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Serving Gilchrist County and Surrounding Area for over 75 Years , Phon e (352 46 7 3 -fax. (352) 13 9 2'i.) 'ieai In TrCc.Couniv Area Giklhfi Vol. 76 No07 Phone (35 463-7135 Fax (352) 463-7393 Trenton, Florida 32693 Thursday. June 1, 2006 Price 50f D! Le.-,.2o, io r;at 7ol No gilchristjoumal@bellsouth.net Fio-,,, S O om Of state S' Semi Truck Breaks Power. Poles And Causes mi ,-t .Grass Fire At Donnie Community Center The placing of a wreath at the memorial of Sgt Ricky Lord. Standing at left is Ted Henley, Commissioner Tommin Langford, Admiral David L. Phihnan, Cub Scout Cameron Kirk, Mayor Pete Randolph, fudge Ed Philmnan, Harold A likell, Karen Latham and Cody Latham. Standing with the Riderless Horse is Bruce Bardson and James A IcCook. Photo by Anna WiWd. Admiral David L. Philman Addresses Large Crowd Attending Gilchrist Memorial Day Program By John M. Ayers A Gilchrist County resident called the Gilchrist County Sheriff's Office on Thursday, Ma. 25. to report that a grass fire and power outage had oc- curred after a semi truck broke off t\%o po>%er poles at the inter- section of CR 334 and 334A in Southwest Gilchrist County. A semi truck trailing on CR 334A %as attempting to go across the parking area in front of the Donnie CommunitN Cen- ter %%hen the truck broke a util- it% %%ire from the utility pole. The pull of the truck on the se- ries of wires and poles broke tMo of the poles and caused po%%er lines to break and come into contact with the dry grassN area along the right-of-"aN. The Gilchrist County Sher- iff's Emergency 911 dispatched Fanning Springs Fire Depart- ment to the scene to fight the series of grass fires. The Florida Division of Forestry .was also contacted to assist in controlling the \%ild fires. Fanning Springs Fire Rescue was able to arrive on scene within minutes and, begin to .-,i.rol the 'ra.ss fn, Central Florida Electric Co- The semi truck that is pictured in the background was attempting to turn across in front of Donnie I'oting Precinct Thursday when he struck a Central Florida Electric power line entering the community center. The impact broke two electrical poles sending hot wires to the ground causing grass fires in several places. Photo by Lloyd Sanders. operative was contacted and advised that a hot wire was on the roadway and a grass fire had ignited. Flo ,da Highway Patrol waa< called to the scene to investigate the accident. A news release from FHP was unavailable -when contacted on Tuesday. Central Florida Electric dis- patched se% eral service teams to the scene to repair the broken poles. Residents in the area were %without electric service for an estimated four hours. FHP is conducting an in es- tigation in'ol ing this accident By Anna Wild On Monday, May 29, 2006 many of the citizens of Gilchrist County and neighboring communities came to the , Gilchrist County Court House in Trenton to honor those who, we have lost over the years in the name of Freedom. Dan Taylor welcomed the crowd and expressed his appreciation to those who came out on a hot day to pay tribute to some very important individuals to our country. Mr. Taylor presented a, plaque to Harold Mikell, a member of the Gilchrist County Historical Society, and WWII veteran, for his work with the historical society and his assistance in bringing today's events together. Tommy Langford, Gilchrist County Commissioner, presented Dan Taylor with a check for $250 for the historical society from the Gilchrist County Republican Party. Major Stroupe addressed 'the crowd and explained some of the history behind today's meaning. Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day in remembrance for those who have died in our nation's service. Memorial Day was officially proclaimed on May 5, 1868 by General John Logan, A Large Crowd Attends Bell High School Graduation The Graduating Class of 2006 from Bell High School was anxious to take the field. and begin their new lives.' Mr. Buddy Schofield thanked the seniors for being perhaps the class that created the least amount of work for him. Graduating Senior Timmy Trail performed the song "Where Eagles Dare to Fly" which he and Senior Anne Landrum had written; the song and its performance were abso- lutely wonderful. Salutatorian, Amanda Nobs, encouraged her class- mates to see the great country we live in and remember they can make a difference in their world by doing something as simple as voting. The class Valedictorian, Nicholas Kortessis, thanked his teachers for their dedica- tion over the years. And he (Continued to Page Two) Little King and Queen Contest is at 3:00 p.m. at the Tommy Usher Center. The queen con- test begins at 7:00 p.m. and will end around 9:00 p.m. The queen contest will also be held at the Tommy Usher Center. The Chiefland Watermelon Festival began in 1954 as a celebration to finishing their new streets and sidewalks. The Chiefland Civic Club decided that this could be celebrated by a festival., This was around the time that watermelon season was coming to a close, so local Admiral David L. Philman, right is pinning two medals on Gary J. Hale of Newberry, Florida. Mr. Hale served in the U.S. Army in South Vietnam from August 1970 to August 1971. Photo by Anna Wild. National Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, and was first observed on May 30, 1868 with flowers being placed on the graves of both Confederate and Union soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. Now it is observed the last Monday of May by .almost every state. The guest speaker for the Memorial Day Celebration is very special to Gilchrist County. He is Admiral David L Philman (Continued to Page Ten) THS Class of 2006 Valedictorian Morgan Martin is shown with one of her teachers, Mrs. Lucy Lacy. Mrs.. Lacy delivered a special graduation present to Morgan from her mother, Louise Coleman. Mrs. Coleman passed away at 95 last year. She had a special relationship with this young lady and wanted to give her a special present. Photo by Anna Wild. THS Class of 2006 Begins Their Journey In Life BHS Class of 2006 senior Wynn Smith is pictured with her brother Tyler Smith. Tyler was a special guest of the graduation ceremonies as he was allowed to come home from Iraq to be with his family during graduation. Tyler has been stationed in Iraq for 7 months and will return to his duty station to complete his tour of service. Sgt Smith is with the U.S. Army and works with a convoy security team. Photo by Anna Wild. By Anna Wild The Trenton High School Graduation was wonderful, the evening was pleasant and clear and the ceremony was very touching. Bethany Lunsford performed our National Anthem and her magnificent voice gave great honor to the song. THS Princi- pal, Mrs. Lynette Langford, always remembers every stu- dent on graduation day and mentioned everyone in a special way in her final words to them. Salutatorian, Shelly Law, had a touching speech to deliver to her peers. She encouraged each to remember this night and everything they went through to get there. These things will help them in what comes in the future. She knows her class will do great things in their future. The Valedictorian, Morgan Martin, spoke of one journey ending and another journey just beginning for herself and her classmates. She expressed hopes that her peers will go through this new open door with determination, and individual- ity. ' There were cartwheels and back-flips from a couple of graduates as Teacher of the Year Drew Stone read the names of the graduates to re- ceive their diplomas. Congratu- lations Trenton High School Class of 2006! Watermelon Time in Chiefland-Annual Festival this Saturday, June 3rd The annual Chiefland wa- termelon Festival big melon weigh-in begins Saturday, June 3rd at the city park located next to highway 19 in South Chiefland. The weigh-in will be held between 6:30 and 10:30 a.m. The park opens at 9:00 a.m. The parade begins at 10:00 a.m. on highway 19. The watermelon auction will be held at 11:30 a.m. in the park. The farmers decided to pitch in and donate some of their last water- melons to the celebration. Today, farmers continue to donate watermelons, which are served ice cold and delicious for all visitors to enjoy. Over time. the festival has grown and now showcases arts and crafts exhibits from around Florida and neighboring states. There are plenty of activities for kids to participate in, including a watermelon seed-spitting con- (Continued to Page Two) Gilchrist County, Florida 2006 Announced Candidates County Commissioner District 2 Mitchell Gentry, 4959 SW 80th Ave., Bell, FL 32619 352-463-7080 (D) D. Ray Harrison, Jr., 4599 SW 90th Court, Bell, FL 32619 352-463-2147 (D) Terry D. Parrish, P. 0. Box 82, Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-2248 (D) County Commissioner District 4 Tommy Langford, 6650 NE 55th St., High Springs, FL 32643 386-454-3022 (R) John Rance Thomas, 2000 NW 80th St., Bell, FL 32619 386-935-0937 (D) School Board District 1 (Nonpartisan) Delight H. Curtis 7339 SE 69th Lane, Trenton, FL 32693 352-472-6012 Cloud E. Haley 621 NE 2nd Street, Trenton FL 32693 352-463-2917 Lucy Swilley 10360 SE 15th Avenue, Trenton FL 32693 352-463-7716 School Board District 3 (Nonpartisan) John D. Frazier 3539 SW 47th Ct., Bell, FL 32619 352-463-2652 Lacy.A. Redd 9050 SW CR 344, Bell, FL 32619 352-463-6266 School Board District 5 (Nonpartisan) Michelle Carter P.O. Box 1463, Trenton FL 32693 352-463-2950 Ann Marie (Anni) Egan 4829 SE 25th Lane, Trenton, FL 32693 352-472-4986 Supervisor of Elections Karen Fults P.O. Box 256, Bell, FL 32619 352-463-7014 (R) Leigh Hartzog P.O. Box 1450, Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-0333 (D) Bill Martin 7699 SW CR-334-A, Trenton FL 32693 352-463-7439 (D) Connie Douglas Sanchez 7246 Cardinal Tr., Fanning Springs, Fl 32693 352-463-3044 (R) County Court Judge Group 1 (Nonpartisan) David Miller (Duke) Lang P.O. Box 51, Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-7800. Edward (Ed) Philman 5880 NW 57th Ct., Bell, FL 32619 386-935-2333 MEO GTT .CHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL rage Iwo THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 2006 Gilchrist County Journal USPS-218-620 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY IN GILCHRIST COUNTY, 207 N. MAIN TRENTON, FLORIDA Less than 75% advertising We reserve the right to shorten articles, letters, etc. and delete any part or leave out in its entirety if we judge such to be-offensive. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $20.00 A Year In Tri-County Area $24.00 All Other Areas In Florida $28 Out Of State JOHN MIN AYERS II EDITOR, PUBLISHER AND OWNER Cindy Jo and Carrie Ayers, Glen'Thigpen, Mark Schuler,,Judi Bishop, Kathy Hilliard & Chris Rogers ASSISTANTS Entered as Periodicals at the Post Office at Trenton, Florida, under the act of March 3, 1879. POSTMASTER Please Send Address Change To: Gilchrist County Journal, 207 N. Main Street, Trenton, Florida 32693 . John's Comments By: John'M. Ayers Memorial Day The Gilchrist 'Count- Historical Society held the seventh straight Memorial Day program -on the south lawn of the Gilchrist County. Court House on Monday. : SThis -program was most, admirable as many family. members and friends of United States service men and women attended the program to honor service personnel that has and is, serving their county. The Gilchrist County Historical Society ,under' the, direction of President J, M. Murphy Everett, 'Dan Taylor, Major Stroupe and se% eral other directors did a fine job. producing this memorial program. It '%as good to see some of the patriotic leaders and members of the community of, that generation that lived through WWII that worked together to pull the United, States through the great depression. -I still see Gilchrist Count- as a small, rural community) that has a lot of family oriented people.These people put a lot of emphasis on the family and 'they remember those tough limes and are closer to members of their family that joined the armed forces or were drafted to be sent over seas to be invol ed in the war. It is these kind of people that still come out to these t)pe of patriotic programs to honor the sen ice people that hale given the ultimate price. I %as proud to have the opportunity) to attend this "NEED A FENCE OF ANY KIND CALL DANNY ANYTIME." Barb IVire oven fire Chain Link* Board S* -Danny Hodge" - (352) 463-1832 -- Mobile (352) 493-5345 4110 S.W. 25th Street -- Bell, Florida , Date High Low High Low High Thu 0.163 ft. 2.503 ft. 1.773 ft. 3.213 ft. Jun 06 12:22 ANM 6:50 AM 11:58 AM 5.28 PN Fri 0.422 It 2.527 It 1.741 ft. 2.949 ft. Jun 2, 06 1:04 AM 7:35 AM 12:57 PM 6:27 PM Sat 0.684 ft. 2.608 ft. 1.642 ft. 2.694 ft. Jun3,06 1:50 AM 8:21 AM 2:07 PM 7:43 PM Sun 0.940 ft. 2:741 ft. 1.430 ft. 2.530 ft. Jun 4, 06 2:40 AM 9:07 AM 3:26 PM 9:11 PM Mon 1.172 ft. 2.909 ft. 1.099 ft. 2.502 ft. Jun 5, 06 3:34 AM 9:52 AM 4:41 PM 10:36 PM Tue 1.368 ft. 3.095 ft. 0.708 ft. 2.575 ft. Jun 6, 06 4:30 AM 10:33 AM 5:43 PM 11:49 PM Wed 1.522 ft. 3.279 ft. 0.328 ft. Jun 7, 06 5:24AM 11:13 AM6:35PM First Quarter: 6/3 7:07 PM Apogee: 6/3 10:00 PM C*O*O*K*I*N*G J ^adcAawf/^ CO.O.OK.I.NG By Cindy Jo A) When one tasted watermelon he know what the angels eat. Mark Twain Next Saturday is the annual Chiefland Watermelon Festival. Fact is, around Trenton this time of year you can't miss that it is melon harvesting time. Semi after semi of melons are leaving the Suwannee Valley daily and even nightly. Friday night John and I drove out to the Farmers* Market and Billy Smith's watermelon shed and the activity was fast and furious. After., talking to a melon grower last week I understood how our strange spring weather has. affected this year's crop. Speaking of weird' weather, Sunday afternoon we had a crazy storm, which not -only brought about to inches of rain but also buckets of marble and larger size hail to our yard. I sure hope no, melon. patches, were. in the path of that storm. Speaking of %%atermelon I just lo\e it, don't \ou? NI\ children and John are big fans of ic\ cold fruit salad. I, make this several times a -year. I hae a Watermelon baler thai makes quick work of watermelons and cantaloupes alike. The "ka\ %\e 'make fruit salad is to ball-up a couple of watermelons. t1o cantaloupes and one honede\\ melon. To all this melon add blueberries, strawberries and sometimes kin i. On special occasions like the 4th of Jul% \%e usuallI sern e it in a hollo%%ed-out melon. Through the \ears the Southern Sisters have served this mixed melon fruit salad at several weddings, The trick to making it ahead of time is to store each t pe melon or fruit in a separate zipper top bag. When you are ready to mix it all up. dip out the melon from the bag leaving all the extra' juice in the bottom of the bag. 'By keeping all the- ingredients in separate bags it keeps the flat or of the fruit fresher. If you mix it all up the day before not only will you have way -too much juice in the salad but all the individual flavors just 'blend together, If you. add fresh peaches wait till the last minutes to peel and cut them up so they don't turn brown. The following fruit dip is realI quick and easy to make. It looks pretty served in a hollowed-out cantaloupe shell. The can-' taloupe can be 'cut in a zigzag pattern or the edges can be, scalloped. 1 8-ounce package cream program and honor the veterans that have severed in our countries armed forces. This" program was very rewarding. For A Different Gospel (Kent Heaton) The good news of salvation is found in the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel is referred to on many occasions throughout the .New Testament. "Jesus went about in all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of disease and all manner of sickness among the people" (Matthew 4:23). Mark begins his book with "The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God" (Mark 1:1). The early disciples went throughout the land "preaching the gospel" (Acts 8:25). Paul defined the gospel in Romans 1:16 as the "power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek." The gospel will judge all men in the last day (Romans 2:16). Men will be punished for not obeying the "gospel of our Lord Jesus" (2 Thessalonians 1:8).The gospel is the good news of Jesus Christ and through the message of the gospel men obey the will of the Father. Religious men proclaim the gospel in their own terms today. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the word of Christ found in the Bible. Examining the gospel preached by man today finds lacking the words from the word of God. This-is not a new problem as Paul addressed the same dilemma in Galatians 1. "I am amazed that you are so, quickly deserting Him 'who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel; which is really not another; only there are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the gospel of Christ" (Galatians 1:6-7. Paul warns the churches of Galatia of the reality of a "different gospel. Many had turned aside to this different message of salvation and followed a perverted, troubling and distorted gospel. Men today preach a perverted gospel when they preach matters that cannot be found in scripture. The religious world is troubled by a message that is not sanctioned from God. A distorted view of God and His plan of salvation is accepted by the masses as the will of God. . How can we tell if the gospel has been tainted? If the Bible is the divine word of God; received by men and delivered to other men through inspiration; preserved by God's power through the centuries and received by men today; how can we teach anything not found in scripture? The Bible is the divine word (2 Timothy 3:16,17); men received the message and delivered it to others (Ephesians 3:3,4) and.has been kept through the centuries by God's power for all men today. Yet, most of the religious world follows a gospel that .is a different gospel, for what they practice is nowhere to be found within the pages'of God's word. Peter proclaimed:. "Whoever speaks, is to do so as one who is speaking the utterances of God" (1 Peter 4:11). How simple to find everything that we practice, believe and teach in the Bible. Legions are the things that churches practice and believe -today that can never be found in the Bible. Yet they continue to preach a gospel that is different than what the Bible says. Examine the church you are a part of and make certain that everything everything that is taught is found in the word of God. The name of the church, the organization, the pattern of benevolence, the plan of salvation, etc. must be found in God's word. If it is not found in the word of God reject it and challenge your church leaders. Trenton Church of Christ 463-3793 502 Northeast 7th Street Trenton, Florida 32693 Please Visit www.trentonchurchofchrist.com Email kerux@bellsouth.net cheese 1 7-ounce jar of marshmallow cream 2 teaspoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon lemon zest Mix all together and chill. This can be made the day before you are going to serve it. If you are not a big fan of lemon just leave out the juice and zest. I have also added about a half of a can of drained crushed pineapple. The pineapple not only changes the flavor a little but it gives the dip a little texture. ,Yi By Lauren Rudd Hopefully you used; Memorial Day, weekend as a .time when you made a special effort to remember and honor thosewho: ha'e given their all in an effort to secure and maintain our free- dom, whether military or civil- ian. In response to the weekendd . I believe some words I have used in the past are %worth repeating. In particular, it is regretful that the devastating impacts of armed conflicts have a way of fading from memory If nothing else, the continual bloodshed ,in Afghanistan and Iraq should remind all of us that we have, a Memorial Day holiday for rea- sonsbother than just setting up" the barbecue grill.4 Moreo er, ftr thqse of us who saw Vietnam regurgitate the remains of our friends and classmates, the' day holds par ticular significance. Now I am sure you are asking yourself how those comments, relate to investing on WVall Street. They do not...except to point out that we must occasionally turn our focus away from what we can get and instead concentrate on .what we can give back. Traditionally, this is also the time of the year %%hen I discuss the subject of when and what to sell. Given that we just con- cluded Memorial Day weekend, I "Xould suggest .ou contemplate the words penned over a centurN ago by Catherine Lee Bates in the song, "America the Beauti- ful." She %wrote. "Confirm thy .soul in self control Forecasted market trends are not a reason to sell. At the same time,' never letothers, especially those who stand to make a com- mission, make the decision for you. It is nearly impossible to go wrong implementing a buy and hold strategy. In the trade, this 'goes by the name of a "low turnover" portfolio and .it is the antithesis of the brokerage in- dustry. Unrealized profits are never a reason to sell. Remember that a portion of any unrealized profit belongs to Uncle Sam. As long as you do not sell, you can continue to use his money to en- hance your gains...interest free. Does this mean you never sell a stock? No, of course not, espe- cially if a company is suffering from deteriorating management, inadequate cost controls, ques- tionable accounting practices, a lack of innovation or unfavor- able industry trends. Now I know what you are ask- ing yourself, are there any stocks I recommend selling? Last year at this time I mentioned the airlines and the domestic auto manufacturers. That viewpoint has not changed, with the ex- ception of .Southwest Airlines. Although there are several close contenders, GM's management is probably the most unenlight- * ened of any major company. I would also avoid or sell Merck. That decision was not an easy one. However, the Vioxx debacle is a clear indicator that the company does not warrant shareholder trust or money at this point in time. The same holds true for the entire tobacco Gilchrist County Remembers When... 'Life is like a vapor. I can hardly believe it's been 50 years. This is a picture of the graduating, class of 1956. We .graduated from what was then caledl (my diploma says so) Trenton Negro High, May ,30, 1956. The school was later named after John Calvin .Morris. Later the school was consolidated into Trenton High School. John Morris would serve as' Assistant Principal at Trenton High School until his retirement. The class consisted of six. boys and one girl. From left to right, Leon Mattox (deceased), Captain, Rfuis J. WIashington, USMC (Ret), Joe Siinms Lillian Watson Stapleton, James Lewis, Theodore (Ted) Henleiy and .Thomas m \1iite. The picture was submitted lbt Captain l \\shinigton, eldest son of the late Rufus and Veda Washington. Captain l\shington is a , graduate of Eat Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina. He lives in A feMnphisl enuessee with his wife Pearline. Captain Washington retired from FEDEX Ground, Pittsbug, Pet'n\/hl''ania, in 1999. He was the Fleet Equipment Maintenaince Afanager, responsible for alU matters pertaining to Fleet Equipment. Captain \\'ashington said. "If \/our desire to succeed, coupled with good work ethics, is strong enough, failure will never overtake iyou. industry. : : . :Finall. I would d auoid East- man Kodak. Management to- tall\ misread the direction the photography industry \\as head- ing until it was almost too late. Even now\, it is questionable if the\ hate figured out a corporate direction and plan that makes sense. So there you have it, the Sahara Desert of the investment world. - You can xtrite to financial col- umnist Lauren Rudd at 5 Gulf Manor Dri\e. Venice, Fl. 342855 or e-mail at LVERudd@aol.com. Prior columns are available at RuddReport.com. A Large Crowd Attends Bell High School ", Graduation (Continued from Page One) quoted John F. Kennedy by reminding everyone "Ask not- what our country can do for you, but what you can do fbr your country." He passed on the hope, that his classmates will take these words to heart on a "global" level and ask not what the world can do for them, but what they can do for their world. Superintendent Vickers congratulated the graduating seniors on their accomplish-, ments and in becoming life long learners. He encouraged them to remember that the world today is, very different from the one they started with in Kindergarten. There will be many challenges in the future but they, have been given the tools necessary to excel in this daily changing world. Congratulation Bell High School Class of 2006! Chiefland Watermelon Festival This Saturday (Continued from Page One). test! The watermelon parade, auction, weighing-contest, and the Watermelon Queen contest are just some of the festival highlights that draw spectators from all around the area. The Watermelon Queen Con- test is for girls ages 16 to 21. The -queen contestants partici- pate in the Watermelon Parade, riding atop their sponsor's car. Each car has a sign, made by the contestant, identifying the con- testant and her sponsor. Then the contest is held at 7:00 p.m. that evening. Hope to see ya'll there! CUR e'llpi" Ih l ,i 1w r.: hhc i d" .,, l n ur hId llr lr .ri n o p hr .,In., ]pu .p , SA60 + Take le ,, dri't todali SA15 Gilchrist Building Supply 463-2738 1-800-543-6545 POWER EUIPMENTi am- 0pm M-F. sam-3pm Saturday www.scag.com H%,. 129.North- BELL IAMERICAN LEGION AIRS| JAMERSON- rSHEFFiELD POST 91 P 0-Box ,59 ... TRENTON, FLC'..PIA -.269 352-463-1501 MEETS: 3RD THURSDAY NEWBERRY POST 149 - P-o Bo.'r 0 ,- NEWBERRY, FLORIDA 32669. 352-472-6125 MEETS: 1 ST TULESDAY American Legion Airs For God and Country, we associate ourselves together for the following purposes.... These words begin the Preamble to our American Legion Constitution. Without members meeting together to work on the many programs in today's .merican Legion, these programs will not be completed and our community will lose. Many of our Legionnaires are involved in our communities wearing: more than one "hat". These members may be with the Crime Watch, school volunteers, working with a after school programs, ol unteering with elderly and other organizations, xolunteerng in a hospil or the VA system, but they are giving back to the community with their actions. More people are needed, always. If you're a veteran and your dates of service fall in the "eligible eras" consider joining your local American Legion Post and get involved in your community. The Memorial Day program on last Monday was put together by a dedicated group of volunteers that wanted to give the community a way to honor those veterans that gave their all for our freedoms, and to honor those who served as well. The American Legion organization is a volunteer operation and to get the job done, volunteers are required. Join with the Legionnaires to continue "Serving America". Saturday, June 3rd, at Post 58 in Dunnellon, the Fourth' District will hold the Constitutional Conference and elect the new Commander and Vice-Commanders for the coming year as well as the delegates to the National Convention. Plan to be a part of that meeting. Post 58 is on US-41, just north of the Wal-mart super store. Registration will begin at 09:00 and the meeting will begin at 10:00. A light meal will be served after the meeting. June 6th, at 7:00 is the regular monthly meeting at Newberry's Post 149, for the Legion and the Legion Auxiliary. June 8th is the Post 91 Executive meeting of both the Legion and Legion Auxiliary and the committees will be planning for their Installation of Officers on the 15th of June. Plan to attend that night to show support for the new Officers for the coming year. All members are requested to bring "light snack foods" to share. More information will be put out at the June 8th meeting. June 14th is Flag Day. Look at your flags. Do they need replacing? Now would be the time to do just that. Remind your neighbors, too. Then, bring the old and worn flags to your Legion Post for a proper retirement ceremony. Continue to remember our Armed Forces daily in your thoughts and prayers, for those here and abroad, especially those in "Harm's Way". Remember too, the families of those service members deployed around the world. Here at home, watch over our Legionnaires too, helping out where and when you are able and let the Post Chaplain know of any sick or troubled Legionnaires, veterans and widows. That, too, is part of what the American Legion does. For God and Country, Wayne Gravely, Post 149, Newberry Dn- T'ri... t Streetwise I IUJ-11'TRjthAV1, MP 1' An 1, z4Pu T jITNTY TLT IRNAT. Page Th-ee',f 1-i I.'N.X .L %-.IJ%.-) JJ'.L ILItIkL A- D, I -'--*-.- house Quilters News -'" --"" - U I ISprin Springhouse Quilters News Fifteen members of Spring- house Quilters enjoyed a mini quilt show presentation by Jane Gruchauz on May 23rd. Jan has made and proudly displays her many quilts with great anxi- ety and anticipation knowing that each quilt is unique'and fills a special place in her huge col- lection of quilts. Jane calls a lot of her quilts scrappy quilts even though in looking at them noth- ing would, appear,to be scrappy. Lancaster employee Jeffery Crawl and his work group spent time clearing and cleaning the Springhouse Quilter's yard this past week. We truly appreciate all. of the work,put into making the Springhouse quilt yard look nice., Thanks to the .supervisors at Lancaster and Mr. Crawl and his work' group for all of their hard work. On June 19th the beginner 4- H sewing' camp will begin. Ms. Elaine Faison has. been working very hard to get all of the sup- plies purchased, and the plans made for the 4-H sewing camp. 4-H members wanting to partici- ,pate in the sewing camp should contact the county extension of- fice for registration. Today, Sunday, around 5:00 p.m. we were so blessed to receive a wonderful rain. I hope each of you got a share of the rain, and the hail and lightning was not too bad. The rain made .a wonderful ending to a beauti- ful, hot spring day. Forever Flowers & Gifts 352-463-9176 o, Toll Free 1-866-261-"986 i ; v..foreverflowerstrenlon.com "Your Full Service Florist" 721 East Wade Street Trenton, Florida 32693 Fresh & Silk Arrangements Funerals Weddings Rentals Plants Prayer Box Bracelets Mommy & Me Bracelets MaggiB. Purses Texas Leather Purses & Men's Wallets Baby Camo -'Large Selection of Picture Frames Hours: Sv SA- M-F 9am 5pm Tei e., Sat. 9am 12pmr 1eieilorla Laura Teague/Charlotte Pedersen Owners S19th Annual "Gold Hook Award" Kids Fishing Tournament Sponsored by Suwannee River Shrine Club Proceeds are for the benefit of Shriners Hospitals for Children. Saturday, June 3, 2006 6 am 12 pm Hart Springs Boat Ramp/CR-344, Trenton Entry Fee: $25 donation per boat (1 adult, 1 child per boat) Age Group: 5 16 years Trophies awarded in several categories Free drawing for trolling motor w/every entry (Donated by Wal-Mart, Chiefland) For more information contact: Bobby Heath 352.542-9284 ---. jane G( itchi-iii displaying one of her mani qIilts to Springhouse Quilt Guild members on May 23.. For iriformaiton about Spring- house ,Quilters, contact Anna Gilliam, 463 7922 or Lois Scott, 463 2207 or any Apringhouse member. ' Lois Scott, Publicity Wayfair Townsend Cemetery Clean Up To Be Held June 10 The Wayfair To\\ nsend Cemetery clean up will be held Saturday, June 10th at 8:00 a.m. Please bring \our o, n tools. Please come out and join us in this effort, especially if you have family members in the cemetery.' Fnendship consists in forget- %tr b what one gives and remem-i briing what one recei es. SAlexander Dtunas the Younger Army Private Carl S. Hunter Graduates From Basic Combat Training Army Pvt. Carl S. Hunter has graduated from basic combat training at Fort Jackson, Colum- bia, S.C. - Durifng the nine weeks of. training, the soldier studied the Army mission. history. tradition and core %alues, phNsical fitness. and receJied instruction and practice in basic combat skills, military weapons, chemical warfare and bayonet training. drill and ceremony,' marching, rifle marksmanship, armed and unarmed combat, map reading, field tactics. military courtesy, military justice system, basic first aid, foot marches, and field training exercises. He is the son of Carl Hunter of S.W. 40th St.. Bell. Fla.Hunter is a 2006 graduate of Ocala Com- munity College. Florida. Assembly Of Fine Arts Held At Cross City Historic Railroad Depot Rail Connect of the Assembl\ of Fine Artists was held May 6th, 2006, at Cross City Historic Railroad Depot.' Three members were present; tho didn't show as planned because they %were ill, (Les and Harvey ... e % ish them well, they have been having quite a time of it and we dearly need them. And the others who planned to attend and two, other guests? We missed you. Three guests joined us and they helped make the day quite exciting.: A discussion on membership was. held. The assembly can nrot function without funds or with- out members. Donations are acquired by. members request- ing them. Anyone requesting funds must identify themselves as members with proper identi- fication We are ans%%erable not only to each other but also to' the State of Florida as a Non-Profit organization. Plus we simply' don't have a fairy godmother; some very generous members, yes, for whom we are very grate- ful. This brings me to the topic of expressing gratitude. The direc- tors need to get together again and make it 'known to whom we are to forward "Apprecia- tion Certificates." Our year runs from September to September. This can serve as a reminder that dues will be due before our sec- ond Tuesday of the month meet- ing in September 2006. Annual dues are remaining' at $12.00 a year. Dues do not carry the Assembly, they only serve to get newsletters out to you and press releases out via newspapers and radio stations and other sources. We plan to meet more often during the summer months on Saturday or Sundays, usually 11: 00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. You will be notified either by telephone or a note.. Cherrio, have a great summer...and be sure to keep in touch. (352) 949-4831 or As- sembly of Fine Artists, P.O. Box 1077, Old Town, Florida 32680- 1077. Barbara CR Moore, President. A small postscript: back when the AFA was started one of our members, Maureen Knight, suggested we sell from our tailgates. Great idea. She has since been very busy in New Hampshire, and we've been busy around North Central Flor- ida. You've guessed it: we have also become afa/tailgators.org. We celebrated our third year as Assembly of Fine Artists at the Dairy Queen selling from our tailgates and eating Ice Cream Cake. bcnnrmoore(Sisp.com Get your office supplies at the Journal office. www.gilchristcounty.com The Chamber Corner The Gilchrist County Cham- ber of Commerce would like to introduce some of our new Chamber members: Sharon Bard Sharon is . presently the President of, the Gilchrist' County Women's Club and she is also on the Educational Foundation board of Directors. If you would like more information about either organization please give Sharon a call at (386) 935-0655. Culligan -Water- Danny Crosier .-and Frank Riker provide drinking water to our' Count\ and water treatment ser- 'vices water softeners, iron. bac- 'teria, lime etc. You can contact their office at i352i 237-4118 Fax: (352)i 237-0113 or visit their Website at Culligan.com: theN are located at 1920 SW 37th Ave. in C)cala. FL 34474 Shrjner's Automotive. Inc. owners, Maureen L. Da\is and Jeffrey C Shriner. The\ ha\e "been established for .two years in our area providing: complete automotive service and repairs. general and high performance, foreign and domestic, computer diagnostics. AC service, fuel injection. electric, oil servi9eI shocks, struts, brakes, drums and rotors. tune-ups, engine repair/replace, overhauls, belts /hoses .and more. If you -are in need of any automotive repairs sike them a call at ( 352)"472- 6502. Fax: i3521 472-7915. email: shrinersautu'@hughes net or visitt their %\ebsite at: \\ shrinor. nr--.r- ,one' cm and the. are located at 4249 SE CR 232. Trenton. FL 32693. Camp Teriko and Dixie . Homestead o% ners Richard McGarrN and Greg Madsenr of- fering two great vacation rentals Pre American Legion Hall Available Aleetings Parties TIeddings & Rec eptiofns 352-463-1501 American Legion Auxillary Distributes Poppies Over Memorial Day Weekend to our area. You can contact them 'at (352) 542-9445, Fax; (352) 542-1447 or Email them at: islandco@aol.com for a great vacation rental. Our next Chamber mixer will' be hosted by Badcock's Home Furniture and More, on June 12th from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m.; Badcock's is located at 1820 E. Wade Street (SR 26) Trenton, FL 32693. For more informa- tion on this Chamber Mixer or if you are interested in sponsoring a Chamber mixer please contact, Maureen at the Chamber office Monday- Friday at (352) 463- 3467. Oak Walk, a homes only de- velopment by Southern Property Services, will be having a Grand Opening and open house on Sat- urday June 10th from 11.a.m. -1 p.m. The\ \% ill be giving tours of. the property, and you will have a chance to look at the. different floor plans they offer, meet the builders, and join them for some Bar-B-Q. They are located on CR 342 in Bell, FL, go to the blinking light on SR 129 then so %\est on CR 342 for 1/3 mile. For more information \ou can call Anne Barnett at Southern Prop- erties Serkices 352i- 375-773"1. Oak Walk %ill also be Hosting our Jull Chamber mixer at this same location. chamber@'gilch riscounat) corn. Our next Chamber Board '6f Director's meeting \%ill be held at the Chamber office on June S, 2006 at noon. . W e tnould like to thank all. of our Chamber members for their continued support of the Gilchrist County Chamber of Commerce. The Gilchrist County Charac- ter trait of the month presented bN the Character First Council is: "Sincerity" definition "Ea- gerly doing \that is right %%ith . transparent motives." i ~ / a fitting time to remember all who have since passed away. Auxiliary members distributed poppies and collected donations .' to support American Legion, programs. The primary goal of the American Legion is to sup- 7 port' .veterans with disabilities- and their families.. The poppies - that were distributed \were made-:, by veterans who are recovering from disabilities. ,' Tri'eton A layor Pete Kandolph accepts a donation to Amuerican Legion Auxiliary President Anne McKinney. Advertise Your Yard Sale In The Gilehrist Coinly Journal At 463-7135 Pole Barns Installed Complete $1 ,79500 Total 32 U4259 A ^ Hicks Seal ('oatiging aneld Striping. LLC. Decorau\e Thermoplasuc Residlni-.d Truncated Domes Asphjat. Parking Lots and Drl r_-a\s Phone: (352) 535-5479 Fax: (352) 463-7745 Ronnie Hicks Licensed and Incured Trenton. Florida I ^ *_ ,. . Water Filtration Lic # CFC051621 WOLFE PLUMBING, INC. Complete Plumbing Service Drain Cleaning & Repair 7 Days Service 352-463-2202 386-935-0616 . E Early Learning Coalition of the Nature Coast Voluntary Kinderga rten Quality Early Learning for a Successfid Future The. American Legion Post 91 and Auxiliary Unit 91 .dis- tributed poppies over the Me- morial Day %weekend. in Gil- christ County. Memorial Day is a special time that is set aside for Americans to' remember those men and, women who have served our country in mili- tary service. While the tradition of the remembrance was. to honor those killed in battle, it is TFRTRSDAY TTTN-F. I '?On6 C-rll'.CT4RTST COUNTY JOURNAL Page Three Prage Frour 'u Ik --uiN I IjUjiLUm u . Mercy Mountain Boys The Mercy Mountain Boys Of Lake City To Be In Concert. At Bell Church Of God. The Mercy Mountain Boys,. from Lake City, Florida will be in concert at the Bell.Church of God. The concert will be held on Saturday, June 10th at 7:30p.m. , Everyone is: welcome to at- tend this special concert. A love offering will be received during the service . For information, please. call (3S6i 935-2006. BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH "Committed to living and shailing ihe message of God's love." Bible Stud) 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship 11 a.m. & 7 p.m. .Prayer & Discipleship Wed. 7 p.m. Youth Praise & Worship Wed. 6:30 p.m. We: Awana Program Wed. 6:30 p.m. S 7070S.W. CR-334A-Trenton. FL 32693 ,,. K :M 352-463-2028 Pastor e-mail: beiheliaVbellsoiiili net Ralph Rodriguez www.backtobethel.org PINE GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH t. 16655 N.W. CR-339 Trenton, Florida 32693 3 32-463-2151 . %.Wv% pgbefl.com: Bro. Greg Douglas, Pastor Bro. Rickey Whitley, Minister of Students Charles Brock, Music Director Sunday School/Bible Study......................9:15 AM Morning t'orship Service................ 10:3-0 AM' Children's Church....... ..................... 10:30 AM Evening Worship Service.. .....................6:00 PM, Wednesday Night Services: Prayer Meeting, AWANA & Youth tWorship...... ................7:00 PM ~ Nursery Provided for All Services - S Trenton United Methodist Church 9:30 am Sunday School 11:00 am Morning Worship Service 6:00 pm Wednesday Bible Study Nursery provided 9-12 Sunday Morning 203 N.E. Second Street, Trenton Office: 463-2877 Rev. H.D. "Hank" Cribb, Sr. We Welcome You To Mt. Nebo Baptist Church (SBC) 4200 N.W. CR-340, Bell, FL 32619 (3 miles North of Bell on Hwy-340 West) Sunday School .......................... .... 9:45 am Morning W worship ............ ........... 11 am Evening Worship ... ........... 6 pm Wednesday Evening Services: Adult Bible Study, Children, & Youth ... 7 prm Pastor: Rev. Jimmy Corbin Minister of Youth: Matt Holtsclaw Church Phone: 386-935-3575 "Committed to Reaching People for Christ" YOU ARE WELCOME AT PRISCILLA BAPTIST CHURCH 5509 S.W. County Road 232, Bell, Florida (Between Bell & Trenton 2*5 miles West of SR 129) t Sunday School........................10:00AM 4 Morning Worship............ 11:00 AM Evening Worship....... ...........6:00 PM Wednesday Night Prayer/Youth...7:30 PM . Be a part of an exciting time of Worship and Bible Study. Web: www.ForMinistry.com/USFLSOBCOPBC1 Mt. Horeb Baptist Church To Have VBS June 4-9 Everyone is invited to Mt. Horeb for Vacation Bible School, beginning Sunday June 4th through Friday, June 9th from 7:00-9:00 p.m. This year's theme will be Arctic Edge-Where Adventure Meets Courage. Come join us as we explore Alaska as well as learn about knowing, trusting, believing, following, and listen- ing to our Lord so we can have. tools to face all types of daily challenges and tell others about our Lord and Savior. There are classes for all ages, .crafts for the kids and a meal will be ser\ ed each night: Family night- will be Friday night featuring a pot luck meal and a display of the crafts each child has made during the week. Mt. Horeb Baptist Church is located on; County Road 340, just west of state road 47 in Gilchrist Count\. For more information, please call (386) 434-5238. Trenton Church Of God Yard Sale The Trenton Church ,of God will be having a yard sale on June lst-3rd. from 8:00 a.m. 'till 2:00 p m. Joppa Baptist Church Schedules- Vacation Bible School Joppa Baptist Church \ BS theme this year is:, :' . "THE ARCTIC EDGE," and 'begins Sunday June 4th through Friday June 9th. from 6.00 to 8:30 each evening. Friday night \\ill be Famil Night, recapping the week's events. ", Age group is 3 years to adult, age. This %week ofe\citing Bible stories, crafts and snacks is free and open to everNone. Plan to have your children and friends join us for a week of discover,. and fun. " .'Joppa Baptist Church isin . Fanning Springs at 7530 NW , 165th St. Thank you very much.. Joyce Holubek, Media JBC (352) 493 2919 Socials Happy Birthday wishes to Travis Latner, Courtney Ke- arney, Carra Crosby, Brittany Ozment, and Reid Murnahan'on June 1st; to Angel Ortiz, Kyle ,Latner, and Matthexw Wal- lace on June 2nd; to Cherylon Quincey, Shawn Fleming, Jason Ehrhart, and Essie L. Wilder on June 3rd; to Cora Langford and 'Sand\ Richards on June 4th; to .'June Mauldin. Steven Quincey, Aaron Martin. Robert Ferris, and Sha'% n Kirby on June 5th, to Jason Durden, Melvin Aylor, Dr. John Frazier, Francine Grant, Lyle Wilkerson, Ronda Parrish, John NIauthner, and Natalee Chason on June 6th; and to Ted, Henley, Sibyl Downing, Mat- thew Rexroat, Baird Resener, Coy Connatser and A.J. Gaylord on June 7th. Happy Anniversary wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Jbry Marshall on June 1st; to Adam and Mindy Gaylord on June 2nd; to Jonathan and Mary Ann Kin- caid on June 3rd; to Frank and Teri Rubi on June 6th; and to, Mr. anrd Mrs. Rick Lawrence and Davjd and Katherine Houser on June 7th. . Marriage Applications Filed In Gilchrist County Deilwone Lee -Henry, date of birth 11/11/74 of Trenton and DaShema Tyree Huggins, date of birth 10/21/85, of Trenton. Julious Ulander Riley, Jr., date of birth 10/27/79 of Trenton and Tiffany Charmaine Hartsfield, date of birth 1/10/81, ofTrenton. Bobby Charles Bagby, date of birth 11/28/85 of High Springs and Kristyn Nichole Thomas, date of birth 5/1/88, High Springs. - Charles Dwain Williams, date of birth 12/18/80, High Springs and Kari Ann Payne, date of birth 8/12/85 of High Springs. Robert Lawrence Stewart, date of birth 9/20/76 of Trenton and Alisha Lynn Beach date of birth 11/24/85 of Trenton. Larry Klynt Hilliard, date of birth 6/25/84 of Bell and Lindsey Michelle Bryan, date of birth 3/7/85 of Bell. Bell Baptist Church To Have Vacation Bible School, June 12-16 Bell Baptist Church invites you to bring your children, ages 3 through teens, to join us begin- ning June 12th-16th, from 6:30- 8:30 p.m., for the most exciting time of summer vacation., Are you ready for a trip to* down under? Well...grab your Bible, your suitcase, fasten your shoes and let's get going! You will learn how' to "To Stand Up, Obey God, Be Ready,. Stay Strong, and Have Faith", so you can share the good news with your friends. You will make cool crafts, sing nifty songs arind also enjoy yummy treats. We look forward to a fun week with the children in our area while sharing with them the truth of God's Word.. "Boomerang Bonanza" Fam- ily Night Celebration will be Friday night, June 16th at. 7:30, p.mn. It is an e\ent prepared by. the children especially for the \\hole family. If \ou need more information, please contact our VBS Director, Rose Williamson. (352) 463- 7320 or Pastor. Paul Watson, 463-6439. Card of Thanks I 'would like to take this op- portunity to thank the people that donated gifts for the baskets that \%ere raffled off for "Z-Zach Andrexs : Thank \ou to the many bsi- nesses thjt helped make this a success for the family\ and for all their support with. donations and to e\er\one that purchased tickets. Our communities made this raffle a huge event and success for the family. Also the Andrex.s family would like to extend their appreciation to exeryoneo for their donations, prayers, -love and support. Please keep ,"Zach" in. your prayers. Thank you. Marriages Filed In , Gilchrist County Ryan Lawrence Hausner, date of birth 4/6/81 and Christina Melissa Clark, date of birth 10/10/78, both of Trenton were married on 5.20'06 in Trenton by Michael R. Swiney, Pastor Church of God; Dav id William Perry, date of' birth 2/23/71 and Christy Dawn Darling, date of birth 6/9/75, both of Trenton were married on May 20, 2006 in Bradenton Beach by Noel Burmeister Notary. Nigel Matthew Millican, date of birth 1/21/83 of Cross City and Jennifer Nicole Pulliam, date of birth 9/11/82 of Chiefland %ere married 5/20/06 ,in Chiefland by Angela Deanna Powell, Notar\i. Craig Allan Giles, date of. birth 10/4/80 and Marrian Marie Fowler, date of birth 6 1 81, both of Alachua were married 5/20/06 in Steinhatchee. by. Pastor Benita Corbin. Brian .Lamer Antis, date of birth 9/18/84 and Jennifer Thompson, date of birth 12/25/80, both of Chiefland were married 5/21/06 in Chiefland by Cynthia A. Chadwick, Notary. James Samuel Boyles, date of birth 9/24/84 and Melissa Ellen Price, date of birth 9/13/84, both of Boulder, Colorado" were married on 5/20/06 in High Springs by Lauren Butaric, Notary. CHURCH NEWS CardWof Thanks ' " The fahiilyy',f F'rances Fin'boii Shepherd ""ould'like to express their sincere gratitude to all of her friends' and extended fam- ily for all of the lo\ e, pray ers, caring, flowers, and food that you so generously provided. A special thank you to Re" erend Kent Heaton: Suwannee River Valley Christian Academy To Have: One Step Ahead Summer Program The Su%%annee River Valley Christian Academy. is having. a One Step Ahead Summer Program. The 1/2 day program runs Monday through Friday, 8:30 j m. until 12:30 p.m. This is an opportunity for families with pre-school children to give them a head start advantage by providing a foundation of family values; a sense of good charac- ter and socialization skills; an environment of creativity; and positive self esteem. The -maximum enrollment is 16 students per week and to ensure placement for your child call 352-463-1569. There is a fee for weekly enrollment and an after program is also available from 12:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The program will run in weekly segments from June 12th to July 28th. For more information please call 463-1569. Remember.Our Troops The Bible says, "The prayers of the righteous man/woman avail much!" For the person of faith, that simply means that when the pray-er has "clean -hands and a pure heart" his/her prayers will be heard in a mighty way before God. So much is going on in our world today that whenever people or 'situations come before the mind, the dili- gent who pray will place their petitions before the -Throne. of Grace, and do so immediately, even if the prayer is one said silently. As our local Gilchrikt County military personnel go about their business each day in defending us here on America's shores against .terrorism and other threats, the least we.can do here at home is to pray for them. and daily. Please keep the following list hand\ as 3ou la\ your peti- tions before the Lord, for these young men and women deserve your best and the best you can give them is your time. i If ou kno%\ of an active military per- son x\ho is not listed, please con- tact the Gilchrist County Journal or write a letter to the Editor. so that person can be listed the ne\t time this article is published.) Ser ing in Afghanistan: Ste\e Callaway and Jon Guzman. Serving in Iraq: Chris Geiger. J.B. Hodge, Jeffrey Solis. Justin Twigg, LaShonda White, Wesle' Wilson, and Daniel Wood. SSerting in other areas: Cla \- ton App, Kathy Arrington. Pe- ter Belanger, Drew Cheatum. Wa\ne Cheatum, Lance Cor- poral Mathex\ Corbin, Robert Dean. Jimmy Fletcher. Jr., Dylan Hilliard. 'Gary Hilliard, Mark Hilliard, Stexe Hilliard. Joe Hudson. Carl Hunter. Jr.. Heather Langston, Rob Long. Katie Loxett. Jonathan Luchak. Gus Mauldin. Michael MaNo. Exan McQuistan, T.J. Miller. Mark Milton. Allen Murray. Ste- phen Reed. T.J. Rush, Nlatthe%' Riordan Donna Slaytpn, Donny Slaton, James Sla ,ton, Gregory M. Turner. Nathan Twigg. Kyle Worthington, Special note: -Unless desig- nated the \ hereabouts of each individual is unknown. - DaShema is the daughter of Lessie B. Jackson and Willie Jackson. She is' also the. granddaughter of Lessie M. McGee. . Deil\one is the son of Henry L. Henry and the late Elaine Gilmore. Beth Davis Photography WEDDINGS P PORTRAITS SPECIAL EVENTS CEDAR KEY FLORIDA V (352) 543-5568 New Life > Assembly of God 9579 US-I 29 S Trenton. Florida -463:7004' You can make a difference!' Services: Sunday, SchOCII Praise & Wotr~hip Kidlvre E'.ering \\orthip %V~edne~la N Night Ser-% ice & ." The Place" ',Youthhi 10r am 11 am 6pm Paso , D7pm Don & JerriML ltord -7pm - Trenton Church of God Welcomes you to come worship ,' ith us Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Praise & Worship 11:00 a.m. .Evening Prai e & Worship 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Phone 463-6543 www.geocities.com/churchofgod_trenton fla WE WELCOME YOU TO UNION BAPTIST CHURCH (SBC) 6259 S.E. 75TH AVENUE NEWBERRY, FL 32669 SUNDAY SCHOOL. ................................. 9:45 AM MORNING WORSHIP ................................... AM EVENING WORSHIP .............. 6 PM WEDNESDAY EVENING SERVICES: ADULT BIBLE STUDY, CHILDREN, & YOUTH ... 7 PM PASTOR: TRAVIS MOODY MINISTER OF YOUTH: ROBBIE BEACH CHURCH PHONE: 386-472-3845 "WIN THE LOST AND TEACH THE SAVED TO.$SERVE" "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, an8l is profitable for doctrine, for reproof for correction, for instruction in righteousness:" ~ 2 Timothy 3:16 Pew .ope jfamilp (@Qurrb 4470 N.W. County Road 236 Bell, Florida 32619 ~ 1 Mile West of US-129 - Service Times Pastor: Rev. Lynn Wagner 10:00 am Sunday School Rev. Lynn Wagner 11:00 am Sunday Morning Worship Office: 6:30 pm Wednesday Bible Study 386-935-4219 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...And the Word was made flesh, and.dwelt among us... John 1:.1, 14 DaShema T. Huggins and Deilwone L. Henr. of Trenton are pleased to announce their upcoming marriage. ,The& couple will be married on' Saturday 'June 3, 2006 at the Trenton Woman's Club. The ceremony N ill take place at 4:00 in the afternoon. DaShema Hutgginms, Deilvwone Henry aind their son, Kendal Henii'. . J'fyl2 Jno7 1,ry -;uq el) : 7e 1 I ,7 o e /' 1 'Fipst bf cptis Ckhupck t Welcomes You! "Embracing the Past and Reaching Toward the Future." Comer of NE Second St. and Highway 26 in Trenton (Nursery provided for all services) Sunday School 9:45 AM (classes for all ages) Sunday Morning Worship & Children's Church 11 AM Sunday Night Bible Study 6 PM Wednesday Nights: Awana 6:20 PM Youth Bible Study, Praise & Worship 6:30 PM' Adult Bible Study & Prayer 7 PM D9_INAMIC MINISTRIES FOR ALL AGES! Call 463-2038 for more information or www.fbctrentonfl.org T THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 20o6- CITI Cl-TPTQ.T'CC)TTT\TTY TC)TTRNAT. ,n--- n-.- I THUSDAJU Ad-200- C -L TCOTINT. ThIRNL. ageFiv Mrs. Lovett's Pre-K Class at Silver Springs. Shown from the left are Kyle, Afattie. Sharina, Alex, Hope, Alex, Zoe, and Dottie. The Cast Of Oklahoma Thanks Gilchrist County . Trenton Drama Club has done it again! Oklahoma went off without a hitch! The talent in this town is unbelievable. One would think they were watch- ing a professional show. Senior Bethany Lunsford played Laurie, Williams with such honesty the audience could teel her pain when she thought she had lost her love Curley McClain (Jona- than Wilson). ,Bethany has the voice of an angel and I believe we will see her on the big stage one day. Jonathan Wilson raised some eyebrows when he showed, that a seventh grader could hold a major role w% th such authority. It is exciting to know that we might see him in another Tren- Akins Heating & AC, Inc. 5120 N.W. 5thStreet Bell, Florida 32619, 352-463-2380 Servicing All Makes & Models Specializing in High Efficiency Units Indoor Air Quality Products * Call us today to ask about an additional power company rebate of up to $350. QR", License#CAC1813540 .a... LENNO, 1 " i I I ,* -- --- --' S ' If you're a safe driver. I can help you save on insurance. Call me today. (352) 493-2501 Stephen Quincey Tri-County Insurance Services, Inc. 13564 NW HWY 19 Chiefland . Allstate. OFFICIAL PARTNER Serving the community for over 30 years F F, 'JIAL NER The stylized E with checkered flag (R) and 9 (R) are registered trademarks and service marks of Evernham Motorsports. LLC. used under license. Kasey Kahne TM likeness and signature are trademarks of Kasey Kahne Inc. licensed by Evernham Motorsporls LLC. Dodge (R) is a registered trademark of DaimelerChryster Corporation. NASCAR (R) is registered trademark of the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing, Inc. Insurance and discounts subject to availability and qualifications The 'Cupped Hands' logo is a registered service mark and 'Our Stand' is a service mark of Allstate Insurance Company. Allstale Property & Casualty Insurance Company and Allstate Indemnity Company: Northbrook, IL, 2006 Allstate Insurance Company. ton show. The showstoppers "'I Can't Say Know" and "Kan- sas City" were performed by two upcoming ,talents,. Malorie' Whitley (Ado Annie), and Peter Crane iWill Parker). These two brought down the house ',ith numerous laughs and touching sincerity. Another senior left %with a bang with his farewell performance as Jud Fry. Br ant Caves put his all into the part of Jud Fry and it showed. He has been an asset to the drama program for four .years and %%e hate to see him go.. Another new face %was Courtney Martin as Aunt Eller. We hope to see more of her in future shows. A huge added bonus to this year's spring musical %\as Lori Courtney w\ho choreographed the chorus num- bers. She added such charisma and character to each of the char- acters. We want to give her big thanks for taking tune our of her busy schedule in Atlanta to come and help the drama club. There were 66 students in- %olhed in the production in all from acting to stage crew. There were many \olunteers this sear including stage manager Renee Hastings and prop master Janice Beach. Director, Krista Perry- man. has been directing the TES drama program since 1999. She directs a Christmas musical and spring musical each year. She has written several of the show s performed as %well. technical di- rector. John Yencho. directs the THS drama program. i.He does a fall show each' years. Four years ago Mrs. Perry man and Mr. Yen- cho decided to. join forces and combine the two drama groups for a large spring show. The first one %was titled "A Walk Through Time on Broadway." It was a, piece written by Mrs. Perryman based around Broadway mu- sicals that she and Mr. Yencho had compiled together.: Enough money was raised on that show to do "Wizard of Oz" the next year. Each year it .gets bigger -and bigger. One would only wonder how each show. could get any better. Again they \went over the top with Oklahoma. They would like to thank ex- eryone who helped both "physi- cally and through donations. We hope to'see your support in the years to come! THANK YOU GILCHRIST COUNTY! Remember, each show costs a lot of money to produce. If you are interested in helping out the-' drama program in this area, call 463-3224 or write your check to Trenton Drama Club and mail it to 1350 SW SR 26, Trenton, FL 32693. Florida Crown Executive And Finance Committees Meeting, June 7 The Executive and Finance Committees of the Florida Crown Workforce Board will meet on Wednesday, June 7, 2006 at 11:00 a.m. at Florida Crown Employer's Service Cen- ter, 840 SW Main Blvd., Lake City, Florida. These meetings are open to the public. Persons) interested in partici- pating who have a disability re- quiring special assistance should contact Brenda Cruz, (386) 755- 9026, ext. 3220. TTY users dial 711 and ask the operator to dial (386)-755-9026. Notice has been made of this meeting, through publication, to comply with the "Government in the Sunshine" Law. All Florida Crown public meetings are listed on the Florida Crown web site at, www.floridacrown.org. (352) 463-7135 - --- ... m m- - Mrs. Lovett's Pre-Kindergarten Class From Bell Elementary Took A Trip To Silver Springs On May 10 On May 10, 2006, a group of Bell Elementary School's Pre-- Kindergarten -students took. a- trip to Silver Springs. An educa- tional good time was had by all. They went on boat rides, shared snake stories, and received "lick- kisses" for the giraffes. They enjoyed watching the animals and the people who help take, care of them, I I . The children also were able to observe the crystal clear water that makes Silver Springs such a beautiful place to isit. Three Rivers Regional Library Hosts Summer Library Program Three Rivers Regional Li- brary System will host a sum- mer program : for,. students in sixth through twelfth grades. Held at the Gilchrist County Public Library in Trenton. the program %will be on Thursdays from 1:00 3:00 p.m. from June 8th through June 29th. Story telling can include skills in many performance arts in- cluding personal stories, ghost stories. urban legends, audition monologues for theatre or film. stand-up comedy. folk and fairy tales, physical comedy and more. Participants will include performers, writers *and 'audi- ence members. Each performer will choose and learn at least one story, audition monologue or comedy routine. Writers will work on original material or ad- aptation of stories in the public domain. Audience members will listen and pro% ide feedback and suggestions for the performers and w writers, so you don't have to be a performer to participate. For questions. please call Ms. Cassie Selleck at 294-3858 or 800-729- 0529. The program is free and is made possible by a grant from the Library Serv ices and Tech- nology Act administered by the State Library of Florida. Spring Ridge Volunteer Fire. Department's June" Pancake Breakfast The Spring Ridge Volunteer Fire Department invites you to its, next monthly Pancake, Breakfast at its fire station. This month's breakfast will start at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 3rd. and run until at least 10:00 a.m.. All residents of the north- east Gilchrist County area and surrounding communities are invited to atend. Ask us about participating as Bruce E. Thomas, MD Board Certified/Family Pra Complete Pr Well-Bab Diagnostic Minor 1 Case Man Hearing and an Active Firefighter or Associ- ate Member. We need members for both categories. If you can't make the breakfast, you're invit- ed to attend our regular meetings on the first and third Thursdays of the month at 7:00 p.m.. Fire- fighter I courses are now avail- able for Gilchrist County fire- fighters. This essential course is .offered to all ACTIVE Gilchrist County Firefighters at no cost., If interested, please ask SRVFD members at the breakfast or at one of our regular meetings for details. Please note: we plan to do- nate the proceeds of our August 5th pancake breakfast .to the Children's Miracle. Network. We hope you'll be able to join us in supporting this worthwhile cause at this future breakfast. Blueberry, walnut and plain pancakes will be served, along with sausages, eggs. coffee and juice. As usual, the cost for the breakfast will be a donation to the fire department. The Spring Ridge firehouse is located on County Road 340 (Poe Springs Road). near the Spring Ridge Church of God. Come have a nice breakfast and chat with your neighbors. See \ou on the first SaturdaN of June (and e ery month). MinaV .ctice F illis, PharmD/PA-C family Practice Chiefland There will be a benefit dinner' for Zach Andre" s, 15, the son of Miles and Charlotte Curry An- drews, .on 'Saturday. June 3rd, 2006, from 11 a.m. until 2p.m. Dinners will include: boston butt or chicken, baked beans, coleslaw, dessert and tea. The benefit will be at the Strickland ball' field in Chief- land. Cost of the dinner will be .$5.00. . Malcolm Hickox, PA-C Family Practice Jeffrey HansPetersen, MD Board Certified/Family Practice If anyone ;is interested inp \olunteering for the dinner or would like to bring a dessert,. please feel free to do so or con-. tact Sandra Hodge at (352) 493- 2762 or donations can be left at, Stone's BP in Chiefland located: on Highway 19. Your support of this very- '%orthwhile cause will me much-, appreciated. TACKLE FOOTBALL & CHEERLEALJNG. Suwannee Valley Leagues, May 27 ~ 9 am to 1 pm Where: McArthur Park SAge: 7-12 years 'old S' (EVERYONE must bring copy birth certificate) Cost: 75.00 PER CHILD Football Contact: Tony Williams A I-1 Q I ' Early Terry Parrish A 36'2 2 I1 Cheerleading Contact.: Krishna Frye 463-0427 football sign-up for Summer camps! Early Cheerleading sign-up to order uniforms. re For Inforn 352-463 Melissa Turley PharmD/PA-C 'ams children valuations ening ing s and Pharmacy nation: W-1100 Pamcs- ia Ais Phrm /Ag Benefit Dinner For Zach Andrews To Be Held June 3 In Rudd 100% Cypress Mulch/Chips 8 yds $125 4 yds$70 We will load Free Delivery In Area 8 am 5 pm Monday Friday 8 am 12 pm Saturday 352-538-5098 BELLS & WHISTLES STORAGE Phone: 386-294-3867 Across from the Dollar General 1859 North Hwy 129 Bell, i FL 10 x 10 UNITS, 10Ox20 units & 10Ox 20 climate controlled available Bell family HealthCare ll^P Quality Health Care, Convenient Location, Serving The Health Care Needs Of Our Community Services Provided: primary Care Chronic Disease Management Physical Ex y Exams Immunizations Vaccines for C ic X-rays Diagnostic Laboratory ADD & ADHD Er Trauma Minor Surgical Procedures Health Scree iagement Family Planning HIV Testin Vision Testing Sliding Fee Office Visit, Employers Please Ask About Our Preferred Employers Program (PEP)! Most Insurances Accepted ~ Equal Opportunity Provider Providing Non-Profit Healthcat 1830 North Main Street Bell, Florida I Page Five THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 2006 GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL - rgx 317% (01 INTY JOURNAL THSDAXIUNE,- -2-0-0 The 2006 Miss Bell Pageant . -1 Kelsey Cox Miss Bell Elementary . S Shelby Stone Miss.Teen Bell AIcKen:ie Nash Preslee Sandet .' Juliee Nobs Little Miss Bell Junior Miss Bell Miss Bell On Saturday night, May. 20", Julie( Nobs was crowned 'Miss Bell 2006. She is the daughter of James and Daria Nobs and has just completed her 10t" grade year at Bell Juliee has been a st since her kindergar is in the Beta Club, basketball, and is Restaurant, Catering Service & Cakes Avai f Daily Blueplate Special $6 (Monday Friday, while they last) ~ Call Ahead Window Pickup Availabl 352-463-8831 Mon & Tues 6am 3- Wed & Thurs 6am 1122 East Wade Street Fri&.Sat6am- Trenton, Florida 32693 unday 11 am Open For Breakfast 6 am (M( SUNDAY LUNCH (BUFFET C Congratulations to thg Gradu Class of 2006 &.11 and Treznton High echc I wish you great succssand t parents and family members o Graduation Class of 2006, you accomplished a great aehizeve and my hat is off to you. and famil~g Political advertisement paid for and approved by Cloud E. Haley, nonpartisan County School Board District One P-MB Freeman Plumb Now Has a Service Van Availa Handle Your Plumbing Nee Residential & Commercial Service WV & New Construction, Additions, Remode (352) 498-0703 (352) 493 (352) 210-0062 LICENSED INSURED FREE ESTIa Walter Freeman A-ic State Master Plumber Accepting Major #CF Credit Cards High School. for the'Bell Senior FFA chapter. student in Bell Juliee Nobs was sponsored by, ten year. She Dr. Bruce and Julie Thomas of. pla\ s varsity Bell the secretary When asked w hat she thought about being a part of Bell High School she shared that it is "quite an experience. It's nott too big and you can build close. friendships that last a lifetime." She is also enrolled in classes with the Health Academ. and wants to become a pharmacist. ,When asked %%h) she k I interested in this profession her t reply,was "I like, helping other people. " At the Miss Bell pageant crowns and trophies were a awarded for, six.different age- based categories.. Special -. recognition was given to the Beauty and Photogenic winners- in each division. The winners - and runners up for the Miss Bell Pageant are listed below. Sydney Waddle "was crowned liable Wee',Miss Bell. The Wee Miss. S 1 first runner up was .Stacey .5 Waddle, second runner up was SJessica White, third runner up was Summer Fischer, and fourth e runner up was Ja'Don Whitley. 3pm Jessica White received the 9 Congeniality award. 'Ja'Don 9pmn W Whitley woIn the Photogenic 10pm category, while Summer Fischer 3pm ;was first runner up and Jessica White, was second. on-Sat) McKenzie Nash was cro, ned Little Miss Bell. The first )NLY) runner up was Caitlin Anthony, the second runner up was Paige Kendall, the third runner up was Wendy Hernandez, and the fourth runner up was Hunter Akes. iatiOn Little Miss Bell Congenialty was Hunter Akes. The Photogenic winner was Caitlin Anthony. First runner up was O)ols McKenzie Nash, second' runner up was Paige Kendall, third runner up Hunter Akes, and the o th7 fourth runner up was Sara Griffin. f th, Kelsey Cox was crowned Miss Bell Elementary. The first [ 'V runner up was Morgan Rose, second runner up was meZnt McKenzie Martin, third runner up was Jori Waddle, and fourth runner up was Jordan Malecki. sMiss Bell Elementary Congeniality was McKenzie Martin. Most Photogenic was Jessica Taylor. Photogenic first runner up was McKenzie Martin, second runner up was Morgan Rose, third runner up an, for Gilchrist was Kelsey Cox, and fourth runner up was Jordan Malecki. Preslee Sanders was crowned Junior Miss Bell. Sabrina Myer was first runner up, Natasha Dahlgern was second runner up, Abby Hurley was third runner up, and Michelle Skeck was fourth runner up. Preslee Sanders won the photogenic competition in the Junior Miss Bell Contest. The m li g first runner up was Abby To Hurley, the second runner up ible To was Natasha Dahlgren, the third runner up was Amanda Dennis, ids. and the fourth runner up was Sabrina Myer. Vork Shelby Stone was crowned Miss Teen Bell. The first runner ;ling, Etc. up was Victoria Bolton, the second runner up was Amber p-3801 Hurley,. Holli Moore was third runner up, and Belinda Bundy was the fourth runner up. Victoria Bolton was awarded MATES the title of Congeniality for the Miss Teen Bell contest. Holli Certified Moore was named Most :C057595 Photogenic, the first runner up :CO79 ~was Shelby Stone, second FRIDAY, JUNE Oldies, But Goldies - Antiques-Collectables-Primitives Furniture-Jewelry-Glassware-Old Guns BUYING AND SELLING ESTATES FOR MORE INFORMATION 386-454-8256 or 386-454-4991 # AU 437-AB270 runner up was Amanda Gargano, third runner up was Paula Walls, and Belinda Bundy was fourth runner up. Juliee Nobs won the Miss Bell Contest. The first runner up was Amanda Hurley, the second runner up was Lindsey Martin, the third runner up was Brittany Pugh, and the fourth runner up was Wynn Smith. Lindsey Martin was named Miss Congeniality. Brianna Sweat won the Photogenic contest, the first runner up was Juliee Nobs, the second runner. 'up was Amanda Hurley, the 'third runner up was Lindsey Martin, and the fourth runner up was Paige Norton Aronowicz. All proceeds from the pageant will go to the Bell Volleyball Team. The team plans to use the- money to pay for camp and the tournament dues. Thanks to all those who sponsored and participated in this event. Land Transactions Ronald Ellis Aderholt. Sr.' and Doris Mildred Aderholl co- trustees of the Ronald Ellis Aderholt, Sr., Revocable Trust and Doris Mildred Aderholt and Ronald Ellis Aderholt. Sr as co-" trustees of the Doris Mildred Aderholt Revocable Trust to Ronald E. Aderholt, Jr., %%arrantN deed, $10.00, 5 acres mol. : Pamela D. Burt and Theodore MI. Burt to Powder : Ri\er Minerals LLC. \\arrant\ deed. $125.000.00. Lot 7. Block I of Trenton original sure\:. , George B. Watts, Jr., Daniel M. Watts' and Peter Watts to, Lisardo M. Doval, Frances Do al and .Angel L. Doval, warranty deed, $35.000.00. Nancy R. Westerman to Rock Bluff Spring Company, LLC, quit claim, $10.00. John B. Lamb, Jr. to Rock Bluff Springs Company, LLC, warranty deed, $ Anthony S. Cogdill and Janean C. Cogdill to Jerry and Shirley Re\nolds, quit claim deed, $10.00. Lots 327 and 328 of Waccasassa Campsites. Douglas H. and Kimberly Kauffman to Frank Patrick and Marilyn Ann Glowczewskie, warranty deed, $655,000.00. The east 'V of track 45 of Rolling Oaks. James D. Barry and DeLisa E. Barry to David Chin-Fatt, general warranty deed, $170,000.00.' James C. Akins and April Marie Akins to Lacy Lucy and Jill Akins, general, Warranty deed, $52,000.00. I Thorpe Mountain Ranch, LLC to Thomas E. O'Connell and Linda K. O'Connell, warranty deed,, $81,000.00, Lot 144 in Riverwalk of Fanning Springs Phase 2. Travis C. and Heather Ann Sapp to Leroy and Patricia Sapp, quit claim deed, $1.00. Maureen Dixon to David S. and Frances D. Young, warranty deed, $57,000.00, lots 250 and 251 of. Waccasassa Campsite Unit One. Thomas M. and Jeanne C. Zarner to Jeffrey G. and Connie McCabe, warranty deed, $10.00. Southeastern i Funrding Partners, LLLP to Richie C. and Tammi F. Coleman, warranty deed, $32,290.00, Lots 14,15, and 16, Suwannee River Estates North Subdivision. Five Star Investments L.L.C. to Alan C. Hastings, warranty deed, $100,000.00. . Leland M. Hagan to C. Lamar Fontaine, warranty deed, $10,750.00, Lot 8, Cypress Shores., Roger Earl and Victoria Holland, Michael C. and Sheryle Passalaqua, quit claim deed, $.70, Parcel 51, Appaloosa Trails. Roger Earl and Victoria Holland,. Michael C. and Sheryle Passalaqua, to Earl and Victoria' Holland, quit claim deed, $.70, Parcel 52, Appaloosa Trails.. Sean E. and Tomi E. Cornelius and'Barbara J. Garner to Vera B. Smith and Shelia A. Smith, corrective warranty deed, $10.00, Lot 56, Block 2 of .Sun-N-Fun Subdivision. Earl Mack Wolfe Realty Inc. to M & P Partnership, Ltd.. quit claim deed, $0., Lot 11, Block 10, Suwannee River Estates South. M&P Partnership Ltd.' To William L. and Debra P. ,Pollard, warranty deed, $21,000.00. Lot 11, Block 10, Siu annee River Estates South. C nthia Parker Worth to, Edward Joseph Worth,, quit claim deed, $10.00. Holly Forest Subdivision,,Lot 26, 5.22 acres. William G: Lumpkin, Jr. and" C. Lamar Fortaine, warranty deed,' $21.500.00. Lot 13 -of Cypress Shores. Rhonda Renee Russell fka Rhonda Santerfett .to, Clark -Monroe. Santerfett, quit claim deed, 10.10 acres. Kenneth and Jane Grawcock to Johnson' and Son Land De% elopment, Inc. \"arrantN deed. $45.000.00, Lot 3, Block 9. replat of Piedmont Company Subdivision of City of Trenton. Florence Simpson to Paul M. and 'Trac\ M Williams, warranty deed, ,1.00. R. A. Johnson Construction Company, Inc. to James Wilkerson Construction Co., Inc., warranty. ,deed, $200,000.00. From The Shelves Of The Bell Library Mark your calendars. On Sat- urday July 1. 2006, the Town of Bell %%ill sponsor a fundraiser to benefit Bell Library. The public is invited and encouraged to at- tend, starting at 11:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m., at the new park west of Bell on Paris Street off high- way 129. There will be food, fun and games. A cake-baking contest will be held with first, second and third prizes awarded. Your attendance and support will be appreciated. Remember the Bell Library serves everyone as the cultural center in our town. For the beginning reader we suggest Mr Potato Head Gets Dressed, a playskool book that has flip-out pages. Mr. Potato Head starts to look for his glasses and when he looked in the closet he found a mop and thought that it was his wig, next he found a flower pot and thought it was his hat. When he found his glasses he knew he had to get dressed all over. Read the book and do the flip outs to see what other silly things he had put on as he did his search. That Morals Thing written by Fred Hartley gives teenag- ers some advice about drug use and other"wrong acts we should avoid. This is a good book for the junior/teenage groups. For the adults who have read the Da Vinci Code there is a re- buttal called Cracking Da Vinci's Code available in the library. The Bookworm Department Of Veterans Affairs Announces Theft Of Records On Ma' 22nd, the Department of Veterans Affairs announced that an employee took home 'VA information to work on via computer, and the records were stolen in a burglary. , Data containing 26.5 million veteran's records were stolen. There is no current indication of ,compromise of these records (that contain name, date of birth, and social security numbersi. While there appear to be no immediate problems, veterans should be vigilant about any un- usual activities in their banking and charge card records so they can consult the proper authori- ties'if needed., You may call the VA's; toll- free hotline at 1-800-FED-INFO (333-4636).' : Jody L. Rolling Promoted To Damage Controlman Jody L. Rolling has recently been promoted to Chief Dam-. age Controlman in the United States Coast Guard. Chief Roll- ing joined the Coast Guard in 1992 and has been assigned to ports along the Gulf of Mexico and the Eastern Coast of the , United States. He is presently stationed at Maintenance and Logistics Command-Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia. Jody and his family are looking forward to returning to Gilchrist County when he retires. His is married to the former Elise Boles and they have three children: Tyler. Wyatt. and Kacie. Pain Relief for Children to Grandparents! Specializing in . S< -Activator.Methods - S A Painless Chiropractic Adjustment Over 15 Years Experience SConsultation On Request Most Insurance Accepted. Robert LVaughan, Jr., DC Office Hours: Walk-ins Welcome 24 HOUR Mon.-Tues. f E T EMERGENCY SThurs. Fri.,,\ .. SERVICE S 325 W. Wade St. (Hwy 26) 3 Blocks west of lighi i Trenton GASTON'S TREE SERVICE, INC. FULL SERVICE AERIAL BUCKETS HYDRAULIC LOADERS C RANGE S SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED 352-378-5801 We accept all major credit cards 1901 N.W. 67th Place, Suite E Gainesville, Florida 32653 www.gastonstreeservice.com GS IRON-FREE WELL WATER COMPANY, INC. Taking Iron Out Of Your Water 1-800-437-1128 Every Day Or visit us at: www.iron-free.com HURLEY / WILLIAMS AUCTION TRENTON ICE HOUSE (LOCATED NORTH OF TRAIN DEPOT) 2, 6:30 PM a THURSDAY, JUNE.1, 2006 . I GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Poerr Siv Jody L. Rolling 1,ZVkUI %U"J Mrs. Rodriquez's Class Celebrates "Young Author's Night" Mrs. Rodriguez's first grade class from Trenton Elementary School celebrated "Young Au- thor's Night" on Thursday, May 18. Students celebrated publish- ing their: own books'complete with covers, title pages,, dedica- tion pages, spines, illustrations, "about the author" information (complete with pictures) and their original stories! Students dressed up for the occasion and were joined by parents, siblings, and grandparents for the cel- ebration. ,We are all so proud of them for their hard work and perseverance! Shown are some of the parents., siblings, and grandparents who came to share in the celebration of the Trenton Elementary School first grade publications. FENCING ALL TYPES 4-Board 60' Round Horse Training Pen Including Labor, Material and One Gate gg Field Fence $2.49/ft. (500'Min.) Completely Installed, Including Labor & Material Wood Chainlink Field & Barbwire Also Repairs & Free Estimates Locally Owned Licensed & Insured Carlisle Fence Enterprises, LLC Bell, Florida SSusan Bryant Spoke At The May 16 AARP Meeting On Ma. 16, 2006. the final AARP meeting. before our sum- mer recess, was held, , Susani Br' ant brought the nevw electronic votirig machine and explained how the ne'% touch system works. She also told us that she will be retiring at the end of this year. TheCourthouse and the citizens of Grlchrist County will surely miss her as she has done a great job, but their' loss will be AARP's gain. Count\ Commissioner Rand\ Durden, our Legislative Chair- man, told us about the meeting in Tallahassee, and it looks like Gilchrist County was a big win- ner with our Commissioners bringing us home new revenue. Our county was the only county in Florida to have all of its Commissioners. at the meeting. Thank you Randy. r Vice President Monnye Brown conducted the meeting in the absence of our President Geneva Corn\% ell, who was car- ing for her ailing father in Loui- Ssiana. Our prayers are \%ith \ou. Geneva. Man\ of our members and in% ted. guests brought in their hobbies and hand %%ork to be displjaed and \ie%\ed b\ the membership. A delicious spring salad lunch %\as served b. Myrtle Scruggs and her Hospitalit\ Committee. It was wonderful. If you weren't' there, you missed a really good meal.. Hae a safe and great summer. and "We'll see you in Septem- ber". Our next meeting w ill be to meet the candidates that you w\ll be voting for in November. PublicitN Chairman Norm Conti j H m Licensed andrInsured SS51 NW\ 115th Street Chief land, Florida 32626 352-493-1398 1-877-766-2707 Osborn G. Barker Owner Inrulated Poo'. -o.er: v in, & lurrrjumr hiding g Carports Screen Por', Decks Pati Pc F-.: ,T, a F..:. : & Gutters, Hurricane A.nE ng- Ski ritng Pc.l and -sII -t, EncI'c, res * Free Estimates <*- DURON WILLIAMSON'S TREE SERVICE Licensed and Insured Call for FREE Estimates -cell 352-318-3610 home 386-935-2180 All Phases ofTree Work From trimming to, complete removal and haul-off. Light land clearing, clearing of right-of-ways, and debris haul-offs. Bobcat service available. Kid's World Pre-School Learning Center, Inc. A private school for your child's early learning years. * NAEYC Accredited Pre-K * School Readiness Program '- * \oluntarv Pre-Kinderganren * CDA Certified Teacher, * USDA Food Program * Highscope Curriculum SCPR.First Aid Certified * Ages 2-12 r Stop hv tor a owur of our lactin. 352-463-355E 7- ic. Corner of Hwy. 129 & S.R. 47, Trenton Across from Trenton High School) Owners/Directors Amy Wesley Woods Holly Wesley Bussard * Eii~IJi(. 1(1' 11j6 GILCHRIST COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Well Child & Newborn Care School & Sports Physicals Chronic & Acute Care Communicable Disease Maternity Care By UF Dept. OB/GYN Family Planning School Health Services TB Testing Laboratory Procedures Healthy Start Services WIC Services (Baby Formula & Food Coupons) HIV Anonymous & Confidential Testing Attention Deficit Disorder Evaluation & Treatment NO APPOINTMENTS NEEDED FOR: FREE PREGNANCY TESTS FREE BLOOD PRESSURE SCREEN CHILD & ADULT IMMUNIZATIONS We accept Blue Cross/Blue Shield, AvMed, PPC Care Manager, State Employees Group PPC, Health Options, Champus, CMS, Medicaid, Medipass, Medicare, and most other major insurances. 119 N.E. 1st Street, Trenton, Florida 32693 463-3120 Office Hours Monday Friday 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Airs. Rdoiriguez's 1st grade class from Trenton Elementary School. Shown from left are Noah Frazier and .Ashleh Biddle reading a couple of books written bi other students. Gabe's Irrigation Systems, Landscaping & Odd Jobs ~-Tractor rWork.- Reliable & Dependable IRRIGATION SPECIAL: Installed l/2acre $1,100 1 acre $2,300 Phone: (352)463-1472 7591 NW 167th Place Fanning Springs, FL 32693 : Aluminum Licensed & Insured ' Free In-H'ome CConulation'rs Screen Rooms Sun Rooms Year-Round Living Space Lifetime Transferable' Warranty (Sun Rooms Only) I .* Carports , j, Patio & Deck Covers Decks & Handrails. Vinyl Siding Storm Panels & Shutters Email: bahomepros@bellsouth.net 1-800-203-8214 or 352-463-3004 Dr. Richard W. Wagner BOARD CERTIFIED OPTOMETRIST 218 N. MAIN STREET (U.S. 19) CHIEFLAND, FL 32626 352-493-4448 Dr. Wagner Katie Hodge OPTOMETRIST OFFICE MANAGER Same or Next-Day Appointments Available Blue Cross & Blue Shield/PPC and Medicare Provider NEW & PREVIOUS PATIENTS WELCOME [] ]RdiMl esir ra~lle..s.m ie ,o,1 itlhe iM lo ie .. / le ..3 /li\Ve Ti)ljIr ,_ .."- i^,),et \vaci' llit1eb dl -.. [-~I- BEFOi, iE C tUii'ev S'- ,,,,e- t C ,llb) temil . A',. l haIIe the new vaccine - T.- TreoionPO animal Hospital 603 North Main Street "Trenton, Florida (352) 463-7100 Land Clearing Site Prep, Inc, Fill Dirt &Limerock Site Prep & Pad Building Land Clearing Driveways Licensed & Insured 352-463-6125 or 352-535-5731 1 I [] 1 Page Seven GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL THURSDAY. JUNIE 1. 2006 r E ag S (01 Y JOURNALTURDAYJNE1200 Golfers Help Raise Funds For Harmony Pregnancy And Resource Center The fourth annual golf tour- nament benefiting Harmony Pregnancy and Resource Cen- ter (HPRC) took place on May 13th at the Chiefland Golf and Country Club. The tournament was given a new name this year- -"the Doris Nash Memorial Golf Tournament" to honor a dear friend for her love and devotion to the center. We had a beautiful day on the course with 66 golfers playing in the tournament. According to Mrs. Linda Lemery, HPRC director, the event was very generously supported by the community. "I am extremely' humbled and grateful for the incredible generosity of so many supporters. Without hole spon- sors and gift doioans, and our golfers, the event couldn't hap- pen," Mrs. Lemery said. "This year's tournament was. a won- derful success-it just gets better every year!" First place was awarded to- the team of Doug King. James Goins, and Robert Hinds. See- ond place was awarded to the team of Skipper Henderson. R.D. Skelton, and Kenny Kline. Third place winners were Win- ston Ward, Paul Johnson, and Bob Knight. Other tournament winners included Robert Hinds for longest drive.and closest to the pin, Jarrett Thomas for 'the longest putt, and Mark Shaw for. the straightest driVe. Volunteer organizers- for the event were Paul McElroy,,Rod- ney Wade, Kevin Dean, Char- lene Stefanelli,.and June Wood. A delicious barbecue lunch was prepared and served by Jerry Quincey and the ladies of Eb- enezer Baptist Church. And, Audra Pardo of Newberry was- our volunteer photographer. "We are so grateful to those who have supported us through this tournament. The funds that have been raised enable us to continue to pro ide services as well as encouragement for those %with unplanned pregnancies," Mrs. Lemery stated. Saltwater Fishing Tournament To Benefit March Of Dimes June 10 In Cedar Key The employees of GRU and the City of Gainesville's general government are organizing the 6th spring-time Healthy Babies' Trout and Redfish Saltwater. Fishing Tournament Saturday,' June 10 in Cedar Key. The tournament benefits the March of Dimes in its fight to prevent birth defects and also to prevent premature births and infant mortality. The tournament, open to ev- eryone, will be held at the Cedar Key Public Boat Ramp starting at safe light and-ending at 3:30 p.m. Participants can pre-regis- ter by mail or at the boat ramp the morning of the tournament. The entry fee is $90.00 per boat, limit three persons per boat. Any person under the age of 18 must fish with a consenting adult. Over 20 local businesses are participating as sponsors of this year's tournament. For more information, contact Eric Chapman at 352-334-3400,. Ext. 1082, or email him at chapmanei(a),gr.com. The March of Dimes is a na- tional voluntary health agency whose mission is to improve the health of babies by prevent- ing birth defects, prematurity and infant mortality. Founded in 1938, the March of Dimes funds research, education, advocacy and community ser- vices programs to save babies. For more information, visit the March of Dimes Web site at www.marchofdimines.com, its Spanish Web site at www.nacersano.org. First Place inner at the Harmont Prh'egnail alnd Resource Center's "Doris NasG h Memorial Golf Tourniient' arc seho, from left: James Coins, Rolbert Hines and Doiiu Kin. Second Place winners at the HPRC golf tournament shown from left are ?Skipper Henderson, R.D. Skelton and Kenny Kline. , Third Place winners at the Harmoney Pregnancy and Resource Center's Tournament shown from left are Winston Ward, Paul Johnson and Bob Knight. Hunt's Pest Control, Inc. GET RID OF:' Cockroaches Waterbugs German Roaches Ants and other Household Pests Superior Sound DJ and Karaoke Steve Ames superiorsounddj @bellsouth.net (352) 463-8670 (352) 949-4986 E i DJ, Karaoke & Bartending Service Wedding Receptions Anniversary Birthdays Corporate Parties Music for All Occasions Florida Crackers Chapter Of Florida Trail Association Schedules June Activities With summer, temperatures 'rising, doesn't settling down in the shade with a good book or taking a cool dip in the springs sound appealing? The'Florida Crackers Chapter of the Florida Trail Association have planned their June activities around those. themes. The public is welcome to our activities. Please contact the actiitry leader listed below prior to any event in case there is a change in the time or location. At our June meeting %we will have as a special guest speaker artist. pla wright and author J.T. "Jake" Glissom. His book. The Creek, is a memoir of growing up in the backwoods of north- central Florida as a neighbor of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings. This will be our last meeting for the summer and will be a' program to remember! ln'ite your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers to enjoy listen- ing to his tales. The meeting oill be on Thursday. June 15th. at 7:00 p.m. at the Doyle Connor Building. 1911 S\V 34th Street. Gaminesille. Contact leaders Ted Wilkins at i352i 486-1059 t\wlkeneq(',aol,.com or Diane W\Vilkmns at i352, 378-S823 dianewi lkiris@ floridatrail.org . for information. On Saturday. June 24th. \we will meet at 8:30 a.m. to paddle down the Ockla\%aha's shady waters from Gore's Landing to the Ocklawaha Outpost, allow- ing time for lunch and for quick dips in the cool water Canoe- kayak rentals are available at the Ocklawaha Outpost. Bring hat. sun screen. water, lunch, flota- 'tion device, etc. Contact leader Elizabeth Van MNerop at (352., '378-4207 elizavan@aol corn for more information and to .sign up. . The Florida Crackers Chapter of the Florida Trail Association serves residents of Alachua. Gilchnrist, Le\y and Marion 'counties. Incorporated in 1964. The Florida Trail Association is a nonprofit volunteer organiza- I --- I a >' DISASTER/STORM RE LAND CLEARING & S TREE & BRUSH REI BACKHOE & BUSt BOX BLADE tion responsible for building, maintaining, promoting,' and protecting hiking trails across the State of Florida, with a. special focus on the 1,400-mile Florida Trail, one of only eight National Scenic Trails in the United States. With 18 chapters throughout Florida; The Florida Trail Association offers educa- tional opportunities for people to learn to appreciate and conserve the natural beauty of Florida, and provides recreational opportuni- ties for hiking and camping. To learn more about The Flor- ida Trail Association and The Florida Crackers chapter and its acti. cities. visit our website at xw w'v.floridatrail.org . Williston , Independence Day Celebration To Be Held July 3 The City of Williston arid the Williston Area Chamber of Commerce are making big plans for the 2006 Independence Da. Celebration. This year's e ent %%ill be held onl Monda,. July 3. 2006. The festivities will start %%ith the annual parade, which ill begin at 4:30 p.m. The line-up will be behind the Williston High School one hour before start time. The theme this Near is "Stars. Stripes And Commrnunit Pride." The gates at the Williston Horseman's Park will open at 6:00 p.m.. A $2 donation for parking will be accepted. Children's rides will begin at 7:00 p.m. Vendor booths with novelties and lots of good food. % ill line the park. The opening ceremony will start at 7:00 p.m. with musical entertainment provided by an assortment of local ,talent and will end the evening with a spectacular fireworks display. Please remember to bring lawn chairs or blankets. No coolers or pets will be allowed through the gates. Anyone interested in having a booth to sell or display items. contact MNIar Kline at the Chamber of Commerce .352- 528-5552). DIT ES &F FIELD I TOM WILKIE 352-538-4460 RECOVERY SITE PREPf, MOVAL SHOG, , ,. Insured Trenton Community Farmers" Market At the Depot 419 North Main Street (Hwy-129) Open Every Tuesday from 2pm 6pm Farm Fresh Produce & Plants Drop-Off location for Canned Goods for the Food Pantry InfoLine: 352-463-4000, option 8 Vendor Information 386-454-3950 Sponsored by City of Trenton & Gilchrist County Journal Southern Tire. & Brake 626 North Main Street Trenton 352-463-6050 SAVE GAS Benefits of Proper Inflation Optimal tire performance Longer Wear SAVE FUEL (.4% for every 1 PSI . your tire is low) Stop by Southern Tire & Brake Ask John to inspect your tires Anyone interested in volunteering for traffic control at the Parade, contact Officer Kevin Sheppard at the Police Department (352) 528-49910. Anyone interested in SAnyone interested in participating in the parade or. any questions in general, contact Crystal W. Curl at City Hall (352-528-3060). Nature Coast Middle School "The mission of Nature Coast Middle School is to inspire young people to achieve their personal best through an individualized program of academic excellence, combined with unique opportunities in technology, the arts,. community service, and leadership." NCMS is a privately-operated, free public school, opening for the 06-07 school year on CR 346, north of Chiefland. Call for an information packet! 352-493-1040 naturecoastmiddle.com Pole Barns Crane Service .Truss Setting 18-in Auger% (352) 543-6643 P. O0. Box 218 Otter Creek, Florida 32683 Lic. No. RB0031694 Leslie Sapp Construction, Inc. 352-463-7589 7239 S.W. 80th Avenue Trenton, Florida 32693 tlsapp@acceleration.net CR-C058431 Life changes. Your insurance should keep up. A &, WE DO TERMITE INSPECTIONS Phone 493-1051 493-4772 "We send 'em packing!" 2 THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 2006. GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL aP e Ei ht I THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 2006 G LCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Shown from left are Roger Bourchard, iVinnelle Home. Pat Members of the Levy' County Quilt Museum" Visit The Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranch Recently I was invited to go ,to Live Oak to the Sheriffs Boys Ranch for a visit. We haxe been dealing with Camp Caruth in In- glis now.for about five years but I have never been able' to visit the Boys Ranch. So like Bran- nen, who is the director at Camp. Caruth,, invited Pat Osowieki and me to visit them. " We were ready at 9 a m. when Mike came by to pick us up. .When we arrived at the Boys Ranch the first thing that I no- ticed was this huge water oak tree. It must have spread a block wide. I have never seen such a beautiful tree as that one. As we drove on into the camp, everything was so clean, there wasn't a scrap of paper, there x\as nothing on the grounds. And as we got to the first build- ing. we were told we would have a guide. So %we waited a little bit and \who droxe up but Ste\e Bryant and Georgette, his wife. whom I had know n since the first Wal-Mart at Chiefland w\as built. He was the first manager there but I hadn't seen him in such a long time:.. : Steve and Georgette work at the Boy s Ranch as .'cottage parents.' Iknew they were there :and I w\as hoping I would get to see them, and.I did. And what a wonderful da. we had. We started our tour. As we rode along we went over tob. the horse ranch where the boys learn to ride horses. Some of the boss are into rodeos. We passed a beautiful church where we found there had been some baptisms recently. The grounds Crcam ,. - CORKP LICLNSLI.)& INSLIELED Clt'I25'-3o003 lk1 i.132. -6 Where imagination meets reality * Building projects are not for the faint-at-heart. The culmination of hopes, dreams and ambitions into a finished product can be nerve-wracking and is quite often one of the largest financial and emotional investments you will ever make. Wherever you are in the process, brainstorming, planning, drafting, or location finding, Dream Builders Development Corp. is ready to partner with you. *Quality Craftsmanship Integrity Honesty Teamwork Personal Relationship Call (352) 463-2210 tody! or visit www.DreamBuildersDevelopment.com A Security Title Company Gregory V. Beauchamp Douglas K. McKoy Osowieki. and A like Brannen. around the homes were trimmed and just so beautiful. And it w as so quiet and peaceful. "We went by the egg house where they have chickens. The boys tend to the chickens to make sure they furnish enough eggs for everybody to ha\e .eggs for breakfast. Then we went on down to the Suwannee River. The camp is on the river. but of course the water was low. but there were some local people fishing there. They were prob- ably hoping to catch a mess of fish for their dinner. And as we talked and learned about this place. we found that there is a woodworking shop where the boys could learn woodworking. Then there is an arts and crafts place \ here they can paint. The\ keep these bo s busy. There is also a school room where the boys have to go back to school to catch up. Whenever the\ catch up w ith the rest of the .children, they go to .the public school in Live Oak. Many of the boys are on the VAB honor roll and go on to collegeon scholar- ships. They also Nolunteer in the community. : As we talked and I learned all about what the place had we came to this big statue. It is the statue of the, man holding the hand of a young boy w ho is car- r_ ing a suitcase. The statue rep- resents the "H lpirig"Hanid Soci- ety," the group w% ho hat e w\ worked to prevent juvenile delinquency since 1957. Back in April 1 had the honor of receiving. a "Help- ing Hand Society" 'plaque as well as a pin I can wear for the help I have given the group. It was just a wonderful day. We went to the cafeteria and had a great lunch and we saw how the boys cleaned up everything. As we have gone to Camp Caruth we have learned the many things thee children have to do. There are rules and regulations which is good. If they do something which is not 'really right they are put on some sort of a punish- ment. As we rode around we saw three boys who were using shovels to clean around the ball field. Even though it was hot, they had to clean up because that was part of their punishment.. I was impressed with the train- ing the boys receive they can use Closings Title Insurance * Public Record Searches 302 North Main Street Trenton, Florida in life. They are taught how to apologize, how -to give a com- pliment, how to report peer be- havior, how to accept criticism, how to follow instructions, how to respond to peerpressure, arid how to negotiate. Simple steps are printed on a card which each boy carries in his pocket. The instructions for each circum- stance start with the instruction 'look the'person in the eye'. Our final tour that day was to Roger Bouchard's office. -Roger is President of the Florida Sher- iffs Youth Ranches. We have known Roger .now for quite awhile.. As .we went into the office we saw several people whom we have met through the years. Pat Raulerson. Roger's secretary, and we met different ladies in different offices who do the many things that it takes to run not only this camp, but five others. There is a girls villa down: tear Bartow. there is another bo s ranch near Safety Harbor, one at Brandenton/Sarasota. Camp Ca- ruth at Inglis, and another at Bar- berville. The residential services handle about 437 ouths. They also ha'e FamilN-based Coun- seling Services which provide in-home counseling, parenting classes, aftercare and referral services, and they handle 806 families throughout Florida. The camp handles all types of children. Sometimes they are homeless and need a place to lie. They are screened before the\ come in and theN must mind and do what "Mnom and Pop' say. The total number of cases opened since the group started in 1957 is 79,072. Ste\ e and Georgette are "Mom and Pop" to 12 boys. The\ take care of them and see to their needs. The Bryants hale really found their place in life and I am glad for them. We hate been invited to come back and bring the members of the Log Cabin Quilters to do a tour so they can see what we saw that day. I was so impressed with the camp. the people, and every- thing that was there. The entire operation is supported by private grants, not government grants. and donations from individuals and private organizations and companies. They refuse to have grants from the State of Florida 4nicd-that'i glad of.;. Thousands of children attend the camp programs each Near like Project Harmony. Har- mon, in the Streets and Summer Camp. Each service is based on character development and helps build positive leaders among toda)'s youth. Of course the Sheriff's of each county lend their support and twice a year they have a.big .dinner at Camp Caruth to honor everyone who supports each of these camps. So' our day ended with such a good feeling. When we came home we knew we would never forget the day we went to the Boys Ranch in Live Oak. Woodham's Garage Complete Automotive Service ASE Certified Mechanics 15391 N.W. Hwy-19 Chiefland Halfway between Chiefland and Fanning Springs. 352-493-2904 Other Major Credit Cards i Andrew Nguyen, M.D. General Practice Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Saturday Please call for office hours. Appointments Prefer Don't Be Tempted To Work "Under The Table" This Summer This summer many younger workers and seasonal employ- ees may be tempted by offers to work "under the table." They will find employers who agree to pay them directly, in cash, with- out deducting income or Social Security taxes. In the short run, that may sound like a good deal. But in the long run, it is foolish and will only hurt workers and their families. Here's why. . First, it's illegal for your em- ployer not to report your .earn- ings to the Internal Revenue Service, and it's illegal for you and your. employer'not to pay Social. Security taxes on your earnings. Not only do 'Social Security tax contributions build up future retirement benefits for 'workers and their families, but they also ensure that workers are eligible for Social Security disability and survivors benefit payments in the unfortunate event of injur. or death. Disability can happen -to any- one at any age. For example, did you know that almost 3 in 10 of today's 20-year-olds will be- come disabled before reaching age 67? Few people have long- term private disability insurance. but workers who pay Social Se- curity taxes have Social Security disability insurance. Younger workers w\ho haxe paid Social SecuritN taxes for as little as one and one-half years and have an injury or illness that will keep them off the job for a year or more could stan receiving a monthly disability check from Social Security. The average monthly disability benefit pay- ment in 2006 for a worker and his or her spouse and children is $1,571. .. - Also, it is important to under- stand that anyone w\ho qualifies for Social Security disability payments and remains disabled for 'two year's will qualify for Medicare benefits. Today there ' are many young people in their 20s who not only get a Social Security disability check *but also qualify for Medicare cov- erage. With Social Security survivors benefits, you have the comfort of knowing your dependents may be eligible for benefits when Nou die. Few of us want to think about it. but one in seen Ameri- ,cans \\ill die before reaching age 67. Social Security survivors benefits are paid monthly to the dependents of a deceased worker. .The average monthly survivors benefit payment in 2006 for a widowed mother and two children is $2,074. Today, disabled workers and their dependents account for 17 percent of Social Security benefits paid, and survivors of deceased workers account for 14 percent. If you and your employer aren't paying Social Security taxes, then- ,)ou may .not have that Social Security protection when you need it. For more information, visit Social Security's website at www.socialsecurity.g6v or call 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800- 325-0778) and ask for the publi- cation How You Earn Credits. : Clif Copeland Social Security Public Affairs Specialist Quilters Demo Workshop To Be Held June 10 At Florida Museum The Florida Museum of Natu- ral History will host adult quilt- ing workshops and demonstra- tions beginning June 9th through August 31st. The workshops coincide with the museum's summer exhibition, "Quilting Natural Florida," which runs June 10th to September 4th in collaboration with the Quilters of Alachua County Day Guild. On Friday, June 9, Michigan State University Assistant Cura- tor Mary Worrall will lead a quilt documentation workshop from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Florida quilter, Pauline Salzman, will present a Blue Ridge quilting workshop from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Satur- day, August 5th. The cost is $50 for museum members and $65 for non-members, plus a $5 material fee. Participants will learn blind stitch applique on the sewing machine and must bring their own machine. Through August 31st, area quilters will demonstrate various quilting techniques in the mu- seum. Demonstrations will be held Tuesdays, Thursdays and the second and fourth Saturdays from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. For more information or to register, call (352) 846-2000, ext. 277. "Always do right. That will gratify some of the people, and astonish the rest." , Mark Twain, 1835 to 1910 Riverland Title Services, LLC 723 East Wade St., Trenton, FL 32693 Phone (352) 463-6333 Fax (352) 463-6340 devon@rts.cc www.rts.cc *Title Insurance *Real Estate Closings *Place & Track orders on-line m-sssmit K! '' .'-, *- Devon Weaver Agent NOTICE OF LAND USE CHANGE The Cin, C.mmission of the OCi) of Trenton. Florida proposes to regulate the useo laInd r iihin he arej as shoan on the map belo, b% .amending the Clitof Trenon Comprehen- is\ePlan herenmafier referred to as theComprehensire Plan. as follows (I1 CPA06-4, an application b% the Citr Commission. amending the Future Land Use Element Policy IV 3 1 ofthe Comprehensite Plan io provide thai the City only issue permits 10 commer- cuii uses that are er ed b. centralized potable %ailer and ceniulized rsaijiar sewer. 21 CPA 16-5 an applicanonr b the Citr Commission amending the Future Land Use E element Polio 1 I 2 of the Comprehensite Plan ti add a Mi\ed Use land use category. 131 CPA l6.-6,.n application b. the Cir\ Commission. amending the Capital Improve- menis Elemerntof the Comprehensne Plan b) adding Po'lic. VI1l 46 staying that the City intends insiill a ne%\ potable %alier %ell orreconstruci thee isung well ai the Cii) Park located ji Southeast First and Second Streets to ser'e as a backup hell to the eisiing primary. ell on Northeast Fitri Street and adding this prolecti 10 the 5-Year Schedule of Caprial Improements contained in the Capital improvements Element of the Compre- henr.i\e Plan : * 4 i CPA 0i,-7 an application by the Cit> Commission. amending ihe Future Land Lise Element Policy IV3 1 of the Comprehensite Plan to provide thai the City onl tissues permits to residennal dealing units on lot less than or equal 10 2 acres in size when :aid lois are served b, centralized poiable vaier and centralized sanitary seer SCity of Trenton S' "l., 9 The firit of tro public hearings concerning the amendments and the first reading of the ordinances adopting said amendments will be conducted by the City Commission. The, public hearings ill be held on June 12. 20:6 at 6 00 p m, or as soon thereafter as the matters can be heard, in the Kathrnyn Deen Commission Chambers, City Hall located at 114. North Main Street, Trenton, Florida. The titles of said ordinances shall read, as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 2006-17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TRENTON, FLORIDA, RELATING TO AN" AMENDMENT TO THE TEXT OF THE CITY OF TRENTON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PI.iRSiANT TO AN APPLICATION BY THE CITY COMMISSION, UNDER THE AMENDMENT PROCEDURES ESTABLISHED IN SECTIONS 163.3161 THROUGH 163.3215, FLORIDA STATUTES. AS AMENDED; AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND 1.SE ELEMENT POLICYIV.3.1 OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO PROVIDE THAT THE CITY ONLY ISSUE PERMITS TO COMMERCIAL USES THAT ARE SERVED BY CENTRALIZED POTABLE WATER AND CENTRALIZED SANITARY SEWER; PROVIDING SEVERABILITY; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT: AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE ORDINANCE NO 21'11.i6-1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TRENTON. FLORIDA. RELATING TO AN AMENDMENT TO THE TE.T OF THE CITY OF TRENTON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, PURSUANT TO AN APPLICATION BY THE CITY COMMISSION, UNDER THE AMENDMENT PROCEDURES 'ESTABLISHED IN SECTIONS .163.3161 THROUGH 163.3215, FLORIDA STATUTES, AS AMENDED; AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT POLICY 1.1.2 OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. BY ADDING A MIXED USE LAND USE CATEGORY; PROVIDING SEVERABIL- ITY; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, ORDINANCE NO. 2006-19 AN ORDINANCE. OF THE CITY OF TRENTON, FLORIDA, RELATING TO AN AMENDMENT TO THE TEXT OF THE CITY OF TRENTON COMPREHENSIVE . PLAN, PURSUANT TO AN APPLICATION BY THE CITY COMMISSION, UNDER THE AMENDMENT PROCEDURES ESTABLISHED IN SECTIONS 163.3161 THROUGH 163.3215, FLORIDA STATUTES, AS AMENDED; AMENDING THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BY ADDING POLICY VIII.4.6 STATING THAT THE CITY INTENDS TO INSTALL A NEW POTABLE WATER WELL OR RECONSTRUCT THE EXISTING WELL AT THE CITY PARK LOCATED AT SOUTHEAST FIRST AND SECOND STREETS TO SERVE AS A BACKUP WELL TO THE EXISTING PRIMARY WELL ON NORTH- EAST FIRST STREET AND ADDING THIS PROJECT TO THE 5-YEAR SCHEDULE OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS CONTAINED IN THE CAPITAL IMPROVE- MENTS ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; PROVIDING SEVERABIL- ITY; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE ORDINANCE NO. 2006-20 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TRENTON, FLORIDA, RELATING TO AN AMENDMENT TO THE TEXT OF THE CITY OF TRENTON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, PURSUANT TO AN APPLICATION BY THE CITY COMMISSION, UNDER THE AMENDMENT PROCEDURES ESTABLISHED IN. SECTIONS 163.3161 THROUGH 163.3215, FLORIDA STATUTES, AS AMENDED; AMENDING THE 'FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT POLICY IV.3.1 OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO PROVIDE THAT THE CITY ONLY ISSUES PERMITS TO RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS ON LOTS LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 2 ACRES IN SIZE WHEN SAID LOTS ARE SERVED BY CENTRALIZED POTABLE WATER AND' CENTRALIZED SANITARY SEWER; PROVIDING-SEVERABILITY; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE , The public hearings may be continued to one or more future dates. Any interested party shall be advised that the date, time and place of any continuation of the public hearings shall be announced during the public hearings and that no further notices concerning the matters will be published. The public hearings are being conducted by the City Commis- sion to consider transmittal of the amendments to the Florida Department of Community Affairs. At the aforementioned public hearings, all interested persons may appear and heard with respect to the amendments on the date, time and police as referenced above. Copies of the amendments are available for public inspection at the Office of the City Manager/Clerk, City Hall located at 114 North Main Street, Trenton, Florida, during regular business hours. All persons are advised that, if they decide to appeal any decisions made at the public hearings, they will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Pub. June 1,2006 Page Nine Gilchrist Title Services (352-463-6403) Fast and Friendly Service Trenton Office 308 N. Main Street 463-7381 Newberry Office 50 SW Main Street (Next to Best Drugs) 472-2275 Tuesday & Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday through Friday 2:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. rred yp Tgr- ul('dIL Li-IRIST 1)1 4I A JLuRNI3AA J Gilchrist County Honors Veterans In Memorial Day Ceremony (Continued from Page One) of the U.S. Navy. He is a brother to Judge Ed Philman and one of twelve children raised here in Gilchrist County on their family farm near Bell. Admiral Philman spoke of the importance of this day and how the observance of this day touches all of us. He made mention of the red poppies that had been handed out to everyone to wear and explained that the poppies are worn in honor of those who died serving the nation during wars. This tradition, has spread to other countries around the world. He also shared with the crowd a, few. lines from the poem "In Flanders Fields" written by Lt. Col. John McCrae, MD of the Canadian Army. He explained that even from the gravethose who have been lost know the importance of fighting for our freedom and encourage their brothers to continue the fight for freedom. Admiral Philman assisted Major Stroupe in a very special .presentation to Gary Hale. He was a member of the US Army from October 16, 1968 until August 15, 1971. He served in, the Infantry as a Scout Observer in South Vietnam. Mr. Hale was presented the Vietnam Service Medal with one Bronze Star and the Army Commendation Medal for his service during the Viet-, nam war. He was also awarded the Vietnam Gallantry Cross with Palm Unit Citation Badge, but was unable to present their award to him on Monda\. As Mr. Hale was moved around in his service to his country during the Vietnam War, he was unable to receive these, accommodations- A very special ceremony. was performed this year with Open Mon. Fri. 710 East Highway 26 the assistance of "Ace" and his owner Bruce Borders of Branford and James McCook of ,Trenton. They performed a very touching "Riderless Horse" ceremony in which the boots of the fallen soldier are placed backwards in the stirrups of a horse (Ace) and the soldier's hat is placed in the saddle with the American flag. This ceremony was dedicated to the memory of our own Ricky Lord who lost his life in the name of our freedom in August 2004. A memorial wreath was unveiled to honor all of our lost men and: women. Over the years the meaning of Memorial Day has changed for many. For too many today it is a "day off with pay" and a good reason to go out and. have some fun. Fun is still fine to have on Memorial Day. but I hope that everyone will take a moment every day to remember those who have fought for our freedom in the past and are still- ensuring our freedom today. Our freedom, tomorrow will, depend on us and what 'we are willing to do when our freedom, land, and very likelihood is threatened. We want to thank all of our veterans for their .-commitment to our country and the families like Karen Latham, who gae more than they should eyer .have to give. Her son, Ricky Lord, "as a true hero, who should never be forgotten. A gentleman in the cro% d "ore a shirt that I really appreciate on. day's like todaN, it had a picture of soldiers and the words "All Gave Some, Some Ga'e All', *and that's hat toda\ is all about. The ragged fins of the frog fish make it 'appear to be float- ing seaweed. A young partridge is called a cheeperr. It's Not About the Car,.. It's about the precious cargo it carries. As a local independent agent, we can design an insurance program that's just right for you and your family. Give the people, you lo\ e Safe.Sound.Secure. protection from Auto-Owners Insurance Company., aJuto-Owners Insurance Nature Coast Insurance 12372 NW HWY 19, Chiefland, FL 32626 352-493-2565 I* MEN, Hair Expressions WOMEN HILWOMEN' byb-Debe CT5 TANNING SPECIAL $20/m-onth Unlimited Tanning. 15-minute ultra turbo bed (Good through June 30th) Phone (Matrix & Redken) 472-1482 Wolfe Tanning Bed ___ (High Output Bulbs) 8897 SE 66th Circle SPECIALIZING IN COLOR Trenton, Florida 32693 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE Monday Friday ~ 10 am 6 pm Appointments & Saturday ~ 10 am 3 pm Walk-Ins Welcome VISA Located 30 Miles West of Gainesville, in Trenton Haven Hospice Appoints New Medical Director .Neel Kamani, M.D. has been appointed as the new medical director for Haven Hospice. As medical director, Kamani will provide leadership, direction and supervision to medical staff, overall medical care to patients and families, as well as a clinical education to the Haven Hospice staff throughout the 16-county service area the .organization serves. ."Dr. Kamrani 'will focus primarily on administration. networking vith physicians, hospital administrators, health care personnel and community leaders, while spending the rest' of his time providing direct pa- tient care," said Tim Bowen, ex- ecutive director of Haven Hos- pice. "This -ill enable Haven Hospice to continue developing its relationships with all of the medical and academic outlets in the communities we serve, as well as its palliative care initia- tives for patients in community hospitals.". Karnahi comes to Haven Hospice from the Univer- sity of Florida's Department of. Community Health & Family Medicine at Shands Jacksonville where he has been a Division 'Chief since 2002. Karnani re- ceived his medical degree in 1978 from the Armed Forces Medical College in Pune, India and is board certified in Familh Medicine. and Hospice and Pal- liativie Medicine, and is a fellow of the American Academy of Family' Medicine. .: Robert McCollough,. M.D_.. who has been the acting medi- cal director for Hasen Hospice since 1997. \will be transitioning to the role of associate medical director. McCollough will be based at the Tri-County Hospice Care center and %will serve Levy, Gilchrist and Dixie counties. . McCollough is stepping down from his position as medical director for Haven Hospice in order to focus on providing di- rect patient care only. "This is the' most challenging work that I've ever done, but also the most elating," he said. "'The position of medical director is a blend of clinical care and administrative duties. As medical director, the blend for me was about 50/50 and at this point in my career I want to focus on patient care." "We appreciate, Dr. McCol- loUgh ,and look forward to his continued presence in the Haven Hospice. medical community of Chiefland," Boweh said. The next best thing to know- ing something is knowing where to find it. -Samuel Johnson Vinyl Letters' Banners Real Estate Signs Printing Advertising Office Supplies B&J AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR COMPLETE AUTO REPAIRS FOREIGN DOMESTIC EXHAUSTS BRAKES (352) 463-0079 AARP Safe Driving, Class To Be Held June 8 & 9 I An AARP Driver Safety Class will be held on June 8th and 9th starting at 9:00 a.m. at the Capi- tal City Bank loc ated at2012 N. Young Blvd. in Chiefland. To register call Jean da .Costa at (352) 493-7597 There is a $10 fee per person. The classes .are for senior drivers age 50 and over and 'a certificate to prove participation in the class is is- Ssued on the second day of'class. This should entitle them to a multi-year auto insurance premi- um discount. Check %with your insurance carrier for an estimate of the discount available. - There is limited seating avail- able so please call as soon as possible. Leave a message if necessary and your call will be returned. In Chiefland call352- 493-7597.- FHP Driver License And Vehicle Inspection Checkpoints The Florida Highway Patrol %will be conducting driver license and vehicle inspection check- points during the following dates: June 1-30. '006. These checkpoints %will only be held at the following locations, in the following counties: Dixie: Chavous Rd. CR 55A. SR 349. CR 349. CR 351, CR 358. Willow Hole Rd. Gilchrist: SR 26 SR 49. SR 47, CR 138. SE 70" Ase. CR 232. CR 340. CR 341. Lafayette: SR 20, SR 51. SR 53, SR'349. Levv: SR 24. SR 45, SR 49, SR 121. SR 500. CR 320, CR 3339. CR 341. CR 345, CR337, CR 335, CR316, CR 464, CR 323, CR 326.. ' Troopers ill focus on vehi- . cles that are being operated with defects and violations such as: worn/unsafe lires, bad brakes, improper window tinting, cracked/broken windshields, unsecured loads, and defective. lighting. In addition, attention will be directed to violations of: driver license laws. motor \e- hicle registration laws, non-use of seatbelts and motor vehicle insurance requirements. The Florida High\way Patrol has found these checkpoints to be an effective method of en- forcing state laws, which relate to the safe and legal operation' of motor vehicles. Checkpoints will only be conducted between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge Guiding Permit Applications for 2006-2007 Applications for Commercial Guiding Permit are now avail- able at Okefenokee' National Wildlife Refuge (NWR). Com- pleted applications are due to 'the refuge by July 15, 2006. Any person or organization that charges a fee to lead tours- or trips at Okefenokee NWR is required by law to have a Special Use Permit. Permit -guidelines require liability insurance, first aid training, and refuge specific training for all guides. Guiding permits are only. issued once each year from October 1, 2006 through September 30,2007. Guiding permits are required to protect the tour operator, the public, and the resources of the refuge. The objectives of Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge's guiding policy are to: Ensure that guides have the knowledge, skills, and resources to promote and provide safe, high quality recreational and educational visitor experiences at Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Ensure that guides have back- ground knowledge of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife service, Oke- fenokee National Wildlife Ref- uge and major resource issues, Protect the natural resources at Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, The application deadline for guiding permits (2006-2007) is Saturday, July 15, 2006. For a complete application pack- age and additional information on commercial guiding, please contact Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge at (912) 496- 7836 or write: Refuge Manager, Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Route 2 Box 3330, Folkston, GA 31537. Guide in- formation and policies can also be found on the reuge website at http://okefenokee.fws.gov. Patricia Kee . Patricia Kee To Participate In The 1Magic Drum And Bugle Corps The Magic Drum and Bugle Corps is based out of Orlando, Florida. It was established in the fall of 1989, and, has a tradition Sof bringing unique and chal- lenging shows to the drum corps audience. The corps this: year 'has 135 individuals from all over the United States. The young people "will be working hard to produce the most unique and crowd-pleasing shows possible. The Magic is much more than the incredible performances that so many fans cherish. Magic , is education: the best teachers in the marching music acti%- ity comprise the instructional staff. Magic is team %work: the 135 marching members. 30 plus staff. and 50 volunteers work together as a seamless unit to travel safely and efficiently throughout the summer. The Drum and Bugle Corps activity is one of the most intense and satisfying activi- ties available to young people combining high energy perfor- mances. intense education from highly trained staff, a travel schedule that would challenge the most hardy rock bands, and a team of people that rallies like the strongest families. : .Patricia will travel with the Corps which will include 40 competitions in 22 different States oer a period of 52 daNs. Submitted by Ellie AndreBs. SPR Trenton HS/MS Band Boosters Greenbery Jones Family Reunion June 17th At Hart Springs The families of Greenberry Jones will hold their family reunion celebration on Saturday, June 17th at Hart Springs.. All family members and friends are invited to come to, the Hart Springs- Pavilion A. -and enjoy a picnic basket lunch at 12:00 noon. The Lord Family Reunion Set For June 10th The Lord family reunion will be held at the Trenton Commu- nity Center on June 10th. It will begin at noon. Come and bring your favorite dishes!.. To understand any living thing you must -creep within and feel the beating of its heart. -W. NMacNeileDixon S lSuwannee Valley Precast, Co. A Owner Gerald Roberts Bell Chiefland 463-2504 Fax: 463-0390 493-4055 New Septic Tanks Installed*Drain Fields Repaired Septic Pump-Outs Septic Tanks Certified Portable Toilets-Backhoe Work*FillDirt *State Certified - Smnal buildings, boais, etc: 24 hr towingservice, 2 /o. rollback bed. Carports also available. Reasonable Rates. 463-2900 493-0345 JOE'S TOWING & ROLLBACK Credit Cards Accepted 0Cme t Our Grand Opening!! -OakWalk~ Bell, Florida A HomeIns Only De% elopment b% SSouthern Propert m Serv ices Saturday June 10th IAM to 1lPM From caution light on SR 129 go \V on CR 342 for 1 3 mile. *Tour the Property *Meet the Builders *Look at Floor Plans *Eat Some Bar-B-Q 352-375-7731 ~ www.Floridaland1.corn CK Contracting, Inc. Building Contractor SLicensed & Insured Specializing in Spec & Custom Homes Serving the Tri-County Area Many home plans available: 3 or 4 Bedroom Ranging from 1,200 2,300 sq. ft. Personalized service for every home owner Give us a call, we'll be happy to help you create a wonderful new home. 352-472-9888 Chad & Kellie White Here Comes The Bride! ELECTRIC TUNE-UPS ENGINES COMPUTER ALIGNMENTS AIR CONDITIONING PASSENGER CAR & LIGHT TRUCK TIRES ~1/ 25-40% OFF Wedding Decorating JCits Guest ooks and Pens Unity Candles JCargeIfssortment of Wedding Gifts X&d iXUtD fuW ffwmaciw & qift. of .s enton Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m. 5:30 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. Hwy. 129 -Trenton (352) 463-2240 THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 2006 GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Paq er Ten i MA Amrj PA) THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 2006 GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Page Eleven Mrs. Shirley Ann Hiers Colson Mrs. Shirley Ann Hiers Col- son of Old Town, Florida died Wednesday, May 24, 2006 at the Tri-County Nursing Home. She was 78. Mrs. Colson was born in Miami, Florida and came to Old Town 61 years ago. She was best known to the area as the "Tupperware" lady she also worked as a bookkeeper for Bett's Truck Stop in Chiefland, Florida. Mrs. Colson was a devoted grandmother, she en- joyed socializing and just loved people. She was proceeded in death by her brother, Charles Smith; Parents, William Dunn and Leo Vashi Smith, husbands, William. Harry. Hiers and Paul Colson; and a son, William Harry ,"Ha'l" Hiers, Jr. She is survived by a sister, Jean Parvin of Daytona Beach; daughter, Carol Ann Stroupe; daughter-in-law, Marge Hiers of Old Town; grandson, Clinton Hiers of Chiefland; and a great- granddaughter,. Haley Hiers ,of Cross City. Arrangements were under the care of HIERS-BAXLEY FUNERAL HOME, Chiefland, Florida Mr. Dennis Dwayne Nelson Mr. Dennis Dwayne 'Nelson died Saturday, May 20, 2006, at his daughter's home in New- berry after a long illness. He was 59. Mr. Nelson was born in Ma- comb, Illinois. He graduated from Colchester High School in 1964 and served in' the Navy from 1964 to 1968. He went on to attend Western Illinois University, Lake City Commu- nity College, and Hillsborough Community College. Mr. Nelson was a Correctional Officer with the State of Florida for 26 years, and participated in SWAT and K-9 maneuvers. He retired in 1997, and earned his CDL in 2002 and became a certified deep sea scuba diver in 2005. He was a member of HOGS Hand Motorcycle Club and NAUI Scuba Club. He was well liked, had many friends, and will be sadly missed. Mr. Nelson is survived by his parents, Leonard and Betty Jeanne Nelson of Colchester, Illinois; daughters, Nadine Nelson of Colchester, Nannette Holder of Newberry, and Sara Madrid of Moorehaven; seven grandchildren; and one great grandchild. There was an informal service at the home of his daughter in Newberry, on Saturday, May 27, 2006. Mrs. Deloris Padgett Mrs. Deloris Padgett of Cross City, Florida died Saturda,, May- 27, 2006 at Shands at University of Florida. ,She was 62 years old. She lived most of her life in Dixie County. She is survived by her son, Billy Padgett (Nancy) of Cross 'City; a daughter, Cathryn Smith (Joe) of Savannah, New York; grandchildren, Tristan Morgan Smith, Jessica Lynn Padgett and . Trey and David Davis. 'A graveside service was held on Monday. May 29, 2006. at Cross City. Cemetery with Rev. Jim Hurst conducting the ser- vice. '. ' Arrangements were under the care of RICK GOODING FUNERAL HOME, Cross City, Florida. Mr. Robert E. Parrish Mr. Robert Earl Parrish of Trenton, Florida died May 28, 2006, at Morris Center Hospice House in Jacksonville. He %was . FA ,C:Obituarics 70 years old. Mr. Parrish was bor in Tren- ton, and has lived in Jacksonville since 1978. He was an Iron worker and a member of Union Local #597. He was of the Bap- tist faith. Mr. Parrish is survived by two sisters, Margaret Lee and Mon- tine Futral, both of Bell. and several nieces.and nephews. A funeral service was held on Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church with Pastor Curtis Hall conduct- ing the service. Arrangements were under the care of WATSON FUNERAL HOME, Trenton, Florida Mr. Colin C. Shepherd Mr. Colin C. Shepherd of Bell, Florida died on Friday, May 12, 2006, at the VA Hospital in Gainesville. Florida. He was 78 years old. Mr. Shepherd was born in Bell where he lived his entire life. He was an automobile manufactur- er. He also served in the United States Arm:y. He is survived by his wife Irue Shepherd of Bell; a daughter, Teresa Y. George of Miami; four sisters. Lera Townsend, and Shirley Stalvey, both of Trenton and: Minnie Odom of Branford and Clyda Andrews of Clearwater,;herd, and Nathan Shepherd. both of Bell. Glen Shepherd of Ocala. and Eugene Shepherd, of Watkinsville. Geor- gia; and three grandchildren. A memorial serivce was held at Watson Funeral Home Cha- pel. Arrangements were under the care of WATSON FUNERAL HOME, Trenton, Florida. No man can tell whether he, is rich or poor by turning to his ledger. It is the heart that makes a man rich. He is nch according to what he is, not according to what he has:. ~ Henry Ward Beecher I I I .L1 LOG CABIN QUILTERS iz:~I I I Mrs. Dorothy A. Snyder Mrs. Dorothy A. Snyder of Trenton, Florida died Friday, May 26, 2006 in St. Augustine,' Florida. She was 81 years old. Mrs. Snyder was born in But- ler, Pennsylvania. She made her home in Trenton, having moved from St. Augustine one year ago. She was a homemaker and a member of Full Gospel Outreach Church in Chiefland. She is survived by her hus- band, Frank J. Snyder; two daughters, Linda E. Perryman of Trenton, and. Karen A. Weislek of Toledo, Ohio; one brother, Raymond Laurent of Butler, Pennsylvania; five,grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren. A funeral service was held Sunday, May 28, 2006, at the-' Full Gospel Outreach. Church with Pastor Mike Whistler. Interment follow ed at St. Augus- tine Nemorial Park. St. Augus- tine, Florida. Arrangements were under the care of WATSON FUNERAL HOME. Trenton, Florida. North Florida Livestock Report Receipts at the North Florida Livestock Market in Ellisville on Wednesday. May 2-4. 2006 were: this %week 592. last week 406, and last year 489. Trends: Slaughter cows and bulls were steady. Feeder steers and heifers were unevenlN steady. Supply was light, de- mand was moderate. Flesh condition: thin and \erN thin. Feeder steers and heifers under 600 pounds 74 percent. i42 per- cent steers. 32 percent heifers).. over 600 pounds 2 percent (2' percent steers. 0 percent heif- ers), slaughter cows and bulls 15 percent. replacement cows 9. percent. Slaughter Cows Boner '.,80(- 85 percent: 887-1168 (1049) 50.00-54.00 (51.85); 1201-1364 (1270) 52.00-55.00 (53.61). Slaughter Cows Lean 85-90%:' 870-1016 (934) 44.50-48.50 (46.88); 961-1153 (1022.1 36.50- 38.00 (37.28) low dressing.' Slaughter Bulls Y.G. .1: 010-1492 (12621 60.50-64.50 162.08); 1189-1478 (1334> 57.00-57:50 (57 28 low -dress- -ingj 1'503-'i 1503l 55.50'155.50i low dressing. 0- fu 4 Kids! Pre-school/After school Learning Center / Ages 2-12 Q / NAEYC Accredited Pre-K / Highscope Curriculum / School Readiness Program / CPR/First Aid Certified / Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten / U5DA Food Program / CDA Certified Teachers 352-463-7614 2739 S.W. 19th Circle, Trenton Ow ners/birectors - Robert P. Marsh Dawn F. Marsh Lic#C036IO007I Log Cabin Quilters Log Cabin Qtiilters met Thursday, May 25th, at the Levy County Quilt Museum. Summer is right on us and it seems we go from cold to hot but everything is looking great outside. It was great to have two of our new members back with us..: It seems like we don't know what each day will bring and there are so many who. are sick. Our prayers go out to so many each day We had a great day Sunday when .the Genealogy Society met and we got to hear music that \was sung when the settlers came over. Music has always been a great part of our heritage; it has changed over the years, but. to hear the old songs made us all feel good. The\ meet the third Sunday\ from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and inite anyone to come and enjo\ learning history. Greg and ri'e boys were out Tuesday; the\ got a new\ turbine up on the roof. because the \w ind had blown so hard we had to have a ne\w one put on. We also enjoyed ha\ ing Sargent Gore out Feeder Steers and Bulls Me- dium and Large 1-2: 257-286 (272) 145.00-162.50 [155.37); 307-345 1328) 126.00-142.00 1l33.20); 353-395 .3721 120.00- 135.00 1126.73); 411-445 (421 118.00-131.00 120.51); 450-481 1461) 111.00-126.00 (114.53); 516-529 1524) 103.00- 109.50 i 105.S6); 556-599 i567> 99.00-108.00 (106.10): 603-647 (6351 85.00-91.00 1S9.24. Feeder Steers and Bulls Ne- dium and Large 2-3: 203-245 i224i 145.00-170.00 i155.581: 250-285 12681 122.00-144.00 (134.07); 315-346 (339) 112.00- 125.00 (119.20); 359-390, 1378) 114.00-118.00 .115.38); 404-448 1426) 100.00-116.00 (109.92); 456-490 (474) 100.00-. 104.00 1101.23) Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1-2: 251-283 (274) 126.00-140.00 (130.33); 302- 349 (326 ) 120.00-130.00 (126.59); 354-391 371) 110.00-. 117.00. (114.14). 420-44S: (435) 110.00-115.001 .(111.98;. 460-491 ",469i 97.00-1)5.00 'tt101.0'7,. 514-546 (52'5) 95.00- 100.00 97.97). 9 to see the museum -. . We pray for all the members who are traveling and hope theN ha'\e a great trip. Lunch %was squash and green bean day. We had them fried, ina casserole and just cooked, but it was all good, especially Bett 's coconut pie. 'There %%ere 12 members present. Winelle Home Re-Roofing & Leaks Metal Roofing 25-Year -Warranty FREE ESTIMATES Ol 3S2 (472=4943 352 379=475 Lic. RC 0061384 CCC 1,32541-- Bonded & Insured TRENTON MEDICAL CENTER Quality Health Care, Convenient Location, Serving The Health Care Needs Of Our Community Catherine Vega, PA-C Pediatrics James F. Ivey, MD Board Certified Family Practice * Complete Primary Care Well-Baby Exams Diagnostic X-rays Minor Trauma Case Management * Hearing and Vision Testing Deborah Weyer, MD Board Certified Pediatrics Curtis Kirby, PA-C Family Practice Internal Medicine Services Provided: Chronic Disease Management Immunizations Diagnostic Laboratory Minor Surgical Procedures Family Planning Employers Please.Ask About Our Preferred Employers Program (PEP)! ~ Most Insurances Accepted ~ 911 South Main Street Trenton, Florida 32693 Equal Opportunity Provider Quality Health Care for the Entire Family 352-463-2374 Christine Chapman, DO Board Certified Family Practice John Frazier, DC Chiropractic Physician Peggy Ladd, ARNP Pediatrics Providing Non-Profit Healthcare for over 35 years Pediatrics 463-6292 S F E --R ^SBAPER. NO Payments, Interest or Down Payment for FULL YEAR" Being #1 is What We Do * Powered by Briggs & Stratton or Kohler engines Wide range of engine choices from 11.5-hp to 20-hp models with recoil or electric start * 28", 30", 33" or 42" mowers available -Quick response steering helps maneuver around tight spots I.RTN AS LOW AS 7am-5:30pm M-F Gilchrist Building Supply 8am-3pm Saturday Hwy. 129, North-BELL 463-2738 1-800-543-6545 *12 Months Same as Cash offer valid on purchases made with a Yard Card consumer credit nard account promotnional period. See dealer fior details *281123 V Model Only, WWW.SNAPPER.COM ftivJ~a 7in mor1 eof (9f/u Zaz arud iad /O .26 SOO2 6 So much has changed since you have passed The family you had did not last. We miss you so much each and everyday And knew if you were here, We would not have been made to go away. So many tears we have cried Wishing we had our Papa by our side. So when it is Hunting Season, And we are on a big buck race We know you are with us, because that was Your favorite place. A year has went by and so much has been taken We still have those tears in our eyes. We can't change what people do But they will never take our memory of you! We love you and miss you! Lyle, Pam, Kelsie, Makensie, and Dalton Parrott Physical Exams Vaccines for Children ADD & ADHD Evaluations Health Screening HIV Testing * Sliding Fee Office Visits and Pharmacy The CraZii Quilt shoiwni above is making a come back as it is one of the oldest quilts that was brought to the United States lunmfeds of years ago. WVe knowt' of several people who are collecting scraps to make one of. these beautiful treasures. The embroiderni is w.'hait really makes the quilt. MAC JOHNSON ROOFING9 INC* I (aTT. RT-qT T'T fT TNTY TOT TRNTAT. THURSDAY. JUNE 1, 2006 v- -m - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF TRENTON LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE 'CITY OF TRENTON, FLORIDA, SERVING AS THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD OF THE CITY OF TREN- TON, FLORIDA, AND THE LO- CAL 'PLANNING AGENCY. OF THE CITY OF TRENTON, FLORI- DA, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant .to Sections 163.3161 through 163.3215, Florida Statutes, as amended, and the City of Trenton Land Development Regulations, as amended, hereinafter referred to as the Land Development Regulations, objections, recommendations and comments concerning an amend- ment, as described below, will be heard by the City Commission of the City of Trenton, Florida, serving as the Planning and Zoning Board of the City of Trenton, Flonda. and the Local Planning Agency of the City of Trenton, Florida, at a public hear- ing on June 12, 2006 at 5:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, in the Kathryn Deen Commission Chambers, City Hall located at 114 North Main Street, Trenton, Florida. LDR 05-7 an application by the City Commission, to amend the Of- ficial Zoning Atlas of the Land De- velopment Regulations, .to change the zoning district from Gilchrist County' AGRICLiLTLIRE-1 (A- 1) t6 RESIDENTIAL, SINGLE FAMILY-1 (RSF-1), on property described, as follows: A parcel of land lying within Sec- tion 20, Township 10 South. Range 15 East, Gilchrist County, Florida. Being more particularly described, as follows: Commence at the North- west corner of the Northeast. 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 20 for the Point of Beginning; 'thence North 880 42'17" East along the North line of said Section 20 a dis- tance of 743.48 feet; thence South 010 42'32" East 493.15 feet: thence South 880 41'57" West 743.48 feet to the West line of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Secton 20; thence North 019 42'32" West along the West line of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Sec- tion 20 a distance of 493.22 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 8.42 acres, more or less. - The public -hearing may be con- tinued to one or more future dates. Any interested party shall be ad- vised that the date, time and place of any continuation of the public hear- ing shall be announced during the public hearing and that no further notice concerning the matter will be published, unless said continuation exceeds six calendar weeks from the date of the above referenced public hearing. At the aforementioned public hearing, all interested parties may. appear to be heard with respect to the amendment. Copies of the amendment are available.for public inspection at the Office of the City Manager/Clerk, City Hall located at 114 North Nlain Street, Trenton, Florida, during regular business hours. t. 'i All persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decision made at the above referenced public .hearing, they will need a record of the proceedings, and that for such purpose they may need to ensure that a serbaum record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Pub. June 1, 2006b. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No. 21-2006 -CP-0016 IN RE: THE ESTATE OF ARABEL JONES STEW- ART. Deceased. , NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of ARABEL JONES, STEWART, deceased, whose date of death was October 23, 2005, is pending in the Circuit Court for Gilchrist County', Florida, Probate Division, File Number 21-2006-CP-0016: the ad- dress of which is Gilchnsit 'County. Courthouse, P.O. Box 37, Trenton, Florida, 32693. The names and. addresses of the personal represen- tarive and anomey for the personal representative are set forth below.. All creditors of the decedent and other persons who have claims or demands against decedent's estate, including un-matured, contingent Gator Storage Traior Rentals 352-372-6206 I or unliquidated claims, and who have been served a copy of this notice must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- LICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate, including un-matured, contingent or unliquidated claims, must file their claims with this court WITHIN THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICA- TION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS, NOT FILED' WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE. ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AF- TER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. -... THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE IS MAY 25, 2006. MELISSA STEWART BURKE Personal Representative S. 1705 Austin Lane St Augustine, FL 32092 BRUCEE. HOFFMAN, Anomey for Personal Representamtie 16 S. Main Street, Gamnesville, Florida 32601 (352 373-2411 Fla. Bar No 330647 Pub: May 25, June 1, 2006b NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING PLEASE BE ADVISED that the Gilchnst County School Board will conduct a meeting on Tuesday. June 06, 2006 at 10 00 A M in Building 14. Board Room 14-002 located at 310 NW Ilth Asenue, Trenton. Flonda. Follow ing is the agenda: OPENING CEREMONIES 1. Approval of Agenda 2 Approval of Minutes 3. Citizen Input/Delegations 4. Operations A. GE/United B Current Projects C. Fire Safety/Casualry/ Sanitation Inspection D Authorization to Let Bids E. Public Heanng-Adopt Policy 6.451. Drug Free Workplace Program- 11:00 A.M. F. Use of Facilities G. District Wellness Policy 5.Peisonnel .. ... ,:. A Appointments 'B. Non-Pargaining LUruit'' Salary Schedule C. Increase Hours, D. Upgrade/Transfer Positions E. Create Positions F. Additional Hours .G. Additional Summer Personnel S H. Retirement Recognitions- 3:00 P.M. , 6. Student Services A. Disciplinary Reviews-2: 00 P.M. , 7. Removal of ltems from Consent Agenda 8. Consent Agenda J A Financial .B. Agreements/Amendments/ Contracts/Grants/Projects/ Change Orders C. Personnel D. Student Services S E. Forms 9. Reports NOTE: In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons requiring an interpreter or special accommodations to enable them to participate in this meeting are requested to notify the Office of the School Superintenden at 352- 463r3200. at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the scheduled meeting date so provisions can be made. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at such meeting, he will need a record of the proceedings and that for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. James E. Vickers Superintendent of Schools Pub. June 01, 2006b. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING GILCHRIST PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Gilchrist County Planning and Zoning Board, in and for Gilchrist County. Florida. will hold a regular meeting on Thursday,. June 8, 2006. at 6:00 p.m. or as spon thereafter as possible, at the Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room, i located at 210 South Main Street. Trenton, Flonda. The following is the proposed agenda- AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Consideration of Previous Minutes. May 11, 2006. 3. SE 06-01: Special Exception for RV and Boat Storage an application % as made by Robert E. Alkin Jr. requesting a Special Exception be granted for an RV and boat storage unit to be constructed at 4289 NW 371"*Ct.. Bell, FL 32619. SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 08, RANGE 14, IN GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA, WHICH IS LOCATED OFF OF NW 37rH COURT, BELL, FL. At the aforementioned public heanng, all interested parties may appear to be heard %%ith respect to any of the proposed agenda items. The public hearing may be continued to one or more future dates Any interested party shall be advised that the date. time and place of any continuance of the public hearing shall be announced dunng the public hearing and that no further notices concerning this matter will be published, unless said continuauon exceeds six calendar weeks from the date of the abose referenced public hearing Additional, information for all of the above-listed agenda items is available for public inspection, at the Building Department Office., located at 209 Southeast First Street, Trenton, Florida, during regular business hours. ,' : ., i All persons are adised-that ijf they decide to appeal any decision made at the above referenced public hearing, they will need a record, of the proceedings, and that. for such purpose, they may need to ensure that a verbaum record of the' proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and e% idence upon which the appeal is to be based Persons with disabilities requesting reasonable accommodations to participate in this proceeding should contact (352) 463-3169 (Voice & TDD) or via Florida Relay Service (800) 955-8771. Pub. June 1,2006b. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION FILE NO. 21-2006-CP-0019 IN RE: The estate of DAVID C. CLEMONS, JR., Deceased. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The administration of the estate of DAVID C. CLEMONS, JR., deceased, whose date of death was December 13, 2005, is pending in the Circuit Court for Gilchrist County, Florida, Probate Division; Case No. 21-2006-CP-0019; the ; address of which is Post Office Box 37, Trenton, FL 32693. .The name of the personal representative is ELSIE V. WARREN,. whose address is Post Office Box 713, Branford, Florida 32008. The name of the personal .representative's attorney is SANDRA K.-HAAS, ESQ.. Florida Bar No. 0884870,' whose address is Post Office Box 520, Branford, FL 32008. All interested persons are required to file with this court, WITHIN THREE MONTHS OF 'THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE: (1) all claims against the estate and (2) any ob- jection by an interested person on whom this notice was served that challenges the validity of the will, the qualifications of the personal , representative, venue, or jurisdic- tion of the court. All claims must be filed with the Clerk and copies of said claims mailed to the attorney for the personal representative, San- dra K. Haas, Esq.,.Post Office Box 520, Branford, FL 32008 ALL CLAIMS AND OBJEC- TIONS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. Publication of this Notice has begun on June 1, 2006. Sandra K. Haas Fl Bar No 0884870 Attorney for Personal Representa- tive Pub: June 1, 8, 2006b If wrinkles must be written upon our brows, let them not be written upon the heart. The spirit should not grow old. ~ James A. Garfield NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY OF TRENTON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TRENTON, FLORIDA, SERVING AS THE' PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD OF THE CITY OF TREN- TON, FLORIDA AND THE LO- CAL PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TRENTON, FLORI- DA, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Sections 163.3161 through 163.3215, Florida Statutes, as amended, and the City of Trenton Land De elopment Regulations, as amended, hereinafter referred to as the Land Development Regulations, comments, objections and recom- mendations concerning amend- ments, as described below, Ill be heard by the City Commission of the City of Trenton. Florida, serving as the Planning and Zoning Board of the City of Trenton, Flonda. and the Local Planning Agency of the City of Trenton. Florida, at public hear- ings on June 12, 2006 at 5:30 p.m., ,or as soon thereafter as the matters can be heard, in the Kathryn Deen Commission Chambers, City Hall located at 114 North Main Street,~ Trenton, Florida. (1) CPA 05-6. an application by Michael Fowler and M. E McDou- gal. Inc to amend the Future Land Use Plan Map of the Comprehen- sive Plan to change the future land use classification from Gilchnst Counts AGRICULTURE-1 less than or equal to I dwelling unit per 2 acres) to RESIDENTIAL, LOW DENSITY less than or equal to 2 dwelling units per acre) on property described, as follows. A parcel of land lying %within Sec- ton 20. Toswnship 10 South. Range 15 East. Gilchrist County, Flonda. Being more particularly described, as follows: Commence at the North-' west comer of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 20 for the Point of Beginning; thence North 88" 42'17" East along the North line of said Section 20 a dis- lance of 743.48 feet; thence South 010 42'32" East 493.15 feet: thence South 88-' 41*57" West 743.48 feet to the West line of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 20; thence North 01' 42"32" West along the West line of the Northeast: 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Sec- tion 20 a distance of 493 22 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 8.42 acres, more or les , i2, CPA 06-4, an application by the City Comrussion. amending the Future Land Use Element Policy IV.3.1 of the Comprehensise Plan to provide that the City only issue Permits to commercial uses that are served b\ centralized potable water Sand centralized sanitary sev.er. (3) CPA 06-5, an application by .the City -Commission, amending the Future Land Use Element Policy 1.1 2 of the Comprehensive Plan to add a NMied Use land use category. i(4) CPA 06-6, an application by the ,City Commission. amending the Capital Improvements Element of the Comprehensive Plan by add- ing Policy VIII 4 6 stating that the City intends to install a new potable water well or reconstruct the exist- :ing well at the Cit. Park located at .Southeast First and Second Streets to serve as a backup well to the existing pnmary well on Northeast First' Street and adding this project to the 5-Year Schedule of Capital, Improvements contained in the .Capital Improvements Element of. the Comprehensive Plan. (5) CPA 06-7, an application by the City Commission. amending the Future Land Use Element Policy. IV.3.1 of the Comprehensive Plan to provide that the City only issues permits to residential dwelling units on lots less than or equal to 2 acres in size when said lots are served by centralized potable water and cen- tralized sanitary sewer. The public hearings may be continued to one or more future . dates. Any interested party shall be advised that the date, time, and place of any continuation of the public hearings' shall be announced dur- ing the public hearings and that no further notice concerning the mat- ters will be published, unless said continuation exceeds six calendar weeks from the date of the above referenced public hearings. At the aforementioned public hearings, all interested parties may appear to be heard with respect to the amendments. Copies of the amendments are available for public inspection at the Office of the City Manager/Clerk, City Hall located at 114 North Main, Street, Trenton, Flonda, during regular business hours. All persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decision made, at the abose referenced public hear- ings, they will need a record of the proceedings, and that, [or such pur- pose, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based Pub. June 1, 2006b. NOTICE OF MEETING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE. the Gilchrist County Board of Counrt, Commissioners, in and for Gilchnst Count). Florida, will hold a regular, meeting on Monday, June 5, 2006. at 1:15 p.m., in the Board of County Commissioners M eeting Room, located at 210 South Main Street, Trenton. Florida. The follow ing is a proposed agenda . AGENDA 1 Call to Order 11 5 pm i 2 Agenda Changes 3. Consent Agenda : 4. Count) Administrator/ Department Reports 5 Attorney Report 6 Constitutional Officers 7. Clerk Report 8 Commissioner Reports 9. Time Certain Items: a. 1.30 pm. Constitutional Officers- Susan Bryant. Su- per% isor of Elections. Request for Budget 'Amendment for Employee Position. b 2 30 p.m. Road Department Report: Highlands Trac- tor. Kenny Stemple, tractor invoice c. 2 45 p.m. Citizen's request. Thomas Collins Exception to Zoning, -operation of gun business d. 3:00 p m. Public Heanngs. Land Lise. Spnng Run Vil- lage Major Subdi'ision con-, struction Plan Approval 14 I Lots, Frank Laung. developer Tyler Creek Business Com- munit- Construction Plan- Approval 17 Lots. Mitchell Gentr., developer 'Lander East Minor Subdivi- sion Final Plat Approval 3 Lots, Joseph Lander, devel- oper .. Quail Hollow Minor Subdi- vision Final Plat Approval 5 Lots, Aldo Thomas Gnffin, developer Bell's Ridge Minor Subdivi- sion Final Plat approval 4 Lots, Kenneth Bell, devel- oper Turkey Trail Minor Subdisi- sion Final Plat Approval 4 Lots. Kenneth Taylor. devel- oper Pine Hill Estates Minor Sub- div vision Final Plat Approsal 5 Lots, Gary Warren, developer Combee Oaks Minor Subdi- vision Final Plat Approval 5 Lots, OWen Combee, devel- ,oper S Martin Estates Minor Subdi- vision Final Plat Approval 5 Lots,. Corliss Smith, devel- oper Carmella Acres Minor Sub- division Final Plat Approval 4 Lots, Gulf Side Realty; developer Special Permit 06-03 Dredge and Fill ' CCDS Waters, Inc. 10. Old Business 11. New Business 12. Public Participation 13. Adjourn "Persons with disabilities request- ing reasonable accommodations to participate in this proceeding should contact (352) 463-3169 (Voice & TDD) or via Florida Relay Service (800) 955-8771." : PLEASE BE ADVISED that if a person decides to appeal any. deci- sion made by the Commission with respect to any matter considered at said hearing, that person will need a record of the. proceedings, and that for such purpose,,that person may need to insure that a verbatim record is made, which record includes the' testimony and evidence upon which;, the appeal is to be based. BOARD OF COUNTY COM- MISSIONERS. GILCHRIST COUNTY, ..FLORIDA TOMMY LANGFORD, A "CHAIRMAN ATTEST::- JOSEPH W. GILLIAM, CLERK Pub.Junel, 2006b. PUBLIC NOTICE OF APPLICATION SUWANNEE RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Notice is hereby given that'. pursuant to Chapter 373. Florida, Statutes, the folloNwing application' for permit waS received on March 21,2006: Woods 'at Alchrist Subdivision, Ron Turteville, A Bar S. Land and; Cattle Company. Inc., P.O. Box 830,; Lake City, FL 32056, has submitted an application for an Environmental' Resource Permit Number 06-0141,! for a total project area of 225.72; acres. The project is located.in. township 8 South, Range 16 East,' Section 36, in Gilchrist County. Interested persons may comment:, upon the application or submit a' written request for a staff report containing proposed agency; action regarding the application by writing to the Suwannee River Water Management District. Attn: Resource Management, 9225 C.R. ,49, Live Oak. Florida 32060. Such; comments or requests must be' received by 5.00 p m. within 21 das s from the date of publicauon No further public notice will be! pro% ided regarding this application.' A copy of the staff report must; be requested in order to remain; advised of further proceedings Substantially affected persons are., entitled to request an admntistratie heanng, pursuant to Title 28. Florida Administrative Code. regarding the proposed agency action by.' submitting a wnrinen request after res iew ing the staff report. pub. June 1, 2006b 2006 Election What To Expect At The Polls .: Polls will be open on election day from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.. Idcal time. To determine' your polling place, check your" soter information card or contact your superb isor of elections. You will be asked to show a photo and signature identification When you goto the polls to ,ote. Some acceptable forms of photo, identification include: TFlorida driver's license. Florida identification card' issued by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor 'Vehicles United States passport Military identification Student identification "Care for the Entire Family" * Available on Location: X-Rays, Physical Therapy & Licensed Massage Therapist (MM0007612) Most Insurance Accepted - Major Medical Medicare/Medicaid Most HMO's & PPO's Personal Injury/Auto Accidents Workers' Compensation 493-1540 2220 N. Young Blvd., Chiefland (Across from Wal-Mart Super Center) OFFICE HOURS Monday / Wednesday / Friday 9 a.m. Noon & 2 p.m. 6 p.m. Tuesday 8 am 12:30 pm Thursday 8 a.m. Noon & 2 p.m. -5 p.m ~ Walk-Ins Welcome ~ 341 Chiefland Regional Tr-County Shopping Center Chiropractic US 19 I-1 I Nu Wal-Mart N_ Super Center Pon. r Tlplir RX-PAY CARD -SAVE MONEY ON PRESCRIPTION DRUGS Available at over 42,000 pharmacies nationwide Automatic acceptance - no application with health questions No age limits No pre-existing conditions limitation Generic Drugs:You pay up to $10 (Tier 1) Brand and Select Generic Drugs: You pay up to $20 [Tier 2)} Brand and Select Generic Drugs: You pay up to $50 [Tier 3] TO ENROLL CALL: 1-800-942-2003 HABITAT EXTENDS APPLICATION DEADLINE FOR OUR FIRST HOME IN DIXIE, GILCHRIST & LEVY GOOD NEWS: Applications for our first house have been extended until 6/16/06.Some other rules have changed:You must be a resident of any county 6 months instead of 12 months, also you can have owned a home in the past.We're still looking for a deserving family that needs a decent, afford- able home that will partner with us. If you need an application or additional information call Callie 352-428-9070 or Susan 727-259-8989 for details. Our playhouse winner, Amy Bastow, of Chiefland, received the playhouse this week. Congratulations Amy! I'm sure with 5 grandkids & one on the way, the playhouse is a welcome addition to your house.Thanks again to DJ Daube, Ryan Daube, Roger Nalley, Ronnie Lambert & Florida Forestry Products of Cross City, First Baptist Church of Cross City, Genesis Carpet, George Henry and Cecil Sims of Fanning Springs Auto, for all of their help!!! We couldn't have done it without you!!! Also, all the ticket outlets and individuals who sold tickets & of course, all the volunteers, mostly board members and committee chairpeople of Habitat that worked at the project &/or sold tickets! A seminar will be held at the First Christian Church just off US-1i9 on CR-346, Saturday, June 3rd from 9am 2pm with lunch provided.We must raise all the funds to build our houses & we need people willing to help. Brad Nemo from Marion County Habitat encourages all those volunteers interested in helping with fund-raising/P.R.to come. Call Gigi.463-7207 or Bill/Deanna 463-8003 if you can make it. COME HELP A FAMILY REALIZE THE DREAM OF OWNING THEIR OWN HOME!!! ITRI-COUNTY .CICHIROPRlCTIC Dr. Bennitt Patterson rage iLweive I I fTlgfhV HTP 1 9061,t1(1, -kv"JI-IRTST (21 INY TO TRLT 1111 LThireer [ Automobiles 1994 PONTIAC TRANSPORT: V-6, runs good, ice-cold air, $1,300. Call Nancy or Joel at 463-6799. 5tb,6-1-6-29 1998 BLUE DODGE DAKOTA: Pick-up truck, cruise control, club cab, 5-speed, 8-cylinder, CD player, bed-liner, (352) 490-7040 or (352) 949-0182. $4,500. ltb,6-1 [Pets & Supplies ANEW PET GROOMIN( in Chiefland. The Paradise ace. (352) 493-0606. WHEEL TOY 352-493-2835 Call for Directions 10 Mile South of Chiefland off 345 G SHOP S For Sale 2 SETS OF SOLID PINE BUNK BEDS: Complete with mattresses. $125 & $200. Excellent condition, 1 red metal bunk bed with double. on bottom, complete with mattress $125. 3 solid pine 5. drawer chests that match pine bunk beds. $50 each. 2 youth beds w/mattress $30 each. (386) 935-0510 or (352) 256- 6544. 2tb, 6-1-6-8 (6) COMPUTER MONITORS: Four 15" and two 17". Panasonic laser printer. $100 obo for all. 352- 493-2501. tfnb,5-18. Pet Pal- BLUEBERRIES: You pick. S&J Farms of Trenton. $2.00 a pound. tfnb,3-9 (352) 215-0084 or (352) 463-8351. 2tb,5-18-5-25 1989 BRENDELLA SKI/TOW 1 BOAT: 351 Windsor V8 inboard, FN | 800 hours, asking $6,000. Call 221- I 0363. es 5" S a-I F 3C I Wa-n 5f: r,,l. sal fa $28,975 As ra Tauruus .4-Iooi. uuiry 1u aei1.20" r1i,.eel. 2JK ,T,,l Ba Fac[. Wan $9,975 05 Cavaier -0o0er, 3uio CD. oaao-d i30K mr, Ba Fa War Clean $9,975 0A Cr.ev Vye'i.ure E.1 3 Ro S.,,a. rear a3 CD. 1i3dea o 4h rm.". $11,975 '03 Chevy S-10 extra cab, 3-dloor, 4-cyl. 5.-p ea.C.i.3a ,iss,. .ar'. $8,975 '03,Ford Rarger,'Edge, reg cab, V6 5-speed, CD,clean, 50K miles..... $9,975 '02 Isuzu Trooper LS, 4-Door, fully loaded, 60Kmiles.... --$11,975 01 M.erur,Crar..]M.irQu.: 4 .d, c rrr c ,er,. ,li o.i.ra r,,. 3.rr. : ,.- $9,975 $3,975 'bu: Lciareml.ema b i r arri- iO.A-.. I IO.K ..e $1,975 '9 a.ausia 'ics' J boor, carriage roof .lean i-adrd.cO t n m.e $9,975 CREEOir u ots I WELCOME wwarra-r.e A.lta3o.c www.wheeltown.com tfn,8-4 CAMPER FOR SALE: 1996 Plea- sure-Way, ultimate compact RV. Impeccably maintained by orig ral owner 66.000 miles, $24,500. Call 352-463-6527 S fnb.12-9 BEDS: Queen thick., orthop low-tep mattresses and bi:',\ New in plastic ,iih narral rifice, $160 King atulab i352) 372-8588 C LA SSIFIEDSAD 4.FOR 20 WO. 5 CENT ADDITI CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. I For Sale 16' BAYLINER W/TRAIL hp Mercury Force, runs goo ing $1,100. Call Chad at 46 or 221-0149. PRIDE ELECTRIC SCO for handicapped. $600. (35 2336. 2001 WINEBAGO' BRAV TOR HOME: 34K miles slide-out: Satellite, 2A/C's, 'wired. $60.000t Mut see to ciate. (386) 935-2336 Yard Sales ,ER: 50 SOUTHEAST GILCHRIST od, ask- -FIRE RESCUE YARD SALE & 63-7715 CAR WASH. June 10th starting, at 8 am. If you would like to have a ltp,6-1 free space to set up your sale call' )OTER Amanda 'Weeks @ 222-0310 or 2) *935- Bruce Thompson @ 472-2813. The Firefighters will be& washing cars. ltb,6-1 Thank you for'your support. 21b.6-1-6-8 E MU- and one tow-car appre- ltb,6-1 fYaedSI ,es THRIFT STORE CLOSIP ern thing must go' Furniture, knick-krnacks' In Bell, beh road depot. Old Poor Richar porium., June 2-4.463-1157 hclt. I-"'" TRENTON FIRE DEPART- sprng,- N MENTis ha ing a sard sale on June ln Sac- 3rd from 6 am 1 pm. The station le $225 - is location on III SE 5th Atenue tfnb- Please come out and support our lo- cal Volunteer Firetighters. f f .Ip *lrlaI I OIl g'1 1 'E C.oiporation Residennal Mongages Offering:. Fi.ed Rates A\ailable Nes Construction Manifacmred Homes , Purchase, Refir.ttce & Cash Out In\esnnen Properr. Con\ennonal, 1-4 Single Fa3mil\ Homes First, Second, and Home EquitN Lines oftCredit Bill Deen and Brenda Wilkerson Litcensdtl Mortgage Brokers 463-1313 fax463-1318 e-mail: riverlandmtg@bellsouth.net Visit our website: \wk\.riseriandmtg \eb-loans.com " iverlancid l Nlotga( Coporation :723 E. Wade Street, Trenton, FL 32693 it Come See Us! n Hometown Realty of North Fl,inz. Natalie Rankin Licensed Real Estate Broker 1310 North Main Street Bell, Florida 32619 Office: (352) 463-9001 Toll Free: (888) 463-9001 Fax: (352) 463-9008 e--mail: Hometo%% nRealtrNFa'bellsouth.net HORSE FARM, 12 STALL BARN wApt. 3BR/2BA CB Home ,15 Acres $450,000 MLS #752357 HORSE COUNTRY Beautiful large oaks & pines 3/2 DWMH on 10 Acres $259,900 MLS #752553 CONCRETE BLOCK HOME ON CORNER LOT many renovations 3/1 Home On city Lot $135,000 MLS#752136 L .27 Acres, Well & Septic 1/3 Acre Commercial Lot, Hwy 26 .50 Acres, Well, Septic, PP .50 Acres, Bronson 1 Acre, Bell 1 Acre, Bell, Owner Financing 1 Acre, Chiefland, Homes Only 1.14 Acres W/S/P 1.6 Acres Well & Septic 1.67 Acres, W/S/P REDUCED 2.5 Acres, Bell, REDUCED LARGE FAM.liL' I HO MF PAVED CORNER LOT' 5/2.5 Frame Home on 1:5 Acres- $219,000 : MLS#752151 S. SPECTACULAR DESIGN UNDER RENOVATION 3/2 Home c.n Treni.:ri Cu\ Lot $199,900 MLS #751932 SANDERS OAKS i 3BR/2BA 1 ACRE 1741 SQ. FT DWMH $120,000 MLS#752633 CLOSE TO RIVER PEACEFUL SETTING 3/2 DWMH. on Lot $59,900 MLS#752447 ' 21'xl2'BARN 25'x25' ATTACHED CARPORT 3/2 DWMH on 2 Acres $124,900 MLS#752374 IIFT H i' 1. FR.-i TA' jE HIGHTiaFH. FtL ,.'A. SEVERAL OFFICE SPACES $425,000 MLS#752400 , CLOSE TO RIVER HANDYMAN SPECIAL 3BR/IBA 2.43 Acres $149,900 MLS #751439 2 STALL WORKSHOP/BARN FENCED & CROSS FENCED 3BR/2BA 5 ACRES $199,000 MLS#TBD % OTS & ACREAGE $37,900 $75,000 $29,900 $24,900 $25,000 $30,000 $78,500 $45,000 $59,900 $49,900 $39,900 2.67 Acres, Scattered oaks -Pending- $39,900 2.99 Acres, Scattered oaks -Pending- $39,900 4.4 Acres, Riverfront, Buildable $799,000 5 Acres, Well & Septic, Reduced $59,900 5 Acres, Well & Septic $82,000 5 Acres, Homes Only, 4 Avail. $88,500 L~J COOHA H 58150 OPPOR11JNIIY 5 Acres, SWMH, planted pines $99,000 5 Acres, East Gilchrist, 3 Avail. $100,000 5 Acres, Paved Road $124,900 5 Acres, 1/1 Frame Cottage $124,900 6 Acres, Well, Septic, Pines $93,500 6 Acres, Cleared & Fenced Pending $85,000 7.94 Paved Road $115,000 10 Acres, W/S/P REDUCED $124,900 10 Acres, Deed Rest. $149,000 12 Acres, Scattered Oaks $185,000 15 Acres, Perfect for motorcross $200,000 17+ Acres, Bell Reduced $199,640 17.8 Acres, Paved Road Frontage $267,000 20 Acres, Pines, Close to River $330,000 30 Acres near Manatee Springs $399.000 40 Acres, W/S/P, Pole Barn $399,000 37.8 Acres, US Hwy 129 near Bell $567,000 www.HometownRealtyNF.com L515~ NG: Ev-, clothes, TRENTON CHURCH OF GOD: Will be having a Nard sale June 1st, nd r r-r fromm s rin nm I DONATIONS Donations needed for yard sales and auctions. Proceeds for spayineu- ter. 'accinations and medical as- ind rail- sistance for low -income families. d's Em-, We ha\e storage facilities but not . a thrift store. 4-Pets Sake PO Box Iltb,6-1 1014 Bell 32619 386-935-0975 or QAA/ '7'1' ')0'7 ,-.1 *.. I-': alliel net tfnb.3-2 I Services MOBILE HOME SET-UP: Thom- as Mobile Home Set-ups. tear- downs and transport. Licensed and Bonded. 0352 -1486-1662 or 352:) 558-4375. 41b,5-11-6-I GMHC. LLC HOME ES: We repair. remodel, r more. No tob too small. 2420 Free Estimites. 6tp ELMORE'S SIM BRICK & STONE. IN( stucco. permanent mob skirting. Free Estimates. 70th A3enue. Trenton 214-3702. Fax 352-472-0 BOB OSBORNE TRE * VICE. INC.: 70 ft. buc hydraulic loader truck. stu er Free Estimates Insu 463'9I1i0. " BUILDING CONTR CRBC017140-C i/A t h',.., h on your lot. Precision Development. PO Box 249, 26761 SE Hwy. 19, Old Town, 352-542-8416. Snb.7-15 MOWER & CHAINSAW PARTS Stihl. Husq'arna. Ayp. Murra.. Sears. NITD. Briggs. Kohler. Robin. and Honda Blades for most moneri. ; . SBeauchamp Sa% Shop' 493-4904 " Property I values One, of the most frequent ,questions I get asked is, "How much is property worth in Gilchrist County". - I would like to tell you that the answer to that question is simple. It is not simple, and sometimes almost impossible, to answer. - Property values have a multitude of variables. One factor that affects property value is location. Being on a paved road for instance adds significant value. - Another factor is what is on the land itself. A piece of land that is mostly established pasture with some picturesque granddaddy oaks is more valuable than a similar parcel that is planted in pine. - The size of the land is a variable that is very important. In most cases, smaller parcels bring a higher per acre price than larger ones. Based on recent sales, the average of 10 acre parcels range from $11,000 to $15,000.00 per acre. On the other hand, 5 acre parcels are averaging a' slightly higher $12,000 to $16,000 per acre. - If you are interested in finding out the value of your property, call me today to schedule your no obligation Market Analysis. -Seervices PRESSURE WASHING. PAINT- ING, DECK & PATIO BUILD- ING and. HOME REPAIRS & IMPROVE EMENT: Reasonable prices, dependable. insured and professional Shamrock Services, 352-463-1212 day or evening and weekends. - tfnb,6-1 TREES, TREES, TREES: Langs- ton Tree Sen ice. Inc. 490-44-156: . S, f nb.2-22 Itp.6-1 A BIG STUMP! A LITTLE STUMP!: We grind them all. Langs- o ton Tree Serv ice, Inc. 490-1456. tfnb.2-22 DIXIE MONUMENT: Old Tovwn - Since 1992. Visit our display on Hvy 19 at C&C Gron ers. 9 am 5 pm. Mon. Sat. or call toll free 1- 877-542-3432 for appointment to visit our shop & main office at 1471 NE 512 Avenue 100's of stones in stock, computer specialist to assist you in creating a lasuting inbule to the life of sour losed one. rfnb,5-20 TIM POWELL ELECTRIC: New installationsand repairs.licensedand insured. State Reg. #EC13002453. Call 1352) 463-2155. tfnb,11l-25 [ Help Wanted J SERVIC- FARMER'S MARKET MAN- estore and AGER: The Trenton Commumt) 352-6"2- Farmer's Market is up and running %%ith hopes of continuing through .5-11-6-15 the summer and into the fall. The ULILATED City is looking for a highlN mou- .: Stone ated manager to operate the mar- C.: Stone, ile ho ;me ket. Duues include marketing and 6789 SE promotion, development of special 472-5542. events, vendor relations, and basic -124. accounting methods The market rfnb-9-15 operates once weekly. on Tuesday From 2pm-6pm The position will, EE SER- require approximately 5-15 hours rof ket truck. v'ork per week. The market man- mp grind- ager % ill earn a share of the pro- red. 352-' ceeds from the marketih' addition to L-A possible base compensation doq at tfnb.5-26 highlN motivated manager %ill earn lACTOR: much ore! Please contact Cit Hall ." i,,,;it at 352-463-4000 \301 for more de- _HlpWane FULL-TIME IMMEDIATE POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Dump Truck Foreman/Driver, class a CpL, min. 3 years exp.; Heavy Equipment Operator, min. 3 years exp. Health'Insur- ance Available. Call 352-472- 4550 Coleman Construction, Inc. EOE/DFWP S4ib.5-11-6-1 Professional Drivers, home every night. Full benefits package. Dry bulk & flatbed positions at New- berry Terminal. Commercial Carrier Corp. 866-300-8759; SHelp W a n te d JOB OPPORTUNITY: Heavy duty truck maintenance/plant main- tenance personnel with Cummings Diesel exp. Must have Class B CDL. Also, openings for driver for block truck w/ hydraulic boom, Class B CDL required. Retirement plan, paid vacation, competitive pay and a good working atmosphere. ..Apply in person at Bell Concrete Products, Hwy. 129 N, one mile N of Bell. ..2tb 5/25-6/1 RETIRED CHRISTIAN COU- PLE @ OTTER.SPRING: Needs mature experienced, Christian housekeeper/cook. Must have refer- ences. (352) 463-0700 or 221-4056. I ltb,6-l. LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER S216-A N. Main St., Trenton. FL 32693 352-463-2817 FAX (352) 463-2479 lfgr@bellsouth.net We List To Sell! 818 SW 5th Street Trenton NEARING COMPLETION - 4BR/2 5BA home on 5 acres in. Gated Community, stainless steel appliances,. paved drive, 2-car garage, tray ceilings, Cherry cabinets and more! $379,900 MLS# 750191 GORGEOUS HOME - 2 Acres 4BR/3BA, In- ground \ mnyl Pool with spa fountains & Jacuzzi, outdoor kitchen, lanai, pole barn, & much more!: $385,000 MLS# 750683 Sellers Motivated RIVERFRONT HOME- 10acres 4 or 5BR/2,BA, ideal summer home, gorgeous views, stone walls, wood beams, hot tub, $595,000 MLS# 749514 FISHERMAN'S PARADISE! Beautiful 1986 Homes of Merit DW in Suwannee. 3BR/2BA, 2 boat houses, 1 lift, fish cleaning room, 52" TV, hot tub. All of this and more on canal! $375,000 MLS# 752474 10 ACRES with a Log ,Cabin Look 1999 DWMH. Beautiful property. 3BR/2BA that sits off of paved hwy, fireplace and more! $199,900 MLS# 752081 BEAUTIFUL 5 acre tract in Old Town with lovely DWMH, 3BR/2BA with paved road frontage, 2 car carport & more! $159,900 MLS# 752347 1.25 ACRES btwn Bronson & Archer, $29,000 MLS# 752317 0.90 ACRES off of CR 345, $42,500 MLS# 751588 5.00. ACRES In Old Town, $70,000 MLS# 751624 3.16 ACRES on CR 345, $65,000 MLS# 750989 5 ACRES in Old-Town, $65,000 MLS# 752156 5 ACRES in Bell, $69,900 MLS# 752045 8.95 ACRES in Bell, $109,900 MLS# 752046 1.25 ACRES in btwn Bronson & Newberry, $25,000 MLS# 750913 78.80 ACRES in Trenton, $1,680,000 MLS# 751204 10 ACRES in Bell, $128,500 MLS# 751023 QlJ EALHOUSA 15NO OPPOo'ruer- 4 BR/2 BA frame house. 3 acres. 2.156 sq. ft.. large trees-nice area, room to build another home or 2. MLS#748358. Price $175.000. ... .. For additional information on our listings and virtual tours. Visit our website at www.Ifrankgrant.com East Side of Gilchrist County 3 ac tract plus four (4) 5 ac tracts w/planted pines on Co. , Grade Rd. Priced at $90.000 each. MLS#750923-7509271 Lil Lake City NW 60th Street 9.2 ac Planted Pines. MLS#749600 Reduced $125.000. 10 AC off Santa Fe on 95th PL 4" well-cross fenced-ready for horse or ne\\ home. NMLS#749774 Reduced $145,000." 9.92 AC NW 52nd CT ' Clear pasture land-fencing MLS#749884 Only $140,000. RE ADOW BEAUTIFUL BRICK home on 10 acres, 3BR/2BA, under a canopy of Oaks & Pecan trees, fireplace, Cherry cabinets, stainless steel appliances, $465,000 MLS# 752194 MARVELOUS BRICK home on 20 acres, 4BR/2BA w/ 3 car attached carport, fully stckd fish pond, in-ground vinyl pool, workshop, $499,900 MLS# 749034 5 ACRES with a WELL KEPT 1990 SWMH on beautiful comer lot. 3BR/2BA home fronts 2 county roads, Close to Springs & River! $129,900 MLS# 752575 QUIET COMMUNITY of Hide-A-Way with a 3BR/2BA DWMH, screened porch, close to River, Springs & golf! $55,000 MLS# 750753 1.38 ACRES in homes only S/D, $38,500 MLS# 751628 1.01 ACRE btwn Bronson & Archer, $29,000 MLS# 75,2077 3 ACRES in Old Town, $55,000 MLS# 752141 4 ACRES just outside Trenton, $115,000 MLS# 752292 0.88 ACRES on CR 345, $42,500 MLS# 751895 4.80 ACRES outside of Chiefland, $85,000 MLS# 751902 0.46 ACRE (2 lots) C-2 or residential, $39,999 MLS# 751922 0.46 ACRE (2 lots) C-2 or residential, $39,999 MLS# 751934 1.10 ACRES Homes Only, $38,500 MLS# 751628 20 ACRES outside Trenton, $275,000 MLS# 751800 2.44 ACRES in Old Town, $42,000 MLS# 750300 2.49 ACRES in Old Town, $42,500 MLS# 750799 3.02 ACRES in Old Town, $55,900 Possible Owner Financing MLS# 750830 2.44 Acres in Old Town, $42,000 MLS# 750299 2.43 ACRES on Pond Fed Canal, $51,900 MLS# 752218 4.65 ACRES on CR 345, $85,000 MLS# 750972 . 4 -1 Acre lots btwn Bronson & Archer, $25,000 each MLS# 752318, 752319, 752320 & 752322 10 ACRES IN Bell, $137,500 MLS# 751073 0.23 ACRES in Old Town, $20,00Q MLS# 751052 L. Frank Grant Realty L. Frank Grant E WOR SALP D. Deen Lancaster Lic. Real Estate Broker SLANFCASTER 510 E Wade Street Trenton, FL 32693 zilu, OL JIU, ifulli (? dilL.- -Plll. - THURSDAY JUNE 1. 2006 GH-CHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Pa ae Thirtee.n I 866 727 2972 email fourpeissake(g, ir-dw nil. I C(fH ('ITPRT5T COT TNTY TOUR NATL THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 2006 SHelp Wanted )N: 1/2 GILCHRIST COUNTY DEPT. Career OF PUBLIC SAFETY is currently tion lo- accepting applications for the posi- otective tion of Animal Control Officer. This proficient is a FT position that requires exp. knowl- in the care and feeding of animals, ograms. ability to work flexible hours, and a it appli- valid Florida Drivers License. Must Id apply possess or obtain within 90 days rmation of start date, Euthanasia Certifica- vine at tion provided by the Florida Animal Control Assn. Salary range of 22-' ltb,6-1 28K depending on qualifications. Interested applicants should'submit main- a Gilchrist County employment diately, application to the Dept. of Public -d cook Safety, 204 E. Wade St., Trenton, y within FL 32693 (352) 463-3134. This po- it. sition will remain open until filled. nb, 1-27 Gilchrist County is a DFWP and EOE employer. Great location features just over 1000 sq ft. of pos- sibility, 3/2 DWMH with potential located just .7 miles from US-129, 1 acre wooded lot has nimarure trees providing privacy, property has 4" Well, Septic, and Power Pole. MLS#752370. $45,000. : Hometown Realty Of Orf[flRo - 1310 N Mlain Siree Bell. Florida 326I I www.HometownRealtyNF.com Cell: (352) 215-1132 Office: (352) 463-9001 Toll Free: (888) 463-9001 Fax: (352)463-9008 Debra Powers Email: dlspowers@aol.com Realtor RESIDENTIAL EMERALD FARMS,' nice lot with CBS house partially complete. You get to finish your way: House has slab &; concrete block walls' in place. New well, power pole & the impact fees are paid. Call William Gillespie, 352-225-1921. $110,000. #261866 BRING YOUR HORSES! 5 acres between High Springs & Newberry w/low taxes of Gilchrist Co. 3BR, 2BA, .open Liv. area w/fireplace. Kit. has newer appliances & double oven. Outbuildings w/power & covered area for kennel. Beautiful pasture 'cross-feticed. Call Sean Maroney, 352-665-014-1. $329,900. #260302 EXCLUSIVE RIVERFRONT COMMUNITY. This 3BR, 3BA home is fully furnished & h'as access to private docks & boat ramp on the Suwannee. River: Only 8 homes in Phase 1,: so buy today! Call Tony Boothby, 352-262-1159. $335,000. #264131 26+ SECLUDED ACRES includes 1700+ Sq. Ft. 3BR. 2BA, concrete block home, 6 acres fenced/cross-fenced pasture, 4-stall barn w/tack & feed rooms. Beautiful woods & Mins. to the river. 'Call Tony Boothby, 352-262-1159. $475,000. #265084 BRING YOUR HORSES, bring your friends horses, board & train horses; this place is perfect! Features include 27 acres, 24 stall barn, hot walker, round pen & a cute 1500 Sq. Ft. house. Call William Gillespie, 225-1921. $549,900. #263111 38 ACRES RIVERFRONT HOMESTEAD! Ancient oaks, towering cypress, abundant wildlife & over 1000 Ft. of frontage on the Santa Fe River. Rustic cabin could become your weekend retreat! Call Tony Boothby, 352-262-1159. $570,000. #265790 YOUR RURAL RETREAT! 40 rolling acres, this delightful 4BR, 2BA sun-splashed country home offers rocking chair porch, cozy fireplace, big red barn & even your own private fishing hole. Call Lorraine Handler, 352-215-8922 or DIebbie Zeller, 352-538-2857. $699,000. #263604 VACANT LAND ENJOY COUNTRY LIVING 'on a secluded wooded lot across from Suwannee River at Riverside Estates. Low Suwannee Co. taxes in a quiet peaceful community! Call Isabel Smith, 800-416-9158. $35,000. #265874 HEAVILY WOODED 5 ACRES only one mile south of the Santa Fe River. Will allow mobile homes, minimum of 900 Sq. Ft. Call Martha Barnes, 386-454-3327 or 352-339-4069. $79,900. #261732 BEAUTIFUL 5 ACRE HOMESITE in homes only gated community. Located in Northern Gilchrist County, just a few miles away from the historic Suwannee River & the Santa Fe River. Come & relax in the country while keeping the city within reach. Call William Gillespie, 352-225-1921. $129,900. #260804 ROLLING 10 ACRES of lush pasture just waiting for you & your horses to relax in the country. Perfect to build or bring in a Manuf. home. Call William Gillespie, 352-225-1921. $135,000. #242576 YOUR OWN PONDEROSA! Lovely 10 acre parcel just outside High Springs. Cleared with some trees. Bring the horses & build your dream home or move in your manufactured home. Call Debbie Zeller, 352-538-2857. $139,900. #264203 'C LASSIF I EDS CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. A SECRETARIAL POSITI( time (20 hours per week) Service, State of FL Posit cated in Trenton Child Pr Investigations. Must be pr at Microsoft Word and have edge of'other Microsoft pro Individuals wishing to subm cation for this position should on-line. For additional info please contact Deborah Di 386-758-1402. FT-PT EXPERIENCED tenance man needed immi Also a FT-PT experience needed immediately. Apply at the Lighthouse Restauran tf Help Wanted | Help Wanted j .-Help Wanted :VACANCIES GILCHRIST COUNTY SCHOOLS Instructor, Elementary Education (Anticipated) Trenton Elementary School Bachelors Degree or higlier from an accredited institution and Florida certification .in Elementary Education required Instructor, Kindergarten (Anticipated) Trenton Elementarn School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited insiilution and Florida teacher certification covering Early. Childhood required Instructor, Pre-K Special Needs : B' (Anticipated) Bell Elementary School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Florida teacher certification co% enng Earl\ Childhood and ESE required Instructor. Elementary Educa- tion iAnticipated i Trenton Elementan School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Florida teacher certification coenng ElementarN Education required . Instructor, Social Science S(Anticipated) Trenton Middle/High School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Flonda teacher certification cotenng Social Science required Instructor, Reading i Anticipated Trenton Middle High School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Florida teacher certification co ering 'Reading required Media Specialist Bell Middle/High School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Florida certification as Educational Media Specialist required: Speech/Language Pathologist tK-12) District-% ide Bachelor's Degree in Speech/ Language Pathology )/Communica- tion Disorders from an accredited .educational institution Florida, certification in Speech/Lan'guage: Pathology and/or licensure in peech'Language Pathology. Lead Carpenter Foreman, Experienced Career opportunity for qualified person.. 'Established company over 30 years in business. Benefits. Call Now! 463-9060 Jim King Realty, Inc. Realtor . iik i Main Office (352) 493-2221 N"W 315 N. Main Street (US-19), Chiefland,:FL 32626 Fanning Springs Branch Office (352) 463-6144 or 542-0009 O 17871 U.S. Hwy. 19, Fanning Springs, FL 32693 Suwannee Branch Office (352) 542-9007 EQUAL HOUSING 23382 SE 349 Hwy., Suwannee, FL 32692 OPPORTUNITYr offce@jimkingrealty.com orwww.jimkingrealty.com f Unique Suwannee .River Front Home 2 bedroom & Loft, 2 bath, stilt home. Large covered porches offer beautiful view of river. 6.77 acres. Over 311'-waterfront. 24 x 40 workshop, greenhouse. Come enjoy the peaceful serenity the Su,,riai Rier ha ic oiTer Priced to sell. $489,000. (GW-752460) 352-493-2221. Peace & Quiet Newly remodeled DWMH on beautifully landscaped 4.5 acres, mol. Very neat and clean. Central H/A, front & rear porch. 24 x 40 pole bam, punp house, fenced & cross fenced. Complete metal roof over. Must see! Priced to sell at $150,000. (LMH- 751905-D) 352-493-2221. 7,:0-c r. U=" 5 --'- " Beautiful like new 3/2 DW on 4.5 beautifully landscaped acres. There are not many like this. This home is placed on a lime rock pad and has many extra features like shut valves on all lavs. & water closets, elongated toilets, porcelain sinks w/Moen fixtures, one piece tub & shower units, 40 gal water heater, overhead ceiling vents, floor joist 16" OC, front entry deck, covered rear deck, screened porch on side, 2 car carport, sheds, several canopies, outdoor lighting, electrical and water through yard, lime rock drive and milch more. Close to schools, shopping, the Suwannee River, and the Gulf of Mexico. ** SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! ** $169,900. (DMH-750020-JW) 352-463-6144 or 542-0009. Immaculate and Roomy 3 bedroom, 3 bath mobile home on 26 acres just out of'Ciiefland. Over 2000 sq ft of living area, including living. room, dining room, laundry room, family room and den. Detached barn/workshop. Also includes an extra rental unit With good tenant. CAN BE DIVIDED. (LMH-751689). $395,000. Total. 352-493-2221. ; U" '^ -s-- REDUCED! Lovely 3/2 DWMH on 2.12 beautiful wooded acres. 2 car carport, workshop/storage shed, 12 X 20 covered porch, 12 X 14 covered patio, new roof, new water heater, new stove, new paint & more. Close to schools, shopping, the Suwannee River, approximately 30 miles to Gulf of Mexico. Call to see this property today. *** SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! *** $79,500. (DMH-750587-JW) 352-463-6144 or.542-0009. I REDUCED! Located in beautiful Rambling Woods S/D is this nice 2/2 SW MH on 2 beautiful acres. This MH has'covered decks on the front & rear to relax on, & is on paved streets.. Close to' schools, shopping, only minutes to the Suwannee River & public-boat ramps. Approximately 35 minutes to Gulf of Mexico. "SOLD AS IS" *** SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! ***' $70,000 (DMH-751178-JW) 352-463-6144 or 542- 0009. Call For More Listings! Teacher Pool. Qualifications: Bachelor's Degree or higher with a current or former teaching certificate in a core subject area. Once approved, highly qualified.substitutes would be eligible for substituting at $130C a day'in pre-approved situations where there is a long-term absence in. a core subject area. All other daily substituting would be at current daily rates. Contact the District Office for an application and more information. Bus Driver Trainees; Substitute Bus Drivers. High School Diploma. , 40 hours of in-ser' ice training ."ill be pro ided for qualified ap- plicants. Flexible training hours. Part of the training prepares trainees for the dner portion of the Class B Flonda CDL For information or questions. contact the Transporta- tion Department at 352) 463-3230. .i ., -. ,, I Help Wanted I School Psychologist- District-wide Master's Degree from an accredited institution. Certification covering School Psychology. Principal (AnticipatedVacancy) Bell High School Requires (5) five years teaching experience, Masters Degree and Flonda Certification Director of Management Information Services Masters degree and three years of experience in management of data information sern ices, educational leadership, or related field.-An equi alent combination of educa- tion and experience may be con- sidered. Fi\e Nears of supervisory e\penence preferred. Temporary Teacher Aide (Anticipated, Trenton liddle/High School : High school diploma or equivalent. Associate of Arts degree or higher. at least 60 credit hours from an accredited institution, or a passing score on an approved state test required. Teacher Aide Trenton Nliddle.High School High school diploma or equivalent. Associate of Arts degree or higher, at least 60 credit hours from an accredited institution. or a passing score on an approved state test required Secrelar Bell Middle/High School Minirumum Quahfications' High School Diploma or equivalenri and one Near experience. Preferred Qualifications. AA De- gree and one \ear e\penence; or High School and five Nears experience Must have "orkirig knowledge of office procedures and Microsoft Office applications i Word. Excel. Outlook) Excellent communication skills required This position required completion of Office and Technical SkiIls Supplement Form available at District Office. or download at ht.tp.,','wsv wgilchristschQolsprg r' Employ ment/jobs.html Substitute Teachers High School Diploma orEquiva-, lent;: Contact the District Office for an application and more information. Highly Qualified Substitute Teacher Pool We are accepting applications for our. Highly Qualified Substitute and Associates 4' SHelp Wante Obtain and submit application to: Gilchrist County School District, S310 NW 11th Avenue, .Trenton, FL 32693 (352) 463-3200. Application may be downloaded.at: www.gilchristschools.org/Person- nel.htm#Application Attach a resume arnd'any additional information as necessary. All applications will be screened. Not all applicants w. ill be interviewed. Applications % ill be accepted until positions are filled EEO/Drug Free Workplace , www:GilchristSchools org VOLUNTEER BOARD MEM- BER needed for HealthN Start of North Central Florida. Coalition.' Healthy Start provides services for high-risk Wvomen and children up to three Nears old. The Coalition is seeking .a volunteer to serve on the Board who either has been pregnant and accessed prenatal care or who 'has small children and has accessed health care for his or her children. The member 'will attend once-a- month Board meetings in Gaines- Sille. Please contact Celia Pa nter at 352-313-6500. e\t 118 for addi- Lnc rl u. (.i nL. inir m isrifi r, i -wise, but the wise inan knows himself to bea fool." . 1 1' 10 9 Paved Streets! 5 Acres and Up info@phillipsrealtyland.com @ www.phillipsrealtyland.com (-TROKE REALTY SINCE. SEE OUR LISTINGS (352) 463-7075 JEAN C. TROKE Licensed Real Estate Broker ON THE WEB: (352) 463-7302 FAX E-mail: trokerealty@aol.com i ,. W rokerealra,', c'om 730 E. Wade Street (SR-26) Trenton, Florida 32693 -- QUALITY-BUILT HOMES NOW AVAILABLE -- RI\ ER-ARE4 HOMES & ACREAGE, NEAR TO OLD TO%$N IN DIXIE: 6 BR,'55 BA To CB.built homes,'along with eight '"2.-cre ira.:3 i (all .'aidr,i; ed. rlare trees: h'I..ae.d i p -i le r er S'D r,ghi b N luwre C i.. 'Raili.Traii rivet bridge/trail. 1900 sq. ft. home h.3 "i" along the river, with deck & II-.:.-rig d.:.c.. riLi Side eleaied p.cih. 2.car garage & more 2nd.homie is over 2.7(,ii -.j ft. 'inside, :16x36 covered outer deck (w/hot tui. r:2.2-1 o-rkh.p [.iir., bd. 1.n.. r-.xm & 1/2 .bath (nsble i. suite), fully landiLcied on r,'r.e acre--call Jean or Jim for full detail. ,;.n ih' ;peii:il Fopfert,. ioh real ",ierfront & new home-site opportunity for u, et '~s:io,....$925.000 for all (or $399,900--river home 5355.000--second home i GORGEOUlS %%OODED ACREAGE, LARGE HOME & RIVERFRONT NEAR BELL: 3 BR/3 BA: Private 10.73-acre tract, naturally wooded with approx. 290' frontage along the Suwannee in NW Gilchrist. Has incredible, spacious frame/CB-stilt "dog-trot" home, 3 levels which include ground floor entertainment screened porch, 3-vehicle parking main 2nd level with over 2,000 sq. ft. of screened porches (great river & nature views), full greatroom/dining/kitchen (w/bonus loft space), master suite (wood/tile flooring, walk-in closet). Also has a workshop/cottage, irrigation system, river deck & floating dock...too much more to mention here--call or e-mail our office fer I'urtihe aet-a,'i...$675,000 ' NICE RIVERFRONT HOME, QUALITV NEIGHBORHOOD: 4 BR/3.5 BA: Over 2,000 inside sq. ft.of comfort, for this frame-built 2-story home, with 75' river frontage at the Little Lake City community, north of Bell. Property has waterfront deck & dock, screened river view porch. asiached gaiage & detached carpoit. other outbuildings, landscaping & privacy fencing. Photos & more details available at out office u ebs,ie...375,000. . EXCELLENT RANCH HOME ON 5 SECLUDED ACRES: 3 BR/2.5 BA: Frame/CB-built home, has over 3,100 sq. ft. under roof, on a rolling 5-acre pasture tract (has large oak & pine along boundaries), located in between Trenton & Bell. Has laminated wood & tile flooring, large greatroom (w/dining area & fireplace), over-sized Master & 2nd BR's, large front country porch, 24-round pool (w/deck), BBQ/patio behind home & more...$299,900. -- MANUFACTURED HOMES ON THE MARKET-- 20 WOODED ACRES W/SPACIOUS M/HOME NEAR RIVER: 3 BR/2 BA: Roomy 2001 28x76 Manufactured home, sitting on private, wooded 20-acre tract; property located within one mile of Wannee boat 'ramp. Over 2,000 inside sq. ft. of comfort, includes full living, dining, family/game rooms, outbuildings & more...$349,000. LARGE M/HOME ON 30 SECLUDED ACRES: 4 BR/2 BA: Spacious 27x76 manufactured home, located amongst lots of planted pines (great future investment), on a 30-acre tract in-between Trenton & Fanning. Acreage has 4-yehicle carport, 20x20 pole barn (w/electric). Home-site being sold 'as is' by Owner--call Jean or Barbara for all the details...$333,000. PRIVATE, SECLUDED ACREAGE & HOME-SITE WEST OF BELL: 3 BR/2 BA: Immaculate 27x66, manufactured, located on fenced, wooded 20 acres. Large greatroom, 21x10 all-season's enclosed porch, galley-style kitchen. Outer features include 4-wide attached carport, pool & hot tub (w/pool house), gazebos, greenhouse & more. Call or email to Barbara for information...$319,000. UPDATED MANU. HOME & MORE, NEARBY FANNING SPRINGS: 3 BR/2 BA; Nicely cared-for 24x44 manufactured home-site, on landscaped .41/acre tract with paved frontage by SR-26 (& near US-19) in West Gilchrist. Has a number of outer features, including . 30x40 workshop & more, lots of trees/fauna & property fencing--call Barbara for details...$114,900. SPACIOUS, LIKE-NEW MANUFACTURED & ONE ACRE: 3 BR/2 BA: Well-kept 28x64 2002 M/Home (refurbished by Owner), on 1.04-acre tract with outbuildings, located along end of paved cul-de-sac, close to US-19 and all nearby amenities in Fanning Springs--call or email for full details...$108,900. WELL-KEPT M/HOME ON LANDSCAPED ACRE 'IN NO. GILCHRIST: 3BR/2BA: 1996 24X44 Manufactured, in quality condition, on 1.15-acre tract (nice mix of trees/open space), with board fencing in front. Located'north of Bell, with quick access to US 129 & CR 340...Owner says to present offers...$92,000. MANUFACTURED WITH RIVER CANAL FRONTAGE BY SUN SPRINGS: 3 BR/2 BA: Solid 24x48 'Fleetwood' home, located in nice neighborhood near the Suwannee (with 60' frontage along canal connecting to river by Sun Spring); M/Home has had some inside cleanup/fixup...Owner is motivated, says to present offers...$89,000. QUALITY "HOMES OF MERIT" ROME-SITE NEAR FANNING SPRINGS: 3 BR/2 BA: Neat, well-kept 27x63 1998 Manu. home, has large, spacious rooms (including fireplace for family room), lots of cabinet/counter space for open kitchen, fenced back yard on 100x300 tract, with paved frontage along CR-346A (Joppa Road)...$85,000. NEAT & CLEAN M/HOME & .92/ACRE IN TOWN: 3 BR/2 BA: Well-kept & renovated 27x54 Manufactured, with full living, dining & bonus rooms, double-oven range & appliances for kitchen, front & back attached porches, and private, wood-fenced 243x165 back yard...$64,000. AFFORDABLE M/HOME IN TOWN: 2 BR/1 BA: Refurbished & compact 14x44 home-site (w/attached front porch/deck); metal & frame outbuildings, on landscaped Trenton lot w/large oak for shade...$28,000. LOTS & ACREAGE PROPERTIES ON MARKET -- 44 ACRES, MIX OF WOODS/OPEN SPACE, IN EAST GILCHRIST: Over 40 acres, ready for family or gentleman's farm/home-site east of Trenton; has paved frontage along CR-337, and an older home-site on property (improvements being sold in 'as is' condition)--call or e-mail our office for full details...$499,900. 20 ACRES-PASTURE PROPERTY IN WEST GILCHRIST: Thirty rolling acres, with large oaks/pines along boundaries, ready forAg use or large home-site. Located close to CR-232 & CR-344 near Hart Springs...$265,000. THREE SEPARATE 20-ACRE TRACTS NEAR BELL: 3 individual 20-acre properties, side-by-side location in North Gilchrist, mostly wooded raw acreage ready to be improved--call or email Barbara for details...$260,000 each. 10 ACRES-WOODED, SECLUDED TRACT OFF US-129: Private locale for this ten acres north of Bell--has nice mix of open space & woods, few neighbors; call Barbara for property details...$129,900. 5 ACRES & IMPROVEMENTS, EAST GILCHRIST: Quiet, country acreage, with well, septic & power pole (Owner selling 'as is'). Close to CR-232, for easy access to Gainesville/Alachua...$89,900. 4+ ACRES--WOODED TRACT NEAR BRONSON/ARCHER: Quiet, rural location for this 4.2-acre comer tract, located in-between Bronson & Archer near SR-24; great location for secluded built or manufactured homersite...$84,900. 4+ ACRES--PASTURE ACREAGE CLOSE TO FANNING SPRINGS: Located amongst nice mix of well-kept built & manu. home-sites, mostly pasture 4.2-acre tract ready for new home-site, within short drive to Fanning Springs and Trenton...$73,000. AFFORDABLE & BUILDABLE TRACT, NEAR TO FANNING SPRINGS: Wooded 100xl00 property, near to SR-26, Rails-to-Trails and more at west end of county, ready, for built or manufactured home-sites...$9,900. You can call our agents after regular business hours, for more information on any of our listings, at the main office number above, or at our agents' cell numbers below: Jim or Jean Troke M I_ (386) 935-3357 i L "Profession Paul Troke (352) 221-2999 Barbara Mayo (352) 222-0427 nal Service With A Personal Touch" EQUAiL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY [Help Wanted ! IRRIGATION LAB MEMBER needed at The Suwannee River Resource Conservation' and Devel- opment Council, Inc. is seeking ap- plications for a position with its Mo- bile Irrigation Laboratory IM]L). Applicants should have exp. with field data collection and have basic computer skills. Knowledge of ag- ricultural practices and/or irrigation is preferable. The MIL position in- volves providing services to a broad range of agricultural producers and. requires considerable fieldwork. This entry level position requires .initial training in Live Oak and then will work form bur Chiefland branch office. .A high school diploma is re- quired. Salary is dependent on level of qualifications and exp. The clos- ing date for this position in June 2, 2006 at 5:00 PM. You should send a resume along with names and tele- phone numbers of three references 'to: Suwannee River RC&D, 234 Court. St. SE, Live Oak, FL 32064. You may also contact the office at (386) 364-4278 for further info. The Su"annee River RC&D is an Equal' Opportunity Employer and a Diug Free Work.Place..EEO/AA/V/D. S2tb. 5/25, 6/1 "Th'' tooll orlh think h li s I ntonal information , 1. 1 : 4. ;, 4. Homes S Only! : . S 15 14 13 12 Now Selling!! High Springs Hills m Call 1-800-643-6971 .. LS. I See more of our listings - Fage t-fourteen "jJLI%-JLJLI\AL31 .............................. FA T -.. ^ - F"bFR I THURSD.~TAYHTUNEF. V2006 GTTILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Page Fifteen [ Help anted GRAPHIC DESIGN/SIGN OUT PERSON needed in T Looking for FT position, b consider FT if necessary. So ties, but not limited to, co sign make up (computer all t to vinyl application), some job make up (PC and Mac cc knowledge helpful). Will tra person. Apply in person at I christ County Journal in t 207 N. Main Street in Trentco ONE DAY A WEEK - WANTED: Delivery, route able, Wednesday only.. We quire leaving Trenton offil a.m., drive to and back from han, FL, deliveries in Bell,;' and Newberry. Trarisportati vided. Must have own ride tt Serious inquiries only please in person, at 207 North Mail Trenton. Gilchrist Journal. d . Real Estate . LAY- 3BD/2BA 2CG on 5 acies,Trenton. rrenton. Exc. quality, 3,000 sq. ft. Masonry/ )ut will stucco. .Split BD plan, vaulted ceil- tme du- ings. Master suite with walk-in clos- omplete et, bath with jet tub, shower. Lg. the way kitchen w/maple cabinets, stainless ad and. steel appliances. Laundry (w&d), lmputer pantry, breakfast nook, family room, ,in right formal dining, private living. Wood the Gil- & tile floors. Landscape/irrigation, renton, $395,000. Call 352-816-0846.. n.- 8tp. 5/25-7/13 20 ACRES OF PASTURE: At west edge of Bell. Motivated seller, HELP $320,000. Southern Property Ser- e avail- vices www.floridalandl.com 375- luld re- 7731 ce at 5 2tb,5-18-5-25 Creatonl LIKE NEW! 2000 Homes of Merit on tro- on 1.25 acres. Between Newberry & on prffice Bronson. 3 BR/2 BA, oak cabinetry, Afppily new floor covering. Fireplace, deep- SStreet, soaking tub. New appliances, new well & septic. A steal at $11.6,000. ,, _1 ,(352) 472-4977. C L ASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WOR. k CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD": ' I Real Estate Mobile.Homes | Buy or sell or both. Call TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY 352.463.8340 P. 0. Box 8, Bell, Florida 32619 tcrealty@bellsouth.net www.TownandCountryRealty Online.com Dixie-Gilchrist-Levy Board of Realtors and Multiple Listing Service., tfnb,2-20 FOR SALE Retail storefront prop- erty in downtown Trenton. Three buildings on Main Street. Call 352- 463-7135.- S.. fn,6-30 GUERDON SINGLEWIDE: Wind Code 2, with stove, washer, dryer, LR & BR furniture. Trailer needs some repair. $3,200 obo. Gil- christ location 386-935-4136 John or leave message WC B 2tb,6-1-6-8 Woodland Craft Signs. 463-7135 2006Wall and Desk Calendars 50% OFF (While Supplies Last) _ Gilchrist County Journal 4 . 207 North Main Street Trenton 4 po Gilchrist County Journal Advertising Printing Fax Service 463-7393 463-7135 4 Trenton I & II Apartments .ForRent" 718 NE 7th Place #905 Trenton, FL 32693 Now Accepting Applications 1, 2, & 3 BR HC & Non-HCjapartments. Rental assistance may be available. 352-463-7106, TDD/TTY 711 Equal Housing Opportunity. n . P iO -'""Don Thomas 21. Sales Associate Lorene Thomas Realty, Inc. Highway 19/98, R 0. Box 1653 Old Town, Florida 32680 Business (352) 542-8568 Fax (352) 542-8566 Cell (352) 221-5422 e-mail: RealtyThomas@aol.com Each office is Independently Owned and Operated NIP PH RT7,ONT Highway 441 North P. 0. Box 520;Alachua (386) 462-4020 (352) 373-5511 Horizonrealt, -reallor.com - Very nice fenced and cleared 1 acre lot. just minutes north ofI Bell. Well. septic and power ready for -our mobile. manufac- tured or site built home. $29.000 MLS#1242574 . Complete privacy on 5.5 wooded acres. One of a kind 3BR 2BA very bnght and open floor plan. All ceramic tile floors., fireplace and large master suite. In-ground heated pool with screen enclosure and open patio., Jones\ ille area $289,000 NMLSH262436 Beautiful Nwooded t+ acre lot just north of Bell. Perfect for site-built manufactured or mobile homes. .lust reduced $29,900 NILS 4242561 . .92 acres of Santa Fe riverrront, absolute one of a kind i propertM. less than I mile to High Springs and %%alk to O'Leno SState Park. S,",90) MNILS#"s 24l33, 241l34 & 241S37 : ..- Suwannee-Riverc Best! 235 feet of-cleared & bulkheaded rt e e rN &of'T acrei' \lt 'nr &itie on the river and onli 22 miles to the Gulf. S399.000 MLS#261016 31.3 beautiful acres located in %% bite Springs. Property has a Mixture of hardwoods & pasture which h fronts 1-75 RW Additional 25 acres available. $269,000 MLS #235609 Enjoy the view from the front deck of this 4BR 3BA DWMH with detached workshop in Newberry on 2.5 fenced acres. Home has new oak cabinets, appliances, countertops and carpeting. $149,900 MLS#260502 Secluded yet convenient to High Springs. 21 acres of scattered oaks and, pines close to Ginnie, Blue & Poe Springs. Additional 21 acres and owner financing available. $260,000 MLS#260330 W[alford W realty, inc. Licensed Real Estate Broker P.O. Box 546 Bell, Florida 32619 386-935-0243 8 ACRES & HOME ON SUWANNEE RIVER complete with separate bunkhouse, decks, floating dock, etc. It's located near Rock Bluff. Very private & secluded. You can't find a better opportunity on the river! $350,000. VERY NICE 3/2 C.B. HOME On 5 part clear part wooded acres in North Gilchrist County. Home is in great condition and in a good neighborhood. Only $225,000. SUWANNEE COUNTY- Nice 2 Bdrm, 1 Bath Single-wide mobile home with large deck over looking Suwannee River. A beautiful view!! Near a great swimming spring & a nice area to live!! $199,500. THE RIVER PARADISE A large lot on the Econfina River 2 miles from the Gulf - in navigable waters. Includes a beautiful, large 4 bedroom/3 bath two story home. Super fishing & hunting area! Boat from your owa paradise to the Gulf and you have it all. $685,000. 2 ACRES ON SUWANNEE at Charles Springs beautiful, wooded lot, buildable! $79,900. A NICE RIVER LOT on Suwannee River near Royal Springs nice area. $49,900. LOT ON SANTA FE down river from the Itchtucknee River $195,000. VERY NICE WOODED 4 ACRES North Gilchrist County. $49,900. BEAUTIFUL WOODED 5 ACRES On county maintained road in north Gilchrist County. $68,900. 291.45 ACRES OF PRIMEHUNTING LAND With a hunting lodge type house, lodge is complete with nice porches and a fireplace. Dog pen, rock quarry, fish pond and, approximately 150 acres of planted pines. Awesome hunting of deer, wild hogs, turkey, etc. Good improved roads and trails throughout the property. Fronts on a paved road. $1,595,000. Just 8 miles out of Cross City. 247 ACRES Prime land on more than V mile of highway frontage in Suwannee Coun- ty. Nice 3/2 CB home, detached garage with upstairs apartment, 75 acres of pines, approx 160 acres in cropland, 3 wells & other amenities!! Fantastic development potential, cen- trally located to just about everything in North Central Florida. Shown by appointment only! $3,250,000. Can be developed into 5 acre tracts!! 34.61 ACRES IN CENTRAL SUWANNEE COUNTY Very nice piece of land on a paved road, surveyed and platted into 3 pieces if you need it subdivided, can be four pieces, mostly open with some nice trees. $485,000. 4 ACRES OFA NICE WOODED TRACT- Good trees!! Central Suwannee County. $49,500. 5 BEAUTIFUL WOODED ACRES With well, septic, power and completely loaded with deer. Backs up to large protected lands. Fenced, county maintained road. Convenient to Chiefland. Plenty of privacy. $129,900. 5 ACRES IN NORTH GILCHRIST COUNTY Nice wooded 5 acre tract of property - private & secluded. Must see to believe! $75,000. LOT IN LEVY COUNTY Near Williston on SR 121. Only $23,900. 18 ACRES IN SOUTH SUWANNEE COUNTY Partly open and many nice trees. A great location!! $180,000. CONVENIENCE STORE / MECHANICS GARAGES 1 acre zoned commercial/in- dustrial with lots of frontage on Highway 90 east in Lake City, Florida. Many amenities and lots of square feet bf buildings to use your entrepreneurial skills and make this going business grow even more. Only $375,000. Owner Motivated !! NICE WOODED LOT NEAR SANTA FE RIVER & BOAT RAMP can be yours for $19,900. Some owner financing available to a qualified buyer. For more information and pictures of these and other properties listed Visit our website at www.wolfordrealty.com Smith & Associates, GM C www.bsgmac.com I nc.j ;- *a Brad Smith Licensed Real Estate Broker Tjteileflh eT..ee 5h. niic land'c3ptng & ofice .;[.;p zemisre; Brad Smilh. Broker t05. 1 63-1111, ; .',* M lO H l" I I i F jll., t ptliii'l rl "c ,lju ,-Il ,Mh e\lf-j nrlu I ': I ce.11 ELLLI Rbthii \a odin, R.Ill..r "nCharm T.:.r,,' i L. i.e ,-n =. I :' O ,13 SF 5.06AC '. s1.:,, r..; t. icpl e.i .vood stove, balconies, & workshop/garage. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 L' 't +' dexx .--";J'+ '%:+ * yiew tme auwannee! J32 i,j3u or u.3jt A f'l.r": ri .ir "I II ,l i,.J,. .. & 1l.nL On a lovely paved street. Terri Anderson, Realtor (352) 356-1961 0 Acres :. Automotive Business. Very clean... 7 bays, 4 lifts, office, lounge, waiting area, & more! Brad Smith, Broker (352)y463-7770 Uniquely Built! 3/2 1,908 SF 10 AC Energy eff. solar panels, pole barn, 3 septics, 2 wells, & MORE, Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 Work at Home! 3/1 2,079 SF 0.92 AC Next to Akins BBQ. You could use the bonus room as a shop. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 Park Like Setting! 4/2 2,128 SF 3.21 AC Comletely fenced, ,, h, -f-p le.,.,:. h uV. front deck, & BONUS areas. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 Needs a little TLC! 3/2 1,152SF 10 AC Split floor plan, green rolling hills, fenced yard, & planted pines. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 1..)a Old Town $1;.i00 , Pe i-'e wr .-i r, p lx1 "Ull .I rni,,n 1~s,000 L and irl C e l n nh.:..:.1 dl:flrl '.l1 Suannale o$250,000 .i- llionin l-c'. k t,.:.a1hi fin U0.11 Susnn. e i,265,000 I c I ihc -ulf 0 II Suai.nnie 5.29.00o ialc h. 'io:r[l i' l *.: f.31 1u21 Tremnon S12.5lh) d .Juli c,-Te'm .ill 3:1... ic 1123 Crui, Ci1n 11,.900 Pi'. e Pe u.:ed' in .:I I : 123 Cr.i, Cr- S12.5ill Pr.'c Pcdu-.: J' Ir..c:I .O a ) 23 rrenl..n 5J34.9n50I 1.24 ..'Irnhin il:,51n1 ,-duil rl ,mm JAl. .m e: IIc. 0.24 Trenlt:.n 19.6'1iI 1i'e cp.iill, l cI ,Jlid 131 Chiefland $3'9.5'1-i. i 35 Cr-.r iCi iln 4.51.iU Price Reduced! Invest to ay. c11 Trndiun 3 9.000 1 5 Sue,annd $45.i,000 r lu&,drycr. s tp d8, .lu dl.-ar' n ar b.p 1:1 1 lit r I ll *i i.ill I nc -i,:,, .d d i, irx iel 0 51 Old Town 25.000 .'*c.mmeic Il Pfic CpT, s.6o' FanninE pg. S35.00:n) ll i"i- I :.I.. tl .-lO ri 4.' Trnnion ,0.i0 0." 0.94 Cross City $17,000 Nicely wooded. : 1 4 Bell $2'.000 K'.:.sc.de i ne. u,, o.ie s i,c-' 1.25 ranndineSp, 1,29.9(a) l-Te. h, h': ll:llt" i 84 SuuOannee $300.1001) e, dtc oke .nil. '.. di ,ble I 85 Old To.n $5i9,1u00 Planted pines, paved road. 2 Chiefland $46,000 High & dry. Close to paved rd. 2.5 Bell $85,000 Well/septic/power, & plane.hanger. 4.14 Old Town $62,100 Indian Oaks Subdivision. 4.67 Old Town $250,000 Suwannee waterfront. 4.75 Trenton $85,000 Cleared and ready.. 4.77 T Bell $85,000Y Deed restricted Parrish Estates. 4.77 Bell $85,000 Deed restricted Parrish Estates. 4.86 Old Town $69,900 Grandaddy oaks. 4.96 Old Town $80,000, Price Reduced! Indian Oaks. Id dTown $67,500 Majestic oaks and other hardwoods. 5 Old Town $69,900 Great oak trees. 5 Bell $75,000 Perfect for built or mobile home. 5 Old.Town $75,000 Deed restricted homes only. 5" Old Town $75,000 Deed restricted homes only. 5 Bell $79,900 Paved road, surveyed, cleared.. 5 Trenton $85,000 Deed restricted homes only. 5 N Bell $85,000 Deed restricted Pacers Place. 5 Bell $85,000 Deed restricted Pacers Place. 5 Bell $85,000 Deed restricted Pacers Place. 5 Bell $85,000 Deed restricted Trotters Rest. 5 Bell $85,000 Deed restricted Trotters Rest. 5 Bell $85,000 Deed restricted Trotters Rest. 5 Bell $85,000 Flying Harness Farms. 5 Trenton $89,900 Deed restricted homes only. 5 Trenton $95,000 Beautiful with mature oaks. 5 Chiefland $125,000 Well/septic/power, shed & pole barn. 5 Newberry $140,000 Planted pines, Homesite or invest, New'Construction! 3/2 1,274 SF 0.22 AC 2 car garage, vaulted ceilings in The Trails. Call to view all the floor plans!! Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 I.n 'Trinirs l t ;5.I ' -IMIr-'iI I',,-,i ,.0, _1 j..-r,,:.l|,j 1 fr' er tl. i h -r. A l I .' I ' 1U "rrllhi,, i 1. .2"i '1'15 l e, l l, is"d -,l S-, c, le' -J -1h r.:c lioiand i- l 9r-.'..u' ii Tren, n I 1"'ii) DcL',j :it, Hc 3 h : .'fli?".: r',I , 10 Chiefland SI6n$19, 1. C7 lfland $199.U90 I-c, d r :iu ed h-rTe; lrd, 10.45 Trnsta i n $33.e,54 0 i Pi, u.i. rls ha% lri.', 11 3o Bell j15.'1"" 14ll d ii e ll: - 40I 1 Bel l $199,900 Sloe to p g :..T. r. 12.43.97 Tr.Bell $199,900.. ,5 Bell $480,000 142 Bell "199,900 Will divi Bl de. t ,". 2014. Bell $199,900 Close to spri406gs. 14.97 Bell.d $2199,900 15 Bell $66480,000 0 Trenton $385199,9000 Will39 Williston $975,000 420 Bell $199,900 Currently being used as aglu. 54.23 Chiefland $1,044,000 Sportsman's paradise. 1aks hay fields stocked pond$299,900 55.9f Williston $1,627,500 Hay fields, adj. 50 acres avail. 2164 Chielland $48660,000 Woodland and parestriteland. 7035.85 Trenton. $77385,000 Planted pines ready. Home or invest. 8039 WilChistoland $799,600 Borders Andrews Preserve. 40 Williston $1,800,000 Dividable. Pine oak & pastures. 98.17 61d Town $1,500,000 14YOGreat pines, hardwoods, 4 wells. 160 Trenton $51,700,000 Will divide into 10 40 or 80 acre 53.09 Bell $530,900 55 Trentong used as $850,000 57.37 Chiefland $1,72044,00 80 Bell $1,400,000 154 Bell $2,618,000 154 Bell $2,618,000 Pesv isit fsgma 0 co Proudly serving Gilchrist, Dixie, Levy, and Marion Counties. Exclusively Offered by Your GMAC Team, i P R E M\IE R SE RVIC E I r Connecting ,-i-ll i! r.---. A web site offered to our clients which serves as an interactive community forum for posting calendars, yard sales, recipes, & much more! Call for details andjoin in the fun! Smith & Associates, Inc. will commit to quality service in writing! It's an approach that's earned GMAC a remarkable 94% Customer Satisfaction Rating the best in the real estate industry. 10 SW 7th Street 605 N. Main Street 934 E. Wade Street 27888 US Hwy-19 Hwy-349 South Williston, FL 32696 Chiefland, FL 32626 Trenton, FL 32693 Old Town, FL 32680 Suwannee, FL 32692 352-529-0010 352-493-4200 352-463-7770 352-542-1111 352-542-1212 u Im J, 1, Z-,Jkjj POLITICAL Banners Yard Signs Magnetic Signs Imlfmmu= 752493 S399,000 752-513 S249.900 I Page SixteenI - TES Graduates Earn All A's Shown are ChelseaJoslin and Hunter Williams, students at Trenton Elementary School who received an award for maintaining all A's from 1s grade through 5th grade. A spark is a little thing, yet it may kindle the world. -Martin Farquhar Tupper Conservation is a state of harmony between men and lane. -Aldo Leopold FWC Approve Longer Season And Multiple Permits For Gator Hunters At its February 2006 meeting, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) approved changes to the statewide alligator harvest pro- gram to offer alligator hunters a longer season and a chance to buy multiple permits during this year's hunts. Since 1988, the FWC has offered these alligator hunts, which provide a thrilling, hands- on hunting adventure unlike any other hunting experience imaginable. Starting this year, the season will include 41 additional hunt- days and will run August 15th to No ember'1st. Hunters also will be able to purchase additional permits if available, but they can purchase only one permit per transaction. More than 4,000, alligator har- vest permits will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Sale of these permits begins 10:00 a.m. (EDT) June 15th. Applicants have their preference of applying at an\ county tax collector's office, license agent (retail outlet that. sells hunting and. fishing licenses), online. at MyFWC.com/license or by calling toll-free 1-888-HUNT FLORIDA (486-8356). To purchase a permit, ap- plicants must submit payment' for an alligator trapping license and two alligator-hide validation tags, or provide proof of a valid alligator trapping license (must be valid through November 1st) plus pay the fee for the two hide validation tags. No other hunting licenses or permits are required. The cost for a resident alliga- tor trapping license and hide validation tags is $272, and nonresidents pay $1,022. The cost for additional permits is $62 regardless of residency. An alligator trapping "agent" license is also available for $52: This allows the'license holder to assist a trapper in taking alliga- tors but only when in the pres- ence of the permitted trapper. To educate participants on the rules and regulations of the 'hunts, the FWC offers a no-cost, three-hour training and orienta- tion program throughout the' state., Alligator hunters are not required to attend. but first-time participants are strongly\ encour- aged to do so. Courses will be offered in July and August, and all permit holders w ill receive. by mail, packages listing exact dates and locations. of these training sessions. For more information on how to get involved in these exciting alligator hunts, visit MyFWC.com/gators and click on "Statewide Hunts." Gallagher Urges Residents To Take Advantage Of Tax Savings And Prepare For Hurricane Season Tom Gallagher, Florida's chief financial officer and state fire marshal, is urging Florid- ians to take advantage of the Hurricane Preparation Tax Free Holiday, going on now until June 1st, when the 2006 hur- ricane season begins. Gallagher also announced that the Depart- ment of Financial Services is offering a Hurricane Toolkit to help homeowners organize their financial information. so recovery can begin more quickly in the e':ent of a disaster, along with a checklist they can use to review their insurance coverage with their agent. "Another active hurricane sea- son is in the forecast and, while -we can't control the weather. we can control its' impact on our lives," said Gallagher. who as CFO oversees the Department of Financial Services and as state fire marshal oversees search and rescue operations when the Red Belly Day Belly Flop Winners Winners of the Jumbo Belly-flop category (226 & up) first place Mike Brigman of Cross City, second place Allan Weaver of Dixie, Georgia and third place Timothy Boyd of Orlando. AM ERICAN REVOLUTION K72K~> QS7I^/^ lWinners of the Large Belly-flop category (151-225) were first place Chad Bush, second place Brian Williamson and third place Lance Bechamn. Druininond Community Bank. donated a $100 saving bond to first place, a $75. savings bond to second place and a $50 savings bond to the third c place winner. '07s Are on the Way! All In Stock Units Must Go! S2005 Malibu 2006 Chevy Maxx LS al laE --m i Aveo LS 4 Dr. MSRP $22,380 SCOGGINS PRICE - 30 Hwy. 22 City ,$7,895* NHIVKUIhT, America's #1 Brand! America's #1 value! 2006 Chevy Monte Carlo B 31 Hwy. 21 City ,395* a.w 2006 Chevy Impala LT 31 21 Hwy. City PRICE~ 2 Winners of the medium category (75-150) first place Ariel Neiss. second place Kai\lee Ecker,t third place Haydon Land. Capital City Bank donated a $100 savings bond to the first place winner, a $75 savings bond to the second place winner and a $50 savings bond to the third place winner. Photo by Anna Wild. 2006 Silverado 150 22 Hwy. S1 City : 10 Reg. Cab W.T. SPECIAL PRICE - #1174 2006 Silverado 1500 Ext. Cab 20 Hwy. 16 City 1, 2006 Trailblazer LS 2WD 22 Hwy. 16 City SPECIAL PRICE - #1009 $ ALL THIS, PLUS NO HIDDEN FEES IN THE FINE PRINT ..., No Prep Charges, Handling Fees or Admin. Fees! '97 Ford Mustang ..................................... 0656,g995 '04 Dodge Neon SXT ...............................#58si*8,99S '04 Chevy Impala .................................... 933 9 ,9 9 S* '05 Chevy Impala .................................... 114A *12 49 '04 Dodge Neon ......................................... 614A B,9 95 * '02 Saturn L200 .......................................... 853P 9 S '03 Nissan Frontier Crew ..................... #936A*SS,995* '05 Chev 1500 Crew ...............................#979A 119,995* '01 Ford F-250 Supercab ........................ 968B 5,l995' '02 Chevy 1500 .........................................s# 9 ,9 9 5 '* '02 Chevy 2500 HD ............................ ... ot.#1011AN I S ' '04 Chevy Avalanche .............................1087A24,495* '03 Chevy 1500 Ext. Cab ....................... 807A ISWr, 2006 Colorado Crew Cab 24 Hwy- ; 19 City SPECIAL ' PRICE- #999 2005 Buick Terraza . 24 Hwy. #616 18 City MSRP $28,825 SCOGGINS PRICE dream up 24295* '01 Ford Ranger .......................................... ,ll7,5A gB g * '03 GMC Ext. Cab 4WD .......................s.... s19,995 '96 Chevy Corvette ................................ 947,t 14 ,99 * '03 Chevy Cavalier .............................. .... #1017B $T,995 * '01 ChryslerTown & Country Van ........... 852PA *l6 l* '03 Chevy Avalanche ........................... 12e8 $W22,995* '05 Chevy Cavalier 30K Miles ...................#16 7PF O881U '05 Pontiac Grand Am 28KMiles .................#1158P SI 695* '05 Chevy Malibu 30K Miles .........................166P* II, l* '05 Chevy 1500 Ext. 4x4 35K Miles ............ 1069 24,995* '06 Chevy Suburban 2K Miles .................... 1160op $ So ee * '06 Chevy Uplander 6K Miles ....................#1065A 20,995F '06 Chevy Trailblazer 4WD 12K Miles ......... #1165Pg' 3,99 '06 Chevy Trailblazer ilK Miles ..................#1162P $21,995* mo.i9i -ut-ner ervceand Sales --,TeDferneiaring Sales Dept. Open Mon.-Fri. 8 to 7; Sat. 9 to 4; Closed Sunday . Body Shop Open Mon.-Fri. 7:30 to 5 Service Dept. Open Mon.-Fri. 7:30 to 5 24 Hour Towing Call 493-7061 352-493-4263' *All prices include all GM rebates and subject to GMAC financing, plus tax, title and license fees. tBased on EPA estimates. 41424 North Young Blvd., Chiefland 30 Years Service to the Tri-County Communities Cron Ir L t o | M H I r? D w y T2 8 a 0 1 VO.Y A SHOMT DieI FRM AYHRM E IN THE nIRiCOUMTY AND sUmROunMDm MIAIR 0t1 1 I www.scogginschevybuick.com state's Emergency Operations Center is activated.. "It is vitally important to take personal responsibility now by stocking up on supplies and preparing your home, your fi- nances and your family." Galla-, gher said. "The more we prepare now, the quicker we will be able to respond and recover from any potential hurricane." The tax holiday is intended to provide an incentive for Florid- ians to stock up on items like. flashlights, batteries, generators and storm shutters, and is ex- pected to generate more than $41 million in tax savings. For more information on items in- cluded in the tax holiday, visit www.fldfs.com and click on "Hurricane Season 2006." Eight storms struck Florida in 2004 and 2005 and damaged an estimated one in five homes. To help lessen potential hurricane damage, the Legislature and governor earlier this month ap- proved $250 million for inspec- tions and matching grants to help Floridians enhance their homes so they can better withstand a storm. The department is cur- rently working to implement the program, and Gallagher said the program is expected to be in place by early fall. In addition to taking advan- tage of the tax holiday, Gallagh- er is urging homeowners to use the department's new Hurricane Toolkit to organize their finan- cial information. The toolkit will help jump-start the recovery process should disaster strike. "We've learned to take steps to minimize the physical dam- age storms can inflict; however, many of us may not think about being'financially prepared for a storm," Gallagher said. "This toolkit will provide the financial tools you and your family will need to recover from a disaster." The department has also cre- ated a checklist, available at www.fldfs.com. designed to help Floridians review their coverage with their agent and understand what their policy covers and what their potential out-of-pock- et costs could be. Gallagher said consumers should understand' whether they have "replacement cost" or actual cash value" for a covered loss and what their deductible would be under each potential peril. In. addition, homeowners should strongly consider adding flood insurance and law and ordinance cover- age to help pay for rebuilding an older home to meet current building codes. Gallagher said Floridians also should: Inventory. your household items, including receipts, pur- chase dates and serial numbers. -Photograph or video-tape your possessions. Keep copies of this information and your insurance policies in a safe place and keep the originals in a safe deposit box. Write down the name, address and claims-reporting telephone number of your insurance com- pany, which may differ from your agent's contact informa- tion. Keep this information in a safe place and make sure you have access to it if you are forced to evacuate your home. Designate a relative- or friend who lives outside of the area or the state as a family contact in the event of a disaster. This is a person your family should call if they get separated during a storm. Create a disaster survival kit. Each member of your family-- including pets--should have their own survival kit that includes water, food, extra medications, flashlight and batteries, photos of other family members, con- tact numbers, cash and/or credit cards and a change of clothes. For more tips or to down- load the Hurricane Tool-kit or. checklist, visit www.fldfs.com and click on "Hurricane Season 2006" or call the Department of Financial Services' consumer Services Helpline at 1-800-342- 2762. The Hurricane tool-kit: hutp: //www.fldfs.com/PressOffice/ pdfs/hurricanetoolkit.pdf ***. SPECIAL PRICE - #1195 54 Hwy. 24 City 1 ,495 GREAT SELECTION OF PRE-OWNED VEHICLES! - 0-0 THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 2006 - GHCH RIST COUNTY JOURNAL D--- Q;-+--- I F-72 |