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Serving GilchristCou ndiAreor over75 Years n Serving Gilchrist County and Surrounding Area for over 75 Years Phone ('35" 463-7135 Fax (352) 463-7393 5200 A .Year In Trn-Counl re3 iGiklhri.. Vol. 76 -No. 06 hone )46-75 )46-793 Trenton. Florida 32693 Thursday. May 25, 2006 Price 50 D,,ie. Le%) Counue.,.S4oo00OLhAreas gilchristjoumal @bellsouth.net Of Flond.. i 28 0:o., oi Osiie Hello Citizens of Gilchrist County: I am Lucy Swilley and I am.running for the position of School Board, District 1. I was born and raised in this county. It was here that I at- tended kindergarten through 12th grades. I am a lifetime member of Pine Grove Baptist Church and have successfully owned and operated a business in Trenton since 1981. Many of my family members and friends attend and work in. this school system. I truly be- lieve. Gilchrist County, Schools' are "the best." I will trive to keep and exceed these high stan- dards. I am up for the challenge of keeping present programming for I am a firm believer in voca- tional academics. I would also like to be a part of the future. as 1e kno%% science and social studies will be added to the FCAT. I would like to be a part of preparing our students for this task. It is what we have to do. I havetime and effort to de- vote to this endeavor. I am hon- est, dependable and trustworthy. I appreciate any consideration COrrection The Gilchrist County Journal published an article for D. Ray Harrigon, Jr. as he announced his intent to be a candidate for the Gilchrist County Commission in District 2. The Journal published in the . headline that Mr. Harrison was seeking the County Commission in District 1. He is seeking the District 2 position. The Editor regrets this error and problems it might have caused. you would gi-e me in this cam- paign. Thank you, .. Lucy Swilley Observance Of Memorial Day To Be Held May 29 The Gilchrist County Histori- cal Society will observe Memo- rial Day on May 29, 2006. The program Will take place' on the south side of the Gilchrist County Courthouse from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. After the program, the veterans and their families will enjoy a luncheon in the Trenton Community Center, Come, and share in the ap-, preciation we extend to those who have paid the price so that this nation may serve God and mankind. Our theme this year is "Reflections" and it will be our honor to reflect back on America's accomplishments. The Gilchrist County, Historical Society Hannah Hudson Chosen As Gilchrist County 2005-2006 High School All-Star By Governor Bush And Lt. Governor Jennings Lucy Swilley Announces Intent To Seek School Board In District 1 Position -: -.-,,._..- .. Bush. . Florida Students Honored For Academic Success. Service And Leadership The 2005-2006 governor's All-Star for Gilchrist County is Hannah Hudson. She is a ju- nior at Bell High School. The Gilchrist Count' Schools are proud of Hannah and want to congratulate her on this honor! She is an outstanding student both in her academic and per- sonal endeavors, and is sure to excel in what ever path her fu- ture leads her! We look forward to watching Hannah in years to come. Governor Jeb Bush and Lt. Goemrnor Tom Jennings recently honored the recipients of the 2005-2006 Governor's High School All-Star awards during a luncheon at the Governor's Mansion. The Governor and Lt. Governor were also joined b\ Education Commisioner John Winn and the Superintendent of Leon Counti Schools, Bill Montford. "'Each year. I am proud to recognize outstandthg students for their excellence in education and commitment to community ser\ ice," said Governor Bush. Wm. T. Carlton Masonic Lodge To Have Benefit BBQ For Rayanne Ferguson And Children Please mark you calendar. The Wm. T:. Carlton Masonic Lodge is having a benefit BBQ dinner for Rayanne Ferguson hnd children on Wednesday, May 31, 2006 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00p.m. This BBQ is to benefit the family of Sam Ferguson .wh lost his fight with cancer in April. The dinner %ill consist of BBQ chicken quarter, baked beans, coleslaw, dessert, and a drink. The cost will be $5 pei dinner. The dinner is being hosted by the Masonic Lodge. Contact Joe Gilliam at 463- 3170 for more information or stop by the Clerk of Court office. The \Vm. T. Carlton Lid., is, located at 125 NE 2nd Street in Trenton (behind Gilchrist Title). Hope to see you there! Bell And Trenton Graduations To Be Held Thursday And Friday The Graduation Ceremony for Bell Seniors will be held on Thursday, May 25 at 8:00 in the evening. The ceremony will be held on the Bell High School Football Field. The Trenton High School .Class of 2006 will he holding their graduation ceremony% on Friday, May 26 at 8:00 p.m. The event will take place at the football stadium. The public is inm ited to attend both of these graduations Ceremonies. Trenton Tigers Defeat Bronson Thursday Night In Spring Game The Trenton Tigers traveled to Bronson Thursday evening and defeated the Eagles 40-13. The Tiger's offense . produced an estimated 450-% ard of team offense, Coach Ed Janes reported. The defense also played well as they kept the Eagles out of the end zone until the closing minutes of the fourth period. This Spring Classic is the final exercise that the Tigers will do during the 2005-2006 school term. The Tigers will open their 2006 Football season August 18 as they participate in a Kickoff Classic. in Dixie County. The kickoff for this game has been set for 7:30 p.m. The Tigers will open their 'regular season in Bell August 25 as they play the Bulldogs at 7:30 p.m. Bell Hosts Branford In Spring Classic The Bell Bulldogs hosted the Branford Bucs Thursday night in the final spring exercise for the two teams. The Bulldogs played well but were defeated by Branford 20-12. Coach Harden explained that the. Bulldogs were able to accomplish a lot in this game and that was most important. The All-Stars program, now in its seventh year, honors one high school junior from each of the 7 school districts convened panel comprised of least one teacher, one administrator, one parent, one community member and two high school seniors. The panel used the following criteria to select the winners: Academic Performance-Earns at least a 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale; Behavior-Maintains good conduct both inside and.outside the classroom; Leadership-Par- ticipates in extra-curricular ac- tivities such as athletics, enrich- ment programs and school clubs; and CommunitN Service-Partici- pates in volunteer mentoring or ci.ic activities. I congratulate these hard- %working students fortheir dedi- cation to academic achievement and community involvement." said Lt. governor Jennings. "During the last seven years this program has recognized students for going above and beyond the call of dut., and the students selected this year are wonder- ful examples of the tremendous IConinued to Page T%%entl I Bell Elementary Cafeteria Manager Receives Award By Anna Wild: ' On Wednesda.May 17, 2006 Tommy Joe Shi'er & Leona Starr from M&B Products, Inc. visited the Bell Elementary' School cafeteria for a ver- spe- cial celebration. M&B Products provides the elementary school with milk, and juice products and held a nationwide contest for Cafeteria Manager of the Year. Their contest/promotion challenged cafeteria managers to decorate their lunchrooms w ith "Buft' the Sunshine Co'w" and, educate children on how impor- tant milk and dairy products are in their lives. Mrs. Betty Shep- herd, Cafeteria Manager at Bell Elementary School, went all out and had a wonderful dairy cow .and cheese set up in the lunch- room and also had educational sessions with classrooms to educate our children about milk products. Over 3,000 schools partici- pated in the nationwide compe- tition and Mrs. Betty Shepherd received this award for the sec- ond. consecutive year. After Ms. Betty was. presented with her award and a check for $500 for the school cafeteria the children who had placed in a "Buffy the Sunshine Cow" Contest had a milk-off't, th the help of M&B Products, Inc. The children (Continued to Page Twenty) Pictured is the Trenton High School Spring Football Team The 2006 Bell High School Spring Football Team "The recipients of this year's High, School All-Star awards exemplify leadership qualities Gilchrist County, Florida 2006Announced Candidates County Commissioner District 2 Mitchell Gentry, 4959 SW 80th Ave., Bell, FL 32619 352-463-7080 (D) D. Ray Harrison, Jr., 4599 SW 90th Court, Bell, FL 32619 352-463-2147 (D) Terry D. Parrish, P. 0. Box 82, Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-2248 (D) County Commissioner District 4 Tommy Langford, 6650 NE 55th St., High Springs, FL 32643 386-454-3022 (R) John Rance Thomas, 2000 NW 80th St., Bell, FL 32619 .386-935-0937 (D) School Board District 1 (Nonpartisan) Delight H. Curtis 7339 SE 69th Lane, Trenton, FL 32693 352-472-6012 Cloud E. Haley 621 NE 2nd Street, Trenton FL 32693 352-463-2917 Lucy Swilley 10360 SE 15th Avenue, Trenton FL 32693 352-463-7716 School Board District 3 (Nonpartisan) John D. Frazier 3539 SW 47th Ct., Bell, FL 32619 352-463-2652 Lacy A. Redd 9050 SW CR 344, Bell, FL 32619 352-463-6266 School Board District 5 (Nonpartisan) Michelle Carter P.O. Box 1463, Trenton FL 32693 352-463-2950 Ann Marie (Anni) Egan 4829 SE 25th Lane, Trenton, FL 32693 352-472-4986 Supervisor of Elections Karen Fults P.O. Box 256, Bell, FL 32619 352-463-7014.(R) Leigh Hartzog P.O. Box 1450, Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-0333 (D) Bill Martin 7699 SW CR-334-A, Trenton FL 32693 352-463-7439 (D) Connie Douglas Sanchez 7246 Cardinal Tr., Fanning Springs, Fl 32693 351-463-3044 (R) County Court Judge Group 1 (Nonpartisan) David Miller (Duke) Lang P.O. Box .51, Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-7800 Edward (Ed) Philman 5880 NW 57th Ct., Bell, FL 32619 386-935-2333 that will serve them well as they continue to accomplish great things." i .- GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL THURSDAY, MAY 25, 2006 rag a1- T Gilchrist County Journal USPS-218-620 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY" IN GILCHRIST COUNTY, 207 N. MAIN TRENTON, FLORIDA Less than 75% advertising We reserve the right to shorten articles, letters, etc. and delete any part or leave out in its entirety if we judge such to be offensive. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $20.00 A Year In Tri-County Area $24.00 All Other Areas In Florida $28 Out Of State JOHN MIN AYERS II EDITOR, PUBLISHER AND OWNER Cindy Jo and Carrie Ayers, GlenThigpen,. Mark Schuler, Judi Bishop, Kathy Hilliard & Chris Rogers . ASSISTANTS Entered as Periodicals at the Post.,Office at Trenton, Florida, under the act of March 3, 1879. POSTMASTER Please Send Address Change To: Gilchrist County Journal, 207 N. Main Street., Trenton, Florida 32693 The Life And Times Of Woodburn Tripp, Schofield Known as Schb to his wife Luana, friends in Arizona and the military, and Big Buddy, Woodburn or Woody to fam- ily'in north-central Florida, and Dadf or Grandpa to his children, grandchildren and great-grand- children, 'he was the patriarch leader of his large family. , Born in his, parent's i farm- house, a few miles betWveen Trenton, Florida and the Su- wannee River,. what is. now DeChamplain's Heaven's Gate Farm, on November 7, 1932, ,bhe was the second youngest of eight kids His father, Walter Chambliss Schofield, "as a .horse trader from Ha.kinsu ille, Georgia, who traveled the area buying and selling horses and mules, while his mother Wil- lie Mae Tripp,s originally from Cordelo, Georgia tended to the Sfarm with Woodburn's older brothers, sister and hired hands. Arriving in 1915. this early Schofield -family was consid- ered pioneers in the Suvannee fiaver farming- community. afWoodburn's dad traveled down from Georgia on a horse and wagon with 23 other horses and mules and a helper. He immedi- ately sold several of the horses and used the money to buy land and start his farm. .Woodburn always held a deep love and regard. for this beautiful country of large oaks, hanging moss' and farmland. : \As a young boy in the 1940s, after his family mo ed into town and while his brothers kere ser'- ing in the military in Europe, one of Woodbum's first jobs to help ,supplement 'the family income was labeling %watermelons ii train cars as they %were loaded at the Trenton train depot. He would also sell boiled peanuts ii town after school and delivered the Gilchrist County Journa newspaper. It was his first e\pe rience in sales and he exceeded in both with his hard %york ethic and communication skills. It high, school he was a talented basketball player and as a senio athlete he helped send his team to their first State championship playoff series. 'Last month he .returned, to Florida with his soq Woody to visit his relatives and meet with his fellow classmates from the Trenton High Schoo Class of 1950, some of whom he started school with in kindergar- ten. He always fondly recalled stories of his years growing up in Trenton and there were many summers when he would load up his family in the station wagon and drive cross, country to Tren- ton for their vacation. Upon high school graduation he had a friend applying for job with the Florida Departmen of Transportation and Roads anc Woodburn applied with him Date Hfigh Low Hi gh Low Thu 3.017ft. 1.315ft 3.685ft. -0.574 ft. May 25, 06 1:37 AM N7:17 AMNI 12:49 PM N8.12 PNI Fri 3.009 ft. 1.473 ft. 3.794 ft. -0.689 ft. May 26, 06 2:29 AM 7:57 AM 1:25 PM 8:56 PMf Sat 2.945ft. 1.596ft. 3.836ft. -0.661ft. May 27, 06 3:17 AM 8:36 AM 2:01 PM 9:38 PM Sun 2.840 ft. 1.681 ft. 3.815 ft. -0.526 ft. May 28, 06 4:02 AM 9:13 AM 2:38 PM 10:20 PM Mon 2.720 ft. 1.734ft. 3.740 ft. -0.324 ft. May 29, 06 4:44 AM 9:50 AM 3:16 PM 11:01 PM Tue 2.612 ft. 1.763 ft. 3.615 ft. -0.089 ft. May 30, 06 5:26 AM 10:28 AM 3:56 PM 11:41 PM Wed 2.535 ft. 1.775 ft. 3.439 ft. May 31, 06 6:07 AM 11:10 AM 4:39 PM New Moon: 5/27 1:27 AM I n d e n d d c n d r n p e I , s l Streetwise, By Lauren Rudd Just two short weeks ago the' Dow Jones industrial average was about 75 points away from its all-time high of 11.722. As I write this, the Dow has just closed at 11,205. It' is beginning to look as if the time to pay the piper :for higher energy and commodity prices. 'is close at hand. The Street is beginning,,to realize that under the current economic scenario, trying to keep the inflation genie bottled up is going to be a painful and difficult task at best. Especially Swhen you consider that $70 per barrel for crude oil is rapidly' becoming a baseline price, the national and trade deficits are skyrocketing along with commodity prices, while the dollar continues to fall against other currencies. So should we be stuffing gold coins under the mattress in light of a massive Wall Street meltdown and upcoming Apocalypse? The answer is no; absolutely not. First, the price of gold is ridiculously high. More importantly. Wall Street is not going to implode on itself, although it is likely to become more volatile as the Fed continues to raise interest rates. However, as grim as the economic picture might be, it should not prevent you from increasing your portfolio of common stocks. For example, you might want to consider a simple, easy to understand company that continues to make money day in and day out, pays regular dividends and more importantly runs .its business in such a. manner as to warrant investor landing a job, referring to it as. - "at the busy end of a shovel." J He proved himself quickly, was p made a manager of the road crew. and eventually moved to p the office where he was trained n to calculate the grading for the oad construction projects in the region. He was about to be n drafted during the Korean Con- a flict and decided he would be t. better off in the Air Force. so he d : oined the service in 1953. He i did his basic training at Lack-' land A.EB., San Antonio. and then went to Keesler A.F.B., 'Biloxi, for training in electron- ics; which at that time was con- sidered the "future," as he says. He was assigned to Ellington A.F.B.. Houston following his training and within a short time met the love of his life. Luana, at a NCO Club social function. It truly was love at first sight and even though Luana played hard to ge,t, she remembers she had already fallen for Woodburn's, green eyes and sandy bro wn hair. They were soon married within, three months in a. simple ceremony on the base. His first two sons, John and Woody, were born there and Woodburn had to start making extra money to support his growing family so he worked various :part-time jobs trust. On June 1, the company will pay out its 421st consecutive quarterly dividend. This is no biotech, hi-tech, bet your company on a hope and. a dream story stock. Furthermore, a cat might be more familiar with the company's showcase product than you are. The company is Church & Dwight, known for its famous Arm and Hammer trademark, and that showcase product...baking soda.. When I last, wrote about the company a -year ago, my FY 2005 earnings estimate was for $1.82 per share. The company earned $1.83 per share.: Back then the shares were trading at about $35." The current share price is about, $37. Although I had a price target of about $44. per share," the .company's multiple, or P/E ratio, dropped from 24.5 to its current level of 19.7. For its first quarter of FY 2006 ending March 31, the company reported earnings of 60 cents per share, as compared with 56 cents per share a year ago. So what does the future look like"? The company's intrinsic value is still excellent. Using a -discounted earnings approach. \Nith an earnings growth rate of 13.25 percent, trailing twelve month earnings of $125 million and a discount rate of I1I percent (.average return on the S&P500), yields a value of $54 per share. A more conseraanive approach that is based on free cash flo. 0to the firm. using the same earnings growth rate. fields an intrinsic value of $58. As a ou can see, both techniques are in close agreement. NMy earnings estimate for FY '2006 is $2.02 per share. With those earnings, the shares should be trading at about $40 in nine months for a 10.8 percent annual return. That number assumes the P/E remains constant. However. if Church & Dwight continues to perform, I believe Wall Street Swill award the company a higher P/E. You can write to financial columnist Lauren Rudd at 5 Gulf Manor Drive. Venice, Fl. 34285 or email at LVERudd@aol.com, Prior columns are available at RuddRepeoricom A' , including selling mutual funds. After his enlistment was up in 1956. 'he, returned home to Trenton on vacation and con-' sidered living there and work- ing, but jobs were scarce so he re-enlisted arid was stationed at Travis A.F.B., Fairfield, where his first daughter Deborah was born and then two years later another son; Rex. Part of his tour included flying status. which enabled him to travel to Japan, ,Guam, the Philippines and Hawaii, which was Luana's home. In 1960 he received or- ders for England where he was stationed at R,A.F. Wethersfield and the family lived in the small village of Coggeshall near Col- chester in Essex County. The large country manor house they -shared with another family was (Continued to Page Eleven) Lottery Numbers Wednesday : May 17 . Lotto Drawing:, ,2-4-8- 16-24-46 No winner of the $3 million. jackpot. , 5-Digit Winners: S 133 at $2,151 4-Digit Winners 5,337 at $43.50 3-Digit Winners: 84,985 at $3.50 Play 4 Drawing: 8-5-3-2 Cash 3 Drawing: 6-6-6 Saturday, May 20 Lotto Drawing: 15-20-23-30-34-41 Two winners of the $6 million jackpot. 5-Digit Winners: 61 at $6,521 4-Digit Winners: 4,146 at $78 3-Digit Winners: 87,829 at $5 Play 4 Drawing: 3-1-9-1 Cash 3 Drawing: 0-7-9 SO*O*K C.O.O.K.I.N.G By Cindy Jo Ay Southerners can claim kin to anybody. It's one of our most- dexterous talents." , Guy Davenport I have never mastered the art of making a good pie crust; I admit I'm just a little unsure of here to begin. I come from a long line of cake bakers.- .Southern cooks who made melt in \our mouth fresh coconut cakes. My family bakes pound cakes to die for, brown sugar pound cakes, and sour cream pound cakes. But frankly there were not many serious pie bakers. Seems to me that in this part of the South as least vwe favor cakes oer pies. Of course we all bake pecan pies. and most of us make really great lemon meringue or coconut pies, but very few of us make our crust from scratch. Mostly our mothers used frozen piecrust brands like Pet-Ritz filled to the brim with wonderful pecan pie filling and baked. The filling is so good that the crust becomes secondary. But I ha\e to tell 3ou I feel a little like a fraud ridingng a cooking column and not being the proud maker of a from scratch pie crust. So this w eek I'm striking out on a new adventure I plan to learn to make good pie crust. So m. research started with the one really good pie maker I know, Judi Bishop. Yes, that Judi canl. make one fine pie crust. Not only is she a fine pie crust maker she is a really wonderful person. Judi has been working at the Journal for the past several years. During that lime she has been an inspiration to everyone bere in one w'a) or another. She is just a sweet. kind, and considerate person. It's rno wonder she's a preacher's wife, I, think God made her., he perfect pastor's wife. I'%e been hanging around her for some .time now just hoping some of that good would rub off. AnNvay, 'sadly', she and her husband, .Pastor W' endell Bishop will be moving 'to Sanford where he is taking the position as Pastor of the First Baptist Church there. One thing is for sure, eier one at the Journal will surely miss our "Miss Judi." I would like to share a few of' the pie crust making tips I've found. The type floor oui use is important; use onlN pastrN flour or all-purpose flour. I also think its important to use either Pillsburyv' or Gold -Metal. Some of the really fine flours we use in the South, like White Lilly, may be wonderful for biscuits but theN're just a. little too light for pie crust. Lard or shorting produce a tender crust; You can use half-shorting -and half-butter if you want a buttery crust The pockets. of fat make the flakiness in the crust. Use a pastry blender or 2 knives to cut in fat. All liquids should be ice cold. Sugar in pastry dough sweetens and tenderizes it. Blend liquid just until the dough begins to hold together. O erworking toughens the dough. Chill the dough for 30 minutes to make it easier to roll. Setting the pie pan on a cookie sheet while baking also helps pre% ent a soggy crust. Hopefully in a few 'weeks I'll print a column about m) piecrust ad' venture. .ott/ e :e Gr (bN Judi Bishop) 2 cups All Purpose Flour .(Pillsbury'u or Gold Metal) , teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup Crisco (butter flavor) shortening 8 tablespoons ice water Mix together flour, sugar, and salt. Then add shortening, cut shortening into flour mixture with pastry blender or two knives. Once cut in well add ice water, mixing onl) until it starts to form a ball, until its just barely incorporated. O er working it at this point will make a tough crust. Just in case Nou are not sold on making crust from scratch the following coconut custard pie makes its own crust. You mix the flour right in and as the pie is baking it forms it's o"wn crust. Let me "arn you it's pretty rich. T, his is one of the recipes handed down to me by mN grandmother Idell Smith Beauchamp. Idell, aka Shannie was connected to the Hamplon Smith clan. Hampton %\as one of the 'early settlers in Le\ Count), f 'le/'s 6ocom it 1/2 stick butter, melted 1.3/4 cup sugar 2 cups milk 4 eggs. beaten 1/2 cup self-rising flour 1 teaspoon pure vanilla 1 7-ounce package of coconut Mix all ingredients well and, pour in glass pie plate and bake at 325 degrees for 35 minutes. Ooops, last week's recipe for Zucchini Bread needs to be corrected, the ingredients list should have included 3 beaten' eggs. . Wherever public spirit pre- vails, liberty is secure. .-Noah Webster From The Desk of the, Superintendent Type Your Question Here And Then Click Search Gilchrist Schools have a defi- nite emphasis on reading starting ,in Pre-K. The success our stu- dents are experiencing demon- strates that our focus on reading is working. However. Florida Education Commissioner John Winn warns that research indi- cates that children %who do not continue to read %while on vaca-: tion i risk losing any progress made during the school year. Commissioner Winn encour- ages Gilchrist families to share the gift .of reading during the summer break by. visiting the Just Read. Families! Website, for a list of recommended books. The website can be found at wvw w.justrreadfamilies, org, and pro- vides a reading list for elemen- tary. middle, and high school students. This reading list pro- %ides excellent suggestions to bolster a child's love of reading. Remember, read to your child 20 minutes every day! Along these same lines. ve are already beginning to plan for the second annual Superintendent's Gala, which will be held in October 2006. This is the event that last year raised over $11,000- for our reading programs in pre-k through third grade. This year the event will be held at Bell Elementar. School. Watch for more information later in the * year. ; FCAT scores will have ar- rived by the time you read this. Probably the most anxious group thpit as awaiting scores was our teachers. Take a few minutes and thank your child's teacher for being a dedicated professional %with your child's interest at heart. They put in long hours of hard work devising ways to help your child learn and be successful. Gilchrist Schools are blessed to have such committed teachers and staff. 'The Gilchrist-CouritN School- ..Boatd is "ill orkim. w ith Lak City Conmmunity College to establish a campus in our District. When this happens it %'ill be a great help to our graduates who %want to stay at home and earn a degree or: receive technical training. The Gilchrist County Educational Foundation present- ed o\er S50,000 of scholarships to seniors from Bell ,and Trenton .high schools this last week. If you are not a member of this organization, take.a few minutes and talk to someone who is. This; is an organization that helps our students attain their dreams. Did you know that in China there are nearly as many people learning 'English, as a second: language as there are people who speak English as a first language in the United States, Canada, and Great Britain combined? English is the language spoken (Continued to Page Eleven) The Faith Of Thomas (Kent Heaton) Labels are given because of-character flaws found in individuals. Thomas, an apostle of Jesus Christ, has been labeled "Doubting Thomas." Sadly, this brand imposed by men has left many with little knowledge of the true faith of Thomas. We are familiar with the story following Jesus' resurrection that Thomas did not believe the other apostles who saw Jesus alive (John'20:24-29). Overlooked in the life of Thomas is the struggles he had with his faith not long before the death of Jesus. John 11 tells the story when Jesus is told that Lazarus is sick and Mary and Martha have begged him to come heal their brother. Jesus tarries two days and when He tells His disciples they were returning to Judea, the disciples were concerned for His safety. "The disciples said to Him, 'Rabbi, the Jews were just now seeking to stone You, and are You going there again?'" (John 11:8). Jesus knew that Lazarus would die but that the power of God would be shown to all men through the resurrection of Lazarus (John 11:9-15). It was when Thomas heard the determined words of Jesus, "Nevertheless let us go unto him" (John 11:15) that Thomas' faith was first revealed - "Then said Thomas, which is called Didymus, unto his fellow disciples, Let us also go, that we may die with him" (John 11:16) The faith of Thomas was the encouraging voice of valor to die with the Lord if necessary.' These are bold words spoken in the calm of the moment. When Jesus declared to Peter that he would deny the Lord three times, Thomas raised his voice in faith saying he would not deny his Lord and he would be willing to die for the Lord (Mark 14:31). Thomas had great faith in Jesus Christ. His trust in Jesus was a confidence of reassurance to boldly defend the Lord at any cost. His faith, like the other disciples, paid a high price of denial when the mob came 'to arrest Jesus "Then all the disciples forsook him, and fled" (Matthew 26:56). The second passage of faith is found in John .14:5 when Thomas says to Jesus, "Lord, we do not know where You are going, how do we know the ; way?" Jesus had told them that He was going away and Thomas did not understand where Jesus could be going that they would not also go. The disciples had faced death in returning to Judea (John 11:16) but what could this mean? The Lord had been showing the disciples His forthcoming death and why He had come to the earth. They did not fully grasp what was about to happen. Thomas spoke up and declared his faith in the Lord by seeking to reassure the Lord they ' wanted to go with their Master wherever He went. His faith was in'the Lord. It must have been crushing to Thomas to watch his Lord arrested, scourged and crucified. His hopes were dashed, his dreams were torn apart and his faith tested. His life was turned upside down when Jesus died. How could this happen to Jesus? Why did God allow this to happen? Why had Thomas separated himself from the other apostles on that day Jesus first appeared (John 20:19-24)? When the apostles came to Thomas and told him that Jesus was alive, his faith lingered on the scene of the cross and he sought for proof. Jesus gave him that proof and announced, "Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed" (John 20:29). The faith of Thomas was whole again. He went on to serve the Lord in faith, never doubting again (John 21:1,2; Acts 1:13). May we have the faith of Thomas to rise from the ashes of doubt and trust in the work of God and to'be a vital part of His work today never doubting. Trenton Church of Christ 463-3793 502 Northeast 7th Street Trenton, Florida 32693 .Please Visit www.trentdnchurchofchrist.com Email kerux@bellsouth.net CK Contracting, Inc. Building Contractor Licensed & Insured Specializing in Spec & Custom Homes Serving the Tri-County Area Many home plans available: 3 or 4 Bedroom Ranging from 1,200 2,300 sq. ft. Personalized service for every home owner Give us a call, we 'll be happy to help you create a wonderful new home. 352-472-9888 Chad & Kellie White p- ^- -- --- --^ --- R __- ^__ _ 0,- s, _ 'u a ty,.- TM TmrnvmAV M ,AV' 'At-HC IT O TYJUNLPeTheI TJJ'~LE ~1.U~LA~ S ?006 Aubrey Brown is the Three Year Old Newberry Watermelon Queen. She is the daughter of Barrett 'and Vickui Brown. www.gilchristcounty.com The Chamber Corner The Gilchrist County Chamber of Commerce would like to thank The Gilchrist Board of County. * Commissioners and staff for a very successful Chamber Mixer- on May 8, 2006. Our next. Chamber Mixer will be hosted by Badcock's Home Furniture & More, on June 12th from 5:00 p.m.to 6:30 p.m., 'Bad- cock's is located at. 1820 E. Wade Street (SR 26) in Tren- ton. Forfurther information or if Nou are interested in sponsoring a Chamber Mixer please contact Maureen at the Chamber office Monday- Friday .at (352) 463- 3467. The Chamber is here too serve its members and to 'ad- vertise your local business. The chamber. is your .source 'of information. We ha-'e local guidebooks, maps of Gilchrist County and our surrounding areas, information on hunting,' camping, fishing, horseback rid- ing and much more. We have a great %website for you to visit at vw .gilchnstcounty.coim-, offer- ing a wealth of information on. our county. and a membership directory of our local businesses and members. If ou have an\ questions on becoming a mem- ber of the Chamber or need local' information please contact the 'Chamber office Monday-Friday' at (352) 463-3467 or e-mail us at: chamberi'-gilchristcounty.com.. We would like to thank all of our Chamber members for their; continued, support of the Gilchrist Countr Chamber of Coimnerce. The Gilchnrst Countr Charac-" ter trait of the month presented by the Character First Council is: Sincerity" Definition - "Eagerly doing %what is right' with transparent motives.". This is the place for you] I, SGilchrist County news!! Licensed and Insured Call for FREE Estimates cell 352-318-3610 home 386-935-2180 All Phases of Tree Work From trimming to complete removal and haul-off. Light land clearing, clearing of right-of-ways, and debris haul-offs. Bobcat service available. ers, have sample curriculum, a question and answer session, and refreshments. Bring the whole family! For more infor- mation, contact Traci Bryan at 352-463-8211. Call Us For Your Office Needs Ayers Office Supplies 463-7135 4 Pets Sake It's coming your way and it will be here June 18th. Yep, it's Poker for Pets! Presently there are 90 seats available and the entry fee is $50 if paid early or $60 at the door. Proceeds will be shared between Gaines- ville Rabbit Rescue and 4 Pets Sake, Inc. Anyone who wants to sign up can do so through www.pokerforpets.org using Pay' Pal. Check out the infor- mation, sign up early and show your. poker skills at the table. " The prizes are fabulous. "People food" for training treats is o.k. if you use good quality food; this will also keep your canine healthy. Do not give your dog pork products. Their systems don't tolerate. fatty foods well and excessive amounts can cause pahcreatitis. We all know chocolate is toxic to dogs, but the darker the choco- late the more toxic it is to them. Although the exact reason has not been determined, grapes and raisins can cause kidney damage and even death in some dogs.. Give your pet an extra hug to- da) and let them knov\ ou care, it doesn't take but a second. For more information contact us at, 386-935-0975 or S66-727- 2972 e-mail fourpetssake@'al Itelnet. Until next time be happy just for the love of them.. Renee Emenecker Gilchrist County Building Department Will Be Closed Nlay 26 For Training The Gilchrist Count. Build- ing Department %ill be closed on FridaN. May 26th for train- Aing The\ apologize for an\ incon ience. Bluegrass Pickin' At Trenton Train Depot May 27 On May 27th at 7:00 p.m., the Suwannee Valley Bluegrass Pickin' w ill be held at the Tren- ton Train Depot. So bring your bluegrass band or come and hear some of the, best bluegrass in North Florida. Bring your lawn chair and enjo\ great bluegrass music 'from 7:00 p.m. until'? /"Doh't forget to bring your in- struments as there will be plenty of room to sit around and jam. Come on out and enjoy a great night of good ol' time fun. Have any questions? If so please call Cloud at 352-284-0668. See ya there!. Tri-County Bank To Be Closed For Memorial Day May 29 Tri-County Bank d,b'a Ameris will be closed Monday, May 29, 2006 for Memorial Day. The bank will re-open for business as usual on Tuesday, May 30, 2006. Have a safe' holiday! County Offices To Be Closed For Memorial Day The Gilchrist County Court- house and all county offices will be closed Monday, May 29, 2006 in observance of Memorial' Day. 2nd Annual Tri-County Home School Orientation To Be Held June 3 The second annual Tri-County Home School Orientation, pre- sented by G.L.A.D. Christian Homeschool Support Network (Gilchrist, Levy, and Dixie Counties) will be held Saturday, June 3, 2006 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Community Center in Trenton. The build- ing is located one block east and three blocks south of the traffic light in Trenton. If you are home schooling or are interested in learning more about it, you should not miss this once a year opportunity! We will present guest speak- American Legion iiaf[Available Meetings -Parties Weddings & Receptions 352-463-1501 Two Bell Graduates Complete Degrees At Liberty University Library Offers A Feast Of Stories At "The Kaleidoscope Story Caf6" Tasty tales will be on stage when the Kaleidoscope Story- tellers perform at the Gilchrist County Public Library on Thursday June 8, 2006 at 10:00 a.m. The Kaleidoscope Storytell- ers are Terry Deer and Suzie Shaeffer, story dramatists from the Daytona Beach area who . tour Florida each summer using puppets, poetry, creative dramat- ics, tandem. storytelling, and audience participation to delight and involve their listeners. This- summer they are wearing "story chef' aprons and hats-perfect attire for serving up a pot full of fun, action-packed stories in a production they call "The Kalei- doscope Story Cafe." Former children's librarians,, Deer and Shaeffer specifically design their lively summer per- formances to support the Florida Library Youth Program's goal of encouraging children to become lifelong readers and library users."\Ve were delighted when w\e heard that the state-%wide theme for 2006 would be Book Feast." says Shaeffer. "because so many of the folk tales we love are about food and feasting we felt a cafe would be a fun setting for introducing these stories to children." A distinctive feature of every' Kaleidoscope show is the in-' clusion of audience members. whose contribution's may even determine how a storN turns out. "We tr. to involve the children ever) way )we can," says Deer. "'The\ sing. chant, provide sound effects, become some of the characters in our stories, and interact %with our puppet partners. This summer, audience volunteers w ill even help choose hat tale is next on the Cafe's menu by dipping into our pot of, stories." Laughter, songs. puppet pan- demonium, and tasty tales-r they'll all be served up at The Kaleidoscope Story Cafe! For more information, contact Cassie Selleck at 386-294-3858 or 800-729-0529. Two Bell High School gradu- ates recently, graduated from. Liberty Utiiversity in Lynch- burg. Virginia. . Jonathan Rodriguez, the son of Dr. Ralph andi Donna Rodriguez, graduated on May 13, 2006 from Liberty ITniver- sity. Jonathan graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Religion through, the Liberty University Distance Learning Program. He is a 1999 graduate of Bell High School and is married to the for- mer Shannon Spears. the daugh- ter of Duane and Teresa Spears of Trenton. Jonathan works with the youth at Bethel Baptist . Church in Trenton. " Michael Graham. lthe son of- Rob and Paula Heck of High' Springs and Nlike Grahamm of Columbia. South Carolina graduated from Liberty ULiner- sity on Mal 13. 2006 %with a Bachelor of Science degree in AARP Safe Driving Class To Be Held June 8 & 9 An AARP Driver Safety Class will be held on June 8th and 9th starting at 9:00 a.m. at the Capi- tal CitN Bank located at 2012 N. Young Blid. in Chiefland. To register call Jean da Costa at 13521 493-7597 There is a $10 fee per person. The classes are for senior drivers age 50 and over and a certificate to prove participation in the class is is-. sued on the second day of class. This should entitle them to a multi-Near auto insurance premi- um discount. Check with sour insurance carrier for an estimate of the discount available. There is limited seating avail- able so please call as soon as possible. Leave a message if necessary) and your call %will be returned. In Chiefland call 352- 493-7597. Quilters Of Alachua / County Day Guild To Meet June 1 The Quilters of. Alachua. County Da\ Guild ik planning to meet on Thursda:'. ?June 1, at Westminster Presbuterian Church. 1521 N\V 34th Street in Gaines% ille. Social Uime is at 9:30a.m. and the meeting begins at 10:00 a.m. The program this month will consist of %worksta- tions where different quilting skills will be demonstrated. All .visitors aretwelcome.. For more information call 373-2039. Pole Barns Crane Service Truss Setting 1 8-inAuger (352) 543-6643 P. 0. Box 218 Otter Creek, Florida 32683, Lic. No. RB0031694 DURON WILLIAMSON'S TREE SERVICE Wm T. Carlton Masonic Lodge Benefit BBQ for "Rayanne Ferguson & Children" May 31, 2006 11am- pm This BBQ is to benefit the family of Sam Ferguson ", ; who lost his fight with cancer in April. The Dinner will consist of: BBQ Chicken Baked Beans \ Coleslaw -. Drink The Cost will be: $5.00 per dinner Contact Person: Joe Gilliam 463-3170 Wm T. Carlton Lodge 125 N.E. 2nd Street Trenton, Florida 32693 (Behind Gilchrist Title) Akins Heating & AC, Inc. 5120 N.W. 5th Street Bell, Florida 32619 352-463-2380' Servicing All Makes & Models * Specializing in High Efficiency Units * Indoor Air Quality Products * Call us today to ask about an additional power company rebate of up to $350. License#CAC 1813540 AI^..tLENNO. I rl u 1-"-3.U A 1, ivi-A I /- J, z v v u %.ill-kI.LJLx%-LLJ X Shown from left is Michael Graham; Chancelor and Founder -of Liberty Universih/ Dr. Jerry Falwell; and Jonathan Religion \,ith an emphasis on Judi Bishop of Trenton. Michael Biblical Studies. He is a 2002 is continuing his studies at Lib- !graduate of Bell High School erty Theological Seminary with, and is married to the former Lisa the intent to attain a Master's of Bishop, daughter of Wendell and Divinity degree. I 4 Suwannee Valley Precast, Co. r Owner Gerald Roberts Bell Chiefland l 463-2504 Fax: 463-0390 493-4055 S New Septic TanksInstalled Drain Fields Repaired Septic Pump-OitisSeptic Tanks Certified Portable Toilets Backhoe Work Fill Dirt SState Certified * _19th Annual "Gold Hook Award" Kids Fishing Tournament Sponsored by Suwannee River Shrine Club Proceeds are for the benefit of Shriners Hospitals for Children. Saturday, June 3, 2006 6 am-412 pm Hart Springs Boat Ramp/CR-344, Trenton Entry Fee: $25 donation per boat (1 aduft, 1 child per boat) Age Group: 5 16 years .Trophies awarded in severalcategories ;, Free drawing for trolling motor w/every entry (Donated by Wal-Mart, Chiefland) Y For more information contact: Bobby Heath 352-542-9284 GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Page Three Drag ro1 urTT T NT CITNT HRDYMY2,20 Tamara Carnley and Nathan McArdle Rick and Terry Carnley of Bell are pleased to announce the upcoming wedding of their daughter, Tamara Camley, to Nathan McArdle of Trenton. Nathan is the son of Karen. Hunt-Starling and the grandson of Eugene and Charlene Hiint The wedding will take place at .Priscilla Baptist Church at two o'clock in the afternoon on Saturday, June 17, 2006. All friends and family are invited to attend. No invitations are being sent out. Need A Sign? Call Woodland Craft Signs Ae -163-7135 Trenton Church of God Welcomes you to come worship with us Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Praise & Worship 11:00 a.m. Evening Praise & Worship 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study 7.001 p.in. Phone 463-6543 www.geocities.com/churchofgodjtrenton_fla . PINE GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH t f 16655 N. W. CR-339 Trenton, Florida 32693 352-463-2151 www.pgbcfl.com Bro. Greg Douglas, Pastor Bro. Rickey Whitley, Minister of Students Charles Brock, Music Director Sunday School/Bible Study..................... 9:15 AM Morning Worship Service......................10:30 AM Children's Church.......................... 10:30 AM Evening Worship Service......................... 6:00 PM Wednesday Night Services: Prayer Meeting, AWANA & Youth Worship....... ............7:00 PM ~ Nursery Provided for All Services ~ "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:" 2 Timothy 3:16 Pew ope jfamilp Curtd) 4470 N.W. County Road 236 Bell, Florida 32619 ~ 1 Mile West of US-129 - Service Times Pastor: n A 1Rev. Lynn Wagner 10:00 am Sunday School 11:00 am Sunday Morning Worship Office: 6:30 pm Wednesday Bible Study 386-935-4219 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...And the Word was made flesh, and.dwelt among us... John 1.: 14 Socials Happy Birthday wishes to Michelle Watson, Nathan Smith, Don Dasher, and John York on May 25th; to John Gidley on May 26th; to David Ray and Patricia Ann Carlisle on May 27th; to Siegfried Gast, Dale Blankenship, and Joseph Hart on May 28th; to James Wiggins, Quay Owens, Martha Mauldin, Gene Wiggins, and Poley Home on May 29th; to Heather Gun- nells and James Wilson on May 30th; and to Mary Davis, Chris- tina Weaver, Leslie Coyer, Tim Latner, Jim Scruggs, and Regg Castor on May 31st. Happy Anniversary wishes to Willie and Carol Coates on May 31st. Marriage Applications Filed In Gilchrist County James Samuel Boyles, date of birth, 9/24/84, and Melissa El- len Price, date of birth. 9/13/84,' both' of Boulder, Colorado.. ' Nigel Mathew Millican, date of birth, 1/21/83, of Cross City, Florida and Jennifer Nicole Pul- liam, date of birth. 9/11/82, of Chiefland., Florida. Bruce Charles Jackson, date of birth, 11115159 and Linda Scheid, date of birth, 1/14/50, both of Trenton, Florida. Craig Allan Giles,. date of birth 10/4/80 and Marrian Marie Fowler. date of birth. 6/17/81, both of Alachua, Florida. Jeremy Hamilton Teague. date of birth 2/5/76 and Rachel Vanessa Brecken, date of birth, 8/2/82, both of 'Branford, Florida. Brian Lamar Antis, date of birth, 9/18/84 and Jenni- fer Thompson, date of, birth, 12/25/80, both of Chieflarid, Florida. Paul Edward Tape, Jr., date of birth, 6/26/67 and Kelly Shawn Collins, date of birth, 5/27/78, both of Old'Tov n. Florida. Dustin Kyle Touchion. date of birth, 12/17/78 and Nicole Lee Hall, date of birth, 10/8/80, both, of Trenton, Florida. Marriages Filed In Gilchrist County - Norman Edward Suisse, date of birth, 10/22/70 opf S High Springs, Florida and JessicaLynnHurley, date ofbirth,. 7/9/82, of Gainesville, Florida, were married on April 9,"2006 in Gainesville 'by Kathy Clark, notary. Mark William Czaban, date of birth, 6/30/62, and Julia Nichole Laraby, date of birth, 9/10/78 both of Bell, Florida, were mar- ried on April 29, 2006 in Bell. Seth Ward Maurer, date of birth, 8/13/86 and Meagan Ni- cole Baker, date of birth, 5/9/85, both of Trenton, Florida, were married on May 6, 2006 in New- berry,, Florida by Kent Heaton, minister. Don Nikole Zarza, date of birth, 8/12/72, and Jennifer Lyne Anderson, date of birth, 4/24/85, both of Ft. White, Florida were married May 13, 2006, in High Springs, Florida by Rev. Richard Lewis. Edward George Brown, Jr. date of birth, 12/16/78, and Bonnie Jean Giles, date of birth, 7/27/78, both of Trenton, Florida were married May 13, 2006, at the Gilchrist County Woman's Club, by Rev. Emmett A. Bright. ' Erik Clayton Hicks, 'date of birth, 11/15/70, and Tracy Leigh Brookins, date of birth, 7/30/72, both of Newberry, Florida .were married May 13, 2006, at Jonesville'Baptist Church in Newberry, Florida by Rev.' Corey J. Cheramie. Hiatt Kenyan Hagan, date of birth, 5/18/76 and Noelle Amy SSullivan, date of birth, 12/16/75, both of Trenton, Florida were married May 13, 2006 in Crystal River, Florida, by Rita C. Birch, notary. Donald Glenn Gindlesperger, date of birth, 6/23/77, and Lisa Elaine Murphy, date of birth, 7/19/74, both of Bell, Florida, were married May 15, 2006 in Archer by Sharon W. Gilkison, notary. A Card Of Thanks After losing our home and all of our belongings to a fire we would like to thank all of our family and friends for their kind- ness and support. We could not have gotten this far rebuilding without all of you. Also thank you to all of the volunteer firefighters and the Trenton Fire Chief, Alex Hudson, who not only showed professionalism, but compassion as well. Brian and Jamie Barnes Joppa Baptist WMU To Have Yard Sale To Benefit Operation Christmas Child May 26 & 27 Joppa Baptist Church WMU is having a yard sale this Friday and Saturday May 26th and 27th from 8:00 a.m. -to 12:00 p.m. each day.. Proceeds will be used to mail our annual Operation Christmas Child shoe box gifts to: under- privileged children in different countries Nwhere there is a need. The church members fill the boxes ith personal items such as shampoo, soap. etc.. also school paper and pencils. Joppa Church is in Fanning Springs at 7530 165th Street. Christian Fellowship Community Church To Have First Service In New Sanctuary June 4 Christian Felloship Coin- inunitt Church wouldd like to in' ite you to come and celebrate with us -what Jesus is doing here in Gilchrist County We \will be having our first service in our new sanctuary, on June 4th. Ser- Sices start at 10:30 in. and % ill continue throughout the da\. Programs for the da\ include our regular Sunda. Sern ice with Pastor RandN Peters. a covered' dish dinner, a dedication service w ith Dr. Dan Tipton General Superintendent, and Rev. Don Spurgeon ,-. District Superin- tendent. a baptism serI ice, and Lela Roberts And JBH Gay Family' Reunion To Be Held May.27 The reunion of the Lela Rob- erts and JBH Gay famiilie, v.ill be held at Manitee Springs State Park in Chiefland on Saturday, May 27, 2006. All family and friends are invited to come and join us for good food and fellow- ship. We will eat around 12:30 or 1:00 p.m. Try to arrive early, before the park's parking lot fills up. Everybody. bring your favorite covered dish. Annual Jenkins Reunion To Be Held June 3 . The annual Dan and Effie Jenkins reunion will be held Sat- urday, June 3, 2006 at the Hart Springs pavilion. All relatives *and friends are invited to share a picnic lunch to be spread at the noon hour. Slaughter And Martin Families To Have Reunion June 10 The Slaughter and Martin families will have a reunion on Saturday, June 10th beginning at 11:00 a.m. The reunion will be held at Hart Springs, table #8. Please bring a covered dish. If you have any questions you may call 352-332-4762, or cell phone 352-538-1263, or e-mail elgay@gator.net. Spread the word to all your family. In case of bad weather we will meet at Ms. Annie's Place, 7430 SW 20th Street in Sunsprings. Greenbery Jones Family Reunion June 17th At Hart Springs The families of Greenbery Jones will hold their family reunion celebration on Saturday, June 17th at Hart Springs. All family members and friends are invited to come to the Hart Springs Pavilion A and enjoy a picnic basket lunch at 12:00 noon. special music provided by sev- eral groups. Other special music will be brought in throughout the day from our own local band of talented musicians. The church is located at 1879 South U.S. Hwy 129'just South of the Gilchrist County Schools Transportation Department. Bring your favorite dish and come and join us in praising our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and help us to thank Him for all that He has done. For information call (352) 463-6012 or (352) 262-5465. Suwannee River Valley Christian Academy To Have One Step Ahead Summer Program The Suwannee River Valley Christian .Academv is having a One Step Ahead Summer Program. The 1/2 day program runs Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.. This is an opportunity for families "iith pre-school children to give them a head start advantage by pro\ iding a foundation of familN \alues: a sense of good charac- ter and socialization skills, an en\ ironment of creativity ; anid positie self esteem. The maximum enrollment is 16 students per \%eek and to ensure placement for yourchild call 352-463-1569.: There is a' fee for \ eeki\ enrollment and an. after program is also available from 12:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The program will run in weekly segments from June 12th to July 28th.. For more information please call 463-1569. Bass And Stringer Families To Have Reunion July 29 The annual Bass/Stringer reunion will be held Saturday, July 29, 2006. Anyone wishing to, share Bass/Stringer information for' the family history\ book and wall chart or copies of, -an\ family\ related photos or further reunion' information. please contact Cher -, at 386-935-0559. If you have any questions, please call Cher at 386-935- 0559 or 386-462-2802 ext. 086 Monday through Friday. THS Class Of 1981 Planning 25 Year' Class Reunion - Several members of the THS Class of 1981 are discussing a 25-year reunion. Before plans are made and finalized, we would like to see how many graduates are interested in attending and their preference as to holding it in the summer-or fall. Class members are asked to call Dale Bryant Anderson at 352-463-8466 prior to June 5, 2006 and. leave a message if you are interested in having a reunion. THS Class Of 1986 Planning Reunion The THS Class of 1986 is currently planning an upcom- ing 20-year reunion for the fall. Additional information will be posted on classmates.com. If you or someone you know graduated from Trenton in 1986, please submit a current address to' Amy at 454-7421, acspencer(,alltel.net; Jennifer at 462-5848, jlufteach(,alltel.net; or Jess at 472-3059, jrswl0276(yahoo.com. Energy Assistance Funds Available Suwannee River Econonriic Council, Inc. announces the availability of funds from the Department of Community Af- fairs for home energy assistance and crisis energy assistance through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program t (LIHEAP). The program assists eligible households in paying fort home heating and cooling costs. Clients must meet income guide- lines and provide proof of in- come and an energy obligation. Applications are available at the Outreach Center, located at 101 NE 1st Street in Trenton. Call 352-463-2940 to make appoint- ments or for more information. I 352-463-7135-Phone We Carry Office Supplies 352-463-7393-~Fax S(M1dri1it Q(ountg y hmrnz I gilchristjournal@bellsouth.net 207 N. Main - De'nett. Hodge' and Jason Johin.oii, Denett Hodge. of Bell, the. daughter of Wesley and Katie Hodge is engaged to Jason John- "son of Trenton, the son of Carl and Mar) Ann Johnson. Denett is a 1995 graduate of Bell High School and is current- ly employed by the Orthopedic Center in Gainesville. Jason is a 1993 graduate of Trenton High School and is cur- rehntl employed by the Gildhrist County School Board. The couple plans tp marry on June 10. 2006 at Anastasia State Park WWe \Welcome You To Mt. Nebo Baptist Church (SBC) 4200 N.W. CR-340,-Bell, FL 32619 (3 miles Noith of Bell on Hwy-340 West) SUunday School. 9:45 am : Morning Worship .. 11 am Evening Worship p. ........ 6pm WN'ed nesdav Evenirg Services; .Adult Bibk Study, Children,. & Youth ... 7 pm S Pastor: Rev. Jimmy Corbin Minister of Youth: MattlHoltsclaw Church Phone: 386-935-3575 "Committed to Reaching People for Christ" YOU ARE WELCOME AT PRISCILLA BAPTIST CHURCH 5509 S.W. County Road 232. Bell. Florida (Bemeen Bell & Trenton 2.5 miles West of SR 129) t Sunday School........................10:00 AM Morning Worship...............:.......11:00AM T Evening Worship.:........................ 6:00 PM Wednesday Night Prayer/Youth...7:30 PM j Be a part of an e'.ciiing time of Worship and Bible Study. Web: www.ForMi nistry.com/USFLSOBCOPBC1 WClcomes You! "Embracing the Past and Reaching Toward the Future." Comer of NE Second St. and Highway 26 in Trenton (Nursery provided for all services) Sunday School 9:45 AM (classes for all ages) Sunday Morning, Worship & Children's Church 11 AM Sunday Night Bible Study 6 PM Wednesday Nights: Awana 6:20 PM Youth Bible Study, Praise & Worship 6:30 PM' Adult Bible Study & Prayer 7 PM DYHNlAMIC MINISTRIES FOR ALL AGES! Call 463-2038for more information or www.fbctrentonfl.org Kid's World Pre-School Learning Center, Inc. A private school for your child's early learning years. NAEYC Accredited Pre-K School Readiness Program *Voluntary Pm-Kindergarten CDA Certified Teachers g USDA Food Program SHighscope Curriculum SCPR/First Aid Certified Ages 2-12 Stop by for a tour of our facility. 352-463-3555 Corner of Hwy. 129 & S.R. 47, Trenton |Across from Trenton High School) CHURCH NEWS I Trenton United Methodist Church 9:30 am Sunday School 11:00 am Morning Worship Service 6:00 pm Wednesday Bible Study Nursery provided 9-12 SundaY Morning 203 N.E. Second Street, Trenton ,, Office: 463-2877 Rev. H.D. "Hank" Cribb, S WE WELCOME YOU TO UNION BAPTIST CHURCH (SBio 6259 $.E. 75TH AVENUE NEWBERRY, FL 32669 SUNDAY $CHOOL .................................. 9:45 AM MORNING WORSHIP' ................................. 11 AM EVENING WORSHIP .................................... 6 PM WEDNESDAY EVENING SERVICES: ADULT BIBLE STUDY, CHILDREN, & YOUTH-... 7 PM. PASTOR: TRAVI MOODY MINISTER OF YOUTH: ROBBIE BEACH CHURCH PHONE: 386-472-3845 "WIN THE LOST AND TEACH THE SAVED TO SERVE" .1 Owners/Directors Amy Wesley Woods Holly Wesley Bussard THURSDAY, MAY 25,'2006 - 0,TT.Cl4R TST COT TNTY JOURNAL pnt/a T^/^nll I 1 Lioense #C03GIO006 TMTR RTTP AV 'ATAV25- 2006 .ALJLAL L ~S GIT CHRIST CO INTY JOURNAL Page Five ';: COTA, ,preparing for an exercise Call Us For You.r Office Needs Ayers Office Supplies 463-7135 DITCHES & FIELDS TOM WILKIE 352-463-2584 352-538-4460 DISASTER/STORM RECOVERY LAND CLEARING & SITE PREP TREE & BRUSH REMOVAL . BACKHOE & BUSH HOG BOX BLADE Insured r Forever Flowers & Gifts 352-463-9176 or Toll Free 1-866-261- '986 Pt www.foreverflowerstrenitot. coni "Ibur Full Service Florist" "21 East Wade Sireei Trenton Florida 32693 * Fresh & Silk A.4rrangements Funerals Ifeddings Rentals Plants Prayer Bo.x Bracelets Alommv & AMe Bracelets AlaggiB. Purses Texas Leather Purses & Men flaleis Babv Camon Large Selection or Picture Frames Hours. FI'F Bj M-F 9am 5pm Sat 9am .!2pm Laura Teague Charlone Pedersen Owners Teleflora Shown is Jack McGhee, session in the gym. Kevin Sheppard at the Police Department (352) 528-49910. Anyone interested in participating in the parade or any questions in general, contact Crystal W. Curl at City Hall (352-528-3060). N*eedtosed fx (M 6-j9. A Occupational Therapy Appreciated By Tri-County Nursing'Home During the month of April, staff and residents at Tri-County Nursing Home took time to show their appreciation for the occupational therapists. Tri- County's therapy department. is under the direction of Maria Langford. Rehab care provides - the nursing home with physical therapy,:occupational and speech therapies.- It is a full service de- partment that provides serx ices- not only to residents within the' facility, but also on an outpatient .basis io the community\. If you need more information you may call Maria Langford at 463-2899. Saltwater Fishing Tournament To Benefit March Of Dimes June 10 In Cedar Key The employees of GRU and the City of Gaines. ille's general government are organizing the 6th spring-time Healthh Babies Trout and Redfish Saltwater Fishing Tournament Saturday. June 10 in Cedar Key. The tournament benefits the March of Dimes in its fight to present birth defects and also to prevent premature births and infant mortality. The tournament, open to e%- eryone, % ill be held at the Cedar Key Public Boat Ramp starting at safe light and ending at 3:30 p m. Participants can pre-regis- ter by mail or at the boat ramp the morning of the tournament. The entry fee is S90.00 per boat, limit three persons per boat. Any person under the age of IS must fish with a consenting adult. Over 20 local businesses are participating as sponsors of this year's tournament. For more information, contact Eric Chapman at 352-334-3400- Ext. 1082. or email him at chapmaneiiri -ru.conm. The March of Dimes is a na- tional %oluntary health agency whose mission is to improve the health of babies by prevent- ing birth defects. prematurity and infant mortality. Founded in 1938, the March of Dimes fun ""' research, education. advocacy and community ser- vices programs to sa e babies. For more information. visit the March of Dimes Web site at ~ \\.inmarchiofdimies comn, its Spanish Web site at n nacer-sano org. Williston Independence Day Celebration To Be Held July 3 The City of Williston and the Williston Area Chamber of; Commerce are making big plans for the 2006 Independence. Day, Celebration This \ear's event will be held on Monday, July '3, 2006. The festti sites % ill start with the annual parade, which will begin at 4:30 p.m. The line-up will be, behind the Williston High School one hour before start time. The theme this year is "Stars, Stripes And Community Pride." . The gates at the Williston Horseman's Park will open at. 6:00 p.m.. A $2 donation for parking will be accepted. Children's rides will begin at 7:00 p.m. Vendor booths with novelties and lots of good food, will line the park. The opening ceremony will start at 7:00 p.m. with musical entertainment provided by an assortment of local talent and will end the evening with a spectacular fireworks display. Please remember to bring lawn chairs or blankets. No coolers or pets will be allowed through the gates. Anyone interested in having a booth to sell or display items, contact Mary Kline at the Chamber of Commerce (352- 528-5552). Anyone interested in volunteering for traffic control at the Parade, contact Officer the process required to make this quilt. Ms. Alice has %%on several first place ribbons on her quilt and is very qualified to demon-. strate and teach the "Baltimore Album." The "Baltimore Album" quilt is made up of 16 to 20 different applique blocks in ,ery bright and vibrant colors of -flower/ fruit/leaves all appliqued onto a foundation piece of contrasting fabric. There %were ten members present for the presentation and %were ver. eager to begin their Baltimore quilt after the pre- sentation b\ Ms. Alice. Thanks to Ms. Alice for the \wonderful presentation which \\as enjoyed b\ the Nite Owls and a couple of the day group members. -5g- S (352)463-7135 ;..,- -.:" .^ .' .' I REGISTER SNOW, I ,- ,,- -- ,., 1. .._. FOR 4 FALL 2006 CLASSES ,LA. E CITY COMMUNliY COLtLIE For more information call (386) 752-1822 wwwlakecitycc.edu Am Eqnia Accw/Equv OpponhiIniKr toin so busy quilting and starting new projects until %we ha'e missed the passing of the first half of the year. Bus\ quilters are happy and active ladies who find time to quilt even when other things must be postponed. Visitors are welcome at the regular monthly business meeting. If you need information about Springhouse Quilters, please contact Anna Gilliam. 463- 7922 or Lois Scott, 463-2207 or an\ Springhouse member. Lois Scott, Publicity% Als. Alice Gilbert is shown demonstrating the applique technique used in making a "Baltimore Album'" quilt. Advertise Your Yard Sale In The Gilchris Comitly Journal At 463-7135 TACKLE FOOTBALL & CHEERLEA BING Suwannee Valley Leagues BoSy and'GirIs% May 27 -9am to 1 pm Where: McArthur Park Age: 7-12 years old -, ,;i- (EVERYONE must bring copy birth certificate), .,: Cost: '-75.00 PER CHILD Football Contact: Tony Williams 463-8439 Terry Parrish 463-2248 Cheerleading Contact: Krishna Frye 463-0427 Early football sign-up for Summer camps! Early Cheerleading sign-up to order uniforms. Bell Family HealthCare ^ Quality Health Care, ConvenientLocation, 11 '^ L Serving The Health Care Needs Of Our Community Bruce E. Thomas, MD Board Certified'Tamnily Practice Mina Willis, PharmD/PA-C Malcolm Hickox, PA-C Family Practice Family Practice Jeffrey HansPetersen, MD Board Certified/Family Practice Melissa Turley PharmD/PA-C Services Provided: * Complete Primary Care Well-Baby Exams Diagnostic X-rays Minor Trauma Case Management * Hearing and Vision Testing * Chronic Disease Management Immunizations Diagnostic Laboratory Minor Surgical Procedures Family Planning Physical Exams Vaccines for Children ADD & ADHD Evaluations Health Screening HIV Testing * Sliding Fee Office Visits and Pharmacy Employers Please Ask About Our Preferred Employers Program (PEP)! Most Insurances Accepted ~ Equal Opportunity Provider Providing Non-Profit Healthcare 1830 North Main Street Bell, Florida For Information: 352-463-1100 r*-..****.nm m m ii n I Springhouse Quilters News Springhouse Quilters Jane Gruchaez of Suwannee . News County will be visiting with eS h Springhouse Quilters this week Springhouse Quilter's Nite to provide a mini-quilt sho' of Owl group had a visiting day many ofherquilts. The meeting guild member, Alice Gilbert., at- will be a time to learn how Mis. t tend their meeting on May, 9th Gruchaez can make such beauti- to demonstrate, the, "Baltimore ful quilts from scraps -.Ik I M s.Al ce--'a Album" quilt. Ms.Alice has a The next regular meeting of .... . beautiful. ribbon winning "Bal- Springhouse %%ill be on the sec- timore Album" quilt she used ond Tuesday min June. My oh as the basis for gi ing the very my, where has the first half of informative demonstration of this year 2one? We hae been I rlUI-110LJIA I, IVIA-i I BELL PHARMACY Located inside Bell Family HealthCare Pharmacist,- MinaWillis, PharmD/PA-C For details please call: 352-463-0400 Belly Flo.p, -Melon Chunkin' -Arts S. Craft Vendors, Games, Contests -Mertie the Clown -Smok.ey Bear I -Matthew Express I i ;ma: wi yo 1* M~T(II CUPTqT MT iiTNITV TC)T I NT A T. THURSDAY, MAY 25, 2006 & F Ci i firs Well, here we are, smack dab in the middle of May and by the time you read this, school will be out and moms and dads will al- ready be tired of the kids'out-of- school mantra... "There's noth- Jng to do, I'm bored." By the time summer break flies by, and it will, everyone...kids, parents, grandparents, everyone...except maybe teachers, will heave a big sigh of relief that they made it through what seemed like a long, hot summer that would never end. That is when the kids soon tire of the parents' back- to-school mantra... '"Do your homework or no TV." Funny 'how some. things change and some things stay the same. Oh, we had plenty of home-: work when ,I was a kid and it wasn't work you hadn't finished in class. It was good old-fash- ioned homework. There was never a question of not finishing a class assignment. Not finish- ing was 'never anf option, unless maybe you died at your desk. Even that may not have been an acceptable excuse unless you had a note from someone official. ( And there wasn't no...not one, exceptable excuse for not doing: homework and we knew it. No one would bail you out, feel sor- ry for you, or cut you any slack. No amount of lying about it, crying about it or whining about it would help your cause. And throwing. a tantrum, wasn't ,an option because we didn't even know what one % as let alone that it was allowed. No. we kind of lived in the bye-gone days of "do what you're told-" or as Dr. Phil would put it...you don't have to like it you just have to do it. Well, on Wednesday, May 17, 23 Joyful Hearts not only did it but they liked, even loved it. What?, coming together to lift one another up and sharing ideas, talents .and of course working-on projects in progress. I was not able to' attend, but I have an excellent little- bird that fills me in on all the details. Details like Lu Rowland brought in freshly picked green beans to share and fresh cucumbers were supplied by a neighbor, Doris. Also, David Strom is home and, on the mend,. praise the Lord. Jim Swanner, Alberta's husband, is in theV.A. Hospital in Gaines-:` ville and our prayers are with' them both and the doctors and nurses tending to Jim, as well. Evelyn Wood, Pat Luka, and Ann Mahgone all gathered round the quilt frame and did. just that.. quilted. Sylvia Arthur, Jackie Moore, Martha Foster, LLu Rowland and of course Alice Binns all were busy' as usual with their Swedish weaving. Madeline Norman was up to her eyeballs in more yo yo's for her pillow shams and Diana Lynn has finished her May lap quilt square and is ready'to tackle June's square. You would have to see this hfiiitstic enimroidenl work, created by Ramona High, for yourself to appreciate the unbelievable stitchery of the 20 birds depicted. Myrle Gilkey 'was crochet- ing a baby blanket and Lera Townsend, Leona Wirta. Ruth Wilkerson and Paulene Martin were all crocheting as well. Ann TaOlor stuck %with her knitting. Elaine Nemeth was working hard on her embroidery quilt blocks and they're 'looking good. Cathy Strom was mak-. ing "God's Eyes" or "'Eyes of God" w hichever you call them. I haven't thought of those in years. I still have some in a box somewhere. We use to make them at Girl Scout camp out of brightly colored yarn and either do\wel rods or popsicle sticks., good luck Cathy Heidi Kamp, who has moved to Lake City, was there but came mostly to visit as did Barbara Mi rick. 'We hope Heidi won't .mind the long trip and will con- linue to come play with us.. Rita Simcoe popped in for ax visit also. Only Rita didn't come alone; she brought two adorable kit- tens with her. Thank goodness I wasn't there to be tempted. . Lu has-been out sick so we want her to know e're glad she is doing %well and able to get out and about again. Jane Boyd brought her mother, NI) ra Newby who is, well, lets just say no spring chicken but who has plenty .of spring left in her. It's my understanding that I missed out on a rousing rendi- tion of the frog song... "Froggie Went A Courtin" complete with IRON-FREE WELL WATER COMPANY, INC. Taking Iron Out Of Your Water Every Day 1-800-437-1128 Or visit us at: www.iron-free.com l 5 ilED PRESSURE I1.never thought 'as the type to *ave it. Now I do rything I can to htrol my high ood pressure. " If you are one of the millions of Americans who are doing what they can to control their High Blood Pressure, you may be interested in a research study that will evaluate and compare two investigational medications for their effects on hypertension. To qualify, you must be between 18 and 75 years of age and currently have high blood pressure. Qualified participants will receive study-related exams and investigational medication at no cost and may be compensated for their time and travel. For more information call 877.85,1.1050 352.331.8949 1014 NW 57th Street Ste. A, Gainesville, FL www.radiantresearch.com R E~S S A R C H 'sound effects not many can do. I hear she's quite famous for this performance and in fact did all the verses not once but twiice. Evelyn must hate been in frog heaven. I'm sorry I missed it, she'll have to come back again for a command performance real soon. Cathy Strom is our onl May birthday and I hear tell she was pleased as punch w ith her"Go Gator" birthday cake. I tell you that cake %was made with Cathy in mind...she's a "real" Gaior Gal and Happy birthday Cathy. The next regular meeting is Wednesday. June-7th. Corrie- join us toquilt'and'craft or'just' to visit. Our next ''Make It: and i Take It" day is Wednesday, May 31st and I hope to see you there. - "Til next time, as it says in Romans 15:13...May, the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace. A Joyful Heart, SMarilyn Runde heart North Florida Livestock Report Receipts at the North Florida Livestock Market in Ellisville on Wednesday, May 17,2006 were: this week 406, last week 520, and last year 630. Trends: Slaughter cows and bulls 1.00-2.00 higher: Feeder steers and heifers were unevenly steady. Supply was. light, de- mand moderate. Flesh condi- tion: thin and very thin. Feeder steers and heifers under 600 pounds 52 percent (34 percent steers, 18 percent heifers), over 600 pounds 5,percent (4 percent' steers, 1 percent heifers), slaugh- ter cows and bulls 30 percent, re- placement cows 13 percent. Slaughter Cows Breaker 75- 80 percent: ,996-1181 (1110) 47.00-49.50 (48.01); 1248-1581 (1416)47.00-50.00(49.02). -. Slaughter Cows Boner 80-85 percent: 730-789 (755) 48.00-- 48.50 (48.17); 820-1169,(1048) 49.50-54.00 (51.93); 1031-1103 (1067) 55.00-55.50 (55.26) high dressing; 1207-1589 (1388) 51.00-55.50 (53.65); 1230-1553 '(1352) 54.50-56.50 (55.11) high dressing; 1696-1823 (1787) 52.50-55.00 (53.39). Slaughter Cowvs Lean 85-90 percent: 753-768 (760) 45.00- '47.00 (45.99); 706-744 (725) 39.00- 44.00 (41.57) low dress- ing; 808-901 (853) 45.00-47.00 (45.74); 812-869 (842) 37.00- 43.00 (40.88) low dressing. Slaughter Bulls Y.G. 1: 1278 (1278) 61.50 (61.50); 1000- 1339 (1151) 52.00-60.50 (56.27) low dressing; 1510-1764 (1595i 60.00-63.50 i62.55); 1767-1859 11813) 65.00-69.00 i67.05i high dressing: 1609 (1609) 57.50 (57.50) lo%, dressing. Feeder Steers and Bulls Me- dium and Large 1-2: 155-194 (174.) 165.00-190.00 1172.24-1 321-345 i331i 126.00-135.00 (131.881; 353-390 1380i 120.00- 133.00 a 125.261 406-442 1433) 114.00-134.00 '126.49;. 475-481 1477) 111.00-113.00 u 12.00):. 502-531 (510) 111.00- 113.00 (111.99); 732-748 (745i 72.00-74.50 (74.01). Feeder Steers and Bulls NMe- daum and Large 2-3- 223-238 (230i 130.00-135.00 (132.42); ,275-281 (278) 130.00-132.50 "(131.26); 318-322 .320) 120.00- 130.00 (125.03.; 360-394 t371) 110.00-122.00 1116.73); 413- 441745)199.00- 04.00`98.0.'0- -" Feeder, "Holstein Steers- "and . Bulls Medium and Large 2-3: 200-228 (210i 120.00-132.50 (127.95); 257-291 1274) 112.00- 125.00 (118.06); 315-343 (330) 99.00-112.00 1'107.93); 366-394 (380) S4.00-98.00 190 511; 401- 433 (412) 80.00-90.00 (87.01); 480-483 (482) 77.00-84.00 (S0.49); 601-616 (608 68 00-. .75.00 (71.54); 857-886 (872) 71.00-75.00 (72.97). Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1-2: 254-277 (266) 132.50-147.50(139.68); 305-346 (326) 122.00-126.00 (123.87); 358-389 (374). 114.00-118.00 (116.46); 460-497 (478) 103.00- 109.00 (105.88), 517-539 (528) 102.00-108.00 : (104.94); 614 (614) 92.00 (92.00). . Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 2-3: 204-241 (218) 130.00-140.00 (136.81); .254 (254) 129.00 (129.00); 321-332 (327) 112.00-118.00 (114.70); 356-383 :(374) 100.00-110.00 (105.67); 508-516 (512) 94.00- 102.00 (97.97). Feeder Heifers Small 1-2: 216-224 (221) 100.00-127.50 (108.95);. 310-338 (321) 100.00- 112.00 (104.90). Bred Cows-Medium and Large 1-2: 710-796 (745) 60.00- 78.00 t66.69) 4-6 months bred; 710-764 1735i 54.00-88.00 (72.34) 7-9 months bred; 805- 1133 (893) 58.00-92.00 (73.04) 4-6 months bred: 845-922 8831 59.00-98.00 '72.32' 7-9 months bred. ' Cow-Calf Pairs Medium: and Large 1-2: 710-757 17401 590.00-790.00 1696.431; 812- 948 I875) 680.00-810.00 1721.99. We Have Color Copies Call The Journal 463-7135 Vinyl Letters Banners Real Estate Signs Printing Advertising Office Supplies Re-Roofing & Leaks Metal Roofing 25-Year Warranty FREE-ESTIMATE FLORIDALDEPARTMENT OF HEALTH H GILCHRIST COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Well Child & Newborn Care School & Sports Physicals Chronic & Acute Care Communicable Disease Maternity Care By UF Dept. OB/GYN Family Planning School Health Services TB Testing Laboratory Procedures Healthy Start Services WIC Services (Baby Formula & Food Coupons) HIV Anonymous & Confidential Testing Attention Deficit Disorder Evaluation & Treatment NO APPOINTMENTS NEEDED FOR: FREE PREGNANCYTESTS FREE BLOOD PRESSURE SCREEN CHILD & ADULT IMMUNIZATIONS We accept Blue Cross/Blue Shield, AvMed, PPC Care Manager, State Employees Group PPC, Health Options, Champus, CMS, Medicaid, Medipass, Medicare, and most other major insurances. 119 N.E. 1st Street, Trenton, Florida 32693 463-3120 Office Hours Monday Friday 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. . -- - WE DO TERMITE INSPECTIONS Phone 493-1051 493-4772 "le send 'em packing!' 'Notice to Parents of Students Enrolled in Private Schools Parents of students with disabilities, enrolled in private schools located in Gilchrist County, are invited to a meeting onithe Individuals With Disabili- ties Education Act (IDEA). The purpose of this meeting is to share mean- ingful.and timely .information on programs and services available to Students with disabilities enrolled in privateLschools. You will also have the opportunity to provide input to the school district on priority needs that may be addressed through current and future IDEA projects. Due consid- eration will be given to input from parents and other interested parties. Please call the Special Programs office at (352) 463-3153 or (800) 884- 9131, if you plan to attend. The meeting will be on June 1, 2006, at 2:00p.m., in the Gilchrist County School Board Meeting Room at 310 NW 1 1th Avenue, Trenton. I \ fl ^er e / . We can help you find the perfect invitations and accessories Visit us sooi to see the large selection in the Caison Craft Blue . Wedding and Social Stationery album! 352-463-7135 Gilchrist County Journal 207 North Alain Street Trenton, Florida 32693 Page six UIlA-,ntUi3 I k-,%J U IN 1 11 J U U IIUN tlJ- I Licensed and Insured 8851 NW 115th Street Chiefland, Florida 32626 352-493-1398 1-877-766-2707 Osborn G. Barker Owner Insulated Roof-overs *Vinyl & Aluminurm Siding Carports Screen Rooms* Decks Patio Roofs Soffit, Fascia & Gutters 1 Hurricane Awnings Skirting -.Pool and All tpe: Enclobajres' Free Estimates* Hunt's Pest Control, Inc. GET RID OF: Cockroaches Waterbugs German Roaches Ants and other Household Pests I,- Gilchrist Students Looking Forward To Costa Shown ifrorn left are Band Director Jamnie Petersheim, Denisse Cardoza, Chanae Latner, Sarall -Homan, Bethainil Lunsford, Bobby Honeywell, Colette Hiersoux, Patricia Kee, auid Ashley Sauls, Trenton High School Band graduating seniors. . Trenton Band Seniors Honored Eight Seniors : from the Trenton High School Band .were recognized at their final high school concert .on May 12th. These seniors received .a certificate of appreciation from Band Director Jamie Petersheim. These talented Seniors will be sorely missed next year, but we all wish them the very best for their future. Hopefully they willY continue to make music a part of their lives no matter % hat career path they choose. Good luck Senior band members! Trenton High School. Does Well At FBLA Districts The FBLA students at Trenton High School received the fol- lowing recognition at the Dis- trict V FBLA competition. Parliamenijn Procedure team: LindseN Cook. NMallor. Hamill. Brittany Woods. NMegan Anderson. Brenna Land High Individual. District Parliamen- tarian, and Jenni Boland. Alter- nate, 1st place. Public Speaking- Heather Breton, 3rd place .Business Communications: Nakita Jones. 1st place: and Cas- mine Brow n. 3rd place. Introduction to Business Communications: Rebecca Hogle. Ist place: Sara Heaton. 2nd place: and Hayley Cook. 3rd place. , Word Processing I: 'Whitney Buckingham. 1st .'place; and Sarah Bussard. 2nd place. Job Interview: Emily Butcher. 1st place; Brooke Griffin, 2nd place. Computer Applications: Ja- son Driscoll, 1st place. Web Site Development team: Jacob Hogle. Cameron Rutter. ad Robert Kreinbihl. 1st place. Economics: Kod\ Latham. 1stplace. Word Processing IT. Ash- ley Vanhorn. 1st place: Alicia Lo\ett. 2nd place. Desktop" Publishing team: Whitney McQueen, and Holl. Mathis. 2nd place. Introduction to Business: Tif- fanN Orcutt. 1st place: and Han- nah McRoberts. 2nd place. Business Math- Danielle White. 2nd place; Michael Paul- sell. 3rd place Computer Concepts. Christian Schnier. 1st place. Business La\%: Jasmine Pow- ell. 1st place. Introduction to ParliamentarN Procedures. KIle Jenkins. 2nd place. Notice To Parents Of Students Enrolled In Private Schools Parents of students with disabilities, enrolled in .private schools located in ;Gilchrist County. are invited to, a meeting on the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The purpose of this meeting is to share meaningful and timely information on programs and services available to students with disabilities 'enrolled in private schools. You %%ill also han e the opportunirN to provide input to the school district on priority needs that may be addressed through current and future IDEA projects. Due consideration w ill be gi\en to input from parents and other interested parties. Please call the Special Programs office at i352- 463- 3153 or (SO) 884-9131. if you plan to attend. The meeting will be on June 1, 2006. at 2:00p.m.. in the Gilchrist Counit School Board Meeting Room at 310 NW 1 I th Avenue. Trenton. There can be no daily democ- racy %% without dails citizenship. -Ralph Nader Rica Trip As the 2005-06 school. year winds down, Gilchrist County students are excitedly look- ing forward to a variety of funr summer activities.. One group of students is gearing up for their break by, packing swim-. suits, maps" afid flashlights in preparation for a life-changing adventure! On May 28th, ten students ac- companied by adults including parents, grandparents and teach- ers will be heading out for an exciting educational exploration in one of Costa Rica's famed rainforests.' The eight-day trip will include a study of birds, reptiles, and other creatures that inhabit one of the most remark- able ecosystems in existence on the planet. The trip %%as organized b) Chuck Vogel and Joyce Philman who presently teach at Tren- ton Elementary School. Both educators have a background in Costa Rican rra\el and eni- ronmental education. Ms. Phil- man taught science in Paraguay, South America and has traveled extensively in South and Central America. Mr. Vogel presently teaches, in the lab he shares with a variety of exotic creatures, us- ing a hands-on approach that has encouraged students to embrace science as a fun and interesting %way to explore their world. Be- cause of his interests he and his son Charlie %were drawn to Costa Rica and spent time there last summer. It \was quickly decided that this would be a remarkable opportunity for others to experi- ence and plans were made to put the idea to work. Although this is not a school- sponsored event, the limited spaces were offered to Trenton Elementary School students, grades three and fi\e. and their families. With only several days left until the close of the sign- up deadline, the few remaining spaces were offered to specific grade three to five groups at Bell Elementary School. This was, a great opportunity to include students throughout Gilchrist County. Holbrook Travel. located in Gaines\ille. was 'ery helpful in the. preparation and planning of such an undertaking. Holbrook Shown on the front row from left are Daylin Kincaid, Audrey Philman, Joyce Philman, Chuck Vogel, and Charlie Vogel. On the middle row are Amanda Gordon, Tiller Gage, Olivia Rogers, Quitney Kincaid, Olivia Roberts, and Jessica Taylor. On the back row are Mike Gordon, Charles Gage, Violet Kincaid. Bobby Kincaid, and Gene Jenkins. Not available for photo were Angel Tailor, Emily Goettsche, and John Goatttsche. Photo by Angel Taylor. Travel owns and operates Selva Verde Lodge, %where the group \\ill be sta ing. The lodge is located on a 500-acre private ecological preserve that works to protect this unique and \i- brant tropical forest 'while offer- ing en ironmental learning op- portunities to its visitors. Near the Selve Verde Lodge is the La Sel\a Biological Station. a rain- forest reserve. which is a %%orld- famous non-profit consortium of more than 50 universities and educational institutions. Here researchers have documented more than 55 species of snakes. 400 species of ants. 500 species of butterflies. 120 species of mammals. 420 species of birds and 2.230 species of trees and % ascular plants. Scheduled events., for this trip. include a %white water raft- ing trip through the rainforest. a guided boatexcursion on the Rio Sarapiqui to locate and identify plants and animals, nature hikes. night walks and a visitt to a lo- cal serpentarium. The children will also be able to learn about Costa Rican culture by ,isiting-a grocery store as well as a local school where the w iIll have the chance to meet the children they have been corresponding nuith through the year. As the students will be travel- ing and learning together o'er- seas. this is a wonderful opportu- nito to build lifelong friendships for Gilchrist County students as they explore a vibrantt and fascinating hidden corner of our world. -ai ~~*rA.? Haven Hospice is north Florida's expert in end-of-life and palliative care. Since 1979, our mission has been to act as a caring, compassionate HAVEN for residents of our communities who are dealing with life-limiting illness and loss. For more information on how Haven Hospice can help you, please call (800) 727-1889 or visit our Web site at www.havenhospice.org. HAVEN H O 0 --f -b--- noth lriafo or thn 2 eas [i{, Ollj .ll eiil ave ,ire.i )ll littIne Il,,)v'e.... / ", |E:I]EI[ lFOiE itUlne\ l lai;e the new vaccine - TrentoniAnimal Hospital ... 603 North Main Street ._J 'Trenton. Florida ,,, (352) 463-7100 P I C E Tage Seven , C,,TT.CT4RT.QTCOTNTYJOTJRNAL rPT-U TD Qn A Nr A 4 A V I Iq IMA' rag right Gil 1 14 JT XTJNY./CLiIRNAI. T4T1-13-1MAYX 200 National Nurses Week At Ayers Health And Rehab Center :-.May 14-20 was National N Nurses 'Week. Ayers Health and Rehabilitation celebrated the en- tire week by honoring our nurs- :ing staff with activities everyday *bf the week. ' Monday, we had breakfast with Dottie, her tasty, sausage and gravy recipe is something we all look forward too. Tuesday, the activity room was busy with partners and residents tie-dyeing T7shirts. All sorts of designs and colors were created., Everyone wore red to represent how our center works from: the heart. - We thank volunteers, Cheryl Watson and Betty Schofield and all the partners who helped make .' , this activity a great success. Wednesday, everyone got to .wear their, tye-dye creation and enjoyed a "Groovy Pizza Party." - Thursday, specialty coffees and ,donuts, were ,served by Jenee, Rt Tonya and Kay. Everyone wore N sports attire and played games. to win candy. Friday we were visited by several classes from Trenton Elementary School 2nd graders. This was a great day for outdoor activities for both resi- dents and students. Ice cream was served and fun outside games were played. Everyone 'wore their Purple T-shirts to help support the Cure for Alzheimer -Disease. Ms. Megargels .2nd grade class was our big winner this year. Congratulations!.. Thank you, to all -the classes that came to celebrate National Nursing Home Week with the residents. The residents enjoyed all .the young smiling faces. ,- Saturday brought in our an- n'ual Antique Car Show. We had' Jive entertainment, food. fun and fellowship. What a beautiful day for our community to 'come but and support us. Thank you to everyone \ho made this week a: successful week at Ayers Health and Rehabilitation Center. . certified nursing assistant displaying tye dye shirts. Beth Davis Photography WEDDINGS PORTRAITS SPECIAL EVENTS CEDAR KEY '3 FLORIDA (352) 543-'5568 residents watching the 2nd graders from TES doing the tug of war during "National urses Week at Ayers." Jane AMlegargel's 2ni grade class was the big 'inner at Auers field day., Certified Nursing Assistant Felicia lVard aind Ayers reside prepare goody bags for field day. Motorcycle Specialty Tag Celebrates Two Years Of Benefiting People With Disabilities Florida's only specialty motor cycle license tag has now raise over S330,000 for programs tha assist people, with disabilities and help prevent blindness. Th "Show Your Colors, Show Yo Care" campaign was introduce to motorcyclists in April 200z TRI-COUINTY CH*IROPROCTIC Dr. Bennitt Patterson :* Available on Location: X-Rays, Physical Therapy & Licensed Massage Therapist (MM0007612) Most Insurance Accepted - Major Medical Medicare/Medicaid Most HMO's & PPO's Personal Injury/Auto Accidents Workers' Compensation 493-1540 2220 N. Young Blvd., Chiefland (Across from Wal-Mart Super Center) OFFICE HOURS Monday /IWednesday / Friday 9 a.m. Noon & 2p.m. 6 p.m. Tuesday 8 am 12:30 pm \ Thursday / 8 a.m. Noon & 2 p.m. 5 p.m. ~ Walk-Ins Welcome ~ 341 Chiefland Regional I ioun Shopping Center Chiropractic US 19 N Wal-Mart N. Super Center With the support of AB. Florida. motorc.clists across state were encouraged to I chase thie specially tag. design Sin, America's red, white blues, for an additional $15 deductible contribution ab r- the purchase, or renewal pr d All proceeds for the speci at tag benefit disabilit-related .s ganizatioris. e The Bikers Care tag hit u peak month this March, sell d or-renew ing over 1,500 pla 4. Across Florida. over 22,. motorcyclists have shown tl colors and show% n that they ca through supporting the bik( care campaign. Palm Be County, has been leading way as the most active count: issuing new plates. The tag's legislation requ. that The Able Trust, a nonpr foundation dedicated to assist Floridians with disabilities achieving employment, distr ute the funds equally to Prev Blindness Florida, the Brain o Spinal Qord Injury Progr Trust Fund, the Personal C Attendant Program and Florida Association of Cent for Independent Living. EE organization has received o $60,000 to support its program since the tag was issued t years ago. For more inform tion about the Bikers C motorcycle specialty tag, v www.abletrust.org/hikerscare or call 888-838-2253. Woodland Craft Now at theSins Journal (352) 463-7135 Activity Assistant Dottie Peterson,. and Occupational Therapist Lil Bourgeois enjoying breakfast. Big "I" Gets Ready For Start Of Hurricane Season Flood Director's Comments At Big "I" Event Note Importance Of Coverage Issues David Maurstad. insurance administrator and mitigation di- rector of the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Na- tional Flood Insurance Program SNFIPi. spoke to independent insurance agents and brokers recently about flood issues at the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America's ithe Big "I") National Legislati e Con- ference & Conmention. Maurstad addressed the chal- lenges the NFIP faces. its prog- ress and the overall importance of the program. "The NFIP has reached new. heights under recent challenges and scrutiny." said Maurstad. .: "The 2004 hurricane season brought unprecedented flood events. However, nearly 95 per- cent of the over 240,000 claims reported have been closed." Maurstad discussed his ulti- mate vision for the NFIP and the country. "In the %wake of the last two least.atig hurricane seasons. it is clear that people residing. working and owning businesses in the flood plains don't ha'e a Clear understanding of the dan- gers they face. ... "'My goal is for all homeo% n- , ers, renters and business ovvneis in, the flood plains to be insured against flood. Simply 100 per- cent." "David ,Maursiad is. a great advocate for the National Flood Insurance Program." says Big "I" CEO Robert A. Rusbuldt 'nts "'Maurstad brought a national perspective to an issue so many people consider a regional prob- ATE lem-and that has to change." the Flooding is the most perva- sive and costly disaster in the pur United States. In fact, homes in ned flood-prone regions are 26 times and tax more likely to experience flood tv. than a fire over a 30-Near period. ice. Additionally, one-third of flood aity victims each year live outside, or- .designated flood-prone areas. Approximately v) percent of the its U.S. population lives withinn 50 ling miles of the coastline. Ite. The Big "I" offers experts 500 in insurance and long term heir ramifications of this upcoming hired hurricane season. The Big "I" is. her's ach the y in ires ofit ring in rib- 'ent and ram 'are the ters ach ver ims wo ma- are isit atag the largest insurance association in the country, with more than 300,000 members in all 50 states and other countries. Big "I" experts can offer com- ment on: policies and claims questions; explanation of the Na- tional Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). flood \s. \vind damage questions, homeowners' cover- age questions; the importance of flood insurance to consumers; legal expertise on a %% ide range of issues; historical perspective on past disasters; access to: insurance agents on the ground& in recovering areas; the fed- eral government's rislk manage-, ment policy; various aspects of: potential federal natural disaster; legislation; financial informa- tion on small businesses, the: uninsured, and the underinsured; recovering in the aftermath of a severe hurricane, including how; to stay safe among damaged buildings and areas and downed' wires; tips on emergency repairs, rebuilding, and "drying out" safely and replacing belongings; and minimizing losses and dam-; age before the hurricane strikes For more- information, or to speak with a local or'.national IIABA spokesperson for an' interview, call .Emily Crane,: manager of media relations, at'. (703) 706-5445. For weekend 'inquiries contact Emily Crane, at (7031 581-8562 or Cliston Brown, director of public affairs, ' at (571) 243-5331. SFounded in 1896, the Big "I" is the nation's oldest and largest national association of indepen- dent insurance agents and bro-' kers, representing a, network of,' more than 300,000 agents, bro-. kers and their employees nation-. ally. Its members are businesses" that offer customers a choice of policies from a variety of insur- I, p Hair Expressions WOMEN S-by Dee CUTS MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL Make Your Mom The Star Of The Day PERM or 2-COLOR HI-LIGHT * (Good through May 31st) Phone 472-1482 (Matrix & Redken) Wolfe Tanning Bed iH (inh (Outn+,+ tul -) 8897 SE 66th Circle SPECIALIZING IN COLOR ;Trenton, Florida 32693 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE . Monday Friday ~ 10 am'- 6 pm Saturday ~ 10 am 3 pm Appointments & Walk-Ins Welcome Freeman Plumbing Now Has a Service Van Available To Handle Your Plumbing Needs. Residential & Commercial Service Work & New Construction, Additions, Remodeling, Etc. (352) 498-0703 (352) 493-3801 (352) 210-0062 LICENSED INSURED FREE ESTIMATES Walter Freeman I7 State Certified Master Plumber Accepting Major #CFC057595 Credit Cards -I"'Care for the Entire Family" Superior Sound DJ and Karaoke Steve Ames DJ, Karaoke & Wedding Receptions supefiorsounddj@bellsouth.net' Bartending Anniversary Birthdays (352) 463-8670 Service Corporate Parties (352) 949-4986 Music for All Occasions Eddy & Cindy Scott of Countryside Daylilies are having an open house at their garden every weekend in May and the 1st weekend in June from 8am to 2pm on Saturdays and Sundays. They have a large landscaped garden with several split-rail fences, old sugar kettles, peacocks, & koi ponds. There will be thousands of blooming hybrid daylilies and myriad other flowers. The are located in.NE Gilchrist County. From the intersection of CR-340 & SR-47 (flashing light) go north on SR-47 for 1.5 miles to NE 65th Street (limerock road) also marked Ginnie Springs turn right & go 8/10 mile. For more information go to countrysidedaylilies.com'. or call 386-454-3937 or 386-454-3687 or 386-965-3102 GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL THURSDAY, MAY 25. 2oo6- Go nai-'drirlt I ance com ames: TMT TRTqDO AV 1ML AV') 95 2006 O IT 0 INLPg Nn A..JAJL~1,.LV. On Monday. A i/'22, 2006 Pure iVater Wilderness wasproud to donate $500 to the Dixie Cointi Chamber of Commerce to help support. the Red Bell/ Days Festivities this Saturday at Fanning Springs State Park. Shown from left are Debbie DeVeese, Pure \Water WlVilderness Director & Director of'Dixie Chamber of Commerce; Donna Creamier, Pure Water Wilderness Executive Director; Ralph Tyre, Pure Water Wilderness Chailrmani i and i irector of Dixie, Chamber of Commerce; Arthur Bellot, President of Dixie County Charnber of Conmmerce; Julie Squires, Red Belly Day Chairman and Director of Dixie Chamber of Connmmerce; Jolin Lohde, Park Serv.'ice Speciahlit; and A Mark Gluckinaii, Director of Pure Water Wilderness. Photo bIl Anna Wild. . GASTON'S TREE SERVICE, INC. FULLSERVICE " ,AERIAL BUCKETS HDT)RAULIC LOADERS CRANE SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED..: 352-378-5801 We accept all majorcr edit cards 1901 N \V '7r. Place Suite E (,'aiL .\ ille Florida 32653 W\\'\W'gastonwtreeservice corm If you're a safe driver. I can help you save on insurance. Call me today. (352) 493-2501 Stephen Quincey Tri-County Insurance Services, Inc. 13564 NWHWY 19 Chieflarid ' SAIIlstat S Serving the community for over 30 years ......... _... _ v~n. ,, r ,,, f ,h ,.1.1 T. 1l~ 0 i=, v ~ l, ,b~ v ,, ,,., t ,, l. ,'r, ,, 1 .,1- i,, '.: U Gilchrist County Sheriff's Office Ready To Increase Safety Belt Use To Save Lives Law Enforcement Across the State Reminds Motorists. "Click It or Ticket Florida" The Florida Department of Transportation in conjunction with the National HighwayN Traffic Safety Administration ( i NHTSA' are joining forces with national, state, and local Slaw enforcement agencies tc increase safety belt use. 'Among those least likely tc buckle up are young males pick up truck drivers and their pas- sengers, people who live in rural areas, and night-time drivers. Although safety belt use in- creased to a record 82 percent S. national in 2005. less than 74, percent of drivers and passen gers observed in Florida "ere using their safety belts. Even lower safety belt usage rate., ,.. ere. recorded for ick' 'p truck S occupants 'less than 62 percent It;: and African American males (51 Z percent) in Florida. ? Failure to regularly use a safe- ty belt can be deadly, During 2004 in Florida., 2,179 passenger vehiclee occupants died in traffic crashes and over 62 percent of those killed %were NOT using *their safety belts at the time 0o the crash. That's .why Gilchrist County Sheriff's office announced they are joining %%ith more thar 12.000 other state and local law' enforcement and highway safety officials for another aggressive national "Click It, or Ticket' mobilization to increase safety 'e. belt use and reduce fatalities or Florida's road\ ays. SE ._- "-Safety belts clearly. save lives. 'But unfortunately too many people in Florida still need a tough reminder, so we are go- ing to be out in full force looking out for those who are not buck- led up," said Sergeant Stewart Gilchrist County 'Sheriff's Of- fice. "Remember, it doesn' matter if it is day or night, clicl it or you will get a ticket." Regular safety belt use is the single most effective way to pro tect yourself, friends, and love. ones from being injured or dyinj in a motor vehicle crash. Whe: worn correctly, safety belt have proven to reduce the risl of fatal injury to motor vehicle occupants. Safety belt. saturation' pa trols and other stepped-up lav enforcement activities will b conducted during the national "Click It or Ticket" enforce ment mobilization, which run May 14th through June 4th i Florida. But it doesn't stop there Florida law enforcement wi continue this life saving effoi long after the national campaign ends. The Gilchrist Count Sheriff's Office would muc rather write thousands of ticket throughout the year than have t l knock on one family's door wit the news that their loved on didn't survive a crash because they American Cancer Society's Relay For Life Starts May 26 The American Cancer Societ' of North Central Florida wil be honoring cancer survivor and those who have lost thei battle with the disease during: its Relay For Life event in New, berry "on Friday May 26th a 6:00 p.m. until Saturday. Ma 27th at 9:00 a m. at Oakvie' f Middle School (the middle n school in Newberry. one bloc South of the light in New berry A Luminaria Ceremony will b s held after dark to pay tribute t1 1 those who have faced this dis " ease. The Luminaria bags hav the name of the honoree on them " and a candle inside. Luminaria are placed around the track anm at dark the candles are lit to pa; I tribute to each honoree. The American Cancer Societ' extends an invitation to all can t cer survivors and their families 4 to participate in Relay For Life It's a unique community e'en e that allows individuals from al n walks of life to join in the figh s Against cancer. Last year. mor S tha. ee million American ) participated in Relay For Lif and more than 500.000 chance survivors walked the opening; laps. S '"This event is about celebrate r ing life and honoring all chance c sur iors and their families F, who'"e supported them through g their illness," said Michell f Pickett.chairperson of the Rela; : For Life in Newberry. y At the event, cancer survivor .ill kick off the Relay by walk ing the Survivors' Victory La| 'around the track. Then member y of. each team take to the tracl e and one person from each tean remains on the track throughout Y' the entire 18 hours. i; Relay For Life began as on man's battle against cancer and * journey to raise funds to support the American Cancer Society In.May 1985, Dr. Gordy Klal - walked, jogged, and ran for 2' 9 hours around a track in Tacoma - Wash. His run alone raised , $27,000. Twenty years late - Relay For Life raised over $35( I ^I LOG CABIN QUILTERS me d g Log Cabin Quilters Log Cabin Quilters met n Thursday, May 18th at the s Levy. County Quilt Museum. k Small and large quilts are being e worked on and will be coming out of the frame soon. There is S.always more to go in as we never" w let the frames get lonely. e It is getting to be canning al' time. The gardens are coming in - and the Watermelon Festival is .s .coming up and %\e will be there n, with the "Watermelon Quilt," taking donations on it. It will e. be raffled off that night at the 11 Queen Contest. It's amazing rt how fast the melons grow. n Greg and five boys were out ' Tuesday and once again got us h looking so good. Greg got our Is flag back up and the boys and o Jarrod should start the Geyalio h sometime soon. Jarrod's %an e had to have new brakes and this e, has put us off with the work. But - when the time comes it will be million in 2005. All of the mon- ey raised goes to our mission of saving lives through research. advocacy. patient services and education. y To request a Luminaria on be- l half of a lo\ed one, call Michelle s Pickett at The American Cancer r Society at 352-484-4774. The g American Cancer Society is - still recruiting teams to par- it ticipate in this event. For more N information or if \ou are inter- v ested in \olunteering, please call e 352-494-4774. To see what k other neighboring conununi- 1. ties are holding Relay For Life e events. please visit our Web site o at wwxw.cancer.org or call us at - 800-ACS-2345. e 1' Florida Museum d Offering Activities y For Summer Looking for something the Y whole family can do this sum- mer? The Florida Museum of s Natural History w ill offer an -. interactive "Discovery Room" it for guests of all ages from June I 12th through August 13th. The t ,room is free and open etery day e until 4:30 p.m. s .. Activities include entertain- e ing crafts, including creating r creatures from Florida's diverse g ecosystems. hunts for museum treasures and exploration of a coral reef. Guests also may visit r during the following scheduled s program times for stories, pup- h pets, museum exploration with e Dr. Discovery and more! ) '.Florida Museum 2006 Sum- mer Discover, Room schedule: s Ecoart! -- Mondays. Wednes- - days, Fridays 10:00 a.m. to 12: P 00 p.m.; Talking Tales -- Tues- s days 10:00 a.m.; Green Earth k Games -- Thursdays and Satur- n days 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.: it Tree 'Musketeers Puppet Sho%% Tuesdays,, Thursdays, and e 'Saturdays 3:00 p.m.; Dr. Dis- a cover' -- Tuesdays and Fridays r .3:00 to 4:00 p.m.; and Face Y" Painting -- Fridays }0:00 a.m. to it 12:00 p.m. For: more information, 1, call 1(352) 846-2000 ext. 246 d or visit the museum online, r, w\v%\N,.flmnh ufl edu/education/ 0 discovery.htm. TRENTON MEDICAL CENTER Quality Health Care, Convenient Location, Serving The Health Care Needs Of Our Community Catherine Vega, PA-C Pediatrics James F. Ivey, MD Board Certified Family Practice * Complete Primary Care Well-Baby Exams Diagnostic X-rays Minor Trauma Case Management * Hearing and Vision Testing Deborah Weyer, MD Board Certified Pediatrics Curtis Kirby, PA-C Family Practice Internal Medicine Services Provided: *Chronic Disease Management Immunizations Diagnostic Laboratory Minor Surgical Procedures Family Planning Christine Chapman, DO Board Certified Family Practice John Frazier, DC Chiropractic Physician Physical Exams Vaccines for Children ADD & ADHD Evaluations Health Screening HIV Testing * Sliding Fee Office Visits and Pharmacy Employers Please Ask About Our Preferred Employers Program (PEP)! ~ Most Insurances Accepted- 911 South Main Street Trenton, Florida 32693. Equal Opportunity Provider Quality Health Care for the Entire Family 352-463-2374 Peggy Ladd, ARNP Pediatrics Providing Non-Profit Health care for over 35 years Pediatrics 463-6292 VIAL This is "Overall Sami" and lots of these quilts aie made for boys. It is a popular pattern. . done. B.J. is back from her trip all the way to Canada and they went on motorcycles. What a trip. She took lots of pictures and saw things she hadn't seen before. Lunch was something to see. We had chicken and rice, stuffed peppers, green beans, potatoes, cheese and macaroni, cowboy beans, lots of salads, eggs, and strawberry cake. We had 18 members and two guests pres- Winelle Home CAN ON HOUSE M Chinese Restaurant 463-1089 -~ I LUNCH BUFFET $4.75 with Iced Tea weekdays * i Lunch: Monday Friday 11:30 am 2pm, : 3 Dinner: Monday Saturday 5 pm -9 pm Mary Kay independent beauty consultant Alyssa Mathis now taking clients at Laney's Antique Mall, Hwy-19 in Chief- land. Please come by for FREE facials, also for weddings, book orders or to book a FREE facial. Please feel free to give me a call (352) 463-8485 (352) 221-2513. 2006 Sales Tax Holiday for Hurricane Preparedness Ends June 1, 2006. Tius gener,' :r is included I thi u tas m-ire hohday: Gilchrist Building Supply 463-2738 1-800-543-6545 7am-5:30pm M-F 80m-3pm Saturday Hwy. 129, North BELL WWW.SNAPPER.COM Life changes. Your insurance should keep up. I n u M31JIA 15 lvll-.l Lj, 4vvu %..IJLJLaLIJL-LJL%-L".L N - Tage Nine GELCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Pa cr~ nil C'I-TPT~T rCaTMTV TflTTPT\TAI THURSDAY, MAY 25, 2006 J. U5~..' tflA tJJ..L4X'J. .L.LtLS .L t S.~ ti I J. .i. J t..~ ti L~ 11 tLi Abby Ellzey Graduates From Law School Abby Elzey' Abby ElIzey Abby Ellzey has graduate from Florida Coastal School o Law. Abby began her education Chiefland Elementary Schoc in 1983. She graduated in Ma of 1997 from Chiefland Hig School and started working different jobs while continue ing her education at Santa F Community College.- After earning her AA degree in 1999 she transferred to Florida State University in Tallahassee and graduated in 2002 with her BS degree.. She applied to Florida Coastal School of Law in Jacksonville and was accepted. She contin- ued working days and going to school at night. Abby was on the Dean's List in May of 2005 and graduated on May 13, 2006 from Florida Coastal School of Law in Jacksonville with a Juris Doctor Degree. Abby is the daughter of Jessie .and Ann Ellzey of Gulf Ham- mock and Junior and Lucille Arrington of Chiefland. d Abby plans to. take the State Df Bar exam in July. at y ,h at e- e Call Us For Your Office Needs Ayers Office Supplies 4163-7135 CS.3 Sc vdlopmCnt A: ICLNSl'),. INSLIKil) : C.C25303 ClCLI3283_6' SWhere imagination meets reality Building projects are not for the faint-at-heart. The culmination of hopes, dreams and ambitions into a finished product can be nerve-wracking and is quite often one of the largest financial and emotional investments you will ever make. Wherever you are in the process, brainstorming, planning, drafting, or location finding, Dream Builders Development Corp. is ready to partner with you. E Quality Craftsmanship Integrity Honesty Teamwork Personal Relationship Call (352) 463-2210 today! - or visit www;DreamBuildersDevelopment.com Quilters Demo Workshop To Be Held June 10 At Florida Museum The Florida Museum of Natu- ral History will host adult quilt- ing workshops and demonstra- tions beginning June 9th through August 31st. The workshops coincide with the museum's .summer exhibition, "Quilting Natural. Florida," which runs June 10th to September 4th in collaboration with the Quilters of Alachua County Day Guild., On Friday, June 9, Michigan State University Assistant Cura- tor Mary.Worrall will lead a quilt documentation workshop from 10:00 a.m.. to 3:00 p.m. The cost is '$50 for museum mem- bers and $65 for non-members. Participants rnma bring a quilt for . documentation or use one of the samples provided. Worrall also will share documentation tech- niques during the public opening of the Quilting Natural Florida exhibition June 10th from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Florida quilter, Pauline Salzman,. will present a Blue Ridge quilting workshop from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Satur- day, August 5th. The cost is. $50 for museum members and $65 for non-members., plus a $5: material fee. Participants %\ill learn blind stitch applique on the sewing machine and must bring, their ow% n machine. Through August 31st, area quilters %%ill demonstrate various quiluting techniques in the mu- seum. Demonstrations will be held Tuesdays. Thursday and the second and fourth Saturda s from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. For more information or to register, call (352' 846-2000, ext. 277... Elders' Ability To Walk Predicts Future Health Outcomes As people age into their 70s. their ability to walk a quarter mile becomes an important predictor of overall health and even how long they might lihe, according to study findings pub- lished in this week's Journal ot' he .4nerican Medical Associa- Of nearlN 3.000 health se- niors "studied; those who v ere able to complete a quarter-mile extended walking test were three times as likely to live longer and were less likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease and physical infirmity as they aged, said Marco Pahor, M.D., direc- tor of University of Florida's Institute on Aging and'the multi- institutional study's co-principal investigator at its Memphis site.. Decreasing mobility, along with lack. of muscle strength. .and a decline in aerobic ability, are common aspects of aging that can-diminish quality of life, Pahor said. Understanding the mechanisms of how people lose mobility can keep people' func- tioning independently longer, he added. - "This shows the predicti\e value of a simple performance task," Pahor said. "This will- help us develop a testable stan- dard for fitness. which is the first ,step toward creating a strategy for maintaining independence in older people." Existing means of assessing aerobic fitness, such as an ex- ercise treadmill test, are more arduous than walking ;aid are difficult to -apply to elders be- cause old age causes a decline in physical abilities. The study supports the use of the extended walking test as a baseline for human fitness for elders. Pahor said. Men and %women in the study ranged in age from 70 to 79 and %were chosen from a ran- dom sample of %white and black Medicare recipients residing in Pittsburgh and Memphis. Their performance on the %walking test was recorded every six tnonths and they were periodically evaluated for an average of 4.9 years. Older adults %who reported no difficulty walking had a wide range of performance on the test. Among people "\ho com- pleted the test, those \%ho ranked in the bottom fourth of functional capacity those who walked the slowest had a three times higher risk of death than those who performed in the top fourth. Those in the lower group also had a higher risk of heart disease, limIted mobility and disabilitE . People who completed the walk and those who finished faster on average a little . more than a minute ahead of the slowest participants were slightly younger and were more often white men who were more physically active and less likely to have a health condition. Pahor said a key to success- ful aging is finding out how to prevent people from becoming unable to perform common daily activities, such as walking. "The most promising in- tervention is regular, physical- activity; those who do more are more likely to live longer and be healthier." said Pahor, a profes- sor and chairman of the College of Medicine's department of ag- ing and geriatric research. "This research is one step toward de- %veloping an intervention." Thomas M. Gill. M.D.. anr associate professor, of medicine at the Yale University School of Medicine, said the research shows the walking test is an im- portant health indicator. "The findings from this study demonstrate that older persons, who are unable to %walk 400' meters tor a quarter mile) and. those who walk this distance slowly are at increased risk for mortality, cardiovascular disease and a significant disability," Gill said. "Interventions designed to forestall the inability to walk 400 meters, therefore, have the potential to enhance longevity and improve the health and well- being of older persons. which are long-standing goals of physi- cians. patients. their families and society." Researchers from the LUniver- sity of Pittsburgh. Wake Forest University School of Medicine, the University of California San Francisco. the University of Tennessee and the National Institutes of Health's National Institute on Aging collaborated on the stud., which was funded .by the National Institute on Ag- ing. SGilchrist SCounty Journal FAX ,4 .463-7393 .4 Matthew VunCannon New Loan Officer At Farm Credit, Trenton Branch, Matthew VunCannon will immediately) fill the loan officer position in Farm Credit of North Florida's Trenton Branch office, being vacated by the retirement of Evelyn Jones, according to Michael Tiffany. Branch Lending Manager.. Matthev's responsibilities in this position will be to pro ide lending and related services within Dixie, Gilchrist, and Ley counties. Matthew joined Farm Credit of North Florida in April 2003 as a loan officer trainee. He was promoted to loan officer in May 2004 and assigned to a loan of- ficer.position, covering the Live Oak and Lake City branch offic- es at that time. He will continue to cover these areas until that ) lending position is filled. Matthew is graduate of Mars Hill College. located in Mars Hill, North Carolina. He re- cei'ed a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration 'in, 2002. Reading to children eery' day is a great way for them to learn to love reading. Woodland Craft Signs 463-7135 FENCING ALL TYPES 4-Board 60' Round Horse Training Pen % 0 Including Labor, Material and One Gate gag3 Field Fence $2.49/ft. (soo'Mm.) Completely Installed, Including Labor & Material Wood Chainlink Field & Barbwire Also Repairs & Free Estimates (352) 284-7081 (552) 949-0320 Local, Orned Carlisle Fence Licensed & Irn.ured E terp ises,LLC .-Bell, Florida L.- LL I -1 .'..-_ . ?*''" /f ( ith IL' "x(!~ (~ ~\( vI~ ~ Trenton Middle School Career Day 2006 Thank You Guest Speakers!!! Linda Walker- Gilchrist County Emergency Medical Services Joe Young- Lineman, Gainesville Regional Utilities Bruce Sessler- Fune'ral Home Director Alex Hudson- Fire Rescue Julia Wheeler- Registered Nurse, North Fl. Regional Medical Center Lois Fletcher- Virtual Tour Photographer Trooper Sandlin- Florida Highway Patrol Tiffany Turner- Trenton High School Guidance Counselor Emory Philman- Massage Therapist Clayton Clark- University of Florida Professor, - -4 .m~ -~-~ Jfl ..----j,~ 'II Michelle Barron- Therapist, Henry & Rilla White Foundation Janica O'Brien- Speech-Language Pathologist Brandy Lovelace- Recreational Therapist, Ayers Health & Rehab John Magnusson- Sports Official Officer Justin Allen- Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission ,. ". r, ..v - XI~ r~. TIIMSDAY, MAY 25, 2006 C-rll.CT4R TRT COT TNTY TOT JIR N A 1, ~a ore. Ton I Alattliew VittiCantion =.,d mlB . ''T-TTmC'ThAV M~AV'i ?0)6~ GITTCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Page Eleven The Life And Times Of Woodburn Tripp Schofield (Continued from Page Two) named 'The Mount" and was owned by the Trollope fam- ily. The Schofield's were only one of three American military families living in the area. Dur- ing their stay of four years, the local villagers grew fond of the Schofields. Woodburn trav- eled TDY all over Europe and was stationed in North Africa in Libya-Tripoli A.F.B. Woodbuin sometimes told the story 6f when he organized a trip to Rome for a savings bond drive. He and his buddies were running around the city. one afternoon and arrived at the Trevi Fountain where a large group df people and paparazzi weremaking a ruckus. He made his way to the front of the crowd and "lo 'and behold, there was the film star, Gina Lolabrigida, surrounded .by her fans." In 1962, he and Luana and another couple also traveled around Western Europe in Woodburn's big 1955 Buick, which was quite an adventure. ' His next station was Mountain Home A.F.B. in Idaho in 1964 where he bought the family their first home and 'where their next daughter Kathy \was born. Woodburn had begun courses in college and continued his stud- ies in Idaho where he became an instructor in electronics at the base. He learned to hunt deer and elk and went fishing every few deeks in the Snake. River area and up in the Rocky Mountains, taking his kids %b ith him and teaching them about the outdoors. He was selected to go to Otis A.F.B., Cape Cod, in 1968 where he taught military person- nel on their %ay to Vietnam. He and Luana traveled around New. England and enjoyed their visits to Hyannis Port. He liked to pack up his kids in the car and, go on Sunday afternoon drives around Massachusetts. Con- necticut and Rhode Island. That- same year he was able to com- plete his college courses and re- ceived a BA in Psychology from Park College, Maryland. He soon received orders to Viernam ia 1969 and made his waytoT-an San Nyut A.F.B., Saigon, while Luana and the children relocated to Kailua. Ha'waii. The first night in Saigon he ended up in a bunker during a rocket attack. He said it was a long way from Cape Cod to Vietnam, althouOh he decided to make the best of it and during his free time he vol- unteered to assist at local village orphanages. Following his Vietnam tour he was assigned to Luke A.F.B., Ar- izona, arriving with his family in July 1970. The family lived for, several years on the base where his last son Morgan was born. He-received orders to Thailand in 1975 and bought a house in the Maryvale area of Phoenix for his family to stay, while he was overseas. He .was assigned to Udom A.F.B., Thailand, 200 miles north of Bangkok, where he assisted in supporting the withdrawal of Saigon. Over the years his military assign- ments included extensive work and in-flight testing on the F-4 Phantom, F-105 Thunderchief, T-38 Talon and T-37 military jets. Woodburn" received an honorable discharge from the. Air Force as a Senior Master Sergeant in November 1976. Woodburn had already begun a career in real estate in early 1976 and became a broker in 1982 when he bought his own Red Carpet Real Estate fran- chise, opening an 'office at 67th Avenue and Camelback Road. He moved his business to 67th Avenue and Peoria^ Avenue, its current location, in 1990:. He moved the family to Glendale .that same year. His son and' two daughters, Rex, Deborah and Kathy joined him in the real estate business in the earl) '80s and Rex and Deborah continued with him to the present time, with Rex as the current broker. They are well-know% n in the West Valley area having sold homes to generations of families.I Woodburn was a long-time member of the Elks Lodge and a local member of the Glendale lodge. He was also %ery active and a, past Board member in the local 'Hawaiian Club, Lau Kanaka No Hawaii. He %was a big supporter, of know ing and understanding one's. history, and culture, and be embraced Luana's Ha'.afian culture. Over Sthe sears he has sponsored his man\ grandchildren to the Ka- mehameha Exploration Program in Honolulu, Ha'waii. and %\as planning on continuing that tradition this summer. He also assisted other family friends in man\ different ways in times of need. Woodburn was bapinzed the spring of 2003 at the CherrN Sink Church of Christ outside Trenton, Florida. He will always be remembered as a strong lead- er of his family in Florida and Arizona and as a '%ell-respected, hard-working, no-nonsense real estate businessman in the Phoe- nix Valley. He .as met in. heaen on Thursday. May 4. 2006 bN his father and mother, brothers. Wil- liam, Morgan, Maurice, Me'min and Marion, sister, '.Mar Love Graham and grandson Ruben Jr. He is survived by hisbelo\ ed wife of 52 years. Luana. brother Harrison (Little BuddN ), Sister-in laws Jessica, Francis, Anna Mae, and many nephews and nieces in Florida and elsewhere. His other immediate surn i\ ing fam- ily includes his children, John. Woody, Deborah, Rex, Kathy, and Morgan; their spouses, .Darla. Phil Blackmon. Patti, and Jennifer: grandchildren. Bren- don, Justin, Jeremy, Kealoha August, Brvanna. Aaron, R\an, Robert Hernandez, Morgan Jr, Makoa.Kalani, Malia and young Woody and great-grandchildren Malia-Brooke and Xa ier. Pole Barns Installed Complete , $1,79500 Total Trenton Community Farmers' Market At the Depot 419 North Main Street (Hwy-129) Open Every Tuesday from 2pm 6pm Farm Fresh Produce S & Plants Drop-Off location for Canned Goods for the Food Pantry InfoLine: 352-463-4000, option 8 Vendor Information 386-454-3950 Sponsored by City of Trenton & Gilchrist County Journal A Letter To Th Editor To Whom It May C Garbage day is on all day long and on S half a day, on CR 13 Precinct. Remember fine and/or jail time, Please help us kee County clean by takin bage where it's supp at the time and place, the ground Let me re the ground so that th get to it and scatter it. To the lady dri'in white car with a' blu it, children make nas not adults. You're forgiven; hi member dogs spread children love to play SincerelN. The trouble with is that even if you v still a rat. -. Committee-a gre \\ho keep minutes hours. -^ le concern:. n Tuesday Saturday a 38, Leggett it is a $500 -p Gilchrist ig your gar- losed to go and not one From The Desk of the. Superintendent (Continued from Page Two) peat, not on -in the world's workplaces. ie dogs can The High School. Reform Team presented its suggestions g .the little to the school board several je hood on 'meetings ago..- Among. the tA gestures, changes was the idea of increasing the number of:math -\we'er. r~e- "'and science credits required germs and to graduate. The state legisla- with dogs. ture also wants to' increase the number of miath and science Janie Cox credits required of 'students. Branford They also- want high school' students to select a "major" and: ."minor" course: of study. The the rat race changes are found in the A++ win, you're Education Bill that is 160 pages long. Lily Tomlm Did you kno0v that over 50 percent of the goods you buy from Wal-Mart come from a oup of men different country, such as China? and waste Take a look at the tag on your shirt or blouse.' These are jobs hlilton Berle that went overseas to another location because our manu- facturers cannot compete with the low cost of labor in foreign markets. It is important that our students prepare for the knowledge economy, a global workplace that favors brains over brawn. Our workers must be able to operate- and service complex machines, handle moving large quantities of inventory from one location to.another quickly,. and have the core knowledge to adapt to new technology that enters their workplace. Even our farmers, the best in the World, must be educated to use technology and advanced scientific methods in their farm-. ing. operations. A team of teachers and admin- istrators from Gilchrist Schools attended the Florida Education Technological Conference a few w% eeks ago. The) attended man\ sessions and seminars on \ arious types of high tech equipment that would be useful in the class- room and help our students to learn, and then apply this knowl- edge in real life. They recently presented this information to the School Board. While the initial dollar cost is high. the expected returns in student learning would be worth the price. The District is searching for dollars to launch this initiate and have it under- way %%hen our students return to Remember Our Troops The Bible says,. "The prayers of the righteous man/woman avail much!" For the person of faith, that simply means that when the pray-er has "clean hands and a pure heart" his/her prayers will be heard in a mighty way before God. So much is, going on in our world today that whenever people or situations come before the mind, the dili- gent, who pray will place their' petitions' before the Throne of classes in the fall. g . Our :,seniors, will graduate from Bell and Trenton high schools on ThursdaN and Friday nights this week. They. have worked long and hard to be in a: position to graduate. \ ith diploma in hand. Man) will go on to further their education, :or enlist in the armed sen ices. Some will immediately enter the work force or get married. Our teachers and staff. over the last 13 years, ha\e worked hard to instill in this group the love of learning, and the ethic of hard work. VWherever they go and whatever endeavor they under- take, we wish them the best. Grace, and do so immediately, even if the prayer is one said .silently. As our local Gilchrist County military personnel go about their business each day in defending -us here. on America's shores against terrorism and other threats, the least we can do here at home is to pray for them, and daily. Please keep the following list handy as you lay your peti- tions before the Lord, for these young men and women deserve your best and the. best you can .give them is your time. (If you know of an active military per- son who is not listed., please con- tact the Gilchrist County Journal or w rite a letter to the Editor, so that person can be listed the next time this article is published.) Serving in Afghanistan: Steve Callaway and Jon'Guzman. . Serving in Iraq: Chris Geiger, J.B. Hodge, Jeffrey Solis. Justin Twigg, LaShonda White, Wesley Wilson, and Daniel Wood. Serving in other areas: Clay- ton App, Kathy Arrington, Peter Belanger, Drew Cheatum, Wayne Cheatum, Lance Cor- poral Mathew Corbin, Robert i Continued to Page Tweny I Compare Us...Compare Them... THERE'S NO COMPARISON! AF I, Is New '06 F-150 Styleside Supercab AM/FM Stereo/Clock, 4 6L EFI V8, Elec 4 Spa Autuo OD, P235/70RX> 17 ll Season Tires 3 55 Axle, 6700# GVWR, Speed Control Decor Group. Carpeted Floor Mats, Floor Carpet 40/20/40 Seat #6T0126 M S R P ... ......... ..... ................ .. White Ford Disc., & Rebates White Ford-Mercury's Anniversary Sale! New '06 Grand .4 Marquis LS Fle ul'.Fe CDual 8- .- i Rebate Po...er Front Seast. Tra:lion . Coritr. a-uiJ t ec Temp Cornp roi-. Full Sce T Spare Leather Seais & More 1 . MSRP $30,960 Disc. & Rebates............. $7,07 White Ford Owner Loyalty ...... $1,000, #6C0031 08A i NpW E,$22885 $5,397.00 NOW New '06 Focus 3 Dr. New '06 Fusion SE_ A 1 A- 2.OL Duratec 16'Valve 4 Cyl., Fuel inrjeciuorn, 2K 3L -1 Cl 5 Spd AuirornaTic. 6-Way Pov.er 5 Spodl Marnuai Air Conditioning,1 .Driver Seat, CD .'t./MP3. Power v -iidov.,s, S J tF .1 CCD ."./.1P3, Art-Trhen & M.ore' Locks. Till/Crui e. A.nT.-Theh & I',lorel S. 1 MSRP .......................... ... 14,905 MSRP ........ ......... $19,375 S Disc. & Rebates.............$3,640 isc & Rebates.............$2,700 on0 39O$*000 S16,67500* .. New '06 Escape 4 Dr. XLT4WD Se 06 F-i50 Power 6-Wa y Driver Seat, Speed Control Air V6, 5 Speed Manual, P255/65RX17 All Conditioning, 3.0L V6, 4Spd. Automatic OD New '06 Explorer New '06 Expedition : Season Tires, AM/FM CD, Air Trans., P235/70R16 OWLTires, TrailerTowing, SOHC V6, 5 Spd. Automatic, Leather, 3rd Row Power Fold Seat, DVD, Conditi.:,oririg 40/20/40 Vinyl Seat Leather Comfort Bucket Seats, & More. Sport Group & More! 6-Disc CD & More. MSRP ........................... $20,155.00 MSRP ........................... $26,535.00 MSRP ......... ................ $27,930 MSRP .. ............... ... $40,790 Disc. & Rebates.....$5,667.00 Disc. & Rebates.............$4,367 Discounts & Rebates.... $5,226 Total Savings.............. $12,058 N#ow 84s o#6Tgg0g26 o 05900* NTo0 TS0S27 1NOW 9941488 NOW $22,6 8 $22,704* .OW,&28,7320* see ITZIZ-k SAVE MORE GREEN! IT'S CHEAPER IN CHIEFLAND! ... What Color White Ford Do Yod Want? MONTH OF MAY PROGRAM CAR SALE! SPRING FLEET CLEARANCE 2006 VEHICLES Low Miles 2006Taurus SEL 2006 Five Hundred SEL 2006 Escape XLT 2006 Freestyle SEL 2006 E-350Van CD, Power. #101 Leather, Pwr, 6 Disc CD #996 V6, Pwr., 6 Disc CD. #997 Leather, Pwr., 6 Disc CD. #1020 12 Passenger 88#965 ONLY Yo19,888*ONLY8,988* ONLY919,988 .O.W 2005 Mustang Coupe Escape XLT Automatic, Nice Car! #917 V6, Auto. #969 Prgm.Veh.Warr. Avail. 2 to Choose Was5 OW 8 AS Low AS , $21,995 NOW $17#18oo *AS LOW As 10,48800s '05 Ford Focus #998 . Prgm.Veh.Warr.Avail. Was aSs fe '05 Expedition Eddie Bauer 4x4. #993 * $2W,95 NOW $25,888' " Mercury Mountaineer us t-.s-wu rew uao U 01 rana Iarquis LS jeep i ranu Cneruoke Prem. Leather, Low Miles. #1004 Dual Rear Wheels, Diesel, '02 Escape '02 Focus 5 Dr. Low Miles. #018 Nice, Great Starter SUV, 4x4, 2 to Choose Auto, XLT. #988 Auto, V6. #012. Auto., Low Miles. #1005 2 to Choose Auto, Great Condition. #016 AS Low As 6,988 $28,995 NOW $27,888 $ 13,99 NOW ,8 $1,95s ow 488 s Low AS $9,888 ,95s NWOW SIJ m Drive a Little Bell AVLA , Cross Ciy More... &.r_ 0"'TheVorks" io er 6Ney Gainesvile Genuine Motorcraft Oil & Filter Change Wilcox Te *Rotate & Inspect FourTires I Inspect Brake System A $42.95 -Test Battery A $42.95 Fanning * *Top Off All Fluids _l __ Bronson_ SI A great value In maintenance 1 %9igz~g^gFgg, OtterCrook wilan oil change, tire rotation, thorough Inspection and morel Up to 5 qts. Motorcraft Oil. Taxes, disposal fees and diesel vehicles extra. FGulf Hammock _validnilywithCouponOfferExpires6 .. 916 N. Young Blvd., Chiefland Toll Free 1-888-864-4582 r ala *Prices net of rebate, plus tax, tag and $224.95 document fees. All vehicles subject to prior sale. Art for illustration purposes only. Irf stock units only. See dealer for .ni details. (W.A.C.) = With approved credit, financing with Ford Motor Credit Co. Prices may include FMCC financing. "Present White Ford-Mercury vehicle owners. Website: www.whitefordmercury.com .Tp f fAA95 '1 edtB ronso =*i I 1 ]aL Hi S Si THURSDAY, MAX Z:), /-Vuu BOLD 'Ski 'I Pu np Tur-1 'up CAT .1- I IXNL3AT-,%-f -jINTY X OL VPN-.THURSDAY, AY125, '200 Pa e Twelve The Suwannee Valley League Ledger SVL is proud to announce that our Rookie, Minor and Major league baseball teams. performed extremely .well recently in the 20th anniver- sary of the Santa Fe Madness Baseball Tournament in Ala- chua and High Springs. We brought home several Division Championship trophies. Perkins Financial Group coached by Todd Bryant, John Rowe, and Roy Williams won first place in division 'A major leagues. These guys played a wonderful tournament! Custom Country Homes coached by Clark Taninies, Alan Skawien- ski, and David Jones won first place in their division of major leagues. They won one of two games on Saturday and both the semi-final and final games on Sunday! All the' players put their heart and soul into these games with Clay Taninies driving in a two run homer and Cedric Stokes pitching a marvelous tourna- ment throwing a two hitter in the championship game.. In the minor divisions Kastlestone Realty coached by Jack Lovelace, Mike Ryan, and Brandie Lovelace won first place in their division winning one game on Saturday and two games on Sunday! All of their players played awesome with Kyle 'Wiggins throw ing a one-hitter in the championship game and Torrez Brown hitting a' home run and Julious Riley III hitting a double. Bell Fam- ily Health Carej coached ,by Jamie Hunter, Bruce and Julie Thomas'; had a -team of six ,players who ,had "never played ,baseball before yet still won their division. They played, three games on Saturday and one game on, Sunday winning, the final game in extra innings 18'- 16. What a championship! All of their players played a superb tournament displaying a great team effort. In the rookie tournament Ray Hodge and Sons coached by Lydia Harrell, Shawn Hutto,' and Gabriel Martin won their championship division!. They played games on Friday, Sat- urday .and %won- the -semi-final and, -final games on 'Sunday. The coaches 'were very proud of the excellent play and hard work of all their players.- City of Trenton- coached by Rickey Whitley, Durrell Hicks, Ken- neth Harrison and Emory' Wilson played four games overall becoming runner-ups. in their division after losing a, very close finals game 10 9. These players have been very focused all year long having a final record of 14 1 -1. What a season! A- 1 Pest. Control coached by Shane Horlocker, Jerry Brown, arid John. Mc- Cleese were runner-ups in their division playing four games overall. They ended up losing in the finals on Sunday to one of SVL's other rookie teams. The coaches, were very pleased with how far the team had come- from the beginning of the season and couldn't wait for next year. Overall, this was a very im-' pressive outing by SVL! Ku- dos, to all 'the teammates and. coaches! Our regular baseball season ended on May 13,2006. We want to thank Joey El- linger, for orchestrating' a last minute fund raiser this past Saturday. We appreciate your efforts! We sure do hope that everyone enjoys their trophy! You all deserNe them!, We now begin our all-stars, season! Don't forget that once again our organization has. 'been very fortunate to have' been chosen to, host the Babe' Ruth District 1 Small League Tournament here at McArthur Park from June 15. 2006 to June 18, 2006. Having been chosen is testament to all of, Sthe hard work all of you hae given of yourself for the youth of Gilchrist count). Scott Guthrie has been ear- nestly' seeking out community sponsors and has done an admirable job raising much needed donations. We can use, all the help 'we can get to pull this special event off so., come on out and lend a hand! All those high. school students looking to ,earn community service hours are wanted and' welcome! : Mitch Harrell, Todd Bryant, Tern' Parrish, -Rickey Whit-' le.. Lydia Harrell and Kelly .Skawienhski 'have worked ex- BELLS & WHISTLES STORAGE Phone: 386-294-3867 Across from the Dollar General 1859 North Hwy 129 Bell, FL 10 x 10 UNITS, 10 x 20 units & 10 x 20 climate controlled available Hicks Seal Coating and Striping, LLC. Comminercial and Decoratiue Thermoplastic Residential Truncated Domes Asphalt, Parking Lots and Driveways Phone: (,352) 535-5479 Fax: (352) 463-7745 Ronnie Hicks Licensed and Irnsured Trenton, Florida tremely hard at improving the quality of play amongst all of our baseball divisions. The success written about above is the "proof in the pudding" of their skills. These six have consistently worked diligently to make a fair playing field for, all concerned with noth- ing but the utmost regard for the welfare and betterment of the youth of this county. Job well done! Todd Bryant is organizing a summer baseball camp from June 19 22 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon for all children ages 7 12. Your child will ibe placed in their age appropri- ate division and skill level. If .your child might be interested give Todd a call at 463-7590 or 493-3246. we cannot forget to thank all of the youth volunteer help we: received throughout the season in our concession stand and with field preparation. We hope,that any community ser- vice hours you received helps towards you achie ing your high school diploma! We would like to say a "special thanks" to Kyle and Darren Skawienski. ,Brooks Parrish. Randal, Rus- sel and Ryan Williams. Kvler Lo\elace, Santana Ward, Mat- thew and Andrew Harrell, Jamison and Madison Mower, Dallas Goff, Star Bynum, OI- ivia Rogers. Brittany Taninies. Josh Leverene. and the follow- ing "Diamond Queens" softball players Taylor Lovelace, Allie Lang, Kaylee Crawford, Kelby Cannon and Courtney Pace for all their help with concessions during the season. We .trulv could not have continued con- cessions without Nour etTorts. Softball continues along with their season through the middle of June. Games have been hard to come by as there are few teams that are in our age group within four district. However, our District Com- missioner Tammy Moore, com- missioner Frances Britton and' coaches Mike Sauls. Felecia Barron and Brandie Lovelace have' not been deterred from searching out games toplay. Thanks so much for all ,your, efforts! .We have-an Invitation-. al. Softball Tournament for the ten and under teams scheduled for June'2. 2006 which ushou'ld prove to be very exciting Frances and: Brandie 'have been hard at'work organizing the event and finding sponsors. Thank you so much! Again, we can use all the volunteer help we can get! Todd Gray continues to put the final touches to the bat- ting cage 'and Terry Parrish somehow was able ,to find some used astro turf to place on the floor of this "Frank Lloyd Wright" inspired batting cage. Since there were several "quality" remarks made as to the "tarp roof over" covering the charcoal grills loaned ito us by Scott Guthrie and Damon Leggett, 'the board has decided to put Tony Williams in charge of acquiring the necessary in- gredients to make a scrumpdil-, lyicious cook shed. Joey El- linger has repaired some field lighting issues we had and is looking to upgrade the, plumb- ing facilities in. the restrooms. Don't everyone. get flushed over that! But, we sincerely do appreciate it Joey! Mean- The Suwannie Early Ford V8 Club Region 140 in conjunction with Ayers Health & Rehab Center held their 14th Annual An- tique Car Show on May 20, 2006. There was a huge turn-out of both antique autos, and spectators, young and old. It was a pleasure to see the patients of the center reminisce about the old cars and days gone by. The car club wishes to express their thanks for the following businesses that have contributed trophies, door prizes, gift certificates and items for auction: Aline's Family Restaurant, NAPA MTS Communications Watson Funeral Home Farm Credit of North FL Drummond Community Bank Capital City Bank Suwannee River Moose Lodge 325 Smith & Associates, Inc. Best Drugs Ayers Health & Rehab Center Ameris Bank Trenton Florist B&J Automotive The Old Boarding House Hair Performance Huckleberry Bar-B-Q Homestead Restaurant Holt Steel, Inc. Pickett Weaponry ABC Automotive of Newberry Backyard BBQ. Coachbuilders City Boys Tire & Brake L&S Trim Dr. Israel Winikor, D.M.D. Max's Paint & Body Shop White Ford, Inc. Designer's Showcase ABC Pizza BBQ Bill's National Parts Depot Keystone Auto Parts NAPA Duval Motorcars The Custom County Homes team Kastlestone Realty 's team. \ Pictured'is the Ray Hodge and Sons team Shown is the Bell Family Health Care team ,vhile. Terry Boyd is working to install a %water softener to our maine water line thus helping filter sediment %which has wreaked havoc on our plumbing fixtures. Since the rain won't come to us it only seems fitting that we bring the rain to us. Terry Parrish and Todd Bryant have been very busy moving sprinklers around on the fields in order to keep. the grass growing' as the sprinkler system is on the blink. We hope to have this issue resoled shortly or; else to have the summer rains to i r ,t., ..r. ,, .- ,. ,, Redfish Violations Result In Court Judgments Five Jacksonville residents escaped jail time but paid the price for keeping 20 illegal' redfish from the St. Johns. River, according to, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC,) officials., The court found Benjamin Curry, 59,' Janise.L. Campbell, 42, and Andrea G. Chevers, 45, guilty. The three defendants received six months probation. 200 hours of community service and court costs of approximately $240 each. .. Willie B. Thornes, 50, received six months probation, 200 hours .of community service and courts costs of approximately $240. The court w withheld adjudication. The boat owner, Roosevelt Torrence, 61, received "six months probation, early termination, 125 hours ouof community service and courts costs of approximately $240. The court withheld adjudication, The States Attorney's Office declined to forfeit the vessel as FWC requested.. The case began when FWC Officer Dave Rosado conducted a routine boat stop Oct. 1, 2005, in the St. Johns River near the Intracoastal Waterway. "I asked the boaters if they had caught any fish. They said they had a few croakers. I obtained permission to board the vessel and verified the fish were croakers," Rosado said. However, the officer noticed one of the passengers was standing in the middle of the boat over a compartment hatch. Rosado asked to look into the compartment and found a 39- inch redfish (red drum).. Rosado asked if there were any more fish on board, and the man said there were a "few more" redfish in the bow/cabin area. Rosado found an additional 19 large red drum. All the fish ranged from 36 to 39 inches long, which is larger than the maximum regulated length of 27 inches. The daily recreational bag limit for redfish is one per person per day withy' a size limit of not less than 18 inches and not more than 27 inches. Rosaso cited Curry for four redfish, Campbell for three redfish, Chevers for two, while, Thornes claimed 11 fish. Rosado also cited Torrence for allowing commence earlier than usual. Don't forget football and cheerleading sign-ups May 20, 2006 and May 27. 2006. 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at MNcAr- thur Park. Unfortunately. C. 0. Jeff Crawl "as on vacation and unable to attend the "sign dedication" photo at McArthur Park two weeks ago. :We are still : glad to know that his heart and drive to make this the safest, cleanest and most well maintained park for the youth of Gilchrist count .is still his top priority. Thank you everyonesso mUech!. J i. redfish aboard his boat that were not in compliance \\ith established bag and size limits. "This is 'stealing' the resource from folks,\ ho fish and obey the rules," Rosado said For more information about the rules and regulations concerning redfish and other marine species. Sisit M) FWC.com/marine/ regulation him LCCC To Have Summer Camp For Health Career Students June 19-22 Lake Cit y Community College (LCCC) Allied Health Programs is offering a special foihrday summer camp for health careers to students currently enrolled in the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades. . The camp is a collaborative effort of LCCC, Suwannee River Area Health Education Center and the, Lake City Medical Center. The camp will run from June 19 to June 22 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. During the week participants will spend a complete day at one of the local hospitals taking a tour and shadowing various health professionals. They will be under full-time supervision by counselors, a camp coordinator and director. The purpose of .this camp is to encourage students to pursue health career opportunities and to build a plan of success for their future while participating in the hands-on health profession activities in' the LCCC labs. Candidates will be selected based on a complete application, a recommendation form, and a short essay. The Health Careers Summer Day Camp is free of charge and lunch will be provided, but it is suggested that participants pack a few snacks. Participants will have to provide their own transportation. Application deadline is June 1, 2006. For questions on application process, call Amy Dekle, LCCC vocational recruiter at (386) 754-4233 or e- mail deklea@lakecitycc.edu. Hall Available 352-463-1501 ',--TI ,ICiry.o Pictured is A-1 Pest Control's team Gator Storage Traitor Rentals 352-372-6206 i t THURSDAY, NtAY 25,2006 GILCERIST COUNTY JOURNAL I THURSDAY MY 25. 2006CTIT CHRIS COT INTYJLuNl aeTite Mr. Jeffrey Martin DeLong Mr. Jeffrey Martin DeLong of Trenton died Monday, May 15, 2006 in Chiefland. He was 41. Mr. DeLong was born in Ft. Lauderdale and was a truck driver for. O'Steen Brothers Construction Company. 'He enjoyed his family, liked to be .with his children and take them fishing or to watch hot rods. He is survived by a son, Jef- frey Martin DeLong, Jr.; two daughters, Laura Lynn DeLong and Jennifer Michelle DeLong, all of Trenton; his parents, Fred and Dona DeLong of Trenton; grandmother, Larue Rabuck of Clermont; and a sister, Melanie (James) Shelton of Wilmington, North Carolina. A memorial service was held Friday, May 19, 2006 at Milam Funeral Home in Newberry with Duane McAtee conducting. the service. In lieu of flowers contribu- tions may be' made to Haven Hospice of the Tri-Counties, 311 NE 9th Street, Chiefland, Florida 32626. . Arrangements were underthe care of MILAM FUNERAL HOME, Newberry. Mr. Sidney Perry Dosh, Jr. Mr. Sidney Perry Dosh. Jr. of Cross City, died Wednesday,, May 17, 2006.. . Sid is survived by his wife Margery Allen Dosh and daugh-, ter Shannon Deborah Dosh of Crystal River; son Louis Russell Dosh and father Sidney Perry Dosh, Sr. of Ocala; along with six loving grandchildren. An- drew, Ashley, Zachary. Megan. Ran and Annie. . Memorial services will be, .held at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday. May -25, 2006 at First Baptist Church of Cross City.. A visita- tion with the family will be held at 1:00 p.m. in the church fel- lowship hall. Sid Jr. was born in Ocala on October 18. 1938 and graduated' from Ocala High School in 1956, attended Duke University focus- ing on Business Administration. 'and studied Finance and Market- 'ing at Jacksonville University graduating in 1961. Later in life, Sid earned his Masters Degree in .Judaic Studies from Spertus Col- lege in Chicago. Illinois. A native Flondian, Sid flour- ished in Marion County, as a local business owner of Routed .Signs, Inc. 'In mid-life Sid followed in his. grandfather's newspaper footsteps and be- came owner and editor of 'the Dixie County Advocate. Always devoted to community organiza- tions, Sid Jr. was a member of the. Rotary Club, Dixie County Chamber of Commerce, and the .Sons of Confederate Veterans. Since a young boy, Sid was an active.member of Grace Episco- pal Church. In his off time, Sid spent time with Abigail Rose, his faithful Border Collie, en- joyed watching the wild life on Hunter Springs, e-mailing fam-- ily and friends, and listening to oldies on WDUV. As a loving father, devoted ,husband and doting grandfather, Sid will be best remembered for his outgoing personality, generous heart and gift for writing. Expressions of sympathy may be sent to your favorite charity in the memory of Sidney P. Dosh, Jr. or*to Dixie Camp Monument Fund, 944 SE 601, St., Old 'Town, FL 32680 or to the. Dixie County Rotary 'Club,, %Sonny Wadsworth, Treasurer, 4622 SE 55 A Hwy., Old Town, FL 32680. 'Mr. Richard Erickson Mr. Richard Erickson of Or- ange Lake died Thursday. May 18, 2006 in Gainesville. He- was 63. Mr. Erickson was born in De- troit, Michigan and came to this area from Michigan in 1968. He: was of the Lutheran faith and a member of Laborers Interna- tional Union of North America, Local #800. He is survived by, his wife, June Erickson of Orange Lake; a son, Harold Erickson of Orange Lake; a daughter. Arlita Lewis of Trenton; two sisters, Kathy Erickson of Williston and Karen Prevatt of MacClenny; a brother, Ronald Warnng of MNlntosh; 'and three grandchildren. Arrangements were under the care of ROBERTS FUNERAL HOMEE.Ocala. AMr. Paul Louis S Schneider, Sr. .Mr. Paul Louis Schneider, Sr.' " of McLean, Virginia died orn Saturday, May 13. 2006 at Inova Fairfax Hospital in Fairfax. Vir- ginia. He w'as 86 years old. Mr. Schneider moved to Vir-, ginia this year from Trenton. He was a member of the Suwannee Baptist Church. He worked for 42 years as an electrician in the Miami area as a member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union. He' was also a member of the Unity .Mjasonic Lodge. He is survived by a son, Paul L. Schneider, :Jr. (Giselle) of Fairfax; two grandsons. Andrew' Schneider and PFC Alexander k Schneider, both of Fairfax; and three granddaughters, Alison Schneider and Anne Schneider both of Fairfax, and Christine Crews of Trenton. A funeral service was held on Friday, May 19, 2006 at the Rick Gooding Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Fred Edwards conducting the service. Intern- ment followed at the Deaden' Cemetery in Brooker. Arrangements were under the care of RICK GOODING FU- NERALHOME, Cross City. (352) 463-7135 I momwomwommmmu U-1 E F!;; Obituat-ics dystrophy. The Web site offi- cially launched September 2nd, just before the annual Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon for Muscular Dystrophy begins on Sunday, September 4th. Users will give their names for verification purposes, but individual information will be kept strictly confidential. Questions about diet and medication even the moment a Wheelchair is brought into a household will be asked through the site. The Web site differs from blogs or traditional Mr. Kim Sheldon Sapp Mr. Kim Sheldon Sapp of Bell died Thursday, May 18, 2006 in Lakeland. He was 50. Mr. Sapp was born in Miami and came to this area in 1955. He attended Lighthouse Baptist Church in' Lakeland and had many hobbies. He was preceded in death by his father, Roy Dampson. . Mr. Sapp is survived by his mother, Lucille:"Kitty" Damp- son. of .Bell; a sister, Melissa Bonner of Duluth, Georgia; and a brother, Troy Dampson of. Pace. ' A Card Of Thanks Thank you to Gilchrist County) friends for the love and support you gave during the loss of our beloved mother. Ottiest Alice 'Koon Akins. We, her family, wish-to thank our friends for all the support you gave us during the extended illness of our dear precious "Mama." As many of you know "Mama" was placed in Hospice care 17 months ago. We have had so much love and support given to her and her family throughout her illness and death, April 17, 2006. We were blessed to be ble to care for her in her home until the last month when she was in Tri-County Nursing Home. . The many visits, phone calls. flowers, food, and most of all, prayers, helped sustain us' throughout this time. We were blessed to have her for almost 90 years. During these years she taught much about the value of work, honesty, sharing, caring. unselfishness and. loving the Lord and His teachings. Thanks especially to David Halter for the many kind words and pow- erful truths he presented at her funeral. Bascom and Paula Akins. and family,. Joe and Bea Akins and family, and Gwen and Lloyd Barber and family UF Doctors Cast Net' To Help Muscular Dystrophy Patients Patients and families affected by muscular dystrophy urgently need to take practical steps to' help slow the destructive course of the disease, say University of Florida researchers vho on Sep- tember 2, 2005 launched, a web- based effort to collect informa- tion from people coping with the illness. "The reason that it is so im-. portant to identify things that, may offer a margin of benefit is that the realistic time horizon for a real treatment or cure is within decades, maybe sooner," said 'Dietrich Gravenstein, M.D., an anesthesiologist asso-. ciated with UF's College of Medicine. "I have experience with individuals that suffer from rare diseases. I see how stoic the parents and patients are that face these challenges and I have been frustrated by how little scientifically validated advice there is to simply help them confidently make the' many choices they face." Muscular dystrophies,. genetic diseases characterized by pro- gressive weakness .of the mus- cles that control movement, affect between 50,000 to 250,000 people at any one time, according to the Muscular Dys- trophy Family Foundation. In Duchenne muscular dystrophy, which affects one out of every 3,500 to 5,000 boys, the disease starts to tear down muscles at birth and is typically diagnosed before age six. Most patients are wheelchair-dependent by 12. By their late teens, most require a respirator to breathe. Victims of the disease do not live past their 20s. The Web site - www.Ufanswers.org will collect voluntary submissions about personal experiences, lifestyles and the progression of the disease. Even families who have lost loved ones can con- tribute their experiences and help others living with muscular Garage Complete Automotive Service ASE Certified Mechanics 15391 N.W. Hwy-19 Chiefland Halfway between Chiefland and Fanning Springs. 352-493-2904 Other Major Credit Cards riaS E ust sites that might feature chat rooms, personal experiences or lists of resources in that it is a data warehouse that researchers with approved protocols can mine for strategies to impact the disease. It uses advanced in- formation science techniques to collect and classify data. "Anecdotal information is un- scientific, but by gathering it in great numbers, we hope to pin- point factors that are casually related to an improved disease course,"I said Gravenstein,: who has a son with muscular dystro- phy. "Right now, we are forced to, speculate. It's terribly dis- heartening. For example, con- ventional wisdom is to let chil- dren regulate their own, play;, that when they tire they will rest. Yet strenuous exercise and contact activities are discour- aged because this accelerates muscle loss. So. we are left to ask: are other activities such as stair climbing harmful or harm- less? And with the respiratory or cardiac failure all patients eventually develop, are these accelerated if someone in your home smokes? What are the' effects of surgery and how the anesthetics are managed? Par- ents anguish o\er such ques- tions for which there are cur- rently no answers and we hope to shed light on them." Additional sets of clinical and anecdotal data would be useful to the muscular dystrophy community, according to Pat Furlong, president of Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy, an Ohio-based, not-for-profit orga- nization that works to help families, support research and build international collabora- tions. "Over the last 20 years, I have spoken with more than !.000 families of boys with Duchenne or Beoker muscular dystrophy." Furlong said. "Without excep- tion the families, researcher's phy,scians and the hea!th-care co.mmuniry would benefit from the ability to access information relevant to a certain condition. It is certainly critical for the muscular dystrophy community. to work together to better under- stand what positively or nega- tively impacts individuals af- fected by : neuromuscular disorders, as well as the value of specific intervention." / - Funding to build the'database is through support from the Florida-based I Hermann Anes- thesiology Foundation. Anes- thesiologists are particularly interested because they partici- pate in tendon release and spine stabilization procedures.' com-: mon in muscular dystrophy pa- tients, Gravenstein said." The disease causes muscles to be- come infiltrated with fibrous tissue, making the' muscles ap- pear large even as the kids be- come weaker. Patients begin to walk on their toes and their backs bow. Surgeons cut the tendons in the legs and correct .the curvature of the spine to '-enable the children to .walk or sit, for a while longer, or barring that, to rest more comfortable. The muscle contractions also occur in the diaphragm and heart. "Children with muscular dys- trophy and their parents don't have a rosy future since there is still no cure for this disease," said Hans van Oostrom, Ph.D., an. associate professor of anes- thesiology and biomedical engi- neering who L designed the www.tJfanswers.org Web site., "No. single institution that pro- vides care collects enough expe- riences or data, but we've built a mechanism to create a large database at a single source to catalog 'a geographically broader ..experience. Our objective is to do statistical analysis on these data and report our validated results back to participants. .'Ultimately, we would like to make these data available to anyone who has a legitimate interest, but only in a way that guarantees the absolute confi- dentiality of the people who contributed their experiences." Woodham's 2005 Boating Accident Statistical Report Now Available Florida saw boating deaths rise in 2005 to the highest number reported in 10-years. The majority of .the increase- was victims falling overboard, according to the Florida Fish. and Wildlife Conservation Commission's (FWC), newly released 2005 Boating Accident Statistical Report . -Eighty people lost their lives in 69 incidents last year, a 15 percent increase from 2004. "We- are .very concerned about the upward trend in boating fatalities," said FWC Capt. Richard Moore, Florida's boating law administrator. "Especially given the fact the vast majority of these are easily preventable. "Paying attention to what's going on around your boat is very important, since many accidents are the result of. a collision with another \essel or fixed object." Tn 2005, falls overboard increased, 53 percent over the previous year, resulting in 29 incidents and 30 victims. Of those victims. 79 percent of fatal falls overboard involved an open motorboat or some other small. unstable craft. Additionally. 69 percent of fatal falls overboard occurred on calm, inland waters: 93 percent of the victims drowned 163 percent of those reportedly could swim; none of the drowning victims were wearing or using a life jacket. and 53 percent were at least 51 years old. "As for the deaths." Moore said. "the simple act of tearing a life jacket is your best insurance on the water. Our stats; shot that it's mostly swimmers \\ho are drowning when they. unexpectedly end up in the water." ' Sandy Morone and Gay Kite of Oealaoutli\ed their sons. who drowned in a boating accident Dec. 19, 2004 on Half Moon Lake in the Ocala National Forest Their sons. Allan Michael Morone. 22, and John Edward Ray, 23, failed to wear life vests. Their bodies were not recovered for more than a week.. "You don't think it will happen to you," Morone' said. "You think, it will happen to. someone else. I'm living, but I'm not living the same way." Kite agrees with 'Morone on the importance of wearing a life vest. . "I do know, as a mother who has lost her son, these accidents can be prevented," she said. Thereport documents statistics for each county, including the number of accidents separated by type of vessel; number of registered vessels for each county, accidents by. time "of month and day, cause of incident, operator education and various other information. The report is available online through the FWC Web site at \ w M) F-WC.com. Airboat Muffler Education Campaign Continues Florida airboat owners have a fe% more months to ensure their crafts have automoti\e-st le mufflers installed on the boats' engine exhausts. The Florida Fish and Wild- life Conservation Commission (FWC) approved the enforce- merit protocol last year, effective June 30. 2006. . An education campaign .for airboat owners will continue through June 30. After that date, FWC officers have the option to issue \written \warnings or cita-. tions for failure to use. the ap- propriate muffling de% ices. Registered airboat owners in Florida should hate received a letter and brochure explaining in detail the law enforcement protocol airboats must have automotite-stile mufflers or a muffling system designed and installed to abate exhaust sounds and gases emitted from an inter- nal combustion engine. Anyone who has yet to receive a letter and brochure, or who needs ad- ditional copies., should call Brian Reh\'.inkel at (850) 488-5600 or e-mail him at brian.rehwinkel@ MyFWC com. State law requires vessels' engine exhaust to be muffled ef- fectively in a reasonable manner. Individual counties may enact Tired of White Print your next letter on, preprinted de- signer stationary. We have many prints to choose from. Good for par- ties, Birthdays, or just to let someone know you are think- ing of them. We also have color copies, $1.00 for 8.5"x 11". 207 North Main Street, Trenton 352-463-7135 Our Free Checking Account is no exception. * Free first order of checks * Purchase previous bank checks at .05 per check or $10.00 maximum * Free Debit Card * Free Online Banking with Bill Pay * Savings Account- 6 months no maintenance fee * Installment loan discount with auto debit* * $50.00 minimum to open * Earns interest with a minimum daily balance of $600 * INFOLINE 24-24 hour account information * Personal Reserve Account available (Overdraft protection)* *Subject to credit approval. EYcmerts Experience Real Free Checking. 7-P -- "--"--." IN MEMORY OF. LAURA JORDAN EDWARDS March 25,1966 May 30,2003 If tears could build a stairway and memories were A lane we would walk right up to heaven and bring You back again.... We have missed you so much these past three years, and we have shed a lot of tears, but you never will be gone as long as we have our memories. You will live forever, be in our hearts, and in our memories. We Love and Miss You So Very Much Mom, Dad, Nick and Cory additional ordmances to restrict vessel sound to 90 decibels at 50 feet. Researchers examined sound levels from different styles of mufflers -- including exhaust and intake manifold mufflers and differing propeller designs - at variouss operating speeds and distances from an observer. They determined that several compo- nents, %when used together, could provide the needed incremental improvements to reduce airboat sound levels significantly. They include mufflers, wide-blade. propellers and prop-speed re- duction. Historically'. "flex-pipe" : (flexible tubing that diverts en- gine exhaust behind the boat) has been' widely accepted as a reasonable device for muffling sound. New Iv released scientific research reveals flex-pipe does not meet Florida's, muffling re- quirements "'Your Guide to Safe and Courteous Airboat Operation,", a brochure included with the let- ter, discusses additional methods to further reduce 'sound levels and includes the Airboater Code- of Ethics, tips on courtesy and proper outdoor stewardship. Page Thirteen THURSDAY, MAY 25,2006 GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Page Fourteen SVL Names Mascot Logo Finali-ts Shown from left are Terry Boyd, SVL Board Member; Rickey Whitley, SVL Board Member; Alissa Cheney, Ashely Christopherson, August Megargel, and Clay Welch with Scott Guthrie of Drummond Bank, and Cloud Haley, SVL Board Member. , Logo Finalists The judges have spoken! They reviewed over 50 sub- missions from Bell high, middle and elementary schools, and. Trenton high, middle and el- ementary, schools . The artwork consisted .of a variety of techniques includ- ing pencil, crayon, colored. pencil, computer-aided graph- ics, 'and ink. We looked at' all sorts of animals, mammals,' insects, birds, reptiles, fish, action figures, and geometric designs. The submissions were very original, creative, colorful and artistic revealing' the time, effort and thought each one of you put into your project. You've really helped SVL resolve a burning con- cern in choosing the 'perfect mascot/logo! We sincere\ appreciate,,and thank, each of you who par- ticipated in our contest. Mae Bryant is to be thanked for integrating the mascot logo emblem. SVL would also, like to thank Mr. Vickers, the School Board, and ill of the schols.'for leni'ng;'us present this contest within the school system. SVL' along with' Drummond Community Bank feel it is very important to be connected, with your commu- nity. Your participation' in our contest reflects this connection. Drummond Community Bank and Scott Guthrie are award- ing $100 U. S. Savings Bonds to each of the three finalists and the overall winner. Such awards reflect their commit- ment to providing encourage-' ment and incentive for 'the youth. of Gilchrist County. Additionally, SVL is provid- ing free sign-up to all sports for :one full year to the overall winner. .Thank you all so very much! And, the winners are: Over- all Winner -August Megargel High School: Finalist Alissa Chaney' Middle School Fi- nalist Ashley Christopherson; aand Elementary Finalist Clay Welch. Get your office supplies at the Journal office. Small buildings, boats, etc. 24 hr towing service, 22ft. rollback bed. Carports also available.. Reasonable Rates. 463-2900 493-0345 . JOE'S TOWING & ROLLBACK Credit Cards Accepted , Rudd 100% Cypress Mulch/Chips 8 yds $125 -4 yds $70 We will load Free Delivery In Area 8 am 5 pm Monday Friday ,8 am 12 pm Saturday 352-538-5098 It's Not About the Car... It's about the precious cargo it carries. As a local independent agent we can design an insurance program that's just right for you and your family. Give the people you love Safe.Sound.Secure. protection from Auto-Owners Insurance Company. 14uto-Owners Insurance Nature Coast Insurance 12372 NWHWY 19, Chiefland, FL 32626 352-493-2565 High Springs Farmers' Market Now Open Every Thursday The High Springs Farmers" Market, located at James Paul Park behind City Hall in down- Stown historic High Springs, is:'open every Thursday from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. arid every. SSaturday in May and June from. S12:00:p.m. to 3:00 p.m. This week is Bike Fest! .. Ok,w now the local produce is really coming in! How about some fresh picked green beans'? (Hint: Bu. extra for the freezer!) Blueberries are starting to come .in... and melons... ever taste" a green cantaloupe? It's deli- ciously s\%eet from Holt Farm in Ne berry! Plenty of squash. omons, tomatoes and cukes... and lots, more variety. Great plants,. beautiful cut flowers this \\eek from Cheney Farm in O'Brien: Trees, shrubs. starter plants.. don't forget baked goods like Graham Farms.muf- . fins.., or their jams and jellies! Organics, hone), the list goes on and on... And, Miz Martha's Storytelling every Thursday at 4: 30 p.m! . Mark your, calendars ;- June is going to be our'busiest event month this year! On Thursday, June Ist there will be a Buy Local Block Party celebrating Yulee Railroad Days. Come celebrate the im- portance of the railroad in our area. The railroad was the reason Alachua County developed as it did. Railroad songs of old will be heard from the gazebo with' local favorites, like the Flying Turtles.' On Thursday, June 8th the Buy Local Block Party will fea- ture a School's Out Celebration & Health Fair featuring activi- ties and entertainment; health, safety and nutrition tips. Con- 'firmed so far are:' Angie Love- lock, Dietitian from the High Springs WIC Clinic with books, coloring sheets and stickers for , the children. Alachua County ,Fire Rescue will talk about Sum- mer Safety for kids and elders. First Baptist Church's Pray and Play will be setting .up hoops and other activities for kids of all ages. Also attending will be the High Springs Fire Depart- ment, Wendy Wilbur & the Ala- chua County Master Gardeners, Alachua County Waste Alterna- tives. Plus, the Florida Dept. of Agriculture's Fresh from Florida Promotional Campaign is sending us a big box of great giveaways. Need t.senda fax (ill.CHIST 2OINTY 01 RNAITHUSDAY MA 25,200 The FWC Report For May 10-18 This report represents some significant events the FWC handled over the past week; however, it does not include all actions taken by the Division of Law Enforcement. NORTH CENTRAL RE- GION CLAY COUNTY May 10, Officer Alan Hof- meister was dispatched to a boating accident that occurred in Black Creek. Preliminary investigation revealed that a 22- year-old Clay County man was operating a personal watercraft (PWC) when it collided with the bridge fender system of U.S. 17 at Black Creek. The operator sustained facial injuries requir- ing surgery.: DIXIE COUNTY May 12, Officers Darby But- ler and Justin Allen were on foot patrol when they came across a sign consistent with the use of a %wheelbarrow. The officers fol- lowed this sign to a small tidal creek in a marsh area which led to the Gulf. From a concealed position, they watched a man cast netting fish and placing them in a cooler. The officers, discovered the man had com- pletely blocked off the creek with a stop net. The man was issued citations for the illegal stop net and failure to: release live undersize redfish. .: SLUWANNEE COUNTY '- COPS Officer Mant Tyre attended a meeting with the Airboat As- sociation in Suwannee County. There were approximately 65 .people in attendance and the main topic was airboat-muffling' requirements. : : .-r- ' TAY)LOR COUNTY Ma l 17. Officers Randy MNcDonald and Chad Albritton %were traveling on HighwaN 51 when they encountered a ce- hicle stopped in the middle of the road, motor running, and headlights on. The officers ap- proached the vehicle and located a female driver, passed out at the ,'~ heel, with a beer can in her hand. The officers awakened the driver and immediately suspect- ed a possible DUI. The officers attempted to initiate field"sobri- eties to no avail. The women advised the officers she was too drunk to complete any tests. The female %was arrested for DUI and' transported to jail where she re-, fused the breathalh zer. Nla'y 16, FWC Officers Leon- ard Bailey and Randx McDonald made two separate possession of cannabis cases while checking area boat ramps. Both cases involved misdemeanor quanti- ties and both subjects were cited and released. May 16, FWC Officer Chad Albritton ,as working the Econ- fina River area, concentrating on the close of stone .crab season, when he conducted an inspec- tion on a local commercial crab- ber. During, the inspection of the commercial vessel, Albrit- ton located a bucket of stone crab claws. A. closer look at the claws showed all the claws to be undersize. Albritton cited the fisherman for possession of stone crab .claws during the closed season. UNION COUNTY May 11, Officer Bret Gill was patrolling a local hunt club.. At approximately 10:30 p.m., Gill observed a vehicle displaying a light into the woods. Gill ap- proached the vehicle and con- ducted a stop. The vehicle was occupied by two Baker County men who stated they were hunt- ing fox. Gill could hear dogs in the distance, adding to the sub- ject's statement. Gill then dis- covered their vehicle contained two loaded firearms. Gill cited both subjects with .possession of gun and light and possession of a firearm while hunting fox. Restaurant, Catering Service & Cakes Available Daily Blueplate Special $6.50 (Monday Friday, while they last) ~ Call Ahead Window Pickup Available ~ 352-463-8831 Mon & Tues 6am- 3pm : Wed & Thurs 6am 9pm T LJ 1122 East Wade Street Fri & Sat 6am 10pm Trenton, Florida 32693 Sunday 11am 3pm Open For Breakfast 6 am (Mon-Sat) SUNDAY LUNCH (BUFFET ONLY) Julie Thomiis, right, Gilchrist Co nity Education Foundation President, presented Capital City Bank with a placqiue, recognizing the bank for raising the most money for the Walk-A-Thon. Shown also are, from lft, Pat Yiites, Elwanda GoreP. Holly Smith, and Denise Hudson. Get The Help You Need Fromn Vocational Rehabilitation Florida's Vocautonal Reha- bilitation iVR' program is com- mitted to helping people with disabilities become part of the workforce. VR is a statewide resource for people with physi- cal and mental disabilities who want to go to work. VR assists people "ith disabilities with training, medical treatment. ' accommodations, and other serx ices so they ma. become,or remain emplo.ed. Last Near, VR helped more than 9.300 Florid- ians find or keep jobs. VR is also a resource for businesses that emplo) people w ith disabilities. Any person living in Florida who has a. physical or mental. impairment and is of working age or approaching working age may apply for rehabilitation ser- ' \ices by contacting a VR office, for an appointment. VR has 116 offices across Florida. Ydu may call 866-515-3692 to find out the VR office closest to you. VR offers ser' ices to assist in a person's rehabilitation. Based on the disability ind vocational goal. a VR customer may require one or more of the follow ing ser- vices. CareerPlanning S Vocational Evaluation I Counseling and Guidance Job Placement Job Coaching Speech and Language Therapy o Training and Education Af- ter High School .. .. Medical and Psychological Diagnosis and Treatment Assessment of Technology Needs On-Site Job/Task Analysis Support Services Rehabilitation Engineering Services For additional information about VR services, call 866-515- 3692, oi visit the VR Web site at RehabWorks.org. All I know is just what I read in the papers. --Will Rogers Order Your RUBBER STAMPS at the Gilchrist County Journal 207 North Main Trenton 463-7135 Water Filtration Lie # CFC05162I WOLFE PLUMBING, INC. Complete Plumbing Service Drain Cleaning & Repair 7 Days Service 352-463-2202, "NEED A FENCE OF ANY KIND : CALL DANNY ANYTIME." - Barb 'ire, Woven Wire Chain Link' *,Board DannyHodge (352) 463-1832 -- Mobile (352) 493-5345 4110 S.W. 25th Street -- Bell, Florida Barron's Aluminum I ADORABLE BABY IN THE AREA' ABLE BABY" AND N BEAUTY PAGEANT I g DO YOU HAVE THE MOST "MOST ADOR KING AND QUEE * Licensed & lrn.ured * Free In-Hom Consultauon,. * Screen Rooms * Suri Rooms Year-Round Lming SSpace Lileuime Transferable Warrant i San Roo.ms onrl l i a l "I i iFCarports., .. Patio & Deck Covers Decks & Handrails . *-Viciyl Siding : Storni Panel & Shuiters Email: bahomepros@ bellsouth.net 1-800-203-8214 or 352-463-3004 iU. Land Clearing Site Prep, Inc, Fill Dirt & Limerock Site Prep & Pad Building Land Clearing *Driveways Licensed & Insured 352-463-6125 or 352-535-5731 THURSDAY, MAY 25,2006'. GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAI- - ? , an ,- e- THTR vhAiMY95906 il.2HIS (01INT JuR l Pa xifee Justin Diggs New Drum Major For Marching Band Justin Diggs was handed the traditional white gloves of the Drum Major by outgoing Drum Major Bethany Lunsford. Justin Diggs' was tapped for the position of Drum Major by Jamie Petersheim, band director for the Trenton MS/HS band. Justin was chosen from a field of highly qualified candidates. He will be entering his Junior year at Trenton where he has been a student since 4th grade.- Last marching season Justin played baritone, which he will have to put, aside during marching season, but will resume during symphony season. In the *future Justin hopes to play in the band at the University of Florida while studying to be an Anesthesiologist. Justin is the son of Mrs. Laurie Moore and Mr. Edzra Osorio. Submitted by Ellie Andrews Public Relations Trenton MS/HS Band Boosters "My Soldier" Phenomenon Lets U.S. Soldiers Know Somebody Back Home Cares Manhattanville College's "My ,Soldier": program allow s you to celebrate Armed Services Day and Memorial Day this May by 'showing your support for US military personnel. My, Soldier is a program that puts 'politics aside and lets U.S. soldiers know. that someone back home cares. U.S. Armt Sergeant Juan Sa- las, a student at Manhattanville College in Purchase, New York served for 14 months in Iraq. Upon his return to campus, he and Manhattanmille President Richard Berman developed My Soldier to bring soldiers and American citizens together and help soldiers feel appreciated. According to the college's president Richard Berman "Our service men and women as well as their families deserve to know they are supported at home:. Manhatianille's My "Soldier is a free program that connects American ciilians ,\ith a sol- dier deployed in a hardship area like Iraq and Afghanistan by es- tablishing pen pal relationships. Our letter w riding program offers an opportunity to get to know a soldier and aims to humanize the men and women who are volun- Shown from left are Bethman Liunsford: Band Director Jamie Petersheiim, and new' Trenton AIS,/HS Drum Major Justin Diggs. tarily serve ing in our military". When a person enrolls in the My Soldier program at www.m)soldier.com, they agree to adopt a soldier a's a pen pal. They receive a "starter kit" con- taining a free red My Soldier bracelet to publicly show their support for American troops and guidelines for %writing letters to their deployed United States Armed Sert iceperson. Typi- cally, the soldier then replies and the. direct correspondence begins. Participants may also choose to send care packages, which are greatly appreciated (but not expected) by the sol- diers. The program is free. but donations that are applied to op- erating coasts are encouraged. My Soldier is reminiscent of the POW/MIA bracelet program that was launched on Veteran's Day, 1970. That campaign was the brainchild of t\o college stu- dents in Los Angeles, who were looking for ways young people could support soldiers overseas % without becoming involved in the contro)\ers\ surround- ,ing the \%ar. Manhattantille's particular program is born from the college's mission to "edu- cate ethically and socially re- sponsible leaders for the global community." It is also a natural outgrowth of,the college's com- mitment to empower 'students to be passionate and to 'pursue their dreams to make the world a bet- ter place. "For some young people, the POW bracelets represented a po- litical awakening," said Berman, who was a college student at the University of Michigan during the Vietnam War. "That's what \we hope %will happen at Manhat- tan ille and across the country. Wearing the bracelet \will be a reminder that serviceman are making sacrifices for democracy fight now." Juan simply hopes to get the message out about the dignity and conviction of his comrades. who he witnessed firsthand. '"I \want to reach out to guys that, I know, members of a platoon I served in, to let them know somebody back home is think- ine about them. Somebody back home cares." For more information, in- structions on how to receive a free 'my soldier' bracelet or to register please visit www.mysoldier.com. About Alanlhaminiille College Manhattanville College offers a rigorous academicexperience within a nurturing environment. 1,500 undergraduate students from more than 37 states and 53 countries enjoy the suburban location along with the resources of New York City, w which is just .30 minutes away. There's a- strong ,social justice and com- munity service focus at Manhat-, tanville last yearstudents at our small school logged over 19,000 community service hours. My Soldier is a natural outgrowth of the school's mission: to educate students to become ethically and socially responsible leaders for the global community. . Since Manhattanville Presi- dent Richard A. Berman and U.S. Army Setgeant, Juan Salas launched My Soldier, 'at a Vet- erans" Day press conference in 2004 over 400,000 participants have signed up to adopt over 175,000 deployed military per- sonnel. Cutting Calories Slightly Can Reduce Aging Damage A lifelong habit of trimpming just a few calories from the daily diet can do more than slim the waistline a new study shows it may help lessen the effects of aging. - Scientists from the University of Florida's Institute on Aging have found that eating a little less food and exercising a little more over a life span can reduce or even reverse aging-related cell and organ damage in rats. . The .discovery, described this month in the journal .4Ani- oxidants and Redox Signaling, builds. on recent research in, animals and humans that has shown a more drastic 20 percent to 40 percent cut in calories slows aging damage. The UF findings indicate even small re- ductions in calories could have big effects on health and shed light on the molecular process responsible for the phenomenon, which until now has been poorly understood. "This finding suggests that. even slight moderation in in- take of calories and a moderate exercise program is beneficial to a key organ such as the liter. which shows significant signs of dysfunction in the aging process." said Christian Leeu- wvenburgh, Ph.D., an associate professor of aging and geriatric , research at the UF College of Medicine and the paper's senior author. UF scientists found that feed- ing rats just 8 percent fewer calories a da\ and moderately increasing the animals' activity extended their average life span and significantly overturned the negative effects of cellular ag-' ing on liver function and overall health. An 8 percent reduction is the equivalent of a few hundred cal- ories in an average human diet and moderate exercise is equiva- ,lent to taking a short walk. To reveal the workings of the body's chemical climate when aging-related damage happens, UF researchers tracked levels of biomarkers chemicals and molecules present in the liver in groups of rats. The liver, a crucial organ for maintaining good health during aging, cleans the. blqod pid helps rqgulai the body's immune system.. The re- searchers also plan to assess the same biomarkers in a study of rats' hearts, muscle and brains. The research team was surprised to find one of the biomarkers. RNA. which is important for coding DNA and for protein' synthesis. is 'more quickly damaged by aging than the more frequently studied DNA, RNA damage, therefore, could be an excellent early sig- nal to indicate the onset of aging, researchers say. "Because it is more sensitive to oxidative stress, RNA can be useful as an early mnarker of oxidative damage and even aging," said Arnold Y. SeoP, a doctoral student in UF's Institute, on Aging. Seo authored the report along with Tim Hofer. Ph.D.. an Institute. on Aging research as- sociate." "To avoid disease, we can in- crease our defense and look for aging biomarkers and then test' interventions," Hofer said. "It is better to protect what is there to Improve the quality of life than to have to resort to invasive pro- cedures." In the study, which followed the rats over their life span, one. group of animals ate as much, food as they wanted and did not exercise, another group of animals exercised lightly and were fed slightly less than they would have eaten if allowed to have their fill. Liver samples from these groups were com- pared with samples taken from young rats. The old sedentary rats .that ate' until they were full had in- creased levels of harmful oxidiz- ing and inflammatory molecules in the liver that were associated with cell damage caused by ag- ing. Meanwhile, aging rats that exercised and consumed a calorie-restricted diet, had the reverse outcome they showed a decrease in these molecules in the liver. Leeuwenburgh said the study results support the theory that cell death and aging-related organ damage are caused by un- stable molecules know n as free radicals and by cellular oxida- tion and inflammation. "In a calorie-restricted envi- ronment. you reduce the inflam- matory response and prevent cell death," Leeu\\enburgh said. John 0. Holloszy, a profes- sor of medicine in the division of geriatrics and nutritional sciences at Washington Univer- sity School of Medicine in St. Louis. said the studN of major importance because it shows a mild degree of caloric restriction just enough to present weight gain with advancing age can ha\e beneficial effects against aging. From a scientific per- spective, he added it is important to learn that RNA is a very good marker of aging damage. 'Td never really thought about RNA before.'," Holloszy said. "Research has always looked at DNA. Because RNA is the template for the informa- tion on the genes on the DNA, RNA damage is a major problem because itresults in mutations in the transcription of proteins." Representative Cliff Stearns Gives Statement Onr President's Immigration Views Representative Cliff Stearns (R-Ocala i, member of thd House Immigration Reform Caucus, issued this statement. '."The National Guard is called in for national emergencies, and the massive flow of illegal im- migrants across our borders is a national emergency. I agree with the President that we need to regain control over our bor- ders, but also we must enforce our immigration law\s. Millions "Wait their turn to enter the na- tion legally that's the Ameri- can .way instead of sneaking across the border. I would like to see illegal immigrants, return to their home nations and apply to return to the United States on an expedited basis with priority given to those meeting criteria such as fluency in English, work skills, and length of time in this nation. Above all, we need to strengthen our border security with walls and more immigra- tion officers." Eliminating Legislator's Pensions Have Them Flip-Flopping And On The Run Three Florida Senators ,are on the run from their previous. decisions to weaken term lim- its. They now w ish to take the controversial measure to extend term limits on legislators from 8 to 12 years off the 2006 ballot. Senator Walter (Skip) Camp- bell, Senator Bill Posey and Sen- ator Jim Sebesta flip-flopped on the issue. Initially they voted for term limit extension. Now they are attempting to withdraw the measure from the 2006 ballot. "In speeches to groups across the state I have made the point that lawmakers have delivered a slap in the face to citizens %who voted overwhelmingly in favor of eight-year term limits in 1992," said Max Linn, President of Florida Citizens For Term Limits. "Now lawmakers are running from their decision." Linn says the term limits bal- lot measure is w ide open to legal challenge. "Most ballot initia- tives are required to spell out the issue for voters in the title. Not this one. Rather than asking vot- ers if they want to extend term limits from 8 to 12 years. the title of this measure reads simply "Term Limits." Linn says. "Most Florida vot- ers strongly support term limits. Most will vote 'yes' to the term limits question unless they read the fine print. But a 'yes' vote actually undermines the exist-, ing law by extending term limits from 8 to 12 years." "We are speaking to groups throughout the state, reminding them to vote 'NO' to weakening term limits. This ballot initiative has been tainted from the start. The outcome will be meaning- less because the electorate has been presented with a deceptive question," Linn said. According to the citizens' group, the 2006 ballot will NOT be the "final word." It %will face a legal: challenge. "Our group is consulting lawyers to see how the deceptive ballot can be challenged in the courts," Linn revealed. "'Meanwhile, we will continue our campaign to educate voters. We will travel the state, remind- ing the electorate to vote 'NO' . to weakening term limits," Linn said. Linn has been heard on radio stations throughout the state and political groups have scheduled speeches and debates \\ith Linn through September of 2006 to learn more about the political "hot button" issue of the year. Fax Service 463-7393 L .o," Woodland Craft Signs < Vinyl Letters ~ Custom Graphics . Business & Personal , Real Estate & Political ) 463-7135 4 Southern Tire & Brake 626 North Main Street : Trenton - 352-463-6050 SAVE GAS Benefits of Proper Inflation Optimal tire performance Longer Wear SAVE FUEL (.4% for every 1 PSI Your tire is low) Stop by Southern Tire & Brake Ask John to inspect your tires Riverland Title Services, LLC 723 East Wade St., Trenton, FL 32693 Phone (352) 463-63.33 Fax (352) 463-6340 devoni'rts.cc www.rts.cc *Title Insurance "Real Estate Closings 'Place & Track orders on-line J I Devon Weaver Agent Iw ..* B&J AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR FOREIGN DOMESTIC EXHAUSTS BRAKES S Cf iw Is C ^ ELECTRIC TUNE-UPS ENGINES COMPUTER ALIGNMENTS AIR CONDITIONING PASSENGER CAR & LIGHT TRUCK TIRES Open Mon. Fri. 710 East Highway 26 Located 30 Miles West of Gainesville, in Trenton (352) 463-0079 Gilchrist Title Services A Security Title Company (352-463-6403) * Gregory V. Beauchamp Douglas K. McKoy Closings Title Insurance SPublic Record Searches Fast and friendly Service 302 North Main Street Trenton, Florida fun 4 Kids! Pre- school/After school Learning Center /Ages 2-12 S / NAEYC Accredited Pre-K / Highscope Curriculum / School Readiness Program / CPR/First Aid Certified / Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten / USDA Food Program / CDA Certified Teachers 352-463-7614 2739 S.W. 19th Circle, Trenton Owners/birectors Robert P. Marsh Lic#CO3GI007 bawn F. Marsh Lic#CO3GTOOO7 THURSDAY. NLAY 25.2006 GELCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Page Fifteen V~age Sixteen %Tjkrr% -- 1 Li1 lL From The Desk Of Gilchrist County Sheriff David P. ,Turner SWeekly Sheriff's Report For- Week Ending May 22, 2006 On May 15, 2006, William pwens, date of birth, 4/22/86, 'was arrested on the charge of XAttempted Burglary. On May 15, 2006, Ashley Prince, date of birth, 5/8/85, "Ias arrested on the charge of Battery/Domestic Violence. On May 15, 2006, a Juvenile was arrested on the charge of Sexual Battery. i; On May 15, 2006, a Juvenile Ywas arrested on the charge of Lewd & Lascivious on a Minor. On May 16, 2006, Ferdale A. Washington, date of birth, *1/04/85, was arrested on the charge of Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. - On May 17, 2006, Dorothy K. Karsmizki,. date of birth, K/24/80, was arrested on the charge of Failure to A,-ppear/Possession of .Drug Paraphernalia Use and/or Sale. -.On May 18, 2006, Terrence- t). Farris, date of birth, 9/22/65, was arrested on the charge of Possession, of Drug Paraphernalia. SOn May 18, 2006, James. M. Stone, date of birth, 2/2/57, was arrested on the charge of Driving While License Suspended or Revoked. : On Ma\ 19, 2006, a Juvenile was arrested on the charge of Batterv/Domestic Violence. SOn .May 20, 2006. Charles W. New house, date of birth, 7/10/62, was arrested on the. charge of Battery/Domestic Violence. * On May 21, 2006, Gary g'. Williams, date of birth. 1/17/69, was arrested on charges Sof Dtiving Under Influence,e Possession of Cocaine "and Resist without Violence. "On May 21, 2006. Agustin Villanueva. date of birth, 7/14/75, was arrested on charges, of Driving Under Influence- and Drising While License Suspended or Revoked;. Therefore \%e do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are, wasting away, yet in\sardl\ \ve are being renewed day by day. S2 Corinthians 4:16 American Legion Hall Available Meetings -Parties Weddings & Receptions 352-463-1501 Gilchrist County Land Transactions Oravec Enterprises, LTD to Surya Darshan, LLD, general warranty deed, $889,251 L Ananth Natarajan to Surya Darshan, LLC, general warranty deed, $889,251. . Arnold 0' Steen and Wanda Jane O'Steen to Arnold O'Steen, Wanda Jane O'Steen and, Pa- mela Kay O'Steen, warranty deed, $10. Phillip J. Pritz to NRLL East, LLC, a Florida Limited Liabil- ity Company, warranty deed, $6,000. Riverwalk Partners LLP to David H. and Kathy B. Haas, warranty deed, $57,000. Lot 9; The Riverwalk of Fanning Springs. Donal H. Ettel, Sr. to Vernon Dale Wesley and Lula Darlene: Wesley, warranty deed, $5,000.; DebraDeniseLucus toKatrina McGee, warranty deed, $2,000. Lot 6, Block 5, Wade and Bell Addition, City of Trenton. Heidi Kamp to Dwayne A. Davis, and Tiffany A. general warranty deed, $159,900. Lot 3, -Block 6, Spring Ridge, Unit:2. Raymond J. Williette to Kevin P. anad Nina J. Craven, warranty deed, $43,000. Lot 5, Unit 2-A, Ira Beas Oasis, unrecorded. Laerneme Stanley, f/k/a, La- verne D. Jones to Joseph Milton Sims. quit claim deed. $10. Lots 11 and 12, Block 10. Wade and Bell Subdivision. Robert Van Hagan to Robert Van and Linda A. Hagan, quit claim deed. $10. Wallace R.' Cain, Robert S. Deese and Howell E. Lan-: caster. Jr. to Lee R. and Linda .S. Campbell. quit claim deed, $10.500. Parcel 7, Ridgeviewv Subdivision. John M. Jones and Frances A. Jones to Theron L. and Sue Hudson, warranty deed, $65,000. South 1/2 of Lot 19 and Lot 20. Block B. Waters Lake, 1st Ad- dition. Robert E. and Wanda Roberts to Chervle C. Casella, warranty deed, $85,000. South half of Lot 8 and all of Lot 7, A.D. Destin, property and mobile home. Riserwvalk Partners, LLP to Henr. A. Tenenbaum, warranty deed, $55,000. Lot 41, River- swalk of Fanning Springs. Riverwalk Partners, LLP to * Esther E. Kaufman, warranty deed, $1. Lot 1, Greenwvays of Fanning Springs.. William A. Perez to Herbert M. and Cindy L. Murren, war- ranty deed, $55,000. Parcel 7, Gilchrist Acres. unrecorded. Pearlie Williams to Wrights Investments, LLC, general war- ranty deed,. $35,000. Lots 1 and- 2, Block; 14, Wade and Bell Ad- dition. IPeter Bakowski to Dale and Kelly Howerton, general war- RE6V3( .RF/A .mlfl Outstanding Agents. Outstanding Results. '7 Gilchrist County Solid Waste Department To Be, Closed May 29 For Memorial Day The Gilchrist County Solid WasteiDepartment will be closed on Monday, May 29th, in obser- vance of Memorial Day, The re-' cycling truckfor the Cruse Vot- ing Precinct will be rescheduled for Tuesday, May 30.. If you have any questions please call 463-3185. Have a safe holiday weekend. ranty deed, $40,500. Lot 32, Lake in the Woods, Uni 2. Ronald and Bina Persaud to' Ronald G. and Donna S. Giles., general warranty deed. Lot 2. Bryant Subdivision. John Thomas and Bobbie Jean Pettigrew to Nicholas A. and Sherrie Ann Jans, warranty: deed. $155,000. Land together with mobile home. Celeste Suzanne Green, f/kla Celeste G. Ridgeway to Duane J. Ridgeway, special warranty_ deed, $1. Juan D. and Jennifer Gamboa to Sharon S. Isern. warranty deed, $210.000. Land and mo- bile home. Kelly and Rachelle Philman to Michael and Lori Beasley. war- ranty deed. $5,000. 1.25 acres. Michael and Lori Beaslev to ' Larry and Marilyn Thompson. quit claim deed, $0. 1.01 acres. NMOL. Michael and Lori Beasley to Richard W. and Stacey Bach- mann, warranty deed. $210.000. 5.01 acres, MOL. D & D Investments LLC to Desmond Heil, warranty deed. $120,000. Lots 14 and 15, Wac- casassa Campsites. Unit 2. Llewellyn and Janet White to Regina Stanley, warranty deed. $48,000. Lot 8. Block B. Waters' Lake, 1st Addition. James E. and Roberta Marsh to Wendell M. Winstead, war- ranty deed, $240,000. Parcel 41 of Britton/Baynard Unrecorded. Ricky A. Cantrell to Scott A. Garber, quit claim deed. $1.000. Lots 2, 3, 6, and 7 of Block 14 and mobile home, Suwannee River Subdivision. . Susan E. Worthington to Su- san E.. Worthington and Sarah E. Schiill. ,JTRS,, quit. claim deed, $10. Lot 7, Meadd6wwood Farms. Joyce Schermerhorn to Joyce Schermerhorn, Gerold Jackson III, and Seri Jackson, quit claim deed. $10. Tract 7, Section 2, Suwannee Fork. David W. McKinney to Cyn- thia P. Worth, quit ,claim deed,, $10. Holly Forest Subdivision. Lot 26,'5.22 acres. 25105 W. Newberrv Road Newberry, FL (352)472-4472 'Kim Stanley Cell (352) 745-6236 Michelle Pickett < Cell (352) 494-4774 AAA" 3/2 singles ide on 1.25 acres located right inside Gilchrist County. Property is secluded yet conve- .... -..- nient to Gainesville. Fireplace in living room. Split floor plan. Luxury tub in master bath. Laun- "dry room. Yr 1997 1280 sq ft. 9 MLS # 261438/751500 $80,000. 1.995 3/2 doublewide on 1 +/-acre inside Gilchrist .,County. 1560 sq ft. This home has an eat-in. kitchen and an island in the middle. Enjoy the oversized garden tub or snuggle next to the fireplace in the living room... much more! MLS 242532/750711 $119;900 1978 4/2 doublewide sits at the top of a beauti- ful hill on 10 acres. Just inside Gilchrist County - this home needs a little cosmetic work but the property is fantastic! 1288 sq ft MLS 243039/750858 $185,000 3/2 doublewide (1998 yr) perfect for a new family. 1/2 acre lot. Must see to appreciate. 1568 sq ft MLS 241062/750295 $85,000- 3/2 doublewide (1996 yr) wonderful home on 1.25 +/- acre lot. Owner Motivated!! 1836 sq ft. This home has a formal living room, family room w/ fireplace, eat in kitchen, and an island in the kitchen. Must see to appreciate! MLS 260851/751243 $120,000 Legal Notices, NOTICE OF ENACTMENT OF ORDINANCE BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF BELL, FLORIDA. NOTICE IS HEREBY .GIVEN that an ordinance, which title.here- inafter appears, will be considered for enactment by the Town Council of the Town of Bell, Florida, at a public hearing-oh June 1, 2006 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, in the Town Hall, located at 3240 West Railroad Lane, Bell, Florida. Copies of said ordinance may be inspected by any Member of the public at Town Hall, located at 3240 West Railroad Lane. Bell. Flonda. dunng regular busi- ness hours. On the date, time and place first above mennoned, all in- terested persons ma. appear and be heard iih respect to the ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 2006-09 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF BELL, FLORIDA, RELATING TO THE REZONING OF TEN OR MORE CONTIGU- OUS ACRES OF LAND. PUR- SUANT TO AN APPLICATION BY THE PROPERTY OWNER OF SAID ACREAGE, AMEND- ING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE TOWN OF BELL LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. PROVIDING FOR REZONING FROM RESIDENTIAL-1 IR- I TO RESIDENTIAL-3 iR-3i OF CERTAIN LANDS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF BELL. FLORIDA: PROVIDING SEVERABILITY: REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN.CONFLICT. AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE The public hearing ma. be con- tinued to one or more future dates Any interested parrn shall be ad- \ ised that the date. rime and place of any continuation of the public hear- ing shall be announced during the public hearing and that no further notce concerning the manner will be published. All persons are advised that. if they decide to appeal any decision made at the public hearing, they will need a record of the proceed- ings and, for such purpose. the\ ma\ need to ensure that a %erbatim record of the proceedings is made, %which record includes the testimony and evidence upon'which the appeal ; is to be based Pub..May IS. 2006b NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING GILCHRIST PLANNING AND .. ZONING BOARD,, i;, , PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Gilchrist County Planning and Zoning Board, in and for Gilchnst County, Florida. w ill hold a regular meeting on Thursday. June 8, 2006 at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, at the Board of County Comrrussioners Meeting Room. located at 210 South Main Street, Trenton. Florida. The following is the proposed agenda: , AGENDA 1. CalltoOrder 2. 2 Consideration of Previous. Minutes: Mla 11, 2006. 3. SE 06-01: Special Excep- tiion for R\ and Boat Stor- age an application .as- made by Robert E., Ah in Jr. requesting a Special Exception be granted for an RV and boat storage unit to be constructed at 42S9 N\ 37th Ci. Bell. FL 32619." SECTION 12, TOWN-, SHIP 08, RANGE 14, IN GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA, WHICH'IS LO- CATED OFF OF NW 37TH COURT, BELL, FL. At the aforementioned public hearing, all interested parties may. appear to be heard with respect to: any of the, proposed agenda items. The public heanng may be conitin- ued to one or more future dates Any interested party shall be ads ised that. the date, time and place of any con- tinuance of the public hearing shall be announced during the public hearing and that no further notices concerning this matter will be pub- lished, unless said continuation exceeds six calendar weeks from the date of the above referenced public hearing. .. Additional information for all of the above-listed agenda items is available for public inspection at the Building Department Office, located at 209 Southeast First Street, Tren- ton, Florida, during regular business hours All persons are ads ised that if they decide to appeal any decision made at the above referenced public hear- ing, they will need a record of the proceedings,, and that, for such pur- pose, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings ' is made, %hjch record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based Persons with disabilities requesting reason- able accommodations to participate in this proceeding should contact (352) 463-3169 tVoice & TDD) or via Flonda -Relay Service (800) 955-8771. pub. May 25. 2006b. . PUBLIC MEETING TO WHOM IT LMAY CONCERN Please take notice that the Three Risers Regional Library Board will hold a Board Meeting on Thursday, June S. 2006 at 7:00 p m at the Lafayette County Public Librar. in MNlayo. Florida All interested persons are invited to attend and be heard. Please be advised, that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at such heanng, that person will need a record of the pro- ceedings. and that,. for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a \erbatim record of the proceedings is made. whluch record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. "'Persons with disabilities request- ing reasonable accommodations to participate in this proceeding should contact (386) 294-1600 AVoice & TDDi or via Florida Relay Service at 1800) 955-8771." Pub May 25. 2006b INVITATION TO BID Sealed bids are hereby invited for site improvements including clearing, .cut and fill, access. drives. parking arid storm water management improvements for the ne\ Gilchnst County Road Department Operations Center Specifications and requirements may be obtained from the Gilchnst County Road Department. and bids returned to the Gilchnst Courr\r Administration Office. 209 SE First'. Street, Trenton FL Sealed bids are, to be submitted no later than 12:00 p.m.. June 16,2006.' : - Bids will be reviewed by the Board of Counts, Commissioner's at their regular meeting on Monday, June 19. 2006. It is the bidder's re- sponsibility to assure that the bid is delivered on date, location and time 'specified herein. :Bids, which for any reason are not so delivered, will not be considered Gilchnst County reserves the right to amend this bid after award- ing of bid. Bid must contain an original signature or printed ini' ink. Bidder'S name should also appear on each page of bid sheet(s)., Gilchnst Cpunty reserves the right to refuse any and all bids. Pub Ma\ 25. 2006b NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING A SPECIAL PERMIT AS PROVIDED FOR IN THE GILCHRIST COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS BY THE BOARD OF COUN-1 TY COMMISSIONERS OF GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA, SERVING, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to Ordinance No. 93-04, as amended, comments, objections -and recommendations 'INVES]TMENTlU ' Great location features just over 1000 sq ft. of pos- sibility, 3/2 DWMH "Fixer-Upper" with potential located just .7 miles from US-129, 1 acre wooded lot has mature trees providing privacy, property has 4" Well, Septic, and Power Pole. HIometowIn Realty SOfNorth fl. 1310 r j r air ,'n.irc-i t Bel, l ,:,tda 32619 www.HometownRealtyNF.com Cell: (352) 215-1132 Office: (352) 463-9001 Toll Free: (888) 463-9001 Fax: (352) 463-9008 Email: dlspowers@aol.com O, Debra Powers Realtor concerning the following described special permit as provided for in the Gilchrist County Land Development Regulations, hereinafter referred to as the Land Development Regula- tions, will'be heard by the Board of County'Commissioners of Gilchrist County, Florida, at a public hearing on June 5, 2006 at 3.00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as this matter can be heard, in the Board of County Com- missioners Meeting Room, located' at 210 South Main Street,: Trenton, F lo rida : - Special Permit for Dredge. and Water Fill -. an application was completed by CCDA, Inc. requesting a Special Permit for Dredge and Water Fill be granted .for the purpose of constructing three (3) rapid infiltration basins. The property is described as fol- lows: SECTION 02. TOWNSHIP 08, RANGE 16, IN GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA, WHICH IS LOCATED OFF OF NE CR 340. The public hearing may be continued to one or more future dates. Any interested pfrty shall be advised that the date, time and place of any continuance of the public hearing shall be announced during the public hearing and that no further notices concerning this matter will be published, unless said continuation exceeds six calendar weeks from the date of the above referenced public hearing. At the aforementioned public hearing, all interested parties may appear to be heard with respect to the proposed special permit. A copy of the application for special permit is available for pub- lic inspection at the Office of the Emergency County Coordinator, located at 209 Southeast First Street. Trenton. Florida, during regular business hours. All persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decision made at the above referenced public hear- ing, they will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such pur- pose, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. which record includes the testimony and evidence upon %which the appeal is to be based. Pub. May 25, 2006b. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR GILCHRIST COLINT', FLORIDA Case No. 21-2006 -CP-0016 IN RE: THE ESTATE OF ARlABEL JONES STEW- ART, .. .. : : Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of ARABEL JONES STEWART. deceased, whose date of death was October 23, 2005. is pending in the Circuit Court for Gilchrist County. Florida. .Probate Disision. -File Number 21-2006-CP-0016; the ad- dress of which is Gilchrist Count', Courthouse, PO. Box 37. Trenton. Florida, 32693. The names and addresses of the personal represen- tative and attorney for the personal representative are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons %who have claims or demands against decedent's estate. including un-matured, contingent .'or unliquidated claims, and who hase been served a copy of this nonce must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- LICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate, including un-matured, contingent or unliquidated claims, must, file their claims with this court WITHIN THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE. DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICA- TION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS, NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN. SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AF- TER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE IS NLAY 25, 2006 MELISSA STEWART BURKE Personal Representative 1705 Austin Lane St. Augustine, FL 32092 BRUCE E. HOFFMAN, Attorney for'Peispnal Representative 16 S. Main Street, Gainesville, Florida 32601 (352)373-2411 Fla. BarNo 330647 Pub: May 25, June 1, 2006b U.S. Forest Buys . Large Tract For St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge The Nature Conservancy sold a 278-acre addition to the St. .Marks National Wildlife Refuge today to the U.S. Forest Service. The Forest Ser ice funded this transaction because the acreage. includes a section of the Florida Trail. The acreage is part of a 2,636- acre parcel the Conservancy purchased in 2003 to save it from potential development. The Consersancy has been transferring ownership in stages to federal partners as funds be- come available. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (LUSFWSi has bought back 1,506 acres from the Consersanc\ since 2003. The USFWS has applied for fed- eral funding from the Land and Water Consernation Fund and is Awaiting further allocations to buy the remaining 852 acres the Conservancy still owns. "Our partnerships %with the, Fish and Wildlife Service and the Forest Service have resulted * ..in an essential addition to the St. Marks -Wildlife Refuge arid have allowed the Florida Trail to become much more aesthetically pleasing for all those using this wonderful l public recreational amenity." said Victoria Tsch- inkel, Florida director of The Nature Consersancy. With the land in permanent federal ow nership. the Forest Service %%ill be able to protect the scenic and cultural quality of the route. "The purchase of this property brings us one step closer to realizing our goal of establishing a permanently pro- tected footpath though Florida's * most treasurednatural areas," said Michelle Mitchell, Florida trail manager for the U.S. Forest Service. & Country j?4* 352*463*8340 Dixie- Gilchrin Levy Board of Realtors and Multiple Listing Service P. 0. Box 8 Bell, Florida 32619 E-Mail: tcrealty@bellsouth.net www.TownandCountryRealtyOnline.com DO YOU WANT PRIVACY? 1.25-acre wooded comer lot less than a mile off paved road. Minutes to downtown Bronson. $22,000. MLS 752364 PAVED ROAD 5 wooded acres partially cleared for driveway and homesite. Bell, $80,000. MLS 752301 13 ACRES paved road, privacy buffer of pines, open interior has large oaks, minutes to super nice public park and boat ramp. Old Town, $182,000. MLS 752182 '-2.27 ACRES wooded, rolling. Bell, $40,000., MLS 749974 TRACKSIDE 829' on trotter track in Gil Crest Farms, Bell. 5 acres, concrete block building. Roof, central heat/air, flooring are new. Potential uses: restaurant, wedding hall, catering, club or business meetings. $350,000. MLS 751978 CREEK half acre, Perry, $18,000, owner financing. 13 miles to Gulf of Mexico. MLS 752021 25 ACRES next to 1,000s of acres of timber land. Mature pines, young pines, oaks. 2 BR 1LBA MH, 2 pole barns. Bell, $310,000. MLS 751788 BRING FAMILY & FRIENDS Choose from six 5-acre lots, $128,000 firm each & 8.22-acre lot, $204,000 firm. Half mile to Suwannee River public boat ramp, out of flood plain, Bell. MLS 751807, 09, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 1 ACRE -wooded, no deed restrictions, Bell, $25,000. MLS 751441 1 ACRE on a hill, oaks, pines, same area as above, $25,000. MLS 752050 3 ACRES wooded, half mile off paved road. Old Town, $50,000. MLS 751440 20 ACRES -- comer, open land for crops or livestock, woods for private homesite. Inactive rockpit on north end. Make your own fishing hole. Bell, $300,000 firm. MLS 751123 DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL 6 acres next to downtown park. Some R-3 uses: half-acre lots, multifamily residences. House has minimal value, pole barn, giant oaks. Bell, $300,000. MLS 750200 SUWANNEE RIVER VISTA from spacious covered balcony. Instant access to public boat ramp. Elevated, renovated 3 BR 2 BA MH, hot tub in glass enclosed porch, fireplace, half acre. Bell, $180,000. VIRTUAL TOUR. MLS 749389 2 ACRES paved road, comer. Old Town/Branford, $29,000. MLS 751244 UNDER CONTRACT 2.5 ACRES comer, Bell, $40,000. $ SOLD $ LET US HELP YOU BUY OR SELL, OR BOTH MEOW THURSDAY, MAY 25,2006 1; I C-.-Tf.CT4RT.'qT COT PSJTY JOT TRNAL '. ' TT-TT TRqT)AYV* MAYV9 5 -200 GIL .CHRTST COT INTY JOURNAL L.LL~..LX~.LI4 L laJ4~. /,J, LJVJ' Page Seventeen ; For Sale i FOR SALE: -Women's cloth- ing (2X) Like new. Jeans, shirts, dresses, jackets. (Delta Burke, St. John's Bay, Sag Harbor) Call 386- 454-4947. ltb. 5/25 (6) COMPUTER MONITORS: Four 15" and two 17". Panasonic laser printer. $100 obo for all. 352- S493-2501. tfnb,5-18 .BLUEBERRIES: You pick. S&J Farms of Trenton. $2.00 a- pound. (352) 215-0084 or (352) 463-8351. 2tb,5-18-5-25 1989 BRENDELLA SKI/TOW BOAT: 351 Windsor V8 inboard, 800 hours, asking $6,000. Call 221- 0363. WHEEL TOWN 352-493-2835 call for Directions 10 Miles South of Chiefland off 345 '04 Ford Thunderbird, 2 tops, loaded with extras 5K miles, Bal.Fact Warr... $28,975 '05 Ford Taurus 4-Door, fully loaded, 20" wheels 24Ka ,i B, l fact 3. r. $9,975 05 C3aa.r4 .aoor.aulo CO road3d. 30K mlEi a. Fact w.. C~a, $9,975 0A Cr.ey VenlurelE. 3r l Ro Sa31 r.re a,, CD Ioade ,o mi,,s $11,975 Q4 CLri,:1ilrf Lrunc 1, i 1.'11 ly) C,3ad clean, 38K milesn.......... .... $10,975 03Cr.e 'Sri~iOe'ms ar. 3-ao000 oi .c :C- Co aW 3m, clan $8,975 "3 Ford Ranger, Edge, reg cab, V" ' 5-speed, CD, clean, 50K miles..... $9,975 '02 1suzu Trooper LS, 4-Door, fililyloaded, 60K miles.... $11,975- t1 M GECu'y Grand idarQu. "-aror. carjje rOl aa. 39K m.dE. c .. $9,975 .'96 Dodge Grand Caravan, air, 7-passenger $3,975 'Ca dul, 'is n.,DeII, e.u r.carnagerio i o .:,a,.. TE- r..l, $9,975 C REDIT UtvONS ,'ELCOmAE * itvww.Llhaeelto\b n.com ForSale CAMPER FOR SALE: 1996 Plea- sure-Way ultimate compact. RV. Impeccably maintained by original owner. 66,000 miles, $24,500. Call 352-463-6527. tfn~b,12-9 BEDS: Queen thick, orthop low-top mattresses and box New in plastic with warrar rifice, $160. King availab (352) 372-8588. Lost & Four LOST PET: Cockatiel lost 20th. Yellow, very tame, w land on your head, named" Contact 386-935-6744. SPetsuSuppI FREE PUPPIES: Border Collier Cattle Dog. Raised with kids, very playful, available now. Need good homes. (352) 472-0084 or 278-0044. Leave message ill return call. 3tb.5-11-5-25 A NEW PETGROOMING SHOP in Chiefland. The Paradise Pet Pal- ace (352)493-0606 rfnb.3-9 About 56,000 Americans are over 100 \ears old. CL A S S 4.50 MINIMUM IF IER 20 WORDS NTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. 1 Yard Sales Iu,., p.i- L - springs. MOVING SALE in Trenton. Starts nity. Sac- 5/25 lasts until done. Everything le $225. goes. Tools, furniture, boat equip., yard tools. Call for details 463-1177 tfnb,7-5 or go to 353 NE Rowland Blvd. 2tp. 5/25, 6/1 d | YARD SALE: Bell (Sun Springs area) Multi-family yard sale, Fri- t on May day, 5/26 and Sat., 5/27 from 8 ill try to AM to 3 PM at 2129 SW 75th Ave. Honey." Hwy. 341 to SW 20th St. Go to end of pavement.(1 mile), make a left Itb. 5/25 turn on the grade, SW 75thAve, 4th Some on right. Too manN items to lies list. Look for signs. lie .. ltp.'5/25 S Services 1 A BIG STUMP! A LITTLE STUMP!: We grind them all Langs- ton Tree Service. Inc 490-4456 ifnb,2-22 TIM POWELL ELECTRIC: Ne" installations and repairs, licensed and insured. State Reg. #EC13002453. Call 1352i463-2155. f Riverland /lortgage' Coiporation Re.dendial Mortgjges Offering:. Fixed Rates Available Nek Constructon Manufacrtred Homes Purchase. Refinance & Cash Oui Ineesmnent Propert Cornentional, 1-4 Single Family Homes First. Second, and Home Equir Lines of'Credii Bill Deen and Brenda Wilkerson Licensed i -l\origaige Brokers 463-1313 fax 463-1318 e-mail. rverlandmnigtp' bellsouth.net Visit our website: \ww.n\erlandmntg.web-loans.coin kil'erlc 1 iIloi1gag Coporation 723 E. Wade Street. Trenton, FL 32693 fr Come See Us! fA .iHometown Realty of North FMjnc. Natalie Rankin Licensed Real Estate Broker 1310 North Main Street -,Bell, Florida 32619 Office: (352) 463-9001 Toll Free: (888) 463-9001 Fax: (352) 463-9008 e-mail: Hometo\vnRealrt-NFi'bellsouth.net HORSE FARM 12 STALL'BARN w Apt; 3BR/2BA CB Home, 15 Acres $450,000 MLS #752357 3 2 DWN-IH ner rNlanlec Spring; Start Park.!'lM ., P. 'ofut', vf Ai.hc~d Carporn 1.4' min 1.1 S o5is COUNTRYAPPEAL EAST GILCHRIST COUNTY 3/2 Home on 5 Acres $289,900 MLS4#75171r. LARGE HOME WITH ADDITION NORTH OF BELL 4/3 M/H w/addition on 20 Acres $305,000 MLS #749677 CLOSET RIVER PEACEFUL SETfING 3/2 DWMH on Lot $59,900 MLS#752447. / LOTS &) .27 Acres, VWell & Septic $37,900 .50 Acres, Well, Septic, PP $29,900 .50 Acres, Bronson $24,900 1 Acre, Bell $25,000 1 Acre, Bell, Owner Financing $30,000 1 Acre, Chiefland, Homes Only $78,500 1.14 Acres W/S/P $45,000 1.6 Acres W/S/P $59,900 1.6 Acres Well & Septic $59,900 1.67 Acres, W/S/P REDUCED $49,900 2.5 Acres, Bell, REDUCED $39,900 2.67 Acres, Scattered oaks -Pending- $39,900 2.99 Acres, Scattered oaks -Pending- $39,900 4.4 Acres, Riverfront, Buildable $799,000 5 Acres, Well & Septic, Reduced $59,900 5 Acres, Well & Septic $82,000 5 Acres, Homes Only, 4 Avail. $88,500 ,,5 Acres, SWMH, planted pines. $99,000 - www.Hometom EQUN ,iOUSING OPPG(RTUNfTY 21 'Il 'B.'RN S25 125 ACTT.\IIED CARPORT ' 3 2 D. r.1IH on.2 Acres I124,i1."11 MLS#752374 LARGE HOME LARGE LOT NORi-i GILCHRIST CC 3 2 .lH orn S 57 .Jc r, $139,500 MLS#751687 A.-.MIENITIES' UPGRADES GALCiRE Wi'ORKSHOC'P WITH CARPCiRT 3 2 D' Home on 5 Aires $175,000 MLS #751676 w^H^ 11-- CORNER CITYLOT IN TRENTON GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD $36,900 MLS#751141 ACREAGE 5 Acres, East Gilchrist, 3 Avail. $100,000 5 Acres, Paved Road $124,900 5 Acres, 1/1 Frame Cottage $124,900 6 Acres, Well, Septic, Pines $93,500 6 Acres, Cleared & Fenced Pending $85,000 7.94 Paved Road $115,000 10 Acres, W/S/P REDUCED $124,900 10 Acres, Deed Rest. $149,000 12 Acres, Scattered Oaks $185,000 15 Acres, Perfect for motorcross, $200,000 17+ Acres, Bell Reduced $199,640 17.8 Acres, Paved Road Frontage $267,000 20 Acres, Pines, Close to River $330,000 30 Acres near Manatee Springs $399.000 40 Acres, W/S/P, Pole Barn $399,000 37.8 Acres, US Hwy 129 near Bell $567,000 vnRealtyNF.com ~iSSi Services MOBILE HOME SI as Mobile Home downs and transport. Bonded. (352) 486-1 558-4375. GMHC. LLC HOM ES: We repair, remod more. No job too sm 2420 Free Estimates. ELMORE'S S BRICK & STONE, stucco, permanent skirting Free Esuma 70th Avenue. Trentoi 214-3702. Fax 352-47 SHelp Wanted - 5T-UP: Thom- GILCHRIST COUNTY DEPT. OF Set-ups, tear- PUBLIC SAFETY. is currently ac.- Licensed and cepting applications for the position 1662 or (352) of Emergency Medical Services Operations Chief.' This is a com- 4tb,5711-6-1 mand level position responsible for IE SERVIC- supervision of EMS staff and daily el. restore and operations of the EMS. service. nall. 352-672- Minimum qualifications include State of Flonda Paramedic certifica- 6tp;5-11-6-15 tion, 10 yrs. e.xp in the EMS field. SIMULATED ,INC.: Stone. mobile home ales. 6789 SE on. 472-5542. 12-0124. Sfnb-9-15 BOB OSBORNE TREE SER-. VICE, INC.: 70 ft. bucket truck; hydraulic loader truck, stump gnnd- er. Free Estimates. Insured 352- 463-91(00. tfnb.5-26 PRESSURE WASHING PAINTING: Reasonable F pendable. insured and pro Shamrock Sen ices, 352- day or e\emng and "eeke BUILDING CONTR CBC01714-0 Custom hot on your lot. Precision De\ PO Bo\ 249. 26761 SE Old Ton. 352-542-8416 MOWER & CHAINSAW Stihl. Husq\arna. Ayp. N Sears, MTD, Briggs. K Robin. and Honda. Blades mo" ers Beauchamp Sa% Sh 493-49:104 TREES, TREES, TREES ton Tree Ser ice, Inc. 490- DIXIE MONUMENT: ( - Since 1992 Visit our d Hwy. 19 at C&C Growers pm. Mon. .-Sat or call t>: 8 -542-3432 for appoir i sitl our-hop & maiif6lft NE 512 Atenue 100's of stock, computer specialist you in creating a lasting the life of your lo\ ed one and ability to work flexible hours. Pnor supen isory ex\p. preferred but not required SalarN range of 35- 45K depending on qualifications. Interested applicants should submit a resume and Gilchrist Counit em- ploy ment application to the Dept. of Public Safety. 204 E. Wade St.. Trenton. FL 32693. '352) 463-3134. This position will remain open until filled. Gijchnst County is a DFWP and EOE employer. lib. 5/25 G, AND IRRIGATION LAB MEMBER nces, de- needed at The Suwannee Riter ifessional. Resource Conseration and De\ el- 463- 1212 opment Council., Inc. is seeking ap- nds. plicanons for a position %% ith its Mo- fnb.ll- II bile Irngation Laboratory iMlLi. Applicants should hate e\p. "ith ACTOR: field data collection and hate basic mes built computer skills Knowledge of ag- elopment. cultural pracuces and'or irrigation H,\a. 19, is preferable. The MIL position in- \ ol es pro\ hiding serVices toa broad tanb.7-5I I range of agricultural producers and V PARTS requires considerable fieldwork. lurray. This entry level position requires ihler initial training in Live Oak and then for mot will work form ourChiefland branch office. A high school diploma is re- Squired. Salary is dependent on level p of qualificatons and e.\p. The clos- tfn, 1-03 ing date for this posluon in June 2, 2006 at 5:00 PM. You should send S: Langs- a resume along with names and tele- -4-156. phone numbers of three references tfnb.2-22 to Su%.annee River RC&D. 234 Old To%%n Court St. SE. Lae Oak. FL 32064. spla on You may also contact the office at 9 am 5 i3861 364-4278 for further info The 11 free 1 SuMannee Ri'er RC&Dis an Equal nient to', Opponrtumt Embloyer and-a Drug ieat 17 Fr' \trk Po EC D. 2tb. 5,25.6. 1 stones in I to assist tribute to nb.5-20 Vinyl Letters Banners , Real Estate Signs ^'od1wud Ql4 Sji4ss Property I ilues - One of the most frequent questions I get asked is, "How much is property worth.in Gilchrisi County". - I wouldd like to tell you that the an.-".wer to that question is simple. It is not simple, and sometimes almost impossible :to answer. - Property values have a multitude of %ariables One factor that affects property xalue is location Being on a paved road for instance adds significant value. - Another factor is what is on the land itself. A piece of land that is mostly established pasture with. some picturesque granddaddy. oaks is more valuable than a similar parcel that 'is planted in pine. - The size of the land is a variable that is very important. In most cases, smaller parcels bring a higher per acre price than larger ones. Based 'on recent sales, the average of 10 acre parcels range from $11,000 to $15,000.00 per acre. On the other hand, 5 acre parcels are averaging a slightly higher $12,000 to $16,000 per acre. - If you are interested in finding out the value of your property, call me today to schedule your no obligation Market Analysis'. m Pleasure and action make the hours seem short. LANCASTER SiREALTY -- A*\ ( 7.>i g S, .34 ACRE lot in Trent $35,000 MLS# 7513 10 ACRES in Trento $180,000 NILS#I 7514 9.63 ACRES paved r $154.500 MNILSN 751-t 23.72 ACRES in Tren $355,800 MLS# 7513 r ..... L. Frank Grant Realty L. Frank Grant S LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER 2. 16-AN. Main St., Trenton, FL 32693: 352-463-2817 FAX (352) 463-2479. lIfgr@bellsouth.net F", ~., We LiUst To Sell! LS. 818 SW 5th Street Trenton -J 4 BR/2 BA frame house, 3 acres. 2,156 sq. ft.. large trees-nice area. room to build another home or 2. MLS#748358. Price $175.000. For additional information on our listings and virtual tours. Visit our website at www.lfrankgrant.com East Side of Gilchrist County 3 ac tract plus four (4) 5 ac tracts w/planted pines on Co. Grade Rd. Priced at $90.000 each. MLS#750923-750927 Lil Lake City NW 60th Street 9.2 ac Planted Pines. MLS#749600 Reduced $125,000. 10 AC off Santa Fe on 95th PL ! 4" well-cross fenced-ready for horse or new home. ; MLS#749774 Reduced $145,000. 9.92 AC NW 52nd CT'- Clear pasture land-fencing MLS#749884 Only $140,000. D. Deen Lancaster Lie. Real Estate Broker 510 E Wade Street Trenton, FL 32693 GORGEOUS HOME 2 Acres 4BR;3BA. In-ground Vinyl Pool with spa fountains & Jacuzzi, outdoor kitchen, lanai, pole barn, & much more! $385,000 MLSt 750683 Sellers - 94 on, 443 oad, ion . 307 NEARING COMPLETION - 4BRW2.5BA home on 5 acres in Gated ' Community. stainless -|' steel appliances, paved drive, 2-car garage., tray _ceilings. Cherry cabinets and more! $379.900 e 10 ACRES IN Bell, $137,500 MLS#'751073 78.80 ACRES in Trenton, $1,680,000 MLS# 751204 10 ACRES in Bell, $128,500 MLS# 751023 0.23 ACRES in Old Town, $20,000 MLS# 751052 BEAUTIFUL "BRICK home on 10 acres, 3BR/2BA, under a canopy of Oaks & Pecan trees, fireplace, Cherry cabinets, stainless steel appliances, $465,000 MLS# 752194. K 2.44 Acres in Old Town, $42,000 MLS# 750299 2.43 ACRES on Pond Fed Canal, $51,900 MLS# 752218 4.65 ACRES on CR 345, $85,000 MLS# 750972 4 1 Acre lots between Bronson & Archer, $25,000 each MLS# 752318, 752319, 752320 & 752322 1.25 ACRES between Bronson & Archer, $29,000 MLS# 752317 0.90 ACRES offof CR 345, $42,500 MLS# 751588 5.00 ACRES In Old Town, $70,000 MLS# 751624 3.16 ACRES on CR 345, $65,000 MLS# 750989 5 ACRES in Old Town, A $65,000 MLS# 752156 5 ACRES in Bell, $69,900 MLS# 752045 8.95 ACRES in Bell, $109,900 , MLS# 752046 1.25 ACRES in between Bronson & Newberry, $25,000 MLS# 750913 MARVELOUS BRICK home on 20 acres 4BR/2BA w/ 3 car attached carport, fully stckd fish pond, in-ground vinyl pool, workshop, $499,900 MLS# 749034* ,- 1.38 ACRES in homes only S/D, $38,500 MLS# 751628 1.01 ACRE between Bronson & Archer, $29,000 MLS# 752077 3 ACRES in Old Town, $55,000 MLS# 752141 4 ACRES just outside Trenton, $115,000 MLS# 752292 0.88 ACRES on CR 345, $42,500 MLS# 751895 4.80 ACRES outside of Chiefland, $85,000 MLS# 751902 0.46 ACRE (2 lots) C-2 or residential, $39,999 MLS# 751922 0.46 ACRE (2 lots) C-2 or residential, $39,999 MLS# 751934 RIVERFRONT HOME 10 acres 4 or 5BR/2 BA, ideal summer home, gorgeous views, stone walls, wood beams, hot tub, $595,000 MLS# 749514 - ( 1.10 ACRES Homes Only,> $38,500 MLS# 751628 20 ACRES outside Trenton, $275,000 MLS# 751800 2.44 ACRES in Old Town,. $42,000 MLS# 750300 2.49 ACRES in Old Town, $42,500 MLS# 750799 3.02 ACRES in Old Town, $55,900 Possible Owner Financing MLS# 750830 IAW UiEAUMWl HelpWant FULL-TIME IMMEDIATE POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Dump Truck Foreman/Driver, class a CDL, min. 3 years exp.; .Heavy. Equipment Operator, min. 3 years exp. Health Insur- ance Available. Call 352-472- 4550 Coleman Construction, Inc. EOE/DFWP 4tb,5- 1-6-1 TYPESETTER NEEDED, job may include- some proofreading Knowledge of Adobe Indesign helpful. Will train the right person. panrttime or full-time position. Ap- ply in person at the Gilchrist County Journal, located at 207 North Nlain Street, Trenton [Help Wanted GRAPHIC DESIGN/SIGN LAY- OUT PERSON needed in Trenton. Looking for FT .position, but will ', consider PT if necessary. Some du- ties, but not limited to, complete sign make up (computer all the way to vinyl application), some ad and job make up (PC and Mac computer: knowledge helpful). Will train right. . person. Apply in person at the Gil- christ County Journal in Trenton, 207 N. Main Street'in Trenton. tfn,6-1 IN-HOME CAREGIVER for am-' bulatory elderly\ man. Das, some housekeeping, references required. Between Newberry and Trenton. 463-2024,.leave message. &"WON r -..... booml rL7,jl 7 77 t " 4,fR PI o i crhteen GTTLCHRIST COTINTY JOURNAL THURSDAY, MAY 25, 2006 Help Wanted ] FARMER'S MARKET MAN- AGER: The Trenton Community Farmer's Market is up and running with hopes of continuing through the summer and into the fall. The City is looking for a highly moti- vated manager to operate the mar- ket. Duties include marketing and promotion, development of special events, vendor relations, and basic accounting .methods. The market operates once weekly on Tuesday from 2pm-6pm. The position will require approximately 5-15 hours of work per week. The market man- ager will earn a share, of.the pro-. ceeds from the market in addition to possible base compensation doq. a highly motivated manager will earn much ore! Please contact City Hall at 352-463-4000 x301 for more de- tails. Property with potential! Commerciallh zoned 4800 sq ft. building located just I block off SR129 in Bell. Great retail location in growing community. Call for details. MLS #752269 $149,000 Commercial Propertm .ith 1675sq. ft building located in the:heart of Bell on NMain Street. Location offers 50' of ..... high visibility road frontage. Customer base established by adjacent retail businesses provides high traffic flow. MLS #752315. 5275.000. Over 2500sq. ft. 'of commercial poterd- fial. Building offers separate office anid apartment space for possible leasing income. Large display wi ndows increases retail exposure. Call for more details. ML$ #7524o0 $425.000 Hometown Realty ofNorthF im j -1 1 Mlan Sire-l *oB-Il. FI,-.Oa 32t61'4 /','.Hc ,r.ieiOwrRe3i,,r,''F rcrm Cell: (352) 215-1132 Office: (352) 463-9001 Toll Free: (888) 463-9001 Ftax: (352) 463-9008 Email: dlspowers@aol.com it; i- Debra Powers Realtor 38 4543s32 16. 5 ha.. a, RESIDENTIAL EMERALD...FARMS, nice lot with. CBS house partialIl complete. You get to finish your way. House has siab .& concrete block %' alls in place. New well, power pole & the impact fees are paid. Call William Gillespie; 352 225-1921. $1i0,000.#f261866 BRING YOLiR HORSES! 5 acres between High Springs & Newberry w/low taxes of Gilchrist Co. 3BR, 2BA, open Liv. area fireplace. Kit. has newer appliances & double oven. Outbuildings w/power & covered .area for kennel.' Beautiful. pasture cross-fenced. Call Seart Maroney, 352-665-0144. $329,900. #260302 EXCLUSIVE RIVERFRONT COMMUNITY. This 3BR, 3BA home is fully furnished & has access to private docks & boat ramp on the Suwannee River. Only 8 homes in Phase I, so buy today! Call Tony Boothby, 352-262-1159. $335,000. #264131 . 26+ SECLUDED ACRES includes 1700+ Sq. Ft. 3BR. 2BA. concrete block home, 6 acres fenced/cross-fenced pasture, 4-stall barn w/tack & feed rooms. Beautiful woods & Mins. to the river. Call Tony Boothby, 352-262-1159. $475,000. #265084- BRING YOUR HORSES, bring your friends horses, board & train horses; this place is perfect! Features include 27 acres, 24 stall barn, hot walker, round pen & a cute 1500 Sq. Ft. house. Call William Gillespie, 225-1921. $549,900. #263111 YOUR RURAL RETREAT! 40 rolling acres, this delightful 4BR, 2BA sun-splashed country home offers rocking chair porch, cozy fireplace, big red barn & even your own private fishing hole. Call Lorraine Handler, 352-215-8922 or Debbie Zeller, 352-538-2857. $699,000. #263604 VACANT LAND HEAVILY WOODED 5 ACRES only one mile south of the Santa Fe River. Will allow mobile homes, minimum of 900 Sq. Ft. Call Martha Barnes, 386-454-3327 or 352-339-4069. $84,900. #261732 BEAUTIFUL 5 ACRE HOMESITE in homes only gated community. Located in Northern Gilchrist County, just a few miles away from the historic Suwannee River & the Santa Fe River. Come'-& relax in the country while keeping the city within reach. Call William Gillespie, 352-225-1921. $129,900. #260804 ROLLING 10 ACRES of lush pasture just waiting for you & your horses to relax in the country. Perfect to build or bring in a Manuf. home. Call William Gillespie, 352-225-1921. $135,000. #242576 YOUR OWN PONDEROSA! Lovely 10 acre parcel just outside High Springs. Cleared with some trees. Bring the horses & build your dream home or move in your manufactured home. Call Debbie Zeller, 352-538-2857. $139,900. #264203 CL ASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WOR. CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. A CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. r HelpWant-ed GILCHRIST COUNTY DEPT. OF PUBLIC SAFETY is currently ac- cepting applications for the position of Animal Control Officer. This is a FT position that requires exp. in the care and feeding of animals, ability to work flexible hours, and a valid Florida Drivers License. Must pos- sess or obtain within 90 days of start date, Euthanasia Certification pro- vided by the Florida Animal Con- trol Assn. Salary range of 22-28K depending on qualifications. In- terested applicants should submit a Gilchri.st County employment appli- cation to the Dept. of Public Safety, 204 E. Wade St., Trenton, FL 32693 (352) 463-3134. This position will remain open until filled. Gilchrist. County is a DFWP and EOE em- ployer. ' [Help Wanted I VACANCIES GILCHRIST COUNTY SCHOOLS Instructor, Elementary Education (Anticipated), Trenton Elementary School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited' institution and Florida certification in Elementary Education required Instructor, Kindergarten (Anticipated). Trenton Elementay' School '.Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Florida teacher ceritication co% ering Early S Childhood required Instructor. Pre-K Special Needs iAnucipatedi Bell Elementar% School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Florida teacher certification co%'enng Earl. Childhood and ESE required Instructor. Elementary Educa- lion tAnticipated) Trenton ElementarN School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Flonda teacher certification covering Elementary Education required Instructor. Social Science I Anticipated i Trenton Middle/High School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Flonda teacher certification covering Social Science required Instructor, Reading SAnticipated Trenton Middle.'High School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Flonda teacher cenification co enng Reading required Media Specialist Bell Middle. High School Bachelors Degree or higher from an - accredited instiution and Florida certification as Educational Media Specialist required j Speech/Language Pathologist iK -12,1 , District-wide ,, Bachelor's Degree in Speech/ Language Pathology/Communica- tion Disorders from an accredited educational institution. Florida certification in Speech.' Language Patholog\ and.or licensure in Speech/Language Pathology.. Lead Carpenter Foreman, Experienced Career opportunity for qualified person. Established company over 30 years' in business. Benefits. Call Now! 463-9060 Jim King Realty, Inc. Realtor "_ _ WIS Main Office -'(352) 493-2221 IRMA 315 N. Main Street (US.19) Chiefland, FL32626 Fanning Springs Branch Office (352) i463-6144 or 542-0009 O 17871 U.S. Hwy. 19, Fanning Springs, FL32693 Suwannee Branch Office (352) 542-9007 E L HN 23382 SE 349 Hwy., Suwannee, FL 32692 O.oi....., office@jimkingrealty.com or wwwjimkingrealty.com a ONE OF KIND, SUWANNEE RIVER HQME WITH AN UNBELIEVABLE VIEW! This home is located at Fowlers Bluff, the very Southern most community on the East side of Suwannee and most accessible area to Tampa/St. Pete. This home was built with comfort and entertaining as a priority. With 2900 Sq. Ft of living are, here are just a few of the special features: Master Suite with Large his & her bathrooms, Lg. Kitchen, Dining Room, Living Room with Rock Fireplace, Workshop, Lg. Laundry Room, Double Boat House w/Lifts'and Screened Porch Overlooking River. Call for pictures & more details. $589,500. (LW-751928) 352-493-2221 ...- JUST .REDUCED! MOTIVATED' BUILDER! Spec home nearly complete in a Golf Course Community! New custom built home under construction in children friendly neighborhood. Spacious split floor plan with 2 car garage. Large master suite. Offered at $197,500. (LR-751312) 352-493-2221 .j1 --------- Have your own piece of Paradise. Recently remodeled 1989 3/2 SW MH on 3.10 beautiful acres in Paradise Hammock. This home has new carpet, vinyl, AC/Heat, pump for the well, 2 car carport w/light, 9 X 12 storage shed w/ electric, all of this and more that is located just off paved road. This is one that you must see to appreciate. Close to Schools, Shopping, the Suwannee River and public boat ramps, and the Gulf of Mexico. *** SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! ***$72,900. (DMH-752334-JW) 352-493-2221 REALTO.R* OVERLOOKING LAKE >HOLIDAY IN SUWANNEE! This 2BR/2BA DWMH is on a deep water lake only minutes by boat in freshwater canals.to the Suwannee River and the Gulf of Mexico. It has a 2 stall boathouse, screened fish cleaning / storage room, Florida room with views of the lake and orange, grapefruit and 'tangerine trees. The home is completely famished, includes 2 boats and is waiting for you to come enjoy our excellent fishing and quiet way of life! $299,000. (DW- 748707-JM) 352-542-9007 SWMH W/ ADDITION ON SALTWATER CANAL in the town of Suwannee! Look across your canal to see natural beauty of palms & palmettos, not to mention abundant wildlife. Take your boat or canoe & explore pristine coastal savannah's, Gulf of Mexico & Suwannee River or take a trip through the 60 thousand acre National Wildlife Refuge that borders our town! Enjoy one of the last truly natural places in FL! It's incredible! $189,000. (DW-750440-JHM) 352-542-9007 Great location south of Chiefland in Spanish Trace. 2/2'mobile home on 5 Beautiful Wooded acres +/- landscaped and fenced backyard, shed and pumphouse. $134,900 (LMH-751336-K) 352-493-2221 Call Us For More Listings! SilpWante d Bachelor's Degree or higher with a current or former teaching certificate inma core subject area. Once approved, highly qualified substitutes would be eligible for substituting at $130 a day in pre-approved situations where there is a long-term absence . in a core subject area All other daily substituting would be at current daily rates. Contact the. District Office for an application, and more information. Bus Driver Trainees; Substitute Bus Drivers. High School Diploma. -10 hours of in-sert ice training will be pro% ided for qualified ap-" plicants. Flexible training hours Part of the training prepares trainees for the dnver poruon of the Class B Florida CDL. For information or questions. contact the Transporta- tion Department at i352 1463-3230. Obtain and submit application to: SHelp Wanted Instructor, ESE Trenton Middle/High School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Florida ESE certification required School Psychologist District-wide Master's Degree from an accredited institution. Certification covering School Psychology. - Specialist, Student Services and Staffing (Antcipated.i Distnct-Wide Bachelors Degree from an Accred- ited Institution and Florida Teacher Cenification required Three years of successful teaching experience preferred. Graduate courses toward Florida certification in School Guidance and Counseling strong) preferred Principal iAnticipated \acanc) Bell High School Requires i fire Nears teaching experience. Masters Degree and Flonda Certification Assistant Principal Anticipated Vacancy i District-Wide Requires l 3i three .ears teaching experience. Masters Degree and Florida Certi- fication Director of Management Information Ser\ices Masters degree and three Nears of experience in management of data information services, educational leadership., or related field. An equi alent combination of educa- tion and experience ma\ be con- sidered. Fi e e-irs- of super' isor. experience preferred Temporary Teacher Aide (Anticipated Trenton Middle/High School. High school diploma or equivalent. Associate of Arts degree or higher. at least 60 credit hours from an accredited institution, or a passing score on an appro ed state test required Substitute Teachers High School Diploma or Equiva- lent Contact the Distnct Office for an application and more information. Highlh Qualified Substitute Teacher Pool Ware accepting applications for our Highl' Qualified Substitute Teacher Pool Qualifications: l-- ,eP +------------ Help Wanted Gilchrist County School District, 310 NW lIth Avenue, Trenton, FL 32693 (352) 463-3200. Application may be downloaded at: yvww.gilchristschools.org/Person- nel.htm#Application Attach a resume and any additional information as necessary. All applications will be screened. Not all applicants will be interviewed. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled., EEO/Drug Free Workplace \%sr GilchnstSchools org PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS, home every night. Full benefits package Dry bulk & flatbed posi- tions at Newberry Terminal Com- mercial Carner Corp. 866-300- 8759- and Associates r . I 2 3 4 3 15 14 13 12 11 Now Selling!! 1 9 High Springs Hills \ Help Wanted HIGH SPRINGS FARM LA- BOR: Work. with cattle, operate farm equip., etc Benefits included. Please apply in person at our High Springs office, 125 NW 1st Ave., 'High Springs. (386) 454-1511.. 01551809 FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY COVERALL CLEANING CONCEPTS Own a COVERALL Franchise for as little as $1,500 Down ' Guaranteed Customers Complete Training & Support Equipment & Supplies . Guaranteed Financing Our secret can be.your success! OPPORTUNITIES IN NORTH CENTRAL FLORIDA (800)'249-2532 Paved Streets! 5 Acres and Up i[,,. Call 1-800-643-6971 info@phillipsrealtyland.com LS_ See more of our listings @ www.phillipsrealtyland.com ( TROKE REALTY S. INC. SEE OUR LISTINGS (352) 463-7075 .IJEAN TROKE I Licensed Real Estate Broker ON THE WEB: 'P2 -/ E-mail: 73 .X E-mail: trokerealty@aol.com r 3 730 E. Wade Street (SR-26) *Trenton, Florida 32693 W.rrokerealrt inc com --QUALITY-BUILT HOMES NOW AVAILABLE--' RIVER-AREA HOMES & ACREAGE. NEAR TO OLD TOWN IN DIXIE: 6 BR,55 BA. Tvo CB bill home-, along with eight I. 2.acre iract .all landscaped large lreesi. Ic inside, 16x36 covered outer deck (w'h.' i ab'i, 20\24 A orlt shop/pottery bldg., bonus rooms & 1/2 bath (possible 'in-law' suite), fully landscaped on one acre--call Jean or Jim for fall detail; on thi- special property, with great waterfront & new home-site opportunity for. buyer/investor...$925,000 for all ior $399.900--rimer home,'355,000--second home I GORGEOUS WOODED ACREAGE. LARGE HOME & RI, ERFRONT NEAR BELL: 3 BR/3 BA: Private 10.73-acre tract, naturally wooded with appro\ 20' Ioniage along the Suiarnnee in NW G.ichnst Has incredible, spacious frame/CB-stilt "dog-trot" home, 3 levels which include ground Iloot entertainment screened porch, 3.-elucle parking; main 2nd level with over 2,000 sq. ft. of screened porches (great river & nature views), full greatroom/dining/kitchen (w/bonus loft space), mailer iuae i sood/iile flooring. walk-in closet). Also has a workshop/cttAige, irrigation system, river deck & floating dock;,,too much more to mernnon here .call or e-mail our office for further details...$675,000.. . NICE Rl\ ERFRONT HOME, QUALITY NEIGHBORHOOD: 4 BR/3.5 BA: Over 2,000 inside sq. ft.of comfort, for this frame-built 2 story home. nih "'5' rner fionuge at ihe Linttle Lake City corminity north of Bell. Property has waterfront deck & dock, screened river % iei porch, aicarned garage & detached carport, other outbuildings. landscaping & privacy fencing. Photos & more details available at out office website...$37S,000... EXCELLENT RANCH HOME:ON 5 SECLUDED ACRES: 3 BR/2.5 BA: Frame/CB-built home, has over 3,100 sq. ft. under roof, on a rolling 5-acre pasture tract (has large oak & pine along boundaries), located in between Trenton & Bell. Has laminated wood & tile flooring, ,farge greatroom (w/dining area & fireplace), over-sized Master & 2nd BR's, large front country porch, 24-round pool (w/deck), BBQ/patio behind home & more.;.$299,900. -MANUFACTURED HOMES ON THE MARKET-- NEW LISTING--20 WOODED ACRES W/SPACIOUS M/HOME NEAR RIVER: 3 BR/2 BA: Roomy 2001 28x76 Manufactured home, sitting on private, wooded 20-acre tract; property located within one mile of Wannee boat ramp. Over 2,000 inside sq. ft. of comfort, includes full living, dining, family/game rooms, outbuildings & more...$349,000. LARGE M/HOME ON 30 SECLUDED ACRES: 4 BR/2 BA: Spacious 27x76 manufactured home, located amongst lots of planted pines (great future investment), on a 30-acre tract in-between Trenton & Fanning. Acreage has 4-vehicle carport, 20x20 pole barn (w/electric). Home-site being sold 'as is' by Owner--call Jean or Barbara for all the details...$333,000. PRIVATE, SECLUDED ACREAGE & HOME-SITE WEST OF BELL: 3 BR/2 BA: Immaculate 27x66 manufactured, located on fenced, wooded 20 acres. Large greatroom, 21x10 all-season's enclosed porch, galley-style kitchen. Outer features include 4-wide attached carport, pool & hot tub (w/pool house), gazebos, greenhouse & more. Call or email to Barbara for information...$319,000. UPDATED MANU. HOME & MORE, NEARBY FANNING SPRINGS: 3 BR/2 BA: Nicely cared-for 24x44 manufactured home-site, on landscaped .41/acre tract with paved frontage by SR-26 (& near US-19) in West Gilchrist. Has a number of outer features, including 30x40 workshop & more, lots of trees/fauna & property fencing--call Barbara for details...$114,900. SPACIOUS, LIKE-NEW MANUFACTURED & ONE ACRE: 3 BR/2 BA: Well-kept 28x64 2002 M/Home (refurbished by Owner), on 1.04-acre tract with outbuildings, located along end of paved cul-de-sac, close to US-19 and all nearby amenities in Fanning Springs--call or email for full details...$108,900. .. WELL-KEPT M/HOME ON LANDSCAPED ACRE IN NO. GILCHRIST: 3BR/2BA: 1996 24X44 Manufactured, in quality condition, on 1.15-acre tract (nice mix of trees/open space), with board fencing in front. Located north of Bell, with quick access to US 129 & CR 340...Owner says to present offers...$92,000. MANUFACTURED WITH RIVER CANAL FRONTAGE BY SUN SPRINGS: 3 BR/2 BA: Solid 24x48 'Fleetwood' home, located in nice neighborhood near the Suwannee (with 60' frontage along canal connecting to river by Sun Spring); M/Home has had some inside cleanup/fixup..Owner is motivated, says to.present offers...$89,000. QUALITY "HOMES OF MERIT" HOME-SITE NEAR FANNING SPRINGS: 3 BR/2 BA: Neat, well-kept 27x63 1998 Manu. home, has large, spacious rooms (including fireplace.for family room), lots of cabinet/counter space for open kitchen, fenced back yard on 100x300 tract, with paved frontage along CR-346A (Joppa Road)...$85,000. NEAT & CLEAN M/HOME & .92/ACRE IN TOWN: 3 BR/2 BA: Well-kept & renovated 27x54 Manufactured, with full living, dining & bonus rooms, double-oven range & appliances for kitchen, front & back attached porches, and private, wood-fenced 243x165 back yard...$64,000. AFFORDABLE M/HOME IN TOWN: 2 BR/1 BA: Refurbished & compact 14x44 home-site (w/attached front porch/deck); metal & frame outbuildings, on landscaped Trenton lot w/large oak for shade...$28,000. -- LOTS .& ACREAGE PROPERTIES ON MARKET -- 44 ACRES, MIX OF WOODS/OPEN SPACE, IN EAST GILCHRIST: Over 40 acres, ready for family or gentleman's farm/home-site east of Trenton; has paved frontage along CR-337, and an older home-site on property (improvements being sold in 'as is' condition)--call or e-mail our office for full details...$499,900. 20 ACRES-PASTURE PROPERTY IN WEST GILCHRIST: Thirty rolling acres, with large oaks/pines along boundaries, ready for Ag use or large homrne-site. Located close to CR-232 & CR-344 near Hart Springs...$265,000. THREE SEPARATE 20-ACRE TRACTS NEAR BELL: 3 individual 20-acre properties, side-by-side location in North Gilchrist, mostly wooded raw acreage ready to be improved--call or email Barbara for details...$260,000 each. 10 ACRES--WOODED, SECLUDED TRACT OFF US-129: Private locale for this ten acres north of Bell--has nice mix of open space & woods, few neighbors; call Barbara for property details...$ 129,900. 5 ACRES & IMPROVEMENTS, EAST GILCHRIST: Quiet, country acreage, with well, septic & power pole (Owner selling 'as is'). Close to CR-232, for easy access to Gainesville/Alachua...$89,900. 4+ ACRES--WOODED TRACT NEAR BRONSON/ARCHER: Quiet, rural location for this 4.2-acre comer tract, located in-between Bronson & Archer near SR-24; great location for secluded built or manufactured home-site...$84,900. 4+ ACRES--PASTURE ACREAGE CLOSE TO FANNING SPRINGS: Located amongst nice mix of well-kept built & manu. home-sites, mostly pasture 4.2-acre tract ready for new home-site, within short drive to Fanning Springs and Trenton...$73,000. AFFORDABLE & BUILDABLE TRACT, NEAR TO FANNING SPRINGS: Wooded 100xl00 property, near to SR-26, Rails-to-Trails and more at west end of county, ready, for built or manufactured home-sites...$9,900. You can call our agents after regular business hours, for more information on any of our listings, at the main office number above, or at our agents' cell numbers below: Jim or Jean Troke A ILS (386) 935-3357 | c "Profession Paul Troke (352) 221-2999 Barbara Mayo (352) 222-0,427 al Service With A Personal Touch" 121 OiPPORTUtdRY Homes Only! -- 21 [Don Thomas .__-._ 1 Sales Associate Lorene Thomas Realty, Inc. Sales Assoate Highway 19/98, P.O. Box 1653 Old Town, Florida 32680 Business (352) 542-8568 Fax (352) 542-8566 Cell (352) 221-5422 e-mail: RealtyThomasi@iaol.com Each oilice as Independentl) Owned and Operated Jl-dgU JUir,11LV-11 .-.A ti i 64) 253( 3-7302 F THUTTRSDAY MAY 25..2006 A,~A GIL CHRIST COU NTY 11JOURNAL. Page Nineteen [ Help Wanted JOB OPPORTUNITY: Heavy duty truck m'aintenance/plant mainte- nance personnel with Cummings Diesel exp. Must have Class B CDL Also, openings for driver for block truck w/ hydraulic boom, Class B CDL required. Retirement plan, paid vacation, competitive pay and a good working atmosphere. Apply in person at Bell Concrete. Products, Hwy. 129 N, one mile N of Bell. 2tb 5/25-6/1 FT-PT EXPERIENCED main- tenance man needed immediately. Also a FT-PT experienced cook needed immediately. Apply within at the Lighthouse Restaurant. tffnb,1-27 -Help Wanted A RESPONSIBLE YOUNG WOM- AN: Wanted to care for 4 children, ages 7-12. Several mornings a week 6-8 am and several afternoons a week from after-school to 5 pm. Must be dependable, have transpor- tation and have excellent references that will be checked. Great compen- sation for right person. Will turn into full-time summer job. Two weeks on, two weeks off. Call 463-0224 and leave message if no answer. 2tb,5-18-5-25 Th ilhis out Juna' (5) 6-73 Gabe's Irrigation Systems, Landscaping & Odd Jobs ~ Tractor Work-~ Reliable & Dependable. IRRIGATION SPECIAL: Installed 1/2 acre $1,100 / 1 acre $2,300 Phone/,2 2'i3-7472 7591NW 167th Place Fanning Springs, FL 32693 Highway 441 Nornh H RIZO N (386) 462-4020 H R" ZO '(352) 373-5511 S----Honzonrealr.-realors cornm ( Ver3 nice fenced and cleared I acre lot. just minutes north of Bel:. Well, septic and power ready for your mobile, manufac- tured or site built home. $29,000 MLS#242574 Complete privacy on 5.5 wooded acres. One of a kind 3BR 2BA very' bright and open floor plan. All ceramic ile floors, fireplace and large master suite. In-grouind heated pool with screen enclosure and open patio. Jonesville area. $289,000' MLS#262436 Beautifully wooded 1 + acre lot just north of Bell.. Perfect for site-built. manufactured or mobile homes. Just reduced $29.900 MLS #242561 -.,92 acres of 'Santa Fe riverfront, absolute one of a kind property less than 1I'mile to High Spnng; and ,. allk to O'-eno State Pil491900vMES#s244%:' .+t-2 834&' 24-'8l R^ ] Suwannee Rivers Best! 235 feet of cleared & bulkheaded nverfront on 2.5 acres with well, septic & power. Best \ ie\ on the river and only 22 miles to the Gulf. $399.000 MLS#261016 31.3 beautiful acres located in White Springs. Property has a mixture of hardwoods & pasture which fronts 1-75 R/W. Additional 25 acres available. $269,000 MLS #235609 Enjoy the view from the front deck of this 4BR 3BA DWMH with detached workshop in Newberry on 2.5 fenced acres. Home has new oak cabinets, appliances, countertop. and carpeting. $149,900 MILS#260502 Secluded yet convenient to High Springs. 21 acres of scattered oaks and pines close to Ginnie. Blue & Poe Springs. Additional 21 acres and owner financing aalilable. S260.000 lMLS#260330 . Wflford" WW realty, inc. Licensed Real Estate Broker 3 6 350 4 P.O. Box 546 Bell, Florida 32619 3869350243 8 ACRES & HOME ON SUWANNEE RIVER complete with separate bunkhouse, decks, floating dock, etc. It's located near Rock Bluff. Very private & secluded. You can't find a better opportunity on the river! $350,000. VERY NICE 3/2 C.B. HOME On 5 part clear part wooded acres in North Gilchrist County. Home is in great condition and in a good neighborhood. Only $225,000. SUWANNEE COUNTY- Nice 2 Bdrm, 1 i Bath Single-wide mobile home with large deck over looking Suwannee River. A beautiful view!! Near a great swimming spring & a nice area to live!! $199,500. THE RIVER PARADISE A large lot on the Econfina River 2 miles from the Gulf - in navigable waters. Includes a' beautiful, large 4 bedroom/3 bath two story home. Super fishing & hunting area! Boat from your own paradise to the Gulf and you have it all. $685,000. 2 ACRES ON SUWANNEE at Charles Springs be.auiful, ,:..:.-de lot, buildable! $79,900.. A NICE RIVERLOT on Suwannee River near Royal Springs nice area. $49,900. LOT ON SANTA FE down river from the Itchtucknee River $195,000. VERY NICE WOODED 4 ACRES North Gilchrist County. $49,900. BEAUTIFUL WOODED 5 ACRES On county maintained road in north Gilchrist County. $68,900. 291.45 ACRES OF PRIME HUNTING LAND With a.hunting lodge type house, lodge is complete with nice porches and a fireplace. Dog pen, rock quarry, fish pond and approximately 150 acres of planted pines. Awesome hunting of deer, wild hogs, turkey, etc. Good improved roads and trails throughout the property. Fronts on a paved road. $1,595,000. Just 8 miles out of Cross City. 247 ACRES Prime land on more than V mile of highway frontage in Suwannee Coun- ty. Nice 3/2 CB home, detached garage with upstairs apartment, 75 acres of pines, approx 160 acres in cropland, 3 wells & other amenities!! Fantastic development potential, cen- trally located to just about everything in North Central Florida. Shown by appointment only! $3,250,000. Can be developed into 5 acre tracts!! 34.61 ACRES IN CENTRAL SUWANNEE COUNTY Very nice piece of land on a paved road, surveyed and platted into 3 pieces if you need it subdivided, can be four pieces, mostly open with some nice trees. $485,000. 4 ACRES OF A NICE WOODED TRACT- Good trees!! Central Suwannee County. $49,500. 5 BEAUTIFUL WOODED ACRES With well, septic, power and.completely loaded with deer. Backs up to large protected lands. Fenced, county maintained road. Convenient to Chiefland. Plenty of privacy. $129,900. 5 ACRES IN NORTH GILCHRIST COUNTY.- Nice wooded 5 acre tract of property - private & secluded. Must see to believe! $75,000. LOT IN LEVY COUNTY Near Williston on SR 121. Only $23,900. 18 ACRES IN SOUTH SUWANNEE COUNTY Partly open and many nice trees. A great location!! $180,000. CONVENIENCE STORE / MECHANICS GARAGES -1 acre zoned commercial/in- dustrial with lots of frontage on Highway 90 east in Lake City, Florida. Many amenities and lots of square feet of buildings to use your entrepreneurial skills and make this going business grow even more. Only $375,000. Owner Motivated !! NICE WOODED LOT NEAR SANTA FE RIVER & BOAT RAMP- can be yours Sfor $19,900. Some owner financing available to a qualified buyer. For more information and pictures of these and other properties listed Visit our website at www.wolfordrealty.com FOR SALE- Reiatl siorefront prop- erty in downtown Trenton. Three buildings on Main Street. Call 352- 463-7-135. CLA CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINI Real Estate 3BD/2BA/2CG on 5 acres, Trenton. Exc; quality, 3,000 sq. ft. Masonry/, stucco. Split BD plan, vaulted ceil- ings. Master suite with walk-in clos- et, bath with jet tub, shower. Lg. kitchen w/maple cabinets, stainless steel appliances. Laundry (w&d), pantry, breakfast nook, family room, formal dining, private living. Wood & tile floors Landscape/irrigation.. $395,000., Call 352-816-0846 8tp. 5125-7/ 3 20 ACRES OF PASTURE: At "est edge of Bell Moti\ ated seller, $320.000. Southern Propenx.Ser- teices un% flondalandl com 375- 7731 2tb,5-18-5-525 ~jMii .Ihut.lini il.tIl'e' ) 2 I .s6 SF 2u .%C C reel rj po ,:n pr."pern tictida r..'m &i pile tar.r, Brad Smilh. Broker 13521463-''t.ii .' - Great Shape! 2/1 728 SF 0.71 AC Newer flooring, carpet, vinyl, & paint:'Plus it's in a great location Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 -.'- '.: " Like a Park! "3/3 2,756 SF 9.68 AC Wooded and landscaped, %,i a .:,.'i i-J i workshop. eaE-st ate 2 ",1 i,, S i :" . a\rrn & :C,: .,th ,ieai i,.:.i-,.,:, Call for -a'-' SGlean &.Jd,' 2/1 1,020 SF 1.08 AC "A 3rp .at'.un.l dt k. cvric.:"'ed p.:.f'r pole t.Ic n, &. parial niBe.ri Brad Sminh, Broker 135214h63-7-0.) a Profitable Year Round Nursery! 3/2 2,366 SF 40.46AC 1 apartment, 3 wells, 2 skeptics, fenced, & amazing landscaping, S And a Pool! 3/2 1,736 SF 0.11 AC Screened porch, metal roof, 2 boat lifts, & interior updates. Terri Anderson, Realtor (352) 356-1961 ' "- . i Warm and Inviting! 3/2 1,380 SF 2AC Under contract in 2.5 months!!! Your property could be here! Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 .Has It All! 3/2 2,048 SF 50 AC Specimen trees, pasture, fireplace, porch, pool, &-MORE. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 peodinog Beautiful!!! 4/2.5 1,797 SF 5.01 AC Split floor plan,.surround sound, energy efficient, workshop, & partial fencing, In Ground Pool! 3/2 1,296 SF 0.62 AC Comfortable, convenient, and on a paved road. Diane Teague, Realtor (352) 490-1028 0.-09 Old To n 512, 0.0 t Perfcic Campie 1 [ 0 II Trenton S12, ix ) I i-.d L-_ L S ;iT h:h-.:-l l:hI M I I - 0.11 Su-annee $250,000 V I ,-rif-l,.-r, .:.: k. t..) 1tI-Ai ... 0.I 1 Sut annee $265,000 View of the:Gulf. , 0.11 Suwannee $295,000 0. ,licr .-'l-r. 1ci 11f ca ,al 1 0.23 CrossCin $12,500 Pr-.ce Reduced Irn:it c.dat - i Z.3 Trer.or, $34,900 ,ih.:,e Io r:hooi h,-,pp-;r & ref S24 Trenton 19,9(0 l ice pn.,ll. ctel e j 1:1 Sueannee $65,01:)J til[ .,aler trefLhilakb'l- .e, " .-31 Cheieland $39.500 v _qpe.:Il A *:.rrng 0.S3 Cross Cim SI4,5o01 ; Pr, e Pedic,-edI ir.eo:t l:..,ji S0.41 Trenton $39,900 S rlulin ReiilJ -'ial z,,r-,r, l, er.-,ial 1: Su annee $85.100 MILipdcn. Camp ' 0.5 Sunannee $85,t000 .Liundenr,: Canrp 0.54 O Other $150,000 ; .alerftro.nt dd reitrnkicd 0.6? Fannln_ Spei $35,000 . S1. i Oak" : rubd ii*-rn 0.7 TrenIon $18,000 0.7 Trenion $24,900 Fe. mnruleti Su,.tn-tree - 1:18 Old Tonn $185,000 Suwanneewaterfront -- '. 1 Beltl. $27,000 0. c-;-Jcd ne..- S! -. r-me K,. t.- 1.25 Fanning Spgs 329.900 Or.at i r,:,- e 1.84 SuHannee $300.00i '-reci,-ile E iae : ,d .able 1.85 Old loT n S50.C.:0 Plaritcd pinlrle: p ed r-:.ad 2 Chleflard 546,0001 HIrh Ar, l. .. [:e:.p ed rd 2I Bell 645.OuI ell ie hc .,:. .er pI. ul'tre hain er 4.1," Old To n 9251.,1.(i t .. --L.11. -t-1TO nI 4.75 e Trenton $85,000 *leedj med n read, 4 "' Bell $85,000 [e.le-:d *C,-.TfCd PI.;14h h' lSite 4.96 Old Town $80,000 Price Reduced! Indian Oaks. 5 Old Town $67,500 Majestic oaks and other hardwoods. 5 Bell $75,000' Perfect for built or mobile home. 5 Old Town $75,000 Deed restricted homes only. 5 Old Town $75,000 Deed restricted homes only. 5 Bell $79,900. P). cd rc-.a ci,- ,ed. cleared. 5 Trenton $85,000 Deed restricted homes only. " 5 Bell $85,000 S De Jre ,' ,:i c ed i'':cr tPlace 5 , 5 Bell $85,000 Deed restricted Pacers Place. S 5 Bell' $85,000 Deed restricted Pacers Place. " 5 Trenton $85,000 Beautiful with mature oaks., 5 Bell $85,000 Deed restricted Trotters Rest. 5 Bell $85,000 Deed restricted Trotters Rest. 5 Bell $85,000 Deed restricted Trotters Rest. 5 Bell $85,000 Flying Harness Farms. .5 Trenton $89,900 Deed restricted homes only. 5 Chiefland $125,000 Well/septic/power, shed & pole barn. 5 Newberry $140,000 Planted pine,. Homesite or invest. 5 Bell $349,900 Commercial Property. 5.17 Old Toin i'5.'.00 Ne r rhe Su, inr-Re ,.-r 5.43 Chiefanrd 5,.9oi".) r u t .ri pa. edr. r.: 5.52 TrendMn $'1.i.u 5.84 Old To. n i8'.ou 6 Billle, MH TM .:..:1L u 5 .:.:,-r, 5.43 Trenhn 5l82,9'.lo 8.18 hTrcnand $129,91.0 Paeed cr',ad, nr. r, h-i,'Jd.ood- 8.C8 Brantord $132,0( Ph.d l:.:urr., ,road t.6. Bell $1 49,9)I) Deed rei-,,:ied Triner F..L 9.62 Bell $144,900 . Deed re;orrled Ptaer.& pieP-,_c 10 Trenlon S1295., I 2. 8 Ce dr K:.lje 1 Si ue.O 'i 10.2 Trenton 5 149.90 CuITrill, beIm aur eJ oa; ks ,CUr.irl 1i Trrtriti t1:ni.900 Crend, t-ring i l. C.rrOe. her bl matSd ;i. 10 Tre onl $1 929,9.00) \',ell ielajl'L, in.1p,0LI" 10 TrBenon I 5$1.,. Deed a c:-r:lend shelu :r', I10 Chielland $4o0,900 S.ell. :epic. -ad pow.: 10 Chicnand $S195.060 10.26 Chienand $249.990) Deed ryear old hoplanted pines. 2136 Bell $1590.900 Waterllfro :ept,c deed restricted p.:le t 1.9 Bellston 975,000 '*. i llll'e '.,-d _:,-,: l .:*:.iT.IT. .ipir, OPaed roda Creek. surrounding. 14.220 Bell $149,900 Private;pl mature oaks. tmen 14.97 Bellton $172,500 14.91' Bill st1 $172,500 Close to springs o ," ' Hay 15fields Bel, adj acres avail.48 Will divide. 00,000 209 Bell $199,900 Cleared and secluded. 20.3 Chieand $85406,000 Well, septic, and power. 2137 Chiefland $299,900 8-10 year old ted pines. 400,000 21 Bell $660,000 Waterfront, deed restricted. 35.85 Trenton r $385,000 Planted pines ready. Home or invest. 39 Williston $975,000 Payed rd, acreage surrounding. 40 Bell $480,000 Great planted pines investment. . 40 1 Trenton $500,000 Currently being used as ag. ' 54.2 "Chiefland $1,044,000 Sportsman's paradise. 55.91 Williston $1,627,500 Oaks, hay fields, stocked pond. ' 55.91 Williston $1,627,500 Hay fields, adj. 50 acres avail. 64 Chiefland $480,000. Woodland and pastureland. 70 Trenton $770,000 Planted pines ready. Home or invest. 80 Chiefland $799,600 Borders Andrews Preserve. 98.17 Old Town. $1,500,000 14 YO pines, hardwoods, 4 wells. 160 Trenton $1,700,000 Will divide into 10, 40, or 80 acre. 53.09 Bell $530,900 55 Trenton $850,000 154 Bell $2,618,000 57.37 Chiefland $1,721,100 80 Bell $1,400,000 :xst Plea~se*vistbga. SI P.. .j Proudly serving Gilchrist, Dixie, Levy, and Marion Counties. Exclusively Offered by Your GMAC Team on ne P R E M I E R RS RVI-C E lr Connecting -,-- A web site offered to our clients which serves as an interactive community forum for posting calendars, yard sales, recipes, & much more! Call for details and join in the fun! Smith & Associates, Inc. will commit to quality service in writing! It's an approach that's earned GMAC a remarkable 94% Customer Satisfaction Rating the best in the real estate industry. SSS FLEPrintDing IMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD A Advertising | Real Estate ] | Need A Sign? Call Woodland Craft Signs Buy or sell or both. Call At 463-7135 TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY 352*463*8340 P. 0. Box 8, Bell, Florida 32619 tcrealty@bellsouth.net www.TownandCountryRealty Trenton I & H Apartments Online com . Dixie-Gilchrist-Levy Board of Realtors and For Rent 718 NE 7th Place #905 MultipleListing Ser\ice. T r nton, ! tfnb,2-20 renton, FL 32693 LIKE NEW! 2000 Homes of MNerit on1.25 acres Between Newberry & Now Acceptin Applications ,Bronson. 3 BR/2 BA. oak cabinetry'. . new floorcoernng Fireplace, deep- 1, 2, & 3 BR HC& Non-HC apartments soakil g tub. New appliances, new ,- . well & septic. A steal at $110,000. Rental assistance may be available (352)4tb,5-1-6- 352-463-7106, TDD/TTY 71 Liberty is the only thing you Equal Housing Opportunity. cannot have unless you give it ., . to others. Smith & Associates, G A A www.bsamac.com n A Brad Smith Licensed Real Estate Broker 10 SW 7th Street 605 N. Main Street 934 E. Wade Street 27888 US Hwy-19 Hwy-349 South Williston, FL 32696 Chiefland, FL 32626 Trenton, FL 32693 Old Town, FL 32680 Suwannee, FL 32692 352-529-0010 352-493-4200 352-463-7770 352-542-1111 352-542-1212 /,i /,vvv %-J.Lj-%.Lj-L%-LLJ X A% LACE CITY N.CI01INTY lILESE Stores Clerk Independent clerical work in Mailroom and Warehouse., Handle and process incoming and outgoing mail. Receive and document shipments. High School diploma or equivalent, plus 1 year clerical experience required. Abilitr to lift and carr 45 Ibs Salary $17.780 00 annually, plus benefits. Application Deadline: .May 31, 2006 College application required. Position details and application available on the web at: *' www.lakecitycc.edu Inquiries: Human Resource Development Lake City Community College 149 SE College Place ake Cit),FL 32025 Phone: (386) 754-4314 Fax: (386) S 7.-4594 E-mail: boenchergi.alakeotr cc.edu LCCC IS accredined by the Southern A-sidciaiion'. of Colleges and Schools.. VP/.ADA'EA/EO College in "Educauon & Employment 749865 S 137,-,-)00 751733 S135,000 I .1 Red Belly Day State Park. This event will the day under the live oak trees, Southern Ears. A Belly Flop Festivities Saturday kickoff just before 9:00 a.m. On the banks of the beautiful and Melon Chunkin contests To his dog, every man is Na- Si e with the Big Cypress Bluegrass. Suwannee River. Some of the will be held at Fanning Springs. poleon: hence the constant At Fanning Springs band playing on the north stage. featured bands are the Bellamy Everyone is invited to popularity of dogs. State Park The Dixie CountN Chamber Brothers, High\\aN 101, celebrate the Memorial Day on. _.-Aldous Huxlev The Eleventh Annual Red is sponsoring this event. There Philman Famih Band, Saturday at the Fanning Springs Belly Day Festival will be held will be all types of family Southland, Rick Gordon Band, State Park. . Saturday at the Fanning Springs entertainment presented during and Dottie South & the AMERICAN RELVO ON Scoggins Chevy-Buick extends its thanks to their customers and wishes everyone a safe and happy Memorial Day Weekend! 2006 Uplander LS 2006 Trailblazer LS 2WD Ext. W.B. #859 *4200 16 Vortec Engine #1009 *AM/FM CD & MP3 eLocking Differential *Rear DVD Entertainment System '*Automatic S. 22 Hwy. *3.5LV6 .1111 I5, 1Hwy..Stabili Trak ,*'Bose Sound System , *Automatic 7 P passenger Seating *AM/FM CD & MP3 6 City Deep Tinted Glass *Traction Control '.18 City *OnStar GPS *XM Satellite Radio yPower Mirrors *Power Steering/Power Brakes *Much More *PoWer Steerihd/Power Brakes *More *Tilt/Cruise *11It/Cruise 622-464 '2-*lessemote 4,636 *Dual Air Conditioning 9 *Power Windows & Locks 5 5 5 *Power Windows &. Locks *Air Conditioning *Keyless Remote Keyless Remote 2006 Colorado 24 Hwy. 2006 Silverado 1500 20 Hw. *3500 5 Vortec Engine Crew Cab 1ILT Package Ext. Cab S Automattyic 5.3L V8 EngineM 16 city *H.D. Trailer Package #999 Automatic Transmission .. 9l'. *Tinted Glass ...- '@.. ,CD Player & Cassette ., ..... .. . @Locking Differential *Fog Lamps 'AM/FM & MP3 'Locking Differential Power Windows & Locks *White Letter Tires *Tilt/Cruise Steering Wheel Controls *Air Conditioning *H.D. Suspension Package *Full Instrumentation *H.D. Trailer Towing Package *& More jr -8 *Full Power & Much More! .. :1 ALL THIS, PLUS NO HIDDEN CHEVROLET ... FEES IN THE FINE PRINT,... No Prep Charges, Handling Fees America's #1 Brand! 0or Admin. Fees! America's #1 Value! Hurricane Preparedness week is May 21-27 . plan Ahead Receive a Personal Emergency Supply Kit with Be .. Aware! the purchase of any new or used vehicle from Scoggins! Offer ends May 31. 2006. GREAT SELECTION OF PRE-OWNED VEHICLES! '97 ford Mustang ............................... ....065*6 ,995' '01 Ford Ranger .......................................#..5.sa 9 ,995* .'04 Dodge Neon SXT ......................... #581A8,gg995 '03 GMC Ext. Cab 4WD ..........................1o4e-*19,995 '04 Chevy Impala ...................................... #933A9,995* '96 Chevy Corvette ......... ................ #94714,995" '05 Chevy Impala .................................1.14A*12,49S" '03 Chevy Cavalier ............................ 101o7B 7,995 '04 Dodge Neon ................................ 64......... 6 ,995* '01 Chrysler Town & Country Van ...........N a52Ps 11,9951 '02 Saturn 200 .........................................,9 '03 Chevy Avalanche .............................. 2822,995 '03 Nissan Frontier Crew ........................ 936AS,995 gg'05 Chevy Cavalier 30K Miles ...................... #116P10,88S '05 ChevyAstro ....................................... 6,99 '05 Pontiac Grand Am 2Kies ................. #115 1 S,69S '05 Chev 1500 Crew .............................#....97919,995 '05 Chevy Malibu 30K Miles ......................... 66 ,P9S '01 Ford' F-250 Supercab .......................#9686A*5,995* '05 Chevy 1500 Ext. 4x435K Miles .............#f1069A 24,995 '02 Chevy 1500 ..........................................886B1 9,995 '06 Chevy Suburban 2K Miles ....................160P39,99S '02 Chevy 2500 HD ............................o.... l# s16,995* '06 Chevy Uplander 6K Miles..................... 106520,995' '04 Chevy Avalanche ............................. osA124,495* '06 Chevy Trailblazer 4WD 12K Miles ......... #1165P S23,995 '03 Chevy 1500,Ext. Cab .................o.... ... 807A13,995* '06 Chevy Trailblazer 11K Miles ............ #1.... 162P s21,995* Sales Dept. Open i 30 Years Service to the Mon.-Fri. 8 to 7; Sat. 9 to 4; Tri-COUty CO unities Cl'osedSunday __RB Tri-County Communities Body Shop Open -_ Mon.-Fri. 7:30 to 5 Service Dept. Open , Mon.-Fri. 7:30 to 5 -)_ 24 H our Tow ing R AD...a4 3 0 1I 352-493-4263 GLYA50 RO AW- SM- *AII prices include all GM rebates and t I I subject to GMAC financing, plus tax, title and license fees. tBased on EPA estimates. 1424 North Young Blvd., Chiefland www.scogginschevybuick.com THURSDAYMAY 25, 2006 e-T -IT'AT.~-rV f-I .-,,TT'XTrrN7T TrTTTD'T AT Page Twenty (JlLCHiKS1 L UUIN I JUU L. Bell Elementary Cafeteria Manager Receives Award. (Continued from Page One) were divided into two teams and the object was to get the most milk into your bucket; they were milking a very simulated cow. Everyone who participated received a "Buffy the Sunshine Cow" stuffed animal. Even Superintendent Buddy Vickers got into the fun when he and Ms. Betty squared off in a milk-off. Ms. Betty made her kids proud milking eight ounces to Mr. Vickers' six ounces. Congratulations to Mrs. Betty Shepherd and her staff for doing a wonderful job in educating our children and making learning fun! You make us proud! Worry is interest paid on trouble before it falls due. -William Inge Mrs. Betty Shepherd showed that fun was not just for the kids. She and Superintendent Buddy Vickers had their own milk-off and Mrs. Shepherd milked eight ounces to Mr. Vickers' six ounces. Photo by Anna Wild. Payton Ryker of Ms. Smiths second grade class milked.four ounces from "Buffit the Sunshine Cow" with the assistance of 'Tommy Joe Shiver of M&B Products,.Inc. M&B provides our schools with milk and juice. (352 Remember Our Troops (Continued from Page Elev Dean, Jimmy Fletcher, Dylan Hilliard, Gary Hi] Mark Hilliard, SteVe Hi] Joe Hudson, Carl Hunter Heather Langston, Rob I Katie Lovett, Jonathan Lu Gus Mauldin, Michael I Evan McQuistan, T.J. IV Mark Milton, Allen Murray phen Reed, T.J. Rush, Ma Riordan, Donna Slayton, D Slatori, James Slayton, Gr M. Turner, Nathan Twigg, Worthington, Special note: Unless ignated the whereaL of each individual is known. Hannah Hudson Chosen As Gilchri County 2005-2006 High School All-S By Governor Busl And Lt. Governor _'Jennings (Continued from Page Oni potential that lies in Flc youth." In addition to' the lun. All-Stars visited the C participated in a mock session and received an certificate and a signed ph the Governor.. Perry McGriff Sa Current Partisan System For Draw Political Districts Damaging Democracy State senate candidate McGriff announced re that he will support the to reform the partisan v Which: state legislative congressional district bour are drawn. The Florida -Supreme ruled in March. that a pr amendment to establish independent body to district boundaries could on the ballot this year b of problems i ith ho: ballot initiative 'was w The nonpartisan Commit Fair Elections plans to new amendment and to obtain enough signati place it on the ballot in 2,( "While, 1 am disapl That voters: N ill not ha opportunity to vote this ,change a system that is broken. I am encourage the nonpartisan effort to the matter.before the v ote continue," McGriff said. Common Cause Flori the Florida League of Voters have helped le effort to establish an indep commission to determine boundaries. The Commit Fair Elections organize petition drive to get the r on the ballot. ' District boundaries wi to be drawn again after tl U.S. census to adjust for c in population. An ame establishing an inde] reapportionment comic would mean that meml the Florida Legislature w longer be in charge 'of d district boundaries.. Critics say that the citi Florida have historically served by a system tha en) Jr., lliard, lliard, r, Jr., I t- nr competition by deliberately shaping districts in a way that dilutes the voting power of the opposing political party and promotes the electoral prospects of those already in power. This partisan re-districting results in strangely configured districts that needlessly divide counties, ichak, cities and even neighborhoods. Mayo, The many illogical districting miller, examples critics have. pointed to , Ste- include the relatively small city tthew of Temple Terrace being divided )onny into three congressional districts, egory the division of Volusia County Kyle into four state senate districts, and a congressional district that des-" stretches from Jacksonville to bouts Orlando. Un- Advances in computer software have fueled this process, allowing politicians to'more precisely fine-tune the drawing of district lines for political purposes. ist "The current system has resulted in such a concentration P of power and such a severe tar decline in serious competition h that democracy in Florida is suffering," 'McGriff said. Florida became the the second least competitive state in the country e) .in 2004 when 103 of the 142 state legislative races had only. orida's one major party candidate. Not a single incumbent in the cheon, Florida Legislature or member apitol. of Florida's congressional senate delegation lost. re-election in award 2004. ioto of Many of the current district boundaries, McGriff said, -: "require state legislators and members of Congress to divide lyS their time and energy over such large, diverse areas that they are unable to adequately provide ing service and. representation to Is many of their constituents." IMcGrifflisted three guidelines that should be followed in Pe shaping legislative districts: Pern, District boundary lines recently should be drawn to coincide eftort with the boundaries of way in municipalities and counties Sand wherever possible. . ndaries Districts should be compact in form. Court District lines should not opposed be drawn to favor a particular sh, an candidate or group. draw not go becausee w the lorded. Gilchrist County tee for Journal Submission draft a PIa ' attempt OilIC ures to' When submitting material to 008. be published by the Gilchrist pointed County Journal, please have.it ive an typed. double-spaced, and spell-. year to checked to ensure legibility and badly accuracy. When e-mailing arti- ed that cles, please save them in Rich o bring Text Format ("rtr') in your ers \i il word processor Senti it to 207 N. Main St., Trenton, FL 32693, da and or fax it to (352) 463-7393. The Women deadline is Monday at 5:00 p.m. ad the 'Letters to the Editor must be. pendent signed by the writer, and please district include your phone number. ttee for ed the' When submitting photo-! neasure graphs, please include the origi- nal photograph on photo paper. ill have When using digital images, he 2010 please submit them. in "jpg" changes format- (preferably in 1.1 mega- ndment byte resolution or better) on pendent diskette or e-mail them to mission gilchristjoumal@bellsouth.net. bers of Digital photographs printed on a would no home printer are of poor quality drawing and do not print well. One photograph per article is free, $2 izens of per photo thereafter. All people. been ill in the photo must be identified. t limits ) 463-7135 business Signs Real Estate Signs planners jMlagnetic Signs I Mai 11. 18. 25. 2006 Gilchrist Countu Delinauent Tax List S J I Section B, Page One` ,1 1.I1 .i i402 v9000,i l ,ol 493.16 . 1 010714 -.02o9000 01-0 I0 493.16 SCOTTSTEVENM& 5.450AC LOT .'CEDAR RIDGE SUBD.-NT 5.45 AC 62 25'"251 290. SEE T.-\X R.-OLL FOR ADDITIO-NAL LEGAL 2 1, 1 714-02"'30000-0010 1,556 7 2 010714-02730000-0010 1,556.77 BRADLEY FRED L& LINDA S, 10.020AC LOT 1 SANTA FE BEND SUBD CONT 'I'2 C '"2 257 22",.40, 251I 5EL ITA'. ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEG WL, '01''"14-.02 '" .i000-0020 H\ 3 3"E6 21 1 1. 110714-027300 )-10021:10 \ 3 H 3.5 21 /. BPRA.DLE' FRED L & LINDA S II ".-.C :, LOT 2 S.-.NTA FE BEND SUBD CONT I I ..i '257 22A 4 .60 251 29'' SEE TA. ROLL FOR ADDITION.'.L LEGAL 4 12 i 14-0.1.1ii.00ii,.l-1.i I 41 2 95 4 12'I 14-1m011.1),, llll,, l l I 412 ' BROCK''.'AY DANIEL A 5& ,tAC IJ 2 OF E 2 OF E.2 'F N4.'. 4 OF SE 4 TOGETHER W ESEM.1ENT 122 243275/457 5 12 .'- 14-. 0 0 ""0- .03l0 12'.5 "4 5 12'.714.00?70000-0310. 2s5 74 OSBORNE THOMAS B 3.150AC LOT 31 UWi V.'AJNEE F,:RK UNREC . SUBD OR 71 PG 190 0 120714.-00 7000 0I-5 I00 I 5-,3 55 6 120-i[4.0067000,-Sn.50Wi 1 5'3 55 . f.1CCORAli"C K L PJ- 'i C.A THEP.RNE ..38.000AC Ni 3 4 ,i'R 9-'41 FTi IOF SE 4 OF N'\ 4,.. Ii 9 iF FT L l' IN, E & , SEE T Rk\ FOLL FOR .-.DDITiO-NAL LEG.-L -I 313 -2-0 1 10i)| ]O } F!.'l H Io I '5 S, I3 14. in l |iiuj" -U1.i$01.1 i-|" I o55 : CG rlNTHER ilJH( f I iI -A.7 LOT 18.UNREC SUB METES & BD OR 54/534 93/489 290/479 290/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S 1.1 .i14-,:,01 200B,.Ei-,,,i. ),1 -, 4"' 8 130714-0012000B-0060 3,717.47 BOWEN LAWRENCE D & HELEN GAY 0.590AC LOT 6 BLK B TWO RIVERS ESTATES 12 & 13-7-14 99/376 SEE T -.. R'OL.L FOP .'.DDiTI' N.-,L LEGAL 9 13n0"1-001200 P.0120 2,721.08 9 130714 i.iO l20,l .IB-012, 2,721.08 HORTON WILLIAM LARRY & KAREN L 0.550AC TWO Pil. ESTATE LOT 12 BLKB O' R54 4'-1 ]2 431 223 2k1,. 10 130714-0122000D-0040 HX 512.02' 10 130714-0122000D-0040 HX 512.02 CREWS EVA J 1.000AC LOT 4,BLK D UNIT 2 TWO RIV ESTATE 83/23 123/47 133/357 133/358 268/472 11 130714-0122000E-0060 159.76 11 130714-0122000E-0060 159.76 MCMAHON.BRIDGET M & PEGGY S 0.99.0AC LOT 6 BLK E UNIT 2 TWO RIVERS ESTATE 68/90 109/673 2004/3581 12 130714-0380000C-0190 149.21' 12 130714-0380000C-0190 149.21 .VONDERAU DOROTHY M 0.500AC PART OF REPLAT RIVERVIEW LOTS 'LOT 19 BLK C 76/118 230/151 230/152 2000/239 13 130714-0380000C-0200 488.85 13 130714-0380000C-0200 488.85 VONDERAU DOROTHY MARIE 0.460AC PART OF REPLAT RIVERVIEW LOT 20 BLK C 36/186 113/471 113/ 6 2 3 ' 14 130714-0380000C-0230 581.29 14 130714-0380000C-0230 581.29 BUTCHER JOSEPH H 0.660AC PART OF REPLAT LOT 23 BLK C 54/648 143/98 UTIL EASEMENT 145/75 202/719 2002/4228 15 130714-03820000-0010 658.55 15 130714-03820000-0010 658.55 WHITE JEFF & TAMMY L 5.000AC SUWANNEE RIVER 5 AC RANCHETTES 1 57/656 58/529 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 16 130714-03820000-0040 HX 418.03 16 130714-03820000-0040 HX 418.03 HARTLEY THOMAS C & 5.OOOAC SUWANNEE RIVER 5 AC RANCHETTE 4 87/424 2000/409 2001/770 2001/771 17 240714-00000006-0010 92.58 17 240714-00000006-0010 92.58 MYERS FREIDA & ROBERT WEST 20.120AC W/2 OF SW/4 OF SE/4 TOGETHER W/EASEMENT 28/586 2001/3257 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 18 260714-02580000-0010 HX 1,419.86 18 260714-02580000-0010 HX 1,419.86 ONZE JAMES ROBERT 12.000AC LOT 1 SUWANNEE SHORES SUBD CONT 12 AC 25-7-14 212/002 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 19 260714-02580000-0020 666.18 19260714-02580000-0020 666.18 ONZE JAMES ROBERT 10.OOOAC LOT 2 SUWANNEE SHORES SUBD CONT 10 AC 25-7-14 212/002 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 20 2'0)7 14-025,511,i,0 -0.130 .1 16 I 2'.' 2o,20714-'2581'1000-0030 1.1 "6 IS ONZE i.AMES R:'OBERT I'.,0'(C LOT 3 SLWANtNEE SHORES SULBD CONT 10 AC 25-.-14 212 1.602 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEG.-.L ." 21 260"' 4.0 25.,'0000.i40 666 5 IS : 21 21 0714-025_0 ,-O1100- hi.40 1 6r 18 ONZE JAMES ROBERT & F.LARCLA 10 . LOT 4 SULWR ANNEE SHORES SLrBD CONT 1IO AC.- 25-.14 212 00.2 SEE T.A\ ROLL FOR ADDiTiON.-d. LEGAL 22 2' 0'714.025SO00". '-0,.' ', 579 15 22 260',714.-0255i.1010.0:-050 579 i5 '. . O:'NZE BRON\'Wli C.AMI..lLLE ".90o LOT 5 SLiV.'AN'NEE SH'iRES SiUBD CONT 6 9 AC 2i-7.-14 2120 ,62 SEE TA.' ROLL FOP hDDITIONA.L LEG4-L '. 23 2o,0714-025sO.00-01 u0 66'. I S 23 I'S..'l7 4-025i "". I -0100 .o6 IS LTZOTTE .I.A.RCEL SR IOOO""AC LOT 10. SLU, AMfNEE SHORES SUBD CONT I0 AC. 212 '"n2 "SEE TA. POLL FO'P DDITION.-,L LEG AL ,,, 3-- 24 35 '| .:l-00150: )0 .0010 0 8"' 30 " 24350714-00150000-0010 .87.30 S Lii.iBSki LEO& OLIP'. E & .LAN .. 0 340AC LOT I W S F! H S 7' 4,nl 6S6 51:. 78/288 109/615 112/270-272 22 3" 2' 831 ' 25 350J '14-.i 014 0000-030,1 1 00, 4 25 350,' 1 -1-,1 |15',':.,.i. 0311ii I '. O 48 LiJBINSKI LEO&.: 'LI' E & ALA.ti 340AC L,-,T 3, \'. S R H S o 506 78/288 109/615 112/270-272 223/30 2000/831 26010814-00000002-0000 5,656.60. FHILLA N kEI I ii L & I .i 4* o .H.&AC NE/4LESSRDR/W&LESS6AC TO CHILDREN 63/58-63 & LESS 2 SEE T X ROLL FOR '-.DDITION.L LEGAL 2'"'0|0|nS]4.,i,.,.ioo 03.0o00 I-L'i I 4>3 3 2" '7.111014."i000001 ."'0000 H' I: 1,4S:3 Y PHILIA1 i KEITH & LINDA 2 O,)i'AC, COM AT SW COR OF NW /4 OF NE 4 -..S POREF-GO EALG S 40, LN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 28 010814-00000003-0010 625.49 28 010814-00000003-0010 625.49 PHILIAN KEITH A LIND A 2.00oAC C,'i.1. AT SE C OF N'.'. 4 O-F NE 4 GO N 158 FT TO POB GO N 189 FT GO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL L EGA..L ,'29010814-00000022-0000 1 630.94 "O I S 14 1.i0,"00022-0000 630.94 STEWART DEWITT E 0.840AC COM AT NW/C OF SW/4 OF SE/4 OF 1-8-14 & RUN E 315 FTTTO POB SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 30 010814-00620000-0370 HX 458.35 , '30 010814-00620000-0370 HX 458.35 SMITH JENNIFER A & 2270AC LOT ,37 THE HILLS UNREC SUBD MTS & BDS DESC 2.27 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 31 010814-00620000-0380 HX .419.71 31 010814-00620000-0380 HX 419.71 JENKINS DANNAL F & JANET 3.030AC TRACT 38 THE HILLS UNREC SUBD LESS THE WESTERNMOST PORTION SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 32 010814-06210000-0010 378.03, 32 010814-062,10000-0010 378.03 JOHNSON FRANKLIN & STEPHANIE 4.540AC LOT I REPLAT OF LOTS 7-12 THE HILLS UNREC SUBD DESC AS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 13\030814-06320000-0050 629.17 33 030814-06320000-0050 629.17 GRIFFIS DIANE RENEE 0.010AC LOT 5 2ND ADDITION SHADY BEND . SUBD CONT 10.01 AC-115/312 2002/3804 , 34030814-00000016-0000 HX 3,046.71 34030814-00000016-0000 HX 3,046.71 HART J D JR & FELICIA ANNE 20.000AC N/2 OF SE/4 OF NE/4 87/472 101/418 103/647 226/91 226/92 282/005 35 030814-00680000-0090 342.08 35 030814-00680000-0090 342.08 DUNAGAN RONALD L'& KAREN & 4.880AC LOT 9 SUWANNEE OAKS SUBD CONT 4.88 AC 119/243 36 030814-00680000-0120 HX 512.51 36 030814-00680000-0120 HX -'512.51 HELLER DEANNA L 5.000AC LOT 12 SUWANNEE OAKS SUBD 54/649 61/657 117/200 187/224 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 37030814-06320000-0010 HX 218.65 37 030814-06320000-0010 HX 218.65 SHEPPARD JAMES & EVELYN 16.920AC LOTS 1 & 2 SHADY BEND 2ND ADDITION SUBD SUBJECT TO 25' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 38 030814-06320000-0060 HX 469.48 38 030814-06320000-0060 HX 469.48 WALTON RENA 10.010AC LOT 6 SHADY BEND 2ND ADDITION 2005 Gilchrist County DELINQUENT TAX LIST NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE SOLD..... on the 30TH day of May 2006 VIA THE INTERNET at Web Addresses www.gilchristtaxcollector.com or Gilchrist.TaxSale.com TAX CERTIFICATES will be sold on the following described land to pay the amount due for taxes herein set opposite of the same, together with all cost, interest, and advertising. : 45 050814..0163' 1(100,.0-i:0'50 824 43 45 050S14-o o 1,000-0.5. 824 43 STCOR'i BOOK HOMES OF FLORIDA LOT 5 SHADY BEND FIRST ADDiT CONT 5 ,.. AC 216 o'25 21103 332, 5 O6, .AC 46 0,50 14 -6O 31 -00S.O ,-.i, OS o Is ; 4" 051.1814-1.163100l(O.-008 0 8.18 61 HOo.-L LH.-~N TH_,r.IAS P JR 5 2)0AC. LOT 8 SHADY BEND FIRST ADDIT CONT 5 2 AC 216 606 2S6 553 47 1.18,814. -0 0 300i J.100 0 3 0 96. 71 4 I.iS' l14-00i 1,,:1.:"1., :i0 96 6 'I BAKRNES-STE% EN G 2510.C - CT- .OATH IE COF .8--14 & RLUN E ON E LNOFSAIDSEC8S Is FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 4S 0S0814-.)000). ,09-.10001. 1.40o 81 I S4,% IOI 1" IM 4.'1. 11'I0.1009-0000 "l ] 406 81 GREEN LINDA C 10 S50AC . COM AT NE C OF 8--'14 Ri. U jN . SELNS1.I DEG E ISFT TOSLN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 4 S.191:14 .-00 1.11:1005-.1 0000 7684- Il ".'- 49'90 ,,I -I- .00'0)005.,000l: "684 h1-. LAMB JOHN 5 iR ET AL 175 'O)AC SG'. T LOT 1 BEING TH.-.T Pr.RT OF S\, 4 OF SECTION 9 TOWNSHIP s SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S 5 090814.(1291000 -.002), 407 38 .. :' ,'o,0 S 14.-0291,00i.,0- ,.20 49' 3S HALL DAVID B & ROBIN L IO0 OAl" . LOT 2 ROCK BLLUFF SPRINGS SIJBD iCONT II AC 75 1991 154 18 . SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 51 090ii 14.02910000-003i 407 38 51 090814-0291 I0i:'.'0fl30' 497 3 H1-ALL DAVID B & ROBIN L II., AC : LOT 3 ROCK BLLiFF SPRINGS SUBD CONT I, .-.C "5 ], I91 154 108f SEE T A\ ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 52 I0814-u000')007-01) I0 919 39 52 I 0'. 14 .-00000i)07-i7 n. 1 919 39 DYALS BEN L & LiNDA .1 I 5 0 ."C ," N 2 O-F N : O)F W'.' 4 in I 17 107'51 113'3S6 2002'5393 LESS " SEE TAX ROLL FOR .ADDITIONAL LEGAL 53 I I 1J-0l.ii0000i) 5.0000 HX 1.000 12 53 1 10814-00i.'i 0005l 0000 H-6 66,') I 12 :1 :) .; D'-'iGL A. ROSALIE I5 000AC- W/2 07 SE 4 OF NE.4 81 211 UTIL E.-SEMIENT 223678 LESS . AC Tp:ANTHONY DOUGLAS 266/512 54 11.'1 4.-00000005-000 I HX 934 06 54 I 10814.00000'005-0001 HX 934 80 DO,'iGL AS ANTHONY BENJAMIN 5.000AC V. 2 OF SV. 4 OF SE.40 oF NE 4 81 '211 UTIL EASEMENT '223 'S SEE TAX ROLL FOR.-,DDiTiON.AL LEGAL . 55 I IOS 1 4-. 00'.nO O p'lo"M ., .0 I ,:.3 .. ' 55 11"lS14 -'n.)' ,III 6-i)Il. I .,)03 77 M.ICGP.AW DIANE 20.000AC '.'. 2 F S'A 4 OF NE 4 52 235 63/677 175/157 198/194 244/ 3 r, .r,., I I 2 5 "1 2 2 56 llo014.nnoonn06.001f .'.1,321:00 ' 56 I11v I 4-.i.iOi..iO,6-i. ,L 0 1,321.00 BOULIANE PAUL F' 20.000AC E/2 OF SW/4 OF NE/4 OR 55 PG 249 & C'R 3 PG 306, 307 & 534 SEE TA\ ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL ." I| 5 14-0,' ,,l4 .0 0 ,. '"'00 0 H \ 3 '0 3 ' 57110814-00000008-0000 HX 370.37 TRIGGERS IRENE MILLS 1 .OOOAC' COM AT NW/C OF SW/4 OF NW/4 GO S 420 FT TO POB FROM POB GO E SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 58 120814-00000001-0010 HX 389.17 58 120814-00000001-0010 HX 389.17 TRAIL CHARLIE DEAN 9.360AC AS PT OF REF COM AT NW/C OF NE/4 OF 12-8-14 GO E 50.63 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 59 120814-00000036-0000 403.10 59 120814-00000036-0000 403.10 CHOPE DESIREE M & DARROW E & 4.440AC NW/4 OF SE/4 LESS 21'AC SOLD TO BOLLINGER & WILSON & LESS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 60 120814-02250000-01.10 329.76 60 120814-02250000-0110 329.76 BUNCE DARYL F & NANNETTE F LOT 11 HUNTERS CHASE FARMS CONT 5.02 ACRES 183/568 199/ 219 266/698 267/483.2000/1534 5.020AC 61 120814-02250000-0120 610.63 61 120814-02250000-0120 610.63 - BUNCE DARYL F & NANNETTE F 5.020AC LOT 12 HUNTERS CHASE FARMS CONT 5.02 AC 183/570 199/219 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 62 130814-00000008-0010 HX 196.37 62 130814-00000008-0010 HX 196.37 RUSH ROBERT LEE 7.970AC COM AT SE/C OF NW/4 OF NW/4 13-8-14 FOR POB THENCE RUN ALG SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 63 130814-03090000-0050 47.93 63 130814-03090000-0050 47.93 MAZZA LUIS RICARDO & 5.000AC LOT 5 MAGNOLIA MEADOWS SUBD 51/266 116/162 194/19 194/270 211/307 2001/3312 2004/6831 64 130814-03090000-0070 47.93 64 130814-03090000-0070 47.93 ODREMAN SUSANA,E CUSTODIAN 5.000A LOT 7 MAGNOLIA MEADOWS 51/266 116/162 194/19 194/270 211/307 2001/3312 2004/5946 65 130814-03090000-0170 47.93 65 130814-03090000-0170 47.93 ODREMAN SUSANA E CUSTODIAN 5.000A LOT 17 MAGNOLIA MEADOWS 51/266 116/162 194/19 194/270 211/307 2001/3312 2004/5945 66 140814-01970000-003B HX 1,128.61 66 140814-01970000-003B HX 1,128.61 75 lo0814-0162000B-007.,0 37ii 76 1 6 0 8 1 4 i:i, 6 2 i :", .' B 0 'r o. 31,2 7 (. . PHILPOT DA' ID HENRY 20)o.C ' L'LOTS 7 & 8 BLK B 2ND ADDIT SLIU Ri\' HiGHLANDS SIUBD '.' 41'o --l 362. S. 7i :6,l o14.01o200"('B-0100 539 58 7. 1608 4-.0162000B-1.il 539 58 PHILPOT DAV ID HENRY 3 090AC , SLtTS 10 II & 12 BLK B 2ND ADD . Sii RiV HIGHLANDS SLiBD SO 416 2' i,362 , 77 160814-01620oO"C-01.'lu 244 In 77 161084-'1622000C-,'I'11. 244 16 PHILPOT DAVID HENRY 2 240AC LOTS I & 2 BLK C 2ND ADDIT SULR RI HIGHLANDS Si.rBDoo nI4 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 78 160814-t.>.620oOC-0160 HN 664 1I,) '8 loSI4-0162000C-l016i H\ 60:..4 10,, FORTIN JEREMY J & LADONINA J 2 5')0AC LOT Io BLK C 2ND ADD SUW RJV HIGHLAND SUBDol 33 71 537 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 7C Io,',814 .,',1r21 0,',',0 i.') I.C111- 1,620 6 3 -79 0.".1h I4-., iO_ '.1C-.,IC i I I 2n I 3n SMITH BRAD & JAMES Ml EDWARDS 2.500W LOT 19 BLK C SUWV RIV HIGHLANDS SUBD 82.50,2 87 365 2000 1035 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 60 100814-0120'00C-023' I 8 21 80 160814-0162.00C-0230 168 21 PHILPOT DAVID HEtNR' 2 040AC, LOTS 23 & 24 BLK C 2ND ADDIT Si.il RIV' HIGHLANDS SUBD 6. 194 SEETAXROLLFOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 81 160814-01630000-0040 96.47 S I 16,S 4 -101630i'. "040 4 96.47 /. PHLPCT I PEST 1,OOOAC S LOT 43RDADDSLIW RIVER. HIGHLANDS SUiBD 2 160814-0 1630'."00.0 140 9 4-"- S 2 I1':'S14-01o300I )0-,L|1409 9 4 " SMITH JAMES R & SHELLY D 1.OOOAC LOT 14 SUW RIVER HIGHLANDS 3RD ADDITION 52/21 162/339 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL s3 lo,814.0Il3 i.i0-0S0150 H\ 343.41 s3 1630814--0 63000''-015' HN 343.41 SMITH J.AMES RANDY& SHELLEY 2.000AI 'LOTS 15 & 1.6 3RD ADD SUW RIV HIGHLANDS Si.iBDOR 59,248 . 1 1 50 255 5. 2 3 40, -. 84 160814-01630000-0229,0 476.28 84 160814-01630000-0220 476.28 PHILPOT DAVID HENRY 7.000AC LOTS 22 23 24 25 26 27 & 28 3RD ADDIT SUW RIV HIGHLANDS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 85 160814-01630000-0310 223.07 85 160814-01630000-0310 223.07 PHILPOT DAVID HENRY 3.000AC LOTS 31 32 & 33 3RD ADDIT SUW RIV HIGHLANDS SUBD 66/194 80/ 416 81/57 153/378 251/362 86 160814-01630000-0340 919.39 86 160814-01630000-0340 919.39 PHILPOT DAVID HENRY 14.000AC LOTS 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 & 47 3RD ADDIT SEE TAX.ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 87 160814-01630000-0630 857.43 87 160814-01630000-0630 857.43 PARKS DARYL J & WILLENE 4.000AC LOTS 63 64 65 & 66 3RD ADDIT SUWANNEE RIVER HIGHLANDS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 88 160814-01630000-1090 476.28 88,160814-01630000-1090 476.28 PHILPOT DAVID HENRY ET AL 7.220AC LOTS 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 3RD ADD SUW RIV HIGHLANDS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 89 166814-01880000-0071, HX 1,147.11 89 160814-01880000-0071 HX 1,147.11 BLANK BRENDA A 5.010AC W 5.01 AC OF S 10.01 AC OF TRACT 7 POSTELL EST UNREC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 90 160814-01880000-0090 HX 701.36 90 160814-01880000-0090 HX 701.36 SWILLEY PATRICIA 5.000AC E/2 OF TRACT 9 POSTELL ESTATES UNREC SUBD DESC IN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 91 160814-01880000-0091 HX 415.42 91 160814-01880000-0091 HX 415.42 MATTHEW KAREN 5.000AC W/2 OF TRACT 9 POSTELL ESTATES UNREC SUBD METES & SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 92 170814-00170000-0190 1,217.82 92 170814-00170000-0190 1,217.82 HEWITT RICHARD H OR DAWN A 2.310AC LOT 19 MTS & BDS DESC OF UNREC SUBD 108/575 CONT 2.50 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 93 190814-06420000-0110 2,306.81 . 93 190814-06420000-0110 2,306.81 BRYANT JERRY W &LORI 1.470AC LOT 11 2ND ADDIT SUWANNEE LANDING SUBD OR 80/55-56 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 94 19081.4-06420000-0140 625.67 94, 190814-06420000-0140 625.67 SMITH CHARLES M TRUSTEE 1.610AC LOT 14 2ND ADDIT SUWANNEE LANDING SUBD 19-8-14 84/258 134/293 SUBD CONT 10.01 ACRES 196/148 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 39 030814-06320000-0070 455.18- 39 030814-06320000-0070 455,18 JORDAN NANCY KAYE 10.OOOAC LOT 7 SHADY BEND 2ND ADDITION SUBD CONT 10 AC 174/52 40040814-00000008-0020, HX 885.73 40040814-00000008-0020 HX 885 73 COTTE MARGARITA ROSE 12 000AC BEG AT SWC OF GOVT LOT 4 4-8-14 LYING S OF SUWANNEE SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 41 u40S14-000O0012-.0(i0 HX 581 39 41040814-00000012-0010 HX "581.39 BOUTWELL GERALD A & LISA G 10.OOOAC E.'2 OF E2 OF NE14 OF SE4 74/ 248 248 21 287 1?60 LITIL EASE- MENT 2:1000'4057 . 42 05i814-.i00o3i0000i.OI100 72297 42050814-00630000-0100 .722.97 ONTEILL FRANK & 5 2'.'AC LOT I) Si-LADY BEND 88 o4 43 05(i 8 14 -i:1o il ( iti0U.111.13) 951 04 43 050iS14-:6311>00''l -. :3' 951 04 AUBREY RAY H & WOOD DAVID A 5.800A.C LOT3SHADY BENDFIRST ADDIT CONT 5.8 AC 100Il32;9 17491 44 I',5,'S 14u-0631 (iA(0l -:04i. 7'2 78 44 0..0814-06. 31 00:i.ii-0040 792 78 SELLERSGUSSIE DEAN 50:40AC LOT 4 SHAD'' BEND FIRST ADDIT CC:NI 5*4 AC Ii':. 124 122 471 SMITH DANNY B 5.050AC TRACT 3-B GRAY SQUIRREL ACRES UNREC SUBD CONT 5.05 ACRES SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 67 140814-01970000-0140 HX 576.11 67 140814-01970000-0140 HX 576.11 PHELPS THOMAS J & LORA M 10.OOOAC TRACT 14 GRAY SQUIRREL ACRES UNREC SUBD MTS & BDS DESC SEE TAX ROLL FOR.ADDITIONAL LEGAL, 6% 140814-01970000.01I71 1,448 54- 68 .141814-0197000.0171 1,448.54 MARCUM KENNETH J 5.050AC E12 OF TRACT 17 GRAY SQUIRREL. ACRES LINREC SiiBD CCONT 5 '05 AC SEE TAN ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 69 160814-00000002-0020 'HX 1,412.89 69 16.084--,I00:ic00o2., 2:i2 HX 1,412.89 MICHAL'D MCHAEL k& TINAL. 14.350A( S 491 9i FT OF N 171848 FT ' OF E 2 OF SE4 OF 16-8-14 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL I 70 'n 14 00001 O 5-00. 0. .564.90 70 160814-.)i''(10f0)'5-0i jn 564.90 PHILPOT DAVID HENRY ETAL '0.500AC BEGAT SECORCOF N 2 O(F SEC GO TO NE COR 'OF SEC GO W TO SEE TAX POLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 7 160S14-100:ii" it'0006-0000 2. r. 4 71 160814-00000006-0000 256.84' PHILPOT DAVID HENRY ET AL 2 650AC' BEG AT S\% C OF NW 4 & GOON V, LN OF SEC IoN IS FT TO POB SEE T.A\ ROLL FCR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 7: 2 o0814-01620UJOA-0250I 2':1 96 72 loOS|4-0]62,:0.A-:025. 2,0 96 PHILPOT DAVID ET AL n880('A LOT 25 & 26 BLK A 2NDADDSLIW PRV HIGHLANDS SUIBDOR 52 PG SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 73 160814. 'i6200)-I.27 HN. 242 28 '3 16.3 4-,.i-n20 0.-: 0A-027i H 242 2S MIERCIER BRIAN K & VIRGINIA K (0 50AC 'LOT 2 BLK 2ND ADD Si. W RIV HIGHLANDSSLIBD61 331 18c,. 249 2003i 3 1709 20113 3"71' ------- ---- 74 16(8 14-l162('00:A-0280i I 17 57 '4 160S14-I20 I:2000A-,028O II'' 57 PHILPOT DAVID HENRY ET AL n ")50AC LOT 28 BLK A 2ND ADD SI. RI'. .HIGHLANDS SLB OR 66PG I.4 80u416 2'1 362 L 99'220814.00000003-0060 HX 99 220814-0)0000).i03-0060 H X .iOCKERS TERRJE F & RICHARD 5 2 OF N-2 OF E-2 OF E/'2 OF S 2 OF SE 4 CONT 5 AC 104 396 3.060AC OOAC AC ' 1 60430 1.604 30 . 5 O")0: IN., I 230814-000000.' 3-00150 58 43 '100 230814.0 100o .13-)0050 58 43 EVERJDGE JEFFREY SCOTT 5970AC TRACT 5 COM AT NW C OF SW 4 OF 23-08-14 FOR POR THENCE SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 101230814-00000003-0060 69.75 101 230814-00000003-0060 69.75 EVERIDGE JEFFREY SCOTT 12.390AC NP.-.RT ('F TRACT 6CO1.1 AT NW C OF NW .4 OF SW 4 23-8-14 FOR SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEG 4L '102 230814.,,00100003-0065 75 70 102 23, 14-0,i,.iO, U03-0065 75 70 ., EVERIDGE JEFFREY SCOTT 14 400.AC S PART OF TiRACT 6 DESC .AS COM AT NW C OF S%.4 OF 23-8-14 FOR SEE T\X ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 103 230814-i00o 1.0i.103.007ui HN 1.147 36 S10u3 2:11814-'.,0000003-.,,7, HX 1.147 36 SANDERS CHRISTOPHER & WENDY IO.10O0IAC TRACT 7 CONT 10 AC DESC AS C'.'M .AT SE.C CF SE 4 OF NW,4 SEE TAiX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 104 240814-"000,00ujI.12-0000 HX 364 98 11.014 240SI1 4-,)l0 :.1i0: 2-i"001 HN 364 9 " SASSER WILLIAM C & STEPiLAtiE S 5.000AC WV 3310 FT' OF N 2 OF NE 4 OF NE 4 15)639 224 IIS 225 4.5 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 105 241.1814-000000)0 12-001011 996 69 10)5 24081 4-I)0.00.ll 12-001 99o 69 HINES RICHARD L & PATRICIA A 10 0""AC FOR POR COMI AT SW C C'F W 2 OF SE 4 OF 24-08-14 THENCE RUN N SEE T\RX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL I. 1 ':240.814.0 0nu .0 12.0'1020 HN 423 '75 I .ki 2411814-..,00 :,.,i l 2-':'020 H X 423 : - AC CL'RTIS CARLA FA' 10) '.'.)AC S FOR A PT OF REF COI .AT SW C OF W 2 CF SE 4 OF 24-8-14 GO 'SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 1 li(.7 250814-.I930000-0040 HN 370 45 1,,7 25,11814.()930).00-.0040, HX 370 45 HOLLON DENNIS C 5.180AC SLOT 4 HIGH COULiNTRY SLiBD CONT 5 IS AC I 15 n94 2'0011 161 SEE TAX ROLL FOIR ADDITIONAL LEGAL I 10 25 1b14-0,i'.)0 33-001 0 114 21 I'.18 250S11 I-1.-00.1100')33-:l0010 I. 614 21 SMITH JAI.IES 1t & REBECCA L 0 460AC COM AT PT 30 FT W OF SW.C OF BLK 5 TOWNOF BELL SUBD FOR SEE TAX RQLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 109 250814-.00000036-0010 188.52 11 9 250814.1.11i0l0 3 .0QII.1| 188.52 BELL FARM SUPPLY INC 0.530AC. COMBAT NW/C OF BLK 12 TOWN OF BELL GO S 61 DEG W 240 FT GO SEE TAN ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 110 250814-00000037-0000 2,165.26 C 110250814-00000037-0000 2,165.26 BELL FARM SUPPLY INC 2.190AC COM 30 FT'W OF NW/C OF BLK 12 AS POBGO S 61 DEG W 400 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 111 250814-00200003-0010 819.99 111250814-00200003-0010 819.99 BADGER DELORES J 0.230AC LOT 1I BLK 3 TOWN OF BELL FL 95/461 112 250814-00930000-0100 HX 384.25 112 250814-00930000-0100 HX 384.25 LEBLANC DONNA L 5.060AC LOT 10 HIGH COUNTRY SUBD CONT 5.06 AC 239/621 277/212 283/ 494 UTIL EASEMENT 289/496 113 250814-02600000-0040 168.58 113 250814-02600000-0040 168.58 ERGLE DALE & BELINDA 0.990AC LOT 4 PARK PLACE SUBD CONT .99 AC 72/14 128/592 247/305 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 1'14 250814-02600000-0050 1,051.61 ,114 250814-02600000-0050 1,051.61 ERGLE DALE & BELINDA 1.000AC LOT 5 PARK PLACE SUBD CONT 1 *AC 72/14 128/592 247'305 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 115 260814-00000002-0000 242.89 115 260814-00000002-0000 242.89 PHILPOT DAVID HENRY ET AL 60.000AC NE/4 OF NE/4 & N/2 OF SE/4 NE/4 OR 66/194 80/416 251/362 116 260814-00000009-0000 HX 196.37 116 260814-00000009-0000 HX 196.37 QUINN ANDREW JAMES & NATHANNA 2.220AC COM AT SW/C OF SE/4 OF SW/4 GO E 330 FT TO FOB CONTE 304 \ SEE-TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 117"270814-00000007-0000 707.28 117 270814-00000007-0000 707.28 BROWNE TERESA SUE 0.550AC COM AT SE/C OF N/2 OF SW/4 OF 27-8-14 FOR A POB GO ALONG E SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 118280814-1931000B-0020 HX 223.80 118 280814-1931000B-0020 HX '223.80 JOYNER CHARLES L JR 5.210AC LOT 2 BLK B UNIT 1 SUWANNEE - GIL FARMS CONT 5.21 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 119 280814-1931000A-0020 HX 285.68 119 280814-1931000A-0020 HX 285.68 LUCKMAN JACK 5.010AC LOT 2 BLK A UNIT 1 SUWANNEE GIL FARMS CONT 5.01 AC 149/5 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 95.200814-00000003-0010 201.96 95200814-00000003-0010 201.96 . STRATEGIC REAL ESTATE 2.000AC COM AT SE C OF NE 4 OF SW.,4 OF NE/4 OF 20-8-14-AS FOB GO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 96200814-00180000-0460 587.05, S96 200S14-OI-001 .OOO-0460~ 587.05 . HARRELL THEODORE 5 & SUZANNE S N 100 FT OF.S 2100 FT OF GOVT SLOTS 1 &2IN20-8-14CONT .SEETAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 7 201.1 14-001)191 :0 -0040 1,136.39' 9.' 97 200814-00190000-0040 "" 1,136.39.-" S'BMLES MILTON LEON & 20.000AC PCL 4 LONG METES & BDSDESC OR 51 PG 217& 218 102.591 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 98 220.814-C00001('01-Oi50 HNX 1, 150 61 98220814-00000001-0050 HX 1,150.61 JACOBS SAMMY L & DEBORA.H L 10.0 COM AT SW,C OF NW/4 OF 22-.08- 14 FOR POR THENCE RUN ALONG S SEE T AX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL AC AC Section B, PaQge Two Gilchrist County Delinauent Tax List May 118. .25.2006 U .-' I - 120 280814-1931000B-0040 HX 529.92 120 280814-1931000B-0040 HX 529.92 LOVEDAY ROBERT Z & CLARA S 5.210AC LOT 4 BLK B UNIT I SUWANNEE GIL FARMS SUBD CONT 5.21 AC ,SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 121 280814-1931000B-0060 HX 327.32 121 280814-1931000B-0060 HX 327.32 STRICKLAND JERRY W 5200AC LOT 6 BLK B UNIT 1 SUWANNEE- GIL FARMS CONT 5.20 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 122 280814-1931000C-0010 456.02 122 280814-1931000C-0010 456.02 DAVIS VILBUR A & DEBORAH R 5.010AC LOT 1 BLK C UNIT I SUWANNEE- GIL FARMS CONT 5.01 146/271 - SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 123 280814-1931000C-0040 456.02 123 280814-1931000C-0040 -456.02 WHITE MICHAEL DJR 5.010AC LOT 4 BLK C UNIT I SUWANNEE GIL FARMS SUBD CONT 5.01 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 124 290814-00000001-0040 434.83 124 290814-00000001-0040 434.83 MITCHELL ROYCEE 13.220AC COM AT NW/C OF NW/4 OF NE/4 GO E446.34FTTO POB GO E' SEE TAX ROLL FORADDITIONAL LEGAL 125 290814-00000001-0050 434.83 125 290814-00000001-00'50 434.83' MITCHELL ROYCE E 13.220AC COM AT NE/C OF NW/4 OF NE/4 AS POB GO S. 1298.39 FT GO W SEE TAXROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 126 290814-00000005-0000 666.18 126 290814-00000005-0000 666.18 HUMPHREYS RALPH D JR 10.000AC BEGIN'329.35 FT S OF NE/C.OF' NE/4 OF.SE/4 29-8-14 THEN RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL: . 127 290814-06410000-0100 877.19 127,290814-06410000-0100. 877.19 , ALLRED KATHLEEN HARRELL 1.150AC LOT 10 IST ADDIT SUWANNEE - LANDING SUBD OR 79/215& 244 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 128 300814-00810000-0070 58.48 128 300814-00 10000-0070 58.48 HENDRY ROBERT L & IMOGENE K I1.00AC LOT 7 RIVERV1EW EST SUBD 19-8-14,80/650 TAX DEED 2002/ - 44492004/2645 ... 129 3 'in|814-oo ,I".O-':i 80 ,J 58.48 ,. , 129 300814-00810000-0080 58.48 HENRY, ROBERT L & IMOGENE K .6OO0AC LOT 8 RIVERVIEW EST SUBD 19-8-14 80/650 TAX DEED,2002/ . 1452 2004/2645 130 300814-00640000-l0'030 i,.4941 ' 3' 13 30li't 14-01.164(:"00-0033: 1,04941 ",CHAMNESS HARRY M SR & ELLA M 1.110AC LOT3 Si'hVAN'.EE LANDING SLBD OR 78/103 127 ;55-556 EASEMENT SEE FA\ ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEG4.L 131 3.1.41 14 'i:'.' I ,- 0 l:i00 -0010 A 58.48 131 300814- S :10000-0010 58.48 WHITELY HAZELTON 0 9O9AC LOT Rl'. ER\EiEW EST SlI.BD . 19-8-14 80/650 89/294 111/345 119/576 TAX DEED 2004/4087 132 320814-00830000-0030 143.35 132 320814-00830000-0030 143.35 COLLINS IVON 5.120AC LOT 3 FOREST WOODLANDS EST SUBD ,Su 643 TAX DEED.I 118 483 SEE TAX ROLL FCi ADDITIONAL LEGAL 133J?..Sl4-068309()Q0..:A ,: i 153.19,, 133 320814-00n30000-0040 -153.19 COLLINS IVON 6.320AC' LCJ 4 FOREST WOODLANDS EST ' SijIBD S8' 043 TAX DEED I18 48. - SEE TAX ROLLFOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL ' 134 2 14-i.,'83'1'' '.,10-:.. -.: 187.41 134 320S',14-00830):'.i-u050 187.41 COLLINS.IVON 6.320AC LOT 5 FOREST WOODLANDS EST ' SUBD 80SO43 T \X DEED 118'489 EE TA.\ ROLL FOR XDDITI,'NAL LEGAL 135 32.',~,S14 -00 3000,i.-00'60, 153.19 135 3208:14-00830000-0060 153.19 COLLINS iVON 6 320AC ' L':nT t FOREST WOODLANDS EST S'jBD 8u 643 TAX DEED 118'492 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 136 320814-00830000-0240 177.63 136 32'.S 14-'i., 83',,i0.," ,'4' .177.63 TEASLEY TIN LEE & 10.220AC L,_,T 24 FOREST W-OODLANDS EST SUBD 80/643.89/297 2005/1208 13732:'812 O :i3'i:i"i'-"i03'l") HX 196.37 "137 32''I4-.',8)' "'.('31'] FIX'. 196.37 FRAZIER J. E 11.900AC LOTS 30 & 31 FOREST WOODLANDS EST 80/643 87/277 93/546-547 SEE TAX ROLL FOR XDDiTi':NAL LEGAL l 3 20514-0053000.i:01.)4"'0 101.17 BI 32(8.4 A.0' .,34 R(u 101.17 . BLANCHARD WILLIAM.GREGG I .OOOAC E 104.FT LOT 47 FOREST WOOD ANDS EST SUBD 8 3 1.155 "g 35 SEE T A'. ROLL FOR ADDI TiLN.AL LEGAL 139 320814-00830000-0471 HX 196.3.7 139 320814-00830000-0471 HX 196.37 BLANCHARD WILLIAM 1.890AC / W 196 FT OF LOT 47 FOREST: ' WOODLAND ESTATES 101/293 286/ 740 . 140 320814-00870000-0030 138.68 140 320814-00870000-0030 138.68 SEVON FRED I.OOOAC LOT 3 CAROLINE'S COUNTRY SUBD 88/41 99/390 107/62 144/446 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 141 320814-00870000-0040 '138.68 141 320814-00870000-0040 ; 138.68 SEVON FRED I.OOOAC LOT 4 CAROLINE'S COUNTRY SUBD 88/41 99/390 107/62 144/446 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 142 320814-00870000-0200 138.68 142.320814-00870000-0200 138.68 COLLINS JOHN B 1.540AC LOT 20 CAROLINE'S COUNTRY SUBD 88/41 166/293 143 330814-19330000-0010 HX 367.25 143 330814-19330000-0010 HX 367.25 DAVIS WILBUR A & DEBORAH R 5.010AC LOT 1 UNIT 3 SUWANNEE-GIL FARMS SUBD CONT 5.01 AC 157/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 144 330814-19330000-0150 1,455.79 144 330814-19330000-0150 1,455.79 FUENTES TONY JR & NANCY B 5.140AC LOT 15 UT 3 SUWANNEE-GIL FARMS SUBD CONT 5.14 AC 154/468 169/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 145 360814-00000007-0010 '844.86 145 360814-00000007-0010 844.86 MASSINGILL SARAH JEAN & 0.610AC COM AT NE/C OF 36-8-14 FOR POR THENCE RUN ALG N LN OF SEC 36 SEE TA2 ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 146 360814-00000007-0020 220.18 146 360814-00000007-0020 220.18 MASSINGILL SARAH JEAN & 0.61 OAC COM AT NE/C OF 36-8-14 FOR POR THENCE RUN ALG N LN OF SEC 36 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 147 360814-00000008-0030 1,281.13 147 360814-00000008-0030 1,281.13 BELL KENNETH & LINDA 3.080AC COM AT SE/C OF NE/4 OF 36-08- 14 FOR POB THENCE RUN ALG E LN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 148 360814-00000012-0030 HX 175.91 148 360814-00000012-0030 HX 175.91 RACE SUZANNE R 0.520AC COM AT NE/C OF NW/4 36-8-14 GO W 866.90 FT GO S 225.86 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 149 360814-00000012-0035 575.88 149 360814-00000012-0035 575:88 RACE WILLIAM G 4.230AC COM AT NE/C OF NW/4 36-8-14 & RUN ON N LN OF NW/4 N 89 DEG W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 150360814-00210000-0200 201.84. 150 360814-00210000-0200 201.84 CREWS ROY & DEANNA 0.220AC LOT 20 BHS 57/263'71/417 78/ . 174 181/215 UTILITY EASEMENT 190/15 275/180 2003/2816 151 360'814-00210000.0350 HX 10985 151 360814-00210000-0350 HX' 10985 - FORSHEE LINDA 0 220AC LOT 35 BH S 88 295 103.581 125-608 128164136402 136/ 404 166,651 . 152 0I:I914-00000002-0000 173 48 152 010914-00000002-0000 173.48 PHILPOT DAVID HENRY ET AL 40.000AC SE/4OF NX' 4)OR66 19480 416 , 251/362 153 030914-:-0000004.0020 HX 897 51 -153 030914 000i00:4-0020 HN 897 51 SCOTT AMkY KAY I ,,OAC COM AT SEC OF NE 4 OF SE.4 OF 3-9-14 FOR POR THENCE RUN ON E SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL. 154 033914-('000:,0,:'0 -0010 iH\ 1.034 26 1 54 03u914-0000:"0006-00'10 HX 1,034 26 BRUNGER JAMES MICHAEL 5 000AC COM AT SW.C OF SE'4 OF 3-9-14 J FOR POR THENCE RUN ALG S LN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 155 040914-i:i")OI.01 3-000) HX 196 37 i55 040914-,3000.0001l3-00.0 HX 196 37 HUTCHESON KENNETH L 500AC COM AT NE C OF SE 4 OF 4-9-14 & RLN S 89 DEG \ 55 25 FT TO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 156050914-00000004-0000 1,003 38 156 050914-0>':0,I01'0')4-'00 I1.003 38 PEATON KEITH V & DEBORAH 4c0 000AC SE 4 OF NV 4 262 429 20.2 5975 I s' '150I 914- 0,092i),, 0-i.'-01 2 508 27 157 050914-00920110')-0010 2.508 27 RARE BIRD FARM INC 13 890AC LOT I & E 2 OF LOT 2 OAKS OF WANNEE SUBD S9.460) 97537-538 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 158 .,50.914-009201.00(.011:1 HFIX 10966 158 0.0)914-0092,000-.0100 HX 10966 WISNISKi LEO WILLIAM 5 000AC LOT 10 OAKS OF WANNEE LNREC SUBD CONT 5 AC 89 464 92 319 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 159 060914-00(")0002-0000 188 89 159 000914-0000002-U0001: 188 89 DEAL TROY)I .IJR 2 460AC CO)M AT NE COR OF GOVT LOT I AS POB GO S ALG LN DIVIDING SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL l00 170.914-000011'(0'3 0002 58 77 16[0070914-0,)00C'00 3-'0''2 58 77 .. SUN SPPJNGS DE.'ELOPMENT,CQR., Q.460AC COM AT NE/C OFLOT I' OF TURKEY ;.. PT SUBD RUNN 2 'DEG W 105 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 161 070914-00980000-0050 159.76' 1 07'i914 -:i,:,98 :,,i,'i.::,:5 i 159.76' MITCHELL JERALD F & PEGGYB 0.520AC LOT 5 TiiRKE' POINT SIUBD230/ 4332435 270 245 272 286 16S 286/174 . 162 680(914-1.10230ii ItH-l.,1,i 1,707 56 162 '1'0914-0023'0u)l' H-00 I 1,7"'7 56 BROWN WILLIAM PERRY 0.430AC LOT 1 BLK H WANNEE 7-9-14 OR 49 683 98 23 110 301 112/366 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL. 163 ,08'o i| 4-0 ,'".'0 S-. 0 "' X 196.37 163 080914-00000008-0010 HX 196.37 RAIN MARY LOU'. 1,200AC COM AT SE/C OF 8-9-14 GO W ALONG CO GRADE 2648.27 FT GO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL. 164 (I S0914 1-0 -'0'(,I '16.',"4 393.92 1640 80914-01":) ":'01 I6 -0040 393192 WILSON MALCOLM K & SHARON D 5.000AC COM AT SE/C OF NW/4 OF NW/4 OF , 8-9-14 AS POR GO W 100 FT TO . SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL'LEGAL 165 080914-0023000A-0290: HX 196.37 165 080914-0023000A-0290 HX 196.37 HAZELWOOD'TAMMY DIANE 0.300AC- LOTS 29 & 30 BLK A WANNEE ON SUWANNEE 80/117 119/485 ' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL'LEGAL . 1-66 080914-0023000A-0370 75.36 166 080914-0023000A-0370 75.36 SUWANNEE RIVER SPRINGS INC 0.150AC LOT 37 BLK A WANNEE 180/494 4/84 167 080914-0023000C-0150 '75.36 167 080914-0023000C-0150 75:36 RIVAS BARBARA MONROE 0..150AC LOT 15 BLK C WANNEE 4/84 2003/ 418 2003/419 168080914-0023000C-0170 117.57 168 080914-0023000C-0170 117.57 RIVAS BARBARA MONROE 0.300AC LOTS 17 & 18 BLK C WANNEE 4/84 2003/419 169 080914-0023000C-0290 280.78 169 080914-0023000C-0290 280.78 RICHARDSON PHILLIP A JR & 0.300AC LOTS 29 & 30 BLK C WANNEE 51/97 213/175 213/589 UTILITY EASEMENT 219/472 4/84 170 080914-0023000E-0020 159.76 170 080914-0023000E-0020 159.76 PERROTTA LOU 0.450AC LOTS 2 3 & 4 BLK E WANNEE 4/84 TAX DEED 2002/1191-1193 2002/2790 2005/1255 171 080914-0023000E-0080 75.36 171 080914-0023000E-0080 75.36 HERTILIEN JUSTINE & 0.150AC LOT 8 BLK E WANNEE ON SUWANNEE 4/84 2004/6558 2005/645 172 080914-0023000E-0240 201.96 172 080914-0023000E-0240 201.96 GOODMAN MARY ROBERTA ESTATE 0.560AC LOTS 24 25 40 41 BLK E WANNEE 108/390 4/84 173 080914-02030000-0010 2,445.25 173 080914-02p30000-0010 2,445.25 RODEN CHARLES A SR & JANIE M 5.240AC LOT 1 SHADY OAK ESTATES SUBD CONT 5.24 AC 153/697 153/697 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 174 090914-02320000-0030 376.05 174 090914-02320000-0030 376.05 SAPIENZA EDITH 5.000AC LOT 3 SUN SPRINGS EST CONT 5 AC 45/182 105/164-165 129/535 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 175 100914-00000001-0060 HX 893.10 175'100914-00000001-0060 HX 893.1.0 ROBERTS JAMES LAVETT & 3.280AC COM AT NEIC OF 10-9-14 GO ON E LNOFSECS40FTGOW SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 176.110914-00000004-0000 HX 300.85- 176 110914-00000004-0000 HX 300.85 BUNKLEY PAULA NETTLES 10.000AC SE/4 OF NE/4 OF SW/4 155/529 221/411 281/118 284/283 284/ 285 284/287 284/289 177 10914-00000004-0030 82620 177 I 110914-00000004-0030 826.20 BUNKLEY PAULA N 10.000AC NW/4 OF SW'4 OF NE 4 OF 11-9- 14CONT 10 AC 131/38 : 178110914-00000004-0050 HX 63211 178 110914-00000004-0050 HX 63211 ORKNEY JACKSON & CHRISTINE K 5.000AC COM AT SWtC OF NWV4 OF S1-9-14 FOR POR THENCE RUN ON SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 179 110914-00000004 -0060 77 48 179 110914-000.l00004-0060 7748 BUNKLEY PAULA NETTLES i0 000AC NE/4 OF SW.4 OF NE'4 221 4.11 , 281,118 284/287 180 120914-00000011-0000 HX 1,364 70 18) 120914-00000011-0000 HX 1.364 70 ' GIBB GREGORY L & SLUSAN K 24 550AC PART OF S52 OF SE.4 DESC AS FROM SW.C OF SE.4 GO E 657 8 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 181 130914.0i:f000002.0020 HX 1.260o' 181 130914-0000,00.2-0:020 HX 1,26' 67 RLIDD RONALD W 29 810AC NE 4 OF NW.4 LESS E 32S07 FT . OF 13.9.14 CONT 2981 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 182 130914-00000007-0030 HX 19637 182 130914-00000007-0030 HX 196 37 HURLEY WILLIAM T JR & ROBIN L I 000AC COM AT NW/C OF E'2 OF NVW.14 OF NW,4 OF 13-9-14 AS POB GO E SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 183 140914-00000003-0010 585 24 183 140914-00000003-00110) 585 24 STRIAV1ESO RALUL R 5 Ou0AC SW'2 OF NW 4 OF SW\.4 OF NE 4 124.437 237/51 LTIL EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL ' 184 14,:.914-000000)08-000i 704 75 184 140914-000(0008-00i)0 "'04 75 CARNLEY JAROD EVEN 19 390AC E 2 OF SW 4 OF SE 4 LESS RD RW 5,311 9S'o93 268 227 2l002' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S: S 5 160914-00000001 -0:,0 33606 , 185 160914.--000000)01 -00i.ii0 336 06 JENKINS MfIT fE ILA ET AL 36 500AC NE 4 OF NE 4 LESS RD R'WV 72 463 LESS I AC TO MCCOY SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 186 160914-00000003-0000 HX 814 41 186 160914-00.l000003-0000 HX 81441 .- JENKINS MITTIE ILA 139860AC N.2 OF NW.4 & W'2 OF NE14 LESS I AC IN NW,4 OF NE'4 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 187 160914-00001(0003-0010 126 12 187 160914-00000003-0010 126.12 . BENNETT MITTIE ILA JENKINS I O)00AC COM AT NE/C OF NW-4 OF NE'4 16-10-14 & RUN SC40 FT TO S SEE TAX,ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEG.L , 18. 16,','14-0 :"l"'C,'-''-l':"2' HX' 4 3 35 188 'lo:914-0,0iJ'.,:0003-002l.' H X '12'3 i5'") ' BAUMIANN JEFFREY & 4 850AC W 10 AC OF NW 4 OF NW.4 LESS .30 AC RD R W LESS 5 AC TO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 189 16(0914-,Oj"i,,'00')44.0i0l20 HX 940,22 i 89 16,9 14-000)0004--0020 HX 940 22 NASH RICHARD & REBECCA 2.000AC CO:,M .T SW C OF SE 4 OF SW, 4 OF 16-9-14 FOR POR THENCE RUN ON SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL.' 19I'' 17'914-i''24 2'00' '-'05'.0 277.57 190 170914-024 20000-01'50 277 57 MITCHELL BUCK & PEGGY 0.200AC LOT 5.UNIT 2 1ST ADDIT SUN SPGS SUBD72/114UTILEASEMENT 228/194 237/416, . 191 170914-02420000-0200 85 92 191170914-02420000-0200, 85.92 MITCHELL JERALD F & PEGGY B 0.110AC LOT 20 UNIT 2 I ST ADDIT SUN SPGS SUBD UTILITY EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL IQ'2 1 "]914.024200.00-0210 8592 192 i 7,9 14-.2420000.02 I 85 92 MITCHELL JERALD F & PEGGY B 0.120AC LOT 21 UNIT 2 1ST ADDIT SUN SPGS SUBD UTILITY EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL. 193 170914-Oi3':i 'I01-:i32 97 24 193 17(0 14.00000ii":i-032 97.24 M t,1RTIN L W WEEKS ESTATE 1'.380AC PART OF GOVT LOT I DESC AS BEG SE/C O- LOT 6 BLK'A SLIN SPGS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 194 170914-00000001-0050 90.05 194-170914-00000001-0050 90.05 MITCHELL JERALD-F &'PEGGY B 1.070AC COM AT SW/C OFLOT 21 SUN SPGS SUBD 1ST ADDIT UT 2 AS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 195 180914-00250000-0230 402.42 195 180914-00250000-0230 402.42 DESPRES PIERRE 0.490AC 'LOT 23 SUW ROVERA HTS UNREC OR 76/508 135/531 200/583 196 210914-00000004-0021 HX 348.21 196 210914-00000004-0021 HX 348.21 CARTER THOMAS P JR I.OOOAC' BEGIN AT SE/C OF SE/4 OF 21-9-14 & RUN N 89 DEG W ALG S SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 197 230914-00000005-0023 HX 745.31 197 230914-00000005-0023 HX 745.31 SUAREZ ELISA B 10.020AC LOT 3 ANDREW WOODS DESC AS COM AT SE/C OF SE/4 OF SW/4 & RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 198 260914-00000004-0010 1,042.27 198 260914-00000004-0010 1,042.27 WALLS JOSEPH J JR & ELAINE C 10.000AC W/2 OF W/2 OF NW/4 OF NW/4 85/635 205/123 205/124 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 199 270914-00000005-0000 472.44 199 270914-00000005-0000 472.44 BARRON JACKIE R & DEBORAH V 16.140AC S/2 OF SW/4 OF SW/4 LESS 2 AC TO JACKIE BARRON IN OR 64 PG 604 LESS RD R/W 135/513 200 270914-00000005-0010 HX 654.44 - 200 270914-00000005-0010 HX 654.44 BARRON JACKIE R & DEBORAH V 2.000AC COM AS POREF AT SE/COR OF S/2 OF SW/4 OF SW/4 GO N TO N RW SEE TAX ROLL FOR'ADDITIONAL LEGAL 201 280914-01920000-0080 1,001.62 201 280914-01920000-0080 1,001.62 MCLEOD ANNA 5.390AC LOT 8 SUWANNEE RIVER RANCH ESTATES SUBD CONT 5.39 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL ft 202 280914-00000007-0040 666.18 '202 280914-00000007-0040 666,18 CLEMONS LUCILLE (DECEASED) 10.000AC NW/4 OF NE/4 OF NW/4 OF 28-9-14 TOGETHER WITH SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 203 280914-01920000-0040 HX 302.42 203 280914-01920000-0040 .HX 302.42- BENNETT MARK S & MICHELE D 5.'520AC LOT 4 SUW'ANNEE RIVER RANCH ESTATES SUBD CONT 5.25 AC ' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL, 204280914-01920000-0100 HX 277 79 204 280914-01920000-0100 HX' 277.79' MOZIER LORA 5 390AC LOT-10 SUWANNEE RIVER RILNCH ESTATES SUBD CONT 5 39 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 205 280914-01920000-0150 -1,632.56 205 28E0914.01920000-0150 I1,632 56 DAILEY RCOBERT L & LALUREN 5 230AC LOT 15 SUWANNEE RIVER RANCH ESTATES SUBD CONT 5 23 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 206 290914-'0000 10ilI-i.o10 HX 1,254 88 ' 206290914-00000001-0010 HX 1,254.88 . LINDSEY DALE W & ANGIE S 5 '0OAC COM AT NE C OF 29-09-14 FOR POR AND RUN ALONG E LiNE OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 207 290914-00000002-0020 HX 1,034 49 " 207 29iI914-000000)2-i:.020 HX 1,034 49' ROBINSON ERIC & RITA B 17 170AC E 4 OF S 2 OF NE-'4LESS 2 AC IN 85.40 CONT 18 37 AC LESS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL. , 208 290914-00000006-iI01 I 63o 08 208 290914-00000006-001 I 636)08 WILLIAMS ANGELA C 5 000AC COM AT SEC OF NW,4 29-9-14 & RUN N 73 68 FT TO NORTHERN Y SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 209 290914-00000006-0020 496 59 209 290914-00000006-0020 49659 ROBINSON ERIC K 2 470AC COM AT SEC OF SE.4 OF NW.4 OF 29-9-14 & RUN ON S LN OF SE.A4 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S2 10 290914 -0:.100-0008-:000 260 51 21I' '291:914 -00000) 08i. 00I) 26' 51 I S. WRIGHT STEPHEN NM & I OO0AC COM AT SE COR OF NW.4 AND GO SNA DIST OF APPROX 40 FT TON N SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL . 211 290914-i.i0000009.000( HX 196 37 211 290914-()000i:i09-0000 HN 196 37 TECKENBROCK L D.A\ ID I 500iiAC COM AT SE COR OF NW 4 GO W 200 FT N 40 FT TON RW LN OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 212 29:I914-0001.100 13-001.10 4(63 13 212 290914-0000 13-0000 463 13 STICKLES SHERMAN K & JO ANNE H I.000AC COM AT SE COR OF S.2 OF NW .4 GO N TO N RA'v LN OF ST RD 344 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 213 290914-00000014-0000 HX 577 85 213 290914-00000014-0000 HX 577 85 STICKLES SHERMAN KEITH & 3 OOOAC - CONM AT SE/C OF NW-4 OF '29-9-14 GO N 475 FT TO POB GO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 214 290914-00000018-0020 HX 210 83 214 290914-00000018-0020 HN 21083 , TRYON CHRIS & TAMMIE 4 OvuAC COM AT NW C OF NE 4 OF SW,4 GOON W LN S 210 FT TO POB . SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL-,OJ ' 21 5 290i91-'4-i.10lfl1' 94i'9000'-i. HX 19o I 37' 'T ? 215 290914-60000000019-)("0000 HX 196 37 LANGFORD JOE WALTER & ... 1 000AC COuM AT A PT WHERE THE S BDRY RW LN OF ST RD S-344 INTER- SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 216 3009141-00i00i:i7-i050ii 412 98 216 300914-00000007-0050 412:98 DAWSON JAMES & 10.000AC COM AT SE/C OF 30-9-14 GO ON SELN OF SEC N'500 FTGO W,. SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 217 330914-00000001-0:i010( HX 2,450S 98 S217 330914-00000001-0010 HX 2,450) 98 DURST JOHN L & PATRICIA T. I I.300AC COlM AT NE.C OF SE4 OF 33-9-14. .. FOR POR THENCE RUN ALGNLN OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 218 330914-000I000001-0030 1.03543 218 330914-00000001-0030 1,03i543 MESSINA ANTHONY & DANA 10.000AC COM AT NE-C OF N%\ 4 OF SE 4 OF 33-9-14 FOR POR THENCE RUN ALG SEETAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 219 33(914-i: 00 1.10001-0ii31 584 n7 '. 219 330914-0000i.0 1: -0:031 584 67 ANDREW S JOHN C & ELLEN C 5 350AC COIM AT NE C OF NW 4 OF SE 4 OF . 33-9-14 FOR POR THENCE RUN ALG , SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 220 330914-1.i'i00i0001-i:33 1,03543 220 3309 14 I 4-C'1." I -"33AN 1,03 5.43 MESSINA ANTHONY &DANA ,10OOOAC COM AT NE/C OF N\- 4 OF SE 4 OF 33-9-14 FOR POR THENCE RUN ALG, SEETAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL . 221 340914-01930000-0280 613.43 221 340914-01930000-0280 613.43 HOLLAND CHARLES W JR & 16.000AC TRACT 28 SUW RIV RANCH EST . DESC IN METES & BDS CONT 10 AC 200/388 2000/4558 ' 222350914-00000002-0010 HX 1,870.34 222 350914-00000002-0010' HX 1,870.34' POWERS RONNIE L & BOBBI S 15.610AC SE/4 OF NW/4 LESS 19.39 AC TO * STEPHENS 75/675 167/62 " SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 223 350914-00000008-0040 HX 1,087.56. 223 350914-00000008-0040 HX 1,087.56 SAUNDERS SYLVIA AZULOY & 8.080AC COM AT NE/C OF SW/4 OF SE/4'OF 35-9-14 FOR POR THENCE RUN ON SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 224 350914-02400000-0140 HX 586.39 224 350914-02400000-0140 HX 586.39 BRANNING JAMES 5.020AC LOT 14 STRATFORD RUN SUBD 113/ 198 122/64 133/272-273 253/592 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 225 021014-00000005-0000 HX 213.99 225 021014-00000005-0000 HX 213.99 LANGFORD JOHN MARVIN 5.000AC S/2 OF SW/4 OF NW/4 OF SW/4 16/198 44/265 72/349 181/190 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 226 031014-00000005-0010 181.62 226 031014-00000005-0010 181.62 MCQUEEN WES 33.500AC SW/4 OF SE/4 LESS 2 AC TO CHURCH & 4 AC TO MAY & RD R/W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 227 041014-00000001-0020 HX 617.53 227 041014-00000001-0020 HX 617.53 MATTHEWS STEVEN E SR 10.000AC NW/4 OF NE/4 OF NE/4 204/95 277/639 R/W 284/40 2005/5727 228 041014-02380000-0040 HX 772.76 228 041014-02380000-0040 HX ,772.76 * CARRYER ERNEST L 2.500AC LOT 4 C-232 RANCHETTES CONT 2.5 AC 204/338 UTIL EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL . 229 051014-00000006-0010 HX 1,631 0') 229 051014- 00000006-c0l.' 10 HX 1,631 (00 ZIEGLER JACQUE LINE 40.000AC SW'4 OF SW.4 289.226 2001,3296 2003 2300-2301 2005,5507 2005' 5508 230071014-01100000-0100I HX 1,479 58 230 071014-01100000-4)100 HX. 1,479 58 BRETON TROY& ANGELAE' 15000AC LOT 10 I1 & 12 PINES OFOTTER SPRINGS CONT 15 ACRES TOTAL SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 231071014-01100000-0270 FX 1,439.08 .231.071014-01100000-0270 IHX 1,439.08 GLECKLER PATTY JO 5 000AC LOT 27 PiNES OF OTTER SPRINGS CONT 5 AC 125/100 150/398 268.' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 232 081014-00000006-0000 HX 120.66 . 232 0810'14.000001:06-00t.10 HX 12066 EASTERLY IVAN & IRIS L 5 000AC E 2 OF SW 4 OF NW14 OF NE.4 24.'589 263'194 263,195 263'197 264 591 2000 4556 233 091014-00000003-0030 HX 58961 233 091014-00000003-0030 HX 58961 BECKELHEIMER STEPHEN CHARLES 4 000AC COM AT SWC OF SE.'4 OF SE.4 9-10-14 FOR POR THENCE RUN ALG SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 234 101014-00000006-0011 97 55 234 101014-00000006-001 I 97 55 WILEY MICHAEL E& MAUREEN L 14 530AC CONM AT NEC OF SW.4 OF 10-10- 14 FOR POR THENCE RUN ON N LN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 235 121014-00000002-0010 HX 338,05 235 121014-00000002-0010 HX 33805 DEBRUHL DENARDD& MARINA D I.OOOAC COM AT NV, COR GO S 0 DEG 17 MIN 09SEC W 40 FT TO SRL YRW SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 236 161014-00000012-0000 HX I 586 72 236 161014-00000012-0000 HX 1,586 72 MARTIN ALBERT F & I 00AC . COM AT NWVC OF SW.4 OF 16-10-14 GOON W LN OF SW.4 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 237 161014-03190000-'001u 486 83 237 161014-03190000-0010 48683 HOLDER WILLIAM T & JESSICA R 2 000AC LOT I LILLIAN ESTATES SUBD 10125 III 196 124 179 EASE- SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 238 161'"14-00000f'0"8-.002'.1 HX 1.012 97 238 16104,14.:000,:1008-ii20 2 X' 1.612 97 ROGERS KAY 2 290AC E 528 FT OF N 1 3OF S495 FT OF SW '4 OF NW 4 TOGETHER W. SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 239 161014-00000013-01.10 386.44 239 161014-00000013-0010 38644 MARTIN JAMES D & 5 650AC \V', OF N.2 OF COM AT SW'C OF 16-10-14 GO E 660 FT TO POB SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 240 161014-00000016-0000 812 16 240 161014-0000'0016-0000 812 16 RIDGEWAY DUANE J 0 960AC COM AT NW.C OF SW -I OF 16-10-14 GOS 279 71 FT TO PT : SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 241 161014-00000030.0000 603 14 241 161014-00000030-0000 603 14 WARD JLF IE A u 500(AC BEG ON S R" LN OF SCL RR FORMIERL'r2ACL RR.'HTRB'SE?-1t6'l' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDI'TONA.L'LE(GAL 2.12 1'1014-01':)(0001-0050 HX 1 5-7 18 7 8 242 171014-0000:001-f'050 HX 1,547 IS CRAFT HERBERT W & DEBORAH |I i'0.0AC SW'4 OF NW.4 OF NW 4 LESS RD R'W91 28698269 131 '455 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 243 171014-00000012-0000 61065 243 1 71014-00000012-0000 610 65 LEE WILLIAM 0 I O100AC . COM AT NW COR OF NE.4 OF SE .4 AS POB GO S 73 YDS TO N SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 244 181014-00270005-0010 450.57 244 181014-00270005-0010 450.57 MARTIN WILLIAM JACKSON JR 0.360AC LOTS 1-6 BLK5 SUWWRIVER SUBD f6594 145'420203.'670 204 318 ' 256/580 . 245 181014-00270010-0210 '568.14 245 181014-00270010-0210 568i.14 ANSTINE MONROE M & M ALVA& 0.600AC LOTS 21-'24 25 26 27 28 29 30 '1 b '. ". . 31 &32 BLK 10 SLV RJV SLiBD S'SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL" 246 I181014-00000017-0i:0' 685.91 246 1810-1-000000 17-0000 -685.91 SULLIVAN MIKE 1.000AC COM AT NE/C OF NE/4 OF SE/4 GO S ALONG E SEC LN DIVIDE . SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 247 181014-00000022-0010 383.69 247 181014-00000022-0010 383.69 WILLIAMS LEWIS J 'N2.200AC TRACT I DESC AS COM AT NE/C OF GOVT LOT 10 OF 18-10-14'AS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 248 181014-00000022-0020 '218.85 9 248 181014-00000022-0020 218.85 WILLIAMS LEWIS J 2.200AC TRACT 2 DESC AS COM AT NE/C OF GOVT LOT 10 IN 18-10-14 SEE TAX ROLL FORADDITIONAL LEGAL 249 181014-00260001-0010 201.96' 249 181014-00260001-0010 2019.96 KIRBY DARYL S 1.320AC. LOTS 1 23 4 567 & 8 BLK I WEST & JOHNSONADDIT 8/143 : ' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 250 181014-00260002-0010 429.47 250 181014-00260002-0010 429.47 WRIGHT ANDREW L SR 0.240AC LOTS I & 2 BLK. 2 WEST & JOHNSON ADDIT 43/208 263/250 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 251 181014-00260004-0040 180.87 251 181014-00260004-0040 180.87 " KIRBY DARYL S 0.830AC LOTS45678 9& 10BLK4 WEST & JOHNSON ADDIT 8/143 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 252 181014-00260004-0110 HX 342.01 252 181014-00260004-0110 HX 342.01 LONIC BENJAMIN J 0.370AC LOTS 11 12 & 13 BLK 4 WEST & 'JOHNSON ADDIT 53/434 & 435 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 253 181014-00260007-0170 96.47 253 181014-00260007-0170 96.47 DICKMEYER PAULA JEAN 0.380AC LOTS 17 18 19 BLK 7 WEST AND JOHNSON SUBD OR 68 PG 642 152/407 279/239 254 181014-00260008-0160 758.04 254 181014-00260008-0160 758.04 OGLESBY DAVID 0.250AC" LOT 16 & 17 BLK 8 WEST & JOHNSON ADDITION 127/161 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL I (Tilr411ic+ Crnmntu Dfllinaunt l-Tax List: section B. Page Three. lVJJ4y .L1, .10, LJ, /1VV ... U SIP..f tall 'L~~'"' 'I'a, '- - 255 181014-00260013-0030 180.87 .255 181014-00260013-0030 180.87 KIRBY DARYL S 0.770AC .LOTS 3 4-5 6 7 8 & 22 BLK 13 WEST & JOHNSON'ADDIT 2004/6479 -6483 2004/6484 2005/2472 256 181014-00260013-0120 117.57 256 181014-00260013-0120 117.57 KIRBY DARYL S 0.480AC LOTS 12 13 14& 15 BLK 13 WEST & JOHNSON ADDIT 2004/6479 -6483 2004/6484 2005/2472 . 257 181014-00260013-0210 54.27 257 181014-00260013-0210 54.27 KIRBY DARYL S 0.110AC LOT 21 BLK 13 WEST & JOHNSON ADDITION 5/573 8/143 2004/6479 -6483 2004/6484 2005/2472 258 181014-00270001-0010 HX 667.35 258 181014-00270001-0010 HX 667.3t BURKE RAYMOND & CYNTHIA 0.680AC LOTS 1-13 BLOCK I SUWANNEE RIVER SUBD 61/545 72/187 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 259 181014-00270002-0010 HX 351.80 259 181014-00270002-0010 HX 351.80 ROLLISON PAULA 0.720AC LOTS 1-13 INCLUSIVE BLK 2 SUW RIV SUBD 43/490 49/475 .SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 260 181014-00270004-0010 HX 196.37 260 181014-00270004-0010 HX 196.37 GOURLEY VICKIL 0.360AC LOTS 12345 &6 BLK 4 SUW RIV SUBD 75/325 130/07-09 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 261 181014-00270006-0020 419.51 261 181014-00270006-0020 419.51 LENOS MARY 0.480AC LOTS 2367 10 1114 15BLK " 6 SUW RIVER SUBD 111/120 l24/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL' 262 181014-00270006-0130, HX 245.36 262 181014-00270006-0130 .. HX 245.36 BRUNDEGE JOHN W 0.600AC LOTS1316172021242528 . 29 & 32 BLK 6 SUW RIVER SUBD SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 263 181014-00270006-0180 525.45, 263 181014-00270006-0:180 525.45 HARVEY GOLDEN V 0 240AC LOTS 18 1922 & 23 BLK 6 SUW RIVER SUBD OR 49/383 56/251- 252 75/667 99/324-325 264 181014-00270010-0010 60293 . 264 181014-00270010-0010 60293 : WALDRON J LUTHER'& BG 0 120AC LPTS 1 &4 BLK 10 SUW RIVER SUBD 72/587 91/525 94/250 ' 128/370 ' 265 181014-00270010-0020 22802 265 181014-00270010-0020 22802 WALDRON J LUTHER & BG 0 120AC LOTS 2 & 3 BLK 10 SUW RIVER SUBD 72/587 91/525 94/250 148/219 266 181014-00270014-0020 49465 266 181014-00270014-0020 49465 CONTRELL RICKY' A & ._.' 0.240AC LOTS 2 3 6 7 BLK 14 SUW RIV SUBD91,512 104/197 117.203 & SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 267 181014-00270014-0180 HX 290.57 267 181014-00270014-0180 HX 290.57 HODSON JOHN E & PATRICIA A 0 480AC LOTS 18 1922 & 23 BLK 14 SLW RIV SUBD91,512 104-197 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 268 181014-027006O0.10iL. .:2'539S6,.:0'. 268 181014-00270016-0010 -'539.58 .. YENASON ROSE B 1 920AC LOTS 1-32 BLK 16 SUW RIVER SUBD 92!69 1891121 189/123 269 181014-00270017-0240 HX 398.95 269 181014-00270017-0240 HX 398.95 HUFFMAN MATTHEW & JAMES E & 0.300AC LOTS 24 25 28 29 & 32 BLK 17 :SUW RIVER SUBD 93/53 209/43 244/506 276/635 '270 181014-00270021-0020 HX 370.37 S270 181014-00270021-0020 HX 370.37 VERTREES GENEVA 0.720AC LOTS 2-3-6-7-10-11-14-15-18-19 -22 & 23 BLK 21 SUW RIV SUBD 44/504 275/533 2004'841 271 181014-00270021-0130 HX 196.37 271 181014-00270021-0130 HX 196.37 PICKERN KENNETH L & AZIE M 0.360AC LOTS 13 16 17 20 21 24 BLK 21 SUW RIV SUBD OR 50 PG 9 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 272 181014-00270022-0150 112.28, 272 181014-00270022-0150 112.28 SCOTT RAYMOND L & HARRIET S 0.300AC - LOTS 15 18 19 22 & 23 BLK 22 SUW RIV SUBD 59/243 69/553 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 273 181014-00270022-0160 112.28 273 181014-00270022-0160 112.28 SCOTT RAYMONDI.& HARRIET S 0.300AC LOTS 16 17 20 21 & 24 BLK 22 , SUW RIV SUBD 59/243 69/553 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 274 181014-00270023-0020 64.82 274 181014-00270023-0020 64.82 STRUBEL SAMUAL & LILLIAN 0.120AC *LOTS 2 3 BLK 23 SUW RIV SUBD OR 44, PG 590 OR 62/27 82/131 275 191014-02840001-0090 HX 149.98 275 191014-02840001-0090, HX 149.98 FLOYD RICHARD DARRELL & 2.410AC LOTS 9 & 10 BLK 1 UT 4 SUW RIV SPGS SUBD 70/423 72/344 76/663 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 276 201014-02870000-0040 665.16 276 201014-02870000-0040 665.16 SIZEMORE BETTY J 0.500AC LOT 4 MOSSY OAKS SUBD 119/502 135/21 149/518 149/519233/638 237/246237/247252/256 277 201014-03160000-0010 720.25 277 201014-03160000-0010 720.25 RW OF GILCHRIST COUNTY LTD 0.440AC LOT 1 GREENWAYS OF FANNING SPRINGS 61/485 143/481 157/324 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL \78 201014-03160000-0020 720.25 278201014-03160000-0020 720.25 RW OF GILCHRIST COUNTY LTD 0.440AC LOT 2 GREENWAYS OF FANNING SPRINGS 61/485 143/481 157/324 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 279 201014-02810001-0390 1,016.18 279 201014-02810001-0390 1,016.18 STEVENS ROBERT J 0.220AC LOT 39 BLK I UNIT I SUW RIV SPGS SUBD 45/535 54/217 86/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 280201014-02810001-0410 HX 2,149.08 280 201014-02810001-0410 HX 2,149.08 JOHNSON CHARLES E & LESLIE E 2.490AC THE ISLAND LYING WITHIN BLK 1 SUW RIV SPGS SUBD & E 15 FT OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 281 201014-02810010-0080 372.40 281 201014-02810010-0080 372,40 WALDRON JOHN & BRENDA 0.200AC LOT 8 BLK 10 UNIT I SUW RIV SPGS SUBD 48/504 85/158 95/356 167/383 282 201014-02810010-0090 216.51 282 201014-02810010-0090 216.51 BEARSS DOROTHIEA I 0.230AC LOT 9 BLK 10 UNIT I SUW RIV SPGS SUBD OR 45/577 & OR 75/71 126/146 283 201014-02810010-0100 377.27 283 201014-02810010-0100 377.27 BASS G W & CORA LEE 0.190AC LOT 10 BLK 10 UNIT 1 SUW RIV SPGS SUBD 99/475 213/ 515 284 201014-02810010-0110 379.98 284201014-02810010-0110 379.98 BASS GW & CORA LEE 0.170AC LOT 11 BLK 10 UNIT 1 SUW RIV SPGS SUBD 97/571 213/ 515 285 201014-02810010-0120 384.98 285 201014-02810010-0120 384.98 BASS GW& CORA LEE 6.180AC LOT 12 BLK 10 UNIT I SUW RIV , SPGS SUBD 87/635 88/7 213/515 286201014-02810010-Q130 3910)52 286 201014-02810010-0130 390.52 BASS G W & CORA LEE 0.220AC .LOT 13 BLK 10 UNIT 1 SUWANNEE RIVER SPRINGS SUBD 87/635 213/515 287201014-02810011-0030:. 353.23 287 201014-02810011-0030 353.23 BASS G W & CORA LEE 0.180AC LOT 3 BLK II UNIT I SUW RIV. SPGS SUBD 19-10-14 OR 63/254 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 288 201014-02810011-0040 544 86 288 201014-02810011-0040 544 86 WALDRON JOHN & BRENDA 0 180AC LOT 4 BLK II LINIT I SUW RJV SPGS SUBD OR 45.'465 142/509 143.'379 213/515 289201014-02810011-0140 HX 109.85 289 201014-02810011-0140 HX 109 85 FULLER RICHARD L & 0 360AC LOTS 14 & 15BLK II UNIT S .SUW RIV SPGS SUBD OR 75.660 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 290 201014-l2820018-001 74502 . S TiLLEY JERR L & THERESA FAYE 2.450AC LOTS I & 2 BLK 18 S UNIT 2 SUW RIV SPGS SUBD METES SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 291 20(1014-02820018-01.141 453 51 291 201014-02820018-0041 4535 1 DA\VIS ANTHONY H & STACEY L 0 50(iAC W2LT4BLK 18UT2SLIX RIV " SPGS SUBD DESC AS BEGIN AT & ' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S 292 201014-02830000-0170 HX 109 85 292 201014.02830000-0170 HX 10985 WILLIAMS STEVIE C I 090AC LOT 17 UNIT 3 SUW RJV SPGS 54/34 224;328 292'407 2003/ S6727 . 293201014-02830000-0210 96940 ' 293 201014-02830000-0210 96940 RWALDRON JOHN & BRENDA I C00AC LOT 21 UNIT 3 SUW RIVER SPRINGS SUBD 59.'275 83.286 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 294 2(11014-03020000-02200 72025 294 201014-.i30200i:0-0200 72025 PADOT DAVID Wv & MAR' ANN H 00210AC LOT 20 THE RIVERWALK FANNING , SPRINGS UT I 61 485 143481 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 295201014-03020000-0300 720.25 . 295 201014-03020000-0300 720.25 J DEANS CONSTRUCTION INC 27500AC LOT.30THERIMVERWAILKOPF'. i 51.A ' FANNING SPRINGS PHASE 1 61/485 SEE TAX ROLL FOR'ADDITI'ONAL'LEGAL 296211014-00040000-0310 68022 296211014-00040000-0310 680922 MCDONALD ROBERT E & 0.340AC LOTS 31 & 32 GARDNER HART. UNREC SUBD DESC IN METES & BDS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL, 297 211014-01180000-015017 69.51 297211014-01180000-0151 69.51 HILLS RONALD D ETAL O 0.410AC E30'OF N.2 OF NW 4 OF NE/4, , 21-10-14 131.506 298211014-01180000-0210 HX 27882 298 211014-01180000-0210 HX 278 82 RLUSSELL ERIC & KRISTI 5 ('I:0AC LOT 21-A GILCHRIST GARDENS LUNREC SUBD DESC AS COM AT SE.C SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 299 221014-00000004-0000 468.45 299 221014-00000004-0000 468.45 GILCHRIST DEVELOPERS INC 1.000AC BEG SE COR OF NW/4 RUN W 70 ' YDS N 70 YDS E 70 YDS &S 70 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 300 221014-01280000-0050 460.12 300 221014-01280000-0050 460.12 AMBROSIA INVESTMENTS INC 5.00AC 1OT RAMBLING RAMBO ESTATES CONT 5 AC M/L 140/75 1.52/459 SSEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL, 301 221014-01280000-0060 296.93 301 221014-01280000-0060 296.93 AMBROSIA INVESTMENTS INC 5.000AC LOT 6 RAMBLING RAMBO ESTATES CONT 5 AC M/L 140/77 152/459 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 302 221014-01280000-0070 HX '880.38 302 221014-01280000-0070 HX 880.38 HODGE HENRY M & BARBARA H 5.000AC LOT 7 RAMBLING RAMBO ESTATES CONT 5 AC M/L 140/81 152/457 ' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 303 221014-01280000-0100 734.47' 303.221014-01280000-0100 734.47 ALAYO ELEUTERIO L & 5.000AC LOT 10 RAMBLIN RAMBO ESTATES CONT 5 AC M/L 140/85 151/337 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 304221014-01280000-0110 HX 665.86 ,304221014-01280000-0110 HX 665.86 JONES WAYNE & PEGGY 5.000AC LOT 11 RAMBLING RAMBO ESTATES "CONT 5 AC M/L 151/255 151/385 181/89 240/406 305 221014-01280000-0120 645.63 305 221014-01280000-0120 645.63 JOHNSON JANE 5.000AC LOT 12 RAMBLIN RAMBO ESTATES CONT 5 AC M/L 142/109 159/80 181/89 227/17 2000/2622 306 320615-00000004-0000 155.47 306 320615-00000004-0000 155.47 GODBEY DOUGLAS R & REBECCA R 1.380AC FOR POR COM AT SE/C 32-6-15 THENCE S 89 DEG W ALG S LN OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 307 320615-00650050-0000 1,219.26 307 320615-00650050-0000 1,219.26 GODBEY DOUGLAS R & 2.570AC PARCEL 5 METES & BDS DESC FLA WOODLAND UNREC SUBD 58/688 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 308 320615-00650060-0000 1,556.52 308 320615-00650060-0000 1,556.52 GODBEY DOUGLAS R & REBECCA R 5.410AC PARCELS 6 & 7 MTS & BDS DESC FLORIDA WOODLAND UNREC SUBD SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 309 320615-00650290-0000 328.57 309 320615-00650290-0000 328.57 DAVISSON MARGARET & 5.000AC PARCELS 29 & 30 METES & BDS DESC FLA WOODLAND UNREC SUBD SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 310 340615-000000 0-0000 1,664.09 310 340615-00000010-0000 1,664.09 BRUDERLY DAVID E 14.000AC COM AT NE/C OF 34-6-15 GO S ALG E LN OF SEC 276FT TO POB SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 311 350615-00000003-0000 1,883.52 311 350615-00000003-0000 1,883.52, MCCORMICk TRUST 2.150AC - COM SW/C LT 12 IRA BEA'S OASIS UNIT 3A UNREC GO W 396 FT M/L SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 312350615-00000009-0000 1,793.58 312 350615-00000009-0000 1,793.58 MCCORMICK TRUSTEE. 4.500AC BEG AT SE/C OF NE/4 OF SEC 35-6-15 GONODEG 1831 90FT .. SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 313 350615-03300000-0020 1,211 07 " 313 350615-03300000-0020 1.211 (17 . POGUE JIM N & CAROL 0 520AC LOT 2 UNIT 3 IRA BEAS OASIS OR 39 PG 34 OR 72 PG 200 ,314 350615-03300000-0030 771.69 314 350615-03300000-0030 771.69 WOLFORD RICHARD W & IKATHLEEN A 0.520AC LOT3 UNIT 3 IRA BEAS OASIS SUBD 27/542 2002/2520 . 315 35110615-034110000-0190 11704 315 350615-03410000-0190 11704 NEWCOMB CHARLES ALLEN 0.410AC S LOT 19 UNIT 4A ULNREC SUBD IRA. ' BEAS OASIS 64,665 182 635 2.101.: 2290 2001 232 316 350615-07200000-01"20 110 30) 31p 350615-1t72000100-0020 110) 30 '. \VOLFORD RICHARDW &. KATHLEEN A 0 560AC LOT 2 WOODLAND OASIS UNREC SSLiBDCONT.506ACDESC IN MTS & BDS DESC 145 4 2004 4659 317 350615-072000'0'-0140 HN 19637 : 317350615-07200000-0140 HN 19637 . PRJVET'TE JOSEPH EARL 5 OOLAC LOT 14 WOODLAND OASIS UNREC 3 SUBD MTS & BDS DESC 5 0 AC ,C SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 318 350615-07200000-0180 11030 - 318 3 50615-07200000-0180 11 0 136 HEDMAN LLOVD&.IJANICE 0 530AC LOTS 18 MITS & BDS DESC 53 AC WOODLAND OASIS LrNREC SUBD OR " SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 319 350615-0720000B0-0190 11030 319 350615-07200000-0190 110 30 PARKER WILLIAM C 0 590AC ,LOT 19N MTS & BDS DESC 59 AC . WOODLAND OASIS ULNREC SUBD S SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 320 360615-0086000B-0060 159 76 320 360615-0086000B-0060 159 76 WOLFORD RICHARD V & KATHLEENA O.510AC LOT 6 BLK B SANTA FE OASIS UNREC SLBDCONT 51 AC 15i'. 31:6 185'316 2004.4658 321 360615-0086000B-,0:i70 15976 321 36061.5-)08600JOB-0r.70 15976 GODWIN BARBARDA 1. 510AAC LOT 7 BLK B SANTA FE OASIS LUNOREC SUBD CONT 51 AC 245 89 2 2003 1,'3 . 322 360615-0086000D-0220 159 76 322 360615-0086000D-0220 159.76 %\OL FORD RICHARDW S& KATHLEEN A "' '500AC LOT 22 BLK D SANTA FE OASIS SLUNREC SUBD CONT 50 AC 164 244 2004,4658 323 360615-0C86000i:D-0230 159 76 323 360615-00860000D-0230 15976 SWOLFORD RICHARD W & KATHLEEN A .5QOAC LOT 23 BLK D SANTA FE OASIS UNREC SUBD CONT 50 AC244 218 - 2005/4026 324 36061 5-008608:0ilE-0030 159 7o 324 360615-0086000E-00:30 15976 WOL FORD RICHARD W JR & 0.530AC LOT : BLK E SANTA FE OASIS . SUNREC SUBD CONT 53 AC174/323 2003 701 ' 325 360615-0086000E-0040 159.76 325 3o'615-.008.00iE-0064J 159.76 \'. :OLFORD RICHARD WV JR & 0.600AC LOT 4 BLK E SANTA FE OASIS UNREC SUBD CONT p6) AC 2003 1340 , 326 36i ]5-liOS60ii0E-0050 159 76 326 360,15-0086000E-0050 159.76 WOLFORD RICHARD W JR & 0.720AC LOT 5 BLK E SANTE FE OASIS UNREC SUBD CONT 72 AC 21:3' ' 1340 327 360615-0086000E-0060 159.76 327 360615-0086000E-0060 159;76 WOLFORD RICHARD W & KATHLEEN A 0.660AC LOT 6 BLKE SANTE FE OASIS UNREC SUBD CONT .66 AC 150/310 2003/1234 328 360615-0086000E-0070 159.76 328 360615-0086000E-0070 159.76 WOLFORD'RICHARD W JR & 0.670AC LOT 7 BLK E SANTA FE OASIS . UNREC SUBD CONT .67 AC 156/673169/3282003/1340 . 329 360615-0086000E-0140 286.37 329 360615-0086000E-0140 286.37 WOLFORD RICHARD W & KATHLEEN A 1.450AC LOTS 14& 15 BLK E SANTA FE OASIS UNREC SUBD CONT 1.45 AC 2004/4657 330 360615-0086000F-0010 159.76 330 360615-0086000F-0010 159.76 GREEN LINDA C 0.890AC LOT 1 BLK F SANTA FE OASIS UNREC SUBD CONT .89 AC 231/633 2004/53226 331 360615-0086000F-0040 159.76 331 360615-0086000F-0040 159.76 WOLFORD RICHARD W & KATHLEEN A 0.560AC LOT 4 BLK F SANTA FE OASIS UNREC SUBD CONT .56 AC 164/376 2004/4657 332 360615-0086000F-0090 159.76 332 360615-0086000F-0090 159.76 WOLFORD RICHARD W & KATHLEEN A 0.8 IOAC LOT 9 BLK F SANTA FE OASIS UNREC SUBD CONT .81 AC 161/431 162/635 2004/4656 333 010715-00000007-0000 252.09 333 010715-00000007-0000 252.09 COLEMAN CLEMENTINE 2.560AC N 83 FT MEAS ALG W PROP LN OF GOVT LOT 4 334 030715-00000001-0040 HX 1,351.66 334 030715-00000001-0040 HX 1,351.66 HOWELL DONALD L & PAULINE A 9.630AC COM AT SE/C OF NE/4 OF NE/4 OF 3-7-15 FOR POR THENCE RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 335 040715-00000006-0040 HX 608.16 335 040715-00000006-0040 HX 608.16 SMITH ALVIN J JR 8.590AC COM AT SW/C OF SE/4 OF SE/4 OF 4-7-15 AND RUN N ALG W LN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 336 040715-00000003-0010 HX 923.44 336 040715-00000003-0010 HX 923.44 DEES JAMES A & DONNA S 15.050AC WEST 331 FT OF SW/4 OF SW/4 4-7-15 & W/2OF E 331 FT OF W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 337 040715-00000003-0050 .2,116.83 337 040715-00000003-0050 2,116.83 SMITH JOHN A 20.120AC LOTS 5 & 6 CONT 20.12 AC M/L ' DESC AS COM AT SW/C OF 4-7-15 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 338 040715-00000003-0070 666.18 338 040715-00000003-0070 666.18 SMITH JOHN A 10.000AC COM AT SW/C OF 4-7-15 THENCE N 90 DEG E ALONG S LINE OF , SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 339 040715-000i0'C'0'3-013," 1,347.23 S 339 134071 5.0('-,":.i",'33-0130 1,347.23 BOW LES DAVID 10.090AC LOT 13 CONT 10 09 AC DESC AS COMl AT S 4 SEC C OF 4.7-15 GO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 340 050715-00000007-0020 781:69 340 050715-00000107-0020 781 69 LEWIS GLORIA WV & WILLIAM M 10.000AC ' COMATSWCOFSE4OF5-7-15 & RUN N 89 DEG E ALG S LN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 341 050715-00000007-0025 HX 544 39 341 050715-00000007-0025 HX 544 39 PRICHARD JAMES W M 20 OOOAC' COM AT SWIC OF SE/4 OF 5-7-15 & RUN N 89 DEGEALG S LN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 342 050715-00310000-0030 HX 380.05 '342 050715-00310000-0030 HX 380.05 REHBERG BETT'Y LOU & 0 460AC.. LOT 3 OF ANDERSON SECT DESC 'IN METES & BD:DESC 47.445 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 343 .1507153-0 1."),00-01 1I HX 196 37 S POCWELL JERRY F & BROOKE A 0 460AC, LOT II OF ANDERSON SECT UNREC S DESC IN METES & BDS DESC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 344060715-1.1rX 11C ,'I)u l-001f 0 HX 1.24881 S 344 tp0715 I.0on" 01-001' HX 124881 STEWART MiCIAEL Ji & JANET E & 29.400AC- PARCEL B OR COMBAT NE C OF 6.7.15GOS3DEGEALONGE , SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 345070715-00320u00.0-0100) HX. 391 45 S 345070715-00320000.0100 HX 39145 JONES RICHARD C SR & 2 200AC - S W.'2 OF LOT 10 SANTA FE COR LINREC SULBD CONT 2 22 471369 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 346 070715.00000001-0000 244 16 S346 (70715.l0'000010i-0000 244 16 OLCOTT EARL 10 0ICAC NE 4 OF NE'4 OF NE.'4 711436 & 441 78.465-466 216 30239458 24 5.28(l 288 241I 2'000 626 S347 ''70 Ii715- "::',0',I' 1-,I00,11 244 16 347 1070715-011i.W000 1 I1-0CJ1 I0 244 16 OLCOTT EARL I( Ci00AC SE 4 OF NE.4 OF NE.'4 70.13/ 450 & 1/4 INT IN EASEMENT 85/ S. 160214 179221 67 :348 i.,70715-"-0"00001 1-00210 244.16 348 070715.iiK6f0n0.l1I-0'.:020 244.16 C)LCOTT EARL 111 C10'A" ;.. W SW -4 OF NE 4 OF NE'4 OR 70/ 436& 444 77 31.3 134'451 19/ - -392-394 214,373 -: 3' 4 Q l(1r,--715.u ),lii,01' .,-, -1,4 12 7 I I 349,0707,15-1.i0000'i ")" I-1.040 .:. 127. I, OLCOTT EARL ET AL I.O60AC W36.FTOF E 50 FTOFSE/4 OF . NE/4 70/504 LESS RD R/W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 350070715-00000003-0010 HX 290'.14, 350 070715-00000003-0010. HX 290.14 PHILLIPS MICHAEL A & JEANIE C 2.000AC COM AT NW' C OF S 20FNE/4OF , 7-7-15 AS POB GO E 417 FT GO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 351 070715-,i),'2,'".,','t',-i."'4:1. 296:48. 351,070715-0032"00,0.-0:14i.,' 296.48 MACiTKRUDOLPH & ANTONETTE 4.160AC LOT 4 SANTA FE CORNERS UNREC SULBD 39 155 131 389 34 2S2 218 497 256 523 352,080715-00000005-0010 2,133.34 352 (8,'i715-0:,)100i" 5-001'.,i i 2,133.34 OLCOT T EARL H 58.240AC NW/4 OF NW/4 & W/2 OF SW/4 OF .', NW/4 LESS S 4.0FT RD R/W,70/ SEE TAX ROLLYFOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 353 080715-000000Q5-0020 2,184.11 353 080715-00000005-0020 2 18411 OLCOTT EARL H 19 500AC E/2 OF SW/4 OF NW/4 LESS S 40 FT OF ST RD R/W 19.50 AC 82/318 163/206 354 080715-00000005-0030 1,659.94 354 080715-00000005-0030 1,659.94 OLCOTT EARL H 39.000AC SE/4 OF NW/4 LESS S 40 FT RD " R/W 70/318 '& 327 72/264 163/ 205-206 355 080715-00000008-0000 5,510.07 355 080715-00000008-0000 5,510.07 DOMINGUEZ ABRAHAM & ,82.930AC S/2 OF SW/4 76/364 EASEMENT 84/140 99/335-336 239/42 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 356 090715-00770000-0680 83.80 356 090715-00770000-0680 83.80 PUJOS VICTOR REYES 1 .020AC LOT 68 SANTA FE RANCH SUBD DESC IN METES & BDS CONT 1.10 AC 125/157 357090715-00000002-0000 HX 1,108.58 357 090715-00000002-0000 HX 1,108.58 LOPES VALERIE & RITA SIMCOE 17.480AC NW/4'OF NE/4 LESS 3 AC TO CHURCH 140/696 UTLY ESMT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 358 090715-00000003-0030 HX 599.81 358 090715-00000003-0030 HX 599.81 WAWERCZYK BILLIE JO & STEPHEN 5.000AC' NE/4 OF NW/4 OF SE/4 LESS 2 AC TO CHURCH & LESS 3 AC TO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 359 090715-00770000-0430 83.80 359 090715-00770000-0430 83.80 VIDAL PORTELA RAFAEL G 1.020AC LOT 43 SANTA FE RANCH SUBD UNREC 46/481 224/600 261/34 360 090715-00770000-0910 83.80 360 090715-00770000-0910 83.80 PEREZ RAUL N PEREZ AND/OR ANA 1.030AC LOT 91 SANTA FE RANCH SUBD UNREC 46/481 163/202 361 090715-00770000-0940 83.80 361 090715-00770000-0940 83.80 ROLDAN EDGA 1.020AC LOT 94 SANTA FE RANCH SUBD UNREC 46/481 2004/4101 362 090715-00770000-1150 83.80 362 090715-00770000-1150 83.80 MELENDEZ RAFAEL 0.970AC LOT .115 SANTA FE RANCH SUBD UNREC 46/481 192/477 363 100715-02220000-0140 291.42 363 100715-02220000-0140 291.42 GAGLIONE JOSEPH N JR 5.100AC LOT 14 LOWELL ESTATES SUBD CONT 5.10 AC 140/332 275/45 364 100715-02220000-0,150 286.88 364 100715-02220000-0150 286.88 GAGLIONE JOSEPH N JR 5.010AC : LOT 15 LOWELL ESTATES SUBD CONT 5.01 AC 140/332 275/45 365 100715-02220000-0060 981 72 365 100715-02220000-0060 981 72 ADAMS NATHANIAL F & LEE ANN 6.010AC LOT 6 LOWELL ESTATES SUBD CONT 6.012 AC 140/332 2002/967- 2002/5360 2002/5361 366 110715-00000011-0000, 43652 366 110715-00000011-0000 436 52 WALKER LEWIS 5.310AC '. SSW 4 OF NW/4 103464 LESS 10 A -. AC TO GALLOWAY ET AL 114/89& SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 367 110715-00000011-0010 HX 60424 367 110715-00000011-0010 HX 604 24 WALKER LEWIS 10 500AC COMBAT SE/C OF SW/4 OF NW/4 OF 11-7-15 FOR A POB GO ONS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL . 368 110715-00000011-0020 108.87 368 110715-00000011-0020 108.87 FLORID-A FISH & WILDLIFE 26 640AC SCOM AT SW.'C OF SW14 OF NW/4 OF 11-7-15 FOR POB THENCE RUN ALG SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 369 110715-00000012-0020 HX 758.11 369 110715.00000012-0020 HX '758.11 POTTER BONNIE 1.140AC COM AT NW/COR OF.NW/4OF SW/4 GO S 0 DEG 05 MIN W 659.83 FT ,SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 370 110715-00000012-0060 897 14 370 110715-00000012-0060 897 14 HOPKIN MELISSA & I OOOAC COM AT 2" IRON PIPE BEING ' KNOWN AS NW/C OF NE/4 OF SW/4 -" SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 371 110715-00000012-0061 201 96 371 110715-00000012-0061 201.96 S HOPKIN MELISSA & 2 OOOAC - COM AT NW.C OF NW/4 OF SW/4 - 11-7-15RUNONWLNOF NW4/4 OF " SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 372 120715-00000004-0070 1,70404 372 120715-00000004-0070 1,704 04 - i CASSELMAN APRIL LINDSEY & 27 340AC,-',' COM AT SW'C OF 12-7-15 AS POB :.... SGO E 462 56 FT GO N 827 20 FT. .: SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 373 160715-00340000-0020 33448 373 160715-00340000-0020 33448 .' WHITE WILLIAM & MARY 5.100AC :.. LOT 2 UNIT I EMERALD FARMS -'; 59 623 88'675 374 160715-00340000-0330 HX 441 75 374 160715-00340000-0330 HX 441 75 EVANS JAMES S 5 OOOAC LOT 33 UNIT I EMERALD FARMS . S75 570217 70)4 ULTIL EASEMENT -" 229 116 2004'1578 2005,'4105 S375 160715-00340000-0510 417 18 375 160715-00340000-0510 417 18 BITTICK CHARLES L 6 500AC LOT 51 UNIT I EMERALD FARMS 78473 104 442 TAX DEED SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 376 160715-00340000-0980 HX 701 79 376 160715-00340000-0980 HX 70,1 79 GEiGER JOHN & JUNE 5 O00AC LOT 98 UNIT I EMERALD FARMS 76/405 125'311 EASEMENT 128, SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL :,. 377 160715-00340000-1'110 328 57 377 160715-00340000-1110 32857 WHITE DALE 5.000AC LOT III UNIT I EMERALD FARMS 76/406 99/455 242/192 2003/ 6173 378 160715-00340000-1130 358 11 378 160715-00340000-I 130 358 I1 SWEARINGEN STEPHEN B 5.500AC LOT 113 UNIT I EMERALD FARMS 83/649" 379 180715-00000003-0210 HX 30546 379 180715-00000003-0210 HX 305.46 HEAVENER CHRIS T 20.000AC COM AT NE C OF SW/4 OF 18-7-15 FOR POR THENCE RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL ' 380 180715-02710000-00301 521.42 386,180715-02710000-0030 521.42 BERRY JAMES H 5.000AC LOT 3 VARGAS WOODS SUBD CONT 5 AC 129/106 PIPELINE EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL .381 300715-00350001-0040 696.89 381 300715-00350001-0040 696.89 PIERCE CONNIE AS TRUSTEE 2.500AC LOT 4 BLK I OAKWOOD ESTATES 106/681-682 248/562 2000/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 382 300715-00350001-0100 HX 453.26 382300715-00350001-0100 HX 453.26 SEWARD CARLETON R & KAY BAKER 4.880AC. LOT 10 BLK I OAKWOOD EST SUBD CONT 5 AC 154/620 154/622 UTIL EASEMENT 273/308 279/635 . 383 300715-00350002-0060 47.45 383 300715-00350002-0060 47.45 ALBRIGHT DAVID L & JAMIE L 4.830AC . LOT 6 BLK 2 OAKWOOD ESTATES 82/517 117/632 2000/4941 2005/ 2273 . 384 300715-00350002-0070 317.93 384 300715-00350002-0070 317.93. ALBRIGHT DAVID L & JAMIE L 9.900AC LOTS 7 & 8 BLK 2 OAKWOOD EST SUBD 51/591 80/588 82/573 114t SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 385 310715-00000006-0011 HX 2,002.31 385 310715-00000006-0011 HX. 2,002.31 PHILMAN CHERRI RACHELLE & 5.010AC COM AT SW/C OF NW/4 OF 31-7-15 FOR POB THENCE RUN ALG W LN OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 386 310715-00000008-0000 355.39 386 310715-00000008-0000. 355.39 PHILPOT DAVID HENRY ET AL 120.000AC N/2 OF SW/4 & SW/4 OF SW/4 47/378 & 380 66/194 69/648 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 387 310715-00000010-0040 133.31 387 310715-00000010-0040 133.31 BROWNE TERRY DRAKE 1.130AC COM AT NE/C OF N/2 OF NW/4 OF SE/4 OF 31-7-15 FOR POB THENCE SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 388 320715-00360000-00Q0 149.21 388 320715-00360000-00Q0 149.21 M & P PARTNERSHIP LTD 1.140AC TRACT Q CONT 1.13 AC TAX DEED 2004/4212-4214 CORRECTIVE TAX DEED 2004/4429 389 320715-00000005-0000 412.98 389 320715-00000005-0000 412.98 HADDA JOHN JAY 5.000AC SW/4 OF NE/4 OF NE/4 OF SE/ 4 & NW/4 OF SE/4 OF NE/4 OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL mar, 11 1 R 2.5 9nno; I Setin .Pao~ Four Gilchrist (nunftu Delinauent Tax List Mau 11. 18. 25. 2006 390 320715-00000006-0000 122.21 390 320715-00000006-0000 122.21 FULTZ DARRELL & MONTIE 1.250AC N/2 OF SW/4 OF NW/4 OF NE/4 OF SE/4 150/670-671 2001/4560 391 320715-00000011-0000 122.21 391 320715-00000011-0000 122.21 MITCHELL WILL W & 1.250AC N/2 OF SE/4 OF NE/4 OF NE/4 OF SE/4 71/239 191/49 270/595 288/523 2005/1005 2005/1006 392 320715-00000020-0020 HX 312.80 392320715-00000020-0020 HX 312.80 PLETCHER GREGORY A & MARILYN J 10.000AC *.COM AT SW/C OF SE/4 OF NW/4 -OF 32-7-15 FOR POB THENCE RUN -SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL .-393 320715-00000023-0010 HX 750.36 '--393320715-00000023-0010 HX. 750.36 SHEPPARD DOYLE HENRY 2.540AC ; -'IRQM NE/C OF SW/4 OF SW/4 OF '32-7-15 GO W 145 FT TO POB, :.SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 394 320715-00000040-0000 122.21 -394 320715-00000040-0000 ..122.2.1 SCHILTZ.LEO ET UX 1.250AC "S/2 OF SE/4 OF SE/4 OF NW/4 .;OF SE/4 .395 320715-00360015-0010. 149.21 395 320715-00360015-0010 149.21 . ROBERTS DAVID E & WANDA L 1.260AC -LOT 1 BLK 15 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES NORTH 157/331 TAX DEED. S2002/1625 2002/4145 :-:-396320715-00360015-0020 HX' 196.37 S'- 396 320715-00360015-0020 HX 196.37 . LEMONS SAMUEL C & TONIA LEMONS 1.000AC LOT 2 BLK 15 SUWANNEE RIVER "ESTATES NORTH 163/623 233/366 EE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL '397 320715-00360015-0050 313.21 -397 320715-00360015-0050 313.21 FREEMAN BRYANM 1.00AC ' -LOT 5 BLK 15 SUWANNEE RIVER .-ESTATES NORTH 118/466 180/239 . : :SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL : 398 320715-00360017-0140 149.21 . 398 320715-00360017-0140. 149.21 - COLEMAN RICHIE C & TAMMI I 030AC LOT 14 BLK 17 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES NORTH 136/106 223/608 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 399 320.715-001361')017-0150 149.21 399320715-00360017-0150 149.21 ; COLEMAN RICHIE C & TAMMI 1.030AC 'LOT 15 BLK 17 SUWANNEE RIVER ,ESTATES NORTH 136/106 223/608 : SSEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 400 320715-00360017-0160: HX 19637 400 320715-00360017-0160 HX 196.37 COLEMAN RICHIE C & TAMMI 1.200AC LOT 16 BLK 17 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES NORTH 136/106 223/608 : SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 401 320715-00360020-0040 HX 196.37 401 320715-00360020-0040 HX 196.37 DAVIS NORMAN L & RAMONA 1.030AC LOT 4 BLK 20 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES NORTH 136/106.223/608 240/344 285/650 402 320715-00360020-0050 149.21 402 320715-00360020-0050 149.21 DAVIS NORMAN L & RAMONA 1.030AC LOT 5 BLK 20 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES NORTH 136/106 2,23/608 240/344 2851650 ,3 32071 5-1(0360020-0:191: HX 821 97 4-13 32(0715-i-00360020.0)0(9 HX 821 97 STROUP DEAN L & CAROL A 2 2 1)AC LOTS 9 & 10 BLK 20' SUWV RIVER ESTATES NORTH 118/261 136/106 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 404 320715-00360020-0140 149.21 404 320715-00360020-0140 149.21 MCDOUGAL NATHAN G 1 030AC LOT 14 BLK 20 SLUWANNEE Ri% ER ESTATES NORTH 136 106 223 608 240.344 2001 I 1655 405 320715-00360021-0120. 149.21 . 405 320715-00360021-0120 149.21 WEBSTER ROBERT E & ROSEANN L 1.030AC LOT 12 BLK 21 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES NORTH 136/106 223/608 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 406 320715-00360021-0140 149.21 406 320715-00360021-0140 149.21 MCDOUGAL NATHAN G 1.030AC LOT 14 BLK 21 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES NORTH 136/106 223/608 240/344 2001/1655 2005/5072 407 320715-03610000-0030 HX 656.21 407 320715-03610000-0030 HX 656.21 HADDA JOHN JAY 1.900AC LOTS 3 & 4 SUWANNEE RIVER EST NORTH REPLAT OF VACATED TRACTS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 408 330115-00000020-0000 HX 196.37 408330715-00000020-0000 HX _19f.37 ZIMMERMAN HARRY L & HELEN FAY 1.500AC SW/4 OF SW/4 OF NW/4 OF NW/4 48/422 60/15 73/552 116/53 'SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 409 330715-00000029-0000 112.28 409 330715-00000029-0000 112.28 OBERHOLTZ JOAN E 2.500AC N/2 OF N/2 OF NW/4 OF NE/4 OF -NW/4 178/640 178/641 410 330715-00000035-0000 170.31 410 330715-00000035-0000 170.31 GODWIN LESLIE H 2.500AC SNE/4 OF SW/4 OF NE/4 OF SW/4 * 411 330715-00000036-0000 HX 196.37 411 330715-00000036-0000 HX 196.37 SHOURDAS NIKITAS M & PAULINE C 13.900AC SW/4 OF NW/4 14.75 AC TO LISA MCDOUGAL 164/76 LEAVING 25.25 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S412 050815-03600001-0020 149.21 412 050815-03600001-0020 ,149.21 HAMEL ALBERT G & HOLLOWAY MARY 1.000AC LOT 2 BLK 1 SUWANNEE RIVER EST SOUTH 154/357 413 050815-03600001-0160 149.21 S413 050815-03600001-0160 149.21 LESPINASSE GERTHA 1.190AC SLOT 16 BLK 1 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH 152/241 2005/942 414 050815-03600002-0020 149.21 414 050815-03600002-0020 149.21 ETENNE MARIE 1.030AC LOT 2 BLK 2 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES 136/106 223/608 235/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 415 050815-03600002-0030 149.21 415 050815-03600002-0030 149.21 ETENNE MARIE 1.030AC LOT 3 BLK 2 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES 136/106 223/608 235/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 416 050815-03600002-0090 348.67 416 050815-03600002-0090 348.67 STONE TIMOTHY D & VIRGINIA A 1.1 50AC LOT 9 BLK 2 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES 136/106 223/608 235/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 417 050815-03600002-0100 149.21 417 050815-03600002-0100 149.21 STONE TIMOTHY D & VIRGINIA A 1.030AC LOT 10 BLK 2 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES 136/106'223/608 235/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 418 050815-03600005-0060 149,21 418 050815-03600005-0060. 149.21 SCHROEDER HARRY RICHARD & GRAC 1.030AC LOT 6 BLK 5 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH 159/284 419 050815-03600005-0,090 149.21 419 050815-03600005-0090 149.21 O'NEAL WILLIAM E 1.190AC LOT 9 BLK 5 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH 136/106 223/608 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 420 050815-03600006-0140 149.21 420 050815-03600006-0140 149.21 WILLIS MELISSA ANN 1.040AC LOT 14 BLK 6 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH 106/367 TAX DEED 2004/2073 2005/2144 2005/5187 42.1 050815-03600006-0160 313.25 421 050815-03600006-0160 313.25 KING JERRY SAMPSON JR 1.200AC LOT 16 BLK 6 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH 136/106 223/608 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 422 050815-03600007-0'120 14921 422 0503815-03o,'0010.7-0020 149 21 DEMETRIUS JOHN & BEVERLEY 1.040AC LOT'2 BLK 7 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH 141 71 212'3 59 2005/3653 423 050815-03600007-0140 149.21 423 050315-03600007-0140 149.21 . SUWANNEE RIVER SPRINGS INC 1.040AC LOT 14 BLK 7SLIWANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH 136'106 223;608 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 424 050815-03600008-0050 149.21 424 050815-03600008-0050 149.21. PORTER WA 'NE & 1.030AC LOT 5 BLK 8 SUWANNEE RIER ESTATES SOUTH 154-116 2005/2985 20)') 5.4548 425 050815-036001.108-0090 149 21 425 050815-03600008-009i)i 14921 SOUTHEASTERN FUNDING PRTN LLLP I 170AC LOT 9 BLK 8 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH 136 106 223-608 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 426 050815-i136)00009-0090 14921 426 0.i508 5-03600.1"09-01".90 149 21 I ELKORDY NUTANMATEE JEAN&. I 190AC LOT 9 BLK 9 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOULiTH 148 233 201:15 210(j. 427050815-03600 i |2-0020 HX 86845 427 050S15.03600012).0(j20 HN 868 45 HOCKEMEYER ERIC VINCENT 1 040AC LOT 2 BLK 12 SUWVANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH 118 261 180-244 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 428'050815-03600012-0120 149.21 428 050815-03600012-0120 14921 BEL LWOOD PARTNERSLTD I '1 030AC LOT 12 BLK 12 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH 136i106 223!608 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 429 060815-00000003-0000 229 27 429 Uo0815-001i00003-0000 22927 HART JOSEPH D JR & FELICIA 77 500AC NW% 4 OF SW 4 & SW 4 OF SW 4 123'503 LESS 332 AC TO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 430 060815-00000005-0010 133.50 43) 0060815-0000005-0010 133 50 HART HORACE & BRENDA & 40 000AC NE 4 OF SW 4 45 261 98 86 123 500 123-502 142'613 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 431 060815-00000(005-00)4t HX 913 7 , 431 00I.i5-,0':', '05.004': HX .913.75 . HIURNE TH,-IAS I GINELLE A 5.820AC COM AT SW/C OF SE/4 OF SW/4 OF 6-8-15 AS POB GO N 660 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL' 432 060815-00000006-0011 412.98 ' 432 060815-00000006-0011 412.98 BRIDGES JOSEPH WAYNE 5.000AC E/2 OF E/2 OF S/2 OF SW/4F OF SE'4 46,367-368 123/504 250/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 433060815-00000006-0012 412.98 433 0o(0815-00000006-01i12 412 98 BRIDGES .IOSEPH WAYNE 5 000AC W.2 OF E'2 CF S 2 OF S2W.4 OF SE 4 46 367-368 123 504 250' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 434 060815-00000006-0020 HX 570.74 434 060815-00000006-0020 HX 570.74 MOLZEN ERIC GLENN 37.350AC ALL THAT PART OF NW/4 OF SE/4 LYING W OF NW 22 CT & N OF NW SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 435 060815-00000007-0000 151.33 435 060815-00000007-0000 151.33 PHILMAN KEITH L & I J 40.000AC NW/4 OF NW/4 OR 63 PG 58 149/461 : 436 070815-00000001-0015 HX 552.08 43607081,5-00000000001-005 HX 552.08 CLEARY FRANCIS XAVIER JR & 20.000AC COM AT NE/C OF NW/4 OF NE/4 OF 7-08-15 FOR POB THENCE RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 437 070815-00000001-0030 HX 370.37 437 070815-00000001-0030 HX 370:37 GRIFFIS MARILYN J & JIMMY R 5.000AC BEGINNING AT NW/C OF EASTERLY 5 AC OF N/2 OF NE/4 OF NE/4 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 438070815-00000015-0000 HX 196.37 438 070815-00000015-0000 HX 196.37 BLANKS FREDERICK E 5.000AC W/2 OF SW/4 OF SE/4 OF NE/4 85 547& 54897 327 156 370' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 439 070815-02260000-0010 HX 520.96' 439.070815-02260000-0010 HX 520.96 FRANCWAY JAMES & HEIDI 5.160AC COM AT NW/C OF SW/4 OF NW/4 OF 7-8-15 FOR POB THENCE RUN ON N SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 440 070815-02260000-0040 539.58 440 070815-02260000-0040 539.58 SHANNON LAURENCE P & GENEVA B 15.000AC TRACT 4 CONT 15 AC & DESC AS COM AT NE/C OF SE/4 OF NW/4 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 441 080815-00000004-0000 HX. 533.70 441 080815-00000004-0000 HX 533.70 MOORE MICHAEL D & TAMMY R 11 .000AC COM AT NW/C OF S/2 OF NW/4 OF 8-8-15 AS POB GO E 1320 FT GO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 442 080815-02900000-0020 418.67 442 080815-02900000-0020 418.67 COVINGTON JOHN 6.090AC LOT 2 ROLLING MEADOWS CONT 6.09 AC 98/216 & 624 115/340 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 443 120815-00000002-0010 HX 196.37 443 120815-00000002-0010 HX 196.37 JENKINS ALFRED K & TAWNYA W 1.720AC COM AT SE/C OF 12-8-15 THENCE RUN S 89 DEG W ALG S LN OF SEC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 444 170815-00000004-0012 412.98 444 170815-00000004-0012 412.98 ANDERSON JOE 5.000AC E/2 OF W/2 OF S/2 OF S/2 OF S/2 OF NW/4 DB 15/596 209/20 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 445 180815-00000014-0000 1,130.39 445 180815-00000014-0000 1,130.39 REEDER ROBT & BRENDA 20.000AC N/2 OF SW/4 OF SW/4 446 180815-00000017-0043 HX 196.37 -446 180815-00000017-0043 HX 196.37 BURNETT LINDAD & 2.840AC" COM AT SE/C OF SW/4 OF SE/4 OF 18-08-15 AS POB GO N SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL.LEGAL 447 180815-0073000B-0030 272.18 447 180815-0073000B-0030 272.18 MARCUM LARRY D & : 2.060AC LOTS 3 & 4 DESTIN UNREC SUB OR 74/354 282/87 2002/5780 UTIL EASEMENT 2003'377 448 180815-0073000B-0120 HX 793.49 448 180815-0073000B-0120 HX 793.49 GAY DAVID W : 4.490AC LOTS 12 13 14 15DESTIN UNREC SUBD 82/145 87/325 99/ 225 . SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 449 180815-02240000-0040 HX 234 28 449 180815-02240000-0040 HX 234 28 H I TT JASON M & TINA M I 000AC LOT 4 SUWANNEE RIVER OAKS SUBD 168/138 UTIL EASEMENT 177.67 &. - SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 450 190815-05800000-0160 HX 19637 450 190815-05800000-0160 HX 19637 SPIRIT DON C & CHRISTINE P 3 300AC ' LOTS 16 17& 18 WOODLAND ACRES OF AN INREC PLAT OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 451 190815-00000006-0020 1,101 61 451 190815-00000006-0020 1,10161 PARMENTER EDWARD & KARINA 15 020AC COM AT NW/C 19-8-15 & RUN ON N LN OF SAID SEC 19N 89 DEGE : SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 452 190815-00000013-0000 70029 452 190815-00000013-0000 70029 KLAIUS KAREN 9 880AC PCL 4 DESC AS BEG AT NE'C OF SW4OFNE4GOS330FT AS S SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 453 190815-05800000-0070 436 401 453 190815-05800000-0070 43640 ROACH ROBERT ELIGENE I 080AC' ' LOT 7 WOODLAND ACRES LINREC PLAT OF HARVEY JARVIS CONT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 454 190815-05800000-0090 264 72 " S 454 190815-05800000-0090 264 72 RUDD RONALD WAYNE JR I 080AC : LOT 9 WOODLAND ACRES OF THE SUNREC PLAT OF HARVEY JARVIS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL . 455 200815-00000004-0000 HX 890 92 455 200815-00000004-0000 HX 89092 MORGAN EDMUND W 20 OOOAC W/2 OF NE/4 OF N\,'4 43/648 S173/545-546& 551 176-285 183, SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 456 200815-00000005-0010 1,062 04 456200815-00000005-0010 1,06204 GRAY LISA M 5 000AC - BEG AT NW C OF E 2 OF NW 4 OF NW 4 OF 20-08-15 RUN S 200 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 457 201'181.-00000'1.05-0020 HX 61342 457 200815-00000005-0020 HX 61342 BARNES DANIEL A & NICOLE H 5 '000AC SFOR POB COM AT SEC OF S 4 OF E 2 OF NW.4 OF NW 4 OF SEC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 458 200815-00i000t)07-0000 1 130 39 458 2n08 -I'100000''i -000 I, 130 -39 DA\ IS WOODROW &. MARSHA 120.000AC W/2 OF NW/4 OF NE/4 22/23 163/661-652 206'90 246-478 - SEETAXROLLFOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 459 290815-02270000-0040 HN 71350 459,290815-02270000-0040 HX 713.50 MCCASKEY IRMA.JEAN 5.530AC PARCEL 4 BRADLAND UNREC SUBD CONT 5 53 AC DESC IN MITS & SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 460 290815-02270000.0070 57 40 460 290815-02270000-0070 57.40 THOMPSON JAMES A & THELMA LL 8.210AC LOT 7 BRADLAND L[NREC SUBD CONT 8.21 AC 174 436 19o,78 19o.0 's S2004.2203 ' 461 290815-02270000-0140 HX 196.37 461 290815-02270000-0 140L HX 196.37 SHANNON GEORGE E JR & 5.500AC " TRACT 14 BRADLAND UNREC SUBD CONT 5.50 AC DESC AS COM AT " SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 462 300815-00370000-0800 40.29 462 300815-00370000-0800 40.29 ARNOLD ALFRED D 0.250AC LOT 80 KUSHMER ADDIT TO BELL 256/333 2001/3231 2002/472 2002/712 - 463 300815-00910000-0070 HX 467.33 463 300815-00910000-0070 HX 467.33 CAMPBELL LEE R& LINDA S 5.010AC LOT 7 RIDGEVIEW SUBDIVISION CONT 5.005 AC 102/167 134/145 SUTTON LARRY & MARY ANN 0.500AC LOTS 70 & 77 KUSHMER ADD TO BELL 99/396 124/582 126/47 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL - 465 300815-00910000-0040 426.98 465 300815-00910000-0040 426.98 LAPUMA ROBERT 5.010AC LOT4 RIDGEVIEW.SUBD CONT - 5.01 AC 47/1.17 79/555.83/173 " SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 466300815-00910000-0140 536.72 466 300815-00910000-0140 536.72 SHORT PATRICIA 1.430AC SLOT 14 RIDGEVIEW SUBD 94/566 UTILITY EASEMENT 161/617 163/ 391 467 300815-00910000-0150 440.93 467 300815-00910000-0150 440,93 YOUNG RONNY MARIE 1.680AC LOT 15 RIDGEVIEW SUBD CONT 1.68 AC 146/443 280/357 280/ 358 294/484 2005/227 468 310815-00000005-0010 HX 303.60 468 310815-00000005-0010 HX 303.60 SANDERS LA VERNE 3.010AC COM AT NW/C OF NE/4 OF NW/4 FOR POR THENCE GO S 00 DEG W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 469 310815-00000005-0085 HX 269.16 469 310815-00000005-0085 HX 269.16 HEROIN BENITA REGAY 3.020AC COM AT NW/C OF SE/4 OF NW/4 31-8-15 FOR POR THENCE RUN ALG SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 470 310815-02680000-0070 148.95 470 310815-02680000-0070 148.95 HEROIN BENITA REGAY 1.040AC LOT 7 SANDERS OAKS SUBD CONT .91 AC 259/621 259/626 2003/ 3773 2003/4597 471 310815-02680000-0080 148.95 471310815-02680000-0080 148.95 WOODS DANIEL CHRISTOPHER & 1.100AC LOT 8 SANDERS OAKS SUBD CONT 1.10 AC 74/109 75/606,76/155 SEE TAX ROLL-FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 472 310815-02680000-0190 148.95 472 310815-02680000-0190 148.95 MARKEY DARRIN J 0.910AC LOT 19 SANDERS OAKS SUBD CONT .91 AC 74/215 123/575 & 578 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 473 310815-02950000-0040 219.62 473 310815-02950000-0040 219.62 GUTHRIE SCOTT 0.750AC LOT 4 CUSTOM ESTATES 74/109 75/606 235/301 UTIL EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 474 320815-00000012-0000 HX 2,069.88 474 320815-0"0000012-0000 HX. 2,069.88 JONES GRADY H SR & DEBORAH A 5.000AC W 298 36 FT OF S 730 FT OF SE/4 OF SW 4 CONTAiNING 5 A' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 475 050915-00)0'.l6:02-0030 21:9 39 475 050.91 5-00:i0000f"2-01")i: 209 39 AVERY NICKOLE & 2 080AC COM AT NW C OF SE.4 OF SW 4 5-9-15 THENCE RLN N 88 DEC E SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 47o 050915-i.094000:.)-004" : HN 588 77 476 )05t:915-(00'940000.i-0040 HX '588.77 CONNER SHEILA .1 "5 870AC TRACT 4 SANTA FE RANCHETTES CONT 11 74 AC 101 696 1459398 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 477050915-00940001-00150 HX 88464 477 05091 5-00940000-0'i50 HNX 84 64 PELTO JOHN R & LISA A GLOVER 10 200AC TRACT 5 SANTA FE RANCHETTES CONT 10 20 AC 98'476 I58'291 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL . 8 4478 0 50915-"0941."")')0-0090i HN 911.1 36 478 050915-O:194000-0'9' HN 91036 . KEEF RONALD RICHARDi& DEBRA 10.210AC TRACT 9 SANTA FE RANCHETTES CONT 10 21 AC ,100 44S 156 105 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 4 79 650915-09)940,)L".-'01 5:' 1.603 99 479 '(5091 5 -0.,094." -I,.f l 5'0 I 6'03 99 CLiRTIS CARLA 11 410'. AC - LOT 15 SANTA FE RANCHETTES CONT II 409 AC 1':2 535 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 480 050915-i'I 5(':i0.:.-0i240 I 14 1 OS 1) 4 S)O." '05 91-5 I 1 '0):.-0240 I 141 ')S COBB JAM.IES i & CAROL YN M1 4 370AC LOT 24 FLYING HARNESS FARM CONT 5 01 AC BEING IN SECT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 481 050915-.01050ii 00.02i)6' 9(03 92 ' 48 1 05191 I0150000.-0:20 903 92 MORIN DONALD F 6 3120AC LOT 26 FL YING HARNESS FARMS I CONT 6 32 AC BEING IN SECT 7 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 482L 50015-'208'1'00-o.00 29_, 93 : 482 )50915-0.2080000-10'l)60 296 93 HITELY HAZELTON E 10OIOAC' TRACT 6 DEERWOOD FARM.IS LFNREC SLiBD CONT I0 AC 98 72 98 77 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 483 (5091 5-i.20i8'i100O.()i,"'0f 21'0 '' 483 050915-02:'i r."00->.":i- i '"7 200 60 WHITELY HAZELTON E I, 5'' C TRACT 7 DEER'I-OOD FARMS IUNREC SUBD CONT 10 58 AC 98 72 . SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL ., S484 070915-.' -io0.0i00-30 450i3 96 484 070915 -.i0)1"O I-001l -' 3 451:. 90 SOLCOION MIARY SUE 5 5010.AC BEG AT NE C OF NWV 4 OF NE 4 ' GOON E LN OF NW-4 OF NE 4 S: SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL', , 485 070915-05250000-0040 .H' 400.68 '. 485 070915-05250000-0040 H X 400.68 SMITH BARBARA J 5.000AC LOT4 REPLAT OF LOTS 27 & 28 .OF. GIL CREST FARM SUBD CONT 5 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 486:08(1915-01240000'016(0 412 9S 486 080915-01240000-0160 412.98 ROGERS FRANKLIN CHARLES : 5.000AC LOT 16 TROTTER FARMS SLIUBD, BEING IN 8-9-15 CONT 5 AC 147/58 161/429 170/511 487 17091I5-'1)0060L 04.i'00)3 91308 8 487 170915-'0' io00n1.14-).030 913 08 SLAUGHTER RICKY C 10.000AC COM AT SW/C OF SE/4 OF. 17-9-15 FOR POR AND RUN ALG S SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDi TiOON..L LEG G.L 488 180915-00000012-0020 HX 780.68 488 180915-00000012-0020 HX 780.68 REED.LISA JOAN 5 O0,AC COM .AT SW C OF NW/4 OF SW/4 OF 18-9-15 FOR POR THENCE RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDI TIONAL LEGAL 489 200915-00000003-0000 1,625.09 489 200915-00000003-0000 1,625.09 SLAUGHTER RICKY 31.OOOAC COM AT SE/C OF W/2 OF NE/4 OF NW/4 20-9-15 FOR POB, THENCE SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 490 200915-00000003-0050 62.70 490 200915-00000003,0050 62.70 SLAUGHTER RICKY C 10.000AC' COM AT NE/C OF NW/4 OF NE/4 OF ' 20-9-15 FOR POR THENCE RUN ON SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 491 200915-00000012-0010 146.95 491 200915-00000012-0010 146.95 BROWN HERBERT E JR & GAYLE 40.000AC SE/4 OF SE/4 78/628 103/252 (LEROY SAPP) 2003/4896 492 280915-00000002-0000 383.71 492 2809315-00000002-0000 383.71 BROWN HERBERT E JR 160.000AC N/2 OF NW/4 & SW/4 OF NW/4 & NW/4 OF SW/4 (SAPP PL) OR 55/624- & OR 62/511 . 493 310915-00000003-0020 69.75 493 3 i0915-00000003-0020 69.75 JORDAN KENNETH M 12.390AC COM AT SW/C OF 31-9-15 FOR POR THENCE RUN ON S LN OF SAID SEC .SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 494 031015-00000008-0000 1,140.27 494 031015-00000008-0000 1,140.27 MONTELEONE RITA & 5.000AC BEG AT SE/C OF SW/4 OF SE/4 GO N 621.09 FT TO NRLY EDGE SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 495 091015-00000018-0000 476.28 495 091015-00000018-0000 476.28 BOATWRIGHT CHRISTOPHER W ET AL 0.120AC COMMENCE 66 FT EAST OF SW CORNER OF SE/4 OF SW/4 AS POB SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 496 091015-01080000-0370 96.21 496 091015-01080000-0370 96.21 DEETER TONYA K LOT 37 PINES ESTATES SUBD 114/565 127/433 245/527 293/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 497 091015-01080000-0400 96.21 497 091015-01080000-0400 96.21 DEETER TONYA K 0. 180AC LOT 40 PINES ESTATES SUBD 114/565 127/433 245/527 293/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 498 091015-01080000-0430 HX 334.18 498 091015-01080000-0430 HX 334.18 RICHBURG JESSICA PAIGE 0.360AC LOTS 43 & 44 PINES ESTATES SUBD 114/565 127/433 245/527 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 499 091015-01080000-0830 96.21 499 091015-01080000-0830 96.21 LUCAS DEBRA DENISE 0.:180AC LOT 83 PINES ESTATES SUBD 32/44 42/582 136/185 2001/1704 2002/3640 500 091015-01080000-0840 HX 94.12 500 091015-01080000-0840 HX. 94.12 LUCAS DEBRA DENISE 0.360AC LOTS 84 & 105 PINE ESTATES SUBD 32/44 42/582 125/598 .136/185 1,87/517 292/57 - 501 091015-01080000-1060 96.21 501 091015-01080000-1060 96.21 LUCAS DEBRA DENISE 0.180AC LOT KIo PINES ESTATES SUBD 125/598 2002/3639 2002/3640 502 09101I 5-01080000-122i HX 30621 "502091015-01080000-1220) HX 30621 THOMAS ELMER & HELENA 0.360AC LOTS 122 & 123 PINES ESTATES SUBD 125/598 188/323 2001/1704 2001/1705 513 09 'I115-01080000-1370 167 97 503 091 tI15-0108001'i0-1370 167 97 CARLISLE KAYE V 0.180AC LOT 137 PINES ESTATE SUBD 114/565 117/53 127/433 170/11 220/102 221/251 2000/2730 504 091015-01080000-1510 553.24 504091015-01080000-1510 -.. 553.24'" DAVKIN PROPERTIES INC 0.380AC LOTS 151 & 152 PINES ESTATES 114/565 124/136 127/433 128/ . SEETAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL ':505 1110-15-u2370000-0380 HX :1,014.79 505 111015-02370000-0380 'HX 1,014.79 BLANKS JIMMY L .5.000AC LOT 38 OAK HOLLOW NORTH SUBD CONT 5 AC 183.554 199 21i 246 96 247 4-166 200(1 4081 2005 961 S 5.06 I I1015-000001.1 1-)010 176 54 I 50 II '015-00ii00i 1-0010 I 176.541 ' N ESBIK NICK I 69.060AC - COM AT SEC OF 11-10-15 AS POBGON"1I DEG W 125496 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 507 111015-02 37001:0-0010 HX 778 78 507 111015-02370000-t.)010 HX 778 78 MCKOY KEITH .5.000AC LOT I OAK HOLLOW NORTH COUNT 5 AC 183/540& 542 199216 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 508 111015-02370000-0070 394 54 VOLLAND ROBERT E & THOMLAS 5.000A LOT 7 OAK HOLLOW NORTH SLBD 176/674 -, .. )50o 11015-0237000:1-02830 381 32 509 110l5-023700')0-0280 381 32 BETANCOLiRT .jOSE M RE YES 5 :.:AC LOT 28 OAK HOLLOW NORTH SUBD CONT 5 AC 183 548 510 111015-U237'r00(0.0390 381 32 510 1ll0Il5-02370100-0.390 381 32 SN:GEL MN-RIL'|tN R 5 1),AC LOT 39 OAK HOLLOW NORTH SUBD CONT 5 AC 184 284 244 439 245 417 2"005 1399 20115 5445 " ': 511 1410l5-,)0000001-09i0 1060 511 14 I1015-00000 1(i01-0il0 ) 190 60 " SYESBIK NiCK I o7 I2''AC BEG AT NE COF 14-10-15 GOW 2370 FT NIL TOPTGO S 818 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 512 15101.5-0249000O-I030 1 558 82 - VALDES OSCAR &X WIL LIAM TERRY'- r -3.410, LOT 3 TRENTON 26 EAST SUBD CONT 3 42 AC 71,'96 82.445 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL - S 513 151015-02560000.002)0 1,217.18 S 513 151015-02560000-0020 1,217.18 PARSONS M H & SONS LL'IBER CO 1.300/ LOT 2 TRENTON 26 EAST FIRST ADDIT SUBD CONT 1.28 AC 71/96 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL * 514 161015-0038000B.0340 113.92 .514 161015-00)38000B-i:134 113.92 BRANNING SHAWNA 0.1 IOAC LOT 34 BL K B COL EMAN & ANDREWS SUBD 10o 684 107 247 10"'252 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 515 161015-00400015-0040 HX 1,156.96 515 1ol0I -.004-10001I 5-0040 HX 1,156.96 SHAARA SHERRY LYNN TILLMAN Q.340/ LOT 4 BLK 15 PIEDMONT SUBD 108/528 110/589-591 146/460 261/463,273/182 2000/1186 516 161015-0046000A-0041 1,115.61, '516 161015-0046000A-0041 1,115.61 CHAPMAN SHARON & EUGENE .0.370A S-50 FT OF LOT 4 BLK A & LOT 5 BLK A HOLMES. 1 ST ADDIT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 517 161015-00480044-0010 603.76 , 517 161015-00480044-0010 603.76 MCGEE JOHNNIE LEE ET AL 0.230AC LOT 1I BLK 44 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY 83/238 518 161015-00480056-0010 4 127.86 S518'161015-00480056-00I0 127.86 MCGEE DENNIS & 0.230AC LOT I BLK 56 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY 2822/54 282/405 2000/ 1520 519 161015-00000013-0000 634.83 519 161015-00000013-0000 634,83 NEESE JOHN F & DONNA 0.460AC BEG AT PT 668 FT N OF SW/C OF SE/4 OF NE/4 OF 16-10-15 GON SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 520 161015-00000015-0000 693.35 520- 161015-00000015-0000 693.35 CHARLES PUI LAM LEUNG 1.020AC COM AT SW/C OF SE/4 OF NE/4 OF 16-10-15 & RUN ON S LN OF SAID SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 521 161015-00000016-0000 1,946.30 521 161015-00000016-0000 1,946.30 CHARLES PUI LAM LEUNG 0.480AC COM AT SE COR OF SE/4 OF NE /4 GO W 330 FT TO POB GO N SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 522 161015-00000031-0000 875.55 522 161015-00000031-0000 875.55 JENKINS WILTON E & 0.590AC BEG AT NW COR OF SE/4 OF 16-10-15 RUN E 1116 FTTO POB SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 523 161015-00000041-0000 HX 94.12 523 161015-00000041-0000 HX 94.12 GAMBLE GLORIA A 0.340AC BEGIN AT SW/C OF NE/4 16-10-15 THENCE RUN N 02 DEG SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 524 161015-00000094-0000 HX 94.12 524 161015-00000094-0000 HX 94.12 SAPP TRAVIS & HEATHER 0.430AC COM AT CENTER OF 16-10-15 FOR A PT OF REF GO S ALONG CENTER SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL L 94,5F- X Ll"I Mau 11. 18,25. 2006 Gilchrist Contunl-iifHnaiint Tax List.' section B. Pa'e Five 525 161015-0038000A-0180 532.69 525 161015-0038000A-0180 532.69 STEPHENS MARY RUTH 0.340AC LOTS 18-19-20 BLK A COLEMAN & ANDREWS SUBD 43/631 61/236 & SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 526 161015-0038000A-0230 HX 94.12 526 161015-0038000A-0230 HX 94.12 BRUNGER OPAL-FAYE 0.110AC LOT 23 BLK A ANDREWS-COLEMAN' SUBD 123/449 201/207-211 2000/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 527.161015-0038000A-0340 342.68 527 161015-0038000A-0340 342.68 HAMMEL ARTHUR J & FRANCES G 0.110AC LOT 34 BLK A COLEMAN & ANDREWS SUBD 50/56 88/276 129/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 528 161015-0038000B-0010 442.92 528 161015-0038000B-0010 442.92 HENDRICKS LUCY J 0.460AC LOTS 1 2 52 & 53 BLK B COLEMAN & ANDREWS SUBDIVISION SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 529 161015-0038000B-0100 HX 1,279.77 529 161015-0038000B-0100 HX 1,279.77 COLSON SAMUEL G JR & VIOLET C 2.200AC LOTS 10-11-12-13-14-15-39-40 41-42 BLK B COLEMAN & ANDREWS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 530 161015-0038000B-0210 570.19 530 161015-0038000B-0210 570.19 HALIBURTON SANDRA E 0.230AC LOTS 21 & 22 BLK B COLEMAN & ANDREWS SUBD 107/357-358 2001/3284 2001/5058 531 161015-0038000B-0370 HX 94.12- 531 161015-0038000B-0370 HX 94.12 MOSHER WR & LISA H 0.110AC LOT 37 BLK B COLEMAN & ANDREWS SUBD 106/684 107/247 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 532 161015-0038000C-0210 101.47 532 161015-0038000C-0210 101.47 JOUVENAS SANDRA 0.110OAC LOT 21 BLK C COLEMAN & ANDREWS SUBD 108/175 125/356 2002/5496 533 161015-0038000C-0220 HX 329.73 533 161015-0038000C-0220 HX 329.73 JOUVENAS SANDRA 0.110AC LOT 22 BLK C COLEMAN & ANDREWS SUBD 91/480 & 482 125/303 2002/5496 534 161015-6038000D-0010 483.18 534 161015-0038000D-0010 483.18 HENDRICKS DAN L 0.430AC LOTS 1 2 3 & 4 BLK D COLEMAN & ANDREW SUBD 9-10-15 106/684 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL .535 161015-0038000D-0050 ;180.61 535 161015-0038000D-0050 180.61 TRIGGERS JERRY & CINDY M 0.230AC LOTS 5 & 6 BLK DCOLEMAN & ANDREWS SUBD 106/684 110/277 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 536 161015-0038000D-0140 304.61 536 161015-0038000D-0140 304.61 HENRY HENRY L & RACHEL CLARK 0.110AC LOT 14 BLK D ANDREWS-COLEMAN SUBD 164.567221/73 223/365 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 537 161015-00.)i00i|S-i03i') HX 94.12 537 lo I i 5-004t3.l' iS- -":, 3: C HX 94.12 CANNON DELL R II. 0.380AC LOT 3 BLK 18 PIEDMONT SUBD 82/70 188/428 234/242 288/266 296/273 538 161015-00400019-0010 1,651.37 538 161015.-'"404111|.ii0.111 1,651.37 RLS5i.'iM 5.Af.L-.Ji'MA i.-I\ L'.L' I .1 ,.C LOT I BLk 19 PIEDMONT SLiB'D' 39'41 127211 237o 7239.26 SEETAXROLL FOR ADDI ION, ILLEGAL 539 161015-0041000V-0180 106.76 539 161015-0041000V-0180 106.76 MCDONAL D ROBERT E & KATHERINE 0.1 IO0AC LOT 18 BLK V BEACH ADDIT 69/ 452 203/105 217/66 233/185 VACATING ALLEY 249/57 285/682 540 161015-0041000V-0190 HX 468.50 540 161015-0041000V-0190 HX 468.50 MCDONALD ROBERT E & KATHERINE 0.330AC LOTS 19 20 & 21 BLK V BEACH ADDIT 69/452 203/664 205/321 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 541 161015-0042000E-0010 989.18 541 161015-0042000E-0010 989.18 WILLIAMS PATRICIA ANN & RILLA 0.340AC LOTS 1 & 2 BLK E B F WILLIAMS (100' X 150') 193/335 2000/ , 1964 542 161015-0042000E-0030 180.61 542 161015-0042000E-0030 180.61 WILLIAMS W J MRS FRANCES 0.510AC LOTS 3 7 8 BLK E B F WILLIAMS SUBD DB 6/127 4/441 135/117 193/335 543 161015-00430001-0040 1,716.81 543 161015-00430001-0040 1,716.81 FEATHER MARK J & NATALIE L 0.240AC LOT 4 & W/2 OF LOT 5 BLK 1 HOLMES SECOND ADDITION 92/648 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 544 161015-00430008-0030 HX 493.89 544 161015-00430008-0030 HX 493.89 DEEN JOHN W & SHERRIE F 0.150AC LOT 3 BLK 8 HOLMES 2ND ADDITION & A STRIP 100 X 12 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 545 161015-00430008-0040 HX 1,401.92 545 161015-00430008-0040 HX 1,401.92 DEEN G RILEY & LAURA LEIGH 0.170AC LOT 4 & W/2 OF LOT 5 BLK 8 HOLMES 2ND ADDIT 176/621 223/ 527 2004/5952 . 546 161015-00440000-0090 HX 94.12 546 161015-00440000-0090 HX 94.12 " COLLINS WAYNE 0.270AC LOT 9 AYERS ESTATES 82/305 ^236/197 2005/3816 S547 161015-00440000-0100 HX 456.89 S547 161015-00440000-0100 HX 456.89 TROWBRIDGE RONALD 0.250AC tOT 10 AYERS ESTATES 55/693 ,'6/624 86/431 120/347 121/462 .EE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S548 161015-00440000-0340 411.57 . 548 161015-00440000-0340 411.57 FLETCHER LEONARD V 0.220AC JOT 34 AYERS ESTATE SUBD 56f 97 68/31 80/169 90/671 171/ '.EE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL '.549 161015-00440000-0400 HX 94.12 49 1610 I5-0'440000-0400 HX 94.12 SREl 'AS .iiM & LINDA 0.210AC .OT 41:. A' ERS ESTATES SUBD ',' -'"1.:,'? 11- u3/434 104/150 ,EE TA'*. R,.'LL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 550 161015-00440000-0530 HX 130.75 '"550 161015-00440000-0530 HX 130.75 *ISCHOFF ROBERT T 0.220AC 'OT 53 AYERS EST SUBD 80/169 123/71 141/216 160/230 175/32 ;13/61 224/226 '551 161015-00440000-0760 HX 240.24 '551 161015-00440000-0760 HX 240.24 WAREHOUSE RICHIE ALLEN & 0.430AC -,TS 76 & 77 AYERS ESTATES i/81 81/588 & 567 46/236 .E TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 552 161015-00440000-0780 HX -300.67 552 161015-00440000-0780 HX 300.67 DECHANT LUCIE 0.220AC LOT 78 AYERS ESTATES 73/457 79/403 96/664 285/523 285/525 285/526 553 161015-00440000-0890 451.41 553 161015-00440000-0890 451.41 MASON BILLIE M & CHARLES 0.320AC W/2 OF 89 & LOT 90 AYERS EST 102/122.127/285.265/633 270/ 651 554 161015-00440000-0910 368.70 554 161015-00440000-0910 368.70 . NER TRUST 0.210AC LOT 91 AYERS ESTATES SUBD 141/145 247/676 279/111 555 161015-00440000-0940 HX 404.49 555 161015-00440000-0940 HX 404.49 GORDON CONSTANCE 0.420AC LOTS 94 & 95 AYERS ESTATES OR 74/406 88/67 1071214 122/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL. 556 161015-00440000-1350 882.28 556 161015-00440000-1350 882.28 HINES PATRICIA 0.210AC, LOT 135 AYERS ESTATES 47/71 51/320-321 58/637 65/673-674 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL, LEGAL 557 161015-00470002-0010 1,174.08 557 161015-00470002-0010 1,174.08 JOHNSON MAC C & 0.140AC LOTS 1 45 BLK 2 ROGERS & JONES ADDIT DEED BOOK 16/568 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 558 161015-00470002-0100 43.46 558 161015-00470002-0100 43.46 BEAUCHAMP R LUTHER 0.280AC LOTS 10& 11 BLK 2 ROGERS JONES ADDIT 101-368 185 14 SEETAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 559 161015-00480007-0010 HX 94.12 559 161015-00480007-0010 HX 94.1'2 HARRAHNEOTA 0.100AC E/2 OF LOT 1 BLK 7 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY 145'524 196 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 560 161015-00480009-0020 HX 145.15 560 161015-00480009-0020 HX 145.15 REYNOLDS GEORGE A & MARY I 0.230AC LOT 2 BLK 9 TRENTON ORIGINAL' SURVEY OR 46 P 615 OR 71/230 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 561161015-00480009-0050 HX "307.89 561. 161015-00480009-0050 HX 307.89 DEEN LOSSIEB 0.230AC LOT 5 BLK 9 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY 78/699 VACATED ALLEY SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 562 161015-00480010-0011 863.90 562 161015-1)(480010-"(01 I 863.90 TOOKEMARKT' 0 12,.'AC W/2 OF LOT I LESS TRA OFF E SIDE & EARLY 35 FT OF LOT 2 & SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 563 161015-00480022-0061 698!90 5o3 161015-'.10480022-0061 698.90 HATCH.IAMES W 0.130AC W/2 OF LOTS 6-7 BLK 22 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 5641ol1015-00480032-0060i 525 21 4.645 1611'-021480i'032-.i60 ,52521 TOOK ..IARK 0.210AC LOT 6 BLK 32 TRENTON CORIG iNA L SURVEY 49/488 72/37277/634 : SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 565 161015-00480033-001, HX 94.12 565 161015-00480033.0i11 IHX, 94.12 .... PAXTON TAMMY & L A P.P 0.110AC 73 1/3 FT OFF E SIDE LOT I BLK33 TRENTON ORIG SIUR\ OR SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 566 161015-00480036-0030 HX 94.12 566 161015-00480036-0030 HX 94.12 BISHOP DEBORAH L 0.160AC LOT 3 BLK 36 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY DB 6/500 11/43 257/707 278/618 2001/3784 567 161015-00480039-0020 HX 435.64 567 161015-00480039-0020 HX 435.64 HAYNES PAMELA J & MARCIA A \ 0.360AC LOT 2 BLK 39 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY & PART OF VACATED ST ON SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 568 161015-00480040-0010 725.07 568 161015-00480040-0010 725.07 MURRAY ELANDA .0.460AC LOT 1 & 4 BLK 40 TRENTON ' ORIGINAL SURVEY 45/505 126/87 - 132/575 2003/6507 2004/6524 569.161015-00480040-0021 48.72 569 161015-00480040-0021 48.72 WASHINGTON ELVERT L 0.090AC PART OF. VACATED ST DESC AS BEG AT NW/C OF LOT 2 BLK 40 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 570 161015-00480040-0061' 75.10 570 161015-00480040-0061 75.10 HOGAN LATRENDA S 0.090AC BEGIN AT, SW/C OF LOT 6 BLK 40 TRENTON ORIG SURVEY GO W 60 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL. 571 161015-00480041-0040 233.35 571 161015-00480041-0040 233.35 CAMBRIDGE BENTON 0.460AC LOTS 4 & 5 BLK 41 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY TAX DEED BOOK 1 PAGES 123 & 125 572 161015-00480045-0011 199.63 572 161015-00480045-0011 199.63 PERRY CHARLIE & PERRY HENRY 0.230AC E/2 OF LOTS 1 & 4 BLK 45 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY 2002/ 421 * 573 161015-00480046-0020 326.18 573 161015-00480046-0020 326.18 GENT R L FRANKLIN 0.460AC LOTS 2 & 3 BLK 46 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY & PART OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 574 161015-00480046-0040 127.86' 574 161015-00480046-0040 127.86 PERRY CHARLIE 0.230AC LOT 4 BLK 46 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY 2002/421 575 161015-00480046-0050 127.86 575 161015-00480046-0050 127.86 WILSON GLEN R 0.230AC LOT 5 BLK 46 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY PROBATE BOOK 31/320 576 161015-00480047-0030 332.30 576 161015-00480047-0030 332.30 MCGEE TERESA & KATHY & JAMES 0.460AC LOT 3 & 6 BLK 47 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY 57/119 57/321 190/622 190/624 577 161015-00480050-0020 ,HX 469.92. 577 161015-00480050-0020 HX 469.92 WASINGTON ELVERT L 0.500AC LOTS 2-3 BLK 50 LESS R/W ON E & THAT PORTION OF FIRST AVE W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 578 161015-00480054-0040 233.35 578 161015-00480054-0010\ .233.35 WILSON GLEN R ..080AC LOTS I & 4 BLK 54 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY 18/451 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 579 171015-00490004-0050 199.63 579 171015-00490004-0050 199.63 SCOTT HELEN D & 0.11 OAC LOT 5 BLK 4 WADE & BELL ADDITION 282/405 282/454 2000/1508 580 171015-00490005-0010 349.68 580 171015-00490005-0010 349.68 LANEL J & MARIE 0.570AC LOTS 1 2 & 3 BLK 5 WADE & BELL ADDIT 21.6/448 238/436 238/437 282/405 282/454 581 171015-00490014-0010 HX 222.77 581 171015-00490014-0010 HX 222,77 WILLIAMS MICHAEL & PEARLIE 0.230AC LOTS 1-2 BLK 14 WADE & BELL 120/229-230 20" 5i 124p 582 171015-00490016-0050 HX 94.12 582 171015-00490016-0050 HX 94.12 THOMAS ELMER & FRANKIE 0.460AC LOTS 56 7 5 BLK It, WADE & BELL 45'12 242 2 '1 242'211 20'0.'224 .. 583 ? 11)15-004901r017-01:01.50 127 . 583.171015-00.490017-0050 127.86 SCOTT HELEN D& 0.110AC LOT 5 BLK 17 WADE & BELL ADDIT 282/405 282/454 584 171015-00490017-0060 127.86 584 171015-00490017-0060 127 86 HEATH'.ALTER I.IRSiCRESSIEi 0.10AC LOT6 BLK 17 WADE & BELL 585 171015-051I:I0 'i: 10-01330 HX 404 93 585 171015- :i05 i .iii r.10-133: HX 4'I4 93 BL'YTHE GEORGE KE\ IN i 40nAC LOT 33 PINEWOOD SUBD 47/287 - 113/496 142/193 142/194181/ ' 449 225 435 229/324 259/537 586 1710 I 5-).liirii" .0-'2 H.X 4JS 12 . 58o 1710I :,01 i:i5i.01:l .oi-,':521I HN 486 12 TEMPLE TON GARY L 0 400AC LOT 52 PiNEWCOD SUiBD & STRIP . F 10 FTX IC FT METES & BOUNDS ... SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITION L LEGAL 587 171l 15-1(16'000 :92.-01 HX 79.n :i3 . BEALiLIELi DONALD M & .A DREY 5.380AC COM T S\\ COR CF SW 4 OF SE '4 GO ALG \, LN N :'2 DEG ., SEE TAX ROLL FOR A.DDITIC'NAL LEGAL. 588 I "'11: 5-i49i.0'01- 1.:11:10 HX 94 1 2 588 17i015-00490:01-0010 HX 94 12 W IL E) BARBARA J 0 I 1IO0AC LOTS I & E 1.0 FT OCF LOT 2 BLK - I \ ADE & BELL "74 3' 76 9' 4u , SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 589 171 I 5-'049')i:i000-4.: FI0010 HX 57 8.3 BROWN DEBRA L & ANNIE 1M BROWN 0.340AC LOTS 2 & 3 BLK 4 \'ADE & BELL ADDITION 119 177 23) 251 253 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL - 5. i 17| 1, ,oi":,49, ,,05-,'.), ,,, o3 590 171015-00490005-0050 199.63 LANE L J &.I MARIE 0 I10AC : LOT 5 BLK 5 WADE & BELL ADDIT 216 448 282 45 262 454 591 I| i:IS-':."'49''0i-".]':'b''6 1 i2 86 591 7i 5- i4wi00 -'-i.i. 127 86 LIC-.S DEBRA DENSE .1 I IOAC . SLOT 6 BLK 5 'WADE 7 BELL ADDiT 142 62 loS t') 0 282 4i)5 282.454 592 17 I:1 -I.I-iii49iiI0i) -.I ."1 31941'0 '92 I 71|[ I 5-i):1049'i)"1 :5.11fi(711 31 49 CARTER I\ILLiE MERLE '3 I LOTS 7 S'9 BL K ? V ADE & BELL DDIT 1412 t2 165 52 & 1.1 282 4,:15 282 454 , ' '' 593 171015-00(.a'008K0070 .233).:a Ml K. 5'3 171i0 5-004 ..08.070 3' i ' \ V.iLSON GLORIA 23Y'.AC LOTS'& 8BLKSWhVADE& BELL 47 571 224 518 2004 35' 594 1'',-15-00490009-0050 ,. 544 16 594 171015-00490009-0050 5J44 16 . MCQUEEN HILTON & LOUISE 0.230AC LOTS 5-6 BLK 9 WADE & BELL 120/33 ' 595 |17 'i" 1: 4H'.' 14" '"I '''3' H \ 94 1 2 595 171015-00490010-0030 HX 94.12 YARRELL PAMELA N IL SON 0.230AC LOTS 3 & 4 BLK 10 WADE & BELL DEED BOOK 6/8 12/302 12/304 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 596 171015-00490011-0030 HX 310.65 596 171015-00490011-0030, HX 310.65 LANE LJ & MARIE 0.230AC LOT 3 BLK 11 WADE & BELL & LOT 4 BLK 11 WADE & BELL SEE'TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 597 171015-0049001 I-0090 305.12 597 171015-00490011 I-'i 305.12 - MASON WILLIAM J DR 0.230AC LOTS 9 & 10 BLK 11 WADE & BELL ADDITION 72/505 228/001 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 598 171015-00490012-0030 HX 818.63 598,171015-00490012-0030 HX 818.63, MCGEE JIMMY LEE & ELLA MAE' 0.690AC LOTS 3 45 67 8 BLK 12 WADE & BELL ADD 62/109 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 599 171015-00490014-0030 233.35 599 171015-00490014-0030 233.35 NORRIS CURTIS LEE 0.230AC LOTS 3 & 4 BLK 14 WADE & BELL 99/395 120/609 274/136 282/ 405 282/454 ' 600 171015-00490014-0110 234.41 600 171015-00490014-0110 234.41 BROWN RENA.EST 0.230AC LOTS 11-12 BLK 14 WADE & BELL OR 73/550 601 171015-0049001.8-0050 75.10 601 171015-00490018-0050 75.10 EPHRAIM WILLIE C 0.1 10AC LOT 5 BLK 18 WADE & BELL ADDITION 70/539 199/162 282/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL. 602 171015-00490018-0060 197.89 602 171015-00490018-0060 197.89 EPHRAIM WILLIEC 0.110AC LOT 6 BLK 18 WADE & BELL TAX DEED 208/571 2004/3120-3121 2005/802 603 171015-00490018-0070 390'.07 603 171015-00490018-0070 390.07 GASKINS KENNETH B 0.220AC LOTS 7 & 8 BLK 1'8 WADE & BELL ADDIT 45/151 SUMMARY ADMINI- SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 604 171015-00490019-0030 HX 488.55 604 171015-00490019-0030 HX 488.55 SIMS LONNIE & LENA 0.440AC LOTS 3 4 9 10 BLK 19 WADE & BELL 605 171015-00490019-0110 233.35 605 171015-00490019-0110 233.35 GASKINS KENNETH B 0.220AC LOTS 11 & 12 BLK 19 WADE & BELL SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 606 171015-00500000-0430 HX 449.98 606 171015-00500000-0430 HX 449.98 FAISON LESLIE & BERRY HEATHER 0.400AC LOT 43 PINEWOOD SUBD 49/267 147/589 196/677 203/571 210/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 607 171015-00500000-0500 889.36 607 171015-00500000-0500 889.36 ROBERTS CHRISTOPHER A & 0.400AC . LOT 50 PINEWOOD SUBD 47/108 102/256-257 113/274 125/267 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 608 171015-00510000-0080 HX 563.8.6 608 171015-00510000-0080 HX 563.86 SECRET PATRICIA ANN 0.340AC LOT 8 SCHOFIELD BROTHERS SUBD 107/561 609 181015-01770000-0120 455.18 609 181015-01770000-0120: 455.18 HENDRICKS DANL & LUCY J 5.000AC LOT.12 1ST ADDIT LANCASTER EST SUBD LESS 1.256 AC IN SEC .SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 610 181015-00760004-0000 1,365.44 610 181015-00760004-0000 1,365.44 WILSON EDWARD MICHAEL & 2.020AC LOT 4 & 5 LANCAS'ER ESTATES 17-10-15 78/185 85/348 88/68 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 61 1 I Sii 5.I-0,i'7.i ,iC]10.i'":iiii' 1 .723.18. 611 181.il --".7p':" |. )-i:0: 1,723.18 CASTOR PATRICK A & DENISE L 2.180AC LOT 10 LANCASTER ESTATES 17-10-15.77/540 132/146 LESS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL - 612 1810IJ5-0 7i)i:000-i.iii 0 HX 196.37 .612"181015-0177000,0-0050 HX 196.37 DA\ IS DEWAYNE & LINDA F DAVIS .5.310AC LOT 5 1ST ADDITION LANCASTER ESTATES SUiBD CONT 5 31 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 613'181015-01770000-0130 HX: 806.92 613 181015-01770000-0130 HX 806.92 PIERSON DONALD & DIANE 6.270AC LOT 13 IST ADDIT LANCASTER EST SUBD & A PORTION OF LQT 12 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S 1i4 18 :i 5-01 77 0,:,:"3.')18u H\ I '37 614 161I 15."i|770il'i-i| H\ 196 37 RIESER BRENDA 5 l)(OAC LOT IS LANCASTER ESTATES 1ST ADDITION IN I?-17.10-15CONT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 615 19101.)l ''I I "', 'ii0 iii,,:6-01:iii 151.33 615 I u 191015-.Ii000jiii16-.100 151.33 BROWNING W P 40.000AC NW 4 OFSE4 16301.1 21.0 '4- . 567 PIPELINE EASEMENTS 210/569. SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S616 201015-0.0000004-0030 HX 1,108.25 l6. 2 |i:I| 5-f.'ii:'i.i""iiii4.:Iii.3i X H 1,108.25 W IGGiNS.IM.IESE& CECELIA DEEN 10.210AC .CO.I.IAT S%% C OF NE.4 20-1 )- 15 R POB THENCE RUN ALG W' LN SEE TA\ ROLL FOP ADDITIONAL LEGAL' 617 2I.11I)15-ii:ii:ii')S.-i0".J H N 2.4:1i5 17 61 5 2. 1 (,i ilii 5 I:li 0 S-i)i0:i0 H \ 2 4i:i5 17 RIDGEWAY DUANE I & CELESTE EG 28.940AC COMr. AT SE COR COF N 2 OF NW 4 AS POB GO ALG S LN OF N/ 2 OF SEE T AX ROLL FOR A DDI T IONA L LEGAL c.I S, 21 I015-i:.ii:,:ii:i:ii:ii:i-u 2:i HX i .I .2:i 27 618 21 I, ?15-,:)':,,:',:',:':' I':'-'''.)2':' H X I S2,' 27 DREA.-.l BUILDERS DE% ELOPIIENT 4:000AC : COM AT SE.C OF S'. 4 OF NMI 4 21-10-15 FORPOR TI-ENCE Ri- ii N SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 61|) 21 lI| -,:,000,,,J12-,'1:)11 H\ 196 37 ' 61921,1015-00000012-0000 HX 196.37 LOVETT KENNETH & PHYLLIS I 920AC LONG METES & BDS DESC IN OR 46 P'S 3.,I & :.s2 AND ALSO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITI,-ON.L LEG \L; .2:., 21 Ir I .-'"::590 ':,0-00i 0 I N HN 4:34 83 ... n2, 21101?-,.,0 ;"i,:i, i-0:":. .ii H.\ 434 S3 .;. ; n. W RIGHT KAPEN SLE I ,)','AC ' L',:,1 'j, UL i5 L'ib l'. isl N 67 138 iS 35 128 .-1 ", I ' 162 194 226 134 .21 22"FII 1o-3i',,)i :i,5-,i '2 Ii HN "34 I.1 1) 621 221015-00000005-0020 HX '654.00 S WILSON ROY MLURRAl iR R23I)AC COMMENCE AT NW C OF 22. -1-15 FOR A POINT OF REFERENCE SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 622 221015-00000006-0080 HX 818.27 622 221015-00000006-0080 HX 818.27 BALKCOM BARRY & DIANE M 1:240AC COM AT NW/C OF SW/4 GO S 668.46 FT TO POB CONT S SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL' 623 221015-00000004-0000 4,219.341 623 221015-0000004-0000 4,219.34 MARINE MAINTENANCE SERVICE OF 5.51 OAC COM AT NW/C OF 22-10-15 FOR POR THENCE RUN ALG W LN OF SEC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 624 221015-00000006-0040 1,819.20 624 221015-00000006-0040 1,819.20 BROWN ARTHUR W & STACEY 2.440AC COM AT NW/C OF SW/4 GO N 86 DEG E 347.76 FT TO POB CONT E SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 625 231015-00000010-0000 HX 2,018.41 625 231015-00000010-0000 HX 2,018.41 STULL RODNEY B 2.000AC COM AT SE/C OF SW/4 23-10-15 FOR POR THENCE RUN ALG S LN OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 626 231015-00000010-0050 2,009.85 626 231015-00000010-0050 2,009.85 STULL RODNEY B 1 1.710AC SE/4 OF SW/4 63/547 70/286 91/ ' 205 108/602 112/586 113/593 SSEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 627 261015-00000004-0030 1,795.49 627 261015-00000004-0030 1,795.49 STULL RODNEY B 10.440AC E/2 OF N/2 OF N/2 OF NW/4 LESS RD R/W LESS 2.02 AC TO HENRY SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 628 261015-00000004-0032 1,047.68 628 261015-00000004-0032 1,047.68 RIDGELL THOMAS M& BETTY J 6.01 OAC COM AT NE/C OF NW/4 26-10-15 FOR POR THENCE RUN ALG E LN OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 629 281015-00610000-0030 HX 774.54 629 281015-00610000-0030 HX 774.54 OSTEEN MARVIN HENRY JR & BETTY 1 .000AC LOT 3 WILMOR UNREC SUBD 53/533 56/414 200/480 630 281015-00610000-0070 HX 2,060.21 630 281015-00610000-0070 HX 2,060.21 LANDRUM MYREL D & BARBARA A 0.910AC LOT 7 WILMOR UNREC SUBD 52/48 90/627 122/467 128/500- 503 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 631 281015-00610000-0201 1,470.63 631 281015-00610000-0201. 1,470.63 BRADLEY CLIFTON E & 1.170AC W 159.39 FT OF LOT 20 WILMOR UNREC SUBD DESC IN METES & BDS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 632 281015-03070000-0020 HX 1,558.42 632 281015-03070000-0020 HX 1,558.42 PORTER DIANE 2.000AC LOT 2 COUNTY LINE PINES 214/ 663 2004/2488 2004/6764 633 291015-00000001-0010 307.14 633 291015-00000001-0010 307.14 ALLEN THOMAS FRANK & BARBARA 10.000AC SW/4 OF NW/4 OF NE/4 TOGETHER W/EASEMENT 5/55 61/200 236/113 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 634291015-00000002-0000 1,164.72 634 291015-00000002-0000 1,164.72 JOHNSON MAC C & DANA D 1.660AC, COM AT NE/C OF SECT GO S 1327.72 FT GO N 89 DEG W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 635 291015-00000002-0015 2,360.54 635 291015-00000002-0015 2,360.54 JOHNSON MAC C & DANA D 3.790AC COM AT SW/C OF NE/4 OF NE/4 OF 29-10-15 FOR POR THENCE RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 636 300716-00000002-0010 HX 260.57 636 300716-00000002-0010 HX 260.57 DOUGLAS SAMUEL & LINDA 2.000AC BEG AT NE/C OF NE/4 OF NW/4 GO W 300 FT S 300 FT E 300 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 637 300716-00000002-0040 HX' 196.37 637 300716-00000002-0040 HX 196.37 DOUGL.-S COUNCIL JR& JANICE 19.000AC NE/4 OF NW/4 N OF CO RD 138 LESS 2 AC TO SAMUEL DOUGLAS SEE TAX ROLL. FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 638 300716-00000006-0020 HX 196.3,7 638 300716-00000006-0020 HX 196.37 CREWS STANLEY K 4.870AC FOR POR COM AT SE/C OF LOT 8 K-K-L&S ESTATES THENCE RUN N SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 639 3'0 716-00000011-0015 HX 196.37. 639 300716-00000011- 01I5 HX 196.37 MILLER TENNIELLE" 5.000AC FOR POR COM AT NW/C OF NW/4 OF SE/4 OF 30-7-16 THENCE S 1 DEG SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL , 640 300716-00570000-0130 HX 921.96 640 300716-00570000-0130 HX 921.96 MARTIN RONALD & CHRISTINA 4.250AC LOT 13 K KL & S ESTATES CONT. 4.24 AC 195/576 UTIL EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL" 641320716-00000008-0000 266.77 641 320716-00000008-0000 266.77 PINE RIDGE PLANTATION I LLC 80.000AC S/2 OF SE/4 91/413-419 107/ 35-39 295/135 2004/6717 2004/ 4504 2004/4505 2005/2823 642 330716-00000008-0000 151.33 642 330716-00000008-0000 151.33- PINE RIDGE PLANTATION I LLC 40.000AC SW/4 OF SW/4 91/413-419,107/ 35-39 295/135 2003/6717 2004/, 4504 2004/4505 2005/2823 S643010816-00000005-0010 370.37 643 010816-00000005-0010 370.37 WALSH SHARON ELAINE '5.000AC S/2 OF S/2 OF W/2 OF SW/4 OF SW/4 73/362 77/560 81/216 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL o44 I"1 8 It -1:11 :"1A1005 '0. |l I 380 So 644 010816-00000005-0011 380.80 WALSH SHARON E 15.000AC W/2 OF SW/4 OF SW/4 LESS 5 AC SPLIT OUT 73 36277 5-" 81 216 SEE TA. ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL .645 010816-00000005-0030 HX 472.11 645 010816-'1, 'i1':-1.1031.1 HX 472.11 HOLLEY HEATHER RENEE 1.000AC FOR POB COM AT NW/C OF NE/4 OF SW/4 OF SW/4GO S 210FT _ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL o4) 1)30816-il)1111:i1106-0illIi HX 36o 07 616i 30s16-00,00,00X-000.0 H\" 36617: "'ERNON NORfM .I I 00011C CO-M AT SE COR COF NE 4 OF SEC & GO G' 420 FT GO N 30FT TO. N SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 647 3'i I o-OO. -,ii 'ii.ii Oiui 3.55.69 -,c 0 NE iL ITERR'i' LEE I E0AC COM AT SE COR OF NE 4 AS POREFGOWALG 1/2SECLN , SEE TAX ROLL FpR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 648 "u:,8168I.-vu.)":l',.,),I'l' -."|1. 0 HX 1,140.72 646 : i' 0S"'"'. :" ) :"'c 5.,1:'11 HX 1,140.72 BARBER MARION ELBERT & 14.650AC COM AT SE/C OF 3-8-16 FOR POB & RUN ALG E LN OF SAID SEC 3 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 649 040816-00710001-0030 1,826.71 649 040816-00710001-0030 1,826.71 MOUNT WARREN T & PATTI S 10.000AC LOT 3 BLK 1 UNIT 1 SPRING RIDGE SUBD'80/344 BIG LOT 244/ 102 267/302 267/304 650 040816-00720004-0020 HX 1,788.71 650 040816-00720004-0020 HX .1,788.71 OELFKE MARJORIE JANE 1.080AC LOT 2 BLK 4 UNIT-2 SPRING RIDGE SUBD 62/139 65/82 70/117 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 651040816-07300005-0030 HX 1,265.00 S651040816-07300005-0030 HX 1,265.00 CALVERT JOY L 2.220AC LOTS 3 & 4 BLK 5 UT 3 SPRING RIDGE SUBD CONT 2 AC 99/74 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 652 040816-07400001-0020 861.79 652 040816-07400001-0020 861.79 FLOYD TODD 4.620AC LOT 2 BLK I UT 4 SPRING RIDGE SUBD 94/69 161/28 244/166 267/ 309 2002/903 653 040816-07400001-0090 HX 2,136.08 653040816-07400001-0090 HX 2,136.08 PARHAM RONALD A & JENNY L I 1.020AC LOT 9 BLK 1 UNIT 4 SPRING RIDGE SUBD 161/28 176/405 267/ 309 2000/2729 2001/1968 654 040816-07400001-0190 HX 403.80 654 040816-07400001-0190 HX 403.80 MELNICK PETER M & DONNA R 1.OOAC LOT 19 BLK I UNIT4 SPRING RIDGE SUBD 113/96 128/479 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 655 040816-07500000-0130 HX 1,292.85 655 040816-07500000-0130 HX 1,292.85 TALLMAN SUZANNE M 1.020AC LOT 13 BLK 1 UNIT 5 SPRING RIDGE SUBD 108/7 205/712 248/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 656 050816-00000002-0030 349.10 656 050816-00000002-0030 349.10 PINE RIDGE PLANTATION I LLC 120.000AC NW/4 OF NE/4 & N/2 OF NW/4 2004/4504 2004/4505 2005/2823 S657 070816-01020000-0090 HX 196.37 657 070816-01020000-0090 HX 196.37 CROSBY THOMAS CARL 5.270AC LOT 9 HIGH SPRINGS HEIGHTS SUBD CONT 5.27 AC 213/139 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 658 070816-01020000-0300 HX 196.37 658 070816-01020000-0300 HX 196.37. FLEMMING DANIEL L & 5.280AC LOT 30 HIGH SPRINGS HEIGHTS SUBD CONT 5.275 AC 105/267 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 659 070816-01020000-0320 HX 196.37 659 070816-01020000-0320 HX 196.37 FLEMMING GALE MARIE 5.270AC LOT 32 HIGH SPRINGS HEIGHTS SUBD CONT 5.27 AC 147/573 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 660 100816-00000004-0010 669.35 660 100816-00000004-0010 669.35 SWEAT MARCUS E & DOLORES J 10.050AC COM AT NW/C OF SW/4 OF 10-8-16 FOR A PT OF REF GO S SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL lvl"y LJ.,,-LU, A.LJf d'-VL/V Lot. %--U"ILy A ".4, & -6- .-- Secrtionn B.-PaveSix. Gilchrist Countu Delinauent Tax List Mail 18, 25, 2006 661 100816-00000004-0060. 414.49 661 100816-00000004-0060. 414.49 SCHRODER HENRY J & LINDA P P 5.020AC W/2 OF FOLLOWING DESC COM AT NW/C OF SW/4 OF 10-8-16 FOR A SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 662 100816-00740000-0110 HX 196.37 662 100816-00740000-01-10 HX 196.37 SCOTT ALFRED EUGENE & ELLEN 5.030AC LOT 11 SANTA FE FOREST SUBD OR 72/625 96/133 222/561 222/563 663 100816-00740000-0140 415.26 663 100816-00740000-0140 415.26 SIMMONS SELDON W & FLORENCE E 5.030AC LOT 14 SANTA FE FOREST SUBD 70/694 173/603 208/688 223/449 2000/3021 664 100816-00740000-0170 HX 351.11 664 100816-00740000-0170 HX, 351.11 RUFF MARY ANN & MAGDALENE MARY 5.010A LOT 17 SANTA FE FOREST SUBD 87/641 88/540-542 156/380 SEE TAX RQLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 665 100816-00740000-0270 HX -569.84 665 100816-00740000-0270 HX 569.84 WILGUS VERNON JAMES & JUNE 10.070AC , LOTS 27 & 28 SANTA FE FOREST SUBD 73/417 223/449 233/412 666 110816-00000002-0000 HX 902.04 666 110816-00000002-0000 HX 902.04 MOBLEY WILLIAM C JR & JUDITH-C 87.000AC BEG AT NE COR OF NW/4 11-8-- . 16 ES APP 330 FT TO POB THEN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 667 10816-00000007-0010 284.99 667 110816-00000007-0010 : 284.99 SIMMONS SELDON W & FLORENCE 1.000AC COM AT NE/C COF V 2 OF 4 GO . S 1075.4 FTGOW524FTGOS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 668 110816-00000008-0020 488.93 668 110816-00000008-0020: 488.93 SIMMONS SELDON V' & F L ORENCEE 6.000AC 6ACM/LDESC -ASFOCLL(OWS BEG ATA PT 14Soo FTS& i32 5 - SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 6':*P I I )16-''0U0f0s. 0 '0"0 HH 9xc;15 31.1 , ,69 I i .16.-l:II.:iii' -00',0 i HX 915 310 GERA.-PD ..-\THERiliE KORDANA 0IO.00AC BEG AT PT'2248 FT 10.1N S& : & -' 190 FT W OF, NE COR OF W/2 OF . SEE TAXROLL FO.R DDITiON.,L LEGAL 670 110816-00000013-0000 HX 872 48 670 110816-00000013-0000 HX b.72 4.I 8 . THOMAS PHYLLIS 6 .550,C " BEG AT SE/C OF SE/4 OF SE/4 GO N18 FT TON R/W LI4EOF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 671 110816-00000013-0080 H\X I 2 71. 671 110816-00000013-0080 H.\ I 21" - BASS DAVID L 781I,,C COMATSE/C OF 11-08-16 THENCE RUN N 00 DEG ALONG.E : SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL: . C.?2 120 :..,'11 ,",.r :il I'. 11. 0 36(J 1I I .672 12081-00000001-000 3641.9 THOMAS JAMES J 4.4080AC COM AT SW/C OFNE/40F OF 12-8-16 AS PT OF REF GO N27 : SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 673 2. I .i .,, .i ,i 1 4 .l- 1 I: HX 256.28 673 120816-00000004-0010 HX. 256.28. : HUNTER LORIANN E & JERRY 1.OOOAC COM AT NE/C OF NW/4 OF NE/4OF 12-08-16 FOR POR THENCE GO S SEE TAX ROLL.FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 674 1 l:'.'i, l 0:", 0(,,' 7.-001'| H : i78 01: . 674 130816-.90000007-0010 HX-. ,578.01 LANGFORD LADONA A 5.620AC COM AT SW/C OF 13-8-16 GO E, 585.83.FT TO POB CONT E SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITi:O.' L LEGAL '. 675 140816-0000000110008 HX 2' S9 675 1li.s, i'..,01.,0,.1 ,[l i-i0Iii HX 249.89 SNYDER JULIAN B JR & DOLERAS C 2:500AC NE/4 OF NE/4 OF NE/4 OF NE/4 2.50 AC 89/518 94/678 95/158 SEE T '-.X POLL FO.-P. DDTITN.1AL LEG kL M r,-r, .I4 It..',IL'.,.,.,ly .I 3l. I 185 I - 676 140816-00000002-0130. .1,185.11 . LOGAN KATHERINE J 10.060AC SE/4 OF SW/4 OF SE/4 (LOT 13) CONT 10 6n. \C TOGETHER SEEIT .'*: ROLL FOR DDITi i'.'-..L LEGAL 677 150816-00000001-0040 HX 1,081.38 677150816-00000001-0040' HX 1,081.38 GILLESPIE WILLIAM E & 11.560AC COM AT SE/C OF 15-8-16 GO W 1314.43 FT GON26 FT TO POB SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 678 150816-00000001-0071 444.87. 678 150816-00000001-0071 .444:87 MCLEOD WILLIAM DA'. iDSON .JR 5,420AC FOR A POR COM AT SW C OFF 15-8-16 GO E 175 FT TOW LN OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR .',.DDiTl,.",.L LEG.-.L, 679 150816-00000001-0074 452.21 679 150816-00000001-0074 452.21 LUBIN DIEUDONNE & MICHELLE J 6.620AC PARCEL D DESC AS COM AT SW/C 15-8-16 THENCE RUNN 88 DEG E SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 680 150816-00000001-0090 HX 324.97 680 150816-00000001-0090 ,HX 324.97 EDENFIELb RICKY D & RHONDA 5.000AC FOR A POR COM AT SW/C OF SAID SEC 15 AND RUN N88 DEG E ALG SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 681 150816-00000001-0130 HX 556.37 681 150816-00000001-0130 HX 556.37 DOUGLAS RONALD E & 9.690AC COM AT NE/C OF SEC 15-8-16 '. FOR POR THENCE S ALG E LN OF SSEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL '682 160816-00000001-0100 HX, 285.66 682 160816-00000001-0100 HX 285.66 KILLINGS EDWARD DAVIS 20.00AC . PARCEL 10 CONT 20 AC DESC IN MTS & BDS DESC AS COM SE/C OF, SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 683 160816-00000002-000A HX 706.90 683.160816-00000002-000A HX 706.90 ELLIS LINDA S 5.010AC PARCEL A CONT 5.01 AC DESC AS COM SW/C OF SEC GO N 40 FT TO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 684 160816-02340000-0040 HX 273.28 684 160816-02340000-0040 HX 273.28 BOLTON DAVID & TINA SMITH 5.010AC LOT 4 OAK HILL SUBD CONT 5.01 AC 166/634 166/692 167/167 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 685 170816-02070000-0180 HX 309.58 685 170816-02070000-0180 HX 309.58 HUNTER JAMES E 10.000AC LOT 18 APPALOOSA TRAILS SUBD UNREC CONT 10 AC 173/308 182/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 686 170816-02070000-0070 243.73 686 170816-02070000-0070 .243.73 DEUTSQH CHARLES & LORI 10.000AC LOT 7 APPALOOSA TRAILS SUBD UNREC CONT 10 AC 170/495 2002/4355 687 170816-02070000-0140 HX 308.27 687 170816-02070000-0140 HX 308.27 CHANDLEY LEE S 20.030AC LOTS 14 & 19 APPALOOSA TRAILS UNREC SUBD CONT 20.03 AC 156/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 688 170816-02070000-0160 HX 344.54 688 170816-02070000-0160 HX. 344.54 MEECE MELVIN& EVELYN 10.000AC LOT 16 APPALOOSA TRAILS SUBD UNREC CONT 10 AC 165/360 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 689 170816-02070000-0260 HX 984.30 689 170816-02070000-0260 HX 984.30 BLACKFORD FRANCIS E JR & 20.000AC . LOTS 26 & 31 APPALOOSA TRAILS SUBD UNREC 166/368 UTIL EASE- SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL. 690 170816-02070000-0430 HX 196.37. 690 170816-02070000-0430 HX 196.37 GRECO LAWRENCE G 10.000AC LOT 43 APPALOOSA TRAILS UNREC SUBD CONT 10 AC 87/33-42.104 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL. 691 170816-02070000-0550 1,439.47 691 170816-02070000-0550 1,439.47 BISSELL KENT V SR & DEBORAH 10.000AC LOT 55 APPALOOSA TRAILS CONT 10 AC 195/731 UTIL EASEMENT 198/3592004/36352005/1978 . 692 170816-02070000-0580 664.90 692 170816-02070000-0580 664.90, SANTIAGO LUIS H & ROSA. 9.980AC LOT 58 APPALOOSA TRAILS SUBD CONT 9 98 AC & DESCINMTS& N "S' , BDS DESC 172 255 ' p93 17)0816-020700UOl-0590 4o7 30 693 170816-02070000-0590 467.30 . SCHW.AB ANTHONY M & PENNY 10.000AC LOT 59 APPALOOSA TRAILS SL'BD DESC IN METES & BDS CONT 10 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 6o4 17081o-0207000-0.630 HNX 196 37 694 170816-02070000-0o30 H\ 196 37 HILL RICKY JUNIOR & KIMBERL Y 10 001.AC LOT 63 APPALOOSA TRAILS SiIIBD DESC IN METES &I BDS DESC CONT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 695 170816.0207("i00i:.-'740 HX 196 37 095 17u816-1.'2070000-0740 HN 196 37 SPTTI.IAN MICHAEL S& DEBORIAH J I10'030AC LOT 74 APPALOOSA TRAItLS SLUBD CONT I' 03 AC DESC IN LONG SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL o0 2,":0816.0000i:if:l05-0010 5,180 19 6W, 2'.")816-001.0)0005-.0010 5,180 I9 S HALL PATRICIA E 13 (.10AC S C-,iOM AT NW C OF S-' OF SW 4 OF SE 4 OF 26-8-16GO ALONG N LN SEE TA\ ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL :.97 2100816- i000: .i' i -00 1(I 617 2 6, 07 200816-'0')I0000'I--0010 01792 L iNGFORD DENNIS 5 500AC THAT PART OF E/2 OF NW/4. . LYi NG S OF SCL RR R W CONT 5 \C M L III .. 6 . 098 l.i(,081i6-0:21 1iO 0-01'", HX 747 26 69h8 2I0i816-01101)00-01'0 HX 747 26 BRADY MARK D & ELIZABETH .,,C . LOT 15 SILVER RIDGE SUBDCONT 5 04 ,CRES 1679 1S9 241 18' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 699 20'8 1 --021. I ,1''00.).''38 47 1 93 699 2''0816-0.211:(II0 '0-0380 4793 : CHESBOROLIGH INVESTMENT 5.000AC LOT 38 SILVER RIDGE SUBD CONT . 5 AC 159/217 160/685,161/184 2003/53&1 2004/68962005/5415 700 200816-1.12111.00 .040-i)40 5'- 23 700 200816-02110000-0400 50 23 CHESBOROUGH INVESTMENT ,,. 5.000AC LOT 40 SILVER RIDGE SUBD CONTY 5.00 ACRES 159/219 160/685 ,. SEE Tfy. ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL, ' -i.,| ", ,,.S I .O: I |I:-' "',"":-"41:i '" 3 I-'? . 701200816-02110000-0410 54.95 CHESBOROUGH.INVESTMENT 5.000AC LOT 41 SILVER RIDGE SUBD CONT S 5 C It0 652 2103 5384 2004/ 689yo s) S 5415 . 702 200816-02110000-0420 53.83 702 200816-02110000-0420 53.83 CHESBOROUGH INVESTMENT 5.000AC LOT 42 SILVER RIDGE SUBD CONT 5 AC 1601/82 2003/5385 2004/ - Y. t'00i 205 5415 7013 201' 81 6-0:21 I0 I00- .1441: 48 So 2-13 21.>8 o.l '21 100I -0l.1440 48 So SHESBOROUGH INVESTMENT LO,-T 44 SIL 'VER RIDGE SUBD CONT 5 AC 1i.,i 682 2":03 58' 2:004 60 2-0' 1 5415 :- 5.000AC 704200816-02110000-0450 52.86 71. 2: I8l o-'2 I i'"1.00-04501 52.86 CHESBOROi.iGH INVESTMENT .. 5.000AC LOT 45 SilVER RIDGE SUTBD CONT 5 AC 160 682 21: 531S 2'004. 6903 2005/5415. 705 220816-02920000-0040 771.75 705 220816-02920000-0040 771.75 PANTOJA ALECKSANDRA 10.000AC LOT-4 FOOTHILL FARMS UT1 ' 87/33-42 104/93-94 107/513 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL. 706.220816-02920000-0080 771.75 706 220816-02920000-0080 771.75 PANTOJA IRAMIS 10.000AC LOT 8 FOOTHILL FARMS UT 1 87/33-42 104/93-94 107/513 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 707 220816-02930000-0040 1,510.36 707 220816-02930000-0040 1,510.36 HULL HERMAN JOHN II 20.000AC LOTS 4 & 5 FOOTHILL FARMS UT 2 CONT 20.002 AC 104/93 160/106 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL ,708 230816-00000002-0010 .HX 1,124.17 708 230816-00000002-0010 HX 1,124.17 KNIGHT WILLIAM KYLE & LAYNE B 20.000AC W/2 OF THE FOLLOWING DESC PROP FOR A POR COM AT NW/C OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 709 230816-02230000-0040 HX' 356.86, 709 230816-02230000-0040 F HX '356.86 DEANE DONALD P & SUSANNE B 5.010AC LOT 4 UNIT 1 MILLHOPPER EST 183/379 UTILITY EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 710 230816-03230000-0200 'HX 446.68 710 230816-03230000-0200 HX 446.68 WEIDNER THOMAS J & SHARON M 5.000AC LOT 20 MILLHOPPER ESTATES UT 2 CONT 5 AC 205/486 UTILITY EASEMENT 208/298 2003/2038 711 230816-03230000-0210 HX 1,163.29 711 230816-03230000-0210 HX 1,163.29 GILES ELLISON F & ELIZABETH M 5.000AC LOT 21 MILLHOPPER ESTATES UT 2 CONT 5 AC 166/695 244/523 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 712 230816-03230000-0280 HX 834.03 712 230816-03230000-028Q HX 834.03 FLEMING TIMOTHY S AND/OR 5.000AC LOT 28 MILLHOPPER ESTATES UT 2 CONT 5 AC 166/695 245/274 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 713 230816-03230000-0290 823.44 713 230816-03230000-0290 823.44 WEIDNER THOMAS J & SHARON M 5.000AC LOT 29 MILLHOPPER ESTATES UT 2 CONT 5 AC 205/488 2003/2453 714 230816-03230000-0380 572.30 714 230816-03230000-0380 572.30 FIEDLER TERRY L 5.110AC LOT 38 MILLHOPPER ESTATES UT 2 CONT 5.11 AC 226/314 2001/3139 715 230816-03230000-0400 HFIX -637.42 715 230816-03230000-0400 HX 637.42 BARBER MARK E & ANGELA M 5.000AC LOT 40 MILLHOPPER ESTATES UT 2 CONT 5.03 AC 206/258 UTILITY SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 716 240816-08920000-0030 HX 572.51 716 240816-08920000-0030 HX 572.51 SEAY MYRTLE M A 5.000AC LOT 3 2ND ADDIT CAIN MILL WOOD SUBD CONT 5 AC UTILITY SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 717240816-08920000-0110 HX 809.90. 717240816-08920000-0110 HX 809.90 RENO RAYMOND W & EDIEL 5.000AC LOT 11 2ND ADDIT CAIN MILL WOODS SUBD CONT 5 AC UTILITY SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 718240816-08920000-0120 560.69 718 240816-08920000-0120 560.69 RENO RAYMOND W & EDIE L 5.000AC LOT 122NDADDITCiMNNMILL : WOODS SUBD CONT 5 AC 11 TIT I Y SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL-. 719 24S 16-08920000-014-10 HX 719 240816-0892000(.'-014'0 H X BECKER WAYNE MCDANIEL LOT 14 2ND ADDIT CAIN MILL WOODS SUBD CONT 5 AC 281 '174 UTIL EASEMIENT289/494'2001/316 380 76 380 76 . 5 .OOOAC. 720 2;4-1816-0i892000i0-0l80 HX 413.04, 72i' 2418 Io-.18920'100-u080 HX 413 )04 Mf.AL AGON ROBERT C 5 00OAC LOT 18 2ND ADDIT CAIN MILL WOODS SUBD CONT 5AC 172 303 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL: 721 241'0816-O89200,0)0-:23i HX o90C oC 721 240816-0892:'0'".'-.'-.23'0 HX 690 60 HANNAMIATTHEW TODD 5.700AC LOT 23 2ND XDDIT CAIN MILL WOODS SUBD CONT 5 70 AC 154 SEE TAX RO-LL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 722 24.816-)8w2l.'.'I.0'-029I 1.021 8 S'722 240816.08020n00-0290 1,621 88 DA'.IS KATHLEEN M 5 17i)C LOT 292?ND ADDIT CAIN MILL WOODS SLUBD CONT 5 17 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 723 24038 10-89"20'.'""i-"130 HIX I 508 55 723 21.181 -F.892',)00-033) HX I 5'8 55 -" BIRCHFIELD.I JAMES DARIN & 5 I70AC LOT 33 2NDADDIT CAiN MILL 'WOODS SLiBD CO(_NT 5 17 AC 286 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 724 29' i.18 o.-'I12.'90:1' -00' 10 152 46 724 290816-02.,9ii:0Ji.i-.)ii:i I? 46 CHRISTIAN WILLIAM E & CAROL ESN 5 '":"AC LOT I OAKS&. I.D(E -DOWS SLiBD CONT 5 AC 183 007 199 221 27: : 306 725 290816-00000002-0030 412.98 S 725 29i'.816-)0tIO.1:ii'2.-":'3'.' 412.98 THOI.!AS ARCHIE B 5'.":0"-.C N 2 OF NWV.4 OF SW,4 OF SE 4 29.8. Io TOGETHER W EASEMENT S220/593 726 3,,S 816-'0 i.". ), .'"-"''2 HIN 1.1 t r' 30 726 )1 I81 ,-i,, iiiiI n F121" HIN 116 1 ') GREGO'RY ANDREA I ":"h.C BEING ONE AC SO IN SW C OF E.2 OF FOL LOV, ING DESC PROP IN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 727 316081o-1 I13 I 30'-].l Sn'|0) 69 ' 727 3608 1p-'21 300.:":."-01 30 560.69 PHILLIPS EARL L & JENNIFER. 5.000AC LOT 13 HICKORY BLUFFS SUBD CONT.5 AC 164/234 725 r. S I6:. ..- 2_13 1,:",.'.0 1 1 ,, .' IS RIVERA GERARDO M & CELESTE J 5.090AC LOT 171HICKORY BLUFF SUBD CONT 5.09 AC 183/27 199/215 729 360816-02130000-0220 HFI .1,224.84 729 360816-02130000-0220 'HX 1,224.84 NEWELL WALTER J & KELLY C 5.000AQ LOT 22 HICKORY BLUFF SUBD CONT 5 AC 184/295 187/289 UTIL SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL . 7 i0 3"o |816-)21,.0liX:.i260 56(', t 73'. 31c.1 r I : .1 2 |I 3,.,.,I' -. ,, l.5 ..., :. 'STREA.DER SCOTT & ,AR1 AAN 5.000AC LOT 26 HICKORY BLUFF SUBD CONT 5 AC 164/461 246/679 251/476 286/70 2002/2530 731 1.t lS 1|-.-2 1 .IllI 1i, 3ll HN I1077 58 731 36:.ISlp.1-021 iti"). ,13 ":1 H .F 1,,77 58 DA\ iS COLA 1.1 5 251iAC LOT 35 HICKORY BLUFF SUBD CONT 5.25 AC 163/352 255/643 UTIL E .SEMEENT 25.c 33,) 2,1i-14 4, 5 ' 732040916-00000004-0080 FIX 196.37 732 040916-00000004-0080 HX 196.37 LAMB LOUIS E 4.840AC W/2 OF NW/4 OF NW/4,OF NW/4 (AKALOT.8 TFB PRO)PERTIESI SEE TA.' ROLL kOF. .-.DDITION.AL LE'- -.L 733 040916-00000004-0110 HX 1,105.16 733040916-00000004-0110 HFIX 1,105.16 ' ROWICKI DENTON &'LISA ; 4.790AC W/2 OF SE/4 OF NW/4 OF N-A 4 (AKA LOT 11 TFB PROPERTIES) , SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 734 050916-01900000-0020 HX 620.19 734 050916-01900000-0020 HX 620.19 O'REILLY DEBRA ANN 5.000AC LOT 2 DEER RUN SUBD CONT 5 AC 145/239 158/136 232/459 2002/ 2729 2002/2730 2002/3495. 735060916-00000006-0010. HXF I 862.76 735 060916-00000006-0010 HFIX 862.76 FARLEY KENNETH'O 10.950AC COM AT NE/C OF NW/4 OF'SW/4 OF 6-9-16 FOR POB THENCE RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 736 070916-00000003-0011 HX 1,519.52. 736 070916-00000003-0011 HFIX 1,519.52 HARDING MARTYR & ALICE 2.570AC (1OM AT NW/C OF 7-9-16 FOR POR THENCE RUN.ON W LN OF SAID SEC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 737 070916-00000004-0020 418.29 737 070916-00000004-0020 418.29 WARD DAVID J & TIFFANY A 5.070AC COM AT SW/C OF SW/4 OF SE/4 OF 7-9-16 AS PT OF REF GO N SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 738 070916-02140000-0010 HX 317.77 738 070916-02140000-0010 HX 317.77 WARD DAVID J & TIFFANY A 5.000AC LOT 1 FOX HOLLOW SUBD CONT 5 AC 174/392 179/331 223/392 UTIL EASEMENT 225/688 739 070916-02140000-0020 HX 556.38 739 070916-02140000-0020 HX 556.38 MCDANIEL PATRICIA 5.000AC LOT 2 FOX HOLLOW SUBD CONT 5 AC 186/701 UTIL EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 740 070916-02140000-0030 HIX 586.52 740 070916-02140000-0030 HX 586.52 SMITH MARION L & SANDY KAY 5.000AC LOT 3 FOX HOLLOW SUBD CONT 5 AC 166/129254/517 741 080916-00000008-0070 201.96 741 080916-00000008-0070 201.96 POLK JAMES JR & NORMA 2.000AC THE E 132 FT OF W 264 FT OF N/2 OF NE/4 OF SE/4 OR 52 PG 435 742 090916-00000003-0000 265.06 742 090916-00000003-0000 265.06 FLOYD MARY ANN &LANGFORD 78.500AC E/2 OF NW/4 (BONNELL PL)80/499 LESS RD R/W 152/475 743 140916-00000002-0021 1,062.33 743 140916-00000002-0021 1,062.33 CLARK STEVEN W'II 3.210AC COM AT A FOUND NAIL & CAP 'PRM 1772' AT.SW/C OF 14-9-16 RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 744 160916-00000003-0010 HX 1,333.93 744 160916-00000003-0010, HX 1,333.93 ADKINS TERRY L & RONDA I 9.500AC S/2 OF N/2 OF NE/4 OF SW/4 OF 16-9-16 LESS S 104 FT OF W . SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 745 170916-0052000A-0050 HX 286.72 745 1.70916-0052000A-0050 HX- 286.72 DANIELSF'HOWARD R & MARY F 0.790AC LOT 5 BLK A WATERS LAKE SUBD 58/669 77/32 UTIL EASEMENT , SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 746 1.70916-00780000-0020 HX 196.37 746 17(916.-007800i10-1020 HX 1196.37 ' GOFF EFFIENM&GARYDGOFF 2.130AC . LOTS 2 & 3 HOLLY FORESTCONT . 2.13 AC 94/445 165/522 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 747.. 17 .1916-00780000-"124-10 417 54 . 747 170916-007800010-024'i 417 54 FUQUAY WILLIAM STUART &.. 5.520AC. LOT 24 HOLLY FOREST SUBD 96/ 378 109/665 115/I 17 116,603 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 748 170916-007800)0-0260 HN 457 85 748 170916-00780(100-0260 HX 457 85 SMCKIN-NEY DAVID& CYNTHIA 5 220AC LOT 26 HOLLY FOREST SUBD CONT 5 22 AC 92.285 176.'634 199/94 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 740 17016-",007800l.-0290 HX 844 37 749 170916-0078000.'-0:290 HX 844 37 WOODS ALBERT RAY JR 5 (00AC- LOT 29 HOLLY FOREST SLIBD88 .1390,'171 112 406 118'72 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 75. 170916-01] 130001-0020 HX 2.486 25 750 170916-01130001-0020 HX 2,486 25 JOHNSON BONNIE NI 5 160AC * LOT 2 UNIT I LAKE IN THE WOODS SUBD 122. 129 205'573 26'.) 461 UTIL EASEMENT 281 20 751 17(0 16-011.30(02-0080 3 - 751 170916-01130002-0080 BRADLEY RUDOLPH & TERRYE LOT 8 UNIT 2 LAKE IN THE WOODS SUBD 130'428 0o4 44 3o4 44 1765(1-C 752 170916-0113L002-0090 HFX 1.217 07 752 171.1916-01130002-009- F H-X 1.217 07 CASON SAM JACKSON SR OR 0 750AC LOT 9 LINIT 2 LAKE IN THE WOODS SUBD 122'129 LITILITY SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 753 170916-01130002-0100 47o 28 753170916-01130002-0100 476.28 CASON SAM JACKSON SR & ROSE C LOT 10 UNIT 2 LAKE IN THE WOODS SUBD 130.373 2004.3489 754 170916-01130002-0440 539 58 '54 170916-0 1130002-0440 539 58 . BRADLEY RUDOLPH & TERRY LOT 44 UNIT 2 LAKE IN THE WOODS SUBD CONT 5 AC 13') 148 1 400AC MICCICHE MARIA 5.000AC LOT 30 THE LAKES SUBD 5.00 AC 28-09-16 121/257 166/548 238/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 770 210916-01140000-0450 HX 951.72, 770 210916-01140000-0450 HX 951.72 HAYES JIMMY W AND/OR TINA E 5.000AC LOT 45 THE LAKES SUBD 5.00 AC 28-09-16 121/257 166/548 241/198 UTIL EASEMENT 243/447 771 210916-01140000-0590 HIX 1,160.36 771210916-01140000-0590 HX 1,160.36 BUCKLAND DANNYJ & SHERRY A 5.000AC LOT 59. THE LAKES SUBD 5.00 AC. 121/257 166/548 241/346 UTIL SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL , 772 230916-00000001-0020 666.18 772230916-00000001-0020 666.18 SOLLIVAN TONEY & VONDLA 10.000AC SSE/4 OF SW/4 OF NE/4 OR 55 ,PG 21 OR64PG82 773 230916-00000001-0060 FHX 196.37 773 230916-00000001-0060 HX 196.37 SCOTT VICTOR B & BARBARA M I.OOOAC COM AT NE COR OF 23-9-16 FOR POB GO W 210 FT GOS 210 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 774 230916-00000001-0070 HX 321 53 774 230916-00000001-0070 HX 321 53 TOTULIS MICI-LAEL T JR &. 5.000AC COM AT SEC OF NE.4 OF NE/4 OF 23-9-16 FOR A PT OF REF GO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 775230916-00000001-0120 1186.03 775 230916-00000001-0120 1,186.03 BERRY JANICE 5.010AC COMATNWCORNEROF NEt4 OF 23-09-16 FOR POR THENCE RUN SEE TAX ROL L FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 776 230916-00000004-0000 HX -IX 3,103.28 776 230916-00000004-0000 HX 3,103.28 GONZALEZ YAIMA 3 030AC COM AT NW C OF 23-9-16 GO S 1426.05 FT GO E 46 37 FT TO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 777 230916-00000004-0010 61734 . 777 230916-00000004-0010 61734 GONZALEZ YAIMA 111I 370AC ' NW 4 LESS 5 AC TO MAILER 48,356 & LESS 18 65 AC TOCYE SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 778 230916-00000004-0036 HX 632 88 778 230916-00000004-0036 HX 632 88 LRAND KRYSTAL I 740AC COMN AT NW C OF 23-9-16 FOR POR THENCE RUN ALG W LN OF SAID . SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 779 270916-00'0000005-0015 57.43 779 270916-00000005-0015 5743 MARTINEZ RAIMOND MELENDEZ 1.136AC LOT 15 METES & BDS DESC COM AT NE/C OF S,2 OF 27-9-16 FOR SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL * 780 270916-00000004-0000 HX 53451 780 270916-00000004-0000 HX 53451 MORRISON ROBERT A & .IANIE F I.000AC COM AT NE COR OF S'2 OF SEC FOR APT OF REF GOS 89 DEG SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 781 270916-00000005-0002 5743 781 270916-00000005-0002 57.43 VEGA REINALDO MARTINEZ & I I AC LOT 2 METES & BDS DESC COM AT NE'C OF S'2 OF 27-9-16 FOR A SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 5.000A 755 170916-u I 01130002-0450 539 58 755 17,0916-0I1130002-0450 539 58 - BRADLEY RUDOLPH A TERRYE 5.000AC LOT 45 UNIT 2 LAKE IN THE S. \VOODS SUBD CONT 50 ') AC 130 " 443 756 170916-0521000B-0150 196.37 .756 170916-0521000B-0150 196.37 MINGLING ROBERT E & LESLIE A 0.360AC LOT 15 BLK B IST ADDIT WATERS LAKE SUBD 119-478 171 622 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 757 17)916-05220000-0030 81.0 5 5 757 170916-05220000-0030 805.85' CARLISLE KAYE V 0:f 320 \C LOTS3&42NDADD WATERS LAKE SUBD'4:o 291 56 653 159 74 . SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 758 170916-05221.00-0070 o39 18 . 758 170916.05220000-0070 639 18 ARDOC iNO MICHAEL A ill 0 640AC LOTS 7 89& 10 2NDADD WATERS LAKE SLiBD 57 2o6 70 174 72 o62 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL- :759 170916-05220000-0130 526.43 759 170916-05220000-0130 526.43 CARLISLE KAYE,V 0480AC LOTS 13 14 & 15 2ND ADDIT W ATE RS LAKE SUBD. 55/267 66/350 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 760 170916-05220000-0270 117.57 0 1I70196-05::22,)00,,-0270 117.57 GEORGE CHARLES W & KATIE 0.340AC LOTS 27 & 28 2ND ADD WATERS LAKE SUBD OR 43/343 59/519 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 761 170916-05220000-0360 159.06, 761 170916-05220000-0360 159.06 YINGLING ROBERT E & LESLIE A 1.390AC LOTS 36 37 38 39 40 & 41 2ND ADDIT WATERS LAKE SUBD & LOT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 762 170916-05220000-0480 HX 196.37 762 170916-05220000-0480 HX' 196.37 MEADOR STEVEN W & 0.450AC LOTS 48 & 49 2ND ADD WATERS LAKE SUBD 110/700 208/622 - SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 763 170916-05220000-0500 HX 196.37 763 170916-05220000-0500 HX 196.37 DOYLE GEORGE W 0.380AC LOTS 50 & 51 2ND ADD WATERS LAKE SUBD OR 52/401 81/641 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 764 170916-05220000-0560 725.67 764 170916-05220000-0560 725.67 BRACEWELL EVA DARLENE 0.210AC LOT 56,2ND ADD WATERS LAKE SUBD 54/616 88/141 99/61 & 63 117/640 2005/4889 / 765 170916-05220000-0580 75.36 765 170916-05220000-0580 75.36 HOLIFIELD JASON G 0.310AC LOT 58 2ND ADD WATERS LAKE SUBD 99/523 2004/4003 2004/ 4004 2004/4005 766 210916-01140000-0050 HX 1,527.24 766 210916-01140000-0050 HX 1,527.24 ALONG LEONARD & LINDA L 5.000AC LOT 5 THE LAKES SUBD 5.00 AC 121/257 TAX DEED 229/88 230/ SEE'TAX RQLL FOR ADITTTnTAT I c-A 767 210916-01140000-0070 969.22 767 210916-01140000-0070 969.22 SERVIDAS BENJAMIN F & MYRTLE 5.000AC LOT 7 THE LAKES SUBD 5.00 AC 121/257 135/259 UTILITY EASE- SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 768 210916-01140000-0230 HX 1,003.96 768 210916-01140000-0230 HX 1,003.96 POULSEN DENNIS G 5.000AC LOT 23 THE LAKES SUBD 5.00 AC 121/257 166/548 238/79 UTIL EASEMENT 250/20 769 210916-01140000-0300 HX 747.09 769 210916-01140000-0300 HX 747.09 782 270916-00000000:-0017 5743 782 270916-00000005-n017 57 43 DELGADO LETICIA BIE HORN& I LOT 17 DESC IN METES & BDS DESC CONT I 13 AC 157'622 783 270916-00000005-00277 783 270916-00000005-0027 RODRIGUEZ MIGUEL SOLIVAN LOT 27 DESC IN METES & BDS CONT I 18.AC 142,315 784 270916-00000005-0037 784 270916-00000005-0037 TORRES ESTEBAN RIVERA LOT 37 DESC IN METES & BDS CONT I 18 AC 289 351 57 43 5743 130AC ..j 30AC 180AC 1 5743 5743 I 180AC. 785 270916-00000006-0060 1,08896 785 270916-00000006-0060 1,08896 DEL 1SI NATE JEROME & 5 140AC N/2 OF TRACT 6-MTS & BDS DESC . COM AT NE/C OF S/2 OF S'2 OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 786 270916-01350000-0060 HX 611.87 ,786270916-01350000-0060 HX 611.87 BACOM JAMES O 10.000AC PARCEL 6 SOUTHFORK RANCHES UNREC SUBD CONT 10.02 AC 146/. . SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL ' 787280916-01340000-0040 'HX 627.93 787 28091'6-01340000-0040 HX 627.93 SHOGLE KENNETH D & STEPHANIE D 5.350AC LOT 4 WEIRSDALE SUBD CONT 5.35 ACRES 153/351 226/518 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 788 280916-01340000-0090 HX 441.56 788 280916-01340000-0090 HX 441.56 ROGERS PATRICK W & MARYANN B 5.720AC LOT 9 WEIRSDALE SUBD CONT 5.72 ACRES 202/125 221/26 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 789 280916-01340000-0170 HX 1,883.32 789 280916-01340000-0170 HX 1,883.32 WESTBROOK ROBERT M & TERESA H LOT 17 WEIRSDALE SUBD CONT 5 AC '155/210 UTILITY EASEMENT 157/334 285/249 790 280916-01340000-0180 455.18 790280916-01340000-0180 455.18 WESTBROOK ROBERT M & TERESA H LOT 18 WEIRSDALE SUBD CONT 5.00 AC 156/300 163/350 167/ 391 285/249 791 280916-01340000-0220 HX 572.95 791 280916-01340000-0220 HX 572.95 CARMAN JOHN M 7.290AC LOT 22 WEIRSDALE SUBD CONT 7.29 ACRES 163/81 166/655 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 5 OOOAO- 792 280916-01340000-0230 HX 1,425.39 792 280916-01340000-0230- HX 1,425.39 OTREMBA SUZANNE L 5.00AC LOT 23 WEIRSDALE SUBD CONT 5.00 ACRES 155/450 166/295 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 793 280916-01340000-0240 1,210.66 793 280916-01340000-0240 1,210.66 OTREMBA FRANCIS J & SUZANNE L 6.340/ LOT 24 WEIRSDALE SUBD CONT 6.34 AC 154/334 168/347 169/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 794 310916-00000002-0000 48.01 794 310916-00000002-0000 48.01 BRANNING JAMES O JR& MARY E 0.160A COM AT SW/C OF 31-9-16 GO N 50.40 TO SRLY EDGE OF GRD RD SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 795 330916-00000002-0070 457.23 795 330916-00000002-0070 457.23 BRATT JAMES H & CAROL A AS 10 800AC TRACT 7 DESC AS COM AT QUARTER SE/C 33-9116 AS POR THENCE RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL AC .I 1 1. May 11,18, 25, 2006 Gilchrist County Delinauent Tax List JSection B. --0 Seven 796 330916-00000002-0140 HX 196.37 796 330916-00000602-0140 HX 196.37 SHORT JOHN W & SUSAN C 10.500AC TRACT 14 DESC AS COM AT NE/C ~/ OF W/2 OF 33-9-16 AS POR GOS ,. SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 797 330916-00000002-0180 HX 1,211.00 797 330916-00000002-0180 HX 1,211.00 ROSS JOHN L & CYNTHIA M 10.600AC TRACT 18 CONT 10.60 AC DESC AS 'ACCOM AT NE/C OF W/2 OF 33-9-16 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 798 330916-01060000-0290 772.97 798 330916-01060000-0290 772.97 SIGMAN GLEN & JANET ANN 10.010AC PARCEL 29 GILCHRIST ACRES 'UNREC CONT 10.01 AC 131/343 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 799 340916-00000004-0015 HX 370.37 799 340916-00000004-0015 HX 370.37 GAINEY WM KENNETH & DEBORAH K 4.970AC J.N/2 OF N/2 S/2 OF SW/4 OF NW/4 61/121 72/375 98/503 800 340916-00000004-0050 HX 391.08 800 340916-00000004-0050 HX 391.08 BROCK GERALD W & FLORA A 12.000AC COM AT NW/G OF SE/4 OF NW/4 OF 34-09-16 FOR POB RUNN 89 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 801 340916-00000004-0071 HX 196.37 801 340916-00000004-0071, HX 196.37 POOLE DAVID 1.000AC COM AT NW/C OF SE/4 OF NW/4 OF 34-9-16 FOR POR & RUN S ALG W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 802 340916-00000006-0014 HX 1,779.38 S802 340916-00000006-0014 HX 1,779.38 GOODE ROBERT J &- 11.620AC PARCEL D COM AT SW/C OF SE/4 OF 34-9-16 FOR POR THENCE RUN SEE TAX ROLL-FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 803 340916-00000007-0040 HX 1,135.60 803 340916-00000007-0040 HX 1,135.60 BURDICK.WILLIAM R & 19.430AC TRACT A DESC AS COM AT SE/C OF N/2 OF SW/4 OF 34-9-16 & RUN , SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 804 340916-02350000-0070 674.63 804 340916-02350000-0070 674.63 DAVIS KEVINP 5.000AC PARCEL 7 CONTAINING 5.001 AC DESC AS COM AT SE/C OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 805 340916-02350000-0080 HX .389.84 805 340916-02350000-0080 HX 389.84. DAVIS KEVIN P ..4.330AC LOT 8 PARKER UNREC SUBD DESC' plIN METES & BDS CONTAINING 5 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 806 340916-02350000-0100 HX 460.65 806 340916-02350000-0100 HX 460.65 DAVIS MARCIA 9.310 OAC LOT 10 PARKERUNREC SUBD . -METES & BDS DESC CONT .10.001. SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 807 340916-02350000-0130 HX 495.97 807 340916-02350000-0130 HX 495.97 ROBERTSON JAMIE & JODIE 5.050AC LOT 13 PARKER UNREC SUBD CONT ,05 AC 175/7 240/208 UTILITY SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 808 340916-02350000-0170 HX 1,259.45 808 340916-02350000-0170 HX 1,259.45 RHODEN MICHAEL & JULIE 5.040AC LOT 17 PARKER UNREC SUBD ".IETES & BDS DESC CONTAINING SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 80J "35'i09 10-01fi'i.II."l. ui.j .H .X 773..1.. - 809 35l191|0-'.,)in.1:0:2-i'020i) HX .773 12 TOWNSEND RON C 5.000AC DCOM AT NE/C OF 35-9-16 & RUN THENCE S 89 DEG W ALG N LN OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 810 011016-02040000-0140 HX 588.16 810 011016-02040000-0140 HX 588.16 WEBB TAMMY WILKERSON & HAROLD 5.010AC LOT 14 NORFLEET PINES SUBp CONT 5.01 ACRES 166/496 182/28 23'1/81 ' 8011016-02040000-0330 HX 473.94 811"011016-02040000-0330 HX 473.94 HERRING DONALD L & GLORIA J 5.010AC LOT 33 NORFLEET PINES SUBD CONT 5.01 ACRES 222/531 812 011016-02040000-0390 HX 844.90 812 011016-02040000-0390 HX 844.90 HANDY MARTHA ANN 5.010AC LOT 39 NORFLEET PINES SUBD CONT,5.01 ACRES 208/152 , 813 011016-02040000-0410 720.31 813 011016-02040000-0410. 720.31 FLORES LLOYD PETER & FLORITA 5.010AC 'LOT 41 NORFLEET PINES SUBD CONT 5.01 ACRES 191/194 2003/ " 6027 2005/2691 814 021016-00000008-0000 1,254.17 814 021016-00000008-0000' 1,254,17, COBB WYLIE & ERMA L 1.OOOAC '(COM ON S LN 1703.45 FT W OF SE COR GO N 23 1/2 DEG W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 815,021016-00000009-0000 HX 441.88 .815 021016-00000009-0000 HX 441.88 ,pKRAUSE CHARLES EUGENE & 3.390AC COM AT SE/C OF 2-10-16 FOR POR THENCE RUN ALG S LN OF SEC 2 'SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 816 021016-01890000-0110 1,779.56 816 021016-01890000-0110 1,779.56 MARTIN MARJORIE F 2.650AC 'OT 11 GILCHRIST ESTATES SUBD CONT 2.65 AC BEING. IN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 817 021016-02960000-0100 HX 1,161.78 817021016-02960000-0100 HX 1,161.78 LEONARDO DAVID A & DAWNE M 5.000AC LOT 10 WESTLAKE WOODS SUBD 100/283 2005/583 2005/768 2005/793 2005/794 818 031016-00530010-0000 HX 683.61 818 031016-00530010-0000 HX 683.61 ELMORE JIMMIE & WANDA 4.940AC TRACT 10 ROLLING OAKS UNREC SUBD OR 66/610 121/621 CONT 4.94 AC 2005/1782 819 031016-00530013-0000 HX 504.45 819 031016-00530013-0000 HX 504.45 M MILLER DARRELL L & HAZEL E 3.570AC HEART TRACTS 3 & 14 ROLLING OAKS UNREC 57/91 & 96 84/629 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 820 031016-00530035-0001 499.51 820 031016-00530035-0001 499.51 KNAPP LARRY A 4.820AC 'W/2 OF TRACT 35 ROLLING OAK UNREC SUBD OR 66/163 151/581 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 821031016-00530037-0001 HX 419.05 821 031016-00530037-0001 HX 419.05 SARNOLD THERESA J 4.790AC W/2 OF TRACT 37 ROLLING OAK UNREC SUBD 65/573 UTILITY SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 822 031016-00530040-0001 HX 263.64 822 031016-00530040-0001 HX 263.64 SHEPARD JERRY & SHARON 2.380AC E/2 OF W/2 OF TRACT 40 ROLLING OAKS UNREC SUBD 63/473 93/366 & 368 266/635 823 031016-00530041-0000 HX 737.19 823 031016-00530041-0000 HX 737.19 STEPTOE MANNING L & BETH A 4.930AC W/2 OF TRACT 41 ROLLING OAK UNREC SUBD 66/402 138/511 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 824 031016-00530049-0000 -HX 711.12 824 031016-00530049-0000 HX 711.12 IVINES JAMES A & 4.950AC E/2 OF TRACT 49 ROLLING OAK UNREC SUBD OR 66/148 104/681 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 825 031016-00530054-0000 287.51 825 031016-00530054-0000 287.51 GAVARAS CHERIE & GEORGE 2.460AC E/2 OF TRACT 54 DESC IN MTS & BDS ROLLING OAK UNREC SUBD 82/587 826 031016-00530068-0000 HX 1,201.85 826 031016-00530068-0000 HX, 1,201.85 GUKANOVICH BRONKO B 4.930AC TRACT 68 ROLLING OAK UNREC SUBD OR 65/138 77/424 143/99 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 827 031016.00530072-0000 HX 640.92 827 031016-00530072-0000 HX 640.92 MCWILLIAMS JAMES H & DOREEN 4.930AC TRACT 72 ROLLING OAKS UNREC SUBD 84/153&605 165/323 UTLY EASEMT 173/55 828 041016-00000001-0061 163.39 828 041016-00000001-0061 163.39 RAMOS CANDY .1.410AC E 250 FT OF COM AT NE/C OF 4-10-16 FOR POR THENCE RUN ON SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 829 041016-00790000-0060 1,817.93 829 041016-00790000-0060 1,817.93 ROBERTS DAVID E & WANDA L ,9.550AC LOT 6 ROLLING OAKS SUBD 97/100 169/633 169/634 UTIL SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 830,041016-00790000-0170 HX 443.44 830 041016-00790000-0170 HX 443.44 KNAPP GEORGE M & RUBY L -8.380AC TRACT 17 ROLLING OAKS SUBD 85/636 831 041016-01790000-0010 HX 965.49 831041016-01790000-0010 HX 965.49 MORGAN DONNIE E & KIMBERLY K 5.000AC LOT 1 REPLAT LOT 3 ROLLING ' OAKS SUBD DESC AS COM AT NE/C SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 832 081016-00000001-0010 HX 631.21 832081016-00000001-0010 HX 631.21 JOHNS J C 12.420AC COMBAT SE/C OF 8-10-16 FORA : PT OF REF GO W 1164.25 FT TO S-E TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL , 33 l**'01|-,,* I .001-00l HN 40' 28 - 833 091016-00000001-0090 HX ,497.28 KOON WILLIAM R & '10:390AC TRACT 9 DESC AS COM AT NE/C OF SW/4 OF NE/4 OF9-10-16 AS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL. .834 091016-01950000-0030 1,704.14 834 091016-01950000-0030 1,704.14. JOHNS J C JR 10.000AC LOTS 3 & 4 SUGAR HILL SUBD CONT 10AC IN SEC 10i.10- . SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL .LEGAL 835 091016-01950000-0050 HX .689.19 835 091016-01950000-0050 HX .689.19. WESLEY JOHN R 5.000AC LOT 5 SUGAR HILL SUBD CONT 5 'AC IN SEC 10-10-16 21-/450 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 836"091016-01950000-0070 HX 680.82 .836 091016-01950000-0q70 HX 680.82' MCWILLIAMS MOLLY &. .5.000AC LOT 7 SUGAR HILL SUBD CONT 5 AC IN SEC 10-10-16 186/154 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 837 091016-01950000-0130 517.41 837 091016-01950000-0130 517.41 DOTSON HOMER L & LESLEY L 5.1 00AC LOT 13 SUGAR HILL SUBD CONT 5. 10 AC IN SEC 10-10-16 171/720 183/1421,83/143 838 101016-00800000-00A2 1,064.30 838 101016-00800000-00A2 1,064.30 YINGLING ROBERT & LESLIE 0.870AC COM AT NE/C GO W 33 FT GO S 467.42 FT TO NRLY R/W OF SR SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 839 101016-00800000-00A7 498.06 839 101016-00800000-00A7 498.06 HOOTMAN CONNIE L 2.600AC TRACTS A-1 & A-8 DESC AS COM AT NE/C OF 10-10-16 RUN THENCE, SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 840 111016-05550000-0080 270.22 840 111016-05550000-0080 270.22 BRADLEY EMIL & JOAN 0.930AC LOT 8 UNIT 5 SUN N FUN SUBD 44/550 114/694 UTILITY EASE- SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 841 111016-05510004-0010 1,036.15 841 111016-05510004-0010 1,036.15 WHEAT JONATHON WAYNE & 0.460AC LOT 1 BLK 4 UNIT 1 SUN N FUN 37 PG 498 86/140 UTIL EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 842 1.1'1016-05510004'-0040 85.92 842 111016-05510004-0040 85.92 WOODARD & LANE INC 0.480AC ' LOT 4 BLK 4 UNIT 1 SUNN FUN OR 37 PG 498 843111016-05510005-0020 85.92 843 111016-05510005-0020 85.92 BEASLEY MABEL 0.480AC LOT 2 BLK 5 UNIT 1 SUN N FUN OR 37 PG 498 & OR 63 PG 509 844 111016-05510005-0030 85.92 844 111016-05510005-0030 85.92 BEASLEY MABEL 0.480AC LOT 3 BLK 5 UNIT 1 SUN N FUN OR 37 PG 498 & OR 63 PG 509 845 111016-05510005-0060 649.68 845 111016-05510005-0060 649.68 MORGAN JOSEPH A 0.460AC LOT 6 BLK 5 UNIT 1 SUN N FUN 52/604 111/562 170/301 & 302 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 846 111016-05510010-0060 85.92 846 111016-05510010-0060 85.92 KING RONALD G 0.460AC LOT 6 BLK 10 UNIT 1 SUNN FUN 37/498 168/330 UTILITY EASE- SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 847 111016-05510011-0020 96.31 847 111016-05510011-0020 96.31 WEIGEL CHARLES 0.480AC LOT 2 BLK 11 UNIT I SUN N FUN 37/498 63/434 138/624 848 111016-05520002-0010 HX 196.37- 848 111016-05520002-0010 HX 196.37 GARNES EDWARD & BARBARA 0.940AC LOTS 1 23 &4 BLK2 UT2 SUN N FUN 37/500 43/468 66/215 & SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 849 111016-05520002-0090 658.04 849 111016-05520002-0090 658.04 NELSON DENNIS 0.480AC LOTS 9 & 10 BLK 2 UNIT 2 SUN N FUN 37/500 69/667 84/468 136/529 154/292 163/242 850 111016-05520002-0110 75.36 850 111016-05520002-0110 75.36 NELSON DENNIS 0.240AC LOT 11 BLK 2 UNIT 2 SUN N FUN 37/500 223/290 851 111016-05520002-0120 75.36 851 111016-05520002-0120 75.36 NELSON DENNIS 0.240AC LOT 12 BLK 2 UNIT 2 SUN N FUN 37/500 223/290 852 111016-05520003-0010 159.76 852 111016-05520003-0010 159.76 JOHNSON MAC C 0.700AC LOTS 12 3 BLK 3 UNIT 2 SUN N FUN OR 52/632 115/380 136/150 209/52 853 111016-05520004-0110 HX 304.40 853 111016-05520004-0110 HX 304.40 KING RONALD G 0.460AC LOT 11 & 12BLK 4 UNIT2 SUN N FUN 37/500 168/331 UTIL - SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 854 111016-05520009-0115 1,560.89 854 111016-05520009-0115 1,560.89 SHEPARD RICHARD I & DEBORAH D 0.360AC W 45 FT OF LOT 11& LOT 12 BLK 9 UNIT 2 SUN N FUN SUBD SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 855 111016-05520010-0090, HX 196.37 855 111016-05520010-0090 HX -196.37 ASMUS JAY & LAURETTA 0.720AC LOTS 9 10 11 & 12 BLK 10UT 2 SUNN FUN 37/500 81/272 120/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 856 111016-05550000-0060 107.02 856 111016-05550000-0060 107.02 * GILBERT MARCIA T 0.930AC LOT 6 UNIT 5 SUN N FUN 47/611 ' 221/387 223/349 231/30 288/555 . 2003/43122003/4313 857 121016-00950000-0280 1,319.79 857 121016-00950000-0280. 1,319.79 YAFFE JACK C & E\ EL'iN TRUSTEES 5.010AC LOT 28 FOXWOOD ACRES SLiBD CONT 5.01 AC 109/83 114/47 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL -858 121016-00000001-0000 138.63 858 121016-00000001-0000 138.63 BROWN JERRY F & MILDRED 231800AC W/2 OF NE/4 OF SE/4 UNTIL EASEMENT 191 36 2i05.- 31 208 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 859 1216016-0000001. -0001 68 62 859 121016-O000000110001 68.62 BROWN JERRY F 8.000AC COM AT SE'C OF 12-10-16 THENCE ON S BDR Y THEREOF N 8 DEG W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 861. 121'I016-i'00jilii2-0.'':i- i 5.79 41 80i 121016-i j"000,)l020-06),0 579 1 4 I BROWN JERRY FRANKLIN 8 )0AC E 2 OF NE 4 OF SE 4 237 156 LESS Ng915 26 2003990 ' 561 'lOIo-i(0p 500ii'i-00ii8 HN 52I1 4 S61 121. I o-0i95," j. 0ii-0i 8,)." HX 521.48 ROBINSON STEVEN A 5.080AC LOT 8 FOXWOOD ACRES CONT 5 08. AC 9s 13 224 375L UTIL EASEMENT .230 80 2.:,3J 4450 862 121' I16-,i'.'I500'.'-01o ) HN 69804 82 1]21016-095?0i::i.'1-16,' HX 69864. JONES ALFRED G & GLENDA A 5 160AC LOT 16 FOXWOOD ACRES SUBD CONT 5.16 AC 131/569 132/217 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITION AL LEGAL 863121016-00950000-0180 1,225.70 863 121016-00950000-0180 1,225.70 KNOEDLER TODD 5.140AC LOT 18 FOXWOOD ACRES SUBD CONT 5 14 AC L131.5o9 131.f '',, SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 864 1210)16-.( ,'-095f -'.23.'" 508 88 864 121016-00950000-0230 508.88 GUGGENHEIMER FRED & CAROL 5.010AC LOT 23 FOXWOOD ACRES SUBD CONT 5.01 AC 131/569 132/217 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 865 121016-00950000-0250 1,445.50 865 121016-00950000-0250 1,445.50 'ROBINSON JACQUELINE A 5.010AC LOT 25 FOXWCOD ACRES SLIBD CONT 5.01 AC 118 581 165 I I, SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 866 121016-00960000-0540 HX 895.49 866 121016-00960000-0540 HX 895.49 MORGAN F PATRICK 5:06QAC LOT 54 UNIT 2 FOXWOOD ACRES SUBD CONT 5.06 AC 131'569 SEE TAX ROLL FOR A DDI T IONA L LEGAL 867 121016-00960000-0550 HX 841.05 867 121016-00960000-0550 HX 841.05 DUDZIN STANISLAW & EVA ANNA 5.060AC LOT 55 UNIT 2 FOXWOOD ACRES SUBD CONT 5.06 AC 131/569 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 868 121016-00960000-0560 1,382.06 868 121016-00960000-0560 1,382.06 BYRD NORMAN 5.060AC . LOT 56 UNIT 2 FOXWOOD ACRES SUBD CONT 5.06 AC 131/569 SEE TAX ROLL FOR .-.DDITINAL LEGAL 869 121016-00970000-0060 928.90 869 121016-00970000-0060 928.90 COBURN ALAN E & JESSICA LEE 5.000AC LOT 6 HONEY BEE FARMS SUBD CONT 5 AC 111/601 158/373 162/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 870 121016-00970000-0100 47.93 870 121016-00970000-0100 47.93 ADAMS FIELDER WAYNE & PAMELA K 5.000AC LOT 10 HONEY BEE FARMS CONT 5 AC 116/257251/594 871 131016-00000001-0013 HX 592.86 871 131016-00000001-0013 HX 592.86 WEEKS ROBERT A & LISA 5.000AC . COM AT SW/C OF NE/4 13-10-16 FOR POB THENCE RUN ALG W LN OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR.ADDITIONAL LEGAL 872 141016-0556000A-0180 HX 196.37 872 141016-0556000A-0180 HX 196.37 MANZ RUSSELL F JR & SHARON 1.060AC LOT 18 BLK A UNIT 6 SUNN FUN 43/409 & 411 44/30 71/36 R/W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 873 141016-00000001-0024 1,073.65 873 141016-00000001-0024 1,073.65 COATES WILLIAM K 12.980AC COM AT NW/C OF NE/4 OF SW/4 OF 14-10-16 THENCE RUN N 89 DEG E SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 874 141016-05530004-0010 366.12 874 141016-05530004-0010 366.12 JOHNSON MAC 0.270AC LOT 1 BLK 4 UNIT 3 SUN N FUN 40/495 & 569 108/550 & 552 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 875 141016-05530004-0020 352.45 875 141016-05530004-0020 352.45 JOHNSON MAC 0.270AC LOT 2 BLK 4 UNIT 3 SUN N FUN 40/495 & 569 108/550 & 552 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 876 141016-05530004-0030 353.17 876 141016-05530004-0030 353.17 JOHNSON MAC 0.270AC LOT 3 BLK 4 UNIT 3 SUN N FUN 40/495 & 569 108/550 & 552 161/444 231/30 877 141016-05530004-0040 352.45 877 141016-05530004-0040 352.45 JOHNSON MAC 0.270AC LOT 4 BLK 4 UNIT 3 SUN N FUN 40/495 & 569 108/550 & 552 161/444 231/30 878 141016-05530006-0100 HX 196.37 878 141016-05530006-0100 HX 196.37 PICKARD JAMES E & GLADYS G 0.700AC LOT10 & 15 BLK6&E40FT OF LOT II &E40FTOFLOT 14 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 879 141016-05530011-0010 368.40 879 141016-05530011-0010 368.40 JOHNSON MAC 0.270AC LOT I BLK 11 UNIT 3 SUN N FUN 40/495 & 569 108/550 & 552 161/444 231/30 880 141016-05530011-0020 375.24 880 141016-05530011-0020 375.24 JOHNSON MAC 0.300AC -LOT2 BLK 11 UNIT 3 SUN N FUN 40/495 & 569 108/550 & 552 161/444231/30 881 141016-05530011-0030 730.39 881 141016-05530011-0030 730.39 JOHNSON MAC 0.580AC LOT 3 &4 BLK 11 UNIT 3 SUN N FUN OR 40/495 & 569 108/ 550 & 552 205/161 231/30 . 882 141016-05540003-0010 623.59 882 141016-05540003-0010 623.59 JOHNSON MAC C 1.420AC LOTS 1 23456 BLK 3 UNIT4 SUN N FUN 47/34 51/339 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 883 141016-05540004-0010 238.57 883 141016-05540004-0010 238.57 JOHNSON MAC C 0.270AC LOT I BLK 4 UNIT 4 SUN N FUN 47/34 51/339 138/357 138/365 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 884 141016-05540004-0020 238.57 884 14[I|6-0554C0'-14-000 238.57 JOHNSON MAC C 0 310AC LOT 2 BLK 4 UNIT 4 SLiN N FUN 47 34 51 339 138 357 138 365 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 885 141016-05540004-0030 238.57 885 141016-05540004-0030 238 57 JOHNSON MAC C 0 310AC LOT 3 BLK 4 UNIT 4 SLUN N FUN 47 34 51 339 138 357 138/.3n5 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 886 141016-05540004-0040 75.36 886 141016-05540004 -00410) '75.36 JOHNSON MAC C 0.270AC LOT 4 BLK 4UNIT 4 SUNN FUN 47/34 51/339 138,357 138/365 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 887 141016-0554W0015-')010 238 57 887 141016-05540005-0010 238 57 JOHNSON MAC C 0 270AC LOT I BLK 5 UNiT 4 SUN N FUN 47 34 51 339 138 357 138'365 162 343 209 52 888 141016-05540005-0020 238.57 888 141016-05540005-0020 238.57 JOHNSON MAC C 0 310AC LOT 2 BLK 5 UNIT 4 SUN N FUN 47 34 51 339 138 347 138 365 162 343 209 52 889 141016-05540X)05-003ii 75 36 889 1410i6-05540u05.0703)0 75.36 JOHNSON MAC C 0 360AC LOT3 BLK 5 UNIT 4 SUNN FUN '47/34 51 339 138;357 138/365 162/343 209/52 - 890 141016-05540007-0050 75.36 890 141016-05540007-0050 75.36 JEFFERSON LORNA & NIGEL BLITLER 0.240AC LOT 5 BLK 7 UNIT 4 SUN N FUN 47-201 TAX DEED 2004 4335 891 141016-0554001.17-020vi 75 36 891 141016-05540007-0200 75.36 JEFFERSON LORNA & NIGEL BUTLER 0 240AC LOT 20 BLK 7UNIT 4 SUN N FUN 47/3451/339117/117 136,146 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 892 141016-05540007-0230 117.57 892 141016-05540007-0230 117.57 SMITH JACKIE V & PENNY L, 0.460AC LOTS 23 & 24 BLK 7 UNIT 4 SUN N FUNOR46PG 5.t'3 TAX DEED 256/534 2001/3526 893 141016-05540009-0010 117.57 893 141016-05540009-0010 117:5 NAPOLEON DEVELOPMENT 0.390AC LOTS 1 & 2 BLK 9 UNIT 4 SUN N FLiN 4 179 TAX DEED206/512 21104 6v46 :i('5 ?8 4 . 894 141 01i .554001,'l .0:Ii'- i00 75.36- S894 141016-05540010-0020' 75.36 NAPOLEON DEVELOPMENT 0.240AC LOT 2 BLK 10 UNIT 4 46/594 47/177 60/208 206/509 TAX . - SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 895 141016-05540010-0030 117.57 895 141016-05540010-0030 117.57 MCCOLLISTER RAYMOND S ET UX 0.480AC LOTS 3 & 4 BLK 10 UNIT 4 SUN ' N FUN OR 47 PG 97 & OR 59 PG 416 896 141016-05540010-0110 HX 196.37 896 141016-05540010-0110 HX 196.37 SULLIVAN CAROLYN JEAN 0.460AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 897 141016-05540010-0200 11.7.57 : ;897 141016-05540010-0200 117.57 IRVING ANGER LENNER 0.480AC LOTS 20 & 21 BLK 10 UNIT 4 SUN N FUN OR 46/666 55/629 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 898 141016-05540011-0010 65.02 898 141016-05540011-0010 65.02 ROLAND WANDA KAY 0.220AC LOT I BLK 11 UNIT 4 SUN N FUN 47/34 51/339 113/298 136/281 242/167 283/78. 899 141016-05540011-0030 196.37 899 141016-05540011-0030 196.37 VAREIKA WANDA K 0.250AC LOT3 BLK 11 UNIT 4 SUN N FUN SUBD 47/34 51/339 113/298 136/28.1 221/339 258/559 900141016-05540011-0070 HX 196.37 900 141016-05540011-0070 HX 196.37 MURPHY CATHY L HERDON 0.420AC LOT 7& 8 BLK 11 UNIT 4 SUN N FUN OR 44 PG 296 124/302&303 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 901 141016-05540012-0060 117.57 901 141016-05540012-0060 117.57 NAPOLEON DEVELOPMENT 0.480AC LOTS 6 & 7 BLK 12 UNIT 4 SUN N FUN 46/571 TAX DEED 206/510 2004/6748 2005/3894 902 141016-05540013-0010 117.57 902 141016-05540013-0010 117.57 NAPOLEON DEVELOPMENT 0.400AC LOTS I & 2 BLK 13 UNIT 4 SUN N FUN 50/220 TAX DEED 206/ 511 2004/6747 2005/3894 903 141016-0556000B-0170 HX 265.98 903 141016-0556000B-0170 HX 265.98 HODGE DALE T 1.090AC LOT 17 BLK B UNIT 6 SUN N FUN 49/213 50/632 220/607 251/644 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 904 141016-0556000B-0240 254.73 904 141016-0556000B-0240 254.73 DUTRA LILLIAN SHERRY 3.000AC LOTS 24 25 26 BLK B UNIT 6 SUN N FUN 44/43 & 45 153/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 905 141016-0556000B-0430 580.53 905 141016-0556000B-0430 580.53 LEE PATRICIA ANN 1.380AC LOT'43 BLK B UNIT 6 SUN N FUN 44/215 54/677 116/495-497 2003/404 906 141016-0556000B-0630 107.02 906 141016-0556000B-0630 107.02 PARRISH THOMAS H 1.010AC LOT 63 BLK B UNIT 6 SUN N FUN 44/427 59/624/626:.120/199-200 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 907 141016-0556000B-0640 HX 297.36 .907 141016-0556000B-0640 HX 297.36 PARRISH THOMAS H 0.660AC LOT 64 BLK B UNIT 6 SUN N FUN 49/413 102/619 186/676 2000/ 3184 UTIL EASEMENT 2002/3682 908 141016-0556000B-0658 107.02 908 141016-055600OB-0658 107.02 SETTEL DONALD H SR .1.020AC LG METES & BDS DESC (PCL 8) PART OF LOT 65 BLK B UNIT 6 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 909 141016-0556000D-0010 520.30 909 14,1016-0556000D-0010 520.30 FELLOWS GERALD 2.060AC LOTS & 2 BLK D UNIT 6 SUN N .FUN 144/300 67,519 103/121 171/5 , 910 141016-0556000E-0120 HX 196.37 910 141016-0556000E-0120 HX 196.37 MITCHELL DAVID .0.970AC LOT 12 BLK E UNIT 6 SUN N FUN 121/375 129/69 129/70 154/430 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL. .9i1.141016-0556000E-0170 HX 196.37 911 141016-0556)00E-017i0 HX 196.37 MOORE TLMiM 1.080AC LOT 17 BLK E UNIT 6 SUN N FUN OR 49PG 225 66/384 133/144 SEETAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 912 1,41016-0556000E-0240 55.32 912 141016-0556000E-0240 55.32 SPELL MARY ESTHER 0.2380AC W 143.98 FT OF LOT 24 BLIK E UNIT6 SLUN N FULN SLiBD49,45t. 169/646 .1 r :913 151016-05611010-0000 HX 19637 913 151C01i6-05611 )010-0000 HX 19637 SRAMSAY DEANNA 0.230AC LOT 101 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITE OR60"PG 46 127/575 EASEMENT. SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 914 151016-00000003-00I0 707.02 914 151016-00000003-01.)10 707.02 WALLACE ROBERT PERRY III 9.980AC" COM AT SW C OF LOT 62 WAC CAMP SITES UNIT 2 AS POB GON, SEETAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 915 I 51016-00000004-0001) HX 324 87 915 151016-00000004-0000 HX 324.87 ALBRIGHTROYE 2 980AC COM AT NW.C OF LOT 254 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITES AS PT OF REF GO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 9 16 151016-05610260-0000 472 99 916 151016-05610260-0000 472 99 ROBERTS RONALD T 1 S:150AC LOT 26 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES 70'83 179'440 208 481 209-259 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 917 15l)016-05610690-0000 14808 917 151016-0C56106901.'"1)0' 14808 YOUG HN STEKEN K 0.240AC LOT 69 LUNIT I WAC CAMPSITES 58,636 262.'14 918 151016-05610700-0000 HX 19637 918151016-05610700-0000 HX 196037 YOUGHN STEVEN K 0.250AC LOT 70 UN I T I WAC CAMPSITES 48/189262/14. , 919 151016-.05611020-0000 3 33991 9 9 151016-056I l020-0000 3 31 91 TIMMONS LYNN 0 44'0AC LOTS 1:2 & 103 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITES OR 4556791 4.153 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 920 151016-05611070-0CI1'Ii HX 196 37 920 151016-05611070-0000 HX 19637 TALMADGE SANDRA E ET AL 0 470AC LOTS 107 & 1I68 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITES OR 45 PG 144 255,319 255'320 20004560 921 151016-056115'0-0000 627582 *921 151016-05611150-0000 275.82 HAGAMAN LINDA G- 2.750AC LOTS 115 116 117 118 119 & 120 UNIT I WAC CAMP 44/15 46/ 461 50/289 2005/2226 922 151016-05611280-0000 64.82 922 151016-0561-1280-0000 64.82 PRODELL KURT H 0.200AC LOT 128 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITES 923 151016-05611350-0000 64.82 923 151016-05611350-0000 64.82 COATS RONALD W 0.230AC LOT 135 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITES OR51 PG 640 924 151016-05611610-0000 HX 196.37 924 151016-05611610-0000 HX 196.37 WBURGOS PABLOR 0.310AC LOT 161 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITES 50, 11 2000/12272005/668 925'151016-05611730-0000 HX 282.89 925 151016-05611730-0000 HX 282.89 MOORE THOMAS 0.470AC LOT 173 UNIT I "WAC CAMPSITE OR 50 PG 554 81/342 84/542 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 926 151016-05611780-0000 122.85 926 151016-05611780-0000 122.85 BURGOS PABLO R 0.580AC LOTS 178 & 179 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES 50/511 2000/1227 2005/668 927 151016-05611880-0000 720.68 927151016-05611880-0000 720.68 WAC WELDING & IR WKS 0.530AC LOT 188 & 189 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES OR 44/286 & OR 51/137 & OR 65/236 79/632 928 151016-05612110-0000 501.90 928 151016-05612110-0000 501.90 JORDAN FRANCES T 0.210AC LOT 211 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITE 54/574 171/302 UTIL EASEMENT 173/431 2005/2782 929 151016-05612150-0000 78.01 929 151016-05612150-0000 78.01 LARA PHILLIPS ANN C 0.210AC LOT 215 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITE OR 45 PG 603 930 151016-05612170-0000 78.01 930 15.1016-05612170-0000 78.01 BRUGUERAS HECTOR L 0.210AC LOT 217 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITES OR 45/128 931 151016-05612210-0000 78.01 931 151016-0512210-0000 78.01 ROUSTAN YVON & ESTELA 0.210 AC LOT 221 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITE OR 45 PG 235 Section B. Paqe Seven Sctio~nn B.Pavep richt Gilchrist (Countu Delinauent Tax List -- --.-.j--.- - May 11. 18. 25. 2006 932 151016-05612520-0000 459.56 932 151016-05612520-0000 459.56 FARROW GEORGE V. 0.920AC LOT 252 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITES ' 53/301 59/475 119/209 2003/, SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 933 151016-05612560-0000 HX 465.23 933 151016-05612560-0000 HX 465.23 BURNETT GLINDA C 0.900AC LOT 256 & 257 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITES OR 52/191 64/309 108/186 934 151016-05612620-0000 HX 196.37 934 151016-05612620-0000 HX 196.37 BAISDEN BEN WAYNE 0.900AC LOT 262 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITES OR 43 PG 608 OR 56 PG 413 280/455 935 151016-05612630-0000 552.58 935 151016-05612630-0000 552.58 PAGE ROGER 1.800AC LOTS 263 & 264 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES OR 55/210 & 213 57/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 936 151016-05612660-0000. HX 196.37 936 151016-05612660-0000 HX 196.37 WARD CELENA A & 0.900AC" LOT 266 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES 59/305 86/601 87/411 152/698 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 937 151016-05612670-0000 HX 338.05 937 151016-05612670-0000. HX 338.05 KEARNEY CAROLYN 0.900AC LOT 267'UNIT I WAC CAMPSITE ' 71/115 114/584 115/270 235/700 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 938 151016-05612680-0000 23.43 938 151016-05612680-0000 293.43 PATTERSON CANDY ANN 0.900AC LOT 268 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES. 54/295 64/221 81/300 88/267 & I . SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL ..9 151016-'05612c90-0000 HX 19637 939 151016-05612690-0000 HX 196.37. PATTERSON CANDY ANN 0.9QOAC LOT.269 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITE 54/295 64/221 81/300 88/629 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 940 151016-05612710-0000. 520.54 940 151016-05612710-0000 '520.54 GRAVELY RONALD W & REBECCA D . LOT 271 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES , 50/300 60/1 81/300 84/461 88/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDItIONAL IEGAL 941 151016-05612730-0000 78.01 941 151016-05612730-0000 78.01; GIRARD ASHLIE & 0.240AC LOT 273 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITES 2005/1423 942 151016-05612850-0000 942 151016-05612850-0000 0.900AI 337.77' 337.77 STARCHER DOROTHY LOT 285 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITE 54/291 60/631 99/269 0.900AC 943 151016-05612950-0000 HX 196.37 943 151016-05612950-0000 HX 196.37 TRAVIS RUFUS ROBERT SR & 0.900AC LOT 295 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITES 58/417 95/305 97/425 108/287 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 944 151016-05613040-0000 HX 942.52 944 151016-05613040-0000 HX 942.52 TAYLOR MELISSA S& 1.880AC LOTS 304 & 305 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITES 39/620 & 621 79/699 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 945 151016-05613280-0030 537,80 945 151016-05613280-0030 537.80 DEWEIN SHIRLEY 0.490AC' S 164 FT OF LOT 328 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES 40/673 102/690 124/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 946 151016-05620170-0000 HX 196.37 946 151016-05620170-0000 HX 196.37 EASTON JAMES WILLIAM & 5.900AC LOT 17 UNIT 2 WAC CAMPSITE 74/468 122/470 165/318 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 947 151016-05620400-0000. HX 928.17. 947 151016-05620400-0000 HX 928.17 FELICIANO GLORIA-J & RAUL 6.460AC LOT 40 UNIT 2 WAC CAMPSITES 66/144 212/263 267/137-144 278/193-195 279/170 948 151016-05620460-0000 761.08 948 151016-05620460-0000 761.08 GREENFIELD CHARLES & 5-.800AC LOT 46 UNIT 2 WAC CAMPSITES OR 67/34 120/621 137/517 149/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL* 949 151016-05620510-0000 940.38 949 151016-05620516-0000 940.38 SIGMAN GLEN RYAN & JANET ANN 10000AC LOTS 51 & 52 UNIT 2 WAC CAMNPSITES64 1:6968,338 99 558 SEE TA.\ ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 950 Il?(1I6-'6'b620540-'"000 HX 658 :5- .950.151016-05620540-0000 HX 658.05 SMATUSIK ROBERT D & BARBARA A 7480AC LOT 54 UNIT2 WAC CAMPSITES 68'215 114464 115143 155 _224 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL C. S951 201,'l-4jO iiJ:'(,4-000 HX 196 37 951 21010160-.u0li0040-iii00 HX 196 37 BROCK E E MRStWILLiE.JEAN) 30 920'AC BEG AT S\W COR OF NE 4 OF SE . '4 SEC 20 AS POB GO N 63. FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL C*'2 231016-100000002-00'0 36949 952 231016-000i00002-0i:i)0(, 36949 MOORE EDDIE L & GEORGEANA D 75.000AC, SW 4 OF NW,4 & S'2 OF NW'4 OF SE'4 OF NWi4 & SW,4 OF SE.4 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 953 251016-01330000-0010 HX 742.63 953 251016-01330000-0010 HX 742.63 MENDEZ TONY L & CHARLOTTE S 5.000AC LOT 1 SPJ SUBDIVISION CONT 5 ACRES 164/498 179/450 250/336. UNTIL EASEMENT 276/185 954 251016-01330000-0030 HX 490.34 954251016-01330000-0030 HX 490.34 CLAGG DARRELL JR 5.000AC LOT 3 SPJ SUBDIVISION CONT 5 AC 166/68 UTILITY EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 955 2510l6-01330000-0090 HX 196.37 955 251016-01330000-0090 HX. 196.37 HURLEY BETTY D 5.000AC LOT 9 SPJ SUBDIVISION CONT 5 ACRES lol/57 163,647 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 956 251016-01330000-0120 HX 426.02 956 251016-01330000-0120 HX 426(02' THOMPSON ROBERT W 5 000AC LOT 12 SPJ SUBDIVISION CONT 5 ACRES 160'459 UTILITY EASE- SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 957 251016-02120000-0180 HX 580 9,1, 957251016-02120000-0180 HX 58091 PARRISH GENE RA Y 5 150AC COM AT SW,C OF SE/4 OF SE.,4 OF 25-10-16 FOR POB THENCE SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 958 271016-00000002-0030 HX 688 63 S958 271016-.10000006)2-0030 HX ,688.63 LINDSEY JAMES S & JANETJ 2.000AC . COM AT SEC OF 27-10.-16 FOR . POR THENCE RUN ALG E LN OF SEC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL- 959 3610'16-i'0'S,,)0'00130 HX 1,448 48 .. 95 3o l .6-O.'J580000- 130 HX 1.448 48 WOOD MARJORIE 4 9380AC PARCEL 13 GiLCHRIST FARMS LTD LiNREC SULBD OR 77'46&47 89 174 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S 19610 1207,.14-1 000 1 -1,00, 90 8 ,' 9 o 0 i2 0 7 M ,14- n' (:iOn'.)) -O1 n n0 8 '''' PHILPOTIPEST SSE'4 OF NW 4 & FR-.\CT SW 4 OF N\W' 4 & E '2 OF SW 4 & S 2 OF: . SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 961 I 3017f.14.,il0 u00l -'1 0.i O 75 64 961 1307 M4-0000' 001-00i1.1 75 64 HANDLE L(IS P ' NE 4 & E 2 OF NWv 4 LESS 33 AC TOG C BUTLER DB 2'57 : 5' 5t. INTEREST c. 962 I I119M4-O O" l1.o O:ii- l)00' "0 3l 41 092 I O)(M4-0)tO :)0U0-.OO- 3o 41 GLITHRJIE A K E.2 CF NE.4 I 3 INT 963 220-9 -114., 00' 0,'' Ii.. O '' 01' ''. ' . !. : 963 2200iM4-04,O~)00,1,)-,)iOi 54 01 '. HENDERSON SIMMON W TRUSTEE E/2 OF SE/4 & NW/4 OF SE/4 50 PER CENT INTEREST 147/638 964 2509M4-00000001-0000 47.67 964 2509M4-00000001-0000 47.67 PINE ISLAND INC SE/4 OF SW/4 & E/2 OF SE/4 & SW/4 OF SE/4 OR 64/544 50 PER CENT INTEREST 965 3506M5-00000001-0000 38.17 965 3506M5-00000001-0000 38.17 ROONEY MARGUERITE R VW 1980 FT OF N\, 4 CONT 120 AC DB 7 453 ,OR 20 )561 1 2 (F 50 PERCENT INTi 3.12 966 3506M5-00000006-0000 54.01 966 3506M5-00000006-0000 54.01 BUSH W F W 1980 FT OF NW/4 CONT. 120 AC DB 7 453 20 Sol 50% 9670057u 1 7t.Il.i000 'i 5-0u00 40.82, co ,5i.007.15-O0,U.iOO'J5-000- u 40.82 COWAN MINERALS INC. S.'2 OF NE 4 & E.2 OF SE'4 S CCNT Io0 AC 7 :3TH INTEREST -SEE TA.\ ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL *968 3307M5-00000006-0000 38.52 968 3307M5-00000006-0000 38.52 : COW.AN MINERALS INC E/2OFNE/4 & SE/4 OF NE 4 '. NW/4 OF'NE/4 CONT 160 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 6 17 8'fl8M 5-.iii)0 0: .)i2-(0,,':.'0 43643 : 6. 9 1703S.M -i', ;i:,2.oO',,' 3o43 GUTHRIE A K S 2 OF NI1.4 I 3 INT 157499 0 1):70 1] ,rI .OO:,: i l .,')l ': 35 41 970 1610M5-00000001-0000 35.41 COWANT .FlNERAL S INC k iLLTHATP..RT OF SE 4LING S O* F R'"' OF ACL RR& ST RD 14 SEE TA.\ ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL . I 31|,)-'M r.-O,00 ,): O : 3.0i,,l 43 -1 - 0. I 'l 310 ,. r i.,16.- "' 00'i 30- 10 43 22 S' AN. MiNER.iALS iNC S '-'F NE 4 & NE'4 OiF S.' 4 & NVW 4 OF SE 4 & SE 4 OF SW 4 SSEE TAX R.:,LL FOR ADDII T(N.L LEGAL S 972 'I40 1M10-':000 02-,,:iO0 54 '1I ",7i4 iSllo-Oi, j' :,',i0,-_ i ',,: 54 01 : ARGENTA FiRANCES P & ELAINE W OC..F NE4 & SE 4 O-1F N 4 50 PERC INTEREST 204 2'S 246 SS]5 S246.-691 S ,*. ', '973 f04iSM6-OO O.Oi.i3-.00)O 14 8 95 . -. : 73 0408Mpo-,Jii000( 3-0ii10 148 5 STORE) ELOiSE H .. S 2. INTEREST 13o 550 174. S.. '- 57 ,; , 9 74 I l. O '.1 O.O. '"")l-0'i)000 30 87 :. :. .i .'," ., 9 74-11, f~ln 1.11u,',,,', )I l-,",,, "t" KIRBY L C W/2 OF SW/4 & E/2 OF NE/4 & W/2 OF NE/4 LESS N/2 OF N/2' OF NW/4 OF NE/4 1/8 INT 975 1108M6-00000001-0000 42.14 ,975 1108M6-00000001-0000 '42:.14 KIRBY LC . SE/4 & NW/4 LESS N/2 OF N/2 OF N/2 OF NW/4 1/8 INTEREST 976 2510M6-00000001-0000 123.63 .. 976 ?O 2 I1, l.'i.6f'lr0 I -."'0'0) 123.63 '. DELTA DRILLING COM.1PANY ALL 5i'0,, INTEREST 977 2610M6-0000000i-0000 '72 98 S. 9772610r.1I-'.00000 1i -,0"000 72.98 DELTA DRILLING COMPANY NE/4 &NW/4 50 PER INTEREST 978 2710M6-00000001-0000 43.46 .978 2710M6-00000001-0000 43.46 . SIMMONS FRANCES S NE/4DB11PG 236 1/4 - INTEREST OR 72 PG 148 79/336 979 28.10M"-0u000i'I-001'00 64.30 979 2810M6-00000001-0000 64 30 MCCLINTOCK R S NE/4 LESS I1AC DB 15 PG 369 MISC.BK3 PG 171 1/2 INT 980 2810M6-00000003-0000 42.26 980 2810M6-00000002-0000 4226 AVERY'SAME . 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