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G) cn -nl rC,) Serving Gilchrist County and Surrounding Area for over 75 Years Phone (5) 6713 Fa (5 73 $20.00 A Year In Tri-County Area (Gilchrist, Vol. 76 -No.11 Phone (352) 463-7135 Fax (352) 463-7393 Trenton, Florida 32693 Thursday, June 29, 2006 Price 50 Dii yCounties),$24.00OtherAreas gilchristjournal@bellsouth.net Of Florida, $28.00 Out Of State Local HAM Radio Club Involved in National Field Day Gilchrist Director of Public Safety Presents Program to Trenton Rota.ria.ns By. Anna Wild Every year on the 4th full weekend in June a nationwide field day takes place among the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) participants. This Field Day operating event started in the 1930s to test the field preparedness and emergency communications abilities of the amateur radio community. This field day has since evolved into the largest on the air operation during the year. In 2005, Field Day logs were submitted by 2,199 clubs and individuals across the US and Canada and represented 33,000 individuals who participated in making over 1.27 million contacts during this 24 hour event. In our area the Dixie Amateur Radio Klub (DARK) set up their operation site in Old Town and had two radios set up to ,try to reach as many other radio participants as possible., They can use only generators, batteries or solar power to run the site to prote their slogan "Ham radio works when other systems don't!" The ARRL sets up a type of contest (purely for bragging ig lf l) and each club gets polfls I for fulfilling certain requirements such as points for !.each participant, each different P''iNpe of radio communication 'i he\ ha\ e set up, and the list go' on. From Saturday 2:00 p.nm."(,(ST) to Sunday 2:00 p.m. the members of DARK called out and responded to other field day participants up the east coast and across the United States to IJ the west. They set their antennas ' to try to target areas they David Knight, Emergency Amateur Radio Coordinator for Gilchrist County, call sign WN4F, responds to an- other radio operator as Scott Woodruff, call sign K4QQT, logs the contact information. expected to reach the most radio operators. The operating station, gives the participants a chance to prove their effectiveness but it gives newcomers to the Radio community the chance to use radios they don't have the license to use .\e. and gives the community a chance to see what the "'radio senrice"' is all about. Why does this matter? These individuals have the ability to communicate when telephones, cellular phones, and various other types of traditional communications cannot be used. Most of us are concerned with being able to get information and send information in the event of a hurricane hitting our area, and this is a valid concern. During the aftermath of hurricane Katrina HAM Radio Operators, came out in droves and volunteered to set up at various places and serve as communication points' for various parts of emergency operations servn ices to converse between each other. But iou don't have to be hit by a major hurricane to need the senrices that these radio operators can provide. Several years ago our area had forest fires that came a little too close for comfort; HAM Radio Operators were able to bridge the communication gaps between different county response teams. These radio operators can send messages in many forms without the use Continued to Page Eight By Anna Wild On Monday, June 26, 2006 the Trenton Rotary Club met for their i weekly luncheon meeting in the Trenton Women's Club. The Rotarians and guests wel- comed Robert Willis as their special guest. Rob Willis is the Director of Public Safety for Gilchrist County and is respon- sible for the administrative du- ties of departments under public safety. Willis has a lengthy arid impressive criminal law back- ground and is not a newcomer to Gilchrist County. Since the county created this department last year, Willis has made great strides in organizing the depart- ments to communicate better and more effectively to ensure our community receives the lev- el of service and professionalism you would expect in a county of 16.000 residents and growing. Among other things Rob Willis makes sure all the depart- ments in public safety are run- ning proper 'and funds are used as they should be. The various, The Rod Smith For Gover- nor Campaign has announced its Gilchrist County campaign leadership. Smith's local team will be led by co-chairs Clerk of the. Courts Joe Gilliam, former Property Appraiser D. Ray Har- rison and Gilchrist Sheriff David Turner. ""I support folks that. will look me in the eye and tell me straight what the story is, and Rod Smith will do that. He'll be a Gover- nor. we can be proud of" said The Trenton Rotary Club welcomed Gilchrist Counti Director if Public Safety, Robert Willis on A Monday. Pictured from left, Ron A IcQueen County Administrator, Jonathan Kincaid President-elect of Trenton Rotary Club and Rob Willis. Photo by Anna Wild. A champion of Florida's small counties in the Florida Senate, Sen. Smith has served as Chair- man of the Senate Agriculture committee, won funding for small county courthouses, and is a member of the Small County Coalition. Smith moved from Oklahoma to Palm Beach County at the age. of two. There he grew up work- ing in the fields alongside his father, a truck farmer. He gradu- (Continued to Page Eighteen). Harrison. Rod Smith has a unique understanding of the issues affecting North Florida. As State Attorney or State Senator, he has served in districts represent- ing 11 North Florida counties. Trenton Elementary Safety Patrol Visits Washington D.C. (Continued on Page Ten) j. '.. 1'L Mao, vNr7 IL x.:i.' JI ~ '~1 /w 4414 .... .. .... ,~ lO m Trenton Elementary School Safety Piztrol students and parents in front of the United State Capital. Gilchrist Journal Closed July 4th Deadline for July 6th edition is June 30th The Gilchrist County Journal will be closed, Tuesday, July 4 . for Independence Day. The deadline for the July 6t edition is Friday, June 30th at 5:00 p.m. The Journal staff wishes everyone to have a Happy Independence Day. Rod Smith Announces Gilchrist County Campaign Team Gilliam, Harrison and Turner to head up local effort i+ Pa2e Two CTT ('I-TPT.'~T ('01 TNTY 101 TRNAT. THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 2006 Gilchrist County Journal USPS-218-620 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY IN GILCHRIST COUNTY, 207 N. MAIN TRENTON, FLORIDA Less than 75% advertising We reserve the right to shorten articles, letters, etc. and delete any part or leave out in its entirety if we judge such to be offensive. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $20.00 A Year In Tri-County Area $24.00 All Other Areas In Florida $28 Out Of State JOHN MIN AYERS II EDITOR, PUBLISHER AND OWNER Cindy Jo and Carrie Ayers, Glen Thigpen, Mark Schuler, Judi Bishop, Kathy Hilliard & Chris Rogers ASSISTANTS Entered as Periodicals at the Post Office at Trenton, Florida, under the act of March 3, 1879. POSTMASTER Please Send Address Change To: Gilchrist County Journal, 207 N. Main Street, Trenton, Florida 32698 John's Comments By: John M. Ayers On Saturday, June 24, our daughter Carrie not only had a birthday and turned 24 years old; she became Mrs. Adam Mizell during a beautiful, ceremony on the banks of the Suwannee River. This was a beautiful wedding even though it was one. of the hottest 'days I can ,remember. My part in the- wedding was very small as the father of the bride, but her -mother and I sat alongside each. other and witnessed this-joyous occasion. We are pleased that Carrie and Adam are happy and we pray that this is the last time that we are involved in a wedding of our children. The setting was beautiful as Diana and D. Ray Harrison, Jr. did a beautiful job of making their home the most beautiful location' on the Suwannee River on Saturday. Cindy, Jo and the Southern Sisters team were agafni' up to theirr, traditional perfection, as they made sure that'everything was ih its place: Mike Davis and his team of seasoned cooks. put together a seafood boil that tasted great. This boil 'brought together the tastes of shrimp, clams, sweet corn, sausage, onions, potatoes, and some good seasonings. This boil along with the palm salad, fresh fruit, wedding cakes and boiled peanuts gave the guests a meal that was very enjoyable. The wedding was most fitting for a couple that we feel is now very happy. We thank everyone that came and' spent this special time with us. Letter To The Editor I am writing in to the -"home- tqwn newspaper" as an extreme- ly appreciative grandparent of Trenton's Pre-K program. My grandson went through the program for two years and has grown so much in educational, listening, and social skills. Without him having the opportu-, nity to attend this program I feel certain he would not be to the level where he is today. Motor skills, conceptual skills, and language skills are crucial to him entering kindergarten. He knows how to stand in line, his numbers, his name writing, how to listen during story time, how 4jo go to the cafeteria, ,how-to-ride the bus, how to interact with oth- n--er children in a disciplined tbut. kind atmosphere. So many life lessons and skills were taught to him. How awesome we feel by this program and proud of him for his accomplishments. Date High Low High Low High Thu 2.815ft. 1.653 ft. 3.516 ft. 0.265 ft. Jun 29, 06 5:34 AM 11:00 AM 4:30 PM 11:50 PM Fn 2.863 ft. 1.568 ft. 3.311 ft. Jun 30, 06 6:05 AM 11:44 AM 5:15 PM Sat 0.505 ft. 2.934 ft. 1.473 ft. 3.058 ft. Jul 1, 06 12:22 AM 6:36 AM 12:32 PM 6:05 PM Sun 0.778 ft. 3.018 ft. 1.362 ft. 2.785 ft. Jul 2, 06 12:56 AM7:10 AM 1:27 PM 7:06 PM Mon 1.080 ft. 3.106 ft. 1.220 ft. 2.549 ft. Jul 3, 06 1:33 AM 7:47 AM 2:31 PM 8:22 PM Tue 1.396ft. 3.192ft. 1.019ft. 2.428ft. Jul 4, 06 2:18 AM 8:30 AM 3:41 PM 9:51 PM Wed 1.692 ft. 3.285 ft. 0.745 ft. 2.456 ft. Jul 5, 06 ,3:12 AM 9:18 AM 4:54 PM 11:19PM Apogee: 7/1 4:00 PM First Quarter: 7/3 12:38 PM Aphelion: 7/3 7:11 PM C*O*O*K*I*N*G J/. a06d/er4y^ CO.O.OK.IN.G Streetwise by: Lauren Rudd Wall Street can be a frustrat- ing place, especially when the intrinsic value of a company's shares goes unnoticed. So what do you do in such an instance? Unfortunately, the only cure is time. The good news is that the reward is often well worth the wait. An excellent example, of just such a situation .is PetSmart. When I last talked about the company a year ago, its shares were trading at $30. My 2005 earnings estimate for the com- pany % as $1.30 per share, with a projected share price of $32. When PetSmart closed its books on 2005, the company , reported net income of $1.25 per share, as compared. with $1.05 per share in 2004. Furthermore, net sales were $3.76 billion in 2005, up 'from $3.36 billion. The company 's gross margins for 2005 came in at 31.3 percent, as compared with 30.9 percent in ,the previous year. Net income for the. first quar- ter of FY 2006 was.30 cents per share, as compared to 26.5 cents a year ago. after allowing for an after-tax gain related to a legal settlement of 3.5 cents per share in 2005., Net sales for 'the first. quarter of 2006 were $1.0 bil- lion, compared to $903.2 million for the same period in 2005. Here is what the numbers do. not tell you. PetSmart is putting an increasing amount of empha- sis on services, such as 300 new pet hotels. Other services being offered will include grooming and day care. PetSmart is also .adding 40, free-standing day- care centers. The company's newer stores will als .hae more of a spe- cialt3 feel, rather than the %are- house look that existed earlier. Nonetheless, not everyone 'is A child from a disadvantaged background is given the same opportunities as one who has many advantages and lhe\ come out so much better citizens for it. We considered day care ver- sus the Pre-K program and are forever grateful for Pre-K! Day care is a great atmosphere also but there's no one to convince us that anything could have been better for him: . Thanks a million Trenton Pre-K! Donna Murray High Springs Florida Do not simply retire from something; have something to retire to. -Harry Emerson Fosdick, Sound Doctrine (Kent Heaton) There is such a thing as "sound doctrine." This term is not widely used in the religious world nor embraced by some of God's people. The feeling of interpretation is left up to the individual determining his own course of faith. Doctrine is established upon the foundation of men's current knowledge and wisdom. Historical precedents guide the construction of these doctrines to give them a sense of legality and acceptance. Doctrine becomes the norms of society filtered' by the rising views of the religious conscience. Lost in this maze of dogma is the true source of doctrine the word of God. The use of the word "sound" relates to ,the measure of health or truthfulness of a thing. It suggests strength and well-being on the part of the object. A sound mind is one that is healthy and well-established. A sound foundation is surety of strength. To be sound of body, mind and soul shows completeness in all aspects of a man's existence. Doctrine that is sound is founded in truth with the character of firmness. It is valid, solid and cannot be overthrown or refuted. Paul exhorted Timothy to "Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires" (2 Timothy 4:2-3). Doctrine is what is taught. The problem Paul wrote about centered upon the apostasy of the faithful who would no longer endure the truth in teaching only the word, of God but through their own desire for knowledge gather those who would appease their self-made knowledge. The people of God who accept the teachings of men without the acceptance of God's word follow after "unsound doctrine." Their ears may be tickled but "their hearts are far from me ... they worship Me in vain, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men ... laying aside the commandment of God, [they] hold the tradition of men" (Mark 7:6-8). The heart is not resting upon the will of God. Men who follow the commandments of men lay aside the will of God for their own desires. How often have you spoken with your neighbor about the gospel of Jesus Christ and the answer is given, "That is not what we believe."? This person is correct in their reasoning because the answer is not given from the doctrine of God's word but the teaching of men. There is only ONE truth "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father but by Me" (John 14:6). Jesus Christ is the only doctrine we are to follow. Following any other person is unsound. Following. any other faith is unsound. Using any book for spiritual guidance than the Bible is unsound. Sound doctrine is rooted upon the promises and teachings of God. There can be no other truth but what is found in the revealed word of God. To endure sound doctrine is to stand for truth as it is found and changing nothing. If what I practice and teach is not found within, the pages of the Bible, it is not truth. As I examine the faith for which I belong and there is no evidence of such in scripture, it is of unsound origin. Sound doctrine is doctrine that is soundly entrenched upon the Rock of Salvation. Trenton Church of Christ 463-3793 502 Northeast 7th Street Trenton, Florida 32693 Please Visit www.trentonchurchofchrist.com Email kerux@bellsouth.net Play 4 Drawing: 5-5-9-2 Cash 3 Drawing: 1-1-6 By Cindy Jo A_ Our daughter Carrie's, wedding was held last Saturday at Hart Springs. The rain held off until. the very end of the reception. All and all I think it was a wonderful ceremony and of course I thought Cariie.was beautiful and my new son, Adam was mighty handsome. Seems like just yesterday she was a little girl cooking up mud .pies on her playhouse stove. My how the years do fly by. We went from T-ball. to her first swine project at the Suwannee River Fair to senior prom in just a blink of the eye.' Through- the years she only' had a few boyfriends and when she met that Adam I knew he. \\as the one. She just had this. special twinkle in her eye when she came home from Lake City Community -College telling me about him. Long.,' long before meeting Adam she had-: started her wedding g folder. She ripped out ,pages from magazines for years trying to piece together the perfect %%edding. I think we nearly pulled it tff, her father' happy with PetSmart. Last \%eek saw Gary Baiter, an analyst at Credit Suisse, downgrade PetSmart to a "neutral" from, "outperform." citing price cut-' tine b\ PetSmart's biggest.rival: Petco. S"Pre\ ious studies have shown that Petco's pricing was 15 percent higher than PetSmart, which we believe gave PetSmart a significant competitive,advan- tage. Now, that gap is down to only about 10 percent," Balter wrote. To better understand the un- . derlying value of PetSmart,. we need to look at the company's intrinsic value. Using an earn- ings model ',ith an earning. growth -It of 14 perceni .and-a disebuift rate of 11l-percent#( yields a value of $41 per share. Using a more conservative free cash flow model yields an intrin- sic value of $47 per share. What those numbers mean is that there is a substantial amount of. un- recognized worth in PetSmart's shares. My earnings estimate for PetSmart for FY 2006 is $1.42 .per share. The current trailing twelve month P/E ratio or mul- tiple is 19.32, generating a price target of $27 by the end of FY 2006. The shares are currently trading at $24.15 per share, for a potential annualized gain of 16 percent over the next nine months. You can write to financial columnist Lauren Rudd at 5 Gulf .Manor Drive, Venice, Fl. 34285 or e-mail at LVERudd@aol.com. Prior columns are available at RuddReport.com. Lottery Numbers Wednesday SJune 21 Lotto Drawing: 6-14-31-32-48-51 One winner of the $18 million jackpot. 5-Digit Winners: 74 at $6,058 4-Digit Winners 4,007 at $90.50 3-Digit Winners: 86,202 at $6 Play 4 Drawing: 8-5-4-1 Cash 3 Drawing: 2-2-5 Saturday, June 24 Lotto Drawing: 7-15-38-46-47-50 No winners of the $3 million jackpot. 5-Digit Winners: 56 at $6,221 4-Digit Winners: 3,214 at $88 3-Digit Winners: 69,293 at $5.50 Gregory V. Beauchamp Douglas K. McKoy and I surely tried to give her the day she had dreamed of. Just in case you are wondering, the Southern Sisters did -survive the big event. Although by the end of the afternoon most of the ol' sisters' tail feathers were beginning to drag. The drag was caused by two days of running a wedding marathon. We had a whole host of friends, who did so many ...onderful things to help us make Carrie and Adam's \\edding a reality.' Our friends from Cedar, Key came up and took the wedding photos and cooked our low country boil for the reception. Other. friends filmed the eient whilee still others carted around pic-nic tables and took care of the parking. Still others loaned golf carts to transport our guests. By and large I don't think ain\one worked an\ harder or put up with more confusion than D. Ray and Diana Harrison who were gracious enough to let: Carrie hate her wedding g at their home on the banks of the beautiful Suwannee River. D Ray .and John's father, J; Min Ayers, were great friends for many years. That friendship forged a bond between our two families that has transcended three generations. For years Carrie has said uhen she found' Mr. Right she %%anted to be married in Uncle Ray and Aunt Diana's yard last Saturday that wish came true. John and I have been o0rem helmed by,- everyone's generosity. A Southerri wedding can surely be a very humbling event, we have been blessed beyond measure by our friends. I would also like to thank all those people who prayed for our family last week. Your prayers l were felt and all \and all I stayed fairly calm through the"entlre time. ,Adam and Carrie's wedding' menu consisted of Fruit Cascade, Boiled Peanuts, Cedar Key Palm Salad, Penne Pasta, Shannie's Devil Eggs, Ham Biscuits,-i Low Country Boil, Grooni's Cake and Wedding Cake. We served Luscious Lemonade, Sweet Ice Tea, Coffee and Pretty Pink Punch. Man was it hot and that punch was icy and so good. Mike Davis of Cedar Key, came up and cooked his wonderful Low Country boil for the event. The following is the recipe I use almost every July 4th at Suwannee. Speaking of the Low Country that is where Adam and Carrie are spending their Honeymoon. They are staying in Beaufort, South Carolina. Carrie called us Tuesday morning and said they had toured Middleton Place Plantation. just outside Charleston on Monday and were planning to spend the day Tuesday in Savannah. /ow Counfy '2o3if (Ayers Family Version) 2 pounds Gilchrist Link Sausage, hot 16 new potatoes (1 i', inches in circumference), leave red skins on potatoes and scrub 30 cloves of garlic, peeled 8 large onions, Vidalia if you can get them, peeled and quartered 8 lemons, halved 2 tablespoons Old Bay - Seasoning Salt and black pepper to taste (If takes more salt than I usualIl guess so I taste the water to see if it's salty enough) 1 bag Zatarain"s Shrimp and Crab Boil seasoning 16 ears of fresh corn, husked and broken in two 6 pounds of fresh shrimp 50 Cedar KeN clams In a skillet, cook sausage over medium heat, until done, set aside and reserve drippings separately. Fill a very large pot about 1.,3 to 1/2 full with water. We cook this boil outside using John's fish cooker and a very large pot that has a basket: Heat water until it's boiling. Add sausage drippings, potatoes, garlic, and onions, salt, pepper, Zatarain's shrimp and crab boil seasoning. and Old Bay seasoning and return tp boil. Co' er and cook 15 minutes. Add lemons, sausage links, and clams. Cover and simmer 15 minutes longer. Add corn and bring quickly back to a boil. Add Shrimp and boil until done about 5 minutes. Drain and, serve.: We pour ours into large metal dishpans and let everyone dig in. Serve %ith cocktail sauce. Letter To Editor \Vh\ are there so miany em-' ployment opportunities' "for the Gilchrist County schools of late, especially in the Bell schools? How will our children succeed in their academic endeavors when they report to school this August and have no teachers, specialists, principals, etc.? Where are the elected School Board members, the superintendent and assistant superintendent? Are they: too busy firing everyone, or maybe feathering their own "nests" or maybe trying to seek revenge? Is it time for a public recall of the superintendent and the School Board members? The issues in the Gilchrist Closings * Title Insurance 302 North Main Street Trenton, Florida G ic hris t Title Services A Security Title Company Public Record Searches (352-463-6403) *Fast and Friendly Service CK Contracting, Inc. Building Contractor Licensed & Insured * Specializing in Spec & Custom Homes * Serving the Tri-County Area * Many home plans available: 3 or 4 Bedroom "Ranging from 1,200 2,300 sq. ft. * Personalized service for every home owner Give us a call, we 'll be happy to help you create a wonderful neiw' home. 352-472-9888 Chad & Kellie White school system are two fold: first, there exists a massive number of vacancies in the school system due to reassignments;, dismissal. and resignations. 'The second issue is the situation' of finding seasoned teachers to replace seasoned teachers gone. Novice teachers have a learning curve to achieve until the\ are comfort- able in their new role of educa- tor. I fear that a lack'of teachers in the classroom disrupts student learning and may increase stu- dent-teacher classroom ratios. For shame on the Superin- tendent, the Assistant Super- intendent, and School Board. members. The citizens of this county should be incensed that the very people:we' trusted have made these terrible decisions regarding the education of the Gilchrist County children. It is time for a public recall.of the superintendent and the School Board members. Sincerely, Loree Crain Letter To The Editor Spring Ridge First Church of God does not have a newly formed Relative Care Giver Foundation 501c3 as stated in the article signed by Kim Weise, Director, in the June 15, 2006 issue of the Gilchrist County Journal. Spring Ridge First Church of God does not sponsor nor is it in any way affiliated with RCG Foundation 501c3 or any other Relative Care Giver Foundation. Pray Then Play Sports is an organization that Spring Ridge First Church of God is affiliated with together with Other area churches. Children interested in taking part in this Christian sports program are encouraged to do so and may call the church for information at (386) 454- 3600. However, Pray Then Play Sports is in no way connected to or affiliated with RCG Founda- tion as stated in the article. : The telephone number listed (386). 454-3600 is the church number but not the number to call for membership or anything else related to RCG. Todd L. Wymer, Pastor Spring Ridge First Church of God S ee,,. A S g... . American Legion Hall Available Meetings Parties Weddings & Receptions 352-463-1501 THURSDAY, JUNE 29,2006' Page Two CTTT.CffR PST COT JNTY JOURNAL r-P'T= Tm COT-%A '.r 'VT ThTpoa )t)04 CITWP5T Cl4TTCOT INTY JOU RNAL Page Three Shown is Alice Haire with her Football Boy Quilt. She is always making one of a kind quilts, and through the years we have seen so many of them. Log Cabin Quilters Log Cabin Quilters met Thursday, June 2nd, at the Levy County Quilt Museum. Summer is here and the cool air feels so good. It took a while to put air conditioners in but .we knew% e would have to have it. As big as the building is, we have a big one in the Great room and it doesn't take long to cool us off. -We enjoyed our visitors from, Ocala, Suwannee, ,and Crystal River. There is much to see here and we enjoy telling them about the years it took to build and pay for all we have. The Gazebo has been finished as far as Lancaster and Jatrod have done. We do plan to put lights in and light plugs as we, hope to use it for Bluegrass and Gospel music. We' also hope. -someone will want to be marariea out there as we think that'Would '-be great.' We are ery proud of the five boys who worked almost everyda. for almost two weeks to get it this far. The boNs will know how to use drills and saws and: all it takes, to build it in their future. .Thank you ,Lancaster, Jarrod. and boys'. , We will be going to Camp Caruth to teach about fifty chil- dren how to sew. It is alas a fun 'day and we will get to see Mike's new son. Lunch was so good %w ith fried squash, eggplant casserole, lots of salads, all kinds of desserts, and so much more. There were 12 members and eight visitors present. Winelle Home: "Always do right. ,That will gratify some of the people, and astonish the rest." Mark Twain, 1835 to 1910 Rudd 100% Cypress Mulch/Chips 8 yds $125-4 yds $70 We will load -, Free Delivery In Area` 8 am --5 pm Monday- Friday 8 am 12 pm Saturday S 352-538-5098 At Hicks Seal Coating and Striping. LLC. (.ommcrcial and Decoratie Thermoplastic Residential Truncated Domes Asphliah. Parking Lots and DL)rne\%a\s Phone: (352) 535-5479 Fax: (352) 463-7745 Ronnie Hicks Licemned and ln-ured Trenton, Florida Suwannee Valley League, Gilchrist County Journal Office To Be Closed July 4 The Gilchrist County Journal- Office will be closed, Tuesday for the 4th of July holiday. : Due to this, the deadline for material submitted' for the July 6th edition is Friday. June 30th. Happy Independence Day to you all. The Law Office Of ,Sheree H. Lancaster, P.A. Will Be Closed For Vacation The Law Office of Sheree H. Lancaster, P.A. will'be closed on Monday, July 3rd through Fri- day, July 7th. for vacation. - We "ill re-open at pur cus- tomary time of 8:30 a.m. on MNonday, July 10. 2006 . SHave a safe 4th of July holi- day. . The Gilchrist County Solid Waste - Department Will Be. SClosed On July4th The Gilchrist County Solid Waste Department will be closed on Tuesday, July:4, 2006. We will return to our. regular, schedule on Wednesday. July 5, 2006. The T tuesday mobile route for Leggett Voting Precinct will be scheduled for MNonday. July 3, 2006. If you ha1e anN ques- tions, please call 463-3185. Ameris Bank To Be Closed For July 4 Ameris Bank \ ill be closed in observance of July 4th. We will re-open for business as usual Wednesday, Jul\ 5th. Have a safe holiday . Yvonne H. NcCormick Ameris Law Offices Of Burt And Feather Closed July 3-4 The Law Offices of Theodore M. Burt and Mark J. Feather w ill be closed July 3, 2006 and July 4, 2006. Marriage Applications Filed In Gilchrist Cbunty Edward Nelson Deringer, date ,of birth, 11/10/26. and Cynthia. Kelley\ Williams. date of birth, 12/27/37, both of Branford. Thomas Alston Chapman, date of birth, 1/9/49, and Julieanne Cathy Moss. date of birth, 1/4/ 72, both of High Springs,. Joseph Garcia, date of birth, 7/27/74, and Melissa Ann Tiller, date of' birth 12/11/82, both'of Trenton. Travis Jordan Spears, date of birth, 6/10/79, and Brandi Lee Hart, date of birth, 10/13/S2, both of Bell. Richard John Ornokski. date of birth, 10/19/54, and Margarita Ramos, date of birth, 10/22/61,, both of High Springs . Inc. in Gilchrist Marriages Filed In Gilchrist County Jose Miguel Carranza, date of birth, 1/23/70, and Ana Maria Zuniga, date of birth, 3/27/78, both of Bell, were married on May 23, 2006 in Trenton by Cynthia A. Chadwick, Notary. Larry Klynt Hilliard,' date of birth, 6/25/84, and Lindsay Mi- chael Bryand, date of birth, 3/7/ 85, both of Bell, were married on May 27, 2006 in Newberry, by D. Ray Harrison, Jr., Notary. Thomas 0. Anderson, date of birth, 2/1/75, and Kellie Dawn Edlin, date of birth,, 3/14/69. both of Newberry, Were married on June 13, 2006, by Rev. Roger Sumner. Curtis Lee Morgan, date of birth, 9/13/82, and Holly Leigh Ann,Morgan, date of birth. 1/9/ 80, both of Trenton,. w-ere mar- ried on June 14, 2006 in Trenton, by Charlotte Pederson, Notary. Keith Malcolm Prevait. date of birth, 6/28/79, and Catherine Oraldo Russo. date of binh.6/29/ 76, both of Trenton, were mar- ried on June 17, 2006, in Tren- ton. b b Felder W. Adams. Pastor of Sand Hill Baptist Church. Kevin Lomax Whitaker, date of birth, 1i/3/64, and Erin Ash- ley Inkelle; date of birth. 8/11/ 83, both of Trenton, were mar- ried on June 17. 2006 at Wac- casassa Plantation by George E. Bly the, Pastor. Stephen Michael Welbers, date of birth. 9/23/81, and CathrNn Sue Hendricks. date ot birth, 9/17/83, both of Trenton, %ere married on June 17, 2006. at Eventful Banquet Center in Jonespille. by James H. Ed- monds, Minister of Unikersal LifeChurch.' - Joseph Nathan Mcardle. date of birth. 9115/79, and Tamara Lee Carnle\, date of birth. 12/ '16/83, both of Bell. stere mar- ried on June 17, 2006, in Bell, by Jerry' D. Mihon. Pastor of Priscilla Baptist Church. ' James Bavnard Spewers, date of birth. 5/23/47, and Linda Lou- ise Maloney, date of birth. 11/20/ 48, both of Bell, weremarried on' 'June 23, 2006, in O'Brien by SReverend Retha Garten. Spring Ridge , Volunteer Fire Department's July Pancake Breakfast The Spring Ridge 'Volunteer Fire Department invites' you to its next, monthly Pancake Breakfast at its fire station. This month's breakfast will start at 7: 30 a.m. on Saturday, July 1st, and run until at least 10:00 a.m.. All residents of the northeast Gilchrist County -area and sur- rounding communities are in- 'ited to attend. The new fire rescue truck has arrived! During the break- fasttake the opportunity to see the newly'. delivered 2006 E-One/International Custom Built Rescue Pumper.' It has a 1000 gallon water capacity, foam. system, extensive, equip- ment compartments' and cab for five firefighters. Come and see this exciting new addition to Gilchrist County's fire-fighting capabilities.' Please remember that this is an election year; all candidates for Gilchrist County and region- al offices are invited and encour- aged to attend our breakfasts. Voters, this is YOUR oppor- tunity to meet- these candidates directly and hear what they have to say, and to let them know how YOU feel. Please note: we plan to do- nate the proceeds of our August 5th pancake breakfast to the Children's Miracle Network. We hope you'll be able to join us in supporting this worthwhile cause at this future breakfast. Blueberry, walnut and plain pancakes will be served, along with sausages, eggs, coffee and juice. As usual, the cost for the breakfast will be a donation to the fire department. The Spring Ridge firehouse is located on County Road 340 (Poe Springs Road), near the Spring Ridge Church of God. Woodham's Garage Complete Automotive Service ASE Certified Mechanics 15391 N.W. Hwy-19 Chiefland Halfway between Chiefland and Fanning Springs. 352-493-2904 Other Major Credit Cards - LJ'I- Come have a nice breakfast and chat with your neighbors. See you on the first. Saturday of July (and every month)! From The Shelves Of The Bell Library The adult boo] we recommend this week is Liberating Paris written by Linda Bloodworth Thomason. This is not Paris, France but Paris, Arkansas; which is a small town where most: of the small businesses have been devastated by a large conglomerate bargain store, that took over sales of most all merchandise thus causing the former groceries and shops: to close. 'Six friends are the main characters in the novel and bring liberation to the tovgn with ,unconventional weddings and, social events Stone soup written by Marcia Browh n is an interesting classic,. that can be classed almost as a fable with soldiers coming to a small village, with no food and starving. They cunningly proved to the villagers that soup made from stones and a few vegetables and pieces of meat that at e residents furnished can make a delicious meal for exer\one. This book is recommended for reading to beginning readers. For juniors and teens, t;we suggest a, nonfiction airportss gi ing facts about the historical development of airports over the Nears with a comparison of the. first ones.t o the present modem" terminals. ",' The fund raiser planned to benefit Bell Library has been postponed. until September. Remember the library is open on Monday at 2:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m.: Tuesday to Thursday the hours are 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and on Saturdays 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. SCome by and :check out books. videos and DVDs. The Bo6kworm 0 Open Mon. Fri. 710 East Highway 26' Located 30 Miles West of Gainesville, in Trenton. lenn Kelly preparing fish and /da Brogdon from dietlai. Ayers Health And Rehab Has Father's Day Cookout On June 14 On June 14th Ayers Health wonderful fiddle playing., -Pam and Rehabilitation Center had a Turner sketched pictures of a fish fTy in honor of Father's Day. few four residents. Our men They had a. wonderful turn. out were thrilled with the results of for the cookout. Johnnie .Sue their characters. and Glenn Kelly cooked hush Thank youPam and Joy for puppies and fish on the patio for making their day even more ,-our special dads. Our Dietary special, 'to Johnnie -Sue and Department outdid themselves Glenn Kelly for taking time to once again with delicious grits,-' celebrate this Father'sDay Cook baked beans, coleslaw. tartar Out with our residents. Our sauce and all the trimmings let's volunteers are treasured dearly , riot forget dessert of what else, here at Ayers Health and Rehab .but "Banana Pudding" for this Center. occasion. We thank all who make our Jay Gimelli "Screeech special programs here at Avers a NM'alone" kept both partners and great success.. residents entertained with his Set's Mosquito Season Again! 4 Let Trenton Animal Hospital help in the 6* fight against mosquito-transmitted heartworm disease. , S -Buy 1year.of' Jl. O iN W'W -. any heartworm . : L) : preventative and save! .* Set up your "' appointment today!! " Trenton Animal Hospital 603 N. Main St., Trenton, FL (352) 463-7100 @4 **** *** s AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR COMPLETE AUTO REPAIRS FOREIGN DOMESTIC EXHAUSTS BRAKES (352) 463-0079 SECOND PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The City of Trenton is applying to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) for a grant under the Neighborhood Revitalization category in the amount of $650,000.00 under the Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. For each activity that is proposed, at least 70% of the funds must benefit low and moderate income persons. The activities, dollar amounts and estimated percentage benefit to low and moderate income persons for which the City of Trenton is applying are: Activity Number and Name Budget 03j Water Facilities $528,000.00 16 Engineering $ 70,000.00 13 Administration $ 52,000.00 Total $650,000.00 LMI% Benefit At least 51% The project will undertake construction of a new potable water well, connecting.the new water system to the existing system. The City of Trenion plans to minimize displacement of persons as a result of planned CDBG funded activities; ' if any persons are displaced as a result of these planned activities the City of Trenton will assist with reloca- tion payments based on uniform act requirements. The public hearing to provide citizens an opportunity to comment on the application will be held at the City of Trenton, City Hall Commission Chambers, 114 North Main Street, Monday, July 10, 2006, at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. A draft copy of parts of the application will be available for review at that time. A final copy of the application will be made available at the City of Trenton, City'Hall, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. no more than five (5) working days after July 21, 2006. For additional information concerning the application and the public hearing contact Mr. Jered Ottenwess, City Manager, City of Trenton, 114 North Main Street, Trenton, Florida 32693. Telephone (352) 463-4000. The public hearing is being conducted in a handicapped accessible location. Any handicapped person requiring special accommodations or requiring an interpreter for the hearing impaired or the visually impaired should contact Mr. Jered Ottenwess at least five calendar days prior to the meeting and an interpreter will be provided. Any non-English speaking person wishing to attend the public hearing should contact Mr. Ottenw- ess at least five calendar days prior to the meeting and a language interpreter will be provided. To access a Telecommunications Device for Deaf Persons (TDD) please call (352) 463-4000. Pursuant to Section 102 of the HUD Reform Act of 1989, the following disclosures will be submitted to DCA with the application. The disclosures will be made available by the City of Trenton and DCA for public inspection upon request. These disclosures will be made available for a minimum period of five years. Other Government (federal, state, and local) assistance to the project in the form of a gift, grant, loan, guarantee, insurance payment, rebate, subsidy, credit, tax, benefit or any other form of direct or indirect benefits by source and amount; The identities and pecuniary interests of all developers, contractors, or consultants involved in the application for assistance or in the planning or development of the project or activity; The identities and pecuniary interests of any other persons with a pecuniary interest in the project that can reasonably be expected to exceed $50,000.00 or 10% of the grant request (whichever is lower); For those developers, contractors, consultants, property owners, or others listed in two (2) or three (3) above which are corporations, or other entities, the identification and pecuniary interest by corporation or entity of each officer, director, principal stockholder, or other official of the entity; 5. The expected sources of all funds to be provided to the project by each of the providers of those funds and the amount provided; and The expected uses of all funds by activities and amount. Pub: June 29, 2006 A , __ C> ^IN, ELECTRIC TUNE-UPS ENGINES COMPUTER ALIGNMENTS AIR CONDITIONING PASSENGER CAR & LIGHT TRUCK TIRES Co-Ed & Men's Softball League County will be starting league play July 10th, at McArthur Park. Team fees to play in the league will be $300 per team., All teams have to be registered by July 7th and team fee to be paid before your first game. CO-ED league will be a 7-3 combination, 3 'ladies or more on the playing field at all times. League will play by ASA Rules and use 44 core ball. All teams are welcome to come and play in a recreation league that is designed for fun. No team uniforms are required. All players have to be 18 years of age or older to participate in the league. If you have any questions please call Cloud Haley at 352-284-0668. THURSDAY, J UINE 29,.2UM I I i k-IF W-) JLXI 11 I-SjLj Shown is Johnnie Sue and Gl hushpuppies with help from Lin rIgII )U .CHR ITA I1S J Shown are Joye and Lorine Ellzey at their 65th wedding an- niversary. ^A -wwy Joye and Lorine (Weeks) El- lzey were married on June 26, 1941 in Gilchrist County. They have lived in the Otter Creek, Gulf Hammock area most of, their married life and are still living in the Gulf Hammock area today. They have raised six children,. helped raise 15 grandchildren and said they would let the 15 grandchildren raise the 25 great- grandchildren they have. The) celebrated 'their 65th' anniversary quietly with some of their children and grandchil- dren. ." . 0 Trenton United Methodist Church 9:30 am Sunday School 11:00 am Morning NWorship Service 6:00 pm Wednesdqy Bible Study Nurseil provided 9-12 Sunday M morning 203 N.E. Second Street. Trenton Office: 463-2877 Rev. H.D. "Hank" Cribb, Sr. BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH "Conminaed to living and sharing the message o God's love " 'T E Bible Study 9:45 a.m. S Sunday Wors'hip 11 a.m. & 7 p.m. n th Prayer & a Discipleship Wed. 7 p.m. -3' 'iYouth Praise & Worship Wed. 6:30 p.m. Awana Program Wed. 6:30 phm. 7070 S.W BR-3a4A- Trenton, FL 32693 . 352-463-2028 Pastor e-mail: bethelit@bellsouth.nei r Ralph Rodriguez wwo bac kobeihel oa g F irst hCptist Cd u rch- '1 \Xe-comesVcu! "Embracing the Past and Reaching Toward the Future." Corner ofNE Second St. and Highway 26 in Trenton (Nursery provided for all services) Sunday School 9:45 AM (classes for all ages) Sunday Morning Worship & Children's Church 11 AM i Sunday Night Bible Study 6 PM Wednesday Nights: Awana- 6:20 PM Youth Bible Study, Praise & Worship 6:30 PM Adult Bible Study & Prayer 7 PM DYNAMIC MINISTRIES FOR ALL AGES!, Call 463-2038 for more information or www.fbctrentonfl.org Come Qo -Tfo ALask With Os! Join in the cool fun as Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church and friends depart on an imaginary adventure to our nation's Artic Edge, Where Adventure Meets Courage! Daily excursions from Big Bear Lodge will have both young and old hiking across the tundra, exploring the sea scape by kayak, and skimming the backcountry in a float plane. As your limits are tested by the challenges of the vast Artic Wilderness, you will learn that God is always with you and find the courage required to follow Jesus in the everyday challenges of life. Departure Thnes: 'Sunday July 9': 5:00 kickoff/ registration (finger foods) with classes starting at 6:45 *Monday July 10"- Thursday July 14th dinner served at 6:00; classes start at 6:45 4Sunday July 16 h- Family night 7:00 p.m. with an ice cream social to follow ** Classes provided for 2 year olds adults ** Mt Pleasant Baptist Church 1410 298' Street High Springs, FL 32643 (386) 454-2461 CHURCH NEWS Gospel Concert To Be Held On July 8 On July 8, 2006, twenty-seven of the most popular Gospel mu- sic groups in the Southeast will 'be performing in a free concert, for the enjoyment of all who wish to attend. There will be no admission charge' -The sing will be held at the High School Auditorium in Bell beginning at 6:00 p.m. and ending at approxi- mately 10:00 p.m.: The Groups that will be performing will include: The Yeomans Family, VictorySong, Trust Quartet. Sun State Quartet, Thomas Spradlen. Southland,. SonShine Quartet, The Sky- watchers. Rushing Wind, River Jordan, The Singing Reflectsons. Redeemed Trio, Pure Harmony, Psalm 101. The'Padgett's, One Reason, Ne''.v Day Ministries, Mercy Mountain Boys. Hope' Street, HIS FOUR... Ministries, Heaven Sound, Hearts of Har-, mony. The Gospel Messengers, The Gibbs Family. Faith Family Singers. Delivered, and The Cel- ebration Singers. '. E'ervone is welcomee to at- tend. There is plenty of seating available so \ou are invited to bring \our family, friends. youth groups, senior groups, and entire church or civic groups. Come and enjoy the GREAT evening : of wonderful entertainment and inspiration. This is the eighth year of this annual concert which is held on the Saturday night following the 4th of July. It is hoped that this year %\ill bring a record at- tendance. If you need more information please call 352-463-2481. The Bell High School is located on Highway 129 in Bell, Florida. Mt. Nebo Baptist Church To Have A Special Freedom Celebration July 2 Nlt. Nebo would like to invite the community to their, "Free- dom Celebration." on Sunday. July 2 at 6.00 p.m. All acti'itlies will take .place outside, so bring your la n chairs' J There will b'ea cake walk, games, grilled hamburger'anfd hot dogs,. boiled peanuts, boiled corn-on-the-cob and homemade ice cream. It will be a great time for all as we celebrate our Nation's birth- day. So, come join us. . Mt. Nebo' is located three miles north of Bell on High\way 340, west. For more information you ma\ contact our pastor. Rev. Jimmy Corbin at (386) 935- 3575. Hope to see you Sunday.. New Life Of Trenton: Celebrates Independence Day Newk Life of Trenton cele- brates Indepenennce Day, Tues- day, July 4th, 2006,6:00 p.m.- 8: 00 p.m., "We're America" come celebrate with us!' Our Celebration will feature: Internationally known, Grammy award winning, Gaither Video celebrity, Larry Ford, local group "The Reflectsons" and Bethany Lunsford. Be sure to bring your lawn chairs. Also bring the kids and grandkids. We will have: the Moon walk, a 16 ft slide, face painting,-hotdogs, snow cones and more! For more information call 463-0552 or leave message at 463-7004 New Life is located 1 mile south of the traffic light in Tren- ton on South US Highway 129. Alachua Quilters To Meet On July 6 The Quilters of Alachua County Day Guild is planning to meet on Thursday, July 6, at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1521 NW 34th St. in Gainesville. Social time is at 9: 30 a.m. and the meeting begins at 10 a.m. This month our focus is the "Quilting Natural Florida" ex- hibit at the Florida Museum of Natural History. All visitors are welcome. For more information call 373-2039. Sincerely, Kim Dunkel Socials Happy Birthday wishes to Brandon 'Eastman, Amy Park Owens, April Lee, Courtney Lawson, and Summer Sanchez on June 29th, to Renee Bone, Steven Suggs, and Mable Gidley on June 30th, to Flora Brock, Dennis Edwards, Cindy , Dowling, James Sheffield, and Kaycee Smith on July 1st, to Michael Strong, Kaye Rolling, Faye Smith and Pat Neff on July , 2nd, to Katie Cannon, Juanita Graves, Mark Suggs, and Louis Wallace'on July 3rd, to Connie Gordon, Lindsey Cook, and James N. Ripley on July 4th, to Ryan Leasor, Jan Harris, and Larry Allison on July 5th. Happy Anniversary wishes to Mr. and Mrs: Dan Ward, and Don and Joanne McLeary on June 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Tim Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bayer, and Mr. and Mrs. Jackie Barron on June 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. NMark Lather on July 1st, to .Jerry and Pam Quincey nonJuly 4th,. and to Bobby and Sandra. Chesser on July 5th. Remember Our Troops : For those who believe, prayer is a powerful weapon. It not.. only does something for the pray-er, but also it can increase the faith of those who are being prayed for, especially those who arejinharm's %way and protecting our freedoms which we some- times take for granted here in the United States of America. SWe, all. should be consistent in our prayers for those of our county w\ho are serving in the Arimed Forces. The following is a known list of those %\ho are on active duty, and who either have a residence here or who are relatives of someone w\ho lives :nere in Gilchrist County. Of you know of an active military per- sonnel w\ho is not listed, please contact the Gilchrist County' Journal, so that person can be listed the next time this article is published. . Cla)ton App, Kathy 'Ar- rington, Peter Belanger,- Ken-, neth Daub, Drew Cheatum, Wayne Cheatum. Robert Dean.- Jimmy Fletcher, Jr.,- Chris Geiger' (Iraq), Jon Guzman (Afghanistan)', Gary Hilliard, Mark Hilliard, Steve :Hilliard, Joe Hudson, Heather Langston, Nlatthew C. Lind. Rob Long. Katie Lovett, Jonathan Luchak. Gus Maiuldin. Michael Mayo, Evan McQuistan. T.J. Miller, Mark Milton, Allen Murray, Stephen Reed, T.J. Rush, Mat-'i then Riordan, Donna Slayton, Donny Slhiton, James Slayton, Jeffrey Solis (Iraq), Justin Twigg (Iraq). Nathan Twigg, LaShonda White (Iraq), Wesley Wilson, Kyle Worthington, and Daniel Wood (Iraq). God could not be everywhere and thereforee he made mothers. Jewish Proverb High Springs Farmer's Market Open Every Thursday 2-6 P.M. The lazy summer season is full of great. delicious, healthy food from peas of all kinds, sweet corn, melons, blueberries. and lots more. The farmer's market also has sweet onions, peppers of all kinds, vine ripe to- matoes, cucumbers, okra. green beans, fruit trees and plants. and flowers. This Thursday and Saturday Girl Scout Troop 733 will be serving fresh-squeezed lemon- ade! Stop by the farmers' market for a glass. This tasty beverage will quench your thirst, and put a smile, on your face, knowing you are helping these young ladies meet their goal of raising $10.000 towards the cost of a cruise for all troop members! June 29, 2006 there "ill be an American Celebration from 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. There \ ill be live music %with Patchwork for an American Celebration and %ou can pick up great fruits and vegetables for \our fourth of July celebration. A -. - ..Wi t (352)463-7135 , - New Life '-" - Assembly of God . 9579 US-129 S -Trenton. Florida 463-7004 'ou can make a difference! S ,, . Sunday School . Praise & Worship'KidZone EBening Worship : Wednesday Night Service & "The Place" (Youth), 10am II am 6 pm 7 pm El Pastor: Don & Jerri Lunsford 0 t4~Y~V. ~?jYavy61~, Smitty and Barbie Martin and family are proud to announce the newest member of the Martin FamilN. Gair David Martin. Gary was named after his late Papa Gary Martin and his Uncle Johnny Da\ id Foster. We %would like to send a big thank you to Kelly Danaher of the Children's Home Society and to Be'erly Johnson of the Guardian Ad Litem Program for being so supportive and for help- ing us accomplish our dream. YOU ARE WELCOME AT PRISCILLA BAPTIST CHURCH 5509 S.W. County Road 232, Bell, Florida (Between Bell & Trenton 2.5 miles West of SR 129) , f + Sunday School.................. 10:00 AM N. Morning Worship...............:.... 0 AM Evening Worship....................... 6:00 PMN Wednesday Night PrayerYouth...7:30 PM Be a part of an exciting lime of \oriship and Bible Stuidy. Web: www.ForMinistry.com/USFLSOBCOPBC1 WE WELCOME YOU TO UNION BAPTIST CHURCH (SBC 6259 'S.E. 75TH AVENUE NEWBERRY, FL 32669 SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 AM- MORNING WORSHIP 11 AM EVENING WORSHIP 6 PM WEDNESDAY EVENING SERVICES: ADULT BIBLE STUDY. CHILDREN, & YOUTH ..:7 PM PASTOR: TRAVIS MOODY MINISTER OF YOUTH: ROBBIE BEACH CHURCH. PHONE: 386-472-3845 "WIN THE LOST AND TEACH THE SAVED TO SERVE" PINE GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH tI t'" 16655 N. W CR-339 Trentohi, Florida 32693 t 352-463-2151 www.pgbcfl.com Bro. Greg Douglas, Pastor Bro. Rickey Whitley, Minister of Students Charles Brock, Music Director Sunday School/Bible Study...................9:15 AM Morning Worship Service....................10:30 AM Children's Church....................... 10:30 AM Evening Worship Service......................... 6:00 PM Wednesday Night Services: Prayer Meeting, AWANA & Youth Worship....................7:00 PM ~ Nursery Provided for All Services ~ You are invited to hear: The Gibbs Family Southern Gospel Music Family at Bethel Baptist Church on July 9th at 11 adm 7070 SW CR-334A, Trenton 463-2028 for info. EVERYONE IS WELCOME I Shown from left are judge Koberlien, Gary, Barbie and Smittil Martin. We Welcome You To Mt. Nebo Baptist Church (SBc) 4200 N.W. CR-340, Bell, FL 32619 (3 miles North of Bell on Hwy-340 West) Sunday School.................................. 9:45 am M morning W orship ................................ 11 am Evening W orship ................................ 6 pm Wednesday Evening Services: Adult Bible Study, Children, & Youth ... 7 pm Pastor: Rev. Jimmy Corbin Minister of Youth: Matt Holtsclaw Church Phone: 386-935-3575 "Committed to Reaching People for Christ" "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof for correction, for instruction in righteousness:" ~ 2 Timothy 3:16 8ebW ope jfamilp (Cturti 4470 N.W. County Road 236 Bell, Florida 32619 ~1 Mile West of US-129- Service Times Pastor: Rev. Lynn Wagner 10:00 am Sunday School 11:00 am Sunday Morning Worship 6:30 pni Wednesday Bible Study 386-935-4219 "In the beginning was the -Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us... John 1:1, 14 ,A M. . .ddlL 56 THURSDAY, JUNE 29,2006,' GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Pa e Four I i I mLUrTDCVAV lhT) )A H ITC TT TYJ U N lPg ie.~L1.J-1., J UINZ L., "-'' -, .---- %-%-V -J vA- %- -II - Joitjful r t erCI ers fC&Q lfer ftPII S Bits and Pieces From The Joyful Heart Quilters And Crafters Of North 'Gilchrist County .Believe it or not, its nearly the' Fourth of July. The days just 'seem to fly by and before you know it summer will be over and the kids will be headed back to school. Thinking of the holiday com- ing up I sat back and started to reminisce about the Fourth of. .'July's of my childhood.: It was. San exciting occasion and one anticipated 'with thoughts of parades, picnics, and of course, fireworks. We would stand on the side- walk waving little American flags, saluting, the veterans marching b) while listening to the bands playing patriotic songs like. "God Bless America." "Stars and Stripes Forever." "She's a Grand Old Flag." and the like. At home. our grandmother. MoMo. would have 'the fixins for a picnic read. to go and mind .ou no coolers back then...hows did the), do it? She'd have fried chicken, potato salad. like only she could make, baked beans, my sister's favorite, a huge lighter than air coconut cake and mason canning jars filled with sweet ice tea and tart lemonade. Ice %was in wash tubs and all that Shown is Lera Townsend with her lovelil hand embroidered quilt she has completed. needed to-be. chilled was buried in ice...including a watermelon. We'd pile in our Aunt Till's car and head to a lake called Lakewood Beach. What a time %we'd have swimming and eating until time to leave to get home to see those fireworks, some- times we'd go to the ball park and watch them and sometimes we'd just watch them over the tops of the trees from an upstairs bedroom window. Of course all the bigger kids had their ow n fireworks...Roman candles. cherry bombs, pin- wheels. and all sorts of rockets that shot up in the sky. Us little kids could only have sparklers and those black pills that when lit turned into a wiggly ash snake that made a stain forever on the sidewalk so wve did them in the grass. We didn't have anything near to the firework displays we have today. We had no air condi- tioned cars to ride in and no fan- cy coolers. What we did have was pride...pride in our families, our community, our religious beliefs, and in our country. Not that evil pride that cometh before a fall. But a pride that united us together and brought tears to our eyes and a lump in our throat as we sang "God Bless America" and meant each %word. This Fourth of July take time to reminisce...take a good long look at our country and how we've grown and how we've groaned. And sing the words "God Bless America...stand be- side her and guide her," and let it come from your heart to Him who holds the answer for us all. And so here we all were on Wednesday, June 21st, just two weeks from the Fourth, ready to craft and quilt up a storm, and don't we need a fe1w. There %were twenty-t"o present and what a blessing it was to see a few faces %we hadn't seen in a %while. MarTine Deer, Diana Lynn, Pat Luka, and Barbara MNIrick all worked on their lap quilts. It's so.interesting to see how the same block design looks so dif- ferent %ith the variety of colors and fabrics used. Barbara Strom and Elaine Nemeth have theirs already completed and Barbara even made hers larger than just 7am-5:30pm M-F * 8am-3pin Saturday Hwy. 129, North BELL the twelve blocks. If you're on schedule, and I am not, you should be working on the June block...hour glass and be getting ready for July's block ...the split nine patch. January through May was the Friendship Star, Formal Garden, Shoo Fly, Baby Bud, and North Wind blocks. Heidi Kamp was working on an afghan and brought her new neighbor and friend Betsy. We hope'she'll want to be a regular part of our group and will come back with Heidi. Ann Taylor and Myrle Gilkey were both busy knitting while Matty Turner stuck to her cro- cheting. Lera Townsend was busy embroidering and Ruth Wilkerson %was doing some sort of quilting but just what escapes me. Of course our Swedish Weav- ers were going to town on their projects. Alice Binns. the Queen Mother of the Lot. has started a new one in white monk's cloth and purple yarn. It should be lovely when finished. Jackie Moore. Betty Hicks. and Bonnie Edwards were all right in there. needles flying. Barbara Strom. Elaine Ne- meth, Ann Mangone., and Evelyn Wood worked on the quilt on the frame %while Cathy Strom and I got the materials ready for our "Make It and Take It" da\ proj- ect. "Make It and Take It" will be on Wednesday, June 28th. Mary Lou Ryder came late just as I was leaving with Bonnie to keep an appointment in Perry so I guess she came for lunch as she had her hands full of coolers and such. We voted that our next club quilt would be a Christmas quilt. The blocks will be twelve inch squares and everyone %ill design their ow n block like we did with our "Ladies Nigh Out" quilt. Ideas should be dancing through your heads like sugar plums. In fact. that might be a good name for the quilt "'Twas the Night Before Christmas." Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, July 5th. If you're not too full of picnicing to move or too tired come by and sit a spell. It's amazing what an up- lifting experience it can be to' be among such Joyful Hearts. 'Til next time. remember "Do what you can. with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt, .' S. ..A Jo ful' Heart ... ,. lMariy Runde Commercial Deep-water Grouper Fishery Set To Close In Gulf Waters The commercial fishery for deep-water grouper in federal- and state waters in the Gulf of Mexico will close on June :27 . and remain closed until the end of the year. The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has determined this fishery. which includes mist) grouper, snowN SD - BIRTHDAY II. S. A* 1776 - 2006 "In God We Trust" Support Our Right To Vote by Exercising Your Right To Vote Vote September 5, 2006 RE-ELECT JUDGE ED PHILMAN County Court Judge Vietnam Combat Veteran U.S. Army Home: 386-935-2333 Cell: 352-221-4673 www~re-electjudgeedphilmanl~com Political advertisement paid for and approved by Edward (Ed) Philman, Nonpartisan, for Gilchrist County Court Judge, Group 1 4-H Beginner Sewing Camp Is A Great Success : Shown are the sixteen 4-H members showing their Photo Memory Quilts. This past %week. sixteen 4-H members attended the annual be- ginner sewing camp. sponsored by the Springhouse Quilters Guild in Trenton. Elaine Faison (Springhouse member) helped teach the parts of the sewing machines and the technique of sewing, along w ith several of the Springhouse members. Learning the parts of the sewing machines and threading the machines and their bobbins, was quite a chal- lenge for our first-time sewing camp 4-H members. Learning to sew a straight line was the next hurdle they each had to master. The results were %ery rewarding. Cute Chicken pin cushions %were made the first day of camp for them to use during the four day camp. The girls made backpacks the second and third days of camp. Beautiful photo pillows were created the rest of the week. A trip to Suwannee Valley Quilt Shop on Tuesday after- noon was a fun treat for the girls. Cookies and sodas "were served. Lois Scott showed the girls how to make a fabric Yo-Yo pin. It was a very enjoyable outing. Thank to the Quilt Shop for letting our 4-H camp members visit them. Wonderful memories and new friendships were developed throughout this special week. Some life experiences learned from both '4-H 'members and helpers were SafetN, Patience. Respect and Confidence. grouper. yellowedge grouper, Warsa" grouper and speckled hind, will reach its available an- nualharvest quota of 1.02 mil- lion pounds on June 26. i Federal regulations require NMFS to close the commercial deep-water grouper fishery har- vest in gulf federal waters %hen the annual commercial quota is reached. Florida Fish and Wild- life Conservation Commission rules also prohibit commercial harvest of these species in state waters when adjacent federal waters are closed to such har- vest.- The commercial harvest of deep-water grouper is prohibited in gulf state and federal waters from 12:01 a.m., local time, on June 27 until 12:01 a m.. local time, on Jan. 1. , 'If you have any questions please call Lee Schlesinger (850)487-0554. , Of course, camp had to have a sw im day. The last day of camp. 'everyone loaded up in the 4-H van and Mr. Chris headed for Hart Springs for a cold, cold dip in the springs. It was good to see family members meet us at the springs to have some fun also. thank you to the Springhouse Quilters Guild for making these very important camps possible to our 4-H members. Gilchrist Building Supply 463-2738 1-800-543-6545 On June 20th I had the privilege of attending a Gilchuist Count\ School Board meeting. .- First, congratulations Gilchrist Count-y -for all 4 "A" schools. What an honor it was to receive this. It took man, hard working people working together -o " achieve this. It took the Board, princi- pals. teachers. staff. aids. students and some volunteers. Again, thanks for a good job. Second, I.was excited about our new Practical Career Acad- emy; Assistant Principal Rhonda Parrish and many devoted staff members did an excellent presentation of this up-coming Academy. This Academy will benefit students in many ways. As we know, all kids will not further their education in a two or four year college. This Academy will assure a lower drop-out, rate. Students will be able to leae this Academy and get a job with the skills they receive. It will also help students build good working habits, teamwork and people skills. It will teach students moneN management, while giving them the opportu- nity to earn mone) in this Academy. It will also build self- esteem and- self-worth. This will in-turn*make for a more productive citizen. Please let me be a part of this superior school system. I would like to continue the hard work it took to achieve this rating, and be available to assist in the PCA. Remember, Swilleyfor Schools, September 5th. Political advertisement paid and approved by Lucy Swilley tor Gilchrist County School Board District I(NP) PERMITS We will make it simple from start to finish Smith Septic Tank Service, Inc. Pull Permits for: Mobile Home Move-On Pre-Inspectioni on Used Mobile Homes New Septic Systems Repair or Existing Systems Site Evaluations (Perk Test) Mobile Home Packages Well Septic Power Pump Outs and Certifications Portable Toilets One Call Does It All (386) 935-1429 Toll Free 1-866-935-1429 .GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL TPT TP.qn AV IT TNM. 19 ?006 Page Five rage o FAMILY REUNIONS I Shadrack Sapp Reunion July 1 SThe Shadrack Sapp family- will be having their 22nd annual family reunion at Hart Springs 'County Park in the large "A" pavilion on July 1, 2006 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Hart Springs Park is about 10 miles west of Trenton, Florida, in Gilchrist County. Bring a covered dish dinner, your old photos,, family records, ad- dresses, albums, scrapbooks and your camera. Again this year we will have an auction to help with the ex- penses. So bring something that you think others might want or can't do without (smile). , Come early for a business meeting at 10:00 am. If you are unable to attend, please email or mail me address updates for you and your family members, as we have many addresses that are re- turned and no longer valid. Call and invite all your family to attend. Call' Mitch at (352)-332-2065 for additional information. Ed And Rebecca. Williams Family Reunion July 2 The Ed and Rebecca Williams family reunion will be held on July 2nd at the Hart Springs Pa liono. Lunch will be served at 1:30 p.m. Cannon Clan To Have Reunion July 4 The annual Cannon Clan' reunion will be held on Tues- day, July 4th, at Hart Springs, Pavilion's A and B.. ' The descendants of William Jackson and Henrietta Townsend Cannon will be attending this 64th annual reunion. Lunch will begin at 12:30 p.m. so don't be. late. Bring a covered dish. The paper goods and ice will be furnished. If you have any questions con- tact June Howard at (904) 259- 6050, or Buddy Isacc at (386) 935-2045, or Brenda Wageman at (386) 935-3723. The Cannon Clan's Reunion Committee Langford Reunion July 8 At Otter Springs. The Langford Reunion will be held at Otter Springs on Satur- day, July 8th. All family 'and friends: are invited. Bring a covered dish, a dessert and your favorite drink. Plates, forks, cups, etc. will be supplied. For more information or direc- tions call (813) 988-0897, Otter Springs RV Resort at (352) 463- 0800 or C.T. Langford at i3S6) 454-2585 Akins Family To Have Reunion July. 15 The 24th annual Akins family reunion \\ill be held on Saturda). Jdly 5th. at the Su%%annee Ri\er Shrine Club located on Hw\. 26 between Trenton and" Fanning Springs. It will start at 10:00 a.m. so come.early and visit. " Bring a covered dish. There will be a door prize. Nettles-Parrish-Polk Family Reunion The annual Nettles-Parrish- Polk reunion will be held on Sunday, July 16, 2006, at the Hart Springs Park, Bell, Florida, Pavillion A. Please remind any family members and friends that we are back to the original date of the third Sunday in July. . We will only have the one side of the Pavillion this year so you may want to bring a chair:. All paper goods will be provided. If anyone has, any. questions, please call Patti at (352) 871- 3960 or Elaine at (352) 472- 2443:. Pridgeon Family Reunion The Pridgeon Farnilh Reunion will be held Saturday. July 22nd at Otter Springs in the Large Pavillion. We l\ant all family\ and friends to be there if possible. Bring a coveredd dish. We will eat at 12:30 p.m. Hope to see \ou there! Trenton Elementary Students Participate In Cabbage Program ,-P. . SalB~sSS''I^S TS^^^^^B~ _^^0B.1'^' M~l~~tfa-~..-.- w f ~ l~BBB~~i .iiT Jiqi; .ti i Mrs. Kim Whitley's class grew.'cabbge as a project this year. Bottom row: J.D. Leverette, Brianal Rose, A lason McCall, Kristin Moore, Leah McKeehfreu, and Ki/la Alitchell. A fiddle Row: Desirae Thomas anid Destimn Thomais. At the top: Tailor Sapp. The third-graders from Tren- ton Elementary School par- ticipated in an interesting project this \ear. For approximately 14 \eeks the\ took home and cared for the cabbage plants that Bonnie Plant Farm had donated to them. Ta lor Sapp. had. the biggest cabbage that weighed in at 25 pounds. A student from each class will be entered into the contest with other students from the State of Florida. The winner will receive a $1,000 scholar- ship. Taylor Sapp is standing beside 1ier enormous cabbage. Taylor's cabbage iwas the largest in her class. I Pain Relief for Children to Grandparents! Specializing in Activator Methods - A Painless Chiropractic Adjustment Over 15 Years Experience Consultation On Request. Most Insurance Accepted. Robert L. Vaughan, Jr., DC Siffo Hours:. Walk-ins Welcome 24 HOUR Mon. Tues. Thurs. Fri EMERGENCY SERVICE 325 W. Wade St. (Hwy26) 3 Blocks west of light in Trenton SysfteUpradel'TBs Vent^^KMiilationSytefi- StEHate C rtifed AC 0742 "YOUR COgryMFORT IS OR CONCERN Amsyeao 76odw 32-43-11 Licensed. AdchisUred, 8851 NW 115th Street Chiefland, Florida 32626 352-493-1398 1-877-766-2707 Osborn G. Barker Owner InsulatedRoof-overs Vinyl & Aluminum Siding Carports Screen Rooms Decks Patio Roofs Soffit, Fascia & Gutters Hurricane Awnings Skirting Pool and All types Enclosures Free Estimates I Leslie Sapp Construction, Inc. 352-463-7589 7239 S.W. 80th Avenue Trenton, Florida 32693 tlsapp@acceleration.net CR-C058431 All New 2007 Chevy Tahoe 4x4 22 Hwy. 16 City m~2 -'5 SPECIAL PRICE "m g' $339 5* fo Ifaes #1142 I995 in Stockf 2006 Chevy Uplander 24 Hwy. 19 City SPECIAL PRICE - | 3 UPanders #859 F2 4 9in 5tckl 2006 Colorado Ext. Cab SPECIAL PRICE - $ ,10 Colorudos #1199 r- 6,95110:In Stocki - I' J21 2006 Silverado 1500 Crew 20 Hwy. 16 City SPECIAL PRICE - #1218 2006 Silverado 1500 22 Hwy. 16 city 15 --28 .Reg. Silvered Cab in Stock W.T. SPECIAL PRICE- #41174 2006 Chevy Trailblazer LS 2WD S22 Hwy. 16 City' SPECIAL PRICE #1 009 6 6,silblaz .2 U 9 5 in Stock! Io Drs Life changes. Your insurance should keep up. GREAT SELECTION OF PRE-O WHNED VEHICLES! '03 Nissan '02 Chevy '03 Chevy '03 Chevy '06 Chevy Frontier Crew 1500 1500 Ext. Cab Avalanche Uplander #936A #886B #807A # 1128A #65K Miles #1065A *15,995*' $9,995* s13,995* 22,995* $20,995* '05 Chevy '02 Chevy '01 Ford '05 Chevy 1500 '06 Chevy 1500 Crew 2500 HD Ranger Ext. 4x4 Trailblazer 4WD #979A #1011A #1175A 35K Miles #1069A 12K Miles #1165P 19,995* $16,995* $9,995* $24,995* $23,995* '01 Ford '04 Chevy '03 GMC '06 Chevy '06 Chevy F-250 Supercab Avalanche Ext. Cab 4WD Suburban Trailblazer #968B #1087A #1048A 2K Miles #1160P 11K Miles #1162P $15,995* $24,995* $19,995* $39,995* $21,995* IM: C5-O r S- a e and a I renfer ei aring Sales Dept. Open Mon.-Fri. 8 to 7; Sat. 9 to 4; Closed Sunday Body Shop Open Mon.-Fri. 7:30 to 5 Service Dept. Open Mon.-Fri. 7:30 to 5 24 Hour Towing Call 493-7061 352-493-4263 *AII prices include all GM rebates + 1999 or newer trade-in, plus tax, title and license fees. Mileage based on EPA estimates. 33 Years Service to the Tri-County Communities cOQ 1424 North Young Blvd., Chiefland J U '4 /4 AN AMERICAN R"VIOI N=--, - 1463-8 1 r= M M GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JUNE 29,2006. Pqrr SiX I r F I mL'NTTDVThAV rrTNTP'~O 9AAf~ Gil CHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Page Seven .LiiLJJ.~,J1~~ff~J., .J '.JJ2IJ-' '-s.', ~'-"."' - ,The Petrello family, pictured from left, Pauli, Rick, Michelle and Mike. Petrello's is lo- cated in the Old Boarding House in Trenton. Petrello's In The Old Boarding House Opens In Trenton By Cindy Jo Ayers Pauli and Mike Petrello opened the doors to Petrello's at the Old Boarding House on MMohday evening. The Petrello brothers greeted invited guests to a soft opening., On Tuesday, June 27, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. the doors opened for the first time to the public. The Petrello family hails from Brooklyn and has a long history in the restaurant business. Unlike recently married a local. Trenton girl Michelle (Myers). Petrello, who.is working as hostess at the, restaurant. This operation is, truly a family affair as Rick' Petrello, .who is Pauli and NMike's father, has been lending, a hand to help the restaurant open. The 'county's newest restaurant sern es real Italian fare in the evenings and will be' open from 5:00 until 9:00 Monday-' Thursday, from 5:00 until 10:00 on Friday and, Saturday, and from 11:00 until 3:00 ,on Sunday, Later the\ plan to be open for lunch and serve lunch. specials. Executive Chef Pauli Petrello cooks such entrees as Fussili Petrello which is sauteed chicken breast, with sun dried tomatoes and pine nuts, simmered in a caramelized onion, balsamic demi glaze, tossed with fussili pasta topped with nut crusted goat cheese. Sizzling Steak,, which is the House &Specialty, includes a, 16 ounce Rib Eye pan seared with pepper,, m.ishrooms and onions served over herb roasted. potatoes. They' :also serve several, appetizers including Scunigili La Monica which is fried conch fritters served with roasted pepper aioli and Antipasto which includes imported meats, cheeses, olih es, 'and marinated 'grilled vege- tables. The Petrello family has worked rapidly to, give the The Petrello family has worked rapidlN to give the Old Boarding House's interior a fresh clean look. All and all, the food and service were excellent on Monda\ evening. This restaurant is a little different than local people are accustomed to in our area. It is definitely> up to the standards of the upscale Italian restaurants in Gaines ille. Petrello's at the, Old Boarding House gives locals, a chance to have an excellent Italian meal "without lea\ ing the country. Petrello's is located at 115 NW 1st Street, beside Capital City Bank in Trenton. Destiny is not a matter of chance, itis a matter of choice: it is not a thing to be %waited for, it' is a thing to be achieved. William Jennings Bryan agree...) While some banks resort to gifts and handouts to get your business, we do it the old-fashion ,way... by providing up-close, personal and friendly service. And we do all this without long waits at the drive thru and staffing our banks so that you'll never have to talk to someone in Tallahassee or Moultrie, Georgia. Almost all banks offer free checking and free on-line banking, but not like us. Stop by and we'll give you the details. We won't have a TV or a blender to give you, just friendly, old fashion, home-style service. CHIEFLAND 1627 N Young Boulevard 352-493-2277 CEDAR KEY 7060 C Street 352-543-5450 CROSS CITY 200 SW Cedar Street 352-498-7733 OLD TOWN US19 at SR349 352-542-1972 www.drummondbank.com TRENTON 408 E Wade Street 352-463-3010 Member F.D.I.C. LENDER Suwannee Valley League Ledger By SVL Board Where do we want to st How about with the ten under SVL All-Star.team n aged by Terry Parrish coached by. Joey Ellinger Todd Gray. They coac their team to first place the Babe Ruth Leagues Si League District One Tou: ment hosted by our own S organization at McArthur P on, the dates of June I through June 18th. The twelve and under S All-Star team managed; Todd Bryant and coached, John Rowe and Roy Willi; were runner-up in their, d sion! Both teams had to .games through the course the tournament in which get to their respective 9ch pionship games. The pla1 did an awesome job of rer senting Gilchrist County should be congratulated w you see them, for all the 6 work, commitment and pe: vefance they have shown season. : This tournament required incredible amount of work preparation. First, we wc like to thank Mitch Han our., baseball commission and Jim Hudson BRL Dist One 'Conmmissioner for their hard \ork in orgat , ing the tournament. The a lot of paperwork and cussion. bracketing the gai and arranging umpires scorekeepers so the tour ment can run smoothly. would also like to thank Co missioner K. Thomas and Road Dept. for assisting v leveling the fields prior to tournament. Lancaster C. Sgt. Curtis Gore and office Jeff Crawl, Jarrod Jones Randy Stephenson provi. timely preparations during rough week of stones. .Mr. Tom Hurle) keep . in your prayers) was gracii enough to let us use his bri new air conditioned mol cook shed thus keeping cooks out of the hot sun. CCDA Waters was generous. enough' to donate 25 cases of tart? bottled water to our tourna- and ment helping keep everybody aand hydrated and cool. Bill Martin nan- and FFA were nice enough to and let us borrow twelve trash bar- and rels in order to contain all of hed the refuse. Those barrels sure in kept our park looking. nice. mall Bobby Crosby helped put the rna- finishing touches on the new arVL Drummond Community Bank 6tark Batting Facility., It's so big 16th and what with the state of the VL .-art fittings and all we call it a- by facility, not a cage. Scott, we- by dearly do appreciate it and it ,by, will. prove its worth. . ams We want to thank Pas- ivi- tor David Jones for giving ugh the opening prayer and Mr. ug Hardee Myer for doing a. to beautiful jolb singing the na-, o tonal anthem. Hardee.also let yeam-rs us borrow his p.a. system for yers the awards ceremnoni at the pre- end of the tournament. Job ,hen well done. Sard A special "thank you", goes e out to Mrs. M. Parrish and rse- Mrs. K. Turner of Woodmen S of the World for donating the an large new LU. S. flag to McAr- and thurPark. Those women don't, and skip a beat. They had the flag, elld to the park the morning of our first game. We deeply appreci- ner, ate it. We surely do cherisni rict how professional and flexible' nal Anna Wilde has been with re,'s our organization this year. She e did a wonderful job providing' mes action shots of the games. and The ground crew comprising an Alan Skawienski, Clark Ta- We nines and Roger Boland did a se wonderful job of keeping the mhe fields graded, raked and lined ith before each. game. Clif and the Hallie Bryant also helped out the s at the end of each day get- ers ting the fields properly raked ers down. , and Head chef all day Friday ded was the former but very fa- a miliar SVL board member aim and current GCRA trustee ium Galen Watson. Galen did a and superb job cooking sausages, ile hamburgers, and hot dogs all. the day .long. Concessions was assisted by Andiea Dechoe'. Ka.ley Wiggins, Kyle and Emil) Skawienski, Jamison and Dawson -Mower, Brit- tan) Tanines, Rachel and J.- S C" Thomas, Brooks Parrish, Matthew Harrell, Ryan Wil- liams, Schiefer Buckles, Brice Haley, Stephen, Balkcom, Dana Dechow, Ginger Mower, Lori Williams, Ronda Parrish, Angie Wiggins, Jo' Buckles, Tammy, Crosby and August. Ellinger. . Bobby, and Tammy Crosby,' Mae Bryant. Ronda Parrish. and Roy and Lori Williams. policed the grounds in order to. keep the trish picked up making our park look. beau- tiful. You don't know how much that was appreciated! We also want to thank all of the sponsors who donated' monies to. make our tourna- ment a financial success. The overall tournament costs are. pricey and the event 'would not have been a money maker if not for your kindness. In totality, without a doubt, the efforts of each and ev- eryone of you, dedicated to making better the youth of Gilchrist County, is deemed priceless by this organization! Others who helped and we neglected to mention we do truly apologize. Believe it or not the two teams mentioned above are not done yet. The ten and under played in Lake City the weekend of June 23rd June 25th. Once again manager Terry Parrish and coaches Joey Ellinger and Todd Gray led their team to the champion- ship Tound. They claimed the runner-up spot in that BRL District 1 Tournament and will now travel to. the Small League State Championship Tournament in Ft. White on the dates of Thursday June 29th Sunday July 2nd as will, the twelve and under team managedd .by Todd Bryant and coached by John Rowe and Roy Williams. If you can, get out and cheer them on! Our Rookie All-Star team managed by Lydia Harrell and coached.' by Rickey Whitley ( hope your leg gets better ) ,.and Shawn Hurto played in, the Babe Ruth Leagues State Qualifier in Lake City the weekend of June 8th June I Ith. This is one tough quali-' fier. Our teani lost their first game on, Thursday. But, we hope you didn't count them out as this team was not .about to quit and go home, oh no! They courageously fought back .to win their next'game on' Friday. Unfortunately, on Saturday the, results favored the opposing team. However. it should be noted our play- ers gave them a good outing.. These Rookie All-Stars also deserve congratulations and a' pat on the back for doing /such a tremendous job repre- senting Gilchrist Count.. The, 13 15 BRL baseball team culminated their season, last month. Manager Marty Harding did an excellent job, seeing these budding high school ball- players through another season. We only had one team in this division: However, they toughed out the' season by traveling to dif- ferent towns in order to find. some competition. We appre- ciate you guys playing with us very much , SSVL encourages all youth from age 4 18 to participate in organized sports. We truly believe that the longer you participate in organized sports; the more enriched, the more successful you will be in your social life. your professional- life and your -personal life. Stay in sports!, , Don't want 'to forget the baseball camp that was held the week of June 19th June 22nd. We had 22. players I I sign-up. Coaches Malloy, Ba- ines and Cook did a wonderful job teaching the fundamentals and more importantly keeping the camp fun for the attend- ees. Todd Bryant did a great job putting it all together. Don't .know if you notice but we upgraded the. dug- outs placing security fencing around the entrances to the dugout areas. We have also repaired the sprinkler system and that is why the outfields look soooo good! Hope what- ever you 'should drop into the commodes at the park isn't valuable, if it is-it's gone. Those new toilets work fright- fully well. The Suwannee Valley Blue- grass Festival held at..Hart Springs .and organized by Cloud Haley with SYL as beneficiary of the profits was an excellent fund raiser for our organization. We. want to thank both Cloud Haley and' the Gilchrist County Comnmis- sioners for assisting with this endeavor. The SVL board "would also like to thank Mrs. Rhoida Adkins, again, for her' support in organizing the 6th Annual Miss Gilchrist County Fire- cracker Pageant. If you saw the photos previously in the Journal you know it was a well attended and well or- ganized pageant. We sure do want to thank Mrs. Adkins and her volunteers for contrib- 'uting the proceeds to', .our' or- ganization. All proceeds from both of these events will be. put to good use for the youth of Gilchrist County. Watch for future, ads in the Journal concerning sign-ups for tackle football and cheer- leading. Also, all ypu women and men who've 'been watch- ing baseball/sofiball all season long' and ha' e an itch to play be sure to keep an eye out for ads to sign-up for our co-ed softball league and men's soft- ball league. Let's see, if, you can still s%%ing that bat! Oh! Please take notice that our Jul\ board meeting has been moved to .Tuesday July S11 th at 7:00 pm at the McAr- thur Park conference room, Don't forget, -watch World Cup Soccer! Have a patriotic and safe 4th of .July! ' Hunt's Pest Control, Inc. GET RID OF: Cockroaches Waterbugs German Roaches 0 Ants and other Household Pests WE DO TERMITE INSPECTIONS Phone 493-1051 493-4772 "We send 'em packing!" I' People SayWere Te Best Bank InTown (and our competitors Pole Barns Truss Setting 18-in Auger (352) 543-6643 PR O. Box 218 Otter Creek, Florida 32683 Lic. No. RB0031694 rst gs Pharmac is also the best gift shop in the Tri-County Area. Gifts & Greeting Cards Our Everyday Stock Includes: Blue Mountain Greeting Cards Puzzles Leaning Tree Cards Porcelain Dolls Mugs & Posters Picture Frames Variety of Tart Burners Wind Chimes Scented Candles ~ Layaways are Always Welcome - ~ Gift Certificates Available ~ / (352) 463-2240 . Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m. 5:30 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 220 North Main Street Trenton I GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Page Seven TT4T TR.IRT) AV TT TN-P. ?,Q 2006 i GIT .CHRIST COT INTY JOURNAL THURSDAY lINE 9i9. 2OA(~ July 4th Celebrations To Be Held In The Area On July 3 And July 4 / y Anna White and the Clam Jam Band will be performing at this year's GLAMERICA. Clam It Up At Cedar Key's CLAMERICA- Celebration On 4th Of July A Celebration of Cedar Key Farm-Raised Clams Cedar Key will be explodin- this Tuesday, July 4th when the 3rd annual CLAMERICA Cele- bration brings thousands of clam lovers to this island community to enjoy their sweet and savory farm-raised clams. Sponsored by the Cedar Key Aquaculture As-, sociation, the day will be filled with fun, food and events for the whole family from 10:00 a.n. to 6:00 p.m. so bring your blankets and lawn chairs and relax. Cedar. Key, located on Flor- ida's west coast, is a leading producer of farm-raised clams in the United States with over 100 million clams harvested 'annu- ally from the inshore waters sur- rounding the keys. This festival is an opportunity to celebrate the new industry, as well as the country's birthday. Cedar Key farm-raised lams, are featured, on the menu and will be served in a variety of ways .by com- munity organizations. There %% ill be steamed clams, clams-on-the- half-shell, clam chowder, clam fritters and fried :clam strips for all of you clam lovers. Other lo- cal seafood served will include' Sgrouper sandwiches and, fried shrimp. For the landlubbers, there will be hamburgers, hot dogs, corn-on-the-cob, wa- termelon, root beer floats, ice cream, and more. -The festival will open with a children's bicycle parade and, flag raising ceremonyr by the Tri- County Marine Corps League., CLAMANIA events w ill be held throughoutthe day-all of w which are free. Prizes abound for clam bag races, a clam harvest huntt; clam raceways, guess the clam count, clam lease (greased i pole. and a host of other children's activities. The 3rd annual Cul- tured Clam Cook-off, which will showcase a variety bf clam. recipes including local favorites, will begin at 12:30 p.m. along ith clam cooking and shucking demonstrations. New events this year are the Cedar Key News kayak races, starting at 2:00 p.m. on the beach, a Sand and Shell Sculpturing contest, and a Chuck-a-Mullet throw. Continu- ous li.e music in the park will be provided by The Philman Fam- ily, Used Blues. Cajun Dave. . Neil Lofgren, and Anna White and the Clam Jamm' Band. For more information contact Leslie Stunner at the UF/WI-AS Shellfish AquacOltdre E\tension . Proram at I' 52 K 543-5057. At dusk, the City of Cedar Ke) w ill host the fireworks display. Come clam out in Cedar Key! Forget past mistakes. Forget failures, Forget everything except what you're going to do now and do it. William Durant Otter Springs Has July 4 Festivities Looking for a great place to take your family for the 4th of July? Come to Otter Springs.- Providence Ministries of Ot- ter Springs presents the follow- ing groups for your enjoyment. Travis Lewis, "In the Son" and Providence Gospel Group. Festivities will be held on the 'grounds beginning at 11:00 a.m bring a chair, sit back and enjoy the music and fellowship. You. can also swim in the springs, fish, hike or bike. J-Mac's concession will be there from July :1-4, with.lots of good food. 'Park hours are Monday through Saturday 8:00 a.m.- .8:00 p.m. and Sunday from 1:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. For further information please call Trish at (352) 463-0800 or 1-800-883-9107. ' Williston Independence Day Celebration The Cit\ of Williston and the Williston Area Chamber of Commerce wi:.uld like to mn ite the community and surrounding areas to attend Williston's An- nual Independence Day Celebra- tion. This year's e'ent will be held on Monday. July 3. 2006. The festivities will start with the annual parade. which will begin at 4:30 p.m. The line-up will be behind the Williston High School one hour before start time. The theme this year is "Stars, Stripes and Commu- nity Pride'. .. The gates at the Williston 1Horseman's Park will open at' .6:00 p.m.. A $2 donation for .parking will be accepted. Children's rides will begin at 7:00 p.m. Vendor booths with novelties and lots pf good food. will line the park. The opening Ceremony will start at 7.00 p.m. with musical entertainment pro- vided by an assortment of local talent ending the evening with a spectacular fireworks display. SPlease remember to bring lawn chairs or blankets. No coolers or pets will be allowed through the gates. Anyone interested in having a booth to sell or display items, contact Mar\ Kline at the Cham- ber of 'Commerce 13521528- 5552. , Anyone interested in volun- teering for traffic control at the Parade, contact Officer Kevin Sheppard at the Police Depart- Gerry Petrone Has Been Named As Tri-Counties New Administrator And Nurse Practitioner Gerry Petrone has been named administrator for Haven Hospice and Rita.Arrington, ARNP, joins the organization as a nurse prac- titioner. Both will be working in Haven Hospice's tri-counties area office, located in Chiefland. "'Gerry and Rita are well established in our tri-counties service area and bring years Of experience to: their new roles with Haven Hospice," said Tim Bo\% en,Haven Hospice's execu- tive director. "Their leadership will serve to support our mission in the Chiefland facility and the communities of Gilchrist, Levy, and Dixie Counties." -In her new .position, Petrone \\ill be charged \nith administra- tive responsibility for all clinical issues and the financial success of the team. She will also man- age human resource functions and initiate and develop comn- munity relationships. Petrone joined Ha en Hos- pice in 1992 as a staff nurse and has served. in a variety of positions since then, including senior clinician. manager. and administrator. She has a Bach- elor of Science in Nursing from the Unilersity of Florida and is certified in hospice and pallia- tive nursing As an advanced registered nurse, practitioner. Arrington -will manage patients' medical problems. and execute their treatment plans She \\ill also serve in a consulting capacity to hospice staff and others. Arrmngton holds both a bachelor's and master's degree for the. College .of Nursing at the Unimersitv of Florida. and is b9ard certified as a family nurse practitioner. Prior to join- ing Haven. Hospice, Arrington- served as. a primary care pro- vider for the Chiefland Medical Center. She also has worked as a family nurse practitioner for the Gilchrist and Lev\ counties public health departments. ment (352)528-4910.. Anyone interested in partici- pating.in.the parade or an\ ques- tion min, general. contact Cry stal \W Curl at City Hall i352 528- 3060., Deadline for parade en- tries is Friday, June 30, 2006. With the present in God's keeping and the future in His care, may you meet each new tomorrow knowing God is ev- erywhere. The Divie Amateur Radio Klub (DARK) was proud to participate in the American Radio Relai League (.ARRL) Field Day event to show they are ready to help in the.event of a coniinunications need. Photos by Anna Wild. Local HAM Radio Club Participates In National Field Day (Continued from Page One) of phones, internet. or other infrastructures that will be comproniised in a crisis. I There have been a lot of .changes to the amateur radios over the years.: \Many, people ,are familiar with .the :"old". Morse code, which is still used. But today there are various frequencies on which you can' talk. These radios do require. LCCC Is Now Offering Professional Development Classes .. Lake City Community College will be offering Professional De- velopment in the Workplace as a three credit course in the fall at the LCCC Di\ie Counts Center in Cross Cit). : This class is required for sev- eral certificates including Medi- cal Records Transcribing, Office Management. Customer Serv ice Technology, and the associate in science degree in Office Admin- istration. The class includes re- sume writing, searching for your job, and keeping the job after you have been hired. You will , learn about the different kinds' of stipervisor.. communications, Sixth coy workers and supervisors. how to deal with stress on the job, and how, to plan your future career. The class -will be offered on Friday (one day a week), 8:30-11 a.m. in the Dri..ie County Center. Classes begin on August 25. LCCC Business Professor Lelia Austin will be teaching the class. Austin has taught job skills to many different students you to qualify for a license and there are several licenses which you can obtain. If anyone has listened in on a Citizens Band- radio lately., you will agree you just want to turn it off with all the unnecessary language. The FCC does site fines on the HAM radio band for individuals using inappropriate language and conducting themsekes in a less than professional manner. .For' the younger readers the Morse code is a great code to learn and you and your friends can pass messages and very few people. a ill have any idea what you're at LCCC. as well as in other states. She states that this is a "fun" class that will help you with problems you might not even know that you have on the job. Keyboarding I and' 1 will also be offered at the Center this fall. Fall semester will begin on Au- gust 21. If you have some keyboarding skills and want to learn to type faster and more accurately, you can begin with Keyboarding I. 'If you already tr pe by touch and have some experience, you may want to try Keyboarding TI. Both classes involve learning word processing techniques and how doing. You may even save the world someday, just -like in "Independence Day." HAM Radio operating is a fun hobby that can be addictive. You get :to meet new people around the world and could even talk to an astronaut on ,the space siarion. If you would like.to learn more feel free to .come out to the next DARK meeting at the Lighthouse Restaurant, they meet everv 3rd Monday of the month;, the meeting begins 'at 7:00 p.m. and dinner and fellowship start at 6:00 p.m. Come join the fun. ; to key in 'documents, including business letters, memorandums. e-mails, tables, business reports. and manuscripts. These are skills that 'are helpful in pursiu- ing degrees where you will need to turn in reports. They-are also required for the associate in sci-. ence degree in Business. ,These' classes will be taught. by Austin as online courses, but you may use the computers at the Dixie County Center to work on them. For more information, call Austin ,at" 386-754-4353: or (free from Dixie County i 352- 498-0190 ext 4353 or e-mail at austinliSlakecirycc.edu. -:^ Trenton Medical Center, Inc. is a complete primary medical and urgent care service provider for residents in Gilchrist County and North Central Florida. Part of the Trenton and Bell community since 1971, we offer healthcare services for the whole family, focusing on health and well- ness from birth to senior care. With everything from health check-ups and x-rays, to chronic disease management and health screening, to chiropractic care and a full-service pharmacy, we're a one-stop medical provider for all your health needs. O Most Insurance Accepted Chiropractic Care Sliding Scale Fees i0 Minor Surgical Procedures Complete Primary Care Diagnostic Laboratory Well Baby Exams Vaccinations Diagnostic X-Rays Family Planning 0 Minor Trauma Hearing & Vision Testing Immunizations ADD/ADHD Evaluation Our Approach to Wellness Lasts A Lifetime Trenton Medical Center, Chiropractic & Trenton Pediatrics 911 S. Main Street Trenton, Florida Bell Family HealthCare & Bell Pharmacy 01830 N. Main Street *Bell, Florida Visit our website at www.TrentonMedical.org Ir, 0IN . ""-"m .... ;S A*i3 Page Eight I'NEED A FENCE OF.ANY KIND _ : CALL DANNY.ANYTIME." Barb Wire bven Wire Chain Link *Board Danny Hodge (352) 463-1832 -- Mobile (352) 493-5345 4110 S.W. 25th Street -- Bell, Florida THURSDAY, JUNE 29.2006 .,-THURSDAY. JUNE 29. 2006 GTILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL SVL Twelve And Under Comes In Second Place In Small District And Advances To Small State Suwannee Valley League 12Under were runner-up in District tournament. Daniel Bell, kneeling center, standing front row at left, 'Darren Skawienski, Hunter Par- rish, Clif Bryant, Cedric Stokes, Lee Jones, Clay Tniinlies. Hunter Williams, and Corbin 'Wiggins. Standing in back rowi from left, Todd BrIlant Imanager, Jonathian Rowe, John Rowe coach, Kane Crosby and RoYl Williamns coach. third on a Bryant single, and was. moved across home by Stokes. There was no more scoring in the game and Hamrnilton won 5-2 sending SVL to the loser's bracket. Lafayette had beaten Ft. White and Branford in the.los- ers bracket to advance to play. SVL: In this meeting the game went the full six innings but' Lafayette never threatened SVL.. Williams pitched three innings striking out five, giving up no, walks, scattering five hits and no runs. Stokes pitched one inning giving up two runs. Skawienski pitched one inning striking. out. one arid Jonathan Rowe pitched one inning striking out two. SVL again hit well w%%ith Parrish getting two hits, Bell .scoring a, run, Williams getting a double' and a run. Bryant with two runs, Stokes with a triple and three runs, Rowe with a hit;and a run, and Lee Jones with a hit. SVL -won the game 8-2 and advanced to play Hamilton in the champi- onship on Sunda. . SVL had to beat Hamilton txtice on Sunday in,,order to capture the championship. 'In the first game it was a slug fest. SVL scored 15 runs on Sl hits. Parrish 3 hits and 2 runs, Bell had a home run and scored three times. Williams had two hits and scored. Bryant had 3 hits and scored twice, Stokes had a hit and scored, Rowte had twio hits and scored, Crosby had two hits and scored twice, Skawienski had two hits and scored, Clay Taninies scored, and Lee Jones, had a hit and scored. On the mound Williams :started and pitched three innings, striking out one and giving up four runs. Skaw ienski pitched three, in- nings in relief striking out three and giving up six runs. In the final championship game Hamilton was again able to bring in. their ace pitcher Der- rick Johnson. However, SVL was able to get to. Johnson and collected 13 hits. Johnson went the. distance for Hamilton and had only 3 strikeouts in six in- nings of work. SVL got behind early as Hamilton scored four in the first. .SVL held Hamilton in the second and came to bat and scored two making the game 4-2.' In the third and fourth Hamilton scored 2 and four runs. respectively, and put the game at. 10-2 after 3 1/2 innings. But SVL, wasn't done. SVL came back and scored 3 in the fourth. held Hamilton in the fifth and sixth, and scored one in the fifth and two in the sixth. The final. ended 10-8 in Hamilton's favor. At the plate Parrish had a hit and scored twt ice, Bell had two hits- and two runs. Williams had a hit, Bryant had a hit. Stokes had two hits. Rowe had two hits and scored twice. Crosby had a hit and a run, Skawienski had two hits, and Lee Jones had a hit and a run. For SVL on the mound Crosby and Williams did all the pitching. Crosby pitched 3 1/2 innings and struck out four. Wil- liams relieved and pitched 2 1/2 innings and struck out four. SVL's 12 and under showed great promise as they ,fought back against Hamilton, playing team ball' all through the tour- nament. Hamilton "was able to finally put SVL away but had to rely on one pitcher, Derrick Johnson, to pitch all twelve in- nings in the two wins' against SVL. Johnson is one of the best 12 year old athletes to ever play at SVL's field. SVL now advances to plain in, the Small School State Tourna-e Sent to be held in Ft., White this weekend. There are. 16.teams in this tournament the largest Babe Ruth tournament in the United States. SVL faces Eagle Lake (Polk Co) at 5:30 on Thurs., Green Co'e Springs at 3-00 on' Fri. and Lake Butler at 12:30 on Sat. Should SVL win all' three games they will advance to the final round on Sunda .Please come out and support our boNs - the\ work hard to promote SVL and pla\ the game of base- ball the way its supposed to be played. Front Porch Music To Be At Otter Springs RV Resort Providence Ministries of Otter Springs RV Resort presents: 1st Saturday Front Porch Music on .Saturday, July 1st at 7:00 p.m. There will, be a covered dish dinner, Christian fellowship, Non-Denominational. The music will be featuring: Buck Lewis and the Broken Stones and also performing ill be the Providence Gospel Group .Otter Springs RV Resort is located at 6470 SW 80th Ave,' Trenton. Florida 32693. To reach Otter Springs from \l.WY 26, turn north oni CR 232 and then left on SW 70th St. SThe entrance is one mile. on the right. For more information, call Trish Keene at 352-463- 0800. or 1-800-883-9107 Fax: (352) 463-0575 Email: otterspringsrn.ii'aol.com Or visit our \ ebsite: www.ottersprings.com Woodland Craft Signs 207 N. Main 352-463-7135 'Trenton's 'inyf6 buine.ss' NOW OPEN AT THE JOURNAL SVL Twelve And Under Comes In 2nd Place In Small Dis- trict And Advances ,to Small State ; The Suwannee Valley Leagues .12 and, under baseball team played in the District 1 Small -School Tournament on June .,16-18. There were file teams in the tournament SVL. Hamilton 'County, Ft. White, Branford, and Lafayette County. SVL drew, Lafa\ette. in the First round and played at 10: 00 a.m. on Friday. SVL was ithe home team and started Dar- ,ren Skawienski on the mound. .Skawienski pitched the first in- ,ning and struck out three, gave up two hits and no runs. In the second inning Skawienski hadtpo .be removed vhen he was injured in a collision with a runner ad- vancing from third and Ska\vien- . ski trying to catch a blooper in, third base foul territory. With natwo out and runners on second. Sand third, Hunter Williams en- tered as the pitcher. faced the batter with a 2-0 count, and pro- ceeded to get a ground ball out to end the threat and the inning. Lafayette had managed to score one run in second inning. In the third inning Williams struck out two while not allow in. a run. In .the fourth Cedric Stokes'relieved Williams and did not allow a hit or a run. SVL's bats were pretty 13564 NW HWY 19 Chiefland Serving the community for dyer 30 years hot as they scored 12 runs in four innings. Hunter Parrish had a hit and two runs. Daniel Bell had three hits arid three runs, Hunter Williams scored twice, Clif Bryant had'three hits and tworuns, Cedric Stokes had a hit and a run. Kane Crosby had two hits and a run. Darren Skaw ien- ski had a hit and a run, and Lee Jones had ahit.and a run. SVL ended the game 12-1 arid ad- Svaniced to pla. Hamilton CountN on Saturday morning. Crosby started on the hill for SVL. In the first inning the lead off runner walked and ended up scoring on an error. S\L came back in, the. bottom of the first and scored when Hunter Parrish singled and ClifBryant doubled. In the second Hamilton's star player. Derrick Johnson, singled and moaed to third on a ground- er and fly ball, and scored on an error. SAL could not score in the second. In the third Crosbygot' three' batters' in i' row to close the inning. SVL brought four batters to the plate but could not score in the third. In the fourth Hamilton's Johnson singled. moved to second on a walk but again scored on an error. In the fourth SVL sent four more bat- ters to the plate but again could not score. In the fifth, leading 3-1 Hamilton sent eight play- ers to the plate and scored two runs. SVL scored in the fifth when Williams doubled, went to W. Allstate. 'OFFICIAL PARTNER "~'f.i Tilhe stylized E with checkered flog (A) and 9 (R) are registered trademarks and service marks of Evernham Motorsports, LLC, used under license. Kasey Kahne TM llkeness and signature are trademarks of Kasey Kahnt Inc. licensed by Evernham Molorsports LLC. Dodge (R) is a registerd trademark of DalmelrtChrysltr Corporation. NASCAR (R) i registered trademark of the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing, Inc, Insurance and discounts subljet to avalltbillty and qualtllcatlons. The 'Cupped Hands' logo is a registered service mark and'Our Stand' is a service mark of Allstate Insurance Company. Allstate Property & Casualty Insurance Company and Allstate Indemnity Company: Northbrook, IL. @2006 Allstate Insurance Company. Sh * OpI ON NEW 2006 FORD doesn't have a CARS, TRUCKS AND SUVS. 51 ,100 Gas on F-Series, Expedition & Explorer! See your salesman for details. 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V ,r mORe l Wilc Trento Ne y Gaineilte Old Tomw Al Roadsl Lead to Bronson White Ford / In Chiefland Otter Creek wislon Gul Hammock Ocala CoderKey < Inghes Website: www.whitefordmercdry.com :~'j~~ I E~aYeTA!aTAtaTAtkTjI1h(O.1L.]IRIitOi(.iUIp~AS.IIJIiIEJIhIIi~O..W'4.~U EI~~E Page Nine BELLS & WHISTLES STORAGE Phone: 386-294-.3867 Across from the Dollar General 1859 North Hwy 129 Bell, FL 10 x 10 UNITS, 10 x 20 units & 10x 20 climate controlled available a-g Tlul TI TOl.Y L O 1 .. Shown on front row from left are Zachary Little, Florida President of the children of the Con- federacy, Logan Parham, Kayla Crosby, Rose Miller, and Lindsey Hutson. Back row from left are, Judy Davis, Presdient of the Ancient City Chapter, Barbara Bozart, 3rd Vice President, Courtney Spargur, and Rita Zimmerlin, Florida Division 3rd Vice President. The Children Of The Confederacy Celebrate Jefferson Davis' Birthday On June 3rd, the Ancient City Chapter 2232 of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, General William W. Loring Camp 1316 of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, and the Lee's Legacy of the Children of the Confederacy .celebrated Jefferson Davis birthday with'a luncheon in St. Augustine. At the luncheon four children, Logan Parham, Kayla Crosby, Rosie Miller and Lindsey Hut- son were installed as charter members of the Lee's Legacy Chapter #946. The Children of the Confederacy is an organiza- tion of young people who are blood descendants, lineal or Bright Futures Medallion Scholars, Can Now Attend Florida Community Colleges Tuition Free New Florida Law Offers 100 Percent Scholarships For Tuition And Fees At All Of Florida's 28 Community Colleges rCommunity Colleges and Workforce Education Chancel- lor 'Ddaid Armi_,rong rece6nly.q annifenced that'theFlada Cm-' ' munir'College System iFCCSi can now offer reimbursement 'for 100-percent of tuition and fees for Bright Futures Medal- lion scholars at each of the state's 28 community colleges. This represents an increase over the' 75-percent reimbursement policy in years past. The legis- collateral, of men and women who served honorably in the 'Confederate' Army, Navy, and Civil Service. The Children of the Confederacy is dedicated to teaching, preserving, and'train- ing young people to honor and respect their ancestors. The Children of the Confed- eracy Chapters are sponsored by the United Daughters of the. Confederacy and anyone who wouldd like more information or has children that would like to join this organization, there is a chapter which is located in Lake City. For more information contact Annette Lindsey Hutson at (352) 317-4941 or e-mail at latori benefits both current and new Medallion scholars. '"This new legislation will create even greater access to higher education for many of Florida's students." said Chan- cellor Armstrong. "Providing the Medallion scholars with an opportunity to receive a; quality community college education without having to worrv about. the cost of tuition and fees is an incredible foot in the door for them to achieve, the, career and lifestyle theyvdesire." -- New legislation. signed by Governor Jeb Bush to become effective July 1'. will expand op- portunities for Florida's Bright Futures Scholarship program and supports Florida's long- standing two plus two system. .The legislation, approved during the recent 2006 Florida Legisla- AMERICAN LEGION AIRS JAMERSON-SHEFFIELD POST 91 P.O Box 559 TRENTON, FLORIDA 32693 352-463-1501 MEETS: 3RD THURSDAY NEWBERRY POST 149 P.O. Box 1 NEWBERRY, FLORIDA 32669 352-472-6125 MEETS: 1ST TUESDAY American Legion Airs "For God and Country we associate ourselves together for the following purposes: among others, To Foster and Perpetuate,a one hundred percent Americanism; and To Consecrate and Sanctify Our Comradeship by Our Devotion to Mutual Helpfulness". These words from the Preamble of the American Legion Constitution are part of the reason for the American Legion. In many of the Legion Posts across our Country, there are certain men and women veterans, that work tirelessly for the ideals put forth in the Legion Constitution and those people are the backbone of this organization. These veterans and families are the non-paid volunteers that devote time and efforts to the programs of the American Legion Family, trying to educate our young people about our flag and respect for it and for our veterans and soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines, on duty all over this world, standing up for' our Freedoms here in America, as well as programs for our veterans, their families and our communities. SNot everyone is destined for service in the Armed Forces, buft everyone should recognize that without a strong Armed Force, we could not enjoy the life we'have today. This Freedom was 'purchased' through the efforts of American men and women, willing (and sometimes unwilling, but ready) to defend our Nation, sometimes at great peril to themselves, even; death; so others would not have to do the same. America needs, to remember these veterans who answered our Country's call to arms, to remember the sacrifices these veterans made to protect what we have in this Nation, this Freedom so coveted by so many in the world, that they would risk their lives just to come here. Some of these foreigners have so loved the freedoms in America that they have joined the Armed Forces to serve their new Country and continue to preserve our Freedoms. These "new" Americans know the difference of Freedom in America, a difference that many, growing up in America, often take for granted. Those that have traveled throughout the world can recognize some of these differences from country to country and those in the military service have seen these differences much closer. All of this, to say, Support our Armed Forces. You may not support the war, but stand behind the young men and women that are "in the trenches" and standing by to defend YOUR Freedoms, here in America, and are exporting those freedoms around the world, for others to enjoy. The men and women in our local American Legion Posts and Auxiliary Units are doing a lot for our community, our veterans and our Nation. Won't you consider either becoming more active in your local Post and encouraging other veterans and their families to join in with the Legion Family and continue to serve America? America deserves the very best, don't let Her down. Join us to continue to teach respect for our flag, our service members and God and Country. Continue to remember our Armed Forces, all over the world, daily in your thoughts and prayers. Here at home, remember to watch over our Legionnaires, veterans, widows and the families of those service members on duty throughout the world, helping out when and however you can. For God and Country, Wayne Gravely, American Legion cwk pyrogirl (a'yahoo.com. Lindsey Hutson is the grand- son of Clement Lindsey 7th, Brigade Commander of the" John Hance O'Steen camp 770G and the son of Annette Lindsey Hutson of,the Olustee Chapter 2488 located at Lake City and, - is the nephew of Lindon Lindsey of Chiefland. Thank you and if you have any questions please call, Clem- ent Lindsey (.352) 472-0047 or write 7469 NE 15th Street. Tren- ton. Florida 32693 or e-mail at cwpyroman@'yahoo.com. tike session, enables Florida Medallion Scholars, eligible high school graduates with a 3.0 grade point average, to receive free tuition and fees if they at- tend a Florida public community college and enroll in courses tow ard an associate degree. Under previous legislation. Bright Futures scholarships paid 75-percent of tuition for Medallion scholars whether they attended a community college or state university. Medallion stu- dents nowv hate a greater incen- tite to enroll at one of Florida's 28 community colleges. The new legislation will re- move all financial barriers for medallion scholarship students to go to any community col- lege in the state; thus allowing the first ttwo years of their post secondary education to be fully' under written. These students could then transfer 'to a state university and finish their final twio years using the 75-percent Bright Futures scholarship. ' Florida's community colleges are gearing up to inform high school students of this new op1, tion and to handle the applicants. Many institutions are holding special events this summer to allow priority registration and tours for the Medallion students. The Florida Community Col- lege System, through its Foun- dation for Florida's Community Colleges and in partnership with the Florida. Lottery. and the Florida Cable Telecommunica- tions Association, is launching a public service campaign to alert Floridians to the change. The campaign, to begin July 1, will include television and radio public service announcements, which encourages interested stu- dents to log on to www.fldoe.org or contact their local community college for more information. The Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program was cre- ated in 1997 by the Florida Legislature. This Florida Lot- . tery-funded scholarship program rewards students for their aca- demic achievements during high school by providing funding for them to pursue postsecondary educational and career goals in Florida. During the 2004-05 award year, more than 130,000 Florida students received funding for a Florida Bright Futures Scholar- ship. More information on Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program can be found online at www.firn.edu/doe/brfutures or by calling toll-free at 1-888-. 827-2004. | t$ i e1 I (352) 463-7135 Aubrey Gregory Received An Award From The Official United States Achievement Academy In English The United States Achieve- ment Academy (USAA) an- nounced that Aubrey Gregory from Trenton, Florida, has been named a United States National Award Winner in English. This award is a prestigious honor very few students can ever hope to attain. In fact, the Academy recognizes fewer that 10 percent of all American high school students. Aubrey Gregory who attends Trenton High School was nomi- nated for this national award by Mrs. Sue Reed, a teacher at Trenton High School. Aubrey will appear in the United States Achievement Academy's Offical Yearbook which is published nationally. , "Recognizing and supporting our youth is more important than ever before in America's history. Certainly. USAA w% winners should be congratulated and appreciated for their dedication to excellence and n acheivement," said Dr. George Stevens, founder of the' *USAA. ., . The Academy selects ,USAA winners .upon the exclusive recommendations of teachers, County Road 340, and County Road 341. In Lafayette County there will be checkpoints at: State Road 20, State Road 51, State Road 53, and at State Road 349. In Levy County the check- points will .'be at: State Road 24, State Road 45, State Road 49, State Road 121, State Road '500, County Road 320, 'County Road 3339, County Road 341, County Road 345, County Road 337, County Road 335, County Road 316, County Road 464,. County Road 323, and at County Road 326. Troopers will focus. on vehi- cles that are being-operated with defects and violations such as: -worn/unsafe tires, 'bad brakes,, improper window tinting, cracked/broken windshields, unsecured loads, and defective lighting. In addition, attention, will be ,directed to violations of: driver license laws, motor ve- hicle registration laws, non-use of seatbelts, and motor vehicle insurance requirements. The Florida Highway Patrol has found these checkpoints to be an effective method of en- forcing state law's, which relate to the safe and legal operation of motor vehicles. Checkpoint will onlu be con- ducted between the hours of 7: 00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. coaches, counselors, and other Secretary Nicholson qualified sponsors and upon the Ann-.n. VA T Standards of Selection set forth Announces VA To by the Academy. The criteria Provide Free Credit for selection are a student's Mlonitoring academic performance, interest As part of the continuing ef- and aptitude, leadership quali- forts by ihe Department of Vet- lies. responsibility, enthusiasm. erans .Affairs i(VA) to protect and motivation to learn and improve, assist those potentially affected citizenship. attitude and coop- by the recent data theft that oc- erative spirit, dependability, and. curred at an employee's Mary- recommendation from a quali- land horne. Secretary of Veter- fled sponsor. ans Affairs R. James Nicholson Aubrey is the daughter of todaf announced that VA will Wayne and Carla Gregory of provide one year of free credit Trenton. and the granddaugh- monitoring to people whose sen- ter of Faye Cicero of Margate, sitite personal information may Florida and Mar) Gregori ot hate been stolen in the incident. Ballground. Georgia. ."'VA continues to take aggres-, site steps to protect and assist FHP Conducting people who may be potentially Driver License And affected by this data theft." said Nicholson. \'A has conducted Vehicle Inspection extensive market research on Checkpoints available credit monitoring so- The Florida Highway Pa- lutions. and has been working trol will be conducting driver diligently\ to determine how VA license and vehicle inspection can best serve those whosein- checkpoints during the follow"- formation was stolen. , ing dates: July 1-31. These "Free credit monitoring will checkpoints %will only be held help safeguard those who may at the following locations, in the be affected and will provide following counties: them with the peace of mind In Dixie County there will be they deserve," he added. checkpoints at: Chavous Road. The Secretary said VA has no County Road 55A. State Road reason to believe the perpetrators 349. County Road 349. County' v'ho committed this burglary Road 351, Count\ Road 358. were targeting the data. and Fed- and at Willow Hole Road. eral investigators believe that it In Gilchrist County the check- is unlikely that identity theft has points will be at: State Road resulted from the data theft. 26, State Road 49, State Road This 'teek. VA will solicit 47, County Road 138, SE 70th bids from qualified companies to Avenue. County Road 232, provide a comprehensive credit - DTCHIES & FIELDS k4 ~ TCNA WII k I f- I IVI I I L-l - 352-463-2584 352-538-4460 Insured DISASTER/STORM RECOVERY LAND CLEARING & SITE PREP TREE & BRUSH REMOVAL BACKHOE & BUSH HOG BOX BLADE GASTON'S TREE SERVICE, INC. FULL SERVICE AERIAL BUCKETS HYDRAULIC LOADERS CRANE SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED 352-378-5801 We accept all major credit cards 1901 N.W. 67th Place, Suite E Gainesville, Florida 32653 www.gastonstreeservice.com Lindsey Land Clearing Site Prep, Inc. Fill Dirt & Limerock Site Prep & Pad Building Land Clearing Driveways Licensed & Insured 352-463-6125 or 352-535-5731 monitoring solution. VA will ask these companies to provide expedited proposals and to be prepared to implement them rapidly once they are under contract. After VA hires a credit monitoring company, the De- partment will send a detailed letter to people whose sensitive personal information may have been included in the stolen data. This letter will explain credit monitoring and how eligible people can enroll or "opt-in" for. 'the services. The Department expects to have the services in place and the letters mailed by* mid-August. Secretary Nicholson also an- nounced VA is soliciting bids to hire a company that provides data-breach analysis, which will look for possible misuse of the stolen VA data. The analysis would help measure the risk of the data loss, identify suspicious misuse of identity information and expedite full assistance to affected people. As part of VA's efforts to pre- .ent such an incident from hap- pening again, Secretary Nich- olson previously announced a, series of personnel changes in the Office of Policy and Plan- ning, here the breach occurred: .the hiring of former Maricopa .County (Ariz.) prosecutor Rich- ard Romley as a Special Advisor for Information Security; the' expedited completion of Cyber Security Awareness Training and Privacy Awareness Training for all VA employees; that an in- ventor) be taken of all positions requiring access to sensitive VA clata by June 30, 2006. to ensure that only those employees who need such access to do their jobs have it; that every laptop in VA undergo a security review to' ensure that all security and virus software is current, including the immediate removal of any unauthorized information or software; and that VA facilities across the country. every hospi- tal, Community-Baised Outpa- tient Clinic (CBOC). regional' office, national cemeterN. field office,and VA's Central Office observe Security Awareness Week beginning June 26. People who believe they may -be affected by the data theft can go the wvww.firstgov.gov for more inofrmation. VA also continues to operate a call center that people can contact to get information about .this incident Trenton Elementary School Safety Patrol Visits Our Nation's Capital (Continued from Page One) 33 students and 25 adults headed to Washington, D.C. ear- ly Monday morning for a week long tour of our nation's capital. The group traveled all day Mon- day, arriving in Williamsburg late Monday night. These ambitious fifth graders and their chaperones were in for a great adventure. They walked the shores of Jamestown, the first colony, and Williamsburg. They toured the Lincoln, Jeffer- son, Korean, World War II, Iwo Jima, Vietnam, Men's and Wom- en's National Law Enforcement Memorials, Arlington National Cemetery, Tomb of the Un- known Soldier, Changing of the Guards, gravesites of the Kent nedy Family, saw the home of General Lee, walked the streets of Old Town Alexandria. Mount Vernon (Washington's planta- tion), took a boat ride down the Potomac River, saw Twlight Tattoo (a tribute to American' Soldiers). Ford's Theater (where Lincoln was shot), went up in the Washington Monument, toured the Smithsonian Museums, saw where and how money is made ..at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, toured the National Cathedral, saw the White House and toured the United States Capitol. ' The group headed home on Saturday morning arriving back in Trenton on Saturday night. A great time was had by all and many memories'rnade. and learn more about consumer- identity protections. That toll free number is 1-800-FED INFO (1-800-333-4636. The call cen- ter is operating from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (EDT), Monday-Sat- urday as long as it is needed Fax Service 463-7393 Small buildings. boats, etc. :24 hr. towing service, 22ft. rollback bed. Carports also available. Reasonable Rates. 463-2900 493-0345 JOE'S TOWING & ROLLBACK Credit Cards Accepted forever Flowers & Gifts 352-463m9176. or Toll Free 1-866-261-7986 " www.foreverflowerstrenton.com "Your Full Service Florist" 721 Eqast Wade Street Trenton, Florida 32693 Fresh & Silk Arrangements Funerals Weddings Rentals Plants. Prayer Box Bracelets Mommy & Me Bracelets MaggiB. Purses Texas Leather Purses & Men's Wallets Baby Camo Large Selection of Picture Frames, i Hours: S1.1 E J -- B M-F 9am-5pm T lele I ora Laura Teague/CharlottePedersen- Owners 9am 12p Southern Tire & Brake 626 North Main Street Trenton 352-463-6050 SAVE GAS Benefits of Proper Inflation Optimal tire performance Longer Wear SAVE FUEL (.4% for every 1 PSI your tire is low) Stop by Southern Tire & Brake Ask John to inspect your tires THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 2006 GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Page T:en i T TTT T-m A "l T TT TXM 1T 0 ,f 'Mf ClITT r'rRTS'T COI NTY JOU RNAL. 'THUK, RSAY, JUINE 2Z9, 2UU06kL'.L x5 j ''~ '-, -j L- -I-I Pane Eleven CEDAR KEY FLORIDA Shown are some of the winners of'the Moonbeam Pageant, The 2006 Moonbeam Pageant Was Held On June 3 The 2006 Moonbeam's Most Adorable BabyKing and Queen Pageant was held in Cross City on June 3, 2006. . There were two Superstar Winners, Jacklyn and Hailey; two People's Choice Winners; Florida Crackers Chapter Of Florida Trail Association Schedules July Activities The Florida Crackers Chapter of the Florida Trail Association has scheduled a paddle trip and two early morning hikes during the month of July. There ilIl be no chapter meetings during July and August. On Saturday. July 8th, we will, leisurely paddle downstream on the Santa Fe River, approx. 11 miles, from US 27 bridge to SR 47 bridge, stopping along the way. for cool dips. Bring PFD, whistle, snacks, lunch, drinks, hat. suriscreen, rain gear if indi- cated, etc. Cai:c Lk',.,k rental' are available. '- C(ko-act leader Elizabeth Van Mierop at (352) Jacklyn and Tyler. Overall Most' Handsome was Raymond; Grand Overall was Kelsy. : The Beauty winners were as follows: Tyler was crowned King; Girls: 0-18 months was Sydney, 19-35 months was Hai- ley, 3-4 years old was Gracie, 5-6 years old was Juli, 7-9 years old was Linzie and, 13-15 years old was Jacklyn. There were no 378-4207 elizaana'aol.com for more information and to sign up. Join us on Saturday, July 15th, for a leisurely Crack 0' Dawn Hike. We will walk the shady two point two-mile loop along the Cross Florida Greenway to the Land Bridge over Interstate 75. Meet at 7:30 a.m. at the Land Bridge Trailhead on CR 475A, two miles north of CR 484 at the 1-75 Belle\ie\% e'it. Bring water and insect repel- lant: Those interested can go to breakfast afterwards at Lassie's in Belleview. Contact leader Sandra Friend (352) 378-8823- ftcracker@aol.com for more in- formation and to sign up. We will have another Crack ,' /.Daw n hike on Saturda,. July '-'nd.at xMarshi-ll Swamp. Siher Springs. This %%ill be a' four point three mile %walk along participants in. 10-12 age divi- sion. ; . There were also other cat- egories with many :winners like;' photogenic, smile, formal wear, and casual wear. Please note thb not all winners were present in group photo.-, For more information of Moonbeam's many pageants \ sit monionbeampageants.com the Cross Florida Greent~aN on shaded paths and o\er bridges spanning primeval cypress swamps. Wear 'sturdy shoes and carry water, snacks, insect repellant, etc. Meet at 7:30 a.m. and we'll go for breakfast after- wards. Contact leader Elizabeth Van Mierop. at. i352i 378-4207 eliza\.an(@'aol com for more in- formation and to sign up. _ The public is welcome to )our acti\ cities! Please contact the acti it\ leader listed abo e prior to an\ etent in case there is a change in the time or location The Florida Cracker` Chapter' of the Florida Trail Association serves residents ot Alachua. Gilchrist. Le and Marion counties. Incorporated in 1964, the Florida Trail Association is a nonprofit oluntecr organ i7atn ion -responsibleafoti building, main- taining, promoting, and protect- ing hiking trails acro's the state of Florida, with a special focus on the 1,400-mile Florida Trail, one of only eight National Scenic Trails in the United States. With 18 chapter throughout Florida, the Florida Trail Association offers educational opportunities for people to learn to appreciate *and conserve the natural beauty of Florida, and provides, recre- ational opportunities for hiking and camping.. To learn more about the Florida Trail Association and the Florida Crackers chapter and its activities, visit our website at www.floridatrail.org. Governor Bush And Commissioner Winn Announce 2006 School District Grades More Than One ThirdOf Florida School Districts. Earn An "A" 'Governor Jeb Bush and Edu- cation Commissioner John L. Winn announced on Thursday, June 22nd the 2006 grades for Florida's 67 school districts. More than one third, or 36 per- cent, of districts earned a grade of "A" this past school year. Overall, 24 districts earned an "A" up from 15 last year, 29 a "B" up from 27 last year, and 14 a "C" down from 22 last year. No districts earned a "D" or and "F." Additionally, 23 districts improved one letter grade or more. "Accountability and high standards continue to yield ris- ing student achievement and impressive gains for schools and school districts in our state, "said Governor Bush. "I thank Flor-. ida's dedicated superintendents, administrators, and teachers for their commitment to important improving student performance through important education reform." Districts earning an "A" for the 2005-06 school year include Alachua, Bay, Brevard, Broward, Calhoun, Charlotte, Citrus, Clay, Gilchrist, Hillsborough, Leon, Marion, Martin, Monroe, Nas- sau, Okaloosa, Palm Beach,St. Johns,, Santa Rosa, Sarasota, Seminole, Sumter, Wakulla and Walton Counties. The top 10 highest-perform- ing school districts: Gilchrist with 452 points, Oka- loosa with 445 points, Brevard (352) 543-5568 FENCING ALL TYPES 4-Board 60' Round Horse Training Pen a Including Labor, Material and One Gate Field Fence $2.49/ft. (00'Mooin.) Completely Installed, Including Labor & Material Wood Chainlink Field & Barbwire Also Repairs & Free Estimates (552) 284-7081 (352) 949-0320 Locally Owned Carlisle Fence Licensed & InsGred Enterprises, LLC Bell, Florida Freeman Plumbing Now Has a Service Van Available To Handle Your Plumbing Needs. Residential & Commercial Service Work & New Construction, Additions, Remodeling, Etc. (352) 498-0703 (352) 493-3801 (352) 210-0062 LICENSED INSURED FREE ESTIMATES Walter Freeman i -7ll2a State Certified Master Plumber Aepting Major #CFC057595 Credit Cards Jacklyn Wiencek Is Crowned Moonbeam Beauty Queen At the 2006 Moonbeam Most' Adorable Baby, King and Queen Pageant that was held in Cross City on June 3rd, Miss Jacklyn Wtencek was crowned- as the .2006 Mosonbeam Beaut) Queen. Jacklyn w\as in the 13-15 year old division and placed ,in the following for her division; Pret- tiest Smile, Best Casual Wear,* Best Formal, Wear, and Most- Photogenic. She also' won Superstar and People's Choice A\ yards. Jacklyn Will be at the Florida Jr. Watermnnelon King and Queen Pageant on August 12th in Ocala ,.and at the Moonbeam National Pageant, September 16th and 17th in Orlando. ,For information on Moon- beam's many pageants visit: riinonbeainpageants.com. Paid Insertion and St Johns with 442 points. Seminole \ ith 440 points. Santa Rosa with 43S points. Martin %with 436 points. Sarasota with 434 points. Charlotte with 431 points and Clay with 430 points. "This year's school and dis- trict grades clearlN reflect the efforts of all those % ho are a part of Florida's education system and I amn especially pleased that three of our most struggling dis- tiicts ha\e finally\ seen the fruits of their labors embodied in a letter grade improvement." said Commissioner Winn, "Increas- inm student achievement yearly is quite an accomplishment and ominethine our administrators, teachers, students and parents can be proud of. I applaud each and ever-v one of them for'their ,l urtlalndir '. -ork '' iltw l " ... Diflh ts impro%'iHg ''0o e 'or more letters over their 2004-05 district grade include: Alachua. Ba\. Bro\ ard. Citrus. Di\le. Es- caimbia. Gadsden. Hardee. Hills- borough, Holmes. Jefferson. La- fayette, Le' \ NlMadison. Marion. Monroe, Okeechobee. Oscela. Polk, St. Lucie. Sumter. Wakulla and Walton Counties.' Additionally, Gadsden, Jef- ferson and Madison, Counties, districts that have historically earned -low marks, each, raised their district grade to a "C" this year for the first time ever. The top 10 districts earn- ing- the most points compared to last year: Jefferson with a 46. point increase, Hendry and M\arion \k ith a 35 point increase, Dixie with a 33 point increase, Glades with a 32 point increase. Levy with a 29 point increase, Gilchrist and Walton with a 27 point increase, Lafayette With a 25 point increase and Broward with a 24 point increase. District grades are calculated using the same components as school grades, student per-. formance on the Florida Com- prehensive Assessment Test (FCAT), student learning gains .and the learning gains of the lowest 25 percent. Since the implementation of the A+ Plan for Education in 1999, Florida has continued to raise its stan- dards for achievement to ensure students are better prepared for postsecondary education and the work force, .In 2007,. the. bar 'will 'be raised again when scores from. the Science Florida, Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT),Istudents in the lowest 25 percent on the Mathemat- ics FCAT and Grade 11 and 12 FCAT retakes \%ill be included in the school and district grade' calculations. Governor' Bush and Com- missioner Winn recently an- nounced that a record number of Florida schools earned "A" and .B" grades in 2006. Since 1999, the number of schools earning. an "A" or."B" jumped from 515, to 2,074 schools in 2006-four times the 'number of high-per- forming schools. seven years ago and 231 more than last year (up from 1.843). Three ofe\'ery four Florida schools were considered high performing in 2006. Ad-; -ditionally, the number of failing schools is on the decline, down' to a fourth of the number of fail- ing schools in 1999. Providing :a' quality educa- tion for each and every student in Florida is Governor Bush's priority and the state's 'most important mission. Florida cbn- tinues to raise its standards for ache\ement to ensure students are prepared for the rigor of postsecondar. education and the workforce. TheA+ Plan for Education established the school grading s stem in 1999. Since then. standards hae been raised three times and students continue to sho%% improvement. Today. more of Florida's students than Seer are reading on their own.. taking college entrance e\ams.. graduating from high school and earning college degrees. To %iew a complete list of school disu ict grades, please vis- it II. AAAR-To Conduct Driver Safety Class An AARP Drier Safet' class . Sill be conducted at the Capital CaN\ Bank. 2012 N. Young Bl\d. in Chiefland on July 22nd .and 29th. starting at 8:30 a.m. The Saturday dates- will give those seniors, aged 50 and over who are sull gainfully employed, an opportunity to attend. NMan) auto insurance compa- nies offer an.insurance premium discount to customers complet- ing these classes. The course is taken on two four-hour days, both of which must be taken. There is a $10 fee per person and to register call the .instruc- tor Jean L. da Costa at (352) 493-7597. You do not have to be an AARP member nor a Florida resident to attend. The AARP program is a class-' room refresher course specially designed for, mature' drivers and helps them refine existing skills and develop safe, defensive driving techniques. Water Filtration Lic #CFC051621 WOLFE PLUMBING, INC. Complete Plumbing Service Drain Cleaning & Repair 7 Days Service 352-463-2202 386-935-0616 *s Satellite TV DIRECT. B!B .jA [*; i*M*j CiiA i DISH FEATURES Over 265 Channels $ 99. starting 29 ith at Af %V rebate * Local Channels Available * Free DVR Receiver * HD Available * Free Starz _ta" Local Sales & Service DIRECT FEATURES FIRST MONTH FREE SERVICE * 200+ Channels * Free XM Radio * Free DVR TIVO Recorder* * FREE HD Receiver* *With DTV Rebate Free Equipment * 1-4 Rooms & Free Professional Standard Instalation! Dish or DTV CALL NOW I I Trenton.* Bell High Springs Branford Fanning Springs Chiefland Fort White I I 352-493-9203 386-497-1658 All other areas call 1-800-254-3630 - I No credit or credit card OK! Call for details, with Deposit plan available -. approved credit O Pm I mI m I I IMe., From The Desk Of Gilchrist County Sheriff David P. Turner Weekly Sheriff's Report For Week Ending June 26, 2006 On June 19, 2006, James Woolston, 3/3/64, was arrested on the charge of VOP/Sex Of- fender. On June 19, .2006, Anthony Cardenas, 9/13/62, was arrested on charges of Aggravated Bat- tery, Aggravated Assault on a Law Enforcement Officer, Re- sisting with Violence, Battery/ Domestic Violence, False Im- prisonment. On June 19, 2006, a Juvenile was arrested on the charge of No Valid Drivers License. On 'June 20, 2006, Marlon M.. Delrio, 4/21/67, was arrested on charges' of two counts of Attempted Murder and, a 'Polk County Warrant with the charge ofWrit ofBodily Attachment. 1 On June 21, 200.6, Diego A. Martinez, 11/12/84, was arrested on the charge of No Valid Driv- ers License. , On June 21,. 2006, Elizabeth: Brookins,'12/11/78, was arrested on the charge of VOP/DUI. On June 21, 2006, Robert W. Sullivan, Jr., was arrested on a Levy County Warrant with the charge of FTA/Petit Larceny and an Alachua County Warrant with charges of 'Possession of Less" than 20 Grams and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. On June 22; 2006, Antonio Reyes, 122371, was arrested on the charge of DUI. On June 22, 2006, Travis Thompson, 2 14 84, was arrest- ed on charges -of Burglary of Occupied Structure and Resist w without Violence. On June 22, 2006, Shannon ';N. Bradley, 2/19/81, was. ar- rested on the charge of Battery/ Domestic Violence. On June 23,2006, Melinda R. Bergman, 1/8/60, was arrested on the charge of DUI. On 'June 23, 2006. Horton R. Bunt, 9/3/60, was arrested on. .a Pasco County' Warrant:.with the charge of FTA/DUI and a Gilchrist County Warrant with the charge of VOP/DWLSR. On June 23, 2006, Barbara D. Evans, 6/15/69, was arrested on a bond surrender with charges of Flee and Attempt to Elude and Burglary Grand Theft Auto. On June 23,2006, Braulio Lo- pez-Hemandez, 3/26/86, was ar- : rested on the charge of No Valid Drivers License. On June 24, 2006, Timothy L. Cornelius, 11/13/87, was ar- rested on the charge of VOP/No Drivers License. On June 24, 2006, Philip A, Hines, 9/19/62, was arrested on an Alachua County' Warrant .with the charge of VOP/Grand Theft.* On June 24, 2006, Antonio L. Morgan, 6/20/80, was arrested on a Columbia County Warrant with the charge of Grand Theft. On June 24, 2006, David Carter, 6/14/86, was arrested on charges of Battery and Disor- derly Intoxication. On June 24, 2006, 'Ronald Denmark, 4/7/87, was arrested on the charge of Disorderly In- toxication. On June 26, 2006, Veronica M. Martin, 3/21/78, was arrested on the charge of Child Abuse. On June 25, 2006, John- I. Foshee, 6/8/78, was arrested on charges -of Possession of Less than 20 Grams and DWLSR.. On June 25, 2006, Fred :Z. Lamb, 11/12/76, was arrested on the charge of VOP/Expired Tag More than 4 Months. On June 26, 2006, Richard .S. Cramer, 1/28/88, was arrested on two counts of Criminal Mis- chief and Trespass upon School Grounds. > Gilchrist 4 ) County 4 Journal 463-FAX 7393 : 463-7393 4 J ~ E~lllllllllll~hhIIII 7am-5:30pm M-F 8am-3pm Saturday Hwy. 129, North BELL Gilchrist Building Supply 463-2738 1-800-543-6545 * 12 months same as cash offer valid on purchases made with a Yard Card consumer credit card account between 1/1/06 and 5/31/06 subject to credit approval through Shoppers Charge Accounts Co. No payments required expect insurance premiums (if applicable). Finance charges will be assessed from date of purchase, unless the total purchase price and all related insurance premiums (if applicable) are paid in full within the promotional period. See dealer for details**$21 monthly payment based on $1,049.99 retail price. W W W. S N A P PEI. OC M ,. MEN, Hair Expressions WOMEN r. A1 CHILDREN'S CUTS TANNING SPECIAL $20/month Unlimited Tanning 15-minute ultra tirbo bed (Good through June 30th) Phone (Matrix & Redken) 472-1482 Wolfe Tanning Be,d --- (High Output Bulbs) 8897 5,E 66th Circle SPECIALIZING IN COLOR .Trenton, Florida 32693 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE Monday Friday ~ 10 am 6 pm Appointments & -Saturday ~ 10 am 3 pm Walk-Ins Welcome Beth Davis Photography WEDDINGS PORTRAITS SPECIAL EVENTS S Be arns Installed- Complete $1,79500 Total 352M472' -5394 I lp -by be be x 1 CT-TRv5,T (701%INTY OTTNAI%-F SDY, UNE29,200 Mr. George Carter Armstrong Mr. George Carter Armstrong of Cedar Key, died Tuesday, June 20, 2006 at Malcom Ran- dall VA Medical Center after an extended illness. He was 70 years old. Mr. Armstrong was born in Salem, Massachusetts and grew iup in Danvers, Massachusetts. He served in the U.S. Navy. He worked as an electronics engi- neer in Clearwater with Hon- eywell, Inc. He lived in Clear- water for 26 years. He moved to Cedar Key in 1996 from St.* Petersburg. . He was a member of the Christ Church in Cedar Key where he served as Junior Warden. He was a member of the Florida Nature Coast Conservancy and Cedar Key Arts Center, where he served both on the Board of Directors. He also was involved in the Cedar Key Boat Builders. He loved fishing, boating, and gardening. *He was preceded in death by a son David Mark Armstrong and: his parents, Raymond and Fran- ces Armstrong. Mr. Armstrong is survived by his wife, Carol Armstrong, Cedar Key; two sons, Steven M. Armstrong of St. Petersburg, and, Paul M. Armstrong of Seattle, Washington; a daughter, Leanne Bastow of St. Petersburg; two brothers, Paul Armstrong of Sat- ellite Beach, Florida, and James Armstrong of El,Paso, Texas; and nine grandchildren. 'A funeral was held on Satur- day, June 24, 2006 at the Christ Episcopal Church of Cedar Key Arrangements were under the care of HIERS-BAXLEY FUNERAL HOME, Chiefland, Florida. Mrs. Helen Louise Fife Mrs. Helen Louise Fife of Bell died on Monday, June i9, 2006 in Gainesville.-She was 75 years old. Mrs. Fife was born in Fitzger-. ald, Georgia moving from Tampa to Bell nine years ago. She was a homemaker and of the Baptist faith. She is survived by her hus- band, William R. Fife of Bell; daughter. Kellie ,Sullivan of Tampa; and a son Jeffrey E. Fife of Valrico.; two brothers, James Riddle of Brooksville, and Frank Riddle of Tampa; and five grand- children. Arrangements were under .the care of 1'WATSON FUNERAL HOME, Trenton, Florida. Mr. George Guytonr Meece Mr. George Guyton Meece of High Springs arid formerly of Easley, South Carolina died Fri- day, June 9, 2006, at his home. He was 66 years old. Mr. Meece was born in Ander- son County and retired from the U.S. Army after 20 years, five months and two days of service. While serving with the Army, he received the National Defense Medal, Bronze Star Medal, Viet- nam Service Medal, Vietnam Campaign Medal with DVC 60, Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Palm, Meritorious Unit Conm- mendation and Good Conduct Medal. He was a member of Trinity Baptist Church in Easley, South Carolina. He was preceded in death by his father Thomas Eugene Meece and two brothers J.B. and Thomas Meece and two grandsons, James Meece and Christian Cartee.. Mr. Meece is survived by his wife, Virginia Rose "Gin- ger" Gandy Meece of High Springs; his mother, Zela Irene Reed Meece Stevenson of Gray. Court, four sons; Thomas and Dale Meece both of Nebraska, Stephen Bennett of Greer, and Jonathan Bennett of Liberty;. two daughters, Gail Chapin of Nebraska and Lyn Moss of Florida; three brothers, Melvin Meece of High Springs, Ervin and Lamar Meece, both of Gray Court; two sisters, Dorothy Lee Dodson of Greenville, and Lou-, ise Davenport of Waterloo; nine grandchildren, and one great- grandchild. A graveside service was held. at the Veteran's Garden of Honor of Robinson Memorial Gardens in Easley, South Carolina with Rev. Randy Smith officiating. Arrangements were under the care of FOREST MEADOWS. FUNERAL HOME, Gaines- ville, Florida. Mr. Ridgley Van Johnson Mr. Ridgley Van Johnson of Bell, died Saturday, June 24, 2006 in North Florida Regional Hospital, Gainesville. He was 69'years old. I Mr. Johnson was born in the District of Columbia, Washing- ton, D.C. He moved to Bell 10 years ago from Fanning Springs. He worked for several years at Gilchrist Building Supply and, was of the Prdtestant faith. He is survived by his wife Marlene Hart Johnson of Bell; three daughters, Juanita of Old Town, Margaret of Tallahas- see, and Trease of Texas; three step sons, John, Michael and Ricky of Maryland; three sis- ters, Linda, Eva and Marion of Maryland; and two brothers, Richard and Danny of Mary- land; 15 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren.. A funeral was held Tuesday, June 27. at the Watson Funeral Home with pastor Randy Peters officiating. .Interment was at the .Chiefland First United Method- ist Church Cemetery. Arrangements were under the. care of WATSON FUNERAL, HOME, Trenton, Florida. Mrs. Darlene Stinson Lamb Mrs. Darlene Stinson Lamb of Bell, Florida died Thursday, June 22, 2006 in Gainesville. She was 57 years old. Mrs. Lamb was born in Cross -City and has lived in Bell for the last 12 years. She was a home- maker and of the Baptist faith. She is preceded in death by ,her son, Jamie Lamb. Mrs. Lamb is survived by her. husband, E.J. Lamb of Bell; five daughters, Karen Lamb of Bell, Amy Read of High Springs, Daphane Herring of Cross City, Phyllis Turner of Steinhatchee, and Kendra McGraw of Mayo; three sons, Eddie Lamb of Cross City, Travis Lamb and Anthony Lamb both of Bell; three sisters Willard Edmonds of Old Town, Dixie Black of Fanning Springs and Lavemrne Roberts of Cross r, City; two brothers, Clifford Stinson and Paige Stinson both of Cross City; 14 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. A funeral _service was held Monday, June 26, 2006 at Faith * Baptist Church in Bell with Bro. W.W. Skaggs officiating. Inter- ment was at the Walker Creek Baptist Church Cemetery. Arrangements were under the care of WATSON FUNERAL HOME, Trenton, Florida. North Florida Livestock Report Receipts at the North Florida Livestock Market in Ellisville on Thursday, June 22, 2006, were: this week 668, last week 344 and last year 545. Trends: Slaughter cows- and bulls 1.00-3.00 lower. Feeder steers, and heifers 2.00-4.00 lower. Feeder and replacement cow steady. Flesh condition on feeder cattle thin and vety thin. 14 percent slaughter cows, 6 per- cent slaughter bulls, 48 percent feeder steers. 32 percent, feeder heifers and 3 percent feeder and replacement cows. Slaughter Co-s Breaker 75- 80 percent: 1339-1565 (1502) 47.00-49.50 (48.81). Slaughter Cows Boner 80- 85 percent: 965-1180 (1089) 44.00-49.00 (46.38); 1253-1280 (127,1) 44.50-47.00 (46.25). Slaughter Bulls Y.G. 1: 1130-1420 (1301); 54.00-60.00 (57.28); 1585-1960 (1719) : 56.00-61.50 (57.38). Feeder Steers and -Bulls Medium and Large 1-2: 200- 245 (216) 145.00-160.00 (149.36);250-275 (266) 146.00-: 155.00 (150.73); .305-345 (321) 135.00-145.00 (141.19); 355-370 (364) 120.00-130.00 (121.92); 405-435 (429) 115.00- 120.00 (117.30); 460-480.(472) 102.00-110.00 (106.66). Feeder Steers and Bulls Medi- um and Large 2-3:200-240(225) 130.00-140.00 (138.06);260-290 (277) 132.00-142.50 (136.69); '315-340 (333) 126.00-130.00 (127.78); 355-380 (372) 110.00- 120.00 (115.48); '408-440 (428) 104.00-115.00 (109.04); 475- 480 (479) 94.00-100.00 (95:19); 505-530 (5115) 91.00-96.00 (93.65). . Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1-2: 210-236 (231) 125.00-140.00 (134.23); 260- 290 (276) 126.00-130.00 (128.48); 310-325 (318) 125.00- 130.00 (126.31); 360-375 (371) .114.00-121.00 (117.16); 405-435 (416) 108.00-120.00 (115.68); 520-540 (532) 93.00-- 96.00 I94.32i. Feeder Heifers Medium, and Large 2-3: 205-240 (221) 115.00-122.50( 119.26); 270-290 (281) 120.00- 126.00 (121.96); 315-345 (328) 115.00-124.00 (119.11);355-360 (360) 100.00- 110.00 (104.01); 410-440 (423) 100.00-105.00 (102.76); 505- 530 (517) 89.00-94.00 (91.37).. Bred Co%%s Medium and Large 1-2 Middle-Aged: 845- 1155 (1049) 57.00-70.00 (66.01) 7-9 months bred. Gilchrist County Land Transactions Shelby Don Boyette II, Shelby' Don Boyette and Grace Rhonda Boyette to Shelby Don Boyette II and Grace Rhonda Boyette, quit claim deed, $10.00. Edith Sapienza to Teri Sapi- enza-Boldue, quit claim deed, $10.00, Lot 3 Run Springs' Estate. Suwannee Preserve, LLC to Raymond J. Rotella and Peggy D. Rotella, warranty deed, $100,000.00, Phase 1, River Bend. Jeffrey D. Isaacson to Mary F. Spellman, warranty deed, $11,975.00, Lot 12 of High Springs Highlands. Mary F. Spellman to John D. Rushworth and Christine M. Nickell, warranty deed, $135,000.00, Lot '12 of High Springs Highlands. Randy Benjamin Slaughter to Randy Benjamin Slaughter and Kimberly Ann Hiersoux, quit claim deed, $10.00. ' Southeastern Funding Part- ners, LLLP to Linda, Koster, warranty deed, $10.00, Lot 8 and 9 Block 8 :of Suwannee River' Estates South Subdivision. Kevin J. Hutcheson and Su- san T. Hutcheson to Michael D. Dipardo, warranty deed. $75.000.00. Lot 4 Block 29 Trenton Originfal S ur\ e). The. Board of RCounty Commissioners to Ray' and Ann Hodge, arranty deed, $3,003.03, 1 acre. ' Daryl S. Kirb\ to Darrell and Maria McNatt, warranty deed, $4,800.00. Lots 12 and 13 Block 13 West and Johnsoni's. Addition to Wilcox Junction. Horace L. Vernon and Mar- lena V. McBeth-Vernon to Chris W. and Brandy Sandlin, war- ranty deed, $10.00.' Scott Redden Wiggins and, Tonya-Lee Wiggins to Dasid Bruee arid Alice Faye Wiggins. general warranty deed, $10.00. Russell .,. Rankin to Glo- rida V. Rankin, quit claim deed. $10.00. Kenneth L. Karasek and Sophie A. Karasek to Kenneth B. Karasek,,, quit claim deed,' $42.500.00. Lot 38 Weirsdale Subdivision. Henry Douglas Webb and Anne Marie Webb to Aaron R. Silcox, warranty deed, $55,000.00, Lot 29 of Norfleet Pines. Robert E. Mecker to Clayton A. Barron and Francine P. Grant, quit claim deed, $10.00. Emory J. Philman ,6o Mar- garita R. Cotte, waaiTanty 'deed $8,500.00, Lot 1 Custon Estates. Peggy A. Brown to Peggy A. Brown and April M. Pena, war- ranty deed, $10.00, Lot 12 Deer Run. ,James and Laura Dampier to Jerry and Barbara Givens, war- ranty deed, $0. . Pace Getzen to Douglas R. Godbey and Rebbecca R. God- bey, warranty deed, $6,500.00. Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, Inc., to Michael L. Is- selhard, $40,000.00, Lots 21,22, and 23 of Suwannee River Sun- set Gardens. Adrain G. Hammond to Agnes Bresca and Diderot Severe, gen- eral warranty deed, $49,900.00.: Robert N. Fillyaw to Whitney Loring Hart 2, warranty deed, $115,000.00, Lot 8 Waccasassa Campsites Unit 1. Leo D. Gauther and Barbara J. Gather, warranty deed, $10.00. Willam T. Bryant to Clau- dio Ribeiro, warranty deed, $15,000.00, Lot 43 Santa Fe Comer. Rosalyn M. Griffin, FKA Rosalyn Proudfoot and Richard Griffin, to Andy Brown quit claim deed, $10.00, Lot 1 in Sun Springs Estates. Deanna Leigh Cardwell FKA Deanna Leigh McRae, to Lo- vator W. McRae and Charles McRae, quit claim deed, $10.00. Wheels Of Love All Medicare recipients should now be aware that they may be eligible to receive a power wheelchair, paid for by Medicare, if they suffer from. conditions such as arthritis, re- spiratory disorders, cardiovascu- lar disease, pain, gait instability, and other conditions that impair a beneficiary's ability to partici- pate in completing activities of daily living. For more information for Medicare eligibility, call 1-866- 631-3022. Legal Notices NOTICfE.F PUBLIC MEETING PLEASE BE ADVISED that the *Town of Bell. Town Council. will meet on Thursday, June 29, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. for a Special Meeting at the Bell Town Hall located at 3240 W. Railroad Lane, Bell, Florida. Agenda includes. Picnic in the Park, Bell Librar) remodeling project. Permits, Application. License, and Fees. : .. ' Dan CavanE Town Manag Pub., June 29, 2006 Well Child & Newborn Care School & Sports Physicals Chronic & Acute Care Communicable Disease Maternity Care By UF Dept. OB/GYN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO WHOM THIS MAY CONCERN PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, the Gilchrist County Board of County Commissioners will hold a public hearing on Monday July 10, 2006, at 3:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the Board of County Commission- ers Meeting Room, located at 210 South Main Street, Trenton, Florida,, .for the adoption of Ordinance 06-13, with the following short title: ORDINANCE 06-13 AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM- MISSIONERS OF GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA; REVISING .THE FLOOD DAMAGE' PRE- VENTION REGULATIONS IN THE COUNTY LAND DEVELOP- MENT CODE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVID- ING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ' All interested parties are invited to attend and be heard. A copy of the proposed ordinance is available for public inspection at the office of the County Clerk, County Courthouse, 112 S. Main Street,Trenton, Florida dunng regular business hours. "Persons with disabilities request- ing reasonable accommodations to participate in this proceeding should contact (352) 463-3169 (Voice & TDD) or via Florida Relay Service (800) 955-8771." PLEASE BE ADVISED that if a person decides to appeal any deci- sion made by the Board of County Commissioners with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he or she will need a re- cord of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to.be based. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA TOMMY LANGFORD. CHAIRMAN an ATTEST: er JOSEPH W. GILLIAM, CLERK Family Planning School Health Services TB Testing Laboratory Procedures Healthy Start Services WIC Services (Baby Formula & Food Coupons) HIV Anonymous & Confidential Testing Attention Deficit Disorder Evaluation & Treatment NO APPOINTMENTS NEEDED FOR: FREE PREGNANCY TESTS FREE BLOOD PRESSURE SCREEN CHILD & ADULT IMMUNIZATIONS We accept Blue Cross/Blue Shield, AvMed, PPC Care Manager, State Employees Group PPC, Health Options, Champus, CMS, Medicaid, Medipass, Medicare, and most other major insurances. 119 N.E. 1st Street, Trenton, Florida 32693 463-3120 Office Hours Monday Friday 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Pub. June 29, 2006b. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAr PROTECTION NOTICE OF APPLICATION The Department announces re- ,ceipt of an application from John Claytor, File No. 21-0266073-001- ES, to recover pre-cut submerged timber from the Suwannee River beginning, at the confluence of the Santa Fe River and ending at the Wannee Boat Landing. The tim- ber recoveries will be conducted in Lafayette, Gilchrist, and Dixie Counties. This application is being pro- 'cessed and is available for public ,inspection during normal business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Mon- day through Friday, except legal holidays, at the Northwest District office at 160 Governmental Center, Pensacola, Florida 32502-5794 Pub., June 29, 2006p. NOTICE FROM BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT REGARDING LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATION Starting July 1, 2006 the Building and Zoning Department will be en- forcing the existing Section l4.3 of the Land Development Regulations (LDRi, uhch requires a survey as a part of the zoning application process for new construction and mobile home building permits. According to Section 14.3 of the Gilchrist 'County LDR a building application shall be accompanied by survey of the lot, prepared by a land surveyor or engineer regis- tered in Florida and all property stakes shall be in place and clearly identified at the time of applica- tion. The regulation will apply to parcels which are considered a lot or parcel of 20 acres or less. The Land Development Regulations were ad- optedon April 19, 1993.. pub., June 8,15,22,29, 2006b. TR1I-COUNTY CHIROPRACTIC "Care for the Entire Family" Dr. Bennitt Patterson * Available on Location: X-Rays, Physical Therapy & Licensed Massage Therapist (MM0007612) Most Insurance Accepted .OFFICE HOURS M a Monday/Wednesday/ Friday Major Medical 9 a:m. Noon & 2 p.m. -6 p.m. Medicare/Medicaid Tuesday- 12:30 pm Most HMO's & PPO's m Thursday 8 a.m..-Ndooh & 2 p.m. 5 p.m. Personal Injury/Auto Accidentsn & 2 *Workers' Compensation ~ Walk-Ins Welcome ~ 493-1540 2220 N. Young Blvd., Chiefland (Across from Wal-Mart Super Center) 341 Chielland Regional Ti-ounty Shopping Center| Croa US 19 SWal-Mart N --- L Super Center U. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF GILCHRIST COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL THURSDAY, RTNE 29, 2006 Page Twelve . i THURSDAY. JUNE 9. 2006 O T.CRTS~T COTTJNTY JTflhTRNAT.- Page Thirteen Legal Notices (Continued) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 21-2006-CA-0035 IN OF PIC 1N< NO TO: A] WHO CL THE FO] PROPER 199 TRU TAG 1NC NOTIC Sections Florida S DEPART SAFETY CLES (De its divisi( Patrol, se personal in Gilchr is holding pending t proceedin ties who' the subject hearing cc erty by cc A comply Circuit Co CAL CIR County, F the trial cc ing probal appear wi ment will forfeiture. ATTORNEY GENERAL ANTHONY ANDREWS Assistant Attorney General Office of the Attorney General The Capitol, Suite PL-01 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Tel: (850) 414-3300 Pub., June 29, July 6, 2006b. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN JUutDGE: tGIUNTA PLEASE TAKE NOTICE the RE: FORFEITURE Gilchrist County Board of County A 1996 NISSAN Commissioners will hold a public KUP TRUCK, VIN: hearing on Monday July 10, 2006, 6SD11S7TC314103 at 4:15 p.m., or as soon thereafter / as the matter may be heard, in the TICE OF COMPLAINT Board of County Commission- NYANDALLPERSONS ers Meeting Room, located at 210 AIM AN INTEREST IN South Main Street, Trenton, Florida, LLOWING PERSONAL for the adoption of Ordinance 06-14, ZTY with the following short title: 96 NISSAN PICKUP ORDINANCE 06-14 CK, ASSIGNED FL. AN ORDINANCE OF THE NO, U391SL, VIN: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- 6SD11S7TC314103- SIONERS OF GILCHRIST COUN- 'E is given pursuant to TY, FLORIDA; AMENDING THE 932.703 and 932.704, DOLLAR THRESHOLDS IN Statutes (2005) that the THE COUNTY PURCHASING MENT OF HIGHWAY PROCEDURES; EXPRESSLY AND MOTOR VEHI-, PROVIDING FOR THE WAIVER department acting through OF COMPETITIVE BIDDING on, the Florida Highway REQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING ized the above-described INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CODI- property on May 1, 2006 FIER; AND PROVIDING AN EF- ist County, Florida, .and FECTIVE DATE. g the personal property All interested parties are invited. he outcome of forfeiture to attend and be heard. A copy of the gs. All persons or enti- proposed ordinance is available for have a legal interest in public.inspection at the office of the ct property may request a County Clerk, Counry Courthouse, concerning the seized prop- 112 S. Main Street, Trenton, Florida contacting the undersigned.' during regular business hours. aint has been filed in the "'Persons \' ith disabilties request.- )urt of the EIGHTH JUDI- ing reasonable accommodations to CUIT, in and for Gilchrist participate in this proceeding should lorida. On June 20, 2006, contact L.352) 463-3169 (Voice & court entered an order find- TDD) or via Florida Relay Service ble cause. If no claimants 0S)O 955-8771." within 20 days, the Depart- PLEASE BE ADVISED that if a be seeking a final order of person decides to appeal any deci- sion made by the Board of County CHARLES J. CRIST, JR. . Gator Storage Trailer Rentals r 352-372-6206' JOHN YENCHO S'" :' HOUSE PLANS S-YOUR DESIGN OR MINE ~ NEW HOMES'/REMODELING 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE TRENTON, FLORIDA 352-463-7282 Life Insurance? It's not about your life, it's a bout hers. Life insurance isn't about your hfe, it's about the people %%ho rel3 on it. As a local independent agent, \%e ucan design an insurance program that's just tight for 1H 1 you and \our family. G ie the people .\ou love R e n Tit. Safe Sound Secure' protection from Auto-O\ners T InsuranceCompany Nature COast Insurance '12372 NWHWY19, Chiefland, FL 32626 352-493-2565 Riverland Title Services, LLC 723 East Wade St., Trenton, FL 32693 Phone (3521 463-6333 Fax (352) 463-6340 devon,7,rts.cc wwy. rts.ccc 'Title Insurance "Real Estate Closings *Place &- Track orders on-line Devon Weaver Agent Commissioners with respect to -any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he or she will need a re- cord of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. BOARD OF COUNTY COM- MISSIONERS. GILCHRIST COUNTY,. FLORIDA TOMMY LANGFORD, CHAIRMAN ATTEST: JOSEPH W. GILLIAM, CLERK Pub. June 29, 2006b. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING GILCHRIST PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD - PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Gilchrist County Planning and Zoning Board, will hold a regular meeting on Thursday, July 13, 2006 at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, aet the Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room, located at 210 South Main Street, Trenton, Florida. The following is the proposed agenda: AGENDA 1. SUB 06-44: Final Plat an ap- plication was made by Nadine Wat- son requesting a Final Plat approval be granted for a minor subdivision called 'E. Watson Subdivision' con- taining three (3) Lots. The subdivi- sion is located off County Road 33" -Sec22,T 10S, R15E., 2. SUB: Final Plat an applica- tion was' made by Gene Parrish. requesting a Final Plat approval be granted for a'major subdih vision called 'Hagan Estates Phase I' containing fifteen (15) Lots. The subdivision is located off County Road 319 Sec 22, T 105, R 15E. 3. SUB 06-15: .Preliminary Plat an application was made by Pine Ridge Plantation LLC requesting a' Preliminary Plat approval be grant- ed for a major subdivision called 'Pine Ridge Plantation Phase I[' containing twenty-eight (28) Lots. The subdii ision is located off State Road 47 Sec 5, T 8 S, Sec 32 & 33, T 7S, R 16E. 4. SUB 06-16: Preliminary Plat an application was made by Mary Galloway requesting a Preliminary Plat approval be granted for a major subdivision called 'Quail Meadows' containing rwenty (20) Lots. The subdivision is located off NE 65d' Avenue Sec 27, T8 S, R 16E. 5. SP 06-04: Special Permit for Excavation an application was made by Horace Hart requesting that a Special Permit for e\ca.ation and contouring be granted for ap- proximately 50-acres of land. The excavation will take place off NW 52"' Place Sec 6, T 8S, R 15 E. _ 6. Revision to Land Development Code -Article, , 7: Development Design and Im- provement Standards. At the aforementioned public. hearing, all interested parties may appear to be heard with respect to any of the proposed agenda items. The public hearing may be contin- ued to one or more future dates. Any interested party shall be advised that the date, time and place of any con- tinuance of the public hearing shall be announced during the public hearing and that no further notices concerning this matter % til be pub- lished, unless said continuation exceeds six calendar weeks from the date of the above referenced public hearing. Additional information for all of the above-listed agenda items is available for public inspection at the Building Department Office, located at 209 Southeast First Street, Tren- ton, Florida, during regular business hours. All persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decision made at the above referenced public hear- ing, they will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such pur- pose, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which, the appeal is to be based. Persons with disabilities requesting reason- able accommodations to participate in this proceeding should contact (352) 463-3169 (Voice & TDD) or via Florida Relay Service (800) 955-8771. Pub. June 29, 2006b. NOTICE OF ENACTMENT OF ORDINANCE BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF TRENTON, FLORIDA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an ordinance, which title here- inafter appears, will be considered for enactment by the Board of Com- missioners of the City of Trenton, Florida, at a public hearing on July 10, 2006 at 6:00 p.m., or as soop thereafter as the matter can be heard, in the Kathryn Deen Commission Chambers, City Hall located at 114 North Main Street, Trenton, Florida. Copies of said ordinance may be inspected by any member of the public at the Office of the City Clerk/Manager, City Hall 'located at 114 North Main Street, Trenton, Florida, during regular business hours. On the date, time and place first above mentioned, all interested persons may appear and be heard with respect, to the ordinance. ORDINANCE NO 2006-16 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OERTRENTON, FLORIDA, RELATING TO THE REZONING b OF LESS THAN TEN CONTIGLi- OLIS ACRES OF LAND, PURSU- ANT TO AN APPLICATION BY THE PROPERTY OWNERS OF SAID ACREAGE, -TO :AMEND THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS OF THE CITY .OF TRENTON LAND DEVELOPMENT REGU- LATIONS: PROVIDING FOR. REZONING FROM GILCHRIST COUNTY AGRICLiTLiRE-1 (A- 1) TO RESIDENTIAL, SINGLE FAMILY-1 (RSF-1) OF CERTAIN LANDS WITHIN THE CORPO- RATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF TRENTON. FLORIDA; PROVID,- ING SEVERABILIT'Y. REPEAL- ING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE The public hearing may be con- tinued to one or more future, dates. Any interested party shall be ad- vised that the date, ti me and place of Sany continuation of the, public hear- ing shall be announced during the public hearing and that no further notice concerning the matter will be published. All persons are advised that, if they decide to appeal any decisions made at the public hearing, they will need a record of the proceed7 ings and, for such purpose, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings' is made, % which record includes the testimony and e idence upon v. which the appeal is to be based. Pub.June 29; 2006b. NOTICE Notice is 'hereby gi.^n that the To%. r %Council of Fanning Spriigs, Florida will hold a public hearing'' on the passage of the proposed Ordinance relating to sexual offenders and sexual predators, the public hearing shall be held at the City Hall in Fanning Springs, Florida, at the regular' City Council meeting on July 5, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. The title of the proposed ordinance is I . An ordinance of the City of Fanning Springs, Florida, relating to sexual offenders and sexual predators, creating and adding a new ordinance to be titled Sexual Offenders and Sexual Predators; providing definitions; establishing residency requirements, restrictions and penalties; prohibiting certain sexual offenders and sexual predators from' residing 'within a specified distance of a school, day care center, church, library, school bus stop, playground or park; providing for exceptions; providing penalties; establishing. requirements, responsibility, and penalties for property owners and agents that let or rent to certain sexual offenders and sexual predators; providing for sexual offenders and sexual predators to acknowledge responsibilities; providing a severability clause; and providing an immediate effective date. The proposed ordinance may be inspected by the public at the office of the City Clerk in Fanning Springs, Florida All members of the public are welcome to attend. Notice is further hereby given, pursuant to Florida Statute 286.0105, that any person or persons deciding to appeal'any matter considered at the public hearing will need a record of the hearing and may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Dated this 26th day of June, 26 2006, by SHEILA WATSON, Clerk of Fanning Springs, Florida Pub. June 29, 2006b. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF TRENTON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BY THE CITY-)COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TRENTON, FLORIDA, SERVING AS THE PLANNING AND ZONING, BOARD OF THE CITY OF TREN-, TON, FLORIDA AND THE LO- CAL PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TRENTON, FLORI- DA, NOTICES HEREBY GIVEN' that, pursuant to Sections. 163.3161 through 163.3215, Florida Statutes, as amended, and the Cit. of Trenton Land Development Regulations, as amended, hereinafter referred to as the Land Det elopment Regulations, comments, objecnons and recom- mendations concerning an amend- ment, as .described below, will be heard by the Cirs Commission of, the CiN of Trenton. Flonda. serving as the Planning and Zoning Board of the Cir. of Trenton, Flonda. and the Local Planning Agency of the City, of Trenton. Florida. at a public hear- ing on July 10. 2006 at 5 30 p.m., or as soon 'thereafter as the matter can be heard, in the Kathryn Deen Commission, Chambers, City Hall located at 114 North Main Street, Trenton. Florida. : CPA 06-8. an application by the City Commission. to amend the, Future Land Use Plan Map of the, Comprehensive Plan to change the future land use classification from- PUBLIC to COMMERCIAL on property descnbed, as follows- A parcel of land lNing within Sec- tion 16. Township 10 South. Range 15 East. Gilchinst County. Flonda. Being more particularly descnbed. as follows: Lots 6 and, 7, Block 11 of Trenton Original Survey, as recorded in -the Public Records of Gilchrist, Florida. Containing 26 acre, more or less. The public hearing may be con- tinued to one or more future dates. Any interested parm'y shall be ad- %ised that the date. time and place of Sarn\ continuatior, of the public hear- Ong, shall be 'announced '&ing the publc hearing and 'that no further notice concerning the matter % ,ill be published, unless said continuation exceeds six calendar weeks from the date of ihe above referenced public hearing. ' At' the aforementioned public hearing, all interested parties may appear tobe heard v.ith respect td the amendment. Copies of the amendment are available for public inspection at the Office of the City Manager/Clerk, City Hall located at 114 North Main Street, Trenton, Florida, during regular business hours. All persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decision made at the above referenced public hear- ing, they will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such pur- pose, they, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record -includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Pub. June 29, 2006b. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, the Gilchrist County Board of County Commissioners will hold a public hearing on Monday July 10, 2006, at 3:15 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the Board of County Commission- ers Meeting Room, located at 210 South Main Street, Trenton, Florida, for the adoption of Ordinance 06-12, with the following short title: ORDINANCE 06-12 AN ORDINANCE' OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF GILCHRIST COUN- TY, FLORIDA; CREATING THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT; CREATING WITHIN THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT THE DIVISIONS OF PLAN- NING AND DEVELOPMENT, BUILDING SERVICES, CODE ENFORCEMENT, BUILDING SERVICES, PARKSAND RECRE- ATION, AND PUBLIC WORKS; SETTING FORTH THE ORGA- NIZATION, FUNCTION AND DUTIES OF EACH DIVISION; PROVIDING INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CODIFIER: AND PROVID- ING AN EFFECTIVEDATE. "All interested parties are invited to attend and be heard. Acopy of the proposed ordinance is available for public inspection at the office of the 'County Clerk. County Courthouse, 112 S. Main Street. Trenton, Florida during regular business hours. "Persons with disabilities request- ing reasonable accommodations to ,participate in this proceeding should contact (352) 463-3169 t\oice & TDD) or. via Florida Relay Sen ice (800) 955-8771." PLEASE BE ADVISED that if a person decides to appeal any deci- sion made by the Board of County Commissioners with respect to any matter considered at 'such meeting or hearing, he or she % ill need a re- cord of the proceedings, and that. for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. ' BOARD OF COUNTY COM-, MISSIONERS, GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA TOMMY LANGFORD. CHAIRMAN ATTEST JOSEPH W. GILLLAM,. CLERK Pub. June 29, 2006b. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF PUBLIC MEETING PLEASE BE ADVISED that the Gilchrist School Board has cancelled its regular first July' meet- ing which falls on Tuesday. July 4,. 2006 .. James E. Vickers Superintendent of Schools Pub., June 29, 2006b. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA JUVENILE DIVISION IN THE INTEREST OF: CASE NO. 21-2005-DP-0025 K.C (F) DOB:06/06/2001 Minor. / NOTICE OF SUIT FOR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS AND PLACEMENT FOR ADOPTION THE STATE OF FLORIDA TO: FALLYN RAE TOMBERLIN Address Unknown You are hereby notified that a petition under oath has been filed in the above-styled Court for the termination of your parental rights to K.C,,'a female child born on June 06, 2001, in Alachua County, Florida, and for permanent commitment . of the child to the Department of Children and Family Services for subsequent adoption. You are hereby commanded to be and appear before the HONORABLE H. STEPHEN PENNYPACKER, GENERAL MAGISTRATE, at the Gilchrist County Courthouse, Trenton, Florida, on the 18th day of August 2006 at 1-30 p m for an Advisory Hearing. FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES 'CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THIS CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE NAMED CHILD. YOUAREENTITLEDTO HAVE AN ATTORNEY REPRESENT YOU IN THIS MATTER. IF YOU WANT AN ATTORNEY BUT ARE UNABLE TO AFFORD ONE, THE COURT WILL APPOINT AN ATTORNEY TO REPRESENT YOU. This notice shall be published once a week for four (4)-consecutive weeks in The Gilchrist County Journal at Trenton, Florida. . WITNESS my hand as the clerk of said Court and the Seal Therefore, this 20th day of June, 2006. JOSEPH GILLIAM Clerk of Court (SEAL) . By: Sabra M. Lindsey Deputy Clerk NLARY K WIMSETT, ESQUIRE Florida Bar Number:0118280 Guardian ad Litem Program 119 East Wade Street Trenton, FL 32693 (352) 463-3135 Plb. June 29, July 6, 13,20, 2006b. The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity. Leo Tolstoy Barron's Aluminum Licensed & Insured .mo Free In-Home Consultations -Sereen Rooms Sun Rooms Year-Round Living Space Lifetime Transferable Warranty (Sun Rooms Only) *Carports Patio 0&Deck Covers Decks '& Handrails Vinyl Siding Storm Panels & Shutters Email: bahomepros@bellsouth.net 1-800-203-8214 or 352-463-3004 ft Aiverland Mortgage Corporation Residential -an d-Commercial Loans ~ With LOW Fixed Rates Available ~ Purchase, Refinance & Cash Out Conventional, 1-4 Single Family Homes Manufactured Homes Investment Property First, Second, and Home Equity Lines of Credit Construction/Perm One-Time Closing Owner/Builder Available & Lot Loans SWe Have: No Income Documentation Stated Income or Full Documentation Professional, Reliable, and Local Service Bill Deen, Brenda Wilkerson and Phillip Wheeler Licensed Mortgage Brokers 463-1313 fax 463-1318 e-mail: riverlandmtg@bellsouth.net Apply Online @ www.riverlandmtg.web-loans.com Sierland Mortgage Corporation' 723 E. Wade Street, Trenton, FL 32693 * Re-Roofing & Leaks Metal Roofing 25-Year Warranty Manufacturer's ^^^^ FREE ESTIMB^^ATES^^^ ^H^^352 ^H472-494 I I U A I J k-J.L -4 J-. Z-71 .4,VVJ JL 1 JL J%-lLjxx-L,4ra-Ll Page Fourteen ----- - Legal Notices (Continued) NOTICE OF ENACTMENT OF. ORDINANCE BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF TREFNTON, FLORIDA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an ordinance, which title here- inafter appears, will be considered for enactment by the Board of Com- missioners of the City of Trenton, Florida, at a public hearing, on July 10, 2006 at 6:00 p.m., or-as soon. thereafter as the matter can be heard, in the Kathryn Deen Commission Chambers, City Hall ,located at 114 North Main'Street, Trenton, Florida. Copies of said ordinance may be inspected by any member of the public at the Office of the City Clerk/Manager, City Hall- located at 114 North Main Street, Trenton, Florida, during regular business hours. On the date, time and place first above mentioned, all interested persons may appear .and be heard with respect to the ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 2006-15 AN ORDINANCE OF THE' CITY OF TRENTON, FLORIDA, RELATING TO AN AMENDMENT OF TEN OR LESS ACRES OF LAND TO THE FUTURE LAND USE PLANMAP OF THE CITY. OF TRENTON COMPREHEN- SIVE PLAN, PURSUANT TO AN APPLICATION BY THE PROP- ERTY OWNERS OF SAID ACRE- AGE, UNDER THE 'AMEND- MENT PROCEDURES ESTAB- LISHED IN SECTIONS 163.3161 THROUGH 163 3215, FLORIDA STATUTES, AS AMENDED; PRO- VIDING FOR CHANGING THE LAND USE' CLASSIFICATION' FROM I GILCHRIST COUNTY' AGRICULTURE-1 (LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 1 DWELLING UNIT PER 2 ACRES) TO RESI-" DENTIAL, LOW DENSITY (LESS' THAN OR EQUAL TO 2 DWELL- ING UNITS PER ACRE) OF' CERTAIN LANDS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF TRENTON, FLORIDA;, PROVIDING SE\ ERA ABILITY; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; AND PROVIDING' AN EFFECTIVE DATE : The public hearing may be con- tinued to one or more future dates. Any interested party shall be ad- vised that the date, time and place of any continuation of the public hear- ing shall be announced during the public hearing and that no further notice concerning the matter will be published. All .persons are advised that, if they decide to appeal any decisions made at the public hearing, they will need a record of the proceed- ings and, for such purpose, they may need to ensure that a-verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Pub. June 29, 2006b. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY,. FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION CASE NO. 21-2005-CA-0083 DARIN J. RENMINGTON and JOSEPHINE S. REMINGTON, his A ife, Plaintiffs vs. JAMES D. WHITE; MERLYN VOTAW and FRANCES E. VOTAW, Defendant. AMFNDED NOTICE OF SALE TO WHOM IT NLA'' CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 1, JOSEPH GILLIAM. Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Eighth Judicial Circuit, in and for GILCHRIST County, Florida, pursuant to the Order To Amend Summary : Final 'Judgment In Foreclosure And Setting, New Judicial Sale Date entered in the above st)led cause,, will sell at public sale the following descnbed . property si-uate in GILCHRIST County, Florida, to wit. , LOT THREE t.3), of PINES, OF OTTER SPRINGS, 'a subdivisions as recorded in Plat Book T\o )'2i. Page Fift6 (50i. public records of Gilchrist County, Flonda and containing 5 acres mol. Said sale shall be made to the highest and best bidder for .cash pursuant to the Summary Final Judgment entered in the above styled cause and will be held on the, steps' of the courthouse in' Trenton, k Suwannee Valley Precast, Co. A Owner Gerald Roberts Bell Chiefland 463-2504 Fax: 463-0390 493-4055 ... ew Sepvt hksItfft l ffDrain Ptlf!repdfired, Septic Pump-Outs" Septic Tanks Certified Portable Toilets Backhoe1 ork *Fill Dirt S* State Certified. ' M Akins Heating & AC, Inc. 5120 N.W. Sth Street Bell, Florida 32619 352-463-2380 Servicing All Makes & Models * Specializing in High Efficiency Units * Indoor Air Quality Products * Call us today to ask about an additional power company rebate of up to $350. .... .......,. License#CAC1813540 .L....... A -- CORrP . LICLNSEDL & INSLIKEDL C13C1253693 CRLC1328366 Where imagination meets reality Building projects are not for the faint-at-heart. The culmination of hopes, dreams and ambitions into a finished product can be nerve-wracking and is quite often one of the largest financial and emotional investments you will ever make. Wherever you are in the process, brainstorming, planning, drafting, or location finding, Dream Builders Development Corp. is ready to partner with you. E Quality Craftsmanship Integrity Honesty Teamwork Personal Relationship Call (352) 463-2210 today or visit www.DreamBuildersDevelopment.com Florida, on the 17th day of July, 2006, commencing at the hour of 11:00 a.m. All interested parties shall be governed accordingly by this Notice. DATED this 20 day of June 2006. JOSEPH GILLIAM Clerk of Court (SEAL) . By: Lyndsay L. Ayers Deputy Clerk Pub. June 29, July 6, 2006b. . STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION NOTICE OF APPLICATION The Department announces re- ceipt of an application from John Cla tor, File No; 21-0266078-001- ES, to recover pre-cut submerged' timber from the Suwannee River be- ginning at the Wannee Boat Landing and ending atI US Hlghway 19. The timber recoerenes will be conducted in Gilchnsi and Dixie Counties. This application is being pro- cessed and is available for public inspection during normal business hours, S 00 a-m. to 5:0I' p.m.. MNon- da\ through Fnday, except legal holidaNs, at the North%%est District office at 160 Governmental Center, Pensacola. Florida 32502-5794. Pub June 29, 2006p.' STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMlIRNITY AFFAIRS NOTICE OF INTENT TO FIND THE CITY OF TRENTON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN NOT IN COMPLIANCE DOCKET NO. 06-1-NOI-2104-(A)-(N) The Department gives notice of its intent to find the Amendmenusi to.. the Comprehensive Plan for Ciar of Trenton, adopted by Ordi- nance Noi s. 2005-10. 2005-11 and 2005-12 on April 3. 2006. NOT [N COMPLIANCE. pursuant to Sec- tions 163 31S4. 163.3187 and 163 3189. F.S. The adopted City of Trenton Com- prehensi'e Plan. the Department's Objections, Recommendations. and Comments Report. tif anN i. and the. Department's Statement of Intent to Find.the Comprehensi'e Plan Not . In Compliance will be available for public inspection Monday through Friday, except for legal holidays, .during normal business hours, at Licensed and insured Callfor FREE Estimates cell 352-318-3610 the City of Trenton City Hall, 114 North Main Street, Trenton, Florida 32693-3440. This Notice of Intent and the Statement of Intent for the Compre- hensive Plan found Not In Compli- ance will be forwarded by petition to the Division of Administrative. Hearings (DOAH) of the. Depart- ment of Management Services for the scheduling of an Administra- tive Hearing pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S. The purpose of the administran'e hear- ing will be to present evidence and testimony on the noncompliance issues alleged by the Department in its Objections. Recommendations, and: Comments Report, and State- .ment of Intent in order to secure a recommended order for forwarding to Administration Comnmiision Affected persons may petition' 'to intervene in this proceeding. A petition for interienuon must be filed at least twenty 120) days before the final hearing and must include all of the information and contents described in Uniform Rule 2S-106 205, F.A.C. Pursuant to 163 31S4 (10), F.S., no new issues: may be alleged as a reason to find a plan not in compliance in a petition to intervene filed more than twentr. one 1211 days after publication of this notice unless the petitioner es- tablishes good cause for not alleging such new issues withinn the twenty , one 12 Lida time penod The peti- tion for intervention shall be filed at DOAH. 1230 Apalachee Park,\aN, Tallahassee. Florida 32399-3060, and a copy mailed or delivered to the local government and the Department Failure to petition to intervene \with in the allowed time frame constintes a waier of any r nght such a person has to request a hearing pursuant to Sections 120 569 and 120.57. FS., or to partici- pate in the adrrumrustrative hearing . After an adrmnistratliie hear- ing petition is timely filed. me- diation is available pursuant to' 163 31891i31ai. F.S to an, affected person who is made a party to the proceeding by filing that request with the admninistrative law2 judge assigned by the Division of Admin- istratie Hearings., The choice of mediation shall not affect a party's right to an administrative hearing. \'alerie J. Hubbard, AICP Director Diision of Coammunity Planning Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Pub June 29, 2006b All Phases of Tree Work From trimming to complete removal and haul-off. Light land clearing;, clearing of right-of-ways, and debris haul-offs. home 386-935-2180 Bobcat service available. fun 4 Kids! Pre-school/After school 'Learning Center / Ages 2-12 SV/ NAEYC Accredited Pre-K I / Highscope Curriculum V School Readiness Program / CPR/First Aid Certified / Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten / USDA Food Program ./CDA Certified Teachers 352-463-7614 2739 S.W. 19th Circle, Trenton 352-463-3555 Corner of Hwy. 129 & S.R. 47, Trenton (Across from Trenton High School) Owners/Directors - Amy Wesley Woods Holly Wesley Bussard License #C03GI0006 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA JUVENILE DIVISION IN THE INTEREST OF: CASE NO. 21-2005-DP-0025 K.C (F) DOB:06/06/2001 .-. Minor. NOTICE OF SUIT FOR TERMINATION OFPARFNTAL RIGHTS AND PLACEMENT FOR ADOPTION THE STATE OF FLORIDA TO: JAMNES CREGG Address Unknown You are hereby. notified that a 'petition under oath has been filed in the above-styled Court.. for the " termination of your parental rightsito K C a female chi Id bomnon June 06, 2001, in Alachua County, Florida. and for permanent commitment of the child! to the Department of Children 'and Family Services for .subsequent adoptiori. You are hereby commanded to be and appear 'before the HONORABLE H. STEPHEN PENNYPACKER.. GENERAL MAGISTRATE, at the Gilchnst Count) Courthouse. Trenton. Flonda. on the lSih d.j of August '006 at 1-10 pm for an Ad'isor) Heanng FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THIS CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU NLAY LOSE ALL LEGAL, RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE NANIED CHILD. YOU ARE ENTITLEDTO HAVE AN ATTORNEY REPRESENT YOLU IN THIS MATTER IF YOLi WANT AN ATTORNEY BUT A RE UNABLE TO AFFORD ONE,. THE COURT WILL APPOINT- AN -TTORNEY TOREPRESENT YOU This notice shall be published once a week for four 1.41 consecutive weeks in The Gtlchnst County Journal at Trenton, Florida WITNESS m,, hand as the clerk of said Court arid the Seal Therefore, this 20th day of June, 2006. JOSEPH GILLIAMNI Clerk of Court (SEAL) By: Sabra NM Lindsey Deputy Clerk MARY K WIMSETT, ESQUIRE Florida Bar Number:01Q1S280 Guardian ad Litem Program 119 East Wade Street Trenton. FL 32693 t352i463-3135 Pub. June 29. July 6. 13, 20, 2006b. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 8TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY. FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: 21-2006-CA-18 HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION III. a Delware Corporation, SPlaintiff, vs. PATRICTA A. HODSON. et. al., Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an In Rem Final Summary Judgement of Foreclosure dated June 20. 2006 entered in Case No. 21-2006-CA-18 of the Circuit Court in and for Gilchrist County, Florida, where HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION III, a Delaware Corporation is the Plaintiff and PATRICIA A. HODSON, et. al., are the Defendants, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, at the Front Doors of the Gilchrist County Courthouse, 112 South Main Street, Trenton, Florida 32693, at 11:00 AM on the 17 day of July, 2006 the following described property, as set forth in said In Rem Final Summary Judgement of Foreclosure, to wit: LOTS 18, 19, 22, AND 23, BLOCK 14, SUWANNEE RIVER SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 1, PUBLIC RECORDS OF GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA. DATED this 20 day of June 2006. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Lyndsay P. Ayers Deputy Clerk CARL M. SUGARMAN, ESQUIRE 9700 S. Dixie Highway, Suite 550 Miami, Florida 33156 (305) 670-2399 Pub: June 29, 2006b It doesn't hurt to be optimistic. You can always cry later. Lucimar Santos De Lima Residence Life Super% isor Periorm all duties associated v. tih a college dorm including processing housing applications, housing 3 sgnmernis. superi-sing residenis. and planning and coordinating aci ties Musi accept dorm houd'ng as a condlion of employ, ment Must Ihae bachelor's degree,. residence hall experience and be computer lierate Salar, i$21, S2- anriuall. plus benefits Must receive all application mate-rials bi Jull, 1, 211006. for guaranteed consideration College application required Position details and application aiadable on the %,eb at .' \ ilakeciItcc edu Inquiries-Human Resource Development Lake City Communiry College 149 SE College Place Lake City, FL 32025 Phone:.(386) 754-4314 Fax: (386) 754-4594 E-mail boencrhergi',lakecirtcc edu LCCC"'s accrednied b', i the Southern Association ol Colleges and Schools VP ADA EA EC) College in Education & Employment INVITATION TO BID Sealed Bids are hereby invited for site improvements including clearing, cut and fill, access- drives, parking and storm water management improvements for the new Gilchrist County Road Department Operations Center. Specifications and requirements may be.obtained from the Gilchrist County Road Department, and bids returned to the Gilchrist County Administration Office, 209 SE First Street, Trenton, Florida All bids shall be for the total .price of the project, with no add-ons or addendums. All bids shall include an itemized list of the work to be performed. Sealed bids are to be submitted no later than 12:00 p.m.. July 5th. 2006. Bids will be. reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners at their regular meeting on Monday, July :10th, 2006. It is the bidders responsibility to assure that the bid is delivered by the due date, location, and time specified herein.. Bids, %which for any reason are not so delivered, w ill not be considered Gilchrist Count) reserves the right to amend this bid after awarding of bid Bid must contain. an original signature or printed in ink. Bidder's name should also appear on each page of bid sheet(s). Gilchrisi County resenes the right to refuse any and all bids Pub June 29. 2006b. IRON-FREE WELL WATER COMPANY, INC. Taking Iron Out Of Your Water Every Day 1-800-437-1128 Or visit us at: www.iron-free.com Trenton Community Farmers' Market At the Depot 419 North Main Street (Hwy-129) Open Every Tuesday from 2pm 6pm Farm Fresh Produce S& Plants Drop-Off location for Canned Goods for the Food Pantry InfoLine: 352-463-4000, option 8 Vendor Information 386-454-3950 Sponsored by City of Trenton & Gilchrist County Journal T~r4ri8r~'......~ DURON WILLIAMSON'S . TREE SER VICE S. Robert P. Marsh Owners/Directors bawn F. Marsh Lic#C03-I010007 SKid's World Pre-School Learning Center, Inc. A private school for your child's early leading years. NAEYC Accredited Pre-K . School Readiness Program * Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten * CDA Certified Teachers . USDA Food Program * Highscope Curriculum ' * CPR/First Aid Certified * Ages 2-12 Stop by for a tour of our facility. THURSDAY, JUME 29,2006 -, GIILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL T-t T"7 --^-J.^ -_ I pi. LOUCT CITY taiL. Adjunct Instructors Needed Fall Term Beginning August 21, 2006 Physical Science Instructor Master's degree with 18 graduate credit hours in a physical science. Night section and internet sections available. General Biology Instructor Master's degree with 18 graduate credit hours in biology. Saturday class. Daytime Preparatory Math Instructor Minimum of Bachelor's degree College Level Math Instructor Master's degree with 18 graduate credit hours in mathematics. Daytime/Nighitime classes. Contact Paula Cifuentes at (386) 754-4260 or cifuenciespil.'akcircc edu English Instructor Master's degree with 18 graduate hours in English. Contact Holly Smith at (386)754-4360 or email smithhollv(lakecitvcc.edu LCCC is accredited by the Southern m.-Nociation of Colleges and Schools \P..kDA EA.1EO College in Education & EmploNmeni K.AKIE CITY INSTRUCTOR/COORDINATOR, EMERGENC'Yi MEDICAL SERVICES PROGRAMS Teach and assisi in program de'elopmeni. planning and implementation of EMT Bas;,c ParamedLc.and EMS Associate Degree programs Coordinate schedules. clinical iaes and instructors. maintain sttie and nanonal program cenificjilons Must ha\e b' helor'i degree in emergency) medical series or closely related field and Parramedic cenrrificorn at state or national le\el Salan r Based on degree and experience plus benefits Complete applicanorn packet must be recei\ ed by .luli 10. 200I:i for guaranteed corsiderauion College applicalnon and transcripts required Posion details and application available on the %\eb at wai', lakccirectc edu Inquines Human Resource Development Lake CirN Communit- College 149 SE College Place Lake Ciry. FL 32025 Phone.- 1361 74-4314 Fa.- (386) 754-4594 E-mail boenchergI'laKecitrcc edu , 1,CCC is a,.credied b5 the Southern As-cclatior Sof Colleges, and Schoul. ' \P ADA EAEO College in S Education & Emplumerii . .1( f-(l'. TIHTRSDAY JUNE 29. 2006 [ AUTOMOBILES I I For Sale 1986 OLDSMOBILE TORO- FISHERMEN!!! See them, before NADO: Good for parts. $400 obo. you catch them! Adantis-underwa- (352) 472-4376. ter camera, 125 ft. cable, infrared/ ltp,6-29 colored lighting, video in/out for 1994 PONTIAC TLRANSPORT: recording. New in case, used once. 1994 PO IACT NSPORT $300. Call 472-4401 or 463-0013. V-6, runs good, ice-cold air, $1,00 $300. Call .72-4401r 463-00. 3. Call Nancy or Joel at 463-6799. AskforGiny. S5tb,6-1-6-29 ltp,6-29 Pets & Supplies FREE DOG TO GOOD HOME: Male Bassett Hound mix. Friendly, good with other dogs. (352) 463-. lI56. Sltp, 6-29 BLUE HEELER PUPPIES: 2 fe- males, $375each. (352) 472-4376. Sltp,6-29' A NEW PET GROOMING SHOP in Chiefland. The Paradise Pet Pal- ace. (352) 493-0606. S"tfib,3-9 (6) COMPUTER MONITORS: Four 15" and two 17". Panasonic laser printer. $100 obo for all. 352- 493-2501.. .. S. tfnb,5-18 1989 BRENDELLA SKI/TOW. BOAT: 351 Windsor V8 inboard. 800 hours, asking $6,000. Call 221- 0363.- . tfn,8-4. CAMPER FORSALE: 1996 Plea-. sure-Way ultimate compact RV. Impeccably maintained by onginal owner. 66.000 miles. $24.500. Call, .'352-463-6527. ifnb.12-9 ~IINEISTING I Beautiful 3 Bedroom. 2 Bath DWMH on 10 picture perfect acres located just around the corner. Home fearptures a New Roof and a Nesw Heat Pump unit. Property has Large Oak Line border with creek winding through Wildlife drawn to surroundings and seclusion of this property. 10 Acres. New Roof, New A C Heat Pump. 7 Acres Planted Pines. Split Floor Plan. 1352 Approx. Living Sq Ft. Offered at $259.900 NLS# 752553 Hometown Realty ' -. < f.t \. .. .... :$ - 1 10 N. Main Sireei Be-i, Flonda 32619 vww HometownRealtyNFrm t Cell: (352) 215-1132 Office: (352) 463-9001 - Toll Free: (888) 4.63-9001 Fax: (352) 463-9008 Email: dlspowers@aol.com Debra Powers '" .,.:, .. .. ', -. }Realtor O .CfTRTST COT TNTY JOT TRNALT . CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. A - For Sale J BEDS: Queen thick. orthopedic, pil- low-top mattresses and box springs. New in plastic with warranty. Sac- rifice, $160. King available $225. (352) 372-8588. tfnb,7-5 L PRODUCE GEORGE FREE STONE PEACHES: Taking orders now until Jul\ 7th on 251b bo\es of ripe peaches. $11 or 251b bowes of #2 firmer) peaches. $12. You can pick up after 3 pm on Jul\ 8th or 9th Call Jerr Fulford Produce at 352-498-5892 lease message or call 352-356-1801 2tb.6-22-6-29 WHEEL TOWN 352-493-2835 Call for Directonr- to 10 Me: South of Ch,eflana orf 345 '03 Cre'y MaIDu 4-aur. V.. V S.auto. aea 35K mes. .-cCi, $8,975 05C yCne ,Ca.ai.e 4r actor aulO. CO i:.a.-d 30K m.-le Ba, F iacI W, Ce3n $9,975 03 Cri ev' 10 eUra3ca 3.ador J CyI 5-spee; CD,35K ni!ies,c -n $8,975 'u3 Fora Parqer. ge. r-: c:b b6 ,5- s-d. C c dean. 5r0K ,r, $9,975 '02 ISuu TropefLS. 4.-Door luiiy loaded. 60' m.ie... $10,975 '01 Mercury Grano MarquA J ,aoor. .:armage rool isadea. 39K mire., cian $9,975 96 Dodge Grana Caramasi ai ;-p3asenger- c ar... $3,975 CREDIT UNIONS WELCOME Warrantbes A latee : ', Viw.wheeltown.com S EREA.INC. SEE OUR LISTINGS. (352) 463-7075 JEAN C TROKE Licensed Real Estate Broker ONTHE WEB: .(352) 463-7302-FAX E-mail: trokerealty@aol.com i, roerealhvinc c in 730 E. Wade Street (SR-26) Trenton, Florida 32693 -- QUALITY-BUILT HOMES NOW AVAILABLE '. RI% ER-AREA HOMES & ACREAGE. NEAR TO OLD TOI$N IN DIXIE: 6 BR/5 5 BA TAo &ell-buill CB homes. along ith a runner I.'-acre racti for sale. Ic-caed at pnmale rner SD ne\t io 'Rails-.o-Trails' Greenaav bndge in D,\ie Co The one n'eerifro home, 2-st6ry w/l900 sqft., upper-letel ricervie, porch. lhge grearoor,. 2-car garage & more Never 2nd home hnS 2'00+ jnide slil. attached 1636 covered deck i"I h,:, ubi. 2i6\241 workchopipotier bldg. bonus rooms & pof'ible 'in-laA' suite. Call or e-mail to Jean & Jim for full info on this special', properi.--.i has gieal posit.tiies for buNerlir.-estor...$925.000 for all (or $399.900--riher home/$355,000.-2nd home) GORGEOUS WOODED ACREAGE & UNIQUE RIl ERFRONT HOME. CLOSE TO BELL: 3 BR 3 BA: Pri, ale 10 "' acre iract. naturally wooded with approx. 290' fronrage along the Ssarnnee in N% G.cIchnst Has ,ncfedible. pacioun 'rame.'CB.-rih dog.rroi' home, 3 levels which include ground floor neit-i.uarment icreered porch, 3.%ehicle parking, main 2nd level aithm me 2.00(0 q I'I of' screened porches (giear nie & nature e'. is. 'ull gieatr.:oom.drung/kiic:hen i 'tbnu Icll .Itpce, miarer rune iaood/hlle '-icnng. adlk.lir, closet).Also has aworkshop/cottage, irrigahun retin. ner deck & fl.-:',siia dock i:- much more Io meriEnon here.-.all or e mail our office for further details...$675,O00. REDLICED iFrom .375.000Oi--NICE'RIVERFRONT HOME, QUALITY NEIGHBORHOOD: 4 BR3.5 BA: Over 2,000 inside sq. fl o .,rl'in. Ic-r hi franme built 2-:tory home, with 75 r,, er fIro:rage 3i the Link Lakhe Crt, comrnrit3 r,:nrlh ol Bell. Property has. u alerfrr.ni dck & dock. careenedd r,'er view porch, attached garage & detachned carporr, other ourbu.lding., lardscapingr& privacy fencing. Photos & more deads a ail3ble a Our office ,ebl:- ie....349.900. .- ; . EXCELLENT RANCH HOME ON 5 SECLUDED ACRES: 3 BR'2.5 B: Fr.ime.-'CB huil h.:.me. h ,:..er .100 sq. ft. underroof, on a rolling 5-acre pasture tract-(has large oak &pine alone bundar.rie i. l,x ;ted ir, beiv.er, Trenton & Bell Ha lamIinated wood & tile flooring, large greatroom (w/dining area & fireplace), oer -,zed Mainrer & 2nd BR ', large ir.:.,rn co.unrr) porch. 2-irourd pcoil ('.'dck'. BBQ.paino behind home & more...$299,900. SPACIOUS 4 BR FAMILY HOME IN TOWN: 4 BR/2 BA: With over 1,600 inside sq. ft, this CB/Stucco home would be'ideal for growing family, located at quiet neighborhood in NE Trenton (right by an oak-shaded city park). Has full rooms throughout, including bonus 4th BR (or could be private office) attached behind 2-car g raje Also, privacy. board fencing in back (with screened-in porch)...$139,900. ' -- MANUFACTURED HOMES ON THE MARKET-- Just Reduced (From $349,000).-20 WOODED ACRES W/SPACIOUS'M/HOME NEAR RIVER: 3 BR/2 BA: Roomy 2001 28x76 Manufactured home, sitting on private, wooded 20-acre tract; property located within one mile of Wannee boat ramp. Over 2,000 inside sq. ft. of comfort, includes full living, dining, family/game rooms, outbuildings & more...$319,000. Just Reduced (From $89,900)--M/HOME WITH RIVER CANAL FRONTAGE BY SUN SPRINGS: 3 BR/2 BA: Solid 24x48 'Fleetwood' home, located in nice neighborhood near.the Suwannee (with 60' frontage along canal connecting to river by Sun Spring); M/Home has had some inside cleanup/fixup...Owner is motivated, says to present offers...$79,000. ' LARGE M/HOME ON 30 SECLUDED ACRES: 4 BR/2 BA: Spacious 27x76 manufactured home, located amongst lots of planted pines (great future investment), on a 30-acre tract in-between Trenton & Fanning. Acreage has 4-vehicle carport, 20x20 pole barn (w/electric). Home-site being sold 'as is' by Owner--call Jean or Barbara for all the details...$333,000. PRIVATE, SECLUDED ACREAGE & HOME-SITE WEST OF BELL: 3 BR/2 BA: Immaculate 27x66 manufactured, located on fenced, wooded 20 acres Large greatrcom. 21 o0 al.leaon'se closed pach galle) .Ilie kitchen. Outer features include 4-wide attached carport, pool & hot tub ( .p'cIl houcesi gazebo., gieenhouie &. more Call or email io Bairtba r.r irilormation...5319,000. . TWO SEPARATE M/HOMES. BOTH ON 5 ACRES. JULST NORTH OF BELL: Tuo adjacent 5-acre tracts, each with a Manufactured Home (one a 3 BR/2 BA 24x40, the other 2 BR/2 BA 16x76) kept in good shape. Properties are rolling, wooded land--one has outbuilding & 2-vehicle pole barn; both are within short drive of CR-340. For sale separately, but Owner may consider a combined offer...$135,000 (each). SPACIOUS, LIKE-NEW MANUFACTURED & ONE ACRE: 3 BR/2 BA: Well-kept 28x64 2002 M/Home (refurbished by Owner), on 1.04-acre tract with outbuildings, located along end of paved cul-de-sac, close to US-19 and all nearby amenities in Fanning Springs--call or email for full details...$108,900. WELL-KEPT M/HOME ON LANDSCAPED ACRE IN NO. GILCHRIST: 3BR/2BA: 1996 24X44 Manufactured, in quality condition, on 1.15-acre tract (nice mix of trees/open space), with board fencing in front. Located north of Bell, with quick access to US 129 & CR 340...Owner says to present offers...$92,000. QUALITY "HOMES OF MERIT" HOME-SITE NEAR FANNING SPRINGS: 3 BR/2 BA: Neat, well-kept 27x63 1998 Manu. home, has large, spacious rooms (including fireplace for family room), lots of cabinet/counter space for open kitchen, fenced back yard on 100x300 tract, with paved frontage along CR-346A (Joppa Road)...$85,000. , NEAT & CLEAN M/HOME & .92/ACRE IN TOWN: 3 BR/2 BA: Well-kept & renovated 27x54 Manufactured, with full living, dining & bonus rooms, double-oven range & appliances for kitchen, front & back attached porches, and private, wood-fenced 243x165 back yard...$64,000. AFFORDABLE M/HOME IN TOWN: 2 BR/1 'BA: Refurbished & compact 14x44 home-site (w/attached front porch/deck); metal &. frame outbuildings, on landscaped Trenton lot w/lirge oak for shade...$28,000. -- LOTS & ACREAGE PROPERTIES ON MARKET -- 44 ACRES, MIX OF WOODS/OPEN SPACE, IN EAST GILCHRIST: Over 40 acres, ready for family or gentleman's farm/home-site east of Trenton; has paved frontage along CR-337, and an older home-site on property (improvements being sold in 'as is' condition)--call or e-mail our office for full details...$499,900. 20 ACRES-PASTURE PROPERTY IN WEST GILCHRIST: Thirty rolling acres, with large oaks/pines along boundaries, ready for Ag use or large home-site. Located close to CR-232 & CR-344 near Hart Springs...$265,000. THREE SEPARATE 20-ACRE TRACTS NEAR BELL: 3 individual 20-acre properties, side-by-side location in North Gilchrist, mostly wooded raw acreage ready to be improved--call or email Barbara for details...$260,000 each. 10 ACRES--WOODED, SECLUDED TRACT OFF US-129: Private locale for this ten acres north of Bell--has nice mix of open space & woods, few neighbors; call Barbara for property details...$ 129,900. 4+ ACRES--WOODED TRACT NEAR BRONSON/ARCHER: Quiet, rural location for this 4.2-acre come tract, located in-between Bronsor & Archer near SR-24; great location for secluded built or manufactured home-site...$84,900. AI FORDABLE & BUILDABLE TRACT, NEAR TO FANNING SPRINGS: Wooded 100xi00 property, near to SR-26, Rails-to-Trails and more at west end of county, ready, for built or manufactured home-sites...$9,900. You can call our agents after regular business hours, for more information on any of our listings, * at the main office number above, or at our agents' cell numbers below: Jim or Jean Troke [ Lj" (386) 935-3357 PAI "Profession Paul Troke (352) 221-2999 Barbara Mayo (352) 222-0427 al Service With A Personal Touch" 121 EQnAL HsUSING OPPORTUeRY F Yard Sales 1 I MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE: Saturday, 8 am 12 noon. Furniture, children's clothes, toys, houseware items and much more. 915 SW 4th Avenue, Trenton. ltb,6-29 Services : PRIDGEON LAWN SERVICE: Lawn moing, edging, blowing. hedging, etc. FREE esumates. just a call away with Pndgeon La% n Ser- ' v.ice. 352-494-8021. 3tb,6-15-6-29 LET ME HELP YOU! M1 time for FREE' Your work done in my home. Call 352-745-8965 2tb.6-15-6-29 JIM'S PRESSURE WASHING: Over twenty years of satisfied cus- tomers We pressure %wash "almost" anything. Homes, mobiles, walks. decks. etc. We also do "Ios pres- sure" roof clearing that removes allergy-causing mold and milde%, blotches, restores beauty of roof as %%ell as preserving life of your roof Residential and commercial. Please call Pastor Jim Hurst -@ 352-498- 3023. .. S. 4b.6-8-6-29 LICENSED CNA/HHA: 19 sears Experience, looking to care for someone in their home, privately Resume & portfolio available 352i 463-6443. If no answer, lease mes- sage. S4b.6-8-6-29 ELMORE'S SIMULATED BRICK & STONE. INC.: Stone, stucco, permanent mobile home .skirting. Free Estimates. 6789 SE ,70th Asenue, Trenton. 472-5542. -14-.3702. Fax 352-472-0124. tfnb-9-15. BOB OSBORNE TREE SER- VICE. INC.: 70 ft. bucket truck. hydraulic loader truck, stump gnnd- er Free Estimates. Insured. 352- 463-9100 PRESSURE WASHING, PAINT- ING, DECK & PATIO BUILD- SING and HOME REPAIRS & IMPROVEMENT: Reasonable prices, dependable, insured and professional Shamrock Services. 352-463-1212 day or evening and % weekends - tfnb,6-.l BUILDING CONTRACTOR: CBC017140 Custom homes built on your lot. Precision Development, PO Box 249, 26761 SE Hwy. 19, Old Town, 352-542-8416. tfnb,7-15 MOWER & CHAINSAW PARTS :Stihl, Husqvama, Ayp, Murray, Sears, MTD, Briggs, Kohler, Robin, and Honda. Blades for most mow ers. Beauchamp Saw Shop 493-4904 Stfn, 1-03 TREES, TREES, TREES: Langs- ton Tree Service, Inc. 490-4456. tfnb,2-22 A BIG STUMP! A LITTLE STUMP!: We grind them all. Langs- ton Tree Service, Inc. 490-4456. CIMMINIT7 COt ic DIRECTOR, ADVISING AND STUDENT DEVELOPMENT This is a mid-level. administrative position responsible for planning, organizing, staffing, directing reporting and budgeting for the Advising/Student Development areas. Master's degree in student personnel or closely related field plus three years experience in counseling/advising/supervising. Must have knowledge of state/national trends in student development. Salary: $45,000 annually plus benefits. Application and materials must arrive by July 10, 2006, for guaranteed consideration. College application and transcripts required. Position details and application available on the web at: www.lakecitvcc.edu Inquiries: Human Resource Development Lake City Community College 149 SE College Place Lake City, FL 32025 Phone: (386) 754-4314 Fax: (386) 754-4594 E-mail; boettcherg@lakecitycc.edu LCCC is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools VP/ADA/EA/EO College in Educati n & Employment se--ces"' DIXIE MONUMENT: Old Town' - Since 1992. Visit our display on. Hwy. 19 at C&C Growers. 9 am 5. pm. Mon Sat. or call toll free 1- 877-542-3432, for appointment to Sisit our shop & main office at 1471 NE 512 At enue. 100's of stones in, stock, computer specialist to assist you in creating a lasung tnbute to the life of sour loved one. TIMNPOWELL ELECT installationsand repairs. lic insured State Reg. ItECI Call 1352) 463-2155. Page Fifteen I Help Wanted PETRELLO'S at the Old Board- ing House has all posiuons avail- able. Please apply in person at the Restaurant which is located next to Capital Cilty Bank in Trenton. Ap- ply Sunday between 4, pm-6 pm or Tuesday between I pm-2:3{ for Pauli. OWNER OPERA 77.5% of Re\ Plus Fuel Surc No Charge Ba Benefits A\ il Centurion Auto T 1-800-889-8 tfnb.5-20 CALL ABOUT OUR RIC: New that make 70-99K per ensedand most nights & 'eeker 13002453. 2 years e\penence rec 889-8139. tfnb,l -25 1 Help Wanted . -TRUCK DRIVER needed for local delisenes & misc duues in lumber yard. Class B CDL required. Call Jeff at Gilchnst Building Suppl\. 463-2738 tfnb,6-29 Homes Only!- TRUCK DRIVERS hATO enue charge 1-t-11 I Help Wanted I CERTIFIED MEDICAL ASSIS- TANT: For busy medical office, must be multi task oriented. Apply at Trenton Medical Center, Inc. 911 South Main Street Trenton, Florida. 2tb,6-22-6-29 0 pm ask AUTOPARTS COUNTERMAN: Prior experience necessary. Needed ltb,6-29 good :driving record and depen- )RS ability: Salary based on experience. Please inquire (352) 535-7529. ", tfnb, 6-22 cKs!! GRAPHIC DESIGN/SIGN LAY- able. OUT PERSON needed in Trenton. transport Looking for FT position, but will 139. consider PT if necessary. Some du- 2tb,6-29-7-6 ties, but not limited to, complete R DRIVERS sign make up (computer all the way rear' Home to vinyl application), some ad and nds! CDL-A. job make up (PC and Mac computer quired. (800) knowledge helpful). Will train right person. Apply in person at the Gil- 2tb.6-29-"-6 christ County Journal in Trenton, 207 N. Nlain Street in Trenton SNEEDED: fn,6- Equipment operators & laborers for construction company. Benefits' company pass medical & life insur- ance, paid vacation, 401 K. We are an EOE, we are a DFWP. Apply at 20551 NE 75th Street, Williston (352) 528-2101. SMALL ENGINE TECHNICIAN needed for lawn & garden center. Must have experience. Medical & retirement available. Call Gilchrist Building Suppl\. 463-2738 ask for Clinton and Associates APave Paved Streets! 5 Acres RESERVE YOURS NOW!! and Up High Springs Hills Call 1-800-643-6971 info@phillipsrealcyland.com .. M.S. See more of our listings @ www.phillipsrealtyland.com ,,U Hometown Realty of North FL,Inc. Office: Natalie Rankin Licensed RealEstate Broker 1310 North Main Street Bell, Florida 32619 (352) 463-9001 Toll Free: (888) 463-9001 Fax: (352) 463-9008 e-mail: HometownRealthNF@i'bellsouth. net CHARM iN. ,i' TnR' F 1 -k HOl_'SE 2 Ihome on uie on PAVED ROAD " rcanh'ousic.'rage and pole b.un S' I I f111):I MLS 7i5045 21'\12' BARN 25'x25' ATTACHED CARPORT 3/2 DWMH on 2 Acres $124,900 MLS#752374 CONCRETE BLOCK HOME ON CORNER LOT MANY RENOVATIONS 3/1 Home On city Lot $134,900 MLS#752136 CLOSE TO RIVER HANDYMAN SPECIAL 3BR/IBA 2.43 Acres $149,900 MLS #751439 ( Is' rsw~ ii OP PORT BEAUTIFLFL HOME &. ACREAGE 2-Car Garage & 30'x40' Workshop. 3/2 Home on 9.6 Acres ' $485,000 MLS#752821 . PEACE & TRANQUILITY ENJOY THE COUNTRY 3/2 Brick Home on 21 Acres $485,000 MLS #752606 HORSE COUNTRY Beautiful large oaks & pines 3/2 DWMH on 10 Acres $259,900 MLS #752553 2 STALL WORKSHOP/BARN FENCED & CROSS FENCED 3BR/2BA 5 ACRES $199,000 MLS#TBD LOTS & ACREAGE .27 Acre, Well & Septic 1/3 Commercial Lot Hwy 26 .50 Acre, Bronson .50 Acre, Well, Septic, PP 1 Acre, Chiefland, Homes Only 1.14 Acres W/S/P 1.6 Acres, Well & Septic 1.67 Acres, W/S/P 2.5 Acres, Bell, 4.4 Acres, Riverfront, Buildable 5 Acres, Well.& Septic 5 Acres, W/S/P 5 Acres, Homes Only, 4 Avail. 5 Acres, Fenced & Paved 5 Acres, E. Gilchrist, Paved 5 Acres, E. Gilchrist, 3 to choose from MUSINO UNfTY $37,900 $75,000 $24,900 $29,900 $78,500 $45,000 $59,900 $49,900 $39,900 $799,000 $59,900 $82,000 $88,500 $89,500 $124,900 $100,000 5 Acres, SWM 5 Acres, lBR/I 6 Acres, Well,' 7.94 Paved Hig .10 Acres, W/S/ 10 Acres, Suwa 11.92 Acres, 2x 12 Acres, Scatt 15 Acres, Perfe 17+ Acres, Bel 17.8 Acres, Pay 20 Acres, US H 20 Acres, Pines 30 Acres, Near 37.8 Acres, Pay 40 Acres, W/S/ 50' FEET ON US HWY 129 HIGH TRAFFIC FLOW 1675 sq. ft. 1/2 Acre $275,000 MLS#752315 H, Planted Pines $99,000 BA, Frame House $124,900 Septic & Pines $93,500 ;hway $115,000 P $124,900 annee Shores $139,000 xW/S/P $199,900 ered Oaks $185,000 ct for Motorcross $200,000 1 REDUCED $199,640 ved Road fontage $267,000 IWY 129 $300,000 s, Close to River $330,000 Manatee Spgs $399,000 ved, Dev. Pot $567,000 P, Pole Barn $399,000 [Bs- I 1 2 3 % M 5 3 2 11- 8 15 14 13 12 11 www.HometownRealtyNF.com JL.LJLUIXLJJL-PL-XJL9 WWW %-JJLLa%-JLJLJL%-L" a no 1 -- -"' 7 -- -,- I .a mmwmsmmo I i -2 < t " Cnil CT4RI5T RT CONTY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 2006 JOB OPPORTUNITY: Heavy duty truck maintenance/plant main- tenance ,personnel with Cummings Diesel exp. Must have Class B CDL. Also, openings for driver for block truck w/ hydraulic boom, Class B CDL required. Retirement plan, paid vacation, competitive pay and a good working atmosphere. Apply in person at Bell Concrete Products, Hwy. 129 N, one mile N of Bell. 4tb,6-8-6-29 ONE DAY A WEEK HELP WANTED: Delivery route avail- able, Wednesday only. Would re- quire leaving Trenton office at 5 a.m., drive to and back from Calla- han, FL, deliveries in Bell, Trenton, and Newberry. Transportation pro- vided. Must have own ride to office. Serious inquiries only please. Apply in person, at 207 North Main Street, Trenton. Gilchrist Journal. tfnb,6-1 CNA, F/T, 11-7, join our family at Tri-County Nursing Home. Long term care experience preferred. Take advantage of sign on bonus and differentials, 7280 SW SR-26, Trenton. DFWP/EOE 2tb,6-22-6-29 RESIDENTIAL BRAND NEW mobile home located just inside Gilchrist Co. Would make great first home, taxes are low and a short drive to Gainesville & Newberry; 1240 Sq. Ft, 3BR, 2BA, lake access within walking distance. $89,900. Call William' Gillespie, 352-225-1921. #265611 'ROOM FOR KIDS & PETS in this completely updated 4BR, 2BA mobile home on 10 acres in Gilchrist County. Fenced area for horses. Deeded horse trails. Call Kim .Hill, 352-213-7235. $160,000. #266108 SECLUDED RIVERFRONT COMMUNITY. This 3BR, 3BA home is fully furnished & has access to private docks & boat ramp on the Suwannee River. Only 8 homes in Phase I, so buy today! Call Tony Boothby, 352-262-1159. 26+ SECLUDED ACRES includes 1700+ Sq. Ft. 3BR, 2BA, concrete block home, 6 acres fenced/cross-fenced pasture, 4-stall barn w/tack & feed rooms. Beautiful woods & Mins. to the river. Call Tony Boothby, 352-262-1159. $475,000. #265084 YOUR RURAL RETREAT! 40 rolling acres,,this delightful 4BR, 2BA sun-splashed country home offers rocking chair porch, cozy fireplace, big red barn & even your own private fishing hole. Call Lorraine Handler, 352-215-8922 or Debbie Zeller, 352-538-2857, $699,000. #263604 VACANT LAND READY TO BUILD or bring your new double wide! This lovely 1-acre lot is partially wooded & in a nice quiet gated community. Combine the peaceful country living with low Suwannee County taxes. Call Isabel Smith, 318-7829. $25,000. #266874 ENJOY COUNTRY LIVING on a secluded wooded lot across from Suwannee River at Riverside Estates. Low Suwannee Co. taxes in a quiet peaceful ,community! Call Isabel Smith, 318-7829. $35,000. #265874 HEAVILY WOODED 5 ACRES only one mile south of the Santa Fe River. Will allow mobile homes, minimum of 900 Sq. Ft. Call Martha Barnes, 386-454-3327 or 352-339-4069. $79,900. #261732 BEAUTIFUL 5 ACRE HOMESITE in homes only gated community. Located in Northern Gilchrist County, just a few miles away from the historic Suwannee River & the Santa Fe River. Come & relax in the country while keeping the city within reach. Call William Gillespie, 352-225-1921. $129,900. #260804 ROLLING 10 ACRES of lush pasture just waiting for you & your horses to relax in the country. Perfect to build or bring in a Manuf. home. Call William Gillespie, 352-225-1921. $135,000. #242576 YOUR OWN PONDEROSA! Lovely 10 acre parcel just outside High Springs. 'Cleared with some trees. Bring the horses & build your dream home or move in your manufactured home. Call Debbie Zeller, 352-538-2857. $139,900. #264203 38 ACRES RIVERFRONT HOMESTEAD! Ancient oaks, towering cypress, abundant wildlife & over 1000 Ft. of frontage on the Santa Fe River. Rustic cabin could become your weekend retreat! Call Tony Boothby, 352-262-1159. $570,000. #265790 "CLASSIFIEDSS CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. I Help Wanted I Help Wanted DRIVERS: Home every weekend! .41 loaded/.37 empty/.01 loaded miles tarp pay. Health, life, dental, 401k. Monthly bonuses. CDL-A; 1 year exp. Grayson Mitchell 1-800- 434-1882. FT-PT EXPERIENCED main- tenance man needed immediately. Also a Fr-PT experienced cook needed immediately. Apply within at the Lighthouse Restaurant. tfnb,1-27 Highway 441 North P.O. Box 520,Alachua (386) 462-4020 (352) 373-5511, Horizonrealty-realtors.com 2tb,6-22-6-29 VACANCIES. GILCHRIST COUNTY SCHOOLS, Coordinator, School Neighbor-' hood Accountability Board. District-Wide Minimum Qualifications: High School Diploma or equivalent and one year related' experience. Must have working knowledge of office procedures and Microsoft. Office applications (Word, Excel, Outlook). Excellent communication skills required. Preferred Qualifica- tions: AA/AS Degree or higher.. Previous experience working g \~ith community-based organizations. and/or la%% enforcement, legal, planning boards, or school systems is desirable This posiuon required completion of Office and Technical Skills Supplement Form available at District Office, or dow nload at: http:!'~ .. wgilchrrstschools. org'Emplovment'jobs.html Instructor, Physical Education Trenton Elementar\ School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Florida certification in Physical Education required. Instructor, ESE Bell Elementary School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Florida certi fiction co% ering ESE required. Instructor, Reading (Anticipated) District-Wide Bachelors Degree or higher from an - accredited institution and Florida teacher certification covering Read-' ing required. Instructor, Reading Bell Middle/High School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited inslitut'.n and Fli.rda certification covering Reading required. Speech/Language Pathologist (K-12) . District-wide Bachelor's Degree in Speech/ Language Pathology/Communica- tion Disorders from an accredited educational institution. Florida certification in Speech/Language Pathology and/or licensure in Speech/Language Pathology. School Psychologist District-wide Master s Degree.from an accredited institution. Certification covering School Psychology. Walford ,! if Realty, inc. Licensed Real Estate Broker P.O. Box 546 Bell, Florida 32619 386-935-0243 8 ACRES & HOME ON SUWANNEE RIVER complete with" separate bunkhouse, decks, floating dock, etc. It's located near Rock Bluff. Very private & secluded. You can't find a better opportunity on the river! $350,000. VERY NICE 3/2 C.B. HOME On 5 part clear part wooded acres in North Gilchrist County. Home is in great condition and in a good neighborhood. Only $225,000. SUWANNEE COUNTY- Nice 2 Bdrm, 1 i Bath Single-wide mobile home with large deck over looking Suwannee River. A beautiful view!! Near a great swimming spring & a nice area to live!! $199,500. THE RIVER PARADISE A large lot on the Econfina River 2 miles from the Gulf - in navigable waters. Includes a beautiful, large 4 bedroom/3 bath two story home. Super fishing & hunting area! Boat from your own paradise to the Gulf and you have it all. $685,000. 2 ACRES ON SUWANNEE at Charles Springs beautiful, wooded lot, buildable! $79,900. A NICE RIVER LOT on Suwannee River near Royal Springs nice area. $49,900. BEAUTIFUL WOODED 5 ACRES On county maintained road in north Gilchrist County. $68,900. 291.45 ACRES OF PRIME HUNTING LAND With a hunting lodge type house, lodge is complete with nice porches and a fireplace. Dog pen, rock quarry, fish pond and approximately 150 acres of planted pines. Awesome hunting of deer, wild hogs, turkey, etc. Good improved roads and trails throughout the property. Fronts on a paved road. $1,595,000. Just 8 miles out of Cross City. 247 ACRES Prime land on more than i mile of highway frontage in Suwannee Coun- ty. Nice 3/2 CB home, detached garage with upstairs apartment, 75 acres of pines, approx 160 acres in cropland, 3 wells & other amenities!! Fantastic development potential, cen- trally located to just about everything in North Central Florida. Shown by appointment only! $3,250,000. Can be developed into 5 acre tracts!! 34.61 ACRES IN CENTRAL SUWANNEE COUNTY Very nice piece of land on a paved road, surveyed and platted into 3 pieces if you need it subdivided, can be four pieces, mostly open with some nice trees. $485,000. 4 ACRES OFA NICE WOODED TRACT Good trees!! Central Suwannee County. $49,500. 5 BEAUTIFUL WOODED ACRES With well, septic, power and completely loaded with deer. Backs up to large protected lands. Fenced, county maintained road. Convenient to Chiefland. Plenty of privacy. $129,900. 5 ACRES IN NORTH GILCHRIST COUNTY Nice wooded 5 acre tract of property - private & secluded. Must see to believe! $75,000. LOT IN LEVY COUNTY Near Willistori on SR 121. Only $23,900. 18 ACRES IN SOUTH SUWANNEE COUNTY Partly open and many nice trees. A great location!! $180,000. CONVENIENCE STORE / MECHANICS GARAGES 1 acre zoned commercial/in- dustrial with lots of frontage on Highway 90 east in Lake City, Florida. Many amenities and lots of square feet of buildings to use your entrepreneurial skills and make this going business grow even more. Only $375,000. Owner Motivated !! NICE WOODED LOT NEAR SANTA FE RIVER & BOAT RAMP can be yours for $19,900. Some owner financing available to a qualified buyer. For more information and pictures of these and other properties listed Visit our website at www.wolfordrealty.com [Help Wanted | Instructor, Math, Middle Grades (Anticipated). : Bell Middle/High School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Florida certification covering Middle Grades Math required. Media Clerk Trenton MiddleiHigh School Minimum Qualifications: High School Diploma or equivalent, and one year experience in office and/or library services. Preferred .Qualifications:' AA/AS Degree and one year experience; or High School and three years experience,. Must have working knowledge of office and/or LibrarN pr~xedures and Microsoft Office applications (Woid, Excel, Outlook). Excellent communication skills required. This position required completion of Office and Technical Skills Supple- ment Form available at District Office,' or dob\ nload at: http.'/uw . gilchristichools.org/Emplo menL' jobs himl Secretary Bell Middle/High School Minimum Qualifications: High School Diploma or equi% talent and one year e\penence Preferred Qualifications .AA.AS Degree and one year experience. or Higbl School and fi e \ ears experience. Must have working knowledge of office procedures and Microsoft Office applicaLions I Word. Excel, Outlook.). Excellent communica- tion skills required. This position required completion of Office and Technical Skills Supplement Form available' at District Office, or. download at: http I// gilchnst- schools.prg/Employment/jobs.html Must have working knowledge of office procedures and Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, Outlook). Excellent communication skills required. Fiscal Clerk/Receptionist (Anticipated) District Office Minimum Qu-alifications: High School Diplonma or equivalent and one year experience in a profes- sional office environment. Must have working knowledge of office procedures and Microsoft Of- fice applications (Word, Excel, Outlook). Excellent communication skills required. Preferred Qualifica- tions: AA/AS Degree and one year experience; or High School and. three years experience. This posi- tion required completion of Office and Technical Skills Supplement Form available at District Office, or download,at: http://www.gilchrist- schools.org/Employment/jobs.html 6L. REALTY-.a IMMACULATE! Well-kept 3BR/2BA 1990 SWMH on beautiful 5-acre corner lot! Home fronts lTWO county maintained roads, nice wood decks on the front and back of home, minutes to the Suwannee River and Otter Springs! Live in while you build or use as a rental! $129,900 MLS#752575 GORGEOUS HOME on 2 ACRES in deed restricted community. 4BR/3BA with in- ground vinyl pool, security system, pole barn, 1-car attached garage, outdoor kitchen, lanai and more! REDUCED-MOTIVATED SELLERS! $365,000 MLS#750683 VIRTUAL TOUR HOME SWEET HOME Beautiful 3BR/2BA Brick home on 10 acres! Spacious living room with fireplace & tray ceilings, formal dining room, kitchen has stainless steel appliances & Cherry Wood cabinets... a must see hnme! $465.00 M LS#752194 BUSINESS COIN OPERATED LAUNDRO- MAT FOR SALE: All equipment included. $12,000 obo. Call 352- 215-3509. 4tb,6-15-7-6 %WantTo Rent LOOKING TO RENT: 3 BR/2 BA garage or storage, good water, central H&A, Bell or Branford area. Need by July 21! (941) 966-3663 or cell (941) 223-1786. Instructor/Coordinator, Health Occupations Bell Middle/High School Bachelors Degree. or higher in Nursing from an accredited institution, or RN and 6 years experience required. Instructional experience preferred. Substitute Teachers High School Diploma, or Equiva- lent. Contact the District Office for' an application and more informa- Stion. Highly Qualified Substitute Teacher Pool We are accepting applications for our Highly Qualified Substitute Teacher Pool. Qualifications. Bachelor's Degree or higher with a current or former teaching certificate in a core subject area Once approved, highly qualified substitutes would d be eligible for substituting at $130 a da. in pre- appro% ed situations %% here there is a long-term absence in a core subject :area All other daily\ substituting . would be at current daily rates Contact the District Office for at i application and more information. Bus Driver Trainees; Substitute Bus Drivers. High School Diploma. 40 hours of in-ser ice training "ill be proc ided, for qualified applicants. Flexible traminig hours. Part of the training prepares trainees for the drner por- tion of the Class B Flonda CDL. For information or questions, con- tact the Transportation Department .t (352,1 463-3230 -Obtain and submit application to: Gilchrist County School District. S. 310 NW 11th Avenue, Trenton, FL 32693 (352) 463-3200. Application may be downloaded at: tu % .gilchristschools orgPerson- nel.htm#Application Attach a resume add any additional information as necessarN All applications.\. ill be screened Not all applicant's ill be inter\ le\ed / Applicatonss "ill be accepted until positions are filled. EEO/Drug Free Workplace - wwvw.GilchristSphools.org .. ltb,6-29 D. Deen Lancaster LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER 510 E. WADE STREET TRENTON, FL 32693 Visit us online at. www.lancasterrealty.biz LOOKING FOR VACANT LAND? ARCHER: * 1 AC. $25,000 MLS 752318 * 1AC.$25,000 MLS 752319 * 1 AC. $25,000 MLS 752320 * 1 AC. $25,000 MLS 752322 * 1 AC. $28,000 MLS 752075 * 1.01 AC. $29,000 MLS 752077 L * 1.25 AC. $29,000 MLS 752317 BELL: g + 10 AC. $137,500 MLS 751073 h * 10 AC. $128,500 MLS 751023 * 8.95 AC. $109,900 MLS 752046 * .51 AC. $12,500 MLS 751020 BRONSON: * 1.25,AC.$25,000 MLS750913 CHIEFLAND: * .20 AC. $17,500 MLS 750745 * .20 AC. $17,500 MLS 750747 * .88 AC. $42,500 MLS 751895 * 3.16'AC. $65,000 MLS 750989 * 4.65 AC. $85,000 MLS 750972 * 4.80 AC. $85,000 MLS 751902 OLD TOWN: y * .23 AC. $20,000 MLS 751052 b * 2.43 AC. $51,900 MLS 752218 * 2.44 AC. MOL $39,900 MLS 752805 * 2.44 AC. $42,000 MLS 750299 * 2.44 AC. $42,000 MLS 750300 * 2.91 AC. $45,000 MLS 752656 * 3.00 AC. $55,000 MLS 752141 * 3.05 AC. $45,000 MLS 752428 * 5.00 AC. $70,000 MLS 751624 TRENTON: * .34 AC. $35,000 MLS 751394 " * .46 AC. $39,999 MLS 751922 * .46AC.$39,999 MLS 751934 * 4.00 AC. $115,000 MLS 752292 * 5.01 AC.$175,000 MLS752714 * 9.63AC. $154,500 MLS751481 * 10 AC. $180,000 MLS 751443 * 10.70 AC. $165,000 MLS 752418 * 20 AC. $275,000 MLS 751800 * 23.72 AC. $296,500 MLS 751307 * 78.80 AC. $1,680,000 MLS 751204 E AEA VO A A VACANT LND AVAIABLE FO SITE BILT HOME, MOBIL HOMES ND SUBDVISIONS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^VISIT OUR WEBSITE TODAY AT^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Www^^aKia~mstserreatvmwwz^^^^^^^^^^^ D. Deen Lancaster, Lic. Real Estate Broker Rustle Ames, Lic. Real Estate Associate Susan Lovelace, Lic. Real Estate Associate Johnnie Martin, Lic. Real Estate Associate .OCATIONI LOVELY 3BR/2BA 1999 DWMH on 10 acres with pines in a reat location! Set back off of a.paved Highway, get the look and feel of a log cabin with this gem! $199.900 MLS# 752081 FABULOUS 4BR/2BA home on lovely 5 acre tract! 3308 total square footage, private gated community only 5 miles from Trenton! Bring aur horses! Board fencing along the front, 2 full baths and a powderroom off the nook! Under contract, BACKUP CONTRACTS WANTED!I $379,900 MLS# 750191 UNIQUE HOME on the Suwannee River! 10 gorgeous acres with 5BR/2BA home! Ideal summer get-away! $595,000 MLS# 749514 VIRTUAL TOUR REALTOR' MEBR FTH ULIL ITNGSRVC ND:BORD O.REATORSFOR IXI,- ILHIS A'-EY STI r---e-I-p-.Wanted I[ ,Hii w I (Very nice fenced and cleared 1 acre lot, just minutes north of? Bell. Well, septic and power ready for your mobile, manufac- tured or site built home. $29,000 MLS#242574 Complete privacy on 5.5 wooded acres. One of a kind 3BR 2BA very bright and open floor plan. All ceramic tile-floors,, fireplace and large master suite. In-ground heated pool with screen enclosure and open patio. Jonesville area. $289.000 MLS#262436 Beautifully wooded 1+ acre lot just north of Bell. Perfect for ' site-built, manufactured or mobile homes. Just reduced $29,900 MLS #242561 .92 acres of Santa Fe riverfront, absolute one of a kind property, less than 1 mile to High'Springs and walk to O'Leno State Park. $89,900 MLS#'s 241833, 241834 & 241837 Suwannee Rivers Best! 235 feet of cleared & bulkheaded riverfront on 2.5 acres with well, septic & power. Best vie%\ on the river and only 22 miles to the Gulf. $399,000 MLS#261016 31.3 beautiful acres located in White Springs. Property has a mixture of hardwoods & pasture which fronts 1-75 R/W. Additional 25 acres available. $269,000 MLS #235609 Enjoy the view from the front deck of this 4BR 3BA DWMH with detached workshop in Newberry on 2.5 fenced acres. Home' -has new oak cabinets, appliances, countertops and carpeting. $149,900 MLS#260502 Secluded yet convenient to High Springs. 21 acres of scattered oaks and pines close to Ginnie, Blue & Poe Springs. Additional 21 acres and owner financing available. $260,000 MLS#260330 Fage sixteen L-) 1,4 A JL J %,j %-j JL--I'q Z-3, - ---------- 1 L. Frank Grant Realty L. Frank Grant LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER 216-A N. Main St., Trenton, FL 32693 : 352-463-2817 FAX (352) 463-2479 o .". lfgr@bellsouth.net We List To Sell! MLSi 620 NE 5TH AVE TRENTON :3BR/ 2BA D/W Mobile Home-Several storage buildings- landscaped -carport. MLS #752719-Priced $149,900. '608 NE 5TH AVE TRENTON i U. .. ........ "-; 3BR/2BA S/\V Nloblie Home carport- fenced 2 lots For additional information on our listings and virtual tours. Visit our website at www.lfrankgrant.com East Side or Gilchrist County 3 ac tract plus four (4) 5 ac tracts w/planted pines on Co. Grade Rd. Priced at $90,000 each. MLS#750923-750927 Lil Lake City NW 60th Street 9.2 ac Planted Pines, MLS#749600 Reduced $125,000. 10 AC off Santa Fe on 95th PL. 4" well-cross fenced-ready for horse or ne\\ home. MLS#749774 Reduced $135,000. <. 2-5 ACRES OFF NW- 55' AYV" ' First one is planted'pines about 20 yrs old MLS#751145" Second one has scattered oaks MLS#752877 COMMERCIAL LOT US HWY 129 FRONTAGE MLS#749499 Price $100,000. I n a -t - I I Real Estate MOBILE HOME ON2.5ACRES: 3 BR/2 BA doublewide, big garage, partly furnished, $65,000. 386-935- 3837. 2tb,6-29-7-6 MUST SELL: 3 BR/1 BA frame house on 1/2 acre, $90,000 obo. Needs work. Call 352-486-6868. Jim King Realty, Inc. Realtor s Main Office (352) 493-2221 315 N. Main Street (US-19), Chiefland, FL 32626 Fanning Springs Branch Office (352) 463-6144 or 542-0009 O^ 17871 U.S. Hwy. 19, Fanning Springs, FL 32693 SSuwahnee Branch Office (352) 542-9007 U 23382 SE 349 Hwy., Suwannee, FL32692 OPPORTUNITY office@jimkingrealty.com or www.jimkingrealty.com REALTOR* Beautiful 20 acres with Frame Home, 2 Barns. Ti i5 a j erv nice Property on praed oiad M,:.l4 ul the pwtpert\ is in Pj.riur c (pp[o. 17 5 .c I Balance Wooded and would make .i .ril t Home site. This is a MUST SEE PROPERTY! $320,000. (LR-751824-K)352-493-2221. Very nice and clean 3/2 home with a nice yard. This property includes a shed with the tools to maintain your new yard included. Located on a paved road that is close to local schools and not too far from Gainesville. $105,000. (LMH-752072-MKH) 352-493-2221 . - w e a liaB 'I "" " DEEP FRESH ER CANAL W1 NEW PARK MODEL' in Suarirnc' Bnght, beautiful newer home away from home just waiting for you! This custom designed 1 BR / 1 BA has a lovely, .cr) fuciion.rl, iniriori design w/built in electric fireplace, stereo system w/speakers in & out, skylights, 2 tv's, sleeper sofa,, bay window, marble window sills, enclosed, covered, screened deck, & everything you need for vacation comfort! It also has a large storage shed, polebarn w/ cement slab & vinyl seawall. Located just minutes to the Suwannee River and the Gulf. This is a "ready to move in" and just start having fun hideaway! $270,000. (DW- 752026-JH) 352-542-9007 Chiellaad 3/3, CBS Hime on li) at rcs, p.i.d ?oad Fenced & cr; o tfenced pairuc 3 sepnc d...r,:.,4" A ells, i,,ckcd frih pound Heme hj ,.er 2.'l:ift q hf of he.jkd living area Tub, ar garage has been cnoscncdi inio game ro. ari iih .b.ih. could i.c uscd is 4th bedroo:'m Two large birrm's ith pler o1 rtii'om lfr ainimils Worlthosp Aiih A'C Co.ertnicri10 Chicil.iind - quide .o)uinr. ling, prily minriule ,:, v h:,n $349,900. (LR-751551-D) 352-493-2221. JUST REDUCED! MrI'TIVATED BLUDERI Spec home nearly complete in a Golf Course Com munirty' New custom, built home' under constmnii,,n im children friendly neighborhood Spacious splil floor plan nllh 2 car garage Large master suite. Offered at $197,500. (LR-751312) 352-493-2221 PjDULICED' Ni ic .dc.,ut.leodeoa u ai j r., c Ivnr i a quiet neighborhood. Home has several decks & screened porch. There is a detached carport with a workshop and/or storage area. Property contains two lots, so there is room to grow. $74,500. (LMH-751561-MKH) 352-493-2221 Call Our Office For More Listings! L. Frank Grant Realty L. Frank Grant LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER 216-A N. Main St., Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-2817 FAX (352) 463-2479 EO PRM lfgr@bellsouth.net We List To Sell! 620 NE 5TH AVE TRENTON , 3BR/ 2BAD/W Mobile Home-Several storage buildings- landscaped-carport. MLS #752719 Priced $149,900. 608 NE 5TH AVE TRENTON 3BR/2BA S/W Moblie Home carport- fenced 2 lots. MLS#752792 Priced $75,000. For additional information on our listings and virtual tours. Visit our website at www.lfrankgrant.com East Side of Gilchrist County 3 ac tract plus four (4) 5 ac tracts w/plantedipines on Co. Grade Rd. Priced at $90,000 each. MLS#750923-750927 Lil Lake City NW 60th Street 9.2 ac Planted Pines, MLS#749600 Reduced $125,000. 10 AC off Santa Fe on 95th PL 4" well-cross fenced-ready for horse or new home. MLS#749774 Reduced $135,000. 2-5 ACRES OFF NW 55 AVE First oqe is planted pines about 20 yrs old MLS#751145 Second one has scattered oaks MLS#752877 COMMERCIAL LOT US HWY 129 FRONTAGE MLS#749499 Price $100,000. 2- ACRE OF W55AE GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL CLAS-S.I FIEDS L CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. A SForRent SWMH FOR RENTi 2 BR/1 BA, lake-front property. Fenced yard, $430/month, first, last and secu- rity required. Available August 1st. (352) 463-8316. ltb,6-29 3BD/2BA 2CG on 5'acies, Trenton. Exc. quality, 3,000 sq. ft. Masonry/ stucco. Split BD plan, vaulted ceil- ings. Master suite with walk-in clos- et,. bath with jet tub, shower, Lg. kitchen w/maple cabinets, stainless steel appliances. Laundry (w&d), pantry, breakfast nook, family room, formal dining, private living. Wood & tile floors. Landscape/irrigation, $395,000. Call 352-816-0846. 8tp. 5-25-7-13 SReal Estate FORSALE- Retail storefront prop- erty in downtown Trenton. Three buildings on Main Street.. Call 352- 463-7135. tfn,6-30 Buy or sell or boih Call TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY 352,463"8340 . P. 0.Box 8, Bell, Florida 32619 ICrcal[\,'bellsoulh nelt www.TownandCountryRealty Online.com Dixie-Gilchrist-Levy Board of Realtors and 'Multiple Listing Service. : tfnb,2-20 Vinyl Letters Banners Real Estate Signs Printing Advertising Office Supplies- Page Seventeen Lead Carpenter Foreman, Experienced Career opportunity for qualified person. Established company over 30 years in business. Benefits. Call Now! 463-9060 Trenton I & lApartments or Rent 718 NE 7th Place #905 Trenton, FL 32693 Now Accepting Applications 1, 2, & 3 BR HC & Non-HC apartments. Reiial assistance may be available. 352-463-7106, TDD/TTY 711 Equal Housing Opportunity. Smith & Associates, G ',Ar www.bsgmac.com' G "I. "" . M1wifl Brad Smith Licensed Real Estate Broker On acul-de-sac! 3/2; 1352 SF, 7.48AC Pole barn, partial fencing, & planted pines. Call for financing terms. - RebeccA Wodin, Rtali.r (352) 494-8233 Lillian Estates! 3/2.5; 1657 SF, 2AC New Home! Stone work, cedar beams, ' upgraded appliances & features. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 Plentiful Wildlife! 4/3; 2356 SF; 14.19 AC Spacious home; Ig master suite, fireplace; plus a covered deck.' Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 Al- ~ l ,ueCi l'T'ic LuCl (, l'lrrri li ,.',t. ,ruF Main house is a must see! Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 Brick Fireplace! 3/2; 1572 SF, 0.82 AC Central vacuum, screened porch, & II landscaped. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 , Uniquely Built! 3/2; 1908 SF, 10 AC Energy eff, so'j v ..',el p'-.l -,I. 1 septics, 2 cidl I, t iFL E Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770. Automotive Business. 4800 SF, 0.74 AC Very clean... 7 bays, 4 lifts, office, lounge,, . I waiting area, & more! Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 view tne uwannee! 3/2; I J13U 5 U.3 AU Panoramic view w/ 1l' windows & balconies. On a lovely paved street. TerriAnderson, Realtor (352) 356-1961 0.09 Old Town $12,000 P r-cr c a i; i m p inL 1' It ll Trlnl..n 12,000 L and in fCici chcirk .l di.nri.ic' 0.11 : Suwannee $250,000 '..i r-iOr D.:.L i, .:i lifi .11 Suw, .annec .$05,0rni '.'I, .l' ie Gull 0.11 Suwannee $295,000 "''j. erfi.:.t i ultf ir,1 i u.23. Co icir~ S12,500 Price Reduced' In'e Ic.:l.e 0.23 Trenton '$34,900 Clo:e io ,hoo 'l hicppin, & ic .c 0.24 Trenion S19.900 Nice pmariall\ cleared 0.20o SuM.annee $650,000 Salt water, breathtaking view. ,0.31 Chiefland $39,500" Special zoning 0.35' Cro.sCi0 0 $14.500 Price Reduced! Ino, e :i to od Tre.inIunCIr, tLinil, 0 41 Trentln S39,.unq Muli-n.Re:niitnil zoningF porennril A.48 Trnit.n if)20,10i * .1M18- .., .. .i rTc n ten s.",i"u)n' ' Trenr.'.n C.r, L.mr,: 0.5 BAll $20,0i)0 u. ,ir.nec a,, crfi'c.nr 0.5 Suwannee $85,000 .1und.. r'. Cirrip 0.5 iun"annec $85,000 Mundens Camp. 0.54n Other $150,000 Waterfront, deed restricted. 0.6o Fanning Springi $35,000 ilI rOC[ id.. .ubdi :l.,, 0 Tren.nr $18,000 it-' ir a ,, rc.., \5 ..'C.d d , 0.7 Trenton $24,900 Few minutes to Suwannee. 0.8 Old Town $185,000 Suwannee waterfront. . 1 Bell $27,000 Wooded, near Suwannee River. 1.15 Old Town $120,000' Suwannee River waterfront. 1.25 Fanning Springs $24,900 Great homesite 1.35, Bell $19,900 3 parcels - 1.84 Suwannee .$300,000 Creekside Estates. Dividable. 1.85 Old Town $39,900 Planted pines, paved road. 2 Chiefland $46,000 High & dry. Close to paved rd, I 2.5 Bell $85,000 Well/septic/power, & plane hanger. 2.64 Old Town $60,000 Florida Oak Forest, cleared 4.75 Trenton $85,000 Cleared and ready. 4.77 Bell $85,000 Deed restricted Parrish Estates. 4.77 Bell $85,000 Deed restricted Parrish Estates. 4.96 Old Town $75,000 Price Reduced! Indian Oaks. 5 Old Town $67,500 Majestic oaks and other hardwoods. 5 Bell $69,900 Partial clearing, mature oaks. 5 Old Town $75,000 D .ed rc. i t.:, :.m ie: .il, , 5 Old rT..n $75,000 Deed restricted homes only: 5 Bell $79,900 Paved road, surveyed, cleared. 5 : .Trenton $85,000 Deed restricted homes only.. , 5 Bell $85,000 Deed restricted Pacers Place. ' 5 Trenton $85,000 Beautiful with mature oaks. 5 Bell $85,000 Deed restricted Trotters Rest. 5 Bell $85,000 Deed restricted Trotters Rest. : 5 Bell $85,000 Flying Harness Farms. 5 Trenton $89,900 Deed restricted homes only. 5 Trenton $98,500 Well, septic, power.. 5 Chlielland 5 5125,u0.i 5 N>ItDL.rri l12.I00 Pl r-,cd pine H.:.nm -ie *:-r *n cI;i .5 BMIl S314'),qri Commercial Property. 1 - 5.43 Chiefland $79,900 .u i c.Tpi,,ed i.Cd 584 Old T,. in 8'.6001 -, it.:,l|, H- uTnl,,CFk _~,i i ,on 8.18 Chicnand 5129.'00 Paved road, natural hardwoods. 9.62 Bell -$149,900 Deed restricted Trotters Rest. 9.62 Bell" $149,900 Deed restricted Pacers Place. . 9.63 Chiefland $ .220000 Investment, multi-residential 10 o Trenton $75,000 Wooded acreage. 10 Bell. $125,000 S ,i ic ll i te ofoe 10 Trenton s12?.'it.ij Cunrcnl% be;ne u ed, 6rKul-url 10 Trengon il25.":00 Cunrcall, bhcmg uad c : agrulru-l 10 Trentun sl25.'i.. 1 14m4...... Frrnion S 12').i.i \.tl :cpui: r ,nd pc.,cr 10 Trrenon 150,0uiil O.De-d ie icm.eil homec .nci, 10. Chicnfand S150,000 1i.., off H<., '" 10 Chiefland $169,900 % %ell .ep,,n andp..,'er S 10 Chiefland $195,000 &r!J.l I,.don gifciu fo'd ' 10.2o ChieCland $149,900 Dced rct riIc.i hoT- .ni 11.36 Bell S15',q900u cldl .npon er t.irr, -. p.:le bm. S 11.59 Bcll Sl2 9,ti0i .Vi'lJlle and good ,:.rmmiru r, - 12.78 Cedar Kei $1,500,000 i .n PA c..il, C re l. 14.22 Bell $1"1,900 Borders Gilchrist Hunt Club. 14.84 Bell $222,600 Private, mature oaks. 14.97 Bell $172,500 Close to springs. 14.97 Bell $172,500 Close to springs. 15 1 Bell $480,000 One block from Main Street. 20 Bell $199,900 Will divide. 20 Bell $199,900 Cleared and secluded. 21 'Chiefland $299,900 8 10 year old planted pines. 21 Bell $420,000 Waterfront, deed restricted. 25 Trenton $300,000 Rollihg pasture .with trees. 35.4 Bell $442,500 Near the Suwannee River. 39,. Williston $975,000 Paved rd, acreage surrounding. 40 Bell $480,000 Great planted pines investment. 40 Trenton $500,000 Currently being used as ag. 54.2 Chiefland $1,044,000 Sportsman's paradise. . 55.91 Williston $1,627,500 Oaks, hay fields, stocked pond. 55.91 I Williston $1,627,500 Hay fields, adj. 50 acres avail. 64 Chiefland $640,000 Partially cleared, wooded 70 Trenton $770,000 Planted pines ready. Home or invest. 80 Chiefland $799,600 Borders Andrews Preserve. 160 Trenton $1,700,000 Will divide into 10, 40, or 80 acre. 53.09 Bell $530,900 Development potential. 55 Trenton $850,000 Development potential. 61.59 Trenton $1,450,000 Investment, 2 acre divide 154 -Bell $2,618,000 Development potential. Plas v sitbsm c* o I,,, Proudly serving Gilchrist, Dixie, Levy, and Marion Counties. Exclusively Offered by Your GMAC Team R P RE MIER SERVICE E r Connecting 'i b >o- . A web site offered to our clients which serves as an. . A web site offered to our clients which serves as an Smith & Associates, Inc. will commit to quality service in writing! interactive community forum for posting calendars, yard sales, recipes, & much mfore Call for details It's an approach that's earned GMAC a remarkable 94% Customer and join in the fun! & Satisfaction Rating the best in the real estate industry. 10 SW 7th Street 605 N. Main Street 934 E. Wade Street 27888 US Hwy-19 Hwy-349 South Williston, FL 32696 Chiefland, FL 32626 Trenton, FL 32693 Old Town, FL 32680 Suwannee, FL 32692 352-529-0010 352-493-4200 352-463-7770 352-542-1111 352-542-1212 ______________________ k--- ^--------^ .T-TI TR PThAY U INE 2.2006AA RealEstate. 1 ACRE BELLAREA: Beautifully wooded, high & dry, owner financ- ing, no down payment. Only $307/ month, $29,900. (352) 215-1018.: 4tb,6-8-6-29 G2m, Don Thomas Lorene Thomas Realty, Inc. Sales Assocate Highway 19/98, P. 0. Box 1653 Old Town, Florida 32680 , Business (352) 542-8568 Fax (352) 542-8566 Cell (352) 221-5422 e-mail: RealtyThomas@aol.com Each office is Independently Owned and Operated . 752580 s 105,900 749M66 S132,500 PTq Pe i htprUl n Rod Smith Announces Gilchrist County Campaign Team (Continued from Page One) .ated from the public schools in Palm Beach County and then earned a BA from the Univer- sity of Tulsa and a law degree from the University of Florida. He and his wife Dee Dee have been married 23 years and live in Alachua. As a two-term State Attorney. from the Gainesville area, Smith successfully prosecuted some of Florida's most dangerous crimi- nals, including the Gainesville student murderer. He also led ef- forts to protect the environment by creating one of Florida's first environmental crime task force- units. And he has been a leader in strengthening Florida's war against crime, establishing one of the state's first special prose- cution units devoted exclusively to prosecuting crimes against women and children. , According to Sheriff Turner, "Rod is- a tough old prosecutor who won't back down from a good fight. He will do very well in our community." "I am honored to have the sup- port of such distinguished lead- ers," said Sen. Smith. "Having Sales Dept. Open Mon.-Fri. 8 to 7; Sat. 9 to 4; Closed Sunday Body Shop Open Mon.-Fri. 7:30 to 5 Service Dept. Open Mon.-Fri. 7:30 to 5 24 Hour Towing Call 493-7061 352-493-4263 *All prices include all GM rebates + 1999 or newer trade-in, plus tax, title and license fees. Mileage based on EPA estimates. Dave and Donna Swain are shown with a tremendous catch of Halibut they were involved with while fishing with North Country Charters.in Homer, Alaska. The Swains now re- side in Fort Payne, Alabama. lived in and represented North Florida for so many years, I understand the issues, I share their values and as Governor I will work to preserve their way of life." Others serving on the local campaign steering committee include School Board member Lois Fletcher, community lead- ers Don and Marianne Bennick, Doug and Michelle Crawford, Howell Lancaster, and Ray Earl Thomas, Jr. The Democratic primary elec- tion will be held September 5th. irfo',,rodsmith 2006.corr, 33 Years Service to the Tri-County Communities SE TnninCOUhTYAh.O iR rEAnm wwmw scoaannnic/hoivuick/ nmr 1424 North Youna Blvd., Chiefland Trenton Rotary Welcomes The Director Of Public Safety Robert Willis As Their Special Guest (Continued from Page One) firehouses around Gilchrist ,County have had their names 'replaced by numbers to ensure 'unification statewide. Recently 'the State Fire Marshall changed the requirements for firefighters from a 40-hour class to a 21C hour class with a certification test. Luckily this increased requirement has not hindered local citizens from enrolling in the volunteer firefighter prograrr with Gilchrist County. Since December they ,have had two fire classes completed under these new requirements. These requirements make the duties our firefighters undertake safer and ensure their knowledge in this very dangerous field. Our EMS unit has three trucks now and plans are in the process to increase the level of service they are able to pro\ ide. Animal Control has added a second full time Officer to manage animal control issues within our county And currently the 911 phase two compliance system is being in- stalled which will provide better '07s Are on the Way! ,All In Stock Units Must Go! S 2006 Chevy Cobalt 4 Dr. LS 32 Hwy. 24 City - [L PRICE - , Cobalts In Stack 2005 Malibu Maxx LS 30 Hwy. 22 City CONTINUISI #1210 SPECIAL PRICE 2006 Chevy L Aveo LS 4 Dr. -i 54 Hwy. 24 City 11 495* OR 198/MO."* **72 mos. @ 7.5% APR with approved credit. S11 Aveo in Stock! AM ERI SPECIAL PRICE - $17,89 ; 6- Maiblus #571 In StOC 2006 Chevy Monte Carlo . 31 Hwy. 21 City SPECIAL PRICE - $9395* 3 Monte 8Ca39 3rlos #1032 11 3 InStacki 2006 Chevy Impala LT 31 Hwy. 21 city SPECIAL PRICE - #1091 4 mpalas #1o912 r "99 5 "*Axonrck GMf R-VOBUION it s e y i s r s r service to citizens calling from their homes, businesses and cell phones. With the population growth that Gilchrist County has expe- rienced over the past five years at 27%, plans are being made to ensure the county is able to an- swer emergency calls from our r current citizens and the expected continued population growth. The Emergency Operation Sta- tion which will be built along SR 1.29 in North Bell will house a fire station, EMS unit, helicop- ter pad, and EOC. A 2nd EMS unit is being planned for North Trenton near the fire tower. Most of these improvements are being made at no cost to the county by way of various grants to pay for much needed emer- gency services. In the future we may see some costs involved with the need for full time fire- fighters; however, some ideas on the table involve cross training firefighters as paramedics. The Department of Public Safety is also planning ways to help prevent emergencies before they happen by offering services such as home checks to find possible fire hazards; and health check services to try to present the need for a paramedic. In the end we have a strong team that has progress in motion and the momentum to keep the county going forward and keeping up with the technology to ensure our citizens a safer tomorrow. Trenton Gives Letter Of Support To Ameris Health System The Trenton City Commis- sion was addressed by Frank Schupp of Ameris Health Sys- tems, LLC Monday evening during .the council's monthly meeting. The hospital represen- tative thanked the board for supporting the Tri-County Hos- pital 2 years ago and explained that Ameris Health Systems has filed an application with the State of Florida in April of this year for a Certificate of Need for up to a 100-bed hospital to, be built in Chiefland. Schupp told the board that several things are different now than what occurred in the first CON application. Ameris Corporation, LLC is now the applicant with financial assets that can build the hospi- tal. The corporation has hired a professional consulting firm that is experienced in dealing with the details involving a CON for a hospital. He also explained that Shands Hospital is still in support of the Tri-County hospi- tal application. Schupp told the board that representatives from North Florida Regional Hospital in Gainesville would not return his calls. The hospital representative explained that a decision is ex- pected to be made by the State of Florida on December 15, 2006. Schupp asked, the Com- mission if the community could also assist in holding a support meeting later on to bring the communities together to support this CON application. The board unanimously agreed to provide a letter of support to Ameris Health Sys- tems, LLC in support of the Tri- County Hospital. Mumps Outbreak Raises A Reminder Of The Importance Of Immunizations By Melissa Ross In the wake of a recent mumps *outbreak, health officials and insurers across the Sunshine State are working to raise awareness about the importance of keeping immunizations up- to-date. The viral illness, which first cropped up in the Midwest, has apparently reached Florida. In late April, a 49-year-old Nassau County woman reported symptoms of the disease. It's believed she contracted it while visiting Iowa, the source of the outbreak. Mumps is considered to be a mild viral illness, but it can cause severe side effects in about 10 percent of those infected. Potential complications include encephalitis, or swelling in the brain, and in male patients, inflammation of the testes, which in rare cases can lead to infertility. The Florida woman who' reported mumps-like symptoms Works in nearby Georgia as an employee of a high school near: the Florida-Georgia state line. Two doses of the mumps vaccine are considered to be roughly 80 to 90o effecnre in' protecting the patient from the: disease. But e% en though the remaining 10 to 20) of those bho've had the shots can still get mumps. health care pro\ iders still see the outbreak as a tnmel. reminder of the' importance of keeping current with immunizations. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida. for example. says it takes a proactive role . in encouraging its patient population to remember vaccinations, sending monthly mailers targeting newborns and adolescents to all HMO members. The company also has a contract with Florida's State Health Department that accesses their online immunization registry. ' "We recognize the importance of immunizations to the health of the individual child as well as the community overall," says Marion Allen, Clinical Quality Improvement Specialist for the insurer. Meantinie, health officials say the mumps strain criss-crossing the country is similar to one affecting the United Kingdom since 2004. That country reports more than 70,000 mumps cases, affecting mostly unvaccinated young adults. In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports more than 1,300 suspected or confirmed cases, mostly in Iowa and other Midwestern states. The Florida Department of Health is urging all residents to review their vaccine records to make sure their shots and those of their children are current. We are continually faced by great opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble prob- lems.--Lee Iococca Vinyl Letters Banners Real Estate Signs (fidc241 Souiual Printing Advertising Office Supplies R amma r samerlow OF ans-e arama usur c Last '97 Ford '05 Chevy '96 Chevy '05 Chevy '91 Jeep Mustang Impala Corvette Cavalier Cherokee #1065A #1114A #947A 30K Miles-#1167P 66K Miles- #861A $6,995' $12,495* $14,995* $10,885* $2,995* '04 Dodge '04 Dodge '03 Chevy '05 Pontiac '02 Ford Neon SXT Neon Cavalier Grand Am Explorer #581A #614A #1017B 28K Miles #1158P 59K M;les #1089B $8,995* $'8995* $,995s* $13,695* $17,295 '04 Chevy '02 Saturn '01 Chrysler '05 Chevy '02 Chevy Impala L200 Town & Country Malibu Suburban LS, #933A #853P #852P 30KMiles-#1166P 4WD-#1187A $9,995* *9 495* 11,995* 12,795*$19995* *j-fa'It- s1 5 -19,995 rilgO -P-lgllLCVII LXJLIj JL I-j 1 1% X X i %-.f %-) XNU q I IA- used Vehicles Needed we WHI Give vou rop For vour.rrade! I l vv vv VV.av.Fj!JU 11104.1 lcvygiu lt;K.L;ul 11 GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 2006 I Franklin Martin stopped by the Journal to share a mush- room that he had found in his cow pasture last week. This mushroom, with a piece broken off, weighed 9.5 pounds. He explained this was the largest mushroom that he had ever seen. It was growing from a bag of hayledge in a shady moist area. This is also the largest mushroom that the Journal staff has ever seen. in |