La Gaceta

Material Information

La Gaceta
Uniform Title:
Gaceta (Tampa, Fla.)
Place of Publication:
Tampa, FL
La Gaceta Publishing, Inc., Patrick Manteiga - Publisher\Editor
Creation Date:
November 10, 2006
Publication Date:
Weekly[Jan. 15, 1954-<June 30, 1995>]
Daily (except Sunday)[ FORMER 1922-Jan. 9, 1954]
Physical Description:
v. : ill. ; 45 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Cubans -- Newspapers -- Florida ( lcsh )
Hispanic Americans -- Newspapers -- Florida ( lcsh )
Italian Americans -- Newspapers -- Florida ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Tampa (Fla.) ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Ybor City (Tampa, Fla.) ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Hillsborough County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
newspaper ( sobekcm )
newspaper ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
United States -- Florida -- Hillsborough -- Ybor City
United States -- Florida -- Hillsborough -- Tampa
27.9564 x -82.4344 ( Place of Publication )


Additional Physical Form:
Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
In Spanish, 1922-1954; in Spanish and English, 1954; in Spanish, English, and Italian, 1954-<1995>.
Dates or Sequential Designation:
Began in 1922.
General Note:
Director: Victoriano Manteiga, <1922>.
General Note:
Description based on: Año 1, num. 119 (oct. 6 de 1922).

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
Copyright La Gaceta. Permission granted to University of Florida to digitize and display this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder.
Resource Identifier:
01445676 ( OCLC )
sn 86002403 ( LCCN )
0016-3724 ( ISSN )


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Full Text

that hewas gomg to send a deco- hearing her daughter won.
rator over to. help Nancy Pelosi ***
pick out new drapes for her of- We saw Charlie Miranda sport-
LIB OF FL HISTORY PO BOX 117007 fices. Well, isn't that sweet. ing an all black wardrobe at the
205 SMA UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Why doesn't "Dubya" buy her Michael Scionti victory party on
GAINESVILLE FL 32611-7007 an apron that says "Speaker of Tuesdaynight.Weaskedifhewas
SGAN the House" so she can wear it still going to run for City Council
_____ while baking cookies for all the district 6. He gave us an affirmative,
congressmen? The piesident but alsolet usknowhe was going to
am.i isn't going to make points by wait a little while before he files..
,demeaning the most powerful .**
Does Ronda Stormssuffer from Senate races. You werepounded woman in America. Elliott and Darla Saunders
delusions of grandeur? She told by the FDP- Florida Democratic *****will hst et d greetfor
the Times, "The DNC was pound- Party. Our condolenses to Circuit wrank Reddick, andidate for
ing me prettyrelentlessly." Well CourtJudge-Elect EmilyPeacock Frank Reddick candidate for City
'ing: m e prett lenlegS a'ty a" Couneil 1distriet 5 on Thursday,
Ronda, the Democratic National The day after Democrats took on the passing ofher mother, Mil- November 16 from 5:30 7 p.m
Committee (DNC) never heard over the House, President Bush dred Berry Geer. She had been
of you. They're involved in na- reached out to the Democrats by holding on to life for the past few
tional political races, not-State- announcing at a press conference weeks and passed away after (Continued on page 12)





This photo of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Centro Espaol Club was Cecilia Vazquez, Patricia Paula, Jennie Rodrguez and Billie Doug-
taken in 1941. That same year, tlie club printed a book celebrating las. Back row: Angelita Alvarez, Margarita Fernndez, Benigna
its 50th anniversary written by La Gaceta founder Victoriano Man- Fernndez, Hilda Diz, Mayita Limia, Amelia Gonzlez, Paquita
teiga. Front row: Dalia Gonzlez, Manuela Fernndez, Socorro Al- Escalante, Hilda Roy, Alicia Fernndez, Jennie Rodeiro and Zorai-
varez, Katie Scaglione, Lolita Lado, Elvira Paniello, Josefina Pizzo, da Lavandera. (Photo courtesy of Mollie Limia and Fernando Rodriguez Mesa)

Los Demcratas se Hacen Responsables

ElI d ep rt a l d 1 el Muchos llaman la votacin rrompe y al igual que ocurri No obstante, el jbilo na-
del pasado 7 de noviembre, una con la bancada republicana, cional por el aparente voto de
i victoria del partido Demcrata. obsesionada con mantenerse cambio que se hizo a lo largo
Aunque ganaron el controlde en control, olvidando la agenda de toda la nacin, el dilema que
RonaldinhI "El M e or"9 la Cmara de Representates y de gobierno, los demcratas po- enfrenta el pas entero, aunque
Spareciera que podran asegurar dran caer en la misma trampa este bajo el control legislativo
Ronaldinho fue nombrado por segundo ao consecutivo el control de Senado tambin, mortal. Demcrata es simple: Cmo
como el mejor jugador del ao FIFpro, un reconocimiento que la verdad es que lo nico que se Ojal las palabras de Nancy resolver el conflicto de Irak?
entregan los propios futbolistas profesionales. Pese a su mal ha producido es un cambio en el Pelosi, la nueva Presidenta de La guerra en Irak es sin lugar
desempeo en el Mundial y mal arranque de temporada en el podery por lo tanto en la respon- la Cmara de Representates y a dudas, el primer Vietnam del
Barcelona, Ronaldinho fue clave en la conquista de la Liga de sabilidad que este conlleva. la primera mujer en la historia siglo XXI, que enfrenta el im-
Campeones el ao pasado, cuando el equipo azulgrana venci A mi juicio simplemente se de la nacin en ascender a dicho perio americano. El costo en
2-1 al Arsenal en la final. FIFpro es el gremio de jugadores de hicieron finalmente respon- cargo, se hagan realidad. (pasa a la pgia 2)
ftbol profesional, quienes deciden el premio por una votacin. sables del poder legilslativo y Habl de gobernar con in- Participaron 43,000 jugadores profesionales de los cinco conti- esto va a hacer ms dificil que tegridad y tica "el gobierno
nentes. El jugador brasileo iba a recibir el premio ayer en una cualquiera de las propuestas ms honesto del Congreso que
ceremonia en Atenas, Grecia, pero se cancel tras una disputa legislativas de Bush, o incluso se vaya ver en la historia de la
comercial entre el gobierno griego y la empresa britnica invo- sus decisiones de guerra o unin americana". Esta menu-
lucrada en la organizacin del evento. Adems de Ronaldinho, manejo de la poltica interna- da mujer seguramente dar
el equipo ideal FIFPro del ao fue para el arquero Gianluigi cional, tengan la misma bien- mucho de qu hablar durante
Buffon; los defensores Fabio Cannavaro, Gianluca Zambrotta, venida que disfrutaron por los los siguientes 2 aos, hasta
Lilian Thuram y John Terry; los centrocampistas Zinedine pasados 6 aos. que enfrentemos nuevamente
(pasa a la pgina 5) Este hecho es bueno, pero los comicios presidenciales del 6 32599 00001 9

Actud Comienzan a Caer Cabezas,Rumsfeld la Primera

Actualidad d

Amrica Lati N

SEl presidente venezolano Hugo Chvez afirm el mir-
coles que su colega estadounidense George W. Bush debera
renunciar luego de los resultados de las elecciones legislati-
vas en las que el opositor Partido Demcrata logr el control
Sde la Camara de Representantes. "Comenz la cada... yo
creo que ha cado el gobierno de Bush democrticamente",
declar Chvez al referirse tambin a la renuncia del Se-
cretario de Defensa, Donald Rumsfeld. "Han comenzado:
a rodar cabezas", indic. "Debera renunciar el presidente
(Bush) por moral", aadi durante un encuentro con la
prensa extranjera. El gobernante sudamericano plante
que debera convocarse un referendo en los Estados Unidos
para permanencia de Bush en el poder.
El mercado accionario brasileo cerr en alza el mir-
coles siguiendo la evolucin de los precios en' Nueva York
y en una reaccin positiva de los inversores a las palabras
conciliadoras de los polticos estadounidenses despus de
las elecciones. El ndice Bovespa-cerro en alza del 0,7% a'
41.334 puntos, unascenso en comparacin con el cierre del
martes de 41.048 puntos. El Volumen negociado alcanz los
2.500 millones, de reales (1.200. millones de dlares).
SEl presidente electo Daniel Ortega ofreci poner en vi- aque com ra s ee e eer eoffre Miller, pareciera estar es-
gencia las reformas constitucionales aprobadas por el legis- Mas o a ae a Dnae r e reY pareciera esta esm
lativo, que restan -poder alejecutivo, porque son saludables coltandoala sada" a Donald Rumsfeld Secretario de Defensa. Porlosltimos
para ejercer la presidencia con ms participacion. "Aunque 30 aos, este poderoso hombre ayud a formar durante diferentes admnstra-
eso reduzca los poderes del presidente, creemos que las re- ciones las plticasinternacionales de los Estados Unidos. Desde hacia 6 aos
ormas deben mantenerse, dijo Ortega durante una visita al vena ejerciendo la importantsima Secretaria de Defensa bajo la proteccin
esidenteEnrique Bolaros. Las reformas fueron aprobadas del Presidente George W. Bush. Hasta el final Rumsfeld fue despreciado por
por un congreso unicameral controlado el frente sandinista
Sel Partido liberal constitucionalista (PLC) del ex presidente la comunidad internacionaly ltimamente por sus generales, muchos de los
Arnoldo Aleman (1997-2001) cue firmaroi un pacto poltico cuales renunciaron antes de seguir su equivocada poltica en el manejo de la
en 1999 para controlar todos los poderes del Estado. Durante guerra en Irak. Numerosos editoriales de las Fuerzas Armadas, la Marina, la
el gobierno del actual presidente Enrique Bolaos, que fue FuerzaAreayla prensanacionaeinternacional habanscavadolareputacin
distanciado del PLC quelo llev al poder en el 2002, los sandi- de este controvertido personaje. El golpe final, necesario para que dimitiera,
nistas y liberales le quitaron poder al ejecutivo que consider l opnaron votantes este pasad 7 de noiembr cuando de maner
-las modificaciones como "un golpe de Estado tcnico". lo propinaronlos votantes este pasado 7 de noviembre, cuando d manera
URUGUAY sobrecogedorale dieron el respld adal partido Demcrata para finalmente es-
in coltarlo fuera de esta administracin y la vida pblica americana.Adios para
El ministro de Economia, Danilo Astori, anmunci que,l de
pas cancelar totalmente su deuda con el Fondo Monetario siempre Rumsfdd!
Internacional (FMI) por unos 1.080 millones de dlares, a la O e se en o
vez que ratific que llega a su fin al programa vigente con el os Dem cr se H aen esp nsabl s
organismo financiero. Astori, en rueda de prensa; deline en (viene de la pgina 1) lado Kevin White para desfilar contra el republicano Ambler.
tres puntos las decisiones adoptadas por "el gobierno en su vidas americanas e iraques es por tos pasillos del Condado El 40% logrado debe ser inter-
S cojuanto"y que vienen a subrayar la fortaleza de la economa absurdo y el financiero es una empotrado en aquellos "costo- pretado como victoria. Le cor-
de Uruguay: 1. Cancelacin total de lo que restaba de la deuda calamidad. Sacar a las tropas sos vestidos" responde ahora a toda la comu-
con el FMI. 2. Cancelacin del programa vigente desde abril de tif vestiel respon arcter la y
con elFMI. 2. Canceacion del programa vigente desde abril de de.alli esvisto por muchos como Necesitamos humildad, nidad y al partido Demcrata
2005 y por tres anos suscrito con el FMI y 3. Mantenimierito delCondado respaldarlo e el
-de relaciones de intercambio de informaciones y anlisis de una forma de conceder la victo- servicio y dedicacin en esta del Condao respald en el
coyuntura con el FMI que "sern de mutuo beneficio". ria a los grupos terroristas que nueva Junta de Comisionados futuro.
maneja Al Quaeda. El gradual y aunque no tuvimos la opor-
COSTA RICA desmantelamiento del aparato tunidad de celebrar los triun- En la Junta Escolar del Con-
El gobierno costarricense debe actuar ahora para mitigar militar en el Medio Oriente es, dado de Hillsborough, la victo-
los desastres que se esperan a futuro debido al cambio climti- sin duda alguna, la opcin ini- fos de las hispanas Arronte o ria de April Griffin es evidente,
co derivado del calentamiento global, manifestaron expertos cial por la cual los Demcratas Rodrguez, confiamos en que aunque por estatutos legales se
sobre el tema reunidos en esta capital. Los expositores del foro, optarn y los resultados como el trabajo de ahora en adelante deba hacer un recuento cuan-
organizado por la Asociacin Preservacionista de Flora yFauna siempre son imprevisibles tanto sea serio y responsable. do la diferencia es de menos
(Apreflofas), fueron el australiano John Kermond, director de a nivel internacional como do- LIa victoria de Kathy Castor, del 1%.
comunicaciones del programa clinitico de la Administracin mstico. estaba anunciada en la silla de La votacin de los hispanos
Atmosfrica y Ocenica (NOAA) de Estados Unidos; Ronald La renuncia del vergonzoso la Cmara de Representantes en estas elecciones est todava
Woodman, presidente. del Instituto Geofsico d Per, y la Secretario de Defensa, Donald que dejara vacante Jim Davis. por determinarse pero los re-
costarricense MaraAlfaro, especialista en contaminacinam- Rumsfeld, es la primera gran Su talanteprofesional, inteli- sultados preliminares indican
biental y miembro del Comit de Aire Limpio de Centroamrica. accin derivada del cambio de gencia y gran decoro dejarn a que han vuelto a las filas del
Los temas se iniciaron con un panorama mundial sobre la poder. Los diarios europeos nuestro estado muy bien repre- partido Demcrata. Este es un
base de cifras que advierten el derretimiento de los glacares mas importantes slo elogiaron sentado en Washington. signo evidente de frustracin
y el consecuente hundimiento en costas. Kermond, a manera la dimisin de este antagonista Michael Scionti gan fcil- y descontentocon el abandono
de ancdota,.relat que cuando nio deba recorrer 18 metros personaje que fuese, allado del mente el escao otrora propie- del Presidente Bush hacia una
hasta alcanzar el mar en la playa australiana en la que creci, Vicepresidente Dick Cheney, el dad de Bob Henrquez. Scionti. poltica de reforma migratoria
pero hoy slo camina cuatro metros. artfice del conflicto con Irak. Tiene ganas de servir y otras responsable.
MXICO A nivel Estatal la victoria cualidades humanas que segu- Confiamos en. ver en los
demcrata fue moderada y a ramente harn que West Tampa siguientes dos aos ms pro-
SLa Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano (CEM) dijo que pesar del "momentum" para brille en Tallahassee. puestas legislativas inmigra-
rechaza el proyecto de ley para legalizar las uniones civiles en- triunfar qued' en claro que Daniel Surez, en su pelea torias con carcter humano y
tre personas del mismo sexo porque fomenta los matrimonios estratgicamente el partido por el Distrito 47 de la C- menos partidas presupuestales
y adopciones por parte de homosexuales. "Una ley como esta Demcrata carece de los ele- mara Estatal, cumpli un papel para muros en la frontera.
slo ve y pretende dar soluciones incompletas y momentneas mentos bsicos para crear ejemplar durante su campaa. Al final todos sabemos que-
a un problema que es ms complejo de lo que aparenta ser", triunfos puntuales. Abandonado por el partido hayrazones para celebrar, espe-
seal el secretario general de la CEM, Carlos Aguiar. El republicano Charlie Crist Demcrata del Condado este cialmente porque se ha compro-
se llev fcilmente la presea de gran maestro logr, a punta de bado que el ejercicio democrtico
la gobernacin de la Florida y esfuerzo personal, un rcor2 en esta gran nacin, si funciona
LA GACETA (USPS 299-240) aunque ha prometido modera- en las votaciones de su Distrito cuando salimos a votar.
cin en sus posturas, espe-
THE NATION'S ONLY TRI-LINGUAL NEWSPAPER ramos 4 aos de continuismo Festival de tas Costillitas
Published Every Friday By LA GACETA PUBLISHING, INC. especialmente en polticas de
educacin. Alex Sink, la nueva A partir de hoy y hasta el domingo. 12 de noviembre se reali-
VICTORIANO MANTEIGA (1894-1982) FOUNDER Tesorera del estado, es la nica zar el tradicional Festival de las Costillitas, ms conocido en
ROLAND MANTEIGA (1920-1998) EDITOR AND PUBLISHER' Demcrata en el gabinete de ingls como "Pork out at Rib Fest" en el Vinoy Park 501 5th Ave
Crist con el poder de manejar Ne de la ciudad de St. Petersburg. En el evento habr Rock en
PATRICK MANTEIGA ....................... ............. Editor and Publisher $70 billones de dlares. Ojal vivo, shows de- carros y motocicletas. Valor de la boleta $6 por
ANGE MANTEIGA.....................Ass. Publi..her desempee un papel ejemplar. adelantado y $10 en la puerta. Para ms informacin llame al
ANGIE MANTEIGA.....................................................Associate Publisher De las contiendas locales (727) 528-3828.
LEONARDO LEON..........................................................Spanish Editor cabe destacar la victoria de Danzas Experim entales en UT
Entered as Second Class Matter in 1923 Rose Ferlita y Kevin White en
terodil PtasSe Pasd atta orid la Junta deComisionados del El Departamento de Danzas y Lenguaje de la Universidad de
Periodical Postage Paid at Tampa Florida Condado de Hillsborough. Estos Tampa presentar hoy un espectculo de Danza Experimental en
P.O. Box 5536, Tampa, Florida 33675 Phone (813) 248-3921 Fax (813) 247-5357 dos veteranos consejales de la los estudios de la galeria Sc forna/Hartley (310 N. Boulevard)
Yearly subscription price $26.75 (Hills. Co. only includes tax) Ciudad de Tampa podrn esta- a las 8 pm. Los bailarines se movern al comps de las luces,
For prices outside Hillsborough County please call. blecer una mejor relacin entre fotografas digitales y escultur s. Los que asistan podrn sentirse
Visit our Website at: los gobiernos del Condado y la parte integral de la coreograf a dos niveles: "estatico y kintico",
POSTMASTER: Send addres change to La Gaceta ciudad: Esperemos que Ferlita permitiendo una mayor de nuevas oportunidades para
P.O. Box 5536 no use su curul para conducir apreciar el arte. El evento es gratuito y abierto al pblico en
su antagonismo contra la bur- general. Para ms informacin llamar a Susan Taylor Lennon
Tampa, FL 33675 gomaestre, Pam [orio, y por su al (813) 253-3333 ext. 3745.

Pgina 2/LA GACETA/Viernes, 10 de noviembre de 2006

Las DOS Prez FirmT at
Por: Leonardo Venta que, la imaginacin posee zar "ese regreso a Cuba hacia
Gustavo Prez Firmat es un plena libertad para ir y volver, adentro", el escritor le; otorga
notable poeta, novelista, profe- o quedarse, o revolotear sobre un nombre en espaol al sitio
sor y acadmico cubano resi- el lugar amado. En el caso donde estudia, as como a todo
dente en los Estados Unidos. especfico de Firmat, es la lo norteamericano que-le cir-
Abandon su pas a temprana Cuba quefabrica en su indele- cunda. Regresa a su infancia,
edad, lo que le ha brindado ble horizonte y que acaricia poca en que el idioma nativo
cierta particularidad- a su con palabras, saborea con su era el nico soberano de sus
experiencia como exiliado. paladar de-exiliado y atraviesa instintos. A pesar de haber EDDY HERRERA EN EL WEST TAMPA CONVENTION
Ha publicado en ambos idio- audaz conrila vivacidad de la venido a los Estados Unidos Hoy se presenta el gran cantante "Eddy Herrera en
mas, entre otros, libros como. memoria afectiva: la patria pequeo, no puede olvidar la Concierto" enel WestTampaConvntionCenter, localizado
Literature and Liminality, The observada desde el catalejo de tierra que levio nacer. Su ima- en el 3005 W. Columbus Ave. Tmpa. Boletos a $25 por
Cuban Coonton, El- ao que la nostalgia, el recuerdo y la gen lo acecha a cada momento: persona por adelantado, $35 en la puerta y $45 VIP. Para.
viene estamos en Cuba, Vidas imaginacion. "Para no pensar en Cuba, era ms informacin y hacerreservaciones. ame a-os telfonos
en vil y Cincuenta lecciones La identidad del escritor menester no pensar en nada". (813)-843-8133 y (727) 789-0909.
de exilio y desexilio. Es, asi- se mantiene en medio de. una Para Firmat, asi como para FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE USF
mismo, famoso porsus juicioscuriosa dictoma, que a veces cualquier persona lejos de Este lunes 13 de noviembre se realizarade 10 a a 2 pm.
temerarios que han provo- pareceresaltar las discrepan- su tierra, la lejana-patria se el Festival Internacional de USF, organizado por el Insti-
cado, en ms de una ocasin, .cias de idiomas y culturas y, mantiene adentro y, al igual tuto de Lenguas en la Plaza Martin. LutherKing Jr dentro
* grandes polmicas. :- :-,::-en otras, una aparente con- que el preso puede imagi- del campus.El evento es gratuito y abierto al publico en
Pero no nos interesa hblar ciliacin. El autor realiza un -narse junto: a su amada, general. En l se podrn apreciar las exhibiciones y dise-
aqu sobre el lado polmico regreso constante a la isla que ms all de las rejas de la os -ealizados por los estudiantes de los continetes de:
de PrezFirmat sino sobre su fsicamente le resulta vedada.: crcel que les separan, cada .A)mrica, Asia, Africa. Europa, y Oceana. Algunos de los
libro Cincuenta lecciones de Vuelve a ella mediante cada inmigrante puede edificarse pases .representados son Corea, Italia, Arabia Saudita,
exilio y desexilio, publicado, liuego lingstico que consolida" su propiq pedacito de patria, Espaa, China, Turqua,- Peru y Venezuela. Se: harn
en el 2000. Queremos departir 'su cubana; la visita, se la re- muy "adentro", sin necesidad presentaciones- de grupos de danzas, el tradicional baile
sobre este texto, ya que en l conciia cuando decide escribir de banderas, de himnos, de del vientre d:las Filipinas y demostraciones de Kung-Fu w
se exploran; en un tono auto- en espaol, a pesar de vivir en actos- cvicos. Puede inge- de Taiwan Para-ms informacin llame a EIi a(813) 974- ..
biografico, rasgos interesantes -un ambiente sajn: "escribir en niarse un espacio sagrado en 3433. La Universidad-del Sur de laFlorida est localizada
de la identidad y elhibridismo. espaol es un acto de recon- la superficie del alma, donde en el 4202 de la avenida Fowler de Tampa.
de los cubanos americanos: : iliacin, con mi patria, con per.ennemente acariciar el ANIVERSARIO # 25 DEL CLUB COLOMBIA-
como atributo a la realidadc mis padres, conmigo mismo". sublime zrecuerdo del suelo El sbado 18 de noviembre se celebrar la fiesta de gala
ms universaly dramtica del Por otra parte, para reai-= que le vio nacer. :de celebracin del Aniversario #25 del Club Colombia de
inmigrnte en.general. Tampa. El evento tendr lugar a- las 7 pm. en en Scot--
SEnFirmat coexiste un dua- Luce en el Estacion m ento Poe tish Rite MasonicCenter, localizado en el 5500 Memorial
smo entre la tierra que dej La inauguracin oficial de las luces del Estacionamiento Poe Hwy.El valorde la boleta es $45 eincluye cena y baile de.
atras:y el nuevo espacio -onde de Tampase har elviernes 17 de noviembre a partir de las6 pm. gala con orquesta. El Club Colombia de Tampa, Inc., fu
se proyectxiio Cicuentas ecio en el Parque Curtis Hixon. del .centro de la ciudad. Este evento fundado en 1981 y es la organizacin colombiana ms
nesdeexi~o-: desex .o a constituye la fase final del proyecto de Iluminacin Artstica en antigua de la Baha de Tampa. Es una entidad sin nimo
agistralmente el enfrenta- el que la administracin de la Alcadesa lorio se ha empeado de lucro donde su misin es promover la cultura y la ima-
miento. cultural. y lingstico "--
m entor custo ral mediy os.i ist- desde suposesin. La artista encargada d este proyecto es Janet gen positiva de Colombia, as como el deporte y la unidad
ntre eestos dos medios. El es- Echelman y para esta instalacin se ha inspirado en el viento y de los Colombianos residentes en el rea de la Baha de
dad del exilido que no rev- el agua. "Lights on Tampa", como se le conoce en ingls a este Tampa, y apoyar a las dems comunidades Hispanas del
(o no puede) voler al suelo que programa, es un proyecto de participacin de capitales mixtos rea. Para ms informacin o adquirir boletos llame a
dej atrs. Existe una signifi- de la ciudadyla empresa privada. Instalaciones permanentes de Katherine Perilla al (813) 205-4759.
cativa frase enr este libro que luces se pueden apreciar sobre los edificios de la municipalidad FESTIVAL DE AUTOS DE ZEPHYRHILLS
manifiesta esta situacin: "El y en el edificio de la esquina de Kenned y Ashley.Para ms in- El Festival de Otoo # 22 de Automoviles de Zephyrhills
'nico regreso posible es hacia formacin sobre este evento particular se puede llamar a Nancy se realizar desde hoy hasta el domingo 12 de noviembre
adentro, no hacia atrs". Kipnis al (813)817-6731. en elFFestival Park, localizado en el 2738 Gall Blvd. de
El escritor indica que si Puertorr Zephyrhills. Para los amantes de.los autos clsicos, de
existe un regreso "no es hacia L C HLara PuErtOriO quena carreras, acondicionados, raros y supercostosos este es un
atrs"; es decir, volver a la La Cmara de Comercio Puertorriquea invita a toda la comu- evento que no pueden perderse. Incluso se harn remates
tierra que se dej, sino que nidad de la Baha a que asistan a "La recoleccin de alimentos de:ciertos vehculos. El valor de la boleta es $8 por persona.
alega que el nico retorno es -Anual" para ayudar a aquellos desafortunados durante este Da Para ms informacin llame al (813) 782-0835.
-mediante una introversin, al de Accin de Gracias que se realizar el juves 16 de noviembre FESTIVAL DE LA CONGA CALIENTE EN AL LPEZ
mundo de los sentimientos y en el restaurante Iguana (del 9202 Anderson Rd.) de 6 a 8 pm. El domingo 12 de noviembre se realizar el tradicional
las emociones, "hacia aden- Este ao la Cmara dar todas las donaciones a Metropolitan Festival de la Conga Caliente en el parqueAl Lpez, localizado
tro", hacia ese lugar ntimo. Ministries, organizacin que cumple un papel muy importante en el 4810XN. Hiimes Ave. El ao pasado asistieron ms de
donde se agitan los recuer- en ayudar a los desposedos. Se pide que cada persona lleve al 30 mil personas y este ao se espera una multitud similar.
dos, el pensamiento, de donde menos 5 latas de comida no perecedera. Para ms informacin Habr un escenario con grupos musicales, cantantes latinos
proviene el lenguaje, y en el llamar al (813)884-0267. de moda, reas de juegos para nios, exhibiciones de arte,
.juegos de domin, excelente comida, cerveza y sobre todo
gran camaradera en un ambiente y espritu latino. Para
ms informacin llamar al (813)353-8151 o visitar el portal
El evento, llamado "Affordable Homes Show" en ingls, se
realizar a partir de hoy y hasta el domingo en Th Homes
SPark Place, localizado en el 11540 Morris Bridge Rd de 10 am.
a El evento es gratuito y abierto al pblico en general
que desee apreciar la amplia gama de casas preconstruidas
disponibles. Habrn "perros calientes, bebidas y premios
gratuitos para los asistentes. Para aquellos que compren
G..r una casa preseleccionada porlo anucnciantes recibirn un
Ford modelo 2007.
El 17 de noviembre se realizar el almuerzo de la orga-
O rc nizacin de Mujeres Hispanas Profesionales de Tampa o
SHPWA por sus siglas en ingls, en el Restaurante Columbia
lacia (1o de Ybor City a las 11:45 am. El costo por persona es $22
l para miembros y $27 para el pblico en general. Si desea
C ms informacin comunquese con Deborah Tamargo al
.O- (813)908-6787.
S, El Krewe de la Alegra realizar esta noche en Gaspar
0 Grotto de 7 a 11 pm. su evento anual de recoleccin de fon-
Ser ic i 1 dos llamado "Harley Night's". Habr concursos y premios
p. ara las mejores motocicletas, as como para los solteros y
solteras. Parte de las ganancias del evento sern donadas
a "Kickin For Kids"; organizacin que se preocupa por
servir a nios pobres y desprotegidos de nuestra Baha.
Boletos a $25 por persona. Para ms informacin llame al
(813)8929554 o visiste el portal
El domingo 12 de noviembre a partir de las 10 am. se
realizar el "Intercambio de Culturas" organizado por el
Club Social Ecuatoriano de Tampa en el parque Upper
Tampa Bay, localizado en el 8001 Doubl Branch Rd. Los

a muchos mecenas locales que promueven la educacin de
nuestros jvenes hispanos a travs de becas. Como siempre
CO NTI FD CO M M T T *tendr lugar en el sempiterno Restaurante Columbia de Ybor
C NTI NNU ED CO MVMI VI ITtVM ENI City el 12 de noviembre a partir de la 1:30 pm. El valor de
FOAR HLLSBOIRUG COUIITY CO ISIO 111STRICT (Dl la boleta es $50 por persona. Lo patrocina la Liga de Ciu-
NT dadanos Latinoamericanos Unidos o LULAC (por sus siglas
en ingls). Para ms-informacin llame a Matilda Garca al
Pulitical Advertisinig paid fur aid appr ved by Kevin Wlhite andidate for Hillsorough Cnunty Cuinriissiur. District i0. at (813)289-1130, Damaris Soto-Frassica al (813)831-3730

LA GACETA/Viernes, 10 de.noviembre de 2006/Pgina 3

1 Quien Observa a Quien en elAsla?
Solo Mujeres
Por la Dra. Silvia Jimnez

Sudar Para Una Buena Salud
El tomar baos de "sauna o vapor" ayuda al cuerpo en la
detoxificaci6n y da "asistencia" al hgado en esta tarea. El calor -
aumenta la temperatura de la piel y estimula la produccin de .
sudor y mejora la circulacin de la piel. En la sociedad moderna,
todos estamos expuestos a las toxinas ambientales, qumicos
industriales, metales pesados y cientos de otros txicos. El Dr
Allan Lieberman, director mdico del "Centro de Medicina del
Medio Ambiente y Enfermedad Ocupacional" en Charleston,
Carolina del Norte, anota: "Las manifestaciones de neuro-
toxicidad incluyen alteraciones en la concentracin, cambios
de humor y comportamiento. Un mtodo para combatir la
neurotoxicidad es el tomar sauna o vapor, que detoxifica al
cuerpo abriendo los poros.
Esto permite la limpieza (por medio del sudor) de hasta unr
30% de las toxinas acumuladas, que.puede resultar en una
mejoria de la claridad mental, estabilidad emocional y sen-
sacin de bienestar". El estudio anotado en el parrafo anteror
report tambin: "el uso regular de la sauna puede reportar
beneficios similares a hacer ejercicio, al sistema cardiovascular,
la musculatura y ayuda al cuerpo a consumir caloras. Una
persona con una condicin fisica moderada, puede producir
fcilmente 500 gramos :de sudor en la sauna, consumiendo
cerca de 300 :kcal equivalente a correr aproximadamente 2
millas. Mientras que el peso perdido en forma de lquidos se
recupera fcilmente con la hidratacin, las-caloras consumidas
no se recuperan fcilmente".
Y para aquellos que "no" son fanticos del ejercicio, que al
leer este artculo estn "haciendo nmeros" para reemplazar
el movimiento con la sauna o vapor, les tengo malas noticias.
Aunque el sdor puede consumir caloras, la sauna o vapor
por s solos no le.ayudarn a mejorar la condicin fsica, nece-
saria para una buena. salud. El tiempo recomendado para la
utilizacin de sauna o vapor es de 20 a 30 minutos, tomando
suficiente agua para reponer los lquidos que se estn perdiendo
con el sudor. Consulte con su mdico antes de tomar baos de
vapor o sauna, si tiene presin alta, enfermedad del corazn, Este envejecido jeep hace su tour diario en el parque de Hangzhou en el
embarazo o problemas de la piel.
Pregunta de la semana del Flaca Club este de la China con un grupo de turistas "enjaulados". Los.tigres, sin em-
La sauna es buena para las personas que estn perdiendo bargo, parecieran estar mostrndoles a sus cachorros la nueva atraccin
peso? El tejido graso acumula muchas de las toxinas, que no han del parque. De otro lado, en un reciente reporte sobre el medio ambiente
podido ser barridas por los mecanismos normales de limpieza del se ha acusado a la India y a la China de hacer muy poco para proteger la vida
organismo. Al perder peso y "quemar" ra grasa, esas toxinas son
liberadas a la sangre y la sauna y/o vapor, pueden ayudar en salvaje de los tigres. Grupos de proteccin ambiental y animal.internacio-
la detoxificacin y mejorar la eficiencia metablica. Para ms nal han comenzado a tratar de influenciar las polticas del Medio Ambiente
informacin, vistenos: de la China.

"-- -----------

Pgina 4SLA GACETA/Viernes, 10 de noviembre de 2006
4 < "' & 555'n,~"

'5'55'5' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -a o ___''*5 ""*f""C'5''5 i"'" "'" N N*""*''*55555'*',*
al5 meu d ff'5\\ \p5 '\5'5""""""'"*t"'* c'""5*5'''5''.s
darl loS~ que '5s n toda confanza
'011 '~

S-Buscando. Redencinl a Puos

El deporte al dia

dio (78-31) y Richard Paz, de los otro partido, el jardinero central
Zidane, Andrea Pirlo y Kak; Navegantes del Magallanes, con Matt Kemp peg jonron y guio
y los delanteros Samuel Eto'o :385 (65-25). a las Estrellas Orientales a la-
y Thierry Henry. En otros departamentos, victoria 5-3 sobre los -Leones
El Barcelona ha dominado RobertPerez, de los Cardenales del Escogido.
en la mayora de las categoras de Lara, domina los jonrones MXICO:Un cuadrangular
de los premios que ha otorgado con-un total de seis,.seguido de de Erubiel Durazo en el final del
la Federacin Internacional Garrett Jones (Tigres de Ara- octavo episodio dio el triunfo a
de Futbolistas Profesionales gua) con cinco. los Naianjeros de casa 3-2 sobre
(FIFpro), en los que han sido El veloz estadounidense los Caeros de Los Mochis y el
distinguidos Ronaldo de As- Chris Walker, de los Caribes, liderato de la Liga Mexicana del
sis 'Ronaldinho', Lionel Messi, ya sum un total de 15 bases Pacfico de Beisbol.
Samuel Etoo y el propio club. robadas; El sexto cuadrangular del-
Tambin premiaron al ar- El propio Walker es lider de experimentado jugador de
gentino Lionel Messi, como las carreras anotadas con 18, Grandes Ligas fue apenas el
joven promesa del ao, segLn una ms que Danerd Span, -de f sptimo imparable que en toda
anunci la federacin en su los Tigres de Aragua, mientras ;la ruta cedi el lanzador de-
pgina electrnica. "Es un Robert Prez es primero en las rrotado Francisco Rodrguez.
honor enorme y una motivacin carreras remolcadas con 24, En Navojoa, Norris Hopper
importante para esforzarme por cuatro ms que Rubn Salazar se fue de 5-5 con cuatro empu-
seguirprogresando en un futu- (Tigres). j jadas y Oscar Rivera lanz siete
ro, ha aseurado el brasileo, REPBLICA DOMINICANA: entradas en blanco para que los Aburrida con el estigma de inferioridad fisica que
quien tambin ha grdecido ElestadonidenRyan Garo Mayos vapulear 13 a los cubrealsexofemeno,lacanadienseNorikoKariya
el premio a los jugadores que dispar su primer cuadran Venados de-Mazatln. ha decidido redimir su gnero, peleando la semana
han votado por l-y a sus com-- gular de la temporada y las En Culiacn, el serpentinero rimaenMahattan. "Deseo serconocidapormis
paeros, del Barcelona. El ca- Aguilas Cibaeas derrotaron Joakim convirti en el a s
meruns Samuel Eto'o ha sido 4-2 a los Tigres del Licey. primer ganador de cinco juegos ilidad n p r I nombe, aeg la gila
distingid porsucontriuci Garko pegunnrn solitario n temporad cuando los que, egnlos entendidos tiene unfuturo brillante
al mundo del deporte. y tambin anot dos carreras Yquis de Obregn barrieron
El BEISBOL DEL CARIBE mientras los Tigres jugaron :a los Tomateros al superarlos tres aos yeen 1981 debut ;racruz. Si todo sale bien y la
VENEZUELA:. Elvenezolano una defensa cuestionable para 5-4. en el baloncesto superior con pareja logra mantenerse en
Luis Ugueto, de los Cardenales ver rota su racha detres victo- FALLECIO ESTRELLA DEL Guaynabo. la i arrera,- estar llegando a
de Lara, finaliz como lder en- rias en linea. BASKETBALL -Figur en la selecci6n nacio- la meta ni Monterrey el 16 de
tre losbateadores, al cumplirse El jardinero Alex Fernndez Federico LDpez, uno de los nal de 1985 a 1992 y se retir noviembre.
la cuarta semana de accin en -bate de -4-3 y el zurdo es- astros del baloncesto puertop del baloncesto en 1997. En el.-
Venezuela. Ugueto concluy tadounidense Derrek Lee (3-0) rriqueo, falleci el lunes por Campeonato Mundial de 1990, Blackburn y Winger estarn
cn un promedio de .424, tras- lanz seis entradas en blanco la noche de un infarto carda- realizado enArgentina, fue lder compitiendo a bordo de un
conectarde 5925,con cincca- para conseguir la victoria de co mientras jugaba voleibol. en asistencias y seleccionado al Oldsmobile 1950. Blackburn, el
rreras remolcadas,15 anotadas las Aguilas. Tena 44 aos, de edad. "Fico" equipo ideal. piloto, yWinger, el copiloto, par-
y cuatro bases robadas. Los Tigres amenazaron -en Lpez fue armador de la selec- AUTOMOVILISMO: LA ticiparn en la divisin Original
Detrs de Ugueto se ubica el noveno, pero el cerrador Jos cin de baloncesto de Puerto CARRERA PANAMERICANA de Pan Amr, que est limitada
William Bergolla, de los Leones Vargas consigui su, primer -Rico y.figura clave en varios para coches modelos 1950 a
del Caracas, con .397 de prome- salvamento de la campaa. En campeonatos del torneo local. Dos sujetos de Texarkana 1954.
conquistados por los Mets de se fueron rumbo, al sur para A esos se les considera "los
Guaynabo. participar en lo que se le ha originales" porque fue cuando
:LI El jugador, quien naci en llamado la carrera de autos comenz la Carrera. La com-
Mexico de padres cubanos, ms dura del mundo. Y lo harn petencia se origin en 1950
FA T O 10 D sola asistir a un club privado con estilo. en Mxico, pero luego de ape-
(iAlgunos vienen slo por nuestra comida!) para jugar voleibol con amigos Jimmy Blackburn, de 51 nas cinco competencias y 28
'e po d Sanwiches tipo Boar's Head y el lunes sufri un fulminante anos, y Pete Winger, de 60, espectadores.y participantes
Roast Beef, PastramL, Rubn, Pavo ahumado, ataque cardiaco que le cost estarn compitiendo en La muertos el gobierno mexicano
Fro caliente y usted escoje el pan la vida. Carrera Panamericana. La prohibi organizar ms car-
Hamburguesas de libra Su padre, Federico Lpez, competencia va de ciudad en reras.
Jamoeta BBQ, Cajin con todos sus aderezos fue integrante del equipo nacio- ciudad por todo Mxico. Unos
nal de baloncesto de Cuba. 100 participantes estarn cu- Sin embargo, con mejoras
Su-hermana, "Bebha" Lpez,: briendo casi 3.000 kilmetros seguidas en-cuantoa la seguri-
fue integrante de la seleccin en Estados Unidos, Mxico y dad, un club de automvles en
1puertorriquea de voleibol y otra docena de pases. Mxico apel ante el gobierno
est casada con otro astro del "En el momento me pareci y la competencia se reanud
bsquetbol puertorriqueo, que era lo que debahacer", dijo. en 1988. Dsdeentonces no ha-
Mario "Quijote" Morales. "Cuando a uno lo enloquecen habido muertes y solamente
Lpez naci el 26 de marzo los autos, uno se siente y suea una lesin seria.
De v El Olds en' el que Blackburn
de 1962 en Mxico poco despus con cosas que hacer con un W Olds en el e Bla
de que sus padres salieron de carro", anot. y Winger competirn en Mxico,
010 E.Busch vd. 813-931-99 Cuba y se radicaron en ese. La competencia dura siete es 1o que Blackburn llama uno
___________ ._ "_____ _______________pas. Lleg a Puerto Rico a los das y parte el jueves de Ve- apenas modificado".-

Horas: M- F 8:30 9p.m. Sat. 8:30 5804 N. Dale Mabry
6 p.m., Sun. 11:30 6 p.m. Tmpa, FL 33614 (813) 886-9222

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LA GACETA/Viernes, 10 de noviembre de 2006/Pgina 5

------ diferentes ciudades se hallan los nombres de Richard Allen
S- continuamente realizando Compton de 27 aos y resi-
Soperaciones de. detencin de dente del 5236 Bogdonoff Dr.,
.*conductores embriagados o as como Daniel Polito de 53
:g bajo el control de sustancias aos y residente del 134 W.
txicas; Lamentablemente, el Lake Dr de Wimauma.
Condado de Hillsborough tiene SE ROBA UN COSTOSO
SIMPLE OBSTRUCCIN sospechoso. de las heridas sufridas durante las estadsticas ms elevadas BMW
EN LA TABLILLA MUERE POR IMPACTO -un accidente ocurrido entre de accidentes fatales debidos La Oficina del Alguacil del
SEddie Lee Gray, de 46 aos, Una motocicleta Harley Charlie Taylor Rd. y Frontage a conductores embriagados Condado de Hillsborougharres-
fuearrestado durante/un para- Davidson modelo 2004 con- rd., a la altura de la Interestatal o bajo el efecto de sustancias t a Joseph Weimer de 30 aos
da de rutina de la Oficina del ducida por Alan Lavesque de 1-4, Gonzlez venia conducien- halucingenas. por robarse un BMW modelo
Alguacil del Condado, cuando 53, aos y la pasajera Diane do a alta velocidad y por una VISITE EL PORTAL DE 2002 que se encontraba es-
se descubrieron 12 bolsitas Westenberger de 50 aos se razn desconocida golpe la PREDADORES SEXUALES tacionado en -el 8833 Barcin
con marihuana y una pistola vieron envueltos en un acci- valla de concreto lateral con la Si desea averiguar el sta- Circle de Riverview. Weimer fue
cargada debajo del tapete del dente de trnsito a la altura de parte delantera del vehculo, tus de posibles depredadores acusado de posesin de anfe-
conductor. A Gray simplemente Skewelee Rd y Hart Pono Rd. Gonzlez falleci en la escena sexuales en su vecindario, taminas y por huir del lugar
se he haba detenido porque su Aparentemente una camioneta del accidente, ciudad, condado o estado del crimen.
tablilla de identificacin no se Van Dodge modelo 2000 con- SE RESBALA Y MUERE puede visitar el portal de la "
poda leer bien.- ducida porJohn O'Connorco- AHOGADO Internt
LE PEGA UN TIRO meti una infraccin al tratar -La pareja de hermanos Ete- En la ltima actualizacin de
POR NO OBEDECER de girar a la calzada izquierda hoa (26 y21 aos) se encontraba los infractores se Iincluyeron .
A pedido de los familiares de colisionando con la motocicle- pescando con una red desde el _
Jos Ignacio Gmez de 49 aos, ta. Lavesque falleci en el sitio puente de Courtiey Campbel l
el alguacil Kenneth Turner, de del siniestro y Wastenberger Causeway cuando Felidiano res-
32 aos y 4 aos como: ficial fi e trasladada al hospital St. bal y se hundi en las aguas.
de la Oficina del Alguacil del Joseph dondeie h laba en -Su .hermano Josenddo Etehoa
Condado de Hillsborough, fe estado crtico, pero estable. se lanz a rescatarlo pero su
a investigar su status..,Cuando O'Connor no result herido. bsqueda fue nfructuosa. La
Turner toc lapuerta delapar- Hasta el momento no se hat Gada Costeraiy el Servio de
tamento 356 localizado en- el producido arestos mientras la Recate Acuaic de Clearwater
5820 N. Church Ave., Gmez. investigacin contina. encontarn el curpo del desgra
abri la puerta y se estableci MUERE INCINERADO ciado en el fondo de las aguaS El
una conversacin entre G- .o Johnathan A idrson de21 cUerio se hala en medicinalegal
mez, el guardia del complejo de aios pereci incinerado en su para su debida investigacin.
apartamentos y Gmez, pero vehicuilo Nissan riodelo 2003, -ALTERCADO CASI FATAL
cuando el oficial Turner puso despus de que se saliera de De acuerdo con algunos
su pie entre la puertay el marco Kingway Road. El vehculo testigos, tanto la vctima, Ivon
de esta para ev itia. que Gmez vena a una :alta velocidad Warren de 19aos como el so-
la cerrarra, ste se le aproxim cuando toc los rieles de ferro- spechoso (no descripcin dada)
con un cuchillo. Turner le dis- carril sobre la calle y Anderson se enredaron en un altercado
par un tiro al torso, despus de- perdi el control del automotor en la residencia localizad en el
que Gmez hiciera caso omiso estrellandose contra un hi- 4309 W. Nassau St., que con-
de los comandos del oficial. drante, una cerca y finalmente cluy con dos disparos sobre la
Gmez fue transportado un poste de concreto. Cuando vctima. Esta fuetransportada
al hospital St. Joseph donde elvehculo finalmente se detuvo en gave estado de salud al hos-
se halla en estado estable. El se incendi llevndose la vida pital St. Joseph.
oficial Turner fue relevado de del joven conductor. OPERACIONES 3-D DE
su cargo hasta cuando se con- MUERE HISPANA POR 2 SEGURIDAD :
cluya la investigacin rutinaria EXCESO DE VELOCIDAD La Oficina de Alguacil del
especifica para casos en los La joven Janet Gonzlez, de Condado de Hillsborough y
que un oficial le dispara a un 19 aos, muri a consecuencias otras agencia de polica de

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TION PROJECT will be received by the School Board of Hillsborough County, Florida in the Office
of the Supervisor of Purchasing, Third Floor, School Administrative Center, 901 East Kennedy
-Boulevard, Tampa, Florida until 3:00 PM Tuesday, December 5, 2006. (The mailing address is
P.O. Box 3408, Tampa, Florida 33601). Bids will not be accepted after 3:00 PM of the above ________
date. Bids will be opened and read aloud in the Purchasing Department, located on the third w00 sN
floor of the School Administrative Center.
There will be a Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting on Tuesday, November 21, 2006 at 10:00 AM at
the school site located at 3719 North 17th Street, Tampa, FL 33610.
Notice To AlH Bidders: The School Administrative Center is a "security" building, therefore,
visitors will be required to obtain a Visitors Pass prior to entering the building. A photo
identification will need to be presented at the time.
Each Bid must be accompanied by the following:
1. A certified check or bid bond in the amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the maximum
amount of the Bid as a guarante that the Bidder, if awarded the Contract, will within ten (10) calen-
dar days after written notice of being given such award, enter into a written Contract with the
School Board of Hillsborough County, Florida, in accordance with the accepted Bid, and give a
surety bond satisfactory to the School Board of Hillsborough County equal to one hundred percent
(100%) of the Contract amount.
2. Contractor Qualification Statement
3. Public Entity Crime Statement
No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of thirty (30) days after the date set for the opening of
the bids. Contractors desiring to bid this project are subject to an Encouragement Affirmative Action
Plan as identified within the bidding documents.
Bidders may obtain a set of the Contract Documents from the office of the Engineer:
ASR Engineering
1217 W. Linebaugh Avenue, Suite # 2
Tampa, Florida 33612
The School Board of Hillsborough County reserves the right to award the Bid to the lowest
and/or best Bidder, to waive any informality or irregularity in any Bid, and to reject any and
all Bids Received. : .. ..-.

Pgina 6/LA GACETA/Viernes, 10 de noviembre de 2006

Los Desplazados de Darfur Siguen Sufriendo

la situacin de abandon de los desplazados por la violencia en elSu- de Dar-
fiir, cono p a y pyrgssesp adahted Materialaca a

de os p una Syndicated Contenthace sa a iias
Available from Commercial News Providers"


Apesar delos ingentes esferzos de grupos internacionalesdederechos huma- -q
nos por crearmomentum para ayudar a las vctimas del genocidio de Sudan, I I- d
la situacin de abandono. de los desplazados por la violencia`.en el. sur. de Dar- 4-
fur. contina ,iendo penosa y desesperada. Las tiendas de campaa consisten -- -
de, unos palos: con una tela que escazarnente hace sombra a familias enteras, --
como la que se ve en la foto. Instalaciones sanitarias, comedores pblicos o .
puestos de salud no existen.La paradoja ms macabra es que aquellos que se l u
salvaron delgenocidio ahora estn pereciendo por el abandono.



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LA GACETA/Viernes, 10 de noviembre de 2006/Pgina 7

Alfred H. Alonzo Sr., Deliz. falleci6 enTampa. Le sobre- Familiascomola suya...
falleci. Le sobreviven su es- Angelina Damato. de 94 vive su hija Brenda Waldron, La fu"eraria de Boza y Roel contina esa tradicin asistiendo a
posa Lupe R. Alonzo, 2 hijos: aos de edad falleci en Tampa. su hermana Katie Macaluso, familias en Tampa durante estos nomentos tan dificiles. Boza y Rel le
Alfred Alonzo y Fred R. Alonzo, Le sobreviv m su hijo John, sus2 sus nietos: Michael Kretch- ofrece dignos servicios funerarios, accesibles a familias como la suya.
7 nietos y dos bisnietos. t- hemanos: GerardDe Pasquale man, Michelle Fernndez, Cory ... **
Sam Carastro, de 78 aos y Marino De Pasquale, 4 nietos Waldron, Alyson Rhodes y Kyle IfuneraiodBoa e Roel proseue qella trazioe assistendo a le
falleci en Tampa. Le sobre- y 9 bisnitos. Smithy varios bisetos. famiglie iTampa duante questi momenti cosi diffile. Boza e Roel gli
viven su esposa Glori, su hijo Mark Guido, de 79 aos offron degni srvii funerari, accessibil per famg coo la votra.
Paul, sus nietas: Ashley y Mia, dedad faleci en Tampa Marilyn Joyce Rodriguez, .
sus hermanos Joe y Larry y 6 e sobreviven e P de 78 aosde edad falleci Boza-and Roel uneral Home continues the tradition of assisti
sus hermanos Joe y Larry y 6 Le sobreviven snTap.e sbrien S. a Pau-5onal
sobrinos y sobrinas. en Tampa. Le sobreviven sus families imTampa rii their most difficult moments7 Boza and R
Adelaida Fernndez, de hijos: DavidDaniel offers ouhonorl talserices, available to familie like yours
Aeaida nGuido Bobby Guido y .Debbie "hijos: DavidDaniel y Paul. -inrQ:-n
88 aos fallecio. Le sobreviven e ss n : ez, sus hij:
Peterson;'sus nietos: Kevin Pe- TRodrguezsus hijas: Anita .- -
sus hijos: Richard lPrez, Joe Rodrgu-z y Tdriannea Haydee ri
terson, Matt Peterson, Chrsto-
Fe ndez y Sandra Fernn- per Gdsay ido; Taras, geasicomo 1rant ietos:, ar 8 -676 .. Se ablaEsp`
Fe pher GuidoyLasytu y d -. y .... -
d adzLpez, sus 3 hermanas: subisnieto Kian Peterson. Angia, rAlici, Ceyilia, Alen-
Caridad Robaldo, Isabel San- Ange ca Cecia, Alejan-
chez-y Candita Fernndez, 7 Lena Antonia Capitano dra, Brianna y Gabrielle y 2 -
nietos:Denise Prez Reddick, Mixon, de 94 aos de edad bisnietos.-
Dena Prez Curbello, Richard -: i......
Prez, Jr., Joseph "Chuck". -" :: ..
Fernndez, Mar Fernnde Actuacin en Ybor City

Janet Gonzlez, de 19 aos Joe Lala, que ensea los lunes y miercoles en el Club Italiano de
falleci. Le Sobreviven sus. Ybor City .Lala h actuado-en numerosas pelculas y su voha N
madre Meedith Grace; su sido usada en cintas d gran xito o Batan, Superman, etc IN MEMORY OF:
abuelosi Edwad :y Jacqueline Las clases estn limitadas a 32 estudiantes. Si desea inscribirse -
Grace, su hermano Jarrod llame al(813)876-0329. Buel L. Yother John Zabawczuk
SGonzlez, su:ta Vicki y su to- -
Preston Halstead.. Ftografa Histrica en Tampa Maria J. Martnez G- ene Edward Evans
as falleci en Tampda. Le 5- LaobrafTotogrficadeAaronSiskind,titulada"Document de arl
areviosv fal es a Maa, as em (1932-1940)" serexhibida en el recin inaugurado Museo de Douglas James Dah Fe ando Fernndez
como numersosos miembrs de Artes Fotogrficas de la Florida. Durante los fines de semana el
Ssu fami eroi horario de admisin al pblico ser de 10 am: a 5 pm. El museo Dorothy Louise Short Wilma Irene Strauman
Joseph Piscopo, -de 66 est localizado en el 200 N. Tampa St. Se sugiere una donacin
aos falleci en Tampa Le de $2 Si desea ms informacin llame al (813)221-2222 o visiteVi Ngia
sobreviven su- esposa Joellen elportal ..Dung Thi Vinh-Nghia
Piscopo, sus hijos: Michael.
Piscopo y Joseph Piscopo, su.,. 7209 North Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa* 931-1833
hermano James Piscopo, sus Haa a
hermanas gemelas: Geri Dalik ..U.I U a Se Habla Espaol
y Jeannie Lamberson, as como "p..o
-de edad falleci en Tampa. Le C m uniq
d ee a h er.mara Ble f0C -IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Tampa, FL 33604
Case No. 2005-1.1239-CA Division B 1702 Pastoral Way
MIDFIRST BANK Brandon, FL 33511-4898
(viene -de la pgina 7) V V. vsa 1702 Pastoral Way
economizar. Los amigos te .REA R FRED JONES AND LINDA WANDA Brandon, FL 33511-4898
momentos. Nmeros de suerte: Defendants. AND AGAINST THE HEREIN NAMED
-PISCIS 19 F O 20 Notice is hereby given, pursuant to ALIVE, WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN.
MARZO) No te sientas mal Final Judgment of Foreclosure for Plain- PARTIES MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST
si tienes queconfrontar a l- tiff entered in this cause on November 7, AS SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISEES,
si tienes que confronta r a al- 2006, in the Circuit Court.of Hillsborough GRANTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS
guenCounty, Florida, will sell he proprty LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: UNKNOWN
te diga la verdad. Hay secretos a dscribaed boroug Couny F a, CURRENT ADDRESS: UNKNOWN
flotando a tu alrededr que tt LOT 20, BLOCK 2, BOYETTE YOU ARE NOTIFIED that anaction to
debes deSaber. Escribe lo queamp, FloriPdaRI.GET ION 3"360 for 11,Tt t ery in HILS 1BOROUGH Cu ty Fo
debes de saber. Escribe to que SPRENGS, SEtTe 'B, UNt 11, oNcA1 n osL Oa mortga e on the folowing, pour
suees ya que en tus sueos es aPHASE 1 ACCORDING TO THE MAP ertT in H ILLSBOROUGH County, Florida:.
podras encontrar respuestas IN PLAT BOOK 82, PAGE 9, OF THE ALL OF: LOT 43, EVELYN CITY
alaie oene importaentes. n OUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA. MAP OR PLAT THEREOF AS*RE-
alguien o en algo encontrars and commronly known as: 12814 RAYS- CORDED-IN PLAT BOOK.9,5PAGE
el camino a tomar.Nmeros de BROOK DRIVE; including the building, ap- 65, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF
suerte.: 50, 3, onTA2. TPAhpurtenances, and fixtures located therein, H FLORIDA.
suert 3, 2. at public sale. to the highest and best has been filed against you. and you are
bidder, for cash, at the George Edgeomb required to serve a copy of your writ-
Courthouse, located at 800 E. Twiggs ten defenses, if any, on or before Decem-
Titan Metals Access Road Advertisement for Bid Street, Room 201/202, Tampa, Florida, on ber 11, 2006,. on Echevarra, Codilis &
TPA Contract No. 06-03106 December 12, 2006 at 2 o'clock P.M. Stawiarski, Plaintiffs attorney, whose
"aue fr tN eAny persons claiming an infers in th address is 9119 Corptorate Lake Drive,
TAMPA PORT AUTHORITY Aurp rn t a if n n Sulte 300,.Tarfpa, Florida 33634, ard file
Tuplus from the aale, if anaf other thanatrn
the propeary owner as of the date of the lis the original with this Court either before
epndpers mst filt e a claimh within 60 days service on Plaintiffs attorney or immedi-
INVITATION TO BID tm(ITB) ri after the sale. ately thereafter ohrwise a default will
.l be entered against you for the relief de-
!f you are a person with a disability who manded in the Complaint or petition.
Notice is hereby given that the Tampa Port Authority (TPA), an equal opportunity employer, will needs any accommodation in order to This notice shall be published once
receive sealed bids up to and until 2:00 p.m., December 6, 2006, at its office at 1101 Channel- aticdat ni thi procding, you are ach k for tw conecutiv we in
side Drive, 4th Floor, Tampa, Florida-33602, for the project entitled 'Titan Metals Access Road of certain asistance. Please contact the the La Gaceta.
TPA Contract No. 06-03106. (Note,: The project name is provided for identification purposes only Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, f you are a person with a disability who
TPA Contract No. 06-03106". (Note: The projct name is providd 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL 33602; needs any accommodation in order to
and is not inteded to limit the scope of the project.) telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, within participate in this proceeding, you are
2 working days. of your receipt of this entitled, at no cost to you,to the provision
The intent of the 'Titan Metals Access Road" is to provide the Tampa Port Authority with all the document; if you are hearing .or voice f certain asistancrt. Pleas contact sithe
impaired, calI 1-800-955-8771. Clark of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division,
labor, materials, and equipment necessary to construct approximately 325 LF of two (2) lane rural Dated this 7th day of November, 2006. 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL
road section, curb'and gutter, striping, sodding, and drainage improvements. The Contract perfor- PAT FRANK 3360within 2 wlephone no. 276-of8100, your receipt 7252,
mance period is sixty.(60) calendar days. Clerk of the Circuit Court this document; if you are hearing or voice
By: Sandra Glennon impaired, cll 1-800-955-8771.
A Pre-Bid Conference will be held Friday, November 17, 2006 at 2:00 p.m. at the Tampa Port Deputy Clerk 1110-11117/062T WITNESS myhandandtheseal of this
Authority 3rd Floor Conference Room. Prospective Bidders are encouraged to attend. CouIN THE CIRCUITon hi 7th day of November, 2006
The TPA encourages the use of registered Small Business Enterprise (SBE) firms to the greatest THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL ClRCUIT Clerk of the Court
extent possible on TPA Projects. TPA has a goal of 9% SBE participation. Bidders must consider COUNTY, FLORIDA Deputy Clerk
this when submitting their bids, as this will be considered by TPA when receiving and evaluating ASE NO.: L ACTION Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski
bids. Bidder shall submit a completed form SBE-1, which will provide the details of the bidder's NATIONAL CITY BANK F/K/A Tampa, Florida 33622-5018
SBE Outreach Action Plan, and if less than the goal, submit Form SBE-1C, which will substantiate NATIONAL CITY BANK OF INDIANA, F06016088 11/10-11/17/06 2T
bidder's good faith efforts made to provide SBEs to the greatest extent possible. Bidder's failure to Plaintiff, 1/01/762
submit a complete Form SBE-1 or document its efforts to meet or exceed the target goal may be V.LEWIS ROAD PARTNERS, LLC, et al,
cause for determining the bid non-responsive of non-responsible to the Bid. Defendant(s).
A current sworn statement on Public Entity Crimes, pursuant to Section 287.133(3)(a) Florida NOTICE OF ACTION
Statutes, must be on file with the Port Engineer or accompany the bid. TO: ROBERT L YTLE A/KA ROBERT A.
AIlI firms interested in submitting a Bid on this project must register with the TPA in order to LAST KNOWN ADDRESS:.
receive any changes or addenda to this Invitation to Bid (ITB). Prospective Bidders may obtain Tampa, FL 33604
copies of this ITB electronically from the TPA web site ( This copy is made 7001 N. 15th St.
available through the Demandstar System. Questions concerning this ITB should be directed to Tampa, FL 33610 A.
Donna Casey, Tampa Port Authority Procurement Office, at (813) 905-5168. Tampa, FL 33604
11/10/06 1T 1202 E. Mohawk Ave.

Pgina 8/LA GACETA/Viernes, 10 de noviembre de 2006

La Via Appia ancora piu a sinistra dal colle zione delle Terme di Caracalla tratto si chiama attualmente digeva..Troveremo labasilica
La via Appia esce oggi dalle Aventino. Dall'altra parte del ebbe ternine quando Vitige, via di Porta Latina (la porta di San ebatiano (e catacombe
Mura Aureliane, scende rapi- viale che prende il nome da nel 526, tagli la fornitura ualhe decina di met sulla annesse) pii avanti..
damente nella valle dell'Almone questo colle, la bianca mas- d'acqua. destra). Uscendo dalle Mura Au-
e quindi sale lentamente verso sicciata del Palazzo (ancora Percorsa tutta via delle Torniamo sulla Regina reliane la via Appia Antica
i ColliAlbani, sovrapponendosi un merito del Palatium) della Terme di Caracalla, notando Viarum: sul fondo subito i scende rapidamente nellavalle
ad un tracciato piu antico, F.A.O., una volta Ministero qualche frammento di colonna prima di porta S. Sebastiano, dell'Almone; sul lato sinistro
utilizzato per la transumanza dell'Africa Italiana. Ad ador- qua e l anche nel prato del incontriamo il cosiddetto arco una fontanella ha il prospetto
e celebre per eventi memora- nare il lato che guarda il punto piccolo Parco di Porta Capena, di Druso, in realta un arco format da due ritratti funer-
bili (il combattimento tra gli dove ci troviamo, fino al 2004 una volta superata la chiesa dell'acquedotto Antoninano ari e la vascarcostituitada un
Orazi e i Curiazi). Tuttavia, se sorgeva l'obelisco di Axum,, del VI secolo dei martiri Nereo costruito in modo particolar- autentico sarcofago.
avessimo iniziato il percorso in preda dell'ultima guerra mon- ed Achilleo, si arriva rapidam- mente architettonico 1a dove Circa 100 metni pis atanti,
et repubblicana o imperiale, diale e restituito all'Etiopia. .ente a piazza Numa Pompilio. 'acquedotto scavalcava la via ma sul lato opposto, si vede
saremmo partiti da porta Cap- Ma ora tempo di volgerci Qui la via Latina e la via Appia Antica. d una, colonna cementata nel
ena, che era la porta nel recinto verso sud per iniziare il cam- Appia Antica si dividono (si ri- Pochi metri.pria di raggi- muro, cpia di quella autentica
delle Mura Repubblicane del IV mino alla volta della frazione di congiungeranno a Capua) nelle ungere porta di San Sebastia- che ora "adorna la balaustra
sec. a.C., e avremmo percorso Frattocchie, l'antica Bovillae, due strade oggi denominate via no, sulla destra, c l'ingresso al del Campidgis (qualcuno l'na
la strada che oggi porta il nome a circa dieci miglia da questo di Porta Latina e via di Porta Museo delle Mura, ontenente forse mai vista?). La colonna,
di via delle Terme di Caracalla. pUnto (si trova nel comune di S. Sebastiano; poco prima del un'interessante documentazi- con iscizini di Vespasiano e
Nell'antichit questo era il trat- Marino). bivio incontriamo una curiosa one sulla costruzione difensiva di Nerva, indica ie primo miglio
to iniziale sia della via Latina costruzione circolare, che con (si .ratta sempre del pi` da' porta Capena (un miglio
che della via Appia Antica. Notiamo subito, sul lato grande monumento rimasto romano corrisponde a circa
Ci troviamo al limite sud di sinistro di via delle Terme di quel tetto sembra. quasi una 147o8,5 m etri:qoesto tratto
C troviamo ra limite su in Caracalla, laddove comin- garitta militare. Si tratta.di della Romanita, almeno in ter- 1478,5 metra): questo tratto
quello che erso nord vdiamo inla cia il controviale della Valle un'edicola medievale che ci fa mini di cubatura!) e sulla varie di strada fu pavimentato in-
quello che era ilPomeo eta cia controviale della Valle unedicolamedievaleche fasi di fortificazione dellr. izialmente da Appio Claudio
regia: veso nord vediamo la delle Camene (a ricordo della porre la domanda se anche in fasi di fotificazione d'ell'rbe. izialmente da (ci Clau fondo
del colle Palatio. Siammirano sorgente e del boschetto che epoca classica ci fosse li una Inoltre permette di guardare a con laglareata (cia fondo
i laterizi de palazzi imperali, la leggenda vuole fosse fre- qualche costruzione, magari via Appia e la valle del fiume inghiaiato), mentre nel 258 a.
sorti ul colle della fondazi- quentato daNuma Pompilio eretta ai Lares Compitales, Almone, da un insolito punto ellanno,realizzarono la
onaartire dall'meraore per trarre :ispirazione dalle protetto ldei "crocicchi". i ta oeinao ua
one ninfe Cane) un rudere che Siamo arrivati ad un'aiuola Porta Sebastiano pavimntzione in saxo qua-
Augusto; i suoi successori i Caimene) un r re hea pcco Passiamo sotto la porta drato (con blocchi paralleli di
lanro lapide di a v per lae formaluna picsola pim a indica
nconmi tano e costruzione e l'nzo dei quale caspoa trangare:. la chiesa sulla notando sulla destra i graffito tufo) d .

dm sttant sotenp (e P 'i come snizio della va Apph si ore da uri n t e r n urb t i rTempio om di Mar te
l'antico nome dell'altura del Antica. La tradizione vuol che detsra intitolata a san Ce- dell'arcangelo Michele nell'atto II Tem o Mae
Pantino che dsie amoada queto fin quel temo sda ci e murae sar-o, risale al VI secolo e ha di uccidere un drago con una All'altezza del viadotto di

alatirnorhe vediam ridaneo Im ue in nuro fi c e ra e oggi so eproprie capit ti la c irnm ia ete uccensst
punto (le altre due eano il dela porta Capena. Molto pi il protiro a due coldone. lancia; l'angeo porta anche via Cilicia, probabilmente sul
erlu s le laltrPal dveazo t robablente iopus quadratu Imbocchiamo vumi Porta nell mano sinistra un globo, lato sinistro, so rgeva il tempio
nonimodi"grade costzione" dell'avanzo diqualche supola Sebastiano; da questo punto, L'iscrizione latina recita:io nel o d tmpi pi
e resieni del alaontino propio Repubicane medevale csti entrambe l a ia Appia e lava In festo M ichelis intravit antichi di Roma. de
e reside i tesi potenti ), (e poia Latina sono oppresse dai muri gens foresteria in urbe et fui Proprio come i' tempio dela
sinonimo degli stessi "potenti"), appoggiava a cid che rimanevaapuormnolFrtaMu
tanto che si tramandato finc in uel tempo delle murafo cosid- di re tra qualche spiraglibellat a populo romano la Fortuna Muliere u na te
vinpiazza, manca uin n elemeto ett ellioi oera vue lta erano orti e vigne, men- existente Jacobo de Pontanis qMuesto fu costruito negl anni
a gioroni nostri in vale lige i rott scur otre oggi sono ricche propiet capite regionis mmediatamente successivi
ammirazione co pellegrino che n cuione costruana",to questo. doveva ess ache veva interno tramite dop Secco sotto Frascati) dove
gnella pa 'Ura Palaoal c s me ce ro non opus quadratum ; Si tratta della curiosa test- ala cacciat dier oatin i
ella v nosta Palazzo. ia p ivno d ua Ser vian Appia nS monumenti funerari, monianza dea evittoria de Ro- erabo, fultimo re di Roma;
Latpiedi del Palatino, propro Repubblicane rano costruite, combari, tmbefamigliai; mani contro Robeto D gi nel 497 a.C infatti, poco dopo
sul versante che si mostra ala n il materiale il tufo cosid- soltanto a tratti si riesce a ve- re di Napoli, qu avvenuta il 29 quell'evento, i Romani dovet-
eimio Sever. a la funine ento dei delle Term dere rqualche spiraglio qual- u settembre 1327. tero combattere una terribile

prcipale dovevmanca un essere pro- di Caraalla, che insiem e l Resta ancora qualche trac- favorita dalltervento mi-
"cappellaccio" Graffo con l'arcangelo Mi- battaglia nei pnessi del lago
architettonico notevole che di Grotta Oscura. l nome di che evidenza archeologica.rte di i- racoloo di asore e Pol-
abbelliva, o meglio, riempiva di Capena potrebbe essere una In questo tratto ili monu- chele Regill0 (un lago scomparso,
ammirazione il ellegrinoe da corruzione dog i "aperuana" vi mento senz'altro i' rinomato chiusura delle porta a chuiiaa 'ac ce si trovav a "Pantano
giungeva nell'Urbe proprio dal- che le due strade censorie che i (lo doveva ess rt'anche in venva alsl'interno tramite s d op Secoi soto atgia doel
l andata Apperduta (eufemiso nn avendo asrvizi iAiantichirta il Sepol cro degli pio battente, mentre all'esteo c fiseroi pop latini che
Lapr di che f( deaolita) nel partiva freoquentaano le Scipioni, na delle pi aristo- er a possibile una S teriore si erano federar ti per restaurare
Latina). Si tatta del Septizo- e la via Latina, raggiungevano tiche famiglie della Roma chiusura tramite una saracin- Tarquinio.

XVdium, enorme io ere quotidianamente, a orari bilit di guardare il recinto del- 'antica porta Appia. I nore eressero in questo punto della
diuo eorutiire ie a faiali per stablita i sia ter motivi repubbrlicana. La ntmba ac- esca, che veniva calata dal'alto La vittoria, Che consenti
costruire la dalbasla i ri er la ar destr a sorgono colse personaggi celebri come tramite corde e che scorreva la sopravvivenza della neo-
StiMioree red alafzzo ele cotresti imponenti delle Terme Scipione Barbato,. console nel lungo apposite scanalature. nata Repubblica Romana, fu
pCancipeler doveva esse o- di Caracqlla, che insieme alle 298 a.C.. deResta ancora qualche trac- favorita dall'intervento mi-
prio quella di quinta scenica Terme diDiocleziano costituis- cia del sistema di corte di si- racoloso di Castore e Pol-
per chi la osservasse da sud- cono gli impianti termali pi Subito dopo l'ingresso, sulla curezza che utilizzava l'arco di luce (o pi verosimilmente per
est. Purtroppo la costuzione' grandi dellaa citt; i Romani, sinistra, una rampa di scale Druso come controporta verso l'introduzione in battaglia della
p andata perduta (eufemismo non avendo servizi igienici porta al piccolo "parco degli la citt. cavalleria); ad ogni modo,- per
per dire che fu demolita) nel nelle case,: frequentavano le Scipioni" che ci offre la possi- Porta di San Sebastiano. celebrare l'evento, i Romani
XVI secolo perch Sisto V terme quotidianamente, a orar bilit di.guardare il recinto del- l'antica porta Appia. I1 nome eressero in questo punto della
volle utilizzane i materiali per stabiiti, sia er motivi igienici, le MuraAureliane dall'interno stato cambiato, come per quasi va Apia Antica un grande
costruire la basilica di S.Maria per lavarsi, ma anche per in- Si fa presto ad attraversare tutte le porte deila circonvl- tempio dedicato a Marte, e i 15
Maggiore ed ii Palazzo della contrarsi. Erano' alimentate questo giardino, sistemato lazione Aureliana, nel periodo luglio di ogni anno, eseguivano
Cancelleria. dall'acquedotto Antoniniano(di da Raffaele de Vico nel 1931, in cui la Roma cristiana prevale parate e esercitazioni equestri
Alla sinistra del Palatino si cui ne vedremo un arco poco e si giunge in pochi secondi sulla Roma pagana, in riferi- tra il tempio e la Caffarella.
apre la vallata del Circo.Mas- pi avanti) che da Porta Mag- all'ingresso opposto che d mento alla basilica extra ur- I ruderivenuti alla luce sotto
smo, la Vallis Murcia, chiusa giore arrivava sin qui. La fun- sulla via Latina che, in questo bana verso la quale la strada si il cavalcavia sono per comuni
sepolri, tombe databili tra il i
sec. a.C. e ii II sec. d.C., che
o hanno subto vare alterazion
fino al IV sec. d.C.

'1 F i BI I "I M I mLII nI


Ybor MusCum State Par ti W R L 0 FAsS I Rce
fn E .nT TH LvEVNU, OuvA TocAcmo COMPANY

IA GACETA/Viernes, 10 de noviembre de 2006/Pgina 9


Historic Store Brings New Vibe to West Tampa no Ltis World WarII Oral HistoryProject
ois seeking Tampa-area veterahs or their spouses to tell us
stories about their life experiences dur-ing WWII on Saturday,
November 11. from 9 am. to 4 p.m. at Tampa U.S. Veteran's
Center, 8900 North Armenia Ave., Ste. 312. Bring photos,
discharge papers, letters, and/or scrapbooks if available. To
ensure everyone has enough time to tell their story, you must
have an appointment. Call (512) 471-1924.
This project was founded in 1999 to collect oral histories
of U.S. Latinas and Latinos who were young adults during
World War II. To date, the project has videotaped over 500
oral histories from veterans, civilian defense workers, horne-
makers and braceros whose stories otherwise would have
been lost to history.
Affordable Housing
The Office of Affordable Housing is accepting proposals for
funds from October 1, 2007 through September 30, 2008 to
develop and/or rehabilitate affordable multi-family housing
projects. Th projects must seek to provide the following:
safe and decent housing; a suitable living environment; or
economic opportunities for low and moderate income persons
living in unincorporated Hillsborough County, Plant City and
Temple Terrace.
Proposal frms are available at the Office of Affordable
Housing, c/o ?Housing and Commutnity Code Enforcement
Baker & Co. General Store and Antiques Emporium, located at 2502 N. Department, 10119 Windhorst Rd, Tampa, or onlineat www.
Howard Ave., opened its doors on Friday, October 27. This renovated his-
torie 9,5O sq. ft. building was erected in 1907 and was originally used as Proposals must be submitted to the above address by
boarding house for Cuesta Rey Cigar Factory employees. Since then athe Wednesday, December 20 at 4 p.m. For more information,
a oar g os for esta e gar ator empoee e the t contact Marci'rwin at 274-6678 or via email at: irwinm@
building housed Atlantia Restaurant and the Gold Nugget Bar & Brothel &
Tavern. Barbara Baker purchased the building a few years ago for $235,0oo
and renovations began in February 2006. Around $1.25 million was spent MOSI Free for Veterans
on renovating this historie West Tampa building. Baker designed the store For those who protect and serve, MOSI would like to el-
nebrate all that you do. Oi Saturday, November 11 Veteran's
to be that of an old fashioned general store that deals with antiques, food bay, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., MOSI, which is located at 4801
and desserts, but also has seven executive loft suites, as well as residential East FowlerAve., will offer FRE admission to a alctive and
loft apartments. The building also contains a community center and will retired military personnel, EMTs, firefighters, and police of-
host suc activities as Santa Claus' Wonderland, classics movie night, a ficers. Enjoy a fun-filled day of hands-on, interactive science
teexhibits in celebration of our heroes!
farmer's market, historie tours, barbershop quartets, and more. Baker exhibits in celebration of our heroes!
& Co. General Store and Antiques Emporium is open Tuesday through Holiday Boutique
Saturday, lo a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. It is closedon The St. Timothy's Women's Club Holiday Boutique will
Monday. Baker also rehabilitated the Morgan Cigar Factory, located at 2802 be held on Saturday, November 18 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at
N. Howard Ave., from which she runs Advanced Promotional Concepts, a St. Timothy Catholic Church, 17512 Lakeshore Road, Lutz,
national sales promotion agency. Pictured: (left) Proprietor Barbara Baker Over 100 vendors of beautiful hand-crafted and fine quality
and(right) a look at the eclecti general sore. products will be on hand Thechurch's choir will perform and
the boutique will als include a plant sale, bake sale, food,
USF's MBA Program Recognized Rivero Gordimer & Company raffle, and more.
The Executive MBA.program at the Univer- Rivero, Gordimer & Company, P.A., certi- Divorce Seminar
sity of South Florida is one of the country's fied public accountants, is pleased to an- The Centre for Women, 305 Hyde Park Ave., wil hod a
best programs of its kind for: Hispanics, ac- nounce the following promotions: Florida Separation andivorce Law Seminar on ednsda
cording to a ranking; publishcd in the latest Ada M. "Berasaluce, CPA 'as been pro- Florida Separation and Divorce Law Seminar on Wednesday,
issue of Hispanic Trends magazine. moted to the position of supervisor. Beras- Noember 22 from 1:30 3:30 p.m. The seminar will hevp
The program, at USF's College of Busi- aluce, a graduate of the University of South women find out what rights they have in their divorle. Those
ness Administration, is ranked No. 10 in the Florida, has been with the firm for six years in attendance can speak with attorneys specializing in fam-
United States on a list of the Top 25 Executive and specializes in individual and. corporate ily law who can assist them with their legalites. The seminar
MBA programs for Hispanics. The program taxation. has a suggested donation of $5. Reservations are required. To
MBA programs for Hispamecs. The program taxation. register, call the Oentre at 251-8437 from 1 4:30 p.m.
is in great company, ranking higher than James K. O'Connor, CPA has been promot- register, call the -entre at 251-8437 from 1 4:30 p.m.
Executive .MBA programs at the University of ed to the position of supervisor. O'Connor, a
Pennsylvania's prestigious Wharton School, graduate of Florida State University, has been ERI A i
Georgetown University, Purdue University with the firm for four years and specializes in
and UCLA. individual and corporate taxation.
Hispanic Trends based its "Dean's List" Kevin R. Bass, CPA has been promoted
ranking of Executive MBA programs on cri- to the position of manager. Bass, a graduate
teria includingjob placement; GMAC result5; of the University -of South Florida, has been
Hispanic and minority studenf enrollment with the firm for seven years and specializes
numbers; the proportion of students who in small business-and tax consulting.
hold the position of chairman, CEO or presi- Jonathan E. Stein, CPA has been promoted
dent; arid the average base salaries and work to the position of manager. Stein, a graduate
experience of new entrants. of the University of South Florida, has been *
According to Hispanic Trends, Hispan- with the firm for six years and specializes in
ics account for approximately 11 percent of audit and assurance services.
the 76 students in the 21-month weekend
program at USF, which was established in Sonya L. Toney, CPA has been promoted
1981. Estimated costs (tuition and fees) for to the position of manager. Toney, a graduate
the program are $34,000, and the average of Valdosta State University, has been with
age of new entrants is 38. the firm for eight years and specializes in
The Executive MBA program at USF has individual and corporate taxation.
been promoted to Hispanics through several Chrisopher F. Terrigino, CPA has been pro-
vehicles, including materials distributed to -moted to the position of manager. Terrigino,
the National Society of Hispanic MBAs a graduate of St. Bonaventure University,
(NHSMBA), an organization that-exists to has been with the firm for seven years and
foster Hispanic leadership specializes in audit and litigation support. .

Thank you far your vote of confidence and
support in electing me as your State
Representative for District 59.
I take this responsibiity seriously, and I will work
diligently to serve you and the state with honesty
and integrity to bring a positive change to our COMIENZA HOY! aCNC 0 ERN ,24 HOR, 14
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Political Advertisement Paid and Approved by Candidate Betty Reed Democrat. FL House Dis. 59.

Page 10/LA GACETA/Friday, November 10, 2006

needed solidarity, support
and resources. Germer sought
moral support while trying to
write her book and find a pub-
IE e lisher. At the time, Iorio wasO
".Hillsborough's supervisor of
by Andrea Brunais e -: elections. The ntworking she
provided was crucial. Germer
A tall male editor towered The Fawn Germer of today :. makes the point that sup-
over Fawn Germer when she has left that editor in the dust, port from family, friends and
was a journalist. He told her :having become :a best-selling, sympathetic associates will
she would never amount to author with her first book outweigh the negative energy of
anything more than she was Hard Won Wisdom, and a .a naysayers who inevitably crop
right then. "You will always be speaker who commands thou- up to discourage achieve ment.
a reporter," he said. sands-of-dollars-per-hour fees :-Predictably, how she overcame
to talk about her second book, : the naysayers is a big focus of
Mustang Sallies: Success Sei her talks.
SNVITAT ON crets of Women Who Refiuse to Germer's Mustang Sallies
TO BID :. .book, also aIs best-seller, tells
o Cmpetitive seale.d bids will be tRcollectio of women including
received by. the Southiwest Flor- REQUEST coiletin of wome incladi
ida Water Management District, fr me H -Pacikard CE
Brooksville, Florida, and publicly ORP ROPOSAL Carly Forina, Hllary Clin-
opened atthespecified time fo: Competitive sealed qualifications Tampa Mayor Pam lorio and best seiling author ton, Susan Sarandon, -Nadia
RFB 0617 o- BUILDING NO.2 will be received by th South- Favn Germer at an Ophelia Project luncheon. Comaneci and Enron whistle-
REMEDIATION & RENOVATION west Florida Water Management blower Sherron Watnkns. F:or
OF TAMPA SERVICE OFFICE Distrit, Brooksville Florida, and Run With the Herd. The former is hardly fair to this big-crowd mre abut the books pleae
OPENS DECEMBER 19, 2006 publicly opened at the specified Tampa Tribune writer and edi- speaker, her messages ae t see the Web site http: ww. -
@ 2:300PM.-MANDATORY :PR- time for: tor took a huge risk good to withhold.
BID ONFERENCE, NOVEM- RFP 002-07 AUTOMATIC p security of her She spent years i corporate Germer shared a number of
HBER 28 2006 @ 0:00 A.M.T METER READINGO (AMR) J- take the "rad less traveled" settings feeling like "a misfit" prciles with her adince
(SHARP.) AT THEDISTRICT'S PIL PROGRAM. .Responses ....cip r rih ae s q ..e .les with ie a todien" .
TAMPA SERVICE OFFICE, RED ad now traves thous snsing
MAPLE ROOM, 7601HIGHWAY arerequested to be submitted and nw traves thousands and sensg tat soeth inuding the ned for women
1 RT AMPA, 7 FLORIDAY by December 19, 2006 at 2:30 of air-miles each year sharng wasn't, quite rght" beforeishe to hep each other. Living out
33017-NO67. MDERS FLARIV- p.m. her stories. realized that agents of change; that goal, after the speech
ING LATE OR FAILING TO Specificationsmay beobtaine She spoke recently at the which mostwomen in hre are, Germer agrd to spend time
HAVE REPRESENTATION MAY for a fee from the District's Ophelia: Project luncheon in don'talways get the apprecia- with the first graders at the
NOT SUBMIT A BID. A MANDA- Internet website at http:i/www: Tampa, a group that runs a tion we deserve." school where my daughter,
TORY SITE TOUR WILL -BE watermatters.orl/procurement number f programs for girls She admitted from the get- Leila Jreisat, teaches (Lewis El-
CONDUCTED IMMEDIATELY or puOffchasedfrom thwest Purchaida including anti-bullying proj go that I'm a flawed individu- ementary)at the Nov 15 Great
TORY PRE-BID MEETING. Water Management District, 2379 ectsin schools and self-esteem al" ad acknowledged that her American Teach-In. Thanks
-Bd Documents, Specifications, Broad Street, Brooksville, FL sessions for teenage girls who speaking success origiates i advance to her and others
and Drawings may be obtained 34604-6899, o by calling 352- live in foster homes. (For more from her authenticity, flaws who agreed witout compaint:
for a. fee from .the Districit's. 796-7211, extension 4132, or 1- about the good work of this andall. Sheencouraged other Susan Hemmingway of the
Internet website at http://www. 800-423-1476 (Florida only) or group, see http://www.tam- women to embrace all parts of Tampa Tribune Cindy Kocher
watermatters.ori/procurement or .TDD ONLY 1-800-231-6103 "(in, themselves, referring to an in- of Northside Mental Health
purchased rom the Purchaing Floda) htm) terview she did with a woman Center, Captain Hal Gibson
MnOffice, Southest Florda Waer Repondents equDstintg pl While taking her words out fixated on a lisp that Germer (my husband) and coach Deb-
Management District, 2379 Broad ages through the District will, be of the context of.her stage did 't he
Street, Brooksville, FL 34604- charged copying and shipping/ of the context of her stage didn't hear until the woman bie Happy Cohen of http://
6899 or by calling 352-796-7211, handling costs in accordance presence and megawatt smile pointed it.out. "The most pro-
extension 4133, or 1-800-423- with District Policy 13-2 Admire- nounced thing to her was invis- Ifyou are not yet committed
1476 (Florida only) or TDD ONLY istrative Fees. i ible to me," Germer said. for that date, consider call-
.1-80021-6103 (in Florida). The District reservesthe right to She thnked Mayor Pam ing the schooi nearest you to
The District reserves the right to reject any or all responses re- lorio, who also said a few words volunteer to share your story
rect any or a ids/roosa ceivedwith or without cause. to the Ophelia crowd, for mak- with a new generation ready
Michele P. Jones, CPPB ing crucial introductions for to be inspired.
Malcolm K. Wilson, CPPO, MPA ContractsAdministrator a Germer right after she quit the Please send column ideas to
Purchasing Manager 11/10/061T 11/10/06 1T Tribune, a time when Germer ColumnByAndrea@

Tampa General' Hospital is proud to be the only
.hospital in Tampa Bay to be recognized with the
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'Survey results based on independent study conducted by National Research Corporation.

LA GACETA/Friday, November 10, 2006/Page 11

(Continued from page 1) Davis or any of the Democrats for
at the Marti-Maceo Club on 7th the Cabinet races. Davis won only
Avenue at Nick Nuccio Parkway. eight counties.
Refreshments will be served while The race for attorney general
light jazz is played. District 5 will be was slightly better for the Demo-
anopen seat due to Kevin White's crats, but it was still a loss. Re-
advancementto-the County Com- publican Bill McCollu receivedpyrightedMaterial
mission. 2,415,307 votes (52.5 percent) to.
S..***** Skip Campbell's 2,182,000 votes n
Here's a7 recap of the election (47.5 percent). Campbell won 16 Syndicated Content
and prediction performances. counties.
We made 65 predictions for 'The agriculture commissioner Available from Commercial News Providers
the Tuesday General Election. race was a blowout with Repub-

wrong on seven. That's a .900 57 percent of the vote. Democrat
percent batting average. Eric Copelandwon onlyfour coun-
-We expected the:Democrats to ties.i | .
take overthe U.S.Houseoand they lex Sink was the star of Flori-:
did by a largemargin. On Tuesday- da's Democrats. She won 35 coun-
morning, 232 House members ties with 2,453,315 votes (53.5:
were Republican and 203 were percent) to Tom Lee's 2,129,700
Democrats or independents vot- votes or 46.5 prcent. Sink wonri.
ing with the Democrats. By Tues- over hal the counties in the pan- but have new faces epresentig mantha War were invery clse
day night, 229 were Democrats handle. She won South Florida's them-MichaelScionti and Betty .races and guessed that Ward
and 196 were Republicans with big three -Miami-Dade, Broward Reed. would Win. Peacock did very well
10 House races in some stage f arid Palm Beach as did every The most interesting part of in South Tampa while Ward did
count or rcount and too clse to other Democrat, and shewon half these elections is that it is plain well with minorities. The unin-
call.: Florida. accounted for two of the I-4cordor, becomingthe only to see hat b ks and spanics corporated county tilted slightly
switched seats, as predicted. One Democrat besides Nelson to win did not sho up to vote. The two to Peacock, giving her the victory
was the Mark Foly seat taken any counties in Central Florida. minority districts, 58 and 59, with 118,822 votes (52 percent) to
over by Democrat Tim Mahoney: Her qualifications, family's had 23,000 and 20,000 votes in 111,589 votes (48 percent).
The other was Clay Shaw, who agricultural background and the House race. The same size Ashley Moody scored a victory,
was unexpectedly defeated by professional style won her many districts in suburban and white as predicted, against Gary Dolgin.
Democrat Ron Klein.' .adnirers and helped her defeat areas cast far more votes: district The margin was larger than most
-We predicted a 50/50 Senate or a very competent and personable- 56 -42,000, district 57 40,000 would have predicted. She re-
the GOP holding it by one vote. We Tom Lee, who has served the state and district 62 38,000. ceived 142,575 votes (60 percent)
were close but wrong. Democrats well as Senate president. County Commission to 93,822 votes (40 percent). She
and independents aligned with So why did Democrats fair so Our crystal ball worked well did exceptionally well in West
Democrats now hold the Senate 51 poorly statewide, especially in here.We had Rose Ferlita beating Tampa, East Tampa and Plant
to 49; A gain of six seats Rhode -Central Florida? The answer is Mary Mulhern. She did 38,415 City. Ashley Moody is the young-
Island, Pennsylvania, Virginia, turnout. The campaign style of votes to 27,173. est judge in Florida.
Ohio, Missouri and Montana. the Democrats at the top of the Kevin White trounced Ken An- School Board
Democrats made significant ticket- Bill Nelson and Jim Davis thony 28,908 votes to 13,757. We said April Griffin would
gains in governor's races as well. -focusedlittle on getout the vote Al Higginbotham pulled have a close victory over Ken Al-
Tuesdaymorning saw Republicans efforts. Davis has an excuse, he 47,840 votes over Lisa Rodriguez' len. Close it was. Griffin received
controlling 28 governor's mansions had no money. Nelson didnothave. 37,356. 119,857 votes to Ken Alle 's
and Democrats controlling 22. such an excuse. He was sitting on Mark Sharpe cruised to an easy 118,807, a differenceof 970 votes.
When.polls closed it had reversed. a huge war chest and still is. Why victory over Tomr Scott. Becaus it's so lose there will be a
Democrats took the executive posi- didn't he help all Democrats and In the Joe Redner/Jim Norman recount, but it's more of formal-
tion in 28 statesto-22 for the GOP. fund a strong get out the vote cam- race we wrote that it would, be a ity: No one thinks the ooutconm
States thatswitched are Massachu- paign? If he would have spent a strong showing for Redner if he will change.
setts, NewYork, Maryland, Ohio, few of his millions we might have got 40 percent. Well, Redner got Soil and Water Conservation
Arkansas and Colorado. won the Attorney General's office 109,862 40 percent. Nor- We thought thewoman, Tammy
This all amounted to a huge Win and maybe even governor. Nelson man wori with 151,286 votes or Harman, would win, but voters felt
for the Democrats. A take over of has been a poor leader of the state 54 percent but nmost would have the man, C. Doyle Carlton, would
the Senate, the House and gains Democratic Party. We hope Alex thought he'd have'performed do better with soil and water.
in state governors paves the way Sink will take up his slack and better. The third party candidate Temp TeleTerrace City Council
to the White House in 2008. provide leadership tothe party. Yamel Christina Arronte got a Voters had to choose three from
We predicted turnout to be. the State Senate disappointing 16,671 votes or 6 a list of six. -They chose the first
same or less than 2002. It was Locally, Democrats made a gain percent. three on the list. Coincidence? We
less. A really miserable showing. in our legislative delegation as Retention of Judges don't know. Alison McGillivray
Turn to your neighbor and know we predicted. Democrat Charlie Alljudges were retained as pre- Fernandez was the top vote get-
they likely did not vote. In 2002; Justice defeated Republican Kim dicted with yes vote ranging from ter, followed by-Mark Knapp and
55.3 percent showed up to vote Berfield in a close, 51 percent to 67 percent to 72 percent. Ken Holloway. We predicted Fer-
around the state. Tuesday's state 49 prcent race. Berfield handily Circuit Judges nandez, Knapp and Tozier would
totals look to be an embarrass- won the Hillsborough portion of Two we got right and two wrong. win. Two out of three ain't bad.
ing 47 percent. In 2002, 314,685 the district in South Tampa, but We thought women would dominate We came close to perfect, though
voters or 59.5 percent turned out the majority of the district is in at the bottom of the ballot. They Tozier was fourth.
in Hillsborough County. Tuesday, Pinellas County, which continues did well but fell far from dominat- Constitutional Amendments
287,043 cast their votes or 45.3 to lean to the Democrats. ing. We thought Elizabeth Hapner Shame on us for thinking vot-
percent. Where is our communi- Victor Crist easily won. would win but instead Bernie Sil- ers would be more discriminating
ty's patriotism? Ronda Storms defeated Ste- ver won in a tight race 126,013 in the vote. This is the state that
U.S. Senate phen Gorham in a close 52 per- votes or 53 percent to Hapner's voted to ban furrowing stalls for
We predicted a Bill Nelson cent to 48 percent race. Gorham 113,892 votes or 47 percent. swine in our constitution.All six
win and wrote, "Will Nelson did best around Plant City and Silver did exceptionally well amendments passed with a large
completely routher by getting 60 in East Brandon. A year ago, no in South Tampa, Sun City and margin. We predicted that #1 and
percent? We think so." Nelson got one would have guessed that a upscale neighborhoods in north #3 would fail.
60 percent. Democrat would do so well against Hillsborough County. Hapner County Straw Ballot
Congress Storms. Well, the voters have spo- won blacks, Hispanics and middle Voters passed a nonbinding
Districts 9, 11 and 12 were easy ken and Storms can now rain on and lower income neighborhoods. measure that sexually oriented
to predict. Democrat Kathy Castor the Senate. If turnout had been higher, the businesses should be regulated
and Republican Adam Putnam fell DemocratArthenia Joyner beat results of this election would have to the fullest extent of the law by
just shyof 70 percent of the vote. her write-in candidate 37,082 changed. 58 percent.
Republican Gus Bilirakis defeated votes to 623. Kimberly Fernandez, as pre- Who cares? It's not binding and
Phyllis Busansky with a mar- State House dicted, won against Paul Jeske we don't think the mayor is going
gin that was greater than most We predicted all these correctly, 127,046 votes (52 percent) to to pull police off the streets to sit
Democrats would have hoped- 56 Incumbent Republicans Kevin 115,133 votes (48 percent). Fer- in nudie bars all week to gather
percent to 44 percent. Ambler, Trey Traviesa, Faye Culp, nandez was a strong winner in evidence that the six foot rule is
Governor and Cabinet Ed Homan and Richard Glorioso the city while Jeske performed being violated.
There were no surprises here. will return to the House. better in the unincorporated parts *****
Charlie Crist won with 2,495,153 Freshman Republican Seth of the county, except for south Marvin Knight thinks fish and
votes (52.2 percent) to Jim Davis Mc-Keel and Will Weatherford county, Town N' Country and east politics smell the same like suc-
2,153,800 votes (45.1 percent). willjointhem.The twoseatsheldlo- Brandon. cess. Read about Mr. Knight in
Hillsborough County didn't go for cally by Democrats were retained We felt Emily Peacock and Sa- this week's Silhouettes.

Page 12/LA GACETA/Friday, November 10, 2006

Chancey Design Breaks Ground on New Ybor City Office
Chancey Design (formerlyWalton H. Chancey and
AssociatesArchitects P.A. and SandraB. Chancey
Interior Design, Inc) broke ground on their new
Ybor City office building at 1228 East Seventh
Avenue on Thursday, October 12. The four-story,
S19,ooo square-foot building is scheduled for
completion in early 2008. Chancey Design is both -
the developer and architect and J.O. DeLotto &
Sons, Inc. is constructing the building. The new
building will house up to 60 employees and will
boast a sky light ol the top floor, large windows,
first floor parking, balconies on both the second
and third floors, andparking on the ground floor.
Chancey Design is afull service design and devel-
opment firm, offering interior design, construc-
tion administrators, architecture, and support
stafffor allprojects, residenitial, commercial and
al healthcare related. Chancety Design is currently
located at 186o Republica de Cuba. Pictured: An
artists rendition of the completed new bulding.

LA`-T Historic Tour
TheNinth Annual St. Petersburg Historic ld Northeast
Candlelight Tour of Homes will be held on Sunday, December
10 fro 3 -8 p.m. This tour allows visitors a rare glimpse inside
Ssone of this community's loveliest homes decked out in their
holiday finest. This year's tur will feature eight: homes, includ-
La Gaceta is seeking a a time o eeing a charmingly renovated cottage, renovated Florida bunga-
La Gaceta is seekng part timeclerk to hep process lows, a modern townhom e in a 1920s Spanish-style apartment
building, and a rominent landmark hore. Ticket sales are $15
and bil legal advertisements. Two to three dadv ce and 2 oy. Prceeds benefit bot neigbor-
hweek ood imnprov ent and two local chaties. For ticket informa-
week for 10 dto 20 hours. t ion, call (727) 895-4443.

Cal1 248-3921 and ask for Patrick if you are interested. Farm CityFestival
H illsborough County and thelocal Farm Bureau are teaming
up to present tihe Farm-City Festival on Tuesday, November 14
from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Joe Chillura Courthouse
Square, across the street from County Center in the 600 block
of Kennedy Boulevard in downtown Tampa.
The free event is being held in conjunction with National
Farm-City Week, designated every year as the seven days
leading up to and including Thanksgiving Day. In addition to
samples of local farm products; visitors can "milk" a mechani-
Scal cow, make butter and learn more about the county's $724
YEARS m illion agSiculture industry. There will also be a variety of fresh
desi-g... produce, made-to-order omelets, and fresh-squeezed orange
1 9 5 6 2 0 0 6 juice on hand for residents to sample, all for free.

Big Ideas. Big Opportunities. Volunteers Needed
The University of South Florida is one of Ameica's leading national research institutions and the fifteerith largest The Cf T a By is s g vs
university in the nation with campuses throughout the Greater Tampa Bay region. We offer a competitive benefits prov Te Crisis Center of Tanpa Bay is seeking volunteers to
provide crisis counseling on their 24 hour crisis hotline. The
package that includes medical, dental and life insurance plans, retirement plan options, tuition program, generous leave Crisis Center provides a safe place to call when life hurts. Day,
programs, career advancement and moe evening, and weekend shifts are available. No experience is
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, SECOND LANGUAGE STUDIES #3284, Secondary Education-College of necessary; training will be provided. For more information,
Education. Teach graduate level courses in the field of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) and conduct research in please call 969-4991.
the field of SLA; actively participate in the leadership of the Ph.D. program in Second Language Acquisition and
Instructional Technology (SLAIT); teach ESOL Endorsement courses for elementary and secondary pre-service
teachers; teach foreign language education courses; supervise intems; engage in the professional affairs of organizations LAW OFFICES (8 13) 653-2500
appropriate to the field; advise students; network with schools and districts; participate in program management, and CURRY & ASSOCIATES, RA. Fax (813) 689-0242
govemance in the department, college, and university.
Education. Major responsibilities include teaching both traditional and on-line undergraduate and graduate courses
dealing with instructional design, development and research as applied to PK-12 education; to advise and mentor .CLIFTON C CURRY, R.
graduate students; to conduct program of scholarly research; to actively pursue external funding; and to perform ATTORNEY AT LAW
service to the university, the community, and die profession. ATTAT
INTEGRATION TECHNICIAN #WUJSF06-18, IntellisMedia. IntellisMedia, a division of WUSF is a dynamic
design and integation group in the Central and Southeast Florida Region. We are seeking a dedicated, loyal and diligent
worker who is very responsible and detail oiented. The ideal candidate will have a broad skills set that has been ONE OF BRANDON'S LaVIVA PROFESSIONAL CENTER
acquired through years of work in the field. This is a full-time position with benefits eligibility. Position located in OLDEST & LARGEST FULL 750 WEST LUMSDEN ROAD
downtown Tampa. REQUIRES. proficiency with hand and power tools, the ability to read blueprints and wire AVracks, SERVICE LAW FIRMS BRANDON. FLORIDA 3351
advanced prewire skills in new construction and post-construction, and excellent understanding of distributed audio
/video broadcast systems, trim out ability, CATV/DSS distribution systems, punch down andnetwork
distribution systems, in-wall speakers, volume controls, and other audio system devices. Excellent crimping and
soldering abilities. Must be able to work a flexible schedule including periodic overtime; have own tools and
transportation. Good communication skills and overall professionalism are a must Must be organized and able to work
on several projects concurrently. PREFER basic PC skills, experence in rack fabrication, on-site integration, testing,
operation,and troubleshooting, understanding of network and TCP/IP integration. Knowledge of high definition
telecomm, facility construction, poWer and HVAC are a plus. Apply to Lisa Clementi, TVB 100 or
MEMBER SERVICES REPRESENTATIVE #WUSFO6-19, Member Services. The Member Services Department
of WUSF Publi Broadcasting seeks a dynamic individual to run daily/montly processes accurately and timely, assist la Bu
in periodic fundraising campaigns, perforin data entry and maintain all member services supplies. Must be highy Vit usat the Business T ur
motivated, detail oriented and possess a high level of customer service skills. Must also be a tam player who can work
in afast-paced environment. Will work periodic overime. REQUIRES: HS diploma or equivalentand 1-2 years office storic Harbor Club
exp. Must have working knowledge of Word, Excel, Outlook, Internet Explorer and exp. with a relational database.
PREFER associates degree. Apply to Lisa Clementi, TVB 100 or 91 5 East Grant Street
PROGRAM ASSISTANT #0993, Research Foundation. The primary purpose of this position is to assist the Tampa, FL 33604
USF Research -Foundatin in providing university wide Fmancial services to private contracts and grants,
pharmaceutical studies and research divisions, by supporting the organization with a wide variety of accounting Decem ber 2, 2006
and administrative services.
MAINTENANCE MECHANIC #3982, Operations & Maintenance of Facilities, USF St. Petersburg. We Provide:
REQUIRES: HS diploma and 4yrs maintenance & mechanical related exp to include repairs to electrical & plumbing b
systems, buildings & structures. Valid Florida Driver's License and Criminal Background Check. Ability to lift & move :' Complete ln-home Service
.50 lbs. or more. Usage knowledge of all maintenance tools. PREFER: HVAC exp. Annual salary range: $21,151-
$23,189. Hours: Fri., Sat, Sun., Mon. 11:00pm-9:30am (occasional non-shift hours & holidays required). Apply by Lrgest Selection
11/17 to OMF, USF St. Petersburg, 140 Seventh Ave. S. (POR 102), St. Petersburg, FL 33701 or ADA accommodations call (727) 873-4135. Handling ofAll Insurance
Be a partof a dynamic diverse environment that generates bold ideas and creative solutions. Join us to make a difference. I Paperwork For You
For additional information regarding these positions, candidates should visit: or call the Job
Line at (813) 974-2879. FOr shoe appointments,
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UNIVERISITY OF RSVP for Business Tour by calling


LA GACETA/Friday, November 10, 2006/Page 13

believe in what they will do for of a vote."
S.. the community, do all Knight still remembers when
TTE..U.. L" you can to help the candidate he was a young boy working
Sget elected. hard just to 'help. his large
"But before you know if a family get by, his pastor asked
S i candidate is right, you need him what he wanted out of life.
S ul Guzzo to meet that candidate. Know Knight said he simply replied,
.. their goals and their platform. "To:make adifference.":
"" Don't just go out there and A short time later his jour-
There are plenty of people The youngest of nine chil- and so on, and because-these vote for a candidate for no good n ey begn .. and it beganin a
who say politicins and fish dren, Knight was working to families didso much for can- reason. T.ome, that's a waste fish market, of allplaces.
are a lot alike-they both stink help support the family by the didates, the candidates were
and they're both ottn. time he was 8 or 9 years old always visiting them at their
Don't say that to Marvin picking oranges, collecting fish markets. They'd talk about
Knight, though. To him, the ice, loding trucks theissues and why they believe
only thing politicians and fish "I wasn't raised in a rich they can help the community.
smell like is suc- t gave me an op-
cess. The owner portuity to leam
of Oriental Fish Marin Knifight howto rfeadcarn- -
Company, located didates, figure
on 15th Street on out if they really
the boundaries want to do gd
of Ybor City and. for the commu-
East Tampa, the nity or if they're
front of his store- just in it for the
front is lined with paycheck. h w i A
atins of fish, and "My first year
the back is lined at Mirabellas I
with politicians was put ing up
- every inch of his -signs for candi-
back wall is filed dates and going.
with pictures of to political ral-
those politicians, lies: I wanted t0o
Swho Knight has be part of the urihte ter
helped t g t political process.
eleted. The mon- I wanted to be pig t MA
ey the fie th:e -Mira-
ey the fishbring be llaso Scnts Syndicated C0nten
has rovided hi eas, cinti Syndicated Content

wiith a home, aliti wantel t mke Available from Commercial News Providers"
cians have pro- a difference."
vided him with Knight and
a better commu- Mike Scionti,
Snity. Sr. became close
"I was taught and as Scionti's
at an early age name recogni-
if you're going tion grew in po- e
to work and u le litical circles, so
in a community, did Knight's. In o
you better help to support of can-
improve it," said -didates, the two
Knight. "I was raised to believe if you really believe in a -would partner
SKnight will- candidate, heart and soul, and really believe in up and hit the .
sponsor a fish fry what they will do for the commnity, thenyou streets, visiting c
to benefit candi- i nityevery community 10
dates, drive vot- do all you can to help the candidate get elected." et town. t
ers to the polls "Scionti just
to vote, introduce candidates family," said Knight. "We all, inspired people," said Knight of
around the neighborhood, tell had to work to provide. If some- his deceased friend. "Together,
everyone he meets in town. to one had .a job for me, I would there was no one we couldn't
vote for a certain candidate, take it." reach. He'd take me into the
put up signs, bring a crowd to When Knight was 14 his white communities and ev-
a rally, hand out literature and family moved nearby the Mi- eryone would treat me with
do whatever else is necessary rabella Fish Market. Soon af- respect. I'd take him into the
to .put a politician into office. ter, Knight was sweeping and African American communities HILLSBOROUGHCOUNTY AVIATION AUTHORITY
The pictures on his wall are mopping their floors during his and they'd all treat him with RE UFOR P
a who's who of Tampa politi- summer vacation. At first, the respect. Together we'd visit the EST FOR PROPOSALS
cians, both past .and present Mirabella failily was against Hispanic communities and talk INSURANCE BROKER SERVICES
Dick Greco, Jan Platt, Mi- hiring such a young boy, but about the candidates we sup-
chael Scionti Jr., Kevin White, they gave him an opportunity ported. We were a team and The Authority is seeking qualified firms or individuals desiring
Mark Ober, David Gee, Gwen and when they saw what a gelled together right." to be considered for this project. The RFP documents will be
and Les Miller and Arthenia tremendous work ethic he pos- The now 45 year old Knight available on the Authority's website November 6, 2006, at
Joyner, just to name a few sessed they never let him go. has spent 31 years in both; Airport Business, RFP/RFQ. For ques-
"I can't even begin to name As the years went by, the politics and the fish market, tions regarding the RFP contact Connie Mundzak at 813-801-6040.
all the-candidates I introduced Mirabellas taught Knight ev- and he said both have changed
around the community," he erything there was to know in the exact same way. HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY AVIATION AUTHORITY
said. "I helped give them name about the fish industry. In "They're both more expen- By: /s/Louis E. Miller
and face recognition in areas 1988 they offered him a part- sive,"-said Knight. Louis E. Miller, Executive Director
they normally wouldn't." nership in their fish market "It's just too expensive to 11110/06 1T
Each election, candidates on 15th Street and eight years run for office now, which I
visit his fish market and ask later they sold it to him out- think keeps the good people
for his support. He buys into right. away. I really wish there was a
their philosophies and believes "Outside of my parents, the limit on the amount of money
they are sincere, he will rally Mirabellas are the people I will a politician could spend. If you
the community around the always look up to the most,"' can't tell the public how you
candidates and doing all he said Knight. "They provided me want to help the community, t t
can to make them household with the opportunity to run my how you're going to do it and,
names. In short, when Knight own business." why you're the best candidate
supports a candidate, the com- Even more important to for the job without spending
munity listens. Knight, though, they provided tons of money, then I don't
"I think people trust my him with the opportunity to thinkyou're the bestcandidate ~ I'O
opinion because they know make a difference in his com- for the job."
when I support candidates I munity. Knight said he sees a lot '
support them because of what The Mirabellas were always of positive changes in the f,kas were always of positive changes in the fu-
they will do for the community, politically active, donating ture for local politics. He said
not what they will do for me," their time and money to cam- while local politics were once
explained Knight. "I never ask paigns. When work was slow run by special interest gi-oups. '
for anything for myself from at the fish market, the Mira- giving money to candidates
the candidates. All I ask is bellas would send Knight to who promise to support their
you do what is best for the the Agliano's Fish Market on causes, he now sees a fresh
community and one day you Seventh Avenue in Ybor City to crop of young.energetic politi-
help someone' else along the earn extra money. Like the Mi- cians arriving who care more
way reach their dreams. That rabellas, the Aglianos were also about the community than Po
is how I was taught the world very politically active. On top of lining their pockets. E
should operate." the example these two families "People like Mike Scion- JEW LE
Knight was taught these set for Knight, the Mirabellas' ti's son, Frank Sanchez, Bob JewelryandWatchRepair
lessons by Tampa's old school cousin, the late-Mike Scionti, Buckhorn and Jim Davis, just
political supporters the Sci- Sr., who went on to became to name a few," said Knight. Giuseppe Minisccaco
ontis, Mirabellas and Aglianos. chairman of the Hillsborough "They may not win every elec- Owner
He is one of their protges, a County Democratic Party, was tion, but I know they'll keep 1525 S. Da(e i a6r1 3fwvr
blue collar kid who was intro- a regular visitor to both fish fighting to make this com-
duced to them through the fish markets. munity a better place, if not .T cmampc, ,E1 33629
industryand whosededication "So politics was spoken from elected office, then on Justsoutfi of Neptune -
and work ethic was rewarded about all day," said Knight. "I their own.
with an opportunity to become heard about all thecandidates, "I was raised to believe ifyou P-i: 813-253-3058
his own boss and a powerful who was best for the job, what really believe in a candidate,
voice in the community. they can do for the community, heart and soul, and really

Page 14/LA GACETA/Friday, November 10, 2006

.. -During the week, the art gal- Vendors selling cigars and
*'xmHyT e flery will be open with more sp- related items- :
-fl A ANI cial events, includinga "Lunch Food vendors from some of
W0 a> I. i with the Artists" on Saturday Tampa's bestrestaurats
S : Id r afternoon and a "Nation of Po:--; :. gar ilng demonstra-
S: etry"on Thursday evening with tions -
B -^au c Uzz, T 1 severallive bands closing out Live entertainment stage
ythe event onFriday, November with cultural dancers and
17. Peple are encouraged to bands "
Ybor Rotarv n rs Fo ng M em ber visit the gallery throughout *.Ybor City theater prfor-
the week -. mances
A portion of the proceeds Charity Beer Garden with
will be donated to the boys and proceeds benefiting the Ybor
girls at The Children's Home.- City Museum Society _
For more information, visit Domino playing and games
www galacorina org. for children -
Harley Nights Tours of the Ybor City
fe Museum'
The Krewe of Alegria willoing de ntrtin
holds is annual fundraiser, Cooking demonstration
Harley Nights,: on Friday No- And the rolling of the
vember10 frm 7 11 p.. world's largest cigar.
at Gaspar's Grotto, 1805 E Ybor City Fresh Market ith
provids es shos for underprivi- and nov ltyvend
proedcildren m the Ta a The 2006 Cigar Heritage
leged children in he Tampa Fstival is fe ae commuiity
Bay community.
SThe event will feture a buf- festival with a suggested ad-
fet, a Best Motorcycle Cntesta mission donation that benefits

silent and live auctions; and a Tickets toa-the- ViP Experi-
S50/50 raffle per ence maybe purchased at the
Admission is $25 per per- or
son. For tickets, call 892-9554,i or vendor or sponsorship
: Iemail alegriaharley2006@ya- information p leae cali Tim
.,--. l :independent filmssEvent Makers 2orp. aI
The Rotary Club of Ybor City ionoed Manuel Lopez, their last remaining hoo com or visit www.kreweo- o353S a-8072o.
founding member, on Wednesday, October-25 at theColumbia Restaurant. falevIa.ico Tickets wll also
club bythe Havan Ybtorr Clb The Ybor City Senior Citi-
Severalguestspeakersspokeabout Lopez, who was then presen8edtNi"t Ae. The Ysbor City Senior Citi-
bottle of Brandy that was given to th Havana Rotary Club i1952. Tampa Fim Review zens will hod their next lun-
Pictured: The Manuel Lopez' family at th celebration (bak row) Joe Lopez, The next Tampa Film Review, cheon Monday November
presete ad b 1 Denys Fi omrs l n MondayNovember
*tT.rr Frez I&0siented by:tio waY il b s, nfil 27th at sam Seltzers on N.
Justin Lopez, Lida Lpez ennisLopez, May Franis Prez, Terry Lopez, be heldo y Noembes 27th at Sam Seters on Ne
Francesca Perez, ManuelLopez Jr., Naney Lopez, (front row) Christian Perez, 10 from 8-0 pm. at nterna eta 5 1 forreser-
John Perez, Dennis Lopez Jr., Alex Lopez, and (very front) Dylan Lopez. tional Bazaar, located at 1600 vations.
E. Eighth Ave. in the Centro
Events Gala Coria; a non-profit 10 through Friday, November Ybor Complex. Tampa Film Vendors Needed
If you have any events you collective of local creative tal- 17 in the warehouse turned Reviews isa monthly showcase The Ybor City Fresh Market
would like to announce i ent that has been gathering art gallery at the law firm of of local indpendent films and is looking for new vendors
this column, please cal Paul since1999 to promotearts in Sponsler, Bennett, Jacobs & is held very second Friday of and fundraising groups. Ap-
Guzzo at 248-3921 or fax Tampa Bay, will host Espe- Cristal, P.A., located at 1925 the month and is free. propriate vendors will include
themt ranza, an exhibit featuring E. Second Avenue, with an Day Films feels that there produce, deli items, seafood,
a or a over 100 local artists, that will opening night reception from are very few, if any, regular cheeses, baked goods, plants,
GalaCorina run from Friday, November 6:30 p.m.,to 1 a.m. outlets in the local area for flowers, and arts and rafts.
local independent filmmak- The Ybor City Fresh Market
ers to showcase their films. is open every Saturday from
Hopefully, this monthly event 9 a.m.n to 3 p._m. in Centen-
will provide that outlet for nial Park in Ybor City. For
A t I O m e or at w o rk ,... everyone, from experienced more information, call Lynn
o. local independent filmmakers Schultz at 241-2442 or email
to local college and high school
filmmakers experimenting with
film production for the first Museum Volunteers
time. 1 Day Films promises The Ybor City Museum
your film will be shown! Society is looking for more vol-
Tampa Film Review was unteers to help with the daily
awarded a 2005 Best of the duties at the museum, such as
Bay Award for BEST REASONS providing tours of the museum
TO BELIEVE THE LOCAL FILM and La Casita,' staffing the
SCENE IS ALIVE AND WELL. museum store, participating in
1 Day Films is looking for yearly fundraising and exhibi-
film submissions for future tion receptions, cataloguing
events. For more info email the society's artifacts, provid- or paul- ing administrative support, All genres and joining the various Board
of films are accepted feature of Director committees. If you
length, shorts, documentaries, are a local resident or a sea-
comedy, horror, love, art, dra- sonal visitor with an interest
ma, foreign language,- experi- in Ybor City and would like
mental etc. No pornography! to volunteer call 961-2365.
Visit www.thetampafilmre- Holiday Fiesta for more. The Ybor City Fresh Market
Cigar Smoker presents .Holiday Fiesta on
Cigar City Magazine and Saturday and Sunday, No-
Tampa Sweethearts Cigar vember 25 and 26, from 9 a.m.
Company will host Cigars & to 5 p.m. in Centennial Park.
Stars II on Friday, November 17 The event will include holiday
TOTALLY FREE* BUSINESS PREMIUM from 6:30 10:30 p.m. in the demonstrations, live entertain-
MONEY MARKET Ybor City Museum State Park ment,, arts & crafts, fine art,
CHECKING MONEY MARKET Garden, 1818 East Ninth Ave. children's activities and more.
This event will include cigars For more information, visit
SUnlimited check writing exclusively offered by Arturo WWW'cc-events.rg.
e Fuente Jr., gourmet food, an Acting Class
SUrilimited Fifth Third ATM transactions APY* open bar, live entertairiment, Actor Joe Lala teaches an
No annual fee n credit/ebit cards BALANCE APY celebrity .guests and a silent Actor's Workshop on Mondays
No 5nuaee on credit/debit cards 000 and above 5.00% auction. Tickets are $100 per and Wednesdays at the Italian
$10,000 to $49,999 4.00% person and proceeds from the Club in Ybor City. Each ses-
SFree Internet Banking & Bill Payment $Oto $9,999 1.00% silent auction will benefit the sion costs $30 and the class
Ybor City Museum Society. is limited to 32 students: Joe
Open a Totally Free Business checking account with Free Internet Banking Tickets can be purchased by Lala is best known for provid-
& Bill Payment or a Business Premium Money Market with our everyday calling 875-4929 or online at ing voice over work in such
great rates. At home or at work, your success is our success. hit cartoon series as Batman,
Jimmy Neutron, Superman,
Cigar Festival and American Family. He has
Join thousands of cigar en- also been seen in Miami Vice
fth Th rd Bank thusiasts at the Eighth Annual and Seinfeld. To reserve a spot,
Cigar Heritage Festival on Sat- call 876-0329.
WorkingHard To Bec Only Bank You'll Evr ed urday, November 18 for a day
of activities celebrating the rich Dominoes Games
WALK IN any of our Tampa Bay Financial Centers cigar heritage that once made The Centro Asturiano de
Ybor City the "Cigar Capital of Tampa, 1913 N. Nebraska
CALL (813) 306-2512 or (727) 298-1291 VISIT the World". The festivalwillbe Ave., invites members of the
from 10 am to 6 pm in Ybor public to visit their social
*Customer purchases checks. Minimum $50 deposit to open account. Accounts closed within six months of opening will City's Centennial Park, on East club for dominoes games or

be charged $25. **Account available upon qualification. Annual Percentage Yield (APY) accurate as of 11/10/06. Closed 9th Avenue, between North to tour the beautiful building.
accounts will be charged a $50 fee. Offers apply to accounts opened with funds not already on deposit with Fifth Third. 18th and North 19th Streets. Call 229-2214 or visit www.
Returned checks and overdraft fees apply to all accounts with check access. Fifth Third and Fifth Third Bank are registered The 2006 Festival will in- for more
service marks of Fifth,Third Bancorp. Member FDIC. clude: information.
LA GACETA/Friday, November 10, 2006/Page 15

This beautifui 2005, 2
Outdoor Nave your bed, 2.5 bath home
cm af or sh features many upgrades.
Sportsm aniiM -s.. afei ,r IFrom the first floor tile,
Rtfeatured in wrought :ron handrail
ReporBy Richard Muga G t to a 2" blind package.
Alt( back -up to6 aa
It is again that magical fore me i a flurry.Thevibrant conservation area. Owner wi[ help with
time of the year when we find red cardinals are indubitably "svi a tea1 W 1o 7 7
ourselves overlooking a quiet. the royalty of the flutterig C cosing cost. Cal Stephen @ 813-766-9878
green field waiting for game bnch that feeds on the seeds
animals to appear. The antici- and insects around the field.
pation-of a definite viewof.the It is a joyous spectacle. Even
inhabitants of forest always the less colorful females with
causes the sunrise to appear the brownish and red hues
to move slowly. Eventually the add their special touch to the
ghostly shadows of dawn begin splendorous display on the for-
to transform into real objects est floor. These are the collat-
as the last veils of darkness eral rewards hunters enjoy.
fade. From the distant corner
It is cool in the coastal re- of the field two deer appear.
gins of North Central Florida. Their ears twist and turn in
The damp woods where we are that inimitable fashion as they .
hunting near the coastal village scan the world for unfriendly
of Steinhatchee embrace the sounds. Their bodies are still
early chill firmly beyond the covered with the reddish coat
rintroductory warmth of the of summer although sorme of 10
sun's rays. Een in my elevated the winter fur is beginning to
enclosed stand, t is 42degrees show. The doe and her year- .
Fahrenhleit and the winter ling proceed to feed on the a '"I
* jacket bcomes a welcomed greenery and other food on
ally. As the sun heats the dew the field. Thenthey are joined 4
on the grass and the water on by two other does and a small Be
th ditches surrounding the buck. They remain in the field
field, a smoky haze rises into unmolested, until they decide 0
- the air. We are blessed with to continue into the forest. 0cOMM
the arrival of another hunting My hunt has already been a
season. success. -.
We are enjoying the first One of the other hunters has
day of muzzleloader season in similarluck. One larger buck.
the company of Doctor Robert and a doe pass his stand and
Oliva and old hunting buddy he also forgoes a shot to enjoy
Ron Bilar. We've driven north. their transitory company.
from Tampa the previous eve- On the last afternoon of our
ning only to be met by a driv- visit several large gobblers feed
ing rain that began pelting us casually toward the stand. One
arund the vicinity of Ocala. handsome specimen sporting a
In contrast, this morning is a large beard that has come close
glorious fall display of nature's enough is quicklyharvested for
exquisite splendor. our next wild game feast.
The small movements on the The hunting experience is
field before me soon material- a date with the bounties of
ize into a multitude of small nature. Most times we are re-
birds fluttering about as they warded with the extraordinary
pursued their chores. Mourn- spectacles of nature without
ing doves, turtle doves, finches even firing a shot. Other times
and the dominant and most we also receive a bonus. t CO NTIN UED CO MM ITM[ E NT
majestic cardinals cavort be- BE A GOOD SPORT!
Pulitic d dvert iing paid f(r and appr ved by Kuein Kr ite candidae lor Hillsborough County Cumiission. District 3 Democrat
ji, b *J, jo %&0_ v Q.O y -J-0 NJ jOse, l -, ,s 7---~ -Jum '_ I ,

Remember that little, epi- sternly when they yell some- in r
sode that occurred tw years thing that is highly offensive
ago in Detroit during a basket- and degrading. It isn't only the m
ball game between the Pistons players who are being insulted \I
and Pacers? The NBA sure by these rude people, but also 7iZ
remembers it. It's hard to for- the other fans in the arena who
get the scene of Indiana's Ron have come to enjoy a sporting
Artest going into the stands to event and don't wartt to have tocil eting
.confront aman who threw a listen to such foul language. cal Meeti
beverage at him and then the When Ron Artest did some- t
melee that ensued afterwards. thing extremely wrong by run- *
This incident was a disgrace, ning into the stands, the NBA A resentation on Transit
not just for pro basketball, laid down the law hard by ZM 7
but or all ofsports. No sport suspending Artest for the the Future f Hillborough
ever wants to see such an ugly entire basketball season. The
event take place. It's no sur- league forced Artest to be held
prise that the NBA is taking accountable; the same must be Did you know that of the 20 largest
extra precautions to keep an done with out-of-control fans metropolitan areas in the country, only 7
embarrassment like this from who think they have the right Tampa and Detroit are without a rail #
happening again. to curse and insult whoever transit systemwithout arail
Recently, at a preseason they please. It is one thing to transit system?
game between the Orlando heckle a player from an oppos- The Hillsborough County City-County Plan- -7
Magic and Houston Rockets, ing team; it is quite another ning Commission will hear presentations on $,r
a Magic season-ticket holder to get personal and downright the ptential for rail transit in Hillsborough
allegedly called Rockets center cruel with certain comments. te T a soroug
Dikembe Mutombo a "mon- The NBA and the Magic did County and the Tampa Bay region. Planning \L-
key." Mutombo who is Af- the right thing by suspending Commission staff will present findings on the
rican-American was visibly this particular fan for the sea- feasibility of rail transit and make recommen-
upset by this fan's comment son. These actions taken will dations about transit.
and yelled back angrily at the certainly make the fan more a. a
man in the stands. In response aware of what he says at future The public is invited to attend
to this incident, the Magic and sporting events, and hopefully the spc
the NBA have barred the fan, it will send a message to other
HoomanHamzehlooui, fromat- potential troublemaking fans November 20, 2006, 5:30 PMK
tending not only Orlando Magic out there. Sports should be
games, but all NBA games at fun for all involved players, I_ Fredrick B. Karl County Center
any NBA arena for the entire coaches and fans. It's just not 601 E. Kennedy Bvd., 18t Floor
2006-2007 season. Too harsh right when some unruly in- 601 E Kennedy Blvd., 18 Floor
a penalty one might ask? The dividuals ruin it for everyone M _
answer is absolutely not. else. "
I believe other sports should I The Special Meeting will also be broadcast live on cable channel HTV22.
take the same approach as the You can listen to Jason Ales- e
NBA when it comes to fans si talk sports with Tampa Bay All meeting facilities are accessible in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
crossing the line. Obviously Lightning, Orlando Magic, and l- Any additional necessary accommodations will be provided with a 48-hour notice. Please i
if a fan throws something or USF Bulls arena announcer contact Tony LaColla, Public Participation Coordinator at (813) 272-5940 for more informa-
runs onto the court or field, Paul Porter on The Home Team t-ion.4
they are dealt with sternly. But every Saturdayfrom 1 a.m. to ,. I I $ j I l I > l I I j _i jI
fans shou also be dealtwith noon, nowon47AMESPN. 4I I 4% 4% '% l% 4 % 1410 4 I 4 I 4%
Page 16/LA GACETA/Friday, November 10, 2006


... .. .

e o"

*Julia Jones andOluAdetutuhavebeen dreainmng ofthechickenserved atYbor's
Sauthnticsoulod restaurant, Soul 4 Real, tedat 22E.SeventhAve.

"Copyrighted Material _

__ Alb LtSyndicated Content .served El Put Ah
'' Available from Commercial News Providers" a

e e -* *1
t* *.i cen.. a l m e Ls_ ,. :c
u -
u e

5 E Bruce Williams, Mike Camacci, Frank Ryon and Javier Rivera love the au-
Si thentic Latin cuisine served El Puerto Argentinean Grill on Fifth Avenue.

e Fax ( 1 988-290 S~ (9 7 A r e a A Am e
Mo* q rue idy,
5104 E. Foer Ave. 04 E. Meoril lvd.
* a.

Feluccini (hke Veol Parmigia Serving lunch 2 a 7
: Monday thru Fida., a',

Tampa, Florida Lakeland, Florida D

SOnl Drive Thru Window on

aea r 7th Avenue in F or City

LA GACETA/Friday, November 10, 2006/Page f7


Alice and Randy Chaney enjoythe fresh bread served at the Valencia Gardn,
located on W. Kennedy Blvd.

Kim Myall and Desiree Simms get together at
Fatso's Billiards on East Busch Boulevard.

A.J. Harber and Juan Avilez munch on their Cuban sandwiches at La Tropi-
cana Restaurant on Seventh Avenue in Ybor City.

;The Costantino family has
been doing business in
Ybor City since 1906"

Ron and Kathryn Kelly relax with a beer and a
smoke at the Tapper Pub in the Britton Plaza. 2202 E. 7th Avenue
2202Tampa, FL 33605
E Hours: Tues. Thurs. 11 a.m. 6 p.m.
Fri. & Sat. 12:30 p.m. 10 p.m. (813) 248-6590
FRAN COSTANTINO Sun. 12 m. -6 .m.
2216 4TH AVE. E. i with purchase of our world famous
re .FREE CHEESE During Cocktail Hour
PHONE: 813 241-6767 5-7 p.m. (Serve Yourself) Food Served Till 2
FAX: 813-241-6868
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Page 18/LA GACETA/Friday, November 10, 2006

OPERATORS M. ..-R CIVIL SERVICE New Pay Package! Excel- LL O O
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Call 800-889-8139 Izik 305-893-5613 DRIVER/CUSTODIAN- .. 800-745-7290
$15,433 The College seeks to fill the
ENGINEERING SPECIALISTI *Senior Staff Assistant posi-
SENGINEERINGSPECIALISTI tion with the grant-funded
^Tampa ma $39,769 RADISSON Cooperative Association of
FlOUSing ENVIRONMENTAL States for Scholarships
fluthorify TECHNICIAN I BAY HARBOR (CASS) project on the Bran-
$20,404 don campus. This is a two-
HOMEOWNERSHIP -PMNi .Housekeepers year grant .to. bring 20
EQUIPMENT MECHANIC 11 students from El Salvador,
COUNSELOR (33K-42K) $28,870 Houseman Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras,
ant Funde EQUIPMENT MECHANIC II. Farume 2- Mexico and Nicaragua to
(Grant Funded) F QUN(HEAVYTR /EQI Fax resume 813-282-1354 study. See the HCC website-
Recruit, interview and screen prospective participants in $28,870 or Apply @ Radisson for the educational and ex-
program. Provide counseling and guidance for low income FIELD COLLECTOR Bay Harbor Hotel perence qualifications.
residents of public housing, and the general public to assist $27,164 7700 Courtney Must be fluently bilingual in
them .in achieving goal of home ownership. Develop FIELDSERVICE Campbell Cswy. panish and/re or Frencht l
individual-case plan for each participant. Identify needs and REPRESENTATIVE to read, write and converse).
barriers to achieving goal, and plan for removal of barriers $25,688 Prefer applicants with strong
and needs. Regularly meet with participants to provide train- FIRE INSPECTOR ADVERTISEMENT OF SALE interpersonal skills who are
ing sessions and individual assessment of progress. $55,348 APOLLO BEACH interested in working with
Bachelor's degree in social sciences, business administra- GENERAL MANAGERI 313 Apo Bh students from Central Amer-
.313 Apollo Beach Blvd.. ica,.. Mexico and Haiti. The
tion, orclosely related field plus 2 years of work experience (MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS) Apollo Beach, FL 33572 salary range of $1127 to
in real estate, human services, case management, or social $52,124 813-641-0200 Fax 813-649-1819 $12.40is based on qualifica-
work, oran eq.uvalentcombinatin of education and experi- LE SECRETARY November 20, 2006. @ 3:00 PM tions and experience.
work, oran eq.uivalent combination of eduLEGAL ice is hrb gien? tai plo See. HCC Employment web-
ence. Priority preference will be given to candidates that are $32,884Notice is hereby giv Storge, In. intendeo
bilingual in English and Spanish. Must obtain certification as PERSONNE AALYST personal roperty unde the site http://jobs.hccfledul to
housing counselor withinSmonths of employment.: R Florida Self Storage Act Statutes review job description and in-
g r s o (APPLICATION (Section 83.80-83.80). The owner will structions to (1) create/save
Drug.Free Environment/EEOC. Deadlie: Friday, Noember DEVELOPMENT). eli t-public salen n r after Novem- application ad-(2) apply for
17, 2006. Fax resumes to 813-58-1052 or email- to :$34964 ber 20,, 2006 at 3 P.M. at 313 Apollo
17, 2006. Fax resumes to 813-258-1052 or email to $34,964 :Beach Blvd., Apollo Beach, FL33572, position. P~o8it closes on
.areerc.thafl .com tPUBLIC the following: November .12 7~006.. Hills-
careeELATiONSiNFORATIN TheresaWalden Unit516 Household borough Community College
"E"ALTI N/INORAIN Vickie Edwards Unit 1717 Household is an Equal Opportunity Em-
SPECIALIST II (FUNDRAISING) -Sale is in the ployer and encourages diver-
$25,688 event of settlement. Should it be im- sity in all areas of the cam-
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, SENIOR ANIMALCARE possible to dispose of these goods o
S .the day of sale, the sale will be con- pus community.
HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT tinued on such succeeding sale days
S PASCO-HERNANDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE $24,148N T complete the sale. 11a 3 be necessary o24
SENIOR BUIDGET ANALYST 11.13-11/10/06 2T SUBSCRIBE: 248-3921
Assistant Director of Human Resources District Office, $48,588
New Port Richey Campus Required: Bachelor's degree $48N588
with at least four years of work-related experience in the human SPEANI CHIANDARD Ta mpa
resources field or a master's degree with at least two years of HOURS) (LIMITED DURATION) fltOUSinQ
experience in the human resources field; at least two years of $30,742 H futRorily
supervisory experience; knowledge of: the basic principles of $742 h
personnel management, the Fair Labor Standards Act, SENI ETARY S OR VICE PRESIDENT
employee benefits administration, Florida Worker's Compensa- $24, 14.8 S E I O RI VI RE
tion Insurance, the Florida Unemployment Compensation Insur- SENIORSOCIAL SERVICES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER
ance, and risk management; ability to determine-work priorities SPECALST (LIMITEDtme ndfunctionstheAuthority
and to assign and monitor the work assignments of others; DURATION) Oversee multiple departmet, functions of the Auhorit
excellentwritten ad eialcommUnicationskil, interpersonal $30,742 including, Accounting, Budgeting, Purchasing, and Manage-
excellentMwritten andive al communication skills, 'inteproa .
Sa UTILITIES MAINTENANCE ment Information Systems. Direct and codrdinate the
skills, and computer skills; the ability to understand and apply U TS EN
SUPERVISOR .budget in order to achieve maximum, organizational
rules, regulations, policies, and procedures relating to personnel S bu t in o r to acve max a a
program functions; satisfactory criminal history background (ELECTRONIC efficiency by working with department heads to establish
check. Preferred: HR work experience in higher education. INSTRUMENTATION) goals, policies and procedures, and offering assistance as
Starting salary: $40,000 annually/$1,538 biweekly (salary $37,252 needed including activities relating to Section 8, grants and
commensurate with work experience, not to exceed 5% above WATER/WASTEWATER PLANT other entities as appropriate. Supervise and arrange fi-
the starting salary). Send or fax letter of interest, current res- OPERATOR TRAINEE nancing of newly acquired properties. Must have strong
ume, PHCO application, and official transcripts, by 11/17/06, to: $24,148 asset management skills. Essential functions will include
Human Resources Seeourwebsite but not limited to: Managing Authority resources to in-
Pasco-Hernuman Resources clude investments, grants and asset management. Devel-
PascoHenadoCo ityC e http//wwwccsborg ops and maintains anintegrated accounting system based
10230 Ridge Road, New Port Richey, FL 34654-5199 or contact on the law, HUD rules and reguations, and other appropri-
on the law, HUD rules and regulations, and other appropri-
Phone: 727-816-3427 Fax: 727-816-3315 Job Newsline 272-6975
Phon 7-86-3a: 75 JoNewsine 272-6975 ate standards; directs and participates in the review of all
E-mail: (TDD 2725623) financial transactions; controls the expenditure of appropri-
Applications available: or visit our office at: ate funds; enforces compliance with standard accounfing 601 E. Kennedy Boulevard systems and fiscal procedures. Maintains a comprehensive
MATERIALS FOR THIS POSITION MUST BE POSTMARKED 17th Floor, Tampa, FL debt management system; enhances the Authorities debt
OR FAXED NO LATER THAN 11/17/06. Preference in initial apt. will rating; acts as internal financial advisor for all short and long
EOE/ADA Compliance be given to eligible vets & term finaricing needs. Administers the Authority's invest-
eite: wwwphcceu eligible spouses of vets. ment operation to maximize investment return; reviews the
Website: AA/EEO Employer Authbrity's investment policy and makes recommendations;
maintains adequate cash flow to meet all budgetary and
financial needs, including investment options and enroll-
ments; monitors developments related to investment trends.
Must have a strong background, experience and skills in
private and HUD asset management, tax credit and bond
Stransactions. Understanding of complex real estate develop-
Hilisborough County mental deal structures and transactional experience with
Florda negotiating and analyzing partnership agreements and
affiliated entities both for-profit and nt-for-profit. Must have
MANAGER, FISCAL SERVICES a strong background in both Public Housing Accounting and
Corporate Finance including taxation issues, revenue
The Children's Services Department is seeking a highly qualified professional to projections and municipal finance. Must have strong
manage the staff activities, and day-to-day operations of the Children's presentation skills.
Services/Head Start/Early Head Start Fiscal Sections. Responsibilities include the
overall direction, structure, and strategy for this section, including short-term and Qualifications:
long-range goals. The position oversees the development of an overall budget of 40 Bachelor's Degree in accounting, finance, business admin-
million dollars, and monitors contracts. This requires a high level of analytical skills istration. Master's Degree, CPAand experience in ubli
necessary to.evaluate the delivery of critical public services. Minimum qualifications housing preferred. Knowledge and experience with
-include a Bachelor's Degree (Master's preferred) with major course work in Account-
ing, Business/Public Administration or a related field and four years experience in computer applications and current software is essential.
federal grant programs, including three years at the supervisory level. A Certified Salary: Negotiable
Public Accountant (CPA) License preferred. Salary range $60,653-$90,958; excep-
tional benefits. Position open until filled. Send letter of interest detailing qualifica- Drug Free Environment/EEOC. Deadline: Open until filled
tions, resume and the names and contact information for five work references to: Fax resumes to 813-258-1052 or E-Mail to careers@
Human Resources, Executive Recruitment
P.O. Box 11.10
Tampa, FL 33601
Or email or fax (813) 276-2197 I I
EOE/Drug Free Workplace B Ithw...R d La0.0a 1

LA GACETA/Friday, November 10, 2006/Page 19

THIRTEENTH-JUDICIAL CIRCUITOF ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FiLEDWILL BE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT surpus frm th sal i any, other than th document ou are ea r voice9558771
THE STATE OFFLORIDA, IN AND FOREVER BARRED. IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH the property owner as of the date of the impaired, cali 1-800-955-8771.
FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNT NOT BARRD COUNTY, FLORIDA Lis Pendens must file a claim within WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of
IFOR HILLSBROUH COUNTY NOTWITHSTAN BODING THE TIME PE- Cae .: 06 1 6 siy (60) days after the sale. this Court on November 7, 2006.
VICA DIVISIN RIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM Case No.: 06 19736 Divisin: B yu are a person with a disability who Pat Frank
CASE 06-CA-004608 DIVISIN: K FILED. TWO (2) OR MORE YEARS DENISE BAKER BROWN, needs, any accommodation in order to Clerk of the Circuit Court
DOUGLAS B STALLEY, as TRUSTEE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF Petitioner participate in this proceeding, you are By: Sandra Glennon
FOR THE AVIGAILR. BERGER TRUST; DEATH IS BARRED. and entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision Deputy Clerk
Plaintiff(s), THE DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION DONALD CLAUDE BROWN, of ceitain assistance. Please contact the C
vs. OF THIS NOTICE IS NOVEMBER 10 Responent. Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Divi- Echevarria Codilis & Stawiarski
ANA SILVIA ACOSTA and INES 2006. spon sion, 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL P.O. Box 25018
PASCUAL, Personal Representative: NOTICE OF ACTION FOR 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, Tampa, Florida 33622-5018
Defendant(s). JAMES E. GUEDRY DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE within 2 .working days of your receipt of F06015316 11/10-11/17/06 2T
NOTICE OF SALE Attorney for Petitioner: Last Known Ad dres: Unknown
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to JOSEPH YOU ARE NOTIFIED thatan action NOTICE OF PUBLIC EARNG
a Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered 2522 West Kennedy Boulevard YOU ARE NOTIFIEDthatan action NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
in the abol Judgmet of Foreclos ine Circuit Tampa Florida 33609 has been filed against you and that you ON DECEMBER 14, 2005 AT 6:00 P.M. IN CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 3RD
Cort of He LLSBOROUGH County, Flor-cut 813/879-6164 are required to serve a copy of ypur writ- FLOOR, CITY HALL, 315 E. KENNEDY, TAMPA, FLORIDA, A PUBLIC HEARING
ida, will sel the operty siuate iy HLLS- Florida Bar No. 179925 ten defenses, if any, to it on DENISE WILL BE HELD BY THE TAMPA CITY COUNCIL TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING
Oida, will sell the pFroperty sitate in HILLS- r/1 /1/0 2T BAKER BROWN, whose address is 6707 PETITION(S):
BOROUGH County, Florida, described as: 1110-111706 2T El Capitan Drive, Tampa, FL 33634, on or File No. V06-41
Lot 11 and the south 10 feet of Lot before December 18, 2006, and file the
12, Block 16, TEMPLE CREST, Unit IN THE CIRCUIT COURTOF THE original with the clerk of this Court at. Petition of True, Love Missionary Baptist Church requesting S-2, church, at 1908 N.
# 1, according to the map or plat THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, 800 E. Twiggs Street, Rm. 101, Tampa, 36th Street.
thereof as.recorded in Plat Book 10, IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH Florida 33602, before service on.Petition-
Page 60, Public Records of Hillsbor- COUNTY, FLORIDA er or immediately thereafter. If you fail to Legal Decription
ough County, Florida. Case No.: 06019728 Division: C do so, a default may be entered against ILots 1, 2 3 and 4, Block 14, and /2 of vacated alleys abutting thereon, REVISED MAP
at public sale, to the highest and best HAIA ALKHATIB, you for the relief demanded intlie pefition. OF EAST BAY ADDITION, according to the mapor plat thereof recorded in Plat Book
bidder or biders for cah in the George Peitioner Copies of all court document in this 4, Page 108, Publc Reord ofHillborough County, Florida.
E. Edgecomb.Courthouse, located at 800 n case, icluding orders, are availableat the ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION OF THE CITY
E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, Florida in room and Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may COUNCIL WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING
201/202 at 2:00 p.m., on the 21st Day of NIDAL ALKHATIB, review these documents upon request. WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE,
November, 2006. Respondent. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit MAY NEED TO HIRE A COURT REPORTER TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM
Any person claiming an interest .in the NOTICE OF ACTION FOR Court's office notified of your current ad- RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH -RECORD INCLUDES THE
surplus from the sale, if any, otherthan. DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEALJS TOBE BASED.
the propertyowner asof he date. of the TO: NIDAL ALKHATIB dress, Florida Supreme CourtApproved IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE, AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT AND
Lis Pendens must file aclaim within.60 Last Known Address Unknown Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers SECTION 286.26, FLORIDA STATUTES, PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING
days afterthe sale YOU ARE NOTIFIED tha an io in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS MEETING SHOULD
If you are a person with a disability who has ee ild you a dress on record at the clerk's office. CONTACT THE CITY iCLERKS OFFICE AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE
needs any accommodation in order to are required to serve a coy of your writ- WARNING: Rule 12.285,: Florida Fam- DATE OF THE MEETING.
partcipate in this proceeding you are ten defenses, i any to it on HAA ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires INTERESTED PARTIES MAY APPEAR AND B HEARDATSAID HEARING.
entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision ALKHATIB, whose address is 10344 certain automatic disclosure of docu- SHIRLEY FOXX-KNOWLES "
of certain assistance. Please contact the Councils Way, Tampa, FL 33617, on or ments and information. Failure to comply CITY CLERK 11/10/05 1T
Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, before December 11, 2006, and file the can result in sanctions, including dis-
800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL original with the clerk of this Court at missal or striking of pleadings.
33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, 800 E. Twiggs St., Rm. 101, Tampa, FL Dated: November 7, 2006.
within 2 working days of your receipt of 33602, before service on Petitioner or PAT FRANK NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
this document; if you are hearing or voice immediately theeafter. f yo fail o do so CLERK OF THECIRCUT COURT ON DECEMBER 4, 2006 A 1000 A.. IN TE CTY COUNCIL CHAMBERS
Simpaired, cal -800955-8771. a default may be entered against you for By: Cythia Menendez NDCME-1,20AT100A..IT CTYO
DATED on Octob 2006. the relief demanded in the ptition. CITY HALL, 315 E KENNEDY BLVD. THIRD FLOOR TAMPA, FLORDA, A PUBLIC
FRANK Copieof l court documentDeputy Clerk 11/10-12/1/06 4T HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE TAMPA CITY. COUNCIL TO CONSIDER THE
Clerk of the Court case, including orders, are available at the
By: Sandra Glennon Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE RESOLUTION NO. 2006-11401
Deputy Clerk T review these documents upon request: THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Petition of Esteban Resendez for EQ Florida C06-22
________ 11/3-11/10/06 2T You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGHl
Court's office notified of your current:ad- COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA Legal Description:
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- FAMILY LAW DIVISION All that portion of 8th Avenue (Eighth Avenue) lying South of and abutting. the South
HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved 060 6 D boundary of Lots 4-8, Block 5, and lying North of and abutting the North boundary of
PROBATE DIVISION Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers Case No. 06019256 Division D Lots 3-7, Block 8, ORIENT PARK, as map or plat thereof is recorded in Plat Book 11,
File No. 05-1730 in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF: Page 7, of the public records of Hillsborough County, Florida..
Theadminitration of the etate can result in sanctions, including dis- I TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED.
EVELYN DnROGERSt e estae of missal or striking of pleadings. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR
date. of death was April 28, 2005, is Dated November 8, 2006. SECTION 286.26, FLORIDA STATUTES, PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING
ough County, Florida, Probate Division, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Last Known Address: Unknown CONTACT THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE
the address of which is PO Box 1110, By: Brenda Dudley YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has DATE OF THE MEETING.
Tampa, FL 33602. The names and ad- Deputy Clerk 11/10-12/1/06 4T been filed against you and that you are INTERESTED PARTIES MAY APPEAR AND BE HEARD AT SAID HEARING.
dresses of the personal representative required to serve a copy of your writtenY KNW S
and the personal representative's attorn- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE defenses, if any, to it on MANUEL A. CIY LE 11/10/06 1T
ey are set forth below. THIRTNTH DAL CCT MARRERO MORALES, whosa addre isa CITY CLERK
A creditors of h decedent and oher THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT 2535 Siesta Ct, Apt 4, Tampa, Florida
All creditors of the decedent and other IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH 33614, n r bfore Dember 1, 2006,
persons having claims or demandsi COUNTY, FLORIDA and file the original with the clerk of this NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
against decedent's estae, on whom a. FAMILY LAW DIVISION Court at 800 E. -Twiggs Street, Tampa, P
copervd, must file ir claim with this Case No.: 06019659 Division: B Florida, before srvice on Piioner o ON DECEMBER 14, 2006 AT 6:00 P.M. IN CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 3RD
served, must fie their cams with this eimmediately thereafter. If ou fail to do so FLOOR, CITY HALL, 315 E. KENNEDY, TAMPA, FLORIDA, A PUBLIC HEARING
DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE Wife, Copies of all court documents in this File No. Z06-128
OFA e eors NThe decedent AN H. COVINGTON, er o t Circit Courts offie o ay Petition of Robert Nixon requesting to rezone property at 1010 E. Broad Street from
and other persons having claims or de- Respondent. review these documents upon request. RS-60 to RS-50.
mands against decedent's estate, must NOTICE OF ACTION You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Legal Description:
file their claims with this Court WTHIN 3 Court's office notified of your current ad- Lot 165, EVELYN CITY as recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 65, of the Public Records of
MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE TO: AdLAN H. CONGTON dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- Hillsborough County, Florida.
FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. Address Unknown dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved
ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE YOU ARE NOTIFIED that a Petition Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers File No. Z06-129
TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION for Dissolution of Marriage has been in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- Petition of Palm Vista Properties c/o Ralph Quito requesting to rezone property at
733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE filed and you are required to serve a copy dress on record at the clerk's office. 4206 W. North "B" Street from RS-50 to PD
CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. of your written defenses, if any, on Paul WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- rt
NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME'PE- E. Riffel, Plaintiffs' attorney, whose ad- ily Law Rules of *Procedure, requires Legal Description:
RID TTHS RT ANBGO EANTME LPEM dress is 1319 West Fletcher Avenue, certain automatic disclosure of docu- Lot 11 and the west 5 feet of Lot 12, Block 3, HANAN ESTATES, according to the plat
RID SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAM Tampa, Florida 33612 on or before De-' ments and information. Failure to comply thereof recorded in Plat Book 14, Page 43 of the Public Records of Hillsborough
FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR. MORE cember 11, 2006, and file the original with result in santion including di- Couny, Florida.
AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF the Clerk of this Cour either before said sa result in sanct inuding dis- County, Florida.
DEATH IS BARRED. service on Petitioner's attorney or imme- missal or File No. 206-130
The date of the first publication of this diately thereafter; otherwise a default will Dated: October 31, 2,006. c. i poe 0 10 ee
notice is November 10, 2006. be entered against you for the relief de- PAT FRANK Petition of National Chutes, Inc. requesting to.rezoneproperty at 4209 10th Avenue
Personal Representative: manded in the Foreclosure Complaint. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT from Cto IG.
MICHAEL MARINARO WITNESS, my hand and seal of this By: Brenda Dudley Legal Description:
17635 Esprit Drive Court on November 7, 2006. Deputy Clerk 11/10-12/1/06 4T Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 of ENTERPRISE, as recorded in Public Records of Hillsborough
Tampa, FL 33647 PAT FRANK County, FL in Plat Book 8, Page 22.
Attorney for Personal Representative: Clerk of Circuit Court File No. 206-131
1055 Frankl1n Avenue. Deputy Clerk 2/1/0T THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Petition of Robert and Janine Stark requesting to rezone property at 4008 East 19th
Garden City, NY 11530 l/l1-1/0 6 4T IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH Avenue from CG to Cl.
Telephone: 516-746-0222 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE COUNTY, FLORIDA Legal Description:
11/10-11/17/06 2T OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND CASE NO. 2006-8163-CA DIVISIN E recorded in Public Records of Hillsborough County, FL in Plat Book 2, Page 5.
TIRATEEN H JUR HIALS RCBOUGHT CASE NUMBER: 06-009487 DIVISION: A THE ACE SECURITIES CORPORATION Petition of Bryan E. Radcliff requesting to rezone property at 1601 N. Glen, 3330 &
COUNTY, FLORIDA In Re: 1997 Nissan Pickup Truck, VIN # HOME EQUITY LOAN TRUST, 3334 W. Main Street and 3327 W.'Green Street from CG & RS-50 to CI.
CASE NO. 06-2851 US. Currency, 2 baga of PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, Legal Description:
CASE NO.06-2851 marijuana approximately 88 grams Plaintiff, Lots 13,14,16,17 and 18, less the South 23.00 feet thereof, Block 39 of MAP OF
IN RE: ESTATE OF and three (3) marijuana cigarettes, vs. MACFARLANE PARK according to the map or plat therof as recorded in Plat Book 2,
ROBERT G. GOODRICH, Claimant: PAUL TIMOTHY THRASHER PIERRE I. DEROSE, et al, Page 82, of the Public Records of Hillsborough County, Florida
Deceased. NOTCE OF FORFETUR Defendant(s). Ard:
NOTICE TO CREDITORS PROCEEDINGS T E NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE The South 23.00 feet of Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, Block 39 of MAP OF
MACFARLANE PARK and the North / of the vacated alley abutting to the South
TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS TO: PAUL TIMOTHY THRASHER and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to according to the map or plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 82, of the Public
OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE all persons who claim an interest in: a Final Judgment of Mortgage Foreclosure Records of Hillsborough County, Florida
ESTATE: 1997 Nissan Pickup Truck, VIN # dated November 7, 2006, and entered
The administration of the estate of 1N6SD11VC324712, $285.00 in in Case NO. 2006-8163-CA of the Circuit And:
ROBERT G. GOODRICH, deceased, U.S. Currency, 2 bags of marijuana Court of the THIRTEENTH Judicial Cir- Lots 19, 20, 21, and 22, Block 39 of MAP OF MACFARLANE PARK and the South %/
whose date of death was May 21, 2006; approximately 88 grams and three. cuit in and for HILLSBOROUGH County, of the vacated alley abutting to the South according to the map or plat thereof as re-
s pending in the Circuit Court for Hillsbor- (3) marijuana cigarettes, seized Florida wherein HSBC BANK, USA, NA- corded in Plat Book 2, Page 82, of the Public Records of Hillsborough County, Florida.
ough County, Florida, Probate Division, on the 3rd day of October, 2006, TIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FileNo 6-126
File Number 06-2851; the address of at or near 812 Ben Lomond Drive, FOR THE ACE S'ECURITIES CORPO- File No. Z06-126
which is 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, in Temple Terrace, Hillsborough RATON HOME EQUITY LOAN TRUST, Petition of Italiano Development Company requesting to rezone property at 4521. W.
FL 33602. The names and address of County, Florida. SERIES 2005-AG1, ASSET BACKED North A Street from PD to PD.
the personal representative and the per- YOU WILL TAKE NOTICE said proper- THROURR DEROSE, iET Legal Description:
sonal representativs attorney are se ty is in the cusodyof epartmen Temple Ter TLY JOSEPH; ARGENT MORTGAGE Lot 7, Less the North 9,5 feet, anrd the West 30 feet of Lot 8, Less the North 9.5 feet
AI creditors of the decedent and other desiring to contest the Forfeiture of the COMPANY, LLC; TENANT #1 N/K/A thereof. Block 3, HANAN PARK, UNIT NO. 2, according to the plat thereof recorded in
All creditors of the decedent mand s other davesi-ring i conpespe aorseiure o o JEFF COPLAN are the Defendants, I will Plat Book 18, Page 35 of the Public Records of HIllsborough County, Florida.
persons, who have claims or demands above-described property shall serve upon sl o fh highest and best bidder for
aginst the decedenting est ore, including the blow-signd Attforney mativey responsivethin cash at 800 E. Twiggs Street, George ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION OF THE CITY
claima, and who haventin bee n ervaed a wety (20) days affer receipt of thenses Com- Edgecomb Courthouse, 2nd Floor, Room COUNCIL WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING
copy of this notice, muh t file their caa plaint for Forfeiture and Order Finding 201/202, Tampa, Florida 33602, at 2:00 WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE,
with this court WTHN THE LATER OF Pobable Causor Forfee 932.7032)(a)(b). PM, on the 13th day of December, 2006 MAY NEED TO HIRE A COURT REPORTER TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM
the following described property as set RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE
All other creditors of the decedent 5025 East Fowler Avenue, Suite 19 BOOK 99, PAGE 17, OF THE PUB- DATE OF THE MEETING.
and other persons, who have claims or Tampa, Florida 33617 LIC RECORDS OF HILLSBOROUGH
demands against the decedent's estate, (813) 899-2000 Telephone COUNTY, FLORIDA. INTERESTED PARTIES MAY APPEAR AND BE HEARD AT SAID HEARING.
including unmatured, contingent or un- (813) 980-1007 Faccimile A/K/A 20517 SULTANA COURT, SHIRLEY FOXX-KNOWLES
iquidated claims, must file their claims Florida Bar Number: 644803 TAMPA,FL 33647.ANA CTY CLERK
with this court WITHIN THREE'(3)
MONTHS AFTER DATE OF THE FIRST 11/10-11/17/06 2T Any person claiming an interest in the 11/10/06 1T

Page 20/LA GACETA/Friday, November 10, 2006

COUNTY, FLORIDA EES, OR OTHER :CL-AIMANTS;i:MOR-Tl :: OUN ,FLRIDA ntited; a.tno costtb -y0o -t the-provision is-the Piaintifff andJOSE D. TEJEDA;
INEE FOR INDYMAC MORTGAGE, 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL 33602, FORCEMENT; arthe Defendants, I will.
SUNTRUST.MORTGAGE, INC:, HOLDINGS; TENANT #1; TENANT #2 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK, telephone hno 276-8100, ext. 7252, within -sell to the:highest and best bidder for
Plaintiff, are the-Defendants, I will sell to the Plaintiff, 2 workng 'days of ybur receipt of this cash at 800 E, Twiggs Street, George
vs. highest and best bidderfor cashat 800 vs. document; if you are hearing oi voice Edgecomb Courthouse, 2nd Floor, Room
RAFAEL A LLAVERIAS, et al, E. Twgg Street, George Edgecomb LYNN PAREJKO, et al, impaired, call 1-800r955-8771. 201/202, Tampa, Florida 33602, at 2:00
Defendant(s). Courthouse, 2nd Floor, Room 201/202, Defendant(s). Dated this 25th day of October, 2006. PM, on the 29th day of November, 2006,
NOC OFFORECLOSURE ALE Tampa, Florida 33602, at2:00PM, on the NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE: PAT FRANK the following described property as set
NOTICE OFFORECLOSURE SALE 4th day of January, 2007, the following Cerkforth in said Final Jdgmet
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to described property as set forth in said NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuantto By Sadra Gleron LOT 9, BLOCK 3, TOWN N COUNTY
a Final Judgment of Mortgage Foreclosure Final Judgment: a Final Judgment of Mortgage Foreclosure y: ande Glerk PARK UNIT NO. 29, ACCORDINGTO
_dated November 1, 2006, and entered LOT,23, BLOCK 1, VALRICO FOR- dated November 2, 2006, and entered 11/3-11/10/06 2 THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF, AS
in Case NO. 20068169-CA of.the Circuit EST ACCORDING TO HEMAPOR in Case NO. 06-008240-CA of the Circuit RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 43,
RATED AS NOMINEE FOR SUNTRUST DRIVE, VALRICO, FL 33594. are the Defendants, I will sell to the CASENO.: 0618026 DIVISION: B Any person.claiming an interest in the
MORTGAGE, INC.; BUCKHORN PRE- Any person claiming an interest in the highest and best bidder for cash at 800 RTHEMARRIAGE : surpus frothe sale, ifany othe than
SERVE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, surplus from-the sale, if any, other than E. Twiggs Street, Gerge. Edgecomb INRE: MARE .the property owner as of the date of the
INC:; are the Defendants, I will sell to the property owner as of the date of the Courthouse, 2nd Floor, Room 201/202,. YENIS Y. CUMARE, Lis Pendens must file a claim within
the highest and best bidder for cash at Lis Pendens must file a claim within .Tampa, Florida 33602, at 2:00 PM, on the Petitioner,- sixty (60) days after the sale.
800 E. Twiggs Street, George Edgecomb sixty (60) days after the sale' 28th day of November, 2006, the follow- and If you are a persbn with a disability who
Courthouse, 2nd Floor, Room 201/202, you are a peson with a disability who inng describedproperty as set forth in said JULIO.GONZALEZ needs any .ccommddation in order to
Tampa, Florida 33602, at 2:00 PM, on the needs any accommodation in orderto FinalJudgment: Respondent. participate in-this proceeding, you are
30th day of November, 2006, the follow- participate in this proceeding, you are LOT 50, BLOCK 2, RIVERGLEN, NOTICE OF:ACTON FOR no cost to you to the provision-
ing described property as set forth in said: entitled, at no costo you, to the provision UNIT 2, A. SUBDIVISION ACCORD- DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE f certain assistance. Please contact the
Final Judgment: BO. of certain assistance. Please contact the ING.TO THE PLAT OR MAP THERE- JULIO GONZALEZ Clerk of Circuit. Court, Circuit Civil Divi-
LOT 6, BLOCK 5, BUCKHORN PRE- Clerk of Circuit Court, Circit Civil Divi- OF DESCRIBED IN PLAT ,BOO.K 65, JUL O N :n sion, 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL
SERVE, PHASE ONE, ACCORDING sion, 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL AT PAGE 28, OF THE PUBLICREC- t Addr nknwn 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252,
TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF, 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext 7252, ORDS OF HILLSBOROUGH COUN- YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has within 2 woking days of your receipt of
AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 91, within 2 working days of your receipt of TY, FLORIDA. been filed against you and that you are this document; ifyou are hearing or voice
PAGE 44, OF THE PUBLIC REC- this document; if you are hearingor voice A/WA 9621 GLENOX LANE, RIVER- required to serve.:a copy of your writ impaired, call 1-800-955-8771.
ORDS OF HILLSBOROUGH. COUN- impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. V EW, FL 33569. ten de-enses, i any, ori-it on4YENI2 WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of
TY,.FLORIDA. WITNESS MY HAND and the sealof Any person claiming an interest in the MadillAve, Ap. 2117 Ta~pa, Florida this Courton November 1, 2006.
A/IA 4311 BALINGTON DRIVE, VAL- this Court on October30, 2006. surplus from the'sale, if any, other than 336-14, on or before November 20l 2006, PatFrank
RICO, FL33594. Pat Frank the property owner as of the date of the .and file the original with the clerk of this Clerk of the Circuit Court
Any-person claiming an interest in the_ Clerk of the Gircuit Court Lis Pendens must file a claim within Court at,800 E. Twiggs Street, Rm. 101, .By; Sandra Glennon
surplus.from the sale, if any, other than By: Sandra Glennon sixty (60) days after the sale. .. -Tampa, Florida 33602, before service on Deputy Clerk o
the property owner as of the date of the Deputy Clerk If you are a person with a disabilitywho the Petitioner or immediately thereafter. I Echevarra, Codilis & Stawiarski
Lis Pendens must file a claim within E a C lis & tawiarski needs any accommodation i order to you fail todo soa default maybe en- Box5018
sixty (60) days afterthe sale. Echevara CB25 participate in this proceeding, yqu are tered aganstyou forthe relief demnded, Floid 33622-58
P.O.. ; : .P_ O:Box 25018 a:.. -.' To 6
f yu ara person withaisability ho Tama, Flrida 33622-5018 entitled, at no cos to you, to the provision in the'Petition. F06013223 1 T
nee any acc odatio in orderto of cetain assistance. Please contact the Copies of al court documents in this 11/3-11/1006 2
participate in thisproceeding, you arer 11/10-11/17/06 2T Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Divi- case, including orders, are available at the
endtited at no cst to you,t tthe provisi on s ion, 800 East Twigg Street, Tampa, FL Clerk of the Circuit Corts office. You may .IN THE CIRCUIC URT OF THE
of certain assistance. Please contact the IN THE CIRCUIT COURTrOF THE 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext 7252, review these documents upon request. THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT,
NClerk of CiT URit Court, CirOHit Civil ,-t receipteofpo IN AND FOR2 HILL0BORO 2
Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Divi- THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, within 2 working days of your receipt of Yu must keep the Clerk of the Circuit IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH
sion, 800 East Twiggs Stret, T Fapa, FL IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH this document; ifyou are hearing ioryoice ur a- COUNTY, FLORIDA
-33602, telephone no. 276-8100, et 7252, COUNTY, FLORIDA impaired, call 1-800-955-8771... Cdrts ofice noafile e d furrent d- ase No.: 06019343
within 2 working, days of your receipt -of. FAMILY LAW DIVISION WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of dress, Florida Supreme CourtApproved ROSA E CAMACHO BAEGAS,
this dbcument; i you are hearing or voice hROSA E. CAMACHO BANEGAS,
tpair dca; 1-80095hean-8771. e CASE NO.: 06019404 DIVISION: C this Court on November 3, 2006 Family Law Form 12.915.)Future papers Petitioner
impaired, call i-800-955-8771. H APat Frank in this lawsuit will be mailed to the
WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF: Clerk of the Circuit Court address.on record at the clerk's office, and
this Court on November 1,2006. AMARILIS MENDEZ, By: Sandra Glennon WARNiNG: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- ERWIN SUAREZTERAN,
PatFrank Petitioner DeputyClerk ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires Respondent.
Clerk of the Circuit Court and Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski certain automatic disclosure of docu- NOTICE OF ACTION FOR
By: Sandra Glennon :RODOVALDO ALMEIDA, P.. Box 25018 ments and information. Failure to comply DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE
Deputy Clerk Respondent. Tampa, Florida33622-5018 can result in sanctions, including dis- TO: ERWINSUAREZTERAN
Echevarria, Codilis,& Stawiarski NOTICE OF ACTION FOR F06015504 11/10-11/17/06 2T missal or striking of pleadings. Last Known Address: Unknown
P.O. Box 25018 DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE DATED: October 11,2006 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action
Tanpa, Florida 33622-5018 TO: RODOVALDO ALMEIDA IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE PAT FRANK has been filed against youand that you
F06015386 11/10-11/17/06 2T Last Address: Unknown THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT are required to serve a copy of your
S- YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action IN ANDFOR HILLSBOROUGH By: Adrian J. Salas written defenses if any, to it on ROSA
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE has been filed against you and that you COUNTY, FLORIDA Deputy Clerk 10/20-11/10/064T EVELIN CAMACHO BANEGAS, whose
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF are required to serve a copy of your writ- CASE NO.: 06-000836 DIVISION: H adress is 1373 Autumn DrTampa,FL
THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND ten defenses, if any, to it on AMARILIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 33613, on or before December 11 2006,
FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY MENDEZ, whose address is 2513 W. THE COALITION PARTNERSHIP, a THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, and file the original with the clerk of this
CIVIL DIVISION Comanche, Tampa, Florida 33614, on or Florida general partnership, IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH Court at 800 E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL
CASE NO. 06-CA-003738 DIVISION: H before December 11, 2006, and file the Plaintiff, CQUNTY, FLORIDA 33602, beore service on Pitione or
CHARLES R. MITCHELL and wife, original with the clerk of this Court at 800 vs. C immediately thereafer. If you fail to do so,
CHARLES RMITCHELL and wife, E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL 33602, be- ACORN HOUSING, LLC, a Florida limited a Case No.: 06 18699 Dision: B default may be entered against you for
MARGARET MITCHEL, fore-service on Petitioner or immediately liability company, and JAMES M. GERMAN APONTE A/K/A GERMAN the relief demanded in the petition.
Plaintiff(s), thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default ALEXANDER, an individial, APONTE ROSADO, Copies of all court documents in this
vs entered against you for the relief Defendants.: Petitioner case, including orders, air available at the
DARRYLE NORTON, Sr. andCHRISTY demanded in the petition. a N O SAL nd Clerk of the Circuit Courtfs office. You may
NORTON, husband and wife, Copies of all court documents in this NO E OF SAJUSTINIANA SANTOS ROMERO, review thesedocuments upon request.
Defendant(s). case, including orders, are available at the Notice is hereby given that, pursuant p You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit
NOTICE OF SALE Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may to the Summary Final Judgment of Fore- Court's office notified of your current ad-
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to a review these documents upon request. closure entered in the above-captioned NOTICE OF ACTION FOR dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad-
Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered in You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit action, I will sell the property situated in DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved
he aboe syed cause, n the Circuit Court's office notified of yor current ad- Hilsborough County, Florida, described TO: JUSTINIANA SANTOS ROMERO Family Law Form 12.91.)Fuure paper
Court of HILLSBOROUGH County, Flor- dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- fo ows Last Known Address: Unknown in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad-
ida, I will sell the property situate in HILLS- dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved Lot 20, GRAY GABLES SUBDIVISION, -YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action dress on record at the clerks office.
BOROUGH County, Florida, described as: Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers according to the map or.plat thereof as has been filed against you and that you WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam-
Lot 14, 15 and 16, Block 10, FAIR- in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- recorded in Plat Book 12, Page(s) 50, are required to serve a copy of your writ- ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires
VIEW TERRACE, according to the dress on record at the clerk's office. Public Records of Hillsborough County, ten ,defenses, if any, to it on GERMAN certain automatic disclosure of docu-
iap or plat therof as recordedin Plat WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Far- Florida. APONTE A/K/A GERMAN APONTE ments and information. Filure-to comply
Book 11, Page 55, Public Records of ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires at public sale to the highest and best ROSADO, whose address is 7517 N. can result in.sanctions, including dis-
Hillsborough County, Florida. certain automatic disclosure of docu- bidder for cash, at the George Edgecomb 40th St., #G215, Tampa, Florida 33604, missal or striking of pleadings.
st publio sale, to the highest and best ments and information. Failure to comply Courthouse, 800.E. Twiggs Street, Tam- on or before DecembeP 4, 2006, and file Dated: November 1,2006.
Sat public sale, to the highest and best pa, Florida, the original.with the clerk of this Court at
bidder or bidders fdr cash in the George can result in sanctions, including dis- pa, Florida, econd Foor Roo201202, th o with th. c 1erk of thi Courta t
E. Edgecomb Courthouse, located at 800 missal or striking of pleadings. at 2:00 p.m. on the 14th day of Decem- 800 E. Twiggs St., Room 101, Tampa, PAT FRANK
ber, 2006. FL 33602 or P.O. Box 3450, Tampaj .EL C.ERK OFTHECIRCUIT COURT
E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, Florida in room Dated: November 2, 2006. A er cla tst the 33601, before service on Petiioner or. By: Brenda Dudley
201/202 st 2:00 p.m., on fhe Tthday of PAT FRANK Any person claiming an interest in the 33601, before service on Petifioner o By: Brenda Dudley
201/202 at 2:00 p.m, on the 7thday o ATFRANK surplus from the sale, if any, other than immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, Deputy Clerk
Decmber,2006. LERK OF THE CIRCUITCOURT the poperty owner as of the dateof the lis a default may be entered against you for- 11/3-11/2406 4T
Any person claiming an interest in the, By: Brenda Dudley penderis rust file a claim within .60 days the relief demanded in the petition. THIT RT TH
surplus from the sale, if any, other than Deputy Clerk /0-121/064T after the sale. Copies of-all court documents in this TIN THE CRCUITCOURT OF THE
he property owner as of the date of the 1110-12106 November 1 2006case, inluding ordes, are available t the OF
LisPendensmut file aclaim ithinClerk of the Circuit Courts office..You may THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND
ixty (60) days after the sale. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE PAT FRANK Clerk o he rcut s oeoua F HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY
So0 Ca aer C the Cisale THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT ClerkCircuit Court reviewthese documents upon requet, CIL DIVISION
Ifyou are a person ith a disbility who N AN FOR HILLSBOROUGH SANDRA GLENNON You must keep the Clerk of the Cicuit. CASE NO 0-CA-0041 DIVISION: B
needs any accmmodation in orer t COUNTY, FLORDA SANDRA GLENNON Court's office notified of your current ad-06-CA-003431 DIVISI
participate in this proceeding, you are CIVIL DIVISION DeputyClerk 11/10-11117/06 2T dress. (You may file Notie of Current Ad- GREGORY D. LEDOUX,
entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision
dre sa Fl orida Suprem CoFurte A pproved Plaintifs),
of certain assistance. Please contact the CASE NO.: 06-02890 DIVISlON: A IN THE ClRCUIT COURT OF THE Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers vs.
Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Divi- JOSEPH BROOKS and LAWANNA THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUnT in this lawsuit will be mailed to te ad- ROBIN L. SPIRES, and MILLER &
sion, 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL BROWN, OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR dress on record at the clerk's office. RBNL RES, dMLR
33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, Plaintiffs, HILLSBOROUGHCOUNTY WARNING: Rul 185, ASSOCIATES, PLC,
within .2 working days of your receipt of VS. CIVIL DIVISION WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- Defendant(s).
this document; if you are hearing or voice vs. ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires NOTICE OF SALE
impaired, cal 1-800-955-8771. TIMOTHY GREEN, an Individual; Case No. 99-7014 Division E certain automatic disclosure of docu-
DATED on November 3,2006. YOLANDA GREEN, an Individual; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ments and information. Failure to comply Notice is hereby given that pursuant to a
DAT oRn BOOKER PICKETT, an Individual; DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS, can result in sanctions, including dis- Fnal Judgmentof Foreclosure entered in
PATFRANK WESTCHASE MORTGAGE, INC., a Plaintiff, missal or striking of pleadings. he abe styled cause in the Circuit
Clerkof the Court Florida Corpration; MORTGAGE vs. Dated: October 24, 2006. Court of HILLSBOROUGH County, Flor-
By: Sandra Glennon Florida Cororaion; MORTGAGE ida, will Sell the property situate in HILLS-
Deputyerk 11/10-11/17/06 2T Foreign Corporation and LISA TAITT a/k/a GEMMA TAITT, MORTGAGE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Lot 9 and the South 12 of Lot 10,
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT enans. SYSTEMS, INC.; BANK OF AMERICA, 10/27-11/17/06 4T CITY, according to themap or plat
IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH NOTICE OF ACTION N.A., successor to NCNB MORTGAGE 10/ 17thereof CI arecorded in Plat Book 1,
CVIL ACTION Current Residence Unknown TENANTS/OWNERS,. THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT ough County, Florida, together with the
CASE NO. 2006-6366-CA DIVISION G YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Defendans. IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH West 5 feet of closed alley abutting on
DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST fraud, cancellation of deed, equitable lien, NOTICE OF SALE COUNTY, FLORIDA the East.
COMPANY AS TRUSTEE UNDER constructive trust has been filed against Notice is hereby given, pursuant to CIVIL ACTION at public sale, to the highest and best
THE POOUNG AND SERVICING youwith regard to the following property Final Judgment of Foreclosure for Plain- CASE N. 2006-6873-CA DIVISION F bidder or bidders for cash in the George
AGREEMENT SERIES ITF INABS in Hillsborough County, Florida: 5723 entered in this cause on October 25, DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST E. Edgecomb Courthouse, ocated at 800
2005-D, Erhardt Street Riverview, Florida 33569 2006, in the Circuit Court of Hillsborough COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE OF E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, Florida in room
Plaintiff, with a legal description of: County, Florida, I will sell the property AMERIQUEST MORTGAGE 201/202 at 2:00 p.m, on the 28th day of
vs. Lot 12, Block 4, Raridom Oaks Phase situated in Hillsborough County, Florida, SECURITIES, INC ASSET.BACKED November, 2006.
ZENON C. M A/K/A ZENON CHRIS M, et I according to the Map or Plat thereof, described as: PASS THROUGH CERTIFICATES, Any person claiming an interest in the
of as recorded in PlatBook68 Page25 LOT 14 BLOCK 1, OF HILLSIDE SERIES 2006-R2 UNDER THE POOLING surplus from the sale, if any, other than
Defendant(s). of the Public RecordsSUBIVISION ACCORDING AND SERVICING AGREEMENT DATED the property owner as of the date of the
eTenOant(s). County, Florida. TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF, AS OF MARCH 1,2006, WITHOUT Lis Pendens must file a claim within
NOTICE OFFORECLOSURE SALE You are required to serve a copy of AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 45, RECOURSE, sixty (60) days after the sale.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuantto your written defenses, if any, to the ac- PAGE 8, OF THE PUBLIC REC- Plaintiff, If you are a person with a disability who
a Final Judgment of Mortgage Foreclosure tion on CORY BAIRD, plaintiffs attorney, ORDS OF HILLSBOROUGH COUN- vs. needs any accommodation in order to
dated October 26, 2006, and entered-in whose address is Baird Law Group, 505 Ty, FLORIDA. JOSE D. TEJEDA, et al, participate in this proceeding, you are
Case NO. 2006-6366-CA of the Circuit E. Jackson Street, Suite 205, Tampa, Defendant(s) entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision
Court of the THIRTEENTH Judicial Cir- Florida 33602, on or before December and commonly known as: 1913 LAKEVIEW of certain assistance. Please contact the
cuit in and for HILLSBOROUGH County, 11, 2006, and file the original with the DRIVE; including the building, appurte- NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Divi-
Florida wherein DEUTSCHE BANK NA- clerk of this Court either before service on naces, and fures ed er NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ursuant o son, 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL
TIONAL TRUST COMPANY AS TRUSTEE plaintiffs attorney or immediately there- public sale to the highest and best !idder, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENpursuant to
TIONAL TRUST COMPANY AS TRUSTEE plaintiffs attorney or immediately there- puic sai nighe, a Final Judgment of Mortgage oredosure 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252,
UNDER THE POOLING AND SERVIC- after. If you fail to do. so, a default will for cash, at the George Edgecomb Court- a FiNovember 1, 2006, and entered in within 2 orking days of your receipt of
ING AGREEMENT SERIES ITF INABS be entered against you for the relief de- house, located at 800 E. Twiggs Street, Case NO. 2006-6873-CA of the Circuit this document; if you are hearing or voice
2005-0. is the Plaintiff and ZENON C. M manded in the complaint or petition. Room 201/202, Tampa, Florida, on De- Court of the THIRTEENTH Judicial Cir- impaired, call 1-800-955-8771.
A/K/A ZENON CHRiS M; PHYLLIS Dated: November 1, 2006. cember 13, 2006 at 2 o'clock P.M. cuit in and for HILLSBOROUGH County, DATED on November 3, 2006.
CADELL-M: ANY AND ALL UNKNOWN PAT Any persons claiming an interest in the Florida wherein DEUTSCHE BANK NA- PAT FRANK
PARTIES CLAIMING BY. THROUGH, Clerk of th CourtFRANK surplus from the sale, if any, other than TIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUST- PAFrk
-UNDER, AND AGAINST THE HEREIN Cltrk of the Court fhe property owner as of the date of the lis EE OF AMERIQUEST MORTGAGE SE- erk: Sanof ra GleConnon
NAMED INDIVIDUAL DEFENDANT(S) By: Henry Suber, Jr. pendens must file a claim within 60 days CURITIES, INC ASSET BACKED PASS Deputy Clerk
WHO ARE NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD DeputyClerk 11/10-12/1/064T afterthe sale. THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES puty 11/10-11/17/062T
LA GACETA/Friday, November 10, 2006/Page 21

IN.THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE By Sandra Glennn IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE or immediatelythereafter. lf you fail to do
IN AND FORHILLSBOROUGH IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH Echevarri Codilis & Stawiarski IN AND FoR HIl SBOROUGH for te relief deanded inthe petition.
COUNTY, STE OF FLORDA COIUTY, FRI P.O..Box 25018 COUNTY, FLORIDA Copies of all court documents in this
FAMILY LAW DIVISION CIVIL ACTION Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 FAMILY LAW DIVISION case, including orders, are available at the
Case No.: 06018564 Division: F CASE NO. 06-CA-4778 DIVISION F F06008099 11/10-11/17/062T as N DR 0249Divis D Clrk othe Crcuit Cours office You may
IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF: WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., .- 2 .as review these documents upon requst.
BENEDICTA ROSA ROMER Plaintiff, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TEhe Marriageof: Y must keep the Clerk.of the Circuit
Pettier THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT ACSAAGURCIA Court's office notified of your current ad-
Petitioner HOMER P DRIESSLEINt al, IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH Wife/Pettitioer, dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad-
and Defendant(s). COUNTY, FLORIDA anrd dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved
CARLOS MONTANZ, NTCE OFRESCEDULED Case. No.: 06-18102 Division: A JUAN GALLEGOS JR.,: Family Law Form 12t 15.) Future papers
Respondent. E ERNANDA WEAN, Huband/RepndenSCEDULED in this lawsuit will be mailed -to the ad-
FORECLOSURESALE FERNANDA WELLMANN, Husband/Respondent. dress on record at the clerk's office.
NOTICE OF ACTION FOR dress on record at the clerk's office..
DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE an O.rder Rescheduling :oreclosure Sale and WARNING: Rule 12285, Florida Far-
ARANan Order escheduling Freclosure Sale and TO: JUAN GALLEGOS JR. ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires
TO: CARLOS MONTANEZ dated November 1,:2006; and entered in MARIO ESQUIVEL, Last known address of: certain automatic disclosure of docu-
SLast Known Address: Unknown Case NO. 06-CA-4778 of the.Circuit Court Respondent.: 163NW Sophie Drive- ments and information. Failure-tocorply
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has of the THIRTEENTH Judicial Circuit in NTCE OF AR WhiteSprings, FL 32096-0000 can result in sanctions, including dis-
been filed aginst you and that you are and for HILLSBOROUGH County, Flonrida slNOrTICE OF ACTIN .FOR ri FL 329- ca triking of pleaningsu
reuiredo serve a copy o your writtn wheein WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE YOU ARE NOTIFIED hat actio for misa ki o pleading.
defenses, if any, to it On- BENEDICTA the Plaintiff and HOMER P. DRIESS- TO: MARIO ESQUIVEL Name Change of Minor Child has been Dated: October 23, 2006.
ROSA ROMERO, whose adldress iS 5318 LEIN; TENANT #1 are the Defendants, 1 Last Known'Address: Unknown filed against you. You are required to PAT FRANK
Blue Springs Dr, Tampa; Florida 33634- will sell to the highest and best bidder for YOU AR NTFED that anaction ea opy o you riten dene, if CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT
6262, on or before November 27, 2006, cash t .800. E. Twiggs Street, George ha been filed against you and.that you ny, ts actionn w Cuce By: ynthia Mnend ez
and file the original with the clerk of this Edgecomb Courthouse, 2ndF For, Room are required to serve a copy of your writ- P e Casstre, d Deputy Clerk. 10/2711/17/06 4T
Court at 800 E Twiggs Street, Room 101, 201/202; Tampa, Florida 33602, at 2:00 ten defenses,.if ahy; toit on FERNANDA. 33606,on2 W befor Pecember4, 2006oi
Tampa, Florida 33602, before service on PM, on the 27th day of November, 2006, WELLMANN, whose address is .1212 and file the original with the clerk of this IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE
SPetitioner or immediately thereafter: If you the following desc bed property as set 140th Ave. Apt.#A, Tampa, FL 3361, on court at Hillsborugh County Curthouse, THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT
afail to do so,. a default maybe entered forth in said Final Judgment: or before November 27, 2006;and file .800 E.Twiggs St. Tampa, FL, 33602,- F THE STATEOF FLORIDA, IN AND
againstyouforthe relif demanded in the LOT 12,. BLOCK 22, TOWN N the original with the lerk of this Court at either before service on.Petitioner's attor- FORHILLSBOROUGH COUNTY
petition. COUNTRY PARK SECTION 9 UNIT 800 E. Twiggs St.:Rm. #101, Tampa, FL ney or immediately thereafter; othrwise -GENERALCIVIL LAW DIVISION
.Copies. of all court documents in this NO 11, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT 33602 before service on Petitioner or a default will be entered against you for CASE NO.: 06-8779 DIVISION: G
case, includiig orders; are available at the THEREOF, RECORDED IN P.LAT immediately thereafter: If you fail to do so, -the relief demanded in the petition. -INR,.,TH EITURE FN N-
Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. Youmay BOOK 46, PAGE 5, OF THE PUBLIC a default may be entered agaist you for G RETHE FORFEITURE ORNINE
review thesedocuments upon request RECORDS OF HILLSBOROUGH the relief demanded in the petition. WARNNG: Rule 12.y28, Florida Far- HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE( OLLARS
You must kee pthe Clerk of the-Circuit COUNTY, FLORIDA. Copies of alcurt 'documents in this Certain autmat ic-discl sure f- docu-ireAN L C
Cours office notified of your current ad- A/K/A.6818 TWELVE OAKS BOULE case, ircluding orders, are availableatte ments andinformationFailre comply LAMAN ALRED CURY
dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- VARD, TAMPA, FL33634: Clerk f the CircuitCors offie.You may can resut in sanctios including dis- NOTICE OF FORFEITURE
.dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved Any person claiming an interest in the ,. review these:documehtseupon request- missalorstrikingof pleadings. PROCEEDINGS
Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers surplus from the sale, if any, other than.; You must keep the Clerk of-the Circuit DATED this 31ist day f'October, 2006. TO: ALFRED CURRY-0
in this lawsuit will be.mailed to the ad- he property owneras of the date o the Court's office notified of your current ad- t 7512 E ;2S Avenue
Sdress on record atthe clerk's office-: Lis Pendens must file a claim within sixty .dress, (You may file Notice ofCurrent Ad-' PAT.FRANK .- Tapa F2lorida33619
:WARNING: Ruie 12.285 Florida Fam- (60) days after the sale dress, Flrida Supreme Court Approved CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT CORT Tampa, IFlorida 33619n ie
ily Law Rules of. Procedure, requires area person with a disability who Famly Law Form 12.915:) Futi papers : By: Melisa Peterson a i pNE :sUNDRED c interest in:OL-
certain .automatic disolosure of docu- needs any accommodation in order to m this lawsuit wilI be mailed to 'he ad- Deputy Cierk N E113-11/ 6 LAS ND 00/100 US WNCURRTVE
ments and information. Failure to comply participate in this proceeding, you are- dress ort record at:the clerk's office. / /( 0 LAR AND d 0/1ze00 U 2 2 CURREtCY
can result in sanctions, including dis- entitled, cost to you, to the provision WARNING:-Rule 12,285, Florida Fam- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFTHE near 75120 E 21st Avenue Tampa, in
nmissal or striking of pleadings f certain assistance. Please contact the ily Law Rules of Prcedure, requires THIRTEENT JUDICIALR IRCUIT nr 72ill E orough County Florida. ma,
Dated:.October20, 2006. Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Divi- certain automatic disclosure of docu- "IN ANDFOR HILLSBOROUGH U WLL PEASE TAKENOTICE said
PAT-:: FRANK. sion-s800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL ments .and information: Failure to comply iFLORIDA Y WiL EST asid
PATCLERKOFTHECICUIT COUT 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, can resuit in Sanctions, including dis-. :C OD A : Property S i' te cstody oe HClsboriounh
CLEBy: Ad THan J CUIT COUT within2 wrking daysofur receipt of missal ortrikigofplading:Case No.: 06 18618 Division: At heff Office AnyClaima
By: Adan J.Salas hi document if you ae hanring or vice Dated ctober 20, 2006. ESMERALDO DESCALLAR, d ngo ontest th forfitre o the
DeputyClerk i0/27-1 /064T impaired, .al! 1-800-955-8771 PATFRANK Petitionr :the ablow-sigderibed prattopnerty anyl serveuponS-
WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT and : : ive pleadings and affirmntive defenses
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE this Court 0onNovember 1, 2006. By: Adrian J. Salas : LINDA CIMAFRANCA, within twenty (20) days after receipt of
THIRTEEN N ICIAL CR Pat Frank BDutylerk J. S-al ^ Respondent. : the Complaint for Forfeiture and Order
IN AND FR ILLSBOROUGH Cerk of th ircuitCourt Dept erk 1027-11/1706 4T FiRTEnding P rob ble Cause, pursuant to
Ca o0 i DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE 932.703(2)(a), Fla. Stat.
RWIN LLPEZ, Last Known Address: 1908 E. 99th CORDINGLY this 27th day of October,
Petitioner A public hearing will be held-by the Zoning Hearing Master, pursuant to Hillsborough Ave., Tampa, FL 33672 2006.
nd County Ordinance 92-05, beginning at 6:00 p.m., November 27, 2006; at the Board DAVID GEE
RANCYS ORTIZ, Roo, d floor ofthe County Center, 601 E. Kennedy Blvd., Tampa, to hear the YOU ARE NOT IFIED that anas action i h
RANCYSORTIZ,following reques.has bee filed a .s Sheriff of Hillsborough County
fsRespondent.,has been filed-against you and that.y
Respondent.- are required to serve a copy of'your writ- CHRISTOPHER E. BROWN, ESQ.,
SNOTICE OFACTO FOR Copies of the applications, department reports and legal descriptions are available ten defenses, if any, to it- on ESMER- Attorney for David Gee,
i- fos LTIOOF ACTN RRIE for public inspection-in a master file maintained by the Planning and Growth Manage- ALDO DESCALLAR, whose address is as Sheriff ofHillsborough-County
DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE ment Department, the Board of County Commissioners and the Clerk of the Board of 514 W. Juneau St., Tampa, FL 33604, on 2008 East 8th Avenue
TO: FRANCYS.ORTIZ County Commissioners. AI interested personse wishing to submit testimony or other or before November 27, 2006, and file the Post Office Box 3371
Last Known Address: Unknown evidence in this matter must submit same to the Hearing Master at the public hearing original with the clerk of this Court at 800 Tampa, Florida 33601 (813) 247-8133
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action before him/her. The recommendation of the Zoning Hearing Master will be filed with East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL 33602. Florida Bar No. 0986010
has been filed against you and that you the Clerk within fifteen (15) working days after the conclusion of the public hearing. (Room 101), before service on Petitioner 113-11/10/06 2T
are required to serve a copy of your The review of the Zoning Hearing Master's recommendation by the Board of County
writen defenaes, ny, o it IRWIN Commissioners of Hillsborough County shall be restricted to the record as defined in NOTCEOF PUBLIC HEARING
LOPEZ,- whse address Js 9723 Long Hillsborough County Ordinance 92-05, unless additional evidence and/or oral NOTIE OF P C
Meadowe Dr.e apa, Florida 33615, on or argument is permitted pursuant to the terms of the ordinance. A public hearing will be held by the Zoning Hearing Master, pursuanit to Hillsborough
origina with the clerk of this Court at, ANY PERSON WHO MIGHT WISH TO APPEAL ANY DECISION OR RECOMMEN- Couoty Ordinance 9205, beginning et 6:00 pm., November28, 2006, at the Board
.800 E. Twiggs St., Rm.#101, Tampa,,FL DATION MADE BY THE ZONING HEARING MASTER OR THE GOVERNING.BODY Rm, 2nd flooofhe County Ceter,1 E. Kennedy.lvd, Tampa,.to hear the
33602, before service on Petitioner or REGARDING ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE FORTHCOMING PUBLIC following requests.
immediately theieafter. If you fail to doso, HEARING OR MEETING IS HEREBY ADVISED THAT THEY WILL NEED A Copies of the applications, department reports and legal descriptions are available
a default may be entered against you for RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE, THEY MAY NEED for public inspection in a master file maintained by the Planning and Growth Manage-
the relief demanded in the petition. TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE AS ment Department, the Board of County Commissioners ad the Clerk of the Board of
Copies of all court documents in this IT WILL INCLUDE THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH SUCH County Commissioners All interested persons wishing to submit testimony or other
case, including orders, are available at the APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. evidence in this matter must submit same to the Hearing Master at the public hearing
Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may Additional information concerning these requests may be obtained by calling th before him/her The recommendation of the Zoning Hearing Master will be filed with
review these documents upon request. Department of Planning and Growth Management at (813) 276-2058.lerk withi fifn (15) workingdaysafter the conclusion othe pblic hering.
You. mst keep the Clerk of the Circuit The review of the Zoning Hearing Master's recommendation by the Board of Couinty
Court's office notified of your current ad- REZONING REQUESTS Commissioners of Hillsborough County shall be restricted to the record as defined in
dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad-- Petition RZ 06-0855-GB, filed on03/02/2006 by Craftmar Construction & Develbp- Hillsborough County Ordinance 92-05, unless additional evidence and/or oral
dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved ment, represented by Genesis Group of 3910 U.S. Hwy. 301N, #140, Tampa, FL argumentis permitted pursuant to the terms of the ordinance.
Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers 33619, ph 813-620-4500, requesting a zone change from RSC-6, AS-1, & ASC-1f to ANy PERSON WHO MIGHT WICH TO APPEAL ANYDEiSiON OR RECOMMEN
in this lawsuit ill be mailedto the ad- PD. The property is9.79 acres and is located in all or parts of Section 24 Township DATION MADE BY THE ZONING EARING MASTEA R THE GOVERNNG BODY
dress on record at th clerk's offce. 30 Range 19 or NE corner of Prevatt St. & Gibsonton Dr. DATION MADE BY THE ZONING HEARING MASTER ORTHE GOVERNING BODY
WARNING -Rule12.285, Florida Fam- Petition RZ 06-1115-SFN, filed on 04/13/2006 by A & A Complete Paving & Mainte- HEARING OR MEETING IS HEREBY ADVISED THAT THEY WILL NEED A
ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires nance, represented by Boggs & Butcher Engineering of 607 S. Alexander St. #101, RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE, THEY MAY NEED
certain automatic disclosure of, docu- Plant City, FL 33563, ph 813-759-1223, requesting a zone change from AS-1 to PD TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE AS
ments and informatin Failure to comply The property is 6.38 acres and is located in allor parts of Section 32 Township 28 IT WILL INCLUDE THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH. SUCH
can result in sanctions, including dis- Range 20 or SW corner of 1-4 and Williams Rd. APPEAL IS TO BE BASED.
mDatedctober 24 2n Petition RZ 06-1146-PR, filed on 04/20/2006 by Global Group Development, LLC, Additional information concerning these requsts may be obtained by calling the
Dated: October 24, 2006. represented by Michael D. Horner, AICP, of 14502 N. Dale Mabry Hwy., #200; Tampa Department of Planning and Growth Management at (813) 276-2058.
PAT FRANK FL 33618, ph 813-962-2395, requesting a zone change from ASq-1 tof PD. The
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT property-is 9.43 acres and is located in all or parts of Section 35 Township 29 REZONING REQUESTS
By: Cynthia Menendez Range19 or.NW corner of66th St. S. & 32nd Ave S Petition RZ 06-0716-NWH, filed on 02/02/2006 by Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler
Deputy Clerk 10/27-11/17/06 4T Petition RZ 06-1467-BR, filed on.06-07-2006 by Carmen & Ramon Gonzalez of 2605 Alhadeff & Sitterson, P.A. of 401 E. Jackson St, #2200, Tmpa, FL 33602, ph 813-
SS Parsons Ave., Seffner, FL 33584, ph 813-404-0264, requesting a zone change from 223-4800, requesting a zone change from AS-1 to PD. The property is 38.76 acres
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE RSC-3 to PD. The property is 0.56 acres and is all or parts of Section 10 and is located in all or parts of Sction 11 Township 28,Range 17 or N/S of Meadow-
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, Township 29 Range 20 or SW corner of Orange Blossom Lane & Parsons Ave. dale Dr., 900' N/O N. Meadowview Circile.
IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH Petition RZ 06-1663-TNC, filed on 06/30/2006 by Robert.& Jennifer Johnson of 16702 Petition RZ 06-1921-RV, filed on 07/28/2006 by Schiff Law Group of 1211 N. West-
COUNTY, FLORIDA Tobacco Rd., Lutz, FL 33558, ph 813-927-1239, requesting a zone change from Al to shore Blvd., #401, Tampa, FL 33607, ph:813-286-9199, requesting a zone change
Case No.: 06-18099 Division: F PD. The property is 0.45 acres and is located in all or parts of Section 30 Township from Al to M. The property is 11.87 acres and is located in all or parts of Section 10
MARLENE RAMIREZ, 28 Range 18 or N/S of W. Sligh Ave., 300' E/O Benjamin.Rd. Township 30 Range 19 or N/S of Jensen Rd., 900' N & E of Old U.S.Hwy. 41A.
Petitioner Petition RZ 06-1681-.,SFN, filed on 07/05/2006 by Charles E. &.Louise W. Springer, Petition RZ 06-1946-RV, filed on 08/03/2006 by James & Betsy Johnson, represented
anod represented by Engelhardt Hammer & Assoc.,Inc. of 3001 Rocky Point Dr. E., #300, by Michael D. Homer of 14502 N. Dale Mabry Hwy., #200, Tampa, FL.33618, ph
VICTOR AVEDANO- S Tampa, FL 33607, ph 813-282-3855, requesting a zone change from AR, CN, IPD-1, 813-962-2395, requesting a zone change from AR to PD. The property is 12.9 acres
SAVENDANO-VARGAS, PDH, & AS-1 to PD. The property s 85.07 acres and is located in all or parts of and is located in all or parts of Section 30 Township 30 Range 20 or NW corner of
Respondent. Section 4&5 Township 29 Range 20 or NE comer of Williams Rd. & MLK Blvd. Fern Hill Dr. & Symmes Rd.
NOTICE:OFACTION FOR Petition RZ 06-2015-EL, filed on 08/17/2006 by Ramar Development, Inc. of P. O. Petition RZ 06-1964-RV, filed on 08/08/2006 by Mosaic Fertilizer, LLC, represented
:DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE Box 1175, Oldsmar, FL 34677, ph 813-854-4486, requesting a zone change from M to by Engelhardt Hammer & Assoc., of 3001 N; Rocky Point Dr. E., #300, Tampa,-FL
TO: VICTOR AVENDANO-VARGAS PD. The property is 3.51 acres and is located in all or parts of Section 34 Township 33607, ph 813-282-3855, requesting a zone change from ASC-1 to PD. The property
Last Known Address: Unknown 28 Range 19 or E/S of 53rd St., 400' S/O Sligh Ave. is 28 acres and is located in all or parts of Section 18&19 Township 30 Range 20 or
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action Petition RZ 07-0006-BR, filed on 10/02/2006 by Universal Fire System, Inc. E/S of RiverviewDr., 500' S/O Albyar Ave.
has been' filed against you and that you represented by Hung T. Mai, P.E. of 14031 N. Dale Mabry Hwy:, Tampa, FL 33618, Petition RZ 06-2105-PR, filed on 08/29/2006 by Rolex Storage, inc., represented by
are required to serve a copy of your writ- ph 813-969-0600, requesting a zone change from ASC-1 & M to M. The property is Larry Jordan of 1201 9th Ave. W., Bradenton, FL 34205, ph 941-748-2604, requesting
ten defenses, if any, to it on MARLENE 2.04 acres and is located in all or parts of Section 17 Township 29 Range 20 or W/S a zone change from CG to PD. The property is 4.69 acres and is located in all or
RAMIREZ, whose address is 6413 Lan- of Hobbs Rd., 300'S/O Jetto Rd. parts of Section 25 Township 29 Range 19 or N/S of Causeway Blvd., 800' W/O U.S.
eber bLane New Port Riche2, FL 34652, Petition RZ 07-0007-EGL, filed on 10/03/2006 by Richard & Irma Magill, represented by Hwy. 301.
on or before November 27, 2006, and file
the original with theclerk of this Court at Mark Major of 7724 85th Lane, Largo, FL 33777, ph 813-299-8833, requesting a zone Petition RZ 07-0016-TH, filed on 10/04/2006 by Jefferson Estates, LLC, represented
800 E. Twiggs St. Rm #101, Tampa, FL change from RSC-9 to RMC-20. The property is .55 acres and is located in all or parts by Mark Bentley, Esq. of 201 N. Franklin St., #2200, Tampa, FL 33602, ph 813-273-
33602, before service on Petitioner or of Section 28 Township 28 Range 18 or SW corner of Flora St. & N. Himes Ave. 5041, requesting a zone change from PDH (92-196) to RSC-6. The property is 4.89
immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, Petition RZ 07-0010-RV, filed on 10/03/2006 by Brian Spicher, represented by acres and is located in all or parts of Section 18 Township 28 Range 20 or E/S of
a default may be entered against you for Michael D. Horner of 14502 N. Dale Mabry Hwy., #200, Tampa, FL 33618, ph 813- Jefferson Rd., 1 mile N/O U.S. Hwy. 301.
the relief demanded in the petition. 962-2395, requesting a zonechange from ASC-1 to RSC-3. The property is .96 acres Petition RZ 07-0021-RU, filed on 10/04/2006 by Thomas J. Schreiber, represented by
Copies of all court documentis in h arid is located in all or parts of Section 16 Township 30 Range 20 or E/S of Potts Anne Q. Pollack, Esq., of 305 South Boulevard, Tampa, FL 33606, ph 813-276-1920,
case, including orders, are available at the Rd., 200' S/O Winn Rd. requesting a zone change from AR to RSC-4. The property is 25.68 acres and is
Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may located in all or parts of Section 6 Township 32 Range 19 or S/S of 19th Ave. N.W.,
review these documents upon request. MAJOR MODIFICATION REQUESTS 400' W/O 1st St.
You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Petition MM 06-1680-ABP, filed on 07/05/2006 by HB Prime Sites Ill, LLC, Petition RZ 07-022-LU, filed on 10/05/2006 by Peggy Sauerwein of 18202 Cypress
Court's office notified of your current ad- represented by Molloy & James of 325 South Boulevard, Tampa, FL 33606, ph 813- Cove Rd., Lutz, FL 33549, ph 813-624-8721, requesting a zone change from ASC-1
dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- 254-7157, requesting a major modification to allow single family residential. The to BP-O. The property is .96 acres and is located in all or parts of Section- 10
dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved property is 22.4 acres and is presently zoned PD-H (83-290). It is located in all or Township 27 Range 18 orN/S of Geraci Rd., 200' W/O N. Dale Mabry Hwy.
Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers parts of Section 22 Township 31 Range 19 or Southeasterly side of U.S. Hwy.
in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- .41/Railroad R/W, 50' NE of Elsberry Rd. MAJOR MODIFICATION REQUESTS
dress on record at the clerk's office. Petition MM 06-1923-TH, filed on 07/31/2006 by Tampa Residential, LLC, Petition MM 06-1945-LU, filed on 08/03/2006 by Waterford Construction & Develop-
WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- represented by Mark Bentley, Esq., of 201 N. Franklin St., #2200, Tampa, FL 33602, ment, represented by Michael D. Horner of 14502 N. Dale Mabry Hwy., #200, Tampa,
ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires ph 813-273-5041, requesting a major modification, to allow office and warehouse FL 33618, ph 813-962-2395, requesting a major modification to allow an additional
certain automatic disclosure of docu- uses.. The property is 6.3 acres and is presently zoned PDMU (86-222). It is located single family home. The property is 1.37 acres and is presently zoned PD (03-760).
ments and information. Failure to comply in all or parts of Section 8 Township 28 Range 20 or NW corner of Jackson Rd., & It is located in all or parts of Section 10 Township 27 Range 18 or N/S of.Geraci Rd.,
can result in sanctions, including dis- Rockhill Rd. 100' E/O Cedar Lane.
missal or striking of pleadings. Petition MM 06-1999-ABP, filed on 08/14/2006 by Golf and Sea Club, Inc., Petition MM 06-1988-EL, filed on 08/11/2006 by Jan Investments, Inc., represented
Dated: October 27, 2006. represented by. Erin Larrinaga of 501 E. Kennedy Blvd., #1700, Tampa, FL 33602, ph by Luce Planning Group of P.O. Box 18282, Tampa, FL 33679, ph 813-767-5763,
PAT FRANK 813-228-7411, requesting a major modification to allow single family residential. The requesting a major modification to allow additional commercial and office uses,
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT property is 121.43 acres and is presently zoned PDMU (77-123) It is located in all increase building square footage and height. The property is 2.18 acres and is
By: Adrian J. Salas or parts of Sections 20, 21, 28 & 29 Township 31 Range 19 or Northeasterly side of presently zoned PD-C (86-0005). It is located in all or parts of Section 10 Township 29
Deputy Clerk Eagle Lane, 50' NW of Golf & Sea Blvd. Range 19 or S/S of MLK Blvd., 300' E/O Carroway St.
10/27-11/17706 4T 11/10/06 1T 11/10/06 1T
Page 22/LA GACETA/Friday, November 10, 2006

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 800- East-wiggs Street, Tamfpa, Florida Case NO 06:-CA- 20 of the rcruit datd Ocober 23, 2006, and etered i BO H UNY are the Defend-
:THIRTEENTRHJUDICIAL CRCUIT -3602,..telephone no. 813-276-8 ext Court of the THIRTEE NTH Judicial Cir CasTe NO 2006-77 o bide r cas o th800e wigghest a et,
IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH 7252 withi kingdaysfyour. cuit HLLLSBROUGH oty, ourt in the THRTENTH Judicial Cirounty, GerorcageEdgecomb ourthose, 2nd Floor,
COUNTY, FLORIDA- receipt of this document; if you are Florida wherein' MARKET STREEMORT-- cuit in nd for HILLSBOROUGH County, George Edgeomb C01202 ou, empa Florida 33602, oorat
CIVIL DIVISION hearing or voice impaied, cal 1800- GAGE CORPORATION, isthe Plaintiff and Florida wherein DEUTSCHE BANK NA- Ro201/202, Tampa, Floda 33602, at
Case No.: 06-07583 DivisiO n H 955-8771. JOSE T. MORALES; THE UNKNOWN TIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUST-. 2:00PM, on the 20th day of November,
F LO THi2AT PURPOS. ANT(S) WHO ARE NOT KNOWN TOBE est and best bidder for cash at 800 E. MAP OR PLAT THEREOF AS RE-
aintiff, DATED this26 dayo October 2006 ALIVE, WHETHER AID Twggs Stree, George Edgecomb Court- CORDED IN PLAT BOK 22, PAGE
GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENOR, Cierk of the Circuit Court NTEREST AS SPOUSES, HEIRS, Florida 33602, at 2:00 PM, on the 1st day HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA.
CREDITORS, TRUSTEES, OR THER By: Heny Suber, Jr. DEVISEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS; of December, 2006,. he following AA 10012 NRTH 3RD STREE,
HLAIMANTS LAIMINGB, T 13-10062 HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY; STATE OF scribed propedrty as set forth in said Final TAMPAFL 336127126:
CLAIMANTS CLAIMINGBY THROUGnH, Deputy Clerk .11/3-1/10/06 2T H HT SUBDIVISIna NUETAMPAFL 33604 in assistae PleaSe cn e
UNDER OR AGAINST MILTON LEWIS FL $ORIDA; are the Def ty personclaiming n i the enof Circuit Cou, cirt ivil Divii
parta MILTON L. LEWlS, deceasped; I THE CIRCUIT COURT OFTHE to the highest and best bidder for cash at LOTS 20f 21 AND 22; BLOCK 7th rso80East Twiggs any, ther thanm F
THOMAS W. FARRIS; LESSIE L. "THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT 800 E. Twiggs Stret, George Edgecomb CASA LOMA SUBDIVISION AC- pr tea of thedat o the
K. FARRIS; TONIA C. OLIVER;LORRIA FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY Tampa, Florida 33602, at 2:00 PM; on.the THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT i (60)ayater the sae.
hFARRIS; JENNIFER R. CANNON; 21ast day of November, 2006, the follow- BOOK 14 PPAGEr 14 OF THE PUB- si x3y 60),.telephoneri. 2aext
JAl rs, FAcredi JRs,.trustees or otheand Approx g e piee o ing described roperty as set forth in said LIC RECORDS OF H LLSBOROUGH t you area p n withn.a disabir ipt o

agaist .theNsaiF THOMASNW.FARRIS, gram, One pieceVof Crack CLOSED ALLEY ABUTTINGfTHERE- oonrwapenwitbt impairedw cal 1-800-95-877.1
unknown parties caiming by, hrough CASE N :.06-0956 DIVISION: Fial Judgment.. CO;NTY,. FLORIDA.' need any a ceommodation in order to
under or against the above named In Re: $404000 in U.S. Currency, LOT .27, BLOCK 4, PLANDOME KA 850.4 NORTH DEXTER AVE- articipat in this pr yoceeding you are.
Defendants who are notknown tobe $2000in U. Cuny, HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, AS PER NUE, TAMPA FL 33604. a ed s Pleeo coto ntact, the pii
dead oralive, whetherUSaid unknown $748resid Plstic bagCwr enpic 00 MAP OR PLAT iTHERFg an RE intArY icerain; P assistanc elease ntat the Clerk ot Circuit Cou rtson
partiesmay cNalm an nterest as spoues, inU.S Currency, paper sleeve CORDE IN PLAT BOOK 32 PAGE surpus fm te thaerson of Circuit C anur, C other thn ivil Divisio,: Sadra Ge
heirs, devisees, grantees, assignees, with three (3) pieces.of Cocaine 3 OF THE- PUBLIC- RECORDS the p froem th sale, f any, othe.darte:o than 8336020 .telehas ne Twings Street, Tampa, FL
lienors, crediTors, -rustes or ter .-approx. i gram, One piece ofe'- .:OFT. HILLSBOROUGH COUNfth the pS ertyon, 80 E ast Tw heggS treea f thein 3p t h elephty ne no. 276rk81ing00axt. 7f
cOiand, laiming by, through, under or CrackCocaine apipox. less 1 GETHER WITH THAT PART OF iy sdaY mms t file a laim with e n Ehe Codilas & Sawiarkipt o hva Codil awarski
eagainsthe FARRIS, re hrOne pipceof wCrack e CLOSED ALLEY ABUTTINGTHERE- rxty (60) da thae sale d salitythis document, callf you ae h9558 g or
LESSIE L ROBINSON- OSE M, u- Cocane pr lestic 1 rapm, wless If yo areaa person wthwit ae disbility who e Tampad, calid-8a 0 5-8771.
RTER,.MARYIK. FARRIS, ONIAC. digital scaIle., 2chrone ppesmith A/K/A 10912 ATER AvNUE eds any-iac800datin in order. to WTNESS MY HAND and the seal
.LIVER LORRIAFARRIS, JENNIFER cocaia ne residue, One digitalscale, tH ipartiepatein this proceteg eding, you yare o this Court. n Octobe 26, 2006.
R: CANNON; JAMES FARRIS.JR .; One rubber tubew/cocaine NORTH, TAMPA FL 33t61.2 ent t no coto you,o the proio
HILL-PINE, INC:; CLEATUS D. BURNES;N residue, Plastic bagw/8. peces Any person claiming an interest in the of certainasistance. Please contact the Clerk-ofthe Circ uitCourt
LILLIAN A. BURNES; LINDA P. Cocaine fprox. 9 grams1 One surpus.frofiht heS!e;if y.otihet thanri- Clerk of urt, Circuit t CiVil Divi- ..By: SandraGlennon -:i
SINGLETON; sUE A. HUTSON; JOHN metal container w/approx. 1 gram thapropety owner.s of-the date of the sion, 800 East Twiggs Street,TampajFL -Depiu Clerk
DOE and:JANE OE; heroin, One.pipew/cocaineS Lis P33eenle must filen a cla, ewithin 75 336 02 lephna non -276-81 00; ext:7N 52, Y
MDefendantN.' residue,aThlreepipeswLocaine sEixtyS w )days after thei sale ceip. if Deutyi 2wrkg Csdas of ceiptNof o 06 Ao3 Diisin:
SLES NOTCE.OF ACTION W reCidue, nC e plastic wrapR thiss 1 Iocyou rre h isability wh hidvoce Echeint a yo d arel hering r volc P: husb2n01 an
FARRIS; LESSIE L. ROBINSON PHILLIPeed ay om tio in ord trso who mpairedcall-80ired, al1 800-955-8771P. B877x. 25018- Tampa, Florida 336225018
OSMUNNO CRTER; MRYISEES claima interest ~in: $4040.00 i WatipaTNE SSMY eHAND d the seal r Tan M pa, Nan the sealf F8 11/3-11; 006 2T
ARR TONIAC.OLIVER F Cur REDERICKncCARMICHAy,, etitled, t on ctober0 you, to th proV0si6n this Cort n Oct/r 2 0 6

JENilFER RCANONJAMES $74800 in US. Currency, $29.00 in 1 at 1 1
ARkRIS JR.if living, and allI nowr U.S.Currency, paperseevewith ra t t I ICIC UT FO BEKTH UGMISONSN., a
:GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, L "AND ROBERT PHILLIPPUS of certain.assistan c. Please 0ontact the tFr ank'- THIRTEENTH JU D CIRCUIT CO RT
paCREDITORS, TRUSTEES, OR three (3) pieces of ocainerk oEf TCircuit Court, L l ic COUNTYiFLORIDA Dissolved Florid rNt-for-profit
TH abROUGH vnERRAGndants gram PROCEEDINGS 3 :- 33 602aephy:S one no. 276-8100, exRt. 7252, OBN,; Sandra Glennonn, and ERI'FLORIDA
MILTON LEWIS a/wa MILTON Lb- : RE s 1 ga, One piece of Deutyh 2 werki of yu eipt o Deputy Clerk-e .
alie, wethesaied; TnknoMA rtiesW Crack/Cocaine appx. les this doa Echvarrta, Codilis & Staingor voice -Echeva:ria, Codilis & StOwiarskiF A I
FARRIS; LESSIE L ROBINSON; PHILLIPPUSand l pson who impaired, a0 1-800-955-8771 CHAoLES WERNERisbnd, -and

may claim an interest as spouses, One digital scale, 2 chrome pipes PO Box25018 NElSON J. PRIEDE,
heROSEM: CARTER; gMARYt, K. cwaimt h interest i:,$404000 in US. WITNESS VY HAND and the sealof T ampa, Floda 336 22501 COEE R ERE
lienors, creditors Ni JMES othr $748s00 in U:S. Cur ency,06009282 $29.00 in LASTK N
FARRIS JR.,, i lMvng,:ad all-unknown U.S. Currency, paper sleeve with Pat Frank
pcaimahts cairming by, through, re ie e CerkoftheCicut Cort INTHE CIRCUIT C URT 1OR BREAKTHROUGHMI SS ONS 4SNC., a
Sagainst theabove named Defendants gram, One piece of Crack/Cocaine By. Sandra Glennon --- HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA Dissolvd Florid not-for-pofit -
hro against ws be ded rS approx les.1 9 gram, One piece of Deputy Cerk GENERALCIVIL DIVSION coiporation, and ERICA JOSEPH,
W. FARRS,wethesaidE nknowr. paB O CracW ocaine approx.: esS 1 gram, IN THE ChIRCU Stawi -O Case No.: 2006-8119 DefeADD

may claim an interest as spouses, One digital scale,-2 chrome pipes P.O. Box 5018 t : NOTICE OFAACTIONH -
heiR, devisees, grantees assignes, with cocaine residue, One digitalstic I Forida LLSBOROUGH NPlaintiff;YOU A.E NO.TIFIEDthaan
lienots, creditors, trustees or other- scale, One F060092821WNADDRE:
claimanta, claiming by, thrgh, residue, Plastib bag w/8 pieces 1 1/3-11110/06 2T vs 4 9St reet North
uer against.the saidTHEMAS MANUEL LOPEZ; ET-AL, .. m449549th Street North
unerCocane approx 9 grams,.One metal St. Petersburg, Floda 33709
FARRIS, TONIA C: OLIVER, pipes w/cocaine residue, One plastic IN AND FOR.HILLSBOROUGH OU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for
JENNIFER R. CANNON, JAMES wrap w/less 1 gram Cocaine, seized COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: MANUEL LOPEZ Declatory Relef on the following property
FARRIS JR; CLEATUS D. BURNES; on the 27th day of September 2006, CIVIL ACTION Whose last known address was: locatd inHillsborough County, Fda:
LILLIAN A. BURNES; LINDA P. at o near the Ramada nnHotelASENO 2006-6294-A DIVSIN B 2703 East Broadway Lot 12; Block 1, HOLLOMANS
SINGLETON; SUEA. TSON. locaed at 1171.4 Mois Bridge Road, A Tampa, Florida 33604 BRANH ESTATES according to
THOMAS W. FARRIS in Temple Terrace Hillsborough ELL LEONARD DOMINQUEZ theap or plat thereof recorded in
Whose residence is unknown County, Florida. TRUSTEE FOR ClTIGROP Whose last known address was: Plat Book 66, Pag 25, as recorded
rYOU L d NOTICE s.aid prbp- MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST, SERIES 1502 Weat Cowmnche was6,g a recor de
Whose last known.mailing address is: OU WILL TAKE NOICE aid prp- 2005'OPT4, ASSETES1502 Wst Cmmnche in the public records ofHillsborough
5708 Social ParkBlvd. Apt. D rty in cutody of Te e Ter- PASS-THROUGH ERTIFICAES TampENLOPEZ n, Florid t you andyou a
Tampa, FL33603 Police DpartFfent. Any Claimhnt Plaintiff,. CARMEN LOPEZ .has been filed aginst you and you are
LESSIEampL. R desiring to contest the Forfeiture of the v Whose last known address was: required to serve a copy of your written
LESSIE L. ROBINSON above-described property shall serve upon Unknown defenses, if any, on or before 30 Novem-
Whose residence is unknown the below-signed Attomey any responsive MARANGELLY TROCHE, et al, CAPITAL ONE BAN ber 2006, on Clifford R Opp Jr. Esquire,
Whose last known mailing address is: Pleading and Affirmative Defenses within Defendant(s). 1804 Washington Blvd., Dept. 600 1001 East Baker Street, Suite 201, Plant
7517 N. 40th Street Apt. G206 twenty (20) days after receipt of the Com- NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Baltimore, Maryland 21230 City, Florida 33563, a nd file. the onginal
Tampa, FL 33604 plaint for Forfeiture and Order Finding NOTICE IS HEREB GIVEN pursuant o MARIA L. SANTIAGO with this Court eitherbefore service on
MAR K. FARRIS Pobable ause 932.703(2)(a)(). a Final Judgment o Morgag Foreclosure Whose last known address was: Plaintiffs attorney or immediately there-
Whose residence is unknown PLEASE GOVERN YOURSELVES AC- dated October 24,. 2006, and entered in Unknown after; otherwise a default will be entered
Whose last known mailing address is: CORDINGLY this 25th day of October, Case NO. 2006-6294-CA of the Circuit MICHAEL KENNEY againtyou for th rlief demandedin the
312 Floribraska Avenue Tampa, FL 2006. Court of the THIRTEENTH Judicial Cir- Whose last known address was: cmpnt ptio.
33603- R. MICHAEL LARRINAGA, ESQUIRE cuit in and for HILLSBOROUGH County, 1513 Spruce Terrace This notice shall be published once
JAMES FARRIS JR. The LarnagaLaw Group, P.A. Florida wherein WELLS FARGO BANK, Tampa, Florida 33607 each week for four consecutive weeks in
Whose.residence is unknown 5025 East Fowler Avenue, Suite 19 N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR CITIGROUP La Gaceta.
Whe resideneTampa, Florida 33617 e MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST, SERIES YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action y hot
Whose last known mailing address is: (813) 899-2000 Telephone 2005-OPT4 ASSET BACKED PASS- Quiet Title for Possession Under Tite WITNESS my -hand and seal of this
312 Floribraska Avenue Tampa, FL (813) 980-1007 Facsimile THROUGH CERTIFICATES, is the Plain- on the following property in Hillsborough: Court on this 24th day of October, 2006.
33603 Florida Bar Number: 644803 tiff and MARANGELLY TROCHE; JOSE West /2 of Lot 6, Block 1 of GROVE PAT FRANK -
Whose residenM. is unknown 11/3-11/10/06 2T ONE MORTGAGE CORPORATION; map-or plat thereof as recorded in Plat By: Angel V. Demps
Whose last known mailing addras: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE CAVALRY INVESTMENTS, LLC AS Book 8, Page 43 of the Public Records Deputy Clerk 11/3-11/24/06 4T
Unknown THIRTEENTHE JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, ASSIGNEE OF AMERICRAFT; are the of Hillsborough County, Florida, lying
UnknownA C. O IN AND OR HILLSBOROUGH Defendants, 1 will sell to the highest and and being in Section 5, Township 29 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE
TONIAC. OLIVER NN FL DA best bidder for cash at 800 E. Twiggs South, Range 19 East: THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT
Whose residence is unknown CONT, FRin Street, George Edgecomb Corthouse, has beenfiled against you andyou are OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR
Whose las known mailig ddress: Case No.: 06 18115 Divisin: A 2nd Floor, Room 201/202, Tampa, Flor- required to serve a copy of your written HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY
Unknown Ns RE THE MARRIAGE OF ida 33602, at 2:00 PM, on the 21st day defenses, if any, to it on Plaintiffs At- CIVIL DIVISION
JENNIERw CANNON JSE JOAQUlN RODRIGUE, of November, 2006, the following de- tomey, whose name and address is: Case No. 06-006881 Division A
Whose residence is unknown Husband, Judgment: .4049Henderson Boulevard Plaintiff,
Whose last known mailing address: and LOT -22, BLOCK 16, FISHHAWK Tampa, Florida 33629 Pl
Unknown MARIA NIEVES MONTIEN, RANCH; PHASE 2, PARCEL G, AC- Tampa, Florida 33629vs.
LUnknoAwn BU S Wife C INGONO THE LAT THEREOF on or before November 27, 2006, (no later NNIS G. MCCUISTON AND TAMMY
Whose residence unknown S RECORDED IN PLATBOOK 84 than 30 days from the date ofthe firs C. MCCUISTON, LINDA K. LARISCY,
Whose residences unknown aNOTICE OF ACTION FOR PAGE 24 OF THE PUBLIC REC- publication of this notice) and file the AND UNKNOWN TENANTS/OWNERS,
Whose last known mailing adress: PUBLICATION ORDS OF HILLSBOROUGH COUN- original with the Clerk of this Court either Defendants.
11017 EUS Hhway92 TO: MARA NIEVESONTIEN TY, before service on Plaintiffs attorney or
Seffner, FL 33584 AddrIss Unknown TY-FLORIA. immediately thereafter; otherwise a de- NOTICE OF SALE
CLEATUS BURNES OU ARE NOTIIED tha anaction for K/A 5831 MEADOWPARK PLACE, fault will be enterd against you for the Noic i herby givn,pursuanto
YOU ARE NOTIFIED tat an action for LITHIA, FL 33547. relief demandedin the Complaint. Not is herebygie pursuant
Whose residence is unknown Dissolution of Marriage, including -claimais ralief demandad in fha Complanf. Final.Judgment of Foreclosure for Plain-
Whose restdence i unknown mailing address: for disolution of marriage, paymen o Any person claiming an interest in the f you are a person with a disability who tiff enterd in this cause on October 24,
11017 E. US Highway 92 debts, division of ral and personal surpus from the sale. if any, other than needs any accommodation in order to 2006, in the Circuit Court of Hillsborough
Seffner, FL 33584 roperty, and for payments of support, the property owner as of the date of the participate in this proceeding, you are County, Florida, I will sell the property
a Seff L 3 been filed aga nst you. -You are Lis Pendens must file a claim within entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision situated in Hillsborough County, Florda,
LINDA P. SINGLETON required to serve a copy of your written sixty (60) days after the sale. of certain assistance. Please contact the described as:
Whose residence is-unknown defenses, if any, to this action on Steven If you are a person with a disability who Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, THE NORTH 3/5 OF THE EAST 1/2
Whose last known mailing address: E. Hitchcock, P.A., Petitioner's attorney, needs any accommodatipn in order to 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa,FL 33602, OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE
Unknown whose address is PO Box 5183, Clear- participate in this proceeding, you are telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, within SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 23,
SUE A. HUTON water, Florida 33758, on or before No- entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision 2 working days of your receipt of this TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, RANGE 22
Whose rH N n vember 20,'2006; and file the original with of certain assistance. Please contact the document; if you are hearing or voie EAST, LESS THE WEST 471.40 FEET
Whose residence is unknown the clerk of this court at Hillsborough Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Divi- impaired, call 1-800-955-8771: THEREOF, AND LESS THE SOUTH
Whose last known mailing address: County Courthouse, 800 E. Twiggs Street, sion, 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL WITNESS my hand and seal of this 490.00 FEET THEREOF, IN HILLS-
Unknown Tampa, Florida 33602, either before ser- 33602, telephone no..276-8100, ext. 7252, Court at Hillsborough County, Florida, this. BOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA, LESS
YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an vice on Petitioner's attorney or immedi- within 2 working days of your receipt of 18th day of October, 2006. THE EXISTING ROADS RIGHT-OF-
action to foreclose a mortgage on the fol- ately thereafter; otherwise a default will this document; if you are hearing or voice PAT FRANK WAY. TOGETHER WITH A 1992
lowing property in Hillsborough County, be entered against you for the relief de- impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. Clerk of the Circuit Court PEACH MOBILE HOME, SERIAL
Florida: manded in the petition. WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of By: Henry Suber, Jr. #PSHG11955B2606.
The East A/ of Lot 2, Block 1, of WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- this Court on October 24,2006. Deputy Clerk 10/27-11/17/06 4T and commonly known as: 3627 PORTER
HENDRY & KNIGHTS MAP OF ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires Pat Frank ROAD; including the building, appurte-
FABURN SUBDIVSION and the certain automatic disclosure of docu- Clerk of the Circuit Court IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE nances, and fixtures located therein, at
SoFAIRh of closd al ab g on mehts and information. Failure to comply THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT public sale to the highest and best bidder,
South of closed alley ab g or can result in sanctions, including dis-- By: Sandra.Glennon IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH for cash, at the George Edgecomb Court-
plat hereof as recordd in Plat Bok missal or striking of pleadings. Dputy Clerk. COUNTY, FLORIDA house, located at 800 E. Twiggs Street,
2, Page 14, of the PublicRecords of DATED this 12th day of October, 2006. Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski CIVIL ACTION Room 201202, Tampa, Florida, on No-
Hillsborough County, Florida. PAT FRANK P.O. Box 25018 CASE NO. 05-94 DIV A vember 20, 2006 at 2 o'cock P.M:
has been filed against you and you are CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Tampa, Florida33622-5018 CHASE MANHA'TAN MORTGAGE Any persons claiming an intereat in the
reeuired to serve a copy of your written By: Cynthia Menendez 11/3-11/10/062T CORPORATION, surpus from fhe sale, if any, other han
defenssmpa, oridany, o it on PA thTIrtyW. AL- Dpuy Clrk 10/20-111006 4T Plaintiff, the pOFRESCHEDULED rortatowner as of the date of the li
LORAN ESQUIRE of Gibbons Neuman, IN THE CI200677RCUT COURT OF THE SALE entitled, at no cost le to you, to thn 60 dys
Bello, Segal & a den,fault will be enterediffs IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT MICHELLE HELENE DOLL, e your recept of ths

If you are a person with a disability who Defendant(s). JOAQUN SERRA, et al, HATTAN MORTGAGCORPORATION Dated this 24th day of October, 2006.
attomey, whose address is 3321 Hender' THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH Defendant(s). nd nyo aomaadon in o darA fo
son Boulevard, Post Office Box 2177, IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTV, FLORIDA needs any accommodation in order to
Tampa, Florda 33601, within thirfy (30) COUNTV, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION NOTICE OF RESCHEDULED participate in fhis proceeding, ,ou are
days of date of frst pubicaion of CIVIL ACTION CASE NO. 2006-7787-CA DVSON FORECLOSURE SALE entitle, t no cost to you, to the proviion
is noice, or, on or bforeassis Dan eaecaember a Fina NOTICE IS HEREB GIVEN pursu of cerain aistance. Pleas contact the
2006, and fila fha original with fha Cerk CASE NO. 06-CA-S120 DIVISION K DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST ant to an Order .Rescheduling Fore- Clerk of Circuit Court, Circui Civil Division,
of thCles Court either befor. serv on MARKET STREET MORTGAGE COMPAN, AS TRUSTEE FOR LONG closure Sale datd Octobr 19, 2006 and 800 Eat Twiggs Street, Tapa, L 33602,
Plaintiff's attorney or immediataely there-- CORPORATION, BEACH MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST entered in Cae NO. 05-94 DIVA of the tlephone no. 276-8100 ex. 7252, within
after; otherwise a default wi!l be entered: Plaintiff, 2004-5, Circuit Court of the THIRTEENTH Judi- 2 working days of your receipt of this
against you for the relief demanded in the vs. Plaintiff, cial Circuit in and for HILLSBOROUGH document; it you are hearing or voice
Foreclosure Complaint. JOSE T. MORALES, et al, S E: County, Florida wherein CHASE MAN- impaired, call 1-800-955-8771.
I you are a prson with a diabiiy who Dendant().JOAQUN ERRA, et al, HATTAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION, Dated this 24th day of October, 2006.

LA GACETA/Friday, November 10, 2006/Page 23

NOTICE OFAPPLICATION at no cost to you, to the provision of certain (NOTICE: Please call (i b3) 276-8100 ext Description of Property:. Folio No. 110954.0100
FOR TAX DEED assistance. the Clerk of Cir- 4809 to verify-sale locatibn.) S 198.9 FT QF E 89.52 FT OF W Certificate No. 89432
cuit Court, Circuit Civil Divisin, RoomSS; I fyo are a peson with adiability who 567.18-FTOF NW.1/4 OF NE 1/4 OF File No. 2006-592
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that STRA- George E Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 E needs any accommodation in order to par- SW 1/4 LESS S 25 FT FOR ROAD Year of Issuance::2004 -
TEGIC LIEN'ACQUISITIONS LLC the TwiggsSt., Tampa, FL 33602,Telephone ticipatein this proceeding,you re:etitled, SEC-TWP-RGE10-28-20 Description:ofnProperty:
holder of the following certificate has filed No. 272-7040, within 2 working days of your- at no cost to you;.to the provisior of certain SUBJECT TOALL OUTSTANDING FROM NW COROF NW 1/4 OFNE 1/4
said certificate for a tax deed to be issued receipt of this document; if you are hearing assistance. Please contact the Clerk of Cir- TAXES THN S 467.70 FT THN :N 89 DEG 51
thereon. The certificate number and year of or voice impaired, cal 1-800-955-8771. cuit-Court, CircuitGCivil Divisin, Room 530, Name in whih assessed MIN 12 SEC E 241.79 FTTOQ POB THN
issuance, the description of the property, Dated this 27th day of October, 2006.' George E Edgecorrb Corthouse, 800 E RANDY:C GOFF JR N 89 DEG 51 MIN 12 SEC E 350 FT
and the names in which it was assessed Signature by: Twiggs St., Tmp, FL 33602, Telephone Said property being in the County of THN N 00 DEQ.O7 MIN 54 SEC E 116
are as follows: Robert E. Morris, Deputy Clerk No. 272-7040 within 2 workingdaysof yur Hillsborough,State of Forida FT THN S 89 DEG 51 MIN 12 SEC W
Folio No. 2230.7000 PAT FRAK receipt of:this docuiernt; if yoare haaring Unless such certificate shall be re- 350 FT THN S 00 DEG 07 MIN 54 SEG
Certificate No. 17377 erk ofOrcuit Court of or voice impaired; calI 1-800-955-8771. deemed according to law the propeaty de- W 116 FT TO POB
File No. 2006-581 Clerk:ofrcuit Court of- Dated this 27th da of October, 2006., scribed in such certificate shall be sold to SECWP-RGE 16-29-18 N.i.
Fe of 20s6-a81 Hillsborough'CountyiFlorida -SUBJECT TO ALL OUTSTANDING
Year of. ssuance: 1999 1 311/24/064T Signatur by: the highest bidder at 501 E. Kennedy Bvd, S ET TOALL OUTSTANDING
Description of Property:.- Robert-E. Morris, Deputy Clerk 12th floor Conference Room A onr the 4th TAXES
CYPRESS LAKE ESTATES THAT PT NOTICEOF PPLICATIN dy of December, 2006, at 10:00 A.M. Name in which assessed:
RUN NWLY266 FT ALONGSLY BDRY Hilsborough County, Florida 4809 to verifY sale. locafion.) AMPA INC
AND.N 16 DEG 04 MIN E 198.50 FT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ISA- 113-11/24/06 4T you are aperson with adisability who Said property being ir the County of
FOR POB THEN RUN-S 88 DEG 41 BELLA I LLC the holder of the following 3-11 neds any accommodation in order to par- H. illsborough, State of Florida.
MINW 128.53 FTTOW BDRYN 130.2 certificate has filed saidcertificate for a tax OFAPPLICATION icpateinhisproceeding, you.arentitled, Unless such cetificate shall be re-
FTMOL ALG BDRY TO SLY R/W LINE deed to be issued thereon. The crtificate FOR TAX DEED at no cost to you, to the provision of certain deemed according to-law the property de-
OF VAN DYKE RD S 89 DEG 20 MIN numberand year of issuance, the descrip- assistance. Please contact the Clerk of Cir- scribed in such certificate shall be sold to
30 SEC E 16517 FT ALONG RD AND tion of the property, and the names in NOTICE IS HEREBIY GIVEN that ISA- the hightidder at 501 E Knedy Blvd
S16 DEG 04 MIN W 130 58 FT MOL which it was assessed are as follows: BELLA .I LLC tlhe holder of the follow- George E Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 E 12th floor dCnfernce Room A n the 4th
TO BEG 1 0 ing certificate has filed said certificate Twiggs St; Tampa, FL 33602,..Telephone day of December, 2006, t 10:00 A.M.
PLAT BoOKJiAGE 32-74 FoliofNo. 16228.0100 for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The No. 272-7040, within 2 working days of your MOTICE: PIaa (81
SEA-TWPKRGE24-27-17 Certificate No;80532 certificte number and year o issu recei of this doument; ifyou ar hearing 2768100xt
Namei names in which it was asessed are as Dated this 27th day of October, 2006. f
Name in which assessed: .- escription of Property:. follows: Signture by: ticipate ir this proceeding you are ntitled,
LAWRENCE E SINGLETON & DONNA W 200 FT OF E 225 FT OF N 160 FT Folio No 33943.0150 Robert E. Morris, Deputy Clerk at no cost to you to the provision of certain
JEAN SINGLETN OF S 433.FT OF E3/4 OF SE 1/4 OF Certificate No. 81863 PAT FRAN assistance Please cortac the Clerk of Cir-
Said property being in the County of SEC- 1/4TWP RGE 31 27 File No. 2006-587 lerkof Circuit Cort of cit rt, Circuit Civil Divsion Room 530,
Hilisborough, State. of Florida. SUBJ~ECTTO ALL OUTSTANDING Yar of lsuance: 2004 Hilisborolgh County, Florida George E Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 E
Unless such. certificate ;shll be re- 'TAXES Descripftion of Property: 11/3-11/24/06 4T Twiggs St., Tampa, FL 33602, Telephone
-dee-mrnd according to law the property de- amen which aesed: 1/4 OF NW 1/4 OF NW 1/4LESS W No. 272-7040, within 2 working days of your
scribed in such certificate shall be sold to NainDw O A DOFTAMPA' 146.95 FT AND LESS N15FTAND NOTICE OF APPLICATION receipt of this docunent; if you are hearing
the highest:bidder at 501 E. Kennedy BIvd, N C LESS S 165.5 F OFE264 -FTOF W FOR TAX DEED orvoice impaired,:calI 1-800-955-8771.
12th floor Conference.Room A onthe 4th r41095 FTHEREOF LESS FOLLOW Dated this 27th day of October, 2006.
ay of December; 2006, at 10:00 A.M .Said propertybeing in the ounty of DESC PARCELCOMM ATSE COR OF NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that LIN- Satu
(NOTICE: Please cali (813) 2768100 ext Hilsborough, State of Florida; N1/4 OFNW 1/40 F NW 1/4RUN THN- COLN ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC.the Robnrtu Mois, Deptty Clerk
4809 to location.) Unless such" certificate shall. be re- S 89 DEG.46 M1MN38 SEC W ALONG S holder of the.following certificate has filed Robert E. Morfis, Deputy Oiark
If oyuare a person with a disability who deemed according to law the ptoperty de- BDRY OF SAID. 1/4 OF NW 14 OF- said certificate for a tax deed to be issued PAT FRANK
needs any aceorimodation in order to ar- scribed in such certificate shall be sold to NW 1/4 25.00 FT TO W R/W LNE.OF thereon. The" certificate nu mber and year Clrkof ircuit ourt of i
ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled the highest bidder at 501 E. Kennedy Blvd, LIVINGSTON AVE AND POB CONT S of issuance, the description of, Hilisborough County, Florida
atno cost to you, to the provision of certain 12th floor Conference.Room A on the 4th 89 DEG 46 MIN 38SECW 231.42 FT and the namrresin which it-ws assessed 11/3-11/24/064T
assistance. Please contact the Clerk of Cir day of.December, 2006, at 10:00 A.M THN N. 01 DEG08MIN 10 SEC E are as follows NOTICE OF APPL1CATION
cuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, Room 530, (NOTICE: Please cali (813) 276-8100 ext .167.97 FTHN S 87 DEG.50 MIN 41 Folio No. 62458.0000 OR NTAX EED
George E Edgbcomib Courthouse, 800 E 4809 to verify sale location.) SEC E 228.26FTr TOW R/W LINE OF. Certificate No. 84757 FOR TAXDEED
Twiggs St., Tampa, FL 33602, Telephone. If you are a person with a disability who LIVINGSTON AVE THN SOO0 DEG 00 File No. 2006-590 r -'
No: 272-7040; within 2working daysof your needs any accommodation in order to par- MIN 12 SEC W 158.46 FT TO POB Year of Issuance:- 2004 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that AL-
receipt of this document; if you are hearing ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, SEC-TWP-RGE 20-27-19 Description of Property: EANDRA IV LC hor of f
or voice impaired, cal 1 -800955-8771. at no cost to you, to the provision of certain SUBJECT TO ALL OUTSTANDING S 192.8 FT OF N 385:6 FT OFSW 14 lowing certificate has filed said certificate
Dated this 27th day of October 2006. assistance. Pleas coritact the Clerk of Cir- TAXES OF.SE 1/4 LESS E 766.8 FT-AND LESS. for a fax ded obe asud theren. The
S-i gnatua"by. cuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, Room 530, Name in which assessed: 'W 25 FT FOR ROAD e
Signature by; George E Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 E CALVARY CHAPEL OF TAMPA INC SEC-TWP-RGE 28-28-20 the description ofthe property, and the
Robert E. Morris, Deputy Clerk Twiggs St., Tampa, FL 33602, Telephone Said property being in the County of SUBJECT TO ALL OUTSTANDING names in which it was assessed are as
PAT FRANK No. 272-7040, within 2 working days of your Hillsborough, State ot Florida. TAXES follows. -
Clerkof Circuit Court of receipt of this document; if you are hearing Name in which assessed: Folio No. 114689.0090
Hillsbordugh Couity, Florida or voice impaired,call 1-800-955-8771. nles such rl ct shl be re- FRED H-CRIBBS & SUSAN K CRIBBS rtiNi t 8991
11/3-11/24/06 4T Dated this 27th day of October, 2006. scribed in succertificate shall be sold o Said property being in the County of Year of ssuace:2004
NOTICE OF APPLICATION Signature by: the highest bidder at 501 E. Kennedy Blvd, Hillsborough, State of Florida. Description of Property: 2 "
FOR TAX DEED Robert E: Morris, Deputy Clerk 12th floor ConferenRce Room A on the 4th Unless such certificate shall be re- NORTH BON AIR S1/2 OF LOTS 11
--,- PAT FRANK day of December, 2006, at 10:00 A.M. deemed according to law the property de- ANDOR 12
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Clerk of Circuit Court of (NOTICE: Please call (813) 276-8100 ext scribed in such certificafe shll be sold to PLAT BOOK/PAGE 12-3
SOUTH GULF ANALYSIS INC the holder Hillsborough County, Florida 4809 to verify sale location.) the highest bidder at 501 E. Kennedy Blvd, SE-TWP-RGE 21-29-18
of the following certificate has filed said 11/3-11/24/06 4T if you are a person with a disability who 12thfloorConerenc RoomA on SUBJECT TO ALL OUTSTANDING
certificate for a tax deed to be issued -needs any accommodation in order to par- day of December, 2006, at 10:00 A.M TAXES
thereon. The certificat number and year of NOTICE OF APPLICATION ticipate in this proceding, you are entitled, (NOTICE: Please cal (813) 276-8100 ext
issuance, the description of the property,. FOR TAX DEED, at no cost, to the provision of certain 4809 to verify sale location.) Name in which assessed:
and the names in which it was assessed assistance.. Pleas contacthe Clerk-of Cir- If you are a person with a disability who JANICE GONZALEZ -
are as folows: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIEN, that LIN- cuitCourt, Circuit Civil Division, Room 530, needs any accommodation in order topar- Said property being in the County of.
Folio No. 5755.5678 COLN ASSET MANAGEMENT the holder George:E Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 E ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, Hillsborough, State of Florida .
Certificate No. 61886 of the following certificate has filed said Twiggs St., Tampa, FL 33602, Telephone at no cost to you, to the provision ofcertailn Unless such certificate shall be re-
File No: 2006-582 certificate for a tax ded to be issued No.272-7040, within 2 working days of your assistance. Please contact the Clerk-of Cir-. deemed according to law the property de-
Yer of suance: 2003 -thereon. The certificate number and year receiptof this document; if you are hearing cult-Court, Circuit Civil Division, Room 530, scribed in such crtificate shall be sold to
Description of Property: of issuance, the description of the prop- or voice impaired, cal. 1-800-955-8771. George E Edgecomb Courthouse3 800 E, the highest bidder at 501 E. Kennedy Blvd,
NORTH BAY VILLAGE CONDOMINIUM erty, and the names in which it was as- Dated this 27th day of October, 2006. Twiggs S., Tampa, FL 33602, Telephone 12th floor Conference Room A onthe 4th
seRTdar afLAGwODOMinUfrebylws.No. 272-7040, within 2 working days of your day of December, 2006, at 10:00 A.M.
UNIT NO 19-3 BUILDINGNO 6319 sessed are as follows Signature by: receipt of this document; if you are hearing (NOTICE: Please call (813) 276-8100 ext
TYPE GARGE.097% UNDIVIDED Folio No:. 19131.5000 Robert E. Morris, Deputy Clerk or voice impaired, cali 1-800-955-8771. 4809 to verify sale location.)
SHARE OF COMMON ELEMENTS Certificate No. 80912 "' tCPAT FRANK Dated this 27th day of October, 2006. If you are a person with a disability'who
PLAT BOOK/PAGE CB2-48 File No. 2006-585 Clerk of Circuit Court of S
SEC-TWP-RGE 33-28-17 Year of Issuance: 2004 Hilisborough County, Florida Signature by: needs any accommodation in order to par-:
SUBJECT TO ALL OUTSTANDING Description of Property: Robert E. Morris, Deputy Cterk ticipate in this proceeding, you are entited,
TAXES SW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 LESS N PAT FRANK atanca. Pa onfacf ha Oierk of Or-
Name .i which assessd: NW1/420 F NOTICE OF APPLICATION Clerkof Circuit Court of assistance Please contact the Clerk of Cir-
PNaUL VOLK SEC-TWP-RGE 8-28-18 FOR TAX DEED Hillsborough County, Florida Guto Eoud Cct i oisnRoo 580
Said property'being in the County of SUBJECT TO ALL OUTSTANDING. CE IS HERE11/3-11/24/06 4T Twiggs St., Tampa, FL 33602, Telephone -
"-Hilisborough, State of Florida. TAXES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that AL-
Hilsborough, State of Florida EXANDRA IV LLC the holder of the fol- NOTICE.OF APPLICATION No. 272-7040, within 2 working days of your
Unless such certificate shall be re- Name in which assessed: lowing certifeicae FOR TAX DEED receipt of thisdocument;if you are hearing
deemed according to law the property de- WOOfor a tax deed to be issued thereon. The or voice impaired, calI 1-800-955-8771.
scribed in such certificate shall be sold to Said property being in the County of certificate number and year of issuance, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ISA- Dated this 27th day of October, 2006.
the highest bidder at 501. E. Kennedy Blvd, Hillsborough, State of Florida. the description of the property, and the BELLA I LLC the holder of the follow- Signature by:
12th floor Conference Room A on the 4th Unless such certificate shall be re- names in which it was assessed are as ing certificate has filed said certificate Robert E. Morris,-D.eputy Clerk
day of December, 2006, at -10:00 A.M. deemed according to law the property de- follows: for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The PAT FRANK
(NOTICE' Please call (813) 276-8100 ext scribed in such certificate shall be sold to Folio No. 57476.1102 certificate number and year of-issuance, PAT FRANK
4809 to verify sale location.) -the highest bidderat 501 E. Kennedy Blvdi Certificate No. 84035 the description of the property, and the Clerk of Circuit Court of
If you are a person with a disability who 12th floor Conference Room A on the 4th File No. 2006-588HX 1names in which it was assessed are as HilTsborough ounty, Florida
needs any accommodation in order to par- day of December; 2006, at 10:00 A.M. Year of Issuaice: 2004 follows: 11/3-11/24/06 4T
ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, (NOTICE: Please cali (813) 276-8100 ext Desction of Prort: Folio No. 68558.0000 NOTICE OF APPLICATION
at no cost to you, td the provision of certain 4809 to verify sale location.) MAescripion of PrpLATTED SUBVSON Certificate No. 85410 FOR TAX DEED
.assistance. Please contact the Clerk of Cir- If you are a person with a disability who LOT 1 File No. 2006-591
cuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, Room 530, needs'.any accommodation in order to par- PLAT BOOK/PAGE 82-74 Year of Issuance: 2004 NOTICE; IS HEREBY GIVEN, that
George E Edgcomb Courthouse, 800 E ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, "SEC-TWP-RGE 15-32-19 Description of Property: CATHERINE III -LLC the holder of the
Twiggs St., Tampa, FL 33602, Telephone at no cost to you, to the provision of certain SUBJECT TO ALL OUTSTANDING N 1/2 OF W 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 following certificate has filed said certifi-
No. 272-7040, within 2 working days of your assistance. Please contact the Clerk of Cir- TAXES OF NW 1/4 LESS S 165 FT AND LESS cate for a tax deed to be issued thereon.
receipt of this document; if you are hearing cuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, Room 530, RD/RW The certificate number and year of issu-
or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. George E Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 E Name in which assessed: SEC-TWP-RGE 22-29-20 ance, the description of the property and
Dated this 27th day of October, 2006. Twiggs St., Tampa, FL 33602, Telephone JOHN J STAFFORD SUBJECT TO ALL OUTSTANDING the names in which it was assessed are
Signatur by: No. 272-7040, within 2 working days of your Said property being in the County of TAXES as follows:
Robert E. Mris, Depuy Clerk receipt of this docuent; if you are hearing Hillsborough, State of Florida. Name in which assessed: Folio No. 135621.0000
PATFRANK or voice impaired, cali 1-800-955-8771. Unless such certificate shall be re- NATIONAL MENTOR HEALTHCARE Certificate No. 90226
PAT Ferk of rC iourt f Dated this 27th day.of October, 2006. deemed according to law the property de- INC File No. 2006-594
Hillsborough County, Florida Signature by: scribed in such certificate shall be sold to Said property being in the County of Year ofssuance: 2004
11/3-11/24/0 4T Robert E. Morris, Deputy Clerk highe bidder at 501 E. Kennedy Blvd, Hillsborough, State of Florida. Description of Property:
11/3-1124/06 4T R 12th floor Confrence Room A on the 4th
PAT FRANK 'day of December, 2006, at 10:00 A.M Unless such certificate shall be re- ETHERIDGE SUBDIVISION LOTS 6
NOTICE OF APPLICATION Clerk of Circuit Court of (NOTICE: Please cali (813) 276-8100 ext deemed according to law the property de- AND 11
FORTAXDEED Hillsborough County, Florida 4809 to verify sale location.) scribed in such certificate shall be sold to PLAT BOOK/PAGE 21-57
11/3-11/24/06 4T f yo ae i.a the highest bidder at 501 E. Kennedy Blvd, SEC-TWP-RGE 10-30-18
NOTICE IS HEREBY .GIVEN, that /f you are a person with adisablity who 12th floor Conference Room A on the 4th SUBJECT TO ALL OUTSTANDING
SOUTH,GULF ANALYSIS INC the holder NOTCE OF APPLICATION needs any accommodation in order to par- day of December, 2006, at 10:00 AM. TAXES
of the following certificate has filed said FOR TAXPDEED ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, .(NOTICE: Please calI (813) 276-8100 ext Name in which assessed:
certifcate for tax deed to be issued OR TAX DEED t no coso you, o the prvision of certain 4809 to verify sale location.) DORIS W JONES
.thereon. The certificate number and year of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JOE cuifCourt, Circuit Civil Divisin, Room 530 If you are a person with a disability who Said property being in the County of
issuance, the description of the property, FAHLSING the holder of the following George E Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 E needs any accommodation in order to par- Hilisborough, State of Florida.
and the names in which it was assessed certificate has filed said certificate for a tax Twiggs St., Tampa, FL 33602, Telephone ticipate n this proceedingou are entled, Unless such certificate shall be re-
are as followsf deed to be issued thereon. The certificate No. 272-7040, within 2 working days of your at no cst of deemed according to law the property de-
Folio No.-6086.0000 number and year of issuance, the descrip- receipt of this document; if you are hearing assistaneour. Please contact the Clerk oDivisin, R room 530, scribd in such certificate shall be sold to
Certificate No. 61928 tion of the property, and the ames in or voice impaired,call 1-800-955-8771 Gcu Court, Circuit Civil Dvhson, Room 530 the highest bidder at 501 E. Kennedy Blvd,
File No. 2006-583HX which it was assessed are as follows: Dated this 27th day of October, 2006. Twiggs St., Tampa, FL 33602, Telephone 12th lor Conference Room A.on the 4th
Year of Issuance: 2003 Folio No. 29584.0000 day bf December 2006, at. 100 AM.
Description of Property: Certificate No. 81496 Signature by: No. 272-7040, within 2'working days Of your
ESSEX DOWNS LOT 25 BLOCK 3 il o. 2006-586 Robert E. Morris, Deputy Clerk recip of this documn; i you are harig (OTICE: efye See cali (813) 276-8100 ex
PLATBOOK/PAGE 39-8 Year of Issuance: 2004 PAT FRANK orvoce mpire cal 1-800-955 If you are a person with a disability who
SEC-TWP-RGE 34-28-17 Description of Property Clerk of Circuit Court of Dated this 27th day of October, 2006. needs anyare a accommodation isn order hto
SUBJECT TOALL OUTSTANDING PINE CREST VILLA ADDITION NO 4 Hilisborough County, Florida Signature by: participate in this proceeding, you are en-
TAXES LOT 28 BLOCKB 11/73-11/24/06 4T Robert E. Morris, Deputy Clerk titled, at no cost to you, to the provision of
Name in which assessed: PLAT BOOK/PAGE 20-10 NOTICE OF APPLICATION PAT FRANK certain assistance. Please contact the
MARY ELEANOR HANLON SEC-TWP-RGE 33-28-18 FOR TAX DEED Clerk of Circuit Court of Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Divi-
Sald property being in the County of SUBJECT TO ALL OUTSTANDING Hillsborough County, Florida n Room 530, George E Edgecomb
Hillsborough, State of Florida. TAXES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that LIN- 11/3-11/24/06 4T ou33r02h, Telephone No. 272-7040St., within 2L
Unless such certificate shall be re- Name in which assessed: COLN ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC the NOTICE OF APPLICATION working days of your receipt of this docu-
deemed according to law the property de- RENE R OTERO & ANA MARIA holder of the following certificate has filed FOR TAX DEED ment; if you are hearing or voice impaired,
scribed in such ceitificate shall be sold to OTERO said certificate for a tax deed to be issued cali 1-800-955-8771.
Sthe highest bidder at 501 E. Kennedy Blvd, Said property being ih the County of thereon. The certificate number and year NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that LIN- Dated this 27th day of October, 2006.
12th floor Conference Room A on the 4th Hillsborough, State of Florida. of issuance, the description of the property, COLN ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC the Signafur by:
day of December, 2006, at 10:00 A.M. Unless such certificate shall be re- and the names irn which it was assessed holder of the following certificate has filed Rinatue Mrri Dputy Clerk
(NOTICE: Please call (813) 276-8100 ext deemed according to law the property de- are as follows: said certificate for a tax deed to be issued obert E. Morris, puy
4809 to verify sale location.) scribed in such certificate shall be sold to Folio No. 60445.0000 thereon. The certificate number and year PAT FRANK
If you are a person with a disability who the highest bidder at 501 E. Kennedy Blvd, Certificate No. 84502 of issuance, the description of the property, Clerk of Circuit Court of
needs any accommodation in order to par- 12th floor Conference Room A on the 4th File No. 2006-589HX and the names in which it was assessed Hillsborough County, Florida
ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, day of December, 2006, at 10:00 A.M. Year of Issuance: 2004 areas follows: 11/3-11/24/06 4T
Page 24/LA GACETA/Friday, November 10, 2006-

NOTICE OF APPLIATION PAT FRANK receipt of this document; if yoare hearing A/K/A 3607 EAST CARACAS STREET, Circuit- Court of Hillsborough County,
.FORTAXIDEED Clerk of Circuit Courtof orvoiceimpaired, calI 1-800-955-8771. TAMPA; FL33610. Florida, Probate Divisin, theaddress of
Hsborough County, Florida Dated.this 27th day of October; 2006. Any person claiming an interest in the which is GeorgEdecomb Courthouse
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ISA- 11/3-11124/06 4T Signatu re by surplus frm the sale if any, ther than 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa,
BELLA 1 LIC e holder of he following NT OArthei property owner as.oft the date of the 33602. The names and addresses of the
cefcate NOTICE OFAPPLICATION Rbert E Morris, Deputy Clerk Lis Pedens must file a claim within sixty personal representative and the personal
deed fo be: FORTAXDEED T PAT FRANK ( <60) days after the sale. representative's attorney are set forth
number and year"of EYsuance, the descrip- > Clerk of Circugt Court of lf you are a person with a disabiljty who- below.
tin f e property, and e nmes in NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Hsboroh ounty rida needs any accommodati in o rder o A persons havng claims against this
hch it was ases are as follow ELZAET V LC the holder of the fol- 11/3-11/24/06 4T participate in this proceeding, -you are estate who are served witha copy of this
Folio No. 138 own cericae has fid said certificateate ti oument fo trehearinorvoisin notice are notknownured to file personal repre
Cerificae No. for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The NOTCE OF APPLCATION entited,9558771 sentativeand whose ames and addresse
s 1 certificate number and FOR TAX DEED of certain assistane. Please contact the sch.f are not r asonabl astertainable, monust fis
File No. 2006-oer t Cand te -lerk of-Circuit Court, Circuit Civil-Division, after the date of the.first publication of1his
ear o ace. the desciption of ethepropertyandthe 00 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL notice or 30 days after he dateof service

SEC- -RGE 20i1 Yr of s an 24 ames in which it was assessed are as hOmoths after the date of.the first publica-
Swas assessed are as NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, thaat fL 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ex1 7252, of a copy of this notice on that person:
iioof EXANDRA IV LC he holder Nof the f- wpitain 2 Florking days ofyor receip of Person having claims against the estave
SY A owing certificate has fled aid certificate isdocument; if yo re hearing or voce 06 843who are noknown to he personal repr-

Wd d 1/2 CLOSEDAlABTNo.0000 38r for a fax deed teo be ssued thereon. The ipire, cali 1-800-9558771 s ve Gonzlez, P.A
SCertificate sentative and whose names and addresses
PAT B KPA 1-56 certificatenumber ad year of issuance, WITNESS M HAND and thesea Of are not reasonaby ascerainable, must file
TE NLK 1Fln the desciption of the property and the this Court onOctober 30, 2006. A s a st the e setat itie
SUBJECT TO ALL OUTSTANDING Descption of.Property follows: ssessed are as months afnerothe date of he first publica-
TAXES JMAC FARLANESREV MAP OF clerkf the CruitCourt ths notice
Name in ic assessed: A TN T EST TAMPA W re Folio No. 18949.0000which assessed:By: Sandra Glenon.2006-277 ALL CivisionLAIMS AND OBJECTIONS NOT

Slaw the propertyde- DENAHARDY IN RE: ESTATE OF Tampa, Florida 3606
beK is o SEC-TWP-RGE 14-29-183 Dropu CENT 2 P
Hilsborouh ateoFlorida. SUBJECT TO ALL OUTSTANDING- D escription of Property: P.O.Box 25018 -oeBer 0 0
Tampa, Florida 33622-15018 'Personal Representative:
Ues006, at 1000 M. Unlessuch certificate shall be re- F6 43 11/10-11/17/06 2T RETA MAY DOZIER 3-

deemed (813) 2768100 ext deemed accordingto l w the property de- Name in dmiistratoof the estte ofVIN TE ICUIT COURT OF THE
cribed in such certiicate shall be sold o MAE L PLT BOOK/PAGE 1-20 ENT ALER deceased wose date THITEENTHll Avenue
he with a disability who t WPhesidderat501 EKennedy ofIN THE CIRCUIT COURT FORe N ber RUG
et boer a 2 5 E Kea y ation in horder toupar- 1f floo nferenc SUBJECT TO ALL OUTtSTANDING 20062771, ILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDAt ourt COUNTYrida 336FLORD
Hillsborough, State of Florida. TAXES PROBATE DIVISION Attomey For Personal Representative:

day ofouaei Decembrt- d o2006,al .c10:00 A.M. .-0X00 JOM f CIVIL ACTIONR
CE cal (13) 27 100 et Ues such ertificate shall be re- Name ihic assessed: File N 20062771 Division A JOE M GNZALEZ,710-C ESQUIRESI
rify sale location.) deemed accordin to law the propertyde- 34 South WilloW Avenue -
olf you are a prson .-with a disability Who sribed in such certifcae shall IN RE: ESTATE OF Tampa, Flor ida 33606- -
ethe hihet biddr at 501 E. Kennedy Blvd Said ptoperty.being inthe County of VINCENT A. FALLER,- (813) 254-D797 -
Soor Conference Room Aon the 4t Hilsborouh, Stat ion of F rdda. to par represed.ntative and thepersonal repre- Plaintiff,330477

f-S 33602, Telephone ticipate in this proceedingi you are entitled, sentatives attorney are set forth below, vs.
pe pb 2006 at 10"0AM. Unless.,such, certificate shall be re- NOTICE TO.CREDITORS 11/3-11/10/062T

tno t oep rworking daysf your at ncost to you, to te provisin of certain A creditrs of the decdent andoter -MELTONGALLION .eta
asitancet; ou ar100 exng assistance. Please con law the property de- The admrsons having aims of the estae o VNdant(s). OUT OF THE
cui ur Circut Civil Division, Room 530, 4809 verify sale lcation.) 0-955sc8771bed in suc certiicae haDivisil be ol30, decedeNT s estALLER, deceasedon whom a copye date T CL
George E Edgecomb Curthouse, 80 lf you are a person With a disability who the highest bidder at 501 E. Kernnedy Blvd, of dah Wias July 12, 2006; File Nmber TIE FOR IS RU
Twiggs StTampa, FL 33602, Teleonepar- 12th florConfrence Rom A on th 4th 200-271, las din inthe Circuit N ou CONTHEREBY FLO rsuan
No. 272-7040, No27within 2 working dy of your pat n th r d you are etied day of Deceber, 26,t 0:00 A.M. for Hsbrogh County,HS AFT Florida, Probate ended FCIVIL ACTION
eceip of i do en i yo-are cos o you, o th lerk receif this dument (NOTICEPlease calhearing T813) 276810 IR PUBext DiCATIONOF Foreeosedated Octoberaddress f whch an 800 E
or voice mared al 1 800-955con -8771 Twig Street, Tampa, FL 33602 The CASentered in ase NO. 2004-5710-CA DIVISION J
Dated t ui CourtCircuit Civil Division oom 530, youare aerson ith a disabiity who naTE s and ddresss o the personal INDY Court of the THIRTEMACBENTHANK, F.S.B.Ju

Florida Dated this 27th day of October, 2006. THIS NOTICE ON THEM. dicial Circuit i and for HILLSBOROUGa
nau -GeorgeE Edecomb.Curthouse, 800 E needs any accommodation in ordr to par- representative and- the personal 'repre-. Plaintiff,
:Twiggs -St., Tampa, FL 33602, Telephone dticipate in this proceeding,. you are enfitled, sentative's attorey are set forth below. va.
wih 2 worng dayof your t no cost to you, o he prorevision of certain All other creditors of the decedent and Countyer MELTON GALLION et al INDYMA
PAT FRANK recep of hs dou 11/3-en 11/ fyou are hea24/0ng asistance. Please contact the Clerk of Cir- persons having claims or demand s agains BANKt D F.S., ithedant(). Plaintiff and MEL
Clerk of Circuit Cour of or oic impred, caU 1CAT800955ION8771. cuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, Roof530, d denentfs estate, on whom a copy ofA/K/
Hillsborough Counfy, Rorida Dated this 27ti day of October, 2006. George E Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 E this notice ls required fo be served, must NOTICE OF FOREC:OSURE SALE
11/3-11/24064T S r Twiggs St., Tamipa, FL 33602 Telephone file heir claims with this c ourt WITHIN WITHIN NTMOTHS D E S HERBY GVEN pursthe Defendant s,
SNo.272-7040, ithin 2 worg daysofyour AFTER THE LATER OF MONTHS AFTER THE willn Amended Final Judgment and of Morbest biddgage
NTCEOF CAO E. Monis, Depuy Cer receipt of this document ifVyou tar hearing TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF Forecosure dated October: 27, 2006 organd
FRTAXDEED FRANK oroice mpaired, caNOTICE 1-80APPLCATI0-955-8771. THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE entered in Case NO. 2004-5710-CA of
Clark ofN icifa or a tax deDaed tohis 27tbe FOR TAXDEED Sr,-2006 DATE 733.7 SERVCE OF A COPY OF the Circuit Court of the THIRTEENTH Ju-
r l$ of sa, the descriptionf o TCe is 2h G e THIS NOTICEtON THEM. dicial Circuit in Band for HILLSBOROUGHARRED
NETi Vi P1 E th rop an ames in which it EXoi Signature by: Aholde oher credors of the deceden and County, Florida wherein- INDYMAC
ERTA s Le derI e fo follows: lowi 11/3112406 4T Robert E. Mohais, D eputy Cerk other persoD s having claim or demand BANKCLAIM F.SB, s the Plaintiff and MEL-
cerficate hss thed asid certificafe for fa NOTICE OF APPL1CATION PAT FRANK a against decedent's estate must file their TON GALLION; DEBBIE GALLION AK/A
be d ero n he ci FO TAX DEED Clerk of Circuit Court of claims with his ourthe WITHIN 3 MONTHS DEBRA GALLION; are the DefendanPLA,
n a the -1 certificate number and year of issuance, C AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST will sel to the highest and best bidder for
St EC TOep rop ey aLLd s ch ]S e c H pib CGIV Non y R0 PUBL CATION OF THIS NOTfCE. cash at 800 E. Twiggs Street, George
E REBY GIvEN, hat 11/3-11/24/06 4T ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED c WITHIN Edgecomb CourTthuse, 2nd Floor, Room

,Foe l io 8 Ra e:CA FALLER 15OEURBE00, DEESAL SM0A
i No. 13 he holder of he following certificate has NOTICE OFAPPLICATION THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN 201/202,.Tampa, Florida 33602, at 2:00
C7fied asid certiicate for a fax deed fo be FOR TAX DEED SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PM, on the 27th day of November, 2006
ie N 2006-596 ied here The certifica number PROBATE CDE WILL BE FOREVER the foowing described propery as se
Yeear of ss ruance ia Issl 2 T a FL Bnd year of Esuance, the deci forth in said Final Judgment:

'2004Description of Property: Aey fr ersonRpse NUMBERS 82398474 AND 82398676.
Descripion of Proet the prpert nd the names in which t EXANDRA IV LLC the hoder of the fol- NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PE- LOT A, CAMERON ACRES RE
MORA SUBDIVISION LOT 135 was asaesaed are as follows: lowig certificate has filed said certificate RIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM VISED, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT
PLAT B KAGE 29-14 Foio No. 180136.0000 fo a ax deed o be sued hereon. The FLED TWO (2) YEARS R MORE THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT

Silsog Sate 33-2f-Florida. SEC-TWP-RGE 24-29enFTER Tampa, FL 33601-1438 surplusO BO from the sale, if any, other tharE
971 certificate number and year of issuance, AFTER.THE DECEDENTS DATE OF
S CT TO ALL OUTSTANDIG Fle No. 200c6-599HX he desciption Of the property, ad he DEATH S BARRED222-1148 thePUBLIC RECORDS OF HILLSBOR-
ear of un 2004 ames in which it was asesed are- as The dae of frst pubication of ths noiceLs Pendens must file a claim within
Namein hich aesed folows: November 10,2006. sixTOGETHER WIT(60) d-THAT CERTAINafter the sale.
GHIRA LOT 11 BLOCK 8 Folio No. 194143.0000 Personal Representative:
aid prope being in the Cunt of PLAT KAE 4-13 Certificate No. 95048 CONSTANCE VE RONICA FALLER THEREOany accom, DESCRmodation in order t

2006-at 1000 A.M Hilsborough, State of Florida. IN4506 W. Rosemere Road DOUBLEWIDE WITH ID NUMBERS
es s crt e l be S T ALL OUTSTANDING Yearof ssuance: 2004 Tampa, FL 33609-4210 entitled, GMHGA1 449926025o cost to you, to the provis
deemed cordin o a e ey de- TAXES Description of Property: Atomey FAMLYr Personal Represntaive: certaNUMBER ass 82398474 AND
cribed in such certiicae shal be sold o Name in which as e ssaed: WASHINGTON'S W 35 FT OF LOT 8 E. JACKSON BOGGS

(NOTICE: Please cal (813) 276-8100 ext isborough, State of Florida. SUBJECTTO ALL OUTSTANDING Tampa, FL 33601-1438 surplus from the sale, ifi any, other than
4809-o verif`y sale location.) Uileas such certificate shall be re- TAXES Telephone: (813) 222-1148 the property owner as of the date of the
adeemed acording fo taw-the property de- Nameinwhichassessed: 11110-11117106 2T Lis Pendens must file a claim within
are a wt a d who acribed iensixty (60) days after th sale.
5need any acdcorlvmodation-in order o par- Ehe insc haer aeat hRA RAtTA aS d lIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE lf you are a person with a disability who
cie in hi ro ig, you are eied, h or feece Room A on the 4h Sid popery being in the County of THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, 0needs anyt accom modation in order to
Sno cos o you o the proso of cerin day of December, 2006t 10:00 A.M. Hilboroug, State of Florida. oIN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH participate in this proceeding, you are
uirCic i Cvl tDivo, oo r- (NOTICE: Please cal (813) 276-8100 ext Unless such certificate shll be re- COUNTY, FLORIDA entitled, at no cost to you, lo the provision

Date Or 2006. cuit Court, CircuiCt Civil Division, Room 50 40 K ACrres Cvl
GeeE dgoFAMILY LAW DIVISION of certain assistance. Please cntact the
TigSta m E 3 ,b yT:ee e lf you are a persobn with a disability who scribed in such cerfifcate shall be sold fo Case No.: 06 18257 Division: B Colerk of Circuit Cou, Circuit Civil Divi-

TTwiggs t.M, Tampa, FL 33602, Telephone Yeeds 800 NOTmoaED that ord atoon har P.O. Bo 2501
No. No. 272-7040, within w daysf yur need ay mmodation in order o par- the highest bidder at 501 E. Kennedy Blvd, N e ln rr o t

Cle ofCirct utoreptofs met; of eo are aeadng at 7no arse no you, to of yoovsi4 of00 ce1ain 2r OF o
raeding, you are entifled, 1 2th floor Conference Rect A on fhe 4th LUZALEJANDRA SAMPEDRO w3hi602, erping nasof 2 r reext. o
voice impaired, cal 1-800-955-8771 t ocost o you, a he provision of certain day of December, 2006, at 10:00 A.M. OMURLLO, thi Dou rkn your

Dadh2t 11/3-b1/2006. sac of Dated this 27Ch day of October, 2006.rei Cerkof Cir- N CE Ct Pae l(n Dr8 2 76a- impaired, caRi 1-800-955-8771.A
cuif Court, Circuit Civil Division, Room 530, 4809 to verify sale location.) and iTNESre MY c HAND-5 nd.
Sigaue by: George E Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 E you are a person with a disabilty who FRANCISCO ALBERTO ARIAS, WITNESS MY HAND Tnde the sea of
tETwggs St., Tampa, FL 33602, Telephone needs anytacc mmodaFton in order to pa- Re pondent.
No. 272-7040, thin 2 working days of your ticipate in this proceeding, you ar enitifed, NOTICE OF ACTION FOR a Flrank-
CleAk off ii C of Circuit Courto0 (e By: SandrA Glennon

SPAT FRANK C treceipt of this document; ifyou are hearing required to serve a copy of your written F04006079 GO
NOTICE HEREBY GIVEN, hat Clerk of Ciri court of or voice impaired, cal 1-800-955-8771 defenses, i any, o it on LUZ ALEJAN- 11/31110062T
ELIZABETH VI LLC he holder of he fol Hilsboough Couny, Florida Dated this 27th day of Ocober 2006. dres is 8506 Catalina Dr., Tampa, IN THE CRCUIT COURT OF THE
lowing certificae has filedsid certifcae 11/3-11/24/06 4T Signature by: 33615, on or before November 20, 2006, THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CRCUIT
for a axdeed be suedhereon. The NOTICE OF APPLCATION Robert E. Mois, Deputy Clerk ad file the original with the clerk of thi OF THE STATE OF. FLORIDA, IN AND
certificafe number ard year of lssuance, FOR TAX DEED PATFRANK Court at 800 E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY
h decription of the property, ad he XiDEED PAT FRANK f 33602 (Room 101), before service on Pe- GENERAL CIVIL LAW IVISION
ames in which it was asr sessed are as Ciui coRDA o i9ioner or immediately thereafter. If you NOC OF F O
folows -REBY GIVEN, that Hilsborough Cunty, da ail so, a defult may be entered CASE NO.: 06-8851 DIVSIN: A
Folio No 153830000 ELIZABETH VI LC the hlder f he fol- 11/3-11/24/064T agains you for the relief demanded in the N RE: THE FORFEITUREOF HT
og certifcate has filed said certifcate petition. HUNDRED SXTY-NINE DLLARS AND
Cetpficale o. 911 for a fax deed lo be issued thereon. The IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE eIN DLRS AN(
File No 2006597 certificate number and year of issuance, THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Copies of all court cuments in hi 00/100 US. CURRENCY ($86900)
ear of s ce: 2004 he descripion of he property, ad the IN AND FOR ILLSBOROUG case, icludig orders, ae vailabeat CLAIMANT LUIS PREZ
De nmesin which it was assessed are as COUNTY, FLORIDA Cer of the Circuit Cou office. You may NOTCE OF FORFETURE
edanr RchuiVL F c sreview these document g upon request. CROceEIN
LSED 0 E CASE O NO. 06-000489-CA N ust keep he Clerk of the Circuitd o NO t f
AU N N5BCK12Folio No. 18832.000 C y NVO. 0h6- 0R48E9-ECA DT i Gr Cour's office nofified of your currenT ad- TO: LUIS PEREZF e
o 703 FLONG BEACH MORTGAGECOMPANY dreBs. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- 9108 Symmes Road, Lot 2B
fiieso2 0AG A DELAWARE CORPORATION dres Florida Supreme Cour Approved Gibsonplon, Floreida 33534
SUECT 5 N Year of ssuance. 2004 Plaintiff, Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers aind all persons who claim an interest in:
TAXE in erty: vs in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- EIGHT HUNDRED SIXTY-NINE DOL-
UCTTc Ao. 919A2 bN ard St UKNBDIVlSIOe MON PLAT 3 IN dress on record at the clerk's office. LARS AND 00/100 U.S. CURRENCY
ame in which asesed: PG 50 LT 8 AND 9 BLOCK 10 ASN RBUSKY et al, WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florda F- ($869,00), seized Augus 17, 2006 t or
OHAIANTONFERENCEOF PABOOK/PAGE3-50 Defendant(s). ily Law Rules o Procedureo, requires near 9108 Symmes Road, Gibsonton, in
7THDAYADVETST SE-TWP-GE 8-29-19 NOTICE OF RESCHEDUED certan auomatic disclosure of docu- Hilsborough County, Florida.
Said property being in he Couny of SUBJECT TO AL UTSTANDING FORECLOSURE SAL ment ad information. Failure o comply OU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE said
Hisborough, Se of Florida. TAXES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to can result i sancion, includig ds- propery is in he custody of Hilsborough
Unles such certifcate hal be re- ame in which asesed: an Order Rescheduling Foreclosure Sale missal or striking of pleadings. County Sheriffs Office Any Claimant
deemed according law propery de- F GD CHURCH KEITH'S daed October 26, 2006 ad enered n Daed: October 16, 2006. desng to contest the oreiure of he
cribed in such cerifcate hal be d o DOMININ Case NO. 06-000489-CA of the Circuit PATFRANK ahb bed oery apon
hehis oer Said property being in the County of Court of he THCIRTEENO Judicial Cir- CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT i e pe aigs and affme
of Florida. cuit in anO d bor HILLSBOROUGH County, Nurebpreadin01,andpendnrminive debenses
day Hilisborough, State of2a 0 Florida wherein LONG BEACH MORT- By: Cynthia Menendez within twenty (20) days after receipt of
(N6TC Pleas e7 Unles such certificate shall be re- br GAGE CiOMPANY A DELAWARE COR- S Deputy Clerk. 10/20-11/10/06 4T the Complaint for Forfeiure and Ordert
4809 overify sale location. deemed according o law the property de- PORATION, is the Plaintiff and JASON ---------- Finding Probable Cause, pursuan to
f,.ou a re ^ a !personfh a disbiy who scribed in such certificate shall besold to ROBUSKY; LONG BEACH MORTGAGE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR 932.703(2)(a), Fa. Stat.
needs Sty Taccmpoa, o F ondr f2 pre i efb st 501 E. Kennedy Blvd, COMPANY; are fha Deendants, will HILLSBOROUGR COUNTY, FLORIDA PLEASE GOVERN YOURSELVES AC-
Niopa. i72-700 whin pr wo ngdyedupoedng, you are entitlededhfrCoference Room A on the 4th sello Ihe highest and bel bidder fon PROBATE DIVSION CORDINGLY this 26th day of October,
seceit no ostfo yue fo fha p roisof cetaing da of Dc mbe to you. t2006, st 10:00 A.M. cash t 800 E. TwiggAs Street, George File Number: 06-901 Division: A 2006. -
asvois p d ance. Pleas coontac the Clerkf Cr NTEP alI (813) 276-8100 ext Edgecomb CourDhouse, 2nd Floor, Room 3371
cuim Ccuit Cicuirci Civil Divisian, Room 530, 4 o f cion.) 201/202, Tampa Florida 33602, st 2:00 IN RE: ESTATE OF DaVI GheE) County
GOrged E Edgecb Corfhoser, 8006 E Gbyoarge a pgercomn with a disabili, who PM, on fhe 30th day of November, 2006, HENRY LEE DOZIER, CHRISTOPHER E. BROWN, ESQ.. t
STwigg St., Tampa, FL 33602, Telephone o in order fo par- he following descRbed prOpery as set Deceased. F Atomey for David Gee,
ReE os pedNo. 272-7040, wi2h ing, you are eniled, forfh in asid Final Judgment: F NOTICE TO CREDITORS as Sherff of Hillsborough County

LA GACETA/Friday, November 10, 2006/Page 25

INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHE G. STOECKLEIN, JR; COUNTRYWIDE 12th; day of December, 2006, the follow- Family Law Fornr 12.915.) Future papers IN THEcIRCUIT COURTOFTHE.
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT HOME LOANSNC..; FORD MOTOR ing described property as set forth in said in thi lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUT OF -
IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH CREDIT COMPANY;s are the Defendant, Final Judgment dress on record at the clerk' office. THEiSTATE ROF FLORIDA, IN AND
FLO^A^nR^IDA 1 the highest and-best bidder LOT 5 AND 6, BLOCK 1, WATSON WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- CIVLDIIIN
CIVILACTIONJPMORGAN for ash at person disability.who si 800 E Twiggs StreteetGeorg AN FERNANDEZ SUBDIVISINama, AC- y map oplat thereofLaw Rules of Procedure, requreas recordedin Plat
CASE NO; 05-7537 DIVISION G Edgecomb Courthouse, 2nd Floor, Room CORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT certin automatic disclosure of. docu- CASE NO. 06-CA-004267- DIVISION: J
JPMORGAN CHASE GRBANK ORAS 201TRUSEE 202needs any accorimodation in order to 33602, THEREOF, AS REORDED76 IN PLAT mentsandinfrmatn.FaTO CREDITORS c .A 24 PaRIC 94 PbliRecoDEKLErds
GRANTOR TRUSTEE C/O PM, on the 1sf day of December, 2006, BOOK 4 PAGE 54,: O- HE PUB- can result in .sanctions, including dis- paintiff(s),
RESIDENTIAL FUNDING CORPO- parthe f ing described property asset within EC2 working dayILLSBOROUGr receipt of he adorfkinatiofe of dis Hsbugh untyFlid.
CR RATION is the Plaitiff frth in said Final Jdgnno cost to you, to th provisioLORID.n this document ifyou are hearing or oie312006. STOR RAMN andtheROBBIEst.GAInd best
DANIEL ALAN SELDEN; TENANTl, PAGE 50, OF ssisTHE PBLIC RE- Anyimpairson call 9iming an interest n the whose By: CynthiaMenendez atwasAugust 3, 2006, biddeorbidders for cash itheGeorge).
Defendant(s). ORDS OF HILLSBOROUGH COUN- surplus from the sale, if any, other than Deputy Clerk NOTICEOFSALE
LINDAPEREZ are the Defndants, I will T FLORIDA.ur, ircuit he prpertil DiviwnerNESS MY HANof the date ofthe is pendi 1in theCir 3-cuit 112406 4T illsb- EEdgemb ourthouseocatedat800

Edgecomb Curthouse, 2nd LE Lis Penesmtfieawamda uNcpof at-Frank amp, FI 3601 The ames and ad-F Novtembere, 200g F. .ursanttd .
N FORECL GSUR VENLE prsu- A/K/A 501 W LEE STREET, PLANT sixt3?6oyda--IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FORI Final Judgment of Foracosure enterad in'
201202, Tmpa, Flrida 33602, at 2documen; FL 33563. HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA, the above styled caus in the Circu
PM on the 30th day of November, 2006 impaiedrsncall 1 anteest-800-955-877 B Sanydra Geon anth the Pr DIVISIN Court of LLBOROUGH' Countyher Flor-
nth olaowng ndescbeding acct ammodation in order to
clsure Sale dated ctober 23, 2006 thiurplus frour te sale, fany, ththan 2006n his proceedingrr yoia are FileoNor.: t e a06-CP-002659 Division: A idi edlh-eethde pner atiin.

LOT 9, BLOCK 5, BLdOMINDAIE FnP.O. Box 25018 personsihaving claims dr:demandsagainst sixty (60)daysafterthe sales
and entered in Cas NO. 057537 of he he property.owner aofthe date the entited CIRt no cst o you, th3 MONS e provisin INHETIMERE: ESTATEtitled t n co you to teprovis
Circuit Court of the THIRTEENTH Jud- Lis Pendens mustil a claim wthinTHIS of certain assistance. Pleas contct he ARTot 14 Block 2 TOWNITE OF'he
A/K/ACircuit in andr HILLSBOROUGH sixty (60) dysaftr these. R 0 lerkAYSAFETHE DATE Clerkf Circuit Curt aircuit Ccord ivint Dv-
County, Florida wherein JPMORGAN ou are a erson withaFLORD OF SERVICdisabilitwho ioOFACOPYOFTHIS s 800 Eas00Twiggs Ststwiggsreet, Tampa, F map FL
CHAnyersBANK ASGRANTORRUST inhe need F an1396 odation in order o 33602,lephone no. 27600, ext. 7252 NOTICETOCREDTOR. Bok 3362; telephon 276-810094 ub Recorxt.s 252of
from the sale ifany, partcipae nthis proceding, yu ae ithin 2 workingdays f yur receipt of The adminitrations of the estate of witin2 working daysof your receipt of
l Srty owner asnofthe date of thI entited, at no cost lt you, to the provision this document; f you are hearing or voice LOREEN Ms. HARTMANN, deceasad, at.public sale, t the highest and best
ALA ens mst file aT NA of certin assistance. Pleas contctthe impired, cal 1-00-9558771. NA agaiwhosst deceofdeath waestAugust 3, 2006, bidderor bddersforcashin the George0-955-877
LINDA PEREZ are the Defendants, 1 will Clerk of .Circuit ,Curt, Circuit Civil Divi- WITNESS MY HAND and. the seal of is-pending in the-Circuit Courtfor HilIsbor- E:.Edgecomb Courthouse, located at 80Q
seixty (60 hghest and e sale bidder for sn, 800 EaTwiggsStret, Tampa, FL th CourtCCE n OtoberGE24 2006TO WELLS oughms Conty, Florida, Proba NH Divisin, E.TiDAgstreD n October 27, room
cash at 800- E. Twiggs Street, George 33602 tlephone no.276-8100, ext. 7252, ., the address OF Twhich i FIRS Box 1110 201/202.at2: FRANKpm.,onthe 27th Day-of
nedsg aecny acorthose, 2ndin Forder within.2workig days of: you receipt. oferk 0e o

201202participate, in tampa, Florida 33602oceding, yout this documenT; vs. Clrk fthe CircuiCourt Tampa, FL 33601 The names anl By SandraG e nnon -
entitled atno cost yo toheprovision C SEX MALE DOB09/11 WLIAM L WLSON, et drsses of THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN Deputy Clerk ing .an interest in-the
of certainbe r 2006 impaired.callPlease contathe Child Unde18YearsofAge Defendt(s) tiv's attor- SErpN 733.s-fro702 OF TthHEFsaLORIDA 111any,ot3-11herthan10

Yodu are hereby notiffed that the above- Riverview, FL 33569 MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE
WITNESS MY HAN e a rty WITNESS MY HAND and thet seal of 12Deputy Cier ney are set forth below. n r -D M the. property C owner-as-of hTINEIRAt
this Court c ober this Court ctober 25, 2006 Echeviagainst youa, in odilsRive& Stawaiew, skFL 33569 Tcrhedite of first depublicatiodent andother Lis Pender mustfil aclaim within
PatFrank said Juenile Cort in Mcntosh County, CU P RRENT ABx 2501DDRESS: UNKN prsonWN havngclaimstice is deandsveganst sity3, 2(60) vedays ber3, 2006. sale:and
Cle O PLAT k of the Circuit Court ampaFlorid 33622-5018 decdens estoftheCe n whoma copy o this the 8th day of Ayarea psuguston with adisabilARyOS LUS MARZOLwho
-By: anrE RAlennon h etLo C le thf tf b ovCeramc i F06010884 1N1/3-11/10/06 2T Pnotice- s required tebe servd must file nedspo any accommodation in: rder fo
De00 Clrk 5, iP dG OF E LCnnrtino CAI B, T 1-HR 1 their clims with this court WITHIN TLHE participate in this proceeding, you are
SCOU.NTY, FLORIDA. Echevarra, Codi!is.& Stawiarski THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS eof-ceaii assistance. Pleas cntact.,the

S721FORTUNADR entAparental ights PO.Box25018 ter -in IN terAND inated.FOR HILLSBOROUG NOcpy INDIVIDUADEFENCEOR 30 DAYSAFTER THE DATE Cerloidaf Circui Curt, MARrcuit Civil Divi-AGE
DONTampa, Floda 336225018 of the petition maybe obtained from the A COUNTY FLORIDA OF SERVICE OF A COPY O THIS sio, 800EastTwigepresentative: TO: CALO S LUIS ret,Tampa,FL
Any prson climing a interest in the F060nt3961 11/3-11/10o06-2T PART CIVILACTION NTERES NOTICEON THEM. 33602,telehon no. 276-8100,extdress:. 7252,
Upls. from the sale; f anyhother than ar- AS SPOUSES, HEIRS DEVISEES Wiliam R Lane, Jr. enan wihin 2 workingdaysofED yourrecipat an action

:11st of FaMiy ntosh C ount.Separes GRANTEES .OR OTHER dLAIMANTS Florida Bar No. 357731 has been filed against you and that you
wn of dateofhe IN THE JU NILE COURT FOR other persons having clamsaordmands this document; ifyou are ha copyring or voice
HILLsens mus fil a claOUNTY, wFLORhin THE COUNTY OFMARE cINTOSH WELLFARGO BANK, NADRESS: against decedntTampa,'s est Florie musda 336fil0 their mpairdefenses, calny, to 1-80t on DA0-955-8771IA M.

File.No. 06-2804 Ditision A the Juvenile Court of Mcintosb County, YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to 11/3-11/1.0/06 2T 3308W. Louisiana Avenue Tampa Flor-
sixDarien, Georgia on the 12th dayTEF GEORGIA SUCCSS claim wth thiscour on WITHIN3theMONTHS DATED on October 27, 2006.
IN RE:yo ESarTATpers On cemwthber, 2006 at 1:30 o'clockCASE p.m. The e#- ery in FAGOHOILLSB ORTGAGH County, FloCda:. AFER THE RCDATEUTOFCOURTOFTHE 2006, and fiUBe the original with the clerk of
needs anyac modatioLD, in order fect of the termination order requested LOT 20, IN BLOCK 3, BOYETTE THON FIRTE HISIRTEE NOTICEIAL CRCUIT this Court at800 E Twiggs Street, Tampa,
paricpeased. teshalln this prceedng to te yrminate are IN THE ITERET OF: UNIT 1 IN. ALL CLAIM LLS B NOT FIED WITH Florida 33N By: Sandra Gl service on Petnonitioner
eniOTICEed, aTO CREnoDITORS andcsttyobl theigationsprvisin C.M.K. SEXMALEnts withDOB: 0914/01 WILACCOAMRDING TL. WLSON etal, PLA CTHE TIME PERIODS SETFORTH IN Daputely tClerkeafter..f you faitodo
of cer adminstance. Pleastate conacf JOANChild Undr 1Years of inheritance DefeBOOK nda59,t(s). PAGE 55, OF THE PUB- SETION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA reliefdemnded in thepetition.
33602, MA lephDO e-no. 2768100; ext. 7252, TMELISSAAD LYNNAREFULLY andLIC RECRNALD TO: RDS OF WILLIAML. WILLSON ROGH NOTWTHSTANDNGTHETIM PE Copies of all court docROUGments in this
wiNumber06-2804, ispendig ayof in the Cirecip This Sf DRUYmmndothns requireson claiming LAST KNOWN ADDESS: MERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY COUNTY, FLORIDA
this dcu meit C urt f or HILLSBOROUGH County,r vo paemisent at oforal he abov-nmed cJuvenilde has 13624 Silved rCharm Court CLAUSODIANM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR evie these documents upon reest
orida, Probate Divisin, the address of You-are hereb chd fiedor other parties above- Riverview, FL 33569 your writte MORE AFTER THE0 DECEDENTS DATE
WI33602. The names HANDand addresseals of styaged action whese pro seeks. 4, 2006erminatin on10226 Evening Trail Dr.& Stawiar-OF DEATHTORNEY-IN-FS BARRED. DANIACourts offiGARCe notified of yoCATur curINEIRA,
this Cour-onal rOcober 25 2006. theper- of parental-righswasfier, youd again choose skiin PlaRiverview, FL 33569 whose address is PlThe date of first(You mapublication of y fihi ot no- ice of Curitionerent Ad-
soPat Frank-epresentative's attorney are set said Juvenile Cour in Mcnawy osh County,to 9119 CURRENTe Lake DRESS UNKNOWN tice s Nove Forber 3, 2006. ad
Cleirk of th e decedent anCircuid other Cur Georgia- on the 8th day of August, 2006. r erc Defendant(s) dCARLOS LUIS MARZOL,s office.
By: SandraGlennon or de and he petiion allegshat the above-named ANfte ANotherwise a default will be entered NOTICEnal R OFpresentaACTION WAR Respondn.G: Rul 12.285, Florida Fam-
Depuofthis notiClerk childsa deprivd child and at it woud CLAMN BY, THRUGH, UNDER, WILLIAM H. HARTMANNt hU crTGiCa o Atiior, o d
mustfil thei claims with ths court WTH- appointed to represent you. The Court LAST KNOWNAGANTTHE RENADDRESS: ments and infomation. Failure to comply
THE Tvarria, Codiis & Sawarsk PUBLICA stances and if INDIVIDUAL DEFENDANTS H Tampa, Florida 33615 DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE
Tampa, Florda 33622-5018 of fitheancially petition mayhirbe ba ained from then a the La Gaceta CU RRENT ADDRESS: UNKNOWN ate OctoS 1 U 006IS
AFTER THE5017319 DATE OF SERVCE OF A lawyerk o Mcnbe aospp Countyed to repreJuvenile Court. AIVE, WHEHER SAID UNKNWNyou HOLLAND & KNIGT LP Last KnoW Ad :

11111006COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. T The chIf yo u want a lawyer ap tempd to repary needs any accommodation in order to ANY AND ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES PATERANK
1 0 2 h custody of fha Mclnfeah Cuntye Demparf- -AS SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISEES William R. Lane, Jr. .YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action
Sother ceditors f the decedet reseny ou, you must let the Court or the p RANTEES ORTHERLAMANS Florida Bar No. 357731 has been filad against you and. that you
mands against decedOURT enestate, must know that you want a lawydrer mmediatel. of certainassistance. Please contaeruiredt the servaNDVDU coAL DEFENDfour wri-N(S)WHO
PROBATEION OFDIVIS NON TC ED AND REQUIRED o appear beor CURRENT ADDRESS: UNKNOWN 7252, PTelephone: (813) 227-8500 GARCIA CAST NERA, whose address
File No. 06-2804 Division A the Juvenile Court of McIntosd County, YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an actionb te 11/3-11/10/06 2T 3308 W. Louisiana Avenue, Tampa, Flor-.
IN RE: ESOTATE OF Darien, Georgia on the 12th day of De- foreclose a mortgage n the following prop-- da 33614, on or before November 27,
LE. TAO A, cember, 2006 at 1:30 o'clock p.m. The ef- erty in HILLSBOROUGH County, Florida: IN THE CIRCUITCOURTOF THE 2006, and file the original with the clerk of
JOAN E. MCDNALD fct of he ermination order requeed LOT 20, IN BLOCK 3, BOYETTE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT his Curt at800 E. Twiggs Street, Tampa,
Deceased. shall be o terminate the parental rights SPRINGS SECTION "A", UNIT 1r IN ANDFOR HILLSBOROUGH Florida 33602, before serviceon Petitioner
MNOTIC F TO CREDITORS and obligations of the parents with respect ACCORDING TO MAP OR PLAT GCOUNTY, FLORIDA or immediately thereafter. lf you failo do
To the abovS-named child, including rights THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT CIVIL ACTION so, a default may bee ntered against you
T7e dAdnisfatinoffhe of inherifance. BOOK 59, PAGE 55, OF THE PUB- CASE NO.: 2006-8052-CA DIVISION: 1 for- thea relief demanded in the.petition.
Numbr. 06-2804, ending. in C his Summons rquires yo o be. COUNTY, FLORIDA. AMERCAS, AS TRUSTEE A ca incudin order, are available a
County, resnta a formal hearng in h Juenle has been filed against you and yoF are CUSTODIAN FOR HSBC BANK USA, erk of he Crcu E Cur office. Youma
Florida Probate Divisin the address Of Court. The child or other parties involved required o serve .a copy of your written NA ACE 2006-NC1: SAXON vieweseAocumensupon es.
which 800 E. Tiggs Street, ampa FL may be representd- by a lawyer a al defenss, any, n or befre ecmber MORTAGE SERVICES INC. AS ITS Yo musfnkeep the Clark of the Circuit
33602 The names anR address of stages of hese proceedings. 4, 2006, on Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiar- ATTORNEY-IN-FACT, Court's offie notified of your curren ad-
Spersonal epresentativ and thper- lyou want a lawyer, yoR may choose ski Plaintiffsattorney, whose address s Plaintiff, edress o( Flo id Sue a Cort re
sonal representativRKs attoey are setl and hire your own lawyer. If you want fo 9119 Corporate Lake Drive, Suite 300, vs. dre Iw, For da Suprem2 1ure F ta ppers.
forth blow. hire a lawyer, please contact your lawyer Tampa, Florida 33634,a and fil h orig- T el tin f saw ui lc -b ailed ,o hap
All creditors of the decedent and other immediately.. nal with this Court aither baore servce Defendant(s). dress en rerd at fha clerk's office. -
peersona having c8aim3 or demanda- It you want a lawyEr bu are nIE able te en Plaintiois at torney or immediately there- origina w rth the clerk oftisCo
-against decedent's esta1e, n whom a hre a lawyer wihou undue a ter, otherwise a defau wil be enterd NOTICE OFACTION WARNING: Rule. 12.285, Florida Fam-
copyofhi nofice s reuired.b served hardship-yu may ask r a aw b agast you fh relief demanded in h TO:JUAN AGUSTIN URENA y Lw Rules of Procedur, requires
must file their caims with this courF WITH- appointed lo represent you. The Court Complaint or petition. LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: to a formae icon iure te co
IN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER would inquir ino your inancial circum- This noice shal be published once 10206 Explor Cur can re ine n ter aui you
THE TIME HE. FIRST PUBLICALO- tancs and f the Curt inds you RI be each week for two consecutivo weeks in Tampa, FLrief deane ik n t eit on i
TION OF THIS.NOTICE.OR 30 DAYS financially unable t hire a lawyer, then a the La Gaceta. Tampa, F 336 o eading n
AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A lawyer will be appointed to reprasent you. If-you are a person with a disabilit who CURENT ADDRESS UNKNOWN Dated: Octber 19, 2006. i the
COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. Iyou want a lawyer appointed o rep- needEs. any acconnomodation in order s ANY AN omer o A thAL UNKNOWN PARTES PAT FRANou
All other creditors of the decedent resentyou, you must let the Court or the participate in this proceeding, you are CLAIMIN BY, THROUGH, UNDER, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT .
and other persons having claims or de- officer of .this Court handling this case entitled; at no cost tao you, o the provisin AN AGAINST THE HEREIN NAMED By: Cynthia-Menendez, Deputy Clerk
mands against.decedent's estate, must knowthat you want a lawyer immediately. of ceriain assistance. Please contact the INDIVIDUAL DEFENDANT(S) WHO 1027-111706 4T
file their claimsawith this Court WITHIN 3 WITNESS he Honorable Jean BGlin Clerk of Circuif Court, Circuit.Civil Division, ARE NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD ORo nteoy r t
P MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE Jue ofsaid Courti 800o EasT' wigs Street Tp F AE, Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL N C
RALL CLAIMS NOT FILEDWINTHIN THE SO obeRD Ui f .f dA within 2 working days hiofyour receipt of AGANTEES, b lHEI oRe DE IMEE IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH
ATIME Pfe n nI S NT F TLED WINMTH I N H To tTbo r O Ger, 2006S. re, this document; if you are hearing or voice rANT her C or oc dresLAiMANi onr COUNTY, FLORIDA
73O.702 OFTHE FLORIDA PROBATE f E AE T sr parenfs, custodiansApre- impairedi, caON 1-800-955-8771. r LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: UNKNOWN e NI: d er 12d D iv in
CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. adNOTivparents or relativEs praviding WITNESS my hand and. he seal of this CURRENT ADDRESS: UNKNOWN
NOTWITHSTANDINGHETIM PE ar r te abve-named child: A Court on this 25thday of Octobern, 2006. YOpU ARE NOTIFIED that an action c e MIGUEL A. RODRiGUEZ,

Case NO.0-9A tert PR 0 G t Cephes ofl againut youn in thTI Clrc e o thiE Courtccan y result these documints cuin requ ist
RIOD SET FORTEH ABOTE, ANY CLAIM hEard at fha above-sated time and Paft Frank fcertyes a mocoag en fa o n iar thenorvidgs
DEATH I BARREDe.n OF JappEar e Depuey Cerk LANE SUBDIVISION UNITNO. 5, Respandent. R u

The date of TRhE firs publicaRion of this aSona Gardner s Echvarria, Codilis & Stawiarski ACCORING of uHE MAP OR PLAT- NOTICE OF ACTION FOR

Personal RepreseTntativE: S Mcntosh County, Georgia R 2 Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 PaBLIC RECORdS OF HILLSBOR- TO: PETRA SOSA RODRnGUEZ
i6ffS, sPbblatBeahBvd 11/3-1R 1/24/064T 4 F06015830 11/3-11/10/06 2T OUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA. Las Known ddress: 1243 Delta St.,
Ianyteers l RN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE IN THE CRUIT COURT OF THE required o serve a copy yur writen YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action
Attorney for Personal Rpresentativ: THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, defenses f an, on or beore December has been filed against you and that you
DENNIS V. NYMARK INAND FOR HILLSBOROUGH IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUQH 4 2006, n Echevarria, Cdil & Stawiar-s are required o serve a copy of your
DENNid Va NYA 0 PA COUNTY, FLORIDA COUNTY, FLORIDA ski, Plaintiff's attorney, whose address s written defenses, if any, to it on MIGUEL
lOS. PebbNlMARK PA CIVIL ACTION Case No.: 06-DR-18821 Division: B 9119 Corporate Lake Drive, Suite 300, A. RODRGUEZ, whose addressi 13144
SunCi Cantar, PL 33573 CASE NO. 06-CA-5725 DIVISION B DANIA SANTANA Tampa, Florida 33634, and file the orig- Early Run Ln., Riverview, FI 33569, on or
Suln Ctyc Center, Fi 33573 inal with this Court either before service before December 4, 2006, and file the
Telephone: (813) 634-8447 HSBC MORTGAGE SERVICES INC, Petitioner n Painifs atoey r immdatey her- original with the. calerk of this Court at
11/3-11/10/06 27 LAII. and after, otherwise a default will be entered 800 E. Twiggs St., Rom 101, Tampa, f
RENE SANTANA, against you for the relief demanded in the FL 33602 or PO. box 3450, Tampa, FL
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE LINDAA.ROGERS, etal, Respondent. Complaint or petition. 33601, before service on Petitioner or
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ACTION FOR This.natica hah be published once a immediately thereanter. af yoa fail o do so,
NT COUNTY, FLORIDA NOTICE OF FDRECLOSURE SALE hDISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE each week for two consecutiva weeks in h renii deananded in the petition.
CIVIL ACTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant TO: REN SANTANA the La Gaceta, Copies of aH court documents in this
CASE NO. 2006-7309-CA DIVISION to a Final Judgment.of Mortgage Fore- Last Known Address: Unknown If you are a person with a disabilitywhe case including orders, are available at the
BANK OcF NEW YORK2 AS TRUSTEE closurIE datd Oebr 24I 2006, and en- YO ARE NOTI g h an action neads any accmmodatin in rder t clerk h Circuit Cur office. Ya~ may

CERTIFICATES, SERlES 2006-5, tWy,.Fl.orida0 whegrs tHtBC MeoRTg AGd E SANTANArosfocfreananotfiisedncf.Poueasercnnd- a fha Bya Musa Clek feoftfhCeiooin
PSainfif, SERVICSF INC ia ThS Plainiti and HAbANA whose address as 216 N280 0los, o 20g Street, TampaF dress. (Yo may file Notice al Curran- Ad-
20065, is the Pantiffand CHAR ampa,-Fboeriere33ec2met4,:2006M,,and tliladrfha.3 F602riaSupphme onupno-d2176-810/0e6x 7252 Dreas, Florida Suprema Cauri Approved

Final JudgmeAnt f gage r ALIVE, WHETHER SAl0 UNKNOWN 2ay be enterad against you tor fha reieaf Court en this 26th day of Oetber, 2006. ceti LawulaslPcdicoure, rfquire

Page 26/LA GACETA/Friday, November 10, 2006

THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT has been filed against you and that you HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY,-FLORIDA As a result of being unable -o effectuate certified mail notice to violators of the City
INANDFOR HILLSBOROUGH are required to serve a copy of your GENERALCIVIL DIvisiONW Code, notice is hereby given that a Tampa Municipal Code Enforcement Hearing Master
COUNTY, FLORIDA written defenses, if any, to it on CORRIE Case No. 2006-7518- Divisin "A" has scheduled a public hearing on November 15, 2006, at 9:00 a.m. to hear the below
CIVIL ACTION S LAYNE, whose address is 7707 Paul NELSON J PRIElisted cases which are in violation of the City of Tampa Code. Information usted below
CASE NO. 2006-8272-CA DIVISION: G Buchman Hwy; Plant City, FL 33566, on NELSON J. describes the case number, 'property;owner(s), violation addr.ess, code section violated,
or before November 6th, 2006, and file Plaintiff, and legal description of subject property in that order. The hearing will be held in City
JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A., the original with the clerk of this Courf at vs Council Chambers, 3rd Floor,.City Hall, 315 E Kennedy Blvd.,Tampa, Florida. Affected
Plaintiff, .. 302 N. Michigan Ave., Plant City, FL MARIA PARADIS, IF LLVING, AND IF property owners will be given the opportunity to discuss the alleged violations. .Should
vs E A 33563, before service on Petitioner or im- DEAD, THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE, anyone have -any questions regarding these cases, please, cali the- Office of the City
SREGINALD D BATEMAN etal, mediately thereafter. If you fail to do so a HEIRS, DEVISEESGRANTEES, Clerkat (813)274-7079
Defendant(s). default.may be entered against you for the ASSIGNS, LIENORSCREDITORS Ileat (813)274-7079C
Defendant(s) reliefd manded inthe peiion. TRSTEES AND ALL OTHER PARTIES. Please note that if any person decides to appeal any decision made by the Code
SNOTICE OF ACTON e .d o docmes in .this CLAIMING ANINTEREST BY Enforcment Hearing Master with respect to any matter considered at the meeting. or-
TO:EGINAD c BCopiAs of al court dersrments inbe.fa THROUGH,-OR UNDER OR AGAINST hearing, they will need to ensure a verbatim record of the proceedings is made._which
LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: Cierk of the Circuit Courts office. You-may MARIA PARADIS ET AL, record includes the testimony and evidenee upon which the appeal is to be based. -
114 Mission"Huls Avenue review these documents upon.request. Defendants CASE # 06-08747 --
Tampa, 1FL 33617 You must keep the Clerk of:the Circuit f AMENDED NOTICE OF ACTION NAME OF VIOLATOR: MYRICK DANIEL J
39:19 Seaenify Circie Courft's offIce notified of your cirrent ad-
sOL dress:(ou may file Notic of Current Ad-. TO: MARIA PARADIS, IFLIVING, AND IF CTIOFN VIOLATION: 201.2 E SEWARD ST
9247 OveSarasotaok DrvFL #34235A dress, .Florida Supreme Court Approved DEAD, THE UNKNOWNSPOUSE LEGALDESCRIPTION: HILLSBORO HEIGHTS MAP SOUTH
9247 Overlook Drive, #A Farly Law Form 12915.)FuturepaperS' HEIRS DEVRISEES,ASSIGNTRUSTEES LOT 39 ANDW 15 FT OF LOT 40 BLOCK A
Tampa, FL 33617 in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- ANDALLR THER PARTIES CASE# 06-08867
801 Tealwood Dr, nit102 dress on record at the:clerk's office CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY, NAME OF VIOLATOR: STATEWIDE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INC C/O REG AGT
Brandon, FLE33510 RNING Rule 12 285, Florida Fam- THROUGH, ORUNDER OR- COOTS JIMMY E
ANGLER BATEMAN :certain autonatic. disclosure of docu- Whose last.known address is: SECTIONS: 19-49, 19-50
LAST KNntNand Dnformaio Failureto comply 402 Hanlon LEGAL DESCRIPTION HILLSBORO HEIGHTS MAP
LAST KNOWN ADDRESS can result in sanctions, including dis- Tampa, Florida 33604 LOTS 37 AND 38 BLOCK G
114 Mission Hills Avenue missal or stfiking of pleadings. ANNA MORALLECASE # 0609381
.- -Tamisa, FL 33617 .Dat d: Octobler 3, 2006. ANNAMORALLES ASE# 06-09381'" :..
1*TampaFL33617 Dated. Otober 3,2006 PO. Box 1407, Rio Grande NAME OF VILATOR: MARTIN MINNIE L
a3919 Serenity CrcFL 34235 PAT FRANK P : uerto Rico 00745 LOCATION OF VIOLATION 1816 E 22ND AV
92Sarsota,FL 34235Drve, #A CLERK OF-THE CRCUIT COURT J. D. LEWIS, TRUSTEE OF THE SECTIONS 19-49, 19-231,19-232 & 1.9-238
8T ealwoadDr:33617 .02 .Deputy Clerk : 10/20-11/10/06 4T 30, 1992 LOT11BLOCK3
801Tealwod 02 C/O CAROLE LEWIS. CASE # 06-09381
ANDAGAINSTTHE HEREIN NAMED Case 06CA00932 on the following property in Hillsborough: -LOT 11BLOCK3
INDIVIDUAL DEFENDANT(S) WHO CITY OF PLANT CITY, a FLORIDA The South 66 feetofLot 3, Block1, CASE # 06-10340
ALIVE, WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN Plaintiffs,. as per map or plat thereof as re- LOCATION OF VIOLATION: 1725 E LAMBRIGHTST, N
S SP USARTIESMAYCLAIMAN EVISEES :- corded in Plat Book 2, Page 55 of SECTIONS: 1.9-49, 19-56
CLASTKNOWNADDRESS: UNKNOWN Defendats. h- has been filed against .you and you are CASE # 06-11498
faCURfREa.NT IiADDRESS: NOt n to .U \-NOTICE OF ACTION required to serve a copy of your wrtten NAME OF VIOLATOR MAY THOMAS J
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that anaction to defenses, if any, to it on Plaintiffs At- LOCATION OFVIOLATION:317W LAMBRIHTST ..
forecse gg- TO LDRID torneyose a mortgageon the name and address is: SECTIONS 19-46,19-49 & 19-50
LOT 22, TEMPLE TERRACE HEIGHTS UNKNOWN 4049 Henderson.Boulevard LOT 710 AND E 10FT OF LOT 711 N
CO RDED IN PLAT BOOK 32, PAGE LAST KNOWN ADDRESS than30 days from the date of the first CATONOFVOLATION 8718 N 15TH ST, AB
5 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF. UNKNOWN. publication of this notice) and file the SELOCATION OF.VOLATON: 19-491950 1.N 15TST,
has baen filed against you and you are TO: OTHERS and ALLTHOSE before service on Plaintiffis attorney or LOT 4 AN E 1/2 OF CLOSED ALLEYON WBLOCK 10
required t serve a copy of your writ- CLAIMING AN INTEREST BY OR immediately thereafter; otherwise a de-
ten defenses, if any,.on orbefore De- THROUGHTHEM fault will be entered for the -CASE # 06-15206
cember 4,2006, n Echevarria, Codilis & RESS: relief demanded-in theComplaint. NAME OF VIOLATOR: GUERRA MIGUEL A AND ANA M
Stawiarski, Plaintiffs attorney, whose UNKNOWN A If you are a person with a disability who LOCATION OF VIOLATION: 10909 N 50TH ST
address is 9119 CorporateLake Drive, -_ U NKNanyOcWcoNd in or.d
Suite 300, Taimpa, -Florida 33634, and file CURRENT ADDRESS: UNKNOWN needs any accommodation in order to SECTIONS 19-49,19-50
fhate 3 porgnal wh this Court aiher before YOU ARE NOTIFIED tha an actino participate in this proceeding, you are LEGAL DESCRIPTJON: TERRACE PARK UNIT NO 5 REVISED
the original with this Court either before YOU ARE NOTIFED that an actionto entitled, atno cost to you, to the provision LOT 33 BLOCK 139
service on Plaintiff's attomey or immedi- quiet title on -the following property located of certain assistance Please contact the CASE # 06-15529
ately thereaffer, otherise a default will in Hillsborough County, Florida: Clrk of Circuit Court, Circu Civil Divisin AME OF VOLATORWHEAT MATHEW# 06-15529
be entered -aginst you for the relief de- Lot 4, Block 14, in Lincoln Park South, 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL 33602, LOCATION OF VIOLATION: 8113 N SEMMES ST
manded in the Complaint or petition, asaper map or plat thereof, recorded in telephone no. 276-8100, ext 7252, within ECTIONS 19-50 19-231,19-232
This notic shall be published once Ptat Book 4, Page 95 of the public .2 working-days of. your receipt of this LEGAL DESCRIPTION HENDRY AND KNIGHTS ADITION TO SULPHUR SPRINGS.
each week for two consecutive weeks in records of Hillsborough. County, Flor- document; if you are hearing or voice LOT 166 & W 1/2 CLOSED ALLEY ABUTTING THEREON
the La Gaceta. : ida, all lying and being in Section 28, impaired, call 1-800-955-8771.
If you are a person with a disablity .who Township 28 South, Range.22 East. WITNESS my hand. and seal of this CASE # 06-15895
needs any acaommodation in order to Has been filed against you and you are Court at Hillsborough County, Florida, this NAME OF VIOLATOR: HARRIS EVERETT
participate in this proceeding, you are required to serve a copy Of your written .16th day of October, 2006: LOCATION OF VIOLATION: 918 E WILMA ST
entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision defenses, if any, on or before 20 Novem- PAT FRANK LEGAL DSECTIONS: 19-50, 19-23
of certain assistanc.: Please contact the ber 2006, on Clifford R. Opp JrEsquire, Clerk of the Circuit Court LEGAL DESCRPTI BLOCK 10GATEWAY SUBIVISION
Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, 1001 East Baker Street, Suite 201, Plant By: Henry Suber, Jr. W1/2 L BLOCK 1
800 East Twiggs Street,. Tamrrpa, FL City, Florida 33563, and file the original Deputy Clerk CASE # 06-17215
33602, tlepioneno-276840100, ext.7252; with this Court. either before service h..... 10/20-11/10/064T NAME OF VIOLATOR: BANKS BARTHOLOMEW AND VANESSA D
within 2 working days ofyour:receipt of. Plaintiffs :attorney .or immediately -there- LOCATION OF VIOLATION; 3813 E NORFOLK ST
this document; f you are hearing or voice after; otherwise a default will-be entered IN THE CIRCUIT COURTOFTHE SECTION: 19-56
impaired, call 1-800-955-8771.. against you for the relief demanded in the THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT LEGAL DESCRPTION: TEMPLE CREST UNIT NO 3.
WITNESSmy hand and the seal ofthis coplaint or petitin. IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH LOT 7 BLOCK 60
Court on October-25, 2006. This notice shall be published once COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA CASE 06-1741
Pat Frank each week for four consecutive weeks in FAMILY LAW DIVISION NAME OF VIOLATOR: CONSTANTIN CLAUDIA 1
Clerk of the Court La Gaceta. Case No.: 06018558 Division: C LOCATION OF VIOLATION: 226 W JEAN ST
BY: Henry Suber,,Jr. WITNESS my-hand and seal of this
DeByty-Cuerk Jr -. Court on this 12thday.of October, 2006. INRE: THE MARRIAGE OF: SECTION: 19-232
EchevarriaCodilis & Stawiarski CAerk of th Circuit.Court Petitioner LOT 36
P.O. Box 25018 nd CASE # 06-17681
Tampaj, Florida 33622-5018 By: Gagelene Dunkerley -and C
Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 Deputy Clerk 10/20-1110064T MARIA ISABEL MORALES GUTIERREZ, NAME OF VIOLATOR: IRVING DUDLEY A
F06015538 -. eputy 10/20-11/1006 4T den LOCATION OF VIOLATION: 5108 N15TH ST
11/3-11/10/0 2T Respondn SECTIONS: 19-232,27-133, 19-49, 19-56
INRE: ESTTE OF cAsE.NO. 2006-7788-CA DVIN K YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has SECTION: 19-231
SDeceased Plaintiff, serve a copy of your written LOT 10 BLOCK 7
NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION vs. defenses, itf any, to it on VALERY FER- CASE # 06-18284
The administration of the estate of HEN- INVEST FUND CORP USA, INC., et al, NANDEZ RODRIGUEZ, whose addoress CASE # 06-18284
RY LEE DOZIER, deceased, File Number Defendant(s). is 8016 N. Habana-Ave. Tampa, Florida NAME OF VIOLATOR: ALONZO F MCNAIR
06-901, is pending in the Citcuit Cour tor N 33614, on or before November 27, 2006, LOCATION OF VIOLATION: 3638 E COMANCHE-AV
06-901ispending in the Circuit Court for- NOTICE OFFORECLOSURE SALE and file the original with the clerk of this SECTIONS: 19-49, 19-50
sion, the address of Hillsborough NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Court at 800 E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, LEGAL.DESCRIPTION: BELMONT HEIGHTS NO 2 PB 12 PG 41
ouCnt Courthouse, 800 East Twiggs a Final Judgment of Mortgage Foreclosure. Florida, before service on Petitioner or LOT 277
Street, Tampa, FL 33602. The ames dated October 26, 2006, and entered in immediately thereafter. lf you fail to do so, CASE #.06-18284
and addresses of the personal represen- Case NO. 2006-7788-CA of the Circuit a default may be entered against you for NAME OF VIOLATOR: GMAC MORTGAGE PROPERTY PRESERVATION
tative and the- personal representative's Court of the THIRTEENTH Judicial Cir- the relief demanded in the petition. LOCATION OF VIOLATION: 3638 E COMANCHE AV
attorne are set forth below -- cuit in and for HILLSBOROUGH.County, Copies of all court documents in this SECTIONS: 19-49, 19-50
Snresed person are required file Florida wherein CHASE HOME FINANCE, case, including orders, are available at the LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BELMONT HEIGHTS NO 2 PB 12 PG 41
with this court, WITHIN THREE MONTHS LLC, is the Plaintiff and INVEST FUND Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may LOT 277
OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF TIS CORP USA, INC. are the Defendants, review these documents upon request.
Owill sell to the highest and best bidder for Yu mus keep h Cirk of h Circuit CASE # 06-18483
-NOTICE: (1) all caims against the estate cash at 800 E. Twiggs Street, George You must keep the Cerk of the Circuit NAME OF VIOLATOR: MCCLAIN PAULA MCCLAIN LONNIE
and (2) any objection by an interested Edgecomb Courthouse, 2nd Floor, Room notiied o your curren ad- LOCATION OF VIOLATION: 8413 N 46TH ST
person on whom this notice was served 201/202, Tampa, Florida 33602, at 2:00 dress. (You may file-Notice of Current Ad- SECTIONSz 19-56, 27-129
that challenges the validity of the will, the PM on the 21st day of November, 2006, dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TEMPLE TERRACES
qualifications of the personal represen- the lowin descrbed prrty as se Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers S 60 FT OF N 240 FT OF LOT 57A LESS E 169.3 FT THEREOF
tative, venue orjurisdiction of court forth in said Final Judgment: n this lawsuiwil be maild o the ad-
ALL CLAIMS ANO OBJECTIONS NOT EAST12 OF WEST 1/2 OF LOT dress On record at theaclerk's office. CASE # 06-18966
Publication of this Notice has begun on STEAD AS PER PLAT THEREOF AS y LaW Rules of Procedure, requirs SECTION F LATN 7315 MACTTE T
November 3,2006. RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2, PAGE certain automatic disclosure of dcu- SECTION: 19-50TAMPA CITY MAP
Personal-Representative: 50, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ments and information. Failure to comply LEGAOT 8AND E 12 LOSED ALLEY ABUTTING THEREONBLOCK 159
RETA MAY DOZIER. HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA. missal or striking of pleadings. CASE # 06-18966
c/o Joe M. Gonzalez, Esquire A/K/A 913 EAST 28TH AVENUE, mial or striking of plaadings. CASE # 06-18966
304 Sth Willow Avenue TAMPA, FL 33605. Dated: October 20,, 2006. NAME OF VIOLATOR: CHIELLINI JOSEPH A CHIELLINI AUDRA N
Tampa, Florida 33606 Any persn ciming an inerest in th PAT FRANK LOCATION OF VIOLATION: 7315 S MASCOTTE ST
Tarnpa,Florida 33606 Any person claiming an interest in the CRFKRFTHE CIRCUIT COURT SECTION: 19-50
Attorney For Personal Representative: surplus from the sala, if any, other than CLERK OF TE CRCUT COURTPORT TAMPA CITY MAP
JOE M. GONZALEZ, ESQUIRE the property owner as of the date of the By: Brenda Dudley LOT 8 AND E 1/2 CLOSED ALLEY ABUTTING THEREON BLOCK 159
304 South Willow Avenue Lis Pendens must file a claim within Deputy Clerk 10/27-11/17/06 4T
Tampa, Florida 33606 sixty (60) days after the sale. A FV T :CASE # 06-19639
Telephone: (813) 227-9223 f you are a person with a disability who NAME OF VIOLATOR: ICKERSON SEAN
Florida Bar Number 330477 ne-- ~. e_ ~mwhtadl LOCATION OF VIOLATION: 10009 HYACINTH AV
11/3-11/10/06 2T participate in this proceeding, you are LEGAL DESCRIPTION: CASTLE HEIGHTS 1ST ADDITION
entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision LEGAL DESCRIPT 4ON: CASTLE H EI-HTS 1ST ADITION
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFTHE of certain assistance. Please contact the LOTS 33 AN 34 BLOCK H-
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Divi- CASE # 06-19646
COUNTY, FLORIDA 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, C y i Material LOCATION OF VIOLATION: 10007 N ASTER AV, A/B
Case No.: 06DR17505 Division: R within 2 working days of your receipt of .. ODV SECTIONS: 19-49, 27-129.
Cae N. 0this document; if you are hearing or voice LEGAL DESCRIPTION: CASTLE HEIGHTS 1ST ADDITION
CORRIE S. LAYNE, impaired, cali 1-800-955-8771. nit ntnt LOTS 171829 AND 30 BLOCK G-1
Pettioner WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of COI1tI 10/20-11/10/064T
and this Court on October 26, 2006.
JOHN A. LAYNE, f Pat Frank Available from Comrmeial News Providers"
Respondent. Clerk of the Circuit Court *
NOTICE OF ACTION FOR By: Sandra Glennon -* -y To Subscribe To La Gaceta
TO:JOHNA. LAYNE Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski I a 24 2
Last Known Address: P.O. Box 25018 Call 248-3921
320 Park Springs Cir. Apt. 7 Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 ____
Plant City, FL 33565 F06014885 11/3-11/10/06 2T __________ __--------------_
LA GACETA/Friday, November 10, 2006/Page 27

Elecciones o Referndum Sobre Bush Veredicto Final Para Hussein
Por:. Arturo R. Rivera y se espera que la Cmara de que se est considerando para
Al momento de escribir este Representantes Federal pase a esta eleccin, sino la guerra
artculo se habrn efectuado manos del Partido Demcrata. en Irak.
las elecciones congresionales La economa de los Estados El electorado no esta con-
en los Estados Unidos. Unidos ha mantenido altos forme con la razn por la
Todo apunta a que bay un niveles de empleo y el mercado cual se invadi a Irak fuese -
malestar profundo en el elec- de valores ha aumentado a la eliminacin de armas de
torado, mayormente por la niveles nunca antes vistos, destruccin masiva, que por
situacin de la guerra en Irak, Sin embargo, todo esto no es lo- cierto, nunca se encontraron
en esa nacin. Luego de esto,
se utiliz como fundamento
jul Noticias de Inm igracion que el propsito era crear
un gobierno democrtico en
Director de Inmigracion de Catholic Charities la region. Lo cierto es que la
todos rn. Lo cierto esla la
Por Jos Fernndez guerra, la sensacin que ha
creado en la nacin, es que
Cundy Como Extenderla Visa no va para ningn lado, y la
u muerte de los jvenes ameri-
Pregunta: Me llamo Luisa Aguilar y soy originaria de Mxico. canos contina aumentando
Llevo viviendo en los EE.UU. ms de veinte aos y soy ciudadana a pasos agigantados.
americana de este pas. Hace cinco meses invit a mi mama para El gobierno de Estados Uni-
que me visitara aqu en los EE.UU. afortunadamente la visa de dos no tom en consideracin
turista de mi mam fue aprobada por el consulado americano una estrategia de salida, no
en Mxico s Inmediatamente entr con su visa a este pas y ha tom end consideracin la cul-
permanecido casi cinco meses, pero la estada como turista est tura y religin de Irak, elemen-
por vencerse ya que en el puerto de entrada solo le otorgaron seis tos necesarios para prevalecer
meses. A igual que mis otrps hermanos quiero que mi madre en la guerra. Tampoco se
permanezca ms tiempo en los EEUU; por lo menos otros seis asign la catidad necesaria
meses. Quisiera saber qu debo hacer para solicitar una extensin de soldados para ocupar una
de estada legal para mi madre. Por favor infrmeme sobre los re- nacin como Irak y mantener
quisitos y el tiempo que se -tomara el Departamento de Inmigracin un' control fuerte para conser-
para procesar-la solicitud de extensin de mi madre. var el orden y la paz.
Respuesta: Seora Aguilar, bajo la ley de Inmigracin su De hecho, la administracin
mam puedesolicitar una extensin de su estatus de turista. La Bush ignor los consejos del
extensin se la pueden otorgar por no ms de seis meses y esta general Collin Powll, que se-
extensin la debe solicitar dentro de 45 dias antes que se le venza alaba que dada la cultura y la
la estada. Ella deber completar la planilla 1-539 y adjuntar un religin de.Irak, era necesaria
giro de $200,. Tambin deber adjuntar copia de la visa y copia una fuerza considerable para :
del documento de entrada a este pas (1-94). establecer la autoridad de for:
Es muy importante que incluya toda esta informacin con su ma contundente y uni sistema
formulario de extensin, as como la razn por la-cual desea estar democrtico.
ms de -seis meses en el pas y- cmo se piensa sostener durante Bush' sigui la filosofa de
este tiempo. La mayora de las personas extienden la estada para Donald Rumsfeld, Secretario
pasarms tiempo:con familiares y amigos. Otras personas desean de la Defensa, que conside- Esta semana que concluye, la Corte que conduce el
visitar otros estados del pas o atracciones turistas. Ocasional- raba que se poda ocupar un juicio contra el despuesto dictador Sadam Hussein,
mente, Inmigracin le pide informacin financiera al solicitante pas con una fuerza militar '10 conden a morir ahorcado por los crimenes co-
para comprobar cmo piensa mantenerse. Estas peisonas pueden pequea. La historia en Irak metidos durantes su rgimen. La decisi6n ha sido
mandar informacin de su cuenta bancaria e giros bancarios que ha demostrado que la visin de
reciben de sus paises de origen. Despus de que mande la solicitud Rumsfeld estuvo equivocada, recibida con escepticismo en pases del Medio Ori-
a Inmigracin, recibir una carta de Inmigracin dentro de cinco Al final, sern las elecciones ente, Norte de Africa y an en los Emiratos rabes,
semanas notificndole que ha recibido su solicitud de extensin. congresiorales las que demos- donde se pide que se juzgue por rimenes de lessa
Usualmente se tardan aproximadamente noventa dias para tomar trarn si el pueblo americano humanidad al presidente de los Estados Unidos,
unala decisin sobre la solicitud de extensiones de estada. continua apoyando a Bush., George W. Bush por su invasin ilegal a Irak

Si usted cuenta con Medicare y Medicaid, nosotros podemos ayudarlo a que Todo esto dentro de un plan de salud sencillo.
reciba los medicamentos que necesita. Los planes de salud de Evercare ofrecen Llame hoy mismo para recibir los beneficios de Evercare.
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Es posible que su plan Evercare tambin incluya los siguientes beneficios: Lnea TTY .1-888-685-8480
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y muchos otros ms.

( Evercare

Los planes de salud de Evercare lo ayudan a conservar su independencia.
Los planes de salud Advanltage de E:xerca r'* son oftecidos por United H ealthCare In.surance Comparny:i l.Unit ed1 Ieai.thca:re o0 A\labaa, Inc.,
Un.ite!d I lea.lthcare of Ar:iz.ona, IEc., United 'l.eallhcare of Georgia.. Inc., United eali.thc:ei of the Mid.l'nds, Inc., "nT. .cd T lIea:itlhcrc of New Yofki Inc.,
Lni.tetd l calhci:l:e o.f Nort:h Caroii.a'l, Inc., I'.ni.ted H of Wisconsin, Inc., 1"Everc:,re oft '1:xa.l ..' ....C u Oxford 1 caldth Pla s of (N[j), Inc.,
orgaiA'zaciones A\dvantage que tien'etn ult contrato con .Medicare. Es posible que se aplicquen c pagos limitaciones.
2006 United H.ealthCare Services, Inc. E 060331 80SAC

Pgina 28/LA GACETA/Viernes, 10 de noviembre de 2006

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