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Serving Gilehrist County and Surrounding Area for over 74 Years Phone (352) 463-7135 Fax (352) 463-7393 520 ic) A Year In TrCount) AreaiGilchriL. Vol. 75 No. 38 nhTrenton. Florida 32693 Thursday, January 5. 2006 Price50 D e & Let Counuei 524,tIWOther A rea gi christjourna bellsouth.ne Florn $2 i0O ouOf State A Live Oak Man Went Missing New Year's Eve While Swimming.' In The Suwannee River A 'Live Oak' man was reported to-have been Suwannee County's first drowning fatality of 2006 when he was reported to have went missing around' midnight on Saturday, December 31, 2005. The, Suwannee -County Sheriff's 'Office reported -that Rand) Dale Norris, 19, was swimming with a group of friends in the Suwannee Ri\er when he went missing just before midnight on New Year's Eve. Several of his friends on the river bank reported that a group including Norris had pre% iousl swam across the ri'er to the Gilchrist County side and were returning to the Suwannee Count. shore when the accident occurred. A friend was reported to have tried to, help Norris. but he was unable to keep him from going under., Friends that were on the bank contacted the Suwannee. County Sheriff's Office and a deputy was-on the scene within minutes. 4 Sunannee Count) Sheriff Chief Deputy Ron Colmin reported two officers from the Pinellas Count) Sheriff's Office Sonar Unit %'ere contacted to assist in searching for the, missing man. These officers worked with Suwannee Countr deputies and officers from Taylor County Sheriff's Office Dihe team and Florida Wildlife Commission to locate the bod). The \ ictim was reported to ha\ e drowned and his bod % was recovered near the intersection point of the Suwannee and Santa Fe Rikers about 3:45 p.m. on Monday Januar) 2, 2006. The investigation indicated there was not indication that alcohol was a contributing factor in this accident. Division Of Forestry Sends Experts To Assist In Fighting Wildfires In Texas And Oklahoma The Florida -Division of Forestry sent 24 employees to Texas and three to Oklahoma to assist with the wildfires that are occurring, in these states. Three of those personnel are from Alachua Count). .The' two employees that hate been deployed to Texas are a Forest Area Supervisor, who will act as a Division Super% isor on the wildfires, and an Administrativer Assistant, who will act as a Finance Sedtion Chief. .Other resources sent to Texas include three.dozers and one T-6 engine. One Forest Area Supervisor has been deployed to Oklahoma as a Safety Officer. The personnel that have been sent to Texas are part of an Inter- Agency Incident Management Team. (IMT) and have been sent as .part of the Southeastern Interstate Forest Fire Compact Agreement between the state governors. The Florida Division of Forestry has four of these teams and has sent out the Gold Team at this time. If requested, .the Blue. Green and Red Teams could be sent out next. TIhese teams usually consist of 32 people. Currently, 24 personnel have been deployed on the Gold Team with, more expected in the next 24 to, 48 hours. The team was sent to the Regional Fire Coordinating Center in Granbury. approximatelN 35 miles southwest of Dallas. The Texas Forest Service reports ,that since the wildfires began,: over 215.000 acres 'have been consumed, 250 homes destroyed and three people killed. The local personnel that have been deployed to Oklahoma are part of a federally requested overhead management team. They have been sent to Shawnee near Oklahoma City. Since Nov. 1, Oklahoma has seen 285,000 acresburnedby wildfires' and 200 buildings destroyed according to the Oklahoma Agriculture Department's Forestry Division. Florida is able to send a limited number of per.'o to assist other states as as' 'fire occurrence rem low. Precipitation across -.f.t. h..- - n %1;.:-I r p etat hasI lowered our % ilinire danger. THS Alumni Football Game Is Rescheduled To January 14 The Trenton High School Alumni Football game has been rescheduled from December 10, 2005 to January 14, 2006. Anyone that is interested in par- ticipating needs to contact Bill Deen at 463-1313 (days) or 463-. 6744 (evenings). The ,cost is $25.00 per player. Trenton Attorney David Al. Lang, Jr., right, gives Commissioners iV. 0. "Bill" Clifton, Arlene I\"ilks and AMayor Pete Randolph the Oath of Office Tuesdai evening at the beginning of the first Special A meeting of 2006. Journal staff photo by Cindy Jo Ayers. .. : . Mayor And TWO Trenton City nneg Cormm i sioners Receive Oath Of Office ain Tuesday Night the, r:: 'The Trenton City Commission held a Special Meeting on Tuesday. January 3. 2006, to have three council members receive the Oath of Office. Incumbent Mayor- Commissioner Pete Randolph. incumbent Commissioner Arlene Wilks and new I) elected Commissioner W. 0. "Bill" Clifton received the oath of office at the beginning, of the meeting Commissioner Clitpon is not a newcomer to public service in the City of Trenton. The Trenton resident explained that. he was hired as the attorney for the City of Trenton when he came to the community in 1949. "I worked i ith City Clerk' Ben Denny. who also managed the water works in Trenton at that time," Commissioner elect Bill Clifton explained. "We worked well together and he- .helped me a lot," Mr. Clifton added. Mr. Clifton worked with the .City of Trenton as the attorney 'for 25 sears. Mr. Clifton also drafted the City Charter for the City of Trenton with the assistance of Rep. Howell Lancaster who was serving in the. Florida House of Representati\ es representing the Tri-Counth area at the time. .In 1992 Bill Clifton was, elected to serve as the Mayor- Commissioner in the City of Trenton. He served in this' capacity until 1996 when he chose to not seek re-election. As the Mayor Commissioner Mr. Clifton worked to update the Charter in the City of Trenton. "I worked to draft a revised Charter for the City when I was serving as the Mayor- Commissioner, but no one was interested in reviewing the, document to approve it," he - explained. "I look forward to serving again: I hope I can be of some help," Bill Clifton explained. When asked %%hat he saw as some of the most significant issues facing the: City of. Trenton,- he explained, "The protection of people and property is important in the City. of Trenton. We need to take a closer look at the problems facing our residents involving - some of the recent burglaries and cases of battery." "The problems involving surface water and drainage in the Cit) of Trenton is something. we need to look closer at too," Clifton explained. Commissioner Clifton is serving a one-year'term to full- fill the previous term that former Commissioner Jonathan Kincaid i as elected to in 2004. FWC Investigates Large Number Of Dead Alligators In Mallory Swamp I TS okI C 0 The Historic Trenton School Gymnasium is now located on the new site where the facility will once again be best utilized by elementary school students. A State of Florida Historic grant will be applied for in the near future to assist in defraying the cost to put the historic facility back to its original condition. Gray Construction Services will be constructing a new foundation to hold this historic building. When the facility is completed a dedication program will be held on the site to honor the many people.that made this "Old Gym Project" a reality. The historic facility will once again be one of the best recreational facilities in the area. Photo by Anna Wild. A large number of dead. alligators found in the Mallory Swamp area in Lafayette County has the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) concerned. According to Capt. Roy Brown, area supervisor for Lafayette County, numerous alligators have been found shot and floating along the North and South Canal grades and the L.A. Bennett grade which borders private lands and the Mallory Swamp Wildlife Management Area. "We believe these are random shootings.. No parts are taken, after the animals are killed,". Brown said. "This is a useless and wasteful crime that tarnishes the image of ethical hunters." In the past year, FWC officers have arrested six subjects for killing five alligators in the general area. In those cases, however, the suspects were apprehended with alligators or parts and thought to be unrelated to this latest spree, according to Brown. "Unfortunately, there are some dog hunters who may believe that by killing alligators, the potential threat to their hunting dogs is eliminated," Brown said. However, according to Allan Woodward, FWC biologist, alligators in north Florida eat very little during the fall and winter months and pose little threat to dogs. "When water temperatures drop below 60 degrees, the gators stop feeding and become ,semi-dormant. This usually occurs in early December. They can come out and bask in the sun during a warm front, but they don't eat during the winter," Woodward explained. Alligators are a- .protected species and are listed as "Species of Special Concern." It is a third-degree felony to kill an alligator and punishable up t6 a $5,000 fine and/or five years imprisonment. Anyone with knowledge about what happened to these alligators can call the FWC's Wildlife Alert hotline toll. free at 1-888-404-3922. Callers can remain anonymous and are eligible for a reward of up to $1,000 if the information leads to an arrest. Reports can also be made online at http: //myfwc.com/law/Alert/ . Free Training For Tax-Aide Volunteers To Be.Held January 5 A free training for tax-aide volunteers and orientation and. an information session will be held on Thursday, January 5, at the Cross City Library from 9:00 a.m. to noon. We will be train- (Continued to Page Twelve) GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 2006 Gilchrist County Journal USPS-218-620 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY IN GILCHRIST COUNTY, 207 N. MAIN TRENTON, FLORIDA Less than 75% advertising We reserve the right to shorten articles, letters, etc. and delete any part or leave out in its entirety if we judge such to be offensive.' SUBSCRIPTION RATES '$20.00 A Year In Tri-County Area $24.00 All Other Areas In Florida $28 Out Of State JOHN MIN AYERS II EDITOR, PUBLISHER AND OWNER Cindy Jo and Carrie Ayers, Glen Thigpen,: Mark Schuler, Judi Bishop, Kathy Hilliard & Chris Rogers ASSISTANTS Entered as Periodicals at the Post Office at Trenton, Florida, under the act of March 3, 1879. POSTMASTER Please Send Address Change To: Gilchrist County Journal, 207 N. Main Street, Trenton, Florida 32693 John's Comments By John M. Ayers With this edition the Gilchrist County Journal ushers in a new year. In: Gilchrist County the New Year'brings an increase of the cost of business and residential living for new residents and businesses moving into the' county of just over 16,000 in population. The increase in the residential Impact Fee to $3500.00 provides funding for Gilchrist County and the Gilchrist County School District. The. School. District will receive their portion, $750 beginning January 1, 2006. The county will now receive $2,750. The increase is reported to provide revenue for the many upgrades in service for 'the increasing population in this rural .county. The Gilchrist County School District requested that the. Gilchrist. County Commission approve an Impact Fee specifically for the, School District to, purchase equipment and other administrative needs. . The Gilchrist County. Impact Fee revenues are divided between transportation needs and capital building projects '(courthouse expansion and new jail). The new year brought 14 new students to school. at Trenton Elementary, reported' Assistant Principal Riley Deqn. Mr. Deen explained that the school had lost 3 students to- transfer before the holidays and *the actual increase w ill report 11 new students in class. The Pre-' K -hrough fifth grade scho61o in Trenton reported that 809. students are listed on the roll at, the beginning of 2006. fr .moh fthe Su n R Date High. Low High' Low High Thu 2.846 ft. 0.123 ft. 2.783 ft Jan 5, 06 5'19 AM 12-04 PM 6:12 PM Fn 0.449 ft. 2.459 ft 0.604 ft. 2.861 ft. Jan 6, 06 12:45 AM 6:29 AM 12:46 PM 6:51 PM Sat 0.269 ft. 2 136 ft 1 049 ft 2.922 ft. Jan 7, 06 1:55 AM 7-52 ANI 1-33 PM 7-37 PM Sun 0.066 ft. 1.979 ft. 1.409 ft. 2.965 ft. Jan8, 06 3:12AM 9:30AM 2:29PM 8:29PM Mon -0.173 ft. 2.013 ft. 1.633 ft., 3.004ft. Jan 9, 06 4:28 AM 11:09 AM 3:39PM 9:27 PM Tue -0.407 ft. 2.141 ft. 1.699-ft. 3.050 ft. Jan 10, 06 5:34 AM 12:25 PM 4:51 PM 10:25 PM Wed -0.586 ft. 2.263 ft. 1.641 ft. 3.103 ft Jan 11, 06 6:29 AM 1:16PM 5:53 PM 11:19PM First Quarer 1/6 1:58 PNM AUCTION To Benefit 4 Pets Sake Saturday, January 14, 2006 Auctioneer: Paul Malphrus from Sweet Briar Auctions Viewing Begins at 1 p.m. Fun Starts at 2 p.m. Newberry American Legion #149' 26821 West Newberry Road Newberry, Florida ~ No Buyer's Premium ~ NEW ITEMS ANTIQUES USED ITEMS Silent Auction Live Auction Raffles Drawings Food and Beverages Contact 4 Pets Sake at 1-866-727-2972 -- Chiefland-- 352.493.2565 Williston 352.528.0443 Toll Free: 1-800-735-0686 New Office Opening February, 2006 Located at 12372 N.W. Highway-19 Next to Badcock Home Furnishing in Chiefland Streetwise By: Lauren Rudd "...The world looks brand- new," said Hobbes. "A New Year...a fresh clean start," said Calvin. "It's like having a big white sheet of paper, to draw on," said Hobbes. "A day full of possibilities," said Calvin. "It's a magical world, Hobbes old buddy...let's go exploring." Bill Watterson wrote those, words' in, December of 1995 as he concluded the last .of his Calvin and Hobbes comic strips, a framed copy ofv which hangs on the wall by my desk. Moreover,. every year since 1995, open my first column of'the New Year by quoting that phrase because, the message is so abundantly clear. It is a reminder that clearly the New Year is like an untouched canvas waiting for whatever creation you are inclined to place upon it. From an investment perspective, the financial markets are analogous ,to Calvin's magical world...full 'of possibilities. All that remains is for you to go exploring. By the time you read this. Wall Street will have closed the curtain on a 2005 performance that left a lot to be desired. As I write this, the Dow Jones, industrial average is up about 71 points for the year, or about 0.7 percent. The NASDAQ is up 73 points for the year, or, 3.4. percent, while the S&P 500 is up 56 points or 4.7 percent. Yet, that data is relatively meaningless. To see why. consider that the second best performer within the S&P500 was Valero Energy. with a gain of 128 percent (See Streetwise for Oct. 2, 2005. Oct. 3,2p04atRuddReport.com). The point being that the connection between your portfolio and the markets' performance is tenuous at best. During the upcoming New Year, you will have to deal with many of the same hurdles that challenged your investment acumen in 2005, including rising 'interest ,rates, weaker profit growth, tenuous economic expansion, budget deficits and higher energy prices...just to name a few. Therefore, Wall Street will once again snare the unprepared and the naive in a quicksand like embrace from .which a profitable extrication is next to impossible. To avoid problems, you will need to be patient with your portfolio and use common sense when you invest. As Warren Buffett once said, "Success in investing doesn't correlate with I.Q., once you're above the IQ level of .25. Rather what you need is the temperament to control the urges that get others into trouble." As much as I dislike the idea of trying to project annual market performance, no first-of-the-year column would be complete without a- forecast of some kind. For two years now the.Dow has ended the year tantalizing close to the 11,000 mark. This year,. barring a recession, the Dow will likely break through that We'll be moving to our new location in February 2006! Until then we're still where you've always found us! To Fanning Springs NEW US-19 N LOCATION' CR-341 Badcock Bett's CR-320 Wal-Mart Chiefland psychologically important 11,000 mark no later than mid- year, while the NASDAQ and the S&P 500 will mimic this year's performance. , Unfortunately, over the next few weeks, you are going to be inundated with market forecasts of every description. You need to remember that the trick is not to fall sway to the passions .of the market, gr the tenets of its prognosticators. Next week we will resume" our search for profitable investment ideas. Meanwhile, I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. You cani write to' financial columnist Lauren Rudd at 5 Gulf Manor Drive, .Venice, Fl. 34285 or email at LVERudd@aol.com. Prior, columns. are available at' RuddReport.com. HOSA AtIt Again! HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) is at it again. It is now time for region-, al competition and the students are busy getting prepared. The students are doing some- thing new this year. Along_ w ith fund-raisers to assist %with regional competition as well as. state. they are also raising mon- e to help Hurricane Katrina vic- tims. Donations are welcome. For further, information please contact Dr. Sofge at Bell High -School. Thank you for your support of the Health Occupa- tions Students of America. Charity Ware President Elect New Year's Resolutions For Dogs 1. I will not play tug-of-war with dad's underwear when he's on the toilet. 2. 1 do not need to suddenly stand straight up %when I'm lying under the coffee table. 3. I must shake the rainwater out of my fur before entering the house. 4. I will not eat the cat's food, before or after they eat it. 5. I will stop trying to find the few remaining pieces of clean carpet in the house when I am about to throw up. 6. I will not chew my human's toothbrush and not tell them. 7. 1 will not chew crayons' or pens, especially not the red ones', or my people will think I am' hemorrhaging. 8. When in the car,.I will not insist on having the window rolled down when it's raining outside. 9. We do not have a doorbell. I will not bark each time I hear one on TV. 10. I will not steal my Mom's underwear anddance all over the backyard with it. Wishing all pets and their people a Happy New Year! Humane Society of Gilchrist County, Inc. P.O.Box 600 Trenton, FL 32593 We have ..spay and neuter vouchers available so come by our Humane Society Thrift Store in Bell to pick one up. Call (352) 463-7364 for more information. Lottery Numbers Wednesday December 28 Lotto Drawing: 1-22-26-29-31-39 , No winner of the $7 million jackpot. 5-Digit Winners!: 55 at $6,500.50 4-Digit Winners 3,924 at $74 3-Digit Winners: 81,188 at $5 Play 4 Drawing: 1-9-2-2 Cash 3 Drawing: 4-4-2 Saturday, December 31 SLotto Drawing: 1-8-12-19-38-53 No winner of the $11 million jackpot. 5-Digit Winners: 118 at $4,963 4-Digit Winners: 7,569 at $62.50 3-Digit Winners: 150,210 at $4.50 Play 4 Drawing: 1-0-2-1 Cash 3 Drawing: 1-0-4 By Cindy Jo Ayers Remember when we were young? For me that would be a little over 30 years ago. If you are about my age you will remember that a big date in those da\s included a movie and pizza in Gainesville. Believe it or not the best place and about .the only place to eat .pizza was at a Pizza Hut which was located on 13T Street. This was .the first Pizza Hut@ in the Gainesville area and it has now been closed for years. John and I .were talking about how good the pizza was -back in, the day. Their pizza had a wonderful crust and the\ piled their toppings and cheese on' .real thick. Needless to sa\ Pizza Hut@ pizza is not what it once was.: If you've eaten at one of their restaurants lately] ybu know what I mean. Our. generation has many happy memories of eating there in the 70s. Sev eral of my friends were proposed to and proudly put on their engagement rings for the first time in that very. restaurant. Remembering this good pizza has recently sent me on a quest to learn to make good pizza at home. I called my good friend Paulette Vickers and asked her for .pizza making ,advice. Paulette you see ,is known far' and wide for making wonderful pizza. I'm wondering all the time I'm talking to her if a Florida Cracker can make good pizza. Now mind Nou mine isn't quite as good as Paulette's but it isn't half .bad. In fact, my husband's eyes kinda light up . when I tell him we are having pizza for supper. To make a long story short I hae found a good crust recipe, that will make enough dough for two large pizzas. I also in ested in a pizza baking stone which makes the crust crisper, on the bottom. Let me warn you, just in case you decide to make the crust it'takes about 2 hours rise time, so by all means do not try it unless you have the time. 1 V cups warm water (105 to, 115 degrees) 3 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 tablespoon sugar 1 teaspoon salt 2 packages dr.\ Neast 4 V cups all-purpose flour Combine first 4 ingredients in a mixing bowl; sprinkle yeast over mixture, stirring until dissolved. Gradually add flour, mixing well after each addition. Turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface, and knead until smooth and elastic. Shape into a ball, and place in a greased bowl, turning to grease top. Cover and let rise in a warm place (85 degrees), free. from drafts, 1 hour or until doubled. ' Punch dough down, and divide in half. Lightly grease hands, and pat dough evenly into 2 12-inch pizza pans. Cover and let rise in warm place, same as above, about one hour, or until doubled. Bake the pizza, crust untopped for 5 minutes at 450 degrees. The topping. of course, is your choice but I have included some of my favorites at the end of the following recipe. Note: I mix up this .crust recipe using my electric mixer and the dough hook. I do not hand kneed it I just'beat a few minutes' extra on lower. speed !using my machine. 1/2 green pepper.,chopped 1 large onion, chopped 2 cloves of garlic, minced 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 28-ounce can whole tomatoes 3Iounces tomato paste (1/2 can) ' teaspoon dried oregano Salt and pepper to taste Saute first 4 ingredients in hot oil in a heavy bottomed pot until tender. 4 Place .tomatoes in food processor, process until smooth. add to onion mixture. Stir in tomato paste, oregano, and salt andpepper. Bring to boil then reduce heat and sinimer for one hour.' If you don't have a food processor .ou can use a blender to process the tomatoes. Use, this sauce w ith any toppings you like, such as green peppers, onions mushrooms, mozzarella cheese, pork sausage, pepperoni. ham, olives. .and Parmesan cheese. After pizza is topped as you desire (don't add cheese Net) bake it, for 15 minutes at 450 degrees then top with cheese and 'bake' an additional 5 minutes. NOTE: when all is going well' with my 'kitchen I have, a bush of fresh basil growing. in a.pot near the front door. If I have it on hand I tear it into small pieces and add it near the end of the baking time when I. add the cheese. Fresh basil isad a wonderful addition and' very easy to grow. Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children. -Charles R. Swindoll, The Strong Family Our Calendar Is Too Full Ask the Learning Advisor Ideas for Raising Successful Children Q: My kids are involved with so many activities. We always seem to be.rushing off to another class or driving to another practice. When I look at last year's calendar, I realize it was 'just way too full. There are so many opportunities available, but how can I manage it all? A: Parents sometimes worry that they'll be shortchanging their children if they don't involve them in all those activities. But consider the impact on your family life. What is the family. sacrificing so your children can be in these activities? Check your own lifestyle. Are: you over-committed? Exhausted? Have no time for what gives you joy? Your children are likely to mirror you. So, relax. Help your family find more time for togetherness. Tell your children that you want to cut down on some of the activities this year. Schedule a, time to talk with your- children individually. Ask them to choose one or two activities that are most important. This will teach your children to make some choices. Some may even surprise you. Even if you loved seeing your son take piano lessons, he may tell you that's not what he's interested in. Get the family together and start filling out your new calendar. Build in more family time now-you'll hate time for other activities later on. Include some of the following: Family Night. Designate one night a week to watchh a movie. pop popcorn and simply be together with no rushing. Fun time. Schedule dates for the zoo, the children's theater, or an afternoon to bake cookies. Keep the dates. Dining out. Go out to eat together. Try new foods. Practice table manners. Sporting events. Go to a-, community ball game. Cheer for your home team. Go to the library or book store., Schedule time to talk about %%hat you're reading.. , Volunteer together. Try visiting residents at a nursing home. They will love it-and you will get even more out of it . than they) will. Turn off the TV. Play a board game once.a week. After initial Resistance, kids arid adults.will love it and look forward to the time together. With all the activities available to children today, it's easy to get so involved that you lose sight of their most important priority-getting an education. Help your children learn how to take. part in the activities they enjoy, but still have time for studying, for family-and just growing up. The Value Of Daily Meditation (Kent Heaton) The physical body is designed to have nourishment each 'day. Through the creative power and wisdom of God, the flesh requires renewal and sustenance to maintain life. A body lacking water or food will die. Starvation is a terrible way to die as a slow, painful and miserable process takes place because the requirements to sustain life are neglected. Neglect of the corporeal needs of the body will bring death to the flesh and neglect of the spiritual needs of the soul will cause spiritual death. As God designed the mortal body to require nourishment, so the inner man requires nourishment. Paul wrote, "Wherefore we faint not; but though our outward man is decaying, yet our'inward man is renewed day by day" (2 Corinthians 4:16). There is a part of man that is of more value than the outward tabernacle; the image of God. When God created man in Genesis 1,. He said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness" (v26). This is the component of man that neVer dies. The need of the inner man is a daily renewal. Without the nourishment of God's presence, the spiritual man will suffer malnutrition and become diseased. The value of daily meditation with God is the sustenance drawn from His presence in our daily lives. David knew the value of daily meditation when he wrote, "But his delight is in the law of Jehovah; and on his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the streams of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also doth not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper" (Psalms 1:2-3). The law of Jehovah is a delight; as something we enjoy, we find pleasant and we desire. As food to the body is a nourishing delight so the law of our Lord is something we must have each day. The presence of His word in our lives is a meditation that guides us through the day as we ponder His power, love, majesty and wisdom. Psalm 119 is a declarative thesis on the power of the law of Jehovah. The writer declares how much they love the law of the'Lord as a meditation all the day and the wisdom gained from the knowledge -of Jehovah's mind. The law makes one wiser, with more understanding, helping to refrain ones feet from every evil way and serves as a "lamp to my feet and a light to my path" (v105). The Psalmist further states, "How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth" (Psalm 119:103). The' value of daily meditation is how sweet the words of the Lord affect our daily walk. In times of trouble, we find solace in the guidance of a loving God; in times of joy, we share with the ancients of old the happiness in trusting in a bountiful Savior; from the pages of our daily meditation we ascend to the throne of our Father to find safety in His arms. The value of daily meditation is the time we spend with the Lord. Eternal life will not be granted to those who are strangers to the Son of God. Only those who have a daily walk with Him will share Heaven. Each day is filled with a long discussion with the Creator of this world; the Savior of all men and the power of His gospel. Our daily mediation is the joy we find in consuming His words in our life. Jeremiah the prophet wrote, "Thy words were found,' and I did eat them; and thy words were unto me a joy and the rejoicing of my heart: for I am called by thy name, 0 Jehovah, God of hosts" (Jeremiah 15:16). As the Lord instructed Joshua, so we must do. "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate thereon day and night, that thou may observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success" (Joshua 1:8). May our lives be enriched by the daily meditation of the word of God. Trenton Church of Christ 463-3793 502 Northeast 7th Street Trenton, Florida, 32693 Please Visit www.trentonchurchofchrist.com Email kerux@bellsouth.net qa n' Tywo / \ NATURE COAST INSURANCE A Member of Perkins Financial Group. The( Insurance Store Home* Car Business Life Health rago 1wu I TTIT PF .. J kT hAY ./ TA N Il.IaR L L 9L00( VV- GI-RS CO N YJO R A ag he I __ . I~T~ LOG CABIN QUILTERS I I M mma,. Peggy Mayo, who lives in Williston, is finally getting into quilting. Her mother, Blonnie Thompson, was a wonderful quilter and made many beautiful treasures through her years before she passed away. Bell FFA Alumni To served. The alumni will provide Bell FFA Alumni To the drinks and paper, goods. - Meet January 12 All parents., grandparents. past The Bell FFA Alumni will FFA members, and an\ adults hold their January meeting on interested in supporting the Thursday, January. 12. The Bell Ag program are invited to meeting will be held at the Bell attend. Ag building at 7:00 p.m. Linda Broan A covered dish dinner will,be Reporter Hunt's Pest Control, Inc.- SGET RID OF: Cockroaches Waterbugs German Roaches Ants and other Household Pests Log Cabin Quilters Log Cabin Quilters met Thursday, December 29th, at the Levy County Quilt Museum. It was a busy day for being the last meeting of the year. Two quilts were put together and quilting was started. Another one was taken out of the frame and a new one goes in next week. We are now quilting on four quilts each week. We are trying to get every- thing back in place and put up the Christmas crafts. It seems we have so much here but: we always find a space for it. Many new crafts are being made all the time and it's fun to see what can be done. Tuesday was a great day for me. Jarrod and six boys were out to do the many things that have to be done and then Blythe Stender, her mother and daddy, came to visit from Washington .State and Maryland. I took care of Blythe when she was 22 months old until she was almost seen. I gave her the doll she played with and her name was Susy. I gave her other things I ha]e kept for her through the years She is no%. 28 \ears old but still a little girl that I love %erN much. Lunch was so good. We had chicken and dumplins. beans. potato fritters. all kinds of salad. lots of desserts and so much more. There were 15 members and three guests. WVinelle Home The World War II Veterans Club All World War II veterans are invited to attend bur next meet- ing on Thursday. 'Januar. 12, at the Cypress. Sxwamp Cafe at .11-30 a.m. The caf6 is located in the Suwannee Valley Quilt Shoppe. 517 N. Main Street in Trenton. Happy Ne%% 'Year to all of you. As we begin 2006 let us take a moment to remember our comrades % ho passed on 2005 Anna Handschuh, WAC- James Shelton. Army; Howard Tibbitts, Air Force; and Aldo Our Christmas gathering at the "lHormesiead' Resiaurant''brought out 42 members. Luther Mills, one of our newest members, took home the door prize. Join the camaraderie on Janu- ary 12th. If you have any ques- tions call Billie Cooper at 352- 493-9368 or Dick Halvorsen at 352-542-7697. " Dot Halvorsen Woodland Craft Signs 207 N. Main 352-463-7135 Trentons Vingyfbusiness! NOW OPEN AT THE JOURNAL I 7-1Chief Ian ,,NU LAIL 11[d NO ZA:, Ayers Health And Rehabilitation Thank Community Bell Purple Powerhouse Band Booster News Bell's 'Purple Powerhouse -Band Boosters will have a meet- ing on Thursday, January 5th at 7:00 p.m. in the band room. All drama program and club parents are invited. We will discuss the plans for our upcoming Dinner Theater, An Evening of the Arts. Our band, along with the drama pro- gram, will present an evening of exciting drama and musi- c'al entertainment along with a scrumptious Italian dinner on February 9th. This event will be held at the Bell Elementary School cafeteria and dinner will begin at 6:45 p.m. Advance ticket sales will be available at the following loca- tions beginning on January 17th: Bell High School front office, Bell Elementary School front office, or you may contact a Bell Band Booster officer. Advance tickets are $10 per adult; $5 per child under age 12 and ikill be sold until the end of the school day, February 3rd ; Tickets will also ;be sold at the door at $12 per adult, $6 per child underage 12. Thanks to all of you parents who have already joined the Purple Powerhouse Band Boost- ers! For those of you \\ho hae not had a chance to sign up yet, please do! This is a great oppor-" tunito to become a part of the e\- citing support group of the band. Parents. relatives. guardians., %e need all of \ou to help make this organization a success!. This organization supports \our band student If you have any questions, you no also have an easy access to Sget those answers directly The Purple Powerhouse Band is on the World Wide Web. Check us out for all' our band information needs at http://ww w.purplepow e rhouseband.org. Ayers Health And Rehabilitation The staff and residents of Ay- ers Health ..and Rehabilitation Center v.ould like to thank each and e'erN person in the com- munit' N ho helped to make the Christmas season so. %onderful- for us. The activity depart- ment is now planning outings and projects for the 2006 year. Anyone wishing to share your That's all for no6\...%e'll keep' 'ou "tuned'" in! EDebbie Norton-.Arono%%icz President, Purple Powerhouse Band Boosters and Officers Licensed and Insured Em a 8S51 NW 115th Street Chielland, Florida 32626 352-493-1398 1-877-766-2707 Osborn G. Barker Owner .ili.;-;ll~i r,l'lj|: ,(],j Poc.1r-t: I h Ir l i 'n h lu h ni' 'I.,Jri g ....-arg.l :' '" S' -' r, P.:.,.:n,. b.cl.s Patio Roofs- Soffit, Fascia & Gutters Hu'rrirr. -. 'r, r :' Ski-irl. P,-.:,' air lkII tp,,?,;-] Ervl. :ur.i".: Free Estimates X Small biihiigs. boats, etc. 24 hr towing service, 22ft. rollback bed. Carports also available. Reasonable Rates. 463-2900 493-0345 JOE'S TOWING & ROLLBACK Credit Cards Accepted musical or crafts talents with us, please contact Brandi Lovelace in the Activity Department at 463-7101. Again, we'd like to thank all of our volunteers, organiza- p tions, and individuals for all you've done for us during this busy year., We at Ayers Health and Rehab hope each of you in our community has a happy and prosperous New Year. Pain Relief for Children to Grandparents! Specializing in Activator Methods - A Painless Chiropractic Adjustment Over 15 Years Experience Consultation On Request. Most Insurance Accepted.,. -Robert L Vaughan, Jr., DC office Hours: Walk-ins Welcome 24 HOUR Mon.- Tues .W T U EMERGENCY Thurs' Fri. W. iObjlboiJf1gSi SERVICE 325 W. Wade St. (Hwy 26) 3 Blocks west of light in Trenton , Wn~i~ Fve.~,xinnc2 CHILDREN'S CUTS Phone 472-1482 8897 SE 66th Circle. Trenton, Florida 32693 Monday Friday ~ 10 am - Saturday ~ 10 am 3 pi $18 (Matrix & Redken) Wolfe Tanning Bed (High Output Bulbs) 'SPECIALIZING IN COLOR 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE 6 pm Appointments & m Walk-Ins Welcome Bell Family HealthCare Quality Health Care, Convenient Location, B Serving The Health Care Needs Of Our Community Bruce,E. Thomas, MD Board Certified/Family Practice Mina Willis, PharmD/PA-C Malcolm Hickox, PA-C Family Practice Family Practice Jeffrey HansPetersen, MD Board Certified/Family Practice Services Provided: * Complete Primary Care Well-Baby Exams Diagnostic X-rays Minor Trauma Case Management * Hearing and Vision Testing * Chronic Disease Management Immunizations Diagnostic Laboratory Minor Surgical Procedures Family Planning Physical Exams Vaccines for Children ADD & ADHD Evaluations Health Screening HIV Testing * Sliding Fee Office Visits and Pharmacy Employers Please Ask About Our Preferred Employers Program (PEP)! Most Insurances Accepted ~ Equal Opportunity Provider Providing Non-Profit Healthcare For Information: 1830 North Main Street Bell, Florida 352-463-1100 A, A WE DO TERMITE INSPECTIONS Phone 493-1051 493-4772 'We send 'em packing!' fun 4 Kids! Pre-school/After school ,,Learning Center; / Ages 2-12 . / NAEYC Accredited Pre-K / Highscope Curriculum / School Readiness Program / CPR/First Aid Certified / Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten / USDA Food Program / CtA Certified Teachers 352-463-7614 2739 S.W. 19th Circle, Trenton Sli l Robert P. Marsh Owners/irectors awn F.Marsh Lic#C03&IO0071 I 5I I 1 II WI lll hlM i I byDebei MN (Valentine Specoal) WOMEN ,. lHair Cut, Shampoo , & & Finished Style S ichrist1 Building S u p.lv Inc. Your neighborhood place with supplies for all your projects! Checkout ou or line of NEW M-- IE! S... 1 Ei Equipment lRentals... ... by the week, day or hour BOBCAT .... ',.. BI1,, -'. 1960 North U.S. Highway 129 in Bell, Florida F o,1 ,, F. .rrfD.her lB,,0J I -- I i GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Pa'ge Three . THURSDAY. JANUARY 5.2006 i y Shown are. Anna Gilliam, Diane Reed, Felicia Ward, Helen Roberts, Janice Roberts, Brandi Lo'e'lace. Lisa Anguish, To Buckles, Santa's Elf, Kay Beckheart, Dotti Patterson, Santa, Mrs. Santa, Santa I' Elf,and Chertil Ethirid-,e. . I I'- r Fgnnr CdiCHRIST COT AIAY 101 Douglas and Mary Jones of Trenton and Steven and Beverly Gay.of High Springs are pleased to announce the upcoming wed- ding of their children, April Ma-' rie Jones and Justin Kyle Gay. The 'ceremony will take place on Saturday, January 14, 2006 at three o'clock in the afternoon at the Gilchrist County Woman's Club in Trenton. Need space??? U U U U U I1 U .YOU ARE WELCOME AT PRISCILLA BAPTIST CHURCH 5509 S.W. County Road 232, Bell, Florida (Between Bell & Trenton 2.5 miles West of SR 129) t Sunday School.... ............10:00 AM Morning Worship........ ....11:00 AM Evening Worship........ .......6:00 PM Wednesday Night Prayer/Youth...7:30 PM Be a part of an exciting time of Worship and Bible Study. Web: www,.ForMinistryv.com/USFLSOBC'OPBC1 WE WELCOME YOU TO UNION BAPTIST CHURCH 0B0 6259 $.E. 75TH AVENUE, FL 32669 SUNDAY$CHOOL.................................. 9:45AM MORNING WORSHIP.................................. 11 AM EVENING WORSHIP .............................. 6 PM WEDNESDAY EVENING SERVICES: ADULT BIBLE STUDY, CHILDREN, & YOUTH ... 7 PM PASTOR: TRAVIs MOODY MINISTER OF YOUTH: ROBBIE. BEACH CHURCH PHONE: 386-472-3845 "WIN THE LOST AND TEACH THE SAVED TO SERVE" S fipsf apfist Ckupck t Welcomes You! "Embracing the Past and Reaching Toward the Future." Comer of NE Second St. and Highway 26 in Trenton (Nursery provided for all services) Sunday School 9:45 AM (classes for all ages) Sunday Morning Worship & Children's Church 11 AM Sunday Night Bible Study 6 PM. Wednesday Nights: Awana 6:20 PM Youth Bible Study, Praise & Worship 6:30 PM Adult Bible Study & Prayer 7 PM D9!NAMIC MINISTRIES FOR ALL AGES! Call 463-2038 for more information or www.fbctrentonfl.org 0 B&J AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR COMPLEX TE AUTO REPAIRS FOREIGN DOMESTIC EXHAUSTS BRAKES Socials Happy Birthday wishes to Kelvin G. Brown, Jr., Sandra Davis, Dorothy Beck, Jered-Bar- ron, and Barbara Bullington on January 6; to Kay Corbin and Maxine Parrish on January 7; to Tina Langford, Terry Parrish, Shari Parnell, Gennie Lang- ford, Merry Watson, Stephanie Chickering, and Michelle Lullo on January 8; to Bryce Carlisle, John Spaulding, and Buddy Schofield on January 9; to Doris Beauchamp, Heather Carlisle, Troy Dunn, Laura Deen, Tina Adkins, and Mary Kate Colson on January 10; and to Billy Greer, Shawn Manders, Megan Harding, and Sim Grimes on January 11. Happy Anniversary wishes to Mr. and Mrs. John Ehrhart and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nguyen on January 5; to Herbert and Gertie Gay on January 6; to Michael and Lisa Graham on January 7; to Desiree and Scott on January 8; to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Floyd on January 10; and to Larry and Claudia Downing on January 11. Marriages Filed In Gilchrist County Kerr, Lloyd Nevel, date of birth, 5/15/55 and Laura. Suzanne Ivers, date of birth, 10/19/58, both of Bell, Florida, \ere married on December 28, 2005 in Bell by Rev. Curtis Hall. .James Hampton, date of birth, 1/10/82 and Colita Ka, reen McGee, both. of Trenton, Florida, were married ,on De- cenber 28, 2005 in Gainesville by Rev. Clinton C. Burke. Suwannee River Springs Homeowners' Association To Meet January 21 The Suwannee River Springs Homeowners' Association will have a meeting on Saturday, Jan- uary 21 at the home of Paul and Ber.t Mariin,. 9619 Minnesota SStreet in Fanning Springs. The election of officers, changing of homeowners dues and report on progress at Bell Springs. willbe made., For more information ;all .a4643-12601. A Note From Ms. Cosgrove And Your Country Connection GREETINGS: Happy New Year to all my Country Connection Friends, Please excuse me for not send- ing greetings over the Christmas . holiday. :I became seriously ill and spent some time in the hos- pital. I started having stroke-like symptoms such as needing help walking, unable to talk much, shaking all over, etc. Thankfully tests showed the cause was from: the lack of enough sodium in my .system. Imagine? I never heard of such, a. thing. Anyway, due to this I've been' home bound, needing home health care to come in,. and having to use a walker. I'm told it has a slow recovery period but I'll come through it okay. I'm a fighter and with God's help I can't lose. Already, I'm beginning to get my voice back some and feel stronger and am eating better. Thumbs up! Best wishes to all of you,, Lois Gilchrist County Journal Deadlines The deadline to submit editorial or advertising copy is Monday at 5:00 p.m. to be included in the next Thursday's edition of the newspaper. You may bring your article to the Journal office, Email the article gilchristjournal@bellsouth.net, or fax to (352) 463-7393. Thank you for your continued cooperation and support of the Journal. rAp, W1EJ qn a7E ELECTRIC TUNE-UPS ENGINES COMPUTER ALIGNMENTS AIR CONDITIONING PASSENGER CAR & LIGHT TRUCK TIRES Open Mon. Fri. 710 East Highway 26 Located 30 Miles West of Gainesville, in Trenton (352) 463-0079 "Music In The Park" To Be Held At O'Leno State Park January 7 Music in the Park" will be held Saturday, January 7, 2006, staring Dick. Staber and Judith Chasnoff. Bring a chair and relax by the river while listening to a beautifully sung mixture of original and traditional bluegrass. and folk music. It will be held from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at O'Leno State Park, six miles north of High Springs on Hwy. .441. The event is free with park admission. Purple Hearters Announce Meeting Dates The Purple Hearters of the Tri- County area'will. not meet this month due to everyone, having,. travel plans for the upcoming holidays. The club will meet on January 18, 2006, as usual at the Moose Lodge in Fanning Springs. It will begin at 11:00 a.m., All Veterans having the Purple Heart are % welcome and are urged to attend. If you have any questions, please call Bruce Nowlin at, 493-2865. Displaced Homemaker Class To Be Offered January 17 A free Displaced Homemaker class will be held January 17, 2006 through Santa Fe. Commu- nity College.. Homemakers, here's an op- portunity to become more self- sufficient and confident, learn job search and interview .kills. create a master application and resume, and gain basic com- puter skills. Finding; supportive" friends is a plus. Special topic workshops are also offered co\- ering health, legal and employee issues. If you are 35 years or, older and have lost financial sup-. port, our program can help you make the transition into the job market. Contact the Displaced Homemaker Program at 395- 5947 to make an intake screen- .itngi,pappQjntment. The time to try is now. Family Caregiver Support Group To Meet January 17 The Gilchrist County Family Caregiver Support Group will be meeting Tuesday, January 17 at the Homestead Restaurant, located on Highway 19 in. Fanning Springs. The meeting will begin at 11:00 a.m. Please call Sandra at'800-717- 3277 for more information., Shown from left are Audrey Powell, Geneva Arnold, Rose Williamson, Wallace Cannon, Yvonne Martin,.Virginia Driggers, and Robbie Douglas. On the back row are Ethan Powell, Marvin Sanders and Ray Cannon. This photo was taken on the church's 100th Anniversary. Bell Baptist Church Enters Building Program Bell Baptist Church has en- tered into a building program., Plans are for a new fellowship hall, kitchen and additional Sun- day School rooms to begin con- struction in the new year. Phase II will include a new sanctuary. The congregation is very excited as the\ 'prepare for the future and strive to be a part of meeting the spiritual needs of a grow ing community . Squire Parsons To Appear At Hardeetown Baptist Church January 6 Squire Parsons will appearing in concert at Hardeetown Baptist ,Church, 140-4 NW 18th 'Avenue. Chiefland, on Friday, January 6, at 7:00 p.m. For more information or directions to the church contact the church office at 352-493- 4523. School Board To Hold Workshop On High School Reform- "The public is invited to attend a workshop conducted 'by the Gilchrist County School Board relating to High School Reform on Tuesday, January 10th, at 6:00 p.m., in the Boardroom of the School Board. Discussion topics will include high school reform, issues, and policy changes that will be considered by the Legislature related to restructuring high schools in order to address changing needs of students.. "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof for correction, for instruction in righteousness:" ~ 2 Timothy 3:16 letu ^ope jfamilp (murreb 4470 N.W. County Road 236 Bell, Florida 32619, S~ 1 Mile West of US-129 ~ Service Times Pastor: 10:00 am Sunday School Rev. Lynn Wagner 11:00 am Sunday Morning Worship Office: 6:30 pm Wednesday Bible Study 386-935-4219 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...And the Word was' made flesh, and dwelt among us... "~ John 1:1, 14 Lindsey Land Clearing Site Prep, lncM Fill Dirt & Limerock Site Prep & Pad Building Land Clearing Licensed & Insured 352-463-6125 or 352-535-5731 April Jones and Justin Gay %pe6l Your clutter could be someone else's treasure. Advertise your next yard sale in-the GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JANUARY 5,2006 GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Pa e Four i ( Trenton United Methodist Church 9:30 am Sunday School 11:00 am Morning Worship Service 6:00 pm Wednesday Bible Study Nursery provided 9-12 Sunday Morning 203 N.E. Second Street, Trenton Office: 463-2877 Rev. H.D. "Hank" Cribb, Sr. We Welcome You To Mt. Nebo Baptist Church (SBC) 4200 N.W. CR-340, Bell, FL 32619 (3 miles Nc.rrb .FP.Bll on Hwy-340 '\\'est) S Sunday School.................................. 9:45 am Morning W worship ................................ 11 am Evening Worship 6 pm Wednesday Evening Services: Adult Bible Study, Children, & Youth ... 7 pm Pastor: Rev. Jinmi mv Corbin Minister of Youth: Matt Holtsclaw Church Phone: 386-935-3575 "Committed to Reaching People for Christ" _f overland Mortgage Corporation residential Mortgages Offering:. Fixed Rates Alailable NewConstruction N* Manufactured Homes Purchase, Refinance & Cash Out Investment Property Conventional, 1-4 Single Family Homes First, Second, and Home Equity Lines of Credit Bill Deen and Brenda Wilkerson License Mortgage Brokers 463-1313 fax 463-1318 e-mail: riverlandmtg@bellsouth.net Visit our website: www.riverlandmtg.web-loans.com kiverland Mortgage Corporation 723 E. Wade Street, Trenton, FL 32693 e Come See Us! PINE GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH t 16655 N. W. CR-339 Trenton, Florida 32693 t 352-463-2151 www.pgbcfl.com Bro. Greg Douglas, Pastor Bro. Rickey Whitley, Minister of Students Charles Brock, Music Director , Sunday School/Bible Study....................9:15 AM Morning. Worship Service.....................10:30 AM Children's Church............................... 10:30 AM Evening Worship Service.........................6:00 PM Wednesday Night Services: Prayer Meeting, AWANA & Youth Worship......................7:00 PM ~ Nursery Provided for All Services ~ I Kid's World Pre-School Learning Center, Inc. s. A private school for your child's early learning years. * NAEYC Accredited Pre-K * School Readiness Program ' '. Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten m -' SCDA Certified Teachers r USDA Food Program Highscope Curriculum ' r CPR/First Aid Certified Ages 2-12 Stop by for a tour of our facility. 352-463-3555 Corner of Hwy. 129 & S.R. 47, Trenton t (Across from Trenton High School) SOwners/Directors . Amy Wesley Woods : SHolly Wesley Bussard License //C03GI0006 4, .,,: TT41TP'qYhAY TANTTARYV5-2006 GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL, AJnitJXL-k1J, JIA1LtJJ A~I ...J, 0LJ0 Savannah Jones caught her first fish on December 22nd with proud daddy, Jarrod Jones. Gator Storage Trailor Rentals 352-372-6206 R. A. Colson r General Contractor, Inc. "Specializing in Custom Built Homes" "Swimming Pools" Before you sign, let us quote you on a quality site-built concrete block home, at or below modular or frame home prices. Bring your plans or use ours. New home average build time 14 weeks. We have references. Our Standard Is Our Competitor's Upgrades! Randy Colson Florida State Certified License # CGC1504769 352-472-1450 Office 352-949-1450 SMobile- . Seven-year-old Dale Stone, of Chiefland. is shown holding hisi first deer. Dale killed the deer while hunting in Georgia with his friends, Landon Kennedy, on the left, and Clay Gilliam, center. Spring Ridge Volunteer Fire Department To Have Pancake Breakfast January 7 The Spring Ridge Volunteer Fire Department invites you to welcome in the new year at its next monthly pancake breakfast at its fire station. This month's breakfast will start at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, January 7, and ;run until at least 10:00 a.m. All residents of the northeast Gilchrist County area and surrounding communities are invited to attend. Presently, Birefighter I courses are being conducted for Gilchrist Counit firefighters, and .several SRVFD members are participating. Another set of classes is being scheduled for April, 2006. This essential course is offered to all ACTIVE Gilchrist County firefighters at no cost. If interested, please ask SRVFD members at the breakfast or at one of our regular meetings for details. Information can also be obtained from Gilchrist County Fire Services ,Coordinator Billy Careccia at 352-463-3198. Also, 'ask ... us about' participating, as an active firefighter or associate member. We need members for both categories. If you can't make the breakfast, you're invited to attend our regular meetings on the first and third Thursdays of the month at 7:00 p.m. Blueberry, walnut and plain pancakes will be served, along with sausages, eggs, coffee and juice. As usual, the cost for the breakfast will be a donation to the fire department. The Spring Ridge firehouse is located on County Road 340 (Poe Springs Road), near the Spring Ridge Church of God. Come have a nice breakfast and chat with your neighbors.. See you on the first Saturday of January (and every month)! Ameris Bank To Be Closed For Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Tri-County Bank, d/b/a Am- eris, will be closed on Monday, January 16,2006. The bank will re-open for business as usual on Tuesday, January 17, 2006. Richard "Cody" Howell would like to announce the birth of his baby brother, Colby Mac- rae Howell who was born July 6, 2005. At birth he weighed eight pounds, one ounce and measured 20 inches in length. The proud parents are Jeremy and Liana Howell of Trenton. His maternal grandparents are Libby Ripley and the late Bobby L. Ripley of Trenton. His paternal grandparents are Tom. and Trish Auvil of Trenton and Richard and Judy Howell of Cross City. SRWMD Governing Board To Meet January 10 On Tuesday, January 10,2006, the Suwannee River Water Man- agement District's Governing Board will meet at 9:00 a.m. at District Headquarters, Highway 49 and 90 East, in Live Oak. The meeting is to consider District, business and conduct public hearings on regulatory and land acquisition matters. A workshop will follow the board meeting. All meetings, workshops, and hearings are open to the public. FENCING ALL TYPES a0 4-Board Fencing $4.99/Ft. Comploely Inslalled, Incuding Labor & NMaiexii Locally Owned Licensed & Insured U *Wood *Chainlink *Field & Barbwire *Also Repairs & Free Estimates (352) 284-7081 (352) 949-0320 Carlisle Fence Enterprises, LLC Bell, Florida , Suv Bell 463-2504 wannee Valley Precast, Owner Gerald Roberts Fax: 463-0390 Co. a Chiefland 493-4055 New Septic Tanks Installed Drain Fields Repaired Septic Pump-Outs *Septic Tanks Certified Portable Toilets Backhoe Work* Fill Dirt * State Certified * VISA Warehouse Manager F/T Must be able to lift 50 lbs. Previous shipping and receiving exp. a plus but not req. CDL license also a plus. Apply in person at Southern States Cooperative 7730 N. Hwy47 No phone calls please. Pole Barns Crane'Service' Truss Setting s-y^l 18-in Auger (352) 543-6643 P. O. Box 218 Otter Creek, Florida 32683 Lic. No. RB0031694 493-3137 | -G-ive ... (Day) Subscribe to the 463-61 Il 463-6499 gi qmrstCountyJourna (Evening) (Fox)' today! Gi. .~, TRI-COUMflTY C CHIROPRACTIC %. .~ --. L ---.....- "Care for the Entire Family" vr. nennitt ratersun * Available on Location: X-Rays, Physical Therapy & Licensed Massage Therapist (MM0007612) Most Insurance Accepted / OFFICE HOURS / Monday / Wednesday / Friday Major Medical. 9 a.m. Noon & 2 p.m. 6 p.m. Medicare/Medicaid 8 aT2s0pm *Most HMO's & PPO's Thursday 8 a.m. Noon & 2 p.m. 5 p.m. Personal Injury/Auto Accidents Workers' Compensation ~ Walk-Ins Welcome ~ 493-1540 2220 N. Young Blvd., Chiefland (Across from Wal-Mart Super Center) 341 Chiefland Regional Tri-oT Shopping Center actic US 19 Wal-Mart N Super Center Freeman Plumbing Now Has a Service Van Available To Handle Your Plumbing Needs. Residential & Commercial Service Work & New Construction, Additions, Remodeling, Etc. (352) 498-0703 (352) 493-3801 (352) 210-0062 LICENSED INSURED FREE ESTIMATES Walter Freeman State Certified Master Plumber Akins Heating & AC, Inc. 5120 N.W. 5th Street Bell, Florida 32619 352-463-2380 Servicing All Makes & Models * Specializing in High Efficiency Units * Indoor Air Quality Products * Call us today to ask about an additional power company rebate of up to $350. License#CAC1813540 Andrew Nguyen, M.D. General Practice Trenton Office 308 N. Main Street 463-7381 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Saturday Please call for office hours. Newberry Office 50 SW Main Street (Next to Best Drugs) 472-2275 Tuesday & Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday through Friday 2:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Appointments Preferred PaPe Five Steel SSetting Free Estimates Tree Work Trusses Crane Service Fully i : -- ". Insured it A/C Gaston's Tree Service, Inc. Placement 35225 i Siii r 01 Placement 352-258-4274 352-378-5801 IMEN Tri-County Home Plans Mike Keesee Designs & Tom Edwards Designs Have Teamed Up To Provide, Award Winning Plans For The Tri-County Area *HOME PLANNING *CAD PLAN ENTRY CUSTOM DESIGNS PLAN REVISIONS *ADDITIONS *POLE BARNS VAIM *Ceriled I For More Information Call Toll Free 1-877-747-2300 or reach Tom Directly at 321-212-8163 *All Plans Designed to Meet or Exceed Florida Building Code FBC 2001* ' #CFC057595 A ~,LENNO)W I h i Page Six 2TT.-i uJL T TJL I flT A A TN From The Shelves Of The Bookworm Don't forget! If you write a check or if you are putting the date on your homework paper, the year is 2006. What about this resolution business? Did you make a resolution or maybe resolutions? Once I asked' a young man this question and he answered that he had not. He said if you are perfect, you don't have to make resolutions. Was he truthful or was he being arrogant? My resolution is that I can keep up with paperwork I 'am expected to take care of and complete. Last week I finished one report, now another -one from another group 'will be due next week. Recently a very gracious patron came into Bell Library and gave us about 20 books, all in good condition and were from popular writers such as Debbie Macomber, Patricia Hagan and Nora Roberts to name a few. Some were regular print and others were large print for our patrons who are having problems with reading small print. This is the way we exist, getting donations like this. Thank you so much, we are anxious for another visit from you. The Summer I Dared by Barbara Delinsky will hold your attention as you meet the main character who is one of the survivors when a ferry boat was struck by a speeding pleasure craft. It is not every day that a young lady 'is asked to take a part in a movie featuring a well known teenage star. It is in Star Rider, a Saddle Club Book written by Bonnie Bryant, that this happens. Are her friends pleased or are they jealous? A charming little book, Jump, Frog, Jump, relates how the little frog escapes being another animal's dinner because this frog knew when to jump, frog, jump! Come by-and get a book or use the Internet. Remember we are closing at 5:00. p.m. each day except for Saturdays when we close at 2:00 p.im. The Bookworm A leader is a person with a magnet in his heart and a com- pass in his head. -Robert Townsend HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION $25,000 FLORIDA LAW requires that applications be made by -MARCH 1, 2006 to be eligible for this $25,000 exemption. In order to qualify for this exemption you must: 1. Hold title to the property as of January 1, 2006. 2. Reside on the property as of January, 1, 2006. 3. Be a LEGAL resident of the State of Florida as of January 1,.2006. " You must then appear personally at the County Property 'Appraiser's Office. PLEASE BRING THE FOLLOWING WITH YOU: Deed or Tax Bill or something showing the legal description of the property on which you are claiming homestead exemption: Florida Driver's License, Florida Car Registration, Florida Voter's Registration or. Declaration of Domicile. If not a U.S. citizen, bring Residency. (Green) card for both husband and wife. If filing on a mobile home you need to bring titles) or registrations) to mobile home. Bluegrass Pickin' At The Depot Set For January 7 On Saturday, January 7 at 6: 00.p.m., the Trenton Community Center will be the sight for the Suwannee Valley Bluegrass monthly pickin. At 6:00 p.m., various Bluegrass bands will begin playing so bring your Bluegrass band or come and hear some of the best Bluegrass music in North Florida. Don't forget to bring your lawn chair and enjoy the music from 6:00 .p.m. until? Oh, there is plenty of room to sit around and jam so you might want to bring your old flat top or banjo or whatever you play and pick. It will be a great night of good ol' time fun: If you have any questions please call 800- 990-5410 or 352-284-0668 and ask for Cloud. See ya there! Suwannee Valley Leagues To Have Board Meeting January 10 The Suwannee Valley Leagues Board of Directors will be meet- ing on Tuesda.. January 10 at 7:00 p.m. at McArthur Park. pi Gilchrist County Land Transactions Julee Anne Joyner Bridson and William Edward Bridson, Jennifer Sybil Joyner Inglett and Bradley Eugene Inglett and Brent Jackson Joyner to Susan Colson Joyner, quit claim deed, $10. 80 acres, MOL. Susan Colson Joyner and H.M.. Joyner, Jr. to Julee Anne Joyner Brideson, warranty deed, $10. Susan Colson Joyner and H.M. Joyner, Jr. to Brent Jack-' son Joyner, warranty deed, $10. Susan Colson Joyner, and H.M. Joyner, Jr. to Jennifer Sybil Joyner Inglett, warranty deed, $10; Debra Sue Whitby to Rich- ard L. Fuller, quit claim deed, $2,500. Lots 14 and 15, Block 11, Unit 1, Suwannee River Springs. Kenneth O. Taylor to Karen; Heaton and Barbara Taylor, statutory warranty deed, $10. 10 acres MOL. Kenneth 0. Taylor to Carol Anderson, statutory warranty deed, $10. 5 acres MOL. Kenneth 0. Taylor to David Taylor and Angela Taylor, statu- tory warranty deed. $10. 5 acres MOL. Erin J. Johnson to Brett A. Hi- ,. ... TAX SAVINGS NOTICE FROM' Damon C. Leggett Property Appraiser Gilchrist County Filing 112 South Main Street, Room 138 .: TRENTON FLORIDA 32693 ,*' . Period for Tax Saving Exemptions Ends March 1st A Homestead Exemption Granted For 2005 Will Automatically Be Renewed For 2006. It is no longer necessary to sign and return a renewal card for Homestead Exemption. If filing for the first time, yodi must come to the Property Appraiser's Office. $500 WIDOW'S/WIDOWER'S DISABLED VETERAN'S AGRICULTURAL EXEMPTION EXEMPTION (GREENBELT) FILINGS Any widow/widower who.is a permanent Any ex-service member who is a Florida resident may claim this exemp- permanent resident 'of Florida and is Al1 owners or lessees of agricultural lands tionr, If he wdow.widover remarries, disabled at least 10% In war or by who desire agricultural classifications for snre re is no longer eilgirie and if the : Snr','ceconnecled msitonune is rinlled tax purposes on their properly musl file an, husband and wife were divorced before to a 5 000 exemption II fhirn. ton hl irsl ta rpe r pr n As a his/her death, the woman is not consid- time; please present a certificate from the between n January 1 and March 1. A ered a widow, nor the man a widower. If United States Government. Under certain between filing for the first time, please present a circumstances ine eneta of this exemp- Agcultural cnasilcaion are automal.cal.l Death Certificate or other proof of your tion crn carry over Ic the veterans renewed. widow/widower status, spouse in the event of the veteran's death. r Consult your appraiser for details. NON-VETERAN DISABILITY TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY EXEMPTION ($500.00) Tangible Personal Property returns mu.t be lied no later than Every Florida resident who is totally and permanently disabled April 1st. Failure to file a return will result in a penalty and an qualifies for the $500 exemption. If, filing for the first time, assessment will be made as provided by Florida Law. Tangible present at least one of the following as proof of your disability: Personal Property includes property such as business furniture A certificate from a licensed Florida physician or a certificate and fixtures, machinery and equipment, household goods, and from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, or personal effects. (Florida residents are exempt from the tax on documentation from the Social Security, Administration. household goods and personal effects in their homestead.) The Residency must be as of January 1, 2006. Quadriplegics deadline for charitable and qualified non-profit organizations should contact the Appraiser's Office for ,special benefit eligible as such exemption is March 1st. All others must file by information. If blind or confined to a wheelchair, there is an April 1st. income limitation per year, including Social Security, contact the Appraiser's Office for determination of other special benefits. Disability forms are available at the Appraiser's Office. HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION IS NOT TRANSFERABLE -- A NEW APPLICATION MUST BE FILED FOR ANY CHANGES Information will be required from all persons applying for exemptions to determine their residency status. If Husband or Wife is filing for one or both, residency documentation will be required for both. We are at your service and will be most happy to assist you in any way. Our office is located in the Gilchrist County Courthouse. Damon C. Leggett Property Appraiser -- Gilchrist County 112 South Main Street, Room 138 Trenton, Florida 32693 *(352) 463-3190 1-800-219-3208 Mommy & Me Bracelets att and Paige C. Hiatt, warranty deed, $171,000. Lot 7, Block 6, Spring Ridge Subdivision, Unit 2. Ligia Lorena Beddya to Barbara Jean Stewman, co- trustee and John H. Stewman, co-trustee of the Barbara Jean Stewman living trust, warranty deed, $44,000. Lot .2 in Block 4 of Spring Ridge Subdivision, Unit one. Robert G. McPearson and his wife Tarie E. McPearson to Kimberlee Ann McPearson, quit claim deed, $10. Joseph C. Johns to Nathan G., McDougal, warranty deed, $10, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,.5 & 6, Block 4, Original Suwannee River Sub- division. Joseph C. Johns to Bobby R. Baker, quit claim deed, $10. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Original Suwannee River Subdivision. : NepoleonDevelopment.Corp and Philone Philossaint, war- rahty deed, $14,900. Lot 4, Block 3, Sun N' Fun, Unit 2. Richard J. Walker to Thomas and Heather Stack, warranty deed, $189.700. Karen D. Slaughter to Kirk ' D. Hovey, warranty deed, $30,000. Lot 32, The Hills unrecorded subdi\ sion. Patricia R. Neff to Patricia R. Neff or Susan Owens, quit claim deed, $10. 4.939 acres MOL, Rolling Oaks. Betty J. Sizemore to Deborah Venable and Brenda Callahan, quit claim deed, $10. Lot 4, Mossy Oaks Subdivision. Cases A. and Marianne Car- lisle to Pauline Barton. John Paul Shelly and Marianne Car- lisle, quit claim deed, S4,000. .39 acres MOL. - John W. Miller and Margaret J. Miller to Marvann Vincent, warranty deed. $10. Lot 5, Woodland Acres. Amanda L. Henson to Daryl Kirby, warranty deed, $1,000. Lot 55, Block B, Unit 6. Sun N' Subdi\ vision. MN.E. NMcDougal Inc. to Josh- ua Akers, trustee of the Mary E. Akeis Irrevocable Trust. Lots 4 & 5, Block 21, Suwannee River Estates North. Tanya L.nne Apone to Mi- mack LC., warranty deed, $10. CCDA Water LLC to CC Wa- ter Acquisition Co., LLC., spe- cial warranty deed. $311,700. CCDA Water LLC to CC Water Acquisition Co., LLC., special warranty deed. $50.000. , -Lots 16, 1.7, 4 & 25, Block l1," Spring Ridge Subdivision, Unit 4. CCDA Water LLC to CC Water Acquisition Co., LLC., special \warranty deed, $50,000. Lots 17, 18, 19, 20, Spring Ridge Subdivision, Unit 5. CCDA Water LLC to CC Water Acquisition Co., LLC., special warranty deed, $12,146,887. Terry L, Posmer to Edgar A. Torres and Beatrice G. Torres, warranty deed, $117,000. Par- cel 56, Appalossa Trails. Andrew S. Boswell, trustee of The Boswell Family Trust to Pamela Ann Mercado, warranty deed, $10. Fred Sevon to Charles D Crace, warranty deed, $10. Lot 2, Caroline's Country Subdivi- sion. Charles D. Crace to Joseph Landers and' Patricia J. Land- ers. Lot 2, Caroline's Country Subdivision. Stephen Walter Wawerczyk and Billie Jo Wawerczyk -to Stephen Walter Wawerczyk, special warranty deed, $10. - Now Open ~N forever Flowers & Gifts Sports Deer Picture Frames "Your Full Service Florist" 721 East Wade Street .W Trenton, Florida 32693 Baby Baby Fresh & Silk Arrangements Camo Items! 352-463-9176 or Toll Free 1-866-261-7986 Teleflora Laura Teague / Charlotte Pedersen Owners - Prayer Box Bracelets 11' tc~'YgmM" ~"( ,''~r -~ .'~> "NEED A FENCE OF ANY KIND CALL DANNY ANYTIME.", Barb Wire Woven Wlire Chain Link Board Danny Hodge (352) 463-1832 -- Mobile (352) 493-5345 4110 S.W. 25th Street -- Bell, Florida Water Filtration Lic # CFC051621 WOLFE PLUMBING, INC. Complete Plumting Service Drain Cleaning & Repair 7 Days Service T.-',B ** .-' .'* -IMPORTANT- '~u' ~ ~ ~' Come see our Full Line of MaggiB. and Texas Leather Purses. Pole Barns Installed Complete $1,79500 Total e- oo fin & Leaks Metal Roofing 25-Year Warranty .lani4Ld re, r's NEW STANDARDS FORIVING18005421 MAtCTgOHiSO ROOHKFING, INC. ^Kfi;-o ieB^g &,HLeaksHBB . THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 2006 CUT C14PT.qT CC)TTN'PY JOURNAL n-r -- C.-? I THUTRSDTAY.JANTUARY 5.2006 GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Pare Seven Mrs. Frances Fisher Andrews Mrs. Frances Fisher Andrews 'of Chiefland died Saturday, December 31, 2005 at Haven Hospice of the Tri-Counties. She was 91. Mrs. Andrews was born in Rockedge and moved to Chief- land from Cedar Key in her early teens. She was a retired music teacher. She was a member of the United Methodist Church in Chiefland where she played piano for 12 years. She enjoyed ' music and reading and was an animal lover, especially fond of cats. She was preceded in death by husbands, John Frank Fisher and Donald Andrews; and a son, John C. Fisher. Mrs. Andrews is survived by a son, Leslie Fisher Sr. of Chiefland; a stepdaughter, Susan Williams of Norfolk, Virginia; four grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Arrangements were under the care of HIERS-BAXLEY FUNERAL SERVICES, Chief- land. Mrs. Margaret Irene Becker Mrs. Margaret Irene Becker of Old Town died Tuesday, January 3, 2006 at Ayers Health and Re- habilitation Center in. Trenton. She was 89. Mrs. Becker was of the Pres- byterian faith. She moved to this area in April, 2005, from Sebastian and was a loving wife, mother and grandmother. She enjoyed cooking, baking, knit- ting and bowling. She was preceded in death by her husband of 50 years, William Templer Becker. Mrs. Becker is survived by sons William Richard Becker of Chittenango, New York and Gregory Paul Becker of Well-. born; daughters, Dianne Irene Baron of Ark, Virginia and Lornna Mitchell of Old Town; 12 grandchildren; and 21 great- grandchildren. A memorial service will be held Friday, January 6, 2006 at 1:00 p.m. at the Rick Gooding Funeral Home Chapel in Cross City. Arrangements are under the care of RICK GOODING FU- NERAL HOME, Cross City. Mrs. Marilyn Jean Blank Mrs. Marilyn "Lynn" Jean Blank of High Springs died Friday, December 30, 2005 at Haven Hospice of Gainesville, She was 73. Mrs. Blank was born in Wa- terloo, Iowa and moved to High Springs from Leisure City in 2000. She worked in banking and bookkeeping. Mrs. Blank was an accom- plished musician who won a state title for playing the ac- cordian in Illinois around 1950. She was a former president of the Homestead Women's Club. as well as the Women of the Elks Chapter 1754. She en- joyed cooking, making ceranm- ics, dancing, boating, and fish- ing. Mrs. Blank was a member of St. Andrews Lutheran Church in Homestead. Mrs. Blank is survived by her husband of 52 years, Carl Blank of High Springs; a daughter, Terry Blomeley of Ellijay, Georgia; one granddaughter; and one great-granddaughter. Arrangements .were under the care of EVANS-CARTER FUNERAL HOME, High Springs. Mrs. Annie Peacock' Lott' 'Mrs. Annie Peacock Lott of Trenton died Monday, January 2, 2006 in Chiefland. She was 93. Mrs. Lott was born in Ala- bama and came to Trenton from Pinellas County 37 years ago. She was a homemaker and was of the Protestant faith. She is survived by a son, Alan Lott of Trenton; and a. sister Gladys Strickland of Lake Pan- asoffkee. Arrangements were under the care of KNAUFF FUNERAL HOME, Chiefland. Mrs. Wilma Walker Mrs. Ellen Miller Livingston Dempsey Fuente ,Mrs. Wilma Walker Livings- Ellen Miller Fuente, 76, of ton Dempsey died Tuesday, Bell, died Wednesday, December' December 27, 2005 peacefully 28, 2005 at her residence. in her home. She was 83. A native of Okeechobee, Mrs. She suffered from pulmonary Fuente had lived in Bell for the fibrosis. ' last year but was a previous Wilma attended Flrida resident of Gilchrist County Wm en ed 'graduated where she lived for many years. Women's College and graduated She was a home health care from FSU with a BAin educa- nurse and enjoyed gardening and tion and began teaching school flowers in her spare time. in 1943 in Dixie County. She- Mrs. Fuente is survived by married David Richard Livings- a son, Butch Fuente, of Bell, ton on December 13, 1946. He two nieces, Geraldine Douglas, passed away in 1950..On March of High Springs, and Janet 5, 1955, she married Paul Dur- Jenkins,, of Bell, a nephew, ward Dempsey and they had one. Dewitt Stewart, also of Bell, daughter. five grandchildren, and 12 great Wilma graduated from the grandchildren. tUniversitv of Florida in 1961 No services are scheduled at. with an advanced teaching de-' this time. gree, certified in early childhood Arrangements are under the education. She taught school direction of EVANS-CARTER for 36 years, retiring in 1979 FUNERAL HOME High after having taught thousands of Springs. s" students how to read and write. Wilma was a lifelong member of Mrs. Dorothy S. the Southern Baptist Churches. Han,,,nod She was a member of the Or- Haminiton der of the Eastern iStar, Plant Mrs. Dorothy S. Hammond City Chapter #81, Business and of Cross City died. Monday, Professional Women, Florida January 2, 2006 at Cross City Retired Teachers Association Rehab. She was 87. Born April and other civic groups. 14, 1918 in Lafayette County, She was preceded in death she was a member of the Suwan- by her first husband, David nee River Baptist Church in Old Livingston; and her second hus-D Town and worked for the Dixie band,paul Dempsey. County School Boatd Cafeteria, 'Dehe" is' .survived for 25 years. She lovedto hunt 'by' a daughter. Paufa Dempsey, and fish. i Nunnery; a .granddaughter, She was preceded in death by Darla Louise Nunnery, both of her husband of 58 years, J.C. Plant City; and a brother, Auvil Hammond. Lawrence "Bo" Walker of Mac- Mrs. Hammond is survived clenny by two daughters, Christine A graveside servicewith OES Whitby of Cross City and Betty Rites was held Friday, becem- Jo Dunnam of Perry; a sister, ber 30, 2005 at Midway Baptist Leona Carmichael of Jackson- Church. ville; seven grandchildren; 12 Arrangements were under the great-grandchildren; one great- care of JOE P. BURNS FU- great-grandchild; and several NERAL HOME, Perry. nieces ani nephews. A funeral service was held Wednesday, January 4, 2006 at the Rick Gooding Funeral cha- pel with Rev. Bobby Lindsey conducting the service. Inter- ment followed, at Cross City Cemetery. Arrangements were under the, care of RICK GOODING FU- NERAL HOME, Cross City. Patriotism is collective re- sponsibility. -Arnold Glasow Mr. Ken Dougherty Mr. Ken Dougherty, 57, of Chiefland, died Wednesday, December 28, 2005, after a short illness. Born in Elizabeth, New Jersey, he was a son of the late Warren and Mary Dougherty. He graduated from Cranford High School and entered the Air Force in 1968 where he served in the Philippines. A long-time journalist who held a degree from Georgia POP Obituaries Quality Health Care for the Entire Family 352-463-2374 Southern University, he worked at the Citrus County Chronicle and the Chiefland Citizen before joining the Levy County Journal in July 2005 as its senior staff writer. Mr. Dougherty enjoyed NASCAR, boating and cooking. Survivors include a daughter, Carrie of Georgia; and two 'brothers, Robert Dougherty and Jeff Dougherty, both of New Jersey. A younger brother, ' Timmy, preceded him in death. A memorial service will be announced at a later date. Mr. James Michael McDonald Mr. James Michael McDonald of Williston died Sunday, Janu- ary 1, 2006 at his home. He was 56. Mr. McDonald was born in Hollywood, California and had been a longtime resident of the' area. He was an active member of The Unity Temple of Deliver- ance Outreach Center in Willis- ton. He was a a National Board, Certified Teacher at Joyce Bull- ock Elementary School where he has taught kindergarten for over 2 0" e a r s . He is sur ived by his father.' Edward Arthur McDonald of 'Fairfield; a brother Jack R. Mc- Donald of Columbia. Tennessee; a sister, Jill Debish of Fairfield;' Said,several nephews and nieces. Arrangements %ere under the care of KNAUFF FUNERAL HOME. Williston. Ars. Pamela Reynolds Roberts Mrs. Pamela Reynolds, Rob- erts of Newberry died Thurs- day, December 29, 2005. at North Florida Regional Medi- cal Center. She was 42.. Mrs. Roberts was born in Gainesville and lived in the. area all her life. She was a homemaker. Mrs. Roberts was of the Baptist faith and enjoyed spending time with her grand- children and fishing. She is survived by her hus- band, Roy Roberts of New- berry; a son, Chad Roberts of Alachula; daughters. Misty, McMurray of' Melrose and Candice Wynne of Waldo; her mother, Ann Nobles PRdgett'ot Fort White; stepfather, Calvin Thompson of Fort White; a brother, Ronnie Reynolds of, Archer; sisters, Nancy Reyn- olds of Waldo and Sherry Joiner of Nichols, South Carolina; and three grandchildren. Arrangements were under the care of EVANS-CARTER FUNERAL HOME, High Springs. Mr. James V "Jay" M Robertson Mr. James V. "Jay" Robertson of Old Town died Friday, De- cember 30, 2005 in Shreveport, Lousiana. He was 36. Mr. Robertson was born in Vero Beach and moved to Old Town from Williston two years ago. He hauled cattle for Neufeld Trucking for eight years. He is survived by his wife, TRENTON MEDICAL CENTER Quality Health Care, Convenient Location, 'Serving The Health Care Needs Of Our Community Catherine Vega, PA-C Pediatrics James F. Ivey, MD Board Certified Family Practice * Complete Primary Care, Well-Baby Exams Diagnostic X-rays Minor Trauma Case Management * Hearing and Vision Testing Y '" * Deborah Weyer, MD Board Certified Pediatrics Curtis Kirby, PA-C Family Practice Internal Medicine Christine Chapman, DO Board Certified Family Practice Physical Exams Vaccines for Children ADD & ADHD Evaluations Health Screening HIV Testing * Sliding Fee Office Visits and Pharmacy John Frazier, DC Chiropractic Physician Providing Non-Profit Healthcare for 30 years Pediatrics 463-6292 Kim Hendricks Robertson of .Old Town; sons, Jaycee Rob- ertson of Old Town and Dylan Robertson of Williston; daugh- ters, Jeri-Lyn Hunt of Old Town, Hanah Robertson and Aubrey Robertson, both of Williston; his father, Ralph V. Robertson of Vero Beach; his mother and step-father, Jill and Jim Silcox of Crestview; a-brother, Justin C. Robertson of Vero Beach; and a 'sister, Shelly C. Robertson of Chiefland.. Arrangements were under the care -of KNAUFF FUNERAL HOME, Williston. Mrs. Murray E. Stricklen Mrs. Murray E. Stricklen of Jacksonville died Wednesday, December 28, 2005 at Commiu- nity Hospice in Jacksonville. She was 91. Mrs. Stricklen was born in Trenton and was a homemaker. She mo' ed to Jacksonville from O'Brien sivyears ago. She was. a member of the Church of Christ in Dade City. She is survived .by :her hus- band, Robert. G.. Stricklen of Jacksonville; a sister, Vida W. Evans of Jacksonville; arid a brother, Fred D. Wilkerson of Hilliard. h .. A funeral service, was held Saturday, December 31, 2005 at Watson Funeral Home Cha- ,pel with' Pastor Greg Douglas conducting the service. Inter-' ment followed at Bethel Cem- etery in Trenton. Arrangements w ere under the care of WATSON FUNERAL HOME,. Trenton. The FWC Report For December 23-29 This report represents ,some significant events the FWC handled over the past week. NORTH CENTRAL REGION ALACHUA COUNTY Officers Zach Clark and Bret Gill responded to a complaint in northwest Alachua County .about several shots being fired on a field. Officers arrived and determined a dove shoot .was in progress. After a short time, the officers entered the field checking four individuals and counting 79 birds. Citations 'were issued 'for 'over-the-bag limit, no hunting license, and unplugged shotguns. While working night hunting in south Alachua County, Officers James Jordan and Kevin Losee observed a vehicle drive by their location about six times between 2:00 and 2:30 a.m. The last time, the vehicle stopped and a shot was fired outside the drivers' window. After a short pursuit, the vehicle stopped and the suspects were secured; Officers, Zach Clark, John Duncan and Wayne Hargabus with K-9, were called to assist with questioning and locating a shotgun. After, a statement from one of the suspects, the shotgun was found near the road where the driver had thrown it out the window. Charges included possession of firearm by convicted felon, attempting to take deer at night with gin and light, fleeing and attempting to elude a law enforcement officer. Jered Ottenwess City Manager NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING PLEASE BE ADVISED that the Gilchrist Count) School Board % ill conduct a workshop on Tuesday. January 10, 2006 at 6:00 P.M. in Building 14, Board Room 14-002 located at 310 NW 11th Avenue,. Trenton, Florida. Following is the agenda: OPENING CEREMONIES 1. Approval of Agenda 2. Workshop on High School Reform NOTE: In accordance with the Americans with. Disabilities Act, persons requiring an interpreter or special accommodations to enable them to participate in this meeting are requested to notify the Office of the School Superintendent at 352- 463-3200 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the scheduled meeting date so provisions can be made. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at such meeting, he will need a record of the proceedings and that for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. James E. Vickers Superintendent of Schools Pub. January 5, 2006b. There is no kind of peace which may be purchased on the bargain counter. -Carey Williams Legal Notices PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF TRENTON REGULAR MEETING 1 AGENDA The Board of Commissioners, in and for the City of Trenton, Florida will meet on Monday, January 9, 2006 immediately following adjournment of the Planning and Zoning Meeting, which begins at 5:30 p.m. in the Kathryn Deen Commission. Chambers, 114 N. Main Street. Items included on the agenda are as follows: A. Call To Order B. Adoption of Agenda C. Approval of Minutes D. Consent Items 1. Approval of October 2005 Expenditures 2. Approval of November 2005 Expenditures E. Other Agencies 1. Code Enforcement F. Committee Assignments G. Action Items 1. Water Meter Bid 2. Final Reading .Ordinance 2005-15 Gilchrist County Housing Authority Rezoning 3. Dreambuilders Request Quail Run Exception 4. First Reading Ordinance 2006-1 Garbage Service Rate Increase' 5.. Fust Reading Ordinance 2006-2 City Manager Spending Discretion 6. Resolution 2006-1 Florida League of Cities 7. Interlocal Agreement with Suwannee River Water Management District 8. City of Trenton Employee Handbook Revisions 9. 2006 City of Trenton Holiday Schedule H. Board Member Request I.. City Manager Report J. Staff Reports 1.. City Attorney 2. Public Works 3. Fire Report 4. Police Report K. Unscheduled Citizen Requests L. Adjourn PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she will need a record of the proceedings,.,and that, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and e idence upon which the appeal is to be based. Services Provided: Chronic Disease Management Immunizations Diagnostic Laboratory Minor Surgical Procedures Family Planning ~ Most Insurances Accepted ~ 911 South Main Street Trenton, Florida 32693 Equal Opportunity Provider Employers Please Ask About Our Preferred Employers Program (PEP)! MORE THAN TIRES Brakes Alignments Oil Changes Southern Tire & Brake 626 North Main Street Trenton 463-6050 PREQUALIFICATION GILCHRIST COUNTY COURTHOUSE TRENTON FLORIDA The Alexander Group, LLC PO Box 1027 Newberry, Florida 32669 is currently pre-qualifying all interested firms on all. bid packages divisions 2 thru 16 for the Gilchrist County Courthouse Additions and Renovations. Drawings, specifications and bidding documents are expected to be available early January. All trade contractors must be pre- qualified to submit a proposal. Pre qualification forms may be received by contacting Steve Hinds or Lloyd Kelly at 352- 472-6900 or fax letter of request to 352-472-6999. Bid date is currently set for January 31, 2006 at 2:00 p.m. Drawings will be made available to pre-qualified trade contractors from University Imaging for the cost of printing and shipping. They will also be available on line in the Mid State Builder's exchange: The documents. may also be reviewed in our Offices located at 25370 West Newberry 'Road, Newberry Florida 32669. Pub. January 5, 12, 2006b. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING A VARIANCE AS PROVIDED FOR IN THE GILCHRIST COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA, SERVING AS THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to Ordinance No. 93-04, as amended, comments, objections and recommendations concerning the following described variance as provided for in the Gilchrist County Land Development Regulations, hereinafter referred to as the Land Development .Regulations, will. be heard by the Board of County Commissioners of Gilchrist County, Florida- serving as the Board of Adjustment of Gilchrist County, Flonda. at a public hearing on January 17, 2006 at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as this matter can, be heard, in the Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room, located at 210 South Main Street, Trenton, Florida. ,VAR 05-12 an application by Jack Diepersloot requesting a Variance be granted ,to decrease the minimum yard requirements for a lot of record in an A-2 zoning district as. provided in Section 2.3.1 of the Land Development Regulations. The property is describedas follows: LOT 38, SUWANNEE SHORES, A. SUBDIVISION AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGES 39- 42 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORID.A The public hearing may be continued to one or more future dates. Any interested party shall be advised that the date, time and place of any continuance of the public hearing shall be announced during the public hearing and that no further notices concerning this matter will be published, unless said continuation exceeds six calendar weeks from the date of the above referenced public hearing. At the aforementioned public hearing, ail interested parties may appear to be heard with respect to the proposed variance. A copy of the application for variance is available for public inspection at the Office of the Emergency/County Coordinator, located at 209 Southeast First Street, Trenton, Florida, during regular business hours. All persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decision made at the above referenced public hearing, they will need. a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Pub. January 5. 2006b. (Continued To Page Eight) i Pub. January 5, 2006 GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 2006 Legal Notices Continued INVITATION TO BID SEALED BIDS are hereby invited for one (1) 2006 Model, 2-Wheel Drive Agricultural Tractor with Mower Deck. Specifications and requirements may be obtained from the Gilchrist County Solid Waste and Recycling Transfer Station at 1659 NW 10th street, Bell, Florida, (352) 463-3185. Sealed bids should be enclosed in an envelope clearly marked "SEALED BIDS FOR 2006 2-WHEEL DRIVE AGRICULTURAL TRACTOR WITH MOWER DECK." Sealed bids may be hand delivered or mailed to the Gilchrist County Administrator's Office at 209 SE 1st Street, Trenton, Florida 32693. Bids should be submitted no later than 12:00 p.m. on January 13, 2006. Bids will be opened at 12:05 p.m. on that date in the Gilchrist County Administrator's Office. Bids will be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners on January 17, 2006. It is the bidder's responsibility to assure that the bid is delivered to the location listed above and by the date and time specified. Bids which are not delivered or received by the date and time listed herein will not be considered. Gilchrist County reserves the right to amend any selected bid after it has been awarded. Bid must' contain an original signature or printed in ink. Bidder's name should also appear on each page of the bid sheet(s). Gilchrist County reserves the right to refuse any d d all bids. "Persons with disabilities requesting reasonable accommodations to participate in these proceedings should contact (352) 463-3169 (Voice and TDD) of via Florida Relay Service at (800) 955-8771." Pub. January 5, 12, 2006b. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING A SPECIAL EXCEPTION AS PROVIDED FOR IN THE GILCHRIST COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA, SERVING AS THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF GILCHRIST COU-NTY, FLORIDA, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant .to Ordinance No. 93-04, as amended, comments, objections and recommendations concerning the following described ,special' exception as provided for in ihe Gilchnst Count. Land De\ elopment Regtfblmftns, herein-ffir referred' to as the Land' Development Regulations, will be heard by the Board of County Commissioners of Gilchrist County, Florida, serving as the Board of Adjustment of Gilchrist County, Florida, at a public hearing on January 17, 2006 at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as this matter can be heard, in the Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room, located at 210 South Main Street, Trenton, Florida. SE 05-14 an application by James Wilkerson requesting a Special Exception be granted to allow dump trucks to' be stored/parked on his property, which is located in the Sun N' Fun subdivision, for business purposes. The property is in an Agricultural-2 (A-2) zoning district. The property is described as follows: LOT 29 AND LOT 30 BLK B UNIT 6 SUN N FUN SUBD 49/231 73/679 154/344 162/384- 386 224/555 239/465 UTIL EASEMENT 243/465 286/63 The public hearing may be continued to one or more future dates. Any interested party shall be advised that the date, time and place of any continuance of the public hearing shall be announced during the public hearing and that no further notices concerning this matter will be published, unless said continuation exceeds six calendar weeks from the date of the above referenced public hearing. At the aforementioned public hearing, all interested parties may appear to be heard with respect to the proposed special exception. A copy of the application for special exception is available for public inspection at the Office of the Emergency/County Coordinator, located at 209 Southeast First Street, Trenton, Florida,. during regular business hours. All persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decision made at the above referenced public hearing, they will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, .which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Pub. January 5, 2006b. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY CASE NO.; 21-2005-CA-050 WACHOVIA BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, F/K/A FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK, .. Plaintiff, vs. WALTER EARL' KNUDSON, et al, Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE S" SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Summary, Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated December 20, 2005, and entered in Case No. 21-2005-CA-050 of the Circuit Court for Gilchrist County, 'Florida, I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at the South door of the Gilchrist County Courthouse, 112 S. Main Street, Trenton, Florida, at 11:00 a.m. and on the 23rd day of January, 2006, the following described property as set forth in said Summary Final Judgment: LOT 27, UNIT 3, SUWANNEE RIVERSPRINGS,ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 67, PUBLIC RECORDS OF GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA. TOGETHER WITH A 2002 HOMES OF MERIT doublewide mobile .home, ID#FLHM-LCFl163725695A, Title No. 85261484, and ID#FLHMLCF163725695B,Title No. 85261527 and, respectively and all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements, rights, appurtenances, rents, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water rights and stock and all fixtures now or hereafter attached to the property. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court on December 20, 2005. JOSEPH W. GILLIAM Clerk of the Circuit and County Court (SEAL) By: Lindsay Ayers Deputy Clerk In accordance % iith the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing a special accommodation to. participate in this proceeding should contact the individual or agency sending notice no later than seven da s pnor to the proceeding. If hearing impaired, (TDD) 1-800-955-8771, or Voice (V) 1-800-955-770'. Via. Florida Relay Service . Pub. January 5,12,2006b. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE TO: Juan C. Hernaidez 2950 NW 101st Street Branford, Florida 32008, Wachoyia Bank, National Association & Hiday & Ricke, P.A.. P.O. Box 550858 Jacksonville, Fl,orida 32255 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a writ of Execution, Instructions for Levy issued in the Circuit Court of Suwannee County, Florida, on the 6 day of May, 2002, in the cause wherein First Union National Bank of Florida was a plaintiff and Juan C. Herenandez was defendant being case number 612002CC000044 in said court,, pursuant to the No\ember 10. 2005 instrucitons to le%-, from lelfre\ R. Becker, Esquire of Hiday & Ricke, P.A., per Judgment Lien Certificate filed October 18, 2005 and assigned file number. J05000158425, with Juan C. Hernandez as the jfidgment debtors, of said court. Well Child & Newborn Care School & Sports Physicals Chronic & Acute Care Communicable Disease Maternity Care By UF Dept. OB/GYN I, David P. Turner, as Sheriff of Gilchrist County, Florida, have levied upon the right, title and interest of defendant, Juan C. Hernandez, in the following described property, to wit: 2002 TOYOTA 4 RUNNER Vin #JT3HN87R729065602; Title #92433144 and on the 26th day of January, 2006 at the south door, which is the side entrance, of the Gilchrist County Courthouse, in the City of Trenton, Gilchrist County, Florida, at the hour of 11:00 A.M. or as soon thereafter as possible, I will offer for sale all the said defendant's property, rights, title and interest in the aforesaid property at public outcry and will sell the same to the highest and best bidder or bidders for CASH, the proceeds to be applied as far as may to the payment and satisfaction of the described execution. DAVID P. TURNER, SHERIFF GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA Pub. December 22, 29, 2005 and January 5, 12, 2006b. ' IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File Number 2005-CP-0050 IN RE ESTATE OF JAMES HENRY MCWILLIAMS. Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS (Formal Administration ' TO ALL PERSONS HAV- ING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ES- TATE: Youarehereb\ notified that aFor- mal Administration has commenced in the Estate of JAMES HENRY. NICWILLIANIS. Deceased, File Number 2005-CP-0050, by the Circuit Court for, GILCHRIST County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is P.O. Box 37, , Trenton, FL 32693. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or. de- mands against, decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is served within three months after the date of the .first publication of this notice must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OFACOPYOF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors' of the dece- dent and persons having claims 'or demands against th~ estateof the decedent must file their .claims with this Court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOR- 'EVER BARRED. The date of the first publication of this Notice is Decvember 29, 2005. Person Giving Notice: STEPHEN MCWILLIAMS 6820 SE 60th Avenue Trenton, FL 32693 Attorney for Person Giving Notice GREGORY V. BEAUCHAMP, P.A. Florida Bar No. 178770 P.O. Box 1129 Chiefland, FL 32644 Telephone: (352) 493-1458 Pub. December 29, 2005, January 5, 2006b.. We are all here for a spell; get all the good laughs you can. -Will Rogers Family Planning School Health Services TB Testing Laboratory Procedures Healthy Start Services WIC Services (Baby Formula & Food Coupons) HIV Anonymous & Confidential Testing Attention Deficit Disorder Evaluation & Treatment NO APPOINTMENTS NEEDED FOR: FREE PREGNANCY TESTS FREE BLOOD PRESSURE SCREEN CHILD & ADULT IMMUNIZATIONS We accept Blue Cross/Blue Shield, AvMed, PPC Care Manager, State Employees Group PPC, Health Options, Champus, CMS, Medicaid, Medipass, Medicare, and most other major insurances. 119 N.E. 1st Street, Trenton, Florida 32693 463-3120 Office Hours Monday Friday 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA : PROBATE DIVISION CASE NO. 21-2005-CP-0040 IN RE: The Estate of KENNETH CARLISLE,, Deceased. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The administration of the estate of Kenneth Carlisle, deceased, File Number 21-2005-CP-0040, is pending, in the Circuit Court for Gilchrist County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is PO Box 37, Trenton, FL 32693. The name and address of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All persons on whom this notice is served who have objections that challenge the validity of the will, the qualifications of the personal representative, venue or jurisdiction of this Court are required to file their objections with this Court W ITH fN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. -. All creditors of the decedent and other persons ha\ ing claims or demands against decedent's estate .on whom a copy of this notice is served within three months after the date of the first publication of this notice' must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THE LATER, OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST .PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE, OR THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. ; All other creditors of the decedent and persons having claims or demands: against the decedent's estate mustfile their claims with this Court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS AND OBJECTIONS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. The date of the first publication of this Notice is January 5, 2006. MICHAEL H. WEISS, Esq. Florida Bar #336521 115 NE 7 Avenue Gainesville, FL 32601 (35.2) 375-7780 Personal Representative Pub: January5, 12, 2006b, NOTICE OF PUBLIC i nHEARJ'NG *;. CONCERNING A SPECL L EXCEPTION AS PROVIDED FOR IN THE GILCHRIST COUNTY ISLAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA, SERVING AS THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to Ordinance No. 93-04, as amended, comments, objections and recommendations concerning , the following described special exception as provided for in the Gilchrist County Land Development Regulations, hereinafter referred to as the Land Development Regulations, will be heard by the Board of County Commissioners of Gilchrist County, Florida, serving as the Board of Adjustment of Gilchrist County, Florida, at a public hearing on January 17, 2006 at 6:00 p.m., or =NM as soon thereafter as this matter can be heard, in the Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room, located at 210. South Main Street, Trenton, Florida. SE 05-16 an application by Faith Baptist Church requesting a Special Exception be granted as provided in Section 4.5.5 of the Land Development Regulations to allow a cemetery in a A-2 zoning district. The property is described as follows: COM AT SE/C & GO ON S LN S 88 DEG W 62.08 FT TOW R/W LN OF ST RD 129 GO R/W LN N 1081.34 FT TO PT OF CURVE CONT ON R/W NRLY'AN ARC DIST 162.46.FT TO POB CONT ON SD CURVE NRLY AN ARC DIST OF 200.21 FT TO N LN OF SE/4 OF SE/4 GO S 88 DEG W. 635 FT GO S 03 DEG E 200.20 FT GO N 88 DEG E 635 FT TO POB CONT3AC The public hearing may be continued to one or more future dates. Any interested party shall be advised that the date, time and place of any continuance, of the public hearing shall be announced during the public hearing and that no further notices concerning this matter ill be published unless said contamination exceeds six calendar weeks from the date of the above referenced public hearing. At the aforementioned public hearing, all !nteresied parties may appear to be heard klth respect to the proposed special e\cepuon A copy of the application for ' special exception is a\aalable for public inspection at the Office of, the Emergency/County Coordinator, located ai 209 Southeast First Street. Trenton, Florida, during, regular business hours. All persons are advised that if they decide to. appeal any decision made at the above referenced public :hearing, they will need a record of the proceedings. and that, for such purpose, they may need to. ensure that, a verbatim record of the proceedings- is made, which . record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Pub. January 5, 2006b. From The Desk Of Gilchrist County Sheriff David P., Turner Weekly Sheriff's Report For Week Ending January 3, 2006 On December 21, 2005, Antonio Lopez, date of birth, 7/24/84, was arrested on charges of NorValid Drivers License and 2 counts of Forgery. On December 21, 2005. Isreal Gutierrez, date of birth, 4/25/83, was arrested on charges of No Valid Dri'ers License and 2 counts of Forgery. On December 21, 2005, Santiago Deleon, date of birth, 9/26/84, was arrested on charges of No Valid Drivers License and 2 counts of Forgery. On December 21, 2005, Walter Clark, date of birth, 5/30/ 74, was arrested on the charge of Possession of Cannabis Less than 20 Grams. On December 22, 2005, Gary M. Van Winkle, date of birth, 8/17/80, was arrested on the charge of Dealing in Stolen Property. On December 23,2005, Sherri L. Esllinger, date of birth, 8/23/ 69, was arrested on charges of Uttering a' Forged Instrument and Theft. On December 23, 2005, Dianna M. Jones, date of birth, 10/8/72, was arrested on the charge of Driving While License Suspended or Revoked. On December 23, 2005, Yolandas A. Whittle, date of birth, 10/25/79, was arrested Have a winning record? I can help you get the discounts you deserve. (352) 463-1542 Stanley Insurance Agency, Inc. David Swilley & Steve Jenkins STANLEY INSURANCE AGENCY 630 NE Santa Fe Blvd. High Springs Proud member of the Chamber of Commerce on charges of four counts of Possession of a Controlled Substance and Driving While License Suspended or Revoked (Knowingly). ' On December 2-3, 2005, Tammy S. Harris, date of birth, 9/9/77, was arrested on a Columbia County Warrant with the charge of Failure to Appear/ Worthless Check. On December 24, 2005, Paul E. Gunnison, date of birth, 10/13/82, was arrested on the charge of Driving Under the Influence and Driving While License Suspended or Revoked (Knowingly). On December 24, 2005, Raymond D. Holder, date of birth, 8/30/86, was arrested on charges of Violation of Probation/Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Violation of Probation/Driving While License Suspended or Revoked. On December 24, 2005, Andrew Lee, date of birth, 6/25/ 69, was arrested on the charge of Violation .of Probation/Of Condition of Release. On December 25, 2005, Michael L. Akins, date of birth, 8/23/77, was arrested. on the' charge of Disorderly Intoxication. On December 25, 2005, Earnest A. Riggs, date of birth, 1/29/60, was arrested on charges of Failure to Criminal Register and three counts of Batter/Domestic Violence. On December 25, 2005, Ramiro Jiminez-Hernandez, date of birth, 3/11/81, was arrested on the charge of No \alid Drivers License. On December 26,. 2005, Ralph W. Veal, date of birth, 1/5/59, was arrested on. a .Volusia County Warrant with 'the. charge of Violation of Probation/ Driving While License Suspended or Revoked (Felon)., Gilchrist County Warrant with -charges of Introduction .of Contraband into Corrections Facility,, Possession of Less than 20 Grams, Possession of 'Drug Paraphernalia. On December 28. 2005, Shannon M. Plau. date of birth, 9/7/82. was arrested on charges of Battery/Domestic Violence. Attempted Escape. Destruction of Government Property. On December 28. 2005,, Richard W. Osborne, date of birth 2/15/62., was arrested on the charge of V'iolation of Probation/No Valid Drivers License. On December 28, 2005, Justin C. Drake, date of birth, 11/17/80, was arrested on charges of Deprive of Communication and Battery/ Domestic Violence (Felony). On December 29, 2005, Kevin L. Jarvis, date of birth, 9/28/77, was arrested on two counts of Possession of Controlled Substance, Possession of Prescription Pills without Prescription. On December 31, 2005, .James E. Pope, date of birth, 9/12/65, was arrested on charges of Open Container,, Disorderly Intoxication and Resist without Violence. On January 1, 2006, Julio G. Ozorio, date of birth, 12/20/85, was arrested on the charge of No Valid Drivers License. On January 1, 2006, James J. Welch, Jr., date of .birth, 3/12/86, was arrested on the charge of Driving under Influence. Allstate. I!". 1 The sIbled tF Ih checkered Hlag (R) and 9 (R) are, registered trademnarks and serIce marks of Emlham Motoraports, LLC, used under license Kasey Maimn TM kfnsea and signatu are trademarks of Kasy Kahne Inc ,Isensed by Evemham Motorspors LLC, Dodge (R) Is a registehed trademark of DahneIrChysler Crpor tlon MASCAR (R) I regilsterd trademark of Iho National Assoclatilon Ir Sock Ca AIuto Racing. tnc Insararne and discounts subject to avallablllty and qaIflallaons The 'Cipped Hands',ogo Is a ,isien d service mark and '-Our Stand' Is a .se.ce mark of Aistate Insurance Company Allstate Ptopkrty & Casuatly Insurancea Conpany and AIIslat, Indemnity Company: Nonthbrook. IL 02005 AlNlstale Insune, Company. Page Eight FLLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF iHEALTHT GILCHRIST COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT I mLI4TTDCPhAV TANTTTAPV 'iAV 9i006,~~,Jrli~1~Ji., ~~. DURON WILLIAMSON TREE SERVICE Professional quality in tree removal, trimming & pruning. Free estimates, insured. Call 386-935-2180 or 352-318-3610 mobile. cANrON HOUSE Chinese Restaurant 463-1089 LU NCH BUfT $4.75 with Iced Tea weekdays Lunch: Monday Friday 11:30 am 2 pm Dinner: Monday Saturday 5 pm -9 pm SOLD I blul PARRISH RE-%Lj)BS RESIDENTIAL 9.7 ACRES OF.OAKS & PINES. Deeded horse riding. trails throughout subdivision. Property has well, septic & power. Older mobile home of no value, remove & build your dream home. Call Kimberly Hill, 352-215-1538. $85,000. #241089 10 ACRES of planted pines with scattered hardwoods. 2004 General Manuf. home w/large metal storage' workshop. Located close to Bell, High Springs & Trenton. Call Perry W. McDonald, Jr. 352-278-0310.. $175,000. #242699 FAMILY RETREAT in the country with 2 manuf. mobile homes, both with separate well & septic on 10 acres of planted pines.' Only mins, to High Springs, Trenton or Belt. Call Perry W. McDonald, Jr. 352-278-0310. $215,000. #242588 VACANT LAND BEAUTIFUL ACRE LOT in Three River Estates with huge old oaks! Private Santa Fe River access to boat ramps and picnic areas. Close to Spring, low Suwannee taxes. Call Martha Cornelius. 386-984-5920. $29,900. #241896 MAGNIFICENT 10 ACRES, partially \wooded with septic and well. Minutes from Springs, O'Leno State- Park, & 1-75. Need to get away, this is the place. Come & enjoy the wildlife. Make your dreams a reality. Call, Paul Rozzi, 359-9799. $130,000. #241057 ROLLING 10 ACRES of-lush pasture just waiting for you & your horses to relax in the country. Perfect to, build or bring in a Manuf: home. Call William Gillespie; 352-225-,1921.. $435,00Q.#242576 - GREAT HiONESiTES with lots of possibilities. Some . Oaks on property. 2 separate parcels that are being sold together. Owner will not split. 1 parcel is 5 acres & the other is 8.2 acres. Call Martha Cornelius, 386-984-5920. $174,900. #239205 Office: The Chamber Corner There will be a Chamber Mixer. on Monday, January 9 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Hurley's Waccasassa Plantation. They are located at 2399 NE CR 138, in the north end of Gilchrist County. You can contact them at (386) 454-8256. All members of the Chamber are invited to come, meet some new faces, share your business cards, and enjoy some nice re- freshments. Hope to see you there. Start preparing for the yearly Gilchrist County Chamber Ban- quet which will be held at ,the Trenton Elementary School au- ditorium' on Thursday, January 26 at 6:00 p.m. The cost is $15 per person. Door prizes donated by many of the local businesses and a 50/50 grand prize drawing will be awarded. Awards will be given for. "Lifetime Achievement'," Civic Organization of the Year,"' "Citi- zen of the Year," and "Business of the Year." Tickets are on sale now and . for more information please call Maureen at the Chamber office at (352) 463-3467. The Character Trait of. the month is "Generosiv." The definition is "Realizing that I am a trustee of all Ihave and using everything for the best purpose." Happ. New\ Year from the Gilchrist County Chamber of Commerce. Airman Darrell McCumbers Graduates From Basic Training Air Force Airman Darrell A. NMcCumbers has graduated from basic militarN training at Lackland Air Force Base. San Antonio. Texas., SDuring the six '\eeks of training, the airman studied the Air Force mission, organization, and military customs and courtesies; performed drill and ceremony marches, and received physical training, rifle' marksmanship,. field training exercises, and special' training in hurqan relations. , In addition, airmen who complete basic training earn- credits toward an .associate degree through the Community College of the Air 'Force.. - NMcCumbers is the son of David McCumbers of Cedar Key, and Julie McCumbers of Jacksonville. He is a 2004 graduate of Cedar Key School. For Sale KING SIZE BED, pillow t tress, box springs and hea frame. Only 9 months old. sell quickly. Paid $800 aski: OBO. Call 463-1833 after leave message any time. FENCING ALL types o installed. Free estimates, Fence Enterprises, LLC. (3 7081 or (352)949-0320. FOR SALE Looking to s 1997 24 x 44 mobile hom( 2BA s ith fireplace, $20,00 352-473-6310. :OAK FIREWOOD: Spint delivered. $65 half cord: $ cord. Call or see Alan Aderh 935-4846 or 386-965-4847 4tb,12- 1989 BRENDELLA SK BOAT: 351 Windsor \S8 SO0 hours, asking $6.00) C 0363. SI Items Needed Unique, Antique and Collectibles. .op mat- items needed for charity auction. vy duty Proceeds for spay/neuter, vaccina- Need to tions and medical assistance for ng $450 low-income families, We do not 5 PM or have a thrift store so donations are SPM or accepted year around. 4-Pets Sake PO Box 1014 Bell 32619 386- ltb. 1-5 935-0975 or 866-727-2972 email fourpetssake@alltel.net f fence ;pi. .-..i-*.7>t-?-. Carlisle ." A P 52)284- AARP ltb. 1-5 MEETINGS :, ell now, THE GILCHRIST COUNTY e, 2BD/ AARP CHAPTER meets in the 0 OBO, Community Center, 214 SE 3rd S Avenue in Trenton every third ltb 1-5 Tuesday of the month at 10:30 am, except June, July, and August. New stacked, members, winter residents or local 115 full citizens can be sure of a v.arm el - .olt 386- come. 29-1-19 -Wanted To Buy Z ilnbrOW REAL ESTATE WANTED: Cash ia r2 -' or our house or land, quick clos-., all 221=- ing.as is. Call 772-201-1115 'o ".- tfnb,3-24 8t" 4- A " 1987 MARINER 175 HP outboard motor i ith a stainless prop. and controls. Call 2--46- 135 or' 463- 6215 after 7PM. $1,500 OBO. *inb.'-7 CAMPER FOR SALE: 1996 Plea- sure-Wa\ ultimate compact RV. Impeccable maintained b. onginal o% ner 66.000 miles. $24,5(X0. Call 352-463-6527, Sifnb.12-9- SOCIETY OF GILCHRIST COUNTY: Thrift Store open 10 am -4pm on Tuesda\ through Friday & 9 am 3 pm on Saturdays. Strick- land Auenue in Bell Come do%%n and pick up some great bargains and help the animals at the same time Proceeds from sales benefit spa\ neuter 'oucher program Also tak- ing donations. 463-7364. tfnb,12-23' -BEDS: Queen thick. orthopedic pil- lot -top.mattresses arid .x. :.pringt New in plastic with warranty. Sac- rifice, $160. King available $225.' (352) 372-8588. . Pets & Supplies PUPPIES FOR SALE Blue Heel- er puppies. $150 each; Call 463- 8981 or 339-1773.. Will be ready January 21. of North Florida, Inc. Natalie S. Rankin, Licensed Real. Estate Broker (352) 463-9001 Toll free: (888) 463-9001, Fax: (352) 463-9008 Cell: (352) 222-8575 1310 N. Main Street Bell, Florida 32619 Email: hometownrealtynf@bellsouth.net- SiI New Listing IL ..;: ,, I ACRE WOODED LOT IN BELL NEW 2005 DWMH ON 3.28 ACRES $ 26,900 MLS# 750928 $137,000 RESIDENTIAL 2/1 WOOD FRAME HOME on city lot in Trenton; "fixer-upper" $ 50,000 2/2 MH IN BELL on city lot. Owner financing $ 69,900 3/2 DWMH ON 10 ACRES with 40'x40' pole barn. 1/2 wooded, 1/2 cleared $ 165,000 3/2 SITE-BUILT HOME ON 5 ACRES North of Bell $ 225,000 4/2 DWMH WITH 2/1 ADDITION ON 10 ACRES $215,000 3/2 ON 10 ACRES WEST OF BELL; CB/Stucco home built 2004; like new $ 319,000 LOTS & ACREAGE .5 ACRE LOT in Bronson. City water and sewer $ 17,500 .5 ACRE LOT in Bronson. City water and sewer PENDING 1 ACRE LOT North of Bell. Home or mobile home acceptable. Great price $ 22,500 I ACRE LOT WEST OF BELL. 1/ mile from boat ramp on Suwannee River SOLD 1 ACRE CORNER LOT. West of Bell. High, dry and buildable. $ 27,900 1.25 ACRE LOT IN HOMES ONLY SUBDIVISION. Spring Ridge SOLD 3.3 ACRES PLANTED PINES with Santa Fe River access, high and dry PENDING 5 ACRES IN NORTHERN GILCHRIST CO., nice pasture grass $ 70,000 5 ACRE LOT, Northern Gilchrist county; scattered trees & grass; $ 76,900 1.03 ACRES w/'94 RV w/slideout room, metal shelter, plane hanger & more $ 79,500 6 ACRES ON PAVED ROAD; wooded; CR 138 $ 84,9.00 6 ACRES W/WELL AND SEPTIC North of Bell $ 93,500 10 ACRES W/SEPTIC AND POWER POLE North of Bell; wooded $ 115,000 10 WOODED ACRES NEAR SANTA FE RIVER. Off CR 138 $ 140,000 5 ACRES ON PAVED ROAD, CR 337 Corner lot $ 144,900 10 ACRES 2 MILES WEST OF BELL planted pines $ 145,000 10 ACRES WITH WELL, SEPTIC, POWER POLE just East of Bell $ 139,000 4 ACRES IN THE TOWN OF BELL w/power pole, septic and well $ 150,000 11 ACRE PARCEL 2 MILES WEST OF BELL $159,500 21 ACRES JUST WEST OF BELL; May be divided $ 304,500 32.8 ACRES ON US 129 North of Bell; planted pines $ 640,000 3/2 IN HOMES ONLY SUBDIVISION $ 199,900 MLS# 750861 MLS# 750043 MLS# 749951 MLS# 749723 MLS# 749721 MLS# 750629 MLS# 750444 MLS# 750443 MLS# 750509 MLS# 750441 MLS# 750442 MLS# 749311 MLS# 750360 MLS# 750381 MLS# 750510 NEW LISTING MLS# 749722 MLS# 749642 MLS# 750222 MLS# 749644 MLS# 750467 MLS# 749862 MLS# 749645 MLS# 749643 MLS# 749799 WANTED-TRACTORS: Old, rusty, broken, -uglI dead, alive, abandoned Call Sonm i352-472- 1387-or 352-256-7275. keep tr ing,. Thanks. tfnb.11-6 RETIRED REMODELING CONTRACTOR: Wanting to bu\ homes or mobile homes with land needing repair. 493-7841 tfnb. 1 -16 . S Services NEW PET GROOMING SHOP' opens in Chieflnd, January 3rd Paradise Pet Palace, 493-0606. 9tb.12-:9-2-23 CROSSFIRE CONSTRUCTION. INC.: Neu construction. additions. remodeling, decks, pole barns, etc. ,iLicensed and Insured RG0066812 Owner Tim'-Daughtery -352-486- 12tb,11-24-2-9 ELMORE'S SIMULATED BRICK &- STONE. INC.: Stone. stucco, permanent .mobile home, skirting. Free Estimates 6789 SE 70th Avenue. Trenton. 472-5542, 214-3702. Fax 352-472-1024 . r tfnb-9-15 TREES, TREES, TREES: Langs- ton Tree Service, Inc. 490-4456. i tfnb,2-22 A BIG STUMP! A LITTLE STUMP!: We gnnd them all. Langs- ton Tree Service, Inc 490-4456. tfnb,2-22 10.22 Acres in N, Gilchrist Co. High & dry, wooded: hard- woods & pine. Close to Santa Fe & Suwannee boat ramps. MLS#243231 $120,000. Lynn Hervey 5.4 Acres 2 miles S. of SR-26 between Newberry & Trenton, half partially cleared, half wood- ed. Fronts 2 roads. MLS#242951 $75,000,. Lynn Hervey 10 Acres in homes only (1,800 sq. ft. min.) deed restricted Oak Ridge Crossing S/D,'Ala- chua city limits. Wooded, ac- cess via CR-235, horses OK. MLS#241741 $200,000. Lynn Hervey 117 Acres in Union Co. on 2. paved county roads. Backs up to Santa Fe River! Planted pine and lovely oaks. MLS#240132. $1,770,000. Lynn Hervey. 70 Acres in Monteocha area, Alachua Co. wooded, divided by paved road, 40 acres on west side, 30 on east. Great farm or timber tract! MLS#241228 $490,000. Lynn Hervey. 5 Acres in Meadow Wood Trails on CR-313. Deed restricted, gat- ed, 4-board fence,.. homes only. $115,000. Anne Barnett. Coming Soon!! Oak Walk in Bell with 1/4 to 1/2-acre lots. Homes only, paved streets, un- derground utilities! $30,000 to $48,000. Anne Barnett, Owner/ Broker 375-7731. Lynn Hervey 376-1371 Anne Barnett 375-7731 Sondra Blake 538-3003 Southern Property Services, Inc. www.Floridalandl.com SServices ABL HAULING, garage, yard, re- model debris removed, trash, junk, appliance, pressure washing. Free estimates and 8 years experience. Call 472-6164 or 278-2606. U. ' !U Classified . Classified Ads $4.50 Minimum for 20 Words. 5 cents each additional word..,. **^aa 7W// == = ad = =/mke=dnn p= /?/ p de / == =7/ =n== / l/^ = e n p == o n= f n. 8-18 .. BOB OSBORNE TREE SER- VICE, INC.: 70 ft bucket truck. hydraulic loader truck; stump grind- er. Free Estimates. Insured. 352-1 463-9100. tfnb,5-26, PRESSURE WASHING, ANDI PAINTING: Reasonable prices, de- pendable. insured and professional. Shamrock Services, 352-463-212 2 day or evening and weekends. S tnb.l l-ll IRON FREE'S own high purity MANDOX', uide-spectrum/triple action filtration system removes iron, tannin,' sulfur, manganese, turbidi tN. bad taste, bad odor. Kills bactena No more stained fixtures, dingy clothes. Low cost, low main- tenance, guaranteed. Call today for FREE WATER TEST. No obliga- tion $795 to $1,995. IRON-FREE Well Water Company, Inc., Roy Jones, Opr. Mgr. 352-542-9817 or WILSON HOME CENTER 352- 1 463-2068 1-800-437-112S ANY- TIME. tfnb,4-28 BUILDING CONTRACTOR: CBC017140 Custom homes built on N our lot Precision De elopment. PO) Box 249, 26761 SE H%.% 19. Old Town, 352-542-8416. Stffb,7-15 DIXIE MONLIMENT: Old To%%n Since 1992. Visit our display on Hwy. 19 at C&C Growers, 9 am 5 pm, Mon..- Sat. or call toll free 1- 877-542-3432 for appointment to visit our shop & main office at 1471 NE 512 Avenue. 100's of stones in stock, computer specialist to' assist you in creating a lasting tribute to the life of \our losed one I' shall know but one country. The ends I ainmat shall be my" country's, my God's and Truth's. I was born an'Ameri- can; I live an American; I shall die an American. --Daniel Webster WHEEL TOWN 352-493-2835 Call for Directions-10 Miles South of Chiefland off 345 02 Ford Focus Wagon, 4-yl., loaded, auto, factory air, 28K miles............ $6,975 04 minda Elerr -rl SLrV 4,l :, Tully luii d ' 24K miles, Bal. Fact Warr...... $14,975 CACnevyCawileHdior LS 3 fVr.fiiec, auto, CD; Bai.Fact. War.... ....... $8,975 03 FOid Tjaulu 4.-Cce SS fuir l'Ea.1d. 40Kmilesa...: $8,975 02 FOld .' L E a C 3b 4.-O,r V6 AulO air, 50K Mile, lea......... $12,975 0' Ford MRanger >L f.-,yl Sul, a"r 40K Miles............... $7,975 0- P.:.nii:..:M .niar.a Ei I 4 DR r, aut eail air CO .,d'L *1e MI :e $10,975 &0 .icur M uIa.ci,-' 4 Do '.uv 7 Pus. V-6 iaulu laded .i..ie : i'~.: $12,975 01 Meicury Grand Maiqu. 4 E,,x.i tully loaded 4o, H,-: I $8,975 S Icu i ,laC .zl r : l:. r ...,. ".... , fully ,,.3&id W0Y V l,: ,, $10,975 r Crevv 314 icr. 'iriaV v sui c iacti r 4S0, Miie .:lean $7,975 CREDITr uNIONS VELCOQAfE Jim King Realty, Inc. SRealtor $ SMain Ohice 352) 493-2221 I 315 N. Main Street (US-19), Chiellana, FL32626. - Fanning Springs Brancn Otfice 1352) 463-6144 or 542-0009 O 17871 US Hwy 19, Fanning Springs, FL 32693 Suwannee Branch Office 1352) 542-9007 U^ 23382 SE 349 Hwy Suwannee, FL 32692 -.to.,,Y office@jimkingrealty corn or www iimlingrealty corn ReALTOR BEAUTIFUL \ IE\ FROM THE GOLF COUSE! This .3 bedroom, 2 bath home includes'an opne iluo.r plan with large master bedroom, his and hers closets, large bathroom with dual sinks and large shower. Home has an enclosed room on the back with a beautiful view of the golf course. Thie living room has a brick fireplace open to. the kitchen. Call today to see this lovely home. $295,000. (LR-750717) 352-493-2221: GULF ACCESS W/3-STALL BOATHOUSE! This 2 BR/1 BA fixer-upper is on a deep freshwater. canal just 7 minutes to the Gulf of Mexico. It has a very large boat basin . with room for a large gulf boat, flats or air boat and a bass boat! You can also enjoy beautiful sunset views over the marsh from the deck. Located on prestigious Mullet Rd., this is the perfect home to either remodel or remove and build your dream home! Come be a part of the Suwannee lifestyle and take in the unspoiled natural beauty. It's .the perfect home away from home! $390,000. (DW-749388-JM) 352-542-9007. LOVELY 3/2 DWMH on 2.12 beautiful wooded acres, 2-car carport, workshop/storage shed, 12x20 covered porch, 12x14 covered patio, new roof, new water heater, new stove, new paint & more. Close to schools, shopping, the Suwannee River, approximately 30 miles to Gulf of Mexico. Call to see tis property today. ***Shown by Appoinmtnet Only!*** $83,900. (DMH-750587-JW) 352-463-6144 or 542-0009. Call Us Today For More Listings! Peaceful and Private. Su.innre Pei er, home. 12.79 acres of trees and 528' of River Front gives this home the serenity you are looking for in a waterfront home. Built in 1987, this home was remodeled 'in 2003 with many custom upgrades, such as hardwood floors,. crown molding,/custom door casings and plantation window shutters. If you are looking for a rruly gorgeous and private river home, this is it! Plenty of room for construction of another residence or expansion of existing home. Call for Appointment today. $765,000. (GW-749725) 352-493-2221. NEED A LARGE PLACE? Look no further! Beautiful, spacious, & over 2,200 sq. ft 4 BR/2 BA MH on 4 acres (MOL). Words cannot describe the space & pictures cannot capture the beauty of this home. This is one you must see to appreciate. Wood decks on the front/rear, island kitchen w/lg. pantry, 14'x26' family room w/built-in big screen. TV, walk-in closets, computer center, built-in hutch in dining area, fenced yard & much more, All this on a paved road in deed restricted S/D. ***Shown by Appointment Only!*** $185,000. (DMHfl-750355-JW) 352-463-6144 or 542-0009. LOVELY 3/2 MH w/beautifully landscaped .7 ac. lot. On the back of this home you will find a custom-built wood deck that covers the length of the home w/built-in storage compartments & is situated so that you fully enjoy the sun & the pool. The lot has a park-like setting that is beautifully landscaped to include fruit trees. All this close to the Suwannee River, the Gulf of Mexico, shopping; schools, a golf course, state parks. Call today! $74,900. ***Shown by Appointment Only!*** (LMH-750681-JW) 352-463-6144 or 542-0009.. GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL Services - TIM POWELL ELECTRIC: New installations andrepairs,licensed and insured.. State Reg. #EC 13002453. Call (352) 463-2155. tfnb,11-25 MOWER & CHAINSAW PARTS Stihl, Husqvama, Ayp, Murray, Sears, MTD, Briggs, Kohler, Robin, and Honda. Blades, for most mowers. Beauchamp Saw Shop 493-4904 tfn, 1-03 Page Nine- Hometo wn Realty I HUK,-L)Al, JAiN UAKI I i ftli,0-'-f I /. r T."t GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL THURSDAY. JANUARY 5. 2006 2 Real Estate | Buy or sell or both. Call TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY 352*463-8340 P. 0. Box 8, Bell, Florida 32619 tcrealty@bellsouth.net www.TownandCountryRealty QOnline.com Dixie-Gilchrist-Levy Board of Realtors and Multiple Listing Service. tfnb,2-20 tfnb,12-22 and Associates' 4.33 acres just minutes north of High Springs. Comer, fenced lot on paved roads. Partially landscaped with well, septic, and power in place. Two homes can be permitted for family members only. $68,900 . 5.0 Gorgeous Acres in.north Gilchrist County. Just off paved county road. Bell school districts and easy commute to Lake City, High Springs, Gainesville. Very private and quiet area.. $62,500 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath DWMH. Very well kept 2002 home on 5.0 acres in northern Gilchrist County. Secluded but not far from amenities. Out building. Come and Enjoy the'Country Life!! $107,900 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath DWMH. >Fireplace, dining room, eat-in kitchen, living room, family room and more! All this on 3 3 well groomed acres with paved road frontage.I Extremely well kept home, it just needs a family to come and love it' $137,500 Gorgeous Custom Built Home, 2 BD / 2 BA with loft, den, eat-in-kitchen, front porch, brick BBQ patio, custom cypress woodwork. 2-car garage with huge workshop. 1.3 wooded acres. Just up the road from the Santa Fe River boat ramp, but is not in the 'flood plain. $234,900. . 8.71 secluded, wooded acres Mixed hardwoods adjacent to a 4.56 acre wooded lotand a 4:59 acre wooded lot, Buy one or buN them all! The 8.71 acres is $97.50) and the remaining two are $61,500 each. Columbia County. 3.19 Gorgeous acres in a' Suwannee River-access community. Wooded area with large oaks throughout Lafayette Copmty $35,900 ' 2 BD/2 BA DWMH on square acre in Williston Highlands. Levy County. Easy commute to Gainesville or Ocala. $68,000 North of High Springs. 5 wooded acres an good roads all the way. Dead end road so there is never any through traffic. Great location! -$79,900 1998 DWMH on 1 well groomed acre. 3 BD I 2 BA, eat-ifi-kitchen with island, newly painted, new blinds, new carpet, very well maintained. Deeded access to the Ichetucknee and Santa Fe Rivers for your rubing and canoeing enjonyment $112,900, - 10.26 Acres fenced and cross-fenced, pasture, cattle, orchard, well, septic, power, carport with concrete foundation and full power, comer lot. .$215,000 Call 1-800-643-69.71 info@ hillinsrealtvland.com . MLS See more of our listings @ www.philliDsrealtvland.com S3~ 'Si., S.. 5M5 'Si. Real Estate | HOMES/LAND/BUSINESS 1. 3Br/2Ba MH 81/2 acres, CR138 near SR129 $157,316. 2. 3Br/2Ba in Spring Ridge on CR340 $199,316. 3. Turn Key Business, Day Care/ Pre-School, long waiting list for enrollment in high growth town, $385,316. Dean Welton, Realtor@ Watson Realty Corp, Realtors i 352-359-1601 FORSALE- Retail slor, erty in do'~i ntfo n Tren buildings on Main Street 463-7135. 2003 MOBILE HOME wood on 5 acres in Bell a $87,500. Call Leslie or. 352-463-6314 or.352-941 efr 'to t. te Real Estate COMMERCIALOFFICESPACE , ts in Fan- AVAILABLE: Located in Levy Of- , Florida fice Complex at 12650 NW Hwy. and large 19 in Chiefland. Approximately 209 Greenway square feet, $264 monthly. Includes to public all utilities and sales tax. Please 352) 463- phone 493-4111 for more informa- tion. Two units available. One mile tfn, 10-6 north of Wal-Mart. ne\t to Liggett's/ UPS. ont prop- .nb.S-12 in. Three Call 3,52- tfn,6-30 . ,32 Fleet- Fax Service rea. Asking 463-7393 Anthony at 46 . 9-2261. . tfnb,2-3 .. Smith & Lancaster,.nc www.slgmac.com Brad Smith Licensed Real Estate Broker $779,000 MLS # 750427, Would make a great Dance Hall, Bar/Tavern or a'great Retail Store, Or man.\ other options. or , possibilities,. ' $729,900 MLS # 750842 -Beautiful brick home with many Fruit trees, And grand daddy oaks. Your very own stocked fish pond. ;I .{ .. .. '' . $112,900 MLS # 750177 3BR 2 BA 1 Acre Well Kept & Clean 2 Sheds & Close to Town $146,000 MLS# 749500 3BR/2BA 1.0 Acre Country living at its finest! Newly constructed home $369,900 MLS # 750908 Beautiful home on 5 park like acres. Has much to offer. Many fruit trees, ariJ a gripe' arbor. , o ) ,. . $795,000 MLS #750772 3BR/2BA 40.46 ACRES This house is breath taking, you must see to appreciate. Too many features to mention. t ,. $199,000 MLS# 748880 .3BR/2BA 10 Acres Beautiful property in great area. Would make great investment. MH needs TLC. $109,900 MLS# 750529 3BR/2BA 3 Acres Great investment! Two mobile homes on property. Call today! GM. .AC $129,900 MLS # 750910 Completely remodeled CB Home,.. Nes metal roof. Very nice yard,, With mature trees. Ready to move-in. $219,900.00 MLS #749973 4BR2.5BA 10 Acres . 2052 sq. ft. Spacious Home, Deed Restricted Community $164,900 MLS# 750613 3BR/2BA 5.0Acres 1824 sq.ft. mobile on beautiful property. Furniture sold separately. $55,000 MLS# 750461 2BR/1BA .71 Acres Home in great shape w/new floors, Paint and in great location.. -', -, .' ..-i ,,: " $70,000 MLS# 750612 4BR/2BA .46 Acres Very lovely home located in great Location. Spacious & open. .11 Acres Looking for. land. with in a g District, than th t the land for .18 Acres ,. 1.0 individual lots. available Trenton city limits. .23 Acres Convenient location to school and recreation, this is for you. .41 Acres I 1uh,.l fie inlj.i ..al ;:" r picn l City limus. 1.00 Acre Lot cleared w/scattered trees. 1 Acre Close to water w/no flooding. 1.00 Acre 1.93 Acres Large sprawling oaks. 4.34 Acres icdl *lplic & Power- Morfistoi 4.60 Acres Nicely wooded & Deed Restrict off CR 232 . 4.74 Acres $87;500 Deed Restricted "Saddlebrook" S/D. 4.77 Acres $87,500 .' dccJ Re IncrLI. ..I ad cl br...,l D L, 4."8 Acres $'73,000 Close to River w/o Flooding. 4.79 Acres $87,500 Deed Restricted "Saddlebrook" S/D. 4.81 Acres $87,500 D'udt R'tliUcid" SjdJll ,,,... SID. 4.93 Acres $99,900 Property in Deed Restricted Rolling Oaks. 5.00 Acres $349,900 Commercial property in City limits of Bell. 5 Acres $75,000 Property located in heart of Bell. 5 Acres $75,000 'Located off major highway! . 5 Acres $79,900 'Beautiful property located in horse farm community. 5 Acres $79,900 Nice acreage in Chiefland. 5 Acres $85,000 Deed Restricted to Site Built Homes. Two individual lots available. 5 Acres $75,000 Property has new well & septic! 5 Acres $85,000 Deed Restricted.to "Homes Only" Three tracts available each $85,000. North. of Trenton, South of Bell. 5 Acres $80,000 Deed Restricted "Homes Only". Two tracts available each $80,000. Purchased together for $150,000. 5 Acres $90,000 Nice tract in Trenton off CR 334-A. 5.52 Acres $64,000 This is a 3 sided parcel located in Trenton. 6.2 Acres $75,000 Perfect for homesite. 7 Acres $124,900 Property off Cow Pond Rd Old Town. 7.72 Acres $120,000 Property located off two county maintained roads. Currently planted in peanuts. 8.00 Acres $139,900 Property planted in Hardwoods located in Chiefland. 9.54 Acres $139,900 Well, septic, & power pole on property but buyer needs to satisfy if good. 10.00 Acres $139,900 Land partially cleared and ready for your home. $.12.000 10.00 Acres $129,900 great School 'Property in Trenton already set up with well, you. rcpii & P,"crpole., $15,000 10 Acres $149,000 i' lckd in Sciud& d property ".'rii c n r ,, 10.0 A cres $150,000 $34,900 Cleared land ready for home.. 1, shopping, 10 Acres. $180,000 Great tract off CR 344 Trenton $39.900 10.26 Acres $184,900 l.1_ rc li.,r-.n Thiq'. l i .i g ril li. i 4 t ,t..JA: u "l nul, I h' A an i.'tilnlla ld .rnl c ', .).rid li.: $35,000 C:,..urAsll 10.50 Acres $129,900 .$30,000 Deed Restricted community where Mobile homes are allowed. Located in Bell. $39,900 11.59 Acres $129,900 re ,j ir, i, 'l'', ', I :, ',l ,,.iidlflt .... $69,900 14.22 Acres $149,900- Proupr,r, nu o.i i.. Gilhrihi Hun Club, cleared $139,900 w/lots of wild life. in, 14.97 Acres $199,900 .$84,900 Property in ..Bell ready. for home T'.:. ed. Located, available! 20.00 Acres $300,000 Investment potentiaL Property can be. divided 20.20 Acl e I 3l 4GS240,000O Lovely W~ O tirolling pasture. 20.30 Acres $406,000 Scattered trees and cross fenced. Well Septic &Power'Pole 21 Acres $660,000 Deed restricted community. 35 Acres $385,000 Planted pines. Located just off of paved highway. . 40.00 Acres $480,000 Planted in pines. Close to Bell 40.00 Acres $400,000 Nicely wooded with well, septic and power pole. 57.37 Acres $1,721,100 Whoa! Great investment. Possible /4 acre splits. "64 Acres $500,000 Hitgh ai'd Dr,! 71.12 Acres $950,000 Approved planned Residential S/D. Great investment! 80.0 Acres $1,200,000 Great potential for development! Located off paved road in Bell. 154.0 Acres $1,927,500 2.0 acre lot development potential. .54 Acre $150,000 Property is in Melrose, Fl. Deep canal lot off Santa Fe River. 4 Acres $249,000 Beautiful Island for sale in Yankeetown. 15.0 Acres $480,000 Astonishing acreage on Suwannee River w/ deed restrictions. 21.00 Acres $660,000 Astonishing acreage on Suwannee River. Automotive Business $350,000 Located in Chiefland. Built in 2002 with 4800 sq. ft. on .74 acres. MLS# 747175 Convenience Store $950,000 Located in Otter Creek. High traffic count, Busy highway, & only gas station for miles. Too much to list! MLS#750110 SCommercial Building $179,900 Totally remodeled building located off major highway. MLS# 750406 Commercial Building $779,000 MANY possibilities! Offers 8250 sq.fl. total w/ 2 separate buildings. High traffic count! MLS# 750427 Serve Yu Deerv. Peple ou Tust 10 SW 7th Street 605 N. Main Street 934 E. Wade Street 27888 US Hwy-19 Hwy-349 South Williston, FL 32696 Chiefland, FL 32626 Trenton, FL 32693 Old Town, FL 32680 Suwannee, FL 32692 352-529-0010 352-493-4200 352-463-7770 352-542-1111 352-542-1212 Page Ten Real Estal 2 BR/2BA HOME on 3 lo ning Springs-Wilcox area, room, covered back porch, outbuilding, near Florida C Trail and only two miles boat ramp. $85,000. Call (3 2481L Classified Classified Ads $4.50 Minimum for 20 Words. 5 cents each additional word. Trenton I & IIApartments For Rent 718 NE 7th Place #905 Trenton, FL 32693 . Now Accepting Applications 1, 2, & 3.BR HC & Non-HC apartments. Rental assistance may be available. 352-463-7106, TDD/TTY 711 Equal Housing Opportunity. L. Frank Grant Realty L. Frank Grant LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER 216-A N. Main St., Trenton, FL 32693 352-463-2817 FAX (352) 463-2479 lfgr@bellsouth.net 0 We List To Sell! EQUAHOSN REALTOR NW 115th Street Chiefland 9-- 10.91 Acres-2 BR/2 BA, 1,715 sq. ft. main house plus guest house (2 BR/1 BA). Large workshop, large pole barn & stor- age buildings. Shown by Appointment Only. $350,000. 818 SW 5th Place Trenton 4 BR/2 BA frame house, 3 acres, 2,156 sq. ft., large trees-nice area, room to build another home or 2. MLS#748358. Price $175,000. For additional information on our listings and virtual tours. Visit our website at www.1frniikgrant.com Commercial: Hwy-129 (Trenton) Frontage Ready to build, $100,000. 5 acres: SE 57th Court Pine Trees, $90,000 NW 45th St (Bell) 2 1/4 miles River, $85,000 5 acres CR-341 Partially cleared, $75,000 10 acres and over: NW 30th St (Bell) Wooded, $129,900 NW 50th St (Bell) Cleared, $150,000 NW 60th St (Bell) Planted Pines, Reduced $135,000 NW 52nd Ct (Bell) Pasture Land, $140,000 4" Well Off 95th PI Pasture, Reduced $160,000 15 acres, NW 50th Avenue Wooded, $225,000 20 acres NW 18th Way Wooded, $260,000 20 acres 30th Street (Bell) Wooded, $215,000 23 acres, CR-341 Dividable, Reduced $305,988 Woodland Craft Signs (352) 463-7135 'FAX (352) 463-7393 Join in the wave of success, list with us today! I I 4.99 Acres m A 1 10 19.99 Acres (C..tl d) Nl I F 'TUTJ'TV Q AV1 T A 5XTT T A VV Z I5IX< (2ITT CIT-TPTCT ONTY JOURPNAL. I H U1L ji I LJ t'IL J I-XN U IA tSI 3, IJIJO 11j1 1-j--%-j '-'c-. -L-, Page Eleven SHelp Wanted PI Help Wanted HOUSE CLEANER for properties in Trenton and ] area. PT, contract basis. C 447-5998. rental PART TIME veterinary reception- Bronson ist needed. Prefer exp. but will train all 352- right individual. Please fax resume to 352-472-2572 ATTN: Office ltb. 1-5 Manager. 2tb. 1-5, 1-12 Wfhlfard WW realty, inc. Licensed Real Estate Broker 0243 P.O. Box 546 Bell, Florida 32619 386-935-0243 Waterfront FANTASTIC SANTA FE RIVER HOME Large 4/3 home on approx. 22 acres with 550' of Santa Fe River Frontage. "What-a river view" and loaded with turkey & deer! Property is close to Suwannee River by water, in the country yet close to conveniences tool! It even has it's own nice boat ramp. Includes 3 extra RV port: and 2 shopistorage buildings -. 795.000 2 ACRES ON THE SUWANNEE RIVER in strong motor boating area, 2 acresw/ well. septic & pover Complete ,/camper on stilts, large decks cable suspension bridge. 200' on the river, lot buildable for 1,200 sq ft-house. $110,000. 10 ACRES:0N: THE SUWANNEE -'510' of riverfront, beautiful woods, quiet. se. eluded and private. Complete with in-ground septic tank, 4" well, power, buildable and in good motor boating area one mile north of Santa Fe. $399,000. " 2 ACRES ON SUWANNEE RIVER- across from "The Cove" restaurant. 360(+) feet of riverfront. Complete with 4" well, septic tank & power. $125,000. ONE-HALF ACRE WOODED LOT near Santa Fe River & Management Property -$11,500. . ONE-HALF ACRE WOODED CAMPING LOT near the Santa Fe River $8,500. 2 ACRES ON SUWANNEE at Charles Springs beautiful., wooded lot, buildable!, .$79,900. . A NICE RIVER LOT on Suwannee River near Royal Spnngs nice area.- $49,900. A LARGE LOT ON THE SANTA FE RIVER grcat location. good motor boating area, nearspnngs .$1-35.00 . Land & Acreage 247 ACRES- Prime land on more than mile of high, a. frontage in Su aannee Coun- ty. Nice 3/2 CB home. detached garage with upsuirs apartment, 75 acres of beautiful pines, approx 160 acres in cr.pland. 3 ellsls & other amenities" Faniastic development potential, centrally located to just about everything in North Central Flonrida. Shown by appointmentonly! $3.250,000 Can be developed into 5 acre tracts" 34.61 ACRES IN CENTRAL SUWANNEE COUNTY Very nice piece of land on a paved.road, surveyed and platted into 3 pieces if you need it subdivided, can be'four pieces, mostly open with somenice trees: $485,000. . 4ACRES OFANICEWOODED TRACT- with a mix of nice pines& o:ks Su an- nee Count) $49,500. 2 LOTS ADJACENT TO WILDLIFE SANCTUARY- deeded access to pri ate park/ boat amp on Sarnta Fe Ri.er The best neighborhood ',ou can ind $29 9 W ONE BEAUTIFUL .88 ACRE WOODED LOT near Santa Fe Rsier. Elevation sure, included showing standard sepuc system approvable for ne' home $32,900. 5 LOTS NEAR SANTA FE RIVER AND OUT OF FLOOD PLAIN adjacent to state lands, all buildable in homes only area, convenient to boat ramps and private park. A fantasticinvestment opportunity! $110,000. . 4 PLUS WOODED ACRES nice location in North Gilchrist County. Bell School District. County maintained road. Only $79,900. SQUARE 10 ACRES Open pasture land, fenced. .Bell school district. $125.1i) 10 ACRES SQUARE Some open land and some nice trees close to Branford. $135,000. 8 ACRES nice open field for your new home, horses, etc. Close to Branford. Only $119,900. Commercial CONVENIENCE STORE / MECHANICS GARAGES 1 acre zoned commercial/ industrial with lots of frontage on Highway 90 east in Lake City, Florida. Many ameni- .ties and lots of square feet .-.r bu id,'ir. i: ,:u ).our entrepreneurial skills and make this 'going busine's" gro', een more Onl) 5,0 ' DO YOU WANT A LIVE-IN BUSINESS- This place could fit your needs! Nice bar and pool room. Great living quarters. Good location in Jasper, Florida. Call us for .details.. Only $159,900. Visit our website at www.wolfordrealty.com Classified *-, Classified Ads $4.50 Minimum for 20 Words. 5 cents each additional word. . d dd ...'*iiss''''ss efisfi esss es fiss ffissi esssii efiss'iist es. f!^^ Help Wanted 1 VACANCIES GILCHRIST COUNTY SCHOOLS 'Information Services Clerk District Office High school, diploma or equivalent. Associate of Arts degree or higher from an accredited institution and three years of computer operation experience. Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office Applications. Teacher Aide, Pre-K, Special Needs Bell Elementary School High school diploma or equiv alent Associate of Arts degree or higher, at least 60 credit hours from an. accredited institution, or a passing score on an appros ed state test required. CDA Required. TeacherAide -ANTICIPATED Trenton Elementary School High school diploma or equivalent. , Associate of Arts degree or higher, at least 60 credit hours from an accredited institution, or a passing score on an appro% ed state test required. CDA Required Teacher Aide Bell Middle-High School High school diploma or equi alent Associate of Arts degree or higher. at least 60 credit hours from an accredited institution, or a passing score on an approve ed state test required. Instructor ES E - Bell Middle School Bachelor's - Degree from an accredited educational institution Florida ceruficaton covering ESE ANTICIPATED 'Instructor -Kindergarten Bell Elementar. School Bachelor's Degree from an accredited educational , institution. Certification required. School Psychologist District-wide Master's Degree from an accredited institution. Certification covering School Psychology S 4INC. SEE OUR LISTINGS (352) 463-7075 JEAN C. TROKE Licensed Real Estate Broker ON THE WEB: (352) 463-7302 FAX E-mail: trokerealty@aol.com www 730 E. Wade Street (SR-26) Trenton,,Florida 32693 m.trokerealtyinc.comI -- QUALITY-BUILT HOMES CURRENTLY FOR SALE -- Reduced (From $375,000)--A 10-ACRE 'MINI' FARM W/RANCH HOME IN NW LEVY: 3 BR/3 BA:Spacious CB-built home (over 2,900 inside sq. ft.), with 46x42 metal barn, frame workshop, duck/fish' pond & more on 10 quality fenced acres. Inside has full living,-.. dining, family, Florida & bonus rooms,, 2 fireplaces & more. Property located along payed. CR-336 south of Chiefland...Owners are motivated to sell.;.$349,900. .. ', ., , NEWLY-BUILT HOME AT BUCK BAY S/D IN CHIEFLAND: 3 BR/2 BA: Just completed, this new CB/Acrocrete-built home has all the bells & whistles--over 1,900 inside sq. ft. with vaulted ceilings, tile & wood flooring, plenty of wood cabinetry/formica counters in spacious kitchen, 2-car garage, security system & outer lighting, central vac & more. All on treed landscaped one-acre tract, close to US-19 & Manatee State Park...$290,000., BRICK RANCH HOME CLOSE TO TRENTON: 3 BR/3 BA: Neat, clean home, this spacious Norwegian-brick is a high quality home-site, on a landscaped 2.9-acre tract just west of town (nearby SR-26). Outside has 3 outbuildings, including large garage/workshop; has fencing for horse/livestock, with nice mix of oak, pine & pecan trees. Inside has large greatroom w/fireplace, full service kitchen, sitting porch and more...$239,900. -- SUWANNEE RIVERFRONT PROPERTY NOW AVAILABLE -- RIVER-AREA HOMES & ACREAGE, NEAR TO OLD TOWN IN DIXIE: 6 BR/5.5 BA: Two CB-built homes, along with eleven 1/2-acre tracts (all landscaped, large trees), located at private river S/D right by Nature Coast 'Rails-Trails' river bridge/trail. 1,900 sq. ft. home has 90' along the river, with deck & floating dock, river-side elevated .porch,. 2-car garage & more. 2nd home is over 2,700 sq. ft. inside, 16x36 covered outer deck (w/hot tub), 20x24 workshop/pottery bldg., bonus rooms & 1/2 bath (possible 'in-law' suite), fully landscaped on one acre--call Jean or Jim for full details on this special property, with great waterfront & new home-site opportunity for investor...$1,000,000. 5.35 ACRES SUWANNEE RIVER FRONTAGE AT SHADY BEND AREA: Nice blend of riverfront & wooded privacy, for this 5+ acre tract north of Rock Bluff. Has septic system already in place, along with owner's building/RV permits for eventual home-site. Property is also fenced/gated, located at Shady Bend S/D & Air Park...$149,900. . -- MANUFACTURED HOMES ON THE MARKET -- NEW LISTING--UPDATED M/HOME & MORE, NEARBY FANNING SPRINGS: 3 BR/2 BA: Well-kept 24x44 manufactured, on landscaped .41/acre tract with paved frontage by SR-26 (& near US-19) in West Gilchrist. Has a number of outbuildings, including 30x40 workshop & more, lots of trees/fauna & property fencing--call Barbara for details...$114,900. PASTURE/FENCED ACREAGE & QUALITY DW MANUFACTURED: 3 BR/2 BA: Well-kept 1993 27x60 M/Home, with attached 2-wide carport & screened back porch, located on landscaped 5-acre tract, close to Bell & CR-341. Has large greatToom split-plan layout, with spacious master suite. Outer features include pole barn (room for horse space), workshop, 28'-round pool & more--call or e-mail for full information...$159,900. i 1 WELL-KEPT M/HOME ON LANDSCAPED ACRE IN NO. GILCHRIST: 3BR/2BA: 1996 24X44 Manufactured, in quality condition, on 1.04-acre tract (nice mix of trees/open space), with board fencing in front. Located north of Bell, with quick access to US 129 & CR 340...Owner says to present offers...$92,000. DOUBLE-WIDE ON CANAL LOT NEAR SUN SPRINGS: 3 BR/2'BA: Well-kept 1988 'Fleetwood' manufactured, located on a quiet area near to both the Suwannee and Sun & Hart Springs. 60x129 tract has 60' frontage along a spring canal, and 'as-is' dock by water. M/Home could also be rental investment--call for details...$89,900. NEAT & CLEAN 'HOMES-MERIT' IN FANNING SPRINGS: 3 BR/2 BA: Very fine, well-kept 27x63 Manufactured home, has full spacious rooms, fireplace in large family room, lots of counter/cabinet space for kitchen (w/full appliances), all on 100x300 tract with privacy fencing, paved road frontage along Joppa Church Road & more...$84,900. VERY NICE, AFFORDABLE TRENTON MANUFACTURED: 2 BR/1 BA: Owner has refurbished this 14x60 1995 M/Home, with new carpeting, full cleaning/pressure-washed, located at Ayers Estates.S/D. Has roomy living room, BR's & spacious bath, plenty of cabinetry & prep island in kitchen/dining area...$46,800. -- LOTS & ACREAGE PROPERTIES ON MARKET -- 44 ACRES, MIX OF WOODS/OPEN SPACE, IN EAST GILCHRIST: Over 40 acres, ready for family or gentleman's farm/home-site east of Trenton; has paved frontage along CR-337, and an older home-site on property (improvements being sold in 'as is' condition)--call or e-mail our office for full details...$638,000. 30 ACRES -PASTURE PROPERTY IN WEST GILCHRIST: Thirty rolling acres, with large oaks/pines along boundaries, ready for Ag use or large home-site. Located close to CR-232 & CR-344 near Hart Springs...$399,900. 4+ ACRES NEAR FANNING SPRINGS: Located amongst nice mix of well-kept built & manu. home-sites, mostly pasture 4.2-acre tract ready for new home-site, within short drive to Fanning Springs and Trenton...$73,000. BUILDABLE TRACT NEAR MANATEE SPRINGS: Nicely wooded 100x200 tract located along paved Camp Azalea Road (near to Manatee State Park west of Chiefland). Well-kept built & M/H home-sites nearby... $25,000. AFFORDABLE BUILDABLE TRACT NEAR FANNING SPRINGS: Wooded 100x100 property, near to SR-26, 'Rails-to Trails' & more in west part of Gilchrist, ready for built or manufactured home-site...$9,900. You can call our agents after regular business hours, for more information on any of our listings, at the main office number above, or at our agents' cell numbers below: Jim or Jean Troke (386) 935-3357 Paul Troke (352) 221-2999 "Professional Service With A Personal Touch" Barbara Mayo (352) 222-0427 OPfPORTUITY Help Wanted , Speech/Language Pathologist (K-12) District-wide Bachelor's Degree in Speech/ Language Pathology/ Communication Disorders from an accredited educational institution. Florida certification in Speech/ Language Pathology and/or- licensure in Speech' Language Patholog\. Substitute Teachers SHigh School Diploma or Equivalent: Contact the District' Office for an application and more- information HighIl Qualified Substitute Teacher Pool . We are accepting applications for ourHighl) Qualified Subsu- tute Teacher Pool. Qualifications. Bachelor's Degree or higher ilh a .currentor " former teaching certificate in a core subject area. Once approved. highly qualified substitutes would - be eligible for substituting at $130 a day in pre-approved situa- lions %%,here there is a long-term absence in a core subject area All other dail subsututing would be at current dail. rates Contact the District Office for an application and more information. Bus Driier Trainees: Substitute Bus Drivers. High School Diploma 40- hours of in-service training % ill be provided for qualified ap- plicants. Flexible training hours., . Part of the training prepares trainees for the dnmer portionof the Class B Florida CDL. For in- formation or questions. contact the Transportation Department at (352) 463-3230. SObtain and submit application to: Gilchrist Couniy School District, 310 NWI lth Aenue, Trenton, FL 32693 . ,, (352) 463-3200,., Application may be dow nloaded at; S\v \ gilchn sischools.org/Person- nel.htm#Applicationr UThich House is Right for Wou? Looking at houses can be confusing. Grouping several in a day can make the process even more mind boggling. It is important for you to look at. each house carefully. My goal is that once you read this article, you will be better prepared when looking at the next home for your family, - Taking notes is a good way to keep houses straight. Writing down the features that you like, and the ones you dislike is good information. The Realtor that you are working with should have a copy of the, MLS sheet available. This is a perfect place for note taking, as the important information about that specific house is included. - Along with taking notes, bring your digital camera. Looking at the house through your eyes is the most important view. Marketing photos may not embellish the features that you are interested in, and not the Realtor's view. - Also, write down the feelings you get while in the home. A number of Buyer's have expressed to me that they knew as soon as they walked in the home, that it felt like home. Imagine if you were already living there, picture your belongings, and decorations in the home. - Include any cosmetic changes that you would like done to the home. Also do not forget the outside of the home, imagine the- landscaping you like, and see how your tastes would work with the architecture of the home. - When you sit down to go over all your notes, the pictures and the feelings will help bring back to life the overall experience you had while in the home. This should aid you in narrowing down your choices, and help you choose the right home foir your family. "' FOR 5ALE PI OA I F"C 09 LANCASTER REALTY, .him Help Wanted R CASE NIANAGER needed I for our juvenile intensive delinquency diversion program in Alachua.and ,surrounding counties. Candidate must have BA/BS in -human re- sources or related field tind one year exp. working with adolescents. Candidate;rriust be knowledgeable in state*& federal statutes, strong. organizational skills, ability to work independendy. as a-team member & outstanding communication skills required'Candidate must have favor- able enminal backgToundwreening, drug screening validdri% er *s license as confirmed by MVR, dependable vehicle & current automobile insur- ance. Please submit resume. & cover. Ietter to: The: White Foundation", lnc.,'M Rernington G I reen Circle, Tallahassee, FL 3208 or e-rn I ail: whfutchgaol.co rn or' fax 80-385- 8922. ltb. 1-5 ESTIMATOR NEEDED: ', Please fa., resume to 463-003 1. 60.42 ACRES in Otter Creek (MLS# 749792) ....... $650,000 10 ACRES in Trenton (MLS# 749838) ....... $150,000 2.44 ACRES in Old Town (MLS# 750299) ...... $45,000 2.44 ACRES in Old Town (MLS# 750300) ...... $45,000 2.44 ACRES in Old Town, well, septic & PP (MLS# 750417) $52,900 1.59 ACRES in Bell on Suwannee (MLS# 750597) $32,500 0.20 ACRE lot-in City'of Chiefland (MLS# 750745)...... $17,500 0.20 ACRE lot in City of Chiefland (MLS# 750747) $17,500 2.49 ACRES in Old ToWn, well, septic & PP (MLS# 750799).....$42,500 3.02 ACRES in Old Town, site cleared w/drive (MLS# 750830) $55,900 2.25 ACRES in Old Town (MLS# 750860) $32,500 1.25 ACRES in Bronson, site cleared (MLS# 750913) $30,000 P & I p -E.% t% t% t% t% t% t% t% t% t% t% t% S% -L% -. , Help Wan e CARPENTERS AND FRAMERS for Residential Construction Com- pany,463-9060. tfnb 1-5 ESTIMATORIEXPEDITbR tor Residential Building' Contractor in Trenton. 463-9060. tfnb 1-5 LUNCH WAITRESS'- Experience, Dependability' k Smile required., Apply in person at 517 N Main St, Trenton. Ask for Stephanie or Lois. Itb,1-5 REAL ESTATE SECRETARY/ ASSISTANT wanted in busy office that can offer their multi-task efforts and enthsiiasm to work within a 7. team. Must hae real estate office experience. Snd resume to: PO Box'5451 Chiefland, Florida 32644.- tfnb,3-3 IPTIPT EXPERIENCED mam- tenance man needed immediately., Also a FT/PT. experienced cook needed immediately. Apply within at the Lighthouse, Restaurant. Help Wanted VET TECH POSITION available. Are 'you looking for a position that allows you to use your skills with room for advancement? We are looking for an exp. tech to. join our, fast paced rapidly growing veteri- nary practice. If you would like to become an integral part of our win- ning team please fax resume to 352- 472-2572, Attn: Beth. S2tb 1-5-1-12 LOCAL VET HOSPITAL look- ing for bright energetic indi% idual to work in and manage boarding.,ken- nel division of our hospital. Exp. preferred but will. train the right individual. Fax resume to 352-472- 2572 Attn: Beth. S 2tb, 15-1-12 BABY SITTER needed in mi home, mghtis. Children are'ages 2 and 9. Call 494-8322..- 1 12 PART TIME HOUSEKEEPER/ LAUNDRY RELIEF 7 AM to 3 PM. Exp preferred. hardworking team pla.er. Fill out application at Ayers Health & Rehab, 606 NE 7th St.. Trenton or fa\ resume to 352- 463-7710 Recent applicants need not re-appl. ltb, 1-5 MA or LPN ror PEDIATRIC OF- FICE in Jonesville. Responsible. motivated energetic fnendlI indi- sidual wsho learns quickly\ Expen- enced preferred and .fax resume to: 352-332-2394. tfnb,12-29 SECRETARY BETHEL BAP- TIST CHURCH: Trenton, office skills, .bookkeeping. computer, Word, E\cel ACS software and of-_ fice management experience a plus, . 30 hours per week. 463-2028., t, fnb,12-22, Visit our xvebsite at**,- .'%%;"".Ia'ncas'terrealty.biz' A Deen Lancaster Lie. Real Es'tate Boku 5 10 E Wade, Street, Trenton, FL 32693 UNIQUE SOLIE.i Concrete Home on 1.98 Ac re 3BR/413A, N4LS# 749737. 1 smo.600t, BEAUTIFUL BRICK home o 20 Acres, -4BR/2BA, MLS# 749034 $475,000 GORGEOUS 4BR/3BA on 2' Acres close to town, pool, outdoor kitchen & more! $399,000 MLS# 750683 LAKEFRONT Home on.30 Acres, 3BR/3B A MLS# 749519 $130,000 COTTAGE STYLE 2BR/IBA horne oh 1.68 Acres (mol),', Hickory cabinets & Cedar siding, $185,000 MLS# 750664 . . UNDER CONSTRUCTION 4j3R/2BA, 5 Acres in Gated Community N4LS#750191 $369,900 3.2 INDUSTRIAL Acres in Trenton (MLS# 748219) $250,000 2.42 INDUSTRIAL Acres in Trenton (MLS# 750407) $425,000 BEAUTIFUL 4BR/2BA ON 5 Acres, Lanai,,above grond pool, $399,900 MLS# 750833 INCREDIBLE RIVERFRONT home on 10.5 Acres, 5BR/2BA MLS# 745914 $595,000 , LOVELY DWMH on shaded 1.01- acres, 4BR/2BA, MLS# 749863 $95,000 GORGEOUS 1998 DWMH on 3.16 Acres, 3BR/2BA MLS# 750439 $149,900 I 11 GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JANUARY 5.,2006 Springhouse Quilters News Members of Springhouse Quilters are eager to begin the new year with a new president and new quilting projects. The first 2006 meeting will be held on January 10th, at 9:00 a.m. at the Springhouse quilt house west of Trenton on 55th Avenue. For the month of December, members were able to complete some of the projects from 2005, rest and visit with family and friends before starting new projects. Anna Gilliam, president, will begin the new year with an eager group of quilters ready Sfor new projects. With program leader, Ruth Davis, planning the programs for the year, the members are ready to begin new quilting projects. A new challenge will be presented and raffle quilts will be ready for members to begin their annual chance to raffle two quilts for 2006. The Nite Owl group leader, Joyce Snoddy, has been busy working on a program schedule that will keep the night group very busy. The night group's first meeting for 2006 will also be on January 10th at 6:45 p.m.. at the quilt house. Anyone needing additional information on meetings, projects, beginning classes The 2006 President of Springhouse Quilters, Anna Gilliam. for Springhouse Quilters may contact Anna Gilliam at 463- Gilchrist County 7922 or Lois Scott at 463-2207.1 w Wonan's Club News Springhouse Quilters' wish for each of you is a wonderful, Happy Ne%% Year to all our healthy and safe 2006. -members and .their families. Lois Scott, I hope that everyone had a Publicity very Nlerr' Christmas. 2005 has been a good year. We had a successful fund-raiser and have welcomed new members. We were represented at Down Home Days and participated in the Bell Parade for the first time. Our bubble machine on the float was a big hit with the children. The History Book sales have been going well and there are still copies available at the Supervisor of Election's Office in the courthouse, The Journal, and Gilchrist Building Supply. Our January 12,2006 meeting will soon be here. It is the time" when all our members bring in their,,art work and crafts they have' done during the year. It will be judged and the winners will go to the district meeting in Gainesville in February. We are looking forward to a successful 2006 with several projects in the planning stages. If you are new to our community or have not been able to come to our meetings *please join us on January 12th at 7:00 p.m. We. would enjoy meeting you and showing you what we are about. See you then. Sharon Bard, SPresident Free Training For Tax-Aide Volunteers. To Be Held January 5 Continued from Page One) ing client coordinators, answer- ing questions, and demonstrat- ing the computer software to be used in the field. No reservation required. Free tax training sessions begin in January for Dixie. Levy, Gilchrist, and Taylor counties. .'Your help is needed. For more information, e-mail jfergie(fiintergate.com. Come to this session or call (850) 578- 2666. Judy Ferguson District Coordinator "AARP Tax-Aide Grief and tragedy and hatred are only for a time. Goodness. remembrance and love have no 'end. : :' : -George W. Bush High Springs Farmers' Market Update "Farm to Family" organic produce continues to add to its product base with the addition (and return to market) of Sweetwater Organic Coffee, roasted locally in Gainesville. Graham Farms will be there .with citrus, flowering annuals, muffins, jams, jellies, red leaf and green leaf lettuce, greens, turnips, and carrots in a few weeks! Check out Sonny Anderson's onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, arid peppers. HaWve you tasted Rusty's sweet grape tomatoes or Linda Collins' sweet potatoes? As the cool weather takes over, more locally grown winter crops like broccoli, cauliflower, arid spinach will become more available each week at the farmers' market.. The High Springs Farmers Market'is located in downtown High Springs in James Paul Park behind CitN Hall on NW 1st Street between NWV 1st and 2nd Avenues. The market is open every Thursday afternoon from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and features fresh fruits and vegetables native plants, trees, shrubs. flowers, jams. jellies and many other agricultural products. For market and vendor information call: 3S6- 454-3950. The Farmers' Market Gregory V. Beauchamp Douglas K. McKoy sponsors seasonal "Buy Local Block Parties" providing an opportunity for local businesses, artists and musicians to showcase their talents' and services. Vendor opportunities are available by contacting Sharon Yeago, Market Manager at 386-454-3950. You do not reform the world by ignoring it. -Geor* H.W. Bush Services Closings Title Insurance 204 East Wade Street Trenton, Florida (Located next door to Courthouse) TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY INFORMATION This form answers some common questions taxpayers have concerning Tangible PersortalProperty. In addition, it provides information that will help you file an accurate, and timely tax return. Questions Most Frequently Asked About Tangible Personal Propemrt Q. %V hat is Tangible Personal Property? A. Tangible Personal Properti is everything other'than real estate that has alue by itself. It would include things such as furniture, fixtures, tools, machinery, household appliances, signs, equipment, leasehold improvements, supplies, leased ,equipment and any other equipment used in a business or to earn income. Q. Who must file? A. Anyone in possession of assess on January 1 who has either a proprietorship, partnership, corporation or is a self-employed. agent or contractor, must file each year. Property owners who lease, lend or rent property must also file. Q. Why must I file a return? A. Florida Statutes 193.052 requires that all tangible personal property be reported each year to the Property Appraiser's office. If \ou receive a return. it's because our office, has determined that ou ma% ha e property. to report If you feel the form is not applicable return it with an explanation. Either way, the form MUST be returned. Failure to receive a Personal Property Tax' Return (DR-405) does not relieve you of your obligation to file. Q. How can I obtain this form? A. At the beginning of the year a return is mailed to Tangible Personal Property owners. If you do not get one, contact the Property Appraiser's Office. - Q. What if I have no assets to report? Do I still have to file a return? A. Yes, if you feel you do not have anything to report, fill out items 1 through 9 on the return, and attach an explanation of why nothing was reported. However, almost all businesses and rental units have some assets to report even if it is only supplies, rented equipment or household goods. , Q. If I am no longer in business, should I still file the return? A. Yes, if you were not in business on January 1 of the taxing year, follow this procedure: 1) On your return, indicate the date you went out of business and the manner in which you disposed of your .business assets. Remember if you still have the assets, you must file on them. 2) Sign and date the return. 3) Have your signature notarized. 4) Mail the return back to this office. Q. What is an office or field review assessment? A. When a tax return is not filed by April 1 we are required to place an assessment on the property. This assessment represents an, estimate based on the value of business with similar equipment and assets. Being assessed does not alleviate your responsibility to file an accurate return. Q. What if I don't agree with the assessed value that appears on the notice of proposed property taxes that I receive in August of each year? A. Call this office or come in and discuss the matter with us. If you have evidence that the appraised value is more than the actual fair market value of your property, we will welcome the opportunity to review all the pertinent facts. Q. What if I buy or sell an existing business during the year - Who is responsible for the taxes? A. The new owner is responsible, however if there is insuffi- cient property to satisfy the taxes due, the owner on January 1 woutd be responsible for the difference. Most title companies do not do a search of the tangible assets of a business. You should therefore consult your realtor, attorney or closing agent to avoid problems in this area. HELPFUL HINTS AND SUGGESTIONS File the original return with this office (%%ith name and account number preprinted). as soon as possible before April 1. IBe sure to sign and date your return. Work %%ith your accountant or C.P.A. to identify any, equipment that may have been "Physically Remo% ed". .List those items in the appropriate space onr our rerum * If you have an asse I sting or depreciation schedule that identifies each piece of equipment, attach it to your complete return. * Do not use vague terms such as "various" or "same'as last year'. . * It is to your advantage to pro% ide a breakdown n of assets since depreciation on each item may vary. * Please include your estimate of fair market value and the original cost. of the item on your return. They are important considerations in ,determining an accurate assessment. * Additional information regarding filing is provided in the instructional section of the return itself. * If you sell your business, go out of business, or move " to a new location, please inform this office. It will enable us to keep timely, accurate records. To inquire for more information about Tangible Personal Property please contact: Damon C. Leggett Gilchrist County Property Appraiser 112 South Main Street, Room 138 Trenton, Florida 32693 (352) 463-3190 1-800-219-3208 Q. What if I receive more than one tax return? A. All returns must be sent back. If you have more than one location, the assets of each should be listed separately on each return. Q. What if I have old equipment that has been fully depreciated and written off the books? A. Whether fully depreciated in your accounting records or not, all property still in use or in your possession should be reported. Q. Do I have to report assets that I lease, loan, rent, borrow or are provided in the rent? A. Yes, there is an area ori the return specifically for those assets. Even though the assets are assessed to the owner, they must be listed for informational purposes. Q. Is there a minimum value that I do not have to report? A. No, there is no minimum value. A tangible tax return must be filed on all assets by April 1. Q. If I rent my furnished home or condo for a few months, do I have to file a tangible personal property tax return? A. Yes, since rental activity is of an income producing nature, you must file a return which lists your personal property. Items that should be listed include: Draperies, furniture, appliances and any other personal property included in the rental unit. Q. Are there deadlines and penalties? A. The deadline for filing a timely return is April 1. After April 1, Florida Statutesprovide that PENALTIES be applied at 5% per month or portion of a month that the return is late. A 15% ,penalty is required for unreported property, AND A 25% PENALTY IF NO RETURN IS FILED, arre. TwtXlve rag 15'. rTv.rY, Attention Most Wanted If you have a warrant or summons, you may turn yourself into the Gilchrist County Sheriffs Office located.at 9239 S. US Hwy 129 in Trenton. To avoid processing delays for first appearance, please show up at the Sheriffs Office no later than 5:00 am. In addition, at anytime of the day or night, you may call the GCSO Communications Center at (352) 463-3181 and ask for a deputy sheriff to pice you up. Tipsters can remain anonymous. Copr a a a areThm. Gilchrist Title A Security Title Company Public Record Searches [352-463-6403) Fast and Friendly Service I |