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=i. p c- > z m By Anna Wild Saturday, March 18th, is tou don't want to miss! Ichrist,County Commis- long with the Florida nent of Environmental .on, is sponsoring a proj- :ollect, recycle, treat and y dispose of household ,us wastes. This project lucted once a year and very important because- us the chance to prop- early dispose of items that private citizens acquire that should not be disposed of with the typical trash. We all have a few in or around our home and -now is the time to get rid of the follow- ing items: Used oil, oil filters, gasoline, anti-freeze,. batteries (car. AA, C, 9V, etc.), fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, poisons, household cleaners (ammonia, moth balls, turpentine,, brush cleaners, strippers, etc.), pool cleaners, paint thinners, paint and paint supplies, photographic. chemicals, aerosol cans,' flo- rescent lamps, computers and televisions. Keep in mind many automotive products contain toxic chemicals so if you do a lot of your own car maintenance check the labels of the products you use and see how they rec- ommend you dispose of them. Items such as battery acid,,car wax, engine cleaners, degreas- ers, radiator flushes and rust preventatives normally contain toxic substances and should be disposed of at these round ups. Some items may pose addir- tional dangers so if any product leaks please make sure you pack them in a larger container with' absorbent material, cat litter works great or there are many oil absorbent matenals available. Do not mix different or unknown (Continued to Page Eighteen') Serving Gilchrist Coi unding Area for over 74 Y rs mnd Surrounding Area for over 74 Years u ~ ~~~ a r Vol. 75 No. 48 Phone (352) 463-7135 Fax (352) 463-7393 gilchristjournal@bellsouth.net Trenton. Florida 32693 Thursday, March 16. 2006 Price 50O i'(1' W A sear In Tn.1Cojntry Ae3 Cilchr,t. Drmie & Le%, Counur 12. 54 (1) Other Arc'. Of Flon,. 2Q9 0'Y ).1 Of ri lire Connie Douglas. Sanchez Announces Candidacy For Supervisor Of Elections Brandi Coleman and Chelsea Meyer 'Exhibit Top Entrees In Dairy Cow Show At Suwannee River Fair I, Connie Douglas Sanchez current Gilchrist County Deputy Clerk ofElections, announce my candidacy for the Supervisor of Elections Office. I am cur- rently going into my ninth year working for the Supervisor of Elections office. This on the job training allows me the opportu- nity to offer Gilchrist County voters continued confidence in our voting process. I will work diligently to en- sure that all elections continue to be conducted in a fair, unbiased, professional manner, and in ac- cordance with the laws of the State of Florida. The people of Gilchrist County deserve conti- -~. - Connie Douglas Sanchez nuity and stability in their elec- tion process, and I'm determined to provide that. Working under the leadership of retiring Super- visor of Elections, Susan J. Bry- ant, has offered the best training possible for this position. It's been a privilege and an honor to ser'e with her, I have been a longtime resi- dent of Gilchrist County. Mar- ried 20 years to Marty Sanchez, we have one daughter Asheton Sanchez that attends Trenton Elementary. I look forward to serving in my current position and seek your support in the fall elec- tions. Dr. John Frazier Announces Intent To Run For School Board District 3 Dear Fellow Citizens of Gilchrist County, My name is Dr. John Frazier and I am announcing my intention to be your District 3 School Board Membercandidate. Watching my children grow and develop has made me realize the awesome responsibility that a parent has to provide a happy and safe environment for their children's learning. This training begins at home but is continued in our public schools. Being a dedicated father and member of the community, I am passionate about maximizing the educational experience for .each child and desire to serve John D. Frazier as your District 3 School Board Member. I have chosen to raise my family in Gilchrist County with you and sour families. This is a coinmM it) o'f people with strong moral fiber and diversified talents that provide an advantage in raising stable children who become productive" students that are ready to contribute to society. Historically, there has been leadership that has poised Gilchrist County among the top school districts in the state. PersonallN. I want to thank those who selflessly) served to ensure this positive trend towards higher educational standards. With challenges that face us in (Continued to Page Two) Tommy Langford Announces Intent To Seek Re-Election I would like to thank every citizen in Gilchrist County for the faith and trust you had in me for the last three and a half years. I have tried to do the very bestjob I can as a county commissioner. I have gained a lot of knowledge and understanding of how the county operates and 4how the budget is set up and decided. I have had to make some hard decisions but I feel they were best for our county. Gilchrist County is growing. rapidly and you will see a lot of changes' in the near future. The growth is here and we will have to manage' it to the best of our ability. There will be a lot Tommy Langford of important issues that come before the board. The decisions the board makes will shape the future of the county. To me. Gilchrist County is the greatest county in the nation. We have things that others can only hope to have. We must plan for the next 15 to 20 years and beyond to keep Gilchrist County the place we will all want to call home. I am announcing my candidacy to seek re-election for County Commissioner District Four. I am asking for your vote to allow me to serve all the residents of Gilchrist County for the next four years. I will do my (Continued to Page Eighteen) New Flood Regulations, Idle Wake Zones Being Imposed For Suwannee And Santa Fe Rivers During times of flooding, boaters along the Suwannee and Santa Fe rivers will find boat Speeds restricted based on more accurate flood data. During its February meeting inGainesville, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) unanimously approved splitting the rivers into five segments with a water-level gauge on each part. Idle Speed/No Wake zones will be the rule for individual segments 'when water rises to specific levels, ranging from nine to 47 feet. The new rule goes into effect March 16, according to FWC officials. Idle Speed/No Wake means a vessel must proceed at a speed no greater than required to maintain steerageway and headway. At no time is any vessel required to proceed so slowly the operator is unable to maintain control over the vessel or any other vessel or object that it has under tow. Previously, one gauge in Branford caused those restrictions for the entire 160-mile system. When the Suwannee River reached 26 feet above sea level (three feet below flood stage) at the Branford gauge, the entire system from the U.S. 27 Bridge at Branford south to Fowlers Bluff and on the Santa Fe River from the U.S. 27 Bridge near High Springs south to the confluence of the Suwannee River came under the Idle Speed/No Wake restriction. This caused some areas to be at Idle Speed/No Wake when river conditions are, well below flood stage while other areas were well above flood stage with no restrictions in place. The regulations aim to prevent boaters from hitting submerged objects such as docks and stumps. Some property owners have asked for more stringent restrictions to prevent speeding boats from causing flooding and erosion. According to Maj. Paul Ouellette, of FWC's Boating and Waterways Section, "Although the FWC is sensitive to property owners on the river, our authority only allows us to regulate the waterway for boating safety purposes, not property protection." Annual spring rains routinely cause the Suwannee and Santa (Continued to Page Eighteen) B. Cind\ Jo Ayers As of TuesdaN. March 14. the Su~annee River Fair was in full swing. The Dairy Cattle Show\ Show was held on Monda. afternoon. There were 33 entries in this )ear's dairy cattle show. Brandi Coleman of Trenton FFA exhibited the Grand Champion Dairy Co%". Chelsea Myer of Bell FFA exhibited the Reserve Champion Dair\ Cow. The Senior Dairy Cattle Showmanship awards w ent to Brand% Coleman of Gilchrist FFA "%ho placed first. Jessica Langford of Gilchrist FFA placed second, and Jennifer Smith from Gilchrist FFA placed third. The Intermediate DairN Cattle Showmanship % winners were Ta\lor Langford of Gilchrist FFA who placed first, Danielle Holstein of Gilchrist 4-H placed second, and Chelsea Mexer of Gilchrist FFA place third. The Junior Dairy Cattle Showmanship w winners were Kacec Langfor. of Gi:christ Count) 4-H placed first, Jeannie Smith of Gilchrist Count) 4-H placed second and Dalas Carter from Lev) Count) 4-H placed third. Some 22 dairy goats were entered in this year's fair. Gilchrist County did 'er) \well having the Grand Champion Dairy Goat which was exhibited by Patricia Owens Wilcox 4-H. Patricia attends Bell High School. Jonathan Hatch of Chiefland exhibited the Resert e Champ-ion Dair) Goat. Jonathan is a member of Double Sink 4-H Club and the grandson of Charles and Cleo Hatch who. were former Trenton residents. By John M. Ayers A Trenton lady was on her way to work Tuesday morning when she was involved in a two-vehicle accident at the intersection of S. R. 26 and CR 307. Mrs. Adeline Graves Beach, 77, was traveling south on CR 307 in a 2004 Buick Park Avenue in very dense fog at 5:50 a.m. Florida Highway Patrol reported that it appeared that Mrs. Beach didn't realize that she had entered the intersection of SR 26 when the accident occurred. A 2002 Mack tractor and trailer owned by Commercial Carrier Corporation of Auburndale, FL was being driven by Floyd Anthony Seaton, 48, of Alachua, FL. He was traveling west on SR 26 when he crashed into the driver's side of the Friends Of The Library Book Sale Opens April 22 Friends of the Library, Alachua County Library District, will hold their annual Spring Book Sale from Saturday, April 22nd, through Wednesday, April 26th. The sale will be at the Friends of the Library Book House, 430 North Main Street in Gainesville. The Dair) Goat Senior Showmanship Awards went to Patricia 0"wens of Wilcox 4-H in Gilchrist Count) \who placed first, Jonathan Hatch of Levy County placed second and Cr stal Gordon from Lev) County 4-H placed third. The Intermediate Dair) Goat Showmanship Aiwards went to Samantha Owens of Gilchrist FFA who placed first. Donna Owens of Gilchrist 4-H placing second, and Nathan Thisse of Gilchrist 4-H w ho placed third. The Dair\ Goat Junior Showmanship Awards went to Pa) ton Parnell of Le%) 4-H who placed first. Baile) Roux of Gilchrist 4-H placed second and Whitne) Mills of Le% 4-H who placed third. Ms. Jan Nobels of Williston did a wonderful job judging the Dairy Goat Show \when a Texas Judge did not make it to the fair. Ms. Nobels took up a great deal of time with each child helping them improve the skills in the show ring. Levy County took both the grand and reserve during the Swine Show. The Grand Champion Swine was exhibited by Kale\ Wilder from Williston Middle School FFA. The Reserve Champion was exhibited b) KaNlee Ecker from Chiefland Middle FFA. Logan Andrews of Chiefland FFA placed first in the Senior Swine Showmanship competi- tion. Whiine. McQueen from Trenton FFA placed second and Eli Fowler of Dixie FFA placed third.. The Junior Swine Sho\ - Buick. FHP reported that just prior to impact, the truck driver veered to the left in an attempt to miss the car. Following the impact the truck and car slid an estimated 200 feet off of the south side of the shoulder of SR 26 and up through the plowed- boundary of the Lancaster Correctional Institute property. The car was entangled with the front end of the truck. When the two vehicles came to rest, the car came into contact with a guide wire that was attached to a power line on the north side of SR 26. Progress Energy utility crew was on scene to repair the damage when the wreckage was cleared. The Gilchrist County Sheriff's Office deputies were on scene to' control the traffic along the busy highway. Trenton Fire Department was on Thousands of books and other items in more than 50 categories have been sorted and priced. The collection includes both hardback and paperback books. Most prices range from .25 cents to $3. All profits are used for the Alachua County Library District and community literacy projects. Customers are asked to please bring their own boxes. For more information and the hours of the book sale, call 352-375-1676. & s Beast Feast Raffle Tickets W 1 On Sale Now at the Gilchrist County Journal ^ 207 North Main Street Trenton The Reserve Champion Dairy Cow was exhibited by Chelsea IMeyer of Bell FFA and the Grand Champion Dainr Cow was exhibited by Brandi Coleman of Trenton FFA. manship Awards went to T1\ "as exhibited b\ Kal\n Hiers of Chiefland Middle FFA Pendar is of Chiefland FFA. ho placed first. Sam McQueen The Reser'e Champion Feeder from Trenton Middle School FFA "ho placed second and Steer "as exhibited by Jessie Ka) lin Hastings from Chiefland Robinson of Bronson FFA. Middle School FFA "ho placed Di\ie County took the Grand' third. Champion Fat Steer trophy this Jack Wall from Georgia year. Kory Van Arnernam of judged the S' ine Show and the Dixie FFA exhibited the top Showtmanship judge was Ed steer. The Reserve Champion Sabback. Fat Steer was exhibited by Cory On' Tuesday afternoon: the Jerrels of Kountry Kids 4-H in 'Grand Champion Feeder Steer Bronson. scene to secure the wreckage and assist in the removal of the vehicles. The Buick was estimated to have sustained $20,000 in damages. The. Mack truck was reported to have sustained $50,000 in damages. The accident was investigated by Corporal J. Clark and Sergeant D. Miller of the Florida Highway Patrol. xic Roundup Saturday In Trenton And Bell Trenton Resident Is Killed Tuesday Morning At CR 307 And SR 26 Gih'hrist Countih Ftlrida 2006.-4nnounced Candidates County Commissioner District 2 Mitchell Gentry, 4959 SW 80th Ave., Bell, FL 32619 352-463-7080 (D) County Commissioner District 4 Tommy Langford, 6650 NE 55th St., High Springs, FL 32643 386-454-3022 (R) School Board District 1 (Nonpartisan) Delight H. Curtis 7339 SE 69th Lane, Trenton, FL 32693 352-472-6012 School Board District 3 (Nonpartisan) Sam Ferguson 3349 SW 20th St., Bell, FL 32619 352-463-1409 John D. Frazier 3539 SW 47th Ct., Bell, FL 32619 352-463-2652 School Board District 5 ( ''.,.; :...:': '.. Ann Marie Egan 4829 SE 25th Lane, Trenton, FL 32693 352-472-4986 Supervisor of Elections Karen Fults P.O. Box 256, Bell, FL 32619 352-463-7014 (R) Leigh Hartzog P.O. Box 1450, Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-0333 (D) Connie Douglas Sanchez 7246 Cardinal Tr., Fanning Springs, Fl32693 352-463-3044 (R) County Court Judge- Group I (' ,,..., '. David Miller (Duke) Lang P.O. Box 51, Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-7800 Edward (Ed) Philman 5880 NW 58th Ct., Bell, FL 32619 352-935-2333 .I~~ . -Pane TwTA GLCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Gilchrist County Journal USPS-218-620 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY IN GILCHRIST COUNTY, 207 N. MAIN TRENTON, FLORIDA Less than 75% advertising We reserve the right to shorten articles, letters, etc. and delete any part or leave out in its entirety if we judge such to be offensive. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $20.00 AYear In Tri-County Area $24.00 All Other Areas In Florida $28 Out Of State JOHN MINAYERS II EDITOR, PUBLISHER AND OWNER Cindy Jo and Carrie Ayers, Glen Thigpen, Mark Schuler, Judi Bishop, Kathy Hilliard & Chris Rogers ASSISTANTS Entered as Periodicals at the Post Office at Trenton, Florida, under the act of March 3, 1879. ; POSTMASTER Please Send Address Change To: Gilchrist County Journal. 207 N. Main Street, Trenton, Florida 32693 John's Comments By John M. Ayers The Trenton 'community mourns the death of one of their own Tuesday morning as Mrs. * Adeline Beach was killed in, a ,two-vehicle accident at the * intersection of CR 307 and SR 26. Mr. and Mrs. Beach returned to Trenton with their family\ in the early -'70s from 'St. Petersburg, FL. Mr. Beach worked in the United States 'Postal Service and Mrs. Beach' -was:a nurse in the St. Petersburg -commnunit). .Mrs. Beach was a devoted -mother and wife and loved her .:position as a nurse. She has .worked in association %ith the :Department of Corrections as a 'nurse at Lancaster Correctional *Institute for many years. She is :believed:to have been on her :way to work just before 6:00 .-a.m. on Tuesday morning when :the accident occurred. SThe Beach family has been linsolhed in :the Trenton *community for many years. iThcir work iino.the Trenton u C'(hurch of Christ us well as the "school, recreational' activities, :and other organizations, always .supporting the youth of Gilchrist County, is unequaled. When someone that has been involved in the community and is as close as they are, the entire community is affected and is de% stated b) the loss. When I got to the scene of the accident Tuesday morning, I didn't recognize the vehicle I spoke with one of the law enforcement officers on the scene and they indicated who was inmoled. The scene \was tragic but this is just one example that we as human beings don't know the time nor the place when our lies will end. We will all miss Mrs. Beach and our prayers are \with the family in the loss of their loI ed one -- - -Order Your RUBBER i STAMPS , attheI Gilchrist :I County Journal I 2Q7N.ortheIMain Trenton - 463-7135 I - - fo r. theimouth ofthe.uwannee River Date High Low High Low High Thu 2.950ft. 0.238ft. 3.151 ft. -0.143 ft. Mar 16, 06 2:34 AM 8:52 AM 2:34 PM 9-16 PM Fn 2.841 ft. 0.428 ft. 3.253 ft. -0.253 ft. Mar 17, 06 3:09 AM 9:16 AM. 2:54 PM 9:47 PM Sat 2.695 ft 0.643 ft. 3.328 ft. -0.301 ft. Mar 18, 06 3:45 AM 9:42 AM 3:17PM 10:21 PM Sun 2.504 ft. 0.886 ft. 3.357 ft. -0.275 ft. Mar 19, 06 4:25 AM 10:08 AM 3:44 PM 11:01 PM Mon 2.265 ft. 1.159 ft. 3.325 ft. -0.176 ft. Mar 20, 06 5:13 AM 10:37 AM 4:17 PM 11:50 PM Tue 2.007ft. 1.452ft. 3.219ft. Mar 21, 06 6:21 AM 11:10 AM 4:58 PM Wed -0.042 ft. 1.851 ft. 1.748 ft. 3.051 fl Mar 22, 06 12:58 AM 8:06 AM 11:59AM 5:57 PI Equinox: 3/20 1:26 'M Last Quarter: 3/22 2:12 PM t. Al - Cid: o Ar By Cindy Jo Ayers Streetwise By Lauren Rudd .Every investor dreams of finding Wall Street's Holy Grail, that fla\Ilss method fordeciding which stocks to buy and when. For many it has become an obsession, while for others a hopeless crusade Unfortunately, such a system does not exist. Ye't, there is one technique that I have not discussed in severall years that anyone can use. Employing this' method means that in a period of about 20 minutes you %will be able to decide what stocks to invest in. ;your total commission cost. if .you 'use a discount brokerage :house, should not exceed $50, anid you do not hae to look at your portfolio for a year. Developed by money manager Michael O'Higgins. the methodology is referred to as the Dow 5 theory and it \as originally described in his book "Beating the Do\.'" (Harper Collins Publishers. 1991). O'Higgins" strategy limits your selection of possible investment candidates to the 30 companies that make up the Do\w Jones industrial average. 'As O'Higgins points out. the Dow 30 companies are among .the most widely held. widely analyzed and widely publicized companies in the world. They may gain, lose. spin off. acquire. merge, rename themselves . reorganize, ,or even leave the, Dow. but in one form or another they are here to stay. The Dow 5 theory\ consists of selecting from the Do\%' 30, the five lowest priced stocks out of, the ten \ ith the highest dividend yield. You buy an equal dollar amount of each of these five comlpanies"~rid hold the shares for one year. On tle' anniversary of 'f "a P_ farSh :w ah in identify the five lowest priced' stocks out.of the ten with the highest 'yield and adjust your portfolio accordingly. Does the Dow 5 theory work every year? No, there were some years, such as 2005, when you will have an overall negative- return. Here 'are some annual; results. For the year 2004, the total return for the Dow 5 was 12.4 percent. The S&P 500 had a total return of 10.9 percent, Fidelity Magellan iFMNAGX.i 7.5 percent and the Vanguard Index 500 (VFINX) 10.7 percent. Rememlier that total return includes all dividends. For the period beginning with the year 2000 and running through 2004, the Dow 5 had an average annual total return of 6.8 percent, the S&P 500 -0.7 The Gilchrist County Solid Waste Department Announces Amnesty Days for Tires & Appliances The Gilchrist County Solid Waste Department will be collecting tires and the following appliances: washer, dryer, refrigerator, freezer, stove, free of charge March 20, 2006 through April 1, 2006. There will be no limit on appliances and a limit of five (5) tires per person, per day. We will accept car and light truck tires ONLY. No large truck or agricultural tires. Tires and appliances must be taken to the Recycling Center in Bell. For more information please call 463-3185. Remember to Reduce, Reuse, & Recycle... It's The Right Thing To Do! Good food is so important to Southerners that our family members and friends who have gone on to be with theLord are often times remembered .by their skills in the kitchen. My late grandmother. [dell Beauchamp, doesn't have a.. grandchild who doesn't have: fond memories of her % wonderful chicken and dumplings. M\ husband John's mother. lMar ANers, made such a \ wonderful sour cream pound cake that our family now judges all pound cakes b\ the standard that Me- Ma set. From time to time we will taste a pound cake that's almost,, nearly or close to Me- Ma's cake. I remember years ago the anticipation of the special dishes w which were brought in- abundance to Dinner On The Grounds at First Baptist Church in Trenton. I did mi best to catch Mrs. Evel% n Brown coming through the fellowship hall doors with a large pot in her hand. You see. I knew without a doubt that pot was filled with her \er\ special cream style corn; Miss Evel\n made the best cream corn I've e\ er eaten. Fact was, eery thing Miss E\elyn made was good. I also remember surveying the dessert tables looking for Miss Lois Lord's Fresh Coconut Cake. Man. that cake would melt in Nour mouth. My o\ n mother, Doris Beauchamp who is aliie and \ell, in fact she is still quite spunkN. she is. known far and wide for the very best in 'canned goods. She is for- evermore putting up some food item. She picks fresh blackberries e ery summer and makes the eer\ best blackbern jelly I've e\er eaten. Recently she made orange marmalade and we were all pretty excited to ,recei e a jar. N'ti g' woul l'1 rnAe .'more than' to hbae .someoAe remember me for something I made that was really good one da%. My mother has made the following breads and .butter pickles for years, In fact when I percent, Fidelit: Magellan -2.5 percent and the Vanguard Index -0.8 percent. Last year the return on the Dow 5 was a -2.1 percent. As I said, things do not turn, out perfectly every year. The difficulty in 2005 was Pfizer; .whose--10.6 percent return hurt what could have been another stellar year. For the same period, the S&P had a total return of 4.9 percent. Fidelitr Magellan 6.4 percent and the Vanguard Index 4.8 percent: As of January 1 of this year, the Dow 5 consists of General Motors, AT&T, Verizon, Merck and Pfizer. As of March 3, that group of stocks had an average gain of 9.12 percent. For comparison purposes, the S&P 500 was up 3.12 percent, Fidelity Magellan 4.7 percent and the Vanguard Index 2.65 percent. There is no iron clad rule that says your year has to start on January 1. You can calculate a current Dow 5 list on any day. Remember, the purpose is to invest in some high yielding blue chip stocks that are currently out of favor and hold those stocks for a minimum of one year. You can write to financial columnist Lauren Rudd at 5 Gulf Manor Drive, Venice, Fl. 34285 or email at LVERudd@aol.com. Prior columns are available at RuddReport.com. Beast Feast . Raffle Tickets On Sale Now at the Gilchrist County Journal 207 North Main Street Trenton 2006 Wall and Desk Calendars 50% OFF (While Supplies Last) eat Chicken Salad or Tuna Salad away from home it just doesn't taste as good as mine. The onl) reason I think my salads are' so good is that the\ have my mother's wonderful homemade pickles in them. You just can't beat a mother's lo\e and some times my Southern Smother loves her family through her jars of jellies and pickles. Mix 4 quarts thinly sliced cucumbers \ith 8 large shite onions peeled and thinly sliced. Sprinkle with 1/2 cup plain salt and 2 quarts cracked ice. Cover with a weighted lid for 3 hours. Drain thoroughly-rinse with cold water and place in a large kettle. Add 5 cups sugar. 5 cups white distilled (5% acidity) vinegar, I1- teaspoons turmeric, I teaspoon .celery seed, 2 tablespoon mustard seed. Bring almost to a boil stirring often. But do not allow to boil. Pack pickles into hot jars and seal. Makes 8 pints. Dr. John Frazier Announces Intent STo Run For School Board District 3 (Continued from Page One) the coming decade, I strong, believe that it is important for all aspects of any issue to be considered and. as your school board representative. I will be available to listen to anyone's thoughts or opinions. Together, we \will work to find a solution that is in the best interest of our students. ' Since 1993, I have been married to Sheila IRoberts) Frazier. and we have been raising our family of three boss, , Noah (age" seen. Nathan ('age fire), Nolan (age tv.ot and one Daughter to arrive in May. My children, along with ours, are the primary reason I seek your vote in the upcoming election. I want the excellent educational experience in our schools to continue for them. wour children and our grandchildren. I have been a practicing Doctor of. Chiropractic since 1994 and continue to enjoy the incredible gifts of. healing that God has. allowed me to develop. Meeting and becoming friends with my patients has shown me the depth of love and concern that each of you have for all people, especially .for children. As an acute member of the Trenton Church of Christ, I have : found it encouraging seeing the foundation of God in the lives of so many by the large number of religious groups in ,our community..My involvement in the Chamber of Commerce has 'shown me the generosity and commitment this county exhibits to those in need. Working with This photo shows the damage which Afr. Heaton 's windshield sustained. An Open Letter To The Individual(s) Who Threw The Soda Can On Sunday evening a friend of mine and I were returning.home from the hospital when driving through Trenton the windshield of my truck nearly exploded. Stopping in front of Best Drugs %we were unsure of w hat had just happened. My first real fear \was a gunshot had shattered the win- do%%. Upon inspection \we were able to detennine that you had Sthro\w n a soda can at our v\ indowr and nearly broke through. As cowards you ran from the scene and disappeared into the night. I am certain you had a good laugh with your friends about what an awesome thing you did. What y'ou did wvas very stupid and very dangerous. Your actions could have killed someone. At the time you planned your attack you were thinking what a fun thing that \would be. What you did was not funny nor was it a fun prank. You need to meet the young man who thought it was funny to steal a stop sign and is now spring 14 years in prison for the death of three people because he thought it would be fun. 1 feel sorry for you and your friends. You take liberties with other people for' your sport and harm other people. God knows who you are. We may never know. I pra\ that \ou will think more seriously about what you did. May God help all our young people to find a fuller life with meaning than what \ou did Sun- da) night. 1 wIll pray for you. tmy friend. Kent Heaton, Preacher for the Trenton Church of Christ GILCHRIST REMEMBERS WHEN .. A A July 1975 Journal carried ma article anrd this photo qJof r. and A rs. A.AI. Kelly of Bell who were celebrating their 50th weddiig aminiersary atla reception held at their home in Bell. The event was hosted by their son, A.M. Kelly, Jr., and sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Williams; Mr. and Mrs. Homer T. Pufnal ofMayo, brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. J.R.L. Kelly of Winter Haven; and Mr. and Mrs. S.O. Roberts of Gainesville. the Trenton Rotary Club allows me to know and learn from some of the best leaders in Gilchrist County. I humbly ask for your support and vote as I seek election to your Gilchrist County School Board. It would be an honor to serve as a board member seeking to maintain and further the educational leadership of our Gilchrist County School District within the State of Florida. Please vote Dr. John Frazier for District 3 School Board Member. May God continue to bless.this great nation, our community and each of you. Thank you for your time and support. John Frazier MARCH19-25 7:30PMEACH NIGHT TRENTON CHURCH OF CHRIST 502 NE 7TH STREET, TRENTON You are invited to a GOSPEL MEETING beginning Sunday at the Trenton Church of Christ, 502 NE 7th ,Street, Trenton. The church is located next to the Medic-Ayers Rehabilitation Center. We have invited Dennis Tucker to preach a series of lessons from the word of God. Many will remember Dennis & Regina Tucker as they worked with the Trenton Church of Christ a number of years ago. A GOSPEL MEETING is a time of REVIVAL for those who enjoy an honest study of the Bible. Nothing is presented but the simple truth of what can be found in the pages of God's word. Can we understand the Bible together? Many feel that the Bible is hard to understand and the reason for different beliefs is the Bible is too difficult to read and comprehend. We challenge that thought in believing that honest people can come to agreement on what the Bible says. The apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 3:3-4,."How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery; as I wrote afore in few words, whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ The apostle shows the simple manner the word of God is revealed to man. He wrote down what was revealed and he then encouraged his listeners to read what he had written down. His conclusion was they could understand what he had written down. Our aim during this meeting or revival is to ask two things of you: (1) Bring your Bible and your family; (2) Open your Bible and study with us as we unfold the mind of God from His word. When you visit you will find a warm welcome and encouragement to study the word of God. Many churches today spend a lot of time entertaining the audience with concerts, plays and such like with little or no emphasis upon learning what the Bible teaches. We offer no bands or play or feast but only an honest study of the word of God. Have you hungered for the simple teaching of the Bible? Many people are finding the veneer of religion today unfulfilling as there is no Bible teaching. At every service of the Trenton Church of Christ, we open the Bible and study from it. We seek to learn more and more with each occasion of our gathering both public and private. You are hungering for the truth of God's word! We do not suppose to know all the answers but only the answers as we can find them together in the word of God. The wonderful power of God's message is that we study together and learn together and grow together in the grace and knowledge of the Lord (2 Peter 3:18). This GOSPEL MEETING is an opportunity for you to learn more about the Church of Christ at Trenton. We hold the truth of God as the foundation of what we do and why we do what we do. Bring your Bible, your family and your hunger to learn about God's word. You will be happily surprised at how refreshing it is to study the Bible once again. "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth" (Romans 1:16). Trenton Church of Christ 463-3793 502 Northeast 7th Street Trenton, Florida 32693 Please Visit www.trentonchurchofchrist.com Email kerux@bellsouth.net U Come To Our Gospel Meeting With Dennis Tucker (Kent Heaton), Gilchrist County Journal 207 North Main Street Trenton THURSDAY, MARCH 16,,2006.' '~Page Two mmrDQYhIxT NAADC'TJ II ', JAvt il .CI-LRTST COT INxYJIURNALP T Gilchrist County Community Corner And Calendar THIS WEEK'S EVENTS Thursday, March 23: Tren- ton Elementary School Drama, 2:45 p.m. Bell Elementary SSchool Civil War Re-enactment for Grade 4, 1:00 p.m., east side of BES. Trenton JV/V Baseball vs. Branford, 4:00 p.m., Bran- Sford; JV/V Softball vs. Mayo, 5:00 p.m., Mayo. Bell High i 3 VISA School Drama Middle Scool Performance Play, 4th/5th block, Auditorium; JV Baseball vs. Hamilton County, 4:00 p.m., Jasper; MS Softball vs. Lafay- ette County, 4:00 p.m., Mayo; JV Softball vs. Columbia Coun-. ty, 6:00 p.m., Lake City. Friday, March 24: Trenton Elementary School Dr. Seus Day. Bell Elementary School PTA Meeting, 6:30. p.m., Caf- eteria; Grade 4 Chaperone Meet- ing, 6:00 p.m., Ms. Carawan's Class; Civil War Re-enactment for Grade 4, 1:00 p.m., East side of BES. Trenton V Softball vs. Bronson, 6:00 p.m., Trenton. Bell Drama Middle School Per- formance Play; 4th/5th block, CLOTHING CONSIGNMENT SMen *Women Infants Children Accessories I Maternity Wear Plus Sizes Formal Wear. Hours: Tue.-Fri.,l am-6pm' Sat. 10am-4pm (352)490-4925 Fax :(352) 490-4926 14831 NW Hwy-19, Chiefland Approx. 3.5 miles north of Wal-Mart Jo fu I pt Q, uilte PS Auditorium; JV Baseball vs. Williston, 4:00 p.m., Bell; JV/ Softball vs. Lafayette County, '5:00 p.m., Mayo. Monday, March 27: Trenton Elementary Drama, 2:45 p.m. Bell Elementary Grade 4 Trip to St. Augustine. Trenton Track Meet vs. Hawthorne, 3:00 p.m., Hawthorne. Bell V Baseball vs: Bronson, 4:00 p.m., Bell.. Tuesday, March 28: Trenton Elementary Accelerated Reader, 5:00 p.m.; Drama 2:45 p.m: Bell Elementary Elliott/Lindsey Kindergarten Trip to Camp Ku- laqua, High Springs. Trenton Middle/High' CPI Training, 8: 00 a.m., Auditorium; JV/V Baseball vs. Lafayette County, 4 p.m., Trenton; MS Softball vs. Steinhatchee, 4:00 p.m., SSteinhatchee; JV/V Softball vs. Newberry, 5:30 p.m., Trenton. Bell High School Drama Play Rehearsal, 3:15 p.m., Audito- rium; JV/V Softball vs. Dixie- County, 4:30 p.m., Bell. Wednesday, March 29: Trenton Elementary Drama, 2:45 p.m. Bell Elementary School Sanders/Hilliard/Lane Kindergarten Trip to Camp Kulaqua, High Springs. Tren- ... . & PCa SepS ton Middle/High CPI Training, 8:00 a.m.. Auditorium. Bell Drama High School Play Set Work, 3:15 p.m., Auditorium; Track Meet vs. Chiefland, 3:30 p.m., Chiefland. Gilchrist County Sheriff's Volunteers News Sadly, the Sheriff's Volunteers and Crime Watch lost three of its founding members very recently. Mr. Allen Smith, Mr. Joe Dixon, and Mr. George Cole, passed away and willbe sorely missed by fellow members. Our heartfelt condolences are given to their families. During the month of January Crime Watch vehicles were driven 2.908 miles and volunteers contributed 292 Hours while patrolling county roads, attending funeral services for Mr. Allen Smith and Mr. Joe Dixon, directing traffic and school zones, and providing assistance, at county road projects. CARE callers made 241 calls to those in need of the service and contributed 36 hours of their time providing comfort and communication to shut ins. During the month of February.. Crime Watch vehicles were driven 2,102 miles with volunteers contributing 199 hours of their time. Volunteers were in attendance at the funeral service for. Mr. George Cole, patrolled county; roads, assisted with traffic control at a tree cutting project, Bell High School softball games, and special details. CARE volunteerss made 201 calls and contributed 30 hours to this ser\ ice. The next meeting will take place on April 4th at 6:00 p.m. in the 'Sheriff's Office training room. All interested county residents are invited to'attend.. Applications will be available for those interestedin joining the Sheriff's Volunteers.... Rosemary McIDaniel PIO SGilchrist County ' Sheriff's Volunteers Beast Feast Raffle Tickets On Sale Now at the Gilchrist County Journal 207 North Main Street Trenton Old Town Red Hatters Visit Ayers Health And Rehabilitation Center The Old Town Red Hatters from left are, standing, Sharon Clark. Sitting are A arzie Bryant and Helen Dunn. Old Town Red, Hatters Our ladies at Ayers look forward to their monthly Red Hat group, hosted by Old Tow\n Red Hatters. What fun they had at the Tea Party with real tea cups. cookies, cinnamon rolls and vummn mints. Our ladies from Old Town , decorated with a St. Patricks theme. Each of the residents that participated received a purple necklace with a,tuch of green charm for St. Patricks day. How wonderful they all looked decked out in their Red Hats and purple outfits. . Community involvement is so important to our care here at Ayers .Our residents look forward to special events that you provide for them. Your organization may want to do a little something for our residents. You may contact, Helen Roberts or Anna Gilliam at the Activity Center at 352- 463-7101 to make, arrangements for your special event. We thank the Red Hatters for taking time to make a difference in our residents' lies. I Subscribe to the I Gilchrist County Journal! FIonk Doi ine Walkr and Pe'.Ii Rudd 100% Cypress Chips $12/yd We will load. 8 am 5pm Monday Friday 8 am -12 pm Saturday 352-538-5098 The Trenton Fire Department would like to thank the following for their continuous support and helping us during our BBQ chicken dinner on saturday, March 4th. Gilhrist County Journal 0 WDUF FM Radio 101.7 Rick Weider Southern Fuels We would also like to thank the community ;,,: for their support of our Volunteer Firefighters; all of you are an important contributor to the success of'the Department. This is one sale I Im not gonna' miss i -- Gilchrist School B We've been cleaning again Can / 20 foot poles c woodenn n Anr All SoPrts (come take a look, ,y Sale will be hel4 At the Transpo] Starting tir (But if you want to see ti come on Tuesd 9AM- 3PM on Thursd R Revmem ber: ALL itev I Some items may have a Salvage Sale County boardd n! 2 school buses iseb computers Eamps of Othen Stuff 'ou'LL be gLa you bib!) d on March 30th rotation Facility ne 3:15 PM he items before the sale, ay or Wednesday from or just come at 2 PM lay!) ts Cive.sold "AS IS" minimum bid. NUC-IIST, COUNTY,, w w Utp THE. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF,ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND THE GILCHRIST COUNTY COMMISSION ARE SPONSORING A PROJECT TO COLLECT, RECYCLE, TREAT AND PROPERLY DISPOSE OF THESE HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTES. -o WANTED Used Oil Oil Filters Gasoline Anti Freeze Batteries Fertilizers Pesticides Insecticides Poisons Computers Televisions Aerosol Cans Household Cleaners Fluorescent Lamps Pool Chemicals Paint Thinners Paint & Paint Products Photographic Solutions W ,I DANGEROUS *If a container leaks, pack it in a larger container with an absorbent material such as cat litter or oil absorbent. *Do not mix different or unknown materials together. *Containers must be labeled. (If you cannot identify the contents then label it unknown.) *Pack the containers in boxes with dividers. NOT WANTED *Explosives such as ammunition, dynamite, and blasting'agents. *Reactives such as crystallized ethers, picric acid, and sodium and phosphorus metals. *Radioactive or infectious wastes. *Pressurized cylinders such as propane or LP gas tanks and compressed gasses. - SATURAnY, MAnCH :rTH AT 2 LOCATIONS: BELL THE SOLID WASTE TRANSFER AND RECYCLING CENTER 9AM-4PM SR340 NtI SOLIDWASTE TRANSFERAND RECYCLING CENTER NWIOTH ST. r ** BELL HIGH SCHOOL SR232 Call Patrick Fischer at 352-463-3185 for more information. TRENTON CITY PARK PICNIC SHELTER 10AM-3PM SR 26 asI HWY129/ SR339- FAMILY FASHI-ONS Congratulations to the .adies of the Congra Ladies on their 3rdplace ribbon for the group quilt "Ladies DayOut" at the 2006 Florida State Fair, ' i I ~ 1 -r -- Page Three GILCHRIR ST COU NTY JOURNAL A1 TM TP On~ AV XdA A I? C 4 I ri m I N N I I- CITY P2V) crp PAIir fIT~ .CI-TT C)ITY TT TIx THRSDY MARCHJJ 1 2006 -W I' -. : CHURCH NEWS ~1E~ NewAriva -:l~- ;-22 r -. - .2 *,~2-A-'-~.~L .2. 4r. and Mrs. Rankin : Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rankin cel- ebrated 50 years of marriage on October 28,2005. Together with their children and families, they stayed at Disney's Grand Florid- ;'an Hotel in Orlando. During the ,evening they dined at the Con- ~cord Steakhouse inside Disney's 'Contemporary Hotel. SBob and Marsha were mar- ried on October 28, 1955 in. :Chicago, Illinois at the Buena :Presbyterian Church. They took i'a trip to Niagara Falls for the ,honeymoon. ' They have three, children, 'Bruce who lives in Deland, Rob, * .. _' and their daughter Linda Walker live in Bell. They have eight grandchildren, Daniele, Nikki, Kyle, Cody, Erik, Reese, Faith and Rhett. Bob retired from the United States Postal Service as a Post- master. Marsha retired from the Gilchrist County Health Depart- ment and is currently a travel agent, specializing in cruises. The\ moved to Gilchrist County in 1977 and recently built a new'home north of Bell. Travel and grandchildren oc- cupy most of their time. SWE WELCOME YOU TO . UNION BAPTIST CHURCH cBC) 6259 $.E. 75TH AVENUE NEWBERRY, FL 32669, SUNDAY SCHOOL ....................... .......:. 9:45 AM MORNING WORSHIP ........ ...................... 11 AM . SEVENING WORSHIP ......:...................................6, PM, WEDNESDAY EVENING SERVICES : ADULT BIBLE STUDY, CHILDREN, & YOUTH .. 7 PM PASTOR: TRAViS MOODY . MINISTER OF YOUTH: ROBBIE BEACH' CHURCH PHONE: 386-472-3845 "WIN THE LOST AND TEACH THE SAVED TO SERVE" PINE GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH t 16655 N. W. CR-339 Trenton, Florida 32693 352-463-2151 www.pgbcfl.com Bro. Greg Douglas, Pastor Bro. Rickey Whitley, Minister of Students Charles Brock, Music Director Sunday School/Bible Study...................9:15 AM Morning Worship Service.................. 1'0:30 AM Children's Church........................... 10:30 AM Evening 1'Worship Service...........................6:00 PM Wednesday Night Services: Prayer Meeting, AWANA & Youth Worship........................7:00 PM Nursery Provided for All Services ~ Mt. Horeb Baptist Church To End Revival Week With Homecoming Mt. Horeb Baptist Church is mid-way into their revival week with special speaker James Croft. On Friday night there will be a fellowship time after the evening service which is being held nightly at 7:30 p.m. The week will end on Sunday, March 19th with Homecoming recognizing 148 years of faithful service to our Lord. The speaker will be Arnold O'Steen. There will also. be dinner after the morning service. Plan to come out and enjoy this time of praise and fellowship with Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. andmorning :worship at 11:00 a.m. Mt. Horeb Baptist Church is located on CR 340, just west of SR 47 in Gilchrist County. For more information please call 386-454-5238. Spring Ridge First Church Of God Offering Pray Then Play Sports Spring Ridge Church Of God is offering Pray then Play sports program. This is the spring flag football and cheerleading sign up whichh is for all children ages 4-18. Itis a co-ed league. ,Meet the coach night is March 27,2006 from 6:30 p.m. until 8: 00 p.m. at Spring Ridge First -Church of God, 5529 NE 52nd PI.. in High Springs. This is the first Pray then Play program being offered in Gilchrist County. Sign ups are a suggested donation of $35 per player but no one will be turned away. Games are scheduled to begin the week of April 10th and run through the end of May. For more information you may call the church office at 386-454-3600. . Revival Meetings To Be Held In Fort -fWhite March 19 22 Cornerstone Baptist Churtih and their pastor, Rev. Marc Pargo, invite, you and your family to their revival meetings scheduled for March 19th to 22nd.. The revival meetings will be held at the Fort White . Community Center, just past the high school. - SRev. Dean Webb, from South Carolina, will proclaim God's Word each meeting. Rev. Webb has pastored in Fort White, Trenton, and other churches in SFlorida. Also, the renowned vocalist, Rev. Mark Shaw, will lead in Singing as you worship God. A supper will be promptly. served from 6:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. For those with children from birth to three years of age, a nursery will be provided. For more information call 386-497- 3106. Bell Church Of God To Have Revival Services And Homecoming March 19-24 Guest speaker, Evangelist Duane Pooler, -and a Gospel concert with New.'Horizon, iof Boston, Georgia will be presenting the message at Homecoming for Bell Church of God on Sunday, March 19th. The schedule for the day will be Sunday School at 10:00 a.m., morning worship at 10:50 a.m., lunch, at 12:00 noon, followed by an after lunch concert at approximately 2:00 p.m. - Then from Monday, March 20th, through Friday, March 24th, Evangelist Pooler will be. speaking at Revival services which will begin at 7:30 p.m:' each evening. Bring your friends and family and -join the congregation. Everyone is welcome. For more information call 386-935-2006. Bell Church of God is located on US 129 north ofBell.. - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Announces Lent And` Easter Events - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church has announced their Lent, Easter. and Holy Week , schedule. . Vesper services \%ill be held March .15th, 22nd. and 29th beginning at 7:00 p.m. 'each evening. During Holy Week, .Palm Sunday, April .9th .services: begin at 10:30 a.m.; April 13th, Maundy Thursday, services begin at 7:00 p.m., On Good SFriday, April 14th, services, begin at 7:00 p.m., An Easter' vigil will be held Saturday, April S15th at 7:00 p.m.. and on Easter Sunday. April 16th, a sunrise - service will begin at 7:00 a.m., followed by breakfast at 8:30 a.m. A Bible study \ill begin at 9:15 a.m. and the Di ine Service with Communion will start at 10:30 a.m. t ' 'oo nShepherd Lutheran Church' is located on 'iliflwiay 19, approximately three miles north of Wal-Mart, next to Dakotah Vineyards. All are invited for this year's Holy Week services. For more information, call 352-493-4597. "Luck O'The Irish" Dinner To Be Held March 17 At First United Methodist Church Chiefland Everyone's invited to partake in a bit of "Luck 0' The Irish." The First United Methodist Church of Chiefland is hosting its annual St. Patrick's Day Dinner on Friday, March 17, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The suggested minimum donation is $10 per plate with kids 12 and under free. For more information cal(352) 493 4627. New Life Assembly of God 9579 US-129 S Trenton, Florida 463-7004 You can make a difference! Services: Sunday School 10 am Praise & Worship/KidZone 11 am Evening Worship 6 pm Wednesday Night Service & "The Place" (Youth) 7 pm Baby Summers Scott and Tara Summers of High' Springs announce the. arrival of their son Logan Scott, on January 31, 2006. He weighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces and measured 20 V inches in length. Maternal grandparents are Bo and Billie Tanner of Ocala and Bonnie Baggs and Pete Baggs of Newberry. Paternal grandparents are Ray and Marilyn Summers of Alachua. formerly of Trenton. The Prayer Path Come experience the "Prayer Path," -a labyriiith. \ ith 11 stations that will deepen your walk with God. The stations deal with everything from worry arid anxiety *,to forgiveness to leaving a spiritual legacy. It will be a time of being in a quiet: place and being alone with God. Step out of the chaos of life and let God breathe into you a time of refreshing and renewal. It's designed for pre-teen through adult. It takes about an hour to go through it. Please call ahead to reserve a time slot. The "Prayer Path" \will be held in the fellowship hall behind Hardeeto~ n Baptist Church from March 23rd to 25th from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. each, day., .'; You can contact Bobby Warren ' at Hardeetown Baptist Church at Y 493-4523. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. til 3:30 pm. . Lighthouse Word Church Celebrates Its 24th Anniversary Lighthouse Word, Church will be celebrating its 24th Anniversary with a week of exciting events. We are kicking off our Anniversary week \ ith a Bar-B-Que Picnic and& all the fixins on, Sunday, March 19th, following the 10:30 a.m. Service. .:, ,International Evangelist Keith Hershey, of Mutual Faithk Ministries. \ ill be ministering at Lighthouse at 7:00 p.m. nightly on Tuesday y, and. W esday,e.; ,March' 3st and -22nd,,L Keith's ' nrinistr",reachos into virtuali every continent ith the Gospel. Keith's wife, Heidi Hershey, will be speaking at our Ladies Bible Study on Tuesday, March 21st, at 10:30 a.m. You can .access more information about Keith and Heidi's ministry at ~ivw.niutualfaith.org. On Sunday. March 26th, International Music Ministers, Shekinah Glory, will be in concert at our 10:3) a.m. and- 6:00 p.m. services. Shekinah Glory, who wererecentlyfeatured on TBN, minister extensively in Europe and Asia. For more .information about Shekinah Glory, log onto their website at \va\ \\.shekinahglory.net. A nursery) M ll be provided for all services. For further information,. please call the church office at 493-1554. The church is located at 2350 NW Highway Alt 27, three miles east of Chiefland. Pastor: Don & Jerri Lunsford BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH "Committed to living and sharing the message of God's love." Bible Study 9:45 a.m. I. Sunday Worship 11 a.m. & 7 p.m. Prayer & Discipleship Wed. 7 p.m. S r Youth Praise & Worship Wed. 6:30 p.m. S-. Awana Program Wed. 6:30 p.m. 7070 S.W. CR-334A Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-2028 - Pastor e-mail: bethelit@bellsouth.net Ralph Rodriguez '. www.backtobethel.org I: .A' 601~ra& 60t4 ea2~2 S/, Logan Scott Summers Trenton Church of God Welcomes you to come worship with us Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Praise & Worship 11:00 a.m. Evening Praise & Worship 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Phone 463-6543 : vww\v.geocities.comichurchofgod trenton fla YOU ARE WELCOME AT PRISCILLA BAPTIST CHURCH 5509 S.W. County Road 232, Bell, Florida S(Bet% een Bell & Trenton 2.5 miles West of SR 129) SSunday School.....................10:0AM 4 Morning Worship..................... 11:00AM Evening Worship..........................6:00 PM Wednesday Night Prayer/Youth...7:30 PM Be apart of an exciting lime of tWorship and Bible Study. Web: www.ForMinistry.com/USFLSOBCOPBC 1 We Welcome You To Mt. Nebo Baptist Church (SBC "''42Nb'NW. CR-140,Bell, FL'32619"' (3 miles North of Bell on Hwy-340 West) Sunday School 9:45 am Morning Worship 11 am E\ ening Worship 6 pm Wednesday Eveniig Services: Adult Bible Study, Children, & Youth ... 7 pm, Pastor: Rev. Jimmy Corbin Minister of Youth: Matt Holtsclaw Church Phone: 386-9353575 "Committed to Reaching People for Christ" riPst D.pfisf hu, ch "I" Welcomes You! "Embracing the Past and Reaching Toward the Future." Corer of NE Second St. and Highway 26 in Trenton (Nursery provided for all services) Sunday School 9:45 AM (classes for all ages) Sunday Morning Worship & Children's Church 11 AM Sunday Night Bible Study 6 PM Wednesday Nights: Awana 6:20 PM Youth Bible Study, Praise & Worship 6:30 PM Adult Bible Study & Prayer 7 PM DYNAMIC MINISTRIES FOR ALL AGES! Call 463-2038for more information or www.fbctrentonfl.org N. *let eb WDe teli e "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof for correction, for instruction in righteousness:", 2 Timothy 3:16 lpebi Jlope jfamilp C (urt 4470 N.W. County Road 236 Bell, Florida 32619 ~1 Mile West of US-129- Service Times Pastor: 10:00 am Sunday School Rev. Lynn Wagner 11:00 am Sunday Morning Worship Office: 6:30 pm Wednesday Bible Study 386-935-4219 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us..." John 1:1, 14 Trenton United Methodist Church 9:30 am Sunday School 11:00 am Morning Worship Service 6:00 pm Wednesday Bible Study Nursery provided 9-12 Sunday Morning 203 N.E. Second Street, Trenton Office: 463-2877 Rev. H.D. "Hank" Cribb, Sr. GOSPEL MEETING 502 NE 7th Street, Trenton, Florida Guest Speaker: Dennis Tucker www.trentonchurchofchrist.com I I _ THURSDSAY, MARCH 16,2006h I GILCHRIS T.T COU NTY JOURNAL T Pagflo ur 1 i ~-- .~..~1., . " '- " " :---~:1 TIIHTTR5LThA API IVl T-THYUI IVT 1vvv F North Gilchrist VFD To Have Pancake Breakfast March 18 The North Gilchrist VFD will hold its monthly pancake breakfast on Saturday,. March 18th from 8:00 a.m. to 10:' 00 a.m. For a small donation you can choose eggs, pancakes (plain, pecan or blueberry), sausage, juice, coffee or tea. Also on March 18th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 n.m., a spaghetti dinner will b. held. For $5, adult or $3 pe child spaghetti with meat sauc, salad, bread, desserts, and coffee or tea will be offered. Please take note of the seasonal time. change, come out and enjoy one or both of these delicious meals with your friends and neighbors. SHope to see you there. * * * * '* * * * S Pesticide Use Training To Be Held March 22 On Wednesday, March 22nd, there will be a pesticide use training at the Levy County Agricultural Center beginning at 5:45 p.m. This training will run until about 7:45 p.m. Attending the training will earn participants 2 core CEUs toward renewal of their RUP license. The trainiiig ,will help prepare you to take. the core RUP test. If one needs to obtain a license or renew by testing, the core test will be administered immediately after the training. Participants attending the training need not stay for the test. The second part of the testing (the general test) will be .administered on March 29th as needed. Beth Davis Photography WEDDINGS PORTRAITS SPECIAL EVENTS CEDAR KEY FLORIDA (352) 543-5568_ Licensed and Insured q IUN: bu m LJ .. Kid's World Pre-School Learning Center, Inc. A private schoolfor your child's early learning years. NAEYC Accredited Pre-K School Readiness Program - Voluntary Pre-Kindergaren CD. Ceriljied Teachers . USDAFb6drPrgraifV ' Highscope Curriculum i . CPR'First Aid Certified. r- '1 Ages 2-12 'top by for a tour ofourfacility. 352-463-3555 Corner of Hwy. 129 & S.R. 47, Trenton (Across from Trenton High School)' Owners/Directors Amy Wesley Woods Holly Wesley Bussard License =C'031G:000 i Socials Happy Birthday wishes to Betty Deen, Riley Deen, Ron- Trowbridge, Dee Dee Roberts, Dell Canon, Amanda Adkins and Christine Coulon on March 16th; to Justine, Joanne Vial, Jennifer Bass, Tanya Gail Lang- ford, and Pat Crosby on March 17th; to Andrea Slaughter, Kim Watson, and Thorsten Gast on March 18th; to Larry Osteen, Bronna Sheffield, Danny Graves and Sarah Nobles on March 19th; to Patti Greer, Reginald Williams, Terry Adkins, Sr., and Jennifer Morris on March 20th; to Benjamin Harrison, Elizabeth Koltz, and Ira Mikell on March 21st; and to Greg Cody, Derrick Rose, Ted May, A.J. Davis, and Sherrie Moore on March 22nd. Happy Anniversary wishes. to Van and.Lillian Herndon on March 16th; to Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Parnell on March 18th; to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Todd on March 19th; to. Robert and Brenda .Reeves on March 20th; and to Mr., and Mrs. Marvin Weaver and Ted and Diane May on March 21st. Cattlemen To Have Spring Meeting March 23 The Gilchrist County. Cattlemen \\ill hold their spring meeting on Thursday, March 23rd. at 6:30 p.m. at the Trenton Elementary Cafeteria. Southern States will provide the steak supper and a program the cattle industry. Anyone interested inl industry in Gilchrist C welcome and invited to .For further inform may call 463-3174. J Marriage Applications Fi Gilchrist Count SBrantley Studstill, . of birth, 8/23/74 of CI SFlorida and Jody Eleai Sling, date of birth, 6/ Bronson, Florida. S Thomas Erick Wilkie birth, 3/21/45 and Pegb Floyd, date of birth. both of Trenton, Florid Michael Dale Cash fi:-blrth 9/129/48, and "Ma''Greer."datelof-bir 54, both of Bell, Florid Andrew James Gay, Birth, 12/14/75 and Sh rie Lamb; date of birth, both of Trenton, Florid Roy Lee Geer, date 3/25/64 of Fanning SFlorida and Sharon Jun Sdate of birth, 11/19/65, g Springs, Florida. S Kenneth A. Darkow birth; 5/13/34 and Ell Sgomery Whitaker. date S 11/2/32, both of Old SFlorida. Marriages Filed In Gilchrist County Miguel Francisco Rodrigo, date of birth, 12/11/82 and Magdalena. Maria Miguel, date of birth, .1/17/86,.both of Alachua, Florida were married on February 25, 2006 in High Springs by Angel L. Cuesta, Deacon. Jeffrey C. Camarda, date of birth, 1/3/71 and Liana Boring Powers, date of birth, 5/10/72, both of Trenton, Florida, were married on February 26, 2006 in Fanning Springs, Florida by Judy-Sue Cahil, Notary. Kurtis Dean Lanz, date of birth, 7/25/87 and Nicki Mar- lehe Williams, date of birth, S1/22/89, both of Keystone Heights, Florida,, were married February 28, 2006 in Melrose, Florida by Rev. Michael P. Raftice, at Open Arms Coni-: munity Church. William Oris Parker. Jr.. date of birth. 4/12,77 and Knsty De-Lane Lee, date of birth, 6/ 19/83. both of Trenion. Florida, were mared on March 3. 2006 in Bell. Florida b\ E.M. Estes, Notary. David Wayne Padot, Jr., date of birth. 8/27/81 and Wendy Marie Stegall. date of birth, 6/2/80. both of Fanning Springs. Florida. \0ere married on March 4. 2006 at Stein- hatchee Landing Resort 'in Steinhatchee, Florida bD Dr. Ralph A. Rodriguez. related to Sons Of Confederate Veterans heount i. To Meet March 21. attend. The John Hance O'Steeni tion you Camp #770 Sons of Confederate Veterans monthly camp meeting will be on Tuesda,. March 21st at the Bell Community Center across from Akins BBQ on Main Street in Bell. led In The speaker %\ill be Bob , )' Grenier arnd will speak about Jr., date his book lbodllea: Life on the hiefland. Lake of the Dancing Sunbeams. nor Star- This book is about the home:of 7/70, of Captain Melton Ha)nes. The Meeting \ ill begin at 7:00 p.m. , date of The meeting is open to all iy Jayne who are interested in the War 3/4/49.. Between the States. For further a. information contact Camp att,. date Commander Clement Lindsev : Marcia at 352-472-0047 Qr 'Adjutant rth,.2124/ Arclie,Mlatthews at 386-462- Ia. 3016. ,date of elly Ma- 8/13/74, Assembly Of Fine a. .Artists To Meet of birth, March 16 Springs, March 16 e Bakers, Assembly of Fine Artists have been offered the use of the of High 'building b) the greenways and trails. Please attend the meeting ,date of on March 16th at 12:00 noon at a Mont- 74 SE 870 Street in Old Town ofbirth, to learn the particulars. There 1 Town, u ill also be a light shared lunch. Artists and interested persons are welcome . Wooden Of The World Tri-County Lodge 626 News The Woodmen of the World monthly meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 21st at 7: 00 p.m. The lodge will provide pizza. The lodge hall is located on SR 26, west of Trenton. The guest speaker. for "Victim Awareness Month"' will be Arlene Cameron. Victim Advocate for the Gilchrist County Sheriff's Office. The lodge hall is available for rent to members and non- members for get together, and for information call Karen F. Turner at 463-2308. Marilyn Surles Lodge Secretary Woodmen Rangers Lodge 841 To Meet March 18 The Woodmen of the World Rangers. Lodge 841", monthly meeting is set for Saturday, March 18 at 9:30 a.m. Woodmen Rangers, ages 8 to S15, are welcome to come and participate in the meeting and \we %\ill be skating afterwvards. For lodge information call , Karen F. Turner. Rangers Youth Leader at 463-2308. American Legion Hall Available Meetings Pari"es. Weddings & Receptions 352-463-1501 SQuilters I News .-Ann MA cDaniel is shown as she proudly displays one of the completed beginner class blocks called the Ohio Star. Hunt's Pest Control, Inc. GET RID OF: Cockroaches Waterbugs German Roaches Ants and other Household Pests NATURE COASTINSURANCE U: CA Member oJ'Perkins Financial Group The Insurance Store Home* Car Business Life Health" ' ~ Chiefland 352.493.2565 SWilliston -- 352.528.0443 Toll Free: 1-800-735-0686: Located at 12372 N.W. Highway--19 Next to Badcock Home Furnishing 1 in Chiefland :We've Moved! COME VISIT US AT OUR NEW LOCATION! N: LOC To Fanning Springs EW US-19N ATIONCR-34 Badcock Bett's/ CR-320 Wal-Mart Chiefland ABSOLUTE ONLY SIGN-UP NO LATE SIGN-UPS PERMITTED !!! S. V.L. BABE RUTH BASEBALL AGES : 13, 14, 15 WHERE : McARTHUR PARK DATE : SATURDAY 03/25/06 9:00 12:00 NOON COST : $ 60.00 EVERY PLAYER MUST PROVIDE NON- RETURNABLE COPY OF BIRTH CERTIFICATE SIGN-UP REMEMBER: AT YOUR SUPPORT OF S.V.L. SUPPORTS YOUR CHILD. TOGETHER, WE'LL MAKE ALL OF OUR CHILDREN BETTER. MITCH HARRELL BASEBALL 463-3874 Bell Family HealthCare S Quality Health Care, Convenient Location, Serving The Health Care Needs Of Our Community Bruce E. Thomas,' MD Board Certified/Family Practice * Complete Primary Care Well-Baby Exams Diagnostic X-rays Minor Trauma Case Management * Hearing and Vision Testing Mina Willis, PharmD/PA-C Family Practice Malcolm Hickox, PA-C Family Practice Jeffrey HansPetersen, MD Board Certified/Family Practice Physical Exams Vaccinesfor Children ADD & ADHD Evaluations Health Screening HIV Testing * Sliding Fee Office Visits and Pharmacy For Information: 352-463-1100 -~ww~ -- ___- 8851 NW 115th Street Chiefland, Florida 32626 352-493-1398 1-877-766-2707 Osborn G. Barker Owner insulated Roof-overs 'Vinyl & Aluminum Siding* Carports Screen Rooms* Decks Patio Roofs* S-C.:t. Fasei & GCuners HujTi.:3.ir, -'.ni Skirting Pool and -II r p_': Erndl.ure: SFree Estimates <.- 4 WE DO TERMITE INSPECTIONS Phone 493-1051 493-4772 tl'e send 'em packing' Services Provided: * Chronic Disease Managenent Immunizations Diagnostic Laboratory Minor Surgical Procedures Family Planning Employers Please Ask About Our Preferred Employers Program (PEP)! Most Insurances Accepted Equal Opportunity Provider TODD BRYANT BASEBALL 463-7590 Providing Non-Profit Healthcare 1830 North Main Street Bell, Florida 6' ~ 4.g'g Pharmacist Mina Willis, PharmD/PA-C .,~bG~&~~~s:9~~s~a NN~n~. 7.5wcs ~,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,~, Pagre Five . GILCIHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL THURSDAY.nA MARCF H 16.200 m IV '~a gexl I I ILLLflJL JL Vt/J X Ji v/ JLu JL-, I SVL To Distribute Art Contest In j Gilchrist Public Schools w... __ _.M-"-C' , Shown from left on the back row are Dr. Surrency, assistant superintendent; AMr. Buddy Vickers, . superintendent of schools; school board members Lois Fletcher, Gary Rexroat, Robert Clemons., Carol Htide-Buck; and Cloud Haley. On the front roi are Joey Ellinger, Rickey I Vhitely, school Board inember Ronnie Sniith;'SVL President Stere Buckles: and Scott Guthrie and Kelly SSkowienski. : '-Art Contest S By Anna Wild ' On Tuesday Match 7, 2006 representatives from the Suwan- Snee Valley League came out Sto the Gilchrist County' School Board meeting to ask permis- Ssion to distribute an Art Contest to the students in all Gilchrist County Schools. The art contest is to see who can create a mascot Sand logo for the Suwannee Val- ley League. *, The board had many positive :'comments about our SVL sports .,-programs and they. approved Steve Buckles'. SVL President. request to distribute the art con- test information to all the stu- dents within our school district. Drummorid Community Bank in Trenton has donated three $100, savings bonds to be presented to one winner from each of the three.age group drawings. One elementary school n inier one. middle school winner. and one high school \winner will be cho- sen from our combined entries froth Bell and Trenton schools. The one top winner will also receive' free registration to each sport that SVL sponsors for one year: this one winner \vill be chosen from the three top win- ners. All drawings need to have the student's name. grade, and teacher on the back and can be dropped in the designated box in' your child's school main office by April 7, 2006. Steve Buckles arid several SVL Board Members were also present to thank the School Board for their support of the sports programs and to formally thank them tor the use of school facilities. The SVL Board presented the Gilchrist County School Board- with a plaque in appreciation of all that the. school district has done to sup- port our children and athletics. Bell High School To Host LCCC Financial Aid Workshop March 22 Lake City Community College will be speaking to the Bell High School seniors on Wednesday. March 22nd at 9:00 a.m. about college financial aid:- The seminar will -le heldin the Iris Roberts Auditorium at Bell High School- -- This workshop is important for our seniors so they can understand the procedures involved with financial aid for college.' Parents ,are, invited and encouraged to attend. We ask parents to check in at the front office -when .you arrive. This seminar is for Bell High School seniors only. Call Brad .Surrenc at 352-463-3232 for any questions. ./:... TTPTO News i The TTPTO is having our general meeting on Tuesday, March 21. 2006 at 6.(00 p.m in the music room. All parents. teachers. grandparents. aand aunts and uncles are invited to, attend. We hope you enjoyed our candle sale. All money goes back into the school. The class in each grade that sells the most gets an ice cream part\. Nature Coast Middle School S* Individualized preparation for high school success. Saccg Accelerated achievement for advanced students. applications for the Academic tutoring & remediation. 2006-2007 school year! Technology & fine arts classes. Value-oriented, positive social atmosphere. Ur - A Big Thank You To The Community Bell's Purple Powerhouse Band Boosters, along with Bell High School's Drama Program would like to thank everyone who came out and supported our "Evening of the Arts," Dinner Theater, that' was held on, : Thursday, February 9, at the Bell Elementary Cafeteria. We had a tremendous turn- out from the community for our Second Annual Performing Arts Theater. This was a combined fundraising effort for support. of. both our Band and Drama Programs. Everyone enjoyed a delicious .homemade- Italian Dinner, while listening to the rnusical selections performed by our talented Band students. Vocals were sung, piano, solos played, instrumentals were performed, Comed\ Acts. and the Drama Class brought the evening to a close, \lith an entertaining. hugely successful, side-splitting group of skits The combined fund raiser was a success with omer 375 people in attendance. We would d like to e\ecnd our heartfelt thank's to all of our supporters and a special thank, you to Mr. Reed, assistant principal of Bell High. for lending his expertise in the sound and lihiting department: Lisa, Boui\ell. head chef .(Booster Treasurer ; Rhonda Spears for 'programs (Booster Secretary); Da\ id Aderholt (Booster vice president and his \%ife Penn', and son Alan, for helping \ ith eter\ thin: Gloria Cra', ford. Connie Jordan (Booster Chairpersons). and Elaine and Dermot LaGras.-e- Burke iBoo:ster Chairpersons i and parent liaison of both band and drama. We especially want to thank our 'behind-the-scenes' help".....our-, .mustached" waiters and ''waitresses, the cooks, servers, dishwashers, our designers and: decorators. and again, our very hard working Band Booster Officers, Booster parents, our combined Drama/ Band parents. and our Drama parents e- erione helped! SAnd,a BIG "Thank You" to all that attended, ,e hope you Detiei, dbbie N-.O r!"" '\ro.'i 't Debbie N.:.rton- \ront', c'z Shared Services Network Community Forumf The. Gilchrist County Shared Services Network 'will be sponsoring a community forum on Thursday, March 30, 2006 at 6:30 p.m.. The event will be held at the Trenton High School auditorium and will focus on the new world globalization and the changing economic trends.-that are impacting the United States The forum will fdcus around a, video presentation by Dr. Willard Daggett, education consultant from the International Center 'for Leadership in Education. Dr. Daggett's presentation will discuss "preparing students for the future" and ho%\ the impact of globalization and international competition is changing the world we live in. The presentation, though centered mostly on the future changes for students, will present important issues that will impact businesses, local government, and individuals in our community. Shared Services Network would like to invite the public and any and all business people. to this event. Refreshments will be pro\ ided by Crown Workforce..... ,.. Terry Andrews Administrative Secretar) SGilchrist County School Board Selected Lotions 20% OFF: (Over 80 Different Lotions) We Special Order Lotions Also! MARCH SPECIAL Stand-Up $30 Lay-Down $23 Lay-Down Renew $18 New Bed Coming This Week 463-6330 TAN ZONE PROM! PROM! PROM ITS ALMOST HERE! The Tan Zone Salon for All Your Prom Needs! Make-up $15 Pedicures $25 . Up-Do's $35 & up Reg. Full-Set or White Tips $ Acrylic Toe-Nails Full-Set $2 "Nail Art" Available MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY! TUX RENTALS 15% OFF @ Lisa's Fine Gifts Boutique fr Consignment 463-9448 (Next to Akins Parbecue in Bell) We Also Carry: Featuring: S Fubu, Tommy Hilfiger & Claiborne Tuxes DiHie Tradition Shirts & Hats Beaded Purses Maggie B. Diaper Bags Maggie B. Purses Watches Italian Charms C Bracelets Sterling Silver Jewelry Waffle Candles, Electric Burners, Soy Candles, etc. ...and of course, a Great Selection of-Clothes. Lisa Mathis Owner/Operator, call 352-463-9448 for information 9 L~nn2 74't~er~ier 8 0.y.T. o Certified Yoga Instructor a Call 463-6330 for Class Schedules All-Level Guided Classes Aerobics & Body Sculpting (Ginni Mercier & Angela Lopez) Kid's Aerobics (Angela Lopez) Core Strengthening for Bull & Bronc Riders (Emory Philman) Nature Coast Middle School is a new public school, sponsored by the Levy County School Distrct. Students from Gilchrist, Levy, & Dixie County may attend NC NMS will be located on C R-346, 2 miles north of ChiefT ?ia td'bitifNCK~ S is right for \our child! .^lM Sf :i ndSey Sani Clearing Site Prep, Inc- -Fill Dirt & Limerock ; Ssite Prep & Pad Building SLand Clearing SDriveways, *Licensed & Insured: 352-463-6125 or 352-535-5731 8' < ,-f V l ,. ,ou re In Cuc our a2d ArT Iv ersary is March 17, 2006 Call: Tawnya Becky Renee or Christine 463-8822 oR 463-6330 352-81-742 wwv.aatrcosonic 1,:a4o ' ~I I- --, ~-- -I~plllll_ I -r Garro qiy - i '(WT CHPTCT CC)T TNTV TOT TRN A . THURSDAY, MARCH t6,,20,06 mtiTTDOYhA'v 'NA'A~r'LT IV, ')1 (T I-rTu 11 I Pn Seve X vJ J' 'Y l- Bell FFA Alumni Having Fund Raiser The Bell FFA Alumni is selling Hybrid Daylilies and Agapanthus to raise funds in support of our local youth in the FFA. Through this sale our local chapter receives 50 percent, of every dollar you spend in the purchase of plants. Daylilies and Agapanthus are easy to care for and perform well in full sun to partial shade. This year the alumni has three different items for sale: Edges and Eyes Select Hybrids, which are un-named Metalloid .seedlings, have been specially' bred and selected to have an extremely high .percentage of eyes and edges. The parents of these hybrids are from the most cutting edge Cultivars, that produce these traits. Many have double edges and multi-layered eyes. The prices are less than 20, $5 each; 20-99, $4.50 each; and 100 or more, $4 each. Hybrid Daylilies, unnamed Tietaploid Seedlings, (which means not registered), are hybridized from the best and newest Cultivars. Many are better than Cultivars introduced just five years ago. Mixed in color, size, and form, they provide a splash of color at reasonable prices. Prices are . less than 20, $2.50 each; 20-99, $2.25 each; and 100 or more, $2 * each. Agapanthus (Lily of the Nile), are large size plants in five- gallon pots. Huge, eye level, globe shaped blooms range from light sky blue to deep purple. The plants are $15 each. The Alumni and FFA will be taking orders until April 4th. All orders must be pre-paid. If you are paying by check, make it payable to Bell FFA Alumni. You may place your order with any FFA member, Alumni member, or Mrs. Jones or Mr. Martin at the Bell Ag Shop. Plants may be picked up April 7th and 8th at the Bell Ag Shop. Linda Brown, SReporter Bell FFA Celebrates National FFA Week The Bell FFA Chapter has been very busy in the past few weeks. Our Livestock Judging Team placed 4th out of 38 teams at the state qualifying contest in Chipley Florida on February 24th. The top 8 teams go on to the state'competition. The team consists of Lindsey Martin, Bradley Rhodes, Ben Coppage, and Christina Nobs. The state competition will be on April 1st. ,National FFA Week just went by and we stayed busy all week, holding a different activity everyday. On Tuesday we held our annual teacher breakfast. where both the junior and senior officer teams as well as a few members served breakfast to the teachers from Bell Middle and High School. Also the officers wore their officer shirts. On Wednesday members wore their Official Dress and then after school we had our road clean up where the members and officers help clean up the roads that we adopted; we then enjoyed a pizza party. On Thursday morning the members that have their Greenhand or Discovery Degrees go to dye their hands either green for greenhand or blue for discovery degree. Also, members \ ore their FFA T-shirts and after school there was a scavenger hunt for any members that wanted to: attend. It was a funny sight to see this large group of FFA members running around Bell from business, to business. On Friday we ended FFA \week with a fun night that lasted from after school until 9: 00 p.m.. We played games, are pizza, and sang karaoke. The Bell FFA Chapter would like to thank our local businesses for participating in. our scavenger Shunt and \Nould like to send our Sa special thank you to the dump for letting us use their tools for, picking up trash. The Suwannee River Fair is coming up starting on Friday, March 9th and ending on Wednesday, March 15th. We will have a very large percentage of the Bell Junior and Senior FFA Chapter, participating in all events of the fair this \ear. We would like to wish all of the exhibitors good luck in their events. Our annual banquet will be held on April 27th at the Bell High School Cafeteria instead' of at the elementary school. We will, start eating at 6:00 p.m. and then after eating we will move to the auditorium to begin awarding the members for all their achievements they have earned throughout ,the year. Keep watching the paper for more updates on upcoming events. Sincerely, Bradley Rhodes-Bell Sr.FFA Reporter Bell And Trenton Bands Plan All County Band Performance For April 1 The band departments Sof Trenton and Bell have announced that' the All County Band performance will.be held S.at 12:00 p.m. on April 1st in the Iris Roberts Auditorium at Bell High School. Both band directors, Ms. Petersheim of Trenton and Mr. Eckstein of Bell are excited to have Dr. Lindsey Williams as the guest conductor.' Dr. Williams is a widely acclaimed' teacher and clinician who is sought throughout the country for his knowledge. The sophomores, juniors, and seniors of both bands will learn and perform several pieces under Dr. William's direction. The rehearsal schedules will begin on Thursday night, March 30th from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Rehearsals will continue on Friday, March 31st from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Due to the intense rehearsals on this day, all students are asked to bring their lunch or $5 for all you can eat pizza and drink. All rehearsals will be at Bell High School and bus transportation on Friday will be provided between Bell and Trenton high schools. For additional information or questions on this event you are requested to contact your band director. The band boosters of Bell and Trenton are sponsoring a brunch reception immediately follow ing the: performance. They invite the public to come enjoy the music, food and celebrate the accomplishments of these t\o great band programs. SLisa Boutwell S Bell Band Boosters Bell Band Boosters To Have Elections Next Month Calling all active members. The Bell. Band Boosters will, hold officer elections at our next meeting on April 6th at 7:00 p.m. in the band room. If. Woodham's Garage Complete A.utomotive Sen'ice ASE Certified Mechanics 15391 N.W.HHwy-19 Chiefland Halfway between Chiefland and Fanning Springs. 352-493-2904 Other Mlaor Credit CaLrd A A -" C Bell Elementary (352) 463-3275 Pictured from left are the Honorable Judge Plilman of Gilchrist County; Dr. James Surrency, Assistant Superintendent: Secretary -.nthoni, Schembri of the Department offuvenile Justice; Sheriff Turnier, Gilchrist County Sheriff's Office: and Buddit Vickers, Gilchrist County Schools Superintendent who attended the 3rd Annual Department of Juvenile Justice Circuit 4 &-8 Recognition Luncheon, Friday, March 10, 2006.. you have an interest in joining and participating : in your student's band life now is the time to come forward and be involved. : Nominations \ ill also be taken from the floor that evening. We will ,also be' discussing the rest of the end of \ear :events; such as the all county performance, spring concert, state competition, end of }ear banquet and the end oft ear trip for qualifying students. just to name a few. Join us on April 6th at 7:00 p.m. in the band room. Debbie Norton-Arono\mcz I Woodland (raft iqns (352) 463-7135 Spring Flag Football & Cheerleading -AA Sign-Up SCo-Ed Ages 4-18 SMeet the coach night March 27, 2006 6:30pm-8:00pm at 'is Spring Ridge First Church of God 5529 NE 52nd Place High Springs, FL, Church Office- (386) 454-3600 ~1>~> S''' I I. (Chi 'all for appointment ' Trenton Elementary (352) 463-3224 4dm 4 C Water Filtration Lic # CFC051621 WOLFE PLUMBING, INC. Complete Plumbing Serv ice Drain Cleaning & Repair 7 Days Service S352-463-2202: , How to own the First Habitat for Humanity home in the area & First Build Scheduled: Habitat for Humanitr of the Suwannee Valley is planning its first "build" on March 18, 2006. Volun- teers will be building a playhouse in Dixie County at the First tBaptist Church in Cross City. The playhouse will be raffled off to a lucky winner. All proceeds will go towards Habitat for Humanity's mission of build- ing homes for deserving families in the Tri-County. area. Tickets will be sold at the build for $5 each or three for $10. Call Gigi @ 463-7207 or Natasha @ 463-0724 for tickets. Also, we are about to start accepting applications for the FIRST Habitat for Humanity home in the Dixie, Gilchrist, Levy County areas! For an application ormore information, please contact someone on the family selection committee. Tamara 528-9835, Callie 528-9070, Jackie 528-3580, Marissa 528-4321, Trima 528-4256, or Susan (727) 259-8989. There will be several.upcoming meetings for orientation and training for prospective homeowners. This week's meetings will be held on March 17th at Saint Barnabas Episcopal Church @ 661 NW 1st. Ave in Williston from 6-8pm. March 18th @ the Holy Family Catholic Church @ 17353 N.W. 27A in Williston from 9-11am. Also, there will be a second meeting on March 18th @ the United Chris- tian Service Church in Cross City, across from the Courthouse from 1-3:30pm. DEVELOPMENTAL SCREENINGS For young children residing in Gilchrist County Voluntary Pre-K ldren who will be 4 by 09/01/06 no fee - documentation of income not required) Proof of Florida residency Birth Certificate required Pre-K School Readiness (3 & years olds with prioritygivento children who will be 4 by 09/01/06 sliding scale fee documentation of income required) ** Pre-K Special Needs ** (Children who will be at leasf 3 before or during the 2006-2007 school year no fee documentation of income not required) ** Please note that eligibility is not determined by income. ** Head Start (3 & 4 year olds with priority given to children who will be 4 by 09/01/06 no fee documentation of income required) April 3-4 at Bell Elementary April 5-7 at Trenton Elementary Note: Some programs provided are subject to funding and space availability. CK Contracting, Inc. Building Contractor Licensed & Insured Specializing in Spec & Custom Homes Serving the Tri-County Area Many home plans available: 3 or 4 Bedroom Ranging from 1,200 2,300 sq. ft. Personalized service for every home owner Give us a call, we 'll be happy to help you create a wonderful new home. 352-472-9888 Chad & Kellie White K 4::! I~ I I Page Seven GILCHRIS T.T COU NTY JOURNAL T TPT TP 4M AV 'NA AP CH 16 ?006 ,, ,, Parr en1iht SCitizens of Gilchrist County What is Noise Pollution? SThe word "noise" is derived from the Latin word "nausea, "meaning seasickness. , Noise is among the most pervasive pollutants today. Noise from... Boom Boxes Nuisance barking yard dogs Road traffic Garbage trucks Construction equipment Lawn mowers Leaf blowers ...to name a few, are among the audible litter that is routinely broadcastinto the air aNoise Pollution Effects Noise negatively affects human health and well-being. Problems related to noise include: Hearing loss , Stress High blood pressure . ,Sleep loss::: . ,*Distraction and loss of productivity A general reduction in the quality of life and opportunity for trahquility g. e ductio in the qua e .r -r . Is the Cause Hopeless? .... .. NO. Forty years ago, motorists regularly tossed garbage out their car window, people smoked in grocery ,stores, and billboards littered every interstate highway. Thanks to a generation of activists, all this has changed. . Forty years ago, most people laughed at the notion that second hand smoke was dangerous. Now it's an accepted fact, and virtually every state and locality has restrictions on smoking in public. You can take action. If No Noise Ordinance Is Enacted You could pursue these strategies to create a quieter community: Online petitions or direct lobbying Class action lawsuits or other court action Media appearances or writing newspaper articles Form a political action committee, called: "The Silent Majority" to endorse political candidates who support noise restrictions Or... Conclusion You can support your County Commissioners in writing a noise pollution ordinance that works and gets results. The County Commissioners have been wavering on making a decision to adopt a noise ordinance. You CAN help! Call your district County Commissioner and voice your opinions and voice your support. Here are your Gilchrist County Commissioners District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5 Sharon Langford Mitchell Gentry Randy Durden Tommy Langford Kenrick Thomas 352-472-2629 352-463-7080 386-935-3256 386-454-3022 352-463-6101 A. A ,* THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 2006 GILC.CHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL THURSDAY. MARCH 16. 2006 GILCHRIST COUNTY JOUT RNAL Remember Our Troops With Gilchrist County resi- dents who are parents, grandpar- ents and other relatives of per- sonnel presently serving in the military, there's a sense of pride, which cannot be explained. When some of those relatives share how they feel when they see a particular name mentioned in the newspaper and know that other people are reading the arti- cle and then praying for those in the uniformed services, it is ever so encouraging. So, keep the prayers going forth, for prayer is a powerful thing. Ask our Heavenly Father to show Him- 25-Year self strong in their lives, while keeping them safe and helping each one to stay focused on their job, particularly those who are in a combat zone. We all know that freedom is not free, so the least we at home can do is take the time to pray and name each one who is on the list. If you know someone who is active service and his or her name is not mentioned here, please contact the Gilchrist County Journal so their name can be added.. Clayton App, Kathy Ar- rington, Peter Belanger, Drew Cheatum, Wayne Cheatum, Robert Dean, Jimmy Fletcher, Jr., Chris Geiger (Iraq), Jon Guzman (Afghanistan), Gary Hilliard, Mark Hilliard, Steve Warranty Hilliard, Joe Hudson, Heather Langston, Rob Long, Katie Lovett, Jonathan Luchak, Gus Mauldin, Michael Mayo, Evan McQuistan, T.J. Miller, Mark Milton, Allen Murray, Stephen Reed, T.J. Rush, Matthew Rior- dan, Donna Clayton, Donny Slaton, James Slayton, Jeffrey Solis (Iraq), Justin Twigg (Iraq), Nathan Twigg, LaShonda White (Iraq), Wesley Wilson, Kyle Worthington, and Daniel Wood (Iraq). $1,000 Sweepstakes Announced By Gilchrist Building Supply It's, time for spring cleaning and Gilchrist Building Supply wants to help you! Not only do they have the supplies you will need, but they will provide one local winner, selected in a random drawing, with $1,000 in merchandise. The $1,000 Shopping Spree Sweepstakes began on March 1st and will end on May 27th. "One of the great things about the sweepstakes is that it creates plenty of excitement and allows our customers to look at the catalog and dream a little bit. The best part about it is that for one of our customers, the dream will become reality," says, Jeff Hayes, President of Gilchrist Building Supply. Full details about the $1,000 .sweepstakes are available at the store located at 1960 North U.S. Highway 129 in Bell. There is a limit of one entry per household. Gilchrist Building Supply, Inc., has been serving the community since 1979. The store offers a complete line of hardware and building supplies for everyone from the do-it- yourself homeowner to the professional builder. Lawn and Cheer Tumblemania Senior All Stars .recently competed at the American Cheer Power Gasparilla Open Championship placing first in their division and receiving a bid to the American Cheer Power National Championships! The competition was held at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg on February 25th. The team returned to Tropicana Field on the 26th to compete at the AAU Gasparilla Cheerleading Classic and placed second overall. Several team members competed in individual events as well, earning top finishes at both the American Cheer Power Gasparilla Open Championship and the AAU Gasparilla Classic. On Saturday, Amanda Pace placed first in the Youth Crowd Pleaser division; Lauren Black placed first in the Varsity Crowd Pleaser division; Megan Kelly placed first in the Junior Elite Best Cheerleader division; and Ashley McDaniel and Hannah Robertson placed- first in the Junior Crowd Pleaser Couples division. On Sunday, Jessica Manning placed first in the Senior Crowd Leader division., The team trains at. Tumblemania in High Springs under Chad Payne, Marci 'Schneider, and Dale Lillard. garden equipment sales and service along with a growing rental department are also available. Many services such as glass and key cutting and UPS shipping are provided. Don't .forget to, stop in' nd register for the $1,000 Shopping Spree Sweepstakes! -Cheer Tuimiblenniia All Stars, first place winners of the'American Cheer Power Gasparill. Open Championship. ' Enrollment For Nature Coast Middle Riverland Title Services, LLC SSchool Begins p 723 East Wade St. Trenton. FL 32693 The open enrollment period for Nature Coast Middle School Phone 1352) 463-6333 Fax (35) 463-6340 officiallN begins during the devonli'rts.c c \wwvw.rts.cc month of MNarch. 2006. . Nattire Coast Middle School, *Title Insurance a non-profit, public school Re Estate sponsored by the Levy Countyeal Eate Co School Board, will be located on "Place & Track orders on-line CR 346, just north of Chiefland.. The school will focus on quality academic preparation for high school, as well as opportunities for technology, arts, service, and leadership education. Approximately 80 students will be enrolled for the. 2006-2007 school year. Students in the tri-county community who will be attending grades 6, 7, or 8 for. the 2006-2007 school year are , invited to apply for enrollment. Contact Allison Hord at Suwannee Valley Educational Options. 493-1040. for more information, or visit the school Devon Weaver website at www.naturecoastmi Agent ddle.com. ' I: MEDIUM 1-TOPPING PIZZA, OVEN BAKED SUB,10 HOWIES DELUXE COMBINATION** STEAK, CHEESE & MUSHROOMS * I WINGS, LARGE CHEF SALAD, BAKED PASTA, 6 CHICKEN TENDERS I HAM & CHEESE* VEGGIE SUB* TURKEY MELT* II *CHICKEN PARMESAN SUB PIZZA SUB* MEATBALL SUB I :I PIRES 3'31 'Ob NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER OFFER I EXPIRES 3/31/06. NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER OFFER I ------------- --------------- ----- -- ----------- T I I i I I I ONE SPECIALTY PIZZA& ONE PIZZA WITH 2-TOPPINGS' C H OO SE O N E; I EIAAG AEMEDIUM 11. BAKED SPAGHETTI & HOWIE BREAD LUNCH COMBOS I 12. ANY SMALL SALAD & HOWIE BREAD FOR ONLY. I T L 113. WING SNACK & SPICY STIX S1 5. SMALL 1-TOPPING PIZZA - 98 $ 98 $6. ANY SMALLSUB I9 1 1 SERVED WITH A PEPSI PRODUCT 11- ,4 S EXPIRES 3/31/06. NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER OFFER EXPIRES 3/31/06. NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER OFFER ; PIZZA TOPPINGS Pepperoni Mushrooms Italian Sausage* Ham* Green Peppers* Onions Ground Beef Black Olives Pineapple Anchovies Jalepelios *Toppings Extra 414 W. WADE AVENUE LOCATED INSIDE THE TEXACO STATION (NEXT TO WATSON FUNERAL HOME) HOURS: CALL AHEAD: Cheer Tumblemania Seniors Take First Page Nine. BELLS & WHISTLES STORAGE Phone: 386-294-3867 Across from the Dollar General 1859 North Hwy 129 Bell, FL 10 x 10 UNITS, 10 x 20 units & 10x 20 climate controlled available Re-Roofing & Leaks Metal Roofing FREE ETIMATE r- 3S2 'N I 472494 Chinese Restaurant 463-1089 LUNCH BUFFET $4.75 with Iced Tea weekdays Lunch: Monday- Friday 11:30 am 2 pm Dinner# onnday -,Saturday S,pm -9 pm ------^-) I, rage ien U_,-.lllu I a.i ,-... . Gilchrist Rider Completes First Fifty Endurance , Ed Bisch of Bell, completed his first Endurance Fifty in the Ocala National Forest on February 17th. He rode his chestnut gelding, Rusty, obtained after drilling a well for the previous owner. Ed had a bit of bad luck in Ocala; riding the loops in wrong sequence gained him a Completion only, no points. However, since it takes about three years to condition a Top Ten horse, he has plenty of time to achieve-that goal. The Far Out Forest Ride is part of the competition for the American Endurance Ride Conference. Riders compete internationally usually on hundred milers. Olympic competition is the goal for many. Jean Wonser AARPNews The regular monthly meeting of the. AARP will be held on Tuesday, March 20, 2006 at 10:30 a.m. at the Trenton Community :Center. Our guest speaker will be: Frank Kenny, who will be speaking on the mission of the Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches. Their mission is to prevent juvenile. delinquency and develop lawful productive citizens through a broad range of family-centered services. The Youth Ranches have four residential care programs and two camping programs. Services offered are residential care, family counseling, community- based services, camping programs, and foster care. Following the meeting, we will have an Old Fashioned Country Dinner prepared as covered-dishes by some of the "Best Cooks in the South." Please try to be present and bring a friend. We'll miss you if you're not there. Norm Conti Publicity Lake Santa Fe Cleanup Set For March 25 An early heads up about the Lake Santa Fe Cleanup and Festival being held on Saturday. March 25. We hope many of you will want to join us out at the lake. It's a fun day. We meet at the Trout Street Ramp on Melrose. Bay around 8:30 a.m. to begin our da. 's work. You can choose to work by foot or by boat. Any kind of boat is useful -- power boats, canoes, kayaks, row boats. From the ramp \ e will, send you to your chosen Small buildings, boats, etc. 24 hr. towing service, 22ft. rollback bed. Carports also available. Reasonable Rates. 463-2900- 493-0345 JOE'S TOWING & ROLLBACK Credit Cards Accepted af a...L i i- v I ui h e'p/ art \hr Includes: gP Mgor Plus More Times change. Wholesome TV doesn't. Get the lowest all-digital price in America Every Day with DishFAMI LY! GET 40 CHANNELS 99 month NOT A PROMOTIONAL PRICE. Choose to add Local Channels for an additional $51month. Switch to DISH Network today and also get: FREE STARZ 3 MONTHS moviepack ............................................. FREE UPGRADE DISH DVR, RECEIVER RECORD UP TO 100 HOURS WITHOUT VIDEO PARENTAL CONTROLS STANDARD ON ALL RE Monthly $5.98 DISH Network Service Fee applies for the DISH DVR. TAPE. ECEIVERS. .................................................. FREE STANDARD PROFESSIONAL mREE INSTALLATION UP TO 4 ROOMS WITH NO EQUIPMENT TO BUY Crystal Clear Communications South Main High Springs, Florida 386-454-3605 386-497-DISH(3474) 1-800-741-3605 "Local channels available In over 160 television markets and 95% of TV households. Star offer requires partlclpatlon In Digital Home Advantage. After 3-month period, customer must call to downgrade or then-current price for movie package will apply. Digital Home Advantage: Pay $49.99 Activation Fee. Requires Social Security Number, valid majorcredit card, credit approval and quallylng programming purchase. Equipment must be returned toDISH Network upon termination fqualifying service. Um4t uners pr account. Monthly package price Includes an equipment rental fee of $5.00or$6.00 forfiratracelver, based on selected modeL In additional monthly equipmentrentalfee ofl$5.Oor$6.0twilbe chargedforech receiverbbeycndthefist, based on eleted model. A$6.001mo. addiionaloutlet pro nlrmming access lee applies for each dual-tunrr receiver; ee will be waived monthly for each such receiver coninuously connected to Cutomar's phone line. Lease upgrade fee may apply orselect model receivers, andmay apply fora second tVR receiver (based on model). Offer ends 4/30/06 and is available in the contlhental United States for new, first-time DISH Network residential customers. All prices, packages and programming subject to change without notice. Local arid state saes taxes may apply Where applicable, equipment retail lees and programming are taxed sepa- ratly. All DISH Network programming, and any other services that ate provided,are subject to the terms and conditions of the promotional agreement and Residential CustomeraAgreement, available at www.dishnetworlcom or upon request. Local Channelspackaoge by satellite are onlyavallabi to customers who reside i the specitied local Designated Market Area (DMA). Local channels may requie an additional dish antenna or a SuperDISH antenna from DISH Network, Installed lree of any charges with subscription to local channels at time of initial installation. Social Security Numbe are used to obtain credit scores and wil not be released to third parties except for verflcation and collection purposes only or if required by governmental authorilles. All service mark's and trademarks belong to their respective owners. % or assigned site. ,Work'stops around 11:00 a.m. Then head up, the hill to the Melrose Bay Park for the festival. You will find all kinds of exhibits, a demo beach, food, and music. If you can't come to the cleanup, come to the festival anyway. Let me know if you or your group would like to volunteer to help at Lake Santa Fe. And by the way, volunteers get T-shirts compliments of Keep Alachua County Beautiful, since this event is the Melrose contribution to the Great American Cleanup. Please come! Fritzi Comprehensive Roadside Safety Checkpoint To Be Held March 17 The Florida Highway Patrol will be holding a Comprehensive Roadside Safety (DUI) Checkpoint on Friday, March 17, 2006 in Gilchrist County. The purpose of this checkpoint is to provide a visible deterrent as well as an enforcement tool for detecting those drivers operating their vehicles in an impaired condition. This checkpoint will be conducted on State Road 26, East of State Road 55. This Special Operation \ill be a joint enforcement effort of the Florida. Highway Patrol, the Gilchnst County Sheriff's Office and the Florida Department of Transportation. Division of NMotor Carrier Compliance. Officers will be looking for not only impaired drivers but any other violations found as drivers proceed through the checkpoint. The Checkpoint will be operated from 10:00 p.m. until 2:00 a.m. Saturday, March 18, 2006. Levy County Health Department Offers Diabetes Self Management Classes Diabetes Self Management Classes A Welcome Resource For People With Diabetes The Levy County Health Department is hosting a series of self-managernent courses ,for pp.ple,,., ith ,daIpbtes,i This class %%ill teach necessary skills needed to take charge of your diabetes and effectively man- age disease outcomes to prevent complications. The class will be held every Friday in April at the Levy County Extension Office on 27 ALT in Bronson from 1: 00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. This class is interactive and "hands on." Sev-; eral screenings will be provided at the start of class, that include nutrition and physical activity profiles, body mass index, and others. There is no charge for the class and materials will be provided. For more information or to register, please contact the Disease Prevention program at (352) 493-6774 ext 6. The free five-week course for people with diabetes will cover these topics: Diabetes Manage- ment Skills; Learn how to iden- tify and present complications; Meal planning and preparation (we will be preparing delicious foods); Make sense 'of your medications; Coping with stress and more. Reclaim Your, Freedom: Stop Smoking For Good! Reclaim your freedom, stop smoking for good! You can do it We can help. Smoking Cessation Classes will be held beginning April 3rd and every Monday thereafter for seven weeks from 5:30 Most Insurance Accepted - Major Medical Medicare/Medicaid SMost HMO's & PPO's Personal Injury/Auto Accidents SWorkers' Compensation 493-1540 2220 N. Young Blvd., Chiefland (Across from Wal-Mart Super Center) p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The classes will be held at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church hall on Highway 27 Alt. There is a cost of $15, but you will get your money back if you quit by May 22nd. There are free nicotine patches available for registered participants. To register call 352-493-6774, ext. 6 or 352-486-5300. Gator Storage Trailor Rentals 352-372-6206 U U Bell 463-2504 mannee Valley Precast, Owner Gerald Roberts Fax: 463-0390 Chiefland 493-4055 New Septic Tanks Installed* Drain Fields Repaired Septic Pump-Outs Septic Tanks Certified Portable Toilets Backhoe Workl Fill Dirt . : State Certified FENCING ALL TYPES 4-Board 60' Round Horse Training Pen [ Including Labor, Material and One Gate SField Fence $2.49/ft. (oo'Mhi.) Completely Installed, Including Labor & Material Wood Chainlink Field & Barbwire Also Repairs & Free Estimates k* I (352) 284-7081 (352) 949-0320 Local, C ..ned Carlisle Fence Licensed & Iniured Enterprises, LLC Bell, Florida TRI-COUNTY l CHIROPRACTIC "Care for the Entire Family" Dr. Bennitt Patterson OFFICE HOURS Monday / Wednesday / Friday 9 a.m. Noon & 2 p.m. 6 p.m. Tuesday 8 am -12:30 pm Sa.m.- Noon & 2 p.m. -5 p.m. ~ Walk-Ins Welcome ~ 341 Chiefland Regional ri-County Shopping Center Chiropractic US 19 I I F1 Wal-Mart N -- Super Center Ed Bisch * Available on Location: X-Rays, Physical Therapy & Licensed Massage Therapist (MM0007612) Better TV for all. I I THURSDAY, MARCH 16i 2006 C-rH.CT4RT 'RT COT TNTY JOURNALAT _ -_ -'_ - I SA MA H1.20(m T a~5I. V.I J A"Ul'tJ U. S-JLttrVgiI Mrs. Adeline Graves Beach Mrs. Adeline Graves Beach of Trenton died Tuesday, March 14, 2006 as the result of an auto- mobile accident. She was 77. Visitation will be. held on Thursday, March 16, 2006 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Watson Funeral Home in Trenton. A funeral service will be held Friday morning, March 17, 2006 at 11:00 a.m. at Trenton Church,of Christ. Arrangements are under the care of WATSON FUNERAL: HOME, Trenton. Mr. Samuel Percery Booth :Mr. Samuel Percery Booth of Otter Creek died Thursday, March 9, 2006 in Otter Creek. He was 84. .Mr. Booth was a retired fish- 'erman and served as pastor of The Church of Jesus' Christ in Otter Creek. He was born in Gainesville. and was a lifetime resident bf the area. He served in the United States Army and was a member of The Church of Jesus Christ in Otter Creek. He is survived by his wife, Lois Ellame Booth of Otter Creek; a daughter. Cathrine D. Colvard of Robinsville. North Carolina; two sons, Roy McRay of Alaska and Samuel Joseph Booth of Otter Creek; a sister, Doris Sheffield of Cedar Key:granddaughter/careg i\er, Lois Ellamae N)gard of Chief- land; ..nined grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild. SA funeral service was held Sunday, March 12. 2006 at The Church of Jesus Christ in Otter Creek. Interment followed at the Cedar Key Cemetery. Arrangements were under the care of HIERS-BAXLEY FUNERAL SERVICES, Chiefland. * Mr. William Harry Couey Mr. William Harry Couey of Chiefland died Thursday, Marcl 9, 2006 in Chiefland. He was 71. Mr. Couey was born in Chief- land and was a lifelong resident of the area. He was a longtime employee of Brookins Tractor and Southern Ag arid Turf and, a member of Pine Grove Baptist Church in Trenton. He enjoyed hunting and fish-' ing. Mr. Couey is sur( iked byhis' wife, Sandra Couey of Chief- land; a .son, William Hamr Couey, Jr. of Chiefland; a grand- son; and a step-granddaughter. Arrangements were under the care of KNAUFF FUNERAL HOME, Chiefland.- Mr. Edward E. Dunn, Jr. Mr. Edward- E: Dunn, Jr. of Trenton died Wednesday. March 8,2006 at North Florida Region- al MedicalCenter in Gainesville. He was 61. Mr. Dunn was, born in McVeigh, Kentucky and came to this area from Fort Pierce. 30 years ago. He was ,a permit inspector for the Department of Transportation, served in the United States Army and was member of Faith Baptist Church in Old Town. 1He was preceded in death by his parents, Edward Floyd and Leona Phillips Dunn; and a brother, Harold B. Dunn. Mr. Dunn is survived by his wife, NMlary Simpson Dunn of Trenton; a daughter, Tracy Wil- liams of Trenton; a son, Troy "NEED A FENCE OF ANY KIND CALL DANNY ANYTIME." Barb Wire Fiven Wire , Chain Link Board Danny Hodge (352) 463-1832 -- Mobile (352) 493-5345 4110 S.W. 25th Street -- Bell, Florida GASTON'S TREE SERVICE, INC. SFULLSERVICE AERIAL BUCKETS HYDRAULIC LOADERS CRANE SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED 352-378-5801. We accept all major credit cards 1901 N.W. 67th Place. Suite E Gainesville, Florida 32653 www.gastonstreeservice.com Pole Barns Crane Service 'Truss Setting 18-in Auger (352) 543-6643 P. O. Box 218 Otter Creek, Florida 32683 Lic. No. RB0031694 fun 4 Kids! Pre-school/After school Learning Center / Ages 2-12 / NAEYC Accredited Pre-K / Highscope Curriculum / School Readiness Program / CPR/First Aid Certified / Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten / USDA Food Program / CbA Certified Teachers- 352-463-7614 2739 S.W. 19th Circle, Trenton Robert P. Marsh Owners/Directors- Dawn.F. Marsh Lic#C03GIO007 Obitaric Dunn of Virginia Beach, Vir- ginia; and nine grandchildren. A graveside service was held Saturday, March 11, 2006 at Old Town Cemetery with Brother Bobby Bryan conducting the service. Arrangements were under the care of WATSON FUNERAL HOME, Trenton. Mrs. Sylvia Jean Jerrells Mrs. Sylvia Jean Jerrells of Cross City died Tuesday, March 7, 2006 at her home. She was 48. Mrs. Jerrells moved to this area in 1980 from Middleburg. She is.survived b% her hus- band, Gary Daniel Jerrells of Cross City; children. Jamie Cun- ningham and John Cunningham. Jr.,.both of Cross Citl and Kim Sherrod of Lake Wales, parents, Roy and Lois Sikes of Leesburg; brothers. Bruce Sikes of Cross City, Roy Sikes. Jr. of Fanning Springs. and Stee Sikes of Trenotn; sisters, Teresa Lang-, ford of Pineview. Georgia and iMiss Butler of Cross City; and six grandchildren. A funeral service was held Saturday, March 11, 2006 at the Rick Gooding Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Jim .Hurst conducting the service.-: Inter- ment followed at Pleasant Grove Cemetery. Arrangements were under the care of RICK GOODING FU- NERAL HOME, Cross City.- AMrs. Marlene M. Miller Mrs. Marlene NM. Miller of Bell died Tuesday, March 14, 2006 in Bell. She was 88. Mrs. Miller was born in Bell and was a lifelong resident. She was a beautician and a member of the Trenton Garden Club and Woman's Club. She was a member of Burlington Santa Fe Church of Christ. She lo\ed but- terflies, painting, crocheting and gardening. She \\as preceded in death by her husband, J.W. Miller and a grandson, Kevin Watson., Mrs: Miller is' survived by .a on, Joseph iillerot 'Bell; t\o ' daughters, Sharon Crews of Bell and Cheryl Watson of Trenton;' a sister, Ann Moran of Parrish; seven grandchildren; and .12 great-grandchildren: SArrangements were under the care of KNAUFF FUNERAL HOME, Chiefland. Well Child & Newborn Care: School & Sports Physicals Chronic & Acute Care Communicable Disease Maternity Care By UF Dept. OB/GYN We Have Color Copies Call The Journal 463-7135 Advertise Your Yard Sale In The Gilchrist County Journal At 463-7135 S o 2 a Day Mrs. Laura E. Rogers Mrs. Laura E. Rogers of Trenton died Thursday, March 9, 2006 at Ayers Health and Re- habilitation Center in Trenton. She was 84. Mrs. Rogers was born in Suwannee County and was a lifelong resident of Gilchrist County. She was a sewing manager and a member of Trenton Church of Christ. She. is survived by sons, Lionel Rogers of' Sanford, Billy Rogers of Dow ling Park and: Dale Rogers of Atlanta, Georgia; a sister, Milbra Mil- lican of Live Oak: a brother, John Early Hardee of Bronson, seven grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren. A funeral service was held Sunday. March 12. 2006 at Trneton Church of Christ \with Mr. Kent Heaton and Mr. Danny Roberts conducting the serve ice. Interment followed at Pine Grote Baptist Church Cemetery. Arrangements w ere under the care of WATSON FUNERAL HOME, Trenton. Mr. Maurice Leon Spears Mr. Maurice Leon Spears of Old: Town died Sunday. March '12,'2006 at his home. He \~as S73. Mr. Spears was born in Tampa and was a resident of Old Tow\ n for 20 years. He \was a retired machinist. He is survived by his \wife, Martha Sue Spears of Old Tow n; sons. Reggi and Laura Spears of Bell. Wayne and Sherr) Spears of Trenton, and Chuck and The- resa Spears of Old Tow n: grand- children. Wadle Spears. Reggie Spears. and Linda Spears. all of Bell. Ginn) Long and Samantha Hansen. both of Alachua. and April Long of Trenton; great- grandchildren. Hagan Spears. Amiah Long. and Silas'Griflin; and a brother. Edwards Spears of Bell. A funeral service will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Friday. March S17, 2006 at Hiers-Baxley Fu- Sneral Ser ices in Chiefland. Contributions may be made rt* * the American Cancer Society of Haven Hospice of the Tri-Coun- ties. Arrangements were under the care of HIERS-BAXLEY FUNERAL SERVICES, Chief- land. (Continued to Page Twelve) S Drive a Uttle Teln S Ooso More.. i mWR 01flown All Reads Lead to \ 8rom White Ford . In ChleflandI Ottcake Witsion Gulf G Hammoctk * CMaiU V MERCURY 916 N Young Bivd Chiefiand 352-493-4297 e online24Hrs Sa Da COMPLETE AUTO REPAIRS FOREIGN DOMESTIC EXHAUSTS BRAKES ELECTRIC TUNE-UPS ENGINES COMPUTER ALIGNMENTS AIR CONDITIONING PASSENGER CAR & LIGHT TRUCK TIRES Open Mon. FriL Located 30 Miles West of 710 East High%"a) 26 Gainesville, inTrenton (352) 463-0079 :' YOUR FIRE ANT PROBLEMS CAN'T BE SOLVED WITH TEMPORARY FIXES. .. Springtime is right A around the corner. Call* Acoice us today to schedule your Pest C ontoloe.noo.. TopChoice application. Pet CORi. - 352-463 469 F.n iSin e. 5 .... . Family Planning School Health Services TB Testing Laboratory Procedures Healthy Start Services WIC Services (Baby Formula & Food Coupons) HIV Anonymous & Confidential Testing Attention Deficit Disorder Evaluation & Treatment NO APPOINTMENTS NEEDED FOR: FREE PREGNANCY TESTS FREE BLOOD PRESSURE SCREEN CHILD & ADULT IMMUNIZATIONS We accept Blue Cross/Blue Shield, AvMed, PPC Care Manager, State Employees Group PPC, Health Options, Champus, CMS, Medicaid, Medipass, Medicare, and most other major insurances. 119 N.E. 1st Street, Trenton, Florida 32693 463-3120 Office Hours Monday Friday 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. B&J AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR 0 A na Heain FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH GILCHRIST COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT See WHITE - SAVE MORE GREEN! I I ---I - THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 2006 CYT rC14 T.CT COT TNTY TOT TR N A 1, PIqrr Ol T71.7P.V IIRPRh AUrDCA= QV mm Callfor FREE Estimates cell 352-318-3610 home 386-935-2180 From trimming to complete removal and haul-off. Light land clearing, clearing of right-of-ways, and debris haul-offs. Bobcat service available. Cm rPR TST CT TNrTY JOURNAL. Page lT elve -L L .. . S(Continued From Page Eleven) Mrs. Bertie SMae Valentine Mrs. Bertie Mae Valentine of Cross City died Thursday, March 9, 2006 at North Florida 'Regional Medical Center in 'Gainesville. She was 99. '; Mrs. Valentine was a life- long resident of Dixie County ,and the last charter member .of Lydia Baptist Church which was founded in 1932. She served as church clerk at Lydia :from 1932 until 1970 and also . served as song director for ,(many years. She is survived by sons,. ''Buster Valentine (Betty) and 'Benny Valentine (Edith) both "obf Cross City; daughters, Inez ,Swafford, Winnie Hicks and ,,Audrey Bush (Kenneth), all of ,:Cross City, and Joyce Powell ',!(Jerry) of Vidalia, Georgia; 16 *grandchildren; 27 great-grand- ''children; and five great-great- -grandchildren. A funeral service was .held ,.:Sunday, March 12, 2006 at the 'Lydia Baptist Church in Cross "'City with Rev. Wayne Allen ''conducting the service. Inter- .ment followed at Cross City .Cemetery. Arrangements were under the care of RICK GOODING FU- 'NERAL HOME, Cross City. Mr. Judson Wayne Walker Mr. Judson Wayne Walker of ,.Old Town died Saturday, March 11, 2006 as the result of an auto accident. He was 17. SMr. Walker was a lifelong 'resident of Dixie County. He played football for one year and was a member of the Beta Club for one year at Dixie County .-.High School. '. He was preceded in death -by his mother, Debbie Johns Walker. Mr. Walker is sur' ved by his father. Wayne Walker of Old Town; sisters Tamnmy (Shane) '_.Martin and Tanya (Allen) SShadd, both of MacClenny; his. 'maternal grandparents, Kelton and Eilene Johns of Chiefland; ,paternal grandparents, Jim arnd SJuanita Millican of Old Town; .-a nephew, Wesley Crawford -of MacClenny; nieces, Alyssa "' Crawford, Kara Dupree, Cassie 'Martin, Julie Ann Martin, and Blair Shadd,-all of MacClenny; Sand many other family mem- i~ bers and friends. A funeral service 'will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 16, 2006, at the Rick Gooding Funeral Home Chapel in Cross City with Rev. Jake SCravey conducting the service. Interment followed at Joppa SCemetery in Fanning Springs. In lieu of flowers, the fam- ily requests that donations be .made to the Dixie Education Foundation for The Class of S2007, Judson Wayne Walker Scholarship. , Arrangements are under the care of RICK GOODING FU- NERAL HOME, Cross City. A Card Of Thanks The family of Nathan D. "Boe" Kidd would like to thank everyone for their many kind expressions of love and' sympathy. The phone calls, cards, food, flowers and sweet thoughts and prayers meant so much to us. A special thanks. to Ted and Marjorie Henley and Hadley and Jackie Rome for their friendship, help, and many acts of kindness. Lessie Kidd, Debbie and Jackie Barron and family, and Michelle and Pete Bottoms, and family A Card Of Thanks We want to express our gratitude for all the cards; phone calls, and prayers that were given in the most difficult time , of the loss of our beloved son and brother, Joshua Felmey. We never understood' like we do now how much it helps to be surrounded with friends and family that offer their love and support in times like this. .We will miss him greatly but knowing we will see him again is most comforting. Thank you. TheFelmey family Gilchrist County, Land Transactions Marlene Corbett to Linda W. Evans, warranty deed, $39,000. Lot 91, Emerald Farms, Unit 1. Loncala, Incorporated to Florida Power Corporation, DBA.Progress Energ Florida, Inc., $206,400. Suzanne Marie Hook to Danny Wayne Ray mond, special warranty deed. $0. Travis Sapp and Heather Sapp to Patricia G. Wright as trustee of the Turner Trust Agreement, quit claim deed, $25,000. Elizabeth Mims to Ginny Bass, quit claim deed, $10. Gina Saunders, co-trustee, Scarlett Merckel. co-trustee, Misty R. Welch, co-trustee of Jeanettte T. Cain Trust to Willie :J. and Eva M. Wright, trustees 'deed, $0. Lot 7, Cain Mill- woods, 2nd addition. Willie J. Wright.and Eva M. Wright to Deborah C. Roberts, warranty deed, $76,000. Lot 7, CainMillwoods, 2nd addition. Woodrow P. Jr. and Jose- phine A. Lynch, warranty deed, $30,000. 6879 JWR LLC to James R. and Ramona J. McCracken, war- ranty deed. $174,000. Lot 18 of Foothill Farms, Unit 1. Susan Waydine Holloway to Jerry W\ilks. Jr., arrants deed, $1,882. Lot 18, Block D. An- drews Coleman Subdivision. Muriel Levy to Jerry L. and Bonnie T. McMillion, warranty deed, $39,000. Rhonda L. Jordan to Beverly Calkin,.warranty deed, $45,000. Lot 4, Kushmer addition. Larry T. and Betty M. Smith to SJeremy Lee Stephens, warranty deed, $10. Thetis Ellen Martin to Thetis Ellen Martin and Michael Lee Martin, quit claim deed, Lot 19, I I- High Springs Heights. Richard D. and Darlene Knight to Carl G. and Kathlee Joy Crider, warranty deed, $140,000. Nace Hopple Jr. to Clarice M. Koisa, warranty deed, $17,100. Lot 11, Suwannee Oaks, Unit 2. Peter Bakowski to Malcolm Menninger, general warranty deed, $20,000. Lot 7, Block 2, Suwannee River Estates. David E. and Judy J. VanBre- man to Angelo and Ruth Ann Parente, warranty deed, $10. Barbara Jara to Michael White, Jr. anmt Stewart Fuquay, warranty deed, $18,000. Lot 1 . & 2 and east 34 feet of Lot 3, Block 9, Unit 2, Sun 'N Fun Subdivision. Barry Boyce to Paul and Sandra Ross, warranty deed, $35,900. Lot 9,'Block B, Su- wannee River Highlands, 2nd addition. SNorvel T. and Sandra E. Reed to Thomas C. and Jennifer'S. Edwards, statutory warranty deed, $10. Lot 6. Marvalee Philman to Thomas F. and Karen J. Philman, war- ranty deed, $0. Floris S. Norris to Gary W. Johnson, quit claim deed, $10. Lots 149 & 150, Unit 1,:Wac- casassa Campsites. Geminiano S. andEugenia T. Ortega to Wayne Thorp, LLC,. warrant, deed, $50.000. Lot 13 of Oak Leaf Subdivision. Peter Bakow ski to Don Man- gone. general warrant' deed, $9,500. Lot 11, Lumber Camp Springs. Robert Edward and Linda G. Krathahl to Daniel J. and Cher- okee D. Reiriman, Jr., general warranty deed. $140,000. Suwannee Preserve LLC to Raymond J. and Peggy Rotella, warranty deed, $87,750. Riv- erbend Cottages of Suwannee Preserve. Sean Pinna and Tina Pinna Flowers to William Pinna and JoAnn Pinna. quit claim deed, $10. From The Desk Of SGilchrist County Sheriff David P. Turner Weekly Sheriff's Report For ,,. Week Ending SMarch 12. 2006 On March 6, 2006, Kalonnie L; Jackson, date of birth, 4/10/87, .was arrested on the charge of Aggravated Battery on a Pregnant Person. On March 6, 2006, Casey S. .Roberts, date of birth, 4/9/82, was arrested on the charge of Failure to Appear/No Drivers License. On March 7, 2006, Robert A. Loveda\. date of birth, 10/3/84, was arrested on the charge of Possession of Less than 20 Grams Cannabis. On March 7, 2006, Dennis M. Schultz, date of birth, 4/30/59, was arrested on the charge of Violation of Probation/ Driving While License Suspended or Revoked. On March 7, 2006, .Mary Lou Wright, date of birth, 8/13/52, was arrested on the charge of Battery/Domestic Violence. On March 7, 2006, Michael D. Lake, :date of birth, 11/4/53, was arrested on the charge of Violation of Probation/ Driving Under the Influence. On March 7, 2006, Michael S. Hutchins, date of birth, 9/15/80. was arrested on charges of Aggravated Felony & Eluding, Felony Criminal Mischief, Driving While License Suspended or Revoked and Driving Under the Influence. On March 7, 2006, Kevin L. Ritchey, date of birth, 7/30/69, was arrested on the charge. of Violation of Probation. On March 7, 2006, Robert J. Sullivan, 2/15/74, was arrested- on the charge of Violation of Probation/Battery. On March 8,. 2006, Frank D. Bernates, date of birth, 10/22/56, was arrested on. the charge of Trespass, Resist Officer without Violence. On March 8,-2006, Antwan M.. Maye, date of birth, 10/21/82, was arrested on charges of Driving, While License Suspended or Revoked, Possession of Less than 20 Grams and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. On March 8, 2006, Matthew T. Hanna, date of birth, 8/15/71, was arrested on the charge of Aggravated Battery on a Pregnant Victim. On March 10, 2006, Joshua R. Sipe, date of birth, 3/30/83, was arrested on an Alachua County Warrant with the charge of Burglary. On March. 10, 2006, Ronny G. Pinner, date of birth, 2/8/55,. was arrested on the charge of Driving Under the Influence. Quality Health Care for the Entire Family 352-463-2374 THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 2006 On March 10, 2006, Mark H. Rathbun, date of birth,t 4/10/56, was arrested on the charge of Battery/Domestic Violence. On March 11, 2006, Amanda Andrews, date of birth, 7/10/83, was arrested on the charge of Battery/Domestic Violence. On March 11, 2006, Fredrick D. Andrews, date of birth, 1/31/62, was arrested on the charge of Battery/Domestic Violence. On March 11, 2006, Johnathan 1B. Wilkinson, date of birth, 1/25/76, was arrested on the charge of Violatin of Probation/ Possession of a Controlled Substance. On March 11, 2006,. Alan A. Webb, date of birth, r- TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY INFORMATION This form answers some common questions taxpayers have concerning Tangible Personal Property. In addition, it provides information that will help you file an accurate and timely tax return. Questions Most Frequently Asked About Tangible Personal Property Q. What is Tangible Personal Property? A. Tangible Personal Property is eierNthing otherthan real estate that has valuee bN itself It would include things such Las furriure fixtures tools. machine. household appliances. signs, equipment. leasehold improvemenLs. supplies. leased equipment and an) other equipment used in a business or to earn income. Q. Who must file? A. Anyone in possession of assets on Januar) I ho has either a proprietorship partnership, corporation or is a self-employed i agent or.contractor, must file each year. Property owners who lease, lend or rent property must also file. Q. Why must I file a return? A. Florida Statutes 193.052 requires that all tangible personal property -be reported each year to the Property Appraiser's office. If ypu'receive a return, it's because, our office has determined that Nou mah ha3e property to report if'ioiu feel the form is not applicable return it ithh an e\planation EIher ,aN, the form MUST be returned Failure rt receive a Personal Properr Ta\ Return IDR-4105i doe; nor reliee \,:.u of your obligat,,n to file Q. How can I,obtain this form? A, At the beginning of the year a return is mailed to Tangible Personal Property owners. If you do not get one, contact the Property Appraiser's Office. Q. What if I have no assets to report? Do I still have to file a return? A. Yes, if you feel you do not have anything to report, fill out items 1 through 9 on the return, and attach an explanation of why nothing was reported. However, almost all businesses and rental units have some assets to report even if it is only supplies, ,;; ,,, a. rented equipment or household goods. ,. I, vI: Q. Ifl am no longer in business, should I still file the return? .' ;- A. Yes, ifyou were not in business on laiuarn I of the iaxing year, follow this procedure: 1) On your return, indicate the date you went out of business and the manner in which you disposed of your business assets. Remember if you still have the assets, you must file on them. 2) Sign and date the return. 3) Have your signature notarized. 4) Mail the return back to this office. Q. What is an office or field review assessment? A. When a tax return is not filed by April 1 we are required to Place an assessment on the property. This assessment represents an estimate basedon the value of business with similar equipment and assets. Being assessed does not allelicat \our respuonibliitto t'file an accurate return Q. \\ hat if I don't agree w%%h the assessed value that appears on the notice of proposed proper laxes that I receive in August of each year? A. Call this office or come in and discuss the matter with us. If you have evidence that the appraised value is more than the actual fair market value of your property, we will welcome the opportunity to review all the pertinent facts. Q. What if I buy or sell an existing business during the year - Who is responsible for the taxes? A. The new owner is responsible, however if there is insuffi- cient property to satisfy the taxes due, the owner on January 1 would be responsible for the difference. Most title companies do not do a search of the tangible assets of a business. You should.therefore consult your realtor, attorney or closing agent K to avoid problems in this area. HELPFUL HINTS AND SUGGESTIONS * File the original return with this office (with name and account number preprinted). as soon as possible before April I Be sure to sign and date our return. ' Work ulth .our accountant or C P.A. to identify any equipment that may hate been "Ph)sicall) Remo'ed". List those items in the appropriate space on your return. SIf ou ha\e an asset listing or depreciation schedule that identifies each piece of equipment, attach it to your complete return. * Do not use vague terms such as "various" or "same as last year". * It is to your advantage to provide a breakdown of assets since depreciation on each item may vary. * Please include jiour estimate of fairmnarket value and the original coot of the item on your return. They are important considerations in determining ar accurate asiessmenr. , '* Additonal information regarding filing is pro% ided in the instructional sei.ion ofthe return itself. , * If ou sell our business. go out of business, or move to a nc w location. please inform this office. It will enable us to keep timely. accurate records. To inquire for more information about Tangible Personal Property please contact: Damon C. Leggett Gilchrist County Property Appraiser 112 South Main Street, Room 138 ; '.::; Trenton. Florida '32693 -' '. (352) 463-3190 1-800-219-3208' Q. What if I receive more than one tax return? A. All returns must be sent back. If you ha'e more than one location, the assets of each should be listed separately on each return. Q. What if I have old equipment that has been fully depreciated and written off the books? SA. Whether fully depreciated in your accounting records or not, all property still in use or in your possession should be reported. Q. Do I have to report assets that I lease, loan; rent, borrow or are provided in the rent? A. Yes, there is an area on.the return specifically for those assets. Even though the assets are assessed to the owner, they must be listed for. informational purposes: Q. Is there a minimum value that I do not have to report? A. No, there is no minimum value. A tangible tax return must be filed on all assets by April 1. SQ. If I rent my furnished home or condo for a few months, do I have to file a tangible personal property tax return? A. Yes, since rental activity is of an income producing nature, you must file a return which lists your personal property. Items that should be listed include: Draperies, furniture, appliances and any other personal property included in the rental unit. Q. Are there deadlines and penalties? A. The deadline for filing a timely return is April 1. After April 1, Florida Statutes provide that PENALTIES be applied at 5% per month or portion of a month that the return is late. A 15% penalty is required for unreported property, AND A 25% PENALTY IF NO RETURN IS FILED. IA Nr' D Jf e rSeCf 2I / / 4 TRENTON MEDICAL CENTER Quality Health Care, Convenient Location, Serving The Health Care Needs Of Our Community Catherine Vega, PA-C Pediatrics James F. Ivey, MD Board Certified Family Practice * Complete Primary Care Well-Baby Exams Diagnostic X-rays Minor Trauma Case Management * Hearing and Vision Testing Deborah Weyer, MD Board Certified Pediatrics Curtis Kirby, PA-C Family Practice Internal Medicine Christine Chapman, DO Board Certified Family Practice peg2 John Frazier, DC Chiropractic Physician Providing Non-Profit Healthcare for 30 years Pediatrics 463-6292 A A ,, I - SDURON WILLIAMSON'S TREE SERVICE Licensedand Insured All Phases ofTreeWork Akins Heating & AC, Inc. 5120 N.W. 5th Street Bell, Florida 32619 352-463-2380 Servicing All Makes & Models * Specializing in HighEfficiency Units * Indoor Air Quality Products * Call us today to ask aboutan additional power company rebate of up to $350. ( icens 0 LENNOX = ==3 =.u License#CAC1813540 -<,I ... .... omim voam uuaiwwt~i~ "***A Services Provided: Chronic Disease Management Immunizations Diagnostic Laboratory Minor Surgical Procedures Family Planning Physical Exams Vaccines for Children ADD & ADHD Evaluations Health Screening HIV Testing * Sliding Fee Office Visits and Pharmacy ~ Most Insurances Accepted ~ 911 South Main Street Trenton, Florida 32693 Equal Opportunity Provider Employers Please Ask About Our Preferred Employers Program (PEP)! a '1 4 ""' 10/15/87, was arrested on charges of Possession of Cocaine and Possession.of Less than 20 Grams. On March 12, 2006, Steven D. Heitfield, date of birth, 1/24/79, was arrested on two counts of Criminal Mischief and Aggravated Assault. On March 12, 2006, Timothy F. Turner, date of birth, 1/1/74, was arrested on the charge of Driving Under the Influence. On March 12, 2006, Walton O. Orr, date of birth, 6/1/54, was arrested on the charge of Aggiavated Battery/ Domestic Violence. S2006 Wall and Desk Calendars S 50% OFF (Whie SupplieiLast) Gilchrist County Journal 207 North Main Street -Trenton "~ '' v r; 'T#UKNYVAX, AIAKLn 10, LUL) vU J v u L X x arv ,-~.bV'.LIYV. _ I gI Pole Barns Installed Complete S$1,79500 Total Tri-County Home Plans Mike Keesee Designs & Tom Edwards Designs Have Teamed Up To Proyide *' Award Winning Plans For The Tri-County Area -,*HOME PLANNING eCAD PLAN ENTRY CUSTOM DESIGNS PLAN REVISIONS *ADDITIONS *POLE BARNS sOFTrP il VA. fhA Certled For More Information Call Toll Free 1-877-747-2300 or reach Tom Directly at 321-212-8163 *All Plans Designed to Meet or Exceed Florida Building Code FBC 20010 .- ". ' MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN' CUTS Phone Hair Expressions ,by Debe:- FREE TAN with Hair Cut, Shampoo & Finished Style 472-1482: j 8897 SE 66th Circle Trenton, Florida 32693 Monday Friday ~ 10 am -. 6 Saturday 10 am 3 pm S(Matrix &;Redken) Wolfe Tanning Bed ,(High Output Bulbs), SPECIALIZING IN COLOR S20YEARS EXPERIENCE pm Appointments & Walk-Ins Welcome "-"'"' 90 .. Restaurant, Catering Service & Cakes h ailable Daily Blueplate Special $6.50 (Monday Friday, while they last) ~ CallAhead Window Pickup Available ~ 352-463-8831 Mon & Tues 6am 3pm Wed & Thurs 6am -9pm 1122 East Wade Street Fri & Sat 6am -10pm .Trenton,Florida 32693 Sunday 11 am 3pm Open For Breakfast 6 am (Mon-sat) ' SUNDA : .. I f Y LUNCH (BUFFET ONLY) . . l. .; ,.i : .- ..'. c * Survive the Storm. Generators * 1000, 3500-, 5600. and (200.-w att models Premium gasoline engines SPortable power for power outages, camping, emergencies or outdoors 4 499 MoelG.' O 1ii pr~ I 3 a G3 Gilchrist Building Supply 463-2738 1-800-543-6545 7am-5:30pm M-F 8am-3pm Saturday Hwy. 129, North BELL W WW.SNAPPER.CO Legal ' Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING - PLEASE BE ADVISED thaJ the Gilchrist County School Boarc will conduct a meeting on Tuesday March 21, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. in Building 14, Board Room 14-00 located at 310 NW 11th Avenue STrenton, Florida. Following is the agenda: OPENING CEREMONIES .1. Approval of Agepda 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Citizen Input/Delegations 4. Operations 5. Instructional 6. Personnel 7. Student Services 8. Removal of Items from Consent Agenda 9. Consent Agenda 10. Reports 11. E\ecuuve Session NOTE: In accordance with th Americans with Disabilities Act persons requiring an interpreter o special accommodations to enable them to participate in this meeting are requested to notify the Office o the School Superintendent at 352 463-3200 at least forty-eight (48 hours pror to the scheduled meetnn date so provisions can be made. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE tha it a person decides to appeal an :I decision made by the Board wni respect to an. matter considered a such meeting, he will need a record of the proceedings and that for suc purpose, he may need to ensure tha a serbaim record of the proceeding is made. sshich record includes th Sesumony and e\ idence upon which the appeal is to be based lames E. Vickel Superintendent of School Pub March 16. 2006b. NOTICE OF MEETING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE. th Gilchnst County Board of Count Commissioners. in and for Gilchri, County, Florida, will hold a regular meeting on Monday. March 2( 2006, at 4:00 p m. in the Board c Counrt Commissioners Meetin -Room, located, at 210 South Mai .Street, Trenton, Florida. The fol * lowing is proposed agenda. AGENDA 1. Call to Order i4.00 p.m.' 2. Agenda Changes 3. Consent Agenda 4. CountrAdministrrtor. -Department Reportns. 5. Anomcr' Report,,. i ... 6. Consnrunonal Officers, ,;, 7. Clerk Report 8. Commissioner Reports . 9. Time Certain Items: a. 4:30 p.m., Roa Department Report Rin Power b. 4:45 pi.m., Cil izen's Request, Jana Bruc NE 57"' Place, Road Issues c. 5:00 ,".p.m Public Hearings, Land Us Redefining Urban Develop ment Areas, Rezoning an Land Uses for Certain Area Within the County d. 6:00 p.m Recess for Board of Adjust ment 10. Old Business ,1 .. New Business 12. Public Participation 13.' Adjourn "Persons v. ith disabiliie i request~ ing reasonable accommodations t participate in this proceeding should contact (352) 463-3169 (Voice d TDD) or via Florida Relay.Servic (800) 955-8771." PLEASE BE ADVISED that if person decides to appeal any deci sion made by the Commission wit' respect to any matter considered a .said hearing, that person iwill need record of.the proceedings, and tha for such purpose, that person tna need to insure that a verbatim record is made, which record includes th testimony and evidence upon whicl the appeal is to be based. BOARD O0 COUNT COMMISSIONER' GILCHRIST COUNTY FLORIDi TOMMY LANGFORE CHAIRMAN ATTEST: JOSEPH W. GILLIAM, CLERK Pub. March 16, 2006b. Hall Available 352-463-1501 Gilchrist Title Services A Security Title Company Closings * Title Insurance Public Record Searches (352-463-6403 Fast and Friendly Service Gregory V. Beauchamp 302 North Main Street Douglas K. McKoy Trenton, Florida with an annual lactating herd size of 2,050 cows and 500 dry cows. The facility consists of a milking parlor, feed/shade barns, silage storage area and a waste storage pond system. Manure will be flushed from the milk parlor and barns and directed to the wastewater treatment system. The design flow rate of gener- ated wastewater is expected to range from 0.141-MGD in the winter months to 0.25 MGD in the sum- mer months. The dairy wastewater treatment system consists of ap- purtenances necessary to collect all wastewater and contaminated storm water runoff from the milking parlor area, and feed/shade barns and con- sists of a concrete lined solids trap petitioner to relief; and (g) A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating pre- cisely the action that the petitioner wants the Department to take. S Because 'the administrative hearing process is designed to formulate final agency action, the filing of a petition means that the Department's final action may be different from the position taken , by it in this notice. Persons whose substantial interests will be affected by any such final decision of the De- partment have the right to petition to Become a party to the proceeding, in accordance with the requirements set forth above, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Trenton, Florida that the Board will consider at a public hearing the below described Petition in the Kathryn Deen Commission Chambers, Trenton City Hall, located at 114 N. Main Street, Trenton, Florida on April 3, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, the following: To consider a Petition by Eugene and Elizabeth Mucciarone, husband and wife, to close, abandon, and vacate a public alley in Block 25 of Trenton Original Survey, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Gdlchfist County, Flonda. A copy of the Peution is on file in the City Manager's Office located at 114 North Main Street and is available for inspecton between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. At the aforementioned public hearing, all interested parties may .. appear to be heard with respect to , the Petition. r PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that e if a person decides to appeal any g decision made by the Board of f Commissioners of the City -of - Trenton, Florida with respect to 3 any matter considered at such g meeting, they will need a record of the proceedings and that for t such purposes, they may need to insure that a erbatim record of the h proceedings is.'made which record t includes the testimony and evidence d upon lhich the appeal is based ih Pub March 16; 23. 2006b. t, s CITY OF FANNING SPRING 1 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN s the City Council of the City of Fan- Sning Spnngs will meet in a york- shop on Tuesda,. Nlarch 2 2006 at 530p.m. in The City HallAssembly Room at 17651 NWv 90th Court: The Agenda is; " 1., Visioi. r' 2. Fee Schedules t PLEASE TAKE NOTICE Pur- r suant to Floida Statute 286.0105 , that if a person decides to appeal f any decision made by the City g Council with respect to any matter S considered at such meeung'he/she Smay need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. Which record includes the testi- mony and evidence upon which the Appeal is to be based. SDATED this '13th day of March '2006, ?... B\ Shella Watson. ..... .. ... .. C im C lerk, Ciry of Fanning Spnngs. Pub. March 16. 2006b. S. NOTICE S The Gilchrist County" State Housing, Initiative' .Partnership, - (SHIP) Program will hold a SHIP e educational course at 6:00,p.m. on Thursday,: March 30, 2006 in the Courtroom of the Gilchrist County e 'Courthouse, Trenton, Florida. 'The - class is free and open to the public. i Anyone applying for a SHIP loan s is requited to attend a SHIP class. If you have any questions, please call the SHIP Program office at 352- 463-4021. %, Charlotte Pedersen Program Administrator Pub. March 16, 2006b. d NOTICE OF MEETING S PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that e the Gilchrist County SHIP Loan Review Committee will hold a a regular meeting on Thursday, March . 23, 2006 at 3:00 p.m., in the SHIP h Program Office/County Courtroom t in the Gilchrist County Courthouse a South Main Street Trenton. Florida t PLEASE BE ADVISED that y if a person decides to appeal any d decision made at such meeting or Shear ngs. he will need to ensure that Sa verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the F testimony and' evidence upon which Y the appeal is to be based. S. Charlotte Pedersen Program Administrator A Pub. March 16, 2006b. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT The Department of Environmen- tal Protection gives notice of its in- tent to issue a permit, FLA116173, for Dairy Production Systems, LLC to Mr. David P. Sumrall, 23343 NW CR 236, High Springs, FL 32643 to construct and operate a partial confinement dairy.. The facility is an existing dairy farm operation permit with the attached conditions unless a timely petition for an ad- ministrative hearing is filed under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Flor- ida Statutes, within fourteen days of receipt of notice. The procedures for petitioning for a hearing are set forth below. A person whose substantial in- terests are affected by the Depart- ment's proposed permitting decision may petition for an administrative proceeding (hearing) under Sec- tions 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. The petition must contain the information set forth below and must be filed (received by the clerk) in the Office of General Counsel 'f With a screen type mechanical solids separator, two concrete lined waste storage ponds, including a 185,500 ft3 first stage pond and a 121,000 ft3 aerated second stage pond with spray irrigation at agronomic rates to 398 acres of cropland. Solids col- lected from the system are spread on cropland on-site at agronomic rates or transported for off-site disposal at agronomic rates. Dry cows at the facility are al- lowed to graze on the land applica- tion crop areas in such a way that nu- trient loading rates are not.exceeded for the crops on the field. The dairy also has approximately 112 acres of loafing lots and pasture areas, which are to be managed to reduce forma- tion of high intensity areas (HI.V's'. These loafing lots and pasture areas contain,underdrains in depressional areas, which aid in reducing stand- ing water and provide for percola- tion. The underdrains direct storm- water runoff to areas between the feed/shade barns where it naturally percolates into the ground Manure Collected from the loafing lots and pasrure areas are routinely collected' and hauled off-site for dsposal or land applied at agronomics rates to on-site crop fields. The facility is located at latitude 29" 53' 36.68" N. longitude: 81" 52' 20.07" W on Li.S 129 and C R. 138. Branford, Florida in Gilchrist County. The" intent to issue and applica- tion file are available for'public inspection during normal business hours. 8:00 am. to 500 p.m., NMonda,, through Friday, except legal holiday., jat Northeast District Office, 7S25 Ba\meados \Va\. Suite 200B. Jackson\ ille. FL 32256- 7590. The Department will issue the pertiu wiith the attached conditions unless a umei\ petition for an ad- mimstraii\e hearing is filed under Sections 120.569 and 120.57. Flor- ida Statutes, ithinr fourteen days of receipt of notice The procedures: for petitioning for a hearing are set forth below .A person whose substantial in- terests are affected by the Depart- rihent's proposed permitting decision may petition for an administrative proceeding (hearing) under Sec- t ions 120.569 and' 120 57. Florida Statutes. The petition must contain the information set forth belo\\ and must be filed receivedd by the clerk) in the Office of General Counsel of the Department at. 3900 Common- T\ealth Boulevard. ail Station 35, Tallahassee, Flonda 32399-3000. Linder Rule 62-110.10614 . Florida Administrative Code, a person may request enlargement of the time for iling a petition' for an administrative hearing. The request must be filed' received bs the clerk i in the Office of Gefie''a Counsel before the end of the time penod for filing a petition for an administrative hearing. Petitions filed by any persons other than those entitled to written. notice under Section 120.60(3), 'Florida Statutes, must be filed within fourteen days of publication of the notice or within fourteen days of receipt of the written no- tice, whichever occurs first Uinder Section 120.60(3), Florida Statutes, however, any person who has asked the Department for notice of agency action may file a petition within fourteen days of receipt of such notice, regardless of the date of publication. The pentioner shall mail a' copy of the petition to the applicant at the" address indicated abo\e at the time of filing The failure of any.person to file a petition or request for en- largement of time within fourteen days of receipt of notice shall con- stitute a waiver of that person's right to request an administrative deter- mination (hearing) under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida. Stat- utes. Any subsequent intervention (in a proceedinginitiated by another party) will be only at the discretion of the presiding officer upon the fil- ing of a motion in compliance with Rule88-106.205, Florida Adminis- trative Code. A petition that.disputes the mate- rial facts on which the Department's action is based must contain the fol- lowing information: (a) The name, address, and tele- phone number of each petitioner; the name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner's repre-. sentative, if any; the Department permit identification number and the county in which the subject matter or activity is located; (b) A statement of how and when each petitioner received notice of the Department action; (c) A statement of how each petitioner's substantial interests are affected by the Department action; (d) A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are none, the petition must so indicate; (e) A statement of facts that the petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification of the Department action; (f) A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, as well as the rules and statutes which entitle the In addition to requesting an ad- ministrative hearing, any petitioner may elect to pursue mediation. The election may be accomplished by filing with the Department a media- tion agreement with all parties to the proceeding (i.e., the applicant, the. Department, and any person who has filed a timely and sufficient peti- tion for a hearing). The agreement must contain all the information re- quired by Rule 28-106.404, Florida Administrative Code. The agree- ment must be received by the clerk in the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Common- wealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000. within ten days after the deadline for filing a petition, as set forth above. Choosing mediation %ill not adverselN affect the right to a hear- ing if mediation does not result in a settlement. As provided in Section 120.573, Florida Statutes, the timely agree- ment of all parties to mediate will toll the. time limitations imposed by Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, for holding an administraui'e hearing ard issuing a final order. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the mediation must be concluded within sixty days of the execution of the agreement If mediation results in settlement of the administrative dispute, the Department must enter a fiial order ,incorporating the agreement of the parties.: :Persons seeking to-protect their substantial interests that \would be affected b\ such a modified final decision must tile their petitions ithiun fourteen dass of receipt of this notice, or the\ shall be deemed to have waited their right to a pro- ceeding under Sections 120 569 and 120:57, Florida Statutes.: If media- tion terminates without senlement ofthe dispute. the Department shall notify all parties in ~rnnng that the administrative hearing processes. undei Sections 120.569 and 120.57. Florida Statutes, remain a\allable for disposiuon of the dispute, and the nonce will specify the deadlines that then will apply for challenging the agency action and electing rem- edies under those tIo statutes. Marchl'6,2006b. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT -The Department of Environmen- tal Protection gi\es notice of its in- tent to issue a perumt. FLA2S5331, for Dair Producuon Systems Bell Farms, LLC to NMr. Da% id P Sumrall.'23343 NW CR-236 High "SpringS,:FL 32643 to construct and . operate a partial confinement datrx. The facility is an e\sting dair- farm operation \w ith a proposed herd size of 1650 mature dairy cows ima\l- mum annual average) and 594 (an- nual average) dr cow s The facil- ity consists of 6 partial confinement barns; a milking parlor. silage stor- age area and a 255.000 cubic.feet waste storage pond s stem Manure will be scraped from the barns and .associated loafing .lots'.and then stored on a concrete lined staging area that drains, into the wastewater treatment pond.. Manure will be flushed from the milk parlor to the wastewater treatment system. The dry cows will reside on 86.3 acres of onsite pasture and 322 acres of leased offsite pasture. A Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) has been developed for this facility, based on an average of 189,000 gallons per day for sprin- klers, udder washing, milking parlor flush, and other miscellaneous. All wastewater and stormwater from the production area will be directed to the 255,000 cubic feet waste storage pond. Clean water from roof run- off is diverted away from the waste collection system. Waste from the storage pond will be applied at ag- ronomic rates to 215 acres of spray irrigation, crop fields. The system is designed as fol- lows: wastewater Will flow by grav- ity to a sand trap and then a static screen separator. Solids removed from the sepa- rator will be stored on a concrete .pad, and will be hauled off-site or incorporated into crop fields onsite at agronomic rates. Filtrate from the separator will gravity flow to the waste storage pond, which has been designed to contain 7 days of wastewater storage and the runoff from the production area for a 25 year 24 hour rainfall event. The facility is located at latitude 29.43' 26" N, longitude: 82 51' 11" W on U.S. 129 and SW 10th Street, Bell, Florida in Gilchrist County: The intent to issue and applica- tion file are available for public inspection during normal business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except legal holidays, at Northeast District Office, 7825 Baymeadows Way, Suite 200B, Jacksonville, FL 32256- 7590. The Department will issue the I~ 'I 'i the Department at 3900 Commoi- wealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000. Under Rule 62-110.106(4), Florida Administrative Code, a person, may request enlargement of the time for filing a petition for an administrative hearing. The request must be filed (received by the clerk) in the Office of General Counsel before the end of the time period for filing petition for an administrative hearing. . Petitions led by any persons other than those entitled to written notice under -Section 120.60(3), Florida Statutes, must be filed within fourteen days of publication of the notice or within fourteen days of receiptfof the written no- tice, .hichever occurs first Under Section 120 603 i, -Florida Statutes, however, any person who has asked the Department for notice of agency action may file a petition within fourteen days of receipt of such notice, regardless of the date of publication. The petitioner shall mail a copy of the petition to the applicant at the address indicated abose at the time of filing. The failure of any person to file a petition or request for en- largement of time within fourteen days of receipt of notice shall; con- stirute a ai\ er of that person's right to request an adminstrati'e deter- miination (hearing) under Sections' 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Stat- utes An.\ subsequent intervention I.in a proceeding initiated by another parry \ ill be only at the discretion' of the presiding officer upon the fil- ing of a motion in compliance with Rule 28- 106 205. Florida Adniinis- trative Code. A petition that disputes the: mate- rial facts on which the Departmeit's Section is based must contain the.fol- low ing iniormauion (a) The name, address, and tele- phone number of each petitioner, the, name, address, and 'telephone ' number of the petitioner's repre- sentatie, if any. the Department permit identification number and the county in which the subject matter or activity is located; . (b) A statement'of how and when' each petitioner received notice of the Department action: ici A statement of how each petitioner's substantial interests are affected by the Department action: idi A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are. Snne, the petition must so indicate S '(e) A statement of facts that the petitioner contends \warrant reversal or modification of the Department action; if) A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, as well as the rules and stjtiites ~ uhich entitle the petiionerForelief, and 1 igi A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating pre- cisely the action that the petitioner wants the Department to take. Because. the administrative hearing 'process is designed to. formulate final agency action, the filing of a petition means that the , Department's final action may be different from the position taken by it in this notice. Persons whose substantial interests will be affected by any such final decision of the De- partment havethe right to petition to become a party to the proceeding, in accordance with the requirements set forth above. In addition to requesting an ad- ministrative hearing, any petitioner may elect to pursue mediation. The election may be accomplished by, filing with the Department a media- tion agreement with all parties to the proceeding (i.e., the applicant, the Department, .and any person who has filed a timely and sufficient peti- tion for a hearing). The agreement must contain all the information re- quired by Rule 28-106.404, Florida Administrative Code. The agree- ment must be received by the clerk in the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Common- wealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000, within ten days after the deadline for filing a petition, as set forth above. Choosing mediation will not adversely affect the right to a hear- ing if mediation does not result in a settlement. As provided in Section 120.573, Florida Statutes, the timely agree- ment of all parties to mediate will toll the time limitations imposed by Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, for holding an administrative hearing and issuing a final order. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the mediation must be concluded within sixty days of the execution of the agreement. SIf mediation results. in settlement of the administrative dispute, the Department must enter a final order incorporating the agreement of the parties. Persons seeking to protect their substantial interests that would be affected by .such a modified final decision must file their petitions within fourteen days of receipt of this notice, or they shall be deemed I fl m .. -Y ., .i.. , GILCHRITR ST COU NTY JOU RNAL 'PLopn Thirtfedn- I - ,9-TTTTD4Znv X4AP(-'T-T 16 M0 I IVS. THAT EASY! I to have waived their right to a pro- ceeding under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. If media- tion terminates without settlement of the dispute, the Department' shall notify all parties in writing that the administrative hearing processes under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, remain available for disposition of the dispute, and the notice will specify the deadlines that then will apply for challenging the agency action and electing rem- edies under those two statutes. 'Pub. March 16, 2006b. (Continued to Page Fourteeh) S - sIF I Pa-e Fourteen GTTCIHRTST COT INTY JOURNAL THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 2006 Legal Notices (Continued) INVITATION TO BID Item: Bell Library Remodeling Project Bid#:02.13.06 ANNOUNCEMENT: Notice is hereby given that Bid Proposals will, be received on the. following, by the Town of Bell until 12:00 p.m. on March 22, 2006 in tie Town Hall located at 3240 W. Railroad Lane, Bell, FL 32619. Final Bid Selection will be made by the Town Council on April 6, 2006 at the Regular Meeting at 7: 00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as can be heard. If you have any questions, 'please call 352-463-6288. Please address all bids to: Town of Bell P.O. Box 116 Bell, FL 32619 Please submit ten (10) copies of the bid. Bids should be marked with the Bid # and Town of Bell Bell Library Remodeling Project Bid. Staff of Town of Bell may review- Bids prior to the public hearing in order to communicate with contractors regarding specifications, pricing, etc. Please be advised that the Town of Bell reserves the right to waive formalities in any Bid, to accept or reject any or all Bids in whole or.in part, with or without cause, and to accept the Bid that in their judgment Jill be in the best interest of the Town of Bell. COPE OF WORK: The Town of Bell' intends to contract the remodeling of the Bell Library to include: 1). Modification and repair of roof. 2) Create :accessible opening in wall between the Library and adjoining room. 3) Removal of an attached back room. Pub. March 9, 16, 2006b. INVITATION TO BID Item:' Pre-Owned Single-Axle pump Truck Bid #: 06-3 ANNOUNCEMENT: Notice is hereby 'given that bid proposals on the following will be received by the City of Trenton until 42:00 pm on Monday, April 3, 2006 in City Hall located at 114 N. Main St., Trenton FL, 32693. Final bid Selection will be made by the City Commission at their April 3, 2006 regularr Meeting at 5:30 pm,,or.as soon thereafter. If you have any Questions, please call 352-463-4000 "%301 lease address all bids to: City of Trenton 114 N. Main Street Trenton,.FL 32693 isRAn Please submit ten (10) copies of the bid. Bids must be sealed and marked with the Bid # and City of Trenton Dump Truck Bid. City of Trenton staff may review bids prior to their review at public hearing in order to communicate with seller regarding specifications, pricing, and etcetera. Bids must include at least the following information: Year, Make, Model, Mileage, Engine Type, Gross Vehicle Weight, and Transmission Type. Please be advised that the City of Trenton reserves the right to waive informalities in anybid, to accept or reject any or'all bids in whole or in part, 'with or without cause, and to accept the bid that in their judgment will be in the best interest of the City of Trenton. SCOPE OF WORK: The ,City of Trenton intends to purchase one (1) pre-owned single- axle dump truck. Specifications are listed below, however, variations may be considered. SPECIFICATIONS include but are not limited to the following: 1. Automatic transmission 2. Single-axle 3. Diesel.engine Pub. March 16, 2006b. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING GILCHRIST COUNTY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS JOF GILCHRIST- COUNTY, FLORIDA, SERVING AS THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to Ordinance No. 93-04, as amended, comments, objections and recommendations 'concerning the following described variance as provided for in the Gilchrist County Land Development Regulations, hereinafter referred to as the Land Development Regulations, will be heard by the Board of County Commissioners of Gilchrist Count, Florida, serving as the Board of Adjustment of Gilchrist County, Flonda, at a public hearing on . March 20, 2006 at 6:00 p.m, or as soon thereafter as this matter can be heard, in the Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room, located at 210 South Main Street, Trenton, Florida. AGENDA ITEMS 1: VAR 06-02 an application by Kathleen Bass requesting a Variance be granted to decrease the minimum yard requirements for a lot of record in an A-2 zoning district as provided in Section. 2.3.1 of the Land Development Regulations. The property is described as follows: LOT 2 BLK 3 WEST & JOHNSON ADDITION Vision Realty Tri-County Inc Broker: Gayle Lovelace. 25867 Hwy 19 Old Town Shopping Center 7ww.visionrealtvgulfcoast.com vrtricounty@bellsouth.iet Old Town, F1 32680 352-542-7729 .Waterfront Homes & Mobile Homes 2/2 MH on Salt Creek canal 50x100 lot ... $250,000. 2/2 Stilt Hm Salt Creek canal 50x100 lot... $279,000. 3/2 Suw River canal 2/story Hm ... $300,000. 2/2 Stilt Hm Fresh water canal 75x100 ... $395,000. 3/2 Stilt DW Freshwater canal 112x165 ... $450,000. 4/3 MH on Fresh water canal 75x100 ... $395,000. 3/2 DW Fresh water canal 50x100 ... $325,000. 1/1 MH & ,1/1 Cabin Salt Creek canal lot ... $189,000 2/2 MH w/addon Freshwater canal lot... $225,000. Camper on Freshwater canal lot 50x100 ... $250,000. Inland Homes & Mobile Homes 4/2 DWMH on 3 acres ... $75,000. 4/2 on 2.30 acres 2006 DWMH large shop ... $190,000. 3/2 DWMH on 5 acres ... $159,500. 2/1 Home on 5.56 acres ... $139,000. 2/2 MH on 5 acres ... $160,000. 3/2 DW on 4.79 acres handicap ramp ... $165,000. 5/3 Home on 5 acres w pasture ... $229,000. 3/2 DWMH on 10 acres large out buildings ... $380,000. 2/1 MH on 3 lots rental investment ... $45,000. Land Listings Development potential just off 26 Newberry 105 Acres Fenced Ranch land ... $4,500,000. 5.01 wooded acres Gilchrist Co ... $90,000. .51 ac Lot 10 Tega Cay Horseshoe Beach ... $200,000. 5.77 acres Water Oaks S/D just off 19 ... $150,000. Lots 36 & 37 The Oaks S/D w/improvements ... $85,000. 4.6 acres Lot 81 Deer Trail S/D ... $75,000. 5.51 acres Hwy 349 So w/improvements ... $75,000. Waterfront Properties Lots 132 & 133 Suw Palms S/D Hwy 349 Suw ... $110,000.. 21.56 Suw River front Hunting land Burnt Island Rd ... $100,000. Sunrise/Sunsets large penisular lot 3 canals ... $350,000. Priceless Suwannee Riverfront & canal 50x300 w/RV hookup utilities ... $445,000. 4.68 Acres 5 parcels Upper Suw Riverfront w/utilities ... $1,500,000. 47 Ac 9 buildable lots Santa Fe Riverfront 3/2 cedar Hm RV hookup ... $1,700,000. Commercial Historical Italian Fine Dining W RV accommodations, full time' lodging-3 apartments, MH site w/utilites, & leased commercial building, 646 Hwy 19 frontage ... $650,000. 2 Commercial buildings many possiblies behind post office Cross City ... $250,000. 22.40 acres Hwy 19 frontage & side street back up to Green Way Trail ... $750,000. Open Monday-Saturday 9:00 AM-6:00 PM Realtors: Pamela Ford and Amanda Langford Sales Trainees: Angela Harison, Kathleen Pierce, Becky Wilkerson, Synthia Forsythe, Mary Little, Patti Minehart, Lana Cross 2. Wilkerson Change in Use The property is zoned A-2 however it is a nonconforming commercial use of record, and in order to continue the commercial use the Board of Adjustment must approve the change in use. Therefore, a request was.made by Lonnie & Wendy Wilkerson to change the use of his property from commercial business (pool supplies) to a commercial use of a business office and storage of heavy trucks. The property is described as follows: LOCATED OFF OF SR 26. COM AT NE/C OF 10-10-16 AS PT OF REF GO N 89 DEG W ALONG N LN OF SEC 10 2622.33 FT GO S 877.33 FT TO POB GO N 73 DEG E PARALLEL TO R/W OF ST RD 26 375.86 FT GO S 361.50 FT TO THE NRLY RW LN OF ST RD 26 GO S:73 DEG W 375.86 FT ALONGR/W LN GO N 361.50 FT TO'POB CONT3 AC.' 3. Wayne Miller Change in Use The property is zoned A-2 however-- it is a nonconforming commercial use of record, and in order to continue the commercial S use the Board of Adjustment must approve the change in use. Therefore, a request was made by Wayne Miller to change the use of his property from a commercial business to a commercial business that also uses outside storage. The property is described as follows:' LOCATED OFF OF SR 26. COM ON S. LN 1703.45 FT W OF SE COR GO N 23 1/2 DEG W APPROX PARAL TO FL.A POWER CORP LN 175 FT TO IRON STK & POB GO N 13 DEG W 210 FT TO S R/WLN OF ST RD 14 GOWALG R/W LN 210 FT S 13. DEG E 210 FT GO E PARAL'TO HWY R/W 210 FT TO POB CONT 1 AC. :The public hearing may be, connnued to one or more'future .dates. Any interested party'.shall be advised that the date. time and place of an. continuance of the public hearing shall be announced during the public hearing and that no further nonces concerning this manner ~%ll be published, unless said continuation exceeds six calendar weeks from the date of the above referenced public bearing. At the aforementioned public hearing, all interested parries may appear to be heard with respect to the proposed variance.- : A copy of the application for variance is. available for public inspection at the Office of the Emergency'Counth Coordinator, located at.209,Southeast.First Sreet,. Trenton, Florida, dunng regular business hours. All persons are advised, that if they decide to appeal any decision made at the above referenced public hearing, they will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Pub. March 16, 2006b. LAKE CITY COMMUNITY COLLEGE 168 Duty Days Tenured Track To Commence August 2006 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY Master's degree with at least 18 graduate hours in discipline; Medical Doctorate; or masters with 18 graduate hours in work centered on Anatomy & Physiol- ogy. Ability to also teach Biology, Physical Science, or other science related course desired. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, HUMANITIES Masters degree in Humanities or Masters with at least 18 graduate hours in Humanities or related disciplines. Ability to teach in 3 disciplines (Art, Music, and History or Literature) preferred. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, MATHEMATICS Masters degree with at least 18 graduate hours in Mathematics prefix courses. Ability to use graphing calculators and computers. Application Deadline: Application and materials must arrive by April 14, 2006 to guarantee consideration. Persons interested should provide College application, vita, and photocopies of transcripts. All foreign transcripts must be submitted with official translation and evaluation. Salary based on education and experience. Position details and applications available on web at: www.lakecitycc.edu Human Resources Development Lake City Community College, 149 SE College Place Lake City, Florida 32025-2007 Phone (386) 754-4314; Fax (386) 754-4594 e-mail: boettcherg),lakecitvcc.edu LCCC is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. VP/ADA/EA/EO College in Education and Employment. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 21-2004-CA-025 DAVID H. HART AND KRISTY L. HART, Plaintiff vs. JOHNNIE C. GRIFFITH AND UNKNOWN PARTIES IN POSSESSION Defendant. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: JOHNNIE C. GRIFFITH and UNKNOWN PARTIES IN- POSSESSION YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an Amended Complaint foi Foreclosure of a Mortgage has been filed by Plaintiff, DAVID H. HART and KRISTN L. HART in Gilchrist County, Florida; and you are required to serve a copy of your answer or other pleading on the. plaintiff's attorney. RAY E. THOMAS, .JR of RAY E. THOMAS, JR. P,A, at Post Office Box 39 Bell, Florida 32619,, and file the original answer or pleading in the office of the Clerk of the abo% e- named Court on or before the March 27, 2006. IF YOU FAIL TO DO SO, judgment by default will be taken against lou for the relief demanded in the complaint. WITNESS my hand and official seal, tius 3rd day of March. 20006. JOSEPH W GILLIAM Clerk of the Circuit Court Gilchrist County, Flonda Post Office Box 37 Trenton, Flonda 32693 SEAL' By: Lyndsay P. A'ers Deputy Clerk', Pub. March 9, 16, 2006b. Woodland Craft Signs 207 N. Main 352-463-7135 'Trenton' 'Vingy[usiness! NOW, OPEN AT THE JOuF NrL. 1' 1 Ife J EI' ., Teaching Assistant II Permanent Part-time Position i Evenings and weekends 213 Duty Days Assist students and faculr1 \ iih computer programs offered in Collegewide Learning Lab. Provide academic and iechnologi.al suppon for srudent's v .1. i .'l s I nd taculr,,.ei h, ,.i Must have minimum of 32 semester hours ot college and r%'i year teaching assistant experience Addional 12 hours may substitute for one year experience. Special consideration given to applicarntus \ th A.ssocimte degree or certificate in related area. Computeriliteracy a must. Strong math skills desired. Salary: $10.40 per hour Application deadline: March 24,. 2006 College application required. Application and position details available on the web at: www.lakecitycc.edu Inquiries: Human Resources 149 SE College Place Lake City, FL 32025 Phone: (386) 754-4314 .Fax: (386) 754'4594 E-mail: boettcherg@lakecitycc.edu LCCC is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools VP/ADA/EA/EO College in Education & Emp6lyrment C LAS S FESIFIE DS. CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. A IAutomobiles j 1984 CHEVY 1-TON: 6.2 diesel, good work truck, gooseneck, $1.200 obo. Call 463-3700. tfnb,2-9 2001 FORD EXCURSION 4 x:4 with 80K miles; immaculate con- dition, $16,500. Call Stephanie at 463-0208 or 278-1389.. ltb. 3-16' For Sale 9N Ford Tractor and 5 implements for $4.500 OBO. Call 463-2132 Itb. 3-16 1989 BRENDELLA SKI/TOW BOAT: 351 \Vindsor V8 inboard. 80) hours. asking $6.000 Call 221- 0363. 'n, tn -4 CAMPER FOR SALE: 1996 Plea- sure'-Way ultimate compact RV. Impeccably maintained b\ original oI ner. 66.CiOO miles. $24.500. Call' 352-463-65277. Srfnb.12-9 BEDS: Queen thickonhopedic. pil- lo' -top mattresses and bo\ spnngs. New in plastic \rth %arrnants. Sac- rifice. $161t0 King available $225. (352) 372-8588. tfnb,7-5 I MUSICIANS | MUiSICIANS NEEDED: Guitarist. bassist. for upp start band. Country/ rock format Must ha'e o% n equip- ment and transportation. Call 352- 356-0070 or 352-498-7783. WHEEL TOWN 352-493-2835 Call Ior L),rELconj 10 l es , Sourn of Ch.,eflan ort 3J5 '04 Hqnda Element, 4-Door, fully equipped, auto, air 29K mile: E.all fa.I.. i. $14,575 0I Cr. r I.l3ait.u C3.l:ii :-1 .] r -cyl, auto co 2 8aLlr si 31 .o a $9,975; :ij 6Bui L- abre 4d.1.:r, lr. rr.-. CI i.-..,a : $12,975 '03 Ford Taurus 4-Door SE, fully loaded, 40K miles...... $8,975 '02 Mercury Mountaineer, 4-dooi, dual air 3rd row seat, loaded, 70Kmiles.... $11,975 '2 Fora F aJ r '"L. 6 -iyl, aulo. 3, 40V .IPe $7,975 '02 Isuzu Trooper LS, 4-Door, fully loaded, 60K miles.... .$11,975 '02 Chevy Silverado LS, extra cab, 4-door, V8, auto, 70K miles, loaded, clean... $13,975 '01 Mercury Grand Marquis, 4-Door, fully loaded 40K Miles..... $8,975 '98 Chevy 3/4 ton flatbed, V8, auto, fact. air, 50K Miles, clean........ $6,975 CREDIT UNIONS WELCOME Warranties Available www.wheeltown.com 1. Guarantee in \\riling to advertise our home ever\ week. 2. Use our e\clusi e marketing s stem to attract buyers. 3 Send an ad on \our home to potential buyers now looking for property. 4. Lend you "For Sale" and "Open House" signs. 5. List your home on the internet at HelpUSell.com. 6. Discuss the good and bad in all offers and negotiate the best possible price for you. 7. Pre-qualify your buyers and help them obtain financing. We know several methods which facilitate closing. 8. Itemize your closing costs and provide an estimate of net proceeds. 9. Troubleshoot problems and work to save you money on all aspects of the transaction. 10. Coordinate with engineers, appraisers, inspectors and other professionals for you. 11. Handle all negotiations, paperwork, contract, and counter proposals through the closing and attend the closing. fees may vary for luxury homes, condos, lnrid, etc. Yard Sales North of Bell. Fri. 3/17 to Mon., 3/20. Table saws, radial arm saw, boats, diamond plate, toolbox, baby clothes. and nany items. From poIst office in Bell go north on 129, look for signs, Suwannee River Estates, 6359"NW 21st Ave. ltb. 3-16 BUSINESS CLOSING /YARD SALE: In Bell. Humane Society of Gilchrist County Thrift Shop per- manentil) closing effective March 31. Everything must go. Bargains. gallore! Go'west on Strickland Ave. (at the \ello"' light). Inside Smith Feed Store. Hours are Tues. fo Fri., 10-4; Sat. 9-1 and Mon., March 20, 10-4. Call 352-221-1316. Sltb. 3-16. Yard Sales Huge, Thurs. Sat, 7:30 a.m. til? 68th Terr.,off CR 180 by Hill Top Dairy. Go cart frame, yard tools,; lots of men's stuff, tools, hardware; electronics, lots more. All types of household items, some collectables. Kid stuff too. Follow signs, 463- 7037. ltb. 3-16 THRIFT STORE / BLESSED HOPE of Newberry located across street from Post Office on Hwy. 27. Extremely low prices, huge inven-, tory, four buildings, well worth the drive. Open Mon., Tues., Fri., Sat., 10-3 (472-2254) 4tb 3-16-4-6 S 2006 Wall and Desk Calendars S50% OFF (wNhte S pplie Last) Gilchrist County Journal - 207 North Main Street,- Trenton Jim King Realty, Inc. Realtor uruFe~m; Main Office (352) 493-2221 315 N. Main Street (US-191 Chteflana FL 32626 Fanning Springs Brancri Ortice 13521 463-6144 or 542-0009 / 17871 US Hwy 19 Fanning Springs. FL32693 -i Suannee Brarni Odtice (352) 542-9007 L "-23382 SE 349 Hwy Suwannee, FL32692 3 o.'."'c office@jimkingrealty.com or www.jimrkingrealty.com- REALTOR* Chiell.nd 3.3. CBS Home ,n IIa .ire, p.pcEd road Ferncd & iscss fenced pairu c i cplic :anl.s.ro4 'irillK. sio di.fishpondri Hirme ha~ ':..cr 2.'r 0 Iq h uf healed ihing aira Tio sar gdragc hai bhen o':,r'ned inti, game i:i.li lh bjah. could be u'd as 4t hbedroom NTo large barns with plenty of room for animals. Workshop with A/C. Convenient to-Chiefland - quiet country living, only minutes to town. $349,900. (RP-7515'l-Di 352-193.2221 S-'I GacjlTA UGl-A-ia1 liu1 hOff he Sualtjifr f Pitr Thi Il nc1ile. ,6 n 3 :' b auliful ILefi+t'-Il s'V hlioouup. L.rgt McLI Sulfrge Buildirlg applc. 21 X 44. You can't get any closer to the River without being nnrfti...n property. $279,000. (DR-75.15'N2.'3:i2-'-.2221 Lovely 3/2 DWMH on 2.12 beautiful wooded acres. 2 car carport, workshop/storage shed, 12 X 20 covered porch, 12 X 14 covered patio, new roof, new water heater, new stove, new paint & more. Close to schools, shopping, the Suwannee River, approximately 30 miles to Gulf of Mexico. Call to see this property today. *** SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! *** $83,900. '(DMH-750587-JW) 352-463-6144 or 542-0009 Call Us For MoreListings! i.'NiQE SU L'ANNEE HOME' Keep cool on .tur rain ro ded ac cer1.ilwing a deep. aide li r alnjir cai l located just 5 rrur by boal to ihe Suwannue PIer and 5 more nun i' the Gulf of lMeiro' his :"'2 DtWMH has a sundeik on l.p, 3 jC3UZl bulli ino Ithe deck. a curered deck I/ bjr. .egeraor. buil in iquanum and' uinforCr irrigariin around the roof ofth ded. Io ktep In coul' The fronr )ird has a fire pit, 2 stall boat house w/ liftsand a fish cleaning area. Tht;, s j gtea home for emniruin;ng, a nmuiti se $325,'') iD'W-75121.lH)I 52-542-'.il.07 CI.:',4 ic. Chiefland Ciry Limit .- Nic-ly rvTi,:dcled 27' \ 76double' guidee '.n I are, mol Home hai been .upgraded inside & out. New kitchen jppl;jrit, cerniii tile & pergo flooring. Split ltur plan r 1c-Rs plenty of space. Close & ii2nerieni '.IIIII L LMH-7516.i:-Di 352-493- 2221 Recently remodeled & upgraded SWMH on .47 ac. Home has a 14 X 28 addition on the front, 8 X 14 addition on the rear, 8 X 24 covered deck, 8 X 12 sforage shed. There is new carpet, ceramic tile & bathrooms have been upgraded. These are just a few of the upgrades you will find. Close to schools, shopping & only minutes to Suwannee River & a new public boat ramp. Approximately 30 miles to the Gulf of Mexico. *** SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! NO SIGNS & NO DRIVE- BY'S PLEASE, OWNER HAS A BIG DOG*** $55,000. (DMH-751098-JW) 352-463-6144 or 542-0009 ** Newberry- 5 acre vacant parcel, partially cleared $94,500 ** Bronson-3/2 Grand Manor on 1.25 acres. $99,900 ** Mile Run-Gainesville- 2/2/2, Crisp and clean! $179,900 ** Hawthorne-3/2 on 4.5 acres. Large, shady oaks! $109,000 ** NE-Carol Estates 3/1 on large corer lot $135,000 ** Morriston- Mini Farm 3/2 on 7 acres SOLD ** Williston-3/2.5, New home & neighborhood .$375,000 ** Bronson-3/2 with detached 2 car garage on 7.2 ac $225,000 ** Micanopy 10 acres with oaks and magnolias $350,000 ** Gainesville- 3/2 with carport, fresh paint PENDING ** Alachua-5/3/2 on 5 acres, 3 way split plan $489,000 ** Trenton- 3/2 w/ detached 5 car garage on 5 acres $325,000 Help.USell. r KNAL. STATE Full service. Big savings. The exprsnext door.= Y II ----- - `- - - . '. TTJTTR.-RT)AV MArCHrw 16 fl . GrT .CHRIS T COT INTY JOT TRNAL Page Fifteen- | Lost & Found . FOUND: Hwy. 339 toward Bron- .son, Honey colored. Please call to identify 352-463-1464 ask for Lind- sey. I / ltb. 3-16 LOST: 9 Ib. Beagle/Jack Rus- sel mix. Red, male "Tim." Lost on CR 341, Bell. Please call 352-262- 2119. SPets&I Supplies Rottweiller puppies. AKC regis- tered, pure bred. $500 call 352-463- 6952. ltb. 3-16 ANEW PET GROOMING SHOP in Chiefland. The Paradise Pet Pal- ace. (352) 493-0606. ' HelpWa I Hlnp Wanted ! CLASSS SIFIE DS CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FbR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. A Livestock 6 LLAMAS:.$3,00 and up. Watt to find a good home. For more infor- mation call 463-6590 Toni Smith. 2tp,3-9-3-16 __ _. .. ...... .... .. . RBu'I Wanted ToI REAL ESTATE WANT for your house or land, q ing, asis. Call,772-201-11 WANTED-TRACTORS: rusty, broken, ugly, de; abandoned. Call. Sonny 1387 or 352-256-7275, ke thanks. RETIRED REMO CONTRACTOR: Wanti homes or mobile homes needing repair, 493-7841. Services PRESSURE WASHING, AND PAINTING: Reasonable prices, de- pendable, insured and professional. Shamrock Services, 352-463-1212 day or evening and weekends. tfnb,1l-ll y J IRON FREE'S own high purity S MANDpX wide-spectrum/triple : Cash action filtration system removes uick clos- iron-, tannin, sulfur, manganese,- turbidit%, bad taste, bad odor. Kills tfnb.3 -24 bacteria. No more stained fixtures, Old, 'dingy clothes. Low cost, low main- 'ad, alive, tenance. guaranteed. Call today for 352-472- FREE WATER TEST. No obliga- -ep trying, tion. $795 to $1.995. IRON-FREE' Well Water Compan%. Inc., Roy tfnb,ll-6 Jones, Opr. Mlgr. 352-542-981'7 or DEALING WILSON HOME CENTER 352- ngtobuy 463-2068. 1-800-437-1128: ANY- ng to buy with ti l TIME. SCounftry 352 463 8340 Dixie Gilchrist Levy Board of Realtors and Multiple Listing Service P. O. Box 8 Bell, Florida 32619 E-Mail: tcrealty@bellsouth.net www.TownandCountryRealtyOnline.com BACK IN THE WOODS 25 acres mol next to 1,000s of acres of timber land., Mature pines, young pines, oaks. Well-kept 2 BR 1 BA 1980 SW 14x60 MH, well, septic, power, 2 pole barns. Bell, Gilchrist County, $310,000. MLS 751788 BRING FAMILY & FRIENDS create your own community. Choose from six 5-acre mol lots, $128,000 firm each & an 8.22-acre mol lot, $204,000 firm. Half mile to Suwannee Rji er public park & boat ramp. Out of the flood plain. Bell, Gilchnsi County. NILS 751807,751809, 75810,751811,751812, 751814, 751815 READY TO GET AWAY? 2.24 wooded acres mol in Suwannee River Hideaway, Old Town. Property fronts on 2 roads. Within- 100-year flood plain. Public conservation area at end of road. "$30,000. MLS 751621 PAVED ROAD 2 acres mol, corer, naturally wooded, cleared area for your homesite, 5 minutes to Suwannee River public boat ramp, Old Town/Branford, $42,000. MLS 751244 CORNER 2.5 acres mol, pines, oaks, off the beaten path, Bell. $40,000. MLS 751324 1 ACRE mIol wooded, no deed restrictions; norih of Bell. $25,000. MLS 751441 3 ACRES mol \ ooded. half mile oft pav'ed road, deed restrictions allow mobile homes. rra\el trailers. camper trailers, RV units less than 10 \ears old. Old Town. $50.000. MLS 751440 S2.27 ACRES mol wooded. rolling. Bell, $40.000. MLS 749974 20 ACRES mol comer, about 10 acres cleared for crops or liiestock. several acres of natural woods for )our homesite. inacn\e rockpit reclaimed by Mother Nature on north end. Make \our own fishing hole. Are you a rock or mountain climber' Lay out your own course or exercise or entertainment. Bell. $300.000 firm MLS 751123 DE'ELOPMENT POTENTIAL 6 acres mol next to downtown park. Some R-3 uses are half-acre lots and multifamily residences.' House has minimal value, Pole barn. Giant oaks. fruit & nut trees. Bell, $300,000. :MLS 750200 . SL-VANNEE RIVER VIEW from spacious covered balcony. Instant access to public boat ramp. Elevated, renovated 3 BR 2 BA MH, hot tub in glass enclosed porch, fieldstone woodburning fireplace, toomy kitchen., Half acre mol. Bell, $180,000. VIRTUAL TOUR. MLS 7493.89 10.33 ACRESmol -Bell, $150,000. SALE PENDING LET US HELP YOU BUY OR SELL, OR BOTH tfnb, 1-16 Services TRACTOR SERVICE Box Blad- ing, Bush Hogging. 352-284-2628 3tb. 3-2-3-16 ELMORE'S SIMULATED BRICK & STONE, INC.: Stone. stucco, permanent mobile home slrting. Free Estimates 6789 SE 70th Atenue. Trenton. 472-542. 214-3702. Fax 352-472-1024. : t fnb-9-15 ABL HAULING, garage. yard. re- model debris removed, trash, junk. appliance, pressure washing. Free estimates and 8 years experience. Call 472-6164 or 278-2606 BOB OSBORNE TRE VICE, INC.: 70 ft. buck hydraulic loader truck, stur er. Free-Estimates Insur 463-9100. tl E ;e m red SHometown Realty of North FL,I c Natalie Rankin Licensed Real Estate Broker 1310 North Main Street Bell, Florida 32619 Office: (352) 463-9001 Toll Free: (800) 463-9001 Fax: (352) 463-9008 e-mail: hometownrealtynf@bellsouth.net Very comfortable 1700 sq. ft. 3BR/2BA site built home on 5 very nice acres. Home has cypress siding, a wood burning stone fireplace, split floor plan, walk-in closets and sliding glass doors. This home is' located north of Bell making an easy commute to Lake City or High Springs. $172,000, MLS#751663, Beautiful 12 acre property full of potential. Partially cleared and partially wooded provides for multiple uses. Pastures are supplied with water access and are livestock ready with cross fencing and gates. 3/2 double- wide is immaculate and comes furnished. $250,000 MLS#751405 . \ ti .... .1 '?". Beautiful country home on five acres in East Gilchrist County. Exterior features include cypress board & batton siding,. metal roof, pole barn' & workshop, 2 slot carport, landscaping and rear deck. Interior boasts 1952 heated & cooled sq. ft.,'large open living area, large bedrooms, vaulted ceilings, large utility area with washer & dryer, pine moulding & trim, plus much more! $289,900 MLS#751716 Your retreat at the river!. 3BR/2BA wood frame home needs your TLC to realize it's potential. Beautiful and naturally wooded 2.4 acre lot in Holly Springs just one block off of the Santa Fe River. $149,900 MLS#751439 Ver3 %ell kept 1992 3BR 2BA doublewide 'mobile home. Home boasts 1600+ sq. ft. and is situated on very nice 8.57 acre comer lot You must see to appreciate this one! Home. features wood style flooring, fireplace, vaulted ceilings, chair rail and crown molding, ceiling fans, etc. $155,900 MLS#751687 Very nice top of the line Redmond manufactured home on 5 acres. Exterior features include front and 'back porches, detached workshop with 2 slot carport, 5 ton heat pump and 4" well. Interior features include tape & texture walls, an island kitchen, upgraded insulation, security system, sliding doors, stone wall fireplace, upgraded fixtures, jetted tub and much more. $175,900 MLS#751676 LOTS & ACREAGE .27 ACRE LOT IN IRA BEA OASIS High and Dry, 2"well, Septic .50 ACRE LOT well, septic and power pole, east of Trenton .50 ACRE LOT IN BRONSON 1 ACRE LOT North of Bell. Great Price 1 ACRE WOODED LOT IN BELL 1 ACRE HOME READY in Bell, Owner Financing 2.5 ACRES Cleared North of Bell 4 ACRES IN THE TOWN OF BELL w/power pole, septic and well 4.4 ACRES ON SUWANNEE RIVER, Buildable with high banks 5 ACRE PARCEL Deed Restricted Subdivision, four available NEW 5 ACRE PARCELS, East Gilchrist Co., 3 to choose from NEW 5 ACRES IN NORTHERN GILCHRIST CO., nice pasture grass 5 ACRES ON PAVED ROAD, CR 337 Comer lot 6 ACRES, Well, Septic, & Planted Pines 6 ACRES, cleared & fenced 10 ACRES with Well, Septic, and Power Pole REDUCED 15 ACRES, Perfect for motorcross. Call for details NEW 17 + ACRES cleared, close to town 40 ACRES Well, Septic, Power Pole & 20'x40' Pole Barn, 7yr old. Pines EQUAL HWOING OPPOR,, INIrY $ 37,900 $ 29,900 $ 24,900 $ 22,500 $ 26,900 $ 30,000 $ 46,900 $150,000 $799,000 $ 88,500 $100,000 $ 70,000 $124,900 $ 93,500 $ 85,000 $124,900 $200,000 $225,000 $399,000 MLS#751568 MLS#750444 MLS#750509 MLS#750928 MLS#751583 MLS#751289 MLS#749862 MLS#751745 MLS#751658 MLS#TBD MLS#TBD MLS#750222 MLS#751025 MLS#751424 MLS#750467 MLS#TBD MLS#751281 MLS#751132 BUILDING CONTRACTOR: CBC017140 Custom homes built on our lot. Precision De elopment. ,PO Bo\ 249, 26761 SE H\%.. 19. Old Town, 352-542-8416 tfnb.7-15 MOWER & CHAINSAW PARTS Stihl. Husq\arna, ANp, Murray. Sears. MTD. Briggs. Kohler. Robin, and Honda. Blades for most mo\ ers. Beauchamp Sa% Shop 493-4904 : tfn,l-03 A BIG STUMP! A LITTLE STUMP!: We gind them all. Langs- ton Tree Service, Inc. 490-4456. tfnb.2-22 DIXIE MONUMENT: Old Ton fn,'8-18 Since 1992. Visit our display on SER- Hwy.19 at C&C Growers, 9 am- 5 t ruck. : pm. Mon. -; Sat. or call toll free 1- p 877-5-11-3432 for appointment to' : 3- i visit our shop & main office at 1471 S NE 512 Avenue. 100's of stones in stock, computer specialist to assist, you in creating a lasting tribute to the life of your loved one. Sfnb.5-20: TIM POWELL ELECTRIC: Ne~ I rd ,t. i .-5 installations and repairs.l'icensedand insured. State Reg. #EC13X002453. Call (352) 463-2155. Disclosure - Simply put. Disclosure means, that a Sellr of Real properly must 'disclose all facts which affect the value of that property to potential Buyers. In addition Reajlors have the same legal requirement of disclosure.. - A Seller will fill out a form known as a "Sellers Real Propertl Disclosure", This form is kept in the office of their Realtor, and is given to prospective Buyers when requested, or once a contract is received. , - This disclosure goes. over everything from where the mailbox is located, to actual issues with the home, such as roof leaks, plumbing leaks, electrical issues, and anything that the Seller has knowledge of that will affect the value of the Property. - The Realtor also must inspect the property and point out items they notice which may affect the value of the Property. In addition, when a realtor has knowledge of potential development, or other changes in the area, they must notify both parties as these changes may have an effect on the property's value. - There may be items that the Seller and the Realtor have no knowledge of. I always recommend buyers to have a professional Home Inspection performed. The Home Inspector will go through every nook and cranny in a home to find defects. For a list of Home inspectors in our area, visit my homepage www.willgillespie.net. - Items that are not required to be disclosed, are deaths in the home, whether by natural causes, murder or suicide. The fact that a past owner has AIDS or HIV is not required to be disclosed and the fact that a sexual predator living in an area is not required to be disclosed. However you can obtain this information by going to the website of your local sheriffs office, or the FDLE website. Services TREES, TREES, TREES: Langs- ton Tree Service, Inc. 490-4456. tfnb,2-22 WANTED WANTED: Someone to re-level a 32 x 80 MH. 352-472-4166 or 352- 317-3851, leave message if no an- swer. 2tp, 3-9-3-16 SHelp Wanted i COUNTRY STYLE COOK to pre- pare meals for watermelon office. Beginning MNa) 1st for 6-S 8eeks. Also need scale operator beginning May 15th for 4-6 weeks. Call Mani at Billy Smith's Watermelons for appt. -163-6925. 2tb. 3-16-3-23 F Gilchrist County Sheriff's Office now has FT positions open for Dep- uty Sheriff, and Correction Deputy, starting salary $25,000. Must be State of Florida certified. Full ben- efit package, including State Retire- ment, Health Insurance, etc. Appli- cations may be picked up from the Gilchrist County Sheriff's Office,. 9239 South U.S. Highway 129, Trenton, Florida. Contact person, H.L. Montgomern, Chief Deputy. 352-463-3181, EEOC. 2tb. 3-16, 3-23 Akins BBQ in Bell now hiring kitchen help, someone to help put plates together. Apply in person af- ter 5 p.m. 463-6859. RN needed for night shift, Fri. & Sat, 8 or 12 hours shift. RN needed PT, 3 PM-11 PM. CNAs needed, FT and PT, 3PM- 11 PMand 11 PM-7 AM. Please fill out an application atI Ayers Health & Rehab, 606 NE 7th; St., Trenton, or fax resume to 3522 463-7710, EOE, DFWP. Itb. 3-16- WE ARE'BUSY!! Real Estate Associate Wanted. New Licens- ee? We will train. Great Oppor- tunity. Mail or Fax Resume to I Phillips Realty, P.O. Box 1251, High Springs, Fl 32655 Fax: 386-454-4853. tfnb,2-23 I'- I', I"I 1 I J I' I'1 F I, These exclusive 5. acre tracts are deed restricted to homes only and conveniently located between Bell & Trenton. 4 to choose from, Presented by: Natalie Rankin Broker i22l8 (352) 222-8575 Hometown Realty of Nort th . 1310 N. Main Street Bell, FL 32619 (?52d) 463-9001 Offire M ichele Taylor ,-- 2, -. Realtor (352)463-9008 Fax (352) 665-7617 .wwI'.HonietownRealtyNF.com FOR SALE Visit our website at: www.lancasterrealty.biz n-ANCASTER REALTY D. Deen, Laicastir DL. DReate Bncaier Reduced Sellers BEAUTIFUL BRICK COTTAGE STYLE Lic. Real'Estate Broker Motivated home on 20 Acres, 2BR/1 BA home on 1.68 GORGEOUS 4BR/3BA 4 4BR/2BA, MLS# 749034 Acres (mol), $185,000 ' 510 E Wade'Street on 2 Acres, pool, outdoor / $499,000 MLS# 750664 FL 32693 kitchen & more! $390,000 Trenton, FL 32693 MLS# 750683 LAKEFRONT Home on UNDER CONSTRUCTION BEAUTIFUL 4BRI2BA on .30 Acres, 3BR/3BA, 4BR/2BA, 5 Acres Gated 5 Acres, Lanai, above many upgrades, MLS# Community MLS#750191 ground pool, $399,900 749518 $230,000 $369,900Q- Simulation of MLS# 750833 Home being Constructed- LOVELY DWMH on INCREDIBLE COZY 2BR/1 BA on % acre GORGEOUS 1998 shaded 1.01 acres, New RIVERFRONT home on in City of Trenton, DWMH on 3.16 Acres, Roof, 4BR/2BA, MLS# 10.5 Acres, 5BR/2BA MLS# hardwood floors, $125,000 3BR/2BA MLS# 750438 749863 $95,000 745914 $595,000 MLS# 751263 $149,900 -Vacant Land - 58 ACRES already platted and ready for development, located on CR 334 in Trenton, MLS# .."- 751350 $950,000 60:42 ACRES in Otter Creek, can be subdivided LOCATION! 3BR/1.5BA on acre comer lot, Deed into % acre lots, MLS# 749792 $650,000 in City, MLS# 751063 Restricted, garage / $84,900 workshop, $125,000 MLS# 751226 78.80 ACRES of planted pines, great potential to divide, pines 8 years old, current straw i lease, paved HWY frontage, MLS# 751204 $1,680,000 10 ACRES in Bell on paved HWY, only minutes from Bell Schools, may be dividable into 1 REAXOO acre tracts, with possible annexation into town of Bell which will allow 1.2 acre tracts, dividability will need to be satisfied through Town of Bell and Gilchrist County Building and Zoning, MLS# 751034 $197,500 Visit our website at www.lancasterrealty.biz for more vacant land listings. tfnb.4-28 -- >-21. Don Thomas Lorene Thomas Realty, Inc. Sales Associate Highway 19/98, P. O. Box 1653 Old Town, Florida 32680 Business (352) 542-8568 Fax (352) 542-8566 Cell (352) 221-5422 e-mail: RealtyThomas@aol.com Each offices Independently O ned and Operated NORTH WOODS SUBDIVISION SW 20th Street, Bell www.hometownrealtynf.com I r uAVI ji VI-k-"-r I*~1V Y V U, /vtv .JL -^%JL %" N "i t.. .2C~~* ,.. ;L I - a' i "" mmmmmmmmmw t IIUC VACANCIES GILCHRIST COUNTY SCHOOLS Teacher Aide, Pre-K, Special Needs Bell Elementary School High school diploma or equivalent. Associate of Arts degree or higher, at least 60 credit hours from an accredited institution, or a passing score on an approved state test ' required. CDA Required. *Teacher Aide Trenton Elementary School High school diploma or equivalent. Associate of Arts degree or higher, at least 60 credit hours from an accredited institution, or a passing score on an approved, state test required. CDA Required Temporary Teacher Aide Trenton Elementary School High school diploma or equivalent. Associate of Arts degree or higher, at least 60 credit hours front an accredited institution, or a passing score on an approved state test required. CDA Required. Come take a look at this 3 BR/2 BA home with 1,352 sq. ft. of living. Situated on partially fenced 7.48 acres for room to, roam. Attached- carport/polebarnm and 12x12 shed. Call now to see today! MLS#751390 2460 NW 71st Street Bell, Florida Just Listed- $149,000 'Rebecca' Woodmi -Licensed Real Estate Agent Cel (352) 494-8233 Office (352) 463-7770, OLGMAC Smith & Associates GI T i.,,,i GAL4C Real Estate Brad Smith Licensed Real Estate Broker oalfard realty, inc. Licensed Real Estate Broker 3 Q8b-93'-0A' P.O. Box 546 Bell, Florida 32619 9" -0 - Waterfront . FANTASTIC SANTA FE RIVER HOME Large 4/3 home on 21.72.acres with 550' of Santa Fe River Frontage. "What a river view" and loaded with turkey & deer! Property is close to Suwannee River by water, in the country yet close to conveniences too!! It even has it's own nice.boat ramp. Includes 3 extra RV ports and 2 shop/storage build- ings. $795,000. THE RIVER PARADISE A large lot on the Econfina River 2 miles from the Gulf - in navigable waters. Includes a beautiful, large 4 bedroom/3 bath two story home. Close to a boat ramp and super fishing! Boat from your own paradise to the Gulf and you have it made. Also, many great hunting areas very close by. All for only $685,000. 10 ACRES ON THE SUWANNEE 510' of riverfront, beautiful-woods, quiet, se- cluded and private. Complete with in-ground septic tank, 4" well, power, buildable and in good motor boating area -one mile north of Santa Fe. $399,000. 2 ACRES ON SUWANNEE at Charles Springs beautiful, Wooded lot, buildable! $79,900.. A NICE RIVER LOT on Suwahnee River near Royal Springs nice area. $49,900 SUWANNEE COUNTY- Nice 2 Bdrm 1 V Bath Single-wide mobile home with large deck over looking Suwannee River. A beautiful view!! Near a great swimming spring & a nice area to live!! $199,500. BUILDABLE 100' WIDE LOT ON SANTA FE RIVER complete w/ well, septic, power & floating dock good deep water! $225,000. Land & Acreage, 291.45 ACRES OF PRIME HUNTING LAND With a hunting lodge, 2/1 with 1120 sq. ft. of heated and cooled area, lodge is.complete with 680 sq. ft of nice porches and a fireplace. Dog pen, rock quarry, fish pond and approximately 150 acres of planted pines. Awesome hunting of deer, wild hogs, turkey, etc. Good improved roads and trails through out the property. Fronts on a paved road. $1,595,000. Shown by appointment only. 247 ACRES Prime land on more than mile of highway frontage in Suwannee Coun- ty. Nice 3/2 CB home, detached garage with upstairs apartment, 75 acres of beautiful pines, approx 160 acres in cropland, 3 wells & other amenities!! Fantastic development potential, centrally located to just about everything in North Central Florida. Shown by appointment only! $3,250,000. Can be developed into 5 acre tracts!! 34.61 ACRES IN CENTRAL SUWANNEE COUNTY Very nice piece of land on a paved road, surveyed and platted into 3 pieces if you need it subdivided, can be four pieces, mostly open with some nice trees. $485,000. 4 ACRES OF A NICE WOODED TRACT with a mix of nice pines & oaks; Suwannee County. $49,500. 5 LOTS NEAR SANTA FE RIVER AND OUT OF FLOOD PLAIN adjacent to state laAds, all buildable in homes only area, convenient to boat ramps and private park. A fantastic investment opportunity! $120,000. FOR ALL 10 ACRES SQUARE Some open land and some nice trees close to Branford. $100,000. 8 ACRES.- nice open field for your new home, horses, etc. Close to Branford. Only $80,000. 5 ACRES IN NORTH GILCHRIST COUNTY Nice wooded 5 acre tract of property - private & secluded. Must see to believe! $75,000., PACKAGE DEAL OF 12 LOTS NEAR SANTA FE RIVER all 12 for only $185,000. Commercial CONVENIENCE STORE / MECHANICS GARAGES 1 acre zoned commercial/in- / dustrial with lots of frontage on Highway 90 east in Lake City, Florida. Many amenities and lots of square feet of buildings to use your entrepreneurial skills and make this going business grow even more. Only $425,000. DO YOU WANT A LIVE-IN BUSINESS This place could fit your needs! Nice bar and pool room. Great living quarters. Good location in Jasper, Florida. Call us for details. Only $159,900. Visit our website at www.wolfordrealty.com GIl CHRIST CTONTY 10J ORNAL rC LAS S IF IE D k CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. A Teacher Aide Trenton Elementary School High school diploma or equivalent. Associate of Arts degree or higher, at least 60 credit hours from an accredited institution, or a passing score on an approved state test required. Teacher Aide Alternative Education Central Campus High school diploma or equivalent. 'Associate of Arts degree, or higher, at least 60 credit hours from an accredited institution, or a passing score on an approved state test required. Guidance Counselors (Anticipated.Vacancies) District-Wide Masters Degree and Florida certification preferred Principal (Anticipated Vacancy) Bell Elementary School Requires (5) file years teaching experience, Masters Degree and Florida Certification [HeipWanted [ Fijeante Help Wanted Temporary Teacher Aide Trenton Elementary School SHigh school diploma or equivalent. Associate of Arts degree or higher, at least 60 credit hours from an accredited institution, or a passing score on an approved state test required. Substitute Teachers High School Diploma or Equi\ alent. Contact the District Office for an application and more information. S Highly Qualified Substitute Teacher Pool We are accepting applications for our Highly Qualified Substi- tute Teacher Pool. Qualifications: Bachelor's Degree or higher ith a current or former teaching certificate in a core subject area Once appro\ ed, high\ qualified substitutes would be eligible for substituting at $130 a day in pre-appro\ ed situa- tions \ here there is a long-term .absence in a core subject area. All other daily substituting \could be at current dail\ rates Contact the District Office for an application and more information. Bus Driher Trainees; Substitute Bus Drivers. High School Diploma S40 hours of in-service training % ill be prot ided for qualified ap- plicants. Fle\tble trairung hours. Part of the trairung prepares trainees for the driver portion ot the Class B Florida CDL For in- formation or questions. contact the Transportation Department at (352. 463-3230. RESIDENTIAL A LOT FOR A LITTLE! Over 2400 Sq: Ft. with 4BR, 3BA. solid surface countertops in kitchen, cultured marble in baths & upgrades everywhere! Call Tony, BoothbN. 352-262-2259. $299,500. #261109 BRAND NEW HOME on 6.4 acres in Emerald Farms subdivision, completion date June. Built by CBS Construction. Low Gilchrist Co. taxes. Over 1668 Sq. Ft, 3BR, 2BA, split plan, separate Din., Rm, wood, cabinets. Horses permitted. Call William Gillespie,, 352-225-1921. $299,900. #261866 BRING YOUR HORSES! 5 acres between High Springs & Newberry w/low taxes of Gilchrist Co. 3BR, 2BA, open Liv. area w/fireplace. Kit. has newer appliances & double oven. Outbuildings w/power & covered area for kennel. Beautiful pasture cross-fenced. Call Sean Maroney, 352-665-0144. $335,000. #260302 .VACANT LAND BEAUTIFUL ACRE LOT in Three River Estates with huge old oaks! Private Santa Fe River access to boat ramps and picnic areas. Close to Spring, low Suwannee taxes. Call Martha Cornelius, 386-984 5920. $29,900. #241896 BEAUTIFUL WOODED 5 ACRES close to Trenton. Easy commute to Gairesville. Call Tony Deluca, 352-318-3815. $64,000. #260240 HEAVILY WOODED 5 ACRES only one mile south of the Santa Fe River. Will allow mobile homes, minimum of 900 Sq. Ft. Call Martha Barnes, 386-454-3327 or 352-339-4069. $84,900. #261732 CHOOSE YOUR BUILDER. Choice 5-acre homesite in private gated, equestrian oriented Meadow Wood Trails in Gilchrist County. Restricted "Homes Only". Call Lorraine Handler, 376-454-3327 or 352-215-8922. $109,900. #262335 BEAUTIFUL 5 ACRE HOMESITE in homes only gated community. Located in Northern Gilchrist County, just a few miles away from the historic Suwannee River & the Santa Fe River. Come & relax in the country while keeping the city within reach. Call William Gillespie, 352-225-1921. $129,900. #260804 ROLLING 10 ACRES of lush pasture just waiting for you & your horses to relax in the country. Perfect to build or bring in a Manuf. home. Call William Gillespie, 352-225-1921. $135,000. #242576 GILCHRIST COUNTY SHER- IFF 'S OFFICE now has full time positions open for Deputy Sher- iff, and Correction Deputy, start- ing salary $25,000. Must be State of Florida 'certified. : Full benefit, package, including state retirement, Health insurance; etc. Applications may be picked up from the Gilchrist County Shenff's Office. 9239 south U. S. High\ ar 129, Trenton, Flor- ida. Contact person, H. L. Mont- gomery, Chief Deputy, 1352i 463- 3181.EEOC :2tb, 3-16-3-23 PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS, home every night. Full benefits package. Dry bulk & flatbed posi- tions at New bern Terminal Com- mercial Carrier Corp 866-300- 8759. 2' b,3-9-316 SMALL ENGINE TECH needed for la\%n and garden center Must have exp. Medical and retirement available. Call GBS at 463-2738 ask for Clinton. THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 2006 FiIe iaitedI ~ He! elp Wante Assistant Principal Bell Elementary School Requires (3) three years teaching experience, Masters Degree and Florida Certification. Speech/Language Pathologist iK-12) District-wide Bachelor's Degree in Speech/ Language Patholog iCommunica- tion Disorders from an accredited educational institution. Florida certification in Speech/Language Pathology andlor licensure in Speech/Language Pathology. School Psychologist . District-wide - Master's Degree from an accredited institution. Certification covering School Psycholog). Obtain and submit application to- Gilchrist Counlt School Disnrct. 310 NW llth Atenue. Trenton.FL 32693 (352) 4-63-3200 Application may be do% loaded at: %w \\.gilchristichools.org/Person- nelhtim#Applicatlon S Attach a resume and an\ additional information as necessary. All applications will be screened Not all applicants \ill be inter\ ie ed. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled. EEO/Drug Free Workplace '. w t'\.GilchristSchools.org WAITRESS, COOK & DISH- WASHER: Only serious need ap- ply. Call for appointment. 352-463-' local, or Leil 10pyij i3-nUV. B^TROKE REALTY SIN' SEE OUR LISTINGS (352) 463-7075 JEAN c. TROKE Licensed Real Estate Broker. ON THE WEB: (352)463-7302FAX1 I (352 .463-7302 FAX, .,- E-mail: trokerealty@aol.com i n- I rroX. ralnminc:or" E 730 E. Wade Street (SR-26) Trenton, Florida 32693 -. SUiWANNEE RIVERFRONT PROPERTY NOW AVAILABLE-- RIVER-AREA HOMES & ACREAGE, NEAR TO OLD TOWN IN DIXIE: 6 BR/5.5 BA: Two CB-built homes, along with eleven 1/2-acre tracts ,ail lianacaped. Ir.ge frees), located at private river S/D right by, Nature Coast 'Rails-Trails' river bridge/trail. 1,900 sq. ft. home has 90' along the river, with deck & floating dock, river-side ele, ai.J p~-.rih 2-car garage & more. 2nd home is over 2,700 sq. ft. inside, 16x36 covered outer decL -v 'h.:.r tub), 20x24 workshop/pottery bldg,, bonus rooms & 1/2 bath (possible 'in-laWs' suite), fully landscaped on one acre--call Jean or Jim for full details on this special property, with great waterfront & new home-site opportunity for buyer/investor..$1,000,000 (or separate offer for either home) GORGEOUS WOODED ACREAGE, LARGE HOME & RIVERFRONT NEAR BELL: 3 BR/3 BA: Private 10.73-acre tract, naturally wooded with approx. 290' frontage along the Suwannee in NW Gilchrist. Has incredible, spacious frame/CB-stilt "dog-trot" home, 3 levels which include ground floor entertainment screened porch, 3-vehicle parking; main 2nd level with over 2,000 sq..ft. of screened porches (great river & nruc ier .i, full greatroom/dining/kitchen (w/bonus loft space), master suite (wood/tile flooring, walk-in closet).;Also has a workshop/cottage, irrigation -\ ilem rier de:k &floating dock...too much more to mention here--call or e-mail our office for further details...$675,000. -- QU ALITY-BUILT HOMES CURRENTLY FOR SALE -- EXCELLENT RANCH HOME ON 5.SECLUDED ACRES: 3 BR/2.5 BA: Frame/CB-built home, has over 3,100 sq. ft. under roof, on back 5-acre tract (mostly pasture w/large oak/pine by home-site) in between Trenton & Bell. Lamihated wood & tile flooring, large greatroom/dining area w/fireplace, spacious 1st & 2nd BR's '& Baths; full'front country-style porch, 24' round pool, patio/BBQ area among The neei, and more... $310000. WELL-BUILT HOME IN NICE TRENTON NEIGHBORHOOD: 3 BR/2 BA: Lots of living space, for this remodeled frame/CB home. on land' cped I l11 I 3r Ui n Io a Sp:,cwus I,, inr,g rcn'd rimn 'g area, bonus roon (w/brick fireplace), full kitcheri w/appliances & china cabineuy,2- car garage & nmore...5169,900. CEDAR-BUILT HOME & ACREAGE IN WEST GILCHRIST: 1 BR/1.5 BA: Landscaped 2.5-acre setting, for this Cedar-frame country cottage along West CR-232 (near Otter Springs). Inside has open plan-concept, along with loft space (that could add room for more BR). Wood flooring, cabinetry, wrap-around porches, and more...has contract pending...$165,000. FRAME HOME, NICE ACREAGE NEAR FANNING SPRINGS: 1 BR/1 BA: Compact home (not yet completed), currently 1 BR, (but possible room for 1-2 more.) On 4-acre tract with paved frontage, large oaks by home-site with property fencing. Home has great potential, for first-time buyer or investor--call or email Barbara for details...$129,000. --MANUFACTURED HOMES ON THE MARKET -- NEW LISTING--SPACIOUS, LIKE-NEW MANUFACTURED & ONE ACRE: 3 BR/2 BA; Well-kept 28x64 2002 M/Home (refurbished by Owner), on 1.04-acre tract at end of cul-de-sac with outbuildings, located close to US-19 and all nearby amenities in Fanning Springs--call or email for full details...$108,900, SPACIOUS, LIKE BRAND-NEW MODULAR HOME NEAR TOWN: 3 BR/2 BA: 2005 30x60 M/Home in showcase shape, on pasture/landscaped 2 acres just south of Trenton. Beautiful inside, includes big family room w/fireplace, large kitchen w/stainless-steel appliances & plenty of counters/cabinetry, office alcove. Also, attached pad ready for porch or additional room(s), storage shed, underground utilities & paved frontage...$174,900. UPDATED MANU. HOME & MORE, NEARBY FANNING SPRINGS: 3 BR/2 BA: Nicely cared-fbr 24x44 manufactured home-site, on landscaped .41/acre tract with paved frontage by SR-26 (& near US-19) in West Gilchrist. Has a number of outbuildings, including 30x40 workshop & more, lots of trees/fauna & property fencing--call Barbara for details...$114,900. NEAT & CLEAN 'HOMES-MERIT' IN FANNING SPRINGS: 3 BR/2 BA: Very fine, well-kept 27x63 Manufactured home, has full spacious rooms, fireplace in large family room, lots of counter/cabinet space for kitchen (w/full appliances), all on 100x300 tract with privacy fencing, paved road frontage along Joppa Church Road & more...$95,000. WELL-KEPT M/HOME ON LANDSCAPED ACRE IN NO. GILCHRIST: 3BR/2BA: 1996 24X44 Manufactured, in quality condition, on 1.15;acre tract (nice mix of trees/open space), with board fencing in front. Located north of Bell, with quick access to US 129 & CR 340...0Owner says to present offers...$92,000. -- LOTS & ACREAGE PROPERTIES ON MARKET-- 44 ACRES, MIX OF WOODS/OPEN SPACE, IN EAST GILCHRIST: Over 40 acres, ready for family or gentleman's farm/home-site east of Trenton; has paved frontage along CR-337, and an older home-site on property (improvements being sold in 'as is' condition)--call or e-mail our office for full details...$638,000. 20 ACRES-PASTURE PROPERTY IN WEST GILCHRIST: Twenty rolling acres, with large oaks/pines along boundaries, ready for Ag use or large home-site. Located close to CR-232 & CR-344 near Hart Springs...$265,000. THREE SEPARATE 20-ACRE TRACTS NEAR BELL: 3 individual 20-acre properties, side-by-side location in North Gilchrist, mostly wooded raw acreage ready to be improved--call or email Barbara for details...$260,000 each. 8+ ACRES, CLOSE TO NEWBERRY: 8.92-acre mostly pasture tract, on cul-de-sac for privacy, very close to SR-26 for quick work/leisure drive east to Gainesville, call or email Barbara for details...$150,000. 5 ACRES & IMPROVEMENTS, EAST GILCHRIST: Quiet, country acreage, with well, septic & power pole (Owner selling 'as is'). Close to CR-232, for easy access to Gainesville/Alachua...$89,900. 4+ ACRES NEAR FANNING SPRINGS: Located amongst nice mix of well-kept built & manu. home-sites, mostly pasture 4.2-acre tract ready for new home-site, within short drive to Fanning Springs and Trenton...$73,000. BUILDABLE 1/2-ACRE NEAR MANATEE SPRINGS: Nicely-wooded 100x200 tract, located along paved Camp Azalea Road (near to Manatee State Park west of Chiefland). Well-kept built & M/H home-sites nearby...$25,000. AFFORDABLE & BUILDABLE TRACT, NEAR TO FANNING SPRINGS: Wooded 100x100 property, near to SR-26, Rails-to-Trails and more at west end of county, ready, for built or manufactured home-sites...$9,900. RENTAL HOME--3 BR/2 BA block home on 1 acre, executive homes S/D, $700 per month, first, last, and security. You can call our agents after regular business hours, for more information on any of our listings, at the main office number above, or at our agents' cell numbers below: Ji ~ALS m or Jean Troke 386) 935-3357 Paul Troke (352) 221-2999 Barbara Mayo (352) 222-0427 "Professional Service With A Personal Touch" EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY rage NiALxteen I BY OWNER 118 acres great for horses and has very open Floor plan triplewide manufactured (Skyline) home. Fully tape & textured throughout, high vault ceilings, with J BR/2 BA, kitchen, dining, living room combination. Three outbuildings for more storage. Fully fenced, holding pens and round pen for horse training. Great location north of Bell, just off Hwy-129. Appointment required to view. $265,000. Call (J86) 935-3259 N.. /" 11 ffr/ \E "t777 77 -7i PROJECT MANAGER NEEDED for Trenton-based residential building contractor. Ability to manage numerous single-family projects at one time. Benefits. Equal Opportunity Emplo\er Drug-Free \Iorkplace Fax Resume to 352-463-0031 111 SBeast Feast Raffle Tickets On Sale Now at the Gilchrist County Journal 207 North Main Street Trenton BUILDING LOTS Five-Acre Tracts Absolutely Gorgeous, Wooded, Great, Location just off Hwy- 129 between Trenton & Bell. Contractor will design and build your Dream Home on one of these beautiful lots. 352-463-9060 f APverland Mortgage Corporation Residential Mortgages Offering: Fi.ed Rates Available New Construction Manufactured Homes SPurchase, Refinance& Cash Out Investment Property : Conventional, 1-4 Single Family Homes First, Second, and Home Equity Lines of Credit Bill Deen and Brenda Wilkerson Licensed Mlortgage Brokers 46-1313, fax 463-1318 e-mail: n\erlandintgip'bellsouth.net Visit ouir \website: \i~\iw.ri\ erlandmtg.\\eb-loans.com ! ir. wI '(71 I lo'rtaF Coiporation 723 E. Wade Street. Trenton, FL 32693 A Come See Us! ) ( -- n~~~ o-,,*.i.. ~ ;.I I;:lr; Uhns.:- -mITTlDOnAV KA DrT 1C M16C I ItiK X I 1,tl I, 1VJJ)JX,.-.Li I), LLXX Nj I I Help Wanted El LAUNDRY PERSON FT Swing Shift, 6 AM to 2 PM and 2 AM to 10:30 PM. Every third weekend eff. Exp. preferred and hardwork- ifig team player. Fill out application at Ayers Health Rehab, 606 NE 7th St., Trenton or fax resume to 352- 463-7710. Recent applicants need not apply. ltb. 3-2 CNAs ALL SHIFTS Tri-County Nursing Home. Take advantage of sign on bonus and differentials, '7280 SW SR 26, Trenton. DFWP/ EOE. 2tb, 3-2-3-9 GM BODY SHOP MANAGER: Salary plus commission,.call Vic-, tor @ 352-493-4263 or fax resume to 352-493-1815. Scoggins Chevy- Buick. Trenton I& IlApartments Wor Rent 718 NE 7th Place #905 STrenton, FL 32693 Now Accepting Applications 1, 2, & 3 BR HC & Non-HC apartments. Rental assistance may be available. 352-463-7106, TDD/TTY 711 Equal Housing Opportunity. and Associates OPENING SOON! High Springs Hills Paed Streets, Homes only, Mixed hardwoods on rolling hills. Close to High Springs Resee ours now. 5.0 acres and up stamng it $89,900 Spectacular Wooded Lot in Citrus Springs, Citrus County. $59,900 3 BD/2 BA on 5 Acres. Pamally wooded, fenced, fireplace, dining room, eat in kitchen, very clear.. Workshop and shed Quiet neighborhood in Gilchrist County $145,000 1.13 Wooded Acres in Spanish Trace, Levy County $40,000 5.0 Gorgeous Acres in Gilchrist County. Just off paved county road. Very private and quiet area. $62,500 2 BD/2 BA DWMH. Very xell kept 2002 on 5 acres in Gilchrist County. Secluded but not far from amenities. $100,000 -3 BD/2 BA DWMH on one landscaped acre. Eat-in-kitchen w/island, fresh carpel and paint. Deeded river access to the Ichetucknee.and Santa Fe Rivers. $112,900 Santa Fe River acreage with river frontage. We have several larger parcels to choose from wiith a uariery of frontage in Gilchrist County. Call us for all of the wonderfull detalds Several 1.0 acre parcels to choose from that will give you deeded river access to the Ichetucknee and Santa Fe Rivers. Spring is just around the comer. Get yours now before they are all gone. Call for details. 3.19 Spectacular acres :n a Suwannee Riter access community. Wooded area with large oaks throughout. Lafayette County $35,900 Call 1-800-643-6971. Sinfo@phillipsrealtyland.com See more of our listings @ www.DhiiliDsrealtvland.com L. Frank Grant Realty L. Frank Grant LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER 216-A N. Main St., Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-2817 FAX (352) 463-2479 E -? lfgr.@bellsouth.net -,- We List To Sell! M LS. 818 SW 5th Street Trenton 4 BR/2 BA frame house, 3 acres, 2,156 sq. ft., large trees-nice area, room to build another home or 2. MLS#748358. Price $175,000. For additional information on our listings and virtual tours. Visit our website at www.lfrankgrant.com East Side of Gilchrist County 3 ac tract plus four (4) 5 ac. tracts w/planted pines on Co. Grade Rd. Priced at $90,000 each. MLS#750923-750927 Lil Lake City NW 60th Street 9.2 ac Planted Pines, MLS#749600 Reduced $125,000. 10 AC off Santa Fe on 95th PL 4" well-cross fenced-ready for horse or new home. MLS#749774 Reduced $145,000. 9.92 AC NW 52nd CT Clear pasture land-fencing MLS#749884 Only $140,000. 20 AC NW 18th Way Wooded, $260,000. 20 AC 30th Street in Bell Wooded, $215,000. GT IFCHRTST COT NTY JOT RNAI CLASSIFIED h CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. A I-Help Wanted AUTO TECH: We are in need of an experienced ASE/GM mechanic experienced in all phases of today's GM vehicles. Candidate should have a clean driving record, own tools, training will be a must! No weekends. Fax resume to Scoggins in Chiefland @ 352-493-4277 or e- mail-vemonl@bellsouth.net 2tb,3-2-3-9 A/C INSTALLER: Duct Mechan- ic, Akins Heating and Air Condi- tion. 463-2380. t:fnb,1-19 REAL ESTATE SECRETARY/ ASSISTANT wanted in busy office that can offer their multi-task efforts and enthusiasm to work within a team. Must have. real estate office experience. Send resume to: PO Box 545, Chiefland. Florida 32644. 2tb 2-23.3-2 1 --Help Wanted RN, 3-11, F/T Charge Nurse. Come join our progressive team, new increased shift differential, sign-up bonus. Tri-County Nursing Home, 463-1222. DFWP. EOE. S21b. 2-23-3-2 FT/PT EXPERIENCED main- tenance man:needed immediately.. Also a FT/PT experienced cook needed immediately Apply itlun at the Lighthouse Restaurant tfnb,l-27 CLUB HOUSE FOR RENT Suwannee Rljer Shlnne Club. 12 mile east:of Fanning Spnngs. Hw. 26 Clubhouse appro. -400 sq. ft. foorret or parties. weddings. meet- ings, etc. For info contact Bobb\ Heath at 352-542-9284. :I 2tb. 3-16.3-23 Help Wanted KID'SWORLD PRESCHOOL IS ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for a part-tune teacher's assistant, from 2:30 6:30 pm. Must have HS diploma, stop by to appl or call 352-463-3555. tfnb.2-9 : STAFF ASSISTANT:. Gilchrist County has an opening for.an Ad- ministrative Assistant. This full- time position includes retirement and health benefits. Job descrip- tions are available upon, request. Applications may be obtained from and should be returned to the Coun- it Administrator's Office at 209 SE *First Street. Trenton, FL 32693, or mailed to blatnerrgil'chris fl.us Gilchrist County is an EOE.'DFWP 2ib.3-2-3-9 FLOOR PERSON. FT position. exp. only need applI. Please apply at Tn-Count\ Nursing home. 7280 S\ SR 26. Trenton. FL DFWP,' EOE. Beast Feast Raffle Tickets On Sale Now at the Gilchrist County Journal 207 North Main Street Trenton For Rent FOR RENT Office space at Wil- son Mobile Homes, Hwy. 26 East, Trenton, 900+ sq. ft. Call 352-463- 2156. Sfnb. 2-16 [LAND AUCTION T\\ o Fi ve Acre Parcels, House, Barn, Cottage. April 8. 2006 10:00 AM. Gilchrist Count, North FL. For more info Sw \ atklnsononline com 1-888-516-0634-1 Atkinson Realt\ and Aucnon Inc AB1141 2tb.3-23-3-30. Real Estate 10 ACRES: Lots of trees. beautiful oak hammocks, house-site already\ cleared. Call 221-0363 or 463-8605, lea\e message $155.000. 2tp.3-9-3-16 Smith & Associates, nc. Swww.bsgmac.com Brad Smith Licensed Real Estate Broker Join i h v f c. lt MLS# 749865 $137,500 3BR/2BA .22 Acres NEW home in "The Trails" S/D. Cir IhmiLu-.,fChiefland. IBI MLS# 751581 $330,000 3BR/2BA' 20 Acres Room to'Roam! Plenty of pasture, Large scattered oaks, and fenced/cross fenced. .4;. MLS# 750529 $109,900 3BR/2BA 3 Acres Great investment, Property Consist of twco homes. "- M "- .. : ... - $70,000 MLS# 750612 4BR/2BA .46 Acres Located in great school district. Will make great home. .11 Acres $12,000 Land in grcail sth.ol di. Jlil .23 Acres $34,900) Close to school, shopping & recreation .31 Acre $39,500 Special zoning .41 Acres $39,900 Muhl-Residenijal zoning poteriual Trcnio:n Ci limits 1. Acre $30,000 Cl0 ( tu ,'jicr ,'n'-' f'.,:'ding , I.JU Acre $39,900 Nice l;i ldoie i" .g:lt'.c:.ur.e 3 indi dual lots sold separately. 1.25 Acres $29,900 Great homesite 1.93 Acres $69,900 Large sprawling oaks w/ beautiful water view. 4.74 Acres $82,500 Deed Restricted "Saddlebrook" S/D. 4.77 Acres $82,500 Deed Restricted "Saddlebrook" S/D. 4.77 Acres $85,000 Deed Restricted New DW MH-2 available 4.79 Acres $82,500 Deed Restricted "Saddlebrook" S/D. 4.81 Acres $82,500 Deed Restricted "Saddlebrook" S/D. 5.00 Acres $349,900 Commercial property in City limits of Bell. 5 Acres $75,000 Property located in heart of Bell. 5 Acres $79,900 Beautiful property located in horse farm community. 5 Acres $79,900 Nice acreage in Chiefland. 5 Acres $85,000 Deed Restricted to Site Built Homes. Three individual lots available. 5 Acres $80,000 Deed Restricted "Homes Only". Two tracts available each $80,000. Purchased together for $150,000. 5 Acres $85,000 Nice tract in Trenton off CR 334-A. 5 Acres $89,900 Horses are okay! 5 Acres Old honisite, sold "as is". 5 Acres Planted in 12 yr old pines. 5.06 Acres Close to natural spring. 5.52 Acres This is a 3 sided parcel Trenton. $95,000 $140,000 $79,900 $75,000 located in 7 Acres $124,900 Property off Cow Pond Rd Old Town. 9.62 Acres $149,900 Deed restricted to new doublewide MH's. 9.63 Acres $149,900 Deed restricted to new doublewide MH's. 10 Acres $109,900 Wooded parcel on country setting. 10 Acres $129,900 Well, septic and power pole. ^ .' :.. $155,000 MLS #749710 4BR/2BA 3.21 Acres Beautiful home-site for family. Page Seventeeh [Real Estate j FORSALE Retail storefront prop- erty in downtown Trenton. Three buildings on Main Street. Call 352- 463-7135.tf tfn,6-30. Buy or sell or both. Call TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY 352*463*8340 P. O. Box 8. Bell, Flonda 32619 tcrealty@bellsouth.net www.TownandCountryRealty Online.corm Dixie-Gilchrist-Levy. Board of Realtors and Multiple Listing Service. S:tfb,2-20 Old Town, 3BD/1.5BA mobile home NicelN renovated 1979 Sum- merhill in small mobile home park tLow lot rent. $19,000. 352-493- 4973 or 352-221-419 7. 2b. 3-16-3-23 Vinyl Letters Banners Real Estate Signs Printing ,Advertising office Supplies 10 Acres $139,901 Land pinialnl\ lcdk''l.id rcJad fur y',ur home 10 Acres S149,000l Secluded proper n.'ne trees 10 Acres I ,1501),)11 Pljnied in Pines 10.0 Acres $169,900 Has ueli. epii., and pier pole 10.0 ecres $195.0110 High jnd Dr,' 10.26 Acres $149,900 "i..mei Or.l\" Chiefland 14.97 Acres $199,900 Property in Bell ready for home. Two available! 20.00 Acres $406,000 Well, septic & power pole. 20.0 Acres $199,900 Dividable! 21 Acres $660,000 Deed restricted community. 35.85 Acres $385,000 Pines offer seclusion & beauty. 40.00 Acres $480,000 Planted in pines. 55 Acres $850,000 Huge development potential! 57.37 Acres $1,721,100 City water & sewer. Can be subdivided. 70.0 Acres $770,000 Planted in Pines!!! Beautiful! 80 Acres $799,600 Great hunting property planted in pines. 154 Acres $2,618,000 Just outside city limits of Bell & can Be subdivided. 160 Acres $1,920,000 Agricultural land can be subdivided. .11 Acres $295,000 Waterfront gulf canal .12 Acres $189,900 Fresh water canal lot in Suwannee. .23 Acres $189,900 Freshwater lot in Suwannee .54 Acre $150,000 Property is in Melrose, Fl. Deep canal lot off Santa Fe River. 12.78 Acres $1,500,000 Beautiful Cedar Key property. High & Dry w/ creek. 15.0 Acres $480,000 Astonishing acreage on Suwannee River w/ deed restrictions. 21.00 Acres $660,000 Astonishing acreage on Suwannee River. wommerci al Convenience Store $950,000 Located in Otter Creek. High traffic count, busy highway, & only gas station for miles. Too much to list! MLS# 750110 Commercial Building $179,900 Totally remodeled building located off Major highway. MLS# 750406 Commercial Building $779,000 MANY possibilities! Offers 8250 sq.ft. total/ 2 separate buildings.High traffic. Business Opportunity $380,000 Conveniently located in the heart of Chiefland. Building built in 2002 with 4800 sq. ft. all on .74 acres. MLS# 747175 SrcYuD ev ao- S 10 SW 7th Street 605 N. Main Street 934 E. Wade Street 27888 US Hwy-19 Hwy-349 South Williston, FL 32696 Chiefland, FL 32626 Trenton, FL 32693 Old Town, FL 32680 Suwannee, FL 32692 352-529-0010 352-493-4200 352-463-7770 352-542-1111 352-542-1212 U- e -. 'a . Warehouse Manager FT: Must be able to lift 50 Ibs. Previous shipping and receiving exp. a plus but not req. CDL license also a plus. Apply in person at Southern States Cooperative . 7730 N. Hwy 47 No phone calls please. ' "y GMAC I ~M~ IB lii~i~l II Page .Eighten -11 - Get Your Household Hazardous Wastes Ready For The Toxic Roundup! (Continued from Page One) materials together, they may re- act with each other and create a more dangerous situation. Con- tainers need to be labeled, if the original label is missing please mark it if you know what it is, if not mark "unknown." Make sure loose containers are packed so they do not turn over during transportation. There are a few items that SHOULD NOT be brought to the round up. These items are any explosive agents or am- munition, reactives like crys- tallized ethers, picric acid, and sodium and phosphorus metals. Radioactive, infectious wastes and pressurized cylinders such as propane or LP tanks and compressed gasses are NOT WELCOME. This toxic round up is open to Gilchrist County residents only. Small business may call 352-334-0440 and inquire about drop off of small business tox- ins, there is a fee for small busi- nesses and you will need to call about prices. Two locations will be set up this Saturday, March 18, 2006, one at the Bell Solid Waste Transfer and Recycling Center and in Trenton at the City Park Picnic Shelter. To help reduce your disposal problems try to only buy what you need. Look for items that are non toxic, read the labels of various products before you buy, .many times you have a choice of an item that is less harmful to our environment. Also consider using cleaning products that are phosphorus free or low in phos- phates. Many items we buy over the counter in neat packaging could be replaced by household items that you already have; for instance, if you live with high mineral content water vinegar and lemon juice are good acids for cleaning mineral buildup. A simple all purpose spray cleaner can be made by mixing one tea- spoon borax, two tablespoons vinegar, two cups hot water and mix all in a spray bottle. There are many recipes available to help us reduce our use of tox- ins or harmful chemicals in our home. Check what, is available "SA VE MONEY? WITH ALLSTA TE?" CALL ME. YOU MAY BE SURPRISED AT HOW AFFORDABLE ALLSTATE COVERAGE IS. Davia Swilley & Steve JenBins STANLEY INSURANCE AGENCY. INC 630 NE Santa Fe Blvd, Hign Springs 13521463-1542 info.',wlstanley.com Allstate. V.ju ,'e I- f, .3 , PS C lAi )r op by b:.r r 3 I'r qu at your favorite bookstore and you will be amazed what options you have in environmentally safe housekeeping, controlling garden pests organically, and purchasing items from compa- nies who keep our environment in mind when making and pack- aging their products. See you Saturday, March 18th at the Gilchrist County Toxic Roundup, if you have any questions call 463-3185 or small businesses please call 334-0440. This roundup is open to Gilchrist County Residents only. Tommy Langford Announces Intent To Seek Re-Election (Continued from Page One) very best to plan for the future of our county. . If I can answer any questions or be of any service to anyone, please call me at any time. Thank you. Tommy Langford County Commissioner District Four Beast Feast Raffle Tickets S On Sale Now at the Gilchrist County Journal 207 North Main Street -Trenton New Idle Speed/No Wake Zones For Suwannee And Santa Fe Rivers (Continued from Page One)' Fe rivers to rise to levels that pose immediate dangers to vessels and the public. Vessels operating in the area can strike submerged objects. "In the five new zones, Idle Speed/No Wake restrictions are driven by Suwannee River Water Management gauges already situated within' these. segments. When the specific gauge reaches the identified water level, Idle Speed/No Wake restrictions will be imposed. When waters recede below these specified levels within a specific segment, the restrictions will be lifted," Ouellette said. The first segment is from the U.S. 90 Bridge at Ellaville south to the S.R. 51 Bridge at Luraville. This 39-mile segment of the river will be at Idle Speed/No Wake when the Suwannee River is at 47 feet above mean sea level or higher as indicated on the Ellaville gauge, where flood " stage is 54 feet. The second segment is from the S.R. 51 Bridge at Luraville to Little River Spring. This 18- mile segment of the ri\er would be at Idle Speed/No Wake when the Suwannee River is at 26 feet above mean sea level or higher as indicated on the Branford .gauge, where flood stage is 29 feet. The third segment is from Little River Spring to the C.R. 340 Bridge at Rock Bluff. This 23-mile segment of the river \ would be at Idle Speed/No Wake. when the Sux\annee River is at 24 feet above mean sea level or higher as indicated on the Branford gauge. The fourth segment runs from C.R. 340 Bridge at Rock Bluff to one mile below the Fowler Bluff Boat Ramp. This 51-mile segment of the river would be at Idle Speed/No Wake when the Suwannee River is at nine feet above mean sea level or higher as indicated on the Wilcox, gauge, where flood stage is 11 feet. The fifth segment is from River Rise within O'Leno State Park west to the confluence of the Suwannee River. This 32- mile segment of the river would be at Idle Speed/No Wake when the Santa Fe River is at 17'feet above mean sea level or higher, as indicated on the Three Rivers gauge, where flood stage is 19 feet. "FWC is working to develop signage for the new zones and will be responsible for all costs associated with placement arid maintenance of the signs," Ouellette said. Another Way, Inc. Domestic Violence And Rape Crisis Center Announces Free Confidential Services Another Way, Inc. Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Center wants to remind the residents of ' the Tri-County area that they of- fer a 24-hour hotline, emergency \ shelter, legal advocacy, outreach , services and 'children services to victims of sexual' assault and ' rape. All of their services are" free and confidential. Remember...rape is a, crime...alx\a.s. You, may call.' their hotline at 866-875-7983. . 2006 Wall and Desk Calendars 50% OFF (While.Supplies Last) Gilchrist County Journal Starts at Scoggins Chevy-Buick! On Jan. 11, 2006, General Motors Corp. cut prices on all new vehicles. Scoggins is going one step further by reducing our prices to the public with Fleet Pricing on Every New Vehicle in Stock! Through the End of MarChl!!! All New Vehicles Will Be Clearly Marked With This Special Offer! 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