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Sie.4rvin is Co u ing Yaurs. Serving Gilchrist County and Surrounding Area for over 75 Years, .. 7 $20.00 A Year In Tri-County Area (Gilbhrist, Vol. 76 No. 14 Phone (352) 463-7135 Fax (352) 463-7393 Trenton, Florida 32693 Thursday, July 20, 2006 Price 50 : o is)$. Otre Vl7 1gilchristjournal@bellsouth.net5 Of Florida, $28.00 Out Of State Terry Parrish Qualifies For County Commission In District 2 City of Trenton To Hold A Second Workshop Before Proposing An Ad Valorem Tax To the citizens and voters of Gilchrist County, after careful consideration and much prayer, I wish to announce my candi- dacy for County Commissioner. District 2. My-name is Terry D. Parrish and I am a life long resident of Gilchrist County. I graduated from Trenton High School in 1985, and then attended the University of Florida and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Food and Resource Economics. I am currently employed in the family vegetation management company. I am married to Ronda Parrish, who is the Interim Prin- cipal at Bell High. School and we have two boys, Hunter and Brooks, who attend Gilchrist County Public Schools. Gilchrist County is rapidly changing as we know it. County leadership must be willing to ad- dress the needs of our citizens as well as supply the funding for. these concerns. Through my past and current community involvement and business expe- rience I believe that I can be that needed voice. I look forward to meeting with as many as possible over the next weeks. Please feel free to ask me any questions and express any concerns. My home phone number is (352) 463-2248. Together we can make a differ- ence. I ask for your support and Terry D. Parrish prayers and urge everyone to get out and vote. Charlotte Kearney Is Character Council Personality For July, By John M. A.ers The Trenton City Commission held a Public Meeting Monda) evening to discuss the proposed Preliminary City of Trenton Fiscal Year 2006-2007 budget. City Manager Jered Otten- wess presented a hypothetical budget to the board 0for their review. He recommended to the five board members that theN : propose a village rate to submit. to the Florida Department of Revenue b) August 4, 2006. He also explained in detail that the general budget format has been revised to conform to the State of Florida Uniform Accounting System. Previous CitN of Tren- ton budgets have used the sys- tem to an extent but not fully. The City Manager presented a hypothetical budget with infor- mation that identified an Ad Valorem village rate would be. proposed for the General Fund. The 'City Manager identified a. list of factors that have made an Ad Valorem ta.\ necessary.. 1. Rising Health Care costs: Between 2005-2006 the Cit) health insurance premiums increased by approximately\ 35%. A similar increase is an- ticipated ini 2006-2007. The CitN Manager told the board that the City does not take bids for their health care annually for their budget consideration: they .hate an insurance broker that makes a recommendation to the Executive staff for 'the board's consideration. 2. Rising Wages: Wages should keep pace with the cost of living, which increases ap- proximately 4% annually. This does riot take into consideration increasing wages to be competi- tive with other employers, an ever-increasing need. 3. Increasing Debt Service: Pines Estates infrastructure im- pro\ ements are the most signifi- cant; however, several loans have increased the financial constraints of the City, in par- ticular, the General Fund. 4: State Revenue Sharing: State revenue sharing proceeds have remained relatively stag- nant. Although City expendi- tures are rising, state revenue sharing cannot or has not kept pace. 5. Miscellaneous Reve- nue:' The sale of the old post office property provided an un- expected source of revenue in. FY 2003-2004. The storms of 2004 provided an unexpected. source of revenue in 2004-2005. Both revenue. sources helped offset operating costs that would ha% e exceeded the budget. 6. Operating Deficit: The City has been operating with a deficit for several years. Simply because the bills are not being- ,paid on time does not mean that they do not have to be paid. In order to pay off those debts, the budget needs to take the deficit into account. City Commissioner Bill Clifton asked the City Manager for an estimated figure on the City's gross revenues and ex- penditures. He explained if we knew these 'estimates, then we can determine the amount of revenue that is needed in order to propose an Ad Valorem mil- lage rate, Clifton explained. Ottenwess pointed out that the way the budget is formatted at this time, this information would be difficult to provide to the commission. The board discussed differ- ent possibilities regarding their financial position. The board determined that they could take another look at the hy pothetical budget during a workshop meet- ing on Monday, Jul) 31, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. The Character Council's per- sonality of this month is one of the most gifted imparters of wis- dom, maturity and skill, whom this author has e.\er met. She is as enthusiastic as her talent im- plies. Miss Charlotte Kearney, a teacher of great calling, has been a Kindergarten teacher for twenty plus years now and never tires of giving individual atten- tion to her students. Presently she has power of .,attorney as guardian for a young girl. Miss Kearney is a native of Trenton and graduated from Trenton High School in 1978. Following that she earned her AA degree from Lake City Com- munity College and in 1983 was awarded her Bachelor's degree from Florida State University. She has taught in the Gilchrist County School system since the autumn of 1983, at which time she was doing her practicum to obtain her teacher certification. Miss Kearney believes that being a teacher is a special gift from God. She says that she "re- ally cannot explain it, however, because of new faces and. new expectations, each year she finds Miss Charlotte Kearney herself dreading to start school, but by the end of the first month everything falls into place." She believes that '.people who really do not care about the children should not be a teacher." She related that she has seen "so many in the field of teaching that really should not be there." She believes that "it is wrong to not follow one's calling, for when it is not followed, many people suffer, especially children." This endowed teacher finds great pleasure in attending to specific needs of small children. She utlilzes part of her summer vacation time to work in the "Volunteer Pre-Kindbrgrt'en" program here in the county.' She deems that gentleness and kind- ness go a long way in giving quality attention to children who are in the most need. She enjoys "giving her 'kids' a hug and they hug back." It is understandable why Char- lotte Kearney is so loved by both parents and students, for she is never too busy to talk to them, even after school hours. Teach- ing is her life! Her lifelong motto is "A mind is a terrible thing to waste." Miss Kearney is a great teacher and she is great at. what she does because she validates direction and ensures completeness in her students. She certainly is among the many of Gilchrist County who prove to many others that w\ e live in "A County of Character because it's a county that cares." Geneva Cornwell Trenton Rejects All Bids For Road Repair Of Lancaster Ave Extension To Pine Estates By John M. Ayers The Trenton City Commis- sion opened the bids for lime rock road repair on the exten- sion of Lancaster Avenue to Tyler Grade into Pine Estates Monday evening in a public meeting. City Manager Jered Otten- wess explained to the board that he had changed the guidelines of the scope for road repair to reduce the cost of the project to the City of Trenton. The City Manager reported that he de- leted the DOT certified lime rock from the bid specifications to increase the number of con- tractors that would submit bids for the road repair. The board identified a por- tion of the western end of Tyler Grade that had become impassi- ble by some emergency re- sponse vehicles due to the wet conditions the area has seen recently. The bids requested the re- moval of the sandy wet material to be replaced, with 12 inches of compacted lime rock and proper radius made to the entrance to Pine Estates. The City Manager reported six bids were received by the Monday, July 17, 5 p.m. dead- line. He reported the bids were as follows: Wilkerson Construction of Trenton, $36,800; James Jerrels of Bronson, $17,469; Jerry Wilks Construction of Trenton, $16,750; Barrett Brown Trucking of Trenton, $58,000; Lindsey Land Clearing of Trenton, $48,660; John Deen Trucking of Tren- ton, $53,000. The board reviewed the bids and questioned the difference in the highs and the lows. The City Manager recommended going with the low bidder, Jerry Wilks Construction of Trenton for $16,750. City of Trenton attorney, David M. Lang, Jr. explained to Commissioner' Arlene Wilks that she should file a memoran- dum .of conflict, as the bidder is a member of her family. The Commissioner explained that she would do so. "There is a very urgent need to repair a portion of this road to make it passable," Jered Otten- wess explained to the board. The board asked if the road could be repaired by just grad- ing and adding some lime rock to the worst area? The City Manager explained that, just grading the road was not an option to repair the road prop- erly. Commissioner Bill Clifton asked if the City of Trenton had the money to perform this repair without it becoming a financial burden? "It will be a burden, but I don't see where the road can't be repaired," the City Manager explained to the board. The City Manager explained that the four bids above $35,000 identified the use of DOT certi- fied lime rock. This is why .these bids are higher. The board discussed that if DOT certified lime rock was not used, would the road base hold up until the City was able to pave this road. Commissioner Bill Clifton made a motion to reject all bids and work with the county to identify a better access road in to this area. His motion also identified the difference in the DOT certified lime rock and the bids submitted with standard rock. The commission discussed the issue further before Mayor Randolph" explained the motion (Continued to Page Twenty) Gilchrist County Students Return Home. From. The Wontderfull Wilds Of Costa Rica A group of Gilchrist County elementary students embarked on an eye-opening journey this summer to Costa Rica. From May 29th-Jtine 5th, ten students representing Trenton and Bell Elementary Schools explored the sights and sounds of one of the .most renowned rainforest ecosystems on Earth. Trenton Elementary teachers Miss Joyce Philman and Mr. Chuck Vogel led the group which included parents and three grandparents, through seven days of explora- tion and adventure. Gainesville's. own Holbrook Travel owns the Selva Verde Lodge, which is nestled on 500 acres of lowland rainforest in the heart of Costa Rica. The Lodge served as a home-base: for the group as they engaged in a full week of activities arranged by an experienced team at Holbrook. Their exciting adventures included several day, as well as night, hikes through the various sections of the local rainfor- est. Here, toucans, parrots, howler monkeys, poison dart frogs and a host of other tropi- cal plants, animals and insects were commonly seen. A boat ride down the beautiful Sara- piqui River allowed students to spot caiman, iguanas, bats, and other wildlife while experienc- ing a vital transportation route for :the people of the region. Students were also thrilled to experience a white-water raft- ing trip through the rainforest. Mid-way, during a break on the river bank, they feasted on fresh Costa Rican pineapple that was cut and shared. Another edible- opportunity allowed students to learn about cocoa beans-where and how they are grown as well as how the beans are processed, through ancient means- to obtain the well known and cherished "chocolate" flavor. While the rainforest and all , its inhabitants were very excit- ing, some of the groups cultural activities proved to be highlights of the trip. For example, near the Selva Verde Lodge is the Sarapiqui Conservation Learn- ing Center. The center provides many services for the local com- munity and also helps foster a positive relationship between tourists and local residents. Here, the group participated in a "Charla" which means "talk"' or "lesson." The leader, Lidia, is a local artisan who creates exceptional jewelry, pots, bowls and other ceramics using a va- Shown from left on the back row are Gene Jenkins, Angel Taylor, Charles Gage, John Goettsche, Violet and Bobby Kincaid, Chuck Vogel and Mike Gordon. Middle row from left are Jessica Taylor, Tyler Gage, Olivia Roberts, Charlie Vogel, Olivia Rogers, Emily Goettsche, Amanda Gordon, and Daylin.Kincaid. Front row from left are Audrey Philman, Joyce Philman and Quitney Kincaid. Gilchrist County students visiting the Chilamate School to meet their pen pals.' riety of traditional designs and colors. During her lesson, Lidia shared samples of raw materials used to create her wares, while demonstrating the step-by-step process.. The students were also interested in her life including typical foods enjoyed, interests and lifestyle as a resident of Costa Rica. Another highlight involved a visit to a nearby primary school, where the group was welcomed into two classrooms. Students introduced themselves, sang songs, and exchanged questions through an interpreter, much to the delight of both Costa Rican and U.S. students. Each group learned that while their schools may be very different, children in both countries have a great deal in common. . The final day was spent at the La Paz Waterfall Gardens. A two hour bus ride with some spectacular views took students to an elevation of over 6000 feet. At the park, the group hiked a series of trails leading to mam- moth waterfalls. (One over 100 ,.feet!) La Paz also featured a huge walk-through butterfly garden, a hummingbird garden, orchid garden, a serpentarium and more. Group leaders Joyce Philman and Chuck Vogel have stated that they believed the trip to be a resounding success. For many (Continued to Page Twenty) r-age TWO jU..j-k-JI.,-it.V u N V.. 1 TCI .ti jJkiB.UN t i- T U D .J Gilchrist County Journal USPS-218-620 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY IN GILCHRIST COUNTY, 207 N. MAIN TRENTON, FLORIDA Less than 75% advertising We reserve the right to shorten articles, letters, etc. and delete any part or leave out in its entirety if we judge such to be offensive. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $20.00 A Year In Tri-County Area $24.00 All Other Areas In Florida $28 Out Of State JOHN MINAYERS II EDITOR, PUBLISHER AND OWNER Cindy Jo,'Mark Schuler, Aleta Sheffield, Rene6 Philman, Kathy Hilliard & Chris Rogers ASSISTANTS Entered as Periodicals at the Post Office at Trenton, Florida, under the act of March 3, 1879. POSTMASTER Please Send Address Change To: Gilchrist County Journal, 207 N. Main Street, Trenton, Florida 32693 Joh Comn By: John i For many y Trenton Corm followed the commissioners th before them in ad It now seems ti Trenton' City Cc no longer ope manner; the' con the leadership of Jered Ottenwess a millage rate of upcoming ,200 year. Gone are the had a City Co reviewed th department by d knew what the along with the how the work wa .the community. time Mrs. Kathry diligently as Cit keep things 'wit and to see that th within the budg affordable for tt Ln '- -community. Since those days, the City of tents Trenton has bloomed into having baby boomers lead the k. Ayers City Commission into the 'ears now the budget-process and into the 21st mission has century along with, .over leadership of spending and debt. tat have served The Trenton City opting 0 mills. Commission Monday night hat the current ,' decided to have another budget commission can workshop meeting before they rate in this propose., an ad valorem millage mission under rate that at 5 mills would still fCity Manager not balance their proposed is considering hypothetical budget.. . 5 mills for the Commissioner. Bill Clifton S-2007 fiscal asked the City Manager if he ,' could give him the total amount of anticipated expenses and the\ days when you that would compare that to the total mission that amount of anticipated revenues ie, budget, to determine how much money department, that.the City of Trenton needed to salaries were balance their 2006-2007 budget. positions and The Commission discussed Ats being donein the budget and the way the City At that same of Trenton had gotten into debt. nDen worked. The information that .was ty Manager tol provided to the board through thin guidelines the hypothetical budget was for e spending was in formation purposes only. et as wellruasl The City of Trenton lacks responsible .leadership that is Date High Low High Low Thu 2.074 ft. 3.536 ft. 0.232 ft. Jul 20, 06 4:05 AM 10:01 AM 6:08 PM Fri 2.574 ft. 2.169 ft. 3.608 ft. 0.029 ft. Jul 21, 06 12:51 AM 5:19 AM 11:03 ANM 7:08 PM Sat 2.694 ft. 2.122 ft. 3.693 ft. -0.101 ft. Jul 22, 06 1:49 AM 6:25 AM 12:02 PM 7:58 PM Sun 2.790 ft. 2.000 ft. 3.767 ft. -0.149 ft. Jul 23, 06 2:32 AM 7:21 AM 12:54 PM 8:41 PM Mon 2.857 ft. 1.853 ft. 3.813 ft. -0.126 ft. Jul 24, 06 3:.06 AM 8:07 AM 1:41 PM 9:18 PM Tue 2.908ft. 1.708 ft. 3.816 ft. -0.042 ft. Jul 25, 06 3:35 AM 8:49 AM 2:23 PM 9:51 PM Wed 2.958 ft. 1.571 ft. 3.771 ft. 0.085 ft. Jul 26, 06 4:02 AM 9:28 AM 3:02 PM- 10:20 PM New Moon: 7/25 12:32 AM Streetwise By Lauren Rudd Despite being under pressure from the likes of Wal-Mart, drugstores continue to flourish., Furthermore, like the soft drink and do-it-yourself home main- tenance industries, drugstores have evolved into two major chains, Walgreen and CVS. Yes, there are players like Rite Aid, the country's third largest chain. but they do not have the fortitude of a Walgreen or CVS. From an investment perspec- tive, )ou hae three choices: .ou could invest in neither, invest in f just one, or cover your bases and, 'invest in both. Eliminating the first choice is easy or I would not be writing this column. So how do,. you decide which one...or should \ou inest in both? When I last wrote about 'Walgreen a year ago,, my 2006 earnings estimate was $1.83 per share, a number I am now lo%%er- ing to $1.72 per share. The share price at the time %was $47. On June 26th, Walgreen re- ported its 2006 third quarter results. Net earnings f6r the quarter ended May 31st,. were up 14.2 percent to $469 mil-' lion or 46 cents per share. Sales increased 12.4 percent to a re- cord $12.2 billion for the third quarter. Yet, CVS fills more prescrip- tions at more drugstores than any other chain, although it trails Walgreen in total sale,.. On MaN 4th, CVS announced record sales, and earnings for its first quarter ended April 1st. Net earnings in- willing to take their, hypothetical budget and go over' it line item by line item to deteriiiine 'What, i3 needed %s' what the staff wants. The City of Trenton needs to' come to the realization that this area of Gilchrist County still is , not laced with golden pockets. Even though the property values have risen substantially over 'the last- three years, the City of Trenton can't afford to have everything they want. They must learn to, take care of business within the means that they have to support their needs. I'm concerned because our family owns some residential, commercial and agricultural property in the City of Trenton. Spending in the City of Trenton. is out of control and it is time for the leadership to be responsible to do what must be done to balance their hypothetical budget. Is The Rapture Coming? (Kent Heaton) It is refreshing to talk with young people who and remain shall be caught up together with them have a heart of spiritual interest in Bible doctrine, in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air: and so The other day I enjoyed a discussion with a young shall we, ever he with the Lord" (1 Thessalonians man who wanted to know about why the Church of 4:13-17) Christ does not believe in the rapture. Is the rapture The question I would raise about the rapture is coming soon? where in the Bible does God ever suggest a "secret There seem to be a lot of signs saying the rapture taking" of the saints of God? Paul's writing to the is about to take place. These signs are not in the church at Thessalonica does not say the coming of the world about us but signs made by man saying the Lord will be without notice but just the opposite. Paul rapture is coming soon. With all the events of the past declares the coming of the Lord will be with a few years, a feeling of dread has overcome the world "shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the and men have turned their thoughts to the coming of the Lord. A declaration of "rapture" is becoming, more and more evident as men see the coming of Armageddon and the final battle of good versus evil. What does the Bible say about the rapture and when trump of God." No one has ever heard that sound but I assure you that "every eye shall see him" (Revelation 1:7) and "the hour is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice" (John 5:28-29). will the rapture take place? I would ask the readers to find in the Bible the The idea behind the rapture is that as the last days teaching of the rapture as described by men today and of the world approach, saints *of God will 'be to prove with scripture (it is imperative that God's rapturedd' up in secret preceding the final events of words be used) the doctrine of the rapture. the Tribulation, the Battle of Armageddon and the The rapture also suggests that Jesus will be Earthly Kingdom of Christ reigning for one-thousand coming to earth a third time. He came the first time as years. The first question is where we find 'rapture' ins' man, He wihl return at the rapture and then at the end the Bible. Those who teach the coming of the rapture of time (according to the teaching of the rapture). admit the word rapture is never found in the Bible. However, the Bible teaches that Jesus will only come The word is not found but the idea of the rapture is a second time. "And just as it is appointed for men supposed to be based upon a test in 1 Thessalonians. to die once, and after that comes judgment, so "But I would not have you to be ignorant, Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye many, WILL APPEAR A SECOND TIME sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For (emphasis mine), not to deal with sin but to save if we-believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so those who are eagerly waiting for him" (Hebrews them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with 9:27-28). How can we fit another "visit" by Jesus him. For this we say unto you by. the word of the when the SECOND TIME He appears it will be for Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the the final judgment. coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which The teaching of the rapture is an interesting story are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from of a world that God never said would happen. There heaven with a shout, with the voice of the will be no rapture as described by men but the final archaigel, and with the trump of God: and the dead judgment in the final day by the Lord and everyone in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive will see and hear His coming everyone! Trenton Church of Christ 463-3793 502 Northeast 7th Street Trenton, Florida 32693 Please Visit www.trentonchurchofchrist.com Email kerux@bellsouth.net C*O*O*K*I*N*G By Cindy Jo Ayers "Head west young man, head west," well in our case it might should be "Head west ol' girl, -head west." I returned last week from a trip I have -been hoping to make for several years. My, long, long time friend Beth Davis and I began planning our trip to the west coast back in January. If you are wondering why John didn't go, lets just say this was a girl's trip. Beth and I both quilt and we have talked for several ; years about attending the annual Sisters. Outdoor Quilt Show in Sisters, Oregon., Let's face it neither one of us are getting an\ younger so we made plans and took to the creased 13.8 percent to 39 cents per share, while sales increased 8.7 percent to $10 billion. So how do you decide which company to go with? Here are some other facts to.consider. Walgreen's growth has been mostly organic. in that it simple\ adds stores that it funds inter-, nally. although it didjust acquire the Happ. Harry Pharmacy chain. Furthermore, Walgreen has no long-term debt. Nleanwhile. CVS has grown' primarily through acquisition, the most renowned being its pur- chase of the Eckerd chain from J.C. Penny and 700 stores from. Albertson's. If Nou look at return on in- vested capital tROliL Walgreen chalked up a return of 17.5 percent. while the CVS number was 12.3 percent., However, the real divergence comes when you look. at the intrinsic v alue of the shares of the two companies Starting with a discounted, earnings model and a conserva- tixe 12 percent earnings growth, rate, W\algreen's intrinsic value is $49.35, as compared with a current share price of $46.71. Using the same grow th rate for CVS, its intrinsic value is $40.80, as compared to a current share price of $32. WValgreen has a higher intrinsic value but its share,'pric'e is also higher." '' Next calculate. the intrinsic value using a more conserva- tive free cash flow' to the firm with the same earnings growth rate. Walgreen's intrinsic value' becomes 54.53, while CVS, has an intrinsic value of 18.76. Walgreen generates consider- ably greater free cash to the firm -and hence has a higher intrinsic value. Note that in both cases I lowered the earnings growth rate to 12 percent from the Street's projected 15 percent. Back to our question of which company should you select? While both stocks might do well over the next one to three years, if I was going to pick one it would have to be Walgreen. You can, write to financial col- umnist Lauren Rudd at 5 Gulf Manor Drive, Venice, Fl. 34285 or email at LVERudd@aol.com. Prior columns are available at RuddReport.com. Lottery Numbers Wednesday July 12 Lotto Drawing: 9-27-28-30-42-51 No winner of the $3 million jackpot. 5-Digit Winners: 50 at $5,517 4-Digit Winners 3,092 at $72.50 3-Digit Winners: 63,978 at $4.50 Play 4 Drawing: 2-6-8-3 Cash 3 Drawing: 8-1-3 -z _ Saturday, July 15 Lotto Drawing: 13-27-30-33-34-40 No winners of the $6 million jackpot. 5-Digit Winners: 57 at $6,743.50 4-Digit Winners: 3,781 at $82.50 3-Digit Winners: 82,513 at $5 Play 4 Drawing: 8-5-6-1 Cash 3 Drawing: 1-3-4 air:. Our "Boys" aka our husbands will "Head west" but only if they are in 'search of a big Ql' elk or'deer but ne er ever in search of the "iWorld's largest outdoor quilt show." We arri% ed on Wednesday afternoon and drote over to, Florence on the coast. Florence is :about the mid\\a) of the Oregon coast. Since neither Beth nor I had e'er seen the Pacific Ocean, it was right on top of our must see list. I ha'e to tell you it's nothing like the southeast coast. On ThursdaN morning we traveled south just a little wass to the Reedsport area. This area of the coast is covered by massive sand dunes. some over 500 feet high. The young people %ere all sandboarding down the dunes. That amazed us since we had .never heard of sandboarding. The sandboards looked like 'a. cross between a surfboard and a skateboard without wheels. It seems like those kids shorts would be filed with sand. , Next we drove up the coast all, the way to Newport. On the way north we visited the Sea Lion Caves. I have to tell you those Sea Lions \\ere less than impressive; to begin with. they smelled pretty bad. In fact those guys made our livestock odors )in Gilchrist Count% smell -like perfume. You could smell those fat sea -lions 'long before -you could see them. The shoreline would take your .breath away. The mountain range came to an end at the shore. So you could pretty much stand on. the beach and look straight up at the mountains. The Pacific Ocean hit the rocky .coast with a force I will riot soon forget. And that water, that water was some kind of cold. Someone said it was about 47 degrees. When I stuck my foot in the water 'it felt like I had put it into an ice chest of icy water. Needless to say it didn't take us long to understand why no one was on the beach in a bathing suit. We ate lunch at a wonderful restaurant in Newport which was owned and run by a local fisherman's wife. The restaurant .was called Local Ocean and it served onl\ local fresh seafood from the Oregon coast. All the fresh seafood was displayed in the case with a small sign that gave the date it was caught and how it was caught. For example. the sign said if an item was: caiight by hook and line or net, and it also told if the item was' farm raised or wild. I had a wonderful Dungeness Crab Po Boy and. Beth ate Fish and Chips. Really, all the food we ate in Oregon although definitely\ not cooked Southern st le was really good. They grew,a lot of organic vegetables and huge black beiries which were in season at the time we were there. After a day at the coast we headed inland, to Sisters, population 1,700. The coastal side of the mountain range had an almost rainforest climate Which produced.huge ferns, and many beautiful wildflowers. Almost every huge evergreen tree we passed had green moss growing up the trunk. As we crossed this mountain range traveling back east we came to the area of the state called the high .mountain desert. In fact Sisters was located in this part of the state. On Friday:we just took our time exploring Sisters before all the. 20,000 or so quilters descended on .the town the ne\t da\ .lul\ S), Sisters is a beautiful tow n com:nfete with wooden boardwalks. .All the buildings throughout the town looked like the\ came out of the old west. Sisters is surrounded on one side bN three beautiful snow capped mountains named the Three Sisters hence the town's name. . We were in town about 7 a.m. on Saturday to see the fireman hang the quilts. Most all the, buildings were two story and the fire trucks with ladder were used to hang them on the second story. Part of what makes this quilt show so special is the setting and the fact that they hang over 1,100 quilts outdoors. For every fire truck and group of firemen that were hanging quilts there was one quilt lady handing them the quilts and telling them exactly where to hang them. I couldn't help but think of the husbands of the Springhouse Quilters who help their wives hang the quilts every other year for our local show in Trenton. I'm sure -Mr. Thomas Scott would have gotten a big kick out of seeing those Sisters' quilt ladies directing those big old firemen on top of their latter to move the quilts to the right or left two inches. Anyway this show was amazing and so well planned, every quilt coordinated with the building's color and grouped with similar colored quilts or similar' themed quilts. For, instance, the 'eterinarN building had pig, dog, cat, cows, and horse quilts draped from the eves of the porch and the Rose Tea Room building was ,adorned with all rose themed quilts. A ; gray real estate! building was covered by lovely la% ender quills. The thought and planning for this 30. plus year- old quilt show was evident as my 'eyes tra\ eled from one building to the next and I realized that nothing clashed. Beth and I. had 'our digital camera %working overtime as we strived to capture the quilts that impressed us the most. Before heading badk- to Eugene to board our plane we' Visited Crater Lake Nati6nak Park. drok e the NMcKenzie Pass Scenic Byway, and the Ovet The River And Through The Woods Scenic B.%\wa and made one last ride up the coast. We took many photos of the beautiful waterfalls, giant evergreen trees, and abundant wildflowers. The things that surprised me the most was that they had no self-service gas pumps and no sales tax. The people were extremely friendly once they found out that we had no plans to move 'there. They are also staggering from the influx of people moving to their state. Another surprise was that on Sunday morning everyone seemed to be headed off to church somewhere. Oregon had very little garbage on the roadsides and all and all I don't (Continued to Page Twenty) Firemen working to hang thie iuilts for the Sisters' Outdoor Quilt Show. fi 1erland Mortgage Corporation Residential -and- Commercial Loans With LOW Fixed Rates Available- Purchase, Refinance & Cas h Out Conventional, 1-4 Single Faimily Homes Manufactured Homes Investment Property First, Second, and Home Equity Lines of Credit Construction/Perm One-Time Closing Owner/Builder Available & Lot Loans We Have: No Income Documentation Stated Income or Full Documentation Professional, Reliable, and Local Service Bill Deen, Brenda Wilkerson and Phillip Wheeler Licensed Mortgage Brokers 463-1313' fax 463-1318 e-mail: riverlandmtg@bellsouth.net Apply Online @ www.riverlandmtg.web-loans.com ivierland Mortgage Corporation 723 E. Wade Street, Trenton, FL 32693 THURSDAY, JULY 20,2006 CM CT4PTqT CC)TTN-PV TOTTRNAT. lr- nn I I TTJT V"Ah, a iul V I, /-U -z-C-R-I --C-O -P-aT- h Goldie Bartuisek is shotn with an old quilt she and her dau ghter recently completed: Some members of Springhotse Quilters complete old quilts and this is one the owner can now be very proud of. ' Log Cabin Quilters Log Cabin Quilters met Thursday. July 13th, at the Levy County Quilt Museum.: Three quilts, were: put together, a dresden plate, log cabin, and the hankie quilt was done over.- Next week one more goes in to be quilted here. Alice Mae has made a beautiful red hat quilt top. Th is is the first one we nave- seen by her pattern. Tuesday, I traveled to Camp Curuth for a great day w ith 61 children and counsellors They' all made pillows, what fun to see- the big boys sewing. The\ all need to use a needle and thread: the. got to take them home and one counselor had his in his back pack strapped to the out- PUBLIC NOTICE The Gilchrist County Animal Control Committee will meet on Tuesday, July 25,2006 at 5:30 p.m. in the Kathryn Deen Commission Chambers at 114 N. Main Street, Trenton, FL. Kid's World Pre-School Learning Center, Inc. A private school for your child's early learning years. NAEYCAccredited Pre-K . S School,Readiness Program i V, oluntar) Pro-Kindergaren CDA Cem fied Teachers . SUSD) FAood Programr ' Highicope Cumculum CPR/First Aid Certified ' S Ages 2-12 S op bi lbr a tour of our facility. 352-463-3555 Corner of Hwy. 129 & S.R. 47, Trenton (Across from Trenton High School) Owners/Directors Amy Wesley Woods Holly Wesley Bussard License #C03GI0006 Gilchrist Building Supply S / 463-2738 1-800-543-6545 _- ... ..7am-5:30pm M-F 8am-3pm Saturday I Hwy. 129, North BELL '6 mlriths mte at cash otfer valid purcha- s nJo, with a Yarard iard n' tTr credit card acconr ttcwec'n 7/1/06 .nd SI. I .. I i i WWW.SNAPPER COM side of his pa a fun day. Greg and Wednesday t We hung the and we will nations. It ) clubs in Flor thran getting Hardee quilti ful treasure. Ann Ander ing in fresh 'good on bisc the comb. NI honey anymc glad we are a 'A man fror in figs to ma to have lunch gravy, mash okra, boiled and franks, peach' pie, ar 16 members L Winn Humane Gilchrist (Serving Tri-Coun Presents Annual I Extravag Each \\ inne Special Prize Shall Trot A The Hum Gilchrist Co ing its second travaganza o 19th starting the Trenton which is loca off of 129. conditioned. The catego and there wil of them: ta biggest, sm look-alike, r ing, and best The entry $1.00 per ca door. All oft] our Foster P spa./neuter p RSVP is r p.m. the da) 18th. 'n Telephone' Pet & Bird 4200; call us us, or leave (24x7) on ou There will sion stand w and t-shirts. COME JO FUN! LOG CABIN QUILTERS 4 Gilchrist County Fwww.giloridastounty. www.gilchristcounty.com SThe Chamber Corner The Gilchrist County Cham- ber of Commerce would like to introduce and welcome our new- est members to the Chamber. Family Life Care--Fam- ily Owned, Regional Director- Reno Harrison. They are home health services providing health 3 aids, homemaking services, personal care, and companion services. Family Life Care has. 13 full-time employees and 100 part-time employees and they have been established in our -m Jarea for over five years. Their main office is located at 104 Howard Street East in Live Oak, -'- F1 32064. To contact Reno or another member of the staff HO you can call (800) 825-9873, Fax: (386) 364-5648, email to: reno.harrisnn (a~familvlifepare. Flying Turtles String Band To Be At The Trenton Farmers. Market On July 25th On Tuesday, July 25th, the Trenton Community Farmers' Market will feature the music of The Flying Turtles String Band. This high-energy band plays old time string band music. They will take the stage from 3:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. on the old Train Depot platform. An Open Mike will precede the featured act, from 2:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m. All performers are welcome to come try out their tunes. The. Trenton Community Farmers' Market is held every Tuesday at the old Train Depot from 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. For more information, call (352) 472-7632.. Do not simply retire from something; have something to retire to. or check out their website as: -Harry Emerson Fosdick www.familylifecare.com. S It's Mosquito Season Again! *, Let Trenton Animal Hospital help in the fight against mosquito-transmitted Sheartworm disease. _Buy 1 year of l ^-"- ,S '^any heartworm A f 6..))' { preventative and 46 save!! Set up your r e' tn appointment today!!. Trenton Animal Hospital 603 N. Main St., Trenton, FL (352) 463-7100 &TTVh ;^TTTT^ 444 yBarrier Media, LLC- Owner Stacy Brown. Stacy has over 20 years' experience and education in Photography and commercial arts; she worked at the Gilchrist ack. Everyone had County Journal for six years. Barrier Media, LLC offers full- six boys were out service graphic design services, o mow and clean. including print, web design, FCE Basket Quilt photography and videography, help them take do- utilizing state-of-art equip- was made by many ment and software. You can rida with Lind Co- visit her website for prices and. it together and Ann current examples of her work ng it. It is a beauti- at www.barriermedia.net, for further details you can contact son has been bring- Stacy at (352) 463-2686, Fax honey and it is so (352) 463-2727 or send an email cuits, some was in to stace) @barriermedia net. lot too many make Riverland Mortgage Corpo- ore'and we are so ration- Owners Bill Deen and ble to get it again. Brenda Wilkerson. Their em- Williston brought ployees .include Krishna Frye. ke jam. He staged and Phillip Wheeler. Bill has 18 i. We had beef and years of banking experience and ed potatoes, fried brings a large amount of knot I- 0kraravioli, beans edge in the mortgage industry. biscuits, salads, Brenda has been an RN for 18 nd so much more. years, and was looking for a ca- were present. reer change to work here in our elle Home, director home town. Their purpose is t find the best mortgage to suit te client's financing needs. They match the client's application Society Of and credit history\ to the rate and, County terms of a loan to enable them UTh .to hae the home they desire. The They can do residential-primary ity Area) homes, investment property The 2nd loan, condos, construction loans,. they.also do commercial loans to Dog purchtise or rehn.inance business ganza The;, can offer loan packages on r Shall Receive A 'good credit or bad credit history\ e! All contestants and can usually offer lower rates wa)y \ith ATreat! than j'ailable locally Rierland nane Society of Mortgage Corporation \Mill also unty will be hav- be hosting a Chamber Mi\er on nd annual dog e\-; August 21. 2006 from 5:00p.m. n Saturday, August to 6:30 p.m. They are located at 11-00 a.m., at at 723 E. Wade St.? Trenton., Community Center FL. You can contact them' at ted on Third Street. 463-1313, fax (352) '463-1318, The facility is air ,email. to: -ierlandmtg(a'bellso uth net or check out their web-' )ries.are as follows site at \\s \ri erlandmig."eb- l be \ winners in each loans.com. lent, best dressed. Our next Chamber mixer will tallest, owner/pet- be on Monday, July 24, 2006 nost unusual look- between, the hours .of 5:00-6: of show 30 pm, hosted by Oak Walk, fee is $5.00' plus a. homes; only development by category. Pay at the Southern Property Services. You he fees help support %t ill hae a chance to look at the Animals' care and different floor plans they offer program and meet some of their builders. required before 5:00 The) are located on CR 342 in' before, 6hiAugust Bell. FL. go to the blinkmin light S' on SR 129, then go west on.CR RSVPYTri-County 342 for'1/U miles. For more in- Hospital-352-472- formation about the July Cham- s anytime to talk to ber Mixer please contact Anne a message anytime) Barnett at Southern Properties r voice mail. Services (352) 375-7731. I also be a conces- If you are interested.in hosting ith food, beverages, a Chamber Mixer please contact Maureen at the Chamber office IN US FOR SOME Monday-Friday (352) 463-3467. The. Gilchrist County Character trait for the month of July presented by .the Character First Council is: S "Teacher"...(definition) "im- 'parts wisdom, maturih), and skill to others." The White House Conference on Cooperative Conseriation has recognized the Su%%annee River Partnership for "outstand- ing leadership and personal stewardship in achieve ing results through cooperative conser'a- tion."'.. . The Partnership is one of 23 programs in the southeastern ULited States selected to receive the honor during the Conference. held in August 2005 in St. Louis. Missouri,' Announcement and presentation of the award was delayed until the Partnership's Annual CARES Recognition Dinner held locally in June this year.- Niles Glasgow. State Conser- vationist vv ith the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, presented the award 'certificates to representatives of five of the Partnership's founding member groups: Executive Director Jerry Scarborough, Suwannee Ri'er Water Management District: Commissioner Charles Bronson, Department of Agriculture and1 Consumer Services; President Carl Loop, Florida Farm, Bureau Federation: Mimi Drew, director of the Department 'of Eni:ron- mental Protection's Di ision of Water' Resource MNanagement: and Vice President Jimmy Cheek, University of Florida In- stitute of Food and Agricultural 'Sciences.. The Partnership's members now include more than 50 state, federal and local agencies; coun- ty and city governments; soil and x after conser action districts; agriculture and business associa- tions; and citizen groups. In August 2004, President .George W. Bush signed an Ex- American Legion Hall Available Meetings Parties Weddings & Receptions 352-463-1501 Woodham's Garage Complete Automotive Service ASE Certified Mechanics 15391 N.W. Hwy-19 Chiefland Halfway between Chiefland and Fanning Springs. 352-493-2904 Other Major Credit Cards ecuti'e Order directing Federal agencies that oversee environ-f mental and natural resource policies and programs to pro- mote cooperative conservation in full partnership with states. local 'governments. tribes and 'individuals. The order directed the Chair- man of the White House Council on Env ironmental Quality to con% ene a White House Confer- ence on Cooperati\e Conser\a- tion The Departments of the In- teriqr, Agriculture, Commerce,' Defense and the Environmental Protection Agency co-hosted the event. As .part of the conference. federal agencies were asked to submit recommendations for the Coopera'ti\e Conservation award to a selection panel. \whch then chose the top nominees. from each of five regions of the U.S. To learn more about; coop- erative conservation, visit httai cooperateti veconsern ation.go / ,To read the Conference case study of the Suwannee River Partnership program, visit: hItpl //cooperativeconservation. gov/ team/FacesPlacesChapterTwo p.df. ; The Partnership's web site is: www.suwannee.org. One thing I know; the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve. Albert Schweitzer If you're a safe driver, I can help you save on insurance. Call me today. (352) 493-2501 Stephen Quincey Tri-County Insurance Services, Inc. 13564 NW HWY 19 Chiefland Serving the community for dyer 30 years Allstate. .OFFICIAL PARTNER II_ ; The stylized E with checkered flag (R) and 9 (R) are registered trademarks and service marks of Evernham Motorsports, LLC, used under Ildense. Kasey Kahne TM likeness and signature are trademarks of Kasey Kahne Inc. licensed by Evemham Motorsports LLC. Dodge (R) Is a registered trademark of DaimelerChrysler Corporation. NASCAR (R) is registered trademark of the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing. Inc. Insurance and discounts subject to availability and qualifications. The 'Cupped Hands' logo is a registered service mark and 'Our Stand' is a service mark of Allstate Insurance Company. Allstate Property & Casualty Insurance Company and Allstate Indemnity Company: Northbrook, IL @2006 Allstate Insurance Company. U U Pole Barn , Crane Servi Truss Settin 18-in Auge (352) 543-6643 P. O0. Box 218 Otter Creek, Florida 3268 Lic. No. RB0031694 State Conserxationist Niles Glasgow, (tr right. of 'the LISDA Natural Resources Coiiser'a- tion Service, prrsent;s awards from the White House Conference on Cooperative Conservation to representatives of the 'Suwannee River. Partnership. Pictured, from left: Jerry Scarborough, SRWMD; Commissioner Charles Broison, FDACS; Mimi Drew, FDEP; President Carl Loop, Florida Farm Bureau; and Vice President Jimimy Cheek, UF-IFAS. Suwannee River Partnership Is Honored At The White House Conference a PA94PA GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Page Three TT-TT TP qn AV TTTT Y ?.0 ?,n06 5 ce Ig Ir I F rn1, uT RA TU Larry and Donna Baker of High. Springs. Great-grandparents are.Helen Hines of High Springs, Elwood and Cathy Baker of Archer, Wil-, liam and Donna Gidley of Bell, and Dale White of St. George, West Virginia. Logan joins a sister Hailie White. CHURCH NEWS ' Riverside Baptist Church To Have Vacation Bible School July 24th-28th Riverside Baptsit Church will hold Vacation Bible School July 24-28, from 6:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. All children ages 4-14 are invited to come and experience ar "Artic Edge Adventure" and learn of God's love. . Parents are welcome to stay also. Call the church office if there are any questions at (386) 935- 3935. It will be held in the Sunday School wing: 10760 NW 5th Ave., Branford. (00 p.m. at; Akins Grill in Bell, Florida The directors urge all inter- ested people to come and join us in the meeting. An one that has, loved ones buried at Jennings Lake are invited to attend. Also. anyone who plans to be buried there is encouraged to attend. Thanks in advance for your inte est. -, : , Board of Directors Jennings Lake Cemetery Pridgeon Family Reunion The Jennings Lake The Pridgeon Family Reunion Chemeten. will be held Saturday, July 22nd Cemetery-Board Of at Otter Springs in -the Large Directors To Meet Pavillion. July 22nd We want all family arid friends ThJuto be there if possible. Bring a TheiJenning.s Lake Cemetr,, --,1oe dih- Boardi;f Direetors will meet ot coerediatsh at-12 -30 p.. Saturday, Julh 222006, at.6: ,ve ill atat 1230 p m. r .t Hope to see you there! WE WELCOME YOU TO UNION BAPTIST CHURCH (SBC) 6259 $.E. ,75TH AVENUE NEWBERRY, FL 32669 $UNDAY $CHOOL .......*........o......... 9:45 AM MORNING WORSHIP .......................,.......... 11 AM EVENING WORSHIP ...................................... 6 PM' WEDNESDAY EVENING SERVICES: ADULT BIBLE 'STUDY, CHILDREN, & YOUTH 7 PM PASTOR: TRAVI$ MOODY MINISTER OF YOUTH: ROBBIE BEACH* CHURCH PHONE: 386-472-3845. "WIN THE LOST AND TEACH THE SAVED TO SERVE" PINE GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH t 16655 N. W. CR-339 Trenton, Florida 32693 t 352-463-2151 www.pgbcfl.com Bro. Greg Douglas, Pastor Bro. Rickey Whitley, Minister of Students Charles Brock, Music Director Sunday School/Bible Study...................9:15 AM Morning Worship Service....................10:30 AM Children's Church........................... .... 10:30 AM Evening Worship Service ................... 6:00 PM Wednesday Night Services: Prayer Meeting, AWANA & Youth Worship..... ..............7:00. PM Nursery Provided for All Services - S[rlsf t aptist Clhupch t Welcomes You! "Embracing the Past and Reaching Toward the Future." Comer of NE Second St. and Highway 26 in Trenton (Nursery provided for all services) Sunday School 9:45 AM (classes for all ages) Sunday Morning Worship & Children's Church 11 AM Sunday Night Bible Study 6 PM Wednesday Nights: Awana 6,.20 PM Youth Bible Study, Praise & Worship 6:30 PM Adult Bible Study & Prayer 7 PM D9HAMIC MINISTRIES FOR ALL AGES! Call 463-2038 for more information or www.fbctrentonfl.org The Swilley Family Reunion .The Swilley .family reunion will be at Hart Springs, Sunday, July 23rd. . Lunch will be at 1:00 p.m. Come and enjoy friends and family. Bass/Stringer Reunion To Be Held On July 29th The annual Bass/Stringer re- union will be held Saturday, July 29, 2006 at the 4th district Com- munity Center West of Branford. Doors open at 10.30 a.m. until ?. Bring a covered dish. This:year marks 200 traceable years in our Bass family.: Please bring any photos or momeritos you wish to share. 'Color copier. will be available. Call Cher at (386) 935-0559 or Linda (386) 454-2018. Viola CreWs Shepherd Familyi Reunion Is Set For August 5th The Viola Crew s Shepherd family. %ill be haing a reunion on Saturday. August 5th. at the Bell Community Center All family members and friends are invited to attend. , A covered dish luncheon \%ill be served at 12:00 p.m. :Come early and bring pictures of family and memories to share together. Hope to see \ou there! Poley Homrne Reunion The Poley Horne Reunion \.ill be held on Sunday. August 6th, at the Ley Count\ Quilt Museum. Bring food and all the children so they will know who they.are kin to. We will have music also For information 'please .call .(352) 493-2801.' . Winnelle Home -Townsend Reunion To Be August 12th The Townsend Reunion will be Saturday, August 12, 2006, 1: 00 p.m. at Otter Springs. . Please join your family heri-' tage-a tasty tradition since 1948. Otter Springs RV Resort is lo- cated at 6470 SW 80th Avenue, Trentbn, Florida 32693 Philman Family Reunion To Be Held On August 5th At Hart Springs The firstPhilman Reunion was held on August 28. 1966 and it's been told that the following in- vitation was written by ,Orlando and'Agnes Philman, Charlie and Alice Philman: "Come one, come all, The Philmans will gather Come- anhser the call no matter the weather. . A reunion it will be. We are. looking for a bunch. Your kin you \% ill see. Bring a basket lunch. Come and join the fun at Hart Springs for the Philman roundup!" Thanks to each family mem- ber and friends that over the years has attended and helped to continue this special gather- ing. Spread the nev\s and let's make this years 40th reunion a memorial to our ancestors and continue their desires for closer family relationships. Please make plans to attend, this year's reunion on Saturday.,: August 5th, 9:30 a.m.; Pavilion ,A jnd B at Hart Springs. Bring a picnic lunch, ice. etc. to share. The Quilters of Alachua Day Guild Will Meet On August 3rd The Quilters of Alachua Count\ Day Guild is planning to meet on Thursday, August 3rd, at Westminster Presbyterian, Church, 1521. NW 34th St. in BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH "Committed to living and sharing the message of God's lo -'_oS 5BDie Study ,:4 a.m.,, Sunday Worship 11 a.m. & 7 p.m r Prayer & Discipleship Wed. 7 p.r s r You^Lth Praise & Worship Wed..6:30 Awana Program Wed. 6:30 p.n 7070 S.W. CR-334A Trenton? FL 32693/ 352-463-2028 ' Pastor e-mail: bethelit@bellsouth.net.. Ralph Rodriguez www.backtobethel.org YOU ARE WELCOME AT PRISCILLA BAPTIST CHURCH 5509 S.W. County Road 232, Bell, Florida (Between Bell & Trenton 2.5 miles West of SR 12S .+ Sunday School................ ..........10:00 AM Morning Worship................ 11:00 AM Evening Worship....... .............6:00 PM Wednesday Night Prayer/Youth...7:30 PM Be a part of an exciting time of Worship and Bible Stu Web, www.ForMinistry.com/USFLSOBCOPB te ,elitbt "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:" ~ 2 Timothy 3:16 Pewt ope jfamilp ()urab 4470 N.W. County Road 236 Bell, Florida 32619 ~1 Mile West of US-129- Service Times Pastor: Rev. Lynn Wagner 10:00 am Sunday School 11:00 am Sunday Morning Worship Office: 6:30 pm Wednesday Bible Study 386-935-4219 "In the beginning was the -Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us..."-~ John 1:1, 14 ove." M. m. Gainesville. Social time is at 9:30 a.m. and the meeting begins at 10:00 a.m. This month our focus is the Guild's annual Birthday party. All visitors are welcome. For more information call 373-2039. - Remember Our Troops God hears the prayers of the righteous.' The importance of praying for everyone who comes to mind is a special job of all those who love the Lord. As the war on terror continues, it is most necessary that:we keep all military personnel in our prayers,. especially those w\ho are in harm's way. Keeping the morale, high, as well as sta\ ing focused should be our main concern for them as we at home pray. Take Sthe job of praying seriously. and do so without ceasing for those of our counts wtho are serving in ,,the Armed Forces. The following is a know n list of those %%ho are on. active duty, and xwho either hate a resi- dence here or %\ho are relatives of someone "\ho likes here in Gilchrist County. (If you know iof an active military personnel who is not listed, please contact the Gilchirisi Counn' Journal, so ; that person can be listed the next time this article is published). Clayton 'App. Kathy Ar- rington. Peter Belanger. Steten Calloway, Drew Cheatum, Wayne Cheatum. Robert Dean, Jimmy Fletcher. Jr., Chris Geiger (Iraq. Jon Guzman i Afghanistan). Gary Hilliard. 'Mark Hilliard. Ste\e Hilliard. Joe Hudson. Heather Langston. Matthew\ C. Lind. Rob Long. Katie Loaett. Jonathan Luchak. Gus Mauldmin. Michael Mawo, Evan McQuistan. T.J. Miller. Mark Milton. Allen Murray. Stephen Reed. T.J. Rush. NMat- the%\ Riordan, Donna Slayton, Donny Slaton. James Slayton. Jeffrey Solis (Traq'i. Justin Tw igg (Iraq). Nathan T%\ igg. LaShonda '.White (Iraq), Wesley Wilson, Kyle Worthington, and Daniel Wood (Iraq). Food Bank Will Be Distributing Commodities On SJuly,26 .. The Bread of the Nlight\ Food Bank' \ill be distributing USDA commodities Wednesday. July 26 in the Trenton and Bell area. Trenton is from 10:00 11:30 in the Communith Center; Bell' is from 1:00 to 2:30 in the Com- munity Center. - Certification is a ailable to all Snew. recipients. Any questions please call 352.336.0839. Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power. --Anonymous p.m. a. Socials Happy Birthday wishes to Hailie Leggett' Danny Lucero, and Cory Roth on July 20; to Jonathan Kincaid,: Howard -.. Blank, Sarah Latner, Sabra Lindsey, J.D. Jordan, and Tif- fany Owens VunCannon on July' 2,1; to Casey Templeton, Kristen Bradley, and Michael Graham on July 22; to Gladys MacHenry, H Jennifer Apone, Heather Breton, l .. Lucy Lacey, and Merle Jordan on July 23; to Lynn Davis, Helen L. Duncan, Brett Colson, Buryl Johnson, Scott Manders, Gar-. 9) rett Lane, John Williams, Larry Hilliard, and Chris Gillyard on July 24th; to Frances Percival, Mary Stoner, Garrett Bivens,. Michael Ferris, Mark Latner, Verna Mae Eady, Angela Hart, and Hoyt Roberts on July 25th; to Clara Tyson, Rachel Gillyard, idy. Kirk Barry and Clifton Mikell on July 26th. Cl Happy Anniversary wishes to Jim and Ruth Allison on July 23rd. Bascom aTnd Amy Beville, of.Branford are 'proud to an- nounce the birth of their son, KadenABryce, bom on June 9, 2006 at North Florida Regional Women's Center. He weighed 7 pounds 10.ounces and measured 21 inches. He joins a half-broth- er, Dakota. Paternal grandparents are Elzada Carver of Branford and the late Fred Be\ille of High Springs. Maternal grandpar-' ents are Charles and Barbara Townsend of Bell. Maternal great-grandparents are Clyde and Joyce Townsend of Bell. SKlien Brnce Beville Caleb Leeroyce Phillips . Caleb Leeroyce celebrated his first birthday on Phillips Celebrated Sunday. June .S, 2006. hillHe is the son of Jonathan and His First Birthday April Phillips. Caleb Leerovce Phillips .4 Join us for a 70ith Birthday Celebration tor Lena Leggett (Memne). It will be held at the Bell Community Center; Suniday. July 23, 2006 from 12:00 to 5.:00 pm. We will eat lunch around 1:00. Please bring a covered dish. Paper goods and drinks 'will be provided. ( Trenton United Methodist Church 9:30 am Sunday School 11:00 am Morning Worship Service 6:00 pm Wednesday Bible Study Nursery provided 9-12 Sunday Morning 203 N.E. Second Street, Trenton . Office: 463-2877 Rev. H.D. "Hank" Cribb, Sr. We Welcome You To Mt. Nebo Baptist Church (SBC) 4200 N.W. CR-340, Bell, FL 32619 (3 miles North of Bell on Hwy-340 West) Sunday School........................... 9:45 am, Morning Worship ......................... 11 am Evening Worship ............................... 6 pm Wednesday Evening Services: Adult Bible Study, Children, & Youth ... 7 pm Pastor: Rev. Jimmy Corbin Minister of Youth: Matt Holtsclaw Church Phone: 386-935-3575 "Committed to Reaching People for Christ" LAST CALL FOR THE JulZ+-2.8 6:50)m y:oo pm ARCTIC EDGE Riverside Baptist Church invites iou to Vacation Bible school All Children Ages +-1+ Are Welcome, As Are Their Parents Explore the Arctic Wonders! Learn of the Great Love of Jesus! Discover how to Develop Courage! Meet some o' the biblical People ofo Courage! Enjoj more adventures as 4ou do crafts, sing songs, "l .....- n .. ,i !- naVC a S1 IL.K, maKdC e rien IU ~Come to: 10760 N.W. 5th Avenue, Branford Phone (s6) 9)5-59) '-I Logan Dale White ~yaz~i ~2fa/& ~kP$1~~ John and Heather White would like to announce the birth of their son, Logan Dale White on Thursday, June 15, 2006, at North Florida Regional Medical Center. : . He weighed 8 pounds and was 20 inches in length. Paternal grandparents are John andDiane White ofBell. Maternal grandparents are Trenton Church of God Welcomes you to come worship with us Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Praise & Worship 11:00 a.m: E %ening Prais.e & Worship 6:00'p in., Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Phone 463-6543 www.geocities.coiim/churchofgodtrenton fla GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JULY 0, 2006 I Pa e Four I ''rrCTHhSAYJ TTTTXT/-V,')AA1.D (11 C-TRT5,JL T (201 UNITY %101 IRNAT Page Five David and Diana King and Jeff and Terry Underwood would like to announce the. upcoming wedding of Jeffereyi - Underwood and Jennifer King on Saturday, July 29, 2006, at 6: 00 p.m. at the Woman's Club in Trenton, Florida. All friends and family are in- vited to attend. TMarriage Gary Lee Capps, date of birth,' Applications Filed In 9/5/1959 and Lauarle Sue Ros- ier, date of birth, 12/30/1972, Gilchrist County both of Trenton. Carl Hutchins Loy, date of Jeffrey Emil Underwood, date, birth, 8/31/1985 and Angela of birth, 12/10/1982 and Jennifer Jene Reiter; date of birth, 6/21/ Lynn King, date of birth, 10/04/ 1986, both of Chiefland. 1978, both ofTrenton. 5 Hieks Seal Coating Sauil Stripitg. LLC. 'Comtnmercial aj-id Decorative Thermoplasu.c Re-sdenial Truncated Dome- Asphalt. Parking. L,ts and D)ri(ewaa' Phone: (352) 535-5479 Fax: (352) 463-7745 Ronnie Hicks Liceneuj nd injured Trenton, Florinda A Suwannee Valley Precast, Co . 3 'Owner Gerald Roberts , Bell Chiefland 463-2504 Fax: 463-0390 493-4055 iVewi Septic Tanks Installed Drain Fields Repaired Gilchrist County Schools Are Offering Voluntary PreKindergarten This Fall Preparing children for success in school begins before Kinder-- garten. Every cfiild living in FlJorida who will be four years- old by September 1, 2006, is - entitled to 540 hours of Pre-Kin- dergarten services.. Gilchrist County Schools will be offering the Voluntary PreKindergarten program' at ,.Bell ElementarN and Trenton, Elementary this fall. This will be our second year offering the. VK program in addition to other PreK programs. For, admission to the \VoluntarN Pre- Kindergarien program., parents, must apply for a, Certificate of Eligibility for the child, and "must .bring your Certificate of Eligibility to the school of your choice, as soon as possible be- cause enrollment is limited. Gilchrist County schools have had "A" schools .for five years. All Gilchrist Count\ Schools are accredited by the Southern Asso- ciation of Colleges and schools. We have provided quality PreK programs since 1988. Our cur- riculum consists of: "Opening the World of Learning" b\ Pear- son Learning. "Scott Foresman Math". "Second Step" character' development curriculum, lots of phonemic awareness and pre- reading activities, and Waterford . Computer. , Research shows that the ear- lier that a child is exposed to pre reading activities, the better reader they will become. Our teachers are very well trained in. how to make learning fun. Our PreK students are included in all ' the Kindergarten through grade four activities at both schools. I Some of the qualities of our PreK programs' are; comput- ers in every classroom, plus a' computer lab available for all - PreK classrooms, transportation is provided to and from school. food services. guidance coun- selor services, school -health services, .speech and language services, occupational therapy services, physical therapy ser-: 5. vices, on site behavior counsel- ing services for all participants who qualify. The students at Trenton El- ementary also participate in the Science wheel with a certified' teacher, and library wheel with a certified media specialist. The personnel/staff 'at both Trenton and Bell Elementary consists of Masters level certi- fied teachers, bachelors level certified teachers, associate level teachers, nationallN credentialed childhood development associ- ate teachers, and state level, childhood development associ- ates. All employees must hate a degree or have passed the district approved ParaPro test. making our teachers highly qualified in their field. Our teacher/student ratio ranges from one teacher with three students to one teacher with nine students. No classroom has more than nine students per teacher. Our PreK programs are as committed to student success as we are in our Kindeigarten through grade 12 population We believe that it is important to track our student's progression and trn to predict early on the specific needs of each and ever\ child. Each child is given pre and post assessments in order to track progress and determine the areas of need. We begin the sear b. assessing each child on the "DIAL 3" and the "GET Read\ to Read" \which are both indicators of beginning readi- ness to learn. The "Get Ready to Read" is also done at the middle of the year to give the teachers an idea of each child's progress. This information is also used for future academic planning. Students \ ho show a need for a social and emotional devel- opmental screening are given the "De\ereux". Parent/teacher conferences are held three times a year, to report student prog- ress and include the parents on planning for their child's future school success. We are excited about our outcomes after our first \ear of \,PK. Our students made great gains from the first of the Nears DIALs to the end of the Nears DIALs. We had students tho' gained as much as 87 percent on their Dial scores. It is amaz- ing to see just how much\ the children have learned this year. Parents have been amazed at the vocabulary and comprehension, skills that their children are gain- ing in PreK. We have children going to Kindergarten who are ready to read. . We would love the opportu- nity to work with you and your' child. Please remember that enrollment is limited, so parents need to bring your VPK Certifi- cates of Eligibility to the school of your choice today. Extended day services for children need- ing care beyond the school day are provided at both schools. Parents need to contact your- school for availability of these services . Commissioner Winn Announces New.' : College Grants For Florida Students Grants Encourage Students To Take Rigorous Courses, Bolster Postsecondar3 Opportunities Education Commissioner John L. Winn today \ announced that Florida students \ ho qualify for. Pell Giants ma\ be able to take advantage of a new grant program to help make college more affordable. During the 2006-07 school year, the state aims to a\ ard more than 30,000 full-time eligible students ap- proximately $47 million in new .Academic Competitiheness (AC) and National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (SMlART) grants worth between $750. and $4,000 per student. "Florida \ill now be able to provide even more oppor- tunity for students to achieve their goals of attending and completing college," said Gov- ernor Jeb Bush. "These grants complement the A++ Plan for' ViS O, pen Mon: Fri., .710 East Highway 26' Education which is committed to increasing the rigor of high school for students and ensuring they are ready for the challenges of the real world." STheheHigher Education Rec- onciliation Act (HERA) of 2005' created the two new federally .funded financial aid campus- based programs,. States were asked by the U.S. Department of Education to submit proposals identifying alternative rigorous high school programs. Thirty- six states were approved in-" cluding Florida. ,Bright Futures coursework, courses similar to the State Scholars Initiatie, and Advanced Placement IAP) or International Baccalaureate 1 IBi courses (including passing the exam for these classes) all met the AC grant program irequire- ments for rigorous high school. curriculum. "These grants create an.incen- time for students to take more challenging courses during high school which h will better prepare, them for success in college," said Commissioner Winn. "Now these hard-working students ill hate more resources to attend college." . The AC grants provide- col- lege students who completed a rigorous course of study in high. school w.ith additional funds of up to $750 during their freshman- year and up to $1,300 during their sophomore year. This is in addition to Pell Grant funds .students already are receiving.' College juniors and seniors who are eligible for SMART grants automatically will receive up: to $4,000 in additional aid next year. , For comprehensive informa- tion about available financial aid, students and their parents should visit www.FACTS.org.' ,Florida's official online student advising system. Links are, provided to,,federal, state and institutional financial aid web- sites,, and in August will feature specific information about .'the' Located 30 Miles West of Gainesville, in Trenton AC and SMART grants. AARP To Conduct Driver Safety Class An AARP Driver Safety class: will be conducted at the Gapital City Bank, 2012 N. Young Blvd. in Chiefland on July 22nd and 29th starting at 8:30 a.m. The Saturday dates will give those ,seniors, aged 50 and over who are still gainfully employed, an: opportunity to attend. Many auto insurance compa- nies offer an insurance premium discount to customers complet- ing these classes. The course- is taken on two four-hour days, , both of which must be taken., There is a $10 fee per person and to register call the instruc- tor Jean L. da Costa at (352) 493-7597. You do not have to be an AARP member nor a Florida 'esideit to attend. Energy Assistance Funds Available Suwannee River Econorflic Council, Inc. announces the availability of. funds from- the Department of Community Af- fairs for home energy assistance. and crisis energy assistance through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). The program assists eligible hliouseholds'iri tying for home heating and cooling costs. Clients must meet income guide- lines and provide proof of in- come and an energy obligation. Applications are available at the Outreach. Center, located at 101, NE 1st Street in Trenton. Call 352-463-2940 to make appoint- ments or for more information. Good leaders must first become good servants. Robert Greenleaf (352) 463-0079 Trenton Medical Center, Inc. is a complete primary medical and urgent care service provider '- for residents in Gilchrist County and North Central Florida. Part of the Trenton and Bell community since 1971, we offer healthcare services for the whole family, focusing on health and well- ness from birth to senior care. With everything from health check-ups and x-rays, to chronic disease management and health screening, to chiropractic care and a full-service pharmacy, we're a one-stop medical provider for all your health needs. Sliding Scale Fees -.. Minor Surgical Procedures SCoDmplete Primary Care Diagnostic Laboratory Well Baby Exams Vaccinations 00* Diagnostic X-Rays Family Planning Minor Trauma Hearing & Vision Testing Immunizations ADD/ADHD Evaluation Our Approach to Wellness Lasts A Lifetime Trenton Medical Center, Chiropractic & Trenton Pediatrics 911 S. Main Street Trenton, Florida 3 Bell Family HealthCare & Bell Pharmacy 1830 N. Main Street Bell, Florida Visit our website at www.TrentonMedical.org .... ,5 4. ... _ - ~Zga&~h9~a< ~L %/~ea< Septic Pump-Outs* Septic Tanks Certified Portable Toilets -Backhoe Work Fill Dirt State Certified niI Small buildings. boats. etc. 24 hi: ltoing ,service. 22 ft. rollback bed. Carports also available. Reasonable Rates. 463-2900 493-0345 JOE'S TOWING & ROLLBACK, Credit Cards Accepted C, OMPLETEAUTO REP-AIRS S, FOREIGN. DOMESTIC C 'EXHAUSTS BRAKES', ELECTRIC *- TUNE-UPS ENGINE ES COMPUTER ALIGN N I ENTS AIR CONDITIONING PASSENGER CAR & LIGHT TRUCK TIRES C-rlTCHRIST COUNTY'JOURNAL Page Five 'PMTlD4ZnAV TTTTV,)O ?006 -MAA- J Agol rage wx xA I%-11-, %IS.T (Y 14TNITx J NT-OT IINAU Sheriff Turner Is Presented With a Certificate For The Sheriff's Office Participation In Click It Or Ticket Shown are Mr. Gerald Riise presenting Deputy Ceratha (CJ) Schauble and Sheriff Turner with certificates for the sheriff's office participation in click it or ticket. Sheriff Turner Is, Presented With a Certificate For The Sheriff's Office Participation In Click It Or Ticket On July 10, 2006, Gerald Ruise, law .enforcement liaison from Department of Transporta- tions Buckleup Florida Initiative, stopped by the Gilchrist County Sheriffis office. Mr. Ruise was in town to present Sheriff Turner with a certificate for the sheriffs office participation in click it or ticket. Mr. Ruise also presented Dep. Ceratha (CJ) Schauble a certificate for her individual ef- 'forts in making Gilchrist CountR a safer place. The Gilchrist County Sheriff's office has been involved with several state programs over the past 7 years including, buckle- up, click it or ticket, and 'you drink. \ou drive, you.loose;. Through these& years, the Sheriff's Office has received many awards from the Depart- ,ment of Transportation for, its efforts. Studies show thai pas- sengers that do not buckle up are. 14 times more likely to die in a traffic crash than those who do wear their safety belt, not to Suwannee River Valley Christian Academy NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATION'S , ." for 2006-2007 enrollment. We offer CORPORATE TAX CREDIT SCHOLARSHIP ', : .-Applica. ns available../ ,; '. '** - S352-463-1569 Mrs. Liz Mucciarone or Mrs. Debra Phillips d:sR Satellite TV OCT DIRECT FEATURES DISH FEATURES 4 Mo. FREE SERVICE! Over 100 Channels NFL Pu Chaeo ANFL SUNDAY TICKET Starting mo at no ce 20 . at e I rga Local Channels a..... r Free HD Receiver! Free XM -Sate llRe Radi r F v DR i e riv r Free DVR TIVO Recorder' * Free Premium Movie Channels Local Sales & Service * FREE HD. Receiver* *With DTV Rebate Free Equipment * 1-4 Rooms & Free Professional Standard Installation! Dish or DTV CALL NOW Trenton Bell High Springs Branford Fanning Springs Chiefland Fort White 352-493-9203 386-497-1658 All other areas call 1-800-254-3630 - Cah las valal. I * Callfor details, with approved credit mention 100%. less likely to get: a ticket for it. So buckle up Gilchrist. From The Desk Of Gilchrist County' Sheriff David P. Turner Weekly Sheriff's Report For Week Ending July 117, 2006 On July 10. 2006. Alvin L. Akins. 2/24/82. was arrested on the charge of BatteryDomestic Violence.. On July 16, 2006, Omei B. Cedero, 9/6/68, was arrested on the charge of Batter Domestic Violence. On Jul> 14. 2006, Sean NIM. Beach, 11 14 '81. % as arrested on charges of Burgalry of Oc- cupied Dwelling and' Resisting without Violence. . On July 14,, 2006, Joseph A. Morgan. 9'21.77. was arrested on charges df.DWLSR ano At- taching Tag not Assigned. On Jul\ 14. 2006. Charles R., Price, 9/21/67, was arrested on three counts of Violation of Probation. On July 15, 2006, Thelma Gore, 8/28/67, was arrested on the charge ofDUI.- '. On July 15,. 2006, James M. Stone, 2/2/57, was arrested on the charge of Battery/Domestic Violence. On July 16, 2006, Ryan'L. Holmberg. 2/24/86, was arrested, on charges of Disorderly Intoxi- cation, Possession of Alcohol under 21 and Affray. On July 16, '2006, Terrance Wiggins, 4/1/70, was arrested on the. charge of Aggravated Battery. On July 23, 2006, Horton R. Bunt, 9/3/60, was arrested on charges of VOP/DWLSR and a Pasco County Warrant with the charge of FTA/DUI. On July 11, 2006, Vicki D. 'Trent, 12/14/63, was arrested on charges of Possession of Co- caine, DWLSR, Possession of Controlled Substance without a Prescription. On July 12, 2006, Terrance A. Robinson, 12/23/62, was arrested on charges of Posses- sion of Drug Paraphernalia, Resist without Violence and' FTA/Possession of Less than 20 Grams and FTA/Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. I On. July 12, 2006, Daniel L. Webber, 11/23/69, was arrested' on the charge of VOP/No Driv- ers License. 1 .On July 12, 2006, Robert A. Loveday, 10/3/84, was arrested on the charge of VOP/DWLSR; On July.12, 2006., Vicki Trent, 12/14/63, w as arrested on charg- es of FTAlInterference with Custody and FIA.Talse Report to Law Enforcement. On July 13,.2006, Denna A.- Tabor, 10/3/67, was arrested on charges of Possession of Less than 20 Grams, Possessioni of Drug Paraphernalia and Posses-. sion without Prescription. On July 13. 2006. Teresa D. Wallace, 6/9/84, was arrested' on the charge of FTA/Obscene.' Harassing Phone Calls. On July 13, 2006, Levi. B. Holder. 9 9 85. %vas arrested on the charge of \'OP Petit Theft. On July 13. 2006, Christopher P. Marshall. 1.20 74. \%as ar- rested on charges of 'OPLewd - and Lascivious and Barten. On July 12. 2006. Terrance A. Robinson. 12 23,62. was arrest- ed on h\o charges of Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. Resist with Violence. FTA/Possession of Less than 20 Grams. American Legion Post 383 Attend State Convention'' Old Town, American Legion Post '383;:. along with Stein- hatchie Post 291, Trenton Post 91, and Newberry Post 149 at- tended the 88th Annual Ameri- can Legion state convention held in Orlando this past week. Jim Ramos andiWayne Gravely, Post 149, were installed as 4th Dis- trict Vice-Commanders. Gene Street, Post 383, was installed as Commander of 3rd' District. andDan Sellers. Post 383, \,as iit s led as 3rd District Vice- Comima'nder. All four 6f these legionnaires, will be members of the Department of Florida, Executive Board, which runs the 7239 S.W. 80th Avenue Trenton, Florida 32693 140,000 member strong Ameri- can Legion organization.' John Hancock, Post 291 in Steinhatchie, was awarded the prestigious Gold Brigade award for recruiting in excess of fifty new members to his post. . Jim Ramos, Newberry Post 149, was elected President of' the Floridh American. Legion Press Association (FALPA), the organization that is responsible for news articles that appear in local newspapers throughout the state. Old Town, Post 383, was awarded first place in the press book competition among all posts submitting their press releases this past year. Post 383 released 41 news articles, 6 pictures, and accounted for 371 column inches in local papers, Their articles appeared in the Dixie County Advocate. Gilchrist County Journal, and Chiefland Citizen. Post 383 had the: highest delegation count of local post with eight delegates attending, Paul Sommer, Charles Lambert, John Jenkins, Gene Street, Dan Sellers. John Weidensail, Mike Stacey, and JR Coffey. John Weidensall and John Jenkins. Post 383. were elected delegate and alternate delegates to the 88th National Convention io be held in Salt Lake Cit% in August. both will represent the 3rd District. For God and Countr, Eugene Street ,Press Information Officer American Legion Post 383 Trenton Commission To Have Budget Workshop Before Proposing Ad Valorem Tax By John M. Ayers The Trenton City Commission held a Public Meeting Monday evening to discuss the proposed Preliminar\. City of Trenton Fiscal Year 2006-2007 budget. City Manager Jered Otten- wess presented a hypothetical budget to the board for their review. He recommended to the five board .members that they propose a village rate to submit to the Florida Department. of Re% enue by August 4. 2006.,,He also explained in detail thatthe general budget format has been revised tO conform to the State of Florida Uniform Accounting tlsapp@-~acceleration.net Ck-C05843 1 p System. Previous City of Tren- ton budgets have used the sys- tem to an extent but not fully. The City Manager presented a hypothetical budget with infor- mation that. identified an Ad Valorem village rate would be proposed for the General Fund. The City Manager identified a list of factors that have made an Ad Valorem tax necessary. 1. Rising Health Care costs: Between 2005-2006 the City health insurance premiums increased by approximately 35%. A similar increase is an- ticipated in 2006-2007. The Cirt Manager told the board that the City does not take bids for their health care annually for their budget consideration; they have an insurance broker that makes, a recommendation to, the Executive staff for the board's consideration. < 2. Rising Wages: Wages should keep pace, % ith the cost of living, which increases ap- proximatel 4"c. annually. This" does not take into consideration increasing \\ages to be competi- tike %ith other employers, an ever-increasing need. 3;. Increasing Debt Service: Pines Estates.infrastructure im- pro% ements are the most signifi- cant, however; "several loans have increased- the financial. constraints of the CitN, in' par- ticular. the General Fund. 4. State Revenue Sharing: State revenue sharing proceeds have remained relatively stag- nant. Although Cit) expendi- tures are rising, state revenue sharing cannot or has not kept. pace. 5. Miscellaneous Reve- nue: The sale of the old post office property provided an un- expected source of revenue in FY 2003-2004. The storms. of 2004 provided an unexpected source of revenue in 2004-2005. Both revenue sources helped offset operating cosLs that would have exceeded the budget. 6. Operating Deficit: The ,City has been operating with a deficit for se% eral years. Simply because the. bills are not being paid on time does not mean that ; they do not have to be paid. In order to pay off those debts, the budget needs to take the deficitji into account. City Commissioner Bill Clifton asked the Citx Manager for .an estimated figure on the City's gross revenues and ex- penditures. He explained if we:! knew these estimates,. then .we can determine the amount of revenue that is needed in order to propose an Ad Valorem mil- lage rate, Clifton explained. Ontenwess pointed out that the %%ay the budget is formatted at this. time, this information would be difficult to provide to the commission. The board discussed differ- ent possibilities regarding their financial position. The board determined that they could take another look at the hypothetical budget during a %workshop meet-. ing on Monda\, July 31, 2006:at 6:00 p.m. If you can't change your' fate,; change your attitude.--Amy Tan Hall Available 386.93553711; Ami xpae Sress So CUTS Summer Salerut $ Uni mited Tanning $ 20/month 472-1482 Wo6fe T3nning Bed 25 North Main Street, High Springsut Bulbs) Monday Friday ~ 10 am -6 pm Appointments & Saturday ~ 0 am 3 pm Walk-Ins WelcoMEN, Hair Expressions &OMEN h ibeeCH EN Men's Haircut: $8 Women's .Haircut: $13 Unlimited Tanning: $20/month Phone (Matrix d& Redken) 472-1482 Wolfe Tanning Bed (High Output Bulbs) 8897 SE 66th Circle SPECIALIZING IN COLOR Trenton, Florida 32693 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE Monday Friday ~ 10 am 6 pm Appointments & Saturday ~ 10 am 3 pm Walk-Ins Welcome GILCHRIST COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Well Child & Newborn Care School & Sports Physicals Chronic & Acute Care Communicable Disease Maternity Care By UF Dept. OB/GYN Family Planning School Health Services TB Testing Laboratory Procedures Healthy Start Services WIC Services (Baby Formula & Food Coupons) HIV Anonymous & Confidential Testing Attention Deficit Disorder Evaluation & Treatment NO APPOINTMENTS NEEDED FOR: FREE PREGNANCY TESTS FREE BLOOD PRESSURE SCREEN CHILD & ADULT IMMUNIZATIONS We accept Blue Cross/Blue Shield, AvMed, PPC Care Manager, State Employees Group PPC, Health Options, Champus, CMS, Medicaid, Medipass, Medicare, and most other major insurances. 119 N.E. 1st Street, Trenton, Florida 32693 463-3120 Office Hours Monday Friday 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Leslie Sapp Construction, Inc. 352-463-7589 Re-Roofing & Leaks Metal Roofing 25-Year Warranty Manufacturer's FLORIDA DEPARTNfFNT OF luHhEALT. THURSDAY, JULY 20, 2006 - GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL PDnrr Si, I THU SDAY rrsr~r ,JUY2,20U0 k (ll '-tDTVT rIClki TN IILTV Tf lT PN T Pae Sve Spotlight Series My M.S. Walk Story Featuring "Here Comes Trouble" Shown on back row from left are Barbara Chumney, Margo Chancey, Jerin Engels, Betty Baker, Anita Bryant, and Connie Kerrnahan. Front row from left are Kim Thomas, Bonnie Wilson, Tina Lindsey, Fallon Michel, Lisa Hallas, and Crystal Long. An Interview By Sarah Mau- rer At the Gainesille MS Walk there is one team that rarely goes unnoticed. When you spot the bright yellow shirts head- ing your way, you know "Here Comes Trouble!" The team, founded by team captain Margo Chancey in 2005, has quickly ,climbed their way up the list of top teams. Perhaps it is their incredible team spirit, however, that leaves the biggest impression., All the team mem-' bers of "Here Comes Trouble" work together at the Tri-County Nursing Home in Trenton. In early 2005, Chancey saw an ad on the Gainesville television station announcing the upcom- ing MS Walk. As a way to show support and to honor a co-worker, who' had recently been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, Chancey decided to form a team. It wasn't hard to decide upon a name for the team. Due to the fact that all the team members work together and hang around together, the name "Here Comes Trouble" was a natural choice., According to one team member, the name "just seened to fit." The spirit of the team was.glar- ingly evident when another team member stated,' "We are always there for each other." Making a commitment to support their friend's personal battle with MS, and, to show their support in searching for a cure to MS, goes much farther than showing up on the da) of the walk. The team's fundrais- ing accomplishments are quite remarkable. Team members spent the months leading up to this year's walk organizing and holding several fundraising events. They held yard sale, a hot dog dinner, numerous bake sales, weekly raffles and even sold the MS Walk paper sneak- ers to raise money. In fact, they are proud to tell veu that an en- tire hallway of the nursing home where they work was papered with i all the sneakers the mem- bers of "Here Comes Trouble" were able to sell. It should come as no surprise that "Here Comes Trouble" puts so much heart and soul into their team effort. The motto at Tri-.Count\ Nursing Home is "Neighbors Helping Neigh- I- I Southern Tire & Brake 626 North Main Street Trenton. 352-463-6050 SAVE GAS Benefits of Proper Inflation Optimal tire performance Longer Wear SAVE FUEL (.4% for every 1 PSI your tire is low) Stop by Southern Tire & Brake Ask Johr'to inspect your tires fun 4 Kids! Pre-school/After school Learning Center / Ages 2-12 S / NAEYC Accredited Pre-K / Highscope Curriculum / School Readiness Program / CPR/First Aid Certified / Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten / USDA Food Program / CDA Certified Teachers 352-463-7614 2739 S.W. 19th Circle, Trenton Owners/rectors Robert P. Marsh Owners/Directors- wn F. Marsh Lic#C03GI0007 bors." It is a sentiment that the team members have carried through into their' commitment to their MS Walk team When asked if they had any favorite memories from the pre- vious walks, the team members are quick to praise their time spent together, both as a team and as friends, which is the most memorable part of their experi- ence. That and the yummy bagels that were served ,at the 2005 walk. So did the "Here Comes Trou- ble" member have any advice to share with other walkers? Yes, they recommend that you do npt try to, break in new sneakers on the day of the walk. In 2006, "Here Comes Trou- ble" boasted 14 members. Nev- ertheless, it should be stated that their outstanding attitude and dedication easily equals that of a team ten times their size. "Here Comes Trouble" plans to return to the MS Walk in 2007. That's real good news because the walk just wouldn't be the same with- out them "Here Comes Trouble" 'is: Margo Chancey (team captain), Linda' Scales, Jer.i Engel, BonT nie Wilson, Fallon Michel, Tina Lindse', Barbara Chumney. Kim Thomas, Lisa Hallas. Chrystal Long,.Anita Bryant, Betty Bak- er, Maria Langford and Connie Kerrnahan, Nobody gets to live life back- ward. Look ahead--that's where your future lies. Ann Landers Commissioner Announces Conney Dahn As The Florida Department Of Education/Macy's 2007 Teacher Of The Year Education Commissioner John L. Winn and Macy's Chair- man and CEO Julie Greiner last night announced Conney Dahn as the Florida Department of Education/Macy's 2007 Teacher of the Year. The announcement was made during a ceremony hosted by Deborah Norville at Hard Rock Live at Universal' Studios CityWalk in Orlando. Dahn is a high school exception- al education teacher at Jensen Beach High .School in Martin County. : I am honored to recognize Conney tonight as our Teacher of the Year." said Commissioner Winn. "She embodies the core value of teaching that all stu- dents can succeed and never tires of helping them realize their goals." . Dahn will serve for one year as the Christa McAuliffe Ambassa- dor for education. touring the state to spread the word about educational opportunities and challenges in Florida. She Ax ill receive a cash prize of $10.000 from Macy's, a customized tro- phy and an all-expense paid trip to New York City for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. Macy's will .also award to each of the other four finalists Cathy Hardesty, Hill-Gustat Middle School, Highlands County; Jan Graham, Elizabeth Cobb Middle School, Leon County; Lynn Carrier, Gulfstream Elementary School, Miami-Dade County and Melissa Brinson, Suwan- nee Middle School, Suwannee County with a $5,000 check and a $500 Macy's gift card. Macy's also presented $1.000 to each of, the finalists' respec- tive schools to, be used toward educational programs. "Through. Conney's excep- tional approach, her students' have not only learned essential *facts and, figures, they have learned more about themselves, arid the world around them, helping them be better prepared for life," stated Greiner. The Florida Department of Education/Macy's Teacher of the Year is. chosen from more than 180,000 public school teachers by a selection committee com- prised of teachers, principals, parents, and the business com- munity. Florida's top educator is selected on the basis of their outstanding ability to teach and communicate knowledge of the subject taught, professional de- velopment, philosophy of teach- ing, and exceptional school and community service. The winner .must also show a superior capac- ity to inspire a love of learning in students of all backgrounds and abilities. For. more information about ,-the Florida Department of Education/Macy's 2007 Teacher of the Year, visit www.fldoe.org. pj 1 :~j hi4.EIAY.'A.'A','flhI~~T7 ,r-~ ~~'R~S1 EmilrnT~~: rdiIJ'i''l i:Ii1 hii .iIiIe] Mai lii .rZU-E rr'u'JITY I *.' [~ a, "If your car doesn't have a WHITE FORD sticker on the back... you cost us BOTH PRaR AO I CAMR CLEA RA NC_ Ti 2006 Ford Taurus SE "1 -- "0"' 9 9K Miles, V6. #006. 2005 Mustang Coupe '05 Ford Escape XLT '03 Mercury '03 Dodge 1500 '03 Ford F-250 Prgm. Veh.Warr. Avail. Automatic, Nie Car! #917 Auto, V6. #969 Mountaineer Crew Cab Reg. CabWorkTruck. ONLY Prgm.Veh.Warr.Avail. Prgrm.Veh.Warr.Avail. Premium, Leather #063 V8. #072 V8 Auto #071 S,9889* *1,5988* $17,888 ,88* $15,888* $ 8,88* c DriveaaLittle fBel l SE She or I CrossCity Mo re. r ..o *Genuine Motorcraft Oil & Filter Change lco Trento Rotate & inspect FourTires 0Town Inspect Brake System dl w *Check Air and Cabin Filters Value l tFagt 1n $e2pn, FR-5 o n Archer l -Check Belts and Hoses t C a ,, I FRmRU *Multi-Point Inspection je I Wh ie Ford I A great value in maintenance -gOee oil change, tie rotation, thorough Inspectionl ME RCU RY In c elandAn and morel Up to qts. Motorcraft Oil. ITaxes, disposal fees and diesel vehicles extra. Va'idO. WhCupon.fferEx s7-2 l 916 N. Young Blvd., Chiefland Toll Free 1-888-864-4582 Wfi r l *Prices net of rebate, plus tax, tag and $224.95 document fees. All vehicles subject to prior sale. Art for illustration purposes only. In stocks units only. See dealer for details. (W.AC.) = With approved credit, financing with Ford Motor Credit Co. Prices may include FMCC financing. Website: www.whitefordmercurcom Incentives and rebates subject to change. **Present White Ford-Mercury vehicle owners. West:wtWloprssoryo"ocnn BELLS & WHISTLES STORAGE Phone: 386-294-3867 Across from the Dollar General 1859 North Hwy 129 Bell, FL 10 x 10 UNITS, 10x '20 units & 10x 20 climate controlled available Hunt's Pest Control, Inc. GET RID OF: Cockroaches Waterbugs German Roaches Ants and other Household Pests WE DO TERMITE INSPECTIONS Phone 493-1051 493-4772 \'te send em packing! CM CT-TPT.Q.T CC)T TNTY TOT JRNAT. Page Seven r"TT Tn iT'%A X7TT T 17 10 llni GIJLCHRIST COU NTY JIOURNAL A A /ThAYHTIY9 k9AL) Springhouse Quilters News Shirley Murphy makes and quilts lot of quilts and this But- terfly Quilt is one of mani,. ' Springhouse Quilters News The summer is here and where is the rain. The lack of rain has not stopped the grass from grow- - ing. Springhouse Quilters has a large yard and it is difficult to keep the grass mowed and the -property in good shape even without rain. But, thanks to a' work crew under the super\ vision of Jeffer Crawl from Lancaster Correctional Institute, Spring- house members ha'e been fortu- ,nate enough to have a work crew that comes out to the property and they have helped keep the It's Not About the Car t It's about the precious cargo it carries. As a local independent agent, we can design an insurance program that's just right for you and your family. Give the people you love Safe.Sourid.Secure. protection :i. from Auto-OwnerstInsuranrii, Company.. . N1237 1237. property mowed and in great shape. Mr. Crawl and his group of young people have worked very hard in keeping the entire premises in good shape Springhouse Quilteis is a nrot-for-profit organizati .,n and is composed of a. large group of ladies, with most of the ladies physically unable to keep the property looking nice. A special! heartfelt thanks is extended to Mr. Craw1l. Mr Mallo. and Gore, and the Warden. NMs. Phillips for assisting us in maintaining ,his property. Without their help it %would be difficult for the quilt ladies to keep the propertN in duto-Owners Insurance nature Coast' insurance 2 NWHI T 19, Chiefland, FL 32626 352-493-2565 good condition. It is wonderful to have a group in the community that can help non-profit organiza- tions with their maintenance and upkeep. It is a great service to the community and is very much appreciated. Springhouse and other organizations can better serve the community with the help the) receive from Lancaster Correction Institute. Some of the members of Springhosue. Quilters accept quilts to complete for others. Goldie-Bartusek is .one of the members that quite often agrees to finish quilts for the public. She recently completed a.quilt that %\as probably made in the 1950's, It is very attractive and quite different in color than the. new fabrics and colors we see today. This quilt top was made in bright yellow, orange and' brown. It is a striking quilt now that it. is finished. The family inheriting this quilt have a memory they now can enjoy. For* information about Springhouse Quilters. contact Anna Gilliam. 463-7922 or Lois Scott. 463-2207.. Lois Scott. Publicity Trenton Volleyball To Host Camp The Trenton High School volleyball coaches w ill host a volleyballl camp July 24th-26th. This camp is intended for any grade 6-12 students attending Trenton NMiddle/High School in the 2006-07 school year. who. are interested in playing \ol- leyball. The cost of the camp is $100. which includes all meals and the cost of bringing in Di- visionI college players to help with the training. Registration N ill be from' 8 30-9:30 a.m. Monday at the THS g m and students will be released at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday. All participants in this camp must have a current FHSAA physical evaluation,. parent consent form and UF and Shands release form,'on' file with the head; coach.' 'If these'three forms; are not on,'file:' and ,cur- rent, you may not participate in . the camp. Campers are reminded to bring your own mattress and bedding, towels and toiletries as well as enough clothes for the three days. Any special condi- tion" and/or medications must be- presented to the head coach with complete written instructions at the time of registration. MWe are looking forward, to a GREAT 'camp. Come ready to work and bring a great attitude. Do nlot be late. We will start promptly at 10:00 a.m. Monday. If you have any questions, call Coach Broker at 463-2491. Generation Boomerang: Caught In The Nest Take Charge America Has Seven Tips For College Grads Who Can't Afford To Leave Home They've got diplomas, work experience and motivation. So, why are growing numbers of 20- som'ethings moving back in with their parents? The aptly dubbed 'Generation Boomerang' consists qf about 18 million Americans between the ages of 18 and 34 who can't seem to find their financial foot- ing and are forced to fly back to the nest. "As college tuition and other expenses associated with higher education coritinue to rise, sttu- dents are saving less and less," said Mike Sullivan, director of education for Take Charge America, a nonprofit credit counseling agency. "And what's worse, debts are rising. Students need to understand that racking up high' interest debt on credit cards will come back to bite them." Recent statistics support this view. Twenty-somethings are now twice as likely to have a negative net worth than, older people. "About two thirds of under- graduates are in debt," added Sullivan. "They will feel the burden of that debt upon gradu- ation. The sooner they act, the sooner they can make it on their' 'own." Sullivan has seven tips for boomerangers who .want to, make it on their own - Communicate It's' likely been years since you've lived at your parent's home, so it's important to communicate with each other about both of your expectations and lifestyles. as %well as imrimediate and future plans. And don't forget, your' 'debt is affecting \our parents' lifestyles so they deserve to un- derstand how\ sour plan to deal w ith those obligations. Put it in Writing Come up. %with 'a temporary Jliving' plan before .ou move in with our parents. Will )ou be paying rent and/or sharing part of the utilities'" Put it in writing just as you would if you were renting your own home or apartment. This can present problems with finances and miscommunication in the future. Don't Freeload Moving in with your parents is not an invitation to freeload. Don't expect your parents to cook your, meals, wash your clothes or act as your alarm clock. You are.an. adult and should not only share the household duties, but if \ou are not paying \our fair share of the expenses, offer to do more around the house. Show your appreciation and your parents will accept your return to the nest more easily. Nonetheless, don't get too comfortable. Stay focused on your plan for inde- pendence Pay Off High-Interest Debt. In 2004,. 66 percent of .col- lege undergraduates had at least one credit card with an average balance of $2,169, according to, Nellie Mae. If you only submit minimum payments, that bal- ance can take years to pay off. Make it a priority to pay off this high-interest debt so you free up additional money for rent or a mortgage. Save, Save, Save Live sim- ply and start saving for your own nest egg. Living at home will allow you to free up more ,money, but that doesn't mean, you should spend more money. When possible, eat in, drive less, don't ring up cell phone minutes and buy used goods. Small life- style changes like these can help .you sale hundreds of dollars a month. . It's Not Forever Despite your current living situation, a college education really does pay off. According to the U.S. Census Bureau. the expected lifetime earnings of a person holding a bachelor's degree is $2.1 million. Those %with only ,high school educations are ex- pected to earn $1.2 million o\er the course of their lives. Set a Date Goal setting in- creases your chances of success. Set a specific ttmeframe that you expect to li\e at home and take the necessary steps to move out by your intended date. Share this information with ,your par- ents and ask for their emotional support. And there is good news 'for young job seekers Accord-' ing to CareerBuilding com. 70. percent of hiring managers say they plan to recruit recent col- lege graduates this year. There's no gain %without pain. Benjamin Franklin No CASH PRIZES!!!!! FOR Low NET AND GROSS DIVISIoNs Entry Fee: 3-Man Scramble $50 each or $150/team. Includes 18 holes of golf and lunch after completion of play. ' Hole Sponsors: If your organization would like to sponsor a hole, please contact Bill Deen at 352-463-1313 be- tween the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Bell Wood Turners To Hold 5th Annual Wood Turning Demonstration and Sale July 22nd The Bell Wood Turners are holding their 5th -annual wood turning' demonstration .and sale on July' 22nd from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Bell Community :Center on State Highwa\ 129 in Bell.. Bell Wood Turners is the' North Central Florida Chapter of The American Association of Woodturners. Some of Florida's most skill- ful and artistic wood turners will be demonstrating throughout the day arid making their wood turn- ings available for sale. Admis- sion is free and door prizes will be drawn every, hour throughout ,the event. All attendees will receive a free weed/bud pot, made by members of the local chapter. For more information contact Gary Taylor at (352) 463-2605 or Carl Rehberg (386) 965- 0433. . There is a great difference be- tween worry and concern... A worried person sees a problem, and a concerned person solves a problem. Harold Stephens Example is not the main thing in influencing others-it's the only thing. . Albert Schweitzer REGISTRATION: 1st Team Member Handicap 2nd Team Member Handicap 3rd Team Member Handicap Mail To: THS Quarterback Club P. 0. Box 391 Trenton, Florida,32693 Maximum Handicap of 25. Average handicap of Team Members multiplied by 80% will be used when calculating Net Scores. Four drives from each player must be used during tournament. U Page Eight IITCHES FIELDS .TOM WILKIL 352-463-2584 352-538-5072 Insured DISASTER/STORM, RECOV EY LAND CLEARING & SITE PREP TREE & BRUSH REMOVAi BACKHOE & BUSH HOG 9BOX BLADE Trenton Community Farmers' Market At the Depot 419 North Main Street (Hwy-129) Open Every Tuesday from 2pm 6pm LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Every week: Open Mic from 2 3, Featured Act 3- 5 July 18-MACK & PAULA TYNER Fa rm Fresh July 25'- FLYING TURTLES STRING BAND August 1 TBA Produce August'8 TBA August 15- COUNTY ROAD & August 22- TBA 1 August 29- CLOGGING WORKSHOP with PlantS ELETA SUCSY of the Cross Creek Cloggers Drop-Off location for Canned Goods for the Food Pantry InfoLine: 352-463-4000, option 8 Vendor Information 386-454-3950 Sponsored by City of Trenton & Gilchrist County Journal Trenton H.S. Quarterback Club 7th Annual Golf Scramble Saturday, July 29, 2006 at Chiefland Golf & Country Club Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. Shotgun start at 8:30 a.m. Who is Delight Curtis? For those that know me this is not a question but for the ones who do not know me, I would like to take a few moments to tell you about myself. I am a native Floridian and was raised and spent most of my married life in the St. Petersburg area. My husband, Bud, and I have been married, for 39 years and we have three grown, prosperous children and one grandchild. l All of our children went through the Pinellas County School System and I was invloved in the Brownies, T-Ball, Baseball, PTA and SAC meet- ings. I attended open houses and often volunteered in the school office. Since moving to Gilchrist County, I have been involved in the Southesast Gilchrist County Fire Department and I ran for County Commissioner in 2004. I have always been community minded and have offered my services to the county wherever needed during emergencies. I have always been known as a can do person and with my positive attitude I know I can succeed in performing the duties of a School Board Member. Our children have a right to an education that will provide them with the necessary skills to be able to obtain their goals in life. Please allow me to be a part of their future. Vote for Delight Curtis for School Board Member in District 1 on September 5, 2006. Sincerely, D light Curtis Political advediscrcnt paidl and approved by Delight Curtis for Gilchrist County School Board Member District I (NP) THURSDAY. JULY 20.2006 i !THURSDAY. JULY 20. 2006 GILC7HRIST COUNTY JOU RNAL. Bright Futures. Medallion Scholars Can Now Attend Florida Community Colleges Tuition Free New Florida Law Offers 100 Percent Scholarships For Tuition And Fees At All Of Florida's 28 Community Colleges Community Colleges and Workforce Education Chancel- lor David Armstrong recently announced that the Florida Com- munity College System (FCCS) can now offer reimbursement for 100-percent of tuition and fees for Bright Futures Medal- lion scholars at each of the state's 28 community colleges. This represents an increase over Sthe 75-percent reimbursement police. in years past. The legis- lation benefits both current and new Medallion scholars. "This new legislation will create even greater access to .',higher education for many of Florida's students," said Chan- cellor Armstrong. "Providing the Medallion scholars with an opportunity to receive a quality community college education without having to worry about the cost of tuition and fees is an , incredible foot in the door for them to achieve the career and lifestyle they desire." New legislation, signed by Governor Jeb Bush to become effective July 1, will expand op- portunities for Florida's Bright Futures Scholarship program -and supports Florida's long- standing two plus two system. The legislation, approved during the recent 2006 Florida Legisla- tive session, enables Florida Medallion Scholars, eligible high school graduates with a 3.0 grade point average, to receive free tuition and fees if they at- tend a Florida public community college and enroll in courses toward an associate degree. .Under previous legislation, Bright Futures scholarships paid 75-percent of tuition for Medallion scholars whether they attended a community college or state university. Medallion stu- dents now have a greater incen- tive to enroll at one of Florida's 28 community colleges. The new legislation w ill re-' "move all financial barriers for medallion, scholarship :students to, go to' any community col- lege in the state; thus allowing the first two years of their post secondary education to be fully underwritten. These students could then transfer to a state university and finish their final two years using the 75-percent- Bright Futures scholarship. Florida's community colleges are gearing up to inform high school students of this ne"\ op- tion and to handle the applicants. Many institutions are holding special events this summer to allow priority' registration and tours for the Nledallion students. The Florida Communii lege System, through its dation for Florida's Corn Colleges and in partners the Florida Lottery an Florida Cable Telecomm tions Association, is lau a public service camp alert Floridians to the c The campaign, to begin will include television an public service announce which encourages interest dents to log on to www.fld or contact their local comn college for more informant The Florida Bright I 'Scholarship Program wa ated in 1997 by the I Legislature. This Florida 'tery-funded scholarship pr rewards students for thei demic achievements during school by providing fuindi them to pursue postsecc educational and career g, Florida. During the 2004-05 year, more than 130,000 F students received funding Florida Bright Futures Sc ship. More information on F Bright Futures Schol Program can be found i at w%%ww.firn.edu/doe/brf or by calling toll-free at I 827-2004. God's voide still speaks listening heart. ty Col- Foun- munity ip with nd the nunica- nching By: Tammy Moore ign to The Bell Boys and Girl's 14u, change Team District 4 Champions July 1, placed 3rd in the Babe Ruth d. radio State Tournament held July 13th ments, -17th in Oviedo, FL. This team ed stu- was probably one of the smallest loe.org leagues in the state. Most of the munity other all-star teams were made ion. up of more than one team com- Futures bined to form their all-star team. is cre- 'The Bell Bulldogs started the Florida tournament on Thursday .tak- a Lot- ing on a Winter Team and Were program caught off guard and suffered a ir aca- 15-0 loss. Neither team nor par- ig high ents let this loss get them down. ing for Many. people view ing the game ondary reported that you were unable to goals in tell that Bell \\as losing by the spirit the team and parents had. award Bell returned on Friday to face 7lorida .- a Leesburg team in an elimina- for a .lion game and found their wa. ;holar- to victory., eliminating Leesburg from the state tournament. 1lorida The Bell Bulldogs returned on arship SarurdaN at 11:00 a.m. again in online high spirits and faced a Jackson- utures \ille area team called the Creeks. 1-888-, The Bell Bulldogs once again "won another game and sent an- other team home. The team took a short break t6 the and had returned to play another game in 102 degree weather. Although tired, the team faced a \erN strong Apopka team. The team once again pulled off this victory and sent Apopka home. The team now had to face Nor- mandy in their toughest chal- lenge of the tournament. Nor- mandy jumped out to an early lead on the Bulldogs. This ex- hausted Bulldog team continued to show heart, but were outlasted inr the end and lost, elifminat-' ing them from the tournament. There were a few tears, but this team was proud that the ten girls from Bell placed 3rd in the state. This was a unique situation for such a small league and a small team to do so well. S Many people asked this week- end, where is Bell? They were %ery surprised to see our girls at the state tournament much less placing 3rd in the state. This team was the big talk of the tournament, and wasreferred, to '. e f traj ir) m m nte \ ths ' om\ one red light in Ihe entire county. Many of these people cheered-on this team., The little team that could, did; placing 3rd in this State Tourna- mient. : Sunday morning most of the team inas having lunch in Ovie- Shown on back row from left are Coach Chris Sanders, A Melanie Davis, Brooke VWhitlelt. Brooke A martin, Reilee A Moote, Holli A oore. Stephanie IVooten. Catie Cason, Coach Troy Wlhitle/', Dug- out Nanny Lorrie IWhitley. Batgirl Talia WVhitley held in back row, arms. Front Row from left are Melanie Myer, Tyilef ordtan, and'Crystal Sanders e- M O M ------------------- - -- ----- --- ----------. -_.... --: ---- - Shown are the Bell Bulldogs girls-14-uinder softball team surrounding their coaches and parent after they/ lhd their heads shaved. On the front row are Coach Chris Sanders, Allen Cason and .,Coach Troi IVhitle/. do before their nde home, when Coach Chris Sanders received a alL:,-He :announced to the par- --!entspgraindma. and team that the Normandy Team had declined to proceed to the next level 'of the tournament trail. This meant that the Bell Bull Bulldogs were now invited to attend the regional tournament in Virginia to rep-, resent the Babe Ruth Softball Team as the state runner up. The cheers filled the restaurant, as well as tears of joy. No 'scorebook could ever show how hard these girls played.and how much heart they put in this tournament. Holli Moore led the way by show ing great stamina in the 102 degree weather at the pitcher's mound with Tyler Jordan showing re- lentless hustle behind the plate loaded down with. the catcher's gear. Infielders Catie Caso#, Crystal Sanders, Melanie Davis,, Stephanie Wooten, and Melanie Myer showed rock solid defense. Melanie Davis relieved Holli Moore on the mound dunngthe,, first game. pitching an awesome game. Outfielder Brooke Whit-' ley w ith her spectacular catches w\as followed up bN Brook Mar- tin'and the youngest member of the teari, Reilee Moore, in a firm defensive effort. The team met upon returning home to plan their next step and to take care of other important business. It seems as though Coach Chris- Sanders,' Coach Troy Whitley, and parent Allen Cason,. needed haircuts. The team members took turns shav-" ing these three heads. A few of the other fathers; have no0v got their hair .on the "chopping block" for their next leg of the tournament. This team is now planning their trip to the Regional Tourna- ment in Grand Allen, Virginia. This tournament will be July 26th 30th. This team has about 10 days to raise the money to represent their community and state The'. eamn estimates that they will need to raise~rlo,00 for rravel expenses for this tbour- namnent. The Bell 14u All-Star team ap- preciates all of the support from this community. We hope that the" community will continue to support us as we prepare to represent our area and the state in this tournament. If you would like to donate to our team, please contact: Chris Sanders (352) 318-9505. Troy Whitley (352) 949-3789, or Juanda Myer (352) 213-2814. Again this team thanks ev- eryone! I can complain because rose- bushes have thorns or rejoice because "thorn" bushes have roses. Bell Fourteen Under Earns Third Place In Babe Ruth State Tournament JL -L IPX AJ N-/ A-11 CK Contracting, Inc. Building Contractor Licensed & Insured * Specializing in Spec & Custom Homes * Serving the Tri-County Area * Many home plans available: 3 or 4 Bedroom .Ranging from 1,200,- 2,300 sq. ft. * Personalized service for every home owner Give us a call, .e 'illbe happy to help ,L,.,., create a wonderful new home. 352-472-9888 Chad & Kellie White .- ... , o Ope D4t (r4 Val a Scungili La Monica Fried Conch Fritters served with roasted pepper aiolj.... .... .7.00 Antipasto (for 2) Imported meats, cheeses, olives, and marinated grilled vegetables 8.00 Entrees Ravioli Pomodoro Jumbo cheese ravioli in fresh tomato/basil sauce, topped with mozzarella and baked . . . . . . . . . .......... 12.00 Rotini Petrello Sauteed chicken breast with sun-dried tomatoes and pine nuts simmered in a caramelized onion, balsamic demi-glaze, tossed with rotini pasta, topped with nut crusted goat cheese . . .... .... . . . . . ..........15.50 Sizzling Steak (House Specialty) 14 oz. ribeye pan-seared with peppers, mushrooms and onions. served over herb roasted potatoes . . . . . . . . 18.00 (All entrees served with house chopped salad with red wine vinaigrette) Desserts Cannoli............. ............................................. 4.50 New York Cheesecake with Strawberries . . . . .. . . . . . 6.50 Chocolate Della Nona.............................. ................. .6.50 Catering For All Occasions 115 N.W. First Street Trenton, Florida 32693 (352) 463-8494 CLOUD HALEY PROFESSIONAL AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT HAS A STAKE IN THE GILCHRIST COUNTY SCHOOL SYSTEM Son Brice Haley 12th Grade, Daughter Breanna Haley 9th Grade. g, * PLANNING AND OVERSEEING BUDGETS "J -Valcomm, Inc.-budget: $3.3 million ". -City of Trenton budget: $1.2 million Church Finance Board budget: $183,000 . G.C.R.A./S.VL. yearly budget: $120,000 k.\ , S* EXPERIENCE IN REPRESENTING AND OVERSEEING PEOPLE Valcomm, Inc., 19 years Regional Sales and Marketing Manager for Florida, S.South Georgia and South Alabama, oversees a staff of 15 people. 10 years Trenton City Commissioner. G.C.R.A./S.V.L. Commissioner of Baseball, Basketball, Football, and Soccer, total number of adults and youth in the program 900 plus. Director of Christianh Youth camps overseeing 150 to 200 youth. * COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT 19 Years and present, volunteer for G.C.R.A./S.V.L.: Coach, President, Vice-President, and Treasurer. Overseeing the first and second phases of McArthur Park (Field of Dreams). 7 Years promoting the Suwannee Valley Bluegrass Festival, to raise funds for theYouth of Gilchrist County for'recreation thru G.C.R.A./S.V.L. 4 Years, having monthly bluegrass picking at theTrenton Train Depot for the Public. 13 Years and present, Gilchrist County School System volunteer in Business Expo, sponsor of Student Year Books, Band Booster, and a sponsor of the Football, Softball, and Basketball teams. VOTE VOTE FOR CLOUD HALEY | SEPTEMBER 5TH for Gilchrist County School Board District 1 Political advertisement paid and approved by Cloud E. Haley for Cilchrist County School Board District 1 (NP) Kids First Kids6 6FirstHidsFirst KidsaFirst PA'ma Ni nea GTT LCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JULY 20, 2006 Too Soon To Celebrate Success For Manatees The state of Florida recently bowed to political pressures to redefine the World Conservation Union's (IUCN), criteria for en- dangered species, calling them" 'Threatened" instead of "Endan- gered." Patrick Rose, recently appointed as Executive Director of Save the Manatee Club, ad- vises the public not to:be misled into thinking, the endangered manatees' future is secure. "Although the manatee is still listed as Endangerid atl the fed-, eral level and is recommended for Endangered status at the in- ternational level, the state's plan to downlist manatees prema- turely could haveI grave"future consequences for the manatee population since most protec- tions fori manatees are imple- mented at the state level," Rose said. "Even though the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) insists pro- tection for Florida's official state marine mammal won't change, a review 'of Florida law shows En- dangered species receive more protection than Threatened spe- cies." The commission claims the Management Plan they'll devise will protect the manatees. butRose sa.s Florida's Legisla- ture will be pressured b. power- ful lobbying interests to reduce the.agencN's authority and fund- ing used for manatee protection efforts. Gregory V. Beauchamp Douglas K. McKoy According to FWC's scien- tists, the manatee population .could be reduced by as much as 50% in the future from grow- ing human-related threats, red tide, and habitat loss. Statistics" also show boat strikes continue to kill manatees in near-record numbers., . -During winter months, manatees use the warm water discharges of power plants. AsJ agihg' plants are closed, these discharges will' no longer be available to manatees seeking refuge from the cold. Similarly, the natural springs that manatees also depend on for winter ref- uges are being degraded from pollution, and spring flows' are decreasing from development. pressures within spring water- sheds. There are mounting con-. cerns that the loss of these % inter habitats could cause catastrophic future losses in the manatee. population. Rose. who officially assumed the title ,of Executive Director on. July. 1st, is no stranger to, 'the manatees' plight or to the organization He has been Di- rector of Government Relations for the Club since 1996 and has over: 30 years' experience working with, manatees His extensive background includes advocating for manatees before the .Florida Legislature and Governor and Cabinet. Rose was the. first federal Manatee Reco er\ Acti cities Coordina- tor and Florida's first Manatee and Marine Mammal Coordi- nator. Working at the state's Marine Research Laboratory in St. Petersburg he implemented and oversaw Florida's manatee and marine mammal research and management programs. He also went on to head the'state's Office of Protected Species in Tallahassee where he provided overall policy guidance 4and direction for statewide recovery efforts for endangered and pro- tected marine species until 1996. Rose served as a member of each federal Manatee Recovery Team and is a former member of the I.U.C.N. World Conservation Union/Strenia Specialist Group. He has won numerous profes- sional awards and has a Master's degree in aquatic biology from the UniversitN of Missouri at Kansas City and a Certification in Public Management (CPMi from Florida State University. Judith Vallee, who was Save the Manatee Club's Executive Director for the past 21 years, handed the torch over to Pat so she could pursue other interests, but she will also continue to be involved with the Club as a part- time fund raiser. "I'm happ) thai such a dedicated and quali- flied professional %will lead the Club." Vallee said. When Rose isn't busy work- ing, he often can be found diving and taking photos of manatees or enjoying a day fishing with friends and family. "Ever since the fourth grade. I knew I wanted to work with manatees." said Rose. "They are victims of our fast-paced, non-stop grow th. With good. long-range plans, we can and must ensure a place in Florida's future for the mana- tee. The FWVC would have you believe that manatees are doing just fine, but their own data show that in some parts of their range their numbers are already decreasing. With the human population of Florida grow ing by leaps and bounds, the future of the manatee is far from se- cure," stated Rose. Helen- Spivey. Co-Chair of Save the Manatee Club's Board of Directors said. "I ha\e known Pat for years and can assure ev- eryone he will work diligently to ensure that manatees are actually recovered and help others under- stand that manatees are just not ready to be downlisted or have protection measures weakened." The first' step to leadership is' servanthood. Closings * Tide Insurance 302 North Main Street Trenton, Florida TACKLE FOOTBALL & CHEERLEADING ' Si S Suwannee Valley Leagues S0Boys and Girls July 22nd 9 am to 12 noon Where: McArthur Park Age: 7-12 years old (EVERYONE must bring copy birth certificate) Cost: 75.00 PER CHILD Cheerleading Camp, July 24th 27th 6 7:30 pm THS auditorium Football Contact: Tony Williams 463-8439 Cheerleading Contact: Krishna Frye 463-0427 Terry Parrish 463-2248 The FWC Report For July 7th-13th This report represents some significant events the FWC handled over the .past week;. however, it does not include all actions taken by the Division of Law Enforcement. NORTH CENTRAL RE- GION BRADFQRD COUNTY July 7th, Lt. Gary Knowles. encountered a vehicle parked near the Santa Fe River in Brooker. While speaking with the sole occupant of the vehicle, Knowles detected the odor of burnt marijuana emanating from inside the vehicle A \e- hicle search yielded a partial marijuana cigarette and a small baggie containing less than 20 grams of marijuana, along w ith a pack of cigarette papers. A records check on the vehicle's tag showed it had expired over a )ear ago and was subject to seizure for financial responsibil- ity. The contraband and license tag were seized. Knowles cited the 28-year-old Bradford County man with possession of less than 20 grams of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. DUVAL COUNTY July 12th. Officer Craig Ma- guire staked out a position in his vessel near the entrance to Brown's Creek. After approxl- matelN one hour. Maguire sa%% two kayaks exit the creek and pull to a dirt ramp. Maguire contacted the individuals. One individual said he had caught a few spotted sea trout, and they were all the legal size of 12 inches. Maguire informed them the legal size was 15 inches. Af- ter measuring the fish. Maguire pointed out to the individual that none of the fish measured to even 12 inches and issued the appropriate citation. July 7th. Officers Brad Givens and Craig Maguire were on wa- ter patrol in the Atlantic. approx-" +,- u LA"E CITY '* ADJUNCT INSTRUCTORS FOR ALLIED HEALTH PROGRAMS Fall 2006 EMS Instructors: Teacn EMT Basic and Paramedic courses. Must be registered Florida .,I paramedic witn associate degree apd two years field experience. Bachelor degree, teaching experience and instructor certificate in ACLS. BTLS. BLS. PEP preferred Contact Dr. A. Pallas. Execulii e Director, Allied Health Academ Phone: (386) 754-4487Far (386) 754-4987 Email: pallasa.Flakecitrcc.edu Patient Care Assistant Program: Part time Instructor for clinical/lab 200 hours total, between 9/27-11/15 Must have FL RN license and 2 years recent experience in acute or long term care k1 Position $22 00-$25 00/hour based on degree) Practical Nursing Program: Clinical instructor three days per week between 8/23-12/15. Must have FL RN license and 2 years recent experience in acute or long term care BSN and teaching experience preferred. (2 Positions $22.00-25.00/hour based on degree.) Registered Nursing Program: Clinical facultyfor 20 hours/week fall term (16 weeks). Must have BSN, FL RN license , and 2 years recent acute/long term care experience. MSN and teaching experience preferred. ($23.00-26.00/hour based on degree.) S LPN to RN Bridge Program: Clinical faculty for Saturdays 7A-7P between 8/24-12/9 (Gainesville). Strong Medical- Surgical background preferred. Must have FL RN license and 2 years recent experience in adult acute care. BSN required; MSN and teaching experience preferred. ($23 00-26 00/nour based on degree.) ' NUTRITION (NUR 1192) Instructor: Must have a Masters Degree in nutrition or related field with 18 graduate hours in nutrition. (MSN's are qualified.) Class meets Tuesday evenings 5:OOPM-9:OOPM. Health Careers CORE HCP 0001: CORE is an introductory course to health occupations and the health care delivery system. RN or health care experience with AS degree required (1 Position Body Structure and Function (PRN 0080) Instructor: Must have a BSN in nursing or health related field with a minimum of 8 hours coursework in anatomy and physiology. Class meets Monday and Wednesday 5:00 PM-6:45PM. Contact Robbie Carson, Director of Nursing Programs Phone: (386) 754-4304 Fax (386) 754-4904 College.application and copy of transcripts required. Application available on the web at: www.lakecitvcc.edu LCCC is accredited by the Southern Association, of Colleges and Schools VP/ADA/EA/EO College in Education & Employment imately 12 miles off of Vilano Beach. A few minutes later the officers pulled alongside a vessel which had stopped to fish. The officers asked the vessel opera- tor, who is also a charter captain, if they had caught any fish. The charter boat captain stated they had. Givens boarded the vessel and conducted boating safety and marine fisheries inspec- tions. The vessel'captain opened a deck hatch, which contained several species of reef fish and two dolphin. Givens asked the captain if he had measured the dolphin to which the captain answered. "No but they should be legal." However, neither of the two dolphin was of legal size. Givens also noticed three \ermillion snapper in the bait. -twell and one %ermillion snap- per head. 'All of the %ermillion snapper were undersize. When Givens asked 'wh. he was keep-. ing undersized vermillion snap- per, the 'essel captain stated he '4as cutting them up for bait. Givens explained to the captain that it is illegal to keep undersized regulated species of fish and use them for bait. The fish were seized and the captain was issued citations for posses- sion of undersized dolphin and vermillion snapper. Warnings. were also issued for %ermillion snapper not being kept in whole condition. . Jul\ 10th. Officer Craig Ma-' guire \was investigating a derelict vessel in the Trout Riker. He and Officer Brad Gi\ens visited the area to see if they could locate and inter\ iew the last known owner of the vessel. The officers found the individual liv ing on a houseboat nearby. During the interview it was discovered that the individual had an outstand- ing warrant out of Du% al County. The individual was arrested and , transported to the Duval County Jail. Investigation of the derelict vessel is ongoing. Okefenokee National' Wildlife Refuge Guiding Permit Applications for 2006-2007 Applications for Commercial Guiding Permit are now avail- able at Okefenokee National Wildlife Refug, (NR'R). Com- ,.,pleted, applications ,are ,due. to the refuge by Jul\ 15. 2006. Any person or organization that charges.a fee to lead tours or trips at Okefenokee NWR is required by law to have a Special Use Permit. Permit guidelines require liability insurance, first aid training, and refuge specific training for all guides. Guiding permits are only *issued once each year from October 1, 2006 through September 30, 2007. Guiding permits are required to protect the tour operator, the public, and the resources of the. refuge. The objectives of Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge's guiding'policy are to: Ensure that guides have the knowledge, skills, and resources to promote and provide 'safe, high quality recreational and educational visitor experiences, at Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Ensure that guides have back- ground knowledge of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife service, Oke- fenokee National Wildlife Ref- uge and, major resource issues, Protect the natural resources at Okefenokee National Wildlife -Refuge,' The application deadline for guiding permits (2006-2007) is Saturday, July 15, 2006. For a complete application pack- .age and additional information on commercial guiding, please contact Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge at (912) 496- 7836 or write: Refuge Manager, Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Route 2 Box 3330,. Folkston, GA 31537. Some Medicare Beneficiaries Can Still Enroll In New Prescription Drug Program Without Penalty If you qualify for extra help with Medicare prescription drug .,costs, \ou can still sign up for a Medicare Prescription Drug plan and pay no, penalty for 2006. The special enrollment period for beneficiaries %who are also eligible for extra help runs through December 31st of this year. Medicare beneficiaries are eligible for the extra help if they have limited income and resources. The extra help can pay for part of the monthly pre- miums, annual deductibles and prescription co-payments under the new prescription drug, pro- gram, and it could be worth an average of $3,700 per year.' - Your may, qualify for the extra help if your- annual income is below $14,700 for an individual ($19,800 for a married couple living together), and you:have resources totaling no more thah S$10,000 ($20,000 for a. mar- ried couple living together). Resources include such things as bank accounts, stocks and bonds, but do not include your house and car. And, resources can be slightly higher (an addi- tional $1,500 per person) if you will use some of your money for,. burial expenses. If you think that you might qualify for. the extra help, you can complete an online applica- tion at www.socialsecurity.gov or call 1-600-772-1213 (TTY' 1-800-325-0778) and 4 rep- resentative will assist you in filing an application over the phone. For more information about the prescription drug program itself, you can go to wvxw.medicare.gov. By Clif Copeland Social Security Public Affairs f Gator Storage Trailer Rental S352-372-6206- IRON-FREE WELL WATER COMPANY, INC. Taking Iron Out Of Your Water Every Day 1-800-437-1128 Or visit us at: www.iron-free.com *** See our ad in Classified section of this newspaper"* Forever Flowers & GSifts 352-463-9176 oa Toll Free 1-866-261- 7986 it,/ www.foreverflowerstrenton.com "lour Full Service Florist" 21/ East iade Strvee Trenton. Florida 32693 Fresh & Silk Arrangements Funerals IIeddings Rentals Plants Prayer Box Bracelets Momm)y & Ale Bracelets AMaggiB. Purses Texas Leather Purses & Men's Wallets Baby Camo Large Selection of Picture Frames ", Hours: |ISAm J rg M-F 9am-5pm T leflora Laura Teague. Charloue Pedersen Owners am-12pm *,- . .. ^ ,-"---, ,, ... . PDo srT.n Lindsey Land Clearing Site Prep, Inc. *Fill Dirt & Limerock Site Prep & Pad Building Land Clearing Driveways Licensed& Insured 352-463-6125 or 352-535-573t Gilchrist Title Services A Security Title Company * Public Record Searches (352-463-6403) Fast and Friendly Service Ann tMarie Anni) Egan -1k, Candi{t e for 7-'- g 0lchrnst County SchfoolBoard'District 5 4829 SE 25th Lane Trenton, Florida 32693 352-472-4986 352-214-0837 , As a dedicated educator, I have first-hand experience dealing with the complex issues that parents, students, and school employees face on a daily basis. I have been teaching for seven years, and as a National Board Certified Educator, I have successfully demonstrated how my actions, both in and out of the classroom, have improved student achievement. National Board Certification is the highest credential in the teaching profession, achieved by less than 2% of teachers nationwide. I currently mentor local candidates, thereby helping promote high-quality education throughout our North Central Florida schools. I have always had a reputation for giving 100% of myself to helping students achieve beyond their expectations. Parents appreciate my open-communication policy and willingness to be an advocate for their children, not only in the classroom, but in all aspects to their lives. I diligently follow educa- tion issues and am often sought out by others who respect my knowledge and seek guidance concern- ing these issues. I plan to apply this same proficiency and awareness as a School Board member, keeping abreast of and thoroughly researching topics. I will pose questions and promote discussion. of issues. I will continue to be a vocal advocate for students, families, school employees, ahd all those working to provide a quality education for our children. I hope you will consider these qualities when voting in the coming election. Together, we can help our Gilchrist County School System continue to soar! Qualifications * Bachelor of Arts Degree Summa Cum Laude Saint Leo's University * Associate of Arts Degree with honors Santa Fe Community College * Seven years teaching experience with above average evaluations * National Board Certified Educator * Bronson Elementary School Teacher of the Year * Tri-County (Chiefland) Cancer Relay for Life Exeeutive Committee Member * Curriculum Facilitator/School Improvement/School Advisory Team * Levy County District Math Instructional Implementation Committee * National Board Mentoring Program * Coordinator (and originator) of Bronson Elementary school-wide Family Literacy Night and Healthy Living Programs * Tri-County Wal-Mart Teacher of the Year Political advertisement paid and approved by Ann Marie (Anni) Egan for Gilchrist County School Board District 5 (NPr rage len I THURSDAY, JULY 20, 2006 ~lU ~x r iiornu i .iui 'i auum ixi- A Balanced Approach To Our State's Energy Future By Jeffrey Lyash Last month, Gov. J b Bush signed into law the state's com- prehensive plan for a diverse, reliable and secure energy future for Florida. The Florida Renew- able Energy Technologies, and Energy'Efficiencyv Act aims to ensure that our state takes a bal- anced approach to meeting the energy needs of our residents over the next generation. Growth. is part of our land- -scape in Florida. We see its ben- efits and. challenges every day. But while our needs to expand' roads and.schools are often more visible, the need to plan and build electric facilities for the future is just as critical even .though it occurs -largely behind b'he scenes. Our state adds 1,000 new residents every day. Small com- munities and cities alike are get- ting larger. Our homes are also increasing in size by more than 50 percent, on average, since 1970. With more living space to cool and heat, more electronics in our daily lives, and more of 'us living and working here, we know our system of generating and distributing electricity must grow to keep'pace. When our customers flip a light switch, they expect the light to come on, with no "all 'circuits busy" message or delay in response. Progress Energy is committed .to ensuring that same. level; of electric system reliability in the future. The. solution is a balance of existing resources, strategic power pur-" chases, evolving technologies, increased energy efficiency and - new power plants. Energy efficiency remains. critical. Recently, the; State of Florida approved Progress Energy's plan to increase financial in- centives for several energy-ef- ficiency programs we offer to our customers. The goal is to attract' new participants to the programs, and to continue to educate contractors and builders on energy-efficient construction, because doing so helps to man- age energy resources now and in the future. These programs pro ide real benefits, not onl\ in reduced Engineered Trusses Trenton, Florida S352-463-8400 Beth Davis Photography S. EDDINGS -PORTRAITS SPECIAL EVENTS Freeman Plumbing Now Has a Service Van Available To Handle Your Plumbing Needs. Residential & Commercial Service Work & New Construction, Additions, Remodeling, Etc. (352) 498-0703 (352) 493-3801 (352) 210-0062 LICENSED INSURED FREE ESTIMATES Walter Freeman C.I M State Certified Master Plumber Acceptig Major #CFC057595 Credit Cards costs for our .customers, but in delaying the need for new power plants. Over the last 25 years, our customers have saved more than $750 million in energy costs through participation in efficien- cy programs representing more than 10 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity that did not have to be generated (roughly equivalent to the city of Orlando's power use over two years), and represent- ing a significant reduction in. energy-related emissions. Investing in renewables and technologies to power the fit- ture. We continually seek cleaner, newer ways to produce energy for our customers. We have part- nered with the state and federal government and other compa- nies and agencies in investing in hydrogen fuel-cell projects. as well as solar projects at schools. around the state and in other ar- eas, including Florida's first hy- drogen vehicle fueling station. We've signed a contract to purchase the energy generated by a planned power plant in cen- tral Florida that will use a bam- boo-like grass as its fuel source. Renewable biomass generation projects such as this one can help reduce the need to bum other fu- els, and they provide significant environmental benefits. Making the most of existing resources. Meanwhile, we continue to operate the most.diverse mix. of power plants in Florida in meeting the needs of 1 6 million households and businesses. That di ersiry helps ensure a reliable. affordably priced supply of elec- triciry even when fuel prices and supplies are volatile and makes us less reliant on foreign energy sources. And we're nesting to ensure that the generation of electncity from that mix of resources is accomplished in an environmentally sound manner. Developing new sources of electricity. We also know that even with an increased emphasis on energy efficiency and more investment in alternative energy sources, we must plan and build new sources of electricity generation to meet Florida's needs. 'As preiousli announced, we're evaluating sites for new generation (including the possi- bility of both nuclear and clean-' coal plants). We're undertaking "a bomptehe'i he 'process one that ~ ill lead us to in estments that make the most sense for our customers and communities. Sit- ing and building power plaAts, and the associated transmission, takes many years and involves many perspectives. Even though we won't make a final decision to. proceed for some time, we need to act now to keep options viable for the future. We expect to name'a potential nuclear plant site in the coming months. - Together. we're working to create an environmentally responsible, balanced energy solution, so that the reliable and efficient electric system that brings opportunity, comfort and dependability today will continue to energize our lives, our communities and our state in the future. ' Jeffrey Lyash is president and CEO of Progress Energy Flor- ida, the St. Petersburg-based electric utility that serves 1.6 million homes and businesses in central and west coastal 'Florida. Tri-County Gator Club Hears Talk On Suwannee River Sturgeon Mr. Frank Chapman, Associ- ate Professor of the University of Florida Fisheries Department, was our guest speaker at the July monthly meeting. He spoke on the statis of, our, Suwannee River sturgeon. At this time there are 3000 tagged sturgeon in the Suwan-, nee. They are lagged with a micro-chip. The sturgeon is. the most valuable fish. in the world. A fish can reach up to 500 pounds in the Suwannee. It takes a female 30 years to produce black eggs, black gold as it is knoIwn. One pound of black gold sells for over a $1000.00. Each female carries 10-20 pounds of roe. These fish love the cool springs of the river., They % ill spawn in fresh water then return to salt water. The first female sturgeon in captivity matured in 1990. It is a federal offense to be caught ,with one. even serving prison time. Mr. Chapman gave an open in itation to everyone to come by the Fisheries Department to see his sturgeon operation. Our scholarship winners this y-ear were Miss Sarah Durham,r Dixie County, and Mr. Ronnie : Ho. Gilchrist County. Mrs. Carol Da%%son won a beautiful Gator tag. The club meets on the second Monday of the month. UF Study Finds Large Dinosaurs Were Extremely Hot In Their Day If you think dinosaurs are hot today, just think back to about 110 million years ago when they really ran hot and heavy. One of the larger animals, a behemoth called Sauroposei- don proteles, weighed close to 120,000 pounds as an adult.. Now. a nevw study led by the University of Florida suggests it may have had a body tempera- ture close to 48 degrees Celsius. That is a 118-degree Fahren- heit normal temperature, about as hot' as most living creature-, can get before the' prdtelin. in their bodies actually. bNein .o break down. In fact, the size of the largest dinosaurs. may ulumately have been limited by their body tem- peratures, according to a team of scientists from, the UF Genetics Institute, 'the National Center for Ecological Analysis. and, Synthesis in Santa Barbara and the University of New Mexico. writing this week in the online journal PLoS Biology. . "One of the first things to strike me about our results was that larger dinosaurs, for their size ,were much more active than contemporary reptiles." said Andrew Allen, Ph.D., a researcher with the NCEAS. "If these animals functioned. at temperatures of 35 or 40 degrees centigrade, it suggests that they operated at a rate more like today's mammals and birds. While the largest dinosaurs may not have been running around as fast as in "Jurassic Park,' they certainly %were very active given, their extreme size." Tyrannosaurus rex, one of the more familiar dinosaurs considered by the researchers, probably had a cruising tem- perature of about 33 degrees Celsius, which is just o'er 91 degrees Fahrenheit, according to lead researcher James Gillooly, Ph.D., an assistant professor in UF's department of zoology. Humans have a normal tem- perature around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit and redline at about 108 degrees. Researchers determined di-- nosaur temperatures long a, subject of debate in biology by combining their understanding of relationships among body size, temperature and growth rates with newlN available fossil data on the growth rates of eight dinosaur species. Using a math- ematical formula, they produced the first prediction of dinosaur body temperatures based on di- rect fossil evidence. "When a dinosaur started small and grew large, its body temperature changed dramati- cally through its lifespan, unlike any animals we know today," Gillooly said. "It increased by about 5 degrees Fahrenheit for species weighing about 661 pounds as adults and nearly 36 degrees for those reaching about 27 tons. This dramatic difference in body temperature between the largest and smallest .dinosaurs probably resulted in major dif- ferences in how these species lived, because we know a dif- ference of 18 degrees Fahrenheit results in a nearly 300 percent change in rates of population growth, lifespan' and population- density." ', . For many years, scientists had assumed that dinosaurs were cold-blooded, or eciotherms. with a, slow metabolism that required the sun's heat to regu- late temperature. But in the late 1960s, the notion .emerged that dinosaurs, like mammals and 'birds, might have been warm- OUR STAND GOOD GRADES DESERVE MORE RECOGNITION THAN AN HONOR ROLL BUMPER STICKER. Cat( me today to see how much you can save with Allstate's good student discount. (352) 463-1542 Stanley Insurance Agency, Inc. David Swilley & Steve Jenkins 630 NE Santa Fe Blvd. High Springs info@wlstantey.com Call for a free quote You're in good hand. I l:. .u 'i i ''l i u' I ,- I'lT a di I 1 Ii Ii i ,c I j id iljri |e il h: I I i r ,i llt l i ] i n.. A' ii ll.Tl i u i. - L.:.irTli Ali:'l ljl P.'.p,-,r. fid I ,i: udl r if.-'i ji .i:" CvaiTI," I'It j.1l Allls lll' nll"i I:ilTirjI, r ,jnrii.,i.),)t IL ,il)r , Akins Heating & AC, Inc. 5120 N.W. 5th Street Bell, Florida 32619 352-463-2380 Servicing All Makes & Models * Specializing in High Efficiency Units * Indoor Air Quality Products H- .Call us today to ask about an additional power company rebate of up to $350. 5 "License#CAC1813540 L, -,- S .. blooded, or endotherms, with relatively constant, high body temperatures that were inter- nally regulated. - The new findings show that even though dinosaurs were cold-blooded reptiles,' large dinosaurs dissipated body heat more slowly,' and thus main- tained higher, more constant body temperatures similar to t sdav's thirds and mammals. Gillooly said. "If we know the. growth rate and size, we can determine temperature. If we know size and temperature, we can make predictions. about the rate at which an organism lives and reproduces. This' simple '. little, equation has turned out to be tremendously useful to understanding the biological time clock." Suwannee River Valley Christian Academy NO\V ACCEPTING APPLIC NATIONSS for 2006-2007 enrollment. We offer CORPORATE TAX CREDIT SCHOLARSHIP. Applications available. TEACHING POSITIONS AVAILABLE. A lust be of good moral character. Experience in teaching Sunday School, Bible School and/or homeschooling helpful. 352-463-1569 Mrs. Liz Mucciarone or Mrs. Debra Phillips ."NEED A FENCE OF ANY KIND CALL DANNY ANYTIME." Barb Wire Woven Wire Chain Link Board Danny Hodge , (352) 463-1832 Mobile (352) 493-5345 4110 S.W. 25th Street --Bell, Florida ,' i. .-. I _. lIl zdcopmrnti I COR-P LICLNS.) & INSLIRED CBC1253693 CRC1328366 Where imagination meets reality Building projects are not for the faint-at-heart. The culmination of hopes, dreams and ambitions into a finished product can be nerve-wracking and is quite often one of the largest financial and emotional investments you will ever make. Wherever you are in the process, brainstorming, planning, drafting, or location finding, Dream Builders Development Corp. is ready to partner with you. E Quality Craftsmanship Integrity Honesty Teamwork Personal Relationship Call (352) 463-2210 today! or visit www.DreamBuildersDevelopment.com (352) 543-5568 C'ED AR -WEY FLORIDA- PERMITS We will make it simple from start to finish Smith Septic Tank Service, Inc. Pull Permits for: Mobile Home Move-On Pre-Inspection on Used Mobile Homes New Septic Systems Repair or Existing Systems Site Evaluations (Perk Test) Mobile Home Packages Well Septic Power Pump Outs and Certifications Portable Toilets One Call Does It All (386) 935-1429 Toll Free 1-866-935-1429 f-ITT f-T-T'DTOrr OnTTXTrNr TnTTTT*JAT Page Eleven t The researchers show that .this increase in body temperature Florida Sheriff's with size has. been observed in Youth Ranches and modern crocodiles. Gilchrist County "The study is an important '' contribution to the scientific Sheriff's Office Will discussion about dinosaurs, Be Having A Free because it is the first that uses Day Camp evidence directly derived from The Florida Sheriffs Youth fossils rather than from theo- Coun- retical models to conclude that Rancty Sheris and the Gilchrist Coun- many of the larger dinosaurs ty Sheriff's Office, with the as- many of ithe larger dinosaurs stance of the Gilchrist County were indeed warm reptiles," said sistool Board, will be having a School Board, will be having a Frank Seebacher, Ph.D., of the free day camp. School of Biological Sciences Camp is for ages 6 to 12 at the University of Sydney, who and will include team sports, did not take part in the research. arts and crafts, group building, "'These findings clearly show water acti cities, environmental that mammal-like endotherm) education. wellness and nutri- is not a necessary prerequisite tion education workshops, law for ecological success. Dino- enforcement demonstrations, saurs, inhabited : all latitudes,, snacks, lunch, games and more. anid although the climate in the -Camp ill be from July 24 age .of dinosaurs 65 (million) through July 28 at Bell Elemen- to 150 million years ago was tary School Cafetorium from 9 much warmer than today, the a.m. until 4 p.m. Bring the kids animals could nonetheless main- for fi'e fun-filled days. Open to tain high body temperatures in. the first 60 kids to register. polar climates \ith freezing or, To sign up please stop by the near-freezing conditions. The Gilchris' Counry. Sheriff's Of- advantages of being a 'warm' fide and fill out the registration reptile are that no energy has to papers. be expended tp produce meta- For questions please contact bolic heat to keep %warm; in other Captain Tony Cruse or Deputy. %words, if we vere warm reptile- David Anderholl at (352) 463- like ectotherms, we would save a 3181. lot of money on the grocery bill." - In the meantime, the research team continues to investigate Woodland what are proving to be universal relationships among size. growth rate and temperature. rat "Therearedifferencesbetween mammals and invertebrates, but Signs within a group, from a mouse Now at the to an elephant, or plankton to Journal a large fish. we have found (352) growth rate can be explained (352) by how. warm the animal is 463-7135 and how big' the animal is." Pain Relief for Children to Grandparents! Specializing in Activator Methods@- A Painless Chiropractic Adjustment " "... Over 15 Years ExperTerice ,* '" Consultation On Request. Most Insurance Accepted...... Robert L. Vaughan, Jr., DC Office Hours: Walk-ins Welcome 24 HOUR ,Mon.- Tues. rW T S EMERGENCY Thurs. Fri. l w SERVICE | 325 W. Wade St. (Hwy 26) 3 Blocks west of light in Trenton P a g e T w e l v e u li i x. x u . Assembly Of Fine Artists Report We took part in the Branford Festivities by showing and sell- ing North Florida Artist's works Sof art and in particular explain- ing the missions of the assembly. You can acquaint yourself with what the missions are by read- ing our non-profit status regis- tered with the'State of Florida,. CH17872. We also sold raffle tickets for a three foot by four foot stitched American Flag. As a point of interest: ,did you know that Swan School of Ait, Boston, Massachusetts, was es- tablished in 1845 and closed in 1988? It was a very highly rec- ognized school of art and turned out many exceptional artists. It was considered high in competi- tion with Rhode Island School of Design. The school taught their students to conceal their name within their work or not sign it at all; that their work should be recognized by their style. This is almost as ridiculous as saying every piece of work executed by an artist would be a masterpiece. What this, practice did tell me,' as a former, owner of three art galleries, was that the artist pre- senting me with-work to place for sale in the gallery, had been a Swain School of Art student., Who or what was the school promoting? . It was my experience that un- signed works of art rarely 'sold, I; still own the few I invested in. These pieces of w% ork, e\ en though signed on.the back, I still own, despite 'the fact that one of the artists was a famous art- ist. He was one of the group of Shown is Barbara CR Moore, president of the Assembly of Fine Artists during the Branford FestiHities on the 4th of July . artists that studied with other art- ists traveling around the world, New England being .one of the areas. His sprawled name on the reverse side of the board does give it significance together with his style. But I still own the painting. SWould you like to be an As- sembly of Fine Artists member and exhibit in various' locations with us, mostly 'of course under large protective cover. Our an- nual dues are $12.00. We have very large goals to benefit oth- ers. Please .check our website, Ow,.artfeast.,rg Write; AFA .at P.O. Bo\ 1077, Old To%%n, Florida 32680 or e-mail bcmooreo'isp corm Respectfull. Barbara CR Moore BCRM;lh Pole Bns Installed Complete , $1,7950G Total 352-42- 9 * CENTRAL :;. ." FLORIDA ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. SELECTS NOMINATING COMMITTEE On July 17; 2006, the Board of Trustees of Central Florida Electric Cooperative, Inc. met and appointed the following members as a committee of nominations: Mitchell Bilhips Herbert E. Corbin Roy Dyer William J. Furse, Jr. Louia C. Gilbert William P. Goess Ernest L. Green Ernest A. Haile WesleyM. Higgins Phillip Snyder The committee will meet on July 24, 2006, at 6:00 p.m. to select nominees to represent Districts 2,3, and 7 as Trustees of Central Florida Electric Cooperative, Inc.These districts are presently represented by: George Stephens District 2 Tony Weeks District 3 Kenneth Osteen District 7 The Cooperative'sAnnual Meeting will be held on Saturday, October 7,2006. Registration will begin at 8:00 a.m. and the business meeting will follow at 10:00 a.m. North Florida Livestock Report Receipts at the North Florida Livestock Market in Ellisvilleon Thursday, July'- 12, 2006 were: this week 698, last week 0, and last year 1002. Trends:: Slaughter cows and' bulls mostly steady.' Feeder steers and heifers steady. Sup- pl\ and demand moderate Quality was mostly average. Flesh condition: thin and very thin. Slaughter cows and bulls 36 percent, feeder steers and heifers under 600 pounds 57 percent, ,(32 percent steers and 25 percent heifers), replacement cattle 7 percent. Slaughter Cows Boner 80- 85 percent: 985-1150. (.1063j 46.00-52.00 (48.26 : 1200-1505 (1356) 45.00-51.00 148.02i: 1640-1750 (1680) 48.00-52.00 (50.00). Slaughter Cows Lean 85-. '90 percent: 1050-1150 (1087) 45.00-48.00 45.98) Slaughter Bulls Y.G. 1: 1060-1450 (1287) 56.00-60.00 (57.851;. 1500-1810 (1672) 58.00-60.00 (59,02). Feeder Steers and Bulls Me- dium and Large 1-2: 205-215 (210). 150.00-168:00 (159.21): 250-265 (258) 145.00-160.00 (152.72); 305-315 k310) 128.00- 142.00 (135.11); 3:50-375 (362) 122.00-135.00 (128.72); 405-415 (410) 114.00-124.00 (119:06); 450-475 (462) 109.00- 116.00 (112.59): 505-5,15 510lO 103.00-109.00 1106.03). . Feeder Steers and Bulls Me- dium and Large 2-3: .205-215 (210) 125.00-142.00 (133.70); 250-275 (262) 122.00-170.00 (147.14); 305-325 (315) 115.00- 126.00 .(119.63); 350-375 (362) 110.00-120.00 (115.17); 405-415 (410) 102.00-112.00 (107.06); 450-475 (462) 100.00- 108.00 (104.11); 505-515 (510) 95.00-102.00 (98.53). Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1-2: 205-215 (210) 140.00-156.00 (148.19); 250- 275 (262) 125.00-140.00 (132.86); 305-315 (310) 119.00- 128.00 (123.57);, 350-375 (362) 112.00-120.00' i116.14); 405-415. (410) 108.00-115.00 (111.54); 450-475 (462) 105.00- 112.00 (108.59); 505-515 (510) 101.00-109.00 (105:04). Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 2-3: 205-215 (210) 118.00-128.00 (123.12); 250- 275 (262) 116.00-124.00 (120.19); 305-315 (310) 108.00- 117.00 (112.57); 350-375 (362) 105.00-111.00 (108.10); 405-415 (410) 101.00-107.00 (104.04); 450-475 (462) 98.00- 104.00 (101.08); 505-515 (510) 92.00-98.00 (95.03) Bred Cows Medium and Large 1-2 Middle-Aged: 890- 1080 (953) 55.00-86.00 (73.33) 4-6 months bred.. Cow-Calf Pairs Meduim and Large 1-2: 960-1050 (1010) 600.00-1000.00 (731.32). Gilchrist County Land Transactions Felder Wayne Adams, Pa- mela K. Adams, Lori Woodard& Munden fka Lori Woodard to Ernest T. Bass, Jr., and Shannon Bass, general warranty deed, $75,000.00, Lot 10 Honey Bee. Farms Mary C. Swanson to Peter' Bako" ski and-Susan Bakowski, warranty deed, $12,000.00, Lot . 16 Block 8 Suwannee River Estates South. Peter Bakowski and Susan Ba- kowski to Consumer Properties. Inc, quit claim deed, $0, Lot 16 Block_8 Suwannee River Estates South. Nancy Guy to William Tittel, warranty deed, $38,000.00, Lot 987 and 99 Waccasassa Camp- sites Unit, : a : a James J., Cobb and Carolyn M., Cobb to Carolyn'M. Cobb, quit claim deed, $10.00, Lot 24 Fly- ing Harness Farm. Andrew James Quinn to !Na- thanna Remy, quit claim deed. $10.00. Frankie Thomas to Toney,. E: Thamas. quit claim deed. $10.00. Lots 5, 6. 7. and 8 Block 16 Wade and Bell Addition. Herman N. Jones to Jeffre .. B. and June H. Jones. Charles Edward and Leigh Powell Jones. warranty deed, $, Lots 2, 3, 6, 7, 10. and 11 in Lot 10 Suwannee River Subdivision. Frank J. Settlor 'Busbey and Mayme J. Settlor Busbey to Frank J. BusbeN Trustee, May me J. Busbey. Trustee, and Revoca- ble Inter Vivos Trust, warranty deed, $1.0.00, Lot 3' Block 4 Spring Ridge Unit. 2. Junior Berrn and NMaryL..Ber- rN to Mark Graham. general war- ranty deed. $26.500.00. Lots 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24, Block 13 Suwannee River Subdi\ vision. Herman N. Jones to Jeffrey B. and June H. Jones, and Charles Edward and Leigh Powell Jones. warrantyy deed. S10.00: Lots r. 3. 6, 7', .10, 11. Block 24, all being in ldfl'0, Suwannee Riier Sub- division. Matthew Edward Rexroat to Tara Shea Rexroat, quit claim deed, $10.00. John R. Wesley to John R. and Elizabeth R. Wesley, quit claim deed, $10.00, Lot 5 Sugar-Hill Subdivision. Ist National Bank to John A. Loomis, quit claim deed, $ 100.00, Lots 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 43 Ira Beas Oasis.' James H. Smith and Paige S. Brookins to April A. Morgan, warranty deed, $89,800.00, Lots 2 and 3 Sun N. Fun Unit 5. James Shelton and Boronna D. Sheffield to Barbara A. Lind- sey and Edward' J. Hutson, Jr., quit claim deed, $10.00. Oak Walk, LLC to Charles Dana Crace and Donna Rada, corporate warranty. deed, $45,000.00, Lots 2 and 3 Block 1 West Bell Subdivision. Robert J. Goode, Connie F. Goode fka Connie F Sinclaire to Connie F Goode, Robert J. Goode, and Bobbie Goode, quit claim deed, $10.00. e Junior and Mary L. Berry to . Mark Graham, general warranty a deed, $0, Lot 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, p 24, Block 13 Suwannee River. c Subdivision. t Jean M. Ware to David L. and Leah M. Neilson and Robert L. ( and Joyce A. Neilson, warranty c deed, $105,000.00.: t Thomas H. Richardson aka 1 Tom Richardson and Bridget c Richardson to William R. Pinna 1 and Joann H. Pinna, warranty .C deed, $350,000.00, Lot 10 Bri- g arwood. s Mario Hernandez and Marilys t Herriandez to Pedro L. and Kim- r berly Ann. -Morejon, warranty v deed, $33,000.00, Lot 6 Unit a Two of Emerald Farms. t] Citizens . Committee For The ' Right To Keep And t Bear Arms 0 Gov. Bush Gets It Right, n Se us Ccrkba; Armed Citizens f Reduce Crime ' Florida Gov. Jeb Bush "nailed a it" when he told reporters in Tallahassee in reaction to the 1 state's drop in crime that armed t citizens are part of the equation. the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Armsn ,CCRKBA)said today . Go\. Bush ,as quoted in the. Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel noting. :"Law abiding citizens that have guns for protection actually probabl\/are part of the reason we. hae a. lower crime rate."' .. . SFlorida is one of 40 states with "right-to-carry" statutes that give citizens the ability to carry con- cealed handguns w ith the proper license. Last year. Florida also passed legislation that enables citizens to "stand their ground"' and fight back when attacked in a public place \ here the\ have a right to be. "Gov. Bush has once again demonstrated progressive think- ing, and a clear understand- ing about what works to stop criminals' in their ,tracks," said CCR KB A Chairman, Alan Gott- lieb. "Legally-armed citizens are a threat to nobody but criminals, and Florida's crime' statistics prove that the presence of fire- arms in the hands of la-%-abiding citize ln,hen.fts..he entire com- munity. Jnl.p'airng 'why crime '. r!.ratep havge..dropped, .,we think Gov. Bush nailed. it:." "Isn't it ironic'" added CCRK- 'BA:Executive Director Joe Wa I - "dron, "thai while Florida, with an armed citizenry, is enjoying a drop in crime, Washington, D.C., where citizens are legal) disarmed, is :experiencing ,a crime epidemic? In the nation's capitol, where the Second. Amendment has been literally suspended by' municipal gov-' arnment fiat, armed assaults are up 18 percent in the past month nd. robberies have jumped 14 percent. Yet law-abiding citizens cannot arm. themselves for pro- ection. It's an outrage." "No matter where they live," Gottlieb concluded, "American citizens have a right to defend hemselhes. Progressive states ike Florida with sensible con- :ealed carry and self-defense aws will lead this nation out )f the Dark Ages '. of insane gun control and broken justice systems. This new data shows hat the gun control and crimi- ial rights extremists have been, wrong, something we've known all along." With more than 650,000 mem- hers and supporters nationwide, he Citizens Committee for the. Right to Keep and Bear Arms, -x""'..ccrkba.org) is one of he nation's premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization the Citizens Com- mittee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms through ac- ive lobbying of elected officials nd facilitating grass-roots orga- nization of gun rights activists in local' communitiess throughout :he United States Life .is a 'great big canvas; throw. all the paint onit you can. Danny Kaye Driver License And Vehicle Inspection Checkpoints The Florida Highway Pa- trol will be conducting driver license and vehicle inspection .checkpoints during the follow-. ing dates: July 1-31. These. checkpoints will only be held at the following locations, in the following counties: In Dixie County there will be checkpoints at: Chavous Road, County Road 55A, State Road 349, County Road 349, County Road 351, County Road 358, and at Willow Hole Road. In Gilchrist County the check-, points, will be at:. State Road 26, State Road 49, State Road S47, County Road 138, SE 70th Avenue, County Road '232, County Road 340, and County Road 341. In Lafayette County there will be checkpoints at: State Road 20, State Road 51, State Road 53, and at State Road 349. In Levy County the check- points will' be at: State Road 24, State Road 45, State Road 49, State Road 121, State Road 500, County Road 320. County Road 3339, County Road 341, County Road 345. County Road 7 337,. County Road 335, County/ Road 316, County Road 464,- County Road'323. New to the area? V . Looking for a spot to show off your., landscaping talent? Experienced in , alternate heating/cooling methods? Contact: 4. ASSEMBLY OF FINE ARTISTS. P.O. BOX 1077 LD TOWN, FL 32680-1077 ' --OR CALL - ',-e-- 352-949-4831 & KEEP TRYING * S 1 I ;* ; *0:K i I 'I , I / FENCING ALL TYPES 4-Board 60' Round Horse Training Pen t"'-. Including Labor, Material and One Gate gE Field Fence $2.49/ft. (soo' Mi.) Completely Installed, Including Labor & Material Wood Chainlink Field & Barbwire Also Repairs & Free Estimates (352) 284-7081 (352) 949-0320 Locally Owned Carlisle Fence Licensed & Insured Enterprises, LLC Bell, Florida DURON WILLIAMSON'S TREE SERVICE Licensed and Insured Call for FREE Estimates cell 352-318-3610 home 386-935-2180 All Phases of Tree Work From trimming to complete removal and haul-off. Light land clearing, clearing of right-of-ways, and debris haul-offs. Bobcat service available. TRI-COUNTY SCHIIROPRACTIC "Care for the Entire Family" Dr. Bennitt Patterson * Available on Location: X-Rays, Physical Therapy & Licensed Massage Therapist (MM0007612) Most Insurance Accepted - Major Medical Medicare/Medicaid Most HMO's & PPO's Personal Injury/Auto Accidents Workers' Compensation 493-1540 2220 N. Young Blvd., Chiefland (Across from Wal-Mart Super Center) OFFICE HOURS SMonday / Wednesday / Friday S9 a.m. Noon & 2 p.m. 6 p.m. [ Tuesday \8 am 12:30 pm Thursday 8 a.m. Noon & 2 p.m. 5 p.m. ~ Walk-Ins Welcome ~ 341 Chiefland Regional | Tri-Countyn j J Shopping Center Chiropractic N us 19 Ct N SWau-Mae "r1 Cnt N--> Super Center Ll; Rudd 100% Cypress Mulch/Chips 8yds$125-4yds$70 We will load Free Delivery In Area S8 am 5 pm Monday -Friday 8 am -12 pm Saturday 352-538-5098 Systern Upgrades- I at 0 Duct Fabrication itio n i ng :rpcga i n Air Conditioning Heating r des I ; ALL State 'YOUR 6W Stephen ST Megargel NEw S _, lww*r--Ar, .......... THURSDAY, JULY 20,2006 t-ITT CT4TTQ.T COT TNTY TOURNAT. I ff 0 1 9 -- A -P-rrrrmC'ThIA~V TYTVrr'S '?00d; Mrs. Betty Jean s Cannon b_ Mrs. Betty Jean Cannon of , Cedar Key died Sunday, July 16,- 2006, at her home. She was 74 3, years old. t Mrs. Cannon was born in Ce- . dar Key and was a life long resi- / dent. She was the first female vice president of a bank in Flor- ida, worked as vice president for Barnett Banks and Drummond Community Banks. She,was ,. a retired bank vice president. She was a former Eastern Star, Sunday School teacher, Awana teacher and very dedicated to serving the First Baptist Church Ei.of Cedar Key where she,was a b. member.' . She was preceded in death by her husband Phillip Noland- .;Cannon. ., Mrs. Cannon is survived by, two sons, Dr. Monroe Gaultney of Charlotte, North Carolina and Colin Gaultney of Newberry; 'three brothers, Floyd Taylor of ; Cedar Key, Frederick Taylor of California and George W. Taylor of .Florida; four grandchildren, three great-grandchildren. A funeral service will be held Saturday, July 22nd at 10:00, a.rn. at First Baptist Church of 2 Cedar Key and: interment will ,-be at Cedar Key Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 6:00 p.m.to 7:30 p.m. on Friday, July 21, at the Hiers-Baxley Fu-' neral Home in Chiefland.- Arrangements were under the care of HIERS-BAXLEY FU- NERAL SERVICES, Chiefland. A Ir. Ali--piih Adele Griflin AMrs. Miipah Adele Griffin Mrs. Mizpah Adele Griffin of Palm Bay died Saturday, July, 15, 2006 after a long illness. She was.75 years old. Mrs. Griffin was born in Nas- sau, Bahamas on May 18, 1931. She moved to Florida after her marriage to William E. iBilli Griffin in 1947. She lived in De-. Funiak Springs, Marianna, and Perfr before mo\ ing to Trenton in 1972. She was known for her en- ergy and enthusiasm, and in addition to bein2 a loving wife and raising three children, she also helped her husband run the Perry News Herald. worked as a secretary tor many years for HRS (DCF). and operated a suc- cessful se% ing business with her sister Peggy. She loved x visiting her' native Bahamas with her sister Norma. gardening, crafts, and especially sew ing. 'She was an' active member of Trenton Unitd Method ist Church where she had many loving, supportive friends. She was .preceded, in death, by her husband Bill Griffin, a son Phillip Griffin, and a sister Grace Kelshaw. Mrs. Griffin is survived by a son Gregory Griffin (Nita) of Palatka and a daughter Leslie Griffin-Svendsen (William) of Palm Bay; two grandsons Ed- die Griffin (Gretchen) of Palatka and Michael Griffin (Rebecca) of Orange Park; a granddaugh- ter, Melissa Haire (William) of Belton, Missouri; two sisters, Norma Troup of Duncannon, Pennsylvania and Peggy Falk (Jim) of Trenton; two brothers, Edwin Munroe (Beverly) of Jupiter and Derek Munroe ( Su- san) of Fitzgerald, 'Georgia; five great-grandchildren, and many loving friends, A memorial service will be held on Friday, July 21, at 3:00 8851 NW 115th Street * 352-493-1398 * (11 flfRTS~T COTTNTY JOU RNAL p.m. at Trenton United Method- ist Church in Trenton. Memorial donations may be made in her name to Trenton United Method- ist Church, 203 NE 2nd Street, Trenton, FL 32693. Mrs. Jerlene Lanette Osteen Mrs. Jerlene Lanette Osteen of Old Town died Monday July 17, 2006, at her home. She was 67 years old. Mrs. Qsteen was a lifelong - resident of.Dixie County. She was of the Baptist faith. She is survived by two sons, Tony Osteen (Martha Sue) of Cross City and Billy Osteen (Sandy) of Old Town; two daughters, Mary Ellen 'Muff' Sondgerath (Tim) of Tarpon Springs and Pam Faustino (Da-. vid) of Odessa; 12 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren 'and two great-great-grandchil- dren. A funeral will be held on Thursday, July 20th at 4:00 p.m. at the Rick Gooding Funeral' Home,with Rev. Wayne Allen And Rev. Bobby Lindsev offi- ciating. Interment will follow at the Cross City Cemetery. A visi- tation was held Wednesday, July" 19th from 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.: Arrangements were under the' care of RICK GOODING FUr- NERAL HOME, Cross City. Miss Mary Hope Quiette Miss Mary Hope Quiette of Steinhatchee, died Wednesday. Jul. 12. 2006 at Haven Hospice in Chiefland. She was 39 years old.' - She graduated from Dixie County High School in 1985 and. loved to do craft work. Mis's Quiette is survived by her mother Irene Quiette of Steinhatchee; three sisters. Teresa Kilpatrick of Chiefland, Susan Kirk of Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina, and Tammy Lloyd of Bryant. Alabama. A funeral was held on Satur- day, July 15th at the Rick Good- ing Funeral Home with Bro., Steve Lloyd officiating. Arrangements were under' the care of RICK GOODING FUNERAL HOME, Cross Ci[t., Florida. " Mrs. Maggie Sheffield .Sanchez Mrs. Maggie Sheffield Sanchez Mrs. Maggie Sheffield San- chez of Ocala, died Monday, July 10, 2006, at her home. She was 79 years old. Mrs. Sanchez was born on September 21, 1926, in Bron- son; she moved to Ocala 52 years ago from Belleview. She was partnered with her husband as owner/opperator of several construction and paving busi- nesses. She was a member of Romeo Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband E.B. Sanchez; a brother, Thomas V. Sheffield; two sisters, Artie Mae Leaman -and Bethine Johnson; and a great-grandson, Storm Sanchez' Wengler. Mrs. Sanchez is survived by a son Edward Broward Sanchez; a daughter, Betty Sanchez Smith; a brother Oliver1Sheffield; four sisters, Inez Walker and Earnes- tine Graham of Ocala, Coleen Green of Belleview and Geneva Simmons of Plant City; seven grandchildren, thirteen great- grandchildren and two great- great-grandchildren. Arrangements were under the care of HIERS FUNERAL HOME Ocala, Florida. Licensed and Insured HUM- Chiefland, Florida 32626 1-877-766-2707 Osborn G. Barker Owner Insulated Roof-overs Vinyl & Aluminum Siding Carports Screen Rooms Decks Patio Roofs Soffit, Fascia & Gutters Hurricane Awnings Skirting Pool and All types Enclosures Free Estimates- Card Of Thanks The family of Kathy S. Hilliard Spears would like to thank. family and friends for the outpour of prayers, love, support, food, -flowers, cards and/or phone calls that you have shared with us during the loss of our loving daughter, sister, wife, mother, and aunt. She upheld all of these titles and was proud of each of them. There are too many of you to thank by name, however we as a family hope that you all know how special each of you were to Kathy and will remain to us. Kathy loved life, friends, and family. She was always ready to share a smile with a stanger or make friends and loved ones laugh. She was so, special to each of us and will be missed'by all that knew her. God bless each of you, McCoy and Clyda Mae Hilliard .. family Pat and Karan Fischer family Bill and Katina Caldwell family Jimmy Spears family Legal The August 2nd, September 6th, October 4th, and November 1st, 2006 meetings will be held at the Levy County School District Building, 480 Marshbumrn Drive, Bronson, FL. 32621, beginning at 9:00a.m. Public participation is welcome. - The Scheduled meeting locations for December 2006 thru June 2007 will be announced: at a later date. Please contact the Coalition office at 877-336-5437 if you have any questions. Pub. July 20,2006b. PUBLIC NOTICE The Early Learning Coalition of the Nature Coast s till be fa- cilitating the Tri County Advisory Council Meetings Bi-Monthly on the second-Thursday of the month from 9:30a.m. Thru ,11.30a m The meetings wttll be held at the Capital City Bank. 2012 N Young Blvd, Chiefland, FL.' 32626. beginning 4t 9.30a m , . The tentative meeting is: schedule August 10, 2006 October 12, 2006 December 14, 2006 February) 8, 2007 April 12. 2007 June 14. 2007 Please contact the Coalition of- fice at 877-336-5437 if you ha\e an) questions. : : Pub. July 20, 2006b ot INVITATION TO BID SThe Gilchrist Counrt Board of' County Commissioners hereby in- AGENDA vites qualified suppliers to submit 1. Call to Order (3 00 p.m.) sealed bids for the following scope 2. Agenda Changes of work: 3. Consent Agenda Construction ofgravity sewer line 4. County Adrminstrator/ consisting of approximately 1070 Department Reports linear feet of 8" gravity main with. 5. Attomey Report 5 manholes and service connections 6. Constitutional Officers to existing facilities: Construction 7..'Clerk Report of pumping station (pumps, rails 8. Commissioner Reports and control panel to be furnished 9. Time CertainItems: by Owner) including furnishing 'a.3:15 p.m. Discussion, RFQ, concrete structures, piping, and EOC Complex electric power supply: Construc- S 3:30 p.m. County non of force main consisting of Administrator/Department approximately 1385 linear feet of 4 Reports- inch pipe, twso bore and jacks unith a S c. 400 pm Lee Mills. total of 115 linear feet of l2" casing. County Engineer, Discussion and connection to exisnng manhole: on Road Conditions/Possible Restoration of disturbed areas in- Solutions eluding seeding, mulching and re- d. 5:00 p,m. Review of Draft pair of driveways. -Reconfiguration Ordinance, Accessory Dwell- of existing water services rings Proposals shall be addressed e. 5-15 p.m. Road Depart- to the Gilchrist County Board of ment Report Commissioners at Post Office Boxi f. 5:30 p.m. Public Hearing, 266, Bronson, Florida 32621. and Land Use : delivered no later than 10:00 AMv E. Watson Minor Subdivision on August 4, 2006 to the Gilchrist Final Plat Approval 3 Lots. County' Planning and Zoning of- NadineWatson Developer fice located at 209 SE First Street, 'g. 5:45'p'.m. Public Hearing,' Trenton-, Florida 32693, .-rpposals Adoption of Ordinance 06-15,, shall be designated as 'J.IL PUMP ''Code Enfdrcement Citations PROPOSAL.." Any proposals re- h. 6:00p.m.Recess for Board ceised after the specified time and Adjustment date will not be considered The i. '6:30 p.m. .Rolling Oaks proposals will be publicly opened, Subdivision, Special Assess- and read aloud immediately fol- ment District lowing the due time set forth above 10. Old Business or as modified by addendum. The. 11. New Business Commission will meet at their next 12. Public Participation regular meeting to discuss and act 13. Adjourn on the bids. "Persons with disabilities request- '.The project documents may be ing reasonable accommodations to obtained at the office of MILLS participate in this proceeding should ENGINEERING COMPANY, 604 contact i(352) 463-3169 (Voice & East Hathaway Avenue, Bronson, TDD) or via Florida Relay Service Florida, 32621 (Telephone: 352- (800) 955-8771. 486-2872, FAX # 352-486-2498). PLEASE BE ADVISED that if a Any person or affiliate who has person decides to appeal any deci- been placed on the convicted vendor sion made by the Commission with list following a conviction for apub- respect to any matter considered at lie entity crime may not submit a bid said hearing, that person will need a to or contract with a public entity for record of the proceedings, and that the construction of a public work as for such purpose, that person may set forth in Florida Statute, Chapter heed to insure that a verbatim record 287.133. is made, which record includes the pub.July 13, 20, 2006b. testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA TOMMY LANGFORD, CHAIRMAN ATTEST: JOSEPH W. GILLIAM, CLERK Pub. July 20, 2006b: PUBLIC NOTICE The Early Learning Coalition of the Nature Coast Administrative, Committee, representing Citrus, Dixie, Gilchrist, Levy and Sumter Counties, is scheduled to meet on the fourth Wednesday of every month. Questions should be directed to the Coalition Office at 352-563- 9939, Ext. 222. Scheduled dates are: July 26, 2006 August 23, 2006 September 27, 2006 October 25, 2006 November 22, 2006 December 27, 2006 January 24, 2007 February 28, 2007 March 28, 2007 April 25, 2007 May 23, 2007 June 27, 2007 Hours: 9:00a.m. -11:00a.m. Location: Early Learning Coali- tion of the Nature Coast Main Office 1564 N. Meadowcrest Blvd, Crystal River, FL. 34429 Pub. July 20, 2006b. PUBLIC NOTICE The Early Learning Coalition of the Nature Coast, serving Citrus, Dixie, Gilchrist, Levy, and Sumter Counties, will be facilitating the Early Learning Coalition of the Na- ture Coast Board of Directors Meet- ings on the first Wednesday, of every month at various locations. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING AN AMENDMENT TO THE TOWN OF BELL LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF BELL, FLORIDA; SERVING AS THE PLAN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF BELL, FLORIDA, AND THE LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY OF THE TOWN OF BELL, FLORIDA, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Sections 163.3161 through 163.3215, Florida Stat- utes, as amended, and the Town of Bell Land Development Code, as amended, hereinafter referred to as the Land Development Code, com- ments, objections and recommenda- tions concerning an amendment, as described below, will be heard by the Town Council of the Town of Bell, Florida, serving as the Plan Board of the Town of Bell, Florida, and the Local Planning Agency of the Town of Bell, Florida, at a public hearing on August 3, 2006, at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, in the Town Hall, located at 3240 West Railroad Lane, Bell, Florida. LDC 06-2, an application by Kimberly L. and Scott A. Akins, to amend the Official Zoning Map of the Land Development Code by changing the zoning district from RESIDENTIAL-1 (R-l) to COM- MERCIAL-1 (C-1) on property described, as follows: A parcel of land lying within Sec- tion 25, Township 8 South, Range. 14 East, Gilchrist County, Florida. Being more particularly described, as follows: Commence at the South- west 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 25; thence North 00o23'17" West, along the West line of said Southeast 1/4 of said Section 25, a distance of 310.59 feet to the South- erly right-of-way line of the aban- doned Seaboard Airline Railroad; thence North 61o12'33" East, along the Southerly right-of-way line of, may not submit a bid to or contract with a public entity for construction of .a public work 'as set forth in Florida Statute, Chapter 287.133. Bidder shall certify to eligibility in the bid proposal. Bidding Documents may be obtained from: Mills Engineering Company P.O. Box 778 Bronson, Florida 32621 Phone: (352) 486-2872 FAX: (352) 486-2498 The right is reserved to accept or reject any or all bids. pub. July 13, 20, 2006b said abandoned Seaboard Airline Railroad, 291.00 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence South 0932'58"' East 177.79 feet to the Northerly right-of-way line of County Road 341; thence along a curve, being concave to the Northwest, having a central angle of 0323'37", a radius of 5,683.07 feet, Northeasterly, an arc -distance of 336.60 feet, along the Northerly right-of-way line of said County Road 341; thence North 2841'09": West 95.40 feet; thence North 28?36'19" West. 40.02 feet: thence South 61"11'42" West 60.06 feet. thence North 28o42'52", West 60.00 feet to: thel Southerly right- of-way line of said abandoned Sea-. board Airline Railroad; thence South 6112'33' West. along the Southerly righi-of-\ay line of said abandoned Seaboard Airline Railroad 21699 feet to the Point of Beginning LESS AND EXCEPT A parcel of arnd lying within Sec- tion 25, Towrship S South, Range .14 East, Gilchrist County, Florida. Being more particularly, described. as follows: Commence at the South- west 1/4 of the Southea't 1/4 of said Section 25: thence North 0023'17" West. along the \West line of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 25. a distance of 310 59 feet to the South- erly nght-of-wa3 line Of the aban- doned Seaboard Airline Railroad: thence North 61' 12"33" East. along, the Southerly nright-of-%way line of said abandoned Seaboard Airline Railroad. 447 99 feet to the Point of Beginning: thence continue North 6112-33" East 60.00 feet. thence South 28042'52" East 60.00 feet: thence North 6111'42" East 60 06 feet: thence South 2S'36'19"' East 30.00 feet. thence South 6111'-142" West 120.00 feel, thence Northwest- erly to the Point of Beginning All said lands containing 97 acre. more or less. The public hearing may be con- tinued to one or more future date, Any interested parry, shall be ad- \ ised that the date, time and place of any continuation of the public hear- ing shall be announced during the public heanng and that no further notice concerning the matter w ill be published. unless said continuation exceeds si\ calendar weeks from the date of the abo\e referenced public hearing. .At the aforementioned public hearing, all interested parties may appear to be heard with respect to .the amendment. ' Copies of the amendment are available for public inspection at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town Hall, located at 3240 Wpst Railroad ,Lane, Bell, Florida, dunng regular ' business hours. All persons are ad% ised that if these decide to appeal any decision made at the abose referenced public hear- ing. the' wuill need a record of the proceedings. and that, for such pur- pose. they may'need to ensure that a %erbatim record of the proceedings, is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Pub. July 20, 2006b. INVITATION TO BID: The Gilchrist County Board of County Commissioners hereby' gives notice that, bids will be accepted from qualified bidders for the following work: Improvement to County Road C- 337 including widening,,' shoulder stabilization, asphaltic concrete paving (leveling and resurfacing), drainage pipe, concrete ditch- paving, sodding, and other incidental items. This work will cover County Road C-337 from its intersection with SE 70th Avenue at SE 50th Street north to Gilchrist County Road No. C-232 and from C-232 north and east to intersection with' the Alachua/Gilchrist county line. The total length of project is approximately 8 miles. ' Sealed bids will be received at the office of the Gilchrist County Coordinator located at 209 SE First Street, Trenton, Florida 32693, until 10:30 A.M. (local time), Friday, August 18, 2006. Bidding Documents will not be issuedafter 5:00 P.M. (local time), Wednesday, August 16, 2006: , A Proposal Guaranty of not less than five percent (5%) of the total actual bid, in the form of either a certified check, cashiers check, trust company' treasurers check, bank draft of any national or state bank, or a Surety Bid Bond, made payable o the Gilchrist Cound Board of County Commissioners, must accompany each bid. A check or draft in an amount less than five percent (5%) of the actual bid will invalidate the bid. All work is to be done in accordance with the Plans, Specifications and Special Provisions to accompany the Florida Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction 2004. Any person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a public entity crime or the discriminatory vendor list INVITATION TO BID The Gilchrist County Board of County Commissioners hereby gives notice that bids will be ac- cepted from qualified bidders for the following work: Resurfacing the existing pave- ment of Gilchrist County Road No. 339 with asphaltic concrete leveling and surface course, shoulder work and incidental items. Location of this work is Gilchrist County Road No. 339 from the Levy County Line to State Road No. 49. The length of project is approximately 2.2 miles. Approximately 90 days will be al- lowed for construction. Sealed bids will be received' at -THURSDAY, J UJ-Y LU, /-UUD JL I J%-J%-)JLX-114X-X-L- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING AN AMENDMENT TO THE TOWN OF BELL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF BELL, FLORIDA, SERVING AS THE PLAN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF BELL, FLOR- IDA AND THE LOCAL PLAN- NING AGENCY OF THE TOWN OF BELL, FLORIDA, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Section 163.3161 through 163.3215," Florida Statutes. as amended, and the Town of Bell Land Development Code. herein after referred to as the Land Development Code, com- ments. objections arid recommenda- tions concerning an amendment to the Tovwn of Bell Comprehensive Plan, hereinafter referred to as the Comprehensive Plan. %%ill be heard by the Towin Council of the Town of Bell, Florida, serving as the Plan Board of the Town of Bell. Florida, and the Local' Planning Agency of the Tow n of Bell, Florida. at a public heanng on August 3, 2006 at 6.00 p m or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, in the Town Hall, located at 3240 West Railroad Lane. Bell. Florida. . CPA 06-1, an application by . Kmberlh L. and Scott A. Akins. to amend the Future Land Use Plan SMap of the Comprehensive Plan to change the future land use clas- sification from RESIDENTIAL to COMMERCIAL on the property ,descnbed., as follows- . A parcel of land lying within Sec-, tion 25, Township 8 South. Range 14: East, Gilchnst County. Flonda. Being more particularly described. as follows. Commence at the South- v.est 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 25; thence North 00*23'17" 'West. along the West line of said Southeast 1/4 of said Section 25, a distance of 310.59 feet to the South- erli, right-of-wa. line of' the. aban- doned Seaboard Airline Railroad;, thernce North 61012'33" East, along the Southerly nght-of-way line of said abandoned Seaboard Airline; Railroad, 291.00 feet to the Point of Beginning: thence South 09'32'58" East 177.79 feet to the Northerly nght-of-way line of County Road 341; thence along a curve, being concave to the Northwest. having a central angle of 03'23'37". a radius of 5.6S3 07 feet. Northeasterly. an arc distance of 336 60 feet. along 'the Northerl nright-of-way line of said County Road 341, thence North 28041'09" West 95.40 feet;' thence North 2836'19". West 40.02 feet; thence South 6iI I '42" West 60.06 feet;,,thence North 28042'52" West 60.00 feet to the Southerly right- of-wa-:, line of said abandoned Sea- board Airline Railroad, thence South 61"12'33" West. along the Southerly righi-of-v..a, line of said abandoned Seaboard Airline 'Railroad 216.99 feet to the Point of Beginning LESS AND EXCEPT. Aparcel of land lying within Sec- tion 25, Tow. nship 8 South, Range 14 East, Gilchrist County, Florida. Being more particularly described, as follows: Commence at the South- west 1/4 of the Southeast 1 4 of said Section 25; thence North .0f0'23' 17 West, along the West line of the Southeast 1/4 of said.Section 25. a distance of 310.59 feet to the South- erly right-of-way line of the aban- doned Seaboard Airline Railroad; thence North 6112'33" East, along the Southerly right-of-way line of, said abandoned Seaboard Airline Railroad, 447.99 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence continue North 61'12'33" -East 60.00 feet; thence South 28o42'52" East 60.00 feet;, thence North 61 11'42" East 60.06 feet; thence South 2836'19" East 30.00 feet; thence South 6111'42"' West 120.00 feet; thence Northwest- erly to the Point of Beginning. All said lands containing .97 acre,, more or less. The public hearing may be con- tinued to one or more future dates. Any interested party shall be ad- vised that the date, time and place of any continuation of this public hear- ing shall be announced during the public hearing and that no further notice concerning this matter will be published, unless said continuation exceeds six calendar weeks from the Sedate of the above referenced public hearing. At the aforementioned public hearing, all interested parties may appear to be heard with respect to the amendment. A copy of the amendment is available for public inspection at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town Hall, located at 3240 West Railroad Lane, Bell, Florida, during regular business hours. All persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decision made at the above referenced public hear- ing, .they will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such pur- pose, they may need to ensure that a .verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Pub. July 20, 2006b. Page Thirteen the office of the Gilchrist County Administrator, P.O. Drawer 367, 209 SE First Street, Trenton, Flor- ida, until 10:00 A.M. (local time), Friday, August 4, 2006. Bidding Documents will not be issued after 5:00 P.M. (local time), Wednesday, August 2, 2006. A Proposal Guaranty of not less than five percent (5%) of the total actual bid, in the form of either a certified check, cashiers check, trust company treasurers check, bank draft of any national or state bank, or a Suiety.Bid Bond, made payable to the Gilchrist County Board of County Commissioners, must lac- company each bid. A check or draft in an amount less than five percent (5%) of the actual bid will invalidate the bid. All work is to be done in accor- dance with the Plans, Specifications, and Special Provisions to accom- pany the Flonda Department of Transportation Standard Specifica- tions for Road and Bridge Construc- tion 2004. Any person or affiliate who has been played on the convicted vendor list following a public entity crime may not submit a bid to or contract with a public entity for construc- tion of a public work as set forth in Florida Statute, Chapter 287.133. Bidder shall certify to eligibility in the bid proposal. Bidding Documents may ,be ob- tainedfrom: Mills Engineering Company P.O. Box 778 Bronson, Florida 32621 Phone. (352) 486-2872 FAX: (352) 486-2498 The right is reserved to accept or reject any or all bids. pub, July 13, 20, 2006b IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. IN AND FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY. FLOR IDA. PROBATE DIVISION IN RE. THE ESTATE OF VIVIAN E HARRIS. File Number 21-2006-CP-0038 Deceased, NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of VIVIAN E HARRIS. deceased. whose date of death was April 19. 2005, File Number 21-2006-CP- 0038. is pending in the Circuit Court for Gilchnst County. Florida. Pro- bate Djiision, the address of which is Gilchrist County Courthouse. Post Office Bo.\ 37, Trenton, FL 32693. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and " other persons having claims or de- mands against decedent's estate on Nx horn a copy of 'his notice has been served must file their claims with the court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE TIME OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON. THEM All other creditors of the decedent and persons having claims or de- mands against the decedent's estate must fule their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICA- TION OF THIS NOTICE.. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE.FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECENDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. Attorney for Personal Represen- tative: SHEREE H.' LANCASTER Florida Bar No. 602922 SHEREE H. LANCASTER, P.A. 109 East Wade Street Post Office Box 1000 Trenton, FL 32693 Telephone: 352/463-1000 Personal Representatives: SUSAN M. JARCHOW 6949 SW 2nd Lane Bell, FL 32619 pub. July 20,27, 2006b NOTICE OF INTENT TO AMEND EXISTING RULE AND ADOPT NEW RULE Notice. is hereby given that The School Board of Gilchrist County, Florida intends to amend an existing rule regarding: Rule 7.17/D "Authorized Travel Expenses"; and adopt a new rule regarding: Rule 2.20/D "Wellness Program" Copies of the proposed rules are available for inspection and copying by the public at the Superintendent's office, 310 NW llth Avenue, Trenton, Florida. Specific authority for these amended and adopted rules are Florida Statutes 1001.32, 1001.41, 1001.42, 1001.23, 112.061, 1001.43, 1006.06, and 1003.455. A public hearing will be held on the proposed amended and adopted rules at 11:00 a.m. on September 5, 2006, at the School Board Meeting at the Gilchrist County School Board meeting room at 310 NW 11lth Avenue, Trenton, Florida 32693. All interested persons are advised that any person desiring to appeal any decision made by the board as to any matter considered at said hearing, will need to ensure that a verbatim record is made of the proceeding, which record must include all of the testimony and evidence presented. ,/s/James Vickers JAMES VICKERS as Superintendent and Seecretary to the Board Pub., July 20, 27, 2006b. I GIT CHRTST COT TNTY JTOTRNAT. THURSDAY, JULY 20,'2006 IN THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO. 212006CA0045 PARCELS: GLCH-003.000, GLCH-004.000, GLCH-005.000, GLCH-010.000, GLCH-013.000, GLCH-018.000, and GLCH-036.000. FLORIDA GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, Petitioner, V. MARY ANN PHILPOT; HORACE HART; FARM CREDIT OF NORTH FLORIDA, ACA; BRUCE D. MAURER; SUSAN E. MAURER; CENTRAL FLORIDA ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC., a Florida corporation, DEV- ON ENERGY CORPORATION, a Delaware corportatiori, as successor by merger to Pennzenergy Corpora- tion, a Delaware corporation, as successor by merger to. Pennzoil Producing Company, a Delaware corporation; DAVID HENRY PHILPOT; DONALD GORDON PHILPOT; VIRGINIA LEE PHIL- POT ROSEN; THOMAS JOSEPH PHILPOT; DAVID L. MOORE; 'ANITA L. MOORE; BRENDA HART; JOSEPH D. HART, JR.; FELICIA ANN HART; CAPITAL )CITY. BANK, a Florida banking corporation, successor by merger to Branford State Bank, a Florida banking corporation; STR RE- ALTY, INC., a Florida corporation; MICHAEL K. REBMANN; KRIS- TINE REBMANN; WASHING- TON MUTUAL BANK, a federal savings bank. f/k/a Washington Mu- tual Bank, FA; HARRIS J. THUR- STON; TRI-COUNTY BANK, a Florida banking corporation; Mari- lyn Bruce, as Tax Collector, and. the unknown spouses of the above, if any, and their heirs, devisees, as- signees, grantees, creditors, lessees, executors, administrators, mortgag- ees, judgment creditors, trustees, lienholders, persons in possession, and any and all other persons having or claiming to have any right, title or interest by, through, under or against the above-named defendants, or otherwise claiming any right, title, or interest in the real property de- scribed in this action, Defendants. S / SUMMONS TO SHOW CAUSE, NOTICE OF EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS AND NOTICE OF HEARING IN THE NAME OF AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA: TO ALL THE SHERIFFS OF THE STATE AND TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: YOU ARE COMMANDED to serve this summons and a copy of the Petition in Eminent Domain, the Declaration of Taking, the Notice of Lis Pendens, the Notice of Publica- tion, the Notice of Filing Affidavit Supporting Constructive Service of Process, and the Affidavit Support- ing Constructive Service of Process, upon: All defendants named in Exhibit "A", attached; all parties claim- ing interests by, through, under or against the named defendants; all parties having or claiming to have any right, title, or interest in the property described in Exhibit "B" and the unknown spouses of the above-named defendants, if any, and their heirs, devisees, assignees, grantees, creditors, lessees, ex- ecutors, administrators, mortgagees, judgment creditors, trustees, lien- holders, persons in possession, and any and all other persons having or claiming to have any right, title or interest by, through, under or against the above-named defendants, or otherwise claiming any right, title, or interest in the real property de- scribed in this action. NOTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DE- FENDANTS AND TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, INCLUDING ALL PARTIES CLAIMING ANY INTEREST BY, THROUGH, UN- DER OR AGAINST THE NAMED DEFENDANTS; AND TO ALL HAVING OR CLAIMING TO HAVE ANY RIGHT, TITLE, OR INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN the Petition, that Petitioner has filed a Petition in Eminent Domain and Declaration of Taking to acquire certain property interests in Gilchrist County, Florida as described in the Petition. Each Defendant and any other person claiming any interest in, or having a lien upon, such property is required to serve a copy of written answer and defenses to the Petition upon J. Gregory Jacobs, of the law firm of Bricklemyer Smolker & Bolves,. P.A., 500 East Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 200, Tampa, FL 33602, at- tourney for Petitioner, and to file the original of the answer and defenses with the Clerk of this Court,, on or before August 16, 2006, showing what right, title, interest, or lien the defendant has in or to the property described in the Petition and to show cause why that property should not be taken for the uses and purposes set forth in the Petition. If any Defendant fails to do so, a default will be entered against that Defen- dant for the relief demanded in the Petition. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NO- TICE that a Declaration of Taking has been filed in this cause and that- Petitioner will apply for an Order of Taking vesting title and posses- sion to the property as described in the Petition in the name of Peti- tioner, and any other order the Court deems proper before the Honorable Maurice Giunta, Circuit Judge, on October 10, 2006, at 2:30 P.M., in the Circuit Judge's Chambers of the- Gilchrist County Courthouse, 112 S. Main Street, Trenton, Florida32693. All Defendants in this action may request a hearing and be heard at the time and place designated. Any Defendant failing to file a request for hearing shall waive any right to object to the Order of Taking. WITNESS my hand and seal of the Court on theLday of July, 2006. JOE GILLIAM, Clerk of the Circuit Court (SEAL) By: Lyndsay P. Ayers Deputy Clerk NOTIFICATION ATTN: If you are a person with a disability who needs any accom- modation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance, Please contact the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court (800) 267-3182 within two (2) working days of your receipt of this notice of hearing; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call TDD (352) 463-3437 or Florida Relay Service 711. Pub. July 20, 27, 2006b., Florida Gas Transmission Company v. Philpot, et al. PARCEL INTERESTED PERSONS INTEREST RECORD GLCH-003.000 David L. Moore OWNER Instr. # 2001000743 7070 U.S. Highway 129 O.R. Bk. 270, P. 381 Bell, Florida 32619 RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk. 200, P. 245 GLCH-003.000 Anita L. Moore OWNER Instr. # 2001000743, 7070 U.S. Highway 129 O.R. Bk. 270, P. 381 Bell, Florida 32619 RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk. 200, P. 245 GLCH-003.000 Farm Credit of North Florida, ACA MORTGAGE Instr. # 2000005040 c/o J. Charles Thompson, President Instr. # 2002001084 12300 N.W. U.S. Highway 441 S' Alachua, Florida 32615-8500 GLCH-004.000 Bruce D. Maurer OWNER Instr. # 2003001422 2510 N.W. 57th Trail Bell, Florida 32619 RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk. 200, P. 239 OIL, GAS AND O.R. Bk. 90, P. 621 MINERAL LEASE O.R. Bk. 90, P. 249 RESERVATION .GLCH-004.000 Susan E. Maurer OWNER Instr. # 2003001422 2510 N.W. 57th Trail Bell, Florida 32619 RIGHTS RETAINED 0.R. Bk. 200, P. 239 OIL, GAS AND O.R. Bk. 90, P. 621 MINERAL LEASE O.R. Bk. 90, P. 249 RESERVATION GLCH-004.000 Central Florida Electric RIGHT-OF-WAY O.R. Bk. 159, P. 314 Cooperative, Inc., EASEMENT a Florida corporation c/o Mike Campbell, Registered Agent UTILITY Instr. # 2006002291 1124 North Young Boulevard EASEMENT Chiefland, Florida 32626 . EXHIBIT "A" Florida Gas Transmission Company v. Philpot, et al. PARCEL INTERESTED PERSONS INTEREST RECORD GLCH-004.000 Devon Energy Corporation, a OIL, GAS AND O.R. Bk. 90, P. 621 Delaware corporation, as successor MINERAL LEASE O.R. Bk. 90, P. 249 by merger to Pennzenergy GLCH-010.000 Corporation, a Delaware corporation, OIL, GAS AND O.R. Bk. 90, P. 231 as successor by merger tb Pennzoil MINERAL LEASE O.R. Bk. 99, P. 618 P; ddifbihg Company, a Delaware GLCH-013.000 corporation OIL, GAS AND O.R. Bk. 90, P. 231 c/o J. Larry Nichols, President MINERAL LEASE O.R. Bk. 90, P. 618 20 North Broadway Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102 GLCH-005.000 David Henry Philpot OWNER O.R. Bk. 66, P. 194 1717 N. Bayshore Drive O.R. Bk. 69, P. 648 Miami, Florida 33132 RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk. 212, P. 329 GLCH-005.000 Donald Gordon Philpot OWNER O.R. Bk. 66, P. 194 5154 Forest Brook Parkway O.R. Bk. 69, P. 648 Marietta, Georgia 30068 RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk. 212,,P. 536 GLCH-005.000 Virginia Lee Philpot Rosen OWNER O.R. Bk. 66, P. 194 5413 Pasadena Drive O.R. Bk. 69, P. 648 Orlando, Florida 32809 RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk. 212, P. 560 GLCH-005.000 Thomas Joseph Philpot OWNER O.R. Bk. 66, P. 194 3400 Ocean Beach Boulevard O.R. Bk. 69, P. 648 Cocoa Beach, Florida 32931 RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk. 212, P. 488 GLCH-005.000 Mary Ann Philpot OWNER O.R. Bk. 251, P. 362 5 Douglas Circle Lake City, Florida 32025 RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk. 212, P. 334 O.R. Bk. 212, P. 339 NC Of R N RTH BOUNDARY OF THE SOUTH 1/2 F THE SW 1/4 OF SEC. 30, TWP. 7 . 0G. is E N 895S9'27' W-43.69' TERMINUS POINT- ' P.0.8.-. \ \ NW 7sNO F4E .C APPARENT MAINTAINED R/W LINE EXTRA RMPO / CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT L5 . S"~ INSTRUMENT NO. 2001 743 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT /I JUN TABLE NUMBER BEARING DISTAN E LI N 8'1'37" *W 40.24' L2 N V5'B9'27" W 123.74' L 3 S ,8B'59" E 40.02' 1/ L4 S O58'59" E 15000' 0 i.5 S S a937'40 W 50.02' I" LO N oa58'5s9 lV 150.33' L.7 S 8'5927 E 50.3' SOUTH BOUNDARY OF THE SW 1/4 ' OF SEC. 30, TWP. 7 S, RNG. 1 E . I I DRMs POW AVM 014AM MW4 ON IfE 4MW1114STAIT PVnfE0004110447E 7015 1401114ZM ACM 1AVMWICAMNf or IISMJ WI TI 80101 BO OFiY W T, SeMNvurF1/4 0Or IOWN 14 14580 Y 100TRANCE1088 OWAS hMW N MU17J7W. "a 8* 515EVw19P1$ f810445 P511 IME D811010F1W*Er0 UAMIW MIA 85141 AP SIV4W rAQOIWhON MN A AHRM W M 48 PAA4 J DEOW"M PISAND 5OEM=1 W0841080 4NIT$0108150480584ARE 8zoo ON 51808.Or0 5? 0045 00 A M MM nD O IE 7708TI 01110A 004014?511OEV Florida Gas Transmission Company v. Philpot, et al. PARCEL INTERESTED PERSONS INTEREST RECORD GLCH-010.000 Horace Hart OWNER as to 1/2 O.R. Bk. 2002, P. 3079 5499 N.W. 55th Avenue interest O.R. Bk. 45, P. 261 " Bell, Florida 32619 O.R. Bk. 96, P. 86 O.R. Bk. 142, P. 613 O.R. Bk. 264, P. 207 RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk. 200, P. 263 OIL, GAS AND O.R. Bk. 90, P. 231 MINERAL LEASE' O.R. Bk. 90, P. 618 RESERVATION GLCH-010.000 Brenda Hart OWNER as to 1/2 O.R. Bk. 2002, P. 3079 5499 N.W. 55th Avenue interest O.R. Bk. 45, P. 261 Bell, Florida 32619 O.R. Bk. 96, P. 86 O.R. Bk. 142, P. 613 O.R. Bk. 264, P. 207 RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk, 200, P. 263 OIL, GAS AND O.R. Bk. 90, P. 231 MINERAL LEASE O.R. Bk. 90, P. 618 RESERVATION GLCH-010.000 Joseph D. Hart, Jr. OWNER as to 1/2 O.R. Bk. 2002, P. 3079 5179 N.W. 571h Place interest O.R. Bk. 45, P. 261 Bell, Florida 32619 O.R. Bk. 96, P. 86 O.R. Bk. 142, P. 613 O.R. Bk. 264, P. 207 RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk. 200, P. 263 OIL, GAS AND O.R. Bk. 90, P. 231 MINERAL LEASE. O.R. Bk. 90, P. 618 RESERVATION GLCH-010.000 Felicia And Hart OWNER as to 1/2 O.R. Bk. 2002, P. 3079 5179 N W. 57th Place interest O.R. Bk. 45, P. 261 Bell, Florida 32619 O.R. Bk. 96, P. 86 Q.R. Bk. 142, P. 613 O.R. Bk. 264, P. 207 RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk. 200, P. 263 OIL, GAS AN.D O.R. Bk. 90i P. 231 MINERAL LEASE O.R. Bk. 90, P. 618 RESERVATION Florida Gas Transmission Company v. Philpot, et al. PARCEL INTERESTED PERSONS INTEREST RECORD GLCH-010.000 Capital City Bank, a Florida banking Mortgage O.R. Bk. 177, P. 53 corporation, successor by merger to O.R. Bk. 182, P. 249 Branford State Bank, a Florida O.R. Bk. 209, P. 79 banking corporation c/o J. Kimbrough Davis, Reg. Agent 217 N. Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 j GLCH-013.000 STR Realty, Inc.. OWNER Instr. # 2005003322 a Florida corporation c/o Matthew A Potter, Reg. Agent RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk. 200, P. 209 5940 Main Street New Port Richey, Florida 34652 GLCH-018.000 Michael K. Rebmann OWNER Instr. # 2005001355 16972 W. Lancashire Drive Loxahatchee, Florida 33470 RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk. 200, P. 203 GLCH-018.000 Kristine Rebmann OWNER Instr. # 2005001355 16972 W. Lancashire Drive Loxahatchee, Florida 33470 RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk. 200, P. 203 GLCH-018.000 Washington Mutual Bank, MORTGAGE Instr. # 2005001356 a federal savings, bank, f/lkla Washington Mutual Bank, FA Arch Plaza Financial Center 2273 N. Green Valley Parkway Henderson, Nevada 89014 GLCH-036.000 Harris J. Thurston OWNER O.R. Bk. 2004, P. 4599 2519 N W. 25th Avenue Bell, Florida 32619 RIGHTS RETAINED O.R. Bk. 202, P. 248 GLCH-036.000 Tri-County Bank, MORTGAGE Instr. # 2004004600 a Florida banking corporation c/o Gregory V. Beauchamp, P.A.., a Florida corporation, as Reg. Agent 107 E. Park Avenue, Cheifland, Florida 32626 ALL PARCELS Marilyn Bruce, as Tax Collector TAX COLLECTOR 112 S. Main Street Trenton, Florida 32693 GILCHRIST COUNTY. FLORIDA SECTION 30, TWP. 7 S, RNG. 15 E EXTRA TEMP. CONSTR. ESM'T. NE CORNER OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SEC. 30, TWP. 7S, RNO. 15 E 40" WIDE EASEMENT EAST BOUNDARY OF THE SW 1/4 OF SEC. 30, TWP. 7 S. RNG. IS E ,- N 01*sa's5" a318.59' 30' F.G.T. PIPELINE P.O.C. SE CORNER OF THE SW 1/4 OF SEC. 30. TWP. 7 S. RNG. IS E P.O.9AJI PERMANENT MfAQUENT A 40.00 FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND, LYING IN AND BEING A PART OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE 15 EAST, GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA AND BEING A PORTION OF THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2001 743, PUBUC RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY, THE CENTERLINE 01" SAID STRIP BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4; THENCE N B9B51'37" W, ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4, 40.24 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 01o58'59' W I1318.59 FEET TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4 AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID CENTERUNE. THE SIDELINES OF SAIO EASEMENT ARE TO BE EXTENDED OR SHORTENED TO TERMINATE IN SAID NORTH AND SOUTH BOUNDARIES. CONTAINING 1.21 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. TEMPORAL CONSmuCTON EASr mr BEING AN ADDITIONAL 60 FOOT WIDE STRIP ADJOINING AND PARALLEL WITH THE WEST SIDELINE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMANENT EASEMENT. CONTAINING 1.82 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. EXTRA TEMPORARY CONSIRUT)MIO EASEMENT A PARCEL OF LAND, LYING IN AND BEING A PART OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE 15 EAST, GILCHRIST COUNTY. FLORIDA AND BEING A PORTION OF THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2001 743. PUBUC RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; COMMENCE AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4; THENCE N 89*a9'27" W, ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF SAIDSOUTH 1/2, 123.74 FEET; THENCE S 018'359" E 40.02 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE S 01*58'59" E 150.00 FEET; THENCE S 8g'37' 54" W 50.02 FEET; THENCE N 01"55'59" W 150.33 FEET; THENCE S B9'89'27" E 80.03 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.17 ACRE (7,508 SQUARE FEET). MORE OR LESS. LEGEND . CENTERUNE F.G.T. FLORIDA GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY O.R. OFFICIAL RECORDS P.O.B. POINT OF BE6INNINO P.O.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMEN T SEC. SECTION TWP. TOWNSHIP RNO. RANGE R/W RIGHT OF WAY N.T.S. NOT TO SCALE S PERMANENT EASEMENT P7 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT BM EXTRA TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT Florida Gas Transmission Company HOUSrON, 7TEMS REV. UNIVERSAL ENSCO, INC. 4844 LUM IClEi.M&MW- HO8STRLYOM5447708 mm 111(m)1A677-7m7 P141454 tif4E 0WAIJI7UWlJ 40888Off0 SPECIFIC. PURPOSE SURVEY AND DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH OF EASEMENT ON THE PROPERTY OF DAVID L MOORE, ET UX OILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA FRWWC NO. 321061 P111110005NO. 40 SNt. OF Oft N.40 FLMEFGLCH1003 aH.I OF I,, Page Fouree Notice of Eminent Domain Proceedings and Notice of Hearing continued on Page 15 X %.J I I JL JL J N-11 %-JJL%-t I N b"l. I Qf I I I m THURSDAY, JULY 20, 2006 GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Page Fifteen Notice of Eminent Dordain Proceedings and Notice of Hearing continued from Page 14 GILCHRIST COUNTY. FLORIDA SECTION 31, TWP. 7 S, RNG. 15 E ( N 89'51'7" W / 40.24 N LINE TABLE NUMBER BEARING LI N 89'54'00 .L2 N 89*54'00- L3 N 01'49'10" L4 N 8'10'50'" L5 S OV1'401o LEGEND S CENTERUNE F.G.T. FLORIDA GAS TRANSMISSION O.R. OFFICIAL RECORDS P.O.B. POINT OF BEGINNING P.O.C. = POINT OF COMMENCEMENT SEC. SECTION TWP. TOWNSHIP RNG. RANGE R/W = RIGHT OF WAY N.T.S. NOT TO SCALE = PERMANENT EASEMENT EM77 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION =_ E)TRA TEMPORARY CONSTR P.O.B. NORTH BOUNDARY OF THE NW 1/4 OF SEC. 31, TWP. 7 S, RNG. 15 E. V/ . S 0r58'59" E /v 404.33' FLMEF-GLCH-004 BRUCE MAURER, ET UX INSTRUMENT NO. 2003001422 60' WIDE TEMPORARY- CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT DISTANCE / w 121.r 97' S 50.03' , W 93.26' S 01 4910" E------0 E 50.00' 2236.26' E 94.94 . 40' WIDE EASEMENT---- XNSTRT TP0 6E NTRUCTON EASEMENT COMPANY SOUTH BOUNDARY OF THE NW 1/4\ V OF SEC. 31,.W. SP. 7, RNG. 15E. \ B0 P.O.B.; L1 9'54B00" 4 f 9. PERMANENT EAIENT A 40.00 FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND, LYING IN AND BEING A PART OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE 15 EAST, GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA AND BEING A PORTION OF THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2003001422, PUBUC RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY, THE CENTERUNE OF SAID STRIP BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHWEST 1/4; THENCE N 89"51'37" W, ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF SAID NORTHWEST 1/4, 40.24 FEET TO THE .POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 0158'59" E 404.33 FEET THENCE S 01"49'10" E :2236.26 FEET TO THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF SAID NORTHWEST 1/4 AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID CENTERUNE. THE SIDELINES OF SAID EASEMENT ARE TO BE EXTENDED OR SHORTENED TO' MEET AT ANGLE POINTS AND TO TERMINATE IN SAID NORTH AND SOUTH BOUNDARIES, CONTAINING 2.42 ACRES, MORE OR LESS.. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT BEING AN ADDITImONAL 60 FOOT WIDE STRIP ADJOINING AND PARALLEL WITH THE WEST SIDELINE OF THE ABOVE DESCR BED PEPMANOAT EASEMENT. CONTAINING 3.64 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. . EXTRA TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT A PARCEL OF LAND, tYING IN AND BEING A PART OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP,7 SOUTH, RANGE 15 EAST, GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA AND BEING A PORTION . OF THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2003001422, PUBUC RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER Of SAID NORTHWEST 1/4: THENCE N 81"54'00" W. ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF SAID NORTHWEST 1/4,. 121.97 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THENCE CONTINUE N 89'54'00- W, ALONG SAID SOUTH BOUNDARY. 50.03 FEET; THENCE N 01'49'10" W 9326 FEET: THENCE N 8810'50" E 5000 FEET, THENCE S 01'49'10 E 94.94 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 0.11 ACRE (4.703 SQUARE, FEET), MORE OR LESS. NOTES: 1 ZmDA 4m1M7 AH aM VA1 B4WT OF 'nm v 410RM =00W Or p1ir cm 1461M110r 1/4 1 OFs 31 3JI. i OMW f 1'4 si 440IId s K4. 1HEW #hOnIJUr w. l ITS S, 1 8 W464 w o R6m a FOR Bit Sfi w piwaT o eST ,BUOINO A B4DTO'Ar Aw4AF '. " SALIctD rww s60 MO 1io0M16 mxss1 r i346m L IN I.6MR IMON4 W RA7 A ON sw1Ve4 oTrAv n aMia C mF aMs1M=sWV= o1 4 M VA Aw Om 4 E 0 0 SUP51D f8r asp2r M40 00 Mt CWMII m TN IM1.S1 OF r A 0M14M61617r, 116DM.. 81."OTR 194"1 rR1.08 CRON& 611111 1.,4180 P.O.C. NE CORNER OF THE NW 1/4 OF. SEC. 31, TWP. 7 S, RNG. 15 E. 1 30" F.G.T. PIPEUNE \.EAST BOUNDARY OF THE NW 1/4 OF SEC. 31, TWP. 7 S, RNG. 15 E. TERMINUS POINT O,6TR6 TEMP CONSTP ESM'T SE CORNER OF THE 1MW 1,'4 OF S/ SEC. 31. TWP. 7 S. RNG 15 E. So. C.CCO S AAt a DI tL A IL PROJECT NO. / 5-,0C oI I Florida Gas SPECIFIC PURPOSE SURVEY AND 321051 SsC 10J2005 JC 102005 o 0,2 Transmisslon DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH OFr EASEMENT PtaTOs on no 91D .AN DOM 10, 2o05 Company ON THE PROPERTY OFO CONST. k.mru BRUCE 0. MAURER. ET OUY '. O S9-. NO PLOT DAM FILE NO GILCHPISI COUNTY. FLORIDA F"FAEFGICHOO4 \ FE DETCR.FRTON 6By 'DATE APPRr ,LE h,70 'I,Be,22.0,10WPLAIS.SrLMt 1,L(H11 i-uI SAL 40' t,1:LIQ',, Tr.'4r H GILCHRIST COUNTY. FLORIDA SECTION 31, TWP., 7 S, RNG. 15 E N. 854DP.O.C. N 895400NE CORNER OF THE SW 7/4 OF .PERMANENT SEM ... . SPO.B.-SEC. 31. TWP. 7 S, r. 5 E. A 40.00 FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND, LYING IN AND BEING A PART OF THE SOUTHWEST; / 1/4 OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE 15 EAST, GILCHRIST COUNTY. FLORIDA, : ------ -- THE CENTERUNE OF SAID STRIP BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE N NORTH BOUNDARY OF THE SW 4 1-4 r- NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4: THENCE N 89'54'00" W. ALONG THE NORTH SOF SEC. 31, TWP. 7 S RNG. 1IE. ; P.oQ.B. BOLUNDOARY OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4. 41.93 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE OFSEC31, WP. 7 S' 014 10' E 1364 E55 FEET TO THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF, THE NORTH 1/2 OF SAID SO'JUTH- WEST 1/4 AND IHE TERMINUS OF SAID CENTERUNE. THE SIDELINES OF SAID EASEMENT ARE TO BE ElTE ODED OR SHORTENED TO TERMINATE IN SAIC tiORrH AND SOUTHr BOuL'JARiES rCTRA TEMkPORARY1 % CONTAINING 1.25 ACRES. MORE OR LESS. CONSTRUCTION, EASEMENT. CONSTRUCTION SEM L4 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCON EASEMENT BEING AN ADDITIONAL 60 FOOT WIDE STRIP ADJOINING AND PARALLEL WITH THE WEST SIDELINE OF THE ABOVE DE5IRIIBED PERMANENT EASEMENT. FLMEF-GLCH-005 NW 57TH l / / 30" F.G.T. PIPEUNE COrTAlNrIG; 1 88 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. MARY AN PHtiLPC'T. El AL EXTRA TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT (OR 240' PG. E32 r A PARCEL OF LAND, LYING IN AND BEING A PART OF THE SOUTHWEST ,1/4 OF SECTION 31,. 40 WIDE EASEM TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE 15 EAST, GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4; STHENCE N 89'54'00" W. ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4. 121.97 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE N 89'54'00" W, ALONG SAID UINETAE NORTH BOUNDARY. i0.03 FEET, THENCE S' 0149'10 E 241.63 FEET; THENCE N 88'10'50" E UMER TABLERI DISTANCE E S.00 FEET; THEi Cr E 1 0 '4910" W 239.95 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, LESS NUMBER BEN 54ARING I EXISTING ROA A4Y, o c ( . LI N 69-S4'00" W .. ..... ... .... .... ,... ..- .. .......... .-. -... CONTA NNG o.28 ACR E (12,133 V AR1oE -EET) M ORE O L S ;" ,. ,.' ,, : -.W 50.03' .CONT NIN 02AC RLES' lL4.I NBOW615'E 50.00' 5OFr SEC. 31, TWP. 75, RNGH 15 E. 'l ,. .. ,, , L5 N 01'49 10- W 239.95' I /* NOTa i 11 SH1mW c1 MS A M&%s ON PC Mn.M STAFF i PLANE OXMTE STEn. 101 20111 I 40 710W 41 o471o1 mm 4 I a41 o P ea 1w O t11 M'UM1 41 3T I/ OF W J1 S, w 7,.5110 RR IS AW S "0B W T N *r541 W . TEMPORAReY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 2r"a2s LswA.0'4E SP P orF 1 A 84T1IA 4PPM64 P60'1. 0 6001431 11011 FOR A 4141M W4 04s iv Y60- S 01301OWANDma011) Or IT PPOSED1 1D4SE4,N 0TT 111m ME m c 84$D) ON LE GEND suprum er mow AS Do HOr co smw w nows Or A VO&MAW sW.F LEGEND . CENTERUNE F.G.T. FLORIDA 'GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY I .R. POINT O OFFICIAL RECGIORNINDS SOUTH BOUNDARY OF THE NORTH -SE CORNER OF THE NORTH 1/2 POINT OF COMMENCEMENT 1/2 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SEC. 31, OF THE SW 1/4 OF SEC. 31, P AI By SP.O.C. -S OF C TWP. 7 S, RNG. 15 E. TWP. 7 S, RNG. 13 E. TWP. TOWNSHIP / RNS. RANGE R/W RIGHT OF WAY N.T.S. NOT TO SCALE TMINUS p$n91-/7 W w UNIVERSAL ENSCO, INC. t PERMANENT EASEMENT TERMINUS POIST891'1 400 4 LOOS 8 CENTRAL RI61 14JUST1N4. 11EM S770 "17 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT P'N'M S FICT 07 H7-7 Mta. - EXTRA TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT O UCESED S O AP "ROC1 ', . S0.DWG CHECKEo APPROVED &,1A PROJECT NO. STATUS BY DATE 5 BY OATE co l Florida Gas SPECIFIC PURPOSE SURVEY AND 321061 PRELIM SJC 10/2005 SJC 10/2005 J 09/ Transm sson DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH OF EASEMENT PREIOUS o0 NO. BID o a D0DM 10/2005 Company ON THE PROPERTY OF C ON S. p TIM A R Y A N N PH IL PO T Er TAL .T. OF PLOT DATE .R.LE NO;.: GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA FLMEFLCH05 A REV. DESCRIPTION BY DATE APPR. FILE NAME I;\8622.000\PLATS\FlMEFGLCHOO05 %S."I1 '=200' I'r I GILCHRIST COUNTY. FLORIDA SECTION 6, TWP. 8 S, RNG. 15 E "- NORTH BOUNDARY OF THE NE P.O.B.-' 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SEC. 6, TWP. 6 S, RHNG.15 IE. FLMEF-GLCH-O 0 'HORACE HART, ET AL INSTRUMENT NO. 2002 3079 UNE TABLE NUMBER BEARING DISTANCE LI S 88'31'2s" W 20.38' L2 B S33'34 W 103.68' 1.3 N O0'20'29 W 26.39 L4 N 01"20'29" W 150.00' 15 S 88'07'47" W 50.00' L6 S 01'20'29" E 151.15' L7 N 86"48'57" E 50.03' LEGEND CENTERUNE F.G.T. FLORIDA GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY O.R. OFFICIAL RECORDS P.O.B. POINT OF BEGINNING P.O.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT SEC. SECTION TWP. TOWNSHIP RNGO. .- RANGE R/W RIGHT OF WAY N.T.S. NOT TO SCALE - PERMANENT EASEMENT E7 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 00 EXTRA TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 40' WIOE EASEMENT-- TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT-- S 01O20'29" E-- 1321.32' EXTRA TEMPORARY I CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT I SOUTH BOUNDARY OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SEC. 6, TWP. 8 S, RNG. 15 E. P.O.C. NE CORNER OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF. SEC. 6, TWP. S,. RNG. 15 E. _ 30" F.G.T, PIPELINE ST BOUNDARY OF THE NE '4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SEC. TWP. 8 S, RNG. 15 E. P.O.C. EXTRA TEMP. CONSTR. ESM'T. -SE CORNER OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SEC. 6, TWP. 8 S, RNGO. 15 E. SNW 2ND PLACE PERMANENT EASEMENT A 40.00 FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND, LYING IN AND BEING A PART OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH, RANGE 15 EAST, GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA, THE CENTERUNE OF SAID STRIP BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4; THENCE S 88'31'28" W. ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF SAID NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4. 20.38 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE S Oq'20'29' E 1321.32 FEET TO THE SOUTH BOUNDARY, OF SAID NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID CENTERIUNE. THE SIDEUNES OF SAID EASEMENT ARE TO BE EXTENDED OR SHORTENED TO TERMINATE IN SAID NORTH AND ,SOUTH BOUNDARIES. CONTAINING 1.20 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASUENT BEING AN ADDITIONAL 60 FOOT WIDE STRIP ADJOINING AND PARALLEL WITH THE WEST ' SIDELINE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMANENT EASEMENT. CONTAINING 1.82 ACRES. MORE OR LESS. EXTRA TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT A PARCEL OF LAND, LYING IN AND BEING A PART OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH. RANGE 15 EAST. GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4; THENCE S BB*33'34" W, ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF SAID NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4, 103.68 FEET: THENCE N 01'20'29" W 28.39 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE N 01'20'29" W 150.00 FEET; THENCE S 8B'07'47" W 50.00 FEET; THENCE S 01"20'29" E 151.15 FEET; THENCE N 86'48'57" E 80.03 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.17 ACRE (7,529 SQUARE FEET), MORE OR LESS. NOTES; I EwCS S1W1 HIc4 AR al4ON w m 0m STAT0 PLAE m11amm0 4 is7 NO7MZONE4, NORM1 AUW ,t_ 04u Or 1MWM nPT NO671 oW orf or NoMr41 1/4 OF" E SoUMSr 1/4 OF 1= 0 ,111 .F e $.sWW, MW1 tS MET., 81 s #rsI8'1W. 2 IOS S11 14r fWPE0W MR m1W SP WK 4W1vSE OF 13M A 4M W4M1 D0EWT 4r11WSm07 FOR A 1 r44V 044S 6PWM.1 1 3 0cspnW1 s AND SE01E OF mPos01 MD17 AM=0o HMEW RE AME 41 ON W41106ME 0 4 0 W1. COAOWIM TStWG 54R0 AA WE971 1 61 4 2 AND ON 01A=1 SUPPRI ED8 0t A a NDD 00 NOT C rE 1R S.7 TS or A 4UNID6 SmY. UNIVERSAL ENSCO, INC. 4w48 LOOP CENTIRAM.LvE HOUTON. TEiS 770o1 HOND1 (713) 17-7770 F0R.OM cAtnwne'r OF AmT m A Re se 616 PROJECT NO. Gas SPECIFIC PURPOSE SURVEY AND 321061 slon DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH OF EASEMENT P~w ous owG. No. ony ON THE PROPERTY OF HORACE HART, ET AL SaT. or GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA FLMEFGLCH010 A Sm, I OF 1 A Notice of Eminent Domain Proceedings and Notice of Hearing continued on Page 16 Dated this 14th day of July, 2006. Bell Mini Storage Scott Akins, Owner PO Box 267 Bell, Florida 32619 Telephone: (352) 463-6859 Pub. July 20, 2006b. PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE Bell Mini Storage, pursuant to the provisions of the Florida "Self-Stor- age Facility Act" (Fla. Stat. 83.801- 83.809) hereby gives Notice of Sale under said Act, to wit: On Friday, August 4, 2006, at Bell Mini Storage, US Highway 129, Bell, Florida, at 9:00 o'clock Legal Notices (Continued) PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE Bells & Whistles Storage, Hwy. 129, Bell, Florida announces a pub- lic sale to be held on August 8, 2006 at 10:00 a.m. The sale will be held at Bells & Whisltes Storage Facility located at 1859 North Hwy.129 in Bell, Florida. The sale is being held to satisfy a landlord's lien. Everything sold is purchased "as is", "where is" for cash. Bells & Whistles Storage re- serves .the right to cancel any public sale that is advertised. The units are as follows: Unit # 62: Carol Hegwood Unit # 80: Bennie Milligan. Angie Perry Bells and Whistles Storage S 0(386)- 294-3867 Pub. July 20, 2006b., PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE Bell Mini Storage. pursuant to the provisions of the Florida "Self-Stor- age Facility Act" (Fla Stai. 83.801- 83.809) hereby gives Notice of.Sale under said Act, to wit: On Fnda. August 4, 2006, at. Bell Mini Storage. US Highway 129. Bell. Florida. at 9:00 o'clock a m.. Scott Akins, owner, will con- duct a Sale by Auction to the highest bidder o\er which is owned on the contents of the space rented bN. Lisa Bames-Grav 1849 NW 30th St. Bell, FL 32619 consisting of personal and house- hold items. This sale is being made to satisfy, a statutory lien. Dated this 14th day of July, 2006. Bell Mini Storage Scott Akins, Owner PO Box 267 Bell. Flonda 32619 Telephone ,352), 463-6859 Pub. July 20, 2006b. PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE Bell Mini Storage, pursuant to the .provisions of the Florida "Self-Stor- age Facility Act" i Fla Sit 83.801- S83.S09') hereb gikes Notce of Sale under said Act, to wit On Friday, August 4, 2006, at Bell Mini Storage, US High%%a> 129, Bell, Florida, at 9 00 o'clock a:m., Scott Akins, owner, will con- duct a Sale by Auction to the highest bidder over which is owned on the contents of tloe space rented b\ ,-,ernonmCrboms -_0L6630:W'V1lthAve. 'Bell, FL 32619'? -" consisting of personal and house- hold items. This sale is being made to satisfy a statutory lien. Dated this 14th day of July, 2006. Bell Mini Storage Scott Akins, Owner PO Box 267 Bell, Florida 32619 Telephone: (352) 463-6859 Pub Jul 20, 2006b. PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE Bell Mini Storage, pursuant to the. provisions of the Florida "Self-Stor- age Facility Act" (Fla. Stat. 83.801- 83.809) hereby gives Notice of Sale. under said Act, to wit: On Friday, August 4, 2006, at Bell Mini Storage, US Highway 129, Bell, Florida, at 9:00 o'clock a.m., Scott Akins, owner, will con- duct a Sale by'Auction to the highest bidder over'which is owned on the contents of the space rented by: Linda Taylor PO Box 202 Bell, FL 32619 consisting of personal and house- hold items. This sale is being made to satisfy a statutory lien. Dated this 14th day of July, 2006. Bell Mini Storage Scott Akins, Owner PO Box 267 Bell, Florida 32619 Telephone: (352) 463-6859 Pub. July 20, 2006b. PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE Bell Mini Storage, pursuant to the provisions of the Florida "Self-Stor- age Facility Act" (Fla. Stat. 83.801- S83.809) hereby gives Notice of Sale Under said Act, to wit: On Friday, August 4, 2006, at Bell Mini Storage, US Highway 129, Bell, Florida, at 9:00 o'clock a.m., Scott Akins, owner, will con- duct a Sale by Auction to the highest bidder over which is owned on the contents of the space rented by: Terry Marshall PO Box 154 Bell, FL 32619 consisting of personal and house- hold items. This sale is being made to satisfy a statutory lien. GILCHRIST COUNTY, TOMMY LANGFORD, CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: JOSEPH W. GILLIAM, CLERK Pub. July 20, 2006b. NOTICE OF MEETING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, the Gilchrist County Board of County Commissioners, in and for Gilchrist County, Florida, will hold a regular meeting on Monday, July 24, 2006, at 3:00 p.m., in the Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room, located at 210 South Main Street, Trenton, Florida. The following is a proposed agenda. .AEEMEUJT AUCTION EASEMENT UNIVERSAL EtSCO, INC. 4LOeONP C n. 0r aT OstLS. WA4 S 7701 Auk 041C (7Hl3 B77-7770 Mr'4S 076CA4t0OF AbWOM&08.Z NUMBER 8416688 a.m., Scott Akins, owner, will con- duct a Sale by Auction to the highest bidder over which. is owned on the contents of the space rented by: Edward Brown 1022 NE 13th Ave. Trenton, FL 32693 consisting of personal and house- hold items. This sale is being made to .satisfy a statutory lien. Dated this 14th day of July, 2006. Bell Mini Storage \ Scott Akins, Owner PO Box 267 Bell, Florida 32619 Telephone: (352) 463-6859 Pub. July 20, 2006b. PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE Bell Mini Storage, pursuant to the provisions of the Florida "Self-Stor- age Facility Act" (Fla.'Stat. 83.801- 83.809) hereby gives Notice of Sale under said Act, to wit:. .On "Friday, August 4, 2006, at Bell Mini Storage, US Highway 129, Bell, Florida, at 9:00 o'clock a.m., Scott Akins, owner, will con- duct a Sale by Auction to the highest bidder ovei which is o% ned on the contents of the space rented by: Debra Perkins PO Box 149622 Orlando. FL 3281479622 consisting of personal and house- hold items. This sale is being.made to satisfy a statutory lien. . Dated this 14th day of-July, 2006. Bell Mini Storage Scott Akins. Owner S- PO Box 267 Bell, Florida 32619 Telephone: (352) 463-6859 Pub. July 20, 2006b. PUBLIC NOTICE OFSALE Bell Mini Storage. pursuant to the provisions of the Florida "-Sel-rStor- age Facilit, Act" (Fla. Stat. 83.801- 83.809) hereby gives Notice of Sale under said Act, to wit: On Friday August 4, 2006, at Bell Mini Storage, US High%%a, ', 129, Bell, Florida, at 9:00 c,'clock a.m., Scott Akins, owner, will con- duct a Sale, by Auction to the highest bidder over which is o%'ned on the contents of the space.rented by: Carol Da\ is 1919 SE 37thAve. Trenton. FL 32693 consisting of personal and house- hold items. This sale is being made to satisfy a statutorN lien. Dated this 14th day of July, 2006. Bell Mini Storage Scott Akins, Owner PO Box 267 -..Bell, Florida 32619! > Telephone: i352) 463-6859 Pub. July 20, 2006b. PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE Bell Mini Storage, pursuant to the provisions of the Florida "Self-Stor- age Facility Act" (Fla. Stat. 83.801- 83.809) herehb'gives Notice of Sale ,'under said Act, to wit: On Friday, August 4, 2006, at Bell Mini Storage, US Highway 129, Bell, Florida, at,9:00 o'clock a.m., Scott Akins, owner, will con- duct a Sale by Auction to the highest bidder over which is owned on the contents of the space rented by: Nancy Jordan PO Box 353 Bell, FL 32619 consisting of personal and house- hold items. This sale is being made to satisfy a statutory lien. Dated this 14th day of July, 2006. Bell Mini Storage Scott Akins, Owner PO Box 267 Bell, Florida 32619 Telephone: (352) 463-6859 Pub. July 20, 2006b. NOTICE OF BUDGET WORKSHOPS The Board of County Commis- sioners, in and for Gilchrist. County, will hold Budget Workshops on July 17, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. Constitutional Officers July 20, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. Salaries July 24, 2006 at 1:00 p.m. at the Board of County Commis- sioners meeting facility located at 210 South Main Street, Trenton. All interested parties are invited to attend and be heard. "Persons with disabilities request- ing reasonable accommodations to participate in this proceeding should contact (352) 463-3169 (Voice & TDD) or via Florida Relay Service (800) 955-8771." PLEASE BE ADVISED that if a person decides to appeal any deci- sion made by the Board of County Commissioners with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he or she will need a re- cord of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS (MI CHR15ST (COUNhTY JOURNAL. THURSDAYJULY 202006 Page Sixtee n -- -_--- , Notice of Eminent Domain Proceedings and Notice of Hearing continued from Page 15 GILCHRIST COUNTY. FLORIDA SECTION 6, TWP. 8 S, RNG. 15 E EASEMENT LINE TABLE NUMBER BEARING DISTANCE L1 N 01'43'51, W 779.95 '1.2 N 0 8'29" E 0.11' L3 S 68''16" W 118.91i L4 S 88'2'85" W 0.00' .5 N 01'435t1" W 149.71 L6 N. 8807'47" e 50.00' L7 S 01'43s51 E 150.02' IB N 0143'51" W 6.24' MAINTAINED R/W LINE LEGEND S CENTERUINE F.O.T. FLORIOA GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY O,R. OFFICIAL RECORDS . P.O.B, POINT OF BEGINNING P.O.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT SE. .- SECTION TWP. TOWNSHIP RNO. RANGE R/W RIGHT OF WAY N.T.S. NOT TO SCALE PERMANENT EASEMENT EM TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT EM EXTRA TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT P~U11WIL ~AD 1159.09 IDIISTNATIOA MASDI AIDS lOT VAlID ~J])ICUT S09A11911. A9~ Ill! OWII'd. 15 lEA. OF A 715 17i Ii00ISiII 8,9101100 MIX IIAP~ PERMANENT EF&ISENT A 40.00 FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND, LYING IN AND BEING A PART OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4-OF SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH, RANGE 15 EAST, GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA BEING A PORTION OF THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2005003322, PUBLIC RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY, THE CENTERUNE OF SAID STRIP BEING DESCRIBED AS FOU.LOWS: COMMENCE. AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4; THENCE S 8818'18" W. ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4, 38.91 FEET. TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 01'4351" W 779.95 FEETi THENCE N 07'16 29" E 0.11 FEET TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF SAID PROPERTY AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID CENTERINE. THE SIDELINES OF SAID EASEMENT ARE TO BE EXTENDED OR SHORT- ENED TO MEET AT ANGLE POINTS AND TO TERMINATE IN SAID NORTH AND SOUTH BOUNDARIES.- CONTAINING 0.72 ACRE (31,203 SQUARE FEET), MORE OR LESS. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTnON EASEMENT BEING AN ADDITIONAL 60, FOOT WIDE STRIP ADJOINING AND PARALLEL WITH THE WEST SIDELINE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMANENT EASEMENT. CONTAINING 1.07 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. EXTRA TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT A PARCEL OF LAND. LYING IN AND BEING A PART or THE OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH. RANGE 15 EAST. GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA BEING A PORTION OF THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2005003322, PUBLIC RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4: THENCE S BSB18'IB W, ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4, 118.91 FEET;i THENCE N Ot43'51 W 6.24 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 8-1B'18" W 5000 FEET: THENCE N 01'43'51' W 149.71 FEET; THENCE N B7OTr47" E 50.00 FEET; THENCE S T0143'51' E *150.02 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 0.17 ACRE (7,493 SQUARE FEET). MORE OR LESS. NOMS 80119960 91,0114 AwIDAaM Bam m n olEpIW4 STAWEPLANE 00IlD814E IlSYI AWIMlIZONE NOM111AVMDPE WW iOfriMiMiWl Il SOT=INIR.OIRVOF MC 0065 P07 owmv) 004198 ASRFLAND Lo5 ul0915W NWA GASUEFACOLNDMNIM PIA MPiifWLMS 1PN!I.AC J VEOK1IIOWAW ANDLITIIFIOf rEP900MLSE 4 M01! 01CW 101011ARE 8455 WI 5111P1*D I? CL/DATAND 9 CO 15.D1TPC P~l lEsT!!!orfA SOiPO4RY2111. UNIVERSAL ENSCO, INC. 4n4 LOOP MAL. pDIVE USTEXON A ts no7051 ZF DoG. AECKEO APPROVED M 5T PROJECT ND. -sn BO TOW I OE e N 0. / Florida OG S SPECIFIC PURPOSE SURVEY AND 321061 PREUM SJC 10/2005 SJC 10/2005 BY 09/DATE Tra iulsson DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH OF EASEMENT PREvIOUsoN oj m WN 10/2000 Company ON THE PROPERTY OFO CoNST. SBU STR REALTY, INC.M.N' O. PLT .WE FILE NO HOUSTON, TE.X5 GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA FlMEFGLCHD3 A REV. DESCRFPON BY lATE APPR FILE NWE I 8622,OQ0\,PLAIS\FMEF?-LCHQ3 5sCALE: 1"200' 9IT I OI GILCHRIST COUNTY. FLORIDA : *;SECTION 7, TWP. 8 S, RNG. 15 E ' S 88'49'58' W NORTH BOUNDARY OF THE SW 1/ 47 60 OF SEC. 7. IWP. 8 S. RNG 15 E\ P.O.B. i S 0-123'27 E P.O.C 141.08' \ NE CORNER OF THE SW 1/4 OF SEC. 7, TWP. 8 S, RNG 15 E. .30 FG.T P IPEuNE PERMANENT EASEMENT FLMEF-GLCMI--01A8 /'- i 40.00 FOOT WIDE STRIP OFr LAD, LYING IN AND BEING A PART OF THE SOUTHWEST MICHAEL K. REBMANN. ET UX / 1/4 OF SECTION 7. TOWNSHIP B SOUTH. RANGE 15 EAST, GILCHRIST COUNTY. FLORIDA INSTRUMENT NO 2005001355 1,0' t 440 WIDE EASEMENT BEING A PORTION OF THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2005001355. PUBLIC RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY, THE CENTERUINE OF SAID STRIP BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. COMMENCE AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHWEST 1/4: THENCE i/ S -4e9'5ss" W. ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF SAID0 SOUTHWEST 1/4, 47.60 FEET TO THE POiNT OF BEGINNING: THENCE S 01"23'27" E 141 08 FEET: THENCE S 0746' S11'" 1191.70 FEET TO THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SOUTHWEST S Oe4'" 4 A6 1/4 AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID CENTERUNE. THE SIDELINES OF SAID EASEMENT ARE 1191.70' TO BE EXTENDED OR SHORTENED TO MEET AT ANGEL. POINTS ANO TO TERMINATE IN SAID NORTH AND SOUTH BOUNDARIES. CONTAINING 1.22 ACRES. MORE OR LESS S : .. CONSTRUCTION EASEM 'PO W CONSTRUCnhON EASEMENT ' S. BEING AN AODInONA.L 60 FOOT WIDE STRiP ADJOINING AND PARALLEL. ITH THE WEST S "' .., i. '' SDELIUNE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMANENT EASEMENT, POIN". /CONTAINING 1.84 ACRES., MORE OR LESS. (NorT INCLuDED) TE' - TERMINUS POINT 245:54. N SE CORNER OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SOUTH BOUNOART OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE" S6855 57 W SW 1/4' OF SEC. 7, TWP. 8 S, RNG. 15 E. SW 1/4 OF SEC. 7. TWP. 8 S, RNG. 15 E ' LEGEND ' CENTERUL NE NOTES: ., F.G.T. FLORIDA GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY -- ,, GAt= $WMON ARE a" ON Mr Ro sI"ITS S P" COoM"RI.E ,=W. O.R. OFFICIAL RECORDS l/ t N" OA S M 7, O DmI IS C aIS O,6 0W..N.. P.O.B. POINT OF BEGINNING -' 2 SLIMY IRV. s ov CO M w f mow pUR POOr EM A s A PREPAREDi BY P.O.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT 0 SEC. SECTION "fA .- '~_ = -.- IEHT MARWI TN PO A tR AL d P 'S PSE i TWP. TOWNSHIP I q i Wmm W8RI, T CMWIPa ,Oiw O"iwc, e D m AND i BO O RIGHTOF WYD'INE11,W 2 A r = RFO. -RANGE ,, uIWPLg v W m? W M.S "w SoNwwweWilHy Rmj iWKERKSITS OF AU W1 R/W RIGHT OF WAY IOn UNIVERSAL ENSCO, INC. N.T.S. NOT TO SCALE -, WI99 i WB 90- -O Aoo ',. T.. w -. S- PERMANENT EASEMENT. om. n C o wmE sE- ,"or 4rt15B A"EPi (7 ,77- 77 '-70 ( 10 S- TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT uC01XE S OY m 9.OMAPPER n 9a1m ICRmIE:( OF wAUmTFAi7N NMAIrW IW r CECOE3 cD ,PPROToD PROJECT NO. rI.. s. 10 20 sic 1 0/0 5 'coN= Florida Gas SPECFIC PURPOSE SURVEY AND 3201 S SJC 10/2005 SJC 10/2005 ~5 Transmlsson DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH OF EASEMENT ,PREVIOUS D NDo. o0 RN DOD /M 0/25 Company ON THE PROPERTY OF COST. AS u MICHAEL K. REBMANN, ET UX SNT. OF NO PL.OYDAT LEE lE NO GILCHRiST COUNTY, FLORIDA FLMEFGLCH018 A REV. OESCRIPTION By DATE APPR n l .\BA.I\,2i 000%PLAUrSFlEFGLCHui6 SCALE 1 -300' OUSTON, TX S OF I GILCHRIST COUNTY. FLORIDA SECTION 19, TWP. 8 S, RNG. 15 E LINE TABLE NUMBER BEARING DISTANE PERMANENT EASEMENT LI N 00130'35_ W 27.38' L2 N 07*56'16" W 60.00' A 40.00 FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND, LYING IN AND BEING A PART OF THE NORTHWEST 0 5 3035E" 26.60' 1/4 OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH, RANGE 15 EAST, GILCHRIST COUNTY. FLORIDA, L 0020'35" E 59.9980' BEING A PORTION OF THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2004004599,, L4 IN 8829'45" E 59.99 PUBUC RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY, THE CENTERUNE OF SAID STRIP BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ; COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF' SAID NORTHWEST 1/4; THENCE S30" F.G.T. PIPEUNE S 88'29'45" W, ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF SAID NORTHWEST 1/4. 30.51 FEET T THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PROPERTY: THENCE CONTINUE S B8r29'45" W, ALONG SAID SOUTH BOUNDARY, 386.02 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE TERMINUS POINT N 00'30'35" W 295.29 FEET TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF SAID PROPERTY AND THE \T S 88'28'34" W 3861.48 TERMINUS OF SAID 'CENTERUNE. THE SIDELINES OF SAID EASEMENT ARE TO BE EXTENDED OR SHORTENED TO TERMINATE IN SAID NORTH AND SOUTH BOUNDARIES. S' ---t 40' WIDE EASEMENT CONTAINING 0.27 ACRE (11.812 SQUARE FEET), MORE OR LESS. FLMEF-OLCH-036 /' TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT INSRM E .TI. 4 459 295.29 EXTRA TEMPORARY BEING AN ADDITIONAL 60 FOOT WIDE STRIP ADJOINING AND PARALLEL WITH THE INSTRUMENT NO 24004599 CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT WESTERLY SIDELINE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMANENT EASEMENT. ..TEMPORARYCNST R I, as 829'45" w CONTAINING 041 ACRE (17,716 SQUARE FEET), MORE OR LESS. EASEMENT -*ONL 50.51 \EXTRA TEMPORARY CONSTRUCnTION EASEMENT S3//0 6.03' A PARCEL OF LAND, LYING IN AND BEING A PART OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 19, / 38629.45 W TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH, RANGE 15 EAST, GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING A PORTION OF SOUTH BOUNDARY OF THE NW / / 36. THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2004004599, PUBLIC RECORDS OF SAID OF SEC. 1BOUNDA9, P. 8 TENW 1 PO. COUNTY AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTH- OF SEC. 19, TWP. 8 S, RNG. 1 E P.O.C. EAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHWEST 1/4; THENCE S 8W29245" W. ALONG THE SOUTH SE CORNER OF THE NW 1/4 OF BOUNDARY OF SAID NORTHWEST 1/4, 50.51 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SEC. 1 TWP. 8 S, RNC. 15 E PROPERTY; THENCE CONTINUE S 8829'45" W. ALONG SAID SOUTH BOUNDARY, 306.03 P.O.BFEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 00o30'35" W 27.38 FEET; THENCE EXTRA TEMP. CONSTR. 1S 6756'16" W 60.00 FEET;, THENCE S 00'30'35" E 26.80 FEET TO SAID SOUTH EASEMENT BOUNDARY; THENCE N 88'29'45" E, ALONG SAID SOUTH BOUNDARY, 59.99 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.04 ACRE (1.6825 SQUARE FEET), MORE OR LESS. LEGEND t CENTERUNE F.G.T. = FLORIDA GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY MOTES: O.R. OFTFICIA RECORDS 1 1 fo 1 983 99.1 Tir T .NXOR ,C47 R WPME"COORA ,STEK P.O.B. PINT OF BEGINNING T NID W WE 1 w'4B w. P.O. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT 2 114o 1' .ToswaSa m imis14= amS R or 'TAW R AY SEC. SECTION SVW AnPOUAhI L00P FATIIAA L4 5F IG091MM W6 TWP. TOWNSHIP SEtMtr ACOsnH R A NM A MS IR f'/_ RNG. RANGE Jr DooR IiAt, O.TI61 .Or !ONOMa C ZLC WITD fAIRENAAlW SUMON R/W RIGHT OF WAY *O TiS T B aN DO WI Y TIE m e A 00 1 .I1I1O? N.T.S .- NOT TO SCALE ps U i UNIVERSAL ENSCO, INC. S PERMANENT EASEMENT 8 oj 4 441LOWT7RA VE-HOSTOTAS77 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT Vt.IO MRS&ECA AflTAF n 7 S T EXTRA TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT UCEANOD URV'l ANY D MA PPER C M C MI r o r AVWma'aION g u e18 D.. .. .. .. PROJECTl NOt Dwo. Mr.XCD APPROVED STATUS SB DATE By DATE PROuM Sjc 11/2005 SJC 11/2005 W ."..OTTA i Nfl 041YR I W I DT . .....T IM.. 0 ./20 _ SURVEY DAME JM 09/2005 DRAWN ODM 11/2005 FILE NO.: COST. REV. DESCRIPTION BY DATE APPR. Florida Gas Transmission Company HOUSTON, TEXAS SPECIFIC PURPOSE SURVEY AND DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH OF EASEMENT ON THE PROPERTY OF HARRIS J. THURSTON GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA 321061 PEIOUS DWO., NO. SNI, OF OK. NO. FLMEFGLCH036 A SHT. I OF I Legal Notices (Continued) K IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA JUVENILE DIVISION IN THE INTEREST OF: CASE NO. 21-2005-DP-0025 .C (F) DOB:06/06/2001 Minor. NOTICE OF SUIT FOR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS AND PLACEMFNT FOR ADOPTION THE STATE OF FLORIDA TO: FALLYN RAE TOMBERLIN Address Unknown You are hereby notified that a Petition under oah has been filed in the: above-styled Court for the termination of our parental rights to K.C a female child born on June 06, 2001, in Alachua County. Flonda. and for permanent commitment of the child to the Department of Children and Famil) Ser ices for subsequent adoption. You are hereby commanded to be and appear before the HONORABLE H. STEPHEN PENNYPACKER, GENERAL MAGISTRATE, at the Gilchinst Count. Courthouse, Trenton. Florida. on the 18.h da. of ugust `'006 at 1 10 p m for an Adilsory Hearing FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THIS CHILD. IF YOU FA IL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU NL\Y LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE SNANMED CHILD. YOU ARE ENTITLEDTO HAVE AN ATTORNEY REPRESENT YOU IN THIS MATTER IF YOU WANT AN ATTORNEY BUT ARE UNABLE TO AFFORD ONE. THE COURT WILL APPOINT AN ATTORNEY TO REPRESENT. YOU. This. notice shall be published once a %\eek for four 141i consecutive SHeeki in The Gilchnst Counrt Journal at Trenton. Florida WITNESS mn hand as the clerk ofsaid Court ari d the Seal Therefore. this 20th day of June. 2006. IOSEPH GILLIAM Clerk of Coirt (SEAL) By: Sabra M. Lindsey Depuh Clerk :". 'IARY K W1%IMSETT. ESQUIRE Flonda Bar Number:01182SO Guardian ad Litem Program 119 East Wade Street Trenton, FL 32693 13521463-3135 Pub. June 29, July 6,13, 20, 2006b. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND) FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA JUVENILE DIVISION IN THE INTEREST OF: CASE NO. 21-2005-DP-0025 K.C (F) DOB:06/06/2001 Minor. NOTICE OF SUIT FOR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS AND PLACEMFNT FOR ADOPTION THE STATE OF FLORIDA TO: JAMES CREGG Address Unknown You are hereby notified that a petition, under oath has been filed in the above-styled Court -for the termination of your parental rights to* K.C., a female child bor on June 06, 2001, in Alachua County, Florida, and for permanent commitment of the child to the Department of Children and Family Services for subsequent adoption. You are hereby commanded to be and appear before the HONORABLE H. STEPHEN PENNYPACKER, GENERAL MAGISTRATE, at the Gilchrist County Courthouse, Trenton, Florida, on the 18th day of August. 2006 at 1-30 p m for an Advisory Hearing. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THIS CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE NAMED CHILD. YOU ARE ENTITLED TO HAVE AN ATTORNEY REPRESENT YOU IN THIS MATTER. IF YOU. WANT AN ATTORNEY BUT ARE UNABLE TO AFFORD ONE, THE COURT WILL APPOINT AN ATTORNEY TO REPRESENT YOU. This notice shall be published once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks in The Gilchrist County Journal at Trenton, Florida. WITNESS my hand as the clerk of said Court and the Seal Therefore, this 20th day of June, 2006. JOSEPH GILLIAM Clerk of Court (SEAL) By: Sabra M. Lindsey Deputy Clerk MARY K WIMSETT, ESQUIRE Florida Bar Number:01 18280 Guardian ad Litem Program 119 East Wade Street Trenton, FL 32693 (352) 463-3135 -Pub. June 29, July 6, 13, 20, 2006b. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION CASE NO. 21-06-CA-32 DIVISION MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE, ON BEHALF OF THE HOLDERS OF THE HOME EQUITY LOAN PASS- THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 1998-4, Plaintiff vs. MC2 PROPERITES LLC, et all, Defendant (s). NOTICE OF ACTION TO: LAST KNOWN ADDRESS. NEOTA D. BLACKWELL 519 NE 2nd Street Trenton, Flonda 32693 CURRENT ADDRESS: UNKNOWN ANY AND ALL UNKNOWN' PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER, AND AGAINST THE HEREIN NAMED INDIVIDUAL DEFENDANTS) WHO ARE NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR- ALIVE,. WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST AS SPOUSES. HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES OR OTHER CLAIMANTS LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: UNKNOWN CURRENT ADpRESS: UNKNOWN YOLU ARE NOTIFIED that an acnon to foreclose a mortgage on the following property in GILCHRIST County.. Florida: THE EAST ONE-HALF OF LOT ONE IN BLOCK SEVEN OF THE ORIGINAL SURVEY OF THE CITY OF TRENTON, FLORIDA, AS BY OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF ON FILE ANDT) RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA. CONTAINING LESS THAN ONE-HALF ACRE OF CONTIGUOUS LAND LYING WITHIN A MUNICIPALITY has been filed against .ou and you are required to serve a cops of 2.our %ntten defenses within 30 days after the first publication, if any, on Eche\ama. Codilhs & Staw\larski. - . Plaintiff's attorne.. %hose address is 9119 Corporate Lake Dn\e, Suate 300, Tampa. Florida 33634. and file the he onginal %kith the Court either before service on Plainuff's attorney or immediately thereafter, otherwise a default will' be entered , against \ou for the relief demanded in the Complaint or petition WITNESS m, hand and the seal of this Court on this 29 day of June JOSEPH GILLIANI Clerk of Court (SEAL) By: Lyndsay L.Ayers. Deputy Clerk Pub. July 13, 20, 2006b. PUBLIC NOTICE The Early Learning Coalition of the Nature Coast will be facilitating the Sumter County Advisory. Coun- cil NMeeungs on the Third Wednes- day of the month from 11;00a.m. Thru 1:00p.m. The meetings-will be held at the Wildwood Govern- ment Annex Building, 362 Shop- ping Center Drive, Wildwood, FL. 34785 . The Scheduled Meeting Dates Are: August 16, 2006 September 20, 2006 October 18, 2006 November 15,2006 December 20, 2006 January 17, 2007 February 21, 2007 March 21 2007 April 18, 2007 May 16, 2007 SJune 20, 2007 Please contact the Coalition of- fice at 877-336-5437 if you have any questions Pub. July 20, 2006b. PUBLIC NOTICE The Early Learning Coalition of the Nature Coast, serving Citrus, Dixie, Gilchrist, Levy, and Sumter Counties, will be facilitating the Citrus County Advisory Council Meetings Bi-Monthly at the Envi- ronment Health, FSU Extension Of- fice in Lecanto, Florida, beginning at 9:00a.m. Public participation is welcome. The Scheduled meeting dates are: June 12th, August 14th, October 9th, and December llth, 2006. February 12th, April 9th, and June llth, 2007. Please contact the Coalition of- fice at 877-336-5437 if you have any questions. Pub. July 20, 2006b. NOTICE The Gilchrist County 'State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) Program will hold a SHIP educational course at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday July 20, 2006 in the courtroom of the Gilchrist County Courthouse, Trenton, Florida. The class is free and open to the public. Anyone applying for a SHIP loan is required to attend a SHIP class. If you have any questions, please call the SHIP Program office at 352-463-4021. Charlotte Pederson Program Administrator Pub. July 13, 20, 2006b. ;HO36 SCAW I -ZUU- "', 1 .1 1 i . I THUi RSDTAY JULY 20, 2006 L For Sale 1998 18' ACTION CRAFT: Flats boat, 1999 model 115hp Mercury, 24-volt Great white trolling motor, new aluminum performance trailer. Bottom machine, VHF radio, pol- ing platform, must sell, $9,800 cash. 352-463-8400. 2tb,7-20-7-27 (6) COMPUTER MONITORS: Four 15" and two 17". Panasonic laser printer. $100 obo for all. 352- 493-2501. tfnb,5-18 Automobiles 1994 T-BIRD: Fully loaded, hand control equipped, $3,500. 1984 GMC Sierra pickup, bedliner, $600, new tires call 493-0342. WHEEL TOWN 352-493-2835 SCallfor Directions- 10 Miles South of Chiefland off 345 '03 Dodge Dakota Quad Cab, V8, auto, CD loaded, newtires, 50K miles....:. $14,975 '05 Chevy Cavalier 4-door, auto, CD, loaded 30K miles, Bal. Fact. Warr. Clean..... $9,975- 05 Fo.ad T uru-: .1 ax. v6 :'0" 'cr,,.,e ..ee i.,, Olea .:,ille.1 1 rFa, so,,, $9,975 c uCnre ..acoor e,rra cta itLt '/8 6u1o. ,a,1c. )K mIe; $14,975 04 Cr,'ev v ', a ea A -:n,,ai a aui' M, I, .. wi.r.,, aoor: loa j9o, i,,l-, : $10,975 '03 L r n.. Mu .a ac' V6, auto, loaded 35K miles, clean............. '$8,975 '03 Satum Ion 4-door, 4-cyl., auto, air CD, 35K miles ...... $8,975 '03 Chevy S-10 extra cab, 3-door, 4-cyl. 5-speed, CD, 35K miles, clean... $8,975 '03 'For Ranier, Edge, reg cab, V6 5-speed, CD, clean, 50K miles..... $9,975 '02 Isuzi Trooper LS, 4-Door, fully loaded, 60K miles.... $10,975 '01 Me,.ur' Grar d MruI: l 3r.,r 3,'., Oc1 0loa3+,1. :".-1,1M C3,1 $9,975 '96 Dodge Grand Caravan, air, 7-passenger ean........... $3,975 '95 Toyota 4-Runner, 4-door, V6, auto 4 -ir oaded.-a-9n 3 $5,575 CREDIT UNIONS WELCOME Warranties Available www.wheeltown.com ', . rI FORSALE LANCASTER IMMACULATE! Well-kept 3BR/2BA 1990. SWMH on beautiful 5-acre corner lot! Home fronts TWO county maintained roads nice wood decks on the front and back of home, minutes to the Suwannee River and Otter Springs! Live in while you build or use as a rental! $129,900 MLS#752575 : LOCATION!! Lovely 3BR/2BA 1999 DWMH on 10 acres with pines in a great location! Set back off of a paved highway, get the look and feel of a log cabin with this gem! $199,900 MLS# 752081 ..,, -T r' 'w fl .--.r ? -'. .... ,. .3,-.-- "w. FISHERMAN'S PARADISE!! Immaculate 1986 Homes of Merit DWMH in Suwannee, Florida! Right on a canal, this 3BR/2BA home has a built-in 52" TV, hot tub, 2 boathouses (one w/ lift), fish-cleaning room and much more! $375,000 MLS#752474 . D. Deen Lancaster, Lic. Real Estate Broker Rustie Ames, Lic. Real Estate Associate Susan Lovelace, Lic. Real Estate Associate Johnnie Martin, Lic. Real Estate Associate GI.LCHRTST COUNTY JOT TRNAT C LASS IFI E DS k. CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. A [ For Sale WHOLE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE: Must -sel reasonable. Call 352-472-18 time. 1989 BRENDELLA SKI/TOW STORAGE TRAILER Fl BOAT: 351 Windsor V8 inboard, HOUSEHOLD FURNIS 800 hours, asking $6,000. Call 221- king bed, dryer, couches, 0363. lamps, more. Call me for ii tfn,8-4 935-1411. CAMPER FOR SALE: 1996 Plea- sure-Way ultimate compact RV. Impeccably maintained by original owner. 66,000 miles, $24,500. Call 352-463-6527.- . tfnb,12-9 BEDS: Queen thick., orthopedic. pil- low-top mattresses and box springs.i New in plastic with %"arrantl Sac- rifice, $160. King available $225: (352) 372-8588. / tfnb,7-5 Bud Abbiss LicensedfReal Estate Broker 2tb,7 im-,i- - Pets & Suoplies, A NEW PET GROOMING SHOP in Chiefland, The Paradise Pet Pal- ace i 3521 493-0606. tfnb,3-9 Carole Abbiss Lie~dReal E vi:,e SnIen .%imoc,.Ie &0C-'r j P. 0.Box 8 Bell, FL 32619 352 463 8340 E-Mail: tcrealryidTbellsouth.net .wTowsnandCounntyReal t)On~i ne.com E, Yard Sales - D OF 3679 CEMETERY ROAD in Bell. 1l. Very Washer/dryer, china cupboard, 1988 825 any- Chevy truck that runs good, and more. Saturday, 9am-lpm, cancel ltb,7-20 if rain. ULL OF ltb,7-20 THINGS, BELL MOVING SALE: Fumi- , dishes, ture, yard tools, 27" TV, gla,-su are. nfo, 386- much more. July 22 & 23. 6660 NW 36thLane.Rock Bluff SubD. of 26 -20-7-27 to 341 (ollo\ signs, 9am until"'' I tp,7-20. i Services ELMORE'S SIMULATED BRICK & STONE. INC.: Stone, stucco, permanent mobile home skirting. Free Esimates 6"'89 SE 70th Avenue, Trenton. 472-5542, 214-3702. Fax 352--4'2-01.24 f nb-9- 15 9OB OSBORNE TREE SER- VICE, INC.: 70 ft. bucket truck, hydraulic loader truck, stump grind- er. Free Esimates. Insured 352- 463-91 0 .. , > ? fnb.i-26: PRESSUiRE WASHING, PAINT- ING. DECK & PATIO BUILD- ING and HOME REPAIRS & IMPROVEMENT: Rea:o.nable prices, dependable. insured and professional Shamrock Ser ice, 352-463-1212 day or evening and weekends D. Deen Lancaster LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER . 510 E. WADE STREET TRENTON, FL 32693 Visit us online at: www.lancasterrealtv.biz Looking for Land? Call for details: ARCHER: * 1 AC. $25,000 MLS 752320 OWNER FINANCING, SEVERAL AVAILABLE + 1.00 AC. $28,000 MLS 752075 WELL, SEPTIC & 'POWER POLE * 1.25 AC. $29,000 MLS 752317 OWNER FINANCING, NICE LOCATION BELL:. S1.20 AC. $23,500 MLS 753057 ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES + 8.95 AC. $109,900 MLS 752046 HOMES ONLY S/D, HORSES ALLOWED +. 10.00 AC. $137,500 MLS 751073 NEAR THE SUWANNEE RIVER, NICE TRACT BRANFORD: * 5.00 AC. $90,000 MLS 751562 PAVED ROAD, WELL, SEPTIC, POWER POLE BRONSON:, * 1.25 AC. $15,000 MLS'750913 REDUCED, RECENT SURVEY CHIEFLAND: * .20 AC. $17,500 MLS 750745 CITY WATER AND SEWER * .90 AC. $40,000 MLS 751588 REDUCED, PAVED ROAD * .88 AC. $42,500 MLS 751895 CORNER LOT, PAVED ROAD * 4.80 AC. $85,000 MLS 751902 , DEED RESTRICTED, NICE LOCATION OLD TOWN: * 2.43 AC. $45,000 MLS 752218 REDUCED, PAVED ROAD * 2.44 AC. $39,900 MLS 750300 REDUCED, ADDITIONAL TRACT AVAILABLE * 2.91 AC. $45,000 MLS 752656 GREAT LOCATION, THE OAKS S/D TRENTON: * .34 AC. $35,000 MLS 751394 HOMES' ONLY, SEPTIC, CITY WATER 1 AC. $15,000 MLS 753070 NEW LISTING, ADJACENT ACRE AVAILABLE 5.01 AC. $175,000 MLS 752714 30x70 METAL BUILDING, WELL, SEPTIC, POWER 10.00 AC. $180,000 MLS 751443 NICE TRACT, PLANTED PINES 10.70 AC. $165,000 MLS 752418 SECLUDED, MATURE HARDWOODS + 20.00 AC. $275,000 MLS 751800 HORSES WELCOME, GREAT LOCATION 20.30 AC. $249,000 MLS 753020 POND, (3) PARCELS, SEPTIC PRIME LOCATION IMMACULATE 3BR/2BA DWMH on 5 acres! Fenced/cross-fenced, paved road frontage, 2-car attached carport, pole barn, ne* septic, almost-new metal roof, fireplace...and more! Ready to move into! REDUCED!! SELLER WILL ENTERTAIN ALL OFFERSH! Recently remodeled. $154,900 MLS# 752347 PERFECTION!! Fabulous home on 2 acres in deed restricted community. 4BR/3BA with in-ground vinyl pool, secu- rity system, pole barn, 1-car attached ga- rage, outdoor kitchen, lanai and more! REDUCED-MOTIVATED SELLERS! $365,000 MLS#750683 REDUCED!! Lovely 3BR/2BA Brick home on 10 acres! Spacious living room w/ fireplace, formal dining room, kitchen has stainless steel appliances & Cherry Wood cabinets...a must see home! $399,000 MLS#752194 Services ' BAD WATER? Iron-Free's MAN- DOX systems remove iron, tan- nin, sulfur, manganese, turbidity, bad taste & odor WITHOUT THE USE OF SALT. Kills bacteria. Low maintenance. Guaranteed. Standard units complete unith Mandox Filtra- tiori System, chlorinator, assembly kit, (retention tank where needed), flush cleaning and installation. Call forFREE accurate aterejaluation No obligation.-' Ever. IRON1-FREE Well. Water Compan\. Inc. Roy Jones, Opr. Mgr. (352)' 542-9817,' Wilson Home' Center in Trenton (352)A463-2068 or 1-800-437-1128 ANYTIME www.iron-free.com .- r='" : Efnbh 2 , DIXIE MONUMENT: Old, T,:,n - Since 1992. Visit our display on SHwy. 19 at C&C Growers, 9 am 5 pm. Mon Sat. or call toll free 1- -877-542-3432 for appointment to \isit our shop & main office at 1471 NE 512 Avenue 100"s of stones in stock, computer specialist to assist ,ou in'creating a lasting tnbute to the life of your lo'ed one Homes& Only! _--- or ggy a Page Seventeen Services BUILDING CONTRACTOR: CBC017140 Custom homes built on your lot. Precision Development, PO Box 249, 26761 SE Hwy. 19, Old Town, 352-542-8416. tfnb,7-15 MOWER & CHAINSAW PARTS Stihl, Husqvama, Ayp, Murray, Sears, MTD, Briggs, Kohler, Robin, and Honda. Blades for most , .mowers. Beauchamp Saw Shop 493-4904 tfn, 1-03 TREES, TREES, TREES: Langs- ton Tree Service, Inc. 490-4456. tfnb,2-22 A BIG STUMP! A LITTLE STUMP!:'\Ve grind them all Langs- ton Tree Ser\ ice. Inc. 4-90-4456. tfnb.2-22 TIM POWELL ELECTRIC: New installat onsand repairs.licensedand insured Stale Reg. #EC13002453. Call i,352i 463-2155. SGilchrist 4 County .Journal ~ Advertising ~4 S463-7135 4 1 .4 -tiluuC .DA f and Associates 1 2 3 s6 S. .. . 15 14 13 12 11 * RESERVE YOURS NOW!! 9 High Springs Hills fl Hig Cal 1 -806367 nophpratln~o Paved Streets! 5 Acres and Up SCaill 1-800-643-6971 inf6o@phillipsrealtyland.com __ See more of our listings @ www-phillipsrealtyland.com i I STROKEE REALTY -NC. SINC SEE OUR LISTINGS (352) 463-7075 JEAN C. TROKE Licensed Real Estate Broker ON THE WEB: (352) 463-7302 FAX. E-mail: trokerealty@aol.com www.trokerealtyinc.com 730 E. Wade Street (SR-26) Trenton, Florida 32693 -- QUALITY-BUILT HOMES NOW AVAILABLE -- RIVER-AREA HOME & EXTRA TRACTS, NEAR TO OLD TOWN: 3 BR/2.5 BA: Well-built CB home on landscaped one-acre property, located at private Suwannee River S/D next to 'Rails-to-Trails' Greenway bridge in Dixie Co. (close to CR-349). Built in 1998, this 2-level home has 2700+ inside sqft., with attached 16x36 covered deck (and hot tub), 20x24 workshop/pottery bldg., bonus rooms on first level (including space for possible 'in-law' suite). Call or email to Jean & Jim for full information on this special property--additional unimproved 1/2-acre lots available (call for quote)...$355,000. EXCELLENT RANCH HOME ON 5 SECLUDED ACRES: 3 BR/2:5 BA: Frame/CB-built home, has over 3,100 sq. ft. under roof, on a rolling 5-acre pasture tract (has large oak & pine along boundaries), located in between Trenton & Bell. Has laminated wood & tile flooring, large greatroom (w/dining area & fireplace), over-sized Master & 2nd BR's, large front country porch, 24-round pool (w/deck), BBQ/patio behind home & more...$299,900. SPACIOUS 4 BR FAMILY HOME IN TOWN: 4 BR/2 BA: With over 1,600 inside sq. ft, this CB/Stucco home would be ideal for growing family, located at quiet neighborhood in NE Trenton (right by an oak-shaded city park). Has full rooms throughout, including bonus 4th BR (or could be private office) attached behind 2-car garage. Also, privacy board fencing in back (with screened-in porch)...$139,900. . -- MANUFACTURED HOMES ON THE MARKET -- LARGE M/HOME ON 30 SECLUDED ACRES: 4 BR/2 BA: Spacious 27x76 manufactured home, located amongst lots of planted pines (great future investment), on a 30-acre tract in-between'Trenton & Fanning. Acreage has 4-vehicle carport, 20x20 pole barn (w/electric). Home-site being sold 'as is' by Owner--call Jean or Barbara for all the details...$333,000. Reduced (From $349,000)--20 WOODED ACRES W/SPACIOUS M/HOME NEAR RIVER: 3 BR/2 BA: Roomy 2001 28x76 Manufactured home, sitting on private, wooded 20-acre tract; property located within one mile of Wannee boat ramp. Over 2,000 inside sq. ft. of comfort, includes full living, dining, family/game rooms, outbuildings & more...$319,000. Reduced (From $319,900)--PRIVATE, SECLUDED ACREAGE & HOME-SITE WEST OF BELL: 3 BR/2 BA: Immaculate 27x66 manufactured, located on fenced, wooded 20 acres. Large greatroom, 21x10 all-seasons enclosed porch, galley-style kitchen. Outer features include 4-wide attached carport, pool & hot tub (w/pool. house), gazebos, greenhouse & more. Call or email to Barbara for information...$309,000. TWO SEPARATE M/HOMES, BOTH ON 5 ACRES, JUST NORTH OF BELL: Two adjacent 5-acre tracts, each with a Manufactured Home (one a 3 BR/2 BA 24x40, the other 2 BR/2 BA 16x76) kept in good shape. Properties are rolling, wooded land--one has outbuilding & 2-vehicle pole barn; both within short drive of CR-340. For sale separately, but Owner may consider combined offer...$129,900 (each). SPACIOUS, LIKE-NEW MANUFACTURED & ONE ACRE: 3 BR/2 BA: Well-kept 28x64 2002 M/Home (refurbished by Owner), on 1.04-acre tract with outbuildings, located along end of paved cul-de-sac, close to US-19 and all nearby amenities in Fanning Springs--call or email for full details...$ 108,900. WELL-KEPT M/HOME ON LANDSCAPED ACRE IN NO. GILCHRIST: 3BR/2BA: 1996 24X44 Manufactured, in quality condition, on 1.15-acre tract (nice mix of trees/open space), with board fencing in front. Located north of Bell, with quick access to US 129 & CR 340...Owner says to present offers...$92,000. QUALITY "HOMES OF MERIT" HOME-SITE NEAR FANNING SPRINGS: 3 BR/2 BA: Neat, well-kept 27x63 1998 Manu. home, has large, spacious rooms (including fireplace for family room), lots of cabinet/counter space for open kitchen, fenced back yard on 100x300 tract, with paved frontage along CR-346A (Joppa Road)...$85,000. Reduced (Fromi $89,900)--M/HOME WITH RIVER CANAL FRONTAGE BY SUN SPRINGS: 3 BR/2 BA: Solid 24x48 'Fleetwood' home, located in nice neighborhood near the Suwannee (with 60' frontage along canal connecting to river by Sun Spring); M/Home has had some inside cleanup/fixup...Owner is motivated, says to present offers...$79,000. SPACIOUS & AFFORDABLE M/HOME IN TRENTON: 3 BR/2 BA: Over 1700 inside sqft. of comfort, this 1990 28x48 Manufactured (w/attached 16x30 bonus room) is perfect for growing family. Located on two lots at Ayers Estates in NE Trenton, -with 26x30 2-bay garage/work-area (has full electric & attached 1/2-bath)--call or email to Barbara for information...$68,900. NEAT & CLEAN M/HOME & .92/ACRE IN TOWN: 3 BR/2 BA: Well-kept & renovated 27x54 Manufactured, with full living, dining & bonus rooms, double-oven range & appliances for kitchen, front & back attached porches, and private, wood-fenced 243x165 back yard...$64,000. AFFORDABLE M/HOME IN TOWN: 2 BR/1 BA: Refurbished & compact 14x44 home-site (w/attached front porch/deck); metal & frame outbuildings, on landscaped Trenton lot w/large oak for shade...$28,000. -- LOTS & ACREAGE PROPERTIES ON MARKET -- NEW LISTING--WOODED ONE-ACRE TRACT NORTH OF BELL: Nice mix of trees, has some privacy/seclusion for new built or manufactured home-site, affordably priced...$20,000. 44 ACRES, MIX OF WOODS/OPEN SPACE, IN EAST GILCHRIST: Over 40 acres, ready for family or gentleman's farm/home-site east of Trenton; has paved frontage along CR-337, and an older home-site on property (improvements being sold in 'as is' condition)--call or e-mail our office for full details...$499,900. 20 ACRES-PASTURE PROPERTY IN WEST GILCHRIST: Thirty rolling acres, with large oaks/pines along boundaries, ready for Ag use or large home-site. Located close to CR-232 & CR-344 near Hart Springs...$265,000. 10 ACRES--WOODED, SECLUDED TRACT OFF US-129: Private locale for this ten acres north of Bell--has nice mix of open space & woods, few neighbors; call Barbara for property details...$129,900. 4+ ACRES--WOODED TRACT NEAR BRONSON/ARCHER: Quiet, rural location for this 4.2-acre comer tract, located in-between Bronson & Archer near SR-24; great location for secluded built or manufactured home-site...$84,900. 5.78 ACRES--SUWANNEE CO. ACREAGE, ALONG MAIN ROAD: Nice mix of open pasture & wooded area for home-site, at this 5.78-acre tract near Branford, with over 240' frontage along US-27; includes 'as is' well/septic...$79,900. AFFORDABLE & BUILDABLE TRACT, NEAR TO FANNING SPRINGS: Wooded 100x100 property, near to SR-26, Rails-to-Trails and more at west end of county, ready, for built or manufactured home-sites...$9,900. You can call our agents after regular business hours, for more information on any of our listings, at the main office number above, or at our agents' cell numbers below: Jim or Jean Troke [ IL "(386) 935-3357 m Lon "Profession Paul Troke (352) 221-2999 Barbara Mayo (352) 222-0427 -FTHMUTPL:IS-G'EVIEANS-ADOFR ALI al1Service WithCAIPersonal ToNcE" OPPORTtJNt'Y 7 8 WHAEACREAGEAVAILABLE FOMS1ACRE oS60ARES VACANT AND AVILABLEFOR SIE BITHOEMOIEHOE-NDSBIVSOS I JL I u JL, J I I L Need A Sign? Call Woodland Craft Signs (352) 463-7135 1 LM ual Service With A Personal Touch" ? JkLAKE CITY S [HHIIIITY tLLtit Senior Staff Assistant needed within the President's Office. Proficient in Word and Excel. Ability to take and transcribe notes a must. Ability to work with. minimal supervision. Requires high school diploma, or equivalent, plus four years secretarial or clerical experience. Salary $22,692.00 annually, plus benefits. Deadline for receiving applications: July 20, 2006. Director of Admission Services (Grant Funded Position) Professional position assisting the director of Admissions Services with recruitment of vocational and adult students. Bachelor's degree and two years related experience. Must have valid Florida driver's license. Computer literate. Salary: $27,583 annually plus benefits. Application i:$.*l y 28, 2006 College application required. Full position details and application aalIable on the %eb at www.lakecitycc.edu Inquiries: Human Resource Development 149 SE College Place Lake City. FL 32025 Phone: (386)754-4314 .. Fax: (386) 754-4594 E-mail: boettcherg@lakecitycc.edu LCCC is accredited by the , Southern Assocblion ol College and Schools "VPADA.tE.,LEOCollege. in Education & Employment .. -1 PaLre. F.i hte..n GIL CHRIS~T COUNTY JOUTRNAL. THURSDAY. JULY 20. 2006 Help Wanted VACANCIES GILCHRIST COUNTY SCHOOLS Instructor, ESE Bell Elementary School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Florida certification covering ESE required. Instructor, Reading (Anticipated) District-Wide Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Florida teacher certification covering Read- ing required. School Psychologist District-wide Master's Degree from an accredited institution. Certification covering School Psychology. Substitute Teachers High School Diploma or Equiva- lent. Contact the District Office for an application and more informa- F~l anted i Instructor, Math, Middle Grades (Anticipated) Bell Middle/High School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Florida certification covering Middle Grades Math required. Highly Qualified Substitute Teacher Pool We are accepting applications for our Highly Qualified Substitute Teacher Pool. Qualifications: Bachelor's Degree or higher with a current or former teaching certificate in a core subject area. Once approved, highly qualified substitutes would be eligible for substituting at $130 a day in pre- approved situations where there is a long-term absence in a core subject area. All other daily substituting would be at current daily rates.. Contact the District Office for an application and more information. RESIDENTIAL BRAND NEW mobile home located just inside Gilchrist Co. Would make great first home, taxes are low and a short drive to Gainesville & Newberry. 1240 Sq. Ft, 3BR, 2BA, lake access within walking distance. $89,900. Call William Gillespie, 352-225-1921. #265611 SECLUDED RIVERFRONT COMMUNITY. This 3BR, 3BA home is fully furnished & has access to private docks & boat ramp on the Suwannee River. Only 8 homes in Phase I, so buy.today! Call Tony Boothby, 352-262-1159. 26+ SECLUDED ACRES includes 1700+ Sq. Ft. 3BR, 2BA, concrete block home, 6 acres fenced/cross-fenced pasture, 4-stall barn w/tack & feed rooms. Beautiful woods & Mins. to the river. Call Tony Boothby, 352-262-1159. $475,000. #265084 ,YOUR RURAL RETREAT! 63 rolling acres, this delightful 4BR, 2BA sun-splashed country home offers rocking chair porch, cozy fireplace, big red barn & even your own private fishing hole. Call Debbie Zeller, 352-538-2857. $959,000. #263603 VACANT LAND READY TO BUILD or bring your new double wide! This lovely 1-acre lot is partially wooded & in a nice quiet gated community. Combine the peaceful country living with low Suwannee County taxes. Call Isabel Smith, 318-7829. $25,000. #266874 ENJOY COUNTRY LIVING on a secluded wooded lot across from Suwannee River at Riverside Estates. Low Suwannee Co. taxes in a quiet peaceful community! Call Isabel Smith, 318-7829. $35,000. #265,874 HEAVILY WOODED 5 ACRES only one mile south of the Santa Fe River. Will allow mobile homes, minimum of 900 Sq. Ft. Call Martha Barnes, 386-454-3327 or 352-339-4069. $69,900. #261732 BEAUTIFUL 5 ACRE HOMESITE in homes only gated community. Located in Northern Gilchrist County, just a few miles away from the historic Suwannee River & the Santa Fe River. Come & relax in the country while keeping the city within reach. Call William Gillespie, 352-225-1921. $115,000. #260804 ROLLING 10 ACRES of lush pasture just waiting for you & your horses to relax in the country. Perfect to build or bring in a Manuf. home, Call William Gillespie, 352-225-1921. $135,000. #242576 YOUR 'OWN PONDEROSA! Lovely 10 acre parcel just outside High Springs.. Cleared with some trees. Bring the horses & build your dream home or move in your manufactured home. Call Debbie Zeller, 352-538-2857. $139,900. #264203 38 ACRES RIVERFRONT HOMESTEAD! Ancient oaks, towering cypress, abundant wildlife & over 1000 Ft. of frontage on the Santa Fe River. Rustic cabin could become your weekend retreat! Call Tony Boothby, 352-262-1159. $570,000. #265790 C LA SSFID ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR20 WORDS. 5 CNTS ED S. - .CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. A . Heip Wan'ted Speech/Language Pathologist, (K-12) District-wide .Bachelor's Degree in Speech/ Language Pathology/Communica- tion Disorders from an accredited . educational institution. Florida certification in Speech/Language Pathology and/or licensure in Speech/Language Pathology. Bus Driver Trainees; Substitute Bus Drivers. ,High School Diploma. 40 hours of in-service training will be provided for qualified applicants. Flexible training hours Partof the training prepares trainees for the driver por- ii-n of the Class B Florida CDL. For information or que sti,:irs con- tact the Transportation Department at r3521 -163-3230. Obtain and submit application to: GilchristCountri School District, 310.NW. 11th Avenue, Trenton, FL 32693 (352 -463-3200. Application may be downloaded at: *-www.gilchristschools.org/Person- nel.htm#Application Atach a resume arid any , additional information as necessary. All applications ill be screened. .Not all applicants ill te irter ien ed. :' " Applications \ill be accepted until posmitons are filled EEO/Drug Free Workplace, www.GilchristSchools.org ltb,7-20 FL DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE: Now accepting applications for seasonal positions as peanut inspec- tion aides and samplers in Trenton. Please call (352) 529-0176. Leave: your name and number specify Trenton. An EEO/AA Employer. 2tb,7-20-7-27 .,- E CITY" Pari.Timei R, trentc- I.ibrarian Tem porar., p.:j,..I r pF .., .J.'. rt'l. r .lcri:. service and Library orientation to evening and Saturday students. Master's in Library Science from ALA accredited program. Salary: $17.00 per hour College application and transcripts required. Applications available at www.lakecitycc.edu. Contact Jim Morris S 149 SE College Place Lake City, FL 32025 Phone: (386)754-4337; Fax (386) 754- 4837 Email: morrisi(@lakecilvcc.edu. College application and transcripts required. Applications available at www.lakecitycc.edu LCCC is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges & Schools VP/ADA/EA/EO College in Education & Employment DUMP TRUCK DRIVERS: Class B license epenence required. $9- ..$10 per hour % benefit. John C Hipp Construction. 3'6-462-20_-'; EOE DFWP 21tb -_'.7-27 MECHANIC: G]as dieel .and heavy equipilmeri. for shop and field work. Must ha,e ,:,r, tools, $12- $1-I per ho,'ur '% benefits. John C.' Hipp Construction, 38:-462-2047. EOE)DF\WP 2ib.7-20-7-27 AKINS BARBECUE is taking ap- plicatinons for a actresss and cashier. e\penence preferred. Please stop b\ .or call after 5pm H \ -129 in Bell, 463-6S59. .2tb,7-20-7-27 DAYCARE CENTER needs Di- recior niJh CDA and Direcior's cre-. derual. Call 3'2.-48l6-3T(i5 I.dkLlCE C! ry ., CaMMIHITY COLLEGE .OFFSET PRESSMAN/DUPLICATOR Operate and mairitain all print shop equipment Kno pledge of high-end duplicating machines Abilini to operate an ABDICK press desirable Responsible for qualirh printing and binder, work such aS. collaing. saddle s.iching, binding publications. numbering machines. eic Abili to priorniize projecLi and %\ork in a tatl paced print shop High school diploma'GED, plus S fitre ears e\penence in print operations and computer literaite required .\0iociames degree prefeired. 0Salr,' $6.269 o.iU plus benefits Deadline for applications: August 2, 2006 Poi.ion detail., and applicaiiors a% adlable on our %A cb sue ai www.lakecitycc.edu Inquiries: Human Resource Development 149 SE College Place' Lake City, FL 32025 Phone: (386) 754-4314 Fax: (386) 754-4594 Email: boettcherg@lakecitycc.edu LCCC is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools' VP/ADA/EA/EO College.in Education & Employment SATA /alford W realty, inc. Licensed Real Estate Broker P.O. Box 546 Bell, Florida 32619 386-935-0243 SANTA FE RIVER LOT AND 3 OFF-RIVER LOTS Beautiful Santa Fe River Lot in North Gilchrist County. On outside bend of river with great view. Lot has well, septic, power & floating dock. Can be built on. Comes with 3 other off-river lots in same com- munity. Only $275,000. VERY NICE 3/2 C.B. HOME On 5 part clear part wooded acres in North' Gilchrist County. Home is in great condition and in a good neighborhood. $225,000. THE RIVER PARADISE -A large lot on' the Econfina River -150' of river frontage 2 miles from the Gulf in navigable waters. Includes a beautiful, large 4 bedroom/3 bath two story home. Super fishing & hunting area! $685,000. 2 ACRES ON SUWANNEE at Charles Springs beautiful, wooded lot, buildable! $79,900. A NICE RIVER LOT on Suwannee River near Royal Springs nice area. $49,900. BEAUTIFUL WOODED 5 ACRES On county maintained road in north Gilchrist County. $68,900. 291.45 ACRES OF PRIME HUNTING LAND With a hunting lodge type house, lodge is complete with nice porches and a fireplace. Dog pen, rock quarry, fish pond and approximately 150 acres of planted pines. Awesome hunting of deer, wild hogs, turkey, etc. Good improved roads and trails through out the property. Fronts on a paved road. $1,595,000. Just 8 miles out of Cross City. 247 ACRES Prime land on more than i mile of highway frontage in Suwannee Coun- ty. Nice 3/2 CB home, detached garage with upstairs apartment, 75 acres of pines, approx 160 acres in cropland, 3 wells & other amenities!! Fantastic development potential, cen- trally located to just about everything in North Central Florida. Shown by appointment only! $3,250,000. Can be developed into 5 acre tracts!! 34.61 ACRES IN CENTRAL SUWANNEE COUNTY Very nice piece of land on a paved road, surveyed and platted into 3 pieces if you need it subdivided, can be four pieces, mostly open with some nice trees. $485,000. 4 ACRES OFA NICE WOODED TRACT Good trees!! Central Suwannee County. $49,500. 5 BEAUTIFUL WOODED ACRES With well, septic, power and completely loaded with deer. Backs up to large protected lands. Fenced, county maintained road. Convenient to Chiefland. Plenty of privacy. $129,900. 5 ACRES IN NORTH GILCHRIST COUNTY Nice wooded 5 acre tract of property - private & secluded. Must see to believe! $75,000. LOT IN LEVY COUNTY Near Williston on SR 121. Only $23,900. 18 ACRES IN SOUTH SUWANNEE COUNTY Partly open and many nice trees. A great location!! $165,000. NICE LOT ON PAVED ROAD WITH RIVER ACCESS in Lake Panasoffkee, Florida. Septic system permit included. Best fishing!! $60,000. CONVENIENCE STORE / MECHANICS GARAGES -.1 acre zoned commercial/in- dustrial with lots of frontage on Highway 90 east in Lake City, Florida. Many amenities and lots of square feet of buildings to use your entrepreneurial skills and make this going business grow even more. Only $375,000. Owner Motivated !! BEAUTIFUL, BUILDABLE NORTH GEORGIA LOTS AVAILABLE CALL US FOR DETAILS!! For more information and pictures of these and other properties listed Visit our website at www.wolfordrealtycom SHelpWanted d PLUMBERS & HELPERS: With good Florida driver's license, refer-I ences & dependable transportation required. Good benefit & steady work. 352-472-3677 M-F, 8-4 4tb,7-13-8-3 DRIVERS: Great pay, bonus pro- gram! Solos: avg $900-$1,100/ week. Teams: Guaranteed 5200 miles weekly. Owner/Oper..' wel- come! CDL-A, 2 years exp required.. Anita: 1-800-451-5529. S .* 1[p.l.13 My God, is alive,' sorry about yours. [Help WantedI TRUCK DRIVER needed for local deliveries & misc. duties in lumber yard. Class B CDL required. Call Jeff at Gilchrist Building Supply, 463-2738. tfnb,6-29 AUTOPARTS COUNTERMAN: Prior experience necessary. Needed good driving record and depen- ability. Salary based on experience. Please inquire (352), 535-7529. tfnb, 6-22 FT-PT EXPERIENCED main- tenance man needed immediately. Also a FT-PT experienced cook needed immediately. Apply within at the Lighthouse Restaurant. tfnb,l-27. Need Sign Cal WooladCaf Sign (32 6-1 35 Gicrs Count Journal Sin *' A, L KE CI TV InstructoriCoordinator Patient Care ssisiant Riverland Title Services, LLC 198DutDa TereTrack 723 East Wade St., Trenton, FL 32693 Instructstudens. coordinate Phone (352) 463-6333 Fax (352) 463-6340 Classroom ac ineis, clinical devonsirts.cc \vv.rts.cc rotations and clinical skills Prepare srudentI to pass Slate , eam Musit have .A or AS in *Title Insurance Nursing. Florida RN license, and *Real Estate Closings mto lear experience in long . ier" i or acus care Place & Track orders on-line Salary: Based on degree and ; experience plus benefits Review ''"' " of applications to begin immediatel, College application required Position deals and application a\aiable on the neb at '. s lakecils cc.cdu ._ v'- . Inquiries Human Resource " De\ elopment Lake City Communir, Colleges and Schools P'ADA49.SE College Place in LaEducaty,ion & Emplome32025 Phone:,.(386) 754-4314 Fax: (386) 754-4594 E-mail: boettcherg@lakecitycc.edu LCCC is accredited by the Devon Weaver Southern Association Agent of Colleges and Schools VP'ADA.'EATO College in Education& EmploN'ment Hometown Realty of North FLinc. Natalie Rankin Licensed Real Estate Broker 1310 North Main Street- Bell, Florida 32619 Office: (352) 463-9001 Toll Free: (888) 463-9001 Fax: (352) 463-9008 e-mail: HometownRealtyNF@bellsouth.net BEAUTIFUL POOL HOME 3/2 home on 5 acres convenient to Bell 1860 Sq. ft. living area, Pole Barn $350,000 MLS#752985 PEACE & TRANQUILITY ENJOY THE COUNTRY 3/2 Brick Home on 21 Acres $485,000 MLS #752606 LARGE HOME, LARGE LOT NORTH GILCHRIST CO. 3/2 M/H on 8.57 acres $139,500 MLS #751687 W. LARGE FAMILY HOME PAVED CORNER LOT 5/2.5 Frame Home on 1.5 Acres $219,000 MLS#752151 .27 Acre, Well & Septic 1/3 Commercial Lot Hwy 26 .50 Acre, Bronson .50 Acre, Well, Septic, PP 1.14 Acres W/S/P 1.6 Acres, Well & Septic 1.67 Acres, W/S/P 2.5 Acres, Bell, 4.4 Acres, Riverfront, Buildable 5 Acres, Well & Septic REDUCE 5 Acres, W/S/P 5 Acres, Homes Only, 4 Avail. 5 Acres, Fenced & Paved 5 Acres, SWMH, Planted Pines 5 Acres, E. Gilchrist, Paved 5 Acres, E. Gilchrist, 3 to choose K5,Acres, City Limits of Bell 1= www.H EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNfTY AFFORDABLE SITE-BUILTHOME NORTH.GILCHRIST COUNTY 3/2 Home on 5 Acres $165,000. MLS #751663 ,CHARMING COUNTRY-FARM HOUSE 2/lhome on 1/2 acre on PAVED ROAD Greenhouse/storage and pole barn $ 115,000 MLS# 752945 PRIVATE & TRANQUIL SETTING 3/2 JACOBSEN DWMH w/ many upgrades 1800+.sq: ft. on 5 acres $175,000 MLS#752967 AMMENITIES/UPGRADES GALORE WORKSHOP WITH CARPORT 3/2 DW Home on 5 Acres $175,000 MLS #751676, SPECTACULAR DESIGN UNDER RENOVATION 3/2 Home on Trenton City Lot $199,900 MLS #751932 HORSE FARM 12 STALL BARN w Apt., 3BR/2BACB Home, 15 Acres $450,000 .MLS #752357 21'xl2' BARN 25'x25' ATTACHED CARPORT 3/2 DWMH on 2 Acres $121,900 MLS#752374 LOTS & ACREAGE $37,900 5 Acres, IBR/IBA, Frame House $124,900 $75,000 '6 Acres, Well & Septic REDUCED $84,000 $24,900 7.94 Paved Highway $115,000 $29,900 10 Acres, W/S/P $124,900 $45,000 10 Acres, Septic & Power Pole $124,900 $59,900 10 Acres, Suwannee Shores $139,000 $49,900 11.92 Acres, 2xW/S/P $199,900 $39,900 12 Acres, Scattered Oaks $185,000 $799,000 15 Acres, Perfect for Motorcross $200,000 ,D $52,900 17+ Acres, Bell REDUCED $199,640 $82,000 17.8 Acres, Paved Road fontage $267,000 $88,500 20 Acres, US HWY 129 $300,000 $89,500 20 Acres, Pines, Close to River $330,000 $99,000 30 Acres, Near Manatee Spgs $399,000 $124,900 34 Acres, US Hwy-129 $544,000 from $100,000 37.8 Acres, Paved, Dev. Pot $567,000 $112,000 40 Acres, W/S/P, Pole Barn $399,000 ometownRealtvNF.com 4,WL Highway 441 North P. O. Box 520, Alachua H R I Z ON (386) 462-4020 (352) 373-5511 Horizonrealtv-realtors.com -Very nice fenced and cleared 1 acre lot, just minutes north of? Bell. Well, septic and power ready for your mobile, manufac- tured oir site builthome. $29,000 MLS#242574 Complete privacy on 5.5 wooded acres. One of a kind 3BR 2BA very bright and open floor plan. All ceramic tile floors, fireplace and large master suite. In-ground heated pool with screen enclosure and open patio. Jonesville area. $289,000 MLS#262436 Beautifully wooded 1+ acre lot just north of Bell. Perfect for sile-buil-, manufactured or mobile homes. Just reduced $29,900 MLS -2-15 61 . .92 acres of Santa Fe riverfront, absolute one of'a kind property, less than 1 mile to High Springs and walk to O'Leno State Park. $89,900 -MLS#'s 241833, 241834& 241837 Suwannee Rivers Best! 235 feet of cleared & bulkheaded riverfront on 2.5 acres with well, septic & power. Best view on the river and only 22 miles to the Gulf. $399,000 MLS#261016 31.3 beautiful acres located in White Springs. Property has a mixture, of hardwoods & pasture which fronts 1-75 R/W. Additional 25 acres available. $269,000 MICS #235609 Enjoy the view from the front deck of this 4BR 3BA DWMH with detached workshop in Newberry on 2.5 fenced acres. Home has new oak cabinets, appliances, countertops and carpeting. $149,900 MLS#260502 Secluded yet convenient to High Springs. 21 acres of scattered oaks and pines close to Ginnie, Blue & Poe Springs. Additional 21 acres and owner financing available. $260,000 SMLS#260330 N-j XJL--IJL JLJLI.-JL%,.3 JL 1- %-j I-j 1 14 JL -L i %-.I %-j xNa N L-XA AA T - i Help Wanted CARPENTERS & HELPERS: Ei\pcnence necessary, full-time only apply. (No part-time needed) Must have valid drivers' license and your own transportation. Call (352) 542-7117 or pick up application on Monday, Tuesdays, or Thursdays 10am-3pm @ 25878 SE US-19 across from Dollar General in Old ,Town. Carl Colson Construction. Inc. 2b 7-'20-7-27 LY AA -rTHURTN IDhA ~ Y I JULY SA 2UT(1-RTT 'ATTT TTIR TPaeNiete Fr Rnt1 2 BR/1 BA SWMH: For Trenton. $430/mofith, first, security. No pets or smok 352-447-5998. SWMH 3/2 in Trenton, small pets OK. Credit check and rental his- tory a must. $550 a month. First, lastcand security of $225. Plus $50 pet deposit per pet, max. 2 pets. You may pick-up an application at Deen Lancaster Realty, Inc., 510 E Wade Street, Trenton, FL 32693. No phone calls please. D. Deen Lan- caster, Lic. Real Estate Broker. See Rustie'Ames. Lic. Real Estate Agent for application. For Rent ] r rent in HOUSE: 3 BR/1 BA, hardwood last, and floors, washer & dryer hookups, ing. Call JenAire stove, jatuzzi tub, SW Trenton, in town, short walk to ev- ltp,7-20 erything. $850/month, first, last, se- rutv.' 352-870-2207 3tb,7-6-7-20 f Real Estate VERY NICE/REALLY CLEAN $79,500, 3 BR/2 BA mobile home, 28x60 on 1.25 acres, near Bronson. Refurbished with new cabinetry, new flooring, new appliances, paint, etc. (352) 472-4977. Jim King Realty, Inc. Realtor . Main Office (352) 493-2221 315 N. Main Street (US-19), Chiefland, FL32626 'Fanning Springs Branch'Office- (352) 463-6144 or 542-0009 O 17871 U.S. Hwy. 19, Fanning Springs, FL 32693 Suwannee Branch Office (352) 542-9007 23382 SE 349 Hwy., Suwannee, FL 32692 OPPORTUNITY office@jimkingrealty.com or www.jimkingrealty.com REALTOR* C LASSIFLI E DS? k CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. >1<:>..-. / SReal Estate ] FOR SALE Retail storefront prop- erl\ in do%\niton Trenton 'Three buildings on Main Street Call 352- 463-"I 35 f n.6-30 Buy or sell or both. Call TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY 352.-)3-83--P) P 0. Bo\ S. Bell. Flonda 32619 icrealt', @bellsouth net \\\%\\.To\% nandCountr) Realt) Online corn Di\e-Gilchnst-Le> N Board of Realtors and Multiple Listing Ser\ ice NedA.Sgn Gilchrist County Journal ) Advertising Printing 4 'Fax Service 463-7393 463-7135 NEW HOMES BEING BUILT! THE COUNTRY BELLE AND THE HICKORV REAOV IN AUGUST 5 SEPTEMBER BY HUISH HOMES AND ICMS, INC. ~ OAK WALK ~ A HOMES ONLY DEVELOPMENT JUST OFF STRICKLAND A\E IN BELL 3 BR 2 BA, 1524 & 1533 SQ'*FUTULRE CLUBHOLISE/POOL ENERGY STAR HOMES "2 CAR GARAGES FRONT PORCH, SHUTTERS *PICKET FENCES $237,000. & $238,400. SOUTHERN PROPERTY SERVICES, INC. WWW.FLORIDALANDl.COMl LYNN HER\ EY. REALTOR 352-376-1371 SUSAN HUISH, REALTOR@ 352-359-6305 GULF ACCESS W/3 STALLBOATHOUSE!2 BR/1 BA on deep freshwater canal just 7 minutes to the Gulf of Mexico. New seawall, xer.- largc b.:tl ba.in .co,:rnm foir large gulf bojl. '. fl 0[or aul o b l and a john i':,al it car a,. . enjoy beautiful sunset -.i.e, uer ihe marsh from the deck. Located on prestigious Mullet. ,Road! Come be apart of the Suwannee lifestyle and take in the -ajp:ilcd narural beaury oif Suwannee!. It'sIth perici home aay from home! $430,000. iDW-75294S-Il-i 352-542- 9007 BPJGHT, NEVi L, P.'iODELED plu. n1' jppliel''l fi-2n 2i l hom ic coiT, z ully furry hed. iv ua J f l". wltf jr l in in i ., l' Suwannee.& i. -rni, 2 nriuie by boat to the . river & 5 niwore mm ih c CGull Tht. I,.,iully . fenced ',ard i. lagecr than rmn i Sua ,,irie- loL .al IS .ic mol A ne- boathioue. t Jui inri I'.'t yu tou C0me pil vout iaui In & cnrliov ,.m5C of ihe be ili fing in he Gullf '.f Mc(u,' Or. ,iu can lake n3rure enuIroirs isn' c ) jaihing manr.ice, alli.galo, bald cajgiE. ,sprev ( iu lake in ihe urspoledl bcaurv ..,I Flond'r Narure Coi7t.i 3. DW-752:'7JH .542 900 Smith & Associates,.' A": C www.bsgmac.com Inc.a C 0MI s*1&&1 Brad Smith Licensed Real Estate Broker Hunters Unique oippornnir, 5 ic hunting camp, locjitd in OnCir Ic ik. Fhida 2'i!1 SWMHrIlIh I' .. 3n' td..rNom & hliing room addition. Full electric power, private road access through hunting club and timber company land. Mu.! Se' StinS.Ii ILkLMH.7.3 1lS .Di 352- 493-2221 . :.ge; I :t l REDUCED! Almost new 3/2 DW MH on a I ac. comer lol on pajtd eTiet; Il, home flerure, a fireplace to keep you warm on the cool nights, :aj in kitchen, 4"' dl ;tkh fhir. ajnd .'7 XIl' ixr ge ;ht -iT. hbonuic Ir tntC :ld lmi4hcd or unfurnished your choice. Close to schools, shopping, the. Suwannee River, the Gulf of Mexico. Seller is motivated and willing to look at offers. *** SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! *** $90,000. (DMH-751468-JW) 352- 463-6144 or 542-0009 Call Our Office For More Listings! jt. i lojallin rouih ol Chell.ard in Sp.ui'h Trace. 2/2 mobile home on 5 Beautiful Wooded acres +'- laiidapd and ftrned backyard, shed and pumphouse. $134,900- (LMH-751336-K) 352-493-2221 Recently remodeled & upgraded SWMH on .47 ac Hcrmle has a 14 X 28 addition on the front, 8 X 14 additiori'onthe rear, 8 X 24 covered deck, 8 X 12 storage shed. There is new carpet, ceramic tile & bathrooms have been upgraded. These are just a few of the upgrades you will find. Close to schools, shopping & only minutes to Suwannee River & a new public boat ramp. Approximately 30 miles to the Gulf of Mexico. *** SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! NO SIGNS & ' t DPJ E- BY'S PLEASE, OWNER HAS ABIG DOG*** $55,000. (DMH-751098- JW) 352-463-6144 or 542-0009 L. Frank Grant Realty L. Frank Grant LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER 216-A N. Main St., Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-2817 FAX (352) 463-2470 ..'.. Ifgr@bellsouth.net We List To Sell! o. 620 NE 5TH AVE TRENTON 3BR/ 2BAD/W Mobile Home-Several storage buildings- landscaped-carport. MLS #752719 Priced $149,900. 608 NE 5TH AVE TRENTON 3BR/2BA S/W Moblie Home carport- fenced 2 lots. MLS#752792 Priced $75,000. For additional information on our listings and virtual tours. Visit our website at www.lfrankgrant.com East Side of Gilchrist County 3 ac tract plus four (4) 5 ac tracts w/planted pines on Co. Grade Rd. Priced at $90,000 each. MLS#750923-750927 Lil Lake City NW 60th Street 9.2 ac Planted Pines, MLS#749600 Reduced $125,000. 10 AC off Santa Fe on 95th PL 4" well-cross fenced-ready forhorse or new home. MLS#749774 Reduced $135,000. 2-5 ACRES OFF NW 55 AVE First oneis planted pines about 20 yrs old MLS#751145 Second one has scattered oaks MLS#752877 COMMERCIAL LOT US HWY 129 FRONTAGE MLS#749499 Price $100,000. * ted Sel~r~ a, Pca.i p;6fi' 1.1. 32 SF ii ii I-s \ ir S .l W or, cir,[i C,>u.eraml, lc-cLaid Guersro Buhce-. Rcathor ,Cul-de-sac! 3/2;'1352 SF, 7.48AC Pole barn, partial fencing, & planted pines. Call for financing terms. Rebecca Woodin, Realtor (352) 494-8233 Great for Guests! 3/2; 1508 SF, 5 AC C.u, :Ih.: c ,f ,lt JpjITcn ,l & -', I'.:': up. [ 1l ,n h ,.u : I ITIil : Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 CaI~e You build it! 3/2; 1408 SF, 0.15 AC Choose from 3 plans in The Trails. 2-car Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 ..:.. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 , Impressive Home! 2/2; 1757 SF, 5 AC IFIrepi ulif : I.:. Cj JI' l.: Li i p3. c d. L c & solar gate. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 1-4 "a oad . -n- S 32; 1296 SF, 0,62 AC Comfortable, convenient, andori.apaved'road. Newly constructed! :'. 15 If. 1.1 AC Great room, extensive patio area, and 2-car garage. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 I" Alc. _,f A .. .. . Brick Fireplace! 3/2; 1572 SF, 0.82 AC Central vacuum, screened porch, & landscaped. I Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 I9 stle, ________ u -q Lillian Estates! 3/2.5; 1657 SF, 2 AC New Home! Stone work, cedar beams, upgraded appliances & features. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 Iluta uI iving panc l -,J v ', O 'r,). , Oak flooring, brick fireplace, wood stove, balconies, & workshop/garage. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 raiii IaRuay! 31.5., iOu/ or, /.' Fenced, barn with tack room, 2-car attached carport, & large patio. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 78 Acre Homesite! 4/3; 2817 SF, 78.8 AC Fireplaces, veranda, outbuildings, & breathtaking entry. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 Remodeled! 4/3; 2520 SF, 10 AC Wood cabinets, granite counter, newer plumbing and flooring.. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 ireS Working Cattle Farm! 3/2; 2073 SF, 1000 AC Main house and guest house, 2 pole barns, woods, pasture, & cypress ponds. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 0.11, Suwa 0.11 Suw! 0.11 Su, 0.24: Tren 0,26 'Suwa 10.31 Chie : 0.4 Trent (041 Tren 0.46 Bell 0.48, Tren 0 5 Bell .06,- .Fann] 0.7 Tren 0.7 Tren 1 Bell' 1.25 Fannin 1.33 Chie 1.84 Suw, 2 Chie 2.5 Bell 3.9 Willi 4.75 Tren 4.77 Bell annee annee. ajiriee " ton. annee fland ton ton ton. 25i,,0. ') $265,000 $295,000 $19,900. $65 )iii(,) $39,500 $20,000 $39.900 $19.9 i ii $20,000 $20,000 ing Springs,$35,000 tori ton ig Springs fland annee' fland iston ton Old T:,"n Trenton Trenton STrenton Newberry Chiefland $18,000 $24A,.J1: $ 2 7 1.1.11 $24,900, $55.01ii0i $300,000 $46,000 $85,000 $245,000 $85,000 $85,000 $75,000 $85,000 $89,900 $98,500 $129,900 $129,900 8.8 High Springs $132,000 9.62 Bell $149,900 10 10 ,10 10 10 10. 10 10 10 11.36 11.59 12.43 12.78 Trenton. Trenton Bell Trenton Chiefland Trenton Chiefland Chiefland Morriston Bell Bell Trenton Cedar Key $75,000 $100,000 $125,000 $129,900 $139,900 $150,000 $169,900 $195,000 $200,000 $159,900 $129,900 $205,095 $1,500,000 14.85 High Spring s $222,750 14.97 Bell 72.5ii 15 Mocrrlt:,r, b li.Iiii 15 Bell $480,000 '20 Bell $1.99,900 20' Williston $325.0)nn 20 Bronsonun 36I.ilI(. 20.01 Williston $425,000 20.Q1 Villisti..n $440,000 , ,-,, .,.. B ell .... $4. i a, .... 21.7 Williston $445,000 24 Bell $366,000 24.44 Bronson i8,0i,,) 25 Trenton $300,000 33.5 Trenton. $5l,50,l 35.4 Bell .$442,500 * 39 Williston $.975,000 50 Morriston' $842,655 54.2 Chiefland $1,044,000 '55;91 Williston $1,627,500 64 Chiefland $640,000 80 Chiefland $799,600 80 Bell $800,000 5 '7.8 9.63 10 10.45 .21.6 31.75 40 53.09 61.59 70 120' 154 Bell Williston Chiefland Trenton Trenton Williston Bronson Bell T Bell Trenton Trenton Bell Bell $349,900 $210,000 $220,000 $260,000 $338,580 $367,200 $620,000 $480,000 $424,454 $1,450,000 $770,000 $1,200,000 $2,618,000 7 Williston $325,000 CALL ONE OF OUR AGENTS BELOW FOR MORE LAND LISTINGS! 14.84 Bell $222,600 Ple se vist sg coi V~i~i L.'a- I7' Proudly serving Gilchrist, Dixie, Levy, and Marion Counties. Exclusively Offered by Your GMAC Team IC,4'.co20, cting A web site offered to our clients which serves as an interactive community forum for posting calendars, yard sales, recipes, & much more! Call for details and join in the fun! 10 SW 7th Street Williston, FL 32696 352-529-0010 605 N. Main Street Chiefland, FL 32626 352-493-4200 PR EM IE R SERVICE Smith & Associates, Inc. will commit to quality service in writing! It's an approach that's earned GMAC a remarkable 94% Customer Satisfaction Rating the best in the real estate industry. 934 E. Wade Street Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-7770 27888 US Hwy-19 Old Town, FL 32680 352-542-1111 Hwy-349 South Suwannee, FL 32692 352-542-1212 *':;i X4~X -, I 0 1 4.99 Acres I I Page Nineteen nTT.CT4RT.qT COT TNTY -TOT IRNAT. -rT-TTTDQnA',7 T-YTTV')O ')OOA I 1 5 9.99 Acres I GECHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Page Twenty , THURSDAY, JULY 20, 2006 Sales Dept. Open Mon.-Fri. 8 to 7; Sat. 9 to 4; Closed Sunday Body Shop Open Mon.-Fri. 7:30 to 5 Service Dept. Open Mon.-Fri. 7:30 to 5 24 Hour Towing Call 493-7061 352-493-4263 *AII prices include all GM rebates + 1999 or newer trade-in, plus tax, title and license fees. Mileage based on EPA estimates. 1424 North Young Blvd., Chiefland 33 Years Service to the Tri-County Communities yJ A TLSnORT|DRIVE FROM ANYWHERE I r Jneil-cowrrANDMOnUoIIwOUOanREu SI I www.scogginschevybuick.com cJ3 t 7his beautiful tarpon was caught by the team of Scott Akins on the gaff, Xina Leggett clinching the fish in a hug and Da- mon Leggett holding the tail. This team was fishing in the Gulf of Mexico when they hooked this tarpon that is estimated to have weighed 175 pounds. This tarpon was released alive back into the water. (Continued from Page Two) know that I've ever been to a cleaner state. It was a trip of a lifetime that I will never forget because of the. natural beauty of this state. Quilts may have been the reason for our visit but the scenery and nice people would d be the reason I would send my friends to Oregon and the Pacific Coast. By the way we spent five days roaming around the state and I didn't see a single person protesting anything. We met a lot of decent hardworking folks a whole lot like you and I. Several times %e ere.asked if we had alligators in our back yards. We %ere half expecting to see protesters on e% erN corner and the folks from Oregon believed that %e were afraid to go out into our %ards because we might be attacked bN a gator. It's funny how we all form opinions of' each other by what we see on the nightly ne% s. While in New port I picked up the following recipe written by '7s Areon the wat All in Stock units Must Coa 07a .On 2006 Silverado .. Reg. Cab *4300 V6 Engine *Automatic *Air Condtioning *Driver Info Center *Theft Deterrent System *Locking Differential *AM/FM Stereo *Tilt/Cruise *Power Steering *More 2006 Silverado LT' Extended Cab *5300 V8 Engine. *Locking Differential *H.D. Trailering Equip. *Pwr, Windows, Locks, and Driver's Seat *Remote Keyless Entry 9HD tn Dnpeinn . *Automatic *Steering Wheel Controls *AM/FM Cass./CD *Tinted Glass *Cruise Control *Tilt St. Wheel *More #o,14,295* 921 ,5* 2006 Cioorad-o Ext. Cab *Automatic tilt Wheel Transmission C.ruiise Control *2800 I-4,Engine *AM/FM/CD *Air Conditioning -4 Wheel *Full Ant'-Lock Brakes Instrumentation *More #11",.4 9 a fishermen's wife. 1-14 ounce can artichoke hearts 3/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese 1-8 ounce pack cream cheese 1/2 cup mayonnaise 1/2 teaspoon dried dill 1 clove garlic, minced 1 cup crab meat Chop artichokes and mix together all ingredients. Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes or until bubbly. Trenton Commission Rejects All Reconstruction Bids For Lancaster Avenue Extension (Continued from Page One) died for a lack of a second. "I like the lo% bids. but I am concerned and I %ant a road that will hold up until the CitN can pa\e this road," explained Commissioner Tim Kinse) Commissioner Glen Thigpen made a motion to reject all bids. and advertise for both prices of- the DOT certified road and the standard rock to be used in the repair of the road. Commis- sioner Kinse% gate a second to the motion before the board voted 4-0 in fax or of the action,. Gilchrist County Students Return Home From The Wonderous Wilds Of Costa Rica (Continued from Page One). students, this was the first time they had been on an airplane. The children can now share that 'they have been out of the coun- try and experienced the wonders of another countD....not just as a tourist but as a welcomed d guest. SPhilman and Vogel are already planning next year's trip. They ,are hoping a combination of fundraising and sponsorships will afford even more Gilchrist County students an opportunitN to experience the beauty of the rainforest and expand their cul- tural horizons. North Ce'ntral Florida Long Term Care Ombudsman Council , The Long-Term, Care Om- budsman Council is a group of concerned. citizens whose goal is to improve the quality of life and care for people- who live in licensed long-term care facilities such as nursing homes, assisted living facilities, adult family care homes and long-term care units in hostipals. A trained, certified volunteer ombudsman is given authority under Florida law to identify, investigate and resolve complaints made by, or on behalf of, long-term care facility residents. The North Cnetral Florida Long-Tern Care Ombudsman Council serves residents in 11 . counties: Alachua. Bradford, Columbia. Dixie. Gilchrist, Hamilton. Lafayette, Levy. Put- nam, Su\% annee. and Union. The ombudsman's job is to advocate fair treatment and quality care b. investigating and resolving complaints, visiting each facil- ity to evaluate conditions and to conduct annual inspections. * We are currently seeking qual- ified and caring volunteers to serve residents in our I1I county geographic area. For more in- formation, please cofitact Jody -Dolsberr at (352) 955-5015 or toll-free at 1-888-831-0404. Vinyl Letters Banners Real Estate Signs Moodatd" Siy9 Printing Advertising Office Supplies JOHN YENCHO .1 HOUSE PLANS -YOUR DESIGN OR MINE - NEW HOMES / REMODELING 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE TRENTON, FLORIDA 352-463-7282 IAMERICAN LEGION AIRS JAMERSON-SHEFFIELD POST 91 P. 0. BOX 559 TRENTON, FLORIDA 32693 352-463-1501 MEETS: 3RD THURSDAY E*v I NEWBERRY POST 149 P. O. BOX 1 NEWBERRY, FLORIDA 32669 352-472-6125 MEETS: 1STTUESDAY American Legion Airs "For God and Country, we associate ourselves together". These words, the beginning of the Preamble to the American Legion Constitution, were spoken by the "American Legion Family" from across the State of Florida this past weekend in Orlando. Legion Posts, Auxiliary Units and Sons of the American Legion Squadrons sent delegates to the American Legion Department of Florida, State Convention, in order to continue this great Organization. New Department Officers, as well as new Area and District Commanders, with their District Vice- Commanders, were elected and installed on Saturday evening, after the General Business meeting was completed. New faces in some cases, but the Legion and Auxiliary programs are still strong, and in support of our Nation's veterans and communities. What is needed is the veteran volunteers and their families to continue to make a difference through these programs. The new Commander of the Department of Florida is George Wehrli, from Post 57 in Lake City. Florida's new Department Vice-Commander is Warren Post from the Lady Lake Legion Post, and the former Fourth District Commander, Phil Hearlson, was elected as the Department Sergeant-at-Arms for this year. Jim Ramos, from Legion Post 149 in Newberry is the Department's Children and Youth Chairman. Assistant Department Adjutant, Larry Leudenburg will be retiring at the end of this month, after 20 plus years of service at headquarters. On a sad note, Past Department Commander, 'Nolie' Deas, of Ocala Memorial Post 27, passed away last Friday morning. His health had deteriorated over the last few weeks. 'Nolie' was always involved in the Legion, and always recognized the Post Adjutants for the hard work those individuals did, day in, and day out. His wry smile, his knowledge and history of Florida's American Legion will be missed. He is survived by his wife Felicia. Today, July 20, 2006, Trenton's Jamerson-Sheffield American Legion Post 91, will meet in regular session at 7:00 PM. The Auxiliary Unit will meet at the same time and there will be a donation spaghetti dinner, beginning at 5:30 PM. All members are requested to attend. Tuesday, August 1, 2006; Newberry American Legion Post 149 will meet at 7:00 PM. This meeting is also the Post Officers Installation meeting. The new Fourth District Commander, Ray Hall and his staff will be on hand to do the Installation. All members are requested to come out to celebrate the start of this new Legion Family year at Post 149 in Newberry. Each day, remember our Armed Forces, all around this world, in your thoughts and prayers. Here at home, watch over our Legionnaires, veterans, widows, and the families of those in service to our Nation. For God and Country, Wayne Gravely, Sgt-at-Arms, Post 149 "Chevy The most dependable, longest lasting trucks on the road." Scoggins Has the Right Truck For You! AN AMERICAN REVOLIUTION GREAT SELECTION OF PRE-OWNED VEHICLES! '97 Ford '02 Saturn '05 Pontiac '03 Nissan '04 Chevy '06 Chevy Mustang L200 Grand Am Frontier Crew Avalanche Trailblazer 4WD #1065A #853P 28K Miles #1158P ;936A M1087A 12K Miles #1165P *6,995* *9,495* 135,695 15,995* *24,995* *23,995* '04 Dodge '96 Chevy '05 Chevy '05 Chevy '03 Chevy '06 Chevy Neon SXT Corvette Malibu 1500 Crew Avalanche Trailblazer #581A 4947A 30K Miles #1166P #979A # 1128A 11K Miles 1162P *18,995* *14,995*' *2,795*' 19,995' *22,995' *21,995' '04 Chevy '03 Chevy '04 Chevy '01 Ford '05 Chevy 1500 '03 Chevy Impala Cavalier Tahoe F-250 Supercab Ext. Cab 4x4 1500 Ext. Cab 4933A #1017B #1201A #968B 35K Miles-#1069A n807A *19,995' *7,995* *22,995' *15,995" *24,995" *13,995* '05 Chevy '01 Chrysler '02 Ford '02 Chevy '06 Chevy '01 Ford Impala Town & Country Explorer 1500 Suburban Ranger #12114A #852P 59K Mles #1089B #886B 2K Miles l 160P #1175A 12,495 "*11,995' "17,295' *9,995* *39,995' *9,995- '04 Dodge '05 Chevy '02 Chevy '02 Chevy '06 Chevy '03 GMC Neon Cavalier Suburban LS 4WD 2500 HD Uplander Ext. Cab 4WD 614A 30K Miles a1167P #1187A al011A 65K Miles #1065A 1048A *8,995* *10,885' *19,995* *16,995' *20,995* *19,995* I N n usom rSevieand a les -a eDfernei aring TT m__ ._.*._. I |