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E o -n E )Ph Cn> / 713 F* v2 7 C t A $ 20 00 A Year In Tn-qount, Area iGlcnri. Vol. 76 No. 05 Phone (35) 463-7135 Fax (352)463-7393 Trenton. Florida 32693 Thursday, May 18, 2006 Price 50 Diie & Le,, oune ,0 .4 00ouL.^.er gilchristlournal @bellsouth.net or nonda. S:8 00 Oui O State D. Ray Harrison, Jr. Announces Intent To Seek County Commissioner District 1 Seat .To the Citizens of Gil6hrist County, I hereby announce my inten- tions to qualify and run for the seat of County Commission District Two. You gate me the opportunity to serve you many years as your Property Appraiser and for that I am ver grateful. I now feel I can use those years of experience to better serse \ou as County Commissioner. With years of budget experi- ence and being a service ori- ented public official. I feel this will enable me to contribute to your needs now and help build and shape the future of Gilchrist County. We are experiencing :D. Rai Hfarrison, Jr. many different changes in our government and I can use m. experience to help with our counties growth to help make changes in a positive way. I have 'a good understanding of our county government and % ill strive to serve you in a way that you deserve. For any information or help \ou can give or share with me you ma\ call (352) 463-2147. 1 have the time, and I desire and will be available to serse you to the best of my ability. With your help and %ote I will strive' to make a difference. I need your help and support in this election and will be for- e\er grateful for it. Your Friend, D. Ray Harrison. Jr. Character Council's Personality For May Is Midge Everett By Geneva Cornwell :;, One of the most quiet, like- able. serene and gentle of people anyone would e\er w\ant to meet is our featured personalit of the month. Midge E\erett. the lo\- ing \sife of J.NM. Eserett, mother to two sons, Kevin and Alan. and grandmother to grandson. Ryan. This charming lady is the epitome of 'IRT UE. for she demonstrates daily honesty and integrity by having the desire to. do what is right, all the time'. SMrs. Everett is originally from Union County. but moved ..\ith her husband to Suwannee Coun- ty where her husband taught for a number of years. She became a "Gilchristan" after he accepted a teaching position in the count%. making Gilchrist her own. Soin' 1973 the bought ten acres utf land. built a house and moved here. Besides being a devoted homemaker. o\er the \ears Ms. Midge has shown that VIRTUE is part of her very existence by being available as a caregiver of children. The guide of this stately woman's life has been that of her virtuous Christian upbring-. ing. Her most:helpful verse comes from John 8:29, And He that sent me is. with me: the Fallier hath not left me alone; for -do always those things that please Him. Mrs. Everett always tries to be an example (Continued to Page Eighteen) Trenton Travels To Bronson To Play Thursday Night In Spring Football Jamboree The Trenton Tigers held an Orange and Black intersquad game on Saturday morning at THS. The Tigers look good as the\ prepare to play in a Spring Football game Thursday night in Bronson. In this intersquad game. these t\o teams "ent head to head as the Orange squad edged the Black team 9-0. The Orange team that \"as led by quarterbacks Durell Henr) and Ryan Bro\\n scored a touchdown as senior fullback Ryan Frye ble\\ up the middle on a 6-)ard run. K le Jenkins kicked the extra point to gi\e the Orange team a 7-0 lead in the second quarter. In the closing minutes of the game. Ryan Frye and the Big Orange defense stopped the Black offense for a 2-point safety . The Black team that was led b\ quarterbacks Guy Brown and Brandon McElroy did a good job and played \%ell in this game. The Tigers %\ill travel to Bronsonr Thursday) ijgh L,.take on the Eaglks. This game '%ill kickoff at 7:00 p.m. Bell Bulldogs To Host Branford Thursday Night In Spring Jamboree The BellBulldogs will host the Branford Buccaneers Thursday night in a spring football game. The kickoff for this game is set for 6:30 p.m. Alidge Everett Crystal Black Is Crowned Queen Of 61st Annual Newberry Watermelon Festival The 61' Annual New\berrn Watermelon Festi\al \\as held NMa 13. 2006 at Canterbury Equestrian Show\ Place. Crystal Black. formerly of Trenton was crow ned queen by Ashley Peevey. the 2004 festi\ al queen. The festival which is one of the longest active watermelon n festivals in the Sunshine State drew\ a large crowd for the live entertainment Saturday evening. Crystal Black a 2004 THS graduate now resides in Gainesville. She was sponsored in the 2006 pageant by Green Sound Equipment Co. Gilchrist Commission Takes No Action On Golf Cart Ordinance B\ John MN. Ayers The Gilchrist Counit Commission considered a proposed golf cart ordinance Monday e\ ening during the mid month meeting The board, after listening to Gilchrist County Sheriff David Turner and Sgt. Ton) Smith explain the safety factors involving golf carts on the count. roads, 10ok no action on this ordinance. Sheriff Turner explained that Florida Statutes 316 is a portion of a: state uniform traffic guideline that identifies speed limits, and the use of unla\ ful vehicless being used on public roads. i, The .board determined that SW 80' Avenue is actually a paved road .that has vehicles. traveling in excess of 55 miles per hour. Conditions are unsafe for slow, moving vehicles like golf carts to be traveling on this. road. Sgt. Smith' explained to the board in a letter that he is a resident of this area and SW 85th Lane, is a narrow road that does not provide a place for slow (Continued to Page Two) Shown is Crystal Black, left, the 61" .Annual Newberry l'Vatermelon Queen with A.shley Pevey, the 2005 festival queen. Photo by Anna Wild. County Residents Complain That Lime Rock Grades Are Not Being Maintained By John M. Ayers Gilchrist County resident Marge Woods addressed the Gilchrist County Commission Monday evening to advise the board that the road she lies on. SE 110" Street, is not \\ell maintained She explained that' she has been a resident of Gil- christ Count) for 20 years, and her road \\as better maintained in years past than it is present. NMs. Woods told the board that she %\as involved in an ac- cident March 24, 2006 on this road and the condition of the road at that time w as a contrib- uting factor in the cause of this accident: She explained that the grade road has sandy spots from time to time and that the acci- dent was due to one of these areas. "I would like to see each commissioner be responsible for. driving in their.district and ma - ing contacts w ith the road de- partment to have roads better maintained." Marge Wood ex- plained. Commissioner Sharon Lang- ford reported that she drives the roads in District 1 and calls in w0ork orders to -the Road De- partment for routine mainte- nance. SGilchrist; Count\ Road De- partment Super\ isor Justin Wat- son explained to the board that the road department put a load of lime rock in a busted-out. sandy place on this road, just four days before Ms. Woods had the accident on this road. He went on to gi6e a detailed report of the maintenance that has been done on SE 110 Street since the beginning of 2006. The supervisor explained that SE 110L Street has had 26 loads of lime rock applied on this (Continued to Page Eighteen) Cindy and Eddie Scott pictured among rows of their beautiful daylilies. The daylilly shown in front is named. Daylilies A Bloom In Gilchrist County By Cindy Jo Ayers Travel down any rock road in Gilchrist County and you will see vast pasture land, fields of watermelons, planted pines or maybe expanses of native woodlands. Scattered along most of these roads are homes and even a few businesses. Along a road in the northeast part of the county there is a surprise. Behind a picturesque blue farmhouse and manicured. yard lies a daylily farm with some 400,000 daylilies. Countryside Daylilies has sold daylilies for the past seven years and is primarily a mail and internet order business. This year they have been and will be open to the public every weekend in May and the first weekend in June. The founder and hybridizer of Countryside Daylilies is Eddie Scott, a county native.. The daylily business is a joint effort between Eddie and his wife Cindy who handles the mail and internet orders and takes care of most of the inquires from the public. Although the company has a nice color catalog there is nothing that' compares to visiting their garden and seeing the daylilies blooming in person. Eddie and Cindy began their venture into the daylily world (Continued to Page Thirteen) Many local folks may have seen Conrade Irving last Wednesday as he walked through Trenton carrying a cross. He had walked to Williston, Bronson and Chiefland earlier last week. 'Mr. Irving said when people stop to talk to him it gives him a chance to witness to them about Christ. Mr. Conrad lives in Gainesville and plans to walk the cross to Lake City or Jacksonville in the near future. Many people will remember him for selling produce in the area. He has been pleased with the reception he receives as he travels throughout the area. Gilchrist County, Florida 2006 Announced Candidates Counn' Commissioner District 2 Mitchell Gentry, 4959 SW 80thAve., Bell, FL 32619 352-463-7080 (D) D. Ray Harrison, Jr., 4599 SW 90th Court, Bell, FL 32619 352-463-2147 (D) Terry D. Parrish, P. O. Box 82, Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-2248 (D) County Commissioner District 4 ,Tommy Langford, 6650 NE 55th St., High Springs, FL 32643 386-454-3022 (R) John Rance Thomas, 2000 NW 80th St., Bell, FL 32619 386-935-0937 (D) School Board District 1 (Nonpartisan) Delight H. Curtis 7339 SE 69th Lane, Trenton, FL 32693 352-472-6012 Cloud E. Haley 621 NE 2nd Street, Trenton FL 32693 352-463-2917 Lucy Swilley 10360 SE 15th Avenue, Trenton FL 32693 352-463-7716 School Board District 3 (Nonpartisan) John D. Frazier 3539 SW 47th Ct., Bell, FL 32619 352-463-2652 Lacy A. Redd 9050 SW CR 344, Bell, FL 32619 352-463-6266 School Board District 5 (Nonpartisan) Michelle Carter P.O. Box 1463, Trenton FL 32693 352-463-2950 Ann Marie (Anni) Egan 4829 SE 25th Lane, Trenton, FL 32693 352-472-4986 Supervisor of Elections Karen Fults P.O. Box 256, Bell, FL 32619 352-463-7014 (R) Leigh Hartzog P.O. Box 1450, Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-0333 (D) Bill Martin 7699 SW CR-334-A, Trenton FL 32693 352-463-7439 Connie Douglas Sanchez 7246 Cardinal Tr., Fanning Springs, Fl 32693 352-463-3044 (R) County Court Judge Group 1 (Nonpartisan) David Miller (Duke) Lang P.O. Box 51, Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-7800 Edward (Ed) Philman 5880 NW 57th Ct., Bell, FL 32619 386-935-2333 seffllfghi School Cfass of2006 (Pictured on Pages 8 and 9) .-~ .T t Aa r at GilhristountandSuroundiur Serving Gilchrist County andSurrounding Area forever 75 Years t rage iwu o % % L )-1 1 A i-i %U Ia Gilchrist County Journal USPS-218-620 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY IN GILCHRIST COUNTY, 207 N. MAIN TRENTON, FLORIDA Less than 75% advertising We reserve the right to shorten articles, letters, etc. and delete any part or leave out in its entirety if we judge such to be offensive. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $20.00 A Year Ir Tri-County Area $24.00 All Other Areas In Florida $28 Out Of State JOHN MIN AYERS II EDITOR, PUBLISHER AND OWNER Cindy Jo and Carrie Ayers, Glen Thigpen, Mark Schuler, Judi Bishop, Kathy Hilliard & Chris Rogers ASSISTANTS Entered as Periodicals at the Post Office at Trenton. Florida, under the act of March 3, 1879. . POSTMASTER Please Send Address Change To: Gilchrist County Journal, 207N. Main Street, Trenton, Florida 32693 John's Comments By: John M. Avers County residents complain that lime rock grades aren't being maintained. This was the topic that two residents -of .the southeast portion of the county brought.to0 the: board's attention % hen they came. before the board during. the Monday e ening meeting. The question is not whether the Gilchrist County Road Department is maintaining the graded roads, but the amount of traffic that is using some of the most heavily traveled roads. Is this traffic driving too fast for the conditions? Is there a more efficient way for the county to maintain arid ha e better roads, on the high priority traveled grades? I listened to residents tell the board that the roads were like washboards and limbs that are hanging overhead damage the paint and fiberglass on their' personal property. The residents don't take into consideration that there are over 450 miles of graded roads that the Gilchrist County Road Department has to maintain in a routine schedule. The residents just %\ant to make sure that their road is nice and smooth three to five days after the machine and operator ha\e performed the routine maintenance on their road. Commissioner Kenrick Thomas explained that the road department just needs more graders and operators to be able to grade the highest traveled roads e\ ery\ week to ten day s. Is this the solution or does the board need to work more closely\ with the Gilchrist County Sheriff's Office and have the speed limits reduced on the graded roads to 35 mph and ha'e law enforcement enforce Date High Low High Low High Thu lanv 18 06i 12 36 AM 7:26 AMN 1 975 fP1 3N42 ft 12. 17 PN 15.40 P I Fn -0010 ft 2.467it 1 838 it 3.149 ft. May 19.06 1:34 AM 8.28 ANh 1-32 PM 654 PM Sat 0.242 tt 2 590 It. 1 633 ft 2 921 ft. May 20, 06 2.38 AM 9-26 AM 2.59 PM 8 28 PM Sun 0.487 ft 2 788ft 1.221 ft 2.837ft May 21, 06 3 45AMl 10:15 AMN 424PM 10I04PM Mon 0715 ft 3.032 ft 0681 ft. 2.882ft May 22, 06 4:47 AM 10 58 AM 5-35 PMI 1127 PhM Tue 0.927 ft 3.283 ft. 0 143 It May 23, 06 5.43 AM 11:36 AM 6.34 PNI Wed 2.965 ft I 130 ft 3 511 ft -0293t. May 24, 06 12:37 AM 6:32 AM 12:13 PMh 7:25 PMl Last Quarter. 5/20 5:22 AM Pengee. 5/22 11 00 AN Streetwise By Lauren Rudd SIf you play golf, live,.-i a house, or ha\e partaken of adult beverages, then you are probably familiar with one or more of the products from Fortune Brands.' The company can la claim to a number of quality names,. including Titleist golf balls, Cobra clubs and FootJoy golf shoes, Jim Beam bourbon. Cour-: voiser cognac, Moen faucets, Aristokraft and Schrock cabi- nets, Master Lock padlocks and Therma-Tru doors. As a result. one of the company's greatest strengths is the diversity of its product line. When I last discussed Fortune a year ago, the shares were trad- ing at $84. Although I was only looking for a 2.5 percent gain in the share price by the end of the year. I believed then. and contin- ue to believe, that the company has excellent long term growth potential in its share price A year ago I did not expect more from the company because it was undertaking a major spin- off and a major acquisition, both of which were completed during the company's 2005 fiscal year that ended on Dec. 31. Specifically, Fortune spun-off its ACCO office supplies busi- the regulations? The sheer number of people that are now traveling the graded roads in the rural areas is increasing so fast that it is difficult for the county and the road department to get a handle on which roads need to be maintained more than others. In the past the count\ has been able to perform traffic cou is on, e era "1 '6 the, roads that have higher maintenance needs. Gilchrist Count-\ is like' many other counties in North Central Florida, the demand for services actually outweighs the ability .to provide these seri ices to everyone that is in need. The Gilchrist. .County Commission is facing some very important issues in regards :to priority spending regarding the upcoming budget, 2006-07 fiscal year. ness, which was then subse- quently merged into the General Binding Corporation, forming a' new company now.called ACCO Brands. Fortune's shareholders of record received one share of ACCO Brands for each 4.32 shares of Fortune they held. At about the same time, Fortune's spirits and wine divi-. sion' acquired approximately 25 global and national premium brands from Pernod Ricard, including Maker's Mark and Sauza tequila. For the first quarter ending March. 31, Fortune reported net income of $1.15 per share, re- flecting a net gain of 9 cents per share from one-time items. That was up 21 percent from a year ago. Even without the one-time gain, the $1.06 still exceeded Street expectations. Net sales increased 33 percent to $2.0 billion. Operating income was $307 million, up 33 percent. Return- on equity (ROE), before one rime charges and gains, was 20.4 percent and the company's return on investment (ROl) was 10.5 percent. Both numbers %were a shade down from a year ago. Just as important is Fortune's .free cash flow target for 2006. currently between $400 and 500 million after dividends and capi- tal expenditures. That target will be impacted to some degree by approximately $125 million in spirits and wine acquisition-re- lated payments that are one-time charges. Projecting out Fortune's trailing twelve month earnings number of $629 million, using a growth rate of 11.4 percent. and discounting the results back using as a discount rate the 11 percent, the average return on the S&P 500, yields an intrinsic value of $89 per share. However, keep in mind that Fortune's earnings fell as a re- sult of spinning off ACCO. If we calculate a more conserva- tive intrinsic value based on free cash flow using the same earn- ings number and growth rate. the result is an intrinsic value of $99 per share. My 2005 earnings estimate, for Fortune is $5.30 per share. If the current multiple, or P/E, of 18.82 remains as constant as it,; n. the pa, rl; my earnings estimate is correct, the shartid6uld be traditij'at about $99 in 9 to 12 months, for a gain of about 24 percent. In addition, there is a current di\ idend yield of 1.7 percent. You can write to financial col-:, umnist Lauren Rudd at 5 Gulf Manor Drive, Venice, F. 34285 or email at LVERudd@aol.com, Prior columns are available at RuddReport.com. A Letter To. The Editor Citizens of Gilchrist County. I would like to correct an error in last week's article about the SCounty Commission's zoning changes within the Urban De- velopment area around Trenton. I was-quoted making the state- ment, "As a builder. I think we' need some smaller lots;: maybe one-acre lots, north of Trenton. I don't ha e a problem with en- larging the Urban Development Lottery Numbers Wednesday May 10 Lotto Drawing: 12-14-20-39-42-49 No \ inner of the $6 million jackpot. 5-Digit Winners: 45 at $7,409 4-Digit Winners 3.066 at $88' 3-Digit Winners: 67,151 at $5.50 Play 4 Drawing: 2-6-3-4 Cash 3 Drawing: 5-3-7 . Saturday, May 13 Lotto Drawing: 1-5-12-27-33-52 One winner of the $11 million jackpot. 5-Digit Winners: 99 at $4,777 4-Digit Winners: 5,755 at $66.50 3-DigitWinners: 119,152 at $4.50 Play 4 Drawing: 4-7-8-7 Cash 3 Drawing: 2-7-1 C*.O*O+KKI.-NG By Cindy Jo Ayers. "I was blessed with humble t it y beginnings." zucchini Dolly Parton zucchini. SJohn has a bumper crop of zucchini this year. Zucchini- are funny vegetables you just don't need very many plants to ha e 'more.zucchini than you know what to do, with. We only haae three plants and we have been picking them and giving them away as fast as we can, It's hard to believe that only three plants can make more than two people can,eat. No., as squash go. I much prefer youngg yellow squash cooked with a lot of Vidalia onion in some butter. But small zucchini are good if they are sliced kinda thin and rolled in corn meal and deep-fried. Years ago my mother fried Pattypan squash in the same manner and they were really good. Alone they don't have a whole lot of flaor but all in all the zucchini is very nutritious, it's rich in carotene, fiber, potassium, and itlamins A and B. Over the years I'\e made quite a bit of Zucchini Bread which is a real good way to use up the big zucchini that have been left on the vine a little too long. The recipe I alay s turn to when making Zucchini Bread is listed below. I like this recipe best because it has pineapple. The pineapple kicks up the fla% or a notch. The Zucchini Deep Dish Pie supposedly came from Dolly Parton's aunt. Now if Dolly likes it you know it has to be good. The fact is this is a really good recipe that I have cooked often throughout the years. I do believe the recipe came from Tennessee originally. Anyway, area, balancing the area around the City of Trenton." I w"as misquoted, and-would like to' er the record straight for the-com- munity. I said, "I am a builder by trade. and hale always had an interest in land use and zon- ing changes, and therefore have kept abreast with these issues. I would like to see the area of RSF/MH-1 (I acre lots) reduced . on "the southeast boundary as shown on the proposal presented by staff, and I don't have a prob- lemi with changing the Urban Development area to include A-1 zoning (2 acre lots), north of Trenton, to better balance the area around Trenton." I stand by my statement, and I will leave it to you to decide whether the meaning of my statement changes when what was reported is compared to - what I actually said. Thank you, SMitchell Gentry, Gilchrist County Commissioner, District 2 When Satan began his temptation against Christ, he challenged God's Son with the enticement of the physical state of hunger. Jesus had been fasting and "He was hungry" (Luke 4:2). And the devil said to Him, "If You are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread." And Jesus answered him, "It is written, 'Man shall not live on bread alone'" (Luke 4:3-4). The answer of Jesus resonates from the book of Deuteronomy when Jehovah is declaring to the .children of Israel their need to trust in the Almighty. In Deuteronomy 8, the Lord admonishes the people to be obedient to His commandments and to remember how He had brought them through the wilderness to humble them and test their hearts. "He humbled you and let you be hungry, and fed you with manna which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that He might make you understand that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord" (Deuteronomy 8:3). The temptation of Jesus is critical to His willingness to be obedient to the Father. Phil Roberts pointed out that if Jesus could not. endure the trials of Satan at the temptation, He could never endure the agony of the cross. The temptation tests the obedience of Jesus. The intense hunger following a fast of forty days was immense from the physical standpoint. How could Jesus endure such a desire to fill the flesh with nourishment? "He was hungry." It was within His power to turn stones to bread and to prepare a great feast before Him to crush the raging hunger He felt. Jesus knew that while the power was there, the will of the Father was not. The testing of the children of Israel was to show them, the need of trusting in God. Jehovah had led 1 cup chopped pecans I stick butter, melted, 1h cup vegetable oil S 2 cups coarsely shredded ' zucchini S1 (8-ounce) can crushed Pineapple, drained 1 teaspoon pure.vanilla Combine first 5 ingredients; t -stir in pecans. Combine butter,, oil, shredded zucchini and pineapple and vanilla. Mix into, flour mixture. Stirring only until, have some extra dry ingredients are moistened. Spoon, batter into 2, greased -- and floured loaf pans. Bake at I fnA-e r b- i uu Ina .i ccfiini Dee Ds ie :(Fromihe mountains of Tennessee) 2 cups zucchini squash, sliced thin cup chopped onion 1 stickof butter teaspoon oregano 1'i teaspoon s% eet basil teaspoon garlic pow der 2 tablespoons parsley flakes teaspoon salt 2 eggs dash of pepper . 8 ounces mozzarella cheese, grated 1 pack of crescent rolls 1 tablespoon mustard Cook squash and onions in: butter until tender. Add spices., Mix eggs and cheese. Add to squash mixture. Line pie pan dish with unrolled crescent rolls. Press the seams of the rolls together to make one crust. SSpread mustard o\er crust. Pour in vegetable mixture into crust. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. ..cc-timi l .ad ' 3 cups all-purpose flour . I? teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking soda 2 cups sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon j0U degrees ior .1 hour andu 1. minutes. Cool in pans for about 10 minutes. Then remove from pans and let cool on wire racks. Commission Takes No Action On Golf Cart Ordinance iContinued from Page One). moving vehicles to pull off the road in case of an emergency: Sheriff Turner explained that golf .carts have become acceptable modes of: slow moving traffic when people are traveling in gated communities and in restricted residential areas. ' "I urge the, board to not support this ordinance, due to the safety issue for the occupants on the carts as well as the public traveling on county roads," Sheriff Turner explained. Advertise It Pays!!! Gilchrist County Journal 352-463-7135 them in' the wilderness for forty years and fed them with manna (which they despised Numbers 21:5). They had to trust in God for their sustenance which showed their willingness to follow His commands. Jesus was being tested by Satan to disregard the command of God and fill His belly with what He wanted. Jesus resisted temptation and remained obedient to the Father. "Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered" (Hebrews 5:8). Jesus victory at the temptation was His belief that - in the midst of a fiery trial of physical hunger He could not disobey the Father. He committed Himself to the word of God. He devoted Himself to "every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord" (Deuteronomy 8:3). His refusal of the offer of Satan was the path to the cross the course of final victory for Himself and for all mankind. In the garden He prayed, "Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done" (Luke 22:42). Jesus accepted the will of the Father because He.had already accepted the will of the Father in the beginning. Our temptations are measured by the things of the world that would draw us away from trusting God. We love God so much and trust Him so little believing that we must make our own way in life. Jesus gives us the example of trusting in the word of God in every part of our lives. Through His faith in the word of God, Jesus defeated the devil at the temptation, the garden and the cross. Through the word of God we too can defeat the devil in every temptation brought against us (1 Corinthians 10:13); the lonely hours in the garden (Romans 8:31-39) and the burden of the cross we bear daily (Luke 14:27). S'.' .' 0 > -:) 'R' ,6 ,, 1 -- i Emergency Medical Services Week WHEREAS, Florida's residents and visitors benefit daily from the knowledge, skills and ludgment of emergency medical services teams; and WHEREAS, emergency medical services are vital to successful patient outcomes;and ",' .' ..... .7 WHEREAS, Florida's 264 licensed emergency medical services providers serve on the front line of health care. responding to man-made and natural disasters, at the local, state and national level; and WHEREAS, emergency medical services teams consist of paramedics, emergency medical technician, firefighters, emergency physicians, emergency nurses, educators, first responders, administrators, and others; and WHEREAS, the members of emergency medical services teams, whether career or volunteer, take thousands of hours of specialized training and continuing education to enhance their lifesaving skills; and WHEREAS, the emergency medical services system improves public welfare through health care, medical transportation, Injury prevention. education, disaster response, homeland security, and other initiatives; NOW. THEREFORE, I, Jab Bush, Governor ol the state of Florida, do hereby extend greetings and best wishes to all observing May 14 20, 2006 as Emergency Medical Services Week. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havirehereunto set inyhand and caused the Great Seal of th state of Florda to be affixed at Tallahassee, the Capital, this 12f day,of May inthe r twothousandsix. ) ^ GOVERNOR Man Shall Not Live By Bread Alone (Kent Heaton) You're Invited . To The 14th ANNUAL ANTIQUE CAR SHOW Saturday, May 20th 10 am -2 pm In honor of National Nursing Home Week Hosted by: AYERS HEALTH & REHABILITATION CENTER 606 NE 7th Street, Trenton Sponsored by: SUWANNEE RIVER EARLY FORD CLUB FREE TO THE PUBLIC FOOD, RAFFLES, MUSIC, & ICE CREAM ^-^-^ --- ^ -- -- --- -- -- -- ..I Trenton Church of Christ 463-3793 502 Northeast 7th Street Trenton, Florida 32693 Please Visit www.trentonchurchofchrist.com Email kerux@bellsouth.net THURSDAY, MAY 1~8, 2006~ aR.CT4RI~RTqT*rnTTNTY JOUTRNAL. PDncri MunT/ I 2 436 t t -U 235 It TTTHTRnAY MAY 18: 2006 GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Page Three From The Shelves Of The Bell Library I am busy reading a fascinating large print novel The Secrets of Rosa Lee. Rosa Lee was the spinster daughter of the richest family in Clifton Creek, Texas and died when she was in, her 90s, leaving her beautiful family mansion to the town if her friend did not show up to claim the property within a specified time. On her way to claim her inheritance, she and her daughter lost their lives in a traffic accident. Years later the town appointed a. committee to decide if the decaying mansion should be repaired as a historical structure or be sold to an oil drilling company who will pay the town for the property. What will the decision be? - The beginning reader book we recommend is Mama, Do You Love Me? written by Barbara M. Joose. This is a tender conversation between a mother and her daughter as 'she explains how much she loves her child. It is beautifully illustrated in an Arctic setting by Barbara Lavallee. This -is a touching story for Mothers' Day. The junior readers may enjoy McBroom the Rainmaker as the author tells a frivolous story concerning rainmaking, the size of mosquitoes and the rapid growth of the farm crops. Come by Bell Library and check out, our new books. We are' still .needing more volunteers. Do you have a few hours you can spare? The Bookworm, Gilchrist County Building Department Will Be Closed May 26 For Training The Gilchrist County Build- ing Department will be closed on Friday, May 26th for train- ing. They apologize for any inconlvience. Beth Davis Photography WEDDINGS PORTRAITS SPECIAL EVENTS CEDAR KEY FLORIDA (352) 543-5568 Hicks Seal Coating andl Striping. LLC. Commercial and ;". Decorative Thermoplastic Reidcnrial STruncated Domes A.sphal. Parking Lots Sand Dri ewavy Phone: (352) 535-5479 Fax: (352) 463-7745 Ronnie Hicks Licensed and Insured Trenton. Flonrda American Legion Post 383 1297 NE 82nd Ave. Old Town, Florida PH: 542-2021 |, TONIGHT- THE 'PO ST "' Thursday, May 18, 2006 AUXILIARY DINNER STARTING AT 5 PM Pork RoastGreen Beans Mashed Potaoes '5 per plate THE FABULOUS 'CARL MILLER' STARTING AT 7 PM Carl \\ill be playing for your dancing entertainment from 7pm until 10pm CELEBRATION OF CHARLIE AND BERNICE LAMBERT 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Come see Charlie get hitched, again! TONIGHT IS FRATERNAL NIGHT AT THE POST If you are a moose, elk, eagle, VFW, DAV, AMVET pnd have a 2006 membership card, be our guesttonight at the post come early/stay late. American Legion Post 383 Old Town, Florida Serving America's Veterans Nominating Committee Of Florida Crown Workforce Board To Meet May 18 The Nominating Committee of the Florida Crown Workforce Board will meet on Thursday, May 18, 2006, at 3:30 p.m. in the Florida Crown Executive Director's office. This meeting is open to the public. Person(s) interested in partici- pating who have a disability re- quiring special assistance should contact Brenda Cruz,, 386-755- 9026, extension 3220. TTY us- ers dial 711 and ask the operator to dial 386-755-9026. Notice has been made of this meeting, through publication. to comply % ith the "Government in the Sunshine" Law. Ayers Health And Rehab Having Car Show May 20 The Early Ford Club ofAmer- ica is having their annual car show at Avers Health and Reha- bilitation on Saturday. May 20th from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. , Registration for old cars is $'15. Proceeds go to various organizations. :Call Myrna Wil- liams at 463-2365 to register and trophies will be awarded. Ayers employees will have their 50s 60s soda fountain set up and stocked w ith all the good- ies to make sodas, sundaes, etc. at reasonable prices. Hamburg- ers. hotdogs \with all the condi- ments \ ill also be a\ ailable. Come and bring your family and friends while you enjo- the sho w and reminisce. This eent is free. .. Don Fales Board of Directors Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee To Meet May 24 The Gilchrist Count- Hazard Mitigation Planning Commit-. tee will meet at 11.30 a.m. on. Wednesday. lay 24. 2006 in the Gilchrist County Sheriff's Training Roomi located at 9300. $uth,, U.S., .High, a\ '129 ins T&hfon, The,,Cpunt Iencour- ages an m interested citizens and business owners to attend and provide input. The Committee guides the preparation of the Gilchrist County Local Mitiga- tion Strategy, which serves as a plan to reduce the community's long-term risk to people and their property from the effects of natural disasters. A meeting agenda will be available prior to the meeting. Please contact the Gilchrist County Emergency Management Department at. (352). 463-3134 for more infor- mation. Hall Available ! 352-463-1501 North Gilchrist Volunteer Fire Department To Have Pancake Breakfast May 20 The North Gilchrist Volunteer Fire Department will hold their monthly pancake breakfast on May 20th from 8:00 a.m. to 10: 00 a.m. For a small donation pancakes, (plain, pecan, caramel and blueberry), eggs, sausage Sand coffee or tea will be offered. The monthly spaghetti dinner' is cancelled until further notice. Several of the candidates for the upcoming elections will be in attendance. Come out and meet them and enjoy a delicious meal. See you there! Waccasassa Lake Property Owners Association To Meet May 20 The annual meeting of the Waccasassa Lake Property O0\ ners Association ill be held Saturday, May 20th at the SE fire station behind Pa Paws. The meeting will begin and coffee'and dot be served.. Ludie Ehlers, Gilchrist Count\ F( sion will be the gu With the dry wea having we need nm fire safety. The pr entitled. "Fire Wise. join us. Local Artists' Display Art A Health And R May 23 Celebrate art Health and Rehabil ,ter on NlMa 23rd fro to 8:30 p.m. Local a displaying their art raphy' b Cheryl El Jerry Patterson and ist Margo Conway. Wine and cheese served. USDA Distrib Flatwood Friends Elect New Officers The newt officers of Flatzwood Friends 4-H Club. at 9:00 a.m. ughnuts will .- Ichetucknee Lettuce with the Pull To Be Held, o'restrh Divi- May 20 uest speaker. Join us forour last trip to the their we are Ichetucknee until next fall. We formation on will help the park %with water. esentation is lettuce removal on Saturday. " Come and May 20. Meet us at the South Entrance of the Ichetucknee Par Crosb\ Springs State Park about 8:00. President Remember to bring along your lunch. for we eat out on the river. Also good to bring are: To a water bottle, insect repellent. SAiyers: sun screen, and anything else It Ayer' ou feel ou might need. Wear .ehab clothes that can get both wet and : dirt. because they w ill! with Avers I hope many of \ou can come station C'en- for the last effort of this spring. m 6:00 Cp.m., We'll appreciate the help, espe- rists will be cially Sam and the others who with photog- work at the park. Please let me theridge and know as to whether you plan to water color-nd "come. Seeya Saturday! Fritzi S. Olson will also be Executive Director will also be S Current Problems. Inc. PO Box 357098 Gainesville, FL 32635-7098 n ,~.. Phone: 352-264-6827, lUtion Fax: 352-264-6.85 For Gilchrist, County. Residents To Be Held May 24 Notice 'to Gilchrist County Residents Only: USDA Distribution for Tren- ton will be held %ednesday. May 24th, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 'am. at the Community Center in Trenton. The USDA Distribution for Bell will be held Wednesday,, May 24th, from 1: 00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Com- munity Center in Bell. USDA is available to all eligible recipients. There will be certification to all participants. If you have any questions, please, call 352-336-0839 Bread of the Mighty Food Bank of Gaines- ville. Woodland Craft Signs 207 N. Main 352-463-7135 Trenton's Vinyl[business! NOW OPEN AT THE JOURNAL Observance Of lMIemorial Day To Be Held May 29 The Gilchrist County Histori- cal Society will observe Memo- rial Day on May 29, 2006. The program will take place on the south side of the Gilchrist County Courthouse from 11:00 a.m. to 12':00 noon. After the program, the veterans and- their families willenjoy a luncheon in the Trenton Community Center. Come and share in, the ap- preciation we extend to those who have paid the. price so that this nation may serve God and mankind. Our theme this year is "Reflections" and it will be our honor to reflect back on America's accomplishments. The Gilchrist County Historical Society It's believed the first crops were planted about 8,000 BC. Flatwood Friends News -.. On. May 8, 2006 at 6:30 p.m. the Flatrood Friends 4-H Club had our 4-H Banquet at Bell's Restaurant in Chiefland. This was our last meeting before the summer break After \we ate, our special guest Chris DeCubellis , said he is %ery. proud of us. Plaques were given out to. members who participated .in many actl\itles. Our new\ of- ficers are: President. Breana .Bishop; Vice President. Amber Cameron: Secretary, Jordan Elmore; Treasurer, Sabrina Brown; Historian, Audrey Pow- ers; Reporter,. Dawn Cameron; Chaplain, Cody Darling; Song and Recreation. Andrea and.Ju- lie Ann Perryman; and County Council. Brandlyn Bishop. They will serve in office for a year. The Flatwood. Friends 4-H' club would like to thank Mark and Chnstel Bishop for organiz- ing .our meetings all year. We cannot wait for our next, 4-H meeting in the Fall. .. Reported by Dawn Cameron Leslie Sapp Construction, Inc. 352-463-7589 7239 S.W. 80th Avenue tlsappig'acceleration.net Trenton, Florida 32693. CR-C058431 MS w v PUBLIC NOTICE The Gilchrist County Animal Control Committee will meet on Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 5:30 p.m. in the Kathryn Deen Commission Chambers at 114 N. Main Street, Trenton, FL. Pub. May 18, 2006b. Trenton Medical C E NTE R, I nc. Presents I'm Too Yoaug For This A Comprehensive Look At Pelvic Support Disorders For Women of all Ages PRESENTED BY: Gregory J. Bailey, MD Women's Pelvic Health & Continence Center Tuesday, May 23, 2006 5:00 p.m. Trenton Medical Center 911 South Main Street Saturday, May 27 9 am. to 4p.m. Fanning Springs State Park Sponsored by Pixie County Chamber of Commierce ~LLVI~VI'--) --1 I Page Four GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL THURSDAY, MAY 18, 2006 ~'wna4ice Stephen Welbers and Cathryn Hendricks WE WELCOME YOU TO UNION BAPTIST .CHURCH (SBC 6259 S.E. 75TH AVENUE NEWBERRY, FL 32669 SUNDAY SCHOOL .............................. 9:45 AM MORNING WORSHIP 11 AM EVENING WORSHIP 6 PM WEDNESDAY EVENING SERVICES: ADULT BIBLE STUDY, CHILDREN, & YOUTH .. 7 PM PASTOR: TRAVIS MOODY MINISTER OF YOUTH: ROBBIE BEACH CHURCH PHONE: 386-472-3845 "WIN THE LOST AND TEACH THE SAVED TO SERVE" We Welcome You To Mt. Nebo Baptist Church (SBC) 4200 N.W. CR-340, Bell, FL32619 (3 miles North of Bell on H\w.340 \Xest Sunday School .....:.......:.: ....: 9:45 .im Morning Worship 1- am , Evening W orship .............. ............. 6 pm Wednesday Evening'Services: Adult Bible Studyn,Children, &Youh ... 7 pm astor: Rev.Jimmy Corbin IM~jinter of Yh: Matt Holtsclaw, SChurch Phone: 386-935-3575 "Committed to Reaching People for Christ" YOU ARE WELCOME AT PRISCILLA BAPTIST CHURCH 5509 S.W. County Road 232, Bell, Florida (Between Bell &Trenton 2.5 miles West of SR 129) t Sunday School.......................... 0:00 AM SMorning Worship...............:....... 1:00 AM Evening Worship.:...................... 6:00 PM 'Wednesday Night Prayer/Youth...7:30 PM SBe apart of an exciting time of Worship and Bible Study. Web: www.ForMinistry.com/USFLSOBCOPBC1 PINE GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH 16655 N. W. CR-339 Trenton, Florida 32693 352-463-2151 www.pgbcfl.com Bro. Greg Douglas, Pastor Bro. Rickey Whitley, Minister of Students Charles Brock, Music Director Sunday School/Bible Study.....................9:15 AM Morning Worship Service1.................. ..10:30 AM Children's Church.......................... 10:30 AM Evening Worship Service.........................6:00 PM Wednesday Night Services: Prayer Meeting, AWANA & Youth Worship.......................7:00 PM ~ Nursery Provided for All Services ~ "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:" 2'Timothy 3:16 Seta 0ope jfamilp (Curt) 4470 N.W. County Road 236 Bell, Florida 32619 ~1 Mile West of US-129- Service Times Pastor: 10:00 am Sunday School Rev. Lynn Wagner 11:00 am Sunday Morning Worship Office: 6:30,pm Wednesday Bible Study 386-935-4219 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us...." John 1:1, 14 Cathryn Sue Hendricks 'of Trenton, the daughter of Mrs. Lucy Hendricks of Trenton and the late Dan Hendricks will marry Stephen Michael Welbers, also of Trenton, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Welbers of Ocala, Son Saturday; June 17, 2006 at five o'clock in the afternoon. Cathryn is a kindergarten teacher at Trenton Elementary School and Stephen is a correc- I tions officer at Lancaster Correc- . tional Institution in Trenton. Marriages Filed In Gilchrist County .Gregory Joe Hodge. date of birth, 8/30/83 and Stephanie Ruth Solis, date of birth, 11/5/ 82,. both of Bell, Florida, were married May 6, 2006 in Bran- ford. Florida by Paul Watson. ordained minister. Aaron David Riess, date of birth, 1/31/86 and Naketta Sha- ron Kearne). date of birth. 10/ '5/84. both of Trenton. Florida. were married May 8. 2006 in Trenton by Cynthia A. Chad- wick, notary. S'Marriage Applications Filed In Gilchrist County Donald Glenn Gindlesperger. Sedate of birth, 6/23/77 and Lisa Elaine MNurph. date of birth. 7/19/74. both of Bell. Florida. Hiatt Kenyan Hagan. date of birth. 5/18/76 and Noelle Am' Sullivan. date of birth. 12/16/75,. both of Trenton. Florida. Erik Clayton Hicks. date of birth, 11/15/70 and Tracy Leigh Brookins, date of birth. 7/30/72. both of New berry, Florida. Edward George Brown, Jr., date of birth, 12/16/78 and Bon- nie Jean Giles, date of birth, 7/27/78, both. of' Trenton, Florida. Jason Russell Johnson, date of birth,' '6/16/75 of Trenton. Florida. ,and .Angela Deneil Hodge. date of birth. 7/7/77j, of Bell, Florida.. ; James Samuel Boyles, date of birth, 9/24/84 and Melissa Ellen Price, date of birth. 9/13/84. both of Boulder, Colorado. Remember Our Troops The Bible says, "The prayers of .the righteous ,man/woman: avail much!" For the person of faith, that simply means that when .the pray-er has "clean hands and a pure heart" his/her prayers \%ill be heard in a mighty way before God. So much is going on in our world today that whenever people or situations come before the mind, the dili-. gent who pray will place their petitions before the Throne of Grace, and do, so immediately, even if the prayer is one said silently. As our local Gilchrist County military personnel go about their business each day in defending us here on America's shores against terrorism and other threats, the least .we can do here at home is to pray for them, and daily. Please keep the following list handy as you lay your peti- tions before the Lord, for these young men and women deserve your best and the best you can give them is your time. (If you know of an active military per- son who is not listed, please'con- tact the Gilchrist County Journal or write a letter to the Editor, so that person can be listed the next time this article is published.) Clayton App, Kathy Ar- rington, Peter Belanger, Steve Callaway (Afghanistan), Drew Cheatum, Wayne Cheatum, Robert Dean, Jimmy Fletcher, Jr., Chris Geiger (Iraq), Jon Guzman (Afghanistan), Dylan Hilliard, Gary Hilliard, Mark Hilliard, Steve Hilliard, J.B. Hodge (Iraq), Joe Hudson, Carl Hunter, Jr., Heather Langston, Rob Long, Katie Lovett, Jona- than Luchak, Gus Mauldin, Mi- chael Mayo, Evan McQuistan, T.J. Miller, Mark Milton, Allen Murray, Stephen Reed, T.J. Rush, Matthew Riordan, Donna Slayton, Donny Slaton, James Slayton, Jeffrey Solis (Iraq), Gregory M. Turner, Justin Twigg (Iraq), Nathan Twigg, LaShonda White (Iraq), Wesley Wilson, (Iraq), Kyle Worthington, and Daniel Wood (Iraq). Special note: Unless des- ignated the whereabouts of each. individual is un- known. Socials Happy Birthday wishes t( Nicole Barron and Jessica .Mathis on May 18th; to Willii Mae Brown, Jonathan Schubert Dustin Carlisle, Allison Phil lips,, and Kirk Martin on May 20th; to Amee Eastman and Anthony Connaster on May 21st; to Ronnie Carlisle, Retha Rogers, Shellie Leggett, Alic Murnahan, Vicki Cannon, anc Wyatt Downing on May 22nd to Morisse Amelia Hickey, Ju' lie Witherspoon, Rita Edwards Jamie Tucker and Teresa Smith on May 23rd; and to Meveree Carlisle-Pope, Kylee Diaz, anc Scotty Tucker on May 24th.- Happy Anniversary _wishe: to Kelly and Julie Rogers anc Mr. and Mrs. Pinky Jones or May 18th; to Reggie and Laura Spears on May 20th; and to Mr and Mrs. Rob Bailey on Ma) 21st. SBeck, Hodge, Pervis, -And Cason Families To Have Reunion May 20 The Beck, Hodge, Pe ris. and Cason families and friends will -be having a reunion on Saturday. May 20th at Hart Springs. Lunch will begin at 12:00 noon. Please bring a picnic basket and enjoy the day with everyone. Come early, stay late. Paper goods and ice will be furnished. .For more information call J.L. and Dorothy Beck at 352-463- 2319: . Lela Roberts And JBH Gay Family , Reunion To Be Held NMay 27 The reunion of the Lela Rob erts and JBH Ga\ families i il be held at Manatee Springs Stati 'Park in Chiefland on Saturday Nla' 27, 2006 All family and friends are invited to come and join us for good food and fellow ship. We will eat around 12:3( or 1.00 p.m. Tr. to arrive early, before the park's parking lot fills up Everybody bring your favorite Sco'ereddish. ' Annual Jenkins Reunion To Be Held June 3 The annual Dan and Effie Jenkins reunion will be held Sat urday, June 3. 2006 at the Har Springs pavilion. All relative and friends are invited to share a picnic lunch to be spread at thi noon hour. Bass And Stringer o Families To Have e Reunion July 29 The annual Bass/Stringer Reunion will be held Saturday, y July 29, 2006. d Anyone wishing to share y Bass/Stringer information for a the family history book and wall e chart or copies of any family d related photos or further reunion ; information, please contact Cher Sat 386-935-0559. If you have any questions. Please call Cher .at 386-935- S0559 or 386-462-2802 ext. 086 SMoniday through Friday. STHS Class Of i986 Planning Reunion The THS Class of 1986' is currently planning an upcom- ing 20-year reunion for the fall. Additional information will be posted on: classmates.com. SIf you or someone you know graduated from Trenton in 1986. please submit a current address to Aum at 454-7421. acspenceri'"alltel.net: Jennifer at 462-5848. jlufteachrii'alltel.net: Sor Jess at 472-3059. -jrswl 027,'.yahoo.com. - Relay for Life Team: Holds Many: Fundraisers This Year The Gilchrist Couns Court. house "Relay for Life" tear %%as \ery busy this year! The. held numerous tundraisers anc were able to raise S6.200 sc .fr for the tight against cancer The team was proud to receive the "Top Fundraiser Award" tbi the second consecutive ,ear and - also won "'Best Campsite." In Their fundraismg efforts they e had t'-o raffles; one was a tackle box filled with gear along with Sa rod and reel and the other \was J ,,a beautiful hanging quilt called -"The Pink Ribbon" made by S Janice Wasson "In memory "of those we've lost; in honor of e those who have survived, and in the hopes that no one-else will e have to suffer." The two sepa- rate raffles proved surprising to everyone when the same win- ner was picked for both. Anna Wild 'was extremely surprised when she learned she had won both raffles. Damon Leggett:and Cindy, presented Anna with her prizes on Monday. May 8. 2006. , The Gilchrist County: Court- Shouse, "Relay for Life" team t would like.fb: tothank the com- Smunit, for all their support, and e a big Thank You goes out to all e the team members for working so hard to Find ACure!. Trenton Church of God Welcome you to come worship with us \ Sunday School- 10:00 a.m. Sunday Praise &Worship-- 11:00 a.m. EveningPraise & Worship 6:00 p.m. S, Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m.: Phone 463-6543 www.geocities.com/churchofgodtrenton_fla Trenton United I Methodist Church 9:30 am Sunday School 11:00 am Morning Worship Service 6:00 pm Wednesday Bible Study Nursery provided 9-12 Sunday Morning 203 N.E. Second Street, Trenton Office: 463-2877 Rev. H.D. "Hank" Cribb, Sr. Kid's World- Pre-School Learning Center, Inc. A private school for your child's early learning years. NAEYC Accredited Pre-K SSchool Readiness Program Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten A CDA Certified Teachers USDA Food Program S Highscope Curriculum I CPR/First Aid Certified 7 " Ages 2-12 S Stop byfor a tour ofourfacility. S352-463-3555 I Corner of Hwy. 129 & S.R. 47, Trenton (Across from Trenton High School) Owners/Directors Amy Wesley Woods Holly Wesley Bussard License #C03GI0006 STiffany Harts SJulius III. Tierra, and Rile\ of Trenton, 'lou .to announce the up( Smiarriage of their Julious U. Riley. Jr. and C. Hartsfield, both of Tre Tiffany is the daugh Willie and Bernadette of Trenton and Grady an( Hartsfield of Cross City. Julious is the son of Jul and Ethel Riley of Chiefla Pastor Ralph Rodriguez field and Julious Rile .. l lron This special ceremony will take place on Saturday,. June coming !0, 2006 at the Tommy Usher/ parents. Pineland Center in Chiefland at Tiffany three o'clock in the afternoon. nton. Reception will follow the cer- hter of'- emony. Invitations are being Brown sent, but all friends and family d Betty .are invited to attend. ious Sr . mnd. Bible Study 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship I I a.m. & 7 p.m. Prayer & Discipleship Wed. 7 p.m. Youth Praise & Worship Wed. 6:30 p.m. Awana Program Wed. 6:30 p.m. 7070 S.W. CR-334A Trenton, FL 32693 ,-.K 352-463-2028 e-madl bethelitiei'bellsouth net wwin backhoberhel.org New Life > Assembly of God L 9579-US-1,- 2S- Trento F-londa - bu c ke. 463-7004'' r - lou can make a difference! Services: Sunday SChool Prniae & Worsfp'KidZone EBening Wor ,hip Wedne.da! Night Servie S' "The Place" i'Youthi O1am 11am 6pm Pastor: ' Don & Jerri Ltuns/ord First Ecplist Chi1T 1-' "Embracing the Past and Reaching' Towardlthe Future." Corer of NE Second St. and Highway 26 in Trenton (Nursery provided for all services) Sunday School 9:45 A.M (classes for all ages) Sunday Morning Worship & Children's Church 11 AM Sunday Night Bible Study 6 PM Wednesday Nights: Awana 6:20 PM Youth Bible Study, Praise & Worship 6:30 PM Adult Bible Study & Prayer 7 PM D!INAMIC MINISTRIES FOR ALL AGES! Call.463-2038 for more information or www.fbctrentonfl.org SPRING REVIVAL Evangelist: Ron Coram May 21-24,2006 Sunday 11:00 am & 7:00 pm Monday-Wednesday 7 pm @ Bethel Baptist Church 7070 SW CR 334A Trenton, FL 32693 (Nursery Provided) Please call (352) 463-2028 for any information. IIII ~~~ I I I I Advertise Your Yard Sale In The Gilehrist Comuny Journal Al 463-7135 BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH "Committed to living and sharing tie message of God's love. I r _ ME Y~is;aaac~baauea;6~d~aaaaaase;- -I .; 't"rCI-'4i Imti UDhAvJ1, IVl IL 10, 2Vv> '-J G-il CR S J-T R"A Pa Fiv - - -I I Lydia springs, a new member of Springhouse Quilters Springhouse Quilters News Springhouse Quilters were busy last Tuesday morning as they met at the Springhouse Quilt House for their monthly business meeting. There were approximately 40 day mem- bers and guests present for the day meeting and 16 present for the night meeting. .Many of the members had been busy since the last meeting as was 'evidenced by the large number 1 .* Freeman Plumbing Now Has a Service Van Available To Handle Your Plumbing Needs. Residential & Commercial Service Work &New Construction; Additions, Remodeling, Etc; (352) 498-0703 (352) 493-3801 (352) 210-0062 LICENSED INSURED FREE ESTIMATES Walter Freeman ; IlBeJ State Certified, Master Plumber 'cccp"g or a #CFC057595 Credit-cards ..... ..... .... Rol olIf.. I.'l- i'We Opel D' .... Eddy & Cindy Scott of'Counnyside Daylilies are having an open house at their garden eve,' weekend in May and the 1st weekend in June from 8am to 2pm on Saturdays and Sundays. They have a large landscaped garden with several split-railfences, old sugar kettles, peacocks, & koi ponds. There will be thousands of blooming hybrid dalylilies and myriad other flowers. The are located in NE Gilchrist County. From the intersection of CR-340 & SR-47 (flashing light) go north on SR-47for 1.5 miles to NE 65th Street (limerock road) also marked Ginnie Springs turn right & go M. 8/10 mile. For more information go to countrysidedaylilies.com or call 386-454-3937 or 386-454-3687 or 386-965-3102 TACKLE FOOTBALL & CHEERLEADING Sign-Ups Suwannee Valley Leagues 0Bys and Girl S May 20 & 27 ~ 9 am to 1 pm Where: McArthur Park Age: 7-12 years old (EVERYONE must bring copy birth certificate) Cost: 75.00 PER CHILD Football Contact: of show and tell items. Some items displayed were Dee Gay and Gayle Marr's with their finished workshop Seminole quilting project and they were excited to show their completed pieces. Patty Simmons showed us a beautiful pieced flower quilt which was at least queen size. Several members completed their community projects and displayed the items, and Gloria Sutton displayed several wall hangings. The meeting was conducted by Anna Gilliam, our president, who, along with Ruth Davis did an exclusive interview of Sun- bonnet Sue. Anna, as Ms. Sue, gave the interview explaining the history of her life and of her love of Sunbonnet Sue quilting. There was a quilted refrigera- tor magnet swap between sever- al members. All of the magnets were very attractive and will be displayed as a reminder of their quilting sisters. Each month members par- ticipate in a charm square swap. The June charm squares will be flower prints of any color. The workshop for June will be con- ducted by June Gruchaez from Suwannee County. She will be hosting a "Trunk Show" of some of her quilts. If you need information about Springhouse quilters. please contact Anna Gilliam, 463-7922 or Lois Scott, 463- 2207 or any Springhouse member. Attention Forestry Professionals It is time to update the lists I distribute to local landowners and I need your help. I maintain lists in my office for the following categories: Site Prep/Tree Planting; Timber Buyers; Consultants; Nurseries; and Pine Straw Buyers. If you are in any of these busi- nesses and want to be included in the lists I provide to landowners, please contact me. You may be on multiple lists as applicable. I would like to include the fol- lowing lists to my distribution packet: Licensed Herbicide Ap- plicators; and Vendors willing to work small properties. If you are currently on my lists, please contact me so that I can update your information (i.e., add your mobile phone or change your address, etc.) For a current copy of my lists, please call 352-486-5325 or, e- mail creels@doacs.state.fl.us or you may stop by my office and leave your information in person (or on my bulletin board in an envelope that reads VE NDORS LISTS). , Please include the following in your., correspondence: Your Company Name; Your Name/ Phone si/address/FA'X#/e-mail: -What services.you provide; and Which lists) you want to be on. Thank you for your help.' I look forward to hearing from you. ,There is no fee to be in- Sclude on the Vendor's Lists. Sincerel., .Sara Creel, Levy County Forester Chiefland Rotary Club Fishing Tournament To Be Held May 20 The Chiefland Rotary Club Fishing Tournament will be held in Cedar Key on Saturday. May 20,,2006. The tournament offers up to $7,500 in cash prizes in various categories. All prize amounts are based upon a 100-boat held and 'the cash prizes \ ill be adjusted for fewer entries. There are $1,000. first prizes for the largest spotted sea trout and largest redfish with smaller cash prizes for secondhand third places. -- There \ ll also be a best bag award of $2,000 based upon the weight of 2 redfish and five trout. The biggest trash fish of the tournament will win a $50 prize by weight as long as it is of legal size and on the tournament's ap- proved fish list. Until May 6, the entry fee per boat with captain and mate is $125. On May 7 the entry fee increases to $150. Extra anglers may be added at $50 each. There will be a captain's meet-. ing and Calcutta on Friday night May 19' at the Cedar ;Key Lions Club. The social hour begins at 6:30 p.m. and the dinner will be served at 7:00 p.m. This will be a great time for all andwill provide valuable information regarding the tournamenL All entrants will receive a good\ bag. a tournament tee shirt upon pa ment of the entry fee. There will be other gifts and prizes available for contestants. Entry forms are available at .many area businesses includ- ing the Chiefland Citizen or by contacting The Chiefland Rotary Club. PO Box 931. Chiefland. FL. Event Coordinator Den- nis Radice can be reached at 352-493-9533 or by email Sdlradice@'hotmail.com. Wm. T. Carlton Masonic Lodge To Have Benefit BBQ For Rayanne Ferguson And Children Please mark \ou calendar. The Wi. T Carlton Malsonic Lodge is ha ing a benefit BBQ dinner for Rayanne Ferguson and children on Wednesdal. NlMa 31, 2006 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. This BBQ is to benefit the family of Sam Ferguson who lost his fight with cancer..in April. The dinner will consist of BBQ chicken quarter. baked bears, coleslaw~, dessert. and a drink. The cost will be $5 per dinner. The dinner is being hosted b) the Masonic Lodge. Contact Joe Gilliam at 463- 3170 for more information or stop by the Clerk of Court office. The Wm. T. Carlton Lodge is located at 125 NE 2nd Street in Trenton (behind Gilchrist Title). SHope to see you there! 4 Pets Sake I- '" Are :you looking for those doggy biscuits, They can be pur- chased at Ameris. Bankin Tre- non, Stephanies Flowmers, Akins BBQ,. and Capital City Bank in Bell. Also, at Dr. McHale's ra- bies vaccination day, located at * Gilchrist; Building :Supply. Mrs. Rush from Bell Elementary w ill be there May 20th selling bis- cuts. While you are there get- ting your family member a shot, see Mrs. Rush for those yummy treats. 'On Saturday, May 20th, you can buy biscuits in front of Bells and Whistles storage unit, across from Dollar General. Since the end of the school year is fast approaching the sale of the biscuits is crucial. The price is now 50 cents a bag. Stop by any of the places mentioned and buy a bunch. What a deal! A local bank donated the $50 savings bond for our button con- test. The winner of the bond is Malachi Holt of Newberrv. We were in for a huge surprise when Poker for Pets from Ala- chua county asked if we would be interested in sharing the pro- ceeds with Gainesville Rabbit Rescue from the up coming June toumment. The entry fee is $50 in advance or $60 at the door and the prizes are high value. More information to come. Unil next time be happy just for the lo\e of them Renee Emenecker Energy Assistance Funds Available Suwannee Ri'er Econornic Council. Inc. announces the availability of funds from the Department of Communiit Af- fairs for home energy assistance and crisis energy assistance through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program ILlHEAPi. The program assists eligible households in paying for home heating and cooling costs. Clients must meet income guide- lines and provide proof of in- come and an energy obligation. Applications are available at the. Outreach Center, located at 101 NE Ist Street in Trenton. Call 352-463-2940 to make appoint- ments or for more information SHINE Continues Medicare Counseling SHINE (Serving Health Insurance Needs of Eldersi, a volunteerr program under the FL Dept of Elder Affairs, will be. meeting at the Trenton Library Wednesday. May 24th from 10:00 to noon. As the deadline to enroll in a Medicare Part. D: Prescription Diug Plan has past. SHINE \ ill be available to aniw\ e' questions youmay have About the plan Nou'enrolled in. We are also there to answer any questions .ou may have about Sour Medicare. SIf you .are unable to come to, a site, you can reach a SHINE volunteer by calling 800-262- 2243 (the ElderHelpLine). Horace and Brenda Hart and Willie,. and Kathy.. Spears. are pleased to announce the engage- ment and upcoming wedding of their children Travis .J. Spears and Brandi Hart. The wedding will. be held at six o'clock in the evening on- July 8, 2006 at the home of John Robert and Diane? Stubblefield, located at 5580 Highway .129 north of Bell. No local invita- tions will be sent. All friends and family are welcome. At -163-7135 | Suwannee Valley Precast, Co Owner Gerald Roberts Bell Chiefland 463-2504 Fax: 463-0390 493-4055 New Septic Tanks Installed* Drain Fields Repaired Septic Pump-Oats- Septic Tanks Certified Portable Toilets r Backhoe u S rk -Fill Dirt SState Certified - 1 SSixth Annual un Trenton Elementary ShoolCafeorium Girls 0-18 years of age Participants must live in Gilchrist County and/or attand a Gilchrist County School!!! *Applications are available at Trenton & Bell Schools and the Gilchrist County Journal * Applications. must be turned in by May 12th, either at Trenton Elementary or the Gilchrist County Journal *Admission will be $2.00 for Adults S*For more information call Ronda Adkins 472-2334 or April Akins 472-1515 All Proceeds Benefit SVLA ** Integrity Fairness Experience l --l l: S 'l' l ^ My family and I thank the citizens of Gilchrist County for the ... ;'' : honor you have given me to serve you as your County Court .-. Judge. I have served with integrity, fairness and respect for all. I have qualified to run for re-election and I am asking for your support and vote. ,'q- "My judicial philosophy is simple. I believe every person who comes before the Court deserves a fair hearing and a fair and just .decision based upon the law and facts. I have applied this ..-g philosophy to the thousands of cases I have presided over during my tenure as your County Court Judge and I will continue to do so upon re-election. ,' 'Please support me and vote for me on September 5, 2006. Sincerely, Edward (Ed) Philman Home: 386-935-2333 Cell: 352-221-4673 Ed@Re-ElectJudgeEdPhilman.com www.Re-ElectJudgeEdPhilman.com SPolitical advertisement paid for and approved by Edward (Ed) Philman, nonpartisan, for Gilchrist County Court Judge, Group I Pole Barns Crane Service Truss Setting .18in Auger (352) 543-6643 P. 0. Box 218 Otter Creek, Florida 32683 Lic. No. RB0031694 Tony Williams 463-8439' Terry Parrish 463-2248 Cheerleading Contact: Krishna Frye Early football sign-up for Summer camps! Early Cheerleading sign-up to order uniforms. GELCHRIS T.T COUT NTY JOUT RNAL Page Five -'PT-T TP 4Z AV MAV I R 7006 Travis Spears and Brandi Hart Y~ma,~& yyelnelmt rage Six UL_ xL..U-, -- -- TES Students Gain Experience At Science Fair Conr Barbera and Devin Pederson wait for present their projects to the third grade judges. Winning top honors in their grade level were, front row, Max Barretto, fourth grade; Kyle Knight, second grade; Elizabeth Knight,'fifth grade; Jimmy Berry, kindergarten, and Jasmine Anderson first grade. Not pictured is Easton Sapp, third grade. .4. Trti SMhi ~ c l .'exAplains her Science Fair i'prjedt to the .fourth grade judges. i Gbe tmertcan Legton Jamerson-Sheffield Post 91 352-463-1501-P. 0. Box 559, Trenton, F 32643 Post 91 News Commander Shelby McKinney -(352) 463-1459 Adjutant Dean Williams (386) 454-8143 Chaplan Carl Cornwell -(352) 463-1473 AMERICAN LEGION AIRS Newberry American Legion Post 149 meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM at the Post Home, 26821 West Newberry Road in Newberry. The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 149 also meets at the same place and time. Post 149 phone: 352-412-6125 Jamerson-Sheffield Post 91 and. Auxiliary Unit 91 Executive Committees meet on the second Thursday of each month at 6:00 PM in the Post 91 Home on US-129.north of Trenton. Jamerson-Sheffield Post 91 in Trenton meets in regular session on the third Thursday at 7:00 PM at the Post Home on US-129 five miles north of Trenton. The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 91 meets at the same place and time, with a $5.00 all you can eat dinner served from 5:30 until 6:45 PM. Post 91 phone: 352-463-1501 Both Posts 91 and 149 have facilities available for meetings, weddings, anniversary, graduation or birthday parties, dances,.sales events and many other uses. Both facilities have plenty of parking space available, with kitchen and handicap equipped facilities, and are at reasonable rates. For more information about the use of these facilities, contact the individual Post Commanders .or Post Adjutants through the phone numbers listed above. As a Post member, let the community know about these facilities and the "well-kept secret" that these facilities are really available for use by members and non-members as well, for their parties and such throughout the year. To' check availability for a particular date and time, and the particular arrangements for use, contact each Post directly for information. Scheduled for the month of May at Post 91 in Trenton is: Thursday, May 18, is the 5:30 PM all you can eat dinner for $5.00, followed by the regular monthly meetings of American. Legion Post 91 .Auxiliary Unit 91. Elections for the next year's officers will be held, so plan to attend this meeting to show your support for the new officers of both the Legion and the Auxiliary, plus if you aren't there, how will you know what job you : have been elected to? Attend for.your own defense;) ' .Thursday, June 8, at 6:00 PM is the Executive Committee meetings for Post 91 Legion and Auxiliary at the Post Home and Will be finalizing the plans for the Thursday, June 15 Installation of Officers for the Post' Family. Also, all members that wish to be involved with the new Bingo Operation should attend to give their input on what they wish to do to help this Post fund raiser. And on Thursday, May 15, the $5.00 all you can eat dinner will begin at 5:30, so bring your family, friends, and fellow veterans to dinner and stay for the Installation of Officers. If you enjoy "surfing the Web" check out 'www.TAPS.org'. This is the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors. General Colin L. Powell, USA (RET), had this to say about the organization: "The Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) is a wonderful story of courage and commitment. When an untimely and tragic event occurs and a service member is lost, the work of TAPS bears quiet testimony that even deep in the pain and tragedy of the loss, members of the military family are ready to step forward, to help shoulder a burden afd to help the grieving cope and heal. In its countless contributions, TAPS helps to deliver the triumph of tenderness and kindness over pain, suffering and loss." Remember our Armed Forces all over the world, especially those in "Harm's Way," every day in your thoughts and prayers. Here at home, remeriber to watch over our Legion Family, veterans and widows, helping out whenever and however you can. Also remember the families of those that are away in service to America, and stand ready to assist them as Well with their needs. For God and Country, Wayne Gravely, Post 149, Newberry . Science Fair week involved learning about static electricity using a 1ian Der Graf Generator. Here second grader Linda Smith gets a charge out of it! Air. V'ogel presents E aston S'app with the third grade medal for his project on excavating a Yellow jacket nest. Science Fair The Trenton Elementary Sci- ence .Fair was held Tuesday, April 25th, with a plethora of interesting projects lining the school's hallways. This year's event was slightly different from the previous two, as students in each grade level had the oppor- tunity to present their. projects to a team of judges. Students .gained valuable experience giv- ing oral presentations and field- ing questions from the judges, 'and ultimately increased their understanding of their chosen topics. While 1st, 2nd, 3rd place and some honorable mention ribbons were awarded in each class, all students who presented project %were rewarded \with a nbbon for their participation. Grand prize wiinners \were also selected for each grade level, \ ith those stu- dents recei\ i ng medals. TES Science Specialist Chuck : ogel coordinates the Science Fair each year and said, "It is the combined efforts of TES. teachers, administrators, parents and members of the community that have enabled this event to become a resounding success." Mr. Vogel would like to thank the members of the community for volunteering their time to help judge this year's Science Fair. Trenton Community Farmers' Market Entertains - Community This month, the new Trenton Community Farmers' Market has scheduled great entertain- ment to add "flavor" to the fresh fruits and vegetables available at the market. On Tuesday, May 16th, the N'awlins Po, Boyz took the Depot stage. Nawlins Po Boyz is a duet playing Cajun, ZydeCajun,Zydeco, Mardi Gras, Dixieland, Rockabilly, Classic Country, Folk 'and Bluegrass. Featuring Cajui Dave. Becnel from New Orleans, Louisiana as band vocalist, playing fiddle, 6 & 12 string electric and acoustic guitars, banjo, mandolin. har- monica. and squeezebo''. Also featuring Andy Bakke (Animal Andy) from St. Augustine. Andy plays electric two keyboard sy n- Sthesizers combined into one box which produces all the other in-' strumentatioh in addition to the, acoustic accordion. On Tuesday. May 23rd,,. the Lars Din SongRiot will 'per- form homespun compositions. forged in the old folk tradition of Woody Guthrie and tempered in the fires of modern underground music. With original songs about their native north Florida. love gone awry. and the struggles of modern living, this band is as comfortable yodeling a tall tale. as singing some local history in the village square, as serenading your dear heart with a tender. new ballad composed just for the occasion. Instrumentally fueled by an accordion, double-, bass and acoustic guitar, and brightened by carefully-crafted interplay between mandolin. banjo and trumpet, they all sing. trading humorous repartee with rivers of harmony. Lars Din. songwriter for the SongRior, began crafting tunes between cross-country hitch- hiking trips, on the motley streets of Chicago in the late 80's. An incurable drifter. Din has written songs in Sighisoara, Romania. Bamako, Mali, and on many a dingy sofa in North America. He and Mike Watson. the mandolin/guitar player, played for several years in the early 90s in the cult revivalist act The National Wi'recking Com- __pany, afol.k/punk.band in West Philadelphia. Wa tson and Sha- ron Larsen, the accordion plia.er, settled to Gaines\ille in 2003 following a decade of rambling across North America. A song- writer and Alaskan native, by day Larsen organizes on behalf of Florida organic farmers. The trumpet player, George Scott. made acquaintance with the trio after helping Din keep his van Steve Ames superiorsouriddj @bellsouth.net (352) 463-8670' (352) 949-4986 Moebius in motion, by the stu- dious application of mechanical genius; his trumpet playing can be heard also in Gainesville's Santa Fe Brass Band. Tyler Glisson, the bassist, and Chelsea Cames, the banjo player, having played with Watson and Larsen in other Gainesville musical projects joined the SongRiot. in the spring of 2006. When not holding the deep rhythm with his stand-up or electric, Glis- son can often be found aboard a sailboat negotiating treacherous ocean currents in the Bermuda Triangle, while Canes, a song- writer and performer in her own right, when not writing music or mastering a new instrument, can also lately be spied taming her ferociously cute puppy. Joan. The -Trenton Community Farmers' Market is located in the Trenton Depot in downtown Trenton at 419 N. Main Street (Hwy 129). The market features fresh-from-the-farm fruits and vegetables, cut flowers, and oth- er locally produced agricultural offerings. The Depot is leased to the City of Trenton b) the State of Florida, Department of Envi- ronmental Protection's Office of Greenways and Trails. For more information about the Trenton Community Farm- ers' Market. call the City. of Trenton's- Community Events Update at 352-463-4000,' op- tion 8. If you are a grower who would like to sell at the market, please call the Gilchrist County Extension Office at 352-463-. 3174 or Sharon Yeago at 386- 454-3950: Need tosenda fax (l.E352) p463-7w393 FAXI DJ, Karaoke & Bartending Service Quilters Demo Workshop To Be Held June 10 At Florida Museum The Florida Museum of Natu- ral History will host adult quilt- ing workshops and demonstra- tions beginning June 9th through August. 31st. The workshops coincide, with the museum's summer exhibition, "Quilting Natural Florida," which runs June-10th to September 4th in collaboration with the Quilters of Alachua County Day Guild. SOr Friday, June 9. Michigan State University Assistant Cura- tor Mary Worrall will lead a quilt documentation workshop from 10:00 a.m.ito 3:00 p.m. The cost is $50 for museum mem- bers and $65 for, non-members. Participants may bring a quilt for documentation or use one of the samples provided. Worrall also will share documentation tech- niques during the public opening of the Quilting Natural.Florida exhibition June 10th from 10:00. a.m. to 4:00 p.m. .Florida quilter, Pauline Salzman, will present a Blue Ridge quilting workshop from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Satur- day, August 5th. The cost is $50 for museum members and $65 for non-members, plus a $5 material fee. Participants will learn blind stitch applique on the sewing machine and must bring their own machine. Through August 31st, area quilters will demonstrate various quilting techniques in the mu- seum. Demonstrations will be held Tuesdays, Thursdays and the second and fourth Saturdays from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. For more information or to register, call (352) 846-2000, ext. 277. Wedding Receptions Anniversary: Birthdays Corporate Parties Music for All Occasions I INeed A Sign? Call Woodland Craft Sig ns At 463-7135 Quality Health Care, Convenient Location, Serving The Health Care Needs Of Our Community Catherine Vega, PA-C Pediatrics James F. Ivey, MD Board Certified Family Practice * Complete Primary Care Well-Baby Exams Diagnostic X-rays Minor Trauma Case Management * Hearing and Vision Testing Deborah Weyer, MD Board Certified Pediatrics '- - Curtis Kirby, PA-C Family Practice. internal Medicine .Christine ChapmanDO Board Certified Family Practice Physical Exams Vaccines for Children ADD & ADHD Evaluations Health Screening HIV Testing * Sliding Fee Office Visits and Pharmacy John Frazier, DC Chiropractic Physician Providing Non-Profit Healthcare for 30 years Employers Please Ask About Our Preferred Employers Program (PEP)! Quality Health Care for the Entire Family 352-463-2374 Pediatrics 463-6292 Land Clearing Site, Prep, Inc, Fill Dirt & Limerock Site Prep & Pad Buildihg Land Clearing Driveways SLicensed & Insured - 352-463-6125 or 352-535-5731 Superior Sound DJ and Karaoke Services Provided: Chronic Disease Management Immunizations Diagnostic Laboratory Minor Surgical Procedures Family Planning ~ Most Insurances Accepted - 911 South Main Street Trenton, Florida 32693 Equal Opportunity Provider r~"TRENTON MEDICAL CENTER I - THURSDAY, MA4Y 18, 2006 t-.-ff CURNTC OUTNTYMUTnTRNAL. T.--__ Q'_ IlUKRDAI, IVAYI 16, u1ZUUo 1 L,.IX % iPage.-... Sev.- rf.-,.Trm0T-%A 7 AX A I 1Q I BES First Graders Are Going To The Dogs Tiler Hobby and Bryan Atayo are counting the profits for 4 Pets Sake. S7r7/ Smith i7 rolling out d-ogg} biscuits. Sarah Smith is rolling out doggy biscuits. ::,. Lulpita AMendoza and A adisen Sabatinb are working ard together to get the job done. Nicholas Bryan, Gabby Mikell, and Jhonny Zuniga are packaging their product, Gator Storage Traitor Rentals M 352-372-6206 I From left are Talia Whitley. Dillon Paulling. and lliamn A lk1.. Reading to children every day is a: great way for them to learn to love reading. BES First Graders Bell Elementary has gone to Sthe dogs! Bones that is! The first grade students are partici- patirig in an economics project to learn the economic principles of production, marketing, sell- ing' and profit distribution of- dog biscuits. The. project has allowed the children to develop an awareness of the importance of community relations in deal- ing with pet overpopulation, as well as, develop greater self- esteem and self worth when they are able to give something back to their community. The children decided to once again make dog biscuits and donate the proceeds to our local "4 Pet's Sake" which is a non profit. organization which can take in homeless pets and has low cost spay/neuter programs and vac- cination programs. This project began last year in Mrs. Rush's class and has grown to a project that all first graders are now participating. They began with a small loan ($30 per class) from the Bell Elementary PTA (to show credit), and then the children learned how to set up a budget and created a dog biscuit company which they named the "Doggone Doggy .Biscuit Company." The five first-grade classrooms, along with all the gifted students at BES, have participated in the making and selling of their product. The dog biscuits were mixed, rolled, and pressed in each classroom, and then the biscuits were baked in the school TRi-COUNTy ' CHIROPRf CTI "Care for the Entire Family" Dr. Bennitt Patterson SAvailable on Location: X-Rays, Physical Therapy & Licensed Massage Therapis Most Insurance Accepted - Major Medical Medicare/Medicaid Most HMO's & PPO's Personal Injury/Auto Accidents, Workers' Compensation, 493-1540 2220 N. Young Blvd., Chiefland (Across from Wal-Mart Super Center) t (MM0007612) OFFICE HOURS Monday / Wednesday / Friday 9 a.m. Noon & 2 p.m. 6 p.m. Tuesday 8 am 12:30 pm Thursday 8 a.m. Noon & 2 p.m. 5 p.m. ~ Walk-Ins Welcome ~ 341 Chiefland Regional ri-County Shopping Center Chiropractic US 19 I F Wal-Mart N [ Super Center cafeteria by Mrs. Betty Shepard and her staff. The biscuits are made from whole wheat flour, corn meal, brewers yeast, garlic, egg yolks, and beef broth which made a yummy smell. Once the biscuits, were baked and cooled they were pack- aged five per bag and sold at the school and at the For Pet's Sake. "Spring Fling" this past Saturday. The children were fortunate to have Warren and Irene Emenecker from "4 Pet's Sake" visit their classrooms anid explain to them how their non- profit organization assists our local pets. The children learned that every hour df every day 450 animals are put to sleep in America. Every day one animal is picked up in Gilchrist CountN and if no one claims them in 10 days then they are-put to sleep. To date the children have sold $872 worth of dog bones and. they have repaid their original $150 loan from the PTA, leaving them with $722 profit thus far to benefit our local pets through "'4 Pet's Sake." The children made a total of 6.915 dog biscuits and still ha'e many that they can sell. Please stop by the Bell Elementary School Office and pick up a few bags for your furry friends, the dog bones are no. 2 bags for $1.00. Last year Mrs. Rush's class was able to donate enough to pay for 39 spay/neuter procedures and 35 rabies vaccinations. The children have learned that by working together they can get the job done! MAKE NO BONES ABOUT IT CHIL- DREN CAN MAKE A DIFFER- ENCE!! Time For Gilchrist County Schools To Write Special Projects NOTE: This article ran in the Mala I1th edition of the Journal incorrectly. It read: "4. Title IV iPart A)." It should have read as follows: 4. Title V IPart A). It is time again for the Gilchrist County Schools to write special projects for the next year. If you have an\ questions or input on. any of the following projects, please call the School Board Of- fice at 352) 463-3200 and ask to speak to the specific project coordinator. 1. Individuals with Disabili- ties Education Act (Part B) 2. Title I Basic Project (Part A) 3. Title II (Part A) 4. Title V (Part A) Bell Senior FFA Chapter: "From Our- Chapter To You!" To the residents and all mem- bers of Gilchrist County': On May 9. 2006. Ms. Lindsey Martin \went to Baker County, and proudly\ represented our county and local FFA Chapter by participating, in the 2005- 2006 Gilchrist County Soil and Water Conser action Speaking Contest. By % inning first place at the local level, Ms. Martin participated at the District level, also winning first there. On be- half of the Bell Sr. FFA Chapter we would like to congratulate Lindsey Martin on a job well done, and we would also like to wish her good luck when she at- tends and participates at the state contest which will be held in Orlando sometime around early August. Sincerely, Jeffrey Williams Bell Band To Have End Of Year Banquet May 19 The Bell Band's End of Year Banquet will be held on Friday, May 19th at 6:30 p.m. in the Bell Elementary Cafeteria. All family members of current Bell Band students are encour- aged to come and enjoy the evening. The band.boosters will provide tea, rolls, dessert, chick- en, and all the paper goods. We ask that you bring a fam- ily-size side dish to complete the meal. Thanks in advance for sup- porting the Bell Band students! American Legion Hall Available Meetings Parties Weddings & Receptions 352-463-1501 -1 Shown are the winners of the Gilchrist Soil and Water Conservation District's poster contest. From left are Shelby Geiger, Raychel Thomas, and Trever Bare. On the back row is Don Bennink, supervisor of Gilchrist SWCD. GSWCD Honors Poster contestants The Gilchrist Soil and Water Conservation Dis rict (GSWCD) honored the Poster Contestants of 2nd and 3rd graders at Bell Elementary School for partici- pating in the 2006 Stewardship Week of April 25th to May 5th. The theme this Near for Steward- ship Week was "Water Wise." The awards ceremony started with Gilchrist SWCD Supervi- sor Don Bennink who reported what the GSWCD does and how to be "Water Wise." Mr. Ben- nink presented the awards to the following students: 1st Plade, Raychel Thomas who won .an ice cream party for her class- room; 2nd Place. Trever Bate; and 3rd Place. Shelby Geiger. Each contestant won a ribbon a and T-shirt with the Stewardship Week logo. The 1st and 2nd place posters, went on to the Association of Florida Conservation District Contest which was held in Baker SCounty this year on May 9,2006 where each won, a participant ribbon. S"Water Wise" Water is vital to our life. Water makes up more Than 60 percent of our body and about 75 percent of oiur brain. Water helps make possible our every movement, thought, and feeling. All our0food and most other products we use require water.: It takes about 4,000 gal- lons of water to grow a bushel of corn and about 11,000 gallons for a bushel of wheat. We some- times take water for granted. But this-precious resource may become increasingly scarce as we place more demands on fresh water supplies. To ensure future .water supplies, we need to learn about \water resources, and plan to use them carefully Pain Relief for Children to Grandparents! Specializing in Activator Methods@- A Painless Chiropractic Adjustment Consultation On Request Most Insurance Accepted. SRobert L. Vaughan, Jr., DC Office Hours: Walk-ins Welcome 24 HOUR SMon.-Tues. T A EMERGENCY Thurs,- Fri;: SERVICE 325 W. Wade St. (Hwy 26) 3 Blocks west of light in Trenton FENCING ALL TYPES 4-Board 60' Round Horse Training Pen go Including Labor, Material and One Gate * Field Fence $2.49/ft. (soo'in.) Completely Installed, Including Labor & Material Wood Chainlink Field & Barbwire Also Repairs & Free Estimates (552) 284-7081 (352) 949-0320 Locally Owned Carlisle Fence Licensed & Insured Enterprises, LLC Bell, Florida SWMEN, Hair Expressions WMEN Se P CHILDREN'S S by DeDe CUTS MOTHER'S bAY SPECIAL Make Your Mom The Star Of The Day PERM or $A5 2-COLOR HI-LIGHT $ (Good through May 31st) Phone (Matrix & Redken) 472-1482 Wolfe Tanning Bed -_. (High Output Bulbs) 8897 SE 66th Circle SPECIALIZING IN COLOR Trenton, Florida 32693 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE Monday Friday ~ 10 am 6 pm Appointments & Saturday ~ 10 am 3 pm Walk-Ins Welcome "NEED A FENCE OF ANY KIND CALL DANNY ANYTIME." Barb Wire Woven Wire Chain Link Board Danny Hodge (352) 463-1832 -- Mobile (352) 493-5345 4110 S.W. 25th Street Bell, Florida ,, I I I PIL I - -I--I I I Page Seven CJLCUR TRT COTrrr TNTY JOU RNALT Page Eight GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL a Deanna Adams Derek Asbell Brittle Baker Danielle Barn' Trisha Blanton Kenneth Campbell Duran Carmen Brandi Cason TraceChsopherson Tracer Chlristopherson Frances Coarsey Clay Conklin Harlei' Conner Richard Creamer Ashley Cross CerceDestin Carcel Dickerson Am ber Earles Joshua Fox Jason Gonthier Clayton Gregory Afegan Harding Heath Hart Karla Harville Erica Heitfield Ashley Hobby Amber Hodge Brandon Houston Matthew Hurst ~f~ r3. ~FE d 8- ~' Jessica Jacobs Harrison Kilgore Nicholas Kortessis Juan Morales D.f .f THUHLRSDAY, MA~Y. 181 2006 - -I I I s I I -----I I Justin Leggett Josh Mast t-:; ;iiE~r ?~B_ L r L r mLjiUK3AI LTiVI1I T10 1, LVVUA -- n 00 a Bryanna Murphy Amnanda Nobs Patricia Owens Patr~icia Owlens Pablo Pabon l1 hitnev Parker Brittany Pigh 1to Rauseo Jeffrey Reed Carl Rehbeig Jessica Richard" Nicholas Richardson Megan Roberts Amber Short Alyssa Stewart Deborah Sanders Joshua Smith Blaine Thompson Sean Sasser Krysten Smith Timmy Trail Todd Scaggs Stacy Smith Brandon Tyler Jamie Sch';ab Wynn Smith Melissa Waddell .Sarah Seip Michelle Stanley Alisun White Delaine Williams NOT PICTURED: Matthew Braner Marshall Kelly Anne Landrum Michael Strickland Ditamji Isaac Charles Martin Levi Coppage Ashley Yingling 0I Page Nine GIELCERISTc~ COUT NTY, JOURNAL TNT TP Rn AV M AV 1 R ?,006 71111.!,: v .dog Dusty Wood Bryan Willis MT CrUP T-TT COT TNTV JTOTRNAI rage ien 'LL.,nl.JII 1. v . THURSDAY, MAY 18, 2006 LOG CABIN QUILTERS Jannie Bickwell won this afghan made by Sylvia Lane who is a nurse at Life South in Chiefland. What a prize. Log Cabin Quilters Log Cabin Quilters met Thursday, May 11th, at the Levy County Quilt Museum. What a wonderful rain we had; it looked like we were on a pond but soon the water absorbed quickly be-. cause we really needed the rain. Rainie Miller and her husband and Robert and Rosemary Rowe came up from Crystal River and what a great time we had. Rainie plays the piano and when . I say plays, she really puts on a show. She was a piano teacher but now they are full time Gos- pel workers. Last Saturday we had the Big Cypress. Bluegrass Band out with Pat and Don Morrison who came up from Largo. If all goes well we are going back to having "Pickin on the Porch" and we'll let everyone know later.. Thank you CFE and Ricky who came out and put a new rope on our flag pole. Things do wear out and we do have lots of GASTON'S TREE SERVICE, INC. FULL SERVICE AERIAL BUCKETS HYDRAULIC:LOADERS CRANE SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES FULLYINSURED 352-378-5801 We accept all malior credit caids 1901N N \ 67th Place Suite E Gainesville, Florida 32653 \viv,'v.gastonst reesetr\'ice.coni Illi tllleSiln.s i ilvleis aurle ,, roitlllue I[1l (. e., -.. .., f -t aiwe your ]pxet ,Vaiaciclln.a iatee'd I/ ,' 1EIF1OR]E IUttley ',-, .' c':et lbttttleldr S- Ie hate the new vaccine - STrentoi4 Anrinal Hospital -603 North Main Street 'Trenton, Florida (352) 463-7100 fun 4 Kids! Pre-school/After school Learning Center / Ages 2-12 S / NAEYC Accredited Pre-K / Highscope Curriculum / School Readiness Program / CPR/First Aid Certified / Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten / USDA Food Program / CDA Certified Teachers 352-463-7614 S2739 S.W. 19th Circle, Trenton Riverland Title Services, LLC 723 East Wade St., Trenton, FL 32693 Phone (3521 463-6333 Fax (3521 463-6340 devon.,rts.cc ww%%w.rts.cc "Title Insurance "Real Estate Closings 'Place & Track orders on-line Devon Weaver Agent wind at times. This is only the second time we have had to put a new one up. We have a new member who has, never quilted, but once she got'it started she will have a wall hanging she can be proud of. At first her stitches were quite long but as she quilted they got smaller. Lunch was good with sweet potatoes, carrots, kraut, collards, beans, salads, and a big birthday cake for Alice Haire. We had 14 members and seven visitors. Winelle Home Bell High School's Top Ten Seniors Of 2006 Announced Bell High School is proud of our 2006 Top Ten'Seniors. They have accomplished amazing things during their tenure at Bell High School and have outstand- ing goals and dreams that the) are hoping to achieve in their future. Nicholas Kortessisis the 2006 Valedictorian at BHS. His future plans include moving to Tallahassee with his girlfriend and attending Florida State Uni- versity to study Marine Biology. He plans to pursue a doctorate in marine biology and eventually become a scientist. Nick's plans as a scientist include helping the environment and contributing to humanity. His particular interest is in reef ecosystems. .Amanda Nobs is the 2006 Salutatorian at BHS. She has participated 'in the Bell FFA- chapter for the past six years and is currently ser ing as president. Amanda has been involved in the Bell High School JROTC for the past four years and currently serves as Executive Officer. This year Amanda was acknowl- edged as a state finalist for the. America's Homecoming Queen Contest. She has participated in many competitions throughout her high school career, such as Tractor Restoration, Livestock Judging, and Land Judging. Amanda plans to attend Lake City Community College and then transfer to the University of Florida and' major in Crop Produc't'ion aidF'iarmnan d kaicfi Management. She svants to one day own and operate her own farm. * Alisun White enjoys playing sports such. as volleyball and softball and has been a con- tributing member,of the Lady Bulldogs Volleyball and Softball teams. 'She has been attending Bell Schools since kindergarten. Alisun's future plans are to go to Lake City Community College and enter in the Nursing Pro- gram. Alisun wants to become a registered nurse and the transfer to the University of Florida for her Bachelor's Degree. Wynn Smith has been a cheerleader at Bell and on an all- star cheerleading squad for the last six years. She has been in- volved in many different school clubs and organizations at Bell rc~i. :.. (352) 46t3-713 (352) 463-713 I I I I I I Bell Seniors Take Class Trip High School. Wynn has served as class-president for both her junior and senior classes. After graduation Wynn plans on at- tending Florida State University, majoring in both Political Sci- ence and Spanish. Krysten Smith is the daugh- ter of Billy and Michelle Smith. Krysten will attend Lake City Community College to obtain an Associate Degree. Upon completion of LCCC, Krysten will continue to'pursue a degree in Art and Design with' a minor in Business. Brittney Baker will be at- tending Florida College in Tam- pa after high school graduation. At this moment she is consider- ing majoring in Elementary Edu- cation. No matter what Brittney does, she plans on coming back to Gilchrist County when she has completed her education. Karla Harville has been in- volved in cheerleading, FFA, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and a 2006 Bell High School Homecoming Contestant. After high school she plans on attend- ing Santa Fe Community Col- lege to get her A.A. degree and then transfer to the University of Florida's Veterinarian College. Later. Karla plans to open up her own animal clinic and start a family. Amber. Hodge plans on attending Santa Fe Commu- nity College for two years and transferring to the University of Florida. At UF she will be ma- joring in Physical Therapy and going on to receive her Master's degree. Amber wants to travel and eventually plans to move to the beach. Amber hopes to one day open up her own physical therapy clinic. Derek Asbell will be enrolling at Santa Fe Community College for two years after graduation. After that, it's still a mystery to him. Hopefully, Derek will be publishing his first three books and seeking a career in anima- tion. Sarah Seip will be moving in August to Tallahassee to attend Florida State University and to be closer to her boyfriend. She will major in Biological Science with a certificate in Marine Biol- ogy. Money permitting, she will go on to graduate school for Ma- rine Biology. Sarah wants to be a scientist and save the world's 'oceans '. " Congrtulations to o 4 Top Ten Seniors and all of our se- niors at Bell High School. We are extremely proud of them and know that they will go on to accomplish all of their plans and dreams. Greatjob. Bulldog Class of 2006! Note: All of the Bell seniors appear on pages, eight and nine - Once Upon A Time... There was an amazing group of seniors, who courageously traveled away from their sate. iyet boring) town of Bell. to a magical place that had the ability to bring out the child it each of them. It wasn't just the wild rides, good food, or cool souvenirs that enchanted the seniors; but it was the childlike innocence and freedom that such a place promised to each and every one of them. Walt Disney World is a place that can change a person's lite forever. Those who have been fortunate enough to adventure through the unforgettable theme park can attest to its charm and mystery. The senior class of 2006 will surely never forget their trip to Walt Disney World! There's not a more appealing place on earth for friends to get together. It's one of those places that every man, woman, and child can go and be as hyper and crazy as they want to. The memories that we each shared on our senior trip will undoubtedly last us a lifetime. On behalf of the entire senior class of '06, I would like to take the opportunity to extend a heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated in making our trip possible. It truly was a dream come true. Class Reporter Amber Short The average garden snail travels at 0.03 miles per hour. DO YOU HAVE THE MOST ADORABLE BABY IN THE AREA ', , "MOST ADORABLE BABY" AND KING AND QUEEN BEAUTY PAGEANT Saturday June 10th Woman Club In Cross City' AlI Contestants Rectve A Beaunfitl Crouwn and Plaque. Boys and Girls All Ages. FOR INFO CALL 352-372-6133 U UM Well Child & Newborn Care School & Sports Physicals Chronic & Acute Care Communicable Disease Maternity Care By UF Dept. OB/GYN Family Planning School Health Services TB Testing Laboratory Procedures Healthy Start Services WIC Services (Baby Formula & Food Coupons) HIV Anonymous & Confidential Testing Attention Deficit Disorder Evaluation & Treatment NO APPOINTMENTS NEEDED FOR: FREE PREGNANCY TESTS FREE BLOOD PRESSURE SCREEN CHILD & ADULT IMMUNIZATIONS We accept Blue Cross/Blue Shield, AvMed, PPC Care Manager, State Employees Group PPC, Health Options, Champus, CMS, Medicaid, Medipass, Medicare, and most other major insurances. 119 N.E. 1st Street, Trenton, Florida 32693 463-3120 Office Hours Monday Friday 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. .- 1_m : : CK Contracting, Inc Building Contractor Licensed & Insured SSpecializing in Spec & Custom Homes Serving the Tri-County Area Many home plans available: 3 or 4 Bedroom Ranging from 1,200 2,300 sq. ft. Personalized service for every home owner Give us a call, we'll be happy to help you create a wonderful new home. 352-472-9888 Chad & Kellie White Robert P. Marsh Owners/Directors - Dawn F. Marsh FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH GILCHRIST COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT The 2006 Class of Bell High School on their senior class trip. ~I s I 1' Lic#C036IO0071 THURSDAY, MAY 18, '2006t ~JusA.niub I AJLI' u Ix m Trenton Fire Department Accepting Items For Upcoming Yard Sale The Trenton Fire Department will be accepting donations of goods to be sold for an upcoming yard sale. The donations can be dropped off at the station located at 111 SE 5th Avenue, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. until May 18th.. For ad- ditional information please call 463-4012. American Legion Post 383 Holds Early Bird Dinner 160 legionnaire's and their families attended the Early Bird dinner at American Le- gion Post 383 in Old Town this past Saturday according to Post Commander JR Coffey. Also at- tending were State Commander Larry White and his charming wife, both of whom entertained the gathered legionnaires. The event ended with JR Coffey and Bernice Lambert, president of the Auxiliary, being awarded the 2006 100 percent member- ship streamer for their respective post and unit flags, to the tune of "Ruffles & Flourishes" and "Hail To The Chief." Post Adjutant Gene Street reminds all members that the Commander Homecoming event will be held in Crystal:River at Post 155 this coming Saturday and those attending should be at the post by 5:00 p.m. Also, those going with the Dixie County Little League baseball team, the Cardinals, to St. Petersburg this Bruce E. Tho: Board Certified/Fa Complete Well- *Diag Min Case Hearing a mas, MD family Practice Sunday to see a Devil Ray game, should be at the ballpark no later than 11:00 a.m. The district constitutional convention will be held at Post 57 in Lake City on Saturday, June 3rd starting at 1:00 p.m. Post officers and members are urged to attend. Submitted by Eugene Street Post Information Officer It's Time To Apply For FWC Quota Permits The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission '(FWC) will be accepting applications June 1-11, 2006 for quota permits to hunt on wildlife management areas (WMAs) next season. On many WMAs, quota permits are required for hunters wishing to hunt during the first nine days of the general gun season as well as participating in other hunts including the archery' and muzzleloading gun seasons. Worksheets are available at MyFWC.com/hunting. They also will be available from county tax collectors' offices, license agents and FWC regional: offices beginning May. 23rd. Applying for these permits is automated through FWC's Total Licensing System. To' apply, take a v.orksheet to any license agent or tax collector's office or submit an application at MyFWC.com beginning 10:00 a.m. ,EDT) June 1st through midnight June 11th. Worksheets for recreational. use permits will be available at M.> F-WC.com and at FWC regional offices June 15th. Recreational use permits are Mina Willis, PharmD/PA-C Family Practice issued on a first-come, first- served basis beginning July 15th. Also, worksheets will be available July 1st for hunts involving airboats, track vehicles, quail, youths, families and mobility-impaired persons. Click MyFWC.com/hunting for more information on how to apply for permits and application periods and deadlines. From The Desk Of Gilchrist County Sheriff David P. Turner Weekly Sheriff's Report For Week Ending May 15, 2006 On May 3,2006, Josvany Diaz, date of birth, 8/9/84, was arrested on the charge of Violation of Probation/Aggravated Battery with a Deadly Weapon. On May 8, 2006, Lorie E. O'Neal, date of birth, 4/16/82, was arrested on a Columbia County Warrant with, the charge of Violation of Probation. On May 9, 2006, Kimberly J. Kinsey, date of birth, 8/23/ 75, was arrested on charges of Felony Driving While License Suspended or Revoked, Possession of Less than 20 Grams and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia., SOn May 9, 2006, Justin B. King, date of birth, 10/2/74, \was arrested on charges of Tamper with Witness and Battery/ Domestic Violence. On lMa 10, 2006, Samson Carr, date of birth, 11/23/83, was arrested on charges of two. counts of Violation of Probation. Burglar. of Structure Dealing in Stolen Property. On May 10, 2006, Casey A. Davis, date of birth, 4/16/77, was arrested on the charge of Violation of Probation/BatterN. On May 10, 2006, aJu'enile Malcolm Hickox, PA-C Family Practice was arrested on charges of Order to take into Custody and Violation of Home Detention. On May 11, 2006, Freddy E. Feldman, date of birth, 7/9/57, was arrested on the charge of Failure to Appear/Driving Under the Influence. On May 11, 2006, James I. Hamilton, date of birth, 2/5/60, was arrested on charges of Driving Under the Influence, Possession of Less than 20 Grams and Possession of Paraphernalia. On May 11, 2006, Jeremy D. Brown, date of birth, 10/29/84, was arrested on charges of Possession of. Cocaine and Possession of Controlled Substance without a Prescription. On May 11, 2006, Michael C. Gunnison, date'of birth, 1/13/. 87, was arrested on the charge- of Possession of Less than 20 Grams. On May 12, 2006, Arturo Romero, date of birth, 8/10/83, was arrested on the charge of No Valid Drivers License. On May 12, 2006,. Lamar Love, date of birth, 8/17/64, was arrested on the charge of Driving under the Influence. On May. 12, 2006, Matthew G. Rolunda, date of birth, 12/9/ 86, was arrested on the charge .of Possession of Less than 20 Grams. On May 13, 2006, Mark D. Lemaster. date of birth, 12/5/ 82,, was arrested on the charge of Possession of Less than 20. Grams. On lMa 13. 2006. Eduardo G. Hernandez. date of birth. 10/12/ 84. \was arrested on the charge of No Valid Drivers License. On May 13. 2006. James E. Pope, date of birth, 9/12/65, was arrested on charges of Retail Theft and Disorderly inion cation. On May 13, 2006, a Juvenile It's Not About the Car... ow l It's about the precious cargo it carries. As a local independent agent, we can design an insurance program that's just right for you and your family. Give the people you love Safe.Sound.Secure. protection from Auto-Owners Insurance Company. tvuto-Owners Insurance Nature Coast Insurance 12372 NWHWY19, Chieflami. FL 32626 352-493-2565 Jeffrey HansPetersen, MD Board Certified/Family Practice rams children valuations ening ng s and Pharmacy nation: 3-1100 Parm acit *KnaW-li ParD/A fea a35 Gilchrist County Woman's Club News SOur final meeting held last Thursday was really great. We had good food, an interesting speaker, and as always, friend- ship. We welcomed four new mem- bers, Lynn Parks, Teresa Miller, Anni Egan and Renate Bartz. The Volunteer of the Year 2006 Award was presented to Gwen Walden for outstand- ing. service. She. worked very hard at all our functions. In the coming year she \ ill chair the Finance Committee. Susan Bryant was the winner of the door prize, a lovely Robert Kinkade teapot. Myrtle Scruggs and her group of ladies coordi- nated the wonderful meal and the decorations. Thanks Myrtle, it was delicious. We all feel \well informed after listening to Jered Ottenwess. Trenton City Manager. He told us of future plans for beautifying Main Street, widening SR 26 and plans for an assisted living facil- ity. He also told us that there are several new\ housing and business developments on the drawing board. Our.communitr is really grow ing. Pretty soon we will not have to go into Gaines- Sille or Chiefland to shop! The Installation of Officers for the coming year took place. Our thanks go out to all those who are so willing to serve the community through *our club. Sharon Bard, who did such a good job last'year, has accepted another year as president. This is not an easy task and requires a o6t of time. Her service is much appreciated. We will be hosting the Spring Workshop at our club house on Saturday, June 3rd. Reserva- tions have started to come in from the other clubs. It will be organized by the new District 5 Director. Geraldine Ward. We %ill need members t 'lhelp on that day. Please let Sharon Bard know if you can attend. Oonagh DeNezza Publicity Chairperson was arrested on charges of Tampering with Evidence and Possession of Less than 20 Grams. On May. 14, 2006, John R. Snedecker, date of birth, 10/12/69, was arrested on the charge of Driving while License Suspended or Revoked. Countryside Daylilies To Have Open Garden Weekends Throughout May Eddy 'and Cindy Scott of Countryside Daylilies are having an open house at their garden ev- ery weekend in May and the first weekend in June from 8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. on Saturdays and Sunday. They have a large landscaped garden with several split rail fences, old .sugar kettles, Pea- cocks and two Koi ponds. There will be thousands of blooming hybrid Daylilies and myriad of other flowers. They are located in NE Gilchrist County. To find them from the intersection of CR S340 and SR 47 (flashing red light), go north on SR 47 for 1.5 miles to NE 65th Street (limer- ock road), also marked Ginnie Spring, turn right and go 8/10 mile. For more information, go to countrysidedaylilies.com or call 386-454-3937 or 386-454- 3687. VISA 1 Shown from left are Volunteer of the Year Gwen Walden, and Sharon Bard of the Gilchrist County Woman's Club. Shown from left are Nancy Rowe, A iarsha Rankin,- Natalie Rankin, Marge Montgomery, and Myrtle Scruggs. Akins Heating & AC, Inc. 5120 N.W 5th Streer Bell, Florida 32619 352-463-2380 Servicing All Makes & Models * SSpecializing in High Efficiency Units Indoor Air Quality Products * Call us today to ask about an additionalpower company rebate of up to $350. Lince LenCACi18!540 AbI ... LEN C ue pmqt CORP LAICNSD) & INSLRKEL CUC1253693 CKC1328366 Where imagination meets reality Building projects are not for the faint-at-heart. The culmination of hopes, dreams and ambitions into a finished product can be nerve-wracking and is quite often one of the largest financial and emotional investments you will ever make. Wherever you are in the process, brainstorming, planning, drafting, or location finding, Dream Builders Development Corp. is ready to partner with you. I Quality Craftsmanship Integrity Honesty Teamwork Personal Relationship .Call (352) 463-2210 today! or visit www.DreamBuildersDevelopment.com LINES INES COMPUTER ALIGNMENTS AIR CONDITIONING PASSENGER CAR & LIGHT TRUCK TIRES Open Mon. Fri. 710 East Highway 26 Located 30 Miles West of Gainesville, in Trenton (352) 463-0079 Trenton CommunityFarmers' Market At the Depot 419 North Main Street (Hwy-129) Open Every Tuesday From 2pin- 6pm Farm Fresh Pr'oduce S i& Plants Drop-Off location for Canned Goods for the Food Pantry InfoLine: 352-463-4000, option 8 Vendor Information 386-454-3950 Sponsored by City of Trenton & Gilchrist County Journal Bell Family HealthCare Quality Health Care, Convenient Location, Serving The Health Care Needs Of Our Community Services Provided: te Primary Care Chronic Disease Management Physical Ex -Baby Exams Immunizations Vaccinesfor C nostic X-rays Diagnostic Laboratory ADD & ADHD E' nor Trauma Minor Surgical Procedures Health Scree Management Family Planning HIV Testi nd Vision Testing Sliding Fee Office Visit, Employers Please Ask About Our Preferred Employers Program (PEP)! Most Insurances Accepted ~ Equal Opportunity Provider Providing Non-Profit Healthcar 1830 North Main Street Bell, Florida re For Inforl 352-463 B&J AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR COMPLETE AUTO REPAIRS FOREIGN DOMESTIC EXHAUSTS BRAKES ELECTRIC TUNE-UPS ENG 1 _ _r - Page Eleven r'-TT OUD4]? IQT CnT TTV TOT TITl-t T rage Twelve u...-..- .,t. . Progress Energy Presents Check To School Board AMs. Rosemary Fagler of Progress Energy presents a check in the amount of $10,000 to Gilchrist County School' Superintendent Buddy Vickers. DISASTER/STORI LAND CLEARIN TREE & BRUSI BACKHOE & BOX B D ITCHES FIELDS TOM WILKIE 352-463-2584 352-538-4460 IM RECOVERY G & SITE PREP H REMOVAL BUSH HOG. " LADE Insured Small buildings, boats, etc. 24 hr: towing service, 22J'. rollback bed. Carports also available. Reasonable Rates. 463-2900 493-0345 JOE'S TOWING & ROLLBACK Credit Cards Accepted Dr. Richard W. Wagner BOARD CERTIFIED.OPTOMETRIST 218 N: MAIN STREET (U.S. 19) CHIEFLAND, FL 32626 Same or Next-Day Appointments SBlue Cross & Blue Shield/PPC a NEW & PREVIOUS PATIE M JOH ROOFI0 Re-Roofing ' Metal Ro 25-Year Wa Ms. Rosemary Fagler of Prog- ress Energy visited the Gilchrist County School Board office and presented a checking the amount of $10,000 to Superintendent Buddy .Vickers. The $10,000 was part of a grant awarded by Progress Enrgy to further the education of employees in the Gilchrist County School sys- tem. The funds will be awarded through scholarships from the Gilchrist .County Education Foundation. Those employees who wish to become educators -will have the oppohunity to applyjfor scholarships through the Foundation. The Gilchrist ,County, School- system is con- stantly seeking \\ays to encour- age their employees to "build for the future" in our competitive society. Thanks to organizations who have this foresight, such as Progress Energy. our goals will be successful! ' Nicholas Edwards Nicholas Edwards Graduates SNicholas Edwards graduated from the LaKe City Community College on May 5, 2006. He N earned an AA degree in Liberal Arts. Nick is a 2004 Bell High School graduate. He plans on at- tending the University of Florida S to get his BA/BS degree in En- gineering. Nick is the son of Jonathan Edwards of Spring Hill and the late Laura Edwards. He is the grandson of Ron and Loretta Jordan of Bell, Bruce Edwards" Rof 'Dade City and Margarita * Romo of Dade Citfy [!.:. 1. Auto Show Proceeds Katie Hodge To Benefit Sick Kids C'FFICE t:N.A-uIER Car, truck, and motorcycle Available enthusiasts will ha e the oppor- nd Medicare Provider unit ito see and display their fa- Sorite automobiles while raising NTS WELCOME money for a good cause 4 x 4 Productions is hosting its spring 2006 Gaines ille show, Shine and Sound event,'on Saturday, May 20th at the Alachua County SFairgrounds, A portion.6of the proceeds will benefit. Children's' NMiracle Nemtork. SShow participants will compete for trophies in many classes ranging from low rid- ers to classic. street rods. They S Leaks also will participate 'in stereo &S competitions for average-car- on-the-street. sound systems or OI g more sophisticated systems. o ing Activities will include a race car .i 'display, motorcycle stunt shows, rf any Ymonster-truck rides for the kids, irran y a swap meet, vendors, door Manufacturer's prizes, food and music. There is an admission fee and Children under 12 get ,in free. 4 x 4 Productions will donate $1 from every admission to Children's Miracle Network. For more information or to Spre-register a vehicle, call 352- 317-8609. Canned rattlesnake meat was First sold on May, 22, 1931 by George Kenneth End, president of the Floridian Products Cor- poration. Gilchrist Title A Security Title Company (352-463-6403) "FO Gregory V. Beauchamp Douglas K. McKoy Services SClosings Title Insurance Public Record Searches ast and Friendly Service 302 North Main Street Trenton, Florida May 18 Is Healthy Women's Day May 18th is Healthy Women's Day. Come join your friends at- Suwannee Valley Quilt Shoppe on Thursday, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. A wealth of health informa- tion will be available for women of all ages. Complementary screens will include bone densi- ty, glucose, blood pressure, oxy- gen stats, vision, and BMI. Plus, hear presentations on women's health from' Dr. Rachel Hrab- chak, PharimD, Kathryn Glazer, MSN, ARNP, and Gail Osteen, volunteer with the American SCancer Society.' For more infor- mation call 352-463-3842. This event is being sponsored by the Department of Elder -Affairs, Suwannee River Area Health Education Center, and Suwannee 'alle\ Quilt Shoppe. High Springs Has It All On May 20th As The Bike Fest Comes To High Springs On Saturday. Mao '20. 2006. from 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., the entire family has it made in High Springs. Florida. The 1st Annual High Springs Bike Fest 2006 presented by Gainesville Harley-Davidson & Buell and High Springs Main Street will provide entertainment suited for all ages. The event will feature live music, great food and other \endors, sponsors' booth dis- plays and a kids' carnival with rides and interactive games. Main Street will be closed to eter\thing but foot traffic and bike parking from 441 to NW Ist Avenue. In addition to the Bike Fest, High Springs hosts a nice vari- ety of specialty shops selling a wide variety of quality products. Shops in downtown include several hardware stores, a Ga- ior memorabilia shop. clothing .stores, bicycles and scooters, and, of course, antiques and col- lectibles, for which the town is famous. Plus, there are several small cafes open for lunch or dinner. The High Springs Farm- Sers' Market will also be open from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Local bands will be entertain- ihg the crow ds by the Caboose in James Paul Park: 11:3~'a:m. tc 2:30 p.m. County Road Band 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. String- field Band; and from 6:00 p.m to 9:30 p.m. 'those Southerr rock n' rollers, Local Traffic perform. There will also be a Bike Sho\\ sponsored by 106.9 KZY: Registration begins a 11:00. a.m. and.20 trophies ir eight different categories wil be awarded at 4:00 p.m. Plus a Pet Parade sponsored by th( Alachua County Humane Soci. ety, dress up your pets and brinm them downtown for the parad( which starts at 11:30 a.m. The Gainesville Chapte of the Harley Owners Groul (HOG) will start a poker rut from Gainesville Harley David son parking lot at 9:30 a.m. witl last bike out at 11:00 a.m. Thc 80 plus mile run will have there< stops before ending up at thi High Springs Bike Fest. Additional sponsors of thi event include Burkhardt Distrib uting, the Alachua County' Visi tors & Convention Bureau, th City of High Springs, Spindrift ers' Lounge and Santa Fe Bar. For more information about the 1st Annual High Spring Bike Fest 2006 Gainesvill Harley-Davidson & Buell, vis: www.highspringsbikefest.cor or call phone 386-454-2889. 1 "- ... :'" ; '. prises LLC, warranty deed, $19,900. Lot 4, Block E, Sun 'N Fun, Unit 6. Herman John Hull II and Katherine Hull to Kenneth A, 'Dunn and Kathy L. Dunn, war- ranty deed, $138,500. Lot 4, Foothill Farms, Unit II. James R. and Dorothy Gluhm to Scott and Teresa Henry, war- ranty deed, $320,000. Eugene J. and Elizabeth Muc- ciarone to Rotag Investments, Inc., warranty deed, $74,900. Lots 2 & 3, block 25, Trenton Original Survey. Gilchrist County Land Transactions Jerry L. May to Bobby D. May, quit claim deed, $10, 10 acres.. Jerry L. May to Bobby D. May, quit claim deed, $10. Joseph Gerard DeLeonardo to Joseph Gerard. DeLeonardo and Deborah M. DeLeonardo, quit claim deed, $10. Dale. F. Kelley and. Claudia L. Kelley. to Kevin Kelly and Ginger Nesmith, warranty deed, $10. Lot 1. of Kelly Acres. .Dale F Kelley and Claudia L. Kelley to Dale F. Kelley and Claudia L. Kelley, warranty deed, $0. Lot 2 of Kelly Acres. June E. Brown to Richard W. Wolford and Kathleen.A. Wol- ford, warranty deed. $8.000. Lot 5, Block F, Santa Fe- Oasis: Subdivision. Morgan G. McCumber and Corinne E. McCumber to Mor-. gan D. McCumber and Anne Marie Dirocco and Dianne Dirocco. quit claim deed. $100. Lot 14,.Su annee Oaks Subdi- S vision. Donald Harper and Vickie Harper to Warren L. Stoell and Cynthia Stovell, w, arranty deed, $102.000. Lot 10 in Meadow Wood Trails. . Marvis B. Roberts. Jr. to Mar- vis B. Roberts. Jr., co-trustee and Sallie R. Roberts, co-trustee and Marvis B. Roberts, Jr., trustee. quit claim deed. $10. NMarvis B. Roberts. Jr. to Mar- vis B. Roberts. Jr.. co-trustee and Sallie R. Roberts, co-trustee and Sallie R. Roberts, Jr.. trustee, quit claim deed. $10. Bobby G. Martin. Ed\win O. MNartin, Kenneth R. Martin. N.a\ W. Martin. Ronald E. Martin to Bobbye G. Martin, trustee and Oswald Martin. declaration of trust, quit claim deed. $10. Smitt\ Martin, a/k/a Smitty :Austin Martin, a/k/a Smitty A. Martin. Sr. and Barbra L. Martin to Chesboroughminvestment Properties, Inc., warranty deed, $47,500. Clifford Bruce Hunter to Clif- ford Bruce Hunter, trustee and Clifford Bruce Hunter revocable trust, warranty deed, $10. Lot r 23, Deer Run. James Ronald Sellers to Jerry . W. and Shirley S. Reynolds. quit claim deed. $5.000. Campsite 64. Waccasassa Campsites, Unit S James Ronald Sellers to Jeri' SW. and Shirley S. Reynolds, quit c, laim deed, $5,000. Campsite S651, Waccasassa Campsites, Unit' S James Ronald Sellers to Jerry SW, and Shirley S. Reynolds, quit t claim deed. $5.000. Campsite S'66, Waccasassa Campsites. Unit I 1 1 Rosella Mae Johnson and e Eugene Eber to Rosella Mae Johnson and Eugene Eber, quit claim deed, $10. Lots 1, 4, 5, e and 8 of Block 6, Suwannee River Subdivision. r Robert L. Phillips to Richard SW. and Stacey'Buckmann, quit claim deed; $10. Lot.2, Foothill Farms, Unit 2. h Nadine Watson Martin and e Larry Martin to Robert E. Bar- e. ron, warranty deed, $10. e Robert E. Barron to David M. ,and Barbara Venereo, warranty deed,. $255,970. s Roderick J. McElroy to John - C. Swearingen, warranty deed, - $875. Lot 15, block 6 of Suwan- e nee River Estates South., t- Margaret A. Grafft a/k/a Margaret A. Sparling to John Lt C. Swearingen, warranty deed, s $875. Lot 15, Block 6, Suwan- e nee River Estates South. it Margaret R. McElroy to John m C. Swearingen, warranty deed, $875. Lot 15, Block 6, Suwan- nee River Estates South. Barbara Coulthurst as trustee of the Atha Z. Wooley Living Trust Agreement to Ray and Ann Hodge, trustee's warranty deed, $10, 10 acres MOL. Barbara Coulthurst as trustee of the Atha Z. Wooley Living Trust Agreement to June Lovett Hutto, trustee's warranty deed, $10, 10 acres MOL. Barbara Coulthurst as trustee of the Atha Z. Wooley Liv- ing Trust Agreement to Diana Lovett as trustee of the Amanda Lovett Hines trust, $10, 10 acres MOL. Williphord H. and Mary E. Daughterty to Big Oak Enter- Matthew and Alexis Willhite and Larry K. Whillhite to, Mat- thew and Alexis Willhite, $10. Lot 6 of Section 32. George Farrown to. Ronald and Rena' Roberts, 'warranty deed, $45,500. Lot 252, Unit 1 of Waccasassa Campsites.: R.S. Deese to William C. Bax- ter, warranty deed, $12,000. Lot 11, Red Berry Branch. Jeremy J. and Ladonna J. For- tin to Walter G. Dixon, statutory warranty deed, $38,269. Lot 16, Block C. second addition in Su- wannee River Highlands. Joseph Whitworth to Diesel Properties, LLC., warrantyy deed, $10. Lot 43, Silver Ridge Sub- division. Jaqueline Susan Puckett to Jemrry Flanders, %%arranty deed. -frey A.- Colton, warranty deed, $25,000, Lot 14, Block D of. $75,000. Santa Fe Oasis. Donald Wilson to Stuart Linda C... Nick to Charles B. Vaughn. warranty deed, $10. Frasher and Scott F. Frasher;. warranty deed. $179,900. Lot 6, Unit 2, Millhopper Estates. .. v' Oakwalk. LLC to Interna- .tional Construction Manage- ment Services. Inc., corporate warranty deed, $66,000. Lots 3 & 4, Block 3 at West Bell Advertise Subidivsion 'Gary S. Land to Diana Ohlig Pinner, w' warranty deed, $10. Los ilrhri 27, 28, 29, 30, 31.and 32. Block 5 all being in Lot 10. Suwannee 2 (3il it River Subdivision. Robert L. Dailey and Lauren ou'n l Dailey to Jerome A. Juarez. war- ma ranty deed. $10. Lot 15, Suwan- nee River Ranch estates. Brent D. Magsig. trustee and IDURON WILLIAMSON'S TREE SERVICE Licensed and Insured Call for FREE Estimates cell 352-318-3610 home 386-935-2180 3 All Phases ofTree Work From trimming to complete removal and haul-off. Light land clearing, clearing of right-of-ways, and debris haul-offs. Bobcat service available. Licensed and Insured SS51 NV 115th Street Chiefland, Florida 32626 .3,52-49.3- 81 ,8,-87776-, 707., .-. -.., Osborn-G. Barker- -Owner --- Irn:,ijIla3T r' -. r- .. r in. -ln-uri. r S ji.j"', CIrpor2, -rr. Scr-ern Rc:.n-.: DCeck- Pat,.... _O, 5. r F s;. ;. G. uTTers Hijrriane -..rnir Sr, in. -:I:.l aI nd 11 t,:pe'. Er .cld'..ur.: * Free Estimates @ x ~-t- LI: 4~El~'!!rA ~ c7~p S Restaurant, Catering Service & Cakes Available Daily Blueplate Special $6.50 (Monday Friday, while they last) ~ CallAhead Window Pickup Available~ 352-463-8831 Mon & Tues 6am 3pm | E Wed & Thurs 6am 9pmn 1122 East Wade Street Fri & Sat 6am 10pm Trenton, Florida 32693 Sunday 11am 3pm Open For Breakfast 6 am (Mon-sat) SUNDAY LUNCH (BUFFET ONLY) Forever Flowers & Gfts 352-463-9176 or Toll Free 1-866-261-7986 www.foreverflowerstrenton.com "Your Full Service Florist" 721 East Wade Street Trenton, Florida 32693 Fresh & Silk Arrangements Funerals Weddings Rentals Plants Prayer Box Bracelets Mommy & Me Bracelets MaggiB. Purses Texas Leather Purses & Men Wallets Baby Camo Large Selection ofPicture Frames Hours: J M-F 9am-5pm Sat. 9am- 12pm T1lef lora Laura Teague/Charlotte Pedersen Owners Water Filtraton Lice t CFC(051621 WOLFE PLUMBING, INC. Complete Plumbing Service Drain Cleaning & Repair *7 Days Service ., 352-403-2202 44 O61agi6giiB i NOWI .. FOR-. "FALL 2006' > CLASSES !, LAKCE CITY COMMUNITY COLLtB5 r more information call (386)752-1822 wwwakecitycc.edu AN lqulAuxc /quolpprtluntilrtu Brent D. Magsig Trust to Brent D. Magsig, quit claim deed. $10. Dennis and Loretta Sapp to Teresa Steedley, general' war- ranty deed, $135,000. Lot 7, replat of Lots 1 & 2, Block 1, Spring Ridge Subdivision. Nancy M. Rogers to Nancy M. Rogers, trustee and Nancy M. Rogers revocable living trust, Warranty deed; $10. Larry A. Rogers and Nancy M. Rogers to Larry A. Rogers. and Nancy M. Rogers, warranty deed, $10. : , Page Distributing Company, Inc. to Toney Sulli an and Toney Sullivan II, warranty ,deed, $125.000. Kathleen Delisi to Georf- I, 81iU C,,H.CT4R VIRrT CONTY JOU RNAL I THURSDAY, MA4Y 18, 2006 T~k_ rr 1 _ I 97 Bonded & Insured FREE ESTIA 32 L47 pm4l 352 m (;379 m 4 A Lic. # RC 0061384 CCC 1-32544, I mrmT TPQT)AVa MAV 12 -P,700 GIL CHl-lRISTT COUlINTY JOUTRNAL. Page Thirteen Eddie as he collects stamens to use in the hybridizing process. Daylilies In Gilchrist (Continued from Page One) meeting of the Suwannee some II years ago. Eddie, an Valley Daylilies Society in avid gardener for many ears. Lake City. Now II years later had his interest in da.lilies he is a recognized daylily peeked %when he attended a h bridizer. Eddie has introduced, around 100 -named varieties. Eddie and Cindy are both certified daylily exhibition judges and he speaks at various garden events around the southeast. Eddie and Cindy have visited and spoke at several famous gardens in the past several years. They visited St. Louis Botanical Gardens and the Houston Botanical Gardens recently. They have judges at several shows throughout the Southeast. This is the Scott family's busy time. of year. Eddie will spend th6 ne\t several month hybridizing. His -day. begins around 5 a.:. hen he doeshis hybridizing work, Eddie can be found again in the late afternoon in the nearly one acre of beds which contain some 400,000 daylilies of which some 800 are named varieties. The) have been introducing named varieties of daylilies for the past 7 years. Eddie said only about one out of ever) 1,000 seedlings go on to be a named \arietN. Through the years the Scotts ha'e introduced around 100 da lilies to the market. Eddie is workingg to hybridize a blue daylilN at this time. There are about 45.000 named varieties on the market in various catalogs throughout the country. The land that Countryside Da\lilies is located on is also \ery special as it has been in Cindy Osteen Scott's family for generations. Her great- grandfather, John Hance Osteen homesteaded the property just after the Civil War. The Scotts value the heritage of their 20- acre home site. Eddie rescued hundreds of split rails from the original Osteen homestead and reassembled them. The beautiful old rail, fence' is flanked on either side with beds of coreopsis, daylilies, salvia, and verbena. The rails were split around 1900 and although they are over 100 years old they are still in remarkable shape. Many artifacts, such as: two large sugar kettles, have been incorporated into stunning flower beds located throughout the large yard. When )ou visit their gardens you may also see one of sev eral peacocks gracefully crossing the yard. Eddie and Cindy have a beautiful yard, in fact, even if you are not a da lily fan it would be worth \our while to visit their open house and %walk through the man\ gardens. The\ ha'e a beautiful Co\ pond that the% built several \ears ago. It has several tiers and a waterfall. The numerous Co\ fish are so happy) in this pond the\ are reproducing. The Scotts are happy to assist would-be gardeners with tips such as the kind of mulch to use on da. lilies. They suggest pine The rail fence tiat the Scotts have lining their drivew''ay. The rails were split around 1900. straw or pine bark. This Near they are using has. The\ don't recommend cypress mulch for daN lilies. The da lilies at Countriside Day lilies are grow n in amended soil that they bu. by the truckloads. The.\ recommend daylilies be fertilized with Green Edge which they purchase in Gainestille. They S' New '06 i ocu s Dr. New '06 Fusion SE 2 OL Duratec 16 alie -1 C,l FuIel Ir le r ,on ; 2 L 4 C. ,i2 Spd u[ow ma[,c \ 'e-a, F ,j.er New '06 F-150 .......... .....$1,5 C, S [n,,o. ..,.1 60 0 r o r, n D ,', '" ea t C D M & o ,/.. oo. 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MONTH OF M~~~as RGA A AE Now $BJ48ep399 NW 1188' S OWAS188 '05owMustang 0 Mercury Mountaineer '06 E-350 Van '05 Expedition '03 F-350 Crew Cab '02 Focus 5 Dr. 01 Grand Marquis LS m.Leather, Low Miles.'#1004 12 Passenger. #965 Dual RearWheels, Diesel, Auto, Low Miles. #1005 Low e to Choose Prgm.Veh.Warr.Avail. Eddie Bauer 4x4. #993 Auto, XLT #988 Auto., Low Miles. #1005 3 to Choose r OWsl lWas Was o2hoe Wa, ow18 888sL.995 Now 25,888' .a2;w s Now 27.888' Sl995 NOWs 9,488* ASLOW a s9,888 '05 Ford Focus '06Taurus '05 Grand Marquis LS '06 Five Hundred '05 Mustang Convertible Optima 28' UsedTrailer #998 Program Car, Automatic.#995 Loaded.#968 Leather, Low Miles. #996 #999 All Aluminum. Prgm. Veh. War. Avail. Prgm.Veh.Warr. Avail. Prgm. Veh. Warr Avail. Prgm. Veh.Warr. Avail, Prgm. Veh. Warr. Avail. was $22,192 i Was o* ow ,888* ss NO I,8 N 8 NOW *Was 995995 $15,995 mOW $13,888"$919'995 mOW 17,888 $21,995 NOW *19,888 s$2W,59E nOw $19,998" sow I "TheWorks" *Genuine Motorcraft Oil & Filter Change *Rotate & Inspect FourTires I inspect Brake System ITest Battery A $42.95 16 Check Air and Cabin Filters Value .Check Belts and Hoses I Check Wiper Blades $ 3 *Top Off All Fluids *Multi-Point Inspection S A grat value In maintenance - off change, tie rotation, thorough Inspection and morel Up to 5 qts. Motorcraft OIL. STaxes, disposal fees and diesel vehicles extra. Valiid.2.withgCuponfferExgres5-26 916 N. Young Blvd., Chiefland Fi All Roads Lead to White Ford In Chlefland Toll Free 1-888-864-4582 *Prices net of rebate, plus tax, tag and $224.95 document fees. All vehicles subject to prior sale. Art for illustration purposes only. In stock units only. See dealer for details. (W.A.C.) = With aooroved credit, financing with Ford Motor Credit Co. "Present White Ford-Mercury vehicle owners. Website: www.whitefordmercury.com liii C_:I~i~urn_~'*'A's'A' 1 I~ (d (s II- l.V mit o 6. 1 il i- i ial m i i m-W I g ; l- s m start fertilizing in ine middle of February and reapply fertilizer e% er> si\ weeks through Nov ember. The\ also. recommend using organic-based fertilizer such as 16-4-8 or 12-6-; 10 when planting. Last fall Eddie and CindN visited the 5th grade at Bell Elementary to introduce them to. the world of daylilies. Eddie Scott walked the students through the process of daylily farming and hNbridizing. During this \ visit the Scotts ga' e the students an opportunity to name some of the plants that the: Scotts would be introducing through their 2006 catalog. The 5th grade % ill take a field trip to the farm in the next few weeks and \\ill actually, see their named varieties in bloom. The 20(6 catalog includes new \\ introduced da\lilies that bear several names the students suggested such as Soccer Head and Jolt. Through the )ears SEddie and Cindy have also named several daylilies for family\ members such as his grandmother. Kate Akins, and his sister. Amy Scott. The Scott family \works on the family daylily farm side b\ side throughout the year 16 introduce and sell beautiful daN lilies such as Red Eye Gravy, a recently named introduction. The people of Gilchrist : County are lucky to hale this fine source of da) lilies so close ,at hand. Remember the open house at Countryside Daylilies continues for the next three weekends. The) will be open from 8 a.m. uihtil 2 p.m. on Saturday 'and- Sunday. Country side Da.lilies is located past the second caution light on ,Hwy. 47, turn right on NE 65th Street. If \ou need more information call i386) 454- .3937. All Iknow is just what I read in the papers. -Will Rogers - SIJAPPER Mow Like A Pro! * 18-hp Kohler Courage'rM OH\', 19-hp Kawasakl OH\' or 20-hp B&S Vanguard OH\' ** 44" or 50" mowers available * 0-7 mph infinite Speed Range / *Commercial-Grade, Independent Hydrostatic Pumps. Oinieeet 241 (MEqoPoteeeri 350Z Series 7ar.s 305pmMF Gilchrist Building Supply 8am-3pm Saturday Hwy. 129; North BELL 463-2738 1-800-543-6545' *Zero interest for 24 months (24 equal payments) offer valid on purchases, $3,000 and over, made between 1/11/6 and 5/31/06 with a Yard Card consumer credit card account between 1/1/06 and 5/31/06 subject to credit approval through Shoppers Charge Accounts Co. Finance charges will be assessed at a rate of 19.80% with 2% repayment ermis if 2 consecutive minimum monthly payments are missed. See dealer for details. WWW.SNAPPER.COM Life changes. Your insurance should keep up. ,-jf~iK61JAI IVlItI 1.-0, LVVU -JLJJJIL' -. I LXJfjLLIZXL Prra Tnmcr 'nrtprn GILC .HI-RISCT COT TNTY JO1 URNAL. J.go rummull L&5t' J. l L THURSDAY. MAY 18. 2006 Mrs. Frances L. Shepherd Mrs. Frances L. Shepherd of Bell died Tuesday, May 9, 2006 in Gainesville. She was 79. . Mrs. Shepherd was born in Dalton, Georgia ard came- to this area from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 20 years ago. She was a retail clerk and a member of Women in the Moose Lodge #495 in Fanning Springs and Or- der of the Eastern Star Chapter. #251 of Chiefland. ' She was preceded in death by, a son, Oliver Cobb. Mrs. Shepherd is survived by sons, Donald Cobb of Tavares and Gary Cobb of Indiana; a sister, Betty June CormeofHer- nando; six grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. SA funeral service was held Friday, May 12, 2006 at Watson Funeral Home Chapel with Kent Heaton conducting the/service.. Interment followed in Bell Cem- etery. Arrangements were under the care of WATSON FUNERAL HOME, Trenton. Legal .Notices NOTICE SThe Gilchrist 'County State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) Program will'hold a SHIP educational course at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday May 25;-2006 in the courtroom of the Gtlchnst County Courhouse. Trenton. Florida. The class is free and open to the public. Anyone applying for a SHIP loan is required to attend a SHIP class. If you have an\ questions. please call the SHIP Program office at 352-463-4021 ' CharlottePederson Program Administrator Pub. MayI1. 1 I. 2006b. Pole Barns Installed Complete . $1 79500 Total Rudd 100% Cypress Mulch/Chips i 8yds $125 4 yds $70 We will load Free Delivery In Area 8 am- 5:pm Monday-Friday. 8 am -12pm Saturday 352-538-5098 Hunt's Pest Control, Inc GET RID OF: Cockroaches Waterbugs German Roaches 493-4772 5 ie send 'em packFng! IObituaric NOTICE OF MEETING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Gilchrist County SHIP Loan Review Committee will hold .a .regular meeting on Thursday May 25, 2006 at 3:00 p.m. in the SHIP Program Office/County Courtroom in the Gilchrist County Courhouse South Main Street, Trenton, Florida. PLEASE BE ADVISED that if a person decides to appeal any decision made at such meeting or hearings; he will need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings- is made, which record includes the testimony and .evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Charlotte Pederson S Program Administrator Pub.May 18, 2006b:'. NOTICE OF ENACTMENT OF ORDINANCE BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF BELL, FLORIDA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an ordinance, which title here- inafter appears, will be considered .or enacrment by the Town Council of the Town of Bell, Flonda, at a public hearing on June I. 2006 at S700 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the mantercan beheard, in theTown Hall, located at 3240.West Railroad SLane. Bell. Florida. Copies of said ordinance mas be inspected by an)y member of the public at Town Hall, located at 3240 West Railroad Lane, Bell. Florida. dunng regular busi- ness hours. On the date. time and place first above mentioned, all in- terested persons may appear and be heard with respect to the ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 2006-09 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF BELL. FLORIDA. RELATING TO THE REZONING OF TEN OR MORE CONTIGU- OUS ACRES OF LAND. PLUR- SUANT TO AN APPLICATION BY THE PROPERTY OWNER OF SAID ACREAGE: .AIEN-D- ING THE OFFICIAL ZONING NMAP OF THE TOWN OF BELL LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, PROVIDING FOR REZONING FROM RESIDENTIAL-I IR-lI TO RESIDENTLAL-3 R-3t OF CERTAIN LANDS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF BELL, FLORIDA: PROVIDING SEVERAIBILITY: REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT. AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE The public hearing may be con- tinued to one or more future dates. Any interested part shall be ad- Svised that the date, time and place of any continuation of the public hear- ing shall be announced during the public hearing and that no further notice concerning the mater will be published . .All persons are advised that, if they decide to appeal any decision made at the public hearing, they will need a record of the proceed- in-" and. for such purpose, they INVITATION TO BID Sealed bids are hereby in. ted for construction of a 60' x 100' metal building and a 16' x 100' lean-to. Specifications and requirements :may. be obtained from, and bids returned,;to the Gilchnst Counts Administrators Ofice. 209 SE First Street, Trenton, FL. Sealed bids are to be submitted no later than 1-00 p m on Monday. June 12, 2006. Bids \wlll be reviewed by' the Board of County.: Commissioners at their regular meeting on Monday, June:19,:2006 It is the bidder's re- sponsibillty to assure that the bid is delivered on date, locauon and time specified herein Bids, which for an) reason are not so-delivered, will not be considered Gilchrist County reserves the. right to amend this bid after award- ing of.bid. Bid must contain .an original signature or printed in ink. Bidder's name should also appear on.each page of bid sheet(s). Gilchrist County reserves the right to refuse any and all bids. Pub. May 18, 2006b. ' CITY OF FANNING SPRINGS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the City Council of the City of -Fanning Springs will meet in Special Session on Tuesday, May, 23, 2006 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Hall Assembly Room at 17651 NW 90th Court. The Agenda is: 1. Fire Agreement 2. Visioning 3. Schedule of Fees PLEASE TAKE NOTICE pursuant to Florida Statute 286.0105 that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by The City Council with respect to any matter considered at such meeting he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony andcevidence upon which the appeal is to be based. DATED this 15th day of May, 2006. By: Sheila Watson City Clerk of City of Fanning Springs, Florida Pub. May 18,2006b. : NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Bell Mini Storage; pursuant to the provisions of the Florida "Self- Storage Facilith Act" (Fla. Stat. S3.S01-83 809i hereby gi'es Notice of Sale under said Act. to0 wit. On Friday; June 2, 2006 at Bell Miru Storage, iS High.wa 129, Bell. Florida, a 10-00 o'clock a.m., Scott Akins. o'\ner. %\ill conduct a Sale by Auction to the highest bidder o\er what is owed on the contents of the space rented by: Donald Dockne\ 300 LS Hwv 129 Bell, FL 32619 consisting of personal and household items This sale is being made to satisfy a statutory lien. Dated this Ilth day of May. 2006 Bell Mini Storage Scott Akins O\ ner P.O. Box 267 Bell. FL 32619 Telephone: (352) 463-6859 Pub. May 18. 2006b PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE Bells & Whistles Storage. Hw. 129. Bell. Flonda announces a public sale to be held on Mla 26. 2006 at 1000 am The sale atll be held at Bells & Whistles Storage Facilitr located at 1859 North Hwy. 129 in Bell. Florida. The sale is being field to satisfy a landlord's lien. Everything sold is purchased "as is." "'\here is" for cash. Bells & Whistles Storage reseres the nght to cancel any public sale that is advertised. The units are as follow ws Unit #100: Johnny Richards Pub. May 11. 18. 2006b. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION ,. ,.FiJe No. 21-20p6-,C-Q'009 IN RE. STATE OF GARY S. RATCLIFFE., also known as GARY SANDERS RATCLIFFE Deceased' NOTICE TO CREDITORS: The administration of the estate of Gary S. Ratcliffe, also known as5 Gars Sanders Ratcliffe. deceased, w hose date of death % as September 16. 2005. Is pending in the Circuit Court for Gilchnst County. Flonda, Probate Division. the address of which is Gilchrist County Courthouse. 112 South Main Street. Trenton. Florida 32693 The names and address of the ancillary personal representan.e and the ancillary personal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be ser ed must file their claims \with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTERTHE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE F OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE TO THEM. . All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED ;TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is May 11, 2006. Ancillary Personal Representative S. Austin Peele Post Office Drawer 1707 Lake City, Florida 32056 Attorney for Ancillary, Personal Representative: Darby, Peele, Bowdoin & Payne Florida Bar No. 0342378' 285 Northeast Hernando Avenue Post Office Drawer 1707 Lake City, Florida 32056 Telephone: (386) 752-4120 Pub: May 11, 18, 2006b.. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File Number 21-2006-CP-0013 IN RE: ESTATE OF RICHARD FORCE, Deceased NOTICETO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of RICHARD FORCE, deceased, whose date of death \-as Februrn 8. 2006, File Number 21-2006-CP- 0013. is pending in the Circuit Court forGilchnst County. Flonda. Probate Division, the address of which h is Gilchrist County Courthouse. Post Office Box 37, Trenton. FL 32693. The name and address of * the personal representative and the personal representaii\e's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice has been served must file their claims with the court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE CR 30 DAYS AFTER THE TIME OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and persons having claims or demands against the decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLIC.ATTION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWVITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH .ABOVE. ANY CLAIM FILED TWO YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. SThe date of the first publication of this notice is May I 2006. Personal Representanrie: RONALD FORCE Post Office Box 187 ,, Silver Lake,.NH ,038"s "Anomey for Personal Representative: R. LUTHER BEAUCHAMP FloridaBarNo. 110207 LAW OFFICE OF R. LUTHER BEAUCHAI-SMP Anorme for Personal Representative 2 NE Third Street Post Office Box 10 Chiefland, FL 32644. *Telephone: 352 493-2525 Pub: May 11, 18, 2006b. RVFM "'* F/Ak ,MFg + .. /H '7 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY,. FLORIDA Case No.: 21-2006-DR-0120 ALEJANDRO RIVAS Petnnoner ANA ROSA ISABEL MIERGAR Respondent NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE TO: ANA ROSA ISABEL MERGER P.O. BOX 1041 BELL. FL 32619 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an acnon has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of sour written defenses, if any, to it on ALEJANDRO RIVAS, whose address is 240 S. H\WY. 129, BELL, FL 32619 on or before May 24. 2006. and file the original with the clerk of this Court at 112 SOUTH MAIN ST.. TRENTON. FL 32693. before service on Pennoner or immediately thereafter. If you rail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office notified of your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Address, Florida Family Law Form 12.915). Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed to the address on record at the clerk's office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, INSTRLUCTOR/COORDINATOR TEACHER PREP.ARITION ACADEMY 168 DA. TENURE-TRACK De\elop schedules, recruit Insrruciors. leach classes. assist E\ecutmle Director ith budgeting and planning Must hae master's degree ith minimum of IS graduate hours in Education. Abili to use computer technology in the classroom. ESOLiReadimg endorsement and National Board cenification preferred Salary based on degree and experience. plus benefits Application & material must arnme b' Ma:, 26, 2006 for guaranteed consideration College applicanon and copies of transcripts required All foreign nanscrpts must be submined tiih a translarqn and e.aluauion. Posmon dejtils .nd Jpphiatnion available on the wveb at \'. \\. lakeciLncc..edtu Inquiners: Human Resource De\ elopment Lake Ci, Community College 149 SE College Place Lake Ctry. FL 32025 Phone 1386175.4-134 Fax 1386) 754.-1594 E-ma1i. boencherg:.'lakecir.cc edu c. i; ,i .- ted t-i te SGouherm A.,ociai n r . -fic.'011 ri d S ,ch.oL- %P'ADA EA.EO Colle'e in E darrin a. Employment, ".,: ,. : ; ; : ,- 25105 W. Newberry Road Newberry, FL (352) 472-4472 Kim Stanley Cell (352) 745-6236 Michelle Pickett Cell (352) 494-4774 3.2 single\\ide on 1.25 acres located right inside Gilchrist County. Property is secluded yet conve- nient to Gainesville. Fireplace in living room. Split floor plan. Luxury tub in master bath. Laun- dry room. Yr 1997 1280 sq ft. NILS # 261438/751500 $80,000. oil-7 1995 3/2 doublewide on 1 +/- acre inside Gilchrist County. 1560 sq ft. This home has an eat-in kitchen and an island in the middle. Enjoy the oversized garden tub or snuggle next to the fireplace in the living room...much more! MLS 242532/750711 $119,900 1978 4/2 doublewide sits at the top of a beauti- ful hill on 10 acres. Just inside Gilchrist County - this home needs a little cosmetic work but the property is fantastic! 1288 sq ft MLS 243039/750858 $185,000 4t. 3/2 doublewide (1998 yr) perfect for a new family. 1/2 acre lot. Must see to appreciate. 1568 sq ft MLS 241062/750295 $85,000 3/2 doublewide (1996 yr) wonderful home on 1.25 +/- acre lot. Owner Motivated!! 1836 sq ft. This home has a formal living room, family room w/ fireplace, eat in kitchen, and an island in the kitchen. Must see to appreciate! MLS 260851/751243 $120,000 BELLS & WHISTLES STORAGE Phone: 386-294-3867 Across from the Dollar General 1859 North Hwy 129 Bell, FL 10 x 10 UNITS, 10 x 20 units & 10 x 20 climate controlled available -i Outstanding Agents. Outstanding Results. 1 CANON USE OE Chinese Restaurant 463-1089 LUNCH BUFFET $4.75 with Iced Tea weekdays Lunch: Monday Friday 11:30 am 2 pm Dinner: Monday Saturday 5 pm -9 pm Barron's Aluminum Licensed & Insured Screen Rooms Sun Rooms Year-Round Living Space Lifetime Transferable 'Warranty (Sun Rooms Only) *Carp6rts Patio & Deck Covers Decks & Handrails Vinyl Siding Storm Panels & Shutters Email: bahomepros@bellsouth.net 1-800-203-8214 or 352-463-3004 Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings. (SEAL) CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: Jeannine Milito Deputy Clerk Pub. April 27. May4, 11, 18, We Have Color Copies Call The Journal 463-7135 Woodham's Garage Complete automotivee Senrice ASE Certified Mechanics 15391 N.W. Hwy-19 : Chiefland :Halfway between Chiefland and Fanning Springs. 352-493-2904 Other Maiur Credu Ca rds H.L KE CiTY DEAN. STUDENT SERVICES To begin August 2006 Master's degree in Srudent Personnel. Counseling. Education or closely related field plus five ears e.penrence in counseling. ad%,ising. or iuper',ison Communm, College experience preferred EXECUTnIE DIRECTOR. TEACHER PREPARATION ACADEMY To begin August 2006 Masters degree .ith 18 graduate credit hours in Education Minimum .i\ Nears in teaching and leadership posinons desired Application Deadline: Re'. %ie of application to begin June I. 2006 Persons intere.led must pro. ide application, resume and photocopies of nanscnpts All foreign transcnp.'degTree mur.i be submined .i nh an official nanslauon and e' aluarion Posinon details and applicaton i -' 3ilable-onqhc. *eb at -- -'.'.xlakecir, cc edu Inquiries- Human Re'ource De.elopmenr Lake Cits Communim College 149 SE College Place LakeCirn, FL 32(125 Phone: 3S61 754-4311 Fa\:-(386) 754.4594 : E-mail: boenchergi,lakciricc edu LCCC is accredited b\ the ; S Southerm ,Asociaion of Colleges and Schools \P.ADA.'EA EO College In Education & Employment k I I , c I i ~L;ii UTT TD n AV AtfIAV 1-0 9 '1AA nil rT-l1?RT5T mi iNTNrY joT1NAL. Page Fifteen For Sale 1989 BRENDELLA SKI/TOW BOAT: 351 Windsor V8 inboard, 800 hours, asking $6,000. Call 221- 0363. tfn,8-4 I Automobiles 1996 OLDS AURORA: $3,800, 4L V-8, auto, A/C, leather, loaded-pow- er everything, CD & cassette, trac- tion control, anti-theft, 124K miles. 352-472-6910 please leave'message or 352-381-4540. Iltb,5-ll For-Sale (6) COMPUTER MONITORS: Four 15" and two 17'. Panasonic laser printer. $100 obo for all. 352- 493-2501. tfnb,5-18 BLUEBERRIES: You pick. S&J Farms of Trenton. $2 00 a pound. (352) 215-0084 or (352 1463-8351. 2tb,5-18-5-25 CAMPER FOR SALE: sure-Way ultimate com Impeccably maintained b owner. 66,000 miles, $24, 352-463-6527. BEDS: Queen thick, orthop low-top mattresses and box New in plastic with warrant rifice, $160.-King availfbl (352) 372-8588. L. Frank Grant Realty L. Frank Grant LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER 216-A N. Main St., Trenton. FL 32693 S- 352-463-2817 FAX (352) 463-2479 EUAt I O lfgr@bellsouth.net I '" We List To Sell! MLS.' 818 SW 5th Street Trenfoni' '4 BR/2 BA frame house, 3 acres. 2.156 sq. ft.. large trees-nicte area, room to build another home or 2. MLS#748358. Price .$175,000. i ' For additional information on our listings and virtual tours. Visit our website at www.lfrankgrant.com SEast Side of Gilchrist County 3 ac tract plus four (4) 5 ac tracts \\/planted pines on Co. Grade Rd. Priced at $90.000 each. MLS#750923-750927 Lil Lake City NW 60th Street 9.2 ac Planted Pines, MLS#749600 Reduced $125.000. 10 AC off Santa Fe on 95th PL 4" i ell-cross fenced-read\ for horse or ne%\ hon'e. S MILS#749774 Reduced $145.000. " 9.92AC NW 52ndCT Clear pasture land-fencing MLS#749884Only $140.000. LANCASTER- L.. REALTY'^ K-'- - GORGEOUS HOME-2 Acres 4BR/3BA. in ground Vinyl Pool wihn spa lountains & JaCuzzl. outdoor kitchen lanai pole barn. & much more! $385,000 MLS# 750683 Sellers Motivated .34 ACRE lot in Trenton, $35,000 MLS# 751394 10 ACRES in Trenton, $180,000 MLS# 751443 9.63 ACRES paved road, $154,500 MLS# 751481 23.72 ACRES in Trenton, $355,800 MLS# 751307 CLASSIFIED A S 4.5 NIMM FOR 20 WORDS 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WO . ^ CLASSIFIED, ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. A I Lost Found Free Stuff pact RV. FOUND 5/10/06: Pair of German y original Shepherds, male & female (in heat), ,500. Call ,wearing collars, taken to Gil. Co. Animal Control 463-2881 or 463- tfnb,12-9 3135 for info. edic, pil- springs. nty. Sac- ltb,5 18 Yard Sales te $225. e Z BELL: Lots of furniture, couches fnb and lo\e seats, tables and chairs. 3 miles north of 340 flashing light ::. off of 129 at 3529 73rd Trail. Friday. and Saturday 8am-4pm. ltb.5-18 Pets & Supplies A NEW PETGROOMING SHOP in Chiefland The Paradise Pet Pal- ace. 3521 493-0606 WHEEL TOWN 352-493-2835 C31l tor D'recoore FO Af,/es Sourr. or Cneriana off 3J5 '01 Maicu.y Grand Marquir J-door, came rcol lo.ada. 39 mles e lean $9,975 05 C3.ahra 4.a0or., a3u CD. loaded 30K rmies Bea. Fac wair. ear. $9,975 04 Cte.vy Venrure Ex 3r Row S&ea. rear air CD. loaded 49K r..,e $11,975 04 Crylei PT Cru,-ei. IJ .oor, lully loaaea, c ,38. 38 .K Ie. $10,975 03 Crevy S-10 exira cab. .3-door, 4cy s5peeo Cp 3-.'< mles. clan $8,975 03 Ford Ranee', Eage. reg cab V6 5.peeaC. c~ean, .5Kr le $9,975 03 Cadllac Seia. DeiIlle CD cnrore wrheels carrageroui jluloTac'ea* Kai e6'1 si Fa war,n $17,975 02 i.uu Trooper LS 4Door. mlI uloadeA. o6 mile; .. $11,975 01 Jaquu.i 'J.. Su'.roor l CO i3B' iTIm loaaJea. ac wa, ro I IOK~ma. $18,975 96 5Duh.de Granr Car.avn. air. .a' ai.r.g' $3,975 , a' l ,:i ';li a t.i a i.ned L r. J.,:, dauo .r lar. $1,575 ,CREDIT UNIOriS LVELCOME t arranre: Avaaole www.wheeltown.corn D. Deen Lancaster Lic. Real Estate Broker 510 E Wade Street Trenton, FL 32693 NEARING COMPLETION -4BR/2 5BA home on5 acres in Galed Community , stainless steel appliances paved drive, 2-car garage Stray ceilings, Cherry .l cabinets and more! l . $379,900 MLS# 750191 .. ... BEAUTIFUL BRICK home on 10 acres, 3BR/2BA, under a canopy of Oaks & Pecan trees, fireplace, Cherry Cabinets, stainless steel J appliances, $465,000 MLS# 752194 l0 ACRES IN Bell 137,500 MLS# 751073 78.80 ACRES in Trenton, $1,680,000 MLS# 751204 10 ACRES in Bell, $128,500 MLS# 751023 0.23 ACRES in Old Town, S$20,000 MLS# 751052 2.44 Acres in Old Town, $42,000 MLS# 750299 2.43 ACRES on Pond Fed Canal, $51,900 MLS# 752218 4.65 ACRES on CR 345, $85,000 MLS# 750972 4-1 Acre lots between Bronson & Archer, $25,000 each MLS# 752318, 752319, 752320 & 752322 1.25 ACRES between Bronson.& Archer, $29,000 MLS# 752317 . 0.90 ACRES off of CR 345, $42,500 MLS# 751588 5.00 ACRES In Old Town, $70,000 MLS# 751624 3.16 ACRES on CR 345, $70,000 MLS# 750989 S 5 ACRES in Old-Town, $65,000 ' MLS# 752156 5 ACRES in Bell, $69;900 MLS# 752045 8.95 ACRES in Bell, $109,900 MLS# 752046 1.25 ACRES in between Bronson & Newberry, $25,000 MLS# 750913 MARVELOUS BRICK home on 20 acres, 4BR/2BA w/3 car attached carport, fully stckd fish pond, in- ground vinyl pool, workshop, $499,900 MLS# 749034 1.38 ACRES in homes only S/D, $38,500 MLS# 751628 1.01 ACRE between Bronson & Archer, $29,000 MLS# 752077 3 ACRES in Old Town, $55,000 MLS# 752141 4 ACRES just outside Trenton, $115,000 MLS# 752292 0.88 ACRES on CR 345, $42,500 MLS# 751895 4.80 ACRES outside of Chiefland, $85,000 MLS# 751902 0.46 ACRE (2 lots) C-2 or residential, $39,999 MLS# 751922 0.46 ACRE (2 lots) C-2 or residential, $39,999 MLS# 751934 RIVERFRONT HOME - 10 acres 4 or 5BR,2 BA, ideal summer home, gorgeous views stone walls,.wopd beams, hot tub, $595,000 MLS# 749514 . 1.10 ACRES Homes Only, $38,500 MLS# 751628 20 ACRES outside Trenton, $275,000 MLS# 751800 2.44 ACRES in Old Town, $42,000 MLS# 750300 2.49 ACRES in Old Town, $42,500 MLS# 750799 3.02 ACRES in Old Town, $55,900 MLS# 750830 FREE PUPPIES: Border Cattle Dog. Raised with 1 playful, available no-i. N homes (352)472-0084or: Lease message %%ill return 31b. FREE Electric driver. ne thermostat Call 463-2482 IWanted ToI VA N TED-TRACTORS: rust. broken, ugly. dea abandoned. Call Sonn. 1387 or 352-256-7275. ke thanks. RETIRED RENIO CONTRACTOR: Want homes or mobile homes needing repair. 493-7841. | Services Services er Collie/ PRESSURE WASHING kids, very PAINTING: Reasonable p eed' good pendable, insured and prof 278-0044. Shamrock Services, 352-7 call day or evening and weekei 5-11-5-25 : t IRON FREE'S own hig 'eds a new NIeANDOX %ide-spectr lb.5-8 actioron Flration s\ stem iron. tannin, sulfur. ma turbidity, bad taste, bad o B y bacteria. No more stained S dingy clothes. Lo% cost. I Old. tenance. guaranteed. Call ad, ali\e. FREE WATER TEST. N 352-472- tion. $795 to $1,995. IRC 'ep tr ing. Well Water Company. I 'Jones, Opr. lgr. 352-542 tfnb,ll -6 WILSON HOME CENT D IN 63-2168 1-800-437-11: DEALING TIE. TIMlE. ng to buy \lith land BUILDING CONTR tfnb. 1-16 CBC017140 Custom hoi on our lot Precision DeI PO Box 249, 26761 SE Old Tow n. 352-542-8416. MOBILE HOME SET-UP: Thom- as Mobile Home Set-ups. tear- downs and transport. Licensed and Bonded. (3521 -86-1662 or 1352) 558-4375 4ib.5-11-6-1 GMIHC, LLC HOME SERVIC- ES: We repair, remodel, restore and more No job too small 352-472- 7297 Free Estimates. 6tp,5- 1-6-15 SUMMER CHILD CARE: for children ages 5-12. Sulmming. crafts, field inps. meals and more. Limited space available call 463- 0039. 2tb. 5/4-5.: I JIM'S PRESSURE WASHING: O\er ttkenty \ears experience. Homes, mobiles, iaalks, etc. Resi- dentiall Commercial. State ap- proved' 352-498-3023 4tp,4-27-5-18 ELMORE'S SIMULATED BRICK & STONE. INC.: Stone. stucco, permanent niblle hdirie skirting Free Estimates. 6"89 SE 70th A\enue, Trenton. 472-5542, 214-3702. Fax 352-472-0124. tfnb-9-15 BOB OSBORNE TREE SER- VICE, INC.: 70 t. bucket truck," hydraulic loader truck, stump grind- er. Free Estimates. Insured 352- S463-9100. rfnb,5-26 TIM POWELL ELECTRIC: Net\ installationsand repairs licensed and insured. State Reg. #EC13002453. Call (352) 463-2155 :MOWER & CHAINSAW Stihl. Husqvarna, A. p. I Sears. NITD. Bnggs. K Robin, and Honda. Blade' ,, AND 'rices, de- fessional. 463-1212 nds. Fnb,l:l-11 ;h purity. rum-triple re mot es anganese. .-.dor K l1ls I Services A BIG STUMP! A LITTLE STUMP!: We grind them all. Langs- ton Tree Service, Inc. 490-4456. tfnb,2-22 Hel Wanted FULL-TIME IMMEDIATE POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Dump Truck Foreman/Driver. class CDL, min. 3 years exp.; Hea\\ Equipment Operator. min. 3 ,ears exp Health Insur- ance Aadilable. Call 352-472- 455(0 Colemahi Construction. Inc. EOEDDFVWP . Sb.5- l -6- l' ... GILCHRISTCOUNTYDEPART- Sfiures. IENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY is os\ main- o da\ for currently accepung applications for o odgaor the position of Animal Control Of- o obliga- ricer This is a full-time position that -)N-RP-EE I . IN-FREE requires e\penence in the care and nc... Roy' -9817 or feeding of amnmals, ability to \ork ER 3527 flexible hours, and a aalid Florida SA Dnvers License Must possess, or 28 ANY- S .obtain within 90 days of start date, tfnb4-28 Euthanasia Certification provided by the Florida Animal Control As- ACTOR:, sociaton Salar) range of 22-28K mes built depending on qualificauons Inter- elopment. ested applicants should submit a Hwy 19. GilchristCount\ employ ment appli- cation to the Dept of Public Safert tfnb.7-15 204 E. Wade St Trenton, FL 352 N PARTS -163-3134. This position sill remain M\urra open until filled. Gilchrist Count is : ;ohler, a DFWP and EOE employer. SHelp Wanted HIGH SPRINGS FARM LA- BOR: Work with cattle, operate farm equip., etc Benefits included. Please apply in person at our High Springs office, 125 NW 1st Ave., High Springs, (386) 454- 1511. LAILcE CITY *IM ,III IlhlIii Stores Clerk Independent clerical 'work in , Mailroom and Warehouse Handle and process incoming and outgoing mail Recei\e and document shipments High School diploma or equiaaleni plus I sear clerical espeence required Abilrt/ to lih and carry 5 lbbs Salary- $17.780.00 annually, S plus benefits Application Deadline: May 31.2006 College applicauon required. Position details and applicalon available on the web at. \ s .lakecitycc.edu Inquiries: Human Resource Development Lake City Communty College 1-19 SE College Place Lake City. FL 32025 Phone: (386 754-1314 Fas t386'i 754-4594 SE-mail: boenchergr(ilakecircc.edu LCCC is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools 'P.ADA'EAEO College m Education & Employment s for most mo% ers Beauchamp Sa%\ Shop 493-4904 tfn. 1-03 TREES, TREES, TREES: Langs- ton Tree Sern ice. Inc. 490-4456 tfnb.2-22 DIXIE MONUMENT: Old To%\n - Since 1992. 'isit our display on Hwy. 19 at C&C Groers. 9 am 5 pm. Mon Sat or call toll free - 57'7-542-3432 for appointment to \ sit our shop & main office at 1471 NE 512 Avenue. 100's of stones in stock, computer specialist to assist \ou in creating a lasting tribute to the life of \our lo ed one. 'f'foverland Moitgag( Cipo}'ation Residenndal mortgages ffer Fixed Rates Aailable New Construction Mlanufactured Hoimes Purchase, Refinance & Cash Out In\ estment Property Conventional, I-4 Single Family Homes - First. Second. and Home Equity Lines of Credit Bill Deen and Brenda Wilkerson Licensed Mortgage Brokers 463-1313 fax 463-1318 e-mail: rtverlandintgli',bellsouth.net Visit our website: www.riverlandmtg. eb-loans.com tli'erlandi hloI'tgage CoIporatioIt 723 E. Wade Street, Trenton, FL 32693 rs Come See Us! rs Hometown Realt of North FLInc. Natalie Rankin Licensed Real Estate Broker 1310 North Main Street Bell. Florida 32619 Office: (352) 463-9001 Toll Free: (888) 463-9001 Fax: (3 e-mail: Hometo%\nRealtrNFlia.bellsouth.net HORSE FAiRM 1I STALL BARN \ Api 3BR/2BA CB Home, .15 Acies $450,000 MLS #752357 50 FT HWY 129 FRONTAGE HIGH TRAFFIC FLOW 1675 sq. ft Building Space $275,000 MLS #752315 AFFORDABLE SITE-BUILT HOME. NORTH GILCHRIST COUNTY 3/2 Home on 5 Acres $172,000 MLS#751663 , ( .L-' "." .M3F .--'lI CONCRETE BLOCK HOME MANY RENOVATIONS 3/1 Home On city Lot $135,000 MLS#752136 .27 Acres, Well & Septic :50 Acres, Well, Septic, PP .50 Acres, Bronson 1 Acre, Bell 1 Acre, Bell, Owner Financing 1 Acre, Chiefland, Homes Only 1.14 W/S/P 1.6 Acres W/S/P 1.6 Acres Well & Septic 2.5 Acres,' Bell, REDUCED 3 .2 DWMH nrlar M.lanaree Springs Sliji Park MeIal R.:'o over & Attached Carport S$47,500 MLS #752408 L, '" 7Y~ 352) 463-9008 21'xl2'BARN 25'x25'ATTACHED CARPORT 3/2 DWMH on 2 Acres. $124,900 MLS#752374 COUNTRY APPEAL EAST GILCHRIST COUNTY : 3/2 Home on 5 Acres $289,900 MLS#751716 LARGE HOME WITH ADDITION NORTH OF BELL 4/3 M/H w/addition on 20 Acres $305,000 MLS #749677 CLOSE TO SANTA FE RIVER HANDY MAN SPECIAL 3/1 Home on 2.43 Acres $149,900 MLS#751439 LOTS & ACREAGE $37,900 $29,900 $24,900 $25,000 $30,000 $78,500 $45,000 $59,900 $59,900 $39,900 2.67 Acres, Scattered oaks -Reduced- $39,900 2.99 Acres, Scattered oaks -Reduced- $39,900 4.4 Acres, Riverfront, Buildable $799,000 5 Acres, Well & Septic, Reduced. $59,900 5 Acres, Well & Septic $82,000 5 Acres, Homes Only, 4 Avail. $88,500 5 Acres, SWMH, planted pines $99,000 II EIWOUM llUOU (,PnrlmlTflv HORSE COUNTRY 3/2 DWMH on 10 acres Beautiful Large Oaks andPines $259,900 MLS#752553 . 5 Acres, East Gilchrist, 3 Avail. 5 Acres, Paved Road 5 Acres, 1/1 Frame Cottage 6 Acres, Well, Septic, Pines 6 Acres, Cleared & Fenced 7.94 Paved Road 10 Acres, W/S/P REDUCED 10 Acres, Deed Rest. 12 Acres, Scattered Oaks 15 Acres, Perfect for motorcross 17+ Acres, Bell 17.8 Acres, Paved Road Frontage 20 Acres, Pines, Close to River 30 Acres near Manatee Springs 40 Acres, W/S/P, Pole Barn 37.8 Acres, US Hwy 129 near Bell $100,000 $124,900 $124,900 $93,500 $85,000 $115,000 $124,900 $149,000 $185,000 $200,000 $225,000 $267,000 $330,000 $399.000 $399,000 $567,000 .996 Plea- Proper, I values - One of the most frequent. questions I get asked is. "How much, is property worth in Gilchrist County". - I would like to tell you that the answer' to that question is simple. It is not simple, and sometimes almost impossible to answer. - Properry values have a multitude of variables. One factor that affects property value is location. Being on a paved road for instance adds significant value.. - Another factor is what is on the land itself. A piece of. land that is mostly established pasture with some picturesque granddaddy oaks is more valuable than a similar parcel that is planted in pine. - The size of the land is a variable that is very important. In most cases, smaller parcels bring a higher per acre price than larger ones. Based on recent sales, the average of 10 acre parcels range from $11,000 to $15,000.00 per acre. On the other hand, 5 acre parcels are averaging a slightly higher $12,000 to $16,000 per acre. - If you are interested in finding out the value of your property, call me today to schedule your no obligation Market Analysis. www.HometownRealtyNF.com THURNI)AY, MAY f ZS, MUO LJL.JuU 1 Jk l j% J Nr -1,4 3 --I -IH "" """"l" ........." ----------------------------I - ` i I _ IL UPPUKIUNII ) : : ,,,, mrs GITT .CTRITT COT NTY TOT TRNAT THURSDAY, MAY 18, 2006 -Help Wanted PHYSICAL THERAPY ASSIS- TANT: Immediate Opening. Com- petitive wages, flexible scheduling, tuition reimbursement, positive team atmosphere, great reputation, & 3 weeks vacation. Send resume or apply in person at Ayers Health & Rehab Center, 606 NE 7th Street, Trenton, FL 32693. You can also contact us via fax at 352-463-7710. e-mail us at suwanneegatorsl @aol com or call us at 352-463-7101. ltb,5-18 RESPONSIBLE YOUNG WOM- AN: Wanted to care for 4 children, ages 7-12. Several mornings a week 6-8 am and several afternoons a week from after-school to 5 pm. Must be dependable, have transpor-. tation and have excellent references that will be checked. Great compen- sation for right person. Will turn into full-time summer job. Two weeks on, two Weeks off. Call 463-0224 and leave message if no answer. SHelp Wanted IN-HOME CAREGIVER for am- bulatory elderly man. Days, some housekeeping, references required. Between Newberry ard Trenton. 463-2024, leave message. 2tb,5-18-5-25 VACANCIES GILCHRIST COUNTY SCHOOLS Instructor, SElementary Education (Anticipated) Trenton Elementary School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Florida certification in Elementary Education required Instructor, ESE' Trenton Middle/High School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Flonda ESE certification required Property) \ith potential! Commercially Szoned 4800 sq ft. building located just 1 block off SR129 in Bell. Great retail location in growing coinmmuniry. Call for details. 1MLS #752269 $149,(000. Commercial Property with 1675sq. ft. building located in the heart of Bell on Main Street. Location offers 50': of high visibility road frontage. Customer base established by ,adjacent retail businesses provides high traffic flow. MLS #752315. $275,000. Over 2500sq. ft. of commercial poten- tial. Building offers separate office and apartment space for possible. leasing income. Large display windows, increases retail exposure. Call for more' details. MIS #75240) $-125,6000. Hometown Realty of Norffth fl 1'.?0 N. .blain Sireel Beil. Flnrida .3261 www.HometownRealtyNF.com Cell: (352) 215-1132 . Office: (352) 463-9001 I T611 Free: (888),463-9001: Fax: (352) 463-9008 Email: dlspowers@aol.com ';. :;,ta i Debra Powers Realtor RESIDENTIAL EMERALD FARMS, nice lot with CBS house partially complete. You, get to finish your ..way. House has, slab .& concrete block walls in place. New well, power pole & the impact fees are paid. Call William Gillespie, 352-225-1921. $110,000. #261866 BRING YOUR HORSES! 5 acres between High Springs & Newberry w/low taxes of Gilchrist Co. 3BR, 2BA, open Liv. area w/fireplace. Kit. has newer appliances & double oven.. Outbuildings w/power & covered area for kennel. Beautiful pasture cross-fenced. Call Sean Maroney, 352-665-0144. $329,900. #260302 EXCLUSIVE RIVERFRONT COMMUNITY. This 3BR, 3BA home is fully furnished & has access to private docks & boat ramp on the Suwannee River. Only 8 homes in Phase I, so buy today! Call Tony Boothby, 352-262-1159. $335,000. #264131 26+ SECLUDED ACRES includes 1700+ Sq. Ft. 3BR, 2BA, concrete block home, 6 acres fenced/cross-fenced pasture, 4-stall barn w/tack & feed rooms. Beautiful woods & Mins. to the river. Call Tony Boothby, 352-262-1159. $475,000. #265084 BRING YOUR HORSES, bring your friends horses, board & train horses; this place is perfect! Features include 27 acres, 24 stall barn, hot walker, round pen & a cute 1500 Sq. Ft. house. Call William Gillespie, 225-1921. $549,900. #263111 YOUR RURAL RETREAT! 40 rolling acres, this delightful 4BR, 2BA sun-splashed country home offers rocking chair porch, cozy fireplace, big red barn & even your own private fishing hole. Call Lorraine Handler, 352-215-8922 or Debbie Zeller, 352-538-2857. $699,000. #263604 VACANT LAND HEAVILY WOODED 5 ACRES only one mile south of the Santa Fe River. Will allow mobile homes, minimum of 900 Sq. Ft. Call Martha Barnes, 386-454-3327 or 352-339-4069. $84,900. #261732 BEAUTIFUL 5 ACRE HOMESITE in homes only gated community. Located in Northern Gilchrist County, just a few miles away from the historic Suwannee River & the Santa Fe River. Come & relax in the country while keeping the city Within reach. Call William Gillespie, 352-225-1921. $129,900. #260804 ROLLING 10 ACRES of lush pasture just waiting for you & your horses to relax in the country. Perfect to build or bring in a Manuf. home. Call William Gillespie, 352-225-1921. $135,000. #242576 YOUR OWN PONDEROSA! Lovely 10 acre parcel just outside High Springs. Cleared with some trees. Bring the horses & build your dream home 'or move in your manufactured home. Call Debbie Zeller, 352-538-2857. $139,900. #264203 ^^ -- -- *^- -- ---^ ^^^^^^ CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACHADDITIONAL WORD. A [Help Wanted Instructor, Kindergarten (Anticipated) Trenton Elementary School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Florida teacher certification covering Early Childhood required Instructor, Pre-K Special Needs (Anticipated) Bell Elementary School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Florida teacher certficauon co ering Earld Childhood and ESE required Instructor, Social Science .(Anticipated' Trenton.Middle/High School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Florida teachercertification co\ ering Social Science required Instructor, Reading (Anticipated) Trenton Nliddle/High School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Flonda teacher certification covering Reading required Speech/Language Pathologist (K-12) Distnct-\%ide Bachelor's Degree in Speech/ Language Patholog.'/Communica- tion Disorders from an accredited educational institution Florida certification in Speech/Language Pathology and/or licensure in Speech/Language Patholog) 'School Psychologisi SDistnct- ide Master's Degree from an accredited institution. Certfication coenrng School Psychology. Specialist, Student Services and Starfing (Anticipated District-Wide Bachelors Degree from anAccred- iled nstitufion and Florida Teacher Certification required Three years of successful teaching experience preferred. Graduate courses toward Florida certification in School Guidance and Counseling stronglN preferred. Help Wanted Media Specialist Bell Middle/High School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Florida certification as Educational Media Specialist required Director of Management Information Services Masters degree and three 'ears of experience in management of data information services, educational. leadership, or related field. An equivalent combination of educa- tion and experience may be con- sidered. Five years of supervisory experience preferred. Temporary Teacher Aide SAnticipated' Trenton Middle/High School High school diploma or equivalent. Associate of Arts degree or higher. at least 60 credit hours from an accredited institution. or a passing score on an approved state test required Substitute Teachers High School Diploma or Equita- lent Contact the Disric Office for an application and more information. High Qualified Substitute Teacher Pool We are accepting application's for our Highli Qualhfied Substitute Teacher Pool Qualifications: Bachelor's Degree or higher % ith a current or former teaching certificate in a core subject area. Once approved, ShighlI qualified substitutes wouldd be eligible for substituting at $I 3(0 a day in pre-appro\ ed situations % here there is a long-term absence in a core subject area All other daily\ substituting would be at current dai\ rates Contact the District Office for an application and more inlormauion Bus Driier Trainees: .Substitute Bus Drivers. High School Diploma. 40 hours of ih-service training %%ill be provided for qualified ap-' plicants. Trenton I & I Apartments For Rent 718 NE 7th Place #905 7I Trenton, FL 32693 Now Accepting Applications 1, 2, & 3 BR HC & Non-HC apartments. Rental assistance may be available. 3-52-463-7106, TDD/TTY 711 Equal Housing Opportunity. Jim King Realty Inc. Realtor Main Office (352) 493-2221 315 N. Main Street (US-19), Chiefland, FL 32626 . Fanning Springs Branch Office (352) 463-6144 or 542-0009 S17871 U.S. Hwy. 19,'Fanning Springs, FL 32693 Suwannee Branch Office (352) 542-9007 c. 23382 SE 349 Hwy., Suwannee, FL 32692 OPPORTUNITY office@jmkingrealtycom orwww.jimkingrealty.com REALTOR S --r What a unique property! A 3/2 house, 1983 2/2 SW MH, a Bait House, on 4 lots, zoned commercial and all on a canal that takes you to Gulf of Mexico. The house has an attached 3 car garage w/ work area & storage area, a Florida Room, metal roof. The MH has a new metal roof, decks, parking underneath. There is a concrete seawall along the canal, a concrete block bait house with filters, salt water well and much more. Serious inquires only please.** SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY TO QUALIFIED BUYERS! ** $1,280,000. (DW-750092-JW) 352-463-6144 or 542-0009 kI__ -- .Country Living. Almost new 3/2 Homes Of Merit Doublewide on 10 Acres in North Dixie County. Quality home in a peaceful setting. Large master suite with huge walk in closet. Enjoy those cool winter nights in front of a wood burning fireplace! Don't miss seeing this home. $189,500. (DMH-749887) 352- 493-2221 New 2/2 home on over 3 acres! This would make a great starter, or empty nest home. Beautiful wooded tract, with privacy from neighbors $110,000. (DMH-752145-MKH) 352-493-2221 .: '' .. SPECTACULAR SUNSET VIEW. This elevated 3/2 hone in the town of Suwannee is Fully furnished and ready to move in! With your Sown boat house, fish cleaning area and 2 boat lifts on a fresh water canal, take your boat and be scalloping, fishing, manatee or bird watching in minutes. Then come home, eat your catch, relax and watch the sunset over the marsh right from your back deck! $325,000. (DW-750881-JH) 352-542-9007 Newly refurbished 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath concrete block home. Screened in front porch. Updated kitchen. New air conditioner. Very clean and neat. Need to see to appreciate. Beautiful oaks on the property. $133,000. (DR-752283-CS) 352-493-2221 t j O REDUCED! Almost new 3/2 DW MH on a I ac. comer lot on paved streets. This home features a fireplace to keep you warm on the cool nights, eat in kitchen, 4" well with filler, and 8' X10' storage shed. This home is being sold furnished or unfurnished your choice. Close to schools, shopping, the Suwannee River, the Gulf of Mexico. Seller is motivated and willing to look at offers. *** SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! *** $90,000. (DMH-751468-JW) 352- 463-6144 or 542-0009 SHelp Wanted Flexible training hours. Part.of the training prepares trainees for the driver portion of the Class B Florida CDL For information or questions, contact the Transporta- tion Department at (352) 463-3230. Obtain and submit application to: Gilchrist County School District, 310 NW lth Avenue,- Trenton, FL 32693 : (352) 463-3200. Application may be downloaded at: www.gilchristschools.org/Person- nel.htm#Application Attach a resume and any. additional information as necessary. All applications n.ill be screened Not all applicants \ill be intend ie ed Homes Oniy! Help Wanted Applications will be accepted until positions are filled. EEO/Drug Free Workplace www GilchristSchools org SEASONAL HELP: to travel out- of-state, June November. Need 2 people, must have clean driving re- cord and no drugs. Salary. Serious inquiries only. 386-935-5381. ltb,5-18 Help Wanted SALES PERSON NEEDED: To meet expanding area growth and sales load. Relaxed working con- ditions with benefits. High income potential for career minded persons. We are a drug free work place and a EOE employer. Apply- in person at Scoggins Chevy Buick, Inc. Chief- land, Florida 32626. 1. 'Don Thomas Lorene Thomas Realty, Inc. Sales Associate Highway 19/98; P OBox 1653 Old Town, Florida 32680 Business (352) 542-8568 Fax (352) 542-8566 .Cell (352) 221-5422 e-mail: RealtyThomas@aol.com Eacn office ;s Independently Ovned and Operated - p and Associates 1i 2 .1 ~. 6- 7 -7/ 15 14 13 12 11 Now Selling!! 1 High Springs Hills : Paved Streets! 5 Acres and Up 'Call 1-800-643-6971 info@phillipsrealtyland.com -M-S See more of our listings @ www.phillipsrealtyland.com ^ TROKE REALTY INC. i; SEE OUR LISTINGS (352) 463-7075 JEAN C. TROKE Licensed Real Estate Broker: ON THE WEB: (352) 463-7302 FAX E-mail: trokerealty@aol.com www.trokerealtyinc.com 730 E. Wade Street (SR-26) Trenton, Florida 32693 --QUALITY-BUILT HOMES CURRENTLY FOR SALE -- EXCELLENT RANCH HOME ON 5 SECLUDED ACRES: 3 BR,2.5 BA: Frame.'CB.built home. Lha oer 3.100 sq. ft. under roof, on hack 5-acre iract imo.ll) pasture oilarge oaki/p.e b) home .ie in heiweeneee Tren.:.n & Bell Larminited wood & lile flori;n, large. greaitrm/dininn aicai lfirephlce. p.,cious 1st & 2nd BR's & Baths; full front country-style porch, 24' round pool. pC.i,.BBQ area amrnon ei ll e lieez. jnd more...$299.900. FRAME HOME, NICE ACREAGE NEAR FANNING SPRINGS: 1 BR/1 BA: Compact home (not yet completed), ,unreril, I BR. ((butopossibleroom for 1-2 more.) On 4-iice ti.:i v ai pAei d irlonita.5ie. lare icoa; by :irne.i;re with proJerl, fernir.c Home ias great potential, for first-time buyer or investor--call o- email Baft,.r.a i'.r deail,.... 129,900. t CB-BUILT HOME IN TRENTON: SHIP PROGRAM ELIGIBLE: 3BR'I.5BA: Solidly-constructed home on 100xi00 tract in NW Trenton, compact yet roomy, 1040 inside sqft. with full living & dining rooms, good possibility for first-time home-buyer (with 'SHIP' finri cirg... aii cor en.3il c.ui .:.rff;.e i,. .r,:.re ;nfi.:.-i .:.'r.... 100. 00l . -- SUWANNEE RIVERFRONT HOMIES/PROPERTY AVAILABLE -- RIVER-AREA HOMES & ACREAGE, NEAR TO OLD TOlHN IN DIXIE: 6 BR'5 5 BA Two CB.tuill home,, along with eleven 1/2-acre tracts (all landscaped, large trees), located at private river S/D right by Nature Coast 'Rails-Trails' river bridge/trail. 1,900 sq. ft. 'ome -,- i. al-nrg the river, with deck & floating dock, river-side elevated porch, 2-car garage &,more. 2nd home is over 2,700 sq.'ft. inside, 16x36 covered outer deck (w/hot tub), 2C-..24 i--.:.k r..rc.loport bldg., bonus rooms & 1/2 bath (possible 'in-law' suite), fully landscaped on one acre--call Jean or Jim for full dill: r, ith,; :pecrai property, with great waterfront & new home-site opportunity for ltu eri're: i--....$925,000 for all ior $399.900.-ri'er home/$355,000--second home) GORGEOUS VOOCDED ACREAGE. LARGE HOME & RIVERFRONT NEAR BELL: 3 BR/3 BA: Private 10.73-acre tract, naturally wooded with approx. 290' frontage along the Suwannee in NW Gilchrist. Has incredible, spacious frame/CB-stilt "dog-trot" home, 3 levels which include ground floor entertainment screened porch, 3-vehicle parking; main 2nd level with over 2,000 sq. ft. of screened porches (great river & nature views), full greatroom/dining/kitchen (w/bonus loft space), master suite (wood/tile flooring, walk-in closet). Also has a workshop/cottage, irrigation.system, river deck & floating dock...too much more to mention here--call or e-mail our office for further details...$675,000. . NICE RIVERFRONT.HOME, QUALITY NEIGHBORHOOD: 4 BR/3 BA: Over 2,000 inside sq. ft.of comfort, for this frame-built 2-story home, with 75' river frontage at the Little Lake City community north of Bell. Property has waterfront deck & dock, screened river view porch, attached garage & detached carport, other outbuildings, landscaping & privacy fencing. Photos & more details available at out office website...$375,000. CANAL FRONTAGE NEAR SUN SPRINGS, WITH MANUFACTURED: 3 BR/2 BA: Solid 24x48 'Fleetwood' home, located in nice neighborhood near the Suwannie (with 60' frontage along canal connecting to river by-Sun Spring); M/Home has had some inside cleanup/fixup...Owner is motivated, says to present offers...$89,000. -- MANUFACTURED HOMES ON THE MARKET -- NEW LISTING--LARGE M/HOME ON 30 SECLUDED ACRES: 4 BR/2 BA: Spacious 27x76 manufactured home, located amongst lots of planted pines (great future investment), on a 30-acre tract in-between Trenton & Fanning. Acreage has 4-vehicle carport, 20x20 pole barn (w/electric). Home-site being sold 'as is' by Owner--call Jean or Barbara for all the details...$333,000. PRIVATE, SECLUDED ACREAGE & HOME-SITE WEST OF BELL: 3 BR/2 BA: Immaculate 27x66 manufactured, located on fenced, wooded 20 acres. Large greatroom, 21x10 all-season's enclosed porch, galley-style kitchen. Outer features include 4-wide attached caiport, pool & hot tub (w/pool house),.gazebos, greenhouse &'more. Call or email to Barbara for information...$319,000. REDUCED (From $179,900)--SPACIOUS, LIKE NEW MODULAR HOME NEAR TRENTON: 3 BR/2 BAr 2005 30x60 manufactured home-site (with concrete pit-bed & steel anchoring), kept in showcase condition, on landscaped pasture 2-acre tract just south of Trenton. Beautiful inside, with large family & living rooms, over-sized kitchen w/stainless-steel appliances, personal office alcove and more...$168,500. ' UPDATED MANU. HOME & MORE, NEARBY FANNING SPRINGS: 3 BR/2 BA: Nicely cared-for 24x44 manufactured home-site, on landscaped .41/acre tract with paved frontage by SR-26 (& near US-19) in West Gilchrist. Has a number of outbuildings, including 30x40 workshop & more, lots of trees/fauna & property fencing--call Barbara for details...$114,900. SPACIOUS, LIKE-NEW MANUFACTURED & ONE ACRE: 3 BR/2 BA: Well-kept 28x64 2002 M/Home (refurbished by Owner), on 1.04-acre tract with outbuildings, located along end of paved cul-de-sac, close to US-19 and all nearby amenities in Fanning Springs--call or email for full details...$108,900. WELL-KEPT M/HOME ON LANDSCAPED ACRE IN NO. GILCHRIST: 3BR/2BA: 1996 24X44 Manufactured, in quality condition, on 1.15-acre tract(nice mix of trees/open space), with board fencing in front. Located north of Bell, with quick access to US 129 & CR 340...Owner says to present offers...$92,000. QUALITY "HOMES OF MERIT" HOME-SITE NEAR FANNING SPRINGS: 3 BR/2 BA: Neat, well-kept 27x63 1998 Manu. home, has large, spacious rooms'(including fireplace for family room), lots of cabinet/counter space for open kitchen, fenced back yard on 100x300 tract, with paved frontage along CR-346A (Joppa Road)...$85,000. NEAT & CLEAN M/HOME & .92/ACRE IN TOWN: 3 BR/2 BA: Well-kept & renovated 27x54 Manufactured, with full living, dining & bonus rooms, double-oven range & appliances for kitchen, front & back attached porches, and private, wood-fenced 243x165 back yard...$64,000. AFFORDABLE M/HOME IN TOWN: 2 BR/1 BA: Refurbished & compact 14x44 home-site (w/attached front porch/deck); metal & frame outbuildings, on landscaped Trenton lot w/large oak for shade.;.$28,000. -- LOTS & ACREAGE PROPERTIES ON MARKET -- 44 ACRES, MIX OF WOODS/OPEN SPACE, IN EAST GILCHRIST: Over 40 acres, ready for family or gentleman's farm/home-site east of Trenton; has paved frontage along CR-337, and an older home-site on property (improvements being sold in 'as is' condition)--call or e-mail our office for full details...$499,900. 20 ACRES-PASTURE PROPERTY IN WEST GILCHRIST: Twenty rolling acres, with large oaks/pines along boundaries, ready for Ag use or large home-site. Located close to CR-232 & CR-344 near Hart Springs...$265,000. THREE SEPARATE 20-ACRE TRACTS NEAR BELL: 3 individual 20-acre properties, side-by-side location in North Gilchrist, mostly wooded raw acreage ready to be improved--call or email Barbara for details...$260,000 each. 10 ACRES--WOODED, SECLUDED TRACT OFF US-129: Private locale for this ten acres north of Bell--has nice mix of open space & woods, few neighbors; call Barbara for property details...$129,900. 5 ACRES & IMPROVEMENTS, EAST GILCHRIST: Quiet, country acreage, with well, septic & power pole (Owner selling 'as is'). Close to CR-232, for easy access to Gainesville/Alachua...$89,900. 4+ ACRES--WOODED TRACT NEAR BRONSON/ARCHER: Quiet, rural location for this 4.2-acre comer tract, located in-between Bronson & Archer near SR-24; great location for secluded built or manufactured home-site...$84,900. 4+ ACRES--PASTURE ACREAGE CLOSE TO FANNING SPRINGS: Located amongst nice mix 'of well-kept built & manu. home-sites, mostly pasture 4.2-acre tract ready for new home-site, within short drive to Fanning Springs and Trenton...$73,000. AFFORDABLE & BUILDABLE TRACT, NEAR TO FANNING SPRINGS: Wooded 100x100 property, near to SR-26, Rails-to-Trails and more at west end of county, ready, for built or manufactured home-sites...$9,900. You can call our agents after regular business hours, for more information on any of our listings, at the main office number above, or at our agents' cell numbers below: Jim or Jean Troke (386) 935-3357 Paul Troke (352) 221-2999 Barbara Mayo ( 59.2 222-0427 "Professional Service With A Personal Touch" EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY noD i C;V Pit. f rage ,JLALL4. :?\i(r~L~T I I I II I ^./^/-^l --- ~ * AILS THI IRSDAY MAY.18. 2'006 Help Wanted GILCHRISTCOUNTYDEPART- MENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY is currently accepting applications for the position of Emergency Medical Services Operations Chief. This is a command level position respon- sible for supervision of EMS staff and daily operations of the EMS service. Minimum qualifications include State. of Florida Paramedic certification, 10 years experience in the EMS field, and ability to work flexible hours. Prior supervisory ex- perience preferred but not required. Salary range of 35-45K depending on qualifications. Interested appli- cants should submit a resume and Gilchrist County employment appli- cation to the Dept. of Public Safety. 204 E. Wade St. Trenton, FL(352) 463-3134. This position will remain open until filled. Gilchrist County is a DFWP and EOE employer. ltb,5-18 REAL ESTATE SECRETARY- ASSISTANT wanted in busy office that can offer their multi-task efforts and enthusiasm to work within a team. Muslihave real estate office experience. Send resume to: PO' Box 545, Chiefland, Florida 32644. tfnb,3-3 FT-PT EXPERIENCED main- tenance man needed immediately., Also a FT-PT experienced 'cook needed immediately. Apply within at the Lighthouse Restaurant. Help Wanted TYPESETTER NEEDED, job .may include some proofreading. Knowledge of Adobe Indesign helpful. Will train the right person, part-time or full-time position. Ap- ply in person at the Gilchrist County Journal, located at 207 North Main Street. Trenton. For Ren 2 BR/2 BA MOBILE 5 acres in North Gild $475/month$475 depo May 20. Call 386-454- GILCHRIST COU NTY JOURNAL A L.LkJJMLJJ T -A W, 'CL ASS IM F IE DS CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD'. A Real Estate * R r irniii iiiii rrrie i iiin ii ir iiiiiii 1iim ^ 3t,5-11-5-25 20 ACRES OF PASTURE: At west edge of Bell. Motivated seller, $320,000. Southern Property Ser- vices www.floridalandl com 375- S 7731 HOME: On 2tb,5-18-5-25 hrist County. 2 LOTS: Adjoining in the Caro- sit. Available linis Country Subdivision approx. 1930. 123x668 each, Call, ask for Jan. 'ltp,5-18 .727-345-0942. HOUSE ON SUWANNEE RIV- ER: Clear 'spring in back yard, fenced, 3 BR/2.5 BA, furnished kitchen, screened porch, central H/ A, W/D hook-ups, approx. 5 miles from Bell, 10 miles from Branford. $800/month: 352-376-0080. 2tb,5-11-5-18 Real Estate Buy or sell or both Call TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY 352-163*83-l4 P. 0. Bo\ 8, Bell. Florida 32619 tcreallt @'bellsouth.net wt w..TownandCountryRealt Online ciom Di.Je-Gilchrist-Le\ Board of Realtors and Multiple Listing Ser ice. Highway v441 Nornh P. O. Box 520. Alachua. (386) 462-4020 (352) 373-5511' Horizomnealry-realtors.com -Very nice fenced and cleared 1 acre lot, just minutes north Bell. Well. septic and power ready for .our mobile, manufac-- turedor site built home. 29,0100 MLS#242574 Complete privacy on 5.5wiooded acres. One of a kind 3BR 2BA very bright and open floor plan. All ceraniic tile floors, 'fireplace and large master suite. In-ground heated pool with screen enclosure and open patio. Jonesville area. $289,000 MLS#262436 Beautifully wooded 1+ acre lot just north of Bell. Perfect.for site-buili, manufactured or rnpbile homes Just reduced $29.900 MLS n242561 .92 acres of Santa Fe riverfront, absolute one of a kind property, less than 1 mile to High Springs' and'walk"to O'Leno State Park.. 489.900 MLS'i 241S33..-14,Ns34. & 2 .AJ 3.7.._, Suwannee Risers Best! 235 feet of cleared & bulkheaded riverfront on 25 acres wiih.vell. sepnc & pos\er Best \ie'. on the ner and oily.22 miles to the Gulf $399.000 MLS#261016 31.3 beautiful acres located in h bite Springs..Property has a mixture of hardwoods & pasture which fronts I-75 R/W. Additional 25 acres available. $269,000 ML S #2 3560i Enjoy the Miew from the front deck of this 4BR 3BA DWMH with detached workshop in Newberry on 2.5 fenced acres. Home has new oak cabinets, appliances, .countertops and, carpeting; $149,900 MLS#260502 Secluded yet convenient to High Springs. 21 acres of scattered oaks and pines close to Ginnie, Blue & Poe Springs. Additional 21 acres and owner financing available. $260,000 M S#260330 W realty, me. Licensed Real Estate Broker 386 93 0 P.O. Box 546 Bell, Florida 32619 386-93502 8 ACRES & HOME ON SUWANNEE RIVER complete with separate bunkhouse, decks, floating dock, etc. It's located near Rock Bluff. Very private & secluded. You can't find a better opportunity on the river! $350,000. VERY NICE 3/2 C.B. HOME On 5 part clear part wooded acres in North Gilchrist' County. Home is in great condition and in a good neighborhood. Only $225;000. SUWANNEE COUNTY Nice 2 Bdrm, 1 i Bath Single-wide mobile home with large deck over looking Suwannee River. A beautiful view!! Near a great swimming spring & a nice area to live!! $199,500. THE RIVER PARADISE A large lot on the Econfina River 2 miles from the Gulf - in navigable waters. Includes a beautiful, large 4 bedroom/3 bath two story home. Super fishing & hunting area! Boat from your own paradise to the Gulf and you have it all. $685,000. . 2 ACRES ON SUWANNEE at Charles. Springs beautiful, wooded lot, buildable! $79,900. A NICE RIVER LOT --on Suwannee River.- near Royal Springs nice area. $49,900. LOT ON SANTA FE down river from the Itchtucknee River $195,000. VERY NICE WOODED 4 ACRES North Gilchrist County. $49,900.... BEAUTIFUL WOODED 5 ACRES -.On county maintained road in north Gilchrist County. $68,900. 291.45 ACRES OF PRIME HUNTING LAND With a hunting lodge type house, lodge is complete with nice porches and a fireplace. Dog pen, rock quarry, fish pond and approximately 150 acres of planted pines. Awesome hunting of deer, wild hogs, turkey, etc. Good improved roads and trails throughout the property. Fronts on a paved road. $1,595,000. Just 8 miles out of Cross City. 247 ACRES Prime land on more than mile of highway frontage in Suwannee Coun- ty. Nice 3/2 CB home, detached garage with upstairs apartment, 75 acres of pines, approx 160 acres in cropland, 3 wells & other amenities!! Fantastic development potential, cen- trally located to just about everything in North Central Florida. Shown by appointment only! $3,250,000. Can be developed into 5 acre tracts!! 34.61 ACRES IN CENTRAL SUWANNEE COUNTY Very nice piece of land on a paved road, surveyed and.platted into 3 pieces if you need it subdivided; can be four pieces, mostly open with some nice trees. $485,000. 4 ACRES OFA NICE WOODED TRACT Good trees!! Central Suwannee County., $49,500. 5 BEAUTIFUL WOODED ACRES With well, septic, power and completely loaded with deer. Backs up to large protected lands. Fenced, county maintained road. Convenient to Chiefland. Plenty of privacy. $129,900. 5 ACRES IN NORTH GILCHRIST COUNTY Nice wooded 5 acre tract of property - private & secluded. Must see to believe! $75,000. LOT IN LEVY COUNTY Near Williston on SR 121. Only $23,900. 18 ACRES IN SOUTH SUWANNEE COUNTY Partly open and many nice trees. A great location!! $180,000. CONVENIENCE STORE / MECHANICS GARAGES 1 acre zoned commercial/in- dustrial with lots of frontage on Highway 90 east in Lake City, Florida. Many amenities and lots of square feet of buildings to,use your entrepreneurial skills and make this going business grow even more. Only $375,000. Owner Motivated !! NICE WOODED LOT NEAR SANTA FE RIVER & BOAT RAMP can be yours for $19,900. Some owner financing available to a qualified buyer. For more information and pictures of these and other properties listed Visit our website at www.wolfordrealty.com ltp,5-18 LIKE NEW! 2000 Homes of Merit on 1.25 acres. Between Newberry & Bron'on 3 BR/2 BA. oak cabinetry, new floor covering. Fireplace, deep- soaking tub. New appliances, new %ell & septic. A steal at $11HL.001 1352 1 472-49"7 -4b.5- 1 1-6- Real Estate FOR SALE Retail storefront prop- erty in dorntot n Trenton. Three buildings on Main Street. Call 352- 463-7135. Sfn,6-30 015S1809 - FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY COVERALL CLEANING CONCEPTS O j)wn CO()\fRALL Franchise for as linle as.$l1.500 Down Guarjntred Cuisomers Complete Training & Support Equipment & Suppiies (Guaratreeid Frnar.ing Our secret can be )our success! OPPORTi CITIES IN NORTH CENTRAL FLORIDA ($iii 249-2532 Vinyl Letters Banners Real Estate Signs Wood1d &fitSiqns Gidck^Ut Qoultt. journl Printing Advertising Office Supplies Page Seventeen Need A Sign? Call Woodland Craft Signs At 463-7135 REALTY V Tri-County, Inc. Broker, Gayle Lovelace Office: (352) 542-7729 Fax: (352) 542-0645 '25867,Hwjy 19 .Old Town (Old Town Shopping Center) Vision Realty Tri-County1, Inc. wants to WELCOME Julie A. Geary to our Team of Professional Real Estate Agents. Julie is. a native Florida girl and has years of public relations experience. She is highly moti- vated and ready to help with your various real estate needs. Call her today for a free CMA. Smith & Associates, Gf AC w.b c.co nc. www.bsgmac.com Aw A~mig&L Brad Smith Licensed Real Estate Broker BIG h:.u l' 21 : 4rn SF \C B)riui ri.-:.m, aulori s.:.i..J1.l'k. 'l-,Xrileis jpphlinieL. & li~~e angle gtFn Brad Smiih, Broker 3l521463-'?'n On busy SR26 Tastefully remodeledwith a metal roof, landscaping, & office/shop features. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 l%^cres, ---' n' a covered deck. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 ulh...IT, bu '..iL. l-., i l .., 1.1' ,: '. : I- .. . waiting area, & more! Brad .miilh, Blokr i13521463 I''ll "te -, I Uniquely Built! 3/2 1,908 SF 10 AC Energy eff. solar panels, pole barn, 3 septics, 2 wells, & MORE. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 Si,- ai ,c i ,ic ,' i .' i ',t [" :1 13 S ' C':i'iiole bl, k rn ulliple il.Jing dicoir , '-Il icid dckL. li,,ai .:.k lar-d.cap d Brad Smilh, Broker |3521 it3J-7li i., H. I '' I .I Full., eiuJ~.pl rc .I 1ui, rI act iho i i. a la-t [ d't F d'i.;c, I,: F. -L Rebecca Woodin, RealtoR (352) 494-8233 T,:. ,'fiiF;.;L'i.,- ?,l 1 :00 SF 5.06AC Iii I.:..:..;.. i'i.' :i it .cp Ijc, wood stove,, balconies, & workshop/garage. Brad Smiih. Br.-Lr i352i 4n3.--"". l1 ii, -',1 : IrW.u.6'i, o. l'" .' I i. Sr... iL I. h. . Biad 'ninh. Br.ker 31521I 463-'770 Park Like Setting! 4/2 2,128 SF 3.21 AC Comletely fenced, workshop w/ lean-to, huge front deck, & BONUS areas. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 a -- rai EsL te \ Trp o.,iind P.:ir:h' '2 I.i6 I SF I AC: Cor i.d ,pern feel icail Bh, ul rmnct larI. pri: & i. :. -c Brad Smaih, Brolr 13521 463-17?7) Braid 1 c-1.' 1.2 I 115.i F 11 :,4 i i. tu ull c.:.C i: .sppl ari fe ; h c iTy .b5- ristl. uloi, l .t f.-i.cm, & .:.lh upsilc'lei Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 View the Suwannee! 3/2 1,350SF 0.5AC' Panoramic view w/ 11' windows & balconies. On a lovely paved street. Terri Anderson; Realtor (352) 356-1961 I Acres t a') ] 11 T[. 1 - 3/2 1,,152 SF 10 AC Split floor plan, green rolling lills, fenced yard, & planted pines. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 %aII ar.rice 2i'.i. PrIMM'OI .ndi L Ir, *I t ." ;.J :-hO,:| jn-i*|I SP I I ,. Irdic d- 5c ';XS '.3 t Clrf -ri I_-:.'K_ Di: j Ir i PI I3ce ledce r. i :.'r.e ;I '.,ic u"cTr Guli' 0 21 Trei-.n: $1- 3 '' Adult i d.,- ,m da iaJ ii. :e; P.i: Td' 2renl.:.n ', ',2 23 -,rri Cer, iI 5'(.'K Pr-e Redui'dl iri,,; ,. . C t--r, Mi. .' Ini , 'tr twcd In card,,, .Jirll.Tm deed i: u-:iCed ,"Ii i'rrm t.d. n $21 i:',E,-1 0 i Trelt:.n $2 ', . 5r:te, il'n l b, i-i.'-o 0i 26 SuITlnr: eJ : 30 : '.;CC 1 Ch.e r ll.: J .136r, I 0.94 CrossCityon i7': " I -) ." -j r :, :" :.r r l2 : ',:,,:, I 1' r'. J.* -.!-.lte II, r i.:. , r, d SI i.d ree $ .,al I i, erTt rL.. deed re ci: ,:hleJ :4.' Old Town $62, 00 1 1,. IT F jiC ,15'r .:. T, Indaer Oak: Subdivisio. 4.67 Old Tbwn $250,000 '75" Trenton $8:,'00 F reda. minu: reIS. A.ee 0.94, Cross City 117<:,:.:, 'Nicely wooded. . 41 Bell $27,000 1 F',r-Lruri.- S[56 i 'r'l 6 i Circai h..--in e.e 1 J S ua-nr ee S?300,,',., ee restrict E Parie. D dEatble. S96 Old Town $805,000L Price J LRduc Indian Oaks. aero s dcllar 5',0':00 , S4.14 Old Town $62,100, Indian Oaks Subdivision.trees. S4.67 Old Town $250,000 Suwannee waterfront. ,4.75 Trenton $85,000 Cleared and ready. ad 4.77 Bell $85,000 Flying Harness Far $89 Deed restricted Parrihmes onlytates. 4.865 "Old Town $69,900 Beautifndaddyl with mature oaks Well/septic/power shed & pole barn. 5 Newberry $140,000 Planted pines. Homesite or invest. Price Reduced! Indian Oaks. I ITow $h. o*k,\ ,r-,, :d, hr J .:.:,: - I'c:, C. -d T,-.,,r, Jr. M -',-,b" Great oak trees. 5 Bell 3 $75,000 Perfect for built or mobile home. 5 1 Old Town $75,000 Near th e Suwannee Rivered. . 7T,-,,:., '$85,000 DL-..j re Ul ied e h:IT.,'c .r.1, ' 5 5 Bell $85M000 '. .eed fe F .r- ed Ti.:-.ler, F' :I :5 Beln i ':":":l Flying Harness Farms. 5 Trenton $89,900 . Deed restricted homes only. 5 Trenton $95,000 Beautiful with mature oaks. 5 Chiefland $125,000 Well/septic/power, shed & pole barn. 5 .Newbeny $140,000 Planted pines. Homesite or invest. 5 Bell $349,900 Commercial Property. 5.17 Old Town $75,000 Near the Suwannee River. New Construction! 3/2 1,274 SF 0.22AC 2 car garage, vaulted ceilings in The Trails. Call to view all the floor plans!! Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 - 4' C( r..e ilar.d '' 1:, J:. ,fi' ,j.cd f:jdc \ .her! L :r br d. 1 :..:. . :'i r4 ,,- T:.:I, r .:d ,:.l| I ..:k S I,.: 9 3 iB ci .re d i O i Cl,-iellind tflcr. Pi ed rc.vij iri.ar-ai d :.: ilj Sed r, :.i Deed rei.iued TI l .er' Rc:l Sr2 Bell i I 4, 39,, Deed re ,iciNd Pacer3 r'ljce 143 Bell 14 : b Jre d re;: ri: ied ri 2h E ; 2c60 1 d Tre l .r ,0 c.l..ded acdie c,i- i0l I r -l:~.:.D 1i I 2 ], ,-,"E i-r r.TJ, bTi efIru.j a c a 4gr.c.,:ulr.,A iell ;pi a i rnd.i pr. r C ile r rJ n, idA r eU: r L i cte: re ,,,c Pl. O nt r e:l re ad Jl ,: : .: r L i , oaIlvd r, andr- F- -urodg G r ail l.:.c : ai. :.,-l. ,et 1." Trer.i>: c ., i .' . Ir". :': i:r .i-e lar.il tfI J I('"' 4 Ta 7rerc.: ,- 13 . p'.:.du>i.e tha, Inns 1 364 Bell $ I 4 0, \tell epi.: pc..c-b haTr. & p-..le b1 I I t3 bell 1 i c'):,, kk ildhie and pon.:.,j inTr-.n.r 1243 Tret.-. $r., :; 7i0,0 selling paijruie a sdii,- a 0 I: 16 C:e,tI..e c t 1.'::'.', 0 On Paroda Creek. 14.22 Bell $149,900 E oc' i:-d r C ii.:h'rri: H -u i Cir ,. i j-4 Bell $222,600 SPrivate, mature oaks. ii aJ" Bell $199,900 0 n Bell .$199,900 Close to springs. 15 Bell $480,000 One block from Main Street. L Will divide. 20 Bell $199,900 Cleared and secluded. 20.3 Chiefland. $406,000 Well, septic, and power. ' 21 Chiefland $299,900 8 10 year old planted pines. 21 Bell $660,000 Waterfront; deed restricted. , 35.85 Trenton $385,000 Planted pines ready. Home.or invest. 39 Williston. $975,000 Paved rd, acreage surrounding. - 40 Bell $480,000 Great planted pines investment. 40 Trenton $500,000 Currently being used as ag. 54.2 Chiefland $1,044,000 Sp,:..'.ir, r' Fpa...'a; -.: ] 'V. ,ll..i.:..- 1,627,500 .AJ: hi\ helJ: ,h:,.:kcd C,:r.3 S.liilil.:n (1,627,500 Hay'.c ld. 31 1 ".', ae. a3' s-I 64 C:hillarind 1480,000 Woodland and pastureland. - 70 Trenton $710,000 Planted pines ready. Home or invest 80 Chiefland $799,600 Borders Andrews Preserve. 80 Williston $1,800,000 Dividable. Pine, oak, & pastures. 98.17 Old Town $1,500,000 14 YO pines, hardwoods, 4 wells. 160 Trenton $1,700,000 Will divide into 10 40, or 80 acre. 53.0.9. Bell.$.30,9 53.09 Bell 55 Trenton 57.37 Chiefland ,$530,900 $850,000 $1,721,100 154 Bell $2618000 4'I 31* ; dS< Proudly serving Gilchrist, Dixie, Levy, and Marion Counties. Exclusively Offered by Your GMAC Team \P R.kE M I E RSE R' C E A web site offered to our clients which serves as an ... interactive community forum for posting calendars Smith & Associates, Inc. will commit to quality service in writing! interactive community forum for posting calendars, yard sales, recipes, & much more! Call for details It's an approach that's earned GMAC a remarkable 94% Customer andin in thefun! Satisfaction Rating the best in the real estate industry. and join in the fun!S s o 10 SW 7th Street 605 N. Main Street 934 E. Wade Street 27888 US Hwy-19 Hwy-349 South Williston, FL 32696 Chiefland, FL 32626 Trenton, FL 32693 Old Town, FL 326,80 Suwannee, FL 32692 352-529-0010 352-493-4200 352-463-7770 352-542-1111 352-542-1212 1 I , j. a.. -.- ^.-,^. - Character Council's Personality For May Is Midge Everett (Continued from Page One) to everyone she meets. She consistently exhorts them to live a life of VIRTUE, by explaining to them the blessings she has received from simply purposing to be honest and doing what is right in every circumstance. She believes that "America needs more people with good charac- ter and VIRTUE because of the example it gives to children, as well as adults." Her motto for living regarding VIRTUE is * "This is true greatness: to serve Unnoticed and to grow unseen!" ;Mrs.. Everett surely exemplifies That she is a person of character Because she cares. The follow- , ing poem she wrote, shows so ; much of who she is. Motherhood ' I love to watch a mother's face SAs she bends low above a crib, SSmoothing with gentle easy touch SA careless curl or wrinkled bib. SIt seems an angel's tenderness, SIn every gentle movement lies, And that a bit of heaven itself ' Is missed in her shining eyes. ' And as I watch my thought goes ST far To Nazareth that hallowed town, And fancy brings before my eye Mother in a blue and gold gown. I see her bend above a Babe - A child that came from heav'n above - I see her stroke a dimpled hand And whisper words of tender love. I love to watch a mother's face, For every mother seems to bear Some small resemblance to that. one That gave Jesus such devoted care. Commission Hears Graded Roads Are Poorly Maintained (Continued from Page One) roadway since the beginning of the year. "I would like to see all roads in: the county put on a routine maintenance schedule so they can be kept up," Marge Woods stated. '"The dry weather we have recently experienced is an added problem, along with the high speed makes road maintenance very difficult." Commission Chairman Tommy Langford explained. Charlotte Pedersen, another resident that lives in the area of SE 110 Street explained that her husband pulls a 16-foot utility Svan trailer across this road daily and he recently broke an axle due to the impact with this rough road. 'The Gilchrist County Road Department has been receptive when we call them about the maintenance on this road, but. what is the future regarding the attention these roads need," Mrs. Pedersen asked? Mrs. Pedersen explained that the limbs overhead on this road cause problems for their 26-foot charter boat that they. pull on this.road. There .are more and more people traveling this road" and we are experiencing major repair problems with our vehi-- cles, she added. The board explained that' . paving.roads costs .$1 million dollars a mile... Mrs, Pedersen asked the board what is going to happen * -hen someone has an accident on these roads and the\ sue the county for more mone\ than what it would take to pa\e these roads'? "The only way we are going to be able to help folks on graded roads is to get more graders and employees and grade these roads once a week." Commissioner Thomas e\- RKAN Vacation Time is s Here. . . O 2006 Uplander LS Ext. W.B. #859 3.5L V6- :i *A;uibmatic *Traction Control 18 City @Power Steering/Power Brakes *Tilt/Cruise ., : eDual Air Cdnditioning *Power Windows & Locks *Keyless Remote 2006 Colorado .3500 15 Vortec Engine Crew Cab *Automatic #9 C *H.D. Trailer Package #999 . *Tinted Glass .. w *Locking Differential *AM/FM & MP3 *Power Windows & Locks *Tilt/Cruise *Air Conditioning *Full Instrumentation $ *& More ALL THIS, PLUS NO HIDDEN FEES IN THE FINE PRINT .,, No Prep Charges, Handling Fees or Admin. Fees! Sales Dept. Open ' Mon.-Fri. 8 to 7; Sat. 9 to 4; Closed Sunday Body Shop Open Mon.-Fri. 7:30 to 5 CHEVY BUICK Service Dept. Open Mon.-Fri. 7:30 to 5 24 Hour Towing 1424 North Young Blvd., Chiefland -',.' 'L Call 493-7061 www.scogginschevybuick.com r- -j - *AII prices include all GM rebates and subject to GMAC financing, plus tax, title and license fees. tBased on EPA estimates. plained. "I'm not sure that grading the roads more often is an im- provement due to the high vol- ume of traffic that is traveling on these roads," Chairman Langford explained. Gilchrist County 'Adminis- trator Ron McQueen explained that most road departments in Florida are funded by gas tax that is collected in the county. Here in Gilchrist County there are less than 10 stations and the road department is funded from Gilchrist County General Reve-- nue budget, he explained. Commissioner Randy Dur- den reported that the State of Florida once had a program that would .provide assistance to small counties to pase graded roads. This program only lasted 1 fiscal year before it was can- celed, he added. :"Folks in Gilchrist County have to learn to slow down and drive the condition that the roads can handle," Commis- sioner Thomas explained. The board took no action regarding the request by Marge Wood. The greatest truths are the simplest--nd so are the great- est men. -Augustus Howe .4200 16 Vortec Engine *Locking Differential *Automatic. *Bose Sound System AAM/lMl Cb & P3 M*XM Satellite Radio ePower Steering/Power Br A*Tilt/Cruise *Power Windows & Locks *Air Conditioning *Keyless Remote *1LT P *5.3L *Autor *CD PI @Fog L *Locki *White Ii-- #1009 The FWC Report May 5-11, 2006 This report represents some. significant events the FWC handled over the past week; however, it does not include all actions taken by the Division of Law Enforcement. NORTH CENTRAL REGION CITRUS COUNTY . May 6, Investigator Jim Smith was working marine fisheries enforcement in the Crystal River area when.he inspected a 'charter-fishing vessel. The charter captain was returning from a charter with customers on board and did not have a state charter-fishing license. The captain w'as issued a citation for the violation. COLUMBIA COUNTY'. April 30. Investigator Mike Pridgen was working information about illegal ATV operation in Suwannee River Water Management Land at Gar Pond. Pridgen was able to locate two individuals on four-wheelers in the water management land and issued citations to the Individuals for the violation . COLUMBIA COUNTY - COPS May I1. NC Regional Law Enforcement personnel hosted the "Columbia County Public Safety Memorial Service" located behind the courthouse at R VOUJTION and Scoggins Has the Vehicle to Fit Your Needs! I I 22 HW. 1 City *Deep Tinted GM *Power Mirror's rakes : *More -:24,636* 2006 Silverado 1500 A wym packagee Ext. Cab w V8 Engine #999 matic Transmission 9 layer & Cassette Lamps k' ng Differential o : e Letter Tires *Steering Wheel Controls *H.D. Suspension Package *H.D. Trailer Towing Package *Full Power & Much More! 21,7788* OWNU I- ml SDiff ernei a 30 Years Service to the Tri-County Communities fT-ton | lisw CHIE an U.S.a a7 ONLYA SHORT DRIVEFROMIANYWNERE IN TNE TRI-COUNTY AND SURROUNDoINGAREAI I I I - ___ _ _ Lake Desoto. Weeks of planning and coordination had been done to facilitate the service, which was the fourth annual event. Approximately 150 people including family members, local law enforcement, and the public attended the event. DUVAL COUNTY. May 7, Investigators Bruce Cockcroft and Jason Boswell responded to a vessel crash in which two men died and a third was critically injured near the mouth of Cedar River in Jacksonville. At approximately 11:10 p.m., the vessel hit a dock ejecting a passenger. The vessel continued on and struck a second dock, wedging under 'a boatlift. The ejected . passenger and the operator of" the vessel died at the scene. The third occupant was critically injured and was airlifted to the hospital. Lt. Gary Klein and Officer Chip Butler assisted the investigators at the scene. The investigation is continuing and alcoholic beverage impairment is suspected as a contributing factor in this crash. This week. Officer Brad Givens completed three more derelict vessel investigations and made contact with each vessel owner to explain the possible consequences of lea\ ing a vessel in a derelict condition on the public waters of the state. All three vessel owners were able to remove them from the water or Make the necessary repairs. One of the vessels was removed from the water, destroyed, and the title was cancelled. The second vessel owner transferred the title to another party. who removed the vessel from the water and will be refurbishing it. The third ,essel was raised from its sunken condition and taken to a private marina in Green Cove Springs. SUWANNEE COUNTY Officers Rodney Boone and Dennis Sharpe assisted the Suwannee Countv Sheriff's Dept. with locating a drowning victim at Suwannee Springs May 6 and 7. Officers used a vessel to search for the victim until midnight May 6 and resumed the search May 7. The Taylor County Dixe Team located the body of a 24-year-old Hispanic male about 3 p.m. A Letter To The Editor I'm writing to thank the resi- dents of Lev\, Gilchrist, Dixie and Lafayette Counties for the tremendous support of the. 12th Annual American Cancer ;, Society's Relay For Life. held in Chiefland on May 5 and 6. 2006 at Chiefland Elementar- School. Through the tremendous efforts of the volunteers, we were able to raise $34,000! .The all-volunteer Event Com- minee was chaired by Mrs. Frances LaSalle and Ms. Teresa Gulledge. Frances and Teresa's leadership were responsible for the success of this event. They assembled an amazing com- mittee of volunteers to handle every aspect of the event. Key members of the committee in- cluded: Carolyn Devore, Anni Egan, :Gail Osteen, Candy and Kent Zimmerman, Jenna McK- enna, Kathy Benfield, Connie Brannen, Carrie Brannen, Chris LaSalle.and David Tippiris. If it were not for their selfless dedi- cation of time and passion for this event, this event would not have been so successful. The American Cancer Society extends many thanks to a few people and places that went above and beyond our expecta- tions: Mr. Kent Wellborn and Bill Tovine of Chiefland Elementary School Site/Facility Sponsor, David Tippin's and friends - Sound System Sponsor, .Levy County School Board, the City of Chiefland, Bell's Restaurant - Meeting Room Sponsor, Mr. Tommy Harrington--Sand and Stage Sponsor, Officer Konces and Lancaster CI. We would ,also like to thank our Wall of Hope Sponsors, Trenton Medi- cal Center and -Gray Construc- tion. Akin's BBQ for donating the entire survivor dinner; Hall's Services, Capital City Bank, Woodham's Garage, for their financial support; and our media sponsors WCJB-TV 20, ROCK 104 and K Country. All of the underwriting sponsors and ad- ditional in-kind sponsors should be congratulated, as they ensured the success of the Relay For Life event held in Chiefland. Fifteen teams from :.around the tri-county area participated in the event including: Chief- land HS HOSA. Sunstate FCU. "Cures-R-Us," Lancaster CI, Dixie County Sheriffs, Gilchrist County )Courthouse. Trenton Medical Center. Capital City Bank. "Bunch of Believers", S"Motivated Methodists," Hilltop Alt. School. Heartland Rehab, Dixie County Health Depart- ment. "William's Warriors." and "Hall's Steppers." . If the teams are the heart of re- la\. the cancer survivors are the soul. Over 50 survivors from the community were honored and awarded survivor t-shirts, enjoyed a lovely reception with comphmentary gifts, and walked the first lap (Sur\ivor's Victory ; Lap). Later in the evening, there \%ere more than 300 luminaries purchased and lit in honor or memory of cancer victims. The funds raised will support American Cancer Society Pro- grams and Services; along with Research and Advocacy Initia- tives. The American Cancer Society is the nationwide com- munity based. voluntary health organizations dedicated to elinil- nating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saying lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer through research, education, advocacy and service. For more informa- tion about the American Cancer Socien, or to get involved in Sthe 2007 Chiefland Relay For Life. please call your local of- fice at 352-376-6866. ext. 119.. Additional information may be gathered b\ calling 1-800-ACS- 2345 or visiting, our website at wxww.cancer.org. S Sincerely, Jamie Bellamy Community Representative Tri-County Unit ,American Cancer Society 2119 S.W. 161 Street Gainesville, FL 32608 The best way to cheer your- self up is to cheer somebody else up.. -Mark Twain ~ cr a ,: c c = - 2006 Trailblazer LS 2WD *AM/FM CD & MP3 *Rear DVD Entertainment System '*Stabili Trak *7 Passenger Seating *OnStar GPS *Much More 12,464* 24 Hwy. 19 City 1.808* . CHEVROLET r America's #1 Brand! America's #1 Value! IH1 rricane Preparedness Week is May 21-27 I ilJthead Receive a Personal Emergency Supply Kit with MjP AWare! the purchase of any new or used vehicle from ' Scoggins! Offer ends May 31, 2006. -e,, GREAT SELECTION OF PRE-OWNED VEHICLES! F rd M ustang ........................ 0....... 65 6,4995 '01 Ford Ranger ....................................#.... 175A *9 ,9 9 5' dge Neon SXT ................................. # sa 8 ,995g '03 GMC Ext. Cab 4WD ..........................ior s "1 ,995* hO Vy Impala ..................... ............9.. 33A g ,99 g* '96 Chevy Corvette ...... ...........................#947 , Chevy Impala ............................ 114AiS,495* '03 Chevy Cavalier ......................... #1017 ,995* D' ge Neon .........................................#614A 8,99S* '01 ChryslerTown & Country Van ......8.....52PA 11S95 iurn1L200 ................................... 853Pi,8495* '03 Chevy Avalanche ..........................1128A $22,995 is~an Frontier Crew ...................... 936A 15,9g '05 Chevy Cavalier 30K Miles .....................#1167P10,88 ivy:Astro ............................... .. .0Af6,S '05 Pontiac Grand Am 28K Miles .................158a $13,69S ihiev i500 Crew ..................... ..#979A g9,99ggS* '05 Chevy Malibu 30KMiles ..................#..1166P 12,795* [fr2: F-250 Supercab ........................968B*e ,9g95 '05 Chevy 1500 Ext. 4x435K Miles ............106F.9A *24,995* lh y 1500 ............................... ......8869,995* '06 Chevy Suburban 2K Miles ................... 160P$39,995* vy 2500 HD ................................ #1011A6,995* '06 Chevy Uplander 6K Miles ...................o1065420,995 hevy Avalanche ......................... ..ios, *24,49S* '06 Chevy Trailblazer 4WD 12K Miles .......... 1165P 23,995' ;Chevy 1500 Ext. Cab .....................#.. 07A6w ,995* '06 Chevy Trailblazer 11K Miles ................. l.162P 21,995' ,v-- rL AMI now .... Il I P . I THURSDAY, MAY 18, 2006 . GILCHRIS.T COU~ NTY JOU RNAL PDrre Eiorhte -n GRD Services Good job fora good price Land Clearing 352-463-7389 Tractor Work Limerock or Sm. Fish Ponds Fill Dirt 352-535542 Driveways Hauling Free Estimates Culverts Mowing Owner Gary Chancey Trash Outs MORE THAN TIRES Brakes Alignments Oil Changes Southern Tire & Brake 626 North Main Street Trenton 463-6050 I I S Gilchrist Cnuntfiv Deinauent Tax List Section B. Pave One 1 010714-02690000-0010 493.16 1 010714-02690000-0010 493.16 SCOTT STEVEN M & 5.450AC LOT 1 CEDAR RIDGE SUBD CONT 5.45 AC 62/257 251/290 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 2 010714-02730000-0010 1,556.77 2 010714-02730000-0010 1,556.77 BRADLEY FRED L & LINDA S, 10.020AC LOT 1 SANTA FE BEND SUBD CONT 10.02 AC 62/257 226/460 251/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 3 010714-02730000-0020 HX 3,338.21. 3 010714-02730000-0020 HX 3,338.21 BRADLEY FRED L & LINDA S 11.700AC-. LOT 2 SANTA FE BEND SUBD CONT 11.7 AC 62/257 226/460 251/290 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL ' 4 120714-00000001-0011 412.98 4 120714-00000001-0011 412.98 BROCKWAY DANIEL A & 5.000AC N/2 OF E/2 OF E/2 OF NW/40F SE/4 TOGETHER W/EASEMENT 122/ 243275/457 5 120714-0067000-0310 285.74 5:120714-0067000-0310 285.74 OSBORNE THOMAS B. 3.150AC LOT 31 SUWANNEE FORK UNREC SUBD OR 71 PG 190 -" 6'12n- 4. I'0,.,i700,:.,ui-050u 1 573 55 6 120714-0067000-0500. 1,573.55 MCCORMICK LARRY & CATHERINE 38 N 3/4 (:iR ''Fl T I F SE 4 OF NW/4 .& N )9vi FT L 'I r.N E & SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 7 130714-00110000-0180 HX 1,655.87 7 130714-00110000-0180 HX 1,655.87 GUNTHER JOHN 1.210AC LOT 18 UNREC SUB METES & BD OR 54/534 93/489 290/479 290/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ,DDITIONA.L L EG.L 2'I. 2'0,714-,258 .,0,j,1 -,:030 PoD,0 1 20 260714-02580000-0030 666.18 ONZE JAMES ROBERT 10.000AC LOT 3 SI.'..ANNFEE SHORES SYiBD CONT 10 AC 25-7.14 212 I'":2 SEE T k. ROLL FOR ADDITIN.-,L LEG.-.L 2 I' 2,m, I 4-.,,I f 000-,0'4,' 666.18 21 2..00"I 4.25 ':": '-':." 666.18 C'NZE !i.AMES RIOBERT & MARCIA 10.00AC LOT4 SU. 'ANNEE SHOPFS SiiBD CONT.10 AC 25-7-14 212/002 SEE TAX POLL FOR ADDiTI ONAL LEG \L 22 2o0 |14.S02.',,:0::-,05u. f 1'' 5 1 22? 2'l'I 14-'10'2 8l,' .",ll:I- 5 5 9 1I5 ONZE BRONWYN CAMILLE 6.900AC LOT 5 SUWANNEE SHORES SUBD CONT 6.9 AC 25-7-14 212/002 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 23 260714-02580000-0100 666.18 23 260714-02580000-0100, 666.18 LIZOTTE MARCEL SR 10. 000AC LOT 10 SLiW\ANNEE SHORES SLiBD CONT '10 AC 212/002 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL '24 35,07141.10 5i,.Il00,Ii -i Ii "7 31 24350714-00150000-0010 87.30 LUBINSKI LEO & OLIVE & ALAN -0.340AC LOT 1 W.S RH S 57/463 66/506 78/288 109/615 112/270-272 223/30 2000/83-1- .000AC 8 130714-0012000B-0060 3,717.47 8 130714-0012000B-0060 3,717.47 BOWEN LAWRENCE D & HELEN'GAY 0.590AC LOT 6 BLK B TWO RIVERS ESTATES 12 & 13-7-14 99/376 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 9 130714-0012000B-0120 2,721.08 9 130714-0012000B-0120 2,721.08 HORTON WILLIAM LARRY & KAREN L TWO RIV ESTATE LOT 12 BLK B OR 54/477 162/431 223/216. 10 130714-0122000D-0040 HX 512.02 10 130714-0122000D-0040 HX 512.02 CREWS EVA J 1.000AC LOT 4 BLK D UNIT 2 TWO RIV ' ESTATE 83/23 123/47 133/357 133/358 268/472 0.550AC 11 130714-0122000E-0060 159.76 11 130714-0122000E-0060 159.76 MCMAHON BRIDGET M & PEGGY S 0.990AC LOT 6 BLK E UNIT 2 TWO RIVERS ESTATE 68/90 109/673 2004/3581 12 130714-0380000C-0190 149.21 12 130714-0380000C-0190 149.21 VONDERAU DOROTHY M 0.500AC PART OF REPLAT RIVERVIEW LOTS LOT 19 BLK C 76/118 230/151 230/152 2000/239 13 130714-0380000C-0200 488.85 13 130714-0380000C-0200 488.85 VONDERAU DOROTHY MARIE 0.460AC PART OF REPLAT RIVERVIEW LOT 20 BLK C 36/186 113/471 113/ 623 14 130714-0380000C-0230 581.29 14 130714-0380000C-0230 581.29 BUTCHER JOSEPH H 0.660AC PART OF REPLAT LOT 23 BLK C 54/648 143/98 UTIL EASEMENT 145/75 202/719 2002/4228 15 130714-03820000-0010 658.55 15 130714-03820000-0010 658.55 WHITE JEFF & TAMMY L 5.000AC SUWANNEE RIVER 5 AC RANCHETTES 1 57/656 58/529 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 16 130714-03820000-0040 HX 418.03 16 130714-03820000-0040 HX 418.03 HARTLEY.THOMAS C & 5.000AC SUWANNEE RIVER 5 AC RANCHETTE 4 87/424 2000/409 2001/770 2001/771 17 240714-00000006-0010 92.58 17 240714-00000006-0010 92.58 MYERS FREIDA & ROBERT WEST 20.120AC W/2 OF SW/4 OF SE/4 TOGETHER W/EASEMENT 28/586 2001/3257 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 18260714-02580000-0010 HX 1,419.86 18260714-02580000-0010 HX 1,419.86 ONZE JAMES ROBERT 12.000AC LOT 1 SUWANNEE SHORES SUBD CONT 12 AC 25-7-14 212/002 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 19 260714-02580000-0020 666.18 19 260714-02580000-0020 666.18 ONZE JAMES ROBERT 10.000AC LOT 2 SUWANNEE SHORES SUBD CONT 10 AC 25-7-14 212/002 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 25350714-00150000-0300 1,008.48 25 350714-00150000-0300 .1,008.48 LUBINSKI LEO & OLIVE & ALAN 0.340AC LOT 30 W S R H S 66/506 78/288 109/615 112/270-272 223/30 2000/83.1 .26 010814-00000002-0000 5,656.60 S26010814-00000002-0000 5,656.60 PHILMAN KEITH L & I J 49.680AC NE/4 LESS RD R/W & LESS 6 AC TO CHILDREN 63/58-63 & LESS 2 SEE TAX ROLL FOR .-.DDi T i .) AL LEGAL ,27 010814-00000003-0000 HX 1,483.73 27010814-00000003-0000 HX 1,483.73 PHILMAN KEITH & LINDA 21000AC COMATSW COROFNW/4OFNE /4 AS POREF GO E ALG S 40 LN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 28 010814-00000003-0010 625.49 28 010814-00000003-0010 625.49 PHILMAN KEITH & LINDA 2.000AC COM AT SE/C OF NW/4 OF NE/4 GO N 158 FT TO POB GO N 189 FT GO SEE TAX ROLL FOR-ADDITIONAL LEGAL 29 010814-00000022-0000 630.94 29010814-00000022-0000 .630.94 STEWART DEWITT E 0.840AC COM AT NW/C OF SW/4 OE SE/4 OF 1-8-14 & RUN E 315 FT TO POB SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 30010814-00620000-0370 HX 458.35 30010814-00620000-0370. HX 458.35 SMITH JENNIFER A'& 2.270AC LOT 37 THE HILLS UNREC SUBD MTS & BDS DESC 2.27 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 3'1 010814-00620000-0380 HX 419.71 31 010814-00620000-0380 HX 419.71 JENKINS DANNAL F & JANET. 3.030AC TRACT 38 THE HILLS UNREC SUBD LESS THE WESTERNMOST PORTION SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 32 010814-06210000-0010 378.03 32 010814-06210000-0010 378.03 JOHNSON FRANKLIN & STEPHANIE 4.540AC LOT 1 REPLAT OF LOTS 7-12 THE HILLS UNREC SUBD DESC AS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 33 030814-06320000-0050 629.17 33 030814-06320000-0050 629.17 GRIFFIS DIANE RENEE 10.010AC LOT 5 2ND ADDITION SHADY BEND SUBD CONT 10.01 AC 115/312 2002/3804 34 030814-00000016-0000 HX 3,046.71 34 030814-00000016-0000 HX 3,046.71 HART JD JR & FELICIA ANNE 20.000AC N/2 OF'SE/4 OF NE/4 87/472 101/418 103/647 226/91 226/92 282/005 35 030814-00680000-0090 342.G8 35 030814-00680000-0090 '342.08 DUNAGAN RONALD L & KAREN & .4 LOT 9 SUWANNEE OAKS SUBD CONT 4.88 AC 119/243 36 030814-00680000-0120 HX 512.51 36 030814-00680000-0120 HX 512.51 HELLER DEANNA L 5.000AC LOT 12 SUWANNEE OAKS SUBD 54/649 61/657 117/200 187/224 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 37 030814-06320000-0010 HX 218.65 37030814-06320000-0010 HX 218.65 SHEPPARD JAMES & EVELYN 16.92 LOTS 1 & 2 SHADY BEND 2ND ADDITION SUBD SUBJECT TO 25' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 38 030814-06320000-0060 HX 469.48 38 030814-06320000-0060 HX 469.48 WALTON RENA 10.010AC LOT 6 SHADY BEND 2ND ADDITION .880AC O0AC 2005 Gilchrist County DELINQUENT TAX LIST NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE SOLD..... on the 30TH day of May 2006 VIA THE INTERNET at Web Addresses www.gilchristtaxcollector.com. or Gilchrist.TaxSale.com TAX CERTIFICATES will be sold on the following described land to pay the amount due for taxes herein set opposite of the same, together with all cost, interest, and advertising. . .= - 43 050814-06310000-0030 951.04 43 050814-06310000-0030 951.04 AUBREY RAY.H & WOOD DAVID A LOT 3 SHADY BEND FIRST ADDIT CONT'5.8AC 100/329 217/491 5.800AC 44 ,5)1814.1)63 ,Ill ii.i-i:iI4i 72 44 050814-06310000-0040 792.78 SELLERS GUSSIE DEAN .5.040AC LOT 4 SHADY BEND FIRST ADDIT CONT 5.04 AC 100/124 122/471 45050814-06310000-0050 824.43 45 050814-06310000-0050. 824.43 STORY BOOK HOMES OF FLORIDA LOT 5 SHADY BEND FIRST .iDDIT CONT 5.06 AC 216 It ;'5 2:'3 3~29 5.0( ,)O 0 I5,, ,14.n,,j ,,,1,11-0080 808.61 Jo ('50 14-,07 1801 .-0s.1.1 808.61 HOO"-LIHAN TiHOM.AS P IR .. 5.200AC LOT S SH AD'' BEND FIRST ADDIT CONT 5.2 AC 216/606 286/553 47 08' 14 -.000(:'i',."j3-i'i030 96 71 47 11$116 141-(.'i.ii I0 03t .0l 3., 6 I BARFNES STE. E N G 2 51 iAC COM AT NE/COF 8-8-14 & RUN E ON E LN OF SAID SEC 8 S 13 FT SEE TAX ROLL FO:R .-DDITION.-.L LEGAL 48 Q80814-00000009-0000 1 4-16 1 4S 08, 14-i0.1u,,II.0i0ii) .i .. 1,406.81 'GREEN LINDA C I, 5.-C COM AT NE C OF 5-S-14 RLIN ON ELN S' DEG E I1 FT TO S LN SEE T.A ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 4 I, I908I 14. 1 1-1 i' l11 ,11i. 5-., n.11 11i c 4 1 n ' .O ,l ,..R S -.l.l,0,,I l., .,Il ,,,l -.84 10, L -it.B JOiHN 5.iR ET AL 175 '.Ii.iAC GO'. T LOT I BEING THAT PART COF S4'.. 4 OF SECTION TO-.'. NSHIP 6 SEE T.-.. FRiLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEG.-.L it 09, 14-- ,20 100.lll.'(2, 497 38 5s n90814.-029 100100-0020 497.38 H iLL D V iD B ROBIN L 10.00AC LOT 2 R':OCK BLLUFF SPRINGS SUBD.. CC.O'iT I.' AC 75 1991 154 Is , SEETA.X RiLL FOR ADDiTiO NAL LEGAL 51 090S14l-2910000-00.30 497.38 51 uS14.8-1)-0)29 )IHIli.-.1. i.'3 497.38 HALL DAVID B & ROBIN L I0.000AC LOT 3 ROCK BLUFF SPRINGS SU.BD SCONT 10 AC 75/19 91/154 108/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL I5_2 10I -i| 4.0100 ,)7-,i:Ii 919.39 52 10 814.1001 ,.1 7-01|1,I 919.39 DYALS BEN L & LINDA M 15.000AC N/2 .OF N/2 OF NW/4:56/117 I,.i i I ]: 1 3 2)0) *f .'*3 LESS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 53 110814-00000005-0000 HX 1,000.12 53 110814-00000005-0000 HX 1,000.12 ,DOUGLAS ROSALIE 15.000AC W/2 OF SE/4 OF NE/4 81/211 .' UTIL EASEMENT 223/678 LESS 5 AC TO ANTHONY DOUGLAS 266/512 54110814-00000005-0001 HX' 934.80 54 110814-00000005-0001 HX 934.80 DOUGLAS ANTHONY BENJAMIN 5.000AC W/2 OF SW/4.OF SE/4OFNE/4 81/211 UTIL EASEMENT 223/678 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL' 55 110814-00000006-0000 1,003.77 55 110814-00000006-0000 1,003.77 MCGRAW DIANE 20.000AC W/2 OF SW/4 OF NE/4 52/235 63/ 677 175/157 198/194 244/ 656-660 2005/1722 56 110814-00000006-0010 56 110814-00000006-0010 1,321.00 1,321.00 BOULIANE PAULF. 20.000AC E/2 OF SW/4 OF NE/4 OR 55 PG 249 & OR 63 PG 306, 307 & 534 SEE TAX ROLL FOR .-DDTIONAL LuEGAL 57 110814-00000008-0000 HX 370.37 57 110814-00000008-0000 HX 370.37 DIGGERS IRENE MILLS 1.000AC COM AT NW/C OF SW/4 OF NW/4 GO S 420 FT TO POB FROM POB GO E SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 58 120814-00000001-0010 HX 389.17 58 120814-00000001-0010 HX 389.17 * TRAIL CHARLIE.DEAN 9.360AC AS PT OF REF COM AT NW/C OF NE/4 OF 12-8-14 GO E 50.63 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 59 120814-00000036-0000 403.10 59 120814-00000036-0000 403.1.0 CHOPE DESIREEM & DARROW E & 4.440AC NW/4 OF SE/4 LESS 21 AC SOLD TO BOLLINGER & WILSON & LESS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 60 120814-02250000-0110 329.76 60 120814-02250000-0110 329.76 BUNCE DARYL F & NANNETTE F 5.020AC LOT 11 HUNTERS CHASE FARMS* CONT 5.02 ACRES 183/568 199/ 219 266/698 267/483 2000/1554 61 120814-02250000-0120 610.63 61 120814-02250000-0120 610.63 BUNCE DARYL F & NANNETTE F 5.020AC LOT 12 HUNTERS CHASE FARMS CONT 5.02 AC 183/570 199/219 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 62 130814-00000008-0010 HX 196.37 62 130814-00000008-0010 HX 196.37 RUSH ROBERT LEE 7.970AC COM AT SE/C OF NW/4 OF NW/4 13-8-14 FOR POB THENCE RUN ALG SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 63 130814-03090000-0050 47.93 63 130814-03090000-0050 47.93 MAZZA LUIS RICARDO & 5.000AC LOT 5 MAGNOLIA MEADOWS SUBD 51/266 116/162 194/19 194/270 211/307 2001/3312 2004/6831 64 130814-03090000-0070 47.93 64 130814-03090000-0070 47.93 ODREMAN SUSANA E CUSTODIAN 5.000AC. LOT 7 MAGNOLIA MEADOWS 51/266 116/162 194/19 194/270 211/307 2001/3312 2004/5946 65 130814-03090000-0170 47.93 65 130814-03090000-0170 47.93 ODREMAN SUSANA E CUSTODIAN 5.000AC LOT 17 MAGNOLIA MEADOWS 51/266 116/162 194/19 194/270 211/307 2001/3312 2004/5945 66 140814-01970000-003B HX 1,128.61 66 140814-01970000-003B HX 1,128.61 SUBD CONT 10.01 ACRES 196/148 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 39 030814-06320000-0070 455.18 39 030814-06320000-0070 455.18 JORDAN NANCY KAYE 10.000AC LOT 7 SHADY BEND 2ND ADDITION SUBD CONT 10 AC 174/52 40 040814-00000008-0020 HX 885.73 40 040814-00000008-0020 HX 885.73 COTTE MARGARITA ROSE 12.000AC BEG AT SW/C OF GOVT LOT4 4-8-14 LYING S OF SUWANNEE SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 41 040814-00000012-0010 HX 581.39 41 040814-00000012-0010 HX 581.39 BOUTWELL GERALD A & LISA G 10.000AC. E/2 OF E/2 OF NE/4 OF SE/4 74/ 248 248/20 287/126 UTIL EASE- MENT 2000/4057 42050814-00630000-0100 722.97 42 050814-00630000-0100 722.97 O'NEILL FRANK & 5.520AC LOT 10 SHADY BEND 88/64 72 160814-0162000A-0250 201.96 S 2 160( 1 -C'1I62 ).1:"A-''0250 201.96 M0AC PHILPOT DAVID ET AL 0.880AC LOT 25 &. 2 BLK A 2ND ADD SUW PR HIGHLANDS SLBD OR 52PG SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 73 16I3 14-01620lhj00. -270 HN 242 28 73 16 .814-'I:i l2u0iOA-i.1271 HN 242 2S MERCIER BRIAN K & \iRGINIA K 0 550AC LOT 27 BLK A 2ND ADD SUW RIV HIGhHLANDS SUBD6 31 3319 24 S 206:3 1709 2'u03 3710 , 74 1o)0814-i:1620i 0'.-)2:S' 1' j7 74 16''814-'01-o'2(".:)A-" 28" 117.57 PHILPOT DAVID HENRY ET AL .0.550AC LOT 23 BLK. A .NDADD SIJX Ri'. HIGHLANDS SUB OR o PG 194 80/416251/362 ' 1311 70L "5 I:,|41-1-I 1 20,.,0 B-,',:7i, 3",) 7o PHILPOT DA. iD HENRY 2 'oIiAC LOTS i BLK B 2ND ADDIT SLi\ RIV HIGHLANDS SUBD S ,416 251/ : 362 . _6 1 ,)8i 14 1 oi 2 ..i.i)B I1 :i 5 3 j .5 S 6 I a I 4 ,1 6 2 ,: 1 B 1 0 5 3 a .5 PHILPO:T DA\ iD HENRY 3 l.00AC LLOTSI I:I & 12 BLK B 2ND. DD Si_ RVl HIGH HANDS SLiBD r 4r16 251/362 77 1 ,)814--0 1i62", C-'.". :I 2-14 It1 77 16:1814 -0'1620 11C-)',ll 244 16 PHIL POT DAVID HENRY 240_ C LOTS I & 2 BLK C 2ND ADDIT SUW RIV HIGHLANDS SUBD 66/194 SEE TAX'ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL. 78 160814-.i5I621';"ki'.C-01( 6 H\ 064 I'1 78 160814-0162000C-0160 HX, 664.10 FORTIN JEREMY J & LADONNA J 2500A( LOT 16 BLK C 2ND ADD SLUW RJ\ HIGHLAND SIUBD 61 330 71 537 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDIIIuNAL LEGAL 79 160814.0162iC00C-0190 1,026.83 79 160814-0162000C-0190 1,026.83 SMITH BRAD. i.AIlES r.1 ED,' MKDS 2.50 Oi 119 BLK C SUW RI' HIGHLANDS ' SiUBD '2 5:l2 87 365 2'1:1"i: 1035 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 80 160814-0162000C'0230 168.21 80 160814-0162000C-0230 168.21 PHILPOT DAVID HENRY 2.040AC LOTS 23 & 24 BLK C 214D ADDIT .SUW RIV HIGHLANDS SUBD 66'194 SEE T ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 93 190814-06420000-0110 2,306.81 BRYANT JERRY W & LORI 1.470AC LOT 11 2ND ADDIT SUWANNEE LANDING SUBD OR 80/55-56 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 94 190814-06420000-0140 625.67 94 190814-06420000-0140. 625.67 SMITH CHARLES M TRUSTEE 1.610AC LOT 14 2ND ADDIT SUWANNEE LANDING SUBD i9-8-14 84/258 134/293 95 200814-00000003-0010 201.96 95 200814-00000003-0010 201.96 STRATEGIC REAL ESTATE 2.000AC COM AT SE/C OF NE/4 OF SW/4 OF NE4 OF 20-8-14 AS POB GO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL SMITH DANNY B 5.050AC TRACT 3-B GRAY SQUIRREL ACRES UNREC SUBD CONT 5.05 ACRES SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 67 140814-01970000-0140 HX 576.11 67 140814-01970000-0140 HX 576.11 PHELPS THOMAS J & LORA M .10.OOOAC TRACT 14 GRAY SQUIRREL ACRES UNREC SUBD MTS & BDS DESC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 68 140814-01970000-0171 1,448.54 68 140814-01970000-0171 1,448.54 MARCUM KENNETH J 5.050AC E/2 OF TRACT 17 GRAY SQUIRREL ACRES UNREC SUBD CONT 5.05 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 69 160814-00000002-0020 HX 1,412.89 69 160814-00000002-0020 HX 1,412.89 MICHAUD MICHAEL K & TINA L 14.350AC S 491.01' FT OF N 1718.48 FT OF E/2 OF SE/4 OF 16-8-14 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 70 160814-00000005-0000 564.90 'c' l08 -,",:",, I ''05, :>':: 564.90 PHILPOT DAVID HENRY ET AL' 10.500AC BEG AT SE COR OF N/2 OF SEC GO TO NE COR OF SECGO W TO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 71 1.,-n| n0:" i '6.'," 1 2 i6 84 71 160814-00000006-0000 256.84 PHILPOT DAVID HENRY ET AL 2.650AC BEGAT SW/C OF NW/4 & GO ON W LN OIF SEC 1 N .18 FT.TO POB SEE TAX ROLL FOR A DDI T ION A L LEGAL 3.060AC 97 200814-00190000-0040 1,136.39 97 200814-00190000-0040 1,136.39 0 BAILES MILTON LEON & 20.000AC PCL 4 LONG METES & BDS DESC OR51 PG 217 &218 102/591 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 98220814-00000001-0050 HX 1,150.61 98220814-00000001-0050 HX- 1,150.61 JACOBS SAMMY L & DEBORAH L 10.000AC COM AT S%% C OF NW 4 OF 22-1.'8- 14 FOR POR THENCE RIU .-ALONG S SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 99 220814-00000003-0060 HX 1,604.30 c99 22',S14--l- 01:": :3"0l:'10" HN 1,604.30 JlOCKERS TERRIE F & RICHARD 5.000AC S-2 OF N.2 OF E 2 OF E.'2 FF S/2 OF SE/4 CONT 5 AC 104/396 i0 20 311814-0J))100)')i0" 3-005i) 58.43 .100 230814-01i0("i00('3-'. 58.43 EVERIDGE JEFFREY SCOTT 5.970AC TRACT 5 COM AT NW/C OF SW/4 OF 23-08-14 FOR FOR POTHENCE . SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S01 230814-00000003-0060 69.75. 101 230814-00000003-0060 69.75 EVERIDGE JEFFREY SCOTT 12.390AC N PART OF TRACK T 6 COM AT NW/C OF NW/4 OF SW/4 23-8-14 FOR SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 1I,:2 2.0814.-00,ii:"' i:i., -'65 75.70 102 23,0' 814.,10,II000II 3.0. .5 .75.70 Es ERJDGE EFFREY SCOlTT 14.400AC S PART OF TRACT 6 DESC AS COM AT NW/C OF SW/4 OF 23-8-14 FOR SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL '103 231.1814-1i.1.:100)1.103-i01:70 HN I 147.36 , [13 23 I'814-1-.'i ,:l'),l13-0070 iH-i 1.147.36 .SANDERS CHRISTOPHER &WENDY 10.000AC .-TRCT 7 CONT 10. C DSC AS COM1 AT SE C OF SE4 OF NV, 4 SEE TA.\ ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 104 240814-00000,02-0000 HX, 364.98 164 24083614-l 0 ,,'(I ii2-'.I.,, ,l HX 364.98 SASSER WILLIAMl C& STEPHANIE S : 5.000AC 'W 331) FT OF N.2 OF NE 4 COF NE/4 150/639 224/118 225/465 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 10:I5 24 -814- Oi:i) 00) 12.-001: 996 0 |I0i 240814-' r "i 012-00|i3 996 69 C HINES RICHARD L & PATRICIA .A I0.OOOAC -OR POR COM AT SW C OF V 2 IOF S SE 4 OF 24-.18-14 THENCE RLiN N SEE TA\ ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL OAC. 81 160814-01630000-0040 96.47' 81 160814-01630000-0040 96.47 PHILPOT IP EST. 1.000AC LOT 4 3RD ADD SQW RIVER HIGHLANDS SUBD 82 160814-01630000-0140 96.47 82 160814-01630000-0140 96.47 SMITH JAMES R & SHELLY D 1.000AC LOT 14 SUW RIVER HIGHLANDS 3RD ADDITION 52/21 162/339 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 83 160814-01630000-0150 HX 343.41 83 160814-01630000-0.150 HX 343.41 SMITH JAMES RANDY& SHELLEY 2.000AC LOTS 15 & 16 3RD ADD SUW RIV HIGHLANDS SUBD OR 59/248 119/507 255/503 283/406 84 160814-01630000-0220 476.28 84 160814-01630000-0220 476.28 PHILPOT DAVID HENRY .' 7.000AC LOTS 22 23 24 25 26 27 & 28 3RD ADDIT SUW RIV HIGHLANDS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 85 160814-01630000-0310 223.07 85 160814-01630000-0310 223.07 PHILPOT DAVID-HENRY 3.000AC LOTS 31 32 & 33 3RD ADDIT SUW RIV HIGHLANDS SpBD 66/194 80/ 416 81/57 153/378 251/362 86 160814-01630000-0340 919.39 86 160814-01630000-0340 919.39 PHILPOT DAVID HENRY 14.000AC LOTS 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 & 47 3RD ADDIT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 87 160814-01630000-0630 857.43 87 160814-01630000-0630 857.43 PARKS DARYL J &,WILLENE 4.000AC LOTS 63 64 65 & 66 3RD ADDIT SUWANNEE RIVER HIGHLANDS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 88 160814-01630000-1090 476.28 88 160814-01630000-1090 476.28 PHILPOT DAVID HENRY ET AL 7.220AC LOTS 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 3RD ADD SUW RIV HIGHLANDS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 89 160814-01880000-0071 HX 1,147.11 89 160814-01880000-0071 HX 1,147.11 BLANK BRENDA A 5.010AC W 5.01 AC OF S 10.01 AC OF TRACT 7 POSTELL EST UNREC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 90 160814-01880000-0090 HX 701.36 90 160814-01880000-0090 HX 701.36 SWILLEY PATRICIA 5.000AC E/2 OF TRACT 9 POSTELL ESTATES UNREC SUBD DESC IN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 91 160814-01880000-0091 HX 415.42 91 160814-01880000-0091 HX 415.42 MATTHEW KAREN 5.000AC W/2 OF TRACT 9 POSTELL ESTATES UNREC SUBD METES & SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 92 170814-00170000-0190 1,217.82 92 170814-00170000-0190 1,217.82 HEWITT RICHARD H OR DAWN A 2.310AC LOT 19 MTS & BDS DESC OF UNREC SUBD 108/575 CONT 2.50 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 93 190814-06420000-0110 2,306.81 I O, 24,. 814-u00C1i:0 12-0020 HX 423.75 1116 2O 48 I40 1-l' ,I 12-,',002, HX 423.75 CL RTIS CARi'. F A'i 10.00AC FOR APT OF REF COM AT S\V C OF W 2 OF SE 4 OF 24-- 14 GO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 1'' 250' 8 I.1-:,09:30)(i.6i1,,4 HX 370.45 107 25814-09.30i,,,.,,4t,:I HX 370.45 HOLLON DENNIS C 5.180AC. LOT 4 HIGH COUNTRY SUBD CONT 5.18 AC 175/694 2000/161. SEE TA.\ ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 108 250814-00000033-0010,' 614.21 108 250814-00000033-0010 614.21 SMITH JAMES M & REBECCA L 0.460AC COM AT PT 30 FT W OF SW/C OF BLK 5 TOWN OF BELL SUBD FOR SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 109 250814-00000036-0010 188.52 109 250814-00000036-0010 188.52 BELL FARM SUPPLY INC 0.530AC COM AT NW/C OF BLK 12 TOWN OF BELL GO S 61 DEG W 240 FT GO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 110 250814-0000037-0000 2,165.26 110 250814-00000037-0000 2,165.26 BELL FARM SUPPLY INC 2.190AC COM 30 FT W OF NW/C OF BLK 12 AS POB GO S 61 DEG W.400 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 111250814-00200003-0010 819.99 1l1 250814-00200003-0010 819.99 BADGER DELORES J 0.230AC LOT 1 BLK 3 TOWN OF BELL FL 95/461 112 250814-00930000-0100 HX 384.25 112 250814-00930000-0100 HX 384.25 LEBLANC DONNA L I 5.060AC LOT 10 HIGH COUNTRY SUBD CONT 5.06 AC 239/621 277/212 283/ 494 UTIL EASEMENT 289/496 113 250814-02600000-0040 168.58 113 250814-02600000-0040 168.58 ERGLE DALE & BELINDA 0.990AC LOT 4 PARK PLACE SUBD CONT .99 AC 72/14 128/592 247/305- SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 114 250814-02600000-0050 1,051.61 114 250814-02600000-0050 1,051.61 ERGLE DALE & BELINDA 1.000AC LOT 5 PARK PLACE SUBD CONT 1 AC 72/14 128/592 247/305 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 115 260814-00000002-0000 242.89 115 260814-00000002-0000 242.89 PHILPOT DAVID HENRY ET AL 60.000AC NE/4 OF NE/4 & N/2 OF SE/4 NE/4 OR 66/194 80/416 251/362 116 260814-00000009-0000 HX 196.37 116 260814-00000009-0000 HX 196.37 QUINN ANDREW JAMES & NATHANNA 2.220AC COM AT SW/C OF SE/4 OF SW/4 GO E 330 FT TO POB CONT E 304 SEE TAX ROLL EOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 117 270814-00000007-0000 707.28 117 270814-00000007-0000 707.28 BROWNE TERESA SUE 0.550AC COM AT SE/C OF N/2 OF SW/4 OF 27-8-14 FOR A POB GO ALONG E SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 118 280814-1931000B-0020 HX 223.80 118 280814-1931000B-0020 HX 223.80 JOYNER CHARLES L JR 5.210AC LOT 2 BLK B UNIT 1 SUWANNEE - GIL FARMS CONT 5.21 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 119 280814-1931000A-0020 HX 285.68 119280814-1931000A-0020 HX 285.68 LUCKMAN JACK 5.010AC LOT 2 BLK A UNIT 1 SUWANNEE GIL FARMS CONT 5.01 AC 149/5 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 96 200814-00180000-0460 587.05 96 200814-00180000-0460 587.05 HARRELL THEODORE W & SUZANNE S N 100 FT OF S 2100 FT OF GOVT LOTS 1 & 2 IN 20-8-14 CONT SEE TAX ROLL.FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL IVIIy J -L, LUI C.LJ/ dUC-VC CI Y IIv %,3111411t.1 Lot,-- -- -- --'- ~ Mau I I 19. 25-2006 SPctinn R_ Paqe Two Gilchrist Countu Delinauent Tax List 120 280814-1931000B-0040 HX 529.92 120 280814-1931000B-0040. HX 529.92 LOVEDAY ROBERT Z & CLARA S 5.210AC LOT 4 BLK B UNIT 1 SUWANNEE GIL FARMS SUBD CONT 5.21 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 121 280814-1931000B-0060 HX 327.32 121 280814-1931000B-0060 HX 327.32 STRICKLAND JERRY W 5.200AC LOT 6 BLK B UNIT 1 SUWANNEE- GIL FARMS CONT 5.20 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 122 280814-1931000C-0010 456.02 122 280814-1931000C-001.0 456.02 DAVIS WILBUR A & DEBORAH R 5.010AC LOT 1 BLK C UNIT 1 SUWANNEE- GIL FARMS CONT 5.01 146/277 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 123 280814-1931000C-0040. 456.02 123 280814-1931000C-0040 456.02 WHITE MICHAEL D JR 5.010AC LOT 4 BLK C UNIT 1 SUWANNEE GIL FARMS SUBD CONT 5.01 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 124 290814-00000001-0040 434.83 124 290814-00000001-0040 434.83 MITCHELLROYCE E 13.220AC COM AT'NW/C OF NW/4 OF NE/4 GO E 446.34 FT TO POB GO E SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 125 290814-00000001-0050 434.83 125 290814-00000001-0050 434.83 MITCHELL ROYCE E 13.220AC COM AT NE/C OF NW/4OF NE/4 AS POB GO S 1298.39 FT GO W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 126 90814-00000005-0000 666.18 126 290814-00000005-0000 666.18 HUMPHREYS RALPH D JR 10.000AC BEGIN 329.35 FT S OF NE/C OF NE/4 OF SE/4 29-8-14 THEN RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR'ADDITIONAL LEGAL . 127 290814-06410000-0100 877.19 127 290814-06410000-0100 877.19 ALLRED KATHLEEN HARRELL 1.150AC LOT 10 IST ADDIT SUWANNEE LANDING SUBD OR 79/215& 244 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 128 30081'4-00810000-0070 58.48 128 300814-00810000-0070 58.48 HENRY ROBERT L & IMOGENE K 1.OOO0AC LOT 7 RIVERVIEW EST SUBD 19-8-14 80/650 TAX DEED 2002/ 1449 2004/2645 129 300814-00810000-0080 58.48 129 300814-00810000-0080 58.48 HENRY ROBERT L & IMOGENE K I.00AC LOT 8 RIVERVIEW EST SUBD 19-8-14 80/650 TAX DEED,2002/ 1452 2004/2645 130 300814-00640000-0030 1,049.41 130 300814-00640000-0030 1,049.41 CHAMNESS HARRY M SR & ELLA M 1.1.OAC' LOT 3 SUWANNEE LANDING SUBD OR 78/108 127/555-556 EASEMENT SSEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 131 300814-0081000Q-0010 58.48 131 300814-00810000-0010 58.48 WHITELYHAZELTON 0.990AC LOT I RIVERVIEW EST SUBD 19-8-14 80/650 89/294 111/345 S119/576 TAX DEED 2004/4087 132 320814-00830000-0030 143.35 132 320814-00830000-0030 143.35 COLLINS IVON 5.120AC LOT 3 FOREST WOODLANDS EST. SUBD 80/643 TAX DEED 118/483 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGA, ,. 13 320,S14.-00 30000-.006, '|5 19 .. COLLINS IVON 6.320AC LOT 4 FOREST WOODLANDS EST SUBD 80/643 TAX DEED 118/486 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 134 320814-00830600-0050' 187.41 134 320814-00830000-0050 187.41 COLLINS IVON 6.320AC LOT 5 FOREST WOODLANDS EST SUBD 80/643 TAX DEED 118/489 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 135 320814-00830000-0060 153.19 S135 320814-00830000-0060. 153.19 COLLINS IVON 6.320AC LOT 6 FOREST WOODLANDS EST , SUBD 80/643 TAX. DEED 118/492 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 136 320814-00830000-0240 177.63 136 320814-00830000-0240 177.63 TEASLEY-TINA LEE & 10.220AC LOT 24 FOREST WOODLANDS EST SUBD 80/643 89/297 2005/1208 137 320814-00830000-0300 HX 196.37 137 320814-00830000-0300. HX, 196.37 FRAZIERJ E 11.900AC LOTS 30 & 31 FOREST WOODLANDS EST 80/643 87/277 93/546-547 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 138 320814-00830000-0470 101.17 138 320814-00830000-0470 101.17 BLANCHARD WILLIAM GREGG 1.000AC E 104 FT LOT 47 FOREST WOOD LANDS EST SUBD 83/155 89/35 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 139 320814-00830000-0471 HX 196.37 139 320814-008300000471 HX 196.37 . BLANCHARD WILLIAM 1.890AC W 196 FT OF LOT 47 FOREST WOODLAND ESTATES 101/293 286/ S740 140 320814-00870000-0030 138.68 140 320814-00870000-0030 138.68 SEVON FRED 1.000AC LOT 3 CAROLINE'S COUNTRY SUBD 88/41 99/390 107/62 144/446 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 141 320814-00870000-0040 138.68 141 320814-00870000-0040 138.68 SEVON FRED -I.000AC - LOT 4 CAROLINE'S COUNTRY SUBD 88/41 99/390 107/62 144/446 SEE TAX ROLL" FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 142 320814-00870000-0200 138.68 142 3208 1'4-00870000-0200 138.68 COLLINS JOHN B 1.540AC . LOT 20 CAROLINE'S COUNTRY SUBD 88/41 166/293 143 330814-19330000-0010 HX 367.25 143 330814-19330000-0010 HX 367.25 DAVIS WILBUR A & DEBORAH R 5.010AC LOT 1 UNIT 3 SUWANNEE-GIL , FARMS SUBD CONT 5.01 AC 157/ .SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 144 330814-19330000-0150 1,455.79 144 330814-19330000-0150 1,455.79 FUENTES TONY JR & NANCY B 5.140AC LOT 15 UT 3 SUWANNEE-GIL FARMS SUBD CONT 5.14 AC 154/468 169/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 145 360814-00000007-0010 844.86 145 360814-00000007-0010 844.86 MASSINGILL SARAH JEAN & 0.610AC COM AT NE/C OF 36-8-14 FOR POR THENCE RUN ALG N LN OF SEC 36 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 146 360814-00000007-0020 220.18 146 360814-00000007-0020 220.18 MASSINGILL SARAH JEAN & 0.610AC COM AT NE/C OF 36-8-14 FOR POR THENCE RUN ALG N LN OF SEC 36 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 147 360814-00000008-0030 1,281.13 147 360814-0000008-0030 1,281.13 BELL KENNETH & LINDA 3.080AC COM AT SE/C OF NE/4 OF 36-08- 14 FOR POB THENCE RUN ALG E LN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 148 360814-00000012-0030 HX 175.91 148 360814-00000012-0030 HX 175.91, CRACE SUZANNE R 0.520AC COM AT NE/C OF NW/4 36-8-14 GO W 866.90 FT GO S 225.86 FT. SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL' 149 360814-00000012-0035 575.88 149 360814-00000012-0035 575.88 CRACE WILLIAM G 4.230AC COM AT NE/C OF NW/4 36-8-14 & RUN ON N LN OF NW/4 N 89 DEG W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 150 360814-00210000-0200 201.84 150 360814-00210000-0200 201.84 CREWS ROY & DEANNA 0.220AC LOT 20 BHS 57/263 71/417 78/ 174 181/215 UTILITY EASEMENT 190/15 275/180 2003/2816 151 360814-00210000-0350 HX 109.85 151 360814-00210000-0350 HX 109.85 FORSHEE LINDA 0.220AC LOT 35 B HS 88/295.103/581 , 125/608 128/164.136/402 136/ 404 166/651 152 010914-00000002-0000 173.48 152 010914-00000002-0000 173.48 PHILPOT DAVID HENRYET AL 40.000AC SE/4 OF NW/4 OR 66/194 80/416 251/362 153 (3t914- )' i 0 1 '':-0 )20':1 ). 1 HX 897.51 ' 153 F3091]4-.i :* n,:.,4-i'.' ,2,) HX 897.51 SCOTT AMY KAY 1.000AC' COM AT SE/C OF NE/4 OF SE 4 CF 3-9-14 FOR-POR THENCE RUN ON E SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 15-4 103i914.-001" C")0000 '-1. HX 1.034 26 154 030914-0L .:":.'-" )10. HN 1.034 26 BRUNGER .iAMtES MICHAEL 5 :'OOAC COM AT SW/C'OF SE/4' OF 3-9-14 FOR FOR THENCE RUN ALG S LN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL I 55 04i914-000-)0i.13-0).I"J0 HX 196.37 I155 14.914 0-.1 )(0.13-0C)u HX 196.37 HUTCHESON KENNETH L 0.500AC C(1M AT NE C OF SE 4 OF 4-9-14 .& RUN S 89 DEG W-55.25 FT TO SFE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 156 050914-00000004-0000 1,003.38 15 in 5914. )Un00 -4-0:00.' 1 003 38 , PE.AT.IN KEITH V & DEBORAH 40.000AC .SE/4 OF NW/4 262 429 2(,02 5975 157I 5"0914.,1:"92 ""-: i :,' 2508 27 .157 ')50914.i'u92u')i00-0JU10l 2 508 27 RARE BIRD FARM INC 13 890'AC. LOT I & E 2 OF LOT 2 OAKS OF %\ ANNEE S.iBD 89 46: 97 537-538 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 158 050914-00920000-0100 HX 109.66 158 050914-00920000-0100 HX. 10966 \ ISNISKI LEO WILLIAM 5.000AC LOT I( OAKS OF WANNEE UNREC " SUBD CONT5AC 89 464 92 319 . SEE TAN ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 15-0 (,o0 14-' i i( Fl ) ') -fli',) 188 89 159 060914-00000002-0000 18,8.89 DEAL TROY MJR ,2.460AC COM AT NE COR OF GOVT LOT 1 AS POB GO S ALG LN DIVIDING SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S160 070914-00000003-0002 58.77 . 160 070914-00000003-0002 58.77' SUN SPRING'S DEVELOPMENT CORP 0.460AC COMBAT NE/C OF LOT 1 OF.TURKEY :"'' ! PT SUBD RUN N12 DEG W 105FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 161 070914-00980000-0050 159.76 161070914-00980000-0050 159.76 MITCHELL JERALD F & PEGGY B 0.520AC LOT 5 TURKEY POINT SUBD 230/ 433 245/270 245/272 286/168 286/174 162 080914-0023000H-0010 1,707.56 162 080914-0023000H-0010 1,707.56 BROWN WILLIAM PERRY 0.430AC LOT 1 BLK H WANNEE 7-9-14 OR 49/683 98/23 110/301 112/366 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 163 080914-00000008-0010 HX 196.37, 163 080914-00000008-0010 HX 196.37 RAIN MARY LOU ,. 1.200AC COM AT SE/C OF 8-9-14 GO W ALONG CO GRADE 2648.27 FT GO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 164 080914-00000016-0040 393.92 164 080914-00000016-0040 393.92 WILSON MALCOLM K & SHARON D 5.000AC COM AT SE/C OF'NW/4'OF NW/4 OF, 8-9-14 AS POR GO W 100 FT TO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 165 080914-0023000A-0290 HX 196.37 165 080914-0023000A-0290 HX' 196.37 HAZELWOOD TAMMY DIANE 0.3QOAC LOTS 29 & 30 BLK A WANNEE ON SUWANNEE 80/117 119/485 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 166 080914-0023000A-0370 .75.36 166 080914-0023000A-0370 75.36 SUWANNEE RIVER SPRINGS INC 0.150AC LOT 37 BLK A WANNEE 180/494' 4/84. 167 080914-0023000C-0150 75.36 167 080914-0023000C-0150 75.36 RIVAS BARBARA MONROE 0.150AC . LOT 15 BLK C WANNEE 4/84 2003/ 418 2003/419 168 080914-0023000C-0170 117.57 168 080914-0023000C-0170 117.57 RIVAS BARBARA MONROE 0.300AC. LOTS 17 & 18 BLK C WANNEE 4/84 2003/419 169 080914-0023000C-0290 280.78 169 080914:0023000C-0290 280.78 RICHARDSON PHILLIP A JR & 0.300AC LOTS 29 & 30 BLK C WANNEE 51/97 213/175 213/589 UTILITY EASEMENT 219/472 4/84 170 080914-0023000E-0020 159.76 170 080914-0023000E-0020 159.76 PERROTTA LOU 0.450AC LOTS 2 3 & 4 BLK E WANNEE 4/84 TAX DEED 2002/1191-1193 2002/2790 2005/1255 171 080914-0023000E-0080 75.36 171 080914-0023000E-0080 75.36 HERTILIEN JUSTINE & .0.150AC LOT 8 BLK E WANNEE ON SUWANNEE 4/84 2004/6558 2005/645 172 080914-0023000E-0240 201.96 172 080914-0023000E-0240 .201.96 GOODMAN MARY ROBERTA ESTATE 0.560AC LOTS.24 25 40 41 BLK E WANNEE 108/390 4/84 173 080914-02030000-0010 2,445.25 173 080914-02030000-0010 2,445.25 RODEN CHARLES A SR & JANIE M 5.240AC LOT 1 SHADY OAK ESTATES SUBD CONT 5.24 AC 153/697 153/697 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 174 090914-02320000-0030 376.05 174 090914-02320000-0030 376.05 SAPIENZA EDITH 5.000AC LOT 3 SUN SPRINGS EST CONT 5 AC 45/182 105/164-165 129/535 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 175 100914-00000001-0060 HX 893.10 175 100914-00000001-0060 HX 893.10 ROBERTS JAMES LAVETT & 3.280AC COM AT NE/C OF 10-9-14 GO ON E LN OF SEC S 40 FT GO W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 176 110914-00000004-0000 HX 300.85 1761-10914-00000004-0000 HX 300.85 BUNKLEY PAULA NETTLES 10.000AC SE/4 OF NE/4 OF SW/4 155/529 221/411 281/118 284/283 284/ 285284/287 284/289 177 110914-00000004-0030 826.20 177 110914-00000004-0030 826.20 BUNKLEY PAULA N 10.000AC NW/4 OF SW/4 OF NE/4 OF 11-9- 14CONT 10AC 131/38 - 178 110914-00000004-0050 HX 632.11 178 110914-00000004-0050 HX 632.11 ORKNEY JACKSON & CHRISTINE K 5.000AC COM AT SW/C OF NW/4 OF 11-9-14 FOR POR THENCE RUN ON SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 179 110914-00000004-0060 77.48 179 110914-00000004-0060 77.48 BUNKLEY PAULA NETTLES 10.000AC NE/4 OF SW/4 OF NE/4 221'411 281/118 284/287 180 120914 .Oi-00001 11 :-0000 HXF 1,364 70 180 120914-00000011-0000 HIX 1,364.70 GIBB GREGORY L & SUSAN K 24.550AC PART OF S/2 OF SE'4 DESC AS FROM SW/C OF SE.4 GO E o57 8 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 181 1300 14 0.t:O':,):''1 2.1.0,2:0 HX 1,2o, 67 181 1 30 14.0I-,i,'"0 '-O" '. HXF 1,260.67 RUDD RONALD W 29.810AC NE/4CF NW 4 LESS 328.'7 FT . OF 13-9-14 CONT 29.81 AC SSEE TAXROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEG~iAL 182 130.914-00L001007-00 3!I H 196 37 182 130914-0ii00(007-0030 HX 196 37 ' HLiRLEY WILLIAM T JR & ROBIN L 1.000AC COM AT NwV.C OF E.'2 OF NW-4 OF SNW4 OF 13-9 14 AS POB GO E . SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 183 1409140000000003-0010 ,,-585 24 , I 3 O141914-000 330003-00 I0 58 24 . .TRAVIESO RAIL R 5.000AC W/2 OF NW/4 OF SW/4 OF NE/4 -124,4237 3751 LTIL EASEMENF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S184 1 4'0914 .-,':'00,00, -.0,''':,: 7,:14 75 - 18-4 140c,14-000'000:08-0".:i0 H 7: 4 75 CARNKqLENY JAIROD EVEN 19 390AC E 2 OF SW\ 4 OF SE 4 LESS RD RW V ,311 98 693 268 227 20(2 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDiTiONAL LEGAL 185 I l3:3 "14 -'i":0"'00 ':l -.:"1 : 1336 '.16 185 160914-00000001-000 336.06 JENKINS MITTIE ILA METAL "' 36.500AC ' NE 4 :F NE 4 LESS RD R/W" ' 72/463 LESS. 1AC;TOMCCOY . SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL IENKINS MITTIE ILA I39 SAC N 2 OF N\vW.4 & W 2 OF NE'4 ;LESS IAC IN NW 4 OF NE 4 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 187 16U914- I::000"003-01' I 12 187 160914-000000003-0010 126.12 BENNETT MITTIE ILA JENKINS 1.00AC COM AT NE/C OF NW/4 OF NE/4 ' 16-10-14& RLrNS40 FT TOS / . SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL I i'' | 16'f |4.01i"' til 03-=f' H' Y :'''3'i' : !423 i)';. S1S Ir,"|14.0 200,0i"i03.i"i'i2 HX 241 .235 . ".'1_.ilT.N1 JEFFREY & 4 851.iAC W 10 AC OF NW/4 OF NW/4-LESS .30 AC RD R W LESS AC TO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEG.\L 189 1669"14 00.ii.i04-'02'0 H X 940.22 19 I0'146.':0 i.000':":4 .-1 21. HX 940.22 MASH RJICHARD & REBECCA 2:000AC COM AT SW/C OF SE/4 OF SW/4 OF 16-9-14 FOR POR THENCE RUN ON SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 190 170914-02420000-0050 277.57 190 170914-02420000-0050 277.57 MITCHELL BUCK & PEGGY 0.200AC LOT 5 UNIT 2 ST ADDIT SUN . SPGS SULBD 72 114 UNTIL EASEMENT 228 194 237,'416 191 170914-02420000-0200 85.92 191 170914-02420000-0200 85.92 MITCHELL JERALD F & PEGGY B 0.110AC LOT 20 UNIT 2 1ST ADDIT SUN SPGS SUBD UTILITY EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 192 170914-02420000-0210' 85.92 192 170914-02420000-0210 85.92 MITCHELL JERALD F & PEGGY B 0.120AC LOT 21-UNIT 2 1ST ADDIT SUN SPGS SUBD UTILITY EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 193 170914-00000001-0032 97.24 193 170914-00000001-0032' 97:24 MARTIN 'L W WEEKS ESTATE 1.380AC PART OF GOVT LOT 1 DESC AS BEG SE/C OF LOT 6BLK A SUN SPGS SEE TAX ROLL FOR-ADDITIONAL LEGAL 194 170914-00000001-0050 90.05 ,194 170914-00000001-0050 90.05 MITCHELL JERALD F & PEGGY B 1.070AC COM AT SW/C OF LOT 21 SUN SPGS SUED IST ADDIT UT 2 AS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 195 180914-00250000-0230 402.42 195 180914-00250000-0230 402:42 DESPRES PIERRE 0.490AC LOT 23 SUW ROVERA HTS UNREC OR 76/508 135/531 200/583 196210914-00000004-0021 FIX 348.21 196 210914-00000004-0021 HX 348.21 CARTER THOMAS P JR 1.000AC ' BEGIN AT SE/C OF SE/4 OF 21-9-14 & RUN N 89 DEG W ALG S SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 197 230914-00000005-0023 HX 745.31 197 230914-00000005-0023 HX 745.31 SUAREZ ELISA B 10.020AC LOT 3 ANDREW WOODS DESC AS COM AT SE/C OF SE/4 OF SW/4 & RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 198 260914-00000004-0010 1,042.27 198 260914-00000004-0010 1,042.27 WALLS JOSEPH J JR & ELAINE C 1 0.OOOAC W/2 OF W/2 OF NW/4 OF NW/4 85/635 205/123 205/124 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 199 270914-00000005-0000 472.44 199 270914-00000005-0000 472.44 BARRON JACKIE R & DEBORAH V 16.140AC S/2 OF SW/4 OF SW/4 LESS 2 AC TO JACKIE BARRON IN OR 64 PG 604 LESS RD R/W 135/513 200 270914-00000005-0010 HX 654.44. 200 270914-00000005-0010 HX 654.44 BARRON JACKIE R & DEBORAH V 2.000AC COM AS POREF AT SE/COR OF S/2 OF SW/4 OF SW/4 GO N TO N RW SEE TAX ROLL FOR'ADDITIONAL LEGAL 201 280914-01920000-0080 1,001.62 201 280914-01920000-0080 1,001.62 MCLEOD ANNA 5.390AC LOT 8 SUWANNEE RIVER RANCH ESTATES SUBD CONT 5.39 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 202 280914-00000007-0040 -666.18 202 280914-00000007-0040 666.18 CLEMONS LUCILLE (DECEASED) 10.000AC NW/4 OF NE/4'OF NW/4 OF 28-9-14 TOGETHER WITH SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 203 280914-01920000-0040 HX 302.42 203 280914-01920000-0040 HX 302.42 BENNETT MARK S & MICHELE D 5.520AC LOT 4 SUWANNEE RIVER RANCH ESTATES SUBD CONT 5.25 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 204 280914-01920000-0100 HX 277.79, 204 280914-01920000-0100 HX 277.79 MOZIER LORA 5.390AC LOT 10 SUWANNEE RIVER RANCH ESTATES SUBD CONT 5.39 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 205 280914-01920000-0150 1,632.56 205 280914-01920000-0150 1,632.56 DAILEY ROBERT L & LAUREN -5.230AC LOT 15 SUWANNEE RIVER RANCH ESTATES SUBD CONT 5.23 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 206 29L'914-.0,)00,.n:".I|-0.10 HX 1,254 88 206 290914-00000001-0010 HX' 1,254.88 LINDSEYDALE W & ANGIES 5000AC COM AT NE/C OF 29-09-14 FOR PORANDRUN ALONG E LINE'OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 207290914-00000002-0020 HX .1,034,49 R207 29091 4 0'0,).,2. -''i FIHX, 1,034.49 ROBINSON ERIC & RITA B 17.170AC E 4 OF S-2 OF NE 4 LESS 2 AC iN 85 40 CONT IS 37 AC LESS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDiTIONAL LEGAL 208 29' 14 .'i:i:00 06-1: i 1 636 08 208 29091]4-(" )01.' iiO-l00 0011I 636 '.18 WILLIAMIS ANGELA C 5 C",)AC COM AT SE C OF NW 4 29-9-14 A RIN N 73 68 FT Tt- NORTHERN Y SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 209i 290,914-0)00:l006-0020 496 59 2,)9 290914-.':'0COO( ')6.-'021. 496 59 " ROBINSON ERICK 2470AC COM .AT SEC OF SE4 C)F NW.4 OF 9 -9-14 & RUN ON S LN OF SE 4 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S12 I 0 2091-4.ii0000:0 8-" : I 0I 260. : 1 210 296 9 14 -0200- ( '8 -:00 H 26X 51 . W\ RIGHT STEPHEN M & I O0')AC' COM AT SE COR OF NW 4 AND GO A DIST C.F APPROX 4i: FT TO N. SEE T X\ ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 211 291914-ll,' .,lui ",'f.'I H\ 196 37 211 290914-00000009-0000 0HX 196 37 TECkENBRC -K L DA iD I 50"AC COM, AT SE COR 'OF N'W 4 Go i S'200FTN40FTTONR/W LNOF , SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S 212 2 .9914.0"1:i'IIII:I13-1i1i11O 403 I 3 212 29091 -I-'"" .":' 13-":,' )i0 463 13 STICKLES SHERMIAN K & .O ANNE H 1.O00AC COIM AT SE COR OF S OF N'\ 4 GO N TO-N RW ,LN OF ST RD 344 . SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 2143 l290914-)00000014-000 HX 577 85 S 213 290914-01000014-000) HX 577 85 STICKLES SHERMAN KEITH & 3 000OAC. COM AT SE.C OF NW,.'!4 OF 29-9-14 GO N 475 FT T)O POB GO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 214 290914-00000018-0020 : X 210.83. 214 290914-00000018-0020 HX 210..83 TR\C'N CHRIS TAM.IiE 4.090AC COlM AT NW C OF NE 4 OF SW/4 GOt O'N \O LN S 21': FT,TO POB SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 21; o 3 14-0I:II:.:.|-I0: 0 :: 'I: 1 I I P 'T ' 21520 I14-'''''''u i "'' .I H 4 2 .9H X 1 o -37 LANGFORD JOE WALTER & 1.000AC , COM AT A PT WHERE THE S BDRY R/W LN OF ST RD S-344 INTER- SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 2. 16 330914-0L:00: R:,1001'7.:u .5"l: 4'12.98' 216 360,914.00,','),0"1-0 0 2 412.98 DAVS SON JAMES & 10.000AC COM AT SE/C OF 30-9-14'GO ON, E LN OF SEC N 500 FT GO W SSEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 217 330914-00000001-0010 HX 2,450.98 217 330914-00000001-0010 HX .2,450.98 DURST JOHN L & PATRICIA T 11.300AC COM AT NE/C OF SE/4 OF 33-9-14 ' FOR POR THENCE RUN AL N LN OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 218 330914-00000001-0030 1,035.43 218'330914-0000001-0030 1,035.43 MESSINA ANTHONY & DANA 10.000AC COM AT NE C OF NW 4 OF SE 4 QF 33-9-14 FOR POR THENCE RUN ALG SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 219 330914-00000001-0031 584.67 219 330914-00000001-0031 584.67 ANDREWS JOHN C & ELLEN C 5:350AC COM AT NE/C OF NW/4 OF SE/4 OF 33-9-14 FOR POR THENCE RUN ALG SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 220 330914-00000001-0033 1,035.43 220 330914-00000001-0033 1,035.43 MESSINA ANTHONY & DANA 10.000AC COM AT NE/C OF NW/4 OF SE/4 OF 33-9-14 FOR POR THENCE RUN'ALG SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL,, 221. 340914-01930000-0280 '613.43 221 340914-01930000-0280 613.43 HOLLAND CHARLES W JR & 1O.000AC TRACT-28 SUW RIV RANCH EST DESC IN METES & BDS CONT 10 AC 200/388 2000/4558 222 350914-00000002-0010 HX 1,870.34 .. 222 350914-00000002-0010 HX 1,870.34 POWERS RONNIE L & BOBBI S 15.610AC SE/4 OF NW/4 LESS 19.39 AC TO STEPHENS 75/675 167/62 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 223 350914-00000008-0040 HX 1,087.56 223 350914-00000008,-0040 HX 1,087.56 SAUNDERS SYLVIA AZULOY & 8.080AC COM AT NE/C OF SW/4 OF SE/4 OF 35-9-14 FOR POR THENCE RUN ON SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 224 350914-02400000-0140 HX 586.39 224 350914-02400000-0140 HX 586.39 BRANNING JAMES 5.020AC LOT 14 STRATFORD RUN SUBD 113/ 198 122/64 133/272-273 253/592 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 225 021014-00000005-0000 HX 213.99 225 021014-00000005-0000 HX 213.99 LANGFORD JOHN MARVIN 5.000AC S/2 OF SW/4 OF NW/4 OF SW/4 16/198 44/265 72/349 181/190 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 226 031014-00000005-0010 181.62 226 031014-00000005-0010 181.62 MCQUEEN WES 33.500AC SW/4 OF SE/4 LESS 2 AC TO CHURCH & 4 AC TO MAY & RD R/W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL . 227 041014-00000001-0020 HX 617.53 227 041014-00000001-0020 HX 617.53 MATTHEWS STEVEN E SR 10.000AC NW/4 OF NE/4 OF NE/4 204/95 277/639 R/W 284/40 2005/5727 228 041014-02380000-0040 HX 772.76 228 041014-02380000-0040 HX 772.76. CARRYER ERNEST L 2.500AC LOT 4 C-232 RANCHETTES CONT 2.5 AC 204/338 UTIL EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL. 229 051014-00000006-0010 HX 1,631.00 229 051014-00000006-0010 HX 1,631.00 ZIEGLER JACQUELINE 40.000AC SW/4 OF SW/4.289/226 2001/3296 2003/2300-2301 2005/5507 2005/ 5508 230071014-01100000-00.00 HX 1,479.58 230071014-01100000-0100 HX 1,479.58- BRETON TROY& ANGELA E 15.000AC LOT 10 11& 12 PINES OF OTTER SPRINGS CONT 15 ACRES TOTAL .SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 231 071014-01100000-0270 HX 1,439.08 231 071014-01100000-0270 HX 1'439.08 GLECKLER PATTY JO 5.000AC LOT 27 PINES OF OTTER SPRINGS CONT 5 AC 125/100 150/398 268/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S 232 081014-000000060000 HX 120.66 232 081014-00000006-0000 HX 120.66- EASTERLY IVAN & IRIS L 5.000AC E/2 OF SW/4 OF NW/4 OF NE/4 24/589263/194 263/195 263/197 264/591 2000/4556 233 091014-00000003-0030 HX 589.61 233 091014-00000003-0030 -HX 589.61 BECKEIHEIMER STEPHEN CHARLES 4.000AC, COM AT SW/C OF SE 4 O'F SE'4 S9-10-14 FORPOR THENCE RUN ALG SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 234 121014-ii 000iriiJi6-Ci 001 7 55 234 101014-00000006-0011 97.55 .' . WILE' MICHAEL E & MAUREENL 14.530AC": COM AT NE C OF SW 4 OF 10-10- 14 FOR POR THENCE RUN ON N LN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 235 121014-00000002-0010 HX 338.05 235 121014-00000002-0010 HX 338.05 DEBRHL DENARD D& MARINA D 1.000AC COM AT N\W COR GO S 0 DEG 17 MIN 09 SEC W 40 FT TO SRLY RW SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 236 161014-00000012-0000 HX 1,586.72 , S' 2361610f4-00000012-0000 HX.1,586.72 * MARTiN ALBERT F & 1.000AC COM AT NW C OF SW 4 OF 16-10-14 GO ON W LN OF SW/4 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 237 161014-03190000-0010 486 83 237 161014-03190000-0010 486 83 . HOLDER WILLIAM T & JESSICA R 2.000AC. LOT LILLIAN ESTATES SUBD 101/25 111/196 124/179 EASE- SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 2. 3 I. l I. 101, 1 .1""'11:11.*ll, .01:1: HX 1,612197 238 1611I 4-i-:000,01:.i -0'_'2l 0 HX 1,612.97 S ROGERSKAY ', 2.290AC . E 528FTOFN. 1/3OFS 4C- FT . SOF S\\ 4 OF NW 4 TOGETHER W - SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDiTiONAL LEGAL 239 1610 14- I:(::1:.' 13?-I)') I 3 I--. ..3 , .239 161014-00000013-0010 386.44'. MARTIN JAMES D0 & 5.650AC -' W/2 OF N/2 OFCOM AT SW/C OF 16-10-14 GOE 661) FT TO PuB SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 2440 1n1014-)0001) Io-001.0. 812 16 . 240 161014-00000016-0000.. .812.1 RIDGE AA DLIANE .I 0.960AC . COM AT NW/C OF SW/4 OF : 16-10-14/GO S 279.71 FT TO PT - SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL : - S241 161014-0 000) 0 23.-" I- -14 241 [6-'1 3, -.,,,3 I r11 14 . WARD JULIE A 0.590AC' ;- BEG ON S R/W LN OF SCL RR FORMERLY ACLRR WHERE SEC 16. SEE TAX ROiLLaF.R RADDIT.IOiNA L EiiA L 242 171014-'.1' 1.1'001:h ),' -0000' H.'.' I 1.547 IS 242 171014-0000001.-0050 .HX 1,547.18 , C RA FT HERBERT V.' &. DEBO-RAH lO.OpACC SW/4OFNW/4 OF NW 4 LESS SRD SR/W 91/28698/269 131/455 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S243 171014-0000012-.000 610.65 243171014-00000012-0000 610.65 LEE WILLIAM 0 1.000AC , COM AT NW COR OF NE/4 OF SE. /4AS-POB GO S 73 YDS TO N SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 244 181014-00270005-0010 450.57 I 244 181014-00027005-l).0 i1iu 450.57. MARTIN W\ILLIAM JiACkSO,2IJR 0.360AC LOTS 1-6 BLK 5 SUW RIVER SUBD 65/94 145/420 2t23/670 204/318 - 256/580' 245 181014-00270010-0210 568.14 . 245 181014-00270010-0210, 568.14 SANSTINE.MONROE M- & M ALVA & 0.600AC- LOTS 2124 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 & 32 BLK 10 SUW RIV SUBD SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 246 181014-00000017-0000 685.91 246 181014-000 7-000-000 685.91 SULLIVAN MIKE 1.000AC COM AT NE/C OF NE/4 OF SE/4 GO S ALONG E SEC LN DIVIDE SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 247 181014-00000022-0010 383.69 247 181014-00000022-0010 383.69 WILLIAMS LEWIS J 2.200AC TRACT I DESC AS COM AT NE/C OF GOVT LOT 10 OF 18-10-14 AS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL '248 181014-00000022-0020 218.85 248 181014-00000022-0020 218.85 3.) WILLIAMS LEWIS J 2:200AC . TRACT 2 DESC AS COM AT NE/C OF GOVT LOT 10 IN 18-10-14 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 249 181014-00260001-0010 201.96 :: 249 181014-00260001-0010 201.96 ;. KIRBY DARYL S 1.320AC LOTS1234567&8 BLK 1 WEST & JOHNSON ADDIT 8/143 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 250 181014-00260002-0010 429.47 250 181014-00260002-0010 429.47 WRIGHT ANDREW L SR 0.240AC LOTS 1 & 2 BLK 2 WEST & JOHNSON ADDIT 43/208 263/250 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 251 181014-00260004-0040 180.87 251 181014-00260004-0040 180.87 ' KIRBYDARYLS 0.830AC , LOTS456789 & 10 BLK 4 WEST & JOHNSON ADDIT 8/143 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 252 181014-00260004-0110 HX 342.01 ::: 252 181014-00260004-0110 HX 342.01 LONIC BENJAMIN J 0.370AC LOTS 11 12 & 13 BLK 4 WEST & JOHNSON ADDIT 53/434 & 435 SEE TAX ROLL-FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 253 181014-00260007-0170 96.47 253 181014-00260007-0170 96.47 DICKMEYER PAULA JEAN 0.380AC LOTS 171 189 BLK 7 WEST AND JOHNSON SUBD OR 68 PG 642 152/407 279/239 254 181014-00260008-0160 758.04 254 181014-00260008-0160 758.04 OGLESBY DAVID 0.250AC LOT 16 & 17 BLK 8 WEST & JOHNSON ADDITION 127/161 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL Mau 11, 18, 25, 2006 L.R, L "45L, L -L-~~~~ -~~~J' --~~I rilhrist Cm'ni Delinauent Tax List Section B, Page Three 255 181014-00260013-0030 180.87 255 181014-00260013-0030 180.87 KIRBY DARYL S 0.770AC LOTS 3 4 5 678 &22BLK 13 WEST & JOHNSON ADDIT 2004/6479 -6483 2004/6484 2005/2472 256 181014-00260013-0120 117.57 256 181014-00260013-0120 117.57 KIRBY DARYL S. 0.480AC LOTS 12 13 14 & 15 BLK 13 WEST & JOHNSON ADDIT 2004/6479 -6483 2004/6484 2005/2472 257 181014-00260013-0210 54.27 257 181014-00260013-0210 54.27 KIRBY DARYL S 0.110AC LOT 21 BLK 13 WEST & JOHNSON ADDITION 5/573 8/143 2004/6479 -6483 2004/6484 2005/2472 258 181014-00270001-0010, HX 667.35 258 181014-00270001-0010 \ HX 667.35 BURKE RAYMOND & CYNTHIA 0.680AC LOTS 1-13 BLOCK 1 SUWANNEE' RIVER SUBD 61/545 72/187 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 259 181014-00270002-0010 HX 351.80 259 181014-00270002-0010 HX 351.80 ROLLISON PAULA '0.720AC LOTS 1-13 INCLUSIVE BLK 2 SUW RIV SUBD 43/490 49/475 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 260 181014-00270004-0010 HX 196.37 260 181014-00270004-0010 HX 196.37 GOURLEY VICKI L 0.360AC LOTS2345 & 6 BLK 4 SUW SRIV SUBD 75/325 130/07-09 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 261 181014-00270006-0020 419.51 261 181014-00270006-0020 419.51 LENOS MARY 0.480AC LOTS 23671011 14 15BLK 6 SUW RIVER SUBD 111/120 124/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR.ADDITIONAL LEGAL 262 181014-00270006-0130 HX 245.36 262 181014-00270006-0130 HX 245.36 BRUNDEGE JOHN W 0.600AC LOTS 13 16 1720 21 24 25 28 29 & 32 BLK 6 SUW RIVER SUBD SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 263 181014-00270006-0180 525.45 263 181014-00270006-0180 525.45 HARVEY GOLDEN V ; 0.240AC LOTS 18 19 22 & 23 BLK 6 SUW , RIVER SUBD OR 49/383 56/251- 252 75/66799/324-325 264 181014-00270010-0010 602.93 264 181014-00270010-0010 602.93 WALDRON J LUTHER & B G 0120AC LOTS I & 4 BLK 10 SUW RIVER SUBD 72/587 91/525 94/250 128/370 265 181014-00270010-0020 228.02 265 181014-00270010-0020 228.02 WALDRON J LUTHER & B G 0:120AC LOTS 2 & 3 BLK 10 SUW RIVER SUBD 72/587'91/525 94/250 148/219 266 181014-00270014-0020 494.65 266 181014-00270014-0020 494.65 CONTRELL RICKYA & 0.240AC LOTS 2 3 6 7 BLK 14 SUW RIV SUBD 91/512 104/191 117/203 & SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 267 181014-00270014-0180 HX 290.57 267 181014-00270014-0180 HX 290.57 HODSON JOHN E& PATRICIA A 0.480AC LOTS 18 19 22 & 23 BLK 14 SUW RIV SUBD 91/512 104/197 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 268 1SI0.1 1'.,I-,"I 539.58 268,181014-00270016-0010 539 58 YENASONROSEB : I 920AC LOTS 1-32 BLK 16 SUW RIVER SUBD 92/69 189/121 189/123 269,181014-00270017-0240 HX 398.95 269.181014-00270017-0240 HX 398.95 HUFFMAN MATTHEW & JAMES E& 0.300AC LOTS 24 25 28 29 & 32 BLK 17 SUW RIVER SUBD 93/53 209/43 244/506 276/635 270 181014-00270021-0020 HX 370.37 270 181014-00270021-0020 HX. 370.37 VERTREES GENEVA 0.720AC LOTS 2-3-6-7-10-11-14-15-18-19 -22 & 23 BLK 21 SUW RIV SUBD 44/504 275/533 2004/841 271 181014-00270021-0130 HX 196.37 271 181014-00270021-0130 HX 196.37 PICKERN KENNETH L & AZIEM 0.360AC LOTS 13 16 17 20 21 24 BLK 21 SUW RIV SUBD OR 50 PG 9 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL , 272 181014-00270022-0150 112.28 272 181014-00270022-0150 112.28 SCOTT RAYMOND L & HARRIET S 0.300AC LOTS 15 18 19 22 & 23 BLK 22 SUW RIV SUBD 59/243 69/553 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 273 181014-00270022-0160 112.28 273 181014-00270022-0160 112.28 SCOTT RAYMOND L & HARRIET S 0.300AC LOTS 16 17 20 21 & 24 BLK 22 SUW RIV SUBD 59/243.69/553 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 274 181014-00270023-0020 64.82 274 181014-00270023-0020 64.82 STRUBEL SAMUAL & LILLIAN 0.120AC LOTS 2 3 BLK 23 SUW RIV SUBD OR44 PG 590 OR 62/27 82/131 275 191014-02840001-0090 HX 149.98 275 191014-02840001-0090 HX 149.98 FLOYD RICHARD DARRELL & 2.410AC LOTS 9 & 10 BLK 1 UT 4 SUW RIV SPGS SUBD 70/423 72/344 76/663 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 276 201014-02870000-0040 665.16 276 201014-02870000-0040 665.16 SIZEMORE BETTY J 0.500AC LOT 4 MOSSY OAKS SUBD 119/502 135/21 149/518 149/519 233/638 237/246 237/247 252/256 277 201014-03160000-0010 720.25 277 201014-03160000-0010 720.25 RW OF GILCHRIST COUNTY LTD 0.440AC LOT 1 GREENWAYS OF FANNING SPRINGS 61/485 143/481 157/324 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 78 201014-03160000-0020 720.25 278 201014-03160000-0020 720.25 RW OF GILCHRIST COUNTY LTD 0.440AC LOT 2 GREENWAYS OF FANNING SPRINGS 61/485 143/481 157/324 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 279 201014-02810001-0390 1,016.18 279 201014-02810001-0390 1,016.18 STEVENS ROBERT J 0.220AC LOT 39 BLK 1 UNIT 1 SUW RIV SPGS SUBD 45/535 54/217 86/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 280 201014-02810001-0410 HX 2,149.08 280 201014-02810001-0410 HX 2,149.08 JOHNSON CHARLES E & LESLIE E 2.490AC THE ISLAND LYING WITHIN BLK 1 SUW RIV SPGS SUBD & E 15 FT OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 281 201014-02810010-0080 372.40 281 201014-02810010-0080 372.40 WALDRON JOHN & BRENDA 0.200AC LOT 8 BLK 10 UNIT 1 SUW RIV SPGS SUBD 48/504 85/158 95/356 167/383 282 201014-02810010-0090 216.51 282 201014-02810010-0090 216.51 BEARSS DOROTHEA I 0.230AC -LOT 9 BLK 10 UNIT 1 SUW RIV SPGS SUBD OR 45/577 & OR 75/71 126/146 283 201014-02810010-0100 377.27 283 201014-02810010-0100 377.27 BASS G W& CORA LEE 0.190AC LOT 10 BLK 10 UNIT 1 SUW RIV SPGS SUBD 99/475 213/515 284 201014-02810010-0110 379.98 284 201014-02810010-0110 379.98 BASS GW& CORA LEE 0.170AC LOT 11 BLK 10 UNIT 1 SUW RIV SPGS SUBD 97/571 213/515 285 201014-028010-0120 384.98 285 201014-02810010-0120 384.98 BASS G W & CORA LEE 0.180AC LOT 12 BLK 10 UNIT 1 SUW RIV SPGS SUBD 87/635 88/7 213/515 286 201014-02810010-0130 390.52 . 286 201014-02810010-0130 390.52 BASS G W & CORA LEE 0.220AC LOT 13 BLK 10 UNIT I'SUWANNEE RIVER SPRINGS SUBD 87/635 213/515 287 201014-02810011-0030 353.23 287 201014-02810011-0030 353.23 BASS G W & CORA LEE 0.180AC LOT 3 BLK I1 UNIT 1 SUW RIV SPGS SUBD 19-10-14 OR 63/254 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 288 201014-02810011-0040 544.86 288 201014-02810011-0040 544.86 WALDRON JOHN & BRENDA 0.180AC LOT 4 BLK 11 UNIT 1 SUW RIV SPGS SUBD OR 45/465 142/509 143/379 213/515 289 201014-02810011-0140 HX 109.85 289201014-02810011-0140 HX 109.85 FULLER RICHARD L & 6.360AC LOTS 14 & 15 BLK 11 UNIT SUW RIV SPGS SUBD OR 75/660 . SEE T IX ROLL FOR .ADDITION.- L LEGAL 2 2 1014-0,2820018-'01' 745, :2 2u0 2:'i I)i 14 -.:'2 21j I -': I'' 745 '.'2 TILLE) iERRY LA TiHERES. F.AE i450CAC LOTS I& 2 BLK 8 LUNT 2 SL.A Ri\' SPGS SIUBD MIETES SEE TA.\ ROLL FOR ADDITION ,L LEGAL 2N1 2I,14.-02''2001I8-01.04 453 51 291 2i.1014-.0'82. '01S.-0041 4-53 51 DAVIS ANTHONY H & STACEY L 0 500AC W 2 LT 4 BLK 18 LIT 2 SLiW Ri\' SPGS SLBD DESC AS BEGIN AT SEE T .X ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 292 2. 1014-028:3)00'0-017( H. 109 85 292 2:.''Il"14.1.128301'il'u.i1701 HX N I 85 WILLIA.MS STE.VIE C I 090AC LOT 17 UNIT 3 SUW RIV SPGS 54/34 224/328 292/407 2003/ .6727 293 201014-02830000-0210 969.40 293 201014-02830000-0210 969.40 WALDRON JOHN & BRENDA 1.000AC LOT 21 UNIT 3 SUW RIVER SPRINGS SLUBD 59/275 83/286 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S94201014-03020000-0200 720.25 294 2' Ii 14-0.1-312C( 01.)1' 0'0 0 20.25 . PADI-)T DAV ID l & MARL ANN H 0.210AC LOT 20 THE RIVERWALK FANNING SPRINGS UT I "I1'45 143481 SEE TAX ROLL FOR .ADDITIONAL LEGAL 295 201014-03020000-0300 720.25 295 21111: 1 4-03: 6 2(,0:",1".:0' : "2''. 1 5 I DE %iS C,,'NSTRL'CTIuN INC t', .-1G' L:.'T 3"' THE Ki'. ER'..'ALK OF F.4.N'NiN,5 fRiNGS PHAsE I ol 46b5 SEE T,-. RIO LL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 296211014-00040000-0310 '680.22 S296 211014-00040000-0310 680.22 MCDONALD ROBERT E & 0.340AC LOTS 31 & 32 GARDNER HART UNREC SUBD DESC IN METES & BDS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 297 211014-01180000-0151 69.51 297 211014-01180000-0151 69.51 . HILLS RONALD D ET AL 0.410AC E 30' OF N/2 OF NW/4 OF NE/4 21-10-14 131/506 298 211014-01180000-0210 HX 278.82 298211014-01180000-0210 HX 278.82 RUSSELL ERIC & KRISTI 5.010AC LOT 21-A GILCHRIST GARDENS UNREC SUBD DESC AS COM AT SE/C SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 299 221014-00000004-0000 468.45 299 221014-00000004-0000 468.45 GILCHRIST DEVELOPERS INC 1 .000AC BEG SE COR OF NW/4 RUN W 70 YDS N 70 YDS E,70/YDS & S 70 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 300 221014-01280000-0050 460.12 300 221014-01280000-0050 460.12 AMBROSIA INVESTMENTS INC 5.000AC LOT 5 RAMBLING RAP.B E ESTATES CONT 5 AC M/L 1-14 "' 152 -49 SEETAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 301 221014-01280000-0060 296.93' 301 221014-01280000-0060 296.93. AMBROSIA INVESTMENTS INC 5.000AC LOT 6 RAMBLING RAMBO ESTATES CONT 5 AC M/L 140/77 152/459 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL - 302 221014-01280000-0070 HX 880.38 " 302 22101"4-01280000-0070 HX 880.38 HODGE HENRY M & BARBARA H 5.000AC LOT 7 RAMBLING RAMBO ESTATES CONT 5 AC M/L 140/81 152/457 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 303 221014-01280000-0100 734.47 303 221014-01280000-0,100 734.47 ALAYO ELEUTERIO L & 5.000AC LOT 10 RAMBLIN RAMBO ESTATES CONT 5 AC M/L 140/85 151/337 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 304 221014-01280000-0110 HX 665.86 304 221014-01280000-0110 HX 665.86 JONES WAYNE & PEGGY 5.000AC LOT 11 RAMBLING RAMBO ESTATES CONT 5 AC M/L 151/255 151/385 181/89 240/406 305 221014-01280000-0120 645.63 305 221014-01280000-0120 645.63 JOHNSON JANE 5.000AC LOT 12 RAMBLIN RAMBO ESTATES CONT 5 AC M/L"142/109 159/80 181/89 227/17 2000/2622 306 320615-00000004-0000 155.47 306 320615-00000004-0000 155.47 GODBEY DOUGLAS R & REBECCA R 1.380AC FOR POR COM AT SE/C 32-6-15 THENCE S 89 DEG W ALG S LN OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 307 320615-00650050-0000 1,219.26 307 320615-00650050-0000 1,219.26 GODBEY DOUGLAS R & 2.570AC PARCEL 5 METES & BDS DESC FLA WOODLAND UNREC SUBD 58/688 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 308 320615-00650060-0000 1,556.52 308 320615-00650060-0000 1,556.52 GODBEY DOUGLAS R & REBECCA R 5.410AC PARCELS 6 & 7 MTS & BDS DESC FLORIDA WOODLAND UNREC SUBD SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 309 320615-00650290-0000 328.57 309 320615-00650290-0000 328.57 DAVISSON MARGARET & 5.000AC PARCELS 29 & 30 METES & BDS DESC FLA WOODLAND UNREC SUBD SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 310 340615-00000010-0000 1,664.09 310 340615-00000010-0000 1,664.09 BRUDERLY DAVID E 14.000AC COM AT NE/C OF 34-6-15 GO S ALG E LN OF SEC 276 FT TO POB SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 311 350615-00000003-0000 1,883.52 311 350615-00000003-0000 1,883.52 MCCORMICK TRUST 2.150AC COM SW/C LT 12 IRA BEA'S OASIS UNIT 3A UNREC GO W 396 FT M/L SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONALLEGAL 312 350615-:0000009-0000 1,793.58 312 350615-00000009-0000 1,793.58 MCCORMICK TRUSTEE 4.500AC BEG AT SE/C OF NE/4 OF SEC 35-6-15 GO NO DEG 1831:90 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL'LEGAL 313 350615-03300000-0020 1,211.07 313 350615-03300000-0020 1,211.07 POGUE JIM W& CAROL 0.520AC LOT 2 UNIT 3 IRA BEAS OASIS SOR 39 PG 34 OR 72 PG 200 314 350615-03300000-0030 771,69 314 350615-03300000-0030 771.69 WOLFORD RICHARD W & KATHLEEN A 0.520AC LOT 3 UNIT 3 IRA BEAS OASIS SUBD 27/542 2002/2520 315 350615-03410000-0190 117.04 315 350615-03410000-0190 117.04 NEWCOMB CHARLES ALLEN 0.410AC LOT 19 UNIT 4A UNREC SUBD IRA . BEAS OASIS 64/665 182/635 2000/2290 2001/232 , 316 350615-07200000-0020" 110.30. 316350615-07200000-0020 110.30 WOLFORD RICHARD W-& KATHLEEN A 0.560AC.. LOT 2 WOODLAND OASIS UNREC . SUBD CONT 56 AC DESC IN ,ITS & BDS DESC 145/4 200)4 4.q"5 317 35i'o15-.72i.i00,li.-0140 H\ 19 .'37 317 350615-07200000-0140 HX 196 3-' PRJ'. ETTE JOSEPH EARL 5 I .'.1IAC LOT 14 WOODLAND OASIS LINREC Si.BD MlTS &. BDS DESC 5 00' AC SEE TA. ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 318 1 3,I I? .-' 5-'07:21 '0.0I, -I 8 II. 31 1 . 31S 350015-)72,i s. I 3 HEDMAN LLOYD& .i.JNICE ,0 530AC LOTS I8 MTS & BDS DESC .5 AC WO 'ODLAND OASIS LNREC SIiBD OR SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 3. 1 35'35 'I -07' I)OI0-00.1I90 '3 I 3 S 32 350615-700862000.1-00 159.7 P.\RKERWiLLIANIMC 5 x.'\C LOTI 19 TS & BDS DESC 5 A AC WOODLAND OASISUNREC SUBD SEE TAXROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL . 320 360615-0086000B-0060 159.76 320 360615-0086000B-0060 159.76 WOLFORD RICHARD W'& KATHLEEN A 0.510AC LOT 6 BLK B SANTA FE OASIS UNREC.SUBD CONT .51 AC 150/306 185/3,162004/4658 321 360615-0086000B-0070 159.76 321 360615-0086000B-0070 159.76 . S GODWIN BARBARA -'" 0I:51')AC ,% LOT 7 BLK B SANTA FE OASIS UNREC SULBD CONT 51 AC 245 ,, - S' 322 36,o l 5- :i ",)60:D-OD.O22". .159.76 S32? 360615-O08i,0(,D-.)2:0 '159.76 :' ,' L FORD RICHARDW & ': .-'. rHLEENA ,Q.50QAC L.'T IBLk D SANTA FI .'..IS .. .. , UNREC SLiBD CONT 5.0 .C I.4 244 2004/4658 323 3606 5-008."00D-0.230 159 70 323 360615-0086000D-0230 159.76 ,WOLFORD RICHARD W & KATHLEENA 0.500AC LOT 23 BLK D SANTA FE OASIS UNREC SUBD CONT .50 AC 244/218 2005/4026 324 360615-008,6000E-0030 159.76 324 360615-0086000E-0030 159.76 WOLFORD RICHARD W JR & 0.530AC LOT 3 BLK E SANTA FE OASIS UNREC SUBD CONT .53 AC 174/323 2003/701 325 360615-0086000E-0040 159.76 325 360615-0086000E-0040 159.76 WOLFORD RICHARD W JR & 0.600AC LOT 4 BLK E SANTA FE OASIS UNREC SUBD CONT .60 AC 2003/ 1340 326 360615-0086000E-0050 159.76 326 360615-0086000E-0050 159.76 WOLFORD RICHARD W JR & 0.720AC LOT 5 BLK E SANTE FE OASIS, UNREC SUBD CONT .72 AC 2003/ 1340 327 360615-0086000E-0060 159.76 327 360615-0086000E-0060 159.76 WOLFORD RICHARD W & KATHLEEN A 0:660AC LOT 6 BLK E SANTE FE OASIS UNREC SUBD CONT .66 AC 150/310 2003/1234 328 360615-0086000E-0070 159.76 328 360615-0086000E-0070 159:76 WOLFORD RICHARD W JR & 0.670AC LOT 7 BLK E SANTA FE OASIS UNREC SUBD CONT .67 AC 156/673 169/328 2003/1340 329 360615-0086000E-0140 286.37 329 360615-0086000E-0140 286.37 WOLFORD RICHARD W & KATHLEEN A 1.450AC LOTS 14 115 BLK E SANTAFE OASIS UNREC SUBD CONT 1.45 AC 2004/4657 330 360615-0086000F-0010 159.76 330 360615-0086000F-0010 159.76 GREEN LINDA C 0.890AC LOT 1 BLK F SANTA FE OASIS UNREC SUBD CONT .89 AC 231/633 2004/5322 331 360615-0086000F-0040 159.76 331 360615-0086000F-0040 159.76 WOLFORD RICHARD W & KATHLEEN A 0.560AC LOT 4 BLK F SANTA FE OASIS UNREC SUBD CONT .56 AC 164/376 2004/4657 332 360615-0086000F-0090 159.76 332 360615-0086000F-0090 159.76 WOLFORD RICHARD W & KATHLEEN A 0.810 AC LOT 9 BLK F SANTA FE OASIS UNREC SUBD CONT .81 AC 161/431 162/635 2004/4656 333 010715-00000007-0000 252.09 333 010715-00000007-0000 252.09 COLEMAN CLEMENTINE 2.560AC N 83 FT MEAS ALG W PROP LN OF GOVT LOT 4 334 030715-00000001-0040 HX 1,351.66 334 030715-00000001-0040 HX. 1,351.66 HOWELL DONALD L & PAULINE A 9.630AC COM AT SE/C OF NE/4 OF NE/4 OF 3-7-15 FOR POR THENCE RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 335 040715-00000006-0040 HX 608.16 335 040715-00000006-0040 HX 608.16 SMITH ALVIN J JR 8.590AC COM AT SW/C OF SE/4 OF SE/4 OF 4-7-15 AND RUN N ALG W LN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 336 040715-00000003-0010 HX 923.44 336 040715-00000003-0010 HX 923.44 DEES JAMES A & DONNA S .15.050AC WEST 331 FT OF SW/4 OF SW/4 4-7-15 & W/2 OF E 331 FT OF W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 337 040715-00000003-0050 2,116.83 337 040715-00000003-0050 2,116.83 SMITH JOHN A 20.120AC LOTS 5 & 6 CONT 20.12 AC M/L DESC AS COM AT SW/C OF 4-7-15 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 338 040715-00000003-0070 666.18 338 040715-00000003-0070 666.18 SMITH JOHN A 10.000AC COM AT SW/C OF 4-7-15 THENCE N 90 DEG E ALONG S LINE OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 339 040715-00000003-0130 1,347.23 339 040715-00000003-0130 : 1,347.23 BOWLES DAVID 10.090AC LOT 13 CONT 10.09 AC DESC AS COM AT S/4 SEC/C OF 4-7-15 GO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 340 050715-00000007-0020' 781.69 340 050715-00000007-0020 781.69 LEWIS GLORIA W& WILLIAM M 10:000AC COM AT SW/C OF SE/4 OF 5-7-15 & RUN N 89 DEG E ALG S LN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 341050715-00000007-0025 HX 544.39 341 05071.5-00000007-0025 HX 544.39 PRICHARD JAMES W M 20.000AC COM AT SW/C OF SE/4 OF 5-7-15 & RUNNN 89 DEG EALG S LN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 342 050715-00310000-0030 HX 380.05- 342 050715-00310000-0030 HX 380.05 REHBERG BETTY LOU & 0. 460AC LOT 3 OF ANDERSON SECT DESC IN'METES & BDS DESC 47/445 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 343 050715-00310000-0110: HX 196.37 343 '5'071? I 5- 31000,I.-01 10 H N 196.37' POW'ELL JERR'. F & BROOK E 0.460AC LOT II OF ANDERSON SECT UNREC SDESCIN IMETES&BDSDESC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 3440 i60"I1 -1 ] .0' ..nrif: I):-00 |0 H\ I 24 8l1 344 "r.-.11I -i:iiiriin ""lii, H\ I 24 81 STE'.ART MICHAEL I1 JANET E & 29 4 J0:.AC PARCEL B .'R CC'M .'T NE C OF '-..15 GO S 3 DEG E ALONG E SEE TA. ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 34.(5 07,1715-0 )32'1.::":,-.i: 00 r H 3cl 45 345 ':77 1 5.-'0 32,: .1.1-011:1:1 HX 3Y91 415 JONES RICHARD C SR & 2110AC V-' 2 OF LOT IC SANTA FE COR LNREC SUBD CONT 222 47 36 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL' 34o0 7071 5 I ',000 ,l -i I000 244 16 346 070715-00000001-0000 244.16 OLCOTT EARL 10.000AC 'NE/4 OF NE/4 OF NE/4 70/436 & 44178/465-466 216/30 239/458 245/280 288/241 2000/626 3470 7,0 15-" '": i0ii' 01 0 + 244 16 347 070715-06000001-0010 244.16 .OLCOTT'EARL 10.000AC. SE/4 OF NE/4 OF NE/4 70/136 &. 450 & 1/4 INT IN EASEMENT 85/ 160 214/179 221/67 348 070715-00000001-0020 .44 16 348 070715-00000001-0020 244 16 OLCOTTEARL 10000 SW/4 QF NE/4 OF NE/4 OR 70/ 436 & 444 77/313 134/451,190/ 392-:94 214 373 349070715-00000001-0040 12 I . 349 070715-0000000,1,0040 '! l1' I I OLCOTTEARL ETAL 1.060AC W 36 FT OFE 50 FT OF SE/4 OF NE/4 70/504'LESS RD R/W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 350 070715-00000003-0010 HX 290.14 350 070715-00000003-0010 HX 290.14 PHILLIPS MICHAEL A &JEANIE C 2.000AC COM AT NW/C OF S/2 OF NE/4 OF . 7-7-15 AS POB GO E417 FT GO, SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 351 070715-00320000-0040 296.48 351 070715-00320000-0040 296.48 MACIK RUDOLPH & ANTONETTE 4.160AC LOT 4 SANTA FE CORNERS UNREC SUBD 39/158 131/389 34/282 218/497 256/523 352 080715-00000005-0010 2,133.34 352 080715-00000005-0010 2,133.34 OLCOTT EARL H 58.240AC NW/4 OF NW/4 &,W/2 OF SW/4 OF NW/4 LESS S40.FT RD RIW 70/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 353 080715-00000005-0020 2,184.11 353 080715-00000005-0020 2,184.11 OLCOTT EARL H 19.500AC SE/2 OF SW/4 OF NW/4 LESS S 40 FT OF ST RD R/W 19.56 AQ 82/318 163/206 354 080715-00000005-0030 1,659.94 354 080715-00000005-0030 1,659.94 OLCOTT EARL H 39.000AC SE/4 OF NW/4 LESS S 40 FT RD R/W 70/318 & 327 72/264 163/ 205-206 . 355 080715-00000008-0000 5,510.07 355 080715-00000008-0000 5,510.07 DOMINGUEZ ABRAHAM & 82.930AC S/2 OF SW/4 76/364 EASEMENT 84/140 99/335-336 239/42 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 356 090715-00770000-0680 83.80 356 090715-00770000-0680 83.80 PUJOS VICTOR RE'YES 1.020AC LOT 68 SANTA FE RANCH SUBD DESC IN METES & BDS CONT 1.10 AC 125/157 357 090715-00000002-0000 HX 1,108.58 357 090715-00000002-0000 HX 1,108.58 LOPES VALERIE& RITA SIMCOE 17.480AC NW/4 OF NE/4 LESS 3 AC TO CHURCH 140/696 UTLY ESMT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 358 090715-00000003-0030 HX 599.81 358-090715-00000003-0030 HX 599.81 WAWERCZYK BILLIE JO & STEPHEN 5.000AC NE/4 OF NW/4 OF SE/4 LESS 2' AC TO CHURCH & LESS 3 AC TO S SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 359 090715-00770000-0430 83:80 359 090715-00770000-0430 83.80 VIDAL PORTELA RAFAEL G 1.020AC LOT 43 SANTA FE RANCH'SUBD ' UNREC 46/481.224/600 261/34 360 090715-00770000-0910 83.80 360 090715-00770000-0910 83.80 PEREZ RAUL N PEREZ AND/OR ANA 1.030AC LOT 91 SANTA FE RANCH SUBD UNREC 46/481 163/202 361 090715-00770000-0940 83.80 361 090715-00770000-0940 83.80 ROLDAN EDGA 1.020AC LOT 94 SANTA FE RANCH SUBD UNREC 46/481 2004/4101 362 090715-00770000-1150 83.80 362 090715-00770000-1150 .83.80 MELENDEZ RAFAEL 0.970AC LOT 115 SANTA FE RANCH SUBD UNREC 46/481 192/477 363 100715-02220000-0140 291.42 363 100715-02220000-0140 291.42 GAGLIONE JOSEPH N JR 5.100AC LOT 14 LOWELL ESTATES SUBD CONT 5.10 AC 140/332 275/45 364 100715-02220000-0150 286.88 364 100715-02220000-0150 286.88 GAGLIONE JOSEPH N JR 5.010AC LOT 15 LOWELL ESTATES SUBD CONT 5.01 AC 140/332 275/45 365 100715-02220000-0060 981.72 365 100715-02220000-0060 981.72 ADAMS NATHANIAL F & LEE ANN 6.010AC LOT 6 LOWELL ESTATES SUBD CONT 6.012 AC 140/332 2002/967 2002/5360 2002/5361 366 110715-00000011-0000 436.52 366 110715-00000011-0000 436.52 WALKER LEWIS 5.310AC SW/4 OF NW/4 103/464 LESS 10. , AC TO GALLOWAY ET AL 114/89 & SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 367 110715-00000011-0010 HX 604.24 367 110715-00000011-0010 HX 604.24 WALKER LEWIS 10.500AC COM AT SE/C OF SW/4 OF NW/4 OF 11-7-15 FOR A POB GOONS- SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 368 110715-00000011-0020 108.87 368 110715-90000011-0020 108.87 FLORIDA FISH & WILDLIFE 26.640AC. COM AT SW/C OF SW/4 OF NW/4 QF' .11-7-15 FOR POB THENCE RUN ALG SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 369 110715-00000012-0020 HX 758.11 369 110715-00000012-0020 HX 758.11 POTTER BONNIE 1.140AC COM AT NW/COR.OF NW/4 OF SW/4 GO'S 0 DEG 05 MIN W 659;83 FT. SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 370 110715-00000012-0060 897.14 370 110715-00000012-0060 897.14 HOPKIN MELISSA & 1.000AC COM AT 2" IRON PIPE BEING KNOWN AS NVW C OF NE 4 OF SW/4 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 371 110715-000000:112-00oI 201.96 371 110715-00000012-0061 201.96 HOPKIN MELISSA & 2 00AC COi. AT NVV C OF NW\ 4 OF SW 4 11-7-15 RUN ON W LN OF N\W 4 OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 372 120715-00000004-0070 1,704.04 372 1201715-00010004-00701 1,704:04 CASSELLtAN APRIL LINDSEY & 27.340AC COM AT SW/C OF 12-7-15 AS POB GOE 462.56 FT GO N 827.20 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 373 160715-00340000-0020 334.48 373 160715-00340000-0020 334.48 WHITE WILLIAM & MARY' 5.100AC LOT2 UNIT I EMERALD FARMS 59/623 88/675 374 160715-00340000-0330 HX 441.75 374 160715-00340000-0330 .HX ,441.75 EVANS JAMES S / 5.000AC LOT 33 UNIT 1 EMERALD FARMS 75/570 217/704 UTIL EASEMENT 229/116 2004/1578 2005/4105 375 160715-00340000-0510 417.18 375 160715-00340000-0510 417.18 BITTICK CHARLES L 6.500AC LOT 51 UNIT 1 EMERALD FARMS 8 4'3 ':14 442 TAX DEED SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL', 3'6 16l:715-I0134001I.0980 HX 7QI 79 3"6 160715-00340000-0980i HX 701 79 GEIGER JOHN & JUNE 5 000AC LOT 98 UNIT I EMERALD FARMS 76/405 125'311 EASEMlENT 128 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL . 377 160715-00340000-11I10 328 .7 377 160715-00340000-I 110 328.57- .WHITE DALE 5.000AC LOT 111 UNIT I EMERALD FARMS 76/406 99/455 242/192 2003/ 6173' 378 160715-00340000-1130 358.11 378 160715-00340000-1130 358.11 SWEARINGEN STEPHEN B' '5.500AC LOT 113 UNIT 1 EMERALD FARMS 83/649 379 180715-00000003-0210 HX 305.46 379 180715-00000003-0210 HX 305.46 HEAVENER CHRIS T 20.000AC COM AT NE/C OF SW/4 OF 18-7-15 FOR PORTHENCE RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 380 180715-02710000-0030 521.42 380 180715-02710000-0030 521.42 BERRY JAMES H 5.000AC LOT 3 VARGAS WOODS SUBD CONT 5 AC 129/106 PIPELINE EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 381 300715-00350001-0040 696.89 381 300715-00350001-0040 696.89 PIERCE CONNIE AS TRUSTEE 2.500AC LOT 4 BLK 1 OAKWOOD ESTATES 106/681-682 248/562 2000/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 382 300715-00350001-0100 HX 453.26 382 300715-00350001-0100 HX 453.26 SEWARD CARLETON R & KAY BAKER 4.880AC LOT 10 BLK I OAKWOOD EST SUBD CONT 5 AC 154/620 154/622 UTIL EASEMENT 273/308 279/635 383 300715-00350002-0060 47.45 383 300715-00350002-0060 47.45 ALBRIGHT DAVID L & JAMIE L 4.830AC LOT 6 BLK 2 OAKWOOD ESTATES 82/517 117/632 2000/4941 2005/ 2273 "384 300715-00350002-0070 317.93 384 300715-00350002-0070 317.93 ALBRIGHT DAVID L & JAMIE L 9.900AC LOTS 7 & 8 BLK 2 OAKWOOD EST SUBD 51/591 80/588 82/573 114/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 385 310715-00000006-0011 HX 2,002.31 385 310715-00000006-0011 HX 2,002.31 PHILMAN CHERRI RACHELLE & 5.010AC COM AT SW/C OF NW/4 OF 31-7-15 FOR POB THENCE RUN ALG W LN OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 386 310715-00000008-0000 355.39 386 310715-00000008-0000 355.39 PHILPOT DAVID HENRY ET AL 120.000AC N/2 OF SW/4 & SW/4 OF SW/4 47/378 & 380 66/194 69/648 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 387 310715-00000010-0040 133.31 387 310715-00000010-0040 133.31 BROWNE TERRY DRAKE 1.130AC COM AT NE/C OF N/2 OF NW/4 OF SE/4 OF 31-7-15 FOR POB THENCE SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 388 320715-00360000-00Q0 149.21 388 320715-00360000-00Q0 149.21 M & P PARTNERSHIP LTD 1.140AC TRACT Q CONT 1.13 AC TAX DEED 2004/4212-4214 CORRECTIVE TAX DEED 2004/4429 389 320715-00000005-0000 412.98 389 320715-00000005-0000 412.98 HADDA JOHN JAY 5.000AC SW/4 OF NE/4 OF NE/4 OF SE/ 4 & NW/4 OF SE/4 OF NE/4 OF' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL ivluy 11, lo f Z r-Vo f -I ICVCUUYIv % YV7-4-IIt toll I Mali 11 1R- 2,15.2006 SectionB R Pa-P Funr Gilchri.st Cnunht Delinauent Tax List Ma 711. 18. 25. 2006 390 320715-00000006-0000 122.21 390 320715-00000006-0000 122.21 FULTZ DARRELL & MONTIE 1.250AC N/2 OF SW/4 OF NW/4 OF NE/4. OF SE/4 150/670-671 2001/4560 391 320715-00000011-0000 122.21 391 320715-00000011-0000 122.21 MITCHELL WILL W & 1.250AC N/2 OF SE/4 OF NE/4 OF NE/4 OF SE/4 71/239 191/49 270/595 288/523 2005/1005 2005/1006 392 320715-00000020-0020 HX 312.80 392 320715-00000020-0020 HX 312.80 PLETCHER GREGORY A & MARILYN J 10.000AC COM AT SW/C OF SE/4 OF NW/4' OF 32-7-15 FOR POB THENCE RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 393 320715-00000023-0010 HX 750.36 393 320715-00000023-0010 HX 750.36 SHEPPARD DOYLE HENRY 2.540AC FROM NE/C OF SW/4 OF SW/4 OF - 32-7-15 GO W 145 FT TO POB SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 394 320715-00000040-0000 122.21 394 320715-00000040-0000 122.21 SCHILTZ LEO ET UX 1.250AC S/2 OF SE/4 OF SE/4 OF NW/4 OF SE/4 395 320715-00360015-0010 149.21 395 320715-00360015-0010 149,21 ROBERTS DAVID E & WANDA L 1.260AC LOT 1 BLK 15 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES NORTH 157/331 TAX DEED 2002/1625 2002/4145 396 320715-00360015-0020 HX 196.37 396 320715-00360015-0020 .HX 196.37 LEMONS SAMUEL C & TONIA LEMONS 1.000AC LOT 2 BLK 15 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES NORTH 163/623 233/366 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 397 320715-00360015-0050 313.21 397 320715-00360015-0050 313.21 FREEMAN BRYANM 1.000AC LOT 5 BLK 15 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES NORTH 118 466 18:I 239 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 398 320715-00360017-0140 149.21 398 320715-00360017-0140 149.21 COLEMAN RICHIEC & TAMMI 1.030AC LOT 14 BLK 17 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES NORTH 136/106 223/608 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 399 320715-00360017-0150 -149.21 399 320715-00360017-0150 149.21 COLEMAN RICHIE C & TAMMI 1.030AC LOT 15 BLK 17 SUWANNEE RIVER' ESTATES NORTH 136/106 223/608 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 400 320715-00360017-0160 HX 196.37 400 320715-00360017-0160 HX 196.37 COLEMAN RICHIE C & TAMMI 1,200AC LOT 16 BLK 17 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES NORTH 136/106 223/608 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 40i 320715-00360020-0040 HX 196.37 401 320715-00360020-0040 HX 196.37 DAVIS NORMAN L & RAMONA 1..030AC LOT 4 BLK 20 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES NORTH 136/106 223/608 240/344 285/650 402 320715-00360020-0050 149.21 402 320715-00360020-0050 149.21 DA\ IS NORM.IAN L RAMONA 1.030AC LOT 5 BLK2:2 SUW\ANNEE RJ' ER ESTATES NORTH 13\6/106 223/608 240/344 285/650 403 320715-00360020-0090 HX 821.97 403 320715-00360020-0090 HX 82'1.97 STROLUP DEAN L 4 ,CAROL A 32,I10AC 'LOTS'9.&10BLK 20 Sl..i' RIVER ,: ESTATES NOR T H I 1I 2:.I 13 I, 6 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 404 320715-00360020-0140 149.21 404 320715-00360020-0140 149.21 MCDOUGAL NATHAN G 1.030AC LOT 14 BLK 20 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES NORTH 136/106 223/608 240/344 2001/1655 405 320715-00360021-0120 '149.21 405 320715-00360021-0120 149.21 WEBSTER ROBERT E & ROSEANN L 1.030AC LOT 12 BLK 21 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES NORTH 136/106 223/608 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 406 320715-00360021-0140 149.21 406 320715-00360021-0140 149.21 MCDOUGAL NATHAN G 1.030AC LOT 14 BLK 21 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES NORTH 136/106 223/608 240/344 2001/1655 2005/5072 407 320715-03610000-003.0 HX 656.21 407 320715-03610000-0030 HX 656.21 HADDA JOHN JAY 1.900AC LOTS 3 & 4 SUWANNEE RIVER EST NORTH REPLAT OF VACATED TRACTS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 408 330715-00000020-0000 HX 196.37 -408 330715-00000020-0000 HX 196.37 ZIMMERMAN HARRY L & HELEN FAY 1.500AC SW/4 OF SW/4 OF NW/4 OF NW/4 48/422 60/15 73/552 116/53 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 409 330715-00000029-0000 1"12.28 409 330715-00000029-0000 112.28 OBERHOLTZ JOAN E 2.500AC N/2 OF N/2 OF NW/4 OF NE/4 OF NW/4 178/640 178/641 410 330715-00000035-0000 170.31 410 330715-00000035-0000 170.31 GODWIN LESLIE H 2.500AC NE/4 OF SW/4 OF NE/4 OF SW/4 411 330715-00000036-0000 HX 196.37 411 330715-00000036-0000 HX 196.37 HOURDAS NIKITAS M & PAULINE C 13.900AC' SW/4 OF NW/4 14.75 AC TO LISA MCDOUGAL 164/76 LEAVING 25.25 SEE TAX ROLL FOR.ADDITIONAL LEGAL 412 050815-03600001-0020 149.21 412 050815-03600001-0020 149.21 HAMEL ALBERT G & HOLLOWAY MARY 1.000AC LOT 2 BLK 1 SUWANNEE RIVER EST SOUTH 154/357 413 050815-03600001-0160 149.21 413 050815-03600001-0160 149.21 LESPINASSE GERTHA 1.190AC LOT 16 BLK 1 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH 152/281 2005/942 414 050815-03600002-0020 149.21 414 050815-03600002-0020 149.21 ETENNEMARIE 1.030AC LOT 2 BLK 2 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES 136/106 223/608 235/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 415 050815-03600002-0030 149.21 415 050815-03600002-0030 149.21 ETENNE MARIE 1.030AC LOT 3 BLK 2 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES 136/106 223/608 235/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 416 050815-03600002-0090 348.67 416 050815-03600002-0090 348.67 STONE TIMOTHY D & VIRGINIA A 1.150AC LOT 9 BLK 2 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES 136/106 223/608 235/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 417 050815-03600002-0100 149.21 417 050815-03600002-0100 149.21 STONE TIMOTHY D & VIRGINIA A 1.030AC LOT 10 BLK 2 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES 136/106 223/608 235/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 418 050815-03600005-0060 149.21 418 050815-03600005-0060 149.21 SCHROEDER HARRY RICHARD & GRAC 1.03 LOT 6 BLK 5 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH 159/284 419 050815-03600005-0090 149.21 .419 050815-03600005-0090 149.21 O'NEAL WILLIAM E 1.190AC LOT 9 BLK 5 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH 136/106 223/608 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 420 050815-03600006-0140 149.21 420 050815-03600006-0140 149.21 WILLIS MELISSA ANN 1.040AC LOT 14 BLK 6 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH 106/367 TAX DEED 2004/2073 2005/2144 2005/5187 421 050815-03600006-0160 313.25 421 050815-03600006-0160 313.25 KING JERRY SAMPSON JR 1.200AC .LOT 16.BLK 6 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH 136/106 223/608 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 422 050.815-03600007-0020 '149.21 422 050815-03600007-0020 149.21 DEMETRIUS JOHN & BEVERLEY 1.040AC LOT 2 BLK 7 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH 141/71 212/359 2005/3653 423 050815-03600007-0140 149.21 423 050815-03600007-0140 149.21 SUWANNEE RIVER SPRINGS INC 1.040AC LOT 14 BLK 7 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH 136/106 223/608 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 424 050815-03600008-0050 149 21 424 050815-036001i(i8-005') 149 2 I PORTER WANYNE & I 030AC LOT 5 BLK 8 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH 154/16 2005/2985 2005/4548 425050815-03600008-0090 1'49 21 425 050815-036000i:)'-8.-i9rl 149 21 SOUTHEASTERN FUNDING PRTN LLLP LOT 9 BLK 8 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH 136 106 223 608 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 426 05815-,)36,0"J:'09.:")- 9i 149.21 ,426 i050815-0360C009-(0090 149.21 ELKORDY NUTANMIATEE JEAN & 1.1 LOT 9 BLK 9 SUWANNJEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH 148 233 2::15 2105 , O0A( 1.170AC 90AC 427 050815-0361.10012-0020 HX 868 4 427 05'1815-036100012-00.20l H. 868 45 HOCKEMEYER ERIC %\INCENT I '4'lAC LOT 2 BLK 12 SUWANNIEE RI'ER ESTATES SOLTH 118 261 180,244 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 428 050815-03600012-0120 140 21 428 050815-03600012-0 2'.1 14921 BELLWOOD PARTNERS LTD I 030AC LOT 12 BLK 12SUWANNEE RJ\ ER ESTATES SOUTH 136'106 223.608 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 429 060t815-OO00000003-00 229 27 429 060815-00000003-0000 229.27 HART JOSEPH D JR & FELICIA 77.500AC NW/4 OF SW/4 & SW/4 OF SW/4 123/503 LESS 3.32 AC TO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 430 060815-00000005-0010 133.50 430 060815-00000005-0010 133:50 HART HORACE & BRENDA & 40.0QOAC NE/4 OF SW/4:45/261 98/86 123/ 500 123/502 142/613 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 431 I0608]5.i,,,,,iloiii .'i:i40 HX 91375 431 1-60815X-000000')' -o'4) H-1\' 913 7" HL.IRNE THOMrAS .i GiNELLE 4 5 S2'.E.C COM AT SW C OF SE 4 OF S\W 4 OF 6-8-15 AS POB GO N 660 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 432 060815-00000006-0011 412:98 432 060815-00000006-0011 412.98 BRIDGES JOSEPH WAYNE 5 000AC E/2.OF E/2 OF S/2 OF SW/4 OF SE/4 46/367-368 123/504 250/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 433 060815-00000006-0012 412.98 433 0608 15-i.'000'0006-0012 412.98 BRIDGES JOSEPH WAYNE 5.000AC V' 2 OF E 2 OF S 2 OF SWV 4 OF' SE14 46/367-368 123/504 250f SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 434 060815-00000006-0020 HX. 570.74 434 060815-00000006-0020 HX 570.74 MOLZEN'ERIC GLENN 37.350AC ALL THAT PART OF NW/4 OF SE/4 LYING W OF NW 22 CT & NOF NW SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 435 060815-00000007-0000 151.33 435 060815-00000007-0000 151.33 PHILMAN KEITH L & I J 40.000AC NW/4 OF NW/4 OR 63 PG 58 149/461 436 070815-00000001-0015 HX 552.08 436 070815-00000001-0015 HX 552.08 CLEARY FRANCIS XAVIEJRJ & '20.000AC COM AT NE/C OF NW/4 OF NE/4 OF 7-08-15 FOR POB THENCE RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 437 070815-00000001-0030 HX 370.37 437 070815-00000001-0030 HX 370.37 GRIFFIS MARILYN J& JIMMY R 5.000AC BEGINNING AT NW/C OF EASTERLY 5 AC OF N/2 OF NE/4 OF NE/4 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 438 070815-00000015-0000 HX 196.37 438 07081,5-0000001'5-0000 HX 196.37 BLANKS, FREDERICK E 5.000AC W/2 OF SW/4 OF SE/4'OFNE/4 85/547 & 548 97/327 156/370 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 439 070815-02260000-000O HX 520.96 439 070815-02260000-0010 HX 520.96 FRANCWAY JAMES & HEIDI 5.160AC COM AT NW/C OF SW/4 OF NW/4'OF 7-8-15 FOR POB THENCE RUN ON N SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 440 070815-02260000-0040 539.58 440 070815-02260000-0040 539.58 SHANNON LAURENCE P & GENEVA B 15.000AC TRACT 4 CONT 15 AC & DESC AS COM AT NE/C OF SE/4 OF NW/4 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 441 080815-00000004-0000 HX 533.70 441 080815-00000004-0000 HX 533.70 MOORE MICHAEL D & TAMMY R 11.000AC COM AT NW/C OF S/2 OF NW/4 OF 8-8-15 AS POB GO E 1320 FT GO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 442 080815-02900000-0020 418.67 442 080815-02900000-0020 418.67 COVINGTON JOHN 6.090AC LOT 2 ROLLING MEADOWS CONT 6.09 AC 98/216 & 624 115/340 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 443 120815-00000002-0010 HX 196.37 443 120815-00000002-0010 HX 196.37 JENKINS ALFRED K & TAWNYA W 1.720AC COM AT SE/C OF 12-8-15 THENCE RUN S 89 DEG W ALG S LN OF SEC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 444 170815-00000004-0012 412.98 444 170815-00000004-0012 412.98 ANDERSON JOE 5.000AC E/2 OF W/2 OF S/2 OF S/2 OF S/2 OF NW/4 DB 15/596 209/20 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 445 180815-00000014-0000 1,130.39 445 180815-00000014-0000 1,130.39 C REEDER ROBT & BRENDA 20.000AC N/2 OF SW/4 OF SW/4 446 180815-00000017-0043 HX 196.37 446 180815-00000017-0043 HX 196.37 BURNETT LINDA D & 2.840AC COM AT SE/C OF SW/4 OF SE/4 OF 18-08-15 AS POB GON SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 447 180815-0073000B-0030 272.18 447 180815-0073000B-0030 272.18 MARCUM LARRY D & 2.060AC LOTS 3 & 4 DESTIN UNREC SUB OR 74/354 282/87 2002/5780 UNTIL EASEMENT 2003/377 448 180815-0073000B-0120 HX 793.49 448 180815-0073000B-0120 HX 793.49 GAY DAVID W 4.490AC LOTS 12 13 14 15 DESTIN UNREC SUBD 82/145 8'7/325 99/225 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 449 180815-02240000-0040. HX 234.28 449 180815-02240000-0040 HX. 234.28 HITT JASON M & TINA M 1.000AC LOT 4 SUWANNEE RIVER OAKS SUBD 168/138 UTIL EASEMENT 177/67 & SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 450 190815-05800000-0100 HX 196 37 450 190815-05800000-0160 HX 196 37 SPIRITDONC& CHRISTINE P 3.300AC LOTS 16 17 & 18 WOODLAND ACRES OF AN UNREC PLAT OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONALLEGAL 451 190815-00000006-0020 1;101.61 451 190815-00000006-002l) I1.101 61 S PARMENTER EDWARD& KARINA 15.020AC COM AT NW'C 9-8-15 & RUN ON N LN OF SAID SEC 19 N 89 DEG E SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 452 190815-000001:'I.3-0000. 700 '29 452 190815-00000013-'0000 700 29 KLAUS KAREN 9 88" .AC PCL 4 DESC AS BEG AT NE C OF SW4 OF NE 4 GO S 330 FT AS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 453 190815-05800000-0070 436 401 453 190815-05800000-u070 436 401. ROACH ROBERT EUGENE I 1'8AC LOT 7 WOODLAND ACRES UNREC PLAT OF HIARVEY JARV'IS CONT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 454 190815-058000i0'-00l90 264 72 454 1 90815-05800000-':1090 264 72 RLiDD RONALD WAYNE JR I 080AC LOT 9 WOODLAND ACRES OF THE LNREC PLAT OF HARVEY JARVIS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 455 200815-00000004-0000 HX 890 92 455 200815-0000004-0000 HX 89092 S MORGAN EDMUND W 20 00AC W2 OF NE 4 OF NW'4 43'o48 173 545.546 & 551 176 285 83' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL '.- 456 2",,'8 15--0n0n0005-n.0I0 I 04 456 2,081 5-001000005-00 10 I .12 '4 GRIAN LISA M 5 0O':AC. BEG AT NW/C OF E 2 OF NW/4 OF NW/4 OF 20-08-15 RUN S 200 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 457 20i 815-00r,0':005-0)20 H\ 61342 457 200815-00000005-002 0. IX' 613.42 BARNES DANIEL A & NICOLE H 5.000AC FOR POB COM AT SE/C OF S/4 OF E/2 OF NW/4 OF NW/4 OF SEC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 458 200815-i1:100:0'007.-0I l 1.130 39i 45s '2)0[ 1 5-1:00rt.013i:07-Ci000 .,, *I 111 39 DAVIS'WOODROW & MARSH'A" :' 20.000AC W/2 OF NW/4 OF NE/4 22/23 163/661-662 206/90 246/478 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 459 290815-02270000-0040 HX 713.50 459 290815-02270000-0040 HX 713.50 MCCASKEY IRMA JEAN 5.530AC PARCEL 4 BRADLAND UNREC SUBD CONT 5.53 AC DESC IN MTS & SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 460 290815-02270000-0070 57.40 460 290815-02270000-0070 57.40 THOMPSON JAMES A & THELMA L 8.210AC LOT 7 BRADLAND LiNREC SUBD CONT 8.21 AC 1'4 436 196 78 196 8 2004/2203 461 290815-02270000-0140 HX 196.37 461 290815-02270000-0140 HX 196.37 SHANNON GEORGE E JR & 5.500AC TRACT 14 BRADLAND UNREC SUBD COUNT 5 50 A'C DESC AS COM AT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 462 300815-00370000-0800 40.29 462 300815-00370000-0800 40.29 ARNOLD ALFRED D 0.250AC LOT 80 KUSHMER ADDIT TO BELL 256/333 2001/3231 2002/472 2002/712, 463 300815-00910000-0070 HX 467.33 463,300815-00910000-0070 HX 467.33 CAMPBELL LEE R & LINDA S 5.010AC LOT 7 RIDGEVIEW SUBDIVISION CONT 5.005 AC 102/167 134/145 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 464,300815-00370000-0700 HX 924.10 464 300815-00370000-0700 HX 924.10 SUTTON LARRY & MARY ANN 0.500AC LOTS 70 & 77 KUSHMER ADD TO BELL 99/396 124/582 126/47 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 465 300815-00910000-0040 426.98 465 300815-00910000-0040 426.98 LAPUMA ROBERT 5.010AC LOT 4 RIDGEVIEW SUBD CONT 5.01 AC 47/1.17 79/555 83/173 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 466 300815-00910000-0140 536.72 466 300815-00910000-0140 536.72 SHORT PATRICIA 1.430AC LOT 14 RIDGEVIEW SUBD 94/566 UTILITY EASEMENT 161/617 163/ 391 467 300815-00910000-0150 440.93 467 300815-00910000-0150 440.93 YOUNG RONNY MARIE 1.680AC LOT 15 RIDGEVIEW SUBD CONT 1.68 AC 146/443 280/357 280/ 358 294/484 2005/227 468 310815-00000005-0010 HX 303.60 468 310815-00000005-0010 HX 303.60 SANDERS LAVERNE 3.010AC COM AT NW/C OF NE/4 OF NW/4 FOR POR THENCE GO S 00 DEG W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 469 310815-00000005-0085 HX 269.16 469 310815-00000005-0085 HX 269.16 HERRIN BENITA REGAY 3.020AC COM AT NW/C OF SE/4 OF NW/4 31-8-15 FOR POR THENCE RUN ALG SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 470 310815-02680000-0070 148.95 470 310815-02680000-0070 148.95 HERRIN BENITA REGAY 1.040AC LOT 7 SANDERS OAKS SUBD CONT .91 AC 259/621 259/626 2003/ 3773 2003/4597 471 310815-02680000-0080 148.95 471 310815-02680000-0080 148.95 WOODS DANIEL CHRISTOPHER & 1.100AC LOT 8 SANDERS OAKS SUBD CONT 1.10 AC 74/109 75/606 76/155 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 472 310815-02680000-0190 '148.95 472 310815-02680000-0190 148.95 MARKEY DARRINJ 0.910AC LOT 19 SANDERS OAKS SUBD CONT .91 AC 74/215 123/575 & 578 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 473 310815-02950000-0040 219.62 473 310815-02950000-0040 219.62 GUTHRIE SCOTT 0.750AC LOT 4 CUSTOM ESTATES 74/109 75/606 235/301 UTIL EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 474 320815-00000012-0000 HX 2,069.88 474 320815-00000012-0000 HX 2,069.88 JONES GRADY H SR & DEBORAH A 5.000AC W 298.36 FT OF S 730 FT OF SE/4 OF SW/4 CONTAINING 5 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 475 050915-00000002-0030 209.39 475 050915-00000002-0030 209.39 AVERY NICKOLE & 2.080AC. COM AT NW/C OF SE/4 OF SW/4 : 5-9-15 THENCE RUN N 88 DEC E SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 476 050915-0094000-0040 HX 588.77 476 050915-00940000-0040-, HX 588.77. COCNNER SHEILA ?.1 5 87'AC TRACT 4 SANTA FE RANCHETTES CONT II 74 AC Ii,1I.69o 145.'398 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 477 050915-00940000-0050 HX 884.64 477 050915-00940000-0050 HX 884.64 PELTO JOHN R & LISA A GLCOVER r1.200AC TRACT 5 SANTA FE RA~NCHETTES CONT 10 21' AC 98 476 188 291 SSEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 478 u.5091.5-0:094i::.000-"'9". HX 91 3i ' S" 478 05i:915-i, 94,'i':0-i009-') HX 9 I: 36' KEEF RONALD RIC-LARDS& DEBRA 10.210AC TRACT 9 SANTA FE RANCHETTES CONT 10 21 AC i10-:-1446 156 1:5 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S 479 0109 15-111 941 1 1:i-: 51:1' I 6039':' ' 4 79 ,:,5,:19 ] .- : 94i,:,:",,,-,, 15n:i 1.60. ) " CiIRTIS CARLA II 41IAC LOT 15 SANTA FE RANCHETTES CONT II 4:19 AC 1I2.538 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S 480 1'501' 5-':01(5000.l-024,.I I I l4 6 4 :i i:150 1 5-l:I11, ) 115i: 100 -0'240 1.1-4 1 .,6 COBB JAMIES J CAROL N 1t. 4 370AC LOT 24 FLYING HARNESS FARM CO(NT 5 01 AC BEING IN SECT SEE TAX ROLL FORADDITIONAL LEGAL 48I SQ05391 5-I: 'il 5'i":i),:i-,32o0 0 '3 92 481 I) 5 9 i5.0 I i :':'':-,:26: .2 . SMORIN DONALD F 6 32:iAC LOT 2o FL ING HAPRNESS FARiMS CONT o 32 AC BEING IN SECT 7 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 482 ('59i 5.-'02(80: i0-'i"o0 296.93 482 05:i9! 5-1210801 ,)0C.'"'66 296.93 HITEL' 'HAZELTO)N E 10.000AC ,TR- CT 6 DEERWOOD FARMJIS LUNfREC SLBD CONT I:i AC 98 72 98 7' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 483 050915-02080000-0070 200.60 483 050915-02080000-0070 200.60. W\HITELY HRAZELTON E I'0 5SuAC. TFACT 7 DEERWiOOD FAPJ.IS ifNRE' SULBD CONT I.I 58 AC S% 72 SEE TA.. RiOLL FOR ADDiTiCONA.L LEGAL 484 :,7:, 1 IS. i,),',i: ,, I- :3': 4 450 96 484 070915-00000001-0030 450.96' SOLOMON MARY SUE 5.500AC BEG AT NE.C OF N i 4 OF NE 4 GCOON E LN OF NW,4 OF NE 4 S .- SEP, TA\ ROL1 FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL I 485 : 70(915-)52 50.":,"0-0"140 H\ 4-1.11: 6S 485 070915-05250000-0040 HX. 400.68 SMITH BARBARA J 5.000AC LOT 4 REPLAT OF LOTS 27 & 28 OF GIL CREST FARM SUBD CONT 5 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 43o 8'b I91 5.0 I 24':.1':i'.':-.1 I 6'. 4 1 2 98 486 081'I 5-l01 241 1 .'Ji61C' 4 I 2 9S ROGERS FRANKLIN CHARLES 5.000AC LOT.16 TROTTER FARMS SUBD BEING IN 8-9-15 CONT 5 AC - 147/58 161/429 170/511 487 170915-00000004-0030 913.08 487 170915-00000004-0030 913:08 *SLAUGHTER PJCKiY C 10.000AC COM AT SW/C OF SE/4 OF 17-9-15 FOR POR AND RUN ALG S SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 488 180915-00000012-0020 HX 780.68 488 180915-00000012-0020 HX 780.68. REED LISA JOAN 5.000AC COM 01 AT SW/C OF NW/4 OF SW/4 OF 18-9-15 FOR POR THENCE RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONALLEGAL 489 200915-0.0000003-0000 1..625.09 489 200915-00000003-0000 1,625.09 SLAUGHTER RICKY 31.OOOAC COM AT SE/C OFW/2 OF NE/4 OF NW/4 20-9-15 FOR POB THENCE SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 490 200915-00000003-0050 .6270 490 200915-00000003-0050 62.70 SLAUGHTER RICKY C 10.000AC COM AT NE/C OF NW/4 OF NE/4 OF 20-9-15 FOR POR THENCE RUN ON SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 491 200915-00000012-0010 146.95 491 200915-00000012-0010 146.95 BROWN HERBERT E JR & GAYLE 40.000AC SE/4 OF SE/4 78/628 103/252 (LEROY SAPP) 2003/4896 492 280915-000000002-0000 383.71 492 280915-00000002-0000 383.71 BROWN HERBERT EJR 160.000AC N/2 OF NW/4 & SW/4 OF NW/4 & NW/4 OF SW/4 (SAPP PL) OR 55/624 & OR 62/511 493 310915-00000003-0020 ,. 69.75 493 310915-00000003-0020 69.75 JORDAN KENNETH M 12.390AC COM AT SW/C OF 31-9-15 FOR FOR THENCE RUN ON S LN OF SAID SEC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 494 031015-00000008-0000 1,140.27 494 031015-00000008-0000 1,140.27 MONTELEONE RITA & 5.000AC BEG AT SE/C OF SW/4 OF SE/4. GO N 621.09 FT TO NRLY EDGE SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 495 091015-00000018-0000 476.28 495 091015-00000018-0000 476.28 BOATWRIGHT CHRISTOPHER W ET AL 0.120AC COMMENCE 66 FT EAST OF SW CORNER OF SE/4 OF SW/4 AS POB SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 496 091015-01080000-0370 96.21 496 091015-01080000-0370 96.21 DEETER TONYA K LOT 37 PINES ESTATES SUBD 114/565 127/433 245/527 293/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 497 091015-01080000-0400 96.21 497 091015-01080000-0400 96.21 DEETER TONYA K 0. 180AC LOT 40 PINESESTATES SUBD 114/565 127/433 245/527 293/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 498 091015-01080000-0430 HX 334.18 498 091015-01080000-0430 HX 334.18 RICHBURG JESSICA PAIGE 0.360AC LOTS 43 & 44 PINES ESTATES SUBD 114/565 127/433 245/527 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 499 091015-01080000-0830 96.21 499 091015-01080000-0830 96.21 LUCAS DEBRA DENISE 0.180AC LOT 83 PINES ESTATES SUBD 32/44 42/582 136/185 2001/1704 2002/3640 500 091015-01080000-0840 HX 94.12 500 091015-01080000-0840 HX 94.12 LUCAS DEBRA DENISE 0.360AC LOTS 84 & 105 PINE ESTATES SUBD 32/44 42/582 125/598 136/185 187/517 292/57 501 091015-01080000-1060 96.21 501 091015-01080000-1060 96.21 LUCAS DEBRA DENISE. 0.180AC LOT 106 PINES ESTATES SUBD 125/598 2002/3639 2002/3640 502 091015-01080000-1220 HX 306.21 502 091015-01080000-1220 HX 306.21 THOMAS ELMER & HELENA 0.360AC LOTS 122 & 123 PINES ESTATES SOBD 125/598 188/3232001/1704 2001/1705 503 091015-01080000-1370 167.97 503 091015-01080000-1370 167.97 CARLISLE KAYE V 0.180AC LOT 137 PINES ESTATE SUBD 114/565 117/53 127/433 170/11 220.1 2 1,2 51 2000,0'2730 .2 i 504 091015-01080000-1510 553.24 504 091015-01080000-1510 553.24 DAVKIN PROPERTIES INC. 0.380AC LOTS 151 & 152 PINES ESTATES :114/565124/136 127/433 128/ SEETAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 505 111015-02370000-0380 HX 1,014.79 505 111015-02370000-0380 HX 1,014.79 BLANKS JIMMY L 5.000AC LOT 38 OAK HOLLOW NORTH SUBD CONT5AC 183 554 199/216246/ o6 2147 466 20000 4-0. 21:1)5 961 506 111015-00000001-0010 176.54 506 111015-00000001-0010 176.54 YESBIK NICK I 69.060AC i: COMBAT SE/C OF 11-10-15 AS POB GO N 01 DEG W 1254.96 FT' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 507 I I l15.-i237i,,, -,iiiii HX 778.78. 507 1 I111 5-023700'):1.0:0010 HX 778:78 MCKOY KEITH- 5.000AC LOT 1 OAK HOLLOW NORTH CONT 5 AC 183/540 & 542 199/216 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S508 1110,15-02370000-0070 394.54 508 111015-02370000-0070 394 54 VOLLAND ROBERT E &THOLAS 5.000AC LOT 7 OAK HOLLOW NORTH SLIBD 176/674 509 111015-02370000-0280 381.32 509 111015-02370000-0280 381:32' BETANCOURT JOSE M RE YES 5.000AC LOT 23 OAki HOLLOW NORTH SUBD SCONT 5 .C 183 548 51|i I 1 |Ii 5.u*237.iu00.-0:i390 381I 32 510 111015-02370000-0390 3.- 32 NAG EL MLARILYN R 5.000AC LOT 39 OAK HOIL LO( NORTH SULBD 'CONT AC184/284244/439 245 417 2.'5 1399 20'05 5445 511141015-00000001-0010 190.60 511 14B 101 ')i' i 00ii -0 1.ii i 190.60 YESBIK NICKI 67 1.20AC " BEG AT NE/C OF 14-10-15 GO W 2370 FT M/L TO PT GO S 818 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 512 15IS i 5-,i-'29000f'-.ll3u 1 55882 ,;510151015-Q2,49Q9, QQO-', ;A~,i,58:82 - VALDES OSCAR & WILLIAM TERR' 3.410AC LOT 3 TRENTON 26 EAST SUBD CONT:- 42 AC 71.96 82- 4 5 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 513 151015-02560000-0020 .1,217.18 5I3 I 51015-025'600u)-'(-ILU 20 I 217.1.8 PARSONS MI H & SONS LLIUMBER CO 1.300AC, LOT 2 TRENTON 26 EAST FIRST ADDIT SUBD CONT 1:28 AC 71/96 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 514 161015-0038000B-0340 113.92 . 514 161015-0038000B-0340 11392 BANNING SHAWNA 0 I I:A LOT34 BLK 3 COL E AN & ANDREWS SUBD 106/684 107/247 107/252 ' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 515 161015-00400015-0040 HX 1,156.96 515 161015-00400015-0040 HX 1,156.96 SHAARA SHERRY LYNN TILLMAN 0.340AC LOT 4 BLK 15 PIEDMONT SUBD 108/528 110/589-591. 146 4.i'. 261/463 273/182 2000/1186 516 161015-0046000A-0041 1,115.61 516 161015-0046000A-0041 1,115.61 CHAPMAN SHARON& EUGENE 50.370AC S 50 FT OF LOT 4 BLK A& LOT 5 BLK A HOLMES 1ST ADDIT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 517 161015-00480044-0010 603.76 517 161015-00480044-0010 603.76 MCGEE JOHNNIE LEE ET AL 0.230AC LOT 1 BLK 44 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY 83/238 518 161015-00480056-0010 127.86 518 161015-00480056-0010 127.86 MCGEE DENNIS & 0.230AC LOT- BLK 56 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY 282/454282/54 282/405 2000/ 1520 519 161015-00000013-0000 634.83 519 161015-00000013-0000 634.83 NEESE JOHN F & DONNA 0.460AC BEG AT PT 668 FT N OF SW/C OF SE/4 OF NE/4 OF 16-10-15 GO N SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 520 161015-00000015-0000 693.35 520 161015-00000015-0000 693.35 CHARLES PUI LAM LEUNG 1.020AC COM AT SW/C OF SE/4 OF NE/4 OF 16-10-15 & RUN ON S LN OF SAID SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 521 161015-00000016-0000 1,946.30 521 161015-00000016-0000 1,946.30 CHARLES PUI LAM LEUNG 0.480AC CQM AT SE COR OF SE/4 OF NE /4 GO W 330 FT TO POB GO N SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 522 161015-00000031-0000. 875.55 522 161015-00000031-0000 875.55 JENKINS WILTON E & 0.590AC BEG AT NW COR OF SE/4 OF 16-10-15 RUN E 1116 FT TO POB SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 523 161015-00000041-0000 HX 94.12 523 161015-00000041-0000 HX 94.12 GAMBLE GLORIA A 0.340AC BEGIN AT SW/C OF NE/4 16-10-15 THENCE RUN N 02 DEG SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 524 161015-00000094-0000 HX 94.12 524 161015-00000094-0000 HX 94.12 SAPP TRAVIS & HEATHER 0.430AC COM AT CENTER OF 16-10-15 FOR A PT OF REF GO S ALONG CENTER SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL L" ""'~r-L 4-" "' 1-Ultl ~ T ------^'' L May 11, 18, 25, 2006 Gilchrist County Delinauent Tax List Section B, Page Five 525 161015-0038000A-0180 532.69 525 161015-0038000A-0180 532.69 STEPHENS MARY RUTH 0.340AC LOTS 18-19-20 BLK A COLEMAN & ANDREWS SUBD 43/631 61/236 & SEE TAX ROLL FORL ADDITIONAL LEGAL 526 161015-0038000A-0230 HX 94.12 526 161015-0038000A-0230 HX 94.12 BRUNGER OPAL-FAYE 0.110AC" LOT 23 BLK A ANDREWS-COLEMAN SUBD 123/449 201/207-211 2000/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 527 161015-0038000A-0340 342.68 527 161015-0038000A-0340 342.68 HAMMEL ARTHUR J & FRANCES G 0.110AC LOT 34 BLK A COLEMAN & ANDREWS SUBD 50/56 88/276 129/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 528 161015-0038000B-0010 442:92 528 161015-0038000B-0010 442.92 HENDRICKS LUCY J 0.460AC LOTS 1 2 52 & 53 BLK B COLEMAN & ANDREWS SUBDIVISION SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 529 161015-0038000B-0100 HX 1,279.77 529161015-0039000B-0100 HX 1,279.77 COLSON SAMUEL G JR & VIOLET C 2.200AC LOTS 10-1-1-12-13-14-15-39-40 41-42 BLK:B COLEMAN & ANDREWS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 530 161015-0038000B-0210 570:19 530 161015-0038000B-0210 570.19 HALIBURTON SANDRAE 0.230AC LOTS 21 & 22 BLK B COLEMAN & ANDREWS SUBD 107/357-358 2001/32842001/5058 531 16101 5-(.38000:1B-037:I HX 9412 531 161015-0038000B-0370 HX 94.12 MOSHER W R & LISA H (I IOAC LOT 3.7 BLK B COLEMAN & ANDREWS SUBD 106 68-1 107 247 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 532 161015-0038000C-0210 101 47 532 161015-1:10380t:0OC-0210 101 47 . J.OUVENAS SANDRA 0 IIOAC LOT 21 BLK C COLEMAN & . ANDREWS SUBD 108.175 125.356 2002/5496 533 161015-0038000C-0220 HX 329 73 533 161015.00381:106C-0220 HX 329 73 JOUVENAS SANDRA 0 IIOAC LOT 22 BLK C COLEMAN & ANDREWS SUBD 91 480 & 482 125 303 2002.5496 534 161015r003801.iOD-0010 483 18 534 161015-0038000D-0010 483 18 HENDRICKSDANL 0430AC LOTS 123 &4 BLK D COLEMAN& ' ANDREW SUBD 9-10-15 106/684 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 535 161615-0038:0il0D-0050 18061 535 161015-0030001.D-00':50 180 61 TRIGGERS JERRY &CINDYM 230AC LOTS 5 & 6 BLK DCOLEMAN & ANDREWS SLIBD 106,684 110277 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 536 Ibl1 5-00C38:i)0D-0410 304 61 536 161015-00380:00D-0140 304 61 HENRY HENRY L & RACHEL CLARK 0.110AC. LOT 14 BLK D ANDREWS-COLELMAN SLiBD 164'567 .1 73 23 365. SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 537 1610i 15-004)00I18-030 HX 94 12 537 161015-0040i(l:"'18-0030 HX- 94.12 CANNON DELL R II 0 .380AC LOT 3 BLK 18 PIEDIMONT SLIBD ' 82 70 188428 234.'242 88.:66 296273. . 538 161( 5-')1004010019 0 1 i 651 37 ';3. I | l' 1 ?, .]:l, : ll.,,ll .l ]l" I. 1, 1 3 ' Ri.USSUM StAM-NTHA SAHILY' ,.i-3.-. . LOIT I BLK 19 PIEDCMONT SUBD 3941 127.211 236 75 392i 61 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL. 539 oll15-i.10411,")V-l0180 10676 : 539 16 I:'I|5-:,)41 ,I::.:,'V. |18') 106 76 MCDONALD ROBERT E& KATHERINE 0.110AC LOT 18 BLK V BEACH ADDIT 69 452 2:13 1059 17 o6 33 185 VACATING ALLEY 249/57 285/682 540 161015-0041000V-0190 HX 468.50 54Q 16115-,i::l4 1I, ','-) 190 1: HX 468.50 MCDONALD ROBERT E & KATHERINE 0.330AC LOTS 19 2:& 21 BLK\ BEACH ADDIT 69/452 203/664 205/321 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 541 161015-0042000E-0010 989.18 541-161015-0042000E-0010 '989.18 WILLIAMS PATRICIA ANN &RILLA 0.340AC LOTS 1 & 2 BLK E B F WILLIAMS (100' X150') 193/335 2000/ 1964 542 161015-0042000E-0030 180.61. 542 161015-0042000E-0030 1- 80.61 WILLIAMS W J MRS FRANCES 0I.51AC LOTS 3 7 8 BLK E B F WILLIAMS SUBD DB 6/127 4/441 135/117 193/335 543 161015-00430001-0040 1,716.81 543 161015-00430001-0040 1,716.81 FEATHER MARK J &.NATALIE L 0.240AC LOT 4& W/2 OF LOT 5. BLK1 HOLMES SECOND ADDITION 92/648 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 544 161015-00430008-0030 HX' 493.89 544 161015-00430008-0030 HX 493.89 i DEEN.JOHN W & SHERRIE F 0.150AC "LOT 3 BLK 8 HOLMES 2ND ADDITION & A STRIP' 100 X 12 ' SEE TAX ROLL FORADDITIONAL LEGAL * 545'161015-00430008-0040. HX 1,401.92 545 161015-00430008-0040 HX 1,401.92 DEEN G RILEY & LAURA LEIGH 0.170AC LOT 4 &W/2 OF LOT 5 BLK 8 HOLMES 2ND ADDIT 176/621 223/ 5272004/5952 546 161015-00440000-0090 HX 94.12 546 161015-00440000-0090 HX 94.12 COLLINS WAYNE 0.270AC LOT 9 AYERS ESTATES 82/305 236/197 2005/3816 547 161015-00440000-0100 HX 456.89 547 161015-00440000-0100 HX 456.89 TROWBRIDGE RONALD 0.250AC LOT 10 AYERS ESTATES 55/693 76/624 86/431 120/347 121/462 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 548 161015-00440000-0340 411.57 548 161015-00440000-0340 411.57 FLETCHER LEONARD V 0.220AC LOT 34 AYERS ESTATE SUBD 56/ 19768/31 80/16990/671 171/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 549 161015-00440000-0400 HX 94.12 549 161015-00440000-0400 HX 94.12 CREWS JIMMY & LINDA 0.210AC LOT 40 AYERS ESTATES SUBD 56/290 67/193 103/434 104/150 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 550 161015-00440000-0530 HX 130.75 550 161015-00440000-0530 HX 130.75 BISCHOFF ROBERT T 0.220AC LOT 53 AYERS EST SUBD 80/169 123/71 141/216 160/230 175/32 183/61 224/226 551 161015-00440000-0760 HX 240.24 551 161015-00440000-0760 HX 240.24 MOREHOUSE RICHIE ALLEN & 0.430AC LOTS 76 & 77 AYERS ESTATES 48/81 81/588 & 567 46/236 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 552 161015-00440000-0780 HX 300.67 552 16101'5-00440000-0780 HX 300.67 DECHANT LUCIE 0.220AC LOT 78 AYERS ESTATES 73/457 79/403 96/664 285/523 285/525 285/526 553 161015-00440000-0890 451.41 553 161015-00440000-0890 451.41 MASON BILLIE M & CHARLES 0.320AC W/2 OF 89 & LOT 90 AYERS EST 102/122 127/285 265/633 270/ 651 554 161015-00440000-0910 368.70 554 161015-00440000-0910 368.70 NER TRUST 0.210AC LOT 91 AYERS'ESTATES SUBD 141/145 247/676 279/111 555 161015-00440000-0940 HX 404.49- 555 161015-00440000-0940 HX 404.49 GORDON CONSTANCE 0.420AC LOTS 94 & 95 AYERS ESTATES OR 74/406 88/67 107/214 122/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL' .556 161015-00440000-1350: 882.28 556 161015-00440000-1350 882.28 HINES PATRICIA 0.210AC LOT 135 AYERS ESTATES 47/71 51/320-32158/63765/673-674 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 557 161015-0047001.i2-0010 1,17408 557 161015-00470002-0010 1,174 S08 JOHNSON MAC C & 0 140AC LOTS I 4 5 BLK 2 ROGERS & JONES ADDIT DEED BOOK 16 568 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 558 161015-00470002-0100 4346 555 161015-00470002-0100 4346 BEAUCHAMP R LUTHER 0 280AC LOTS 0 & II BLK 2 ROGERS & JONES ADDIT 101 368 185 14 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 559 161015-00480007-0010 HX 94 12 559 161015-00480007-0010 HX 94 12 HARRAH NEOTA 0 100AC E 2 OF LOT I BLK 7 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY 145:524 196 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 560 161015-00480009-0020 HX 14515 560 161015-00480009-0020 HX 145 15 SRE YNOLDS GEORGE A & MARY I 0 230AC LOT 2 BLK 9 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY OR 46 P615 OR 71,230 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 561 161015-00480009-0050 HX 30789 561 161015-00480009-0050 HX 30789 DEEN LOSSIE B 0 230AC , LOT 5 BLK 9 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY 78 699 VACATED ALLEY ' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 562 161015-00480010-00 11 86390 562 161015-00480010-001:1 863 90 TOOKE LMARK T 120AC W 2OF LOT I LESS TRA OFF E SSiDE & EARLY 35 FT OF LOT 2 & SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 563 161015-00480022-0061 698 90 563 161015-00480022-0061 698 90 HATCH JAMES W 0 130AC W 2 OF LOTS 6-7 BLK 22 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 564 161015-00480032-0060 52521 564 161(015-00480032-0060 525 21 TOOKE MARK 0210AC LOT 6 BLK 32 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY 49.488 72/372 77.634 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 565 161015-100480033-0011 HX 94 12 5651,.61p15-00480033r,001 HX 94 12 '. \,Tl:'t TAN1 A LARRY I J30AC 73 1'3 FT OFF E SIDE LOT I BL K 33 TRENTON ORIG SLRV OR SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S "56 loll015-00480036-00130 HX 94 12 5o6 I 1015-00480036-0031. HX 94 12 BISHOP DEBORAH L, 0.:I60AC LOT 3 BLK 36 TRENTON ORIGINAL SUiRVEY DB 6 5"00 11/43 257/707 278/618 2001/3784 567 161015-00480039-0020 HX 435.64 567 161015-00480039-0020 HX 435.64 HAYNES PAMELA J & MARCIA A 0.360AC. LOT 2 BLK 39 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY & PART OF VACATED ST ON SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 568 161015-00480040-0010 725.07' 568 161015-00480040-0010 725.07 SMURRAY ELANDA .0.460AC LOT 1 & 4 BLK 40 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY 45/505 126/87 132/575 2003/6507 2004/6524, 569 161015-00480040-0021 48.72 S569 1610.15-00480040-0021 48.72 WASHINGTON ELVERT L 0.090AC PART OF VACATED'ST DESC AS BEG AT NW C OF LOT2 BLK40O SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 570 161015-00480040-0061 75.10 570 161015-00480040-0061 75.10 HOGAN LATRENDA S 0.090AC BEGIN AT SW/C OF LOT 6 BLK 40 TRENTON ORIG SURVEY GO W 60 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 571 161015-00480041-0040 1233735 571 161015-00480041-0040' 233.35 CAMBRIDGE BENTON 0.460AC LOTS 4 & 5 BLK 41 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY TAX DEED BOOK I PAGES 123 &;125 572 161015-00480045-0011 1i99.63 572 161015-00480045-0011 199.63 PERRY CHARLIE &.PERRY HENRY 0.230AC E/2 OF LOTS & 4 BLK 45 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY 2002/ 421 573 161015-00480046-0020 326.18 573 161015-00480046-0020 326.18 GENT RL FRANKLIN 0.460AC LOTS 2 & 3 BLK 46 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY & PART OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 574 161015-00480046-0040 127.86 574 161015-00480046-0040 127.86 PERRY CHARLIE 0.230AC LOT 4 BLK 46 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY 2002/421 575 161015-00480046-0050 127.86 575 161015-00480046-0050 127.86 WILSON GLEN R 0.230AC LOT 5 BLK 46 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY PROBATE BOOK 31/320 576 161015-00480047-0030 332.30 576 161015-00480047-0030 332.30 MCGEE TERESA & KATHY & JAMES 0.460AC LOT 3 & 6 BLK 47 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY 57/119 57/321 190/622 190/624 577 161015-00480050-0020 HX 469.92 577 161015-00480050-0020 HX 469.92 WASINGTON ELVERT L 0.500AC LOTS 2-3 BLK 50 LESS R/W ON E & THAT PORTION OF FIRST AVE W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 578 161015-00480054-0040 233.35 578 161015-00480054-001 .\ 233.35 WILSON GLEN R 0.080AC LOTS 1 & 4 BLK 54 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY 18/451 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 579 171015-00490004-0050 199.63 579 171015-00490004-0050 199.63 SCOTT HELEN D & 0.110AC LOT 5 BLK 4 WADE & BELL ADDITION 282/405 282/454 2000/1508 580 171015-00490005-0010 349.68. 580 171015-00490005-0010 349.68 LANE L J&MARIE 0.570AC LOTS: 2 & 3 BLK5S WADE & BELL ADDIT 216/448 238/496 238/437 282/405 282/454 581 171015-00490014-0010 HX 222.77 581 171015-00490014-0010 HX 222.77 WILLIAMS MICHAEL & PEARLIE 0.230AC LOTS 1-2 BLK 14 WADE & BELL 120/229-230 2005/1246 582 171015-00490016-01050 HX 94.12' 582 171015-00490016-0050 HX 94.12 THLOAS ELMER& FRANKIE 0.460AC LOTS 5 6 7 8 BLK 16 WADE & SBELL 45/12 242' 19 242'1 I1 2000/2245 583 171015-00490017-0050 12786 583 171015-00490017-0050 12786 SCOTT HELEND& OIIOAC LOT 5 BLK 17 WADE& BELL ADDIT 282'405. 282.454 584 1710i15-00:l490017-0:060) 127 86 584 171015-00490017-0060 127 86 HEATH WALTER MRS (CRESSIE 0 IIOAC: LOT 6 BLK 17 WADE& BELL 585 171015-0051i00u00-0330 HX 404 93 585 171015-005l00I00-I1330) HX 404 93 BLITHE GEORGE KEVIN 0 4i00AC LOT 33 PINEWOOD SUBD 47 287 113 496 142 193 142 194 181 .449 225 435 229,324 259 537 586 171015-'.i05X ":0-052: HX 486 12 S 586 171015-"l'.i5u01i'iC-05:02' HX 486 I 2 TEMIPLETON GARY L 0 400AC LOT 52 PINEWOOD SUBD & STRIP 10 FT X I00 FT METES & BOUiNDS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S 587 17101: 5-00000:29-0000 HN 79603 587 171015-Oir100029-0000 HX 79603 BEAULIEU DONALD NI & AUDREY 5 380AC CONM AT SW COR OF SW.4 OF SE '4 GO ALG W LN N O2 DEG W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 588 171015-i0.:49')0001-001: HX 94 12 588 171015-00490001-0010 HIX 94 12 % I LEY BARBARA.I '3 IIOAC S LOTS I & E 10 FT OF LOT 2BLK I WADE& BELL 74 37 76399 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 589 171015-0049001.14-0010 HN 57683 589 1711j)I15-00490li4-010 HX 576 83 BROWN DEBRA L & ANNIE M, BROWN 0 340AC' LOTS 12& 3 BLK 4 WADE & BELL ADDITION 119 177 239 251 253 'SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL ; 590 1711.iI5-00490'05-0i050 199 63 ' 590 171"'i 15-0"4900r",5-0i'50 19963 LANE L J & MARIE 0 110AC LOTT 5 BLK 5 WADE & BELL XDDIT 216 448 282-:45 282:454 591 171015-0049'00:5-0i060l 12786 591 171015-00490005-0060 12786 LLCAS DEBRA DENISE 0OIIOAC LOT 6 BLK 5 WADE 7 BELL ADDIT 142.'62 165,61) 282.4015 282.454 S 592 17 15 004900015-0070 349 40 ' S 592 171015-00490005-0070 34940 CARTER WILLIE MERLE 0 I IOAC LOTS 7 89 BLK 5 WADE& BELL ADDIT 142 62 165 52 & 60282' 405 282 454 5'1) I 171 I -,,,:'4 0,:,l .,''i' :,,, ., .. 233 35 .... '""'* 5" 93 I71 ,':IS klu490 'll8-U'J7. ) "'' -' "'233 35 ' I ILSON GLORIA 0 23'AC LOTS 7 & 8 BLK 8 W DE & BELL 47 571 224 518 21'1:4 3591 594 17101 hi5-.':"49l00)9-00iji5i 544 16 594 I5'I 01 5-.0C49:,:")J9-0050i 5 .4 16 lCQLiEEN H1LTON & LOUISE : 23:)AC LOTS 5-6 BLK 9 WADE & BELL 120 33 505 171I':)I 5-':i":'4190i I'|I-0()31 H X 94 12 .5 171I15 I: :i4,:) 10-00)3.- HX 94 12 YARRELL PAME LA WILSON 0 230AC LOTS 3 & 4 BLI 10 WADE & BELL DEED BOOK 6 8 12 :02 12 304 SSEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 596 171 Il5-(0i49:): I 1-003) HNX 31'065 596 171015-0i490011-0030 HX 31065 LANEL J&MARIE 0230AC LOT 3 BLK 11 WADE & BELL & LOT 4 BLK 11 WADE& BELL. SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 597 171015-)00490011-01.091 3015 12 597 171015.i-00490011-0090 305.12 MASON WILLIAM DR 0.230AC SLOTS'9& 10 BLK II.WADE& SBELL ADDITION 72/505 228/001 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 598L 171H )15 E04 :0 BU HX 818630 598 171015-00490012-0030 HX 818.63 MCGEE JIMMY LEE & ELLA ML0E, 0.690AC LOTS 3 4 56 BL 8 BLk 12 WADE & BELL ADD 62/109 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 599 171015-00490014-0030 233.35 NORRIS CURTIS I EE 0 230AC LOTS 3 &4 BLK I4 \\' .DE & BELL 99/395 120/609 274/136.2821 405 282/454 :.' 601: |710 i5-.ii349 10i)4. 10 234 41 600 17'1015-00490014-01O0 234.41 BROWN RENA EST 0.230AC LOTS 11-12 BLK 14 WADE & BELL OR 73/550 601 171015-00490018-0050 75.10 601 171015-00490018-0050 75.10 EPHRAIM WILLIE C 0.110AC LOT.5 BLK 18 WADE & BELL ADDITION 70/539 199/162.282/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 602,171015-00490018-0060 197.89 602 171015-00490018-0060 197.89 EPHRAIM WILLIE C 0.110AC LOT 6 BLK '18 WADE & BELL TAX DEED 208/571 2004/3120-3121 2005/802 603 171015-00490018-0070 390.07 603 171015-00490018-0070 390.07 GASKINS KENNETH B 0.220AC LOTS 7 & 8 BLK 18 WADE & BELL ADDIT 45/151 SUMMARY ADMINI- SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 604171015-00490019-0030 HX :488.55 604 171015-00490019-0030 HX 488.55 SIMS LONNIE & LENA 0.440AC LOTS 3 4 9 10 BLK 19 WADE & BELL 605 171015-00490019-0110 233.35 605 171015-00490019-0110 233.35 GASKINS KENNETH B 0.220AC LOTS 11 & 12 BLK r9 WADE & BELL SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 606 171015-00500000-0430 HX 449.98 606 171015-00500000-0430 HX 449.98 FAISON LESLIE & BERRY HEATHER 0.400AC LOT 43 PINEWOOD SUBD 49/267 147/589 196/677 203/571 210/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 607 171015-00500000-0500 889.36 607 171015-00500000-0500 889.36 ROBERTS'CHRISTOPHERA & 0.400AC LOT 50 PINEWOOD'SUBD 47/108 102/256-257 113/274 125/267 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 608 171015-00510000-0080 HX 563.86 608 171015-00510000-0080 HX 563.86 SECRET PATRICIA ANN 0.340AC LOT 8 SCHOFIELD BROTHERS SUBD 107/561 609 181015-01770000-0120 .455.18 609 181015-01770000-0120 .455.18 HENDRICKS DAN L & LUCY J 5.000AC LOT 12 1ST ADDIT LANCASTER EST SUBD LESS 1.256 AC IN SEC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 610181015-00760004-0000 1,365.44' 4 610 181015-00760004-0000 1,365.44 WILSON EDWARD MICHAEL & 2.020AC LOT 4 & 5 LANCASTER ESTATES 17-10-15 78/185.85/348 88/68 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 611 181015-00760010-0000 '1,723.18 -611 181015-00760010-0000 1.723 18' CASTOR PATRICK A & DENISE L 2 180AC LOT 10 LANCASTER ESTATES 17-10-15 77.540 132.146 LESS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 612 181015-01770000-0050 HX 19637 612 181015-0177u000:-lIi050 HX 196 37 DAVIS DEWAYNE & LINDA F DAVIS 5 310AC LOT 5 IST ADDITION LANCASTER ESTATES SUBD CONT 5 31 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 613 181015-017700L:ii0-0130 HX 80.6 92 613 181015-01770000-0130 HX 8i6 92 PIERSON DONALD & DIANE 6270AC LOT 13 IST ADDIT LANCASTER EST SLBD & A PORTION OF LOT 12 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 614 181015-01770000-0180 HX 196 37 614 181015-017700:00-0180 HX 19637 RIESER BRENDA 5 000AC LOT 18 LANCASTER ESTATES 1ST ADDITION iN 17-10-15 CONT 'SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 615 191015-0000006-0000 151 33 615 191015-00000006-0000 151 33 BROWNING W P 40 000AC , NW'4 OF SE.4 16.301 210 555- 567 PIPELINE EASEMENTS 2101'569 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 616 201015-0000000I4-0030 HX 1.108 25 i 61i6 21.'11i5-00000004-00.l30 HX 1.108 25 S WIGGINS JAMES E & CECELIA DEEN 10.210AC CONM AT SW'C OF NE4 21.-10i-15 < FOR POB THENCE RUN ALG W LN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 617200115-.'00000"ilo8-.000 HX 2 405 17 617 201 I 5-000uO')08-0Ci'00 HX 2 4'05 17 RIDGEWAY DIUANE J & CELESTE G 28 940AC CONM AT SE COR OF N.?2 OF NW 4 AS POB GO ALG S LN OF N 2 OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 618 211015-000C01(i0-00)20f HX I 82:' 27 618 211015-00000010-00210 H X I 820 27 DREAM BUILDERS DEVELOPMENT 4.000AC COM AT SEC OF SW.4 OF N'% '4 21-10-15 FOR POR THENCE RUN N SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL : 619211015-00000)I 12-0000 HX 196 37 619211015-00000012-0000 HX 196 37 LOVETT KEN-NETH & PHYLLIS I 920AC, LONG METES & BDS DESC IN OR 46 PGS 301 & 302 AND ALSO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 620 211015-00590000-0')60 HX 434 83 620 21101 5-'0059("-'U','.l"J6'. HN 4341 83 WRi-'. IT KAREN SUE I 0':I.C LOT o ROGEtRS SL'BDi ViSiON1N 87 138 118 350 128'45' . 162 194 226 134 62101 2 5-i :i)OOOIli' 5-l0 )2':0 HX 654(0 : 621 221015-0000005-0020 HX 6540 , WILSON ROY MURRAY JR 5 236:'AC COMMENCE AT NW.C OF 22-10-I FOR A POINT OF REFERENCE. SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 622 221015-000000006-0080 HX 81827 622 221015-000C00006-00'180 HX 818 27 BALKCOM BARRY & DIANE MI I 240AC COM AT NW'C OF SW 4 GO S 668 46 FT TO POB CONT S SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 623221015-00000004-0000 4,219.34 623 221015-00000004-)000u 4.219 34 MARINE MAINTENANCE SERVICE OF 5.510AC COM AT NW/C OF 22-10-15 FOR POR THENCE RUN ALG W LN OF SEC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 624 221015-00000006-0040. 1,819.20 624 221015-00000006-0040 1,819.20 BROWN ARTHUR W & STACEY 2.440AC COM AT NW/C OF SW/4 GO N 86 DEG E 347.76 FT TO POB CONT E SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 625 231015-00000010-0000 HX 2,018.41 625 231015-00000010-0000 HX 2,018.41 STULL RODNEY B .2.000AC COM ATSE C OF SW 4 23-10-15 FOR POR THENCE RLUN ALG S LN OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 626 231015-00000010-0050 2,009.85 626 231015-00000010-0050 2,009.85 STULL.RODNEY B -' 11.710AC SE/4 OF SW/4'63/547 70/286 91/ 205 108/602 112/586 113/593 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 627 261015-00000004'-0030 1,795.49 627'261015-00000004-0030 1,795.49 STULL RODNEY B '10.440AC E/2 OF N/2 OF N/2 OF NW/4 LESS , RD R/W LESS 2.02 AC TO HENRY SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 628 261015-00000004-0032 1,047.68 628 261015-00000004-0032 1,047.68 RIDGELL THOMAS M & BETTY J 6.010 AC COM AT NE/C OF NW/4 26-10-15 FOR'POR THENCE RUN ALG E LN OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 629 281015-00610000-0030 HX 774.54 629 281015-00610000-0030 HX 774.54 OSTEEN MARVIN HENRY JR & BETTY 1 .O00OAC LOT 3 WILMOR UNREC SUBD 53/533 56/414 200/480 "630 281015-00610000-0070 HX 2,060.21 630 281015-00610000-0070 HX 2,060.21 LANDRUM MYREL D & BARBARA A 0.910 AC LOT 7 WILMOR UNREC SUBD 52/48 90/627 122/467 128/500-503 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 631 281015-00610000-0201 1,470.63 631 281015-00610000-0201 1,470.63 BRADLEY CLIFTON E & 1.170AC W 159.39 FT OF LOT 20 WILMOR UNREC SUBD DESC IN METES & BDS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 632 281015-03070000-0020 HX 1,558.42 632 281015-03070000-0020 HX 1,558.42 PORTER DIANE 2.000AC LOT 2 COUNTY LINE PINES 214/ 663 2004/2488 2004/6764 633 291015-00000001-0010 307.14 633 291015-00000001-0010 307.14 ALLEN THOMAS FRANK & BARBARA 10.000AC SW/4 OF NW/4 OF NE/4 TOGETHER W/EASEMENT 5/55 61/200 236/113 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 634 291015-00000002-0000 1,164.72 634 291015-00000002-0000 1,164.72 JOHNSON MAC C & DANA D 1.660AC COM ATNE/C OF SECT-GO S 1327.72 FT GO N 89 DEG W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 635 29-I1015-00000002-0015 2,360.54 635 291015-00000002-0015 2,360.54 JOHNSON MAC C & DANA D 3.790AC COM AT SW/C OF NE/4 OF NE/4 OF 29-10-15 FOR POR THENCE RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 636 300716-00000002-0010 HX 260 57 636 300716-000000002-0JO HX 260 57 DOUGLAS SAMUEL & LINDA 2 000AC BEG AT NE.C OF NE'4 OF NW/4 GO W 300 FT S 300 FT E 300 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 637 300716-00000002-0040 HX 196.37 637 300716.00000002-0040 HX 19637. DOUGLAS COUNCIL JR & JANICE 19.000AC NE/4 OF NW'4 N OF CO RD 138 LESS 2 AC TO SAMUEL DOUGLAS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 638 300716-00000006-0020 HX 19637 638 300716-00000006-0020 HX 196 37 CREWS STANLEY K 4 870AC FOR POR COM AT SE'C OF LOT 8 K-K-L&S ESTATES THENCE RUN N SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 639 300716-00000011-0015 HX 196 37 639 300716-00000011-0015 HX 19637 MILLER TENNIELLE 5 000AC FOR POR COM AT NWV C OF NNW4 OF SE 4 OF 30-7-16 THENCE S I DEG SEE TAX ROLL FORADDITIONAL LEGAL 640 300716-00570000-0130 HX 92196 640 300716-00570000-0130 HX 921 96 MARTIN RONALD& CHRISTINA 4 25C0AC LOT 13 K K L & S ESTATES CONT 4 24 AC 195. 576 UTIL EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 641 320716-00000008-0000 266 77 641 320716-00000008-0000 266 77 PINE RIDGE PLANTATION I LLC 80 000AC, S/2 OF SE/4 91/413-419 107/ 35-39 295/135 2004/6717 2004' 4504 2004 4505 2005'2823 642 331716-000i000018-0(000l 151 33 642 330716-00000008-0000 151 33 PINE RIDGE PLANTATION I LLC 40 OO0AC SW.4 OF SW.4 91 413-419 107' 35-39 295 135 21.113 6717 2004 4504 2004 4505 20l052823 643 0:1051 6-01:i00005-0010 3703 37 643 010816-000i) 000Jri5-."10 370 37 WALSH SHARON ELAINE 5 (IOAC S.2 OF S 2 OF W 2OF SW 4 OF SW 4 73 362 77 50) 81 216 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 644 01)0816.-00000005-.0l:il1 38080 644 01:1816-0rC0001(ill05-0011 38080 WALSH SHARON E 15 00OAC W 2 OF SW 4 OF SW.4 LESS 5 AC SPLIT OLT 73.362 77. 560 81-216 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 645 010816-iO(10000015-0030 HX 472 II 645 010816-00000005-0030 HX 47211 I HOLLEY HEATHER RENEE I 000AC FOR POB COMl AT NW 'C OF NE '4 OF SW.4 O(F SW,4 GO S 210 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 646 030816-00000)ii0o.000(l HX 36607 646 103I)816-0Ib0('(I06.i-(IO HX 36607 \ ERNON NORMAL J I ')0I(AC COM AT SE COR OF NE 4 OF SEC & GO %W' 42( FT GO N 30FT TO N SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S 647 ..)816-|.ii,,iliX:i9-:.i'i)J 355 69 647 i,:30 1I.6-i0,'::ii,,'.'.s'o- .i0P 355 Ac ONEAIL TERRY. LEE I' '6A COM AT SE COR OF NE 4 AS POREF GO W ALG I 2 SEC LN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 6458 0381-0 i:ii l001 0ii 01i HX 1.1 1 72 648 30F Io-I'.''c0 10I5-0': 0 H\ 14 10 72 BARBER MARION EL BERT & 14650AC, COIM AT SE C OF 3-8-16 FOR POB & RUN ALG E LN OF SAID SEC 3 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 649 0408216007100C0-0030 1 8 671 649 040816-0i7110001-0030 1,82671 MOLrNT WARREN T N& PATTI S 10 OOOAC LOT 3 BLK I UNIT I SPRING RIDGE SUBD S( 1344 BIG LOT 244 102 267.302 267,304. 650 04081t-0OC720014-0120 HX 1,78871 650 040816-072'00:04-01320 HX 1,788.71 OELFKE MARJORIE JANE 1.080AC LOT 2 BLK 4 UNIT 2 SPRING RIDGE SUBD62 139 o' 82 701117 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 651 040816-07300005-0030 HX 1,265.00 651 040816-07300005-0030 HX 1,265.00 CALVERT JOY L 2.220AC LOTS 3 & 4 BLK5 UT 3 SPRING RIDGE SUBD CONT 2 AC 99/74 SEE TAX ROLL FOR.ADDITIONAL LEGAL 652 04081 6-074i4).,1-0:0 I 2 861.79, S652 040816-07400001-0020 861.79 FLOYD TODD 4.620AC LOT BLK I IT 4 SPRING RIDGE SUBD 94 o I o I8 2844/166 267/ 309 2002/903 :R 653 040816-07400001-0090 HX 2,136.08 653 040816-07400001-0090 HX 2,136.08 PARHAM RONALD A & JENNY L 1.020AC LOT 9 BLK 1 UNIT 4 SPRING RIDGE SUBD 161/28 176/405 267/ 309 2000/2729 2001/1968 654 040816-07400001-0190 HX 403.80 654 040816-07400001-0190 HX 403.80 MELNICK PETER M & DONNA R 1.OOOAC LOT 19 BLK 1 UNIT 4 SPRING RIDGE SUBD 113/96 128/479 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 655 040816-07500000-0130 HX 1,292.85 655 040816-07500000-0130 HX 1,292.85 TALLMAN SUZANNE M 1.020AC LOT 13 BLK 1 UNIT 5 SPRING RIDGE SUBD 108/7 205/712 248/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 656 050816-00000002-0030 349.10 656 050816-00000002-0030 349.10 PINE RIDGE PLANTATION I LLC 120.000AC NW/4 OF NE/4 & N/2 OF NW/4 2004/4504 2004/4505 2005/2823 657 070816-01020000-0090 HX 196.37 657 070816-01020000-0090 HX 196.37 CROSBY THOMAS CARL 5.270AC LOT 9 HIGH SPRINGS HEIGHTS SUBD CONT 5.27 AC 213/139 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 658 070816-01020000-0300 HX 196.37 658 070816-01020000-0300 HX 196.37 FLEMMING DANIEL L & 5.280AC LOT 30 HIGH SPRINGS HEIGHTS SUBD CONT 5.275 AC 105/267 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 659 070816-01020000-0320 HX 196.37 659 070816-01020000-0320 HX 196.37 FLEMMING GALE MARIE 5.270AC LOT 32 HIGH SPRINGS HEIGHTS SUBD CONT 5.27 AC 147/573 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 660 100816-00000004-0010 669.35 660 100816-00000004-0010 669.35 SWEAT MARCUS E & DOLORES J 10.050AC COM AT NW/C OF SW/4 OF 10-8-16 FOR A PT OF REF GO S SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL _ ~I I L~ II I '' ' lq,,4..,y1n P nrr, Ciye riI-,iic ;fnimnfifl oljlina,-uo TnT TaxiLf Mmi 717 7 R 7. 72ft 661 100816-00000004-0060 414.49 661 100816-00000004-0060 414.49 SCHRODER HENRY J & LINDA P 5.020AC W/2 OF FOLLOWING DESC COM AT NW/C OF SW/4 OF 10-8-16 FOR A SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 662 100816-00740000-0110 HX 196.37 662 100816-00740000-0110 HX 196.37 SCOTT ALFRED EUGENE & ELLEN 5.030AC LOT 11 SANTA FE FOREST SUBD OR 72/625 96/133 222/561. 222/563 663 100816-00740000-0140 415.26 663 100816-00740000-0140 415.26 SIMMONS SELDON W & FLORENCE E 5.030AC LOT 14 SANTA FE FOREST SUBD 70/694 173/603 208/688 223/449 2000/3021 664 100816-00740000-0170 HX 351.11 664 100816-00740000-0170 HX 351.11 RUFF MARY ANN & MAGDALENE MARY 5.010AC LOT 17 SANTA FE FOREST SUBD 87/641 88/540-542 156/380 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 665 100816-00740000-0270 HX 569.84 665 100816-00740000-0270 HX 569.84 WILGUS VERNON JAMES & JUNE 10.070AC LOTS 27 & 28 SANTA FE FOREST SUBD 73/417 223/449 233/412 666 110816-00000002-0000 HX 902.04 666 110816-00000002-0000 HX 902.04 MOBLEY WILLIAM C JR & JUDITH C 87.000AC BEG AT NE COR OF NW/4 11-8- 16 E S APP 330 FT TO POB THEN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 667 110816-00000007-0010 284.99 667 110816-00000007-0010 284.99 SIMMONS SELDONW & FLORENCE 1.000AC COM AT NE/C OF W/2 OF NW/4 GO S 1075.4 FT GO W 524 FT GO S SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 668 110816-00000008-0020 488.93 668 110816-00000008-0020 488.93 SIMMONS SELDON W & FLORENCE E 6.000AC 6 AC M/L DESC AS FOLLOWS BEG ATAPT 1466.5 FT S & 532. 5 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL' 669 110816-00000010-0000 HX 915.30 669 110816-00000010-0000 HX 915.30: GERARD KATHERINE KORDANA 10.00AC BEG AT PT 2248 FT 10 IN S & 190 FT W OF NE COR OF W/2 OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 670 110816-00000013-0000 HX ; 872.48 670 110816-0000013-0000 HX 872.48 THOMASPHYLLIS '6.550AC BEG AT SE/C OF SE/4 OF SE/4 GO N 18 FT TO N R/W LINE OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 671 110816-00000013-0080 HX 1,200.71 671 110816-00000013-0080 HX 1,200.71 BASS DAVID L 7.810AC COM AT SE/C OF 11-08-16 THENCE RUN N 00 DEG ALONG E SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 672 120816-00000001-0010 364.19 672 120816-00000001-0010 364.19 THOMAS JAMES J 4.080AC COM AT SW/C OF NE/40F 12-8-16 AS PT OF REF GO N27 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S673 120816-011)i:Iiliui.i4-.01010: HX 256.28 673 120816-00000004-0010 'HX 256.28 HUNTER LORIANN E & JERRY .1.000AC COM AT NE/C OF NW/4 OF NE/4 OF 12-08-16 FOR POR THENCE GO S SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 674 13081 '.0ji 0i' :7-iil'j0010 HX 578:01. , 674 13 1.1 I -.il 111:l u7-,010 :HX 578.01 LANGFORD LADONA A 5.620AC COM AT SW/C OF 13-8-16 GO E 585.83 FT TO POB CONT E SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 675 140816-00000001.-0008 HX ; 249.89 675140816-00000001-0008 HX 249.89 SNYDER JULIAN B JR & DOLERAS C 2.500AC NE/4 OF NE/4 OF NE/4 OF NE/4 2.50 AC 89/518 94/678 95/158 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL' 676.140816-00000002-0130 1,185:11 676 140816-00000002-0130 1,185.11 LOGAN KATHERINE J. 10.060AC SE/4 OF SW/4 OF SE/4 (LOT 13) CONT 10.06 AC TOGETHER SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 677 150816-0000001-0040 HX 1,081.38 677 150816-00000001-0040 HX 1,081.38 GILLESPIE WILLIAM E & 11.560AC COM AT SE/C OF 15-8-16 GO W 1314.43 FT GO N 26 FT TO POB SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 678 150816-00000001-0071 444.87 678 150816-00000001-0071 444.87 MCLEOD WILLIAM DAVIDSON JR 5.420AC FOR A POR COM AT SW/C OF 15-8-16 GO E 175 FT TO W LN OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 679 150816-0000001'0074 452.21 679 150816-00000001-0074 452.21 LUBIN DIEUDONNE & MICHELLE J 6.620AC PARCEL D DESC AS COM AT SW/C 15-8-16 THENCE RUN N 88 DEG E SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 680 150816-00000001-0090 HX 324.97 680 150816-00000001-0090 HX 324.97 EDENFIELD RICKY D & RHONDA 5.000AC FOR A POR COM AT SW/C OF SAID SEC 15 AND RUN NS88 DEG E ALG SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 681 150816-00000001-0130 MHX 556.37 681 150816-00000001-0130 HX 556.37 DdUGLAS RONALD E & 9.690AC COM AT NE/C OF SEC 15-8-16 FOR POR THENCE S ALG.E LN OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 682 160816-00000001-0100 HX 285.66 682 160816-00000001-0100 HX 285.66" KILLINGS EDWARD DAVIS 20.000AC PARCEL 10 CONT 20 AC DESC IN MTS & BDS DESC AS COM SE/C OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 683 160816-00000002-000A HX 706.90 683 160816-00000002-000A HX 706.90 ELLIS LINDA S 5.010AC PARCEL A CONT 5.01 AC DESC AS COM SW/C OF SEC GO N 40 FT TO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 684 160816-02340000-0040 HX 273.28 684 160816-02340000-0040 HX 273.28 BOLTON DAVID & TINA SMITH 5.010 AC LOT 4 OAK HILL SUBD CONT 5.01 AC 166/634 166/692 167/167 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 685 170816-02070000-0180 HX 309.58 685 170816-02070000-0180 HX 309.58 HUNTER JAMES E 10.000AC LOT 18 APPALOOSA TRAILS SUBD UNREC CONT 10 AC 173/308 182/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 686 170816-02070000-0070 243.73 686 170816-02070000-0070 243.73 DEUTSCH CHARLES & LORI 10.000AC LOT 7 APPALOOSA TRAILS SUBD UNREC CONT 10 AC 170/495 2002/4355 687 170816-02070000-0140 HX 308.27 687 170816-02070000-0140 HX 308.27 CHANDLEY LEE S 20.030AC LOTS 14 & 19 APPALOOSA TRAILS UNREC SUBD CONT 20.03 AC 156/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 688 170816-02070000-0160 HX 344.54 688 170816-02070000-0160 HX 344.54 MEECE MELVIN & EVELYN 10.000AC LOT 16 APPALOOSA TRAILS SUBD. UNREC CONT 10 AC 165/360 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 689 170816-02070000-0260 HX 984.30 689 170816-02070000-0260 HX 984.30 BLACKFORD FRANCIS E JR & 20.000AC LOTS 26 & 31 APPALOOSA TRAILS SUBD UNREC 166/368 UTIL EASE- SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 690 170816-02070000-0430 HX 196.37 690 170816-02070000-0430 HX 196.37 GRECO LAWRENCE G 10.000AC LOT 43 APPALOOSA TRAILS UNREC SUBp CONT 10 AC 87/33-42 104 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 691 170816-02070000-0550 1,439.47 691 170816-02070000-0550 1,439.47 BISSELL KENT V SR & DEBORAH 10.000AC LOT 55 APPALOOSA TRAILS CONT 10 AC 195/731 UTIL EASEMENT S198/359 2004/3635 2005/1978 692 170816-02070000-0580 664.90 692 170816-02070000-0580 664.90. SANTIAGO LUIS H & ROSA. 9.980AC LOT 58 APPALOOSA TRAILS SUBD CONT 9.98 AC & DESC IN MTS & BDS DESC 172,255 693 170816-02070000-0590 467.30 693 170816-02070000-0590 467.30 SCHWAB ANTHONY M& PENNY 10.000AC LOT 59 APPALOOSA TRAILS SUBD DESC IN METES & BDS CONT 10 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDI TIONAL LEGAL 694 170816-02070000-0630 HX 196.37 694 170816-02070000-0630 HX 196.37 HILL RICKY JUNIOR &KIMBERLY .10.000AC LOT 63 APPALOOSA TRAILS SUBD DESC IN METES & BDS DESC CONT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 665 170816-02070000-0740 HX 196.37 695 170816-02070000-0740 H.\ 196.37 PITIMAN MICHAEL S & DEBORAH J 10,030AC LOT 74 APPALOOSA TRAILS SUBD CONT 10 03 AC DESC IN LONG SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 696,200816-00000005-0010 5,180 19 696'200816-00006005-0010 5,180,19 HALL PATRICIA E 13 000AC CONM AT NW C OF S 2 OF SW,'4 OF SE 4 OF 20-8-16 GO ALONG N LN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 697 200816-00000001-0010 61792 697200816-00000001-0010: 617.92 LANGFORD DENNIS 5.500AC THAT PART OF E/2 OF NW/4 LYING S OF SCL RR R/W CONT 5.5 AC MIL I I ,565 698 200816-02110000-0150 HX 747.26. 698 200816-02110000-0150 HX 747.26 - BRADY MARK D& ELIZABETH A 5.040AC LOT 15SILVERRIDGESUBDCONT 5.04 ACRES 167/9 189/241 189/ ' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL p99 200816-02110000-0380 4793 699'200816-02110000-0380 47.93 CHESBOROLiGH INVESTMENT 5:000AC LOT 38 SILVER RIDGE SJBD CONT 5 AC 159/217 160/685 161/184 2003/5381 2004 6896 2)05 5415, S 700 200816-02110000-0400 50.23 700200816-02110000-0400 50.23 CHESBOROUGH INVESTMENT 5.000AC LOT 40 SILVER RIDGE SUBD CONT. 5.00 ACRES 159/219 160/685 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL.: . 701 200816-02110000-0410 54.95 701 200816-02110000-0410 54.95 CHESBOROUGH INVESTMENT 5.000AC LOT 41 SILVER RIDGE SUBD CONT 5 AC 160/682 2003/5384 2004/ 68992005/5415 702 200816-02110000-0420 53.83. 702 200816-02110000-0420 53.83 CHESBOROUGH INVESTMENT 5.000AC LOT 42 SILVER RIDGE SUBD CONT. 5 AC 160/682 2003/5385 2004/ . 6900 2005/5415 703 200816-02110000-0440 48.86 703 200816-02110000-0440 48.86 CHESBOROUGH INVESTMENT 5.000AC LOT 44 SILVER RIDGE SUBD CONT : 5 AC 160/682 2003/5387 2004/ 6902 2005/5415 704 2008.16-02110000-0450 52.86 704 200816-02110lL.u-045j 52.86 CHESBOROUGH INVESTMENT 5.000AC LOT 45 SILVER RIDGE SUBD CONT' 5 AC 160/682 2003/5388 2004/ 6903 2005/5415 705 220816-02920000-0040 771.75 705 220816-02920000-0040 771.75 PANTOJA ALECKSANDRA 10.00.AC LOT 4 FOOTHILL FARMS UT 1 87/33-42 104/93-94 107/513 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 706 220816-02920000-0080 771.75 706 220816-02920000-0080 771.75- PANTOJA IRAMIS '10.000AC LOT 8 FOOTHILL FARMS UT 1 87/33-42 104/93-94 107/513 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 707 220816-02930000-0040 H 1,510.36 707 220816-0293'000000-0040 1,510.36 HULL HERMAN JOHN II 20.000AC LOTS 4 & 5 FOOTHILL FARMS UT 2 CONT 20.002 AC 104/93 160/106 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 708 230816-00000002-0010 HX 1,124.17 708 230816-00000002-0010 HX .1,124.17 KNIGHT WILLIAM KYLE & LAYNE B 20.000AC W/2 OF THE FOLLOWING DESC PROP FOR A POR COM AT NW/C OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 709 230816-02230000-0040 HX 356.86 709 230816-02230000-0040 HX 356.86 DEANE DONALD P & SUSANNE B 5.010AC LOT 4 UNIT 1 MILLHOPPER EST 183/379' UTILITY EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 710'230816-03230000-0200 HX 446.68 710230816-03230000-0200 HX 446.68 WEIDNER THOMAS J & SHARON M 5.000AC LOT 20 MILLHOPPER ESTATES UT 2 CONT 5 AC 205/486.UTILITY EASEMENT 208/298 2003/2038 711 230816-03230000-0210 HX 1,163.29 711 230816-03230000-0210 HX 1,163.29 GILES ELLISON F & ELIZABETH M 5.000AC LOT 21 MILLHOPPER ESTATES UT 2 CONT 5 AC 166/695 244/523 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 712 230816-03230000-0280 HX 834.03 712 230816-03230000-0280 HX 834.03 FLEMING TIMOTHY S AND/OR 5.000AC LOT 28 MILLHOPPER ESTATES UT 2 CONT 5 AC 166/695 245/274 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 713 230816-03230000-0290 823.44 713 230816-03230000-0290 823.44 WEIDNER THOMAS J & SHARON M 5.000AC LOT 29 MILLHOPPER ESTATES UT 2 CONT 5 AC 205/488 2003/2453 714 230816-03230000-0380 572.30 714 230816-03230000-0380 572.30 FIEDLER TERRY L 5.110AC LOT 38 MILLHOPPER ESTATES UT 2 CONT 5.11 AC 226/314 2001/3139 715 230816-03230000-0400 HX 637.42 715 230816-03230000-0400 HX 637.42 BARBER MARK E & ANGELA M 5.000AC LOT 40 MILLHOPPER ESTATES UT 2 CONT 5.03 AC 206/258 UTILITY SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 716 240816-08920000-0030 HX 572.51. 716 240816-08920000-0030 HX 572.51 SEAY MYRTLE M 5.000AC LOT 3 2ND ADDIT CAIN MILL WOOD SUBD CONT 5 AC UTILITY SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 717240816-08920000-0110 HX 809.90 717 240816-08920000-0110 HX 809.90 RENO RAYMOND W & EDIE L 5.000AC LOT 11 2ND ADDIT CAIN MILL WOODS SUBD CONT 5 AC UTILITY SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL.LEGAL 718 240816-08920000-0120 560.69 718 240816-08920000-0120 560.69 RENO RAYMOND W & EDIE.L 5.000AC LOT 12-2ND ADDIT CAIN MILL WOODS SUBD CONT5 AC UTILITY SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 719 240816-08920000-040 HX .380.76 719 240816-08920000-0140 HX 380.76 BECKER WAYNE MCDANIEL 5.000AC LOT 14.2ND ADDIT CAIN MILL WOODS SUBD CONT 5 AC 281/174 UTIL EASEMENT 289/494 2001/316 720240816-08920000-0180' HX 43.04 720 240816-08920000-01.80 HX 413,04 MALAGON ROBERT C 5.00QAC: LOT 18 2ND ADDIT CAIN MILL WOODS SUBD CONT 5 AC 172/303 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 721 243081 6-08921i0000-0.2310 HX 690.60 721 240816-08920000-0230 HX 690.60 HANNA MATTHEW TODD 5.700AC LOT 23 2ND ADDIT CAIN MILL WOODS SUBD CONT 5.70 AC 154/. SEE T.AX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 722 240816-08920000-0290 1,621 88 722 24081o-C08200ir.0-0290 1,621 88 DAVIS KATHLEEN M 5 170AC LOT 292ND ADDIT CAIN MILL WOODS SLBD CONT 5 17 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 723 240816-0892.0000-0330 HX 1,508 55 723 240816-08920i000-0330 HX 1.508 55' BIRCHFIELD.IAMES DARIN & 5 170AC LOT 33 2ND ADDIT CAIN MILL WOODS SUBD CONT 5 17 AC 286 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 724 290816-02090000-0010 152 46 724 290816-02090000-0010 152 4o CHRISTIAN WILLIAM E & CAROL YN 5.000AC LOT I OAKS & MEADOWS SLiBD CONT 5 AC 183.007 199.221 2701 306 . 725 290816-000i)0002-0030 .412.98 725 2908J6-000i)00ii02-0030 ;412.98 THOMAS ARCHIEB 5.000AC N/2 OF NW"4 OF SW 4 OF SE 4 29-8-16 TOGETHER W EASEMENT . 220/593 726 300816-000001i02-0020 HX 1.169 30 726 300816-001:i00:002-01020 HX 1.169 30 GREGORY ANDREA 1.000AC BEING ONE AC SQ IN SW C OF E'2 OF FOLLOWING DESC PROP IN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDI TIONAL LEGAL 727 360816-l213i0000-iJ 130 56 69 727360816-0213000r0-0l30 56U 69 PHILLIPS EARL, L & JENNIFER 5.000AC LOT 13 HICKORY BLUFFS SUBD CONT 5 AC 164234 728 360816-021-30000-0170 571 : IS 728 3668i60 2136000-0170 57:7 Is RIVERA GERARDO M & CELESTE'J 5.090AC LOT 17 HICKORY BLUFF SUBD CONT 5.09 AC 183/27 199/215 729 360816-02130000-0220 HX 1,224 84 729 360816-02130000-0220 HX 1,224.84 SNEWELL WALTER'J & KELLY C 5.000AC LOT 22 HICKORY BLUFF SUBD' CONT 5 AC 184/295 187/289 UTIL SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 730 360816-0213000,00260 560.69 730 360816-02130000-0260 560.69 STREADER SCOTT & MARYANN 5.000AC LOT 26 HICKORY BLUFF SUBD CONT 5 AC 164 461 246 679 251/476 286/702002/2530 731360816-02130000-0350 HX 1,077.58 731360816-02130000-0350 HX 1,077.58 DAVIS COLA M 5.250AC LOT 35 HICKORY BLUFF SUBD. CONT 5.25 AC 163/352 255/643 UTIL EASEMENT 259/330 2004/485 732 040916-00000004-0080 HX 196.37 732 040916-00000004-0080 HX 196.37 LAMB LOUIS E 4.840AC W/2 OF NW/4 OF NW/4 OF NW/4. (AKA LOT 8 TFB PROPERTIES) SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 733 040916-00000004-0110 HX 1,105.16 733 040916-00000004-0110 HX 1,105.16 , ROWICKI DENTON & LISA 4.790AC W/2 OF'SE/4 OF NW/4 OF NW/4 (AKA LOT II TFB PROPERTIES) SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 734 050916-01900000-0020 HX 620.19 734 050916-01900000-0020 HX 620.19 O'REILLY DEBRA ANN 5.000AC LOT 2 DEER RUN SUBD CONT 5AC 145/239 1.58/136 232/459 2002/ 2729 2002/2730 2002/3495 735 060916-00000006-0010 HX 862.76 735 060916-00000006-0010 HX .862.76 FARLEY KENNETH O 10.950AC COM AT NE/C OF NW/4 OF SW/4 OF 6-9-16 FOR POB THENCE RUN' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL ,736 070916-00000003-0011 HX 1,519.52. 736070916-00000003-0011 HX 1,519.52 HARDING MARTY R & ALICE 2.570AC COM AT NW/C OF 7-9-16 FOR POR THENCE RUN ON W LN OF SAID SEC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 737 070916-00000004-0020 418.29 737 070916-00000004-0020 418.29 WARD DAVID J & TIFFANY A 5.070AC COM AT SW/C OF SW/4 OF SE/4 OF 7-9-16 AS PT OF REF GO N SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 738 070916-02140000-0010 HX 317.77 738 070916-02140000-0010 HX 317.77 WARD DAVID J & TIFFANY A 5.000AC LOT I FOX HOLLOW SUBD CONT 5 AC 174/392 179/331 223/392 UTIL EASEMENT 225/688 739 070916-02140000-0020 HX 556.38 739 070916-02140000-0020 HX 556.38 MCDANIEL PATRICIA 5.000AC LOT 2 FOX HOLLOW SUBD CONT 5 AC 186/701 UTIL EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 740 070916-02140000-0030 HX 586.52 740 070916-02140000-0030 HX 586.52 SMITH MARdON L & SANDY KAY 5.000AC LOT 3 FOX HOLLOW SUBD CONT 5 AC 166/129 254/517 741 080916-00000008-0070 201.96 741 080916-00000008-0070 201.96 POLK JAMES JR & NORMA 2.000AC THE E 132 FT OF W 264 FT OF N/2 OF NE/4 OF SE/4 OR 52 PG 435 ALONG LEONARD & LINDA L 5.000AC LOT 5 THE LAKES SUBD 5.00 AC 121/257 TAX DEED 229/88 230/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADnnTinMAar tI c-"A 767 210916-01140000-0070 969.22 767210916-01140000-0070 969.22 SERVIDAS BENJAMIN F & MYRTLE 5.000AC LOT 7 THE LAKES SUBD 5.00 AC 121/257 135/259 UTILITY EASE- SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 768 210916-01140000-0230 HX 1,003.96 768 210916-01140000-0230 HX 1,003.96 POULSEN DENNIS G 5.000AC LOT 23 THE LAKES SUBD 5.00 AC 121/257 166/548 238/79 UTIL EASEMENT 250/20 769 210916-01140000-0300 HX 747.09 769 210916-01140000-0300 HX 747,09 742 090916-00000003-0000 265.06 742 090916-00000003-0000 265.06 FLOYD MARY ANN & LANGFORD 78.500AC E/2 OF NW/4 (BONNELL PL)80/499 LESS RD R/W 152/475 743 140916-00000002-0021 1,062.33 743 140916-00000002-0021 1,062.33 CLARK STEVENW II 3.210AC COM AT A FOUND NAIL & CAP'PRM 1772' AT SW/C OF 14-9-16 RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 744 160916-00000003-0010 HX. 1,333.93 744 160916-00000003-0010 HX 1,333.93 ADKINS TERRY L & RONDA I 9.500AC S/2 OF N/2 OF NE/4 OF SW/4 OF 16-9-16 LESS S 104 FT OF W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 745 170916-0052000A-0050 HX 286.72 745 170916-0052000A-0050 HX 286.72 DANIELS HOWARD R & MARY F 0.790AC LOT 5 BLK A WATERS LAKE SUBD 58/669 77/32 UNTIL EASEMENT SEE TAXROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 746 170916-0078000-0020 HX 196.37 746 170916-00780000-0020 HX: 196.37 GOFF EFFIE M &'GARY D GOFF 2.130AC LOTS 2 & 3 HOLLY FOREST CONT 2.13AC 94/445 165/522 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 747 170916-00780000-0240 417.54' 747 17091o-00780000-0240 417.54 FLIQUAY WILLIAM STUART & 5.520AC S LOT 24 HOLLY FOREST SUBD 96 . .378 109 665 115'1 17 116'603 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 748 170916-00780000-0260 HX 45785 748 170916-00780000-0260 HX 45785 MCKINNEY DAVID& CYNTHIA 5 220AC LOT 26 HOLLY FOREST SUBD CONT 5 22 AC 92.285 176 634 19994 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 749 170916-00780000-0290 HX 844 37 749 170916-00780000-0290 HX 844 37 WOODS ALBERT RAY JR 5 (00.OC LOT 29 HOLLY FOREST SUBD 88 51390,171 112406 118 72 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 750 170916-0113001.01-0020 HX 2,486 25 750 170916-01130001-0020 HX 2,4862' , JOHNSON BONNIE I 5 160AC LOT 2 UNIT I LAKE IN THE WOODS SUBD 122129 205.573 260,461 UTIL EASEMENT 281,20 751 170916-01130002-0080 364 44 751 170916-01130002-0080 36444 BRADLEY RUDOLPH& TERRY 0 650AC. LOT 8 UNIT 2 LAKE IN THE S WOODS SUBD 1 30.428 752 170916-01130002-0090 HX 1.217 07 752 170916-01130002-0090 HX 1,217 07 CASON SAM JACKSON SR OR 0 750AC LOT 9 UNIT 2 LAKE IN THE WOODS SUBD 122 129 UTILITY SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 753 170916-01130002-0100 476 28 753 170916-111130002-0100 476.28 CASON SAM JACKSON SR & ROSE C 1.400AC LOT 10ULNiT LAKE IN THE . WOODS SUBD 130.373 2004 3489 754 170916-01130002-0440 539.58 754 170916-011 30002.0440 539.58 BRADLEY RUDOLPH & TERRY 5.000AC LOT 44 UNIT 2 LAKE IN THE WOODS SUBD CONT 5 AC 130'448 755 170916-01130002-0450 .539.58 755 170916-01130002-0450 539.58 BRADLEY RUDOLPH & TERRYE 5.000AC LOT 45 UNIT 2 LAKE IN THE WOODS SUBD CONT 5.00 AC 130/ . 443 756 170916-0521000B-0150 19637 756 170916-0521000B-0150 196.37 YINGLING ROBERT E & LESLIE A 0.360AC LOT 15 BLK B IST ADDIT WATERS LAKE SUBD, 119/478.171/622 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 757 170916-05220000-0030 805.85 757 170916-05220000-0030 805.85 CARLISLE KAYE V 0.320AC LOTS 3 & 4 2ND ADD WATERS LAKE SUBD 46'291 56 653 159/74 SEE TAX ROLL FOR.ADDITIONAL LEGAL 758 170916-05220000-0070 639.18 758 170916-05220000-0070' 639.18 ARDOVINO MICHAEL A III 0.640AC LOTS 7 8'9 &10 2ND ADD WATERS LAKE SUBD 57/266 70/174 72/662 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 759 170916-05220000-0130 526.43 759 170916-05220000-0130 526 43 CARLISLE KAYE V '0 480AC LOTS 13 14 & 15 2ND ADDIT WATERS LAKE SUBD 55/267 66/350 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 760 170916-05220000-0270 117.57 760 170916-05220000-0270 1.17.57 GEORGE CHARLES W & KATIE 0.340AC LOTS 27 & 28 2ND ADD WATERS LAKE SUBD OR 43/343 59/519 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 761 170916-052200-0360 159.06 761 170916-05220000-0360 159.06 1 YINGLING ROBERT E & LESLIE A 1.390AC LOTS 36 37.38 39 40 & 41 2ND ADDIT WATERS LAKE SUBD & LOT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 762 170916-05220000-0480 HX 196.37 762 170916-05220000-0480 HX 196.37 MEADOR STEVEN W & 0.450AC LOTS 48 & 492ND ADD WATERS LAKE SUBD 110/700 208/622 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 763 1709 16-05220000-0500 HX 196.37 763 170916-05220000-0500 HX 196.37 DOYLE GEORGE W 0.380AC LOTS 50 & 51 2ND ADD WATERS LAKE SUBD OR 52/401 81/641 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 764 170916-05220000-0560 725.67 764 170916-05220000-0560 725.67 BRACEWELL EVA DARLENE 0.210AC LOT 56 2ND ADD WATERS LAKE SUBD 54/616 88/141 99/61 & 63 117/6402005/4889 765 170916-05220000-0580 75.36 765 170916-05220000-0580 75.36 HOLIFIELD JASON G 0.310AC LOT 58 2ND ADD WATERS LAKE SUBD 99/523 2004/4003 2004/ 4004 2004/4005 766 210916-01140000-0050 HX 1,527.24 766 210916-01140000-0050 HX 1,527.24' OTREMBA FRANCIS J & SUZANNE L 6.340AC LOT 24 WEIRSDALE SUBD CONT 6.34 AC 154/334 168/347 169/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 794 310916-00000002-0000 48.01 794 310916-00000002-0000 48.01 BRANNING JAMES O JR & MARY E 0.160AC COM AT SW/C OF 31-9-16 GO N 50.40 TO SRLY EDGE OF GRD RD SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 795 330916-00000002-0070 457.23 795 330916-00000002-0070 457.23 BRATT JAMES H & CAROL A AS 10.800AC TRACT 7 DESC AS COM AT QUARTER SE/C 33-9-16 AS POR THENCE RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL DUCTLVur D, rUge DIX u tuLtftbt tC urtI CC1v tLtItIC tl, 1"'t IItat lVl y L-L, -L~f VI -f -VVV MICCICHE MARIA 5.000AC LOT 30 THE LAKES SUBD 5.00 AC 28-09-16 121/257 166/548 238/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 770 210916-01140000-0450 HX 951.72 770 210916-01140000-0450'. HX 951.72 HAYES JIMMY W AND/OR TINA E 5.000AC LOT 45 THE LAKES SUBD 5.00 AC 28-09-16 121/257 166/548 241/198 UTIL EASEMENT 243/447 771210916-01140000-0590 HX 1,160.36 771 210916-01140000-0590 HX ,1,160.36 BUCKLAND DANNY J & SHERRY A 5.000AC LOT 59 THE LAKES SUBD 5.00 AC 121/257 166/548 241/346 UTIL SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 772 23091'6-00000001-0020 666.18 772 230916-00000001-0020 666.18 SULLIVAN TONEY & VONDLA 10.000AC SE/4 OF SW/4 OF NE/4 OR 55 PG 21 OR 64PG 82 773 230916-00000001-0060 HX 196.37 773 230916-00000001-0060 HX 196.37 SCOTT VICTOR B & BARBARA M 1.000AC COM AT.NE COR OF 23-9-16 FOR POB GOW 210 FT GO S 210 FT S SEE TAX ROLL.FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 774 2309'16-00000001-0070 HX 321.53 774 230916-00000001-0070 HX 321.53 TOTULIS MICHAEL T JR & 5.000AC COM AT SE/C OF NE/4 OF NE/4 OF 23-9-16 FOR APT OF REF GO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 775 230916-00000001-0120 1,186.03 775 230916-00000001-0120 1,186.03 BERRY JANICE 5.010AC COM AT NW CORNER OF NE/4 OF 23-09-16 FOR POR THENCE RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 776 230916-00000004-0000 HX 3,103.28 776230916-00000004-0000 HX 3,103.28 GONZALEZ YAIMA 3.030AC 'COMAT NW C OF 23-9-16 GOS- 1426.05 FT GO E 46.37 FT TO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 777 230916-ii0000i04-0010 617 34 S 777230916-00000004-0010 617.34 GONZALEZ YAIMA 111.370AC NW/4 LESS 5 AC TO MAUER 48 356 & LESS 18.65 AC TO CYE SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 778 230916-00000004-0036 HX '632.88 778 230916-00000004-0036 HX 632.88 RAND KRYSTAL 1.740AC COM AT NW/C OF 23-9-16 FORPOR THENCE RUN ALG'W LN OF SAID SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 779 270916-00000005-0015 57.43 779 270916-000000005-0015 57.43 MARTINEZ RAMOND MELENDEZ 1.130AC LOT 15 METES & BDS DESC COM AT NE C OF S 2 OF 27-9-16 FOR SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 780 2709 16-iOil00000004.))00 HX 5341 '80 270.916-00000004-)00:l0 HX 534 S1 MORRISON ROBERT A & JANIE F I OOOAC CONM AT NE COR OF S 2 OF SEC FOR A PT OF REF GO S 89 DEG SEETAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 781 20916-00.'X700OC5-0C.)2 7 43 781 27091 6-:000:i0005-I002 57 43 VEGA REINALDO MARTINEZ & 1.130AC LOT 2 METES & BDS DESC COM AT NE/C OF.S/2 OF 27-9- 16 FOR A SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 782 270916-0:00000'00-0017 5743 782 270916-00000005-rl017 57 43 DELGADO LETICIA BI ,HORN & 1.130AC LOT 17 DESC IN METES & BDS DESC CONT 1.13 AC 157/622 , 783 270916-00000005-0027 57.43 783 270916-00000005-0027 57.43 RODRIGUEZ MNIGiEL SOLIVAN 1.180AC LOT 27 DESC IN METES & BDS SCONT.1.18AC 142 315 : 784 270916-0000000005-.i037 5743 784 271:916-i00ii00005-(0037 57 43 TORRES ESTEBAN RIVERA 1.180AC LOT 37 DESC IN METES & BDS CONT 1.18 AC 289/351 S 7 ?85 270916 -00,ii:00.'-0i'6,'i 1,088.96 785 270916-00i'00i'006-006l0 1,088.96 DELISI NATE JEROME & 5.140AC N/2 OF TRACT 6'MTS & BDS DESC COM AT NE/C OF S/2 OF S/2 OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR.ADDITIONAL LEGAL 786270916-01350000-0060 HX 611.87 786 270916-01350000-0060 HX 611.87 BACOM JAMES O 10.000AC PARCEL 6 SOUTHFORK RANCHES UNREC SUBD CONT 10.02 AC 146/. SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 787 280916-01340000-0040 HX 627.93 787 280916-01340000-0040 HX 627.93 HOGLE KENNETH D & STEPHANIE D 5.350AC LOT 4 WEIRSDALE SUBD CONT 5.35 ACRES 153/351 226/518 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 788 280916-01340000-0090 HX 441.56 788.280916-01340000-0090 HX 441.56 ROGERS PATRICK W & MARYANN B 5.720AC LOT 9 WEIRSDALE SUBD CONT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 789 280916-01340000-0170 HX 1,883.32 789 280916-01340000-0170 HX 1,883.32 WESTBROOK ROBERT M & TERESA H 5.000AC LOT 17 WEIRSDALE SUBD CONT 5 AC 155/210 UTILITY EASEMENT 157/334 285/249 790 280916-01340000-0180 455.18 790.280916-01340000-0180 455.18 WESTBROOK ROBERT M & TERESA H 5.000AC LOT 18 WEIRSDALE SUBD CONT 5.00 AC 156/300 163/350 167/ 391 285/249 791 280916-01340000-0220 HX 572.95 791 280916-01340000-0220 HX 572.95 CARMAN JOHN M 7.290AC LOT 22 WEIRSDALE SUBD CONT 7.29 ACRES 163/81 166/655 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 792 280916-01340000-0230 HX 1,425.39 792 280916-01340000-0230 HX 1,425.39 OTREMBASUZANNEL 5.000AC LOT 23 WEIRSDALE SUBD CONT 5.00 ACRES 155/450 166/295 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 793 280916-01340000-0240 1,210.66 793 280916-01340000-0240 1,210.66 Mauj 11. 18,25. 2o6 .Gilchri.qt Cunft Delinauent Tax List -- Section R. Pawe Seven ---------1-4- -.-,L--------, '796 330916-00000002-0140 HX 196.37 796 330916-00600002-0140 HX 196.37 SHORT JOHN W & SUSAN C 10.500AC TRACT 14 DESC AS COM AT NE/C OF W/2 OF 33-9-16 AS POR GO S SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 797330916-00000002-0180 HX 1,211.00 797 330916-00000002-0180 HX 1,211.00 ROSS JOHN L & CYNTHIA M 10.600AC TRACT 18 CONT 10.60 AC DESC AS COM AT NE/C OF W/2 OF 33-9-16 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 798 330916-01060000-0290 772.97 798 330916-01060000-0290 772.97 SIGMAN GLEN & JANET ANN 10.010AC PARCEL 29 GILCHRIST ACRES UNREC CONT 10.01 AC,131/343 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 799 340916-00000004-0015 HX 370.37 799 340916-00000004-0015 HX 370.37 GAINEY WM KENNETH & DEBORAH K N/2 OF N/2 OF S/2 OF SW/4 OF NW/4 61/121 72/375 98/503 .4.970A 800 340916-00000004-0050 HX 391.08 800 340916-00000004-0050 HX 391.08 BROCK GERALD W & FLORA A 12.000AC COM AT NW/C OF SE/4 OF NW/4 OF 34-09-16 FOR FPOB RUN N 89 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 801 340916-00000004-0071 HX' 196.37 80W 34091 .-00000004-1.'I71 HX 196.37 POOLE DA\ ID 1.000AC COM AT NW/C OF SE/4 OF NW/4 OF 34-9-16 FOR POR & RUN S ALG W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 802 340916-00000006-0014 HX 1,779.38 802340916-00000006-0014 HX 1,779.38 -GOODE ROBERT J & 11.620AC PARCELED COM AT SW/C OF SE/4 OF 34-9-16 FOR POR THENCE RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL . 803 340916-00000007-0040 HX 1,135.60 .'803 340916-00000007-0040 HX 1,135.60 BURDICK WILLIAM R & ; 19.430AC TRACT A DESC AS COM AT SE/C OF N/2 OF SW/4 OF 34-9-16 & RUN ' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 804 340916-02350000-0070 ,674.63 8304 34,)91 i-),'35000u.00iu'" 674.63 DAVIS KEVIN P 5.000AC PARCEL 7 CONTAINING 5 001 AC - DESC AS COMl AT SEC OF I ' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 805 340916-02350000-0080 HX. 389.84-- S8105 3401.916.023,'.,))-l,)S! HIX 3% QS S4 DAVIS KE\ iN P 4.330AC . LOT 8 PARKER UNREC S'.IBD DESC IN METES &. BDS CONT MNNC, '5 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL H 806 340916-02350000-0,100. HX' 460.65 806 :43-91l-,2:35,":y.' I,,i'> HX 460.65 DA'IS hMRCIA '9.310AC LOT 10 PARKER UNREC SUBD METES & BDS DESC CONT 10.001 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL :807 340:916.0:235,',.,0.(i|.l, .. ', LK\ 495'. . i80:7 34)91.i-0235i ,.,i.:-'I 3l.' H 495 97 ' ROBERTSON JA.M.lE'& ilDIE 5.050AC LOT 13 PARKER LiNREC S.LBD CONT 5.05 AC 175/7 240/208 UTILITY ' 'SEE TA\ ROLL FOR ADDITIJI.J.L LEGA.L- 808 340916-02350000-0170 HX 1,259.45 808 340916-02353000-0170 HX 1,259.45 RHODEN MICHAEL & JULIE 5.040AC -)T 17 PARKER UNREC SiUBD METES & BDS DESC CONTAINING SEE TAXROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 809 I -l1'1,..-,llI .,ll(0-l00.l, ." "- '. -' 809 350916r,000i10jIi 2120iir HN -.Vl' TOC)WNSEND RONC 0'.:- COMAT NECCOF 35-9-16& RULN ' 'THENCE S S9DEG W ALG N LN OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL. 810011016-02040000-0140 HX 588.16 810011016-02040000-0140 HX 588.16 ' WEBB TAMMY WILKEP.SON & HAROLD LOT 14NORFLEET PINES SL'BD CONT 5.01 ACRES 166/496 182/28 23,1/81 5.010AC 811 011016-0204':")00-033' ) HX 473 94 811 011016-0204000C-0330 IHX 473.94 HERRING DONALD L & GLORIA J 5.010AC LOT 33 NORFLEET PINES SUEBD CONT 5 01 ACRES 222 531 812011016-02040000-0390 HX - 812 011016-02040000-0390 HX HANDY MARTHA ANN. : LOT 39 NORFLEET PINES SUBD CONT 5.01 ACRES 208/152 844.90 844.90 5.010AC 813 011016-02040000-0410 720.31 813 011016-02040000-0410 720.31 FLORES LLOYD PETER & F LCORi TA 5.010AC - LOT 41 NORFLEET PINES SULIBD CONT 5.01 ACRES 191/194 2003/. 6027 2005/2691 - 814 021016-00000008-0000 1,254.17 814 021016-00000008-0000 1,254.17 COBB WYLIE & ERMA L 1.000AC COM ON S LN 1703.45 FT W OF SE COR GO N 23 1/2 DEG W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 815 021016-00000009-000,0 HX 441.88' 815 021016-00000009-0000 HX 441.88 KRAUSE CHARLES EUGENE & 3.390AC. COMBAT SE/C OF 2-10-16 FOR POR . THENCE RUN ALG S LN OF SEC 2 -SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 816 021016-01890000-0110 1,779.56 816 021016-01890000-0110 -1,779.56 MARTIN MARJORIE F 2.650AC LOT 11 GILCHRIST ESTATES SUBD CONT 2.65 AC BEING IN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL . 817 021016-02960000-0100 HX 1,161.78 817021016-02960000-0100 HX 1,161.78 LEONARDO DAVID A & DAWNE M 5.000AC LOT 10 WESTLAKE WOODS SUBD 100/283 2005/583 2005/768 2005/793 2005/794 818 031016-00530010-0000 'HX 683.61 818 031016-00530010-0000 HX. 683.61 ELMORE JIMMIE & WANDA 4.940AC TRACT 10 ROLLING OAKS UNREC SUBD OR 66/610 121/621 CONT 4.94 AC 2005/1782 819 031016-00530013-0000 HX 504.45 819 031016-00530013-0000 HX 504.45 MILLER DARRELL L & HAZEL E 3.570AC PART TRACTS 13 & 14 ROLLING OAKS UNREC 57/91 & 96 84/629 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 820 031016-00530035-0001 499.51 820 031016-00530035-0001 499.51 KNAPP LARRY A 4.820AC W/2 OF TRACT 35 ROLLING OAK UNREC SUBD OR 66/163 151/581 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 821 031016-00530037-0001 HX 419.05 821 031016-00530037-0001 HX 419.05 ARNOLD THERESA J 4.790AC W/2 OF TRACT 37 ROLLING OAK UNREC SUBD 65/573 UTILITY SEE TAX ROLL. FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 822 031016-00530040-0001 HX 263.64 822 031016-00530040-0001 HX 263.64 SHEPARD JERRY & SHARON 2.380AC E/2 OF W/2 OF TRACT 40 ROLLING OAKS UNREC SUBD 63/473 93/366 & 368 266/635 823 031016-00530041-0000 HX 737.19 823 031016-00530041-0000 HX 737.19 STEPTOE MANNING L & BETH A 4.930AC W/2 OF TRACT 41 ROLLING OAK UNREC SUBD 66/402 138/511 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 824 031016-00530049-0000 HX 711.12 824 031016-00530049-0000 HX 711.12 IVINES JAMES A & 4.950AC E/2 OF TRACT 49 ROLLING OAK UNREC SUBD OR 66/148 104/681 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 825 031016-00530054-0000 287.51 825 031016-00530054-0000 287.51 GAVARAS CHERIE & GEORGE 2:460AC E/2 OF TRACT 54 DESC IN MTS& : BDS ROLLING OAK UNREC SUBD 82/587 826 031016-00530068-0000 HX 1,201.85 826 031016-00530068-0000 HX 1,201.85 C GUKANOVICH BRONKO B' 4.930AC TRACT 68 ROLLING OAK UNREC SUBD OR 65/138 77/424 143/99 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL JEGAL! 827 031016-00530072-0000 'HX 640.92 . 827 031016-00530072-0000 HX 640.92 MCWILLIAMS JAMES H & DOREEN': 4.93QAC --TRACT 72 ROLLING OAKS UNREC SUBD 84/153&605 165/323 UTLY EASEMT 173/55 8S2 04 111 'l.00 I00001-0' ol' 163.39 828 ,4 1016-'0C0 C'0':),iI-(1.' in I 163:39 RAMOS CANDY -1.410AC E 250FTOFCOM,AT NE'COF 4-10-16 FOR PORT HEtICE PiR -'N SEE TAN ROLL FOR 3.DDITiO. tJ.L LEGAL 527 14 IfIln.io'0T079(')l).'0060 I 8]I"93 829041016-00790000-0060 1,817.93 ROBERTS DAVID E.& WANDA L 9.550AC LOT6R ROLLING OAKS SLUBD . '47 III'. I0.0 .1 3 I, :.9 34 'UTiL SEE T.A. RLL FOR .-DDITi:ON-.L LEGAL 831, 4 1q .,1, 9,, ,.,"176 HN -143 44 8', ,,4101 o -00 ,-.i- 17.(l 1-1 H 443 44 . KN MFPP GEC.RGE & RLiB' L 8 381'AC TR.PLCT 17 ROCL L I N OAKS SUBD ' S 51 14 ]ll-n.) 19 90:l .:0-i:01 HXI\ I 965 49 8. 31041 I.'-,17.,00,-.0110 HRX 965 4 " MOIiRGA.N DONNIE E & KIMBERLIY K .5 ,'l"AC S LOT I REPLAT LOT 3 RC-LLiMNG OAK SLiBD DESC AS C-.l AT C C SEE TAN ROLL FOCR DDLITi,'ONiAL LEGA.-L I.I I '. n. .| ln.,0 ,,0 l., l |,l HX Q31 21 2 . "?: O"532 0 .,16-,,,i:n, 01-0010 Hi H\ 231 l ' j O)HNS SIC 12 42:-.AC COM1 .- AT hEi: 'F C-I.F .':. FOR Ar PT ,'F REF G,- A' 0) 1164 2 FT TO-' . SEE TAX R,'OLL FOR ADDiTIONAL LEG AL S33 *,91 I01 o .,O,:M,,i I-.,9 HN J4') 2 " .r S.; w |" l,. -,,,..n ',, l -,) i ,) H \ 4y 9" S: . J Ki'IN VILL M.1 R&. i'., 3'i 'AC .TRP.T u DESC: AS CO'.M AT NE CE F S' 41 OF NE 4 OF -11.-Io AS SEE TAX. ROLL FOR ..DDiTiO'NAL LEGAL Y 3 4 I'.. 1. 1. .. 1 ii | 4 4 LOTS 3 & 4 SUGAR HILL SUBD ,-'ONT I'.' A' IN SEi?: I -i-l- . SEE TAX\ ROLL FOP ADDITION a.L LEGAL 835 i.I]01 .1-,) '5.i.,.,:i...:,:)5i,' HX o 19 . 3 :5 '.' Iu.ll6-iI '0 ,0 ,-,': H \ :.69 19' .' S WESLEY )JOHN R 5 I0oAC ,A LO:T 5 SiiC.ARF HILL SUBD COINT 5 AC IN SEC 10-I,,- I: 213 45: : SEE TAX RC'LL FO.R ADDIT I _ON.JAL LEGAL 8 ,I'n ,. ,.oi,- .. ,,, .uii.ii0 HX 680.82 .hCi-.iLLi.HS tl-LL L & 5.000AC , LIT Si.'u -R HiLL ;SUBD CONT 5 . AC IN SEC 10-10-16 186/154 . SEETAX ROLLFOF. ..'DiriO.N.-.LLEG.-L; . / - 837 091016-01950000-0130 517.41 837 091016-01950000-0130 '517.41 DOTSONC HOIER L & LESLEY L 5.100AC LOT 13 Si.',.R HILL Si_,BD'CONT . 5. 10AC IN SEC 1 1 ,.'I. I- I ' 171/720 183/142 183/143 .. 838 101016-00800000-00A2 1 ,":4 3 SIi'LJGLING ROBERT & LESLIE '0.870AC COM ATNE/C GO W 33 FT GO S 467.42 FT TO NRLY R/W OF SR SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL ----------------- | '',|0 | ln .Oi.( ., ioi.ii0 i.ll.i..\ T 4 I.ir, " S' S S l,', i ,:,oi-n i O,, 'aiiin A7"' 498.06" H1,-Tt.I IM li' Or-IJiiE L 2.600AC T,,.-TS -.: .. A-S DE';C S COM \ E OF 10-10-16 RUN THENCE SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 840 1110.16-05550000-0080 270.22 840 111016-05550000-0080 270.2,2 BRADLEY EMIL & JOAN 0.930AC LOT 8 UNIT 5 SUN N FUN SUBD O 44/550 114/694 Li'T i Ti E E- SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL -1I II i I,,r.-,' 5 ''I'.l ,, -,,,I', I Iv3, IS 841 111016-05510004-0010 1,036.15 WHEAT JONATHON WAYNE & 0.460AC. LOT 1 BLK 4 UNIT 1'SUN N FUN 37 PG 498 '86/140 UTIL EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 842 11101,6-05510004-0040 85.92, 842 111016-05510004-0040 85.92 WOODARD & LANE.INC 0.480AC LOT 4 BLK 4 UNIT 1 SUN N FUN OR 37 PG 498. 843 111016-05510005-0020 '85.92, 843 111016-05510005-0020 85.92 ) BEA'LEY MABEL 0.480AC' LOT 2 BLK 5 UNIT I SUN N FUN OR 37 PG 498 & OR 63 PG 509 844 111016-05510005-0030 85.92 844 111016-05510005-0030 85.92 BEASLEY MABEL 0.480AC LOT 3 BLK 5 UNIT 1 SUN N FUN OR 37 PG 498 & OR 63 PG 509 845 111016-05510005-0060 649.68 845 111016-05510005-0060 649.68 MORGAN JOSEPH.A 0.460AC LOT 6 BLK 5 UNIT 1 SUN N FUN 52/604 111/562 170/301 & 302 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 846 111016-05510010-0060 85.92 846 111016-05510010-0060 85.92 KING RONALD G 0.460AC LOT 6 BLK 10 UNIT 1 SUN N FUN 37/498 168/330 UTILITY EASE- SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 847 111016-05510011-0020 96.31 847 111016-05510011-0020 96.31 WEIGEL CHARLES 0.480AC LOT 2 BLK 11 UNIT 1 SUN N FUN 37/498 63/434 138/624 848 111016-05520002-0010 HX 196.37 848 111016-05520002-0010 HX 196.37 GARNES EDWARD & BARBARA 0.940AC LOTS 1 2 3 & 4 BLK 2 UT 2 SUN N FUN 37/500 43/468 66/215 & SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 849 111016-05520002-0090 658.04 849 111016-05520002-0090 658.04 NELSON DENNIS 0.480AC LOTS 9 & 10 BLK 2 UNIT 2 SUN N FUN 37/500 69/667 84/468 136/529 154/292 163/242 850 111016-05520002-0110 75.36 850 f111016-05520002-0110 75.36 NELSON DENNIS 0.240AC LOT 1.1 BLK 2 UNIT 2 SUN N FUN 37/500 223/290 851 111016-05520002-0120 75.36 851 111016-05520002-0120 75.36 NELSON DENNIS 0.240AC LOT 12BLK 2 UNIT 2 SUN N FUN 37/500 223/290 852 111016-05520003-0010 159.76 852 111016-05520003-0010 159.760 JOHNSON MAC C 0.700AC. LOTS 123 BLK 3 UNIT 2 SUNN FUN OR 52/632 115/380 136/150 209/52 853 111016-05520004-0110 HX 304.40 853 111016-05520004-0110 .HX 304.40 KING RONALD 0.460AC LOT 11 & 12 BLK 4 UNIT 2 SUN N FUN 37/500 168/331 UTIL .SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 854 1 I Iijo-0i5520009-i:i0i15 I 56 89 854 11 1016.0515520-109-0115 1.560 89 SHEPARD RICHARD I & DEBORAH D "0.360AC W 45 FT OF LOT II & LOT 12 . S BLK91 UNIT SUN N FUN SUBD " S SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S'" 5 II IlIS.1 ilo-i,:' I'l:-('-O n HX 19 37 " S55 l 110i)1 -. 5520(."oi'0 -009i: F HX 19 37 .'* ASMiUS IJA' LAURETTA. 720AC LOTS9 I0 II & 12 BLK IOUt . SLUN N FLUN37'5'0 S'l '272 12)0 SSEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S56 1 1 10.16.i-155.1 ? .."0J.i'll I,,7 K 2 56 I I]01 .-055 u50, .-,)06, h-7 (12 GILBERT MARCIA T (, 93'AC LOT '1IIlT 5 SL[I N FL 4' t.l I 211 347 223 349 231 3' 288.i55 213n 4) 12 21.10) 4313 857 121( -O 1i- 95' ,.IfO j.O 1,31' 79 t $5 12 l~ i. 1o.,,GO,),, 28 1.31979 ?9 . FFE .i CK & EVELV'N TRUSTEES 5 010I, L.-,T F2FCI..'.)OOD ACRES SUBD :-',NT I AC Iu9.133 114 47 SEE TAX ROLL FOR .DDITiIONAL LEGAL S 858 121016-00000001-0000. 138 63 5/ 12 11 .I I o-it, i.i,.,,i,: 1 I' i -0i,),) 138 63 BROWN JERRI F& 1 LDRED 23 S0'AC It F NE'4 F SE.4 -ITiL '.'" EASEMIENT 19i.39t 205 315 21108 - SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL : 59 12 0 16-.' i0 I 01-00'I 68 t'2 5R 9 12i | : i -i.lii'i, 00 I 1.l |l ll I 18 ',2 S BR.VN JERRY F S '""'AC -COM AT SE COF I1-11-16 THENCE S,. S BDR I' Ti-iEREOF N 89 DEG '." SEE T ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL BRi'iN JERRY FRANKLIN 80 I',AC : E OF NE 4 OF SE'4 237 I"5 LESS N 915 2o 2003 996' :" S l 12 011 16-1)( 50In:' .O i H.X 52 1 48. 4 S 112 1, 16-ii : 5',.111 .,-,r.'0,1 Fi N I 4 2 1 4h RO'BINSON STE' EN A 5 ,)OAC LOT & FCO:,WO'OD AC RES CONT 5 S AC 95 432 224 375 UTIL EASEMINT 230'80 1113 445 I. S62 210 I 161-i.00500:01.-01i H X to9 64 IONES ALFRED G& GLENDA A 5 16.AC LOT 16 FOXWOCD ACRES SUBD CONT 5 10 IAC 13 1.5.9 132.217 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S63 12 I,)16-0095,.'0':i0-0180 1,::5 70 563 121 1ll:1095001-0 1I.8)i I 225 71.1 KNOEDLER TODD 5 141'AC LOT 18 FOVXWOOD ACRES SUBD CONT 5 14 ACI131 5f' 131 57011 SEE i -,. R,'L't'i ,.-. .-DDITiO'NAlLEGAL- -4 12 '.3'1-i113' )I 50h : GiIC GEI HEIMIER FRED & CAROL 5 ',l:iAC * LOT 23 FOXWOOD ACRES SUBD CONT 5.01AC131/569,132/217 . SEE T.-.X ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL .' S. 65 1: 1 .-n01 .950 ,,0-02_:.o. .1 4-145 5,0 8n5 1211.116-1.1I '51 :.,."i-i 50I 1,4 4 5 ) .' R'ROBINSON JACQLiELINE A 5.010AC LOT 25 FO'.'.Y'O'D ACRES SUBD . CONIT 5 'I AC 118 581 165 198 SEE TAX ROLL FOR. ADDITION ,L LEG-.L . So" I121'I.-1.II 6,i.1.154 HN 865 49 0.r. 1| 1l .16-')09%l l.l0.ll 054ll H\{ ,S95 4 i . M.RG Ii F PATRICK 5.060AC LOT 54 UNIT 2 FONWOOD \CRES S: SUD CONT IoAC 31.56 . SEE TA.X RFOL L FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 867 121016-00960000-0550- HX 84k05 867 121016-00960000-0550 HX 841.05 DUDZIN STANISLAW,& E\ A AN IA 5 5 61AC LOT 55 UNIT 2 FOXWOOD ACRES : SUBD CONT 5.06 AC 131/569 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL -_ 0: 2 1 .: I 1; 9 6 ,1 1 .: I- S': ,': .' I 3 "; o / 868 121016-00960000-0560 1,382.06 BYRD NORMAN 5.060AC . LOT 56 UNIT 2'FOXWOOD ACRES SUBD CONT 5.06 AC 1,31/569 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 869 121016-00970000-0060 928.90 869 121016-00970000-0060 928.90 .COBURN ALAN E & JESSICA LEE 5.000AC LOT 6 HONEY BEE FARMS SUBOD CONT 5 AC 111/601 158/373 162/ SEE TAX, ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL.LEGAL 870 121016-00970000-0100 47.93 870 121016-00970000-0100 47.93 ADAMS FIELDER WAYNE & PAMELA K 5.000AC LOT 10 HONEY BEE FARMS CONT 5 AC 116/257 251/594 871 131016-00000001-0013 HX 592.86 871 131016-00000001-0013 HX 592.86 WEEKS ROBERT A & LISA 5.000AC COM AT SW/C OF NE/4 13-10-16 FOR POB THENCE RUN ALG W LN OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 872 141016-0556000A-0180 HX 196.37 872 141016-0556000A-0180 HX 196.37 MANZ RUSSELL F JR & SHARON 1.060AC LOT 18 BLK A UNIT 6 SUN N FUN 43/409 & 411 44/30 71/36 R/W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 873 141016-00000001-0024 1,073.65 873-141016-00000001 0024 1,073.65 COATES WILLIAM K 12.980AC COM AT NW/C OF NE/4 OF SW/4 OF , 14-10-16 THENCE RUN N 89 DEG E SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 874 141016-05530004-0010 366.12 874 141016-05530004-0010 366.12 JOHNSON MAC 0.270AC LOT 1 BLK 4 UNIT 3 SUN N FUN, 40/495 & 569 108/550 & 552 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 875 141016-05530004-0020 352.45 875 141016-05530004-0020 352.45 JOHNSON MAC 0.270AC LOT 2 BLK 4 UNIT 3 SUN N FUN 40/495 & 569 108/550 & 552 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 876 141016-05530004-0030 353.17 876 141016-0553)0004-0030 353.17 JOHNSON MAC 0.270AC LOT 3 BLK 4 UNIT 3 SUN N FUN 40/495 & 569 108/550 & 552 161/444 231/30 .877 141016-05530004-0040 352.45 877 141016-05530004-0040 352.45 JOHNSON MAC 0.270AC LOT 4 BLK 4 UNIT 3 SUN N FUN 40/495 & 569 108/550 & 552 161/444 231/30 878 141016-05530006-0100 HX' 196.37 878 141016-05530006-0100 HX 196.37 - PICKARD JAMES E & GLADYS G 0.700AC LOT10 & 15BLK6&E 40FT OF LOT 11 &E40 FT OF LOT 14 SEETAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 879 141016-05530011-0010 368.40 879 141016-0553001 1-0010 368.40 JOHNSON MAC 0.270AC LOT 1 BLK 11 UNIT 3 SUN N FUN 40/495 & 569 108/550 & 552 161/444231/30 880 14 1016-0553001 1-0020 375 24 880 141016-05530011-0020 375.24 JOHNSON MAC 0.300AC LOT 2 BLK I1 UNIT 3 SUN N FUN. 40/495 & 569 108/550 & 552 161/444 231/30 881 14 1016-.055300uI -0030 730.39 881 141016-05530011-0030 730.39 JOH-NSON MAC 0,580AC LOT 3 & 4 BLK I I UNIT 3 SUNN F LUN OR 4(10 495 & 569 108/550 & 5' 26'" 5161 231 30 ' 882 14 016-055401i.3.03-01I)0 623.59 882 141016-0554i(003-0010 623 59 JOHNSON MAC C 7 420AC LOTS I 23 4 5 6,BLK 3 UNIT SUN N FUN47 34 51.339 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 883 141016-05540004-001 i) 238 57 .' "" 883 1410lo-0155410001-4 I1 238 57 JOHNSON MAC C 0 270AC LOT I BLK 4 UNIT 4 SUN N FUN 4.7 34 51 339 138 357 138.365 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 884 1410l6-0554i1004.n-020 238 57 884 I 41016-05540004-0020 238 57 AC JOHNSON MNAC C 0 30AC S. LOT 2 BLK 4 UNIT 4 SUN N FUN 47 34 51 339 138'357 138,365 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 885 141016-05540004-0030 238 57 885 14 1i016-0554000'4-0030 238 57 JOHNSON MAC C 0 310AC LOT 3 BLK 4 UNIT 4 SUN N FUN 47/34 51 339 138 357 138 365 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S 886 14 106-.15540CO(4-.0''4I 75 36 886 14 I0io-,:'554 lcI(4-)04 75 36 JI-OHNSON MlACC 0 70AC LOT 4 BLK 41 INIT 4 SUN N FIN 4"' 34 51 33Q 138 357 138 3'5 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL : 87 14 1I', o-05' 4'"005-, 1'11 : 238 57 88. .7 141016-05540005-0010 238 57 IOHNSON M1AC C :) 27C1AC LOT I BLK 5 UNIT 4 SLN N FLUN 47 34 51 339 138 35"7 133 365 162 343 2l 9 52 S88 14I.10I-0554)00115-0112f 238 57 . &8 14101i6-05540005-002: 238 57 JOHNSO'N MAC C 0 310IAC LOT 2 BLK 5 UNIT 4 SUN N FUN ; 47 34 51 339 138.347 138.365 Io2 343 20952? 889 141016-05540005-01030 75 36 889 141016-05540005-0030 75 36 JOHNSON MAC C 0 360AC LOT 3 BLK 5 UNIT 4 SUN N FUN 4734 51 339 138357 138 365 162.343 209.52 890 141f16-0'54(007-01.130 75 36 S 890' 141016-0554001i7-005.5)0 7536 JEFFERSON LORNA & NiGEL BUTLER LOT 5 BLK. 7L-NIT 4 SUN N FLUN 4' '-I T 3.' E DEED-:ri4- 43.5 891 141016-05540007-0200 1 75.36 891 141016-I"5540007-2I00 *'5 36'6 JEFFERSON LORNA & NIGEL BUTLER 0.2 L'IT 2' BLK 7 LrNiT 4 SUN N FUN ..47/34.S1 339 117 117 136 146 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 8 141 1il6-1055-' l'1"07-.1230 117 57 892 141016-,)554(000 -023,. 117.57 " SMITH JACKIE V& PENNY L 0.460AC LOTS 23 & 24 BLK 7 UNIT 4 SUN N FUN OR 46 PG 563 TAX DEED 25o 5134 2'001 3526 893 14101i6-0)5514l.109-1lo01 893 14| l .o-05540,0i9-i0|I, NAPOLEON DEV ELOPMENT LOTS I & 2 BLK 9 UNIT 4 SLN N- FUIN 47 179 TAX DEED :06 512 21:1 6746 2I1*05 381)4 24OACI 117 57 117.57 0.390AC 894 141016-05540010-0020 75.36 894 14 10i16-0554i0i010-.:ii20 75.36 NA POLEON DE VELOPFt.ENT 0.240AC LOT 2 BLK 10 UNIT 4 46/594 47/177 60/208 206/509 TAX SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 895 14I-II 0o-" 540.0 ,0-',,I", I 17 57 895 141016-05540010-0030 117.57 MCCOLLISTER RAYMOND S ET LU7' 0.480AC LOTS 3 & 4 BLK 10 UNIT 4 SUN N FUN OR 47 PG 97 & OR 59 PG 416. 896 141016-05540010-0110 HX 196.37 896 141016-05540010-0110 HN 196.37 SULLIVAN CAROLYN JEAN: 0.460AC LOTS 11 & 12BLK 10 UT4SUNN FUN 47/34 51/339 134/44 180/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL . 897 141016-05540010-0200 117.57. 897 141016-05540010-0200. 117.57 IRVING ANGER LENNER 0:480AC LOTS 20 & 21 BLK 10 UNIT 4 SUN N FUN OR 46/666 55/629 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 898 141016-05540011-0010 65.02 .898 141016-05540011-0010 65.02 ROLAND WANDA KAY 0.220AC LOT I BLK 11 UNIT 4 SUN NFUN 47/34 51/339 113/298 136/281 242/167 283/78 899 141016-05540011-0030 196.37 899 141016-05540011-0030 196.37 VAREIKA WANDA K 0.250AC LOT 3 BLK 11 UNIT 4 SUN N FUN SUBD 47/34 51/339 113/298 136/281 221/339 258/559 900 141016-05540011-0070 HX 196.37 900 141016-05540011-0070 HX 196.37 MURPHY CATHY L HERDON 0.420AC LOT 7 & 8 BLK 11 UNIT 4 SUN N FUN OR 44 PG 296 124/302&303 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 901 141016-05540012-0060 117.57 901 141016-05540012-0060 117.57 NAPOLEON DEVELOPMENT 0.480AC LOTS 6 & 7 BLK 12 UNIT 4 SUN N FUN 46/571 TAX DEED 206/510 2004/6748 2005/3894 902 141016-05540013-0010 117.57 902 141016-05540013-0010 117.57 NAPOLEON DEVELOPMENT 0.400AC LOTS 1 & 2 BLK 13 UNIT 4 SUN N FUN 50/220 TAX DEED 206/ 511 2004/6747 2005/3894 903 141016-0556000B-0170 HX 265.98 903 141016-0556000B-0170 HX 265.98 HODGE DALE T 1.090AC LOT 17 BLK B UNIT 6 SUNN FUN 49/213 50/632 220/607 251/644 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 904 141016-0556000B-0240 254.73 904 141016-0556000B-0240 254.73 DUTRA LILLIAN SHERRY 3.000AC LOTS/24 25 26 BLK B UNIT 6 SUNN FUN 44/43-& 45 153/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 905 141016-0556000B-0430 580.53 905 141016-0556000B-0430 580.53 LEE PATRICIA ANN 1.380AC LOT 43 BLK B UNIT 6 SUN N FUN 44'215 54 677 116/495-497- 2003/404 906 141016-0556000B-0630 107.02 906 141016-0556000B-0630 107.02 PARRISH THOMASH .1.010AC LOT 63 BLK B UNIT 6 SUN N FUN 44,427 59-624 626 120.199-200 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 907 141016-0556000B-0640 HX 297.36 907 141016-0556000B-0640 HX 297.36 PARRISH THOMAS H 0.660AC LOT 64 BLK B UN1T 6 SUN NFUN 49/413 102/619 186/676 2000/ 3184 LiTIL EASEMENT 2002,3682 908 141016-0558000B-0658 107.02 908 14101o-055600'"'B-0658 107.02 ETTEL DONALD HSR 1.020AC LG METES & BDS DESC (PCL 8) PART OF LOT 65 BLK B UNIT 6, SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 909 141016-0556000D-0010 52030 909 141016-0556000D-0010-, .. 520.30 FELLOWS GERALD 2.060AC LOTS I & 2 BLK D UNIT 6 SUNN FULN 44 30067.519 103 121 171/5 910 14 1016-05560'"0E-0120 HX 196 37 910 141016-0556000E-0120 HX 19637 MITCHELL DAVID 0 970AC LOT 12 BLK E UNIT 6 SUN N FUN 121 375 12969 129-70 154 430 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL . 911 141016-0556000E-0170 HX 19637 911 141016-0556000E-0170 HX 196 37 MOORE TIM 1.080AC. LOT 17 BLK E UNIT 6 SUN N FUN OR 49 PG 22566.384 133; 144 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 912 141016.0556000E.0240 912 141016-0556C.000E-0240 SPELL M ARY ESTHER W 143 98 FT OF LOT 24 BLKE UNIT 6 SUN NFUN SUBD 49 456 169646 ; 913 151016-05611.'110-0000 HX 913 151016-0561101"0-Oii00,) HN 55 32 55 32 0 380AC 196 37 196 37 R.AMSAY DEANNA (1 230AC LOT 101 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITE OR 60 PG 46 127 575 EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEG AL 914 151016-000ii:ll03-i0010 71107 02 S 914 151016-0000,'' 0 3.-'ii10 70-7 1:7'. 2 WALLACE ROBERT PERRY III 9 980AC COC'M AT SW' C OF LOT 62 WAC CAMP SITES UNIT2 AS POB GON SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 915 151016-00000004-0000 HX 324 87 915 151016-00000004-X1000 HX 32487 ALBRIGHT ROY E 2 980AC COM AT NW.,C OF LOT 254 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITES AS PT OF REF GO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 916 151016-05610260-0000 47299 916 151016-05610260-0000 47299 ROBERTS RONALD T 0 550"AC LOT 26 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITES 70.83 179 440 208 481 20 2,59 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 917 151016-0561069)-i'.1000 14808 917 151016-0561069-001.10 14808 ''OIiGHN STEVEN K 1 0 240AC ,'t.i i LOT 69 UNIT WAC CAM.PSiTES' ;ol 58636262 14 918 151016-056107,10-0000ii H 196 37 9i81518 16-(,56107,],,:,.,),-,0 HN 106 37 YOLUGHN STEVEN K ) 250.AC LOT 70 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITES 48 1892S 62 14 919 151016-05611020-0000 33' 91 919 151016-0561 I ,.)20-OOI(I 339 91) TIMMONS LYN'N 0 44rAC LOTS 102 & 103 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITES 'OR 45.567 91 453 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 920 151016-05611070-0000 HX 196.37 920 151016-05611070-0000 HX 196.37 TALMADGE SANDRA E ET AL 0.470AC LOTS 107 &. 108 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITES OR 45 PG 144 255 319 255/320 2000/4560 921 151016-05611150-0000 275.82 921 151016-05611150-0000 275.82 HAGAMAN LINDA G 2.750AC LOTS 115 116 117 118 119 & 120 UNIT I WAC CAMP 44/15 46/ 461 50/289 2005/2226 922 151016-05611280-0000 64.82 922 151016-05611280-0000 ,64.82. PRODELL KURTH 0.200AC LOT 128 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITES 923 151016-05611350-0000 64.82 . 923 151016-05611350-0000 64.82 COATS RONALD W 0.230AC LOT 135 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES - OR'51 PG 640 924 151016-05611610-0000 HX 196.37 924 151016-05611610-0000 HX 196.37 BURGOS PABLO R 0.310AC LOT 161 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES 50/5.11 2000/1227 2005/668 925 151016-05611730-0000 HX 282.89 925 151016-05611730-0000 HX 282.89 MOORE THOMAS 0.470AC LOT 173 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITE OR 50 PG 554 81/342 84/542 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 926 151016-05611780-0000 122.85 926 151016-05611780-0000 122.85 BURGOS PABLO R 0.580AC LOTS 178 & 179 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES 50/511 2000/1227 2005/668 927 151016-05611880-0000 927 151016-05611880-0000 WAC WELDING & IR WKS LOT 188 & 189 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITES OR 44 /286 & OR 51/137 & OR 65/236 79/632 .720.68 720.68 0.530AC 928 151016-05612110-0000 501.90 928 151016-05612110-0000 501.90 JORDAN FRANCES T 0.210AC LOT 211 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITE 54/574 171/302 UTIL EASEMENT 173/431 2005/2782 929 151016-05612150-0000 78.01 929 151016-05612150-0000 78.01 LARA PHILLIPS ANN C 0.210AC LOT 215 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITE OR 45 PG 603 930 151016-05612170-0000 930 151016-05612170-0000 BRUGUERAS HECTOR L LOT 217 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITES OR 45/128 931 151016-05612210-0000 931.151016-0512210-0000 ROUSTAN YVON & ESTELA; LOT 221 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITE OR 45 PG 235 78.01 78.01 0.210AC 78.01 78.01 0.210AC % ,'., . 7 7 I SecrtionnB. Pa-qe Fi'ht Gilchrist Couinty Delinquent Tax List 0 ,k -LUIt -,-L ",6 ~tA&61 & ---- I May 11, 18, 25, 2006 9"2 151016-05612520-0000 459.56 932 151016-05612520-0000 459.56 FARROW GEORGE V 0.920AC ' LO 'T 252 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES 53/301 59/475 119/209 2003/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 933 151016-05612560-0000 HX 465.23 913 151016-05612560-0000 HX 465.23 BURNETT GLINDA C 0.900AC LOT 256 & 257 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES OR 52/191 64/309 108/186 934 151016-05612620-0000 HX 196.37 034 151016-05612620-0000 HX 196.37 BAISDEN BEN-WAYNE 0.900AC LCT 262 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES OR 43 PG 608 OR 56 PG 413 28u/455 935 151016-05612630-0000 552.58 935 151016-05612630-0000 552.58 PAGE ROGER 1.800AC LO'S 263 & 264.UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES OR 55/2'10 & 213 57/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 936 151016-05612660-0000 HX 196.37 9 6 151016-05612660-0000 HX 196:37 WARD CELENA A & 0.900AC LOT 266 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES 59/-05 86/601 87/411 152/698 SFE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 937 151016-05612670-0000 HX 338.05 937 151016-05612670-0000 HX 338.05 KEARNEY CAROLYN 0.900AC LOT 267 UNIT 1I WAC CAMPSITE 71/'15 114/584 115/270 235/700 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL c i ,S 15 I "1 -056126SW -i.ii.,I 1" 2Q3 43 938 151016-05612680-0000 .293.43 PATTERSON CANDY ANN 0.900AC LOT 268 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES 54/295 64/221 81/300 88/267 & SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 9 -9151016-05612690-0000 HX 196.37 9'19 151016-05612690-0000 HX 196.37 PA TTERSON CANDY ANN 0.900AC LOT 269 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITE 54/).95 64/221 81/300 88/629 SEE TAX ROLL.FQR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S90 151016-0561271Q-0000 520.54 940 151016-05612710-0000 .520Q54 GRAVELY RONALDW .& RE B ECCA D LOT 271 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPS ITEMS 50/i00 60/1 81 3:1.,: 84 461 88/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 941 151016-05612730-0000, 78.01. 941 151016-05612730-0000 7801 GiPfRD ASHLIE & I' 24,:,:: LOT 2'3 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITES -:. ".' 11423 1142 IS IC' I~-I:lS6 I '.14' I I'll ~. .li5n 128 5(l.iiIllli I 0.900AC 337 ' 337 7- STARCHER DOROTHY LOT 285 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITE 54/291. 60/631 99/269 0.900AC 943 151016-05612950-0000 HX 196.37 943 151016-05612950-0000 HX 196.37 TRAVIS RUFUS ROBERT SR & 0.900AC LOT 295 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITES 58/417 95/305 97/425 108/287 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 944 151016-05613040-0000 HX. 942.52 944 151016-05613040-0000 HX 942.52 TAYLOR MELISSA S & 1.880AC LOTS 304 & 305 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITES 39/620 &621 79/699 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 945 151016-05613280-0030 537.80 945 151016-05613280-0030 537.80 DEWEIN SHIRLEY 0.490AC S 164 FT OF LOT 328 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES 40/673 102/690 124/ . SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 946 151016-05620170-0000 HX 196.37, 946 151016-05620170-0000 HX 196.37 EASTON JAMES WILLIAM & 5.900AC LOT 17 UNIT2 WAC'CAMPSITE , 74/468 122/470 165/318 . SEE TAX ROLL FOR 1DDiTIONAL LEGAL 947 151016-05620400-0000 HX 928.17 947 151016-05620400-0000 HX 928.17 FELICIANO GLORIA J& RAUL 6460AC LOT 410 UNIT 2 WAC CAMPSITES ,.6 144 1? 263 267 137-144 278 1l3-|195 279 171) 948 151u1.l6-056204oIi.i0000' 761.08 948.151,)lo-i56i .46ij0-i0:i l. 761.08 GREENFIELD CHARLES & 5 800AC" . LOT 4Lo LNIT2 WAC CAMPSITES OR o7.34 12:0621 137 517 149 SEE TA.\ ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 949 15111 I'0-5621'5 I')10-u00'I 9-140 38 949 I 1i.,16-0:5620510-.'l0(.iU 940 38 . SIGNIMN GLEN RYAN & JANET ANIN I" 'i4.".1AC LOTS 5I & 52 LINIT 2 WAC CAM.-PSITESn 4 11)68/33899/558 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL w.5i1, I'516-0562011540-i:10f. HX 05805 ' 95 0 151016-1015620154-1if0-0ll.: HN 658'5. ; MATTLSiK ROBERT D& B IRBARA A 7.480AC LOT 54 UNIT 2 WAC CAMPSITES A" 21. 114 44 115 143 155 224 . SEE T x, ROLL FOR .ADDITION...L LEGAL 51 2, 18 I .1., 1":00,:0,4-n, H\ 196 ?7 : 951 2\ 1 : I.io 1 0.: 1 4-.iii H 190 ."'7 BROCK E E MRSi ILLIE .iE Ni 3, 92:-C BEG AT SW CCOR OF NE 4 ( OF SE 4 SEC 20 AS POCB G0 rI c.d3' FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEG \L 9-."* 2 [ )i -.i."n.i'".:::2-i :,, "'l9 49 o 52 23.t l l O i-,000 ,1.:".:2-00:":i. 360 49 1MOORE EDDIE L & GE-'RGEANA D '5 :,'.C S\\ 4 OF NWX 4 & S 2 OF NW 4 COF SE 4 OF NW 4 & SW 4 OF SE 4 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 953 251016-01330000-0010. HX 742.63 953 251016-01330000-0010 HX 742.63 MENDEZ TONY L & CHARLOTTE S 5.000AC LOT 1 SPJ SUBDIVISION CONT 5 ACRES 164/498 179/450 250/336 UTIL EASEMENT 276/185 954 251016-01330000-0030 HX 490.34 954 251016-01330000-0030 HX 490.34 CLAGG DARRELL JR 5.000AC LOT 3 SPJ SUBDIVISION CONT 5 AC 166/68 UTILITY EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 955 251016-01330000-0090 HX 196.37 955251016-01330000-0090 HX 196.37 HURLEY BETTY D 5.000AC LOT 9 SPJASUBDIVISION CONT 5 ACRES 161/57 163/647 SEE TAXROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 956 251016-01330000-0120 HX 426.02 S 956251016-0133600000120 HX 426.02' THOMPSON ROBERT W 5.000AC LOT 12 SPJ SUBDIVISION CONT 5 ACRES I( 459 UTILITY EASE- ; SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S 957 21016.ll021200f0-0I Il0 HNX 80.90 957 2510116-..212( ;l:'-1.-018: HX 5S.(i " PARRISH GENE iRAA 5150AC CI- .AT SW C OF SE'4OF SE 4 OF 25-10-16 FOR POB THENCE SEE TA\ ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 956 2'71 ;I6-00ii0002.-0CI.r HX 6S8 63 o58 2 '"1 -,I.'i i.i il ;il2:-0:i.U30 HX t88 63 LINDSE .i.MES S & JANET .1 2.000AC COm 1AT SE C OF 27-1 .-16 FOR . P-)R THEN'C-E Riit L.G E LN OF SEC SEE T\ X ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 5 3,I''In.-,:ii58i 1 .11:I- |30 H\ 1,44s-18 050 3Ilp o-0 5"l.] :i:":i).)l 30 HX. 1,.448 48 . \OD MIAPKR'PJE 4 980AC PARC EL 13 GILCHRJST FARJ'.IS LTD L.NREC SIUBD OR 77'46&47 S9. 174 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIiNAL LEGAL u .' |. 207, M 4 .i(,? l. .i.(, nii0 ].:]'i,) ",:, .:. '..' 9 ,i9) I 2i .7[ I 4. l '-- i 'n'n i,,. I| ,l,).u 90 "6 PHILP.OT I P EST " SE 4 OF NV,. 4 & FRA.CT S\' 4 OF F NW 4 & E 2 OF SV 4 & S 2 OF '. SEE R,'LL FtIR A-DDITITN:':.L LEG.,L v I l.| : [..1 4., ,:,,n,, ,l .i, nl 5 04 .' Ir. I I 3 71.14-. i11 1111 .1-111 l.1 "i'5 64 H.MADLE7 LOIS P NE 4 & E 2 OF NV. 4 LESS .C ,C T',-' G C BUTL ER D'B 25 7 ,"., IN TERFST "r-, I,",i' r 14-j O ,),". ",ns| -0I ."H.O 3o 41 GIlTHFUE K E 2 F.- NE 4 1 3 iNT Ci. 2209 114 t .1".11 111 1 .1i 1l -1.1 ,1 4 i. I HENDERSON SIMMON W TRUSTEE E/2 OF SE/4 & NW/4 OF SE/4 50 PER CENT INTEREST 147/638 964 2509M4-00000001-0000 47.67 964 2509M4-00000001-0000 47.67 PINE ISLAND INC. SE/4 OF SW/4 & E/2 OF SE/4 & SW/4 OF SE/4 OR 64/544 50 PER. CENT INTEREST 965 3506M5-00000001-0000 965 3506M5-00000001-0000. ROONEY MARGUERITE R W 1980 FT OF NW/4 CONT 120 AC DB 7/453.OR 20/561 1/2 OF 50 PER CENT INT (3/12) 38.17 38.17' 966 3506M5-00000006-.0000 54.01 966 3506M5-00000006-0000 54.01 BUSH WF W 1980 FT OF NW/4 CONT 120.AC DB 7/453 20/561 50% 91 7? i 5 .i. 7M 5 .i : %i1 CiO ,li' ii i. iii1: :I 4 1:1 8 2 S COWAN MINERAL S INC SS2OF NE4& E 2COFSE'4 CONT 1160 AC 7/32TH INTEREST SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 9. t 2 33,'MI5-i. I, ii ::,6-00iiii 38 52 9o8 331.7r.15- i "ii0l6.1:1:":"" 38 52 CO,.AN M1iNER-.LS INC E 2 O)F NE 4 & SE 4 OF NE 4 & S N' .1 OF NE'4 CONT 160 AC SEE TAX RO.'LL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S 9n9 17'I8.1 5.M(ii.:,":2.,),,1 30 43 S : o9 1 ",8M?,15.-,111:1111u1.2-O 1101i 36 43 GTHRIE AK N 2 OF NW 4 I 3 INT i157 499 ':970 loIi M1 5- .iIi0i'III)'.":i| I -":ll.X : 35 41 : 9711, 161 1,'1-5 r ,UI ." 01) -,1 .i.Ii 35 41 COW -N MINERALS INC( LL THAT PART OF SE 4 LYING S S )F R\V OF ACL RR & ST RD 14 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL "'?I 7 | 31,| 7,1M -iniN :.i:i .i:- iIi.i 43 22 ". ."" 971 :l i..7M6.10 .00,X, ."3-,.VIi. 4:" 22 S'. CO'AN MINEi.LS INC 2 OF NE 4 & NE 4 CF SW.4 & NW4', 4F SEI 4 & SE 4 OF '\ 4 SEE TAX ROLL FOR.. -DDITIONAL LEGAL . L : ;, u- n M ..16-0,;': ,,in, .',.:: 2-,::i0 .:.. 5-4 1:! .... '9 2 i.1 |8p'. ",,,'u ,,,'l 2.i:, ', 5?4 I1 | i RGENTA.FR.ANCES P& ELAitiE W 5 S20F NE 4 & SE 4 OF NW4 5" PERC INTEREST 2'0- 2, 8 2-46 92 246 ',I .14, . 3 (4 1.1, SliCRE'i [LeA-SE H- 26"s.iN1TER-PST I3 ;'6 1'4 -7. 148 14 14S 91 6'74 1 CRIlS NI--.l II I1131.~ll I 6 KIRBY L C W/2 OF SW/4 & E/2 OF NE/4 & W/2 OF NE/4 LESS N/2 OF N/2 OF NW/4 OFNE/4 1/8 INT 975 1108M6-00000001-0000 42.14 975 1108M6-00000001-0000 '42.:.14 KIRBY LC ' SE/4 & NW/4 LESS N/2 OF N/2 OF N/2 OF NW/4 1/8 INTEREST . 976 2510M6-00000001-0000 123.63 976 2510M6-00000001-0000 123.63 . DELTA DRILLING COMPANY ALL 50% INTEREST . 977 2610M6-00000001-000' 72.98 - 977 2610M6-00000001-0000 72.98 DELTA DRILLING COMPANY 'NE/4 & NW/4 50 PER INTEREST 978 271 0,16-1o:00II.00 I '-o1:001 43 46 978 2710M6-00000001-0000 43.46 SIMMONS FRANCESS . NE/4.DB 11 PG236 1/4 INTEREST OR 72 PG 148 79/336 979 2810M6-00000001-0000 '64.30'', 979 28Ii(M6-r.,iN ,,,i ii.'' 1 .1.)1 0 64.30 - LI.CCLINTOCK RS NE/4 LESS 1 AC DB 15 PG 369 MISCBK 3 PG 1711/2 INT Si.1i .8|i1iM6-i:. IO:iiOli"Ii.2 0ii.ir, 42.26 91i 1 8 iOM6.1 ': i(:,,i -:O 42.26 '. AVERY SAI E .. - NE/4.LESS 1 AC DB 15 PG 369 MISC BK IPG 417 1/4 INT 981 3110M6-00000005-0000 38.17 9813110M6-00000005-06000: 38.17 SIMMONS FRANCESS S . E/2 OF SE/4 & N.W/4 OFSE/4 1/4 INT OR 72/148 & 79/336 982 3210M6-00000005-0000 64.55 982 3210,:lMo.i-0):i0i 05-nii 0i .i '64.55 SIMM.ONS FRANCESS S21 4 1NT OR72.148 79 336 9.3 331,)I.i -ii00000i i 5-i00ii. 64 55 9 6 3 3 3 1 0 I )r.1 6 .) o o ,0 5 o o 4 0 5 . S 1. SIMMONS FRANCES S SW 4 & 'V 2 OF SE 4 & W2 ,-OF NE 4 i1 NT C.,R "2 148 79 336 984 331,, | I16. -00 001":i" 1 2-. 0 38 I" ' 984 31 ]IM,16- 0u0i1: 2-iiOI :-i':,,i':" I l . SI.1MMO.NS FRANCES S. SE 4 OF NE 4 & E 2 OF SE 4 DB 9 PG 397 1/4 INTOR 72/148 79/336 9S15 34 A MI-t1 .10::1 :Ii) 1-1:,111100 38 17 ," :5 4 |(,iiM 6-@i io. f0i0i:: ) |-i0 fi 38 I 7 , SIMMIONSFRANCESS ' E 2 OF NV 4' & NE 4 OF S".' 4 I 4 iNT OR 72 PG 148 7Q 33:. 986 36 I006-0 I.I )0001 -.100. 1 72 9, 9S56 3010? o-lM .iUi..)nl1-("00 72 98 DELTA DRILLING COMIP1NY NW 4 & SE 4 150' PERC INTEREST I |