lengthy illness. She was 80 years old. She was preceded in death by her husband, Jim Bruce and a son, Kenneth Smith. Mrs. Bruce is sur i'ed by two sons, Robert R. Richardi Jr. of Fort White and NMichael Richard of High Springs: one sister, Lu- cille Tillman of High Springs; six grandchildren and five great- grandchildren. A 'funeral was. held on Mon- day, 'July 31st !at Mt. Horeb. Baptist Church with Rev. Arnold' O'Steen officiating. Interment was in the church, cemetery. ,EObituaries * U I Arrangements were under the care of EVANS-CARTER FU- NERAL HOME, High Springs, Florida. Mrs. Berta Mae Hill Johnson Mrs. Berta Mae Hill Johnson of Cross City died Tuesday, July 25, 2006, at the Cross City Re- hab and Health Center. She was 87 years old. She was born in Old Town and was a lifetime resident. She was of the Methodist faith. Mrs. Johnson is survived by two sons, A. Bernard Johnson (Anne Marie) of East Lyme, Connecticut and Ronald Johnson (Cathy) of Cross, City; a sister, Newanna Watts of Tampa; two brothers, Harold Hill of Perry and Kenneth Hill of Valdosta, Georgia; three grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. 'A funeral service was held on Friday, July 28th at the First United Methodist Church in Cross City with Rev: Howard Grimmenga and Rev. Ben Clark officiating. Interment followed at the Cross City Cemetery. Arrangements were under the care of RICK GOODING. FUNERAL HOME, Cross City, Florida. Mr Elhner C. Kendall Mr. Elmer C. Kendall, Jr., of Bell, died Thursday, July 27, 2006, in Gainesville. He was 68 years old. Mr. Kendall was born in Or- lando and moved to. Bell four years ago. He was a carpenter by trade and served in the United States Marines and .was a mem- ber of Bell Baptist Church. Mr. Kendall is survived by his wife, Welda Hancock Kendall. of Bell;. four daughters, Carla Kendall of Dustin, Madeline Kendall of Orlando, Elicia Ken- dall and Welda Kendall both of Bell; one son Todd Kendall of Groveland; and five grandchil- dren.. A funeral was held Saturday, SJuly 29, 2006, with Bro. Paul Watson officiating; interment was at Christmas Cemetery,' Christmas, Florida with Rev. Bill He-ter officiating. Arrangements were'under the care of WATSON FUNERAL HOME, Trenton, Florida. Mr. George Franklin Munn Mr. George Franklin Munn of Gainesville, died Monday, July 31, 2006 at North Florida Re- gional Medical Center. He was 82 years old. Mr. Munn was born in Tren- ton and was a lifelong resident. He was a retired engineer for the Department of the Navy and served in the Navy during World War II and, was a member of Northwest Baptist Church in Gainesville. He was preceded in death by two sisters, Elva Corbin and Maude Joyner; and a brother, Leroy Munn. Block 10 Sun-N-Fun Unit 3. NRLL East to Anwar Patwary, warranty deed, $7,700.00, Lot 3 . Block 10 Sun-N-Fun Unit 3. Royce Chesser to Jim Martin Group, Inc., general warranty deed, $57,000.00. William H. Haugh and Iola L. Haugh to Ralph J. Turner, Jr. Trustee and Turner Trust Agree- ment, general warranty deed, $26,500.00, Lots 1 through 17, 20, and 21 block 17 Suwannee River. Audubon Nillas at Hunters Creek, Ltd. to Suwannee Lake Wayfair Townsend Cemetery Clean Up To Be Held August 5th The Wayfair Townsend Cemetery clean up will be held Saturday, August 5th at 8:00 a.m. Please bring your own tools. Please come out and join us in this effort, especially if you have family members in the cemetery. Mr. Munn is survived by his wife Cecelia Munn of Gaines- ville; two sisters, Artha Spillane of Chiefland and Ida Mae Wilson of Annandale, Virginia. A funeral service will be held on Thursday, August 3rd at 11:00 a.m. at the Hiers-Baxley Chapel in Chiefland. A visita- tion will be one hour prior to the service and interment will be in the Chiefland Cemetery. Arrangements were under the care of HIERS-BAXLEY FUNERAL SERVICES, Chief- land, Florida Mrs. Mary Alice Phelps Mrs. Mary Alice Phelps of Old Town died Sunday. July 30, 2006, at Haven Hospice in Chiefland. She ~ as 56 \ears old. She moved to Old To%% n in 1999 from Orlando. She en- joyed doing crafts and %working. She also worked at Hardees in- Old Town for 3 years. Mrs. Phelps is survived by two sons, James Wthrow (Shaw% nna)i of Old Town and Nlickel Phelps of Suwannee; three step-chil- dren, Lenny Phelps. Margaret Withrow and Pauline Phelps all of'Alliance, Ohio; two sisters, Edith Bailey of Lillington. North -Carolina. and Rose Thomas of Spartanburg. South Carolina; two brothers-, Bobby Withrow of Glen Jean, West'Virginia and James Withrow of Ohio; and five grandchildren. A memorial service will be held Saturday, August 5, 2006, at 5:00 p.m. at the home of her. son,. James Withrow. Arrangements were under the care of RICK GOODING FUNERAL HOME. Cross City, Florida. Gilchrist County, Land Transactions Shirley D. Smith and Diane J. Smith to Robert E. McDonald and, Katherine R. McDonald. Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure, $23.500.00). Burton Bedell, A.K.A. Burt'' Bedell, Jeanne Bedell. A.K.A. J. Bedell to Burt Bedell Trustee, Jf.iBedell ivTrustee. and, Bedell Living Trust, warranty deed, $10.00, Lot 17 Sugar Hill , James P. Forrester and How- ard D. Timberlake to Howard D. Timberlake, warranty deed, $10.00. Augustus Lee Hodge, Mar- jorie Hodge, Larry Hodge, Kay Kunz, Shirleen Hartley, and Beverly Allen to Clarkson Berg-' man Partnership, Ltd., warranty deed, $731,500.00.,, M.E. McDougal, Inc., to Norman L. Davis and Ramona Davis, warranty deed, $100.00, Lots 4 and 5 Block 20 Suwannee River Estates North. Douglas W. King, A.K.A. D.W. King, and Marilee King to Douglas W. King Trustee, Marilee King Trustee and King Trust Agreement, warranty deed, $100.00., Mary Jean 'Faison Trustor and Mary Jean Faison Family Revo- cable Trust to Mary Jean Faison Trustee and Mary Jean Faison Family Revocable Trust, war- ranty deed, $10.00. Dream Builders Development Corporation to Robert S. Doyle and Catherine A: Doyle, general warranty deed, $360,000.00, Lot 11 Meadowwood Trails.: Ann E. Bryan Trustee and Ann E. Bryan Revocable Trust to William Rodney Smith and Mary Ellen Smith, warranty deed, $45,000.00, Lot 9 Ira Beas Oasis Unit 3. Charles W. Douglass and Katherine M. Douglass to Leonard A. Douglass and Ivey D. Douglass, warranty deed, $40,000.00, 2 Parcels Suwannee River Heights. Thomas R. Audley and Mari- anne Audley to James O. Marra, warranty deed, $170,000.00, lot 2 Replat of Gilchrist Farm. George G. Bennett Trustee, Shirley A. Bennett Trustee, George G. and Shirley A. Ben- nett Trust to Brenda Swarm, warranty deed, $35,000.00, Lot 15 Lake in the Woods unit 3. NRLL East to Joseph A. Jean, warranty deed, $6,050.00, Lot 2 We Have Color Copies 8.5" x 11" 8.5" x 14" 11"x .17" Call Us At The Journal 463-7135 "iI Open Mon. Fri. 710 East Highway 26 Located 30 Miles West of Gainesville, in Trenton. A Security Title Compan (352-463-6403) Gregory V. Beauchamp Douglas K. McKoy FHP Driver License And Vehicle Inspection Checkpoints The Florida Highway Patrol will be conducting driver license and vehicle 'inspection check- points during. the following dates: August 1-31 2006. These checkpoints will only be held at the following locations, in the following counties: - Dixie Chavous Rd, CR 55A, SR 349,'CR 349, CR 351, CR 358, Willow Hole Rd Gilchrist SR 26 SR 49, SR 47, CR 138, SE 70 Ave, CR '232, CR 340, CR 341 " Lafayette SR 20, SR51, SR 53, SR 349 Levy SR 24, SR 45, SR 49; SR 121, SR 500, CR 320. CR 3339, CR 341, CR 345, CR337, CR 335, CR316, CR 464, CR, 323, CR 326 Plantation, Inc., quit claim deed, $133,700.00. Union Oil Company" of' California to Tim Beck, mineral deed, $1,250.00. Margaret ,Mills, Robert Coarse\. and Willie Coarsey to Ra\ Coarsey and Ricky Coarsey, quit claim deed, $0, Lot 5, and the South one-half of Lot 4,' Block 34 of Trenton. Florida. Joseph W; Gilliam Clerk of Court, Gilchrist County Clerk of Court, Patricia A. Hodson to Household Finance Corporation. III, Ceitificate of Title. $10.00, Lots 18,19, 22. and 23, Block 14 Suwannee Ri'er Subdivision. April Linds'ey Casselman and Robert Lindsey, to John Har- rington, general w arranty deed, $60,000.00. Trevor L. Cockle to Trevor Cockle Trustee, Trevor Cockles Revocable Living Trust, 'quit Claim deed, $10:00, Lot 42 Sil- ver Ridge. Trevor L. Cockle to Trevor Cockle Trustee and Trevor Cockles Revocable Living Trust, quit. claim deed, $10.00, lot 44 Silver Ridge. Karen D. Pike to Chester W. Taylor, Jr., warranty deed, $100.00. , Mark Graham to Mellies William Henniger, Jr., warranty deed, $30.000.00. Lot 19-24 Block 13 Suwannee River. Stephen R. .,McWilliams, Stephen R.' McWilliams .Per Rep, James Henry McWilliams Estate, Shari G. Hammel and Mike F. McWilliams to Tammie McWilliams, statutory warranty deed, $10.00, 'lot 72 Rolling Oaks Betty Lou Rehberg to Kenneth W. Rehberg, quit claim deed, '$10.00. Lot 3 Anderson Section. Gordon Persons and Lucy Per-" sons to Gordon Persons,' Lucy Persons, and Janina M. Darnell,. warranty deed, $0, Lot I114 A- ers' Estates. Ralph J. Turner,' Jr. Trustee and 'Turner Trust to Fred and Amy Lamb and Roy L. Fos- hee, general warranty deed, $28,500.00, Lots' 1-16 inclusive block 17 and lots 17, 20, and 21 Suwannee River Subdivision. Craig C. Nowicki and Melissa A. Nowicki. to John Hesselblad and Helen Hesselblad, warranty deed, $50,000.00, Lot 3 of Fox Run. Janey Elene Gray and Gerald Gray to Janey D. Gray Trustee of the Janey D. Gray Inheritance Trust,, special warranty deed, $10.00. n.es e. Robert P. Marsh Owners/irectors- Dawn F. Marsh Lic#C036IO007 *"MI;EN, Hair Expressions WOMEN hv CHILDREN'S A b CUTS Men's Haircut: $8 Women's Haircut: $13 Unlimited Tanning: $20/month Phone (Matrix & Redken) 472-1482 Wolfe Tanning Bed (High Output Bulbs) 8897 SE 66th Circle SPECIALIZING IN COLOR Trenton, Florida 32693 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE Monday Friday ~ 10 am 6 pm Appointments & Saturday ~ 10 am 3 pm Walk-Ins Welcome B&J AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR COMPLETE A UTQ REPAIRS FOREIGN DOMESTIC EXHAUSTS BRAKES 1w-a -7 1~~j (352) 463-0079 y Closings Title Insurance Public Record Searches * Fast and Friendly Service 302 North Main Street Trenton, Florida "NEED A FENCE OF ANY KIND Barb Wire fioven Ifire Chain Link Board Danny Hodge (352) 463-1832 -- Mobile (352) 493-5345 4110 S.W. 25th Street -- Bell, Florida Li#CFC062 Water Filtrationi WOLFE PLUMBING, INC. Complete Plumbing Service Drain Cleaning & Repair 7 Days Service 352-463-2202 .-' ,^fe)B^ftO|~lAN f iwerland Mortgage Corporation Residential -and- Commercial Loans ~ With LOW Fixed Rates Available ~ SPurchase, Refinance & Casji Out Conventional, 1-4 Single Family Homes Manufactured Homes Investment Property First, Second, and Home Equity Lines of Credit Construction/Perm One-Time Closing Owner/Builder Available & Lot Loans We Have: r No Income Documentation Stated Income I, or Full Documentation Professional, Reliable, and Local Service Bill Deen, Brenda Wilkerson and Phillip Wheeler Licensed Mortgage Brokers 463-1313' fax 463-1318 e-mail: riverlandmtg@bellsouth.net Apply Online @ www.riverlandmtg.web-loans.com vAierland Mortgage Corporation 723 E. Wade Street, Trenton, FL 32693 * ELECTRIC TUNE-UPS ENGINES COMPUTER ALIGNMENTS AIR CONDITIONING PASSENGER CAR & LIGHT TRUCK TIRES Gilchrist Title Services ,i Suwannee Valley Precast, Co. A |Owner Gerald Roberts- Bell Chiefland 463-2504 Fax: 463-0390 493-4055 New Septic Tanks Installed* Drain Fields Repaired Septic Pump-Outs *Septic Tanks Certified Portable Toilets -Backhoe Work Fill Dirt State Certified * fun 4- Kids! Pre school/After school Learning Center / Ages 2-12 Q / NAEYC Accredited Pre-K / Highscope Curriculum / School Readiness Program / CPR/First Aid Certified / Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten USDA Food Program / CDA Certified Teachers 352-463-7614 2739 S.W. 19th Circle, Trenton Page Thirteen ,qMT04ZnAV ATM.TPZT' mm L GH.CHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Troopers will focus on vehi- cles that are being operated with defects and violations such as: worn / unsafe tires, bad brakes, improper window tinting, cracked / broken windshields, unsecured loads, and defective. lighting. In addition, attention will be directed to violations of: driver license laws, motor ve- hicle registration laws, non-use of seatbelts and motor vehicle insurance requirements. The Florida Highway Patrol has found these checkpoints to be an effective method of en- forcing state laws,' which relate to the safe and legal operation of motor vehicles. Checkpoints will only be conducted between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Failure.to prepare is preparing to failM. S MikeMurdock. ! 1 Page Ftourteen or .LJXA .) I. '... .. u. -. w . IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 21-2006-CA-0038 SOUTHEASTERN FUNDING PARTNERS, LLLP, a Florida Limited Liability Partnership, successor by merger to Bellwood Partners, Ltd., a Florida limited Partnership, Plaintiff vs. ESTATE OF ROBERT L. EUBANKS a/k/a ROBERT LEE EUBANKS, SR.; UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, CREDITORS, LIENORS, AND TRUSTEES, AND ALL OTHER PERSONS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH,. UNDER OR AGAINST ROBERT L. EUBANKS a/k/a ROBERT LEE EUBANKS,SR.;. and PHYLLIS A; EUBANKS, IF LIVING, AND IF DECEASED, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, CREDITORS, LIENORS, AND TRUSTEES, AND ALL OTHER PERSONS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST PHYLLIS A. EUBANKS, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: ESTATE OF ROBERT L. EUBANKS a/k/a ROBERT LEE EUBANKS, SR. UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, CREDITORS, LIENORS AND TRUSTEES OF ROBERT L. EUBANKS a/k/a ROBERT LEE EUBANKS, SR. Residence Unknown PHYLLIS A. EUBANKS UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, CREDITORS, LIENORS AND TRUSTEES OF PHYLLIS A. EUBANKS . Residence Unknown . YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a Mortgage on. the following property in- Gilchn st County,. Florida: Lots 7 and 8, block 9. of SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH SUBDIVISION, a subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages,58-61 of the Public Records of Gilchrist County, Florida. has been filed b:, the Plartiff against you and others in the abo'.ec-st, led cause and )ou are required to ,er'e a copy of %our v.ritten defenses. if any, to it on R FRANKLIN RITCH. P.O Etb\ 114'k, Gaine-a. le, FL ?.2602, .&ithjn thin;, (30) days after the date of the first publication, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service oh Plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court on this 2.Q day of July, 2006. JOSEPH W. GILLIAM, Clerk of Court (SEAL) By: Lyndsay P. Ayers Deputy Clerk R. FRANKLIN RITCH 1418 N.W. 6th Street P.O. Box 1143 Gainesville, FL .32602 (352) 377-2889 Florida Bar # 095380 Attorney for Plaintiff Pub. July 27, & Aug 3, 2006b. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 21-2005-CA-027 HELEN ,SCREWS, RICHARD WISE, JR. AND VIVIANWEBB, Plaintiff, vs. JOSEPH N. GAGLIONE, JR.,, ,Defendants. CLERK'S NOTICE OF SALE UNDER F.S. CHAPTER 45 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, in accordance with the Summary Final Judgment of .Foreclosure dated July 13, 2006, in, the above-styled cause, I will sell to the highest and, best bidder for cash at the Gilchrstt Counry Courthouse, Trenton, Florida at 11.00 a.m. on Monday, August 14, 2006, the following descnbed property: . Lots 14 and 15, LOWELL ESTATES, a subdivision as recorded therof in Plat Book 3,-Page 7 of the Public Records of Gilchrist County. Florida. Dated: July 13, 2006 , ._JOSEPH W. GILLIAM Clerk of Court (SEAL) By: Lyndsay P.Ayers Deputy Clerk CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I CERTIFY that a true and cor- rect copy of the foregoing Notice of Sale under F.S. chapter 45 has been furnished by United States Mail on July 18. 2006. to each of the follow- ing: Joseph N Gaglione, Jr., 818 Old Magnolia Road, Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 and Norm D. Fugate,.Post Once Box 98, Willis-, ton, Florida 32696. . S Lyndsay P. Ayers Deputy Clrk Pub. July 27. Aug.3,.2000b Leslie Sapp Construction, Inc. 352-463-7589 7239 S.W. 80th Avenue Trenton, Florida 32693 tlsapp@acceleiration.net 'CR-C05843 1 DURON WILLIAMSONS TREESERVICE Licensed and Insured Call for FREE Estimates cell 352-318-3610 All Phases of Tree Work From trimming to complete removal and haul-off. Light land clearing, clearing of right-of-ways, and debris haul-offs. home 386-935-2180 Bobcat service available. Kid's World Pre-School Learning Center, Inc. A private school for your child's early learning years. * NAEYC Accredited Pre-K * School Readiness Program - * Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten * CDA Certified Teachers * USDA Food Program . * Highscope Curriculum * CPR/First Aid Certified * Ages 2-12 / Stop by for a tour of our facility. 352-463-3555 Corner of Hwy. 129 & S.R. 47, Trenton (Across from Trenton High School) Owners/Directors Amy Wesley Woods Holly Wesley Bussard License #C03GI0006 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO REGISTER FICTITIOUS NAME Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, under the provision of Section 90-267, Florida Statutes 1990, will register with the Secretary of State, Division of Corporations, P.O. Box 1300, Tallahassee, Florida 32302-1300, upon publication of this notice the fictitious name, to wit: Down Home Family Restaurant Description: Restaurant under which we are engaged in business in Gilchrist County, Florida. That the parties interested in said business are: Dorothy A. Howell 299 NW 70th Ave. Bell, Florida 32619 Pub. August 3, 2006p. State Of Florida Department Of Environmental Protection Notice Of Draft Permit. The Department of Environmental Protection gives notice of its prepa- ration of a draft permit for CCDA Waters LLC High Springs to Mr. Pat Paya 7100 NE CR 340, High Springs. FL 32643 to construct and operate a land application system. for the disposal of bottle rinse Water, process line %wash water, and reverse osmosis concentrate from the water bottling plant. The source of water used for the process water is Ginnie Springs. Bottle rinse water, process line wash water, and reverse osmo- sis concentrate w ill be blended in a 60,000 gallon equalization tank. The wastewater will then flow into a 10,000 gallon pH neutralization tank to receive treatment as needed prior iobe pumped to three rapid in- filtraton basins. The basins are con- nected in parallel and each have a bottom area of 2.67 acres. The bot- tom ele'auon of the basins is 48.0 NGVD and the top elevation of the basins is 51.0 NGVD. The design wastewater How for the system is 0.31 MGD maximumm. The facil- ityr is located at latitude 29o49"22. N. longitude 82'41'20" W in High Spnngs, Gilchrist County, Flonda. Any interested person ma. subrrut written comments on the draft permit of the Department or may. submit a w ntten request for a public meeting to Ed Cordo a, P E.. North- east Dismct Office, 7825 Ba% mejd- ows Wa\, Suite 200B, Jacksonille. FL 32256-7590 in accordance v.ith rule 62-620 555 of the Florida Ad- ministrauve Code The comments or request for a public meeting must contain 'the information set forth below% and must be recei ed in the' Northeast within 30 da s of publication of this notice. Failure to submit comments or request a pub- lic meeting within this time period shall constitute a waiver of any right such person may have to submit comments or request a public meet- ing under Rule 62-620.555, Florida Administrative Code. The comments or request for a pub- lic meeting must contain the follow- ing information: (a) 'The commenter's-name, ad- dress, and telephone number, the applicant's name and address, the Department Permit File Number and the county in which the project is proposed; (b) A statement of ho-. and ,. hen notice of the Department action or proposed action was received;- (c) A statement of the facts, the Department should consider in mak- ing the final decision; (d) A statement of which rules or statutes require reversal or modifi- cation of the Department action or proposed action; and (e) If desired; a request that a public meeting be scheduled includ- ing a statement of the nature of the issues proposed to be raised at the meeting. However, the Department may not always grant a request for a public meeting. Therefore, writ- ten comments should be submitted within 30 days of publication of this notice, even if a public meeting is requested. If a public meeting is scheduled the public comment period is extended until the close of the public meeting. If a public meeting is held any per- son may submit oral or written state- ments and data at the meeting on the Department proposed action. As a result of significant public comment the Department final action may be different from the position taken by it in this draft permit. 'The permit application file and sup- porting data are available for public f. inspection during normal business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Mon- day through Friday, except legal holidays, at Northeast District Of- fice, 7825 Baymeadows Way, Suite 200B, Jacksonville, FL 32256-7590, Tel. (904) 807-3300. Pub. August 3, 2006b. Vinyl Letters Banners Real Estate Signs Car Tags Woodland Gc istSiC n ~AWAA~~ CITY OF TRENTON REGULAR MEETING AGENDA PUBLIC NOTICE The City of Trenton Board of Commissioners will meet on Mon- day, August 7, 2006, upon adjourn- ment of the FRDAP Application #2 Public Meeting, which begins at 5: 45 p.m. in the Kathryn Deen Com- mission Chambers, 11.4 N. Main St., Trenton, FL. Items included on the agenda are as follows: A. Call To Order B. Adoption of Agenda C. CDBG Public Hearing D. Approval of Minutes E. Consent Items 1. Approval of Expenditures- July 2006 2. Approval of Financial Statement- July 2006 F. Other Agencies. 1. Code Enforcement 2. Fire 3. Police 4. Public Works G. Action Items ' 1. Final Reading Ordinance 2006-21-City Commission,' Comp. Plan Amendment : 2. Resolution 2006-15- FRDAP Applicanon # 1,: Land Acquistion 3. Resolution 2006-16- FRDAP Applicanon 2: Southside Park Phase 1 . Improements 4 Farmers Market Rules and Regulation, 5. Communing s Center Use- Emergency Sitruations 6. RMPK Group Construction Plans H. Board Member Request 1. Cirt Manager Report J1. Cirt Anorney Report K Unscheduled Citizen Requests L. Adiourn PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board 'with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he,she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he, she may need to ensure that a \erbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimonN and e, idence upon which the appeal is to be based. Jered Onen'wess Ci]t Manager Pub Aug. 3, 2006b PUBLIC MEETING The City of Trenton ill hold a public meeting on August 72 2006 at l-4 p m the sole purpose of this meeting will be to discuss the 'City apply ing for a grant under the Florida Recreation De\elopmerit Assisiance Programi,FRDAP,, dur- ing the 2007-2008 funding cycle. The applications are due September 15, 2006. The grant application includes improvements to Southside City Park Phase I The Cir, of Trenton will hold the meeting at the City Hall Commis- sion Chambers. the public is invited to attend.. Handicapped persons wishing to attend, who will need special accommodations, should contact Mr. Jered Oienwess,. City Manager, City of Trenton at (352) 463-4000. Pub. Aug. 3, 2006b. PUBLIC NOTICE The Gilchrist County Animal Control Committee will meet on Tuesday, August 8, 2006, at 5:30 p.m. in the Kathryn Deen Com- mission Chanibers at 114 N., Main Street, Trenton, FL. Pub. Aug. 3, 2006b. Whistler's Law: You never know who's right, but you al- ways know who's in charge. UF/IFAS Offers Peanut And Agronomic Crop Growers Twilight Tour SThe University of Florida/ Institute of Food and Agricultur- al Sciences (UF/IFAS) will host a "Peanut and Agronomic Crop Growers Twilight Tour and. BMP Demonstration," to educate area growers on Best Management Practices (BMP), which can help protect water quality. The Tour will be held Tuesday, August 22, 2006 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. at Top Quality Hay- Tommy Jones Farm in Gilchrist County. Area peanut and agronomic. crop producers are invited to attend the Tour to learn more about the latest production strat- egies for producers in the Santa. Fe Basin, which can help protect water quality and improve the. economic bottom line on the farm. Discussion topics include, "Record Keeping and Mapping with the Greenstar System," - "Irrigation Scheduling and Pea- nut Water Demand," and "BMP' Manual Update and Cost Share for BMP Tools.",, A free dinner will be spon- sored bN the Gichrist Soil & Water Conservation District. Registration is free; the deadline to register is Thursday. August 1s, 2006. To register or for more information. please call (352) 463-3174 City of Trenton Special Meeting Public Notice The Board of Commissioners, in and for the City of Trenton. Florida will meet on Thursday. August 10. 2006 at 6:00 p.m. in the Kathryn Deen Commission Chambers, 114 N. Main Street. Items included on the agenda are as follow s: A. Call To Order B. Public Hearine Formal Complaint Petition C. Adjournment PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, heshe will need a record of the proceedings, and that. for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record, of the proceedings is made. %hich record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is, to be based. Jered Ottenwess SCity Manager Pub. Aug. 3,2006b. I PUBLIC MEETING , The City of Trenton will hold a public meeting on August 7. 2006 at 5.30 p.m. The sole purpose of this meeting \%ill be to discuss the City applying for a grant under the Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program iFRDAP) dur- ing the 2'007-2008 funding cycle. The applications are due September 15, 2006. The grant application includes acquisition of property for the expansion of the Southside City Park. The City of Trenton will hold the meeting at the City Hall Com- mission Chambers. The public is invited to attend. Handicapped persons wishing to attend, who will need special accommodations, should contact Mr. Jered Ottenwess, City Manager,. City of Trenton at (352) 463-4000. Pub. Aug. 3, 2006b. North Florida Livestock Report Receipts at the North Florida Livestock Market in Ellisville on Thursday, July 27, 2006, were: this week 876, last week 610 and last year 616. Trends: Slaughter cows and bulls were'steady, feeder steers and heifers were 1.00 to 2.00 lower. Supply and demand were moderate. Flesh condition: thin and very thin. Feeder steers and heifers under 600 pounds 78 per- cent, (46 percent steers, 32 per- cent heifers), over 600 pounds 4 percent (3 percent steers, 1 percent heifers), slaughter cows and bulls 12 percent, replace- ment cows 6 percent. Slaughter Cows Breaker 75- 80 percent: 1317-1450 (1373) 41.50-44.50 (42.62). Slaughter Cows Boner 80- 85 percent: 846-1196 (1047) 46.00-52.50 (47.99); 1244-1434 (1373) 46.50-48.50 (47.73). Slaughter Cows Lean 85-90% 802-1191 (949) 42.00-45.50 (43.36); 823- 1177 (959) 34.00- 42.00 (38.82) low dressing.- Slaughter Bulls Y.G. 1: 1419 (1419) 59.00 (59.00); 1133-1498 (1285) 52.00-56.00 (53.55) low dressing; 1504- 1991(1694) 58.50-64.25 160.47); 1780-1792 (1786) 57.00-58.00 (57.50) low dressing. Feeder Steers and Bulls Me- dium and Large 1-2: 204-210 (207) 152.50-160.00 (156.30); 251-299 (276i 132.50-150.00 (142.42); 350-390 (367) 112.00- 124.00 t 115.98'; 405-444 (413i 110.00-122.00( 117.22):453-499 (474) 106.00-116.00 (110.30); 506-543 (526) 100.00-110.00. 1107.74): 552-598 (5631 102.00- 110.00 1106.63.; 622-639 (633) 97.00-105.00 (102.38):666-695 (685) 95.00-104.00 (98.59). Feeder Steers and Bulls Me- dium and Large 2-3: 202-232 (218) 125.00-145.00 (137.74); 259-294 (277) 128.00-136.00 (131.33); 370-380 (375) 106.00- 112.00 (109..04); 406-444 (425) 98.00-108.00 (104.58); 469-496 (483) 96.00-104.00 (101.25); 508-549 (522) 90.00-99.00 (96.22); 551-597 (571) 93.00- 99.00 (96.42); 606-646 (623) 90.00-94.00 (92.68); 656-671 ,(662) 90.00-93.00 (91.76). Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1-2: 301-340 (319) 118.00-,130.00(123.22);-. 356-399 (364) 108.00-117.00 (109.48); 401-446 (431) 104.00- 112.00 (106.29); 450-479 (461) 103.00-110.00 (105.53); 510- 530 (514) 94.00-102.00 (96.57); 553-597 (561) 92.50-100.00 (97.39);612-625 (618) 90.00- 98.00(93.96). Feeder Heifers' Medium and Large 2-3: 203-245 (224) 127.50-140.00 (132.80); 251- 290 (275) 120.00-135.00 (127.39); 301-349 (323) 100.00- 140.00 (111.65);353-396 (369) 100.00-107.00 (104.43);411-434 (426) 100.00-103.00 (101.87); 460-489 (479) 98.00-102.00 (100.01);500-544 (528) 91.00- 94.00 (92.50). Bred Cows Medium and Large 1-2: 820-1180 (980) 52.00-86.00 (65.33) 4-6 months bred: 1208 (1208) 86.50 (86.50) 4-6 months bred. Cow-Calf Pairs Medium and Large 1-2: 740-796 (772) 600.00-700.00 (649.71); 643- 1069 (871) 560.00-790.00 (639.34);'1311 (1311) 730.00 (730.00). He who stays in the \alley shall never go oer the hill. Pain Relief for Children to Grandparents! ' Specializing in Activator Methods - A Painless Chiropractic Adjustment Over 15 Years Experience Consultation On Request. Most Insurance Accepted. Robert L. Vaughan, Jr., DC ,ff, .. -. HWalk-ins Welcome 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE Mon Tues T, urs Fri, L 325 W. Wade St. (Hwy 26) 3 Blocks west of light in Trenton We'll keep the-lights I*' Wac-n the power goes out, depend on GUARDIAN Huiorr Standby fenel31ori oi auloiriali. back-up powu r 24 hours a day / 7 days a week * Fully automatic , *24/7 blackout protection -. : * Permanently installed. * More practical than .. . a portable generator - Gilchrist Building Supply 463-2738 1-800-543-6545 i I ' 7am-5:30pm M-F :.-1prrm Sjurd', Hwy. 129,.'. BELL ..L ,1 ndsey Land Clearing Site Prepo Inc. Fill Dirt & Limerock Site Prep & Pad Building Land Clearing Driveways Licensed & Insured 352-463-6125 or 352-535-5731 forever flowers & Gifts 352-463-9176 or Toll Free 1-866-261-7986 www.foreverflowerstrenton.com "Your Full Service Florist" 721 East Wade Street Trenton, Florida 32693 Fresh & Silk Arrangements Funerals Weddings Rentals Plants Prayer Box Bracelets Mommy & Me Bracelets MaggiB. Purses Texas Leather Purses & Men's Wallets Baby Camo Large Selection of Picture Frames Hours: ISA| I J j| M-F 9am- 5pm Sat.O 9am-12pm Teleflora Laura Teague/ Charlotte Pedersen Owners ^ .^^ ..l ..^ ^ -- --"-^- "-- J''^ Engineered Trusses Trenton, Florida 352-463-8400 e4 J[*, Wo-46321 A A A A Stehen?Watd 352542300 - 9-EWSANADSFR iIN 800-521 8 1463-8 THURSDAY, AUGUST 3,2006 C,,]T.Cl4R T.RT COI TNTY.TOT JRNAL Tt T~l __ ._t- -_ I F1 9 - .O00O.I THURSDAY. AUGUST 3, 2006 ,Automobiles J 2000 CHEVY IMPALA: 130K miles, $4,500. 463-6274 after 6 pm. 2tb, 8-3-8-10 WHEEL TOWN 352-493-2835, Call for Directions 10 Miles South ofChiefland off345 Specalo'f gthe'Wee1k '03 Dodge Dakota Quad Cab, V8, auto, CD loaded,newtires,50Kmiles..... $13,975 '05 Chevy Cavalier 4-door, auto, CD, loaded 30K miles, Bal. Fact.Wanr Clean..... $9,975 '05 Ford Taurus 4-door; V6,20" chrome wheels, auto, laded, 24K miles, Bal. Fact. War.. $8,975 '04 Chevy 4-door, extra cab, 1500LS, V8- auto, loaded, 40K miles......... $14,975 '04 Chevy Venture extended, dual air, CD, power- sliding doors,loaded, 49Kmiles.. $10,975 '03 Chevy Malibu 4-door, V8, auto, loaded 35K miles, clean ............ $7,975 '03 Saturn Ion 4-door, 4-cyl., auto, air CD, 35K miles...... $8,975 'ij.:'Crie, vSueinra.: D 3-dc'r .1 4 S-:po. CID. 3Pi< mies, c.Ea $7,975 '03 Ford Ranger, Edge, reg cab, V6 . CD clean 5s.K .T,.I $8,975 02 Ford 'LT Supi' Cre. J .Doo' CD poher seat. loaded, 60Kmiles,clean,.... $13,975 '01 Mercury Grand Marquis 4-door, carriage roof . loaded, 39K miles, clean...... $8,975 '96 Dodge Grand Caravan, air, 7-passenger clean ............ $3,975 '95 Toyota 4-Runner, 4-door, V6, auto 4x4, air, loaded, clean........... $4,975 CREDIT UNIOSjS WELCOlME lliw rheeAtow3.m leor ivw. wheeltown. comr I FOR SALE 3 PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITE: Couch, loveseat, and chair. Excellent condition, dark green. $300. Call 463-0312. 2tb,7-27-8-3' HOT TUB: $500, 463-3906, seats 5, lighted/heated with cover. 2tb,8-3-8-10 SKEETER BASS BOAT: W/trail- er, 17ft., 150hp Mercury, trolling motor, electronics, $6,000. (352) 535-7662. ltp,8-3 (6) COMPUTER MON Four 15" and two 17". laser printer. $100 obo fo: 493-2501. 1989 BRENDELLA S BOAT: 351 Windsor V8 800 hours, asking $6,000. 0363. CAMPER FOR SALE: 1 sure-WaN ultimate comn Impeccably maintained b owner. 66,000 miles, $24, 352-463-6527. BEDS: Queen thick. orthopedic. pil- lowv -lop mattresses and bo\ spnngs. New in plastic stith warrant\ Sac- nfice, $160. King available $225 (352) 372-8588. fn tfnb,7-5 NInrSytV . GILCH-RIST COU NTY JOU RNAL rCLAS.SIFIEDS 0 CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. A Lost & Found LOST DOG 7/26/06 Basse mix, 30 lbs, unspayed fema medium hair;,lost in Gilcrest Please call Terry @ 352-23 or Lindsay 352-538-7280., tthound le. Red Farms. 11-0154 ltb,8-3 ... LOST Scuba Regulators and Dive, r all. 352- Computer in small soft sided bag r all. 352- with Red Dive Flag on one side, itfnb,5-18 Atomic B2 Regulator and Octopus. tfb, Aeris Atmos ai computer, Lost on KI/TOW Thursday 7-20 on the road between 3 inboard, Rt. 342/Strickland Ave and .The Call 221- Cottages of Suwannee Preserve on 78th St. (on the 'Suwannee river) tfn,8-4 REWARD FOR INFORMATION 1996 Plea- LEADING TO RECOVERY, 407- R ct V.._' 709-5334 . 2tb,7-27-8-3 y original ,500. Call fib.12-9 Pets & Supplies | GERMAN SHEPHERD/GOLD- EN RETRIEVER MIX: Sable.' Black coat 2 females. Parents on .site. $75 each. 1352) 4'2- 1803 ltb,8-3 A NEW PETGROOMING SHOP in Chielland. I he Paradise :ace i352i 493-0606. Ne Sg n D. Deen Lancaster LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER 510 E. WADE STREET TRENTON, FL 32693 Visit us online at: www.lancasterrealty.biz SUWANNEE I '$375,000 I :-i..-_ MLS# 752474 I DONATIONS I Donations needed for yard sales and auctions. Proceeds for spay/neu- ter, vaccinations and medical as- sistance for low-income families. We have storage facilities but not a thrift store. 4-Pets Sake PO Box 1014 Bell 32619 386-935-0975 or 866 727 2972 email fourpetssake@ alltel.net tfnb,3-2. SServices WANT TO MAKE A SPECIAL OCCASION EVEN BETTER? How about a slideshow to show all your friends off of your own com- puter. I can make slide show s for any occasion and any. amount of pictures you want. Call Cindy Wat- son at 352-463-'7039 for more infor- mation. lib.8-3 NEED A BABYSITTER? After- noons or weekends Call Cindy Watson at 352-463-7039. I ha'e m\ 40-hour childcare classes and.my CPR and First Aid License Itb.8-3 Pet Pal- JIM'S PRESSURE WASHING/ EXTERIOR PAINTING: Since tfnb.3- 1985. E\p lns Home,. mobiles, business.. 'alks decks. roofs, etc. Please call Pastor Jin Hurst 352- 498- :3112 8tb,7-27-9-14 Services DO YOU NEED A VACATION? Caregiver available, days and/or overnight. 25 years,with Alzheim- er and Dementia experience. Will. work temporary or permanent posi- tions. Also available new apartment with 24 hour care. Call Laura (352), 463-9395. ltb,8-3 NEED AN AVON REPRESEN- TATIVE? Call Cind\ Watson at 352-463-7039. Sltb,8-3 TIM POWELL ELECTRIC: Neu% installationsandrepairs.licensed and insured. State Reg. ECI 30(02453 Call (3'52'i463-2155 Homes Only! $154,900 MLS# 752347 FISHERMAN'S PARADISE! .Very well maintained PRICED TO SELL! Looking for a spectacular location? 3BR/2BA Honmes of Merit DWMH situated right on the ca- This is it! IMMACULATE 3/2 DWMH on 5.00 gorgeous. nal! Fish cleaning room, 2 boat houses (one with lift), built- fenced acres with paved road frontage, recently remodeled, na new deck,; metal roof, 2-car attached carport, pole barn, in 52" TV, hot tub and more! Gorgeous view of the water! Workshed, new septic and a fireplace and an absolutely prime location! MOTIVATED SELLER! MAKE AN OFFER! TRENTON: TRENTON $365,000 MLS# 752683 REDUCED!! Home sweet Home! This breath-taking 4BR/3BA home on 2 acres in deed restricted community is waiting just for you! In-ground vinyl pool, security system, pole barn, 1-car attached garage, outdoor kitchen, lanai and more! MOTIVATED SELLERS! VIRTUAL TOUR ARCHER: .+ 1 AC. $25,000 MLS 752320 1 OWNER FINANCING, SEVERAL AVAILABLE 1.00 AC. $28,000 MLS 752075 WELL, SEPTIC & POWER POLE BELL: + .51 AC. $12,500 MLS 751020 RECENT SURVEY, ON RIVER CANAL 8.95 AC. $109,900 MLS 752046 HOMES ONLY S/D, HORSES ALLOWED 10.00 AC. $109,900 MLS 751023 PRICED TO SELL! GREAT HOME-SITE! + 17.89 AC. $89,900 MLS 753163 PERFECT FOR HUNTING, NICE TRACT BRANFORD: * 5.00 AC. $90,000 MLS 751562 PAVED ROAD, WELL, SEPTIC, POWER POLE $399,000( MLS# 752194 REDUCED!! Luxury living at an affordable price! GORGEOUS 3BR/2BA Brick home on 10 acres! Spacious living room with fire place, tray ceilings, formal dining room, kitchen has stainless ste appliances & Cherry Wood cabinets...a must see home! U CHIEFLAND: * .20 AC. $17,500 MLS 750745 CITY WATER AND SEWER .90 AC. $40,000 MLS 751588 REDUCED, PAVED ROAD 4.63 AC. $82,500 MLS 753329 NEW LISTING! NICE HOME-SITE 4.80 AC. $85,000 MLS 751902 DEED RESTRICTED, NICE LOCATION OLD TOWN: + 2.43 AC. $45,000 MLS 752218 REDUCED, PAVED ROAD -* 2.44 AC. $49,900 MLS 750417 OWNER FINANCE, 4"WELL, POWER POLE + 3.02 AC. $51,900 MLS 750830 REDUCED! OWNER FINANCE, 4" WELL 3.05 AC. $45,000 MLS 752428 GREAT PRICE, CORNER LOT TRENTON: * .34 AC. $35,000 MLS 751394 PAVED ROAD, HOMES ONLY, CITY WATEF * 4.00 AC. $100,000 MLS 752292 FABULOUS LOCATION, NO RESTRICTION + 5.01 AC. $175,000 MLS 752714 30x70 METAL BUILDING, WELL, SEPTIC AND POWER * 9.63 AC. $154,500 MLS 751481 PAVED ROAD, HORSES WELCOME + 10.70 AC. $165,000 MLS 752418 - SECLUDED, MATURE HARDWOODS * 20.00 AC. $275,000 MLS 751800 HORSES WELCOME, GREAT LOCATION * 20.30 AC. $249,000 MLS 753020 POND, (3) PARCELS, SEPTIC * 78.80 AC. $1,680,000 MLS 751204 PLANTED PINES, GREAT POTENTIAL WE HAVE ACRAGEAVA IALEFOM1- M9TE- CRS D. Deen Lancaster, Lic. Real Estate Broker Rustie Ames, Lic. Real Estate Associate Susan Lovelace, Lic. Real Estate Associate Johnnie Martin, Lic. Real Estate Associate -3 -= -- (352) 463-7075 JEAN G. TROKE Licensed 'Real Estate Broker i .(3 52).463-7.302 FAX..- : E-mail: trokerealty@aol.bcom " 730 E. Wade Street (SR-26) Trenton, Florida 32693 Page Fifteen . services BAD WATER? Iron-Free's MAN- DOX systems remove iron, tan- nin, sulfur, manganese, turbidity,' bad taste & odor WITHOUT' THE USE OF SALT. Kills bacteria. Low maintenance. Guaranteed. Standard units complete with Mandox Filtra- tion System, chlorinator, assembly kit, (retention tank where needed), flush cleaning and installation. Call for FREE accurate water evaluation. No obligation Ever. IRON-FREE Well Water Company, Inc. Roy Jones, Opr. Mgr. (352) 542-9817, Wilson Home Center in Trenton (352) 463-2068 or 1-800-437-1128 ANYTIME www.iron-free com, tfnb.7-20 DLX I E MONUMENT: Old Town Since 1992. Visit our display on, Hwy. 19 at C&C Growers, 9 am 5 pm, Mon.- Sat. or call toll free 1- 877-542-3432 for appointment to visit our shop & main office at 1471 NE 512 Avenue. 100's of stones in stock, computer specialist to assist : you in creating a,lasting tribute to the life of \our lo'ed one. a and Associates S, ., - Services ELMORE'S SIMULATED BRICK & STONE, INC.: Stone, stucco, permanent mobile home skirting. Free Estimates. 6789 SE 70th Avenue, Trenton. 472-5542, 214-3702..Fax 352-472-0124. tfnb-9-15 BOB OSBORNE TREE SER- VICE, INC.: 70 ft. bucket truck, hydraulic loader truck, stump grind- er., Free Estimates. Insured. 352-. 463-9100. tfnb,5-26 PRESSURE WASHING, PAINT- ING, DECK & PATIO BUILD. ING and HOME REPAIRS & IMPROVEMENT:. Reasonable prices, dependable, insured and professional. Shamrock Services, 352-463-1212 day or evening and weekends. tfnb,6-1 BUILDING CONTRACTOR: CBC017140 Custom homes built on your lot. Precision Development, PO Box 249, 26761 SE Hwy. 19, Old To% n. 352-542-8416 Paved Streets! 5 Acres and Up :t UUK~I~ Lbi. I II LK~ 1VTHE WEq.,':; -- QUALITY-BUILT HOMES NOW AVAILABLE -- SPACIOUS WELL-BUILT CB.STUCCO HOME WITH 20 ACRES: 4 BR/2 BA: Literally brand-new CBS country. home, set on rolling pasture 20-acre tract, located just north of Bell near CR-340. A very comfortable 1,800 inside sq. ft. with custom features, including maple-wood cabinetry & full appliances in modem kitchen, main BR/BA suite (w/jetted tub, large separate shower), double doors to back :z.r.,ened palio. jn. irr,.g..urd p--.o,1 r. ,rc.r,. I'r.t,me -& .rmoe ,,ul.ul5n r nore. -call or emiil Ou office for lull deals...1520.000. RIVER-AREA HOME & EXTRA TRACTS, NEAR TO OLD TOWN: 3 BR/2.5 BA \\ell.bilt (CB home on land:aped one-acre property, located at private SuWannee River, S/D next to 'Rails-to-Trails' Greenway bridge in Dixie Co. (close to CR-349). Built in 1998, this 2-level home. has. 2700+ inside sqft., with attached 16x36 covered deck (and hot tub), 20x24 workshop/pottery bldg., bonus rooms on first level (including space for possible 'in-law' suite). Call or email to Jean & Jim for full information on this special property--additional unimproved t/2-acre lots available (call for quote)...$355,000. TWO NEWLY-BUILT CBS HOMES, BOTH ON 2-ACRE TRACTS: 3 BR/2 BA (each): Under construction, these two separate CBS-built homes will each have 2,500+ inside heat/cooled sq. ft. Both are located on open 2-acre deed-restricted S/D tracts, with paved frontage along CR-319 near Trenton. Each property has a 2-car detached garage, spacious great rooms & family room, breakfast nook by full-service kitchen & lots more...$299,900 (each). EXCELLENT RANCH HOME ONS SECLUDED ACRES: 3 BR/2.5 BA: Frame/CB-built home, has over 3,100 sq. ft. under roof, on a rolling 5-acre pasture tract (has large oak & pine along boundaries), located in between Trenton & Bell. Has laminated wood & tile flooring, large greatroom (w/dining area & fireplace), over-sized Master & 2nd BR's, large front country porch, 24-round pool (w/deck), BBQ/patio behind home & more...$299,900. 'SPACIOUS 4 BR FAMILY HOME IN TOWN: 4 BR/2 BA: With over 1,600 inside sq. ft, this CB/Stucco home would be ideal for growing family, located at quiet neighborhood in NE Trenton (right by an oak-shaded city park). Has full rooms throughout, including bonus 4th BR (or could be -private office) attached behind 2-car garage. Also, privacy board fencing in back (with screened-in porch)...$139,900. B -- MANUFACTURED HOMES ON THE MARKET-- -BE UTIFLL "'OLD FLORIDA" COUNTRY ACREAGE, W/MANU. HOME AND MORE NEAR BELL: 3 BR/2 BA: Over 18.3 pristine acres, with a number of large live oaks, and rolling pasture space, at this beautiful tract along CR's-341/232. Has well-kept 1993 27x52 M/Home, with large greatroom/split-plan, dining area by full kitchen & more. Outer features include 30x40 pole bami, metal storage bldg., and family tobacco barn--call or email for information...$489,900. , .LARGE M/HOME ON 30 SECLUDED ACRES: 4 BR/2 BA: Spacious.27x76 manufactured home, located amongst lots of planted pines (great future investment); on a 30-acre tract in-between Trenton &'Fanning. Acreage has 4-vehicle carport, 20x20 pole barn (w/electric). Home-site being sold 'as is' by Owner--call Jean or Barbara for al'the details...$333,000. 20 WOODED ACRES W/SPACIOUS M/HOME NEAR RIVER: 3 BR/2 BA: Roomy 2001 28x76 Manufactured home, sitting on private, wooded 20-acre tract; property located within one mile of Wannee boat ramp. Over 2,000 inside sq. ft. of comfort, includes full living, dining, family/game rooms, outbuildings & more...$319,000. PRIVATE, SECLUDED ACREAGE & HOME-SITE WEST OF BELL: 3 BR/2 BA: Immaculate 27x66 manufactured, located on fenced, wooded 20 acres. Large greatroom, 21x10 all-seasons enclosed porch, galley-style kitchen. Outer features include 4-wide attached e-. carport, pool & hot tub (w/pool house), gazebos, greenhouse & more. Call or email to Barbara for information...$309,000. SUWANNEE RIVER-AREA M/HOME-SITE & ONE-ACRE TRACT CLOSE TO OLD TOWN: 2 BR/2 BA: Nicely-kept. 1998 .el 24x44 Manufactured home, on CB-stilts, at' landscaped 1.09-acre property, at a river-area S/D with private boating access (also right by Nature Coast Greenway trail & river bridge). Perfect for weekend getaways, has front & back covered porch/dlecks, all kitchen & utility appliances & a lot more--call or email our office for the scoop...$139,900. TWO SEPARATE M/HOMES, BOTH ON 5 ACRES, JUST NORTH OF BELL: Two adjacent 5-acre tracts, each with a Manufactured Home (one a 3 BR/2 BA 24x40, the other 2 BR/2 BA 16x76) kept in good shape. Properties are rolling, wooded land--one has outbuilding & 2-vehicle pole barn; both within short drive of CR-340. For sale separately, but Owner may consider combined offer...$129,900 (each ). N A SPACIOUS, LIKE-NEW MANUFACTURED & ONE ACRE: 3 BR/2 BA: Well-kept 28x64 2002 M/Home (refurbished by Owner), on 1.04-acre tract with outbuildings, located along end of paved cul-de-sac, close to US-19 and all nearby amenities in Fanning Springs--call or R email for full details...$108,900. WELL-KEPT M/HOME ON LANDSCAPED ACRE IN NO. GILCHRIST: 3BR/2BA: 1996 24X44 Manufactured, in quality condition, on 1.15-acre tract (nice mix of trees/open space), with board fencing in front. Located north of Bell, with quick access to US 129 S & CR 340...Owner says to present offers...$92,000. M/HOME WITH RIVER CANAL FRONTAGE BY SUN SPRINGS: 3 BR/2 BA: Solid 24x48 'Fleetwood' home, located in nice neighborhood near the Suwannee (with 60' frontage along canal connecting to river by Sun Spring); M/Home has had some inside cleanup/fixup...Owner is motivated, says to present offers...$79,000. SPACIOUS & AFFORDABLE M/HOME IN TRENTON: 3 BR/2 BA: Over 1700 inside sqft. of comfort, this 1990 28x48 Manufactured (w/attached 16x30 bonus room) is perfect for growing family. Located on two lots at Ayers Estates in NE Trenton, with 26x30 2-bay garage/work-area (has full electric & attached l/2-bath)--call or email to Barbara for information...$68,900. AFFORDABLE M/HOME IN TOWN: 2 BR/1 BA: Refurbished & compact 14x44 home-site (w/attached front porch/deck); metal & frame outbuildings, on landscaped Trenton lot w/large oak for shade...$28,000. -- LOTS & ACREAGE PROPERTIES ON MARKET -- NEW LISTING--5-ACRE WOODED TRACT, CLOSE TO BELL: Have some privacy at this 5-acre property, located at end of cul-de-sac road near CR-341. Tract has improvements (well, septic, power pole) ready for new built or manufactured home-site--call or email Barbara for details...$85,000. Just Reduced (From $129,900)--10 ACRES--WOODED, SECLUDED TRACT OFF US-129: Private locale for this ten acres north of Bell--has nice mix of open space & woods, few neighbors; call Barbara for property details...$105,000. 44 ACRES, MIX OF WOODS/OPEN SPACE, IN EAST GILCHRIST: Over 40 acres, ready for family or gentleman's farm/home-site east of Trenton; has paved frontage along CR-337, and an older home-site on property (improvements being sold in 'as is' condition)--call or e-mail our office for full details...$499,900. 20 ACRES-PASTURE PROPERTY IN WEST GILCHRIST: Thirty rolling acres, with large oaks/pines along boundaries, ready for Ag 4+ ACRES--WOODED TRACT NEAR BRONSON/ARCHER: Quiet, rural location for this 4.2-acre comer tract, located in-between Bronson & Archer near SR-24; great location for secluded built or manufactured home-site...$84,900. 5.78 ACRES--SUWANNEE CO. ACREAGE, ALONG MAIN ROAD: Nice mix of open pasture & wooded area for home-site, at this 5.78-acre tract near Branford, with over 240' frontage along US-27; includes 'as is' well/septic...$79,900. WOODED ONE-ACRE TRACT NORTH OF BELL: Nice mix of trees, has some privacy/seclusion for new built or manufactured home-site, affordably priced...$20,000. AFFORDABLE & BUILDABLE TRACT, NEAR TO FANNING SPRINGS: Wooded 100x100 property, near to SR-26, Rails-to-Trails and more at west end of county, ready, for built or manufactured home-sites...$9,900. You can call our agents after regular business hours, for more information on any of our listings, at the main office number above, or at our agents' cell numbers below: Jim or Jean Troke (386) 935-3357 = FTH MLTPL LSTNGSEVIE-NDBORDOF-ELTRSFO0UX IHISTA-IEV CUNIS!EL Paul Troke . (352) 221-2999 Barbara Mayo (352) 222-0427 "Professional Service With A Personal Touch" Debra Powers (352) 215-1132 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORtuNITY S f Call 1-800-643-6971 info@phillipsrealtyland.com ..I See more of our listings @ www.phillipsrealtyland.com -- (^TROKE REALTY OLD TOWN I NC-m. S If 1r-I - oo m ....... age xeen . Services MOWER & CHAINSAW PARTS Stihl, Husqvama, Ayp, Murray, Sears, MTD, Briggs, Kohler, Robin, and Honda. Blades for most mowers. Beauchamp Saw Shop 493-4904 tfn, 1-03 TREES, TREES, TREES: Langs- ton Tree Service, Inc. 490-4456. tfnb,2-22 A BIG STUMP! A LITTLE STUMP!: We grind them all. Langs- ton Tree Service, Inc. 490-4456. tfnb,2-22 Gilchrist 4 County bJournal 4 Advertising ~4 ) 463-7135 4 HNINMITY COUESE Adjunct Instructor Introduction to Human Medical Science (Medical Terminology), HSC 2531, for Fall Semester. Must ha',e Master's degree with 18 graduate credit hours in Anatomy & Physiology, or comparable health related field. Contact Patty Smith smithp@lakecitycc.edu Phone: (386) 754-4239 Fax: (386) 754-4739 College application and transcript copies required. Application available on the web at: www.lakecitycc.edu LCCC is accredited by, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools VP/ADA/EA/EO College in Education & Employment SHe lp W a n te d VACANCIES GILCHRIST COUNTY SCHOOLS Food Service Worker, 7 hour (Anticipated) Bell High School High School Diploma or equivalent. Experience in food preparation preferred. Temporary Teacher Aide Bell Elementary High School Diploma or equivalent. Associate of Arts degree Or higher, at least 60 credit hours from an accredited institution, Or a passing score on an approved state test required. Temporary Teacher Aide, Pre-K Bell Elementary High School Diploma or equivalent. Associate of Arts degree or higher, at least 60 credit hours from an accredited institution, or a passing score on an approved state test required. CDA required. Speech/Language Pathologist (K-12) Districtwide Bachelor's Degree in Speech/ Language Pathology/ Communication Disorders from an accredited educational institution. Florida certification in Speech/Language Pathology and/or licensure in Speech/Language Pathology. School Psychologist District-wide Master's Degree from an accredited institution. Certification covering School Psychology. Substitute Teachers High School Diploma or Equivalent. Contact the District Office for an application and more information. RESIDENTIAL READY TO RELAX? Want to move your family to the country? Here is your opportunity. Real nice 3BR, 2BA mobile home on 5 acres. 1,560 Sq. Ft. Call Will Gillespie, 225-1921. $149,900. #268314 4 ROOM .FOR KIDS & PETS in this completely updated 4BR, 2BA mobile on 10 acres in Gilchrist. County. Fenced area for horses. Deeded horse trails. Call Kim Hill, 352-213-7235. $160,000. #266108 TIME TO RELAX & ENJOY LIFE? This is the home for you! Open floor plan, 3BR, 2.5BA on 5 acres set up for horses or .kids. Low Gilchrist taxes! Call Will Gillespie, 225-1921. $189,500. #268088 SECLUDED RIVERFRONT COMMUNITY. This 3BR, 3BA home is fully furnished & has access to private docks & boat ramp on the Suwannee River. Only 8 homes in Phase I, so buy today! Call Tony Boothby, 352-262-1159. 26+ SECLUDED ACRES includes 1700+ Sq. Ft. 3BR, 2BA, concrete block home, 6 acres fenced/cross-fenced pasture, 4-stall barn w/tack & feed rooms. Beautiful woods & Mins. to the river. Call Tony Boothby, 352-262-1159. $475,000. #265084 YOUR RURAL RETREAT! 63 rolling acres, this delightful 4BR, 2BA sun-splashed country home offers rocking chair porch, cozy fireplace, big red barn & even your own private fishing hole. Call Debbie Zeller, 352-538-2857. $959,000. #263603 VACANT LAND READY TO BUILD or bring your new double wide! This lovely 1-acre lot is partially wooded & in a nice quiet gated community. Combine the peaceful country living with low Suwannee County taxes. Call Isabel Smith, 318-7829., $25,000. #266874 ENJOY COUNTRY LIVING on a secluded wooded lot across from Suwannee River at Riverside Estates. Low Suwannee Co. taxes in a quiet peaceful community! Call Isabel Smith, 318-7829. $35,000. #265874 HEAVILY WOODED 5 ACRES only one mile south of the Santa Fe River. Will allow mobile homes, minimum of 900 Sq. Ft. Call Martha Barnes, 386-454-3327 or 352-339-4069. $69,900. #261732 BEAUTIFUL 5 ACRE HOMESITE in homes only gated community. Located in Northern Gilchrist County, just a few miles away from the historic Suwannee River & the Santa Fe River. Come & relax in the country while keeping the city within reach. Call William Gillespie, 352-225-1921. $115,000. #260804 ROLLING 10 ACRES of lush pasture just waiting for you & your horses to relax in the country. Perfect to build or bring in a Manuf. home. Call William Gillespie, 352-225-1921. $135,000. #242576 YOUR OWN PONDEROSA! Lovely 10 acre parcel just outside High Springs. Cleared with some trees. Bring the horses & build your dream home or move in your manufactured home. Call .Debbie Zeller, 352-538-2857. $,139,900. #264203 40 ACRES OF WILDERNESS. For the true Pioneer, this wooded property has a 20-acre natural pond & is teeming with wildlife. Discover for yourself! Call Tony Boothby, 352-262-1159 or Isabel Smith, 318-7829. $299,000. #267982 38 ACRES RIVERFRONT HOMESTEAD! Ancient oaks, towering cypress, abundant wildlife & over 1000 Ft. of frontage on the Santa Fe River. Rustic cabin could become your weekend retreat! Call Tony Boothby, 352-262-1159. $570,000. #265790 CLAS SIF IE DS" CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. A .Help Wanted . Bus Driver Trainees; Substitute Bus Drivers. High School Diploma. 40 hours of in-service training will be provided for qualified applicants. Flexible training hours. Part of the training prepares trainees for the driver portion of the Class B Florida CDL. For information or questions, contact the Transportation Department at (352) 463-3230. Obtain and submit application to: Gilchrist County School District, 310 NW 11llth Avenue, Trenton, FL 32693 (352) 463-3200. Application may be downloaded at: www.gilchristschools.org/ Personnel.htm#Application Attach a resume and any additional information as, necessary. All applications will' be screened. Not all applicants will be interviewed. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled. EEO/Drug Free Workplace www.GilchristSchools.org ltb,7-27 HIRING: John C. Hipp Construc- tion is looking for good employees for the following positions, equip- ment operators, gradecheckers, asphalt crew, concrete finishers, pipe layers, laborers, truck dri.- ers, mechanic. Competitive wages and benefits. Please apply at 14610 N.W. 129th Terrace (Behind Hunter Marine), Alachua. Minorities and females encouraged to apply. EOE/ DFWP 2tb,8-3-8-10 WANTED-COOKS & WAIT- RESSES Experienced need apply. Down Home Family Restaurant, formerly Captain Hugh's in Bell. Apply between 2-4 pm. No phone calls please. ltp,8-3 -Help Wanted j TRUCK DRIVERS NEEDED for construction company. CDL Class A or B. Benefits, company pays medi- cal and life insurance, paid vaca- tion, 401K. We are an EOE, we are a DFWP. 'Apply at 20551 NE 75th. Street, Williston. (352) 528-2101. 4tb,8-3-8-24- Equipment Operator Front end loader, farm tractors/equipment. Experience preferred, will train. Ap- ply in person at our High Springs of- fice located at 125 NW 1st Avenue, High Springs. 386-454-1511 3tb,7-27-8-10 GRAPHIC DESIGN/SIGN LAY- OUT PERSON needed in Trenton. Looking for FT position, but will consider PT if necessary. Some du- ties, but not limited to, complete sign make up (computer all the way to vinyl application), some ad and job make up (PC and Mac computer knowledge helpful). Will train right person. Apply in person at the Gil- christ County Journal in Trenton, 207 N. Main Street in Trenton. tfn,7-27 DUMP TRUCK DRIVERS: Class PLUMBERS & HELPERS: With good Florida driver's license, refer- ences & dependable transportation required Good benefit '& steady work. 352-472-3677 NI-F, 8-4 S b 7-1 3-8-3 TRUCK DRIVER needed for local deliveries & misc. duties in lumber yard. Class B CDL required. Call Jeff at Gilchrist Building Supply, 463-2738. , tfnb,6-29 AUTOPARTS COUNTERMAN: .Prior experience necessary. Needed good driving record and depen- ability. Salary based on experience. Please inquire (352) 535-7529. tfnb, 6-22 Trenton I & HApartmnents For Rent 7 18 NE 7th Place #905 Trenton, FL 32693 Now Accepting Applications 1, 2, & 3 BR HC & Non-HC apartments. Rental assistance may be available. 352-463-7106, TDD/TTY 711 Equal Housing Opportunity. W W realty, inc. Licensed Real Estate Broker 386-935-0243 P.O. Box 546 Bell, Florida 32619 3OO86-93-024 SANTA FE RIVER LOT AND 3 OFF-RIVER LOTS Beautiful Santa Fe River Lot in North Gilchrist County. Oh outside bend of river with.great view. Lot has well, septic, power & floating dock. Can be built on. Comes with 3 other off-river lots in same com- munity. Only'- $275,000. VERY NICE 3/2 C.B. HOME On 5 part clear part wooded acres in North Gilchrist County. Home is in great condition and in a good neighborhood. $225,000. THE RIVER PARADISE -A large lot on the Econfina River -150' of river frontage 2 miles from the Gulf in navigable waters. Includes a beautiful, large 4 bedroom/3 bath two story home. Super fishing & hunting area! $685,000. 2 ACRES ON SUWANNEE at Charles Springs beautiful, wooded lot, buildable! $79,900. A NICE RIVER LOT on Suwannee River near Royal Springs nice area. $49,900. BEAUTIFUL WOODED 5 ACRES On county maintained road in north Gilchrist County. $68,900. 291.45 ACRES OF PRIME HUNTING LAND With a hunting lodge type house; lodge is complete with nice porches and a fireplace. Dog pen, rock quarry, fish pond and approximately 150 acres of planted pines. Awesome hunting of deer, wild hogs, turkey, etc. Good improved roads and trails through out, the property. Fronts on a paved road. $1,595,000. Just 8 miles out of Cross City. 247 ACRES Prime land on more than mile of highway frontage in Suwannee Coun- ty. Nice 3/2 CB home, detached garage with upstairs apartment, 75 acres of pines, approx 160 acres in cropland, 3 wells & other amenities!! Fantastic development potential, cen- trally located to just about everything in North Central Florida. Shown by appointment only! $3,250,000. Can be developed into 5 acre tracts!! 34.61 ACRES IN CENTRAL SUWANNEE COUNTY Very nice piece of land on a paved road, surveyed and platted into 3 pieces if you need it subdivided, can be four pieces, mostly open with some nice trees. $485,000. 4 ACRES OFA NICE WOODED TRACT- Good trees!! Central Suwannee County. $49,500. 5 BEAUTIFUL WOODED ACRES With well, septic, power and completely .loaded with deer. Backs up to large protected lands. Fenced, county maintained road. Convenient to Chiefland. Plenty of privacy. $129,900. 5 ACRES IN NORTH GILCHRIST COUNTY Nice wooded 5 acre tract of property - private & secluded. Must see to believe! $75,000. LOT IN LEVY COUNTY Near Williston on SR 121. Only $23,900. 18 ACRES IN SOUTH SUWANNEE COUNTY Partly open and many nice trees. A great location!! $.165,000. NICE LOT ON PAVED ROAD WITH RIVER ACCESS in Lake Panasoffkee, Florida. Septic system permit included. Best fishing!! $60,000. CONVENIENCE STORE / MECHANICS GARAGES -.1 acre zoned commercial/in- dustrial with lots of frontage on Highway 90 east in Lake City, Florida. Many amenities and lots of square feet of buildings to use your entrepreneurial skills and make this going business grow even more. Only $375,000. Owner Motivated !! BEAUTIFUL, BUILDABLE NORTH GEORGIA LOTS AVAILABLE CALL US FOR DETAILS!! For more information and pictures of these and other properties listed Visit our website at www.wolfordrealty.com I FOR RENT , TRENTON: Large 4 BR/2 BA DW. Family room. First, last & security. $675/month, 352-210- 1888 or 352-542-8540. ltb,8-3 APARTMENT: 2 BR/1 BA, full kitchen, $550/month includes utili- ties. Deposit required. Located in Bell. Available August. 10th. Call Stephanie at (352) 463-0208 or (352) 278-1389 for details. ltb,8-3 MH FOR RENT IN TRE] 2 BR/1 BA SW with Centra first, last & security deposit. or smoking, $430/month. C. 447-5998: NTON: d H&A, No'pets all 352- ltb,8-3 MH FOR RENT IN TRENTON: 3 BR/2 BA SW with' Central H&A, first, last & security deposit. No pets or smoking, $475/month. Call 352L- 447-5998. ltb,8-3 TRENTON: 3 BR/2 BA, first, last, ' security. Call (850) 556-2762. 2tb,7-27-8-3 NeedAi Cal oolndCrf In [ ,Real Estate FOR SALE Retail storefr erty in downtown Trento] buildings on Main Street. ( 463-7135. 5 ACRES: 1 mile from & Suwannee Rivers. In ers Estates', green pasture $75,000. 386-935-0296. I Real Estate - ont prop- n. Three 1999 DWMH ON 1 FENCED Call 352- ACRE IN BELL: Ceramic tile floors, new cabinets and counter tfn,6-30 'tops. 30x24 pole barn, 2 outbuild- ings, 10x20 dog kennel, nice trees, Santa Fe 1/2 mile from Bell Schools. Call '2 .Riv- (352) 535-5916, $120,000. w/trees. ltp, 8-3 NEW HOMES BEING BUILT! THE COUNTRY BELLE AND THE HICKi READ IN AUGUST 9 SEPTEMBER BY HUISH HOMESAND ICMS, INC. 'ORY ,OAK WALK A HOMES ONLY DEVELOPMENT JUST OFF STRICKLAND AVE IN BELL *3 BR 2 BA, 1524 & 1533 SF *FUTURE CLUBHOUSE/POOL *ENERGY STAR HOMES *2 CAR GARAGES *FRONT PORCHES, SHUTTERS *PICKET FENCES $237,000. & $238,400. SOUTHERN PROPERTY SERVICES, INC. Ww.FLORIDALANDl.COM LYNN HER VEY, REALTOR 352-376-1371 SUSAN HUISH. REALTOR 352-359-6305 S -. 1. Don Thomas Lorene Thomas Realty, Inc. Sales Associate Highway 19/98, P. O. Box 1653 Old Town, Florida 32680 Business (352) 542-8568 Fax (352) 542-8566 ' Cell (352) 221-5422 . e-mail: RealtyThomas@aol.com .. Each office is Independently Owned and Operated " Hometown Realty of North FLinc. Natalie Rankin Licensed Real Estate Broker 1310 North Main Street- Bell, Florida 32619. Office: (352) 463-9001 Toll Free: (888) 463-9001 Fax: (352) 463-9008 e-mail: HometownRealtyNF@bellsouth.net .. , -. ........ . SUWANNEE SHORES S/D ABOVE GROUND POOL Spajcu 5BER B-.'. n I". FIREPLACE & PORCH FIREPLACE & PORCH Bell ir> L Imis, h.i F:d 4/2.5 DWMH 10 Acres 3/2,DWMH 10 Acres Fish Pond & Pole Barn MLS# TBD $220,000 MLS# $169,900 $230,000 MLS#753077 3W- X-Fenced, Barn & Carport HORSE COUNTRY LARGE HOME, LARGE LOT Many Updates Beautiful large oaks & pines NORTH GILCHRIST CO. 3/2 CB Home on 5 Acres 3/2 DWMH on 10 Acres 3/2 M/H on 8.57 acres $240,000' MLS#753224 $259,900 MLS#752553 $139,500 MLS #751687 SPECTACULAR DESIGN BEAUTIFUL POOL HOME AFFORDABLE SITE-BUILT HOME UNDER RENOVATION 3/2 home on 5 acres convenient to Bell NORTH GILCHRIST COUNTY 3/2 Home on Trenton City Lot 1860 sq. ft. living area, Pole Barn 3/2 Home on 5 Acres $180,000' MLS #751932- $350,000 MLS#752985 $165,000 MLS #751663 CHARMING COUNTRY FARM HOUSE PAVED ROAD, Many upgrades PRIVATE & TRANQUIL SETTING 2/1home on acre on PAVED ROAD 2-car garage & 30x40 Wkshp 3/2 JACOBSEN DWMH w/ many upgrades Greenhouse/storage and pole barn 3/2 Brick Home on 21 Acres I 1800+ sq. ft. on 5 acres $115,000 MLS# 752945 $485,000 MLS #752606 $175,000 MLS#752967 AMMENITIES/UPGRADES HORSE FARM LARGE FAMILY HOME GALORE WORKSHOP WITH' 12 STALL BARN w Apt. PAVED CORNER LOT CARPORT 3/2 DW Home on 5 Acres 3BR/2BACB Home, 15 Acres 5/2,5 Frame Home on 1.5 Acres $175,000 MLS #751676 $450,000 MLS #752357 $219,000 MLS#752151 LOTS & ACREAGE .11 Acre Lot, City water & sewer $11,500 5 Acres, E. Gilchrist, Paved $124,900 .18 Acre, City Water & Sewer $17,500 5 Acres, E. Gilchrist, 3 to choose from $100,000 .21 Acre, City Water & Sewer $18,500 5 Acres, SWMH, Planted Pines $99,000 .27 Acre, Well & Septic $37,900 5 Acres, IBR/IBA, Frame House $124,900 1/3 Commercial Lot Hwy 26 $75,000 6 Acres, Well, Septic & Pines REDUCED $84,000 .50 Acre, Bronson $24,900 7.94 Paved Highway $115,000 .50 Acre, Well, Septic, PP $29,900 10 Acres, W/S/P Owner Finance $140,000 1 Acre North of Bell $25,000 10 Acres, Septic & Power Pole $124,900 1.14 Acres W/S/P $45,000 10 Acres, Suwannee Shores $139,000 1.6 Acres, Well & Septic $48,300 11.92 Acres, 2xW/S/P $199,900 1.67 Acres, W/S/P PENDING $49,900 12 Acres, Scattered Oaks $170,000 1.68 Acres, Bell City Limits $39,000 15 Acres, Perfect for Motorcross $200,000 2.5 Acres, Bell, $39,900 17+ Acres, Bell REDUCED $182,280 4.4 Acres, Riverfront, Buildable $799,000 17.8 Acres, Paved Road frontage $267,000 5 Acres, Bell City Limits $89,000 20 Acres, US HWY 129 $300,000 5 Acres, Bell City Lim.,Dividable $112,000 20 Acres, Pines, Close to River $330,000 5 Acres, Well & Septic REDUCED $52,900 27.6 Acres, Mature pines, Dividable $325,000 5 Acres, North Gilchrist Co. $69,900 30 Acres, Near Manatee Spgs $399,000 5 Acres, W/S/P $82,000 34 Acres, US Hwy 129 $544,000 5 Acres, Fenced & Paved $89,500 37.8 Acres, Paved, Dev. Pot $567,000 Acres, W/S/P $89,000 40 Acres, W/S/P, Pole Barn $399,0009 121 www.HometownRealtyNF.com EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 2006 Pnc-* qiyti-n I . GILCHRTST COUNTY JOURNAL THURSDAY. AUGUST 3. 2006 GT LCHRIST COT INTY TOT TRNAT. Page. Seventeen I Real Estate 3BD/2BA 2CG on 5 acres, Trenton. Exc. quality, 3,000 sq. ft. Masonry/ stucco. Master suite with walk-in closet, bath with jet tub, shower. Lg. kitchen w/maple cabinets, stainless steel appliances. Laundry (w&d), pantry, breakfast nook, family room, formal dining, private living.' Wood & tile floors. Landscape/irrigation, $395,000. Call 352-816-0846. See virtual, tour/pictures: www.virtual- toursflorida.com/ABH 8tp. 7-27-9-14 5 ACRES BETWEEN BELL & TRENTON: Nice location, trees, well and septic, $125,000. (352) 535-7662. ltp,8-3 Vinyl Letters Road Signs Banners Real Estate Signs Car Tags 463-7393~tic~ CLASSIFIED ADS FOR CETS k CLASSIFIED ADS $4 50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD A Bud Abbiss Carole Abbiss Licensed Real Estate Broker Licensed Real Estate Sales Associate & (Co r y P. O. Box 8 352 463 8340 Bell, FL 32619 E-Mail: tcrealty@,bellsouth.net www.TownandCountryRealtyOnline.com Riverland Title Services, LLC 723 East Wade St., Trenton, FL 32693 Phone (352) 463-6333 Fax (352) 463-6340 devon@rts.cc www.rts.cc *Title Insurance *Real Estate Closings *Place & Track orders on-line Jim King Realty, Inc. Realtor Main Office (352) 493-2221 315 N. Main Street (US-19), Chiefland, FL32626 Fanning Springs Branch Office (352) 463-6144 or 542-0009 O "17871 U.S. Hwy. 19, Fanning Springs, FL 32693 Suwanoee Branch Office (352) 542-9007 23382 SE 349 Hwy., Suwannee, FL 32692 OPPORTUNITY office@jimkingrealty.com or www.jimkingrealty.com REALTOR* Devon Weaver Agent FxSrie32649 207 Nort Mam* Sreet, rento G^TiTMchnMst Contyjouna Absolutely Gorgeous 3/2 home nestled on 8.97 acres out in the Country between Chiefland & Trenton. Very convenient for commute to. -Gainesville. This home is in model home condition. Nice quiet neighborhood. The professional landscaping just adds to it's beauty. This is a must see w/over 2200 sq ft of living area, plus oversize 2 car garage. $475,000. (LR- 752154) 352-493-2221 VERY WELL-MAINTAINED MOBILE- HOME on 5+/- Wooded Acres. This property has a lot to offer. Open floor plan & large 12 X 30 multiple purpose room. Large RV carport w/concrete floor, two sheds and more. Convenient.to Chiefland. $155,000. (LMH- 750459-K) 352-493-2221 Very nice and clean 3/2 home with a nice yard. This property includes a shed with the tools to maintain your new yard included. Located on a paved road that is close to local schools and not too far from Gainesville. $105,000. (LMH-I 752072-MKH) 352-493-2221 Call Our Office For More Listings! Beautiful 20 acres with Frame.Home, 2 Barns. This is a very nice Property on paved road. Most .of the property is in Pasture (approx. 17.5 ac.). Balance is Wooded and would make a Great Home site. This is a MUST SEE PROPERTY ! $320,000. (LR-751824-ki I2- "..224 I 'Clean, Totally Furnished and Affordable! 3 bedroom, 2 bath doublewide in Oak Grove Village. Conveniently .located between Chiefland, Trenton & Bronson. New Carpet, New Windows and'More! Priced to Sell. @ $47;900. (LMH-751747) 352-493-2221 ,-v. *: "- ":q K' l DEEP FREzmif TER N't \ l NEI % PARK MODEL in Su,.inne' Bnright, t.c.iuiful newer home away from home just waiting for you! This custom designed 1 BR / 1 BA has a lovely, very functional, interior design w/built in electric fireplace, stereo system w/ speakers in & out, skylights, 2 tv's, sleeper sofa, bay window, marble window ,sills, enclosed, covered, screened deck, & everything you need for vacation comfort! It also has a large storage shed, polebam w/ cement slab & vinyl seawall. Located just minutes to the Suwannee River and the Gulf. This is a "ready to move in" and just start having fun hideaway! $270,000. (DW- 752026-JH) 352-542-9007 L. Frank Grant Realty L. Frank Grant LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER 216-A N. Main St., Trenton, FL 32693 3-- 352-463-2817 FAX (352) 463-2479 EQ LUSL..G Ifgr@bellsouth.net -, ... We List To Sell! ILS 620 NE 5TTH AVE TRENTON 3BR/2BAD/WMobile Home-Several storage building landscaped-carport. MLS #752719 Priced $149,900. 3BR/2BA S/W Moblie Home carport- fenced 2 lots. MLS#752792 Priced $75,000. For additional information on our listings and virtual tours. Visit our website at www.lfrankgrant.com East Side of Gilchrist County 3 ac tract plus four (4) 5 ac tracts w/planted pines on Co. Grade Rd. Priced at $90,000 each. MLS#750923-750927 Lil Lake City NW 60th Street 9.2 ac Planted Pines, MLS#749600 Reduced $125,000. 10 AC off Santa Fe on 95th PL 4" well-cross fenced-ready for horse or new home. MLS#749774 Reduced $135,000. 2-5 ACRES OFF NW 55 AVE First oneis planted pines about 20 yrs old MLS#751145 Second one has scattered oaks MLS#752877 COMMERCIAL LOT US HWY 129 FRONTAGE MLS#749499 Price $100,000. Smith & Associates, G K, www. bsgmac.com r IncA M 1, Brad Smith Licensed Real Estate Broker ....;,:t .^ . . ending .. -/ Close to Paved Road! 2/1; 1216 SF, 5.27 AC Mature oaks, spring fedwell and coy pond, new construction in area. Kara Herndon, Realtor Splish Splash! 4/2; 1848 SF, I AC CJose to the Suwannee River, enclosed patio, & fenced yard. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 STenAcres! 3/2; 1216 SF, 10AC Only 4 miles from town. Plenty of pasture, scattered oak trees. Nice DWMH: Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 Concrete Block! 3/2; 1056 SF, 19.59 AC Newer metal roof& insulation. Shed, 3 stall pole barn, & fencing. Lisa Baxter, Realtor (352) 949-1649 r..,,-L ,, 'f,*"I:: SAcreS. Bring the Animals! 2/2; 1280 SF, 5 AC Nicely landscaped, fruit trees, new wood laminate flooring, & close to Trenton. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 Chiefland City Limits. 3/1; 1008 SF, 0.22 AC Covered front porch, screened back patio, garage, & nicely landscaped. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 Completely renovated! 3/2; 984 SF, 6.9 AC Added florida room, 20x20 gazebo, garage, newer windows and doors throughout. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 pdeni10 4 I [l.l BIG house w/ Pool! 4/2; 2460 SF, 4 AC Bonus room, custom woodwork, stainless appliances, & large jungle gym. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 ' I . Four Bedrooms! 4/4; 2865 SF, 2 AC Spacious home w/ office and gourmet kitchen. Intercom system, fireplace. Terri Anderson, Realtor (352) 356-1961 Proudly serving Gilchrist, Dixie, Levy, 1.1 Connecting .* . A web site offered to our clients which serves as an interactive community forum for posting calendars, yard sales, recipes, & much more! Call for details and join in the fun! 0.11 0.24 0.26 0.31 01.4 0.41 0.46 0.48 0.67 0.7 1 1 1.25 1.33 2 2.5 4.75 4.77 Suwannee Trenton Suwannee Chiefland Trenton Trenton Bell Trenton, Fanning Springs Ircrr'.rn Trenton Bell Chiefland Fanninua Sprir'Ns Chiefland, Chiefland Bell Trenton Bell Old Town Trenton Trenton Trenton Newberry Bell ,Williston Chiefland Branford Bell Chiefland Trenton Trenton Bell Trenton Chiefland Trenton Chiefland Chiefland Trenton Trenton Bell Fifteen Acres! 4/3; 2672 SF, 15 AC Over 2,500 sq ft, 4 bedrooms, workshop, fish pond, fencing, & pasture. Sylvia Rutledge, Realtor (352) 490-1214 $295,000 $19,900 $650,000 $39,500 $20,000 $39,900 $19,9001 $20,000 $35,000 $18,000 $24,900 $27,000 $29,900 $24 900 $55,000 $46,000 $85,000 $79,900 $85,000 $75,000 $85,000 $89,900 $98,500 $129,900 $349,900 $325,000 $129,900 $132,000 $149,900 $220,000 $75,000 $100,000 $125,000 $129,900 $139,900 $150,000 $168,000 $169,900 $260,000 $338,580 $159,900 rk.. k~ 11.59 Bell $129,900 12.43 Trenton $205,095 12.78 Cedar Key $1,500,000 14.84 Bell $222,600 14.85 High Springs $222,750 14.97: Bell $172,500 15 Bell '$480,000 20, 201 20 20.01 20.01 21, 21,.6 21.7 24 24.44 ; 25 "30 31.75 33.5 35.4 39 40 50 53.09 54.2 55.91 61.59 64 70 80 80 120 154 Bell * Williston, Bronson Williston Williston Bell Williston Williston Bell Bronson Trenton Bronson Bronson Trenton Bell Williston Bell Morriston Bell Chiefland Williston Trenton Chiefland Trenton Chiefland Bell Bell Bell $199,900 $325,000 $360,000 $425,000 $440,000 $420,000 $367,200 $445,000 $366,000 $398,000 $300,600 $510,000 $620,000 $502,500 $442,500 $975,000 $480,000 $842,655 $424,454 $1,044,000 $1,627,500 $1,450,000 $640,000 $770,000 $799,600 $800,000 $1,200,000 $2,618,000 Please v sit -gSa c i, and Marion Counties. Exclusively Offered by Your GMAC Team PREMIER SERVICE Smith & Associates, Inc. will commit to quality service in writing! It's an approach that's earned GMAC a remarkable 94% Customer Satisfaction Rating the best in the real estate industry. 10 SW 7th Street 605 N. Main Street 934 E. Wade Street 27888 US Hwy-19 Hwy-349 South Williston, FL 32696 Chiefland, FL 32626 Trenton, FL 32693 Old Town, FL 32680 Suwannee, FL 32692 352-529-0010 352-493-4200 352-463-7770 352-542-1111 352-542-1212 SlImam JLJL%-&l..j JL %-)I I JL JL SIGNS??? 463-7135 Woodland Craft Signs I 0 1 4.99 Acres mom] 750732 S64,000 1 5 9.99 Acres 10 19.99 Acres 751920 S32-5,000 L our Agents Bee or Call any of Today for A ition I Listings! Assistance or dditional Listings! __j I I .,JU rage Iigh teen u m.. m-s'm.,J a-un -a ,,u'- Now on display at Scoggins Chevrolet! The All New Lineup of Redesigned ChevyTrucks! BJ Wilkerson of Trentoni spins the wheel to win tickets for a 45 cal. Springfield Armory handgun. The game was won by Terri Harris of Jicksonville. Login Gilliam of Trenton playIs a game to win tickets for a 350 A lagnumn bolt-action rifle. 2007 Surburban St. # 2632,995 2007 Tahoe -2007Avalanche 1151 29995* $27,995* st. 151 ) ^ Sr. # 1236 y. : *5.3L V8 with Active *Trailering Package *Stabili-Trac with Pro *Power Drivers Seat *Til\ Wheel *Steering Wheel Con *Driver Into Center SFull Analog Instrum *Tire Pressure Monitc "Chevy All Come Equipped With All These Great Features: Fuel Management "Power Windows With Express Down *Speed Compensated *Power Door Locks with Lockout Protection *4-\Vheel Anti-Lock 4 active Roll Avoidance *Remote Start System *8 Speaker Sound Sysi 'Keyless Remote Entry -Locking Differential *Cruise Control *X Satellite Radio trols *OnStar Wich Safe & Sound Plan *Dual Stage Air Bag *Theft Deterrent System *Tinted Glass entarion "Dual Zone Climate Control Air Conditioner -And Much More ring System *AM/FM/NIP3 Compatible With CD Player Volume System i-Wheel Disc Brakes tem - The most dependable, longest lasting trucks on the road." AM ERICAN REVOLUTION GREAT SELECTION OF PRE-OWNED VEHICLES! '02 Saturn '03 Chevy '05 Chevy '03 Nissan '03 Chevy 1500 '06 Chevy L200 Venture Van 1500 Crew Frontier Crew 4x4 Crew Uplander 8 S53P Bl2-33. $9794 mni:.4 AI153A #11 .1P *8,995' $9,695* *18,995* *14,995* *20,995' *18,995* '06 Chevy '01 Ford '01 Chrysler '03 Chevy '06 Chevy '04 Chevy Suburban Ranger Town & Country Avalanche Trailblazer Avalanche aUlCe.CIF P#1175A. 52P' ftI. lA" it ii '.P 0'1087A $37,995* *8,995* *10,995* *19,995* *19,995* *22,995 '03 Nissan '02 Toyota '05 Chrysler '04 Dodge '03 Isuzu '03 Dodge Pathfinder Sienna Van Pacifica Wagon Dakota Rodeo Dakota #1223A #nl, 02 A 111A '. 1"E. ". #10i9C B i: FB *11,995* *13,995* *16,995' *13,995* *10,995* '12,995* '01 Chevy '05 Dodge '02 Chevy '02 Chevy '04 Chevy '99 Dodge Tahoe Caravan 1500 Pickup Suburban 4WD Impala Intrepid #121 4A tll34B #88r.' 6 #1187A ai10C72LU 41018A *17,995* *11,995' *9,495* *17,995k *9,995 *3,995* '03 Dodge '96 Chevy '97 Ford '05 Chevy '05 Chevy '05 Chevy Neon Corvette Mustang Malibu Cavalier Impala II1,)1 is,9'9 8 91o653 ,0I9r9II 1167P al1.14, $8,995* *$11,995* *6,995 *'10,995* *10,295* 11,995* E RINI Sales Dept. Open Mon.-Fri. 8 to 7; Sat. 9 to 4; Closed Sunday Body Shop Open Mon.-Fri. 7:30 to 5 Service Dept. Open Mon.-Fri. 7:30 to 5 24 Hour Towing Call 493-7061 352-493-4263 *All prices include all GM rebates + 1999 or newer trade-in, plus tax, title and license fees. Mileage based on EPA estimates. 1424 North Young Blvd., Chiefland 33 Years Service to the Tri-County Communities G nTrentonesvll. Cro'. iy2 SONL Y A SHOrT DRIVE FROM ANYWHERE IN STHE TICOUNTY AND SURROUNDING AREA f I I www.scogginschevybuick.com Eddie Eagle is the NRA Mascot and helps educate children to not touch firearms. If a child .sees a gun they should STOP, DON'T TOUCH, and RUN and tell an adult. Photos by Anna Wild. Friends Of NRA Raise Over $25,000 In Annual Banquet .(Continued from Page One) his best buddy "Deputy Dog" last year. These dogs were very popular home or garden decora- tive pieces by Critter Creations. SA special sale was the final item, a Savage Arms "Cub" .22 Rifle that is perfect for young learners with their parents or grandpar- ents. The item was shown at the auction by Landon Smith who was helping at the event. The gun sold for $425 and after its seller was finalized Mr. Elrod congratulated Landon and told him his daddy had just bought that gun. Landon's face lit up. After all was said and done the evening had raised in ex- cess of $25,000 and just over 300 people had come out to support Friends of the NRA. Al Hammond, National Rifle Association Representative for Florida, was on hand to ex- plain just how the proceeds are used from these events. These funds support various groups in Florida which educate on fire- arm safety. In March of 2006, $59,745 in grants were awarded which provided funds for 16 grants. Recipients included; Bell High School JROTC which was awarded a grant for $3,558 to purchase shooting equipment, and the North Florida Council of Boy Scouts of America was awarded a grant for $4,874 also for the* purchase of shooting equipment. The grant money is used for range improvements, seminar costs, shooting-sports camps, equipment, and more. In 2005 Florida received $98,207 in grant money which funded 23 grants. In the past 10 years over 250 grants have been given out for more than $823,978. Congratulations to the Com- mittee Chairman, Patty Galyean and her committee members for another successful event. Com- mittee members were: Donald Campbell, Randy Durden, Bud Fisher, Joe Gilliam, Jake Koens, Roy Langford, Rosemary Mc- Daniel, and David Turner. A huge thank you went out to each' ,,sponsor, underwriter and attend- ee for their support. Friends of the NRA is making a difference where you live! Camp Blanding Lakes Are Reopened Again For Public Magnolia and Lowry lakes on Camp Blanding open for public fishing access beginning July 28th. Since Sept. 11, 2001, lake ac- cess has been closed because of security reasons. The public, may access the lakes from 7:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Friday and Saturdays, and any day hunting is allowed and a check station operated. "Anglers must check in and out at the Treat Road gate check station off State Road 21 near Keystone Heights," said Jerry Krummrich, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commis- sion (FWC) regional freshwater fish biologist. "Because of mili- tary security, we must monitor access to the post." Military training days occur, at times, on weekends, 'clos- ing the area to anglers. Anglers should call the Camp Blanding Lake information line at (904) 682-3318 for a recorded mes- ,sage about possible closures, or the Lake City Regional Fish and Wildlife Commission office at (386) 758-0525. "Camp Blanding military staff and FWC personnel have worked, together to get the ac- cess to the lakes reopened to the public. Please visit my website or call me for information on my experience or if you have questions. Home 386-935-2333 www.Re-ElectludgeEdPhilma Cell 352-221-4673 Political advertisement paid for and approved by Edward (Ed) Philman, nonpartisan, for Gilchrist County Courn judge. Grup 1 tn.com THURSDAY, AUGUST 3,2006. 1 CITT CT4R NT COT TNTY TOT JR NAL "rT_>- -_ T ~1 --I-1 .1.--... |