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C/)Clf > 0. ch* m~ 200o6 (Page Ten and Eleven) 61st Annual Newberry Watermelon Festival Saturday The 61st Annual Newberry Watermelon Festival will be, held Saturday, May 13th, at the' Canterbury Equestrian Show- place on SR 26, east of Nev. - -berry beginning with a parade at 9:00 a.m. The parade route begins at the Newberry Fire Station on US 27/ 45 and will proceed south to the traffic light at SR 26 (Newberry Road). The parade will turn right at the traffic light and will continue west through historical downtown Newberry on SR 26, end i ng at the comer of Newberry Road and NW 260th Street. The highlights of the parade will be the Grand Marshall. festival pageant winners in the Baby, Jr. King, Jr. Queen and Teen Queen categories will ride in the parade. The current 2005 Newberry Watermelon Festival Queen, Ashley Pevey, will ride in the parade as well as the 2006 Watermelon Queen contestants. The 2006 Queen will be crowned at the festival later that evening. The winners of the parade float contest will be announced during the Auction and Awards at the festival. . rn UiirWttnuti3iuurnaI - Serving Gilchrist County and Surrounding Area for over 75 Years & Phone'(352) 463-7135 Fax (35 1) '463-7393 $20.00A Year lni Tn.Coufi, Ar eaiGilkhn-is. Vol. 76 -- No. 04 Phone(352) 463-7135Trenton. Florida 32693 Thursday, May 11, 2006 Price 50 Le S.,Counueo. i:p2 -.,. gilchristjournal@bellsouth.net so Foindi :8s0uo 'uTo se Michelle Carter Announces Intent To Seek Gilchrist School Board Position From District 5 My name is Michelle Carter and I am announcing my intent to seek the District 5 Seat for the Gilchrist County School Board. My husband. Al and I have been married for 19 years. We moved to Gilchrist County in 1993, in part, because of the school system and community. I have been actively involved in the Gilchrist County School system for ten years. Our son James will be going into the tenth grade at Trenton High School and our daughter Kelby will be in the eighth grade at Trenton Middle School this fall. They have attended school in Gilchrist County since kinder- garten. I have a tested interest in what takes place in our county's Michelle Carter school system. My involvement in the school system began like many moth- ers, volunteering in the class- room. I have a deep respect for teachers and appreciate the role they play in the development of our children. I served on the 2002-2003 Gilchrist County District School Advisory Council as the Parent Representative for Trenton High School. This was a rewarding experience allowing me to serve in an advisory capacity to the school board by assisting in the development of the educational program, and in the preparation and evaluation of the school im- provement plan. For the past few years I have been active, involved in the (Continued to Page Fourteen) Bill Martin Announces Intent, To Run For Gilchrist Supervisor Of Elections To the Citizens of Gilchrist County, First. I would like to com- mend Susan Bryant for her dedi- cation to the citizens of Gilchrist County and the awesome job she ,has done as our Superxisor of Elections. I wish her the best in retirement and commend her on a job well done. ' After much prayer and con- sideration, I, Bill Martin, would like to announce my candidacy for the office of Supervisor of Elections in Gilchrist County. The Lord has always lead me to the service, of others and for the past 21 .years I have served the students and parents of Florida as a Vocational Teacher and FFA: Advisor. For the last 14 years I have enjoyed the opportunity to Bill Martin meet many wonderful students and parents. Growing up in Gilchrist County has given me a love for the people,rural life style and the natural beauty of our count\. I realize that our county is quickly growing, and' changing.. Now I would like the opportunity to serve all of the" residents of Gilchrist County,, I am a graduate of Bell High School. I'received my Associ- ate of Arts degree from Lake. City Community College, my Bachelor of Science degree: in Agriculture and Extension Education from the University. of Florida and m) Masters de- gree in Educational Leadership and Administration from Nova University. , I have been married for 20 years to Kim Martin, who is the Director of New Hope Chapter High School in Chiefland. We' have three daughters who all at- tend school in Bell. Lindsey is (Continued to Page Fourteen) Gilchrist Commission Considers Ordinance To Allow Golf Carts To Be Used On County Roads By John M. Ayers The Gilchrist County Com- mission listened to a retired nurse request the board to allow her the use of her electric golf cart on county roads in the southwest portion of the county. Ruth Thomas of 8439 SW 80" Avenue asked the five board members if. they would consider a policy to allow her to use her golf cart to go- to the Otter Springs Resort and to a garden she and her neighbors enjoy on SW 80'h Avenue. Mrs. Thomas explained that golf carts can co-exist with other types of transportation on the county roads in the rural areas of Gilchrist County. Mrs. Tho- mas explained under the Florida Statutes section 316, Gilchrist County can allow the use of golf carts on the county roads if they establish a policy identifying the* type of use allowed. "Unless there is a policy or an ordinance put in place by the County Commission the use of golf carts would not be allowed on Gilchrist County roads," Ruth Thomas explained. The board asked if Sheriff David Turner would be in attendance in the meeting for discussion of this golf cart issue. Sheriff Turner did not atterid the Mon- day afternoon meeting. Mrs. Thomas explained that (Continued to Page Twenty) 12th Annual Relay For Life Is Dedicated To The Memory Of Sam Ferguson The 12'h Annual Relay For Life began Friday evening at the Chiefland Elementary School track. This annual fund raising program, which is held to raise funds to continue the fight against cancer, raised over $34,000 as fifteen teams walked to find a cure for cancer Sam Ferguson, a long time resident of Gilchrist County and a devoted public servant that loved to help needy children through the Su%%annee River Shrine Club and many other community organizations, was honored in the beginning of the program. Sam Ferguson's family. Rayanne, Parker and Levi were recognized and presented a plaque to honor their loved one in his dedicated battle, which he lost, to lung cancer on April 12. 2006. Sam worked in the Gilchrist County Clerk's Office as the Financial Director- for Gilchrist County for many years. His friends and co-workers, the Gilchrist County Field and Stream Team. received the plaque for the top fund raising team in the Relay (Continued to Page Fourteen) Gilchrist Commission Votes 3/2 To Work Within The Present Urban Development Area SB John M. Ayers The Gilchrist County Corn- mission in a workshop meeting Monday evening voted to con- tinue to work on expanding the residential development densi-7 ties inside the present Urban Development Area. Commis- sioner Rand) Durden made a motion and Commissioner Mitchell Gentry gave a second to proceed with staff recom- mendation and have staff change the A-1 zoned property in the present urban develop- ment area to 1 unit to 40,000 square feet, RSFMH-1. The commission would con- sider this proposal in the next public meeting. The County upon approval would submit these proposals to the State of Florida for review by the De- partment of Community Affairs. If DCA approves this proposal, the county would then adopt this as a part of the Gilchrist County Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Commission chair- man Tommy Langford called for a vote- and Commissioners Sharon Langford and Kenrick Thomas voted No on the mo- tion. Commissioners Durden, Gentry and Chairman Langford voted in favor of the motion. The County Commission held this workshop to give the public an opportunity to provide' input on how they felt regarding urban development, in the county. Several residents that have moved into Gilchrist County within the last two years ex- plained to the board that they relocated to Gilchrist County because it is beautiful, peaceful and the type of place, they wanted to live. These residents came here from South Florida, New Jersey and other large ur- ban areas. If Gilchrist County continues to change the agricul- ture area to large-scale subdivi- sions, the entire county will then be a large-scale residential development. Kristy Philman, a Bell area resident, told the board that when people begin to flood into Gilchrist County to live here, so will the problems involving (Continued to Page Twenty) The Gilchrist Field and Stream Relay for Life Team is shown with a plaque honoring Sam Ferguson. Front left are CaGirol Lang, Marilyn Bruce, Gary Martin, Barbie Martin. Connie Sanchez, Peggy Milito, Joan Faye Walker, Betty Ann Carter, Donald Thibodaux, Hazel Bryant. and Joe Gilliam. Kneeling from left are: Cindy Chadwick, Autumn Ellinger, Rayanne Ferguson, Levi Ferguson,.Allie Lang, Parker Ferguson, Damon Leggett, Linda Richburg, Alice Kinsey, Debra IVright, and Benjamin Thibodaux. Shown on the front from left are Terry Cross, Lori Harrison, Ben Giese, Matthew Kreinbihl, Elizabeth 'Knight, Breun Sims, Torrez Brown, Teron Carver, and Brandon Cowart. On the middle row are Garrett Wiley, Hailey Vick, Chelsea Joslin; Summer Alexander, Sarah Huff, Kaci Sanders, Kaylee Crawford, and Clif Bryant. On the back row are Judge Ed Philman, Attorney Ray Earl Thomas, Jr., Barbara Martin, Joan Faye Walker, Robert Willis, Director of Public Safety (acting as'Representative for State Attorney Office), and Officer Gary Blankenship. Photo bvi Anna Wild. Shown are the individuals who participated in the Mock Trial for Bell Elementary School students. On the top row from left are: George Hedrick, Assistant Public Defender; Judge Edward Philman; Joan Walker, Deputy Clerk; Kristin Pickens, Assistant State Attorney; and Gary Blankenship, Bailiff. Next row: Thomas Waldron, Courtney, Whitby, Lilly Apple, Kristen Rehberg, Laura Hankins, Tara Newell, and Harley Hatch. Next row: William Bradford, Joseph Overstreet, Matthew Harrell, Kaleb Spears, Sarah Hunter, Emily Helton, ' Victoria Waldron, and Michael Lamberti. And on the front row are: Olivia Roberts and 'Chelsea Stephenson. (Continued to Page Fourteen) C acw of Gilc4rist County, Florida 2006 Announced Candidates County Commissioner District 2 Mitchell Gentry..4959 SW 80th Ave., Bell, FL 32619 352-463-7080 (D)' . D. Ray Harrison, Jr., 4599 SW 90th Court, Bell, FL 32619 352-463-2147 (D) County Commissioner District 4 Tommy Langford, 6650 NE 55th St., High Springs, FL 32643 386-454-3022 (R) John Rance Thomas, 2000 NW 80th St., Bell, FL 32619 386-935-0937 (D) School Board District 1 (Nonpartisan) Delight H. Curtis 7339 SE 69th Lane, Trenton, FL 32693 352-472-6012 Cloud E. Haley 621. NE 2nd Street, Trenton FL 32693 352-463-2917 Lucy Swilley 10360 SE 15th Avenue, Trenton FL 32693 352-463-7716 School Board District 3 (Nonpartisan) John D. Frazier 3539 SW 47th Ct., Bell, FL 32619 352-463-2652 Lacy A. Redd 9050 SW CR 344, Bell, FL 32619 352-463-6266 School Board District 5 (Nonpartisan) Michelle Carter P.O. Box 1463, Trenton FL 32693 352-463-2950 Ann Marie (Anni) Egan 4829 SE 25th Lane, Trenton, FL 32'693 352-472-4986 Supervisor of Elections Karen Fults P.O. Box 256, Bell, FL 32619 352-463-7014 (R) Leigh Hartzog P.O. Box 1450, Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-0333 (D) Bill Martin 7699 SW CR-334-A, Trenton FL 32693 352-463-7439 Connie Douglas Sanchez 7246 Cardinal Tr., Fanning Springs, Fl 32693 352-463-3044 (R) County Court Judge Group 1 (Nonpartisan) David Miller (Duke) Lang P.O. Box 51, Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-7800 Edward (Ed) Philman 5880 NW 57th Ct., Bell, FL 32619 386-935-2333 Pa rr TlAo GTLCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Gilchrist County Journal USPS-218-620 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY IN GILCHRIST COUNTY, 207 N. MAIN TRENTON, FLORIDA Less than 75% advertising We reserve the right to shorten articles, letters, etc. and delete any part or leave out in its entirety if we judge such to be offensive. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $20.00 A Year In Tri-County Area $24.00 All Other Areas In Florida $28 Out Of State JOHN MIN AYERS II EDITOR, PUBLISHER AND OWNER Cindy Jo and Carrie Ayers, Glen Thigpen, Mark Schuler, Judi Bishop, Kathy Hilliard & Chris Rogers ASSISTANTS Entered as Periodicals at the Post Office at Trenton, Florida, under the act of March.3, 1879. POSTMASTER Please Send Address Change To: Gilchrist County Journal, 207 N. Main Street, Trenton, Florida 32693 John's Comments By: John M. Ayers ' I recently had the opportu- nity to accompany a group of friends offshore to search for saltwater fish from the depths of the Big Bend on. the Gulf. of Mexico. Scott Akins and his father. Stanley, were accompanied by D. Ray Harrison, Jr., Joe Akins, Damon Leggett and myself. aboard Changing Attitudes, Changing Latitudes: We left the mouth of. the Suwannee River just as early as we could to. a surprise of a blowing west wind right in our face. Scott's World Cat is a boat that 'handles the rough k ater much better than a conventional type boat, but the seas made the trip. a slow one. Our first disappointment was finding our bait traps with an assortment of crabs and not fish. .We decided to continue on and try our hand at trolling and fish- . ing for bait with sabiki rigs. .Scott: set his. electronics for a structure in 40 feet of water. " rehe stopped4,.this spot. the water %as so clear that we 'al''UtilTd easily see the bottom. Damon and I dropped our small hooked rigs to the bottom and began to reel in live bait. Damon gave up his rig to D. Ray and: Harrison decided he wanted to:- catch fish large, enough to eat. When his rig hit the bottom, he .quickly lost a number of his bottom hooks to large pink-mouth grunt. I.caught several of the grunts too, but I, tried to stay off the bottom and catch live bait.' When we put our trolling baits in'the water the action was slow to begin with but as we, reached deeper water, the bite. picked up. Scott is a great believer that the traditional red head with white bod) bait will always catch fish. I was a little skepti- cal, but I went along with his theory because %we were putting out four baiLs in a spread. I seem to remember the first couple of fish were caught on' the old red head bait before the green and blue colored baits began to pickup a few' strikes. Joe Akins and Stanley "ere fishing on the left side of the boat working the two rods out the back. Joe was getting a lot of action. He put his bait back in the water and stepped to the back of the boat to talk to Da- mon. I was standing up near the front talking to Scott and w atch- ing the electronics when Joe's reel began to scream with the music we were all, waiting for. The rod began to buck as it ap- pearance a big fish had just hit the trolling bait. No one "was standing near the rod so 1, stepped up and grabbed the rod The reel continued to scream as the drag continued to runoff the reel faster than I could believe. ; I first thought that this must be a Kingfish as the drag con- tinued to scream. Then as I be-, gan :to apply pressure, Scott slowed the boat and we looked: off the back corner and saw a huge fish come to the top 150. (Continued to Page Twenty ) Tide Tabls FrThSeef5/1to51 for th m out of t e S u w nnee i v r Date High Low High Low Thu 2872 ft. 1.174ft 3.421 ft -0.257 It May 11, 061:56 AM 7:40AMI 1:13PNM8:25PNM Fri 2.887 tt 1.299 ft. 3.547 ft. -0.427 ft. May 12, 06 2:39 AM 8:13 ANI 1:40PN19:OOPNI / Sat 2.859 Tt. 1.427 ft. 3.648 ft. -0.523 II May 13, 06 3:20 AM 8:47 AM 2:09 PM 9:37 P I Sun 2.792 ft. 1.547 ft. 3.724 ft -0.551 It. May 14, 06 4:02 AM 9:20 AM 2:41 PM 10:16 PM Mon 2.695 ft. 1.658 ft. 3.761 ft. -0.515 ft. May 15, 06 4:45 AM 9:56 AM 3:16 PM 10:58 PM Tue 2.585 ft. 1.752 ft. 3.737 ft. -0.409 ft. May 16, 06 5:33 AM 10:34 AM 3:56 PM 11:44 PM Wed 2.486 ft. 1.830 ft. 3.628 ft. May 17, 06 6;26 AM 11:20 AM 4:43 PM Full Moon: 5/13 2:52 AM THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2006 Gilchrist County Remembers ' ...- 6t" *..- . Cc/**K1&t* By Cindy Jo AJ Good women, may we know them, may we be them, may we raise them. In celebration of Mother's Day I'm featuring two recipes that were and are used by our mothers. Both are real easy and pretty quick to make. The following recipes are favorites of our children since they are recipes they both have fond memories of their grandmothers making. The first recipe, MeMa's Brownies, is courtesy of my sister-in-law Elizabeth Ayers Craig. Elizabeth lives down in South Florida and she and her husband Tucker have two good- looking boys. Well, I guess theN are young men now. Ta)lor, the oldest, attends Yale "here he pla)s football and William, her )youngest, attends Florida State University . John's mother, MarN Thompson Avers. made her brownies often and our family) was always glad to see her clear glass brownie jar filled with them. : The second recipe, Black- berr) Doobee or Blackberrn Cobbler, is still being made b\ mN mother. Doris Beauchamp. She has made this recipe for as long as I can remember. It works well with an) fruit Momma always used wild blackberries which she picked. The original Doobee recipe came from the late Mrs. Glad\s Hudson who lied in the Curryville area of Le\\ Countr near the farm %%here I was raised. Mrs. GladNs dro\e the school bus for \ears and \ears. She also did quite a bit of sew ing. Her husband Mr. Jasonr grow tobacco and my brothers Lloyd and Mike ,Beauchamp worked for the Hudsons cropping tobacco each summer. Llo\d--and Mike looked tb eat Lith I ec us she cooked such good'"meals for the area boys who worked on their farm. When Mrs. Gladys made this Doobee she always used pears from the trees in her yard. Momma usually uses blackberries and I now usually\ use blueberries or peaches. 2 squares (Baki unsweetened 1 stick of butte 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 3/4 cup all purp 1 teaspoon vani 1 cup of choppy walnuts) Preheat oven Grease an 8x Melt the tv chocolate' and butter. Add- t flour and van electric. -mixer Fold in nuts by baking pan ai minutes. Cool 1 XMo s Brownies ers) chocolate *r pose flour illa ed nuts pecansc to 325 degree .10' baking pa vo squares I the stick he sugar, eg nilla. Beat' w until blended y hand. Pour it nd bake for' before cutting. rmma s lacdterr Dootee 1 stick of butter , 1 cup self-rising flour 1 cup sugar 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon pure vanilla 2 cups blackberries, peaches'. blueberries, or pears Preheat oven to 350 degrees. While oven is heating, place a stick of butter in 8x8 glass pan and put in a preheated oven. While butter is melting mix together all other ingredients, except fruit in bowl. I use .my whisk to mix. Once butter is melted I sprinkle my. fruit on, -top of butter then pour batter over the top of fruit. Bake for 30 to 45 minutes until golden brown. This recipe is also real good warm from the o'en with a scoop of \anilla ice cream on. top. BN Lauren Rudd Streetwise Wall Street is spending an in- ordinate amount de eloping and honing its next nightmare...one that consists of rising inflation.' accompanied by higher interest rates, which in turn .\ill, if you listen to the Street's prognostica- "ors, quickly degrade-, corporate Yes, several factors are con- .tributinrg to a rise in the price level; the, most noticeable of course is. energy prices since they percolate throughout the entire economy. Ori January 16, I forecasted that crude oil would be selling for $70 per barrel. As it turns out. et en that number is likely to be too low. Furthermore, if the Fed con- tinues' to raise interest rates, which from my perspective is a given, it ensures 'an increase. in the cost of doing business across the economy. As firms are caught between the mandibles of higher interest rates and higher energy costs, their only hope. of saving their bottom line is or through increased efficiency, and productivity. Unfortunately, es. neither of those options can con- an. tinue indefinitely. of The result is likely to be some- of what of a reduction in corporate, gs, earnings across the board. If it ith happens, and in all likelihood ed. it will, the scenario is not life- nto threatening, particularly if you 25 expect it and plan accordingly. For example, you might want to consider companies that will benefit from the seemingly insa- tiable demand for raw materials. i An excellent example is Caterpillar. When. I last wrote about the company a year ago, its shares were trading at $44.02, allowing, for a July 13 2-for-l stock split. My 2005 earnings es- timate was $3.80 per share with. a $58 per share price target. Looking at the company's 2005 results, earnings were $4.04 per share, up 40 percent over the previous year. Revenues were up 20 percent for the year at $36.339 billion. The shares' are currently trading at $78. The improvement in 2005" earnings was primarily the result of higher prices and increased sales volume. Both items were partially offset by an increase ip core operating costs that included higher material costs, primarily steel, and costs to sup- port higher volume and ongoing investment in new products and technology. As we all know, prior excel- lence is fine but the real question is how will Caterpillar do going forward? To forecast a reason- able estimate, we first need to look at' the numbers for the first quarter ending March 31st. According to the company, earnings were. $1.20 per share on revenues of $9.392 billion. As a result, Caterpillar is now forecasting 2006 earnings in This photo is of a Trenton JV Basketball team. From left on the first row are Ja(Len Grant, Jeremy Rizer, Lyle \Iilkerson, Chris Luke, Todd Newton, and Eddie Greer. On the second row are Paul Gainey, Eric Bell, Steve Sikes, James McGee, and Alike Downing. On the third row are Freddie Geer, Shown Rizer, George Weaver, Scott Brown and Chad Wiillis. The coach of this team was Riley Deen. the range of $4.85 to $5.20 per share. Revenues are projected at about $40 billion. That is a strong outlook. so the next logical step is to determine an estimate for Caterpillar's in- trinsic value. Using a trailing 121 month (TTMI) earnings number of $3.11 billion, an earnings growth rate of 14.5 percent and a discount rate of 11 percent (average return of the S&P 500), a discounted earnings model yields an intrinsic value for Caterpillar's shares of $143. A somewhat more conserva-. tive approach; using a discount- ed free cash flow model with the same TTM earnings number and growth rate, yields an intrinsic 'aiueof$105. SMy 2006 earnings estimate 'for Caterpillar is '$5.1,0. If m\ni .earnings'number is_-oirreot and' Caterpillar's multiple, or P/E ratio, remains constant at 17.6 then the shares should 'be sell- ing at about $90, for a gain of 15 percent over the 'next 9 to 12 months. In addition, there is a dividend yield on the stock of .about 1.2 percent. , You can- ,write' to financial. columnist Lauren Rudd at5 Gulf Manor Drive, Venice, Fl. 34285 or email at LVERudd(a'aol com. Prior columns are available at RuddReport.com. A Letter To The Editor Long ,before the, day of the coming election. I'm sure we have all thought and learned all wve can about eaclk candidate. They and'their families deserve this. We deserve a candidate who will be both ethical and' honest one who will do "the right thing," regardless of who or what it concerns. We must remember that what theN do or decide affects all of us, for several years to come. To be ethical is to conform to the stan-. dards of conduct of youirchosen profession and/or job. See you' at the polls. Sincerely. Dolores tFritzi Brown A Letter To The Editor While the ast majority\ of residents in GilchiristCounty are kind. lo ing. and compassionate people who treat others with, respect, there are a number who are mean-spirited and exhibit a lack of caring. It is this small minority to whom I address this letter %w ith the hope that they w ill see it 'and think tw ice about do- ing "what they often do and what pain they cause' to their victims, and family members. A friend recently told me about one of'their family cats which was in. their yard. A mean-spirited young person' driving a pick-up truck swerved off the road. into his yard, and deliberately ran over their young cat, killing it.,and then drove off. This young person has no idea how% much pain he has caused. nor does he probably care. This family loves theirpets and treats them as family members. as man) people do. To deliberately, take action which causes pain to others is unconscionable and uncivilized. Not only do these people de- liberatelh run animals do%%n, but they shoot them. starve them. and beat them. It has been prov- en that young people %who abuse animals will most likely go onto abuse people as they get older. This is only one recent exam- ple of animal cruelly) but there are many that take place daily. If you area parent, pleasetalk ro yOur children'about treating am'- ,mals well and teach them about the pain owners feel if their pet is harmed or killed. If you. are an adult who enjoys killing or harming small animals, please (Continued to Page Twent ) Accidents Don't Happen (Kent Heaton) "Morning Afters Can Be Tough" the poster proclaims. The American College of Obstetricians :& Gynecology announced a new plan to help women who do not want to become pregnant following a, tryst with a lover in a drug called the "Morning After Pill. "A poster with the aforementioned, heading has a cup. of coffee spilled on. a day-planner to describe what is being called an accident. Doctors are urged to display the posted in their offices to encourage women to stock up on the pill to be used the "morning after." Accidents are a part of life. We spill a cup of coffee on our day-planner without any intention or desire to do so. The last thing we would want to do is to ruin our day-planner. Every precaution would normally be in place unless we are very clumsy and then we would spill coffee on our day-planner, our clothes, the dog, the floor, the newspaper, the original copy of "War And Peace" and plaster the walls with every cup of coffee we ever drink. Can you imagine being around someone so inept they are spilling coffee all the time? Sexuality is not an accident. A person chooses to engage in sex and the result of a pregnancy is not an accident. That is like saying that a person who kills another in a car while driving drunk is not accountable because it is an "accident. (I wonder if they will come up with a "Morning After PilU' for drunks who maim and kill others). When a person makes a judgment to drink and drive and kills someone, they are accountable! When couples engage in sex and a pregnancy ensues, they are accountable! Accidents of'this nature do not happen; they are planned through the careless action of those who wish to enjoy the bed without the responsibility. The solution is not the pill but the will the will of God and the will of the individual who recognizes that sexuality is reserved for the marriage bed. "Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled; for God will judge the immoral and adulterous" (Hebrews 13:4). The covenant of marriage is where God has placed sexual fulfillment and none other. The "Morning After" pill is a license to allow couples to freely engage in their sexuality without the responsibility of the birth of a child. The philosophy behind these kinds of movements is the, destruction of the honor God established in marriage. Society respects less and less the covenant of one man and one woman in a holy union. Hollywood portrays sexuality with stars having babies outside of marriage as a wholesome cruise to enjoy in life. Scientist make it easier to salve the conscience of the guilt of sexual promiscuity with a pill. Jehovah God is not amused. Until people realize the pattern set forth by the Creator is the only safe and right path to follow, moral chaos will continue to plague our nation and destroy its youth. "Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption; but he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life" (Galatians 6:7-8). Reaping is a choice; one to destruction and one,to blessing. Spilling coffee is an accident - sexuality is not! Pole Barns ". "" Crane Service Truss Setting 18-in Auger (352) 543-6643 P. O. Box 218 Otter Creek, Florida 32683 Lic. No. RB0031694 Remember Mom This Mother's Day with a Gift She'll Cherish! Porcelain Tea Sets and Table Accents Distinct Choice of Floral Picture Frames Extensive Selection of Blue Mountain Mother's Day Cards Be Sth9u p. $Pfvunac, & Aift" of Jn'wdca Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m. 5:30 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. Hwy. 129 -Trenton (352) 463-2240 Trenton Church of Christ 463-3793 502 Northeast 7th Street Trenton, Florida 32693 Please Visit www.trentonchurchofchrist.com Email kerux@bellsouth.net rago lwu TTTIR~hAMA11, /0 (II ( A-TRIT (71TNT %-.1IR%)NAlI Xx. Ms. Ruby Welch MRuby S. Welc To Cefebrate Othf Birthday Please join us as we celebrai the 90th birthday of -Ruby S Welch with "a Dessert Fes Saturday, May 13th at 3:00 p.n until 5:00 p.m. The celebration will be at the Dixie Trail Rider .: .Club in Cross City. Gilchrist County Building Department Will Be Closed May 26 For Training The Gilchrist County Build- ing Department will be closed on Friday, May 2,6th for train- ing. They apologize for any inconvience. Beck, Hodge, Pervis, And Cason Families To Have Reunion May 20 The Beck, Hodge, Pervis, and Cason families and friends will *be having a reunion on Saturday, May 20th at Hart Springs. Lunch will begin at 12:00 noon."I te Please bring a picnic basket S. andenjoytheday with everyone. St, Come early, stay late. Paper a. goods and ice will be furnished. in For more information call J.L. 's and Dorothy Beck at 352-463- 2319. THS Class Of 1986 Planning Reunion The THS Class of 1986 is currently planning an upcom- ing 20-year reunion for the fall. Additional information will be posted on classmates.com: If you or someone you know graduated from. Trenton in 1986, please submit 'a current address to Amy at 454-7421, acspencer@alltel.net; Jennifer at 462-5848, jlufteach(,alltel.net; or Jss at 472-3059, jrsw 1027,Ii yahoo.com.. Sons Of Confederate Veterans To Meet May 16 SThe John Hance O'Steen Camp #770, Sons; of Confed- erate Veterans monthly camp meeting will be Tuesday. May 16, 2006 at the Civic "Center across from Akins BBQ on Main Street in Bell. Our program will be presented Sb Martin Smith. ho will speak About "West Virginia during the War Between the States." 7 The meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. The meeting is open to all who are interested in the War Between the States. For fur- 'ther information, contact Camp: Commander Clement Lindsev at (352)'472-0047 or Adjutant Archie Matthews at (386) 462- 3016. Douglas Family To Have Reunion NMay 13. The Douglas family is having a reunion on Saturday. May 13. 2006 at 12:00 noon.- The reunion %%ill be held at Hart Springs. Pavilion B. This is a covered dish lunch. ' Waccasassa Lake Property Owners Association To Meet May 20 The annual meeting of the Waccasassa- Lake Property Owners Association will be held Saturday, May, 20th at the SE fire station behind Pa Paws. The meeting will begin at 9:00 a.m. and coffee and doughnuts will be served. Ludie Ehlers, with the Gilchrist County Forestry Divi- sion. will be the guest speaker. With the dry -weath having we need info fire safety. The press entitled, "Fire Wise." join us. ier we are rmation on sentation is Come and Pat Crosby President Lela Roberts And JBH Gay Family Reunion To Be Held, May 27 The reunion of the Lela Rob erts and JBH Gay families %%il be held at Manatee Springs State Park in Chiefland on Saturday May 27, 2006. All family anc friends are invited to come and join us for good food and fellow. 'ship. We will eat around 12:3C or 00p.m.... , Try to arrive early, before the park's parking lot fills up. Everybody bring sour favorite covered dish Bronson Chamber Of Commerce To Meet May 11 And 12 The Greater Bronson Area Chamber of Commerce will be holding its monthly general member meetings on.Thursda. at 6:30 p.m. and Friday al 11:00\a.m., May 11 & 12 and will also hold both Levy County Fair Task Force Meetings di- rectly following each member meeting (Thursday. 7:30 p.m. and/or Friday, 12:00 noon). All meetings %%ill be held at the First Baptist Church in the Fellow- ship Hall located at 451 S. Court Street. downtown Bronson. Meetings are informal and don't require membership for atten- dance. A lite meal/refreshments will be available for a $3 to $5 donation. Feel free to come hungry! For further information go, to www.bronsonchamber, com or '-mail bronson chamber@aol.com. SRWMD Governing Board To Meet May 11 On Thursday, May 11, 2006, the Suwannee Rivet Water Management District's Governing Board will meet at 9: 00 a.m. at District Headquarters on Highway 49 and 90 East, Live Oak . All meetings, workshops, and hearings are open to the public. Mother's Day Old Time Dance At O'Leno State Park- May 14. :: Bring Mom. out to O'Leno for the Mother's Day Old Time - Dance which will include dance contra, circles and squares to live music bN> the Flying turhle' Siring Band with Dennis Ricker calling, from ' 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m Sunda 'Th, Ma\ 14th in the 1930s recreation Jessie hall on the banks of the Santa Fe ar Rier in O'Leno State Park. The park is located six miles nier e north of High Springs on Hw'.. Jes 441. Beginners lessons are at marri I 3:30 p.m. There is an admission .t, to the park plus a cost for tickets. Call 386-454-1853 for more i prices. Note: There i s free I admission for momss on this da\. Trenton Fire Department Accepting Items For r Upcoming Yard Sale S.The Trenton Fire Department %ill be accepting donations of goods to be sold for an upcoming i xard sale. The donations can be' I dropped off at the stanon located I at 111 SE 5th A4enue. Monday , through Friday. bet\%een the ; hours of 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 I p.m. until May 18th. :For ad- ditional information please call 463-4012. Hall Available 352-463-1501 -THURSDAY MAY 11 .2006 e family of Mr: and Mrs. e Hugh Lee of Trenton pleased to announce their ming 40th Wedding Aii- sar y. sie and Mary Anin were ed May 22, 1966 in Tren- , A reception will be held in their honor May 20, 2006 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Shady Gro~e Primitive Baptist Church in Trenton : Friends and family are invited to come and share in this very , special occasion. I:, .. 88S51 NW 115th Street Chiefland, Florida 32626 352-493-1398 1-877-766-2707 Osborn G. Barker Owner ul t .d P -.e n, lur'nr, ,nujrr S;din Carports .' er, P.:...n.r. Decks P Ti:, P.:..f: *:-,,fit. Ft-.cia uter'-. I-h 'riL ar, e !..rinir s- Skirtin; :'c.:,. 3ri -|1[ r, pe Erclo-ur, . Free Estimates * DURON WILLIAMSON'S TREE SERVICE Licensed and Insured All Phases ofTree Work From trimming to completeremoval and Light land clearing, Call for FREE Estimates clearing of right-of-ways, cell 352-318-3610 and debris haul-offs. home 386-935-2180 Bobcat service available. BEING ABLE TO SEE YOUR WORLD AS WELL ,M" / AS YOU DID WHEN YOU WERE YOUNGER! PREMIUM IMPLANTS ARE A BREAKTHROUGH IN TECHNOLOGY. ALLOWING FOR CLEAR DISTANCE AND NEAR VISION S[IULTANEOITSLY WITHOlUT GLASSES. FREE PREMIUM IMPLANT, LASIK & CATARACT SEMINAR TUESDAY EVENING MAY 16TH SUWANNEE RIVER ECONOMIC COUNCIL CHIEFLAND SENIOR CENTER 305 SW FIRST STREET CHI.EFLAND, FLORIDA 7:30PM Receive a FREE personal consultation at the seminar from Dr. Shugar. SEATING IS LIMITED SO CALL TODAY TO RESERVE YOUR PLACE! NATURE COAST EyeCare Institute 555 North Byron Butler Parkway Perry, Florida www.naturecoasteye.com (800) 870-6001 EXT. 641 IJ-d IC A Trust Your Eyes to Dr. Sfhuar. DR. JOEL SHUGAR, MD, MSEE is a Board certifiedd Ophthalmologist who has performed OVER 30,000 LASER PROCEDURES. Dr. Shugar will personally share information on the new 'Premium Lens', Cataract and LASIK procedures.' REGISTER TO WIN' FREE LASIK PROCEDURE* S2995 ,on must be present atiseminar to win Bas cLASIK Procedure THE PATIENT AND ANY OTHER PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT HAS THE RIGHT TO REFUSE 10 PAY CANCEl PAYMENT OR BE REIMBURSED FOR-ANY OFHER SERVICE, EXAMINATION OR TREATMENT WHICH IS PERFORMED AS A RESULT OF AND WITHIN 72 HOURS OF RESPONDING TO THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE FREE DISCOUNTED FEE. OR REDUCED FEE SERVICE, EXAMINATION, OR TREATMENT. PURSUANT TO SECTION 455.225(1) FLORIDA STATUS. Our Free Checking Account is no exception. * Free first order of checks * Purchase previous bank checks at .05 per check or $10.00 maximum * Free Debit Card * Free Online Banking with Bill Pay * Savings Account- 6 months no maintenance fee * Installment loan discount with auto debit* * $50.00 minimum to open * Earns interest with a minimum daily balance of $600 * INFOLINE 24-24 hour account information * Personal Reserve Account available (Overdraft protection)* *Subject to credit approval. -rAmerts Experience Real Free Checking. ,,, Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Hugh Lee Lindsey Land Clearing'. Site Prep, lInc. Fill Dirt & Limerock Site Prep & Pad Building Land Clearing Driveways Licensed & Insured 352-463-6125 or 352-535-5731 Eu Licensed and Insured U.- S33 J CountE i si DaylileAs Open (GrJne Eddy & Cindy Scott 6dfCountryside Daylilies are'havingan , open house ai their garden every-weekend in Mai and the 1si weekend in June from 8am to 2pm on Saturdays and Sundqys. They have a large landscaped garden with several split-rail fences, old shgar kettles, peacocks, & koi ponds. There will be thousands of blooming hybrid daylilhes and myriad other flowers. The are located in NE Gilchrist County. From the intersection of CR-340 & SR-47 (flashing light) go north on SR-47for 1.5 miles to NE 65th Street (limerock road) also marked \Ginnie Springs -, turn right & go 8/10 mile. For more information go to countrysidedaylilies.com " or call 386-454-3937 or 386-454-3687 or 386-965-3102 ' Chief Ian 'A-,rccj H,,, Cll:[k, GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Page Three h l ' r age o wR NY------- -T- M- -- --12 Mr. and Mrs. Pete Callahan of McIntosh, would like to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Teri Callahan, to Ryan Hanson, son of Phil and Ellen Hanson of Denver, Colorado. The bride-elect graduated from the University of Florida and is employed by 180 Medi- cal, Inc. The bridegroom-elect gradu- ated from the University of Colorado and is employed by Telwares. Inc. The couple lives in Deiver, Colorado. A November 2006 wedding .is' planned in .Playa Esterillos. Costa Rica. & Trenton United Methodist Church' 9:30 am Sunday School 11:00 am Morning Worship Service 6:00 pm Wednesday Bible Study Nurse'ry provided 9-12 Sunday Morning S 203 N.E. Second Street, Trenton Office: 463-2877 Rev. H.D. "Hank" Cribb, Sr. '- (. r o . "All scripture is given by inspiration of God,' and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof' for correction, for instruction in righteousness:"~ 2 Timothy 3:16 4470 N.W. County Road 236 Bell, Florida 32619 1 Mile West of US-129- - Service Times Pastor: 10:00 am Sunday School Rev. Lynn Wagner, .11:00 am Sunday Morning Worship Office: 6:30 pm Wednesday Bible Study 386-935-4219 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and.the Word was God...And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us:.." ~ John 1:1, 14 SPRING REVIVAL 4._ Evangelist: Ron Coram May 21-24,2006 Sunday 11:00 am & 7:00 pm Monday-Wednesday 7 pm @ Bethel Baptist Church 7070 SW CR 334A Trenton, FL 32693 (Nursery Provided) Please call (352) 463-2028 for any information. II CHURCH NEWS Il Mt. Nebo Baptist Church To Have Special Mother's Day' Service Mt. Nebo Baptist Church would like to invite you to their Special Mother's Day Service on Sunday, May. 14th at 11: 00 a.m. All mothers will' be recognized during the morning worship service and each mother present will receive a gift from the church. So make plans to observe this special day by hon- oring mothers. Mt.. Nebo is located at 4200 NW CR 340, just three miles north of Bell. We look forward to seeing you Sunday. For more information you may call Pastor Jimmy Corbin 386-935-3575. The DaVinci Code Deception To Be Shown At Hardeetown Baptist Church May.28 And June 4 SThe Da ,inci Code, the best. selling novel by Dan Brown. has been read by over 47 million people, and on May 19th this controversial book makes its debut on the big screen all across the country'. The assertions made in the book are intended to shake Christianity to its core. and to confuse non-Christians about who Jesus Christ is. We will look at this work of fiction in a \ ideo series The Da 'inci Code Deception and deal with the issues that it raises: Was Jesus merely human and not divine? Did Jesus and Marn Magdalene marry and have children? Is the Bible authentic and accurate? Is there a great cover-up by the church to keep this information from the public'? Is Jesus the Son of God, the Savior of the \world? These and other questions will be answered during our Sunday services on May 28th and June 4th .starting at, 6:30., p.m. at. Hardeetown' Baptist' Church: This is open 'to, anyone 'who- would like to attenid.- Energy Assistance Funds Available Suwannee River Econornic Council. Inc., announces the availability of funds from the Department of Community Af- fairs for home energy assistance and crisis energy assistance through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)." The program assist' eligible households in paying foi home heating and cooling costs Clients must meet income guide' lines and provide proof of in come and an energy obligation Applications are available at th; Outreach Center, located at 10' NE 1st Street.in Trenton. Cal 352-463-2940 to make appoint ments or for more information. This is the place for your I Gilchrist County news!! Great Giveaway And Gospel Sing To Be c Held At New Life o Assembly Of God r May 13 "The. Great Giveaway" is lI coming at 9:00 a.m. this Satur- so day, May 13, 2006, to New Life, ai Assembly of God. What is. it? ' you may ask. Well, it's kind of v like a yard sale but leave your th money at home! Everything we ir have is free!- We respectfully ci request no re-salers participate. C because we.are doing this as a go blessing to the community. g As an added blessing, this he Sunday is Mother's Day. Does'' Your mom like Southern Gospel a music? If so, we have a special tU pre-Mother's Day treat for her. di New Life Assembly of God pres- -a ents a Gospel sing, this Saturday'. H May 13th. at 6:00 p.m. The fea- ci rured artists are The Retlectsons ai and The Prophets. This will be an outdoor etent so please bring %. ,your lawn chairs and come pre- B pared to have a great time! o o Socials d Many of you will be sad- dened to learn that Woodburn o Schofield. formerly of Trenton. th passed away Thursday, May 4. n 2006 in Phoerux. Arizona. His b. funeral was held Tuesday, May' o 9. 2006. Happy Birthday wishes to Sue Sholies and Jimmy Sheffield on Ma l1lth: to Vickie Jones, James Lawrence, and Sue Suggs A on May 12th: to Aurea Santago, ( Jim Troke. and Tina Langford on May 13th; to Melanie Langford. b Stephen Waterman, Brad Sur- 1 rency. Joanna Williamson, and , Marsha Pence on May 14th; to Cam Tang. Ina Vernon. Kay Davis, and Theresa Connatser F on May 15tht to Donald Ross, . Wanda Elmore, Shannon Jor- B dan, Herbert Gay, and Melody Campbell on May 16; and to Jan d Dasher andNelson Tang Nguyen d on May 17th. 2 Happy Anniversary wishes to ' Mr. and Mrs. Darreli Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Vaughn on SMay.1 lth:,and and to Mr. and .Mrs.,:~ Mark Suggs on Mai '17th. ( May 18 Is Healthy Women's Day May 18th is Healthy Women's Day. Come join your friends at Suwannee Valley Quilt Shoppe on Thursday, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. A; wealth of health informa- tion %will be available for womenr of all ages. Complementary screens will include bone densi- ty, glucose. blood pressure, oxy-' gen stats, vision, and BMI. Plus, hear presentations on women's - health from Dr. Rachel Hrab- . chak, PharmD, Kathryn Glazer, MSN, ARINP, and Gail Osteei,' . volunteer .with' the American I Cancer Society. For.more infor- 1 mation call 352-463-3842. This event is being sponsored bby, the Departmenti of Elder' "Affairs, Suwannee River Area Health Education Center, and Suwannee Valley Quilt Shoppe. A '4 .4' .4 Kid's World Pre-School Learning Center, Inc. A private school for your child's early learning years. * NAEYC Accredited Pre-K * School Readiness Program * Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten * CDA Certified Teachers * USDA Food Program * Highscope Curriculum * CPR/First Aid Certified *Ages 2-12 Stop by for a tour of our facility. 352-463-3555 Corner of Hwy. 129 & S.R. 47, Trenton (Across from Trenton High School) Owners/Directors Amy Wesley Woods Holly Wesley Bussard License #C03GI0006 Ryan Hanson and Teri Callahan [illiard, Steve Hilliard, J.B. lodge (Iraq), Joe Hudson, Carl Hunter, Jr., Heather Langston, .ob Long, Katie Lovett, Jona- han Luchak, Gus Mauldin, Mi- hael Mayo, Evan McQuistan, .J. Miller, Mark Milton, Allen ,Wurray, Stephen Reed, T.J. .ush, Matthew Riordan, Donna Slayton, Donny Slaton, James layton, Jeffrey Solis (Iraq), 3regory M. Turner, Justin Twigg Iraq), Nathan Twigg, LaShonda Vhite (Iraq), Wesley Wilson, Iraq), Kyle Worthington, and )aniel Wood (Iraq). S'eda Deborah W. Moore of Lake 'ity, and James E. Moore f Conway, South Carolina, re happy to announce that heir daughter, Jamie Ellen of' liddleburg, and William Tay- or Cannon, of Middleburg, the on of Vicki Braxton of Chipley nd Larry Cannon of Old Town 'ere married on. Saturday, lay 6, 2006. at five o'clock in he' afternoon at Blanche Hotel : Lake City. The double-ring ceremony was performed by 'indy Wadzinski, the bride's odmother, and the bride was iven awa, by Buck McFarland, er step-father. The new Mrs. Cannon wore, Maggie Sottoero designed hree-piece white diamond satin ress with a chapel length train. corset top with crystal beading. ter headpiece was an Austrian rslial tiara with a fingertip veil nd blusher. Jordan Moore of Lake City, 'as her sister's maid of honor. ridesmaids were Whitley Tyler f Aynor. South Carolina, cousin f the bride; Megan Henderson f Jacksonville, cousin of the ride; and Lilian Shotts of Mid- leburg, a friend of the bride. The best man was Jesse Shotts f Middleburg. He is a friend of ie groom. Ushers were Den- is Rodnguez of Gainesville, rother-in-law; Jeffery Barbera f Trenton. and Charlie Kelly marriage Applications Filed In ilchrist County David William Perry. date of irth. 2/23/71, and Christ 6Dawn larling, date of birth. 6/9/75, oth of Trenton, Florida. Jason Russell Johnson. date f birth, 6/16/75. of Trenton. lorida and Angela Denett lodge, date of birth, 7/7/77. of 3elI. Florida. Edward George Brown, Jr. ate of birth, 12/16/78 and Bon- ie Jean Giles, date of birth, 7/ 7/78. both of Trenton, Florida.- Iarri iges Filed, In , 3ilchrist County- ,.:," Aaron David Riess, date of rih, 1/31/86 and Naketta Sha- in Kearney, date of birth, 10/ '84, both of Trenton,. Florida, ere married on May 8, 2006 t Trenton by Cynthia A. Chad- ick, notary. remember Our troops The Bible says, "The prayers. f:the righteous man/woman vail much!" For the person f faith, that simply means that hen the pray-er has "clean hands and a pure heart" his/her prayers will be heard in a mighty 'ay before God. So much is going on in our world today that hene'er people' or situations ome before the mind, the dili-, ent who pray will place their petitions before the Throne of' rrace, and do so immediately, wen if the prayer is one said lently. As our local, Gilchrist County military personnel go about their business each day in defending, s here on America's shores against terrorism and other treats, the least we can dohere t home is to pray for them, and aily. Please keep the following st handy as you lay your peti- ons before the Lord, for these oung men and women deserve our best and the best you can ive them is your time. (If you now of an active military per- on who is not listed, please con- act the Gilchrist County Journal r write a letter to the Editor, so iat person can be listed the next me this article is published). Clayton App, Kathy Ar- ington, Peter Belahger, Steve 'allaway (Afghanistan), Drew 'heatur, Wayne Cheatum, .obert Dean, Jimmy Fletcher, r., Chris Geiger (Iraq), Jon ruzman (Afghanistan), Dylan [illiard, Gary Hilliard, Mark of Jacksonville, both friends of the groom. : A reception followed the ceremony at Tucker's Fine Din- ing. After a cruise to Cozumel, Mexico and Belize, the couple will reside in Middleburg. The bride is a graduate of Conway High School and is cur- rently attending the University of. North Florida. She is also employed by Physician Associ- ates of Jackson tille. The groom is a graduate of Trenton High School and is also currently attending the University of North Florida and is serving in the United States Nav'. YOU ARE WELCOME AT PRISCILLA BAPTIST CHURCH 5509 S.W. County Road 232, Bell, Florida (Between Bell & Trenton 2.5 miles West of SR 129) 4t Sunday School......................0:00 AM 4. Morning Worship...............1.....11:00 AM Evening Worship.:..................... 6:00 PM Wednesday Night Prayer/Youth...7:30 PM Be a part of an exciting rime of l'orship and Bible Study. Web:. wwvw,ForvMinistcy.com/LUSFLSOBCOPBC1 WE WELCOME YOU TO UNION BAPTIST CHURCH.sSB 6259 $.E. 75TH AVENUE NEWBERRY, FL 32669 SUNDAY-SCHOOL 9:45 AM MORNING WORSHIP.. 11 AM_, EVEN INI WORSHIP ........ .... ...................6 PM WEDNESDAY EVENING SERVICES: ADULT BIBLE STUDY, CHILDREN, & YOUTH ... 7 PM PASTOR: TRAVIS MOODY MINISTER OF YOUTH: ROBBIE BEACH CHURCH PHONE: 386-472-3845 "WIN THE LOST AND TEACH THE SAVED TO SERVE" -- .. .--- PINE GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH -16655 N. W. CR-339 Trenton, Florida 32693 f 352-463-2151 www.pgbcfl.com Bro. Greg Douglas, Pastor Bro. Rickey Whitley, Minister of Students Charles Brock, Music Director Sunday School/Bible Study.............:.....9:15 AM Morning Worship Service.......................10:30 AM Children's Church.............................. 10:30 AM Evening Worship Service........................6:00 PM Wednesday Night Services: Prayer Meeting, AWANA & Youth Worship......................7:00 PM ~ Nursery Provided for All Services ~ t first Bcptisi Ckupcl t Welcomes You! "Embracing the Past and Reaching Toward the Future." Comer of NE Second St. and Highway 26 in Trenton (Nursery provided for all services) Sunday School 9:45 AM (classes for all ages) Sunday Morning Worship & Children's Church 11 AM Sunday Night Bible Study 6 PM Wednesday Nights: Awana 6:20 PM Youth Bible Study, Praise & Worship 6:30 PM' Adult Bible Study & Prayer 7 PM DYNAMIC MINISTRIES FOR ALL AGES! Call 463-2038 for more information or www.fbctrentonfl.org Mrs. Cannon We Welcome You To Mt. Nebo Baptist Church (SBC) 4200;N.W. CR-340, Bell, FL 32619 (3 miles North of Bell on Hwy-340 West) Sunday School ........... ...... 9:45 am Morning Worship ........ ................ 11 am Evening Worship 6 pm Wednesday Evening Services: Adult Bible Study, Children, & Youth ... 7 pm Pastor: Rev. Jimmy Corbin - Minister of Youth: Matt Holtsdcaw Church Phone: 386-935-3575 "Committed to Reaching People for Christ"' I Trenton Church of God Welcomes you to come worship with us Sunday Schoof- 10:00 a.m. " Sunday Praise & Worship 11:00 a.m. Evening Praise & Worship 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m. 'Phone 463-6543 www.geocities.com/churchofgodtrenton_fla THURSDAY, MM'11, 2006 GILCEMST COUNTY JOURNAL PDorp TF,'unr I BHKSiiSSSKS S5 'rT!3T T h *C I AVN7 AV II') . -T ('TTTPT5R T ('0OTINTY TOT TRNAT. I Alisha Beach and Robert Stewart :. Robert L. Stewart and Alisha ceremony will'be held at L. Beach would like to announce VWoodmen of the World on S their upcoming wedding. It.will in Trenton. No local invital Stake place on Saturday, May 27, ill be sent but all family . 2006 at 5-30in theevening. The friends are welcome to attend FENCING ALL TYPES 4-Board 60' Round Horse Training Pen 9 l0 Including Labor, Material and One Gate WU.-, g 3 Field Fence $2.49/ft. (oo'Min.) Completely Installed, Including Labor & Material Wood Chainlink Field & Barbwire Also Repairs & Free Estimates (352) 284-7081 (352) 949-0320 (352)~ i Locally Owned Li':enr;,.d & Inr-;ured Carlisle Fence Enterprises, LLC Bell, Florida A Security Title Compan (352-463-6403) Gregory V. Beauchamp Douglas K. McKoy Wm. T. Carlton Masonic Lodge To Have Benefit BBQ For Rayanne Ferguson And Children Please mark you 'calendar. The Wm. T. Carlton Masonic Lodge is having a benefit BBQ dinner for Rayanne Ferguson and children on Wednesday. May 31, 2006 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. This BBQ is to benefit the family of Sam Ferguson who lost his' fight with cancer in April. The.dinner will consist of BBQ chicken quarter, baked beans,, coleslaw. dessert, .and a drink. The cost will be $5 pei dinner. The dinner is being 1 hosted by the Masonic Lodge. Contact Joe Gilliam at 463- 3170. for more information or stop by the Clerk of Court office. S. The Wm. T. Carlton Lodge is located at 125 NE 2nd Street in Trenton (behind Gilchrist Title). he Hope to see you there! -6 rns id A Card Of Thanks I would like to thank you all for everything during Sam's short-term illness %with lung cancer. From the bottom of my heart. I thank you for taking time out of your own busy schedules taking him to Gainesville for doctor appointments as well as Scheme and radiation treatments. Because of Sam's rapid \weight loss and the doctor's concern in this matter, it was also appreci- ated \hen Sam would come home to say. he'd eaten break- fast and/or lunch with different people of the community. When Sam realized he could no longer drive safely to and from work or to any meetings and activities, once again you came through for us. taking him wherever he needed to go. Because of .ou he %\as able to continue w ith his in- "tolvement. Sam was very dedi- cated to all the clubs, organiza- tions, community gatherings and "after hour" meetings and would have been very disappointed had he not been able to fulfill his ob- ligations. Thank you. After Sam lost his painful bat- tle on April 12, 2006. you were still there for me and our little guys:;. -They :i'onl. being four yeais old) seem t6 be handling this much better than I. They don't actually understand how final this is. They honestly speak of their Daddy, regularly ex- plaining to me. he's helping God with the rain. They find Daddy among the brightest of stars and ;y Closings Title Insurance Public Record Searches Fast and Friendly Service 302 North Main Street Trenton, Florida even talk about how lucky he is because ie is no longer sick with that yucky headache and hurting stomach.'They have told Daddy over the cell phone to just talk to God when he's ready to. come back home. They know we went with all our friends and relatives to the cemetery to see' Daddy off to Heaven; however, they feel that if they keep visit- ing the "dead place" something will change and Daddy will come back. They know when Daddy gets finished helping God in Heaven that God will just tell him to go home. We tell Daddy good night every evening as we tell him how much we love and miss him. Seeing things through their eyes and talking about Sam -\ith them everyday is great medicine for me. This man was truly loved in our world and.will always be a part of it. Sam and I hate known each other 20 years, which includes 17 wonderful \ears of marriage and four outstanding years as the parents of Parker and Le\i. To- gether we've seen a lot and been through a lot. We realized a long time ago that we have been so blessed through these years. I know Sam %would still say that today and would \want to thank you personally for looking out for his family during this time. I neter imagined the feelings I feel each day and though I know in my heart it w ill'get.better, it's really tough right now. Thank you so much for all your care for our children through the gifts gi-en in the trust fund at Ameris. the cards. flowers, food and most of all your continued prayers. With the closeness found within the walls of my family and this community, and the memories we have of Sam. the three of us %will be fine. Thank you all so much for seeing us through. Rayanne Ferguson and our children Parker and Levi Public Meeting To Be Held Thursday To, :Discuss Information On Assisted Living Facility The Gilchrist Continuous Care Corp Facility \\ill meet on .'Thursday, May 11..2006 at 1:00. p.m'.'VThe meeting \\ill be held at the Gilchrist County Board' Meeting Chamber, 210 South Main Street in Trenton. The purpose of the meeting, is to discuss updated informa- tion on the assisted living facil- ity. Also. representatives of the Florida Department of Elder: Affairs will attend to discuss the Community For a Lifetime Initiative and other matters per- taining to assisted lihing facili- ties. All persons are encouraged to attend. From The Shelves Of The Bell Library A new author, Virginia El- lis, has written a heart touch- ing novel. The Ii'edding Dress, which I recommend. In the book families were attempting to Overcome the tragedy of the loss of family members, others who lost their sight, and those whose homes were destroyed during the Civil War makes for a real page turner. This is a fictional account of the kind of hardships endured by the South but reads like history. In 1957 adult readers were shocked by a risque novel. Pey- ton Place. Now another author. Barbara Delnsky. has written a book. Looking for PevYon Place," a mystery quite different from the original Peyton Place novel.' For the junior readers, we rec- ommend Aly Life as a Smashed Burrito Iirlh Extra Hot Sauce. relating what can happen at summer camp. This is written by Bill Meyers. In Rainfbresi Animals Paul Hess describes the animals that live there: monkeys, Farrots, ant- eaters, snakes, Jaguars, toucans. tapirs and tree frogs. At Bell Library-wve are greatly in need of volunteers to assist during the summer months t while our regular volunteers are on \ a- cations. The work is easy but very rewarding. You get to meet so many nice interesting people wtho frequent the library. The Bookworm - 4 Pets Sake Thank you for coming out for the Spring Fling Doggone 'Doggy Biscuit Sale. Although %we did not hate a tremendous attendance the sincerity and loyalty reigned. The total amount in sales was $281.45 and the total for cash donations was $156. If you are looking for doggy biscuits there are still plenty left; you need to contact Bell Elementary School to purchase them. They need to be sold before school is .out. The students put a lot of lo\e into '.1 is project. 'The number of the school is 352-463-3275. The "winner of the button contest is Malachi Holi. There were actually 4.590 buttons in Sthe jar and the guess \\as 4.576. SUntil next time be happy just for the love of them. Renee Emenecker We Have Color Copies Call The Journal 463-7135 N O C S i a TRENTON MEDICAL CENTER Quality Health Care, Convenient Location, Serving The Health Care Needs Of Our Commnunity Catherine Vega, PA-C Pediatrics James F. Ivey, MD Board Certified Family Practice * Complete Primary Care Well-Baby Exams Diagnostic X-rays Minor Trauma Case Management * Hearing and Vision Testing DeborahWeyer, MD Board Certified Pediatrics Curtis Kirby, PA-C Family Practice . Internal Medicine .Christine Chapman, DO Board Certified Family Practice Physical Exams Vaccinesfor Children ADD.& ADHD Evaluations Health Screening HIV Testing * Sliding Fee Office Visits and Pharmacy t- ' John Frazier, DC Chiropractic Physician Providing Non-Profit Healthcare for 30 years Employers Please Ask About Our Preferred Employers Program (PEP)! ~ Most Insurances Accepted ~ 911 South Main Street Trenton, Florida 32693 Equal Opportunity Provider Quality Health Care for the Entire Family 352-463-2374 Pediatrics 463-6292 Roger and Frances Riker of Chiefland and Charles (Trac\) and Karen Smith of Trenton are pleased to announce the upcom- ing wedding of their children. Jennifer Riker to Travis Smith. Jennifer is a 2004 graduate of Chiefland High School and CEDAR KEY FLORIDA Travis is a 2005 graduate of Bell High School. The wedding will take place on Saturday. June 10. 2006 at Union Baptist Church of Ne\t- berry at 2:00 in the afternoon. A reception ill follow. All family and friends are in ited. 'V., - ~TS (352) 543-5568 Page Five Jennifer Riker and Tra'vis Smith Alm'ep ^t lilivonceS all" (.7d Tht (ilchrist County journal Rubber Stamps Printing 463-7135 Fax 463-7393 Gilchrist Title Services Beth Davis Photography WEDDINGS -PORTRAITS SPECIAL EVEN Pole Barns Installed Complete $1,79500 Total 352-47b-539l ZjIa t(merfan Jamerson-Sheffield Post 91 352-463-1501-P. 0. Box 559, Trenton, F1 32643 Post 91 News S Commander Shelby McKihneyi-(352) 463-1459 A.djuian Dean Williams (386) 454-8143 Chaplain Carl Cornwell (352) 463-147.3 AMERICAN LEGION AIRS Neberrn, American Legion Post 149 meets on :he firt Tuesday ol ihe month at 7':01 PM at Ihe Post Home,:26821 West NewberryRoad in Newberry. The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 149 also meets at the same place and time. J.amerson-Sheffield Post 91 and'Auxiliary Unit 91 Executive Comminees meet on the second Thursday of each month at 6:00 PM in the Post 91 Home.on US-129 nonh ofTrenton; Jamerson-Sheffield Post 91 in Trenton meets in regular session'on the third Thursday at 7:00 PM at the Post Home on US-1 29 five miles north of Trenton. The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 91 meets at the same place and time, with a donation dinner served from 5:30 until 6:45 PM. Post 91.will be holding elections for Post Officers during the May 18 meeting. All members are requested to attend this meeting to elect the Officers to lead Post 91 in the coming year. Support the Officers and programs of Post 91 with your presence and your participation. Afghanistan. Please donate today. Tienton's Post 91 is planning to host a Flea Market/Yard Sale at the Post home Saturday, May 13. If you are interested in being a vendor and selling some of your surplus, contact Post Commander Shelby McKinney for more details. If you have items to donate for the Flea Market/Yard Sale, again, contact the Post Commander. The Gilchrist County Historical Society and several other groups are working to put together a Memorial Day service again this year. Continue to support them with your time and/or donations in this worthwhile endeavor to honor those in service to America that gave their all. Memorial Day is a day to fly your flag in honor of our Missing in Action as well as those killed in the line of duty. The flag should be at half-staff until Noon, at which time it should be put at the top of the staff, briskly, according to the US Flag Code. Whenever lowering the flag to half-staff, it is to be done slowly, reverently, in honor of the deceased; just as the salute to the fallen warrior is done slowly, with reverence. Support this local effort and plan to be there for this service on Monday, May 29, 2006, Memorial Day. On Saturday, May 6th, Jim Ramos, Fourth District Vice-.Commander; Robert Schmidt, Fourth District Adjutant; and Wayne Gravely, Fourth District Americanism Chairman, visited Starke Post 314 to assist in revitalizing that Post. Post 314 had turned in their Charter some years back, but the Auxiliary Unit 314 had held together and eventually convinced the area veterans to re-start this Post and become involved in the American Legion and programs again. Fourth District Commander, Phil Hearlson had asked District Vice-Commander, Jim Ramos, of Legion Post 149 in Newberry, to do what he could to assist the Post in getting up and running again. Vice-Commander Ramos had made several trips and numerous phone calls to the veterans interested in re-starting this Post and on Saturday, the work began in earnest. Twenty veterans committed to American Legion Post 314 and elected their Officers and put in the request for a Charter. Vice-Commander Ramos will be continuing to monitor and assist this Post and can use the moral support of our area's veterans in seeing this project through to a regular charter for Post 314. Pray for the success of this Post and all of the other Legion Posts across this great Nation. Remember our Armed Forces, all over the world, in your thoughts and prayers each day, and here at home, remember our American Legion Family, helping however and whenever we can. For God and Country, Wayne Gravely, Services Provided:' Chronic Disease Management Immunizations Diagnostic Laboratory Minor Surgical Procedures Family Planning THURSDAY, MAY 11I, MUOr L~IIU ~VV-~ I - I Page Six Bell Symphonic Band Returns From State Il /1 A -. _a Shown on the front row from left. are Elyse Fowler, Ulrica Diamond, Brittany Peters, Allissa Chaney, Brandi Cason, Ashley Houston, Katherine Kilgore, Valerie Beasley, and Amanda Short.- On the second row are Erica Dahlgren," Samantha Hooper, Paige Norton-Aronouwicz, Jenny Norton-Aironouicz, Morgan: Smith, Stephanie Deane, Melanie Spears, Shannon Wells, Sarah Deutsch lander, and Samantha Ryan. On the third row are Thomas Peace, Justin Seip, Tyler Trinchero, Valerie Fowler, Josh Ash, Crystal Royster, Charity ilare, Anne, Landrum, Amber Forshaw, Kenneth Campbell, 'Meghann Lirdsey, Debbie Sanders, Peter Cafferman, Matt White, and Curt Crawford. On the back rowi are Clay Conklin, Jason Gonthier, Tony Ash, Nick Richardson, Tyson Railey, Cory Edwards, Kevin Conklin, Daniel Powell, Alan Aderholt, Jcimie Tucker, Sean Boutwell, and Cody Hart. Bell Symphonic Band and one "excellent" from the, Symphony; Richard Bergman. judges. Thejudges were Rich- band director of Herndon High The Bell Symphonic, Band ard Crain. a past director of School in Maryland since 1978 left for State Assessment on bands in Houston. a director on. here his bands have won oser April 24th and after a long. trip the board of the Midwest Band 50 first place and grand cham- to Ft. Walton Beach were treated' and Orchestra Clinic and cn- pion awards at competition. to a pizza and pool party at the tributing author of a-new band During the three days of as- Niceville Holiday Inn. Both method book, Band. Expres-: sessment. the bands realized the Holiday Inn personnel and sions: Bruce Dinkins, Director this was a ery stiff system of guests commented that the stu- of Bands in Austin. Texas who is judging with only four schools dents were great representatives an active professional clarnetist receiNing superiors and three of the school. performing with Florida Gulf receiving excellent. In all, our SThe State Assessment did not Coast Symphony, Jacksonville band members felt the judging goas well asthebandhadhoped Symphony, Atlanta Chamber would ultimately take the band as they received two "goods" Orchestra, and the Macon ,ro the next le\el of comnetiiin *6 months same as csh offer valid on purchases made with a Yard Card consumer credit card account between 1/1/06 and 5/31/06 subject to credit approval through Shoppers Charge Accounts Co. No payment required expect insurance premiums (if applicable). Finance charges will be assessed from date of purchase, unless the total purchase price and all related insurance premiums (if applicable) are paid in full within the proisotional price. See dealer for details. next year. We would like to thank our chaperones, "Edward Ash, Michael and Lon Beasley, Debbie Norton-Aronowicz and Lisa Boutwell for working over- night shifts Monday night to see to the safety of our students. Monday, May 15th, at 7:00. p.m. in the Iris Roberts Audi- torium, is the date for the final musical eve-t of the'eear fbr the band program.- The sixth grade through high school will be per- forming pieces for your listening pleasure and the public is in\ ited to attend. ;Ii (TWISTI CVNYJUNLTURDY A 120 The concert is modeled after the FSU Prism Concert and vari- ous in-the-round performances will add to the evening's enter- tainment. Make plans to join us in celebrating the accomplish- ments of our middle/high school students and the final. perfor- mance of our seniors. The band boosters will host a cake and punch reception immediately following the performance. On Friday, May 19th, at 6:30 p.m. in.Bell Elementary Cafeto- rium, the Bell band program will hold its annual awards dinner. If you have not returned your RSVP to Mr; Eckstein, please do so now as we need our final ban- quet totals on Friday, May 12th. The Band Boosters will pro- vide the meat, rolls, cake, tea: and coffee for this dinner. Band families are asked to bring side dishes or salads for at least ten people. This evening will be filled with fun, good food, awards, the hilarious senior wills/testaments and the Year in Review power point show by the band historians. Gilchrist County Community Corner And Calendar THIS WEEK'S EVENTS ALL SCHOOLS STAFF APPRECIATION WEEK Thursday, May 11: Tren- ton Elementary School, Pre-K iScott/Grant) to Cedar Ke\. Bell ElementarN School Chorus Presentation. 8:30 a.m.. 9:30 a.m.. and 7:00 p.m., Cafeiorium. Trenton Middle/High School, FFA Banquet, 6:30 p.m.. Cafete- ria. Bell High School. JROTC Poe Springs Field Trip, 8:30 a.m.. Poe Springs Park; Drama High School Play Performances, 7:00 p.m.. Auditorum; FFA Alumni Meeting. 7:00 p.m., Ag Dept. Friday, May 12: Trenton El- ementary School, After School Arts Trip, Gainesville; Grade 1 Around the World Program; Kindergarten (Hendricks/ Deen/Akins) Trip, Cedar Key; I Last Day for AR Points. Bell Elementary School, After SchoolArts Field Trip. Trenton High School Field Day, Track; High School Awards, Audito- rum; Band Concert, 6:30 p.m., Auditorium. Bell Drama High School Play Performances, 7:00 p.m., Auditorium. Saturday, May 13: Trenton Orange & Black Game; 10:00 a.m.. Football Field. Bell Drama High School Play Performances, 7:00 p.m., Auditorium Monday,- May 15: Tren- ton. Elementary School Pre-K (Lindsey/Grant) End of Year Program, 6:00 p.m. Bell El- ementary School Accelerated SReader Trip to Skate Station, Gainesville. Trenton High School Awards; 8:30 a.m.. Audi- torium; Middle School Awards, (After HS Awards). Bell Band Spring Concert, 7:00 p.m., Au- ditorium. Tuesday, May 16: Trenton Elemental Grade 2 BINGO for Books. 6:00 p.m.: Kindergarten IHarris/Kearney/MlcClarigan/, Deen) Graduation. 6:00 p.m.: Pre-K iScott/Cassidy/Martin End of Year Program. Bell ElementarN Science Fair and Spaghetti Dinner. 6:00 p.m., Cafetorium. Bell Middle School Academic Awards. 7:00 p.m.. Auditorium. Wednesday, May 17: Bell Elementary School Grade 5 Day Lily Trip. Trenton High/Middle School Band To Have Spring Concert 'M ay 12 -. . The Trenton High/Middle School band would like to nvite \ou to attend their final concert of the school year on May 12th at 6:30 p.m. at the high school auditorium. The bands have been working %ery hard to prepare a wonder- ful evening of music for your enjoyment. .There will be a punch and cookie reception im- mediately following the concert in the cafeteria. Please come and show your appreciation for what these fine students and director have ac-. complished. Submitted by Ellie Andrew\s "- 'l I Time For Gilchrist County Schools To Write Special Projects It is time again for the Gilchrist County Schools to write special projects for the next year. If you have any questions or input on any of the following, projects,. please call the School Board Of- fice at (352) 463-3200 arid ask to speak to; the specific project coordinator. . 1. Individuals with Disabili- ties Education Act (Part B) 2. Title I Basic Project (Part A) 3. Title II (Part A) 4. Title IV (Part A) Bell Band To Have Spring Concert May 15 ,: The Bell Band will present its Spring Concert on Monday, May 15th, at 7:00 p.m. in the Iris Roberts Auditorium at Bell High School. All Bell Band students will be performing on stage for your musical pleasure! Please plan to attend this enjoyable evening! 'Cake and punch will be served immediately follow ing the performance in the auditorium lobby, hosted by the Band Boosters. Debbie Norton-Aronowicz President IT'S YOUR SCHOOL -- LET'S GET IN'OL'ED!! CALENDAR OF EVENTS From May 11 to May,17,2006 Gilchrist County Superintendent's Office 1-800-884-9131 Transportation Office 1-800-833-5702 Date Time Event Place ALL SCHOOLS 5/8-5/12: Slatf Appreciaion Week TRENTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 5 10. 51 Book Fair Media Center 5/11 Pre-K SconGrani Cedar Key G. ' 5/12i i ." ~ -' ." Alfter School Art Trip Gainesulle 1, Grade I Around theVWorld Program 5/12 Kinderganen tHendricks/Deen/Adkins) Trp CedarrKey 5112 'Lai Da IorAR Points 5/15 6 pm Pre-K lLindseGramnl End of Year Program 5/16 6.pm. Grade 2 BINGO for Book, 5/16 6pm K-Graduauon Harris/Kearney/McClariganiDcen I 5/lb Pre-K ScornCa;sidIManinm End of Year Program S BELL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 5/11 S.30'9 0iam Chorii Presenlaion Cjfetonum 5111 .9 30C10 3fi am Chorus Preweniauon Cafeionum 5111 ~18 pm Chorus Preentniion Cal'eonum 512 After School Aru Field Trip 5/15 Accelerated Reader Tripio Skale Saion Gaines ille 5 16 6/7:30 pm Science Fair and Spaghem Dinner Cafelonum 517 Grade5- Day Lil Toip TRENTON MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOL 511 6:30 pm FFA Banquet Csafcl'na 5 12 High School Field Trip Track 5/12. High School Aards Audrlonum 5/12 6:30pm: Band Concen Auditonum 513 ." aljm Orange & Black Game Foolball Field 5'15 .8:30 am High School A.ards Audimum 5/15 Afer HS Av.ards Middle School Awards Auditonum 5/15 6pm Bjaeball Aards Program Auditonium BELL MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOL 5/11 7p m Drama Hgh School Pla' Performance Auditorium 511 '830 am/l 30 pm IROTC Pce Springi Field Trip Poe Spnngs 5/11 7 pm FFA Alumni Meeting Ag Dept. 5/12 7 pm i Drama High School Pla Performance. Auditoriuni 5/13 7pm Drama High School Pla) Periormances Auditorium 5/15 7/9 pm Band Spring Concert. Auditoriuni 5 lb 7pm Middle School Academic As*ards Aiditonum Hunt's Pest Control, Inc. GET RID OF: Cockroaches Waterbugs German Roaches Ants and other Household Pests WE DO TERMITE INSPECTIONS Phone 493-1051 493-4772 e send em packing!" II " Early Learning Coalition of the Nature Coast Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten Quality Early Learning for a Successful Future Thank Thank Thank you! you! you! The Bell Elementary Safety Patrol would like to thank the following people for the resounding success of our mulch sale on April 8, 2006. THE OVERSTREET MULCH COMPANY for their generous donation and delivery of the mulch. MR. BILL MARTIN & MRS. DEBBIE JONES ALONG WITH THE BELL MIDDLE/HIGH FFA COX'S WHOLESALE NURSERY OUR PATROLS AND THEIR PARENTS and YOU, THE CITIZENS OF GILCHRIST COUNTY We appreciate the unfailing support of our children: THANK YOU! STARTING AS LOWAS 12" 99 S21 1 THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2006~ 7TH-CHRIST.T COU NTY JOURNAL I' URKSU A IVAI 1, LUUU ,v.u- ,A. X.. 1. 1 ....,Se-.v.en. G, CHITRIST COUNTY TOT URNAT. Bell High School Drama Club To Present Stefanie Hero May 11, 12, & 13 The Bell High School Drama Club will present Stefanie Hero. by Mark Medoff, Thursday through Saturday, May lth to' 13that7:00p.m The production Swill be held in the Iris Roberts Auditorium at Bell High School, 930 S. Main Street in Bell. Bell FFA Alumni To Meet May 11 The Bell FFA Alumni will hold its last meeting for the 2005-06 school year on Thurs- da.. iMaN 11, 2006 at the Bell Ag, Building. The meeting "ill begin at 7.00 p.m. \wth a covered dish dinner. Drinks and paper products ill be provided by the alumni. All parents. grandparents. past FFA members, and any adults interested in supporting the Bell Ag Program are"invited to attend.. Linda Brown Reporter BellFFA Has Great Banquet To all Gilchrist residents and members of local communities, The Bell FFA chapter had one of the best banquets this year. Our banquet was held on April 27, 2006 and was a big hit. Many FFA members received many awards, and the food was great. At this time we would like to thank everyone that participat- ed with the banquet. Thank you to all who cooked for us, and thank you to all who sponsored awards and who support our FFA chapter; thank you so much. Towards the end of the banquet we watched our 2005-2006 Bell Sr. FFA-officers retire, and we installed our new 2006-2007 Bell Sr. -FFA officer team. They are: President, Lindsey Martin; Vice President, Bradley Rhodes; Secretary. Juliee Nobs: Reporter. Jeffrey Williams; Treasurer. Joy Nazworth; Sentinel, Hannah, \Hudson; Historian, Sara Moran; Chaplain, Kairlin Martin: Stu- dent Advisor,.Ben Coppage; and Parlimentarian. Cla) Smith. At this time the 2005-2006 Bell Sr. FFA officer team would like to make a shout out to Amanda Nobs..,We would like to say that it was a great year. and we all loved serving with you. You have been one of the best presidents that our chapter has eeer had. We thank you so much. .: And Amanda it was so fun, you have been such a great help to me and to the chapter! Jeffrey Silliams Once again \we would like to thank everyone. Without you, -our banquet would have not beenas great as it was. Thank you so much! Star DiscoverN, Courtnev Akins Star Greenhand, L: auren Ellison i Star Chapter, Amanda Nobs Great job everyone, and ev- eryone, stay active! P.S. .Look forward to many letters within this paper! Always. Jeffrey Lee Williams, Jr. Bell Sr. FFA Reporter Bell FFA Alumni Presents Awards On Thursday, April 27, 2006, Sthe Bell FFA, along with the BeU FFA Alumni, held the annual Parent/Member Banquet. The alumni presented the Star Discovery' degree to Courtney Akins. The Star Greenhand De- gree was presented to Lauren El- lison. This year's Star Chapter Farmer Degree went to Amanda Nobs. Amanda Nobs also received a scholarship from the alumni. Five young ladies received the Alumni Member Scholarships. The recipients were Erin Jones, Amber Scott. Nicole Scott, Joy Powell,. and. Melissa Brown. Congratulations to all ,these young ladies! Linda Brown Reporter Trenton MS/HS Band Boosters Elect New Officers The Trenton MS/HS Band Boosters held their last meeting for the school year on Monday, April 10th at 7:00 pm. On the agenda for the evening was election of new officers, adoption of Articles of Association, and discussion of various band camps and end of year activities for the band. Band Director Jamie Peter- sheim discussed her involve- ment with incoming 6th grade prospective band members. She has been working with current .fifth grade students to encour-: age them to consider playing an instrument in the 6th gradeband. She is pleased that so many chil- dren have expressed an interest in playing inband next year. We encourage all parents of incom- ing band members to join our Band Boosters Association. As a reward for all their hard work, this year the 8th grade - 12th grade band students will be traveling to Orlando to attend a' IMedieval Festival on May 13th. SThe Band Boosters he~ annual elections and the fol- lowing will hold office for the ' next school year: President.. Bell Band Banquet To Be Held May 19 The end of the year is nearly here and our annual End of the 'Year Bell Band Banquet will be held on Friday. May 19th. It \\ill begin al 6:30 p.m. at the Bell El- ementarn School Cafeteria. 'This is a special evening 'of. awards, achievement, superla- Stives, and of course the hilarious "Last. Will and Testaments," announced by the senior band students. RSVP forms went home \ ith all students last Monday and were to be returned by May '8th to Mr. Eckstein. We ask that each family bring a side dish (at least 10 servings please!) Dessert, sweet/insweet tea, rolls, and chicken \%ill be pro- vided. We just need some help with the fixins! Please take a moment to let us know whether you and your family will be attending so we , ha\e a bettex idea ofhow man\ people to prepare for. You may e-mail me at president@purple, powerhouseband org. or .return the form sent home with your students. Thanks in advance for sup- porting the Bell band students. Debbie Norton-. ronowicz SPresident Bell Band Boosters I 'I ' . . ... 1 I- - ^^ \ 352) 463-7135 . FLORIDA DEPARTMENT O HEALTH GILCHRIST COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Well Child & Newborn Care School & Sports Physicals Chronic & Acute Care Communicable Disease Maternity Care By UF Dept. OB/GYN Family Planning School Health Services TB Testing Laboratory Procedures Healthy Start Services WIC Services (Baby Formula & Food Coupons) HIV Anonymous & Confidential Testing Attention Deficit Disorder Evaluation & Treatment NO APPOINTMENTS NEEDED FOR: FREE PREGNANCY TESTS FREE BLOOD PRESSURE SCREEN CHILD & ADULT IMMUNIZATIONS We accept Blue Cross/Blue Shield, AvMed, PPC Care Manager, State Employees Group PPC, Health Options, Champus, CMS, Medicaid, Medipass, Medicare, and most other major insurances. 119 N.E. 1st Street, Trenton, Florida 32693 463-3120 Office Hours Monday Friday 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Shown on the back row from left are Leslie Faison, Concessions Coordinator; Stephanie Proper,; Vice President; and Jackie Robinson, Secretanr. On the front row froni left are Heather Faison, Concession Coordinator: Lisa Johnson, Treasurer; Alichele Carter, President; Ellie Andrews, Public Relations/ Uniform Coordinator; and Jamie Petersheim, Trenton IS/MS Band Director. Michele Carter; Vice President, Stephanie Proper: Treasurer, Lisa Johnson: SecretarN. Jackie Robinson; Concession Coor- dinators, Heathe and Leslie Faison;. Chaperone Coordina- tor, Val McWilliams; Public Relations/Uniform Coordinator. Ellie Andrews. We are still in need of an'. Events Coordinator and a Re- frpshment Coordinator, so if you would like to \olunteer for either of these two positions please let 'Michelle Carter or Jamie Peter- sheim know.of vour interest. Trenton Community Farmers' Market At the Depot 419 North Main Street (H%%y-129) Open Every Tuesday from 2pm 6pm Farm Fresh Produce & Plants SDrop-Off location for Canned Goods for the Food Pantry InfoLine: 352-463-4000, option 8 Vendor Information 386-454-3950 Sponsored by City of Trenton & Gilchrist County Journal *For more information call Ronda Adkins 472-2334 or April Akins 472-1515 *** All Proceeds Benefit SVLA *** Shown is the cast of Bell High School's Drama, Stephanie Hero. American Legion Post 383 1297 NE 82nd Avenue Old Town, Florida Early Bird Dinner This Saturday, May 13th, 2 pm 4 pm FREE, to all 2006 Early Birds Strip Steak/Baked Potato/Vegetable/Salad Draft Beer/Entertainment "Saltwater Cowboys" 2nd Anniversary of Post/Permanent Charter June 3, 2004 presentation of 2006, Department of Florida, Membership Streamer to Post and Auxiliary Unit. I I lae ; -I- I - ~ ~ ,. I ir Page Seven rPT-T TD O-t A AX AV 1 ')OnA I l l- l , - - Gilchrist County Journal 4 SrAdvertising Printing : Fax Service 463-7393 < S 463-7135 SHicks Seal Coating ,.1 and Striphig. LLC. (_'.OIIIni l iT a.l nIdJ S Decorative Thermoplastic ReFiidr nuali Truncated Domes Asphalt. Parking LLts and Drnewad\s Phone: (352) 535-5479 Fax: (352) 463-7745 Ronnie Hicks Licensed and Insured Trenon, Flrida BELLS & WHISTLES STORAGE Phone: 3861-2943867 Across from the Dollar General 1859 North Hwy 129 Bell, FL 10x,10 UNITS, 10x 20 units & 10 x 20 climate controlled available fACH CONSTRUCTIOv METAL ROOFING I Remodels Vinyl Siding Soffit Decks Free Estimates - Owner Sean Beach Pole Barns Home (352) 463-6463 Slabs Cell -(352) 214-1126 SSixth Annual Miss Gilchrist County Firecracker Beauty Pageant Saturday, May 20, 2006 10:00 a.m. Trenton Elementary School Cafetorium Girls 0-18 years of age Participants must live in Gilchrist County and/or attend a Gilchrist County School!!! *Applications are available at Trenton & Bell Schools and the Gilchrist County Journal Applications must be turned in by May 12th, either at Trenton Elementary or the Gilchrist County Journal *Admission will be $2.00 for Adults Page Ediglt U_.Lu.I II I u J _j.J %lJL- Jo4ful heopt Quiltefs & CPOfteps Elaine Nemeth doesn't sell sea shells at the. seas does 'make them into quilts for a nephew in Cal Small buildings, boats, etc. 24 hr. towing 22ft. rollback bed. Caporis also avai Reasonable Rates. 463-2900.- 493-0345 JOE'S TOWING & ROLL Credit Cards Accepted GRD Services Good job for a good price 4 Land Clearing 352-463-7389 T Hauling Free Estimates : Mowing Owner Gary Chancey uudderf CORPY LICENSED & INSPIRED CBC1253693 CRC1328366 Where imagination meets reality Building projects are not for the faint-at-heart. The culmination of hopes, dreams and ambitions into a finished product can be nerve-wracking and is quite often one of the largest financial and emotional investments you will ever make. Wherever you are in the process, brainstorming, planning, drafting, or location finding, Dream Builders Development Corp. is ready to partner with you. E Quality Craftsmanship Integrity Honesty Teamwork Personal Relationship Call (352) 463-2210 today or visit www.DreamBuildersDevelopment.com F Bits & Pieces From The Joyful Heart Quilters & Crafters Of North Gilchrist County Well, about the best we can t hope for, at this point, is that the q1 old aaage...April showers bring May flowers is not always true. If in fact it. were, we wouldn't see nary a blossom anywhere what with the pitiful amount of showers we had in April. Oh, I know we are all grateful for what little of that precious rain we've had, but it never hurts to pray for a whole lot more. Of course, - we're not asking for a hurricane, which by the way, that season is not too far away . The bad news is that the Row- ers, including wildfloers along the roads, are off to a slow start. The good news is that I haven't had to cut the grass yet. And speaking of wildflowers, those of you that want to get a sneak hore but she preview, of what it will be like 'ifornia., to walk on streets of purest gold; take a drive west pn US': 27 near Branford and take a look at the fields of golden blossoms dancing in the breeze. Those of .ou not planning on walking on service, those streets of gold might %want to take a look just to see \what 'lable, ou'll be missing. But. Wednesday. May 3rd. was a beautiful morning and there didn't appear to be anything DBACK bre, ing that would dampen our spirits or our sun-parched fields and yards that were begging for a cool refreshing drink of rain. Twenty-three Joyful Hearts Same together and were as busy as bees. Believe me \when I tell you that the buzzing and hum- ming of each of us chatting while sharing stories, news, but of course NO gossip, sounded racto Work very much like a well-estab- lished bee hive. i. Fish PondS We were especially busy buzzing because two of our Driveways dearest former Joyful Hearts, Culverts Geneva Carver and 'Surena Trash Outs May, were able to come down from Do\wling Park and spend the morning with us. It is such a special blessing when we get a chance to visit with such good friends and catch up on what's happening in their li\ es. 'They both look great. .Barbara Strom's hubby Da- vid should be coming home SOLTITNT from rehab soon and is doing 0 P0l. quite well...Praise the Lord. Lu i5%oAPY* Rowland is, recovering from her 15%APY* hospital stay and is now back 15%APY home. We are keeping her in our 40%APY* prayers and hope she'll soon be able to get back to her Swedish DEPOSIT Weaving with us. 0%APY* Pat Luka, Ann Mangone, 7O%APY* Elaine. Nemeth and Evelyn 75%APY* Wood all busied themselves at 5%APY the club quilt, fingers flying.) )0 APY* Evelyn eventually switched over IO%APY* from quilting to spool knitting. Remember doing that when you, were a kid? It was so simple, so inexpensive and so much fun. k And just think...it didn't require nk, batteries. I just have to.tell you that Evelyn, being the frog lover IGHBO^, she is, was wearing the cutest tHERE. foam frog visor with great big notice. Fees on googley eyes. It was a hoot and countandobtainsth a half, believe me. de fantdrawal Diana Lynn was busy with her n.com os0os elap quilting which is just beauti- ful. She always does everything so exact and neat. Marvine Deer, Elaine Nemeth, and I were all doing embroidery work. I was working on a dresser scarf, Marvine pillowcases and Elaine is cross-stitching quilt blocks. Several ladies were crochet- ing. Ruth Wilkerson's mak- GCRA Recognizes Lancaster Correctional Institution ing a .lovely afghan and Lera Townsend is finishing up her son's scarf before he comes down from Michigan to visit- with her. Leona Writa is still making slippers for friends and Matty Turner is working on a multi-colored afghan to use up left over bits of yam. Jackie Moore, Alice Binns, Martha Foster, Cathy Strom and Sylvia Arthur were, as usual, weaving away on their Swed- ish weaving. Sylvia was uider the weather, of late aind we're glad she's back and feeling bet- ter. Cathy has made up her own design for her newest Swedish weaving and it's lovely in var- iegated yarn. The "Amen Corner" was alive and well but minus Paulenie Martin who's off gallivanting around the country. However, Ann Taylor, Alberta Swanner, Evelyn Wood. Geneva Carver and Surena May all kept it busy and buzzing. Ann was knitting dishcloths (I still say they are hot pads or doi- lies). Alberta was making plas- tic canvas crosses while Evelyn figured out how to get her spool knitting started and Geneva and Surena held court. It. was a joy to have Judy Pneuger in. our midst, for'a change. She doesn't get to come very often due to all her church- related duties. It's a joy to us when she can make it. Poor Madeline Norman 'is back to making more yo yo's for her pillow shams and we know she'll breathe a sigh of relief when it's all o'er. Evelyn had a tip to share about yo yo's. She , said that old CDs make great templates for making larger ones...Thanks Evelyn. Bonnie Edw\ards brought in her daughter Pam's great bean dip and before long e\ervone \\as munchin' and crunchin' and asking for the recipe. We were glad to see the two Barbaras. Strom and Myrick. They said they couldn't stay they were just passing through. That reminded me of one of my favorite Gospel songs. On My WIyb Home. Part of the words are..."l can't stay here soon I'll be gone I'm just passing through on my'way, home." And praise the Lord, isn't that great to know? Before long it was time for lunch. W'e all enjoyed Elaine's blessing and the wonderful salad fresh from her garden along %with our "eats" as my grandmother would call them. on occasion. We received several thank you notes. One was from Avers and one was from Hospice. Like the Good Book says,"It is more blessed to gi\e than to receive," and all God's children said, "Amen." Everyone gave out hugs and. see-va-laters 'and headed off to parts here about. As you, stepped out of the air condi- tioning and into the noon day heat it took your breath away. I thought...It's only May 3rd...it's still spring how can it be this hot already? The car thermometer read.97. Oh, paalease! Maybe 970 in July or August (and I am: not happy about that either) but May...give me a break. By the time the air conditioner in the car kicked in I was home. I made it from the car to the house and promptly turned on: 'the air. We are such wimps or at. least I am. How did we survive without air conditioning and I might add that I lived over four years in Miami without it. Well, here's hoping the good Lord will smile on us and grant us cool breezes, cooler days, and cool rain. Now tell me...how cool would that be? 'Til next time, A Joyful Heart Marilyn Runde GCRA Recognizes i Lancaster Correctional Institution On Tuesday. May 2. 2006' members representing the Gilchnst Country Recreation Association thanked the Lan- caster Correctional Instirution for providing the much needed labor to maintain McArthur Park for the community. No\w when you visit the park you w\'ill see a sign recognizing the: prison for the work done on the premises. The G.C.R.A. is a non-profil organization and'because 6f this the correctional facility has beer able to provide these services free of charge. Prison \worker: remove trash and debris, do nec essar\ repairs. painting, and fielc maintenance. Their assistance has been a blessing and is very much appreciated from all the members of the GCRA, parents of children using the fields and the many volunteers that make s these programs for our children i. a reality. The GCRA also wishes ' to recognize the financial sup- Sport received from the Gilchrist County Commissioners, City of STrenton, and area businesses. Bridjete Rome from Trenton High School and Lauren Hudson from Bell High School visited the Trenton Rotary Clud to share their experience from the Rotarti Youth Leadership A lvards Camp. Todd Grail, (left), Trenton Rotarl President and Ed Philmnan (right). R.Y.L.A. Coordinator, were happy to present Bridjete and Laiu-en to the clib niembers. Local Students Speak To Trenton Rotary Club About RYLA Experience By Anna Wild On Monday, May 1, 2006' Bridjete Rome from Trenton High School and Lauren Hudson from Bell High School visited the Trenton Rotary Club to share their experience from the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Camp. Each year our Trenton Rotary Club sponsors two terith-grade' students at this camp. The club receives numerous applications and must decide on two students to send on this experience of a lifetime. The camp is open only to tenth-grade students and.pro- motes leadership skills and mo- tivates students to achieve their' dreams. The camp is held in a rural area of Tallahassee and the kids are housed for a weekend in cabins. Each year they have a different theme at the camp and this year the theme was dif- ferent places around the world. The students were divided up in groups of seven or eight and each group was assigned a dif- ferent nation, such as USA, China, Japan, etc. The groups are made up so the students must get to know new people and then they are housed with students from other groups so they have the opportunity to meet as many new people as possible. Bridjete and Lauren explained they participated in many chal- lenges over the weekend. The, challenges itere made to pro- mote teamwork and trust. A few of the challenges included the egg drop challenge which re- quired each team to build a sup- Sport from certain materials. that would- protect the egg when it was dropped from a high place. The wall challenge makes them climb over a wall but they must do so using each other as sup- port, then they must make sure every member of the team makes it over the wall. They discussed common beliefs and stereotypes about various nationalities: and worked on name remembering skills. The high rope challenge is a lot of fun, you are about 40 feet off the ground and you must walk across a rope using an- other rope as support. Both girls voiced in unison "I would love to go back!" when asked. The students and parents were able to see a difference in how they acted. Lauren explained shy kids are no longer afraid to talk to people they are not familiar with and they are able to stand in front of a crowd and speak. The Trenton Rotary Club was delighted to see how much these two young women enjoyed their experience and look forward to next year when they can send an- other student from each Gilchrist County school. It is impossible for that man to despair who remembers that his Helper is omnipotent. ~ Jeremy Taylor Life changes. Your insurance should keep up. Woodham's Garage Complete Automotive Service A/C Serice Brakes s - ASE Certified Mechanics 15391 N.W. Hwy-19 Chiefland Halfway between Chiefland and Fanning Springs. 352-493-2904 Other Major Credit Cards I_ fun 4 Kids! Pre-school/After school Learning Center / Ages 2-12 S / NAEYC Accredited Pre-K / Highscope Curriculum / School Readiness Program J CPR/First Aid Certified / Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten / USDA Food Program / CDA Certified Teachers 352-463-7614 2739 S.W. 19th Circle, Trenton Robert P. Marsh Owners/Directors- Dawn F: Marsh Lic#C03GI0007 IF t-.TT OT4PcqT COTTN\TV TOTTRNAT. THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2006, =* I- Shown from left are Correctional Officer, (CO) Jarrad Jones, Maajor William Malloy, CO Gus Mazorra, WVarden Cheryl Phillips, Cloud Haley. Terry Parrish, and Sergeant Curtis Gore. CT17-DCAXTI, IIAV I11,flf A (WI I-ST (1 TN[T 11 I. N Owens Girls Of Wilcox 4-H Club Do Well At Central Florida Fair Wilcox 4H Club is at it again! Congratulations Samantha Owens, Grand Clhnpion Sr. Doe, 1st place fitting team (wash, trim h1ooi'es, and s/lhae a goat in less than 30 iin.) and 3rd place in Jr. Showmanship (out of 31 kids); Donna Owens, 1st place Intrmhiediate Showrmanship (out of'28 kids); and Patricia Oweiis, Reserve Grand Champion Sr: Doe and, 2nd place in Sr. Showmanship. (out of 30 kids). . SThe, Owens' girls took their SRegistered: Dairy Show Goats to Orlando to the Central Florida SFair and did an outstanding job in several areas,. They stayed at "the fairgrounds from Thursday until Sunday evening during Spring Break. Not only did they learn a lot. they also worked \ery hard to make this a winning Experience. U There were over 400 goats at- the show\. The girls showed their goats in the State 4-H sho\\ and did exceptionally \well. The girls participated in the State 4-H Fitting and Grooming contest. This contest consists of %ash- ing. clipping and grooming sour animal. Your animal must be in sho\w shape in 30 minutes or less. \When \ou \\alk in the ring. L" Water Filtration Lc # CFC051621 WOLFE PLUMBING, INC. Complete Plumbing Service Drain Cleaning & Repair 7 Days Service :352-463-2202`: ' .MEN, Hair Expressions WOMEN q by b ee CHILDREN'S by bebe-C SJIAOTHER'S..AY .SPECIAL SMake Your Mom The Star Of The bay 2-COLOR PERM or HI-LIGHT 4' 5 (Good through May 31st) Phone (Matrix & Redken) 4724 1482 Wolfe Tanning Bed (High Output Bulbs) 8897 SE 66th Circle SPECIALIZING IN COLOR Trenton, Florida 32693 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE Monday Friday ,10 am 6 pm Appointments & Saturday 10 am 3 pm Walk-Ins Welcome Akins Heating & AC, Inc. 5120 N.W. 5th Street Bell, Florida 32619 352-463-2380 Servicing All Makes & Models * SSpecializing in High Efficiency Units Indoor Air Quality Products * Call us toddy to ask about an. additional power company rebate of up to $350. SLENNOX License#CAC1813540 ,,,, VtA B&J AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR COMPLETE AUTO REPAIRS FOREIGN DOMESTIC ,your animal is ready tor show- manship. Samantha Ow\ens' team placed Ist in this extent. All age groups are mied, so you had Jr.s com- peting \ ith the Sr.s. It is a lot of fun to watch the hair fly! Actu- ally. when the kids are done. there can not be one piece of hair on the ground or any equipment out of place. This is all part of the competition The showmanship classes were extremely large. The Jr. Class of showmanship extended all the \way around the ring and then had to double back Both the Intermediate and Senior classes were almost as large \ ith 25-30 in those groups Donna placed 1st in Interme- diate Sho\wmanship, Patrcia placed 2nd in Sr. Showmanship and Samantha placed 3rd in Jr. Showmanship. Samantha went on to win Grand Champion \ith her Saa- nen doe in the AOP and Patricia \won Reserve Grand Champion w ith her Saanen doe in the AOP class. Over all this \%as a fantas- tic learning experience for the girls. Being in 4-H has helped nurture their lo\e of animals with positive experiences. :: Gilchrist County Sheriff's Volunteers News SAt the May 2,. 2006 GCSV meeting, an election of officers was held and the following ol - unteers were elected: Director, Gerald Kiernan: Vice Direc- tor-Patrol/ Sylvia Arthur: Vice Dire6tor-Programs. Pat Crosb\: Secretary. S\l',ia Arthur. Trea- surer, Cecelia Wiggins: Public Information Officer. Rosemary NlcDaniel; Crime Watch:, CAR 83 Captain. Ted .Henley; Lt. Bill Cox. CAR 85 Captain. John Arthur;, Lt. Miguel Ortiz; CAR 86 Captain, Eldon Norman; Lt. SLuther Hughes. During the months of March .and April the Crime Watch \ehi- cles were driven 4,463 miles and ,502 man hours were recorded by volunteers while patrolling county roads, assisting with traf-' fic duties at funerals, accidents, fires, school zones; a softball game, and the Wild Beast Feast. CARE callers made 385 calls to those requesting this service and callers contributed 56 hours making the calls. Pat Crosby, vice director-programs,. held two information sessions for the Neighborhood Watch program and another session on "How to Avoid Getting Ripped Off.' Pat contributed approximately four hours conducting these sessions.' The next meeting will be held on June 6th at 6:00 p.m. in the Sheriff's Office training room. All interested Gilchrist County residents are invited to attend. Rosemary McDaniel, PIO Gilchrist County Sheriff's Volunteers LZ. ~- EXHAUSTS BRAKES ELECTRIC TUNE-UPS ENGINES COMPUTER ALIGNMENTS AIR CONDITIONING PASSENGER CAR & LIGHT TRUCK TIRES Open Mon. Fri. 710 East Highway 26 Located 30 Miles West of Gainesville, in Trenton (352) 463-0079 Tri-County Nursing Home Fights MS 'This is the second year that the staff of Tri-County Nurs- ing Home has raised money to fight Multiple Sclerosis. Last year $300 was raised and this year over $3,000 was raised. A lot of bake sales, yard sales and in house projects raised the money. Wal-MNart matched part of the fund-raising with a $1,000 contribution. Margo Chancey. captain of the team. "Here Comes Trouble." enlisted the help of her co-work- ers. residents and families when Linda Scales. Medical Records Director of Tri-County Nursing Home. was diagnosed with MS. Linda continues to work and be S a very vital part of the family at the nursing home. Tri-County Nursing Home is located in Fanning Springs. FWC Officers Rescue Fawn Swimming Across:: Suwannee River On Saturday A doe and fawn were reunited Saturday after two law enforce- nment officers of the Florida Fish and wildlife e Conservation Com- mission (FWC' came to the res- cue on the Suwannee River near Hart Springs. The officers were'doing their jobs, protecting the state's natural resources.' when they saw\ the fawn. It tried followiing its another across the ri\er. but couldn't keep its head abo\e the \water. The doe swam across the river, and \hen she reached the other bank, turned and called to the fawn.. who continued strrug- gling to swim toward her. F\VC Officers James Um- hoefer and Travis Hooker came to the rescue. They pulled their boat alongside the fawn. Um- hoefer plucked the animal out of the water and into the patrol boat. After the fa\ n recovered, the officers released it \where they saw the doe cross the ri\er. The. tvo \ere reunited, according to the officers. IBle ,Springs 4-H , News ' On April 10, 2006 the Blue Springs 4-H Club held their monthly meeting at the home. of Mrs. Trish Stalvey. Our President, Chris.Harding, called .the meeting to order. Tra1is Sheffield led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and Brandon Beach led us in the 4-H Pledge. In old business w e discussed County E\ents in Februar\. our visit to the Retirement Horse Farm, the Ayers party, and how, pur Senior Dairy Judging Team placed first in, the Suwannee River Fair. In new business we * talked about the chicken meeting 'April 24th, District Eents April 29th, 'our end of the year trip, Camp Cherry Lake, signing a letter for the buyer of our club. hog, snack sign up for our May. meeting, and the making :of the plaques for our dairy team. After the meeting we had a guest speaker, Mr. Strobe, who talked about the American Flag. After our speaker we had snacks and beverages. A special thank you to Mrs: Trish for letting'us hold our 'meeting in her home, and Mr. Strobe for taking the time to come and talk to us and teach us more about the American Flag. Reported By Brittany McDaniel North Florida Liyestock Report Receipts at the North Florida Livestock Mairket in Ellisville on Wednesday, May 3, 2006 were: , this week 408, last week 418 and last year 525. Trends: Slaughter cows 1.00- 3.00 higher. :Slaughter bulls , steady. Feeder and replacement cows firm. No feeder calves reported. Market reported until 3:30 p.m. Shown is the Tri-Count / Nursing Home team 'Here Comes Trouble." From left are Barbara Chumneiy, Kimr Thomas, Linda Scales.. Alargo Clhncey, Bonnie Wilson, Jerri Engel, Tina Lindseli, Fallon A.ichels, Lisa Hallas, Anita Bniant, Betthi Baker, Chrystal: Long; and.Connie Kernahan. - TES Fifth Grade Classes Learn Of Alaskan Iditarod Race The fifth grade classes at Trenton Elementar\ School have been reading iditarod Dream b\ Ted Woods and llbodsong by Gary Paulsen. After reading about and studying sled dogs, the fifth graders \were fortunate to be able to have two Siberian Huskies brought to Trenton Elementary School. The owners. Levell Leahy and Richard Randall. introduced the fifth grade classes to the two dogs. G.I. Jane. a red dog. is also known as Demi. Veleah's Patrots Jewel, also known as P.J. is a gray dog. The owners answered many questions about both the dogs and the Alaskan Iditarod Race and allo\\ed the children to pet the sled dogs. We want to thank NMs. Leahy and r. Randall for pro\idng this educational opportunity for our children. Slaughter Co\\s Breaker 75- 80 percent- 1250-1460 (1354) 49.00-54.00 (52.3S)l; 1200-1532 1139Si 5'500-57.50 i55.31' high Slaughter 'Cows Boner 80- : 85; percent: 860-1165 (1002) 46.00-53.00 (49.39);: 1210-1280 U1259) 47.00-54.00 (50.73). Slaughter .Bulls Y.G. 1: 1090-1475 (1273) 55.50-64.00 (60:00); 1590-1870 (1690) 58.00-62.75'(60.29). ' Bred Cows Medium and Large 1-2 Middle-Aged: 950- 1160.(1042) 70.00-92.00 (81.67) '4-6 months bred; 1220-1230 (1225) 78.00-80.00 (79.00) 4-6 months bred. . Woodmen Of The World Lodge 626 News- ' Woodmen ,of the World Tri- County Lodge 626 will hold their monthly nleeting at.the lodge hall located on SR 26 (five 'miles) west of Trenton. :Our secretary, Marilyn Surles, is chairlady of the program this month, "Honor our Woodmen Mothers.". I am known for'be- ing full of surprises and to all you wonderful ladies out there, please be ready for a few laughs and maybe a tear or two. It will be held on Tuesday, May 16th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The lodge hall building.' is' available to Tri-Couhty residents for rentals to members and non- members. The person to contact is Karen F. Turner, 352-463- 2308. If you have any questions about Woodmen, the area man- ager, fraternal coordinator, and field representatives are at our meetings and are available to answer any questions. Marilyn Surles, Lodge Secretary Show'n are G.I. Jane, a red dog, also known as Demi and l"elhah's Patriots Jewel, also known as P.!. The dogs were visitors to the fifth -grade classes at TES. GASTON'S TREE SERVICE, INC. FULL SERVICE . AERIAL BUCKETS HlDRAULIC LOADERS. CRANE SERVICE - S :, FREEESTINIATES FULLY INSIUED 352-378-5801 We accept all nimaor c credit cards : '.~lO N oi 7th PlaceL Suite E (.,amies\%lle Florida 32653 Swwa\\'Snitostostee;er%\ice.com0 Freeman Plumbing Now Has a Service Van Available To Handle Your Plumbing Needs. Residential & Commercial Service Work & New Construction, Additions, Remodeling, Etc. (352) 498-0703 (352) 493-3801 (352) 210-0062 LICENSED INSURED FREE ESTIMATES Walter Freeman Im "1 M State Certified Master Plumber Acepting Major #CFC057595 Credit Cards Riverland Title Services, LLC 723 East Wade St., Trenton. FL 3269.3 Phone (3521 463-6333 Fax (352) 463-6340 devonzi'rts.cc w\ -w. rts.cc 'Title Insurance "Real Estate Closings "Place & Track orders on-line Agent U:- C~TT rLC RIT COU NTY JOURNALAT Page Nine OPT-TT TP -,-r AV AV 1 1 ?.on6 'Y ,,unum~su.u~vo~, cam AAID~A~i gu Y te II %--,,I ( '0%-.f Li A TA IBHM StacyAdkins Alicia Anderson Jorrdan Apone 1~ i;-`I : ~r -..~ ..i ~Lc Brooke Baker SJoseph Beach Ravmon Blanco Mark Bone Ahirshall Bruce Bryant Caves I. Adam Cook Ashley Dale Ashley Davis Austin Davis Jason Driscoll '^ ^ A' ft". "" 'y. ... * Robert Faulkner Brandon Fletcher Sharon Giese Adam Grimes Joshua Handy Miles Harris K'r 14 Christopher Harrison Kevin Heaton Dameon Herriot Colette Hiersoux Robert Hite Sarah Homan Robert Honeywell J. D. Jordan Patricia Kee Brian Kirby Leandra Knuckles WI Shelly Law Chanae Latner a- -. # .' a'' Ashley.Collins Ronnie Ho THURSDAY, MAY' 1,, 2006 I Pa e Te.n I GHMrFRTST COT TNTY JOURNAL A ~s~ a I, Ri~.(l P' : ~tt P,Z. ~ i PI :: ''' I i it . r `r 1 1 1 3 F I 1 L :3 i? a vft Amanda Kornegay Bethany~ Lunsfordi K'ayla Lamb Carrie Langlford s~~~c~@~ ~~M~~II, ILnIrs\oj-JAl1lvltll ll)/VVV rago imoveI rllUIY r~~L~C Y1 1 orrpt ".lir. n Mfoigan Martin ChristieMfathis Holly Mathis *'C-i" K7~ Joshua lfattheiws Stanlei' Ak'KoY litnmev McQOleen , .Brent Odom Gain'Parsells ...-.'.. A't Kristi Pearce Allison Phillips Kaitlln Pinkerton Arthur Pipes Thomas Plikuhn Joseph Rac IA.. aLk 1. A Jarod Ridenour Erica Robinson Chase Rogers Corey Sangent Ashleyi Sauls Ar~ -U-. Shane Schuler Lonnie Shanklin Lauren Slaughter, Amber Smith Renee Summers Jenny Todd Si-1 Shawn Travis Daniel Valdes Amber Ward Ashley Waters Rhett Watson Brianna Wells .- m.-- S %. .-- I Alexandria Wesley Alexandria Wesley NOT PICTURED: Heather Claar Dennise Cardoza Cannon McCullough Ginny Servay Korin White Benjamin Spears Chelsea Woodard *. 'A~ II L I I G~I .IiTR R.CT COT JNTY JOT I R N T, THT TRSDAY-V MAY 11. 2006 I r -i; i~ Sam Williams CEO&@@ a@~~j Pragu T6 Ix 1 v Glu- CHRIST- --TN- -THRSAY- -- -X120 Pa TwelvP Perkins Financial Wins Santa Fe Cal Ripken Tournament The Perkins Baseball Team Gator Storage Traitor Rentals 352-372-6206 ___________ I <~ PITCHES FIELDS TOM WILKIE 352-463-2584 352-538-4460 -DISASTER/STORM RECOVERY IAND CLEARING'& SITE PREP TREE & BRUSH REMOVAL BACKHOE & BUSH HOG BOX BLADE Insured The Tan Zone Salon I l Tawnya Jenkins SHairDesigner/Color Specialist 3249 west Railroad Lane SuiteB B SBell,Florida32619 S352-463*8822 salon 352-262-2647 cell STawnyaMJenkins@aol.com MORE (THAN TIRES Brakes Alignments Oil Changes Southern Tire & Brake 626 North Main Street Trenton 463-6050 Forever Flowers & Gifts 352-463-9176 or Toll Free 1-866-261-7986 .www.foreverflowerstrenton.com "Your Full Service Florist" 721 East Wade Street Trenton, Florida 32693 Fresh & Silk Arrangements Funerals Weddings Rentals Plants Prayer Box Bracelets Mommy & Me Bracelets MaggiB. Purses Texas Leather Purses & Men's Wallets Baby Camo Large Selection ofPicture Frames Hours: E 1 M-F 9am- 5pm TinSat. 9am- 12pm Teleflora Laura Teague/ Charlotte Pedersen Owners Ripkenl tournament .: SVL's 12 and ,under Perkins Financial baseball team %%on the "A" division tournament on April 30th. In 'the two-day rourid-robin/single elimination tournament Perkins won four : straight games, two on Saturday and two on Sunday. On Sat- urda. Perkins led off playing Gathering Cafe from Branford. These teams had met earlier in the season and w\ound upltying 5-5 Hunter Williams was the .starting pitcher for Perkins. He pitched two innings, striking out four of nine hitters. Jonathan Row\e relieved Williams and truck out seven of nine hitters in three innings. Perkins jumped out to a four-run lead in the bot- tom of the first with singles from ',.:Hunter Parrish. Daniel Bell. Hunter Williams, and a double from Clif Bryant. In the third inning, Rowe and Kane Crosby' Scored for Perkins. both off of walks, and Brandon Stone had a, double. Then in the fourth Cod ' "Crown got to first after being hit by a pitch; Parrish drew a walk, Williams, singled to load the bases, and Bryant hit a long drive that 'asilv'cleared-th'e 'en- ter hfield"fence Jfoi'a i rand.slam .The game was stopped at 10-2 after four and a half innings. In the second game on Satur- day Perkins beat the Hampton Red Sox 8-6. The Red Sox were a very good team but were: never able to get a lead against 'Perkins. Kane Crosb w\as. the starting pitcher for Perkins and Pitched three innings,,gave up four hits, had five strike outs with only one walk. Jonathan Rowe pitched the other three innings, his sixth. for the day, scattered seven hits, struck out seven, and walked only one. Perkins scored four in the first. Hunter Williams got a walk with two outs, followed by a single by Bryant, and double by Rowe, and a triple by Davis. Davis was Sable to score on a throwiingerror. In the third Daniel Bell walked and was scored by a Williams' double. In the sixth, Williams led off with a double, scored on a double, by Clif Bryant, who scored on a double by Jonathan Rowe. Rowe scored on a single by Chad Trail, his second of the night. On Sunday afternoon Perkins met Branford Alltel for the semi- final. These two teams had twice met earlier in' the year. Perkins had beat Alltel 13-3 in the first meeting and had lost 3-0 in the last contest.' Perkins jumped but to an early 3-0 lead. Hunter Parrish walked, Daniel Bell hit a double, and Hunter Williams singled. Williams scored after being moved over When Bry- ant was hit by a pitch, Rowe grounded out to short, and then Justin Davis had an infield RBI ground-out. In the third inning Bell had a single, stole second and third, and scored by an in- field RBI ground out to short by Williams. Bryant followed with a double but was left stranded. Devin Moran scored Perkins' final run by starting the fifth inning with a walk, moved to second and third on wild pitches, and scored on an RBI single by Hunter Parrish. Kane Crosby started .and pitched two innings for Perkins. He struck out one, walked one, gave up four hits and gave up one run. Hunter Williams pitched four innings, struck out three, gave up three hits, walked one, and gave up no runs. Crosby and Williams were backed by superior defense. The Perkins' infield gave its pitchers two double plays in the game; and had no errors. Justin Davis helped the defense by making a super running catch in right field to save two runs. Perkins won the semi-final 5-1 and advanced to the championship to face the Gainesville Braves who had beaten Waldo earlier 14-11. In the final, Perkins started Kane Crosby again on the mound. He threw the first, sec- ond, fourth and sixth innings, gave ul one hit, had one walk, struck out seven and gave up no runs. Jonathan Rowe pitched the third inning, walked two, .gave up two hits and five runs. Perkins made several errors be- hind Rowe in the third and saw their lead cut from 7-0 to 7-5. Hunter Williams pitched in the fifth inning and struck out all three batters he faced, giving Crosby the opportunity to finish off the Braves in the sixth. Per- kins' hitters were hot on Sunday afternoon. ,They had 11 hits, six singles and five doubles'. Hunter Parrish had one single and one run scored. Daniel Bell had a single and a double and three runs scored; Hunter Williams hada double and one run scored, and ClifBr'ant had two doubles and two runs scored. Jonathan Rowe had two singles and a run scored; Justin Davis had a single and scored. Kane Crosby had a single and scored a run. and Chad Trail had a towering dou- ble that nearly cleared the fence. Perkins won the Santa Fe Class "A" championship by a score of 10-5. Perkins record improves to 14-3-1 for the season. Character Trait For May Is VIRTUE B) Geneea Cornwell Learning together as ',we connect \ith character is the primary 'goal of this column. Allo ing ourselves to be moti- Xated b\- an attitude of knowing that character education isa life-' long process, e\en after \\e lea e the "halls of i,,'" allows the in- dividual to press on e\er for\ ard in learning one moral character trait at a time and then pass that know ledge on to others. Today w\e will focus on the topic of VIRTUE. Most of us think of that word as something we've heard in a Sunday School class or from our "religious" grandmother; but in' actuality. VIRTUE's meaning is that of "demonstrating honesty and IrNtegnity 'ibX m hlife'bv' doing ; Wl'ihat'? figlt," and that car' come from any good source. ,In other words, doing the right thing with no\"false" motives (the kind, of motives which may bring hurt upon someone). VIRTUE has undertones of honor, strength and metit. Could we not gile and receive some of that in -the time in which we live today? Most of us "older" folk 'have lived .through a "lMe Generation" which is so tiring and selfish and arrogant and disrespectful that it has. brought. no.pleasure to those who'have' witnessed it. Whereas, changing one's viewpoint toward VIR- TUE will bring a desire to:serve others, live for others, build. good ard solid relationships and fill the heart within unspeakable treasures. VIRTUE is one of those refreshingly --\ eet, invisible at- .tributes w which gies the receiver of such a desire to be just like that; a desire tp be honest, fair, sincere and trustworthy. VIR- TUE gives a lift to the soul. It allows the giver's eyes to shine and the receiver's ears to perk up and listen. So how does one present a life of VIRTUE? The first thing to do is to look at everyone as an individual person of. worth; that what they say and how they feel is important; that giving of your time to listen or giving a pat on the back or some kind of gesture of friendship, and showing that; you REALLY MEAN IT, will help them to see in, you some- thing that they may have never been aware of before; that some- one honestly cares about them. So in connecting with charac- ter, your assignment for now is to find someone who is in need of something that money can't buy, a display of VIRTUE, and while carrying out your .assign- ment, remember that by con- necting yourself with character and making it a lifelong habit, your quality of life will change for the better. .Springhouse Quilters News ..i. --- I Springhouse Quilters News The Springhouse Quilters workshop for April was Semi- nole piecing.. Seminole piecing is a Florida Seminole Indian heritage and is used in many quilted items' as a point of em- phasis. Additionally, Seminole Spieced items are pieced used the traditional Seminole patchwork piecing to make bands and strips and joined together into full size quilts. The Seminole Indians perfected this technique and in- corporated the pieced strips into their colorful clothing as well as other quilted items. Fifteen of the Springhouse ladies joined together on April 24th and learned to do Seminole piecing. The technique appears to be very difficult when first, Skewed but in reality, the piecing technique is a ver\ easy and fun method of joining alternating colored strips and cutting and joining the small pieces into a doorstep patchwork. The re- sults of the doorstep patchwork can be very colorful and inter- esting. The next meeting for Spring- house Quilters will be their regu- This is a photo of the flannel board used bi Lois Scott showing Seminole pieced items as a teaching guide at the Seminole Piecing workshop. : :, .: lar meeting on nMay9th aindtheir workshop on May 2'3rd. Visi-. tors are always welcome. For additional information, please contact Anna Cilliam 463-79-"2 or Lois Scott 462-2207., Lois Scott. Pubhcity Frot.'l. rete. .enneth Cnimplhll. ,Duran aien, Jessim /Jaco'bs. j'i a'l'or krAnb~r David IVhituwood and Carl Rehbberg receiving awards at the fROfTCAilfiiI't i.f Bell High School Has Military Ball For many of our cadets, this year's Military Ball v ill be a night they will surely never forget. The dining and ballroom were elegantly decorated. The tables were draped in lovely, .white tablecloths, the ,meal \ as exquisite, and the theme, "A Formal Affair-A Night To Remember" was perfect for the occasion. The awards ceremonN followed the dinner portion of the Ball, with the following ,cadets receiving awards: Cadet Captain Juan Morales received the Armerican Legion Scholastic and Distinguished Cadet Award, Cadet Captain Cassi Roy the American L egion: Military Excellence .Award, Cadet Captain Travis Sprengel the Veterans ofForeign Wars JROTC Recognition Award, Cadet Second Lieutenant Virginia DeBoard the Association of the United States Army .Award, Cadet Captain Chris Hovey the Military Officer's Association of 'America Award, Cadet Captain Amber Short the Florida Society Sons of the American Revolution JROTC Award, Cadet Sergeant Major David Whitwood the Military Order of World Wars Award, Cadet Captain Carl Rehberg the American Veterans JROTC Recognition Award, Cadet Sergeant, First Class .Heather Crace the Daughters of the American Revolution Award, Cadet First Lieutenant Ashley Pelfrey the Military Officer's Association of America Award, Cadet First Sergeant Zach White theMilitary Officer'sAssociation of America Award, Cadet Captain Tracey Christopherson the National Sojourners Award, Cadet Captain Amanda Ysidron the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Award, Cadet First Sergeant David Preston the United States Cadet Award: Cadet Staff Sergeant Kara' Cannon,- Cadet Staff Sergeant Mindy Cannon. Cadet Major Amanda Jamison. and Cadet Major Amanda Nobs. The following cadets \\ere the recipients of the Senior Army Instructor Leadership Award: Cadet Staff. Sergeant 'Bryan Freeman. Cadet Staff Sergeant Rhama Mkuu, Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Elyse Fowler, and Cadet Command Sergeant Major Duran Carmen. The following cadets received .the Academic .Excellence Aw ard: Cadet Staff Sergeant Kara Cannon. Cadet Sergeant Mindy' Cannon, Army Recruiting Command JROTC Award, and Cadet First Lieutenant Kenneth Campbell- the Military Order of the Purple Heart. The' following cadets were .the recipients: of the Superior Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Else Fowler, and Cadet Major Amanda Nobs The Bell High JROTC would like -to especially: thank the caterer for providing such a scrumptious meal and Mr..Ray SDa\is for his stirring "Toast to the Flag," and. Mrs Debbie Norton-Airnoticz for the breathtaking decorations. We would also like to thank the representatives frm the various military organizations who took the time to present .our hardworking cadets with their awards.. The Military Ball was a magnanimous success! We look forward with much anticipation to next year's military ball! Amber Short Cadet Second Lieutenant .Public Affairs Officer Dennis McGill COL (Re i. USt A ,Senior Army instructor Rudd 100% Cypress Mulch/Chips 8 yds $125- 4 yds $70 We will load Free Delivery In Area 8 am 5 pm Monday Friday 8 am 12 pm Saturday 352-538-5098 It's Not About the Car .. It's about the precious cargo it carries. As a local independent agent, we can design an insurance program that's just right for you and your family. Give the people you love Safe.Sound.Secure. protection from Auto-Owners Insurance Company. .Auto-Owners Insurance Nature Coast Insurance 12372 NWHWY 19, Chiefland, FL 32626 352-493-2565 I - ~ CANON HOUSE 'Chinese Restaurant 463-1089 LUNCH BUFFET $4.75 with Iced Tea weekdays S Lunch: Monday Friday 11:30 am 2 ppmn Dinner: Monday Saturday 5 pm -9 pm. Duc FariatonSaes/eric ALL SESNHETN&A/ Stt Cetiie AC 572 "YOUCOMORT-S OUCNCRN 4*ofeo *- odrd35-4321 THURSDAY. MAY 11, 2006h i GILC .HRIS.T COU NTY JOURTRNALT i lrJIDVIulhIAV JIA l V 11, /I) 9Avf Gil CIvvT O INTY JOURNAL ieI -b- - Character First! Has Celebration Major Stroupe, Joy Powell, and Sgt. Mleinholt: lawe each been traits. Character Council President Glen Thigp0en - */- _. Gilih stria bu ling SupolP S1960" North .S. Highway 129 in Be *a B r mi arinct l hos tr-rr m 1s2-A iAt recognized for their personality Character First! Has Celebration So what is a celebration all- about? What does it mean? According to Noah Webster. a celebration is "a distinguished ceremony. marked by joy. A time to give distinct honor to a cause. purpose or person." And that was exactly what happened at the recently held Character Celebration, a follow-up of the Character Council's "Kick-off Breakfast" conducted in January of this year. Both et ents are cel- ebrations, one to usher in a new year of ne\w thoughts, new ideas and ne\w projects and the other to simply celebrate qualities of those w\ho participate regularly in demonstrating moral character in their daily lives. The honored guests were selected "Person- alities of the Month" \who %were readily welcomed by attending members of the Council. The program began with Council President Glen Thigpen introducing County Commis- sioner Mitchell Gentry who II, Florida _-a' Providing Non-Profit Healthcare 1830 North Main Street Bell, Florida Pharmacist'- Mp lijParDP Fs 'c 3S.2430 0 gave the invocation before the meal. Each attendee then took a turn to chose from the attractive and edible items from the buffet table. The beautifully decorated lemon and strawberry fruit-filled cake topped off the meal as des- sert. After. supper, President Thigpen introduced Council Vice-President Mary. Dunn and Treasurer Major Stroupe, who both presented a reading of the history of the Character Coun- cil of Gilchrist County. Then Mayor Pete Randolph, Council Advisory Committee Chair, in- troduced the past personalities, who: had consented to attend the affair. A special salute was given to Mr. Sam Ferguson, a', past personality, who recently passed away. Carl and Geneva Cornwell, Character First! Coordinators -were then given the honor of presenting character trait and special appreciation award cer- tificates to the personalities and supporters of the Council's Ini- tiatile here in Gilchrist County. The highlight of the evening was the door prize drawings, officiated by Diane Rondolet, Council Historian. Sylvia Ar- thur won a distinguished-look- ing character poster and J.M. E\erett received a copy of the Character First! AIchieving True Success book. The book co- ordinates \with explanations of each of the 49 character quali- ties taught through the character education curriculum in the local schools. As a surprise, as well as an act of appreciation, President Thigpen, on behalf of the Coun- cil, presented Carl and Gene'a Corn\well with a beautiful plaque of character, commemorating their untiring service since 2001. to our community in keeping and promoting moral character. The celebration closed with a short talk by Dr. Jim Surrency, charter land retired) Council President. He explained to everyone what a difference the agenda of the Character Council has made in our county. \where so many people are of a con- sertative nature and desire to keep moral character within its boundaries. Yes, this %as truly a celebra- tion of joy and distinction, which marks another year for each of us who are, living ogt true chir- acter because ~e are people who care. Woodmen Of The World Rangers' News The Woodmen of the World, Rangers Lodge 841 monthi- . meeting will be held Saturday, Ma\ 20th at 9:30 a.m. Woodmen Rangers ages 8-to" 15 are welcome to come and participate in the meeting and we will be honoring our mothers and fathers with a luncheon fol- lowing the meeting. Bring your parents so that we can show them our appreciation. Bell Family HealthCare Quality Health Care, Convenient Location, Serving The Health Care Needs Of Our Community '~pt^S^ Bruce.E. Thomas, MD Board Certified/Family Practice Mina Willis, PharmD/PA-C Malcolm Hickox, PA-C Family Practice Family Practice Jeffrey HansPetersen. MD BOard Certified/Family Practice Services Provided: * Complete Primary Care Well-Baby Exams Diagnostic X-rays Minor Trauma Case Management * Hearing and Vision Testing * Chronic Disease Management Immunizations Diagnostic Laboratory Minor Surgical Procedures Family Planning Physical Exams Vaccines for Children ADD & ADHD Evaluations *Health Screening HIV Testing. * Sliding Fee Office Visits and Pharmacy I ^iGLOG CABIN QUILTERLT I3 Log Cabin Quilters- Log Cabin Quilters met Thursday, May 4th, at the Levy County Quilt Museum. Our , Weather is getting warm but in- side it is fine.. Quilting goes on with the three quilts and the red and white "Log Cabin" will soon be' finished-. It goes to CFE Co- op annual meeting in October. :We are having visitors ev- eryday from different places. People hear about the museum and come to see what's here. So many) are surprised %%hen they drive up to see our large log building. As many know, we are proud of it and it's all paid for. We have no fee to come in and they all enjoe the cabbage collard plant that is 55 inches This red, white, and blue "Churn-Dash" will be gven awayi tall. So manu of the flowers and t or ilt sho Noeb 24th to December 3rd. vegetable plants are blooming l and today e we had fresh beets rice, cheese and mac. zucchini from the plants that the inmates a great time. It's fun to teach casserole, cake, pineapple pie, planted back in the fall. some the difference between a lots of salads and everything was Jarrod and seen boys came weed and flower. Lunch was so so good and there was so much. out Tuesday and w\e all hae good with fried squash. beets, Winelle Home -I Several of the ladies from the Wonzansr Club lire shown with a resident of Ayers Health andi through 20h. Lots of activi- on the lawn at Ayers Health and Gilchrist oman's tie are being planned each da. Rehabilitation. Come join the Club Sponsors Stop by and join us in celebrat- tun. There "ill be music b\ Ric Ladies' Brunch s a n ith our nur es. Trisch and it's Sock Hop time Lad s' B ch At Our annual antique car show again. We're looking forward to Ayers Health &.. I be held Saturday. May 20th seeing you all ;his next week. Rehab Thank ou to the Gilchrist Adve rtise Yiourt lard Sale Counts Woman's Club for an e ch loely spread of food 'which In The Gileisibr (ounT.y Jou& r ial Iour l residents enjoyed somuch At -163-7135 at our April brunch. Nlonnye Bro n played favorite tunes .. on the piano for the ladiess 9 a- No . while e they enjoyed their loely brunch. The woman's club out . did.themseles. Fresh fruit pie. brownies, de\iled eggs. \eg- etable*pizza' ( umm'),, cakes,: and Jell-O squaes No onewent Restaurant, Catering Service & Cakes Available away hungry. Club members Daily Blueplate Special $6.50 and residents shared stories of (Monday Friday, while they las where they are from, how long (Monday -Friday, while they last) they lived in the area, and their ~ CallAhead Window Pickup Available ~ careers. What an. interesting morning we all had. Nlonnoe 3'52463-8831 Mon & Tues 6am 3pm Bro%, n then played some sing-a- "7 -" Wed & Thurs 6am 9pm long music and all joined in '% ith. 1122 East.Wade Street Fri & Sat 6am- 10pm her before our lovely guests had Trenton, Florida 32693 Sunday I lam pm to'leave.: We thank you for your time and caring for our residents. Open or Breakfast 6 am (Mon-Sat) We treasure our organizations Open For rea a 6 that support our residents here at Ayers Health andRehabilita-h SUNDAY LUNCH (BUFFET ONLY) .tion. Nurse' .week .is May 14th -'-----y. , TRI-COUNTY CH IHROPR6CTIC "Care for the Entire Family" Dr. Bennitt Patterson SAvailable on Location: X-Rays, Physical Therapy & Licensed Massage Therapist (MM0007612) Most Insurance Accepted OFFICE HOURS SMonday / Wednesday / Friday Major Medical 9 9a.m. Noon & 2 p.m. 6 p.m. Employers Please Ask About Our Preferred Employers Program (PEP)! Most Insurances Accepted ~ Equal Opportunity Provider For Information: 352-463-1100 Medicare/Medicaid .8 am 2:30 pm 8 am 12:30 pm Most HMO's & PPO's Thursday 88 a.m. Noon & 2 p.m. 5 p.m. Personal Injury/Auto Accidents Workers'- Compensation ~ Walk-Ins Welcome ~ S341 __ 493-1540 hopping Center US 19, 2220 N. Young Blvd., Chiefland Wal-Mar (Across from Wal-Mart Super Center) N -> [ Super Center S . GILCHRIST.T COUT NTY JOURTRNAL Page Thirteen TMT TPPT) V M A~V I I 200 GIT CHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL r age 'u1oune THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2006 Pictured are the members of the Capital City Bank Relay For Life Team. Anna Wild, center, was very surprised when she learned that she had won two raffles. One prize was a tackle box filled with gear along with a rod and reel and the other was a beautiful hanging quilt called "The Pink Ribbon" made by Janice Wasson. It was entitled, "In memory of those we've lost, in honor of those who have survived, and in the hopes tlhat no one else will have to suffer." Anna is pictured with Damon Leggett, captain of the Gilchrist Field and Stream team and Cindy Chadwick. the courtroom where two juries composed of students were se- lected to serve on a jury to. hear a "mock" case against one of their classmates.. The proceed- ings were conducted as an, ac- tual trial with a judge, a prose- cutor, defense attorney and wit- nesses all present. The juries of 10 .and 11 yearolds, after hear- ing all of the facts in the case. deliberated and returned "\ith a. verdict. Judge Philman presided in the trials with attorneys Kristen S. Pickens, Assistant State At- torney; George R. Hedrick, As- sistant Public Defender; Ray Earl Thomas, Jr. and Robert Willis were volunteering their, time to stage the mock trials along with Deputy Clerk Joanna Faye Walker. Witnesses were Kathy Carver, Autumn Ellinger and Barbara Martin. Bailiffs were Gary Blankenship and Thomas Scott. The judge and the court office cers held a question and answ er period following the trial to give students .an opportunity to ask questions. The students were also given a'tour of the holding cell area where prisoners are kept while they are awaiting their appearance in court. 2006 Election What To Expect At The' Polls Polls will be open on election day from 7:00 a.m; until 7:00 p.m.' local time. To determine your polling place, check your voter information card or contact your supervisor of elections. .You will be asked to show a photoand signature identification, when you go to the polls to vote. Some acceptable forms of photo - identification include: .Florida driver's license -Florida identification card issued by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles United States passport Military) identification Student identification If your photo identification Does not contain your signature, you will be required to show an additional identification that provides your signature. ,If you do not have the proper identification, you Lill' be allowed to vote a provisional ballot. NOTE: Voter registration cards are no longer a valid form of identification at the polls. Peggg/ Alilito participates in the Relay for Life prLogrami aLs a cancer survizior. Standing along her side also participating in the Relay for Life is Joan Faye Walker of Trenton. Photo bi Anna lVild. ' This is the Trenton Medical Center, and Bell Family Healthcare team which participated in the Relay For Life walk. American Legion Hall Available Meetings Parties, Weddings & Receptions 552-465-1501 12th Annual Relay For Life Is Dedicated To The Memory Of Sam Ferguson (Continued from Page One) program. This team raised over $6,200.00 to go to the fight against cancer. The Field and Stream Team also was awarded a plaque for the Best Campsite annee Valley Precast, Owner Gerald Roberts Fax: 463-0390 Chiefland 493-4055 New Septic Tanks Installed Drain Fields Repaired Septic Pump-Outs Septic Tanks Certified ^ "* State Certified I "NEED A FENCE OF ANY KIND CALL DANNY ANYTIME." Barb Wire Woven Wire Chain Link Board Danny Hodge (352) 463-1832 -- Mobile (352) 493-5345 4110 S.W. 25th Street -- Bell, Florida in the Relay program. The Most Spirited Team honor. was: presented to : the. Williams Warriors Team! The Rea'y" for Life program honored Paul Jost a, Chiefland High School Teacher. The Symbols of Hope were Zachary Andrew, son of Mi-. and Mrs. Myles Andrews,' and Chuck, Mikell' of Williston. Frances LaSalle chaired this 12th annual relay. Individuals from Chiefland, Dixie and Gilchrist counties that came out to exercise and raise funds to, develop a cure for cancer produced this program. A Note Of Appreciation From- The Gilchrist County Relay For Life Team As captain of the Gilchrist County American Cancer Society's Relay for Life team, I would like to say thanks to each participant on: the team for their efforts in the success experienced by the team. It was a combined effort from a lot of folks in our community. Appreciation is also expressed to each business and individual who donated to the American Cancer Society on our behalf. Damon Leggett Bill Martin Seeking h Supervisor Of Elections Position (Continued from Page Qne) 17 years old, Kaitlin is 13 ears old, and Kristi is nine years old. I am the son of Mar, Gene Mar- tin and-the late Joe N'artin. 1 am also a member of the Trenton Community Church of the Naza- rene where I serve as the Youth. SDirector and a Board Member. My goals if elected wouli be to. run a well-organized, fair and honest election, to educate everyone from the youth to senior citizens about the elec- tion process, and, with the latest technology, make that process easily accessible to all, increase voter's awareness of the issues, and most importantly to increase voter turn out. I am well quali- fied to represent the county and I am available to talk to you about any concerns that you may have. You may, contact me at (352) 463-7439. Please give me the opportunity to serve you as your. Supervisor of Elections. Michelle Carter Announces Intent To Run For Gilchrist County School Board, District 5 Seat (Continued from Page One) Trenton Middle/High Band- Boosters and have recently been elected for a second year as Band Booster President. This has been a way for me to stay involved in what is happening in. our schools. My interest and involvement with the youth of this area ex- tends beyond our school system. I spent many years as a volunteer with the Flatwoods Friends 4-H Club. I have also been deeply involved with the youth ministry at First Baptist Church where I attend. At a recent School Board meeting I was interested to hear the projected growth for our schools over the next 15 years; the figures are startling for our small county. These next few years will be very important as we have many strategic deci- sions to make concerning the direction of our school system in light of the growth of our county. We have three board members that will not be seeking re-elec- tion this year. This can be an ex- citing time as new faces appear with a fresh approach but it can also be a time for concern if we are apathetic in our choices. I realize the importance of proper planning to posture our schools so we can be as prepared as pos- sible for the uncertain future. I believe I am the right person for this position. If I am elected I assure you my main priority will be to seek what is best for our children and my decisions will be reflective. of that. I believe I have good communication skills and I will consider your concerns when making decisions. By serving as hour school board member I wil be able to hiive a direct inrpact on decisions that are made con- cerning your children and my children. I would appreciate the opportunity( to serve you in this capacity. Please consider my. past involvement in our school system, my continued interest, and the perspective I have to of- fer., I would very much appreci- ate your vote on September 5th. Gilchrist Fifth Graders Participate In Mock Trial (Continued from Page One) Gilchrist County Judge Ed Philman and the Gilchrist County School District cooper- ated together to produce an an- nual Mock Trial program held in Gilchrist County Court. This judicial program allowed fifth grade students from Bell Ele- mentary to be a part of the judi- cial process on Monday, May 1. The students from Trenton Ele- mentary participated in a sepa- rate program again on Wednes- day, May 3, 2006 in the Gil- christ County Court; The students were provided with booklets designed to intro- duce the Florida Court System to the students before their visit to the courtroom. Each group of the students were escorted into ,IF.ttitlliesinadk<,es .l ure Olin t011l, e M1Io've,... ^e^^ IH,// ',aveyNoxiiur i "rsI[ ,'ei{ v ,0ciricciatledl I/ BIECIFOUIFUE Ithe\' -- "e ..,eite llbitteili T e Ihaite the newv vaccine - STreintoA4 animal Hospital 603 ~North Main Street Trenton. Fionrda (352) 463-7100 MAC JOHNSO `nFNIC Re-Roofing & Leaks Metal Roofing 25-Year Warranty Manufacturer's FT AT S352 ir 472m43, 1 EkO YOUL HAVE THE MOST ADORABLE BABY IN THE AREA: "MOST ADORABLE BABY" AND KING AND QUEEN BEAUTY PAGEANT Saturday\ lune 10th S\mj'rn ans Club In CrLoss Cirv All C.'ontertanii Recite A Bnltt.i l Crw-un and Plahpie Boys and Girls All Ages. FOR INFO CALL 352-372-6133 Bell 463-2504 CK Contracting, Inc. Building Contractor Licensed & Insured Specializing in Spec & Custom Homes Serving the Tri-County Area Many home plans available: 3 or 4 Bedroom Ranging from 1,200 2,300 sq. ft. Personalized service for every home owner Give us a call, we 'll be happy to help you create a wonderful new home. 352-472-9888 Chad & Kellie White i I r I M, ir 'A-r Ilk w- ~ . Tr tnn 111t. 1 i I THURSDAY, MAY 11. 2006 GTT .CTHRIST COUNTY JOTTRNAT Page Fifteen '02 Escape V6, Auto. #969 Auto, V6. #012. to Choose .Was u -.nnR n- ..toa n Cho .... oc q.NOW ,, -,, Ar$ . IJ-I Mrs. Trace Lynn Merritt-Carver Mrs. Tracie Lynn Merritt- Carver of Tampa died Monday, May 1, 2006. She was 32. She was Statewide Coordi- inator for the Florida Kinship Center at USF School of Social Work, formerly Senior Health Educator with the Department of HRS Health Department in Perry. She moved to Tampa from Perry in January 2005. Mrs. Carver-is survived by her husband, Bill Carver; parents, Tom and Judy Merritt of Perry; "maternal grandmother, Maxine 'Hann of Perry; brother, Tommy Merritt of Perry; father-in-law, William Marshall Carver III of Ft. Walton Beach; mother-in- law, Corrine Camille Heidmous of Ft. Walton Beach; and many .aunts, uncles, nieces, and neph- ews. A funeral service was held Saturday, May 6, 2006 at the Rick Gooding Funeral Home un Cross CitL with Re\. Dennis Ho'\ell conducting the service. Interment followed at the Cross SCity Cemetery. Arrangements \%ere under the care of RICK GOODING FU- NERAL HOME, Cross City. Mrs. Christine Green Henderson Mrs. Christine Green Hender- son of Cross City died Monday, May 1, 2006 at Shands at the University of Florida. She was 84. Christine Green Henderson was born to the union of the late. Mack and Phyllis Green on April 25, 1925 in Monticello., She attended Howard Academy High School in Monticello dur- ing her junior and senior years of school. She was saved at an early age and united with the Pine Grove Missionary Baptist Church in Monticello under the leadership of Pastor W. M. Merritts. She served there as the Assistant Superintendent of the Sunday School, and was also the Adult Sunday School Teacher. She later moved to Cross City where she met and married Mr. 1\erson Henderson, \\ho pre- ceded her in death. NIrs. Henderson united \%th First Baptist Church under the leadership of Pastor Re%. W.M. Williams. She served as President of the #1, 2, 3 Usher Board and also the Adult Sunday School Teacher. She later moved to Sanford and united with Zion Hope Baptist Church under Pas- tor J. L. Brooks. She served on #1 Usher Board, #1-2 Mission Board, was the Adult Sunday School Teacher, and the Adult Teacher of the B.T. U. She later relocated back to Cross City and united with First Baptist Church under the leadership of Rev. W. White. She was the Adult Sun- day School Teacher, Secretary of the Church, Treasurer and Banker. She served until sick- ness weakened-her body and she became disabled. She is survived by one sister, Ms. Leola Williams of Cross City; two special nieces, Ms. Phyllis Geathers of Cross City and Ms. Ella Mae McDaniel of Winter Haven; and a host of nieces and nephews and friends. A funeral service was held Sunday, May 7, 2006 at First Baptist Church. Interment fol- lowed at Cross City Cemetery. Arrangements were under the care of RICK GOODING FU- NERAL HOME, Cross City. Mr. Harley Phillip "Philly" Jessmer Mr. Harley Phillip "Philly" Jessmer of Trenton died Friday, May 5, 2006 at North Florida Regional Medical Center. He was 58. Mr. Jessmer was born in Leesburg and came to Trenton from Ft. Walton Beach area. He was a custom painter for Tri-Am Industries and also operated his own business, "Finishes by Phil,".for many years. He was a member of St. Alban's Episcopal Church of Chiefland. He was preceded in death by his mother,.Dorothy Loyal. Mr. Jessmer is survived by a niece, Wendy Rawlins; and a son, Harley Phillip Jessmer, Jr. A memorial service was held Monday, May 8, 2006 at St. Alban's Episcopal Church of Chiefland with the Rev. Therez Buzz Yarborough conducting the service. Arrangements were under the care of HIERS-BAXLEY FUNERAL SERVICES, Chief- land. '03 F -25 Rn .ab Mercury Mountaineer 06 E-3aS van uo explorer A-L ,o Prem. Leather, Low Miles. #1004 12 Passenger. #965 Auto. #967 V8, Gas, Auto. #991 2toChoose Prgm.Veh.Warr.Avail. Prgm.Veh.Warr.Avail. Was $ Was Was $14,995 Now 13,888* a; Low As 16,988' $20,95 NOW 18,88 $21,5 NOW 09,888* A l m. ...pm.... .--,m"e wl&,,.W- '04 Expedition '05 Expedition '0 --50 u ;rew Ca -u x '02 F 5 Dr.4 '01 Grand Marquis LS Extra Clean Cloth, V. #1009 e 44 993 Dual Rear Wheels, Diesel, DRW, Diesel. Auto. #1011 Eddie Bauer 4x4. #993 Auto, XT.#988 Dual RearWheels Auto., Low Miles. #1005 Low Miles. #815 $2$2.s95 NOW 20,888 unw ns* .2 u.u.99S RR F9 9oo u .w *34.888* ws Now S.488 $s95 NOW *10.888* $21,95 NO g oont MW NR gs oao NW U N.9 '05 Ford Focus '06Taurus '05 Grand Marquis LS U05 Mustang uoupe uo rive nunarea u Ivoustany univertiu e #998 Program Car, Automatic.#995 Loaded.#968 Automatic. Nice Car! #917 Leather, Low Miles. #996 #999 Prgm. Veh. Warr. Avail. Prgm.Veh.Warr. Avail. Prgm.Veh.Warr. Avail. Prgm. Veh. Warr. Avail. Prgm. Veh. Warr. Avail. Prgm. Veh. Warr. Avail. WaWaWas Was 888 as NOW $ 5 NOW $Was5 N $12,595 NOW 1388 1$15,995 NOW 13,888 $19,995 NOW 17,8881 $19.995 OW 18,888' $21995 OW ,8 8 $22,595 OW 9,998 $1$9192ol,1955O9598 8 iX,15'o $9~ o I "The Works" I *Genuine Motorcraft Oil & Filter Change *Rotate & Inspect FourTires Inspect Brake System 95 I -Test Battery A $42.95 *Check Air and Cabin Filters Value * -Check Belts and Hoses I SCheck WiperBlades $ 3l 95 I Top Off All Fluids . *Multi-PoinL Inspection J i A greatvalue In maintenance - oil change, tire rotation, thorough Inspection and morel Up to 5 qts. Motorcraft OI. STaxes, disposal fees and desel vehicles extra. SValid nyWithCoupon.OfferExe s5-1A 6. 916 N. Young Blvd., C MERCURY 'hiefland Toll Free 1-888-864-4582 *Prices net of rebate, plus tax, tag and $224.95 document fees. All vehicles subject to prior sale. Art for illustration purposes only. In stock units only. See dealer for details. (W.A.C.) = With approved credit, financing with Ford Motor Credit Co. **52( over what we pay Ford Motor Credit Co. to get your title. Drive a Little ?s ll sAyM A cross C.it More... l o .REL Wilco T Neerry in ei I Old Town Fanning WHIMS Spring, FORD-MIgURY Archer All Roads Leadg tO s\nson White Ford In Chleflandl OCk Willision Gul (Hammod ck cala CederKey Website: www.whitefordmercury.com Vltll =II~~ ~rrrrrrrrrri h~r~ll r~-r lllrr~r iir~llirI 1 zk'j; Boating Accident In Jacksonville Claims Two Lives Two men died and a third was injured in a boating accident Sunday night that occurred near the mouth of Cedar River in Jacksonville. Charles Devon Streat, 26, of Jacksonville, and Cory A. Christy, 28, of Virginia, were killed. Brett A. Christy, 48, of Havre De Grace, Maryland, was taken by helicopter to Shands Hospital in Jacksonville for treatment ofhis injuries. According to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) in- vestigators, the boat, operated by Streat, hit a dock, ejecting the younger Chrisby. The boat continued on, struck another dock and wedged under a boat lift, killing Streat and injuring the elder Christy. , They were aboard a 1990 19- foot Mastercraft ski boat. SA witness who heard the crash called 911 at 11:11 p.m. Sunday. FWC investigators continue to investigate the accident. The Gilchrist County Journal Fax Service Notary Service Rubber Stamps Printing Phone 463-7135 Fax 463-7393 p'ii~:1 ~ ,I1~mIIM.I] E]~lT 2.c E:rW'u my.'A'i 1:1:11 k N M-sYYfTIT~gi~ e'I'''].~. n~u :i~ rm n' 9New'06 Focus 3 Dr. New'06 Fusion SE 2 OL Duraiw c i e..ale 41 CI Fuel inlectnon 2.3L 4 Cyl E Spd lJtcn-,ric, 6-V e HOo..er S5 Spd Manual, AirCondiiron.ng Driver Sear CD ..I.1F,3. Po.'.er lVndo.;, New '06 F- 1 50 ...F CD w/MP3, Anti-Theft & More! Locks, ll."iur.e "i-Tr & M.lorel ewMSRP ...$................... $14,905 MSRP .............. .. $19,375 V6, 5 Speed Manual, Disc. & Rebates.............$3,640 Disc. & Rebates: .........$2,700 P255/65RX17 All Season Tires, #6C039 #6R C0075 6 H AM/FM CD, Air Conditioning, NOW 12 ,S0. NOW 16,6750 40/20/40 Vinyl Seat.. N.I #6T0184 .LtA J."SShuHJJJ1 \ 1 MSRP ............. .... ....... ................. $20,155.00 White Ford Disc. & Rebates ................. $5,667.00 NOW s 48800* BOLDMOVES New '06 Explorer SOHCV6, 5 Spd. Automatic, Sport Group & More! New '06 Expedition Leather, 3rd Row Power Fold Seat, DVD, 6-Disc CD & M6re. MSRP .......................... $27,930 MSRP ............................... $40,790 Total Savings.................$2,026 Total Savings.............$12,058 #6T0059 o o #6T0027 NOW 590 NOW NOTICE OF DELINQUENT TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES----NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that personal property taxes assessed for the year 2005 and are not paid are now delinquent and are drawing interest at the rate of 18 percent per year as of April 1; plus the proportionate cost of the publishing this Notice. Unless the amounts set opposite each name below are paid before the 31st of May, warrants will be issued thereon and the tax collector will apply to the circuit court for an order directing levy upon and seizure of tangible personal property of the taxpayer for unpaid taxes, penalties and additional costs. The names of the delinquent personal taxpayers and the cost of advertising are as follows:* 1 000620-00 65.07 ALL IN ONE CLEANING SERVICES 2002700-00 46.05 BELLTRONICS 3 002800-00 49.82 BEN'S MOBILE LUBE EXPRESS 4007400-00 1,035.17 COLON IAL PACIFIC LEASING CORP 5 007400-01 194.26 COLONIAL PACIFIC LEASING CORP 6 009160-45 101.72 CUSTOMIZED CONCEPTS INC 7010870-00 117.68 ELITE FIT NESS, INC; 8 014000-00 185.31 HARRELL JAMES M 9014200-00 -124.38 HART HORACE G & J D JR 10 016780-00 39.41 JENKINS FRM FEED STORE 11017030-00 76.44 JOHNSON MAC RENTALS 12 017780-00 226.78 JONES GRADY H SR 13 017870-00 JONES LAWN SERVICE 114.25 14020000-00 151.08 LAB PARTNERS INC 15 021700-00 78.30 LINDSEY DALE W 16 022960-05 5,759.46 M.D. WHITE, JR., INC. 17022950-25 81.20 MAC'S CONSTRUCTION 18.024650-00 159.85 MCGEE JIMMY 19 027700-00 1,578.43 OLCOTT DAIRY 20 030050-00 6,891.49 PHILMAN'S CUSTOM SERVICE INC 21 030900-00 39.33 PLEIMAN CONSTRUCTION CO. 22 031200-00 -111.17 R C A STEEL 23 036800-00 463.14 SKEETS DRIVE-THRU BAR B Q 24 037700-00 290.69 SMITH SEPTIC TANK SERVICES 25 039370-00 40.38 SUWANNEE STRAW & HAY 26 039560-00 35.75 TAMMY'S CUSTOM CUTS 27 044530-00 46.14 WIGGINS JAMES E(GENE) 28 044650-00 31.47 WILKERSON'S BARBER SHOP (Continued to Page Sixteen) seei ri- SAVE MORE GREE IT'S CHEAPER IN CHIEFLAND! ... What Color White Ford Do You Want? I MoNrH o MAY PROGRAM CAR SALE! -----------~ DPnrro Cavtepn I U ac vt', vl GTT CIHRTST COT TNTY JOU RNAT .THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2006 Legal, Notices (Continued) NOTICE OF MEETING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, the Gilchrist County Board of County Commissioners, in and for Gilchrist County, Florida, will hold a regular meeting on Monday, May 15, 2006, at 3:00 p.m., in the Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room, located at 210 South Main Street, Trenton, Florida,. The following is -a proposed agenda. AGENDA 1. Calito Order (3:00 p.m.) 2. Agenda Changes' 3. Consent Agenda 4. County Admnistrator/ Department Reports 5. Attorney Report 6. Constitutional Officers 7. Clerk Report 8. Commissioner Reports S9. Time Certain Items: a. 4:00 p.m. Citizen's Re- quest, Partnership for Strong Families, Carol Ruth, Proc- lamation 06-05, Foster Care Month b. 4:15 p.m. Jordan Green, DOT, Work Program Priori- ties c. 5:15 p.m. Habitat for Hu- manity d. 5:30 p.m. Public Hearings, Land Use: Spring Run Village Major Subdivision,Construction Plans Approval (14 lots,, FrankLaurig) Tyler Creek Business Com- munity, Construction Plans Approval (17 lots. Mtchell Gentry) Martin Manor Major Subdivi- ston, Construction Plans Ap- proval (9 lots. James Martin) Sycamore Farms Major. Subdivision, Construction Plans Approval (11 lots. TRC ..Properties) e. 6:00 p.m. Recess for Board of Adjustment f. 6:30 p.m. Citizen's Re- quest, Mike Myers, Special Assessment District, Rolling Oaks Subdivision g. 6:45 p.m. Discussion: Policy & Procedure Revision Review h. 7:00 p.m. Road Depart- ment Report i. 7:15 p.m. Cinzen's Re- quest, Mac Johnson, Release of Code Enforcement Fines S j..7:45 p.m. Citizen Request, Marge Wood, Road Condi- lions. SE 90th Ave . 10. Old Business 11. New Business 12.Public Participation 13. Adjourn "Persons withdisabilities request- ,ing reasonable accommodations to participate in this proceeding should : contact i3521 463-3169 iVoice & TDD) or via Flonda Relay Service (800) 955-8771." PLEASE BEADVISED that if a person decides to appeal any deci- sion made by the Commission with respect to any matter considered at said hearing, that person vi ll need a record of the proceedings, and that for such purpose, that person may need to insure that a erbaiu m record is made, which record includes the testimony and e\ idence upon \ which the appeal is to be based. BOARD OF COUNTY' COMMISSIONERS. . GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA TONIMY LANGFORD. CHAIRMAN ATTEST: JOSEPH W.GILLIAM, CLERK Pub. May 11, 2006b. PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF TRENTON SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA The Board of Commissioners, in and for the City of Trenton, Florida will meet on Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. in .the Kathryn Deen Commission Chambers, 114 N. Main Street. Items included on the agerida are as follows: A. Call To Order B. iAdoption of Agenda C. Action Items 1. Special Use Permit Fireworks Tent 2. Crime Watch Applicant D. RMPK Group E. Adjourn PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that if a person decides to appeal any " decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Jered Ottenwess City Manager Pub. May 11, 2006 PUBLIC MEETING The Gilchrist Continuous Care Corp. Facility will meet on Thursday, May 11, 2006 at 1:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Gilchrist CountyBoard Meeting Chamber, 210 S. Main Street, Trenton, FL 32693. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss updated information on the assisted living facility. Also representatives of the Florida Department of Elder Affairs will attend to discuss the Community for a Lifetime Initiative and other matters pertaining to assisted living facilities. All persons are encouraged to attend. Pub. May 11, 2006b. THE SCHOOL BOARD OF GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, School Nurses continue, to play a'vital role in shaping the health patterns of this County's children, and WHEREAS, School Nurses collaborate with administrators and faculty to promote a healthy, safe, nurturing environment, and WHEREAS, the presence of a School Nurse assures parents their children's health needs will be addressed appropriately during the school day; and WHEREAS, School Nurses utilize community resources to serve students and families. Through continuing education, new technologies and enhanced practice School Nurses will:continue to be an asset to the education system: and WHEREAS, School Nursing inter entons improve student health and impact educational achievement and academic success; and WHEREAS, in some instances School Nurses are the only. source of health care that a child receives. In others, students' lives have been saved because a Nurse was on school premises, and SWIHEREAS, School Nurses serve this Counr)'s children by providing healihcare that enhances their readiness to learn, and to 'succeed in school: and WTIEREAS, Nla 6th through May 12th has been designated Nurses Week and Wednesday, NMa 10, 2006 is National School Nurses Day. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by The School Board of Gilchnst County. Flonda that Wednesday May 10. 2006 is recognized as National School Nurses Day 'in Gilchrist County to recognize : the significant contributions made by School Nurses, ,who enhance the total educational experience of the students of Gilchrist County Schools. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of Nlay. 2006. THE SCHOOL BOARD OF GILCHRIST COUNTY By: RONALD D. SMITH, Chairman Artet ' JAMES E. VICKERS. Superintendent Secretary to the Board Pub. May 11, 2006b. NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING PLEASE BE ADVISED that the Gllchnst County School Board will conduct a meeting on Monday, Mlay 15, 2006:at 600 PM in Building .14, Board Room 14-002 located at 310 NW 1lth Avenue, Trenton, Florida. Follow ing is the agenda- OPENING CEREMONIES 1. Appro al of Agenda 2. Approval of NlnMutes 3. Citizen Input/Delegations 4. 'Operations A GE/Uruted S B. Ctirrent Projects C.: \uihonzaiion to Lease S Portables D. Designlate Provider for Bus Dnser Physicals E. Correcis e \\arranr\ Deed F. Road Right-of-\av G. Exemption from Willie Ann Gl) nn Act for Summer Food Sers ice Program'- 6:30 P.M; 51 Instructional A. Laptop Computer System Lease Agreement . B. Technology Team Report 6. Personnel A. Appointments B. Re-Appointments for 2006-2007 C. Additional Hours D. Summer Schedule E. Summer Personnel -F. Summer Maintenance Helper Positions G. Summer Professional ' Development H. Create Position I. Job Descriptions 7.' Removal of Items from Consent Agenda 8. Consent Agenda A. Financial B. Agreement/Amendment/ Contract/Grant/Project/ C Change Order C. Personnel D. Trips 9. Reports NOTE: In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons requiring an interpreter or special accommodations to enable them to participate in this meeting are requested to notify the Office of the School Superintendent at 352- 463-3200 at least forty-eight (48). hours prior to the scheduled meeting date so provisions can be made. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that . if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at such meeting, he will need a record of the proceedings and that for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. James E. Vickers Superintendent of Schools Pub. May 11, 2006b. NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING PLEASE BE ADVISED that the Gilchrist County School Board will travel to a legislative meeting on Tuesday, May 16, 2006. The School Board will leave the District Office at 3:30 P.M. The legislative meeting is scheduled for 5:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. and will be held at the Columbia County School District Auditorium located at 372 West Duval Street in Lake City, Florida. James E. Vickers Superintendent of Schools Pub. May.11, 2006b. AMENDED NOTICE SCHOOL BOARD NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT NFW POLICY Nonce is hereby gtien that The. School Board of Gilchnst County, Florida intends to adopt a new policy regarding: 6.451 DRUG FREE WORKPLACE PROGRAM Copies of the new policy are available for inspection and copying by the public at the Supenntenentd's office. 310 NW Ilth Avenue, Trenton, Flonda. Copies of the policy or a copy of any of the rules may be purchased at the cost of reproduction which is estimated at .25 cents per page. Specific authonty for this policy are Florida Statutes Chapter 440. A public heanng %ll be held on the proposed new\ policN at 11-00 a.m on June 6. 2006 at a School Board Meeting at the Gilchrist County school Board meeting room at 310 NW Ilth Asenue, Trenton. Flonda 32693. All interested persons are ad\ ised that any person desinng to appeal any decision made by the board ' as to any matter considered at said heanng. will need to ensure that a verbatim record is made of the proceeding, which record must include all of the testimony and evidence presented. This Amended Notice changes the date of the public hearing previously advertised. JAMES E. VICKERS as Superintendent and Secretary to the Board SPub May 4, I1, 2006b CITY OF FANNING SPRINGS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the City" Council of the City of Fanning .Spnngs ill meet in Special Session on Thursday, May 11. 2006 at 530 p.m in the Cit Hall Assembl) Room at 17651 NW- 90th Court The Agenda is I PreliminarN Plat. Phase 3. Riternalk/Construction Plan 2. Planmnng Qualificauon Issues 3. S5cie~iile of Fees PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, pursuant to Flonda Statute 286 0105 That if a person decides to appeal any decision made by The City Council with respect to any matter considered at such meeting he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. which record includes the testimony and e idence upon which the appeal is to be based. DATED this 3rd day of May. 2006, by Sheila Watson, Cirt Clerk of City of Fanning Springs. Flonda Pub Mla I1. 2006b. NOTICE The Gilchrist County Stite Housing Initiatise Partnerstip ISHIP) Program '.ill hold a SHIP Educational course at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday) May 25, 2006 in the courtroom of the Gilchrist County Courhouse. Trenton. Flonda.' The class is free and open to the public.' Anyone applying fori a SHIP loan is required to attend a SHIP class. If you have any questions, please call the SHIP Program office at 352-463-4021., Charlotte Pederson S Program Administrator Pub. May 11, 18; 2006b. PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE The High Skill/High Wage Committee of the Flonda Crown Workforce Board ,sill meet on Thursday, May 11, 2006 at 4: 00 p.m., -at the Florida Crown Employers' Service Center, 840 SW Main Blvd., Lake City, Florida. Meeting time is 4:00PM. Trus meeting is open to the" public. Person(s) interested in participating who have a disability requiring special assistance should contact Brenda Cruz, 386-755- 9026, ext. 3220. TTY users dial 711 'and ask the operator to dial ,386-755-9026. Notice has been made of this meeting, through publication, to comply with the "Government in the Sunshine" Law. Pub. May 11, 2006b. PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE Bells & Whistles Storage; Hwy. 129, Bell, Florida announces a public sale to be held on May 26, 2006 at 10:00 a.m. The sale will be held at Bells & Whistles Storage Facility located at 1859 North Hwy 129 in Bell, Florida. The sale is being held to satisfy a landlord's lien. Everything sold is purchased "as is," "where is" for cash. Bells & Whistles Storage reserves the right to cancel any Public sale that ig advertised. The units are as follows: Unit #100: Johnny Richards Pub. May 11, 18, 2006b. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. 21-2006-CP-000O IN RE: ESTATE OF GARY S. RATCLIFFE, also known as, GARY SANDERS RATCLIFFE Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate .:of Gary S. Ratcliffe, also known as Gary Sanders Ratcliffe, deceased whose date of death was Septembe 16, 2005, is pending in the Circui Court for Gilchrist County. Florida Probate Division, the address of which is Gilchrist Count' Courthouse, 112 South Main Street Trenton. Flonda 32693. The name and address of the ancillary persona representative: and the ancillar personal representative's attorney, Share set forth below. All creditors of the deceden and other persons having claims o demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this nonce i required to be served must file their claims with this court WITHIIL THE LATER OF 3 MONTH! AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRS" PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATI OF SERVICE OF A COPY OI THIS NOTICE TO THE M. 4All other creditors ofthe deceden and other persons having claim or demands against decedent' estate must tile their claims \itl this court WITHIN 3 MONTH: AFTER THE DATE OF THI FIRST PUBLICATION OF THI NOTICE ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILE[ WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOT\VTHSTANDING THI TIME PERIOD SET FORT ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILE TWO 121 YEARS OR MORI AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATI OF DEATH IS BARRED The date of first publicanon o this notice is May I 1. 2006 Ancillary Persona Representative S. Ausnn Peel Post Office Drawer I '0 Lake City. Flonda 3205 Anomey for Ancillary Personal Representatt\e. Darby. Peele. Bos\doin & Payne Florida Bar No. 0342378 285 Northeast Hemando A enue Post Office Dra\ er 1707 Lake City. Florida 32056 Telephone: (386) 752-4120 Pub: May 1I. 18, 2006b. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL: CIRCUIT IN AND FOR G -.ILCHRIST COUNTY, -. iFLORID.V -. PROBATE DIVISION File Number 21-2006-CP-0013 INRE: ESTATE OF RICHARD FORCE, Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of RICHXRD FORCE. deceased, i\hose date of death "\as Februr' 8, 2006, File Number 2 1-200-CP- (013. is pending in the Circui Cour for Gilchnst Count. Florida. Probaie Division. the address of which is Gilchnst Counr Courthouse. Post Office Bo\ 37. Trenton. FL 32693. The name and address ot the personal representative and the personal representatives' "attorney are set forth below. All .,creditors of the decedent and. other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice has been served must rile their claims with the court WITHIN THE LATER OF, 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF ,THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE TIME OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and 'persons .having claims ,or demands against the decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLIC AATTON OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED.. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO YEARS OR' MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the first publication of this notice is May 11, 2006. Personal Representative: RONALD FORCE Post Office Box 187 Silver Lake, NH 03875 Attorney for Personal Representative: R. LUTHER BEAUCHAMP Florida Bar No. 110207 LAW OFFICE OF R. LUTHER BEAUCHAMP Attorney for Personal Representative 12 NE Third Street Post Office Box 10 Chiefland, FL 32644 Telephone: 352/493-2525 Pub: May 11, 18, 2006b. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA 'Case No.: 21-2006-DR-0121 ALEJANDRO RIVAS Petitioner ANA ROSA ISABEL MERGAR Respondent NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE TO: ANAROSAISABEL MERGAR P.O. BOX 1041 BELL, FL 32619 9 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on ALEJANDRO RIVAS, - whose address is 240 S; HWY. 129, BELL, FL 32619 on or before SMay 24, 2006, and file the original with the clerk of this Court at 112 SOUTH MAIN ST., TRENTON, FL S32693, before service on Petitioner r or immediately thereafter. If you t fail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief s demanded in the petition. .y Copies of all court documents , in this case, including orders, s are available at the Clerk of the l Circuit Court's office. You may y. review these documents upon Y request. You must keep the Clerk of the t Circuit Court's office notified of, r your current address. (You may, e file Notice of Current Address, s Florida Family Law Form 12.915). r Future papers in this lawsuit will Sbe mailed to the address on record S at the clerk's office. T WARNING: Rule 12.285, E Florida Family Law Rules of E Procedure, requires certain F automatic disclosure ofdocuments and information. Failure to It comply can result in sanctions, s including dismissal or striking of s pleadings. h (SEAL) S CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT E COURT S BB : Jeannine Milito Deputy Clerk D Pub: Apnl 27, May 4, II. IS, E H IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF D THE 8TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. E IN AND FOR GILCHRIST E COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION )f DIVISION CASE NO.: 05-CA-0080 al NETBANK SUCCESSOR e IN INTEREST TO RBMG. e INC. 7 PLAINTIFF. 6 VS DWAYNE A. SLATE A.K.'A DWAYNE ALAN SLATE IF LIVING. AND IF DEAD. THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE. HEIRS. DEVISEES, GRANTEES. AS- SIGNEES. LIENORS, CREDI- TORS. TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY. THROUGH. UN- DER OR AGAINST DWAYNE A SLATE AK A DWAYNE ALAN SLATE: CHRISTINA L. SLATE A, K. A CHRISTINA LYNNE SLATE IF LIVING. AND [F DEAD. THE IN UNKNOWN SPOiSE'."HEIRS. DEVISEES. GLRANTEES. AS- SIGNEES. LIENORS. CREDI- TORS. TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN ,, INTEREST BY. THROUGH. UN- DER OR AGAINST CHRISTINA L SLATE A.K A CHRISTINA LYNNE SLATE: JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE AS UNKNOWN TEN- ANTS IN POSSESSION DEFENDANTS) NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Summary Final Judg- ment of Foreclosure dated April 25, 2006 entered in Civil Case N6. 05-CA-0080 of the Circuit Court of the 8TH Judicial-Circuit in and for GILCHRIST County, Trenton, Florida, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at SOUTH DOOR at the GILCHRIST County Courthouse located at 112 S: Main Street in Trenton, Florida, atl l:'00 a.m. on the 22 day of May, 2006 the following described property as set forth in said Summary Final Judg- ment, to-wit: . LOT 12, STRATFORD RUN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 20, PUBLIC RECORDS: OF GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA. TOGETHER WITH A 2000 DOUBLE 11DE MOBILE HOME VIN# PH2124GA6165A AND PH2124GA6165B Dated this 25th day of April, 2006. JOSEPH GILLIAM Clerk of the Circuit Court (SEAL) By: Lyndsay P. Ayers Deputy Clerk N ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILI- TIES ACT, persons %with disabilities needing a special accommodation should contact COURT ADMIN- ISTIRTION, at the GILCHRIST County Counhouse at 904-463- 2345. 800-955-8771 (TDDI or 800-955-8770. via Flonda Rela\ Service. .Pub. May 4,. 11.2006b. Gilchrist County Land Transactions Richard I. and Deborah D. Sheppard to Sha\tn NM. Taylor, quit claim deed. $10.000. Lot 12 and the west 45 feet of Lot 11. Block 9, Sun "N Fun Sub- division. Marilyn F. Surles, as trustee of the George K. Surles and Mar- ily F. Surles Revocable Trust to Karen and Keith Gilbert. war- rant) deed. $10. Lots 7 and 8 of Jimary Estates. John Keith Williams as per- sonal representative of Danny Lee Hendricks to Wallace R.. Cain. Robert S. Deese. and How\ell Lancaster. Jr. quit claim deed. $566. Cora Lee Bass to John and Brenda Waldron. warranty deed. $15.000. Lots 1, 2. & 3. Block 4, Suwannee River Springs, Unit 1. SJohn and Brenda Waldron'to Fort Fanning River. LLP.. war- ranty deed, $95.000. Lots 1. 2, & 3. Block 4. Suwannee Ri\er Springs. Unit 1. Delaire J. Payne and Yvonne M. Payne to Donald and Julie Hensley. warranty deed. $3.000. Lois J. QuinceN to Mac John- son. quit claim deed. $10. Marc Charles and Jeanine Charles to Pierre V. and Guerda Benjamin. quit claim deed. $10. Lot 28 of Santa Fe Corners. R A lr/A-1k_ Outstanding Agents. Outstanding Result The School Board of Gilchrist. County to Gilchrist County, warranty deed, $0. Property on C307; Gilchrist County to School Board of Gilchrist County, war- ranty deed, $0. 17.82 acres. Alton Langford to Alton and DapherieC. Langford, warranty deed, $10. Margaret L. Hineg to Fort Fanning, LLP, warranty deed, $70,000. Lot 5, Block 4, Su- wannee River Springs, Unit 1. Glen T. and Dalene Diamond to Patricia Yates and Paul W. Yates, warranty deed. $80,000. Victor D. Boehning, Jr. and Virginia. Behning to. Kyle Felty and Justin Davis, general warranty deed, $2,000. Lot 24, Block 6, Sun 'N Fun, Unit 3. Roger D. Laramore and Marie Y. Laramore to Lloyd T. and Jane-R. Dunnam, warranty deed. $37,500. Lot 12-B, Lancaster Estates. Donna K. Hershberger to Den-. nis M. Powers and Patricia Pow- ers, warranty deed, $77,500. Lot 27, High Springs Highlands . Ray Fitzgerald and Stanley Watson to Jason and Kelli Lane Lot 16 replay of lots in Lancaster Estates! Lawrence A. Diaz to.Low- Sell C. Garett, quit claim deed, $40.000. Martin G. Killinger and Susan Hinners to Gilbert M. Sellers, quit claim deed. $10. Lot 16, Block 11, of Suwannee Ri\er Springs. Unit 1. Gilbert M. Sellers to Patricia Wilson. warranty deed, $30.000. Lot 16. Block 11. Suwannee River Springs, Unit I. Kimberly Alice Bembry, n/k/a Kimberly Alice Hines to Derrick Leland Hines and KimberlA Al- ice Hines. quit claim deed, $10. Lot 6. Block 4, Spring Ridge. Unit 1. Jennette L. Cannon, n/k/a Jen- nette L. Sparkman to Jennette L. and James W. Sparkman. quit claim deed, $10. Lot 6, block 16 of Suwannee River Estates Subdivision. Wilton E. Jenkins, Phyllis Rene Jenkins. n/k/a Phyllis Rene Johnson to Wilton Eugene Jen- kins, Jr., quit claim deed. $10. Advertise in the (3i0hrist Country ^ 3ournal 25105 W. Newberr Road Newberry, FL S(352) 472-4472 Kim Stanley Cell (352) 745-6236 : Michelle Pickett Cell (352) 494-4774 3,2 singlewide on 1.25 acres located right inside Gilchrist County. Property is secluded yet conve- nient to Gainesville. Fireplace in living room. Split floor plan. Luxury tub in master bath. Laun- dry room. Yr 1997 1280 sq ft. IMLS # 261438/751500 $80,000. 1995 3,2 doublewide on I +,'- acre inside Gilchrist County'. 1560 sq ft. This home has an eat-in kitchen and an island in the middle. Enioy the oversized garden tub or snuggle next to the fireplace in the living room...much more! MLS 242532/750711 $119,900 1978 4/2 doublewide sits at the top of a beauti- ful hill on 10 acres. Just inside Gtlchrist County - this home needs a little cosmetic work but the property is fantastic! 1288 sq ft MLS 243039/750858 $185,000 3/2 doublewide (1998 yr) perfect for a new family. 1/2 acre lot. Must see to appreciate. 1568 sq ft MLS 241062/750295 $85,000 3/2 doublewide (1996 yr) wonderful home on 1.25 +/- acre lot. Owner Motivated!! 1836 sq ft. This home has a formal living room, family room w/ fireplace, eat in kitchen, and an island in the kitchen. Must see to appreciate! MLS 260851/751243 $120,000 S. I I , -M-F : Ail I STI-TTHRSDAY MAY 11, 2006 .TG ICHRIST C7OUINTY JOT URNAT. Page Seventeen SAutomobiles S1996 OLDS AURORA: $3,800, 4L V-8, auto, A/C, leather, loaded-pow- er everything, CD & cassette, trac- . tion control, anti-theft, 124K miles. , 352-472-6910 please leave message or 352-381-4540. ltb,5-11 For Sale MANY ITEMS FOR SALE: 5'x8' trailer with sides, asking $450. Pride scooter, asking $800. Nail gun & Compressor, asking $500. Radial . arm saw, asking $200. Drill press, S'asking $150. Chipper/Shredder, ask- ing $300. Transit with tripod, asking : $250. For more information please t: call (352) 601-3119. For Sale 3-WHEEL PRIDE ELECTRIC SCOOTER: $600. 386-935-2336. ltb,5-11 1989 BRENDELLA SKI/TOW BOAT: 351' Windsor V8 inboard, 800 hours, asking $6,000. Call 221- 0363. CAMPER FOR SALE: sure-Way ultimate com Impeccably maintained b owner. 66,000 miles, $24; 352-46i3-6527. BEDS: Queen thick, ortho low-top mattresses and box springs. ,New in plastic with warranty. Sac- rifice, $160. King available $225. (352) 372-8588. L. Frank Grant Realty L. Frank Grant LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER 216-A N. Main St., Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-2817 FAX (352) 463-2479 EQUALHOISINGI OPFOOTUAITY M9ILI. 818 SW5th Street Trenton ., , 4 BR/2 BA frame house, 3 acres, 2.156 sq. fr.. large trees-nice area, room to build another home or 2. MLS#748358. Price '$175,000. For additional information on our listings and virtual tours. Visit our website at www.lfrankgrant.com East Side of Gilchrist County 3 ac tract plus four (4) 5 ac tracts \v/planted pines on Co. Grade Rd. Priced at $90,000 each. MLS#750923-750927 Lil Lake City NW 60th Street 9.2 ac Planted Pines, MLS#749600 Reduced $125,000. 10 AC off Santa Fe on 95th PL 4" well-cross fenced-readN for horse or new home. ,MLS- 9"74 Reduced $145,000. L^, 9.92 AC NW 52nd CT .Clear pasture land-fencing MLS#749884 Only $140,000. FOR SALE DEEN L LANCASTER REALITY blifS~ ' CB 'I ( N L CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. A For Sale ] IPets & Suppii tfn,8-4 FLEA MARKET: Saturday, May 1996 Plea- 13th 8am-lpm St. Madeleine's pact RV. Church, High Springs. Church is lo- y original cated 2 miles east of downtown High ,500. Call .Springs on US 441. Lots of vendors. Plant sale & more. For more infor- tfnb,12-9 mation call (386) 454-2358.:- pedic,pil- l tb,5-11 Free Stuff FREE- T~io refrigerators and an 'electric dryer. The\ all work but need repair. One refrigerator needs a fan, the other needs a rubber strip. The dryer needs a new thermostat. Must haul them all away together. Call 463-2482. WHEEL TOWN 352-493-2835 Can tor o recton: 1o Mes Sruirt of Chleraro off 3.5 Speia ofth W e 01 Mimury r a2,3a Mar4,lO 4-ttr. cam, ge root i 5 N -mie-,clear.. $9,975 'h Caval r 4doo,. a,,lc CD Iloaded 0ji ,ie 131 F3a Wan, C*an. $9,975 '04 CUey q ai.iou olaissc cdor. 4-cyi. ina Ci) 20Y, m-es. Bar Fan Wan, $9,975 04 Crvvr ePT Cruiser. 4-aooor. tuir, I.xyd0 ciMY.. 38E TIs $10,975 04 Cneey Ventur Edr. 3rd Sor* Sea. riar ar CD. loadE a49 m-les $11,975 03 Ford Ranger. Eage. reico. vs 5-mpeea. CD clear. WOK rEl $9,975 3 Cacillac eoo DevAC. CD cnru.T ueILz carriage rior rutoowea. .46K mIre Boil F3,:t Warr $17,975 03 Ford Taumre 4-Door SE l1 intoAd. 40K mie, $7,975 0O2 Imuz Trooper L. oaDoor. bajrir Ioadea 60K mile- $11,975 01 ja war 4-. dac-ca sunreoo CE, 38Y. mile ioa.lae Fm Won ro lOi mmles $18,975 96 Coje igrarnd Cara*an sar 7 pa~zengc4 clea-i $4,575 55 Toori 4 R-rrnier 4 -D-or 14 v. V6. auO lor CD luil (Xhl ll l! 1 c: ~ jliaf. r It We $5,975 CREDit UNMOIVS WELCOME t% arr31fes At elenie www.wheeltown.com Real Estate Broker D. Deen Lancaster Lic. 510 E Wade Street Trenton, FL 32693 GORGEOUS HOME 2 . Acres 4BR/3BA, In- ground Vinyl Pool l*th spa fountains & Jacuzzi, outdoor kitchen, lanai, pole barn, & much morel! i $385,000 MLS# 750683 Sellers Motivated VAR An .5 ACRnE luiot I i iiIrnt, 3pj,Uuu MLS# 751394 10 ACRES in Trenton, $180,000 MLS# 751443 9.63 ACRES paved road, $154,500 MLS# 751481 23.72 ACRES in Trenton, $355,800 MLS# 751307 NEARING COMPLETION - 4BR/2.5BA home on 5 acres in Gated Community stainless steel appliances, paved drive. 2-car garage, Stray ceilings, Cherry r cabinets and more' $379,900 MLS# 750191 InAP MLS# 751073 78.80 ACRES in Trenton, $1,680,000 MLS# 751204 10 ACRES in Bell $128.500 MLS# 751023 0.23 ACRES in Old Town, $20,000 MLS# 751052 BEAUTIFUL BRICK homeon 10acres, 3BR/2BA, under a canopy of Oaks & Pecan trees, fireplace, Cherry cabinets, stainless steel appliances. $465,000 L MLS# 752194 2.44 Acres in Old Town, $42,000 MLS# 750299 .2.43 ACRES on Pond Fed Canal, $51,900 MLS# 752218 : 4.65 ACRES on CR 345, $85,000 MLS# 750972 4 1 Acre lots between Bronson & Archer, $25,000 each MLS# 752318, 752319, 752320 & 752322 1.25 ACRES between Bronson & Archer, $29,000'MLS# 752317 0.90 ACRES off of CR 345, $42,500 MLS# 751588 5.00 ACRES In Old Town, $70,000 MLS# 751624 3.16 ACRES on CR 345, $00,000 MLS# 750989 5 ACRES in Old Town, $65,000 MLS# 752156 5 ACRES in Bell, $69,900 MLS# 752045 8.95 ACRES in Bell, $109,900 MLS# 752046 1.25 ACRES in between Bronson & Newberry, $25,000 MLS# 750913 MARVELOUS BRICK home on 20 acres, 4BR/2BA w/3 car attached carport, fully stckd fish pond, in- ground vinyl pool, workshop, $499,9000 MLS# 749034 RIVERFRONT HOME -10 acres 4 or5BR/2 BA, ideal summer home, gorgeous views, stone walls, wood beams,'hot tub, $595,000 MLS# 749514 ~~1 10 1.38 ACRES in homes only S/D, $38,500 MLS# 751628 1.01 ACRE between Bronson & Archer, $29,000 MLS# 752077 3 ACRES in Old Town, $55,000 MLS# 752141 4 ACRES just outside Trenton, $115,000 MLS# 752292 0.88 ACRES on CR 345, $42,500 MLS# 751895 4.80 ACRES outside of Chiefland, $85,000 MLS# 751902 0.46 ACRE (2 lots) C-2 or residential, $39,999 MLS# 751922 0.46 ACRE (2 lots) C-2 or residential, $39,999 MLS# 751934 ACRES Homes Onl ,. lu 1 q I illlr e VU lly, $38,500 MLS# 751628 20 ACRES outside Trenton, $275,000 MLS# 751800 2.44 ACRES in Old Town, $42,000 MLS# 750300 2.49 ACRES in Old Town, $42,500 MLS# 750799 3.02 ACRES in Old Town, $55,900 MLS# 750830 .. FREE PUPPIES: Border Collie/ Cattle Dog. Raised with kids, very playful, available now. Need good homes. (352) 472-0084or278-0044. Leave message will return call. 2 FEMALE BOXERS: 10 weeks old, red w/black mask, health cer- tificates. $250, parents on site. Call Savannah 352-284-7662 Itp,5-11 ANEW PETGROOMIN( in Chiefland. The Paradise ace. (352) 493-0606. | Motor Hom 2001, Winnebago Brave Mo- Storhome. 34K miles. I slide out. satellite hook-up, tow car wired. $60.000 386-935-2336 ltb.5-11 Wanted To Buy WANTED-TRACTORS: Old. rusty. broken. ugl). dead. alihe. abandoned. Call Sonn\ 352-472- 17 o1 ,or 1.352-256-7275. krn Ireino thanks. RETIRED REMO CONTRACTOR: Wanu homes or mobile homes needing repair, 493-7841. Services MOBILE HOME SET-U as Mobile Home Set-u downs and transport Lice Bonded. 1352) 486-1662 558-4375. 41b.5-11-6-1 GMNHC, LLC HOME SERVIC- ES: We repair. remodel, restore and more. No job too small 352-472- 7297 Free Estimates. 6tp.5- I-6-15 SUIMMER.. CHILD CARE: for children ages 5-12. S%%imming. crafts, field trips, meals and more. Limited space available call 463- 0039. 2tb. 5/4-5/11 A BIG STUMP! A LITTLE STUMP!: We grind them all. Langs- tonTree Ser ce, Inc -190-4456 tfnb,2-22 TIM1 POIWELL ELECTRIC: NeWi Installationsand repairs. licensed and insured State Reg. #EC13002453. Call (352) 463-2155 Property Ialues One of the most frequent questions I get asked is, "How much is property worth in Gilchrist County". I would like to tell you that the answer to, that -question is simple. It is not simple, and sometimes almost impossible to' answer. Property values have a multitude of variables. One factor that affects property value is location. Being on a- paved road for instance adds significant value. Another factor is what is on the land itself. A piece of land that is mostly established pasture with some picturesque granddaddy oaks is more valuable than a similar parcel that is planted in pine. - The size of the land is a variable that is very important. In most cases, smaller parcels bring a higher per acre price than larger ones. Based on recent sales, the average of 10 acre parcels range from $11,000 to $15,000.00 per acre. On the other hand, 5 acre parcels are averaging a slightly higher $12,000 to $16,000 per acre. - If you are interested in finding out the value of your property, call me today to schedule your no obligation Market Analysis. Services DIXIE MONUMENT: Old Town - Since 1992. Visit our display on Hwy. 19 at C&C Growers, 9 am 5 pIm, Mon. Sat. or call.toll, free 1- 877-542-3432 for appointment to .visit our shop & main office at 1471 NE 512 Avenue. 100's of stones in stock; computer specialist to assist you in creating a lasting tribute to the life of yourloved one. rfnb.5-20 SHOP ELMORE'S SIMULATED Pet Pal- BRICK & STONE, INC.: Stone. stucco, permanent mobile home tfnb.3-9 skirting. Free Estimates. 6789 SE -70th Avenue, Trenton. 472-5542, 214-3702. Fax 352-472-0124. Ies -, 7 tffnb-9-15 BOB OSBORNE TREE SER- VICE, INC.: 70 ft. bucket truck. hydraulic loader truck, slump gnnd- er Free Estimates. Insured. 352- 463-9100. tfnb.5-26 PRESSURE WASHING, AND PAINTING: Reasonable prices, de- pendable, insured and professional. Shamrock Ser ices, 352-463-1212, day or e\ ening and % weekends. rfnb.1 1-1 - L"'". IRON FREE'S own high purilt fnb. 1-6 MANDOX wide-spectrum-tnple action filtration system ,removes DELING iron. tannn, sulfur. manganese. ng to bu. turbidity, bad taste, bad odor. Kills with land bacteria. No more stained fixtures. dingy clothes. Low cost, lo% main- tfnb, 1-16 tenance. guaranteed. Call today for FREE WATER TEST No obliga- t ion. $795 to $1.995. IRON-FREE Well Water Company. Inc.. Roy SJones. Opr lgr. 352-542-9817 or P: Thom- WILSON HOME CENTER 352- ps. tear- 463-2068. 1-800-4-13-1128 ANY-. 2nsed and TIME. -1, t or (352) ifnb.4-28 BUILDING CONTRACTOR: CBC017140 Custom homes built on \our lot. Precision Development. PO Box 249. 26761 SE'EH\. 19. Old Tor n, 352-542-8416. Services LAWN SERVICE: Lawn mowing, edging, blowing just a call away with Pridgeon Lawn Service, 352- 494-8021. 3tb,4-27-5-11 JIM'S PRESSURE WASHING: Over twenty years ,experience. Homes, mobiles, walks, etc. Resi- dential/ Commercial. State ap- proved! 352-498-3023. S4tp.4--27-5-18 MOWER & CHAINSAW PARTS SStihl.Husq\arna. Ayp, Murray, S Sears, MTD, Briggs, Kohler, Robin, and Honda. Blades for most mowers: Beauchamp Saw Shop 493-4904 Stfi,1-03 TREES. TREES, TREES: Langs- ton Tree Service, Inc. 490--456. tfnb,2-22 Help Wanted SEASONAL HELP: to travel out- of-state, June Noemeber Need 2 people, must have clean dn ing re- cord and no drugs Salar. Senous inquines only. 386-935-5381. tb.5-1I1 Plumbers and plumber helpers. References and dependable trans- portation required. Good benefits. steady work, 352-472-3677, Mon to Fri. 8-4. 3 2 1D\Wt niearManatee Springs State Park Metal Roof over & Attached Carport $47,500 MLS #752408 50 FT. HWY 129 FRONTAGE HIGH TRAFFIC FLOW 1675 -sq ft Building Space $275,000 h MLS#752315 'BaSjSES a&...^SHiiPr.^ ^ AFFORDABLE SITE-BUILT HOMEE NORTH GILCHRIST COUNTY 3/2'Home on 5 Acres . $172,000 MLS#751663 CONCRETE BLOCK HOME MANY RENOVATIONS 3/1 Home On city Lot $135,000 MLS#752136 .27 Acres, Well & Septic .50 Acres, Well, Septic, PP .50 Acres, Bronson 1 Acre, Bell 1 Acre, Bell, Owner Financing 1 Acre, Chiefland, Homes Only 1.14 W/S/P 1.6 Acres W/S/P 1.6 Acres Well & Septic 2.5 Acres, Bell, REDUCED IHelp Wanted EZ GAME TRADER seeking indi- vidual to buy/sell collections of vid- eo games in your area. Call James for more info. 352-542-7753. ltp. 5-11 DETENTION OFFICER ACADEMY EARN $12.75 to $14.54/hr WHILE YOU LEARN ,* All academy tuition & supplies provided *Graduate in 3 1/2 months and move up to $31,143/yr * Must be a U.S. Citizen * Must be 19 years of age * High School Diploma/ . GED , * Valid Florida Driver License Deadline to apply 05/19106 Call or stop by: Alachua County ; Sheriff's Office 2621 SE Hawthorne Rd. Gainesville, FL 32641 (352) 367-4040 www.alachuasheriff.org ' jIer laljndd Otq age Coiporatioi * Residennal Mortgages Offering:. Fixed Rates availablee * New Constructon Manufactured Homes * Purchase, Refinance & Cash Out Investment Property * Con'ennonal. 1-4 Single Family Homes * First Second. and Home Equity Lines of Credit Bill Deen and Brenda Wilkerson Licensed Alortgage Brokears 463-1313 fax 463-1318 e-mail: ri erlandmtgpi'bellsouth.net Visit our w\ebsite: w-\w.riverlandmtg.web-loans.com 'Rii:r-land aM'oritagc CCoiporation 723 E. Wade Street, Trenton, FL 32693 r Come See Us! a U' :21'x12'BARN ,25'x25' ATTACHED CARPORT 3/2 DWMH ,on 2 Acres $124.9t1I MLS#752374 '1'3 ii ~" COUNTRY APPEAL EAST GILCHRIST COUNTY 3/2 Home on 5 Acres $289,900 MLS#751716 LARGE HOME WITH ADDITION NORTH OF BELL 4/3 M/H w/addition on 20 Acres $305,000 MLS #749677 CLOSE TO SANTA FE RIVER HANDY MAN SPECIAL 3/1 Home on 2.43 Acres $149,900 MLS#751439 '-4 LOTS & ACREAGE $37,900 $29,900 * $24,900 $25,000 $30,000 $78,500 $45,000 $59,900 $59,900 $39,900 2.67 Acres, Scattered oaks -Reduced- $39,900 2.99 Acres, Scattered oaks -Reduced- $39,900 4.4 Acres, Riverfront, Buildable $799,000 5 Acres, Well & Septic, Reduced $59,900 5 Acres, Well & Septic $82,000 5 Acres, Homes Only, 4 Avail. $88,500 5 Acres, SWNMH, planted pines $99,000 EOEAL 1041044 OPPORIITIJNT'Y 5 Acres, East Gilchrist, 3 Avail. 5 Acres, Paved Road 5 Acres, 1/1 Frame Cottage 6 Acres, Well, Septic, Pines 6 Acres, Cleared & Fenced 7.94 Paved Road 10 Acres, W/S/P REDUCED 10 Acres, Deed Rest. 12 Acres, Scattered Oaks .15 Acres, Perfect for motorcross 17+ Acres, Bell 17.8 Acres, Paved Road Frontage 20 Acres, Pines, Close to River 30 Acres near Manatee Springs 40 Acres, W/S/P, Pole Barn 37.8 Acres, US Hwy 129 near Bell $100,000 .$124,900 $124,900 $93,500 $85,000 $115,000 $124,900 $149,000 $185,000 $200,000 $225,000 $267,000 $330,000 $399.000 $399,000 $567,000 ) S;lfgr@bellsouth.net We List To Sell! Hometown Realty of North Fli.nc. Natalie Rankin Licensed Real Estate Broker 1310 North Main Street Bell, Floiida 32619 Office: (352) 463-9001 Toll Free: (888) 463-9001 Fax: (352) 463-9008 e-mail: HometownRealtyNFi@'bellsouth.net www.HometownRealtyNF.com J LAXJ.A'% J -AAj ITAJ-X j WW X X I a' I . .. .. ... .. .. . ... [I l T U I I r I- mrr : I r n10 ACREf N IS Bell 5137 500 'A ArBC Int :n Trsanfnn I O rCiTR TT CmN INTY TOT TRNAT THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2006 SHelp Wanted I Help Wanted If you are interested in saying up to 25% or more on your gas ordiesel and/or becoming a dis- tributor for the product that does it, go to www.harrysgoodstuff. mybpbiz.comi ltb,5-ll FULL-TIME IMMEDIATE POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Dump Truck Foreman/Driver, class a CDL, min. 3 years exp.; Heavy Equipment Operator,' min. 3 years exp. Health Insur- ance Available. Call 352-472- 4550 Coleman Construction, Inc. EOE/DFWP 4tb,5-11.-6-1 FT-PT EXPERIENCED main- tenance man needed immediately. Also a FT-PT experienced cook needed immediately. Apply within at the Lighthouse Restaurant. VACANCIES GILCHRIST COUNTY SCHOOLS Instructor, ESE Trenton Middle/High School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Florida ESE certifi- cation required Instructor, Reading Bell Middle/High School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Florida Reading certification required . Media Specialist Bell Middle/High School Bachelors Degree or higher from an accredited institution and Flonda certification as Educational Media Specialist required Property with potential! Commercially zoned 4800 sq ft building located just I block offSRI29 in Bell. Great retail location in growing community. Call for details.:MLS 7#752269 $149,000. Commercial Property with 1675sq. ft. building located in the heart of Bell on Main Street. Location offers 50' of high visibility road frontage. Customer base established b) adjacent retail, businesses provides high traffic flow. MLS #7523:15. $275,000.. Ov -er;2500sq. ft. of commercial poten- tial Building offers separate office and apartment space for possible leasing income. Large. display w windows increases retail exposure. Call for more details. MLS #752400 $425.000. Homretoiwn Realty of Nort&l a ,I' 131.0 IrN Mlr, Siree Bell. Florida 32619 : w'.HomelownRealr'IF Nom : Cell: (352) 215-1132 Office: (352) 463-9001 _., Toll Free: (888) 463-9001 Fax: (352) 463-9008 Email: dlspowers@aol.com ".,,' Debra Powers Realtor RESIDENTIAL EMERALD FARMS,'nice. lot with CBS house partially complete: You get to finish your way, House has slab & concrete block walls in place. New well, po0 er pole & the impact feesare paid. Call William Gillespie, 35-25-1921. $110;000. #261866 5 PARTIALLY WOODED ACRES just inside Gilchrist Co. just off the, pavement with 3BR, 2BA manufactured home. Relocate your family to the country. Property is fenced & ready. for your dogs & horses. Call William Gillespie, 352-225-1921. $139,900. #264606 BRING YOUR HORSES! 5 acres between High Springs & Newberry w/low taxes of Gilchrist Co. 3BR, 2BA, open Liv. area w/fireplace. Kit. has newer appliances & double oven. Outbuildings w/power & covered area for kennel. Beautiful pasture cross-fenced. Call Sean Maroney, 352-665-0144. $329;900. #260302 EXCLUSIVE RIVERFRONT COMMUNITY. This 3BR, 3BA home is fully furnished & has access to private docks & boat ramp on the Suwannee River. Only 8 homes in Phase I, so buy today! Call Tony Boothby, 352-262-1159. S3351,010. #264131 BRING YOUR HORSES, bring your friends horses, board & train horses; this place is perfect! Features include 27 acres, 24 stall barn, hot walker, round pen & a cute- 1500 Sq. Ft. house. Call William Gillespie, 225-1921. $549,900. #263111, YOUR RURAL RETREAT! 40 rolling acres, this delightful 4BR, 2BA sun-splashed country home offers rocking chair porch, cozy fireplace, big red barn & even your own private fishing hole. Call Lorraine Handler, 352-215-8922 or Debbie Zeller, 352-538-2857. $699,000. #263604 VACANT LAND HEAVILY WOODED 5 ACRES only one mile south of the Santa Fe River. Will allow mobile homes, minimum of 900 Sq. Ft. Call Martha Barnes, 386-454-3327.or 352-339-4069. $84,900. #261732 BEAUTIFUL 5 ACRE HOMESITE in homes only gated community. Located in Northern Gilchrist County, just a few miles away from the historic Suwannee River & the Santa Fe River. Come & relax in the country while keeping the city within reach. Call William Gillespie, 352-225-1921. $129,900. #260804 ROLLING 10 ACRES of lush pasture just waiting for you & your horses to relax in the country. Perfect to build or bring in a Manuf. home. Call William Gillespie, 352-225-1921. $135,000. #242576 YOUR OWN PONDEROSA! Lovely 10 acre parcel just outside High Springs. Cleared with some trees. Bring the horses & build your dream home or move. in your manufactured home. Call Debbie Zeller, 352-538-2857. $139,900. #264203 I CLASS IFIEDS' CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. A Help Wanted I -Help Wanted Speech/Language Pathologist S (K-12). District-wide Bachelor's Degree in Speech/ Language Pathology/Communica- lion Disorders from an accredited educational institution Florida certification in Speech/Language Pathology and/or licensure in Speech/Language Pathology. School Psychologist .District-wide Master's Degree from an accredited institution. Certification coienng School Psychology. Director of Management Information Services Masters degree and three years of e\penence in management of data information sen ices, educational leadership, or related field An equiu alent combination of educa- ion and expenence may be con- sidered. Fiee \ears of super\isorn experience preferred. Highly Qualified Substitute Teacher Pool We are accepting applications for our Highl) Qualified S.ubsti- tute Teacher Pool. Qualifications" Bachelor's Degree or higher viith a current or former teaching certificate in a Score subject area. Once appro% ed, highly qualified substitutes should be eligible for substituting at $I30 a da\ in pre-appro\ed situations w here there is a long-term.absence in a core subject area All other daily substituung \would be at current dails rates Contact the District Office for an applicauon and more information. Substitute Teachers S High School Diploma or SEquivalent. Contact the Distric Office for an application Sand more information. Bus Driver Trainees; Substitute Bus Drivers. High School Diploma 40 hours of in-service training will be provided for qualified ap plicants Flexible training hours. Part of the training prepares trainees for the dn'er portion of the Class B Florida CDL. For information or questions. contact the Transporta- Stion Depanment at '352"l 463-3230 Obtain and submit application to: Gilchnst Counti School District,; 310 NW IlthA\enue. Trenton. FL 32693 1352i463-320(K. Application ma\ be do% loaded at. \\w gilchristichools.drg/Person- nel htm#Application Attach a resume and anm additional information as necessary. All applications will be screened. Not all applicants % ill be intend rle\ ed. Applications %ill be accepted until positions are filled. S'EEOiDrug Free Workplace .: \ wu.GilchnstSchools.org d'nb.5-4 Delight yourself in the Lord and he will gile you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4 Trenton I & I Apartments ForRent 718 NtE 7th Place #905 S::: Trenton, FL 32693 Now Accepting Applications 1, 2, & 3 BR HC & Non-HC apartinents. Rental assistance may be available. 352-463-7106, TDD/TTY 711 ,Equal Housing Opportunity. . Jim King Realty, Inc. Realtor m...... Main Office -'(352) 493-2221 A S- 315 N. Main Street (US-19I Criefland. FL 32626 Fanning Springs Brancr Office 352, 463-6144 or 542-0009 ,17871 U S Hwy 19, Fanring Springs. FL 32693 SSyiwannee.Branch Oflice- (352) 542-9007 23382 SE 349 Hwy., Suwannee, FL 32692 oh. ce@-irmklingrealtycom or www jimilngrealrycom 'REALTOR* Investment Potential! One acre high'& dry. North of Bell, Florida. Country Living! Adjoining lot also available. $25,000.(GA-750915) 352-493-2221. This is what Small Town Country Living is all Ajbul' Thi, kely 3. hofie sits on acres in a .dd r%-ritkd subdikiion just outside, of TIrriion The creincd ppool is solar heated and there is plenty of room forpool parties. The 1600 sq ft barn/shop out back is any man's dream, with a full bath, room for a 36' motor home and plenty of tools & equipment. This is just a portion of what this property has to offer. This home has been maintained in immaculate condition. Don't miss seeing this beautiful home. $439,500. (GR- 750789) 352-493-2221 VERY WELL-MAINTAINED MOBILE- HOME on 5+/- Wooded Acres. This property has a lotto offer. Open floor plan & large 12 X 30 multiple purpose room. Large RV carport .w/concrete floor, two sheds and more. Convenient to Chiefland. $155,000. (LMH- 750459-K) 352-493-2221 < *. Very well maintained DW mobile home on 2.25 beautiful landscaped acres. This home features a 2 car attached carport, large screened in porch, fireplace, eat in kitchen, a generator for when the power goes out, storage shed, and workshop. Close to shopping, schools, the Suwannee River and public boat ramps, and approximately 28 miles to the Gulf of Mexico .Put this one on your list to see. *** SHOWN BY APPOINT- MENT ONLY! *** $115,000. (DMH- 752012-JW) 352-463-6144 or 542-0009 Call Us For More Listings! UNIQUE SUWANNEE HOME! Keep cool on your rain forest deck overlooking a deep, wide freshwater canal located just 5 min. by boat to the Suwannee River and 5 more min. to the Gulf of Mexico! This 3/2 DWMH has a sundeck on top,a jacuzzi built into the deck, a covered deck w/ bar, kegerator, built in aquarium and rainforest irrigation around the roof of the deck to keep it cool! The front yard has a fire'pit, 2 stall boat house w/ lifts and a fish cleaning area. This is a great home for entertaining, a must see! $325,000. (DW-751218-JH) 352-542-9007 garden tub & separate shower in the master bath, ceiling fans through out, a 10' X10' storage room, a 10' X 33' enclosed porch with removable plexi-glass windows A wood burning stove, and a 10' X18 storage shed..This home is located on a paved road, close to Suwannee River, Chiefland Country Club Golf Course, Manatee Springs State Park, shopping, schools, and only .a few minutes to the Gulf of Mexico. ** SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! *** $167,900. (LMH-751727-JW) 352-469-6144 or 542-0009 Nice 14 X 70,2/2SWMHon 11/2 lots. This MH has an addition that could be used as a third bedroom, has two concrete parking.pads, is on a paved street'and is in great location close to all the amenities. Only two blocks to Nature Coast Greenway Trail, just minutes to Walmart, only minutes to the Suwannee River and Fanning Springs State Park, and approximately 30 minutes to Gulf of Mexico.*** SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! $39,900. *** (LMH- 751160-JW) 352-463-6144 or 542-0009 TYPESETTER NEEDED, job Smay include some proofreading. Knowledge of Adobe Indesign Helpful. Will train the right person. part-time or full-time position. Ap- ply in person at the Gilchnst County. Journal. located at 207 North Main Street, Trenton : 3t,5-11-5-25 REAL ESTATE SECRETARY- ASSISTANT wanted in busy office that can offer their multi-task efforts and enthusiasm to work within a team Must haie real estate office experience. Send resume to. PC) Bo\ 545. Chiefland. Flonda 32644. Homes Only! Help Wanted SALES PERSON NEEDED: To meet expanding area growth and sales load. Relaxed working con- ditions with benefits. High income. potential for career minded persons. We are a drug free work place and a' EOE employer. Apply in person at Scoggins Chevy Buick, Inc. Chief- land. Flonda 32626. 4tb.4-27-5-18 For Rent HOUSE ON SUWANNEE RIV- ER: Clear spring in back yard, fenced, 3 BR/2.5 BA, furnished kitchen, screened porch, central H/ A, W/D hook-ups, approx. 5 miles from Bell, .10 miles from Branford. $800/month. 352-376-0080. 2tb,5-11-5-18 Don Thomas Lorene Thomas Realty, Inc. Sales Associate Highway 19/98, P.O. Box 1653 : Old Town, Florida 32680 Business (352) 542-8568 Fax (352) 542-8566 Cell (352) 221-5422 e-mail: RealtyThomas@aol.com Each office is Independently Owned and Operated W Paved Streets! 5 Acres and Up mCall 1-800-643-6971 info@phillipsrealtyland.com .'... LS See more of our listings @ www.phillipsrealtyland.com : TROKE REALTY INC. ::. r SEEOUR, LISTINGS (352) 463707 5-- JEAN C TROKEi LEicensedrReahEstateE Broker ... ,ONiTIEI EB: (352) 463-7302 "% ..... .. (321 4 7302 FX E-mail: trokerealty@aol.com iw trkerealtr ine com S730 E. Wade Street (SR-26) Trenton, Florida 32693 -- QLiALITY-BUILT HOMES CURRENTLYFOR SALE - BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL-STILE HOME & ROLLING ACREAGE IN.EAST GILCHRIST: 3 BR'2.5 BA: Perfect propern) for horse loiers..Top-end 2-story brick.built home I 12.00 inside iql. oe-r 4.3iqO sqfit under roof, along Aiih 195 rolling pasture acres,. iul.l-enced for horses. Including paddlk btrm &. Ighied eqduerian field Home'ha, large detached 2.-ide garage. large bac. F tpatro lh in-ground pcdol. spacious li ing & dining rooms ind m.xlern kitchen, bnic fireplace. large master suure & more- call Jean for full property details...$675,000. EXCELLENT RANCH HOME ON 5 SECLUDED ACRES: 3 BR/2.5 BA: Frame.CB.bu-bll me. hia! cer i3.100 .0q ft unrderroof, on back 5-acic Iract Imoil" pairrure w'lirge oak pire b', home-.iie' in berieen Trenlo.n & Bell Larrnj nied d i amongst ihe rreet. and rmorii...$299,900. FRAME HOME. NICE ACREAGE NEAR FANNING SPRINGS: I BR/I BA: Compact home inor \el com.pleledi. cuirrerlih 1 BR, Ibill Fi -.ble oom or I 2 more I O.n 4-jac.e rrictr '.rh pjed frorunige. lIrge oak. t.) home. sle 'ilh proper~ fencing Home his great poienial. for I'lftr-lme bu\er or rin-uelor -:llI or nmail Bartas3 for deails...s129.900. CB-BL'ILT HOME IN TRENTON: SHIP PROGRAM ELIGIBLE: 3BR/1.5BA: Solidl -constructed home on 100x100 tract in NW Trenton. compact iei riconim. luit0 inside -,fi anln full .liing & dining room. good poNsibility for. first-time home-buyer (with 'SHIP' rinancingi..call or email our o1l'l.ic fir m.-'re irdormiliicn...$100,000. -- SiWANNEE RIVERFRONT HOMES/PROPERTY AVAILABLE -- RIVER-AREA HOMES & ACREAGE, NEAR TO OLD TOWN IN DIXIE: 6 BR/55 BA Tao CB.buill home;, along with eleven 1'2-acre Iracit lall landscaped. large ireecs located a, prsale r;%er STD nght b, Nature Coast 'Rails-Trails' river bridge/traiJ. 1,900 sq. ft. home has 90' along the river, with deck & floanirg dock, rier.-ide eleiated porch, 2-car garage & more. 2nd home is over 2,700 sq. ft inside, 16x36 covered outer deck (w'hoil ub'#. 200- 2- orkliiopiponrer, bldg., bonus rooms &,1/2 bah' (possible 'in-law' suite), fully landscaped on one acre--call Jean or Jim ior full deL.il, on rhi speciall property, with great waterfront & new home-site opportunity for bu. er/invesioi...$925,00 forall ior$399,900--riverhome/l355,000--second home I GORGEOUS ,OODED ACREAGE, LARGE HOME & RIVERFRONT NEAR BELL: 3 BR/3 BA: Private 10.73-acre tract, nalurall) wooded tah appFroi 29 frcinl ge along the Suwannee in NW Gilchrist. Has incredible, spacious framle/CB-stilt "dog-trot" home, 3 levels which include ground iloor entertainment screened porch, 3-vehicle parking; main 2nd level with over 2,000 sq: ft. of screened porches (great river & nature vie, i.. full greatroonrdining/kitchen (w/bonus loft space), master suite (wood/tile flooring, walk-in closet). Also has a workshop/cottage, irrigation system, river deck & floating dock...too much more to mention here--call or e-mail our office for further details...$675,000. NICE RIVERFRONT HOME, 'QUALITY NEIGHBORHOOD: 4 BR/3 BA: Over 2,000 inside sq. ft.of comfort, for this frame-built 2-story home, with 75' river frontage at the Little Lake City community north of Bell. Property has waterfront deck & dock, screened river view porch, attached garage & detached carport, other outbuildings, landscaping & privacy fencing. Photos & more details available at out office website;..$375,000. CANAL FRONTAGE NEAR SUN SPRINGS, WITH MANUFACTURED: 3 BR/2 BA: Solid 24x48 'Fleetwood' home, located in nice neighborhood near the Suwannee (with 60' frontage along canal connecting to river by Sun Spring); M/Home has had some inside cleanup/fixup...Owner is motivated, says to present offers...$89,000. -- MANUFACTURED HOMES Ol{ THE MARKET -- REDUCED (From $179,900)--SPACIOUS, LIKE NEW MODULAR HOME NEAR TRENTON: 3 BR/2 BA: 2005 30x60 manufactured home-site (with concrete pit-bed & steel anchoring), kept in showcase condition, on landscaped pasture 2-acre tract just south of Trenton. Beautiful inside, with large family & living rooms, over-sized kitchen w/stainless-steel appliances, personal office alcove and more...$168,500. PRIVATE, SECLUDED ACREAGE & HOME-SITE WEST OF BELL: 3 BR/2 BA: Immaculate 27x66 manufactured, located on fenced, wooded 20 acres. Large greatroom, 21x10 all-season's enclosed porch, galley-style kitchen. Outer features include 4-wide attached carport, pool & hot tub (w/pool house), gazebos, greenhouse & more. Call or email to Barbara for information...$319,000. UPDATED MANU. HOME & MORE, NEARBY FANNING SPRINGS: 3 BR/2 BA: Nicely cared-for 24x44 manufactured home-site, on landscaped .41/acre tract with paved frontage by SR-26 (& near US-19) in West Gilchrist. Has a number of outbuildings, including 30x40 workshop & more, lots of trees/fauna & property fencing--call Barbara for details...$114,900. SPACIOUS, LIKE-NEW MANUFACTURED & ONE ACRE: 3 BR/2 BA: Well-kept 28x64 2002 M/Home (refurbished by Owner), on 1.04-acre tract with outbuildings, located along end of paved cul-de-sac, close to US-19 and all nearby amenities in Fanning Springs--call or email for full details...$108,900. / WELL-KEPT M/HOME ON LANDSCAPED ACRE IN NO. GILCHRIST: 3BR/2BA: 1996 24X44 Manufactured, in quality condition, on 1.15-acre tract (nice mix of trees/open space), with board fencing in front. Lochted north of Bell, with quick access to US 129 & CR 340...Owner says to present offers...$92,000. QUALITY "HOMES OF MERIT" HOME-SITE NEAR FANNING SPRINGS: 3 BR/2 BA: Neat, well-kept 27x63 1998 Manu. home, has large, spacious rooms (including fireplace for,family room), lots of cabinet/counter space for open kitchen, fenced back yard on 100x300 tract, with paved frontage along CR-346A (Joppa Road)...$85,000. NEAT & CLEAN M/HOME & .92/ACRE IN TOWN: 3 BR/2 BA: Well-kept & renovated 27x54 Manufactured, with full living, dining & bonus rooms, double-oven range & appliances for kitchen, front & back attached porches, and private, wood-fenced 243x165 back yard...$64,000. AFFORDABLE M/HOME IN TOWN: 2 BR/1 BA: Refurbished & compact 14x44 home-site (w/attached front porch/deck); metal & frame outbuildings, on landscaped Trenton lot w/large oak for shade...$28,000. -- LOTS & ACREAGE PROPERTIES ON MARKET -- 44 ACRES, MIX OF WOODS/OPEN SPACE, IN EAST GILCHRIST: Over 40 acres, ready for family or gentleman's farm/home-site east of Trenton; has paved frontage along CR-337, and an older home-site on property (improvements being sold in 'as is' condition)--call or e-mail our office for full details...$499,900. 20 ACRES-PASTURE PROPERTY IN WEST GILCHRIST: Twenty rolling acres, with large oaks/pines along boundaries, ready for Ag use or large home-site. Located close to CR-232 & CR-344 near Hart Springs...$265,000. THREE SEPARATE 20-ACRE TRACTS NEAR BELL: 3 individual 20-acre properties, side-by-side location in North Gilchrist, mostly wooded raw acreage ready to be improved--call or email Barbara for details...$260,000 each. 10 ACRES--WOODED, SECLUDED TRACT OFF US-129: Private locale for this ten acres north of Bell--has nice mix of open space & woods, few neighbors; call Barbara for property details...$129,900. S5 ACRES &.IMPROVEMENTS, EAST GILCHRIST: Quiet, country acreage, with well, septic & power pole (Owner selling 'as is'). Close to CR-232, for easy access to Gainesville/Alachua...$89,900. 4+ ACRES--WOODED TRACT NEAR BRONSON/ARCHJER: Quiet, rural location for this 4.2-acre comer tract, located in-between Bronson & Archer near SR-24; great location for secluded built or manufactured home-site...$84,900. 4+ ACRES--PASTURE ACREAGE CLOSE TO FANNING SPRINGS: Located amongst nice mix of well-kept built & manu. home-sites, mostly pasture 4.2-acre tract ready for new home-site, within short drive to Fanning Springs and Trenton...$73,000. AFFORDABLE & BUILDABLE TRACT, NEAR TO FANNING SPRINGS: Wooded 100x100 property, near to SR-26, Rails-to-Trails and more at west end of county, ready, for built or manufactured home-sites...$9,900. You can call our agents after regular business hours, for more information on any of our listings, at the main office number above, or at our agents' cell numbers below: ' Jim or Jean Troke (386)935-3357 I "Profession Paul Troke (352) 221-2999 Barbara Mayo (352) 222-0427 nal Service With A Personal Touch" EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTNUNM I O pruitie! and Associates I -f 1 L 4 5 I - ^B *srF-s --.. 7 15 14 13 12 11 8 Now Selling!! \ High Springs Hills Fage higneenJILI%,JL ixu.3 Ul11 L A %- uv -ML II LI Mq II I I I r- ~I _ ___mom I I I I I .'' I mm I 'II *D qc rtoml-ll I TTTTRTnAYV MAY 1.1 2006 GTT .CHRTST COTINTY JOURNAL Page Nineteen Real Estate LIKE NEW! 2000 Homes of Merit on 1.25 acres. Between Newberry & Bronson. 3 BR/2 BA, oak cabinetry, new floor covering. Fireplace, deep- soaking tub. New appliances, new well & septic. A steal at $110,000. (352) 472-4977. 4tb,5-11-6-1 FOR SALE Retail storefront prop- erty in downtown Trenton. Three buildings on Main Street. Call 352- 463-7135. tfn,6-30 Buy or sell or both. Call TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY 352-463*8340 P. O. Box 8, Bell, Florida 32619 tcrealty@bellsouth.net www.TownandCountryRealty Online.comrn Dixie-Gilchrist-Levy Board of Realtors and Multiple Listing Service. tfnb,2-20 ) Gilchrist 1 Se County : Journal 4 FAX > 463-7393 4 Vinyl Letters Banners Real Estate Signs UlooM1G ctSiyri Printing Advertising Office Supplies 01551809 FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY COVERALL CLEANING CONCEPTS Own a COVERALL Franchise for as little as $1,500 Down Guaranteed Customers Complete Training & Support Equipment & Supplies Guaranteed Financing Our secret can be your success! OPPORTUNITIES IN NORTH CENTRAL FLORIDA (8001 -19-2532 SHighway441 Nonh P. O. Box 520, Alachua (386) 462-4020 (352) 373-5511 Honzonrealr,-realiors.com Very nice fenced and cleared I acre lot, just minutes north O Bell. Well, septic and power ready for \our mobile, manufac- tured or site built home. 529,000 MLS#242574 Complete privacy on 5.5 wooded acres. One of a kind 3BR 2BA very bright and open floor plan. All ceramic tile floors, fireplace and large master suite. In-ground heated pool with screen enclosure and open patio. Jonesville area. S289.000 MLSt262436 -Beautifully wooded 1+ acre lot just north of Bell. Perfect for site-built, mantifacrured or mobile homes. Just reduced $29.900 MLS #242561 .92 acres of Santa Fe riverfront, absolute one of a kind property, less than 1 mile to High Springs and walk to O'Leno State Park. $89,900 MLS#'s 24183 3. 241834 & 241837 -Suwannee Rivers Best! 235 feet of cleared & bulkheaded riverfront on 2.5 acres with well, septic & power Best view on the river and only 22 miles to.the Gulf. $399,00.0 MLS#261016 -31.3 beautiful acres located in White Springs. Property has a mixture -of hardwoodss& & pasture -which;- fronts T-75 RW. Additional'25 acres available. $269.000 MLS #235609 i Enjoy the view from the front deck of this 4BR 3BA DWMHI with detached workshop in Newberry on 2.5 fenced acres, Home has new oak cabinets, appliances, countertops and carpeting. $149.900 MLS#260502 Secluded yet convenient to High Springs. 21 acres of scattered oaks and pines close to Ginnie, Blue & Poe Springs. Addinonal 21 acres and owner financing available. $260,000 N`.LS 260330 Wloford realty, InC. Licensed Real Estate Broker i35-0243 P.O. Box 546 Bell, Florida 32619 369350243 Homes VERY NICE 3/2 C.B. HOME On 5 part clear part wooded acres in North Gilchrist County. Home is in great condition. and in a good neighborhood. Only $225,000. Waterfront THE RIVER PARADISE -A large lot on the Econfina River -2 miles from the Gulf in navigable waters. .Includes a beautiful, large 4 bedro,.'n/i hblh i o ory home.' Close to a boat ramp and super fishing! Boat from your own paradise.to the Gulf and you have it made. Also, niany great hunting areas very close by. $685,000. SUWANNEE COUNTY- Nice 2 Bdrm, 1 Bath Single-wide mobile home with large deck over looking Suwannee River. A beautiful view!! Near a great swimming spring & a nice area to live!! $199,500. 10 ACRES ON THE SUWANNEE 510' of riverfront, beautiful woods, quiet, secluded and private. Complete with in ground septic tank, 4" well, power, buildable and in good motor boating area one mile north of Santa Fe. $499,900. 2 ACRES ON SUWANNEE at Charles Springs beautiful, wooded lot, buildable! $79,900. A NICE RIVER LOT on Suwannee River near Royal Springs nice area. $49,900. BEAUTIFUL SANTA FE RIVER LOT BUILDABLE complete w/well, septic, power & floating dock good deep water $235,000. LOT ON SANTA FE down river from the Itchtucknee River $195,000. Land & Acreage VERY NICE WOODED 4 ACRES North Gilchrist County. $49,900. BEAUTIFUL WOODED 5 ACRES On county maintained road in north Gilchrist County;- $68,900. 291.45 ACRES OF PRIME HUNTING LAND With a hunting lodge, 2/1 with 1120 sq. ft. of heated and cooled area, lodge is complete with 680 sq. ft of nice porches and a fireplace. Dog pen, rock quarry, fish pond and approximately 150 acres of planted pines. Awesome hunting of deer, wild hogs, turkey, etc. Good improved roads and trails through out the property. Fronts on a paved road. $1,595,000. Shown by. appointment only. 247 ACRES Prime land on more than V mile of highway frontage in Suwannee Coun- ty. Nice 3/2 CB home, detached garage with upstairs apartment, 75 acres of beautiful pines, approx 160 acres in cropland, 3 wells & other amenities!! Fantastic development potential, centrally located to just about everything in North Central Florida. Shown by appointment only! $3,250,000. Can be developed into 5 acre tracts!! 34.61 ACRES IN CENTRAL SUWANNEE COUNTY Very nice piece of land on a paved road, surveyed and platted into 3 pieces if you need it subdivided, can be four pieces, mostly open with some nice trees. $485,000. 4 ACRES OFA NICE WOODED TRACT with a mix of nice pines & oaks; Suwan- nee County. $49,500. 5 BEAUTIFUL WOODED ACRES With well, septic, power and completely loaded with deer. Backs up to large protected lands. Fenced, county maintained road. Convenient to Chiefland. Plenty of privacy. $129,900. 5 ACRES IN NORTH GILCHRIST COUNTY Nice wooded 5 acre tract of property private & secluded. Must see to believe! $75,000. 18 ACRES IN SOUTH SUWANNEE COUNTY Mostly-open and some nice trees. A great location!! $180,000. Commercial CONVENIENCE STORE / MECHANICS GARAGES -1 acre zoned commercial/in- dustrial with lots of frontage on Highway 90 east in Lake City, Florida. Many amenities and lots of square feet of buildings to use your entrepreneurial skills and make this going business grow even more. Only $395,500. DO YOU WANT A LIVE-IN BUSINESS This place could fit your needs! Nice bar and pool room. Great living quarters. Good location in Jasper, Florida. Call us for details. Only $159,900. For more information and pictures of these and other properties listed Visit our website at www.wolfordrealty.com *L. r- Need A Sign? Call Woodland Craft Signs SAt 463-7135 c CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. A AJwi Smith & Associates, Inc. www.bsgmac.com I Brad Smith Licensed Real Estate Broker . I- -4 9 c s BR 3 BA2 1,344 SF 5 AC Needs a little TLC' PrIe) land iiuh j fenced yard Clean m\lh neujnl colors Brad Smith, Broker 1352)1463-7770 * .BR 3 BA2 2,2 Brick H Split floor plan, v playroom, & ove Brad Smith, Broke 40 SF 5AC ome! aulted ceilings, ersized master.. rr1352) 463.''70 BR3 BA 1,562 SF 2.92 AC Open floor plan' Pa~dcJ ircular dri J landscaped, & huge S screened patio. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 BR4BA2 1,848 SF 1 AC Splish Splash! Close to the Suwannee River, enclosed patio, & fenced yard. .Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 BR 3 BA2 1,248 SF 1 AC It's New Again! Newer carpet, tile, metal roof, & more. Fenced yard. Diane Teague, Realtor (352) 490-1028 BR3BA? I.x1.4SF .21 AC Firm Read\ I [enced and crAis Iernced nice 'oa.s and pa~rurc Brad Smih. Broker i3521 463-77701 BR ; BA 2 1 ~SF 'i':AC In heiic 'm Io Chiclfnd' Lirge ling aij .flrepljce uiu-'m d & ericed ,jA Brad Smith. Bruker (352 146i3-7'"i? BR 4 BA 3 2 2 SF 5 AC Magnificent Custom Home! 4b dr.r',-,.,l Ig kitchen, barn, 6 car garage, & large porches. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 BR 3 BA2 1,352SF 7.48 AC On a cul-de-sac! Pole barn, partial fencing; & planted pines. Call for financing terms. Rebecca Woodin, Realtor (352) 494-8233 BR 2 BA1 1,216 SF 5.27AC Close to Paved Road! Mature oaks, spring fed well and coy pond, new construction in area. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 *s- | '-ai. a. :"Il* - = :s "- a ,. .. ., ...., .. . BR3 BA2 1,76 SF I AC Buck Ba) Open floor plan. sainles steel appliances. ended lub. & more' Brad Smith, Broker i352; 463-7770 BR BA 2 1,42 SF 5 :12 AC Nestled in Oak Trees' Priie -emnng viih circular drie & large deck Brad Smith. Broker 352)463-'770 26acI~ BR 3BA2 1,620SF 26 AC N.ture's FineisI Natural pond, planted pines, pole barn, fish pond, & more. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 BR2BA2 1,757 SF 5AC- Impressive Block Home! Fireplace, enclosed patio, garage, paved drive, & solar gate. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 H iti'ng 8 ~E BR 3 BA2.5 1,657 SF 2AC Lillian Estates! New Home! Stone work, cedar beams, upgraded appliances & features. Brad Smith, Broker (352) 463-7770 0.11 Trenton $12,0Ul Land ingre jachl chl rici' 11.11 Suiannee $250iJ,l00) \\Wjiaertra D.xk.boati Ift 1..11 Suwannee h295,0011 Waiertr hn gult'Lnal 0.23 CrossCit) $11,900 Price Reduced' InvesL to'dav 1.23 CrossCih $12,5010 Prie Reduced' Invest today U.23 Trenton $34,900 Close to school. shopping & ree 0.24 Trenton $19,901 Nice, partially cleared 0.31 Chiefland $39,51)U Special zoning 1..34 Cros>Ci) .$17,9110 Price Reduced! Iniei iidt). 0.35 Crnos Cin) $14,500 Price Peduced' InvettndT".' 0.41 Trenim n i39,91.i lMlu-Re'idenial zijing poienlul. '0.54 Other $150,000 Waterfront; deed restricted. .' 0.67 FanningSprings $35,000 Silver fiak ;ubdivi.;r n 0.7 Trenton $24,900 Fei, minutre.: iSu larrlee 1.25 Fanning Springs $29,900 Great h.,i.nste 2.5 Bell $85,000 \vell..'.epnc.p'oer. & plane hanger 4.67 Old Town $2511),tl1t Suwannee waterfront. 4.75 Trentn $85,0110 Cleared ndrrad\ 4.77 Bell .$85,000 Deed restricted Parish F sules. 4.77 Bell $85,000 Deed restricted Parrimh Eaies 5 Bell $75,It0) Perfect for built or mobile home. 5 Bell $79,900 Paved road, surveyed, cleared. 5 Old Town $80,000 Deed restricted homes only. 5 'Old Town $80,000 Deed restricted homes only. 5 Trenton $85,000 Deed restricted homes only. 5 Bell $85,000 Deed restricted Pacers Place. 5 -Bell $85,000 Deed restricted Pacers Place. ' '5 Bell $85,000 Deed restricted Pacers Place. 5 Bell $85,000 Deed restricted Trotters Rest. r5 Bell $85,000 Deed restricted Trotters Rest. 5 Bell $85,000 Deed' restricted Trotters Rest. 5 Bell .$85,000 Flying Hameb. "nrms. 5 Trei.on $89,900 Deed restricted homes only. 5' Trenton $95,000 Beautiful with mature oaks. 5 Chiefland .$125,000 Well/septic/power, shed & pole barn. 5 Newberry $140,000 Planted pines. Homesite or invest. 5 Bell $349,900 Commercial Property. 5.52 Trenton $75,000' Waters Lake community. 5.93 Trenton "$82,900 Akers Plantation. Cleared. 8.8 Branford $132,000 Paved county road. 8.81 Old Town $127.6111 Gated Pianull\ cleared 9.62 Bell $149,9i.9i Deed resuicltd iTroncri Re-i 9.62 Bell S149,9llIt Deed retsLrcied Pjcers Plaie 9.63 Bell $149,9(11 Deed reitriLted PamAh E uies 10 Trenton $75,00)0 \oocded acreage 10 TrenIon $125,901) Currentl) being used aj dgnulural 111 Trentoln $125.9111 Currenil being used jo jagrnillural 10 Trenton $125.,91il CarrenllN being useIda ag. imilwral It) Irenton $129,910.1 \Vcll. epic.r and pw,,,er III Bell 139,9i ii keared ,l ith :' ro iea l rcrIn.rin.i. III Tren ,.n '" S15ii.ii6 1 Deed restricted h:,mec onri 10 Chieland )169,9111 Well. septic, and p $.,er IlI Chit-nand $195,000 GGrieatiilltion. gr.l road 10.26 Chieftland $149,91111 Deed restncied hom:ne. ril 11.36 Bell $159,9011) \ 'll'splic piu.er. barn & pole barn 11.59 Bell $129,9iiI Wildlife and good community. . 1243 Trenton $237,750 Rolling patrure it ,i Oak. 12.78 Cedar hey $I,5UI1,111.11) Oin Paroda Creek 14.22 Bell $149,900 Border Gilchrini HHuml Club. 14.84 Brll $222,600 Private, mature oaks. 14.97 Bell $199,900 SCl,:,i io spr;rgs 14.97 Bell $199,900 Close to springs. 15 1 Bell $480,000 'One block from Main Street. 20 Bell $199,900 Will divide. 20 -Bell $199,900 Cleared and secluded. 20.3 Chiefland $406,000 Well, septic, and power. 21 Chiefland $299,900 8- 10 year old planted pines. 21 Bell $660,000 Waterfront, deed restricted. 35.85 Trenton $385,000 Planted pines ready. Home or invest. 40 Bell $480,000 Great planted pines investment. 40 Trenton $500,000 Currently being used as ag. 64 Chiefland $480,000 Woodland andpastureland. 70 Trenton $770,000 Planted pines ready. Home or invest. 80 A Chiefland $799,600 Borders Andrews Preserve. 98.17 Old Town $1,500,000 14 YO pines, hardwoods, 4iwells. 160 Trenton $1,700,000 Will divide into 10,40, or 80 acre. *..............^ 55 Trenton $850,000 57.37 Chiefland $1,721,100 80 Bell $1,400,000 154 Bell $2,618,000 For more listings, details and photos, p eSer uDeevie. t www.bsPmac.om I I* * I Exclusively Offered by Your GMAC Team P RE M I E R SER I.,CE S c ding .,1-i ,l ,',, ,-". C E A web site offered to our clients which serves as an interactive community forum for posting calendars, Smith & Associates, Inc. will commit to quality service in writing! yard sales, recipes, & much more! Call for details It's an approach that's earned GMAC a remarkable 94% Customer and join in thefun! Satisfaction Rating the best in the real estate industry. 10 SW 7th Street 605 N. Main Street 934 E. Wade Street 27888 US Hwy-19 Hwy-349 South Williston, FL.32696 Chiefland, FL 32626 Trenton, FL 32693 Old Town, FL 32680 Suwannee, FL 32692 352-529-0010 352-493-4200 352-463-7770 352-542-1111 352-542-1212 Political Magnetic Signs Yard Signs Bumper Stickers Name Tags Woodland Craft Signs 207 North Main Street Trenton, Florida S (Gilchrist County Journal) 352 -4,63-7,135: . V^^^^V) ' iso n REALTY TrioCounty, Inc.nts t "Broker, Gayle Lovelace Fax: (352) 542-0645 2586 7 Hwy 19 .. Old!Town (Old Towin Shopping Center) " .Vi.sion.Realty Tri-County, Inc. .wants to WELCOME Julie A. Geary to our Team of Professional Real Estate Agents. Julie is 'a native Florida girl and has years of public relations experience. She is highly moti- vated and ready to help with your various real :estate needs. Call her today for a free CMIA. ILIVC\UYL ~) LI ~~~r) Vuu -u yu u i rage Twenty ~ JL~.J.L, 1. wou a ..m = This group of anglers had an enjoyable fishing trip. Pictured with the catch is kneeling left to right Stanley .Wkins and Damon Leggett holding a 21-pound .mberlack that was caught by Stanley Akins. Standing left to right D. Ray Harrison, Jr., Joe and Scott .4Wins are holding a 47-pound Cobia. John's Comments I could reel up. As the fish got pull the fish aboard. When %we near the boat, %e looked o er finally pulled the fish in o'er (Continued from Page Two) the side and saw a Cobia that the side, \we all began to cele- feet out from the boat. I began was as large as any of us had brate that %we had actually put to reel the fish to the boat and ever caught. Damon and Scott the 47-pound Ling in the he started to take line faster than both grabbed gaffs to try and cooler. I don't know if this was the turn of luck of just fate, but from that point on, the strikes on the trolling baits came more often and the fish began to pile up in the cooler. Scott had a place he wanted to try and hook up with an Am- berjack. Stanley dropped live bait overboard into 55 feet of water. Damon had, begun to throw a series of baits he would. try in an attempt to catchone of the Barracuda that was school- ing above the hea y structure. I guess the streaming flesh eaters %%as onl) interested in live bait, because Damon never got a strike on any of his artificial rigs. As Joe was sitting on the: back of the boat, he and D. Ra) were both catching gag grouper just short of.the legal size. All' of a sudden, Stanley told Scott: that he had a fish. As Stanley's rod bent down like the letter C, he reeled in line and then the fish \would begin to take line back This battle went on for several minutes before e we sa the Amberjack come to the sur- face. Moments later. Scott as- sisted his Dad with another tre- mendous fish of the da\. At 4:00 p.m., we had run through several schools of king- fish and grouper and had caught enough fish to satisfy our taste buds. Scott set the course for the Suwannee River in hopes to be back at the dock within the an hour. We had a tremendous day as -everyone on the boat caught fish and we all agreed it was a trip. that we will compare to others for a long time. Letter to the Editor (Continued from Page Two) think about what you're doing and stop that behavior. Think about how the ow ners feel. when their pet is no longer a part of their lives because of your hate- ful actions. Would you want someone to take something you love from you and hurt or kill it? Please think before you act! Rosemary McDaniel Trenton County Commission Considers Ordinance To Allow Golf Carts On Public Roads (Continued from Page One') she had been stopped by a Gil- christ Counts Sheriff's deputy for driving her golf cart on the count) roads. She explained that she uses her golf cart to go to a neighborhood garden on SW Sales Dept. Open 30 Years Service to the Mon.-Fri. 8to 7; 7,- ( \i-county Communities 24 Hour Towing 1424 North Young Blvd., Chiefland ,/' - Call 493-7061 www.scogginschevybuick.com L. *All prices include all GM rebates and subject to GMAC financing, plus tax, title and license fees. tBased on EPA estimates. 80th Avenue and to go to the Otter Springs Park on week- ends. She told the board that she is involved in Providence Min- istries at Otter Springs and she uses her golf cart to travel the 1.5-2 miles to and from the springs. Commissioner Kenrick: Thomas told the resident that a lot of our county roads are very dusty and some traffic travels 55, miles per hour on these roads. "I would be very :on- cerned for your safety when you are- traveling on the county roads," Commissioner Thomas explained. "My golf cart doesn't use any of that high priced gaso- line," Ruth Thomas told the board. Mrs. Thomas added that she currently has a slow mo' ing symbol placed on the back of her cart. The board discussed that a strobe light on top of the golf cart would be a good idea. Commissioner Mitchell Gen-. tr\ made a motion for the countN attorney to draft an ordi-: nance for golf carts to be used during day light hours onl on SW 85"' Lane and SW 80" ,ve- nue. Commissioner Sharon Langford gave a second to the motion for a draft ordinance. The board voted 5-0 in favor of the action. Commission Votes To Continue To Increase Urban Development (Continued from Page One) burglaries, traffic congestion and much more. She ad% ised the commission to not reduce the size of the parcels of land just to make it affordable for future de\ elopment. "The board has to pro ide affordable land and I encourage the board to look closer at af- fordable housing," Jackie Bar- ron explained. He also added that the county should seriously consider larger scale residential development that would be classified as a Development of Regional Impact. "I think it is a trend for the County Commission to approve urban development around the City of Trenton." Jered Otten- %%ess, Trenton City Manager explained. The City Manager questioned the board regarding the proposed I-acre parcels south of Trenton, is this actually urban development? "We know that this decision ,could impact Gilchrist County forever." Commission Chair- man Tommy Langford ex- * plained. "As a builder. I think we need some smaller lots; ma.be I-acre lots north of Trenton. I don't hale a problem with en- larging Urban Development Area balancing the area out around City of Trenton," Com- missioner Gentry explained. State American Legion Honors Local Post And Unit 383 Old Town American Legion Post 383 Commarider JR Coffey, and Unit President Bernice Lam- bert have announced that both the Post and the Auxiliary unit have been av\arded the 2006 100 percent membership streamer for their respective post and unit flag. The membership streamer is earned by less than 20 percent of all posts and units. In honor of this occasion, an Early Bird dinner is being held at the Post this Saturday, May 13th to honor all members of the Post and Auxiliary that renewed their membership prior to January 1st of this year. Dan Sellers and Bill O'Donnell announced that the last game for the Dixie County little league sponsored team, the Cardinals, will be May 12th. The team is planning a trip the following week to attend a major league baseball game in St. Petersburg that honors little league partici- pants from around the state. Adjutant Gene Street reports that all tickets to the Command- er Homecoming at Post 155 in Crystal River on May 20th have been sold out. This event honors State Commander Larry White as he nears completion of his term of office. There will be 26 members of the post who will attend. All members are reminded that the next membership meet- ing will be held Wednesday, May 17th at 6:30 p.m. This is the last meeting in which nominations can be made from the floor for candidates for post offices for 2006/2007 post year. Submitted by Eugene Street Post Information Officer From The Desk Of Gilchrist County Sheriff David P. Turner Weekly Sheriff's Report For Week Ending May 1, 2006 On May 1, 2006, Jose G. Hernandez, date of birth, 2/3/76, was arrested on three counts of Forgery and No Valid Drivers. License. On May 1, 2006, Carlos D. Lopez, date of birth, 8/11/73,. wag arrested on charges of Forg- ery, Allowing an Unlicensed, Person to Drive, Resisting Without' Violence, Vehicle Title Fraud, a Marion County War-i rant with the charge of Failure to Appear/No Valid Drivers License and an Alachua County Warrant with the charge of Vio- lation of Probation. On May 2, 2006, Theron L. Hudson, date of birth, 7/11172, was arrested on the charge of Driving under the Influence. On May 3, 2006. Miguel L. Ochoa, date of birth. 6/1/85, was arrested on the charge of No Valid Drivers License. On May 3; 2006, Sherman D. Heidelburg. date of birth, 2/10/72. was arrested on charges of Violation of Probation/ Possession of Cocaine, Posses- sion of Cocaine and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. On May 3, 2006. Theron L. Hudson. date of birth, 7/11/72, was arrested on a bond surrender with the charge of Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon. On May 3. 2006, Josuany Diaz. date of birth, 8/9/84, was arrested on the charge of Failure to Appear/Aggraated Battery with a Deadly Weapon. On May 3. 2006. Gary V. Crawford, date of birth. 8/24/85. was arrested on the charge of Violation of Probation/Driving While License Suspended or Revoked. On May 3, 2006, Robert E. Bliss, date of birth. 1/4/49. was arrested on a Marion County Warrant with the charge of Fraud in Funds. On May 4, 2006, Roy L. Henry. date of birth, 3/11/85, was arrested on the charge of Possession of Cocaine. On May 4, 2006. Deborah K. Venable, date of birth, 3/21/58, was arrested on charges of Pos- session -of Cocaine and Giving False Information to a Law En- forcement Officer. On May 5. 2006, Marshall Daugherty. date of birth. 3/25/ 86, was arrested on a bond sur- render with two counts of Viola- tion of Probation/Grand Theft. On May 6. 2006. Kara M. Hinson, date of birth, 4/28/85. was arrested on charges of Driv- ing Under the Influence, Posses- sion of Drug Paraphernalia and. Possession of Mariluana less than 20 Grams. On May 7, 2006, Richard J. Howell. date of birth. 6/27/76, was arrested on the charge of Battery/Domestic Violence. On May 7, 2006, Elizabeth M. Brookins, date of birth, 12/11/ 78, was :arrested on charges of Violation of Probation/Driving Under; the Influence and Driv- ing While License Suspended or Revoked. On May 7, 2006, Dillon A. Clark, date of birth, 1/19/81. was arrested on charges of Pos- session of less than 20 Grams, Possession of Drug Parapher- nalia, Violation of Ordinance and. a Columbia County Warrant with the charge of Failure to Appear/Driving While License Suspended or Revoked. On May 7, 2006,, James A.. Sutter, date of birth, 9/3/71, was arrested on the charge of Battery/Domestic Violence. Bell And Trenton Baccalaureate And Graduation Dates Announced Bell High School will be holding the Baccalaureate Service for the Class of 2006 on Sunday,, May 21. The service will be held at the Iris Roberts Auditorium at the high school 2:00 in the afternoon. The Graduation Ceremony for Bell Seniors will be held on Thursday, May 25 at 8:00 in the evening. The ceremony will -be held. on the' Bell High School Football Field. The Trenton High School Senior class will be holding their Baccalaureate Service on Sunday, May 21 at 7:00 p.m. at the high school auditorium. The Trenton High School' Class of 2'006 will he holding their graduation ceremony on Friday, May 26 at 8:00 p.m. The event will take place at the football stadium. The public is invited to attend both the graduation and baccalaureate events. A07 . TUR DAY, MAY 11, 2006-- M~T CHR RT COr~T TNPY'JnT rR N ATT Dn--- ,rTll7-n-t SfrYI.VL. .Ls,,.g. ALl,4JC 'AI.ULL oIA, J. 4.Ut k 1 010714-02690000-0010 493.16 1 010714-02690000-0010 4-i3 In SCOTT STEVEN M & 5.450AC LOT I CEDAR RIDGE SUBD CONT 5.45 AC 62/257 251/290 : SEE TAX ROLLFORADDITIONAL LEGAL 2 010714-02730000-0010 1,556.77 S2010714-02730000-0010 1,556.77: BRADLEY FRED L & LINDA S 10.020AC LOT 1 SANTA FE BEND SLBD CONT' 10.02 AC 62 27? 226 4r0: 25 I SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 3 010714-02730000-0020 HX 3,338.21 3 010714-02730000-0020 HX 3,338.21 BRADLEY FRED.L & LINDA S 11.700AC LOT 2 SANTA FE BEND SiiBD CONT II -= -C '2 25' 22r. 4i60' 25I 2 .' ..SEE T.-.X POLL FOR ADDiTi'.'NAL LEGAL, 4 120714-00000001-001 1' 4 1 .i71 4-., .,i,.,i'i1i I -1 1 , BE R'.C-,K\Y DANIEL .A & N/2 CF E 2 OF E.2 OF NV. 4 .OF SE/4 ii.'GETHER E.'.SE.MENT 243 2;i,437 412.98 412.98. . 5.000AC 122/ I 2?''. 14.,'"iir,7 ,i,'),u,-' i:.3 I' 285.74 5 12' 714"1011 '":. -3 1 .1 285.74 OSBORNE THOMAS B. 3:150AC LOT 31 STUW T INEE FORK UNREC SUBD ,-R "I PG I' li 1" IS 7 i 4 1 h'r, 4 i hJi j. -",S ,, ]: I : 7 3 5 . ,.I '.'' 4.'14.0:.7,.'ji',.Iii':.5 I 373 55 " M1' ..:,.II: K L ARRY J& '..- THERINE. 38.000AC I 3 1 i,R "'4l FT ," F 4 'F N,4W 4 i ,' 1 9 1 FT L'I ., E i SEE TAX ROF.I)LL FO"'R ADDITlI')II.A.L LEG, L, l')i: 14.l.ll:lIIII. .O.. S,-) H": I| -- " I 31. 1 -001h "1:1 .1 11::1. HX 1,655.87 . G4i l' THEiR I:HT .. 1.210AC SLOT, 18 UNREC SUB METES & BD OR 54/534 93/489 290/479 290/ SEE T:X ROiLL FOR -.DDL ITIO,1.-%L LEGAL .. 13':" 1 4 1." 120: 1 .1B1 ..1 1 :1 3 1,-1 47. 8 130'l4-0012000B-.0060 3,717.47 BO\ E N L AW R.E NC E D &. HELEN GAY 0,590AC LOT 6 BLK B TWO RIVERS ESTATES 12 & 13.' I4 J4 3' 6 SEE'TAX ROLL FOR. DDITiOiNAL LEGAL 9 130714-0012000B-0120 2,721.08 9 130714-0012000B-0120 2;721.08 HORTON WILLIAM LARRY & KAREN L TWO RIV.ESTATE LOT 12 BLK B OR 54/477 162/431 223/216 10 130714-0122000D-0040 HX 512.02 10 130714-0122000D-0040 HX 512.02 CREWS EVA J 1.000AC . LOT 4 BLK D UNIT 2 TWO RIV ESTATE 83/23 123/47 133/357 133/358268/472 11 130714-0122000E-0060, 159.76 11 130714-0122000E-0060 159.76 MCMAHON BRIDGET M & PEGGY S . LOT 6 BLK E UNIT 2 TWO RIVERS ESTATE68/90 1,:'" -3 2:':"'4 34I . 0.550AC 0.990AC 12 130714-0380000C-0190 149.21 12 130714-0380000C-0190 149.21' VONDERAU DOROTHY M 0.500AC PART OF REPLAT RIVERVIEW LOTS LOT 19 BLK C 76/118 230/15.1 230/152 2000/239 13 130714-0380000C-0200 488.85 13 130714-0380000C-0200 488.85 VONDERAU DOROTHY MARIE 0.460AC PART OF REPLAT RIVERVIEW LOT 20 BLK C 36/186 113/471 113/ 623 14 130714-0380000C-0230 581.29 14 130714-0380000C-0230 581.29 BUTCHER JOSEPH H 0.660AC PART OF REPLAT LOT 23 BLK C 54/648 143/98 UTIL EASEMENT 145/75 202/719 2002/4228 15 130714-03820000-0010 658.55 15 130714-03820000-0010 658.55 WHITE JEFF & TAMMY L 5.000AC SUWANNEE RIVER 5 AC RANCHETTES 1 57/656 58/529 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 16 130714-03820000-0040 HX 418.03 16 130714-03820000-0040 HX 418.03 HARTLEY THOMAS C & 5.000AC SUWANNEE RIVER 5 AC RANCHETTE 4 87/424 2000/409 2001/770 2001/771 17 240714-00000006-0010 92.58 17 240714-00000006-0010 92.58 MYERS FREIDA & ROBERT WEST 20.120AC W/2 OF SW/4 OF SE/4 TOGETHER W/EASEMENT 28/586 2001/3257 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 18 260714-02580000-0010 HX 1,419.86 18 260714-02580000-0010 HX 1,419.86 ONZE JAMES ROBERT 12.000AC LOT 1 SUWANNEE SHORES SUBD CONT 12 AC 25-7-14 212/002 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL' 19260714-02580000-0020 666.18 19 260714-02580000-0020 666.18 ONZE JAMES ROBERT 10.000AC LOT 2 SUWANNEE SHORES SUBD CONT 10 AC 25-7-14 212/002 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 26: 26'7? 14-i:'1 58.ii,0,.i:iO 3, 666.18 2' 1 :607 1-01'25i':,,.:,-.II3. 3 '. 666.18 CNZE JAMES ROBERT 10.000AC LOT3 SLi\.ANEE SHORES Si.iBD CONT 10 AC 25'.-14 12'002 SEETAXROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S21260714-02580000-0040 666.18 21 260714-02580000-0040 666.18 9 , u'ONZE .JAIES ROBERT &MARCIA 10.000A LOT 4'SLI. AN'NEE SHORES SiUBD CONT 10 AC 25-7-14 212 :11: SEETAXROtLL FOR ADDITiO'NAL LEGAL S 22 260714-025,-.i.)i:,:':-:615, 579.15 .22 260714-02580000-0050 579.15 ONZE BRONWYN CAMILLE. : 6.900AC, SLOT 5 SUV. ANNEE SHiORES Si.iBDE CONT 6.9 AC 25-7-14 21,2/002 SEE'TAX ROLL FOR'ADDITIONAL LEGAL 23 26l:, 14-,:,'25S0: ni.'- I,:'': 6(6,. 18 23 26.67 4-':'258' I I' .")-(,I0, 6 o l IS LIZOTTE MARCEL SR I') ".AC LOT 10 SLIV.'.ANNEE SHORES SUBD CONT10AC212/002 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 241"-, ',.87 31 . 24 35i11714.1-015.11: i :ii. I : 87 3I: LI.IBiNSKI LEO& OLIVE AL 3N 34:0 M LOT 1 W SRH S 57/463 66/506' 78/288 109/615 112/270-272 S 3I 7 |111:1 1 1 .|:,: S 2" 3 71',",,, ",31 I .,3 LLIBINSKI LEO.& OLIVE & ALL.-N i:340AC LOT 30 W S.RH S 66/506 78/288 109/615112/270-272 223/30 2000/831 S26010814-00000002-0000 5,656.60 26 010814-00000002-0000 5,656.60 PHILMAN KEITH L & I J 49.680AC NE/4 LESS RD R/W & LESS 6AC : TO CHiLDREN I 3 5--.3 & LESS 2 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 27010814-00000003-0000 HX 1,483.73 27-010814-00000003-0000 HX 1,483.73 PHILMAN KEITH & LINDA 2.000AC' COM AT SW COR OF NW /4 OF NE /4ASPOREFGO E ALGS 40LN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 28 010814-00000003-0010 625'49 28 010814-00000003-0010 625.49 PHILMAN KEITH & LINDA 2.000AC COM AT SE/C OF'NW/4 OF NE/4 GO N 158 FT TO POB GO N 189 FT GO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 29010814-00000022-0000 630.94 29 010814-00000022-0000 630.94 STEWART DEWITT E 0.840AC COM AT NW/C OF SW/4 OF SE/4 OF 1-8-14 & RUN E 315 FT TO POB SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 30 010814-00620000-0370 HX 458.35 30 010814-00620000-0370 HX 458.35 SMITH JENNIFER A & 2.270AC LOT 37 THE HILLS UNREC SUBD MTS & BDS DESC 2.27 AC SEE TAX ROLL'FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 31 010814-00620000-0380 HX 419.71 31 010814-00620000-0380 HX 419.71 JENKINS DANNAL F & JANET 3.030AC TRACT 38 THE HILLS UNREC SUBD LESS THfE WESTERNMOST PORTION SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL '32 010814-06210000-0010 378.03 32 010814-06210000-0010 378.03 JOHNSON FRANKLIN & STEPHANIE 4.540AC LOT 1 REPLAT OF LOTS 7-12 THE HILLS UNREC SUBD DESC AS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 33 030814-06320000-0050 629.17 33 030814-06320000-0050 629.17 GRIFFIS DIANE RENEE 10.010AC LOT 5 2ND ADDITION SHADY BEND SUBD CONT 10.01 AC 115/312 2002/3804 34030814-00000016-0000 HX 3,046.71 34 030814-00000016-0000 HX 3,'046.71 HART J D JR & FELICIA ANNE 20.000AC N/2 OF SE/4 OF NE/4 87/472 101/418 103/647 226/91 226/92 282/005 35 030814-00680000-0090 342.08. 35 030814-00680000-0090 342.08 DUNAGAN RONALD L & KAREN & 4.880AC LOT 9 SUWANNEE OAKS SUBD CONT 4.88 AC 119/243 36030814-00680000-0120 HX 512.51 36 030814-00680000-0120 HX 512.51 HELLER DEANNA L 5.000AC LOT 12 SUWANNEE OAKS SUBD 54/649 61/657 117/200 187/224 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 37030814-06320000-0010 HX 218.65 37030814-06320000-0010 HX 218.65 SHEPPARD JAMES & EVELYN 16.920AC LOTS 1 & 2 SHADY BEND 2ND ADDITION SUBD SUBJECT TO 25' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 38 030814-06320000-0060 HX 469.48 38 030814-06320000-0060 HX 469.48 WALTON RENA 10.010AC LOT 6 SHADY BEND 2ND ADDITION 2005 Gilchrist County DELINQUENT TAX LIST NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE SOLD..... on the 30TH day of May 2006 VIA THE INTERNET at Web Addresses www. gilchristtaxcollector.com or, Gilchrist.TaxSale.comn TAX CERTIFICATES will be sold on the following described land to pay the amount due for taxes herein set opposite of the same, together with all cost, interest, and advertising. .. ." 4 '*; 1, n.u -.,' lnu': l, 1:11:11:11: 1 -i ,,S4 | ' ,iS.:... .. , C 4- :1 S .i.S14 ,00i:0,,,53.,,i,,, ')S4 j6 L.1AMB.i.'HlN S.iR ET .L I 'i- II" I AC CGO'T L'O'T I BEInG THAT PART OF 5 ',4 OF SECTION 9 TO-\ NSHiP S S SEE TA P.OLL FOR .ADDITIut.-.L LEGAL ,13,, ,9I 4 -"2y I,,,,,, ,,,20 49Y7 3 S 5,:, ,I':, 14. I : | 1:11.11:11: 1 .1:11:11:1 4 7 3S 5I S 14 .11 1111:11:11.1.1 :1:0 4 ; 38 H.HALL DAVID B & ROBIN L I '.1I:I..'AC LOT 2 ROCK BLUFF SPRIltjGS SiUBD COINqT 0A1C 75 '19 I |.4 ,: SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL ' -". 51 ,','i:',, 14-,i:- uI :i'0, -030 497 38 ' .I 'I 05 IO .112911 : .1:-.))31.1 497 38 HALL DAVID B & ROBIN L I101 '':AC LOT 3 ROCK BLUFF SPRINGS SUBD CONT I'I AC 75 1991 154 1,18 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 52 I11s161 4 1nXl)II1X13' 7-Ijij 1 : I 919 39 ALS BEN L &ALINDA 1. 15 "'.-,C . N 2 OF N 2 OF N-',' 4 56 I I"' . I,''' -4 I115 l '. r- 6 L ESS SSEE TAN ROLL FOR ADDITIO-,NAL LEGAL 53 .' H1 53 I 1 4 .,:,:1 1 15-,1111: H \ I 12 DOi.i:iGL,'.S R'-S '.LIE I '.i',AC ,':F SE 4 OF NE 4 SI 211 LITiL EASEI.IErj f 23 6 LESS AC TO NT H'i: 'iY DOUIL.:.,S 2.r6 51 54 111 | 1,4.i',,,i:i. '54- 11 HX 934 5,3 54 I S l 4. i. ,,: : HX. 934 8. DUG L'GLAS ANTHON'1, BE IIr.AIIN 5000AC 2 OF SO'. 4 OCF SE 4 OF NE 4 SI 211 JTiL EAS .IEME iT 223i .- SEE TA': ROLL FOiR ,.DDiTiOMN.-L LEGAL 55 110814-00000006-0000 1,003.77 55 110814-00000006-0000 1,003.77 :MCGRAW DIANE 20.000AC W/2 OF SW/4 OFNE/4 52/235 S63 c 177 II 5~ I 8/194244/ 656-o0 "'0 )5. 17 2 -I "2 .56 110814-00000006-0010 56 110 S 11 4 .-i-:ii.": I:: 0 .( ) I. 1,321.00 1,321.00 BOULIANEPAUL F 20.000AC E/2 OFSW/40 F NE-4 OR 55 PG 249 & OR 63 PG 3:lro 307 & 534 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 57 110814-00000008-0000 HX 370.371 5- I l.i la4.,Inil,0,9.n10 1.i HX 370.37 FIP 'GGERS IRENE MILLS 1.000AC COM AT NW/C OF SW/4 OF NW/4 GO S 420 FT TO POB FROM POB GO E SEE TAX ROLLFOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 58 120814-00000001-0010 HX 389.17 58 120814-00000001-0010 HX 389:17 TRAIL CHARLIE DEAN 9.360AC. AS PT OF REF COM AT NW/C OF NE/4 F 12-8-14 GO E 50.63 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITiON.AL. LEGAL 59 120814-00000036-P000 403.10 59 120814-00000036-0000 ; 403.10 CHQPE DESIREE M'& DARROW'E & 4.440AC NW/4 OF SE/4 LESS 21 AC SOLD TO BOLLINGER & WILSON & LESS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 60 120814-02250000-0110. 329.76 60 120814-02250000-01 10 329.76 BUNCE DARYL F & NANNETTE F 5.020AC LOT If HUNTERS CHASE FARMS CONT 5.02 ACRES 183/568 199/ 219 266/698 267/483 2000/1554 61 120814-02250000-0120 610.63 61 120814-02250000-0120 610.63 BUNCE DARYL F & NANNETTE F 5.020AC LQT 12 HUNTERS CHASE FARMS CONT 5.02 AC 183/570 199/219 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 62 130814-00000008-0010 HX 196.37 62 130814-00000008-0010 HX 196.37 RUSH ROBERT LEE 7.970AC COM AT SE/C OF NW/4 OF NW/4 13-8-14 FOR POB THENCE RUN ALG SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 63 130814-03090000-0050 47.93 63 130814-03090000-0050 47.93 MAZZA LUIS RICARDO & 5.000AC LOT 5 MAGNOLIA MEADOWS SUBD 51/266 116/162 194/19 194/270 211/307 2001/3312 2004/6831 64 130814-03090000-0070 47.93 .64 130814-03090000-0070 47.93 ODREMAN SUSANA E CUSTODIAN 5.000AC LOT 7 MAGNOLIA MEADOWS 51/266 116/162 194/19 194/270 211/307 2001/3312 2004/5946 65 130814-03090000-0170 47.93 -65 130814-03090000-0170 47.93 ODREMAN SUSANA E CUSTODIAN 5.000AC LOT 17 MAGNOLIA MEADOWS 51/266 116/162 194/19 194/270 211/307 2001/3312 2004/5945 66 140814-01970000-003B HX 1,128.61 66 140814-01970000-003B HX 1,128.61 SUBD CONT 10.01 ACRES 196/148 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 39 030814-06320000-0070 455.18 39 030814-06320000-0070 455,18 JORDAN NANCY KAYE 10.000AC LOT 7 SHADY BEND 2ND ADDITION SUBD CONT 10 AC 174/52 40 040814-00000008-0020 HX 885.73 40 040814-00000008-0020 HX 885.73 COTTE MARGARITA ROSE 12.000AC BEG AT SW/C OF GOVT LOT 4 4-8-14 LYING S OF SUWANNEE SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 41-040814-0000001.2-0010 HX .581.39 41040814-00000012-0010 HX 581.39 BOUTWELL GERALD A & LISA G 10.000AC E/2 OF E/2 OF NE/4 OF SE/4 74/ 248 248/20 287/126 UTIL EASE- MENT 2000/4057 42.050814-00630000-0100 722.97 42 050814-00630000-0100 722.97 O'NEILL FRANK & 5.520AC LOT 10 SHADY BEND 88/64 43 5 S 14.'631, I 1.1110-1n-i13i ) "1 951.04 43' '5 1.1:S -,1 631111ll,:1 : i(' 951.04 .AUBREY RA N H & WOOD DAVID A. .5.800AC LOT 3 SHADY BEND FIRST ADDIT CONT 5.8 AC 11.1 3292-'174"1 44 050i 814.-0 31;n3Ii.:ll100 i-0041 ?7 78 , 44 S5 ,- 31 .i ). -41 G'2"8 ?.. i SELLERS GLSSIE DEAiN 5 ,40. .' LOT 4 SHAD. BEND FIRST ..DDIT CuNT I i4 AC 101 )124 122 4" 4 -Iv 4i. i' 14 1n i | l 5 S 4 43 4, 4 v,5.' '14- 1 (" I""' 1-;.1.5. S24 .13 STOR'i B",lkK HOC. ES OF FLORIDA 5 060.AC LOT SH -,D' BEIJD FIRS-T ADDiT -'N I 5' .T .. 210 252 3 3329 4r; l.l5,2 1 4-0013 11).101.11l:.Sl 8,, P-o"I lto. i".0 1. 4 -i -,n3 ] '1 ': Si ', n I HOiOL iH.J THOMI.P.S P IR 5 2'l(.'. , LOT S SHAD'i BEND FIRST ADDIT CONT I 2 C 216 r.ihb 280o 553 ?i .47,," .,),. -: i30 p 71 ': 47 .81 4.IiiS 1.i:(1 :.g1i3-:i030 ~ 71 BARNES STEVEN G 2 51:IAC COM AT NE C OF 8-S-14 & RUN E ON E LN OF SAID SEC 8 S 18 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL IS "ll) 3 .I4-001:I I : ll:ll -ll .ll:ll.l l I 40 l ' GREEN LINDA C IO 85'.1AC COi.1 AT NE C OF .'.-S- 14 RUN ON ELNSOi DEG E iS FT T) LN 5EE TAX ROLL F'OR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 77 161'14.01L62i:iiIC .C-( i.1 244.16 S 77 16 S14-,.016 |:C-,,.,0I 244.16 , PHILPOT D.A\ D HENRY 2.240AC LOTS I &'2 BLK C 2ND ADDIT SUW RIV HIGHLANDS SUBD 66/194 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 78 160814-0162ii.'1C-i i", HX 604 I 78 161'S814-I ril632)0' C-, 16.1 HN 664 10 FORTIN JEREMY IJ I LADONNA J 500OAC :LOT16 BLK C2NDADD SUW RIV HIGHLAND SULBDol -33671 537 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 79 1621814-,11621::I C-,.1 I 026 13 " 79 161'.8124.n-l 20()C.IO,, I ')p 83 . .Sii It-I BRAD & I.- .IES .I EDV'..RCDS 2.500AC S LOIC BLK C SL'\\ RPV HIGHLANDS S SLIBD 82 5:2 7 6 365 2 11:0,:. 1:3 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL ' '. S, 16. iR 4-0I16 21i,. ,,:C .6:231.' 166 21 .. S. 16'0 814.1 ): C 3. 16 21 PHILPOT DA'. ID HENRY' 2 1 14i':AC LOTS 23'& 24 BLK C ND ADDIT SSLIWL RIV' HIGH HANDS SLBD c.. 194 SEE TAX ROLL F':'R ADDITIC,.NAL LEGAL 8 1 n6'0S 14-01 |n 3.l, -l 9 4' 81 160814-01630000-0040 96.47 PHILPOT IEST 1.000AC LOT 4 3RD DD SUW RIVER HIGHLANDS SUBD 82 160814-01630000-0140 96.47 82 160814-01630000-0140 96.47 SMITH JAMES R & SHELLY D 1.000AC LOT 14 SUW RIVER HIGHLANDS 3RD ADDITION 52/21 162/339 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 83 160814-01630000-0150 HX 343.41 83 160814-01630000-0150 HX 343.41 SMITH JAMES RANDY& SHELLEY' 2.000AC LOTS 15 & 16 3RD ADD SUW RIV HIGHLANDS SUBD OR 59/248 119/507 255/503 283/406 84 160814-01630000-0220 476.28 84 160814-01630000-0220 476.28 PHILPOT DAVID HENRY 7.000AC LOTS 22 23 24 25 26 27 & 28 3RD ADDIT SUW RIV HIGHLANDS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 85 160814-01630000-0310 223.07. 85,1608,14-01630000-0310 223.07 PHILPOT DAVID HENRY 3.000AC LOTS 31 32 & 33 3RD ADDIT SUW. RIV HIGHLANDS SUBD 66/194 80/ 416 81/57 153/378 251/362 86 160814-01630000-0340 919.39 86 160814-01630000-0340 919.39 PHILPOT DAVID HENRY 14.000AC LOTS 3435 36 3738 3940 41 42 43 44 45 46 & 47 3RD ADDIT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 87 160814-01630000-0630 857.43 87 160814-01630000-0630 857.43 PARKS DARYL J & WILLENE 4.000AC LOTS 63 64 65 & 66 3RD ADDIT SUWANNEE RIVER HIGHLANDS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 88 160814-01630000-1090 476.28 88 160814-01630000-1090 476.28 PHILPOT DAVID HENRY ET AL 7.220AC LOTS 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 3RD ADD SUW RIV HIGHLANDS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 89 160814-01880000-0071 HX 1,147.11 89 160814-01880000-0071 HX 1,147.11 BLANK BRENDA A 5.010AC W 5.01 AC OF S 10.01 AC OF TRACT 7 POSTELL EST UNREC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 90 160814-01880000-0090 HX 701.36 90 160814-01880000-0090 HX 701.36 SWILLEY PATRICIA 5.000AC E/2 OF TRACT 9 POSTELL ESTATES UNREC SUBD DESC IN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 91 160814-01880000-0091 HX 415.42 91 160814-01880000-0091 HX 415.42 MATTHEW KAREN 5.000AC W/2 OF TRACT 9 POSTELL ESTATES UNREC SUBD METES & SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 92 170814-00170000-0190 1,217.82 92 170814-00170000-0190 1,217.82 HEWITT RICHARD H OR DAWN A 2.310AC LOT 19 MTS & BDS DESC OF UNREC SUBD 108/575 CONT 2.50 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 93 190814-06420000-0110 2,306.81 93 190814-06420000-0110 2,306.81 BRYANT JERRY W & LORI 1.470AC LOT 11 2ND ADDIT SUWANNEE LANDING SUBD OR 80/55-56 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 94 190814-06420000-0140 625.67 94 190814-06420000-0140 625.67 SMITH CHARLES M TRUSTEE 1.610AC LOT 14 2ND ADDIT SUWANNEE LANDING SUBD 19-8-14 84/258 134/293 SMITH DANNY B 5.050AC TRACT 3-B GRAY SQUIRREL ACRES UNREC SUBD CONT 5.05 ACRES SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 67 140814-01970000-0140 HX 576.11 67 140814-01970000-0140 HX 576.11 PHELPS THOMAS J & LORA M LO.000AC TRACT 14 GRAY SQUIRREL ACRES UNREC SUBD MTS & BDS DESC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 68 140814-01970000-0171 1,448.54 68 140814-01970000-0171 1,448.54 'MARCUM KENNETH J 5.050AC E/2 OF TRACT 17 GRAY SQUIRREL ACRES UNREC SUBD CONT 5.05 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 69 160814-00000002-0020 HX 1,412.89 69 160814-00000002-0020 HX 1,412.89 MICHAUD MICHAEL K & TINA L 14.350AC S 491.01 FT OF N 1718:48 FT OF E/2 OF SE/4 OF 16-8-14 SEE TAX ROLLFOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 70 160814-00000005-0000 564.90 70 160814-00000005-000 564.90, PHILPOT DAVID HENRY ET AL I0 500OAC BEGAT SE COR OF N 2 CiF SEC GO TO NE COR OF SEC GO W TO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 7i 160814:nn000nn 6.nnn00 256.84 71 1c l 1 .. .. :0 256 84 PHILPOT DAVID HENRY.ETAL 2.650AC BEG A.T SW'C OF N\, 4 & GO ON ' LN OF SEC 16 N IS FT TO PF'OB SEE TA\ ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL . 2 16 i|4-,)|2i:,,:iA-.,2, 2'1 il 96 2 l'''S 4-"- 0 2ii:: i2 A ';2 5' 2. )1 96 . F'HiLPOT DA. ID ETAL (8's0CAc LOT 25&2 o BLKA 2NDADDSL'\ Rj\ HIGHLANDS SUBDOR 52 PG SEE TA\ RiOLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL '3 16i,, 4-.'0'I 2 ,:"iA.-i,27i HX 242 28 73 16.'SI14-l(62000: -1.1.27j H\ 24'2 28 MERCIER BRIAN K & \ IRGINIA K 0 550AC LOT 27 BLK A 2ND ADD SiU Ri\ HIGHLANDS SUBD61 331 189 249 2110)3 3709 200:3,371u 74 166814-0162000A-0280 117.57 S74 16."814-%)1620:00A.:280: 11757 SPHILPOT DAVID HENRY ETAL 0.550AC LOT 28 BLK A 2ND ADD Si iW RIV HIGHLANDS SLiB OR 6o PG 194 80 416 251 32 "5 16& 814-01621:0',B-0.:17' 37ij 7o 3 '" 160814.-111 02i: It B-i'" 371 To6 PHILPOT DAVID HENRY 2 00AC SLOTS 7 & BLK B 2ND kDDIT SLi' Ri' HiGHL NDSSSUBDSII-1,5 -'sI S36 76 |1 S1 4-'.'|62"'.': I B- 1,) 39 5 i '6 16l:'814-i:01nO20'::'.B-i.'10:i 39 53 s PHILPOT D.A\ iD HENRY 3 .190.C LOTS If' II & 12 BLK B 2ND ADD SUW RIV HIGHLANDS SLiBD b 4 16, '251/362 96200814-00180000-0460 587.05 96 200814-001.80000-0460 587.05 HARRELL THEODORE W & SUZANNE S N 100 FT OF S 2100 FT OF GOVT LOTS I &2 IN 20-8-14 CONT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 3.060AC 97200814-00190000-0040 1,136.39 97 2008114-001900600-).I)4i 1,13639 BAILES MILTON LEON & 20u 00.AC PCL 4 LONG METES & BDS DESC OR.51 PG217 7&218 102/591 SEE TA ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 98 22. 814-0iI.00,.)i: )I-l)050 H.\ 1,1 5." .I 9s 22'S. 14.ii(-0 'ii i)I .01-0'I50 H I. 150 61 S. JACOBS S.AM1MY L & DEBORAH L li.000AC COM AT Sv. C OF NWV 4 OF 22-08- 14 FOR POR THENCE RiN ALONG S SEE TAX. ROLL FOR .DDITIONNAL LEGAL 9 2:0,814-r~i,0 00ii3.,:,':'62. H\ I 24 -N14II 99 22:i814.1-0 Ii0iC0 3-1006.1. H. I 604- 3': JOCKERS TERPJE F & RICHARD 5 1Ol.iAC S 2 OF N2 OF E/2 OF E/2 OF S 2F SE.4 CONT 5.AC 1114 306 11.:11.:123 3I814-i0i)0iii:i.i3.i0?0 58 43 100:i 23:14.-:l0iju3.i-0 u 58 43 EVERIDGE JEFFREY SCOTT 5 970AC .TRACT.5 COM AT NW/C OF SW/4 OF'23-08-14 FOR POR THENCE SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL. 101 230814-00000003-0060 69.75 101' 230814.j0f.1001j0)3-i 1.0 69.75'. E' ERIDGE JEFFREY SCOTT 12.390AC N PART OF TRACT 6 (COM AT NW/C OF N\'.4 OF SW 4 23-S-14 FOR SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL I. |1 1 230 1 | -i .n,,.,,,-3-:,:,6, 5 75 70 I, I 2 31.1 814-I:,1 II,:.1 ii3-.:0 c.1 5 75 70 EVERIDGE JEFFREY SCOTT 14.400AC 'S PART OF TRACT 6 DESC AS COM AT NW'C OF SW'4 OF 23.. 14 FOR SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEG -L 1, 230814-0 II000:i1)03-')071": H\ 1.147 3c. . 1,3 230814.-00')0C0:3-')'7':. HX I 117 36 SANDERS CHRISTOPHER& \\ END' 10:OOO0AC TRACT 'COCNT I: AC DESC AS. COrIl AT SE C OF SE'4 OF NV.' 4 S SEE T AX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEG ,L 1I'.i4 24-i)&14-.0li":)Ct0,)2-.i:":t:i HX 3o4 98 I,'4 24.1i814-.1,:1ii'r.10002-1.11: I:') H\ 364 : .SASSER WiLLIAM. C & STEPHANIE S 5.000AC W 33) FT OF N.2 OF NE.4 OF NE 4 15I:'639224 118 225 4.5 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 11.5 1 240 14 ,0 2 -":"' 12 I O.i :I U o,% oo 105 24-.1814-0i)'012.Ii.il-0J1 "' 669 HINES RICHARD L & PATRICIA A I10 1..11 AC FOR POR COf.M AT SW C OF \% 2 OF SSE 4 OF 24-I.0'-14 THENCE Ri.N N SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 11:16 24,'Sl|4.) )O'Ju>I|2.,2I' HX 423 75 1':6 24.814.1 : ,)14 ''-00 12-I'2i) HX 4 -5 CULRTIS CAR.LA FA".C , O FORAPT C.F REF CC O .I AT SW C OF \\2 OF SE 4 OF 24-S-14 G':' SSEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL I," | I:i 8 14-',: 3':::01 b ,:40 H .: 3 .i 4-1 5 1I087 250:S 14- ,000 03 -0.1.0..,4i:) H 6\ : ",) 4 52 1 HOLL ONDENNIS C' 1SO.AC LOT 4 HiGH CCOUFNTR" Si.BD C':NT 3 IS AC 17 694 2::11IIt I SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL . 11.1: 25:.814-.: I's::0003"3-'i 0 ) 614 2 1 108 250814-00000033-0010 614.21 SMITH JAMES IM & REBE(CCA L 0.460AC COM AT PT 30 FT \ OF S\ Ci OF BLK 5 TOWN C1 F BELL SL2 BD FOR SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL ii.19 250S14 .-01):"10UL36.-I0I') I S8 52 1.09 250814-00000036-0010 188.52 BELL FARM SUPPLY INC 2 0.530AC COM AT NW/C OF BLK 12 TOWN. OF BELL GO S 61 DEG W 240 FT GO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 110 250814-00000037-0000 2,165.26 110 250814-00000037-0000 2,165.26 BELL FARM SUPPLY INC 2.190AC COM 30 FT W OF NW/C'OF BLKi 12 AS POB GO S 61 DEG W 400 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 111 250814-00200003-001b 8"19.99 111 250814-00200003-0010 819.99 BADGER DELORES J 0.230AC LOT I BLK 3 TOWN OF BELL FL- 95/461 112 250814-00930000-0100 HX 384.25 112 250814-00930000-0100 HX 384.25 LEBLANC DONNA L 5.060AC LOT 10 HIGH COUNTRY SUBD CONT 5.06 AC 239/621 277/212 283/ 494 UTIL EASEMENT 289/496 113 250814-02600000-0040 168.58 113 250814-02600000-0040 168.58 ERGLE DALE & BELINDA 0.990AC LOT 4 PARK PLACE SUBD CONT .99 AC 72/14 128/592 247/305 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL f14 250814-02600000-0050 1,051.61 114 250814-02600000-0050 1,051.61 ERGLE DALE & BELINDA 1.000AC LOT 5 PARK PLACE SUBD CONT,I AC 72/14 128/592 247/305 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 115 260814-00000002-0000 242.89 115 260814-00000002-0000 242.89 PHILPOT DAVID HENRY ET AL 60.000AC NE/4 OF NE/4 & N/2 OF SE/4 NE/4 OR 66/194 80/416 251/362 116 260814-00000009-0000 HX 196.37 116 260814-00000009-0000 HX 196.37 QUINN ANDREW JAMES & NATHANNA COM AT SW/C OF SE/4 OF SW/4 GO E 330 FT TO POB CONT E 304 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 117 270814-00000007-0000 707.28 117 270814-00000007-0000 707.28 BROWNE TERESA SUE 0.550AC COM AT SE/C OF N/2 OF SW/4 OF 27-8-14 FOR A POB GO ALONG E SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 118 280814-1931000B-0020 HX 223.80 118 280814-1931000B-0020 HX 223.80 JOYNER CHARLES L JR 5.210AC LOT 2 BLK B UNIT 1 SUWANNEE - GIL FARMS CONT 5.21 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 119 280814-1931000A-0020' HX 285.68 119280814-1931000A-0020 HX 285.68 LUCKMAN JACK 5.010AC LOT 2 BLK A UNIT 1 SUWANNEE GIL FARMS CONT 5.01 AC 149/5 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 2.220AC 95 200814-00000003-0010 201.96 95 200814-00000003-0010 201.96 STRATEGIC REAL ESTATE 2.000AC COM AT-SE/G OF NE/4 OF SW/4 OF NE/4 OF 20-8-14 AS POB GO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL Gilcrhrist Countu Delinauent Tax T i.-; R-~n- Paap nnn , i Ma-v 11 18,25,2006-t; ,ectionnB. Pace Two Gilchrist Countu Delinauent Tax List Ma 11. 18. 25. 2006 - -n ---- ----r -- .7---I--- -- ----- S -. 120 280814-1931000B-0040 HX 529.92 120 280814-1931000B-0040 HX 529.92 LOVEDAY ROBERT Z & CLARA S 5.210AC LOT 4 BLK B UNIT 1 SUWANNEE GIL FARMS SUBD CONT 5.21 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 121 280814-1931000B-0060 HX 327.32- 121 280814-1931000B-0060 HX 327.32 STRICKLAND JERRY W 5.200AC LOT 6 BLK B UNIT 1 SUWANNEE- GIL FARMS CONT 5.20 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 122 280814-1931000C-0010 456.02 122 280814-1931000C-0010 456.02 DAVIS WILBUR A & DEBORAH R 5.010AC LOT 1 BLK C UNIT 1 SUWANNEE- GIL FARMS CONT 5.01 146/277 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 123 280814-1931000C-0040 456.02 123 280814-1931000C-0040 456.02 WHITE MICHAEL DJR. 5.010AC LOT 4 BLK C UNIT 1 SUWANNEE GIL FARMS SUBD CONT 5.01 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 124 290814-00000001-0040 434.83 124290814-00000001-0040 434.83 MITCHELL ROYCE E 13.220AC COM AT NW/C OF NW/4 OF NE/4 GO E 446:34 FT TO POB GO E SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 125 290814-00000001-0050 434.83 125 290814-00000001-0050 434.83 MITCHELL ROYCE E 13.220AC COM AT NE/C OF NW/4 OF NE/4 AS POB GO S 1298.39 FT GO W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 126290814-00000005-0000' 666.18 126 290814-00000005-0000 666.18 HUMPHREYS RALPH D JR 10.000AC BEGIN 329.35 FT S OF NE/C OF NE/4 OF SE/4 29-8-14 THEN RUN SEE.TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 127290814-06410000-0100 877.19 127290814-06410000-0100 877.19 ALLRED KATHLEEN HARRELL 1.150AC LOT 10 1STADDITSUWAN1EE ; LANDING SUBD OR 79/215& 244 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 128 300814-00810000-0070 58.48 128 300814-00810000-0070 58.48 HENDRY ROBERT L & IMOGENE K 1.000AC LOT 7 RIVERVIEW EST SUBD 19-8-14 80/650 TAX DEED 2002/ 1449 2004/2645 129 300814-00810000-0080 58.48 129300814-00810000-0080 58.48 HENRY ROBERT L & IMOGENE K 1.000AC LOT 8 RIVERVIEW EST SUBD 19-8-14 80/650 TAX DEED,2002/ 1452 2004/2645 130 300814-00640000-0030 1,049.41 130 300814-00640000-0030 1,049.41 CHAMNESS HARRY M SR & ELLA M I I I.AC LOT 3 SIIUWANNEE LANDING SUIBD OR 7b 1038 12- 555-556 EASEMENT SEE FAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 131 300814-00810000-0010 58;48 ' 131 300814-00810000-0010 58.48 WHITELY HAZELTON 0.990AC LOT I RJ\ ERVIEW EST SUBD 19-8-14 80/65089/294 111/345 119/576 TAX DEED 2004/4087 132 320814-00830000-0030 143.35 S 13 320814-00830000-0030 143.35 COLLINS iON 5.120AC LOT 3 FOREST.WOODLANDS EST SUBD 80/643 TAX DEED 118/483 SEETX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S133 O2,. 0I 4,i8.100l):4l-it0 ,lin- '1.3 19 133 :'2,., I J.iiii00 ijii,)0,'..40 153 19 COLLINSIVON 6.320AC [LOT 4 FOREST WOODLANDS EST SlUBD "SO o43 TAX DEED I IS 456 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL: I *14 3'.IS14-00oS31.1:000n( -'' 0 187 41 134 320814-00830000-0050 187.41 COLLINS IVON 6.320AC LOT 5 FOREST WOODL HANDS EST SUBD 80/643 TAX DEED I I 489 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 135320814-00830000-0060: 153.19 '135 320814-00830000-0060 ,153.19 COLLINS IVON 6.320AC LOT 6 FOREST WOODLANDS EST ' SUBD 80/643 TAX DEED 118/492 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S13no :20814-l0.8310001 -02410 177 63 - 136 320814-00830000-0240 177.63 TEASLEY TINA LEE & 10.220AC LOT 24 FOREST WOODLANDS EST : SUBD 80/643 89/297 2005/1208 137 320814-0083000-0300 HX 196.37 137 320814-00830000-0300 HX 196.37 FRAZIERJ E 11.900AC LOTS 30 & 31 FOREST WOODLANDS EST 80/643 87/277 93/546-547 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 138 320814-00830000-0470 101.17 138 320814-00830000-0470 101:17 BLANCHARD WILLIAM GREGG l.000AC E 104 FT LOT 47 FOREST WOOD LANDS EST SUBD 83/155 89/35 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL ' 139 320814-00830000-0471 HX -196.37 139 320814-00830000-0471 HX 196.37 BLANCHARD WILLIAM I 890AC' W 196 FT OF LOT 47 FOREST WOODLAND ESTATES 101/293 286/ 740 140 320814-00870000-0030 138.68 140 320814-00870000-0030 138.68 SEVON FRED I.000AC LOT 3 CAROLINE'S COUNTRY SUBD 88/41 99/390 107/62 144/446 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL.LEGAL 141 320814-00870000-0040 138.68 141 320814-00870000-0040 138.68 SEVON FRED 1.000AC LOT 4 CAROLINE'S COUNTRY SUBD 88/41 99/390 107/62 144/446 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 142 320814-00870000-0200 138.68 142 320814-00870000-0200 138.68 COLLINS JOHN B 1.540AC LOT 20 CAROLINE'S COUNTRY SUBD 88/41 166/293 143 330814-19330000-0010 HX 367.25 143 330814-19330000-0010 HX 367.25 DAVIS WILBUR A & DEBORAH R 5.010AC LOT 1 UNIT 3 SUWANNEE-GIL FARMS SUBD CONT 5.01 AC 157/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 144 330814-19330000-0150 1,455.79 144 330814-19330000-0150 1,455.79 FUENTES TONY JR & NANCY B 5.140AC LOT 15 UT 3 SUWANNEE-GIL FARMS SUBD CONT 5.14 AC 154/468 169/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 145 360814-00000007-0010 844.86 145 360814-00000007-0010 844.86 MASSINGILL SARAH JEAN & 0.610AC COM AT NE/C OF 36-8-14 FOR POR THENCE RUN-ALG N LN OF SEC 36 SEE TA) ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 146 360814-00000007-0020 220.18 146 360814-00000007-0020 220.18 MASSINGILL SARAH JEAN & 0.610AC COM AT NE/C OF 36-8-14 FOR FOR THENCE RUN ALG N LN OF SEC 36 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 147 360814-00000008-0030 1,281.13 147 360814-00000008-0030 1,281,13 BELL KENNETH & LINDA 3.080AC COM AT SE/C OF NE/4 OF 36-08- 14 FOR POB THENCE RUN ALG E LN. SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 148 360814-00000012-0030 HX 175.91 148 360814-0000012-0030 HX 175.91 CRACE SUZANNE R 0.520AC COM AT NE/C OF NW/4 36-8-14 GO W.866.90 FT GO S 225.86 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 149 360814-00000012-0035 575.88 149 360814-00000012-0035 575.88 RACE WILLIAM G 4.230AC COM AT NE/C OF NW/4 36-8-14 & . RUN ON N LN OF NW/4 N89 DEGW ' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 150 360814-00210000-0200 201.84 . 150 360814-00210000-0200 201:84 CREWS ROY & DEANNA 0.220AC LOT 20 BHS 57/263 71/417 78/ 174 8g1/215 UTILITY EASEMENT ' 190/15 275/180 2003/281.6 151 360814-00210000-0350 HX 109.85 151 360814-.002100l00-0350 HX 10985 FORSHEE LINDA 0 220AC LOT 35 B HS88295 5103 581 125/608 128/164 136/402 136/ 404 166/651 152I 109114-00f00'0,:2'-0000 173 48 . 152 010914-0(0,0002-010000 173 48 PHILPOT DAVID HENRYETAL 40.000AC SE/4 OF NW/4 OR 66/194 807416 251/362 153 030914-00000004-0020 HX : 897:51 153 030914-00000004-0020 HX 897.51- SCOTT AMY KAY .I l.01.IAC COM AT SE'C OF NE 4 OF SE 4 OF 3:9-14 FOR POR THENCE RUN ONE SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 154 030914.-001(100(00 -0 10 H 1.03-1. 2o .0' 154 0 "0914-0.:'100 ,i"006-0,:I10 HX 1,'34 26 BRUNGER JAMhES MICHAEL 5 000AC COM AT ,SW C OF SE 4 OF 3-9-14 FOR POR THENCE RUN ALG S LN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 155 )40914-00000013-:3.00)0 HX 19637 S 15i5 0(40914-00iJ'(1.1)"'I .l000 HFX 19o 37 HUTCHESON KENNETH L 0 500'AC COM AT NE'C OF SE 4 OF 4.9-14 & RUN S 89 DEG W 55 25 FT TOc SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S 156 9 914-00000004-(00 i:i 1.0'03 38 156 050914-000000014-0000 1 003 38 PEATON KEITH \ & DEBORAH 40 "00AC SE 4 OF NW'4 262 429 20102 5975 S 157 051.1914-00920000-0I01(0 2,5' )S 27 157 050914-00920:0,1i)-0010' 2,50iS 27 RARE BIRD FARM INC 13 890:AC L OT I & E 2 OF LOT 2 OAKS IOF S WANNEE SUBD 89 4"0: 97 53"-538 SEE T.AX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 158 5i')914-,l'092 (nil0-d0l .100 HNX 9 60 ' 158 i:,50914-009200110-0l100 HX 11:19 60 W: ISNISKI LEO WILLIAM 5 000AC LOT II0 OAKS OF WANNEE UNREC SLiBDCONT 5 AC 89 464 92 319 SEE TAN ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 159 060914-00 )00002-0000 188 89 159 060914 -1)0000002-01)000 188 89 -DEAL TROY MJR 2.460AC COM AT NE COR OF GOVT LOT I AS POB GO S ALG LN DIVIDING SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 160) 0709 14 .1I00I103-0002 58 77 160 070914-00000003-0002 58:77 SUN SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT CORP" 0.460AC COM AT.NE/C OF'LOLT I OFTURKEY~;.n .- PT SUBD RUN N 12DEG Wi 105.FT. :-: ,. . SSEE TAX ROLL.FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 161 070914-00980000-0050 159.76 161 070914-00980000-0050 159.76 SMITCHELL iERiALD F & PEGG('' B 0.520AC LOT 5 TURKEY POINT SUBD 2i" 433 245/270 245/272 286/168 286/174 162 080914-0023000H-0010 1,707.56 .162 080914-0023000H-0010 1,707.56 BROWN WILLIAM .PERE Y 0.430AC LOT I BLK H W\ANNEE 7-9-14OR.: 49/683 98/23 110/301 112 360 SEE T.AX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL, 163 0 (09|14 i .0i:,11:1:1:1 8-0.i:i.l0 H-X I9o. 37 .163 080914-00000008-0010: HX 196:37 RAIN MARYLOU 1.200AC COM AT SEC OF 8-914.GOW . ALONG COGRADE 2o48 27 FT GO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL , 164 080914-00000016-0040 393:92. 164 080914-00000016-0040 393.92 WILSON MALCOLM K & SHARON D 5.000AC COM AT SE/C OF NW/4 OF NW/4 OF' 8-9-14AS POR GO W 100 FTTO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 165 080914-0023000A-0290 HX 196.37 165 080914-0023000A-0290 HX 196.37 HAZELWOOD TAMMY DIANE 0.300AC LOTS 29 & 30 BLK A WANNEE ON SUWANNEE 80/117 119/485 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 166 080914-0023000A-0370 .75.36 166 080914-0023000A-0370 .75.36 SUWA'NNEE RIVER SPRINGS INC 0.150AC LOT 37 BLK A ,W NNEE I(: 494 4/84 167 080914-0023000C-0150 75.36 167 080914-0023000C-0150 75.36 RIVAS BARBARA MONROE 0.150AC LOT 15 BLK C WANNEE 4/84 2003/ 418 2003/419 168 080914-0023000C-0170 117:57 168 080914-0023000C-0170 1'17.57 RIVAS BARBARA MONROE 0.300AC LOTS 17 & 18 BLK C WANNEE 4/84 2003/419 v 169 080914-0023000C-0290 280.78 169 080914-0023000C-0290 280.78 RICHARDSON PHILLIP A JR & 0.300AC LOTS 29 & 30 BLK C WANNEE 51/97 213/175 213/589 UTILITY EASEMENT 2 19/472 4/84 170 080914-0023000E-0020 159.76 170 080914-0023000E-0020 159.76- : PERROTTA LOU 0.450AC LOTS 2 3 & 4 BLK E WANNEE 4/84 TAX DEED 2002/1191-1193 2002/2790 2005/1255 171 080914-0023000E-0080' 75.36 171 080914-0023000E-0080 75.36 HERTILIEN JUSTINE & 0.150AC LOT 8 BLK'E WANNEE ON SUWANNEE 4/84 2004/6558 2005/645 172 080914-0023000E-0240 201.96 172 080914-0023000E-0240 201.96 GOODMAN MARY ROBERTA ESTATE 0.560A( LOTS 24 25 40 41 BLK E WANNEE 108/390 4/84 173 080914-02030000-0010 2,445.25 173 080914-02030000-0010 2,445.25 RODEN CHARLES A SR & JANIE M 5.240AC LOT 1 SHADY OAK ESTATES SUBD CONT 5.24 AC 153/697 153/697 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 174 090914-02320000-0030 376.05 174 090914-02320000-0030 376.05 SAPIENZA EDITH 5.000AC LOT 3 SUN SPRINGS EST CONT 5 AC 45/182 105/164-165 129/535 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 175 100914-00000001-0060 HX 893.10 175 100914-00000001-0060 HX 893.10 ROBERTS JAMES LAVETT & 3.280AC COM AT NE/C OF 10-9-14 GO ON E LN OF SEC S40 FT GO W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 176 110914-00000004-0000 HX 300.85 176 110914-00000004-0000 HX 300.85 BUNKLEY PAULA NETTLES 10,000AC SE/4 OF NE/4 OF SW/4 155/529 S221/411 281/118 284/283 284/ 285 284/287 284/289 177 110914-00000004-0030 826.20 177 110914-00000004-0030 826.20 BUNKLEY PAULA N 10.000AC. NW/4 OF SW/4 OF NE/4 OF 11-9- 14 CONT10AC 131/38 178 110914-00000004-0050 HX 632 11 178 110914-00000004-0050 HX 63211 ORKNEY JACKSON & CHRISTINE K 5.000AC COlM AT SW.C OF NW 4 OF 11-9-14 FOR POR THENCE RUN ON SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITiONAL LEGAL S179 110914-00000004-0'i'60 7748 179 I 10914-0:,.100:104-..0 61'0 77 48 BLINKLEY PAULA NETTLES 10 '0AC ' NE.'4OFSW 4 OF NE4 221 411 281 118 284 287 180 120)914-00001:001 II-)1i'0 H X 1,364 70 180 120914-0,:3000011 -0 1100 HX 1,364 70 GIBB GREGORY L.& SUSAN K 24 550AC PART OF S/2 OF SE/4 DESC AS FROM SW.C OF SE-4 GO E 657 8 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 181 130914-00000002-0020 .*HX 1 260 67 181 13:,1914.-i)01:i:ii:"11 .i0: i:2' HX 1,2,:o' 67 ' RLiDD RONAL D \. 29.810AC S NE 4 OF NW\ 4 LESS E 3_2,:' FT OF 13-9-14 CONT : 81 AC SSEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL- . 1.82 I13914-0.ii .u00)07-.00301 HX 19637 : S' 182 13 0914.0000li.07.0031i0 HX 196 37 SHURLEY WILLIAM T.IR & ROBIN L I )AC COM AT NW.C OF E.2 OF NW,4 OF SNW.4 OF 13-9-14 AS POB GO E SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 183 140914-1.0000u001'3-010 *5 4 8 24 S 183 140914-001.10001)03001 585 24 STRAVIESO RAUL R 5 OI:A.AC W 2 OF NW'4 OF SW.4 OF NE 4 124 437 237,51 LiTIL EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONkL LEGAL > 184 141.i914.-00001i:108-i'101 704 75 184 14,)914--1. u1 ij))(S.i1. i1:1 714 75 CARNLEY JAROD EVEN 19 39,AC' E 2 OF SW 4 OF SE 4 LESS RD SRW 5 311 98 693 268 22'7 2'i..' SEE TI.X ROLL FOR ADDITION.-.L LEGAL 1 5 Io,:914.:0' 00, : 1-:,., 33 06 .i I 5 0 o I 1 -c ii'i'llO il-O""i.i 336 i0 r .iENklNS MiTTE iLA ET LM 36 5:I'IAC . NE 4 OF NE 4 LESSRDR\ . "2 463 LESS I AC TO-: MCCO, SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 186 I o914.u00i0i)l03.-i'l00 LX 814 41 186 160914.0011i:0003-Il0001 HX S14 41 JENKiNS MITTIE ILA 139 So0AC : N2 'OF NW4 & W;2 OF-NE.4 LESS I AC IN NW,4 OF NE.4 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 187 160914-00000003-0010 .126.12. 187 |o:9114.00i:i00003-.ii10 126.12 BENNTETT MITTIE ILAJENKINS 1.000AC SO..I AT NE C OF NW 4 OF NE 4 . o Ilo.014 & RLINS 40 FT TOS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL iLEG.AL '18 'i'1611.914'-00010(, 1.13-0.: i HX 42305 ' l o=.I -a-0 1 3 26 HX` 2.L$ 4.1 . BAUMANN .iEFFRkY&. 'S(A'L S 1: ACt OF NW\ 4 OF NW\ 4 LESS .3'1 AC RD RW LESS 5 AC TO' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 18 9 I i:. 14-0i:il)00004.)1120 H 940:. 22 189 160914-00000004-0020 HX 940.22 NASH RICHARD & REBECCA 2.000AC COM AT SW/C OF SE/4 OF SW/4 OF 16-9-1:4 FOR POR THENCE RUN ON SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL, ' 190 170914-02420000-0050' 277.57 -190 170914-02420000-0050 277.57 SMITCHELL BUCK & PEGGY 0.200AC LOT 5 UNIT 2 IST ADDIT SLIN SPGS SUBD 72/114 UTIL EASEMENT , 228/194237/416 I ? I 170914.-002421u)I00-0121i0 85 92 19] I 70914-0:4 _l001.ll0)-I0 85.: 92 IV .lTCHELL JERALD F & PEGGY B 0.I110AC LOT 2:' U-NIT 2 IST ADDIT SUN SPGS SUBD UTILITY EASE.IEENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 19 I 7I'i1914-.'242':1 :"'.'1.l. i ,5 92 1 I '09114.-:12 4)1 11001 0:11111 .592 MITCHELL JERALD F & PEGGY B 0.:120AC LOT 21 UNIT 2 1ST ADDIT SUN SPGS SUBD UTILITY EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 193 170914-00000001-0032 97.24 193 170914-00000001-0032 97.24 -MARTIN L W WEEKS ESTATE ;, 1.380AC PART OF GOVT LOT 1 DESC AS BEG SE/C OF LOT 6 BLK A SUN SPGS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 194 170914-.0n0ii00C.1-0flOn 90.05 194 1 7. 1914.,11. 1)1 1.0,' .II 90.05 MITCHELL JERALD F & PEGGY B :" 1.070AC COM AT SW/C OF LOT 21 SUN , SPGS SUBD IST ADDIT UT 2 AS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 195 180914-00250000-0230 402.42 195:180914-00250000-0230 402.42 DESPRES PIERRE 0.490AC LOT 23 SUW ROVERA HTS UNREC OR 76/508 135/531 200/583 ' 196 210914-00000004-0021 HX 348.21. 196 210914-00000004-0021 HX 348.21 CARTER THOMAS P JR 1.000AC' BEGIN AT SE/C OF SE/4 OF 21-9-14 & RUN N 89 DEG W ALG S SEE. TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 197.230914-00000005-0023 HX 745.31 197 230914-00000005-0023 HX ,745.31 SUAREZ ELISA B 10.020AC LOT 3 ANDREW WOODS DESC AS COM AT SE/C OF SE/4 OF SW/4 & RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL. 198 260914-00000004-0010 1,042.27 198 260914-00000004-0010 1,042.27 WALLS JOSEPH J JR & ELAINE C 10.000AC W/2.OF W/2 OF NW/4 OF NW/4 85/635 205/123 205/124 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 199 270914-00000005-0000 472.44 199 270914-00000005-0000 .472.44 BARRON JACKIE R & DEBORAH V 16.140AC S/2 OF SW/4 OF SW/4 LESS 2 AC C TO JACKIE BARRON IN OR 64 PG 604 LESS RD R/W 135/513 200 270914-00000005-0010 HX 654.44 .200 270914-00000005-0010 HX 654.44 BARRON JACKIE R & DEBORAH V 2.000AC COM AS POREF AT SE/COR OF S/2 OF SW/4 OF SW/4 GO N TO N RW SEE TAX ROLL FOR'ADDITIONAL LEGAL 201 280914-01920000-0080 1,001.62 201 280914-01920000-0080 1,001.62 MCLEOD ANNA 5.390AC LOT 8 SUWANNEE RIVER RANCH ESTATES SUBD CONT 5.39 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 202 280914-00000007-0040 666.18 202 280914-00000007-0040 666.18 CLEMONS LUCILLE (DECEASED) 10.000AC NW/4 OF NE/4 OF NW/4 OF 28-9-14 TOGETHER'WITH SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 203 280914-01920000-0040 HX 302.42 203 280914-0192L0000-0040I HX 302.42 BENNETT MARK S & MICHELE D 5.520AC LOT 4 SUWANNEE RIVER RANCH ESTATES SUBD CONT 5.25 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 204280914-01920000-0100 HX -277.79 204 280914-0192000-0100 HX 277.79. MOZIER LORA 5.390AC LOT 10 SUWANNEE RIVER RANCH ESTATES SUBD CONT 5.39 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 205 280914-01920000-0150 1;632.56 205 280914-01920000-0150 1,632.56 DAILY Y ROBERT L & L AUREN 5 230AC LOT 15 SL[WANNEE RIVER RANCH ESTATES SUBD CONT 5 23 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 20 29091 4-0.10000001-I0010 HX 1.254 88 2106 2909014-0, I.i:11,r|-i.:10 HX 1,25488 LINDSEY DALE W & ANGIE S 5 00AC COM AT NE C (F 29-09.14 FOR POR AND RiN ALONG E LINE OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 207 290914-0)001:01.102-0020 HX 1,034 49 207 290914-00.'0002-00:0 HFX 1.034 49 RO)BINSON ERIC & RITA B 17 170AC E 4IOF S 2(OF NE 4 LESS: 2AC IN 85 40 CONT 18 37 AC LESS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 208 290914 -.i:i0000-001 I 0o36 08 20h 291'10 I 4- .111 .6 11 I 63o0 18 WILLIAMhS .NGELA C 5 l00AC - COM AT SE C OF NVV 4 29-9-14 & SRUN N 73 o8 FT TO NORTHERLY - SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL . 2. 1 9 290014 i4. ii000000-01)020 496 59 ' 2109 29:1.914-nii0000i).l0F6.10201" 496 59 ROBINSON ERIC K 2 470AC S COM AT SE C OF SE.4 OF NW4 OF 29-9-14 & RLUN ON S LN OF SE4 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 2 1' : 29',0:v |4-000n)000'8.00i00 263 51 SI 2110 29'914-,oOO)1OO'i-',)00' 26051 WRIGHT STEPHEN M & I 000AC SCOM .1T SE COR OF NW 4 AND GO N A DIST OF APPROX 40)] FT TO N SSEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAi 11 291'9 14-0011 I 0i 1'9-f0i:ii:iI: H-X 196 37 N2 I 211 29 .91|4-.ll00iii'lI-i0l i HX 196 37 TECKENBROiCK L DA\iD I AC COM T SE :OR OF N-%' 4 GO ', 2''U FT N40 FT TO N R LNOF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL I .' I 21 29 ,914- .",I',Iii 13-I 100 463 13 S 212 296I.0 4.-oI6iiii 11 3-., ,, 463 13 : SSTICKLES SHERM.AN K I) AN-NE H 1.000AC COM AT SE COR OF S 2 OF NMW 4 GO N TO N R W LNViF ST RD 344 SEE T-X RCLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 213 290914.-00' 014-U000 HX 57785 213 29]4-0(0iii)14.0000 HXN 57785 STICKLES SHERIMAN KEITH & 3 00'"AC COM AT SE.C OF NVW.4 OF 29.9-14 GO N 475 FT TO POB GO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 214 290914-000000 180020 X 21083 214 290914-00000018-0020 HX 21083 TR' ON CHRIS & TAIMMIE 4 I090:AC COMl AT N'\ C OF NE 4 OF S 4 : GO ON W LN 5 2101 FT TO POB SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 21 |.NOl i:iOOI','?-.i/*:i-, .. H\,,,, 106 , 215 2901 |4.11 ,111:1111 i rIl:l: H \. 1 9 7 3 - L \NGFORD JOE \ALTER I T,,A COr.I AT \ PT WHERE THE S BDRY R W\ LN OF ST RD S-344 INTER- SSEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 216 300(914 -00000i:07-l005, 412 98 21o 3i"i0914 -00 013:1 0 7-i 50 412.98 DAWSON JAMES & 1i: "'".AC COMBAT SE C OF 30.9-14 GOON . E LN OF SEC N 5:'' EFT GO.W ' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL . 217 330914)00000001-0010 HX 2,450.98 217 330914-000000-001-0O HX 2,450.98 DURST JOHN L & PATRICIA T' 1 :1.300AC COM AT NE/C OF SE/4 OF33-9-14 FOR POR THENCERUNALG N LN OF *'SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 218 3 30914-1.:000ii00iil 00 30 1,1.35 43 218 330914-00000001-0030 1,035.43 MIESSINA ANTHONY & DANA 10.000AC, COI. AT NE C OF NW 4 OF SE 4 OF 33-9-14 FOR POR THENCE RUN ALG SEE TA.X ROLL FOR ADDITICONnAL LEGAL 219 330914-00000001-0031 584.67 219 330914-00000001-0031 584.67 ANDREWS JOHN C ELLEN C 5.350AC. COM AT NE/C OF NW 4 OF SE 4 OF - 33-9-14 FOR POR THENCE RUN ALG SEE TAX ROLL.FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL' 220 330914-00000001-0033 1,035.43 220 330914-00000001-0033 1,035.43 MESSINA ANTHONY & DANA. 10.000AC COM AT NE/C OF NW/4 OF SE/4 OF 33-9-14 FOR POCR THENCE R.UN .ALG' SEE'IAX ROLL FOR ADDI TIONAL LEGAL 221 340914-01930000-0280 613.43 : ' 221 340914-01930000-0280 / 613.43 HOLLAND CHARLES W JR &. 10.00OOOAC TRACT 28 SUW RIV RANCH EST DESC IN METES & BDS CONT 10 AC 200/388 2000/4558 222 350914-00000002-0010 HX :1,870.34. 222 350914-00000002-0010 HX 1,870.34 POWERS RONNIE L & BOBBI S 15.610AC SE/4 OF NW/4 LESS 19.39 AC TO STEPHENS 75/675 167/62 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 223 350914-00000008-0040 HX 1,087.56 223 350914-00000008-0040 HX 1,087.56 SAUNDERS SYLVIA AZULOY & 8.080AC COM AT NE/C OF SW/4 OF SE/4 OF 35-9-14 FOR POR THENCE RUN ON SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 224 350914-02400000-0140 HX 586.39 '224 350914-02400000-0140 HX 586.39 BRANNING JAMES 5.020AC LOT 14 STRATFORD RUN SUBD 113/ 198 122/64 133/272-273 253/592 . SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 225 021014-00000005-0000 HX 213.99 225 021014-00000005-0000 HX 213.99 LANGFORD JOHN MARVIN 5.000AC S/2 OF SW/4 OF NW/4 OF SW/4 16/198 44/265 72/349 181/190 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 226 031014-00000005-0010 181.62 226 031014-00000005-0010 181.62 MCQUEEN WES 33.500AC SW/4 OF SE/4 LESS 2 AC TO CHURCH'& 4 AC TO MAY & RD R.W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 227 041014-00000001-0020 HX 617.53 227 041014-00000001-0020 HX 617.53 MATTHEWS STEVEN E SR 10.000AC NW/4 OF NE/4 OF NE/4 204/95 277/639 R/W 284/40 2005/5727 228 041014-02380000-0040 HX 772.76 228 041014-02380000-0040 HX 772.76 CARRYER ERNEST L 2.500AC LOT 4 C-232 RANCHETTES CONT 2.5 AC 204/338 UTIL EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 229051014-00000006-0010 HX .1,631.00 229 051014-00000006-0010 HX 1,631.00 ZIEGLER JACQUELINE 40.000AC SW/4 OF SW/4 289/226 2001/3296 2003/2300-2301 2005/5507 2005/. ,5508 ' 2:30 0711i:I4-01 10i0000-01.0 HX 1,479 58 230. 071014-011 00000-0100 IX 1 479 58 BRETON TROY & ANGELA E I?5 00AC LOT 1 tII1 12 PINES OF OTTER SPRINGS CONT 15 ACRES TOTAL SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 231 071014-01100000-0270 HX 1,439.08 231071014-01100000-0270 IHX 1,439.08 GLECKLER PATTY JO 5.000AC LOT 27 PINES OF OTTER SPRINGS SCONT 5 AC 125.'100 150/398-2681 SEE TAXROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 232 081014-001-'O00006-0000 HNX 12066 232 08I114-000000iI6-.i0000l HX 120 66 EASTERLY I'AN& IRiS L 5 000AC E 2 OF S\V 4 OF NW'4 OF NE4 24 589 263 194 263 195 263'197 264 591 200,') 4556 233 091014-0000000)3-0030 HX 589 61 : 233091014--00(00003-00C30 HX 589 61 BECKELHEIMER STEPHEN CHARLES 4.000AC COM AT SW C OF SE 4 OF SE'4 9-l: -14 FOR POR THENCE RUN ALG SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 234 11014-0000000600106-0'1I 97 55 S 234 101014-00000006-001 I 97 55 S WILEY MICHAEL E&. MAUREEN L 14.530AC COM AT NE.C OF SW/4 OF 10-10- : 14 FOR POR THENCE RUN ON N LN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S 235 121014-00000002-0010 HX 33805 S 235 121014-00000002-0,'0i' HX 33805 DEBRLIHL DENARD D& MARINA D I :0OUAC CONM AT NW COR GOS 0 DEG 17 MIN O9 SEC \ 40 FT TOSRL Y RW SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL. * 236 Iolu14-iL00'00 12-001.001 HX 1,586 72 S 36 161014-00000012-0000 HX 1,580 72 ' SMARTN ALBERTT F & I '00AC ,COM AT NW-C OF SW.4 OF 16-10-14 GOON W LN OF SW.4 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 237 161014-031900)00-0010 48683 237 161014.03190000-0010 486 83 HOLDER WILLIAM T & JESSICA R 2 00.AC LOT 1 LILLIAN ESTATES SUBD S: 101 25 III 196 124 I79 EASE- SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 3S2 8 1|1014-0)00ii00i: -0020 HX 1,61297 )7 238 161|.114-00 10,0"08-0020 HX 1 61297 ROGERS KAY 2 2:9AC E 528 FT OF N I 3 OF 5 495 FT OF SW.4 OF NW 4 TOGETHER W .SEE T.\X ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL' : 39 1611.114-000000 13-0010 38644 ., 2. :39 161014-0 ":u0013-001: 38644 " M .ARTIN JAMES D & 5650AC '2 OF N' OF COlM AT SW C OF 16-10-14 GO E 6610: FT TO POB SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL . .240 161014-.r0000l)1 -00i(i0 812 16 240 161014-00000016 Ou' 812 lo RIDGEWAY' DUANE J 0 960AC COM AT NW.C OF SW '4 OF 16-10-14 GO S279 71 FT TO PT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S 241 16 10 4-,0)00,I030-0000 603 14 : S. 241 161014.lL000i03i)0-:i000O 603 14 \.WARD jLIE A (I 5i):AC S BEG ON S R\ LN OF SCL RR " FORM.IERLY ACL RR WHERE SEC 16 SEE TAX ROLL TOR ADIICTIONAL ,LEGAL , 242 l7]\ 4-,l-0 ,Ii:i|,.ifi'5,t. ... 1 543 I- -. S 242 71,14-.i l::00010-0050) HX I 547 I . CRAFT HERBERT W' & DEBOC.R.H 1 0 I,.AC SWV 4 OF N\ 4- OF N\\ 4 LESS RD S RW91 2809S:269 131 455 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 243 171:'014-ii-000i00)12-0000 610 o5 243 71,: I4-0'. :o0012 -(000,0 610.65 LEE WILLIAI.1 O ; .000AC COMl AT NW\COR OF NE/4 OF SE 4 AS POB GO S 73 YDS TO N SEETAXROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 244 181014-002700:05-0010 45)0 57 244 181014-00270005-0010 450 57 IMARRTIN WILLIAM JACKSON JR 0.'.360AC LOTS I-6 BLK 5 SUW RIVER SLBD S 9 6o 94 145.420: 203!670 21.u4'31S -256/580, 245 181014-00270010-0210 568.14 .245 1810S14-00270(010:-0:10 568.14 ANSTINEMONROE M & MALVA& 0.600AC LOTS 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 & 32 BLK 10 SUW RIV SUBD SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 246 181014-00000017-0000 685.9 . 246 181014-00000017-0000 685.9.1 SULLIVAN MIKE 1.000AC COM AT NE/C OF NE/4 OF SE/4 GO S ALONG E SEC LN DIVIDE SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL - 247 181014-00Q00022-0010 383.69 247 181014-00000022-0010 383.69 WILLIAMS LEWIS J 2.200AC TRACT 1 DESC AS COM AT NE/C OF GOVT LOT 10 OF 18-10-14 AS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 248 181014-00000022-0020 218:85 - 248 181014-00000022-0020 218.85 WILLIAMS LEWIS J 2.200AC TRACT 2 DESC AS COM AT NE/C OF GOVT LOT 10 IN 18-10-14 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL . 249 181014-00260001-0010 201.96 249 181014-00260001-0010 201.96 KIRBY DARYL S 1.320AC LOTS I 234567&8BLK 1 WEST & JOHNSON ADDIT 8/143 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 250 181014-00260002-0010 429.47 250 181014-00260002-0010 .429.47 WRIGHT ANDREW L SR 0.240AC LOTS 1 & 2 BLK 2 WEST & JOHNSON ADDIT 43/208 263/250 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 251 181014-00260004-0040 180.87 251 181014-00260004-0040 180.87 KIRBY DARYL S 0.830AC LOTS 456789 & 10 BLK 4 WEST & JOHNSON ADDIT 8/143 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 252 181014-00260004-0110 HX 342.01 252 181014-00260004-0110 HX 342.01 LONIC BENJAMIN J 0.370AC LOTS 11 12 & 13 BLK 4 WEST & JOHNSON ADDIT 53/434 & 435 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 253 181014-00260007-0170 96.47 253 181014-00260007-0170 96.47 DICKMEYER PAULA JEAN 0.380AC LOTS 17 18 19 BLK 7 WEST AND JOHNSON SUBD OR 68 PG 642 S152/407 279/239 254 181014-00260008-0160 758.04 254 181014-00260008-0160 758.04 OGLESBY DAVID 0.250AC LOT 16 8& 17 BLK 8 WEST & JOHNSON ADDITION 127/161 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL I C ril7hri;ft Cnnh- fDlinauent Tax List Section B, Page Three 255 181014-00260013-0030 180.87 255 181014-00260013-0030 180.87 KIRBY DARYL S. 0.770AC LOTS 3 4 56 7 8 & 22 BLK 13 WEST & JOHNSON ADDIT 2004/6479 -6483 2004/6484 2005/2472 256 181014-00260013-0120 117.57 256 181014-00260013-0120 117.57 KIRBY DARYL S 0.480AC LOTS 12 13 14 & 15 BLK'13 WEST & JOHNSON ADDIT 2004/6479 -6483 2004/6484 2005/2472 257 181014-00260013-0210 54.27. 257 181014-00260013-0210 54.27 KIRBY DARYL S 0.110AC LOT 21 BLK 13 WEST & JOHNSON ADDITION 5/573 8/143 2004/6479 -6483 2004/6484 2005/2472 258 181014-00270001-0010 HX 667.35 258 181014-00270001-0010 HX 667.35 BURKE RAYMOND & CYNTHIA 0.680AC LOTS 1-13 BLOCK 1 SUWANNEE RIVER SUBD 61/545 72/187 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 259 181014-00270002-0010 HX 351.80 .259 181014-00270002-0010 HX 351:80 ROLLISON PAULA 0.720AC LOTS 1-13 INCLUSIVE BLK 2 SUW RIV SUBD 43/490 49/475 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 260 181014-00270004-0010 HX 196.37 260 181014-00270004-0010 HX 196.37 GOURLEYVICKI L 0.360AC LOTS 1 2345&6BLK4SUW RIV SUBD 75/325 130/07-09 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL .261 181014-00270006-0020 419.51 261 181014-00270006-0020 419.51' LENOS MARY 0.480AC LOTS 23 67 10 11 14 15 BLK . 6 SUW RIVER SUBD 111/120 124/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL ' 262 181014-00270006-0130 HX 245.36 262 181014-00270006-0130 HX 245.36 BRUNDEGE JOHN W. 0.600AC LOTS 13 1617 2021 24 25 28 29,& 32 BLK 6 SUW RIVER SUBD , SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 263 181014-00270006-0180 525 45 263 181014-00270006-0.180, .525.45 HARVEY GOLDEN 0.240AC LOTS 18 19 22 & 23 BLK 6SUW RIVER SUBD OR 49/383 56/251- 252 75/667 99/324-325 ' 264 181014-00270010-0010 602:93 S264 181014-00270010-0010 602.93 WALDRON J LUTHER & B G 0.i20AC LOTS & 4 BLK 10 SUW RIVER SUBD72,58791 55 94/250 128/370 265 181014-0'0270010-0020i 22802 265 181014-00270010-0020 228 02 WALDRONJLUTHER&BG 0.120AC LOTS 2 & 3 BLK 10 SUW RIVER SULBD 72587 91 525.94/250 148.219 S266 181i0i4-00270.101I4-iu"021. 494.65 . 266 181014-002700.114-002": 494.65 CONTRELL RICKY A & 0.240AC LOTS 2 3 6'7 BLK 14 SUW RIV SUBD 91/512 104/197 117/203 & SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 267 18R1014-00:270.,)[4-0'180. 'LX 29. 57 S7 267 181014-00270014-0180 HX 290.57 HODSON JOHN E & PATRICIA A 0.480AC LOTS 18 19 22 & 23 BLK 14 SUW RIV SUBD 91/512 104/197 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 268 181014-002766160010 0 539.58' 268 I SI0 4-'' 1 i7i.: il: -,.,'."l. 53958 YENASON ROSE B 'I 92'OAC LOTS 1-32 BLK 16 SUW RIVER SUBD92'69 189 121 189/123 i 269 181014-00270017-0240 HX 398.95 269 181014-00270017-0240 HX 398.95 HUFFMAN MATTHEW & JAMES E & 0.300AC LOTS 24 25 28 29 & 32 BLK 17 SUW RIVER SUBD 93/53 209/43 244/506 276/635 270 181014-00270021-0020 HX 370.37 270 181014-00270021-0020 HX 370.37 VERTREES GENEVA ;' 0.720AC LOTS 2-3-6-7-10-11-14-15-18-19 -22 & 23 BLK 21 SUW RIV SUBD 44 504 275/533 2004/841 271 181014-00270021-0130 HX 196.37 271 181014-00270021-0130 HX 196.37 PICKERN KENNETH L & AZIE M 0.360AC LOTS 13 16 17 20 21 24 BLK21 SUW RIV SUBD OR 50 PG 9 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 272 181014-00270022-0150 112.28 272 181014-00270022-0150 112.28 SCOTT RAYMOND.L & HARRIET S 0.300AC LOTS 15 18 19 22 & 23 ILK 22 SUW RIV SUBD 59/243 69/553 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 273 181014-00270022-0160 112.28 273 181014-00270022-0160 112.28. SCOTT RAYMOND L & HARRIET S 0.300AC LOTS 16 17 20 21 & 24 BLK 22 SUW RIV SUBD 59/243 69/553 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 274 181014-00270023-0020 '64.82 274 181014-00270023-0020 64.82 STRUBEL SAMUAL & LILLIAN. 0.120AC LOTS 2 3 BLK 23 SUW RIV SUBD OR 44 PG 590 OR 62/27 82/131 275 191014-02840001-0090 HX 149.98 275 191014-02840001-0090 HX 149.98 FLOYD RICHARD DARRELL & 2.410AC LOTS 9 & 10 BLK I UT 4 SUW RIV SPGS SUBD 70/423. 72/344 76/663 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 276 201014-02870000-0040 665.16 276 201014-02870000-0040 665.16 ' SIZEMORE BETTY J 0.500AC LOT 4 MOSSY OAKS SUBD 119/502 135/21 149/518 149/519233/638 237/246 237/247 252/256 277 201014-03160000-0010 720.25 277 201014-03160000-0010 720.25 RW OF GILCHRIST COUNTY LTD 0.440AC LOT 1 GREENWAYS OF FANNING SPRINGS 61/485 143/481 157/324 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL \ 78 201014-03160000-0020 720.25 278 201014-03160000-0020 720.25 RW OF GILCHRIST COUNTY LTD 0.440AC LOT 2 GREENWAYS OF FANNING SPRINGS 61/485 143/481 157/324 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 279 201014-02810001-0390 1,016.18 279 201014-02810001-0390 1,016.18 STEVENS ROBERT J 0.220AC LOT 39 BLK 1 UNIT 1 SUW RIV SPGS SUBD 45/535 54/217 86/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 280 201014-02810001-0410 HX 2,149.08 280 201014-02810001-0410 HX 2,149.08 JOHNSON CHARLES E & LESLIE E 2.490AC THE ISLAND LYING WITHIN BLK 1 SUW RIV SPGS SUBD & E 15 FT OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 281 201014-02810010-0080 372.40 281 201014-02810010-0080 372.40 WALDRON JOHN & BRENDA 0.200AC LOT 8 BLK 10 UNIT 1 SUW RIV SPGS SUBD 48/504 85/158 95/356 167/383 -r------------- 282 201014-02810010-0090 216:51 282 201014-02810010-0090 216.51 BEARSS DOROTHEA I 0.230AC LOT 9 BLK 10 UNIT 1 SUW RIV SPGS SUBD'OR 45/577 & OR 75/71 126/146 283 201014-02810010-0100 '377.27 283 201014-02810010-0100 377.27 BASS GW & CORALEE 0.190AC LOT 10 BLK 10 UNIT 1 SUW RIV SPGS SUBD 99/475 213/515 284 201014-02810010-0110 379.98 284 201014-02810010-0110 379.98 BASS GW& CORA LEE 0.170AC LOT 11 BLK 10 UNIT 1 SUW RIV SPGS SUBD 97/571 213/515 285 201014-02810010-0120 384.98 285 201014-02810010-0120 384.98 BASS GW & CORA LEE 0.180AC LOT 12 BLK 10 UNIT 1 SUW RIV SPGS SUBD 87/635 88/7 213/515 .286 201014-02810010-0130 390.52 286 201014-02810010-0130 .390.52 BASS G W & CORA LEE 0.220AC LOT 13 BLK 10 UNIT SUWANNEE RIVER SPRINGS SUBD 87/635 213/515 237 2:10 14'-0'28 Li"i -10030 353:23 . -287 2010i:14028100S I 1-0030 353.23 BASS G W & CORA LEE 0.180AC LOT 3 BLK 11 UNIT 1 SUW RIV SPGS SUBD 19-10-14 OR 63/254 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 288 201014-02810011-0040 544:86 288 201014-02810011-0040 : 544.86 WALDRON JOHN & BRENDA 0.180AC LOT 4 BLK 11 UNIT 1 SUW RIV SPGS SUBD OR 45/465 142/509 143 379 213'515 289201014-02810011-0140 :HX 109.85 289 201014-02810011-.14 :' HX 109.85 FULLER RICHARD L& 0.360AC LOTS I& 15BLK IIUNITI . SUWRIJV SPGSSLiBDOR75/660 "' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 2900 20CIf14-.0'28iirI|S-' 1 74-0 2 290 201014-02820018-0010- 745.02 . .TILLEY JERRY L'&TiHER.ES FA'iYE, 2 450IAC LOTS I 2,BLK 18 LNiT 2 SLU.n Ri' SPGS SUBD METES SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITION NAL LEGAL 291 201014-02820018-0041 453-51 291 2 l1i 4.|)2. 20I: ,l4.,i 4I 453 SI 1 ; ' DALVIS ANTHONY H & STACEY L 1 500AC W 2 LT 4 BLK 18 LIT 2 SUIWV RJ\ SPGS SLiBD DESC AS BEGIN AT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 292 2'I101.4-0I 30S"ii0170 HX I)0 85 S\\LLIANMSSTElVIEC I 0o9AC LOT 17 NIT 3SUi~ R% L SPGS 54.134 224/338 292'407 2003 . 6727 S 293 201014-0283i'000-(i10 ) : 969.40 293 201(I14.0283000i0.i:320 C 969.40 - WALDRON .iOHN & BRENDA 1.000AC LOT 21 UNiT 3 SLR,' RiJVER SPRINGS SLBD 59275 -'A, SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 294 2 1014-01031.12,0IU)i0 -02lnii 7'h .2 294 2:,i: 11 4-030201: .:0000-020) 7'' ,25 PADOT DAVID W & I IAR'IANN H ' LOT 210 THE RI\ ERWrLI.K FANT'hNG . SPRINGS UT 1 61 485 143 481 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 295 261014-03020000-0300 720.25 295 201014-03020000-0300 720.25 J DEANS CONSTRUCTION INC -. 0.270AC LOT 30 THE RIVERWALK OF '" .INRTi u SBPRiNGiS i- .iSE I '.l 45 '.'v SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADBiT'iCI-NAL LEGALL" 296 211014-00040000-0310 680.22 296211014-00040000-0310 680.22- MCDONALD.ROBERT E & 0.340AC LOTS 31 & 32 GARDNER HART UNREC SUBD DESC IN METES & BDS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 297 211014-01180000-0151 69.51 297211014-01180000-0151 69.5.1 HILLS RONALD D ETAL 0.410AC E 30' OFN/2:OF NW/4 OF NE/4 21-10-14 131/506 298 211014-01180000-0210 HX 278.82 298 211014-0118000-0210 HX 278.82 RUSSELL ERIC & KRISTI 5.010AC LOT 21-A GILCHRIST GARDENS S"UNREC SUBD DESC AS COI I.T SE it SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDiTii-NAL LEGAL 299 221014-00000004-0000 468.45 299 221014-00000004-0000 468.45 ' GILCHRIST DEVELOPERS INC 1 .000AC BEG SE COR OF NW/4 RUN W 70 YDS N 70 YDS E 70 YDS & S 70 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 300 221014-01280000-0050 460.12 300 221014-01280000-0050 460.12 AMBROSIA INVESTMENTS INC 5.00AC LOT 5 RAMBLING RAMBO ESTATES CONT 5 AC M/L 140/75 152/459 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 301 221014-01280000-0060 296.93 301 221014-01280000-0060 296.93 AMBROSIA INVESTMENTSINC 5.000AC LOT 6 RAMBLING RAMBO ESTATES CONT 5 AC M/L 140/77 152/459 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 302 221014'-01280000-0070 HX 880.38 - 302 221014-01280000-0070' HX 880.38 HODGE HENRY M & BARBARA H 5.000AC LOT 7 RAMBLING RAMBO ESTATES CONT 5 AC M/L 140/81 152/457 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 303 221014-01280000-0100 734.47 303 221014-01280000-0100 734.47 ALAYO ELEUTERIO L & 5.000AC LOT 10 RAMBLIN RAMBO ESTATES CONT 5 AC M/L 140/85 151/337 SEE TAX ,OLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 304221014-01280000-0110 HX 665.86 304221014-01280000-0110 .HX 665.86 JONES WAYNE & PEGGY 5.000AC LOT 11 RAMBLING RAMBO ESTATES CONT 5 AC M/L 151/255 151/385 181/89 240/406 305 221014-01280000-0120 645.63 305 221014-01280000-0120 645.63 JOHNSON JANE 5.000AC LOT 12 RAMBLIN RAMBO ESTATES CONT 5 AC M/L 142/109 159/80 181/89 227/17 2000/2622 306 320615-00000004-0000 155.47 306 320615-00000004-0000 155.47 GODBEY DOUGLAS R & REBECCA R 1.380AC FOR POR COM AT SE/C 32-6-15 THENCE S 89 DEG W ALG S LN OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 307 320615-00650050-0000 1,219.26 307 320615-00650050-0000 1,219.26 GODBEY DOUGLAS R & 2.570AC PARCEL 5 METES & BDS DESC FLA WOODLAND UNREC SUBD 58/688 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 308 320615-00650060-0000 1,556.52 308 320615-00650060-0000 1,556.52 GODBEY DOUGLAS R & REBECCA R 5.410AC PARCELS 6 & 7 MTS & BDS DESC FLORIDA WOODLAND UNREC SUBD SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 309-320615-00650290-0000 328.57 309 320615-00650290-0000 328.57 DAVISSON MARGARET & 5.000AC PARCELS 29 & 30 METES & BDS DESC FLA WOODLAND UNREC SUBD SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 310 340615-00000010-0000 .1,664.09 310 340615-00000010-0000 1,664.09 BRUDERLY DAVID E 14.000AC COM AT NE/C OF 34-6-15 GO S 'ALG E LN OF SEC 276 FT TO POB SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 311 350615-00000003-0000 1,883.52. 311 350615-00000003-0000 1,883.52 MCCORMICK TRUST 2:150AC COM SW/C LT 12 IRA BEA'S OASJS UNIT 3A UNREC GO W 396 FT M/L SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 312350615-00000009-00b0 1,793.58 .312 350615-00000009-0000 1,793.58 MCCORMICK TRUSTEE 4.500AC BEG AT SE/C OF NE/4 OF SEC 35'6-15 GO NO DEG 1831 90 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 313 350615-03300000-0020 1,211.07 S313 3506 I 5-03300000-00:20 .1,211.07 POCG LE JIM W & CAROL 0.520AC LOTL2 UNIT 3 IRA BEAS OASIS OR 39 PG 34 OR 72 PG 2:") 314 350615-03300000-0030 771.69; 314 350615-03300000-0030 771 6 WOLFORD RICHARD W & KATHLEEN A 0.520AC LOT 3 UNIT 3 IRA BEAS OASIS SLIBD 27 542 200i2252i ' 315 35061i 5-034 10000-019 I 117 .4 315350615-0341 ()000-0'191) 117'04 LOT I LUNIT 4A ULNREC SLiBDIRA BEAS OASIS 64,665 182.635 ?0001''2290 2001 232 3 1' 35.1615-0720000')-00-20 '110 3 "' . 316 351061 5-(7200000-00i 1I 10 30 VOL FORD RICHARD W &KATHLEEN A 0.560AC LOT 2 WOODLAND OASIS ULNREC '- SiUBDCONT 56 AC DESC IN IMTS & BDS DESC' 1454 2:04 4.5 :. .5 317 350615-0720i0000-014' HX 19 37 .31' 35' 615-720.:'OO00-i14 HX 19 137 PRI. ETTE JOSEPH EARL 5 (DOiAC LOT 14 WOODLAND OASIS L.NREC SiBD lITS & BDS DESC 5 0. AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 318 3?(o 5-0721:. 11:11:11: 1 80 1 1 1)0 3 .' I' 318 350o 15-07200i000-01 SO 110 30 HEDtIAN LLOD & J.IANICE 0-. 530AC LOTS 18 MITS & BDS DESC 53 AC WOODLAND OASIS LNREC SLIBD OR SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 31 350615-072:10000-0(190 LIO6 ' 319 35060i -07201000Ji-0I'0 110 I30 PARKER WILLIAM C 0. 590AC LOT 19MITS& BDSDESC 59AC W WOODLAND OASIS UNREC SLIBD SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 32b036061;5-0')'86000B-0060 15 76' 32'0 36061 5-0086000B-0i'060 : 159.76 WOLFORDRICHARDW & KATHLEEN A 0.510AC . L-T 6 BLK B SANTA FE OASIS -iNREC SUBD CONT .51AC 150/306 185/3162004/4658 ;-': " 321 3061 5-0086000-lB-0070 159 7o 321 36ti61 5-X006000-0B-0070 159.76 GODWIN BARBARA : 0.510AC' LOT 7 BLK B SANTA FE OASIS LI.NREC SL'BD CONT .51 AC 245/8.9 721.11.13 1613 322 360615 .0086C0i0D-0'0 2.' 159.76' 324 3 30615-008o0l)0D.-000 159.76 WOLFORD RICHARD W & KATHLEEN A ,50A 0AC LOT 22 BLK D SANTA FE C OAIS UNRECSUBD CONT.50 AC 164 244 2004/4658' 323 36061 '5-0i86000D-02301 159 76 323 360615-0086000D-0230 159.76 WOLFORD RICHARD W & KATHLEEN A 0.500AC LOT23 BLK DSANTA FE OASIS UNREC SUBD CONT .50 AC 244/218 2005/4026 324 360615-0086000E-0030 159.76 324 360615-0086000E-0030 159.76 WOLFORD RICHARD W JR & 0.530AC LOT 3 BLK E SANTA FE OASIS '. UNREC SUBD CONT.53 AC 174 323 2003/701 , 325 360.615-086000E -040 59l76 f 325 360615-0086000E-0040 159.76 WOLFORD RICHARD W JR & 0.600AC LOT 4 BLK E SANTA FE OASIS UNREC SUBD CONT .60 AC 2003/ 1340 . 326 360615-0086000E-0050 159.76 326 360615-0086000E-0050 159.76 WOLFORD RICHARD W JR.& 0.720AC LOT 5 BLK ESANTE FE OASIS UNREC SUBD CONT .72 AC 2003/ 1340 327 360615-0086000E-0060 159.76'. 327 360615-0086000E-0060 -159.76 WOLFORD RICHARD W & KATHLEEN A 0.660AC LOT 6 BLK E SANTE FE OASIS UNREC SUBD CONT .66 AC 150/310 2003/1234 328 360615-000086000 70 159.76 328 360615-0086000E-0070 ,159.76 WOLFORD RICHARD W JR & 0.670AC LOT 7 BLK E SANTA'FE OASIS UNREC 'SUBD CONT .67 AC 156/673 169/328 2003/1340 329 360615-0086000E-0140 286.37 329 360615-0086000E-0140 286.37 WOLFORD RICHARD W & KATHLEEN A 1.450AC LOTS 14 & 15 BLK E SANTA FE OASIS UNREC SUBD CONT 1.45 AC 2004/4657 330 360615-0086000F-0010 159.76 330.360615-0086000F-0010 159.76 GREEN LINDA C 0.890AC ' LOT 1 BLK F SANTA FE OASIS UNREC SUBD CONT .89 AC 231/633 2004/5322 ' 331 360615-0086000F-0040 159.76 331 360615-0086000F-0040 159.76 WOLFORD RICHARD W & KATHLEEN A 0.560AC LOT.4 BLK F SANTA FE OASIS UNREC SUBD CONT .56 AC 164/376 2004/4657 332 360615-0086000F-0090 159.76 332 360615-0086000F-0090 159.76 WOLFORD RICHARD W & KATHLEEN A 0.810 AC LOT 9 BLK F SANTA FE OASIS UNREC SUBD CONT .81 AC 161/431 162/635 2004/4656 333 010715-00000007-0000 252.09 333 010715-00000007-0000 252.09 COLEMAN CLEMENTINE 2.560AC N 83 FT MEAS ALG W PROP LN OF GOVT LOT 4 334 030715-00000001-0040 HX 1,351.66 334 030715-00000001-0040 HX 1,351.66 HOWELL DONALD L & PAULINE A 9.630AC COM AT SE/C OF NE/4 OF NEi4 OF 3-7-15 FOR POR THENCE RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 335 040715-00000006-0040 HX 608.16 335 040715-00000006-0040 HX 608.16 SMITH ALVIN J JR 8.590AC COM AT SW/C OF SE/4 OF SE/4 OF 4-7-15 AND RUN N ALG W LN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 336 040715-00000003-0010 HX 923.44 336 040715-00000003-0010 HX 923.44 DEES JAMES A & DONNA S 15.050AC WEST 33FT OF SW/4 OF SW4 - 4-7-15 & W/2 OF. E 331 FT OF W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL' 337 040715-00000003-0050 .' 2,116.83 337 040715-00000003-0050 2,116.83-. SMITH JOHN 20.120AC LOTS 5 & 6 CONT 20.12 AC M/L DESC AS 'COM AT.SW/C OF 4-7-15 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 338 040715-0000003-0070 666.18 338 040715-00000003-0070 666.18 SMITH JOHN A 10.000AC COM AT SW/C OF 4-7-15 THENCE N 90 DEC E ALONG S LINE OF SEE T -\ ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 339 040715-00000003-0130 1,347.23 339 040715-00000003-0130 1,347.23 BOWLES DAVID 10.090AC LOT 13 CCONT 10 09 AC DESC AS COM AT S/4 SEC/C OF 4-7-15 GO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDi iTON.ALI LEGAL S 340050715-00000007-0020 781.69 340'050715-00000007-0020 781.69 LEWIS GLORIA \V & WiLLiAi M -. 10.000A. COM AT-SW/C OF SE.4 OF 5-7-15 j &RUN N 89DEG EALGSLN SEETAXROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL . 341 1051:71-, 5,.(00,l067.-0(025 HX 544.39 341i :151:1715 -0i)00i::i07-0I 2 .HX 544.39. SPRICHARD JAMES W.M 20.000AC COM AT SW'C OF SE 4 OF 5-7-15 & RLN N 89 DEG EALG.S LN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 342 "51071 ':I0-'03 I'C),000-0030 HX 38') 05 342050715-00310000-0030 HX 380.05 REIHBERG BETTY LOLi & 0I46AC LOCT 3 OF ANDERSON SECT DESC IN METES & BDS DESC 47 4-145 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 34305171?5-0031]00i:0-0 110 HX 196 37 ; 343 715,-,00'31,'000,-,1 I0 FIX 19oI 37 : S POWELL JERRY F & BROOKE A 0 460AC, LOT I I OF ANDERSON SECT LrNREC DESCIN METES & BDS DESC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 344 iOp. 711--i"i(0,1),, -: HI', H I 248 SI 344 Oh1.71?5-0l .rlCiIOI-0011: HX 1 248 81 S STE'AART MICHAEL & JANET E & 294(OA PARCEL B OR COM AT NE C OF I.515i GO S 3 DEG E LONG E SEE TA. ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 34?5 70715-0032rO-0 (' 100 H X 391 45 34 H70715-10320..00-O Iii HXN 391 45 S.IJONES RICHARD C SR& 2 200AC' - \. 2 OF LOT I(0 SANTA FE COR SUNREC SIiBD CONT 2 22 47 3o9 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 1 346 07071 '-'0:"O OOOICi -01 o 244 16 346)1707.17 5-OiiOi'ii:i |-OO"'(0 244 16 " OLCOTT EARL I' lOAC NE 4 OF NE 4 OF NE 4 70 143o & 441 78/465-466 216/30 239/458 2 45 28: 288 241 2000/626 , 34"' 0707 15-0( 00001-001-C0 244 16 347 07(1 r|5-i:Ii,:)01 I-0:i 244 16 OLCOTT EARL lO O:'C .. SE 4 OF NE.4 OF NE 4 70 136& S45'. 1 I I 4 NT IN EASEMENT 85/ |0 214 179 221.. m 348 ('71.7 I -'.i'. .I1 121. 244.16 348 07.715-.1'7"1l.,I-.'O:20 244.16 C LCOTT E.-RL 10.000AC .SW/4 OF NE/4 OF NE/4 OR 70/ S 436& 444 77 313 134/451 190/ 392.-34 214 373 349 070715-00000001001-0040 1'.a71 349070715-00000601-0040 ` i:27':IT .' OLCOTT EARL ET AL 1.060AC W 36 FT OF E 50 FT OF.SE/4 OF NE/4 70/504 LESS RD R/W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 350 070715-00000003-0010 HX 290.14 350 070715-00000003-0010 HX 290.14 PHILLIPS MICHAEL A & JEANIE.C 2.000AC COM AT NW/C OF S/2 OF NEL4OF 7-7-15 AS POB GO E 417 FT GO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 351 070715-00320000-0040 296.48 351 .u7'715-013201.''0-0040' 296.48 MACIK RUDOLPH &ANTONETTE 4.16,AC LOT 4 SANTA FE CORNERS UNREC SUBD 39/158 131/389 34/282 218/497 256/523 352 0S,1' -O.O'1'""'1--"-'.,I0 -, 1 3 4 352 080715-00000005-0010 2,133.34 OLCOTT EARL H 58.240AC NW/4 OF NW/4 & W/2 OF SW/40OF NW/' LESS S 40 FT RD R/W 70/ SEE T A. RiOL L FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 353 080715-00000005-0020 2,184.11 353 080715-00000005-0020 2;184.11 OLCOTT EARL H 19.500AC E/2 OF SW/4 OF NW/4 LESS S 40 FT OF ST RD R/W 19.50 AC 82/318 163/206 354 080715-00000005-0030 1,659.94 354 080715-00000005-0030 1,659.94 OLCOTT EARL H 39.000AC SE/4 OF NW/4 LESS S 40 FT RD R/W 70/318 & 327 72/264 163/ 205-206 355 080715-00000008-0000 5,510.07 355 080715-00000008-0000 5,510.07 DOMINGUEZ ABRAHAM & 82.930AC S/2 OF SW/4 76/364 EASEMENT 84/140 99/335-336 239/42 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 356 090715-00770000-0680 83.80 356 090715-00770000-0680 83.80 PUJOS VICTOR REYES 1.020AC LOT 68 SANTA FE RANCH SUBD - DESC IN METES & BDS CONT 1.10 AC 125/157 357 090715-00000002-0000 HX 1,108.58 357 090715-00000002-0000 HX 1,108.58 LOPES VALERIE & RITA SIMCOE 17.480AC NW/4 OF NE/4 LESS 3 AC TO CHURCH 140/696 UTLY ESMT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 358 090715-00000003-0030 HX 599.81 358 090715-00000003-0030 HX 599.81 WAWERCZYK BILLIE JO & STEPHEN 5.000AC NE/4 OF NW/4 OF SE/4 LESS 2 AC TO CHURCH & LESS 3 AC TO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 359 090715-00770000-0430' 83.80 359 090715-00770000-0430. 83.80 VIDAL PORTELA RAFAEL G 1.020AC LOT 43 SANTA FE RANCH SUBD UNREC 46/481 224/600 261/34 360 090715-00770000-0910 83.80 360 090715-00770000-0910 83.80 PEREZ RAUL N PEREZ AND/OR ANA 1.030AC LOT 91 SANTA FE RANCH SUBD UNREC 46/481 163/202 361 090715-00770000-0940 83.80 361 090715-00770000-0940 83.80 ROLDAN EDGA 1.020AC LOT 94 SANTA FE RANCH SUBD UNREC 46/481 2004/4101 362 090715-00770000-1150 83.80 362.090715-00770000-1150 83.80 MELENDEZ RAFAEL 0.970AC LOT 115 SANTA FE RANCH SUBD UNREC 46/481 192/477 363 100715-02220000-0140 291.42 363 100715-02220000-0140 291.42 GAGLIONE JOSEPH N JR 5.100AC LOT 14 LOWELL ESTATES SUBD CONT 5.10 AC 140/332 275/45 364 100715-02220000-0150 286.88 364 100715-02220000-0150 286.88 GAGLIONE JOSEPH N JR 5.010AC LOT 15 LOWELL ESTATES SUBD CONT 5.01 AC 140/332 275/45 365 100715-02220000-0060 981.72 365 100715-02220000-0060 981.72 ADAMS NATHANIAL F & LEE ANN 6.010AC LOT 6 LOWELL ESTATES SUBD CONT 6:012 AC 140/332 2002/967 . 2002/53602002/5361 366 110715-0000 001 1-0000 436 52 366 110715-00000011-0000 436.52 WALKER LEWIS 5.310AC SW/4 OF NW/4 103/464 LESS 10 AC TO GALLOWAY ET AL 114/89 & SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 367 110715-00000011-0010 HX 604.24 367 110715-00000011-0010 HX : 604.24 .WALKER LEWIS 10.500AC COM AT SE/C OF SW/4 OF NW/4 OF 11-7-15 FOR.A.POB GO ON S SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 368 110715-00000011-0020 108.87 368 110715-00000011-0020` (108.87 FLORIDA FISH & WILDLIFE 26.640AC COI AT SW.COFSW/4OFNW/4 OF S11-7-15 FOR POB THENCE RUN ALG SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 369 110715-00000012-0020 HX 758.11 369 11071 5-00Qi)0I01-0020 HX 758.11. :POTTER BONNIE '1.140AC COM AT NW'COR OF NW 4 OF SW/4 GOS 0 DEG 05 MIN W\ 659 83 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 370 110715-00p000012-00601 897 14 370 I 10715-00001:012-0060 897 14 HOPKIN MELISSA & I O0'AC COl AT 2' IRON PIPE BEING KNOW N AS NW.C OF NE'4 OF SW 4 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 371 110715-00000012-0061 201.96 371 I 10715-00000012-0061 01 96 HOPKIN MELISSA & .. 2.000AC COM AT NW C OF NW.4 OF SW/4 I I.7-15 RUN ON W'LN OF NW/4 OF SEE TAX ROLL'FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S 372 120715-00000004-0070 1 ,704.04: . 372:120715-00000004-0670 1,704 04 CASSELMAN APRIL LINDSEY:& 27.340AC * COM AT SW.C OF 12-7-15 AS POB GO E 462 56 FT GON 827.20 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 373 lou0715-0034000)0-0020 334 48 373 l i0715--034000-0020 334 48 WHITE WILLIAM & MARY 5 I100AC LOT 2 UNIT I EMERALD FARMS 59 623 88 o75 374 160715-0034(0000-0330 HX 441 75 374 Il'i715-00341000-30330 HX 441 75 EL\ANS JAMES S 5 000AC LOT 33 UT 1 EMIERALD FARMS 75 i70) 217 714 LITIL EASEMENT 22 110o 2.001I 1578 20:0541 i5 35 Io(0,715-00.34u0000-0510 u 417 18 375 16071l-00)34)I0000-0i10 417.18 BITTICK CHARLES L 6.500AC SLOT51UNIT I EMERL.LD FARMS 781473 104/442 TAX DEED SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 37t 160715-00340000-0.980 HX 701 79 370 160'715-0034,.'000-i1980 ;X 701 79 GEIGER JOHN & JUNE 5 OOOAC SLOT J8 LNIT I EMERALD FARMS 764115 1128311 EASEMENT 128. SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL- 377 16071 5-00340000-11 10 328 -)7 377 160715-00340000-1110 32857 WHITE DALE 5.000AC LOT 111 UNIT 1 EMERALD FARMS 76/406 99/455 242/192 2003/ 6173 378 160715-00340000-1130 '358.11 378 160715-00340000-1130 358.1L SWEARINGEN STEPHEN B 5.500AC LOT 113 UNIT I EMERALD FARMS 83/649 370 180715-0.)10000003-0210 HX 305.46 3"O I18071 5-i(i000l3-021 0 HX 305.46 HEAVENER CHRIS T 20.600AC COM AT NE/C OF SW/4 OF 18-7-15 FOR POR THENCE RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 380 1807.15-02710000-0030 521.42 380 180715.02710000-0030 521.42' BERRY JAMES H 5.000AC LOT 3 VARGAS WOODS SUBD CONT 5 AC 129/106 PIPELINE EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 381 300715-00350001-0040 696.89 381 300715-00350001-0040 696.89 PIERCE CONNIE AS TRUSTEE 2.500AC LOT 4 BLK. 1OAKWOOD ESTATES 106/681-682 248/562 2000/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 382 300715-00350001-0100 HX 453.26 382 300715-00350001-0100 HX 453.26 SEWARD CARLETON R & KAY BAKER 4.880AC LOT 16 BLK 1 OAKWOOD EST SUBD CONT 5 AC 154/620 154/622 UTIL EASEMENT 273/308 279/635 383 300715-00350002-0060 47.45 383 300715-00350002-0060 47.45 ALBRIGHT DAVID L & JAMIE L 4.830AC LOT 6 BLK 2 OAKWOOD ESTATES 82/517 117/632 2000/4941 2005/ 2273 " 384 300715-00350002-0070 317.93 384 300715-00350002-0070 317.93 ALBRIGHT DAVID L & JAMIE L 9.900AC LOTS 7 & 8 BLK 2 OAKWOOD EST SUBD 51/591 80/588 82/573 114/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 385 310715-00000006-0011 HX 2,002.31 385 310715-00000006-0011 HX 2,002.31 PHILMAN CHERRI RACHELLE & 5.010AC COM AT SW/C OF NW/4 OF 31-7-15 FOR POBTHENCE RUN ALG W LN OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL' 386 310715-00000008-0000 355.39 386 310715-00000008-0000 355.39 PHILPOT DAVID HENRY ET AL 120.000AC N/2 OF SW/4 & SW/4 OF SW/4 47/378 & 380 66/194 69/648 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 387 310715-00000010-0040 133.31 387 310715-00000010-0040 133.31 BROWNE TERRY DRAKE 1.130AC COM AT NE/C OF N/2 OF NW/4 OF SE/4 OF 31-7-15 FOR POB THENCE SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 388 320715-00360000-00Q0 149.21 388 320715-00360000-00Q0 149.21 M & P PARTNERSHIP LTD 1.140AC TRACT Q CONT 1.13 AC TAX DEED 2004/4212-4214 CORRECTIVE TAX DEED 2004/4429 389 320715-00000005-0000 412.98 389 320715-00000005-0000 412.98 HADDA.JOHNJAY .5.000AC SW/4 OF NE/4 OF NE/4 OF SE/ 4 & NW/4 OF SE/4 OF NE/4 OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL .LV.L"Y -L.L, LU, .-L-ll '-UUU %-U.l&-y i-IL11,949411919I1 9111 L "IV, JPo I Mau 11. 18, 25. 2006 Section B, Page Four Gilchrist Countu Delinauent Tax List May 11, 18,25,2006 Li S I S 390 320715-00000006-0000 122.21 390 320715-00000006-0000 122.21 FULTZ DARRELL & MONTIE 1.250AC N/2 OF SW/4 OF NW/4 OF NE/4 OF SE/4 150/670-671 2001/4560 391 320715-00000011-0000 122.21 391 320715-00000011-0000 122.21 MITCHELL WILL W & 1.250AC N/2 OF SE/4 OF NE/4 OF NE/4 OF SE/4 71/239 191/49 270/595 288/523 2005/1005 2005/1006 392 320715-00000020-0020. HX 312.80 '392 320715-00000020-0020 HX 312.80 PLETCHER GREGORY A & MARILYN J 10.000AC COM AT SW/C OF SE/4 OFNW/4 OF 32-7-15 FOR POB THENCE RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 393 320715-00000023-0010 HX 750.36 393 320715-00000023-0010 HX 750.36 SHEPPARD DOYLE HENRY. 2.540AC FROM NE/C OF SW/4 OF SW/4 OF 32-7-15 GO W 145 FT TO POB SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 394 320715-00000040-0000 122.21 394 320715-00000040-0000 122.21 SCHILTZLEO ET UX 1.250AC S/2 OF SE/4 OF SE/4 OF NW/4 OFSE/4 395 320715-00360015-0010 149.21 395 32,715-00360015-0010 149.21 ROBERTS DAVID E & WANDA L .1.260AC LOT 1 BLK 15-SUWANNEE RIVER- ESTATES NORTH 157/331 TAX DEED 2002/1625 2002/4145 396 320715-00360015-0020 HFX 196.37 . 396 320715-00360015-0020 HX 196.37 LEMONS SAMUEL C & TONIA LEMONS 1.OOOAC LOT 2 BLK 15 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES NORTH 163.623 233 366 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 397 320715-00360015-0050' 313.21 397 320715-00360015-0050 313.21 FREEMAN BRYANM 1.000AC LOT 5 BLK 15 SULWANNEE RIVER ESTATES NORTH 118'466 180'239 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 398,320715-00360017-0140 149.21 . 398 320715-0036:'7-0140: 149.21 COLEMAN RICHIE C & TAMMI 1.030AC LOT 14 BLK 17 SU\ ANNEE RIVER ESTATES NORTH 136 106223 608 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 399 320715-00360017-0151': 114921 S399 320715-0036001 7-01 50 14921 COLEMANRICHIE C & TAMMI I :'03AC LOT15 BLK 17 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES NORTH 136 106 223'608 SEE.TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 400 320715-00360017-0160 HX '. 196.37 400' 320715-00360017-0160 HX 196.37 . COLEMAN RICHIE C & TAIMlI 1.200AC LOT 16 BLK 17 SLiWANNEER VER I ESTATES NORTH 136 106 223 608 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 401320715-00360020-0040 HX 196.37 401 3201715-l0:i3o0020-0040 HX 19637 SDAVIS NOCRMAN L & RAMONA I 030AC LOT 4 BLK.20 SUWANNEE RIVER ' ESTATES NORTH 136/106 223/608 240 344 285 651: 41,2 .'1 I -'1 ,0 14921 402 320715-00.360120-i.0050 149 21 DA VIS NORMAN L & RAMLONA 1.030AC LOT5 BLK 20 SLWANNEE RIVER ESTATES NORTH 136/106 223/608 - 241,1 344 28,5 65C , 403 32071i5-10036'00:20-009 HX 821 97 4013 320715-0)03o0020-009( HX 821 97 STROUP DEAN L & CAROL A 2 1 O3AC LOTS 9 & 10 BLK 21: SLANV RIVER EST RATES NORTH 1S 261 136 106 , SEE TAX ROL L FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 404 320715-00360020-0140 149.21 401:4 320715-00360020-0140 149.21 MICD:ULIGAL NATHAN G 1.030AC i LOT 14 BLK 20 SLUWANINEE RIVER - ESTATES NORTH 136/,106 223'608 240/344 2001/1655 40,5 321:715-003601021-0120 149.21 4' 3=0715-,0,03600 I-0:' 0 149.21 WEBSTER ROBERT E & ROSEANN L 1.030AC LOT 12 BLK 21 SUWANNEE RIVER .ESTATES NORTH. 136/106 223/608 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 4,0o 32'1715-'00'36).1021-0 140 14921 40. 320715-00360021-0140 149.21 MCDOUGAL NATHAN G 1.030AC .LOT 14 BLK 21 SUiN ANNEE REl ER ESTATES NORTH 136 I0o 223 608 240/3442001/165-5 20) 50 72 407320715-03610000-0030 HX 1 656.21 407320715-03610000-0030, HX '656.21 HADDA JOHN JAY 1.I900AC LOTS 3 &4SLMWANNEE RIVER EST NORTH REPLAT OF VACATED TRACTS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 408 330715-00000020-0000 HX 196.37 408 330715-00000020-0000 HX 196.37 ZIMMERMAN HARRY L & HELEN FAY 1.S00AC SW/4 OF SW/4 OF NW/4 OF NW/4 48/422 60/15 73/552 116/53 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 409 330715-00000029-0000 1.12.28, 409 330715-00000029-0000 '112.28 OBERHOLTZ JOAN E 2.500AC N/2 OF N/2 OF NW/4 OF NE/4 OF NW/4 178/640 178/641 410 330715-00000035-0000 170.31 410 330715-00000035-0000 170.31 GODWIN LESLIE H 2.50AC NE/4 OF SW/4 OF NE/4 OF SW/4 411 330715-00000036-0000 HX 196.37 411 330715-00000036-0000 HX 196.37 HOURDAS NIKITAS M & PAULINE C 13.900AC SW/4 OF NW/4 14:75 AC TO LISA MCDOUGAL 164/76 LEAVING 25.25 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 412 050815-03600001-0020 149.21 412 050815-03600001-0020 149.21 HAMEL ALBERT G & HOLLOWAY MARY 1.000AC LOT 2 BLK 1 SUWANNEE RIVER EST SOUTH 154/357 413 050815-03600001-0160 149.21 413 050815-03600001-0160 149.21 LESPINASSE GERTHA 1.190AC LOT 16 BLK 1 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH 152/281 2005/942 414 050815-03600002-0020 149.21 414 050815-03600002-0020 149.21 ETENNE MARIE 1.030AC LOT 2 BLK 2 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES 136/106 223/608 235/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 415 050815-03600002-0030 149.21 415 050815-03600002-0030 149.21 ETENNE MARIE 1.030AC LOT 3 BLK 2 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES 136/106 223/608 235/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 416 050815-03600002-0090 348.67 416 050815-03600002-0090 348.67 STONE TIMOTHY D & VIRGINIA A 1.150AC LOT 9 BLI 2 SUWANNEE RIVER . ESTATES 136/106 223/608 235/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 417 050815-03600002-0100 149.21 417 050815-03600002-0100 149.21 STONE TIMOTHY D & VIRGINIA A 1.030AC LOT 10 BLK 2 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES 136/106 223/608 235/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 418 050815-03600005-0060 149.21 418 050815-03600005-0060 149.21 SCHROEDER HARRY RICHARD & GRAC 1.030AC LOT 6 BLK 5 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH 159/284 419 050815-03600005-0090 149.21 419 050815-03600005-0090 149.21 O'NEAL-WILLIAM E 1.190AC LOT 9 BLK 5 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH 136/106 223/608 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 420 050815-03600006-0140 149.21 420 050815-03600006-0140 149.21 WILLIS MELISSA ANN 1.040AC LOT 14 BLK 6 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH 106/367 TAX DEED 2004/20732005/2144 2005/5187. 421050815-03600006-0160 313.25 - 421 050815-03600006-0160 313.25 KING JERRY SAMPSON JR 1.200AC. LOT 16 BLK 6 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH 136/106 223/608 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 422 050815-03600007-0020 14921 422 .150815-03600007-0020 149 21 DEMETRIUS JOHN & BEVERLEY I 040AC LOT 2 BLK 7 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH 1411 7212 359 2005/3653 423 050815-0360001.7-0140 14921 423 050815-03600007-0140 14921 SUWANNEE RIVER SPRINGS INC I 040AC LOT 14 BLK 7 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH 136:106 223.608 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 424 050815-036000008-0050 149 21 424 050815-03600008-0050 14921 SPORTER WAYNE& I 030AC LOT 5 BLK 8 SUWANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH 154,16 2005,298 2005'4548 : 425 '050815-03600008-0090 149 21 425 i050 15-03600008-0090 149 21 SOUTHEASTERN FUNDING PRTN LLLP 1 170AC LOT 9 BLK 8 SLIWANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOLITH 136'106 223 608 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 426 1050815-036:00009-0090 149 21 426 050815-03600009-00190 149 21 ELKORDY NLiTANMATEEJ.EAN & I 190AC S LOT 9 BLK 9 SL.%ANNEE R1\ ER ESTATES SOLiTH 148 2333 2005 S427 ,050815i-0360l0012-0020 HX 86845 427050815-03600012-0020, HX 86845 HOCKEIMERIER ERIC VINCENT I 040AC LOT 2 BLK 12 SiU.ANNEE RIVER ESTATES SOUTH 118'261 1803244. SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 428 (150815-03600(012-0121) 14921 428050815-03600012-0120 14921 BELLWOOD PARTNERS LTD I 030AC LOT 12 BLK 12 SUWANNEE RIVER S ESTATES SOUTH 136 10q6 223/608 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL. . 429 o0.60815-010030000,-000 2297 ' 429 -061815-00'0000,03-u000 229 27 HART JOSEPH D JR & FELICIA 77 500AC NEW 4 OF SW 4 & SW'4 OF SW,4 123.503 LESS 3 32 AC TO SEE T.\A ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 431 060815-00I0001005-001l0 I133 50 430060815-010000005-0010 1335 0 HART HORLACE & BRENDA & 40 O0IOAC NE 4 OF SW'4 45 261 98 86 123 51011 123.502 142 613 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 431 060815- IlI0000000'-00lj 40 HX 9]3 75 431 -6.81'5-,OO(O005-001( HX 913 7 HURIDSE THOMiAS P & GINELLE A 5 82'AC COMhAT SW'COF SE'4 OF SW4 OF o-8-15 AS POB GO N 66') F T SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 432 060815 -00000006-001 I 41298 432 060815 -000000006-001I 412 98 BRIDGES IOSEPH WA.YNE 5 000AC E'2 OF E'2 OF S;2 OF SW% 4 OF SE/4 46/367-368 123/504 250/ SEE T .X ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 433 i06U 815-00000006-)i0012 41298 433 060815-00000006-0012 412.98 BRIDG ES JOS EPH W AYNE 5 OOOAC WI 2F E 2 OF S 2 OF SW OF SE 4 46 367-368L 123 504 250' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 434 060815-00(000006-00201 HX 570 74 434 060815-000I0016.0020 HX 570 74 LMOLZEN ERIC GLENN 37 350AC ALL THAT PART OF NW 4 OF SE.4 L ',ING W OF NW 22 CT & N OF NW SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 435 060815-00COiO'i0 7-0030 I 51 33 435 070815=-{0000007010030' 151 33 PHILMAN KEITH L & I JM 40.00AC NW/4 OF NW/4 OR 63 PG 58 149/461' 436. 070815 -001000 01 -.I 00 HX .552 08 436,070815-00000001-0015- HX 552.08 CLEARY FRANCIS XAVIER JR & .20.000AC COM AT NE'C OF NW/4 OF NE4 -OF 7-08-15 FOR POB THENCE RLN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 437 070815-00000001-0030 HX 370.37 437 070815-00000001-0030 HX 370.37 GRIFFIN MARILYN J & JIMMY R 5.000AC BEGINNING AT NW/C OF EASTERLY 5 AC OFON/2 OF NE/4'OF NE/4 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 438 070815-00000015-0000 'HX :196.37 438 070815.02000l0 l 5.00')') HX 196.37 BLANKS FREDERIC K E 5.000AC W/2 OF SW/4 OF SE/4 OF NE/4 85/547 & 548 97/327 156/370 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 439 070815-02260000-0010 HX 520.96 439 070815-02260000-0010 HX 520.96 FRANCWAY JAMES & HEIDI 5.160AC COM AT NW/C OF SW/4 OF NW/4 OF 7-8-15 FOR POB THENCE RUN ON N SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 440 070815-02260000-0040 539.58 440 0708' 5-02260000-0040 539.58 ' SHANNON LAURENCE'P & GENEVA B 15.000AC TRACT 4 CONT 15 AC & DESC AS COM AT NE/C OF SE/4 OF NW/4 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL\. 441 080815-00000004-0000 HX 533.70 441 080815-00000004-0000 HX 533.70 MOORE MICHAEL D& TAMMY R 11.O00AC COM AT NW/C OF S/2 OF NW/4 OF 8-8-15 AS POB GO E 1320 FT GO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 442 080815-02900000-0020 418.67 442 080815-02900000-0020 418.67 COVINGTON JOHN 6.090AC LOT 2 ROLLING MEADOWS CONT 6.09 AC 98/216 & 624 115/340 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 443 120815-00000002-0010 HX 196.37 443 120815-00000002-0010 HX 196.37 JENKINS ALFRED K & TAWNYA W 1.720AC COM AT SE/C OF 12-8-15 THENCE RUN S 89 DEG W ALG S LN OF SEC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 444 170815-00000004-0012 412.98 444 170815-00000004-0012 412.98 ANDERSON JOE 5.000AC E/2 OF W/2 OF S/2 OF S/2 OF S/2 OF NW/4 DB 15/596 209/20 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 445 180815-00000014-0000 1,130.39 445 180815-00000014-0000 1,130.39 REEDER ROBT & BRENDA 20.000AC N/2 OF SW/4 OF SW/4 446 180815-00000017-0043 HX 196.37 446 180815-00000017-0043 HX 196.37 BURNETT LINDA D & 2.840AC COM AT SE/C OF SW/4 OF SE/4 OF 18-08-15 AS POB GO N SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 447 180815-0073000B-0030 272.18 447 180815-0073000B-0030 272.18 MARCUM LARRY D & 2.060AC LOTS 3 & 4 DESTINY UNREC SUB OR 74/354 282/87 2002/5780 UTIL EASEMRNT 2003/377 448 180815-0073000B-0120 HX 793.49 S448 180815-0073000B-0120 HX 793.49 GAY DAVIDW 4 490AC LOTS 12 13 14 15 DESTIN UNREC SULBD 82.145 87/325 99, 225 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 449 180815-02240000-0040 HX 234 28 449 180815-02240000-0040 HX 234 28 HITT JASON MN & TINA M I OOOAC LOT 4 SUWANNEE RIVER OAKS SLBD 168 138 LITIL EASEMENT 177.67& SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 450 190815-05800000-0160 HX 196 37 450 190815-05800000-0160 HX 196 37 SPIRIT DON C & CHRISTINE P 3 300AC LOTS 16 17& 18 WOODLAND ACRES OF AN UNREC PLAT OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S 451 190815-00000006-0020 1,101 61 451 190S815-00000006-0020 1,101 61 PARMENTER EDWARD& KARINA 15 020AC COM AT NW/C 19-8-15 & RUN ON N LN OF SAID SEC 19 N 89 DEG E S SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 452 190815-00000013-00010 7009 - 452 19i815-00000013-0000 700 29 KLALiS KAREN 9 880AC PCL 4 DESC AS BEG AT NEC OF SW 4 OF NE'4 GO S 330 FT AS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 453 19081 5-058s00I00-0070 436 4- i 453 190815-05800000-0070 43640 ROACH ROBERT ELiGENE I 080AC . LOT 7 WOODLAND ACRES I.NREC SPLAT OF HARVEY JARVIS CONT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 454 190815-05800000-0090 1 264 72 .: 454 190815-058000(00-0090 264 72 RLIDD RONAL D WAYNE JR 1 0C80AC L LOT 9 WOODLAND ACRES OF THE SUNRECPLAT OF HARVEy JARVIS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S' 455 200815-100000004-000 HN 89092 455 200815-0000u004-000'0 HX 89092 MORGAN EDMUND W 20 UOOAC . W\V/2 OF NE'4 OF NWt4 43,.648 173.'545-546& 551 176,285 183/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 456 200815-.10000005-001 0 1,062 04 456 200815-00000005-0010 1.062 04 GRAY LISA NI 5 00LAC BEG AT NW COF E.20OF NW 4OF NW'4 OCF 2( -018-15 RUN S 200 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 457 200815-00r00)0005-0020 HX 61342 457 200.815-00000l.105-0J020L. HX 61342 BARNES DANIEL A & NICOLE H 5 000C FOR POB COM AT SE C OF S 4 C)F SE2 OF NW 4 OF NW' 4 OF SEC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S 458 200815-00C00007-0000 1,0 ,1339 458 300815-0r000r0i7-,':'l 7(I0 ., ,1.3019 '- DAM iS W'OOCDRO & MARSHIA 2 O:AC W/2 OF NW/4 OF NE4 22 23 163'661-662 206 90 246 478 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 459 29(1815-02270(,00-0'.040) HX 713 50 459 290815-02270000-0040 HX 713 50 MCCASKEY IRMA JEAN 5 530AC PARCEL 4 BRADLAND LUNREC SLIBD CONT 5 53 AC DESC IN MTS & SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 460 290815-02270000-0070 57.40 460 290815-022700100-0070 5740". THOMBPSON J AMES A & THEL MA L 8.210AC LOT 7 BRADLAND LNREC SUBD CO(NT S821 AC 174 436 196 78 196.80 2004 2203 461 290815-02270000-0140 HX: 196.37 461 290815-02270000-01400 HX' 196 37 SHANNON RGEORGE E JR & 5 50.AC TRACT 14 BRADLAND UNREC SLBD SCONT 5 51, AC DESC AS CO..M AT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 462 3(0l.S15-0'037,000.08i(0,0 .i) .40.29 462 300815-'00: 0037000'). 80" 40.29 ARNOLD ALFRED D 0.250AC 256/333 2001/3231 2002/472 . 2002/712 ' 463 300815-00910000-0070 HX 467.33 463 300815-00910000-0070 'HX 467.33 CAMPBELL LEE R & LINDA S 5.01 OAC LOT 7 RIDGEVIEW SUBDIVISION CONT 5.005 AC 102/167 134/145 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 464 300815-00370000-0700 HX 924.10'. 464 300815-00370000-0700 HX 924.10 SUTTON LARRY & MARY ANN 0500AC, LOTS 70 &R 77 KUSHMER ADD TO UBELL 99/396 124/582 1626/47 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 465300815-00910000-0040 426.98 465 300815-00910000-0040 426.98 Y LAPUMA ROBERT : 5.010AC LOT 4 RIDGEVIEW SUBD CONT 5.01 AC 47/1 17 79/555 83/173 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 466 300815-00910000-0140 '536.72 466 300815-009100000-0140 536.72 SHORT PATRICIA .430AC LOT 14 RIDGEVIEW SUBD 9O4/566 UTILITY EASEMENT 161/617 163/ 391 467 300815-00910000-0150 440.93 467 300815-00910000-0150 440.93 YOUNG RONNY MARIE 1.680AC LOT 15 RIDGEVIEW SUBD CONT 1.68 AC 146/443 280/357 280/ 358 294/484 2005/227 468 310815-00000005-0010 HX 303.60 468 310815-00000005-0010 HX 303.60 SANDERS LAVERNE 3.010OAC COM AT NW/C OF NE/4 OF NW/4 FOR POR THENCE GO S 00 DEG W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 469 310815-00000005-0085 HX 269.16 469 310815-00000005-0085 HX 269.16 HERRIN BENITA REGAY 3.020AC COM AT NW/C OF SE/4 OF NW/4 31-8-15 FOR POR THENCE RUN ALG. SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 470 310815-02680000-0070 148.95 470 310815-02680000-0070 148.95 HERRIN BENITA REGAY 1.040AC LOT 7 SANDERS OAKS SUBD CONT .91 AC 259/621 259/626 2003/ 3773 2003/4597 471 310815-02680000-0080 148.95 471 310815-02680000-0080 148.95 WOODS DANIEL CHRISTOPHER & 1.100OAC LOT 8 SANDERS OAKS SUBD CONT 1.10 AC 74/109 75/606 76/155 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL. 472 310815-0268000Q-0190 148.95 472 310815-02680000-0190 148.95 MARKEYDARRINJ 0.910AC LOT 19 SANDERS OAKS SUBD CONT .91 AC 74/215 123/575 & 578 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 473 31081 5-10295000-0040 219.62- 473 31081 5-02950'000-0040 219.62 GLUTHRIE SCOTT 0.750AC LOT 4 CUSTOM ESTATES 74'109 75/606235.301 LTIL EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL . '474 320815. -f'o0'i.'o 12 .0i-000 HX 2 069' 8 474 32081 5-00000012- 000.0 HX .2,069.88 . JONES GRADY H SR & DEBORAH A 5.000AC W 298.36FT OF S 73:1 FT OF SE/4 OF SW/4 CONTAINfNG 5 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL-L LEGiAL 475 050915-,0,,i00,0002.-0030 20.9 39 475 05091 5-00i(:10002-.1030 2:09 39 AVERY NICKOLE & 2 -.1.6AC COIM AT NW\.C OF SE4 OF SW 4 5-9-15 THENCE RUN N 88 DEG E SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 476 050915-00)94((0000-0ii40 HN 58 77 476 05091 l-0l94:l)ii'0000-004 HX 588 77 CONNER SHEIL M ? 870..AC TRACT 4 SANTA FE RANCHETTES CONT II 74 AC I'l1 t6.9 145 398 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 477 050915-01941:i000-0'5i0l H.\ 84 64 477050915-00940Ij4'00-:"i50 HX 884 64 PELTO JOHN R & LISA A GLOVER 10 200AC TRACT 5 SANTA FE tRANCHETTES CONT 10 20 AC 98476 188'291 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 478 050,915-.009400110)-0090 HX 91'0 36 478 051915-0094I.000-009')0 HX 910 36 KEEF RONALD RICHARD & DEBRIA 10.210AC TRACT 9 SANTA FE RANCHETTES CONT 1021 AC 100-448 156.1.15 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL ' : 479, 5 I9 1 45-0 i4i:0l-00l I 5 I o)'3 99 479 050915- "0940000-115. 1 .00399 SCLRTISCARi.A 11 410AC . LOT 15 SANTA FE RANCHETTE "S CONT II 41.1 AC 102 536 . SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITION AL LEGAL 480 f 1,51. 15-')S '5.100.1.-0241 1 141 03 48,.1 050)91-1..11 1501,.100.0241, I 141 .S '' COBB .AMNES i & CAROL ('N MI 4 37 0A LOT 24 FLYING HARNESS FARM . CONT 5 01 AC BEING IN SECT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 481 0:50915.-016';50,.i0'0-026' 0 .113 92 9 , 481 050915-:I 50):'00,)-026'" 91:3 2 IM,1RIN DON-\ALD F 6 320AC- LOT 26 FL YiNG HARNESS FARMS CONT 6 32 AC BEING IN SECT L 'G S SEE TAN ROLL FOIR ADDITlION.,L LEGAL 482 050915-.: 280100)-1.n0 29o 93 4821 )50I915-02,'080000).)0060 290 93 SWHITELY HAZELTON E IOiO'AC TRACT 6 DEERWOOD FARMS LINREC SUBD CONT 10 AC 98 72 8 77 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 4830.15 915-021.:81i:) 00 0.0170 :21:11.10 "0' 483 05 :119 15 =:0 8 .11'000I 00 1' i 2':1 : ) ' WHITELI' HAZELTONE '10' .-C TRICT 7 DEERWOOID FARI.IS UiNRJEC SUBD CONT 10 58 AC 98 72 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADiiiTiONAL LEGAL 484 ,'17 9I159 11',0:iii 1-60: 11.0301 450 S . 484 070915.)-00ii0001) -I,.)3,1 450 1 6 SOLOMON MA.RY S'UE 5 5AC SBEG AT NE C OF NW,4 OFNE 4 GOON E LN OF NW 4 OF NE 4 S SEE TAJ ROLL FOR ADDITIONALL LEGAL". ' .4856070:915-05:50)000- -40 HX 460.68 " 455 (071915-05250000-0,.40 ,HX 400 ,68 SMITH BARBARA J 5 00jAC LOT 4 REPLAT OF LOTS 27 & 28 OF GIL CREST FARI, SLBD COUNT 5 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 486 080915-01240000-0160 -41298 4,6 (080915-,012400,00-0160 412 98 ROGERS FRANKLIN CHARLES .:5.000AC LOT 16 TROTTER FARMS SiiBD BEING IN 8-9-15 CONT5 AC 147 58 161 429 170 511 487 170915-:i000O0004 .01:30 913 ,8 487 170915-01(100 .1 00)14-0030 913 I1.' SLALIGHTER RICKY C i",O..)AC COM AT SW C OF SE 4 COF 1 7.9.15 FOR POR AND Ri1.1i .-LG S SEE TAN ROLL FOiR .ADDITI -NAL LEGAL 485 I S091, 5.0001 1.il 2-'011-' HX ~' .o rI i 488 180915-00000012-0020 HX 780.68 "REED LISA JOAN 5.000AC COM1 AT SW C OF N'A 4 OF S'.Y 4 OF IS-9-.15 FOR PFIR THEN E RUN SEE TAX ROLL Ft R ADDITION[ .L LEG.-L 489 200915-00000003-0000 1,625.09' 489 200915-00000003-0000 1,625.09 SLAUGHTER RICKY 31 i...1OAC . COM ATSE/COF W/2 OF NE/4OF NW/4 20-9-15 FOR POB THENCE . SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 490 200915-00000003-0050 62.70 490 200915-00000003-0050 62.70 COM AT NE/C OFNW/4 OF NE/4 OF 20-9-15 FOR POR THENCE RUN ON SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 491 200915-00000012-0010 146.95 491 200915-00000012-0010 146.95 BROWN HERBERT E JR & GAYLE 40.000AC SE/4 OF SE/4 78/628 103/252 (LEROY SAPP) 2003/4896 492 280915-00000002-0000 383.71 492 280915-00000002-0000 383.71 BROWN HERBERT E JR 160.000AC N/2 OF NW/4 & SW/4 OF NW/4 & NW/4 OF SW/4 (SAPP PL) OR 55/624 & OR 62/5,11 493 310915-00000003-0020 69.75" 493 310915-00000003-0020 69.75 JORDAN KENNETH M 12.390AC COM AT SW/C OF 31-9-15 FOR POR THENCE RUN ON S LN OF SAID SEC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 494 031015-00000008-0000 1,140.27 494 031015-00000008-0000 1,140.27 MONTELEONE RITA & 5.000AC BEG AT SE/C OF SW/4 OF SE/4 GO N 621.09 FT TO NRLY EDGE SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 495 091015-00000018-0000 476.28 495 09'1015-00000018-0000 476.28 BOATWRIGHT CHRISTOPHER W ET AL 0. 120AC COMMENCE 66 FT EAST OF SW CORNER OF SE/4 OF SW/4 AS POB SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 496 091015-01080000-0370 96.21 496 091015-01080000-0370 96.21 DEETER TONYA K LOT 37 PINES ESTATES SUBD 114/565 127/433 245/527 293/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 497 091015-01080000-0400 96.21 497 091015-01080000-0400 96.21 DEETER TONYA K 0.180AC LOT 40 PINES ESTATES SUBD 114/565 127/433 245/527 293/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 498 091015-01080000-0430 HX 334.18 498 091015-01080000-0430 HX 334.18 RICHBURG JESSICA PAIGE 0.360AC LOTS 43 & 44 PINES ESTATES SUBD 114/565 127/433 245/527 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 499091015-01080000-0830 96.21 499 091015-01080000-0830 96.21 LUCAS DEBRA DENISE 0.180AC LOT 83 PINES ESTATES SUBD, 32/44 42/582 136/185 2001/1704 2002/3640 500 091015-01080000-0840 HX, 94.12 5:) 0091015-01080000-0840 HFIX 94.12 LUCAS DEBRA DENISE 0.360AC LOTS 84 & 105:PINE ESTATES SUBD 32/44 42/582 125/598 136 185 1,87'517292.57 5i51 0.91015-01080000-1060 96 21 i 501 091015-01080000-1060 96 2 I1 LUCAS DEBRA DENISE 0 180AC LOT 1')6 PINES ESTATES SLIBD 125 59 200l2 3639 21100 36.410 5':"? 091015-01080000-1220 HX '306.21 502 091015-01080000-1220. HX 306.21 THOLAS ELMER & HELENA 0.360AC LOTS 122 & 123 PINES ESTATES SSiBD 125'598 188 323 200I71.174 21I01 1705 503 091015-01080000-1370 16797 503 09 1015-010'18uI000-1370) 16797 CARLISLE KAYE \ 0 180AC LOT 137 PINES ESTATE SLBD 114 565 117 53 127433 1701 II 221:102 22.1251 20002730 51.14 50 091015-01080000-1510 553 24 504 091015-01080000-110 5( 553 24 : DAVKIN PROPERTIES INC 0 380AC LOTS 151 & 152 PINES ESTATES S114-565 124/136 127/433 1281 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 505 11015-02370000-0380 HX 1.014 79 505 I I015i-02370000-0380 HX 1,01479 BLANKS JIMMY L 5 00AC LOT 38 OAK HOLLOW NORTH SLIBD CONT 5 AC 183'554 199.21o 2-46 296 24 7.4(6 2000 41181 20051 961 s 506 11 1015-c00l0001-0010J 176 54 506 I 1101 5-0000110001-0010 176 54 YESBIK NICK I 69060AC COM ATSE C OF 11-10-15 AS POB GO NO DEG \ 1254 96 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 51.17 111,1)i'37H1N10- 10 0 H-x 778 78 507 I I1015-.0370000-00i. HX 778 78. ' 56,7 1 1015-01 7)"".0 "001 H 778 78 . I.ICKOY KEITH 5 ('00AC LOT I OAK HOLLOW NORTH CONT ' AC 183'540& 542 1Q9 216 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITION, L LEGAL I I0s 11101?-0:?7"00l'-0070 394 54 58 111 015-02370000-0070 394 54 \OL L %ND ROBERT E & THOLMAS 5 0":OAC LOT 7 OAK HOLLOW NORTH SLIBD 176 )74 50 41111.15-i0237060000280 381I 32 50,9 111015.02370000-0280 381 32 BETANCOURT JOSE M1 RENYES 5 000AC LOT 28 OAK HOLLOW NORTH SLBD CONT 5 AC 183 548 I 510I II 1015-0237600000390 381 32 510I II 1015-02370000-0390 381 32 NAGEL MARILYN R 5 000AC LOT 39 OAK HOLLOW NORTH SLiBD CONT 5 AC 18 4 28444 439 245 417 2005 1399 2:005 445 I51I 141015-00000001-00(10 190 0 .511 141015-(100'10000 1-001 190. 6 - YESBiK NICK I 67 12I.AC BEG AT NE COF 14-10-15 GO OW 2370 FT M.L TO PT GOS 818 FT SEE TkX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 512 151015-0249,000u-,'.030 1.558 82 *J32 I hl "5-,',24910000)-.,0(1 "* I '558 82 SVALDES OSCAR & WILLiAM.I TERRY 3.410AC LOT 3 TRENTON 26 EAST SUBD CONT 3 42 AC 71 9c 82.445 S SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 513 151015-0256001.10-01.02 1 217 18 513 151015-02560000-0020 I 217 18 PARSONS M H & SONS LUMBER CO 1.300AC LOT 2 TRENTON 26 EAST FIRST ADDIT SLBD CONT I 28 AC 71 96 .SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 514 161015-0.038000B-03410 11392 514 161015-003800:B-0340 11392 BRlANING SHAWN.A 0 I IOAC LOT 34 BLK B COLEMAN & ANDREWS SLIBD 10lo 684 107.247 107 252: SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 5i5 161015-00400015-0040 HX 1,156.96 515 161015-004'0015-0040 HX/ 1,156.96 SH.AARA SHERRY LYNN TILLMAN 0.340AC LOT 4 BLK 15 PIEDMONT SUBD 108/528 110/589-591 146/460 261/463 273/1822000/1186 516 161015-0046000A-0041 1,115.6[ 516 1610.15-0046000A-0041 1,115.61 CHAPMAN SHARON & EUGENE 0.370AC S 50 F OF LOT 4 BLK A& LOT 5 BLK HOCLMES IST %DDIT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S517 161015-00480044-0010 603.76 517 161015-00480044-0010 603.76 MCGEE JOHNNIE LEE ET AL 0.230AC LOT 1 BLK 44 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY 83/238 518 161015-00480056-0010 127.86 518 161015-00480056-0010 .127.86 MCGEE DENNIS & 0.230AC LOT I BLK 56 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY 282/454 282/405 2000/ 1520 519 161015-00000013-0000 634.83 519 161015-00000013-0000 634.83 NEESE JOHN F & DONNA 0.460AC BEG AT PT 668 FT N OF SW/C OF SE/4 OF NE/4 OF 16-10-1'5 GO N SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 520 161015-00000015-0000 693.35 520 161015-00000015-0000 693.35 CHARLES PUI LAM LEUNG 1.020AC COM AT SW/C OF SE/4 OF NE/4 OF 16-10-15 & RUN ON S LN OF SAID SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 521 161015-00000016-0000 1,946.30 521 161015-00000016-0000 1,946.30 CHARLES PUI LAM LEUNG 0.480AC COM AT SE COR OF SE/4 OF NE /4 GO W 330 FT TO POB GO N . SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 522 161015-00000031-0000 875.55 522 161015-00000031-0000 875.55 JENKINS WILTON E & 0.590AC BEG AT NW COR OF SE/4 OF 16-10-15 RUN E 1116 FT TO POB SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 523 161015-00000041-0000 HX 94.12 523 161015-00000041-0000 HX 94.12 GAMBLE GLORIA A 0.340AC BEGIN AT SW/C OF NE/4 16-10-15 THENCE RUN N 02 DEG SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 524 161015-00000094-0000 HX 94.12 524 161015-00000094-0000 HX 94.12 SAPP TRAVIS & HEATHER 0.430AC COM AT CENTER OF 16-10-15 FOR A PT OF REF GO S ALONG CENTER SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL I I Mau 11, 1825.,2006 i i -n --, ---- n D is ----. -40- ---- ---- . 525 161015-0038000A-0180 532.69 525 161015-0038000A-0180 532.69 STEPHENS MARY RUTH 0.340AC LOTS 18-19-20 BLK A COLEMAN & ANDREWS SUBD 43/631 61/236 & SEE TAX ROLL FORP ADDITIONAL LEGAL 526 1.61015-0038000A-0230 HX 94.12 526 161015-0038000A-0230 HX 94.12 BRUNGER OPAL-FAYE 0.110AC LOT 23 BLK A ANDREWS-COLEMAN SUBD 123/449 201/207-211 2000/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 527 161015-0038000A-0340 342.68 527 161015-0038000A-0340 342.68 HAMMEL ARTHUR J & FRANCES G 0.110AC LOT 34 BLK A COLEMAN & ANDREWS SUBD 50/56 88/276 129/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 528 161015-0038000B-0010 442.92 528 161015-0038000B-0010 442.92 HENDRICKS LUCY J 0.460AC LOTS 1 2 52 & 53 BLK B COLEMAN & ANDREWS SUBDIVISION SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 529 161015-0038000B-0100 HX 1,279.77 529 161015-0038000B-0100 HX 1,279.77 COLSON SAMUEL G JR& VIOLET C 2.200AC LOTS 10-11-12-13-14-15-39-40 . 41-42 BLK.B COLEMAN & ANDREWS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 530 161015-0038000B-0210 570.19 530 161015-0038000B-0210 570.19 HALIBURTON SANDRA E 0.230AC LOTS 21 & 22 BLK B COLEMAN & ANDREWS SUBD 107/357-358 2001/32842001/5058 531 161015-0038000B-0370 HX. 94.12 531 161015-0038000B-0370 HX 94.12 MOSHER WR&LISAH 0.110AC LOT 37 BLK B COLEMAN & ANDREWS SUBD 106/684 107/247. SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 532 161015-00380000-0210 101.47 532 161015-0038000C-0210 101.47 JOUVENAS SANDRA 0.:11AC. LOT 21 BLK C COLEMAN & ANDREWS SUBD 108/175 125/356 2002/5496 533 161015-0038000C-0220 HX 329.73 533 161015-0038000C-0220 HX 329.73 JOUVENAS SANDRA 0.110AC LOT 22 BLK C COLEMAN & ANDREWS SUBD 91/480 & 482 S125/303 2002/5496 534 161015-0038000D-0010 483.18 534 161015-0038000D-0010 483:18 HENDRICKS DAN L; .. 0.430AC LOTS 1 23 & 4 BLK D COLEMAN & ANDREW SUBD 9-10-15 106/684 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL .535 16101 5-:0038000D-005i0 180 61 535 161015-0038000D-0050 180.61 DIRIGGERS JERRY i CINDY M 0.230AC LOTS 5& 6 BLK D COLEMAN &. ANDREWS SUBD 106/684 110/277 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 536 161015-0038000D-0140 304.61 536 16t015-0038000D-0140 304.61 HENRY HENRY L & RACHEL CLARK 0.110AC LOT 14,BLK D ANDREWS-COLEMAN SUBD164 567 221 73 223/365, SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 537 161015-00400018-0030 HX 94.12' 537 161015-00400018-0030 HX 94.12 CANNON DELL R i 0.380AC! LOT 3 BLK 18 PIEDMONT SUBD 82,70 188 428 234-242 288'266 296/273 538 161015-00400019-0010 1,651:37 538 161015-00400019-0010 1,651.37 RLUSLI.IS1 AMANTHA SAHiL -- -0.380AC LOT I BLK 19 PIEDMlONT SULBD 39/41 127 211 230'75 239'261 SEET.AX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 539 161015-0041000V-0180 106.76 539 161015-0041000V-0180 106.76 MCDONALD ROBERT E & KATHERINE 0.110AC LOT 18 BLK N BEACH ADDIT69/ 452 203/105 217/66 233/185- VACATING ALLEY 249 57 285 682 540 161015-0041000V-0190 HX 468.50 540 161015-0041000V-0190 HX 468.50 SMCDONALD ROBERT E & KATHERINE 0.330AC LOTS 19 20,& 21 BLK V BEACH ADDIT 69/452 203/664 205/321 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 541 161015-0042000E-0010, '989.18 "' 541 161015-0042000E-0010 989.18 WILLIAMS PATRICIA ANN & RILLA 0.340AC LOTS 1 & 2 BLK E B F WILLIAMS (100' X 150') 193/335 20iu01 1964 542 161015-0042000E-0030 180.61 542 161015-0042000E-0030 180.61 WILLIAMS W J MRS FRANCES 0.510 AC LOTS 3 7 8 BLK E B F WILLIAMS' SUBD DB 6/127 4/441 135/117 193/335 543 161015-00430001-0040 1,716.81 543 161015-00430001-0040 1,716.8"1 FEATHER MARK J & NATALIE L 0.240AC LOT 4 & W/2 OF LOT 5 BLK 1 HOLMES SECOND ADDITION 92/648 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 544 161015-00430008-0030 HX 493.89 544 161015-00430008-0030 HX 493.89 DEEN JOHN W & SHERRIE F 0.150AC 'LOT 3 BLK 8 HOLMES 2ND ADDITION & A STRIP 100 X 12 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 545 161015-00430008-0040 HX 1,401.92 545 161015-00430008-0040 HX 1,401.92 DEEN G RILEY & LAURA LEIGH 0.170AC LOT 4 & W/2 OF LOT 5 BLK 8 HOLMES 2ND ADDIT 176/621 223/ 5272004/5952 546 161015-00440000-0090 HX 94.12 546 161015-00440000-0090 HX 94.12 COLLINS WAYNE 0.270AC LOT 9 AYERS ESTATES 82/305 236/1972005/3816 547 161015-00440000-0100 HX 456.89 547 161015-00440000-0100 HX 456.89 TROWBRIDGE RONALD 0.250AC LOT 10 AYERS ESTATES 55/693 76/624 86/431 120/347 121/462 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 548 161015-00440000-0340 411.57 548 161015-00440000-0340 411.57 FLETCHER LEONARD V 0.220AC LOT 34 AYERS ESTATE SUBD 56/ 197 68/31 80/16990/671 171/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 549 161015-00440000-0400 HX 94.1'2 549 161015-00440000-0400 HX 94.12 CREWS JIMMY & LINDA 0.210AC LOT 40 AYERS ESTATES SUBD 56/290 67/193 103/434 104/150 .SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 550 161015-00440000-0530 HX 130.75 550 161015-00440000-0530 HX 130.75 BISCHOFF ROBERT T 0.220AC LOT 53 AYERS EST SUBD 80/169 123/71 141/216 160/230 175/32 183/61 224/226 551 161015-00440000-0760 HX 240.24 551 161015-00440000-0760 HX 240.24 MOREHOUSE RICHIE ALLEN & 0.430AC LOTS 76 & 77 AYERS ESTATES 48/81 81/588 & 567 46/236 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 552 161015-00440000-0780 HX 300.67 552 161015-00440000-0780 HX 300.67 DECHANT LUCIE 0.220AC LOT 78 AYERS ESTATES 73/457 79/403 96/664 285/523285/525 285/526 553 161015-00440000-0890 451.41 553 161015-00440000-0890 451.41 MASON BILLIE M & CHARLES 0.320AC W/2 OF 89 & LOT 90 AYERS EST 102/122 127/285 265/633 270/- 651 554 161015-00440000-0910 368.70 554 161015-00440000-0910 368.70 NERTRUST 0.210AC LOT 91 AYERS ESTATES SUBD 141/145 247/676 279/111 555 161015-00440000-0940 HX 404.49 555 161015-00440000-0940 HX 404.49 GORDON CONSTANCE. 0.420AC LOTS 94 & 95 AYERS ESTATES OR 74/406 88/67 107/214 122/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 556 161015-00440000-1350 882.28 556 161015-00440000-1350 882.28 HINES PATRICIA .. 0.210AC LOT 135 AYERS ESTATES 47/71 51/320-321 58/637 65/673-674 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 557 161i01 5-0047(0002-10I010 1,174 08 557 161015-00470002-0010 1,174.08 JOHNSONMACC& 0.140AC LOTS 4 5 BLK 2 ROGERS & JONES ADDIT DEED BOOK 16 568 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL .558 16101 5-00470002-1:100 4346 558 161015-00470002-0100 4346 BEAUCHAMPR LUTHER 0.280AC LOTS 10 & 11BLK 2 ROGERS & JONES ADDIT 101 368 185 14 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 559 161015-00480007-0010 IHX 94 12 559 161015-00:480007-0010 HX 94 12 HARRAH NEOTA 0 IOOAC El2OF LOT I BLK7 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY 145 524 196 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL, . 560 161015-00480009-0020 HX 145 15 560 161015-00480009-0020 HX 145 15 REYNOLDS GEORGE A & MARY I 0 230AC LOT 2 BLK 9 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY OR 46 P615 OR 71/230 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 561 161015-00480009-0050 HX 307 89 561 161015-00480009-0050 HX 30789 DEEN LOSSIE B 0 230AC LOT 5 BLK 9 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY 78 o99 VACATED ALLEY SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 562 I101.5-00480010-0011 863 91, 562 161015-00480010-0i.I1I 863.90 TOOK MARK T 0.120AC : \ 2 OF LOT I LESS TRA OFF E SIDE & ERLY 35 FT OF LOT2 & SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 563 16101|5-'00480022-0061 698 91. 563 161015-00480022-0061 69890 HATCH JAMES W 0 I30AC '2 OF LOTS 6-7 BLK 22 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 564 16101l500480032-0060 525.21 5o4 lo1015-00480032-0060 52521 .:. TOOKE MARK .0210AC. LOT 6 BLK 32 TRENTON ORIGINAL SSURVEY 49/488 72/372 77,634 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 565 161015-00480033-001.1 HX 94.12 565 161015-00480033-0011 HX ,94:12.. PAXTON IAMI.I d L RR \ 0.10AC '73 1/3 FT OFF E SIDE LOT I BLK 33 TRENTON ORIG SURV OR SSEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL '6o 161015-00481:036-00)30 HX 94 12 566 161015-00480036-0030 HX -94.12 BISHOP DEBORAH L 0.160AC LOT.3 BLK 3" TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY DB 6 50t 11,43 257 707 278/618 2001/3784 S5W7 1610 5-0i04S0039-i020 H \ 435 64 567 Ii'll15-004800:39-0020 HX 435 64 HAYNES PAMELA J'& MARCIA A 0.360AC LOT 2 BLK 39 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY & PART OF VACATED ST ON SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 5'8 16 10]I-,:,480040r-001 0 725 '07 568 Ib 16115-00480040-0010 725 07 MURRAY ELANDA 0.460AC LOT I & 4 BLK 40 TRENTON ORIGINAL SiRV'EY 45.'505 126/87 132/575 2003/6507 200416524 569 161015-00480040-0021 48.72. 569 161015-00480040-00u 48.72 WASHINGTON ELVERT L 0.090AC PART OF VACATED ST DESC AS BEG AT NW/C OF LOT 2 BLK 40 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 570 161015-00480040-0061 75.10 570 161015-00480040-0061 75.10 HOGAN LATRENDA S 0.090AC BEGIN AT SW/C OF LQT 6 BLK 40 TRENTON ORIG SURVEY GO W 60 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL, 571 161015-00480041-0040 233.35 571 161015-00480041-0040' 233.35 CAMBRIDGE BENTON 0.460AC LOTS 4 & 5 BLK 41 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY TAX DEED BOOK 1 PAGES 123 & 125 572 16 ('1015-0481:1:45-C|: Il I | 63 572 161015-00480045-0011 199.63 PERRY CHARLIE & PERRY HENRY 0.230AC E/2 OF LOTS 1 &4.BLK45S TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY 2002/ 421 573 161015-00480046-0020 326.18 573 161015-00480046-0020 326.18 GENT RL FRANKLIN 0.460AC LOTS 2 & 3 BLK 46 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY & PART OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 574 161015-00480046-0040 127.86 574 161015-00480046-0040 127.86 PERRY CHARLIE 0.230AC LOT 4 BLK 46 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY 2002/421 575 161015-00480046-0050 127.86 575 161015-00480046-0050 127.86 WILSON GLEN R 0.230AC LOT 5 BLK 46 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY PROBATE BOOK 31/320 576 161015-00480047-0030 332.30 576 161015-00480047-0030 332.30 MCGEE TERESA & KATHY & JAMES 0.460AC LOT 3 & 6 BLK 47 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY 57/119 57/321 190/622 190/624 577 161015-00480050-0020 HX 469.92 577 161015-00480050-0020 HX 469.92 WASHINGTON ELVERT L 0.500AC LOTS 2-3 BLK 50 LESS R/W ON E & THAT PORTION OF FIRST AVE W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 578 161015-00480054-0040 233.35 578 161015-00480054-0010\ 233.35 WILSON GLEN R q.080AC LOTS 1 & 4 BLK 54 TRENTON ORIGINAL SURVEY 18/451 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 579 171015-00490004-0050 199.63 579 171015-00490004-0050 199.63 SCOTT HELEN D & 0.110AC LOT 5 BLK 4 WADE & BELL ADDITION 282/405 282/454 2000/1508 580 171015-00490005-0010 349.68 580 171015-00490005-0010 349.68. LANELJ &MARIE 0.570AC LOTS 1 2 & 3 BLK 5 WADE & BELL ADDIT 216/448 238/436 238/437 282/405 282/454 581 171015-00490014-0010 HX 222.77 581 171015-00490014-0010 HX 222.77 WILLIAMS MICHAEL &PEARLIE 0.230AC LOTS 1-2 BLK 14 WADE & BELL 120/229-230 2005/1246 582 171015-00490016-0050 HX 94.12 582 171015-00490016-0050 HXj 94.12 THOMAS ELMER & FRANKIE 0.460AC LOTS 56 7 8 BLK 16 WADE & BELL 45/12 242/219 242/211 2000/2245 583 171015-00490017-0050 12786 583 171015-00490017-0050 127.86 SCOTT HELFND& 0.110nAC LOT 5 BLK 17 WADE& BELL ADDIT 2824 /45 28 4 / 45 584 171015-00490017-0060 127 86 .584 171015-00490017-0060 12786 HEATH WALTER MRS (CRESSIEl 0 I10 AC LOT 6 BLK 17WADE&BELL 585 171015-00500000-0330 HX 404 93 585 171015- 00500000-0330 HX 404.93 BLYTHE GEORGE KEVIN 0 400AC LOT 33 PINEWOOD SUBD 47 287 113.496 142-193 142 194 181 449 225.435 229 324 259 537 S. 586 171015-1i.050100u00-0520 H X 486 12 S 586 I 7I015-Cli('000-0520 HX 486 12 . T EMPL ETON GARY L 0 400AC LOT 52 PINEWOOD SUBD& STRIP 10 FT X 100 FT METES & BOUNDS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 587 1711:115-0010000l29-0000 HX 79603 587 171015-)000(IO-'29-.000 HX 79603 BEALiiELI DONALD M & AUDREY 5.380AC COM AT SW COR OF SW'4 OF SE .4 GO ALG W LN N02 DEG W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 588 171015-00490001-0010 HX 94 12 588 17101 5-f004l0001-0010 HX 94 12 W\ILEY BARBARA J 01 10AC LOTS I & E Il FT OF LOT 2 BLK ' I WADE & BELL 74 37 76 399 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 580 171015-00490004-i001i) HN 576 83 589 171015-004-l 6"3t.'4-I10| I HX 576 83 BROWN DEBRA L & ANNIE MN BROWN 0.340AC LOTS I 2 & 3 BLK 4 WADE & BELL ADDITION 119 77 239251 253 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S 59' 171' I 5-00-1490.ii5-- i 5.15 199I9 63 590 1710 I 5.i(l49"1005-005":1 19963 LANEL-J&MARIE 0.110AC LOT 5 BLK 5 WADE & BELL ADDIT: 216448 282 4,15 282 454 ; . 591 17105-00490I05-i406n 127 86 591 171015-00491i0005-I:)5.1'000 127 86 S LUCAS DEBRA DENISE :. 0 I IOAC LOT 6 BLK 5 WADE 7 BELL ADDIT 14262 165.60 282 405 282 454 592 171015-U30490005-0070 34940 592 171015-00490005-0070 349.40 CARTER WILLIE MERLE 0.110AC LOTS 7 89 BLK 5 WADE & BELL ADDIT 142.62 Io5:52 & 60 282, . 405 282/454 . 5934 710 5-00490008-0070 (if0- 23335 '. I ' "593 171015-0049i008-00701''" "233 35 'A( WILSON GLORIA 0.230AC LOTS7& 8 BLK 8 WADE & BELL S 47 571 224 518 20.14 3591 594 171015-00490009-0050 544.16, 594 171|) I15-'.104C9)'"09-06'f'.' 544.16. .(CQLIEEN HILTON & LOUISE 0.230AC LOTS 5-6 BLK 9 WADE & BELL 120/33 595 71| I5-,1491 -''I i.',0 H\ 94 12 595,171015-00490010-0030 HX 94.12 YARRELL PAMELA WILSON 0.230AC LOTS 3 & 4 BLK 10 WADE & BELL . DEED BOoK 6 8 i.2 3:2 12 304 SEETAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 596.1 71015vlU049UOI ill-3 HX 310.65 596 171015-0049i0011-0030 M HX 310.65 596 171015-00490011 -('('0 FIX 310,65 ' LANE L J & MARIE 0.230AC LOT 3 BLK.11I WADE & BELL & SLOT 4 BLK 11 WADE & BELL SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 597 171015-00490011-0090 305.12 597 171015-00490011-0090 305.12 MASON WILLIAM J DR 0.230AC LOTS 9 & 10 BLK 11 WADE & BELL ADDITION 72/505 228/001 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 598 171015-00490012-0030 HX 818.63 598 171015-00490012-0030 HX 818.63 MCGEE JIMMY LEE & ELLA MAE 0.690AC. LOTS 3 4 5 6 7 8 BLK 12 WADE - & BELL ADD 62/109 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 599 171015-00490014-0030 233.35 599 171015-00490014-0030 233.35 NORRIS CURTIS LEE 0.230AC LOTS 3 & 4 BLK 14 WADE & BELL 99/395 120/609 274/136 282/ 405282/454 600 171015-00490014-0110 234.41 600 171015-00490014-0110 234.41 BROWN RENA EST 0.230AC LOTS 11-12 BLK 14 WADE & BELL . OR 73/550 601 171015-00490018-0050 75.10 601 171015-00490018-0050 75.10 EPHRAIM WILLIE C 0.110AC LOT 5 BLK 18 WADE & BELL ADDITION 70/539 199/162 282/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 602 171015-00490018-0060 197.89 602.171015-00490018-0060 197.89 EPHRAIM WILLIE C 0.11 OAC LOT 6 BLK 18 WADE & BELL TAX DEED 208/571 2004/3120-3121 2005/802 603 171015-00490018-0070 390.07 603 171015-00490018-0070 390.07 GASKINS KENNETH B 0.220AC LOTS 7 & 8 BLK 18 WADE & BELL ADDIT 45/151 SUMMARY ADMINI- SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 604 171015-00490019-0030 HX 488.55 604 171015-00490019-0030 HX 488.55 SIMS LONNIE & LENA 0.440AC LOTS 3 4 910 BLK 19 WADE & BELL 605 171015-00490019-0110 233.35 605 171015-00490019-0110 233.35 GASKINS KENNETH B 0.220AC LOTS 11.& 12 BLK 19 WADE & BELL SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 606 171015-00500000-0430 HX 449.98 606 171015-00500000-0430 HX 449.98 FAISON LESLIE & BERRY HEATHER 0.400AC LOT 43 PINEWOOD SUBD 49/267 147/589 196/677 203/571 210/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 607 171015-00500000-0500 889.36 607 171015-00500000-0500 889.36. ROBERTS CHRISTOPHER A & 0.400AC LOT 50 PINEWOOD SUBD 47/108 102/256-257 113/274 125/267 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 608 171015-00510000-0080 HX 563.86 608 171015-00510000-0080 HX 563.86 SECRET PATRICIA ANN 0.340AC, LOT 8 SCHOFIELD BROTHERS SUBD 107/561 609 181015-01770000-0120 455.18 609 181015-01770000-0120 455.18 HENDRICKS DAN L & LUCY J 5.000AC LOT 12 1ST ADDIT LANCASTER EST SUBD LESS 1.256 AC IN SEC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 610 181015-00760004-0000 -1,365.44 610 181015-00760004-0000 1,365.44 . WILSON FDWARD MICHAEL & 2.020AC LOT 4 & 5 LANCASTER ESTATES 17-10-15 78/.185 85/348:88/68 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 611 181015-00760010-0000 1,72318 611 181015-00760010-0000 1,723.18 CASTOR PATRICK A & DENISE L' 2.180AC LOT 10 LANCASTER ESTATES ,17-10-15 77'540 132 146 LESS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 612 181015-01770000-0050 HX 196 37 612 18101il5-01770000-0050 HX 196 37 DAVIS DEWAYNE & LINDA F DAVIS 5.310AC; LOT 5 IST ADDITION LANCASTER ESTATES SLBD CONT 5 31 AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 613 181015-01770iX1.-0130 HX 81)692 ol3 181015-01 770i1:.0-01130 HN 80692 PIERSON DONALD & DIANE 6 270AC LOT 13 1ST ADDIT LANCASTER EST SUBD & A PORTION OF LOT 12 .. SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 614 181015-01770000-0180 HX 19637 614 1810115-0177iu00'0-'. 180 HX 196 37 RIESER BRENDA 5 0))OAC LOT 18 LANCASTER ESTATES 1ST ADDITION IN 17-10-15 CONT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 615 191015-00000006-0000 151 33 615 191015-00000006-0000 151 33 BROWNING W P 40 000AC NW14 OFSE.4 16/301 210-555- 567 PIPELINE EASEMENTS 210j569 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 616 2''01015-0'X".10))'l-.0030 HNX I.108 25 016 201015-'000.0004.-0030 HX 1,108 25 WIGGINS JAMfES E & CECELIA DEEN 10.210AC COM AT SW C OFNE4 21:-15 I ,- FOR POB THENCE RUN ALG W LN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 617 2CI01)5-IC00flO'."i'8-a'i):'0 HX 2405 17 617 2C 0115-i0000008-"tii. HX 2,405 17 RIDGEWAY DLiANE J & CELESTE G 28.940AC COM AT SE COR OF N 2 OF NW\' 4 AS POB GO ALG S LN OF N 2 OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 6 618 21 015-00000011:1-" 1 20i HX I,82u 27 618 211,',l5-0,'. i'I I0 i,)-)I''200 HX 1,820 27 DREAM BLilLDERS DEVELOPMENT 4.0OOAC COM AT SE.C OF SW 4 OF N,' 4 21-10-15 FOR POR THENCE RUN N SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 619211015-000100012-0000 HX 19 37 619211015-00000012-0000 HX 196 37 LOVETT KENNETH & PHYLLIS 1 920AC LONG METES & BDS DESC IN OR 46 PGS 301 & 302 AND ALSO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 620 211015-00590000-0060 HX 434 83 620211015-00590000-0060 HX 434 83 WRIGHT KAREN SUE I IAC LOT o ROGERS SiUBDIVISIOIN. 87 138 118-350 128'450 162/194 226.134 621 221015-00i000005-0020 IHX 65400 621 221015-0000005000020 .HX '654.00 WILSON ROY MULRRAY JR '5 230AC COMMENCE AT NW C OF 22-10-15 FOR A POINT OF REFERENCE SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 622 221015-0000000-00000 HX 818 27 622 221015-'X000000116-00C00 HX 818 27 BALKCOM BARRY & DIANENI I 240AC COM AT NW/C OF SW/4 GOS5 668,46 FT TO POB CONT S SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 623 221015-0000004-0000 "4,219.34 623 221015-00000004-000) 4 219.34, MARINE MAINTENANCE SERVE ICEOF 5.510AC COM AT NW/C OF 22-10-15 FOR POR THENCE RUN ALG W LN OF SEC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 624221015-00000006-0040 1,819.20 624 221015-00000006-0040 1,819.20 BROWN ARTHLiR W& STACEY 2.440AC COMBAT NW/C OF SW/4 GO N 86 DEG E 347.76 FT TO POB CONT E , SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 625 231015-00000010-0000 HX 2,018.41 625 231015-00000010-0000 HX 2,018.41 STLiLL RODNEn B 2.00oAC, COM AT.SE C OF SW 4 23-10-15 FOR POR THENCE RUN ALG S LN OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 626 231015-00000010-0050' 2,009.85 626 231015-00000010-0050 2,009.85 STULL RODNEY B 11.7IOAC SE/4 OF SW/4 63/547 70/286 91/ 205 108/602112/586 113/593 . SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 627261015-00000004-0030 1,795.49 '627 261015-00000004-0030" 1,795.49 STULL RODNEY B 10.440AC E/2 OF N/2 OF N/2 OF NW/4 LESS RD R/W LESS 2.02 AC TO HENRY SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 628 261015-00000004-0032 1,047.68 628 261015-00000004-0032 1,047.68 RIDGELL THOMAS M & BETTY J 6.010AC COM ATNE/C OF NW/4 26-10-15 FOR POR THENCE RUN ALG E LN OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 629 281015-00610000-0030 HX 774.54 629 28,1015-00610000-0030 HX 774.54 OSTEEN MARVIN HENRY JR BETTYTY 1 .OOOAC LOT 3 WILMOR UNREC SUBD 53/533 56/414 200/480 630 281015-00610000-0070 HX 2,060.21 630 281015-00610000-0070 HX 2,060.21 LANDRUM MYREL D & BARBARA A 0.910AC LOT 7 WILMOR UNREC SUBD 52/48 90/627 122/467 128/500-503 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 631 281015-00610000-0201 1,470.63 631 281015-00610000-0201 1,470.63 BRADLEY CLIFTON E & 1.170AC W 159.39 FT OF LOT 20 WILMOR UNREC SUBD DESC IN METES & BDS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 632 281015-03070000-0020 HX 1,558.42 632 281015-03070000-0020 HX 1,558.42 PORTER DIANE 2.000AC LOT 2 COUNTY LINE PINES 214/ 663 2004/2488 2004/6764 633 291015-00000001-0010 307.14 633 291015-00000001-0010 307.14 ALLEN THOMAS FRANK & BARBARA 10.000AC SW/4 OF NW/4 OF NE/4 TOGETHER W/EASEMENT 5/55 61/200 236/113 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 634 291015-00000002-0000 1,164.72 634 291015-00000002-0000 1,164.72 JOHNSON MAC C & DANA D 1.660AC COM AT NE/C OF SECT GO S 1327.72 FT GO N 89 DEG W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 635 291015-00000002-0015 2,360.54 635 291015-00000002-0015 2,360.54 JOHNSON MAC C & DANA D 3.790AC CONl AT SW.C OF NE/4 OF NE/4 OF 29-10-15'FOR POR THENCE RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 636 300716-00000002-0010 HX 260.57 636 300716-00000002-0010 HX 260.57 DOUGLAS SAMUEL & LINDA 2.000AC BEG AT NE/C OF NE/4 OF NW/4 GO W 300 FT 5 300 FT E 300 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL '637 300716-00000002-0040 HX 196.37 637 300716-00000002-0040 HFX 196.37 DOUGLAS COUNCIL JR & JANICE 19.000AC NE/4 OF NW/4 NOF CO RD 138. LESS 2 AC TO SAMUEL DOUGLAS SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 638 300716-00000006-0020 HX 196.37 638 300716-00000006-0020 HX 196.37 CREWS STANLEY K 4.870AC FOR POR CONM AT SE.C OF LOT 8 K-K-L&S ESTATES THENCE RLN N SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 639300716-00000011-0015 HX 196.37 639 300716-00000011-0015 HX 19637 MILLER TENNIELLE 5000AC FOR POR COM AT NW.C OF NW'4 OF SE'4 OF 30-7-16 THENCE S I DEG SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 640 300716-00570000-0130 HX 921 96 640 300716-00570000-0130 HX 921 96 MARTIN RONALD & CHRISTINA 4 250AC LOT 13 K K L & S ESTATES CONT 4 24 AC 195.576 UTIL EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 641 320716-00000008-0000 26677 o41 320716-00000008-0000 26677 PINE RIDGE PLANTATION I LLC 80 000AC S2 OF SE.491,413-419 107/ 35-39 295,135 2004/6717 2004/ 4504 2004'4505 2005,2823 642330716-00000008-0000 151.33 642 330716-00000008-0000 151:33 PINE RIDGE PLANTATION I LLC 40.000AC SW'4 OF SW.4 91,413-419 107. 35-39 295135 2003 6717 2004! 450:4 2004 4505 21)05.2823 643 010816-000i)(ii05-0010 37037 643 010816-O00O0il0005-0010 370 37 WALSH SHARON ELAINE 500)(I.AC S2 OF S 2OF W.2 OF SW 4 OF SW 4 73 36277 5o081 216 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 644 01 O 816-00000:005-001 II 380 80 644 010816-00'X100005-00 11 38180 WALSH SHARON E 15 000AC \ 2 OF SW 4 OF SW 4 LESS 5 AC SPLIT OUT 73.362 77-560 81.216 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 645 010816-(0000Ul0(5-00130 HX 472 11 645 010816-0000000r5-0030H HX 472 I HOLLEY HEATHER RENEE I 00OAC FOR POB COMl AT NW.C (OF NE.4 OF SW.4 OF SW'4 GOS 210 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 646 030816-00000006-0000 HX 36607 646 030816-00000006-0000 HX 366.07 - VERNON NORMA I OOOAC COM AT SE COR OF NE'4 OF SEC & GO W 420 FT GO N 3riFT'TO N SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL o47 03081 6.00010009-00110 355 69 6470308]I6-i" X i'00C:9.0"l('1 355 o9 .( . O'NEAIL TERRY LEE I ,J',0AC CONI AT SE COR OF NE 4 AS POREF GO W ALG I 2 SEC LN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 648 03i1816-lxl),OCI 15-I)0l|10 HX 1.140 72 6480'30816.000nC0'iX5-'"ii|0 HX 1,14) 72 BARBER MARION ELBERT & 14 650AC COM AT SE C OF 3-8-16 FOR POB & RU ALG E LNOFSAIDSEC3' / SE E TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 649 (408,3816-0':71 '1)001-)0 I0 3) 1,826 71 649 040816-00710001-0030 1,826.71 AMOUNT WARREN T& PATTI S 10.0'0AC LOT 3 BLK I LNIT I SPRING RIDGE SUBD 80/344 BIG LOT 244/ 102 267/302 267/304 650 (40816-0072i0004-00)20 HX 1,788.71 650 040816-00720004-0020 HX 1,788.71 OELFKE MARJORIE JANE 1.080AC LOT 2 BLK 4 UNIT 2 SPRING RIDGE SUBD 62/139 65/82 70/117 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 651040816-07300005-0030 HX 1,265.00 651'040816-07300005-0030 HX 1,265.00 CALVERT JOY L 2.220AC LOTS 3 &4 BLK 5 UT 3 SPRING RIDGE SUBD CONT 2 AC 99/74 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 652 040816-07400001-0020 861.79 S652 040816-07400001 -0020 .861.79 FLOYD TODD 4.620AC LOT 2 BLK I UT 4 SPRING RIDGE- SUBD 94/69 161/28 244/166 267/ 309 2002/903 653 040816-07400001-0090 HX 2,136.08 653 040816-07400001-0090 HX 2,136.08 PARHAM RONALD A & JENNY L 1.020AC LOT 9 BLK 1 UNIT 4 SPRING : RIDGE SUED 161/28 176/405 267/ 309 2000/2729 2001/1968 654 040816-07400001-0190 HX 403.80 654 040816-07400001-0190 HX 403.80 MELNICK PETER M& DONNA R 1.000AC LOT 19 BLK 1 UNIT 4 SPRING RIDGE SUED 113/96 128/ 479 SEE TAX ROLL.FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 655 040816-07500000-p 130 HX 1,292.85 655 040816-07500000-0130 HX 1,292.85 TALLMAN SUZANNE M 1.020AC LOT 13 BLK 1 UNIT 5 SPRING RIDGE SUBD 108/7 205/712 248/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 656 050816-00000002-0030 349.10 656 050816-00000002-0030 349.10 * PINE RIDGE PLANTATION I LLC 120.000AC NW/4 OF NE/4 & N/2 OF NW/4 2004/4504 2004/4505 2005/2823 657 070816-01020000-0090 HX 196.37 657 070816-01020000-0090 HX 196.37 CROSBY THOMAS CARL 5.270AC LOT 9 HIGH SPRINGS HEIGHTS SUBD CONT 5.27 AC 213/139 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 658 070816-01020000-0300 HX 196.37 658 070816-01020000-0300 HX 196.37 FLEMMING DANIEL L & 5.280AC LOT 30 HIGH SPRINGS HEIGHTS SUBD CONT 5.275 AC 105/267 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 659 070816-01020000-0320 HX 196.37 659 070816-01020000-0320 HX 196.37 FLEMMING GALE MARIE 5.270AC LOT 32 HIGH SPRINGS HEIGHTS SUBD CONT 5.27 AC 147/573 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 660 100816-00000004-0010 669.35 660 100816-00000004-0010 669.35 SWEAT MARCUS E & DOLORES J 10.050AC COM AT NW/C OF SW/4 OF 10-8-16 FOR A PT OF REF GO S SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL Section B. Pae Five Gilchrist Countu Delinauenzt Tax List' ilchrihst Cnuntu Delinauent Tax List Mau 11. 18. 25, 2006 CISL~L..5...'I *JI ~ *.Z5.6t L.'~f 7,V -l -Y -YI= -1-7- -- 661 100816-00000004-0060 414.49 661 100816-00000004-0060 414.49 SCHRODER HENRY J & LINDA P 5.020AC W/2 OF FOLLOWING DESC COMBAT NW/C OF SW/4 OF 10-8-16 FOR A SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 662 100816-00740000-0110 HX 196.37 662 100816-00740000-0110 HX 196.37 SCOTT ALFRED EUGENE & ELLEN 5.030AC LOT 11 SANTA FE FOREST SUBD OR 72/625 96/133 222/561 222/563 663 100816-00740000-0140 415.26 663 100816-00740000-0140 415.26 SIMMONS SELDON W & FLORENCE E 5.030AC LOT 14 SANTA FE FOREST SUBD 70/694 173/603 208/688 223/449 2000/3021 664100816-00740000-0170 HX 351.11 664 100816-00740000-0170 HX 351.11 RUFF MARY ANN & MAGDALENE MARY 5.010AC LOT 17 SANTA FE FOREST SUBD S87/641 88/540-542 156/380 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 665 100816-00740000-0270 HX 569.84 665 100816-00740000-0270 HX 569.84 WILGUS VERNON JAMES & JUNE 10.070AC LOTS 27 & 28 SANTA FE FOREST SUBD 73/417 223/449 233/412 666 110816-00000002-0000 HX 902.04 666 110816-00000002-0000 HX 902.04 MOBLEY WILLIAM C,JR & JUDITH C 87.000AC BEG AT NE COR OF NW/4 11-8- 16 E S APP330 FT TO POBTHEN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 667 110816-00000007-0010 284.99 667 110816-00000007-0010 284.99 SIMMONS SELDON W & FLORENCE 1.000AC COM AT NE/CO OF W F NW/4 GO S 1075.4 FT. GO W 524 FT GO S SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 668 110816-00000008-0020 488.93 668 110816-00000008-0020 H 488.93 SIMMONS SELDON W & FLORENCE E 6.000AC 6 AC M/L DESC AS FOLLOWS BEG AT A PT 1466.5 FT S & 532. 5 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 669 110816-00000010-0000 HX 915.30 669 110816-00000010-0000 HX 915.30 GERARD KATHERINE KORDANA 10.000AC BEG AT PT 2248 FT 10 IN S & 190 FT W OF NE COR OF W/2 OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 670 110816-00000013-0000 HX 872.48 670 110816-00000013-0000 HX 872.48 THOMAS PHYLLIS 6. .550AC BEG AT SE/C OF SE/4 OF E/4 SGO N 18 FT TO N R/W LINE OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 671 110816-00000013-0080 HX :1,200.71 671 110816-00000013-0080' HX 1,200.71 BASS DAVIDAL 7.810AC COM AT SE/C OF 11-08-16 THENCE RUN N 00 DEG ALONG E SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 672 120816-00000001-0010 364.19 672 120816-00000001-0010 364.19 THOMAS JAMES J 4.080AC COM AT SW/C OF NE/4 OF 12-8-16 AS PT OF REFGO N 27 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 673 120816-00000004-0010 HX 256.28 673 120816-00000004-0010 ,HX 256 28 HUNTER LORIANN E & JERRY I..00AC COM AT NE/C OF NW/4 OF NE/4 OF 12-08-16 FOR PORTHENCE GO S SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL, 674 130816-00000007-0010 HX 578 1' 674 1I3016-0'i0'i007-0007-0 HX 57801 LANGFORD LADONAA 5.620AC COM AT SW/C OF 13-8-16 GO E 585.83 FT TO POB CONT E SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL. 675 140816-00000001-6008 1FX 249.89. 675 140816-00000001-0008 HX 249.89 SNYDER JULIAN B JR & DOLERAS C 2.500AC NE/4 OF NE/4 OF NE/4 OF NE/4 2.50 AC 89/518 94/678 95/158, SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 676 140816-00000002-0130 1185.11 676 140816-00000002-0130 '1,185.11 LOGAN'KATHERINE J 10.060AC SE/4 OF W O S/FE/4 (LOT 13) CONT 10.06 AC TOGETHER SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 677 150816-00000001-0040 HX 1,081.38 677 150816-00000001-0040 HX 1,081.38 GILLESPIE WILLIAM E & 11.560AC COM AT SE/C OF 15-8-16 GO W 1314.43 FT GO N 26 FT TO POB SEE.TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 678 150816-00000001-0071 444.87; 678 150816-00000001-0071 444.87 MCLEOD WILLIAM DAVIDSON JR 5.420AC FOR A POR COM AT SW/C OF 15-8-16 GO E 175 FT TO.W LN OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 679 150816-00000001-0074 452.21 679 150816-00000001-0074 452.21 LUBIN DIEUDONNE & MICHELLE J 6.620AC PARCEL D DESC AS COM AT SW/C 15-8-16 THENCE RUN N 88 DEG E SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 680 150816-00000001-0090 HX 324.97 680 150816-00000001-0090 HX 324.97 EDENFIELD RICKY D & RHONDA 5.000AC FOR A POR COM AT SW/C OF SAID SEC 15 AND RUN N 88 DEG EALG SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 681 150816-00000001-0130 HX 556.37 681 150816-00000001-0130 HX 556.37 DOUGLAS RONALD E & 9.690AC COM AT NE/C OF SEC 15-8-16 FOR POR THENCE S ALG E LN OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 682 160816-00000001-0100 HX 285.66 682 160816-00000001-0100 HX 285.66 KILLINGS EDWARD DAVIS 20.000AC PARCEL 10 CONT 20 AC DESC IN MTS & BDS DESC AS COM SE/C OF' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 683 160816-00000002-000A HX 706.90 683 160816-00000002-000A HX 706.90 ELLIS LINDA S 5.010AC PARCEL A CONT 5.01 AC DESC AS COM SW/C OF SEC GO N 40 FT TO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 684 160816-02340000-0040 HX 273.28 684 160816-02340000-0040 HX 273.28 BOLTON DAVID & TINA SMITH 5.010AC LOT 4 OAK HILL SUBD CONT 5.01 AC 166/634 166/692 167/167 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 685 170816-02070000-0180 HX 309.58 685 170816-02070000-0180 HX 309.58 HUNTER JAMES E 10.000AC LOT 18 APPALOOSA TRAILS SUBD UNREC CONT 10 AC 173/308 182/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 686 170816-02070000-0070 243.73 686 170816-02070000-0070 243.73 DEUTSCH CHARLES & LORI 10.000AC LOT 7 APPALOOSA TRAILS SUBD UNREC CONT 10 AC 170/495 2002/4355 687 170816-02070000-0140 HX 308.27 687 170816-02070000-0140 HX 308.27 CHANDLEY LEE S 20.030AC LOTS 14 & 19 APPALOOSA TRAILS UNREC SUBD CONT 20.03 AC 156/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 688 170816-02070000-0160. HX 344.54 688 1.70816-02070000-0160 HX 344.54 MEECE MELVIN & EVELYN 10.000AC LOT 16 APPALOOSA TRAILS SUBD UNREC CONT 10 AC 165/360 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 689 170816-02070000-0260 FHX 984.30 689 170816-02070000-0260 HX 984.30 BLACKFORD FRANCIS E JR & 20.000AC LOTS 26 & 31 APPALOOSA TRAILS SUBD UNREC 166/368 UNTIL EASE- SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 690 170816-02070000-0430 HX 196.37 690 170816-02070000-0430 HX 196.37, GRECO LAWRENCE G' 10.000AC LOT 43 APPALOOSA TRAILS UNREC, SUBD CONT 10 AC 87/33-42 104 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL'LEGAL 691 170816-02070000-0550 1,439.47 691 170816-02070000-0550 .1,439.47 BISSELL KENT V-SR & DEBORAH 10.000AC LOT 55 APPALOOSA TRAILS CONT 10 AC 195/731 UNTIL EASEMENT 198/359 2004/3635 2005/1978 692 170816-02070000-0580 664.90 692 170816-02070000-0580 664.90 SANTIAGO LUIS H & ROSA 9.980AC LOT 58 APPALOOSA TRAILS SUBD CONT 9.98 AC & DESC IN MTS & BDS DESC 172/255 693 170816-02070000-0590- 467.30 693-170816-02070000-0590 467.30 SCHWAB ANTHONY M & PENNY 10000AC SLOT 59 APPALOOSA TRAILS SUBD DESC IN METES & BDS CONT 10 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 694 170816-02070000-0630 HX .196.37 694 170816-02070000-0630 HX 196.37 HILL RICKY JUNIOR & KIMIBERLY -10.00AC LOT 63 APPALOOSA TRAILS SUBD DESC IN METES & BDS DESC CONT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 695 170816-02070000-0740 HX 196.37 695 170816-02070000-0740 HX 196.37 PITTMAN MICHAEL S & DEBORAH J 10.030AC LOT 74 APPALOOSA, TRAILS SUBD CONT 10.03 AC DESC IN LONG SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 696 200816-00000005-0010 5,180.19 6962008 16-00000005-0010 5,180.19 HALL PATRICIA E .T 13.000AC COM AT NW/C OF S/2 OF SW/4 OF SE/4 OF 20-8-16-GO ALONG N LN - SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 697 200816-000000010010 617.92 697 200816-00000001-0010 617 92 LANGFORD DENNIS 5 500AC THAT PART OF E'2 OF NW/4 LYING S OF SCL RR R/W CONT 5.5 AC M/L 111/565 698200816-02110000-0150 HX 747 26 698 200816-02110000-0150 HX 747.26. SBRADY MARK D & ELIZABETH A. 5 040AC LOT 15 SILVER RIDGE SUBDCONT 5 04ACRES 167,9 189/241 189/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 699 200816-02110000-0380 47 93 699 200816-0211000-0380 4793 CHESBOROUGH INVESTMENT 5.000AC LOT 38 SILVER RIDGE SUBD CONT 5 AC 159,217 160.685 161 184 2003/5381 2004/68962005/54155 . 700 200816-02110000-0400 5023 700 200816-02110000-0400 5023 CHESBOROUGH INVESTMENT 5 000AC LOT 40 SILVER RIDGE SUBD CONT 5.C ACRES 159.219 160-685 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 701 200816-02110000-0410 54.95 701 200816-02110000-0410 54.95 CHESBOROUGH INVESTMENT 5.000AC LOT 41 SILVER RIDGE SUBD CONT 5 AC 160/682 2003/5384 2004/ 6899,2005/5415 702 200816-02110000-0420 53.83 702200816-02110000-0420 53.83 CHESBOROUGH INVESTMENT 5.000AC LOT 42 SILVER RIDGE SUBD CONT 5 AC 160/682 2003/5385 2004/ . 6900 2005/5415 703 200816-02110000-0440. 48.86 703 200816-02110000-0440 48.86 CHESBOROUGH INVESTMENT -5.00AC LOT 44 SILVER RIDGE SUBD CONT 5 AC 160/682 2003/5387 2004 6902 2005/5415 704 200816-02110000-0450 52.86 704 200816-02110000-0450 52.86 CHESBOROUGH INVESTMENT 5.00AC LOT 45 SILVER RIDGE SUED CONT 5 AC 160/682 2003/5388 2004/ 6903 2005/5415 705220816-02920000-0040 '771.75 705 2208 6-02920000-0040 771.75 PANTOJA ALECKSANDRA 10.000AC LOT 4 FOOTHILL FARMS UT 1 87/33-42 104/93-94 107/513 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 706 220816-02920000-0080 771.75 706 220816-02920000-0080 771.75 PANTOJA IRAMIS 10.O00AC LOT 8 FOOTHILL FARMS UT 1 87/33-42 104/93-94 107/513 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 707 220816-02930000-0040 1,510.36,. 707 220816-02930000-0040 1,510.36 HULL HERMAN JOHN II 20.000AC LOTS 4 & 5 FOOTHILL FARMS UT 2 , CONT 20.002 AC 104/93 160/106 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 708230816-00000002-0010 HX 1,124.17 708230816-00000002-0010 HX 1,124.17 KNIGHT WILLIAM KYLE & LAYNE B 20.000AC W/2 OF THE FOLLOWING DESC PROP FOR A POR COM AT NW/C OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 709 230816-02230000-0040 HX 356.86 709 230816-02230000-0040- HX 356.86 DEANE DONALD P & SUSANNE B 5.010AC LOT 4 UNIT 1 MILLHOPPER EST 183/379 UTILITY EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 710 230816-03230000-0200 HX 446.68 710 230816-03230000-0200 HX 446.68 WEIDNER THOMAS J & SHARON M 5.000AC LOT 20 MILLHOPPER ESTATES UT2 CONT 5 AC 205/486 UTILITY EASEMENT 208/298 2003/2038 711 230816-03230000-0210 HX 1163.29 711 230816-03230000-0210 HX 1,163.29 GILES ELLISON F & ELIZABETH M 5.000AC LOT 21 MILLHOPPER ESTATES UT 2 CONT 5 AC 166/695 244/523 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 712 230816-03230000-0280 HX 834.03 712 230816-03230000-0280 HX 834.03 FLEMING TIMOTHY S.AND/OR 5.000AC LOT 28 MILLHOPPER ESTATES UT 2 CONT 5 AC 166/695 245/274 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 713 230816-03230000-0290 823.44 713 230816-03230000-0290 823.44 WEIDNER THOMAS J & SHARON M 5.000AC LOT 29 MILLHOPPER ESTATES UT 2 CONT 5 AC 205/488 2003/2453 714 230816-03230000-0380 572.30, 714 230816-03230000-0380 572.30 FIEDLER TERRY L 5.110AC LOT 38 MILLHOPPER ESTATES UT 2 CONT 5.11 AC 226/314 2001/3139 715230816-03230000-0400 HX 637.42 715230816-03230000-0400 HX. 637.42 BARBER MARK E& ANGELA M 5.000AC LOT 40 MILLHOPPER ESTATES UT 2 CONT 5.03 AC 206/258 UTILITY SEE TAX ROLL FORADDITIONAL LEGAL 716 240816-08920000-0030 HX 572.51 716240816-08920000-0030 HX 572.51 SEAY MYRTLE M -5.000AC- LOT 3 2ND ADDIT CAIN MILL WOOD SUBD CONT 5 AC UTILITY SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 717 240816-08920000-0110 HX 809.90 717240816-08920000-0110 HX- 809.90 RENO RAYMOND W & EDIE L 5.000AC LOT 11 2ND ADDIT CAIN MILL WOODS SUBD CONT 5 AC UTILITY SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 718 240816-08920000-0120 560.69 718 240816-08920000-0120 560.69 RENO RAYMOND W &EDIE L 5.000AC LOT 12 2ND ADDIT CAIN MILL WOODS SUBD CONT 5 AC UTILITY SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 719 240816-08920000-0140 HX 380.76 719240816-08920000-0140 HX 380.76. BECKER WAYNE MCDANIEL 5.000AC LOT 14 2ND ADDIT CAIN MILL WOODS SUBD CONT 5 AC 281/174. .UTIL EASEMENT 289/494 2001/316 720 240816-08920000-0180 HX 41304 720 240816-089200000-0180 HX 413048. "MALAGON ROBERT C : 5 OOOAC LOT 18 2ND ADDIT CAIN MILL WOODS SUBD CONT 5 AC 172/303 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 721 240816-089200000-0230 X 690.60 721 240816-0892(00-0230, HX 690.60 HANNA MATTHEW TODD 5 700AC LOT 23 2ND ADDIT CAIN NULL WOODS SLUBD CONT 5 710 AC 154, SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 722 240816-08920000-0290 1,621 88 722 240816-0892000)0-0290 1,621 88 DAVIS KATHLEEN NI 5 170AC LOT 292ND ADDIT CAIN MILL WOODS SUBDCONT5 17AC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 723 240816-08920000-0330 HX 1,508955 723 240816-08920000-10330 HX 1,508 55 BIRCHFIELD.JANES DARIN & 170AC LOT 33 2ND ADDITCAIN NMILL WOODS SLUBD CONT 5 17 AC 28.' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 724 290816-02090000-0010 152 46 724 290816-02090000-0010 152 46 CHRISTIAN WILLIAM E & CAROLYN 5000AC LOT I OAKS & MEADOWS SLBD CONT 5 AC 1831007 199_221 270' 306 725 290816-000(00002-0030 412 98 725 290816-0000002-00310 41298 THOMAS ARCHIE B 5 I000AC N.2 OF NW 4 OF SW,4 OF SE-4 29-8-16 TOGETHER W EASEMENT 220'593 726 30i081o-0u300002-0020 HX 1 16930 ) 726 300816-000000002-0020 HX 1. 169 30:. GREGORY ANDREA 1 000AC , BEING ONE AC SQ IN SWC OF E 2 OF FOLLOWING DESC PROP IN S SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 727 360816-02130000-0130 560 69 727 36,.'816-0)2130000-i.i 130 560 69 PHILLIPS EARL L & JENNIFER 5 000AC LOT 13 HICKORY BLUFFS SLBD S, CONT 5 AC 164 234 728 360816-0213' 10 -03.170 570 18 '!- 728 3b6081 -:2 13001i10-017 577 ) 18 RIVERAGER ARDO M & CELESTE J 5.090AC LOT 17 HICKORY BLUFF SLIBD .CONT 5 09 AC 183/27 1992'215 729 360816-02130000-0220 FHX 1,224.84 729 360816-02130000-0220 HX 1,224.84 NEWELL WALTER & KELLYC 5.000AC SLOT 22 HICKORY BLUFF SUBD CONT 5 AC 184/295 187/289 UTIL SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 730 360816-0:21 300000-0260) 560 69 730 360816-021300000-i.260 51 609 STREADER SCOTT & 0 MARYANN 5:000AC LOT 26 HICKORY BLUFF SUEBD CONT 5 AC 16'461 24CO 679 251/476 8/ 286/70 2002/2530 731 3)0)816-021300.006.0350 HX 1,077.58 731 360816-021 000i.i0-0I350 HX 1,077.58 DAVIS COLA M 5.250AC LOT 35 HICKORY BLUFF SUBD CONT 5.25 AC 163/352 255/643 'UTIL EASEMENT 259/330 2004/485 732 040916-00000004-0080 HX -196.37 732 040916-00000004-0080 HX 196.37 LAMB LOUIS E 4.840AC W/2 OF NW/4 OF NW/4 OF NW/4 (AKA LOT 8 TFB PROPERTIES) SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 733 040916-00000004-0110 HX 1,105.16 733 040916-00000004-0110 HX 1,105.16 S ROWICKI DENTON & LISA. 4.790AC W/2 OF SE/4 OF NW/4 OF NW/4 (AKA LOT II TFB PROPERTIES) SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 734 050916-01900000-0020 HX 620.19 734 050916-01900000-0020 HX -620.1'9 O'REILLY DEBRA ANN 5.000AC LOT 2 DEER RUN SUBD CONT 5 AC 145/239 158/136 232/459 2002/ 27292002/27302002/3495 735 060916-00000006-0010 HX 862.76 735 060916-00000006-0010 HX 862.76 FARLEY KENNETH O 10.950AC COM AT NE/C OF NW/4 OF SW/4 OF 6-9-16 FOR POB THENCE RUN , SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 736'070916-00000003-0011 HX 1,519.52. 736070916-00000003-0011 HX 1,519.52 HARDING MARTY R & ALICE 2.570AC COM AT NW/C OF 7-9-16 FOR POR THENCE RUN ON W LN OF SAID SEC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 737 070916-00000004-0020 418.29 737 070916-00000004-0020 418.29 WARD DAVID J & TIFFANY A 5.070AC COM AT SW/C OF SW/4 OF SE/4 OF 7-9-16 AS PT OF REF GO N SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 738 070916-02140000-0010 HX 317.77 738 070916-02140000-0010 HX 317.77 WARD DAVID J & TIFFANY A 5.000AC LOT 1 FOX HOLLOW SUBD CONT 5 AC 174/392 179/331 223/392 UTIL EASEMENT 225/688 739 070916-02140000-0020 HX 556.38 739 070916-02140000-0020 HX 556.38 MCDANIEL PATRICIA 5.000AC LOT 2 FOX HOLLOW SUBD CONT 5 AC 186/701 UTIL EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 740 070916-02140000-0030 HX 586.52 740 070916-02140000-0030 HX 586.52 SMITH MARJON L & SANDY KAY 5.000AC LOT 3 FOX HOLLOW SUBD CONT 5 AC 166/129 254/517 741 080916-00000008-0070* 201.96 741 080916-00000008-0070 201.96 POLK JAMES JR & NORMA ,2.000AC THE E 132 FT OF W 264 FT OF N/2 OF NE/4 OF SE/4 OR 52 PO 435 742 090916-00000003-0000 265.06 742 090916-00000003-0000 265.06 FLOYD MARY ANN & LANGFORD 78.500AC E/2 OF NW/4(BONNELL PL)80/499 LESS RD R/W 152/475 743 140916-00000002-0021 1,062.33 743 140916-00000002-0021 1,062.33 CLARK STEVEN W II 3.210AC COM AT A FOUND NAIL & CAP 'PRM 1772' AT SW/C OF 14-9-16 RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 744 160916-00000003-0010 HX 1,333.93 744 160916-00000003-0010 HX 1,333.93 ADKINS TERRY L & RONDA I 9.500AC S/2 OF N/2 OF NE/4 OF SW/4 OF 16-9-16 LESS S 104 FT OF W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 745 170916-0052000A-0050 HX 286.72 DANIELS HOWARD R & MARY F 0.790AC LOT -5 BLK A WATERS LAKE SUBD 58/669 77/32 UTIL'EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 746 170916-00780000-0020 HX 1'96.37 746 170916-00780000-0020 HX 196.37. GOFF EFFIE M & GARY D GOFF 2:130AC LOTS 2 &3 HOLLY FOREST CONT 2.13 AC 94/445 165/522, SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 747 170916-00780000-0240 417,54 747 170916-00780000-0240 H 417.54 FUQUAY WILLIAM STUART & 5.520AC LOT 24 HOLLY FOREST SLIBD 96/ 378 109/665 115/11i7116/603 . SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 748 170916-0078000-0260 HX 457.85 748 170916-00780000-0260 HX '457.85. MCKINNEY DAVID & CYNTHIA 5.220AC LOT 26 HOLLY FOREST SUBD CONT 5 22 AC 92285 176:.634 199.94 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 749 170916-00780000-0290 HX 844 37 749 170916-00780000-0290 HX 844 37 WOODS ALBERT RA' JR 5 000AC LOT 29 HOL L Y FOREST SLBD 88! S51390 171 112,406 118,72 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 750 170916-01130001-0020 FIX 2,48625 750 170916-01130001-0020 HX 2,48625 . JOHNSON BONNIE M 5 160AC LOT 2 UNIT I LAKE IN THE SWOODS SUBD 1 22129 205. 73 260,461 LTIL EASEMENT 281.20 751 170916-01130002-0080 364 44 751 170916-01130002-008U 3o4 44 BRADLEY RUDOLPH & TERRY 0.650AC LOT 8 UNIT 2 LAKE IN THE WOODS SUBD 130/428 752 170910-01130002-0090 HX 1,21707 752 170916-01130000 090 HX 1,217.07 CASON SAM JACKSON SR OR : 0.750AC LOT 9 UNIT 2 LAKE IN THE " WOODS SLiBD 122 129 UTILITY S SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 753 170916-0113000-0) 1 0 547628 753 170916-01130002-010 47628 SEASON SAM JACKSON SR & ROSE C 1.400AC LOT 10 UNIT 2 LAKE IN THE WOODS SUBD 130 373 2u104 3489 754 170916-01130i:i02-0440 539 58 754 170916-01130002-0144) 53958 BRADLEY RUDOLPH & TERRYE 5.00AC LOT 44 UNIT 2 LAKE IN THE WOODS SUBD CONT 5 AC 130'448 755 170916-01130002-0450 539.58 755 170916-011 30002-0-4 0 539.58 BRADLEY RUDOLPH & TERR'E 5.000AC LOT 45 LNIT 2 LAKE IN THE WOODS SLBD CONT 5 00 AC 130 ;: 4433 t I 756 170916-0521000B-0150 .196.37 756 170916-0521000B-0150 196.37, YINGLING ROBERT E& LESLIEA 0 360AC LOT 15 BLK B IST ADDIT WATERS LAKE SLIBD 119.478 171'622 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 757 170916-05220000-0030 :805.85 757 170916-05220000-0030 805.85 CARLISLE KAYEV 0.320AC LOTS 3 & 4 2ND ADD WATERS LAKE SUBD46/291 56/653 159/74 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 758 170916-05220000-0070 639.18 758 170916-05220000-0070 639.18 ARDOVINO MICHAEL A III 0 64UAC LOTS 7 8 9 & 10 2ND ADD WATERS LAKE SUBD 57/266 70/174 72/662 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 759 170916-05220000-0130 526:43 759 170916-05220000-0130 .526.43 CARLISLE KAYE V 0.480AC LOTS 13 14 & 15 2ND ADDIT WATERS LAKE SUBD 55/267 66/350 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 760 170916-05220000-0270 117.57 760 170916-05220000-0270 117.57 GEORGE CHARLES W & KATIE 0.340AC LOTS 27 & 28 2ND ADD WATERS LAKE SUBD OR 43/343 59/519 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 761 170916-05220000-0360 159.06 761 170916-05220000-0360 159.06 YINGLING ROBERT E & LESLIE A 1.390AC LOTS 36 37 38 3940 & 41 2ND ADDIT WATERS LAKE SUBD & LOT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 762 170916-0522q000-0480 HX 196.37 762 170916-05220000-0480 HX 196.37 MEADOR STEVEN W & R 0.450AC LOTS 48 & 492ND ADD WATERS LAKE SUBD 110/700 208/622 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 763 170916-05220000-0500 HX 196.37 763 170916-05220000-0500 HX 196.37 DOYLE GEORGE W 0.380AC LOTS 50 & 51 2ND ADD WATERS LAKE SUBD OR 52/401 81/641 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 764 170916-022000005 60 725.67 764 170916-05220000-0560 725.67 BRACEWELL EVA DARLENE 0.210OAC LOT 56 2ND ADD WATERS LAKE SUBD 54/616 88/141 99/61 & 63 117/640 2005/4889 765 170916-05220000-0580 75.36 765.170916-05220000-0580 75.36 HOLIFIELD JASON G 0.310AC LOT 58 2ND ADD WATERS LAKE SUBD 99/523 2004/4003 2004/ 4004 2004/4005 766210916-01140000-0050 HX 1,527.24 766 210916-01140000-0050 HX 1,527.24 ALONG LEONARD & LINDA L 5.000AC LOT 5 THE LAKES SUBD 5.00 AC 121/257 TAX DEED 229/88 230/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADnITrn hnAT i c ' 767 210916-01140000-0070 969.22 767 210916-01140000-0070 969.22 SERVIDAS BENJAMIN F & MYRTLE 5.000AC LOT 7 THE LAKES SUBD 5.00 AC 121/257 135/259 UTILITY EASE- SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 768 210916-01140000-0230 HX 1,003.96 768 210916-01140000-0230 HX 1,003.96 POULSEN DENNIS G 5.000AC LOT 23 THE LAKES SUBD 5.00 AC 121/257 166/548 238/79 UTIL EASEMENT 250/20 769 210916-01140000-0300 HX 747.09 769 210916-01140000-0300 HX 747.09 MICCICHE MARIA 5.000AC LOT 30 THE LAKES SUBD 5.00 AC 28-09-16 121/257 166/548 238/ SSEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 770 210916-01140000-0450 HX 951.72 770 210916-0,1140000-0450 HX 951.72 HAYES JIMMY W AND/OR TINA E 5.000AC LOT 45 THE LAKES SUBD 5.00 AC 28-09-16 121/257 166/548 241/198 UTIL EASEMENT243/447 771210916-01140000-0590 HX 1,160.36 771 210916-01140000-0590 FIHX 1,160.36 BUCKLANDDANNYJ& SHERRY A 5.000AC LOT 59 THE LAKES SUBD 5.00 AC 121/257 166/548 241/346 UTIL SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 772 230916-00000001-0020 666.18 772 230916-00000001-0020 666.18 SULLIVAN TONEY & VONDLA 10.000AC' SE/4 OF SW/4 OF NE/4 OR 55-PG 21.OR 64 PG 82 773 230916-00000001-0060 :HX 196.37 773230916-00000001-006.0 HX 196.37 SCOTT VICTOR B & BARBARA M 1.000AC COM AT NE COR OF 23-9-16 FOR POB GO W 210 FT GO S 210 FT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 774 230916-00000001-0070 HX 321.53 774 236916-00000001-0070 HX 321.53 TOTULIS MICHAEL T JR & 5.00QAC COM AT SE/C OF NE/F E/4 OF NE4 OF 23-9-16 FOR A PT OF REF GO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 775 230916-00000001-0120 1,186.03 775 230916-00000001-0120 1,186.03 BERRY JANICE 5.010AC COM AT NW CORNER OF NE/4 OF 23-09-16 FOR POR THENCE RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR'ADDITIONAL LEGAL 776 230916-000000004-0000 HX 3,103.28 776 230916-00000004-0000 HX. 3,103.28 GONZALEZ YAIMA. 3.030AC COM AT N\'C OF 23-9-16 GO S 1426 05 FT GO E 46 37 FT TO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 777230916-00000004-0010 617.34 777 230916-00000004-0010 617.34 GONZALEZ YAIMA 11.370AC NW/4 LESS 5AC TO MAUER 48/356 & LESS 18.65'AC TO CYE SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 778 230916-00000004-0036 HX 632.88 778 230916-00000004-0036 HX 632.88 RAND CRYSTAL 1.740AC COM AT NW.C OF 23-9-16 FOR POR THENCE RUN ALG W LN OF SAID SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 779 270916-00000005-0015 57.43 .779.270916-0000005-0015 57.43 MARTINEZ RAMONDMEELENDEZ 1.130AC' LOT 15 METES & BDS DESC COM AT NE.C OF S 2 OF 27-9-16 FOR SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 780 270916-00000O004-0000 HX 534 51 780 270916-0001i0004-0000 HX 534 51 . MORRISON ROBERTA & JANIE F ... .OOOAC SCOM AT NE COR OF S' OF SEC FOR A PT OF REF GO S 89 DEG SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S781 27"1916-n.:1)001-000502 5743 781 270916-00000005-0002 5743 VEGA REINALDO MARTINEZ & I 130AC LOT 2 METES &BDS DESC COM AT NE/C OF S/2 OF 27-9-16 FOR A 'SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 782 2"0916-l01i000'l)0-00 17 57 43 782 270916-00i)(00'00il5-'017 57 43 DELGADO LETICIA BIGHORN & 1,130AC LOT 17 DESC IN METES & BDS DESC CONTI 13 AC 157-622 I I ni .1 o uI o u. \ .a 783 270916-00000005-0027 57.43 783 270916-00000005-0027' 57.43 , RODRIGUEZ MIGUEL SOLIVAN 1.180AC LOT 27 DESC IN METES & BDS CONT I 18AC 142'315 S 784 270916-00000005-0037 57.43 784 270916-00000005-0037 57.43 TORRES ESTEBAN RIVERA 1.180AC LOT 37 DESC IN METES & BDS CONT'1.18 AC 289/351 785 270916-00000006-0060 I 088 96 785 270916-0000000i6-0060 1.088 96 DELISINATE JEROME & 5.140AC N/2 OF TRACT 6 MTS & BDS DESC COM AT NE/C OF S/2 OF S/2 OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 786 270916-01350000-0060 HX 611.87' 786 270916-01350000-0060 HX 611.87 BACOM JAMES O 10.000AC PARCEL 6 SOUTHFORK RANCHES UNREC SUBD CONT 10.02 AC 146/ SSEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 787280916-01340000-0040 HX. 627.93 787 280916-01340000-0040 HX 627.93 HOGLE KENNETH D & STEPHANIE D 5.350AC LOT 4 WEIRSDALE SUBD CONT 5.35 ACRES 153/351 226/518 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 788 280916-01340000-0090 HX 441.56 788 280916-01340000-0090 HX 441.56 ROGERS PATRICK W & MARYANN B 5.720AC LOT 9 WEIRSDALE SUBD CONT 5.72 ACRES 202/125 221/26 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 789 280916-01340000-0170 HX 1,883.32 789 280916-01340000-0170 HX 1,883.32 WESTBROOK ROBERT M & TERESA H 5.000AC LOT 17 WEIRSDALE SUBD CONT 5 AC 155/210 UTILITY EASEMENT 157/334 285/249 790 280916-01340000-0180 455.18 790 280916-01340000-0180 455.18 WESTBROOK ROBERT M & TERESA H 5.000AC LOT 18 WEIRSDALE SUBD CONT 5.00 AC 156/300 163/350 167/ 391 285/249 791 280916-01340000-0220 HX 572.95 791 280916-01340000-0220 HX 572.95 CA1RMAN JOHN M 7.290AC LOT 22 WEIRSDALE SUBD CONT 7.29 ACRES 163/81 166/655 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 792 280916-01340000-0230 HX 1,425.39 792 280916-01340000-0230 HX 1,425.39 . OTREMBA SUZANNE L 5.000AC LOT 23 WEIRSDALE SUBD CONT 5.00 ACRES 155/450 166/295 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 793 280916-01340000-0240 1,210.66 793 280916-01340000-0240 1,210.66 OTREMBA FRANCIS J & SUZANNE L 6.340AC LOT 24 WEIRSDALE SUBD CONT .34 AC 154/334 168/347 169/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 794 310916-00000002-0000 48.01 794 310916-00000002-0000 48.01 BRANNING JAMES O JR & MARY E 0.160AC COM AT SW/C OF 31-9-16 GO N 50.40 TO SRLY EDGE OF GRD RD SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 795 330916-00000002-0070 457.23 795 330916-00000002-0070 457.23 BRATT JAMES H & CAROL A AS 10.800AC TRACT 7 DESC AS COM AT QUARTER SE/C 33-9-16 AS POR THENCE RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL prf- 13- P a-o Six May 11, 18,25,2006 Gilchrist County Delinquent Tax 'ist Seto B. PaeSee 796 330916-00000002-0140 HX 196.37 796 330916-00000002-0140 HX 196.37 SHORT JOHN W & SUSAN C 10.500AC TRACT 14 DESC AS COM AT NE/C OF W/2OF 33-9-16 AS POR GO S SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 797 330916-00000002-0180 HX 1,211.00 797330916-00000002-0180 HX 1,211.00 ROSS JOHN L & CYNTHIA M 10.600AC TRACT 18 CONT 10.60 AC DESC AS COM AT NE/C OF W/2 OF 33-9-16 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL ,798 330916-01060000-0290 772.97 798 330916-01060000-0290 772.97 SIGMAN GLEN & JANET ANN 10.010AC PARCEL 29, GILCHRIST ACRES UNREC CONT 10.01 AC 131/343 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 799 340916-00000004-0015 HX 370.37 799 340916-00000004-0015 HX 370.37 GAINEY WM KENNETH & DEBORAH K 4.970AC N/2 OF N/2 OF S/2 OF SW/4 OF- NW/4 61/121 72/375 98/503 800 340916-00000004-0050 HX 391.08 800 340916-00000004-0050 HX 391.08 BROCK GERALD W & FLORA A 12.000AC COM AT NW/C OF SE/4 OF NW/4 OF 34-09-16 FOR POB RUN N 89 . SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 801 340916-00000004-0071 HX 196.37 801 340916-00000004-0071 HX.. 196.37 POOLE DAVID l.O00AC COM AT NW/C OF SE/4 OF NW/4 OF 34-9-16 FOR POR & RUN S.ALG W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL-LEGAL. 802340916-00000006-0014 HX 1,779.38 802 340916-000000006-0014 HX 1,779.38 GOODE ROBERT J& 11.620AC PARCEL D COM AT SWC OF SE'4 OF 34-9-16 FORPOR THENCE RUN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 803 340916-00000007-0040 HX 1,135.60 803 340916-00000007-0040. HX 1,135.60 BURDICK WILLIAM R & 19.430AC TRACT'A DESC AS COM AT SE/C OF N/2 OF SW/4 OF 34-9-16 & RUN SSEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 804340916-02350000-0070 674.63 804J40916-02350000-0070 674.63 DAVIS KEVIN P 5.000AC PARCEL 7 CONTAINING 5.001 AC DESC AS COM AT SE/C OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 805 340916-02350000-0080 HX 389.84 805 340916-02350000-0080 HX .389.84 DAVIS KEVIN P : 4.330AC LOT 8 PARKER UNREC SUBD DESC. IN METES & BDS CONTAINING 5 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 806 340916-02350000-0100 HX 46065 806 340916-0235001(0.0100 HX 46065 DAVIS MARCIA 9 310iAC LOT 10 PARKER UNREC SUBD METES & BDS DESC CONT 10.001 SEE TAXROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 807 340916-02350000-0130 HX 495 97 807,340916-02350000-0130 HX 495 97 < ROBERTSON JAMIE & JODIE 5.050AC LOT 13 PARKER LINREC SUBD CONT 5.05 AC 175 7 240 208 LITILIT Y SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 808 340916-(0235000,0-0170 HN 1.25945 808 340916-023 50,001-00170 HN 1 25945 RHODEN MICHAEL&& JULIE 5 .40AC LOT 17 PARKER UNREC SUBD METES & BDS DESC CONTAINING SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 809 350916-06000002-0020 "-IHX 177371'2''; :r: ,809 350916-00000002-0020- HX -773.12 -- .TOWNSENDRONC :' 5 00AC' : COM AT NE/C OF 35-9-16'& RUN THENCE S 89 DEG W ALG N LN OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 810011016-02040000-0140. HX 588.16 810011016-02040000-0140 HX -588.16 WEBB TAMMY WILKERSON & HAROLD 5.010AC LOT 14 NORFLEET PINES SUBD CONT 5.01 ACRES 166/496 182/28 231/81 811011016-02040000-0330 -HX 473:94 811 011016-02040000-b330 HX 47394 HERRING DONALD L & GLORIA J 5.010AC LOT.33 NORFLEET PINES SLiBD CONT 501 ACRES 222 531 812 011016-02040000-0390 HX 844.90 812 011016-02040000-0390- HX 844.90 HANDY MARTHA ANN : AC, LOT 39 NORFLEET PINES SUBD CONT 5.01 ACRES 208/152 : 813 011016-02040000-0410 720.31 813 011.016-02040000-0410 720.31 FLORES LLO'D PETER & FLORITA 5.010AC LOT 41 NORFLEET PINES SUBD CONT 5.01 ACRES 191/194 2003/ 6027 2005/2691 814 021016-00000008-0000 1,254.17 814 021016-00000008-0000 1,254.17 COBB WYLIE & ERMA L 1.000AC COM ON S LN 1703.45 FT W OF SE COR GO N 23 1/2 DEG W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 815 021016-00000009-0000 HX 441.88 KRAUSE CHARLES EUGENE &. 3.390AC COM AT SE/C OF 2-10-16 FOR POR :THENCE RUN ALG S LN OF SEC 2 'SEE TAX ROLL'FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 816 021016-01890000-0110 1,779.56 816 021016-01890000-0110 1, ,779.56 MARTIN MARJORIE F 2.650AC LOT 11 GILCHRIST ESTATES SUBD "CONT 2.65 AC BEING IN SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 817 021016-02960000-0100 HX 1,161.78 817 021016-02960000-0100 HX 1,161.78 LEONARDO DAVID A & DAWNE M 5.000AC LOT 10 WESTLAKE WOODS SUBD 100/283 2005/583 2005/768 2005/793 2005/794 818 031016-00530010-0000 HX 683.61, 818 031016-00530010-0000 HX 683.61 ELMORE JIMMIE & WANDA 4.940AC TRACT I0 ROLLING OAKS UNREC SUBD OR 66/610 121/621 CONT 4.94 AC 2005/1782 819031016-00530013-0000 HX 504.45 819031016-00530013-0000 HX 504.45 MILLER DARRELL L & HAZEL E 3.570AC PART TRACTS 13 & 14 ROLLING OAKS UNREC 57/91 & 96 84/629 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 820 031016-00530035-0001 499.51 820 031016-00530035-0001 499.51 KNAPP LARRY A 4.820AC W/2 OF TRACT 35 ROLLING OAK UNREC SUBD OR 66/163 151/581 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 821 031016-00530037-0001 HX 419.05 821 031016-00530037-0001 HX 419.05 ARNOLD THERESA J 4.790AC W/2 OF TRACT 37 ROLLING OAK UNREC SUBD 65/573 UTILITY SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 822 031016-00530040-0001 HX 263.64 822 031016-00530040-0001 HX 263.64 SHEPARD JERRY & SHARON 2.380AC E/2 OF W/2 OF TRACT 40 ROLLING OAKS UNREC SUBD 63/473 93/366 & 368 266/635 823031016-00530041-0000 HX 737.19 823 031016-00530041-0000 HX 737.19 STEPTOE MANNING L & BETH A 4.930AC W/2 OF TRACT 41 ROLLING OAK UNREC SUBD 66/402 138/511 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 824031016-00530049-0000 HX 711.12 824 031016-00530049-0000 HX 711.12 IVINES JAMES A & 4.950AC E/2 OF TRACT 49 ROLLING OAK UNREC SUBD OR 66/148 104/681 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL *825 031016-00530054-0000 287.51 825 031016-00530054-0000 287.51 GAVARAS CHERIE & GEORGE 2.460AC E/2 OF TRACT 54 DESC IN MTS & BDS ROLLING OAK UNREC SUBD 82/587 826 031016-90530068-0000 HX 1,201.85 826 031016-00530068-0000 HX::1,201.85 GUKANOVICHBRONKO B 4.930AC TRACT 68 ROLLING OAK UNREC SUBD OR 65/138 77/424 143/99 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 827 031016-00530072-0000 HX 640.92 827 031016-00530072-0000 HX :640.92' MCWILLIAMS JAMES H & DOREEN 4.930AC TRACT 72 ROLLING .A S UNREC SUBD 84/153&605 165/323 UTLY EASEMT 173/55 828 041016-00000001-0061 163.39 828 041016-00000001-0061 163.39 RAMOS CANDY 1.410AC E 250 FT OF COM AT NE/C OF 4-10-16 FOR POR THENCE RUN ON' 'SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 829 041016-00790000-0060 1 81793 . 829 041016-00790000-0060 1 81793 ROBERTS DAVID E & \VANDA L 9.550AC LOT o ROLLING OAKS SUBD 97/100-169/633 169 634 UTiL SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL ' 830) (14 1i"i166-.(i790(:)ii :-1 11'! HX 443 44 830 )41016-0:i 7910i:6 -i. I 70 HIX 443 44 . KNAPPGEORGEM&RUBYL 8 38.AC TRACT 17 ROLLING OAKS SUBD ' 85/636 S 831 0 41016.-ii I90'00:,'i 1 0 H-X "'965 49 .831 041 .11 o-) 179001:l:1-11111:I 10 HX 965.49 MORGAN DONNIE E & KIMBERLY K 5.000AC LOT 1 REPLAT LOT 3 ROLLING OAKS SI.BD DESC AS COM AT NE.C SEETAXROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL , 632" 81016-00)III l -0I 0 HX 631 21 S32 081016-n0u.i000l 1-0010 HX 63]1 2 ' JOH-NS .I C 142I:-C ,COM AT SE C OF 8-1u-16 FOR A PT OF REF GO \WI 164 25 FT TO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 833 )91016-000'00i01-,i)09i: HX 497 28 ,: 833 091016-0:00":0001-00i)90 HX 49728 ' KOON WILLIAM R& 10 390AC TRACT 9 DESC AS COM AT NE-C OF SW 4 OF NE 4 OF 9-10-1 I6 AS. SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 834 09101'6-f4195,40:.0'-,3u I 7104 14 834 091016-01950000-0030 1,704.14 JOHNS JC JR I01)l.'MAC LOTS 3 & 4 SUGAR HILL SUBD . CONT 10 AC IN SEC 10-10-6 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 835 '0910Io- 1|5':,"'0-:0.:5i: HX 683 19 ' 835 ,' IC:16-i:,1950i::,-:) 5.' HX 689 19 S 'ESLEY JOHN R C ' LOT 5 SiiGAR HILL SLiBD CONT 5 AC IN SEC l:'-1iI-1b 21345,' SEE TA' ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 3 0h* Ilo" l.'1 "" ''.:"' ) HN AS,,): ? 8 36 (: ]001 6- 195, 1 1- ii. HX i680 82 - . MCWILLi.MdS MOLLIE & I .IAC, LOT 7 SUGAR HILL SUBD CONT 5 AC IN SEC,10-l0-16 186 154 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 837 091016-01950000-0130 517.41 837 091016-01950000-0130 517.41 DOTSON HOMER L & LESLEY L 5.100AC LOT 13 SUGAR HILL.SUBD CONT 5, 10 AC IN SEC 10-10-16 171/720 183/142 183/143 838 101016-00800000-00A2 1,064.30 838 101016-00800000-00A2 1,064.30 YINGLING ROBERT & LESLIE 0.870AC COM AT NE/C GO W 33 FT GO S' 467.42 FT TO NRLY R/W OF SR SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIOkN L .EGAL S 83' I i'I'i|l -ui,2,.,):,' : ":. ) A7 : 498.06 : 839 1,'I -f.1' 10 II '." : 7 498.06 HOOTMAN CONNIE L 2.600AC TRACTS A-7 & A S DESC .AS COM .. AT.NE/C OF I1-Ih:. In RULN THENCE SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDiTIONAL LEGAL .840 111016-05550000-0080 ,' 2 840 111016-05550000-0080 270.22 BRADLEY EMIL & JOAN 0.930AC LOT 8 UNIT 5 SUN N FUN SUBD 44/550 114/694 UTILITY EASE- SEE TAX ROLL'FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 841 111016-05510004-0010 1,036.15 841 111016-05510004-0010 1,036.15 WHEAT JONATHON WAYNE & 0.460AC LOT 1 BLK 4 UNIT 1 SUN N FUN 37 PG 498 86/140 UNTIL EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR'ADDITIONAL LEGAL 842 111016-05510004-0040 85.92 842 111016-05510004-0040 85.92 WOODARD & LANE INC 0.480AC. LOT 4 BLK 4 UNIT 1 SUN N FUN OR 37 PG 498 ' 843 111016-05510005-0020, 85.92 843 111016-05510005-0020 85.92 , BEASLEY MABEL. 0.480AC LOT 2 BLK 5 UNIT 1 SUN N FUN OR 37 PG 498 & OR 63 PG 509 844 111016-05510005-0030 85.92 844 111016-05510005-0030 85.92 BEASLEY MABEL '0.480AC LOT 3 BLK 5 UNIT 1 SUN N FUN OR 37 PG 498.& OR 63 PG 509' 845 111016-05510005-0060 649.68 845 111016-05510005-0060 649.68 MORGAN JOSEPH A 0.460AC LOT 6 BLK 5 UNIT 1 SUN N FUN 52/604 111/56 111/562 170/301 & 302 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 846 111016-05510010-0060 85.92 846 111016-05510010-0060 85.92 , KING RONALD G 0.460AC LOT 6 BLK 10 UNIT SUNN FUN 37/498 168/330 UTILITY EASE- SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 847 111016-05510011-0020 96.31 847 111016-05510011-0020 96.31 WEIGEL CHARLES 0.480AC LOT 2 BLK 11 UNIT I SUN N FUN 37/498 63/434 138/624 848 111016-05520002-0010 HX 196.37 848 111016-05520002-0010 HX 196.37 GARNES EDWARD & BARBARA 0.940AC LOTS 1 23 &4 BLK 2 UT 2 SUN N FUN 37/500 43/468 66/215 & SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 849 111016-05520002-0090 658.04 849 111016-05520002-0090 658.04 NELSON DENNIS 0.480AC LOTS 9 & 10 BLK 2 UNIT 2 SUN N FUN 37/500 69/667.84/468 136/529 154/292 163/242 850 111016-05520002-0110 75.36 850 111016-05520002-0110 75.36 NELSON DENNIS 0.240AC LOT 11 BLK 2 UNIT 2 SUN N FUN 37/500 223/290 851 111016-05520002-0120 75.36 851 111016-05520002-0120- 75.36 NELSON DENNIS 0.240AC LOT 12 BLK 2 UNIT 2 SUN N FUN 37/500 223/290 852 111016-05520003-0010 159.76 852 111016-05520003-0010 159.76 JOHNSON MAC C 0.700AC LOTS 1 2 3 BLK 3 UNIT 2 SUN N FUN OR 52/632 115/380 136/150 209/52 853 111016-05520004-0110 HX 304.40 853 111016-05520004-0110 HX 304.40. KING RONALD G 0.460AC LOT 11 & 12 BLK 4 UNIT 2 SUN N FUN 37/500:168/331 UTIL SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 854 111016-05520009-0115 1,560.89 854 111016-05520009-0115 1,560.89 SHEPARD RICHARD I & DEBORAH D .0.360AC W 45 FT. OF LOT 11 & LOT 12 BLK 9 UNIT 2 SUNN FUN SUBD SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 855 11 1016.-0:55200)1j li-0090 HX 196.37 855 111016-05520010-0090 HX 196.37 ASMUS JAY & LAURETTA 0.720AC LOTS 9 10 11& 12 BLK10 UT2 2 SUN N FUN 37/500 81/272 120/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 856 111016-05550000-0060 107.02 856 111016-05550000-0060 107.02 GILBERT MARCIAT '. 0.930AC LOT o UNIT SI.N N FUN 47611 'I 221 387 223.349 231 30 S88 555 2003.-4312 2'0 3 4313 . 857 121016-i: l 950011 ii.'-1'28.i 1 319 79 857 121' ,16.l.-950,),00-..'2s'i 1 31979 'AFFE iACK C & EV'EL'YN TRUSTEES 5.010AC LOT 28 FOX-\'tOD ACRES SUBD CONT 5 :'. AC l.9 83 114 4' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL : 8 5 x 12 1 h1 1 .1 ) fll): j I -:11.1 1.1 1 3 S 6 3 55 12101: -,)'ii.iiOi.i: .-Oiiii 138 3 3 BROWN JERRY F & MiLDR.ED 23 S00AC W 2 OF NE 4 OF SE.4 LITiL EASEMENT 191 39o 2:' 315 315riS SEE TAN ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL : 859 12101 6-l0 000" 0 1.i i-0i' I 68 o M 0 859 21016-0.:.11,:i. I : -, i 01 08 02 BROWNN JERR\F 00AC COM AT SEC O F 12-1,-.16 THENCE ON S BDR' THEREOF N 59 DEG W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 86. 1201-01)i'0'i:" 02-10:(n:i) 570' 4 I 800 121016-00i)00102-u0110u 57941 BROWN JERRY FRANKLIN 8 090lAC E'2 OFNE 4 OFSE,4 237 156 LESS N 915 26' 2010399o 861 121] l .11:1o-U 951i,0:, i-O.O i0 H\ 1 4 , 861 121016-00950iJU.'OO8i.u HX 521 48 ' ROBINSON STEVEN A 5 .S'.iAC LOT 8 FOCXOOD ACRES CONT 5 iS iAC 98 432 .22437 LiTIL ESENINT S 236:. 810 2003 4451 ", 862: 12I16.,095:00,::i.i 'i HN 69S 04 8o2 121016-,:0695':! )'.0 101' HX 695 i 4 .JONES ALFREDG, & GLENDA A 5 160AC LOT 16 FOXWOOD AC RES SUiBD CONT 5 16AC 131 569 132 217 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL S863 l1]1,L6-0,95,".,0.I i 1,225 7:' 6 63 12:1 I6.i:95i:ii:.OISu 1,225 7,, .. .;1 SKNOEDLER TODD 5 140AC , LOT IS FOXC)\OOD ACRES SUBD SCONT 14 AC 131 563 131 -~ -- .E iT .X XL-L FOP ADDiTii l.tE'1t'tO L ' 664 121: Ilo- 0i 95')i'i' '. :;2 508 SS 664 121,1-O .'i'95S: :0, : .'2 5,)8 S. SGLGGENHEIrIER FRED I CAROL 5 010AC LOT 23 FO\WOOD ACRES SUIBD CONT 501 AC 131.?!.Q 13"'17 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 865 121016-00950000-0250 1,445.50 865 121016-00950000-0250 1,445.50 ROBINSON JACQUELINE 5.010AC. LOT 25 FOXWOOD ACRES SUBD CONT 5.01 AC 118/581 165/198 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 866 12l:I:,'"-o"'I: .,i54n HX 895.49 866 121)16 .-00"'60,","-5-.14, HX 895.49 'MORGAN F PATRICK 5.06dAC LOT 54 UNIT 2 FCA'' t(ICD ACRES SUBD CONT 5 ,n AC 131 569 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDiTiON.AL LEGAL 1 ,S '7 121' l l .' 6(".',")''-',. H'' H.\ 4 I I. DUDZIN STANISLAW & EVA ANNA 5-060AC LOT 55 UNIT2 FO:- \(,COD -TCRES SSUBD CONT 5.0On AC I 31 5L.9 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 868 121016-00960000-0560 -1,382.06 868 121016-00960000-0560 1,382.06 BYRD NORMAN 5.060AC LOT 56 UNIT:2 FOXWOOD ACRES SUD CONT 5.06AC 131/569' : SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 869 121016-00970000-0060 928.90 869 121016-00970000-0060 928.90 COBURN ALAN E & JESSICA LEE 5.000AC LOT 6 HONEY BEE FARMS SUBD CONT 5 AC 111/601 158/373 162/ . SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL. 870 121016-00970000-0100 2 .' 47.93 870 121016-00970000-0100 47.93 ADAMS FIELDER WAYNE & PAMELA K 5.000AC LOT 10 HONEY BEE FARMS CONT 5 , AC 116/257 251/594 871 131016-00000001-0013 HX 3 592.86 871 131016-00000001-0013 HX 592.86 ' WEEKS ROBERT A & LISA 5.000AC COM AT SW/C OF NE/4 13-10-16 FOR POB THENCE RUN ALG W LN OF SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 872 141016-0556000A-0180 HX 196.37 872 141016-0556000A-0180 HX 196.37 MANZ RUSSELL F JR &'SHARON 1.060AC LOT 18 BLK A UNIT 6 SUN N FUN 43/409 & 411 44/30 71/36 R!W SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 873 141016-00000001-0024 1,073:65 873 141016-00000001-0024 1,073.65 COATES WILLIAM K 12.980AC COM ATNW/C OF NE/4 OF SW/4 OF 14-10-16 THENCE RUN N 89 DEG E SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 874 141016-05530004-0010 366.12 874 141016-05530004-0010 366.12 JOHNSON MAC 0.270AC LOT 1 BLK 4 UNIT 3 SUN N FUN 40/495 & 569 108/550 & 552 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 875 141016-05530004-0020 352.45 875 141016-05530004-0020 352.45 JOHNSON MAC 0.270AC LOT 2 BLK 4 UNIT 3 SUN N FUN 40/495 & 569 108/550 & 552 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 876 141016-05530004-0030 353.17 876 141016-0553,0004-0030 353.17 JOHNSON MAC 0.270AC LOT 3 BLK 4 UNIT 3 SUN N FUN 40/495 & 569 108/550 & 552 161/444 231/30 877 141016-05530004-0040 352.45 877 141016-05530004-0040 352.45 JOHNSON MAC 0.270AC LOT 4 BLK 4 UNIT 3 SUN N FUN 40/495 & 569 108/550 & 552 161/444 231/30 878 141016-05530006-0100 HX 196.37 878 141016-05530006-0100 HX 196.37 PICKARD JAMES E & GLADYS G 0.700AC LOT 10 & 15 BLK 6 &E 4FT OFLOT 11 &E40FTOFLOT 14 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 879 141016-05530011-0010 368.40 879 141016-05530011-0010 368.40 JOHNSONMAC 0.270AC LOT BLK 11 UNIT 3 SUN N FUN 40/495 & 569 108/550 & 552 161/444231/30 880 141016-05530011-0020 375.24 880 141016-05530011-0020 375.24 JOHNSON MAC .0.300AC LOT 2 BIK 11 UNIT 3 SUN N FUN 40/495 & 569 Ii'S 50 '& 552 . 161/4442331.0 0 881 14 1l10-.05530:1 1-0030 730 39 881 1I 410 -0553001'1-003." 730 39 JOHNSON MAC 0 .i80AC LOT3 & 4 BLK11 UNIT 3 SUNN FUN OR 40/495 & 569 108/ 550 - & 552 205/161 231/30 882 141016-05540003-0010 623.59 882 141016-05540003-0010 623.59 JOHNSON MACC 1.420AC LOTS 12 3 4 5 6 BLK 3 LNIT4 SUNN FUN 47'341 51 339 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 883 1410 10-05540004.0010 238 57 883 141016-0-5540004.l-010 238 57 IIOH-NSON MAC I: 270AC LOT I BLK 4 UNIT 4 SU.N N FLUN 47 34 51 339 138 357 138 365 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 884 1401 6-0554401i)(4.0-::12 238 57 884 1481016-5540001-4.0:121 23 5"' SJOHNSON MA.C C 1.31:.iAC LOT 2 BLK 4 UNiT 4- SUN N FLIN 47 34 51 339 138 357 138 3r5 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 88 5 14 016-055402004-i.i03 238 57 .885 14 10-5540.014-0.30 238 57 .iOHN1SON MAC C .1 31 AC LOT 3 BLK 4 INIT 4 SUN N FUN 4734 51 339 138 357 138 365 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 836 14 10i16-0554:00I4.r-i:41 75 36 S86 14 |iI6f)5540"-0-f04-0 75 36 IOHNSON MACC 1: 27')AC LOT 4 BLK 4 UNIT 4 SUN N FlUN 47 34 51 339 138 357 138 365 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL. 887 14 101)o.: 554J0:I)S-0f011 138 57 , 887 14 .116-055400015-0010 238 57 JOHNSON MAC C 0 270AC LOT I BLK 5 UNIT 4 SUN N FUN 47 34 51 339 138 357 138 365 lo2 343 09 52 68S 141,.16.-i5540' 05-1.i0)2) 238 57 858 14 i-i-p05*54-001,5-.0(21: 238 57 JOHNSON MAC C 310 AC LOT2 BLK5 UNiT 4 SUN N FU S'47/3451/339138/347 138/365. ; 162/343 209/52 889 141016-05540005-0030.. 75.36 889 141016-05540005-0030 -75.36 JOHNSON MAC C 0.360AC LOT3 BLK 5UNIT4 SUNNFUN S47/34 51 339 138 357 138 3n S 12 343 2:19 52 891 41014 I6-0554 i:07'.-.050 75 36 JEFFERSO:N L)ORNA &. NIGEL BUTLER 0.240AC LOT 5 BLK 7 UNjiT 4 SL N FLrN . 47/201 TAX DEED-2004/4335 - 891 14 106-0554007-.0200 75.36 " 891 14 1016-)5540007-0:0r0 'i 36 JEFFERSON LORNA & NIGEL BUTLER 0.240AC LOT 20 BLK 7 UI'NIT 4 SUN N FUN 47/3451/339117/117136/146 " SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 892 141016-05540007-0230. 117.57 892 141016-05540007-0230 117.57 SMITH JACKIE V & PENNY L 0.460AC LOTS 23 & 24 BLK 7 UNIT4 SUN N FUN OR 46 PG 563 TAX DEED 256/534 2001/3526 893 14 1' In- 55411i09-1.:-1, i .117:57 893 IJ4 I,:1 n.,:I554,1,"-: .,I 1 11'7.57 NA POL EION DE'. E L OPM IEN T 0.390AC LCOTS I & BLK 9 UNiT 4 SLFN N FUN 47/179 TAX DEED 206/512 " 2004/67462005/3894 894 14 I 'l.,5 4,'1.:'l: 75.36 89 4 1410, n.05 4i-01,5.4.1', 75.36 SNAPi.LE,:,ti DE'. ELOPt.IENT 0.240AC LOT 2 BLK 10 UNIT 4 46/594 47/177 60/208 206/509 TAX. SEE TAX RQLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 805 1410 1 .05 .4 I 0- 30 I 117 57 895 141016-05540010-0030 117.57 MCCOLLISTER RAYMOND S ET UX .0.480AC LOTS 3 & 4 BLK 10 UNIT 4 SUN N FUN OR 47 PG 97 & OR 59 PG 416 896 141016-05540010-0110 HX 196.37. 896 141016-05540010-0110 HX 196.37 SULLIVAN CAROLYN JEAN 0.460AC LOTS 11 & 12BLK 10UT 4SUNN FUN 47/34 51/339 134/44 180/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL 'LEGAL 897 141016-0554000-0200 117.57 897 141016-05540010-0200 1.17.57 IRVING ANGER LENNER 0.480AC . LOTS 20 & 21 BLK 10 UNIT 4 SUN N FUN OR 46/666 55/629 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 898 141016-05540011-0010 65.02 ' 898 141016-05540011-0010, 65.02 ROLAND WA'NDA KAY 0.220AC LOT 1 BLK 11 UNIT 4 SUN N FUN 47/34 51/339 113/298 136/281 242/167 283/78 899 141016-05540011-0030 196.37 899 141016-05540011-0030 196.37 VAREIKA WANDA K 0.250AC LOT 3 BLK 11 UNIT 4 SUN N FUN SUBD 47/34 51/339 113/298 136/281221/339258/559 900 141016-05540011-0070 HX 196.37 900 141016-05540011-0070 HX 196.37 MURPHY CATHY L HERDON 0.420AC LOT 7 & 8 BLK 11 UNIT 4 SUN N FUN OR 44 PG 296 124/302&303 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 901 141016-05540012-0060 117.57 901 141016-05540012-0060 117.57 NAPOLEON DEVELOPMENT 0.480AC LOTS 6 & 7 BLK 12 UNIT 4 SUN .N FUN 46/571 TAX DEED 206/510 2004/6748 2005/3894 902 141016-05540013-0010 117.57 902 141016-05540013-0010 117.57 NAPOLEON DEVELOPMENT 0.400AC LOTS 1 & 2 BLK 13 UNIT 4 SUN N FUN 50/220 TAX DEED 206/ 511 2004/6747 2005/3894 903 141016-0556000B-0170 HX 265.98 903 141016-0556000B-0170 HX '265.98 HODGE DALE T 1.090AC LOT 17 BLK B UNIT 6 SUN N FUN 49/213 50/632 220/607 251/644 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 904 141016-0556000B-0240 254.73 904 141016-0556000B-0240 254.73 DUTRA LILLIAN SHERRY 3.000AC LOTS 24 25 26 BLK B UNIT 6 SUN N FUN 44/43 & 45 153/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 905 141016-0556000B-0430 '580.53 905141016-0556000B-0430 -580.53 LEE PATRICIA ANN 1.380AC LOT 43 BLK B UNIT 6 SUN N FUN 44/215 54/677 116/495-497 2003/404 906 141016-0556000B-0630 107.02 906 141016-0556000B-0630 107.02 .PARRISH THOMAS H 1.010AC LOT 63 BLK B UNIT 6 SUN N FUN 44/427 59/624/626 120/199-200 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 907 141016-0556000B-0640 HX 297.36 907 141016-0556000B-0640 -HX 297.36 PARRISH THOMASH 0.660AC LOT 64 BLK B UNIT 6 SUN N FLUN 49 413 102 r19 186 o'6 2") .00 3184 LiTIL EASEMENT 20:2 3682 90'8 141'' II6.(556000rlB-l658. 107.02 908 141016-0556000B-0658 107.02 ETTEL DONALD H SR 1.020AC LG METES & BDS DESC (PCL 8) PART OF LOT 65 BLK B UNIT 6 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 909 141016-0556000D-0010 520.30 909 141016-0556000D-0010 520.30 FELLOWS GERALD 2.060AC LOTS I & 2 BLK D UNIT 6 SUNN. FUN 44 300)67'519 103I121 171,5 910 141016-0556000E-0120 HX 196.37 910 141I)16-0556':600E-0120 HIX 19637 MITCHELL DAViD 0 970AC LOT 12 BLK E UNIT 6 SUN N FLIN 121 375 12969 129 '" 154 430 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 911 141:16-05560,,0E-,'ji70 .HX 19637 911 141I16-05560r.'E-0170 HX 19637 MOORE TiM 1.080AC LOT 17 BLK E UNIT o SUN N FUN OR 49PG 225 66 384 133 144 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 912 14 10I16-556i'ii'E-0240 55 32 912 14101'o-vi55o000E-0:240 55 32 SPELL MARY ESTHER 0.380AC W 143.98 FT OF LOT 24 BLK E ' UNIT 6 SUN:NFUN SLBD49'456 169/646 . 913 151016-05611010-0000 HX 196.37 913 151016-056I1010-0 0Iii)l HX 196.37 RAMSAY DEANNA 0.230AC LOT 101 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITE OR 60 PG 46 127'575 EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 914 151'1):1o-00000003-U010 7070)2 914 154.1 o1o-).i00 00'3-)010 7.1:7 01. WALLACE ROBERT PERRY ill 9980AC COM A.T SW C OF LOT 62 WAC CAMP SITES UNiT 2 AS POB GO N SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 915 151016-00000004-0000 : HX 324.87 .: 915 151016-i:00 04-i)i0)0 HX 324.87 ALBRIGHT ROY E 2.980AC CO)M AT NW C OF LOT 254 UNIT. WAC CAMPSITES AS PT OF REF GO SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 916 151016-Cl'56I'I260p-00:10 47299 16 [I G il SE: 5ol 0 ,:,-,0 0 472 99 ROBERTS RONALD T .1' 550.AC LOT 26 UNIT I \.A.C CAMPSITES 70 S3 1794410' 2,1.8 41 209. :9 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 917 15 101' 6-05610 ,0-)' '0 14 8 S 7 917 1 10o-'0561 t.i900-00i.'Hi 14& i8 7 'UOiiGHN STEVEN K 240AC . LOT Cio9 Ni.iI 1 \\ AC CANAPSITt6S & cIi Io 58 636:26214 ." 918151016-0561070i-00'. HX 196137 918 151016.0561071700-l(0000 HX i6 37 YO.iUGHN STEVEN K :1 2i50AC LOT 70 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES 48/189 262/14 919 1511 I'16-3561 I.'20-0':":i0 339 91 S919 151016-0561 1120-0000 339.91. 711M1MONS LYNN 0.440AC LOTS 102 & 103 ULNIT I WAC CANIPSITES OR 45 567 91.453 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 920 151016-05611070-0000 HX 196.37 92:0 1510 ,16-05..611 70-000 HX 196.37 TALt-.LADGE SANDRA E METAL 0:470AC LOTS 107 & 108 UNi T 1 WAC AC CAIIPSITES OR 45 PG 144 255/319 2: 5'320 2':0,,:, 4560 " 921 I I ''- I a- I,, I1 150'-': 000 275 S ' 921 1510.16-05611150-0000 275.82 HAGAMAN LINDA: G 2.750AC LOTS 115'116 117 118 119& 120 UNIT I WACiCAMP 44/15 46/ , 461 50/289 2005/2226 922 151016-05611280-0000 64.82 922 151016-05611280-0000 64.82 PRODELLKURTH H' I 0.200AC LOT 128 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITES 923 151016-05611350-0000 64.82 923 151016-05611350-0000 64.82 COATS RONALD W 0.230AC LOT 135 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES OR51PG640 924 151016-05611610-0000 HX 196.37 924 151016-05611610-0000 HX 196.37 BURGOS PABLO R 0.310AC LOT 161 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITES 50/511 2000/1227 2005/668 - 925 151016-05611730-0000 HX 282.89 925 151016-05611730-0000 HX 282.89 MOORE THOMAS 0.470AC LOT 173 UNIT 1' WAC CAMPSITE .OR 50 PG 554 81/342 84/542 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 926 151016-05611780-0000 122.85 926 151016-05611780-0000 122.85 BURGOS PABLO R 0.580AC LOTS 178 & 179 UNIT I WAC CAMPSITES 50/511 2000/1227 2005/668 927 151016-05611880-0000 720.68 927 151016-05611880-0000 720.68 WAC WELDING & IR WKS 0.530AC LOT 188 & 189 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES OR 44/286 & OR 51/137 & OR 65/236 79/632 928 151016-05612110-0000 501.90 928 151016-05612110-0000 501.90 JORDAN FRANCES T 0.210 AC LOT 211 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITE 54/574 171/302 UTIL EASEMENT. 173/431 2005/2782 929 151016-05612150-0000 78.01 929 151016-05612150-0000 78.01 LARA PHILLIPS ANN C 0.210AC LOT 215 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITE OR 45 PG 603 930 151016-05612170-0000 78.01 930 151016-05612170-0000 78.01 BRUGUERAS HECTOR L 0.2-1OAC LOT 217 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES OR 45/128 931 151016-05612210-0000 78.01 931 151016-05612210-0000 78.01 ROUSTAN YVON & ESTELA 0.210AC LOT 221 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITE OR 45 PG 235 Section B.' Pa~e Seven -il,-.1i-;fcn (infi Bolinmnipun Tar xlist -Mau 11, 18,25.2006 932 151016-05612520-0000 459.56 932 151016-05612520-0000 459.56 FARROW GEORGE V 0.920AC LOT 252 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES 53/301 59/475 119/209 2003/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 933 151016-05612560-0000 1 HX 465.23 933 151016-05612560-0000 HX 465.23 BURNETT GLINDA C 0.900AC LOT 256'& 257 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES OR 52/191 64/309 108/186 934 151016-05612620-0000 HX 196.37 '934 151016-05612620-0000 HX 196.37 BAISDEN BEN WAYNE 0.900AC LOT 262 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES OR 43 PG 608 OR 56 PG 413 280/455 935 151016-05612630-000.0 552.58 935 151016-05612630-0000 552.58 PAGE ROGER 1.800AC LOTS 263 & 264 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES OR 55/210 & 213 57/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 936 151016-05612660-0000 HX 196.37 936 151016-05612660-0000 HX 196.37 WARDCELENA A& 0.900AC LOT'266 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES 59/305 86/601 87/411 152/698 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 937 151016-05612670-0000 HX 338.05 937151016-05612670-0000 .HX 338.05 KEARNEY CAROLYN 0.900AC LOT 267 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITE 71/i 15 114/584 115/270 235/700 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL :938 151016-05612680-0000 293.43 938 151016-05612680-0000 293.43, PATTERSON CANDY ANN 0.900AC LOT 268 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES 54/295 64/221 81/300 88/267 & SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 939 151016-05612690-0000 HX 196.37 939 151016-05612690-0000 HX 196.37 PATTERSON CANDY ANN 0.900AC LOT 269 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITE 54/295 64/221 81/300 88/629 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 940 151016-05612710-0000 520.54 940 151016-05612710-0000 520.54 GRAVELY RONALD W& REBECCA D 0.900AC LOT 271 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES. 50/300 60/1 81/300 84/461 88/ SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 941 15101 o-i05612730-i00:ii 0 'I8 941 15101i 6-05612730-i00.i0i 78 1I GIRARD ASHLIE & :0 2-.10 LOT 273 UNIT I W.AC CAMPSITES 21:.15 142) 642 I 5101)I6-0 61 2850U'.IIIIi'lIJ C;42 1i I 5IIn-,,56615~lII~l 337 17 33 77 STARCHER DOROTHY LOT 285 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITE 54/291 60/631 99/269 0.900AC 943 151016-05612950-0000 HX 196.37 943 151016-05612950-0000 HX 196.37 TRAVIS RUFUS ROBERT SR & 0.900 LOT 295 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES 58/417 95/305 97/425 108/287 .SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 944 151016-0561.3040-0000 -HX 942.52 944 151016-05613040-0000 HX 942.52 TAYLOR MELISSA S & 1.880AC LOTS 304 & 305 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES 39/620 & 621 79/699 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL.LEGAL )AC 945 151016-05613280-0030 537.80 945 151016-05613280-0030 537.80, DEWEIN SHIRLEY 0.490AC S 164 FT OF LOT 328 UNIT 1 WAC CAMPSITES 40/673 102/690 124/. SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 946 151016-05620170-0000 HX 196.37 946 151016-05620170-0000 HX 196.37 EASTON JAMES WILLIAM & 5.900AC LOT 17 UNIT 2 WAC CAMPSITE 74/468 122/470 165/318 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 947 151016-05620400-0000 HX 928.17 947 151016-05620400-0000 HX 928.17 FELICIANO GLORIA J & RAUL' 6.460AC LOT 40 UNIT 2 WAC CAMPSITES 66/144 212/263 267/137-144 278/193-195 279/170 948 151016-05620460-0000' 761l (8 948 151016-05620460-0000' 76108 GREENFIELD CHARLES & 5.800AC LOT 46 UNIT 2 WAC CAMPSITES OR67/34:20.621 137-517 149, SEE TAX RCLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 949 151016-05620510-0000 940.38 949 151016-05620510-0000 940.38 SIGMAN GLEN RYAN & .i NE TANN 10.000AC. LOTS51 & 52 UNIT 2 WAC CAMPSITES 64 1i0 8 338 99 558 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 9510 15l1016-il562054-0-11:i:1i IHX 658.05 S95,10 5I1:i6-0 o502i54I0-I:00o LHX 658.05, MATUSIK ROBERT D &,BARBARA A 7.480AC LOT 54 UN IT 2 WAC CAMPSITES 68/215 114 4o4 I .1-13 155/224 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 951 201016-I0000i.i04.1-01:1 HX 196 37 951210il : 11:I6-'r)' I):i: )II:04"4:.101 HN 196 37 BROCK E EMRS (WILLIE JEAN), 3'i O192iAC BEG AT SW COR COF NE. 4 OF SE 4 SEC 20 AS POB GO N 63.I FT SEE T-\X ROLL FOR ADDITiOINAL LEGAL Q 52 2311"6-i ,'0 1 .,n:i ':._-cj.,jQ 3,-, 4 J Q ?|52 l il6- i n:i0ii0i; -00:":. 369 49 MOORE EDDIE L & GEOCRGEANA D "5 i0:.AC 5% 4 OF N\W 4 & S 2 OF NV' 4 IIF SE 4 OF N\ 4 & SW 4 CF SE. 4 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 953251016-01330000-0010 HX 742.63 953 251016-01330000-0010 HX 742.63 MENDEZ TONY L & CHARLOTTE S 5.000AC LOT 1 SPJ SUBDIVISION CONT 5 ACRES 164/498 179/450 250/336 UTIL EASEMENT 276/185 954 251016-01330000-0030 HX 490.34 S954251016-01330000-0030 HX 490.34 CLAGG DARRELL JR 5.000AC LOT 3 SPJ SUBDIVISION CONT 5. AC 166'68 LITILITY EASEMENT SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 955 2351016-u133000i0-i:09I) HX 196.37 955 251016-01330000-0090 HX 196.37 HURLEY BETTY D 5 0.0AC LOT 9 SPJ SLiBDIV1SION COLNT 5 ACRES 161,57 163/647 SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 956251016-01330000-0120 HX 42602 956 25lbl6-)0133iO:LO.(.Ii 0 HX 426.02 THOMIPSON ROBERT W 5 0'IA LOT 12 SPJ S.iBDIVISION CONT 5 ACRES 160'459 LiTILITY EASE- ' SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL, 957 251016.0212')i0.1i-1.1 18 HX 580.90 957 l25I1lo-,2120".l: -:l,:. HX 580.90 PARRISH GENE RAY 5.150AC COM A.T S.,C -OF SE.4 OF SE/4 OF25-1')-16 FOR POB THENCE SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEG3kL 958 2711.,11 :Oi:oI Ji::'l.-i:1:30 HX 688 .3 ' 958 271| 1t..:li :,'.oili iii2- "3,. HX 6 8 63 LINDSE' .lAMiES S & JINETT .I 2 IAC . COIM AT SE C IOF 27-11.1-16 FOR POR THENCE RUNL kL( E LN iOF SEC SEE T.AX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL u.95'R,9 3,.I0ti 0o1ix.i:i i :11.1 HX 1 448 -88 5.9 3llu i6-i:1581i'II.I-''I 130 HX 1 .44 48 WO'OD M.1.RJORIE 4 98'.AC PARCEL 13 GILCHRiST FARMS LTD LINREC SLUBDOR 77 4o&,47 89 174 SEE TA.. ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL '3c.0 12 7M4,14-.0("11: 01:11i::! -:11:ifOO iMl oS 6 96 1 12.1,7Mr.14-..X)(i.".1onil -00i0i 9,': 68 . PHILP(OT IP EST SE 4 OF NW.4 & FR-.AC:T SW,4- OF NW\ 4 E,2 OF SW.4 & S"2 OF SEE TAX ROLL FO-.R ADDITilN.A.L LEG.-.L. ' o% I 1 3 M1 '.h,,,,,,) ,1 1-,11.0 75 6-1 9o l 31"71'.14.i ,:i.iiiiiii .:1111.11:1 75 64 b HAND'LEV LOS P . NE.4 A E 2 ,JF N' 4 LESS 3?. AC . Tl., G bLri LER DBi : 5.7 5",.. i, iTEPREST E ,2 IC i09F i i4 -I: :,.,.' |i,01-0":":" 3 41 902 |l,., 91 T4.- .i n:ir ,:.i::11 11 1 to:: 41 G] T 1 -i P.JE .. k E 2,' F iE l4 1 3 INT 1n 13 22 ,, .14 .i n, .11 11:1.1:11 11 .I.:II :I :I l HENDERSON SIMMON W TRUSTEE E/2 OF SE/4 & NW/4 OF SE/4 50 PER CENT INTEREST 147/638 964 2509M4-O0000001-0000 47.67 964 2509M4-00000001-0000 47.67 PINE ISLAND INC SE/4 OF.SW/4 & E/2 OF SE/4 & SW/4 OF SE/4 OR 64/544 50 PER CENT INTEREST 965 3506M5-00000001-0000 38.17 965 3"5:i6M5-.-.:orXi -;'00 38.17 ROONEY MARGUERITE R W 198i' FT CF NW' 4 CONT 120 AC DB 7'453 OR 20/561 1 2 OF 5: PER CENT INT (3/12) 966 350 I 15-" i1 .iiii: 6-'.J10r ') 54.01 966 3506M5-00000006-0000 54.01 BUSH W F W 1980 FT OF NV 4 COUNT 120 AC DB 7/453 20/561 50% 967 i05:i 7M 5-i..)I:.1:1,5-:. ii, 40.82 -40.82' COWAN MINERALS INC S/2 OF NE/4 & E/2 OF SE/4. C-ONT 160 AC 7 32TH INTEREST SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 968 3 i. 1.i: 00f'0-i:")'"":i 38 52 9m 33;)7M5-000">A .1i00,6-i:,:"'N 38 52 COWAN. MINERALSL INC E' OF NE 4 &a SE4 OF NE 4 & NW 4 OF NE 4 CONT 16'0 .iC SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 910 17.M IS .1 :1: .1.00,2-,.1"1ii 36 43 GiiTHRJE AA . N/2 OF NW/4 1/3 INT 157/499 970 l1 llM5- ,0n0n:,Ji -i.n:O )00 3.' 41 7, 1616 1. I0 : 1'1i 0 I 1-1.0 35 4 I SCO'WA.N MINERALS iNC" 'ALL THAT PART OF SE 4 LYING 5 OF RW' OF ACL R-R & ST RD 14 SSEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 971 31"7MO-0jII .").":03- .1ii0 43 22 971 3107M6-00000003-0010 43.22' -COWAN MINERALS INC ''.2 OF NE.4 & NE'40 F SW 4 & NW 4 OF SE.4 & SE4- OF SW4 . SEE TAX ROLL FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL 972 i41.:. 16IS.'I 01II'I:' .i'2-C i i; 5'4 I 1 S'"2 i.14 1SM 6-.1. I Ii:1").: -I"l I 5?4 0I 1 ARGENI'T \ FiL NCES P & ELAINE VW S 2 OF NE 4 & SE OF NW 4 50J PERC INTEREST 2'-4 25 2-46.68S 24-16 91 97" 14 q5MrI -", ,,,-"" "".1-0 ".": I 4 95 7:? i l in.11 26 ~ iNTERPEST I :, 55~ I-'4 974 I ll"8.1-.0 .i ",11 -11 1- 1 1,.1 3. 87 90 4 1 il".'.l:- ',"1"1 :i "i:n:|- .n:i,0 36: S"7 KIRBY L C W/2 OF SW/4 & E/2 OF NE/4 & W/2 OF NE/4 LESS N/2.OF N/2' OF NW/4 OF NE/4 1/8 INT 975 1108M6-00000001-0000 42.14 975 1108M6-00000001-0000 '42 :14 KIRBY LC SE/4 & NW/4 LESS N/2 OF N/2 OF N/2 OF NW/4 1/8 INTEREST 9762510M6-00000001-0000 123.63, 976 25,10M6-00000001-0000 123.63 DELTA DRILLING COMPANY ALL 50% INTEREST 977 2610M6-00000001-0000 72.98' 9772610M6-0000001-0000 72.98 'DELTA DRILLING COMPANY ,NE/4 & NW/4'50 PER.INTEREST 978 271 0M -- i X..(ii: -00 1.: r -" 43 46 S978 27]ii .16 i. .:ii)0 i0 i, 1.Oi:,,i,' 43 46 SI MM1 NS FRANCES S NE,4 DB II PG 236 1/4 INTEREST OR 72 PG 148 79/336 979 28 1'10M -O00 01(i I0010II 64 :30: 979 2810M6-00000001-0000 64.30 MCCLINTOCK RS SNE/4 LESS 1 AC DB 15 PG 369 MISC BK 3 P 1'71 1/2 INT 981 "218 l 16-" 11:161C -. 1.1)O 42 2, 980 2810M6-00000002-0000 .42.26 AVERY SAME NE/4 LESS 1 AC DB 15 PG 369 MISC BK 1 PG 417 1/4INT 981 311 .i ,6-(C iir ii :i0 .i'i 38.17 81 31 10 6.o-0n0i.iii5-l(i0i) 38.17 SiIMMONS FRANCES S E.2 OF SE 4 & NW' OF SE.'4 . -/4INTOR 72 148 & 79/336 982 3210M6-00000005-0000 64.55' 982 321 i,:,Mo-.00i'i:5-0000 64.55 SilMM(ONS FRANCES S S/2 1/4 INT OR 72 1487 336 983 3310r,16.-001.0"I -.100 0v5- 0 04 55 983 331 10:16-i.1000)IiIoooii)5-.jOO 64 55 SII.I.IOINS FRANCES S SW/4 &W/2 OF SE4 & W.2 OF NE/4 1.4 INTOR 72 148 79 336 984 331i iM6-.Iii:0:in. 12-00 38 17 984 13M33I,16r .N1 .i000 12-00ul'i 38 17 SIMMONS FRANCES'S. SE/4 OF NE/4 & E/2 OF SE/4 DB' S9PG 397 1.4 NT OR 72/148' 79,33 ' 985 34 I0M6-.iI i"00/":I 0 I-(l.)00 3s I 7' 9S55 34106,16.0100.il)l -01- 01 38 I17 Slllrl.ONS FRANCES S E 2''F N; 4 & NE 4 OF SW 4 I 4 iNT r 72 PG 14S 7. '3n 956 361| i)i -,: "":":": I] .1)"11:11X ?2* 9S 6 "86 ; I .:M -I.ll.ll.:'11:: I1 -0 ,1... 7- ,8 DEL T.-. DPJLLING COMPANY NW 4 SE 4 5'I PERC INTEREST 5ection b, u.P age Lignr u CJ ~nr~c ucc ~tcri r vrr.bt f--_'-- 7^.2 nrr., !'2>.l,.I. |