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Serving Gilchrist County and Surrounding Area for over 74 Years 5 20.00 A Yea.r In Tn .Coanry Aiea Giklhnbt, Vol. 75-No. 45 Phone (352) 463-7135 Fax 3) 463-7393 Trenton. Florida 32693 Thursday. February 23. 2006 Price 50Vf L'00O,:tOe 0 gilchristjournal@bellsouth.net 0 Flono ,2 1.10 o, O' St A Letter To The Students, Parents And Community Of Gilchrist County Ronnie Smith Will Not Seek Re-Election To School Board ' It has been such an honor to serve you and our school. system for the past 16 years. I thank you for electing me, your School Board Member, District Three, and having the confidence that I would serve. your children in the best way. possible. It is truly a humbling experience that I. and my family, have been able to represent you. It has been a blessing to have seen my children attend middle and high school in our schools, and to watch my grandchildren begin kindergarten in Gilchrist County. I have two grandchildren graduating this year and two in middle and high school. I have had the opportunity to get to know so many of their friends and families, and feel as connected to our schools now as 1 did when my children were in school. I know the time God has allowed me to serve has been well worth it, if at some time, if Ronnie Smith only one student expresses the Gilchrist County School Board made a positive difference in his/her life. I think it is important that you know I will not seek re- election for School Board Member, District Three. I am confident many in our county are as interested in helping our students as I still am. I hope that those who seek this position will not take it lightly, nor a simple political endeavor, but with pride in our school system and a true desire to help our students become the very best they can be in our fast changing society. Although I will not endorse any candidate, 1 would love to talk to anyone interested in pursuing this challenge.. I would be glad to listen, share my thoughts, and give advice; please feel free to call me at any time. Thank you again for allowing me to serve. Thank you to m\ colleagues on the board, and their true interest in children. I know Gilchrist County Schools is a leader in education. I will always be grateful to you for knowing 1 had a part in it. May God Bless You, Ronald D. "Ronnie" Smith Gilchrist County Welcomes Rob Willis, Public Safety Director By Anna Wild i I had. the chance to meet Robert Willis, the new Director of Public Safety for Gilchrist County. I had heard he was per- fect for the position but had not had the chance to talk to him. Well, I can honestly say I feel. confident that Mr. Willis will be a great asset for our county in this position. Even before Mr. Willis went to Law School he was an inves- tigator with the Sheriff's Office here in Gilchrist County. He received his Degree in Crimi- nology and a Minor in Law Enforcement Administration & Resource Management while he was working with the Gilchrist County Sheriff's Office. Then he. went on to Law School and afterward he; worked with the State Attorney's Office, had his own private law practice, and worked as a partner in a firm. Mr. Willis most recently came to us from his second time with the State Attorney's Office where he was felony prosecutor in Brad- ford County. I'As the Director of Public Safety he is in charge of fire departments,' ambulance ser- vice, emergency management, and 911 administration. He is expecting animal control to soon fall under public safety as well. His position keeps him busy, with the 911 administration alone he is in charge of three ma- jor components; mapping, when a new home is built "someone" is responsible to make sure you have an address and are listed on the county map. Currently the mapping for 911 is handled within the building department. He is responsible for the 911 administration, in which he must insure the equipment the 911 call takers use is up to standard'and functioning properly. Finally he is responsible for the opera- tion of the 911 service which is currently handled at the Sheriff's Department. At this time Sheriff Turner is in charge of dispatch and the 911 call takers.. The individuals who answer your calls are his employees and he is in charge of the day to day op- erations. At this time things are working okay with the way 911 administration is being handled, but there are concerns due to the fact that .all areas are not being Robetrt IW'illi. managed at one site. Mr. Willis explained, "You have several layers of 911 and sometimes it's a good thing and sometimes it isn't," in regards to having the components of 911 handled in its current manner. The new fire department for Gilchrist County will be on SR 129 in north Bell. PeeWee Thomas donated the three acres that are next door to the existing ambulance station and that will be the site of the much needed' Gilchrist County Fire/Rescue. Mr. Willis explained, all of inde- pendent departments "are going to fall under Gilchrist County, Fire/Rescue and will go by numbers instead of names;we're basically consolidating all the fire service so we can get county standardization throughout. That way everything is the same; the chain of command is ,the same, and it's safer for the firemen that are coming out and there is a lot more accountability then there has been." Gilchrist County has several subdivisions being built now which will bring more people into the area. There are also over 50 additional sub- divisions on the table now, with the type of growth we know will. occur and the greater growth that has the potential to happen it is in the county's best interest to be proactive and be ready to pro- vide the services these families are going to expect and need. Recruitment and retention of' firemen will also become more difficult as well. Mr. Willis explained, "Right now all of ,our firefighters are volunteers, and the state has changed the requirements from the 40-hour course that you had to take to a 160-hour course and a state test, which is comparable to what the state did to law enforcement back in the 70s." While these changes will make things more difficult for those who wish to volunteer for their community, they are designed to ensure the safety of the firefighter and im- prove the level of service the firefighters provide, and training is still free of charge. In the past it was acceptable for volunteers to learn additional skills on the job and that is just not the case any longer. The new Fire/Rescue site will also have a helicopter pad. This is very much needed in our county because we are so far away from a hospital. Cur- rently if a helicopter was needed to come in they have to land on the Bell High School track, this in itself poses additional safety concerns so having one site clear of pedestrians and built for the job will improve our counties services immensely. The new fire station will have living quarters to accommodate staff firefighters around the clock. I know everyone is Iconcerned about how we would pay for staff firefighters and yes it will (Continued to Page Sixteen) Gilchrist Commission Is Told To Close Hurley's Sporting Clay Range, Or Neighbors Threaten Court Action By John N. Ayers The Gilchrist County Com- mission heard from Gilchrist County resident Frank Cun- ningham regarding the sporting clay target range at Hurley's Waccasassa Plantation during the February 20 meeting. Cunningham resides at 9120 NE 40'h Court Road. High Springs, FL. He explained to the board that a lot of people living along the Santa Fe River are unhappy about the gun fire from the target range at Hurley's Waccasassa Plantation. Cun- ningham explained that when he talked to Mr. Hurley about re- solving the issue peacefully, Hurley told him that he had followed all of the legal re- quirements and purchased the permits to have the plantation constructed on the 1600 acre tract that borders CR 138. Cun- ningham explained that none of his neighbors knew that they were about to have a firing range in their neighborhood until the shooting began. "We don't object to hunting. we ob- ject to year-around constant gun-fire. We moved here for peace and quiet and we have been robbed of that." Cunning- ham explained. He asked the board what recourse do he and his neighbors have? Do we need THS Baseball Team To Host Alumni Game March 4 The Trenton High School Varsity Baseball Team will be hosting an Alumni Game on March 4, 2006.. All former THS baseball players are invited to play.' The gare will begin at 6:30 p.m. with the traditional homerun derby, followed by a. seven inning game at 7:30 p.m. Any interested players ,should contact Scott Guthrie at 463- 3010 (work) or 221-0345. Players in past years of the Alumni Game have included graduates from the 80s, 90s, and 2000s. Last year's game. was once again won by the "Old Timers" consisting of players from 1995 and previous. Please come oit and support this year's Varsity Baseball Program. to bring a lawsuit? Cunningham told the board that the constant firing of shot- guns from the target range has become such a problem that they want something done about it. He explained that when they moved here they didn't think anything like this would hap- pen. We \were not consulted or informed about this firing range coming into our neighborhood before they constructed this business. A gun-range is a high- impact business. It has a foot- print much larger than its fence line. Liquid sludge, bad chemi- cals and noise are all pollutants and theN're all pollutants that don't respect fence lines. They have an impact on the entire surrounding area. Cunningham explained that Hurlev's Waccasassa Plantation is a High-Impact Develompent that causes immediate problems to the neighbors and property owners in the surrounding area. Cunningham proposed a list of si. new rules that identify high impact businesses He rec- ommended to the board to adopt these rules to keep this type of problem from occurring again. He also presented a list of seven questions that he wanted an- swers for regarding the firing Final Plans For Suwannee River Fair Are Underway B) Cind\ Jo Ayers The Board of Directors of: the Suwannee River Fair and .Livestock Association Show and Sale. met on Monday, February 20, to make final plans. Each fair show was discussed and plans were worked out to make the 54th annual event run as smoothly as possible. Fair exhibitors who have fat steers, feeder steers or heifers should :be aware that the State Livestock Inspectors are playing close attention to cattle with warts this 'year. Steer Show Superintendent Earl Jones, Sr. recommended that exhibitors should ask their veterinarians to give cattle wart vaccines when they acquire their health range at Hurley's Plantation. Commission Chairman Tommy Langford asked if any- one was present to speak for Hurley's Waccasassa Planta- tion.' Kenneth Copeland, Opera- tions Manager of the plantation. told the board that they could hear people firing their guns all along the Santa Fe River. He explained that the Hurleys' have done everything that the county has required of them before opening the plantation, hunting reserve and sporting clay target range. TormHurley told the board that the plantation has an aver- age of 10 quail hunts every week in the reserve. "'I will work with the county and make considerations, but I will not close the business," the owner explained. He explained that that there is from one half to almost one mile between the shooting range and the people complaining. David Summerall, a neigh- bor and owner of a dairy just west on CR-138. explained to the board that it would be a redl travesty if a working solution is not reached to allow the Hurley *Plantation to continue to oper- ate. He explained that he enjoys going to the plantation and certificates. Mr. Jones also said to make sure the %et lists the \accines on the health certificates. . The first event of the fair this year will be held March 3 with the heifer show registration, which will be from 3:30-6:00 p.m. at the fair barn. The following day Saturday, March 4 the annual' horse show % ill be held starting at 8:00 a.m. for horse check-in. The heifer show will begin at 7:00 p.m. On Thursday, March 9th, the fair will continue with the Poultry and Rabbit Show entries. On Friday. March 10th, several judging events will be held along with the steer entries. Home Economics entries other than food items will also be entered. On Saturday, March llth, the. (Continued to Page Sixteen) shooting the skeet range. "This is a real asset to Gilchrist County." Summerall added. Tom Tatum, the designer of this competitive skeet range,: told the.board that the plantation has several neighbors that come and shoot skeet at their facility \almost weekly. Before they shot With us, they would shoot their own skeet targets in their grass pastures. The skeet range at the plantation has fourteen stations that take a shooter from 1 5 hours up to three hours to shoot. the entire course, depending on if you are walking the course or riding in an electric cart. Gilchrist County attorney John McPheison explained that the Waccasassa Plantation shooting range is in A-6 zoning. This classification allows for a firing range to be constructed and operated without any type of construction permitting pur- chased through the county. Commissioner Randy Dur- den made a motion for the at- torney to take the seven ques- tions and bring hack answers to each one in the next meeting. Commissioner Sharon Langford gave a second to the motion before .the board approved this action. The board %\ill consider this issue in the March 6 meet- ing. Dedication Service To Be Held At New Hope Family Church In Bell Sunday By Cindy Jo Ayers The members of New Hope Family Church in Bell have: planned a special service this Sunday, Februar 26th .at 11:00 a.m. The service will include the dedication of two new stained glass windows at the front of the church. The window will be dedicated in honor of the Cannon Family. A dedication of the new carpet will also be held. The carpet will be dedicated to the late Vida Mae Durden. The service will also include'. special singing. The service will be followed by a lunch which will be provided by (Continued to Page Nine) Shown from left are Judges Peter Seig, Fredrick Smith, Robert Cates, Maurice Guinta, Commissioner Sharon Langford, Kenrick Thomas, Former Commissioner Wilbur Bush, Judge Philman, Commissioner Randy Durden, Chkirman Tommy Langford, and Representaive Dwight Stansel. These people participated in the groundbreaking ceremony of the new Courthouse addition project. The project is now underway and the completion date is targeted for January, 2007. Photo by Anna Wild '- ) ~`. .. rage iwoX Gilchrist County Journal USPS-218-620 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY IN GILCHRIST COUNTY, 207 N. MAIN TRENTON, FLORIDA Less than 75% advertising We reserve the right to shorten articles, letters, etc. and delete any part or leave out in its entirety if we judge such to be offensive. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $20.00 AYearln Tri-County Area $24.00 All Other Areas In Florida $28 Out Of State JOHN MIN AYERS II EDITOR, PUBLISHER AND OWNER Cindy Jo and Carrie Ayers, Glen Thigpen, Mark Schuler, Judi Bishop, Kathy Hilliard & Chris Rogers ASSISTANTS Entered as Periodicals at the Post Office at Trenton, Florida, under the act of March 3, 1879. POSTMASTER Please Send Address Change To: Gilchrist County Journal, 207 N. Main Street, Trenton, Florida 32693 John's Comments By John M. Ayers The Gilchrist County Com- mission was issued a threat, warning or whatever you want to call it when someone tells you to change the rules regard- ing the operation' of a business or they will do it for you. This was the point that Frank Cunningham made to the Board of County Commissioners in regards to the sportsman's clay target range at Huirley's Wac- casassa Plantation on.CR 138 in' north Gilchrist 'County. Mr. Cunningham, a property owner in Gilchrist County for three years told the five-member board that they moved here to enjoy the peace and quiet and they have been robbed of that. He also told the board that when he sits on the porch and tries to drink coffee and read a newspaper, he keeps being dis- turbed by all of the bang, bang, bang, going on at the Hurley's Waccasassa Plantation. Cunningham also admitted that neither he not his neighbors "bothered to read any of the legal 'advertisements that were pub- lished in the pn er f record in Gilchrist County whei the Hur- Sle)y's \ere making application to open this multi-million dollar facility. The Hurleys' did what the county required of them to do to open a first class lodge, hunting operation and one of the most impressive skeet ranges I have ever seen. On a more pleasant note, our son J and I went to the Hurley's Plantation this past Saturday to. shoot a few skeet targets and enjoy a quail hunt. This was a very enjoyable time to not only see hunting dogs work quail once again, but to give' J the opportunity to shoot quail behind a.bird dog. I have hunted wild birds many ,years ago in the fence rows and on agricultural property throughout the county. In those days there was an abundance of cornfields, soybeans fields and plenty of grain sorghum for the birds to eat, I really enjoyed shooting a few of the skeet targets at sev- eral of the stations Saturday morning. I was also. impressed with Tom Tatum and the exper- tise he has in regards to shoot- ing of the skeet targets. Tom explained to both ,J and I that anyone can be as good as they want to be when they begin to shoot sporting clays. All you have to do is keep focused and shoot as often as you can. March 4, the Hurle\ Planta- tion will Hild' a sporting Cla. Tournament that is open to the public. This tournament is de- signed to allow the beginning shooter to compete as well as the top ranked shooters that bust Tid*Tbls Fo Te ee o 223to3/ for h e outh of h e S wanI ne Ri er Date High Low High Low 'High Thu -0.244 ft. 2.085ft. 1.898 ft. 2,966ft. Feb 23, 06 4:29 AM 12:02 PM 3:56 PM 9:22 PM Fn -0.578 ft. 2.324 ft. 1.666 ft. 3.168 ft. Feb 24, 06 5:41 AM 12:44 PM 5:21 PM 10:43 PM Sat -0.860 ft. 2.519 ft. 1.284 ft. 3:403 ft. Feb 25, 06 6:36 AM 1:16PM 6:22 PM 11:50PM Sun -0.999 ft. 2.678 ft. 0.839ft. Feb 26, 06 7:21 AM 1:44PM 7:12PM Mon 3.572 ft. -0.961 ft. 2.822 ft. 0.391 ft. Feb 27, 06 12:47 AM 8:01 AM 2:10 PM 7:59 PM Tue .. 3.617 ft. -0.755 ft. 2.963 ft. -0.008 ft. Feb 28, 06 1:40 AM 8:38 AM 2:36 PM 8:43 PM Wed 3.520 ft. -0.419 ft. 3.102 ft. -0.309 ft. Mar 1, 06 2:30 AM 9:13 AM 3:01 PM 9:27 PM Pengee: 2/27 3:00 PM New Moon: 2/27 7:32.PM m-- Streetwise By Lauren Rudd Let me say at the onset that I like Google's products and that there is rarely a day when I do not use its search engine. As to 'investing in the company, that is a different issue entirely. In my opinion, the shares are over valued and I will show you how I reach that conclusion. While th'e mathematical models on which I build my case could possibly be faulted for some of the assumptions employed that is not what scares me about Google. After reading the opinions of some of the Street's analysts, along with the commentary set forth by 'some readers, I am haunted by visions of what was said and done During the dotcom era, Despite all of the talk about .technology, Google makes its money. from selling ads. A full 99 percent of its $6.14 million of gross revenue in 2005 was derived, from advertising: the other 1 percent came from licensing its search technology. "Google is focused on one area. They're great at it, but the competition is mounting," wrote Scott Kessler, an equity analyst at Standard & Poor's. Kessler has a sell recommendation on the stock and a price target of $390. So what is the potential of Google's share price going forward? Let's begin by calculating the company's intrinsic value using an earnings model. Start with Google's 2005 earnings of $1.47 billion, an earnings growth rate of 23 percent and a discount rate of 11 percent (average return on the an ajx ge sf W9g.pW&t'1,0 targets on a course. Fpr mole information'-yoPu can call 386- 454-8256. We enjoyed the plantation and we intend to go back and shoot sporting clays at this very impressive range in the future. I hope that the Board of County Commissioners will continue to support a business. like the Waccasassa Plantation that is a true asset to our county. 2006 Wall and Desk Calendars 50% OFF (While Supplies Last) Gilchrist County Journal 207 North Main Street Trenton Wasted Lives (Kent Heaton) Jeremy Taylor wrote: "God hath given to man a and pleasure in this life only to find vanity in the face short time here upon earth, andyet upon this short of that which was, worthless. His conclusion of the time eternity depends" [Holy Living, 1650]. Life is reality of life: "Let us hear the conclusion of the filled with the pursuit of gaining what previous whole matter. Fear God, and keep His generations have thrown away. It is the task of men to commandments. For this is the whole of man. For busy themselves with the accumulation of material God shall bring every work into judgment, with accomplishments and worth. The rat race is won by every secret thing, whether it is good, or whether the rats as we anxiously draw in each day with its evil" ((Ecclesiastes 12:13-14). How sad when young futile search for happiness. Lives are spent wasting couples turn t away the precious moments and hours to gain what they cannot fi no man can keep and what all men lose in death. At important goa the best of times, life is short. Life becomes a day to overshadow day obsession with the vanities of life. sustenance. W The living live short lives. "For what is your The son life? For it is a vapor, which appears for a little life's pleasure time, and then disappears." (James 4:14). One of the mire with the greatest lies Satan has filled the hearts of men with is in a good he that life is long and that all men should live as if they unfruitfulness 'will never die. The television is filled with creams, the deceitfuln paste, machines, pills and options that will seemingly temptation of help us live longer, younger lives. Living for the a family con moment and taking all the gusto we can out of life is Trying to covi the creed of material man. How soon we grow old shame, death and how soon we die and then what does man find. 11,12). How n Life is likened to, a vapor and upon this wisp of things below man's existence the whole of eternity depends. How (Colossians 3: do we measure eternity? There is no end. Decisions "For whl made in this life mold the existence of our eternal the whole wo being. Filling our lives with the pleasures of this shall a man g world and the pursuit of the cares of this world waste 8:36-37) The precious time from preparing to launch into a world will only find of eternity. There is no time for God in this world. In place in the g eternity, it will all be about God. can only be fc Solomon wrote the book of Ecclesiastes as a not be wasted. vivid portrayal of man's folly to seek fame, fortune heir backs on the Lord to pursue what nd or obtain. Work becomes the most l in their life. The busy affairs of life the important needs of spiritual asted lives apart from God. who left home seeking fulfillment in s only found himself wallowing in the hogs (Luke 15:11-24). The seed sown art that hears the word is choked to because of the "cares of this world and ess.of riches" (Matthew 13:22). The' covetousness brought momentary joy to idemned to death (Joshua 7:10-26). er up the pleasures of sin brought only and misery to King David (2 Samuel ten's lives are wasted when seeking the and not the things which are above 1-4). at shall it profit a man if he shall gain rid and lose his own soul? Or what 'ive in exchange for his soul?" ,(Mark many lives wasted to pursue this world this world giving nothing back but a grave. True happiness, peace and hope tund in seeking the Lord, then life will Trenton Church of Christ 463-3793 502 Northeast 7th Street Trenton, Florida 32693 Please Visit www.trentonchurchofchrist.com Email kerux@bellsouth.net I S&P 500) for the first 10 years. The result is a present value of $26.9 billion. Beyond the 10th year the growth rate is decreased to,6 percent and the discount rate increased to 12 percent for a continuing present value of $73.2 billion. Add the two numbers together, subtract long- term debt of zero and .divide by the 296 million outstanding shares for an intrinsic value of $335. Using the Value Pro discounted free cash flow model with the same 23 percent earnings growth. rate for the first 10 years, a 4.5 percent 10-year Treasury yield, a 35 percent tax rate and a cost of capital of 7.5 percent, yields an intrinsic value of $213. My .earnings estimate for Google's 2006 fiscal year is $7.00 per share: The shares are currently trading at:a multiple or P/E 'of 68. If the multiple does not change, you have a $476 stock. The shares recently closed at about $345. However, I do not believe that the markets will continue to award Google that high of a multiple. According to the Fed, a fair multiple for the S&P 500.is 1' divided by the risk-free rate, for which I am using 4.5 percent. That equals a fair P/E of 22 for' the S&P 500. A P/E of 22 would give Google a share price of $154. Let's 'double the P/E to 44. The result is a share price of $308. For reference purposes, Yahoo trades at a P/E of 25. So what does all this mean" In my opinion. Google has an intrinsic alue of between $213 and $335. If you use my earnings estimate of $7.00 and a P/E of 44, you have a share price of $308. Even if my earnings estimate is low by 20 percent. you still oriln have a $369 stock at a P/E of 44 and the shares currently trade at around $343. Nonetheless, you can find share price estimates on the Street of $400, $500 and even $600. You can write to financial columnist Lauren Rudd at 5 Gulf Manor Drite, Venice, Fl. 34285 or email at LVERudd@'aol cor Prior columns: are available at RuddReport.com.- A Letter To b)oThe Editor toi~,.ljoril S l My name is:'Kathy ,Highley. " My fathily and I inoved' here March of last year and it has been the best move in our entire lives. Thank you for taking your time to review my printed thoughts on this wonderful community. I hope that you can use it in some ,way to build up the pride of this already great community. I be- lieve that when praise or compli- ments are deserted. they should be gi.en abundantly. Thank you for your consideration. "Real Americans Gilchrist, Levy and Dixie are truly the final frontier in the United States. Gilchrist, you are the last of the true Ameri-. cans, My family and I have only lived here about a year and have found this to be Real America. People still wave hello 'to ev- eryone, even strangers. People stop to help you on the side of the road. They even go out of Lottery Numbers Wednesday February 15 Lotto Drawing: 7-11-23-24-25-29 One winner of the $3 million jackpot. 5-Digit Winners: 107 at $2,864 4-Digit Winners 5,220 at $47.50 3-Digit Winners: 93,097 at $3.50 Play 4 Drawing: 7-3-5-8 Cash 3 Drawing: 8-6-7 Saturday, February 18 Lotto Drawing: 5-26-34-40-41-49 No winners of the $3 million jackpot. 5-Digit Winners: 57 at $7,090 4-Digit Winners: 3,571 at $92 3-Digit Winners: 77,269 at $6 Play 4 Drawing: 9-8-5-1 Cash 3 Drawing: 3-5-1 By Cindy Jo Ayers By Cindy Jo Ayers Sometimes it just doesn't seem like I can get ahead. Last week in this column I didn't make myself plain enough. I wrote a couple of long paragraphs about how long my family had been in the South. But I never made the point I was trying to make. I guess I was chasing them rabbits again. The point was I am so very Southern it would be impossible for me to try to write a cooking Column using any other manner of cooking. Fact is I think -we cook pretty dog-gone good down .here. Yes it's a bit fattening I won't even try to deny that. 'Once when referring to good food my cousin, David. "Bud" Meeks, once said, "If it tastes good you better spit it out because it will surely kill ya." I'm pretty sure that a couple of my good friends who have moved to the area the past few years were a little upset with me last week when I wrote, "I now realize that e\er\one who has moved here just doesn't understand our way of life." WhatI should have written was "Not everyone who has moved here understands 'our way of life." It's true that quite a few of the folks who have moved up or down here try really hard to understand us and respect our Sway. of doing things. Those folks are a real asset to the community and I am real glad to have them here. On the other hand there are a few who would like to straighten us out a bit; those are the people who have left the longtime locals with a sour taste in our mouths. I have decided to let the whole thing rest and iot print an additional letter I received because if we keep printing letters on both sides of the issue this deal could go on forever. There is a very slim chance that Sany of us will change how we feel much at all no matter what is written. You either like us or, you don't; and the same goes for my column, by all means if you. don't like it, just don't read it. It still amazes me how much trouble you can get into. by frying a few shrimp. Last Thursday I had a real scare. My daughter, Carrie, her good friend Annie Whitehurst and I were headed off on a shopping trip. Like, any good Southern mother I had made a fresh pitcher of sweet ice tea. I offered to make us all a glass of tea for the road and of course the girls accepted. As we were pulling out of the yard Carrie took a sip of .tea and said, "Momma, what in the world is wrong with this tea?" Well, I couldn't imagine what had happened. But once I tasted it I had to agree it was real funny tasting. I could not imagine what I. had done wrong, I make tea the same every time. I dump 2/3 cup of sugar into about three cups of water and bring it to a boil. Once the sugar/water comes to a boil remove it from the heat and drop a couple of family. size Luzianne tea bags into the water. Then cover arid let' it steep for only about, 5 minutes. Then pour about two cups of cold water into the bottom of my glass pitcher, this (Continued to Page Nine), Gilchrist Remembers When... This May 15, 1975 photo shows the Ford Tractor Softball team sponsored by Farm Service Store. On the back rowfrom left are Wilbur Bush, Alvin Davis, Fate Seay, Al Milito, Leonard Allen, La'rit Bachle, and Rocky Pace. On the front row from left are Wiimpy Welch, Jim Surrency, . fatliew Coleman, Gene Lord, and Henry Cobb. Not pictured was Ray Harrison. Photo by Lindon Lindsey. their way to give directions or good'advice on:the best place to buy something. Goods are still raised, grown or built by family' owned and operated businesses, maybe in their fourth or even seventh generation of business. The owner of the company calls you directly to set up your order and then calls you later to find out if everything was to your lik- ing. People hold the door for you at the grocery store or bank and are not worried about rushing to get in line before you. People wait for you to pass before mov- ing into traffic. People still pray at their meals and are not afraid to do so in public. Parents disci- pline their children, children re- spect the adults and authorities, and say things like... "yes, sir" or ."thank you, Miss Smith." Wow! Congratulations and blessing to you parents for rearing the youn- (Continued to Page Nine) You're Invited to a Tri-County Barbeque with State Senator Rod Smith Democrat Candidate for Governor of Florida Hosted by Friends from Dixie, Gilchrist, & Levy Counties Entertainment by "Crosstyz" Monday, February 27, 2006 5:00 pm 8:00 pm Gilchrist County FFA Alumni Arena US Highway 129 between Trenton and Bell Minimum Contributioir $50 Maximum Contribution $500 Please make checks payable to "Rod Smith for Governor" To Purchase Tickets Prior to Event, Please Call Hal Chewning (352) 356-0761 Julie Thomas (352) 494-8070 Lynetta Griner (352) 493-2568 Pan Zettler (352) 528-2225 Howell Lancaster (352) 463-6559 Southern Tire (352) 463-6050 Sylvia Rutledge (352) 490-1214 The purchase of a ticket for, or a contribution to, the campaign fundraiser is a contribution to the campaign of Rod Smith. Political advertisement paid for and approved by Rod Smith, Democrat for Governor. Contributions to the Rod Smith for Governor Camnaisn are not deductible for Federal income tax purposes. Rod Smith Democrat for Governor www.rodsmith2006.com THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2006, Dom-, Tum^- GILCHRIS T.T COU NTY JOURNAL T THRSAYFERURY23 00 Gl HRST(?ITT JuR~l PgeThe The Chamber Corner The Gilchrist County Chamber of Commerce is in the process of reproducing the Gilchrist County map and we are taking orders for. advertisements. There are approximately 40 spaces available for advertisement and over 300 businesses that would like to advertise on the new Gilchrist County, map. Therefore the advertisement sales will be on a first come, .first, serve basis. Even if you were a business that had space on the old map, this does not guarantee you a space on the new one. You,.must call or come by the Chamber office td reserve advertisement space. As with previous county maps, the production costs will be paid for by ads purchased -through our local businesses. We will be producing 20,000 full color maps with a variety of different size ads all varying in price per advertisement. If you are interested in advertising on the Gilchrist County map, please contact Maureen at 352-463-3467 at the Chamber office as soon as possible. .We would like to welcome our new individual Chamber members: Captain Anthony Cruse, Ann Ferguson, Pam Sanchez, Tammy Davis, and' Lynn Hatker. We thank all our Chamber members for their continued support of the Gilchrist County Chamber of Commerce. 2006 Wall andDesk Calendars S 50% OFF (Whie Supplies Last) Gilchrist County Journal ) 207 North:Main Street-Trenton \ . Beth Davis Photography WEDDINGS PORTRAITS SPECIAL EVENTS SCEDAR-KEY FLORIDA (352).543-556 Socials Happy Birthday wishes to Donnie Crise, Dewayne Bivens, and Mark Weaver on February 23; to Shirley Stalvey, Nikki Shearin, and Curtis Summers on February 24; to Wayne Langford, Andrew Breton, Rich Watson. and Todd Smith on Feb- ruary 25; to Brenda Crumpton, Eugene Inglitt, Jimmie Down- ing, and Adam Cook on Febru- ary 26; to Alyson Julian, Kayla Gent, Diana Manders, and Caleb Harris on February 27; to R.T. Vann on February 28; to Rhonda Justice and Marjore Henley on February 29; and to Matthew Smith, Ty Smith, Monica 'Vick- ers Green, Paula Phillips, and .Amanda Mathis on March :1. Happy Anniversary %%ishes to Mr. and Mrs. MikeBurnett on February 23,; to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Inglitt and Kenneth and Pat Crosby on February 24; to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Dale.Thigpen. Jr. on February' 25;: to Mr. and Mrs. S'Tracy Davisand Bob and Marty Frye on February 28; and to Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Perrvman. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Elmore and Bill and Donna on March 1. 8 1 Marriage W Applications Filed In Gilchrist County P Marshal F. Philmon. date of birth, 5/19/37. and Nelda, S M. Sizemore, date of birth. 8/23/53, both of Old Town. Florida. David Wayne Padot, Jr. date S:of birth, 8/27/81, and Wendy. Marie Stegall, date of birth. 6/ S 2/80. both of Fanning Springs. Florida. Kurtis Dean Lanz. date of birth. 7/25/87. and Nicki Mar- lene Williams. date of birth. 1/ 2/89, both of Keystone Heights. Marriages Filed In Gilchrist County Timothy C. Wilkinson. date of birth. 10/13/79, Florida and Crystal Lynn Fagan, date of Birth. 3/16/83. both of Cross City. Florida. were married February 16. 2006 in Trenton by Cynthia A. Chadwick. SVL Bdard To Meet March 13 The Suwannee Valley Leagues, Inc. March board, meeting will be held Monday, March 13th at 6:30 p.m. at Akins BBQ in the banquet room. Everyone will pay for their own meal including board members. See you.:there.: Attention All Sewing Enthusiasts There will be an organizational: meeting for a new neighborhood group of the Ocala Chapter of the American Sewing Guild at the Suwannee Valley Quilt Shoppe in Trenton on March 7th at. 10:00 a.m. , The American Sewing Guild is a national organization for sewiig enthusiasts of'all skill levels, from novice to advanced. Neighborhood groups are 'involved in education, community service and the sharing of ideas. Please join us in forming a new group. For additional information please contact the Suwannee Valley Quilt Shoppe at 352-463-3842. From The Shelves Of The Bookworm For the beginning readers I recommend Armadillo Rodeo written by Jan Brett. This is a book about. Bo, a young mischievous animal and how he was .always wandering off and getting into all kinds of things. The author turns her talents towards the Texas countryside where Bo was chasing what he thought was another armadillo but it \%as the. red boots that Harmony Jean was wearing as she rode in the rodeo. Chasing the boots he leaped on the horse but was soon bucked off. For the rest of you who may enjoy a' charming thriller I- recommend a novel written. by. Jill Churchill A Miidsunmer Nigli's Scream. From that title you. know there %ill be a. .mystery to solve. This is the'; second book I ha\e read by this author and hae enjoyed each of these. They will be found on the late arrival shelves. Someone donated a bag of larger print romances. These are on a shelf near the other large print books. The Bookworm Blood Donors Can Save Lives, Win Afghan LifeSouth Community Blood Centers Ci\itan Region will hold a special prize drawing for all blood donors at the Chiefland Donor Center. 120 E. Rodg- ers Boulevard. Ever)one w\ho gives blood at. the Chiefland Donor. Center any time between- Wednesday. February 1; and Friday. March 31, can enter to win an afghan hand crafted by S\Ilia Lane. "We are grateful for our con- t inuing community partnership' Sixth Chiefland Wal-Mart." said LifeSouth District Director Carolyn Quintanilla. "The\ gra- ciously provided the materials to create this special afghan." SThe drawing for the afghan. will be held March 31. Each donor will also receive a recog- nition item and complimentary cholesterol screening. Blood dogois must be at.least 17,years old; weigh 110 pounds or more and show photo I.D. For more information. readers ma\ call Hannah McRoberts Awarded By Girl Scouts On Sunday February 12, 2006, Hannah McRoberts was recognized for the completion of her Girl Scouts silver award. Hannah was among 94 silver, one hundred-eighty-eight bronze and 35 gold award recipients from Girls Scouts of Gateway Council, Inc. . The Medals of Honor are based on the age of the scout. All three are the highest award that can be'earned in each age group. -The Bronze is a Junior: Girl Scout award and requires. over fifteen hours of community service. To earn the Silver-a. Cadetie Girl Scout must -earn: several interest patches the challenge pin and the leadership award in addition to completing a 30 hour corimunity service project. A senior girl scout has the opportunity to go for the gold award b' doing 30., hours of leadership projects. 40 hours of career shadowving and completing a 50-hour community service project. - Hannah is a freshman at the Business Academ% in Trenton and is a member of Cadette Troop 52 of High Springs. She chose to help the Katrina hurricane victims by recycling old fabric into actirlty bags for the displaced children in Nlississippi. She stuffed the bags with a book, paper. crayons, playing cards and a teddy bear. She received help from many people including Mrs. Cheri Schnieder and her embroidery machine. LifeSouth at 1888) 795-2707. LifeSouth is. the sole blood Supplier for 39 medical facilities in 17 counties in North Central Florida including Shands at UF. the VA Medical Center, and North Florida Regional Medical Center LifeSouth is a nonprofit. volunteer blood center supply ing more than 110 medical centers in Florida. Alabama and Georgia. Woodland Craft Signs Ii :207'N.Mairi 352463-7135 Trenton's 'inylibsinw!.i! NO*/ OPEN AT THE JOURNAL Pictured with Hannah are, right, Sandra Tysver CEO 1and left, BJ Hausniari President of Girl Scouts of Gatewayi Council, Inc. Gator Storage Trailor Rentals - 352-372-6206 Restaurant &.Catering Service Daily Blueplate Special $6.50 -:CallAhead Window Pickup availablee ~ 352-463-8831 .!1122 Fast Wade Street STrenton. Florida 2693 MIon &.Tues 10:30- 3 SWed 10:rs 10:0, ' .;Fri& Sat 10:30 -.0,: CM oGS OO BR AKF " GILCHRIST COUNTY FAIR BOOSTER Dear Gilchrist County Fair Booster. As you know, this year's Suwannee River Fair and Livestock Show is just a couple of weeks away., We are again working to raise funds to help buy animals that our FFA and 4-H members will show'in this year's fair. Our main goal is to help establish a minimum sale price so the youth of our county are all supported equally. We also support the FFA Chapters and 4-H Clubs of Gilchrist County by trying to purchase their animals. With your help,, last year we were able to raise approximately $17,000' with which we bought 30 animals. The children that benefited from your gracious donations all left this experience with a huge smile on their faces. Many of you mailed your check to us last year which greatly helped the fund-raising process. We would sincerely appreciate it if you would again mail your check to 2079 SW 75th Avenue, Bell, FI 32619. Please give me a call at 352-463-6143 if you have questions or if you would like to personally help with this project. Again we really appreciate your help and look forward to your participation this year. Sincerely, R eie Smith Please cut bottom portion and mail back with your donation Fair Boosters 2079 SW 75th Ave Bell, FL 32619 Your Name Amount of Donation (circle one) $100 Bronze Booster $250 Silver Booster $500 Gold Booster $1,000 or more Platinum Super Booster Other Booster Trenton's AA Grou Wednesday , S7:30pm (open) Meridian Healthcare TNE. 7th Stieet, Trenton eno ' c9 BELLS & WHISTLES STORAGE Phone: 386.294-3867 Across from the Dollar General 1859 North Hwy 129 x 1 U 2 Bell, FL coed ava 10 x 10 UNITS. 10 x 20 unitls & 10 x 20 climate controlled available zJe : erican : Legon J.amerson-Sheffield Post 91 352-463-1501-P. 0. Bok 559, Trenton. Fl 32643 Post 91 News, Common der Shelby McKinnev. -(352) 463-1459 Adiuiant Dein 'Williams (386) 454-_8143 Cha.plain,- ..Carl Conrel -./(352) 46- 14 73 Tri-Count, Friends: - S Membership is slowly coming in. We have 127 or 91% for 2005. We need all the renewals to step up and help the post out. We are sull looking for a storage shed of any nature. Anyone that can assist. please call Commander Shelby. .- BiNGO is in the working stages- Anone wishing to assist please call Shelby or Anne McKinne, We have all the equipment,, just need volunteers and adyertisement to get going.- We are in the last few months of the legion year. Most of our programs are in full swing or dead in the water for lack of volunteers These are great programs for the community: Blood Donor, legion baseball. Scouring. RO(TC, Boy's Girl's State. Law and Order, Firefighter, Special Olympics, just to name a few. The. legion also offers several scholarships, some totaling up to $18,000. We are working some of the programs, but for lack of volunteers, the majorir, of our programs for the community are dormant. I was just thinking of the last rime I saw 10 boys from a former post, getting on the bus, for Tallahassee for a weeks worth of training in leadership and government. \\Tat stories each had when they-returned. Or helping at the 'Special.Olj mpics' as a hugger at the finish line. What a feeling I got !.! !. Watching as Post 91's entrant for Firefighter of the Year, name was called atthe state convention. About three thousand fellow legionnaire's . clapping, what a surge of pride I had. When Sgt-At-Arms of the year came up, I was surprised when I heard Ted Henley of Post 91 called. Not surprised at Ted's name being called, but that a larger. post didn't win. Going to the legion baseball game and watching YOUR team win. I know a lot of you haveexperienced these emotions, the pride of being a member and the moments when tears welled up in your eyes. I sincerely hope WE can get back to those days,, those feelings and the comradeship we have for each other,and our community. We are very proud of the hard work the ladies auxiliary is doing for the legion and the community. We need more ladies like these to get involved with their programs also. WE ARE FAMILY, and work together. Dean Williams Adjutant 4, SCORE. Business FLORIDA CROWN WORKFORCE Workshop fsain~r -i, opie and 9,usinea f -foewi HOW TO START AND BUILD A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS March 14th 11am~2pm Olde Boarding House Restaurant TRENTON, FL Be your own boss! $10 includes lunch & materials Legal Structure Credit Information Marketing Banking, Records, Bookkeeping and much more... For more information or reservations call: Trenton Chamber of Commerce at (352) 463-3467 I : I -:I;I . Page Three. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2006 .. GILCCHRIST COUT NTY JOU RNAL /67i 9... A7-1 I GTLCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL 'THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23. 2006 The Kingdom Heirs To Appear In Lake City March 3 The Kingdom Heirs STrenton United Methodist Church 9:30 am Sunday School 11:00 am Morning Worship Service 6:00 pm- Wednesday Bible Study Nursery provided 9-12 Sunday M morning i 203 N.E. Second Street, Trenton Office: 463-2877 Rev. H.D. "Hank" Cribb. Sr. BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH "Committed to living and sharing the message of God's love Pastor Ralph Rodiigue: Bible Study 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship 11 a.m. & 7 p.m.- Prayer'& Discipleship Wed. 7 p.m. Youth Praise & Worship Wed. 6:30 p. Awana Program -Wed. 6:30 p.m. 7070 S.W. CR-334A- Trenton. FL 32693 - 352-463-2028 . -e-mail: beihelii"ibellsouth.net www.baclaobethel.org ' PINE GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH t 16655 N. W. CR-339 Trenton. Florida 32693 352-463-2151 mg ^-;. www.pgbcfl.com , SBro. Greg Douglas, Pastor Bro. Rickey Whitley, Minister of Students Charles Brock, Music Director Sunday School/Bible Study..................9:15 A Morning Worship Service...................... 10:30 AMl Children's Church..................... 10:30 AAM E\ ening Worship Service...........................600 PM Wednesday Night Services: Prayer Meeting, AWANA & Youth Worship....................7:00 PM ~ Nursery Provided for All Services - YOU ARE WELCOME AT PRISCILLA BAPTIST CHURCH 5509 S.W. County Road 232, Bell, Florida (Between Bell & Trenton 2.5 miles West of SR 129) SSunday School.....................10:00 AM .. Morning Worship................ ...... 11:00 AM Evening Worship...:. ............6:00 PM Wednesday Night Prayer/Youth...7:30 PM Be a part of an exciting time of Worship and Bible Study Web: www.ForMinistry.com/USFLSOBCOPBC The Kingdom Heirs From the mountains of East Tennessee, Southern Gospel Music fills the air and is the home of The Kin ,doi Heirs, one of Southern Gospel Music's top Male Quartets. The group sang in local churches and concert halls in 1981. and as their music and message spread to a \ ider audience, so did their popular- it\ and demand Later in 1981 S they began singing at the Silver Dollar City theme park. which is now DollyNwood. In 1986 when the theme park took on their newn e. name,. he Kingdoin Heirs 'ere asked to become the resident Gospel group and now. entering into their 20th year, not only are they one of Dollywood's favor- ites, but a favorite to millions m. edervwhere. The Kingdom Heirs ha% e been nominated many times for indus- *i try awards such as The SGIMA S"Avards. Do\e .wards and The 7" Singing New s Fan-':Awards. \ Winning New comer Group of the Year in 1989. the group has been a constant favorite. The lat- H est award was .2005 Band of the Year. which the band also won t last year and in -CH2. They have also had many top ten songs, and currently ha'e had six Top 5 song irta rqq\ including, t\o ..#, stngs this year, "I. Know I'm Going There" and "Forever Changed." Over the past years they have had 16 songs' nomi- Snated- for Song of the Year. With a nine month schedule S performing to over two million 4, people a year at Dollywood, the group also tours January through March. Don't miss out on one of their final tour performances in 2006. The Kingdom Heirs will be appearing in Lake Cit\. Florida on Friday, March 3rd at 7.00 p.m Also appearing \will be The Singing Reflcirsons of Trenton.. The Singing Refleetsons is. a Gospel music ministry estab- lished in 1992. O0 er the past ten y ears The Reflectsons havebeen honored to receive a number of prestigious awards. In 2001 Gospel music fans voted them as "favorite male group of the year." This award was received at the annual Gospel Post Con- vention & Fan Awards. In 2003 they were once again honored as Gospel music fans- voted them their favorite mixed group. The Reflectsons have released five recording projects and have published and. recorded many original songs. Some of which are being played on radio and television 'stations across the country. 1 This is sure to be an exciting night of Gospel music. .Mark your calendar now to attend this special event. For ticket infor- mation please contact, Dennis Johns at (863) 381-1011 or Glen Thigpen at (352) 463-0312. Remember Our Troops For those who believe, prayer is a powerful weapon. It, not only does something for the "pray-er" but it can also increase the faith of those who are being prayed for, especially those who are in harm's way and protecting our freedoms which we some- times take for granted here in the United States of America. We all should be consistent in our prayers for those of our. county who are serving in the Armed Forces. The following is a know n list of those w ho are on active duty and who either have a residence here or who are rela'- tives of someone \who lies here in Gilchrist County. Ifyou know of an active military person who is not listed please contact the Gilchrlst Counrn Journal or write a letter to the Editor so that person can be listed the next time this article is published. ' Kathy Arrington. Steve Cal- laa i Afghanistani, Peter Belanger. Drew Cheatum, SWayne Cheatum. Robert Dean, Jimmy Fletcher. Jr.. Chris. Geiger (lraq). Jon Guzman ..iAfghanistani. GarN Hilliard. Steve Hilliard. Joe Hudson, .Heather Langston, Rob Long, Katie Lovett. Jonathan Luchak. Gus Mlauldin, Michael Mlayo, Evan NMcQuistan. T.J. Miller, Nlark lilton. Allen NMurray. Ste- phen Reed. T.J. Rush. Matthew Riordan. Donna Slayvon. Donn\ Sla\ton. James Slayton. Jeffrey; Solis tIraq,. Justin Twigg i Iraqi, Nathan Tw\igg. LaShonda White .lraqi. W\esle\ Wilson iraq.i. K\le W\orthington. and Daniel Wood Iraqi. Bluegrass Pickin To Be Held February 25 'The Sullvan Famnily, the first family of Gospel Bluegrass. will be in concert on Saturday, February 25th, at 6:00 p.m. at the Trenton Community Center. IThee:'rewillialso be \ ,afou's: the 2 Bluegrass bands as \ell. There Sis a $5 cover charge at the door so' make sure you are there to be able to get a seat. This is a great opportunity to see this first family of Gospel Bluegrass. 'The great BillMonroe stated ,that The Sullivan Family is the founder of Gospel Bluegrass music and is one of the greatest groups to ever play Bluegrass Musicc.:: They have recorded. played concerts in all 50 states and man.\ foreign countries and have also made television Appearances. They were voted into Bill Monroe's Bluegrass Hall of Fame. They2 have also made many appearances on the world-famous Grand Ole Opry. The family has played for governors, congressman, presidents. and others of prominence. They have worked -in the smallest churches and in the largest. They played with some of ,the top stars in the. fields of Country, Bluegrass and Gospel. Come on out and enjoy a great night of good ol' time fun. If you have any questions please call .800-990-5410 or 352-284-0668 and ask for Cloud. Gilchrist County Journal Deadlines The deadline to submit editorial or advertising copy is Monday at 5:00 p.m. to be included in the next Thursday's edition of the newspaper. Larry Ford To Be In Concert At First Baptist Church Trenton This Sunday The congregation: of First Baptist Church of Trenton invites you to come and hear and welcome Southern Gospel recording artist Larry Ford to Trenton on Sunday, February 26th at 6:00 p.m. 'From the sounds of grand opera to the stages of Southern Gospel, 2006 Grammy winner Larry,Ford has' found audiences applauding his commanding Voice and anointed ministry Originally from Lubbock. Texas. Larry's music ministry has taken himnto 48 of the 50 states in the United States. From the far reaches of Seoul, Korea to the southern hemisphere's Spanish speaking countries, Larry's facility .ith language has made it possible for him to sing in 27 foreign countries. Larry's :passion for ministry abroad has led to his being described as '"Gospel music's ambassador to the world." In February -2003. Larry .was awarded a Gramm\ for Best Southern Gospel Recording. The project thai won the award was Theiy Called Him ar. Gospel Music: ATribute to James Blackwvood. Larry %'as a:participant in Bill and. Revival Meetings To Be Held In Fort White March 19 22 Cornerstone Baptist Church and their pastor, Re\. Nlarc Pargo. invite you and your family to their revival meetings scheduled for March 19th to 22nd. The revival meetings \%ill be held at the Fort White Community Center. just past the high school. Rev. Dean Webb, from South Carolina. till proclaim God's Word each meeting. Re\ Webb has pastored in Fort White. Trenton. and :other churches in Florida. " Also. the renowned vocalist. S.Re\. Mark Shaw, \will lead in singing as you worship God. A supper \%ill be promptly served from 6:00 p.m. to 6.45 p.m. For those with.children 'from birth to three yeaT s of'age, a nurser) will be provided: For ;more information:call 386-497- 3106. Fanning Springs Community Church To Host IMPACT 2006 March 13-16 'IMPACT 2006 is a community event that will challenge both youth and adults to become true disciples of Jesus Christ. During each day of IMPACT, .students from the Tri-County area will be involved in community service projects in the area You will be challenged. each evening as Matt Orth of Crossroads Worldwide shares his passion for Truth, calling us to grow deeper in out relationship with Jesus Christ. Nightly meetings will be held at 7:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday. ,and Thursday, March 13 to 16 at Fanning Springs Community Church. On Wednesday night March 15th, you will be inspired as contemporary Christian recording artist Carl Cartee and his band will be in concert, leading praise and worship at 7:00 p.m. at Fanning Springs. State Park. You don't want to miss this event! Plan now to attend. Be involved! For more information call Fanning Springs Community Church at 352-463-2602. Kid's World Pre-Schqol Learning Center, Inc. A private school for your child's early learning years. SNAEYC Accredited Pre-K * School Readiness Program * Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten - CDA Certified Teachers i , USDA Food Program - Highscope Cr iculum - CPR/First Certified * Ages 2-1, Stop by for a tour of our facility. 352-463-3555 Corner of Hwy. 129 & S.R. 47, Trenton (Across from Trenton High School) Owners/Directors Amy Wesley Woods Holly Wesley Bussard License //C03GI0006 Gloria Gaither's Grammy award winner, Homecoming at Kennedy Center in 2000. He has been a featured soloist, on many of the Gaither Homecoming videos. We Are America is Larry's newest recording: Released on July 3, 2004, this CD includes many patriotic selections. . So clear your calendars, as you won't want to miss the opportunity to be blessed by the talents the Lord has bestowed'on. Larry Ford. For more.. information ypu may call the church ;office at 463-2038 and speak with any staff member. Larry Ford 81181 'aAIIAblS ~ ~s~ i~A~B~ -C~B~: ~'" ~: ''i i ^e ieliet e "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof for correction, for instruction in righteousness:" ~ 2 Timothy 3:16 Petu Nope jfamilp (0turbi 4470 N.W. County Road 236 Bell, Florida 32619 S1 Mile West of US-129- Pastor: Service Times Pastor: 10:00 am Sunday School Rev. Lynn Wagner 11:00 am Sunday Morning Worship Office: 6:30 pm Wednesday Bible Study 386-935-4219 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us..." John 1:1, 14 Parrp PnImr - First Family of Bluegrass Gospel Music Sullivtn SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25TH TRENTON COMMUNITY CENTER ($5.00 Door Charge) & SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26TH TRENTON CHURCH OF GOD (FREE) 6 pm Both Nights Come and Enjoy A Night of Gospel Bluegrass by The Sullivan Family hiS ragr, L-L)Ui -- VRa~ara~-6~rar;aae~-a~-aauaaaasnazo~-a;a A Trenton Church of God: Welcomes you to come worship with us Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Praise & Worship 11:00 a.m. Evening Praise & Worship 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Phone 463-6543 vwww.geocities.com/churchofgod trenton fla WE WELCOME YOU TO--, UNION BAPTIST CHURCH (SB 6259 $.E. 75TH AVENUE NEWBERRY, FL 32669 SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 AM MORNING WORSHIP 11 AM EVENING WORSHIP 6 PM WEDNESDAY EVENING SERVICES: ADULT BIBLE STUDY, CHILDREN, & YOUTH ... 7 PM PASTOR: TRAVIS MOODY MINISTER OF YOUTH: ROBBIE BEACH CHURCH PHONE: 386-472-3845 "WIN THE LOST AND TEACH THE SAVED TO SERVE" We Welcome You To Mt. Nebo Baptist Church (SBC) 42,00 N. '. CR-3400, Bell, FL 32619 (3 miles North ofFIell on Hwy-340 \ eit)i S. Sunday School ......... ........ .. 9:45am M morning W worship ......................... 11 am Evening W worship .. .......................... 6pm \ .'ednesda\ Evening Ser\ce: Adult Bible Srudy, Childre, &.Youth ... 7 pm Pastor: Rev. Jimmy Corbin Minister of Youth: Matt HolLsclaw Church Phone: 386-935-3575 "Committed to Reaching People for Christ t Firrst Iapisf Ckhurch . Welcomes You:! "Embracing the Past and Reaching Toward the Future." Corer of NE Second St. aid Highway 26 in Trenton (Nursery provided for all services) Sunday School 9:45 AM (classesfor all ages) Sunday Morning Worship & Children's Church 11 AM Sunday Night Bible Study 6 PM Wednesday Nights: Awana 6:20 PM' Youth Bible Study, Praise & Worship 6:30 PM Adult Bible Study & Prayer 7 PM DYNAMIC MINISTRIES FOR ALL AGES! Call 463-2038for more information www.fbor www.jbctrentonfl.org ~i~: Le~L ~~ ~g~-~ THURSDAYFEBRUARY 232 6 GTTLCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL City Fire Department To Have Chicken Dinner Fund-Raiser March 4 Harlem Globetrotters Coning To Gainesville March 7 Celebrating their 80th Anni- A chicken dinner fund-raiser, versary, the World Famous Har- sponsored by the City of Trenton lem Globetrotters are bringing Fire Department, will be held their 2006 "Unstoppable" North Saturday, March 4, 2006 at the American Tour to Gainesville on fire. station located at SE 5th Tuesday,March7,2006agast Avenue in Trenton. Dinners at Thesd e March N7 2006 atina st $5 a plate will be available from Stephen C O'Catonalsl t the 11:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. For Tip-off is at 7:00 p.m. Tickets pre-orders or delivery (within may be purchased by phone at the city limits) plase call 352- 352-392-1653. 463-4012. If there is no answer leave a message with your name and request the number of plates :wanted. 11- 1 1--1 -- ------- Atmmafees sDressipj SWinter Sale S50% OFF S386-454-1637 25 North Main Street, High Springs '-- --------)....,, TAX SE VICE Personal $3 Business ,$40 E-File Rapid Refund Audrey Campbell (352)490-6666 Regular, Decaf, or Flavor Brewed Coffee 16 Oz. -.$1.67 20 Oz. $1.97 Cappuccino & Latte 16 Oz. -$2.67 20 Oz;. -$2.97 ...AND "Chilly Beans" Cold Coffee Drinks MUCH, 16 Oz. -'$2.67 MUCH 'Espresso Single and Double Shot MURC Muffins Several Varieties MORE! CHAOS Frozen Treats 16 Oz. $2.97 Tea Loose, 4 Oz. with or without tin Ask about Whole Bean Coffee to go Clubs & Groups Welcome SPECIAL: 1 6 Oz. Coffee and Your Choice of Muffin $3.50 Next to Capital City Bank 2010 North Young Blvd. Chiefland Ph. (352) 493-2203 Fax (352) 493-2204 (866) 504-JAVA Hours: Mon. Sat. 6am-O1pm; Sun. 9am-2pm Florida Peanut Producers 31st Annual Membershil Meeting To Be Held February 23 The Florida Peanut Prodi ers Association would li to announce.our 31st Ann 'Membership Meeting to be he Thursday, February 23, 2006 the Jackson County Agricultu Conference Center, 2741 Pe Avenue, Marianna. All pear growers and spouses are invit to attend. Registration will b gin at 6:30 p.m. (CST) follow by the traditional smoked ste, dinner. Your association is-proud the. involvement this past ye both instate and national) peanut promotion, education ar research, and we invite xou o Sfor a night of food and fun. AARP Safe Driving Program To Be Held February 27 & 28 SThe AARP safe driving pro. gram for:seniors will be helc on Monday, February 27th anc Tuesday, Februar, 2Sth in the church hall of the Old Tow\r SUnited Methodist Church or Highw\a\ 19 in Old Town. It I scheduled to start at 9:00 a.m and finish at 1-00 p.m. each da\ This is an eight-hour course : gi\en o'er tw\\, 'as that can be beneficial in that there are many' \wa's to compensate for the changes that occur. ph\sicallh and mental 1, as \e age. Check with \our auto insur- ance agent to find out the amount of discount on \our premium Sou \w ill be gi\en for completing this program. Seating is limited so call 352- 493-7597 or 352-493-1742 for more information or to register. You do not ha\e to belong to the AARP to take advantage of this program. Jean da Costa Instructor AARP Volunteers Helping With Taxes Did \ou kno\\ _ou could gel \our taxes done right free ol charge? Well \ou can bN going to the Gilchrist Public Librar\ on Mondas from 1:00 p.m. to 5) -O p m and vypo dd not need to make an appointment. It.will be tn a fihrt cclme, first served basis from now on. This Free service is provided by the IRS and .AARP Foundation with trained .and certified. volunteers from the community. 'These volunteers have .graciously donated, their time to help the young and Stature take some of the anxiety out of doing their taxes. They can help with basic filing of easy taxes; they are not able to do business or complex taxes. So come to the Gilchrist Public Library on Nlondays from 1:00 p.m. to-5:00 p.m. and have your taxes done right for free. You do not have to be a member of AARP. All ages and income levels can take ad% antage of the service. Additional sites are located in Chiefland, Cross City, Stein- hatchee and Perry at the librar- ies. Call the local library for information. I- I ' XCd e I I (352) 463-7135 Alachua County Hosting Free p Stormwater Pond Workshop February 25 The Alachua County Environ- uc- mental Protection Department ke is hosting a free stormwater ual pond workshop for interested eld citizens, neighborhood associa- at tions, homeowner associations Ire- and businesses, or people whose nn work may be affected by ponds, lut such aslandscapers. Please join ed us on Saturday, February 25, at )e- 9:00 am. for this free workshop. ed Lunch will be provided for all ak attending. S The workshop will have bbth of a classroom component and ar hands-on activity: It will be in held at the Matheson Museum in id the morning. with the hands-on ut activity taking place at the pond obrnSW 6th St. and SW 5th A e in the afternoon. New approaches to storm\%a- ter ponds that have a greater em- phasis on after r quality, wildlife habitat, and ecological di\ersit, % %ill be explored. The purpose Sof our pond \workshop is to help regulators, the building commu- nity. and citizens improve water Squalid and the biological di\er- sit\ of our storm\~ater ponds. In recent years much has been learned about the .lue of storm- \iater ponds and their abdili to improve water quality\ Dr. Nlark Clark. IFAS Extension Agent for \Vetlands and Water Qualit\ and an Assistant Professor in the LTF Soils and Water Science Depart- ment. Is one of the leaders in this field and \ ill conduct the work- shops. We feel \er\ fortunate to have his expertise available for the stormwater pond work- shop and know \ou \1ill benefit greatly from \ hat he has to share with us. This, is a great opportunity for all to learn new ideas and methods regarding storm\\ater ponds. The t\orkshops are spon- sored b\ the Alachua County Environmental Protection De- partment. Current Problems. and IFAS The Alachua Count-, Public Works Department and Sthe Gaines\ille Clean Water SPartnership are also contributing Partners to this program. You must be registered to attend b\ Februar\ 24. Please e-mail Fritzi Olson at. ' currentproblem.r or, or;call.herU at 352-264-6S27 to register or * for more information. Florida Museum Of Natural History Offering Wigglers And Walkers SMarch 8 The Florida Museum -of SNatural History will offer its' monthI\ preschool program "W\igllers and Walkers" from 3:30 to 4:30 p:m. lMrch 8th for children ages two to five. March's program is themed "DrikingMeBugj\.'" Participants will join Florida Museum docents and staff for child-friendly' fun, while learning'about museum exhibits through crafts, stories.and other age-appropriate activities. The class %\ ill explore fun facts such' as whether or not bees sneeze. and butterflies have knees. The cost for each adult and child, pair is $3 for Florida' Museum members and $4 for non-members. Each additional child is $1. Pre-registration is not required, but children must be .accompanied by an :adult. Participants should arrive early to park their strollers and meet new friends. For more information, call (352).846-2000, ext. 277 or e- mail classes@flmnh.ufl.edu. Airman John A. Noble Graduates From Basic Training Air Force Airman John A. Noble has graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. During the six weeks of training, the airman studied the Air Force mission, organization; and military customs and courtesies; performed drill and ceremony marches, and received physical training, rifle marksmanship, field training exercises, and special training in human relations. In addition, airmen who complete basic training earn credits, toward an associate degree through the Community College of the Air Force. John is the son of Jan Noble of Williston. Noble is a 2002 graduate of Bronson High' School. Teachers Attend Envirothon Workshop Ichetucknee Springs State Park. was the site for North Central Florida high school science teachers to participate in a workshop to learn more about the Canon Envirothon, North America's largest high school environmental education competition: The mission of the Canon Envirothon is top develop knowledgeable, skilled and dedicated citizens who are willing and prepared to work towards achieving and maintaining a natural balance between the quality oflife and the quality of the environment. Canon En'irothon combines classroom learning ,ith hands- on field experiences focused around five major topics: Soils and'Land Use. Aquatic Ecologr. Forestry, Wildlife and a Current Environmental Issue. Motivated teachers from Alachua, Gilchrist. Madison. Marion, Suwannee and Union counties rotated the five \work stations, just as their students \till do at their regional contests this spring. Trained volunteerr facilitators presented information and allo\'ed time for discussion The Su%\annee Regional En\irothon will be hosted b' Lake Cit\ Community College on March 16. 2006. More than 100 students are expected to compete. The Florida State En\irothon will be held April . 2006. Silver Rixer State Park and the Canon En\irothon. Jul\ 23-29. 2006. University\ of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Canada. The Envirothon is sponsored locally' b\ 'your Soil & Water Conservation Districts. To learn more about this e\ent. call the Suwannee County Conser\ation District at 386-362-2622. ext. 3. or log on to the Florida En\irothon \web site at htp /i \ i.Ilen\ irothon orgi S2006 Wall and Desk Calendars 4 4 2 50M .OFF ,i.,..,. ',.,, '- ,, 4 I Gilchrist County Journal 4 i 207 North Main Street Trenton J Shown art'e Teresa OLdrens. Suw5iannee Countyt Conservation District Secretari. Darlene Smith, Levi, Dixie, Gilchrist District Coordinator, and on the back is Drew Stone, Trenton .High School science teacher. GASTON'S TREE SERVICE, INC. FLLSERVICE AERIAL BUCKETS HYDRAULIC LOADERS Sgiaenst illeese Flo cenda32653 \v\'\' gadstoIlstfeeservice.c0m Ti-County Home Plans Mike Keesee Designs & Tom Edwards Designs Have Teamed Up To Provide Award Winning Plans For The Tri-County Area *HOME PLANNING *CAD PLAN ENTRY *CUSTOM DESIGNS *PLAN REVISIONS *ADDITIONS POLE BARNS A A B ID t -" .i ',.' i SOFTPI N VA FH'A CeMffiea For More Information Call Toll Free 1-877-747-2300 or reach Tom Directly at 321-212-8163 eAll Plans Designed to Meet or Exceed Florida Building Code FBC 20010 VISA Hours: Tue.-Fri. 10om-6pm Sot. 0Oam-4pm (352) 490-4925 Fax (352) 490-4926 1483i NW Hv..,-i9. Chiefland Approx. 3.5 miles riorth of VoWaI-arl StfrSt Patrick's Day 7 SGreetmg Issue , v March Ith S Send your Lucky Leprechan A Special Message Call Now To Reserve Space S463-8994 - .~~S/r r~ Ir'' ,9c f' Pane Fiv FAMILY FASHIONS S- .CLOTHING CONSIGNMENT . ;- :. '. ",,, ,O N S I G N M E NT,,",'- . Men '"Women Infants *Children Accessories Maternity Wear Plus Sizes Formal Wear THS Alumni Baseball Game Saturday, March 4th, 2005 Home Run Derby 6:30pm Game Starts at 7:30pm All interested players, any age and at least a 2- year lettermen, should contact Scott Guthrie 221-0345 or Todd Bryant 493-3246 Come out and enjoy a night at the ballpark with many of THS Baseball Alumni. Admission $2.00, children under 12 are FREE. Concessions will be open. Help support the THS Baseball Program. Page Five I rage 3Nix %-1AVI- - S...- --- m m -o m N - I I Springhouse Quilters News .. ....... i. i mm J m m .. i mm mm i m i Displaying their "V'alentine'" swiap on February 14 were Betty Willms, Jane Boyd and Ruth Nott. Springhouse Quilters News The monthly business meeting of Springhouse Quilters was held on February 14. The quilt house was packed with 44 members and two guests in attendance. Members celebrated' two special events during the meeting. One was the 14th anniversary celebration of Springhouse Quilters. There was a very' beautiful cake and delicious punch along with a table full of other goodies to enjoy. The other thing the members celebrated was a very special ':Valentine" swap. : Members made :a' quilted "Valentine" The Gilchrist County Journal Fax Service Notary Service Rubber Stamps Printing Phone -'463-7135 Fax- 463-7393 Gilbhrist Buitingd Suuppli, lnc iYour neighborhood place with supplies for all your projects! RENT ChIck out our line of IE! Equipment Rentals... IL <. AIL IL. .-il[ iiN^afi S ... oy re weeK, nay or nour 1960 North U.S. Highway 129 in Bell, Flori and then held a swap of the valentines. This was a special time as members picked the individually wrapped valentines- and then opened to see what a great surprise a member had made. The Valentines were great -and were beautifully and lovingly made by the members. The February workshop will be conducted by Elsie Myers and she will be teaching the members how to use a serger. Members that: have sergers and would like help in using them should plan to attend the workshop on February 28. Contact Ns. Elsie if nou failed to sign up during the meeting on February 14. One of our newest members. Ann McDaniels. is working on 'updating the Springhouse wieb site with .information about Springhouse and its members. The \web site will be completed over the next foew weeks and the'address will be provided for visitorss to obtain information about Springhouse. The beginner quilting classes are continuing and are held for the day group on Thursdays at 9:00 a.m .and the night group on Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. If ou need information about Springhouse quilters. please contact Anna Gilliam, -463-7922 or Lois Scott, 463- 2207. Tiller Tiller Subscribe to the Gilchrist County Journal! TAX SAVINGS NOTICE FROM l i : : Damon C. Leggett Property Appraiser Gilchrist County 112 South Main Street, Room 138 TRENTON, FLORIDA 32693 . Filing Period for Tax Saving Exemptions Ends March 1st -IMPORTANT-' HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION $25,000 FLORIDA LAW requires that applications be made by MARCH 1, 2006 to be eligible for this $25,000 exemption. in craer i, quaifto,l r IhII e.s'emplic.r ,ou must: 1 Hola iile ic, ire proprr, 35as o January 1,2006. 2 Resie or. Ihe proper, as cl Januar,, 1, 2006. '3. -Be a LEGAL resident of the State of Florida as of .January 1, 2006. You must then appear personally at.the County Property- Appraiser's Office. PLEASE BRING THE FOLLOWING WITH YOU: Deed or Tax Bill or something showing the legal description of the properry or, wricr, you ar c.lairming homestead exermplinr Flornda Drier's Licerse. Flonaa Car Regisirallon. Florda '/t.ier's Regisirallon cr Declaration of Domicill I not a U.S. citizen, bring Residency (Green) card for both husband and wife. If filing on a mobile home you need to bring tlite il or regilraton(al to mobile nome -',0,~-.'' ,3i.Iki. H' A Homestead Exemption Granted For 2005 Will Automatically Be Renewed For 2006. It is no longer necessary to sign and return a renewal card for Homestead Exemption. If filing for the first time, yod must come to the Property Appraiser's Office. The SVL Ledger By SVL Board of Directors We finished up our last soc- cer game on Thursday night and a pizza party followed with both teams present. It sure was great to see how the players were able to drop their "competitive edge" so they could enjoy each other's friendship and camaraderie. Every game this season each player displayed a valiant, courageous effort. They played unselfishly with the utmost re- gard for their fellow players. We're really proud of them. We want to thank Laura .and Rodney Green, Dave Silva, David Kotait, and Robert Bur- gin for the great job they did of coaching our teams and of course, Cloud Haley for being commissioner. Well, it's that time again for our biggest sport of the year! Baseball and softball teams have been formed and some:, Sha\e alreadN started practicing. If vou haven't heard from a coach yet. 'don't worry you will be contacted! Mitch Har- rell and Frances Britton ha e done a wonderful job working hard to pull this immense job together:. Our opening day will be Saturday, March 25th so come on out and watch the greatest pastime of all . Here's some important ,hews from our last board meeting; beginning in March of 2006 our scheduled board meetings will be on the sec- ond Monday of the month. That means our upcoming March board meeting % ill be on MondaN. March 13th. We sure do hope to see you there. No\., here's some great news trom the board. We approved participation trophies/medals .for all players \who complete the regular season of each 'sport in which they participate. :We know this comes as \er. appreciative news:, for both parents and coaches alike. In regards' to board mem- bers, we are sad to announce that Angie Wiggins has re- signed her seat on the board. But, with eern gray cloud There is-:a silver lining and 'ours is Kelly Skawienski. She -has kindly accepted to fill that vacant seat. Thank you both for all you'\e done and all' you \\ill do for the .outh of , Gilchrist Count:,. The., fields, are corning along jiist fine thanks to Mr. Crawl and the inmates of Lancaster C.I. They have been putting bleachers together (which were donated by the Trenton Rotar% Club), painting, organizing, cleaning fence, lines, and a lot more. Todd Gray was nice enough to donate and build scorekeep- er huts, for all,three fields. Matter ,of fact, Todd, Tony Williams, Terry Parrish, and Timmy Williams have .been pouring ,concrete pads, as we speak, for the bleachers Lan- caster C. I. has put together. Actually, quite alot of work goes into keeping the facilities nice and clean for our youth to 'enjoy. Thank you all for all you do for the youth of Gilchrist County. Parents don't forget we'll be scheduling you to work concessions either, before or after your child's game. Don't worry, we'll provide training. It'll be a breeze. Any high schoolers wanting to earn community service hours for graduation please contact a board member. We need all the help we can get to keep sign-up costs to a minimum. Don't forget the mascoulogo contest we. \Wil be having. Information pertaining to this contest will be forthcoming. And lastly, please don't lose sight that if you've signed your child to play with S.V.L.; You are a part of "team S.V.L.". All of us together atfe a team of volunteers working together for the betterment of our )outh! - Remember: your support of S.V.L. supports your children. Together. we'll make all of our children better. Fax Service .463-7393 L FENCING ALL TYPES pg3 I Field Fence $2.49/ft. (500 n) Completely Installed, Including Labor & Material Wood Chainin.k Field & Barbw\re Also Repairs & Free Estimates i|| <(352) 284-7081 (352) 949-0320 Lc::all., O.vnedj Licensed & Irsured Carlisle Fence Enterprises, LLC Bell, Florida j DURON WILLIAMSON'S TREE SERVICE Licensed indInsured Callfor FREE Estimates cell 352-318-3610 home 386-935-2180 All Phases ofTree Work From trimming to complete removal and haul-oft Light land clearing, clearing of right-of-ways, and debris haul-offs. Bobcat service available. $500 WIDOW'S/WIDOWER'S DISABLED VETERAN'S AGRICULTURAL EXEMPTION EXEMPTION (GREENBELT) FILINGS Any widow/widower who is a permanent Any ex-service member who is a Florida.resident may claim this exemp- permanent resident of lorida and isofgricultural lands tion. If the widow/widower remarries, disabled -at least 10% in war or by All wnesr sees agricultural lands she/he js no longer eligible .and if the service-connected misfortune is entitled who desire agricultural classifications for husband and wife were divorced before to a $5,000 exemption, If filing for the first tax purposes on their property must file an his/her death, the woman is not consid: time, please present a certificate from.the between January 1 and March t ered a widow, nor the man a widower. If United States Government. Under certain between January 1 and March 1. filing for the first time, please present a circumstances the benefit of this exemp- Agricultural classification are automatically Death Certificate or other proof of your tion can carry over to the veteran's renewed widow/widower status. spouse in the event of the veteran's death. renewed. Consult your appralser'for details. NON-VETERAN DISABILITY TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY EXEMPTION ($500.00) Tangible Personal Property returns must be filed no later than Every Florida resident who is totally and permanently disabled April 1st. Failure to file a return will result in a penalty and an qualifies for the $500 exemption. If filing for the first time, assessment will be made as provided by Florida Law. Tangible present at least one of the following as proof of your disability: Personal Property includes property such as business furniture A certificate from a licensed Florida physician or a certificate and fixtures, machinery and equipment, household goods, and from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, or personal effects. (Florida residents are exempt from the tax on documentation from the Social Security Administration. household goods and personal effects in their homestead.) The Residency must be as of January 1, 2006. Quadriplegics deadline for charitable and qualified non-profit organizations should contact the Appraiser's Office for special benefit eligible as such exemption is March 1st. All others must file by information. 'If blind or confined to a wheelchair, there is an April 1t. income limitation per year, including Social Security, contact the Appraiser's Office for determination of other special benefits. Disability forms are available at the Appraiser's Office. HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION IS NOT TRANSFERABLE -- A NEW APPLICATION MUST BE IILED FOR ANY CHANGES Information will be required from all persons applying for exemptions to determine their residency status. If Husband or Wife is filing for one or both, residency documentation will be required for both. We are at your service and will be most happy to assist you in any way. Our office is located in the Gilchrist County Courthouse. Damon C. Leggett Property Appraiser -- Gilchrist County 112 South Main Street, Room 138 Trenton, Florida'32693 -(352) 463-3190 1-800-219-3208 FINANCIAL MORTGAGE GROUP "Excellence from beginning to end..." Conventional FHA/VA First Time Homebuyers Construction Perm No Income Verification 100% Financing Guaranteed Best Rates!!! Contact: Eric Pugh 352-317-5626 epugh(@crownfinancialmortzage.com 4404-A NW 36th Ave. Gainesville, FL 32606 Riverland Title Services, LLC 723 East Wade St.. Trenton, FL 32693 Phone (352) 463-6333 Fax (352) 463-6340 devon(@irts.cc www.rts.cc *Title Insurance *Real Estate Closings *Place & Track orders on-line '1 J ,..' /. 5 I 'I io" a ~1 g Devon Weaver Agent i, I ~ .**. .~ Iar. Ing m~;snavnll la;b r(:y rl I GILCHRISRTT COUT NTY JOU RNAL TrHURSDAY, FEBRUAkY 23,.20,06 - r^~ o' ; - I ,~THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2006 Lacy SPet Therapy At Ayers Health And Rehabilitation Center' The newest addition to Ayers Health and 'Rehabilitation Center is an eight-week old Chihuahua. Lacy Ayers is the adorable puppy's name. This little companion has touched the hearts of many of our residents .,already. Pet therapy is widely employed in elder care to help improve the quality of life around them. While residents may resist traditional therapy, they, eagerly perform related ,tasks with animals, such 'as petting, brushing, holding, etc. SLacy Ayers provides, a tremendous emotional, force "No J.oa. t ma ^*Office (352)-463-042 Tr-eaton, FlridaN ights.472-6231 Forever Flowers & Gifts 352-463-9176 or Toll Free 1-866-261- "986 H ,'ww.foreverflowerstreltoIn.coln S"Tur Full Service Florist" "21 Easti nlde Street Trenton. Florida 32693 Fresh & Silk Arrangements Funerals weddings Rentals Plants Prayer Box Bracelets Alonmn' &l Mle Bracelets MaggiB. Purses Texas Leather Purses & Men ll a/llets Baby Camo Large Selection of Picture Frames Hours: Sl M-F 9am 5pm Sat. 9am 12pm Teleflora Laura Teague. Charlotte Pedersen Owners NOTICE OF FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COMMISSION O1'THE CITY OF TRENTON, FLORIDA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN; pur.uarin to Section 1l 044. Florida Statutes. as amended, that an ordinance. the title of which hereinafter appears, .' ill be considered for first reading ;?n March 6, 2u06 at 6 0 I) p.m. in the Kathr, r Deen Commission Chambers, Cir. Hall, located at 114 North IMain Street. Trenton. Florida Ordinance No 2il.i'6- Ii provides for the voluntar, anne\aiion otfa parcel of land corniguous to and I1, ing south. of the boundaries of the C i, o'f Trenton. Florida. as shoe, n on the location' man belo', The area to be annexed is located in Section 20. Township 10 South. Range 15 East. Gilchrist Count, Florida The area to be annexed consists ot 12.62 acres. more or les The complete legal description of the areato be annexed, as ell as copies of the ordinance, can be obtained from the Office ofthe Cir, Manager Clerk. CiR Hall located at3114'North Main Street;:Trenton, Florida. during regular bu;ines, hours SORDIN \NCE NO) 2 i1-l1 AN ORDINANCE OF TI-IE CITY OF TRENTON. FLORIDA, RELATING TO VOL ULNTARY ANNEXATION). NL KING FINDINGS, ANNEXING TO AND INCLUDING WITHIN N THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY. OF TRENTON, FLORIDA, CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED. IN SECTION 20, TO\,NSHIP 10 SOUTH, RANGE l15 EAST, GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA, WHICH IS REASONABLY COMPACT, AND CONTIGUOUS TO AND LYING SOUTH OF THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF TRENTON. FLORIDA. REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE: CITY OF TRENTON. FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR LAND USE CLASSIFICATION AND ZONING OF THE REAL PROPERTY TO.BE ANNEXED; PROVIDING THAT EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2007, THE REAL PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXED SHALL BE ASSESSED FOR PAYNIlENT OF I.LiNICIPAL AD VALOREM TAXES AND BE SUBJECT TO ALL GENERAL AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS; PROVIDING THAT EXISTING LICENSED BUSINESSES. TRADES. OR PROFESSIONS OPERATING WITHIN THE REAL PROPERTY ,TO BE ANNEXED MA-Y (CONTINUE SUCH BUSINESSES, TRADES, OR PRO SESSIONS THROIGl-1HO LiT THE ENTIRE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF TRENTON, FLORIDA; DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER/CLERK WITHIN SEVEN DAYS OF THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE, TO FILE. CERTIFIED COPIES OF THIS ORDINANCE WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE, THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF GILCHRIST C OIJ N T)Y, F k ORI DA. THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER OF GILCHR1ST COUNT\i, FLORIDA. THE PROPERTY APPRAISER' OF GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA, THE TAX COLLECTOR OF GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND ALL PUBLIC UTILITIES AUTHORIZED TO CONDUCT BUSINESS WITHIN THE CITY..OF TRENTON, FLORIDA. PROVIDING SEVERABILITY; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. City of Trentopn o . Ordinance 2006-10 At the aforementioned meeting all interested parties may appear and be heard with respect to the ordinance. All persons are advised that, if they decide to appeal any decisions made at this meeting, they will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, they iray need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Pub. February 16, 23, 2006b. GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL for our residents.. Nothing else compares, love for children and pets is amazing with our residents here at Ayers: Stop by our Activity Center to meet our newest resident, when you come for your next visit at Ayers. You'll probably find her snuggled in a resident's arm, both exchanging the need for companionship. LCCC Who's Who Students Recognized The 2006 edition of i7to's SWho Amion Students in Ameri- ' an Junior Collecgs \% ill include the names of 2S students -from Lake City Cornmunity Col- lege \\ho ha\e been selected as national outstanding campus leaders Campus nominating commit- tees and editors of the annual di- rectorx have included the names of these students based on their academic achievement, ser ice to the community, leadership in extracurricular activities and po- tential for continued success They join an elite group of students from more than 1.000 institutions of higher learning in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and several foreign nations. Outstanding students have been honored in the annual directory since it %%as first pub- lishedr 1934. Lake City Community Col- lege is proud to recognize the following students selected for the 2005-2006 Who's Who edi- tion. Alachua Countr: Mr. Matt E. Pederson: Columbia Count. his Ana G. Alvarez. NMs. Erin D. Barrs. NMs. Robin C. Bra\. Mr. Carl H. Corb.. Als April Nl. Crossno. NMs. Keila L. Daniels, Ms. Trisha S. Fancs. Mr Chad A Fulghum. NMs. NlarI J. Holt. Ms. Valerie A. McCabe. NMs Nadine Moore. Mr. Timothy R. Moore. Mr. Brandon NI. Page. Mr. James F. PineN. Mr. Ste\e Rassle, is. Tiffany L. Smith. Mhs. Cathenne Todd, Ms. NIir- acle Wilson. and his. Tmamaria The University of Florida IFAS Extension and Gilchrist Soil and Water Conservation District held an Overhead Irrigation Workshop in Trenton on Wednesday, February '1, 2006. A classroom session was held in the morning and, following a sponsored lunch, the group relocated to a retrofitted pivot owned by Mr. Tommy Jones.. - Instruction was gi\en by Dr. Kerry Hurison from the .Uni'ersity of Georgia- about determining your overhead., irrigation needs and equipment and Dr Dorota Haman and Dr. Tom Obreza spoke about farm soils and how they affect 'water and nutrient movement. Then we broke for lunch. It \as enjoyed by all who attended. We then moved to the outdoor acti ities where Mr. Tommy Jones. Vice Chairman of the Gilchrist Soil and Water Conservation District, discussed how he had benefited b) retrofitting his irrigation pivot ith new sprinkler nozzles and other equipment which had reduced the amount of fuel and fertilizer needed to grow his crops as \well as increasing the efficiency of w after being applied to the crops. The Suwannee Riter Mobil Irrigation Lab also spoke on irrigation efficiency and ho\\ farmers can improve their bottom line by retrofitting Wilson: Dixie Count\: Mr. Da- \id S. Brewer. Ms. Frances S. Burke. Ms. Jeanine N. Hurst, NMr. Ed\ward R. Leichner. and NMs. Jaime L. NesSmith: Du- \al Counts: Mr. Ron Jarvis: Gilchrist CountN: NMs. Rub\ L. Holt; and Hamilton County: Ms. Amber NM. \illiams. Beast Feast Raffle Tickets On Sale Now at the Gilchrist County Journal 207 North Main Street Trenton PaeSee Farmers Attend Overhead Irrigation. Workshop Bell 463-2504 Pain Relief for Children to Grandparents! Specializing in Activator Methods@ - A Painless Chiropractic Adjustment ,. :i ,, e M'Over 15 Years Experience ' S' Consultation On Request.,Most Insurance Accepted. Robert L. Vaughan, Jr., DC office Iours: Walk-ins Welcome i4 HOUR MJ1on Tues Thurs Fri EMERGENCY SERVICE Shown are some of the tlrmers who attended the Overhead Irrigation Workshop. their irrigation systems. The Florida Department of Agriculture inspector spoke about compliance with regulations and IFAS's Cliff Starling spoke about fertilizer management. James Williams with Tri-County Irrigation described different nozzle packages available to farmers for various crops. The workshop was enjoyed bN all the Tri- County farmers w ho attended. Yannee Valley Precast, Owner Gerald Roberts Fax: 463-0390 Chiefland 493-4055 New Septic Tanks Installed Drain Fields Repaired Septic Pump-Outs Septic Tanks Certified Portable Toilets Backhoe Work Fill Dirt Mi .1 a aI~ TRENTON MEDICAL CENTER Quality Health Care, Convenient Location, Serving The Health Care Needs Of Our Community Catherine Vega, PA-C Pediatrics James F. Ivey, MD Board Certified Family Practice * Complete Primary Care Well-Baby Exams Diagnostic X-rays Minor Trauma Case Management * Hearing and Vision Testing Deborah Weyer, MD Board Certified Pediatrics Services Provided: Chronic Disease Management Immunizations Diagnostic Laboratory Minor Surgical Procedures Family Planning Curtis Kirby, PA-'C Family Practice Internal Medicine Christine Chapman, DO Board Certified Family Practice Physical Exams Vaccinesfor Children *ADD & ADHD Evaluations Health Screening HIV Testing * Sliding Fee Office Visits and Pharmacy Employers Please Ask About Our Preferred Employers. Program (PEP)! ~ Most Insurances Accepted - 911 South Main Street Trenton, Florida 32693 Equal Opportunity Provider Quality Health Care for the Entire Family 352-463-2374 John Frazier, DC, Chiropractic Physician Providing Non-Profit Healthcare for 30 years Pediatrics 463-6292 * State Certified * S 325 W. Wade St. (Hwy 26) 3 Blocks west of light in Trenton A Pole Barns Crane Service : Truss Setting lt 18-in Auger (352) 543-6643 P. 0. Box 218 Otter Creek, Florida 32683 Lic. No. RB0031694 K Contracting, Inc. Building Contractor : LicensedA & Insured Specializing in Spec & Custom Homes Serving the Tri-County Area *- Many home plans available: 3 or4 Bedroom Ranging from 1,200-2",300 sq. ft., Personalized service for every home owner Give us a 'all, we'll be happy to help you create a i\onderfidl new' home. 352-472-9888 SChad & Kellie White --o W- II - ~ I I M-- - 1463- -8120D I~ Page Seven I'Y B a rage licrht Gi. -IITTY JOURNAL THIR-DA- FEBRUARY-23. 2006 LOG CABIN QUILTERS Log Cabin Quilters Log Cabin Quilters met Thurs- Vrday, February 16th. at the Levy County Quilt Museum. It seems all the talk was about our trip to the Fair. It was cold to start but when %e got there it had warmed up and everyone had a %\onder- ful day. We met up with some of the Joyful Heart Quilters as they are parr of us. I starred their club in 1991 and each Year we put their quilts and crafts along with ours. WVe put 24 quilts and crafts in and won 17 ribbons Vera Jor- dan won first and best of show on her "Indian Jumper." Jainnie Brickwell and Christy Kimbrell (age 13) w.on first on their quilts. Marie Poppenhagen %%on first on two dolls. There uere a total of orie. third place on a quilt, two honorable mentions _for ''Log Cabin" quilts: Joyful Hearts won one first place, four seconds. and t\o thirds. Oh yes. Marilyn L'on three first places on her dolls. I \%as very thankful for everyone Here we go again with anotherway to put the "Log Cabsin" anho workedd so hard all ear tog g again,-, ~ -and to \\in anything at Tampa together. We are finding 111any was and colors- to make the igreaa ou are compete Sis great as Nou are competing strips'look sd different. against 67 counties. No%\. we start to look for%\ ard Beast Feast Raffle Tickets 4 to next sear and hope ve can do -OnSale: Nowat te asellagain'. sale owatthe Karen. %%ho comes front Live sJ urna COak. has quilted her first pillo%, Gilchrist County Journal and she starts on the second. 207 North Main Street Trenton Her quilting is improving and it makes her feel so good. One more trip to go down and pick up %\ill be done next week and \we go on to what comes up next. Lunch was so good with chicken and noodles, chicken casserole, turnips, more %eg- etables. lots of salads. garlic bread, peach crisp .lMarie's). great cakes, and strawberries. WVe had 19 members and fi\e guests present. Winelle Home LIVING TO SERVE LtsTl'M N. NAINLFAWE NOTICE OF LAND USE CHANGE SThe Board of Counrt Commissioners of Gilchrist County, Florida, proposes to adopt the following by ordinance: ORDINANCE 06-09 AN ORDINANCE OF GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 94-01. ASAMENDED, RELATING TO ANAMENDMENT. OF TEN OR FEWER ACRES OF LAND, TO THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE GILCHRIST COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, PURSUANTI TOANAPPLICATIONBY PINE RIDGE PLANTATION, LLC, UNDER THE SMALL SCALE PLAN AMENDMENT PROCEDURES ESTABLISHED IN SECTION 163.3187, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR A CHANGE IN LAND USE CLASSIFICATION FROM AGRICULTURE-5 (MAXIMUM OF 1 DWELLINGUNITPER40ACRES) TO AGRICULTURE-2 (MAXIMUM OF 1 DWELLING UNIT PER 5 ACRES) ON CERTAIN LANDS WITHIN THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF GILCHRIST.COUNTY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING SEVERABILITY; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN' CONFLICT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A public hearing to consider the adoption of this ordinance will be held on Monday March 6, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. or soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, in the Board of County Commissioners meeting room located at 210 S Main Street in Trenton.rng The public hearing may be continued to one or more future dates. Any interested 47- [ Ridge party shall be advised that the date, time and place of any continuation of the public Subdivision hearing shall be announced during the public hearing and that no further notice concerning the matter will be published. At the aforementioned public hearing, all interested parties may appear to beld on Monday March 6, 2006e at 5:00 p.m. or soon thereafter public inspection at the Offican be of the Building Depard oftmeCounty Commiss located at 209 Southeat First Street Trenton, Florida during Street in Regular business hours.ton. The public hearing may be continued to one or more future dates. Any interested All persons are advised that the date, time and place of any decision made tinuation of the abovelic referenced public hearing, they will need a record of the plic hroceeing and that no firings, and that, fortice such purpose, the may need to ensure that a verbatim record ofthe proceedings is made, which rementcord includes the testimony and evidence uponartwhich the appeal isr to be heard with respect to the based.mendment. Copies of the amendment areub. available for public inspection at the Office of theFebruary 23, 2006b. Building Department located at 209 Southeast First Street, Trenton, Florida during regular business hours. All persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decision made at the above referenced public hearing, they will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of'the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Pub. February 23, 2006b. February 18-25 Is 2006 National FFA Week The National FFA Organiza- ference in the lives of students tion will celebrate National FFA everyday. Week. February 18th to 25th. FFA members are the leaders "Living to Serve" is the theme of tomorrow. They are our fu- this year, showcasing more than ture engineers, scientists, teach- 300 career opportunities avail- ers and producers. Students may able to students through agricul- earn awards and recognition and rural science education. Nearly educational scholarships to pur- half a million members around sue their career goals. the nation will participate in One of every fi'e Americans FFA Week activities at the local is employed in the critical food. and state level, fiber and natural resources The focus of National FFA industries of agriculture, and Week is to tell America about the former FFA members and sup- great opportunities available for porters serve in these essential all youth. With its beginnings in careers. 1928 as the Future Farmers of National FFA Week is spon- America, the National FFA Or- scored by Case IH as a special gnization today reaches out to project of the National FFA all 50 states. Puerto Rico and the Foundation. The Foundation Virgin Islands. FFA is commit- is the fund-raising arm of the red to developing character and National FFA and supports pro- Sleadership skills and preparing grams b working \wth sponsors members for a lifetime of civic to raise funds for scholarships leadership and personal and ca- that are awarded to outstanding reer success. FFA members have opportuni- ties to attend national leadership conferences, develop a super- vised learning project, learn like skills and ser\e their com- munities with service projects. Through classroom instruction and hands-on learning, agri- cultural science education and FFA are making a positive dif- Tri-County Gator Club News The Tri-County Gator Club gathered on the evening of February 13th and were pri ileged to have Le\y County Sheriff Johnny Smith as a quest speaker. Sheriff Smith educated the club about "Flonda's CharitN for Florida's Children" the Florida Sheriff's Youth Ranches. A heart- \warming video highlighted the prevention program started in 1957. The focus of the now four ranches and tro camps is to save children from situations and problems that find them part of the criminal justice system by providing a place to learn the necessary skills to lead productive lies. All T67 Florida sheriffs actively support the ranches and camps. Club members were encouraged by the young adults in the videoo ihat spoke about the difference th'"rancdhes and,their sLii't made in their lives. ':After the video Sheriff Smith .spoke of his involvement with the youth ranch program and answeredd questions from the club. Members commended hiun on; his pro-acti\e coordination ,:of the sex-offender program recently implemented. Also Discussed was the name change of the community volunteer program. The V.O.IC.E. Program .is ., no the C.O.P program Community 'On Patrol. The club appreciates Sheriff Smith and Sergeant Scott Finnen (Uni\ersirt of Florida class of 19901 for taking the time to come and be \ith us. Anyone interested in the Florida Sheriff's Youth Ranches or the COP program can contact the Lev - County Sheriff's Depamnent. To ,support the club's scholarship program door prizes are raffled at each meetirig. The raffle prizes were donated' by club member Mary Marshall. Patricia Auvil and :George members. The Trenton FFA \ ill be cel- ebrating the week with \ irious activities including teacher ap- preciation day. a sca'venger hunt. T-shirt day, FFA meeting, and cookout for all members on Fri- day. The Trenton FFA is also co- sponsoring with the Trenton FFA Alumni a plant sale on Saturday at Trenton Elementary School. Daniels were the winners. Any one interested in Tri-County Gator Club membership can contact us at Post Office Bo\ 1174; Chiefland. Florida 32644- 1174 Shown are Ruian Hudson and Bret Crawford. "NEED A FENCE OF ANY KIND CALL DANNY ANYTIME." Barb Wire Woven Wire Chain Link- Board :. Danny Hodge (352) 463-1832 -- Mobile (352) 493-5345 4110 S.W. 25th Street -- Bell, Florida ce .. cmaeT m a.hr a N C p s 7 NATURE. COAS T INSURANCE .~ Member of Perkins Financial Group "::Thee CnpInsurance Store HomeCar Business Life Health We' llbe moving to our new location in February 2006! Until then we're still where you've always found us! To Fanning Springs NEW. US-19N LOCATION CR-341 Badcock Bett's CR-320 /hiefl-Man S Chiefland HURLEY /WILLIAMS AUCTION TRENTON ICE HOUSE (LOCATED NORTH OF TRAIN DEPOT) FRIDAY 6:30 PM Oldies, But Goldies - Antiques-Collectables-Primitives _a Furniture-Jewelry-Glassware-Old Guns BUYING AND SELLING ESTATES FOR MORE INFORMATION 386-454-8256 or 386-454-4991 # AU 437-AB270 --Chiefland-- 352.493.2565 --- lVWilliston i 352.528.0443 Toll Free: 1-800-735-0686 New Office Opening February, 2006 Located at 12372 N.W. Highway-19 Next to Badcock Home Furnishing in Chiefland THURSDAY, FEBRUA-RY 23.2006 i PDqonp Fivrht I GILC.CHRIST COUT NTY JOU RNAL PI)xs I-jr, I.lj1%AJV1r LJ, 'J'. .. --- -. J7st (Continued from Page Two) keeps the hot tea from breaking the glass pitcher. Last pour the hot steeped tea into the pitcher and fill it up the rest of the way with tap water and stir. Well to make a long story short, after tasting the foul tea mixture I had concocted I nearly fell out with a big ol' heart attact. Lady, I was worried I had lost my touch and failed my sweet daughter who mistakenly thinks there isn't a whole lot I can't do in the kitchen. When I finally tracked. down -the problem it was the big wooden spoon that had polluted my sweet tea's taste. You see, the night before I had stirred a whole pile of minced garlic in butter and used the wooden. spoon. Although I had washed the spoon it still had enough garlic flavor in the w ood to ruin my 'tea good and proper. The moral of this story, is don't use a: wooden spoon when stirring . 'sweet tea. I truly believe that there isn't a better-loved drink in the South than sweet tea. My oh my, how I do love a tall glass of sweet ice tea in the summertime with a Dixie cup filled to the brim' with hot boiled peanuts. ,1 -e -2stcet " 1 (3-ounce) package of cream cheese, softened 2 tablespoons butter . teaspoon lemon pepper I small can chopped Mushrooms, optional 2 chicken breasts, cooked and chopped 1 can refrigerated crescent rolls Combine cream cheese, butter, lemon' pepper, drained mush-rooms and chicken. Divide rolls along perforations., Place 1 heaping tablespoon chicken mixture on each roll, fold over and pinch, edges closed. Bake on a cookie sheet in a preheated 375 degree oven until brown, about 15 minutes. 1 cup mayonnaise . 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar. 1/2 cup sugar 2 bunches of broccoli, washed, drained and chopped up 1/2 cup raisins 1/2 cup chopped purple onion .1/2chopped pecans 12 slices bacon, fried crisp and crumbled Combine mayonnaise, vinegarr and sugar in a small bowl and mi\ i ell. Chill o. ernight.. Combine broccoli, raisins. pecans and onions in a large salad boul. Add dressing and. toss thoroughly. Sprinkle bacon on top. CANIONiHOMUSE Chinese Restaurant 463-1089 LUNCH BUFFEfTI $4.75 with Iced Tea weekdays Lunch: Monday Friday 11:30 am -2 pm .Dinner: Monday Saturday5 pm -9 pm Pole Barns Installed Complete S$1,79500 Total !- Akins Heating & AC, Inc. 5120 N. W 5th Street Bell, Florida 32619 352-463-2380 *Servicing All Makes & Models * *Specializing in High Efficiency Units * *Indoor Air Quality Products* Call us today toask about an additional power company rebate of up to $350. iense#CA 0 LEHNNOX ..,n. License#CAC1813540 A, b- p,.a.. ........ .. ... :: HC ,,,,,i I,,.,lj~ .~~~1 .111 1'I~,ii.. ,,, 1111111 I A. "' il)I.I.., rld l .111111 1 111111 )11. Iillll I~lllp-lli rIII Iv I 1 I II! 111 !111~ !-Af Ikr111 1111111l 110 Hin V m inilill III 11111- ir ...... ...11 I iI!I1 Iilllllll lll Letter to the Editor (Continued from Page Two) gens up right and praises to those children that are growing up in the right path. I was born in a small farm- ing town in Illinois (yes, I am a Yankee). I didn't know I was- a Yankee until I moved to real America, Gilchrist County. The small town .I was. from was very, similar to the environ- ment in Gilchrist. Today, it is a big city and all the country has been sucked out of it. It is very disheartening. The small town allowed too much development from outside. I moved from that small town in Illinois to the hustle and grand lifestyle of the ''great" city life in South Florida (so I thought). I have to say I did enjoy the fast pace and good money for a time but, people are not human there anymore. People never say hi to each other, if you did say hi, they would think you were crazy. No one offers as- sistance to anyone for fear of being tricked or injured by the person you are helping. People only have time for themselves. They fight over parking spaces or being next in line. Children are disrespectful and unguided. You never see people praying in public or even admitting they believe in a higher power be- sides themselves. Gilchrist. hold your ground. hold on to your morals. You are what real Americans were and what all Americans should be looking to for an example. Thank you God for directing my family and me to this fine community. Please bless them and keep them strong. Direct them to be steadfast in their moral decisions. And above all God, please keep the children safe and on the path of keeping Real America alive. Gildchrist. you are the last of the real Americans and I am proud to be a part of Gilchrist County. And if I may. with your permission. I would like to sa\. I am proud to be Southern. Born Yankee. Southern by heart, mind and soul." Kathy Highle The contest for ages has been Sto rescue liberty from the grasp .-fexecuntie power. --Daniel Webster 0S I VKA By Anna Wild On Wednesday, February 15, 2006, many people received some eye opening information who visited our County Courthouse and County Health Building. Volunteers for "Step Up Florida" were on hand at both locations from'9:00 a.m. to-11:00 a.m. handing out goodies and testing everyone's health knowledge. This year's theme to increase the public's awareness on the importance of Seating right and exercising was ."60 a Day the Florida, Way." The event is sponsored by the Department ofHealth state% ide, they want to get people to have a healthier lifestyle by exercising. eating five servings of fruits and %egetables, and drinking six to eight glasses of water every da\. They have found that by hosting this event and the walk at noon they are able to make more people realize they can work a little exercise into each day. Some of the information' they gave out offered people some great resources. For instance did you know that dusting your house for 30 minutes can bum 68 to 136 calories (depending on your \weight). active gardening for 30 minutes burs 114 to 272 calories, making beds for 15 minutes bums 22 to 54 calories. mowing with a, push lawn mower: for 30 minutes bums 103 to 246 calories, vacuuming for 15 minutes burns 29 to 68 calories, washing your car for 15 minutes burs 51 to 123 calories, or that hand %washing Dedication Service Sunday At New Hope Family Church (Continued from Page One' church members. Our church family would like to in\ ite the public to attend this special dedication sen ice at New Hope Family Church. The church is located on CountN Road 236 in Bell. For further information please call 463-3632. Beast Feast Raffle Tickets On Sale Now at the Gilchrist County Journal 207 North Main Street Trenton B&J AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR COMPLETE AUTO REPAIRS FOREIGN' DOMESTIC The Health Department drei w a good crowd of people who participated in the noon walk to increase awareness on the importance of maintaining a Healthy liestylle. dishes for 15 minutes bums 26 to 63 calories. And you may be surprised about some of the ideas they have on ways you can get up and stay active for at least 60 minutes every day. The Florida Department of Health recommends you park at the far end of the parking lot and \nalk. take the stairs instead of the elevator. and play with small children (they will \wear you outi. There are hundreds" of suggestions of ways to get in 60 minutes of some kind of activity instead of sitting. As of a 2002 study state\ ide by the Department of Health, the percentage of adults who are obese (body mass index greater than 301 Gilchrist Count showed 21.30o of it's population overnweght. Levy County \as 31.7"o, Dixie County \ as 26.5 o and Alachua Count\ was 16.8o. Groups formed at the Trenton Elementary School at noon on Wednesday to participate in a noon walk. They walked to the Gilchrist Grill and pamcipants had special snacks provided to them. Everyone looked to be having a great time enjoying the sunshine and friends. The Florida Department.of Health Shops that everyone-will do their " part to stay healthy and exercise "60 a Day the Florida Way." opauJwcmaR= NaMII A S2006 Wall and Desk Calendars 5 50% OFF (While Supplies Last) SGilchrist County Journal 4 S207 North Main Street Trenton 4 Well Child & Newborn Care School & Sports Physicals Chronic & Acute Care Communicable Disease Maternity Care By UF Dept. OB/GYN Family Planning School Health Services TB Testing. Laboratory Procedures Healthy Start Services WIC Services (Baby Formula & Food Coupons) HIV Anonymous & Confidential Testing Attention Deficit Disorder Evaluation & Treatment NO APPOINTMENTS NEEDED FOR: FREE PREGNANCY TESTS FREE BLOOD PRESSURE SCREEN CHILD & ADULT IMMUNIZATIONS We accept Blue Cross/Blue Shield, AvMed, PPC Care Manager, State Employees Group PPC, Health Options, Champus, CMS, SMedicaid, Medipass, Medicare, and most other major insurances. 119 N.E. 1st Street, Trenton, Florida 32693 463-3120' Office Hours Monday Friday 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Gilchrist County Participates In "Step Up Florida" Program Eight h Annua Miss 'renton Beat :Pageant SaturdalI, 'AtrciV4, 2 006-'"' 0; 0 Tir'enton Elrnemi;a rti Cajr eria .; rl's o -l-I iS ica rs e, e : .-12 Casual Wear . 13-18 F0'_ Fral Wear ll( contestants must live in qic-lrist County . schocoraq imdst attnILTE, 'tMS. or 'TW-S ,t1pplicatiions can Lie picked tp at "frenton*ls'Ec:notar, T''nonm 'ii Schoo( ": or giCchrist Cotiitti 3LItrntaCorr y contacting Rt.,'.i Tdlinrs-air 472-2344- r *dAril '.iis at 472-1515. '7A-lriinnas are to he nimnwiin 1 ''tnMdaifi. Februanr 27, 2006 .Admission is $2.oo for adults and $.'oo for students yllproceeds go toward .seii'- siaiirs'ip and. thFe kindergarten cCasses of Mrs. ad/kins andcMrs. %Skins i l ..EXHAUSTS BRAKES :,ELECTRIC *TUNE-UPS ENGINES.. COMPUTER ALIGNMENTS AIR CONDITIONING PASSENGER CAR & LIGHT TRUCK TIRES Open Mon. Fri. Located 30 Miles West of A '7 710 East Highway 26 Gainesville, in Trenton) 3-v FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF GILCHRIST OUNTYHE HEALTH DEPARTMENT GILCHRIST COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT I- - GILCHRIS T.T COUT NTY JOURNALN A Page Nine 'PT-TTT?4ZT)v PFRPTTA"PV 31 ?006 I I GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23. 2006 Clyde Townsend and great-grandson Brent Strickland, killed these five and six point bucks on the first Saturday of Black Powder Hunting in Gilchrist County. JOE] OVEi T ii g Small buildings, boats,etc. 24 hr. towing service, 22ft. rollback bed. Carports also available. Reasonable Rates. 463-2900- 493-0345 JOE'S TOWING & ROLLBACK Credit Cards Accepted Hunt's Pest Control, Inc. GET RID OF: Cockroaches Waterbugs German Roaches Ants and other Household Pests WE DO TERMITE INSPECTIONS Phone 493-1051 493-4772 it'e send em packing!" Gilchrist Title A Security Title Company (352-463-6403) *'F Gregory V. Beauchamp Douglas K. McKoy 4th in South Texas. From The Desk Of Gilchrist County Sheriff David P. Turner \\eek l. Sheriff's Report For Week Ending February 20. 2006 On February 11, 2006, Johl Nitzgen. date of birth, 7/15/59 was arrested on the charge o Failure to Appear/Tag Attache no Assigned.' On February 13, 2006, Rich ard Kennedy. Jr., date of birth 9/28/86, was. arrested on thc charge of Violation of Probation Grand Theft On February 14, 2006. Stew artW. Fissell, date of birth. 7/23 54, %%as arrested on the charge'o Driving under the Influence.. S On Februars 14, 2C006. Tracy Smith., date of birth, S8/17/73, \\as arrested on charges of Violation of Probation/Felonm Battery, Violation of Probation/ Driving While. License Sus- pended or Revoked. On February 14. 2006, Joseph Mariorello, date of birth, 12/7/ 65. \ as arrested on the charge of Violation of Probation/Dri'ing While License Suspended or Revoked. American Legion Hall AVailablie Meetings Parties Weddings & Receptions 352-463-1501 Services *Closings STitle Insurance Public Record Searches ast and Friendly Service 302 North Main Street Trenton, Florida TRI-COUNTY CHIROPRACCTIC "Care for the Entire Family" Dr. Bennitt Patterson * Available on Location: X-Rays, Physical Therapy & Licensed Massage Therapist (MM0007612) Most Insurance Accepted Major Medical Medicare/Medicaid SMost.HMO's & PPO's Personal Injury/Auto Accidents Workers' Compensation 493-1540 2220 N. Young Blvd., Chiefland (Across from Wal-Mart Super Center) OFFICE HOURS Monday / Wednesday / Friday 9 a.m. Noon & 2 p.m. 6 p.m. .Tuesday 8 am 12:30 pm Thursday 8 a.m. Noon & 2 p.m. 5 p.m. ~ Walk-Ins Welcome ~ 341 Chielland Regional Tri-County Shopping Center actic I S' -US 19 ' We.!-Mart N Super Center nice 12 point buck on Decem'ber On February 15, 2006, Fredy Feldmann, date of birth, 7/9/57. was arrested on the charge of Felony Driving under the Influ- ence.. On February 15, 2006, James R. Br\an. date of birth. 8/13/ 80, was arrested on charges of Obtaining Property by :means Sof W\orthless Check, Custod\ f Order False Information regard- . ing Firearm and violationn of Probation/Criminal N mischief Less than $200. S On.February 15, 2006, Rich- ard L. Clark, date of birth. 8/19/ 85, was arrested on the charge of Violation of Probation/ Diiving under the Influence. - S -On Februar\ 16. 2006. Ryan f Taft, date of birth, 9/12/S6, was arrested on the charge of Failure- to Appear/Possession of Pari- phernalia. On February 16. 20i06 Gary : Van \inkle, date of birth, /17/ 80, was arrested on charges of Petit Theft and Uttering Forged Instrument On February\ 16. 20(06. Terry W. Watson, date of birth, 9/22/ 5S.' \as arrested on the charge of Exploitation of Elderly Less than $20,000. On February 17, 2006, Robert T. Craft, date of birth, 12/2/74, I was arrested on. the';-eharge of 'Driv;ing under the In'fluerice "I On February 18, 2006, Ken- neth. F. Thomas, date of birth, 4/30/69, was arrested on charges of Attached Tag Not assigned .and Possession of Drug Para- phernalia. On February 18, 2006, Be- linda D. Harper, date of birth, 5/8/66, was arrested on charges of Possession of Drug Parapher- nalia, Giving False Information to Law Enforcement Officer and Petit Theft. On February 18, 2006, Ran- dall D. Owens, date of birth, 7/27/76, was arrested on the charge of Failure to Register as Sex Offender. On February 18, 2006, Joshua R. Hughes, date of birth, 6/2/87, was arrested on charges of Do- mestic Violence and Resist with Violence. Gilchrist County Land Transactions Elisa B. Suarez to Pedro Su- arez and Jose Alejadro Ramirez, warranty deed, $150,000. Lot 3, Andrews Woods. Billy Ray Kimbrell to Michael arid Deborah Ryder, general warranty deed, $60,000. Lot 2, Wannee Highlands. Charles L. Joyner Jr. to Maged Beshai, corrective warranty deed, $10. Lot 2, Block B, Su- wannee-Gil Farms. Barbara J. Gelman to Robert- and Deloris Beckhorn, \\arrant\ deed, $10. Shirle\ G. Francway-to Mar- garet. B. Harper, warranty deed, $10.. Lot 7,. Su\wannee Gil Farms, Unit No. 2.' Richard W. and Kathleen A. Wolf6rd to Jimmy and Pamela McDuffie and Carlos F. and Yvonne M. Cox, general war-. ranty deed. $50.000. lMa\ Carr i'deceased'i and Anna Carr to Anna Carr Revo- cable Trust, warranty' deed, to Trustee. 10. Dai\d B. and Summer L. Asbell to Da\id B. Asbell. quit claim deed, $10. Lot 3 & 4, Block 2 of Spring Ridge Sub- division. Gerold N. and Joanne H. Rob- erts to John W. Field. warrant. deed. $134,700. NlMrtle M: Seay to Horace Allen and April M. Cason, quit claim deed. Lot 2,'.Cain Mill Woods . Ronald B. Rodgers to Vivian McBride, quit claim deed, Lot 8 & 9. Block I. Sunannee Riter Springs Subdi% ision, Unit 1. Sharon Bolton to Ben L. D\- als, warranty deed, $29,000. Paul D..Carlin to Claud E. and Rhonda L. Cox, warranty deed, $175,000. Lot 12, Block 1, Su \ annee River Highlands, sec- tion. 1, with a 1982 doublev.ide mobile home. Michael Duane and Saman- tha Riggs to Mario C. DelToro, Mario C. DelToro, Frances Eileen DelToro, warranty deed, $115,000, with 2004 mobile home. ' John M. and Gloria E. Ehrhart to Da\ id and Rebecca Bowden, -'.arrant deed, $S22,000. ' Nlark A Meister and Kan- dessa Barrett-Meister to Jason and Kristie DeMartino, warranty deed, $210,000. Parcel 39, Ap-, palossa Trails. SMark A. Meister to Sandra and Wayne Exum, warranty deed,.$165,000. Jeannine Griggs Mitchem f/ k/a Jeannine Grigs ,to Frankie Mae Griggs, \\arrant\ deed, $10. Lots 9 and 10, Wade and Bell Subdivision. Jeannine Griggs Mitchem f/ k/a Jeannine Griggs to Frankie Mae Griggs, warranty deed, $10. Lot 8, Block 10, Wade' and Bell Subdivision. 8851 NW 115th Street Chieflarid, Florida 32626 352-493-1398 1-877-766-2707 Osborn G. Barker Owner Insulated Roof-overs Vinyl & Aluminum Siding Carports Screen Rooms Decks Patio Roofs Soffit, Fascia & Gutters Hurricane Awnings Skirting Pool and All types Enclosures SFree Estimates * Attention Most Wanted , If you have a warrant or summons, you may turn. yourself into the Gilchrist County Sheriffs Office located at 9239 S. US Hwy 129 in Trenton. To avoid processing delays for first appearance, please show up at the Sheriffs Office no later than 5:00 am. In addition, at anytime of the day or night, you may call the GCSO ' Communications Center at (352) 463-3181 and ask for a deputy sheriff to pick you up. Tipsters can remain anonymous; Dr. Richard W. Wagner BOARD CERTIFIED OPTOMETRIST 218 N. MAIN STREET (U.S. 19) CHIEFLAND; FL 32626 E ^CAV^k 352-493-4448 Dr. Wagner Katie Hodge OPTOMETRIST OFFICE MANAGER Same or Next-Day Appointments Available Blue Cross & Blue Shield/PPC and Medicare Provider NEW & PREVIOUS PATIENTS WELCOME Edward Michael and Lucin- da A. Wilson, quit claim deed, $10. Lot 129, Waccasassa Campsites, Unit 1. Jimmy C. Mealor and Carl L. Shedd to Andrew C. O'Steen, quit claim deed, $10. Mary H. and Noah V. Taylor to Marianne Taylor Hall, war- ranty deed, $10. Lot 11, Block B; 1 addition Waters Lake Sub- division. Stephanie G. Beasley f/k/a Stephanie G. Sasser to Wallace C. Sasser, quit claim deed, $10. Juanita B. Knauff Trustee Juanita, B. Knauff Revocable Trust to Calvin F. and Susan J.. Cherry, warranty' deed, $265,000. Lot 28 of Suwannee River Estates. 'Harry W. Reed to James and Bettejane McClay, warranty deed,, $120,000. Calvin and Julie Reed to Mark D. Fargason, warranty deed, $70,000. Hair MEN, F WOMEN with I & &, CHILDREN'S CUTS Phone 472-1482 8897 SE 66th Circle Trenton, Florida 32693 Monday Friday ~ 10 am 6 p Saturday 10 am 3 pm Robert L. and.Lauren J. Dai- ley, warranty deed, $27,500. Lot 21, Unit 5, Sun 'N Fun. Dopplerdave Inc. to George and Nancy Wannop, warranty deed, $4,350. Another Way, Inc. Domestic Violence And Rape Crisis Center Announces Free Confidential Services Another Way, Inc. Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Center wants to remind the residents of the Tri-County area that they of- fer a 24-hour hotline, emergency shelter, legal advocacy, outreach services and children services to victims of sexual assault and rape. All of their services are free and confidential. Remember...rape is a crime...always 'You may call their hotline at 866-875-7983. Expressions y Dbebe REE TAN Hair Cut, Shampoo Finished Style (Matrix & Redken) Wolfe Tanning Bed (High Output Bulbs) SPECIALIZING IN COLOR 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE Appointments & Walk-Ins Welcome PargP TPn fun 4 Kidsl Pre-school/After school Learning Center / Ages 2-12 / NAEYC Accredited Pre-K / Highscope Curriculum / School Readiness Program v CPR/First Aid Certified V' Voluntary Pre-lKindergarten / USDA Food Program / CDA Certified Teachers 352-463-7614 2739 S.W. 19th Circle, Trenton Ownersireto. Robert P. Marsh ' Owners/rectors- Dawn F. Marsh Lic#C03GI0007', BrntSrikan ile ti Licensed and Insured ragc ; " L- chief Ian r ~r- I -I J L National Pet g mental Month To celebrate, Trenton Animal Hospital is offering a 10% discount on our professional dental cleaning during the month of February! Trenton Animal Hospital We treat your pet like family! Marie Leslie, DVM Jill R. Brady, DVM Ted S.Yoho, DVM 603 N. Main St., Trenton (352) 463-7100 Pxit eli-and Mortgage Corporation el0comes Krishna Frye-Loan Processor and Phillip Wheeler-Licensed Mortgage Broker to Our Team. 463-1313 fax 463-1318 e-mail: riverlandmtg@bellsouth.niet Visit our website: \ x i% ri terlanditg.web-loans.com 723 E. Wade Street, Trenton, FL 32693 a Come See Us! ! Lindsey Land Clearing Site Prep Ilnc, Fill Dirt & Limerock Site Prep & Pad Building Land Clearing Driveways Licensed & Insured 352-463-6125 or 352-535-5731 P F I'- THTrrr ST)AV FBRUTTARY 23. 006 GI rCTHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Page Eleven Legal Notices INVITATION TO BID Item: Bell Library Remodeling Project Bid#:02.13.06 ANNOUNCEMENT: Notice is hereby given that Bid Proposals will be received on the following, by the Town of Bell until 12:00 p.m. on March.22, 2006 in the Town Hall located at 3240 W. Railroad Lane, Bell, FL 32619. Final Bid Selection will be made by the Town Council on April 6, 2006 at the Regular Meeting at 7: 00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as can be heard. If you have any questions, please call 352-463-6288. Please address all bids to: Town of Bell P.O. Box 116 Bell, FL 32619 Please submit ten (10) copies of the bid. Bids should be marked with the Bid # and Town of Bell Bell Library Remodeling Project Bid. Staff of Town of Bell may review Bids prior to the public hearing in order to communicate with contractors regarding specinrcanons, pricing, etc. Please be advised that the Town of Bell reserves the right-to waive formalities in any Bid, to accept or reject any or all Bids in whole or in part, with or without cause, and to accept the Bid that in their judgment will be in the best interest of the Town of Bell. SCOPE OF WORK: The Town of Bell intends to contract the remodeling of the Bell Library to include: 1).Modification and repair of roof: 2) Create, accessible opening in wall between the Library and adjoining room. 3) Removal of an attached back room. Pub. February 23, 2006b. NOTICE ORPUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given to the Town; Council, of the Town of Bell, Florida, serving as the Town Planning Board, will consider a Conditional Use' Permit for the following described real property located at, 1540 NE Main St.,.Bell, Florida; said hearing to be at the Bell. town Hall at 3240 West Railroad SLane, Bell, Florida on April 6, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as 'the matter can be heard. Conditional Use Permit Legal description of the property for Conditional Lise Permit as requested is as follows: A tract of. land consisting of approximately 3 ?1 acres, described as Parcel ,Number SecLilp .18-1l. N.;E/C.,of NW/4 of SE/4 25-8-14. Town of 'Bell, Gilchrist County, Florida. A Conditional Use Permit is required for the. above described property inconformity with the Land Development Code of the Town of Bell to permit the use of the property for Nev. Construction of a 23,000 Square Foot Retail Sales Facility within the Commercial Zoning District. The proposed application, may be inspected at the Bell Town Hall, 3240 West Railroad Lane, 'Bell, Florida. Interested persons may appear and be heard in respect to the Conditional ise Permit-at this meeting. PLEASE. TAKE NOTICE that' if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Bell Town Council with respect to any matter considered at such meeting, they v. ll need a record of the proceedings and that for such purposes, they may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which ' record includes the testimony, and evidence upon which the appeal is based. Dan Cavanah Town Manager Pub. February 23, 2006b. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Trenton, Florida that the Board will consider at a public hearing the below described Resolution in the FAMILY-2 (RSF-2) OF CERTAIN LANDS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF TRENTON, FLORIDA; PROVIDING SEVERABILITY; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE NO. 2006-8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TRENTON, FLORIDA, RELATING TO THE REZONING OF LESS THAN TEN CONTIGUOUS ACRES OF LAND, PURSUANT TO AN APPLICATION BY THE CITY COMMISSION, TO AMEND THE Kathryn Deen Commission Cham- bers, Trenton City Hall, located at 114 N. Main Street, Trenton, Florida on March 6, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. or soon thereafter, as the matter can be heard. RESOLUTION NO. 2006-04 A RESOLUTION AUTHO- RIZING THE TEMPORARY CLOSING OF A PORTION OF SOUTHEAST FIRST STREET BETWEEN STATE ROAD. NO. 26 AND SOUTHEAST FIRST AVENUE; ESTABLISHING CERTAIN CONDITIONS AS A PREREQUISITE TO SUCH CLOSING; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The proposed Resolution may be inspected at the Office of the City Manager, Trenton City Hall, 114 N. Main Street, Trenton, Florida. At the public hearing interested persons may appear and be heard in respect to the Resolution at this meeting. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that if a person decides to appeal any de- cision made by the Board of.Com- missioners of the City of Trenton, Florida with respect to- any matter considered at such meeting, they will need a record of the proceed- ings and that for such purposes,.they may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimon> and evidence upon which the appeal is based. Jered.Qttenwess," S Cit Manager/Clerk' Pub. February 23. 2006b. , NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO WHOM IT NLXY CONCERN PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, the. Gilchrist County Board of County Commissioners will hold a public. hearing on Monday March 6, 2006, at 5:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard,'in the Board of County Commission- ers Meeting Room, located at 210 South Main Street, Trenton, Florida;. for the adoption of Ordinance 06-10. with the following short itle. ORDINANCE 06-10 AN ORDINANCE OF GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORI- DA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 93-04, AS AMENDED: RE- LATING TO THE REZONING OF FEWER' THAN TEN CON- TIGUOUS ACRES OF LAND PURSUANT TO AN APPLICA- TION BY PINE RIDGE PLAN- TATION. LLC; TO AMEND THE OFFICL\L ZONING ATLAS OF THE GILCHRIST COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGU- LATIONS, PROVIDING FOR A REZONING FROM AGRICUL- TURE-5 TO AGRICULTURE-2 OF CERTAIN LANDS WITHIN THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF GILCHRIST COUN- :TY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING SEVERABILITY; REPEALING .ALL ORDINANCES IN CON- FLICT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. All interested parties are invited to attend and be heard. A copy of the proposed ordinance is available for public inspection at the office of the County Clerk,- County Cournhouse. 112 S. Main Street, Trenton, Florida during regu- lar business hours. :Persons with disabilities request- ing reasonable accommodations to participate.in this proceeding should contact (352) 463- 3169 .(Voice & TDD)' or via Florida Relay Service (800) 955-S771." PLEASE BE ADVISED that if a person decides to appeal any deci- sion made by the Board of County Commissioners with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he or she' will need a re- cord of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is-to be based. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA TOMMY LANGFORD; CHAIRMAN ATTEST: JOSEPH.W. GILLIAM, CLERK Pub. February 23, 2006b. This is the place for your Gilchrist County news!! NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, the Gilchrist County Board of County Commissioners will hold a public hearing on Monday, March 6, 2006 at 4:45 p.m. in the Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room, located 210 South Main Street, Trenton, Florida for the adoption of Ordinance 06-08, with the following short title. ORDINANCE 06-08 AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA, REDUCING THE SPEED LIMIT ON COUNTY.ROAD 340 FOR .5 M ILES ON EITHER SIDE OF THE INTERSECTION OF COUNTY ROAD 340 AND U.S. HIGHWAY 129 FROM 55 MILES PER HOUR TO 45 MILES PER HOUR; PROVIDING INSTRUCTIONS STO THE. CODIFIER; AND PROVIDING AN. EFFECTIVE DATE. All interested parties are invited to attend and be heard. A copy of the proposed ordinance is available for public inspection ,at the office of the County Clerk, County Courthouse, 112 S. Main Street; Trenton.. Florida during regular business hours. ."Persons with disabilities requesung reasonable accommodations to participate in this proceeding should contact 13521 463-3169 (Voice & TDD) or via Florida Relay Service (800) 955-8771. PLEASE BE ADVISED that if a person decides. to appeal any decision made by the Board of County Commissioners with respect. to any matter considered at such rreeting or hearing, he or:she will need a record of the proceedings, and that. for such purpose he or she may need to ensure testimony and e% idence upon which the appeal is to be based. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS GILCHRIST COUNTY FLORIDA TOMMY.I LANGFORD, CHAIRMAN ATTEST: JOSEPH \V GILLI AM, CLERK Pub. February 23, 2006b. PUBLIC MEETING TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Please take notice that the Three Rivers Regional Library Board will) hold a Board Nleetrng on Thursday. March 9, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.,, at the Gilchrist County Public .Library, in Trenton, Flonda. All interested persons are invited to attend and be heard Please be advised, that.if a. erson decides to appeal any decision, made by the Board 'w.ih respect to any matter considered at such hearing. that person .aill need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. "Persons with disabilities requesting reasonable accommodations to participate in this proceeding should contact (352) 463-3170 (Voice & TDD) or via Florida Relay Service at (800) 955-8771." Pub. February 23, 2006b. NOTICEOF ENAC I MENT OF ORDINANCES BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF TRENTON, ', FLORIDA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ordinances, which titles hereinafter appear, will be considered for enactment by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Trenton, Florida, at public hearings on March 6, 2006 at 6:00 p.m.,. or as soon thereafter as the matters can be heard, in the Kathryn Deen Commission Chambers, City Hall located at 114 North Main Street, Trenton, Florida. Copies of said ordinances may be inspected by any member of the public at the Office of the City Clerk/Manager, City. Hall located at 114 North Main Street, Trenton, Florida, during .regular business hours. On the date, time and place first above mentioned, all interested persons may- appear and be heard with respect to the ordinances. ORDINANCE NO. 2006-6 AN ORDINANCE OF THE. CITY OF TRENTON, FLORIDA, RELATING TO THE REZONING OFTEN OR MORE CONTIGUOUS ACRES OF LAND, PURSUANT TO AN APPLICATION BY THE PROPERTY OWNER OF SAID ACREAGE, TO AMEND THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS OF THE CITY OF TRENTON LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR REZONING FROM GILCHRIST COUNTY AGRICULTURAL-1 (A-l) TO RESIDENTIAL, SINGLE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS OF THE CITY OF TRENTON LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR ESTABLISHING THE ZONING DISTRICT OF COMMERCIAL, INTENSIVE (CI) OF CERTAIN LANDS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF TRENTON; FLORIDA; PROVIDING SEVERABILITY; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE NO..2006-9 AN ORDINANCE OF THE .CITY OF TRENTON, FLORIDA, RELATING TO THE REZONING OF LESS THAN. TEN CONTIGUOUS ACRES OF LAND, PURSUANT TO AN APPLICATION BY THE CITY COMMISSION, TO AMEND THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS OF THE CITY OF TRENTON LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR ESTABLISHING THE ZONING 'DISTRICT OF INDUSTRIAL (I) OF CERTAIN LANDS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF TRENTON, FLORIDA; PROVIDING SE\ERABILITY. REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT,AND PROVIDING .AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The public hearings nay .be Continued to one or more future dates Any interested party shall be ad ised that the date. time and place of an\ continuation of the public hearings shall be announced during the public hearings and that no further notice concerrung the matters will be published All persons are advised that. if the\ decide to appeal any decisions made at the public hearings, they will need a record o( the proceedings and. for such purpose, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, x'hich record includes the testimony and e\ idence upon wIuch the appeal is to be based Pub. February 23. 2006b NOTICE OF ENACTMENT ,OF ORDINANCES BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF TRENTON, FLORIDA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ordinances, which titles herein- after appear. \%ill be considered for enactment by the Board of Corrmns- sioners of the City of Trenton, Flor- Sida, at public hearings on March 6, 2006 at 6 00 pm or as soon there- after as the matters can be heard, in the Kathnn Deen Commission Chambers, City Hall located. at ."114: North- Main Street,;:Trenton, Florida. Copies ofsaid ordinances, :may be inspected by any member of the public at the Office of the City Clerk/Manager, City Hall located at 114 North Main Street, Trenton, Florida, during regular business hours. On the date, time and place first above mentioned, all interested persons may appear and be heard with respect to the.ordinances. ORDINANCE NO. 2006-4 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TRENTON, FLORIDA, RELATING TO AN AMEND- MENT OF TEN OR LESS ACRES OF LAND TO THE FUTURE LAND LISE PLAN MAP OF THE CITY OF TRENTON COMPRE- 'HENSI\E PLAN. PURSUANT Mina Willis, PharmD/PA-C Family Practice TO AN APPLICATION BY THE CITY COMMISSION, UNDER THE AMENDMENT PROCE- DURES ESTABLISHED IN SEC- TIONS 163.3161 THROUGH 163.3215, FLORIDA STATUTES, AS AMENDED; PROVIDING FOR ESTABLISHING THE FU- TURE LAND USE CLASSIFICA- TION OF COMMERCIAL OF. CERTAIN LANDS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF TRENTON, FLORIDA; PROVIDING SEVERABILITY; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE NO. 2006-5 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TRENTON, FLORIDA. RELATING TO AN AMEND- MENT OF TEN OR LESS ACRES OF LAND TO THE .FUTURE LAND USE PLAN MAPOF THE CITY OF TRENTON COMPRE- HENSIVE PLAN, PURSUANT TO AN APPLICATION BY THE CITY COMMISSION, UNDER, THE AMENDMENT -PROCE- DURES ESTABLISHED IN SEC- TIONS 163.3161 THROUGH 163.3215. FLORIDA STATUTES. AS. AMENDED. PROVIDING FOR ESTABLISHING THE FLU- TURE LAND USE CLASSIFI- CATION OF INDUSTRIAL OF CERTAIN LANDS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF TRENTON. FLORIDA. PROVIDING SE\ERABILITY,. REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The public heanngs may be con- tinued to one or more future dates. An interested parry shall be aad- Sised that the date, time and place of any continuation of the public hear- ings shall be announced during the public hearings and that no further notice concerning the matters ,ill be published All persons are advised that. if they decide to appeal any decisions, made at the public hearings. they will need a record of the proceed- -ngs and. for such purpose. they ma\ need to ensure that a verbaum record of the proceedings is made, Which record includes the testimon\ and e\ idence upon hiuch the appeal is to be based. Pub. February 23, 2006b. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. IN AND FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY. FLORIDA CASE NO:: 21-2005-CA-0067 ROBIN SANDERS, Plaintiff, vs. ANGEL A LUCAS-HINES, and her unknown spouse. if married, and "Jane and -. IloIhn Doe Occupants" or "Unkinown Tenants." " Defendants. CLERK'S NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO F.S. CHAPTER 45 NOTICE IS GIVEN thatpursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated February 7, 2006, in the above-styled cause, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at the South door of the Gilchrist County Courthouse, Trenton, Florida at 11.00 a.m. on the 13th day of March. 2006. the following described property. Campsite No I 7. \accasassa Campsites. Unit One. a subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 1. Pages Malcolm Hickox, PA-C Family Practice 37-39 of the Public Records of Gilchrist County, Florida. Dated this 7th day of February,. 2006. Honorable Joseph W. Gilliam Clerk of Court (SEAL) By: Lyndsay P. Ayers Deputy Clerk CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Clerk's Notice of Sale has, been furnished to David M. Lang, Jr., Attorney for Plaintiff, P.O. Box 51, Trenton, Florida 32693, Angela Lucas Hines, 8410 SE 67th Court, Trenton, Florida 32693 by United States Mail this 7th da\ of February. 2006. '. Lyndsay P. Ayers Court Clerk (SEAL) Pub: February 16, 23, 2006b. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION. File Number 21-2006-CP-0001 INRE ESTATEOF BRUCE STANLEY KIRK NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate ot, BRLCE STANLEY KIRK, deceased File Number' 21-2006-CP-0001, is .pending in. the Circuit Coun :.for. Gilchrist SCount:,. Florida. Probate Di\ision. the address of '.hiuch is P.O. Box 37, Trenton, Florida 32693. .The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorney, are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent Sand other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice: is served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR. 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SER\ ICE OF A COP' OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM ,' Ail other creditors of the decedent arid other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN-3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733 702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET. FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED "TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED The date of first publication of this Notice is Februar. 16. 2006 Personal Representati'e Kerin Blair Kirk 209 Blue Mountain Drive Irmo, SC 29063 Attorney forPersonal Representative: David Miller Lang, Jr. Florida Bar No 0023541 2(0-4 Southeast Firt Street Post Office Bo% 51 I Trenton. Flonda 32693 3i52 463t-7 00 Pub February 16. 23. 2006b .. - Jeffrey HansPetersen, MD Board Certified/Family Practice ams children valuations 'ning ng Sand Pharmacy nation: W-1100 3II CL ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ir3 'B AG~ ~ I~ L 4 i e4 - Phamacst Mia- lis P a* gD/PA Bell Family HealthCare Quality Health Care, Convenient Location, Serving The Health Care Needs Of Our Community Re-Roofing & Leaks Metal Roofing 25-Year Warranty Manufacturer's FREE ESTIMATES Services Provided: 'imary Care Chronic Disease Management Physical Ex y Exams Immunizations Vaccines for C ic X-rays Diagnostic Laboratory *ADD & ADHD E1 Trauma Minor Surgical Procedures Health Scree nagement Family Planning HIV Testin Vision Testing Sliding Fee Office Visits Employers Please Ask About Our Preferred Employers Program (PEP)! Most Insurcinces Accepted Equal Opportunity Provider Providing Non-Profit Healthca? 1830 North Main Street Bell, Florida re For Inforr 352-463 I n U A13"t-I 1,. U- IXUA 11%. 4-;, VVV IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR. GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File Number 21-2006-CP-0002 IN RE: ESTATE OF WOODROW WILSON SEALE, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS: The administration of the estate of WOODROW WILSON SEALE. deceased, whose date of death was May 27, 2004, File Number 21-2006-CP-0002, is pending in the Circuit Court for Gilchrist County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is Gilchrist County Courthouse, Post Office Box 37, Trenton, FL 32693. The names and.addresses of the personal representatives, and the personal. representatives' attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having .claimsor demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice has been served must file their claims with the court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE TIME OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM 'All other creditors of the decedent and persons having claims or demands against the decedeit's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. i ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIMiE PERIOD SET. FORTH ABOVE, 'ANY CLAIM FILED TWO YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of the first publication of this notice is February 16; 2006. Personal Representatikes MlERRY SEALE SIMPSON 4459 SW 20th street Be ll. FL 32619 JENEE SEALE ROBERTS 2069 SW 40th Aenue Bell, FL 32619 Attorney for Personal Representatives: SSHEREE H. LANCASTER . Florida Bar No 602922 SHEREE H. LANCASTER, P.A. 109 East Wade Street Post Office Box 1000 Trenton, FL 32693 Telephone. 352/463-1000 Pub February 16, 23, 2006b. Gilchrist County Journal Deadlines The deadline to submit editorial or"'adertising cop'\ "i Monday at 5:00 p.m. to be included in the next Thursday's edition of the newspaper. You may bring your article to tie Journal office, Email the article gilchristjournal@bellsouth.net. or fa\ to i352) 463-7393. Thank you for your continued. cooperation'and support of the Journal. Bruce E. Thomas Board Certified/Famil Complete Pr Well-Bab Diagnost Minor Case Man Hearing and ,MD .y Practice Page Twelve TjxTo x Tvu.PL TvD Y FE.RU Y2UI3 2 0 Mr. Aura J. Arney, Jr. Mr.`Aura J. Arney, Jr. of Bell died Sunday, February 19, 2006 in Bell. He was 89. ,Mr. Aney was born in Oak Park, Illinois and came to this area from Sherwood, Michigan deght years ago. He was a tool and die maker and was of the Protestant faith. : He is survived by daughters, Maron Bigler of. Coldwater, Michigan, Ethel Howell of Co- lon, Michigan, and Carol Murler of Arrington, Texas;. sons, Harold Amey of Bell, and Roy rney and .Kurt Arney, both of Sherwood; sisters, Marion Holy of Battle Creek, Michigan and Margaret Fray of Leslie, Michi- gan; brothers, Erwin Arney of Sherwood and Elvin Amey of Battle Creek; and 17 grandchil- dren. Arrangements were under the care of WATSON FUNERAL HIQME, Trenton. Mr. George A. Cole Mr. George A. Cole of High Springs died Friday, February 17, at his home following a brief illness. SMr. Cole was bornin Mason, Wisconsin and lived in New 'ofrk State until 1957 before movingg to this area from Sara- oota in 1980. While in Sara- sota he operated his automotive repair business for many years .and served as president,of the Siemophilia Society and. the Sarasbta Blood Bank He started the Spring Ridge Volunteer Fire Department and was active in the Spring Ridge First Chirch of God. : He was preceded in death by a Son, William George Cole. .Mr. Cole is survived by his wife of 63 years, Rev a Cole of High Springs; a son, Larry Loc, of El Toro, California; a daughter, Ruth Harlan of High Springs; a brother. Charles Cole of Phoenix, Arizona; a sister, Florence Mosser of Sarasota;- fi\e grandchildren. and one great-grandchild. ,, ',. 'A funeral service Wvas held' Mohdaj, February 20, 2006 at Spring Ridge First Church of God with Pastor Todd Wymer conducting the service. Inter- Sment followed at Spring Ridge' Cemetery. Arrangements were under the care of EVA NS-CARTER FU- NERAL HOME, High Springs. Mr. Lloyd A. Davis, Sr. Mr. Lloyd. A. Davis, Sr. of Hawthorne died Tuesday, Febru- ary 14, 2006. He was 79. Mr. Davis 'was born in Kend- all and.moved to Hawthorne in 1965 from Trenton. He was a mechanic and owned and operated Lloyd Davis and Sons Garagein Gainesville. He also worked with Lincoln-Mer- cury in Gainesville. He was Pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Lake Butler. He is survived by his wife, Anne Davis of .Ha\wthorne; a son, Lloyd A. Davis, Jr. of Campville; two grandsons; and one great-grandson. Arrangements were under the care of WILLIAMS-THOMAS FUNERAL HOME, Gaines- ville. :Mr. Frank H. Duffy, Jr. Mr.. Frank H. Duffey, Jr. of Gainesville died at his'home on Sunday, February 19,2006. He. was 74. Mr. Duffey was a real estate investor and had lived in Ne\ - berry .from 1986 untili 1998 when he mo'ed to Bell. In 'December of 2005 he moi ed to SGainesville. SMr Duffey was a veteran Sof the Korean War, serving in the United States Air Force from December 11, 1950 until December 10, 1954. He \\as a member of the Ne\wberry American Legion Post. He is sur\ived b\ his \ife. Priscilla Yarbrough "Pris" Duf- fe\ of Gaines\ville: daughters. "Ldia Duffe. of Palm Beach Gardens. Brenda Duffe\ of West Palm Beach, and Rita Duffes Hallebo of Miami:' a stepdaughter. Lisa A. Duncan of Cape Coral; three grandsons; and five granddaughters. A visitation will be held Fri- day, February 24, 2006 from 1000 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the Milam Funeral Home in New- - berry A giraVsiide service will be held Frida\. February 24, 2006 at 2:00 p.m. at Florida Na- tional Cemetery in Bushnell. Donations may be made to Haven Hospice, 4200 NW 90th Blvd., Gainesville. Arrangements are under the care of MILARM FUNERAL HOME, Newberry. Waltford realty, inc -Licensed Real Estate Broker .386 -f., -. P.O.Box 546 Bell, Florida 32619 869350243 Waterfront THE RIVER PARADISE A large lot on the Econfina River 2 miles from the Gulf - in navigable waters. Includes a beautiful, large 4 bedroom/3 bath two story home. Close to a boat ramp and super fishing! Boat from your own paradise'to the Gulf and-you have it made. Also, many great hunting areas very close by. All for only- $685,000. FANTASTIC SANTA FE RIVER HOME Large 4/3 home on approx. 22 acres with 550' of Santa Fe River Frontage. "What a river view" and l,:.dJed ith lurk..e eerr' Property is close to Suwannee River by water, in the country yet close to conveniences too!! It even has it's own nice boat ramp. Includes 3 extra RV ports and 2 shop/storage buildings. $795,000. 10 ACRES ON THE SUWANNEE 510' of riverfront, beautiful woods, quiet, se- cluded and private. Complete with in-ground.septic tank, 4" well, power, buildable and in good'motor boating area- one mile north of Santa Fe. $399,000. 2 ACRES ON SUWANNEE at Charles Springs hI:eatul wooded lot, buildable! $79,900. A NICE RIVER LOT on Suwannee River near Royal Springs nice area. $49,900, SUWANNEE COUNTY Nice 2 Bdrm 1 Bath Single-wide mobile home with large deck over looking Suwannee River A beautiful view!! Near a great swimming spring & a nice area to live!! $199,500. Land & Acreage 291.45 ACRES OF PRIME HUNTING LAND With a hunring l kdgc. 2' with 1120 sq. ft. of heated'and cooled area, lodge is complete with 680 sq. ft of nice porches and: a fireplace. Dog pen, rock quarry, fish pond and approximately 150 acres of planted pines. Awesome hunting of deer, wild hogs, turkey, etc. Good improved roads and trails through out the property. Fronts on a paved road. $1,595,000. Shown by appointment only. "Sale Pending", 247 ACRES Prime land on more than h mile of highway frontage in Suwannee Coun- ty. Nice 3/2 CB home, detached garage with upstairs apartment, 75 acres of beautiful pines, approx 160 acres in cropland, 3 wells & other amenities!! Fantastic development potential, centrally located to just about everything in North Central Florida. Shown by appointment only! $3,250,000. Can be developed into 5 acre tracts!! 34.61 ACRES IN CENTRAL SUWANNEE COUNTY Very nice piece of land on a paved road, surveyed and platted into 3 pieces if you need it subdivided, can be four pieces, mostly open with some nice trees. $485,000. 4 ACRES OF A NICE WOODED TRACT with a mix of nice pines & oaks; Suwan- nee County. $49,500. 5 BEAUTIFUL WOODED ACRES.- With well, septic, power and completely loaded with deer. Backs up to large protected lands. Fenced, county maintained road. Conve- nient to Chiefland. Plenty of privacy. $129,900. 5 LOTS NEAR SANTA FE RIVER AND OUT OF FLOOD PLAIN adjacent to state lands, all buildable in homes only area, convenient to boat ramps and private park. A fantastic investment opportunity! $120,000. FOR ALL 10 ACRES SQUARE Some open land and some nice trees close to Branford. $100,000. 5 ACRES IN NORTH GILCHRIST COUNTY Nice wooded 5 acre tract of property - private & secluded. Must see to believe! $75,000. Commercial CONVENIENCE STORE / MECHANICS GARAGES 1 acre zoned commercial/ industrial with lots of frontage on Highway 90 east in Lake City, Florida. Many ameni- ties and lots of square feet of buildings to use your entrepreneurial skills and make this going business grow even more. Only $425,000. DO YOU WANT A LIVE-IN BUSINESS This place could fit your needs! Nice bar' and pool room. Great living quarters. Good location in Jasper, Florida. Call us for details. Only $159,900. Visit our website at www.wolfordrealty.com ~;Obituaries~1~ at Lee Cemetery in Cross City with Brother Chad Hamilton conducting the service. Arrangements were under the care of RICK GOODING FU- NERAL HOME, Cross City. Advertise It Pcys!!! Gilchrist County Journal 352-463-7135 Mrs. Mary Louise Fisher Mrs. Mary Louise Fisher of Chiefland died Tuesday, Febru- ary 14, 2006 in Chiefland. She was 75. Mrs..Fisher was born in Tren- ton and was a lifelong resident of Gilchrist and Levy counties. She was a homemaker, and a member of Hardeetown Baptist Church. Mrs. Fisher enjoyed hunting, fishing, family, cook- ing, and flowers.. She w as preceded in death by a son, Danny Powell; a brother, Francis Sanchez; and a sister, Fleeta Tryon., Mrs. Fisher is survived by her'husband of 44 years, Leslie Fisher of Chiefland: three sons. Lee Poiell of Bronson,'Edwin Po el1 of 'Trenton, and Davey Fisher of Chiefland; a daughter. Sheila Powell of Hansville. Tennessee; two brothers. Buck 'Sanchez of GainesVille and Her- man Sanchez of Cross City; two sisters, Pats Driggers 'of Cross City and Sherrie Rogers of Bay- tow\n. Texas; ten grandchildren; and 16 great-grandchildren. Arrangements were under the: care of KNAUFF FUNERAL HOME. Chiefland. ,Mrs. Donna J. Grahant NMrs. Donna J. Graham of SChiefland died Thursda%, Feb- ruary 16. 2006 in Chiefland. She was 55. Mrs. Graham \\as born in Gaines\ille and was a lifelong, resident of the area. She \was Sice president of Tri-County Bank and the owner of Graham Farms. She %\as on the Board of' Directors of Tri-Counti Bank. and a member of Hard- eetown Baptist Church. where she %\as the longume church pianist. She enjoyed spending time with her grandsons. She is survived by a sorn;' Mark Graham of Chiefland: and her grandsons. Call and Caleb Graham of Chiefland. Arrangements were under the care of KNAUFF FUNERAL HOME, Chiefland. Mr. Sanford R Hilliard Mr. Sanford R. Hilliard of Old Town died Wednesday, Februa r 15, 2006 at his home following a long illness. He was a native of Trenton and a lifelong resident of, the area; Mr. Hilliard was a veteran of \Vor ld War IIhaving served in the United States Na\\ until his retirement. He was also retired from the State of Florida Forest Ser\ ice as a mechanic and was a member of Suwannee Baptist Church. He is sur\ i'ed b a stepdaugh- ter, Gerri Markham of Tifton. Georgia; a sister, Opal Cason of Archer; three grandchildren, Michael Markham, Gale Schafr, Joy Greenly. A graveside service was held Monday, February 13, 2006 at Wayfair Cemetery in Bell with his grandson Michael Markham conducting the service. Arrangements were under the care of EVANS-CARTER FU- NERAL HOME, High Springs. Mrs. Roxie Flora Judson Mrs. Roxie Flora Judson of Old Town died Saturday, Febru- ary 18, 2006 at her home. She was 69. Mrs. Judson moved to this area from Tampa in 1996. She \ as of the Pentecostal faith. She was preceded in death by sons, Steven Harrison and Ron- aid Harrison. Mrs. Judson is survived by her husband, Melvin Judson of Old Town; sons, .Leland Harrison of Norwick, Lousiana, Donald Harrison, Melvin Judson, Jr. and Darrell Holley, all of Old Town; a daughter, Teresa Hamlett of Old Town; a brother, Lacy Butler of Old Town; 16 grandchildren; and 16 great-grandchildren. A graveside service was held Wednesday, February 22, 2006 groundskeeper and served in the United States Navy during World War II. He was a member of the Trenton Church of God. Mr. Sullivan enjoyed going to church and fishing. He was preceded in death by his wife, Lua Mae Sullivan.. Mr. Sullivan is survived by two sons, David Andrew Sul- livan and Johnathan Daniel,Sul- livan, both of Palm Harbor. Arrangements were under the care of KNAUFF FUNERAL HOME, Chiefland. Mrs. Norma L. Lindsey Mrs. Norma L. Lindsey of High Springs died Sunday, Feb- ruary 19,2006 at Haven Hospice in Chiefland. She was 63. Mrs. Lindsey was born in Fitzgerald, Georgia, and moved to High Springs in 1953. She was a retired assignment clerk at Bell South, working there for 32 years. She. was a 1960 graduate of Santa Fe High School and a member of High Springs First Church of the Nazarene. Mrs. Lindsey, is survived by Sher husband, Willard Lindsey of High Springs; daughters, Mary Ann Moore and Shern Lynn Lindsey, both of High Springs; her .mother, Bessie Peacock of High Springs; a brother. Nick. Peacock 'of High Springs: sis- ters, Nancy Lang of Sevierville. Tennessee and Nannette Holton of High Springs; six grandchil- dren; and one great-grandchild. .Arrangements were under the care of EVANS-CARTER FU- NERAL HOME. Mrs. Joyce A. Long . Mrs. Jo.ce A. Long of Chief- land died Wednesday. February 15. 2006 in GainesjlIe. She was 79. Mrs. Long was born in Pro\i- dence, Rhode Island and mo\ed to this area from New Port Riches 17 'ears ago. She was a medical secretary and a member of Moose Lodge in Chiefland. Mrs. Long loved to read. MNrs. Long is sur\ ived by her husband. Bill Long of Chief- land: t\o sons. Douglas Dutcher of Virginia Beach. Vrginia and Da id MN Dutcher of Tro\ \'ir- ginia; one stepson. Billy Long of St. Petersburg; three daughters. Karen Henning-\Wi\da of Or- mond Beach and Barbara Long and Beth. both of St. Petersburg; and two grandchildren. Arrangements \ere under the care of KNAUFF FUNERAL HOME. Chiefland : rs. Elv'ie Jane iNew main Mrs. Elvie Jane Newman of Eugene died Frida, Februjry 17,, 4209k,i.4i ShandIsa, -. .G, She., %ks. S7. Ir, ,Ne, in was born' October. 6, 1918 to Thomas Jackson, aid Mary, Adeline Albritton of Fishbone/ Horseshoe Beach, Florida. She was a lifelong resident of Dixie Count\ and a member of the First Baptist 'Church of Cross City. She was a devoted and loving wife, mother and grandmother. She loved her family and celebrated every, opportunity to be .together. She centered her life in Christ and' was especially fond, of her Sunday School class. She is survivedby her children. Earl (Lynee) Cooper. Mary Ann McCall, Marguerette (L.E.) Parker, .and Tommy (Karen) Cooper all- of Cross City, FL and Johnnie (Beverly) Cooper of Williston; 18 .grandchildren and 30 great-grandchildren and a host of nieces. nephew\\ and cousins . She was preceded in death by her husbands, John M. Cooper and Harry A. Newman. and her oldest two grandchildren. William David Lamb and Debra Ann Cooper Bailey. Funeral services were held Monday, February 20, 2006 at First Baptist, Church of 'Cross City with Rev. Mike Brown and Rev. Ken Hamilton conducting the. service. Interment followed at Sumerville Cemetery at New Prospect Baptist Church. Arrangements were under the care of the RICK GOODING ,FUNERAL HOME, Cross City. Mr. James Andrew Sullivan Mr. James Andrew Sullivan of Trenton died Wednesday, Febru- ary 15, 2006 in St. Petersburg. He was 83. Mr. Sullivan was born in Largo and moved to Trenton from Clearwater 35 years ago. He was a retired golf course Hall Available 352-463-1501 Mr. Eugene Vinton Whittle Mr. Eugene Vinton Whittle of Boulogne died Wednesday, February 15,. 2006. Born on August 11, 1924 in Mount Ver- non, New York, he was the son of the late Henry Day Whittle and Loretta Vinton Whittle. Mr. Whittle spent most of his life in Florida, moving to Holly- wood with his parents in 1941. Following graduation from South Broward High School in Hollywood, he served in the United States Navy for the du- ration of World War II. He was a graduate of the Uni- versity of Florida in Gaines.ille where he w\as a member of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. Mr. Whittle began his mining ca- reer as a junior engineer, in: Stake, with Humphreys Gold Corporation, which later be- came Humphreys Mineral In- dustres and Engineering Gold Corporation.: He held many positions with this company in Starke. .Jackson'ille. Folk- stone, Georgia, and Denver. Colorado. He retired as ice president in 19S6. Nlr. Whittle %as a commu-. nicant of Bethanm Episcopal Church in Hilliard. He held memberships in the Ameri- can Institute of Mining and Nletalurgical Engineers and the Georgia Mining Association. He "as a member of the local chapter of Disabled American Veterans. He enjoyed the lime he spent \working with the; Charlton County High School Boosters. In addition to his parents, he %\as preceded in death by his \, ife of 54 sears, Nancy Strauss Whittle; his sister-in-la\. Rose- ) n NMarie Burro ws; and son-in-. la\, Stanle\ Warder. Mr. Whittle is surti\ed by two daughters. E\a Loretta Warder of Anderson. South Carolina. and Linda Gene Sallette .and husband Robbie of Jackson\ille; a son. Frank Strauss Whittle and \ ife Jean of Boulogne: seen grandchildren. Brian Elliott. Andrew Robert and Mark inton Sallette, Lauren. Wardet Gvillo, Evelyn Irene and Charlotte Catheiina . harder and Chastaney Brooke WVhittle. twcr brothers-in-law, Robert L. Stiauss and Irene of Jacksomnille, and Samuel Bui- rows of Collinsville. Virginia; one' nephew, John Burro\ws. two nieces, Nancy Anne Pollak and Cindy Joyce; two special cousins, Paut Gray and Joan Sloan '. . Arrangements were under the careof SHEPARD FUNERAL 'HOM E, Folkston, Georgia. Sold and Saved $9650!* "' :..i ,.dI .Jie siCe $9650, but the service was top- notch and our Help-U-Sell agent was with us every step Sof the way! Why would you list iith anyone else? Thank you Help-U-Sell!" Paul & Jill Furrow 'compared to a 6% commission. Commissions are negotiable and not seo by law. Shos" our home. Or forr sma ll iddii nal Ice i' pajablc j. cld.ing i t c can 41oi'. I1 for ,ou I Guarjnte in 'u ring 10o sdJerlnc c,our ho'mc e or ? 2 UL.e our ,*,.C|U;I ." mnarkeihng si ,4nii oair..ci bucr: 3 Scrd an ad on ',our homrn: to pienraul bu:,cr. now looking or property. 4. Lend you "For Sale" and "Open House" signs. 5. List your home on the internet at HclpUScll.com. 6. Discuss the good and bad in all offers and negotiate the best possible price for you. 7. Pre-qualify your buyers and help them obtain financing. We know several methods which facilitate closing. 8. Itemize your closing costs and provide an estimate of net proceeds. 9. Troubleshoot problems and work to save you money on all aspects of the transaction.. 10. Coordinate with engineers, appraisers, inspectors and other professionals for you. 11. Handle all negotiations, paperwork, contract, and counter proposals through the closing and' attend the closing. salist Fellowship, 4225 NW 34th Street in Gainesville. Arrangements are under the care of WORTH CREMA- TION SERVICE OF FLORI- DA, San Mateo. Rev. Billy Nelson Wolfe, Sr. Rev. Billy Nelson Wolfe, Sr. of Cross City died Wednesday, February 15. 2006 at his home. He was 88. Born in Knoxville, Tennessee, he moved to Cross City as pas- tor of the First Baptist, Church in 1941. In 1942 he efitered Sthe 'Navy ,for 22 years before retiring as a Lt. Commander in the Chaplain Corp. He then' became pastor of Holiday Hill Baptist Church in Jacksonville. He was the Interim Pastor for SFirst Baptist Church of Ocala for one year and became Director of Missions for the Lafayette Bap- tist Association serving for ten years before retiring. He was a graduate of Stetson 'Unversity and Southwestern Theological Seminary in Fort Worth. Texas. He \was a member of Rock Sink Baptist Church. . He was preceded in death by his wife, Willie Ray Wolfe. Rev. .Wolfe is sur;iSed by Ssons, Bill) Wolfe. Jr. of Okla- homa City, Oklahoma, Austin Wolfe, of Memphis. Tennessee. Robert Wolfe of Philadelphia. Pennsylvania and Homer Wolfe of Cross City: a daughter, Eliza- beth Nemchik of Jacksonville; nine grandchildren; and three. great-grandchildren. A funeral service was held Saturday. February 18, 2006'at Rock Sink Baptist Church with Rev. Austin Wolfe and Re\. .Terry Cranford conducting the service. Interment followed at Rock. Sink Baptist Church Cemetery\ Arrangements \ere under the care of RICK GOODING FU- NERAL HOME, Cross City. Full service. Big savings. The experts next door, MEET THE BUILDER Oak Hammock- 839 NW 3rd Ave- Williston 3bd, 2.5 ba, 3 car garage. Great room with fireplace, study, huge lanai. Goodman Construction- Charles Goodman will hold Open House Sunday Feb 26th 1-4 pm V is on REALTY- ,Tri -,iint Inc' Office: (352) 542-7729 Fa.\v (3.52) 542-0645 26867 Hwy 19 Old Town (Old e. ,i Sli: ppmtg Center) Vision Realty Tri-Counit, Inc. wants to WELCOME Panela Ford to our Team of professional real estate agents. Pam is a native to our area with years of sales experi- ence. Call her today for a free CMA or for any of your buying and selling needs. 352- 542-7729 or 386-854-0523. The Easy Way to Sell Your Home-and Save'. We offer a full selection of services for a low set fee-not a high -cost commission. You select the services you want and pay for just the services you receive- guaranteed! We can provide all the services listed below for a low set fee, due at closing and only if your home sells. No advance fee required. I Lee, Wood Mr. Lee Wood Mr. Lee Wood of Trenton died SundaN, February 12, 2006 at North Florida Regional Medical Center after a long illness. He was 80. Mr, Wood was born in Neiv Orleans, Louisiana. In 1980 he moved to Trenton. He worked for many ears as a sales repre- sentati\e for World Publishing Company. Fa\\cett and for CBS Publishers: after his retirement he operated a prinately-o\wned landscaping business. He \asan a\ id Bridge player and achieved LifeMaster rank in the ABCL. He \was a "community activist" involved in many projects as Project \bte Smart, the Sierra Club and Sa\e Our Su\\annee He was a Veteran and, served in the United States Army Air Force. He \ ill be missed by his friends and family. He \was preceded in death by his mother. Edna Mae Wood. Mr. Wood is survived by two sons. Randy Wood of Farming-. ton, Minnesota and Jeff Wood of Park City. Utah; three daughters. Patti Mahar of Princeton. New, Jersey. Robyn Shanahan of Woodside, California. and Teri Jorgensen of Holladay. Utah;. and eight grandchildren. Donations ma\ be made in memory of Lee Wood to Proj- ect Vote Smart and Sa'e Our Su\wannee. A memorial gathering \ill be held Monday. February 27. 2006 at 6:00 p.m at Unitarian Univer- iN ;THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 213,2006 Iml I CUT CWP Nr rT COT WTV TOT TR NAT. m-,imTcTh *AV TT DDTTA DX ')A)t?0 CSLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS, 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. Automobiles 1984 CHEVY 1-TON: 6.2 diesel, good work truck, gooseneck, $1,200 obo. 2001 DODGE 1-TON: Cum- mins power, 120K miles, rains great. $23,500 obo. Call 463-3700. ATV's For S 2004 ARTIC CAT: 4x low.miles, excellent sha new. Asking $4,500 ob 213-4350. 3t1 For Sale CAMPER FOR SALE: i' sure-Way ultimate comp Impeccably maintained by owner. 66,000 miles, $24,5 352-463-6527. tfnb,7-5 Lost & Found REWARD OFFERED for miss- ing Yorkie-Chihuahua mi\. 4 5 Ibs. female, black with tan and silver markings "Molly" is missing from the area behind Akins BBQ in Bell. Needs heart "orm pills. Please call 352-463-2070 or 352-214-8942. I tb,2-23 Yard Sales GARAGE SALE: 3-169 SE CR 337. Asst hand tools. power tools and misc.. Sat. 2-25 from 9AM- 3PI bon Tinas Sales Associate SWanted To Buy ,white REAL ESTATE WANTED -Tim- WILL )0 Call ber and land tracts of 1,000 acres or parts ically a more wanted for immediate acquisi- mission] tion. All cash buyer. Contact Mark window tp. 2-23 Allender, Broker at 352-281-3767. room /TOW 2tb,;2-23-3-2 &tubtn board, REAL ESTATE WANTED: Cash. any ot all 221- .for your house or land, quick clos- "Call B ing, as is. Call 772-201-1115. tfn,8-4 .tfnb,3-24 IRON VWANTED-TRACTORS: Old. MANIA utboard u and rusty, broken, ugly. dead, alive, action' op abandoned. Call Sonny 352-472- 'iron, S 1387 or 352-256-7275, keep trying, turbidi S thanks bacteriai tfnb,2-9 CAR HAULER TRAILER, Dual" axle, 4 new tires, 20' long, bed is 15 S x 6, with ramps, ex. working condi- a le tion, $750 obo. Call 386-454-1746. ltb,2-23 4, 400, FOR SALE 5' x 10' motorcycle lpe, like trailer, 4' x 5' loading ramp, spare oa. 352- tire & tie downs. $950. 386-935- 6551. b,2-2-16 2tb.2-16-2-23 9N FORD TRACTOR & imple- meits for sale. 12-volt system, runs well. Disk, mower, blade, hay fork, plow and more: Call 463-2132 in )96 Plea- Bell. )act RV. tfnb. 2-16 original 'SCOOTER, electric, adult mobil- 500. Call ity, top of the line, $2,600 new, only used a few times, $1,700. 352-472- 2054. tfnb,2-2 1 1972 SKAMPER: 30', 5th wheel camper. needs work, good project, $600.463-3700. WANTED: Someone to r 32 % 80 MH. 352-472-416 317-3851. lea\e message swer. NATIVE AMERICAN D DANTS needed to join a interested call Yellow Eagl 463-9411. Lea\e message se er Services NEV PET GROOMIN( opens in Chuefland. Janu Paradise Pet Palace. 493-0' 9lb. l ELMORE'S SIMN BRICK & STONE. INC stucco, permanent mobi skirting. Free Estimates. 70th Atenue, Trenton 4 214-3702 Fax 352-472-10 Pan F Thirte.n ITUKRSDAY, r DP xLJf- I %-iL XvLv -AuJl Lrk ii SForSale FURNITURE-Good shape leather recliner chair, $35.( 463-7803 right away! Pract give-away. 1989, BRENDELLA SKI BOAT: 351 Windsor V8 i 800 hours, asking $6,000. Ca 0363. 1987 MARINER 175 HP o motor with a stainless pro controls. Call 352-463-7135 6215 after 7PM $1.500 OB( t SOCIETY, OF GILCHRIST COUNTY: Thrift Store open 10 am' - 4 pm onTuesday through Fridat & 9 am 3 pm on Saturday s. Strick- land Ae'nue in Bell. Come down' and pick up some great bargains and, help the animals at the same time. Proceeds from sales, benefit spa.' neuter voucher program. Also tak- ing donations. 463-7364. . tfnb.12-23 BEDS: Queen thick. orthopedic. pil- low-top mattresses and'bo.x springs.: Ne' in plastic \with warranty. Sac- rifice, $160. King available $225. (352-i 372-8588. For Sale 1 ANTIQUES Beautiful 9'9" har- vest table,. 39" solid walnut top, turned legs, $350 firm. Must see, 463-7803. Itp' 2-23 RETIRED REMO CONTRACTOR: Wanti homes or mobile homes needing repair, 493-7841. [-WANTED WHEEL TOWA 352-493-2835 Cai tfor oD, '.:,-r,: 10 IOM e , ic,, .-i Crri-d of f ;M 1617MMIM11 7M' BQ (r,,., 1:.r~'mdc- L'j Fll i..,i dJ-ui~ Vt 11,1St itoh i lc M $14,975 .iL 9K i il n aj $14,975 A13 Fo~id Tauru: 4 Oooi H.. fully Ic. ,-1-t.I mae$8,975 '02 tauzu Trooper. LS. 4-Door. fill y10351 ,cu-, ms : $11,975 ii.:. $7,975 rr 'r a(1 CC- i01a :i. ,3M-1: $10,975 $8,975 hp:t, T'I~ I~ d (1. :REiCJr L tIONi, IIELCOVtE 6% w theetiom n. cor I Lorene Thomas R . Lorene Thomas Realty, Inc. Highway 19/98, P. Box 1653 Old Town, Florida 32680 Business (352) 542-8568 's Fax (352) 542-8566 Cell(352) 221-5422 e-mail: RealtyThomas@aol.com Each officeisndependentlyOwneandOperated Ian Hometown Realty of North FI, in. Natalie Rankin Licensed Real Estate Broker ,1310 North Main Street- Bell, Florida 32619 Office: (352) 463-9001 Toll Free: (800) 463-9001' Fax: (352) 463-9008 e-mail: hometownrealtynf@bellsouth.net - 3/2 Furnished DW on 6 acres $165,000 MLS#751405 MEW C f5T* '-^; ^.. ,,- 1 Acre Lot in Bell $34,900 1/1 Wood Framed Home 3/2 Wood Frame, Close to on 5 Acres Santa Fe River ; $79,000 MLS#751130' $149,000 MLS#751439 MlE.W ISWING EW LISTI.J - 56 Acre Lot n\ \\ell, 2.5 Acres septic & power convenient to Bell $29,900 MLS#751568 $46,900 MLS#751289 LOTS & ACREAGE .27 ACRE LOT IN IRA BEA OASIS High and Dry, 2"well, Septic .50 ACRE LOT in Bronson, City water and sewer, owner finance avail. .50 ACRE LOT well, septic and power pole, east of Trenton NEW 1 ACRE LOT North of Bell. Great Price 1 ACRE WOODED LOT IN BELL $ 37,900 $ 24,900 $ 29,900 $ 22,500 $ 26,900 MLS#750444 MLS#751568 MLS#750509 MLS#750928 1 ACRE close to river, owner financing available PENDING MLS#750442 1 ACRE HOME READY with septic and well in Bell NEW $ 39,900 2.5 ACRES Cleared North of Bell NEW $ 46,900 MLS#751289 4 ACRES IN THE TOWN OF BELL w/power pole, septic and well $150,000 MLS#749862 5 ACRES IN NORTHERN GILCHRIST CO., nice pasture grass $ 70,000 5 ACRES ON PAVED ROAD, CR 337 Corer lot $144,900 MLS#750222 6 + ACRES On PAVED ROAD, wooded on CR 138 SOLD MLS#750510 6 ACRES, Well, Septic, & Planted Pines $ 93,500 MLS#751025 6 ACRES, cleared & fenced $ 85,000 MLS#751424 10 ACRES W/SEPTIC AND POWER POLE, North of Bell, wooded $115,000 MLS#749722 10 WOODED ACRES NEAR SANTA FE RIVER, off CR 138 $140,000 MLS#749642 10 ACRES 2 MILES WEST OF BELL, planted pines $145,000 MLS#749644 10 ACRES W/WELL,SEPTIC,POWER POLE just east of Bell $139,000 MLS#750467 11 ACRE PARCEL 2 MILES WEST OF BELL $159,000 MLS#749645 17 + ACRES cleared, close to town $225,000 MLS#751281 32.8 ACRES ON US 129 North of Bell, planted pines $640,000 MLS#749799. 40 ACRES Well, Septic, Power Pole & 20'x40' Pole Barn, 7yr old. Pines $399,000 MLS#751132 www.hometownrealtynf.com OPPQr H-INGi OPPORrUNITY [: Help Wanted I Help Wanted J A Services PICK UP scrap iron, car & motors, batteries, trans- ns, radiators, aluminum, tin, ws, la% tnmouber/boat motors, air conditioners, electric wire ng, small loads of appliances. her debris,, reasonable price. uddy Bell at 352-463-7738 St' 2.9 FREE'S own high purit) DON ide-spectrum/triple filtration system removes tannin, sulfur. manganese. is, bad taste, bad odor Kills ia No more stained fixtures. tfnb.1l -6 dingy clothes. Lo\ cost. lotw main- Etenance. guaranteed. Call today \for DEALING t FREE WATER TEST No obliga- ng lo bu on $7995 to$1.995 IRON-FREE mith land lh land \ell WVater Company. Inc. Ro\ .- ones. Opr Mgr. 352-542-981" or tfnb. 1-16 WILS()N HOME CENTER 352- : -463-21068 I-S00-437-1128 ANY- i : 1 TIME w nb 4- 28 6 or 352- BUILDING CONTRACTOR: if no an-. CBC01714i0 Custom homes built pn your lot. Precision Dev elopment. Itb. 2-23 PO Box 249, 26761 SE Hu\. 19. Qld To, n. 352-542-8416. - t. .. :fnb,7-15 . tribe If le at 352- "MOWER & CHAINSAW PARTS if no an SStihl. Husqarna. A\ p. Murray. Sears. MTD. Briggs. Kohler 1'tb. 2-23 Robin.and Honda Blades for most S movers Beauchamp Saw Shop 493-490(4 Stfn, 1-03 G SHOP TREES. TREES, TREES: Langs-, uary 3rd. ton Tree Ser ice. Inc 490-4-156 506 tfnb.2-22 2-9-2-23 A BIG STUMP! A LITTLE .iLATED STiUNIP!: We grind them all. Langs- .: Stone. ton Tree Ser' ice. Inc 490-1456 le home tfnb,2-22 6789 SE 472-5542. 124 tfnb-9-15 ABL HAULING, garage. .ard. re- model debns removed, trash. junk. appliance.' prcsure "ashirg Free esnmarei' and 8 years exptnence. Call 472-6164 or 278-2606 Choosing a Realtor - Now that you have decided.to sell your home, who do you entrust one of the biggest investments in your life to handle? - Nowadays here seems to be Realtors on every corer. Everonre promises you the same retulls, I will sell your home the fa~tesi. and frr ihe most money. Sounds great right' Well how do you know *ho *ill be able to live up to their end of the bargain, and who will not? - There are many waj. for you to0 research a Rajltir One of ihe best is by visiting www.myflorida.com on.that web site you.can research a Rejalior license, and know exactly who ,:iu jae dealing tiih - When vou do.decide to list your home interview at leasi three Realtors. Ask them specific quesiirons, jask foir opies of their add. look at their web site. is ii easy to nra,.gjte. Can you find Iheir listings easily' You Aanit io find out how much representation )ou are getting before, during and : The mbsl imponjan thing.-is.toi choose a PRejatr that you feel comfortable ih. they are going to be. your partner for the lihisng period and; right up to the closing Ijblk DIXIE NIONLIMENT: Old Town - Since 1992 \isitt our display.pn Bty 19 at C&C Grorers, 9 am- 5 pm. iMon Sat. or call tol free I- 877-542-3-132 for appointment to ' sit our shop & mni ui officee at 1471 NE 512 A\enue 100's of stones in stock, computer specialist to assist \ou in creating a lasting tribute. to the life of \our lo\ed one S nb 5-20 TIM POWELL ELECTRIC: Newu installation and repairs .licensed and insured State Reg #ECI3002-153 Call (352) 463-2155. tfnb.1l--25 PATIENT ADVOCATE needed. F/T position for,busy medical office. Duties include answering multi-line phones, scheduling appointments, preparing charts for next day, medi- cal record transfers/request, and other misc..jobs. Must have a high school diploma. Computer data .entry, bookkeeping and clerical skills a must. Apply to Reception- ist Position, P.O. Box 640,Trenton, FL 32693. No phone calls please. EOE. .:1tb,2-23 FLOOR PERSON, FT posmon, exp. only need apply. Please appl\ at Tii-County Nursing home, 7280 SW SR 26, Trenton, FL DFWiP/ EOE. 2tb. 2-23,.3-2' Dairy Scientist. Trenton. FL As- sist in selection. breeding and feed- ing of dair cattle for milk produc- tion at dair\ farm. 2.yrs.exp. Salary, commensurate with exp. 40 hrs/wk, 8 AM- 5 PM; M-F. Mail resume :to. Alliance Dairies,'4951 NW 170th Street, Trenton, FL 32693 Sltb;2-23 RN. 3-11. F/T Charge Nurse Come join our' progressive team, new increased shift differential.. sign up bonus Tri-County Nursing . Home, 463-1222. DFWP. EOE 2tb. 2-23-3-2 RECEPTIONIST/SECRETARY position available at B & J Automo- tive in Trenton 710 East Wade St. Exp; with public/customer service required. Applications available at counter. rC >LAKE CITY f L NMU N 'll I I ,t : Siaff A .istani I S Position Regtrar's Olfice rgcistcrmrn students. proces-ing rjan.cripts, etc Must he able to .%ork under pressure and meci dadlines Must ha.e high school diploma or equ,.alent v.i th 2 sears clericl experience Addinrinal education ma,3 .ubtltrur e for e, pcrienci lusit be proficient in Word and Excel College applicajion required Position details and application available on the v.\b at w\\i' lakecitlcc edu Inquiries Human Resource De elopment 1-19 SE College Place S Lake C i,. FL 320 : Phone 'S6i'54-43 14 *:' : 'F i, l "3'i ,4-454 , E-mail , Sbocittherg,'iakccit',ec cdu LCCC is accredited b, the . Sc-.uri-m Am -ctat'c.to 'f College jand Schools- \'P .DA. E EO Colligc ini Educatio,:.n Emplc., men i RF/,MI. WMhI Outstanding Agents. Outstanding Results. tfaR5^~CPY L<~tL._.aS aj'^fMip - '7 . WE ARE BUSY! Real Estate As- sociate Wanted. New Licensee? We will train. Great Opportunity. Mail or fax resume .to Phillips Realty, PO. Box 1251, High Springs, FL 32655 fax: 386-454-4853. tfnb, 2-23 PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS, home every night. Full benefits package. Dry bulk & flatbed posi- tions at Newberry Terminal. Com- mercial. Carrier Corp. 866-300- :8759. tfnb,2-9 TRUCK DRIVER NEEDED for local deliveries & misc. duties in lumber )ard Class B CDL required. Call Jeff @ Gilchrist Building Sup- pl, 463-2738. tfnb,2-9 CHILD CARE RESOURCES. INC. a non-profit organization dedicated to. excellence in care and education of children has immediate openings for the fol- lowing Head Start/Early Head: Start positions:' TEACHER:, Understands and promotes child development, prepares and fol- lows lesson plans to support the education and development of 3 & 4 year olds in the Head Start Program and 0-3 )ear olds in the Early Head Start Program. Pro\ ides supervision and guid- ance to the Teacher Assistant. Positions available in Bell and Chiefland High School Di- ploma or equivalent, National CDA and 1 yr. e\p in child care/ education required. TEACHER ASSISTANT: Assists teacher in supervision of the classroom UInderstanids and promotes child development. prepares and fol- lo, ws lesson plans to support the education and development of 3 & 4 \ear olds in the Head Star Program and 0-3 year olds in the Earl\ Heead Siart Program. Posi- tions a\ ailable in Cross Ci't\ and Chiefland High school diploma or equi talent. National CDA and I yr exp. in child care.educaaon required FAMILY SERVICE SPECIALIST: To provide rou- tine support ser ices in imple- mentation of the fannil ser ices speciality ajea of the Head Start and Earl\ Head Start programs. AA degree or higher and/or e\p in Earl\ Childhood Edu ande\p \\'home isits desired E\c org and 'initen'\erbal communica- tion skills and computer literacy skills required NO PHONE CALLS. Please submit resume w 3 letters of reference Fa\ to Human Resources Dept. i352) 334-1578 or e-mail rieldnidgeL' 'ccresources.org or hkudrak'i ccresource. org DFP\P EOE E 25105 W. Newberry Road Ne\s berry, FL (352) 472-4472 Kim Stanley Cell (352) 745-6236 Michelle Pickett Cell (352) 494-4774 2000 3/2 doublewide on 1 acre inside Gilchrist 8g lr County line. The property is sloped in the front N which provides privacy to the home. 1232 sq ft. Owner motivated make offer. Call KIM. MLS 241656/750470 $85,000 1995 3/2 doublewide on 1 +/- acre inside Gilchrist "- County. 1560 sq ft. This home has an eat-in kitchen and an island in the middle. Enjoy the oversized garden tub or snuggle next to the fireplace in the living room...much more! Call KIM OR MICHELLE MLS 242532/750711 $119,900 1978 4/2 doublewide sits at the top of a beauti- ful hill on 10 acres. Just inside Gilchrist County this home needs a little cosmetic work but the property is fantastic! 1288 sq ft SCall KIM MLS 243039/750858 $185,000 3/2 doublewide (1998 yr) perfect for a new family. 1/2 acre lot. Must see to appreciate. 1568 sq ft Call MICHELLE MLS 241062/750295 $85,000 - .i 3/2 doublewide (1996 yr) wonderful home on 2.5 +/- acre lot. Owner Motivated!! 1836 sq ft. SThis home has a formal living room, family room w/ fireplace, eat in kitchen, and an island in the kitchen. Must see to appreciate! Call KIM or MICHELLE S MLS 260851/751243 $170,000 fLCT ,CI-RITSTCOITNTY JOURNAL. rfn.8-18 BOB OSBORNE TREE SER- VICE. INC.: 70 ft bucket truck. hydraulic loader truck, stump grind- er. Free Estimates. Insured 352- 463-9100. tfnb,5-26 PRESSURE WASHING, AND PAINTING: Reasonable prices, de- pendable. insured and professional Shamrock Ser\ices, 35'-l463-1212 day or evening and weekends. LAND FOR SALE Oak Walk in Bell with 'i 1o M acre lots.: Homes only, paved streets. underground utilities! $3i0 000 to i52.000 Anne Barnett, Owner/Broker 5.4 Acres 2 mile S of SR 26 be- tween Newberry & Trenton, half wooded, fronts 2 graded roads. MLS 242951 $75,000. Lynn Her- vey. 10Acres in homes only (1800 sq ft min), deed restricted Oak Ridge Crossing S/D, Alachua city limits. Wooded, access via CR 235; hors- es OK. MLS 241741 $200.000. Lynn Hervey 117 Acres in Union Co. on 2 paved county 'roads. Santa Fe River waterfront! Beautiful, roll- ing with planted pine and lovely oaks! MLS 240132 $1,770,000. Lynn Hervey 70 Acres in Monteocha area, Alachua Co. Wooded, divided by paved road, 40 acres on west side, 30 on east. Great farm or timber tract! MLS 241228 $490,000. Lynn Hervey 5 Acres in Meadow Wood Trails on CR 313, Gilchrist Co. Deed restricted, gated, 4 board fence, .homes only. $115,000. Anne Bar- nett 1,306 Acres in Alachua Co, south of Newberry (in'city limits). Stun- ning land with huge live oaks & pastures. Would make an incred- ible equestrian development! MLS 234116 $15,700,000. Anne Barnett 1.84 Acre lot on gorgeous Lake Santa Fe! $249,900. Sondra Blake 2 Acre lot in Fox Run S/D near Trenton. Paved roads, undrgrnd electric, deed restricted, site built or mobile home (1500 min). $50,000. Sondra Blake 41 Acres in Tiger Island, Levy Co, north of Cedar Key. Hunting land with cabin. MLS 260687 $200,000. Anne' Barnett Southern Property Services, Inc. Lynn Hervey 352-376-1371 Anne Barnett 352-375-7731 Sondra Blake 352-538-3003 www.Floridalandl com I ------- ------ -- -- ------ -- 1 ----- .- --- ------- -~- m I tfnb,7-7 i N 1 re-le el a ';'"L~~j~ah rru r as'-' u .L *LIU. I'.."..A . SHelp Wanted COCA-COLA NORTH AMER- ICA is a leading producer and dis- tributor of beverage products. We currently have openings at our bot- tling plant located in High Springs. Accounting Coordinator (Account- ing exp. and strong spreadsheet capabilities preferred), 'Shipping Clerk (Shipping/Warehouse exp. .preferred); Production Operators (Manufacturing exp. preferred); Maintenance Technicians (Strong electrical and mechanical skills re- quired).; Quality Control Technician (Industrial QC' or Microbiology/ Chemical laboratory exp. preferred). COMPETITIVE WAGES & EXC. BENEFITS. ;Flexibility to work off-shifts and/or extended hours is required for all positions. Apply in person at Coca Cola North America, 7100 NE CR-340, High Springs, FL 32643 EOE/DFWP , ltb. 2-16 WAITRESS, COOK & DISH- WASHER: Only serious need ap-: ply. Call for appointment, 352-463- 7670. 4tb,2-9-3-2 A/C INSTALLER: Duct Mechan-. ic, Akins Heating and Air Condi- tion. 463-2380.' tfnb,1-19 REAL ESTATE SECRETARY/ ASSISTANT wanted in busyoffice that can offer their multi-task efforts and enthusiasm to svork within a team. Must hate real estate office experience Send resume to: PO0 Box 545, Chietland, Florida 326-1-. Help Wanted COLEMAN CONSTRUC- TION Heavy Equipment Oper- ator, Truck Driver, Class A CDL, 352-472-4550. ltb,2-16 DELIVERY DRIVER, c cord. Class A CDL, own t station. Fork lift exp. a plus edge of local area helpful call 352-472-2616. SKIDDER OPERATOR rience preferred, good pa benefits, please apply in p our High Springs Office. (3 1511. KID'S WORLD PRESCH ACCEPTING APPLICA for a part-tme teacher's, from 2:30 6:30 pm. Must diploma, stop by to apply 352-463-3555. GM BODY SHOP MAN Salary plus commission, c tor @ 352-493-4263 or fax to 352-493-1815. Scoggins Buick, . itf FT/PT EXPERIENCED tenance man needed imme Also a FT/PT experience needed immediate]. Apple at the Lighthouse Restaurant S. tf Nice aStarter Hom Come take a look at this 3 BR/2 BA hon with 1,352 sq.,ft..of living. Situated c partially -fenced 7.48 acres for room roam. Attached carport/polebarn ar 12x12 shed, Call now to see today MLS#751390 2460 NW 71st Street' Bell, Florida Just Listed -$149,000 Agent: Rebecca Woodin Cell (352) 494-8233 Office (352) 463-7770 Smith & .-ssociates : GALC Real Estate Jim King Realty, Inc. Realtor I Main Office (352) 493-2221 ! 315 N. Main Street (US-19), Chiefland, FL32626 Fanning Springs Branch Office (352) 463-6144 or 542-0009 S 17871 U.S. Hwy. 19, Fanning Springs, FL 32693 Suwannee Branch Office (352) 542-9007 23382 SE 349 Hwy., Suwannee, FL 32692 EUAL HOUSIN ce@jmkngea orwww.jimkingrealty.com REALTO OPPORTUNITY office@jimkingrealty.com or www.jimkingrealty.com REALTOR- 200 Acre Farm with 3/2 home just South of Chiefland with 1/2 mile on paved highway 347. 60 acre coastal hay, 60 acre pasture,'80 acre cultivated. Scattered live oak trees makes this a perfect setting for a horse farm. Rare to find this type of farm in our area today! (LR-750513) $2,600,000.00 352-493-2221 I I Country Living. Almost new 3/2 Homes Of Merit Doublewide on 10 Acres in North Dixie County. Quality home in a peaceful setting. Large master suite with huge walk in closet. Enjoy those cool winter nights in front of a wood burning fireplace! Don't miss seeing this home. $189,500. (DMH-749887) 352-493-2221 Almost new 3/2 DW MH on a 1 ac. comer lot on paved streets. This home features a fireplace to keep you warm on the cool nights, eat in kitchen, 4" well with filter, and 8' XIO' storage shed. This home is being sold furnished or unfurnished your choice. Close to schools, shopping, the Suwae River, the Gulf of Mexico. Seller is motivated and willing to look at offers. *** SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! *** $99,000. (DMH-751468-JW) 352-463-6144 or 542-0009 BREATHTAKING MARSH & SUNSET VIEWS make this 1 BR IBA home on deep salt water canal an excellent investment property or the perfect place to come, relax.& get away from it all! The town of Suwannee is a quiet fishing village that is surrounded by the Gulf of Mexico, the Suwannee River and a 60,000 acre National Wildlife Refuge. Whether you like fishing, scalloping, biking, watching manatees or just relaxing on your own dock, this is a place where you can do all that and much more! Don't let this one slip by. Call today for a showing. $225,000 (DW-751185-JH) 352-542-9007 Silver Oaks Lovely 3/2 home on two, half acre wooded lots. Central H/A, fully equipped kitchen, 2 car garage. Plus 28 x 32 detached garage & workshop with 1/2 bath. This home was built new in 2002. Paved streets. Deed Restricted Community. Must See! $185,000.'(LR-750468-D) 352-493-2221 This 2/2 DWMH on 1.5 lot, Paved Street and Great location near Manatee Springs. Priced to sell. $54,900. (LMH-748614-K) 352-493-2221 Gl CHRI ST COT TNTY TJO URNAT. C LAS S IF I E DS CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. A lean re- ranspor- , knowl- . Please Ltb. 2-23 : Expe- Teacher Aide, Pre-K, ly, great Special Needs erson at Bell Elementary School 86) 454- High school diploma or equivalent. Associate of Arts degree or higher, tfnb,2-2 at least 60 credit hours from an OOL IS accredited institution, or a passing TIONS score on an approved state test assistant, required. CDA Required. have HS Teacher Aide or call Trenton Elementan School High school diploma or equivalent. tfnb.2-9 Associate of Arts degree or higher, at least 60 credit hours from an accredited institution, AGER: or a passing score on an approved all Vic-.- state test required. ,CDA Required resume Chety- Temporary Teacher Aide n .,1 : Trenton Elemeniars School nb,l19 High school diploma or equitalenr Associate of Arts degree or higher, S at least 60 credit hours from an main- i accredited institution. ediately. d cook or a passing score on an approi ed ihi state test required. CDA Required '.nb Temporary Teacher Aide fnbl-27 Trenton Elementary School" High school diploma or equi talent Associate of Arts degree or higher, Sj I at least 60 credit hours from an accredited institution, : or a passing score on an appro. ed state test required. Teacher Aide Trenton Elementar School High school diploma or equi\ talent. Associate of Arts degree or higher, at least 60 credit hours from an . accredited institution, or a passing score on an appro, ed s tate test required tTeacher Aide Alternative Education ---I Central Campus High school diploma or equivalent. ie Associate, of Arts degree or higher, )n at least 60 credit hours from an accredited institution., or a passing. o score on an approved state test d1 required. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 23. 2006 SHelp Wanted be screened. Not all applicants will be interviewed. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled. EEO/Drug Free Workplace www.GilchristSchools.org ........ ..I. r uI ltb,2-23 Help Wanted I Help Wanted I ,VV woddland Speech/Language Pathologist Application may be downloaded at:t (K-12) www.gilchristschools.org/Person- Craft ign s District-wide nel.htm#Application Vinyl Letters Bachelor's Degree in Speech/ Vinyl L Language Pathology/Communica- Attach a resume and any UStm Graphics tion Disorders from an accredited additional information as Custom graphics educational institution. Florida necessary. All applications will. 4 463-71 35 certification in Speech. Language' Pathology and/or licensure in Speech/Language Pathology. School Psychologist District-wide , Master's Degree from an accredited .institution. Certification covering School Ps\chology. Substitute Teachers' High School Diploma or Equivalent. Contact the District Office for an application and more information. Highl' Qualified Substitute Teacher Pool SWe are accepting applications for our Highlh Qualified Substi- tute Teacher Pool Qualifications. Bachelor's Degree or higher with a current or former Leaching certificate in a . core subject area Once approved. highly qualified subsututes would d be eligible for subsutunng at $130 a da) in pre-appro\ed silua- tions % here there is a long-term absence in a core subject area All other daily substituting would be at current daily\ rates. Contact the District Office for an application and more information Bus Driver Trainees: Substitute Bus Drisers. High School Diploma. 40 hours of ir-ser ice training %'ill be pro, ided for qualified ap-; plicants Fle\ible training hours Part of the training prepares * trainees for the dri\er portion of the Class B Florida CDL For In- formation or questions, contact the Transportation Department at i352' 463,3230. Obtain and submit application to Gilchrist CountS School District, 310 NW llth Aenue. Trenton FL 32693 S 352) 46332l00 Warehouse Manager F/T Must be able to lift 50 Ibs. Previous shipping and receiving exp. a plus but not req. CDL license also a plus. Apply in person at Southern States Cooperative 7730 N. Hwy 47 No phone calls please. 1 * -' *2 RESIDENTIAL A LOT FOR A LITTLE! Over 2400 Sq. Ft. with 4BR, 3BA, solid surface countertops in kitchen, cultured marble in baths & upgrades everywhere! Call Tony Boothb\, 352-262-2259. $299,500; #261109 BRING YOUR HORSES! 5 acres between High Springs & Newberry w/low taxes of Gilchrist Co. 3BR, 2BA, open Liv. area w/fireplace. Kit. has newer appliances & double oven. Outbuildings w/power & covered area for kennel. Beautiful pasture cross-fenced, Call Sean Maroney, 352-665-0144. $335,000. #260302 VACANT LAND BEAUTIFUL ACRE LOT in Three River Estates with huge old oaks! Private Santa Fe River access to boat ramps and picnic areas. Close to Spring, low Suwannee taxes. Call Martha Cornelius, 386-984-5920. $29,900. #241896 BEAUTIFUL WOODED 5 ACRES close to Trenton. Easy commute to Gainesville. Call Tony Deluca, 352-318-3815. $64,000. #260240 HEAVILY WOODED 5 ACRES only one mile south of the Santa Fe River. Will allow mobile homes,, minimum of 900 Sq. Ft. Call Martha Barnes, 386-454-3327 or 352-339-4069. $84,900. #261732 BEAUTIFUL 5 ACRE HOMESITE in homes only' gated community. Located in Northern Gilchrist County, just a few miles away from the historic Suwannee River & the Santa Fe River. Come & relax in the country while keeping the city within reach. Call William Gillespie, 352-225-1921. $129,900. #260804 ROLLING 10 ACRES of lush pasture just waiting for you & your horses to relax in the country. Perfect to build or bring in a Manuf.. home. Call William Gillespie, 352-225-1921. $135,000. #242576 REAL D. Deen Lancaster Li: Real Estaie Brower 510 E Wade Street Trenton, FL 32693 - ios Vinyl Letters Banners Real Estate Signs CarTags c r Si u JournalS 463-7135i r LL Visit our website at: www.lancasterrealty.biz ANCASTE ....., .- . GORGEOUS 4BRI3BA on 2 A.:re,. pOIl ouldu'Oj ,icnen S rr.ire' 1390.000 MLSNL 50683 IMMr ;IAHAF"" LAKEFRONT Home on r. 30 A.:r.s 3BPI3B many Upgrades.. MLS# 74-918 $230.000 LOVELY DWMH o, sndlea 101 5-::es. New Ruti 48RJ,.BA rMLS4 7.496j S95,000 INCREDIBLE RIVERFRONT hrme r.r li 5 Acits 5BF2BA MLS4 7. 5914 $595.000 BEAUTIFUL BRICK COTTAGE STYLE home on 20 Acres, 2 BRi IBA ns.,.e r 1.68 4BR 2B MLS# 749034 re. mcirill. $185,000 $499.000 : -, MLS# 750664 UNDER CONSTRUCTION 4BR/2BA 5 A:ri Gated GC.mmunly MLSr'5:0191 $369,900 Smulation of Home beinq Constructed- COZY .BR/1BAr '; cre in 0 ly ot T rri..n ISrd.3rsj,.vC--& $ 5125,000 MLILS4 711263 BEAUTIFUL 4BR/2BA on 5 Acres, Lanai, above ground pool. $399,900 MLS# S 750833 GORGEOUS 1998 DVwrl i-on 3 16 Acres 3BP/-BAMLS 71,04;l8 $149,900 D3 CREATOR LOCATION. LOCATION 2000 DWMH 4BR/E2B LODCATIOIN 3BP1 5BA oi lacre comer il Ie ' in City, MLS# 751063' ilrcir,.a garage $84,900 orbshrp $125.000 t'ILSrt 7512-6 ... '- . ( TROKEREALTY 'I NC.- -- SEE OUR LISTINGS (352) 463-7075 JEAN C. ROKF licensed Real state Broker ON THE WEB: (352) 463-7302 FAX E-mail: lrokerealty@aol.com :i ,, S730 E. Wade Street tSR-26) Trenton, Florida 32693 r froLerean rtin.cor.' -- SUWANNEE RIVERFRONT PROPERTY NOW AVAILABLE -- RIVER-AREA HOMES & ACREAGE, NEAR TO OLD TO%%N\ IN DIlE: 6 BR' 5 B A TIc.: CB.buil h.:me, along with eleven .1/2-acre tracts (all landscaped, large'trees), located at private river S'D nirgr by Nature Coast 'Rails-Trails' river bridge/trail. 1,900 sq. ft. home has 90' along, the river, with deck & floating dock, river-side elevated, porch, 2-car garage & more. 2nd home is over 2,700 sq. ft. inside, 16x36 covered outer deck (w/hot tub), 2C\% '4 ri5bF 'F.'ie',' bldg., bonus rooms & 1/2 bath (possible 'in-law' suite), fully landscaped on one acre--call Jean or Jim for full det-l Ii-;. 1. r,: -f.-:il pi:r'p.erli *ih ;,e.: ". i erifrni & new home-site opportunity for .u .e t ,,.e,rv-r...1.000.000 1or separate offerfor either home' GORGEOUS WOODED ACREAGE. LARGE HOME & RIVERFRONT NEAR BELL 3'BR/3 BA: Private 10.73-acre tract, luii,.i, lli ci-Jd i,ih apprls 2?9i:' fIi.nrage jloig the Suwannee in. NW Gilchrist. iHs incredible, spacious frame/CB-stilt "dog-trot" home, 3 levels which include ground 11:.'r eneilai,,n.r, ntl ;eein-edJ poich. 3.er ichle parking, main 2nd level with over 2,000 sq. ft. of. screened porches (great river & nature',e le iQ. lull preirc.i:.n.diinnins.' kiichen I 'bonu: ,fII space), master suite (wood/tile flooring, walk-in closet). Also has a workshop/cottage, irrigation system, river deck & floating dock...too much more to mention here--call or e-mail our office for further details...$675,000.' -- QUALITY-BUILT HOMES CURRENTLY FOR SALE -- EXCELLENT RANCH HOME ON 5 SECLUDED ACRES: 3 BR/2.5 BA: Frame/CB-built home, has over 3,100 sq. ft. under roof, on back 5-acre tract (mostly pasture w/large oak/pine by .home-site) in between Trenton & Bell. Laminated wood & tile flooring, large greatroom/dining area w/fireplace, spacious 1st & 2nd BR's & Baths; full front country-style porch, 24' round pool, patio/BBQ area amongst the trees, and more...$310,000. WELL-BUILT HOME IN NICE TRENTON NEIGHBORHOOD: 3 BR 2 BA: Lots of living space, for this remodeled frame/CB home, on landscaped 110xl50 tract in town. Spjuc,.u i. in, c-.m di,,n-n; rw. t. -rn: room (w/brick fireplace), full kitchen w/appliances & china cabinetry, 2-car garage & more...$169,900. CEDAR-BUILT HOME & ACREAGE IN WEST GILCHRIST: 1 BR/1.5 BA: Landscaped 2.5-acre setting, for this Cedar-frame country cottage along West CR-232 (near Otter Springs). Inside has bpen-plan-concept, along with loft space (that could add room for more BR). Wood flooring;:pabinetry, wrap-around porches, and more...$165,000. FRAME HOME, NICE ACREAGE NEAR FANNING SPRINGS: 1 BR/1 BA: Compact home (not yet completed), currently 1 BR, but room for 1-2 more.) On 4-acre tract with paved frontage, large oaks by home-site with property fencing. Home has great potential, for first-time buyer or i, ei.r:r- call .or em:i. I Barbara for details...has contract pending...$129,000. -- MANUFACTURED HOMES ON THE MARKET-- SPACIOUS, LIKE BRAND-NEW MODULAR HOME NEAR TOWN: 3 BR/2 BA: 2005'30x60 M/Home in showcase shape, on pasture/landscaped 2 acres just south of Trenton. Beautiful inside, includes big family room w/fireplace, large kitchen w/stainless-steel appliances & plenty of counters/cabinetry, office alcove. Also, .attached pad ready for porch or additional roomss, storage shed, underground utilities & paved frontage...$179,900. PASTURE/FENCED ACREAGE & QUALITY DW MANUFACTURED: 3 BR/2 BA: Well-kept 1993 27x60 M/Home, with attached 2-wide carport & screened back porch, located on landscaped 5-acre tract, close to Bell & CR-341. Has large greatroom split-plan layout, with spacious master suite. Outer features include pole barn (room for horse space), workshop, 28'-round pool & more--call or e-mail for full information.. $159,900. UPDATED MANU. HOME & MORE, NEARBY FANNING SPRINGS: 3 BR/2 BA: Nicely cared-for 24x44 manufactured home-site, on landscaped .41/acre tract with paved frontage by SR-26 (& near US-19) in West Gilchrist. Has a number of outbuildings, including 30x40 workshop & more, lots of trees/fauna & property fencing--call Barbara for details...$114,900. NEAT & CLEAN 'HOMES-MERIT' IN FANNING SPRINGS: 3 BR/2 BA: Very fine, well-kept 27x63 Manufactured home, has full spacious rooms, fireplace in large family room, lots of counter/cabinet space for kitchen (w/full appliances), all on 100x300 tract with privacy fencing, paved road frontage along Joppa Church Road & more...$95,000. WELL-KEPT M/HOME ON LANDSCAPED ACRE IN NO. GILCHRIST: 3BR/2BA: 1996 24X44 Manufactured, in quality condition, on 1.04-acre tract (nice mix of trees/open space), with board fencing in front. Located north of Bell, with quick access to US 129 & CR 340...Owner says to present offers...$92,000. DOUBLE-WIDE ON CANAL LOT NEAR SUN SPRINGS: 3 BR/2 BA: Well-kept 1988 'Fleetwood' manufactured, located on a quiet area near to both the Suwannee and Sun & Hart Springs. 60x129 tract has 60' frontage along a spring canal, and 'as-is' dock by water: M/Home could also be rental investment--call for details...$89,900. -- LOTS & ACREAGE PROPERTIES ON MARKET-- NEW LISTING--8+ ACRES, CLOSE TO ALACHUA CO. LINE: 8.92-acre mostly pasture tract, on cul-de-sac for privacy, very close to SR-26 for quick work/leisure drive east to Gainesville, call or email Barbara for details...$150,000. 44 ACRES, MIX OF WOODS/OPEN SPACE, IN EAST GILCHRIST: Over 40 acres, ready for family or gentleman's farm/home-site east of Trenton; has paved frontage along CR-337, and an older home-site on property (improvements being sold in 'as is' condition)--call or e-mail our office for full details...$638,000. 20 ACRES-PASTURE PROPERTY IN WEST GILCHRIST: Twenty rolling acres, with large oaks/pines along boundaries, ready for Ag use or large home-site. Located close to CR-232 & CR-344 near Hart Springs...$265,000. THREE SEPARATE 20-ACRE TRACTS NEAR BELL: 3 individual 20-acre properties, side-by-side location in North Gilchrist, mostly wooded raw acreage ready to be improved--call or email Barbara for details...$260,000 each. 5 ACRES & IMPROVEMENTS, EAST GILCHRIST: Quiet, country acreage, with well, septic & power pole (Owner selling 'as is'). Close to CR-232, for easy access to Gainesville/Alachua...$89,900. 4+ ACRES NEAR FANNING SPRINGS: Located amongst nice mix of well-kept built & manu. home-sites, mostly pasture 4.2-acre tract ready for new home-site, within short drive to Fanning Springs and Trenton...$73,000. BUILDABLE 1/2-ACRE NEAR MANATEE SPRINGS: Nicely-wooded 100x200 tract, located along paved Camp Azalea Road (near to Manatee State Park west of Chiefland). Well-kept built & M/H home-sites nearby:..$25,000. AFFORDABLE & BUILDABLE TRACT, NEAR TO FANNING SPRINGS: Wooded 100x100 property, near to SR-26, Rails-to-Trails and more at west end of county, ready, for built or manufactured home-sites...$9,900. You can call our agents after regular business hours, for more information on any of our listings, at the main office number above, or at our agents' cell numbers below: Jim or Jean Troke (386) 935-3357 l AjiLS SPaul Troke (352) 221-2999 SBarbara Mayo (352) 222-0427 "Professional Service With A Personal Touch" Laura White (352) 494-3393 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Help Wantedj VACANCIES GILCHRIST COUNTY SCHOOLS -- ------------- rm I C- Dn<,-' Fni lrta f I Y! myrrmTC'ThA CV 1DDTTADV?3 9006V- ITHiURSDAYI, FLCIJX I Z-1, Zr1. GTT .CHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Page Fifteen Real Eistate 412 SW HOUSE FOR SALE Beauti- er month. ful 2004 home in Trenton, close to schools and shopping. $130,999. 2-16-2-23 Call Adam Fischer at 231-3424. ce at Wil- tfnb, 2-23 . 26 East, FOR SALE Retail storefront prop- 352-463- erty in downtown Trenton. Three buildings on Main Street. Call 352-. tfnb. 2-16 463-7135. -C- z r fl. .Beast Feast Raffle Tickets ; On Sale Now at the . Gilchrist County Journal 207 North Main Street -Trenton 2003 MOBILE HOME, 3 wood on 5 acres in Bell area $87,500. Call Leslie or An 352-463-63149 352-949-2 BUILDING LOTS Five-Acre Tracts Absolutely Gorgeous, Wooded, Great Location just off Hwy-129 between Trenton & Bell. Contractor will design and build your Dream Home on one of these beautiful lots. 352-463-9060 PROJECT MANAGER NEEDED Sfor Trenton-based " residential building contractor. Ability to manage numerous single-family projects at one time. Benefits. S Equal Opporrunitr Emplo\er. Drug-Free workplace Fax Resume to 352-463-0031 and Associates: Santa Fe River acreage with river frontage. We have several larger parcels to, choose from with a variety of frontage in Gilchrist County. Call us for all ol' the wonderful details. 10.26 Acres Corer property paved road frontage, fenced, well, septic, power, phone, carport, stalls, cedar trees, fruit and nut trees, just minutes from Lake Cr or 1-75. $180,000. 5.0 Acres Paved ciul de sac, fenced. 1200 planired ccdar trees, pasture, easy cmmuie to Lake Clt or Gjinc~ville S.1,11i) l .' 51. Acres Pawd rojd coreri lo wih well, pn.'. power, tuiel nijilcr, crporn, set' Sup for animals, fenced. Great location in Columbia County. $100,000. Several 1.0 acre parcels.to choose tcm ihatl ill give y.,u decdd nmer a.cc.s to the Ichiiucknee and S3ria Fe RrP.ri. Spring is iist ar,:,und Ihe imorct. Gett vours now rl: i.r: rl?;- re jll .:,:.nc C)11 r;:r ,J& l] . 1.1 o Gicigeis AteKS in-norh GilchnsiiCwrt', .iuil :t p.i wl.,,unr, road.Bell. schooll dilrrcts and eaK, commnur to Llake Cir,, High Spnrig Gainesville. Very -private and quiet area. $62,500 S2 Bedroom, 2 Bath DWMH. Verywell kept 2002 home on 5.0 acres in northern Gilchrist County. Secluded but not far from amenities. Out building. Come and Enjoy.the Country Life!! $107,900 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath DWMH. Fireplace, dining room, eat-in kitchen, living room, family room and more! All this on 3.3 well groomed acres with paved road frontage. Extremely well kept home, it just needs a family to come and love it! $137,500 Gorgeous Custom Built Home, 2 BD / 2 BA with loft, den, eat-in-kitchen, front porch, brick BBQ patio, custom cypress woodwork. 2-car garage with huge workshop. 1.3 wooded acres. Just up the road from the Santa Fe River boat ramp, but is not in the flood plain. $229,000' 3.19 Gorgeous acres in a Suwannee River.access community. Wooded area with large oaks throughout. Lafayette County $35,900 Call 1-800-643-6971 info@Dhillipsrealtvland.com MLO S See more of our listings @ www.phillipsrealtyland.com - Ummom L. Frank Grant Realty L. Frank Grant LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER 216-A N. Main St., Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-2817 FAX (352) 463-2479 lfgr@bellsouth.net We List To Sell! EQ 1ALHOUSINO OMRTUJffY JMLSl 818 SW 5th Street Trenton .. .. . ..' -5 '"^ "''' :.. . 4.. 4 BR/2 BA frame house, 3 acres, 2,156 sq. ft., large trees-nice area, room to build another home or 2. MLS#748358. Price $175,000. SFor additional information on our listings and virtual tours. Visit our website at www.lfrankgrant.com East Side of Gilchrist County 3 ac tract plus, four (4) 5 ac tracts w/planted pines on Co. Grade Rd. Priced at $90,000 each. MLS#750923-750927 Lil Lake City NW 60th Street 9.2 ac Planted Pines, MLS#749600 Reduced $125,000. 10 AC off Santa Fe on 95th PL 4" well-cross fenced-ready for horse or new home. MLS#749774 Reduced $145,000. 9.92 AC NW 52nd CT Clear pasture land-fencing.MLS#749884 Only $140,000. 20 AC NW 18th Way Wooded, $260,000. 20 AC 30th Street in Bell Wooded, $215,000. LCLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIED ADS $4.50 MINIMUM FOR 20 WORDS. 5 CENTS EACH ADDITIONAL WORD. A Real Estate Buy or sell or both. Call L1I1,U~U TOWN A OUI Y VKtAI ',u' T T OWVN & COUNTRY REALTY I '2 Fleel- : 3527463*8340 . Asking P. O, Box 8, Bell, Florida 32619 thony at tcrealty@bellsouth.net - Z261. www.TownandCountryRealty Online.com De' D -Gilchrist-Le Board of Realtors and Multiple Listing Service. tfnb,2-20 Mobile Homes 1984 24 x 52 DW front and back porch. 3BD/2BA, fireplace. To be mo\ed from m' property. $4,000 call 463-7553: Itb. 2-23 Nee tosen a ax is io1 n REALTY Tri-County, Inc. Office: (352) 542-7729 Fax: (352) 542-0645. 26867 Hwy 19* Old Town (Old To\u Shopping Center) ILW Vision Realty Tri-County, Inc. wants to WELCOME Amanda Cassidri Langford to our Team of professional, real estate agents. Amanda is a life time residents of Dixie County. Call her today for a free CNAI 6o for any of your buying and selling needs. 352-542-7729 or 352-494-5403. ,.:' '.1 _E. .. 4 i ,, -. 2 ' MILS'S 750'772 $95.000 3br.2BA 411.46 Acres Too many features to list! Must see! Beautiful home and property. M LSO'-49890 '" $1"'5.000 3BR 2BA '1 Acres Lovely home, everything inside and Out is well kept. Call Lisa or Lloyd Today for details. .352-493-4200 P i- L mL2.. MLS# 751069 $170,000 .4BR/2BA -. 6.64 Acres Plenty of room to roam %\ bajutilul Pasture and oak trees; I.. r; 'lliflff." i KiAiSi: _^, ** MLS# 749541 $379,90'0 4BR/2BA 8.5 Acres Beautiful home w/pool. 'Secluded & quiet! Fenced yard w/ home approximately 3100 sq.ft. Call Sylvia (a 352-493-4200. MLS "451421 S209.900 3BR/2BA 2.0 Acres Lovely deed restricted home. Very inviting- must see! MLS# 750418 $184,900 3BR/2BA 10 Acres . Beauliful locai ul nli luha, leasing Operation. Call Lisa Baxter/Realtor For details. 352-493-4200 MLS# 750732 $67,000 2BR/2BA .34 Acres Screened porch & workshop. Close to Suwannee river. Call Lisa Baxter/Realtor foridetails 352-493-4200 aaa- *.7 .2z N_. MLS# 751176 $230,000 4BR/3BA 14.19 Acres Spacious, 2,356 foot double wide M/H.on 14.19 acres with plenty to offer. $475,000 MLS #747172 3BR/2BA .50 Acres High ceilings w/open floor Plan. ,, ' MLS #747668 $250,000 3BR/IBA .92Acres This home is in a prime location. Also a great investment opportunity. Would make a great florist shop or hair salon. $339,900.00 MLS #749283 3 BR 2 BA, 10 Acres This home is very unique in design. The construction is concrete block, stucco, and rock. This home is very energy efficient. U GMAC-, ~ NV! .11 Acres Land in grcal scihoo.:l district! .23 Acres' Closwe cihc:,-I. ,shopping & .24 Acre Partially :lcired I.'li ' .41 Acre% : Trenton City limits. .70 Acre Paved road & partially clear 1.00 Acre Lot cleared w/scattered trees. 1 Acre' Close to water i/no flooding 1.00 Acre Nite lVI clcoe it:i gollf curse l'.,, sold eparaiel 1.93 Acres Largesprjaling aks 4.611 Acres ,iccly wooded' & Deed L a.,ted offCR232. 4.74 Acres I I- .9 Are $12,11i0 ) 10 Acres- $129,900 W ll. sepljc and poer pole $34,900 10 Acres $139,900 rciratjion Land partially cleared and ready for your S114,900 h..lom e. S-. S 10 Acres $149,101U S$39,900 Secluded prn.pen, hjni.i i ,ee polCenial 10 Acres $170,000 Deed restrliced I, himcs orinlj $19,500 10 Acres $184,900 d. Deed restricted to homes only. $35,000 li)0 Acres $260,000 SHay barn, well & paved road $30,000 10.26 Acres $184,900 ., "Homes Only" Chiefland $39,900 10.45 Acres $288,900 3 indi\dual Hjiy crp / ow ner financing S 10.50 Acres $129.900 $69,900 : Deed Reirricted co:mmrunnry where Mobile homes are allo\vcd licaed in $84,900 Bell Restricted. 14.97 Acres S194,900 Property in Bell ready for home. Two $87,500 available! Dmc'J RTisrUricd' SiddJtlr.:.,:,k" S/D. 4.77 Acres $87,500 Deed Restricted "Saddlebrook" S/D. 4.78 Acres $73,000 Close to River o:'Foid:ing . 4.79 Acres $87,500 Deed Restricted "Saddlebrook" S/D. 4.81 Acres $87,500* Died Re tSnied "Sjddlet.rok" S D) S 999 cre 5,00 Acres 349,9111 Commcrcijl property in City limits of Bell. 5 Acres $75,000 Propertylocated in heart of Bell. 5 Acres $75,000 Located off major highway! 5 Acres $79,900 Beautiful property located in horse farm community. 5 Acres $79,900 Nice acreage in Chiefland. 5 Acres $85,000 Deed Restricted to Site Built Homes. Three individual lots available. 5 Acres $75,000. Property has new well & septic! 5 Acres $80,000 Deed restricted to new doublewide MH's. Three available. 5 Acres $80,000 Deed Restricted "Homes Only". Two tracts available each $80,000. Purchased together for $150,000. 5 Acres $90,000 Nice tract in.Trenton off CR 334-A. 5 Acres $95,000 Old homesite, sold "as is". 5 Acres $140,000 Planted in 12 yr old pines. 5.52 Acres $75,000 This is a 3 sided parcel located in Trenton. 6.2 Acres $75,000 Perfect for homesite. 7 Acres $124,900 Property off Cow Pond Rd Old Town. 9.62 Acres $149,900 Deed restricted to new doublewide MH's. m 10 Acres $1( Wooded parcel on country setting. 09,900 20.00 Acres $406,000 SWell, septic & power pole. 21 Acres $660,000 Deed restricted community. *Waterfront Banner* 23 Acres $165,900 Planted in mature pines. 35.85 Acres $385,000 Pines offer seclusion & beauty. S40.00 Acres $480,000 Planted in pines. 57.37 Acres $1,721,100 City water & sewer. Can be subdivided. 64 Acres $500,000 High and Dry! 80 Acres $799,600 Great hunting property planted in pines. 154 Acres $2,618,000 Just outside city limits of Bell & can Be subdivided. 160 Acres $1,920,000 Agricultural land can be subdivided. .12 Acres $189,900 Fresh water canal lot in Suwannee. .54 Acre $150,000 Property is in Melrose, Fl. Deep canal lot off Santa Fe River. 4 Acres $249,000 Beautiful Island for sale in Yankeetown. 12.78 Acres $1,500,000 . Beautiful Cedar Key property. High & Dry w/creek. 15.0 Acres $480,000 Astonishing acreage on Suwannee River w/ deed restrictions. 21.00 Acres $660,000 Astonishing acreage on Suwannee River. Conmmerie c Convenience Store $950,000 Located in Otter Creek. High traffic count, Busy highway, & only gas station for miles. Too much to list! MLS# 750110 Commercial Building $179,900 Totally remodeled building located off Major highway. MLS# 750406 Commercial Building $779,000 MANY possibilities! Offers 8250 sq.ft. total w/ 2 separate buildings. High traffic count! MLS [srvc Yo Deev.Pol You*-.us 0 10 SW 7th Street 605 N. Main Street 934 E. Wade Street 27888 US Hwy-19 Hwy-349 South Williston, FL 32696 Chiefland, FL 32626 Trenton, FL 32693 Old Town, FL 32680 Suwannee, FL 32692 352-529-0010 352-493-4200 352-463-7770 352-542-1111 352-542-1212 For Rent FOR RENT 3/2 home 4th Ave., Trenton. $850p Contact 352-745-2112. 2tb. FOR RENT Office spa son Mobile Homes, Hwy Trenton, 900+ sq. ft. Call 2156. 352 463*8340 Dixie Gilchrist Levy Board of Realtors and Multiple Listing Service P. O. Box 8 Bell, Florida 32619 E-Mail: tcrealty@bellsouth.net www.TownandCountryRealtyOnline.com 2 ACRES MOL paved road, comer, naturally wooded, cleared area for your homesite, 5 minutes to Suwannee River public boat ramp, Old Town/Branford, $42,000. MLS 751244 2.5 ACRES MOL corner, pines, oaks, off the beaten path, Bell, $40,000. MLS 751324. 1 ACRE MOL wooded,;no deed restrictions north of Bell, $25,000. MLS 751441 3 ACRES MOL wooded, half mile off paved road, deed restrictions. allow mobile homes, travel trailers, camper trailers, RV finits less'than 10 years-old. Old Town, $50.000 MLS 751440 20 ACRES MOL corer, about' 10 acres cleared for crops or livestock, several acres of natural' woods for your homesite, inactive rockpit reclaimed by Mother Nature on north end. Make your own fishing hole. Are you a rock or mountain climber? Lay out your own course for exercise or entertainment. Bell, $300,000 firm. MLS S751123. . DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL 6.acres mol next to downtown park. Some R-3 uses are half-acre lots and multifamily residences. House has minimal value. Pole barn. Giant oaks, fruit & nut trees. Bell, $300,000. MLS 750200 2.27 ACRES MOL- wooded, rolling, Bell. $40.000 MLS 749974 SUWiVAN N EE RIVER VIEW from spacious covered balcony. Instant access to public boat ramp. Elevated, renovated 3 BR 2 BA MH, hot tub in glass enclosed porch, fieldstone woodburhing fireplace, roomy kitchen. Half acre tiol: Bell, $180,000; VIRTUAL TOUR. MLS 749389 10.33 ACRES MOL Bell, $150,000. MLS 749639 SALE SPENDING, LET US. HELP YOU BI OR SELL. OR BOTH Smith & Associates,nc. www.slgmac.com Brad Smith Licensed Real Estate Broker T~bG~El :: -.I- F' i --C i- L~tfi~ I.:.!~1CC~I I.' :~rl~( 1 10 19.99 Acres (Continued) 10 19.99 Acres .1 rage lxteeA IIc n ... ,-.. ..-F.. 2 . T'b-.. " Beast Feast Raffle Tickets On Sale Now at the 4 Gilchrist County Journal 207 North Main Street Trenton FREE CLASSES at Gilchrist County Health Department Childbirth Education and Smoking Cessation/SIDS Class MONDAY FEBRUARY 27TH FROM 1:00 5:00 P.M. Breastfeeding and Newborn Care Class TUESDAY FEBRUARY 28TH FROM 1:00 -5:00 P.M. These classes are held to make having and caring for a New baby a little easier. Each mom in attendance will be registered for a chance to win a nursery monitor. Refreshments will be served! Call HEALTHY START at (352)463-3120 to Sign-up Or Sign-Up at the Front Desk! 1424 North Young Blvd., Chiefland www.scogginschevybuick.com Welcome Robert Willis, Gilchrist County's New Director of Public Safety (Continued from Page One) come out of our fire assessment tax. Yes, we may have to pay more someday for this protec- tion, as for myself I am willing to pay for this "insurance" to know that if something happens in my home, my parent's home or my grandfather's home, that someone will respond as soon as humanly possible. Right now I am at the mercy of those who respond from their home, work or leisure location; I am thank- ful for our volunteer firefighters and I know we will continue to need them in the future to help keep overall costs down. But I would feel better knowing that if I calll911 that someone is on the Way now and not'in 5, 10, or 15 minutes. Someone I love could perish in that short time. Mr. Willis made it clear that when handling the funds that pay for these services, "What my goal overall is, is to get the most service, the best service we can get for the least amount of cost. Spend the money as if it was your own and expect what you would expect if it was you who was being treated." I was shocked and disap- pointed to hear that an Emer- gency Medical Technician's (this is an individual who has been through over 4 months of training) starting hourly wages are less than $7.00 per hour. We also employ Paramedics which have undergone at least a year of training. The majority of emer- gency management is run off of grant funding from the state and federal government. The new "Phase II Compliance 911 plan" system was paid for with a $300,000 grant. This new sys- tem will be installed shortly and systems will.not be interrupted during the six week changeover. The-improvements among other things will improve calls re- ceived from cell phones. Your phone, does not need to have a GPS chip: they will also be able to use triangulation to locate cell callers. This may not seem like such a big deal on the surface but if something happens and you cannot "talk" on the phone, our 911 service will be able to deter- mine where the call is ,coming from and follow up accordingly. Mr. Willis gave some examples of things that he has seen happen to people and he's proud to say; "Me, the people who work for me, and the Sheriffs office get paid to think about those things for people. So everybody else Li tL T~i~-14Li --- -- * Sponsors of the Cattlemen's Dinner are very important and they received a huge "Thank You" from the crowd. Shown from left are Jim Smith with Helena Chemical in Alachuia, Larry Culp with Douglas Fertili:er in Maitland, Wes and Julie Grant with Chiefland Farm Supply, "Big Jim" Jones from Gilchrist County, and Donna Rain with Drummond Community Bank. "Big Jim" and his crew.did a great job cooking the steaks, they were DELICIOUS! can go on Iw ith their regular life and. not ha\e to deal with the ugly side and the bad things that may happen." I had to ask \what the hardest part of this position has been. After all he is in charge of a lot of departments and his job ulti- At Scoggins. .. 1 we 'yFve Cat trhe Truck For You! 2006 Chevy Colorado Reg. Cab 2006 Chevy. S1500 Reg. Cab 2006 Chevy 1500 Ext. Cab 2006 Chevy 2006 Chevy 2006 Chevy 1500 3500 3500 Cab Crew LT1 Flat Bed & Chassis j~. *. . Automatic Autoniatic Automatic Automatic 4WD Duramax Diesel #1065 #1061 # 1,027 #1024 #895 .#1021 $15,188 *16,088' *18,688 *5,088 27,588* S5,288 2006 SChevy Avalanche. 7 4WD, #935 #1009 '#944 #859 Loaded & DVD System Duramax Diesel #1020 #1048 26,588. 25,188* *31,088* 22,488* 35,788* 39,788* scoggins' TOTAL VALUE PROMISE ... Straight Forward Pricing Trade Values Financing Packages! mo.ai in cu soe an ales -iarn Sales Dept. Open Mon.-Fri. 8 to 7; Sat. 9 to 4; Closed Sunday Body Shop Open Mon.-Fri. 7:30 to 5 Service Dept. Open Mon.-Fri. 7:30 to 5 - 24 Hour Towing Call 493-7061 *Price does not include tax and title lic., due at delivery. All payments and APRs subject to approved credit with GMAC. Rebates are included in price. 30 Years Service to the Tri-County Communities \' DM.YA IOT DV5 M A" WE I I 1 I I mately affects every individual within the county. Mr. Willis first laughed a. little and had to say that "the people that work for me andthat are providing the services are outstanding.' I have no complaints about them at all, every one of them seems to have that same philosophy; they were here -to provide a service, and were happy to proi ide this ser- vice. I think that all the people that work for us right how are great people and I'm happy. to be associated with them." Unfor- tunately, balancing the job, with the "politics" that goes along \%ith it can be challenging at times. In the process of improv- ing the system and the changes that need to be made, "to get something done can be difficult, it doesn't happen as fast as I'd like.'" "I don't believe in change for the sake of change, change for the sake of change is point- less. But if you can show\ that the change you are proposing. is going to increase the quality of life for people while they are still able to maintain the comfort levels that they 're used to and as long as you're .not pulling away from that and you're bettering either them or the services they are receiving; it's confusing to me how it can be so hostile sometimes. I think that prob- ably the hardest part of my job is communicating to the powers that be new% ideas and getting across that maybe this is some- thing that we should consider. Because I'm not the person with the task of actually making those decisions, all I can do is make a recommendation and ultimately it's going to lie with the board of county commissioners." Mr. Willis understands that Gilchrist County wants to keep their iden- tity and. that is why he works hard to meet that balance. He must ensure that while we are trying to maintain our own spe- cial identity that we also meet the requirements that are set by state law and government regu- lations. "I don't think you have to give up who you are in order to keep up with these things." Robert' Willis is happy with: his position and I am glad to : see him in the position. He is 2. well qualified, understands the, people within our county and is willing to work hard for us. He really explained the job of: the people he works with well - when he said. "These people are the people that you call to remain calm when you can't.." The job of those in. the :field of public safety is a %ery important . one and many of us take them for granted. Please say "Hello" to Robert Willis if you have the chance, he is a great guy who K really has our best interests at heart. Final Plans Are. Underway For Suwannee River Livestock Fair (Continued from Page One). Swine Show entries will weigh-in between 7:00 and 11:00 a.m. DairN cattle and dairy goaLs w ill also be entered on SaturdaN. The fair will continue on until Wednesday March 15th, when it \will end with the much awaited livestock sale. The sky never falls no matter how hard it rains. God's love for you never fails, regardless of' \our pain. MORE (- THAN TIRES Brakes Alignments Oil Changes Southern Tire & Brake 626 North Main Street Trenton 463 -6 o5o Freeman Plumbing Now Has a Service Van Available To Handle Your Plumbing Needs. Residential & Commercial Service Work & New Construction, Additions, Remodeling, Etc. 4(352) 498-0703 (352) 493-3801 (352) 210-0062 LICENSED* INSURED FREE ESTIMATES Walter Freeman State Certified Master Plumber #CFC057595 RUCKS IN STOCK ... Including SSR and HHR! 2006 Chevy 2006 2006 Chevy 2006 Chevy 2006 Chevy Trailblazer Chevy Uplander 3500 Dually 2500 HD LS Suburban LS Crew Cab LT3 Crew LT I CHEVY- BUICK L I d L I ~ r~LI~Y~- 1 I -bl -C I II -b~ I a ICL ---LI LCII C I I THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2006 , I I GTLCHRIRST COU NTY JOUT RNAL |