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Serving Gilchrist County and Surrounding Area for over 74 YeaKs t ( ) 6 -7135 Fax i352) 463-7393 $20.00 A Year InTri-County Area (Gilchrist, Vol 75-No.46 Phone (352) 463 7135 Fax 4-Trenton, Florida 32693 Thursday, March 2, 2006 Price 50 Dixie d evy Counties), $24.00OOther Areas V.gilchristjournal@bellsouth.net Of Florida, $28.00 Out Of State. Senator Rod Smith Tells Tri-County Residents That Education Of Our Kids Is A Priority By Anna Wild Senator Rod Smith came out to the Gilchnst Counry FFA Rodeo Arena on Monday. February 27, 2006 to speak to the local community about the changes he wants to make if elected the" state's next Governor. He hosted a fund-raising dinner which was catered by Bell's from Chiefland and drew over 150 people from Gilchrist and neighboring counties. Rod Smith k as pleased to see people in the crowd whom he recognized when he ran for the job of State Attorney in 1992. Rod is a native Floridian who understands the concerns of those of us in North Central Florida and throughout the state. Rod Smith understands the importance of our public schools and wants to make changes that should have been made a long time ago.. "Two years ago.the state with the worst graduation rate' in America was. Florida, this year the SAT scores of our college bound seniors were 49th in the nation." He \anis to make sure the public schools are not just preparing our children for a week of special exams, but for real life. "This FCAT has become the be all'end all of the school system. But by the time we get the score it's the end of the school year: by the time we find out the deficiency's there we haven't addressed it." He wants to make sure there is "a difference between no ,child left-behind and no child left untested." He wants to keep class sizes smaller and make sure children that are having trouble keeping up are getting the extra help they need without holding up those who are ready to take Rod Smith, Democrat for Governor of Florida, is for our children and their right to a good education in our puidlic schools. He proudly holds iii"granddaughter, .ni,.'ah Gra.' Glover, ' 'who is-nine mIonhts old and "gifted." He hopes ears from n'o's she can sa that tthe State of Florida elected her grandfather Governor and he was the best they ever had. Shown from left are Bruce E. Thomas, Jr., Brett Cra, ford, Jaycee Thomas, Ashton Sanchez, Kaylee Craifo rd Rachel Thomas, and Bryn Thomas, who are proud to support Rod Smith for Governor. Photo by Anna Wild. on more. He wants to keep our good teachers by paying them what they are worth. He told the story of a math teacher he met who explained "after 21 years she's now teaching in Georgia because they pay her $9,000 a year more to cross the state line." He went on to explain. "In Tallahassee there are car pools of teachers who gather to "drive into Georgia to make $6,000 more to teach there." Our kids are missing the education they deserve because we don't have the money to pay these teachers what they require. Rod Smith promises to see the teachers' salaries increase in his 1st four years in office or he wants us to call him on it. Rod Smith wants to see the Health Care industry reformed to help the people of Florida but not at the cost of the poorest and sickest Floridians. He knows families, have, to make some tough decisions' that, are not always easy to make, but each is personal decision and should stay as such. Because of that he stands firm that if he is elected Governor he will make sure that government "will stay out (Continued to Page Sixteen) By Anna Wild On Monday February 27, 2006, the Trenton Rotary Club had a full agenda at their meet- ing. They were first happy to welcome Gigi Daube who serves on the Public Relations Devel- opment Committee with Habitat for Humanity of Suwannee Val- ley Inc. She explained Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit, nondenominational Christian housing organization. Each af- filiate (locally run, independent, non-profit organization) coordi- nates as aspects of Habitat home building'in its local area: fund raising, building site selection, partner family selection and support, and house construc- tion and mortgage servicing. They are in the organizational phases of operating a chapter for Gilchrist, Dixie and Levy coun- ties and need volunteers now from all ethnic and economical backgrounds with diverse skills. Gigi made clear that Habitat is not a give away program; own- ers must have a down payment, make monthly mortgage pay- ments (at no interest), and volun-. teer between 200 to 300 hours of sweat equity to qualify. Habitat houses are typically 900 to 1100 sq.ft homes that are affordable for low income families. They are currently looking for a lot of help from the community in the form.of financial donations, land 'donations and personal time to volunteer to inake this program a success. The Rotary members were also present to see Trenton Rota- ry President, Todd Gray, award Susan Bryaht with the Paul Har- Trenton Rotary President, Todd Gray, was pleased to present Susan Bryant with the Paul Harris Fellow Award for her dedication and service to the community at their meeting on Monday, February 27, 2006. ris Fellow Award for her dedica- tion to her community and put- ting "Service Above Self." Then the group was pleased to hear from Father Michael Pendergraft from the Epiphany Catholic Church and School in Lake City. Father Pendergraft was well known to many be- cause he was formerly the Pas- tor of St. John the Evangelist in Chiefland. He spoke on the importance of routine and ritual and encouraged everyone to de- velop a ritual in their daily life. The community is encouraged to participate in the Habitat for Humanity program. For more information about their needs and how you can help you may call Bill and Deanna Cummings at 352-463-8003. An untended leak can sink a ship, and unresolved anger can destroy a friendship. Fix the leak. Ethel Nobles Ethel Nobles To Celebrate 101st Birthday Ethel Nobles and her fam- ily will be celebrating her 101st birthday on Saturday, March 11, 2006 between 1:00 and 3:00 p.m. at the Suwannee County Parks and Recreation Center. It is located at 215 NE Duval Street in Live Oak. Ethel Nobles, who lives at Surrey' Place Care Center, was born near Trenton on March 10, 1905. She and her husband Silas Nobles (deceased) raised seven children, Harvey Nobles, deceased, Hazel Brennan, Julia Euvene Langford, Bethel Craw- ford, Irvin Nobles, Iris Arnold and Loretta McKinney. In- cluded in the family are Ida Mae Rice Nobles, Howard Brennan, Herman Langford, Lynn Nobles, Sonny Arnold, and Mike McK- inney, 30 grandchildren, 67 great-grandchildren, and numer- ous great-great-grandchildren. Family and friends are all invited to come and enjoy cake and punch and wish grandma a; happy birthday. Gilchrist Commission Listens To Pros And Cons Involving Hart Springs Being Purchased By Suwannee River Water "Management District By John M. Ayers The Gilchrist County Commission heard residents talk to the board about the advantages and disad\ antages of the Su"\annee Ri\ er Water Management District purchasing the park through a not for profit organization. Jerry Scarborough. Executl e 'Director of the organization that sets water policy for parts of fifteen counties in north central Florida made a proposal to the commission in a. Thursday e% ening public hearing. "We want to make Hart ...Springs a community park and Sto protect the natural resources Sof the park." Scarborough explained. '"If we can't make Hart Springs better, \e don't .need to be here," he explained. Kirk Webster. a staff member of the \\" er management district presented a power point presentation to give the audience attending the meeting a perspective of the park. "This is a park that needs to: be preser% ed." Webster explained. Webster posed this question to the five-member board of commissioners? Why do we care about Hart Springs? Hart Springs has a significant amount of, heritage that is associated with the park that has belonged to the Gilchrist County for many years. The cultural heritage of Hart Springs dates back to the late 1850s when members of the Lindsey family went to Hart Springs by horse and wagon. Man\ families of Gilchrist Counr, natives ha\e enjoyed this county park for generations. Hart Springs has an en ironmental heritage that is also. ery important to the residents of the county, as well as to the thousands of guests that are expected to \isit this. spring fed park in the future. Gilchrist County is currently working to use a $200,000 FRDAP grant to repair some of. the sea ,walls and other structures that have been eroded by .the storms of recent years. The. park is also striving to clejanout the springs. from rock and debris that have fallen do" n into the mouth of the cavern system during the many floods that ha\ e impacted the park Hart Springs is a. beautiful natural facility that has tremendous economic potential. Kirk Webster explained in detail the importance of the springs and the Suwannee River'to link the Suwannee RiTer Wilderness Trail from the Branford area south into the Giichrist County portion of the Suwannee Valley' area. The Suwannee River Water Management District is currently working with several springs in the Suwannee and Lafayette county area to enhance these natural parks and attract more visitors to this beautiful, natural area of. the- sunshine state. The district is. constructing cabins on elevated', pilings for visitors to rent on a' weekly and monthly basis. The district is also constructing screened-in room areas that \ ill allow up to a group of twelve- people to have a picnic or sleep overnight in the.screened-in Room that is also elevated up off: the ground. Jerry Scarborough explained to the county commission that' the water management district is interested in workingg with Gilchrist County to improve the park and also enhance the natural beauty of this diamond in the rough. The executive director explained -that 'the county has several options to choose from for Hart Springs.' The county carl continue to operate the, springs as, they currently haye for many years with a minimum budget and continue' to try and build the' springs back up when a flood or another type of natural disaster (Continued to Page Sixteen) Habitat For Humanity Visits Trenton Rotary Club 2006 SUWANNEE RIVER FAIR AND LIVESTOCK ASSOCIATION SHOW AND SALE SCHEDULE OF EVENTS- Fridat. March 3: 3:30pm-6 (i0pm Heifer Sho%, Registraio.n Saturday, March 4: 8:00 am' Horse Check-in 9:00 am Horse Quiz 10:00 am Until Horse Show 7:00 pm Heifer Show Thursday, March 9: 3:30 pm 6:00 pm Poultry Entry 3:30 pm 6:00 pm Rabbit Entry Friday, March 10: 9:00 am Poultry Show 3:30 pm 4:00 pm Registration of Consumer Choices Judging Teams 4:00 pm Primanry and Senior Consumer Choice Judging Event 5:00 pm Junior Consumer Choice Judging Event 2:30 pm 5:30 pm Steer Entry 4:30 pm Cloverbud Rabbit Show 6:30 pm Rabbit Show and Rabbit Showmanship 6:30 pm 8:00 pm Home Economics Entry (NON-FOOD ITEMS) Saturday, March 11: 7:00 am- 11:00 am Swine Entry 9:00 am 11:00 am Home Economics Entry 9:00 am 11:00 am Dairy Cattle and Dairy Goat Entry 1:00 pm 4:00 pm Judging of Home Economics Exhibits 3:00 pm Dairy Judging Events 4:00 pm 5:00 pm .Release of Home Economics-Perishable food.items, cakes, breads, etc. 1:00 pm Livestock Judging Contest 5:00 pm Steer Showmanship Sunday, March 12: 1:00 pm 6:00 pm Fair grounds open to the public viewing of exhibits 2:00 pm Dairy Show Clinic Monday, March 13: 8:30 am Swine Show 9:00 am 5:00 pm Home Economics Open for Review 11:00 am 2:00 pm Release Rabbit'and Poultry (Except Champions and Best of Show) 2:30 pm Dairy Cattle and Dairy Goat Show Immediately After the Dairy Shows Release Dairy Cow and Dairy Goat Entries 7:30 pm Fashion Review Tuesday, March 14: 8:30 am Feeder Steer Show 9:00 am 3:00 pm..................... Home Economics Open for Review 1:30 pm Market Steer Show 3:00 pm 5:00 pm Release of Home Economics Exhibits/Ribbons EXCEPT BEST OF SHOW 7:00 pm Awards Presentation Wednesday, March 15: 9:30 am Sale 12:00 pm Buyers Luncheon 1:30 pm .......................... ...................Sale 3:00 pm 5:00 pm ........Exhibit/Ribbon Release for Poultry and Rabbit Champions 3:00 pm 5:00 pm .Release of Home Economics BEST OF SHOW Exhibits/Ribbons Fair grounds will be opened every morning by.6:00 a.m., and closed by 10:00 p.m. every evening. No one is to sleep in the Livestock area, in tents, or in any area not designated for such. All children must be under adult supervision at all times. 'age TwiO . Gilchrist County Journal USPS-218-620 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY IN GILCHRIST COUNTY, 207 N. MAIN TRENTON, FLORIDA Less than 75% advertising We reserve the right to shorten articles, letters, etc. and delete any part or leave out in its entirety if we judge such to be offensive. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $20.00 AYear In Tri-County Area $24.00 All Other Areas In Florida $28 Out Of State JOHN MIN AYERS II EDITOR, PUBLISHER AND OWNER Cindy Jo and Carrie Ayers, Glen Thigpen, Mark Schuler, Judi Bishop, Kathy Hilliard & Chris Rogers ASSISTANTS Entered as Periodicals at the Post Office at Trenton, Florida, under the act of March 3, 1879: POSTMASTER Please Send Address Change To: Gilchrist County Journal, 207 N. Main Street, Trenton, Florida 32693 John's Comments By John M. Ayers The Gilchrist County 'Board of Commissioners is facing a difficult: decision in\olh ing the future of Hart Springs. As I sat and listened to many residents of the county address the board and staff members of the Suwannee River Water Management District Thursday night, I could feel a certain amount of concern and uneasiness that was being felt 'by. some members of the audience. I share the concerns that the Lindsey family has involving the future of this park. I could just imagine ho%' I would feel if an adjoining property owner would tell me the, would never sell their property and then all of a sudden I see a for sale sign on the parcel next door. I have enjoyed Hart Spring, Park for many years. My father for many years always took the time to take my sister Elizabeth and I to the springs on Thursday afternoon after he put the newspaper in the post office: I grew up pickihg up trash for Mr. and Mrs. Ned Bovette at Hart Springs during the summer. In those admission to Hart Springs free. and there was a d board on the large dock looking a deep portion o springs. : My father along with and Gary Kinsey taught I swim at Hart Springs .i early 60s. My roots run deep int mud at this Gilchrist C 'Park. I too have some cor involving the future of facility. I would love fo county to be able to kee park and. operate this f; and make money. but I that this is more ofa i instead of a reality. ' Some members of the feel like the county res should consider paying a s for the county to be at operate and expand on the from time to time. I love Hart Springs, don't feel that as a pr owner I should be e\pec pay a Special Assessment with my property taxes jt provide revenue for this fac The operation .o recreational facility is a 'time job that requires 'attention of a trained staff e\perienice. If Gilchrist C THURSDAY. MARCH 2.2606 By Cindy J AyersN -By Cindy Jo Ayers Streetwise By Lauren Rudd A year ago I described Clorox, the :purveyor of such brands as Clorox bleach, Formula 409 and Glad bags, as being ignored because it is not a very sexy company. Back then the company was half way through its 2005 fiscal year and my earnings estimate for Clorox's, 2005 fiscal year was $2.77 per share. The company reported $2.88 per share from continuing days, operations for FY 2005, versus s was $2.28 the previous year, an living increase of 26 percent. The over shares, back -then were trading )f the at $59.59. versus a current price of $61.54, a 3.5 percent gain Leon combined with a 1.8 percent me to dividend yield for a total return n the of 5.3 percent. S Clorox is now half \\av to the through its 2006 fiscal year. county recently announcing fiscal second quarter net earnings from icerns continuing operations of 55 this cents per diluted share. Second- r the quarter sales grew 6 percent to p the $1.06 billion. facility In its 2006 guidance, Clorox kno,' forecasted 3 to 5 percent sales dream growth and earnings of between S$3.00 and $3.11 per share. That public estimate includes expensing idents stock options, 'which the et fee company estimates will impact ie to e park but I operty ted to along ust to cility. f a a. full the f with bount) Date High Low High Low High Thu 3.292 ft. -0.013 ft. 3.224 ft. -0.473 ft. Mar 2, 06 3:19 AM 9:45 AM 3:27 PM 10:12 PM Fn 2.964 ft. 0.411 ft. 3.298 ft. -0.483 ft. Mar 3, 06 4:07 AM 10:15 AM 3:54 PM 10:57 PM Sat 2.574ft 0.808ft. 3.299ft. -0.348ft Mar 4, 06 4:58 AM 10:43 AM 4:24 PM 11:46 PM Sun 2.175ft 1.157ft. 3.209ft. Mar 5, 06 5:54 AM 11:11 AM 4:58 PM Mon -0.117ft. 1.836ft. 1.455ft. 3.029ft. Mar 6, 06 12:44AM 7:06AM 1:39AM5:40 PM Tue 0.116ft. 1.673ft. 1.713ft 2.800ft. Mar 7, 06 2:00 AM 9:05 AM 12:16 PM 6:41 PM Wed 0.198 ft. 1.815 ft. 1.896ft 2.631 ft. Mar8, 06 3:41 AM 11:38 AM 2:08 PM 8:16 PM First Quarter: 3/6 3:17 PM isconsidering keeping this park, the board should consider a funding mechanism that will provide the re enue for the operation as uell as a vwaN to- expand the park. This is a tough decision that the 'Board of County Commissioners is saddled with. A decision ill not please everyone, but this board needs ti lookafar into .the future ,to determine what is best for the future of" Gilchrist County, before they make their decision. I don't envy the board members position of having to make this decision. , Order Your RUBBER STAMPS at the Gilchrist County Journal 207. North Main Trenton '463-7135 V.______J. Is The Law Of Moses Binding Today? (Kent Heaton) The descendants of Abraham became a nation at Mt. Sinai (Exodus 19). What once was a band of nomadic people fleeing the tyranny of Egypt was now a nation with Law. During the stay at Mt. Sinai, Jehovah handed down the statutes, judgments and commandments for the people to follow. A covenant was established between the house of Jacob and the Almighty who "bore you on eagles' wings and broughtyou to Myself (Exodus 19:4). The covenant God made that day was with the children of Israel who numbered 603,550 fighting men (20 years old and above) besides women and children (Exodus 38:26). The Law of Moses was given to a small nation of people who would number as the stars of heaven (Genesis 15:5). The Law of Moses was only binding to the nation of Israel. Nineveh was not bound under the Law of Moses (Book of Jonah) nor the other nations of the world. Paul described the covenant with the Gentiles as a "law to themselves" (Romans 2:14). Many today have the mistaken idea that God gave the Law of Moses to all people. This misunderstanding comes from a misapplication of the Old Testament scriptures. Is the Law of Moses still in effect today? Are there tenants of the Law that still apply to people today? It must be understood the Law of Moses was only given to Israel and Israel alone. "And they spoke unto Ezra the scribe to bring the book of the Law of Moses, which the LORD had commanded to Israel" (Nehemiah 8:1). This law was not given to Abraham. He was justified before and without the Law of Moses (Romans 4; Galatians 3). The people of Israel were under the Law as long as the covenant existed with Jehovah. Paul explained the purpose of the Law in Galatians 3:19 "It was added because of transgressions, till the SEED should come to whom the promise was made." When the SEED came, the law became of no affect. The Jews demonstrated that man could not keep the will of God with a written law and the Gentiles proved that man could not live as a law to themselves (Romans 2). Thereby the sacrifice of Christ would bring all men Jew & Gentile into one covenant that established salvation not by the Jew nor by the Gentile but only through Jesus Christ. Jesus fulfilled the Law (Matthew 5.17,18) by becoming the curse of the Law "that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that, we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith" (Galatians 3:10-14). In fulfilling the Law, Jesus abolished the division between Jew and Gentile (EphesianS 2:14-18); not that salvation was granted only to the Jew or only to the Gentile (Romans 3) but that all men must come to the Father through Jesus Christ (John 14:6). The curse of the Law was broken when Jesus became the offering for sin on the cross thereby (in effect) nailing the Law to HIS cross having victory over the curse (Colossians 2:14,15). Jesus kept the Law of Moses perfectly and thereby removed the curse (Galatians 3:10). Early Christians tried to bind the Law of Moses upon the church (Acts 15) commanding "to keep the law of Moses" (v5). Paul had already shown in Acts 13:38, 39 "that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses." The covenant of God with Israel known as the Law of Moses ended at the cross as did the covenant of God with the Gentiles. All men must come to Christ for salvation (Acts 4:12). No one is accountable to the Law today. Why is a person lost? Because they refuse to know God and refuse to obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Thessalonians 1:8). Trenton Church of Christ 463-3793 502 Northeast 7th Street Trenton, Florida 32693 'Please Visit www.trentonchurchofchrist.com Email kerux@bellsouth.net By Cindy Jo Ayers Last week I made a visit to the Levy County Quilt Museum and learned a new %wa3 to cook sweet potatoes.. Mrs. Winelle Horne demonstrated how her mother cooked fried 'sweet potatoes. The fact is it is a very old way to cook fried sweet potatoes. Our : family peels sweet potatoes and slices them like French fries and deep-fries them the same N a\ we do homemade French fries. Once they are fried and still hot I sprinkle them with salt, black pepper. and McCormick's Season Salt. . When Mrs. Horne cooks fried sweet potatoes she bakes her potatoes first and then peels and slices them. Her slices are made the long na). or with the grain. and the slices are just o\er 1i inch thick. Then she heats a good bit of vegetable oil in her trust) ol' frying pan. Her frying pan has high sides so it holds quite a bit of oil. Mrs. Horne drops her sweet potato slices into the oil and fries them until the\ turn brown on the edges. While the fried sweet potatoes are still hot she sprinkles them nith salt, black pepper and garlic pow der. Mrs. Horne's mother. Frances Home Mercer was the daughter of Eugena Macenia Horne and Poley Home, they had ten earnings by 14 to 16 cents per share. If you calculate the company's intrinsic value using a discounted earnings model and input parameters that include an earnings growth rate over the next 10 years of 10 percent and 6 percent thereafter, along with a discount rate of 11 percent for the first q1 years and 12 percent therteate/. your 'resiit is "an intrinsic value of $65'. , Moving to ,the ValuePro discounted free cash flow model, if you use the same 10 percent earnings growth rate, a weighted average cost of capital of 6.59 percent, an equity risk premium of 3 percent and, a risk free& (Treasury bond),interest rate of 5 percent. \ou have an intrinsic. value of $99. So why is there such a divergence between the two models? For one, thing, in FY 2005, Clorox completed the largest transaction in its history with the acquisition of $2.8 billion of its stock from Henkel KGaA'at a cost of $46.25 per share. This has distorted earnings somem\hat short-term,, as has expensing stock options. Moreover, the company is being quite conservative in its Lottery Numbers Wednesday February 22 Lotto Drawing: 26-31-34-44-46-53 No winner of the $6 million jackpot. 5-Digit Winners: 45 At $7,459.50 4-Digit Winners 2,867 at $95 3-Digit Winners: 60,829 at $6 Play 4 Drawing: . 2-5-4-1 Cash 3 Drawing: 9-5-6 Saturday, February 25 Lotto Drawing: 17-29-32-47-48-52 No winner of the $10 million jackpot. 5-Digit Winners: 62 at $7,920.50 4-Digit Winners: 4,725 at $84 3-Digit Winners: 100,468 at $5.50 Play 4 Drawing: 2-8-1-9 Cash 3 Drawing: 5-1-5 children and lived between Chiefland and Trenton just off 129. She, said that she remembers going \% ith her mother to the potato bank and digging :up sweet potatoes. Potato banks on early Florida homesteads were made by digging a hole in the ground and lining it with straw. The sweet potatoes were dug and placed in the straw lined bank .and ; covered over. Mrs. Winelle said her. mother would take the potatoes from the bank but she never turned the potatoes, w which were left in the bank because if they were moied it would cause the potatoes to rot. These pre-baked fried s\eet potatoes ha\e a different fla or from the raw then fried sweet potatoes that I cook. The\ are much sweeter and a little crisp\ on the outside and nice and soft on the inside. Several of the ladies at the museum commented that their mothers and grandmothers always baked their sweet potatoes before fr ing them. I ha\e to tell \ou the\ Nere pretty good and I'm thinking that this would be a great \ay to used left er baked sw eet potatoes. This w eek I received a call from a friend lwho wanted my' Red Fish Chowder recipe. I found the recipe in a November guidance. Nl"My \ie\ is we're not being conservative." but we are being appropriate in- the volatile environment we're seeing, responded Jerry Johnston. Cloro\'s CEO. According to Johnston. Clorox needs two or three more quarters to more accurately assess issues. such as seeifig how consumers Sreact.,t to 1bnprjqpjo ;,nre5ses. before it an eet baIck'j ',,"a more normalized approach." Therefore, 'I would give. more weight to the discounted free cash flow model. MIy FY 2006 earnings estimate for Clorox is $3.02 per share or a 5 percent increase over the previous year. The shares are currently trading at $61.54. Historically, Clorox trades at a multiple of 21 times annual earnings. . If that multiple or. P/E continues, and I believe that it will, then Clorox should be trading at around $63.42 per share in 6 months, for a 6.2 percent annualized rate of return. Add in the 1.8 percent dividend yield and you have an 8 percent total annual rate 'of return. Looking ahead, if I had to take a rough cut at earnings for FY 07, $3.40 per share comes to mind, with a $71 share price. You can write to financial columnist Lauren Rudd.at 5 Gulf Manor Drive, Venice, Fl. 34285 or email at LVERudd@aol.com. Prior columns are available at RuddReport.com. "Care for the Entire Family" * Available on Location: X-Rays, Physical Therapy & Licensed Massage Therapist (MM0007612) Most Insurance Accepted - Major Medical Medicare/Medicaid Most HMO's & PPO's Personal Injury/Auto Accidents *Workers' Compensation 493-1540 2220 N. Young Blvd., Chiefland (Across from Wal-Mart Super Center) OFFICE HOURS Monday / Wednesday / Friday 9 a.m. Noon & 2 p.m. 6 p.m. .Tuesday 8 am 12:30 pm Thursday 8 a.m. Noori & 2 p.m. 5 p.m. ~ Walk-Ins Welcome ~ 341 Chiefland Regional Tri-County Shopping Center ctic -US19 -us 19 SWai-M art IN,--- Super Center The JuIte 5, 1975 Journal carried this photo of KaE Wilkerson. Kail received an award at graduation for having per fct attend iance for her 13 years of school at Trenton. Journal and 1I about fainted when I realized that I had accidentally omitted the tomato juice from the recipe. Clops, if you happen to be one of those folks who are collecting Just Southern recipes please replace the No'ember recipe with this one. All this cold weather makes me long for a big ol' bo\ I of steaming' chow der and a hand full of oyster crackers floating on top. '. - 1 five pound Redfish 8 large potatoes 1 large bell pepper, chopped 2 large onions, chopped 6 stalks of celery. chopped 3 cloves of garlic, minced : 12-15 green olives sliced thin 1 pound thick sliced smoked bacon, cut up into pieces 1 medium ba\ leaf Tabasco and Worcestershire Sauce, a couple of good shakes of each 2-32 oz. bottles of tomato juice Juice of 1/2 lemon 1/2 lemon sliced thin Clean Redfish, sav e backbone. Pui fish into a large ' pot with just .enough' Aiater!to i cover. Bring to boil and remove from the heat.- Let cool then remove fish :from backbone. SSave stock. SPeel and cube potatoes. Add enough water to cover, bring to boil and cook til almost done. In a cast iron frying pan brown bacon; then add celery, onions, garlic and bell pepper. Saut6 until tender. Transfer bacon and vegetables to a large pot and add fish stock, potatoes, potato stock, tomato juice, bay leaf, Tabasco and Worcestershire sauce and olives. Cook about an hour to an hour and a half. I bring my chowder to a boil then reduce the heat to medium low. Yoi will need to stir chowder about every: 15 minutes. Add lemon juice, lemon slices and fish. Cook for another 15 minutes or so. Chowder will be better the next day. The flavor seems to blend while it sits overnight in the refrigerator. I add the fish at the very end so that it will not come all to pieces while the chowder cooks. A Letter To The Editor As a senior in the Bell High School Health Academ, I would just like to say I agree % with Doug Craw ford's letter in the February 16th Gilchlts County Journal. I enrolled in the Bell High School Health Academy min 2003 At firstI was completely unsure if \working in the health :field was something that I wanted to do for a livingi'but as I continued through the next three years. I realized health was definitely where I wanted to be. The Health Academy has brought me to a point in nmy life at 18 years old that regular high school could never have taken me. I am 18 years old. a senior in high school, working as a CNA (certified nursing assistant) at Ayer's Health and Rehabilitation Center in Trenton and making well o\er minimum \,age. The Health Academy has benefited me by sa ing me time and money. 1 now do not have to spend an e\tra two years in college and I can help myself through along ,with any scholarships I ma\ receive. Our superintendent %\ants S,':'ei r'liigh,'st~; ool student tio attend college after the\ graduate but what he doesn't realize is not ,eery student is going to;attiend college and he wants to get rid of all vocational programs. How does that make any sense? If there are vocational programs, then the students who are less likely to attend college would have a bigger percentage of attending college. Besides, almost every business requires a high school diploma and some form of college or technical degree. The students who do not have a vocational program to graduate from and do not attend college will not do anything to benefit themselves, the corimunity and the country. This saddens me and what saddens me even more is our school board not having the backbone to stand up for what is right and the better things in life. The school board is there to debate with the superintendent on what is best or not best for the students in the county. They are not there to just stand behind the (Continued to Page Sixteen) i (11 ('I-1PTS T COUNTY JOURNAL. 'TRI-COUNTY )CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Bennitt Patterson r I - r, - 'TJTITr1rC'hA- gAAAVOWT' ' ClTTI ri-IP COT T TNTY TC)JTRNAT. ITflURS IDAY, MA V'-t1, UuU -M .,,,I Page Three Gilchrist County Community Corner And Calendar THIS WEEK'S EVENTS Wednesday, March 8: Trenton Elementary School SAT-10 Tests for Grades 3-5. Bell Elementary School State Testing for Grades 3-5. Trenton and Bell Track Meet, 3:30 p.m., Trenton. Bell Drama Middle School Play Set Work, 3:15 p.m., Auditorium. Thursday, March 9: Trenton Elementary School SAT-10 Tests for Grades 3-5; Drama, 2:45 p.m. Bell Elementary School State Testing for Grades 3-5; Family Reading, 2:45 p.m.,. SHorse Tack & Stable Supply Halters Ropes Bridles Saddles * Chaps Compass Lab. Trenton JV/V Softball vs. Hawthorne, 5:00 p.m., Hawthorne. Bell High School Drama High School Play Rehearsal, 3:15 p.m., Auditorium; JV/V Baseball vs. Hawthorne, 4:00 p.m., Hawthorne; JV/V Softball vs. Branford, 4:30 p.m., Branford; FFA Alumni Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Ag Dept. Friday, March 10: ALL SCHOOLS End of 3rd Nine Weeks. Trenton Elementary School Make-Up Test for SAT- 10. Bell Elementary School Make-Ups for State Testing for Grades 3-5. Trenton JV/V Baseball vs. Lafayette County, 4:00 p.m., Mayo. Bell JROTC State Drill Meet, Lakeland; JV/ V Baseball vs. Branford, 4:00 p.m., Branford; JV/V Softball vs. Newberry; 4:30 p.m., Bell. Saturday, March 11: Trenton Track Meet (Tommy Turner 1Y AI S-: -: n, , * Wormer * Buckets Hooks * Brushes o Combs * Fly Spray & Mask Call 352-493-2043 Hours: Tuesday Saturday 9 to 5; Sunday Noon to 5; Closed Monday Double ':-ITack 325A South Main Street Chiefland _ SNext to Main Street Framing , 5TH -I.trJ L -.L f FO )D DFRI'.'L / i'K) C, , l ,n e jbl i j ic or, r,,-. m er cc lee h~l . 1-0 R.031eijld I.. li., I f'.-l V.,r; The ps, r I.-,j': i'.U-l 352-490-6289 107, E. Rodger- Blvd Chietland, FL 32n2n rU Classic) at Santa Fe, 9:00 a.m., Alachua. Monday, March 13: ALL SCHOOLS NO SCHOOL - SUWANNEE RIVER FAIR. Trenton JV/V Baseball vs. Newberry, 4:00 p.m., Newberry. t Tuesday, March 14: ALL t SCHOOLS NO SCHOOL - SUWANNEE RIVER FAIR. Wednesday, March 15: ALL SCHOOLS NO I SCHOOL '- SUWANNEE RIVER FAIR. From The Shelves Of The Bell Library If you didn'T read the Legal Notices in, the Gilchrist County Journal this week, go back and read the invitation to submit bids on the renovations on Bell Library. This pleased us that something is being done towards beginning the improvements which are so badly needed. Maybe by April we can see something happening. A few days ago I watched a movie on' television. The next day I began reading The Carousel by Richard Paul Evans that is a, continuation of the same movie I saw. Has this ever happened to you? It is like seeing an old friend une\pectedl . For the junior reader I- recomend an adventure story, The Search for Madjack's Crown written by J.J. Fortune. In the novel a young teenager went to the jungles of South America to check on a mine he owns there. Bandits attack and cause their plane to crash. They survive and, find Madjack's Crown which is an antique and worth a lot of money. They gave the crown to a young lady to sell to raise money to'establish a school.in the jungle. The beginning reader book I enjoyed this week was The Jewel Heart by Barbara Helen Berger. Gemino does not have a voice but he can sing with his violin for Pavelle to dance. One day he fell and hit his head on a stone. While he was not moving, a woodrat stole his heart. The shadows found clothes for him "butfcould oily find a seed for a heart.' Pavelle used spider web to put the seed into his chest. Soon he could play his violin again for Pavelle to dance. We are still looking for 'some good volunteers. Somewhere out there may be a retired couple who could spare a few hours a week to help us. Please think about this and get involved. SThe Bookworm Attention All Sewing Enthusiasts There will be an organizational meeting for a new neighborhood group of the Ocala Chapter of the American Sewing Guild at the Suwannee Valley Quilt Shoppe in Trenton on March 7th at 10:00 a.m. The American Sewing Guild is a national organization for sewing enthusiasts of all skill levels, from novice to advanced. Neighborhood groups are involved in education, community service and the sharing of ideas. Please join us in forming a new group. For additional information please contact the Suwannee Valley Quilt Shoppe' at 352-463-3842. The Chamber Corner The Gilchrist County Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce that we now have 335 business and individual members supporting the Chamber. We would like :o introduce some of our newest members. ! Hometown Realty of North Florida, Inc. is owned by Natalie Rankin, a native of Gilchrist County. Natalie and her four- member.staff are very familiar with Gilchrist County and the surrounding areas. They are ready to serve both the buyer's and seller's needs. They are located at 1310 N. Main Street in Bell. Diamond 99 Watermelon Sales, Inc. is. owned by Dan and Carrie Thomas. This is a family owned and operated, business, serving as a broker for growing, selling and shipping watermelons. They are located at 3300 NW 87th Place in Bell. The Tan Zone Gym and Salon is owned by Jeff and Rhonda Jordan. This is a full service,, pamper yourself salon, offering , services such as hair, nails, massage, yoga, tanning, gym and exercise programs. They are located at 3249 W. Railroad Lane in Bell. Dixie, Gilchrist, Levy Board of Realtors, is a MLS Service representing realtors from the Dixie, Gilchrist, and Levy counties who provide, a link to multiple listings for public. viewing. Their main office is located at 4 Park Avenue West in Chietland.' Oak Walk is owned by Anne Barnett. One of the county's newest subdi lsions located on CR 342 in Bell. Their office mailing address is 2632 NW 43rd Street, Suite 105, Gainesville " Tropical Tan is owned by Laura and Adam Fischer. They . are located at 502 SW 10th Street, Trent n. And lastly, Bankers Title Insurance Services, Inc. is managed by Jonathan Kincaid. The are located at 25703 SE Highway 19 in Old Town. American Legion Hall Available 4 4ings P4 :e Weddings & Receptions 352-463-1SO1 Valentines Day At Tri-County Nursing Home By Bonnie Wilson Valentines Day was quite the event at Tri-County Nursing Home on Tuesday, February 14, 2006. Residents were given ',4 a flashback to their past., The year was 1950 something. From ;,- poodle skirts to blue jeans and : bobby socks many department managers and staff wore the attire of that good old rock and roll era. The resident dining room was in style and ready with a lot of great music for the occasion. As a special treat, the residents were served an ice cream cake for dessert. Residents who were not able to attend the dining room activity were visited by staff members and served ice cream cake in their room. Tri-County Nursing Home, a non-profit organization, wishes to thank the neighboring Slhoilli community organizations for CNA/ visiting us on Valentines Day. Direct The gifts you presented to our .residents brought many bright smiles. We would like to thank our many volunteers, as well. Because you take the time to visit with our residents each week, you are .very valuable to us. blunteers are a1\%a1's needed and %er) much appreciated If you have any questions concerning admissions, please call, 463-1222. S Beast Feast Raffle Tickets On Sale Now at the Gilchrist County Journal 207 North Main Street-Trenton is Barbara Chumney Activity Director, Mary Saylor Restorative Aide, and Bonnie Wilson Admissions or. Restaurant & Catering Service Cakes Available Daily Blueplate Special $6.50 ~ CallAhead Window Pickup Available ~ J3-'OZ -OO5JI Mon & Ti 1122 East Wade Street Wed & Th Trenton, Florida 32693 Fri' COMING SOON ---i BREAKFAST ues 10: urs 10: & Sat 1 :30-3 :30 9 11-10 :'" aaK---- GilcIrist l diliBng Supply,, I.C. Your neighborhood place with supplies for all your projects! RENT Check out our line of nE! "o, Equipment Rentals... . 't- ... by the week, day or hour I. Brush Cutter 1960 North U.S. Highway 129 in Bell, Florida S"'. I I )i GILCHRIST COUNTY FAIR BOOSTER Dear Gilchrist County Fair Booster, As you know, this year's Suwannee River Fair and Livestock Show is just a couple of weeks away. We are again working to raise funds to help buy animals that our FFA and 4-H members will show in this year's fair. Our main goal is to help establish, a minimum sale price so the youth of our county are all supported equally. We also support the FFA Chapters and 4-H Clubs ol' Gilchrist County by trying to purchase their animals. With your help, last year we were able to raise approximately $17,000 with which we bought 30 animals. The children that benefited from your gracious donations all left this experience with a huge smile on- their faces. Many of you mailed your check to us last year which greatly helped the fund-raising process. We would sincerely appreciate it if you would again mail your check to 2079 SW 75th Avenue, Bell, FL 32619, Please give me a call at 352-463-6143 if you have questions or if you would like to personally help with this project. Again we really appreciate your help and look forward to your participation this year. Sincerely, R nie Smith Please cut bottom portion and mail back with your donation Fair Boosters 2079 SW 75th Ave Bell, FL 32619 Your Name Amount of Donation (circle one) $100 Bronze Booster $250 Silver Booster $500 Gold Booster $1,000 or more Platinum Super Booster Other Booster I7ndJ;SSHD .AIdiIH L -' U8lVdT2Id NIG8CO9 SCongratulations SBrianKirby on achieving ; Eagle Scout D- tn From: . S Matthew, Sue & George . HELPFUL LOYAL BRAVE KIND CLEAN Cr CK Contracting, Inc. Building Contractor Licensed & Insured Specializing in Spec & Custom Homes Serving the Tri-County Area Many home plans available: 3 or 4 Bedroom Ranging from 1,200 2,300 sq. ft. Personalized service for every home owner Give us a call, we 'l be happy to help you create a wonderful new home. 352-472-9888 Chad & Kellie White I ,'2Zl AK2 QQ'2 L A .. I., I ..... .....;~ : .i ;.- ~~ ~!~~. I '1, a, J i, Ib I -'"l',l,,i~ .' " X C L6% ,Fxour CTHCHRTSL TYxJ1 1 l. THURSDAY MARCH 2.2006 Trinity Leeana Campbell YOU ARE WELCOME AT PRISCILLA BAPTIST CHURCH 5509 S.W. County Road 232, Bell, Florida (Between Bell & Trenton 2.5 miles West of SR 129) SSunday School....................... 10:00 AIM Morning Worship.......:.............. 11:00 AM Evening Worship...... .............6:00 PM N Wednesday Night Prayer/Youth...7:30 PM :Be apart of an e.ciring time of Wbrship iaid Bible Snid'y. Web: www.ForMinistrv.comr/USFLSOBCOPBC 1 FiPst iaptist CI1urchI t Welcomes You! "Embracing the Past and Reaching Toward the Future." Corer of NE Second St. and Highway 26 in Trenton (Nlrsel' provided ib all services), : Sunday School 9:45 AM (classes' or all ages) SundayMorning Worship & Children's Church 11 AM 'Sunday Night Bible Study 6 PM S.Wednesday Nights:. SAwvana- 6:20PM Youth Bible Study, Praise & Worship 6:30 PM Adult Bible Study & Prayer-7PM DYNAMIC MINISTRIES FOR ALL AGES! Call 463-2038for more information or wwwnfbctrentonfl. org March 13th-1 6th 'Baby CamybeW Trinity Leeana Campbell was born on Wednesday, January 18, 2006.at 5:05 a.m. She weighed 7 pounds and measured 19 1/4 inches in length. She is the daughter of Abbie Gail Campbell of Trenton and Clayton App, also of Trenton. ,. Her grandparents are Jim and Sallie Campbell and Nathan and Tracy App. all of Trenton. Marriages Filed In Gilchrist County' Marshal F. Philman, date of Birth, 5/19/37, and Nelda M. Sizemore, date of birth, 8/23/ 53, both of Old Town, Florida,' were married on February 21, 2006 by Cynthia A. Chadwick, notary, in Trenton. Marriage Applications Filed In Gilchrist County Paul Manuel Langford. date of birth S/26/84 and Sandra Lee Tomlinson. date of birth, 2/4/ 84. both of Trenton, Florida. New Life Assembly of God 9579 US-129 S -Trenton, Florida 463-7004 You can make a difference! Services: U Sunday School Praise & Worship!KidZone Evetiing Worship Wednesday Night Service & "The Place" tYouth) New %rrivaC 0' am 6 pm Pastor S Don & Jerri Lunsford ' pm m-m Trenton Church of God Welcomes you to come worship with us Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Praise & Worship 11:00 a.m. Evening Praise & Worship 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m. .,.. ., Phone 463-6543 ,. .- \www v.geoc ities.com/churchofgod .trenton_tla (, Trenton United Methodist Church 9:30 am Sunday School S11:00 am Morning W\orship Service 6:00 pm Wednesday Bible Study NAursey' provided 9-12 St1udaIy Aorning 203 N.E. Second Street. Trenton Office: 463-2877 Rev. H.D. "Hank" Cribb. Sr. ,ACT 2006 ity Piscipleship Rally John 3:30 Preparing Young People... Reminding Adults... That Jesus calls True Believers Salt and Light! Featured Speaker MATT ORTH of CROSSROADS Worldwide Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 7pm 9pm each night CARL CARTEE In Concert Leading Praise & Worship Wednesday 7pm 9pm at Fanning Springs State Park Cost +4.00 per person j . :r ;,.: 'i 1~ 13'- E 1d3;~,- ;: ~- "'~ ,'Rid; 1Q 4: Fanning Springs Community Church 17930 N. W 90th Court Fanning Springs, Florida 32693 More Info? Call 463-2602 I CHURCH NEWS Socials Happy Birthday wishes, to Viola Shepherd, Liz Holder, and Lloyd Holder on March 2; to Jennifer Smagaoz, Bruce Smith, .Nicholas Quincey, Da- vid Brown, and Rubert Nobles- on March 3,; to Cindy Castor, Kandi Rose, and Claudia Dees on March 4: to Niko Sims. Lisa Cavallaro, and Cheryl Lucero on. March 5; to Joanie Langford. Kate Akins, Chris Pelletler. Bruce Kincaid, Kevin -Benson. .Frank Colson. and Jade Kinard on March 6; to Linda Boyette, Mary Ellen Stolle. C.D.'~foore, Vernon Scale. Lanae Lord. and Harry Coleman on March 7; and to Ed Langford. Britm) Ride- nour, McCoy Hilliard, T.J. Rose. Trevor Bass. Joy Morris Schultz and Pam Parrott on March S. Happy Anniversary wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Add) Jones on March 2: and to Louis and Marie Wallace on March 7. SVL Board To Meet March 13 The Suwannee Valles Leagues. Inc. March board meeting \ ill be held Monda\. March 13th at 6.30 p.m. at Akins BBQ in the banquet room Everyone \will pa\ for their own meal including board members. See you there Church Chiefland Everyone's invited to partake' in a bit of "Luck O' The Irish." The First United Methodist Church of Chiefland is hosting its annual St. Patrick's Day Dinner on Friday, March 17, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. This is a fund- raiser event for adults and youth who are going on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic, to visit a children's home. The suggested minimum donation is $10 per plate \with kids 12 and under free. You may eat at the church or carry out. The menu is corned beef and cabbage. potatoes, carrots. rolls, dessert, and a beverage. Don't forget to wear something green and come out for this time of food and fellowship. To purchase tickets in advance or ask any questions,: call the church office at (352) 493-4627. Pleasant Hill Baptist, Church To Present Mercy Mountain Boys -March.'5- :. Pleasant Hill Baptist Church will host the Mercy\ Mlountain Boys, a ministry and: vocal group, for the morning service on Sunday, March 5th.. The church is located at 2149 SW CR 232 in Bell. A covered:: dish dinner will follow the 11:00 a.m. service. All are welcome; come and enjoy. The Kingdom Heirs To Appear In Lake City March 3 From the mountains of East Tennessee, Southern Gospel Music fills the air and is the home of The Kingdom Heirs, one .of Southern Gospel Music's top Male Quartets. The group sang: in local churches and concert halls in 1981, and as their music and message spread to a wider audience, so did their popular-. ity and demand. The Kingdom Heirs have been nominated many times for indus- try awards such as The SGIMA Awards, Dove Awards and The Singing News Fan Awards. Win- ,ning Newcomer Group of the Year in 1989, the group has been a constant favorite. The Kingdom Heirs will be appearing in Lake CitN on Frida\,. March 3rd *at S7:00 p.m. at Lake City Church of God which is located on High%%wa 90. about one mile east of Highvwa 441. Also appearing will be The Singing Reflectso s of Trenton. -The Singing Reflectsons is a Gospel music ministry estab- lished in 1992. O0er the past ten years The Reflectsons have been honored to receive a number of prestigious awards. In 2001 Gospel music fans voted them as "favorite male group of the S ear. This is sure to be an exciting night of Gospel music. Mark vour calendar now to attend this special event. For ticket infor- mation please contact. Dennis Johns at i S631 3S1-1011 or Glen Thipen at "35I -463-0312. Fanning Springs Community Church To Host IMPACT 2006 Nlarch 13-16 IMPACT 2006 is a community e\ent that \\ill challenge both Nouth and adults to become true disciples of Jesus Christ. During each day of IMPACT. students from the Tri-Countn area %\ill be in\olhed in community ser ice projects in the area. -cYou I will' be': challefged each evening as'Matt Orth of Crossroads Worldw ide shares his passion for Truth, calling us to gro\ deeper in our relationship w ith Jesus Christ. Nightly meetings % ill be held' at 7:00 p.m. Nondan. Tuesday and Thursday, March 13 to 16 at Fanning Springs Community Church C)n WVednesda. night March 15th. )ou %will be inspired as contemporary Christian recording artist Carl Cartee and his band ill be in concert, leading praise and Norship at 7:00 p.m: at Fanning Springs State Park. You don't want to miss this e\ent! Plan now to attend. Be involired! For more information call Fanning Springs Community Church: at 352-463-2602. Revival Meetings To Be Held In Fort White March 19 22 Cornerstone Baptist Church *and their pastor, Rev. Marc .Pargo, invite you and -your family to their revival meetings scheduled for March 19th to 22nd. The revival meetings will be held at the Fort. White Community Center, just past the high school. . Rev. Dean Webb, from South Carolina, will proclaim God's Word each meeting. Rev. Webb has pastored in Fort White, Trenton, and other churches in Florida. Also, the renowned vocalist, Rev. Mark Shaw, will lead in singing as you worship God. A supper will be promptly served from 6:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. For those with children from birth to three years of age, a nursery will be provided. For more information call 386-497- 3106. "Luck O' The Irish" Dinner To Be Held March 17 At First United Methodist Owners/Directors Amy Wesley Woods Holly Wesley Bussard License #C03G10006 , i, wS eJehiebe "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof for correction for. instruction in righteousness: "~ 2Timothy 3:16 eto 'ope f amilp Qljurcb 4470 N.W. County Road 236 Bell, Florida 32619 : ; : : Mile West of US-129~, Service Times Pastor: 10:00 am Sunday School Rev. Lynn Wagner 11:00 am Sunday Morning Worship O f Office. * 6:30 pm Wednesday Bible Study 386-935-4 386-7935-4219 "In the beginning iwas the ford, and the Wonrd was with God, and the WIlrd was God...And the Ifbrd was nadeflesh, and dwelt among us..."- John .1:, 14 PINE GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH : ':;16655 N. W. CR-339 Trenton Florida 32693 . 352-463-2151 \\ wvs.pgbcfl.com Bro. Greg Douglas, Pastor S Bro. Rickey Whitley, Minister of Students Charles Brock, Music Director Sunday' School'Bible Study...................... 9:15 AM : Morning worship p Ser\ ice...................... 10:30 AM Children's Church............................... 10:30 AM Evening Worship Service..... ...................... 6:00 PM Wednesday Night Services: Prayer Meeting, A.t'ANA & Youth Worship........................7:00 PM S~ Nursery Provded for All Seices - We Welcome You To Mt. Nebo Baptist Church (SBC) 4200 N.t. CR-340, Bell, FL 32619 (3 miles North of Bell on Hvw1-340 West) r Sunday School1 ............................ 9:45 am Morning W\orship ........................ 11 am Evening \Worship .. ...................... ..... 6 pm Wednesday Evening Services: Adult Bible Study, Children, & Youth ... 7 pm Pastor: Rev. Jimmy Corbin Minister of Youth: Matt Holtsclaw Church Phone: 386-935-3575 "Committed to Reaching People for Christ" WE WELCOME YOU TO UNION BAPTIST CHURCH (BC) 6259 $.E. 75TH AVENUE NEWBERRY, FL 32669 MUNDAY SCHOOL .................... ............ 9:45 AM MORNING WORSHIP .................................. 11 AM EVENING WORSHIP ......... ............. 6 PM WEDNESDAY EVENING SERVICES: ADULT BIBLE STUDY, CHILDREN, & YOUTH ... 7 PM PASTOR: TRAVi$ MOODY MINISTER OF YOUTH: ROBBIE BEACH CHURCH PHONE: 386-472-3845 "WIN THE LOST AND TEACH THE SAVED TO SERVE" Kid's World I Pre-School Learning Center, Inc. A private school for your child's early learning years. * NAEYC Accredited Pre-K , School Readiness Program Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten CDA Certified Teachers USDA Food Program a Highscope Curriculum I CPR/First Aid Certified 3 -Ages2-12 Stop by for a tour of our facility. 352-463-3555 Corner of Hwy. 129 & S.R. 47, Trenton (Across from Trenton High School) (- ~ ,- nx~YNN~Eacaara~iF~wc~u~c~sra~a~ac8~aawoF GILCHRIS T.T COU NTY JOURRNAL THURSDAY, MARCH 2,-2006,. I . P.aR. Fnnr THURSDAY, MAKU-ti L, ZUU O~luu I~u Michael and Shirley Carey, of Trenton, along with Anne Wil- liams and Derrick Wells of New York State, are pleased to an- nounce the engagement of their- children, Jessica Carey to Craig Wells, both of Trenton. Harlem Globetrotters Coming To Gainesville March 7 Celebrating their 80th Anni- versary, the World Famous Har- lem Globetrotters are bringing their 2006 "Unstoppable" North Jessica is a 2004 graduate of Chiefland High School and Craig is a 2004 graduate of Trenton High School. The \wedding will take place on Saturday, September 16, 2006 at St. John The Evangelist Catholic Church in Chiefland. American Tour to Gaines\ille on Tuesday, March 7, 2006 against the New York Nationals at the Stephen C. O'Conrinell Center. Tip-off is at 7:00 p.m. Tickets may be purchased bv phone at 352-392-1653. Shelly M. Lamb of Cross City and Andrew.James Gay of Tren- ton are pleased to announce their upcoming wedding date. which will occur on Saturday, March 11, 2006 at three o'clock in the afternoon. Shelly is the daughter of Tom- my and Pam Rimes; and Michael Lamb, all of Cross City.. Andrew is the son of Andrew J. and Vicki Gay of Winter Ha- Ven. The wedding will take place at the home of Keith and Stacey Tu'ten in Old Tow n. A reception will follow the ceremony All friends and familN are welcome to attend. Bell FFA Alumni To Have Monthly Meeting March 9 The Bell FFA Alumni will hold their monthly meeting on Thursday, March 9, 2006. The meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. at the Bell Ag Building. A covered dish dinner will be ser ed. The alumni w ill pro Ide the drinks and paper products. All parents, grandparents, past FFA members, and an\ adults interested in supporting the- Bell Ag Program are invited to attend Linda Brown .. Reporter. City Fire Department To Have Chicken Dinner Fund-Raiser March 4 A chicken dinner fund-raiser, sponsored by the Cit of Trenton Fire Department, will be held Saturday. March 4, 2000 at mne fire station located at SE 5th Avenue in Trenton. Dinners at $5 a plate will be available from 11:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. For pre-orders or delivery (within the cait limits) please call 352- 4,63-4012. If there is no answer leave a message with sour name and request the number of plates wanted. I ,believe in getting into hot later: ii keeps -ou clehn:"." '' : -G.K. Chestertnon . Woodham's Garage Complete Automotive Service ASE Certified Mechanics 15391 N.W. Hwy-19 Chiefland Half\\a. between Chiefland and . Fanning Springs. 352-493-2904 jt Other MajorCr.J, CJ, r, 'lij Steven Landis Writes "Post Cards" Which Was Performed By The Gainesville Chamber Orchestra Last Sunday By Cindy Jo Ayers Last Sunday afternoon the Gainesville Chamber Orchestra preformed "Post Cards" a four movement original work by Steven Landis, a id-90s graduate -of Trenton. High School. Landis was a band member at Trenton High School during the Baruch Whitehead era. Landis is now the principal bassist for the Gaines\ ille Chamber. Orchestra. "Post Cards" is. a musical snapshot of trips that Landis took last summer. His trips included a sisit t:t Singapore, Hong Kong and Cape Cod. Landis traveled to Cape Cod last summer to perform a Fats. Wallet jazz revue at the Cape Playhouse. . Another Trenton graduate Laura Antoni, played the oboe in Sunday's concert. Laura had been a band director, but is no%\ working toward her master's degree at the Unisersirt of Florida. Maria Jo Mansfield. former Trenton Elementar) music teacher said, "It was a big thrill for me to see Laura perform, since I was her first music teacher." Laura is the sister of SLisa Row land w ho works \ith special programs at the Gilchrist Count\ Schools District Office. Another Way, Inc. Domestic Violence And Rape Crisis Center Announces Free Confidential Services Another Way. Inc. Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Center wants to remind the residents of the Tri-Count\ area that they of- fer a 24-hour hotline. emergency shelter,'legal advocacy, outreach services and children services to victimss of sexual assault and rape. All of their services are free and confidential. Remember...rape is a crime...alwajss. You ma\ call their hotline at 866-875'-'190.." JJpaOf %kPea Deborah Wadzinski Moore of Lake City and James Edward Moore of Conway, South Caro- lina and Vickie Braxton of Chi- pley and Larry Cannon of Old Town are pleased to announce that 'their children, Jamie Ellen: Moore of Middleburg and Wil- liam Taylor Cannon of Middle- burg are planning to wed. Janie is the granddaughter of Evelyn Moore and the late Wil- liam C. Moore of Greenville. John and Mary Ellen Wadzin- ski of Socastee. South Carolina. aand Ona Mae Eaton and the late Aubrey Eaton of Moultrie. Georgia. William is the grandson of the late Fred and Edith Kirkland and the late George and Pauline Brown. The couple plans to be mar- ried on May 6. 2006 at the Blanche Hotel in Lake City at five o'clock in the evening. 2006 Wall and Desk Calendars 50% OFF (While Supplies Last) Gilchrist County Journal 207 North Main Street Trenton "WI Villian Cannon and Jamie Moore Beth Davis Photography WEDDINGS PORTRAITS SPECIAL EVENTS CEDAR KEY FLORIDA (352) 543-5568 -B & J AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR COMPLETE A UTO REPAIRS FOREIGN DOMESTIC F1MRt AUWJ Open Mon. Fri. 710 East High\\wa 26 Located 30 Miles West of :/i / I Gainesville, in Trenton (352) 463-0079 "SA VE MONEY? WITH ALLSTATE?" CALL ME. YOU MAY BE SURPRISED AT HOW AFFORDABLE ALLSTATE COVERAGE IS. David Siiley & Steve Jenkins STANLEY INSURANCE AGENCY INC. 630 NE Santa Fe Blva Hign Springs (3521 463-1542 intlo,'wlstanley.com Allstate. PS Cai .7r itlJ b, I .r fr, ",o i 6.lu lr, 'l.-.cJ-.l. fl- f' l ll 'tlrll 1L *' : j":.i ll isli I"- *~ :t ( :. T IL, I. I FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH RTPATH -T GILCHRIST COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Well Child & Newborn Care School & Sports Physicals Chronic & Acute Care Communicable Disease Maternity Care By UF Dept. OB/GYN Family Planning School Health Services TB Testing Laboratory Procedures Healthy Start Services WIC Services (Baby Formula & Food Coupons) HIV Anonymous & Confidential Testing Attention Deficit Disorder Evaluation & Treatment NO APPOINTMENTS NEEDED FOR: FREE PREGNANCY TESTS FREE BLOOD PRESSURE SCREEN CHILD & ADULT IMMUNIZATIONS We accept Blue Cross/Blue Shield, AvMed, PPC Care Manager, State Employees Group PPC, Health Options, Champus, CMS, Medicaid, Medipass, Medicare, and most other major insurances. 119 N.E. 1st Street, Trenton, Florida 32693 463-3120 Office Hours Monday Friday 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Craig Wells and Jessica Carey f/ f . fun 4 Kids! Pre-school/After school Learning Center / Ages 2-12 S/ NAEYC Accredited Pre-K Highscope Curriculum / School Readiness Program SCPR/First Aid Certified / Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten S/USDA Food Program / CA Certified Teachers 352-463-7614 2739 S.W. 19th Circle, Trenton Owners/Directors- Dawn F. Marsh Lic#C03GI0007 EXHAUSTS BRAKES ELECTRIC.* TUNE-UPS ENGINES COMPUTER ALIGNMENTS AIR CONDITIONING PASSENGER CAR & LIGHT TRUCK TIRES we gAmerican Region Jamerson-Sheffield Post 91 352-463-1501-P. 0. Box 559, Trenton, Fl 32643 Post 91 News Commander ShelbyMcKinney -(352) 463-1459 Adjutant Dean Williams (386) 454-8143 Chaplain Carl Cornwell (352) 463-1473 Friends, Veterans, legionnaires; S It has been said'What does the legion do?'. These are just a few of the Florida American Legion Facts ... - Volunteered over 42,000 hours in VA hospitals, nursing homes and Children's hospitals .... - Sponsored over 54 American Legion Baseball teams .... - Awarded 1,416 School Medals to elementary, middle and high school students ... - Volunteered over 113,000 hours to community projects . - Donated over 5000 pints of blood..... - Sponsored 61 Boy Scout units serving over 2,200 boys ..... This is just the tip on the iceberg. Be Proud to be a member . SWE DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! ! Again, let's, pray for all our men and women serving so that we may remain FREE. Maybe a prayer for those of us that kept us FREE. For God and Country Dean Williams Adjutant, ~" - I I I I_ - Page Five C,,]Ff.CHRTSCT COT TNTY JOURRNAL r'PT-TTTD~ AV T% IC A T-T ') T)OOA Pn ix- RTOA A The 2006 Trenton Varsity Baseball Team TTPTO News to thank the TES staff and the McKeefrey for all that she does The TTPTO, (Tiny Tigers Trenton Community for making at the school for the TES staff, Parent Teacher Organization) the Fall Festival a success as teachers, and students. is planning another general well as the Santa Shop. All My apologies for taking so seet ing so keep lookg in of the funds made at our fund long to put more TTPTO news ourPaw Prints for the dae raisers go right back into the in the Jona. I will d better to and time. school to help our children and keep you informed. The TTPTO would also like our teachers. Shannon Cobb S' Thank you to Angela Publicity TRENTON HIGH SCHOOL 2006 Baseball Schedule DATE Day Opponent Place JV VARSITY TIME 3/2 Thursday Dixie County Home X X 4/7 3/7 Tuesday Hawthorne Home X. 7 3/10 Friday Lafayette, County Away X X 4/7 3/14 Tuesday Newberry Away X X 4/7 3Y16 Thursday OakHall Away X 4 3/21 Tuesday Bronson Away X 7 3/23 Thursday Branford- Away X X 4/7 3/28 Tuesday Lafayette County Home X X 4/7 3/31 Friday Chiefland Away X X 4/7 4/4 Tuesday Hawthorne Away X 7 4/7 Friday .Bronson Home X X 7 4/10 Monday Dixie County Away X X .4/7 4/11 Tuesday Bell Away X 4 4/11 Tuesday Bell Home X 4 4/21 Friday Chiefland Home X 7 4/25 Tuesday District/At Branford Away X TBA. 4/27 Thursday District/At Branford Away X TBA Coaches V Marty Malloy JV Mark Latsko Voluntary Pre-K Roundup Dates Announced Summer Voluntary Pre-K ap- plications will be accepted at Trenton Elementary on March 16th, and at Bell Elementary on March 17th. Any child who is eligible to begin Kindergarten in the fall is eligible for this program providing they have not previously participated .in a Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten Program. The program will be for 300 hours in the .summer. Programs maybe limited to the school with the largest number of children enrolled. Fall Voluntary Pre-K applica- tions will be accepted at the Li- brary in Trenton on March 10th from' 900 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Fall Voluntary Pre-K is for any child who is living in Florida. Fall Voluntary Pre-K will'be hosted, at both Bell and Trenton El- ementary and is for three hours a day totaling 540 hours. Parents may choose to have their child remain at school for the entire, school day by paving a fee or applying for School Readiness services through Child Care Re- sources. Enrollment is limited. so please act quickly. The application is the first step. Those who have approved applications \ill receive Cer- tificates of Eligibility. You must take the Certificate of Eligibilitr to the school to be considered for placement in a \oluntary Pre-Kindergarten Class. Spring Roundup for all Pre- Kindergarten Programs will be held April 3rd and 4th at Bell. Elementar-, and Aprl 5th,. 6th,' and 7th. at Trenton Elementar. , Please call Bell Elementar- at 352-463-3275 .or Trenton El- ementary at 352-463-3224 for- an appointment 'for yur child to be screened for possible place- ment in any, of the early child- hood programs available at our schools. For more infornanon call Marilyn Beach, Gilchrist Coun- ty Schools at 352-463-4405, or Tonya Hiers, Early Learning Coalition of the Nature Coast at 352-490-5855. To apply an - time youmay contact Child Care Resources at 352-493-6812 H This is the place for your Gilchnst County news!! The 2i006 Bell I arsihf Biseball Team. Slhowni from left on the front row are Eric O'Steen, Alan ',Adlerholt, Brarndon I-Ioustoh, Clayton Gregori. and Sean Boutwell. On the back row are Josh Edenfield, Coach Ray Stoel, Brandon Ridgeway, Taylor IVilson, Trent Shepard, Gregg Mercier, DevonTaylor, Joel Elliott, and Cody Mesa. Not pictured is Assistant Coach Brian Mercier. l Subscribe to thWoodland (rdft Signs r (352) 46*-7155 i .oGilchris Count.%,Journal!U I5 I BELL HIGH SCHOOL 2006 Baseball Schedule DATE. , Friday, March 3 Tuesday, March 7 Thursday, March 9 Friday, March 10 Monday, March 20. Tuesday, March 21 'Thursday; March 23 Friday, March 24 Monday, March 27 Tuesday, April 4 Thursday,April 6 Friday, April 7 Monday, April 10 Tuesday,April 11 Thursday, April 13 Opponent LAFAYETTE at Lafayette at Dixie County, at Hawthorne at Branford at Bronson LAFAYETTE Sat Lafayette' HAMILTON WILLISTON BRONSON at Branford at Dixie County SEVEN RIVERS at'Williston OAK HALL at Oak Hall TRENTON at Trenton ST.JOHN at St.John Coaches V Ray Stoel Teams JV V JV/V JV/V JV/V V V JV JV JVN V JV JVV V JV iv V JV JV Gray Smith TIME 4 7 4/7 4/7 4/7 7 4 7 4 4 47 4/7 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 OVEN, IBAKED SUBSI s- 1 - - - . . . . . . ...................... HOWIES I.LUNCH BOX Idb I ---- rrTT LCHRIST.COUT NTY JOU RNAL, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 2006 I Pancr. Six '1TTrTrTC'ThAV 'kJd NA DT') 90001 'TT HCIRTST CTOUNTY JO1 URNAL. ITflURDKU/ tX I, 1vZ .JX'.-ii LAtu uluvrrruv vv vr i -.., Evelyn IVood, left, is [shown holding the bag for her ever so whimsical "Frog" quilt, which was made for her byi Ann Mangone shown on the right. Too bad you can't see the dragon flies and other pond critters quilted into the sides Evelyn is. crazy about frogs. CAN T'O/MOUgE Chinese Restaurant. 463-1089 LUNCH BUFFET $4.75 with Iced Tea weekdays Lunch: Monday- Friday 11:30 am 2 pm Dinner: Monday Saturday 5 pm -9 pm Suwannee Valley Precast, Co. A Owner- Gerald Roberts Bell Chiefland 463-2504 Fax: 463-0390. 493-4055 New Septic tanks installed Drain Fields Repaired ' Septic Pump-Outs Septic Tanks Certified SPortable Toilets' Backloe iork -Fill Dirt State Certified _ ''NEED A FENCE OF ANY KIND CALL DANNYANYTIME.": Barb Wire o Woven Wire Chain Link Board I Danny Hodge S (352) 463-1832 Mlobile (352) 493-5345 S 4110 S.W. 25th Street --Bell, Florida IT'S YOUR SCHOOL -- LET'S GET INVOLVED!! CALENDAR OF EVENTS From March 8 to March 15, 2006 Gilchriu County Superintendent's Office 1-800-884-9131' Transportation Office 1-800-833-5702 Date Time Event ALL SCHOOLS Place End of 3rd Nine Weeks No'School- SuCr.i-inLr KR.er Fj No School Suwannee River Fair No School Suwanhee River Fair TRENTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2:45/5:30 pm SAT 10 Tests for Grades 3-5 SAT 10Tests for Grades 3-5 Drama Make-Up TestforSAT-.10 . BELL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3/8 State Testing for Grades 3-5 Classrooms 3/9 State Testing for Grades 3-5 Classrooms 3/9 2:45/5 pm Family Reading Compass Lab 3/10 Make-Ups for State Testing for Grades 3-5 Classrooms TRENTON MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOL , -3:30'pm Track vs. Bell 5pm Softball (JV/V) vs. Hawthorne 4 pm Baseball (JVV) vs. Lafayette County 9am Track (Tommy Turner Classic) at Santa Fe 4 pm Baseball (JV/V) vs. Newberry BELL MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOL 3:15/4:30 pm Drama Middle School. Play Set Work 3:30 pm Track vs. Trenton 3:15/4:30 pm Drama High School Play Rehearsal 4pm Baseball (JV/V) vs. Hawthorne 4:30 pm Softball (JV/V) vs. Branford 7 pm FFA Alumni Meeting JROTC State Drill Meet 4pm Baseball (JV/V) vs. Branford 4:30 pm Softball (JV/V) vs. Newberry Trpck Hawthorne Mayo Alachua Newberry Auditorium Trenton Auditorium Hawthorne Branford Ag Dept Lakeland Branford Softball Field Bits & Pieces From The Joyful Heart Quilters & Crafters Of North Gilchrist County Well, didn't I fell you? You can't say I didn't warn you. Ms. Spring was and is indeed still outrageously flirting with us. Everywhere you look she has left her calling card but Old Man Winter and his buddy Jack Frost were not through with us yet and still aren't I'11 bet. Trees are budding, shrubs are putting forth green leaIes. Ev- elyn Wood's daffodils are in full bloom, blue birds are starting to nest ard what are we doing? Scraping ice off our windshields Sand dragging out our long johns:. Oh, spring is on the way, to be sure. In the meantime, we just have to take it one day at a time, dress according\ and keep the: faith. All in all. we're in good hands and things are moving right along as planned and isn't that a great thing to know ? And so it \was on Wednesday. February\ 15th. that 24 Jo.ful LHearts met at the fire station on one of those "\"ho know s w hat the \weather will be b\ noon" kind of da\s. Alice Binns \was under the weather and couldn't make it and Lera Tow% nsend has lost a sister-in-law so she w\as not able to attend. We i\\ll be keep- inig them both in our prayers. Ann Mangone had no \ice at all but sat quietlN at the quilting frame fingers flying She wasn't alone. Barbara MNIrick. E\elyn Wood. Elaine Nemeth and Mar\ Lou R\der all io:ned her. The\ all chattered like magpies except Ann \' ho smiled a lot while lis- tening to the latest happenings. Een though A.ice was absent. her spirit \as right there in the midst of the S\wedish \weaers. Martha Foster, S\l\ia Arthur, 'Heidi Kamp, Jackie .Moore and Cathy Strom., By the \%a.. Cath\. being the good sport she is, looked as cute as the rest of the V.lentine decorations \ith her hot pink valentinee antennae. Ruth Vilkerson \.as bus\ crochetin, on a beautiful af- ghan and l Matt, Turner %was still crocheting her "w~hate\er" and -it's looking good.:. It was good, to have Alberta Swanner back in her place in the amen corner along with Ann Taylor and Paulene Martin. Alberta and Ann were enio ing the .'day and e\er'eone's company while Paulene kept knitting on a hat for hubby, George. Madeline Norman was still making: more yos yos., She needs about a gazillion more to finish her quilt. She said she'll never make another one and that's for sure. We can't wait to see:it completed. Ramona High is working on an. interesting piece of weaving, on a material like that used for hooking rugs. It is similar to Swedish weaving only different. Diana Lynn, Marvine Deer, and I workedd on our lap quilting and to tell the truth,' I missed out on what Jane Boyd was doing. I do know she brought her grand- daughter Karin (better known as little Jane) along ., ith her." She is absolutely darling and so well behaved. She has the biggest, brownest eyes ,- o' \ e e\ er seen. Pat Luka minus lj\mne. her mom, rambled around chatting and encouraging those busy working as did Rita Simcoe who came to visit a.spell but couldn't stay. Bonnie Edwards dropped off her camera so we could at least get a picture of our February babies Diana Lynn, Matty Turner, Martha Foster, and Pauline Martin. Bonnie had to go to Gainesville'to take our mother, Lorraine Booth a former member, to the doctors. .I believe both Maxine and Gwen MiLanich .are Out of town and I'm not sure why Judy Pflueger, Leona Wirta, 0 r: Q _' -.'.-. ', '." ''-. ' i St. Patrick's Day :I i Greeting Issue March i6th Send your Lucky Leprechan A Special Message Call Now To Reserve Space I 463-8994 , F-,0 ,* F / ,-? /-'r. *^0 r. -, ^0 ( , ....7-/ 7 ^,- _,-7 ,- ,_,-* .-_ ,.- e" . Lu Rowland, and Lurie Twist weren't able to attend. I could have sworn I saw Lurie there. but her name wasn't on the list so I could be wrong. We hope all those not present are well just busy and that they will be able to attend the next regular meeting on Wednesday, March 1st. : We've started a sign in sheet' in order for me. to keep track of who's coming and going because everyone doesn't come and go at. the same time. That reminds me...therewere the initials B.S. on the list I had to laugh and, assumed it was Barbara Strom and not what it used to mean...or was it? -On Thursday, February: 9th, : Ann. Mangone, 'Ann Taylor, Cathy Strom, Evelyn Wood, Mary: Lou Ryder. Bonnie Ed- , awards, Diana Lynn and myself all enjoyed an evening of dinner. music presentations, singing and. drama It was the \work of the -: music and drama departments of: SBell High School. It was wonderful. The Bell Elementary School cafeteria \was -turned into an upscale Italian bistro complete with waiters in appropriate attire, sporting black mustache. and twinkling fair lights around the room. The food \was great, the des- serts never-ending, the music and singing fabulous and the pla. "Firsts" sensational and. funny. What talent and right here in our little country com- munity. Of course \we ere all eer so proud of Zach L\nn \who had a major roll in the play and,: just happens to be Diana's son. Bonnie's grandson and m\. what is t...grand nephe w? A good time was had by all. E\en more bragging rights to come. Ann Nlangone. Cathy Strom. Elaine Nemeth, and Elame's sister. Nina. all ten- tured to Tampa to take in the. State Fair. Such a good time they had while riding the bus and other quilters and sharing ideas and tales.. Of course, the fair is a sight to behold. Music, rides, attrac- tions, noise, crowds and the delicious smell of junk (with a capital J)'foods...be still my heart. Makes mi mouth water just thinking of all I could have eaten had I gone. But the real thrill of the fair was Elaine's announcements. at our meeting, of what the Joyful Hearts had w\on Our group quilt, :"Girl's Night Out," won a third place ribbon. Ann Mangone's "Jeep" quilt, in honor of her hubby's. military service, won' a second place ribbon in the pieced and appliqued category., Jackie Moore woon .second place for' her Swedish weaving submit- ,.ted and' Cath\ Strom took third' place for her's. Elaine Nemeth's John Deere vest took third place in quilted garments. Her knitted af- ghan took a second place and I saved the best til last...her, "Beginner's Luck" quilt took 'first place in the first time quilt- Sing category. Her friend Edith Cheskey, \ ho often is~is \ ith us, "on second place for her crocheted poncho. So Nou see...hard \work. per- severance and hanging in there does pay off in the long run, just like your mother told you. Hats off to everyone who won a ribbon remembering everyone who tries is a winner in their own right .. We gather together for fel- ; lowship', andr goodwill. We work together side by side enjoying one another's scom- :pany and.spirit. We rejoice in each person's blessings for it is w written in Hebrew\s 10:24, "'Let us consider how we ma\ spur one another on toward love and good deeds." .'Til next time, A Jo ful Heart, Marilyn Runde Woodland Craft Signs 207 N. Main 352-463-7135 'Trenton'i s 'inyflfis.ness! Nou OPEN AT THE JOuRhAL t ' FAMILY FASHION NS .CLOTHING CONSIGNMENT Men Women Infants Children Accessories' Maternity Wear Plus Sizes Formal Wear VISA Hours- Tue.-Fri. 10am-6pmr Sol. 10arn-4pm (352) 490-4925 Fax (352) 490-4926 i4831 NVW Hv.,,-19, Chielland Approx. 3.5 miles north of Wal-Mart S 4 '5 - -. S. ODUC IING .. : ... N c. ':S:: ; eI X,' TV like Mom would make. If Mom made TV. Times change. Wholesome TV doesn't. Get the lowest all-digital price in America Eveiy lay with DishFAMILY! / -- S _H S / Channel Lineup rs includes these lIjontcs kT- u jij .' .. . N *Local channels avallab Starzofferrequirespart Digital Home Advantage package price Includesa access fee applies for ei Offer ends 4/30/06 and is All DISH Netwok program In th-pecieiad tocal Dese nol be released to third pa qOT A PROMOTIONAL PRICE. ,. S" Choose to add Local Channels for an additional $5ITmnth.* Switch today and also get: FREE STARZ 3 MONTHS moviepack " FRE DISH DVR RECEIVER REEL RECORD UP TO 100 HOURS WITHOUT 1DEOTAPE UPGRADE A PRETAL CONTTROLS STANDARD ON ALL RECOVERS UPr A tElW (5tia$ 8 D HrNt- ca-s. F- MWih.e I tl. LSHtIN av ... .... .. .. .. .... ......... ........ . FREE STANDARD PROFESSIONAL R INSTALLATION ULIP TO4 ROOMS WITH NO EQUIPMENT TO BUY .. .. o........ I .........o........................... .......... c, i r - r, : - - 3ll. count. Months otprogramming aced separately. mero who reside axed separately, rees who treside t scores and Will 2*rrom J dish N E T W 0 R Better TV for a Crystal Clear Communications South Main High Springs, Florida 386-454-3605 386-497-DISH(3474) 1-800-741-3605 le In overly television markets and 95% olTV households. Iclpaton In Digital Home Advantage. After 3-month period, customer mustcallto downgrade or then-current price for movie package will apply. : Pay $49.99 Activation Fee, Requires Social Security Number, valid major credit card, credit approval and qualifying programming purchase. Equipment must be retuned to DISH Network upon telrmnatlon of qualifying service, Limit 4 tuher per ac an equipment rental fee of $5.00 or$6.00 for flrt receiver, based on selected model. In addition, a monthly equipment rental ee of $5.00 or$. will be charged foreach receiverbeyondthe first, based on selected model. A $5.00/mo. additional oule ach dual-tuner receiver fee will be waived monthly foreach auchrcelvercontinuously connected to Customer's phone line. Lease upgradetlee may apply forselect model receiver, and may apply forasecondDVR rcelver(based on model). available in the continental Unted States or new, first-time DISH Network reskentl customers. All prices, packages and programming subject to change without notice. Local and state sales taxes may apply. Where applicable, equipment rental ees and programming are t Sming and any oltr services nat are provided, ane subject to the terms and conditions of te promotional agreeme and Residential Customr Agreement, available at www.dshnetwork.com or upon request. Local Channets packages by satellite are onlyvalatle to custo nated Masket Area r(DMA). Localchannels may require an additional dish antenna or a SuperDISH antenna fom DISH Network,. installed ree ol any charges with subscription to local channels t time of Initial Installation, Social Socurity Numbers re used to obtain credit rtles except lor verillcation and collection purposes only or i required by governmental authorities. All service marks and trademarks belong to their respectlvo owners. BELLS & WHISTLES STORAGE Phone: 386-294-3867 Across from the Dollar General 1859 North Hwy 129 Sx 1 U Be FLi ed 10 x 10 UNITS, 10 x 20 units & 10io x 20 climate controlled available -I I , ------- ---------- -- I .... ...... . Page Seven World War II Veterans News All World War II veterans are:invited to attend our next meeting on Thursday, March 9th, at 11:30 a.m. at the Carriage Inn Restaurant in Cross City. John Howell will use this meeting to take a group photo. Richard Egles shared his WWII experiences with us in February. He was assigned to a blimp crew. Blimps used depth charges and torpedoes to carry out their assignments to report and destroy enemy subs. Donald Dubois also served as a blimp 'crewman. These men confirmed the many difficulties they encounter while airborne. Come join us on March 9th., and bring your spouse, a friend or a fellow veteran. If you have any questions call Dick .' Halvorsen at 352-542-7697 or Billie Cooper at 352-493-9368. Dot Halvorsen FIT-, I Page tign t.- x .. ,- -"- Sweet Sale Fund Raiser To Be Held At Courthouse March 3 The Courthouse Relay for Life team, "Gilchrist Field and Stream," will be holding a sweet sale in the Gilchrist County Courthouse hallway on Friday, March 3rd, beginning at 8:30 a.m. The public is invited to stop by and purchase a sweet. All proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society. Tickets may also be purchased for $1 for a chance to win a tackle box filled with fishing 'tackle items. This fund raiser, "Lure. for a Cure," will also benefit the; American -Cancer Society. ' members are all well. SLunch was peach cobbler day or so it looked like all was good With cauliflower casserole, sweet potato, fried' and casserole, lots of salads, corned beef and sau- erkraut and cracker candy. We had 27 members and six guests present.. Winelle Home : FENCING ALL TYPES 3 IES Field Fence $2.49/ft. (500' Mn.) Completely Installed, Including Labor & Mlaterial S W\od Chainhnk Field & Barbwrire l so Repaurs & Free Estimates (352) 284-7081 (352) 949-0320 L.jcall, O.ned Carlisle Fence Li..:er,~ed & Irnurs' Enterprises, LLC Bell, Florida vW TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY" INFORMATION . This form answers some common questions taxpayers have concerning Tangible: Personal Property. In addition, it provides information that will help you file an accurate and timely tax return. Questions Most Frequently Asked About Tangible Personal Property Q; What is Tangible Personal Property? 'A; Tangible Personal Property is e\ersiiing other than real estate that has value by itself. It would include things such as furniture, fixtures, tools, nachinery. household appliances, signs, equipment, leasehold improvements, supplies, leased equipment and any other equipment used in a business or to:earn income. Q. Who must file? / A. Anyone in possession of assets on January 1 ;"h.i has either a proprietorship, partnership, corporation or is a self-employed agent or contractor, must file'each year. Property owners who lease, lend or rrit proper must al.i.; il e Q. Why must I file a return? A. Florida Statutes 193.052 requires that all tangible personal property be reported, each year to the Property Appraiser's office. If you receive a return, it's because our office has determined that you may have property to report. If you feel the form is not applicable, return it with an explanation. Either way, the form MUST be returned. Failure to receive a Personal Property Tax Return (DR-405) does not relieve you of your obligation to file. Q. How can I obtain this form? A. At the beginning of the year a return is mailed to Tangible Personal Property owners. If you do rot get one, contact the Property Appraiser's Office. Q. What if I have no assets to report? Do I still have to file a return? A. Yes, if you feel you do not have anything to report, fill out items 1 through 9 on the return, and attach an explanation of. why nothing was reported. However, almost all businesses and rental units have some assets to report even if it is only supplies, rented equipment or household goods. < Q. If I am no longer in business, should I still file the return? A. Yes, if you were not in business on January 1 of the taxing year, follow this procedure: 1) On your return, indicate the date you went out of business and the manner in which you disposed of your business assets. Remember if you still have the assets, you must file on them. 2) Sign and date the return. 3) Have your signature notarized: 4) Mail the return back to this office. Q. What is an office or field review assessment? A. When a tax return is not filed by April 1 we are required to place an assessment on the property. This assessment represents an estimate based on the value of business with similar equipmentand assets. Being assessed does not alleviate your responsibility to file an accurate return. Q. What ifI don't agree with the assessed value that appears on the notice of proposed property taxes that I receive in August of each year? A. Call this office or come in and discuss the matter with us. If you have evidence that the appraised value is more than the, actual fair market value of your property, we will welcome the opportunity to review all the pertinent facts. Q. What if I buy or sell an existing business during the year - Who is responsible for the taxes? A. The new owner is responsible, however if there is insuffi- cient property to satisfy the taxes due, the owner on January 1 would be responsible for the difference. Most title companies do not do a search of the tangible assets of a business. You should therefore consult your realtor, attorney or closing agent to avoid problems in this area. To inquire for more information about Tangible Personal Property please contact: Damon C. Leggett Gilchrist County Property Appraiser 112 South Main Street, Rqom 138 Trenton, Florida 32693 (352) 463-3190 1-800-219-3208 Q. What if I receive more than one tax return.? A. All returns'must be sent back. If you have more than one location, the assets of each should be listed separately on each return. Q. What if I have old equipment that has been fully'depreciated and written off the books? A. Whether fully depreciated in your accounting records or not, all property still in use or in your possession should be reported. Q. Do I have to report assets that I lease, loan, rent, borrow or are provided in the rent? A. Yes, there is an area on the return specifically for those assets. Even though the assets are assessed to the owner, they must be listed for. informational purposes. Q. Is there a minimum value that I do not have to report? A. No, there is no minimum value. A tangible tax return must be filed on all assets by April 1. Q. If I rent my furnished home or condo for a few months, do I have to Sfile a tangible personal property tax return? A. Yes, since rental activity is of an income producing nature, you must file a return which lists your personal property. Items that should be listed include: Draperies, furniture, appliances and any other personal property included in the rental unit. Q. Are there deadlines and penalties?. A. The deadline for filing a timely return is April 1. After April 1, Florida Statutes provide that PENALTIES be applied at 5% per month or portion of a month that the return is late. A 15% penalty is required for unreported property, AND A 25% PENALTY IF NO RETURN IS FILED, Gilchrist Team Wins Featherweight Division At Ocala Endurance Ride NE Gilchrist rider Jean Won- ser rode her hometrained Ara- bian mare FMR Seneca to first place in Featherweight Division Saturday in Ocala National For- est AERC competition. Overall they were third in the starting packof 15 %-ith ride time of 6:26. Ride conditions were difficult with 80 degrees adding to the deep footing of the forest. This second completion of the new season puts the team high in the Southeast rankings. Spring Ridge Volunteer Fire' Department's To Have Pancake Breakfast March 4 The Spring Ridge Volunteer Fire Department in sites you to its next monthly Pancake Breakfast at its fire station. This month's breakfast %%ill start at 7:30 a on Saturday,' March 4th. and run until at least 10:00 a.m. All residents of the northeast Gilchrist Counts area and surrounding commurties are in ited to attend. The Spring Ridge VFD will be hosting an AARP Driker Safety Course for drivers 55 and older on March 11 and 18. 2006. from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. both days. The cost is only $10, and this fee must be received by no later than this March 4 SRVFD Pancake Breakfast. Someone will be at the next breakfast to assist with the sign-ups. Contact SRVFD member Tom Irvin at 386-454-7278 for more 'information. This course allows Sfor a rate reduction in auto insurance for those \who pass this t\. o-day course. SBlueberr., walnut and plain pancakes \ ll be served, along' %\ ith sausages, eggs. coffee and juice. As usual- the cost for the breakfast will be a donation to the fire department. The Spring Ridge firehouse is located on County Road 340 iPoe Springs Roadi. near the Spring Ridge Church of God. Come have a nice breakfast and chat %with "our neighbors. .See \ou on the fihrrS'turidd\ of MI.u'c" (ahd ever\ monthi! Post 383 Signs Up Youngest Member American Legion Post 383, Old Town, has signed up what is believed to be the youngest' member in the state according to Post Adjutant, Eugene Street: Andrew\ J. Cyr, age six months, was signed up as a member of the Sons of The American Legion, being sponsored by his dad, Ken C\ r. w ho is a member of Post 383. "I wanted my son to be a member of the Legion family. and enjoy the Legion experience as he grows up, like I did,'" said Cyr, during the enrollment process. Mother Amy said, S"Now I have two Legionnaire's in the family." Post Adjutant Street reports that membership has increased over last year, with the Post obtaining its 100 percent enrollment for the year 2006. The Post now has 287 members, comprised of Post, Auxiliary and Sons of American Legion members. Whether we bring our ene- mies to justice, or justice to our enemies, justice will be done. -George W. Bush Jean lVonser and her Arabian mnare FAIR Seneca. GASTON'S TREE SERVICE, INC. .' FULLSERVICE : AERIAL BUCKETS HYDRAULIC LOADERS/ CRANE SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES FULLYINSURED 352-378-5801 We accept all maloi cLedit cards 19i l1N \v 17th Place Suite E Gainesville 'Florida 32653 ~xvtw v.gasto ist 'eeserI xice.colni Akins Heating & AC, Inc. 5120 N. W 5fh Street Bell, Florida 32619 352-463-2380 SServicingAll Makes & Models SSpecializing in High Efficiency Units * Indoor Air Quality Products * Call us today to ask about an additionalpower company rebate of up to $350. License#CAClSl13540 . LEN LENNOX, A, w. Be-Lr ia Yor tvire? See us for Carlson Craft wedding invitations and accessories that will make your wedding day extra special. 352-463-7135 Gilchrist County Journal 207 North Main Street Trenton, Florida 32,693 \ NATURE COAST INSURANCE A Member of Perkins Financial Group A The ep deg Insurance Store Home* Car Business m Life Health Chiefland 352.493.2565 Williston 352.528.0443 Toll Free: 1-800-735-0686 Located at 12372 N.W. Highway-19 Next to Badcock Home Furnishing in Chiefland We've Moved! COME VISIT US AT OUR NEW LOCATION! To Fanning Springs NEW US-19N LOCATION CR-341 Badcock Bett's CR-320 Wal-Mart Chiefland Attention Most Wanted If you ha\e a \\arrant or summons, you may turn .ourself into the Gilchrist County Sheriff's Office, located at 9239 S. US H\\ 129 in Trenton. To avoid processing delay s for first appearance, please show up at the Sheriff's Office no later than 5:00 am. In addition, at anytime of the daN or night, onu may call the GCSO Communications Center at (352) 463-3181 and ask for a deputy sheriff to pick you up. Tipsters can remain anonymous. 'MORE THAN.., " TIRES Brakes Alignments Oil Changes Southern Tire & Brake S626 North Main Street Trenton 463-6050 HELPFUL HINTS AND SUGGESTIONS * File the original return iith this office t iith name and account number preprinted), as soon as possible before April 1. Be sure to sign and date our return. *.' \ork i lth )our accountant or C.P.A. to identify any equipment that may have been "Physically Removed". List those items in the appropriate space onyour return. " If\ou ha\e an a--et listing or depreciation schedule that identifies each piece of equipment. attach it to your complete return. * Do not use vague terms such as "various" or'"same as last year". * It is to your advantage to provide a breakdown of assets since depreciation on each item may vary. * Please include your estimate of fair' market value and the original cost of the item on your return. They are important considerations in determining an accurate assessment. * Additional information regarding filing is pro\ idd in the instructional section of the return itself * If you sell your business, go out of business, or move to a new location, please inform this office. It will enable us to keep timely, accurate records'. i, "~' r I --N f J L II I I C-TTCHRT ST COU NTY JOUR TRNAL I HURSDAY, MARCH 2, 2006 " "' I .1' m~~n~i~~nr~arnrsr,.iD mTHUIRSAY N".A 'IAAD Z, /,LT') 1AAj Ltvv CHRJISTXY X IJNT'IJOUXN LPa Ni Fund Set Up For Wyatt Lewis, 16 Month-Old With Cancer Shown from left are Chris, Danelle, and Wyatt Lewis. Licensed and Insured 8851 NW'115th Street Chiefland, Florida 32626 352-493-1398 1-877-766-2707 Osborn G. Barker Owner Insulated Roof-overs *Vir,! I -j luinrrum Siding Carports. Screen'Rooms*.Decks F'.tlr, Rci..-: Soffit; Faoil. &G Gutters,. Hurricane Awnings Skirting FPoc.i ard -il t.pe. Enclosures S Free Estimates __ SHair Expressions 1 l by Debee MEN, FREE TAN WOMEN with Hair Cut, Shampoo S' Finished Style CHILDREN'S Fin CUTS (Matrix & Redken) Phone Wolfe Tanning Bed :472-1482 (High Output Bulbs) 8897 SE 66th Circle SPECIALIZING IN COLOR Trenton, Florida 32693 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE Monday Friday ~ 10'am 6 pm Appointments & Saturday ~ 10 am 3 pm Walk-Ins Welcome Gilchrist Title A Security Title Company (352-463-6403) *F Gregory V. Beauchamp Douglas K. McKoy Services Closings Title Insurance Public Record Searches ast and Friendly Service 302 North Main Street Trenton, Florida Wyatt Lewis, the 16 month old son of Chris and Danelle Lewis :of Trenton, recently underwent brain surgery for cancer. The Lewis family is in need of assistance with expenses because Wyatt's treatment is expected to take a long time. An account has been set up at- Ameris Bank .(Tri-Courity Bank) in Trenton for Wyatt Lewis. Checks should be made South to: Pam. Lewis for the benefit of Wyatt Lewis. SRemember Our Troops SWith Gilchrist County resi- dents who are parents, grandpar- ents and other relatives of per- .sonnel presently serving in--the military, there's a sense of pride, which cannot be explained. When some of those relatives share how they feel when they see a particular name mentioned in the newspaper and know that other people are reading the arti- cle and then praying for those in the uniformed ser' ices, it is ever so encouraging. So. keep the prayers going forth, for prayer is a powerful thing. Ask our Heavenly Father to show Him- self strong in their lives. while keeping them safe and helping each one to stay focused on their job, particularly those who are in a combat zone. We all know that freedom is not free. so the least we at home can do is take the time to pray and name each one who is on the list. If you know someone \who is active service and his or her name is not mentioned here, please contact , the Gilclrist Count' Journal so their name can be added Cla.ton App, Kathy Ar- rington. Peter Belanger. Drew Cheatum, Wa.ne Cheatum. Robert Dean. Jimmy Fletcher, Jr., Chris Geiger Iraqi, Jon Guzman (Afghanistani. Gary Hilliard, Mark Hilliard. Ste e Hilliard, Joe Hudson. Heather Langston. Rob Long. Katne Lovett, Jonathan Luchak, Gus Mauldin, Michael Mayo. Ean McQuistan. T.J. Miller. Mark Milton. Allen Murray. Stephen Reed. T.J Rush. Matthew Rior- dai,. Donna Slayton, Donn v Slaton. James Slayton, Jeffrey Solis (Iraqi. Justin T\iigg (Iraq). Nathan Twigg. LaShonda White (Iraq), Wesley Wilson (Iraq). Kyle Worthington. and Daniel Wood (Iraq). Bell Band Boosters To Meet March 2 And FBA Concert Band Assessment To Be Held March 4 Bell Band Boosters will have a meeting on Thursday, March 2nd at 7:00 p.m. in the band room. We6 will be discussing the results of our dinner theater and planning the upcoming events for the duration of the year. These events include the High School Performance Assessments, All County, State MPA, End of Year Trip, Spring Concert and End of Year Banquet, just to name a few. .Our FBA Concert Band MPA (High School Musician Student. Performance Assessments ONLY) will perform at Bradford High School on March 4th in Starke. Attendance will be, called at 6:45 a.m. :and the performance time is .10:30 a.m. in Starke. Students will:. be released back at Bell High School at approximately 3:00 p.m. Make sure your student has a good breakfast. There is only a small concession stand a ailable for the students to grab a quick snack after their performance. Also. parents please note, there will be no room on the bus for you to ride. We hale only been given a small bus. .with seating for only the Band Booster Officers, who will chaperone on the ride to and from. We will see you once we arrive! Debbie Norton-Aronowicz From The Desk Of Gilchrist County Sheriff David P. Turner WVeekly Sheriff's Report For %\eek Ending February 27. 2006 On Februar 21:, 2006, Douglas Steigerwalt. date of birth. 1 27 86. was arrested on charges of Possession of Less than 20 Grans and Possession of Controlled Substance. On February 21. 2006, Jennifer L Ray. date of birth. 10/19/83, \was arrested on the charge of Neglect of a Child. On February 21, 2006. Nancy A. Phillips, date of birth, '7/27/85; was, arrested'b.oni the charge of Stalking. On February 22, 2006. Michael SJ. Hodge, date of birth, 4/15/60, was arrested on the charge of Violation of Probation/Driving While License Suspended or, Re\oked. On February 24, 2006, Clayton Lott, date of birth, 3/2/73, was arrested on the charge of Fugitive from another State. . On February 24. 2006. Eugene W. Housekeeper, date of birth, 11/14/76, %\as arrested on the. charge of Battery/Domestic Violence. On February 25, '2006.' Sterling D. Kallmeyer, date of birth, 8/30/79, was arrested on the charge of Battery/Domestic Violence. On February 25, 2006, Tracie G.Kallmeyer, date of birth, 5/8/ S81, was arrested on the charge of Battery/Domestic Violence. On February 26, 2006, Jacob T. French. date ofbirth;,7/14/85, was arrested on the charge of Violation of Probation ICarrying -a Concealed Weapon. Getting Ready For Inspection, The Horrifying Event Through A Cadet's Eyes Anyone who has ever had to be evaluated by a higher author- ity figure, for any reason, can relate to the shaky, cold, sweat, and fear, which can suddenly consume your every move or thought, Getting ready for an Army JROTC inspection can quite easily be compared to a dentist or doctor's appointment. The anticipation of knowing something major is about to take place, and the gut-wrenching fear of not knowing what the outcome may be, can make even the bravest of people shriek like frightened kittens. Let me help you understand exactly what I mean. Each Army JROTC program in the United States has an inspection from the IUnited States Army ev- - ery three years. This inspection covers the entire JROTC Bat- talion, including its instructors. For those of you who ha\e never beeh in a JROTC program, you may not be able to comprehend just how challenging a process it can be to prepare for one of these inspections. The JROTC program at Bell has a total of 72 cadets. That .:means, that this program had only three years to redevelop a program % ith all the right people in the appropriate positions. You would think such a task would not be complicated, however, let,. me remind you that we are deal- ing with high school students. Giving certain cadets complete authority over the program did not appease many of the cadets. However. that is part of what makes JROTC such a memo- rable experience. By guiding these students to learn to \work together in teams. and to take or- ders from other cadets, even ones that they may not necessarily get along w\ith. we have instilled in them the ability to lead or be led. Though the formal inspection is " a very stressful and time-con- suming process. it has proven to be quite useful in providing the cadets with a greater knowledge of ho\w to successfully handle stressful situations. For me personally, this inspec- tion gave me the self-confidence -to know that-I can successfully' accomplish any task that I set out to achieve. I know that the wisdom and self-respect I have gained through this program will forever remain in a special place in my heart. Cadet Captain Amber Short Public Affairs Officer Gilchrist County Journal Deadlines The deadline to submit editorial or advertising copy is :Monday at 5:00 p.m. to be included in the next Thursday's Sedition of the newspaper. FINANCIAL MORTGAGE GROUP "Excellence from beginning to end..." Conventional FHA/VA First Time Homebuyers Construction Perm No Income Verification 100% Financing Guaranteed Best Rates!!! Contact: Eric Pugh 352-317-5626 epugh(@crownfinancialmortgage.com 4404-A NW 36th Ave. Gainesville, FL 32606 Water Filtration Lie # CFC051621 WOLFE PLUMBING, INC. Complete Plumbing Service Drain Cleaning & Repair 7 Days Service ,52-463-2202 l i, .46 HURLEY I WILLIAMS AUCTION TRENTON ICE HOUSE (LOCATED NORTH OF TRAIN DEPOT) FRIDAY 6:30 PM Oldies, But Goldies - Antiques-Collectables-Primitives Furniture-Jewelry-Glassware-Old Guns BUYING AND SELLING ESTATES FOR MORE INFORMATION 386-454-8256 or 386-454-4991 # AU 437-AB270 i I I i Page Nine CTT LCFTR ST COUT NTY JOU RNAL IPT-TYTD4Z'AV 'k4AA r-T) )Of) A cadet is showun"going through the inspection process at JROTC. Advertise Yoiur Yard Sale In The Gilelrist County Journal At 463-7135 rage Ten JL** u .. .. . Giselle Moore-Higgs Gator Storage Traitor Rentals m 352-372-6206 Barron's Aluminum Licensed & Insured i Free In-4ome Consultations Screen Rooms' Sun-Rooms Year- Round Li% ing Space Lifeinme Transferable Warranty i,Sun Rooms OnlN) *Carport Paiuo&Deck Covers -- Decks & Handrails V* .in.l Siding Storm Panels & Shutters Email: bahomepros@bellsouth.net i: i% SCORE, Business FLORIDA CROWNWOKFORCE Works SXW-ging 3eope and u'sineaa SWage pie HOW TO START AND BUILD A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS March 14th 11am~-2pm Olde Boarding House Restaurant TRENTON, FL Be your own boss! $10 includes lunch & materials Legal Structure Credit Information Marketing Banking, Records, Bookkeeping and much more... For more information or reservations call: Trenton Chamber of Commerce at (352) 463-3467 We made our goal at the yard sale last week and boosted our Scholarship Fund nicely. Many" thanks to all who participated, especially those who worked the long hours before and on the day. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 9th, and will be hosted by the Publicity Committee. The speaker willbe Giselle Moore-Higgs, Coordina- tor of the Breast Center, Shands at the University of Florida. Mrs Moore-Higgs is a Certified Ad- vanced Oncology Nurse and a Doctoral Candidate, University of Florida Collage of Nursing. She lies in Alachua with hus- band Tony and two young sons.. Her topic \ill be of great inter-' 'est to all women so come along with your questions and bring a friend. Advance sale of the Roast Pork Lunch, to be held on March 22nd. has begun. Tickets ma\ .be purchased at the courthouse. Susan Bryant's Office, or at Hair Performance in Trenton. for, $5.00 or you may also purchase them at the door for $6.00. Submitted by S Oonagh DeNezza Publicity Gilchrist County Land Transactions Tree Corporation of America. Inc. f/k/a Trees of Amercia. Inc to Oak Walk LLC, corporate warrant deed. $200,600. Tree Corporation of America. Inc. f/k/a Trees of America. Inc. to Bell' Land Company, LLC., corporate \ arrant deed, $92,000. David Cribb to Teri Darling, warranty deed, $50,000. Lot 14, Lakewood Subdivision. Riverwalk of Fanning Springs, Inc., a Florida Corp. to River- walk Partners, LLP, quit .claim deed, $10. Riverwalk Partners LLP to Richard Grunnert and Mad- langbayan, warranty deed, $10, Lot 2, Greenways of Fanning Springs, a replat of Lots 23, 24 and 25, The Riverwalk of Fan- ning Springs. Cabard J. Colson to Larry J. / Webb and Deborah S. Webb, warranty deed, $89,900., Riverwalk LLP. to Barry T. Richburg and Aujuliette W. Rich- burg, warranty deed,$55,000. Lot 31, The Riverwalk of Fan- ning Springs, Phase 1. :Virgene M. Kilpatrick and Gary A. Kordewick to Lester J. and Iinda Metzler, general war- ranty deed, $24,500. Lot 10 of KKL & S Estates. Beth A. Garacheck to Lester J. and Linda Metzler, general war- ranty deed, $25,300. Lot 10 of KKL & S Estates, David C.Kordewick to Lester J. and Linda Metzler, general' warranty deed.. $25,300. Lot 10 of KKL & S Estates. ..Charles D. Crace to William C. Deighton. general warrant> deed. $34,000. Lot 1, Carol- line's Countr. Ernest Sullivan to Barbara Hope Hodge. quit claim deed. Lot S. Block 1, Unit 4, Suwan- nee River Springs. Charles Henry Frye to Holly Virginia Bethel and Wayne Boggs, general warranty deed, $59,000. The \'est 1/2 of Lot 25 in Santa Fe Corners. Robert D. and Jean D. Hiers to Tebby B. and Sandy Daringer, quit claim deed. $10. West 30 feet of Lot 17. Lowell Estates. Suwannee Riker Springs. _-Inc. to Ke\in J. Watkins, Corp., warranty y deed. $22.500. Lot 6, Block 8. Suwannee River Es- tates South. Ke% in and Laura Willis to William L and Diane Esther Pollard. general \"arrant\ deed. $16.000. Lot 6, Block 10.Su- wannee Riter Estates South. Caroln Elaine Bailey to' Gerold D. Bailes and Carolyn Elaine Bailey; quit claim deed, $:". i /. James W. and Jerry E. Hines to Janice A. Sheffield. quit claim dee,, $1. James W. Hines, Jerry E. Hines and Janice A. Sheffield to Carolyn Elaine Bailey, quit claim deed, $1.. ' Edward F. Colan to Fairway Homes, 'corporate warranty deed, $70,000. Lot 4, Easley Place. James Cash and Delores' Smith to James A. Myers, warranty; deed, $40.000. Lot 57, Ayers .Estates' and mobile home. LAB Partners, Inc.:to Wil-' :liam K. Coates, warranty deed, $10. .Clint Davis to Phillip Mat- thew Haney, warranty deed, $228.000.. Lot 8, Block 6, Spring Ridge, Subdivision, unit 2., Henry Hines to Kenneth SHines; quit claim deed, $10. SKenneth Hines to Henry Hines, quit claim deed, $10. Arthur J. McQuillan III, Alpine Land Company .to Mark Belshaw, warranty deed, $25,000. Lot 26, Oak Hollow North. . TRENTON MEDICAL CENTER Quality Health Care, Convenient Location, SServing The Health Care Needs Of Our Community Catherine Vega, PA-C Pediatrics James F. Ivey, MD Board Certified Family Practice * Complete Primary Care Well-Baby Exams Diagnostic X-rays Minor Trauma Case Management * Hearing and Vision Testing Deborah Weyer, MD Board Certified Pediatrics Services Provided: Chronic Disease Management Immunizations Diagnostic Laboratory Minor Surgical Procedures Family Planning Curtis Kirby, PA-C Family Practice Internal Medicine Christine Chapman, DO Board Certified Family Practice Physical Exams Vaccines for Children ADD & ADHD Evaluations Health Screening HIV Testing * Sliding Fee Office Visits and Pharmacy Employers Please Ask About Our Preferred Employers Program (PEP)! ~ Most Insurances Accepted - 911 South Main Street Trenton, Florida 32693 Equal Opportunity Provider Quality Health Care for the Entire Family 352-463-2374 John Frazier, DC Chiropractic Physician Providing Non-Profit Healthcare for 30 years Pediatrics 463-6292 Helen Gray, a/k/a Helen S. Gray, Helen S. Gray Trustee, Richard B. Gray .Trustee to Harry F. Abbis and Carole Ab- bis, warranty deed, $16,500. Wayne Carter,to Wayne 'and Jean Carter, quit claim deed, $10. Lot 40, Gil Crest Farm. FHP Driver License And Vehicle Inspection Checkpoints The Florida Highway Patrol will be conducting driver license and vehicle inspection check- points during the following dates: March 1-31. 2006. These checkpoints will only be held at. the following locations, -in the following counties: Dixie: Chavous Rd, CR55A, SR 349, CR 349;,CR 351, CR 358, Willow Hole Rd. Gilchrist: SR 26. SR 49, SR 47. CR 138. SE 70th Ave, CR 232. CR 340, CR 341. Lafavette: SR 20, SR 5i, SR 53. SR 349. . Levy: SR 24. SR 45. SR 49. SR 121, SR 500. CR 320. CR 3339. CR 341. CR 345, CR337. CR 335, CR316. CR 464, CR 323, CR 326. Troopers \%ill focus on %ehi- cles that are being operated with defects and violations such as: Sworn / unsafe tires, bad brakes. improper window tiring, cracked / broken windshields. unsecured loads, and defective lighting. In addition, attention will be directed to violations of: driver license laws. motor ve- hicle registration la\ss, non-use of seatbelts and motor vehiclee insurance requirements. The Florida High;way Patrol has found these checkpoints to be an effective method of en- forcing state laws. whichh relate Sto the safe and legal operation of. motor vehicles. Checkpoints ill on1 .be conducted between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Guardian Ad Litem Program Receives National Certification Recognizing the Qualir~ of Its \'ork for Abused and Neglected Children The Eighth Judicial Circuit Guardian ad Litem Program was, recently awarded certificatioii by the National Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) SAssociation. This certification recognizes that the Guardian ad Litem Program is in compliance with National CASA's'. high, standards: for quality child advocacy. According to Clarkson Cantrell,. Director of the Guardian ad Litem Program, '"The National CASA quality assurance process is very rigorous, and reflects our commitment. to ensure, es ers 'child we serve has the most Powerful volunteer advocate :working on their behalf. This certification' says we have demonstrated a strong capacity to provide excellent services to the 950 children we are currently representing." bil Norm Conti AARP News At the monthly AARPhleeting on February 21. 2006, at the STrenton Communit> Center, we kiere honored to have as dur speaker. Jo Buckles. Director of A\ers Health and Rehabilitation Center Jo Buckles presented an informari e program on "Nutrition for Seniors." She ga\e us copies of the latest USDA Food Chart and explained the "do's and don't" of each category. In addition -to proper eating, she stressed the importance of exercise in conjunction with diet. We want to thank her for fitting us into her ever-busy schedule.. . This meeting \\as very special because it included the return Sof two of our favorite members who had been ill and unable to attend. Welcome back Iris 'Roberts and M\Irtle Scruggs. Also, Jean daCosta returned after completing her AARP Ta\- Aide Training. Randy Durden, Legislative Chairman, introduced' Rob Willis. Gilchrist Countr Public Safety Director. Hi, office will be directly) responsible for co-ordinating EMS. Ambulance Service, Fire Department. 911. Animal Control, and Emergency Management. In detail, he .described the functions of.. each of these'serVices. We are fortunate to ha\e a man \ith his qualifications working for our community. Jim Scruggs. President of Friends of the Library, reported that "Books by IMail" is off to'. a flying start 'and that if you need a catalog or forms for this program, you may obtain them from any of the local libraries. Our great "meeting was followed by a salad and dessert lunch, and good fellowship among the 42 members and three guests. \\ho \were present. Were you there'? Norm Conti Publicity,, Small buildings, boats. etc. 24 Ih: rowing service. -22- rollback bed. Carports also available. Reasonable Rates. 463-2900 493-0345 JOE'S TOWING & ROLLBACK Credit Cards Accepted Pole Barns Installed- Complete $17950U Total DURON WILLIAMSONS TREE SERVICE Licensed and insured Callfor FREE Estimates cell 352-318-3610 home 386-935-2180 All Phases of'lTree Work From trimming to complete removal and haul-off. Light land clearing, clearing of right-of-ways, and debris haul-offs. Bobcat service available. Freeman Plumbing Now Has a Service Van Available To Handle Your Plumbing Needs. Residential & Commercial Service Work & New Construction, Additions, Remodeling, Etc. (352) 498-0703 (352) 493-3801 (352) 210-0062 LICENSED INSURED FREE ESTIMATES Walter Freeman State Certified Master Plumber #CFC057595 Sho'i'n from left are A-4RP Vice President, Monnye Brown.: Jo Buckles, Director of Ayres Health and Rehabilitatibon Center: and .4.-RP President, ;r. Geneva Cornuiell.. Photo "TI.C 4RT.'qT CT TNTY JOU RNAL THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 2006 n--- m-- I JIIrL. A MJ2 ARH 22006 JTYOLE Mr. Roy Turner SAnderson, Jr. Mr. Roy Turner Anderson, Jr. of Bell died Saturday, February 25, 2006, at his home. He was 69. Mr. Anderson was born in Bir- mingham, Alabama. He came Sto this area four years ago from Warrior, Alabama. He worked as a real estate appraiser/specialist for the State of Kentucky and later for the Alabama Power, Company from which he retired after 29 years of service. He was a member of Trenton Church of Christ. His two passions were horses and flying which he participated in until his health no longer per- mitted him to. He was preceded in death by his parents,Roy Tuner Ander- son, Sr. and Gladis Chamblee Anderson; his son, Tommy An- derson; and his daughter, Susie Lamberth. Mr. Anderson is survived by his wife of 21 years, Pamela Vaughan Anderson of Bell; a daughter, Mary Ann Roberts and her husband, Jimmy D. Roberts of Newnan, Georgia; four grand- children; and four great-grand- children. A funeral service was held Tuesday, February 28, 2006, at Watson Funeral Home Chapel with Mr. Kent Heaton and Mr., Tommy Andrews conducting the service. Interment will be held at a later date. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the American Cancer .Society or American Lung Association. Arrangements were under the care of WATSON FUNERAL HOME, Trenton. Hall Available 352-463-1501 Mr. Joshua M. Felmey Mr. Joshua M. Felmey Mr. Joshua M. Felmey of Ful- ton, New York died Thursday, February 23, 2006. He was 25. Josh was born in Gainesville,- the son of Richard Felmey of Bell and Cheryl Felmey Holmes of New York. He was a resident of Bell until the age of 14 and a member of Bethel Baptist Church of Trenton. He is survived by two sisters, Heather Class of Bell and Devon Felmey of New York; a brother, Matthew Felmey of Bell; a nephew, Andrew Class; four stepbrothers, David and Brian Capps, both of Chiefland, and Pete and Sam Holmes of New York. Josh returned to Bell during his senior year of high school and graduated from Bell High School in 1999. After working in the area for four years he re- turned to New York with plans to pursue an education and career in architectural drafting. Funeral services were held Thursday, March 2, 2006 at Forest Funeral Home in Fulton, New York. Arrangements were under the care of FOREST FUNERAL , HOME, Fulton, New'York. ... ... o '. " i1n Good Neighbor. GREAT RATES. N- ING. air NT, MONF, I RKFT \c uLINTS $v 12 924.9 [ ltr),,, PI it, 991 'l0i0'.. APN .. i2.,I0 ~ 2i"~.API iI)(JI i99.999 3. 10.000 3.? J.5'-- API' I ki ,~. r~, 1il-1,. ,01.1111- 24,999 i25,6'00 S49.999 SI1j0j0,000 t i %.".. API' 'bb.API' 3 66,. A P I CFR i;T jC NTP; O IF F)F PO,!T W), Da 4 311".. API' 160 Day 4 40,-,AP' I i al 4 4pi,! ANP 2 N4 50%'. APIV 3 irs I4 55,,., AN SVein 40.60"..API'V leiri D,,,.,e P,.rt. 4L KE:.C.0,,,, N -[-W D d IH ,-. '',' .T F)iF '.l i THE -.E ' I"I,, ,, : -ll: ,,1n 1 ,, 1 'll ll.... 111 ,l,1 .i.,l ll.li r ., ,, 7,1 ,,,,, .. ...... I .. .. .. .' ' Australian Dream Arthritis Cream Stops Arthritis Pain In 15 Minutes or Your Money Back! Australian Dream Arthritis Cream is a special formula of two all-natural ingredients combined to stop arthritis pain in its tracks: Emu oil and Glucosamine. Emu oil has been used in the Outback of Australia for hundreds of years to ease arthritic joint pain and promote healing. Glucosamine is best known for its ability to repair damaged cartilage and lubricate the joints Australian Dream Arthritis Cream contains no capsaicin. So there is NO BURNING sensation or reddening of the skin. And it has NO ODOR! There are no colored dyes to stain your skin or clothing. "My doctor's have been saying the only way to stop my knee pain was to have surgery. I'm so glad that I discovered Australian Dream Arthritis Cream. I just put a little on each day as needed and I'm pain free." Charlotte Parks, Campton, KY 100% Money Back Guarantee If you are not completely delighted with Australian Dream Arthritis Cream, just return the jar for a full refund. For a store near you call toll freel-888-600- 4642.Free samples at: Best Drugs of Trenton 220 N. Main St. Trenton 463-2240 Mr. George Theodore (Ted) Jackson Mr. George Theodore (Ted) Jackson of Old Town, died at his home on Wednesday, February 22, 2006, after a long illness. Born and raised in suburban Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Ted enlisted in the United States Air Force after graduating from high school and spent the next five years in Japan as part of the oc- cupational forces. The 11th Airbourne Divi- sion was sent to Korea in 1950. Ted was wounded in 1950 and received the Purple Heart. He continued,,to serve in the Army and Air Force until his discharge in December 1958. Upon his return to the states, Ted enrolled at Temple Uni- versity and began employment with General Electric in their Space and Missile Division, working on the Apollo Mission. He graduated from Temple Uni- versity in 1968 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering Tech- nology. In 1967, Ted married Adelaide H. Harper and in 1969 they relocated to Fort Lauder- dale, where Ted joined the Bur- roughs Corporation. He became a licensed General Contractor in 1980 and became involved in office building construction in South Florida. Upon his retirement in 1989, Ted and Adelaide moved to Old Town. He was a life member of the VFW, Post #5625 Chiefland, was the first Commander and life member of the Tri-County Chapter #533 of the of the Mili- tary Order of the Purple Heart. He is survived by his wife Ad- elaide H. Jackson; stepson, Wil- liam G. Harper of Fort Lauder- dale; stepdaughter, Jane Harper Shuluk of New York, New York;' grandson, Harry C. Shuluk of New York; and a brother, John A. Jackson of Queensbur\, New York. A private. graveside service was held at the Florida National Cemetery in Bushnell with'a VF\\ H'-n.'r, Cerem.:,n). Xirrangemerti' i\ere under the care of RICK GOODING FU- NERAL HOME, Cross City. Mr. Wilbur C. Johnson Mr. Wilbur C. Johnson of Trenton died Tuesday, February 21, 2006 in Trenton. He was 68. Mr. Johnson was born in Dres- don, New York and came to this area from O'Brien 15 years ago. He was an auto mechanic and enjoyed building motorcylces and three wheelers. He is survived by his wife, Rosella Johnson of Trenton; a son, Scotty Hagan of Trenton; two brothers, Eugene M. Eber of Trenton and James Dewire of Brandon, Vermont. Arrangements were under the care of KNAUFF FUNERAL HOME, Chiefland, Mr. Herbert Mitchell Langford Mr. Herbert Mitchell Lang- ford of Newberry died Saturday, February 25, 2006 at the Veter- ans Administration Hospital in Gainesville. He was 78. Mr. Langford was born in Trenton and was a lifelong resi- dent of the area. He was of the Baptist faith. He was preceded in death by his wife, Azalea Thrift Lang- ford. Mr. Langford is survived by daughters, Charlene Darrah of Starke, and Diane Nipper of Trenton; stepdaughters, Donna Smith of Cedar Key and Debbie Johnson of Gainesville; a son, Neil Langford of Gainesville; stepsons, David Corbitt of Green Cove Springs, Wayne Corbitt of Ormond .Beach, and Cary Cor- bitt of Jacksonville; a brother, Ernest Langford of Panama City; 13 grandchildren; and 15 great-grandchildren. Arrangements were under the care of WATSON FUNERAL HOME, Trenton. I i I S;I4ns I (352)463-7135 i Viva Adelle McPhearson Mrs. Viva Adelle McPhearson Mrs. Viva Adelle McPhearson of Bell died Tuesday, February 21, 2006 at Lake City Medical Center. She was born April 4, 1924 and was a native of Fordsville, Kentucki and mo\ ed to this area from Clear after in 1972. She was preceded in death by her husband, Harry McPhearson; and a daughter, Jonelle Plennes. I Mrs. McPhearson is survived by two sons, Robert Gary McP- hearson of Branford and Aaron McPhearson of Lake Cit., a daughter, Linda Henderson of Branford; one brother. James Basham of Orlando; a sister, Ida Hickey of Brooksville; 15 grandchildren; 43 great-grand- children; and one great-great- grandchild. A funeral service was held Saturday, February 25, 2006 at Evans-Carter Funeral Home in High Springs with Rev. Lyn- wood Walters conducting the service. Arrangements were under the care of EVANS-CARTER FU- NERAL HOME, High Springs. I, I I~ I Order Your RUBBER STAMPS "at the Gilchrist County Journal 207 North Main Trentni -,;,; r '"463-713 - m I .I .I I II Na ~--Obituaries IBell Family HealthCare Quality Health Care, Convenient Location, Serving The Health Care Needs Of Our Community Bruce E. Thomas, MD Board Certified/Family Practice * Complete Primary Care Well-Baby Exams Diagnostic X-rays Minor Trauma Case Management * Hearing and Vision Testing Mina Willis, PharmD/PA-C Family Practice Malcolm Hickox, PA-C Family Practice Jeffrey HansPetersen, MD Board Certified/Family Practice Physical Exams Vaccinesfor Children ADD & ADHD Evaluations Health Screening HIV Testing * Sliding Fee Office Visits and Pharmacy Mr. Oral Garland Lee Mr. Oral Garland Lee of Old Town died Monday, February 27, 2006 in Old Town. He was 75. Mr. Lee was born in Gandee- ville, West Virginia and came to this area from Detroit, Michigan 25 years ago. He retired after 30 years of service from Cadillac Motor Corp. He enjoyed wood- working, camping and Bluegrass music. Mr. Lee is survived by his wife, Dolores Lee of Old Town; a son, Michael Lee of Gandee- ville; three, daughters, Sharon Lee Tignor of Charleston, West Virginia, Cassandra Provo of Cooks, Michigan, and Candase Tuttle of Canton, Michigan; two brothers, Carl Lee of Speed, West Virginia and Elmer Lee of Lincoln Park, Michigan; two sis- ters, Ruby Brannon of Spencer, West Virginia and Violet Weaver of Liberty. West Virginia; three grandchildren, and two' great- grandchildren. Arrangements were under the care of KNALIFF FUNERAL HOME, Chiefland. Mr. James A. Monroe James A. Monroe,'87, of Pease Hill Road, passed away, Tues- day, February 21, 2006 at the Ayers Nursing Home in Trenton, following a short illness. Born December 25, 1918 in Ticonderoga, New York, he was the son of the late Frank and Bessie (Hayes) Monroe. Jim was a US Army veteran during WW II and served in the European Theater of Operations, he landed in Normandy on June 12, 1944 and served through Berlin. He was honorably dis- charged with the rank of Staff Sergeant. He married Jenniemay (Hill) Goodrich on February 8, 1947. The couple resided in Chester- town, New York,. Warrensburg, New York, and Brant Lake, New York, and wintered in Trenton. In his early years, he was a lumberman and farmed the land. He went on to become a mechanic with NYS DOT for 22 years before retiring in 1980. Jim was a former member of the Chesiert:\n' V1'-o. Fire Co and elko %a. a member of the Warrensburg Vol. Fire Co. for 21 years. Pole Barns : Crane Service STruss Setting B 18-in Auger (352) 543-6643 P. O. Box 218 Otter Creek, Florida 32683 Lic. No. RB0031694 Lindsey Land CIearing Site Prepi, tinc Fill Dirt & Limerock Site Prep & Pad Building Land Clearing Driveways Licensed & Insured 352-463-6125 or 352-535-5731 ( I Hunt's Pest Control, Inc. GET RID OF: Cockroaches Waterbugs German Roaches Ants and other Household Pests WE DO TERMITE INSPECTIONS Phone 493-1051 493-4772 iW'e send em packn m! Services Provided: * Chronic Disease Management Immunizations Diagnostic Laboratory Minor Surgical Procedures Family Planning Employers Please Ask About Our Preferred Employers Program (PEP)! Most Insurances Accepted Equal Opportunity Provider. Providing Non-Profit Healthcare For Information: 1830 North Main Street Bell, Florida 352-463-1100 ._ --- A i c~~-- -qC~~I -- C He was a member of the War- rensburg First United Methodist Church and was an avid out- doorsman. Jim was preceded in death by his wife of 52 years, Jennie- may Hill Goodrich Monroe; his brother, Eugene M. Monroe and his sister, Ann Bolton. He is survived by his two sons, David G. Goodrich and his wife, Anita of Warrensburg; Donald A. Goodrich and his wife, Gail of Bluffton, South Carolina; his sister, Alice Harrington of War- rensburg; five grandchildren, and, five great-grandchildren and several nieces, nephews and cousins. Funeral services were held Monday, February 27, 2006 at the funeral home with the Rev. Dawn Robbins, Pastor of the Warrensburg First United Methodist Church officiating., Internement followed at the \Varrensburg Cemeter'.' In lieu of flowers, memorial may take the form of donations to the Horicon or Warrensburg Vol. Fire Companies. Arrangements were under the care of ALEXANDER FUNERAL HOME. Mrs. Donna Alice Woelfle Mrs. Donna Alice Woelfle of Chiefland died Sunday, February 26, 2006 at Tri-County Nursing Home in Trenton. She was 96. Mrs. Woelfle was born in Naylor, Missouri and lived in Bloomington, Illinois before moving to.Stuart in 1961. She was a member of First United Methodist Church of Stuart. She was preceded in death by her husband, Alvin J. Woelfle; sisters, Blanche Meyer and Elma Niepagen; a brother, Frank Athey; and a granddaughter, Li- ane Renee Sage. Mrs. Woelfle is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Donna J. Quigg of Chiefland; brothers, Roy Athey of North Palm Beach and Dale Athey of Mapleton, Illinois; a sister, Mrs. Allan (Marilyn) Weise of Stuart; and two .great-granddaughters of Lakewood, California. Arrangements were under the care of KNAUFF FUNERAL HOME, Chiefland. - ,__M I I THI TRSDAY. MARCH 2 2006 GILTCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL ]Page Eleven I,- - nui FT-R THST COU TNTY 10J ORNAL THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 2006 Legal Notices CITY OF TRENTON REGULAR MEETING AGENDA PUBLIC NOTICE Thd City of Trenton Board of Commissioners will meet in Regular Session on Monday, March 6, 2006 at 5:30 p.m. in the Kathryn Deen Commission Chambers. Items- included on the agenda are as follows: AGENDA A. Call To Order B. Adoption of Agenda C. Approval of Minutes D. Consent Items 1. Approval of January 2006 Expenditures 2. Approval of Financial s Statement January 2006 E. OtherAgencies 1. Code Enforcement 2. Waste Pro F Action Items 1. Trenton Hall of Fame 2. First Reading Ordinance 2006-10-Mc Douga l/Fo\ ler Annexation 3. Final Reading Ordinance 2006-4-Cit, Commission CPA 06-2 4. Final Reading Ordinance 2006-5 City Commission CPA 06-3 5. Final Reading Ordinance 2006-6-istletoe Properties LDR 05-6 6.- Final Reading Ordinance. 2006-8 City Commission IDR *06-1 S 7. Final Reading Ordinance 2006-9 Cit Commission LDR 06-3 8: Resolution 2006-04- Road Closure SE Ist Street 9. Resolution 2006-05 - Signatures on Checks 10. DumpTruck Bid 11. Communrry Development Block Grant Request for Proposal. G. Board Member Request SH. City Manager Reprt I. Staff Reports I CityAttorney S2 Public Works 3. Fire Report 4; Police Report J. Unscheduled Citizen Requests K. Adjourn .PLEASE, TAKE NOTICE that if a person decides to appeal anyL decision made-by the Board with respect to an\ matter considered at this meeting. he/she %il l need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a ierbatim record bf the proceedings in made. v.uhch record includes the 'iestimon, and evidence upon \rich the appeal is to be based. Jered Ottenuess Citl Manager ,Pub March 2, 2006b. SLife is an exercise in forgive- ness. : -Norman Cousins NOTICE OF MEETING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, the Gilchrist County Board of County Commissioners, in and for Gilchrist County, Florida, will hold a regular meeting on Monday, March 6, 2006, at 1:15 p.m., in the Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room, located at 210 South Main Street, Trenton, Florida. The following is a proposed agenda. AGENDA, 1.. Call to Order (1:15 p;m.). 2. Agenda Changes 3. Consent Agenda 4. County Administrator/ Department Reports 5. Attome-y Report S6. Constitutional Officers 7. Clerk Report 8. Commissioner Reports 9.- Time Certain Items: a. 1:30 p.m. Suwannee River Water Nianagement District, Jerry 'Scarbor- ough; Proposed Sale of Hart- Springs b., 2:00;p.m. Citizen's Re- quest, Donna Creamer, Pure Water Wilderness. Citizen Appointment to the PWW Board c. 2:45 p.m. Jeff Winter,, Jordan & Associates. CDBG' and SHIPProgram d 4 30 p.m: Road Depart-: ment Report e.4 45 p.m. Public Hear- ing, Ordinance 06-08, Speed Limit Change, CR 340/US H\%%v129 f. 5 00 pm Public Hear- ings. Land Use Ordinance 06-09, Pine Ridge Plantaton Small Scale Plan Amendment Ordinance 06-10. Pine Ridge Plantation. Rezorung Prelimi- nary Plat Approval, Kateln Estates Major Subd g 5 45 p.m Noise Ordi- nance Workshop 10 Old Business II Ne%% Business 12 Public Participation 13 Adjourn "Persons ith disabiihnes request- ing reasonable accommodations to participate in this proceeding should contact 1352, 463-3169 iVoice & TDDi or \la Flonda Relai Ser\ice iS00i955-8771 " PLEASE BE ADVISED that if a person decides to appeal an) deci- sion made bN the Commission with respect to an) matter considered at said hearing, that person \ill need a record of the proceedings. and that for such purpose. that person may need to insure that a \erbaim record is made. sshich record includes the tesumony and e idence upon which h the appeal is to be based BOARD OF COUNTY. COMMISSIONERS : GILCHRIST COUNTY. FLORID b TOMMh\ L ANGFORD. CHAIRMAN 'ATTEST JOSEPH \V GILLIANI CLERK Pub NMar.h 2. 2006b A man is as good as' what he loves. -Saul Belloc NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given to the Town Council, of the Town Bell, Florida, serving as the Town Plan- ning Board; will consider a Condi- tional Use Permit for the following described real property located at the, northwest comer of NW 5th Street and NW 25th.Avenue, Bell, Florida; said hearing to be at the Bell Town Hall at 3240 West Rail- road Lane. Bell. Flonda on April 6, 2006 at 7 00 p m or as soon thereaf- ter as the matter can be heard. Conditional Use Permit Legal descnpton of the prop- errN for Conditional Use Permit as requested is as follows. Corn- meice at the Southswest comer of 'the North.est Quarter (NW 1/4). of section 31. Township S South. Range 15 East for a point of refer- ence Thence run along the South line of said N-W 1/4. N 89:30'44" E. 1444.36 feet to a concrete monu- ment being the North.west comer of the Southeast Quarter .SE 1/4) of said NV /4 and the Point of Begin- ning Thence along the West line of Sthe Northest Quarter of the South- west Quarter iNE 1/4 of SW l/4i of said Section 31. S 00'134"10'" E, 134.50 feet to a concrete monument lying on the centerline of NM' 5th Street county maintained lime rock road; thence run along said center- line, N 89'22 48" E, 1292.47 feet to a concrete monument lying on a Southerly projection of the Westerl\ edge of NW 25th Asenue. county maintained lime rock): thence run sad projected line and along the Westerly edge of 25th Asenue. N 01030'57" E. 823 13 feet to a con- crete monument: thence continue along the \west edge of NW 25th AXenue. N 01'13'18" E. 29929 feet to a concrete monument, thence departing from the West edge of NW 25th Avenue. run S 89'30'01'" W. 1331 62 feet to a concrete monu- ment on the West line of said SE 1/4 of NWV 1/4: thence rufn along the West line of said SE 1/4 of NW 1/4. S 0034"'10" E. 98999 feet to a concrete monument and the Point Beginning, all lying and being in Gilchrst County. Florida. contain- ing 40.61 acres more or less. A Conttional Use Permit is required for the above described property inconforrmt) y Ith the Land Development Code of the Town of Bell to permit the use of the prop- errs for New Development of a 41 lot single-family subdivision, within the R-3 tZoning Districtn The proposed application may be inspected at the Bell Towsn Hall. 3240 West Railroad Lane. Bell. Florda Interested persons ma\ appear and be heard in'respect to the Conditional Use Permit at this PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that -I a person decides it appeal any deci- sion made by the Bell Too.i n CouncilI with respect to anr matter consid- ered at such meeting, the) '. ill need a record of the proceedings and that for such purposes. the, mar, need o, insure that a 'erbaum record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and e% idence upon \s which the appeal is based. Dan Ca anahi To'. n Manager Pub March 2.2006b. THE CITY OF FANNING SPRINGS FIRST PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Cir, of Fanning Springs is considering applying to the Florida Deparnient of Communir, Atffairs ;DCA) for a Small Cities (Tom- munirt Development Block Grant (CDBG) of up -to .$600,000.00. These funds must be used for one of the following purposes. I To benefit low and moder- ate-income persons; or 2. i To aid in the prevention or elininatiin of slums. or blight; or 3.. To meet other community development needs of recent origin having a,particulai urgency because existing conditions 'pose a .serious and' immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community and where other financial resources are not available to meet such needs. The categories of activities for which these funds may be used are .in the areas of housing, neighbor- - hood revitalization, commercial revitalization, or economic devel opment and'include such improve meant activities as acquisition of rea property, loans to private-for-profi business, purchase of machinery and equipment, construction of in frastructure, rebabilttanon of houses and commercial buildings, anc energy conservation. Addinonal in formation regarding the range ofac- riviries that may be undertaken wil be provided at the public hearing. For each activity that is proposed at least 51,o of the funds mus benefit low and moderate-incomi persons. In developing an application foi submission to DCA, the C ir' of Fan- ning Springs must plan to minimize displacement of persons as a resul of planned CDBG acr iries. In ad dinon, the Citr of Fanning Springs is required to develop a plan to assis displaced persons. The public hearing to recei h citizen vie\ws concerning the comr muntry's economic and community development needs will be held ai the Fanning Springs Citr Hall S17651 N W. 90th Court. Trenton 32693, on Tuesday March 7th. al 5:00 p.m. For information con- cerning the public hearing, contact Sheila Watson. City Clerk 1352 463-2855. The public heanng is being conducted in a handicapped acces- sible location Any handicapped person requiring an interpreter tbor the hearing impaired or the visu- ally impaired should contact Shella Watson at least five calendar days prior to the meeting and an inter- preter \\ill be provided An\ non- English speaking person wishing to attend the public hearing should contact Sheila Watson at least fi\e calendar da:,s prior to the meeting and a language interpreter u i11 be pro- ided. To access a Telecom- nmunication De. ice for Deaf Person, ITDDi, please call i1'01 955-S"1 An', handicapped person requiring special acconmmodanon at this meet- ing should contact Sheila Watson ai least fi'e calendar days prior to the meeting A Fair Housing Workshop % ill be conducted inioediately follo\%ing the Public Hearing on the same date at the name location. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EM- PLOYMENT. H-LANDICAP AC- CESSIBLE AND FAIR HOUiSNG .iURISDICTION. Pub. March 2. 2006b NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING GILCHRIST PLANNING ANT) ZONING BOARD PLEASE TAKE NOTICE tha the.'Gilchnst County. Plannng-.and Zoning Board. in and lor Gl.lctr'is Count,. Flonda. \. ill holda regular meeting on Thursda:,. March 9,:200( at 6 00 p m, or as soon thereafter a' possible, at the Board of County Cuommis-ioners Meeting Room located at 210 South Main Street Trenton. Florida The following is the proposed agenda AGENDA 1 Call to Order 2 Consideration of Pre\i- ous Minutes- February 9. 2006. '3.' SUB 06-01: PreliminarN Plat Approval --an ap- .plicauon by Pine Ridge Plantation LLC request- ing a Prelinunar) Plat approval he granted for a major subdis sion called 'Pine Ridge Planiation Phase I' containing twelve (121 Lots. S4. SP 06-01i Special Permit for Excavation an appli- cation \\as completed b\ William Coates' request- ;ing al Special Permit for Excavation be granted for the purpose of soil excavation and leveling' project. , 5. SP 06-02: Special Permit for Dredge & Fill- an ap- plication was completed by Thomas Hurley re- questing a Special Permit for Dredge and Water Fill be granted for the purpose of creating two (2) ponds his property. 6. SUB 06-03: Final Plat Approval an "applica- tion was made by Joseph Lander requesting a Final Plat approval be granted for a minor subdivision called 'Lander North' containing five (5) Lots. 7. SUB 06-04: Final Plat Approval an applica- tion was made by Joseph Lander requesting a Final 1 Plat approval be granted --for a minor subdivision called 'Lander West' con- 1 training five (5) Lots. t. 8. -SUB 06-05: Preliminary y Plat Approval an appli- cation by Ronald St. John s requesting a Preliminary. d: Plat approval be granted for a major subdivision S called 'Bryant- s" Addi- . S tion' containing twelve (12) Lots. . 9. SUB 06-06: Preliminary t Plat Approsal an applh- e cation by James Martin requesting-a Preliminar, r Plat .approval be granted for a major subdlii sion called 'Martin Manor' t containing nine i91 Lots 10 Gilchrist Count> Resi;sed s Land Development Code t Article 8 Supplemen- tary iRegulations At the aforementioned public heanng, all interested parties ma. appear to be heard with respect to S any of the proposed agenda items The public hearing ma', be contin- ued to one or more future dates Any interested party shall be ad ised that the date. time and place of an\ con- tinuance of the public heanng shall S be announced during the public hearing and that no further notices concerning this matter -m il be pub- lished, unless said continuation exceeds six calendar \weeks from the date of the abose referenced public hearing Additional information for all s of the above-listed agenda items is available for public inspection at the Building Department Office. located at 209 Southeast First Street. Tren- ton. Florida. during regular business S"hours 9 All persons are ad% ised that if the decide to appeal an\ decision made at the abose referenced public hear- ing. they\ will need a record of the proceedings. and that. for such ptI- pose. the:, may need to ensure that a erbatim record of the proceedings Sis made, which record includes the testurony and evidence upon \which the appeal is to be based. Persons with disabilities request- ing reasonable accommodations to participate m this proceeding should contact 03521 463-3169 iVoice & TDD' or Hla Flonda Relay Service i800i955-8771 Pub. March 2. 2006b IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA. IN AND FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY. CI' IL DIVISION t CASE NO 2006-CA-00(06 d CITIFINANCIAL EQLiT). SER\l'Cf1NC.7 r PlaiRi iit vs. . S PEARLIE \ILLIANMS AK/A PEARLIE A. WILLIAIS. THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE. OF PEARLIE WILLIAMS.1 . SK/A PEARLIE A WILLIAMS: IF LIVING. INCLUDING ANY UNKNOWN SPOLISE OFSAID DEFENDANTS i. S.IFREMARRIED. AND IF DECEASED. THE RESPECTIVE UNKNOWN HEIRS. DEVISEES,' GRANTEES. ASSIGNEES., CREDITORS. LIENORS. AND TRUSTEES. AND ALL OTHER PERSONS CLAIMING BY. THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST THE NAMED DEFENDANTSS; UNKNOWN TENANT fI:; UNKNOWN TENANT 2. Defendant si NOTICE OF ACTION TO PEARLIE WILLIAMS A/ K/A PEARLIE A. \ILLIAMS, THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF :PEARLIE W ILLIA IS A K/A PEARLIE A WILLIAMS: IF LIVING, INCLUDING ANY UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF SAID DEFENDANTSS, IF REMARRIED. AND.. IF DECEASED, THE RESPECTIVE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, CREDITORS, LIENORS, AND TRUSTEES,, AND ALL OTHER PERSONS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST THE NAMED DEFENDANTSS; Whose residence are/is unknown. TO: UNKNOWN TENANT #1, UNKNOWN TENANT #2; Whose residence is: 319 NW 7TH STREET TRENTON, FL 32693 YOU ARE HEREBY required to file your answer or written defenses, if any, in the above proceeding withy the Clerk of this Court, and to serve a copy thereof upon the plaintiff's. attorney, .whose name and address' appears hereon. on or before 3/23/ 06; the nature of uhis proceeding being a suit, for foreclosure of mortgage against the following described property, to wit: LOTS ONE(l) AND TWO(2), BLOCK FOURTEEN (14) OF WADE AND BELL ADDITION TO THE CITY OF TRENTON. FLORIDA, AS PER PLAT THEREOF FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLOR- IDA ':. A/K/A . 319 NW 7TH STREET TRENTON. FL 32693 If .ou fail to file ,our answer or nttren defenses in the aboC e pro- ceeding. on plaintiff's attome,, a default w.ill be entered against \ou for the relief demanded in the com- plaint or Petiton DATED at GILCHRIST Count this 20th da\ of Februan,. 2006 Clerk of the Circuit Court iSEALi Bs LyndsaN P A\ers Deputy Clerk In accordance with the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing a special accom- modation to participate in the proceeding should contact the ASA Coordinator no later than seen (7) days prior to the pro- ceedings. If hearing impaired, please call (800) 955-9771 ITDD) or (8001 955-8770 (voice), via Florida Relay Ser ice. Pub. March 2. 9, 2006b. NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING PLEASE BE ADVISED that the Gilchrist Counti School Board'" ill conduct a meeting on Tuesda,., March 07. 2006 at 10 00 A NI in Building 14. Board Room 14-002 located at 310 NW 11th A\enue, Trenton. Flonda. Follo" ing is the agenda OPENING CEREMONIES 1. Approval of Agenda 2. Approtal of Mlnutes 3 Citizen Inpui/Delegations 4. Operations 5 Instructional 6 Personnel 7 Student Services S Remo\alof Items from Consent Agenda 9 Consent Agenda S10 Reports 11.' Execuii\e Session NOTE- In accordance ssith the Amencans with Disabilities Act. persons requinng an interpreter or special accommodations to enable them to participate in lhis meeting are requested to notifN the Office of the School Superintendent at 352- " 463-3200-ar-leasr-forn yetght i,4 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date so pro visions can be made. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that if a person decides to appeal any decision made b\ the Board \%ith respect to an\ matter considered at such meeung. he \1sll need a record of the proceedings and that for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. which record includes the testimony and e\ idence upon which the appeal is to be based James E Vickers Supenntendent of Schools :-Pub. March 2. 2006b Beast Feast Raffle Tickets On Sale Now at the. Gilchrist County Journal 207 North Main Street Trenton Appointments Preferred North Florida Livestock Report .: Receipts at the North Florida Livestock Market in Ellisville on Wednesday, February 22- were: this % eek 498, last week 396 and last year 655. .Trends: Slaughter cows and bulls, fully steady. Feeder steers. bulls and heifers 2.00- 4.00 lower instances lower. Feeder and replacement cows steady. Flesh 'condition 'on Sfeeder cattle: thin and very thin. 12 percent slaughter cows. 7 per- cent slaughter bulls. 36 percent feeder steers and bulls. 3 percent holstein steers, 30 percent feeder heifers, and 13 percent feeder and replacement cows. Slauehter Cows Boner 80- - 85 percent: 1025-1165 (1076) .*' 50.50-57.00 (54.801; 1335-1488 (1474) 55.00-56.35 (56.23); 1345 (1345) 59.50 (59.50) high dressing. Slaughter Bulls Y.G. 1: 1293-1435 (1339) 62.00-65.00 (62.74);-. 1585-1910 (1697) .62.00-66.00 (64.01). SFeeder Steers and Bulls Me- dium and Large 1-2: 210-240 (2271 162.50-177.50 (170.51); 260-280 (269) 160.00-175.00 , 1168.11); 305-330 (316) 155.00- 162.50 (159/081; 365-380 .372) 134.00-139.00 (136.55): 415-445 (421) 130.00-135.00 (131.06); 460-485 1468) 126.00- 132.00 (128.07); 520-535 (525) 116.00-120.00 1117.36). Feeder Steers and Bulls Me- dium and Large _2-3: 210-245 (22.8 140.00-160.00 (150.05); 260-295 (279) 135.00-148.00 1142.911; 305-335 (321) 132.50- 150.00 1140.85); 360-395 (374i 128.00-132.50 I130.69), 415-430 (424- 110.00-120.00 1114.81): 460-485 (472) 114.00- 119.00 1116 57'; 515-533 (519) 98.00-115.00 (107.53); 535-595 1564) 97.00-103.00 (99.95). Feeder Holstein Steers Large 3: 215-230I(217 116.00-120.00 (119.39). - Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1-2. 210-215 (2131 157.50-15S.00 (157.66); 255- 275 (264)' 140.00-157.50 1 147 841, 315-3-15 i328, 135.00- 142 510 139 '9;) 360-380 0 3671 130.00-133.00 1 131.041; 410-445 i440i 112.00-11800 i113 361, 455-470 14621 112.00- 116 00) 11 (03). 505-5201 517i '10.00- 112:00' i 110' 38.-1 Feeder 'Hei t e' Medium and Larce 2-3: 205-245 I231) 115..00-13.00 (129.29. 275- 285 (280) 129.00-136.00 S133.2i5; 315-340i3291 124.00- 130.00 ( 126.561. 365-390 (3731 116.00-124.00 1. 121.21): 420-430 t423 10S.00-110.00 (108.67 ; 465-48() 472i 105.00- 112.00 110S.56); 515-545 (530) 89.00-93 00 i91 06); 585-595 (5S8) 88.00-94 00 (91.98i. Bred Cows Medium and Large 1 -2 Young- 705-770 (736) 88.00-95.00 191 001 4-6 months bred; 655-875 1750t 82.50-92.00 188.75) 4-6 months bred. Bred Cows. Medium and. Large 1-2 Middle-Aged: 930- 995 (974) 74.00-78.00 (75.98) 4-6 months bred; 1255-1395 (1353). 56.00-68.00 (58.99) 4-6 months bred. S2006 Wall and Desk Calendars 4 50% OFF (While Supplies Last) Gilchrist County Journal A S207 North Main Street Trenton : Tri-County Home Plans Mike Keesee Designs & Tom Edwards Designs Have Teamed Up To Provide , Award Winning Plans For The Tri-County Area *HOME PLANNING *CAD PLAN ENTRY *CUSTOM DESIGNS *PLAN REVISIONS ADDITIONS POLE BARNS A 10 SOFTPIP4l VA"RIA Cet ied t For More Information Call Tol Free 1-877-747-2300 or reach Tom Directly at 321-212-8163 e*AI Plans Designed to Meet or Exceed Florida Building Code FBC 2001* Andrew Nguyen, M.D. General Practice ragse Iw~ivl.' u r-p Forever Flowers & Gifts 352-463-9176 or Toll Free 1-866-261-"986 ;t''I w;.foret'erfloit'erstrenton.coin "lour Full Senrice Florist" 21 East ifde Sr'eer Trentoni. Fiorida 32693 Fresh & Silk Arrangements Funerals I"eddings Rentals Plants Prayer Box Bracelets Mommn' & .Me Bracelets AlaggiB. Purses Texas Leather Purses &,I Men 's lleis Baby Camo Large Selection of Picture Frames =VIS Hours SVISA I N MI-F Oam 5pm eflOa Sat 9am- 12pm Teleflora Laura Teague Charlotte Peder'en Owners L .. Ie 4 ohn Dee Trucking, Inc *Fill Dirt and Limerock *Land Clearing *Construction Site Prep *Licensed and Insured (352) 463-1248 or (352) 578-4567 Trenton Office 308 N. Main Street 463-7381 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:30 a.m. 12:30 p:m. Saturday Please call for office hours. Newberry Office 50 SW Main Street (Next to Best Drugs) 472-2275 Tuesday & Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday through Friday 2:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. I' 'I 1 ` I I ,varvA n,,,r-ivp I TMrrrcqTAv MARCHT 2.2006 I .uLAJUtsJ.litCIA.1 AA YI / -VVV SAutomobiles 1984 CHEVY 1-TON: 6.2 diesel, -good work truck, gooseneck. $1.200 obo. 2001 DODGE 1-TON: Cum- mins power, 120K miles, runs great. $23,500 obo. Call .463-370:0. tfnb.2-9 For Sale I 9N FORD TRACTOR & imple- mentsfor sale. i2-voli s, stem. runs well. Disk, mower, blade, hay fork. plow and more. Call 463-2132 in Bell. . tfnb.2-16 1972 SKAMPER: 30', -5th wheel camper, needs work, .good, project, $600.463-3700. tfnb,2-9" 1989 BRENDELLA SKI/TOW. BOAT. 351 Windsor V8 inboard, 800 hours, asking $6,000. Call 221-. 0363. tfn,8-4 Choosing a Realtor * Now thai you hase decided to sell your home, who do you entrust one of the biggest iovesiments in vour life to handle? Nowadays there seems to be Realtors on, every comer. Everyone promises you the same results, I will sell yoiir hone the fastest, and for the most money Sounds great right? Well how do .you know who %ill be able to live up to their end of the bargain, and who will not'. There are many' ays for you to research a Realtor. One of the best ts by visiting.www myflorida.com on that web site you can research a Realtors license, and know exactly who you are dealing with. When you do decide to list your home Inlerie\w at least three Reallors Ask them specific questions,, ask for copies of their ads, look .at their web site, is-it easy to naigaie' Can you find ;heir lislings easily' You want to find out hiw much repre'enaiion .;1u air tuiiirk; c il.4uC,. du"ifg ald after the sale - The most important thing is to choose a Realtor that you feel comfortable with. he) are going to be your partner for the listing period and right up to the closing SFor Sale 1987 MARINER 175 HP outboard motor with a stainless prop. and controls. Call 352-463-7135 or 463- 6215 after 7PM. $1,500 OBO. tfnb,7-7 CAMPER FOR SALE: 1996 Plea- sure-Way ultimate compact RV. Impeccably maintained by original owner. 66.000 miles, $24.500. Call 352-463-6527. tfnb,12-9 SOCIETY OF GILCHRIST COUNTY: Thrift Store open 10am - 4 pm on Tuesday through Friday: & 9 am-3 pmon Saturdays. Strick- land Avenue in Bell. Come down: and-pick up some great bargains and help the animals at the same time. Proceeds' from sales benefit spay/ neuter voucher program. Also tak- ing donations. 463-7364.. tfnb.12-23 2006 Wall and Desk Calendars 50% OFF |'Ve ii-". es ll Gilchrist County Journal 207 North Main Street- Trenton WHEEL TOWN 352-493-2835 C3al or D.or- O MCe: Soul' oi Chl,'dlc" ur 545 . U Mir uirGra arqu,: .uu IO. lu ll) I 'aed WE o', W$8,975 'OJ Hoda3 Ele.T.. J DOr. ID fully ieq.p(:] 3ulO ir3 29 ,i .Ts. Ba.l FBc iWan $14,975 03 Fordr Taumi. 4 .or ".E ulr y loaded aj mrll" $8,975 02 Fora RPi-er. 02 ParaiC lo rc iria E1. i f R an u 9 ra ar.,. CD, locle. 3vi4 ,.,-e $10,975 02 lu;.u Troo.eE L2. .l ,:. ,ull, ,i o l e : --e $11,975 02 Crievf, sivra6o LS e'tr3 r I4 ,-alc. v8 Cu'o. ;0ir..ie ioa ecld ,.i, $13,975 0l lu:zu Foam .I DDor, a4.':'cl . J Cmainr.,ar T,,iJl..c a,l $6,975 SO Cnle, 34 ion lilafro i VA 3uio t3' ar. 50' Mw a. cei, $7,975 CREDIT UNONrLS WELCOME airrsanr.e: AvS-rUii Wr'w. wheelro wn. con G T.CIHRTST COTINTY .OT TRNAL CLASSFI FIEDS CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH.ADDITIONAL WORD. , Services ELMORE'S SIMNILATED BRICK & STONE, INC.: Stone, stucco, permanent: mobile home- skirting. Free Estimates 6,89 SE 70th Avenue,' Trenton. 472-5542. 214-3702. Fax 352-472-1024 tfnb-9-15' ABL HAULING, garage. \ard, re- model debris removed, appliance, pressure \va estimates and 8 'years Call 472-6164 or 278-2 BOB OSBORNE TI Vf'IC' IF r i Tr I- f % IILL, IINL., tU It. U hydraulic loader truck, er. Free Estimates. In 463-9100 :., PRESSURE WASHI PAINTING: Reasonabl pendable, insured and I Shamrock Ser'ices. 35 BEDS: Queen thick, orthopedic, pil- low-top mattresses and box springs. New in plastic with warranty. Sac- rifice, $160. King available $225. (3521 372-8588. tfnb,7-5 DONATIONS .Donations needed for yard sales and auctions. Proceeds for spayi neuter, vaccinations and medical assistance for lo\ -income fami- lies. We have storage facilities but not a thrift store. 4-Pets Sake PO Box 1014 Bell 32619 386- 935-0975 or 866 727 2972 email fourpetssake@'alltel.net- tfnb,3-2 Yard Sales St. John the Eangelist, Highwa\ 27A, Chiefland Sat March 4 8 AM to 4 PM Lots of excellent sec- ond hand items. Come on ocer and you are sure to find a treasure 8-5. Fri. & Sat.. 4th Street A- enue, Trenton 13-Family Tri-County Nursing Hon day. March 3. 9 to 2 Procee to Multiple Sclerosis. Yard Signs Woodland Cr Signs 463-7135 Hometown Realty of North F Inc. Natalie Rankin Licensed Real Estate Broker 1310 North Main Street Bell, Florida 32619 Office: (352) 463-9001 Toll Free: (800) 463-9001 Fax: (352).463-9008 e-mail: hometownrealr nfiihbellsouth.net 3/2 Home on 5 Acres $172,000 3 Acre eea Kestrctea Lots, 4 Available $88,500 each 2/1 Frame Home in Trenton $50,000 MLS#751141 LOTS & ACREAGE .27 ACRE LOT IN IRA BEA OASIS High and Dry, 2" ell, Septic .50 ACRE LOT well, septic and power pole, east of Trenton NE 1 ACRE LOT North of Bell. Great Price I ACRE WOODED LOT IN BELL 1 ACRE close to river, owner financing available SO 1 ACRE HOME READY with septic and well in Bell NE 2.5 ACRES Cleared North of Bell NE 4 ACRES IN THE TOWN OF BELL w/power.pole, septic and well 5 ACRE PARCEL Deed Restricted Subdivision, four available NE 5 ACRES IN NORTHERN GILCHRIST CO., nice pasture grass 5 ACRES ON PAVED ROAD, CR 337 Comer lot 6 + ACRES On PAVED ROAD, wooded on CR 138 SO 6 ACRES, Well', Septic, & Planted Pines 6 ACRES, cleared & fenced 10 ACRESW/SEPTIC AND POWER POLE, North of Bell, wooded 10 WOODED ACRES NEAR SANTA FE RIVER, offCR 138 10 ACRES 2 MILES WEST OF BELL, planted pines 10 ACRES W/WELL,SEPTIC,POWER POLE just east of Bell 11 ACRE PARCEL 2 MILES WEST OF BELL 17 + ACRES cleared, close to town 32.8 ACRES ON US 129 North of Bell, planted pines 40 ACRES Well, Septic, Power Pole & 20'x40' Pole Barn, 7yr old. Pines EQUU HHOUiNN OPPOWITUNrrY .,NEW ISTING 3/2 DW Home on 8.5 Acres $155,900 3/2 DW Home on 5 Acres' $175,900 W LD W W W LD $ 37,900 $ 29,900 $ 22,500 $ 26,900 $ 39,900 $ 46,900 $150,000 $ 70,000 $144,900 $ 93,500 $ 85,000 $115,000 $140,000 $145,000 $139,000 $159,000 $225,000 $640,000 $399,000 www.hometownrealtynf.com MLS#751568 MLS#750509 MLS#750928 MLS#750442 MLS#751583 MLS#751289 MLS#749862 MLS#750222 MLS#750510 MLS#751025 MLS#751424 MLS#749722 MLS#749642 MLS#749644 MLS#750467 MLS#749645 MLS#751281 MLS#749799 MLS#751132 Ef- AI - REAL ESTATE WANTED Tim- ber and land tracts of 1,000 acres or. more wanted for immediate acquisi- ion. All cash buler. Contact Mark Allender. Broker at 352-281-3767. 2tb, 2-23-3-2 REAL ESTATE WANTED: Cash for your house or land, quick clos- ing. as is. Call 772-201-1115. tfnb.3-24 WANTED-TRACTORS: Old, rust\. broken, ugly, dead. alive. abandoned. Call Sonny 352-472- 1387 or 352-256-7275, keep trying, thanks tfnb, I-6 RETIRED REMODELING CONTRACTOR: Wanting to buy homes or mobile homes \\ith land needing repair, 493-'7841. rfnb. 1-16 S Services TRACTOR SERVICE Bo, Blad- ing, Bush Hogging. 352-284-2628 3tb. 3-2-3-16 Itp. 3-2 WILL PICK UP scrap ir and 6th parts & motors. batteries. missions, radiators. alumini l p. Windows. lawnmow\er/boat Itp. 3-2 room air conditioners. electr ne. Fri- & tubing. small loads of app ds to go no charge for appliances, an debns. reasonable pnce Ca lib 3-2 d. Bell at 352-463-7738 S IRON FREE'S own high MANDOX w ide-spectrut action filtration system r iron, tannin, sulfur, man turbidity, bad taste, bad ode bactena. No more stained I ding) clothes. Lo\ cost. loa tenance. guaranteed Call to FREE WATER TEST No aft tion. $795 to $1,995 IRON Well Water Company. Inc Jones, Opr Mgr. 352-542-9 WILSON HOME CENTER ,463-2068. 1-800_-437-1128 '1 TIME. ,' TI rtf BUILDING CONTRACTOR: CBC017140 Custom homes built on your lot Precision De\ elopment. PO Box 249, 26761 SE Hw\. 19. Old To% n. 352-542-8416. . ,fnb.7-15 MOWER & CHAINSAW PARTS Stihl. Husq\ ara. Ayp. Murray, Sears, MTD. Briggs, Kohler, Robin. and Honda. Blades for most mow ers Beauchamp Sa\ Shop 493-14904 LAND FOR SALE Oak Walk in Bell with to L-: acre lots. Homes only.; paved streets. underground utilities' $30,000 to $52.000 Anne Barnet. 0%% ner/Broker 5.4 Acres 2 miles S of SR 26 be- iteen Newvberrm & Trenton. half wooded, fronts 2 graded roads MNLS 242951 $75i000 L\nn Her- vey 10 Acres in homes onl I 180i0 sq ft mini. deed restricted Oak Ridge Crossing SD. Alachua cit) limits. Hooded, access \ia CR 235,hors- es OK. MLS 241741 $200 000 Lynn Hervey 117 Acres in Union Co. on 2 paved county roads. Santa Fe River waterfront! Beautiful, roll- ing with planted pine and lovely oaks! MLS 240132 $1,770,000. Lynn Hervey 70 Acres in Monteocha area, Alachua Co. Wooded, divided by paved road, -10 acres on west side, 30 on east. Great, farm or timber tract! MLS 241228 $490,000. Lynn Hervey 5 Acres in Meadow Wood Trails on CR 313, Gilchrist Co. Deed restricted, gated, 4 board fence, homes only. $115,000. Anne Bar- nett 1,306 Acres in Alachua Co, south of Newberry (in city limits). Stun- ning land with huge live oaks & pastures. Would make an incred- ible equestrian development! MLS 234116 $15,700,000. Anne Barnett 1.84 Acre lot on gorgeous Lake Santa Fe! $249,900. Sondra Blake 2 Acre lot in Fox Run S/D near Trenton. Paved roads, undrgmd electric, deed restricted, site built or mobile home (1500 min). $50,000. Sondra Blake 41 Acres in Tiger Island, Levy Co, north of Cedar Key. Hunting land with cabin. MLS 260687 $200,000. Anne Barnett Southern Property Services, Inc. Lynn Hervey 352-376-1371 Anne Bamett 352-375-7731 Sondra Blake 352-538-3003 www.Floridalandl corn LAUNDRY PERSON Shift, 6 AM to 2 PM ar 10:30 PM. Every third off. "Exp. preferred and ing team player Fill out at Ayers Health Rehab, :St., Trenton or fax resu 463-7710. Recent appl not'apply. CNAs-ALLSHIFTS- Nursing Home. Take of sign on bonus and d 7280 SW SR 26. Trentc EOE. trash, lunk. AUTO TECH: We are in need of washing. Free an expenenced ASE/GM mechanic experience. e\penenced in all phases of today's 606 GM vehicles Candidate should: tin. 8-18 hane a clean diving record, own tools. trairung will be a must! No REE SER- %weekends. Fa< resume to Scoggins ucket truck., in Chiefland @* 352-493-4277 or e- stump grind-,. mail \ ernonl 'bellsouth net sured. 352- 2tb.3-2-3-9 tfnb,5-26 : ilrrirt Countp journal NG, AND (352) 463-7135 le pnces.de- 207 ,onorh Ma St. Trenton, Florida professional. 52-463-1212 day or eening and \weekends. tfn. 1-03 TREES, TREES, TREES: Langs- ton Tree Service. Inc 490-4456. tfnb.2-22 A BIG STUMP! A LITTLE STUMP!: We gnnd them all. Langs- ton Tree Ser\vice, Inc 490-4456 tfnb.2-22 iN other DIXIE MONUMENT: Old Town II Bud- Since 1992. Visit our display on H\ y 19 at C&C Growers. 9 am 5 lip 2-9 pm, Mon Sat or call toll free I- 877-542-3432 for appointment to purit. \sit our shop & main office at 1471T malnple NE 512 Avenue. 100's of stones in, emo\ es stock, computer specialist to assist ganese. .ou in creating a lasting tribute to r Kills the life of sour lo\ed one figures, rfnb 5-20 main- TIM POWELL ELECTRIC: New day for installationsandrepairs.licensedand obliga- insured. State Reg. #EC13002453. F-FREE Call 352) 463-2155. :., Ro. fnb,11-25 )817 or R 352- ANY- Help Wanted 1 ,." -; ....... % E ARE BUSV!! Real Estate Associate Wanted Nei\ Licens- ee? We will train. Great Oppor- tunity Mail or Fa\ Resume to Phillips Realit. PO. Box 1251, High Spnngs, Fl 32655 Fax- 386-454-4853 tfnb.2-23 LOADER, TRENCHER, EQUIP. OPERATOR. Must have own trans. Clean driving record. Exp. a puis. Please call 352-472-2616. - FT Swing nd 2 AM to d weekend 1l hardwork- applicatibn SMALL ENGINE TECH needed for lawn and garden center. Must have exp. Medical and retirement available. Call GBS.at 463-2738 ask for Clinton.. 606 NE 7th tfnb. 3-2 .me to 352- STAFF ASSISTANT: Gilchrist icants need Couunty has an opening for an Ad- ministratine Assistant. This full- ltb.3-2 time position includes retirement Tn-County and health benefits. Job descrip- ad\ antage tions are available upon request. differentials. Applications ma\ be obtained from )n. DFWP/ and should be returned to the Coun- t\ Administrator's Office at 209 SE 2tb. 3-2-3-9 First Street, Trenton. FL 32693, or SmnileLL in lnn rEv.l ,hnE fl i * FILItlllU I' LVI.UIl '-U I III 1 1.1 .U3 Gilchrist Count s an EOEDFW'P. FLOOR PERSON, FT position. exp. only need apply. Please apply at Tri-County Nursing home, 7280 SW SR .26, Trenton, FL. DFWP/ EOE. 2tb. 2-23, 3-2 RN, 3-11, F/T Charge Nurse. Come join our progressi-veteam. new increased shift differential, sign up bonus Tn-Counlt Nursing Home, 463-1222. DFWP, EOE. Realtor m Main Office (352) 493-2221 315 N Main Street (US-19), Chielland, FL 32626 Fanning Spnngs Branch Office (352) 463-6144 or 542-0009 S 17871 US Hay 19, Fanning Springs FL 32693 S Suwannee Branch Office (352) 542-9007 23382 SE 349 Hwy. Suwannee. FL 32692 oPoTuN, office@jmKingrealty cor or www Iiml'ngrealty corn iJfsss ws5 = " 2iLI Acre Farm *ih :12 home juis South- of Chiielljnd with 1I2 mile on pacd highway .347 61i aie coaial ha.). ti acre pasinle. I0 cre culi.nvau d Scanered Ilve ak ires makes this a pcrteci smog for a horse firm Rare it find ihis irpe of arm in our a3ri loday' iLR-75051 1 $2.iii,uii 52-193.-2221 I .r-ltFWlfiR~afBE ^ll E ,,, Golf Course Cumrinumt)' New Cusiom Built Home ander construction M children fiendlN ncghbhirhuild Sp.ciuU' spill -loor pl.n .llh 2 car garage Large masiir siiuite (iffied ai S198%,Sii11.j iLR-751I313i 3i2-403.2221 Neaj and Clean .12 home in j ,quit neighborhood Cllowe it Mj ai.et Spnngs. the G..l Course and not ito hfr ira, tion Call ui 1o see hi bbetiutl home lWday' s9,51.10i iLMH.75i221-M i)l 352-493-2221 Call is For More Listings! EALTOR CEALTron (Grea Deiidopmeni Piriern.l 112 pool home ur I11 acre in ihe hean il hitellnd Cenitraly Iocarcd rear 4cho:,ok & ,hopping. Aioiss Ihe uiie foiria the GrenAj, Trall Cii Dli taiail I42IIO: iLP.-7'511i40| .52- 9)-22 l Gieal location south oi Chielland in Spjni;h Tnce 2/2 mobile home on Brjuilfil Wooded LaIs +,'- landscaped and trricd backvard, shid and pumphuall .. I134.1( iLMH-S75"in.Ki 75;lu3.222! Located in tealirul Ramhihng Wod S'O is ihis nice 22 SV MH on ? br.minful acres This MH hias ,.ered decks on he firon & ici t0 fela\ on, & is nor paed rrFCis Close 1it sihiols. ,hopping. only minutic 10 Ihe Su.ajnnec Riv.e & public bol irajmr Apprormajiv 35 mriuic i Gu.lf olfc [i'L.) "SOLD A .iS' .. SHOWN B' APPOINTMENT ONL'' Nt I l 75,iii"1 iDMH-75117tns-r'i .i2-1lhi1,44 ,r 542.iiiiii -"A Visit our website at wwwl.ancasterrealty.biz .L REANCASTER ' h REALTY A .: . D. Deen Lancaster Lic Real Esute Broker 510 E Wade Street Trenton, FL 32693 jm HAS7 .^. ... , LOVELY DWMH on shaded 1.01 acres, New Roof, 4BR/2BA, MLS# 749863 $95,000 LOCATION, LOCATI LOCATION! 3BR/1.5 in City, MLS# 7510 $84,900 .[3 ON, iBA 63 GORGEOUS 4BRI3BA on 2 Acres pool. outdoor kitchen & more' 5390,000 MLS# i'50683 LAKEFRONT Home on .30 Acres, 3BR/3BA, many upgrades, MLS# 749518 $230,000 INCREDIBLE. RIVERFRONT home on 10.5 Acres, 5BR/2BA MLS# 745914 $595,000 2000 DWMH 4BR/2BA on acre comer lot, Deed Restricted, garage / workshop, $125,000 MLS# 751226 BEAUTIFUL BRICK home on 20 Acres 4BR/2BA, MLS# 749034 $499,000 UNDER CONSTRUCTION 4BR/2BA, 5 Acres Gated Community MLS#750191 $369,900- Simulation of Home being Constructed- COZY 2BR/1BA on % acre Sin City of Trenton, hardwood floors, $125,000 MLS# 751263 COTTAGE STYLE 2BR/1BA home on 1.68. Acres (mol), $185,000 MLS# 750664 IH" BEAUTIFUL 4BRI2BA on 5 Acres, Lanai, above ground pool, $399,900 MLS# 750833 GORGEOUS 1998 DWMH on 3.16 Acres, 3BR/2BA MLS# 750438 $149,900 ***Vacant Land*** 58 ACRES already platted and ready for development, located on CR 334 in Trenton, MLS# 751350 $950,000 60.42 ACRES in Otter Creek, can be subdivided into % acre lots, MLS# 749792 $650,000 78.80 ACRES of planted pines, great potential to divide, pines 8 years old, current straw lease, paved HWY frontage, MLS# 751204 $1,680,000 10 ACRES in Bell on paved HWY, only minutes from Bell Schools, may be dividable into 1 acre tracts, with possible annexation into town of Bell which will allow 1.2 acre tracts, dividability will need to be satisfied through Town of Bell and Gilchrist County Building and Zoning, MLS# 751034 $197,500 Visit our website at www.lancasterrealtv.biz for more vacant land listings. Page Thirteen I Help Wanted I Help Wanted I For Sale Wanted To Buy Jim King Realty, Inc. 2 1.. Don Thom -Sales Associ Lorene Thomas Realty, Inc. S ales Assoc Highway 19/98, P. O. Box 1653 . Old Town, Florida 32680 Business (352) 542-8568 , Fay (352) 542-8566 Cell (352) 221-5422 e-mail: RealtyThomas@aol.com Each office .a Inaepenoenily Owned and Operated . nas ate ' I . - gL_ . . +r, Page Fourteen GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 2006 Help Wanted RECEPTIONIST/SECRETARY position available at B & JAutomo- tive in Trenton. 710 East Wade St. Exp. with public/customer service required. Applications available at counter. tfnb. 2-16 WAITRESS, COOK & DISH- WASHER: Only serious need ap- ply. Call for appointment, 352-463- 7670. 4tb,2-9-3-2 WE ARE BUSY! Real Estate As- sociate Wanted. New Licensee? We will train. Great Opportunity. Mail or fax resume to Phillips RealI3. P.O. Box 1251, High Spnngs. FL 32655; fax: 386-454-4853. PROJECT MANAGER NEEDED for Trenton-based residential building contractor. Ability to manage numerous single-family projects at one time. S'-Benefits: Equal Opportunity Emplo\er'Drug-Free tlorkplace Fax Resume to 352-463-0031 Nice Starter Home! Come take a look at this 3 BR/2 BA home with 1,352 sq. ft. of living. Situated on partially fenced 7.48 acres for room to roam. Attached -carport/polebarn ,and :12x12 shed. Call now to' see today! MLS#751390 2460 NW 71st Street* Bell, Florida , } ;- .** ", . .'. j Listed $149;000 Rebecca Woodin -Licensed Real Estate Agent Cell (352) 494-8233 * Office (352) 463-7770 tLGMA Smith &.Associates I '. ., 'GMAC Real Estate Brad Smith Licensed Real Estate Broke : Walford realty, inc Licensed Real Estate Broker P.O. Box 546- Bell. Florida 32619 386-935-0243 Waterfront FANTASTIC SANTA FERIVER HOME-Ljre .3 h--me ..n 'I cre .ihrb .i', of SantaFe River Frontage. "What a river view" and l .aded :j ih tui h & dr' PI:.:per.en is close to.Suwannee River by water, in the country yet close to conveniences too!! It even has it's own nice boat ramp. Includes 3 extra RV ports and 2 shop/storage build- ings. $795,000. THE RIVER PARADISE -A large lot on the Econfina River 2 miles from the Gulf' - in navigable waters. Includes a beautiful, large 4 bedroom/3 bath two story home. Close to a boat ramp and super fishing! Boat from your own paradise to the Gulf and you have it made. Also, many great hunting areas very close by. All for only $685,000. 10 ACRES ON THE SUWANNEE 510' of riverfront, beautiful woods, quiet, se- cluded and private. Complete with in-ground septic tank, 4" well, power, buildable and in good motor boating.area one mile north of Santa Fe. $399,000. 2 ACRES ON SUWANNEE at Charle; Spring; beautiful, wooded lot, buildable! $79,900. A NICE RIVER LOT on Suwannee River near Royal Springs nice area. $49,900. / SUWANNEE COUNTY Nice 2 Bdrm 1 Bath Single-wide mobile home with large deck over looking Suwannee River. A beautiful view!! Near a great swimming spring & a nice area to live!! $199,500. BUILDABLE 100' WIDE LOT ON SANTA FE RIVER complete w/ well, septic, power & floating dock good deep water! $225,000. Land & Acreage 291.45 ACRES OF PRIME HUNTING LAND With a hunting lodge, 2/1 with 1120 sq. ft. of heated and cooled area, lodge is complete with 680 sq. ft of nice porches and a fireplace. Dog pen, rock quarry, fish pond and approximately 150 acres of planted pines. Awesome hunting of deer, wild hogs, turkey; etc. Good improved roads and trails through out the property. Fronts on a paved road. $1,595,000. Shown by appointment only. 247 ACRES Prime land on more than i mile of highway frontage in Suwannee Coun- ty. -Nice 3/2 CB home, detached garage with upstairs apartment, 75 acres of beautiful pines, approx 160 acres in cropland, 3 wells & other amenities!! Fantastic development potential, centrally located to just about everything in North Central Florida. Shown by appointment only! $3,250,000. Can be developed into 5 acre tracts!! 34.61 ACRES IN CENTRAL SUWANNEE COUNTY Very nice piece of land on a paved road, surveyed and platted into 3 pieces if you need it subdivided, can be four pieces, mostly open with some nice trees. $485,000.' 4 ACRES OFA NICE WOODED TRACT with a mix of nice pines & oaks; Suwan- nee County. $49,500. 5 LOTS NEAR SANTA FE RIVER AND OUT OF FLOOD PLAIN adjacent to state lands, all buildable in homes only area, convenient to boat ramps and private park. A fantastic investment opportunity! $120,000. FORALL 10 ACRES SQUARE Some open land and some nice trees close to Branford: $100,000. 8 ACRES nice open field for your new home, horses, etc. Close to Branford. Only $80,000. 5 ACRES IN NORTH GILCHRIST COUNTY Nice wooded 5 acre tract of property - private & secluded. Must see to believe! $75,000. Commercial CONVENIENCE STORE/MECHANICS GARAGES 1 acre zoned commercial/in- dustrial with lots of frontage on Highway 90 east in Lake City, Florida. Many amenities and lots of square feet of buildings to use your entrepreneurial skills and make this going business grow even more. Only $425,000. DO YOU WANT A LIVE-IN BUSINESS This place could fit your needs! Nice bar and pool room. Great living quarters. Good location in Jasper, Florida. Call us for details. Only $159,900. Visit our website at www.wolfordrealty.com I' 1 1, ICLAS S IF IE DS L CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD;. SHelp Wanted PROFESSIONAL .DRIVERS, home every night. Full benefits package. Dry bulk & flatbed posi- tions at Newberry Terminal Com- mercial Carrier Corp. 866-300- 8759. tfnb,2-9 TRUCK DRIVER NEEDED for local deliveries & misc. duties in lumber yard. Class B CDL required. Call Jeff @ Gilchrist Building Sup- ply, 463-2738. tfib,2-9 SKIDDER OPERATOR: E\pe- rience preferred, good pay, great benefits, please apply in person at our High Springs Office. (386) 454- !511.. - VACANCIES GILCHRIST COUNTY SCHOOLS Teacher Aide, Pre-K, Special Needs Bell Elementar) School High school diploma or equivalent. Associate of Arts degree or higher. at least 60 credit hours from an accredited institution, or a passing score on an approved state test Required. CDA Required Teacher Aide STrenton Elementary School High school diploma or equiv alent. :Associate of Arts degree or higher, Sat least 60 credit hours from an accredited institution, .or a passing score on an approved state test required CDA Required Temporary Teacher Aide Trenton Elementary School High school diploma or equivalent. Associate of Arts degree or higher. at least 60 credit hours from anr, accredited intitution. or a passing score on an appro\ ed state test required. CDA Required. Temporary Teacher Aide Trenton Elementarn School High school diploma or equivalent. Associate of Artn degree or higher. at least 60 credit hours from an accredited institution. or a passing score on an appro\ ed state test required Teacher Aide Trenton Elementary School High school diploma or equivalent. Associate of Arts degree or higher, at least 60 credit hours from an credited institution. or a passing ,core on an approved state test required Teacher Aide Alternalike Education Central Campus High school diploma :.r equi'.alent " .s.ss-ciarte of Arts degree or higher. jt lc ;.i ] 'I credit l,-,urs from 3n .accredited insitutioni.or a passing' score on an approved state test required. Guidance Counselors (Anticipated Vacancies' District-Wide Masters Degree and Florida cerufication preferred Speech/Language Pathologist (K-12 l: District- ide SBachelor's Degree in Speech Language Patholog .'Communica- tion Disorders from an accredited educational insutluon Florida certification in Speech/Language Pathology and/or licensure in Speech/Language Pathology. School Psychologist District-wide Master's Degree from an accredited institution Certification covering School Ps cholog\ Substitute Teachers High School Diploma or Equivalent. Contact the District Office for an application and more information. Highly Qualified Substitute Teacher Pool We are accepting applications for our Highl. Qualified Substi- tute Teacher Pool. Qualifications: Bachelor's Degree or higher %%ith a current or former teaching certificate in a core subject area Once approved. high] qualified substitutes wouldd be eligible for subsututing at $130 a day In pre-appro\ed situa- tions % here there is a long-term absence in a core subject area All other dail\ substituting uould be at current dailt rates Contact the District (iflice for an application and more information Bus Driver Trainees: Substitute Bus Drivers. High School Diploma 40 hours of in-er\ ice training ll be pro\ ided for qualified ap- plicants Fle\ible trading hours Part of the traimng prepares trainees for the driver poruon of - the Class B Florida CDL For-in- fornatilon ocr que-itori, contact the Tran;portation Department at1 i352 -163-32 30. Warehouse Manager F/T Must be able to lift 50 Ibs., Previous shipping and receiving exp. a plus butnot req,CDL license also a plus. Apply in person at Southern Stales Cooperative 7730N. Hwy47 - No phone calls please. .: . RESIDENTIAL A LOT FORA LITTLE! Over 2400 Sq..Ft. with 4BR, 3BA, solid surface countertops in kitchen, cultured. marble in baths & upgrades everywhere! Call Tony Boothby, 352-262-2259. $299,500. #261109 .BRING YOUR HORSES! 5 acres between HIigh Springs & Newberry w/low taxes of Gilchrist Co. 3BR, 2BA, open Liv. area w/fireplace. Kit. has newer. appliances & double oven. Outbuildings w/power & covered area for kennel. Beautiful pasture cross-fenced. Call Sean Maroney, 352-665-0144. $335,000. #260302 VACANT LAND BEAUTIFUL ACRE LOT in Three River Estates with huge old oaks! Private Santa Fe River access to boat ramps and picnic areas. Close to Spring, low Suwannee taxes. Call Martha Cornelius, 386-984-5920. $29,900. #241896 BEAUTIFUL WOODED 5 ACRES close to Trenton. Easy commute to Gainesville. Call Tony Deluca, 352-318-3815. $64,000. #260240 HEAVILY WOODED 5 ACRES only one mile south of the Santa Fe River. Will allow mobile homes, minimum of 900 Sq. Ft. Call Martha Barnes, 386-454-3327 or 352-339-4069. $84,900. #261732 BEAUTIFUL 5 ACRE HOMESITE in homes only gated community. Located in Northern Gilchrist County, just a few miles away from the historic Suwannee River & the Santa Fe River. Come & relax in the country while keeping the city within reach. Call William Gillespie, 352-225-1921. $129,900. #260804 ROLLING 10 ACRES of lush pasture just waiting for you & your horses to relax in the country. Perfect to build or bring in a Manuf. home. Call William Gillespie, 352-225-1921. $135,000. #242576 ;Obtain and submit application to Gil'christ County School District, 310 NW\ llth Avenue, Trenton, FL 32693 (352) 463-3200. Application ma\ be dovu loaded at. wi gilchnstschools org. Person- nel him#Applicaton Attach a resume and any additional information js necessary. Ail applications \ ill be screened. Not all applicants . \ill be interviewed . Applications \i ill be accepted until positions are filled EEO/Drug Free Workplace S: \ .GilchnstSchools org Itb.3-2 . KID'S WORLD D PRESCHOOL IS ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for a part-ime teacher's assistant. from 2-301 6 i30 pm Must ha\e HS diploma, stop bi to appl\ or call 352-463-3555 L~LpWaa eit A/C INSTALLER: Duct ic, Akins Heating and A tion. 463-2380. REAL ESTATE SECF ASSISTANT wanted in b that can offer their mult-task efforts and enthusiasm to \ork \unthn a team Must hase real estate office. experience Send resume to: PO Box 545, Chiefland. Flonda 32644. S..: tfnb.3-3 felp Wante] Mechan- GM BODY SHOP MANAGER: ir Condi- Salary plus commission, call Vic- tor @ 352-493-4263' or fax resume tfnb,1-19 to 352-493-1815. Scoggins Chevy- IETARY/ Buick. usy office tfnb,1-19 FT/PT EXPERIENCED main- tenance man needed immediately . Also a FT/PT expenenced cook needed immediately. Appl within at the Lighthouse Restaurant. fl kiGVcrland Molgage Coiporation I Residenial Mortgages Offering:. Fi\ed Rates Available New Construction Manufactured Homes Purchase, Refinance & Cash Out Investment Property Convennonal, 1-4 Single Family Homes First, Second, and Home Equity Lines of Credit Bill Deen and Brenda Wilkerson Licensed Alortgage Brokers 463-1313 fax 463-1318 e-mail: riverlandmtgi@cbellsouth.net Visit our website: -w-w.rxverlandntg.web-loans.com ir.erlanid MlortgaFo Coiporation 723 E. Wade Street. Trenton, FL 32693 a Come See Us! a -! BY OWNER 11.8 acres great for horses and has very open floor plan triple wide manufactured (Skyline) home. Fully tape & textured throughout, high vault ceilings, with 3 BR/2 BA, kitchen, dining, living room combination. Three outbuildings for more storage. Fully fenced, holding pens and round pen for horse training. Great location north of Bell, just off Hwy-129. Appointment required to view. $265,000. Call (386) 935-3259 local or Cell (501) 733-7103. ^TROKE REALTY .( \ 'INC.- ou LIS ,T GSEE OUR LISTINGS (352) 463-075 JEAN C. TROKE Licensed Real Estate Broker ON THE WEB: E-mail trokeealty aollco iA V X3 E-mail: trokerealty@aol com da 3 73. E. Wade Street (SR-26) Trenton. Florida 32693, .trokerealr'iitc.cor, i -- SUWANNEE RIVERFRONT PROPERTY NOW AVAILABLE -- RIl ER-AREA HOME' & ACREAGE. NEAR TO OLD TOWN IN DIXIE: 6 BR'55 BA Tao (B.buill homes, along with eleven I 2- cre iractj iall lindiccped. larie ireei. Iocaled at pra.lre rier S'D right b. N3ture Coast 'R~.l Trail'i ruer bfidgeer.il I .'.) q I'i. home h~ 9,) aling the '-.i. a,.lh deck & flicn dc,:k, rlser.'ide eleaite. prch. 2-.cit -arage & m.:.re 2nd rome i .er 2 -00 iq I'l.., in.ide. b1636 coeredl c.uer decki ,u '..i lut-. 20\24 workshopp poier) btid honu. .rom & 1.2 tbrh i'p:,,t.ie 'in-law' suite), fully l3rdj cvd on one acre.. cAl Jean .:- Jim ic.r .ful deLtai: o.n itnr sp isl properin "arh great waterfront & new home-site opportunity for bu,.er n.e:.lor...5.1000.000 lor separate offer for either home GORGEOUS WOODED ACREAGE. LARGE HOME & RIVERFRONT NEAR BELL: 3 BR/3 BA: Priajr 10.73-acre'tract, r,.iui.iill, ,c.i)ded i ap..jp.\ 9'W i."rintage along the Swaannee in N Gilchnil Has ,nieditle, spacious frame/CB-stilt "dog-trot" home, 3 levels which include ground il.:..r e.aiei riimenri tccenred porch. 3'ehi.:ie parkir.r. min nd level.with over 2,000 sq. ft. of S.;reened p:.'.i.h i;[re n'e" & nsrure ., :, lull re.iri...rrm dining 'i' hern i t:nusi iot'i price. mi.iier suite (wood/tile flooring, walk-in ioli.-clf' Al: ha a s.,-.tl :h.: ..'o:..ii-,ag. ;rigtiiron irrm. ri'er deck & floating dock.:.too much more to mention here--call or e maiii ar i:.i.ci 'i Ii l urrheli deiili ...$675,000 -LIALIT,-BUILT HOMES CURRENTLY FOR SALE-- EXCELLENT RANCH HOME ON 5 SECLUDED ACRES: 3 BR/2.5 BA: Franme.CB.-bi l home. has over 3,100 sq. ft. under roof, on, back 5-acre tract (mostly pasture w/large oakl/pine by home-siue in between Trenton & Bell. Laminated wood & tile flooring, large greatroom/dining area w/fireplace, spacious 1st & 2nd BR's & Baths; full front country-style porch, 24' round pool, patio/BBQ area amongst the trees, and more...$310,000. WELL-BUILT HOME IN NICE TRENTON NEIGHBORHOOD: 3 BR/2 BA: Lots of living space, for this remodeled frame/CB home, on landscaped 110x150 tract in town. Spsaioi; Iin in room.'dining area, bonus room (w/brick fireplace), full kitchen w/appliances & china cabinetry, 2-car garage & more...$169,900. CEDAR-BUILT HOME & ACREAGE IN I~ EST GILCHRIST: I BR/1. :BA: Landscaped 2.5-acre setting, for this Cedar-frame count co'iage along \V'e-i CR 232 near Oier Spring. Insde has open plan-concept, along with loft space (that could add room for more BRi wo.' flooring cat neiiv. wrap-ar.uand porches, snd more...$165,000. FRAME HOME, NICE ACREAGE NEAR FANNING SPRINGS: 1 BR'I BA: C:.mpact hcrme inot yet completed), currently 1 BR, but room for 1-2 more.) On 4-acre tract with paved frontage, large oaks by home-site with property fencing. Home has great potential, for first-time buyer or investor--call or email Barbara for details.;.has contract pending...$129,000. -- MANUFACTURED HOMES ON THE MARKET -- Just Reduced--SPACIOUS, LIKE BRAND-NEW MODULAR HOME NEAR TOWN: 3 BR/2 BA: 2005 30x60 M/Home in showcase shape, on pasture/landscaped 2 acres just south of Trenton. Beautiful inside, includes big family room w/fireplace, large kitchen w/stainless-steel appliances & plenty of counters/cabinetry,' office alcove. Also, attached pad ready for porch or additional room(s), storage shed, underground utilities & paved frontage...$174,900. PASTURE/FENCED ACREAGE & QUALITY DW MANUFACTURED: 3 BR/2 BA: Well-kept 1993 27x60 M/Home, with attached 2-wide carport & screened back porch, located on landscaped 5-acre tract, close toBell & CR-341. Has large greatroom split-plan layout, with spacious master suite. Outer features include pole barn (roomfor horse space), workshop, 28'-round pool& more--call or e-mail for full information...$159,900. UPDATED MANU. HOME & MORE, NEARBY FANNING SPRINGS: 3 BR/2 BA: Nicely cared-for 24x44 manufactured home-site, on landscaped .41/acre tract with paved frontage by SR-26 (& near US-19) in West Gilchrist. Has a.number'of outbuildings, including 30x40 workshop & more, lots of trees/fauna & property fencing--call Barbara for details...$114,900. NEAT & CLEAN 'HOMES-MERIT' IN FANNING SPRINGS: 3 BR/2 BA: Very fine, well-kept 27x63 Manufactured home, has full spacious rooms, fireplace in large family room, lots of counter/cabinet space for kitchen (w/full appliances), all on 100x300 tract with privacy fencing, paved road frontage along Joppa Church Road.& more...$95,000. WELL-KEPT M/HOME ON LANDSCAPED ACRE IN NO. GILCHRIST: 3BR/2BA: 1996 24X44 Manufactured, in quality condition, on 1.04-acre tract (nice mix of trees/open space), with board fencing in front. Located north of Bell, with quick access to US 129 & CR 340...0Owner says to present offers...$92,000. DOUBLE-WIDE ON CANAL LOT NEAR SUN SPRINGS: 3 BR/2 BA: Well-kept 1988 'Fleetwood' manufactured, located on a quiet area near to both the Suwannee and Sun & Hart Springs. 60x129 tract has 60' frontage along a spring canal, and 'as-is' dock by water. M/Home could also be rental investment--call for details...$89,900. -- LOTS & ACREAGE PROPERTIES ON MARKET -- 44 ACRES, MIX OF WOODS/OPEN SPACE, IN EAST GILCHRIST: Over 40 acres, ready for family or gentleman's farm/home-site east. of Trenton; has paved frontage along CR-337, and an older home-site on property (improvements being sold in 'as is' condition)--call or e-mail our office for full details...$638,000. 20 ACRES-PASTURE PROPERTY IN WEST GILCHRIST: Twenty rolling acres, with large oaks/pines along boundaries, ready for Ag use or large home-site. Located close to CR-232 & CR-344 near Hart Springs...$265,000. THREE SEPARATE 20-ACRE TRACTS NEAR BELL: 3 individual 20-acre properties, side-by-side location in North Gilchrist, mostly wooded raw acreage ready to be improved--call or email Barbara for details...$260,000 each. 8+ ACRES, CLOSE TO NEWBERRY: 8.92-acre mostly pasture tract, on cul-de-sac for privacy, very close to SR-26 for quick work/leisure drive.east to Gainesville, call or email Barbara for details...$150,000. 5 ACRES & IMPROVEMENTS, EAST GILCHRIST: Quiet, country acreage, with well, septic & power pole (Owner selling 'as is'). Close to CR-232, for easy access to Gainesville/Alachua...$89,900. 4+ ACRES. NEAR FANNING SPRINGS: Located amongst nice mix of well-kept built & manu. home-sites, mostly pasture 4.2-acre tract ready for new home-site, within short drive to Fanning Springs and Trenton...$73,000. BUILDABLE 1/2-ACRE NEAR MANATEE SPRINGS: Nicely-wooded 100x200 tract, located along paved Camp Azalea Road (near to Manatee State Park west of Chiefland). Well-kept built & M/H home-sites nearby...$25,000. AFFORDABLE & BUILDABLE TRACT, NEAR TO FANNING SPRINGS: Wooded 100xl00 property, near to SR-26, Rails-to-Trails and more at west end of county, ready, for built or manufactured home-sites...$9,900. You can call our agents after regular business hours, for more information on any of our listings, at the main office number above, or at our agents' cell numbers below: Jim or Jean Troke (386) 935-3357 \H[IiiLS Paul Troke (352) 221-2999 Barbara Mayo (352) 222-0427 "Professional Service With A Personal Touch" Laura White (352) 494-3393 EQUAL HOUSING OPPOR'INRY Hel Wanted I Help Wanted Help Wanted I _I mmmmm 64) 253( 3-7302 F Real Estate ace at Wil- Buy or sell or both. Call y. 26 East, TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY 1 352-463- 352*463-8340 P. O. Box 8, Bell, Florida 32619 tfnb. 2-16 tcrealty@bellsouth.net www.TownandCountryRealty tickets Online.com he. Dixie-Gilchrist-Levy umal Board of Realtors and -Trenton. Multiple Listing Service. Re-Roofing & Leaks Metal Roofing. 25-Year Warranty Manufacturer's . - 3 BD/2 BA DWMH on one landscaped acre. Eat-in-kitchen w/island, fresh carpet.and paint. Deeded river.access to the Ichetucknee and Santa Fe Rivers. $112,900 - Santa Fe River acreage with river frontage. We hae seerjl lager parcels to choose from with a variety of frontage in Gilchrist County. Call us for all of the wonderful details. - 10.26 Acres Comer property paved road frontage, fenced, \ell, sepit, power, phone, carport, stalls, cedar trees, fruit and nut trees, just minutes from Lake City or 1-75. $180,000. . - 5.0 Acres Paved cul de sac, fenced, 1200 planted cedar trees, pasture, easy :,immui et Lae Cir) or Gjinei, lle $80,000. .: - I c PJ .,J r:,jj ,:rrr ,ii .,ih, .,il .. r r ic p, er. ir.r.ivl 3ir I r-ori. selt a iKfllil e1tit t e-ft1oiit0llo 1tblft.. $100 . S -. Seeral I 0 acre parcels h. choose f, t hiim hja a i g pr.e ,ou deeded n.er jcciss Ito the Icherucknee and Sjnij Fe R'.ers Spring iksus around Ihe cimenir Gel )ourV now before they are all gone. Call for details., - 5.0 Gorgeous Acres in north Gilchrist County. Just off paved county road. Bell school districts and easy commute to Lake City, High Springs, Gairiesville. Very private and quiet area. $62,500 - 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath DWMH. Very well kept 2002 home on 5.0 acres in northern Gilchrist County. Secluded but not far from amenities. Out building. Come and Enjoy the Country Life!! $107,900 - 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath DWMH. Fireplace, dining room, eat-in kitchen, living room, family room and more! All this on 3.3 well groomed acres with paved road frontage. Extremely well kept home, ii just need a family to come and love it! $120,000' - 3.19 Spectacular acres in a Suwannee River access community. Wooded area with large oaks throughout. Lafayette County $35,900 Call 1-800-643-6971 info@phillipsrealtyland.com 13ML See more of our listings @ www.phillipsrealtyland.com L. Frank Grant Realty L. Frank Grant LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER 216-A N. Main St., Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-2817 FAX (352) 463-2479 lfgr@bellsouth.net I We List To Sell! 818 SW 5th Street Trenton EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY RLS. 4 BR/2 BA frame house, 3 acres, 2,156 sq. ft., large trees-nice area, room to build another home or 2. MLS#748358. Price $175,000. For additional information on our listings and virtual tours. Visit our website at www.lfrankgrant.com East Side of Gilchrist County 3 ac tract plus four (4) 5 ac tracts w/planted pines on Co. Grade Rd. Priced at $90,000 each. MLS#750923-750927 Lil Lake City NW 60th Street 9.2 ac Planted Pines, MLS#749600 Reduced $125,000. 10 AC off Santa Fe on 95th PL 4" well-cross fenced-ready for horse or new home. MLS#749774 Reduced $145,000. 9.92 AC NW 52nd CT Clear pasture land-fencing MLS#749884 Only $140,000. 20 AC NW 18th Way Wooded, $260,000. 20 AC 30th Street in Bell Wooded, $215,000. t 1 Gi T.CHRTST COT TNTY JOT URNAL C LAS S IF I EDS k CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. A FOR RENT Office spa son Mobile Homes, Hwy Trenton, 900+ sq. ft. Cal 2156. I Beast Feast Raffle Ti On Sale Now at ti Gilchrist County Jot 207 North Main Street - Page Fifteen **g A .0io* Vinyl Letters Banners Real Estate Signs CarTags *Woowsda lacItSCio Jr nal 463-7! :13 I copr s. opr hm..Tee o D~r~n Smith & Associates nc. www.slgmac.com Brad Smith Licensed Real Estate Broker G M _-AC MLS# 751581 $330,000 3BR/2BA 20 Acres Room to roam with fence and pasture! Home is in great shape, a must see! MLS# 751630 $221,900 3BR/2BA .1.0 Acres Beautiful newly constructed home In Buck Bay. Many added features. Call for appointment. MLS# 749541 $379,900 4BR/2BA 8.5 Acres Beautiful home w/pool. Secluded & quiet! Fenced yard w/ home approximately 3100 sq.ft. Call Sylvia @ 352-493-4200. MLS# 751390 $149,000 3BR/2BA 7.48 Acres Planted pines, hardwoods, pole barn, 12x12 shed & partially fenced. Call Rebecca Woodin/Realtor for details 352-463-7770. $325,000.00 MLS #750640 2BR 1 BA 1020 Sq. Ft., 1 .08 Acres Wraparound Porch Immaculate & Like New MLS# 750732 $67,000 2BR/2BA .34 Acres Screened porch & workshop. Close to Suwannee river. Call Lisa Baxter/Realtor for details $389,900 MLS #750736 3BR/3BA 9.68Acres Beautiful property with park Like features. Too many features. MLS# 750418 $184,900 3BR/2BA- 10Acres Beautiful location with hay leasing Operation. Call Lisa Baxter/Realtor For details. 352-493-4200 "^' -^ t . $70,000 MLS# 750612 4BR/2BA .46 Acres Very lovely home located in great Location. Spacious & open. $339,900.00 MLS #749283 3 BR2 BA 10 Acres This hbme is very unique in design. SThe construction is concrete block, stucco, and rock. This home is very energy efficient. .11 Acres $12,000 Land in grai d ,.:,i .i.r,[ , .23 Acres $34,900 Close to school, shopping & recreation. .31 Acre $39,500 Special zoning .41 Acres $39,900 Multi-Residential zoning potential. Treirl.in City limits. 1 Acre $30,000 Close to water w/no flooding. 1.00 Acre $39,900 Nice lot close to golf course. 3 individual lots sold separately. 1.25 Acres $29,900 Great homesite 1.93 Acres $69,900 Large sprawling oaks. 4.74 Acres $82,500 Deed Restricted "Saddlebrook" S/D. 4.77 Acres $82,500, Deed Restricted "Saddlebrook" S/D. 4.78 Acres $73,00.0 Close to River w/o Flooding. 4.79 Acres $82,500 Deed Restricted "Saddlebrook" S/D. 4.81 Acres $82,500 Deed Restricted "Saddlebrook" S/D. 5 .99 Acres 5.00 Acres $349,900 Commercial property in City limits of Bell. 5 Acres $75,000 Property located in heart of Bell. 5 Acres $75,000 Located off major highway! 5 Acres. $79,900 Beautiful property located in horse farm community. : 5 Acres $79,900 Nice acreage in Chiefland. 5 Acres $85,000 Deed Restricted to Site Built Homes. Three individual lots available. 5 Acres $80,000 Deed Restricted "Homes Only".. Two tracts available each $80,000. Purchased together for $150,000. 5 Acres $90,000 Nice tract in Trenton off CR 334-A. 5 Acres $95,000 Old homsite, sold "as is". 5 Acres $140,000 Planted in 12 yr old pines. 5.52 Acres $75,000 This is a 3 sided parcel located in Trenton. 7 Acres $124,900 Property off Cow Pond Rd Old Town. 9.62 Acres $149,900 Deed restricted to new doublewide MH's. 10 Acres $109,900 Wooded parcel on country setting. 10 Acres $129,900 Well, septic and power pole. 10 Acres $139,900 Land partially cleared and ready for your home. 10 Acres $149,000 Secluded property w/nice trees. 10 Acres $150,000 Planted in Pines 10.0 Acres $169,900 i-t. .....ll ':pli'.. aid p:', r pole. 10.0 Acres $225,000 High and Dry!, 10.26 Acres $149,900 "Homes Only" Chiefland 14.97 Acres $199,900 Property in Bell ready for home. Two available! 20.00 Acres $406,000 Well, septic & power pole. 20.0 Acres $219,000 Dividable! 21 Acres $660,000 Deed1 restricted community. *Waterfront Banner* 23 Acres $165,900 Planted in mature pines. 35.85 Acres $385,000 Pines offer seclusion & beauty. 40.00 Acres $480,000 Planted in pines. 55 Acres $850,000 Huge development potential! -57.37 Acres $1,721,100 City water & sewer. Can be subdivided. 70.0 Acres $770,000 Planted in Pines!!! Beautiful! 80 Acres $799,600 Great hunting property planted in pines. 154 Acres $2,618,000 Just outside city limits of Bell & can Be subdivided. 160 Acres $1,920,000 Agricultural land can be subdivided' .11 Acres $295,000 Waterfront gulf canal .12 Acres $189,900 Fresh water canal lot in Suwannee. .23 Acres $189,900 Freshwater lot in Suwannee .54 Acre $150,000- Property is in Melrose, Fl. Deep canal lot off Santa Fe River: 4 Acres $249,000 Beautiful Island for sale in Yankeetown. 12.78 Acres $1,500,000 Beautiful Cedar Key property. High & Dry w/ creek. 15.0 Acres $480,000 Astonishing acreage on Suwannee River w/ deed restrictions. 21.00 Acres $660,000 Astonishing acreage on Suwannee River. Convenience Store $950,000 Located in Otter Creek. High traffic count, busy highway, & only gas station for miles. To mush too list! MLS#' 750110 Commercial Building $179,900 Totally remodeled building located off Major highway. MLS# 750406 Commercial Building $779,000 MANY possibilities! Offers 8250 sq.ft. total w/ 2 separate buildings. Jligh traffic co. Business Opportunity $380,000 Conveniently located in the heart ofChiefland. Building built in 2002 with 4800 sq. ft. all on .74 acres. MLS# 747175 Serve ou esere. eope Yo T-st0 10 SW 7th Street 605 N. Main Street 934 E. Wade Street 27888 US Hwy-19 Hwy-349 South Williston,.FL 32696 Chiefland, FL 32626 Trenton, FL 32693 Old Town, FL 32680 Suwannee, FL 32692 352-529-0010 352-493-4200 352-463-7770 352-542-1111 352-542-1212 'rtrrTDMThA iraPT-AC 1200A6 I. iLL~J L'V1 L, .*~V~fL- 1)'''.-* -, V SRent [Real Estate HOUSE FOR SALE Beauti- ful 2004 home in Trenton, close to schools and shopping. $130,999. Call Adam Fischer at 231-3424. tfnb, 2-23 FORSALE Retail storefront prop- erty in downtown Trenton. Three buildings on Main Street. Call 352- 463-7135. tfn,6-30. 2003 MOBILE HOME, 3/2 Fleet- wood on 5 acres in Bell area. Asking $87,500. Call Leslie or Anthony at 352-463-6314 or 352-949-2261. tfnb,2-3. BUILDING LOTS Five-Acre Tracts Absolutely Gorgeous, Wooded, Great Location just off Hwy- 129 between Trenton & Bell. Contractor will design and build your Dream Home on one of these beautiful lots. 352-463-9060 ~I~LULLILCLU . Page Sixteen GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 2006 RoftSmith, Democrat for Governor of Florida, was happy to see people come out to the' fund-raising dinner whom he can remember seeing back in 1992 when he was, running for State Attorney. He thanked everyone on the Democratic Committee for all their hard work and support. Shown from left are Ray Earl Thomas, D. Ray Harrison, Julie Thomas, Rod Smith, Michelle Crawford, Howell Lancaster; Joe Gilliam, and Sheriff Turner. Photo by Anna Wild. Rod Smith Speaks of people's private business." after someone has analyzed To Our Community He explained he may not be the impact of certain answers. a "Perfect Democrat";, he -He takes the. values that are About His Goal TO answers questions with answers important to our families and Be Our Governor he feels are iight and not the makes decisions based on that. (Continued from Page One) way they should be answered He is not for gun control and never has been. He also stands firm that our waterways and springs are going to stay safe from use from other areas. Rod Smith believes it is very important that the Governor is accessible to the people of the state. He promises that as Governor you will be able to. communicate your concerns to him. And he hopes that years from now his granddaughter can stand up and say that her grandfather was the best' Governor the State of Florida ever had. Letter to the Editor (Continued from Page Two) superintendent aind agree with Whatever he says. Another thing that saddens: me is our county's teachers and other students feel the same \ay I do but do not say anything because they feel afraid of losing their job due to insubordination and the students are afraid of some form of punishment. Why should itbe right for the county to be afraid of one person" We should riot be afraid and we should stand up for \%hat is right. We should not take away the things that are benefiting our communni and its citizens. Ashley Cross,.~ Bell Health Academy Senior A Letter To The Editor I have a child in the Voluntary Pre-K program that is offered at Trenton Elementary School this year. She is five years old now and I have been a stay at home mom since she was 18 months old. When I found out there would be a VPK program offered at TES, I considered enrolling her, but'I was unsure if I wanted to send her for the three hours that would be covered under the VPK program or if I wanted her to stay all day for the full program curriculum. After speaking \w ith Mrs. Marilyn Beach, I decided to send her for the full day, and I am very pleased with the program. Before school started, Mrs. Beach explained to me that the OWL curriculum wouldd be used and that it would be beneficial to my child to stay for the entire school day. That way my child would be able to participate in all of the activities afforded in the curriculum. I know that my child has truly enjoyed her year at TES in the Pre-K program: I tried to keep her home with me one day and she informed me that she could not stay home because she had already missed one day! She AM mo.ain c usoe-Srieanales -Darn loves her teachers and so do I!' This program has been great for my daughter and I would encourage anyone that has a child eligible for Pre-K to consider the program at Trenton Elementary School. Lisa Johnson Trenton Gilchrist Commission Listens To Pros And Cons On SRWM ID Purchasing Hart Springs Park (Continued from Page One) strikes this area. The county can sell the 280- acre park to a private indi\ idual and get out from under the operation 'and the continual budget demands the park has become on the count 's general revenue budge. The county could sell the park to the Su%\annee River Water Management District and this would allow the park to stay. open to the public and remain a natural tourist attraction to this area. The county could an agreement to involved with the enter into become SRWIMD through a not for profit organization and still be in% ol\ ed in the management and operation of the park through a five member park board. This board would control the operation of the park uith four board members from Gilchrist Count\. A fifth board member would be a member of the SRWMD board. Scarborough explained the sale of the park would be based on an actual appraisal that the county and the district would agree on. The funds from this sale would be placed in' a perpetual endowment that would provide revenues to operate the park as well as administer funds to take care of some of the upgrades to the operation of the park. The SRWMD would be responsible to pro ide for, the capital upgrades that would be made at the park.- Over the past year, Gilchrist Count) has reported losses of up to $85,000 due to the impact of the flf6bds of 2005. Hart Springs has been impacted by floods for several years that have forced the county to .reassess the upgrades they would make involving' a $200,000 FRDAP grant. The budget for Hart Springs in 2005 is $124,000. The SRWMD. staff explained that the Manatee Springs State Park is being identified' as a yard stick regarding the upgrades that could possibly be made at Hart Springs. The park would not become a state park, bbut the operation of the park at Manatee in relation to the camping, general admission and other aspects would be reviewed if the SRWMD.is to become involved in Hart Springs. The Executive 'Director of the SRWMD pointed out to the county commission that the Gilchrist County School District could also use the Hart Springs Park as an environmental education opportunity. The school district could have students visit the park and learn more about environmental issues that the park deals with all the time. Scarborough explained that the working organization between Gilchrist County and the SRWMD has to be built on trust and understanding that both organizations want the best park that can become a reality for the citizens of Gilchrist County and the visiting public. "If it is not good for the community and Hart Springs, lets not do it," Jerry Scarborough explained. County Commission Chairman Tommy Langford opened the meeting to the public to allow those attending to ask questions of the SRWMD staff and commission staff. Mike Myers, Sr. asked if the SRWMD would consider extending a sewer line from the new sewer treatment plant near the Hart Springs campground to property owners along the river. He emphasized that the connection of the housing units along the river would lessen the impact of septic tanks would 'have on the sensitive river ecosystem .during a natural flood. Jerry Scarborough explained that a feasibility study would have to be done to determine the cost and economics of this project. Sheree Lancaster explained that the Lancaster Family loves Hart Springs and has owned property that adjoins the park for many years. "The Lancaster Family is in support of this proposal from the Suwannee River Water Management District," she explained. Gilchrist County School Superintendent Buddy Vickers explained thaf the school district was also in support of this proposal. He added that the school district would consider the educational and en ironmental education possibility for the students to have the opportunity to visit the park in a .classroom en ironment in the future. Billy Smith, a former chairman of the Gilchrist County Park Board told the board that the SRWMD has been a tremendous asset to the county in the past involving Hart Springs. He also explained over the 13 years he was a member of the park board, the budget for the Hart Springs park was a $22,500 portion of race track: tax 'revenues that was. Gilchrist Countu's share of. funds from the state wide program. Mr. Smith explained that he is in favor of the proposal involving Gilchrist County and SRWMD owning and operating the park. Julie Harrison, the present manager of the Hart Springs Park, asked how the current staff would d be affected by the change in operation. Jerrm Scarborough explained that all of the staff would have to make application for positions under the new operation. . Mr. Scarborough explained that the ne\\ proposal would look to have independent contractors to come to the park and provide services like the concessions and other rental type programs. Some residents asked if the park was purchased by the SRWMD, if there would be the possibility of the state taking over that park and a water 'bottling operation constructed on the property. Scarborough explained that neither the SRWMD nor the not for profit organization \would be in the business of battling or trucking spring water from the Hart Springs property. Kelby Andrei. a member of the SRWMD board, explained that the present board has no interest or intent to e er take anm of the., adjacent properties by way f eminent domain. Dale Lindsey, a fifth generation member of a family that has ow ned property around Hart Springs since the 1800s told the board that his family will be most adversely affected if this SRWMD proposal is approved by the County Commission. He explained that the, bureaucracy involving state operations can change and the goals and guidelines for Hart Springs might also change. Dale explained that the Lindsey family is very concerned about the proposed aggressive marketing campaign that is being considered for Hart Springs. Beth Latner told the board that every county department would like to have and extra $125,000 for their budget. "I feel like it would be a mistake to give up the ownership of the park," she explained. Gilchrist County resident Leslie Sapp told the board that the, Hart Springs Park is capable of being managed and operated at a profit to make money for the county. The board asked the county attorney .to meet with the SRWMD attorney to draft a document to be presented to the commission in the March 6, 2006 meeting. Summer Hours Now In Effect At Refuge Summer visiting hours are now in effect at Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge .(NWR). Okefenokee NWR is open every day of the year except Christmas Day. The main entrance gate at the East entrance (Folkston) opens one-half hour before sunrise and closes at 7:30 p.m. Visitors may enter Swamp Island Drive until 6:00 p.m. and must exit no later than 7: 00 p.m. All day-use boats must be off the water by 6:00 p.m. Okefenokee Adventures is open one-half hour before sunrise to 7:30 p.m. The Rufuge Visitor Center remains open from 9:00 'a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Kingfisher Landing is open one-half hour before sunrise to sunset. These hours will remain in effect until November 1, 2006 when winter visiting hours resume. |