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Serving Gilchrist County and Surrounding Area for over 75 Years TPhone (352) 463-7135*Fax (352) 463-7393 $ T200 )A Ye. irTr,.coun t )AreG ,I-,r,,q Vol. 76 No. 09 Phone 3Trenton Florida 32693 Thursday, June 15. 2006 Price( Di 50L .. ,. co t4oomher Area, gilchristjournal@bellsouth.ne Of Florida, $28.00 Out Of State The John Rance Thomas Family Is Honored As Gilchrist Farm Family Of The Year This past year at the North Florida Fair in Tallahassee. John Thomas and family were rec- ognized as the Farm Family for Gilchrist County. John, his wife Valerie and their four children, Branden. Selena, Jared. and Savana all live on a 2.000 acre family farm. The farm was founded by John's grandfather, .Lewis Rance Thomas, in the early 1900s. Today, John's father Ra\ E. Thomas, Sr., his uncle Loyd Thomas, and his brother Dan are the ones who work full time on the farm. The farm produces cows, hay, watermelons, corn, grass seed, and peanuts. Their hard work ethic and dedication played a big role in keeping this farm successful through the years. . John,. a 3rd generation farmer, has adopted new technology and genetics into the farm to keep up with today's needs. John is a member of the Gilchrist County Cattlemen's Association, Farm Bureau, and The Florida and National Water- melon Association. He and his family are active members of the Mr. Nebo Baptist Church. Val- (Continuied to Page Sixteen) City Of Trenton Waste Contractor Requests Rate Increase For Services SB John NI. A\ers The Trenton City Commis- sion held a monthly\ meeting on Monday. June 12 in the %ake of Tropical Storm Alberto. Waste Pro representati' e Bob Walk attended the meeting and addressed the fi'e-member council invokling their current garbage contract. "We are \er' proud to be associated % ith the Cit\ of Trenton and providing collection service to the com- munity," Walk explained. He added since the company took over the contract ith the City after buying out Wesle) Sanita- tion in 2005, the service has been improving for the City of. Trenton. At the present time the resi- dents of Trenton are paying $9.80 a' month for residential garbage collection .service. Walk proposed the' rate to in-' crease to $13.25 a month for residential service. He further explained that the. commercial rate is proposed for a 5% in- crease. Walk explained to the board that Waste Pro on an a% erage goes from 6 to 8 months after .taking over an existing contract to improve the service before increasing the rates. The City Commission dis- cussed several issues in olhing the sanitation collection ser' ice. The board members reported that they have recei ed numer- ous complaints from Trenton residents., and commercial cus- tomers regarding the sanitation service since Waste Pro began serving the City 'of Trenton. Commissioner W. 0. Bill Clifton made a motion to table a decision on this request until the board had more time to research this issue. Commissioner Arlene Wilks gave a second to the mo- tion before the board voted 5-0 in supportof the motion. Trenton City Attorney David M. Lang, Jr. read a portion of the City's sanitation collection contract, Section 11.02 which identifies the paragraph that allows the contract company to request a rate increase from the Cit% of Trenton. Tropical Storm Alberto Wets Gilchrist And Blows Flooding Tidal Surge On Suwannee Shown are Valerie and John, and bottom row from left are Branden, Selena, Jared and Savan a Thomas who have been recognized as the Gilchrist County Fanrm Family. Babe Ruth Small School Baseball Tournaments To Begin Friday Suwannee Valley Leagues will host the District 1, Small , School Division. baseball tournament for the 10 & Under, 12 & ,'Under .and 13-15 age brackets. Play will start on Friday morning at 10:00 a.m. with the 10U and 12U divisions. Suwannee Valley Leagues, Branford, Lafayette County, Hamilton County, and Ft. White will all participate in these tournaments that will be held at the Field of Dreams. In the 13-15-age division, only Hamilton, Lafayette and Ft. White will participate in that tournament. The winners of each division will advance to Lake City to participate in the overall District 1 tournament. The winner will face Lake City, Suwannee County and Union County. The overall District 1 winner will then advance to Fernandina Beach for the State tournament. The public is invited to come out to the ballpark and support SVL's 10 & Under and 12 & Under teams. The schedule and tournament bracket for the 10U and the 12U is located at right. The Suwannee Valley League 12 & Under and 10 & Under teams have already qualified for the Small School State Tournament to be held in Ft. White June 29 July 5, 2006. Suwannee Valley 12 & Under Win Ft. White Invitational Suwannee Valley Leagues 12 & under baseball team trav- eled to Ft. White to play in the annual Ft. White Invitational Baseball Tournament. There were ten teams playing in the tournament Ft. White 12U, Perry 12, Perry 11, Lake City 12, Suwannee County 12, Su- wannee County 11, Hamilton County 12U, Branford 12U, Santa Fe 12U, and SVL. The tournament was a round-robin style format during Friday and Saturday with the best four Friday 6-16-06 SVL. Florida Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken .District One Tournament 10 & Under Saturday 6-17-06 $ Sunday 6-18-06 . teams returning to play on Sun- day afternoon. The first game on. Friday matched up SVL and Ft. White. SVL started Kane Crosby on the hill. Crosby pitched the first, second, and fourth innings and did not give up any hits or runs. Hunter Williams pitched the fifth inning and struck out two while giving up no runs or hits. Darren Skawienski finished out the pitching for SVL in the sixth inning and gave up two runs. SVL scored in the first inning when Hunter Parrish doubled and was later scored on a Jona- than Rowe RBI. In the fourth inning SVL added two more' runs. Cedric Stokes led off the fourth inning with a triple and scored on a Crosby 'double. Crosby stole third and scored on an RBI from Skawienski. Lead- ing 3-0, SVL scored five more runs in the fifth to put the game out of reach. Daniel Bell, Clif Bryant, St6kes, 'Crosby, and Skawienski all scored for SVL. 'The SVL "Lightning" won their first game of the tournament 8-2 and then waited to play Suwan- (Continued to Page Sixteen) By John 1M. Ayers Tropical Storm Alberto blew up through the Gulf of Mexico into North Central Florida's Big Bend leaving Gilchrist County with 4-inches of rain near Tren- ton. The coastal community of Suannee at the mouth of the Suwannee River recorded a tidal surge. over 3-feet before. the tide turned to go out at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday afternoon., Monday afternoon the weather turned rainy and con- tinued to, pickup- slowly over night. Gilchrist County 'and the City of Trenton expected the weather to be severe Tuesday as both local government offices closed in lieui of the storm. A part of Gilchrist County around Trenton reported over 4- inches of rain from Monday afternoon until late Tuesday. Strong winds blew trees limbs on road ay s, but no power out- ages were reported. The Gil- christ County Road Department reported few problems Monday evening and during the night, .On Tuesday morning. the rain was still sprinkling. As the day drew closer to the projected land fall time of 1;00 p.m., the winds reached gusts of 36 miles per hour in the county. The coastal conditions Tuesday afternoon in the com- munity of Suwannee had resi- dents evacuating due to the high water. A high tide 'was expected. to be at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday. The storm blowing the water in reached a tidal surge of over three feet. Scott Akins was in Suwan- nee at his river camp before lunch on Tuesday. He reported the in-coming tide came in very quickly and came up into his yard and porch. Around 2:00 p.m. the tide turned and began to flow out. He explained the tide drained off of the seawall' and out of the canals just as fast as it had come in. The entire Suwannee com- munity had water around many of the homes. The Dixie County Sheriff's Department re-opened CR-349 to allow incoming traf- fic to return to their properties after the tidal surge had drained off of the roads.. Members of the Masonic Lodge celebrating their years of membership are shown from left to right: Eli Hampton Smith forty years, Jim Floyd forty years, D. Ray Harrison, Jr. forty years, Bob Vaughan forty years, Walt Rode twenty-five years, Howell E. Lancaster, Jr. twenty-five years, Toby Weeks forty years, and seated in front Edgar B. Mills fifty years. William T. Carlton Lodge Honors Master Masons On March 28, 2006, over 45 family, friends, and members of William T. Carlton Lodge No., 46 honored seven Masons who had been Master Masons for 25 years or longer. Following a delicious supper provided by the Lodge, Worshipful Master Bob Vaughan introduced the seven Masons, and their records of membership and involvement with Freemasonry were read for each. Those receiving awards in- cluded: Howell Lancaster, Jr., 25 years; D. Ray Harrison, Jr., Eli H. "Hamp" Smith, Jesse M. "Toby" Weeks, James H. Floyd, all 40 year members; and Edgar B. Mills, Jr., a 50 year member. All these fine Masons are mem- bers of the local Lodge. In addition, a courtesy award for Doric Lodge No. 140, lo- cated in Ft. Lauderdale, was also presented to Walter Rode (25 years) who resides in Gilchrist County. All those receiving the awards were pleased to have been members of the Masonic fraternity and several expressed what Freemasonry had meant to them. There were similar awards to other members who could not attend for various reasons that were later mailed out to them. At the conclusion of the dinner and awards ceremony, Lodge (Continued to Page Sixteen) Florida Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken District One Tournament 12 & Under Friday 6-16-06 Saturday 6-17-06 Sunday 6-18-06 VL IF 1st Loss I GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 2006'- Gilchrist County Journal USPS-218-620 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY IN GILCHRIST COUNTY, 207 N. MAIN TRENTON, FLORIDA Less than 75% advertising We reserve the right to shorten articles, letters, etc. and delete any part or leave out in its entirety if we judge such to be offensive. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $20.00 A Year In Tri-County Area' $24.00 All Other Areas In Florida $28 Out Of State JOHN MIN AYERS II EDITOR, PUBLISHER AND OWNER Cindy Jo and Carrie Ayers, I Glen Thigpen, Mark Schuler, Judi Bishop, Kathy Hilliard & Chris Rogers ASSISTANTS Entered as Periodicals at the Post Office at Trenton, Florida, under the act of March 3, 1879,. POSTMASTER Please Send Address Change To: Gilchrist County Journal, 207 N. Main Street, Trenton, Florida 32693 JohnA's Comments By: John M. Ayers As the coastal communities and inland counties .of Florida's Big Bend area brace themselves for what appears will be a direct hit from Tropical Storm Al- berto, we wait and think the worst. On Sunday as tie. storm was traveling north at 6-'miles per hour, we began to hear that this storm would impact the Cedar Key area. We had begun to talk to friends that reported this storm would not exceed 50 miles per hour in winds, but would bring us much needed rain. On Monday evening after the storm survived a very strong Wind shear, Alberto reorganized and a new center was reported to have formed on the east side of the storm. All of this time the weather forecasters had predicted Al- berto would make land fall in the area, north of Cedar Key. As Monday night turned into Tues- day, the storm 'as reported to be 65 miles off of the coast of Cedar Key. It was moving NNE at a speed of 9 miles per hour. -As I continued to 'watch sev- eral of my favorite weather In- ternet pages, it appeared to me that the storm was drifting off to' the north more than it was to the" east. At that time I was hoping this storm would not slam us with a tidal surge at Sunannee. TuesdaN afternoon when my friend Scott Akins called me to let me know that he was at Su- wannee and that he couldn't' 'drive to his place, I was afraid that we: might be in trouble re- garding the flooding tidal surge. Scott told me that the water was coming over the top of the sea wall..just before noon .and the tide was not expected to be full until 3:00 p.m. At that point I felt we might have water in our camp. , During the Storm of, the Tid Tmrs e ForI S ~ S]m I~~' The]Wekof6/15bStoJF6/21 f o t e m o t h o t eS u w a n e e i v e ,Date High Low High Low High - Thu 2.765ft. 1.774 fr. 3 7531t. Jun 15, 06 6:14 AM 11:24 AM 4:47 PMN Fn -0.160 ft. 2.7931It 1.656 It. 3.493 ft Junf6, 06 12:24 AM 6:56 AM 12:22 PM 5:47 PM Sat 0.170 ft. 2.870 ft. 1.483 ft; 3.170 ft. Jun 17, 06 1:11 AM 7:39 AM 1:28PM 6:58 PM Sun 0.561 ft. 2 994 It 1.230 ft. 2.872 ft. Jun 18, 06 2:01 AM 8:23 AM 2:42 PM 8:22 PM: Mon 0.966 ft. 3.153 ft. 0 882 It. 2.695 ft. Jun 19, 06 2:55AM 9:09 AM 4:00 PM 9:54 PM Tue 1.331 ft 3.332 ft 0476 ft. 2.670 ft. Jun 20, 06 3:53 AM 9:57 AM 5.14 PN 11:22 PM Wed 1.610 ft 3 507 ft. 0.089 ft Jun 21, 06 4:53 AM 10:44 AM 6:18 PM Pengee: 6/16 1:00 PM Last Quarter: 6/18 10:09 AM Solstice: 6/21 8:26 AM CORP LICENSED & INSLIURED CBC1253693 CRCl 28366 Where imagination meets reality Building projects are not for the faint-at-heart. The culmination of hopes, dreams and ambitions into a finished product can be nerve-wracking and is quite often one of the largest financial and emotional investments you will ever make. Wherever you are in the process, brainstorming, planning, drafting, or location finding, Dream Builders Development Corp. is ready to partner with you. * Quality Craftsmanship Integrity Honesty Teamwork Personal Relationship Call (352) 463-2210 today or visit www.DreamBuildersDevelopment.com Gil hrist Title A Security Title Company (352-463-6403) Gregory V.-Beauchamp Douglas K. McKoy Century our parents and Uncle Jimmy spent the night at the camp and experienced the flooding as 31-inches of water . rose inside the house. Our fam- ily friend, Dave Swain told my father that he could' raise the small cabin up 36-inches to keep the water out. Dave did this with a little help and the house has been high and dry ever since. At 2:00 p.m. Tuesday after- noon Scott called me back to explain that the tide had turned and was now going out. He went on to point out that the tide was roaring out of the canals running down the ri\ er. I was not able to determine if the storm had made landfall prior to 2:00 p.m. I would guess that the loss of ,driving wind from the southwest. which caused the storm surge on the coastal areas; without this wind the tide would d flow out at an increased speed. J. and Lyndsay rode down to the camp Tuesday evening to check on e er thing. They re- ported the storm left a mess in the yard with water standing everywhere, but e` ers thing seemed to be in place. Once again ,we have sur- vived another storm. Sometime we %wonder is it really worth it, but yes I have to sa), there is no where else I had rather be than at the camp at Suwannee. Letter To The Editor Despite growing threats to the manatee's long-term survival and overwhelming public op- position, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC) voted last week to prematurely downlist manatees 'from Endan- gered to Threatened. This deci- sion plays right into the hands of those who want to exploit mana- tee habitat for development and high-speed recreation. Elen though the state found that the manatee population could be reduced by as much as fifty percent in' the ,future and that manatees meet the federal and World Conservation Union's (IUCN) definition .for Endangered, manatees no longer, qualify for state Endangered sta- tus because the FWC arbitrarily changed its listing.'delisting rules by adopting the U'Nl'C'Ncriterifa for Endangered and then,calling, it Threatened. Thirty conservation and anii- mal welfare organizations rep- resenting millions of Americans, around the nation urged EWC to fix its imperiled species classifi- cation system to properly align it with IUCN's. Thirty-nine manatee and dugong scientists from numerous countries around the world sent a letter in opposi- tion to the manatee's downlist- ing. And people from all over the nation called the agency in protest, while hundreds more attended the Commission meet- ing. Out of scores of speakers at this meeting, only a handful of development, marine industries' and go-fast boaters' lobbyists spoke out in favor of downlist- inig manatees to Threatened!, Further, 17: organizations, filed a legal petition asking the FWC to fix its imperiled species classification system. But, in the end, .none of it mattered to the, Commissioners. The FWC insists protections won't change, but a review 6f Florida law shows Endangered species are afforded more pro- tection than Threatened species. The Commission claims their Management Plan will protect manatees. However, Florida's Legislature will be pressured to reduce FWC's authority, and funding to protect manatees. This will undermine the imple- Smentation of the Plan, and pre- vent real recovery. The FWC and Governor Bush are declaring this a victory for manatees but the facts show oth- erwise. The agency claims that the manatee population is grow- ing, yet a state report shows that only the two smallest subpopula- tions clearly show growth. To- gether, these two subpopulatioris Services Closings Title Insurance Public Record Searches * Fast and Friendly Service 302 North Main Street Trenton, Florida Streetwise By Lauren Rudd Here is an easy investment question; what goes snap. crack- le and pop? If you answered Wall Street, after last week's abominable performance. that would have been an excellent answer_..wrong but excellent. There is no question that what you witnessed last week with regard to the financial markets bears a close resemblance to tak- ing candy from-a child and then haring to listen to the ensuing screams. Essentially, the Street fooled itself into belie\ ing that the Fed- eral Reserve would take a wait and see attitude with regard to the economy, thereby bringing to a close, at least temporarily, its program of pushing interest rates higher. When Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, in conjunction %with other members of the Fed, made it abundant% clear that the\ re- mained concerned over inflation and implied strong that interest rates might hae to move higher, Wall Street basically imploded, its version of a child throwing a temper tantrum. This brings us back to my original question. If you had only account for sixteen percent of the manatee population. The largest subpopulation on the Atlantic coast shows a probable decline of about three percent per year over the last file years. The Southwest subpopulation is already in decline. Manatees continue to die from boat strikes in near-record numbers and there has been a seventeen percent in- creqse in manatee mortality from., boat collisions over tbe. last fil e year period as compared to the, previous fi\ e year penod! Please ask yourself, can all of the organizations represent- ing hundreds of thousands of Florida citizens and millions More people nationwide who have shared their concerns over the new listing process be wrong?' I urge the Commission to take a step back from the, situation and think about the repercussions to manatees and many other imperiled species if. we are right and they are. wrong. The consequences will be disas- trous. If we are wrong and they are right, then no harm will have been done. In 'the meantime manatees' projected loss of winter habitat. could cause catastrophic future losses. This is no time for cel- ebration! Patrick Rose Save, the Manatee Club' Lottery Numbers Wednesday June 7 Lotto Drawing: 15-24-29-32-51-53 No winner of the $3 million jackpot. 5-Digit Winners: 37 at $7,443.50 4-Digit Winners 2,519 at $88.50 3-Digit Winners: 52,490 at $6.00 Play 4 Drawing: 2-6-4-8 Cash 3 Drawing: 2-3-8 Saturday,. June 10 Lotto Drawing: 7-15-30-31-34-35 No .winners of the $6 million jackpot. 5-Digit Winners: 72 at $5,324 4-Digit Winners: 4,430 at $70 3-Digit Winners: 89,302 at $4.50 Play 4 Drawing: 1-5-5-4 Cash 3 Drawing: 5-3-0 answered Kellogg's Rice Krisp- .ies, you were on the right track. Cereal makes for a soggy invest- ment but Kellogg, on the other hand, is an excellent investment candidate. Before delving into the merits of Kellogg, keep in mind what Warren Buffett said about his weakness for hamburgers. When the price of hamburgers fall, he. buys more hamburgers. When I last wrote about Kel- logg a year ago, my earnings estimate was $2.34 for FY 2005 ending on Dec. 31. The shares at the time. were trading at $46,, versus its current price of $47.31, and the P/E ratio was at 21, versus a current 19.5. Kellogg reported earnings of $2.36 per share, an increase of 10 percent from the $2.14 per share earned in 2004. It was also the Company's fourth consecu- tive year of double-digit earni- ings gro%'th. Net Wales increased by 6 percent to $10.2 billion. In 2005, free cash flow, defined as cash from operating acti ities less capital expenditures, was $769 million. The news gets e'en better for the first quarter of 2006 Earn- * ings were 68 cents per share. an 11 percent increase o.er last near's 61, cents per share. Net sales for the quarter were up 6 percent to $2.7 billion. Free cash flow %was $101 million in the first quarter. Kellogg also stated that it now expects full-year earn- ings between $2.45 and 2.49 per share. Calculating Kellogg's intrin- sic value. using an earnings approach, yields a value of $54.50, assuming an earnings growth rate of 9 74 percent and a discount rate of 11 percent, the average return on the S&P 500. If, instead of earnings. %we use a more conser\atie free cash flow model, e obtain an intrinsic \alue of $54.51. As "ou can see the two models Nielded virtually the same answer. lMy earnings estimate for Kel- logg for 2006 is $2.56 per share. The current trailing twelve Month P/E or multiple is 19'5. If the P/E remains unchanged, Kel- logg should be trading at about ,$50 per share in the next nine months, for an annualized gain of 7.7 percent. In addition. Kellogg has ,a current-,dividend ield,.of..,2.4 percent. However. Kellogg's- board has approved a 5 percent increase in the dividend, to begin in the third quarter. You can write to financial col- umnist Lauren Rudd at 5 Gulf Manor Drive, Venice, Fl. 34285 or email at LVFRudd(F;iaol com. Prior columns are available at RuddReport,com. Love the moment,, and the en- ergy of that moment will spread beyond all boundaries.. Corita Kent Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. Elbert Hubbard "Pepple see they just don't a Him." +O*O*K*I*NG .:. By Cindy Jo Ayers .' God everyday; their way to help.' I know we{ always recognize will make it no matter what. It's really humbling to think that so Pearl Bailey many people are willing to help out. I don't believe there is a , Seems. like we are starting this 'hurricane season off early this year. One thing about being a native, we've "been here and done that before." I guess if we get a lot of rain out of this storm, it might all be worth it. With our daughter's wedding less than two weeks away it seems like I'm just running in circles these days. I, only have a :dab of good sense left this w eek and bN next week there's just no telling about the state I'll be in. I know that e\erN thing \\ill turn :out fine. God has a way of.' Working things out and I'm sure he will see us through. But, ou ;know it wouldn't hurt if a few folks, who read this column. % would send up a,pray or two on our behalf. If \ou are inclined .ou might want to sa) an extra prayer for old John since he has to deal with me for the next 10 da\s. You know there is nothing quite like a Southern mother the last few\ day's before her daughter's %wedding. We just about slap kill ourselves tr ing to make sure that e ern thing is as perfect as possible. :Carrie has akswas wanted to 'have her wedding at Uncle RaN and Aunt Diana Harrison's home on the beautiful Suwannee River. Bless their hearts. Aunt Diana and Uncle Ray ha% e gone the extra mile to help make Carrie's big day all she has ev er dreamed of. Of course the Southern Sisters (good friends w\ho cater each others children' .weddings) ha'e their dress aprons out and are ready to pull off another big event. I thank the good Lord for The Sisters. Those girls just shake their heads and .laugh at me w hen I_, start to run around like a sprayed roach. We hav e lots and lots of good friends who are going out of better place in the whole entire. world to live than right here in: the tri-county area. These brownies are really good although they are a little on the rich side. That rich stuff - could be why they are so good. ' cSome JCi6 d Si2ne Gre CAz G'eese 3-rownies Pre-heat oven to 325 degrees. Brownie: 2 cups sugar. 1/2 cup vegetable oil I stick butter, softened 4 eggs 6 tablespoons cocoa (pow% der) 1 teaspoon pure % anilla '1 cups self-rising flour 1 cup chopped pecans Blend together' sugar, oil, butter, eggs, cocoa, and vanilla. Add flour and mix, Add nuts and spread half the batter into greased 13x9 baking dish. Next top w ith cream cheese filling and pour remaining half of. brownie batter on top. Use a kitchen knife and swirl blade through brownie batter. Bake for around 30 minutes at 325. Cream Cheese Filling: 8 tablespoons butter, softened 1 8-ounce package cream cheese, softened cup sugar 2,eggs 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour I cup chopped pecans Cream together butter and cream cheese. Add' remaining ingredients; blend well. Before got married I had sixI theories about bringing up chil-' dren: now I have six children. and no theones. ' John Wilmot {i '' .,. ,.: 1 , Barron's Aluminum S* Licensed & Insured Free In-Home Cponsultations *Screen Rooms Sun Rooms Year-Round Living Space Lifetime Transferable ,arrantN (Sun Rooms Only) ,0a* Carports . Patio & Deck Covers Decks & Handrails Vinyl Siding Storm Panels & Shutters Email: bahomepros@bellsouth.net 1-800-203-8214 or 352-463-3004 Before The Suffering Of The Cross (Kent Heaton) The .scene of Jesus on the cross is one of unimaginable suffering. The means of crucifixion were designed to create the greatest level of suffering possibly endured by man. When Jesus was crucified, the Romans had perfected it to a level of science. They knew how much a man could take and yet still live. The condemned lingered for hours at the brink of death. Relief came only when the last breath was expelled aiid the soul returned unto God. The cross of Jesus is the focus of our lives as we see His suffering and His pain. The glory of the resurrection is the hope we share of heaven. However, the suffering of Jesus was not contained alone in the cross. Before His crucifixion, Jesus had already suffered greatly. The scene unfolds with a prostrate man in a garden called Gethsemane. The companion's of Jesus are at a distance with three special friends nearby. Yet sorrow and distress overwhelms His heart as He cries out, "My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch with Me." While His disciples sleep, Jesus pours out His heart in earnest pleas to His Father, "0 My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will." The real suffering begins. Jesus agonizes in the garden but resigns His will to the Father. Angels are sent to strengthen him. "And being in agony, He prayed more earnestly. Then His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground." A cruel blow is sent to Jesus' heart as his friend and companion for three years comes to betray him with a kiss and a greeting of, "RabbiL" The hands of Jesus are bound and He is led away to meet His death. He is forced to walk more than two and one half miles to and from the various places of His trials. First He is taken to a high priest, Annas. Being questioned by Annas, one of the officers standing by struck Jesus ,with his hand. Annas then sent Jesus bound to Caiaphas the high priest. Jesus is placed in the center of a loud mob of accusers and false witnesses who bore testimony against him. "The men that held Jesus mocked him, and beat him. And some began to spit in his face and buffet him. They blindfolded him and some smote him with the palms of their hands saying, 'Prophecy unto us, thou Christ: who is he that struck thee?' And the officers received him with blows of their hands. And many other things spake they against him, reviling him." Sometime in all of these things, Jesus turned and looked at Peter and the cock crew the second time. Jesus was so alone with Peter cursing and swearing, "I know not this man of whom ye speak." Again Jesus is bound and lead away to Pilate, the governor, and it was early dawn. Jesus had already endured a traumatic and sleepless night of abuse. During the Roman trials, Jesus is grilled by Pilate, delivered to Herod where Jesus remained silent as the chief priests and the scribes vehemently accused Jesus. The soldiers of Herod set Jesus up and mocked him, arraying him in gorgeous apparel and then sent him back to Pilate. The vicious crowd cries for Jesus to be crucified as even Pilate proclaims the ,innocence of Jesus. Bowing to the wishes of the crowd, Pilate takes Jesus and scourges him. Here he is severely whipped as the lacerations tear into his flesh and produce quivering' ribbons of bleeding flesh. The soldiers then mocked Jesus by placing a crown of thorns on his head and again arraying him in a purple garment and striking him with their hands. As they removed the robe, the flesh tore again. They spit on Jesus and struck Jesus on the head with a reed. Then they took Jesus and crucified him. Trenton Church of Christ 463-3793 502 Northeast 7th Street *Trenton, Florida 32693 Please Visit www.trentonchurchofchrist.com Email kerux@bellsouth.net Page Two o~-1&t. I. U C4 THURSDAY JUNE 15. 2006 (IILCI-IRIST COuNTY JOURNAL Page Three LO ~CABIN QUILTERS Shown is a beautiful Butterfly quilt that Tekla Bell froin Hud- son, Florida brought to the Levyi County Quilt A museum for all of us to see. It makes us feel great to see that all kinds of qtuilt- ing is still going on and what it takes to piece one together.. Log Cabin Quilters it will be great when finished. Log Cabin Quilters met We are so proud of the boys, Thursday June 8, 2006 at the who work and kno%\ how to use Levy County Quilt Museum. all the tools it takes to build it-. It was show time. Ann Hardee We will have several plaques on brought the Homemaker Quilt, it when it is completed. Thanks it was made with all kinds of again Lancaster! , baskets done by the different WVednesday afternoon we. had' clubs in Florida. She also put in Muriel and ten little 4-H girls out a blue and White chicken scratch for their lesson. They all quilted top to be quilted at home. We pillows and they were all put haven't seen one of these tops in together, stuffed, and hernmmed; a long time, as it was popular a ribbon was tied on each, and few years ago. We also had the, they will be at the sho%\ on Fri- most beautiful log cabin quilt in day. It's great to %\ork with these to see made in one and one and girls as it takes me back to my a.half strips and the pattern is so 4-H days, . different. Pictures of these will Lunch was great with fried come later. squash, soy beans, macaroni Monday, the gazebo was .and cheese, salad, and peach started and by today, it is ready cobbler. for the tin roof. Jarrod and his Winelle Home crew have really been busy and " between the hours of 5:00- 6:30 pm, hosted by Oak Walk www.gilchristcounty.com The Chamber Corner We would like to thank Grady and Leigh Hartzog,, and their wonderful staff, for host- Ihg a very -successful Chamber Mixer on Monday, June 12th at Badcock's. Home Furniture and More, located at 182.0 E. Wade Street (SR 26)Trenton, FL 32693. Our next Chamber Mixer will be on Monday July 24, 2006 a. homes only development by. Southern Property Services. You, will have a chance to look at the different, floor plans they offer and meet some of their builders. They are located on CR 342 in Bell, FL, go to the blinking light on SlR 129 then go vest on CR 342 for 1/3 mile. For more in- - formation about the July Cham- ber Mixer Please contact Anne Barnett at Southern Pr6perties Services (352- 375-7731). If you are interested in hosting a Chamber Mixer please contact Maureen at the Chamber office Monday-Friday at (352) 463- 3467. The Gilchrist, County Char- acter trait for the month of June presented by the Character First Council is: ."Visionary" ... (definition) Committed to growth, looks beyond problems' to causes, and develops precise solutions for success." Marriages Filed In Gilchrist County Bobby Charles Bagby, date of birth, 11/28/85, and Kristyn Nichole Thomas, date of birth 5/1/88, both of High Springs, were married on June 3, 2006 in Alachua by Reverend Arnold O'Steen. Deilwone Lee Henry, date of birth 11/11/74, and DaSh- ema Tyrie Huggins, date of birth* 10/21/85, both of Trenton, were married on June 3, 2006 in Trer- ton by Judge Edward Philman Marriage- Applications Filed In Gilchrist County Curtis Lee Morgan, date of birth 9/3/82, and Holly Leigh Ann Morgan, date of birth 1/9/ 80, both of Trenton, Florida.. Robin John Hellman, date of birth 5/8/57, of Bronson, and - Beth Anne Vin Kemulder, date l of birth 11/7/59, of Trenton. Kirk Darrell Hovey, date of birth 10/21/6S, and Debra. Kay Marino. date of birth 3/19/73, both of Bell. Joseph Nathan Mcardle, date of birth 9/15/79. and Tamara Lee Carnley. date of birth 12/16/83, both of Bell. Stephen Michael Welbers, date of birth 9/23/81 .and Cath- ryn Sue Hendricks, date of birth 9/17/83, both of Trenton. - Kevin Lomax Whitaker, date of birth 11/3/64, and Erin Ashley Inkell, date of birth 8/11/83, both of Trenton. ,.' : ,' ' Joe B. Hester. date of birth 3/11/65, of Bell, and Shannon Marie Allen. date of birth 8/7/7 i. of Alachua. John Hance O'Steen Camp #770 To Meet On June 20 The John. Hance O'Steen Camp #770, .Sens of Confed- erate Veterans monthly camp meeting will' be Tuesday. June 20, 2006 at the Civic Center across from Akins BBQ on Main Street in Bell. Our program will be by Lariy Skinner. His' subject -will be "Location of Civil War forts between Olustee and Jackson- ville." The meeting will begiri at 7:. 00'p.;m. The meeting is open to all who are interested in the War between the States. For further information, contact: Camp Commander,. Clement Lindsey at (352) 472-0047; or Adjutant, Archie Matthews at (386) 462- 3016. North Gilchrist Volunteer Fire Department Has Monthly Pancake Breakfast The North Gilchrist Volunteer Fire Department will hold its monthly breakfast on June 17th, from 8:00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. For a small donation we offer eggs, pancakes (plain, pecan, caramel or blueberry) sausage, juice, coffee or tea. Come out and support your fire department and 'meet some of the political candidates that will be in attendance. The fire station is located on CR. 138, two and a half miles, east of highway 129. Hope to see you there. Superior Sound DJ and Karaoke ..Steve Ames superiorsounddj @bellsouth.net (352) 463-8670 (352) 949-4986 DJ, Karaoke & Bartending Service Wedding Receptions Anniversary Birthdays Corporate Parties Music for All Occasions p S B&. ' AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR COMPLETE AUTO REPAIRS FOREIGN DOMESTIC EXHAUSTS BRAKES ELECTRIC TUNE-UPS ENGINES COMPUTER ALIGNMENTS AIR CONDITIONING PASSENGER CAR & LIGHT TRUCK TIRES Open Mon. Fri. 710 East Highway 26 Located 30 Miles West of Gainesville, in Trenton (352) 463-0079 Gilchrist County Schools Join With Other Northeast Florida School Districts To Launch Major New Math Initiative A group of rural school dis- tricts in northeast Florida are increasing their focus on student achievement in Math through an innovative new math initia- -tive. Florida Students Using, Mathematics Skillfully (Florida SUMS) is a K 5, mathematics 'initiative developed by member school districts of the North East Florida Educational Consortium (NEFEC). The first year of this exciting new initiative will in- volve. 20 schools from 9 school districts in 'northeast Florida; P.K. Yonge will host the initial weeklong summer institute, set to kickoffon June 19th. The Florida SUMS Summer Institute is a five-day, dynamic; professional development ex- perience for teachers who teach mathematics. The training is grade-le.el specific, providing teachers with content knowl- edge, pedagogical insights .to hands-on learning, and materials needed in order to ensure effec- tive instruction for the students they teach. Experienced trainers provide hands-on experiences for participants, along with support to gain new insights and understandings about leach- ing and learning mathematics.: Teachers remain with the same trainer throughout the institute in order to build the capac- ity of participants and to ensure consistency over the five days., School principals receive sup- port to monitor the implemen- tation and impact of FL SUMS on student and teacher learning. In addition to the intensive professional development during the summer academy, Florida SUMS will also provide participating teachers with on- going support and the classroom materials needed for effective implementation. Combining these three comppnents-profes- sional development, classroom support, and classroom re- sources-will produce, the most ,comprehensive effect on teacher practice and student achieve- ment. Year One Florida SUMS Schools* denotes leadership' team Baker Count ; Keller, l te'rm'ed raVe*, MNacclnh. E.- ementary*, PreK/Kindergarten Center*, Westside Elementary*:' Bradford County, Lawtey Com- munitN: Dixie County: Ander- son Elementary: Flagler County; Bunnell Elementary*: Gilchrist County; Trenton Elemen- tary: Hamilton County; North Hamilton Elementary., South Hamilton Elementarn: Lafa ette. County; Lafayette Elementary: Levy County; Bronson Elemen- tary, Chiefland Elementary*, Joyce Bullock Elementary, Wil- liston Elementary: P.K. Yonge, P.K. Yonge Developmental ;Research School*: Putnam County; Interlachen Elementary. Middleton-Burney Elementary: Suwannee County; Suwannee; Elementary: Union County; Lake Butler Elementary*. NEFEC is a regional, non- profit, educational service agency established to provide cooperative services to member school districts. The mission of the Consortium is to help mem- ber districts cooperatively meet their educational goals and ob- jectives by providing programs and services that individual . districts would not be able to provide as effectively or as eco- 'nomically when acting alone. Member districts of the Con- sortium include Baker, Brad- ford, Columbia, Dixie, Flagler, Gilchrist, Hamilton, Lafayette, Levy, Nassau, Putnam, Suwan- nee and Union Counties as well as Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind and P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School. Notice From Gilchrist County Solid Waste The Gilchrist County Solid, Waste and Recycling Center, along with the Board of County Commissioners, advises all citizens who use the SE center located on SR 26 that as of Sat- urday, June 24, 2006, there will no longer be a metals bin at the SE facility. Please take all appliances and metals to the main facility in Bell or the NE facility located on SR 47. The SE facility will only accept bagged household garbage and recyclables .after Saturday, June 24, 2006. Get your office supplies at the Journal office. Trenton Quarterback Club Golf Tournament The 'Trenton Quarterback Club is hosting its 7th annual golf tournament at Chiefland Golf and Country Club on July 29, 2006. The format is a three- man scramble with a shotgun, start at 8:30 a.m. Cost is $150.00 per team. Cash prizes will be given for the top three teams. There will also be door prizes. ; For further information please call Bill Deen at (352)463-1313. The Trenton - Treadlers Of The American Sewing Guild To Meet June 20 The Trenton Treadlers of the American Sewing Guild will meet at 10:00 a.m. on June 20th, 2006, at the Suwannee Valley Quilt Shoppe. , Visit the Quilt Shoppe to see a, ,sample of the project and needs, list. .. Army Private Donna R. Green Graduates From Basic Combat Training Army Pvt. Donna R. Green graduated from basic combat training at Fort Jackson, Colum- bia, S.C.: During,. the 'nine weeks of training, the soldier studied the Army mission, hisiorN. tradition and core %alues, physical fitness. - and receded instruction and practice in basic combat skills. military -eapons, chemical \warfare and bayonet training, drill and ceremony, marching, rifle marksmanship. armed and Snared combat. map reading. field tactics, military courtesy, military justice system, basic first aid. foot marches, and field . training exercises. She is the granddaughter of Billy and Rebecca Hollar of N.W. 125th St., Chiefland. Fla. Green is a 2006 high school graduate at Central Florida .Community College, Chiefland. Correction To The BES Perfect - Attendance , THIRD GRADE PerfectAttendance Colby. Whitby was not in- cluded in the list published on June 8th. The next best thing to know- ing something is knowing ,here to find it. -Samuel Johnson Baby Adam Cook of Trenton is proud to announce the arrival of his niece Braley Alexandra Hines.: Braley is the daughter of Brandon and Ashley Hines of New berry. Brale) was born on March 30, 2006 at North Florida Regional Hospital.. She weighed seven pounds, 5 ounces and was 20 inches long. -Wnes Braley is the granddaughter of Jack and Marsha Cook of Trenton and Butch and Connie Hines of High Springs. She is the great-granddaughterof Addy. and Edith Jones of'Trenton, Do- ris Cook of Newberry, and Mur- .rel and Betty Jo Hines of High, Springs. Braley is also blessed to have a great-great-grandmother, Mrs. Vina Hardee. SDiane P'ece . American Legion S ,,a..;,.Bank. o ns,,d FL k%'6 .. Bui, 3i;M!.l'4q3.:"iiT f 8 j I i.N' 4 i 2) - Hall Available LIKE A C00D NEIGHBOR, n d STATE FARMi B lHERL.' M eelings P parties i ,,.Fid..ij. ,. .,, .,,. ,, .. : .....Il I i.... .:,,. W weddings & Receptions ........... .......I... $WOO :. ..P 'T4 0"m H. I ,.f Ji H,1i.i: '11;: L', : .l l I f'.'n I "1ii.. t 1' i,[, 1 f2 iperland Mortgage Corporation Residential -..ad-Commercial Loans ~ With LOW Fixed Rates Available ~ Purchase, Refinance & Cash Out Conventional, 1-4 Single Family Homes Manufactured Homes Investment Property First, Second, and Home Equity Lines of Credit Construction/Perm One-Time Closing Owner/Builder Available & Lot Loans ( We Have: No Income Documentation Stated Income or Full Documentation Professional, Reliable, and Local Service Bill Deen, Brenda Wilkerson and Phillip Wheeler Licensed Mortgage Brokers 463-1313 fax 463-1318 e-mail: riverlandmtg@bellsouth.net Apply Online @ www.riverlandmtg.web-loans.com overland Mortgage Corporation' 723 E. Wade Street, Trenton, FL 32693 Braley Alexandra Hines NOTICE The Gilchrist County State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) Program.will hold a SHIP educational course at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday June 22, 2006 in the courtroom of tte Gilchrist County Courthouse, Trenton, Florida. The class is free and open to the public. Anyone applying for a SHIP load is required to attend a SHIP class. If you have any questions, please call the SHIP Program office at 352-463-4021. Charlotte Pedersen Program Administrator Pub-June 15& 22. 2006 Licensed and Insired 8851 NW 115th Street Chiefland, Florida 32626, 352-493-1398 1-877-766-2707 Osborn G. Barker Owner Insulated Roof-overs Vinyl & Aluminum Siding* Carports Screen Rooms Decks Patio Roofs Soffit, Fascia & Gutters Hurricane Awnings Skirting Pool and All types Enclosures * Free Estimates. . THURSDAY, JUNE 15,2006 GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL PageThrbe I A- e Four ((71 T V Nl..T..RSDAY, JUNE 15,12006 We invite you to join us. in celebrating our love. On. this day we will marry the one we laugh with, live for, dream with, and love. We have chosen to continue our. growth through marriage. We ask those dearest in our hearts to join in celebrating the marriage of Christina Sophia Marie Bracewell, daugther of Alex and Tim Bracewell of Branford, to Shon Hurley Whit- wood, son of Robert and Rhonida Whitwood ofBell. The'ceremony will be at Little River Springs State Park in, Branford, on Sunday,. June 25, 2006 at 7:00 p.mn: Reception immediately fol- lowing the ceremony will be held at North Gilchrist Volunteer Fire Department, CR. 138. Bell. Florida. For further information please' call Mrs. Rhonda Whitwood 1386 935-6791. BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH "Conmmilled to living and sharing the message of God's love. Pastor Ralph Rodrigue: Bible Study 9:45 a.ni. Sunday Worship 11 a.m. & 7 p.m. Prayer & Discipleship Wed. 7 p.m. Youth Praise & Worship Wed.. 6:30 p.m.- Awana Program Wed. 6:30 p.m. 7070 S.W. CR-334A Trenton, FL 32693 S352-463-2028 -9 ] e-mail:-bethelit@bellsouth.net w'iu i backlobeihel org We Welcome You To Mt. Nebo Baptist Church (SBC) 4200 N.W. CR-340, Bell, FL 32619 S(3 miles North of Bell on Hwy-340 West) Sunday School .................... 9:45 am Morning W orship ..................1.........., 11 ani Evening Worship ....... 6 pm" Wednesday Evening Services: - Adult Bible Study, Children, & Youth ... 7 pm Pastor: Rev. Jimmy Corbin Minister of Youth: Matt Hqltsclaw Church Phone: 386-935-3575 "Committed to Reaching People for Christ" , PINE GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH t .16655 N. W. CR-339 Trenton, Florida 32693 f 352-463-2151, www.pgbcfl.com Bro. Greg Douglas, Pastor Bro. Rickey Whitley, Minister of Students Charles Brock, Music Director Sunday School/Bible Study...................9:15 AM Morning Worship Service.................... 10:30 AM Children's Church......................... 10:30 AM Evening Worship Service.........................6:00 PM, Wednesday Night Services: Prayer Meeting, AWANA '& Youth Worship......................7:00 PM ~ Nursery Provided for All Services ~ t First Boptisf Chupch t" Welcomes You! "Embracing the Past and Reaching Toward the Future." Comer of NE Second St. and Highway 26 in Trenton (Nursery provided for all services) Sunday School 9:45 AM (classes for all ages) Sunday Morning Worship & Children's Church 11 AM Sunday Night Bible Study 6 PM Wednesday Nights: Awana 6*20 PM Youth Bible Study, Praise & Worship 6:30 PM Adult Bible Study & Prayer 7 PM DIHAMIC MINISTRIES FOR ALL AGES! Call 463-2038 for more information or www.fbctrentonfl.org I| CHURCH NEWS Pine Grove To Have Mt. Horeb Baptist VBS June 25-30 Church To Have Pine Grove Baptist Church Cemetery Clean Up invites you to join them as they venture to the Artic Edge to On June 17th learn about God's love during Mt. Horeb Baptist Church will Vacation Bible School, June be having Cemetery Clean-up 25th to, June 30th, from 6:00 day on Saturday, June 17th start- p.m. to 8:00 P.M. ing it 8:00 a.m. Classes will range from Pre-K Everyone is encouraged to to 6th grade. help in this twice a year clean- Transportation is available. up day to keep the resting place Please call the church office for of our loved ones as a beautiful father information (352) 463- tribute to their lives.. 2151. Please.bring your yard tools, S. Dana C. Langford and come out to help.. VBS Director Mr. Horeb Baptist Church is located on CR 340 just west of SR 47 in Gilchrist County. Mt. Nebo Baptist For more information please Mnt. Nebo Baptist c ) 454-5238.. " Church To Have Vacation Bible School June 26-30 Spring Ridge Church Nit. Nebo Baptist Church Of God Forms New (Bell) invites all the children in our area to join us at SonTrea- Relative Care Giver sure Islhnd' Foundation We're reads for a Vacation Spring Ridge Church of God Bible School your children %\ill has a neNIly formed Relative never forget. SonTreasure Island Care Giver Foundation. 501c3 creates a fun and exciting island which serves District 3, but they .,atmosphere -where children focus mainly on the Trn-Count\ will have a great time singing, area. If you are a grandparent or watching skits, creating crafts relative w\ho is raising children . and playing games. But most 'we urge you to sign-up using importantly, they'll discover the our free membership. This is a treasure of God's amazing love. confidential support group. They will learn how His love is RCG is sponsoring children gi ing, caring, kind, forgiving to Pray and Pla\ for free. T-ball and finally FOREVER. and softball games %\ ill begin on We're looking forward to June 22nd. E\eryone must reg- sharing this exciting event with sister before June 22nd. the children and parents in our We hope to hate guest speak- neighborhood. We hope the\ ers as well as share resources to will all join us at SonTreasure help you ,ith .our needs. Island. If you are on a fixed income SonTreasure Island begins or hate no financial support \ou Monday, June 26. 2006 and runs can continue to write to RCG until Friday. June 30. 2006 at Nit. P.O. Bo\ 274, Bell, Florida Nebo Baptist Church. Each day 32619 or call (386) 454-3600, begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at MNonda\-Friday to put your, 12:00 p.m. Lunch is provided, children on a list for Christmas. For more information, please for RCG Pray and Play or for. contact Pastor Corbin of Mt. membership. Nebo at., (386)-935-3575 or We want to help all we can;. Julie Thomas, VBS Director at Kim Weise (386)-935-4423. Director New Life Assembly of God . 9579 US-129 S Trenton. Florida 463-7004 You can make a difference! Services: Sundy School U.m Prai.e & w\orshipKdZone II am 1,l Evening Worship ., 6pm Pastor Wednesday Nigti Ser ice & t r: "The Place" (Youthi 7pm Don & Jerri Lunsford STrenton United S Methodist Church SI9:30 am Sunday School 11"00 am Morning Worship Service 6:00 pm Wednesday Bible Study Nursery provided 9-12 Sunday Morning S203 N.E. Second Street, Trenton Office: 463-2877 Rev. H.D. "Hank" Cribb, Sr. YOU ARE WELCOME AT PRISCILLA BAPTIST CHURCH 5509 S.W. County Road 232, Bell, Florida (Between Bell & Trenton 2.5 miles West of SR 129) 4 Sunday School............................ 0:00 AM 4 Morning Worship....................11:00AM Evening Worship.:.....................6:00 PM Wednesday Night Prayer/Youth...7:30 PM , Be a part of an exciting time of Worship and Bible Study. Web: www.PorMinistry.com/USFLSOBCOPBC1 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof for correction, for instruction in righteousness:" 2 Timothy 3:16 1et6u ope jfamilp (Quart 4470 N.W. County Road 236 Bell, Florida 32619 ~ 1 Mile West of US-129- Service Times Pastor: 10:00 am Sunday School Rev. Lynn Wagner 11:00 am Sunday Morning Worship Office: 6:30 pm Wednesday Bible Study 86934219 "In the beginning was the XWord, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us..." ~ John 1:1, 14 Greenbury Jones Reunion The Greenbury-Jones family will be having a family reunion June 17th at Hart Springs. Come and enjoy the good food and fellowship with family and. friends. Corbin Family Reunion To Be Held June 24 The descendants of Tom and Mamie Corbin will have a fam- ily reunion on Saturday, June 24. S2006, at Hart Springs in pavilion B from 10:00 a.m. until ? :All relatives and friends are invited, to attend and bring a picnic lunch to be spread and, enjoyed at 12:30 p.m. Shadrack Sapp Reunion Julyl The Shadrack Sapp family will be haing their 22nd annual family reunion at Hart Springs Count' Park in the large "A" pavilion on July 1, 2006 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Hart Springs Park is about 10 miles west of Trenton, Florida. in Gilchrist County. Bring a covered dish dinner, your old photos. family records, ad- dresses. albums, scrapbooks and your camera. Again this Near we will have an auction to help with the ex- penses. So bring something that you think others might %want or can't do w without smilee. Come early for a business meeting at 10:00 am. If Nou are unable to attend, please email or mail me address updates for you and your family members, as we have many addresses that are re- turned and no longer valid. Call and invite all your family- to attend. Call Mitch at (352)-332-2065 for additional information. Ed And Rebecca Williams Family Reunion July 2 SThe Ed and Rebecca Williams family reunion will be held on, July 2nd at the Hart Springs': Pavilion. Lunch. \ill be served at 1:30 p.m. Cannon Clan To Have Reunion July 4 The. annual Cannon Clan reunion will be held on Tues- day, July 4th, at Hart Springs, Pavilion's A arqd,B.. The descendants of William Jackson and Henrietta Townsend Cannon will be attending this 64th annual reunion. Lunch will begin at 12:30 p.m. so don't be late. Bring a covered dish. The paper goods and ice will .be furnished. If you have any questions con-' tact June Howard at (904) 259- 'Mr. and Mrs. John A ers of Trenton would like to invite all: their friends and relatives to the wedding of their daughter, Carrie Asers to Adam Mizell. Adam is the son of Mr. and Mrs. CIlde Mizell of Callahan. Florida. 6050, or Budd\ Isacc at i386) 935-2045. or Brenda Wageman at (386' 935-3723. The Cannon Clan's Reunion S Committee Socials Happy Birthday wishes to Lorraine Callahan, Bradley Smith. David Turner, and Me- gan Roberts on June 15th; to Katie Jones. Kathie Porter, Jason Johnson. Amanda Summers, and Blaine Thornton on June 16th, to Cody Martin. Teri Bone. Mike Bumett. and Inge Mauthner on June 17th; to L.J.Lane. Sr.. Jona- than Dasher. Marcel Earl. Allie Lang, Donna Watson, Kara Sur- rency, Erin McQuiston, Howell The wedding will be held on June 24, 2006 at 4:30 in the afternoon. The ceremony will take place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Ray Harrison. Jr., which is. located on.. the Suwannee River at Hart. Springs. Florida. Lancaster, Jr.. and Robert Reees on June 18th; to Brittany Busby, Laura Antoni. John Keith Clifton. Jr.. Cindy Jo Ayers. Dee Dee Benson. Kassie Barron. Donna Gidley. and Bess Griffin on June 19th; to Linda Yonutes, Noy O'Steen. Ashli Johnson, Stacy' Jenkins, Rick Aususto. and Nodie Smith. on June 20th; to Wayne Bass. Nancy Czarniak, and Fa\e Wiggins on June 21st. Happy Anni'ersary wishes to-Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lord and Mr. and Mrs Louis Overstreet on June 17th; and to Ed and Lor-' raine Callahan on on June 18th. Laughing deeply is living deepl..--Milan Kundera Cristina Bracewell and Shon Whitwood Carrie Ayiers 17?1,1,,1,71?1A-liZe~l WE WELCOME YOU TO UNION BAPTIST CHURCH (c$S 6259 S.E. 75TH AVENUE NEWBERRY, FL 32669 $SUNDAY SCHOOL ..........................,... 9:45 AM- MORNING WORSHIP ,11 AM' M ORNo ........................... . EVEN-ING WORSHIP ......................... 6 PM WEDNESDAY EVENING SERVICES: ADULT BIBLE STUDY, CHILDREN, & YOUTH ... 7 PM PASTOR: TRAVIS MOODY MINISTER OF YOUTH: ROBBIE BEACH CHURCH PHONE: 386-472-3845 "WIN THE LOST AND TEACH THE SAVED TO SERVE" Page Four GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JUNE 15,2006 F.M. 'T'UTT6c1AV 1TTM17 1: ),A# 0.11 0T-kTPT'ZT ('OjiTN ITI OJIRT'AI ageFiv The Cast Of Oklahoma Thanks Gilchrist County Shown on first row from left are Abagail London, Alyssa McElroy, Suinmer alexanderr. Sarah Huff and Peyton Nimmons. Second row from left Stephanie Chickering, Jessica Davis, Kellsey Valliere, Raven Jordan, Susan Howerton, Lyndsay Boland, Toni Meyers, Kelcey Nimmoins, Rai- chel Perryman, Vanessa Allen and Hunter Swendsen. T77ird row from left are Nikki Davis, Kelli Pattengale, Kelci Beach, Josh Reed, Peter Crane, Maalorie W\1hitley, Jordan Beck, Andrea Vilder, Ben Jones, Casey Crane, Alec Musen, and. Levi Sprague. Fourth row from left are Brandon Caves, Brittany Haves, Bryant Caves, Katelyn Turner. Kimberly Giambrone, Shawnee Gage, Steven Meyers, Ashley Paulsell, and 'Maygai- Hayies. Fifth row from left are Katie Quincey, Jonathan Wilson, Bethany Lunsford, Courtneyi A martin, Jonathin Martin, Justin AMartin. Ashli Vanhorn, Brandy Rogers anid Rebecca Hogle. It's Mosquito Season Again ,' Let Trenton Animal Hospital help in the 9 fight against mosquito-transmitted heartworm disease. '% .itS^ >Buy 1 year of V any heartworm preventative and; ,. save!! s av! Set up your ^ e nton appointment today!! *" Trenton Animal Hospital 6 603 N. Main St., Trenton, FL (352) 463-7100 DURON WiLLIAMSON'S I TREESERVICE I Licensed and Insured Call for FREE Estimates ceil 352-318-3610 home 386-935-2180 All Phases of Tree Work From trimming to complete removal and haul-off. Light land clearing, clearing of right-of-ways, and debris haul-offs. Bobcat service available. It's Not About the Car... As a local independent agent, we can design an insurance program that's just right for you and your family. Give the people you love Safe.Sound.Secure. protection from Auto-Owners Insurance Company. .Auto-Owners Insurance Nature Coast Insurance 12372 NWHWY 19, Chiefland, FL 32626 352-493-2565 Freeman Plumbing Now Has a Service Van Available To Handle Your Plumbing Needs. Residential & Commercial Service Work & New Construction, Additions, Remodeling, Etc., (352) 498-0703 (352) 493-3801 (352) 210-0062 LICENSED INSURED FREE Walter Freeman ,%I 3 Master Plumber Accepting Major" S Credit Cards ESTIMATES State Certified #CFC057595 Oklahoma Thanks Gilchrist County Trenton Drama Club has done, it again! Oklahoma went off without a -hitch! The talent in this town is unbelievable. One would think they were watch- ing a professional show. Senior Bethany Lunsford played Laurie Williams with such honesty the audience could feel her pain-. when, she thought she had lost her love Curley McClain (Jona- than Wilson). Bethany has the voice of.an angel and I believe we will see her on the big stage one day. Jonathan Wilson raised some eyebrows when he sho" ed that a seventh grader could hold a major rolex ith such authority. It is exciting to know that we might see him in another Tren- ton show. The showstoppers "I Cain't Say Know" and "Kansas City" were performed by I\o upcom- ing: talents, Malorie Whitley (Ado Annie), and Peter Crane (Will Parker). These, two brought down the house w ith numerous laughs and touching sincerity. Another senior left with' a bang \%ith his farewell perfor- mance as Jud Fry. Bryant Caves put his all into the part of Jud Fry and it showed. He has been an asset to the drama program for four years and we hate to see him go. Another new face was Courtney Martin as Aunt Eller.- We hope to see more of her in future shows. A huge added bonus to this year's spring musical was Lori Courtney who choreographed the chorus numbers. 'She added. such charisma and character to each of the characters. "We want to give,her big thanks for taking time our of her busy schedule in Atlanta to come and help the drama club. There were 66 students in- volved in the production in all from acting to stage crew. There were many volunteers this-year including stage manager Renee; Hastings and prop master Janice Beach. Director, Krista Perry- man, has been directing the TES drama program since 1999. She directs a Christmas musical and -spring musical each year. She. has written several of thd shows performed as well. Technical di- rector. John Yencho. directs the THS drama program. He does a fall show.each year. Four \ ears ago Mrs. Perry man and NMr. Yen- cho decided to join forces, and combine the trko drama groups for a large spring show. The first one was titled "A Walk Through Time on Broadway." It was a, piece written by Mrs. Perryman based around Broadway mu- sicals that she and Mr Yencho'. had compiled together. Enough money was raised on that show to do "Wizard of Oz" the next year. Each year it gets bigger and bigger. One would only wonder how each show could, get any better. Again they went over the top with Oklahoma... They would like to thank ev- eryone who helped both physi- cally and through donations. WVe hope to see your support in the years to come! THANK YOU GILCHRIST COUNTY! Remember, each show costs a lot of money to produce. If you are interested in-helping out the drama program: in this area, call 463-3224 or write your check to Trenton Drama Club and mail it to 1350 SW SR 26, Trenton, FL 32693. Kid's World Pre-School Learning Center, Inc. A private school for your child's early learning years. ' NAEYC Accrednted Pre-K School Readiness Program . S Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten , SCDA Cemtfied Teachers ' * USDA Food Program * High.icope Curriculum * CPR First Aid Certified *Ages 2-12 Stop bi for a tour of our facilini I is 'C, 'C 'C 'C 'C 'C '5 5. 352-463-3555 Corner of Hwy. 129 & S.R. 47, Trentonr (Across from Trenton High School) Owners/Directors Amy Wesley Woods Holly Wesley Bussard License 'CO'GIlOoti S~ i ~''A'.A'.A'sA mlhI~) I] Lei is~ .411i~R.Is Qp~] lii I:-W44..1 U 5i 1'n'A -~ ?.1II ~.'A,'A.'A''J I I1 is 161.11 lul IsIl] iusIr Il .1-'4 -I* -msm"l M.' White Fordf's Detlin't OVE RSTOC- CLEARANCE S LU "If your car doesn't have WHITE FORD on the bumper ... you cost us BOTH money! Compare Us...mpare Them... THERE'S NO COMPARISON! See r7,T UTI- SAVE MORE GREEN! What Color White Ford Do You Want? JUNE PROGRAM CAR CLEAR CE! SPRING FLEET - CLEARANCE 2006 VEHICLES Low Miles 2006Taurus SEL 2006 Five Hundred SEL 2006 Escape XLT 2006 Freestar SEL 2005 Mustang Coupe CD, Power. #1021 Leather, Pwr., 6 Disc CD. #996 V6, Pwr., 6 Disc CD. #997 Leather, Pwr., 6 Disc CD. #1020 Automatic, Nice Car! Prgm. Veh. Warr. Avail. Prgm. Veh. Warr. Avail. Prgm.Veh. Warr. Avail. Prgm. Veh. Warr. Avail. #917 SAVE $10,382! SAVE $6,432! SAVE $6,652! SAVE $8,637! Prgm.Veh.Warr. Avail. ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY $14,488' $18,888* $18,488 *$19,488* $16,488* C11ssiCuty Drive a Little Bell S "i '" "Cross City More... / a "The W orks" TrtIiii 'Genuine Motorcraft Oil & Filter Change r w'lc ts :Rotate & Inspect Four Tires OdTon ' SInspect Brake System A $42.95 *Test Battery A $42.95 Fanning *Check Air and Cabin Filters Value sprin F Archer -CheckWiper Bladeoes A 95l All as 'Top Off All Fluids ead to Bronson Multi-Point Inspection '*lr I Whte Fod A great value In maintenance-l- If In Florlandl oil change, tie rotation, thorough Inspection MERCURY I Chefl d and morel Up to S qts. Motorcraft. O. Taxes, dlsposalfees and diesel vehicles extra. G Tulfl Hammock Ocala" S Valid0Wit elupon vferEx tr-2" 916 N. Young Blvd., Chiefland Tol0 1 Free 1-888-864-4582'edarKeyGulmmo Ol *Prices net of rebate, plus tax, tag and $224.95 document fees. All vehicles subject to prior sale. Art for illustration purposes only. In stock inglis units only. See dealer for details. (W.A.C.) = With approved credit, financing with Ford Motor Credit Co. Prices may include FMCC financing. Website: www.whitefordmercury.com Incentives and rebates subject to change. **Present White Ford-Mercury vehicle owners. i I: N U wad m' w a rm arVrIT QtiI 1 1 1 Iijel k Ip' T.3m a rA]Kai '.t11`1711p! me m u r i mul ts * mod -L M.CHRTST COT TNTY 101flRNAT. SPage Five I TY-TTTPqnAV TTTN-F. I'S 9006 7Tl J T F I I'm rage 3iIA %-Ix%-j1 -T INxx JTT-T RI.TUD N12 Antique Car Show at Ayers Health and Rehabilitation Center ' 20th Antique Car Show Held At Ayers Health And Rehab On May 20th the lawn at Ay- ers Health and. Rehabilitation Center was filled with beautiful antique cars as the Antique Car Shoti's Early Bird"V8 'Club came to town. It is a pleasure to have the ,, Club come to walk down mem- ory lane %%with our community. It was another gorgeous day to be outdoors. The residents at Avers en-, joyed looking at all the cars and a NO Payments, Interest or Down Payment for FULL YEAR* rememberifig their treasured automobiles when they, were younger. Lots of food, sodas, sundaes, popcorn were available for all'to enjoy throughout the day. Music was provided by DJ, Ric Trisch from High Springs playing old- ies but goodies music'for every- one to reminisce and enjoy. Thank you to all who par- ticipated in this annual e\ent and made it a great success. -Wpp Bell Elementary School End Of Year Ceremony For All Year Perfect Attendance, A-B An All A's Honor Roll Students ER. America's #. Kiuer - On Sale * Powered by Briggs & Stratton or Kohler engines \ * Wide range of engine choices from 11.5-hp 20-hp models with recoil or electric start * 28", 30", 33" or 42" mowers available * Quick response steering helps maneuver around tight spots 7am-5:3pm M-F Gilchrist Building Supply CodyCole 8am-3pm Saturday B. i Garrett Floyd Hwy. 129, North BELL 463-2738 1-800-543-6545 D. Jones Shelby Langford * 12 months same as cash offer valid on purchases made with a Yard Card consumer credit card account Shelby Langford between 1/1/06 and 5/31/06 subject to credit approval through Shoppers Charge Accounts Co. No payments Nikki Bolender required expect insurance premiums (if applicable). Finance charges will 1 ..f. t ... J. .....:h-: Caitlin McLau hlin unless the total purchase price and all related insurance,premiums (ifappl :,iU., F.: y .J ,.-. ,i.ii t ,,a rug-in promotional period. See dealer for details**$2l monthly payment based on $1,049.99 retail price. Garrett Brady Ashley Cannon WWW.SNAPPER.COM Brittany Jones Haley McRae SUMMER SPECIAL June and July 1 5/month lay-Pown 25/month Stand-Up Turbo Bed (Pig Variety of Tan Lotions) -- Hours: 8am-8pm S463-6330 TIHE TAN ZONE Railroad Lane, Pell ~k Chelsea Standtidge Lily Turner Fifth Grade Ronny Cliarmont Perfect Attendance Brittany Jones Alicia Green Haley McRae' Wendy Trantham Kellie Santerfiet Courtney Whitby Katelyn Sheffield Katie-Dykes Fifth Grade Dillon McElroy A-B William Welder Keith Donnelly Kyle Floyd Gina Forsyth Olivia Bailey Brittany Mauldin Morgan McKenzie Kristen Rehberg William Bradford Olivia Roberts Randell Barnes Jacob Turner Zach Zayas Victoria Waldron Perfect Attendance Emily Helton For Grades 1-5 Cody Germaine Olivia Bailey- Jessica Hartley .Wendy Trantham* Courtey Whitby A-B Honor Roll All Year- Sarah Hunter First Grade Thomas Waldron A-B. .. .. -.. Chantz Moore Katelynn Creech .,, Zachary Diehl Storey Helton Samantha Fowler A, J. Hore.e ... -,. Chelsea McGee Mackenzie Maynard Joseph Overstreet Haley Sinni ." Dallas Pope Uriah Standish Shelby Rogers Desrinee Estes .. Adrian Schille Madison Hill "" :' Ashley Spears Morgan Martin Chelsea Stephenson Dawson Stone :'Lacev Watson Conner Townsend 'Jarred Boyette Rikita Woodby Tyler Powell Helen Rogers' Katine Ward Nicholas Bryan Aundrea Wood Christopher Bryan :Gia Dipanfilo* Amber Welder First Grade SMelina Kalandk- "" All A's Jhonny Zuniga Hunter Martin Abigale Bell Lane Ordwayv Andrew Harrell Morgan Rose Katie Pow ell Jaycee Thomas Randy Sikes Taylor Mauldin SMelissa Lilly Wesley White Christopher Lamberti Clayton Hutto Rebecca Deutsch Ire Langford Second Grade McKenzie Martin S. A-B Austin Spears Vanessa Carranza *.. Jarrett Douglas Rodney Hoffman Taylor Galban Hayley Holcombe Madison Holder Joseph Miller Courtney Irvin Bobby Fowler Jeremiah Liebl Austin Aderholt ,. Brittany Moses James Orkney Michael Trantham Austin Roden Bryan Ma'o Kirsten Shannon Dillon Paulling Kyle Spears .a... bnelle Mikell Rebecca Yarbrough .. Talia Whitley Chance Rolling Second Grade Branden Thomas All A's' - Brooks Martin. Gabriel Carranza Lacey Brooks Ashley Pastuszek Cole Diepersloot Taylor Drawdy Selena Thomas Dakota Hodge Georgeanna Braswrllbmrt"o -hri -Samanta Davis S- -"NMichael Gray AustimtglDay l''"' .n." 'Payton lkyker S helby Geliger Katrina Douglas SaraHillAshion Mathes Gaige McCray .Ashon Mathews Wade Thornton hrd Gradle Justin Coney ThirdGrade -Bryce Denham All A's Jacob Floyd Christian Whiting Jake Hunter Kelsey .Cox DanielJoyner Charleen Hitt Daniel Joyner BradleyMcCormick Shelbie Hutto Devin Townsend Raychel Thomas Nathan ar Cassandra Barron Nathan Ward Ba leeRolling Third Grade Fourth Grade A-B All A's Sarah Blankenship Megan Sies Jacob Robinson Megan Sites Jacob Robinson Bruce Thomas Jam en sAndrew Griffith Colton Doulase Caitlyn Hartsfield Shyne Feldmann-van Tassel Melanie Beasley Taylor Ferguson t a rtin Emilie Young Lindsay Mathis Trace, Dennis .Victoria Ryan Robyn Messier Hunterofgean Brandon Richardson Chelse Standridge Stephanie Stalvey Fifth Grade Austin Thomas l Cole White All A's Logan CuttS Olivia Bailey Adrianna Hodge Holly Forshaw drianag : Michael Lamberti Robert Monica RCasslsr anchyshyn .. Simone Langford Audry aowers Morgan McKenzie .Adryo e.. : "Amanda Dennis Michaelah.Sunddberg, Katie Geiger Cilb^ Wlitby i Matthew Harrell Ricky Pinna Houston Pope* KaWeb Srs James Dechow Wendy Trantham Fourth Grade Tyler Cutts A-B Ashley Butka Garrett Floyd Cassidy Hodge ; Cameron Hume' D.' Jones . Shelby Langford Sabrina Myer Austin Ritchey Dallus Lindsey Ryan Sellers Carson Stewart Benjamin Thibodaux Kati Thomas Kendal Walter r. . Josh Young ' John Anderson Lacey Ash Nikki Bolender Spe GarrettBrady Ser Ryan Cumbie Emily Hodge Ma Jarrait Humphries Caitlin McLaughlin Lorena Murray Shelby.Sheppard Jessica Taylor Per Katarina Thomas Wesley Kalandyk Give us a call, Karrah Broadie RaeannMeyerhoff Brian Downs Tiffany Edenfield Jonny Robinson S. ,Jacey Spencer Cathryn Odom who is the 2006 Alabama Watermelon Queen is shown with Mr. Freddy Rutledge of Trenton. Miss Odom made a visit to Ayers Rehiab recently to visit with the patients. While there she sang and brought lots of watermelons for ev- 'ernlone to enjo. Jamets Sanche:7 and Alaibamaii Wa4te'rmelonz Queen, Cathry~n Odonil Fifth Grade AUllA's Grades 1-5 Olivia Bailey Holly Forshaw Michael Lamberti Simone Langford Morgan McKenzie Amanda Dennis Matthew Harrell Wendy Trantham Tyler Cutts El, 4.-4 If you're'a safe driver, I can help you save on insurance. Call me today. (352) 493-2501 Stephen Quincey Tri-County Insurance Services. Inc. 13564 NW HWY 19 Chiefland Serving the community for over 30 years Allist~ate. OFFICIAL PARTNER The stylized E with checkered flag (R) and 9 (R) are registered trademarks and service marks of Evernham Motorsports, LLC, used un license. Kasey Kahne NM likeness and signature are trademarks of Kasey Kahne Inc. licensed by Evernham Motorsports LLC. Dodge is a registered trademark of DalmelerChrysler Corporation. NASCAR (R) is registered trademark of the National Association for Sti 1 Car Auto Racing. Inc. Insurance and discounts subject to availability and qualifications. The 'Cupped Hands" logo is a registered sen mark and 'Our Stand' is a service mark of Allstate Insurance Company. Allstate Property & Casualty Insurance Company and AIIst indemnity Company: Northbrook. IL. 2006 Allstate Insurance Company. CK Contracting, Inc. Building Contractor Licensed & Insured socializing in Spec & Custom Homes ving the Tri-County Area fny home plans available: 3 or 4 Bedroom Ranging from 1,200 2,300 sq. ft. sonalized service for every home owner we'll be happy to help you create a wonderful new home. 352-472-9888 Chad & Kellie White IT'S, THAI, EASY! THURSDAY, JUNE 15,2006 CTTILCHRI ST COUNTY JOURNAL PD Si I TTHUSDhAY 1JUNE.15.2006i GL CHITRIST COT NTY JOT TRNAI. Page Seven Bronson Chamber And Levy County Fair The next meetings for the Bronson Chamber and the Levy County Fair will be' as follows: the Chamber and the Fair task force will meet from 6:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 15th, and then again on Friday, June 16th from '11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.. Each day the first hour is devoted to the Chamber and the second hour to the Levy County Fair. Member- ship is not required to attend the meeting and the Fair Task Force is open to anyone in the county. All meetings will be held at the home of Bob and Sandi Levesque located at 6851 NE CR 337 south, in Bronson. Please RSVP to bronsonchamber@aol.com or call (352) 486-8029. A meal/refreshments will be served for a ($3-5) donation. Feel free to come hungry! SRWMD Announces Temporary Closure Of Entrance To Devils Hammock The Suwannee River Water Management District will close the Hunter Check Station En- trance into Devil's Hammock on Monday, June 12th until further notice. As a' result, the following, roads will be closed to through traffic for up to two months: Bearfoot Pocket Road, Otter Creek Road and Andrews Road. The closure is necessary to al- low the District to restore the hy- drologic features of Otter Creek where it' crosses the Andrews Road. Construction will include replacement of culverts to rep- licate the braided creek system, as well, as hydrologic improve- ments on Bearfoot Pocket Road and Otter Creek Road. For more information call the District at 1-800-226-1066 A Suwannee Valley Precast, Co. Owner Gerald Roderts Bell Chiefland 463-2504 Fax: 463-0390 493-4055 Aew Septic Tanks Installed -Drain Fields Repaired 'Septic Pump-Outs' Septic Tanks Certified Portable Toilets -Backhoe Work- Fill Dirt * State Certified . - I JAMERSON-SHEFFIELD POST 91 P.O. Box 559 TRENTON, FLORIDA 32693 352-463-1501 MEETS: 3RD THURSDAY NEWBERRY POST 149 P. O. Box 1 NEWBERRY, FLORIDA 32669 352-472-6125 MEETS: 1ST TUESDAY American Legion Airs D-Da.. June 6. 1944, US Navy pharmacist mate Bill Lowrance, attached, to a beach battalion, went ashore at Omaha Beach in Normandy, France, to clear mines and other obstacles and open boat lanes before the start at 6:30 a.m. Minutes later, Navy helmsman Joe McClellan made the first of three landings that day on one of 4,000 stubby, front-ramped landing craft, each time pushing five Sherman tanks and 10 tank operators onto the beach. Without the Navy, they say, there would have been no D-Day. "You had to have a way to get the troops to the beach," McClellan said. "We did it." Yet more than six decades later, the US Navy is the lone American military service without a monument at Normandy. "The Navy's focus was always on the Pacific; the European theater was an Army affair. That, I think, is why there's no monument at Normandy," said Greg Streeter, chairman of the Navy Normandy Monument Committee. Aging witnesses and more urban sprawl are making it harder to find remains or evidence of missing American service members in Vietnam, but a group of'experts here works year-round to fulfill'the U.S. military's pledge to leave no man behind. The seven-member team -- four service members and three federal employees -- of Detachment 2, Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command, has spent the past 15 years talking to witnesses, reviewing historical documentation and digging in muck in pursuit of a mission sacred to U.S. military members. The headquarters of the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command is at Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii. The unit works on many fronts to provide the fullest possible accounting of U.S. service members missing from conflicts throughout history. Some 1,805 U.S. military members are still officially missing in Southeast Asia; the vast majority -- 1,380,-- are believed to be in Vietnam. Fifty-four went missing in or over Cambodia; 365 in Laos; and seven in China. JPAC's Detachment 1 is in Bangkok, Thailand, and is responsible for operations in Thailand and Cambodia. Detachment 3 is in Vientiane, Laos. And several more teams are researching sites from WWII, Korea,' and other sites all around the world where American troops have borne the battle. These teams endure many hardships and troubles in order to bring our brethren home to America. Pray for them. Jamerson-Sheffield Post 91 and Auxiliary Unit 91 will conduct the Installation of Officers tonight at 7:00 PM at the Post Home on US-129 north of Trenton. All members are asked to attend this occasion to install the elected Officers for the coming year. There will be no regular dinner tonight, but snack or "finger foods" will be served beginning at 6:00 PM. The Fourth District Commander, Phil Hearlson, and the Fourth District Auxiliary Secretary, Rita McLaughlin will lead the respective Installations. Auxiliary Unit 149 in Newberry is having a Yard Sale this weekend, If you have items you wish to donate for this sale, contact Doris at 472-2675, or Helen at 472-5679. These Auxiliary members will be at the Post Home today, June 15th, after 1:00 PM, getting things ready for the Yard Sale on Friday and Saturday, June 16 and 17, beginning at 8:00 AM .and going "until". Stop by to visit and browse to see just what "you can't live without". Remember our Armed Forces all around the world each day in your thoughts and prayers, and here at home, watch over our Legionnaires, veterans and widows and the families of those service members overseas, helping out however and whenever we can. For God and Country, Wayne Gravely, Post 149 Newberry Florida Crown- Workforce Board To Have Meeting There will be a meeting of the Board. of Directors of the Florida Crown Workforce Board on Monday, June 19, 2006 at 4:00 p.m. in the Florida Crown Conference Room. This meeting is open to the public. Person(s) interested in partici- pating who have a disability re- quiring special assistance should contact Brenda Cruz, (386) 755- 9026, ext. 3220. TTY users.dial. 711 and ask the operator to dial (386)755-9026. Notice has been made of this meeting, through publication, to comply with the "Government in the Sunshine" Law. If you can't change your fate, change your attitude., Amy Tan 2005 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report 'City of Fanning Springs 17651 NW 90th Court Fanning Springs, FL 32693 We're pleased to present to you this year's Annual Water Quality Report. This report is designed to inform you about the quality water and services we deliver to you every day. Our constant goal is to provide you with a safe and dependable supply of drinking water. We want you to understand the efforts we make to, continually improve the water treatment process and protect our water resources. We -are committed to ensuring the quality of your water. Fanning Springs well draws from the Floridan Aquifer. The current active well being used is located by the Kik-A-Ha Subdivision. The water is chlorinated to ensure disenfection. The Department of Environmental Protection has performed a Source Water Assessment on our system and a search of the data sources indicated no potential sources of contamination near our well. The assessment result are available on DEP Source Water Assessment and Protection Program website at http://www.dep.staie fl.us/swapp lfrou have any questions about this report or concerning )our water utility, please contact our Water Manager, Mr. Doyle Frierson at 352-545-1024. We encourage our valued customers tobe informed about their water utility If you want to learn more, please attend any of our regularly scheduled meetings. The) are held on the first Tuesday of every month at 5:00 P.M. at CitN Hall. The City of Fanning Springs routinely monitors for contaminants in your drinking water according to Federal and State laws, rules and regulations. Except where indicated otherwise, this report is based on the results of our monitoring for the period of January I to December 31. 2005. Data obtained before January 1,2005, and presented in this report are from the most recent testing done in accordance with the laws, rules, and regulations. In the table below you may find unfamiliar terms and abbreviations. To help you better understand these terms, we've provided the following definitions: Maximum Contaminant Level or MCL: The highest level of a contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. MCLs are set as close to the MCLGs as feasible using the best available treatment technology. MNaximum Contaminant Level Goal or MCLG: The level of a contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MCLGs allow for a margin of safety. Action Level (AL): The concentration of a contaminant which, if exceeded, triggers treatment or other requirements that awaler system must follow. Parts per million (ppm) or Milligram per liter (mg/I): One part by weight of anal) te to I million parts by weight of the water sample. Parts per billion (ppb) or Micrograms per liter (pg/I): One part by weight of analyte to I billion parts by weight of the water sample. TEST RESULTS TABLE Hicks Seal Coating and Striping. LLC. Commercial and Decorative Thermoplastic Residential * Truncated Domes Asphalt, Parking Lots and Driiewa "s Phone: (352) 535-5479 Fax: (352) 463-7745 Ronnie Hicks SLicensed and Insured Trenton, Fonda Lead and Copper (Tap Water) Copper (tap water) (ppm) 903 Lead (tap water) (ppb) Corrosion of household plumbing systems; erosion of natural deposits; leaching from wood preservatives Corrosion of household plumbing systems, erosion of natural deposits The sources of drinking water (both tap water and bottled water) include rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reservoirs, springs, and wells. As water travels over the surface of the land or through the ground, it dissolves naturally-occurring minerals and, in some cases, radioactive material, and can pick up substances resulting from the presence of animals or from human activity. Contaminants that may be present in source water include: (A) Microbial contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria, which may come from sewage treatment plants, septic systems, agricultural livestock operations, and wildlife. (B) Inorganic contaminants, such as salts and metals, which can be naturally-occurring or result from urban storm water runoff, industrial or domestic waste water discharges, oil and gas production, mining, or farming. (C) Pesticides and herbicides, which may come from a variety of sources such as agriculture, urban storm water runoff, and residential uses. (D) Organic chemical contaminants, including synthetic and volatile organic chemicals, which are by-products of industrial processes and petroleum production, and can also come from gas stations, urban stormwater runoff, and septic systems. (E) Radioactive contaminants, which can be naturally occurring or be the result of oil and gas production and mining activities. In order to ensure that tap water is safe to drink, EPA prescribes regulations which limit the amount of certain contaminants in water provided by public water systems. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations establish limits for contaminants in bottled water which must provide the same protection for public health. Drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate that the water poses a health risk. More information about contaminants and potential health effects can be obtained by calling the Environmental Ptotection Agency's Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1-800-426-4791. Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water than the general population. Immuno-compromised persons such as persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ transplants, people with HIV/AIDS or other immune system disorders, some elderly, and infants can be particularly at risk from infections. These:people should seek advice about drinking water from their health care providers. EPA/CDC guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection by Cryptosporidium and other microbiological contaminants are available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791). We at The City of Fanning Springs would like you to understand the efforts we make to continually improve the water treatment process and protect our water resources. We are committed to insuring the quality of your water. If you have any questions or concerns about the information provided, please feel free to call Doyle Frierson at 352-463-2855. Pub: June 15, 2006b Total coliform bacteria- Highesi Percentage/Number is (he highest monthly) number of positive samples for s) slems collecting fewer than 40 samples per month. Microbiological Contaminants Contaminant and Unit of Dates of MCL Highest MCLG MCL LikelN Sources Measurement sampling Violation Monthl. of Contamination (mo./r ) Y/N Percentage .Number Total Coliform Bacteria 1-12/05 N I 0 For systems collecting fewer than Naturally present in 40 samples per month presence of the en% ironment coliform bacteria in I sample collected during a month Contaminant and Unit of Dates of MCL Lesel Range MCLG MCL Likely Sources Measurement sampling Violation Detected of Results of Contamination (mo./r) Y/N Radiological Contaminants Alpha emitters (pCI/L) 9/03 N I 35 0 4-2.3 0 15 Erosion of natural deposits Radium 226+228 or 9/03 N 0 75 04-1 I 0 5 Erosionof combined radium (pCI/L) natural deposits Contaminant and Unit of Dates of sampling MCL Violation Level Range MCLG MCL Likel. Sources Measurement (mo / r) Y/N Detected of Results of Contamination -Inorganic Contaminants . .,, arium (ppm) 9/03 .. '. N 0004 N/A 2 2 Discharge of drilling wastes, discharge from metal refineries, erosion of natural deposits Chromium (ppb i 9/03 N II N/A 100 100 Discharge from steel and pulp mills, erosion of natural deposits Nickel kppb) 9/03 N 4 N/A N/A 100 Pollution from mining S. and refining operations Natural occurence in soil Nitrate (as Nitrogen) (ppm) 9/03 N 0258 N/A 10 10 Runoff from fertilizer use. leaching from septic tanks, sewage. erosion of natural deposits Selenium (ppb) 9/03 N 3 N/A 50 50 Discharge from petroleum and metal refineries; erosian of natural deposits; discharge from mines Sodium (ppm) 9,03 N 3 2 N,'A N.A 160 Salt water intrusion, leaching from soil TTHMs and Stage I Disinfectant/Disinfection By-Product (DIDBP) Parameters Contaminant and Unit of Dates of sampling MCL Violation Lesel Range MCLG or MCL or' Likely Sources Measurement (mro.'>r.) Y'N Detection of Results MRDLG MRDL of Contamination Chlorine (ppm) 2005 N 1.06 0.09-1.23 MRDLG MRDL Water additive used =4 = 4.0 'to control microbes Haloacetic Acids 09/04 N 5.1 N/A N/A MCL=60 By-product of drinking (five) (HAA5) (ppb) water disinfection TTHM [Total 09/04 N 6.49 N/A N/A MCL = 80 By-product of drinking trihalomethanes] (ppb) water disinfection Contaminant and Unit of Dates of sampling AL Violation 90thPercentile No. of MCLG AL Likely Sources' Measurement. (mo./yr.) Y/N Result : sampling (Action of Contamination sites Level) exceeding the AL AMERICAN LEGION AIRS P'ageU.Eight S Y..,,-,1 5. 0 6 .. Sixth Annual Miss Firecracker Pageant Was Held At Trenton Elementary School On May 20 Red; white, and blue covered the stage on Saturday, May 20 at TES for the Sixth Annual Miss Gilchrist County Firecracker. Pageant. Forty beautiful girls competed in eight divisions. The girls were judged on beauty, poise, smile, dress, and stage personality. The judges were from the Branford and Alachua areas. The winners were:. Baby Miss Firecracker, Photogenic, Best Dressed and Congeniality to Carsen McK- enzie. First Runner-up, Sydney Waddle.. Second Runner-up, Stacy Waddle.' Wee Miss Firecracker and Best Dressed, Shaylyn Parrish. First Runner-up Laina Teague. Second Runner-up, Conner Terry. Third Runner-up Ashlee McDowall. Photogenic and Congeniality awards went to Railee McKen- zie. Toddler Miss Firecracker and Photogenic, Kinsey Akins. First Runner-up, Best Dressed, and Congeniality, Aubrey Brown. Second Runner-up. Shelby Wad- dle. Third Runner-up, Chelsea Chadwick. Little Miss Firecracker and Best Dressed, Rachel Perryman. First Runner-up and Congenial-. ity, Emma Rae Parrish. Second runner-up, Lillian Rogers. Third runner-up and photogenic, Tayzie Williams. Junior Miss Firecracker and Best Dressed, Jordan Eltnore. First runner-up, Larissa Wil- liams. Second runner-up, Jori Waddle. Third runner-up, Madyson Feather. Photogenic, Sabrina Brown. Congeniality, Alicia Robinson. Pre-Teen Miss Firecracker and Best Dress, Callie Farmer. First runner-up, Rebekah Manbeck. Second runner-up, Photogenic,' and Congeniality, Quitney Kin- caid. Third runner-up, Sumer Merrit. Teen Miss Firecracker and Congeniality, Brooke Hardy. First runner-up land Best, Dressed, Kaitlyn Wiggins. Sec- ond runner-up and Photogenic., Katie Wilkerson. Third runner- up, Jaclyn Richard. Miss Firecracker, Photigenic, Best Dressed, and Congeniality. Amy Adkins. First runner-up, Brittany Push. All proceeds of this pageant went to benefit GCRA. Pain Relief for Children to Grandparents! SA Pailess Chiropratic Adjustment Duct FaOver 15 Years Experience S i Cionsultation On Request. Most Insurance Acceptedi SRobert LVaughanJr., DC S- Tu. ; r. -E EN 325 W. Wade St. (Hwy 26)* 3 Blocks west of light in Trenton - CALL DANNY ANYTIME." Starb Wire Woven Wire d A RobeChainrt Livk Boaughanrd., 'D Office Hours Walk-ins Welcome 24 HOUR (352) 463-1832 -3Mobile (352) 493-5345 4110 S.W. Fri. SFloridaCE 325phennW. Wade St. (Hwy 26)3 3 Blocks Westofight Trenton Community Farmers' Market Open Every Tuesday from 2pm 6pm Baby Queen Little Queen Carson McKenzie Rachel Perryman WI. . -eVt'e Queen Sha/ hin Parrish 16 M Jr. Queen Jordan Elmore. We Have Color Copies 8.5" x 11" 8.5" x 14" 11" x 17" Call Us At The Journal 463-7135 Toddler Queen Kinseiy Akins. Pre Teen Callie Farmer Pole Barns Installed- Complete $1 ,79500 Total Leslie Sapp Construction, Inc., 352-463-7589 7239 S.W. 80th Avenue Trenton, Florida 32693 tlsapp@acceleration.net CR-C058431 National Board Teacher Workshop To Be Held June 26-28 SIf you are a classroom teacher and are interested in becoming a National Board Certification candidate or learning more about the process, .there is a workshop being held just for you. The workshop is entitled "Jump Start Into the National Board. Teacher Certification Process." It will be held at Wiles. Elementary School, from 1:00 4:00 p.m. .on June 26th, 27th. and 28th. This National Board Mentor sponsored workshop will pro- vide an overview of the National Board achievement process and FWC Deadline Nearing To Apply For Special Opportunity Fall Hunts The deadline to apply for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's special-opportunity fall hunts is June 14,. Special-opportunity hunts of- fer hunters vast areas, abundant game. low hunter quotas and excellent chances to bag quality deer, hogs and released quail on some of the best public hunting. areas in the state. ! * Special-opportunity deer and wild hog hunts take place on Fort Drum (Indian River County), Lake Panasoffkee (Sumter County). Triple N Ranch .Osceola County) and Green Swamp West Unit (Pasco County wildlife management areas (iQW As). Released-quail will examine the Documented Accomplishment Entry and the writing process. Application as- sistance will be available. National Board Certification is the highest credential in the education profession and gradu- ate level coursework credits may be requested upon achieving certification. The Florida State Legislature has recognized the significance of National Board Certification by authorizing supplementary annual compen- sation for National Board Cer- tified Educators. If you would like more information about the workshop, please contact Anni Egan at 352-472-4986 or Caro- lyn Turner at 352-955-6955. We hope to see you there! hunts take place on Blackwater WMA Carr Unit in Santa Rosa County. Hunters can apply for these permits at any. license agent or tax collector's office or submit an application at MyFWC.com. Application worksheets are available:, -at MyFWC.com/ hunting. Demand for these hunts typi- cally is greater than the number . of permits available, so a ran- dom drawing is conducted to select applicants. Hunters can improve their chances of being selected though by submitting as many nonrefundable $5 appli- cations as they want. The cost of permits for the hunts ranges from $50 to $175. Visit MyFWC.com/hunting for more information on how to apply for special-opportunity hunt permits. T-TRI-COUNTYA "Care for the Entire Fmil," Dr. Bennitt Patterson Available on Location: X-Rays. Physical Therapy & Licensed Massage Therapist (MM0007612) Most Insurance Accepted - Major Medical Medicare/Medicaid . "MostHMO's& PPO's Personal Injury/Auto Accidents *Workers'Compensation 493-1540 2220 N. Young Blvd., Chiefland (Across from Wal-Mart Super Center) OFFICE HOURS / Monday / Wednesday / Friday :9 a.m. Noon & 2 p.m. 6 p.m. Tuesday 8 am 12:30 pm / S\ Thursday 8 a.m. Noon & 2 p.m. 5 p.m. - Walk-Ins Welcome ~ 341 Chiefland Regional | FTri-County S Shopping Center I Chiropractic us 19 I -----Irt cWaI-M N--- > Super Center L FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH GILCHRIST COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Well Child & Newborn Care School & Sports Physicals Chronic & Acute Care Communicable Disease Maternity Care By UF Dept. OB/GYN Family Planning School Health Services TB Testing Laboratory Procedures Healthy Start Services WIC Services (Baby Formula & Food Coupons) HIV Anonymous & Confidential Testing Attention Deficit Disorder Evaluation & Treatment NO APPOINTMENTS NEEDED FOR: FREE PREGNANCYTESTS FREE BLOOD PRESSURE SCREEN CHILD & ADULT IMMUNIZATIONS We accept Blue Cross/Blue Shield, AvMed, PPC Care Manager, State Employees Group PPC, Health Options, Champus, CMS, Medicaid, Medipass, Medicare, and most other major insurances. 119 N.E. 1st Street, Trenton, Florida 32693 463-3120 Office Hours Monday Friday 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Teen Queen Brooke Hardy Aliss Firecracker Amyi Aldkins BELLS & WHISTLES STORAGE Phone: 386.294-3867 Across from the Dollar General 1859 North Hwy 129 Bell, FL 10 x 10 UNITS. 10 x 20 units & 10x 20 climate controlled available Farm Fresh Produce Aie, & Plants Drop-Off location for Canned Goods for the Food Pantry InfoLine: 352-463-4000, option 8 Vendor Information 386-454-3950 Sponsored by City of Trenton & Gilchrist County Journal THURSDAY, JUNE 15,2006 CUT -Cl-TRT.'R.T CC)TTNrY JOURNAL T-1 Tl-' -t- TT-1TTP'~ThAV JuMP 1" 9AA~ cm rr-ipi'~~ CflITNITV TflITRNIAT Page Nine J. J.L~JAXL~t'C) .L, J Lu tL.J 2.1, ~t''-''-' ~JJ.LJ~,L.Li.XLk~ A. .~tJ1 J. A. J'~.~tJA.t1Z X.I.S m - Bell High School Holds Award Ceremony On Tuesday, May 16th, the Bell Middle School had their awards program in conjunction with the Eighth Grade Night of Recognition. Our PTA gra- ciously sponsors the awards for students who have the top grade point average in each content area. Students are given a cer- tificate and pin for their high achievement. Top honors were awarded to: sixth grade Elli Carranza - mathematics, Felicia Thomas - Science- and Physical Edu- cation, Sunny Gray Social Studies, Robert Schroeder - Language Arts, Jade Edlin - Reading and James. Oslager - Physical Education; seventh grade Quentin Hudson Mathe- matics, Language Arts, Reading, and Physical Education, Lucas Wilson Science, Matthew Carlisle -- Social Studies, and Kenna Broadie Physical Edu- cation; eighth grade Samantha Dennis Mathematics, Kristen Burke Science, Samantha Williams American Jistory, Kailyn Waldron Language Arts, CourtneyAkins Reading, and Melanie Myer, Jesse Gray and Chris .Wilkerson Physical Education. In addition, the PTA sponsors a "Best Effort" award. This award goes to students who have worked hard all year but may Shown from left are Kathy Jo Smith, Kihil'n Waldron, Kristen Burke, and Gray Smith. not have the highest grade in the class. Students who received these awards are Melanie Deane, Kimberly. Crace, Jennifer Hon- Saker, and Andrea Dechot. for seventh grade and Josh Heth- erington, Mildred Forti, Jeremy Simmons, Samantha Williams, and Jessica Jones for eighth grade. e , Eerx year Ateris Bank pro- Sides a saving's bond for the r- o eighth graders \ith the highest grade point average. This 'year's recipients were Kristen Burke -Valedictorian and Kailyn \\al- PITCHES FIELD TOM WILKIE 352-463-2584 352-538-4460 DISASTER/STORM RECOVERY LAND CLEARING & SITE PREP TREE & BRUSH REMOVAL BACKHOE & BUSHHOG BOXBLADE Insured / Ages 2-12V S1 / NAEYC Accredited Pre-K / Highscope Curriculum / School Readiness Program / CPR/First Aid Certified / Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten / USDA Food Program / CDA Certified Teachers 352-463-7614 2739 S.W. 19th Circle, Trenton Robert P. Marsh Owners/Directors- Dawn F. Marsh Lic#C03GI0007 ' Life changes. Your insurance should keep up. dron Salutatorian. Both young ladies .addressed parents, guests, and classmates with inspiring speeches. Jessica Smith and Courtney Akins entertained the audience with special musical selections. Each eighth grade teacher presented various aw ards to deserving students. We would like to thank the PTA for all their hard work that made 'this evening so special. They not only provided awards. but also decorated the audito- rium and sered refreshments after yards. Woodland Craft Signs 207 N. Main 352-463-7135 N'renton : T 'intHE jb:,ineRr NC l7; OPEN -" THE Jl',-lRNAiL Character Connection-- Visionary Most people who stay in- formed are very eager to keep . up-to-date witl4 happenings, not only in the wdrld, their nation, and their state,. but also in their own local community. Most in- formed people stay in touch with constituents who are leaders in the community, whether in the church, the businesses, law en- forcement, or education. They are people in the know, they are, registered voters, and they ask questions attend meetings and are sometimes 'the "silent mov- ers and shakers." : Those informed people, whether they serve as a public official, teach, preach, or sim- ply watch, are those who can be called "visionaries;" people w ho are committed to growth. who look beyond problems to causes, and who develop precise solutions for success, no matter who gets the credit. They are the "silent" majority. The visionary has hope for the future, and encourages oth- ers %%ith that hope. A visionary uses his/her imagination to move things forward and exhorts oth- ers to follow his/her lead. A visionary has confidence that success will come, no matter how challenging the obstacles may appear. A visionary is one who can see the results before they happen: for their faith and their vision in a project is turned into reality through beforehand impressions on their mind. A visionary sa- * lutes the present. by continually ha% ing a perceptive "eye" for the future and the work it entails to reach certain goals. A visionary demonstrates great discretion in making decisions which will af- fect people for good. A visionary keeps commu-. Rudd 100% Cypress Mulch/Chips GET RID OF: Cockroaches Waterbugs German Roaches Ants and other Household Pests WE DO TERMITE INSPECTIONS Phone 493-1051 493-4772 lie send 'em packing' nication lines open and also interacts with conversational interchanges of excellent ideas between people he/she is work- ing with. A visionary is teach- able in that he/she is willing to learn from others. A visionary stays "on top of things," asks questions and finds solutions to dilemmas. We, of Gilchrist County, are blessed to have as citizens, peo- ple who have the gifting of being a visionary; those who are will- ing to make whatever sacrifices are necessary for the good of all, and are not concerned about who gets the credit. A visionary sure- ly does prove that our county "is a County of Character because it's a County that cares." SFCC Presents A Two-Part Series Workshop On Advance Directives. Do you know how to prepare if you or a loied one becomes ill and cannot make decisions? Completing an Advance Direc- tive is one way to stay in control of important decisions concern-- ing your medical care. The PrimetTime Institute at Santa Fe Community College and The Village are presenting a free, two-part series on Advance Directives. At the first workshop from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Thurs- day, Jul\ 13th. you %will receive an Advance Directive Kit that contains a living \\ill and health care surrogate appointment forms, and instruction on filling these out. You will return with your completed kit in two weeks from S10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Thursday July 27th to ask additional ques- tions of Dr. Joel Rich. geriatric physician, and Shannon Miller. an elder lawyer. You may hate .\our forms witnessed, if you de- sire, and slay for a light lunch. The workshops are free; how- ever, please call (352i 395-5193. to reserve a space. The work-' shops meet in the Community Room at The Village. 8000 NW 27th Bld.. across from Santa Fe Community College. . I AC er iceeBa esT n-Up I I 1Springhouse | Quilters I ...... News W , Shown, is Ali Springhouse Quilters News - Springhouse Q:uilter's com- pleted their first week of 4-H sewing-quilting camp this past week with Elaine Faison co-. ordinating all of the projects. The young ladies successfully Completed their six-hour quilt. made the traditional Spring- house Quilter's name tag and.' a chicken pin cushion. They also made a trip to the Suwan- nee Valley Quilt Shop and Lyn's Country Cross Stitch in Trenton. They were able to tour the entire quilt and cross stitch shops and Sview all of the quilts and other hand made items on display. NMs. Lynn from the Cross Stitch Shop provided them with a demon- stration and got them started on a red work project. The next camp session vv ill be for beginners and will start on June 19th. The Springhouse Quilters will be meeting this week for their monthly day and night meetings. ice Gilbert With summer now upon us and a prediction of a tropical storm coming this week, Spring- house members may get their toes wet attending the meeting. What is a little rain when we have had such a dry spring? We will brave the rain and just be thankful. Thanks to all of you for read- Sing the articles about Spring- house Quilters. We appreciate your interest and support. If you need information about- Spnnghouse Quilters, please contact Anna Gillianm. 463-7922 or Lois Scott. 463- 2207 or any Springhouse member. Lois Scott, Publicity You.'don't really understand human nature unless you know %\hy a child on a merrm.-go-round will wave at his parents e\ery- time around and wh, his parents will always wa\e back. WVilliam D. Tammeus Beth Davis Photography WEDDINGS PORTRAITS SPECIAL EVENTS CEDAR KEY, .', 54 68 FLORIDA (352) 543-5568 Small buildings, boas. etc. 24 Ir: towing service, 22ft. rollback bed. Carports also available. Reasonable Rates. 463-2900 493-0345 JOE'S TOWING & ROLLBACK Credit Cards Accepted Southern Tire & Brake 626 North Main Street Trenton 352-463-6050 SAVE GAS Benefits of Proper Inflation Optimal tire performance Longer Wear SAVE FUEL (.4% for every 1 PSI your tire is low) Stop by Southern Tire & Brake Ask John to inspect your tires .Page Nine TMTR.PT-)AY TTTNF. 15- 2006 i C.H.CMRT.QT CM TNTY TOT flRNAT, I'- Fage ienfl'TNTVIlTRA.THRDYTN 1,20 JoLful iHecrt Quieps & CSPCfleps Bits & Pieces From The Joyful Heart Quilters & Crafters Of North Gilchrist County Well, here-it is June 7th al- ready. The too hot, too soon days have seemingly sucked the life out of almost everything except those really prickly cacti growing every where you don't want them. The rain we, at this end of Gilchrist County, enjoyed a week or so ago was such a blessing. It rained quite hard for several days and everything was fresh and clean once again. But, alas, it doesn't last long and every living thing...plants, and creatures are begging for more of that precious cool refreshing rain. Oh, you can run the hose and sprinklers and fill the bird baths every day but it's never enough. Seems like it disappears faster than. an ice cream cone in the hands of a ten year old boy. Why, even most of my lantana hasn't come back and the crape myrtles are blooming quite haphazardly. some have not put forth one bloom as if to say, "Honestly, what do you expect it's just too hot and besides...I'm thirsty." Yes, it seems the long hot days of summer are stretching out before us like a long hot dusty road to no where. The hotter it gets the less I'm inclined to do. I just want to sit on the porch with a tall tinkling glass of ice tea or maybe a really tart lemonade, close my eyes and just be. I recall summers of long ago. The memories of them march across my mind like a fourth of July parade. The sounds, smells and tastes of my own childhood summers and the childhood summers of my children and grandchildren rush to embrace me. The memories are like sum- mer fruit. Some are sweet, some are sour and some aren't yet ripe enough to enjoy. Each memoryM is unique and pieced together like a quilt with strong threads of, love, family and friends., They are made up of scraps and bits and pieces of my life. The strong, sweet fragrance of nos- talgia washes over me like the perfume of Confederate Jasmine and fills my soul with peace. And so it was on a hotter than hot June morning that twenty Joyful Hearts met to create memories forlong hot summer days to come. We were missing a few of the regulars and hope that they are just busy but not ill. We know that Maxine Hale has not been feeling up to snuff and we'll be keeping her in our prayers. It was good to have Heidi Kamp back in our midst. Her leg has been giving her a fit and she's on our prayer list as well. Mary Lou Ryder was able to make it...praise the Lord...I tell you even with 15 stitches in her arm you can't keep that girl down. Lu Rowland has been out a couple of times and we're hoping it's not because she's feeling poorly again. Alberta Scanner had to stay home and keep an -eye on hubby, Jimmy or he'll over do it in the garden and Barbara Strom -is keeping an eye out on-David, her hubby, We also were missing others and we hope they'll be at. our next meeting which will be on June 21st. We had a newcomer Betty Hicks, another buckeye, and we hope she'll come back until she moves,- North to live with her son. The quilt franie \\as surround-' ed with quilters. E\elIn Wood. Elaine Nemeth, Ann Mangone and Pat Luka. Pai's lap quilt is coming right along as well. Myrtle Gilkey is no longer cro- cheting what I called rats. She has started a new project and I believe it's an afghan. It was a pleasure to have Rita Simcoe back and she as well as Jackie Moore, Heidi Kamp, Bonnie Edwards and Alice Binns were all busy with their Swedish weaving. Ann Taylor was back to her knitting and Paulene Martin was crocheting. Paulene brought in her squares of."chicken scratch", that she laid aside, to show us. I just love that technique. I started doing it about four years ago and must get it out again. Some folks call it "depression lace" or Hoover lace because ladies used it on dresses and blouses instead of real lace that was just too ex- pensive back then. . Ruth Wilkerson was crochet- ing while Lera Townsend and I busied ourselves embroidering. Diana Lynn \% worked on her June lap quilt block and showed off her other five she has completed. I love the colors and patterns she's choose and I love Pat Luka's also. Of course, Elaine has hers finished and even made it bigger than 12 square..what can I tell you? Cathy Strom, Mary Lou Ryder and Judy Pflueger all came to. visit, make chit chat and bring us cheer. Sometimes that's all a body needs to do. Well, sooner than you think it was time to gather in our circle and say grace. We all ate the lunches we'd packed and afterwards ate ice cream with chocolate, butterscotch or cara- mel syrup...yummy, yummy. It helped take your mind off the fact that the temperature in your car was going to be well over 100 degrees. We are now in the beginning of the hurricane season. While we pray fervently that no storms of such destruction,and devasta- tion as were prevailent last sea- son find their way to our shores; or that of any country, we know the changes of it happening do indeed exist. We. do not have to wait until we are in the middle of a disas- ter to help those in need. The sick, the elderly, the hungry, the homeless, those unable to care for themsleves are always with us, maybe as an angel in disguise. I'm sure that most of us, including myself, could be doing more to not only make a difference, but to be the differ-' ence. Remember, He % ho does not love does not know God, for God is love. 1 John 4:8 'Til next time. S A Joyful Heart. S l Marilyn Runde Shown is Cathy Strom, our only May birthday, showing off the."Go Gators" cake in front of Ann Mangone's lovely hand embroidered quilt that is being raffled off. '***2. rIEllII Shou'n is Ruth IVilkerson peeking out fom behind one of the lovely afghans she has made. All New 2007 Chevy Tahoe! 10, in 5tacktj 22 Hwy. kaJ6 City a a #1142 3,99 2006 Colorado Crew Cab 24 Hwy. 19 City SPECIAL PRICE - #10859,995* i.n. 2006 Silverado 1500 Ext. 20 Hwy. 16 City SPECIAL PRICE - #913 17 595 28 2006 Silverado 1500 Reg. :Silveruado 22H .w Cab in Stock! 22 Hwy. 16 City WT., 2006 Chevy Trailblazer LS 2WD 22 Hwy.16 City.. SPECIAL PRICE #1009 6w railblaczers ,, F ,, |1!. in stmcki GREAT SELECTION OF PRE-OWNED VEHICLES! '03 Nissan '02 Chevy '03 Chevy '03 Chevy '06 Chevy Frontier Crew 1500 1500 Ext. Cab Avalanche Uplander #936A #886B #807A #1128A #65K Miles #1065A $15,995* $9,995* $13,995* $22,995* $20,995" '05 Chevy '02 Chevy '01 Ford '05 Chevy 1500 '06 Chevy 1500 Crew 2500 HD Ranger Ext. 4x4 Trailblazer 4WD #979A #1011A #1175A 35K Miles -#1069A 12K Miles #1165P -19,995* $16,995* $9,995* $24,995* -23,995* '01 Ford '04 Chevy '03 GMC '06 Chevy '06 Chevy F-250 Supercab Avalanche Ext. Cab 4WD Suburban Trailblazer #968B #1087A #1048A 2K Miles -#1160P 11K Miles -#1162P $15 995* $24,995* $19995* $39,995* *21 995* N *i- S 9 $ *i iscrn Williston., Independence Day Celebration To Be Held July 3 The City of Williston and the Williston Area Chamber of Commerce are making big plans for the 2006 Independence Day Celebration. This year's event will be held on Monday, July 3,2006. The festivities will start with the annual parade, M which will ,begin at 4:30 p.m. The line-up will be behind the Williston High School one hour before start time. The theme this year is "Stars, Stripes And Community . Pride." SThe gates at the Williston Horseman's Park will open at 6:00 p.m.. A $2 donation for -parking will be accepted.- . Children's rides will begin at 7:0.0 p,m. Vendor booths with novelties and lots of good food, will line the park. The opening ceremony 'ill\ start at 7:00 p.m. - ^ ith musical entertainment provided by an assortment of local talent and will end the evening with a .spectacular. fireworks display. Please remember to bring lawn chairs or blankets. No coolers or pets will be allowed through the gates. Anyone interested in having a booth to sell or display items, contact Mary Kline at the Chamber of Commerce (352- 528-5552). Gator Storage e Trailor Rentals 352-372-6206 ,P IRON-FREE WELL WATER COMPANY, INC. Taking Iron Out Of Your Water Every Day 1-800-437-1128 Or visit us at: www.iron-free.com MEN, Hair Expressions WOMEN Sby Dee CHILDREN'S TANNING SPECIAL $20/month Sales Dept. Open Mon.-Fri. 8 to 7; Sat. 9 to 4; Closed Sunday Body Shop Open Mon.-Fri. 7:30 to 5 Service Dept. Open Mon.-Fri. 7:30 to 5 24 Hour Towing Call 493-7061 352-493-4263 *AII prices include all GM rebates + 1999 or newer trade-in, plus tax, title and license fees. Mileage based on EPA estimates. 1424 North Young Blvd., Chiefland 30 Years Service to the Tri-County Communities .Us, I. o- - sog Y A g HiOrT DIbic FROM ANWHEREmIN 7NE TRI-COUNTY AND SURROUNDINMG AREA I I I www.scogginschevybuick.com Unlimited Tanning 15-minute ultra turbo bed (Good through June 30th) Phone (Matrix & Redken) 472-1482 Wolfe Tanning Bed -_ (High Output Bulbs) 8897 SE 66th Circle SPECIALIZING IN COLOR Treniton, Florida 32693 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE Monday Friday ~ 10 am 6 pm Appointments & Saturday ~ 10 am 3 pm Walk-Ins Welcome Z AN AMERICAN REVOLUTION .......... I- A -11, THURSDAY, JUNE 15,2006 CT-TT.CT4RT.qT COT TNTY TOT TRNAT. Pa"- T^- I I TPTTIRJLXJJ.FThA, JuN 5 06(TLHITCUT ORA aeEee Mr. Arthur Ray Brown Mr. Arthur Ray Brown of Trenton, Florida died on Sunday, June 11, 2006, at his home. He was 66 years old. Mr. Brown Was born in Fort Mill, South Carolina and moved: to Trenton 10 years ago from 'Homestead where he was a retired Petty Officer with the Coast Guard and he also worked *at Carquest Auto Parts. He was .a member of the Masonic Lodge ;#100 in Homestead and also 'with the Miami Valley Scottish Rite and Mahi Shrine Club in Miami. He. is survived by his wife Peggy A. Brown of Trenton; a 'daughter. April Pena of Home- istead, a son Michel Brown of ?Miami; a sister Ruth Haron of STocca, Georgia; and 1 grand- 'child. I In lieu of flowers donations imay be made to' Shriners Hospi- tal For Crippled Children. Arrangements were under the care of WATSON FUNERAL HOME, Trenton, Florida. Mrs. Joyce Elizabeth, s Clark Mrs. Joyce Elizabeth Clark of , Trenton,.Florida, died June 11, r 2006. She was 67. years old. Mrs. Clark was born in Plant City, 'Florida and moved to Tren- ton 25 years ago from Hartford City, Indiana. She was of the Protestant faith and was loved and will be missed by all. She was proceeded in death by a daughter Alice Anthony and a sister Flossie Morris. Mrs. Clark is survived by two daughters, Pleta Neukam of Gainesville and Brenda Hinds of Montpelier, Indiana; .one sister, Julia Deeter of Trenton; 10 grandchildren and two great- grandchildren. Arrangements were under the care of KNAUFF FUNERAL HOME, Chiefland, Florida. Mr. Stephen Diczok Mr. Stephen Diczok of Bell, Florida died on Thursday, June 8, 2006 at Haven Hospice in Chiefland. He was 86 years old. Mr. Diczok was born in New York City of Ukrainian immi- grant parents. He was a gifted science and mathematics stu- dent, entering Columbia Univer- sity at 15 years of age. He was a registered engineer in New York and New Jersey and upon mov- ing to Florida in 1948 pursued a career in business.' He and his wife Myrtis lived in St. Petersburg and Newport Richey before moving to Marly . Farm in Bell in 1996 to be close.., to family. They were both avid golfers and traveled extensively playing tournament duplicate bridge for which they were both Life Masters. He was proceeded in :death by a daughter, Stevelyn Mary. Diczok. Mr. Diczok is sur iv.ed by ' his wife Myrtis; four daughters, FENCING ALL TYPES 4-Board 60' Round Horse Training Pen Including Labor, Material aed One Gate 3 Field Fence $2.49/ft. (soo' Mi.) . Completely Installed, Including Labor & Material Wood Chainlink Field & Barbwire Also Repairs & Free Estimates (352) 284-7081 (552) 949-0320 I l lH I I Carlisle Fence Enterprises, LLC Bell, Florida Thank You to, David & Patsy TURNER for providing. Shirts for. TES Safety PatroLtrip- to Washington D.C. .- Re-Roofing & Leaks Mickie Porvaznik, Lee Gluck. man, Marjorie Olivier and Diana Boisson; eight grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Arrangements were under: the care of RICK GOODING FUNERAL HOME, Cross City Florida. Mr. Ezekiel Fowler Mr. Ezekiel Fowler of Bell Florida, died Saturday, June 10. 2006 at Lake Shore Hospital in Lake City. He was 81 years old. He was born in Trenton, the son of Elbert E. "Burt" and Mary Baldree Fowler,. and moved tc Bell where he grew up and at- tended Bell High School. He was a World War II Veteran in the United States Navy. Mr. Fowler is survived by his wife Margie Fowler of Lake City; a daughter, Cynthia Fowler Cox of Lake City; four sisters, Vida Fowler Bioxson and Annie Fowler Lainer both of Jackson- ville, Myrtle Fowler Overstreet of Nashville, Tennessee, and Retha Fowler Stutter of Tom's River, New Jersey; 11 grand- children and several nieces and nephews. ' Memorial services will be an- nounced at a later date: Mrs. Kathy Suzanne Spears Mrs. Kathy Suzanne Spears of Fort White, Florida, died Wednesday.. June 7, 2006. in Gainesville at Shands, at Uni- versity of Florida. She was 47 years old. Mrs. Spears w\as born in Lake- City, Florida and liked in Fort White for 18 years. She %was a secretary and of the Baptist faith. * She was preceded in death by a brother, William Keith Hilliard. Mrs. Spears is survived t, her husband. Jimmy Edw ard Spears of Fort White: her parents, MNIc- - Coy and Clyda Mae Hilliard o a Bell, one step-son, Jimmy Ed , ward Spears, Jr., of Tennessee two sisters, Karen Fisher an r Katina Caldwell both of Bel and a grandmother, Alice Hill , iard of Bell. Arrangements were under th care of WATSON' FUNERAl HOME, Trenton, Florida. , Mrs. Vata "Ruth" Seale Mrs. Vata "Ruth" Seale o Bell, Florida.'died Monday, Jur 5, 2006 at Ayers Health and Re habilitation Center. She was 8 years old. She was born in Birmirighan Alabama and mooted to Bell 4 Years ago from Hialeah, Florid, She was a retired business ow ne and a member of Jesus Christ o Latter Day Saints in Chiefland Florida. Along with her hus band Vernon she owned an operated Trenton Appliances fo 35 years.. Mrs. Seale is preceded i death by'her husband, NIM Verno A. Seale. She is survived by two daugh ters. Jenee Roberts and Merr Simpson both of Bell. Arrangements were under th care of WATSON FUNERAL HOME. Trenton. Florida. Gilchrist County Land Transactions Jack H. Snmth and Marilyr Ann Smith to Bell Concret Products, Inc.. warranty deed $10.00. Jack H. Smith and Marily Ann Smith to Bell Concret Products, Inc.. warranty deed $10.00. . Peter D. Kilduff to James IH- Strom and Karen R. Strom. qui claim deed. $ 10.00. Karen Ann Poulsen eFK. Karen Ann Lacayo to Karei Ann Poulsen, quit claim deed $10.00. Lot 24 of the Lakes. Akins Heating & AC, Inc. 5120 N.W. 5th Street Bell, Florida 32619 352-463-2380 Servicing All Makes & Models* *Specializing in High Efficiency Units Indoor Air Quality Products * Call us today to ask about an ' additional power company rebate of up to $350.. G.E... .-I. ... License#CAC1813540 ,N......... Lindsey Land Clearing Site Prep, Inc. Fill Dirt & Limerock Site Prep & Pad Building Land Clearing Driveways Licensed & Insured 352-463-6125 or 352-535-5731 )f 1- e; d 1; l- e L of ie e- n. t5 a. er of d. S- d nr n n - Gary Houston McKenzie -and S Kimberly McKenzie to Matthew E. Rexroat, general warranty e deed, $190,000.00, Lot 16 Ayers L NMeado%\s. Clayton H. and Edwina M. Coons and Marion F. Hale to Clayton H. and Ed- wina M. Coons, warranty deed, S$6.950.00. Lot 3 at the Lakes. Robert C. and Dorothy .S. Long to Trac\ Mannion. war- n rants deed. $210,000.00, Lot 2 e Block 6 Spring Ridge Subdivi- sion. Eugene L. Rondeau II to Rus- n sell D., and Trenda D. Hogg. e warranty deed. $25.000.00. Lot' S9 Waccasassa Campsites Unit 1,. ,. Linda Beloncik Hirten to Mar- illn J. Traders. statutory war- t ranty deed, $10.00, Lots 5 and 6 dOaks O'Rural Subdi vision. Cathreen Ma\ Lambert and ni Rebecca Carlisle Callonayv to William C. and Gwendo- lyn Walden. \\arrant% deed. $13.500.00. Lot 12 Block D An- drews-Coleman Subdi ision. Charles S. and Lillian W. Freely to Gary Houston NMcKenzie and Kimberly MNckenzie. general % arranit deed, $1401,000.00 a... ak Walk.. Inc.. LLC. to Mike and Julie Keesee. corporate war-' ranty deed. $IS0,000.00. Lot 1 Block 3; Lots 1 .and 4, Block 4; Lots 2 and 3, Block 5; Lot 1, Block 6; West Bell Subdivision. David Bowles to David 'Bowles and Michael David Bowles, warranty deed, $1.00. S Michael David Bowles to' James K. and Jennifer Godfrey, warranty deed, $35,000.00.. Richard D. Knight and Dar- lene Knight to Carl G. Crider and Kathlee Joy Crider, war-. ranty deed, $0. d 'Desmond Heil to Thomas Har- i dy, warranty deed, $80,000.00, Lot 15. Waccasassa Campsites Unit 2. Kristy Sluder' to Theresa L. Lemon, quit claim deed, $10.00, Lot 8 Turkey Point. Kristy Sluder to Theresa L. Lemon, quit claim deed, $10.00, Lot 9.Turke0 Point. L. W. Martin to Elvin and El- len Yvonne Mathevs, warranty deed, $10.00, Lot 6 Block A Sun Springs. Robert N. and Michelle M. Terrell to Jimmy D. and Gale Hartge Faulk, warranty deed, $139,900.00, Lot 10 Millhopper Estates Unit 1. Elsa' Held to David and Cheryl Palpant, quit claim deed, $33,000.00. Jimmie and Juanita Summers to Jimmie and Juanita Summers and Kathie J. Watson and Tirmo-' thy J. Summers, warranty deed, $1.00 William C. Walden, Jr. to Leonard and Linda L. Along, warranty deed, $127,800.00. Michael and y Bauer to Fortiz De Jesus Palacio-Mazo and Maria L. Palacio, quit claim deed, $1.00, Lots 1-8 Block 16 Suwannee River South. Margareth Cummings to Mar- gareth and Gary Cummings, quit claim deed, $10.00. Capitol Resources Financial Group, LLC to Barry Duncan and Maria Glidden, warranty deed, $10.00, Lot 27 Emerald Farms Unit 1. Woodland Craft Now at theSins Journal (352) 463-7135 Shown is "Florida's True Breed" Brahma. Florida Junior Brahman Show To Be June 17 On Saturday, June 17th, in Lake. City the Florida Junior' Brahman Ass6ciation will hold it's annual Junior Brahman, Show at the Columbia Countv .'Fairgrounds at 2:00 p.m. This year's event is being hosted by' the Bailey Family of Lake City. The youth Brahman owners from all over the state w ill corn pete in classes by age with their heifers, bulls and in a showman- ship contest. Grand and Reserve Champions will be selected from the heifers and bulls, while a top showman divll be selected in- three .,age divisions, junior (8-. 12), intermediate (13-15), 'and senior (16-18). An annual meeting and a. banquet will follow. New of- ficers will be elected and awards from the day show and awards achieved throughout the year will be awarded at the banquet. Eleyone is invited out to see the "True Breed of, Florida" compete for state honors. Every person, all the events of your life are there because you have drawn them there. What you choose to do with them is up to you. Richard Bach Fresh & Silk Arrangements Funerals Weddings Rentals Plants Prayer Box Bracelets Mommyn & Me Bracelets MaggiB. Purses Texas Leather Purses & Men s 'Illeis Baby Canio Laige Selection of Picture Frames Hours: I 1 E B N~ M-F 9am 5pm T lfI Sat'i. 9am 12pm Teleflora Laura Teague 'Charlotte Pedersen Owners M RX-PAY CARD SAVE MONEY ON PRESCRIPTION DRUGS Available at over 42,000 pharmacies nationwide Automatic acceptance - no application with health questions No age limits No pre-existing conditions limitation Generic Drugs:You pay up to $10 [Tier 1) Brand and Select Generic Drfugs: You pay up to' $20 (Tier 2] Brand and Select Generic Drugs: You pay up to $50 [Tier 3) TO ENROLL CALL: 1-800-942-2003 Pole Barns Crane Service ~i .1$ 18-in Auger (352) 543-6643 P O. Box 218 Otter Creek, Florida 32683 Lic. No. RB0031694 , Forever Flowers & ifts 7-?2_d? _0176 or Toll Free 1-866-261-7986 ,,t' t,.forelerflowserstrenton.comn "IYour Full Service Florist" '21 East flade Sireet Trenton. Florida 32693 Metal Roofing 25-Year Warranty SManufacturer's . I -v -- -PRIPT I& I GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL THURSDAY. JUNE 15,2006 Page Eleven W, W I Paer Tuwilve GI .CHRTST COUNTY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 2006 Legal Notices IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO. 21-2006-CA-0027 GREEN TREE SERVICING, LLC f/k/a GREEN TREE FINANCIAL SERVICING CORP. 1400 Turbine Drive Rapid City, SD 57703 Plaintiff, vs. ERIC V. HOCKEMEYER; and HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION, lI, Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: ERIC V. HOCKEMEYER YOU ARE NOTIFIED that a foreclosure action has been filed against you on. the following described property:. LOT2, BLOCK 12, SUWANNEE. RIVER ESTATES SOUTH,: according to the plat thereof -recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 58, Public Records of Gilchrist County, Florida. TOGETHER WITH that certain 1999 76 x 32 Plantation Mobile Home, Serial No. GAGVTD1022AB. and you are required to file a written response with the. Court and serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to iton Timothy D. Padgett, Plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 2810. Remington Green Circle, Tallahassee, Florida 32308, at. least thirty (30) days from the date of first publication, and file the original with the clerk of this court either before service on Plaintiff's attorney, or immediately thereafter . otherwise, a default will be entered against you for the.relief demanded, in the complaint.. . WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court on June 12, 2006. JOSEPHG ILLIAM (AClerk of Court (SEAL) By: Lyndsay L. Ayers Deputy Clerk Pub. June 15, 2006b. G[LCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY PUBLIC SAFETY COMPLEX & MED 2 STATION ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES SNOTICER ' Pursuant to Section 287.055, Florida Statutes, and the poli-- cies and procedures of Gilchrist County Flonda, a sealed Statement of- Qualifications for' Architectural services for .the construction ofa new.Gilchrist County Public Safety Complex & Med 2 Station will be received at the Office of the County Administrator, 209 SE 1st Street, Trenton, Florida, 32693, until 2:00 p.m: local time on June 30. 2006. One original and six copies of the- Statement of Qualifications shall be submitted. Any Statement of Quali- fications received after the above time will not be accepted under any circumstances. Beginning June 5. 2006, a "Re- quest for Qualifications Package" will be available free of charge at the. reception desk, Office of the County.Administrator. 209 SE Pt. Street, Trenton, Flonda, 32693. This package contains the scope of the Project, submittal instructions, the selecnon process, and the evaluation criteria. To order documents call the County Administrator's Office at 352-463-3198. In accordance with Section 287.055(11), Florida Statutes, Gilchrist County declares that all or any portion of the documents and work papers prepared and submitted pursuant to this Notice shall be sub- ject to reuse by the County. Gilchrist County reserves the right to reject any and all bids or ac- cept minor irregularities in the best interest of the County. The selection, if made, will be to the most respon- sive and responsible Respondent as determined by Gilchrist County. Gilchrist County, Florida Ron McQueen Gilchrist County Administrator pub., June 15, 22; 2006b NOTICE OF MEETING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Gilchrist County SHIP Loan Review Committee will hold a regular meeting on Thursday June 22. 2006 at 3:00 p.m. in the SHIP Program Office/County Courtroom in the Gilchrist County Courthouse South Main Street, Trenton, Florida. PLEASE BE ADVISED that if a person decides to appeal any decision made at such meeting or ' hearings, he will need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Charlotte Pederson Program Administrator Pub. June 15, 2006b. LEGAL NOTICE The Suwannee River Economic Council, 'Inc. Board of Directors will hold a meeting of the Board of Directors on Monday, June 26,2006, 7:00 P.M. at the Live Oak Church of God in Live Oak, Florida. pub., June 15, 2006b IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA, IN RE: THE ESTATE OF: JAMES ANDREWS SULLIVAN, CASE NO.21-2006-CP-000027 Deceased,/ 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS (Summary Administration) TO ALL PERSONS HAV- ING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ES,. TATE: You are hereby notified that an Order of Summary Administra- tion has been entered in the estate of JAMES ANDREW SULLIVAN, deceased, Case. Number 21-2006- CP; by the Circut- Court for Gilchrist County,. Florida, Probate Division,. the address of which is- P.O. Box 37, Trenton, Florida 32693; that the total cash value of the estate is- $2,000.00-(does not include homestead property or exempt property) and that the names and addresses of those to whom-it has been assigned.by such order are: Johnathan D. Sullivan, 3 Citrus Dr., Palm Harbor, Florida 34684 David A. Sullivan, 3 Citrus Dr., Palm Harbor, Florida 34684 All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or, demands against decendent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is served within three months afterthe date of the first publication of this. notice must file their claims ith the Court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLI- CATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY' OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the dece- dent and persons having clans or demands against the estate of the decedent must file their claims with this court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE,-DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS AND DE- MANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. RONALD W STEVENS. ESQUIRE FLORIDA BAR NO-777470 WILLISTON. FL 32696 P.O. BOX 1444 BRONSON. FLORIDA 32621 (352) 486-3039 JOHNATHAN SULLIVAN DAVID SULLIVAN - 3 CITRUS DR. PALM HARBOR, FL 34684 pub., June 15. 22, 2006b NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING PLEASE BE ADVISED that the Gilchnst County School Board dill conduct a meeting on Tuesday. June 20; 2006 at 6:00 p.m. inBuilding' 14, Board Room 14-002 located at 310 NW lth Avenue. Trenton. Florida Following is the agenda. OPENING CEREMONIES 1. Approval of Agenda 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Citizen Jnput/Delegations 4. Operations 5:. Instructional 6. Personnel, 7. Student Services 8. Removal of Items from Consent Agenda 9. Consent Agenda 10' Reports NOTE: In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons requiring an interpreter or special accommodations ,to enable them to participate in this meeting are requested to notify the Office of the School Superintendent at 352- 463-3200, at least fory -eight (48) hours prior to the scheduled meeting date so provisions can be made. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that if a person decides to appeal' any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at such meeting, he will need a record of the proceedings and that for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. James E. Vickers Superintendent of School s Pub. June 15, 2006b. NOTICE FROM BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT REGARDING LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATION Starting July 1, 2006 the Building' and Zoning Department will be en- forcing the existing Section 14.3 of the Land Development Regulations (LDR), which requires a survey as a part of the zoning application process for new construction and mobile home building permits. According to Section 14.3 of the Gilchrist County LDR a building application shall be accompanied by survey of the lot, prepared by a land surveyor or engineer regis- tered in Florida and all property stakes shall be in place and clearly identified at the time of applica- tion. The regulation will apply to parcels which are considered a lot or parcel of 20 acres or less. The Land Development Regulations were ad- opted on April 19, 1993. pub., June 8,15,22,29, 2006b. GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES NEW GILCHRIST COUNTY JAIL NOTICE Pursuant to Section 287.055, Florida Statutes, and the poli- , cies and procedures of Gilchast County,.Florida, a sealed Statemei of Qualifications for Architectun services for the construction of new Gilchrist County Jail will b received at the Office of the Count Administrator, 209 SE 1' Stree Trenton, Florida, 32693, until 2:0 p.m. local time on July 14, 200i One original and six copies of ti Statement of Qualifications shall I submitted. Any Statement of Qual fications received after the above time will not be accepted under an circumstances. Beginning June t2, 2006, a "Ri quest for Qualifications Pacekage will be available free of charge the reception desk, Office of th County Administrator, 209 SE I Street, Trenton, Florida, 3269: This package contains the scope o the Project, submittal instruction the selection process, and the eval action criteria. To order document call the County Administrator's 0 fice at 352-463-3198. In accordance with Sectic 287.055(11), Florida Statute Gilchrist County declares that al or any portion of the documents an work papers prepared and submitted pursuant to this Notice shall be sul ject to reuse by the County. Gilchrist County reserves the rigl to reject any and all bids or accei minor irregularities in the best inte est of the County. The selection, made. will be to the most responsive and responsible Respondent as de termed by Gilchrist County. Gilchrisi County. Florid Ron McQuee Gilchrist County Adrnnistratc pub., June 15. 22. 2006b North Florida Livestock Report Receipts at the North Florid Livestock Market in Ellisville o Wednesday, June 8. 2006 were this week 419, last week 557 and last year 590. Trends: Slaughter cows an Bulls were steady. Feeder steer and heifers were steady. Supply was light, demand was moderate Flesh condition: thin and ver thin. Feeder steers and heifer under 600 pounds 64 percent (4 percent steers, 23 percent heii ers). over 600 pounds I percer (1 percent steers, 0 percent heil ers), slaughter cows and bulls 2 percent, replacement cows I percent. Slaughter Cows Boner 80-8 percent: 860-1171 (1011) 50.5( 54.50 (51.71); 1200-1577 (1365 52.00-55.00 (53.55); 1653-192 Staff AssistantJI Secretarial %work of a varied nature in the Student Services area., working within Athletics and Student Ad rising offices High school diploma or equivalent plus three \ears secretarial or clerical experience. Proficient in Word and Excel. S.lan, 20.583 00 annually plus berneiits Deadiine for applicaton4. lune 28. College application required Positon details and application available on the web at wv.'v .1akecitrcc.edu Inquines: Human Resource Development 149 SE College Place Lake Cit FL 32025 Phone: (386)"754-4314 Fax: (386) 754- 4594 E-mail: boenchergi,'lakecircc edu LCCC is accredited by the Southern Associanon of Colleges and Schools VP/ADA/EA/EO College in. Education &,Employment nt (1780) 49.00-54.50 (51.14); a 1730-1967 (1811) 56.00-58.00- a (57.20) high dressing. be Slaughter Cows Lean. 85-90 y percent: 880-1124 (977) 45.00-- )0 49.00 (47.74); 805-1100 (957)' S6. 36.00-44.00 (39.72) low dress- 6e ing; 1238-1334 (1277) 40.00- be 42.00 (41.01) low dressing. , i- Slaughter Bulls Y.G. 1: re 1163-1273 (1223) 60.00-646.50 y (61.71); 12t4-1478 (1346) 67.50-70.00 (68.87) high dress- " ing; 1281 (1281) 56.50 (56.50) at low dressing; 1564-1829 (1710) ie 63.00-65.00 (63.86); 1742 ' (1742) 66.00 (66.00), high. dress- 3. ing; 1567-1630 (1598) 52.00- ofr 56.00 (53.96) low dressing. s, Feeder Steers and Bulls Me- u- dium' and Large 1-2: 150-197 ts (174) 170.00-190.00 (178.77); 241-245 (243) 165.00-170.00 n (168.32); 254-295 (274) 144.00- s 162.00 (149.79); 302-346, 1, (320) 130.00-146.00 (138.47); d 360-391 (374) 126.00-137.50 ,d (134.85); 418-442 (437) 122.00- b- 135.00 (129.92); 450-477 (469) 107.00-114.00 (111.22). ht Feeder Steers and Bulls Me- pt dium and Large 2-3: 205-249 T- (221) 138.00-157.50 (147.87); ,e 252-297 (279) 130.00-142.50 e- (138.80); 309-337 (328) 128.00- 130.00 (129.37); 357-390 a- (373) 116.00-122.00 (119.13); n 407-439 (418) 114.00-118.00 Dr (116.98); 455-483 (470) 97.00- 101.00 (99.37); 500-538 (516) 89.00-98.00 (92.90); 618-621 (620) 80.00-84.00 (82.00). "- "' LAKE CITY INSTRUCTOR/COORDINATOR. EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES PROGRAiMS Teach and assist in program development, planning and implementation of EMIT Basic, Paramedic, and EMS Associate Degree programs. Coordinate schedules, clinical sites and instructors, maintain stare and national program certifications. Must have bachelor's degree in emergency medical sern ices or closely related field and Paramedic certification at state or national le',el Salary Based on degree and experience plus benefits. * Complete application packet must be received by July 10. 2006 for guaranteed consideration . College application and transcripts required. Posiuon-details and application available on the web at. %w-w..lakecit~cc.cdu Inquiries: Human Resource. S .Development Lake City Community College. 149 SE College Place Lake City, FL 32025 Phone: (386) 754-4314 Fax. (386) 754-4594 E-mail: boertcherg@lakecirycc edu LCCC is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools %VP'ADA.EA'EO College min Education & Employmnent Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1-2: 164-197 (185) 170.00-175.00 (1,73.25); 253- 295 (267) 127.50-140.00 (131.48); 302-318 (310) 1.21.00- 139.00 (132.48); 352-399 (374) 109.00-120.00 (113.82); 405-441 (424) 111.00-115.00 (112.00); 465-485 (475) 101.00- 109.00 (104.92); 551-563 (559) 98.00-99.00 (98.33). Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 2-3: 240-242 (241) 132.00-136.00 (134.01); 253- 264 (257) 110.00-125.00 (119.86); 301-342 (322) 110.00- 125.00 (117.02); 402420 (411), 98.00-104.00 (100.93); 488-495 (490) 95.00-98.00 (96.99); 524- 545 (534) 88.00-93.00 (91.01); 562-585 (571) 87.00-92.00 (88.71). Bred Cows Medium. and Large 1-2: 780-791 (786) 53.00- 59.00 (55.98) 4-6 months bred; 808-1005 (930) 50.00-101.00 (64.75) 4-6 months bred; 1208- 1424 (1273) 52.00-80.00 (61.88) 4-6 months bred. Cow-Calf Pairs Medium and Large 1-2: 705-793 (762) 590.00-710.00 (651.33); 691- 1017 (939) 625.00-720.00 (687.53); 1259 (1259) 750.00 (750.00)., By perseverance the snail reached the ark. Charles Haddon Spurgeon r H..LA E cC IY *i IEM. I " DIRECTOR. ADVISING AND STUDENT DEVELOPMENT This is a mid-le'el administrative posinon responsible for planning, . organizing, staffing, directing reporting and budgeting for the Adusmg/Srudent Development areas SMaster's degree in student * personnel or closely related field . plus three years expenence in counselingiad\ ising'supertitsmg Must have knowledge of stateinanonal trends in srudeni development. Salary $45,000 annually plus benefits. Application and matenals mIIustam\e by July 10. 2006. for guaranteed considerauon. College , application and transcnpts required Position details and application ayaiilableon the web at:, xwm Jakecir cc.edu Inquiries. Human Resource Development Lake City Community College 149 SE College Place Lake City, FL 32025 Phone- (386) 754-4314 Fax: S(386).754-4594 E-mail' boenchergi@slakecirycc edu LCCC is accredited by the Southern Associauon of Colleges and Schools * VP/ADA/EA/EO College in Education & Emplo meni "C LA SSIFD ADS $450 MINIMUM FOR20 WORDS EDSDITIONA WORD 1. CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5, CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. A AUTOMOBILES 1996OLDS AURORA: $3,500. 4.0 LV8, auto. dual A/C, leather,: loaded-power everything, CD & cassette, traction control, anti- theft, much more 352-472-6910 pls I1 msg or 352-381-4540. 2tb,6-15-6-22 1994 PONTIAC TRANSPORT: V-6, runs good. ice-cold air. $1.300 Call Nancy or Joel'at 463-6799. S5tb,6-1-6-29 Boats For Sale 1998 AQUASPORT 175: 17.5 ' I ft like new, very low hours, barely used. Includes motor, trailer, top, cover, full front deck cushion. some electronics. $8,500 firm. 352-354-5282 or 352-472-6910. 21b.6-15-6-22 1988 18' HYDRASPORT FISH/ SKI BOAT: 150 Manner. ne. Mo- torguide trolling motor, new props. Looks and runs great. i6.200.obo. 352-463-8316 lease message. ltb,6-15 I PRODUCE PEAS & BUTTER BEANS: Shelled & washed. dehliered on Fri- days. Thomas Farms of LaCrosse. 386-462-1203. 2lb.6-15-6-22 [Pets & Supplies I A NEW PET GROOMING SHOP- in Chiefland. The Paradise Pet Pal- ace. i 352) 493-0606 WHEEL TOWN 352-493-2835 Call for Dire.-ons. O M les Soutn ao Ch,efiarna oir 34 '03 Che. Maiba 4. door. V6 aulo. ioaded 35K miles. clear ..... $8,975 05 Chevy Cavali .d-door. aulo. CD, loaded 30K mies. al Fact Wsn -Clear... $9,975 03 Chery S. i0 evra cab. 3-aoor 4 cyl. 5-speed, CD, 35K mIe.l. cea $8,975 '03 Fod Ranger,Edge, reg cab, V6 -speeo. CD. clean. 50K mies. $9,975 02 isuz Trooper LS. J Door. lly loaded 60K rr..le ,$11,975 01 Mercury Grand Marauo J -caor, carrage rool loaded. 39Km.es. ocean $9,975 S'96 Dodge Grand Caravan, air, 7-passenger ean ............ $3,975' :99 Cad.i sac Se3n L,.iie. .Door, .arn-a.ie row Scli loaa I. enK rnie $9,975 CREDIT UNIONS WELCOME Warranties Available: www.wheeltown.com For Sale 1986 SHASTA TRAVEL TRAIL- ER: Sleeps 6, 2 new tires, $2,500 obo. Call 352-472-9236. .2tp,6-8-6-15 (6) COMPUTER MONITORS: Four 15" and two 17'. Panasonic laser printer. $100 obo for all. 352- 493-2501. tfnb,5-18 S1989 BRENDELLA SKI/TOW BOAT: 35.1 Windsor V8 inboard, 800 hours, asking $6,000. Call 221- 0363. tfn,8-4 CAMPER FOR SALE: 1996 Plea- sure-Way ultimate compact RV: Impeccably maintained by original owner. 66,000 miles; $24,500. Call 352-463-6527. tfnb,12-9 BEDS: Queen thick, orthopedic, pil- low-top matlresses and box springs. - New in plastic with warranNt. Sac- rifice. $160. King available $225. (352) 372-8588. tfnb,7-5 I Services JIM'S PRESSURE WASHING: Over twenty years of sausfied cus- tomers. We pressure v ash "almost" anything. -Homes, mobiles, walks, decks,, etc., We also do "low pres- sure" roof cleaning that removes allergy-causing mold and mildew, blotches, restores beauty of roof as Avell as present ing life of your roof Residential and commercial. Please call Pastor Jim Hurst @ 352-498- 3023. S L M E CI". Residence Life Superi isor Pcrtorm all duties assoc iated 'ih a college dormn including processing housing applicanons. housing assignments, super, ising residents. and planning and coordinating act ines Must accept dorm housing as a condition of employmeni Must have bachelor's degree, residence hall experience and he computer I iterate. " Salary: $23. 827 annually plus benefits. Must receive all application materials by July 10. 2006. for - guaranteed consideration College application required. Position details and application available on the %veb at- ww.lakecii',cc edu Inquiries: Human Resource' De% elopment Lake City Community College 149 SE College Place Lake City, FL 32025 Phone: (386) 754-4314 Fax: (386) 754-4594 E-mail: boettcherg@lakecitycc.edu LCCC is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools VP/ADA/EA/EO College in Education & Employment GASTON'S TREE SERVICE, INC. FULLSERVICE AERIAL BUCKETS HYDRAULIC LOADERS: CRANE SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED 352-378-5801 We accept all major credit cards 1901 NW 67th Place Suite E Gainesville. Florida 32653 wvwwgastonstreeseivice coin *S.V.L. BASEBALL SUMMER CAMP AGES: 7- 12 WHERE : McARTHUR PARK DATE : MONDAY 06119/06 THURSDAY 06/22/06 TIME : 9:00 12:00 NOON CONTACT TODD BRYANT 493-3246 463-7590 OR E-MAIL: TODD@NATURECOASTINSURANCE.COM REMEMBER: YOUR SUPPORT OF S.V.L. SUPPORTS YOUR CHILD. TOGETHER, -WE'LL MAKE ALL OF OUR CHILDREN BETTER. .352* 463* 8340 Dixie Gilchrist Levy Board ofRealtors and Multiple Listing Service P. O. Box 8 Bell, Florida 32619 E-Mail: tcrealty@bellsouth.net www.TownandCountryRealtyOnline.com CORNER 10 ACRES very pretty with a combination of trees and .open space. Bell, $139,900. MLS 752677 DO YOU 1WANT PRIVACY? 1.25-acre wooded comer lot less than a mile' off paved road. Minutes to downtown Bronson. $22,000. MLS 752364 PAVED ROAD 5 wooded acres partially cleared for driveway- and homesite. Bell, $80,000. MLS 752301 ..13 ACRES paved road, privacy buffer of pines, open interior has large oaks, minutes to super nice public park and boat ramp. Old Town, $182,000. MLS 752182 TRACKSIDE 829' on trotter track in Gil Crest Farms, Bell. 5 acres, concrete block building. Roof, central heat/air, flooring are new. Potential uses: restaurant, wedding hall, catering, club or business meetings. $350,000. MLS 751978 CREEK half acre, Perry, $18,000, owner financing. 13 miles to Gulf of Mexico. MLS 752021 25 ACRES next to 1,000s of acres of timber land. Mature pines, young pines, oaks. 2 BR 1 BA MH, 2 pole barns. Bell, $310,000. MLS 751788 BRING FAMILY & FRIENDS Choose from six 5-acre lots, REDUCED TO $100,000 firm each & 8.22-acre lot, $164,000 firm. Half mile to Suwannee River public boat ramp, out of flood plain,, Bell. MLS 751807, 09, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 1 ACRE wooded, no deed restrictions, Bell, $25,000.- MLS 751441 1 ACRE on a hill, oaks, pines, same area as above, $25,000. MLS 752050 3 ACRES wooded, half mile off paved road. Old Town, $50,000. MLS 751440 20 ACRES comer, open land for crops or livestock, woods for private homesite. Inactive rockpit on north end. Make your own fishing hole: Bell, $300,000 firm. MLS 751123 DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL 6 acres next to downtown park. Some R-3 uses: half-acre lots, multifamily residences. House has minimal value, pole barn, giant oaks. Bell,.$300,000. MLS 750200 SUWANNEE RIVER VISTA from spacious covered balcony. Instant access to public boat ramp. Elevated, renovated 3 BR 2 BA MH, hot tub in glass enclosed porch, fireplace, half acre. Bell, $180,000. VIRTUAL TOUR. MLS 749389 2.27 ACRES Bell, $40,000. MLS 749974 UNDER CONTRACT 2 ACRES Old Town/Branford, $29,000. $ SOLD $ LET US HELP YOU BUY OR SELL, OR BOTH jr- dru, I w Ul v I tM rcTh MAV TT TN7 15 -')2006 GIL CHI-RST COU NTY JOURNAL Page Thirteen Services I GMHC, LLC HOME SERVIC- ES: We repair, remodel, restore and more. No job too small. 352-672- 2420. Free Estimates. 6tp,5-11-6-15 ELMORE'S SIMULATED BRICK & STONE, INC.: Stone, stucco, permanent mobile home skirting. Free .Estimates. 6789 SE 70th Avenue, Trenton. 472-5542, 214-3702. Fax 352-472-0124. tfnb-9-15 BOB OSBORNE TREE SER- VICE, INC.: 70 ft. bucket truck,, hydraulic loader truck, stump grind- er. Free Estimates. Insured. 352- 463-9100. tfnb,5-26 PRESSURE WASHING, PAINT- ING, DECK & PATIO BUILD- ING and HOME REPAIRS & IMPROVEMENT: .Reasonable prices, dependable, 'insured and professional. Shamrock Services, 352-463-1212 day or evening and weekends. I Services MOWER & CHAINSAW PARTS Stihl, Husqvarna, Ayp, Murray, Sears, MTD, Briggs, Kohler, Robin, and Honda. Blades for most mowers. Beauchamp Saw Shop 493-4904 tfn, 1-03 TREES,.TREES, TREES: Langs- ton Tree Service, Inc. 490-4456. tfnb,2-22 A BIG STUMP! A LITTLEL E STUMP!: We grind them all. Langs- ton Tree Service, Inc. 490-4456. tfnb,2-22 DIXIE MONUMENT: Old Town - Since 1992. Visit our display on Hwy. 19 at C&C Growers, 9 am 5 pm, Mon. Sat. or call toll'free 1.- 877-542-3432 for appointment to visit our shop & main officeat 1471 NE 512 Avenue. 100's of stones in stock, computer specialist to assist you in creating a lasting tribute to the life of your loved one. GREl AT EO]PP LO]RTiI UNITY! Great location features just over 1000 sq ft. of pos- sibility, 3/2 DWMH with potential located just .7 miles from US-129, 1 acre wooded lot has mature trees providing privacy,: property has 4" Well, Septic, and Power Pole. MLS#752370. $45,000. Hometow n Realty of North FL 1310 1-1. M.lain Stret BE1i Fhl,rindEa 261.9 '/v/;' H,7ml'r..rRe 1ir'NF c,'m Cell: (352) 215-1132 Office: (3.52) 463-9001 Toll Free: (888) 463-9001 . Fax: (352) 463-9008 Email: dispowers@aol.com .- - Debra Powers Realtor CLASSIFIED L CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL W W. Services BUILDING CONTRACTOR: CBC017140 Custom homes built on your lot. Precision Development, PO Box 249, 26761 SE Hwy. 19, Old Town. 352-542-8416. TIM POWELL ELECT .installations andrepairs, lic insured. State. Reg. #EC1 Call 352') 463-2155. tfnb,11-25 The Humane Society of Gllchrist Count Inc. has low cost spay- and neuter vouchers available to assist with the cost of getting your pets spayed and neutered. The voucher covers the cost of the spay and or neuter and also a rabies shot. We: also offer free vouchers to those who qualify. The Humane Society of Gilchrist County, Inc. is i ncorpo- rated as a non-profit 501icn31 cor- poration in the state of Flonrida and is, run entirel\ b\ volunteers All dona- tions to the HSGC are fully tax de- ductible The HSGC operates under, a no-kill policy. At this time there are no central facilities to house the animals, therefore all animals are 'housed in volunteer foster homes. More foster homes are needed, so if you can offer a temporn home to, a pet that needs one, please let us kno\. At this time HSGC receives no local, state or federal income and relies entirely upon the generosity of business people and concerned animal lot ers like you, so donations of dog and cat food and supplies are always needed. We also take other items that are sold in our yard sales that are held each month. We have lots of animals looking for loving homes. soan one interested in a pet. or getting a lott cost spay or neuter voucher please call 1352)1 463-7364 S ltb,6-15 PRIDGEON LAWN SERVICE:' Lawn mowing, edging, blotmig. hedging, etc. FREE estimates, just a call awa) %tith Pridgeon La%%n Ser- vice. 352-494-8021. . TROKE REALTY S- INC.- SEE OUR LISTINGS (352) 463-7075 JEAN C. TROKE Licensed Real Estate Broker ON THE WEB: (352) 463-7302 FAX E-mail: trokerealty@aol.com I tI I troerealhvinc.com, 730 E. Wade Street (SR-26) Trenton, Florida 32693 W--QUALITY-BUILT HOMES NOW AVAILABLE -- NEW LISTING--SPACIOLS 4 BR FA.MILY HOME IN TOSSN: 4 BR'2 BA: With over 1,600 inside sq.f-, uhi: C:B Stuco hot-me cOuid be ideal for!growing family, located a, qa,: nerighborhxd ir,n NE Trenton inrght by an oak-shaded city park Ha-. fall rc-,m: IhrogiihoOL including bonus 4th BR (or could be private office) attached behind 2-car garage. Also, pri, ac b.:.ird feicing ir, bck ,i, -. 'ccEnEd-.in porch).;.$139,900. RIVER-AREA HOMES & ACREAGE, NEAR TO OLD TOWN IN DIXIE: 6 BR/5.5 BA: Two CB-bu,lr home., iali-ng a. eihi 1/2-acre tracts (all landscaped, large trees), located at privwIe iie. S D F.ihit to Nature Coast 'Rails-Trails' rer bri,de trial I :i iq i'. home has 90' along the river, with deck & ,floating dock, rier. ide ele. iTedj pIorch, 2-car garage & more. 2rd home is o. ce 2,'r. 4 1i inside, 16x36 covered outer deck (w/hot tub), 20x24 workshop/pottery bldg., bonus rooms & 1/2 bath posss le .n.-rI' u i. lullv'. landscaped on one acre--call Jean br Jim for full details on this special property, with great waterfront & new h-,me ;lie oppurirtr.ii) for b.i,ei .n e .lor...$925.000 for alli or $399,900--river home/$355,000--second home) GORGEOUS WOODED ACREAGE, LARGE HOME & RIVERFRONT NEAR BELL: 3 BR/3 'BA: Private 10.73-acre tract, naturally 'co.-.jd r,ih approx. 290' frontage along the Suwannee in NW Gilchrist. Has incredible, spacious Iranme CB B-rdi "dog-trot" home;'3 levels which include ground floor entertainment screened porch, 3-vehicle parking; main 2nd level with over 2,000 sq. ft. of screened porches (great river & nature views), full greatroom/dining/kitchen (w/bonus t1.31 Fpace ,. ma~ier .;uie i ood/tile flooring, walk-in closet); Also has a ''.:.r .h:,opcci ic irrigation system; river deck & floating dock.. too much ',:inre Io merIun here--call or e-mail our office for further details...$675,000. REDUCED (From $375,000)--NICE RIVERFRONT HOME, QUALITY NEIGHBORHOOD: 4 BR/3.5 BA: Over 2,000 inside sq. ft.of comfort, for this frame-built 2-story home, with 75' river frontage at the Little Lake City community north of Bell. Property has waterfront deck & dock, screened river view porch, attached garage & detached carport, other outbuildings, landscaping & privacy fencing. Photos & more' details available at out office website...$349,900. EXCELLENT RANCH HOME ON 5 SECLUDED ACRES: 3 BR/2.5 BA: Frame/CB-built home, has over 3,100 sq. ft; under roof, on a rolling 5-acre pasture tract (has large oak & pine along boundaries), located in between Trenton & Bell. Has laminated wood & tile flooring, large greatroom (w/dining area & fireplace), over-sized Master & 2nd BR's, large front country porch, 24-round pool (w/deck), BBQ/patio behind home & more...$299,900. -- MANUFACTURED HOMES ON THE MARKET -- 20 WOODED ACRES V,'SPACIOL'S M/HOME NEAR RIVER: 3 BR/2 BA: Roomy 2001 28x76 Manufactured home, sitting on private, wooded 20-acre tract; property located within one mile of Wannee boat ramp. Over 2,000 inside sq. ft. of comfort, includes full living, dining, family/game rooms, outbuildings & more...$349,000. LARGE M/HOME ON 30 SECLUDED ACRES: 4 BR/2 BA: Spacious 27x76 manufactured home, located amongst lots of planted pines (great future investment), on a 30-acre tract in-between Trenton & Fanning. Acreage has 4-vehicle carport, 20x20 pole barn e hle.:ir.eoi Home-site being sold 'as is' by Owner--call Jean or Barbara for all the details...$333,000. PRIVATE, SECLUDED ACREAGE & HOME-SITE WEST OF BELL: 3 BR/2 BA: Immaculate 27x66 manufactured, located on fenced; wooded 20 acres. Large greatroom, 21x10 all-season's enclosed porch, galley-style kitchen. Outer features include 4-wide attached carport, pool & hot tub (w/pool house), gazebos, greenhouse & more. Call or.email to Barbara for information...$319,000. UPDATED MANU. HOME & MORE, NEARBY FANNING SPRINGS: 3 BR/2 BA: Nicely cared-for 24x44 manufactured home-site; on landscaped .41/acre tract with paved frontage by SR-26 (& near US-19) in West Gilchrist. Has a number of outer features, including 30x40 workshop & mord, lots of trees/fauna & property fencing--call Barbara for details...$114,900. SPACIOUS, LIKE-NEW MANUFACTURED & ONE ACRE: 3 BR/2 BA: Well-kept 28x64 2002 M/Home (refurbished by Owner), on 1.04-acre tract with outbuildings, located along end of paved cul-de-sac, close to US-19 and all nearby amenities in Fanning Springs--call or email for full details...$108,900. WELL-KEPT M/HOME ON LANDSCAPED ACRE IN NO. GILCHRIST: 3BR/2BA: 1996 24X44 Manufactured, in quality condition, on 1.15-acre tract (nice mix of trees/open space), with board fencing in front. Located north of Bell, with quick access to US 129 & CR 340...Owner says to present offers...$92,000. MANUFACTURED WITH RIVER CANAL FRONTAGE BY SUN SPRINGS: 3 BR/2 BA: Solid 24x48 'Fleetwood' home, located in nice neighborhood near the Suwannee (with 60' frontage along canal connecting to river by Sun Spring); M/Home has had some inside cleanup/fixup...Owner is motivated, says to present offers...$89,000. QUALITY "HOMES OF MERIT" HOME-SITE NEAR FANNING SPRINGS: 3 BR/2 BA: Neat, well-kept 27x63 1998 Manu. home, has large, spacious rooms (including fireplace for family room), lots of cabinet/counter space for open kitchen, fenced back yard on 100x300 tract, with paved frontage along CR-346A (Joppa Road)...$85,000. NEAT & CLEAN M/HOME & .92/ACRE IN TOWN: 3 BR/2 BA: Well-kept & renovated 27x54 Manufactured, with full living, dining & bonus rooms, double-oven range & appliances for kitchen, front & back attached porches, and private, wood-fenced 243x165 back yard...$64,000. AFFORDABLE M/HOME IN TOWN: 2 BR/i BA: Refurbished & compact 14x44 home-site (w/attached front porch/deck); metal & frame outbuildings, on landscaped Trenton lot w/large oak for shade...$28,000. -- LOTS & ACREAGE PROPERTIES ON MARKET -- 44 ACRES, MIX OF WOODS/OPEN SPACE, IN EAST GILCHRIST: Over 40 acres, ready for family or gentleman's farm/home-site east of Trenton; has paved frontage along CR-337, and an older home-site on property (improvements being sold in 'as is' condition)--call or e-mail our office for full details...$499,900. 20 ACRES-PASTURE PROPERTY IN WEST GILCHRIST: Thirty rolling acres, with large oaks/pines along boundaries, ready for Ag use or large home-site. Located close to CR-232 & CR-344 near Hart Springs...$265,000. THREE SEPARATE 20-ACRE TRACTS NEAR BELL: 3 individual 20-acre properties, side-by-side location in North Gilchrist, mostly wooded raw acreage ready to be improved--call or email Barbara for details...$260,000 each. 10 ACRES--WOODED, SECLUDED TRACT OFF US-129: Private locale for this ten acres north of Bell--has nice mix of open space & woods, few neighbors; call Barbara for property details...$129,900. 4+ ACRES--WOODED TRACT NEAR BRONSON/ARCHER: Quiet, rural location for this 4.2-acre comer tract, located in-between Bronson & Archer near.SR-24; great location for secluded built or manufactured home-site...$84,900. AFFORDABLE & BUILDABLE TRACT, NEAR TO FANNING SPRINGS: Wooded 100x100 property, near to SR-26, Rails-to-Trails and more at west end of county, ready, for built or manufactured home-sites...$9,900. You can call our agents after regular business hours, for more information on any of our listings, at the main office number above, or at our agents' cell numbers below: =Jim or Jean Troke l- ic (386) 935-3357 "Professiol Paul Troke (352) 221-2999 Barbara Mayo (352) 222-0427 nal Service With A Personal Touch" 121 S..7services I.. -+ LET ME HELP YOU! My time for FREE! Your work done in my home. Call 352-745-8965. 2tb,6-15-6-29 tfnb,5-20 LICENSED CNA/HHA: 19 years experience, looking to care for RIC:New someone in their home, privately. ensedand Resume & portfolio a\ ailable (352) 13002453. 463-6443. If no answer. leat e mes- sage;; : * : g 4tb,6-8-6-29 Help Wanted DRIVERS:. Home every weekend! Start up to 43cpm Health. life. den- tal, vision, -401K Vacation-holida. pay. Regional flatbed. CDL A i800) 992-7863 ext 126. . 2tb.6-15-6-22' CLERICAL POSITIONS: Tempo- ran intermittent: NTE 90 da\s: min. salary *$22.572. HS grad or equi. - age 18 mm. Minimum requirements- One \ear farm expenence or knowl- edge of Ag crops and livestock. or clencal experience education ma\ be substituted. Dunes include of- fice actities and computer work Appl\ from June 12. 2006 to June 19. 2006 b\ 4-30 pm. at USDA. Farm Sern ice Agency 4949 SW SR- 26, Trenton. FL 32693-2722 One position is available in the Trenton office; two positions are available in the Gainestille office Fa.xed ap- plications or resumes are acceptable at 352-463-11-14. Applications must address separately in unting- 1) Ability to communicate orall) and, 2) in writing; 3) ability to identify} and resolve problems: 4) kno% ledge of FSA farm programs and practic- es. and 51 computer skills. A cop\ of the full \acanc\ announcement is available at the abote location UtSDA is an',equl employment op- portunity employer. Reasonable ac- commodations will be provided to applicants %% ith disabilities on a case b\ case basis. S. b.6- 15 TRUCK DRIVERSfvNEEDED: Equipment operators & laborers for construction company Benefits, company pays medical & life insur- ance, 'paid vacation, 401K. We are an EOE; we are a DFWRP. Apply at 20551 NE 75th Street, Williston. (352) 528-2101. 4tb,6-15-7-5 STRUCTURAL STEEL/IRON WORKERS: Experienced only (352) 463-315.0 or (3521 535-7497 Chuck. 2tb,6-15-6-22 Property. Values - One of the most frequent questions I get asked is, "Ho '. much .is. property worth in Gilchrist County". I would like' to 'tll 'yi6 that the answer to. that question is simple. It is not simple, and, sometimes almost impossible to answer. - Property values have a multitude of variables. One factor that affects property value is location. Being on a paved road for instance adds significant value. , - Another factor is what is on the land itself. A piece of land that is mostly established pasture; with some picturesque granddaddy oaks is more valuable than a similar parcel that is planted in pine. -'The size of the land is a variable that is very important. In most cases, smaller parcels bring a higher per acre price than larger ones. Based on recent sales, the average of 10 acre parcels range from $11,000 to $15,000.00 per acre. On the other hand, 5 acre parcels are averaging a slightly higher $12,000 to $16,000 per acre. - If you are interested in finding out the value of your property, call me today to schedule your no obligation Market Analysis. I Help Wanted I PAYROLi/PURCHASING CLERK-GILCHRIST COUNTY ORD. A CLERK OF COURT: The Gil- -- christ County Clerk of Court has a 'full time position (40 hours/week) te for the above titled position. This. position is responsible for process- D ing the payroll, maintaining payroll RVICES, records, preparing payroll reports, W-2's, W-3's; State retirement, pie- s available paring and distributing purchase orders, posting receipts and other. related duties, as required. This 'cialist position requires a working knowl- E for edge of payroll processes, Micro- soft E\cel and general computer op- DS eratioris.. This position's salary will D :range between $9.00 and $12.00 per .9 ,, hour plus benefits, depending upon 'org expenence Applications ma\ be quite 900 picked up at the office of the Gil- te 90 chnst Count) Clerk of the Court. Send completed application or Re-. S -, sume to: Gilchrist County Clerk.of ltb,6-15 Court, AT TN: DeniseTroyer ' ERS: CDL P.O.Box 37. Trenton. Florida32693 . I 222-9773 All resumes or application must be )m received by 5:00 p.m. on June 23, b.6-15-6-22 2006. An EEO'ADA/VP Employer IN BELL: Gilchrist Counts is a Drug Free pln cashier. Workplace. IWHelpWan CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT SEE INC. The following position i in Chiefland: Early Leamniri Reimbursement Spe Call our JOB LIN] more details. 1-800-635-KI Fax: (352) 351-42 E-mail: jobs@'cds Attri: HR 1601 NE 25th Ate.,S Ocala, FL3447 EOE/AA/DFW DUMP TRUCK DRIVE Class B, 2 years exp. Cal day or 472-6231 5pm-9p 2tb AKINS BARBECUE No% hinng kitchen he and buser. Apply after 5 352-215-5694. Homes, Only!.: RESERVE YOURS NOW!! 9 High Springs Hills ipm and call pm and call Itb.6-15 and Associates . Paved Streets! 5 Acres and Up Su Call 1-800-643-6971 info@phillipsrealtyland.com .. J LS See more of our listings @ www.phillipsrealtyland.com Hometown Realty of North FL.c. . Office: (352) Natalie Rankin Licensed Real Estate Broker 1310 North Main Street- Bell, Florida 32619. 463-9001 Toll Free: (888) 463-9001 Fax: (352)-463-9008 e-mail: Hometo\\nRealtvNFiazbellsouth.net HORSE FARM 12 STALL BARN w Apt. 3BR BACBHome 15 crests 14 1,(11.11) ,LS "'2 57 PEACE & TRANQUILITY ENJOY THE COUNTRY 3/2 Brick Home on 21 Acres $485,000 MLS #752606 HORSE COUNTRY Beautiful large oaks & pines 3/2 DWMH on 10 Acres $259,900 MLS #752553 H ...ff- CONCRETE BLOCK HOME ON CITY CORNER LOT MANY RENOVATIONS 3/1 Home $134,900 MLS#752136 $5 SL( .27 Acre, Well & Septic 1/3 Commercial Lot Hwy 26 .50 Acre, Bronson .50 Acre, Well, Septic, PP I Acre, Chiefland, Homes Only 1.14 Acres W/S/P 1.6 Acres, Well & Septic 1.67 Acres, W/S/P 2.5 Acres, Bell, 4.4 Acres, Riverfront, Buildable 5 Acres, Well & Septic 5 Acres, W/S/P 5 Acres, Homes Only, 4 Avail. 5 Acres, Fenced & Paved 5 Acres, E. Gilchrist, Paved 5 Acres, E. Gilchrist, 3 to choose from www.Hon EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY BEAUTIFUL HOME & ACREAGE 2-Car.Garage & 3i'\l.i" \vorksh.:'p. . 3 2 Home on 9 n Acres '485.1".1'Q' MLS#752821 AMMENITIES/UPGRADES GALORE WORKSHOP WITH CARPORT 3/2 DW Home on 5 Acres $175,000 MLS #751676 SANDERS OAKS 3BR/2BA 1 ACRE 1741 SQ. FTDWMH $120,000 MLS#752633 CLOSE TO RIVER PEACEFUL SETTING 3/2 DWMH on Lot 9,900 MLS#752447 )TS & ACREAGE $37,900 $75,000 $24,900 $29,900 $78,500 $45,000 $59,900 $49,900 $39,900 $799,000 $59,900 $82,000 $88,500 $89,500 $124,900 $100,000 21'xl2 BARN 25'x25'ATTACHED CARPORT 3/2 DWMH on 2 Acres $124,900 MLS#752374. LARGE HOME WITH ADDITION NORTH OF BELL 4/3 M/H w/addition on 20 Acres $305,000 MLS #749677 2 STALL WORKSHOP/BARN FENCED & CROSS FENCED 3BR/2BA 5 ACRES $199,000 MLS#TBD -'x 5 Acres, SWMH, Planted Pines 5 Acres, IBR/IBA, Frame House 6 Acres, Well, Septic & Pines 7.94 Paved Highway 10 Acres, W/S/P 10 Acres, Suwannee Shores 11.92 Acres, 2xW/S/P 12 Acres, Scattered Oaks 15 Acres, Perfect for Motorcross 17+ Acres, Bell REDUCED 17.8 Acres, Paved Road fontage 20 Acres, US HWY 129 20 Acres, Pines, Close to River 30 Acres, Near Manatee Spgs 37.8 Acres, Paved, Dev. Pot 40 Acres, W/S/P, Pole Barn $99,000 $124,900 $93,500 $115,000 $124,900 $139,000 $149,900 $185,000 $200,000 $199,640 $267,000 $300,000 $330,000 $399,000 $567,000 $399,000 2i~ netownRealtyNF.com L) 4 J 1 15 14 13 12 11 8 I i UlNr, I-), zvvu %-J-LJLI-.L.LJL%-L" A ^ SHe lp W a n te d ELECTRIC METER READER: Can you handle the day-to-day rigors of this job and stay with it? You must be dedicated, hard work- ing and physically tough enough to maintain the fast pace and deal with all the obstacles that only a rural meter reader can face. Every day you must deal with the changing weather, various types of insects, bad dogs and other aggressive ani- mals. During the first six months of employment you will be required.to study and complete a series of job- related lessons. Also, you will be expected to learn how to read our line maps. A AS diploma or GED is required, along with a good driving record. We have an excellent wage and benefit package. Apply 'at Cen- tral Florida Electric Cooperative, 1124 N. Young Blvd., Chiefland .or'e-mail your resume to hr@cfec. com Application deadline is 5 pm, 6/20/06. All selected candidates are subject to a pre-employment physi- cal, drug test and. background check as a condition of employment. Drug Free Workplace/EOE 2tb, 6-8-6-15 Dor-age17rouneen UI, (LTrwpuoI'z fTNT fT' IHelp Wanted I Help Wanted CMA or LPN: For busy medical VACANCIES office, must be multi-task oriented. GILCHRIST COUNTY Call 463-4502 or apply to: CMA/ SCHOOLS LPN position, fax: 352-463-2726 Instructor, Elementary or mail to P. 0. Box 640, Trenton, Education Florida 32693 EOE Trenton Elementary School 2tb,6-8-6-15 Bachelors Degree or higher from CDI-HEAD START: A non-profit institutional accredited organization has an opening for a institution and Florida certification Facilities Assistant. He/she provides in Elementary Education required general maintenance and cleaning Instructor, Kindergarten of facilities and grounds. Performs Trenton Elementary School repairs of buildings and equipment. Bachelors Degree or higher from an Must have current drivers license to accredited institution perform courier duties using and Florida teacher certification vehicles. NO PHONE CALLS. Ap- covering Early Childhood required plications are available at CDI-Head Instructor, Physical Education Start located at 9051 NE Hwy 27A, Trenton Elemientary School Bronson, FL Submit resume/appli- Bachelors Degree or higher from cation, to Human Resources, P. 0. n accredited Box 458, Bronson, Florida 32621. institution and Florida certification 2t b,6-8-6-15 in Physical Education required 2tb,68615 Instructor, Pre-K Special Needs JOB OPPORTUNITY: Heavy Bell Elementary School duty truck maintenance/plant main- Bachelors Degree or higher from an tenance personnel with Cummings accredited institution Diesel exp. Must have Class B and Florida teacher certification CD)L. Also, openings for driver for covering Early Childhood and ESE block truck w/ hydraulic boom, required Class B CDL required Retirement plan, paid vacation, competitive pay Instructor, ESE and a good working atmosphere. Bell Middle/High School Apply in person at Bell Concrete Bachelors Degree or higher from an Products, Hwy. 129 N. one mile N accredited institution and Florida of Bell. certification covering ESE required r Kastlestone Realty, Inc. 1 "Where everyone's home is a castle" Johnny Townsend Realtor MLS | 715 North Main Street Trpnton, Florida f Bus: 352-463-7955 o o Fax: 352-463-2562 Cell: 386-853-0324 "_.; www.jonnytolulsenrla. comn ... -.y Email: jhnny@kListl.stonerLaltv o:,n : ,.coin 2-story 2 BRI/2BA, 70% complete, on 1.4 ac MOL $219,500 1.15'ac MOL near Suntnnee Rit.- .. ...$28,000' Ask About Our Talking House Program!!! RESIDENTIAL. GREAT LOCATION, one-half mile from Santa Fe River & boat ramps. 1985 mobile home, 3BR, 1.5BA, on 2.5 acres has newer well & septic. New range & refrig. Home needs some repair. Sold "as is". $56,900. Call Martha. Cornelius,- 386-454-3327 or 386-98-1-5920. 4266453 'ROOM FOR,KIDS & PETS .in- this complete) updated 4BR, 2BA mobile home on 10 acres in Gilchrist County. Fenced area for horses. Deeded horse trails. Call Kim Hill, 352-213-7235. $160,000. #266108 EXCLUSIVE RIVERFRONT COMMUNITY. This 3BR, 3BA home is fully furnished & has access to private docks & boat ramp on the Suwannee River. Only 8 homes in Phase I, so buy today! Call Tony Boothby, 352-262-1159. $335,000. #264131 26+ SECLUDED ACRES includes 1700+ Sq. Ft. 3BR, 2BA, concrete block home, 6 acres fenced/cross-fenced pasture, '4-stall barn w/tack & feed rooms. Beautiful woods & Mins. to the river. Call Tony Boothby,, 352-262-1159. $475,000. #265084 BRING YOUR HORSES, bring your friends horses, board & train horses; this place is perfect! Features include 27 acres, 24 stall barn, hot walker, round pen & a cute 1500 Sq. Ft. house. Call William Gillespie, 225-1921. $549,900. #263 111 YOUR RURAL RETREAT! 40 rolling acres,,this delightful 4BR, 2BA sun-splashed country home offers rocking chair porch, cozy 'fireplace, big red barn & even your own private fishing hole. Call Lorraine Handler, 352-215-8922 or Debbie Zeller, 352-538-2857. $699,000. #263604 VACANT LAND ENJOY COUNTRY LIVING on a secluded wooded lot across from Suwannee River at Riverside Estates. Low Suwannee Co. taxes in a quiet peaceful community! Call Isabel Smith, 800-416-9158. $35,000. #265874 5 ACRES currently planted in pines. Would be nice homesite. Just minutes from the Historic Suwannee River. Call Will Gillespie, 386-454-3327 or 352-225-1921. $60,000. #262978 HEAVILY WOODED 5 ACRES only one mile south of the Santa Fe River. Will allow mobile homes, minimum of 900 Sq. Ft. Call Martha Barnes, 386-454-3327 or 352-339-4069. $79,900. #261732 BEAUTIFUL 5 ACRE HOMESITE in homes only gated community. Located in Northern Gilchrist County, just a few miles away from the historic Suwannee River & the Santa Fe River. Come & relax in the country while keeping the city within reach. -Call William Gillespie, 352-225-1921. $129,900. #260804 ROLLING 10 ACRES of lush pasture just waiting for you & your horses to relax in the country. Perfect to build or bring in a Manuf. home. Call William Gillespie, 352-225-1921. $135,000. #242576 YOUR OWN PONDEROSA! Lovely 10 acre parcel just outside High Springs. Cleared with some trees. Bring the horses & build your dream home or move in your manufactured home. Call Debbie Zeller, 352-538-2857. $139,900. #264203 38 ACRES RIVERFRONT HOMESTEAD! Ancient oaks, towering cypress, abundant wildlife & over 1000 Ft. of frontage on the Santa Fe River. Rustic cabin could become your weekend retreat! Call Tony Boothby, 352-262-1159. $570,000; #265790. CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. AS CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH.ADDITIONAL WORD. Help Wanted Instructor, Social.Science - with Coaching duties Trentcn Middle/High School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution anI Florida teacher certification. covering Social Science.required; Sports/Athletic Coaching experi- S ence preferred. Instructor, Language Arts Trenton Middle/High School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Florida teacher certification covering Middle Grades Language 'Arts required. Instructor, Foreign Language Spanish Trenton lMiddle,'High School. Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Florida teacher certification covering Foreign Language - Spanish Instructor, Reading Trenton liddle/High School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Florida teacher certification coenng Reading required Instructor, Reading Bell Middle/High School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Florida certification covering Reading required Instructor, Math, Middle Grades Bell Middle/High School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Florida- certification covering Middle Grades Math required Instructor/Coordinator, Health Occupations Bell Niddle'High School Bachelors Degree or higher in Nursing from an accredited institution, or RN and 6 years expe- rience required. Instructional experience preferred. Speech/Language Pathologist (K-12). District-wide Bachelor's Degree in Speech/ Language Pathology / Communica- tion:Disorders from an accredited, educational institution. Florida certification in Speech/Language Pathology and/or licensure in Speech/Language Pathology. School Psychologist District-wide Master's Degree from an accredited .'institution. Certification covering School Psychology. I Help Wanted Director of Management Information Services Masters degree and three years of experience in management of data information services, educational leadership, or related field. An equivalent combination of educa- tion and experience may be con- sidered. Five years of supervisory experience preferred. Temporary Teacher Aide Trenton Middle/High School High school diploma or equivalent. Associate of.Arts degree or higher. at least 60 credit hours from an accredited institution. or a passing score on an approved state lest required. Teacher Aide Trenton lMiddle.High School High school diploma or equi% alent Associate of Arts degree or higher. at least 60 credit hours from an accredited institution, or a passing score on an approved state test required. Media Clerk 'Trenton Nliddle/High School Minimum Qualifications. High School Diploma or equi talent and one Near experience in office, and/or library sern ices. Preferred Qualifications: AA/AS Degree and one year experience; or High School and three years experience. Must have work- ing know0 ledge of office and/or LibrarN procedures and Microsoft Office applicauons I Word. Excel. Outlook. Excellent communica- tion skills required. This position required completion of Office.and .Technical Skills Supplement Form available at District Office, or download at: www.gilchristschools. org'Employ mentliobs html Secretary Bell Middle/High School, Minimum Qualifications: High School Diploma or equiv talent and one year experience. Preferred Qualifications: AA/AS Degree and;one year experience; or High School and fi'e \ears e\penence.- Must hae working know ledge of. office procedures and MicrosoftL Office applications i Word. Excel. Outlook) Excellent communica- tion skills required. This position required completion of Office and Technical Skills Supplement Form .a% allable at District Olfice. or download at: www.gilchristschools, org/Employment/jobs.html Lead Carpenter Foreman, Experienced Career opportunity for qualified person. Established company over 30 years in business. Benefits. Call Now! 463-9060 Realty, inc. Licensed RealfEstate Broker P.O. Box 546 Bell, Florida 32619 386-935-0243 8 ACRES & HOME ON SUWANNEE RIVER complete with separate bunkhouse, decks, floating dock, etc. 'It's located near Rock Bluff. Very private & secluded. You can't find a better opportunity on the river! $350,000. VERY NICE 3/2 C.B. HOME On 5 part clear part wooded acres in North Gilchrist County. Home is in great condition and in a good neighborhood. Only $225,000. SUWANNEE COUNTY-Nice 2 Bdrm, 1 i Bath Single-wide mobile home with large deck over looking Suwannee River. A beautiful view!! Near a great swimming spring & a nice area to live!! $199,500. THE RIVER PARADISE A large lot on the Econfina River 2 miles from the Gulf in navigable waters. Includes a beautiful, large 4 bedroom/3 bath two story home. Super fishing & hunting area! Boat from your own paradise to the Gulf and you have it all. $685,000. 2 ACRES ON SUWANNEE at Charles Springs beautiful, wooded lot, buildable! $79,900. A NICE RIVER LOT on Suwannee River.- near Royal Springs nice area.'. $49,900. BEAUTIFUL WOODED 5 ACRES On county maintained road in north Gilchrist County. $68,900. 291.45 ACRES OF PRIME HUNTING LAND With a hunting lodge type house, lodge is complete with nice porches and a fireplace. Dog pen, rock quarry, fish pond and approximately 150 acres of planted pines. Awesome hunting of deer, wild hogs, turkey, etc. Good improved roads and trails throughout ihe property. Fronts on a paved road. $1,595,000. Just 8 miles out of Cross. City. 247 ACRES Prime land on more than i mile of highway frontage in Suwannee Coun- ty. Nice 3/2 CB home, detached garage with upstairs apartment, 75 acres of pines, approx 160 acres in cropland, 3 wells & other amenities!! Fantastic development potential, cen- trally located to just about everything in North Central Florida. Shown by appointment only! $3,250,000. Can be developed into 5 acre tracts!! 34.61 ACRES IN CENTRAL SUWANNEE COUNTY Very nice piece of land on a paved road, surveyed and platted into 3 pieces if you need it subdivided, can be four pieces, mostly open'with some nice trees. $485,000. 4 ACRES OFA NICE WOODED TRACT -. Good trees!! Central Suwannee County. $49,500. 5 BEAUTIFUL WOODED ACRES With well, septic, power and completely loaded with deer. Backs up to large protected lands. Fenced, county maintained road. Convenient to Chiefland. Plenty of privacy. $129,900. 5 ACRES IN NORTH GILCHRIST COUNTY Nice wooded 5 acre tract of property private & secluded. Must see to believe! $75,000. LOT IN LEVY COUNTY- Near Williston on SR 121. Only $23,900. 18 ACRES IN SOUTH SUWANNEE COUNTY Partly open and many nice trees. A great location!! $180,000. CONVENIENCE STORE / MECHANICS. GARAGES I acre zoned commercial/in- dustrial with lots of frontage on Highway 90 east in Lake City, Florida. Many amenities and lots of square feet of buildings to use your entrepreneurial skills and make this going business grow even more. Only $375,000. Owner Motivated !! NICE WOODED LOT NEAR SANTA FE RIVER & BOAT RAMP can be yours for $19,900. Some owner financing available to a qualified buyer. For more information and pictures of these and other properties listed Visit our website at www.wolfordrealty.com FOR SALE 0 LANCASTER v w *jw m0 RELT IMMACULATE[ Well-kept 3BR/2BA 1990 SWMH on beautiful 5-acre corner lot! Home fronts TWO county maintained roads, nice wood decks on the front and back of home, minutes to the Suwannee River and Otter Springs! Live in while.you build or use as a rental! $129,900 MLS#752575 GORGEOUS HOME on 2 ACRES in deed restricted community. 4BR/3BA with in- ground vinyl pool, security system, pole barn, 1-car attached garage, outdoor kitchen, lanai and more! REDUCED-MOTIVATED SELLERS! $365,000 MLS#750683 VIRTUAL TOUR HOME SWEET HOME Beautiful 3BR/2BA Brick home on 10 acres! Spacious living room with fireplace & tray ceilings, formal dining room, kitchen has stainless steel appliances & Cherry Wood cabinets... a mist sR home. $465.000 MLS#752194 THURSDAY. JUNE 15,. 2006 Help WantedI I Help Wanted GRAPHIC DESIGN/SIGN LAY- OUT PERSON needed in Trenton. Looking for FT position, but will consider PT if necessary. Some du- ties,. but not limited to, complete sign make up (computer all the way to vinyl application), some ad and job make up (PC and Mac computer knowledge helpful). Will train right person. Apply in person at the Gil- christ County Journal in Trenton, 207 N. Main Street in Trenton. tfn,6-1 SMALL ENGINE TECHNICIAN needed for lawn & garden center. Must have.experience. Medical & retirement available. Call Gilchrist Building Supply, 463-2738 ask for Clinton. D. Deen Lancaster LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER 510 E. WADE STREET TRENTON, FL 32693 Visit us online at. www.lancasterrealtv.biz LOOKING FOR VACANT LAND? ARCHER: * 1 AC. $25,000 MLS 752318 * 1 AC. $25,000 MLS 752319 + 1 AC. $25,000 MLS 752320 + 1 AC. $25,000 MLS 752322 * 1.01 AC. $29,000 MLS 752077 * 1.25 AC. $29,000 MLS752317 BELL: * 10 AC. $137,500 MLS 751073 * 10AC.$128,500 MLS 751023 * 8.95 AC. $109,900 MLS 752046 '* .51 AC. $12,500 MLS 751020 BRONSON: + .44 AC. $24,900 MLS 752591 * .46 AC. $19,900 MLS 752594 * .52 AC. $24,900 MLS 752593 - * 1.25 AC. $25,000 MLS 750913 CHIEFLAND: * .20 AC. $17,500 MLS 750745 + .20 AC. $17,500 MLS 750747 * .88 AC. $42,500 MLS 751895 * .90 AC. $42,500 MLS 751588 * 3.16 AC. $65,000 MLS 750989 * 4.65 AC. $85,000 MLS 750972 * 4.80 AC. $85,000 MLS 751902 OLD TOWN: * .23 AC. $20,000 MLS 751052 * 2.43 AC. $51,900 MLS 752218 * 2.44 AC. $42,000 MLS 750299 * 2.44 AC.'$42,000 MLS 750300 * 2.49 AC. $42,500 MLS 750799 * 2.91 AC. $45,000 MLS 752656 + 3.00 AC. $55,000 MLS 752141 * 3.02 AC. $55,900 MLS 750830 + 3.05 AC. $45,000 MLS 752428 * 5.00 AC. $70,000 MLS 751624 TRENTON: + .34 AC. $35,000 MLS 751394 * .46 AC. $39,999 MLS 751922 * .46 AC. $39,999 MLS 751934 * 4.00 AC. $115,000 MLS 752292 * 5.01 AC. $175,000 MLS 752714 * 9.63 AC. $154,500 MLS 751481 * 10 AC.$180,000 MLS 751443 * 10.70 AC. $165,000 MLS 752418 * 20 AC. $275,000 MLS 751800 * 23.72 AC. $296,500 MLS 751307 * 78.80 AC. $1,680,000 MLS 751204 PRIME LOCATION IMMACULATE 3BR/2BA DWMH on 5 acres! Fenced and cross-fenced, paved road frontage, 2-car attached carport, pole bam, new septic,almnost-new metal roof, fireplace...and more! Ready to move into! RECENTLY REMODELED! $159,900 MLS# 752347 .2 4& "- --" le FISHERMAN'S PARADISE Immaculate 1986 Homes of Merit DWMH in Suwannee, Florida! Situated right on the canal, this 3BR/2BA home has a built-in 52" TV, hot tub, 2 boat houses (one w/ lift), fish-cleaning room andmuch morel $375,000 MLS#752474 SPECTACULARI 20 acres with 2,401 sq. ft. brick home! 4BR/2BA with 3-car attached carport. In-ground pool, fully stocked fish pond, large metal workshop and much more! Additional 10-20 acres available! $499,000 MLS# 749034 VIRTUAL TOUR WEH VE A R AG VAL B E OMI AC E o6.0 01 CRS- D. Deen Lancaster, Lic. Real Estate Broker Rustie Ames, Lic. Real Estate Associate Susan Lovelace, Lic. Real Estate Associate Inhnnie Martin I e. Real Estate Associate LH J~jw REALTOIt MEMBR 0F TE MLTIPE LSTIG SRVIC AN BORD F RtAi ,)w i m Di I i '1MSI AD LVY OUNIES - --- -- ---- ----- -- i E, -- l. I I I "I'll, LPN NEEDED: Full or part time, 3pm to llpm. Please apply in per- son at Ayers Health & Rehab Cen- ter, 606 NE 7th Street, Trenton or fax resume to (352) 463-7710, at- tention D.O.N. Benefits. available, EOE, DFWP. 2tb,6-8-6-15'., RN NEEDED: Full or part time, weekends. Please apply.in person at Ayers Health & Rehab Center, 606 NE 7th Street, Trenton or fax resume to (352) 463-77:10, attention D.O.N. Benefits available, EOE, DFWP. ; 2tb,6-8-6-15 RN NEEDED: Full or part time 3pm to llpm. Please apply in per- son at Ayers Health & Rehab Cen- ter, 606 NE 7th Street, Trenton or fax resume to (352) 463-7710, at- tention D.O.N. Benefits' available, EOE. DFWP. Help Wanted Principal (Anticipated Vacancy) Bell High School Requires (5) five years teaching experience, Masters Degree and Florida Certification Substitute Teachers .High School Diploma or Equiva- lent. Contact the District Office for an application and more information. Highly Qualified Substitute Teacher Pool We are accepting applications for our Highl] Qualified Substitute Teacher Pool. Qualificatons; Bachelor's Degree or higher i ith a current or former teaching certificate in a core subject area. 'Once appro\ ed. high. qualified substitutes would be eligible for' substituting at $130 a da\ in pre-approved situations where there \ s a long-term absence in a core subject area. All other daily sub- stituting wouldd be at current daily rates. Contact the Disrict Office for an applicauon and more information. Bus Driver Trainees; Substitute Bus Diners. High School Diploma. 40 hours of in-service training will be provided for qualified ap- plicants. Flexibletraining hours , Part of the training prepares trainees for the dri er portion of the Class B Flonda CDL. For information or questions. contact the Transportation Department at (352) 463-3230. Obtain and submit application to: Gilchrist Cotint School District. 310 NW 11th A\enue, Trenton, FL 32693 (352) 463-3200. Application may be downloaded at: S% % gilchnstschools or'gPerson- nel htimfApplication Attach a resume and any additional information as necessary. All applications will be screened. Not all applicants will be interviewed. SApplication, %%ill be accepted S until positions are filled EEO Drug Free Workplace ' % %% .GilchristSchools org .tfnb, 6-8 "This great inisfortune -- to be incapable of solitude." S-Jean De La Brv'ere 'L. Frank Grant Realty L. Frank Grant LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER 2i6-A N. Main St.. Trenton, 1FL 32693 352-463-2817 'FAX (352) 463-2479 OUA'L,,o "' "l"Ifgr@bellsouth.net -,.,-- We List To Sell! 424 SW 4th Street Trenton ... .. r.-.... .. 3BR/ 2BA frame house..38 acres., abo e ground pool W/deck. shed. MLS #751504 Price $155.000. For additional information on our listings and virtual tours. Visit our website at wwiw.frankgrant.com East Side of.Gilchrist County 3 ac tract plus four (4) 5 ac tracts %/planted pines on Co. Grade Rd. Priced at $90,000 each. MLS#750923-750927 'Lil Lake City NW 60th Street 9.2 ac Planted Pines, MLS#749600 Reduced $125;000., 10 AC off Santa Fe on 95th PL 4" Well-cross fenced-ready for horse or new home. S NILS#749774 Reduced $135,000. 9.14 AC NW'52nd CT . Clear pasture land-fencing Onl $ 140.000. COMMERCIAL LOT US HWY 129 FRONTAGE PRICE $100,000. I C-rTT.CT4R TRT CC)T. TNTY 101 TR N A T. Dnorpr lnt+.f-.n I I I I -rTTT Q-% A~7 Tr TTXMt 1 IO GIT CHRTST COUNTY JOURNAL Page Fifteen I .Help Wanted | ONE DAY A. WEEK HELP WANTED: Delivery route avail- able, Wednesday only. Would re- quire leaving Trenton office at 5 a.m., drive to and back from Calla- han, FL, deliveries in Bell, Trenton, and Newberry. Transportation pro- vided. Must have own ride to office. Serious inquiries only please. Apply in person, at 207 North Main Street, Trenton. Gilchrist Journal. tfnb,6-1 FT-PT EXPERIENCED main- tenance man needed immediately. Also a FT-PT experienced cook needed immediately. Apply within at the Lighthouse Restaurant. tfnb,1-27 [ BUSINESS COIN OPERATED LAUNDRO- MAT FOR SALE: All equipment included. $12,000 obo. Call 352- 215-3509. Lorene Thomas Realty, Inc. Highway 19/98, P. 0. Box 1653 Old Town, Florida 32680 Business (352) 542-8568 Fax (352) 542-8566 Cell (352) 221-5422 e-mail: RealtyThomas@aol.com Each office is Independently Owned and Operated VOLUNTEERS FLORIDA'S LONG-TERM CARE OMBUDSMAN PRO- GRAM needs volunteers to join its corps of dedicated advocates who protect the rights of elders residing in nursing homes, assisted living fa- cilities and adult family care homes. The program is comprised of 17, local councils throughout the state, and each council is seeking addi- tional volunteers to identify, investi- gate and resolve residents' concerns. All interested individuals who care about protecting the health, safety, welfare and rights of long-term care facility residents who often have no one else to advocate for them are en- couraged to call toll-free (888) 831- . 0404 or visit the program's Web site at http://ombudsman myflorida corn ltb,6-15 FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT: On Main Street in Bell. 1,000 sq. ft. cor- ner office. 214-9344 Don Thomas Sales Associate Is-' S' Highway 441 North P. O. Box 520, Alachua H RIZON (386) 462-4020 .(352) 373-5511 P nw-- Horizonirealty-realtors.com - Very nice fenced and cleared 1 acre lot, Just minutes north of" Bell. Well, septic and power ready for your mobile, manufac- tured or site. built home. $29,000 MLS#242574 Complete privacy on 5.5 wooded acres. On6 of a kind 3BR 2BA very bright and open floor plan. All ceramic tile floors,- fireplace and large master suite. In-ground heated pool with screen'enclosure and open patio. Jones\ ile area. $2S9.000' MLS#262436 . Beautifully wooded 1+ acre lot just north of Bell. Perfect for site-built, manufactured or mobile homes.. Just reduced $29,900 MLS #242561 .92 acres of Santa Fe riverfront, absolute one of a kind. property, less than 1 mile to High Springs and \%alk to O'Leno State Park. $89,900 MLS#'s 241-833, 241834 & 241837 Suwannee Rivers Best! 235' feet'l of cleared & bulkheaded riverfront on 2.5 acres wiilh well, sepnc & power. Best view on the river and only 22 miles to the Gulf. $399,000 MLS#261016 31.3 beautiful acres located in White Springs. Property has a mixture of hardwoods & pasture which fronts 1-75 R/W. Additional 25 acres available. $269,000 MLS #235609 Enjoy the view from the front deck of this 4BR 3BA DWMH with detached workshop in Newberry on 2.5 fenced acres. Home has new oak cabinets, appliances, countertops and carpeting.' $149,900 MLS#260502 Secluded yet convenient to High Springs. 21 acres of scattered oaks and pines close to Ginnie, Blue & Poe Springs. Additional 21 acres and owner financing available.. $260,000 MLS#260330 Jim King Realty, Inc. Realtor A1LS Main Office (352) 493-2221 I-N 315 N. Main Street (US-19), Chiefland, FL 32626 Fanning Springs Branch Office (352) 463-6144 or 542-0009 17871 U.S. Hwy. 19, Fanning Springs, FL 32693 Suwannee Branch Office (352) 542-9007 23382 SE 349 Hwy., Suwannee, FL 32692 EQUA HOUINray r wwwj ray oPPoRuNITY office@jimkingrealty.com or www.jimkingrealty.com'RE What a unique property! A 3/2 house, 1983,2/2 SW MH, a Bait House, on 4'lots, zoned commercial and all on a canal that takes you to Gulf of Mexico. The house has an attached 3 car garage w/ work area & storage area, a Florida Room, metal roof. The MH has a new metal roof,. decks, parking underneath. There is a concrete seawall along the canal, a concrete block bait house with filters, salt water well and much more. Serious inquires only please," SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY TO QUALIFIED BUYERS! ** $1,280,000. (DW-750092-JW) 352-463-6144 or 542-0009 M. _Rifir REALTOR- Chiefland 3/3, CBS Home on 10 acres, paved. road. Fenced & cross fenced pasture. 3.septic tanks, two 4" wells, stocked fish pond. Home has over 2,900 sq ft of heated living area. Two car garage has been converted into game room with bath, could be used as 4th bedroom. Two large bams with plenty of room for animals. Workshop with A/C. Convenient to Chiefland -. quiet country living, only minutes to town. $349,900. (LR-751551-D) 352-493-2221 LCLAS SIFIEDS CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. A R heal Estate J MUST SELL: .3 BR/1 BA frame house on 1/2 acre," $90,000 obo. Needs work. Call 352-486-6868. 4tb,6-8-6-29 1 ACRE BELL AREA: Beautifully wooded, high & dry, owner financ- ing, no down payment. Only $307/ month, $29,900. (352) 215-1018. 4tb,6-8-6-29 3BD/2BA 2CG on 5 acres, Trenton. Exc. quality, 3.000sq. ft. Masonry/ stucco. Split BD plan. vaulted ceil- ings. Master suite %%iLh walk-in clos- et, bath with jet tub. shower. Lg. kitchen w/maple &cabinets, stainless steel appliances. Laundry (w&d), pantry, breakfast nook, family room, formal .dining, private living. Wood & tile floors. Landscape/irrigation, $395.000. Call 352-816-08-16. Real Estate FOR SALE Retail storefront prop- erty, in downtown Trenton. Three buildings on Main Street. Call 352- 463-7135. tfn,6-30 Buy or sell or both. Call, TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY 352.463*8340 P. 0. Box 8, Bell, Florida 32619: tcrealty@bellsbuth.net www.TownandCountryRealty QOnline.com. I Dixie-Gilchrist-Levy Board of Realtors and Multiple Listing Service. ,. tfnb,2-20 Woodland Craft Signs 463-7135 Vinyl Letters Road Signs Banners Real Estate Signs Car Tags 46A3 3 S3 ImalL 5 Acie,' 2.2 1.230 SF AC Nicely landiscped. fruit nee., ne. wod flooring & clo! 10I Trenicn Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7771' 1999 Skyline! 3/2 1,782 SF 2.5 AC Cim r BakerI Realinor 3 fif2i 2e. Kimberlv Baker, Realtor30521Z:'14.6122 10 Acres! 3/2 1,450 SF 10.2 AC Huge deck and seteened porch. Oak flooring, fenced, & barn. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 4 Bedrooms', breathtaking views, veranda, elevator, &.dock. " Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 W nt Highlaiids' 22 924 SF 5 acres, screened porch, deck, high & dry. Russ Hallett, Realtor (352) 665-9901 NeW11St'ng' Over 5 Acres! 3/2 1,404 SF 5.26 AC Well kept, partially fenced, sm. Pines, & barn. High Springs! Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 ): .* T s"'an^e Pool. !: " Clean & Tidy! 2/1 1,020 SF 1.08AC: Like a P Wrap around deck, enclosed porch, pole barn, Wo & partial fencing. with Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 Brad Sm S 'I -~ >7A.-.~.4- Brand New! 3/2 1,408 SF 0.22 AC Neutral'colors, appliances, cherry cabinets, utility room, & other upgrades. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 Buck Bay! 3/2 1,776 SF 1 AC Open floor plan, stainless steel appliances, jetted tub, & more! Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 ark! 3/3 2,756 S: roded and lands a pool and a wor ith, Broker (352 F 9.68 AC aped, rkshop. ) 463-7770 Has It All! 3/2 2,048 SF 50 AC Specimen trees, pasture, fireplace, porch, pool, & MORE. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 It'l 0.09 Old Town $12,000 Prne ci amping lot - 0.ll Trenion $12,000 Land in great school district! 0.11 Suwannee $250,000 .Waterfront. Dock, boat lift. 0.11 Suwannee $265,000 '.i,-o. f LFhe t.uif 0.11 Su nnnce t215,000. \\crtf.nt gou fult j ri 0.23 Crc., Cii C $12.501) Pnrce Reduicd' irn en i-.d. 0.23 Trenton 53W4.QW0 Cloie 1 ;1nhooil shopping & re F 0.24 Trent.m 519,900 SNiLe. panialil ileafLd 0.26 Susannee $650,000 Sail aicr. br, i ttaki rg tie 0.31 Chiefland $39,500 Special zoning - u.35 CruiC Cn, .11.500 Pi-ce Reduced' ncI,I Isoda, 0.4 Tren,,L n i20,0010 Tr,-n,.i(1 ,'.Lir, Lim it l U i Irenion .U9.00 Mulr.Re:idepljlI :orhiri poientUal 0.48 Trenion $20,001 Trenton City Limits 0.48 Trenton $20,000 Trenton City Limits 0.5 Suwannee $85,000, Mundens Camp. 0.5 SuWannee $85,000 Mundens Camp. 0.54 Other $150,000 Waterfront, deed restricted. 0.62 Trenton $20,000 Trenton City Limits 0.67 Fanning Spgs $35,000 Silver Oaks subdivision. 0.7 Trenton $18,000 On paved road. Wooded. 0.7 Trenton $24,900 Few minutes to Suwannee. 0.8 Old Town $185,000 I Bell $27,000 Wooded, near Suwannee River. 1.15 Old Town $120,000 Suwannee River waterfront. . 1.25 Fanning Spgs $24,900 Great homesite 1.84 Suwannee $300,000 Creekside Estates. Dividable. 1.85 Old Town $50,000 Planted pines, paved road. 2 Chiefland $46,000 High & dry. Close to paved rd. 2.5 Bell $85,000 Well/septic/power, & plane hanger. 4.75 Trenton $85,000 Cleared and ready. 4.77 Bell $85,000 Deed restricted Parrish Estates. 4.96 Old Town $75,000 Price Reduced! Indian Oaks. 5' Old Town $67,500 Majestic oaks and other hardwoods. 5 Old Town $75,000 Deed restricted homes only. ,5 Old Town $75,000 Deed restricted homes only. 5 Bell $79,900 Paved road, surveyed, cleared. 5 Trenton $85,000 Deed restricted homes only. 5 Bell $85,000 Deed restricted Pacers Place. 5 Bell $85,000 Deed restricted Pacers Place. 5 Bell $85,000 Deed restricted Pacers Place. 5 Trenton $85,000 Beautiful with mature oaks. 5 Bell $85,000 Deed restricted Trotters Rest., 5 Bell $85,000 Deed restricted Trotters Rest. 5 Bell $85,000 Deed restricted Trotters Rest. 5 Bell $85,000 Fi ,in Na-rrc:; Farm: 5 Trenton $89,900 Deed restricted homes only. 5 "' Chiefland $125,000 V.ell *;:pnc p..o, er Ad, & pole t,--, 5 Neberr) ;12"',00) Pi ril.ini pr., H or- e f in e 5 Bell $349,900 Commercial Property. 5.43 Chiefland $79,900 Just offpaved road. ' 5.84 L Old Town $87,600 -.1ll, Hanmmocl. Subdi:i,;.:.n 8.18 Chielland 5129,900 . Paoed tead riareral hirdc-...,t 9.62 Bell S149.900 SDeed FtcriLicdl Trnnenh R: i 9.62 Bell S149.q0U DecJ reinc iedPacd Place 10 Trenton $75,000 Vell soed. and power 10 hrentor $15,000 (_'unerrll beinrg -,:,:d j- rciulrnril 11). Trenion td.,91jui Culser, iih ing u.cd -a iriuirural 10 Trenton 12o5,9')1l) Currently being used as agricultural. 10 Trenton $129,900 Well, septic, and power. 10 Trenton $150,000 Deed reiarmed home, onril ' 10 Chiefland $169,900 Well, septic, and power. 10 Chiefland $195,000 'Great location, great road. O 10.26 Chiefland $149,900 Deed restricted homes only. 11.36 Bell $159,900 Well/septic/power, ban, & pole barn. 11.59 Bell $129,900 Wildlife and good community. 12.78 Cedar Key $1,500,000 On Paroda Creek. 14.22 Bell $149,900 Borders Gilchrist Hunt Club. 14.84 Bell $222,600 Private, mature oaks. 14.9.7 Bell $172,500 .Close to springs. 14.97 Bell $172,500 ' Close to springs. 15 Bell $480,000 One block from Main Street. 20 Bell $199,900 Will divide. 20 Bell $199,900 Cleared and secluded. 21 Chiefland $299,900 8 10 year old planted pines. 21 Bell $420,000 Waterfront, deed restricted. 35.4 Bell $442,500 Near the Suwannee River. 39 Williston $975,000 Paved rd, acreage surrounding. 40 Bell $480,000 Greatplanted p ines investment. 40 Trenton $500,000 Currently being used as ag. 54.2 Chiefland $1,044,000 Sportsman's paradise. 80 Chiefland $799,600 Borders Andrews Preserve. 160 Trenton $1,700,000 Will divide into 10, 40, or 80 acre. 53.09-' Bell $530,900 Development potential. 551 Trenton $850,000 Development potential. 55.91 Williston $1,627,500 Oaks, hay fields, stocked pond. 55.91 Williston $1,627,500, Hay fields, adj. 50 acres avail. 70 Trenton $770,000 Planted pines ready. Home or invest. 154 Bell $2,618,000 Development potential. Plaevii smac S om REDUCED! UNIQUE SUWANNEE HOME! Keep cool on your rain forest deck overlooking a deep, wide freshwater canal located just 5 min. by boat to the Suwannee River and 5 more min. to the Gulf of Mexico! This 3/2 DWMH has a sundeck on top, a jacuzzi built into the deck, a covered deck w/ bar, kegerator, built in aquarium and rainforest irrigation around the roof of the deck to keep it cool! The front yard has a fire pit, 2 stall boat house w/ lifts and a fish cleaning area. This is a great home for entertaining, a must see! $299,000. (DW-751218-JH) 352- 542-9007 MOTIVATED SELLER-Well maintained, concrete block house on a half acre lot. The carport has been enclosed and could be used as a den or fourth bedroom. There is one ceiling fan with central heat and air. $112,000. (DR-752241-RH) 352-493-2221 Newly refurbished 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath concrete block home. Screened in front porch. Updated kitchen. New air conditioner. Very clean and neat. Need to see to appreciate. Beautiful oaks on the property. $138,000. (DR-752283-CS) 352-493-2221 REDUCED! Almost new 3/2 DW MH on a 1 ac. comer lot on paved streets. This home features a fireplace to keep you warm on the cool nights, eat in kitchen, 4" well with filter, and 8' XI0' storage shed. This home is being sold furnished or unfurnished your choice. Close to schools, shopping, the Suwannee River, the Gulf of Mexico. Seller is motivated and willing to look at offers. *** SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! ** $90,000. (DMH-751468-JW) 352-463-6144 or 542-0009 Call Our Office For More Listings! 1I . Proudly serving Gilchrist, Dixie, Levy, and Marion Counties. Exclusively Offered by Your GMAC Team .. "' 'S E'- ^ r.. g-, 1E R M IER SE R RVI E0 t Conneding id ,- .. ".. .-.' - A web site offered to our clients which serves as an interactive community forum for posting calendars, Smith & Associates, Inc. will commit to quality service in writing! yard sales, recipes, & much more! Call for details It's an approach that's earned GMAC a remarkable 94% Customer and join in thefun! Satisfaction Rating the best in the real estate industry. 10 SW 7th Street 605 N. Main Street 934 E. Wade Street 27888'US Hwy-19 Hwy-349 South Williston, FL 32696 Chiefland, FL.32626 Trenton, FL 32693 Old Town, FL 32680 Suwannee, FL 32692 352-529-0010 352-493-4200 352-463-7770 352-542-1111 352-542-1212 Trenton I & II Apartments ForRent 718 NE 7th Place #905 '. Trenton, FL 32693 Now Accepting Applications 1, 2, & 3 BR HC&Non-HC apartments. Rental assistance may be available. 352-463-7106, TDD/TTY 711 Equal Housing Opportunity. Smith & Associates, GM AC www.bsgmac.com I , Brad Smith Licensed Real Estate Broker THURSDAY, JUINh ID, /,Uuo s 4 iYgY1 Suwannee Valley League 12 & Under baseball team Pictured front kneeling: Darren Skawienski, Lee Jones, Hunter Parrish, Daniel Bell, Cor- byn Pugh, Clay Taninies. Standing middle: Hunter Williams, Kane Cro4bi, Corbiin Wig- gins, Jonathan Rowe, Cedric Stokes, and Clif Bryant. Standing back row coaches Roy I \il- liams, John Rowe, and Todd Bryant. Photo by Anna Wild. . SVL 12& Under Wins Ft. White Tournament (Continued from Page One) nee Count) 12's on Saturda) morning. Crosb% started the second game for SVL and pitched the first and second innings., He faced onl1 seven batters. strik- ing out two while giLing up no walks, no runs and onls one hit. SVL came out swinging in the first inning and scored the first run. Daniel Bell had a single and later scored on an RBI dou- ble from BrNant. In the second inning SVL sent ten hitters to the plate and scored si\ runs Skaowienski had a double. Par- rish had a triple, and Stokes singled. In the third and fourth innings Hunter Williams pitched for SVL., scattering four hits and giv ing up mto runs. In Sales Dept. Open Mon.-Fri. 8 to 7; Sat. 9 to 4; Closed Sunday Body Shop Open Mon.-Fri. 7:30 to 5 Service Dept. Open Mon.-Fri. 7:30 to 5 24 Hour Towing Call 493-7061 352-493-4263 *AII prices include all GM rebates + 1999 or newer trade-in, plus tax title and license fees. Mileage based on EPA estimates. the third inning Lee Jones en- tered the game to pinch hit, sin- gled, moved to second when Parrish walked and then went to third on a pass ball, and later scored on a Daniel Bell RBI. The score was 7-2 after 'four innings. SVL put Crosby back on the mound for the fifth in- ning. He faced four batters, striking out three and giving up no runs.' SVL scored in the bot- tom of the fifth when Clay Tan- inies hit a double and scored on two pass balls. Skawienski closed the game in the sixth, giving up two hits and two runs. SVL beat the Suwannee 12 year old team 9-4 and advanced to the 'third game of the tourna- ment. There were several rain de- lays Saturday and SVL did not play the Suwannee County" 11's until 8:30 that night. Skawien- ski started on the mound and gave up two hits but/no runs in the first inning. SVL came out hot and scored ten runs in the first inning. Bell had two dou- bles in the first inning while Rowe and Skawienski both had triples. In the second Stokes struck out two and walked t1 o but ga'e up onk one run. SVL did not score in the second and Rowe pitched and shut down the Suwannee Il's in the third. In the bottom of the third SV L scored nine more runs. Stokes 2006 Chevy Impala LT 31 Hwy. 21 City scored twice, Williams had a double, and Corbyn Pugh had a bases clearing in-the-park grand slam scoring Stokes, Rowe, and Corbin Wiggins. Rowe finished- up the pitching duties for SVL with 3 strikeouts in the bottom of the fourth. The game was called due to the 10-run rule. The SVL Lightning won 19-1 and advanced to the final four as the only undefeated team in the tournament. The final four teams were SVL, Hamilton County 12U, Suwannee 12, and Lake City 12. SVL was to play Lake City 12 and Hamilton Co 12U was to. play Suwannee County .12U. SVL did not score any' runs in the first inning but got a lead off walk in the second from Bryant that ended up scoring on a dou- ble from Stokes. Rowe, Crosby, Skaw ienski, Taninies, Parrish. Bell, and Williams all scored in' the second. *Bryant came up again in the second inning and singled, scoring two .runs and' later scored again in the inning to make the score 8-0. Crosby started the- first inning for SVL and struck out one while gi% ing up no runs. Skawienski pitched the second and third innings, striking out two while e on!\ giv\- ing up one run. In the third in- ning Skawienski scored on an RBI from Parrish. SVL did not score in the fourth inning but in M AMERMFAN REVOLITflN June ist Kicks Off Hurricane Season AND Scoggins- Che vy-Buick's Summer Seldoawn! ..2006 Chevy Aveo LS 4 Dr., 54 Hwy. 24 City #1195 *1,495* SPECIAL PRICE |2,4 5111 11 AVeOS n Stam -im. 30 Years Service to the Tri-County Communities THETM-COUNTYANDMOURROUNDINO AEAI www snnsnrinchevwhimiirk nm the fifth inning-Rowe, Skawien- ski and Taninies all walked to load the bases with one out. Lead off hitter Hunter Parrish took the count to 2-2 and then proceeded to hit a grand slam homer that easily cleared the fence as it flew into a stiff wind. Hunter Williams later followed with a double and scored on a Stokes RBI to end the SVL scoring. Stokes pitched the bot- tom of the fourth and faced three batters, giving up no hits. Williams pitched the bottom of the fifth inning facing four bat- ters, striking out two, and gave up no. runs. -The, game was called due to the ten-run rule with SVL winning 14-1... Hamilton Counti beat 'Su- wannee County 12's in the other semi-final game so SVL w as to meet Hamilton for the champi- onship at 4 pm. SYL was the home team and started Crosby on the mound. Crosby had onl\ pitched one inning in the prior game and due : to tournament rules would be allowed to pitch up to five innings in the cham- pionship game Crosby started for SVL and Hamilton started their ace, Derrick Johnson. Johnson is a big kid that throws hard. Crosby pitched to four batters in the first, striking out two and giving up no runs. Johnson faced three batters in the first. with Parrish walking and mo ing to second on a sac- rifice bunt from Bell but SVL could not score the run. In the second. Crosb. faced four bit- ters, gi\ ins up a double to .lohn- Sson % ho later ino ed to third on a pass ball but could not score. Stokes got on in the second in- ning for SVL, but was thrown out at second tr ing to steal. SVL u as not able to put any runs on the scoreboard in the second. In the third inning CrosbN faced three batters. striking out one and not allow- ing any runs. SVL was playing super defense behind Crosby., In the bottom of the third, Par- rish walked again, this time w ith two outs. Daniel Bell hit a tri- pie don. the left field line to score Parrish, but Bell was stranded at third to end the in- ning. Crosby went to the mound in the top of the fourth with a 1-0 lead. He pitched to three batters, striking out one and sull not giving up a run. Johnson had to be removed. from pitching for Hamilton due to the number of innings he had pitched in previous games. Hamilton replaced him and SVL's bats came alive. Stokes got on due to an error, Row\e had a single, Crosb': singled, SkaWienski doubled. Lee Jones was the pinch hitter and was walked, Parrish walked, and then Daniel Bell hit a grand slam over the left center field fence. Williams and Bryant later scored in the inning on a Stokes double and an RBI from Rowe to end the game due to the 10 run rule SVL 10 and Hamilton 0. Please come out and support SVL in the upcoming District 1, Small School Tournament, in Trenton June 16-18. The John Thomas Family Is Recognized As Gilchrist County Farm Family (Continued from Page One) erie is also very busy with four children and she works at Bell Elementery School as a Pre-K Instructor. In all, the farm has nine grand- children living on it and each of them have and appreciate this way of life. They are all busy in 4-H and livestock projects. William T. Carlton Masonic Lodge Honors Long-Time Members (Continued from Page One) Secretary Bill Schreiber read in tribute to all the wives of Ma- sons a poem entitled "A Mason's Wife," which, well' describes the support of these wonderful la- dies who help with all the meals and other activities but seldom receive recognition for it. If you have any questions, please call me at (352) 542- 9993. Thanks Bill Schreiber Lodge Secretary Wm. T. Lodge Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children. Charles R. Swindoll, The Strong Family The FWC Report For June 2-8 This report represents .some significant 'events the FWC handled over the past week; however, it does not include all actions taken by the Division of Law Enforcement. NORTH CENTRAL RE- GION- CITRUS COUNTY June 5th, Investigator Jim Smith discovered a large amount of household garbage dumped in the Citrus Wildlife Management Area. Smith found several.items in the garbage pile that led to a Hernando resident. Smith inter-, viewed this person .who stated her boy friend took her trash to the landfill. After interviewing the boyfriend, the man admitted to.dumping the garbage in the woods because the landfill was closed. Smith issued a notice to appear to the man for criminal littering. Smith also .advised the man to clean up the dump, site prior to the court appearance' date. DUVAL COUNTY June 5th, Investigator Jason Boswell, patrol Lt. Gary Klein, patrol officers Jamie Bevan and Brad Givens were called to work a boating fatality in Duval Coun- ty. A single personal watercraft (P\VC) was operating at the mouth of the Fort George River, jumping wa'es While jumping "waves, the operator was ejected from the PWC. The operator: was knocked unconscious and discovered floating in the wa- ter:; The victimm was recovered' from the water by 'Jacksonville Fire Rescue and transported to Shands Hospital where he was' pronounced dead. DUVAL COUNTY COPS June 7th, Lt. Bruce Cockcroft gave a presentation to the Jack- sonville Herpetological Society" at the Jacksonm ile Museum of Science and History. Cock-' croft discussed captive wildlife regulations and. responded to- inquiries about potential regula- tory changes being analyzed by-, the Captive Wildlife Technical. Assistance Group. For more. information about this group,- go to http://Ivw w.niyfc.com/ captinve/titewildlifeTag.html. SUWANNEE COUNTY Officer Bryan Humphries was checking fishing licenses and criminal histories when, he was notified that one individual had an active Suwannee County warrant for failure to pay a traf- fic fine. The subject was trans- ported to the Suwannee County Jail and charged with no valid freshwater fishing license and violation of probation. UNION COUNTY June 8th, Officer Brett Gill received information from a correctional officer regard- ing a suspicious vehicle. The correctional officer suspected the vehicle driver had dumped a load of garbage on an area hunt club. After obtaining the vehicle's tag number, Gill located the vehicle at a local medical facility. Gill noticed residual items in the cargo area of the vehicle that matched the debris found dumped on the hunt club property. The operator was interviewed and confessed. The Debris was collected and taken to the landfill where it was found to weigh 49 pounds. Gill charged the subject by sworn affidavit with misdemeanor illegal dump- ing and trespassing. June 8th, Gill was patrol- ling Lake Butler Park when he observed a female subject suspected of having outstand- ing warrants. Gill requested a records check and, while wait- ing for the response, he observed the subject discard an item near, a trash can. A records check confirmed two outstanding war- rants through Union County. After placing the subject under arrest, Gill discovered that the item discarded was a crack pipe. The subject was subsequently charged with possession of drug paraphernalia. Live as if you expected to live a hundred years, but might die tomorrow.--Ann Lee To be upset over what you don't have is to waste what you do have.--Ken Keyes, Jr. Woodland Craft Signs Now at the Journal (352) 463-7135 SPECIAL PRICE - $ 7,895*' #571$ j 9 In stelI 2006 Chevy Monte Carlo - 31 Hwy. 21 city SPECIAL PRICE U'.', $19,395'* 5Monte Carlos #1032 In St9ocl SPECIAL PRICE - $94 4Impalas . #101i8 Iy. Istockl BA TION OF PRB-O WNED WBHICABSI ; 97 Ford '05 Chevy '96 Chevy '05 Chevy 91 Jeep -Mustang Impala Corvette Cavalier Cherokee #1066A- .#1114A #947A 30K M;Iles #1167P 66K Miles-#861A - 16,995 $12,495* $4, 995* 10,885 *2 995 '04 Dodge '04 Dodge '03 Chevy '05 Pontiac '02 Ford Neon SXT Neon Cavalier Grand Am Explorer #581A #614A #1017B 28kK Mies #1158P 59K Miles #1089B $8,995 *8,995 $7,995* 13,695 17,295* '04 Chevy '02 Saturn '01 Chrysler '05 Chevy i 02'Chevy mpala L200 Town & Country Malibu -Suburban LS #93A 853P #852p ; 30K Miles- #1166P 4WD- #187A S,995*- $9,495* '11,99s $12,F795*995* U-ma iin ustmersericeantiSaes- heDifernc,-s arig! 1424 North Youna Blvd., Chiefland used Vehicles Needed We Will Give Vou rop For Vour rrade! I vv vv vv.o%.%Juu 11 loul ICVY Liu IUR.Iv I I i GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JUNE 15,2006, Pa e Sixteen I |