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Serving Gilchrist County and Surrounding Area for over 75 Years Phone (352) 463 7135 Fax (352) 463-7393 $20.00 A Year In Tri-County Area (Gilchrist, Vol. 76 No. 15 Phone (352)463-7135* Fax (352)463-7393 Trenton, Florida 32693 Thursday, July 27, 2006 Price 50Dixe & Levy Counties) $24.00 Other Areas gilchristjoumral@bellsouth.net Of Florida, $28.00 Out Of State Mitchell Gentry Qualifies For Re-election To County Commission In District 2 My name is Mitchell Gentry; I grew up in Gilchrist County, and am married to Theresa Gentry. We have two children,. Steven and Leah, and two grandchildren Colby and Emma. I thank God for my family and being able to raise them in this area As your county commissioner for district 2, serving you for the past four years has been an honor, and your support has made it a re- warding and wonderful experi- ence. I promised you to work hard to become a well .informed county commissioner. I became the first county commissioner certified through the Florida Association of Counties, and I have earned a degree in Business Administration. I consider my- self a life long learner, and will continue to gain knowledge and do my job better. My strengths are: Compas- sionate understanding of issues and problems you have involv- ing our county, a willingness to lead when I believe it is for the benefit of Gilchrist County coupled, with the knowledge' I have gained, and my experience as your county commissioner qualifies me to serve you best. You chose me to be your county commissioner four years ago, and with your help I would like to continue to represent you. Now is the time for me to work for you to meet the challenges involving grow th. providing services, and preserving the heritage and beauty of Gilchrist County. I ask for your support in the upcoming election to con- tinue with strong leadership for Mitchell Gentry Gilchrist County in the future. Thank You,' SMitchell Gentry County Commissioner District 2 BN John NM. Ayers The Gilchrist County Commission listened to County Attorney John McPherson on Monday when he advised, the board to not change the sign ordinance to allow temporary signs be placed on public right of way. Florida law forbids campaign signs from being put on public right of way. If the board makes an exception to allow temporary signs to be erected on public right of way, this will be difficult to enforce as well as represent in court," McPherson explained. "How do we establish a true right of way' line along roads like County Road 340," Commission Chairman Tommy Langford asked the attorney. The Gilchrist County Road Department makes some type of assessment to base where the .right of way line is when they mow along the roadways. This assessment is used to estimate where the right of way is located through a good faith effort, McPherson added. "Gilchrist County has limited resources: to put toward the enforcement of signs and. code enforcement. In general if that were the county policy, to be fair to enforce all, the public will be given the benefit of the doubt, McPherson added. A commissioner explained that in Alachua Count), the larger neighbor to the east, the county enforces the sign ordinance in residential and business districts, but is not. as strict in the rural areas where there is less population. "I think this is something that every county struggles with. I think that Gilchrist County must learn to enforce the ordinance especially around the. intersections to keep the signs from becoming a traffic problem," McPherson added. "Where do we still stand?" Gilchrist Counts Assistant Road Superintendent Bill) Cannon asked the board. "Do we pickup the signs on the right of way or do we leave them?" Cannon asked the board. Cannon explained that some residents have stopped him and, explained that they think the removal of signs from the right of way is an improvement. The Road Department was requested to pickup the metal (Continued on Page Two) Gilchrist School District Welcomes Students Back To School August 4th See "Back To School Guide" insert in this edition Trenton High School Welcomes New Staff Lynette Langford, Principal of Trenton High School is pleased to introduce two new assistant principals. First is Ms. EmilN Carroll who is a 1988 graduate of Baker School. in Okaloosa County. Ms. Carroll earned her Bachelor's degree in primarN' education from the Universit) of West Florida before teaching first and second grades. While teach- ing K-5 students with special needs in Bushnell, she earned her Master's degree in Excep- tional Student Education .for .grades K-12. She then moved to Apopka and taught high school students with special needs in both self contained and regu- lar classroom settings. While Bell High School Welcomes New Administrators Bell High School is proud to have earned the honor of being named an "A+" school based on student performance in the 2005-2006 School Year. Bell High School is also proud to ha6e Ronda Parrish as the ne'k Principal Ronda Parrish graduated from Keystone Heights High School *in 1988. She then received a ,Bachelors and Masters Degree from the Universit of Florida in 1991 and 1992 respectively. It was at this time that Ronda decided to dedicate her profes- .sional life to education and to Gilchrist County Schools. Her first job x\as with Trenton Middle/High School as a 6th 12th grade Guidance Counsel- Bell Elementary School Welcomes New Administrators Mr. Rick Reed was named Principal of Bell Elementary School on July 1, 2006 having served as the Assistant Principal at BES for five years. He is well acquainted with the students and parents in the Bell commu- nity having taught at Bell High School from 1979 until 1988. Mr. Reed served as Assistant Principal at BHS this past year until March when he served as the Interim Principal at BES. ser ing as the PLACEMTN/ Staffing Specialist at Apopka High School. she earned her Educational Specialist degree in Leadership and Administration from National-Louis Uni ersity through the Tampa satellite cam- pus. She is very pleased to leave the big cit) behind and bring her training and experience to Trenton. which feels more like home. Ms. Carroll is an aid reader, and enjoys draw ing. yard % ork, and playing the piano and flute in her spare time. She and her three children, Beth, Katie and Harry, have.just moved to Trenton. . Next, is Mrs. Cheri Langford who has been with the Gilchrist County. School System for the past. five years. Although she was born in neighboring Levy or. She has also served Gilchrist County Schools in the capacity of Management of Information Systems iMIS) Director for the past seven years. Throughout this nime. Ronda has been a strong student advocate and has demonstrated strong leadership skills. Ronda is married to Tern Par- rish, a Gilchrist County native and has two sons. Hunter illi and Brooks 09). She is a mem- ber of Ebenezer Baptist Church and enjoys salt water fishing, Gator Football, and spending time with her family. Kevin Whitaker is the new As- sistant Principal at Bell Middle/ High School, Mr. Whitaker has been an educator for the past nineteen years within the State of Florida. He is certified in Ed- ucational Leadership, Biology, Physical Education, and Middle Mr. Reed is privileged to serve the Bell community in this ca- pacity and work with a fantastic and committed staff. Mrs. Michelle Smith grew up in Gilchrist Counts and was a graduate of Bell High School. She has served at BES as the Guidance Counselor for the last twelve years and was appointed as the Assistant Principal on July 1, 2006. She brings a wealth of experience and talent to the new administrative team and is ex- cited about the possibilities for this upcoming school year for students, parents and teachers. Engineer Tells Commission That Mixing A Good Base On Limerock Roads Could Be The Difference In The Longevity Of The Surface By John M. Ayers The Gilchrist County Com- mission discussed how to im- prove the surface of the 465 miles of limerock rock roads that is currently providing transportation corridors to many people in the rural areas. The board asked their engineer to meet with the commission in their public hearing on Monday, July 24. Gilchrist County Commis- sion Chairman Tommy Lang- ford asked engineer Lee Mills, "How can we make our limerock grades better?" Mills told the five-member board that adding limerock to a road surface might not necessar- ily improve the roadway over the long term. "Gilchrist County historically has added limerock to the roadway in order to im- prove the driving surface," Mills explained in the public meeting. When the road begins to breakdown and potholes cre- ate craters in the roadway, the county had always filled in the holes and tried to grade the sur- face smooth. .. Mills told the board the washboard surface effect is of- ten caused by a minimum amount of good road base and the continued increase of traffic traveling at a higher rate of speed than the road surface can withstand. The engineer explained to the board that taking a close look at the soil maps in the county and determining the right mixture for good road base in that area would produce a better road. "If the county could go in and mix or till up to a 12- inch depth on their road way, this would give the county a better road," Mills explained. He also pointed out that the county should consider getting some type of rubber tire roller- packer to compact the surface after mixing the road base. He explained that Levy County has been able to work with Florida Rock and get some rock screen- ings to mix with their road ma- terial to improve thie surface of (Continued on Page Two) Shown are MAfrs. Emily Carroll, Lynette Langford, and Mrs. Cheri Langford. County after living and work- ing in Gilchrist County, this is definitely "'home". Mrs. Lang- ford earned her Bachelor of Arts (Continued to Page Twenty-Two Ronda Parrish School Endorsed. Coaching has been a major part of his life for over the past twenty one years in football, weightlifting, and basketball. Mr. Whitaker's educational philosophy is child centered which utilizes mul- tiple learning strategies for the., auditory,. kinesthetic, and vi- sual learner. Being diverse in in- (Continued to Page Twenty-Two Shown is Michelle Smith, Assistant Principal, Bell Elemen- tary School; Rick Reed, Principal, Bell Elementary School. Trenton Elementary School Welcomes Students Back. August 4th This is Mrs. Jean Ledvina's eleventh year as Principal of Trenton Elementary School. Jean graduated from the Uni- versity of Iowa with a BA and obtained her Master's degree at Mankato State University. Post- graduate work in Educational Leadership was completed at Iowa State University. Jean has served as an administrator (and teacher) in Iowa for 16 years and as an elementary principal in South Carolina for 8 years. Mr. Riley Deen is the Assis- tant Principal for Trenton Ele- mentary and has served as teacher and administrator at Trenton .Middle/High School. He is beginning his 5th year as Assistant Principal. Riley has been a resident of Gilchrist County all of his life. Mr. Deen and Mrs. Ledvina both believe that Trenton Ele- mentary School fosters the love of learning and helps children savor learning for a lifetime. They along with the entire staff believe that all children have the potential to learn when given the necessary support, which utilizes the strengths, abilities, and interests of all. Trenton Elementary has been an "A" school for the past 4 years and credits that honor to a dedicated staff, the use of data, and the sincere desire to teach and re-teach skills until they are learned. Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars. Les Brown Some succeed because they are destined to; most succeed because they are determined to. Anatole France Commission Agrees To Enforce County Sign Ordinance ,, .. Gilchrist County, Florida 2006 Qualified Candidates County Commissioner District 2 Mitchell Gentry 4959 SW 80th Ave., Bell, FL 32619 352-463-7080 (D) D., Ray Harrison Jr., 4599 SW 90th Court. Bell, FL 32619. 352-463-2147 (D) Terry D. Parrish P. 0. Box 82, Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-2248 (D) County Commissioner District 4, Mervin L. (Skip) Hines 2198 NE CR 337, High Springs, FL 32643 386-454-4204 (R) Tommy Langford 6650 NE 55th St., High Springs, FL 32643 386-454-3022 (R) John Rance Thomas 2000 NW 80th St., Bell, FL 32619 386-935-0937 (D) School Board District 1 (Nonpartisan) Delight H. Curtis 7339 SE 69th Lane, Trenton, FL 32693 352-472-6012 Cloud E. Haley 621 NE 2nd Street, Trenton FL 32693 352-463-2917 Lucy Swilley P.O. Box 855, Trenton FL 32693 352-463-7716 School Board District 3 (Nonpartisan) Dr. John D. Frazier 3539 SW 47th Ct., Bell, FL 32619 352-463-2652 Robert G. "Rob" Rankin 5329 NW 37th Ct, Bell FL 32619 386-935-2187 Lacy A. Redd 9050 SW CR 344, Bell, FL 32619 352-463-6266 School Board District 5 (Nonpartisan) Michelle Carter P.O. Box 1463, Trenton FL 32693 352-463-2950 Ann Marie (Anni) Egan 4829 SE 25th Lane, Trenton, FL 32693 352-472-4986 Supervisor of Elections Leigh Hartzog P.O. Box 1450, Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-0333 (D) Bill Martin 7699 SW CR-334-A, Trenton FL 32693 352-463-7439 (D) Connie Douglas Sanchez 7246 Cardinal Tr., Fanning Springs, Fl 32693 352-463-3044 (R) County Court Judge Group 1 (Nonpartisan) David Miller (Duke) Lang. P.O. Box 51, Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-7800 -/ Edward (Ed) Philman 5880 NW 57th Ct., Bell, FL 32619 386-935-2333 Page Two U.lJLAI.,I-J o vuL .,, I I JUU.I,-i, Gilchrist County Journal USPS-218-620 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY IN GILCHRIST COUNTY, 207 N. MAIN TRENTON, FLORIDA Less than 75% advertising We reserve the right to shorten articles, letters, etc. and delete any part or leave out in its entirety if we judge such to be offensive. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $20.00 A Year In Tri-County Area $24.00 All Other Areas In Florida $28 Out Of State JOHN MIN AYERS II EDITOR, PUBLISHER AND OWNER Cindy Jo, Mark Schuler, Aleta Sheffield, Rene6 Philman, Kathy Hilliard & Chris Rogers ASSISTANTS Entered as Periodicals at the Post Office at Trenrton, Florida, under the act of March 3, 1879. POSTMASTER Please Send Address Change To: Gilchrist County Journal, 207 N. Main Street, Trenton, Florida 32693 John's Comments By: John M. Ayers On July 28, 1979, I under- went what I: felt would be a long-term commitment, but ,I didn't really know that after 27 years, it would become a way of life. Cindy Jo and I were married July 28, 1979 on what I recall as one of the. hottest days of my life, up until Carrie and Adam's wedding June 24 of this year. The Lord has, blessed us in s6 many ways. He has given us a great family and blessed us with good families for our chil- dren to now grow up with' and become a, part of.. When I look back on the years that we have, experienced together, I recall the tough times we had just getting our children here. We have gone through a lot of fun times since then and our lives are now beginning to- change again. On Friday, July 28th, Cindy Jo and I will be married 27 years. As I remember the his- tory .over 'this period of time. ..&ere have been so many more good times, even though we itoo "hac had our bumps and bruises. Our years together have grown on both of us.' We now look forward to the weekends ahead' that we can spend more time with our entire family. We also look forward to some vacation time in such lo- cations as Alaska. If I had it to do again, I would not change a thing. Letter To The Editor Dear Sir: I have been a resident of Gilchrist County, Florida for 27 years. I live in the old Suwan- nee River Subdivision. We live .in a virtual dustbowl and would benefit immensely from having our roads paved. Please note: We need our roads paved, NOT re-paved! I am curious about the dis- tribution of the $503.331 owed to Gilchrist County from the 2006-2007, revenues from the direct broadband satellite tax. In years past, any monies owed .to our county have been distrib- uted east of Trenton. We have received nothing! It would be nice if we could get our commissioner to try to get some of that money allocated to our .Subdivision for road pav- -'ing. It is long overdue!.. -..- . Sincerely, Albert D. Rosenberger resident of Suwanree River Subdivision Date High Low High Low High Thu 3.019 ft. 1.437 ft. 3.677 ft. 0.248 ft. Jul 27, 06 4:26 AM 10:06 AM 3:40 PM 10:47 PM Fnri' 3.096 ft. 1.303 ft. 3.534 ft: 0.443 ft. Jul 28, 06 4:49 AM 10:43 AM 4:19 PM 11:13 PM Sat 3.186ft. 1.178ft. '3.342ft. 0.672ft. Jul 29, 06 5:13 AM 11:20 AM 4:59 PM 11:40 PM Sun 3.275ft 1.074ft. 3.106ft. Jul 30, 06 5:37 AM 12:01 PM 5:42 PM Mon 0.940 ft. 3.346 ft. 0.997 ft. 2.836 ft. Jul 31, 06 12:08 AM 6:04 AM 12:45 PM 6:33 PM Tue 1.242 ft 3.387 ft. 0.949 ft. 2.566 ft. Aug 1, 06 12:39 AM 6:36 AM 1:38 PM 7:40 PM Wed 1.571 ft. 3.394 ft 0.896 ft. 2.376 ft. Aug 2, 06 1:16 AM 7:15 AM 2:44.PM 9:09 PM Apogee:.7/29 9:00 AM First.Quarter: 8/2 4:47 AM The mind of man is the battleground for good and evil. The wise: man said, "As he thinketh in his heart, so is he" (Proverbs 23:7). The sum of our character is measured by the thoughts of our heart. It is not the outward defilement that destroys the spirit of a man but the inward corruption of a pure heart. Jesus taught His disciples the nature of true defilement comes from the heart. "But the things which proceed out of the mouth come forth out of the heart; and they defile the man. For out of the heart come forth evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, railings: these are the things which defile the man" (Matthew 15:18-20). The heart is a garden where Satan seeks, to influence with the thorns and weeds of corruption. The temptation of Eve (Genesis 3) was accomplished through the changing of the heart. Jehovah destroyed, the early world because He "saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and .that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually" (Genesis 6:5). King Solomon's downfall came when his wives turned his heart away from God (1 Kinigs 11:3). Rehoboam did not set his heart to seek Jehovah and was an evil king (2 Chronicles 12:14). Jesus taught the people how purity of heart would bring them to the Father "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God" (Matthew 5:8) and this required all the heart "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind" (Matthew 22:37). Salvation is found in the response of the heart, to the gospel of Jesus Christ. "The word is nigh thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach: because if thou shalt confess with thy Streetwise By Lauren Rudd Is the Federal Reserve ending its program to .push up interest rates? Has the economy reached a utopian era once again?. From Wall Street's actions last Wednesday, it would be easy to draw that conclusion. Stock prices rallied sharply after Federal Reserve Chair- man Ben Beranke soothed- Wall Street's feathers by stating that the Fed's current view of the economy is that economic growth seems to be moderating and inflation remains contained. For Wall Street it was only a short walk from there to the, foregone conclusion that the Fed is ready to end its streak of interest rate hikes. Although I hope I am wrong, personally I would bet on another increase in rates when the Fed next meets on August 8th.. To see why, consider that Ber- nanke, deliberately hedged his outlook on inflation. "The recent rise in inflation is of concern. It is a development that bears close watching," he said. Then there is the issue of the all important core rate on infla- tion in last week's release of the consumer price index (CPI). The core rate. %which strips out the volatile food and energy\ sectors, was up 0.3 percent in June. It was the fourth consecutive rise of that magnitude. That means the core rate has been rising for the past three months at an annu- al rate of 3.6 percent, far above the Federal Reserve's .comfort zone of 2 percent or less. It is possible the Fed will pass on increasing rates in August since it is unlikely to have the July CPI data by then. Howe. er, another rise in the core CPI rate equal to or exceeding 0.3 percent and I would put the odds of an- other rate increase at better, .than 90 percent, If the Fed passes on an in- crease in August and the subse- quent CPI number is bad, it may , not wait until its next meeting on' September 20th to take action. There is no rule that says rate in- creases have to come at FOMC meetings. So what happens if the Fed does not raise, rates? That an- swer is simple, look for a strong market rally. The opposite sce- nario is also just as probable. A 'move upward in'rates-will result in the same temporary sell off of the market that we saw recently when Wall Street misjudged Fed, policy. Wall Street sells off in the face of higher interest rates for two reasons. The most talked about one is the recognition that higher mouth Jesus as Lord, and shalt believe in thy heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shafi be saved: for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation" (Romans 10:8-10). As the heart is the soil that will receive the .seed of the word of God, we must take proper action to prepare the heart. The parable of the sower illustrates, the importance of a prepared soil (Matthew 13). Peter admonishes the need for "girding up the loins of your mind, be sober and set your hope perfectly on the grace that is to be brought unto you at the' revelation of Jesus Christ; as children of obedience, not fashioning yourselves according to your former lusts in the time of your ignorance: but like as he who called you is holy, be ye yourselves also holy in all manner of living" (1 Peter 1:13-15). Living holy requires a holy heart. Our minds must be prepared for action against the influences of the devil. Girding the mind is to prepare for the assault from the enemies of God. "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh (for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but mighty before God to the casting down of strongholds), casting down imaginations, and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:3-5). We are the people of God as much as we allow our minds to be guided by the word of God. As faith comes from hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17), so our faith is measured by the girding of our hearts to holiness. Who we are before God is not seen by the outward reflection but what God sees in the heart (1 Samuel 16:7). Trenton Church of Christ 463-3793 502 Northeast 7th Street Trenton, Florida 32693 Please Visit www.trentonchurchofchrist.com Email kerux@bellsouth.net . 5-Digit Winners: 61 at $7,852 4-Digit Winners: 4,243, at $91,50 3-Digit Winners: .90,526 at $6 Play 4 Drawing: 8-4-7-6 Cash 3 Drawing: 1-4-9 C*O*O*K*I*N*G By Cindy Jo Ayers I do love a hog, how about you? Don't you just love a slab of ribs hot off the rack of an old kettle style grill? John adds a few pieces of Red' Bay wood on the charcoal. He soaks the wood in water so it does a lot of smoking and doesn't burn up too fast. Se% eral years ago I came across the rib rub that is listed at the bottom of this column. Fact is, it would be a nice addition to a gift basket that included' a big turning fork, potholder or oven mitt, and a bottle of barbecue sauce. You could even add a barbecue cookbook if you came across a good one. I suggest the Jack Daniel's Old Time Barbecue Cookbook.: No I don't put a little shot of Jack Daniels in when I cook. But by and far. this is my favorite cookbook when it comes to barbecue. The photos in this book alone are worth the $24.00 asking price. Carrie, my daughter, and I1 were in Jacksonville last Saturday and we shopped at a neat grocery store called The Fresh Market. We both picked out a beautiful slab of baby back ribs from the meat case. The folks at the Fresh Market wrap their meat in brown paper and tie it % ith a string once you pick it out. They don't sell pre- package meats in this store. .An u aN, back to mni ribs. This was a real meaty slab and Sunda\ after church I decided to fr\ them. The way m \ family\ fries ribs is. to slice between each rib and salt and pepper the meat and then; roll the ribs in flour. Next we deep-fry them just as you would fry chicken. Of course it doesn't take the' rates will raise corporate ex- penses and thereby lower profits. This is partially true. However, the individual consumer will feel the pinch of higher rates 'more than corporations. . The other factor has to do with ho%% Wall Street valuess a cor- poratiom Virtually every model discounts some variant of cash flow using the concept of present value. Raise the interest rate and the present value falls. What that means is that as interest rates rise, Wall Street's models will produce lower numbers for the value of a company's shares. Therefore, the way to manage your portfolio is to simply ig- nore the daily price fluctuations, both positive and negative with regard to your current portfolio. Instead, use any major pullback as an opportunity to pick up those companies you have been lusting after but whose shares have heretofore been too ex- pensive. You can-write to financial col- umnist Lauren Rudd at 5 Gulf Manor Drive, Venice, Fl. 34285 or email at LVERudd@aol.com. Prior columns are available at RuddReport.com. Lottery Numbers Wednesday July 19 Lotto Drawing: 3-29-32-44-48-50 No winner of the $9 million jackpot. 5-Digit Winners: 59 at $5,771.50 4-Digit Winners 3,111 at $88.50 3-Digit Winners: 68,138 at $5.50 Play 4 Drawing: 3-7-8-0 SCash 3 Drawing: 2-3-4 Saturday, July 22 Lotto Drawing: 9-33-40-42-50-51 No winners of the $14 million jackpot. ribs nearly as long to cook as it does a piece of chicken. Sometimes when frying pork ribs if they are real small and don't have much meat I cut- them in pieces that have two or' even three ribs to the piece. If you haven't ever eaten a fried baby back rib ou'%Ue missed; a treat. Barbecue experts make rubs to gently rub into 'the meat several hours before cooking. The 'rub slowly seeps' in- and flavors the meat. Then during cooking-it seals in the natural juices and flavors. The following rub recipe comes from Moore County, Tennessee and I believe it adds just the perfect seasoning to a slab of grilled ribs. 1 tablespoon paprika 1 tablespoon seasoned salt 1 teaspoon black pepper :1 teaspoon crushed red pepper' 1 teaspoon garlic powder :1 teaspoon red pepper 1/2 teaspoon onion powder 1/2 teaspoon dr mustard 1/4 teaspoon celern salt 1/2 teaspoon chili powder 1/4 teaspoon cumin Combine ingredients. Makes enough to rub 2 racks of ribs. Letter To The Editor This past May your newspa- per reported a story from the Gilchrist Board of County Com- missioners where I had request- ed a Golf Cart Ordinance for my area. Most people thought it was granted because the Commis- sioners voted unanimously in favor. I would like the public to know the rest of the story. Date Turner iDavid Turneri. Gilchrist Counts Sheriff's Department, opposed the ordinance stating "the roads were dangerous and, heavily traveled," therefore there was no action taken on the ordinance and I can NOT legally operate my golf cart, as requested. Recently the issue of residents wanting speed limit signs and speeds reduced to 35 on graded roads has not been requested by the County Commissioners. Sheriff Turner has opposed the posting of speed limit signs stat- ing he does not have the man- power to enforce these speed limits. Your newspaper quotes Sheriff Turner, stating, driving is a privilege. Everyone with a license should drive with an understanding on conditions and circumstances that are bearable. Is this economical alternative a do-it-yourself honor system where the decision is left to the driver, giving him a free ticket to bend the law? Some of these roads are the same roads the Sheriff's department labeled as dangerous and heavily traveled during the golf cart ordinance issue. The safety of people and chil- dren is important and should be given top priority. The Sheriff should find a way to support the safety recommendations of the County Commission and do its job in protecting people and children. I would like to make a suggestion. I cannot speak for the whole Sheriff's Department, but if the deputies assigned to District 2, and part of the under- staffed Law Enforcement De- partment were to spend less time adult sitting and crime watching Senior Resident Citizens and enforcing traffic control on golf carts, their expertise could 'be better utilized, in participation with the Commission recom- mendations to protect people and children. As developers step into the Tri-County. area such as Suwariiee, Horseshoe, and Steinhatchee old time residents have to move on. These fishing towns plus Bell have golf carts everywhere. Cedar Key has lost its poor-man's fishing road and bridge :and soon to be a major tourist area. Gilchrist County is the small- est county in Florida and has only one traffic light. Do we need to let developers invade our area so someone can afford to fund law enforcement at a level to protect our community? And hopefully\ we can have the same golf cart privileges that everyone except District 2 seem to already have in place. Ruth Thomas and SBuddN i Bark i Letter To The Editor Dear Editor and friends, I have accepted a challenge that I feel will forever make a difference in my life and the lives of many leukemia, lym- phoma and other blood cancer patients. This challenge will be' especially difficult for me and I am asking for your support. On October 22, 2006, I will. be par- ticipating- in the Nike Womens NMarathon as parr of thi Team In Training program to. benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma So- ciey. The goal of this program is to use long distance running, walking and cycling as a symbol of endurance and hope; to raise money for research; and to cel- ebrate and commemorate lives touched by cancer. This will be my first marathon- and although ,it is 26.2 miles, the distance I will endure cannot compare to the struggles that cancer patients endure every day. I have been running for over two months now with a team of other men and women who will be participating in this event and it is going great! I want to make a difference'in the lives of those affected by these deadly diseases by helping to raise money for further cancer research. I am asking you to join me in this endeavor by making a dona- for State House District 11 Meet, Greet and Eat with Ray Walker District 11 luij 11 o 93& 1j1TfQ~p7Tfi ]i.l ii iOfr centTk? ^ fflTiTfl;Tb HL coeot n noyaget elan nopotnt t et Preparing Our Minds ForAction (Kent Heaton) THURSDAY, JULY 27 1 12006 OUT t"TTPTvT CC)TTT*JTY TC)TTRNAT. I tion. 'I have set a personal goal : of $5,000 and I know, with your help, Brandon and I will both cross the finish line in October, victoriously! . You may visit my web site at www.active.com/donate/tntnofl/ tntnoflsdavid to contribute a tax- deductible donation made di- rectly to the Leukemia and Lym- phoma Society (or TLLS) by August 1st; however, donations can still be made after that date. Encouraging words, thoughts and prayers are also very wel- come! Thank you in advance for your generosity. My website will be updating and changing with pictures and stories or mine and Brandon's journey toward the finish line-and we hope you will share it with us. Please share this .opportunity to participate in this very im- portant cause with everyone you know in your network, work- place, family and friends. With many thanks, Suzanne David ksuzied@bellsouth.net (305) 395-6945 (352) 463-9077 Commission Learns That Mixing A Good Road Base Could Be The Difference In The Longevity Of The Surface (Continued from Page One) their grades. The engineer explained to the board that he didn't think that.the quality of limerock the county is current) using is a problem involving .their roads. He explained that clay used in the material on a road is good and reduces some of the dust. The engineer recommended that the board should allow the road department to conduct some tests of specific roads to determine the best method of mixing and the best materials to be used in the different areas. Commission Agrees To Enforce Sign Ordinance In County (Continued from Page One) real estate signs and keep them at the road department head quarters. The people enforcing the ordinance was also requested to pickup the campaign signs and hold them at the. road department until someone picked them up or dispose of them after the campaign. > Gilchrist SCounty Journal FAX 4 463-7393 4 I KI u 1x AV HITVT7 9Af1, (LTI-IHRIST COT INTY%-OT YRNaT14P1-3hre Adam and Carrie Mizell jff4~~ azu1'j~ ~/{ai~wz/ J~zC/3 On Saturday,. June 24th, at half past four in the afternoon, Miss Carrie Ayers and Mr. Adam Mizell, both of Callahan, were united in. marriage at the home of.Mr. and Mrs. D. Ray Harrison at Hart Springs, Florida., Rev. Cliff Ryan of First Bap- tist Church, Callahan performed the outdoor ceremony along the banks of the Suwannee River. Mrs. Annie Whitehurst of Williston served as Matron of Honor. Bridesmaids were: Mrs. Lyndsay Ayersof Trenton, Miss Marni. Ellion ofBell, Mrs. Stephanie Henderson of Callahan, Miss Katie Jones of Trenton, and Miss Nicole Vick- ers of Largo. Miss Shelbie and Miss Grace Guthrie of Trenton were the flower girls. SMr. Clyde Mizell, father of the groom, served as Best Man. Groomsmen were:, Mr. Luke Mizell of Callahan, Mr. J. Min From The Shelves Of The, Bell Library : We had a nice :surprise last week; one of our Volunteers, Mary Jordan, brought in a large shopping bag of large print books. One set of books in 'this group were Thomas Kincade's new novels. When we hear his name we always think of the beautiful paintings .which this artist has produced but he is an accomplished writer as you will see when you read these books about a little fishing village in the northeast' If you read the novels in order it will be like' meeting the families and con- tinuing with their lives. But if they are out bf order, you will feel that you have got to visit A\.ers III of Trenton. Mr. Justin Mizell of Callahan. Mr. Don Tdnner of Callahan and Mr. Jer-, emy Reynolds, also of Callahan. Ring bearer was Jacob Guthrie of Trenton. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ayers II of Trenton. Carrie is the grand- daughter of Mrs. Doris Beau- champ of Chiefland and the late Mr. Lloyd Beauchamp, ST., and the late Mr. and Mrs. J, Min, Ayers. . The groom is the son of Mr.. and MNrs. CI'de Mizell of Cal- lahan. Adam is the grandson of' Mr. and Mrs. Dorman Mizell of Callahan, and Mr. Bennett Wil-. son of Clarksville. Tenn. and the late Mrs. Ex eh n Wilson. After a honeymoon 'spent in the South Carolina Lowcountry, the couple now resides in Cal- lahan. and are learning about the events you have missed. For the juniors and teenagers, u e recommend If It Doesn't Kill You, the storn :*f :lete. fpotball players in': tniddle school and high, school., ILeai-)uaf e trials and misfortunes, their love af- fairs and triumphs. Do you remember Hansel and Gretel an old classic we read when we were children? That is the book we will recommend this week because I believe we should make. sure our children read our classics to know what literature was available to their parents and grandparents. Summer is almost over and soon the schools will begin another year. We hope we will have two additional computers available for research by then. Volunteers with computer skills are desperately needed. The Bookworm W SUp LIo 12mprnr m * Powerful engine options including NEW 35hp W Briggs Vanguard BIG BLOCK V-twIn engine m''w , * Heavy-duty double tube steel frame. * Much, much more... Visit your dealer for details Gilchrist Building Supply 463-2738 1-800-543-6545 7am-5:30pm M-F 8am-3pm Saturday Hwy. 129, North BELL SCAG POWER EQUIPMENT www.scag.com OUR STAND GOOD GRADES DESERVE MORE RECOGNITION THAN AN HONOR ROLL BUMPER STICKER. Callt me today to see how much you can save with Allstate's good student discount. (352) 463-1542 Stanley Insurance Agency. Inc. David Switlley & Steve Jenkins 630 NE Santa Fe Blvd. High Springs info@wlstanley.com Callfora free quote Allstate. You're in good hands. Discount and insurance offered only with select company and subject to availability and qualifications. Allstate Insurance Company, Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company and Allstate Indemnity Company; Northbrook, IL @2006 Allslate Insurance Company. I FAMILY REUNIONS. Bass/Stringer Reunion To Be Held On July 29th The annual Bass/Stringer re- union will be held Saturday, July 29, 2006 at the 4th district Com- munity Center West of Branford. Doors open at 10:30 a.m. until ?. Bring a covered dish., This year marks 200 traceable years in our Bass family. Please 'bring any photos or moments you wish to share. Color copier will be available.. Call Cher at (386) 935-0559 or Linda (386) 454-2018. Kelly Family Reunion To Be July 30th The Kelly family will.be hav- ing a reunion on Sunday, July 30th at the home of A.M. Kelly, Jr., 339 NW CR 341 in Bell. All. family members. and friends are invited to attend. A covered dish luncheon will be served at 12.3U p.m.. Poley Home Reunion' The Pole', Home Reunion will be held on Sunday, August 6th, at the Levy County. Quilt Museum. Bring food and all the children so they will know who they are kin to. We will have music also. For information please call (352 I493-2S01. Winnelle Horne Viola Crews' Shepherd Family Reunion Is Set For August 5th 'The Viola Crews Shepherd' ,family will be having a reunion on Saturday, August 5th, at the Bell Community Center All family members and friends are invited to attend. A covered dish luncheon will be served at 12:00 p.m. Come early and bring pictures of family and memories to share together. Hope to see you there! Townsend Reunion To Be August 12th The Townsend Reunion will be Saturday, August 12, 2006, 1: 00 p.m. at Otter Springs. Please join your family heri- tage-a tasty tradition since 1948. Otter Springs RV Resort is lo- cated at 6470 SW 80th Avenue, Trenton, Florida 32693 Alice Lightsey Thomas Reunion The Alice Lightsey Thomas family reunion will be at Hart Springs,. Pavilion A, on Sunday, August 13th. This will be the last reunion on. a Sunday. Next year, we are fortunate to be hav- ing reservations on the second SaturdaS in July of 2007.. " All family and friends, please come and reminisce and .get reacquainted with us. We are lIokng forward to seeing you there. Anyone needing information please call Marn Pauline Gibbs at 3896) 935-902. Philman Family Reunion To Be Held On August 5th At Hart Springs The first Philmjn Reunion was held on August 28, 1966 and it's been told that the following in- vitation was written by Orlando and Agnes Philman. Charlie and Alice Philman: "Come one, come all, The. Philmans will gather.) Come-': answer the call no matter the' weather. A reunion it will be. We are looking for a bunch. Your kin you. will see. Bring a basket lunch. Come and join the fun at Life Insurance? Itq-s not about j'Ohi life, fts about hers. Li e insurance isn'tabout !,our life. It's about the people %%ho relh on it .As a S local independent agent, we can design an insurance .program that s just right for ,ou and Nour family. Gite ,... "the people cou loe .- Safe.Sound.Secure Protection from Auto-O\\ners .i InsuranceCompan. lduto-Owners Insurance Nature Coast Insurance 12372 NW HWY 19, Chiefland, FL 32626 352-493-2565 Hart Springs for the Philman roundup!" , Thanks to each family mem- ber and friends that over the years has attended and helped to continue this special gather- ing. Spread the news and let's make this years 40th reunion a memorial to. our ancestors and continue their desires for closer family relationships. Please make plans to attend. this year's reunion on Saturday,, August 5th, 9:30 a.m., Pavilion A and B at Hart Springs. Bring a picnic lunch, ice, etc. to share. Assembly Of Fine Artists Will Hold Art Show And Sale On July 29th An art show/sale by Assmbly of Fine Artists Tailgators will be held Saturday, July 29, at 8:30 a.m. until ?, at 657 S.E. 136 Av- enue (also known as county road 55A... 1/2 a mile from the Dixie Nut House) in Old Town. .A mini yard sale of miscel- laneous items, i.e. plants,, and a few garments from recent AFA Fashion shows. all sizes. as well as art work will be available. Raffle tickets will continue to: be sold for the 3x4 foot stitched American Flag. Petitions for a Senior Cen- ter and LibrarN in the heaviest populated area of Dixie County x% ill also continue to be available to be signed. See ya'll there!' Barbara Moore Ed Crits and Preston and. Tracy Richburg are proud to announce the wed- ding of their mother Linda Rich- burg of Trenton to Ed Crits of Cross City. The ceremony will be held at the Trenton Woman's Marriage Applications Filed In' Gilchrist County Jeffre\ Emil Underwood. date of birth. 12/10/1982. and Jen- nifer L nn King, date of birth, 10/04/78. both of Trenton. Gregory Heath Hingsoh. date of birth, 5/25/1980, and Pamela Renee Vance, date of birth, 1/27/. Lilld17 Richburg Club August 5, 2006 at 4:00 p.m. Reception to follow at same place. No invitations-are being sent, all friends and family are, invited. 1985,.both of Chiefland. Kenneth Orson Taylor. date of birth, 8/4/1941. and Debra Lynn Kania, date of birth, 9/29/1960, both of Bell. fmi.jppLNeed.AS.ig[in? Call^Woodland.Craft Signs FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF IHEALTHD GILCHRIST COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Well Child & NeWborn Care School & Sports Physicals Chronic & Acute Care Communicable Disease Maternity Care By UF Dept. OB/GYN Family Planning School Health Services TB Testing Laboratory Procedures Healthy Start Services WIC Services (Baby Formula & Food Coupons) HIV Anonymous & Confidential Testing Attention Deficit Disorder Evaluation & Treatment NO APPOINTMENTS NEEDED FOR: FREE PREGNANCYTESTS FREE BLOOD PRESSURE SCREEN CHILD & ADULT IMMUNIZATIONS We accept Blue Cross/Blue Shield, AvMed, PPC Care Manager, State Employees Group PPC, Health Options, Champus, CMS, Medicaid, Medipass, Medicare, and most other major insurances. 119 N.E. 1st Street, Trenton, Florida 32693 463-3120 Office Hours Monday Friday 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. ...... *f ierk id Mortgage Corporation Residential ,and Commercial Loans ~ i7th LOW Fied Rates Available ~ Purchase, Refinance & Cas~h Outt Conventional, 1-4 Single Family Homes Manufactured Homes Investment Property First, Second, and Home Equity Lines of Credit ,Construction/Perm One-Time Closing Ow'ner/thifiler .Available & Lot Loans (0 0r~We Have: No Income Documentation Stated Income or Full Documentation Professional, Reliable, and Local Service Bill Deen, Brenda Wilkerson and Phillip Wheeler Licensed Mortgage Brokers 463-1313 fax 463-1318 e-mail: riverlandmtg@bellsouth.net Apply Onlife @ www.riverlandmtg.web-loans.com Siverland Mortgage Corporation 723 E. Wade Street, Trenton, FL 32693 GILCHRI ST COUNTY JOURNAL Page Three I TM JRSDAY- JULY 27. 2006 On& Weall GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JULY 27, 2006 Flower pens were created by the residents and the youth for the rooms at Ayers Rehab. The youth working at Missions" visit. '-blI/L Rehaib durein,v the '-'tatatt I-om WE WELCOME YOU TO UNION BAPTIST CHURCH (sBC 6259 $.E. 75TH AVENUE NEWBERRY, FL 32669 $UNDAY SCHOOL ................................. 9:45 AM MORNING WORSHIP ................................... 11 AM EVENING WORSHIP ..................................... 6 PM WEDNESDAY EVENING SERVICES: ADULT BIBLE STUDY, CHILDREN & YOUTH ... 7 PM PASTORi TRAVIS MOODY MINISTER OF YOUTH: ROBBIE BEACH CHURCH PHONE: 386-472-3845 . "WIN THE LOST AND TEACH THE SAVED TO SERVE" PINE GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH t 16655 N. W. CR-339 Trenton, Florida 32693 t 352-463-2151 www.pgbcfl.com Bro. Greg Douglas, Pastor Bro. Rickey Whitley, Minister of Students Charles Brock, Music Director Sunday School/Bible Study..................9:15 AM Morning Worship Service.....................10:30 AM' Children's Church................... 10:30 AM, Evening Worship Service........................... 6:00 PM Wednesday Night Services: Prayer Meeting, AWANA & Youth Worship....................7:00 PM ~ Nursery Provided for All Services ~ S First Baptist Chu rck -Welcomes Vou "Embracing the Past and Reaching Toward the Future." Comer of NE Second St. and Highway 26 in Trenton (Nursery provided for all services) Sunday School 9:45 AM (classes for all ages) Sunday Morning Worship & Children's Church 11 AM' Sunday Night Bible Study 6 PM Wednesday Nights: Awana 6`20 PM Youth Bible Study, Praise & Worship 6:30 PM Adult Bible Study & Prayer 7 PM DyNAMIC MINISTRIES FOR ALL AGES! Call 463-2038 for more information or www.fbctrentonfl.org Several churches in our area helped to' make the "Stay at Home Missions" a great suc- ,cess. Youth from Joppa Baptist Church, Bronson Road Baptist Church, First Baptist' Church' of Archer, and Fanning Springs Cbmmunitv Church were all in- volved with several community , .projects. '' Ayers had the privilege to have 10 of the youth from these churches to help us in our center. One-on-ones with the residents were the most important task for the youth to do. Nail care, te letter w writing, reading, .or just talking was an experience for both the youth and the resident. Participating in a craft, with the residents was exciting. Lofel) flower pens \ ere cre- ated to put out for use in the resident's rooms. Book shelves were gone through and orga- nized, closets were cleared of the junk we accumulate over se\ eral months. A shed \%as emptied and reorganized and repaired by the group. Plants were watered daily on both porches. Thank, you so much for \our help. We have to commend those churches that. participate in this Worthwhile program. i This was the second year we had the. youth groups here for their day camp. A privilege it was to work with the young, adults. Keeping. them all busy was a challenge in itself. Pizza was delivered on Wednesday for all that worked so hard for us.. Thank you to the churches for sharing their youth with us this '\eek. Friendships 'were made by young and old. We hope to see some of them come back as Junior Volunteers in the-future. Thank you again for all you. did for us here at Ayers. Any- one interested in volunteering at Ayers Health and Rehabilita- tion Center ma\ contact Helen Roberts on'Mondays and Anna Gilliam on \Vednesday s for an. orientation appointment at the acti iti department, (3521 463- 7101. " CHURCH NEWS | NIt. Horeb Baptist Church Will Be Hosting A Gospel Singing July 29th Mt Horeb Baptist Church will be hosting a Gospel singing on Saturday, July 29th at 7:00 p.m. " Our special guests will be Buck Lewis and The Broken Stones. We invite everyone tP come out and shoxw support as these. e Dr. Richard W. Wagner BOARD. CERTIFIED OPTOMETRIST 218 N. MAIN STREET (U.S. 19) CHIEFLAND, FL 32626 Dri OP dge AGER NEW & PREVIOUS PATIENTS WELCOME YOU ARE WELCOME AT PRISCILLA BAPTIST CHURCH 5509 S.W. County Road 232, Bell, Florida (Between Bell & Trenton 2.5 miles West of SR 129) . Sunday School...........................10:00 AM 4 Morning Worship................... 11:00 AM Evening Worship...................6:00 PM Wednesday Night Prayer/Youth...7:30 PM Be a part of an exciting time of Worship and Bible Study. Web: www.ForMinistry.com/USFLSOBCOPl3C1 We eliee "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof for correction, for instruction in righteousness:" ~ 2 Timothy 3:16 ewt ope jifamilp urt[ 4470 N.W. County Road 236 Bell, Florida 32619 1 Mile West of US-129- Service Times Pastor: 10:00 am Sunday School Rev. Lynn Wagner 11:00 am Sunday Morning Worship Office: 6:30 pm Wednesday Bible Study 386-935-4219 "In the beginning was the -Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us..." ~ John 1:1, 14 singing groups provide us with a good spirit filled gospel message in their music. Mt. Horeb Baptist Church is located on CR 340, just west of SR 47 in Gilchrist County. For more information please call (386) 454-5238. Fanning Springs Community Church Will Host Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University For Thirteen Weeks Fanning Springs Community Church will host Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace Uniersiti on Sunday nights from 6:00 p.m:-8: 00 p.m.- for 13 weeks beginning Sunday, 'August .27th Novem- ber, 19th. Orientation will be held -at Fanning Springs' Com- munity Church. on Sunday, July 30th at 6:00 p.m. and Sunday, August 6th at 6:00 p.m. Come find out holk to: Make a budget that you will understand and actually use, get out of debt and stay .that way,. communicate %% ith your spouse about' finances, invest with con- fidence. change your financial future. This will change Nour life. For more information, contact Robbin Vaughn at Fanning Springs Community Church at 463-2602. Remember Our Troops God hears the prayers of the righteous. The importance of. praying for e% er. one % ho comes to mind is a special job of all those who love the Lord. As the war on terror continues, it is most necessary that we keep all military personnel in our prayers. especially those %%ho are in harm's way. Keeping the morale high. as well as staying focused should be our main concern for them as '%e at home pray. Take the job of praying seriously, and do so without ceasing for those of our county who are serving in, the Armed Forces. The following is a known list of those who are on act.e dut'. and \ ho either have a resi- 'dence herb or who'ate -elathves of someone who lives'here in 'Gilchrist Counts.'`(If you k6A6 of an active military personnel who, is riot listed, please contact the Gilchrist County Journal. so that person can be listed the next time this article is published). Clayton App, Kathy Ar- rington, Peter Belanger, Steen Calloway, Drew Cheatum,. Wayne Cheatum, Robert Dean, Jimmy Fletcher, Jr., Chris Geiger (Iraq), Jon Guz man (Af- ghanistan.i. Gary Hilliard, Mark Hilliard, Ste\ e Hilliard, Joe Hud- son, Heather Langston, Mathew Lightner (Germany), Michael Lightner (Okinawa, Japan), Matthew C. Lind, Rob Long, Katie Lovett, Jonathan Luchak, Gus Mauldin, Michael Mayo, Evan McQuistan, T.J. Miller, Mark Milton, Allen Murray, Ste- phen Reed, T.J.D Rush, Matthew Riordan, Donna Slayton, Donny Midway Church of Christ 5750 S.W. CR-232 Bell, Florida 32619 For Information: (352) 463-2057 Slaytpn, James Slayton, Jeffrey Solis (Iraq), Greg Turner. Justin Twigg (Iraq), Nathan Twigg, LaShonda White (Iraq), Wesley Wilson, Kyle'Worthington, and Daniel Wood (Iraq). Day Of Unity Plans Are Underway The Day of Unity Event will take place at the Train Depot Park in Chieflarid. The date set for this event is October 7, 2006. Participants now include Puppeis4Christ, Another Way. American Cancer Society, Red Cross, Manatee Springs State Park Lower Suwannee Refuge, U.S. .Army, U.S. Navy. U.S. Marines, Chiefland Ministerial Association. Charriber of Com- merce,' Levy County Humane Society. Habitat for Humanity, and many others. We are holding another orga- nizational meeting Jul\ 31st at 7:00 p.m. at Sunday's Coffee, House in Chiefland. This extent is for all of the Tri-Count) area.. We really need to, get groups of scouts, youth, and others involved in the planning. Vol- unteers are desperately needed to help organize the event, lend a hand in the clean-up taking place at 8:00 a.m., and other activities throughout the day. If you would like to participate please call Nyla Lockwood at (352) 490-8132.., SThe day. of Unity was de- signed to bring all the residents of Chiefland together as one body of brothers and sisters. Observations within this com- munity have led many to believe that to succeed and grow as a communitN. we need to embrace each 'other and. work .together UNITED in an effort to'improve our relationship as proud persons x\ho care about each other and the City of Chiefland, Florida. Our future as a successful com- munity depends on a team effort, % killing to work together without prejudices, and seek a %ision for all people %\ho reside in the City of Chiefland. Florida and future citizens as well New Life "-- Assembly of God 9579 US-129 S Trenton. Florida 463-7004 You can make a difference! I Services: Sunday School Praise &' \Worship'KidZone Evening Worship : Wedne.da,, Nigh Sen ice &' "The Place" I Youth 10am II am 6pm 7 pm Pastor:. Don & Jerri Lunsford Trenton United Methodist Church 1 9:30 aai m.Sunday School ' 11"00 am Morning Worship Service 6:00 pm Wednesday Bible Study Nursery provided 9-12 Sunday Aforning 203 N.E. Second Street., Trenton, Office: 463-2877 Rev. H.D. "Hank" Cribb, Sr. BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH "Committed to living and sharing the message of God's love." Bible Study 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship 11 a.m. & 7 p.m. Prayer & Discipleship Wed. 7 p.m. I # Y' Youth Praise & Worship Wed.,6:30 p.m. Awana Program Wed. 6:30 p.m. 352-463-2028 . Pastor e-mail: bethelit@bellsouth.net. Ralph Rodriguez www.backtobethel.org Topics Include: Sunday (10 am) Psalms 119:11 (11 am) Nehemiah's Plan for Church Growth (7:30 pm) Heaven Monday The Spirit of Christ Tuesday Benefits of Suffering Wednesday The Compassion of Christ Thursday Caleb: Faithful Optimism Friday Repentance Paine Four The young adults helped to organize paperwork as part of the "Stay at Home Missions" visit. "Stay At Home Missions" Visit Ayers Health And Rehabilitation Center We Welcome You To Mt. Nebo Baptist Church (sBC) 4200 N.W. CR-34Q, Bell, FL 32619 (3 miles North of Bell on Hwy-340 West) Sunday School .....9:45 am- Morning Worship. 11 am Evening Worship ............................ 6 pm Wednesday Evening' Services: Adult Bible Study, Children, & Youth... 7 pm. Pastor: Rev. Jimmy Corbin Minister of Youth: Matt Holtsclaw Church Phone: 386-935-3575 "Committed to Reachilng Peoplejor Christ" 352-493-4448 - r. Wagner Katie Ho TOMETRIST OFFICE MAN, * Same or Next-Day Appointments Available SBlue Cross & Blue Shield/PPC and Medicare Provider YOU ARE INVITED TO A Ken Leach of Sun City, Arizona with Services 10 am, 11 am & 7:30 pm Sunday 7:30 pm Nightly X a6,-, x uui I lc-, mgff-dlbl ANEFT"-11R, mq TT-TI I U AY iTT L, .,u0.- C /HII glvvvT ONT RNL a-ge Five fJOiltus CrofPIf Quil &CfL s 00 P CI IaeCPs Elaine Nemreth and Cathy Strom are tickled pink over lho great their joint effort in Swedish Weaving "Mickey" turn out. They had no pattern to goi y, just talent. MEN, ,rWOMEN' Hair Expressions WOMEN CHILDREN'SC byDebeCUTS Men's Haircut.: $8 Women's Hairdut: $13 Unlimited Tanning: $20/month, Phone (Matrix & Redken) 472-1482 Wolfe Tanning Bed -- (High Output Bulbs) 8897'SE66th-CiFcle PECIaLIZIN IN COLOR Trenton, Florida 32693 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE Monday Friday ~ 10 am 6 pm Appointments & Saturday ~ 10 am 3 pm Walk-Ins Welcome Akins Heating & AC, Inc. 5120 N.W. 5th Street. . Bell, Florida 32619 352-463-2380 *. Servicing All Makes & Models * Specializing in High Efficiency Units Indoor Air Quality Products* Call us today to ask about an additional powercompany rebate of up to $350. ^.-S "^ License#CAC1813540 LENN*,, Well, don't say I didn't warn you...'cause I sure enough did. I was in Wal-Mart Friday...July 21st...which when I was a'kid was considered, summer. Not so anymore. Bathing suits, swimming pools, garden "stuff" .and almost everything that even hinted at being "summerish" was on sale to make room for back- to-school paraphernalia...back packs, notebooks, crayons, reams of notebook paper, etc.,. etc., etc. When I was a kid June was just a hint of what was yet to come. Summer really didn't get off the ground until the fourth of July. July %was playing in the hose, going to the A&W root beer stand, doubld'dip ice cream cones, and sneaking chunks of ice off the ice %wagon %while the ice man carried blocks of ice to houses w ith cardboard signs in the window saying how much the ice box needed. Jul\ oozed into August \\here. we languished on porch swings in the everung sipping on tall glasses of ice cold lemonade watching fireflies ",'and even catching a few. We'd put them 1it' next to our beds in glass jars ed. w-ith holes punched in the lids. All night they'd flicker off and- on like a lamp with bad % tiring, School didn't start until after Labor Da\ so we still had oodles of time to think of school sup- plies. new\ teachers, and nights spent doing homework. For no\\ we could listen to the radio...Amos and Andy, Fibber McGee and, Molly, the Green 'Hornet. ITLove A Mystery and all the great shows. , But, not so now.. Everyone with school-aged kids is doing the back to school shuffle. What to buy...what, to wear...what to say yes to...what to say no to...it's enough to drive a moth-' er, oh yes. it's almost always Mom's job, to eat a half gallon of ice cream in one sitting. But, for most of our Joy- ful Hearts we can sit back, sip .,our .,ie ,,tea or coffee, smile and say...been there and done ;i that...and how,: .did -we' ,do !it without credit cards and cell phones? So when eighteen Joyful Hearts met on Wednesday, July 19th, the last thing on our minds was back-to-school shopping. ' Our club quilt is :finished and looked quite cheerful hanging up for everyone to admire. One. of the other quilt tops finished was laid out to be tied so folks could learn just how to go about that. Elaine Nemeth, Paulene Martin, Diana Lynn, and Cathy Strom finished the whole thing off in no time. They were all laughing, and giggling so much that when they finished I said it-was appro- priate to say they had really tied one on....the quilt that is. Alice Binns, Heidi Kamnp, and eventually Cathy Strom busied themselves with their Swed- ish weaving. Bonnie Edwards planned to work on hers but couldn't seem to get it in gear. SLera Townsend, Ann Taylor and I all worked on our embroi- dery. It sure seems to go slow but let's face it, there's' a lot of chit-chat going on. Marvine Deer kept herself busy cutting more squares for lap robes. I believe we have about thirty finished. Our goal was fifty so we should not only reach it but exceed it. Matty Turner, Myrle Gilkey, and Ruth Wilkerson were all cro- cheting while Barbara Myrick worked her lap quilt square. Mary Lou Ryder, Barbara Strom, Ann Mangone, and I Believe Evelyn Wood quilted on the one on the frame. Our next club quilt is going to be "Joy- ful Hearts." The background squares will be a light lavender and everyone will design their own square(s) using some sort of heart...crocheted, embroi- dered, appliqued, whatever your "heart" desires, so to speak. If you're up to date with your lap quilt square, which I'm not, you should be finishing up July's "Split Nine Patch" and ready to start August's Contrary Wife. Our next "Make It and Take It" which has been changed to "Make It and Give It" will be Wednesday, July 26th. The next regular meeting will be Wednes- day, August 2nd. We hope to see some of you that have been AWOL at that meeting. We had two July birthdays Barbara Myrick and Leona I Wirta. Leona was not present and Barbara left early, without a word, so we didn't have anyone to sing to but we sure ate their chocolate fudge nut cake...with ice cream of course. As usual, we had grace, ate, cleaned up, and drifted out in the stifling heat and headed home. We have so much for which to be thankful and 'the rain we've had of late has truly been a blessing. Even though we all want all of it to fall on our place we are grateful it's falling anywhere....praise the Lord. . And speaking of .being thankful...through the years God has blessed me %with so many wonderful and dear friends that have enriched my life in so many wavs and Evelyn Wood is one of them. When I first met E\ ely n, after we bought "A Quiet Place," she was my nature encyclopedia Whatever flower, berry, bush, bird, snake, insect, butterfly, critter, 'etc. I came across,' Ev- elyn knew what it ~N as, where it !ied, and what it ate. She made mistern dishes and was alhwals willing to share. She shared her craft ideas, her quilting talents, her time and her faith. Eyelyn is so interesting and has led an interesting life. She and her siblings xere born in Africa and I believe she \\as about. twelve or thirteen when she came to the United States. He parents were missionaries as were their parents The other side of her family ntee is quite artistic and it has been passed on to Evelyn and others in the family. Evelyn also %%rites quite well and has great stories to share. What she shared %%ith us on W\ednesda', was a lovely old quilt made by her \ery talented grandmother Each square holds an appliqued flower that her grandmother drew the pat- terns for. The quilt was coin- pleted in 1934. You can feel the 'love that went into each stitch. She gave the quilt to Evelyn as a wedding gift. She also shared with us the most' exquisite paintings' and drawings done by lher grand- mother. She. worked in oils. ink, watercolor...evertihing. The ones that depicted chil- dren's nursery rhymes were beyond description. We thank you. Evelyn, for sharing such precious pieces and memories from your child- hood. It is a blessing that God, brings others into our-lives to wea\e together the threads of our experiences making a warm blanket of friendship to wrap ourselves in when the world seems cold and lonely. We are blessed indeed. 'Til next time. A Joyful Heart Marilyn Runde Socials Happy Birthday wishes .to Ryan Hudson, Helen Harwood, Heidi Davis, Kathy Park, Mike Myers, Sr., Harry. Summers, Judi Bishop, and Juliette Boyer on July 27th, to James Johnson,' Patricia Haire, Jean Johnson. Christie Diana Nguyen, Carl Coasts and Kenneth Crosby on July 28th, to Wesley Belanger. Angela Thrash, Lynette Lang- ford, Charles Harris and Chad Br6oks on July 29th, to Jariod Langford, Kermit Lee Prime. Jr., Cassie Langford, Carrie Lang- ford, Wayne Lord. Billy Smith, and Mary.Jo Jeske on July 30th, to Daphine Jenkins, Sylita Da- vis, Danny Busby, Gary Ford, Madisson Blue Jones, Barbara Hendrickson, Aleta Sheffield, and Tim Mahoney on July 31st. to Amianda Brock, Clifton BTr - ant, Jennifer 'Ward, and Jason Ward on August 1st, to Beth Ellis., Raymond Avery. Janie Davis, Andre%\ Nguyen. Charles Ferris. and Becca Smith on Au- gust 2nd. Happy Anniversary wishes to Loren and Kelly Downing on July 27th. to Mr. and Mrs. John Avers. and Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Nlikell on July 28th. Bluegrass Pickin At The Trenton Train Depot On Saturday. July 29th, 7:00 p.m. at the Trenton Train Depot. will be- the Suwannee Valley Bluegrass'monthly Pickin. At 7: 00 p.m. various Bluegrass Bands will begin planing, so bring your bluegrass band or come and hear some of the best Bluegrass in North Florida. Don't forget to bring your lawn chair and enjoy Great Bluegrass Music from 7" 00 p.m. till? , Oh,"there is, plenty of room to sit around and jam outside, so you might want to bring your- oldflat top or. banjo or what er you play and sit around and pick. Come on out and enjoy a great night of good ol1' time fun. If you have any questions please call (352) 284-0668 and ask for Cloud. See ya there! : Woodland Signs Now at the Journal S(352)- 463-7135 David Miller (Duke) LANG for Gilchrist County Court Judge Group 1I PROFESSIONAL: * Member Florida Bar. * Member of the City, County and Government Law Section of the Florida Bar. * Member of the Florida Municipal Attorneys Association. * Member of the Eighth Judicial Circuit Bar Association. * Former Mayor-Commissidner of the City of Trenton, Florida. * Owner of General Private Law Practice in Trenton, Florida since 1994, regularly representing clients throughout the Eighth and Third Judicial Circuits particularly in Gilchrist, Levy, Dixie, Alachua, and Columbia counties, handling such diverse matters as various types of civil cases, landlord-tenant cases, estate and probate cases, family law, real estate litigation and closings, and some criminal actions. * City Attorney for the City of Trenton, Florida since 1995. * Town Attorney for the Town of Bell, Florida since 2001. * Vast range of experience and knowledge in dealing with legal matters directly affecting our citizens at the local level, including municipal ordinances, quasi-judicial hearings and comprehensive planning and local zoning issues. * Numerous Pro Bono hours provided to deserving clients. EDUCATION: * Graduate of Trenton High School. * Graduate. of Lake City Community College with an'Associate of Arts Degree. * Graduate of the Florida State University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Government. * Graduate of the Thomas M. Cooley Law School, Lansing, Michigan, with a Juris Doctor Degree. Waylon, James Rodgers %k1lo y qw& g#e/ Jesse and Crystal Rodgers of Trenton are proud to announce the birth of their son, Waylon James on Wednesday, June 28, 2006. at North Florida.Regional Women's Center. He %weighed seen pounds, five ounces and measured 19 inches in length. Maternal grandparents are John and Nanc< Clark of Tren- ton. Paternal grandparents are Joyce and Paul Lebel of Deltona, and Kaye Cariiste of Trenton and the late Kenny Carlisle. - Maternal great-grandparents are Ann Blitch of Bronson, the late Henry and Dora Blitch, and the late Gilbert and Stella Clark. Paternal great-grandparents are the late Charles and Jacqueline Campbell. J JOHN YENCHO S' I HOUSE PLANS I -YOUR DESIGN OR MINE~ NEW HOMES / REMODELING 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE TRENTON, FLORIDA 352-463-7282 Inds-ey Land Clearing Site Prep Inc., Fill Dirt & Limerock Site Prep & Pad Building I* Land Clearing Driveways Licensed & Insured 352-463-6125 or 352-535-5731 ASSOCIATIONS: * Member Gilchrist County Chamber of Commerce. * Member Gilchrist County and Florida .Cattlemen's Association. * Member Florida State University Alumni Association. * Member Florida State University Seminole Boosters. * Active supporter, contributor, and coach with Suwannee Valley Leagues, Inc.. * Supporter of the Suwannee River Fair and Livestock Show. * Member AARP. * Member William T. Carlton Lodge Number 46. * Member Suwannee River Shrine Club. * Past Member of the Gilchrist County Elections Canvassing Board. * Attend Trenton First Baptist Church. PERSONAL AND FAMILY: * 51 years of age. * Married to Carol (Parrish) Lang. * Two children, "Allie" who is 12 years old and in the seventh grade at Trenton Middle School, and."Mill" who is 9 years old and in the fourth grade at Trenton Elementary School. * I am the son of Miller Lang, who served as Gilchrist County Judge until his retirement, and Marie (Slaughter) Lang who was secretary at Trenton High School until her retirement. "/I believe in spending quality time with family and being personally involved in my family 's activities. I also be- lieve in courtesy, respect, and impartial treatment for all under the law, holding steadfast to the knowledge that the County Court is truly the people's court, and I will faith- fully and impartially perform the duties of this important office if elected. " Political advertisement paid for and approved by David Miller (Duke) Lang, nonpartisan, for County Court Judge Group 1 GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Page Five THURSDAY. JULY 27. 2006- - Page Six uL-M., 3 a x *_u, N I..IUIP - Miriam Betty Susan Overstreet Roberson Hudson Celebrates Her 80th Birthday Our Mom, Grandma, Aunt, Niece, Cousin and friend Has been blessed by God with 80 years of living, So let the celebration begin! She was born and raised in Levy County, The sweetest place on earth. She's traveled enough around the country To learn how much her home is worth. She raised her four children here, Sam and Alice, Anna and Bill. They've given her 11 grand- kids, And the great-grands are com- ing still! So please come and say "Hap- py Birthday!' Share a memory, a tear, a smile. Your presence will be her presents. Stop in and visit her awhile.. Sunday, July 30th from 2:00 Bell Purple. Powerhouse Band Boosters To Have Their First Meeting Of The Year on August 3rd Bell's Purple Powerhouse Band Boosters will have, their first meeting of the year on Thursday, August., 3rd at 7:00 p.m. in the Band Room. This is a great opportunity Shown is Bethl Hudson in her 1944 prom dress. p.m. until 4:00 p.m., the Tommy Usher Center, Highway 345 South, Chiefland. . to become a part of the excit- ing support group of ihe Purple Powerhouse Band! We will be discussing ideas for upcoming furdraisers, laying put plans for the future competitions (as far as chaperoning and volunteers needed). getting ready for our first home game of the year, set- ting up committees, you name it. Parents, relatives, guardians, we need all of you to help make this organization a success. This organization supports your band student, we need you. There are several different kinds of mem- berships, for instance a "parent" membership is $10 per year, which gives you voting provi- leges. So come to the August 3rd meeting and join us in sup- porting our Purple Powerhouse Band Program. If you have any questions, you now also have an easy access to get those answers directly. the Purple Powerhouse Band is now on the World Wide Web. The Bell Band is now on line. Check us out for all your band informa- tion needs at: http://www.purple powerhouseband.org Debbie Norton-Aronowicz, President Purple Powerhouse Band Boosters and Officers College-Bound High School Students Should Register For Act Exam By. August 18th The next ACT test will be administered on September 16, 2006. College-bound high school students who wish to take the exam. must register by August 18th the deadline for having the registration postmarked. There is a late registration postmark deadline of August 25th, but an extra fee is charged for late reg- istrarions. Students can register online at www.actstudent.org, or registration forms can be picked up at high school guidance coun- seling offices., : . The cost is $29 for the tradi-, tional ACT and $43 for students who choose to take the optional ACT Writing Test. Some col- leges require a writing score but many don't, so students should find out the requirements of pro- spective colleges before regis-' tering for the exam. ACT scores are accepted by virtually all U.S. colleges and universities, includ- ing all Ivy League schools. ACT's website (www.actstudent.org) has help- ful information, sample tests and the opportunity to order inex- 'pensive test prep materials. Forget past mistakes. Forget. failures. Forget everything except what you're going to do now and do it. William Durant Meet The School Board Candidates On August 2nd The Gilchrist County School Board Candidates invite the public to attend a get-acquainted social at Akin's BarBQ in Bell. The event will be held from 5: 30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on August 2nd. This is an opportunity for 'the voters to ask questions and have their concerns heard by the next School Board members of Gilchrist County. So come out and meet. the School Board Candidates. Bell Purple Powerhouse Band Camp To Be July 31st and August 4th Bell's Purple Powerhouse Band Camp begins Monday, July 31st, promptly at 9:00 a.m. in the band room. Baind Camp Packets were sent out on July 10th, if you have not received yours, please call 463-4111 and/or show up on MondaN. July 31st at 9:00 a.m. All flag team members are also required to at- tend this camp. The camp .will be a closed campus, meaning-no one. will leave the campus until band camp is over-that means bring your lunch and dinner, and all necessities as outlined in \our Band Camp Packet! Schedule will be as follows- Monday. July 31st-Thursday, August 3rd, :9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Marching Basic and block 12:00 p.m.-12:30 p.m. Lunch ,. 12:30 p.m.-2:45 p.m, Music Rehearsal 2:45 p.m.-3:00 p.m. Break-out to the practice field 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Marching/learning drill 5:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Light dinner 5:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Marching/learning drill' Friday, August 4th Immediately after school until 5:00 p.m. Marching/learning drill 5:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Light dinner 5:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m., Marching That's all for now! We'll keep you posted. Debbie Norton-Aronowicz, President Purple Powerhouse Band Boosters www.purplepowerhouseband. i. or FHP Driver License And Vehicle Inspection Checkpoints The Florida Highway Patrol will be conducting driver license and vehicle inspection check- points during the following dates: August 1-31 2006. These checkpoints vill only beheld at the following locations, in the following counties: Dixie Cha'ousRd.CR55A, SR 349. CR 349. CR 351, CR 358, Willow Hole Rd " Gilchrist SR 26 SR 49, SR 47, CR 138. SE 70"' Ave. CR 232. CR 340. CR 341 Lafayette SR 20. SR 51. SR 53. SR 349 Levy SR 24, SR 45. SR 49. SR 121. SR 500. CR 320, CR 3339, CR 341. CR 345. CR337. CR 335. CR316, CR 464. CR 323, CR 326 Troopers will focus on vehi- cles that are being operated with defects and violations such as: worn / unsafe tires, bad brakes, improper window tinting, cracked / broken windshields, unsecured loads, and defective. lighting. In addition, attention will be directed to violations of: driver license laws, motor ve- hicle registration laws, non-use- of seatbelts and motor vehicle insurance requirements. The Florida Highway Patrol has found these checkpoints to, be an effective method of en- forcing state laws, which relate to the safe and legal operation of motor vehicles. Checkpoints. will only be conducted between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Home Schooler News Attention Home Schoolers!, Are you looking for inexpensive ways to obtain teaching materi- als, such as workbooks and stu- dent desks? Such are available by calling either one of the fol- lowing ladies...Mrs. Carla Butler at (352) 498-0778 or Mrs. Car- leena Sherrill at (352) 498-3968. They have a limited amount of workbooks and desks available,. so it's first come, first served, but you'll need to make an appoint- ment to see what is available. Surprise! All resources are FREE for the asking! Location: Horseshoe Beach. Advertise Your Yard Sale In The Gilchrist County Journal At 463-7135 IRON-FREE WELL WATER COMPANY, INC. Taking Iron Out Of Your Water Every Day' 1-800-437-1128 Or visit us at: www.iron-free.com **' See our ad in Classified section of this newspaper'" /^ .- ----- ------ Forever Flowers & Gifts 352-463-9176 S* 0or1 Toll Free 1-866-261-7986 'www.foreverflowerstrenton.com "Your Full Service Florist" "21/ East Wade Street Trenton. Florida 32693 Fresh & Silk Arrangements Funerals 'Weddings Rentals Plants Prayer Box Bracelets Mommy & Me Bracelets MaggiB. Purses Texas Leather Purses & Men s Willets Baby Camo Large Selection of Picture Frames Hours. ^" 1j |J ^ NIM-F 9am 5pm Sat. 9am 12pm Te6ef|lora Laura Teague /Charlotte Pedersen Owners NOTICE OF PROPOSED TAX INCREASE The Gilchrist County School District will soon consider a measure to increase its property tax levy. Last year's property tax levy A. Initially proposed tax levy B. Less tax reductions due to Value Adjustment Board and other assessment changes C. Actual property tax levy This year's proposed property tax levy $ 3,714,791.00 $ 24,520.00 $ 3,690,271.00 $ 4,563,695.00 A portion of the tax levy is required under state law in order for the school board to receive $13,280,394 in state education grants. The required portion has increased by 14.54 percent, and represents approximately six tenths of the total proposed taxes. The remainder of the taxes is proposed solely at the discretion of the school board. All concerned citizens are invited to a public hearing on the tax increase to be held on Tuesday, August 1, 2006, at 5:15 p.m. at the Gilchrist County School Board Meeting Room located at 310 NW 11th Avenue, Trenton, Florida 32693. A DECISION on the proposed tax increase and the budget will be made at this hearing. Pole Barns Crane Service STruss Setting 18-in Auger (352) 543-6643 P. O0. Box 218 Otter Creek, Florida 32683 - ; -,Lic. No. RB0031694 NOTICE OF TAX FOR SCHOOL CAPITAL OUTLAY The School Board of Gilchrist County will soon consider a measure to continue to impose a 2.000 mill property tax for the capital outlay projects listed herein. The tax is in addition to the school board's proposed tax of 5.792 mills for operating expenses and is proposed solely at the discretion of the school board. THE PROPOSED COMBINED SCHOOL BOARD TAX INCREASE FOR BOTH OPERATING EXPENSES AND CAPITAL OUTLAY IS SHOWN IN THE ADJACENT NOTICE. The capital outlay tax will generate approximately $1,112,810 to be used on the following projects: CONSTRUCTION AND REMODELING Trenton High School Remodeling and Renovation (Board Office Remodeling) MAINTENANCE, RENOVATION, AND REPAIR Roof Repairs Miscellaneous Maintenance, Renovation, and Repair at Various Sites MOTOR VEHICLE PURCHASES Purchase of Four (4) School Buses NEW AND REPLACEMENT EQUIPMENT School Furniture and Equipment PAYMENTS OF LOANS APPROVED PURSUANT TO SS. 1011.14 and 1011.15, F.S. SunTrust PAYMENT OF COSTS OF LEASING RELOCATABLE EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES Relocatables at the Various School Sites All concerned citizens are invited to a public hearing to be held on Tuesday, August 1, 2006, 5:15 P.M. at Gilchrist County School Board Meeting Room 310 N.W. 11th Avenue, Trenton, Florida A DECISION on the proposed CAPITAL OUTLAY TAXES will be made at this hearing. THURSDAY, JULY 27, 2006 (WT (T-T-PTPT (-C)TTNTV TOTTRNAT, 0.1-< I TH D YJULY 27.2006 VO V ..R..............NA.PageSeve BUDGET SUMMARY GILCHRIST COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD THE PROPOSED OPERATING BUDGET EXPENDITURES OF THE GILCHRIST COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD ARE 11.77% MORE THAN LAST YEAR'S TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES FISCAL YEAR 2006-07 Proposed Millage Levy: Local Effort Discretionary 5.032 0.510 Supplemental Discretionary Capital Outlay 0.250 2.000 TOTAL MILLAGE: SPECIAL CAPITAL TOTAL ALL ESTIMATED REVENUES GENERAL FUND REVENUE DEBT SERVICE PROJECTS FUNDS Tederal Sources 90,000.00 2,181,175.00 2,271,175.00 State Sources 17,352,805.50 23,569.00 185,325.00 1,566,592.80 19,128,292.30 Local Sources 3,482,699.00 583,182,00 1,197,810.00 5,263,691.00 TOTAL SOURCES 20,925,504.50 2,787,926.00 185,325.00 2,764,402.80 26,663,158.30 Transfers in 308,922.37 50,000.00 358,922.37 Fund Balance (July 1, 2006) 1,128,669.01 67,980.38 112,464.73 558,489.22 1,867,603.34 TOTAL REVENUES & BALANC 22,363,095.88 2,905,906.38 297,789.73 3,322,892.02 28,889,684.01 EXPENDITURES ______ _____ 4% A 0A 0% 9% N. 0% 0% v- A% ,M. A Instruction Pupil Personnel Services Instructional Media Services Instruction & Curriculum Service., Instructional Staff Training Instruction Related Technology Board of Education General Administration School Administration Facilities Acquisition & Construct Fiscal Services Food Service CMM ~ " Pupil Transportation Service Operation of Plant Maintenance of Plant Administrative Technology Servik Community Services 12,132,766.42 1,028,411.06 345,420.75 419,956.00 50,969.00 160;687.00 250,823.00 303,024.00 1,292,930.87 188,888.93 325,730.00 1,100,594.00 2,575,608.00 719,527.00 5,250.00 37,600.00 817,490.12 327,197.54 105,400.00 66,063.10 28,268.24 5,000.00 1,400,014.00 52,000.00, 1,550.00 885,491.41! I 11 1 R t In n) VY. ?,4bb, u'M000' 12,950,256.54 1,355,608.60 345,420.75 525,356.00 117,032.10 160,687.00 250,823.00 331,292.24 1,297,930.87 1,074,380.34 325,730.00 1,400,014.00 .,;Q'^9t "1019n9 .Q 2,577,158.00 719,527.00 5,250.00 37,600.00 "20A A, n C42 A -nf% n %A If%" r5I Debt Service 8,69U.6 Z10,Iu.U oI,I u. TOTAL EXPENDITURES 21,156,205.03 2,823,818.00 178,696.63 1,555,981.41 25,714,695.07 TRANSFERS OUT 50,000.00 6,634.37 302,288.00 358,922.37 Fund Balance (June 30, 2007) 1,156,890.85 82,088.38 112,464.73 1,464,622.61 2,816,066.57 TOTAL EXPENDITURES, TRANSFERS & BALANCES 22,363,095.88 2,905,906.38 297,789.73 3,322,892.02 28,889,684.01 THE TENTATIVE, ADOPTED, AND/OR FINAL BUDGETS ARE ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED TAXING AUTHORITY AS A PUBLIC RECORD. HISTORICAL SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL AND DEMOGRAPHIC DATA TEN YEAR SUMMARY, 1995-96, 2000-2001 AND 2005-06 Total Government Revenues $30 $25 $24.14 0 $20 $1.B'' - t 14.58 i $10 $5 1995-1996 2000-2001 2005-2006 Fiscal Year Unweighted FTE 2,800 .. ,,, . ,, 2,76 ..9 2,700 L 2,650 2,600 -8782 S2,550 I 2500 2,483 62 5 2,450 2,400 .[7 2,350 2,306 1995-1996 2000-2001 2005-2006 Fiscal Year Total Operating Revenues $25 $20 E $15 C 1 $10 S$5 1995-1996 2000-2001 Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Total Current Operating Revenues per Unweighted FTE $8,000 $7,000 $8.42964 - m $6,000 $5.23205 , $5,000 -- _ $4,000 " c $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $- 1995-1996 2000-2001 2005-2006 Fiscal Year Total Capital Projects Revenues $2.50 " $2.00 E $1.50 $1.00 & $0.50 1995-1996 2000-2001 Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Total Employees 400 I57R 350 300 288 250 E 200 150 1- 100 50 1995-1996 2000-2001 2005-2006 Fiscal Year Total Instructional Employees 300 250 a 250 225 200 13 .. 150 S 100 . 50 1995-1996 2000-2001 2005-2006 Fiscal Year 7.792 Page Seven . THURSDAY, JULY 27, 2006 GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL 11 !.' 'n- ^r- ArIfn nnr I '~---- I LOG CABIN QUILTERS _ . What an artist Pat Osowiecki is when it comes to appliquinm lighthouses. It takes time to find the right fabric and then mor time to complete a quilt or wall hanging. Log Cabin Quilters Log. Cabin Quilters met- Thursday, July 20th at the Levy County Quilt Museum. Quilting went on the Log Cabin and Dres-' den Plate but several took care of boxes of crafts, fabric, and. what have you that was brought in. We have so much given to us and each member can make what she is best at. We appreci- ate all that comes in. Some won- der why we sell for the upkeep of the museum but all it takes is our time. Sometimes we start projects and wonder when it will Sbe finished and then one day we have it all done. We had 14 ladies from Crystal River, come up and spend time with us. They brought all kinds of food and with our pot luck we had. a great day. u There will be an auction here sometime ini August. We'll let you know more about it later. We did this for a year when we were building the Museum. . Greg and six boys were out Tuesday to do so much. We know it. won't be long until the grass will stop growing but we will always need them out here. Rudd 100% Cypress Mulh/Chips 8 yds $125-4 yds.n$7 F, 352-538-5098 Engineered Trusses Trenton, Florida 352-463-8400 Freeman Plumbing Now Has a Service Van Available To Handle Your Plumbing Needs. Residential & Commercial Service Work & New Construction, Additions, Remodeling, Etc. (352) 498-0703 (352) 493-3801 (352) 210-0062 LICENSED INSURED FREE ESTIMATES Walter Freeman -IT 1 State Certified Master Plumber Accepting Major #CFC057595 Credit Cards Lunch was so good with chicken and dumplings, deviled eggs, tomatoes and okra, deviled eggs, chicken salad, deviled eggs, sweet potato casserole, deviled eggs, lots of salads, dev- iled eggs, brownies, pies, fruit and deviled eggs. There were 14 members, 16 visitors present. Winnelle Home From The Desk of the Superintendent Congratulations to all of our. schools for earning the des- ignation of "A" schools. Our students, teachers, support staff, and administrators 'combined' their efforts to become the first school district .in Florida for all of its schools to earn "A's.", Gilchrist schools, over the.years, . have been recognized for our academic excellence. Teachers, administrators, superintendents, and school board members, past g and present, have had a hand . e in this achievement and, need . to be recognized afid thanked. Gilchrist school boards have always been proactive and sup- ported our schools in "thinking outside the box."' Our schools are known for being the first to use many teaching -innovations and for a wide variety of techni- cal and academic programs. 'For earning all "A's", our, schools will receive $203,000 in School Recognition dollars. This will be di\ ided among our teachers and staff.' Congratula- tions!!! While our teachers labor in- tensely in the classroom, the at- tainment of being the NUMBER ONE school district in Florida was a team effort. Each and 'every department worked hard to fulfill its mission of support- ing student.achievement. I want to thank" each of them for their efforts e, transportation' 6Qd Services, Management Infor- mation Systems, Human Re- sources, Technology, Finance, Maintenance, District Support, Personnel, and our school, based support personnel. Thank you for your dedication and hard work in supporting our students. Another group that deserves a pat on the back is our PAR- ENTS. Thank you for support- ing our teachers: and adminis- . trators in their efforts to help your child. With the opening of school only a few days away, we will again need your help. It is critically important that your child be in school; A child that misses 10 days of school loses about 65 hours of instruction. Please try to schedule all doctor and dentist appointments after school. Please make sure that your child gets eight hours of sleep each night, and has a good breakfast to start the day. We encourage you to contact your child's teachers or administra- tors when you have, questions about your child's performance. Woodham's Garage Complete Automotive Service ASE Certified Mechanics 15391 N.W. Hwy-19 Chiefland Halfway between Chiefland and Fanning Springs. 352-493-2904 SOther Major Credit Cards l PageEight umouxuox ovuns a avumum I tion about this event or would like to participate in this event please contact Donna Creamer at PWW (352) 463-3467. We need RSVP's by August 25, 2006 The. 'Gilchrist County Char- acter trait for the month of July presented by the Character First Council is: "Teacher" ... (defini- tion) Imparts wisdom, matu- rity, and skill to others." We expect your child to behave while at school. The numbers of students par- ticipating in our technical-vo- cational programs substantially increased this year. Academic expectations are the same as in our college-bound programs. It is very important that all students graduate with read- ing, writing, math, and science skills if they are to find jobs in a world economy that is highly competitive. Research shows that students in technical fields must have a higher reading abil- ity than those in a college bound program. Our,students 'will have two new programs to. choose from' this coming school, year. At, Bell High, we will open a new Practical Careers Academy, and at Trenton High, we will open the Engineering & Construction Academy. Added to our current array of academies and technical programs, this gives our high school students a broad choice. For a school district with only 750 students in grades 9-12, this is tremendous. Our district has always, in- vested in technology for our- classrooms. This year we, asked a team of teachers to, at- tend 'a technology conference and put together a "Wish" list of what it would take to make our classrooms technology friendly. All of the new tech- nology had to support increased student achievement. The team proposed a three year plan and presented it to the School Board. The Board approved the plan, and the new equipment has been ordered. We hope it will ambe in time to be installed in our classrooms before school starts. One important component the teachers wanted was increased training in the use of technol- og) in presenting their lessons. This training has been arranged, and in addition we will add two Teacher Training Centers for, our staff. The first one will be at Bell High. and will be in use this % ear. The second will be at Trenton High, and will be ready next school year. Both will be used by all of our employ ees for training and for personal'devel- opment. , Last year we started a' 90% Reading Initiative in our Pre k' 3 classrooms. The results wer^ great. This Initiative was sup'- ported by the Superintendent's Gala, which was held in Octo- ber, and raised $15,000 to sup- port bur young readers. Please make plans now to attend and supporti the Superintendent's Gala in October 2006, and again help our young readers. Buddy Vickers, Superintendent Home 386-935-2333 Cell 352-221-4673 JAMERSON-SHEFFIELD POST 91 P.O. Box 559 TRENTON. FLORIDA 32693 352-463-1501 MEETS 3RD THURSDAY www.Re-ElectJudgeEdPhilman.com Political advertisement paid for and approved by Edward (Ed) Philman, nonpartisan, for Gilchrist County Court Judge, Group 1 NEWBERRY POST 149. P. Q. Box 1 NEWBERRY, FLORIDA 32669 352-472-6125 MEETS: 1ST TUESDAY' www.gilchristcounty.com The Chamber Corner The Gilchrist County Cham- ber of Commerce would like to introduce and welcome out newest Members to the Cham- ber of Commerce. MC's Arts and Woodwork, Owner Libby Ripley. Libby graduated from Trenton High School and is a native of our community. The\ do custom framing making their own frames, build custom furni- ture, specialize in new antiques, they work with wood burning. Indian motif, decorative' cow skulls, deer horns, and spe- cialtN items. To see for yourself visit them at 823 E. Wade St, Trenton. You can contact them at (352) 463-1207 or email to: meartswdwkida' bellsouth.net B&T Enterprises Owners Flo- ra Brock and Jessie Taylor both are natives of the Tri-County area. B&T Enterprises is a full' service Bookkeeping and Tax service, offering wills / Living. wills,, Powers Of Attorney, etc, They can also form LLC's or Corporations for your business. B&T Enterprises have been es- tablished since 2002, but they have recently moved to their new location at 823 E. Wade St, (SR 26) Trenton, across from Subway. For more information you can contact Flora or Jessie at (352) 463-1207, Fax: (352) 463-1200 or Email to: BTENTE RPRISES(%bellsouth.net Our next Chamber Mixer will be on Monday, August 21, 2006 Hosted by Riverland Mortgage Corporation Owners Bill Deen and Brenda Wilkerson located at 723 E. Wade Street, Trenton, be-' tween the houis of 5:00 p.m. 6: 30 p.m, If you are interested in hosting a Chamber Mixer please contact Maureen at the Chamber office M- F (352) 463-3467. PWW and the Chamber "Coaliti80h rillbe holding 'aTri- ,County Symposium at the Pine Grove' Baptist" 'Church, located on CR 339, on September 11, 2006. The one day event will offer some surprising ideas for teaming up in order to help develop some common goals in the tourism industry of our communities. The sessions will feature "How to maximize your Business and Unexpected Col- leagues" along with "Customer AMERICAN LEGION AIRS JUDGE PHILMAN WANTS TO SAY HELLO! FREE Picnic FREE Entry Ginnie Springs SPONSORS: Ginnie Springs Outdoors, LLC, Mark Wray & Supporters Re-Elect Judge Ed Philman Picnic Ginnie Springs Tuesday August 1, 2006 6:00 pm 8:30 pm Come on out to our picnic and shake hands with Ed! Dip your toes in the cool waters of Ginnie Springs while eating Burgers & Hotdogs with all the trimmings. Don't forget this is a Family Get Together, Have the Kids Bring A Swimsuit! FAIRNESS 0+0 R e-E ect J u de E Meet and Greet Sponsored by the Republican Executive Committee The Republican Executive Committee will host a Meet and Greet for all Republican and Non-Partisan Candidates on Friday, August 4 from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm at the Trenton Community Center. There will be complimentary hot dogs and hamburgers provided by the committee. Please join us for this informative gathering. Service/Hospitality" and "Know your Resources and Partners." The goal is to bring hotel/motel/ campground owners, restau- rants, outfitters, photographers, artists, gift shops, museums, and other tourism-related busi- nesses together to see how they can work together to benefit each other. Businesses in the Tri-County area will be receiv- ing this information in the mail very soon. There will be display areas for you to set up and show what you have to offer. Lunch will be provided as well. Each Chamber will be asking for donations of door prizes to be given out through out the day. If you would ,like more informa- THURSDAY, JULY 27, 2006 DQ-_~ lpi;~lk< I GTT C14R TPT CC)T TNTV TC)T TR N A 1, American Legion Airs For God and Country, we associate ourselves together for the following purposes: to foster and perpetuate a one hundred percent Americanism. These are more of the wordss from the American Legion Constitution's Preamble and one of the main aims of the American Legion. Americanism can be defined as: the attachment or allegiance to the traditions, interests, or ideals of the United States; also. a custom or trait peculiar to America; or een the political principles and practices essential to American culture; essentially the American \%ay of life On Thursday, July 20, Fourth District Vice-Commanders Jim Ramos and Wayne Gravely were joined by Third District Commander Gene Street in visiting Trenton's Post 91 and enjoying the spagheni dinner before the regular meeting. Vice-Commander Jim Ramos bnefed the Post members on the recent State Legion Contention and presented the Post with the new POW/MIA Poster for 2006 He also mentioned the Children and Youth Program of which he is Department Chairman and indicated that if the Post had any questions about this program to contact him. Third District Commander Gene Street won this year's Florida American Legion Press Association Press Book Award for his Post 383 Press Book entry. Commander Street offered to bring his book to Post 91 to show how it was done and to help them put together their own entry for next year. . n Fourth District Judge Advocate, Charlie Fidler. along with Fourth District Vice-Commanders Ramos and Gravely, assisted Fourth District Commander Ray Hall, of Post 58 Dunnellon. in the Installation of Officers at Post 284 in Belleview on Fnday night. Post 155 in, Crystal River on Sunday afternoon, and Post 16 in Gainesville on Wednesday night:. Next Sarurda%, the District staff will be at Post 58 in Duinnellon for their Installationof Officers. 'The Fourth Distrimct staff includes the District Sergeant-at-Arms, Marie Kraemer, District Chaplain Gerald MontgonierN and District Adjutant Robert Schmidt The -merican Legion Au.iliary staff is Pegg\ Hearlson. Fourth District President: Lynne Hall. District .'u\iliar Sergeani-at-A'rms;' Rita *McL.aughin''Disnrict Secretair'and 'l ar Montgomery, District Chaplan ill h an On Tuesday, August 1, at 7 00 PM, the Post 149 family \'l1 ha e an lnstallanon -:.f Officers, too Dinner begins shortly after 7.00 PM and the Post Family Installat-ons % ll begin night after dinner The District Staff. will install the Post Cfficers. Au.\liary and Sons of the .-merican Legion. All Legionnaires and Legion Family are iri\iied to attnenid this program and show support for :,our nev. Officers for this coming )ear Remember our Armed Forces all over the world each day in your thoughts and prayers,and here at home, keep watch over our Legionnaires,, veterans, widows and the families of those in service to America, helping out however and whenever we can. For God and Country, Wayne Gravely, Sgt-at-Arms, Post 149 Hall Available 386-935-,371 TtFPTA T-T AI l H IT Y IN YT IR A aeNn ..ltJL~l~~l~b.~ J, J.4 JU I/-,LV -.ILI-- '-' LV-j A- .- .--X ---X Mady Raye Stephenson Goes To "Dancers Spotlight" National Competition Mady Raye Stephenson would like to give everyone in her fam- ily a big "thank you" for their support in helping her get to "Dancers Spotlight" National 'Competition that was held in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina June 16th-18th. Mady earned her spot at na- tional competition by compet- ing in regionals in Gainesville and Jacksonville throughout the year. You must receive a gold at regionals in order to qualify for nationals. Qualifying for eight dances in areas of solo, ' duet, trio, group and production. Mady brought home six gold and two silver trophies. Mady has taken dance at Fan- cy Dancer Studio in Lake City for the past five years and has been on the competition team for the past two. She takes classes in ballet, tap, jazz, and lyrical. Mady is eight years old and attends school at Fort White El- ementary. Mady is the daughter of Kevin and Diana Smith Ste- phenson, sister of Stephen and Joshua Lynch of Fort White, and . granddaughter of Ray and Eu- nice Smith of Fanning Springs and Shirley and Lee Stephenson of Fort White. Mady Raye Stephenson "NEED A FENCE OF ANY KIND CALL DANNY ANYTIME." BarbWire* Woven Wire Chain Link Board Danny Hodge (352) 463-1832 -- Mobile (352) 493-5345 4110 S.W. 25th Street -- Bell, Florida Suwannee River Valley Christian Acadern', NOW ACCEPTIlNG APPLIC TIO-)NS for 2006-2007 'enrollment. We offer. CORPORATE TAX CREDIT SCHOLARSHIP. Applications available. TEACHING POSITIONS AVAILABLE. Must be of good moral character. Experience in teaching Sunday School, Bible School and/or homeschooling helpful. 352-463-1569 Mrs. Liz Mucciarone or Mrs. Debra Phillips fun 4 Kids! Pre-school/After school Learning Center / Ages 2-12 / NAEYC Accredited Pre-K w/ Highscope Curriculum / School Readiness Program / CPR/First Aid Certified / Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten / USDA Food Program / CDA Certified Teachers 352-463-7614 2739 S.W. 19th Circle, Trenton : d si? Satellite TV DIRECT NhE T WId.g 0 R D1 RECTV. DIRECTVFEATURES DISH FEATURES 4 MO. FREE SERVICE! Over 100 Channels w/Purchase of 19 N NlFL SUNDAY TICKET $4saig9 OiN OrGet starting mo with Total Choice 200+ channels at rebate ,t al $' 99* Starting at wl1 * Local Channels Available S i * Free HD Receiver! Free XM Satellite Radio * Free DVR Receiver! Free DVR TIVO Recorder* . Free Premium Movie Channels FREE HD Receiver* *With DTV Rebate Local Sales & Service Free Equipment * 1-4 Rooms & Free Professional Standard Installation! Dish or DTV CALL NOW Trenton Bell High Springs Branford Fanning Springs Chiefland Fort White 352-493-9203 386-497-1658 All other areas call 1-800-254-3630 - o Cre* Credigt ari Call for details, with Cah approved credit [oe-.so OOl =0] s Ee~olo g [ll"O g- le Ol =og ie-gl eo lol g] Hurricanes' Latent Hazards Tracked By Poison Centers With the start of this year's hurricane season Thursday (June 1), Florida's residents are preparing for the all-too-familiar havoc the' storms can wreak. But hurricanes cause more than flooding, high winds and power outages they also spawn' public health hazards that often aren't evident until days after winds die and storm waters recede. Now, after fine-tuning it for. the past two hurricane seasons,' a University of Florida toxi- cologist and state Department of Health officials have pioneered a real-time system for monitoring storm-related public health haz- ards, including carbon monox- ide inhalation and contaminated food and water supplies. Using electronic data from Florida's Poison. Information Center Network hotline, the, experts designed a surveillance system to identify public health threats and make this informa- tion readily available over the Web to state health department epidemiologists. 11 Florida health officials, for example, were able to track 200 percent to 300 percent spikes in carbon monoxide and gasoline poisonings related to generator use after Hurricanes Katrina and Wilma niade landfall last year in Florida. according to data recently) published in the Centers for Disease Control and Preven- tion's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. . The CDC adopted the Florida model and used -data provided by the American Association of Poison Control Centers to monitor other hurricane-prone coastal areas, including Gulf Coast regions in the aftermath of Katrina. S"The primary benefit is that you're not waiting and reporting on things that happened three days ago; you're seeing some- thing and interacting in real time to stop it," said study co-author Jay Schauben, Pharm.D., a UF clinical professor of emergency medicine and pharmacy and director of the Florida Poison In- formation Center-Jacksonville.' "'The quicker you can identify .a problem, the faster, you, can fo- cus your attention, the'more in-. dividuals you might spare doing the wrong thing which gets them into trouble, health-wise. And I think that's the concept here." For example, higher-than-nor- mal reports of gastrointestinal distress in a small geographic area may indicate problems with a municipal water supply, allowing health officials to warn residents to switch to bottled wa- ter until the local water source is 'cleared. Florida Department of Health officials started reviewing data collected by the Florida Poison Information Center Network during the 2004 hurricane sea- son. In 2005 the agencies began monitoring poison control center records daily to see if any were connected to storm-related health hazards. "We monitored these hazards using a sophisticated, Web-based data-gathering system we al- ready had in place here that was originally designed to character- ize epidemiological information - the incidence and spread of dis- ease for our statewide poison control centers," Schauben said. "Now this same system provides valuable real-time information and surveillance to identify pub- lic health threats left in the wake of hurricanes." Created by the Florida Leg- islature in 1989, the network includes three poison control centers in Miami, Tampa and Jacksonville. Health profes- sionals and the public can call the network via the nationwide 4-hour, toll-free telephone "POISON HELP" hotline, 1- 800-222-1222. Poison informa- tion specialists at each center gather exposure and substance information from callers and enter it into a local database that is then uploaded within seconds to a statewide database, housed at the Jacksonville site. During the 2005 hurricane season, state health officials monitored expo- sure to carbon monoxide, hy- drocarbon fuels, batteries, fire, matches and explosives, stings, snake bites, contaminated water and food poisoning. They com- pared exposures from 30 days before and up to one week after a hurricane's landfall. The system provides a collaborative, online reporting system, displaying sur- veillance graphs,and Geographic Information .Systems mapping data with hour-to-hour updates that can be accessed in the of- fice or on a laptop in a car, in an airport or in the field. Health of- ficials rely on spikes in the data to help identify health-hazard incidences. "Data spikes provide clues and allow us to zoom in on something exactly when it's happening in a certain location," said Schauben, adding that the system allows users to track patients' names and addresses and then alert the nearest local health department of the inci- dent. "For example, we'll tell the local health department that we've had five carbon monoxide cases in a certain area in the past 24 hours and ask them to get out there and educate the people about generators," Schauben said. Operating generators in enclosed or poorly ventilated areas can lead to carbon mon- oxide poisoning. Twenty-eight incidents of carbon monoxide exposure were reported to the network in the two days after Hurricane Katrina made landfall in Florida. "A couple of weeks after a hurricane hits. people start running out of gas because of gas shortages.," Schauben added. "When we saw data spikes for inhalation of gasoline, w e stepped up our messages about using proper siphoning equipment." Department of Health epide- miologist Robyn Kay said that using a real-time. pre-existing sentinel surveillance system increases state health officials' ability to detect public health hazards and prevent deaths. "Still, during emergencies and times of distress it's just as im- portant for Floridians to think' with a clear mind about how to approach each situation as it, is for them to have emergency plans to help ensure their safety before, during and after the storm," she said. Schauben said he sees a future, for the system in other states. "Poison control centers are the only entities in the country that have an infrastructure, to share data between 64 centers (the number of centers in the United States) in real time," he said. "We detect it, we see it and we move on it." Advertise It Pays!f! Gilchrist County Journal 352-463-7135 A Security Title Company CASH PRIZES!!!!! FOR Low NET AND GROss DIVISIONS Entry Fee: 3-Man Scramble $50 each or $150/team. Includes 18 holes of golf and lunch after completion of play. Hole Sponsors: If your organization would like to sponsor a hole, please contact Bill Deen at 352-463-1313 be- tween the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Wheels Of Love All Medicare recipients should now be aware that they may be eligible to-receive a power wheelchair, paid for by Medicare, if. they suffer from. conditions such as arthritis, re- spiratory disorders, cardiovascu- lar disease, pain, gait instability, and other conditions that impair a beneficiary's ability to partici- -pate in completing activities of daily living. For more information for Medicare eligibility call 1-866- .631-3022. Closings * Title Insurance * Public Record Searches (352-463-6403) Fast and Friendly Service Gregory V. Beauchamp Douglas K. McKoy 302 North Main Street Trenton, Florida REGISTRATION: 1st Team Member Handicap 2nd Team Member Handicap 3rd Team Member Handicap Mail To: THS Quarterback Club P. O0. Box 391 Trenton, Florida 32693 Maximum Handicap of 25. Average handicap of Team Members multiplied by 80% will be used when calculating Net Scores., Four drives from each player must be used during tournament. Gilchrist Title Services w -a.AM &~ ~.g' Hours: Monday Thursday 5pm 9pm Friday & Saturday 5pm 10pm Sunday 1 lam 3pm Now Open For Lunch Monday Saturday 1,1am 2:30pm (Starting Tuesday, August 1st) '* <- IT A 11 r-- ,- -. _* *** r'" a nlrng UorAill Uccasionsl 115 N.W. First Street Trentoni, Florida.32693 (352)463-8494 U S Robert P. Marsh Owners/birectors Dawn F. Marsh Trenton H.S. Quarterback Club 7th Annual Golf Scramble Saturday, July 29, 2006 at Chiefland Golf & Country Club Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. Shotgun start at 8:30 a.m. , W20.6-A Page Nine TM TR RD AY IT TT Y 27 2006 .j GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Lic#C03GIO007 rage ien ,jx A ..x x .u _.I I JL .-,-, The March Of Dimes New Fundraiser Will Be Mission Possible The March of Dimes North Central Florida Division is gear- ing up for its fall fundraiser, Mission Possible. Mission Possible challenges anyone to raise money to help in the fight to save babies from premature birth. In the Tri-County area alone, almost 800 babies are born each year. Over 100' of them will be premature and face a long battle for survival. The March of Dimes goal is for every baby, regardless of gender, race or ethnicity, to make it the full 40 weeks. However, the Mission can only succeed with the help of individuals or groups like you. The Mission is simple, con- tact NCFL Division, Assistant Director, Betsy Trent at (352) 378-9522 ,or e-maila her at btrent@marchofdimes.com. and say "I want to join the Mission to save babies." Or, if you would, like to just make a donation, do the same and say "I want to do- nate to the Mission " Then you will recei've.a packet that includes the background of March of Dimes, ho" the mis- sion works, and examples of. some fundraisers,. .. , Fundraising is completely up to you. You can follow a few .ideas, from the packet or come up with your own wacky idea. Some groups in the past held yard sales, chicken dinners, and fishing tournaments. Whatever you do, do it for the babies, and let everyone know you are a part, of the Mission. More than businesses or or- ganizations can help fight in the Mission. Families who have suffered the effects of premature birth or know someone who has can join the Mission. Family. teams can, make a difference. too. IjLA lE CITY cO r MHNiTY utLLEEE ADJUNCT INSTRUCTORS FOR ALLIED HEALTH PROGRAMS Fall 2006 EMS Instructors: Teach EMT Basic and Paramedic courses. ,-, Must be registered Florida . paramedic with associate " degree and two years field experience. Bachelor degree, Teaching experience and Instructor certificate in ACLS, BTLS, BLS, PEP preferred. a Contact Dr. A. Pallas. Executive Director, Allied Health Academy Phone: (386) 754-4487Fa( t386) 754-4987 Email: pallasaa-lakecir.cc.edn Patient Care Assistant . Program: Part time Instructor. for clinical/lab 200 hours total, between 9/27-11/15. Must have FL RN license-and 2 years .- recent experience in acute or long term care. (1 Position $22.00-$25.00/hour based on degree.). Practical Nursing Program: Clinical instructor three days per week between 8/23-12/15. Must have FL RN license and 2 years recent experience in acute or long term care. BSN and teaching experience preferred. (2 Positions $22.00-25.00/hour based on degree.) Registered Nursing Program: Clinical faculty for 20 hours/week fall term (16 weeks). Must have BSN, FL RN license and 2 years recent acute/long term care'experience. MSN and teaching experience preferred. ($23.00-26.00/hour based on degree.) LPN to RN Bridge Program: Clinical faculty for Saturdays 7A-7P between 8/24-12/9 (Gainesville). Strong Medical- Surgical background preferred. Must have FL RN license and 2 years recent experience, in adult acute care. BSN required; MSN and teaching experience preferred. ($23.00-26.00/hour based on degree.) NUTRITION (NUR 1192) Instructor: Must have a Masters Degree in nutrition or related field with 18 graduate hours in nutrition. (MSN's.are qualified.) Class meets Tuesday evenings 5:00PM-9:00PM. Health Careers CORE HCP 0001: CORE is an introductory course to health occupations . and the health care delivery system. RN or health care experience with AS degree required (1 Position Body Structure and Function (PRN 0080) Instructor: Must have a BSN in nursing or health related field with a minimum of 8 hours coursework in anatomy and physiology. Class meets Monday and Wednesday 5:00 PM-6:45PM. Contact Robbie Carson, Director of Nursing Programs Phone: (386) 754-4304 Fax (386) 754-4904 College application and copy of transcripts required. Application available on the web at: www.lakecitvcc.edu LCCC is accredited by the Southern Associati6n of Colleges and Schools VP/ADA/EA/EO College in Education & Employment The March of Dimes began in 1938 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. At the time the goal was to find a cure for polio, and it happened with. the support of those like you. "While we fight this global war, we must see to it that the health of our children is pre- served and protected so that they may enjoy that better world-for tomorrow's America will be as strong as today's children. We must help them win their vic- tory over disease today," said Roosevelt in 1942, and it still applies today. Premature birth is ten times the epidemic that polio was, affecting 500,000 babies each year. The March of Dimes is a voluntary health agency whose mission is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth de- fects, premature births and infant -mortality. Founded in 1938, the March of Dimes funds programs of research, community sert ices, education and advocacy to save babies. For more information, visit the March of Dimes web- site at wiww.marchofdimes.org or its Spanish Wesite at www.nacersano.org or call 1- 888-MODimes. lHumane Society OfU Gilchrist County' (Serving The Tii-County Area) Presents The 2nd Annual Dog Extravaganza. Each Winner Shall Receive A Special Prize! All contestants Shall Trot AY ay With A Treat! The Humane Society of Gilchrist County will be hav- ing its second annual dog ex- travaganza on Saturday, August 19th starting at 11:00 a.m. at the Trerton Comnmunit Center which is located on Third Street, off of 129. The facility is air conditioned. The categories are as 'follows and there will be %winners irieach of them: talent, best dressed, biggest, smallest, ow ner/pet look-alike, most unusual look- ing,'and best of show. The entry -fee is $5,00 plus $1.00 per category. Pay at the door. All of the fees help.support our Foster- Animals' care and spa) /neuter program. RSVP is required before 5:00 p.m. the day before, on August. 18th. Telephone RSVP: Tri-Count., Pel & Bird Hospital-352-472- 4200; call us anytime to talk to us, or leave a message an time (24x7) on our voice mail. There will also be a conces- sion stand with food, beverages, and t-shirts. COME JOIN US FOR SOME FUN! Camp Blanding Lakes Are Reopened Again For Public Access Magnolia and Lowry lakes on Camp Blanding open for public fishing 'access beginning July 28th. Since Sept. 11, 2001, lake ac- cess has been closed because of security reasons. The public may access the lakes from 7:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Friday and Saturdays, and any day hunting is allowed and a check station operated.' ' "Anglers must check in and. out at the Treat Road gate check station off State Road 21 near Keystone Heights," -said Jerry Krummrich, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commis- sion (FWC) regional freshwater fish biologist. "Because of mili- tary security. we must monitor access to the post." Military training days occur, at times, on weekends. clos- ing the area to anglers. Anglers should call the Camp Blanding Lake information line at (904) 682-3318 for. a recorded mes-' !sage about possible closures, or the Lake City Regional Fish and. Wildlife Commission office at (386.) 758-0525. "Camp Blanding military staff and FWC personnel have: worked together to get the ac-' cess to the lakes reopened to the, public. Anglers need to be aw are of some additional restric- tions %hen using Magnolia and Lowry lakes." Krumnmrich said.. '"Anglers need to abide by the '1:30 p.m. closure of the lakes." Krummrich said. "Access to, these lakes should be considered a pri\ ilege. Responsible use will hopefully result in long-term availability of these lakes." Use of the lakes is restricted to fishing, according to Department of Military Affairs and FWC of- ficials. Anglers must carry out trash from the lake area because garbage cans are not available. "The Florida National Guard and Florida Department of Military. Affairs are pleased to' reopen the lakes as an added ser- Sxice to our responsible Florida citizens," said Maj. Gen. Doug- las Burnett, Adjutant General of Florida. "Many of them have. fished these lakes for years and we disliked not being able to provide this pri\ ilege after Sept. 11th. Now, we can restore some of these opportunities." I ,Kid's WorldI Pre-School Learning Center, Inc. A private school for your child's early learning years. * NAEYC Accredited Pre-K * School Readiness Program * Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten * CDA Certified Teachers *USDA Food Program * Highscope Curriculum * CPR/First Aid Certified * Ages 2-12 352-463 5. 5 A Stop byfor a tour of our facility. S 352-463-3555 Corner of Hwy. 129 & S.R. 47, Trenton (Across from Trenton High School) Owners/Directors Amy Wesley Woods Holly Wesley Bussard License #C03GI0006 SYuibIrs5r LICLNSEDH & INSLIUED L C1C1253693 CKC1328366 Where imagination meets reality Building projects are not for the faint-at-heart. The culmination of hopes, dreams and ambitions into a finished product can be nerve-wracking and is quite often one of the largest financial and emotional investments you will ever make. Wherever you are in the process, brainstorming, planning, drafting, or location finding, Dream Builders Development Corp. is ready to partner with you. Quality Craftsmanship Integrity Honesty Teamwork Personal Relationship Call (352) 463-2210 today! or visit www.DreamBuildersDevelopment.com Okefenokee National' Wildlife Refuge Guiding Permit Applications for 2006-2007 Applications for Commercial' Guiding Permit are now avail- able at Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge (NWR). Com- pleted applications are due to the refuge by July 15, 2006. Any person or organization that charges a fee to lead tours or trips at Okefenokee NWR is required by law to have a Special Use Permit. Permit guidelines require liability insurance, first 'aid training, and refuge specific training for all guides. Guiding * permits are only issued once each year from October 1, 2006 through September 30,2007. Guiding permits are required to protect the tour operator, the public, and the resources of the refuge. The objectives of Okefenokee National1 Wildlife Refuge's guiding policy are to: Ensure that guides have the knowledge, skills, and resources to promote .and provide safe, high quality recreational and educational visitor experiences. at Okefenokee National Wildlife, Refuge, ____." ' Ensure that guides have back- ground knowledge of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife service, Oke- fenokee National Wildlife Ref- uge and major resource issues, Protect the natural resources at Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, The application deadline for guiding permits (2006-2007) is Saturday Jul. 15. 2006. For a complete application pack- age and additional information on commercial guiding. please contact 'Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge at (912) 496- 7836 or write: Refuge Manager, Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge. Route 2 Box 3330, Folkston. GA 31537. -.-- -- *-*- -- Springhouse Quilters News I _- -_-_ _--..- _- Springhouse Quilters News Springhouse quilters held their monthly meeting on July 11th. The meeting opened with a time of refreshments and fellowship. The members are always excited to visit with their quilting friends and share their activities for the previous month. There was plenty of sho%% and tell of projects finished since the June meeting. The highlight of the meeting was a display by five members showing the blocks, .they designed depicting a card. from a deck of regular playing cards.. The cards designed %were' *made to represent a card they se- lected, sight unseen, from a deck of cards. Dee Gay. special proj- ects chairperson, was in charge of the deck of cards challenge. Springhouse members are working on their community project for this year which will be a lap or a child's quilt. The lap quilts will be donated to a nursing' home and 'the child's quilt will be given to children in need of comfort from a trau- matic experience. The 2006 4-H sewing-quilt- ing camp is now history. There were three camps this year with approximately 30 young ladies participating. The desire of Springhouse quilters is to instill in these young ladies the desire to., continue sewing-quilting long after the camp has ended and that they one day might be- come members of Springhouse Quilters. For information about Spring- house Quilters. contact Anna Gilliam, 463-7922 or Lois Scott, 463-2207.,, Lois Scott, Publicity DURON WILLIAMSON'S TREE SERVICE Licensed and Ihsured Callfor FREE Estimates cell 352-318-3610 home 386-935-2180 All Phases ofTree W'orb Fromtrimming to complete removal and Shaul-off. Light land clearing, clearing of right-of-ways, and debris haul-offs. Bobcat service available. Sito('n fro t left are Faithi Stantoin. Dee Gayi, Mart Ra lines, Ruth Nott, and Ruth Davis with their card challenge block. Each ,ltiit block depicts one card from a deck of playing cards. Water Filtration Lic # CFC05 1621 WOLFE PLUMBING, INC. Complete Plumbing Service Drain Cleaning & Repair 7 Days Service, ~ cHRIST CENTRAL DIXIE FLORIDA SLEVY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. NOMINATING COMMITTEE MEETS The following committee members met on July 24,2006.to select nominees.to represent Districts 2,3 and 7. , MitchellBillups- Herbert E. Corbin Roy Dyer William J. Furse, Jr.7- Louia C. Gilbert William P..Goess Ernest L. Green Ernest A. Haile Wesley M. Higgins Phillip Snyder Those nominated to represent their respective districts on the Bo.d of Trustes of.entral Florida ElectrjCo"perative, Inc. were: George Stephens District 2 Tony Weeks District 3 Kenneth Osteen District 7 The Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday, October 7, 2006. Registration will begin at 8:00 am and the business meeting will follow at 10:00 am. Integrity Fairness Experience It is my honor to serve you as your County Judge with integrity, fairness and respect for all. The fundamental principles guiding my decision-making have been the rule of law, being fair, impartial and -independent of external influences. I have taken to heart the trust you have place in me and have dedicated my profes- sional life to it. I have not forgotten my upbringing and those lessons have kept me grounded in my daily and professional life. I will continue to be fair and impatial to all, whether they are rich or poor, powerful or meek. Gilchrist County is developing rapidly and the court's caseload is increasing dramatically. My experience as a County Court Judge, Assistant Attorney and Private Attorney along with my work ethic will keep the County Court func- tioning appropriately through this growth. KEEP A FAIR AND EXPERIENCED JUDGE WORKING FOR YOU RE-ELECT JUDGE ED PHILMAN Please visit my website or call me for information on my experience or if you have questions. Home 386-935-2333 Cell 352-221-4673 www.Re-ElectJudpgeEdPhilman.com Political advertisement paid for and approved by Edward (Ed) Philman, nonpartisan, for Gilchrist County Court Judge, Group 1 THURSDAY, JULY 27,2006 MT CT-TPT.qT COUNTY TOTTRNAT. c .-.- P _ I THURSDAY. JULY 27. 2006 GTILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Page Eleven The new Chiefland Lions Club inducted three new members on Wednesday, July 19, 2006, and had a guest speaker. From left are Former District Governor and Lion Guide Toiu Stelfimtaic:, new inductee Stacey Brown, Lions Club President Deborah Richardson, new inductees Cairina Shepard and, Micki Faust, and guest speaker Pam Darty from the Lower Suwannee National Wildlife Refuge. Photo by John Lohde. Chiefland Lions Club Welcomes Speaker Pam Darty On Wednesday, July 19, 2006, the newly-chartered Chiefland Lions Club inducted three new members, and welcomed speak- er Pam IDarty from the Lower Suwannee National Wildlife 'Refuge. Ms. Darty entertained the members with an informa- tive slideshow and talk about the mission of the Refuge and the problems and concerns associ-. ated with this federal wildlife preserve. She showed images of the largest bat house in the state, as well as photos of the elusive salt marsh vole, only one of which has ever been captured ifor study (and subsequently re- leased). ?; The Chiefland Lions Club was proud to induct three new mem- bers, Stacey Brown, Catrina 5Shepard, and Micki Faust at this meeting. Last month new of- ficers %w ere installed to this club. that was chartered in February of 2006. New President Deborah Richardson, the branch manager of the Sunstate Federal Credit Union in Chiefland, is optimistic 'about this club's future and its mission in Chiefland. This Lions, Club is. the larg- est service organization in the world, with clubs in over .190 countries. It was founded in 1917 and has a solid foundation today. Its mission is simple: "to create and foster a spirit of understanding all people for humanitarian needs by provid- ing voluntary services through community involvement and international cooperation." Li- ons are internationally kaoown for their service and aid to the blind and the visually impaired, a ser% ice that was initiated when Helen Keller was asked .to ad- dress the International Conven- tion on June 30, 1925. As a consequence, Lions were largely responsible for the adoption of white canes being a symbol of the blind. Lions have estab- lished and support numerous eye banks, clinics, and eye research, and Lions collect over 5 million pairs of used eyeglasses each year, which are distributed in developing countries., For more information on club member- ship or to inquire about the next meeting, please call Deborah Richardson at (352) 490-5700, ext. 5711. Pole Barns Installed Complete $1,79500 Total PERMITS We will make it simple from start to finish Smith Septic Tank Service, Inc. Pull Permits for: Mobile Home Move-On Pre-Inspection on Used Mobile Homes New Septic Systems Repair or Existing Systems Site Evaluations (Perk Test) Mobile Home Packages Well Septic Power Pump Outs and Certifications Portable Toilets One Call Does It All (386) 935-1429 Toll Free 1-866-935-1429 Trenton Community Farmers' Market At the Depot 419 North Main Street (Hwy-129) Open Every Tuesday from 2pm 6pm LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Every week: Open Mic from 2 3, Featured Act 3 5 Farm Fresh August1- ANNA WHITE Produce August 8- TBA P 1ru ce August 15- COUNTY ROAD August 22 MACK & PAULA TYNER August 29- CLOGGING WORKSHOP with Plants ELETA SUCSY of the Cross Creek Cloggers Drop-Off location for Canned Goods for the Food Pantry InfoLine: 352-463-4000, option 8 Vendor Information 386-454-3950 Sponsored by City of Trenton & Gilchrist County Journal The next Lions. Club meet- ing will be held on Wednesday, August 2, 20106 at 12:00 noon at Bell's Restaurant in Chiefland. Nobody gets to liye life back- ward. Look ahead--that's where your future lies. Quilting Exhibit At The UF Museum Of Natural History The Florida Museum of Natural History and the Quilters of Alachua County Day Guild are co-hosting "Quilting Natural Florida." The exhibit will be displayed until September 4, 2006. The exhibit is open to the public from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 1 a:m. until 5 p.m. on Sunday. The .exhibition features contemporary quilts with an emphasis on the plants, animals and environments of natural Florida. "Each quilt expresses the artist's vision of some aspect of Florida's en ironment," said exhibit organizer Gloria Croft Comstock. "Quilting Natural Florida blends.the skills and imagination of the quilt community with the mission of the Florida State Museum of Natural Histor\." The exhibit displays 73 quits. many of which were created specifically for this exhibit. Each quilt %as entered into, a competition sponsored by the Florida Museum and the Quilters of Alachua County. A panel of jurors selected the featured quilts front a variety of artists, including children from across Florida as %\ell as several other states. The construction of the quilts to be displayed varies form traditional quilt pattern elements to abstract, free form designs. Each quilt 'represents hours of planning and effort, resulting in, designs. ranging from underwater scenes to canopy roads and garden flora. While quilting styles vary, each quilt is either representational or symbolic of the heart of natural Florida. The Florida Museum of Natural History is located in the Cultural Plaza on SW 34th Street and Hull Road in Gaines% ille. One of the keys to happiness is a bad memory. Rita Mae Brown Florida , Enjoying Sales Tax Free Shopping On Some Items Through July 30 Shoppers all over the state are enjoying shopping for school items such as some clothing and school supplies without paying any sales tax. The tax-free holiday began on July 23, and will last until July 30. On a% erage $527.00 will be spent per child, on back to school items in 2006 that is up from $445.00 last year. These .amounts are an estimate from the Florida Retail Federation. Students will return to school in Gilchrist County on August 4,2006:. Vinyl Letters Banners Real Estate Signs Printing Advertising Office Supplies Ann Landers. Ceit AIV ID.' III a F' ii [I I 11,4 Come With a 5 Yr./60,000 Mile 4w Extended Service Plan! ___ ____ CLEARANCE PRICES 2006 FORD & , MERCURY CARS, TRUCKS AND SUVS a '1,100 Gas on F-Series, Expedition & Explorer! ENDS 7/31/06. See your salesman for details. "If your car doesn't have a WHITE FORD sticker on the back... you cost us BOTH money!" PROGRAM CAR CLEARANCEr TO! im-tB f Tro --0_ '06 F-150 RC Sport V8, Auto, Low Miles. #081 $16.9 g8* '06Taurus SE 9K Miles, V6. #006. g12.988* '05 Ford Escape XLT Auto, V6, #969 =U7,888* uo iviazaa dsi Auto, Gas Saver. #079 $106.0. * '03 Ford Focus 4 Dr. '03 Ford F-250 '02 F-350 Crew Cab '02 Ranger Supercab Auto, Gas Saver. #1055 V8, Auto, Work Truck. #071 Lariat, 4x4, DRW. #070 V6, Auto, Tonneau. #077 $8,888* '8,888* $26,888* $9,988* "The Works" *Genuine Motorcraft Oil & Filter Change *Rotate & Inspect FourTires I nspect Brake System .9 STest Battery A $42.95 -Check Air and Cabin Filters Value | S*Check Belts and Hoses | SCheck Wiper Blades $-I-51 Ar -Top Off All Fluids - *Multi-Point Inspection A great value in maintenance - oil change, tire rotation, thorough Inspection. and morel Up to 5 qts. Motorcraft OH. | Taxes, disposal fees and diesel vehicles extra. Valid Only With Coupon. Offr Expires 3-06, - MERCURY. 916 N. Young Blvd., Chiefland Toll Free 1-888-864-4582 *Prices net of rebate, plus tax, tag and $224.95 document fees. All vehicles subject to prior sale. Art for illustration purposes only. In stock units only. See dealer for details. (W.A.C.) = With approved credit, financing with Ford Motor Credit Co. Prices may include FMCC financing. Incentives and rebates subject to change. "Present White Ford-Mercury vehicle owners. '05 Mustang Coupe Auto, Nice Car! #917 $15 .9*R '00 Sable LS Cloth, Clean. #069 $7,888* u4 I--Ibu ,.rew CaD GTR, 5.4L, Leather. #075 s1. ggg* '91 Lincoln Town Car Loaded. #076 $3,888* Drive a Little Bell SAV A Cross City More... L R SWicox- Trento Neerry 0ldTown FanninglHI / lurw jS Spring. FORr Ccuny Archer All Roads Lead to w ronsonW White Ford f In Chleflandl Otter reak Wilison Gull Hammod Ocala CoderKey oo Ingols Website: www.whitefordmercury.com =1 111AM Ik *1-111,412,1--111611 .2 = nnro *M .la i*I OI TM 412 I - Psr;, lwlc7PTUP]I' (%ITrwP5 iTUlfI NTVI I %- URNAT. TUSA ,JL 7 06' I I,~..~ .5... X'-.- Trenton Farmer's Market Announces Farmer Of The Week Is D & D Farms Every week, rain or shine, Debra Burney, of family owned and operated D & D Farms, mans her tent at the Trenton Community Farmers' Market. She is often accompanied by her cousin, Ashley Langford, or her mom, Denise. With 10 acres here, 40 there, and much more land ."in the family," D & D specializes in melons, cantaloupes, corn, and peas. Right. now, they're "fix- ing to plant four varieties of fall peas." Debra has been farming all her life. Denise, originally from Iowa, has "had a hoe in her hands" since she was five years old. These committed farmers have been operating a farm stand in front of their home at 7909 CR 232 for the past five months. So, if you miss them at the Farmers' Market, you can still buy their produce seven days a week at their farm stand. On Tuesday, August 1st, the Trenton Community Farmers' Market will feature the music Shown are Debra Burney and Ashley Langford of D&D Farms. of Anna White. She will take the, stage from 3:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. on the old Train Depot platform. An Open Mic will precede the featured act, from 2:00 p.m. k Suwantnee Valley Precast, Co. A Owner Gerald Roberts Bell Chiefland 463-2504 Fax: 463-0390 493-4055 New Septic Tanks Installed Drain Fields Repaired Septic Pump-Outs* Septic Tanks Certified Portable Toilets.Backhoe Work Fill Dirt State Certified ' V ~ 1110 o CONSTRUCTION Trenton, Florida 352-463-7848 Licensed and Insured U. m ' 8851 NW 115th Street Chiefland, Florida 32626 352-493-1398 1-877-766-2707 Osborn G. Barker Owner Insulated Roof-overs Vinyl & Aluminum Siding Carports Screen Rooms Decks Patio Roofs Soffit, Fascia & Gutters Hurricane Awnings Skirting Pool and All types Enclosures Free Estimates * -3:00 p.m. All performers are welcome to come-try out their tunes. The Trenton Community Farmers Market is held eer Tuesday at the old Train Depot from 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. For more information, call (352) 472-7632. Gilchrist County Land Transactions Brad D. Bartlett to Holly Ox- berry and Michael Mosher. gen- eral warranty deed. $54,950.00. Jeffrey D. Swan to Margaret M. Fiore and Paul NM. Fiore, warranty deed. $50.000.00. L Clark Hodge to Timothy Scott Renfroe and Chris-. tine Renfroe, warranty deed.' $40.000.00. Howard 0. Cole and Carol L., Cole to Patrick W. Burns and' Catherine H. Burns. warranty deed. $80.000.00, Lot 4 Block 1 Suwannee River Springs Unit 1. TRC Properties, Inc. and BMW Holdings, Inc. to. Bailey Brothers, Inc, warranty deed, ' $750,000.00. Oak Hollow North and Arthur J. McQuillan, III to Chuck E. Best-and Patricia A. Best, gen- eial warranty deed, $10.00. Lot 42 Oak Hollow North. James Broom and Allyssa Broom to Nazir Zinna' and Ja- milla Zinna, 'general warranty 'deed, $241,550.00. Live in such a way that you would not be ashamed to sell your parrot to the town gossip.- Will Rogers From The Desk Of Gilchrist County Sheriff David' P. Turner Weekly Sheriff's Report For Week Ending July 24, 2006 On July 17, 2006, Samuel S. DeLoach, 1/14/71, was arrested on charges of DWLSR, DUI, Refusal to Submit and Obstruc- tion by Disguise. On July 18, 2006, Deane D. Dane, 6/20/83, was arrested on charges of Possession of Less than 20 Grams and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. On July 18, 2006, Beleia C.. Salkay, 11/27/63, was arrested on charges of VOP/DUI and VOP/Resist without Violence. On July 18, David A. Reilly, 10/2/77, was arrested on charges of DUI and DWLSR. On July 19, 2006, Ernest A., Riggs, 1/29/60, was arrested on the charge of VOP/Felony Bat- tery. On July 20, 2006, Oscar A. Sanchez, 9/29/77, was arrested on a Gilchrist County charge of DWLSR, a Pasco County War- rant with the charge of FTA/No Valid Drivers License and, a Gulf County Warrant %%ith the charge of FTA/No Valid Drivers License. ;- On, July 20, 2006, Amanda E. Griffis, 3/30/82, was arrested on .the charge of Bartery.Domestic Violence. On July 22, 2006, Paul S. Machilaski, 6/19/65, was ar- rested on charges of Felony DUI and DWLSR. On July 22. 2006. Anthony S. ,Czaban. 6/18,'55. was arrested on the charge of DUI. On July 22. 2006, John J. Bur- lingame, 8.26 84, was arrested on charges of Grand Theft Auto, DUI and DWLSR. On July 22, 2006. Timothy L. Cornelius, 11/13/87, was arrest- ed on charges of F TA/Operating Motor Vehicle without License, two counts of FTA/No Registra- tion. On July 22,' 2006, Ramie T. Montgomery, 10/18/63, was ar- rested on the charge of DUI. On July 23, 2006, Bud L. Smith, 9/29/81, was arrested on the charge of DUI. On July 23. 2006, Santiago V. Lopez. 9 16,79. as arrested on the charge of No Valid Driners License. On July 23, 2006, Sonia J. Carter, 8/19/59, was arrested on a Levy County Warrant with charges of FOP/Scheme to Defraud and VOP/Burglary/ Larceny/Altering Bank Bill. On July 20, 2006, Miguel R. Lopez, 11/05/75, was arrested, on the charge of No Valid Driv- ers License. On July 23, 2006, Richard Felmey, 5/1/54, was arrested on the charge; of Battery/Domestic Violence. On July 23, 2006, Christopher Johnson, 12/23/67, was ar- rested on the charge of Battery/ Domestic Violence. Florida Crackers Chapter Of Florida Trail Association Schedules August Activities The Florida Crackers Chapter of the Florida Trail Association has scheduled a paddle trip and two early morning hikes during the month of August. There will be no chapter meeting during August. The public is welcome to our activities! Please contact the activity leader listed below prior to any event in case there is a change in the time or location. On Wednesday, August 9th, we will escape the weekend crowds and paddle up the Silver River from Ray's Wayside Park on SR 40 watching for wildlife and stopping on the way at the park beach for some swimming. Then we'll continue up the river to the Silver Springs attraction to explore the waters there, then float back to the cars. Bring life vest, whistle, snacks, lunch, water, and rain gear if fore- cast. Contact leader Elizabeth Van Mierop at (352) 378-4207 elizavan@aol.com for more in- formation and to sign up. Join us on Saturday, August 12th, for a leisurely Crack O' Dawn Hike on Johnson Pond Trail, Citrus Springs. We will walk the 2.7-mile loop through longleaf pine and scrub oaks. Highlights include an observa- tion deck on Johnson Pond and natural gardens of Florida rosemary.. We will meet at 7:30 a.m. at the trailhead on CR 39 between US 41 and SR 200, 2.6 miles north of SR 200. Bring water and insect repellant. We'll go for breakfast afterwards at the Front Porch in Dunnellon. Con- tact leader Sandra Friend (352) 895-2615 ftcraciJr@aol.com for more information and to sign up. We will have another Crack 0' Dawn hike on Saturday, August 26th, at Paynes Prairie State Park, US 441, south of Gaines- ville. We will meet at the park entrance at 7:30 a.m. and take a leisurely 4.5 mile hike stopping for a break at the picnic table by Chacala Pond. Snacks provided. Bring your own coffee or other drinks, water, bug spray, sun 'screen, hat, etc. Those interest- ed can go for lunch later in Mi- canopy. Contact leader Elizabeth Van Mierop at (,352) 378-4207 elizavan@.aol.com for more in- formation and to sign up. The Florida Crackers Chapter of the Florida Trail Association serves residents of Alachua, Gilchrist, Levy and Marion * counties. Incorporated in 1964, the Florida Trail Association is a nonprofit volunteer organization responsible for building, main-. taining, promoting, and protect- ing hiking trails across the state of Florida, with a special focus on the 1,400-mile Florida Trail, one of only eight National Sce- nic Trails. in the United States. With 18 chapters throughout Florida, the Florida Trail As- sociation offer, educational op- portunities for people to learn to appreciate and conserve the natural beauty of Florida, and provides recreational opportuni- ties for hiking and camping. To learn more about the Florida Trail Association and the Florida Crackers chapter and its activities, visit our website at w\ w\.floridatrail.org. He that won't be counselled can't be helped. Benjamin Franklin Some Medicare Beneficiaries Can Still Enroll In New Prescription Drug Program Without Penalty If you qualify for extra help, with Medicare prescription drug costs, you can still sign up for a Medicare Prescription Drug plan and pay no penalty for 2006. The special enrollment period for beneficiaries who are also eligible for extra help runs through December 31st of this year. Medicare beneficiaries are eligible for the extra help if they have limited income and" resources. The extra help can pay for part of the monthly pre- miums, annual deductibles and prescription co-payments under the new prescription drug pro- gram, and it could be worth an average of $3,700 per year. You may qualify for the extra help if your annual income is below $14,700 for an individual ($19,800 for a married couple living together), and you have resources totaling no more than $ 10,000 ($20,000 for a mar- ried couple living together). Resources include such things as bank accounts, stocks and bonds, but do not, include your house and .car. And, resources can be slightly higher (an addi- tional $1,500 per person) if you will use some of your money for burial expenses. If you think that you might qualify for the extra help, you can complete an online applica- tion at vw%%.socialsecurit).go% or call 1-800-772-1213 TTY 1-800-325-0778) and a rep- resentative will assist you in filing an application over the phone. Army Private Richard A. Epps Graduates From Basic Combat Training Army Private Richard A. Epps has graduated from Basic Combat Training at Fort Knox, Kentucky. During the nine-week training period, the trainee received in- struction in drill and ceremony, weapons; rifle marksmanship and bayonet training, chemical Warfare, field training and tacti- cal exercises, armed and un- armed combat, military courtesy. military justice, physical fitness, first aid, and Army history, tradi- tions, and core values. Epps is the son of William and Kathryn Epps of N.W. 88th St., Chiefland, Fla. Hart Springs A Gilchrist County Park Hart Springs is a Gilchrist County owned and operated park. It is open to the public from 9 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. from Memorial Day until Labor Day, The entrance Fees for Hart Springs is $2.00 for adults and 3outh and $1.00 for senior citizens. Children under 5 are free. An annual family pass is $50.00. The park has full service camping for $20.00 per day for up to 4 people, plus $2.00 for additional people over the age of 4. Hart Springs is a wonderful place for local families to spend the day swimming, picnicking or just taking a walk: do% n the boardwalks. Two Rivers ^ arrls nay and some lines don't define a Harrison county..... For County Commission Dist. 2 op The qualifying is, over. Yoi now have the:chance to elect the catididate hat'"wilLbe repre- senting District 2 as County'Commissioner for the next four years. Please examine the choices and look at the experience and qualifications of each candidate. I have 39 years of experience in Gilchrist County government dealing with budgets. Under my leadership we developed the county's computerized mapping and GIS systems. I know and understand our government and can lead us in the future. I am not running for this office because I need a job, I am seeking this office because:I know I can do the job and believe I am the best qualified. I need your help to accomplish the task of getting elected; please go to the poles and vote for D. RAY HARRISON, JR. I promise to give you my very best efforts to make you a commissioner that has no personal agenda. I want our growth to be very controlled and well-planned. We need to make sure to protect our environment as the county grows. I am very service oriented and will help you with your concerns of government and government services, and will get you answers to your problems. Please call me if you have any questions or concerns at (352) 463-2147 or go to my website at www.drayharrison.com or email me at rharrison(&direcway.com Thank you for your consideration, and your VOTE and support will be deeply appreciated. Political Advertisement Paid and Approved By D. Ray Harrison, Jr. For County Commission-Dist. 2 (D) Your Friend, D. Ray Harrison, Jr. TRl-COU NTY SCHIROPRICTIC "Care for the Entire Family" Dr. Bennitt Patterson * Available on Location: X-Rays, Physical Therapy & Licensed Massage Therapist (MM0007612) Most Insurance Accepted - Major Medical Medicare/Medicaid Most HMO's & PPO's Personal Injury/Auto Accidents Workers' Compensation 493-1540 2220 N. Young Blvd., Chiefland (Across from Wal-Mart Super Center) OFFICE HOURS Monday/Wednesday / Friday 9 a.m. Noon & 2 p.m. 6 p.m. Tuesday 8 am 12:30 pm Thursday 8 a.m. Noon & 2 p.m. 5 p.m. ~ Walk-Ins Welcome ~ 341 Chiefland Regional Tri-County Shopping Center Chiropractic US 19 Wal-Mart N Super Center RBE U-GO-GIRLS Go To Virginia Our thoughts and our prayers are with you all as you travel. This softball team from Bell is inspiring to every- one. These girls have not only worked hard on the field, but off as well. These girls are adept to 100 weather. I've been to their car wash and BBQ dinners as they work in this heat. These girls are the epitome of team work. They know, no one girl or coach alone can make this a winning team. It takes everyone working together. It also takes community involve- ment. Even though these girls are presently on the road, they will still take donations. Call Chris Sanders (352) 318-9505. Either' way the tournament goes, these girls will still be a winning team. Let us all learn from their team work. It also takes team work to make 4 'A' schools. Not only principals, teachers, aids, workers, and stu- dents, it also takes an active working Board for a structured support system. There again, ultimately it take community involvement. Get out and vote. Elect Lucy Swilley for Gilchrist County School Board District 1. Like these girls I will work hard on and off campus. I will step-up to the plate to make educated informed decisions. SWILLEY FOR SCHOOLS Political advertisement paid and approved by Lucy Swilley for Gilchrist County School Board District I (NP) -.' ^Aw THURSDAY, JULY 27, 2006 Pa o- Tu'Lvl ve I C,,TT.CT4RT.Q.T COUNTYJOURNAL J %-IITR'L /AYI, /Y97 9AAJ fLIT .CT4RTSTX %--jOiTIINXTX J %-jLi NaI.14 1Th-tee North Florida (119.28); 500-535 (511) 115.00- 117.00 (115.45); 555-580 (568) Livestock Report 106.00-108.00 (106.98). Receipts at the North Florida Feeder Steers and Bulls Me- Livestock Market in Ellisville on dium and Large 2-3: 220-230 Thursday, July 19, 2006 were: (225) 140.00-145.00 (141.22); this week 610, last week 702 and 300-340 (326) 114.00-134:00 last year 820. (125.02); 355-395 (370) 110.00- Trends: Slaughter cows and 118.00 (114.55); 410-440 bulls 1.00-3.00 higher. .Feeder (421) 106.00-117.00 (112.15); Steers and heifers steady. Feed- 530-545 (534) 102.00-103.00 er and replacement cows steady. (102.50). Flesh condition on feeder cattle; Feeder Heifers Medium thin and very thin. 21 per- and Large 1-2: 220-230 (224) cent slaughter cows, 7 percent 140.00-148.00 (143.65); 255- slaughter bulls, 7 percent feeder 290 (267) 132.50-145.00 steers, 20 percent feeder heifers (142.38); 310-340 (330) 127.50- and 6 percent feeder and. re- 135.00 (130.65); 350-390 placement cows. (268) 116.00-129.00 (123.35); Slaughter Cows Breaker 75- 415-435 (431) 110.00-124.00 80 percent: 1210-1595 (1424) (112.70): 480-490 (487) 104.00- 45.50-52.25 (48.43); 1705-1810 106.00 (105.34); 530-535 (532) (1746) 47.00-51.00 (48.98). 99.00-101.00 (100.33)., Slaughter Cows Boner 80- Feeder Heifers Medium. 85 percent: 910-1185 (1013) and Large 2-3: 225-240 (234) 45.50-52.00 (47.73); 1200-1280 130.00-140.00 (136.86); 325- (1243) 46.50-49.50 (48.49). 345 (333) 106.00-125.00 Slaughter Bulls Y.G 1: 1105-1480 (1293) 52.00-58.00 (116.14); 355-375 (365) 100.00- (54.47); 1510-1765 (1642) 113.00 (105.55). 57.007)-60.50 (58.48) (642 Bred Cows Medium and 57.00-60.50 (58.48). Large 1-2 Middle-Aged: 895- Feeder Steers and Bulls Me- 1150 (1020) 54.00-75.00(64.35) dium and Large 1-2: 185-195 4-6 months bred; 1215-1275 (192) 195.00-197.50 (195.80); (1255) 51.00-58.00 (55.74) 4-6 (153.90); 255-290 (268) 140.00- 160.00 (148.04), 310-345 (329) 128.00-144.0 (137.17); 355-395 Credibility is the most important (380) 121.00-138.00 (126.28); possession of a leader., 415-440 (419) ,114.00-128.00 John Maxwell Gator Storage Trailer Rentals W 352-372-6206 Beth Davis Photography WEDDINGS PORTRAITS SPECIAL EVENTS- CEDAR KEY FLORIDA (352) 1543-5568 M&STRCITOR.SERV ICES,, INC. Land Clearing.* Site Prep and Cleaning House Pads Driveways Glenn Hines Business: 352-472-1660 Mobile: 352-354-54935 FENCING ALL TYPES 4-Board 60' Round Horse Training Pen ff''~f ~Including Labor, Material aqd One Gate g3 Field Fence $2.49/ft. (5oo'Mmn.) Completely Installed, Including Labor & Material Wood Chainlink Field & Barbwire Also Repairs & Free Estimates (552) 284-7081 (552) 949-0320 Locally Owned Carlisle Fence Licensed & Insured Enterprises, LLC Bell, Florida Re-Roofing & Leaks Metal Roofing 25-Year Warranty Manufacturer's FREE ESTIMATES 352 A7214943..' 352 3 794 752.01 Lic.# RC 0061384 CCC 1325497 Bonded & Insured Governor Bush Awards Rural Development Grant To The Dixie- Gilchrist-Levy Tourism Development Board Governor Jeb Bush awarded a $35,000 Regional Rural De- velopment Grant to the Dixie- Gilchrist-Levy Tourism Devel- opment Board for its regional tourism program. "Florida's Pure Water Wilderness." Cre- ated in 2000, the board was established as a result of a pilot project overseen by the Gover- nor's Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development and continues to be a successful tool for promoting rural and nature- based tourism. "Since its creation, the Di- xie-Gilchrist-Le~y Tourism De- I "The Works" *Genuine Motorcraft Oil & Filter Change *Rotate & Inspect FourTires I Inspect Brake System A $42.9 I .Test Battery A $42.95 *Check Air and Cabin Filters Value : .Check Belts and Hoses. *Check Wiper Blades $ 1 9 1 *Top Off All Fluids t ",s $4 -_ *Multi-Point Inspection I A great value In maintenance - oil change, tire rotation, thorough Inspection and morel Up to 5 qts. Motorcraft Oil. I axes, disposal fees and diesel vehicles extra. I Valid Only With Coupon Offer Eps 8-3-06. velopment Board has achieved remarkable success in promot- ing tourism and recreation. I am pleased to support their progress through our regional rural devel- opment grants," said Governor Bush. "Tourism is an important . component of the region's econ- omy and contributes to Florida's robust economic growth." The "Florida's Pure Water Wilderness" project is com- prised of a 2,000 square mile, three-county cluster of pristine lakes, ponds, creeks, springs, rivers and ocean. The tri-county board has successfully leveraged support from state partners, in- cluding VISIT FLORIDA and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, to enhance its. tourism campaign. The Partnership is considered a model for rural tourism detelop- ment organizations throughout the state. "We are very grateful to Gov- ernor Bush for his continued ef- forts in the Rural Areas of Criti- cal Economic Concern," said Donna Creamer, Executive'Di- rector for Dixie-Gilchrist-Levy Tourism Development Board. "We are committed to energeti- cally promoting Florida's Pure Water Wilderness and enhancing tourism's positive impact on our region." M MERCURY 916 N. Young Blvd., Chiefland Toll Free 1-888-864-4582 *Prices net of rebate, plus tax, tag and $224.95 document fees. All vehicles subject to prior sale. Art for illustration purposes only. In stock units only. See dealer for details. (W.A.C.) = With approved credit, financing with Ford Motor Credit Co. Prices may include FMCC financing. Incentives and rebates subject to change. "Present White Ford-Mercury vehicle owners. *1 :IN i iW,1, 1,0J1R3ILI AII L ihII m pi~ ~ s- .j .1ronTil E !wzlm Since 1999, Governor Bush has.worked to enhance the econ- omies and overall competitive- ness of rural Florida. Among many rural-based initiatives, Governor Bush established the "Rural Areas of Critical Economic Concern" program, providing designated rural areas with, greater access to the state's economic incentive programs., In April 2003, Governor Bush designated a fourteen county region in north Florida that in- cludes the tri-county region of- Dixie, Gilchrist, and Levy as the state's third "Rural Area of Criti- cal Economic Concern." To learn more about Pure Wa- ter Wilderness visit our website at www.PureWaterWilderness. com., The '0f75'are Now- Arrivinwwgi.4m ..e USt ave thne Ov'erstokd 0s Ranger Supercab Sport #6T0357. 4.0L V6, Auto, P2350WL Tires, 355 LS Axle TilLCrui-e Class III Tow Pkg ; ' Alum Wheels Power W.nd,,wE Power Loks. Ke,less Remote CD.MP3 CassLrre LE$$ at White Ford-Mercury! F150 Supercrew XLT 4x2 #6T0144.'Auto, 373 Lirnted Slip, Tra;ier Tow, Running BoarOs 6 Disk CD'MP3. Keyless Remote 17' Alum. Wheels Power Driver Sea3 TlItCru se Poi ser W,ndows Locks. 40 20 40 Seat. P255.17 T.res. Full Box Frame. Out Board Snorks LE$$ at White Ford-Mercury! Supercabs, Crew Cabs, Cab & Chassis, Reg. Cabs LE$$F at White Ford-Mercury! Grand Marquis LS Limited #6C0041 4 6L V8. Auto, Dual 8-Way Power Seat. Traction Control. Auto Elec Temp Control, Power Pedals. Power Heated Mirrors, Electromaic RRVM. Full Size Spare. Side Airbags, Chrome Plated Wheels, 2-Tone Leather, Power W-ndows Locks. t l[.Crunse LESdM at White Ford-Mercury! ....Same As Every -ale Same As Every .............******* .. ,, c rr -M ercury i. fif, Mercury Monterey #6C00028. 4.2L V6, Auto, Leather Seating, Dual Power Side Doors, Anti-Theft, AM/FM/CD, Speed Sensitive Sound System, Power Pedals, Forward/Reverse Service System, Safety Canopy, Power Windows/Locks, Cruise, Tilt. LE$$ at White Ford-Mercury! Mountaineer Premium #6T0302. 4.6L V8, Auto, 245x17 Tires, Power Running Boards, DVD Navigation, Class Ill/IV Tow, Power Moon Roof, Adj. Pedals, DVD Entertainment, Keyless Remote, Auto Head Lamps, Steering Wheel Rear Window Control, Heated Mirrors, Security Group, Universal Garage Door Opener. at White Ford-Mercury! Milan Premium #6C0052. 2.3L 1-4, Auto, 225/17 V-Rated Tires, Comfort Pkg., A/C, Auto Lamps, Leather Seats, Electromatic RRVM, Fog Lamps, Compass, Heated Mirrors, Puddle Lamps, Tilt Wheel, Cruise Control, Power Windows and Power Locks. LE$$ at White Ford-Mercury! Montego Luxury #6C00084. V6, Auto, P215/17 BSW Tires, Traction Control, Leather Seats, Keyless Remote, Power Windows, Power Locks, Cruise/Tilt, Steering-Wheel Audio Controls, Heated Mirrors, Dual A/C, Fog Lamps, Auto Head Lamps, Remote Lighting. LE$$ at White Ford-Mercury! Drive a Little Bell '- SAVE A Cross City More... V ILlHlB wlcox Trento N a lead to r White Ford In Chiefland OterCreek Williston GullHammock Ocala CedarKeye Inglis Website: www.whitefordmercury.com i UU:R-ITF miarir %w itanrcmcka-vrw e m n iin- 2 Mr- a v Hicks Seal Coating and Striping. LL(. Commercial aind * Decorate Thermoplasuic RFesidential * Truncated Dome- _splhida. Parking Lots and D[)rihtoa, Phone: (352) 535-5479 Fax: (352) 463-7745 Ronnie Hicks Licen..- "'td Insu.rea Trenton, Florida What does Delight Curtis stand for? When I first thought of this question, I thought that this would be easy. As I began writing down my thoughts, it became apparent to me that looking at one's self from the inside is a very hard thing to do. I know that I am an honest, positive and .caring individual that has a passion for enjoying life, family and a feeling of making a difference. How do I say that so that so it does not sound trite or conceited? I have to say it with meaning and showing it in my everyday actions. Throughout my 38 years in the corporate community, I have been involved in policy-makling, research and development of programs, design and implementation of procedures, supervisory and managerial duties. These tasks have given me the opportunity to be a problem sol er, a \ isionary and a go to person. My employers have always considered me as a "can do" person and I feel that I will be there for you, the community, to answer your questions and follow up on all of your concerns. Give me the opportunity to be there for you. Vote for Delight Curtis, School Board Member District I on September 5, 2006. Thank you Delight Curtis t352 472-6012 17339 SE 69th Lane Trenton. FL 32693 Pc .lIl...1.3- 1.. f !.d -d r m-.cd b, Dfigrl. C- e : III~I: &.. uiO.r 1 adr Ni mlh nI . All '06 Super Duties Model Year Clearance, Diesels & Gas, XLs, . XLT & Lariat "If your car doesn't have a WHITE FORD sticker on the back... you cost us BOTH money!" I " 'Ili R;I--] I I ZMTj1,kTjTjTATiTJ Ilk (:4 1[$] to I i-11:1 iftif I I I R-1 I I I I I m I V-PW-- E -X-- Lm GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Page Thirteen THURSDAY. JULY 27. 2006 lline Z-Ll rorii- &I IJ&IV m m THURSDAY, JULY 27, 2006 CM CU rT.Q.TTrC()T TNTY TOIT IRNAL Page Fourteen jju ...n u ,, ,,Lx - IN THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO. 212006CA0045 PARCELS: GLCH-003.000, GLCH-004.000, GLCH-005.000, GLCH-010.000, GLCH-013.000, GLCH-018.000, and GLCH-036.000. FLORIDA GAS' TRANSMISSION COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, Petitioner, V.. MARY ANN PHILPOT; HORACE HART; FARM CREDIT OF NORTH FLORIDA, ACA; BRUCE D. MAURER; SUSAN E. MAURER; CENTRAL FLORIDA ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE; INC., a Florida corporation, DEV- ON ENERGY CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation, as successor by merger to Pennzenergy Corpora- tion, a Delaware corporation, as successor by merger to Pennzoil Producing Company, a Delaware corporation; DAVID HENRY PHILPOT; DONALD GORDON PHILPOT; VIRGINIA LEE PHIL- POT ROSEN; THOMAS JOSEPH PHILPOT; DAVID L. MOORE; ANITA L. MOORE; BRENDA HART; JOSEPH D. HART, JR.; FELICIA ANN HART; CAPITAL. CITY BANK, a Florida banking corporation, successor by merger to Branford State Bank, a Florida banking corporation; STR RE- ALTY, INC., a Florida corporation; 'MICHAEL K. REBMANN; KRIS- TINE REBMANN; WASHING- TON MUTUAL BANK, a federal savings bank, f/k/a Washington Mu- tual Bank, FA; HARRIS J. THUR- STON; TRI-COUNTY BANK, a Florida banking corporation; Mari- lyn Bruce, as Tax Collector, and the unknown spouses of the above, if any, and their heirs, devisees, as- signees, grantees, creditors, lessees, executors, admmmstrators, mortgag- ees, judgment creditors, trustees, lienholders, persons in possession, and any and all other persons ha\ ing or claiming to have any right, ide or interest by, through, under or against the above-named defendants, or otherwise claiming any right, title, or interest in the real property de- scribed in this action, Defendants. / SUMMONS TO SHOW CAUSE, NOTICE OF EMINENT,, DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS AND NOTICE OF HEARING'. IN THE NAME OF AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA: TO ALL THE SHERIFFS OF THE STATE AND TO ALL WHOM IT MAY. CONCERN. YOU ARE COMMANDED to serve this summons and a copy of the Petition in Eminent Domain, the Declaration of Taking, the Notice of Lis Pendens, the Notice of Publica- tion, the Notice of Filing Affidavit Supporting Constructive Service of Process, and the Affidavit Support- ing Constructive Service of Process, upon: All defendants named in Exhibit, "A", attached; all parties claim- ing interests by, through, under or against the named defendants; all parties having, or claiming .to have any right, title, or interest in the property described in Exhibit "B" and the unknown spouses of the above-named defendants, if any, and their heirs, devisees, assignees, grantees, creditors, lessees, ex- ecutors, administrators, mortgagees, judgment creditors, trustees, lien- holders, persons in possession, and any and all other persons having or claiming to have any right, title or interest by, through, under or against the above-named defendants, or otherwise claiming any right, title, or interest in the real property de- scribed in this action. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DE- FENDANTS AND TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, INCLUDING ALL PARTIES CLAIMING ANY INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UN- DER OR AGAINST THE NAMED DEFENDANTS; AND TO ALL HAVING OR CLAIMING TO HAVE ANY RIGHT, TITLE, OR INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN the. Petition, that Petitioner has filed a Petition in Eminent Domain and Declaration of Taking to acquire certain property interests in Gilchrist County, Florida as described in the Petition. Each Defendant and any other person claiming any interest in, or having a lien upon, such property is required to serve a copy of written answer and defenses to the Petition upon J. Gregory Jacobs, of the law firm of Bricklemyer Smolker & Bolves, P.A., 500 East Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 200, Tampa, FL 33602, at- torney for Petitioner, and to file the original of the answer and defenses with the Clerk of this Court,, on or before August 16, 2006, showing what right, title; interest, or lien the defendant has in or to the property described in the Petition and to show cause why that property should not be taken for the uses and purposes set forth in the Petition. If any Defendant fails to do so, a default will be entered against that Defen- dant for the relief demanded in the Petition. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NO- TICE that a Declaration of Taking has been filed in this cause and that Petitioner will apply for an Order of Taking vesting title and posses- sion to the property as described in the Petition in the name of Peti- tioner, and any other order the'Court deems proper before the Honorable Maurice Giunta, Circuit Judge, on October 10, 2006, at 2:30 P.M., in the Circuit Judge's Chambers of the- Gilchrist County Courthouse, 112 S: Main Street, Trenton, Florida 32693. All Defendants in this action may request a hearing and be heard at the time and place designated. Any Defendant failing to file a request for hearing shall waive any right to object to the Order of Taking . WITNESS my hand and seal of the Court on theZday of July, 2006. JOE GILLIAM, Clerk of the Circuit Court (SEAL) By: Lyndsay P. Ayers Deputy Clerk NOTIFICATION- ATTN: If you are a person with a disability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are-entitled, at no cost to you, to theprovision of certain assistance, Please contact the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court (800) 267-3182 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this notice of hearing; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call TDD (352) 463-3437 or Florida Relay Service 711. Pub. July 20, 27, 2006b. Florida Gas Transmission Company v. Philpot, et al. PARCEL INTERESTED PERSONS INTEREST RECORD GLCH-003.000 David L. Moore OWNER Instr. # 2001000743 7070 U.S. Highway 129 O.R. Bk. 270, P. 381 Bell, Florida 32619 RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk. 200, P. 245 GLCH-003.000 Anita L. Moore OWNER hInstr. # 2001000743 7070 U.S. Highway 129 O.R. Bk. 270, P. 381 Bell, Florida 32619 RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk. 200, P. 245 GLCH-003.000 Farm Credit of North Florida, ACA MORTGAGE Instr. # 2000005040 c/o J. Charles Thompson, President Instr. # 2002001084 12300 N.W. U.S. Highway 441 Alachua, Florida 32615-8500 GLCH-004.000 Bruce D. Maurer OWNER Instr. # 2003001422 2510 N.W. 57th Trail Bell, Florida 32619 RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk. 200, P. 239 OIL,QGAS AND O, .R. Bk. 90, P. 621 MINERAL LEASE O.R. Bk. 90, P. 249, RESERVATION GLCH-004.000 Susan E. Maurer OWNER Instr. # 2003001422 2510 N.W. 57th Trail Bell, Florida 32619 RIGHTS RETAINED O.R.'Bk. 200, P. 239 OIL, GAS AND O.R. Bk. 90, P. 621 MINERAL LEASE O.R. Bk. 90, P. 249 RESERVATION GLCH-004.000 Central Florida Electric RIGHT-OF-WAY O.R. Bk. 159, P. 314 Cooperative, Inc., EASEMENT a Florida corporation c/o Mike Campbell, Registered Agent UTILITY Instr. #2006002291 1124 North Young Boulevard EASEMENT Chiefland', Florida 32626 EXHIBIT "A" Florida Gas Transmission Company v. Philpot, et al. PARCEL INTERESTED PERSONS INTEREST RECORD GLCH-004.000 Devon Energy Corporation, a OIL, GAS AND O.R. Bk. 90, P.,621 Delaware corporation, as successor MINERAL LEASE O.R. Bk. 90, P. 249. by merger to Pennzenergy GLCH-010.000 Corporation, a Delaware corporation, OIL, GAS AND O.R. Bk. 90, P. 231 S as. successor by merger to Pennzoil MINERAL LEASE O.R. Bk. 90, P.'618 Producing Company, a Delaware GLCH-013.000 corporation OIL, GAS AND O.R. Bk. 90, P. 231 S c/o J. Larry Nichols. President MINERAL LEASE O.R Bk. 90, P. 618 '20 North Broadway .... Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102 GLCH-005.000 David Henry Philpot OWNER O.R. Bk. 66, P., 194 1717 N. Bayshore Drive O.R. Bk. 69, P. 648 Miami, Florida 33132 RIGHTS RETAINED "O.R. Bk. 212, P. 329 GLCH-005.000 Donald Gordon Philpot OWNER O.R. Bk. 66, P. 194 ; 5154 Forest Brook Parkway O.R. Bk. 69, P. 648 Marietta, Georgia 30068 RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk. 212, P. 536 GLCH-005,000 Virginia Lee Philpot Rosen OWNER O.R. Bk. 66, P. 194 5413 Pasadena Drive O.R. Bk. 69, P. 648 Orlando, Florida 32809 RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk. 212, P. 560 GLCH-005.000 Thomas Joseph Philpot OWNER O.R. Bk. 66, P. 194 3400 Ocean Beach Boulevard O.R. Bk. 69, P. 648 Cocoa Beach, Florida 32931- RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk. 212, P. 488 GLCH-005.000 Mary Ann Philpot OWNER O.R. Bk. 251, P. 362 5 Douglas Circle Lake City, Florida 32025 RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk. 212, P. 334 O.R. Bk. 212, P. 339 NORTH BOUNDARY OF THE SOUTH, 1/2 -, O Ft THT SWt 14 OF SEC. 30.n UJ tf. 7 S. RNGO. 15 E APPARE N I fawcSP OM = =EID 5/I' no fmw m J 106WMA - Sfr~c 51*61*1or am N 89'59'27' W-43.59'\ - MRL4o ORG. CHEERED M'PRQVEO DWO. CHEMD APPRE STATS BY DATE BY 10,0E PREUM SJC 10/2005 SJC 10/2005 BID 13Y DAT SURVEY DATEimE M 09/2M0 DRAWN 0DM 10/2005 FILE NO.-. REV. DESCRIPTIOf BY DATE APPR. Florida Gas Transmission Company v. Philpot, et al. PARCELI NI TERESTED PERSO S INTEREST RECORD GLCH-010.000 Horace Hart OWNER as to 1/2 O.R. Bk. 2002, P. 3079 5499 N.W. 55th Avenue interest O.R. Bk. 45, P. 261 Bell, Florida 32619 O.R. Bk. 96, P. 86 O.R. Bk. 142, P. 613 O.R. Bk. 264, P. 207 RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk. 200, P. 263 OIL, GAS AND O.R. Bk. 90, P. 231 MINERAL LEASE O.R. Bk. 90, P. 618 RESERVATION GLCH-010.000 Brenda Hart OWNER as to 1/2 O.R. Bk. 2002, P. 3079 5499 N.W. 55th Avenue interest O.R. Bk. 45, P. 261 Bell, Florida 32619 O.R. Bk. 96, P. 86 O.R. Bk. 142, P. 613 O.R. Bk. 264, P. 207 RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk. 200, P. 263 OIL, GAS AND O.R, Bk. 90, P. 231 MINERAL LEASE O.R. Bk. 90, P. 618 RESERVATION GLCH-010.000 Joseph D. Hart, Jr. OWNER as to 1/2 O.R. Bk. 2002, P. 3079 5179 N.W. 57th Place interest O.R. Bk. 45, P. 261 Bell, Florida 32619 O.R. Bk. 96, P. 86 O.R. Bk. 142, P. 613 O.R. 1k. 264, P. 207 RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk. 200, P. 263 OIL, GAS AND O.R. Bk. 90, P. 231 MINERAL LEASE O.R. Bk. 90, P. 618 RESERVATION GLCH-010.000 Felicia Ann Hart OWNER as to 1/2 O.R. Bk. 2002, P. 3079 5179 N W. 57th Place interest O.R. Bk. 45, P.' 261 Bell, Florida 32619 O.R. Bk. 96, P. 86 O.R. Bk. 142, P. 613 O.R. Bk. 264, P. 207 RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk. 200, P. 263 OIL, GAS AND O.R. Bk. 90, P. 231 MINERAL LEASE O.R. Bk. 90, P. 618 RESERVATION Florida Gas Transmission Company v. Philpot, et al. PARCEL INTERESTED PERSONS INTEREST RECORD GLCH-010.000 Capital City Baqk, a Florida banking Mortgage O.R. Bk. 177, P. 53 corporation, successor by merger to O.R. Bk. 182, P. 249 Branford State Bank, a Florida O.R. Bk. 209, P. 79' banking corporation c/o-J. Kimbrough Davis, Reg. Agent 217 N Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 GLCH-013.000 STR Realty, Inc., OWNER Instr. # 2005003322 a Florida corporation c/o Matthew A. Potter, Reg. Agent RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk. 200, P. 209 5940 Main Street New Port Richey, Florida 34652 . GLCH-018.000 Michael K. Rebmann OWNER Instr. # 2005001355 16972 W. Lancashire Drive Loxahatchee, Florida 33470 RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk. 200, P. 203 GLCH-018.000 Kristine Rebmann OWNER Instr.# 2005001355 16972 W. Lancashire Drive Loxahatchee, Florida 33470 RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk. 200, P. 203 GLCH-018.000 Washington Mutual Bank, MORTGAGE Instr.# 2005001356 a federal savings bank, flkla Washington Mutual Bank, FA Arch Plaza Financial Center 2273 N. Green Valley Parkway Henderson, Nevada 89014 GLCH-036.000 Harris J. Thurston OWNER O.R. Bk. 2004, P. 4599 2519 N.W. 25th Avenue Bell, Florida 32619 RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk. 202, P. 248 GLCH-036.000 TrI-County Bank, MORTGAGE Instr. # 2004004600 a Florida banking corporation 6/o Gregory V. Beauchamp, P.A.., a .. Florida corporation, as Reg. Agent 107 E. Park Avenue Cheifland, Florida 32626 ALL PARCELS Marilyn Bruce, as Tax Collector TAX COLLECTOR 112 S..Main Street Trenton, Florida 32693 GILCHRIST COUNTY. FLORIDA OITCES N 30 TWP 7 S RNG 1 5 E - F S, A 40.00 FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND, LYING IN AND BEING A PART OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE 15 EAST, GILCHRIST COUNTY. FLORIDA AND BEING A PORTION OF THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2001 743. PUBUC RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY, THE CENTERUNE OF SAID STRIP BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS;: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4; THENCE N 8a951'37" W. ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4, 40.24 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE N 01'58'S9 W 1318.59 FEET TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4 AND0 THE TERMINUS OF SAID CENTERUNE. THE SIDELINES OF SAID EASEMENT ARE TO BE EXTENDED OR SHORTENED TO TERMINATE IN SAID NORTH AND SOUTH BOUNDARIES. CONTAINING 1.21 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. EmuPORAw CONSTRUCTION ASsumNT BEING AN ADDITIONAL O FOOT WIDE STRIP ADJOINING AND PARALLEL WITH THE WEST SIDELINE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMANENT EASEMENT. CONTAINING 1.82 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. EXTRA TPUPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMFW A PARCEL OF LAND, LYING IN AND BEING A PART OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 30. TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE 15 EAST, GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA AND BEING A PORTION OF THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2001 743, PUBLIC RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4; THENCE N 89'59'27" W, ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF SAID SOUTH 1/2, 123.74 FEET; THENCE S 01"58'59" E 40.02 .FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE S 0188'59" E 150.00 FEET; THENCE S 89'37' 54" W 80.02 FEET; THENCE N 01'58'59" W 150.33 FEET; THENCE S B9"59'27" E 50.03 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.17 ACRE (7,508 SQUARE FEET). MORE OR LESS. LEGEND S=- CENTERLNE F.G.T. FLORIDA GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY O.R. OFFICIAL RECORDS P.O.B. POINT OF BEGINNING P.O.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT SEC. SECTION TWP. TOWNSHIP RNGO. RANGE R/W RIGHT OF WAY N.T.S. NOT TO SCALE a PERMANENT EASEMENT y. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT S- EXTRA TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT Florida Gas Transmlssilon Company HOUSTON, TEXAS UNIVERSAl, ENSCO, INC. 41446 LOOP CE1001. D" NOIJTVNWASl "061 MWD CM) 013 77-7770 PLO*14 5317415 0or fm flmft N/SIN61 SPECIFIC PURPOSE SURVEY AND DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH OF EASEMENT ON THE PROPERTY OF DAVID L MOORE, El UX CILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA PROJECT NO. 321061 PREVUS DKO NO. SHT. OF wEC. NO. FLMEFGLCHOO 3 tur I-O I __' \ P.O.B. 1 .p "2 . MNW I72ND PLACE ./. ... ENT MAINTAINED R/W UNE-7 A TEMP. CONS. ESM'T 3NN/. NE CORNER OF THE SOUTH 1/2 0 THESW 14 OF SEC. 30, TWP. 7 EXTRA TEMPORAWE T CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT B INSTRUMENT NO. 2001 743 / 40' WIDE EASEMENT ,/ 1.-EAST BOUNDARY OF THE SW 1/4 n os .o's//-OF SEC. 30. TWP. 7 S. RNG. 15 E TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT . N 01'88'59" W V/ 1318.59' NUMBER UIs 1 I' N Lt i N 40,; 4, 30'F.G.T. PIPELINE L 0 S 01BB'"9' E 40.02' L4 S 01'5a5W E 1so.,0o L5 S 9'37'4" W so.oz . LB N oV' Ws" W 150.33s L7 S 89'527" E 50.03' SOU n BOUDA RY/ /r W SE CORNER OF THE SW 1/4 OF OUF SEC. 30, TWP. 7 S, RNO. 1 E \U OF / SEC. 30. T.'IP 7S. RHO. 15 E p.o0.Br ,, lOMitM MWOrIOWR.WST PCAZSW OW fP 4WJfM0 lBVC &MrMAU AIFM06W/iOIED hltNARE MO3 f For MIA.EWU W 8*11NUGRUUDOr1AHOLE I A'SOfw03 Notice of Eminent Domair Proceedings and Notice of Hearing continued on Page 15 SME: I =ZUO' mi. I I 9f I I , . CONST. I THURSDAYJULY 272006 %-IlH XIST (701 TNTY 101 4RNA I Notice of Eminent Domain Proceedings and Notice of Hearing continued from Page 14 SECTION 31, TWP. 7 S, RNG. 15 E PERMANENT AMENr . A 40.00 FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND, LYING IN AND BEING A PART OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 31. TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE 15 EAST, GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA AND BEING A PORTION OF THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2003001422. PUBLIC RECORDS OF SAID 'COUNTY, THE CENTERUNE OF SAID STRIP BEING DESCRIBED AS . FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHWEST 1/4; THENCE. N B9r5137" W, ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF SAID NORTHWEST 1/4, 40.24 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 01'58'59" E 404.33 FEET; THENCE S 01"49'10" E 2236.26 FEET TO THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF SAID NORTHWEST 1/4 AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID CENTERUNE. THE SIDELINES OF SAID EASEMENT ARE TO BE EXTENDED OR SHORTENED TO MEET AT ANGLE POINTS AND TO TERMINATE IN SAID NORTH AND SOUTH BOUNDARIES. CONTAINING 2.42 ACRES. MORE OR LESS. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT BEING AN ADDITIONAL 60 FOOT WIDE STRIP ADJOINING AND PARAU.EL WITH THE WEST SIDEUNE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMANENT EASEMENT. CONTAINING 3.64 ACRES. MORE OR LESS. ETRA TMPORW CONSTRUCTION EuASEMENT LEGEND S- CENTERLINE F..T. FLORIDA GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY O.R. OFFICIAL RECORDS P.O.B. ,POINT OF BEGINNING P.O.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT SEC. SECTION TWP. TOWNSHIP RNG. RANGE R/W RIGHT OF WAY N.T.. NOT TO SCALE - PERMANENT EASEMENT 77 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT i g EXTRA TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT A PARCEL OF LAND. LYING IN AND BEING A PART OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SEC11ON 31, TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH. RANGE 15 EAST. GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA AND BEING A PORTION OF THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2003001422. PUBLIC RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE, .SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHWEST 1/4: THENCE N 8954'00" W. ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF SAID NORTHWEST 1/4, 121.97 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE N B9'54'00- W. ALONG SAID SOUTH BOUNDARY,. 50.03 FEET; THENCE N 01'49'10" W 93.26 FEET: THENCE N 88'10'50" E 50.00 FEET; THENCE S 0149'19" E 94.94 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Or0 CONTAINING 0.11 ACRE (4.705 SQUARE FEET). MORE OR LESS, NOTES' .' 1109806 1 91m 0 AM R w 65 em wO w mlrc no NM M ITPLU coawwir iffi111 H'm ME W7 1 w1w45"' l w or N F mJ mDRe NOR M wa 0661 r o fP A 1M Is T 1/4 Or SFIV JI, I. 9M 7 OUr4 7 W Is C4sr. Dr D EWN "'Jrr . i117 7a06m 6 MO 0w00w41 A ? LD 0s8Lm"mPIN vh 0.wwme 0 v7w. ;mw1 A.'IiIs UR Aw A 4s 0.45 s11 5 3 .0 sr w06 4 AN s wN1 mOF 86S E4 Pa17ars cup 0 M W ar w O w rWRU9IVINWOIH Ilm l Nr VN W0M6 1w IuiitMt N1A1M IT 1 AND m DOIS st1691 or c7 m MS 00 0t mAD w1X lOW RaAs ONMAr6r A O 5W SiMi. NlRD o' rIAI6 1 4464 000 ME RID SM A RM51.ON RE m.0 UCMIOW SUIWTUR AND 00650 Florida Gas Transmission Company H-OUSrON, TEXAS GILCHRIST COUNTY. FLORIDA IPI ED BT UNIVERSAL ENSCO. INC. .6- LOOP CM I RIA o1n4 OUS10.. IES W77 P%91 1 C (713) 07 7-7770 >U4EM CA1rmait OF m 416w96a9 u9 6166 SPECIFIC PURPOSE SURVEY AND DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH OF EASEMENT ON THE PROPERTY OF BRUCE D. MAURER, ET UX GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA; MUJEU"I rNU. 321061 PREmIOuS O10 NO SHT. OF OWG NO FIEFGLCH604 W. I O SECTION 31, TWP. 7 S, RNG. 15 E SaB*54'0o' W P.O.C. 121. 97' V E CORNER OF THE SW 1/4 S / -SEC 31. TWP. 7 S. RNG. 15 . r'.U.'.^^ f /'' r * N NORTH BOUNDARY OF THE SW 14 -' OF SEC. 31. TWP. 7 S, RNG. 1 E. . EXTRA TEMPORARY- P L CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT FLMEF'-GLCH-00 t NW 57TH TRAIL MARY ANN PHILPOT, ET AL 0.R. 25f1. PC. 362 t.40' WIDE EASEMENT-' LINE TABLE NUMBER BEARING DISTANCE I .:- .. LI N 854'o00 W 41.93' -- 1.2--.---N-W4'W ---S Ie3 -, -- 3 S W014'10 E 241.3' s 01'4'10 ' : :' L4 N B15 E 5. 10"8 ,0,-'' 1 -. L5 N Or'4 10- W 23S9.9' TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT LEGEND m CENTERLINE F.G.T. FLORIDA GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY O.R; OFFICIAL RECORDS P.O.B. POINT OF BEGINNING P.O.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT SEC. SECTION TOP. TOWNSHIIP - 'RNG. RANoE R/W RIGHT OF WAY N.T.S. NOT TO SCALE S PERMANENT EASEMENT E77.- TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT P EXTRA TEMPO MRY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REV. DESCRIPTION B S30" F.G T PIPEUNE F PERMANENT EASEMENT E- r A 40.00 FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND, LYING IN AND BEING A PART OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 31. TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH. RANGE 15 EAST. GILCHRIST COUNTY. FLORIDA, THE CENTERLINE OF SAID STRIP BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4: THENCE Il 89"54'00" W. ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4. 41.93 FEET, TO THE POiNf OF BEGINNING; THENCE - S 01'49'10o E 1364.55 FEET TO THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF SAID SOUTM- WEST 1/4 AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID CENTERUNE. THE SIDEUNES OF SAID EASEMENT ARE TO BE Eb ENDED OR SHORTENED TO TERMINATE III SAID NORTH AND SOUTH BOUNDARIES. CONTAINING 1.25 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. TBIPQRARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT BEING AN ADODI1rIAL 60 FOOT WIDE STRIP ADJOINING AND PARALLEL WITH THE WEST SIDELINE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMANENT EASEMENT. CONTAINING 1.88 ACRES. MORE OR LESS. MRA W.miruIma cumsImmuum MSEMENT A PARCEL OF LAND. LYING IN AND BEING A PART OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 31. TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE 15 EAST, GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4: , THENCE N 8954'00" W. ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF SAID, SOUTHWEST 1/4. 121 97 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE N 89'54'00" W, ALONG SAID NORTH BOUNDARY. 50.03 FEET; THENCE S 01'49'10" E 241.63 FEET; THENCE N 8r10'50" E 50.00 FEET: THENCE N 01'49'10" W 239.95 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, LESS EXISTING R"WOIAY. E' `. .-' C91Y1AIN H ,,J OACRE (12.039, SURE FT. MO"E O 'LESS I 1 ',, NOTES: I OEM=MNs 7w AoW 84 a77ON 4 51w1 m ir t AW 0001011 157M a0 2 lURw1 WMV&NOM40=41 O O mP S171r SliY iOaN FP A 1UR s Wlt m fr.O. O 4m W, .1 C sawf AMID 6MM058 OF FOM0I0 111As0614M0 4Raiw AE 84W wON LaS0 B? 0w AWDc4ADAG W lt 1OA 0?Sm T cm w m OF wm Sm 10100141101I 14M6 4000 N OifI4OUT IIOI4ATURE oslo TIll 0910608. R0377 OrAl. 0? A TLOW11A 69691100W RiD NW'POO UNIVERSAL ENSCO, INC. 404 LOOP c L. OR HOUSTI. NTELS 77061 PHON6 (713) o77-7770 ntaw c-iF er ar = Mmmm mmcii s SPECIFIC PURPOSE SURVEY AND DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH OF EASEMENT ON THE PROPERTY OF MARY ANN PHILPOT, ET AL GILCHRIST COUNtY, FLORIDA GILCHRIST COUNTY. FLO0RIDA .1, SECTION 6, TWP. 8 S, PROJECT NO., 321061 SIT. OF On NO. - FLMEFGLCH005 s:m~ of i TNT.IOFI A RNG. 15 E P.O.C. SNORTH BOUNDARY OF THE NE P.O.B, 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SEC. 6, TWP. 8 S. RNG's 15 E. ,fLAEF-GLCH-01 0 40' WIDE EASEMENT- HORACE HART, ET AL INSTRUMENT NO. 2002 3079 UNE TABLE NUMBER BEARING DISTANCE L1 S 88"31'28" W 20.38' L2 S 8ar3334 W 103.68' 1.3 N 01'20'29 W 28.39 L4 N 0i'20'29" W 150.00' L5 S 8S07'47" W 50.00' L6 S 01'20'29" E 1ts.15' L7 N B6'48'57" E 50.03' . 0-t .30" FG.T. PIPEUNE' PERMANENT EASEENT A 40.00 FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND. LYING IN AND BEING A PART OF THE NORTHEAST .1/4.0r fTHE' SOUTHWEST 1/4.OF SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH, RANGE 15 EAST, GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA. THE CENTERLINE OF SAID STRIP BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWSt OMMENCE AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4; THENCE S BB3i'2e' W. ALONG TH N H BOUNDARY OF SAID NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4, 20.38 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 01"2029" E 1321.32 FEET TO THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF SAID NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID CENTERUNE. THE SIDELINES OF SAID EASEMENT ARE TO BE EXTENDED OR SHORTENED TO TERMINATE IN SAID NORTH AND SOUTH BOUNDARIES. CONTAINING' 1.20 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT BEING AN ADIlTIONAL 60 FOOT WIDE STRIP ADJOINING AND PARALLEL WITH THE WEST SIDELINE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMANENT EASEMENT. CONTAINING 1.82 ACRES. MORE OR LESS. EXRA TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION E*3MUENT A PARCEL OF LAND, LYINGOIN AND BEING A PART OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 6. TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH. RANGE 15 EAST, GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4; THENCE SS 33'34' W, ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF SAID NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 103.68 FEET; THENCE N 01'20'29" W 28.39 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; TENCE CONTINUE N 01'20'29" W 150.00 FEET; THENCE S 8807'47 W'50.00 FEET; THENCE S 01"20'29" E 151.15 FEET; THENCE N 86'48B'7" E 50.03 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.17 ACRE (7,529 SQUARE FEET), MORE OR LESS. NOTES; I67 nSWI6140ftA4 Mt8 4 m6 ONlPft M04 11 r P COwL D4o ir sTEmN '0OWN" AG'MINfARL 1 "' -s44WOr 159 E iNORrT IoW"Y OrWEN E oit6 sr /V4 'rR e sWM T 4OF IA EN A 4 .W- s AWM A I 11 5 94T0.$, 8' K SEMM FOR A ND19 WW? AU MeIUR LAND LOM S OUBM w 3 j cnOW 's AND sAr7 OFr RO s 09 05 00D8OW7 0 M ARE1A0 ON 54.005Mr87 CLAND 00 00CA587101r1 DC 0551471 ON A 604840 i I TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT S Ot*20'29" E 1321.32' r BOUNDARY OF THE NE OF THE SW 1/4 OF SEC. NP. 8 S, RNG. IS E. LEGEND C CENTERUNE F.G.T. FLORIDA GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY O.R. OFFICIAL RECORDS P.O.B.- POINT OF BEGINNING P.O.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT SEC. SECTION TWP. TOWNSHIP RNO. RANGE /W RIGHT OF WAY N.T.S. NOT TO SCALE S PERMANENT EASEMENT S TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT -E EXTRA TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT SOUTH BOUNDARY OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SEC. G,. TWP. 8 S., RNG. IS E. EMP. CONSTR. ESM'T. NER OF THE NE 1/4 SW 1/4 OF SEC. 6, S. RNG. 15 E. "-t NW 52ND PLACE PRIARED BY UNIVERSAL ENSCO, INC. 414 LOGOP W ALM r E 44USW 15WAS "7M0 4ON6 <(713) 677-7770 n110 M CVnMWONA w a1ZIMAM M aW SIN PROJECT NO. SPECIFIC PURPOSE SURVEY AND 321061 DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH OF EASEMENT Pmaous ow No. ON THE PROPERTY OF HORACE HART, ET AL smT. or GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA FnIEFGLCH0IO / SHT, IOF 1 _ Notice of Eminent Domain Proceedings and Notice of Hearing continued on Page 16 1 1 '" "' *" i k CASE NO.: 21-2005-CA-02 HELEN SCREWS, RICHARD WISE, JR. AND VIVIAN WEBB, Plaintiff, VS. JOSEPH N. GAGLIONE, JR.,, Defendants. CLERK'S NOTICE OF SALE UNDER F.S. CHAPTER 45 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, in accordance with the Summary Final Judgment ot Foreclosure dated July 13, 2006, in the above-styled cause, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at the Gilchrsit County Courthouse, Trenton, Florida at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, August 14, 2006, the following described property: GILCHRIST COUNTY. FLORIDA a.m., Scott Akins, owner, will con- duct a Sale by Auction to the highest bidder over which is owned on the contents of the space rented by: Carol Davis '1919 SE 37th Ave. Trenton, FL 32693 consisting of personal and house- ' hold items. h This sale is being made to satisfy f a statutory lien. S Dated this 14th day of July, 2006. Bell Mini Storage Scott Akins, Owner PO Box 267 Bell, Florida 32619 Telephone: (352) 463-6859 Pub. July 20, 27, 2006b. S : I Page Fifteen Legal Notices IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR, GILCHRIST COUNTY, .FLORIDA, PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: THE ESTATE OF VIVIAN E. HARRIS, File Number 21-2006-CP-0038 Deceased, - NOTICE TO CREDITORS ,The administration of the esta of VIVIAN E. HARRIS, decease whose date of death \ as April 1 2005, File Number 21-2006-C 0038. is pending in the Circuit Cou for Gilchnst County. Florida, Pr bate Division, the address of whi is' Gilchrist County Courthous Post Office. Box 37, Trenton, F 32693. The names and addresses i the personal representative and th personal representamite's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent an other persons hating claims 'or.di mands against decedent's estate c hom a cop) of this notice has bee served must file their claims wil the court WITHIN THE LATER 0 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DAT OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION ... OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAY AFTER THE TIME OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the deceder and persons having claims or de mands against the decedent's estate must fule their claims % iLh this couJ WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THI DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLIC TION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THI TIME PERIOD SET FORTI- ABOVE. ANY CLAIM FILE TWO YEARS OR MORE AFTEF THE DECENDENT'S DATE 0O DEATH IS BARRED. AttomeN for Personal Represen tative: SHEREE H. LANCASTER Florida Bar No. 602922 SHEREEH. LANCASTER, P.A 109 East Wade Stree' Post Office Box 1OOC Trenton, FL 32693 Telephone: 352/463-1000 Personal Representatives: SUSANM JARCHOW 6949 SW 2nd Lane Bell, FL 32619 ptib.'July 20, 27, 2006b ' '* ',-", : OF SALE Bell Mini Storage, pursuant to the provisions of the Flonda "Self-Stor age Facility Act" (Fla. Stat. 83.8011 63.8091 hereby gives Notice of Sale under said Act,. to wit: On Friday, August 4, 2006, a Bell Mini Storage, US Highway 129, Bell, Florida, at 9:00 o'clock a.m., Scott Akins, owner, will con duct a Sale by Auction to the highest bidder oer %uhich is owned on the contents of the space rented by: , Lisa Barnes-Gray 1849 NW 30th St. Bell, FL 32619 consisting of personal and house hold items. This sale is being made to satisfy a statutory lien Dated this 14th day of July, 2006 Bell Mini Storage Scott Akins, Owne: : PO Box 267 Bell, Florida 32619 Telephone: (352) 463-6859 Pub. July 20, 27, 2006b. PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE Bell Mini Storage, pursuant to the provisions of the Florida "Self-Stor age Facility Act" (Fla. Stat. 83.801 83.809) hereby gives Notice of Sale under said Act, to wit: On Friday, August 4, 2006, a Bell .Mini Storage, US Highway 129, Bell, Florida, at 9:00 o'clock a.m., Scott Akins, owner, will con duct a Sale by Auction to the highest bidder over which is owned on the contents of the space rented by: Edward Brown 1022 NE 13th Ave. Trenton, FL 32693 consisting of personal and house- hold items. This sale is being made to satisfy a statutory lien. Dated this 14th day of July, 2006. Bell Mini Storage Scott Akins, Owner PO Box 267 Bell, Florida 32619 Telephone: (352) 463-6859 Pub. July 20, 27, 2006b. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION Lots 14 and 15, LOWELL ESTATES, a subdivision as recorded therof in Plat Book 3, Page 7 of the Public Records of Gilchrist County, Florida. Dated: July 13, 2006 JOSEPH W. GILLIAM Clerk of Court (SEAL) By: Lyndsay P. Ayers Deputy Clerk CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I CERTIFY that a true and cor- rect copy of the foregoing Notice of Sale under F.S. chapter 45 has been furnished by United States Mail on July 18,2006, to each of the follow- ing: -Joseph N. Gaglione, Jr., 818 ate Old Magnolia Road, Wake Forest, d, North Carolina 27587Tand Norm D. 9, Fugate, Post Ofice Box 98, Willis- ton, Florida 32696.' rt Lyndsay P. Ayers o- Deputy Clerk i Pub: July 27,'Aug.3,2000b e, FL NOTICE OFINTENT TO of AMEND EXISTING RULE AND he, ADOPT NEW RULE ;y Notice is hereby given that The School Board of Gilchnst County, id Florida intends to amend an existing e- rule regarding:. Rule 7.17/D on "Authorized Tratel Expenses"; and *n adopt a ne\ rule regarding Rule th 2 20/D "'WeUness Program" ' F Copies of the proposed rules are E a%. ailable for inspection and copying N by the public at the Superintendent's S office, 310 NW. Ilth Avenue, E Trenton, .Florida. E Specific authority) for these amended and adopted rules are it Flonda Statutes /00/ 32, 1001.41,, 1001.42, 1001.23, 112.061, 100J.43, e J1006.06, and'1003 455 rt A public hearing |I ll.be held on E the proposed amended and adopted- rules at 11 -00 a.m. on September 5, 2006, at the School Board Meeting D ,at the Gilchrist County School Board meeting room at 310 NW E 11th Avenue, Trenton, Florida H 32693 ) All interested persons are advised R that any person desiring to appeal IF any decision made by the board as to:an) matter considered at said hearing. %ill need to ensure that a %erbaiim record is made of the proceeding, which h record must Include all of the testimony and Sev idence presented S .. /s/James Vickers S JAMES VICKERS as 3 Superintendent and Seecretary S to the Board Pub., July 20,27, 2006b. PUBLIC NOTICE S OF SALE Bell Mini Storage, ipuriuant to the pr-o(sions of-the Florida "Self-Stor- Aag -Fia. hli .-A. Z-o.Fla Stat I.3. l- 83 809)'herebj, gites Notiee-of Sale e under said Act, to wit: On FndaN. August 4, 2006, at .,Bell Mini Storage. US Highway e 129, Bell, Florida, at 9:00 o'clock a.m., Scott Akins, owner, will con- t duct a Sale b. Auction to the highest y bidder over which is owned on the k 'contents of the space rented by: -- Vernon Crooms t 6630 NW llth Ave. e BellFL 32619 consisting of personal and house- hold items. This sale is being made to satisfy a statutory lien. - Dated this 14th day of July, 2006. Bell Mini Storage I7y Scott Akins, Owner PO Box 267 6. Bell, Florida 32619 e Telephone: (352) 463-6859 r Pub. July;20, 27, 2006b. .9 PUBLIC NOTICE 9 OF SALE Bell Mini Storage, pursuant to the provisions of the Florida "Self-Stor- age Facility Act" (Fla. Stat. 83.801- 83.809) hereby gives Notice of Sale e under said Act, to wit: . -_ On Friday, August 4, 2006, at - Bell Mini Storage, US. Highway e 129, Bell, Florida, at 9:00 o'clock a.m., Scott Akins, owner, will con- t duct a Sale by Auction to the highest Bidder over which is owned on the contents of the space rented by: S Terry Marshall t PO Box 154 S Bell, FL 32619 consisting of personal and house- hold items. This sale is being made to satisfy a statutory lien. Dated this 14th day of July, 2006. Bell Mini Storage Scott Akins, Owner PO Box 267 Bell, Florida 32619 Telephone: (352) 463-6859 Pub. July 20, 27, 2006b. PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE Bell Mini Storage, pursuant to the provisions of the Florida "Self-Stor- age Facility Act" (Fla. Stat. 83.801- 83.809) hereby gives Notice of Sale under said Act, to wit: On Friday, August 4, 2006, at 7 Bell Mini Storage, US Highway 129, Bell, Florida, at 9:00 o'clock t I Aemst rr GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL GaI TIRSTRT OT TNTY TOT IRNAT THURSDAY, JULY 27, 2006 Notice of Eminent Domain Proceedings and Notice of Hearing continued from Page 15 GlILCHRIST (COUNTY. FLORIDlA SECTION 6, TWP. 8 S, RNG. 15 E s : 35'.qr" 42.25 CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT LINE TABLE . NUMBER BEARING DISTANCE LI N Ori43si1 W 77.9.95 .2 .N o0r '29" E 0.11' 1.3 S 88'iB'18" W 118.91' L4 S 8B28'"85" W 0.00' L.5 N 01r43'51 W 149.71' L6 N B807'47" E 50.00' L7 S 0)'43581" E 150.02' 1.8 N OIr43'51 W 6.24" SOUTH BOUNDARY OF THE SW 1/4 OF SEC. 6. TWP. s. RNG. 15 E. LEGEND C CEKTERUINE F.O.T. FLORIDA GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY OR. OFFm RECORDS. ' P.O.B. POINT OF. BEGINNING P.O.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT Sec. SECTION WP. TOWNSHIP RN0. RANGE " /W RIGHT OF WAY N.T.S. NOT TO SCALE -g -j PERMANENT EASEMENT 77 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT S- EXTRA TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT -EAST BOUNDARY OF THE SW 1/4 Cr SEC. 6. TWP. 8 S. RNG. 15 E. ' - 40' WIDE EASEMENT 5. "APPARENT MAINTAINED R/W UNE 36.91 NW S0TH SI7EET U 151431709 A~~'53BIN RMBOI DIE V'IT'IDITII934AI1IBE Aid 59510 EAL SIA FWRDA LI0a~ ILNASIOR 5149 I&3P~ OF THE SW 1/4 OF P. 8 S, RNG. 15 E. I VDMW DOM WKW 4 A0111A/S MW 1ovn 71. P10194SFAF ll PlAE 009544FF 5510 IOflIEIIU1/4 or 1MM A 191maw a 19K AV/"iNs IOW19. 9040 9arfri, -W. I IDDI/FlANP1496 .11 5190PII8GWOr F 1451ROWC9 A S W.'PYDV .. .lW51K ND04110NrESS4Tr LNLAAO UMRFDOMPIM09901148 C4UMM AV404,W7914 FDR A MUM OUL 83 _____ 3 OCCOWDIW AND 1001 OF5 OfMS O SUIEIIY O1PKW C050M A 54WSW DY A9D9AA4En 14 CMXI M BT,*D085080101.9 KRFT 5015 IV A5015, AND ON 0VMS 3111P1101 Or 5MW1?AM DD ND 70?CMDND lT Nr MU1LI1 CfA BOLW494TSI/ft'. UNIVERSAL ENSCO. INC. 9048 LOOP C0fWAL 09131 '10U90. 'WAS2 "081' 531505, (713) 077-.77701 FWUO4 09711045or A~mS?'iommmm 904 6,8 10 DW CHECKo S AAPROE D PROJECT NO. srs SB 0/2005E BY 10/2005 CONSFlorid a G s SPECIRC PURPOSE SURVEY AND 321061 C 10/2005 JC 10/2005- D BY 09/20 Transmission DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH OF EASEMENT PFws noo. o. W OM 0/2 Company ON THE PROPERTY OF owszer. seB.rMT STR REALTY. INC.c'" o" o FILE N0 o- GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA rlMEGCHi A REV. DES.rTpnON BY DATE mP.n. ta w I \a622,000\oPLArSFLMErOLCHOI3 SCALE: 1200' HOUSTO, SXI I or GILCHRIST COUNTY. FLORIDA SECTION 7, TWP. 8 S, RNG. 15 E S 84958" . NORTH BOUNDARY OF THE SW /4 47' OF SEC 7. TWP. 8 S, RNG. 15 E P.O.B S 0 23of-27 E-E \ P.O.C. 141.06' "'NE CORNER OF THE SW 1/4 OF \ SEC. 7. P. 8 S, RNG. 15 E o PERMANENT EASEMENT S,3o'F.G.T PIPEULNEE E FLMEF-GLCH-01 REBMA El" T I A 40.00 FOOT WIDE STRIP OFr AND, LYING IN AND BEING A PART OF THE SOUTHWEST MICHAEL TK. REBMANN, ET U 1/4 OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP B SOQLTH, RANGE 15 EAST, GILCHRIST COUNTY. FLORIDA INSTRUMENT NO 2005001355 40 WIDEEASEMENT BEING A PORTION OF THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2005001355. PUBLIC RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY. THE CENTERULINE OF SAID STRIP BEING DESCRIBED S: AS FOLLOWS- COMMENCE AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4; THENCE S eBB49'58" W. ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4, 47.60 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE S 01"23'27" E 141 OB FEET: THENCE S 07"46' S11" W 1191.70 FEET TO THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SOUTHWEST S o0746 I 11 1/4 AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID CENTERUNE. THE SIDELINES OF SAID EASEMENT ARE 1191.70' ,/ TO BE EXTENDED OR SHORTENED TO MEET AT ANGLE POINTS AND TO TERMINATE IN SAID A \ NORTH AND SOUTH BOUNDARIES; . -. ) rIt + "' "CONTAINING 1.22 ACRES. MORE OR LESS .. i ":'- .RY'; SuClON qSEtT 10 U10 "-i w6 CONSRU- ,ON -EASEMzrff.1i ,1, ,i. .,'B AiAati NAL 60 rOOk*iD'SrP'ADJOIN1N3S AND RARALIM I WTH T I.iTO OflI ', SIDEUNE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMANENT EASEMENT. CONTAINING 1.84 ACRts, MORE OR LESS. (NOT INCLUDED) , TERMINUS POINT / S/ 245 54' --SE CORNER OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE - SOUTH BOUNDARY OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE/ Sr88"5557 "W SW 1/4 OF SEC. 7,TW. B S, RNG. IS E SW 1/4 OF SEC. 7, TWP. 8 S. RNG. 15 E LEGEND CE- CENTENE NOTES. foSRNOSSH W NRT R 4EN ARE OIS ONPCOF 0F. STA LNTE A R WCOOMR 4 , F.G.T. FLORIDA GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY NORM lOZ HW AMIOY B4*St OF 90 y IaNW Sorw KK N ia mm O R Of RA O.R. OFFi. RECORDSSF U 'N V m MWVERSAL ENSCO, INc. P.O.B. POINT OF BEGINNING V4 OF "a niaI ..m..s r 1 Mw 10scI M oo W. P.O.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENTO SSMTIN uaws 09M S M mI0 V M AA as rLm tAM OM C CSMA WD SEC. -n SECTION *. c'o S f ARI DaMA P c-fVA *E : . TWP. TOWNSHIP ~f00 cvOWnwANDoP=M'OF .OWoa 102Ic0 05 1C 1020 BMANC0 070O RING.: RANGE 1E0 AD.00 Company N E PRO T OIS OF A MM. GIC RIT.UYRANIE o.. RITNOT F WTAOSCALE n .SCT5IrON 98 UNIVERSAL ENSCO, INC. N.T. NOT'nTO oSCNAUE TAL I.\862 404\ .T EGL LOW AO 1OUSTC0. 0MOS 7T PERMANENT EA4SEMENTKII E1 .4 04 E N A (71"N) 177-7770 S- TEMPORARY CO5" INSTRUCTION EASEMENT PH OB N 4 o iUMN AUI 040 cm r180 u A FOLLOW COMMENCE AT H OUHEA CORNER SADN OBJECT THENCE 0FBy DATE 0 .T. PIPN S 29'4" Florid A THE SPECIFICOUH BOURPOY OF SURVEY ST 1/4061 M C 10/2005THE SOUTHESJC 10/2005S CORNER DESCRIPTROP SKETCH OTHENCE CONTINUE S 829'45" W, IDDM ALONG SAID SOUTH BOUNDARY ON 602 FEET TO THE PER NT Y OF BNNN; HENCE WOR SN OR/DT.E TO TRIn MICHAEL K. REBMAND So BOUN ARX T -- 40' WIDE MASEMET NOON.AINING 0.27.ACRE (11,812 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR ($S. PFL EF-ELCH-036NO ISTON. TEX GILCHRIST COUNTY.FLORIDA L MEFGLCH GILCHRIST COUNTY. FLORIDA SECTION 19, TWP. 8 S, RNG. 15 E S 2 EX EMPORNG AN A FOO E JNN D PARA L H HELINE TABLE NNUMBER BEARING DIEASEMENTSTANCE WESTPERMANENT EASEMENT N Li 03035 2'4" W co27.38'AINING 7716 URE T), MORE OR L . S256 6' W 60.00 A 40.00 FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND, LYING IN AND BEING A PART OF THE NORTHWEST 'I N 1 E 61/4 OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 8 ,SOUTH, RANGE 15 EAST. GI.CHRIST COUNTY. FLORIOIA, SOUTH UNR THE NW 0 E BEIN A PORTION OF THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT NUMBER 200400TH4599, L4 N 8r29'45' E 59.99' PUBLIC RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY, THE CENTERUNE OF SAID STRIP BEING DESCRIBED OFSEC.AS FOLLOWS COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHWEST 1/4; THENCE S30' FGT PIPELINE O S 829'4 W. ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF SAID NORTHWEST 1/4. 50.51 FEET SE 1 TO. 8 S, RNTHE. 15 E PR SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PROPERTY; THENCE CONTINUE S 882NDAR'45Y 30W. TERIN ALONG SAID SOUTH BOUNDARY, 386.02 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE TERMINUS POINTS. CONSTR. 8003056'163 W 295.29 FEET TO TH E .80 FEENORTH BOUNDARY OF SAID PROPERTY AND THE S 28'234' W 381-48' TERMINUS OF SAID CENTERUNE. THE SIDELINES OF SAID EASEMENT ARE TO BE EXTENDED ES ENT BOR SHORTENED TO TERMINATE IN SAID NORTH AND SOUTH BOUNDARIES. S40WIDE EASEMENT CONTAINING 0.27.ACRE (11,8612 SQUARE FEET), MORE OR LESS. FLMEF-GLCH-036. I TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ANOE S.8. P 29'45' W CONTAINING 0.41 ACRE (17.716 SQUARE FEEi). MORE OR LESS. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION 05 T EASEMENTT.no. Li I/'',~ ^ 3A PARCEL OF LAND. LYING IN AND BEING A PART OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 19. / S 8T2945' W TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH, RANGE 1 EAST. GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA. BEING A PORTION OF SOUTH BOUNDARY OF THE NW / 4- 6. THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2004004599, PUBLIC RECORDS OF SAI OFSEC. 19, TAP. S. RHO. I E P.O.B.- /COUNTY AND, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; COMMENCE AT THE SOUTH- OF SEC. 19, TP. 8 S RNG. E P.O.C. EAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHWEST 1/4; THENCE S 882945' W, ALONG THE SOUTH SE CORNER OF THE NW 1/4 OF BOUNDARY OF SAID NORTHWEST 1/4, 50.51 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID tSEC. 19. TWP. 8 S, RNG. 15 E PROPERTY; THENCE CONTINUE S 88`29'45" W. ALONG SAID SOUTH BOUNDARY. 306.03 iPP.O.B FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE HN 0u30'35" W 27.38 FEET; THENCE EXTRA TEMP. CONSTR. '5 Sr56'16 W 60.00 FEET; THENCE S 0030*35' E 26.80 FEET TO SAID SOUTH EASEMENT BOUNDARY; THENCE N 88*29'45" E, ALONG SAID SOUTH BOUNDARY, 59.99 FEET TO THE POINT OF' BEGINNING. q CONTAINING 0.04 ACRE (1.625 SQUARE FEET), MORE OR LESS. LEGEND CENTERLINE F.G.T. FLORIDA GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY NOTE'S: O.R. OFFICIAL RECORDS I BIAE4S ADWR 1V WN AREA 8U4ON WtO I nSOW4 STS PEAN D COIWMNr S1W P.O.. POINT OF BEGINNING V'* Ofc A m10M1w I. 1 or '" Of WIN tm I"D. 9 P150 umH P.0.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT 2 TIll W suRW Nw s PVV icc MR P1m M1 PUMM OSE OCfm= 5.0M1w1w ATsP5 11i SEC. SECTION 58== 17 ssu 11o 5 AND Av M01 4R? m lESSW LAND L#= FMU DN5IA Mm AND TWP. TOWNSHIP 1ASWIff ACOMMTN MN A N4UMi AMS we1s 11111 RNO. RANGE i j S WvAIA EXTRA TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UCIENSDI)URM As7 4 N'PI R n11M V c0Mna Of A4M=Tnam V1401M 618 ... ._ ___ . PROJEC/T NO. pwo. meom fPRtOVED STATUS BY DATE BY DATE PREUM sJC 11/2005 SJC 11/2005 CONST. PLrOT oTE REV. DESCRIPTION BY DATE APPR. FIE HME 1:\8622.000\PLATS\FLNEFGLCHO36 BY OAtE SUVer DATE JM 09/2005 MRAWN DDM 11/2005 FILE NO.: SCALE: 1'=.200' Florida Gas Transmission Company HOUSTON, TEXAS SPECIFIC PURPOSE SURVEY AND DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH OF EASEMENT ON THE PROPERTY OF HARRIS J. THURSTON GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA 321061 PIROIiOS oWO. NO. SHT, OF DWG. NO. FLMEFGLCH036 IT 'F I Photography 5. Ginni Mercier- Cenditional Use Permit- Yoga Express 6. Oak Walk Phase 2- Donnie Ellington- Preliminary Plat Approval 7. Scott Akins-Ordinance # 2006-12 Comp. Plan Amendment 8. Scott Akins-Ordinance # 2006-13 Zoning Change 9. Library Roofing Project 10. Ad Valorem Tax I. New Business Dan Cavanah Town Manager Pub. July 27, 2006b. rage ko .t.'t.'i1 -., .....- '1-'4 .' -'.-J N-1-' -- -14 X ILI- A 40.00 FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND. LYING IN AND BEING A PART OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION ., TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH, RANGE 15 EAST, GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA BEING A PORTION OF THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2005003322, PUBLIC RECORDS OF SAI COUNTY, THE CENTERUNE OF SAID STRIP BEING DESCRIBED .AS FOLLOWS:' COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4; THENCE S 8WI8'18' W. ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4, 38.91 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 01'43'51 W 779.95 FEET; THENCE N 07I16' 29" E 0.11 FEET TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF SAID PROPERTY AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID CENTERLINE. THE SIDELINES OF SAIO EASEMENT ARE TO BE EXTENDED OR SHORT- ENED TO MEET AT ANGLE POINTS AND TO TERMINATE IN SAID NORTH AND SOUTH BOUNDARIES. CONTAINING 0.72 ACRE (31,203 SQUARE FEET), MORE OR LESS. WTnPORARi CONSTRUCTION rASRUENIT BEING AN ADDITIONAL 60 FOOT WIDE STRIP ADJOINING AND PARALLEL WITH THE WEST SIDELINE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMANENT EASEMENT. CONTAINING 1.07 ACRES. MORE OR LESS. EXTRA TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT A PARCEL OF LAND, LYING IN AND BEING A PART OF THE OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 6. TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH. RANGE 15 EAST. GILCHRIST COUNTY. FLORIDA BEING A PORTION OF THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2005003322, PUBLIC RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4; THENCE S 8B 18 18" W ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4. 110.91 FEET: THENCE N o1'43'51 W 624 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 88"18 18" W 50.00 FEET; THENCE N 01"43'51" W 149.71 FEET: THENCE N 8B'0747" E 50.00 FEET: THENCE S 01'43'51" E 160.02 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.17 ACRE (7,493 SQUARE FEET), MORE OR LESS. I Legal Notices (Continued) PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE Bell Mini Storage, pursuant to the provisions of the Florida "Self-Stor- age Facility Act" (Fla. Stat. 83.801- 83.809) hereby gives Notice of Sale under saidAct, to wit: On Friday, August 4, 2006, at Bell Mini Storage, US Highway 129, Bell, Florida,- at 9:00 o'clock a.m., Scott Akins, owner, will con- duct a Sale by Auction to the highest bidder over which is owned on the contents of the space rented by: Linda Taylor PO Box 202 Bell, FL 32619 consisting of personal and house- hold items. This sale is being made to satisfy a statutory lien. Dated this 14th day of July. 2006. Bell Mini Storage Scott Akins. Owner PO Box.267 Bell. Florida 32619 Telephone. 13521 463-6859 Pub. July 20. 27, 2006b. PUBLIC NOTICE OFSALE Bell Mini Storage, pursuant to the pro% isions of the Florida "Self-Stor- age Facilit Aci" iFla Stat. S3 801- 83.809) hereby gives Notice of Sale, .under said Aci, to a iI. On Friday. August 4, 2006, at Bell Mini Storage. LiS Highway 129, Bell, Florida, at 9:00 o'clock a.m.. Scott Akins, owner, \%ill con- duct a Sale by Aucton to the highest bidder over which is owned on the contents of the space rented by- Debra Perkins PO Box 149622 Orlando. FL 32814-4622 consisting of personal and house- hold items. This sale is being made to satisfy a statutory lien. Dated this 14th day of July, 2006. Bell Niru Storage Scott Akins. Owner PO Box 267 Bell,'Florida 32619 Telephone: (3,52) 463-6859 Pub. July 20. 27. 2006b. AGENDA-BELL TOWN COUNCIL August 3. 2006-6-00 p.m.-Town Hall Town Planning Board Meeting A. Call to order B. Business :1. Joshua & Jodi Kent-' jE Conditional ,Use PerrntT .. ,, l lobl. I Hornqe, 2rT"W 2. Andy Hornm-Conditional Use Permi-Marial Ans Academy 3. Angel Taylor-Conditional Use Permit-General Photography 4. Ginni Mercier- Conditional Use Permit- Yoga Express 5. Oak Walk Phase 2- Donnie Ellington- Preliminary PlaI Appro\al 6. Scott Akins-CPA 06-1 Comprehensive Plan Amendment 7 Scott Akims-LDC 06-2 Zoning Change 'C. Adjourn August Town Council Meeting A. Call to order B. Invocation-Flag C. Adoption of Agenda-August 3, 2006 D. Approval of Minutes- .: July 6, 2006 E. Consent Items 1. Approval of expenditures for the month of July 2006. 2. Approval of financial statements for July 2006. F Reports or Request (Public Participation) 1. Franklin Schupp-Health Development & Associates 2. Mark Gluckman, John Gray, & Anne Barnett 3. Rob Willis-Director of Public Safety G. Business I1. David Lang, Jr.-Town Attorney . 2. Libby Estes-Town Mayor 3. Town Manager-Dan Cavanah 4. Town Clerk-Patsy Avery ,5. Council Members- Reports, Requests, Suggestions H. Old Business 1. Walter Jarvis, Causseaux & Ellington-Bell Oaks Subdivision, CKR Developers-Review and approve conditions set forth in 06-07. 2. Joshua & Jodi Kent- Conditional Use Permit- Mobile Home 3. Andy Horn-Conditional Use Permit-Martial Arts Academy 4. Angel Taylor-Conditional Use Permit-General wil I vr I Oori- Rivxtf-n NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING PLEASE BE ADVISED that the Gilchrist County School Board l will conduct a meeting on Tuesday, August 01, 2006 at 10:00 A.M. in Building 14, Board Room 14-002 located at 310 NW lith Avenue, Trenton, Florida. Following is the agenda: OPENING CEREMONIES 1. Approval of Agenda f 2. Approval of Minutes - A. July 18,2006 3. Citizen Input/Delegations 4. Operations A. GE/United B. Current Projects C. Budget Workshop- 3:30 P.M. to 4:30 P.M. D. Public Hearing-Adopt Tentative Budget and Millages-5:15 P.M. 5. Instructional A. Student Progression Plans S6. Personnel A. Appointments : B. Additional Hours C. Create Positions D. Retirement Recognition 7. Student Services A. Out of County Student Transfer Applications :. 8. Removal of Items from-. Consent Agenda 9. Consent Agenda A. Financial .. B. Agreement/Amendment/ Contract/Grant/Project/ Change Order. C. Personnel D. Trips 10.,Reports NOTE: In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,. persons requiring an interpreter,or ' special; accommodations to enable9 them to participate in this meeting are requested to notify the Office of , the School Superintendent at 352-., 463-3200 at least forty-eight (48),, hours prior to the scheduled meeting - date so provisions can be made. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that if a person decides to appeal, any decision made by the Board with, respect to ai. matter considered at such meeting, he % ill need a record of the proceedings and that for such purpose. he ma\ need to ensure that , a 'erbatim record of the proceedings is made. u which record includes the testimony and e idence upon wtuch the appeal is to be based, .; .: : James E. Vickers., Supenniendent of Schools Pub July 27. 2006b. Notice is hereby given thai the'r Town Council of Fanning Springs. Florida will hold two (2) public ' hearings on the passage of the pro" l posed Ordmance--regarding Flood Damage Prevention. the first public hearing shall be held at City Hall in Fanning Springs, Flonda, on Aug 1J. 2006. at 5:00 p.m. and the second public hearing shall be held at City Hall in Fanning Springs, Flonda. on S 2006, at 55-00 p.m. The title of the proposed ordinance is: . AN ORDINANCE OFiTHE - CITY COUNCIL OF FANNING SPRINGS, FLORIDA; A FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION OR- DINANCE, PROVIDING STAT- UTORY AUTHORIZATION, FINDINGS OF FACT, PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES. DEFINI- TIONS, GENERAL PROVI- SIONS, ADMINISTRATION. PROVISIONS FOR FLOOD HAZARD REDUCTION, VARI- ANCE PROCEDURES, SEVER- . ABILITY, AND PROVIDING AN. EFFECTIVE DATE. The proposed ordinance may be inspected by the public at the of- fice of the City Clerk in Fanning Springs. All members of the public- are welcome to attend. Notice is further hereby given, pursuant to Florida' Statute 286.0105, that any person or persons deciding to appeal any mat- ter considered at this public hearing will need a record of the hearing and may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. DATED this 24 day of Aug&, 2006, by SHEILA WATSON, Clerk of Fanning Springs, Florida. Pub. July 27, 2006b. City Of Trenton Budget Workshop Public Notice The Board of Commissioners, in and for the City of Trenton, Florida will meet on Monday, July 31, 2006 immediately following the Special Meeting which begins at 6:00 p.m., in the Kathryn Deen Commission Chambers, 114 N. Main Street. Items included on the agenda are as follows: A. Call To Order B. Budget Workshop C. Adjournment PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he/she may 'need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and .evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Jered Ottenwess City Manager Pub. July 27, 2006b. ' Life is a great big canvas; throw all the paint on it you can. Danny Kaye TBT 1TR' ThAY TJULY27. 2006 Cflu.T4 (T-IT CT5 T NirvTY 10TRNAT 'ILA.Bt CJ-,A-11, JU*''-1 /-/, /VVV.. % -ki U,.1 N j.a14., j Pane Seventeen Legal Notices (Continued) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING A SPECIAL PERMIT AS PROVIDED FOR IN THE GILCHRIST COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGU- LATIONS BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA, SERVING, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to Ordinance No. 93-04, as amended, comments, objections and recommendations concerning the following described special permit as provided for in the Gilchrist County Land Development Regulations, hereinafter referred to as the Land Development Regula- tions, will be heard by the Board of County Commissioners of Gilchrist County, Florida, at a public hearing on August 7,2006 at 4:15 p.m., or as soon thereafter as this matter can be - heard, in the Board of County Com- missioners Meeting Room, located at 210 South Main Street, Trenton, Florida. ' SP 06-04: Special Permit for Excavation /an application was 'made by Horace Hart requesting that a Special Permit for excavation and contouring be granted for ap- proximately 50-acres of land. The excavation will take place off NW 52"n Place Sec 6, T 8S, R 15 E. The public hearing may be continued to one or more future dates. Any interested party shall be advised that the date, time and place of any continuance of the public hearing shall be.announced during the public hearing and that no further notices concerning this matter will be published, unless said continuation exceeds six calendar. weeks from the date of the above. referenced public hearing. Ai the aforementioned public hearing, all interested panics may appear to be heard nith respect to the proposed special permit. .A copy of the application for special permit is available for pub- lic inspection at the Office of the - Emergency/County Coordinator. located at 209 Southeast First Street, Trenton. Flonda, during regular business hours. . All persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decision made at the above referenced public hear- ing, they %\ill need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such pur-. pose, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings. is made. which record includes the iestimon. and e% idence upon which the appeal is to be based. Pub. Jul% 27. 2006b. IxOe. ., *" )?On -,- 1 ', -, ,.-. ." ... Cit Of Trenton Special Meeting Public Notice The Board of Commissioners, in and for the City of Trenton, Florida will meet on Monday, July 31, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. in the Kathryn Deen Commission Chambers. 114 N. Main Street. Items included on the agenda are as follows: A. Call To Order B. Action Item " '<1. Bid Limerock Road Work C. Adjournment. PLEASE TAKE: NOTICE that, if a person decides to appeal any, decision .made by the Board nth respect to any maner considered at this meeting, he/she will need a record of the proceedings,. and that, for such purpose, he. she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Jered Ottenwess City Manager Pub. July,27, 2006b. If you're a safe driver, I can help you save on insurance. Call me today. (352) 493-2501 Stephen Quincey Tri-County Insurance Services. Inc. 13564 NW HWY 19 Chiefland Serving the community for dyer 30 years IN THE CIRCUIT COURI OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 21-2006-CA-00 SOUTHEASTERN FUNDING PARTNERS, LLLP, a Florida Limited Liability Partnership, successor by. merger to Bellwood Partners, Ltd., a Florida limited Partnership, Plaintiff vs. ESTATE OF ROBERT L. EUBANKS a/k/a ROBERT LEE EUBANKS, SR.; UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES ASSIGNEES, CREDITORS, LIENORS, AND TRUSTEES, AND ALL OTHER PERSONS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST ROBERT L. EUBANKS a/k/a ROBERT LEI EUBANKS, SR.; and PHYLLIS A EUBANKS, IF LIVING, AND IF DECEASED, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, CREDITORS, LIENORS, AND TRUSTEES, AND ALL OTHER PERSONS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST PHYLLIS A. EUBANKS, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: ESTATE OF ROBERT L.. EUBANKS a/k/a ROBERT LEE EUBANKS, SR. UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, CREDITORS, LIENORS AND TRUSTEES OF ROBERT L. EUBANKS a/k/a ROBERT LEE EUBANKS, SR. Residence Unknown. PHYLLIS A. EUBANKS UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, CREDITORS. IfENORS AND TRUSTEES OF PHYLLIS A. EUBANKS Residence Unknown YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a Mortgage on * the following property) in Gilchnsi County. Florida. Lots 7 and 8, block :9 ol SLWANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH SUBDIVISION, a subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 1. pages 58-61 of the Public Recbrds of Gilchnst County, Florida. has been filed by the Plantiff against you and others in the above-styled cause and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on R. FRANKLIN RITCH, P.O. Box 1143, Gainesville, FL 32602, within thirty (30) days after the date of the first publication, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition.: WITNESS my handhid' the seal of this Court on this 20 day of lul1, 2006.' JOSEPH W. GILLIAM, Clerk of Court (SEAL) By: Lyndsay P. Ayers Deputy Clerk / R. FRANKLIN RITCH 1418 N.W. 6th Street P.O. Box 1143 Gainesville, FL 32602 (352) 377-2889 , Florida Bar #095380 Attorney for Plaintiff Pub. July 27, & Aug 3, 2006b. American Legion Hall Available Meetings Parties Weddings & Receptions 352-463-1501 Allstate. ..OFFICIAL PARTNER M--at ll/jLj.-J. The stylized E with checkered flag (R) and 9 (R) are registered trademarks and service marks of Evernham Motorsports, LLC, used under license. Kasey Kahne TM likeness and signature are trademarks of Kasey Kahne Inc. licensed by Evernham Motorsports LLC. Dodge (R Is a registered trademark of DalmelerChrysler Corporation. NASCAR (R) Is registered trademark of the National Association for Stoc Car Auto Racing, Inc. Insurance and discounts subject to availability and qualifications. The 'Cupped Hands' logo is a registered service mark and 'Our Stand' Is a service mark of Allstate Insurance Company. Allstate Property & Casualty Insurance Company and Allstat Indemnity Company: Northbrook, IL. 02006 Allstate Insurance Company. L 38 E . DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PUBLIC NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT The Department of Environmental Protection gives notice of its intent to issue a permit to CCDA Waters, LLC, which has a mailing address of 7100 NE CR 340, High Springs, Florida 32643. The purpose of this project is to construct/install a new propane-fired boiler. This facility is located at 7100 NE CR 340 in High Springs, Gilchrist County, Florida. The Department has assigned file number 0410005-001-AC to this project. The Department will accept written comments concerning the proposed permit issuance action for a period of 14 (fourteen) days from the date of publication of "PUBLIC NOTICE OF CONTENT TO ISSUE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT." Written comments must be post- marked and all facsimile comments must be received by the close' of business (5:00 p.m.), on or before the end of this 14-day period, by the Permitting Authority at the Florida *Department of Environmental Protection. Northeast District, 7825 Baymeadows Way, Suite B-200, Jacksonville, Florida 32256-7590 / or facsimile (904) 448-4363. Any written comments filed shall be made available for public inspection.' If written comments received result in' a significant change in the proposed agency action, the Department shall revise the proposed permrn and require, if applicable, another Public Notice. A person -whose substantial interests are affected by the proposed permitting decision may peution for an admunistrau%5e proceeding (hearing) under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S. The petition must contain the information set forth below and must be filed received) in the Office of General i Counsel of the Department at 3900, n Commonwealth Boulesard, Mail t Station 35, Tallahassee, Flonda, 32399-3000. Petitions filed by the permit applcant or an. of the parties listed below must be filed within a fourteen days of receipt of this notice of intent. Petitions filed by any persons other than those entitled to wntten notice under Section 120.60(3 F.S., must be filed within, fourteen days of publication of the public notice or within fourteen days of receipt of this. notice of intent, whichever occurs first. Under. Section 120.60(3); P.S., however, any person.who asked the Department for notice of agency action may file a petition within fourteen days' of receipt of that notice. regardless of the date of publication A petitioner shall mail acopy of the petition to the applicant at' the address indicated above at the time of, filing. ,.Thefailure of any person to file a petition within the appropriate time penod shall constitute a waiver of that person's right to request an administrative determination (hearing) under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S., or to intervene in this proceeding and participate as a party to it. Any subsequent intervention will be only at the approval. of the presiding officer upon the filing of a motion in compliance with Rule 28-106.205' of the Florida Administrative Code (FA.C.)i A petition 'that disputes the material facts on which .the Department's action is based must contain the following information: (a) The name and address of ,each agency affected and each agency's, file or identification number, if known; . (b) The name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner, the name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner's representative, if any, which shall be the address for service purposes during the course of the proceeding; and an explanation of how the petitioner's substantial interests will be affected by the agency determination; (c) A statement of how and when petitioner .received notice of the agency action or proposed action; (d) A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are none, the petition must so indicate; (e) A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, including the specific facts the petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification' of the.agency's proposed action; (f) A statement of the specific rules' or statutes the petitioner contends require reversal or modification of the agency's proposed action; and (g) A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action petitioner wishes the agency to take with respect to the agency's proposed action. A petition that does not dispute the material facts upon which the Department's action is based shall state that no such facts are in dispute and otherwise shall contain the same information as set forth above, as required by Rule 28-106.301, F.A.C. Because the administrative hearing process is designed to formulate final agency action, the filing of a petition means that the Department's final action may be different from the position taken by it in this notice. Persons whose substantial interests will be affected by any such final decision of the Department on the application have the right to petition to become a party to the proceeding, in accordance with the requirements set forth above. or The application is available for k public inspection during normal e business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5: 00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except legal holidays, at the Department of Environmental Protection, Northeast District Office, 7825 Baymeadows Way, Suite B200, Jacksonville, Florida 32256-7590. Pub. July 27, 2006b NOTICE OF ENACTMENT OF AN ORDINANCE BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF TRENTON, FLORIDA NOTICE IS HEREBy GIVEN that the ordinance, whose title here- inafter appears, will be considered for enactment by the Board of Com- missioners of the City of Trenton, Florida, at a public hearing on Au- gust 7, 2006 at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard. in the Kathryn Deen Commission Chambers, City Hall located at 114 North Main Street, Trenton, Florida. Copies of said ordinance may be inspected by any member of. the public at the Office of the City Clerk/Manager, City Hall located at 114 North Main Street, Trenton,: Florida, during regular' business hours. On the date, time and place first above mentioned, all interested persons may appear and be heard with respect to the ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 2006-21 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TRENTON, FLORIDA,; RELATING., TO AN AMEND- MENT OF TEN OR LESS ACRES OF LAND TO THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN MAP OF THE' CITY OF TRENTON COMPRE- HENSIVE PLAN, PURSUANT TO AN APPLICATION BY THE CITY COMMISSION, UNDER THE AMENDMENT PROCE- DURES ESTABLISHED IN SEC- TIONS 163.3161 THROUGH 1633215, FLORIDA STATUTES. AS AMENDED, PROVIDING FOR A CHANGE IN LAND USE CLASSIFICATION FROM PUBLIC TO COMMERCIAL OF CERTAIN LANDS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF TRENTON. FLORIDA: PROVIDING SEVERABILITY; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT: AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE .The public hearing may be con- tinued .to one or more future dates. Any interested party shall be ad. vised that the dite, time and place of any continuation of the public hear- ing shall be announced during the public, hearing and that no further notice concerning the matter will be published. All persons are advised that, if they decide to appeal any decisions made at the public hearing, they will need a record of the proceed- ings and, for such purpose, they. may need to ensure thatL'a erbatim .....record. ofithe .proceedingi..is made. which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Pub. July 27, 2006b. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING GILCHRIST PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Gilchrist County Planning and Zon- ing Board, will hold a regular meet- ing on Thursday,August 10,. 2006 at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible,, at the Board of County: Commissioners Meeting Room, located at 210 South Main Street, Trenton, Florida. The following is the proposed agenda: AGENDA 1. Revision to Land Develop- ment Code -Article 3: Land Use Districts. 2. Revision to Land Develop- ment Code Articles 5: Consis- tency/,Concurrency. 3. Revision to Land Develop- ment Code Article 6: Resource Protection. 4. Revision to Land Develop- ment Code -Article 8: Supplemen- tal Standards. 5. Revision to Land Develop- ment Code Article 8A: Develop- ment of Major Impact. 6. Revision to Land Develop- Sment Code Article 10: Subdivi- sion Regulations.' At the aforementioned public hearing, all interested parties may appear to be heard with respect to any of the proposed agenda items. The public hearing.may be contin- iued to one or more future dates. Any interested party shall be advised that 'the date, time and place of any con- tinuance of the public hearing shall be -announced during the public hearing and that no further notices concerning this matter will be pub- lished, unless said continuation exceeds six calendar weeks from the date of the above referenced public hearing. Additional information for all of the above-listed agenda items is available for public inspection at the Building Department Office, located at 209 Southeast First Street, Tren- ton, Florida, during regular business hours. All persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decision made at the above referenced public hear- ing, they will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such pur- pose, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Persons with disabilities requesting reason- able accommodations to participate in this proceeding should contact (352) *463-3169 (Voice & TDD) or via Florida Relay Seivice (800) 955-8771. Pub., July 27, 2006b INVITATION TO BID Item: Limerock Road Construc- tion Bid #: 06-5.2 ANNOUNCEMENT' Notice is hereby given that bid proposals on the following will be received by the City of Trenton until 5:00 pm on Monday, July 31, 2006 in City Hall located at 114 N. Main St., Trenton FL, 32693. Final bid selection will be made by the City Commission at a July 31, 2006 Special Meeting at 6:00 pm, or as soon thereafter., If you have any questions, please call 352-463-4000 x301. Please address all bids to: City of Trenton 114 N. Main Street Trenton, FL 32693 Please submit ten: (10) copies of the bid.'. Bids must be sealed and marked with the Bid # and City of Trenton Limerock Road Construction Bid. City of Trenton staff may review bids prior to their review at public hearing in order to communicate with seller regarding specifications, pricing, and etcetera. Please contact the City of Trenton to, obtain detailed specifications. Please include repayment options such as installment payments for proposed bids Bids must include the following as part of their proposal. Specifications for roadway connections between proposed limerock surface on NE Lancaster Street and NE 171 Avenue, NE 16' Avenue, NE .15' Avenue, and NE 14"' Avenue. Please be advised that the City of Trenton reserves the right to wvai'e informalities in any bid, to accept or reject any or all bids in whole or in- part, with or without cause, and to accept the bid that m their judgment N ill be in the best interest of the City of Trenton. SCOPE OF WORK' The project %%ill construct a 20- feet wide, 6-inch thick, compacted limerock wearing surface approxi- mately 1,600 feet in length on NE Lancaster Street. All materials utilized shall conform to the Flonda Depart- ment of Transportation "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction" 2002 edition where applicable. All work performed shall conform to the Florida Department of Transportation "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction" 2002 edition where applicable. pub. July 27, 2006b. The best way to keep children at home. is to make the home atmosphere pleasant--and let the. air out of the tires. Dorothy Parke Card Of Thanks We would like to thank all who brought food and sent flow-. ers and cards of condolences in the death of Mizpah Griffin, our 'Mother and sister'. Greg and Neta Griffin,, Leslie, and Bill Svendsen, Peggy and Jim Falk and all the grandchil- dren. Mrs. Rita L. Arnold .Mrs. Rita L. Arnold. of Cross City 'died on Saturday, July 22, 2006, at Haven Hospice. She was 80 years old. She moved here in 1949 from; Rhode Island,. after graduating ,from Rhode Island School of Design with a Bachelors Degree in Fashion Design and Art. She \was a former Pattern Fashion designer for Singer Patterns and started teaching Art at Dixie' County High School in 1967-68 . and retired 26 years later. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Monroe Land and a son John 'Peanut' Land. . Mrs. Arnold is survived by her husband of 17 years, Ancil 'Dee' Arnold of. Cross City; a daughter, Rita Sue Harris (Rick) of Cross City; a, son, Charles. William Land of McComb, Mis-" sissippi; five step-children, Ron- nie Land and Shirley Hosack of Douglas, Georgia, Paul Land of Jacksonville, Wanda Roberts of Old To\% n, and Yvonne Holland of Vero Beach; 13 grandchil- dren, 18 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild. A funeral service was held on Monday, July 24th at the Rick. Gooding' Funeral Home with' Rev. Bobby Lindsey. officiating. Interment was at the Cross City Cemetery. Arrangements were under the care of RICK GOODING FUNERAL HOME Cross City, Florida. Mrs. Esther Irene D. Daugherty Mrs. Esther Irene D. Daugh- erty of Sumter, South Carolina died Sunday, July 23, 2006, at Haven Hospice. She was 95 years old. Mrs. Daugherty was born March 6, 1911 in Flat Rock, Illionis. She was the daughter of David Palmer. and Merle Edgington Dollahan. She was a retired LPN in the WAF's for five years which she always said was the happiest time of her life. She married John J. Daugherty. in 1948 while in the Air Force: She graduated from Clevenger Business College in 1952 and iived in Sumter, South Carolina for 48 years. She was preceded in death by her husband John J. Daugherty; three brothers, William, Ray- mond, and Max Dollahan. SMrs. Daugherty is survived by two sisters, iLouise Remington of Newark. Ohio, and Bernice Rartunde of Trenton; three niec- es, one nephew; a step-daughter, Barbara Ann Daugherty Pastore of Sandstone, Virginia. A Memorial service was held on Wednesday, July 26th at the Trenton United Methodist Church at 7:00 p.m. with inter- ment to be held at a future date in Sumter, South Carolina. In lieu of flowers donations can be made to Hospice or the Building Fund at Trenton United Methodist Church. Arrangements were under the care of WATSON FUNERAL HOME, Trenton, Florida. .. ,4 Trenton Medical C E N T E R, Inc. COME JOIN US IN LEARNING THE BASICS OF DIABETES CARE This is the first session in a series of informative and educational programs addressing Diabetes and its effect Thursday, July 27, 2006 at 6:00 pm in the Trenton Medical Center Conference Room located on the left side of Trenton Pediatric Building. (Diabetic refreshments will be served) 911 South Main Street Trenton, Florida 32693 352-463-2374 CK Contracting, Inc. Building Contractor Licensed & Insured Specializing in Spec & Custom Homes Serving the Tri-County Area Many home plans available: 3 .or 4 Bedroom :.'Rangin from 1,200 -2,30 sq. ft. Personalized service foryveyry home owner Give us a call, we 'll be happy to help you create a wonderful ne' home. 352-472-9888 Chad & Kellie White Hunt's Pest Control, Inc. GET RID OF: Cockroaches Waterbugs 0 German Roaches Ants and other Household Pests WE DO TERMITE INSPECTIONS Phone 493-1051 493-4772 it e send 'em packing! iw Iage' gL111..l eenI1T~ (0 NY1 IRA.TUSA, UY2,20 Citizens Committee For The Right To Keep And Bear Arms Gov. Bush Gets It Right, Says Ccrkba; Armed Citizens Reduce Crime Florida Gov. Jeb Bush "nailed it" when he told reporters in Tallahassee in reaction to the state's drop in crime- that armed citizens are part of the equation, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) said today. Gov. Bush was quoted in the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel noting, "Law abiding citizens that have guns for protection actually probably are part of the reason we have a lower crime rate." Florida is one of 40 states with "right-to-carry" statutes that give citizens the ability to carry con- cealed handguns with the proper license. Last year, Florida also passed legislation that enables citizens to "stand their ground" and fight back when attacked in a public place where they have a right to be. HFILL CLlIS SLAKE CITI pE COMMUNITY CILLEHE REGISTER NOW -'A (Mon-Thu) 7:30 a.m.-6: August 10: 7:30 a.m.-3 p.m. ONL ie.d. 4 e 0 4' -For more information call (386) 754-4287 www.,lakecityccedu LCCC is an Equal Access/Equal Opportunity Institution , "Gov. Bush has once again demonstrated progressive think- ing, and a clear understand- ing about what works to stop criminals in their tracks," said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gott- lieb. "Legally-armed citizens are a threat to nobody but criminals, and Florida's crime statistics prove that the presence of fire- arms in the hands of law-abiding citizens benefits the entire com- munity. In explaining why crime rates have dropped, we think Gov. Bush nailed it." "Isn't it ironic," added CCRK- BA Executive Director Joe Wal- dron, "that while Florida, with an armed citizenry, is enjoying a drop in crime, Washington, D.C., where citizens are legally disarmed, is experiencing a crime epidemic? In the nation'.s capitol, where the Second Amendment has been literally suspended" by municipal gov- ernment fiat, armed assaults are up 18 percent in the past month and robberies, have jumped 14 percent. Yet law-abiding citizens cannot arm themselves for pro- tection. It's an outrage." "No matter where they live," ugustS 30 p.m. y A7' Gottlieb concluded, "American -citizens have a right to defend themselves. Progressive states like Florida with sensible con- cealed carry and self-defense laws will lead this nation out of the Dark Ages of insane .gun control and broken justice systems. This new data shows that the gun control and crimi- nal rights extremists have been wrong, something we've known all along." . With more than 650,000 mem- bers and supporters nationwide, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (www.ccrkba.org) is one of the nation's premier gun rights organizations. As a. non-profit organization, the Citizens Com- mittee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms through ac- tive lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots'orga- nization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the United States. Bright Futures Medallion Scholars Can Now Attend Florida Community Colleges Tuition Free New Florida Law Offers 100 Percent Scholarships For Tuition And Fees At All Of Florida's 28 Community Colleges Community Colleges and Workforce Education Chancel- lor :David. Armstrong recently announced that the Florida Com- munity College System (FCCS). can now offer reimbursement for 100-percent of tuition, and fees for Bright Futures Medal- lion scholars at each of the state's 28 community colleges. This represents an increase over the 75-percent reimbursement policy in years past.' The legis- lation benefits both current and new Medallion scholars. "This new legislation will create even greater access to higher education- for many of Florida's students," said Chan-. cellor Armstrong.: "Providing the Medallion scholars with an opportunity to receive a quality community college education without having to worry about the cost of tuition and fees is an incredible foot in the door for them to achieve the career and lifestyle they desire." New legislation, signed by Governor Jeb Bush to become effective July 1, will expand op- portunities for Florida's Bright Futures Scholarship program and supports Florida's long- standing two plus two system. The legislation, approve ed during the recent 2006 Florida Legisla- tive session, enables Florida Medallion Scholars, eligible high school graduates with a 3.0 grade point average, to recei. e free tuition and fees if they at- tend aFlorida public commuriity .college and enroll in courses --toward an associate degree. Under previous legislation. Bright: Futures scholarships paid 75-percent of tuition for NMedallion scholars whether they attended a community college or state university. Medallion stu- dents now have a greater incen- tive to enroll at one of Florida's 28 community colleges. The new legislation will re- "mo'e all financial barriers for medallion scholarship students to go to any community col- BELLS & WHISTLES STORAGE Phone: 386-294-3867 Across from the Dollar General .1859 North Hwy 129 Bell, FL 10x 10 UNITS, 10x 20 units & 10x 20 climate controlled' available Small/buildngs, boats, etc. 24 r. towing service. 22ft. rollback bed. Carports also available. Reasonable Rates. 463-2900 493-0345 JOE'S TOWING & ROLLBACK Credit Cards Accepted, lege in the state; thus allowing the first two years of their post- secondary education to be fully underwritten. These students could then transfer to a state university and finish their final two years using the 75-percent Bright Futures scholarship." Florida's community colleges are gearing up to inform high school students of this new op- tion and to handle the applicants.. Many institutions are holding special events this summer to allow priority registration and tours for the Medallion students. The Florida Community Col- lege-System, through its Foun- dation for Florida's Community Colleges and in partnership with the Florida Lottery and the Florida Cable Telecommunica- tions Association, is launching a public service campaign'to alert Floridians to the 'change. The campaign, to begin July 1, will include telex vision and radio public service announcements, which encourages interested stu- dents to log on to cwwv.fldoe.org or contact their local community college for more information.. The Florida Bright Futures. Scholarship Program was cre- ated in 1997 by the Florida Legislature. This Florida Lot- tery-funded scholarship program rewards student, for their aca- demic achievements during high school bN prove hiding funding for them to pursue postsecondary educational and career, goals in Florida. During the 2004-05 'award year, more than 130,000 Florida students received funding for a Florida Bright Futures' Scholar- ship. sMore information on Florida Bright Futures: Scholarship Program can be found online at "wvN .firn.edu/doe/brfutures or by calling toll-free at 1-888- 827-2004. Let every action aim solely at the common good. Maarcus Aurelius Open Mon. Fri. 710 East Highway 26 Fax ServiCe 463-7393 - Located 30 Miles West of Gainesville, in Trenton. (352) For everything you have, missed, you have gained some- thing else; and for everything, you gain, you lose something. Ralph Waldo Emerson SIt's Mosquito Season Again! * Let Trenton Animal Hospital help in the ' fight against mosquito-transmitted , 4 heartworm disease. -Buy 1 ear of "' any heartworm 3 )' .., ,preventative and save!! M Set up your appointment today!! . Trenton Animal Hospital 44 603 N' Main St., Trenton, FLI (352) 463-7100 OITCHES & FIELDS TOM WILKIE 352-463-2584 A' 352-538-5072 DISASTER/STORM RECOVERY LAND CLEARING & SITE PREP TREE & BRUSH REMOVAL BACKHOE & BUSH HOG BOX BLADE Insured JONES LAWN SERVICE Complete Lawn Care Maintenance Commercial & Residential Free Estimates 4380 S.W. 40th Street Bell, Florida 32619 352-463-7502 463-0079 .Trenton Medical Center, Inc. is a complete primary medical and urgent care service provider for residents in Gilchrist County and North Central Florida. Part of the Trenton and Bell community since 1971, we offer healthcare services for the whole family, focusing on health and well- ness from birth to.senior care. With everything from health check-ups and x-rays, to chronic disease management and health screening, to chiropractic care and a full-service pharmacy, we're a one-stop medical provider for all your health needs. a a a Most insurance Accepted Chiropractic Care Sliding Scale Fees 0 Minor Surgical Procedures Complete Primary Care Diagnostic Laboratory a Well Baby Exams 10 Vaccinations Diagnostic X-Rays *, Family Planning A Minor Trauma Hearing & Vision Testing Immunizations ADD/ADHD Evaluation 0e 0 Our Approach to Wellness Lasts A Lifetime Trenton Medical Center, Chiropractic & Trenton Pediatrics 911 S. Main Street Trenton, Florida a Bell Family HealthCare & Bell Pharmacy* 1830 N. Main Street *Bell, Florida Visit our website at www.TrentonMedical.org .A. -----C1 _A LAKECITYm COMNIYCOLG B&J AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR COMPLETEAUTO REP-IIRS . FOREIGN DOMESTIC '- '* EXHAUSTS BRXiKES'---'- ELECTRIC TUNE-UPS ENGINES - COMPUTER ALIGNMENTS AIR CONDITIONING PASSENGER CAR & LIGHT TRUCK TIRES THURSDAY, JULY 27, 2006 GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Pn Ei-. nhti-.f-.n I F4.--,, -IP w 0 CW q CBHR Tm-IITR AY T IY 27. 2006 SAutomobiles - 1994 T-BIRD: Fully loaded, hand control equipped, $3,500. 1984 GMC Sierra pickup, bedliner, $600, new tires call 493-0342. WHEEL TOWN 352-493-2835 Call for Directions --10 Miles South of Chiefland off 345 '03 Dodge Dakota Quad Cab, V8, auto, CD loaded, new trees, 50K miles. $14,975 '05 Chevy Cavalier 4-door, auto, CD, loaded 30K miles, Bal. Fact. War. Clean.... $9,975 '05 Ford Taurus 4-door, V6,20" chrome wheels, auto, loaded, 24K miles, Bal.Fact.Warr... $9,975 '04 Chevy 4-door, extra cab, 1500LS, V8 Sauto,loaded,40Kmiles......... $14,975 '(04 Chevy Venture extended, dual air, CD, power- Ssliding doors, loaded, 49K miles... $10,975 (03 Chevy Malibu 4-door, VS, auto, loaded 35K miles, clean........... $8,975 '03 Saturn Ion 4-door, 4-cyl., auto, air CD, 35Kmiles..... $8,975 '03 Chevy S-10 extra cab, 3-door, 4-cyl. n 5-speed, CD, 35K miles, clean... $8,975 '03 Ford Ranger, Edge, reg cab, V6 S5-speed, CDclean, 50K miles..... $9,975 I'02 Ford XLT Super Crw, 4-Door, CD, power seat, loaded, 60K miles, clean...... $13,975. '.'02 Isuzu Trooper LS, 4-Door, 4.ully loaded, 60K miles.... $10,975 '01 Mercury Grand Marquis 4-door, carriage roof ' ,i.:,ad+i: W ,; c iar. $9,975 . 9fon.je Grand aCrar an a.r 7' .p '.,o' $3,975 lTuLy.3s 4.,u.rifr. 4*duor v'. 3uK- air .d .:leir, $5,575 CREDIT UNIONS WELCOME H 'Warranties Available www.wheeltown.com FOR SALE 3 PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITE: Couch, Joveseat, -and chair. Excellent condition, dark green. $300. Call 463-0312. 2tb,7-27-8-3 STORAGE TRAILER FULL OF HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS, king bed, dryer, couches, dishes, lamps, more. Call me for info, 386- 935-1411. 2tb,7-20-7-27 1998 18' ACTION CRAFT: Flats boat, 1999 model 15hp Mercury, 24-volt Great white trolling motor, new aluminum performance trailer. Bottom machine, VHF radio, pol- ing platform, must sell, $9,800 cash.' 352-463-8400. 2tb,7-20-7-27 (6) COMPUTER MONITORS: Four 15" and two 17'.. Panasonic laser printer. $100 obo for all. 352- 493-2501. tfnb,5-18 1989 BRENDELLA' SKI/TOW BOAT: 351 Windsor V8 inboard, 800 hours, asking $6,000; Call 221- 0363. tfn,8-4 CAMPER FOR SALE: 1 sure-Way ultimate comr Impeccably maintained b owner. 66,000 miles, $24, 352.463-6527. BEDS: Queen thick.,ortho low -top mattresses and bo New. in plastic with warra rifice, $160. King availa (352) 372-8588. - Nee Ain FORSALE I .LLANCASTER, TRENTON $129,900 MLS# 752575 IMMACULATE! Well-kept 3BR/2BA 1990 SWMH on beautiful 5-acre corner lot! Wood decks on the front and back of home, minutes to the Suwannee River and Otter Springs! Live in while you build or use as a rental! TRENTON $365,000 MLS# 752683 REDUCED!! Home sweet Home! This breath-taking 4BR/3BA home on 2 acres in deed restricted community is waiting just for you! In-ground vinyl pool, security system, pole barn, 1-car attached garage, outdoor kitchen, lanai and more! MOTIVATED SELLERS! VIRTUAL TOUR ARCHER: * 1 AC. $25,000 MLS 752320 OWNER FINANCING, SEVERAL AVAILABLE + 1.00 AC. $28,000 MLS 752075 WELL, SEPTIC & POWER POLE BELL: * .51 AC. $12,500 MLS 751020 RECENT SURVEY, ON RIVER CANAL * 1.20 AC. $23,500 MLS 753057 CORNER LOT, MINIMAL DEED RESTRIC' TIONS 1996 Plea- pact RV. y original GICTI(HRIST COUNTY JOURNAL DECLASSIFIED " L CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR.20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. , [ Yard Sales , 2 FAMILY: Furnitur clothing & toys, 4830 Trenton. Friday, July 2E July 29. SATURDAY: July 2S noon. 211 SE 2nd Stree rPetS& Su. -servcesJ e, children's BUILDING CONTRA SE..CR-232, CBC017140 Custom honm 8 & Saturday, on your lot: Precision Deve PO Box 249, 26761 SE H ltb,7-27 Old Town, 352-542-8416. 9, 8am until. et. MOWER & CHAINSAW Itb,7-27 Stihl, Husqvama, Ayp, I Sears, MTD, Briggs, K Robin, and Honda. Blades ppeies I GERMAN SHEPHERD/GOLD- EN RETRIEVER MIX: Sable/ Black coat. 2 females. Parents on site. $75 each. (352) 472-1803. 1 tb,7-27 A NEW PET GROOMIN( in Chiefland. The Paradise ace. (352) 493-0606. Lost Foun 500. Call LOST Scuba Regulators a Computer in small soft si tfnb, I -9 with Red Dive Flag on c Atomic B2 Regulator' and pedic. pil- Aeris Atmos at computer. Ssprings -Thursday 7-20 on the road anty. Sac- Rt. 342/Stuickland Ae a ble $225. Cottages of Suwannee Pre. b ".7 -5 78th Si ton the Su"anrne fnb.-5 REWARD FOR INFORM LEA DING TO RECOVER 709-5334 t, i gs 72tb, mowers. Beauchamp Saw Sh 493-4904 TREES. TREES, TREES ton Tree Se r ice, Inc 490- Pet Pal- A BIG STUMP! A LITTLE STU M P!: We gn nd them all. Langs-, tfnb,3-9 ton Tree Service, Inc. 490-4456. ifnb,2-22 nd DIXIE MNIONUMENT: Old Town Since 1992. Visit our display on. Hwy: 19 at C&C Growers, 9 am 5 ind Dive' pm, Mon. Sat. or call toll free 1- ided bag, S'7-542-3432 for appointment to ne side, visit our shop & main office at 1471 Ociopus. NE 512 Avenue. 100's of stones in Lost on stock, computer specialist to assist beitteen you in creating a lasung trbute to nd The the life ol'your loved one. serve on tfnb.5-20 'e ri' erm NATION RY, --4"r- 7-27-8-3. TIM POWELL ELECTRIC: Neu insiallationsand repairs. licensedand insured. Stale Reg #EC13002453. Call, 352)i463-2155 tt nb. I 15 TRENTON , $199,900 MLS# 752081 LOCATION!! Lovely 3BR/2BA 1999 DWMH on 10 acres with pines in a great location! Set back off of a paved highway, get the look and feel of a log cabin with,this gem! $399%000 MLS# REDUCED!! GORGEOUS 3BR/2BA Brick home on 10 acres! Spacious. living room with fireplace, tray ceilings, formal dining room, kitchen has stainless steel ap- pliances & Cherry Wood cabinets...a must see home! CHIEFLAND: * .20 AC. $17,500 MLS 750745 CITY WATER AND SEWER * .90 AC. $40,000 MLS 751588' REDUCED, PAVED ROAD * .88 AC. $42,500 MLS 751895 CORNER LOT, PAVED ROAD * 4.80 AC. $85,000 MLS 751902 DEED RESTRICTED, NICE LOCATION OLD TOWN: TRENTON: * .46 AC: $39,999 MLS 751922 CORNER, CONVENIENT LOCATION + 4.00 AC. $100,000 MLS 752292 , FABULOUS LOCATION, NO RESTRICTIONS * 5.01 AC. $175,000 MLS 752714 30x70 METAL BUILDING, WELL, SEPTIC AND, POWER * 10.00 AC. $180,000 MLS 751443 NICE TRACT, PLANTED PINES 4n A f) At4 (t`1'Ar 1) 1)n RAI C% 71ZAIQ * 8.95 AC. $109,900 MLS 752046 2.43 AC. $45,000 MLS 752218 IU.7/U A. AOO,UUU VML O /O4 1o HOMES ONLY S/D, HORSES ALLOWED REDUCED, PAVED ROAD SECLUDED, MATURE HARDWOODS * 17.89 AC. $89,900 MLS 753163 + 2.44 AC. $39,900 MLS 750300 20.00 AC. $275,000 MLS 751800 PERFECT FOR HUNTING, NICETRACT REDUCED, ADDITIONAL LOT AVAILABLE HORSES WELCOME, GREAT LOCATION 3.00 AC. $50,000 MLS 752916 20.30 AC. $249,000 MLS 753020 BRANFORD: NICE LOCATION, GOOD HOME-SITE POND, (3) PARCELS, SEPTIC * 5.00 AC. $90,000 MLS 751562 3.05 AC. $45,000 MLS 752428 78.80 AC. $1,680,000 MLS 751204 PAVED ROAD, WELL, SEPTIC, POWER POLE GREAT PRICE, CORNER LOT PLANTED PINES, GREAT POTENTIAL D. Deen Lancaster, Lic. Real Estate Broker Rustie Ames, Lic. Real Estate Associate IInan I nv L ace I i. R l Re taltE AnteinAs ociat I Johnnie Martin, Lic. Real Estate Associate REA.LTOR ' -OT I AN :B -O RE- SF-IE , I Services ACTOR: BAD WATER? Iron-Free's MAN- nes built DOX systems remove iron, tan- ;lopment, nin, sulfur, manganese, turbidity, Hwy. 19, bad taste & odor WITHOUT THE USE OF SALT. Kills bacteria. Low. tfnb,7-15 maintenance. Guaranteed. Standard SPARTS units complete with Mandox Filtra- durray, tion System, chlon nator, assembly ohler, kit, (retention tank Where needed), for most fush cleaning and installation. Call for FREE accurate wvater ealuaition. o- No obligation Ever. IRON-FREE Well Water Company, Inc. Roy tfn, 1-03 Jones, Opr. M.gr. (352) 542-9817, Wilson Home Center in 'Trenton S: Langs- (3521- 463-2068 or 1-800-437-1128. -1456 ANYTIME% w w iron-free corm tfnb,2-22 Homes' Only! Page Nineteen Services BOB OSBORNE TREE SER- VICE, INC.: 70 ft. bucket truck, hydraulic loader truck, stump grind- er. Free Estimates. Insured. 352- 463-9100. ELMORE'S SIMULATED BRICK & STONE, INC.: Stone, stucco, permanent mobile home skirting. Free Estimates. 6789 SE 70th Avenue, Trenton. 472-5542, 214-3702. Fax 352-472-0124. tfnb-9-15 NEW HOMES BEING BUILT! THE COUNTRY BELLE AND THE HICKORY R"_ READV IN AUGUST 9 SEPTEMBER . BY HUISH HOMES AND ICMS,INC. SOAK WALK A HOMES ONLY DEVELOPMENT JUST OFF STRICKLAND AVE IN BELL * 3 BR 2 BA, 1524 & 1533 SQ'*FUTURE CLUBHOUSE/POOL * ENERGY STAR HOMES *2 CAR GARAGES * FRONT PORCH, SHUTTERS *PICKET FENCES $237,000. & $238,400. SOUTHERN PROPERTY SERVICES, INC. WWW.FLORIDALANDl.COM LYNN HERVEY, REALTOR 352-376-1371 SUSAN HUISH, REALTOR 352-359-6305 and Associates I A .1 5 I I D) + -J 1 15 1--4-_ .... 13 7 15 14 .. 13 12 11 8 8 RESERVE YOURS NOW!! High Springs Hills Paved Streets! 5 Acres and Up Call 1 -800-643-6971 info@phillipsrealtyland.com ML.. S See more of our listings @ www.phillipsrealtyland.com TROKE REALTY SINC SEE OUR LISTINGS (352) 463-7075 JEAN C. TROKE Licensed Real Estate Broker.': ;-ON THE WEB: (352i-I63-7'32FA-.: E-mail: trokerealty@aol.com www.trokerealtyinc.comi 730 E. Wade Street (SR-26) Trenton, Florida 32693 --QUALITY-Bl BUILT HOMES NOW AVAILABLE -- NEW LISTING--SPACIOUS CB/STUCCO HOME 'VITH 20 ACRES: 3 BR/2 BA: Literall) brand-new CBS country home, set on rolling pasture 20-acre tract, located just north of Bell near CR-340. Have space for horse & pets, and comfortable 1,800 sq. ft., property also has fully screened in-ground pool, frame storage, outbuilding & more--call or email our office for full details...$499,900. NEW LISTING--TWO NEW CB/STUCCO HOMES, ON 2-ACRE TRACTS NEAR.TRENTON: 3 BR/2 BA (each): Under construction, these two separate CBS-built homes will each have 2,500+ inside heat/cooled sq. ft. Both are located on open 2-acre deed-restricted S/D tracts, with paved frontage along CR-319 near town. Each property has a detached garage, spacious family room, breakfast nook by full-service kitchen & lots more...$299,900 (each). RIVER-AREA HOME & EXTRA TRACTS, NEAR TO OLD TOWN: 3 BR/2.5 BA: Well-built CB home on landscaped one-acre property, located at private Suwannee River S/D next to 'Rails-to-Trails' Greenway bridge in Dixie Co. (close to CR-349). Built in 1998, this 2-level home has ,1 s, ine cile4t i a3naehed 1636 covered deck (and hot tub), 20x24 workshop/pottery bldg., bonus rooms on I-ri le el (including pace lor f EXCELLENT RANCH HOME ON 5 SECLUDED ACRES: 3 BR/2.5 BA: Frame/CB-built home, has over 3,100 sq. ft. under roof, on a rolling 5-acre pasture tract (has large oak & pine along boundaries), located in between Trenton & Bell. Has laminated wood & tile flooring, large cre:ir.x.m dining area f.ieFia,:ei uc,er-.ized Master & 2nd BR':. large front coutri, porch. 2--runrd pool (w/deck), BBQ/patio becun.rd home &. more...$299.900. SPACIOUS 4 BR FAMILY HOME IN TOWN: 4 BR/2 BA: With over 1,600 inside sq. ft, this CB/Stucco home would be ideal for growing family, located at quiet neighborhood in NE Trenton (right by an oak-shaded city park). Has full rooms throughout, including bonus 4th BR (or could be private office) attached behind 2-car garage. Also, privacy board fencing in back (with screened-in. p:.r i...139.900. -- MANUFACTURED HOMES ON THE MARKET -- NEW LISTING--"OLD FLORIDA" COUNTRY ACREAGE, W/MANU. HOME IN WEST GILCHRIST: 3 BR/2 BA: Over 18.3 pristine acres, with a number of large live oaks, and rolling pasture space, at this beautiful tract along CR's-341/232. Has well-kept 1993 2 '.52 M Hr.e a tIh large ereair.c.ir.'split-plan, dining area by full kitchen & more. Outer features include 30x40 pole barn, metal storage bid, and amnil, i-t.',cc.:. brm -call .:.. email for information..$489,900. NE' LISTING--SUWANNEE RlV ER-AREA HOME-SITE & ACRE NEAR OLD TOWN: 2 BR/2 BA: Nicely-kept 1998 24x44 Manufactured home, CB-stilted, on landscaped one-acre tract at private & secluded Dixie Co. S/D. Perfect for weekend getaway (has access to river boat ramp, and Nature Coast Trail & bridge), with front & back covered porches, all kitchen & utility appliances, lots more--call us for the scoop...$139,900. LARGE M/HOME ON 30 SECLUDED ACRES: 4 BR/2 BA: Spacious 27x76 manufactured home, located amongst lots of planted pines (great future investment), ona 30-acre tract in-between Trenton & Fanning. Acreage has 4-vehicle carport, 20x20 pole barn (w/electric). Home-site being sold 'as is' by Owner--call Jean or Barbara for all the details...$333,000. Reduced (From $349,000)--20 WOODED ACRES W/SPACIOUS M/HOME NEAR RIVER: 3 BR/2 BA: Roomy 2001 28x76 Manufactured home, sitting on private, wooded 20-acre tract; property located within one mile of Wannee boat ramp. Over 2,000 inside sq. ft. of comfort, includes full living, dining, family/game rooms, outbuildings & more...$319,000. Reduced (From $319,900)--PRIVATE, SECLUDED ACREAGE & HOME-SITE WEST OF BELL: 3 BR/2 BA: Immaculate 27x66 manufactured, located on fenced, wooded 20 acres. Large greatroom, 21x10 all-seasons enclosed porch, galley-style kitchen. Outer features include 4-wide attached carport, pool & hot tub (w/pool house), gazebos, greenhouse & more. Call or email to Barbara for information...$309,000. TWO SEPARATE M/HOMES, BOTH ON 5 ACRES, JUST NORTH OF BELL: Two adjacent 5-acre tracts, each with a Manufactured Home (one a 3 BR/2 BA 24x40, the other 2 BR/2 BA 16x76) kept in good shape. Properties are rolling, wooded land--one has outbuilding & 2-vehicle pole barn; both within short drive of CR-340. For sale separately, but Owner may consider combined offer...$129,900' (each). SPACIOUS, LIKE-NEW MANUFACTURED & ONE ACRE: 3 BR/2 BA: Well-kept 28x64 2002 M/Home (refurbished by Owner), on 1.04-acre tract with outbuildings, located along end of paved cul-de-sac, close to US-19 and all nearby amenities in Fanning Springs--call or- email for full details...$ 108,900. WELL-KEPT M/HOME ON LANDSCAPED ACRE IN NO. GILCHRIST: 3BR/2BA: 1996 24X44 Manufactured, in quality condition, on 1.15-acre tract (nice mix of trees/open space), with board fencing in front. Located north of Bell, with quick access to US 129 & CR 340...Owner says to present offers...$92,000. QUALITY."HOMES OF MERIT" HOME-SITE NEAR FANNING SPRINGS: 3 BR/2 BA: Neat, well-kept 27x63 1998 Manu. home, has large, spacious rooms (including fireplace for family room), lots of cabinet/counter space for open kitchen, fenced back yard on 100x300 tract, with paved frontage along CR-346A (Joppa Road)...$85,000. Reduced (From $89,900)--M/HOME WITH RIVER CANAL FRONTAGE BY SUN SPRINGS: 3 BR/2 BA: Solid 24x48 'Fleetwood' home, located in nice neighborhood near the Suwannee (with 60' frontage along canal connecting to river by Sun Spring); M/Home has had some inside cleanup/fixup...Owner is motivated, says to present offers...$79,000. SPACIOUS & AFFORDABLE M/HOME IN TRENTON: 3 BR/2 BA: Over 1700 inside sqft. of comfort, this 1990 28x48 Manufactured (w/attached 16x30 bonus room) is perfect for growing family. Located on two lots at Ayers Estates in NE Trenton, with 26x30 2-bay garage/work-area (has full electric & attached 1/2-bath)--call or email to Barbara for information...$68,900. NEAT & CLEAN M/HOME & .92/ACRE IN TOWN: 3 BR/2 BA: Well-kept & renovated 27x54 Manufactured, with full living, dining & bonus rooms, double-oven range & appliances for kitchen, front & back attached porches, and private, wood-fenced 243x165 back yard...$64,000. AFFORDABLE M/HOME IN TOWN: 2 BR/1 BA: Refurbished & compact 14x44 home-site (w/attached front porch/deck); metal & frame outbuildings, on landscaped Trenton lot w/large oak for shade...$28,000. -- LOTS & ACREAGE PROPERTIES ON MARKET -- NEW LISTING--WOODED ONE-ACRE TRACT NORTH OF BELL: Nice mix of trees, has some privacy/seclusion for new built or manufactured home-site, affordably priced...$20,000. 44 ACRES, MIX OF WOODS/OPEN SPACE, IN EAST GILCHRIST: Over 40 acres, ready for family or gentleman's farm/home-site east of Trenton; has paved frontage along CR-337, and an older home-site on property (improvements being sold in 'as is' condition)--call or e-mail our office for full details...$499,900. 20 ACRES-PASTURE PROPERTY IN WEST GILCHRIST: Thirty rolling acres, with large oaks/pines along boundaries, ready for Ag use or large home-site. Located close to CR-232 & CR-344 near Hart Springs...$265,000. 10 ACRES--WOODED, SECLUDED TRACT OFF US-129: Private locale for this ten acres north of Bell--has nice mix of open space & woods, few neighbors; call Barbara for property details...$ 129,900. 4+ ACRES--WOODED TRACT NEAR BRONSON/ARCHER: Quiet, rural location for this 4.2-acre comer tract, located in-between Bronson & Archer near SR-24; great location for secluded built or manufactured home-site...$84,900. 5.78 ACRES--SUWANNEE CO. ACREAGE, ALONG MAIN ROAD: Nice mix of open pasture & wooded area for home-site, at this 5.78-acre tract near Branford, with over 240' frontage along US-27; includes 'as is' well/septic.,.$79,900. AFFORDABLE & BUILDABLE TRACT, NEAR TO FANNING SPRINGS: Wooded 100x100 property, near to SR-26, Rails-to-Trails and more at west end of county, ready, for built or manufactured home-sites...$9,900. You can call our agents after regular business hours, for more information on any of our listings, at the main office number above, or at our agents' cell numbers below: Jim or Jean Troke ri .S. (386) 935-3357 SI "Profession Paul Troke (352) 221-2999 Barbara Mayo (352) 222-0427 nal Service With A Personal Touch" EQUAL. HOUSING OPPORTURtT D. Dee'n Lancaster LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER, 510 E. WADE STREET TRENTON, FL 32693 Visit us online-at: www.lancasterrealtv.biz J JL -ED- b-M 'Ir SHOP A ilv I -1-M Pn ry. Tnn-ntv, CUTT CR-T.PTT rC(T TNTYTOTIflTRNTAT * THURSDAY, JULY 27, 2006 Services PRESSURE WASHING, PAINT- ING, DECK & PATIO BUILD- ING and HOME REPAIRS & IMPROVEMENT Reasonable prices, dependable, insured and professional. Shamrock Services, 352-463-1212 day or evening and weekends. tfnb,6-1 JIM'S PRESSURE WASHING/ EXTERIOR PAINTING: Since 1985. Exp/Ins. Homes, mobiles, business, walks, decks, roofs, etc. Please call Pastor Jim Hurst 352- 498-3023. Help Wanted VACANCIES GILCHRIST COUNTY SCHOOLS Instructor, Reading (Anticipated) District-Wide Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Florida teacher certification covering Read- ing required. School Psychologist District-wide Master's Degree from an accredited institution. Certification covering, School Psychology. Th esywa t *el yurhoe..AndSAVE Call the office by Friday and receive maps and flyers.to each open house Thee oms wil al hst n PNOSE SUNAY UY PIhro0-4P Trenton-NV Levy County. 13250 NE 16'1' Ave $66.000 2.2 in Oak Grove Village Furnished %%ith all you need, right down to the John Deere riding mower! !Move in and enjoy the quiet life, yet within minutes to Trenton or Chiefland. Williston 102 SW 8'h Drive. $239,900 Step through the front door to your newly completed, open flour plan home in Camellia Plantation. Over 2000 sq, ft. with cathedral ceiling in main living area. One acre corner lot. City water and. sewer. Chiefland 13651'NW 86t' Ave. $185,000 Relax in thi' mint 2003 DWMH. 3/2 with onier's retreat. Screen porch, 2 open decks, screen- enclosed pool. On dead end street, 5 acre lot with gardens, shed & workshop. Help-U-Sell American Dream 352-375-4408 .i:55 NW 4-3" Sneer #26 Gainesville. FL 32606 RESIDENTIAL '""' " BRAND NEW mobile home located just inside Gilchrist Co. Would make great first home, taxes are low and a short drive to Gainesville & Newberry. 1240 Sq: Ft, 3BR, 2BA, lake access within walking distance. $89,900. Call William Gillespie; 352-225-1921. #265611 TIME TO RELAX & ENJOY LIFE? This is the home for you! Open floor-plan, 3BR, 2.5BA on 5 acres set up, for horses or kids. Low Gilchrist taxes! Call Will Gillespie, 225-1921. $189,500. #268088 SECLUDED RIVERFRONT COMMUNITY. This 3BR, 3BA home is fully furnished &'has access to private docks & boat ramp on the Suwannee River. Only 8 homes in Phase I, so buy today! Call Tony Boothby, 352-262-1159. 26+ SECLUDED ACRES includes 1700+ Sq. Ft. 3BR, 2BA, concrete block home, 6 acres fenced/cross-fenced pasture, 4-stall barn w/tack & feed rooms. Beautiful woods & Mins. to the river. Call Tony Boothby, 352-262-1159. $475,000. #265084- YOUR RURAL RETREAT! 40 rolling acres, this delightful. 4BR, 2BA sun-splashed country home offers rocking chair porch, cozy fireplace, big red barn & even your own private fishing hole. Call Debbie Zeller, 352-538-2857. $699,000. #263604 VACANT LAND READY TO BUILD or bring your new double wide! This lovely 1-acre lot is partially wooded & in a nice quiet gated community. Combine the peaceful country living with low Suwannee County taxes. Call Isabel Smith, 318-7829. $25,000. #266874 ENJOY COUNTRY LIVING on a secluded wooded lot across from Suwannee River at Riverside Estates., Low Suwannee Co. taxes in a quiet peaceful community! Call Isabel Smith, 318-7829. $35,000. #265874 HEAVILY WOODED 5 ACRES only one mile south of the Santa Fe River. Will allow mobile homes, minimum of 900 Sq. Ft. Call Martha Barnes, 386-454-3327 or 352-339-4069. $69,900. #261732 BEAUTIFUL 5 ACRE HOMESITE in homes only gated community. Located in Northern Gilchrist County, just a few miles away from the historic Suwannee River & the Santa Fe River. Come & relax in the country while 'keeping the city within reach. Call William Gillespie, 352-225-1921. $115,000. #260804 ROLLING 10 ACRES of lush pasture just waiting for you & your horses to relax in the country. Perfect to build or bring in a Manuf. home. Call William Gillespie, 352-225-1921. $135,000. #242576 YOUR OWN PONDEROSA! Lovely 10 acre parcel just outside High Springs. Cleared with some trees. Bring the horses & build your dream home or move in your manufactured home. Call Debbie Zeller, 352-538-2857. $139,900. #264203 40 ACRES OF WILDERNESS. For the true Pioneer, this wooded property has a 20-acre natural pond & is teeming with wildlife. Discover for yourself! Call Tony Boothby, 352-262-1159 or Isabel Smith, 318-7829. $299,000. #267982 38 ACRES RIVERFRONT HOMESTEAD! Ancient oaks, towering cypress, abundant wildlife & over 1000 Ft. of frontage on the Santa Fe River. Rustic cabin could become your weekend retreat! Call Tony Boothby, 352-262-1159. $570,000. #265790 : CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR. 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. A l Help Wanted Speech/Language Pathologist (K-1.2) District-wide Bachelor's Degree in Speech/ Language Pathology/Communica- tion Disorders from an accredited educational institution. Florida certification in Speech/Language Pathology and/or licensure in Speech/Language Pathology. Substitute Teachers High School Diploma or Equiva- lent. Contact.the District Office for an application and more inf6rma- tion. Highly Qualified Substitute Teacher Pool We are accepting applications for our Highly Qualified Substitute Teacher Pool Qualifications- Bachelor's Degree or higher w&ith a current or former teaching certificate in a core subject area. Once approved, highly qualified subsuttutes 'iould be eligible for subsmiuung at $130 a day in pre- approved situations here there is a long-term absence in a core subject area. All other daily substituting would be at current daily rates. Contact the District Office for an :application and more information. Bus Driver Trainees; Substitute Bus Drivers. High School Diploma. 40 hours of in-service training sill be pro% ided for qualified applicants Flexible training hours. Part of the training prepares trainees for the dner por- tion of the Class B Florida CDL. For information or questions, con- tact the Transportation Department at ,352), 463-3230. Obtain and submit application to' Gilchrist County School District, -310 NW 11th Avenue. Trenton. FL 32693 (352) 463-3200. r IL' IE C Y i Part-Time Reference Libr.aran Temporary position providing reference service and Library orientation to evening and Saturday students. Master's in Library Science from ALA accredited program. Salary: $17.00 per hour College application and transcripts required. Applications available at S www.lakecitycc.edu. Contact Jim Morris 149 SE College Place Lake City FL 32025 Phone: (38,6)754-4337; Fax (386) 754- 4837 Email: morrisj(&lakecilvcc.edu. College application and transcripts required. Applications available at www.lakecitycc.edu LCCC is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges & Schools VP/ADA/EA/EO College in Education, & Employment Help Wanted Help Wanted Application may be downloaded at: www.gilchristschools.org/Person- nel.htm#Application Attach a resume and any additional information as necessary. All applications will be screened. Not all applicants will be interviewed. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled. EEO/Drug Free Workplace www.GilchristSchools.org ltb,7-27 40 HOURS PER WEEK: Full- time Pharmacy Inventory/Tech. Ex- perience required, apply in person at Best Drugs of Trenton. 220 N main Street. Monday Friday and every third Saturday. Competiti e sal- ary. Excellent working conditions. Friendly helpful co-workers. Sorry, no health insurance at this time. Du- ties %%ill include inentory ordering, check-in, stocking on shelves. and paperwork. as well as basic phar- macs tech. duties and misc tasks. I tb,7-27, Equipment Operator Front end loader, farm tractors/equipment. Experience preferred., will train. Ap- plh in person at our High Springs of- fice located at 125 NW 1st AVenue, High Springs. 386-454-1511 LAMCE ,= DV OFFSET PRESS L INDUPLICA TOR Operate and maintain all print hop equipment Know ledge of high-end duplicating machines Abilir, to operate an ABDiCK press desirable Responsible for quahlir printing and binder work such as, collainng, saddle suiching. binding publications, numbering machines, etc. Ability to prioritize projects and work in a fast paced print shop. SHigh school diploma/GED, plus five years experience.in print operations and computer literate required Associaies degree i prelerrcd Salary: $26,269.00. plus benefits, Deadline for applications: August 2,2006 Position details and applications available on our Web site at www.lakecitycc.edu Inquiries: Human Resource Development 149 SE College Place Lake City, FL 32025 Phone: (386) 754-43.14 Fax: (386) S ,'754-4594 Email: boettcherg@lakecitycc.edu LCCC is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. VP/ADA/EA/EO C9llege in Education & Employment Wfolford WW realty, inc. Licensed Real Estate Broker 386-935-0243 P.O. Box 546 Bell, Florida 32619 3 SANTA FE RIVER LOT AND 3 OFF-RIVER LOTS Beautiful Santa Fe River Lot in North Gilchrist County. On outside bend of river with great view. Lot has well, septic, power & floating dock. Can be built on. Comes with 3 other off-river lots in same com- munity. Only $275,000. VERY NICE 3/2 C.B. HOME On 5 part clear part wooded acres in North Gilchrist County. Home is in great condition and in a good neighborhood. $224,000. THE RIVER PARADISE -A large lot on the Econfina River-150' of river frontage 2 miles from the Gulf in navigable waters. Includes a beautiful, large 4 bedroom/3 bath two story home. Super fishing & hunting area! $685,000. 2 ACRES ON SUWANNEE at Charles Springs beautiful, wooded lot, buildable! $79,900. A NICE RIVER LOT on Suwannee River near Royal Springs nice area. $49,900. BEAUTIFUL WOODED 5 ACRES On county maintained road in north Gilchrist County. $68,900. 291.45 ACRES OF PRIME HUNTING LAND With a hunting lodge type house, lodge is complete with nice porches and a fireplace. Dog pen, rock quarry, fish pond and approximately 150 acres of planted pines. Awesome hunting of deer, wild hogs, turkey, etc. Good improved roads and trails through out the property. Fronts on a paved road. $1,595,000. Just 8 miles out of Cross City. 247 ACRES Prime land on more than i mile of highway frontage.in Suwannee Coun- ty. Nice 3/2 CB home, detached garage with upstairs apartment, 75 acres of pines, approx 160 acres in cropland, 3 wells & other amenities!! Fantastic development potential, cen- trally located to just about everything in North Central Florida. Shown by appointment only! $3,250,000. Can be developed into 5 acre tracts!! 34.61 ACRES IN CENTRAL SUWANNEE COUNTY Very nice piece of land on a paved road, surveyed and platted into 3 pieces if you need it subdivided, can be four pieces, mostly open with some nice trees. $485,000. 4 ACRES OFA NICE WOODED TRACT- Good trees!! Central Suwannee County. $49,500. 5 BEAUTIFUL WOODED ACRES With well, septic, power and completely loaded with deer. Backs up to large protected lands. Fenced, county maintained road. Convenient to Chiefland. Plenty of privacy. $129,900. 5 ACRES IN NORTH GILCHRIST COUNTY Nice wooded 5 acre tract of property - private & secluded. Must see to believe! $75,000. LOT IN LEVY COUNTY- Near Williston on SR 121. Only $23,900. 18 ACRES IN SOUTH SUWANNEE COUNTY Partly open and many nice trees. A great location!! $165,000. NICE LOT ON PAVED ROAD WITH RIVER ACCESS in Lake Panasoffkee, Florida. Septic system permit included. Best fishing!! $60,000. CONVENIENCE STORE / MECHANICS GARAGES 1 acre zoned commercial/in- dustrial with lots of frontage on Highway 90 east in Lake City, Florida. Many amenities and lots of square feet of buildings to use your entrepreneurial skills and make this going business grow even more. Only $375,000. Owner Motivated !! BEAUTIFUL, BUILDABLE NORTH GEORGIA LOTS AVAILABLE CALL US FOR DETAILS!! For more information and pictures of these and other properties listed Visit our website at www.wolfordrealty.com GRAPHIC DESIGN/SIGN LAY- OUT PERSON needed in Trenton.. Looking for FT position, but will consider PT if necessary. Some du- ties, but not limited to, complete sign make up (computer all the way to vinyl application), some ad and job make up (PC and Mac computer knowledge helpful). Will train right person. Apply in person at the Gil- christ County Journal in Trenton, 207 N. Main Street in Trenton. S IHlITE CITY. Instructor/Coordinatoir Patient Care Assistant Program 198 DuryDays, Tenure Track Instruct prudent;. coordinate classroom achint iie. c[Iimlcal rotations and cynical skills Prepare students to pass State e\am Musiha'e AA or AS in Nursing. Florida RN license. and rno years experience in long lerm or acuie care SalarN Based on degree and experience plus benefits Re% iel i ol applications to begin immediately. College application required. Position details and application available on the web at: www.l akecitycc:edu Inquiries: Human Resource De% elopment Lake Cio Community College 1-19 SE College Place Lake City, FL32025 Phone: (386),754.4314 Fax: (386i "54-45914 S. E-m il boettcherg@lakecitycc.edu LCCC is ,ccredlied bN the' Southern Associaion of Colleges and Schools VP/ADA/EA/EO College in Education & Employment Help Wanted FL DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE: Now accepting applications for seasonal positions as peanut inspec- tion aides and samplers in Trenton. Please call (352) 529-0176. Leave your name and number specify Trenton. An EEO/AA Employer. 2tb,7-20-7-27 MECHANIC: Gas/diesel and heavy equipment, for shop and field work. Must have own tools, $12- $14 per hour w/benefits. John C. Hipp Construction, 386-462-2047. EOE/DFWP Help Wanted RN: Weekend contract. Fri., Sat., and Sun. Night shift. Please apply in person at Ayers Health & Rehab, 606 NE 7th Street, Trenton or fax resume to 352-463-7710. Attention D. O. N. ltb,7-27 AKINS BARBECUE is taking ap- plications for a waitress and cashier, experience preferred. Please stop by or call after 5pm. Hwy-129 in Bell, 463-6859. Hometown Realty ofNorth FLInc. Natalie Rankin Licensed Real Estate Broker 1310 North Main Street Bell, Florida 32619 - Office: (352) 463-9001 Toll Free: (888) 463-9001 Fax: (352) 463-9008 e-mail: Hometo\\ nRealt)NFi'"bellsouth.net SUWANNEE SHORES S/D FIREPLACE & PORCH 4/2.5 DWMH 10Acres MLS# TBD $220,000 Anachcd Carporn & Por1hes Fenced & CrossTenced 3/2 DWMH on 5 Acres $189,000 MLS#752685 ABOVE GROUND POOL FIREPLACE & PORCH 3/2DWMH 10Acres MLS# $169,900 * Spacious 5BR/2BA on 10 Acres BelIl Civ Limits, Pvd. Rd. Fish Pond & Pole Barn $230,000 MLS#753077 EAST GILCHRIST POLE BARN & SHED 3/2 DWMH 7 Acres MLS# $249,000 CLOSE TORIVER HANDYMAN SPECIAL 3BR/lBA CB Home 2.43 Acres $149,900 MLS#751439 iL4, LARGE HOME, LARGE LOT SPECTACULAR DESIGN NORTH GILCHRIST CO. UNDER RENOVATION 3/2 M/H on 8.57 acres 3/2 Home on Trenton City Lot $139,500 MLS #751687 $180,000 MLS #751932 .11 Acre Lot, City water & sewer .18 Acre, City Water & Sewer .21 Acre, City Water & Sewer .27 Acre, Well & Septic 1/3 Commercial Lot Hwy 26 .50 Acre, Bronson .50 Acre, Well,' Septic, PP 1 Acre North of Bell 1.14 Acres W/S/P 1.6 Acres, Well & Septic 1.67 Acres, W/S/P Bell City Lim. 1.67 Acres, Bell City Limis 2.5 Acres, Bell, 4.4 Acres, Riverfront, Buildable 5 Acres, Bell City Limits 5 Acres, Bell City Lim.,Dividable 5 Acres, Well & Septic REDUCED 5 Acres, North Gilchrist Co. 5 Acres, W/S/P 5 Acres, Fenced & Paved .5 Acres, W/S/P EOM51 HOUSING OPPORTUN5fY LOTS & ACREAGE $11,500 5 Acres, E. Gilchrist, Paved $124,900 $17,500 5 Acres, E. Gilchrist, 3 to choose from $100,000 $18,500 5 Acres, SWMH, Planted Pines $99,000 $37,900 5 Acres, ;BR/1BA, Frame House $124,900 $75,000 6 Acres, Well, Septic & Pines REDUCED $84,000 $24,900 7.94 Paved Highway $115,000 $29,900 10 Acres, W/S/P Owner Finance $140,000 $25,000 10 Acres, Septic & Power Pole $124,900 $45,000 10 Acres, Suwannee Shores $139,000 $48,300 11.92 Acres, 2xW/S/P $199,900 $49,900 12 Acres, Scattered Oaks $170,000 $39,000 15 Acres, Perfect for Motorcross $200,000 $39,900 17+ Acres, Bell REDUCED $182,280 $799,000 17.8 Acres, Paved Road frontage $267,000 $79,000 20 Acres, US HWY 129 $300,000 $112,000 20 Acres, Pines, Close to River $330,000 $52,900 27.6 Acres, Mature pines, Dividable $325,000 $69,900 30 Acres, Near Manatee Spgs $399,000 $82,000 34 Acres, US Hwy 129 $544,000 $89,500 37.8 Acres, Paved, Dev. Pot $567,000 $89,000 40 Acres, W/S/P, Pole Barn $399,0009 ii &LCounLtry 352*463*8340 Dixie Gilchrist Levy Board of Realtors and Multiple Listiig Service P. 0. Box 8 Bell, Florida 32619 E-Mail: tcrealty@bellsouth.net www.TownandCountryRealtyOnline.com BEAUTIFUL 10 ACRES well, septic, power, paved road, 2 MHs of no value, Bell, 14-7,.00)0. MLS 753169 CORNER 2 ACRES_- Branford, Dixie County, $49,500. MLS 7'53171 4/2 HOME downtown Bell, newly renovated, $140,000. MLS 753101 20 ACRES oaks & pasture land, 1986.SWMH, roof new 1/06, pole barn has electric, shed has bath & electric, 3 sides fenced, Old Town/Branford, $245S.000. MLS 753033. Can divide as 10 acres & MH. $140.000. MLS 753032 & 10 acres, $13 0.000. NMLS 753028. CORNER 10 ACRES- -erY pretty Bell, $139,90) MLS 752677 1.25 ACRES wooded corner lot, Bronson, $22,000. MLS 752364 PAVED ROAD- 5 wooded acres. Bell, $80,000. MLS 752301 13 ACRES'- paved road, large oaks. Qld Town, $182,000'. MLS 752182. GIL CREST FARMS 829' on trotter track, 5 acres, CB building, roof & central heat air nev. Bell, $350,000 MLS 751978 CREEK half acre. Perrt. '18.00, owner financing MLS 752021 25 ACRES next to 1.000s of timber acres. Pines ready to harvest, oaks. 2/1 MI, 2 pole barns. Bell, $310,000. MLS 751788 -BRING'FAMILY & FRIENDS six 5-acre lots. S100.00o0 firm each & 8 22-acre lot. $164.000 firm. Half mile to Su\%annee River public boat ramp. out of flood plain. Bell. MLS 751807,09,10,11,12,14,15' I ACRE o\\ oded, no deed restrictions. Bell, $25,000. MLS 751441 I ACRE on a hill. same area as abo e. $25,000. MILS 752050 3 ACRES coded. Old To%%n. $50.0.0) MILS 751440 . 20 ACRES comer, open land & xsoods. inactive rockpii 'Bell, $300,000 firm. MLS 751123. DOWNTOWN R-3.- 6 acres next to park could be half-acre lots.. multifamily, rentals. Giant oaks. Bell, $300,000. MLS 750200 LET US HELP YOU BUY OR SELL. OR BOTH www.HometownRealtyNF.com rage iwenty Ul]-unrr.,113 JL k-,U u 1-4 JL JL i u u JXI'4 PU- w urrUK I UNI I T I TT-rr TDM nAv TJUL 77 nn006 GTILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Page Twenty-One 1, Iv-. - -Help Wanted CARPENTERS & HELPERS: Experience necessary, full-time only apply. (No part-time needed) Must have valid drivers' license and your own transportation. Call (352) 542-7117 or pick up application on Monday, Tuesdays, or Thursdays lOam-3pm @ 25878 SE US-19 across 'from Dollar General in Old Town. Carl Colson Construction, Inc. 2tb,7-20-7-27 DUMP TRUCK DRIVERS: Class B license, experience required, $9- :,.$10 per hour w/benefits, John C. Hipp Construction. 386-462-2047 EOE/DFWP 2tb,7-20-7-27 DAYCARE CENTER needs Di- rector with CDA and Director's cre- dential. Call 352-486-3705. Hep anted1 PLUMBERS & HELPER good Florida driver's licen; ences & dependable transl required. Good benefit & work. 352-472-3677 M-F, 8 4tb, DRIVERS: Great pay, bo gram! Solos: avg $900 week. Teams: Guarantee Smiles weekly. Owner/Op come! CDL-A, 2 years exp r Anita: 1-800-451-5529. TRUCK DRIVER needed deliveries & misc. duties in yard. Class B CDL require Jeff at Gilchrist Building 463-2738. Jim King Realty, Inc. Realtor iLS Main Office- (352) 493-2221 315 N. Main Street (US-19), Chiefland, FL32626 Fanning Springs Branch Office (352) 463-6144 or 542-0009 O 17871 U.S. Hwy. 19, Fanning Springs FL32693 Suwannee Branch Office (352) 542-9007 23382 SE 349 Hwy., Suwannee, FL 32692 OPpORTUNITY office@jimkingrealty.com or vww.jimkihgrealty.com REALTOR* IS: With se, refer- pprtation - steady S-4 7-13-8-3 nus pro- )-$1,100/ Ad 5200 CLASSIFIEDSD CLASSIFIED ADS $4 50 MINIMUM FOR. 20 WORDS S CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD Real Estate 3BD/2BA 2CG on 5 acres. Trenton. e. e. E'.c quality 3.000 sq ft. Masonry' required. S succo Master suite \idih ssalk-in It ,713 closet bath o ith jet tub, shower Lg kitchen "'niaple cabinets, stairdess for local steel appliances Laundr i ~&di. n lumber pantry. brealkast nook. family room. ed. Call formal dining, private Ii ing Wood Supply, & tile floors Landcape'irrgauon. $395.i i10 Call 352-S16-08 46 See virtual lour'piciures \\ k rtiual- tourrflorida cosm, ABH Stp "'27-9-14 VERY NICE/REALLY CLEAN $"9.500. 3 BR'2 BA mobile home. 28'.6O ,:'n I 25 acre-'. near Broncon Refurbished alth ne, cabLinetri, re. fl,:'ring iej applarinces. paint. etc 352. 4"2-49"" Bu. or sell or both Call TOWN & COUNTRY REAL'T 352-463-8340 P. 0 Box 8. Bell. Flonda 32619 icrealt i'ibelklouth net \\w' To" nandcnCunrtryRealt) Online.corn Di ie-Gilchrist-Let \ Board ol Realtors and Multiple Listing Serice L For Rent 2 BR/I BA SWNMIH: For rent in Trenton $435'month. first, laist. and securiLt. No pets or smoking Call 352--147-5998 Ilb.7.27 TRENTON: 3 BR.'2 BA, first last. secun \ Call iS50s 556-2"b2 Bud Abbiss Carole Abbiss L.,tricd P.eal E,.I e Br:. ef Licen;cR P:i El -c i il l,r :.,I le S& Counfryi P. o B. s 352 463 8340 Bell FL 32610 E-Mail: tcre-lt,.''bellsouth.net Swv-. TownandCountr Real[t Online.com OVERLOOKING LAKE HOLIDAY -IN SUWANNEE! This 2BR/2BA DWMHtis on a deep water lake only minutes by boat in freshwater canals to the Suwannee River and the Gulf of Mexico. It has a 2 stall boathouse, screened fish cleaning / storage room, Florida room with views of the lake and orange, grapefruit and.tangerine trees..The home is completely furnished, includes 2 boats and is. waiting for you to come enjoy our excellent fishing and quiet way of life! $299,000.'(DW- 748707-JM) 352-542-9007 Very well maintained Home. Family room with Fireplace and tile floors. Metal roof, Concrete drive, 20 X 40 Workshop all on 4.4 beauitful wooded acres. Paved road, Convenient to Chiefland. $198,500. (LR-753069-K) 352-493- 2221 SWMH W/ ADDITION ON SALTWATER CANAL in the town of Suwannee! Look across your, canal to see natural beauty of palms & palmettos, not to mention abundant wildlife. Take your boat or canoe & explore pristine .U 4J al .,j if.... Gulf of Mexico & Suwannee River or take a trip through the 60 thousand acre National Wildlife Refuge that borders our town! 'Enjoy one of the last truly natural places in FL! It's incredible! $189,000. (DW-750440-JHM) 352-542-9007 te an Seded But Convenient to Private and Secluded, But Convenient to Chiefland. This 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath with Fireplace, on 4.8 Wooded acres on dead end stir t i ,',u :It pi:pET, 11 i,,U lk '. ,.11,lll C, *mjll liih p.ii, ,aLAk.ir.g irjil. $.Ir4,-'i1 (LMH-753091-K) 352-493-2221 NEW 2t' HKM.iE ON OV ER A1.RIS' rTh,- would make. a great starter, or empty nest. home. Beautiful wooded tract, with privacy from neighbors $110,0000. (DMH-752145- MKH) 352493-2221 HJc ,'our ,-u picnc ,.I P'rjai-le RcLenlV remodeled 1989 3/2 SW MH on 3.10 beaulifill jac' n Parjdire H.airm.-.Il This home has new ccj 1 ;.: i ... iTI,:- pump for the well, 2 tr iji iqn ..,vilhli X 12' storage shed w/ electric, all of this and more that is located just off paved road. This is one that you must see to appreciate. Close to Schools, Shopping, the Suwannee River and public boat ramps, and the Gulf of Mexico. *** SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! ***$72,900. (DMH-752334-JW) 352-463- 6144 or 542-0009 Call Our Office For More Listings! L. Frank Grant Realty L. Frank Grant LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER 216-A N. Main St., Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-2817 FAX (352) 463-2479 OPRUTUNI- . lfgr@bellsouth.net [- ;. i-: We List To Sell! ILS 620 NE 5TH AVE TRENTON 3BR/2BAD/W Mobile Home-Several storage buildings- landscaped-carport. MLS #752719 Priced $149,900. 608 NE 5TH AVE TRENTON 3BR/2BA S/W Moblie Home carport- fenced 2 lots. MLS#7,52792 Priced $75,000. For additional information on our listings and virtual tours. Visit our website at www.lfrankgrant.com East Side of Gilchrist County 3 ac tract plus four (4) 5 ac tracts w/planted pines on Co. Grade Rd. Priced at $90,000 each. MLS#750923-750927 Lil Lake City NW 60th Street 9.2 ac Planted Pines, MLS#749600 Reduced $125,000. 10 AC off Santa Fe on 95th PL 4" well-cross fenced-ready for horse or new home. MLS#749774 Reduced $135,000. 2-5 ACRES OFF NW 55 AVE First one is planted pines about 20 yrs old MLS#751145 Second one has scattered oaks MLS#752877 COMMERCIAL LOT US HWY 129 FRONTAGE MLS#749499 Price $100,000. ML- Si. Brad Smith Licensed Real Estate Broker P .cl .:. 6' '" S&f.' r,.S A. t Ulcljl rox1 tii .n, Ir T I I]..:.'11-11 Tile a Beribr '. EP' CLEAtI Elaine Ewart, Realtor (352) 213-6049 Wanee Highlands! 2/2; 924 SF, 5AC, 5 acres, screened porch, large deck, high & dry. 1/2 mile to boat ramp.. Russ Hallett, Realtor (352) 665-9901 Work at Home! 3/1; 2,079 SF, 0.92'AC Next to Akins BBQ. You could use the bonus room as a shop. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 Magnificent Custom Home! 4/3; 2,295 SF 5 AC, 4 bedrooms, Ig. kitchen, barn, 6 car garage, & large porches. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 Brick Home! 3/2; 2,240 SF, 5 AC Split floor plan, vaulted ceilings, playroom, & oversized master, Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770, A 'creo 2. 1,402-SF, 5.02AC &i 0'.t ike%,e Ic.,,', ,ng Brad 'Smiih. Broker 135.lj 463-17M7 Smith &Associates, www.bsgmac.com n____ _L.__L___ I. 2. . ". -. Needs a little TLC! ." SF 3.." Pretty land with a fence ul N Cii. ..Ii h neutralcolors. SBrad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 Suwannee Trenton Suwannee Chiefland Trenton Trenton Bell Trenton Bell $295,000 $19,900 $650,000 $39,500 $20,000 $39,900 $19,900 $20,000 $20,000 ii m7 F .,rorII g 'if rng i 5 : T rier,,..-" Trenton :Bell Fanning Springs Chiefland Chiefland Bell' Trenton' Bell Brand New! 3/2; 1,500SF,'0.64AC Neutral colors, appliances, cherry cabinets, utility room, & other upgrades. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 Old Town Trenton Trenton Trenton Newberry Chiefland High Springs Bell . Horse Ready! 3/2; 1,450 SF, 10.2 AC, Huge deck and screened porch. Oak flooring, fenced, & barn. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 . -* F, Four Bedrooms! Large great room, firepl veranda, pond Brad Smith, Brok I r~hO 4/2; 2,288 SF, 5 AC ace, formal living room, d w/ waterfall. ,er (352) 463-7770 ' ?p Trenton Trenton Bell. Trenton Chiefland Trenton Chiefland Chiefland Bell Bell Trenton Cedar Key Bell Hih~nr Cnpsn $24,900 , $27,000 . $24,900 $55,000: $46,000 $85,0001 $85,000 $85,000 $75,000 $85,000 $89,900 - $98,500 $129,900 $129,900 $132,000 $149,900 $75,000 $100,000 $125,000 $129,900 $139,900 $150,000 $169,900 $195,000 $159,900 $129,900 $205,095 $i,500,000 $222,600 Newer carpet & tile, central intercom/nfusic, I fireplaces. Owner is Realtor. Robin Haskins, Realtor (352) 221-2229 I ' 14,97 Bell $172,500 15 Bell $480,000 20 20 20 20.01 20.01 21 24 24.44 25 33:5 35.4 39 50 54.2 55.91 64 80 80. 5 9:63 10 10.45 21.6 , 31.75 40 53.09 61.59 70 120 154 Bell $199,900 Williston $325,000 Bronson $360,000 Williston $425,000 Williston $440,000 Bell $.42n nnn I ll ,r. $445,000 Bell $366,000 Bronson $398,000 Trenton $300,000 Trenton $502,500 Bell $442,500 Williston $975,000 Morriston $842,655 Chiefland $1,044,000 Williston $1,627,500 Chiefland $640,000 Chiefland $799,600 Bell $800,000 Bell Chiefland Trenton Trenton Williston Bronson Bell Bell Trenton Trentoh Bell Bell $349,900 $220,000 $260,000 $338,580 $367,200 $620,000 $480,000 $424,454 $1,450,000 $770,000 $1,200,000 $2,618,000 7 .Williston $325,000 Cal an o onr getsfo AD fign*prigs Oil/m S"- *?- ;I. Proudly serving Gilchrist, Dixie, Levy, and Marion Counties. Exclusively Offered by Your GMAC Team "1 P RENI I E R S E R V I C E I-r I Connecting '", ,. I;* ; . A web site offered to our clients which serves as an interactive community forum for posting calendars, yard sales, recipes, & much more! Call for details and join in the fun! 10 SW 7th Street Williston, FL 32696 352-529-0010 605 N. Main.Street Chiefland, FL 32626 352-493-4200 Smith & Associates, Inc. will commit to quality service in writing! It's an approach that's earned GMAC a remarkable 94% Customer Satisfaction Rating the best in the real estate industry. 934 E. Wade Street Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-7770 27888 US Hwy-19 Old Town, FL 32680 352-542-1111 Hwy-349 South Suwannee, FL 32692 352-542-1212 I 0 1 4.99 Acres I 751842 S249,000 1 5 9.99 Acres I I Invest/Develop mi 749283 S32.000 747171; S380,000 I f""TT ,,r'rr- T 0rlmr '1r'nT TXT~rr7 TnT TIlXT A T THURSDAYJULY 27, 2006 Page Twenty-Two. UILLC b I LAJUUIlI I JLJUUINI-L, . Gilchrist Commission Still Considering Reduction Of Speed Limit On Some County Roads The Gilchrist County Com- mission discussed further in detail the possibility of chang- ing the speed limits on some county graded roads from 55 to 35 miles per hour. Commissioner Kenrick Thomas told the board that he is committed to the continued work to change the speed limits, on some roads to make them safer for the people living in those areas. Commission Chairman Tommy Langford presented the board some information that he had received from Sheriff Turner identifying a Florida Department of Transportation study that indicated the county could not change the speed limit to 35 miles per hour county wide. The board gave the DOT Study to the attorney and asked him to review the information . and give the board a report in the next general meeting. Trenton High School Welcomes New Staff (Continued from Page One). degree in Elementary Educa- tion from Saint Leo University prior to teaching third grade at Trenton Elementary. She was serving as the reading coach for Trenton Elementary before ap- plying for the assistant principal. She recently earned her Master's degree in Educational Leader- ship. Mrs. Langford is married to Henry Langford, lifelong resident of Gilchrist County and they have two children, Danyal 13 and Harley 3. In her spare time she enjoys spending time with her family, swimming and reading. Trenton High School is ex- tremely fortunate to have such knowledgeable and dedicated ladies join us. We know that our staff, students, parents, and community will make them feel welcome. It kills you to see them grow up. But I guess it would kill you quicker if they didn't., Barbara Kingsolver, Animal Dreams Students Can Pick Up Schedules At High Schools This Week The high school students in Gilchrist County' can pick up their schedules at Bell and Trenton High School guidance offices on Thursday, July 27, Friday, July 28 or Monday, July 31. Schedules will not be given out at the school's open house this year. Bell High School Welcomes New Administrators (Continued from Page One) structional delivery, data analy- sis, and progress monitoring will increase efforts in raising the bar for our Gilchrist County School District. He is a native of Bayou George, Florida in Bay Countty and comes from a family of edu- cators. Mr. Whitaker graduated from Troy State University in, 1987 with a Bachelors Degree in Biology/Physical Education and Masters Degree in Educa- tional Leadership from NOVA Southeastern lni ersity in 1999., Currently. he is a proud resident of Gilchrist County with his wife AM Southern Tire & Brake 626 North Main Street STrenton 352-463-6050 SAVE GAS Benefits of Proper Inflation' Optimal tire performance Longer Wear SAVE FUEL (.4% for every 1 PSI your tire is low) Stop by Southern Tire & Brake Ask JohWito inspect your tires Erin and daughter Lauren. His hobbies are fishing, hunting, and playing golf. Character Connection For July As we continue our study on particular character traits, it is necessary to keep in mind the full meaning of each. In this distinctive series, and for those who are sincerely interested, it is noted that the last article high- lighted a somewhat different attribute, rather than the usual ones, which-are focused more on the silent qualities of individu- als. That quality was visionary. This month our concentration, is on that of teacher. This calling is one in which someone imparts wisdom, maturity and skill to others, while validating direc- tion and ensuring completeness. As one who instructs and gives knowledge to the learner, a teacher impresses upon the mind certain principles of instruction in academic or practical disci- Splines. To teach implies a send- ing. passing, communicating, or rather leading or drawing the scholar into greater knowledge. Parent's are a child's first in- structor. It is their duty to guide their child's mind ,.by teaching practical skills and principals of morality. As the child grows. it is up to the parents as to who will act as an extension.of that teach- ing, that instructing. Because parents are the child's first .role models they should be \erN cau- tious as to ~\ho %\ill be the next. teacher beyond the boundaries of the home, for it is the parents who are ultimately responsible for a child's education. A teacher is a preceptor who -conveys knowledge; one who gives direction and order. A student, who is open to learning, receives knowledge by way of an instructor's profession and is willing to be informed. As one learns- from a teacher one can gain understanding so instruc- tion from affliction, which can be harsh, will not come. A naturally gifted teacher will try wa's to give students infor- mation which will make them familiar with the subject., and perhaps so familiar that they will be able to impart that learned knowledge onto. others. An excelletit teacher counsels titid directs in the way the student 'should go, while assisting the student in becoming a life-long learner. A person called to be a teacher will accomplish goals in the tininds of others, even if there is no pay involved, for money is 'not the object of a true teacher; their goal is to increase knowl- edge so that the student will not be afraid to stand alone for what is right and honest. Gilchrist County is blessed to have many wonderfully gifted teachers. As they continue in their roles revealing other great character qualities, all of the county's citizens will continue to realize that Gilchrist "is a county of character because it's a county that cares. Geneva Cornwell Farm Service Agency Announces 2006 County Committee Election Process Nomination of Candidates continues through August 1, 2006 i Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns has announced that ag- ricultural producers throughout the nation can nominate eligible candidates to serve on USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) county committees through August 1, 2006 for the county committee elections to be held in the fall. "Farmers and ranchers have an important opportunity to ensure that their FSA county committees represent them by participating in the county com- mittee election process," said Jo- hanns. "I encourage agricultural producers across the country to nominate eligible candidates, es- pecially minorities and women, ao. F'i 'om rute anda a I --roDfernei aring Barron's Aluminum Licensed & Insured Free In-Home Consultations Screen Rooms Sun Rooms Year-Round Living Space Lifetime Transferable Warranty (Sun Rooms Only) Carports Patio & Deck Covers i Decks & Handrails Vinyl Siding Storm Panels & Shutters Email: bahomepros@bellsouth.net 1-800-203-8214 or 352-463-3004 to serve their local county com- mittees and to vote this fall." Farmers and ranchers who serve on county committees help make decisions necessary to ad- minister federal farm programs offered in their communities. County committees make deci-. sions on agricultural issues such as commodity price support loans and payments, conserva- tion programs, disaster pay- ments and employing County,. Executive Directors. Agricultural producers who' participate or cooperate in pro-' grams administered 'by FSA and live in the local adminis- trative area conducting on an election may be nominated for candidacy for committee. Farm-' ers and ranchers can obtain a' complete list of eligibility re-' quirements by visiting a local USDA Service Center or online, at: http://www.fsa.usda.gov/- pas/publications/facts/html/ cocelig06.hitm. The two areas up for re-elec-? tion this,year: the area currently. held by Herman Sanchez, Sr. is: in Dixie County. He has served', three consecutive three-year: terms and is restricted from be-' ing on the ballot this year due: to term limits. The area held' by Kelly Philman is in Gilchrist' County. He is eligible to again. be nominated. Individuals mayi nominate themselves or others.; as candidates. Additionally, . community based organizations'; representing minorities :and' women may nominate candi-. dates. To become a nominee,, eligible individuals must sign; nomination form FSA-669A. The form includes a statement'- that the nominee agrees to serve if elected. Farmers and ranchers- should keep the following im-, portant dates in mind during the' 2006 county committee election? process: The nomination period begins June 15th and August 1st is' the deadline to file nomination forms at the local USDA Service', Center. USDA will mail ballots to eli- gible voters by November 3rd' The last day to return voted bal lots to' the local USDA Ser\ ice' Center is December 4th. Newly elected county com- mittee members take office Juary l.2007. The Soil Conseration and Domestic Allotment Act estalb- lished the county committee system in 1936. Today, there are close to 8,000 FSA county com- mittee members serving three- year terms in. more than 2,300 county offices. "Make a Differ- ence: Nominate and Vote!" is the theme of the 2006 county com- rhittee election process. For further information about FSA county committees or to obtain a nomination form (FSA-669A), visit a local USDA Service Center or go online at: http://www.fsa.usda.gov/ pas/publications/elections/ Default.asp. For further infor- mation and to obtain a petition, contact the Gilchrist-Dixie FSA Office is ,located at: 4949 SW SR 26, Trenton, FL 32693. The phone number is (352) 463- 2358. Vinyl Letters Banners Real Estate Signs Printing Advertising Office Supplies Suwannee River Valley Christian Academy NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for 2006-2007 enrollment. We offer CORPORATE TAX CREDIT SCHOLARSHIP Applications available. 352-463-1569 Mrs. Liz Mucciarorie or Mrs. Debra Phillips I |