La Gaceta

Material Information

La Gaceta
Uniform Title:
Gaceta (Tampa, Fla.)
Place of Publication:
Tampa, FL
La Gaceta Publishing, Inc., Patrick Manteiga - Publisher\Editor
Creation Date:
July 21, 2006
Publication Date:
Weekly[Jan. 15, 1954-<June 30, 1995>]
Daily (except Sunday)[ FORMER 1922-Jan. 9, 1954]
Physical Description:
v. : ill. ; 45 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Cubans -- Newspapers -- Florida ( lcsh )
Hispanic Americans -- Newspapers -- Florida ( lcsh )
Italian Americans -- Newspapers -- Florida ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Tampa (Fla.) ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Ybor City (Tampa, Fla.) ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Hillsborough County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
newspaper ( marcgt )
newspaper ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage:
United States -- Florida -- Hillsborough -- Ybor City
United States -- Florida -- Hillsborough -- Tampa
27.9564 x -82.4344 ( Place of Publication )


Additional Physical Form:
Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
In Spanish, 1922-1954; in Spanish and English, 1954; in Spanish, English, and Italian, 1954-<1995>.
Dates or Sequential Designation:
Began in 1922.
General Note:
Director: Victoriano Manteiga, <1922>.
General Note:
Description based on: Año 1, num. 119 (oct. 6 de 1922).

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
Copyright La Gaceta. Permission granted to University of Florida to digitize and display this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder.
Resource Identifier:
01445676 ( OCLC )
sn 86002403 ( LCCN )
0016-3724 ( ISSN )


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LIB OF FL HISTORY PO BOX 117007 candidate for CFO, willbenefit in percent voted for Kerry and 48
205 SMA UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA the next couple of weeks from the percent for Bush.
GAINESVILLE FL 32611-7007 endorsements of several legisla- In'04, 60 percent viewed Bush
) tors in the Central Florida area. favorably. Now 38 percent see
_**** him favorably with 59 percent
President Bush and the Re- unfavorably.
publicans' standing with Spanish What polls are showing is
language dominant voters is in that Republicans are losing this
decline and could wipe out gains Hispanic sub-group's support
,A S W E A T 1 that Republicans made with His- but they are not necessarily sup-
panics after Clinton. porting Democrats. Republicans
Tampa City Councilman Kevin This donation of 170 new beds, Extensive polling by the New are shooting themselves in the
White has arranged with Rooms their set up and delivery and the Democratic Network's (NDN's) foot but Democrats are not tak-
To Go and other generous donors disposal of the old beds is saving Hispanic Strategy Center shows ing advantage. The party is not
to replace all the old beds at the city taxpayers over $50,000 and that 59 percent of Spanish lan- identifying with this group and
city's 20 fire stations with new helping to enhance the quality of guage dominant Hispanics would Democratic politicians are not ad
ones. Tampa firefighters have life of our first responders. vote for the Democrat and 23 per- dressing them. We see this on both
had to sleep on beds that were ***** cent for the Republican, which is
long over due for replacement. We hear Tom Lee, Republican a big change from 2004 when 52 (Continued on page 14)

Yea84th LA G CETA
Year -


During the 1968 presidential campaign Tampa political leaders Skip Tampa. Former U.S. Congressman Sam and the late Martha Gibbons
Garcia and Max Rodriguez greet Vice President Hubert Humphrey in -are in the front seat. Photo courtesy ofReginald R. Garcia

SUn Buen Lder, Es Todo Lo Que Se Necesita
E l d ep o I d a Editorial Leonardo Len Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, sentimiento antiamericano y
No importa el diario que se ha dicho pblicamente que el innegable respaldo de los
lea, trtese de Europa, Asia, Es- desea el total exterminio del Estados Unidos con el estado
tados Unidos, Australia, Africa estado de Israel, y se sospecha de Israel, cuando el presidente
s Js Centroamericanos o en Latinoamrica, los titula- que los incidentes de abduccin Bush afirm que Israel tena
Lo Juegr Cen ro erio res de prensa apuntan hacia el de dos tropas israelitas, fueron derecho a defenderse.
Con un cierre espectacular en la natacin, Mxico desplaz conflicto del Medio Oriente, la ejecutadas bajo la proteccin Virtualmente no existen
a Cuba de la punta del medallero de los Juegos Centroameri- invasin de Irak, el regreso de estratgica de fuerzas revolucio- aliados leales en la regin que
canos y del Caribe. Mxico, que tambin sum al final de la las fuerzas del Talibn a ciu- narias de toda la regin, inclu- deseen lograr la paz verdadera.
jornada dos oro en levantamiento de pesas, se adjudic cinco dades del sur de Afganistn y yendo las clulas de Al-Quaeda, La mayora busca la resolucin
de las siete finales en la apertura de la natacin, en la que naturalmente el conflicto entre que buscan.desestabilizar ms justa de sus causas y muchos
Cuba brill por su ausencia. Los otros dos oro fueron para israelitas y palestinos, ahora y ms una regin que no ha (pasa a la pgina 2)
Venezuela y Barbados. aumentado con la agresin de visto paz en dcadas.
Los aztecas haban comenzado la jornada en segundo lugar, sus vecinosde Lbano y Siria. Hasta el da de hoy, a casi
pero se acercaron peligrosamente a la isla con una magnfica La situacin se puede des- una semana de comenzados los:
jornada en tiro con arco y luego la rebas con su dominio en cribir de una sola manera: Hay conflictos de artillera y cohetes,
la piscina. Cuando an se disputaban finales en ciclismo, guerra. Y como lo dijo el presi- la muerte de ms de 350 liba-
Mxico le haba tomado una ventaja de varias preseas doradas dente del Lbano, Bashar al- neses y cerca de 25 israelitas,
a Cuba, la favorita de las justas:. Assad, "por mucho menos que testifica la intensificacin del
Mxico llevaba 27 medallas de oro, 24 de plata y 18 de lo ocurrido ahora se comenz la conflicto.
bronce. Cuba se quedaba momentneamente con 22 oro, nueve Primera Guerra Mundial". Las pasiones se calientan en
(pasa a la pgina 10) De otro lado, el presidente de toda la regin ante el creciente 6 32599 00001 9

V1..- Miles Marchan Contra el Bombardeo Israel

Actualidad de l: rs

Amrica Latina

Los mercados burstiles de Brasil y Mxico subieron
despus de ganancias en Estados Unidos y las declaraciones
del presidente de la Reserva Federal que parecieron presa-
giar menos alzas de las tasas de inters. Ben Bernanke dijo
en una audiencia ante el Comit de Banca del Senado que
le preocupan los precios rcord del petrleo, pero que la
desaceleracin de la economa frenar la inflacin hns ade-
lante. En Brasil, las acciones del ndice Ibovespa subieron
3,34% a 36.305 puntos, con respecto al cierre del martes
de 35.130 puntos. Los inversionistas tambin reaccionaban
ante el alza 0,2% del ndice de precios al consumidor en
Estados Unidos, el menoren cuatro meses,.
Panam emprender un proceso contra Colombia en la
Organizacin Mundial de Comercio (OMC) debido a las restric-
ciones colombianas impuestas a los productos de la zona libre
de .la provincia panamea de Coln. El gobierno panameo
come nzar jueves las acciones ante la OMC, dijo- el mircoles
en una rueda de prensa el ministro de Comercio e Industrias,
Alejandro Ferrer. Explic que el proceso implica un periodo de
consultas de 60 das y si dentro de ese lapso las partes nolle-
gan a una solucin "mutuamente satisfactoria", Panam podra
solicitar la conformacin de un panel arbitral que decidir sobre
la legaidpa4 de las acciones tomadas por Colombia.
UnsSci de 3,8 grados de magnitud sacudi el mircoles
la zori t ~ edel pas sin causar vctimas ni daos, inform el
Serviioritacional de Estidios Territoriales. El temblor ocurri
a las i 0-6'frente a lailaya Barra de Santiago, en el departa-
mento ; Ahuachapan, a uinos 130 kilmetros al suroeste de la
capiti.: Este movimiento telrico fue demasiado pequeo para
causar un tsunami y tuvo una profundidad de 36 kilmetros
en el Ocano Pacfico, indic la fuente en un comunicado. Se
sinti en la capitaly en otras ciudades de la regin oeste del pas, Esta singular protesta no tuvo lugar en ningunacapital europea o latinoame-
frin terizo Gd e mala, pero las autoidades no reportaron ricana sino en el propio corazn de nuestra nacin, Dearbon, Michigan, donde
miles de manifestantes salieron con carteles alusivos alconflicto del Medio
NICARAGUA Oriente a demandar el cese del bombardeo israelita a ciudades del Lbano y
Ms divididos que nuncalos andinistas celebraron un nue- Palestina. Casi tres decenas de libaneses han muerto en estos bombardeos
vo aniversario del triunfo revolucionario que en1979 les permiti en menos de una semana, mientras que slo 25 bajas se han presentado entre
derrocar a la dictadura de Anastasio Somozay dio origen alrgi- los israelitas. Muchos clamaban por la rpida intervencin de Bush.
men izquierdista que dur una dcada. Miles de simpatizantes
del Frente SandinistadeLiberacin Nacional (FSLN), que apoyan Un B der E Todo Lo Que Se Necesita
al hoy.candidato presidencial y.ex mandatario Daniel Ortega-, sde
congregaron desde muytemrano en PlazaJuanPablo IIdeesta (viene n ea pa i) tente, como esa M..." que se el fuego es impresionante y su
capital para recordar el hecho histrico. Ao tras ano y desde coinciden en su desafecto por debe arreglar", segn qued obstinacin para creer que se
1984, cuando obtuvo su primera victoria en la urnas,, Ortega lapreeridia del estado de Israel consignado al mundo por un estganando en todos los fentes
hareunido ah hastams de 30.000 simpatizantes. Ahora el ex en la regin. r micrfor que accidentalmente de batalla, slo es superada por
presidente aspira de nuevo a:alcanzar la jefatura de Estado tras Incluso; lderes iraques, dis- haba quedado abierto, cuando la absurda negacin del pueblo
haber sido derrotado en tres ocasiones consecutivas. tintos a los temporales tteres conversaba con el Primer Minis- americano y el Congreso, del
puestos por la democracia ins- tro de Inglaterra, Tony Blair. rcord de errores de Bush.
GUATEMALA tantnea de la Casa Blanca, Para las familias de las vc-st
El ex presiderte guatemalteco Vinicio Cerezo anunci que han denunciado los ataques de timas libanesas y palestinasomo iste
presentar un recurso de amparo para dejar sin efecto una nor- Israel y naturalmente con esta el problema no es tribial, pues evidencia de lo que se ha afir-
ma-de la constitucin que le prohibe a l y a otros ex mandatarios actitud han logrado galvanizar son sus familiares y coterr- mado en stas lneas, uninforme
ser candidatos presidenciales -ina vez ms.-"El espritu de la ms las pasiones en torno al neos los que estn perdiendo de las Naciones Unidas acaba de
constitucin es para que uno no pueda tirarse (como candidato) sempitrrimo problema entre la vida, mientras el presidente indiar ue m e6 mil civiles
mientras est en la Presidencia... es ridculo que por la actitud palestinos e israelitas. come caviar, sonrie y se refiere murieron en Irak durante los
autoritaria de los constituyentes se vede el derecho a elegir y ser Los guerrillers de Jezbolh a nuestros problemas con de- pasados dos mess en conflictos
electo", dijo a la AP el ex mandatario (1986-1991). Cerezo, que se han atrincherado ms, y con safecto. que a o visto durante u peodo
fue el primer presidente democrticamente electo luego de una esto han justificado ms las Siempre hemos visto la diplo- ue lovisto durante ul periodo
serie de golpes de estado y gobiernos dictatoriales de los aos 70 incursiones del ejrcito israelita macia internacional comoun similar durante el rgimen de
y 80, dijo que presentar el recurso el prximo 4 de agosto y que enterritorio libans. Para hacer soberbio juego de ajedrz, en el Husseim olos primeros meses
espera que la resolucin de la Corte de Constitucionalidad deje las cosas an ms graves algu- que aquellos que tiene el poder. dinver aIa
sin efecto las prohibiciones a su candidatura y las eventuales nos generales israelitas no han se centran en la victoria y no en Es evidente que el curso que
postulaciones de otros ex mandatarios. descartado la posibilidad de tomar piezas. El juego debe ser el presidente Bush ha trazado
una invasin a gran escala. un acto de inteligencia, audacia para el Medio Oriente est
BOLIVIA Las incursiones de Israel y por qu no, de elegancia. Nada equivocado y cada da que l
en el Lbano son vistas por la de esto ha tenido la triste y po- contine en. la Casa Blanca
Con un ritual andino de buenos augurios, el presidente comunidad del Medio Oriente bre administracin de Bush. la situacin empeora por do-
Evo Morales despidi a su vicepresidente Alvaro Garca Linera, como actos de invasin y opre- No hemos visto en 6 aos quier. Los palestinos, israelitas,
quien viaj a Estados Unidos para negociar la ampliacin de sin pro-americana, y esta per- de gobierno de Bush a un lder iraques, el Medio Oriente y el
unas preferencias arancelarias en favor de Bolivia. La ceremo- cepcin empeora con el nmero que congregue y administre su mundo entero merecen mejores
nia tuvo lugar en el Palacio de Gobierno. Un yatiri (saceidote de vctimas, la destruccin de poder. Su capacidad para atizar lderes y nosotros tambin!
andino) quem una ofrenda a la Pachamama (la Madre Tierra), incontables puentes, edificios y
roci alcohol, acerc a la cabeza de Garca Linera una bandeja reas residenciales en el Lbano Clases de Ingls Gratuitas
con un feto seco de llama y le dese xito en su misin. El y palestina.
feto seco de llama es uno de los elementos principales en las Multidinarias protestas con- El centro de aprendizaje St. Juan situado en el 10401 N.
ceremonias de ese tipo en la regin andina boliviana. tra la agresin de Israel se han Florida Ave. esta aceptando incripciones para sus clases de
organizado en muchas partes ESOL, o ingls como segunda lengua, que se realizan las maa-
del mundo, a pesar de que la nas de los lunes, mircoles y sbados a partir de las 9 am. hasta
LA GACETA (USPS 299-240) prensa corporativa, como CNN, medio da. La inscripcin, registro y clases son gratuitas. Para
THE NATION'S ONLY TRI-LINGUAL NEWSPAPER FOX y otras, se empean en mas informacin se puede comunicar al (813) 233-2400.
hacer parecer a los Israelitas
PublishedEvery FridayByLA GACETA PUBLISHING, INC. como los buenos y alos libane- Ayudem os a los Sordos
ses y palestinos como los malos. Ay Sordos
VICTORIANO MANTEIGA (1894-1982) FOUNDER. Este periodismo es sesgado, La fundacin Deaf Mission International ha organizado un
ROLAND MANTEIGA (1920-1998) EDITOR AND PUBLISHER equivocado y naturalmente campamento de verano para nios y adultos sordos que viven
invita a un simplismo que en en Colombia esta ltima semana de julio. Miles de personas
PATRICK MANTEIGA............................Editor and Publisher nada ayuda a la resolucin del de diferentes estratos socio-econmicos, en su mayora muy
ANGlE MANTEIGA.....................................................Associate Publisher conflicto, pobres, carecen de servicios e informacin sobre los servicios
La complejidad de los proble- disponibles para su sordera. Este campamento les permite
LEONARDO LEN..........................................................Spanish Editor mas del Medio Oriente es muy conectarse con otros e intercambiar ideas para ayudarse mu-
Entered as Second Class Matter in 1923 superior a la capacidad de tuamente. La fundacin Deaf Mission Internacional, fundada
Periodical Postage Paid at Tampa, Florida resolucin que ofrecen los li- por los esposos Hale se ha encargado por 37 aos de servir
O.Bx5536,TampaFlorida33675Phne(813)248392*Fax(813)2475357 deres mundiales y es evidente a dicho segmento de la poblacin. El costo del campamento
que cuando el presidente Bush es $25 dlares por personas. Gracias al trabajo de muchos
Yearly subscription price $26.75 (HilIs. Co. only includes tax) abre la boca, ya sea oficialmente voluntarios los costos de transporte y alojamiento han sido
For prices outside Hillsborough County please call. o por accidente, siempre se grandemente reducidos. equivoca. Los organizadoresestn pidiendo a las personas de buena
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to La Gaceta Hablaba con un palestino de voluntad colaboracin econmica para que se haga realidad
SP.O."Box 5536 Tampa, que no poda-entender el sueo de muchos sordos. Las donaciones son deducibles
Tampa, FL 33675 como el presidente Bush se de sus impuestos y se pueden enviar a DMI al P.O. Box. 8514
pudo referir al conflicto exis- Clearwater, Florida.
Pgina 2/LA GACETA/Viernes, 21 de julio de 2006

Nuevo Cenftr Para Sobrevivientes de Tortura tes de ms de 250 idiomas [Sin la oportunidad- de gozar de
u Vo Ce to Pr O r viviel es e T r.ura embargo]...existe una gran ur- actividades culturales, re-
Por: Leonardo Len gencia de ms voluntarios para creativas como ir a museos y
La organizacin, Gulf Coast transporte, traduccin e inter- parques". Aunque el criterio
Jewish Family Services, se pretacin", coment Green. de elegibilidad est limitado
fund a comienzos de los Noelina y Jennifer, expli- a jvenes entre 6y 18 aos
aos 60's en el condado de caron que el Programa para de edad que sean refugiados,
Pinellas, como -resultado de Jvenes y Familias Refugia- asilados y que hayan-estado
la urgencia de ayudar a unas das, que apenas comenz este por menos de 5 aos en el.pas,
familias judas. Desde enton- ao, "est orientado hacia las siempre hay -otro programa
ces la organizacin ha venido familias asiladas y les provee (pasa a la pgina 4)
creciendo y sirviendo no slo a
familias judas Sino a lacomu-
nidad entera en general.
Precisamente, para infor EVENTOS EN LA BAHA
marnos acerca de dos pro-
gramas nuevos de ayuda la de es se ana
comunidad, visitaron nuestras .ld ir e
oficinas, tres trabajadores so-
ciales del centro. Laura Green,
especialista en servicios a vic- BAILE DE INDEPENDENCIA COLOMBIANA
timas, de origen venezolano y Hoy viernes 21 de julio se celebrar el Baile de Independen-
ahora residente del rea nos
ahora residete del erea nos l cia Colombiana en el West Tampa Convention Center: El Club
csont con detalles los servi- Enel proceso de recuperacin de la propia estima y Colombia de Tampa completa exitosamenmte de esta forma los
cios que prestael Programa onel inde aprender tcnicas de defensa personal dos eventos principals de celebrciones de independencia de
de Servicios o Asistencia a se realizan uchas actividades recreativas. En la esta hermana nacin latinoamericana en la baha de Tampa.
Vctimas. El prmero de estos eventos tuvo lugar el pasado, domn
Noelina Prez de Repblica foto aparecen Carla Rojas (ala izquierda)yNoelina El primero de estos eventos tuvo lugar el pasado domingo
Dominicana y Jennifre er Jones, Prez a desociales de a en le parque Al Liez, en el que asistieron diferentes grupos
aDominicaa y Jennifer Jones, re (a la dnereig a) tra adores socalem s dCe sI musicales y se sirvieron deliciosos platos tpicos as como la
encargadas y especialistas organizac GulfCoast Jewis es (GJFS) exhibicin de arte y artesanas colombianas. El evento-baile
Sdel programa deAs itencia a participando en una de estas funciones. de esta noche comienZa a las 8 pm. yen l, no slo se podr
Failias y Jvenes R efugiados bailar. sino que tambin se proceder a elgir a la que ser la
nos relataronEl Centropara los Sobe- dificultades para comunicarse Seorita Colombia de Tampa". Los organizadores invitai a
estn haciendo dentro de este vivientes de Torturas, tiene 5 y que hayan sido vctimas Ltodla comunidadhispana parauese unan esta celebracin.
nuevo prograrma para servir 'Departamentos en los que se de cualquier tipo de crimen, El valor de la boleta es $20 dlares. Si deseams informacin
mejor a la comunidad. ofrecen diferentes programs fraude, hayan sido engaads, porfavor llame al (813) 503-9255
El entusiasmo y facilidad de asistencia como servicios violencia domstica o incluso SI DESEA BAILAR.. VENGA A BAILARI
de expresin en espaol de siquitricos, educativos, de a personas que ohayan reci- El Nuevo Centro Multicultural de las Artes, invita a
estasimujeresdejaronenclar asistencisoal y fsica para bidlos pagos porsusabores", los.hispanos adultos aque quieren apendera bailai
se istenio to s o. s losI hispanos adultos ae.que quieren aprenders.a bailar 2
el carcter profeional yserio todos aqullos que han-sido asegurd Green. danzas folklricas y contemporneas que vengan a su
de ellas, de los programas que vctimas de tortura o han Muchas personas sin docu- centro. Aseguran ser un "grupo de danza nteresante con
manejan y el de la institucin sobrevivido a algn tipo de menfos o ilegales que han proyecto futurista: Se realizan esayos durante la semana
que da a da ve crecer ms su abuso o tortura debido a sus realizado trabajos no reciben de 7 a 9 pm. Para nios de 3 a 5 aos de edad se ofrece
clientela de hispanos. posturas polticas, religiosas, su salario y por el contrario un programa llamado, "aprenda ballet jugando" todos los
"La agencia tiene 575 em- credos, gnero, origen tnico, son intimidadas por sus em- sbados de 10 a 11 am. y finalmente para los jovencitos
pleados y proveemos servicios, pleadores y amenazados con de 7 a 12 aos se dan cursos de danzas folklricas lati-
a travsde 52 programas dife- racial y que se hallan en los denunciarlos a la polica -o a cnoamericanas de 11 a 12 pm. todos los sbado. The New
rentes. en 12 condados de la Estados Unidos comorefugia- inmigracin, si continan ha- Place Multicultural Arts center est localizado en el 2811
Florida, con servicios a ms de dos o asilados politicos. ciendo reclamos. 17th Tampa. Para ms informacin llamar a Rachael
40 mil personas anualmente, een trabaja enel programa De ellos muchos no denun- Ach Leonard al (813)241-4706.
relat Green, de Asistencia para Vctimas cian estos. abusos a la policia "EL AVARO" DE MOLIERE EN TAMPA:
Ofrecen servicis en salud de Crimen, que recientemente por miedo, y ahi estamos La compaa teatral, Stageworks, est presentando la
mental, terapia, refugios recibi para operar un Grant nosotros para ayudarles y comedia satrica y clsico universal, "El Avaro" del famoso
de emergencia,. asistencia de ayuda por $150,000 dlares guiarloS en el complejo sistema escritor francs, Molire. Laobra versa sobre la extravagante
a madres adolesceites, a i- de la' Oficina del Fiscal Estatal legal y tambin acerca de sus vida de un hombre acaudalado que es extraordinariamente
cianos y enfermos de SIDA o de la Florida. derechos", inform Green. tacaoy avaro, an consu'propiafamilia en pleno siglo VXII.
'DHIV, empleo, ayuda a des- "El propsito del programa "Navegar el sistema legal Su propia familia desarrolla interesantes estratagemas para
capacitados, programas de es ayudar a aquellos que no es muy complicado y espe- sacarle el dinero y la obra orbita acerca de las creatividad
alimentos, etc. hablan ingls o que tengan cialmente para las vctimas, para conseguirlo. Richard Coppinger y Jackie Rivera pro-
Incluso vamos' a las cortes tagonizan la obra que estar en escena hasta el 23 de julio
cuando hay audiencias, y les en Shimberg Playhouse del, Centro de las Artes de Tampa
Ha a ayudamos arreglando las citas (PBPC). Los boletos se consiguen a partir de $16.50 hasta
mdicas, con transporte e in- $22.50. Las presentaciones son los jueves, viernes y sba-
Strpretes", reiter Green. dos a las8 pm. y los domingos alas 4 pm. lMs informacin
Sovida sabia.. Todos los servicios que ofre- llamando al (813)229-7827.
OH Wi t e S:CE Oy confidenciales y no estn Hoy viernes a las 8 pm. se realizar una gran fiesta de
ssujetos a la verificacin del 6 celebracin de la independencia colombiana en el Centro
estatus .migratorio del peticio- Polaco localizado en' el 1521 N. Saturn de la ciudad de
SR EA TOR nario. Para tener acceso a ellos, Clearwater. La organizacin, Columbia Funding Coproration,
Sn RE A simplemente se debe llamar a d es la responsable de este evento que presenta a los grupos
cualquiera de sus oficinas de Tierra Colombiana y varios grupos de Rock. en espaol, Si
Sw~ s.G Hillsborough, Pasco o Pinellas desea ms informacin incluyendo el precio de las boletas,
tOR 'a los telfonos (813)987-6700 por favor llame al telfono (727)535-6861.
ext. 147 y (727)450-7223 res- TMICKEY EN EL CENTRO DE ARTES DE TAMPA
pectivamente. Si pensaba ir a Orlando a conocer al clebre ratn Mickey,
"Siempre van a encontrar a ya no tiene que hacerlo, pues este simpatico personaje de
alguien que los ayude y que los Disney, llegar con toda su corte a Tampa este fin de se-
atienda en sus idioma, pues mana. El evento tendr lugar en el Centro de las Artes de
ir en a Ba a Ta tenemos un banco de interpre- Tampa (TBPC). Donald, Goofy, Minnie, el hada madrina, la
cenicienta etc. estarn integrando el elenco que garantiza
un gran rato de esparcimiento para toda la familia. Las
funciones sern hoy viernes 21 de julio a las 7 pm; maana,
sbado 22 dejulio a las 11 am; 2pm; y 5pm. y el domingo a la
1 y 4 pm. Los precios de las' boletas van desde los $5 dlares
hasta los $36. El Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center est
localizado en el 1010 North W.C. MacInnes Place del Centro
de Tampa. Para ms informacin o comprar boletos llamar
ST tADI UM al (813) 229-7827.
2005 Chevrolet Avalanche Como era costumbre entre los latinos residentes del le-
gendario Ybor City o elvecindario de West Tampa, el sbado
400 mills garanta de 22 de julio se realizar un torneo de Domin en el Centro
factoria completa Asturiano de Tampa. No slo se podr revivir la emocin
S24,.98 de una actividad que vive en el corazn de los latinos e
hispanos sino que se podrn revivir buenos momentos de
Horas: M-F 8:30 9 p.m., Sat. 8:30 5804 N. Dale Mabry la rica historia local. El evento comienza a las 11 am. y el
6 p.m. Sun. 11:30 6 p.m. Tampa, FL 33614 precio de regitracin por equipo es de $25 dlares. El Centro
(813) 886-9222 Asturiano de Tampa est localizado en el 1913 N. Nebraska
www,stadiumlmcom Migue Maturana Ave. Para ms informacin por favor llame al (813)786-4666
o al (813)229-2214.
El grupo de teatro, Carrollwood Players, dirigido por Miguel
SRodrguez, est presentarfdo la obra "La Pareja Dispareja", del
renombrado autor, Neil Simon's. La comedia gira en torno a un
grupo de muchachos que estn jugando cartas en el aparta-
mento de un hombre divorciado. Los extremos opuestos de un
hombre meticuloso y uno completamente abandonado hacen
de esta comedia el centro de las ms divertidas y disparatadas
escenas. El elenco incluye a Lenny Germinario, Tim Van Brug-
200115 Mercury Montego 200B Lincoln Navigator 21005 Ford Escape XLT gen, Laurel George, Ern Ohnstad, Eric Misener, Joe Pauly, Mike
3,000 millas, con extendida de 75,110 4.488 millas, garantia de 6 aos 75.01100 19,595 millas. garantia de Holden yJim Whicker. La obra se presenta hoy a las 8 pm. y este
millas o O anos millas. iViene con Todo! factoria completa fin de semana alas:3 pm. en el teatro de Carrollwood Playhouse,
$17,9G7 $45,900 $1Sis,99 localizado en el 4333 Gunn Hwy, Tampa. Los boletos son a $12
por adulto, $10 por nilos y seniors. Para ms informacin o
S *. e adquirir los boletos llamar al (813)265-4000.

LA GACETA/Viernes, 21 de julio de 2006/Pgina 3

S ,I P Nuevo Centro Para Sobrevivientes de Tortura

La Pulisci Patrulla!

La Oficina del Alguacil del Condado de Hillsborouh arrest
a dos individuos de la raza negra, Jenali Smith de de 18 aos
y Sherman Bryant de 19 aos, con cargos de robo a mano ar-
mada. Los sospechosos fueron identificados como los autores de
los siguientes robos a mano armada: 1. En la direccin 14408
de Hellenic Drive un hombre fue despojado, con arma de fuego,
de la billetera y efectivo. 2. En la calle 42 y Vanderbilt Dr., otro
hombre fue amenzado con un arma y le robaron la billetera. 3.
En la calle 50 y Excellence Blvd. dos victimas de robo armado
perdieron todo su efectivo. 4. En la calle 42 y Skipper Rd. los
sospechosos abordaron a una persona que regresaba a su casa
y la robaron. 5. En el 4102 de Skipper Road otra persona fue
victima de robo de la billetera. 6. En el 5001 de Excellence Blvd,
dos personas ms perdieron su dinero a manos de los foragidos.
7. En el 14507 otra persona fue robada y despojada del efectivo,
billetera y otras prensa.
Alan J. Spence de 27 aos de edad falleci a consecuencia
de las heridas sufridas en un accidente automovilstico ocu-
rrido en la interseccin de Simmons Rd y Crystal Lake Rd. Por
alguna razn, que an no ha sido determinada la camioneta
Dodge dakota modelo 1993 no se detuvo en la interseccin
sino que continu hasta estrellarse contra un rbol. Spence
fue pronunicado muerto en la escena del accidente.
Kimberly Denell McCleod de 18 aos de edad fue acusada
de abuso fisico infantil agravado y arrestada por la polica de Este es elgrupo de profesionales que trabaja en el Centro de Asistencia So-
Tampa, una vez lasautoridades acudieron al lamado de auxilio brevivientes de Torturas de GulfCoast Jewish Family Services. En la primera
realizado por uno de los testigos del incidente. Este declar que 'fl nes a cia col, a ene ca omia el am aa
el beb comenz a loar y su madre enfurecida lo golpe con ta ila tenemos a: rispin Cole Stephanie Fletcher, Noelina Prez Sam Safa,
fuerza en la espalda que se cay al piso, golpendose en la cara. El AlenJanjus. Segunda fila: Behxhet Canhasi, Janet Blair, James Boyle, Niki
testigo trat de socorrer al infante pero la agresora se lo arrebat Kelli, Larisa Zacks, Stacie Blake, Jennifer Jones y Padrn. En la tercera fila:
de las manosy comenz a zarandearlo on fuerza, gritndole que Abby Alexander, Jihi Bustamante, Dy Tran, Abby Greenwell, Maralis Mer-
deseaba que estuviera muerto. Los oficiales; Tony Trigo y Scott rna Rubin, Carla
Conrad acudieron a la escena del incidente donde adems se eado, Lu ia Williais yLaura een. En la cuarta fila: y a in ara
produjo el arresto. El infante fue entregado a las autoridades de Rojas, Karin Rivas y Nina. Para ms informacin acerca de los programas
proteccin de menores del Condado de Hilsborough. de asistencia por favor llame a los siguientes telfonos: En Hillsborough
ARROLLAN A UN HISANO Y HUYEN (813)987-6700 ext. 147 y en Pasco y Pinellas al (727)450-7273.
Jos Vicente Gmez de 50 aos fue arrollado, quizs, por urnve-
hiculo SUV, de pintura roja descolorida color rojo la semana pasada (viene de la pgina 3) general ofrecemos talleres de unisono, y a pesar que no todas
en el-9801 North 53 St. de Temple Terrace. A consecuencia de las dentro de la agencia a los que enseanza para toda la fa- las cosas salen siempre como
heridas la vctima pereci. El conductor del vehculo sospechoso, se les puede referir. milia", anot Jones. se quiere, ellas entienden que
descrito por ciertos testigos como un SUV pequeo, huy de la es- "El enfoque de nuestro pro- A pesar de que la trage- con paciencia, mucho amor y
cena del accidente, despus de arrastrar a la infortunada vctima grama es- el aspecto escolar y dia del refugiado y asilado dedicacin, pueden lograr hacer
por ms de 100 pies. acadmico", insisti Prez. es evidente y en cierta forma una diferencia positiva en la
AUDAZ Y OSADO LADRN DE JOYAS Las reas de trabajo incluy- imborrable, la agencia que vida de las vctimas que habitan
Un individuo de la raza negra de 5'10" de estatura yun peso en: consejerias.en grupo, indi- estas mujeres representan, en nuestras comunidades.
de 180 libras entr a la joyera, Gold Valley Kiosk, localizada vidual, plan de prevencin de trata de sanar las heridas Nuevamente si usted desea
dentro del centro comercial, University Mall del 2200 Fowler violencia familiar, intervencin fsicas y emocionales dejadas ms informacin sobre los
Ave. y rompi una de las vitrinas con un arma de fuego para en crisis, exploracin de hori- por sus torturadores, propor- nuevos programas de asis-
sustraer de ellas un nmero indeterminado de joyas El su- zontes profesionales, tutoras, cionndoles la oportunidad de tencia a los sobrevivintes de
jeto huy rpida y gilmente del sitio, eludiendola seguridad evaluacicaes sicolgicas, apoyo encontrar voces y manos de tortura, vctimas de violencia
interna y a los oficiales de la ley que acudieron prestos al conel ingls, asistencia escolar, apoyo en nuestra comunidad domstica o el Programa para
lugar del incidente. Cualquier informacin que se posea sobre transporte, etc. y momentos de alegra. Familia y Jvenes Refugiados
el sospechosos, se pide que se comunique con la oficina del "Si nosotros los podemos La idea es clara, buscan de- no dude en llamar al centro,
Alguacil del Condado de Hillsborough al 247-8200 o llamado ayudar directamente, los refe- volver la esperanza. Y lo logran al Gulf Coast Jewsih Family
a la unidad Crime Stoppers al 1-800-873-8477: rimos a la gente que s puede. en muchos casos. Services, al (813)987-6700. iAl
PASEO EN MOTO TERMINA EN TRAGEDIA En muchos casos con terapia "El trabajo nunca para", otro lado de la lnea siempre
El vehculo Honda, modelo 1997, conducido pore Lisa Anne y aprendizaje del ingls. En anotaron las tres mujeres al hay una voz y mano amiga!
Gilmore de 18 aos, y pasajero, Brittney Ambros de 19 aos se
cruz en frente de la motocicleta conducida por Andrew Hayes,
de 33 aos y el pasajero, Alex Angel de 30 aos ocasionando
cue estos dos ltimos fueran expulsados de la moto. Hayes
muri en el accidente y ngel fue transportado al hospital St.
Josephs donde se escuentra en estado crtico. Los ocupantes -l .
del Honda no sufrieron ningn tipo de heridas. El accidente
ocurrido en la interseccin Race Track Rd. y Waterchase Blvd
todava contina siendo investigado por las autoridades.RAE FOR ASH
Leonard Brookins de 23 aos de edad fue arrestado en el
3828 Jackson Ct. despus de que los vecinos llamaran a la polica
para denunciarlo por daar un auto en el estacionamiento con
un arma de fuego. Las autoridades arrivaron al lugar y descu-
brieron que el sujeto se hallaba en un apartamento en compaia
de 3 nios pequeos. Ante la imposibilidad de comunicarse con .
el sospechoso y el peligro de herir a los nios, ya que el sujeto
no responda a los llamados de la polica, se pidi la asistencia
de una unidad de emergencia tctica, la cual lleg al lugar de
los hechos y a arrest al individuo. Los nios fueron entregados
a la custodia del Departamento de Familias y Nios.

Que espera? No deje que pase el --
tiempo...Ya llego la hora!!

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Pgina 4/LA GACETA/Viernes, 21 de julio de 2006

Hsianos Reciben Ayuda de Habitat or Humanitty


"Copyrighted Material

borough para ayudar a construir una casa para una fanilia hispana. Desde.:
1976, Habitat for Humanityha construido ms de 20o mil viviendas en todo el
mundopara familias necesitadas. Este evento en particular fue patrocinad
porlas compaas erizony Citgro up. E la foto yemos el grupo de sonrientes
y entusistas voluntarios que levantaron las paredes de esta casa. i

LAs nOTICIt nuidsECESARIias E "-



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SunTrust Bank. Miembro, FDIC: 2006. SunTrust Banks, Inc. SunTrust es una marca de servicio con registro federal de SunTrust Banks, Inc.
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LA GACETA/Viernes, 21 de julio de 2006/Pgina 5

Fiesta alo-- "de Puerto Sco:~~-' G aJi TlO en un sagrado altar,/ mejur. de aquel solemne da, pido her-
ie taNa nal de Puerto Rico: E 25 Jose Mart. manos mos, de todo corazn,
Por. Marta Muln Romero a todo el mundo. iOh! con qu delicia extre- Soy hija adoptiva de Puerto que Dios todo Poderoso, con su
Julio, mes rico en celebra- En el Barco (dedicado a su ma;/ con la estrella del mam- Rico y en una fecha aniver- poder omnipotente proteja la
ciones patriticas comenzando madre-fragmentos): b/como flgida diadema;/ sario tan significativa como Islita de Encanto" librndola
con el dia 4 y terminando el Con cuanta satisfaccin;/ caer luciendo el emblema/ lo es sta: 25 de julio de 1952 de toda miseria humana que
da C28 con la independencia b on cuanta satsapendn/ / de la tierra de Mart! en que se constituy el Estado pretenda mansillar su santo
de Per. c bajo el cubano pendn/se sa- Ya voy a echarme a la mar;/ Libre Asociado, hoy a 54 aos nombre, Amn! que as sea!
En este largo recorrido co a i d ecombatiend abordo el buque mamb;/ con
histrico-cultural hemos siem- Maceo. el ansia de alcanzar/ lo que r Acerca
pre de darle una visin varia- ce Taller Acerca de Adopciones
pre de darle unad visin varia- La* T El sbado 29 de julio de 10 am. a 12 pm. se realizar un
da de determinado asunto "La MJenop ausdae en el T (BPC seminario gratuito sobre adopcin de familias internacionales.
que constituya un verdadero El teatro Jaeb del Centro de las Artes de Tampa (TBPC) Algunas familias que ya han adoptado estarn presentes para
aporte educativo que enriquez- continuar presentando hasta el domingo 13 de agosto, el responder preguntas y compartir las experiencias vividas. El
ca nuestro saber. exitoso musical, "La Menopausia". En este se exponen todas evento tendr lugar en el 2300 62nd Ave. N. de St. Petersburg.
En este 25 de julio al recor- las facetas del proceso de envejecimiento de las mujeres.
dar a Puerto Rico queremos Cuatro mujeres exponen sus casos y sus tribulaciones con
presentar a un poeta y hroe lamenopausia a travs del humor y de canciones de los 60's.
romantico. Ms de 26 fragmentos de canciones famosas son presentados
Puertorriqueo ejemplar durante el show. Los boletos son a'$28.50 y se pueden ad-
que vivi el anhelo de libertad quirir llamando al (813)229-7827 o al 1(800)955-1045. Los (iAlgunosvienenslo por nuestra omia!)
y rebeldia en cada acto de su horarios son asi: Viernes a las 7 pm; sbados a las 2 y 7 pm.
vida de bohemio, periodista y y domingos a la 1 y 6:30 pm. Sanwiches tipo Boars Head
revolucionario en Puerto Rico, Y Roast Beef, Pastrami, Rubn, Pavo ahumado,
Santo Domingo, Venezuela y Fro o caliente y usted escoje el pan
Nueva York. amburguesas de e/2 libra
Nacido en Arecibo, el 9 de iSolo Mvere Jamoneta BBQ, Cajun con todos sus aderezos
marzo de 1863, muere a los Aitas de Pollo, Subs y Aperitivos
34 aos en el mes de septiem-
bre de 1897, en la Cienaga de. Por la Dra. Silvia Jimnez
bre de 1897, en la Cinaga de. 1 hr d b gt
Turiguan (Cuba), Soldado de
Borinquen en la guerra y por Los Rezos Ayudan a Curar? p s
la independencia de Cuba. Su
nombre, Francisco Gonzlez Los investigadores han debatido por aos si las plegarias
Marin (Pachin), Tipgrafo, realizadas por grupos o personas a favor de enfermos, tiene
periodista, msico y poeta algn valor en el pronstico de la enfermedad. Un estudio
romntico; Pachin le imparte realizado en la Universidad Duke encontr que "quiza" si hay
a su poesa la fuerte nota de un gran valor en las plegarias para los enfermos. El Mdico 00 E Busc BIvd. 1813-9]1-9792
su personalidad y le inyecta Cardilogo Match Krucoff, director de estudios clnicos en la w s
el sentido herico que no se citada Universidad anota: "siempre estamos enfocados en el
da en el poeta sevillano bec- mtodo cientfico y procedimientos de tecnologa sofisticada
queriano, aunque ste mucho y no nos preguntamos si el espiritu humano puede hacerla REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP)
haya influido en l. diferencia en el pronstico clnico del paciente".
Lola Rodriguez de Tiy Jos El Dr Krucoffy su equipo de investigadores, dividieron 150 DESIGNIBUILD RO/PAX
Mart, fueron sus dos grandes pacientes masculinos con enfermedad del corazn, en cinco
fuentes inspiradoras. grupos. Al primer grupo se e administr ejercicios de relajacin TERMINAL AT PORT YBOR
La vida revolucionaria, el y manejo del estres, el segundo grupo recibi entrenamiento
destiero y su permanente en visualizacin y el tercer grupo recibi tratamiento con toque TAMPA PORT AUTHORITY PROJECT NO. 06-03006
deseo de crear una bandera teraputico. El cuarto grupo se asign a diferentes grupos de PROCUREMENT DOCUMENT NO. P-007-06
semejante y hermana de la oracin (de diferentes religiones), para que los incluyeran en sus
cubana son evidentes puntos plegarias y pidieran por su curacin y el quinto grupo (grupo In accordance with its procurement procedures, the Tampa Port
de contacto entre l y Lola. control), solo : recibi el tratamiento estndar del hospital. Nin: Authority (TPA) is soliciting Requests for Proposals (RFP) from
Al apstol, Jos Mart, lo guno de los pacientes o sus familias saban cuales pacientes firms licensed, qualified, and interested in performing work to
consider su maestro, siendo haban sido asignados a 'los grupos de oracin. Design/Build a Ro/Pax Terminal at Port Ybor.
muy puertorriqueo y por aa- Los resultados fueron intrigantes. Cuando se compararon Scope of Work The work consists of design, permitting, and
didura antillano de corazn. los resultados al grupo control, los grupos que recibieron construction of the site, terminal building, and boarding bridge.
Dej dos libros de poemas relajacin, visualizacin y toque teraputico, tuvieron 20% a Temporary Terminal Facilities will be provided by the successful
en donle el temario princi- 30% de reduccin en las complicaciones de la enfermedad. Sin Proposer while the Terminal is under Construction. The site is
pal fue el amor, la patria y la embargo, cuando se compar el grupo asignado a los grupos 10 acres, and the Terminal will be approximately 24,000 square
muerte. de oracin, los resultados fueron realmente asombrosos, con feet.
El Trapo (dedicado a Puerto un 50% de reduccin en sntomas como arritmias del corazn It is anticipated that the project will occur in two phases,phase
Rico): 'y 100% de reduccin en el pronstico clnico, como son ataque he (1) temporary facility, and phase two (2) the permanent
Cuando un pueblo no tiene al corazn (infarto) y fallo cardiaco. Facility.
una bandera;/ bandera libre El Dr Krucoff anota en las conclusiones del estudio clnico: Facility.
que enarbol ufano;/ en pos de "No podemos extrapolar todos estos resultados con un grupo STEP 1 Submittals shall include a letter of interest and comple-
su derecho soberano;/ y el pa- tanpequeo de pacientes estudiados. Sin embargo, los resul- tion of.the STEP 1 RFP requirements, including a Vendor's
triotismo, la gentil quimera;/ tado son sugestivos e intrigantes y nos dan una buena base, Qualification Questionnaire. Firms failing to submit the required
Si al timbre faltan de su glo- par realizar un estudio en mayor escala, que actualmente se STEP 1 documents, including a completed Questionnaire, may
ra entera;/ bros de combate est llevando a cabo". be deemed non-responsive to the RFP. The RFP is available
en contra del tirano;/ la altiva Estos esfuerzos estn ayudando a entender la interaccin de from the TPA's web site ( and the Demand-
dignidad del ciudadano;/ o el medicina/religin y espiritualidad, en las nociones de curacin Star System. Al firms interested in submitting a Proposal for this
valor instintivo de la fiera;/ que envuelven el cuerpo, la mente y el.espritu. Project must register with the TPA in order to receive any
Con fe gigante y singular Pregunta de la semana changes or addenda to the RFP. Firms that obtain copies
-arrojo;/ lncese al campo del El exceso de peso puede contribuir en la enfermedad del through the DemandStar System will be automatically registered.
honor fecundo;/ tome un lien- corazn? La obesidad y el. sobrepeso son factores muy impor- Upon review of the STEP 1 responses, the TPA will short-list
tantes en el desarrollo no slode la enfermedad delcorazn, sino three -(3) or more firms deemed most qualified to meet the
zo al azar, plido o rojo;/ y al diabetes, piedras en la vescula, presin alta, cncer de seno y project requirements. The TPA will review and select firms
teirlo con sangre el iracundo, muchas otras enfermedades crnicas. La mujer con sobrepeso, based on the Criteria contained within the RFP, which includes
ver cambiarse el msero des- aumenta sus riesgos de las enfermedades mencionadas, despus qualifications and experience of the team, preliminary schedule,
pojo en un trapo que asombre de la menopausia.Ms informacin: past litigation history, and local presence. Only the selected
short-listed firms will receive the STEP 2 RFP Documents.
A Pre-Proposal Conference will be held at 10:00 A.M., Wednes-
day, August 2, 2006 in the Engineering Conference Room lo-
cated on the third floor, Tampa Port Authority, 1101 Channelside
ylenven o as Hr *Tamp C r aDrive, Tampa, Florida 33602. Prospective Proposers are en-
couraged to attend.
Spartamentos de Gooddw ll All firms interested in becoming qualified to participate in this
con pre intos onables RFP shall submit a STEP 1 response to the Tampa Port
con precios razonables Authority, 1101 Channelside Drive, 4th Floor, Tampa, Florida
Apartamentos de uno o dos cuartos en edificios bellamente mantenidos 33602. STEP 1 submittals are due by 2:00 P.M. on Friday
SHUD ayuda con la renta August 11,2006.
Libre de obstculos para que tenga acces la silla de ruedas STEP 2 Firms deemed most qualified and shortlisted from
Los Administradores de Goodwill tienen experiencia y son amables STEP 1 will be given the STEP 2 RFP Documents, and asked to
Coordinadores de Servicio de Goodwill estan ubicados en su mismo edificio submit among other things, a proposal for price, past experi-
ence, staffing, past claims, local presence, financial strength,
Freedom Village I Freedom Village II Freedom Village III project schedules, and proposed SBE participation.
7700 66th St. N., 5002 S. Bridge St., 1167 Turner St., The Tampa Port Authority encourages the use of registered
Pinellas Park -Tampa Clearwater Small Business Enterprise (SBE) firms to the greatest extent
(727) 541-6620 (813) 831-6988 (727) 443-6799 possible on its Projects. The TPA has a goal of 9% SBE partici-
Para personas mayor de edad, incapacitadas y con ingresos limitados pation. Proposers must consider this when submitting their
proposals, as this will be considered by the TPA when receiving
H..o.H rItageIIO........of. oand evaluating the proposals. Proposer shall submit a
Heritage Oaks of Palm Harbor Heritage Oaks of Ocala completed form SBE-1, which will provide the details of the
:-: 2351 Alderman Rd., 2820 S. W. 34th St., Proposer's SBE Outreach Action Plan, and if less than the goal,
Palm Harbor o Ocala submit Form SBE-1C, which will substantiate Proposer's good
:(727) 787-0792 (352) 854-1515 faith efforts made to provide SBE's to the greatest extent
"Para personas de 62 aos de edad, o mayores, con ingresos limitados o incapacitadas possible. Proposer's failure to submit a complete Form SBE-1 or
................. document its efforts to meet or exceed the target goal may be
SDisponibilidad de domicilio de acuerdo con el ingreso cause for determining the Proposer non-responsive or non-
: .;, -- ... _~ -;*: *".:. responsible to the RFP. '72 0 1
nQuestions concerning this RFP should be directed to Donna
______ _ii_ Casey of the Tampa Port Authority's Procurement office, at
Industries-Suncoast, Inc. (813) 905-5168, or e-mail at, or faxed ..... to (813) 905-5178.

Pgina 6/LA GACETA/Viernes, 21 de julio de 2006

V iole a i R ico N C ndice de homicidios son Loiza, del 2002 identific a la violen-
La Vi len a enl ulerTO Co I Cesa San Juan, Catao, Canva- cia como un problema de salud
nde 32 c as, Ponce, Santa Isabel, pblica. Segn ese informe,
Por: Arturo R. Rivera, J.D. datos de la INTERPOL, ocu- una tasa de 32 cada una. En Carolina, Juncos, Yabucoa y la violencia es una de las
La Comisin para la Preven- paramos el quinto lugar entre Puerto Rico ocurren 20.3. La Arroyo. principales causas de muerte
cin de la Violencia (COPREVI) los pases de mayor incidencia entidad (COPREVI) anunci la La ecretaria de Salud, enla pobacin entre los 15 a
inform a la prensa la situa- de homicidios. creacin de una campaa en La Secretaria de Salud, en4a poblacin entre los 15 a
cin de la criminalidad en Entre los pases que su- contra de la violencia. Rosa Prez Perdomo, sealt 44 aos. Segn estadsticas
Puerto Rico. En dicha confe- peran a Puerto Rico en ho- Las estadsticas de la Polica preocupacin por losaltos del Departamento de Salud,
rencia de prensa se revel que micidios estaran Colombia, reflejan que entre el ao 2000 niveles d e violencia. La misma en Puerto Rico diarimente
si la isla apareciera como una con una tasa de 63 por ha- y el 2004 se registraron 3,800 dijo, "sta es producto de lo ocurren actos de violencia
jurisdiccin independiente bitantes; Sur frica, con 51; homicidios en Puerto Rico, que estamos viviendo en el que envuelven a 149 nios, 72
a los Estados Unidos, en los y Jamaica y Venezuela, con siendo el 2004 el ao en que pas." Aadi, adems, que parejas y a 24 envejecientes.
ms se reportaron, con .793. esa problemtica est asociada En estos momentos, los
El. ao de mayor incidencia fue a la salud mental de los puer- fondos pblicos para la salud
en el 1994, cuando se llegaron torriqueos. mental no son suficientes para
Noticias de Inmigracion a registrar 1,017 homicidios. Un informe de la Orga- dedicarlos al rea de preven-
Los municipios con mayor nizacin Mundial de la Salud cin.
Director de Inmigracion de Catholic Charities
P-or os Fem ndez La Belleza y Buena Salud No Tienen Edad

Reporte Abusos Inmediatamente
Pregunta: Me llamo Pedro Erguia y mi esposa est en los
trmites de mi residencia permanente. Ya recib el permiso de
trabajo e incluso me tomaron las huellas digitales. Hace varios C
das, sin embargo, recib una llamada telefnica muy rara. Una
persona que se identific como agente de inmigracin me inform
que necesitaba ms informacin y que me haca falta un pago
de de-$395 dlares. Indic que poda enviar el giro por correo. "
Naturalmente qued intrigado con la sospechosa llamada, pues
estoy seguro de que mand todo el dinero que me pedian inicial-
mente, incluso tengo comprobante de ello. Me podra informar k
si la Oficina de Inmigracin llama a los solicitantes y les pide
informacin y dinero telefnicamente.
Respuesta: Seor Ergua permitame informarle que inmi-
gracin nunca notifica a sus solicitantes va telefnica, especial-
mente cuando falta informacion en.los trmites de inmigracin.
El.oficial encargado de su caso notifica al solicitante por escrito.
Es probable que la persona quelo llam est tratandode apro-
vecharse de usted para robarle dinero. Por favor no -le mande
ningn dinero y reporte este incidente a la polica y a la Oficina
de Inmigracin para que se investigue este tipo de abuso hacia
el inmigrante. Si usted acta ahora podra prevenir que otras
personas como usted sean vctimas de este tipo de estafadores.
Cuando una persona lo llame por telfono pidindole infor-
macin, asegurese que est autorizada. Si la persona que la llama
est a cargo de su caso de inmigracin debe tener su informacin
bsica a la mano. Pdale confirmar su fecha de nacimiento, los
nombres de sus padres y el lugar donde ha nacido. Y aunque
esta persona le confirme toda la informacin mencionada pdale .i.I
que le mande por escrito lo que est pidiendo. Si usted lo desea Para aquellos escpticos del poder del ejercicio, la buena dieta y una vida sana,
puede c onfirmar la informacin haciendovuna ca Internet he aqui un buen, ejemplo de que si sepuede. Jackie Lee exhibe orgullosa la to-
:oficial de inmigracin. Esta es la forma ms segura para usted nicidad de susimsculos enfrente de una gran multitud yjurado. La diferencia
e incluso Inmigracin de realizar todos sus trmites sin caer en con las otras candidatas estriba en que Jackie tiene 73 aos de edad. El evento
ninguna trampa. tuvo lugar en la ciudad de Los Angeles el fin de semana pasado.




LA GACETAtoVielo qu necesta21 de uliejor encuntre00/Pginalo en
su Directorio en Espaiol de HYP Network.

Slo una compaia con ms de 20aos siviendo
al nierado hispano en Estados Unidos, puede

LA GACETA/Viernes, 21 de julio de 2006/Plgina 7

li : : :1 1 -

La Chiva colombiana es un tradicional vehculo de.transporte campestre que tambin
se utiliza en las ciudades como vehculo de recreo.

Es una colorida combinacin de vehculo de pasajeros y de carga que generalmente no tiene
ventanas ni puertas y los pasajeros se sientan en largas bancas de madera. Cuando se
usa en el campo, en una gran parrilla sobre su techo carga equipaje, vveres, animales
y uno que otro pasajero audaz.



Pgina 8/LA GACETA/Viernes, 21 de juio de 2006

Chuletas de Cerdo o
de Corte de Mariposa

Calidad U.S. Pork

I rdo es bueno"

de 31 a 40 por Libra a 15-onz. (Lmite dos ofertas en AHORRE HASTA 2.69
AHORRE HASTA 4, LO Lg V slectasvariedades anuricadeas.)


Jugo 100% COMPREUNA Cena de Caracoles Refrescos Selectos Cerveza
.Premium RECIBA UNA yQueso. Pepsi p Corona Extra
SJuicy JUce.. .. GRATIS raftVelveeta...34.00 Paquete de 12... 27.0OO Paquete e .... 11.99
Variedades Surtidas, 0 Rotini y Queso o Cena de Lata de 12-onz. (Refrescos O Corona Light, Negra Modelo,
bot. de 64-onz. Macarrones y Queso Deluxe o Selectos Pepsi Paquete de 6, Pacifico Clara o Modelo Especial,
AHORRE HASTA 3.09 Comidas, Variedades Surtidas, caja bot. de 24-onz. ... 3/9.00) bot. de 12-onz.
de 9.4a 14-onz. (Lmite dos ofertas (Excluyendo Vernor's Ginger Ale.) AHORRE HASTA .80
en selectas variedades anunciadas.) AHORRE HASTA .58 EN 2

Precios vigentes desde el jueves 20 de julio hasta el mircoles 26 de julio del 2006. i
Slo en los Siguientes Condados: Hillsborough, Pinelas, Pasco, Polk, Orange, Seminole, Volusia, Brevard, Osceola, Lee y Collier
Precios no vlidos en Publix Sabor. Nos reservamos el derecho a limitar cantidades. DONDE COMP RAR ES UN PLACER.

LA GACETA/Viernes, 21 de julio de 2006/Pgina 9
Preiosvients esd e juve 20dejulo hst lmircoes26 e uli dl 206
56o n osSiuenesCodaos ilsbrogh PnllsPaco Pl, rage SmioeVousaBrvrd Ocela Ley olie: E
Prco ovldse ulxSbr o eevmse erco iia atdds
ww .pbixco /dsDO D C MP A U P A ER

LA GAETA/Verne, 21 e ju io e20/i na 9

l 1 Congreso #26 de Mdicos
S eporte l dl Colombianos en Tampa

(viene de la pgina 1) a r A partir del mircoles 26 de julio estarn arrivando a Tampa,
vien e.La di Lder, Tour de Francia decenas de mdicos colombianos cons sus familias provenientes
plata y 10 bronce. Colombia de diferentes partes de los Estados Unidos y Colombia para par-
conservaba el tercer lugar con ticipar en el Congreso # 26 de la Asociacin de Mdicos Colombia-
14 doradas, 12 plateadas y 11 nos de los Estados Unidos o USCMA por sus siglas en ingls. Se
de bronce. Venezuela segui hospedarn en el Hotel Reinasssance del Centro Internacional de
con ocho de oro, 22 (plata) -y -Tampa por 4 das hasta el 29 dejulio cuando se clausure el evento.
24 (bronce). El Dr. Max Pea, cocordinador de este Congreso, inform que "se
El Salvador, que sum dos espera que la alcadesa de Tampa, Pam lorio, inaugure o clausure
oro ms en la jornad de tiro el evento". Los Congresos de USCMA se han realizado en ciudades
con arco con su estelar Jorge como Miami, Los ngeles, San Artonio y Cartagena de Indias
Jimnez, se mantuvo en el entre muchas otras, y para el prximo ao, el comit de sleccin
quinto con tres -de ese metal, debatir si el congreso se realiza en Bogot o en alguna ciudad
tres de plata y cinco. de bronce.- del.conocido Eje Cafetero Colomrbiano.
Igual cantidad de oro tiene
Dominicana, a nque regista Aunque se trata de un Congreso de Medicina, en el que se
Dominicana, aunque registara ...
una menosde plata y una me- realizarn conferencias de informacin y adelantos en la me-
nos de bronce. dicina, los organizadores han querido que se creen redes de
Puerto Rico segua con un amistad y relacin entre.las los mdicos, para.este
oro, una plata-y cuatro bronce, fin se han organizado diferentes eventos, especialmente a partir
mientras que Guatemala -es- de las 1:30 pm cuando se terminan los seminarios cientficos. El
cal en el medallero con la sbado el Dr. Jorge Otero, coordinador del programa Cientfico ha
presea de oro que gan en tiro. organizado el seminario en torno a los adelantos y aportes a la
Tambin sumaba una de plata inmunogentica realizados por el Inr. Edmundo Yunis (Cientfico
sy tres de bronce. Hispano del MOSI en el 2005).
Barbados se meti a la Aunque las inscripciones para participar en el evento se han
pelea con su oro en natacin. hecho ya con anticipacin, el Dr. Pea, indic que se pueden
Adems, tena una de plata y registrar a la entrada del evento en el hotel.
dos de bronce. Los mdicos y sus familias podrn asistir el jueves 27 a una
Por segundo da consecu- recepcin de bienvenida en el Museo de Ciencia e Industria del
tivo, Cuba tuvo una faena MOSIdoide todava se halla en exhibicin "BODIES. El vi-
fraucterae el cuant e. ernes se realizar una fiesta en el Templo Egipci, en la que los
poderarse de cuaro de las disfraces, comida y msica colombiana sern el centro de inter-
ltimas seis finales disputa- El estadounidense Floyd Landis recuperla pun- accin. Y para finalizar el 29 de julio es la fiesta de gala oficial
das en ese deporte. Mxico y ta de la clasificacin general del Tour de Francia del Congreso en el saln de convenciones del hotel. "Todos los
Venezuela se alzaron con las d ha
otras dos finales, tras figurar cuarto en la llegada al Alpe d'Huez, das hay actividades para toda la familias, ir a Bush Gardens, el
otras dos finales. Museo Salvador Dal, jugar Golf etc,-para que todos se conozcan
Mxico, por su parte, tuvo el mtico puerto de montaa de la ronda gala. La y pasen un tiempo agradable", puntualiz el Dr. Pea. Para ms
otra jornada brillante en el tiro victoria de la 15ta etapa, la primera de tres con- informacin acerca del evento que tiene un costo de $300 dlares
con arco, en que cosech seis secutivas en los Alpes, fue para el luxemburgus (sin incluir hotel) se puede llamar a los siguientes telfonos:
de las 12 finales dirimidas, con Frank Schleck, un debutante en el Tour. (813)325-1852 o (727)942-7070.
otra gran actuacin de su ti-
radora Linda Ochoa, as como
de Eduardo Magaa. Ochoa
consigui tres, mientras que
Magaa dos. La otra la ganNA MAGNIFICA TASA OY
-Juan Ren Serrano.
En el arco tambin se des-

juegos. La colombiana Natalia
Snchez tambin brill con
tres oro. b Tasas de mercado monetario tan atractivas coo estas generalme e on demasiada
Guatemala se hizo presente
en el casillero dorado con la buenas para ser verdad. Con frecuencia son "ganchos para conrlo a abrir una
victoria de su tro de tiradores
integrado por los hermanos cuenta, Nuestras tasas no sn. Simpl
Jean y Helbert Brol y suprimomonetario
Dany en la competencia de fosa
olmpica por equipos. Helberty Premium Money Market Performance Account de un Trus dispo e para aquellos
Jean tambin sumaron plata y
sbronce, respectivamente, en la clientes que tengan o abran una de nuestras cuentas coretes selectas-y empiec
misma modalidad individual. ;i .
Dominicana, por su parte, miso a
se acredit un oro muy es- mimo a recibir endimiento porcentual anual (A Y) de 4.50%. Ade podr
pecial: el de su joven tirador
Paris Goico en la modalidad de tener aceso a su dinero a cada momento, en cu con a seguridad
arco compuesto de 30 metros.
Goico tiene. 16 aos. aceptada por ley brindada por el seguo e oFDIC. Visit una ~sde nueras sucursales o
EL TOUR DE FRANCIA- ro bndad seur de s le un
A los pies de los Alpes, el e
francs Pierrick Fedrigo gan llame al 877.377.9221, para empezar a ganar esta magnfica tasa hoy.
la 14ta etapa del Tour de
Francia, pero el espaol Oscar
Pereiro mantuvo intocable su
ventaja como lder de la clasifi-
Fedrigo, del equipo
Bouygues Telecom, derrot al
italiano Salvatore Commesso.

Pursuant to Chapter 69-1119, Special
bereceivedbythe Directorof Purchas- EN SALDOS DE $25,000 A $99,999 EN SALDOS DE $100,000 0 MS
ing, City of Tampa, in his office until
3:00 PM ON 8/3/06
JULY 27, 2006 @ 10:00 AM
then and thereafter to be publicly EE TA
opened and read. Bid documents are
available at the Purchasing Depart-
ment (Phone No. 813/274-8351).
It is hereby made a part of this
Invitation for Bid that the submission of
any Bid in response to this advertised
request shall constitute a Bid made
under the same conditions for the
same contract price and for the same *La tasa de inters ofrecida se basa en los siguientes niveles de saldo: $0.01-$2,499.99 recibe un APY del 0.45%; $2,500-$9,999.99 recibe un APY del 0.45%; $10,000-$24,999.99 recibe
effective peniod as this Bid to all public nn APY del 2.50%; $25,000-$49.999.99 recibe un APY del 4.00%; $50,000-$99,999.99 recibe un APY del 4.00%; ms de $100,000 recibe un APY del 4.50%. Los Rendimientos
entities in Hillsborough County. Porcentuales Anuales (APYs) son exactos al 3 de julio del 2006 y estn suietos a Cambios en cualquier momento sin previo aviso. El saldo mlnimo de apertura es de S2,500. Oferta vlida
en cuentas al consunmidor exclusivamente. La oferta no es transferible y no puede ser combinada con ninguna otra oferta. Las cuotas podrlan reducir las ganancias. Se aplican limites en las
Dated: 7/21/06 transacciones. Oferta dispornible nicamente es mercados selectos de SunTrust en Florida.
Gregory K. Spearman, CPPO
Director of Purchasing, City of Tampa SunTrust Bank conduce su negocio exclusivamente en ingls y todos los documentos relacionados, incluyendo todas las declaraciones, le sern proporcionados en ingls. Comno resultado de esto,
306 E. Jackson St., Tampa, FL 33602 ser necesario que usted hable, lea y comprenda el idioma ingls o que lo acompaite alguna persona que pueda traducidre el ingls al esparol.
-7/21/06 1T SunTrust Barnik, Miembro FDIC. 2006Q SunTrust Banks, Inc. SunTrust es una marca de servicio con registra federal de SunTrust Banks, Inc.

Pgina 10/LA GACETA/Viernes, 21 de julio de 2006

Desayune con... Salvador Dal Quiere ser Porrista de Hockey? ,-
El famoso museo Salvador Dal de St. Petersbu-rg haorganiza- El equipo. ce hockey de Tampa, Tampa Bay Lightning, es- BI AR
do un desayuno con "Dal"' en el que padres e hijos podrn tener tar realizando audiciohes en el St, Pete Times Forum para V
un tour privado, seguido por un desayuno, antes que el museo contratar nuevas porristas (cheerleaders) el sbado,22 dejulio
abra las puertas al pblico. El evento est programado entre a.partir de las 6 pm. Las audiciones finales sern el domingo,
las 9 y 11 am. de maana sbado. Un mximo de 20 personas 23de julio, de7 a 10pm El poristas del que fuese SE A N
pueden registrarse. El precio es de $10 dlares por persona. El campen nacional en el 2004, se llama, Gold and Diamond
museo est localizado en el 1000 S Third St. de la ciudad de St. Source Lightnig Girls". Su funcin es entretener a las audien-
Petersburg. Para ms informacin llame al (727) 823-3767. cias durante los uegos de los equip0s Las aspirantes 'dben
saber patinar en el hielo, ser mayores de 18 anos y estar en Giovanni Nucci, de 73 aos
Ted Alexandro en el Im prov salud fsica muy.buenas, adems de poder comprometerse falleci en Tampa. Le sobre-
S d l a pcon un calendario de trabajo muy pesado durante todo el ao. viven su esposa Mara; dos
El jueves 27 de julio se presenta a las 6:30 pm. el comediante Las interesadas, deben pre-registrarse y pagar $20 dlares. hijs, hijos y 5 nietos
hispano neoyorquino, Ted Alexandro en el Teatro Improv de Ybor La fecha lmite para el registro es el 17 de julio: El St. Pete Giovanni Johnnie "Nano"
City. La compaa Telemundo ofrece un-boleto gratis para estdeTimes Fum401 Chnnelside Driv Tapa, FL. Para ms sin, d 1 aos fallei
t imes Fo Busino, de 81 aos falleci
evento si simplemente se llama al (813)864-4000 ext 5. y dice informacin.llame al (813) 223-1000 en Tmpa Le sobreviven su
la palabra mgica "Telemundo". Se recibirn dos boletas por el pa Le sobreviven suno
precio de $14 dlares. Si desea ms informacin sobre el evento hermano, Richard Busino,
puede llmar al (813)319-4949 ext. 238 o visistar el portal www. hermana, Josie; tres hijos, y en tal caso incluir la clave "Jarana". Richar, ng Sotolong
Oliva, y Angela .Sotol0ng y
u. site nietos:
El Cncer Tieneu eem igo dez de 84 a os falleci en Ta-
El Cancer Tiene un Enemigo Armando "Nen" Fernn-
El terrible flagelo del cncer tiene un terrible enemigo, en dez, de84 aos falleci en Tar-
la unidad y fortaleza de los individuos que lo padecen y en pa. Le sobreviven su esposa,-
la solidaridad de los familiares y amigos de estos. Por esta Elvira Fernndezp; dos hijos,
razn el Instituto de Investigaciones del Cncer Moffit, est Ronnie Fernndez y J. Michael
ofreciendo diferentes grupos de apoyo a las vctimas de cncer (Hassie) Fernndez, una hija,
y sus familias: JoAnn DeMarco, 8 nietos y 8
JUVENTUD LUNA: Latinas Unidas Para un Nuevo Amane- s bisnietos.
cer, es un programa diseado para mujeres menores de-50 pyrighted Material Tulia Lpez, de 84 aos
aos, familiares y y amigos de supervivientes de cncer del e falleci6 en Tampa Le sobre-
seno. Las conferencias se ofrecen en espaol. Las. reuniones s Syndicated C ntent vivennumerosos iembros de
se realizarn todos los terceros sbados de cada mes. del 11 su familia extendida.
am. a 1 pm. en el edificio Vincent A. Stabile del Moffit Cancer Available from Commercial News Providers" Ros Nina Mortellaro, de 81
Center localizado en el 12902 Magnolia Drive de Tampa. -La aos falleci. Le sobreviven sus
facilitadora es Dina Martinez y se puede contactar llamando hijos, Stephen Mortellaro y es-
al (813)906-6812 o (813)979-4291. posa, Judy, Edward Mortellaro y
LUNA: Latinas por unNuevo Amanaceri Las reuniones se esposa, Linday Christopher Mor-.
realizarn de 6 a &8pm, los primeros viernes de cada mes en el tellaro y 9 nietos: Vince, Carla,
auditorio sal #1 del edificio de Artes de St. Joseph's Hospital. Stephen, Celeste, Krista, Erica,
La facilitadora es Melb'a Martnez y se puede contactar en el Christopher, Kristina y Julie,
(813)630-1350. as como numerosos sobrinos y
FE (Fortaleza y Esperanza): Las reuniones se realizan sobrinas.
cada primer lunes de cada mes de 6:30 a 7:30 pm. en-el Centro Juan Seise, de 70 aos
de Radiologadel 717 W. Robertson St. de Brandon. La facilita- falleci.Le sobreviven numero-
dora es Marylyn Chacha Appel y su telfono (813)817-6953. sos miembros de su familia.
SAida Camero-Caldern, de
S60 aos falleci en Tampa. Le
sobreviven su esposo, Pat, su
Z ,L madre, Aleida Camero, hijo,
BOZA nw Alan Garca, esposa, Merit, e
hijos: Chad y Haven; hijo, Al-
..;, bert Garca y esposa, Wendy.
L Familias'como la suya... Hijos, Rachael, Ben and 'Will;
1 hija: Anita Arredondo, su es-
La fuleraria de Boza y Roel contina esa tradicin asistiendo a poso, Tony e hijos, Ashleigh y
familias en Tampa durante estos moments tan dificiles. Boza y Roel le Alyssa; hijo Steve Calderoni,
ofrece dignos servicios funerarios, accesibles a familias como la suya. racr e Alyssa; hijo, C Remi; una hija,
S~l~'funerario di Boza e Roel p e quella .trazi S o Patricia Calderoni; hijo, Rick
I funeranodBozaeRoel "prosegue quella trazion assistendo a l Calderoni; hijo, Pat Calde-
famlglio n Tampa durante questi monimenti cos1 difficile Boza e Roel- Calderoni; hijo, Pat Calde-
offrono degi evizi fnera, accessibil per famige coo la vostra IN MEMORY OF: roni Jr.; un hermano, Arthur
c. B e Camero, su esposa, Martha
Boza a Ro Funral Ho contues the tradtio. of assis Julio Prez Jos R. Macho e hijos.
families tin Tampa durig thr ost difficult moments. Boza and R Anne L. Tuozzo Rogelio Santirzo JoyNaomi Garca, falleci
offers yoi norable funerl si ces, available to families like your en Tampa. Le sobreviven su
,4HH ..: Karyna L. Ramos Saturnina Ramos esposo, Albert; hijos, Frank
4730 N. 1 ri eia Ave., Tampa, Florida r Cm y David (Robin) Garca; hijas,
Firmino Caixeiro Carmen Saavedra
otzaroel.comii V. 877j -&7676 < Se IHablaEspaoil Elaine, madre, Lillian Padgett;
Rose N. Mortellaro Antonio P. Chillura dos hermanos, seis nietos y
Francisco Rodrguez James Walter Nolan numerosos bisnietos.
Lisa Anne Holloway Maria W. Korczynski Vino y Jazz- en
Lisseth Yohanna Bonilla John Patrick Cummings el Acuario

B7209 N2orth Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa 931-1833 La organizacin, Easter Seals
Florida, realizar su segundo
Se Habla Espaol evento anual de vinos y jazz
en el Acuario de la Florida el
sbado 5 de agosto de 6.a 9
pm. Los boletos se consiguen
NANCIACI por $50 dlares y les permite a
los invitados deleitarse con una
DEL 100%! M O R gran variedad de vinos, cafs,
S I nS posters y comidas de famosos
Inusa Correspondent Lnder restaurantes del area, ademas
perfecto de gozar de la buena msica
Prnpiedad Primaria, Segunda lasa, Propiedad de Inversion jazz. Los dineros recaudados
irn a beneficiar los nios con
Necesitas DINERO? iREFINANCIA AHORA! incapacidades de los condados
S{ ~: Podemos cerrar su prstamo rpidamente de Hillsborough, Pasco, Pinellas
and Polk. Para ms informacin
Prstamos ARM 1% de Option llame al (813) 769-5917 o visite el
Elija 4 aupcines de pago diferentes portal,
El Acuario est localizado en el
LLAME AHORA! 701 Channelside Dr.
Local: 813-478-0331 n 813-151-11l00
Lnea Gratis: 80111-80B-8404 4SUSI S 8321

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SSE HABLA ESPAOL Accept AIl Pre-Arranged Funeral Plans
813.932.5308 6/V718 N. Armenia Ave. Tampa, FL 33604

LA GACETA/Viernes, 21 de julio de 2006/Pgina 11

Le lo regole d'oro lari, forbici, cerotti, salviettine sarebbe nato In Santo Stefano che risiedono oggi in Santo Per chi possa avere delle
delviaggiatore disinfettanti ecc.). Quisquina il 25 Ottobre 1887 Stefano e che sarebbero inter- informazioni in meiito puo'
II viaggiatore che si reca Per prevenire la malaria, e morto a Tampa il 23 Aprile essarti a conoscere eventuali chiama re a Joe Caltagirone
all'estero deve prestare attenzi- proteggiti dalle zanzare tra- del 1951. figli o nipoti del sudettoSignor al tel;efono (813) 949-0212.
one ad alcuni accorgimenti per mite zanzariere, repellenti Ne fanno richiesta i parenti Giuseppe. Grazie-
non rischiare la propria salute. cutanei, insetticidi a base di
Ecco il decalogo del turista piretro e, quando necessario,
prudente e accorto. assumi farmaci antimalari-
Assicurati di essere idoneo ci (chemioprofilassi): questi
al viaggio: ci sono infatti con- farmaci devono essere presi
dizioni in cui e sconsigliato e prima di partire (in genere da
pericoloso viaggiare, per esem- una settimana prima), durante_
pio: nelle 6 settimane succes- il soggiorno e anche dopo iu
sive a un intervento chirurgico rientro, per quattro settimane
importante, nel primo o terzo dopo che finita l'esposizione
mese di gravidanza, nel caso di a risdhio. Nei mesi successivi
malattia cronica non stabile, al rientro, se compare febbre
come aritmia,- ipertensione, di origine non chiara, riferisci
diabete ecc. Nel dubbio, con- al tuo medico che sei stato in
sulta il medico. una zona malarica.
Un mese prima di partire, Usa ogni precauzione
verifica se occorrono vaccin- nell'utilizzo dei servizi igienici
azioni. Verifica anche di avere pubblici e cura la tua igiene
un'assicurazione sanitaria personale pi del dovuto (la-
Evita i cibi crudi e i buffet vati le mani accuratamente
freddi, le creme all'uovo o alla con acqua e sapone prima di
panna, e preferisci carne e ognipasto). Non fare il bagno
pesce cotti bene e al momento, in acqua stagnanti e non cam-
frutta sbucciata o lavata al minare mai a piedi scalzi su
momento, verdura cotta. terreni umidi e sabbiosi.
Assicurati che i cibi cotti Fai molta attenzione alla
siano serviti ancora caldi eche guida: in molti paesi in via di
non siano cotti solo parzial- sviluppo gli incidenti stradali
mente: questi infatti, qualora sono frequentissimi.
conservati paTecchie ore a tem- Occhio alla criminalita:
peratura ambiente, costituis- non esporre -troppo denaro o
cono una delle principali fonti valori. _f
di infezioni alimentari.
I1 latte non pastorizzato Vogliamo estendere un au-
deve essere sempre bollito, i gurio di buon comleanno, UN IV ERSITY OF
gelati possono rappresentare anche se in ritardo, a Guido
un rischio. maniscalco che il passato 13
Attenzione a ci che bevi: Luglio ha compiuto 22 anni. SOUTH FLORIDA
spesso l'acqua del rubinetto Auguri Guido. SO U T H
non potabile. Falla bollire o *****
disinfettala con compresse a Ricordiamo che ogni venerdi
base di cloro, o meglio, opta sera dalle oer 6:00p.m. fino alle S
per l'acqua minerale in botti- ore o9:00 p.m., la Cantinsa
glia, sia a tavola che per lavare del Club Italiano in Ybor City ASSET INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (AIMS) DIRECTOR (BUDGETING COORDINATOR)
i denti. Non usare ghiaccio. e' aperta a tutti coloro che vo- #2030, College of Medicine-VP/Business Office. REQUIRES: Bachelor's in Finance, Accounting,
Caff, t, vino, birra e alcolici gliono passare un momento in, Business, or rel area; 2yrs Finance or Acctg exp; exp in business intelligence software or financial
sono in genere asicuri. compagnia di altre persone e software apps. PREFER 5yrs of finance or acctg exp; Master's in Business; Peoplesoft exp; Business
sono genere scuri, co a di alte pione e Objects software exp. Knowledge of financial matrix & financial models. Financial project management
Se hai rapporti sessuali oc- gustare di qualche piatto Ital- exp. Annual pay range: $60-75K. Submit a USF application to USF Health Human Resources, 12901
casionali, usa il preservativo. iano e di buon vino. Bruce B. Downs Blvd., Tampa, FL 33612. Open until filled; first review begins 7/26/06. ADA
Farmaci: ricordati di portare Non bisogna essere di origi- accommodations call (813) 974-3870.
tutto cio che usi gi a casa e ne Italiana per partecipare. MAINTENANCE MECHANIC #4014, Physical Plant. REQUIRES: HS diploma and four yrs of
farmaci che potrebbero tor- steam/power plant exp. Vocational/technical training in the field may substitute at an equivalent rate
nare utili, come antibiotici a Siamo sempre alla ricerca for required exp. Valid Florida Driver's License. Drug/Background Check required. PREFER four yrs
largo spettro, antidolorifici e di informazioni su parenti del exp with high pressure steam boilers, steam driven & electric chillers up to 2300 tons. Exp in chemical
attrezzatura varia (creme so- Signor Giuseppe Liseo che treatment of cooling towers, boilers & hot/chilled water circulation systems, sanitary sewers &
_l_ iftstations. Working knowledge of electronic instrumentation & controls used to operate boiler & chiller
plant equipment. B/w salary: $988-$1200. Apply by 7/27/06 to Rebecca Michaeli, 4202 E. Fowler Ave,
OPM100, Tampa, FL 33620 or ADA accommodations call (813) 974-3968.
HCLLSBOROUGH COU Y AVIATION AUY OORDINATOR, ACCOUNTING #13181, General Accounting, USF Lakeland. Responsible for financial
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS accounting of all Lakeland grants and campus construction projects. Duties include prepang financial
statements and supporting documentation, reconciling accounts, assisting with budgets and monitoring
HUMAN RESOURCE AND PAYROLL SERVICES grants and construction projects for compliance with applicable regulations and guidelines. Incumbent must
demonstrate strong human relations and communication skills as well as the ability to provide excellent
HCAA Project No. 5125 07 customer service. REQUIRES: Bachelor's degree in a Business related area (Accounting, Finlance, or BA)
'The Authority is seeking qualified firms or desiring to be consid- and three yrs of accounting and MS Suite (Access, Excel, Power Point and Word), MS Outlook, MS Project
ered fAori this project. The RFP documents will be available exp. PREFER exp with grants and construction accounting. Accounting exp in a higher education research
ered for this project. The RFP documents will be aailable on university. Annual salary range: $36,000 $4819. Apply by 7/31/06. Mail, fax or electronically transmit a
the Authority's website July 24, 2006, at; cover letter (cearly stating position number which applying for and related accounting exp), USF application:
Airport Business, RFP/RFQ. For questions regarding the RFP ( .and copies of transcripts to: Claire Johnson,
contact Connie Mundzak at 813-801-6040. Administrative Assistant, University of South Florida Lakeland, 3433 Winter Lake Road, Lakeland, FL 33803;
fax (863) 667-7922; email ADA accommodations call (863) 667-7056.
By: Louis E. Miller, Executive Director Lakeland. Directs the business, finance/accounting, and auxiliary operations for the Lakeland campus.
7/21/06 1T Develops, implements, and coordinates all administrative and operating procedures for the direction and
management of areas of responsibility. Responsible for financial affairs for entire campus, including internal
control system and financial reporting, and ensures that accounting and auditing procedures are
communicated and followed. Prepares official financial statements for Lakeland Campus Board,
Administrative Council, and Division Directors. Serves as Accountable Officer of all Lakeland funds and
DSO's. Collaborates with and provides information to Director of Budgets. Serves as Chief Administrative
Hillsbo rough County Officer in the absence of the Associate Vice President for Administration and Academic Support Services.
REQUIRES: Master's degree in a Business related area (Accounting, Finance, MBA) and six yrs of exp
PURCHASING DEPARTMENT planning, developing and implementing business and financial/auxiliary services functions. Must be
Sa self-starter and have a demonstrated ability to lead, with strong interpersonal skills and
REQUESTS FOR BIDS commitment to working with diverse internal and external community groups. Annual salary range:
ANDIOR PROPOSALS $65,000 $80,000. Apply by 7/31/06. Mail, fax or electronically transmit a cover letter (clearly stating
position number for which you are applying and related accounting experience), USF application
Hillsborough County will receive sealed bids and/or proposals for ( ) and copies of transcripts to: Claire Johnson,
the following, until the stated date and time when they will be Administrative Assistant, University of South Florida Lakeland, 3433 Winter Lake Road, Lakeland, FL 33803;
publicly opened. fax (863) 667-7922; email ADA accommodations call (863) 667-7056.
AUGUST 18, 2006 5:00 P.M. PROGRAM ASSISTANT #9618, USF Scholarship Office. This is a sensitive, confidential and responsible
P-0380-06 RFI GIS BASED VEHICLE TRACKING SYSTEM position assisting the Director and Assistant Director of the USF Scholarship Office with special emphasis
supporting the Latino Scholarship Program. This position will execute strategies that support the
Smanagement of private scholarship resources at the University and related fund raising efforts, including
Some or all of the above bid(s) may have Pre-Bid Conferences. coordination and analysis of progress and preparation of various reports for use by the area. This position
Information on these and other Requests for Bids, along with will provide support for events pertaining to fund raising efforts by the Director and Asst. Director including
Bid/Proposal results may be accessed via the following: (1) the special programs, and other events/tournaments, receptions, dinners, etc. Responsibilities also include
nternet at www.hilsborouhcounty.orgprocurementserics, or providing clerical support,- answering routine and non-routine telephone calls, along with other essential
duties of the office. The ideal candidate must be a reliable, organized team player with great initiative and
(2) by coming to the Departnent of Procurement Services office excellent phone and customer service skills. This position offers a cornpetitive salary, benefits package, and
located at the address listed below. an employee tuition program. REQUIRES: HS diploma and four years of clerical experience. Bi-lingual
Minority and women owned firms will be afforded a full oppor- proficiency, both verbal and written, in Spanish. Appropriate college coursework or vocational/technical
tunity to participate in these matters and will not be subject to training may substitute at an equivalent rate for the required experience. PREFER
discriination on the basis of race, sex, color or national orgin bachelor's degree. Experience in higher education preferably in admissions, financial aid or
scholarship management are a plus. B/w salary range: $804.60-$957.85. Apply by7/28/06
Questions regarding the above projects may be directed to Hillsbor- to Pete Fazio, SVC 1001 or ADA accommodations call (813) 974-
ough County Board of Commissioners, Department of Procurement 7124.
Services, 601 E. Kennedy Blvd., 18th FI., County Center, Tampa USFISANEO/EAAAINSTITUTION EARS
Florida, 33602, (813) 272-5790, during regular business hours. 1 9 5 6-2 0 0 6
7/21/06 1T

Pgina 12/LA GACETA/Viernes, 21 de julio de 2006

lasting breaches in popular sion on Dec. 12, 2000, the U.S.
control of government but to Supreme Court endorsed man-
important reforms.... Ithought ual recounts, but it said that.
that citizens would push for Florida's statwide recount
T STOK YJ E LLER reforms to remove partisanship could not continue to comple-
from election administration, tion because time had run out
by Andrea Brunais for the obvious problem in for submitting new results to
2000 had been that Florida's Congress. The awkward con-
This space today is turned relevant documents includ- DeHaven-Smith. Because the election sysem was in the clusion to the disputewas both
over to Lance deHaven-Smith, ing speeches, proclamations, :passages are long, I will omit han of partisan election aclim tic n o t
Ph.D., in hopes that you will court opinions, graphs, sample quotation-marks. All italics are as pansan e ant chmactic nd incomplete
read his book, The Battle for ballots, memos to judges, cell mine, added for emphasis. In dircit, personl stakes i the Bush had wo the election onW
Florida, published by Uni- phone records from then-Sec- the interest of complete educa- outcome of the election.... a technicality ... (and) because
versity Presses of Florida.- retaryofStateKatherneHarris tion about the U.S. Supreme The emotional character itcalled forrecounting thebal-
A professor of government and more. Court's installation of George of the election is important lots with clear standards but
at Florida State University, The following excerpts are W. Bush~as president, please for understanding why many then prevented the recount
Dr. DeHaven-Smith not only from the preface and Chapter read the entire book. Now for
studied the 2000 presidential One. The remainder of this col- the professor's work: i relation to the election ere At least two facts of critical
election but also has compiled umn will be in the voice of Dr. Ihad been- aware through- nvrproscutd, hy obious importance had nt y been
out thecontroversy that Flor- neverprosecuted, why obuzous importance had not yet been
Ssout the econtoversy that Flor- misfeasance in office was sub- discovered. One was that a
udermined and subv erted sequently ignored, and why, thorough recount of all the
S. neri aa erte for at least the first few years ballots would have been able
SrOVe T ar .anOtSor o ho were following the election, citizens to determine a lear winner...
responsible-for assuring their
... r --were *reluctant to revisit the The other fact that was not yet
We will be giving out 30 rental applicalions for proper execution.. controversy even though it had known was the extent to which
the 2 and 3 bedrooms apartments and 5 Election frade and manipu- revealed serious weaknesses in Florida's system ofelection ad-
applications for the 1 bedroom apartments, on can potics fr the earist the nation's political institu- ministration had been corrupted
applications c politicsfrom te earlies tions and civic culture.... by partisan influences....
Monday July 24, 2006 at 9:30 a.m. days of the republic, and yet When it issuued its final deci-nfluenc
El lunes 24 de Julio del 2006 a partir de las 9:30 am, they.have typically led not to e received the largest ndm-
se entregarn 30 solicitudes de arrendamiento ber of legally valid votes in
para apartamamentos de 2 y 3 cuartos y 5 Florida's 2000 election was Al
solicitudes para apartamentos de un cuarto. Gre. This conclusion is unam-
o biguous and unavoidable. To-
Grove Park Manlor Aipartments day most Americans.are under
3606 Royalty Court the mistaken impression that
the true winner of the 2000
STampa, FL 33614 B fi presidential election could not
m ( 8 932-1264 be definitively determined.
waAmericans hold this errone-
ous opinion because they were
misled and confused by jour-
nalists, political consultants,
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE academics, and others who,
during and-immediately after
Pursuant to the Florida Brownfields Redevelopment Act, a public hearing is being held at 6:00 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 27, the controversy analyzed the
2006, at Egypt Lake Elementary School, 6707 North Glen Avenue, Tampa, Florida regarding Honeywell's proposed brownfield election data in many different
area which is approximately 21.48 acres located southeast of the intersection of West Waters Avenue and North Himes Avenue, ways....
folio numbers 25925.0000, 25923.5000, 25923.6000, 25923.4050,.25923.4020, 25923.4500, and 25923.4000. The purpose of the When the election contro-
hearing is to take public comment on the size of the brownfield area, the objectives for rehabilitation, job opportunities and versy was unfolding, many
economic developent anticipated, neighborhood residents' considerations, and other relevant local concerns. rumors and accusations cir-
Vicinity Map culated about official wrongdo-
Waters Center Brownfield Proposal ing,. but their validity could not
... be determined then because
events were moving too fast
WH-MR T G~~ 0TR EE CN and not much hard evidence
i was available. Now, however,
St much more is known about
> what happened....'T
Of immediate significance
Sis evidence that crimes were
committed by men and women
who currently hold highpublic
office. Under the statute of
limitations, these crimes may
no longer be punishable, but
F ofor the nation's sake they still
need to be investigated so
Sr LLrTD 2- that reforms can be devised
S, t t H to prevent their occurrence in

The badly named Florida
S YElection Reform Act is in many
ov ~6E u respects a step backward. It
W WATERS AVE was enacted before The New
York Times and the Washington
Post reported that Florida's
public officials at the highest
levels had collaborated with
George W. Bush's advisers to
block fair and proper execution
of Florida's election laws.
Send email to Andrea Brun-
wo eais at columnbyandrea@aol.
Former com
SBorrow Pit cm
P 17 Stormwater
Retention "The Costantino family has
r- Pond been doing business in
Ybor City since 1906"

Honeywell is seeking designation of the site and area by Hillsborough County as a "Brownfield Area," in accordance with the
Florida Brownfields Redevelopment Act. Brownfields are real property, the expansion, redevelopment or reuse of which may be COSTANTINO
complicated by actual or perceived environmental contamination. The Brownfields Redevelopment Act seeks to assist interested NiJD) COMPANY
property owners with the redemption of environmental contamination so that the property can be safely redeveloped. Designation REAL ESTATE SERVICES
as a "Brownfields Area by Hillsborough County will enable Honeywell to work with the Florida Department of Environmental
Protection to implement and complete Brownfields Site Rehabilitation Agreements and Redevelopment Plans on their respective 2216 4TH AVE. E.
properties so that the subject area can be redeveloped in accordance with existing zoning and future land use. A A F 36
For further information on the July 27,2006 public hearing and/or proposed rehabilitation plan, please contact Honeywells legal
counsel. Laurel Lockett at (813) 229-4139. For more information on the Brownfields Are designation process, please contact PHONE: 813 241-6767
Christy Supp at (813) 276-8415 or Janet Mueller at (813) 276-8303, with the Hillsborough County Planning and Growth Manage- FAX: 83-24-6868
ment Department. FA: 813-24-6868
7/21/06 1T

LA GACETA/Friday, July 21, 2006/Page 13

(Continued from page ) The Florida Park Service has
a national and local level. made the trip easy. They provide RA
Some other interesting poll tram service from where you
results are: launch to where you park, hold on I r I
25 percent ofrespondents say to your car keys so you won't lose
they participated in a recent im- them in the river, and provide food
migration demonstration or rally concessions. Private entrepre-
54 percent say they are more neurs rent every shape and size
likely to vote this fall because of of tubes. Renting a tube and park
the immigration debate fes total $10 a person.
86 percent say their cost of We recomniend that young
living has increased and old go and experience the other
S75 percent say there is dis- Florida that few will see and is
crimination against Hispanics in disappearing fast. Florida springs
the U.S. are being bought up and fenced
ofes Foff every day by bottled water
Tampa attorney Jeraldine Wil- companies. River banks are being
liams Smith told us she willrun impacted by construction. Surface
for Tampa City Council district water qualities are being compro-
5. This seat is currently held by mised. Even the Ichetucknee is
City Councilman Kevin White, threatened by its own popularity. G AL WARMING
who is retiring to run for County In the past, the vast number of tu-
Commission. So far, Frank Red- bers enjoying the river caused the Tampa a yearago after a national stunt last week to have some state
dick and Joe Robinson have filed loss of vegetation and clouding of search to hire a director of Urban representatives ask his opponent
for district 5. Ms. Smith has an its waters. In response, the park Development, this position was Tom Gallagher to quit the race
interesting resume. She has prac- service now limits the number to eliminated seems to have backfired. Galla-
ticedlaw in both Tallahassee and 750 tubers a day. The mayor has made a wise gher supporters are mad and ener-
Tampa, been a staff attorney for In our opinion, this conserva- choice to move Cindy Miller up. gized, and hopefully for Gallagher
the Florida Department of Insur- tion effortseems to have worked. She is a very capable manager they'll forget his dismal showing
ance, owned her own newspaper The river bed and banks flourish and should do yell as the new in the polls. We hear contributions
- the Capitol Outlook Weekly, with healthy vegetation. If you'd director of growth management were up for 527s that are on the
reported for the St. Petersburg like to go, call (386) 497-2511 for and development services. Gallaher side.
Times and the Florida Sentinel- more information. car f.- 9.
Bulletin, worked for the City of ***** Homeland Security is under We sometimes fail to appreci-
Tampa Model Cities Program Tampa attorney Carlos Pazos fire and deservedly so. It's list of ate the community service volun-
and even managed a branch of a has withdrawn from running for vulnerable targets to terrorists teered by the youth of the county.
Savings and Loan. She is also the circuitjudge group 44. He says com- include such stupid listings as flea Teenagers volunteer thousands
ex-wife of the forner president mitments to his clients and a packed markets, festivals and a popcorn of hours at elementary schools,
of Florida A & M University, Dr. calendar make it very difficult to factory. This is a result of 9/11 retirement homes, events, non-
Walter Smith. effectively campaign over such a fears running wildand depending profits and at their own schools.
Upon her official entrance Iin compacted election schedule. on local sources for threat assess- This year, 600,443 hours of service
the race, we believe she will be *** ments. Local communities find it were donated and tracked by high
the frontrunner. When inquiring about four difficult to rank their importance school students in Hillsborough
**** candidates who have yet to file in relation to international ter- County. Here's how the schools
A new Greek restaurant, Tav- their second quarter treasurer rorism and attractive targets in stack u in volunteer hours:
erna Opa, will open this Wednes- reports, we asked Susan Smith in the U.S. Plant 68,157
day, July 26 onthe corner of 7th the press office at the Division of These kinds of delusions of Riverview 49,508
Avenue and 20th Street. Elections if the candidates would grandeur are apparent in our own Sickles 45,781
By day it will feature tradi- be fined. She said, "The Florida community. Temple Terrce City Tampa Bay Tech 35,146
tional Greek cuisine and by night Division of Elections is not an Hall spent $10,000 to prevent Durant 35,090
it turns into a nightclub. An adja- investigative body" and added terrorists from driving a car bomb Hillsborough- 34,388
cent building under construction that candidates can only be fined into the building. The sheriff's of- Gaither 3 1,692
will house Giorgio's Bakery and when a complaint is filed. t's too fice has blocked off a city street to Alonso 31,038
Bistro, a 90-seat casual restau- bad that the Florida Division of prevent car bombers from blowing Middleton 30,039
rant featuring an onsite bakery Elections is such. a poor source up their commnunications center. Blake 29,786
and Greek and Mediterranean of information about electionsn The County Commission stopped King 25,454
menu items. and election laws. You would think the public from parking in its Newsome 23,637
This new restaurant is a great management would train spokes- building, and the courthouse tried Freedon 21,692
addition to Ybor City. persons like Susan Smith about to ban newspaper racks from side- Bloomingdale 20,001
*** a the rules. The correct answer is walks around the building so they Chamberlain 18,665
Ohio now has. a law that re- candidates who file late treasurer couldn't be used to stash bombs. Plant City 18,557
quires allpublic schools to display reports.are fined, according to Threat assessment needs to Wharon, 15,873
any donated copies of the motto Florida statutes. be done on a national level by an Armwood 13,915
"In God We Trust" or the motto *** agency such as the FBI. The U.S. Brandon 12,997
"With God, All Things are Pos- There has been a reorganiza needs to get a proper perspective East Bay 11,980
sible." tion at the City of Tampa. Mark on the real risk facing us. Millions Jefferson 10,755
Huy wilt l "narrow his focus." He have already been wasted and Leto 10,605
Last weekend we enjoyed one of will now be in charge of Com- America is still very vulnerable. Robinson 5,
the best park rides in Florida. It munity Redevelopment Agen-
wasn't a simulator or a fast roller cies (CRAs) and the Convention Last week, Charlie Crist, Re- Congratulations to Henry Eche-
coaster, nor did pirates sing a Center. Mike Chen will now be publican candidate for governor, zabal, the Florida State Sub-Di-
catchy tune. It wasn't located at in charge of the Channel District was in Tampa to meet 250 sup- rector of the League of United
Disney, Busch Gardens or Univer- and Downtown CRAs. His focus porters and have some caf con Latin American Citizens (LU-
sal Studios. has also been narrowed since he leche at La Teresita. Some of the LAC) on receiving the 2006 Cesar
This park is located 20 miles was the director of the Urban local politicians who showed up Chavez Award at LULAC's na-
northwest of Gainesville near the Development Department. Cindy were Senator Jim Sebesta, Rep. tional convention in Milwaukee,
little town of Fort White and the Miller, who used to report to Mr. Kim Berfield, Rep. Kevin Ambler, Wisconsin.
ride did a respectable one-mile an Huey, will now report directly to Sheriff David Gee, City Council- The prestigious award is given
hour. We took our family to enjoy the mayor. Her focus has been woman Rose Ferlita, City Council- by LULAC's national leadership
real Florida by tubing down the widened. She is now in charge of man Shawn Harrison, and Temple to recognize humanitarianism.
crystal clear waters of the Ichet- zoning, permitting, construction Terrace Mayor Joe Affronti. *****
ucknee River. services, development coordina- ***** Michael Scionti, candidate for
The Ichetucknee is a beautiful tion, historic preservation, real Orange County's (Orlando) state representative district 58, is
piece of Florida. The river is fed by estate, housing, community plan- County Commission votedto raise having a campaign kickoff recep-
numerous springs. Its banks are ning, and urban design. its tourist tax from five cents to six tion on Sunday, July 23 from 1 4
lined with hardwoods and stately While the city is trying to paint cents. The majority of the money p.m. at the Sons of Italy Hall, 3315
cypress and unspoiled by houses, this as lateral shifting, it's pretty will be used for advertising, but W. Lemon St.
roads or other manmade intru- obvious Cindy Miller got a big some will go to infrastructure such Everyone is invited to come out
sions. The river is teeming with promotion and Mark Huey and as a Performing Arts Center and and enjoy spaghetti and meat-
catfish, bass, bluegill and turtles. Mark Chen got demoted or, in fixing up WaterhouseArena, home balls. The event is free.
We even saw an otter. Our experi- city speak, their "focus was nar- of the Orlando Magic. *****
ence floating down the river was rowed." This must be especially ***** This week's Silhouettes is on
safe and alligator free. tough for Mr. Chen, who came to Charlie Crist's campaign's little ChiefDeputy Sheriff Jose Docobo.
Page 14/LA GACETA/Friday, July 21, 2006

Vol. XVIII, No.4 Yboir City Chamberof Commerce 21 July '06

Summer Time Ybor Hoppeings Message from The President

YCCC Monthly Member Luncheon Tuesday August Bth. 11:45 am at the Columbia restaurant. Guest Speaker, TBA. $20.900 f Buenos Oias -
in advance/f22.U0for guests/l24.00 at the door. Please RSVP at 813.248.3712 ext 22/24. Summer is the time when our new Chairman holds his
Board Retreet and sets the agenda., We are fortunate.
Tampa Bay World Peace Concert Saturday. July 29. 2006- An evening of music and dialogue spotlighting this year, to have Wes Millera former top Fnod Service
Tampa Bay's role in promoting world peace, wnmen's empowerment the environment socio-economic development thrnugh the arts Executiveand current real-estate investor asour Chair.
culture and socialentrepreneurship and philanthropy in the pesce process.The historic Centro Austuriannat B913 N.Nebraska Ave.for more l Inder Wes we are keeping nur focus on revenue, but
information 813.241.8292 or online shifting the emphasis from membership to events. This
adjustment is out of a concern for bcth the Chamber and
Wednesday nights Come swing the night a way to an eighteen-piece big band and 'back in the dayvocacls' by the Rat Pack 2 from the District.
8-llpm. Presented by Latam dinnerand nightclub Ilcated on the first floar of Histric Centro Austuriano (The Spanish Heritage Club) ncated New. member businesses ere improving the vitality f
at the corner of Palm Nebraska Avenue. For more information cal 813.24B.303B. the fistrict and strengthening the Chamber.
WilsnnMiller, a planning and engineering firm, moved their 120 professionals quietly into
Friday nights:- Celebrate happy hour Italian style every Friday night 6-Rpm atthe L Itnione Italiana (The Historic Italian Club) Full br the beautifully renovated SeidenbergCigar Factory. last month. Taverna O pa is planning
and food availahle. Located at the coner 7th AvenueEB IthStreet For moreinfirmation callB13.223.03B a series of grand openingparties that will bring patrnns back to the 190O black of Le
9am-m Ybor City Fresh Market features fresh iroduce. speilt fo Setim And. UTEK Corporation, a firm engaged in technology transfer hes established
Saturday mDningS -Every Saturday mrning Bm-3pmYborCityF their SA Headquarters in the old Buchman Cahter between 21st and 22nd streets.
and crafts. Locate inCentennial Park atthe rner of 8th Avenue B9th Stret. For more informatin call 813.241.2442 T ecnoi development of Yr s alsoexmplifie bythsucces f its isting
The ecanomic development of Ybar is also exEmplified by.thesuccess of its existing
businesses. Long time member. Tampa Bay Brewing Company is expandingrtheir-"brew
pub" in a move to Centra Ybor. Architectural Designs has moved their shop into a
bor City Chamber of beautiful space in the corner of El Pasaje, creating a fusion of old and new. The Cuban Club
Commerce Officers is renovating their cantina and will be receiving a $330,000 grant from the :Florida
2006-2007 Historical Commission to renovate their theater. Ybor Campus of HCC is settto begin a
Sseries of renovations and facilities improvements that include a new Studenii Services
Chamber Officers Building.
CHAIR OF THE BOARD The Chamber is particularly proud of its roll :in lobying or these last twoB ~ ements
Wes Miller-Drive Partnership and would like to thank Past-Chairman Joe Amen for his effortsn behalf if ti District.
PBrk Drive Partnership
The Rare Oliveo
Radient Oil
The Columbia Restaurant July is supposed to be a slow month around Ybor-vacations, last minute things to do before
VICE-CHAIR EVENTS schooal starts in August, etc. But look what happened et the Ybor City Chamber of
PETER BLESSIN Commerce. Tuesday, July Ilth. the Chamber husted its annual Business Expo -but with a
Peter J. Blssin. CLU different twist! This year we incorporated the Expo into aur monthly luncheon at the
TREASURER Columbia Restaurant. The menu was changed to tapas and the lunch hour was extended
IRENE PIERPONT from 12-3pm.
1 Centro Ybar la say itwas a success is an understatement! Besides our normal luncheon reservations
SECRETARY we had nver 40 walk-ins. I heard nothing but positive comments about the Expo. In fact
ANOREA WHITE many requests were received to do two a year. So guess what- we are planning another
Se lO Bright House Netwarks Business Expa in January 2007. lt's a great venue for new members to show off their
T he C hamt ber vVeiCO I S ou r IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIRMAN business and long time members Es well. f you're interested.better call the Ybar Chamber
Marc-Hamburg officeearly-we already, have 1 tables reserved.
Ne Membe&rs & Re ewa&ls Florida Real Estate Associates, LLC
N ew M em b ers & R enew als rid Rel Este AssocaJuly 12th was our annual Board Retreat. This year it took place at the Radiant office's
boardroom. Thanks Radianti
Taverna pa -ensler BOARD OF DIRECTORS We discussed last year's successes and set many goals for the next 1-5 years. With a
1930 E. 7th Avenue 1416 W. Swann Avenue fantastic board and Chamber like we have, 1 am sure we will nt only meet our goals but also
Tampa, Florida 33605 Tampa. Florida 33606 ARTURO FUENTE JR surpass them. Look fnr some new twists on established functions and new events.
813.242.0405 813.250.1929 Tampa Swe s C o. September brings Gala and a fun night tobe with over 200 people. 1 look forward to seeing
Referred by: Tnm Keating Referred by: Tom Keating/Theresa Victory DAVID ALVARZ many of you in the near future at the lunchenns, mixers. and expos as well as Gala.
Tea Co e R snik FBica a BETH DRUMMOND Remember. strength in numbers-join the YCCC for en exciting future!
Tea Rose Cottage O G ld ResniCk 8 FicarrDta Bya Creative Sinceraly,
1901 N 19th Street 704 Bay Street SHA N
SHARWe Miller
Tampa. Florida 33805 Tampa, Florida 33806 Mermaid's Slpper air dthe Bard
813.248.2040 813.254.20171 .
Referred by: Tm Keating/Theresa A. Victory Referred by: Theresa Victory RmeA's Studio
STEPHANIE AGLIAN New Non-Profit Member- Hillsborough
Springmark Holdings, Inc Tampa Electric Company
1601 East 7th Avenue JOYCECOON Kids, Inc. Needs Your Assistance
Tampa. Florida 33605 WEDUI-PBS-TV Foster kids need school supplies. More than 3000 childran in the Hillsbrough County
Referred by: Tom Keating ara, wt ar ENRlIUE WOlDROFFE foster caro system will need help to start the school year prepared and ready to learn this
Yorcytyo mn mn o Wodroffe Corporation Architects August.
Zagora Worldwide MARY JANE HALES Hillsborough Kids. Inc. (HKI) Back to School Program is collecting monetary danations as
Enterprises Inc. Renewal Hummingbird Graphics well s backpacks, dictionaries, notebooks, paper. pens, pencils, markers, fulders and
155 Barbados Avenue JACLYN WARD binders-among other supplies, for the children in the Hillsborough County foster care
Tampa. Florida 33606 Paintd Finis s, In. Salvation Army system.
813.254.1331 P.inted FiniShes. Inc. DAVID GRECO With the help of local companies, organizatians. and individuals, the Hillsbnrough Kids. Inc.
referrd by: Michelle riffith 202 22nd Street Suite Frank Vacanti Realty. Inc (HKI) Back to School Program will supply backpacks, school supplies, and a new nutfit to
Tampa. Florida 33829 ANGELA RODANTE kids who, without help, would not have the tools they need to start school this year.
Sctt A. H as PA. 1324328 Swp Rdante With cash donations. HKI can purchase needed supplies in bulk. saving money and allowing
172f East 7th Avenue. Suite 17 A.J. GRIMALDI. 11 more kids to start schoal with the tools they need. To make an in-kind donation, you may
Tampa. Florida 33605 The Deitze Construction Grimaldi Insurance, Inc. drop supplies off at the Children's Board of Hillsborough County. 1002 East Palm Avenue.
I 813.8.O D MARISA BELOTE Ste: IlO. Tampa, FL 33605. To make a cash donation, contribute online at
o813.849.015 mpany Acclaimed Business Forms www.HillsbonrughKids.arg; nr mail to HKI. Back to School Program. 1002 East Palm Avenue.
Referred by: Theresa Victory 1901 East 5th Avenue VERNICA SWIATEK Ste. 100, Tampa. FL 33605 ur call 813-225-1105. Make a the life of a child.
Tampa. Florida 336015 Cheeseburger in Paradise
Lunasol Institute 813.241.88 77 EMERITUS DIRECOR
9825 Bey Island Drive
Tampa, Florida 33615 a L 4 RAFAEL MARTINEZ-Ybor 4 Ybor City Chamber of Commerce
S 781 8.2 e rchiecLuraS IuBsigns, r/ APPOINTED DIRECTORS 1800 E. 9th Ave.* Tampa, FL 33605
Referr.d by: Anna Ramas 1320 E. 8th Avenue Suite J
Tampa. Florida 33605 DEL ACOSTA 813.248.3712 Fax 813.247.1764
Barrio Latino Cemmissian
Tampa Marketing Company R. LOIS GASTON o Centro Ybor Visitor Information Center
190I N Armenia Avenue #207 Mark Master Inc. (HCC)Hillsbarough Community College 1600 E. 8th Ave. Tampa, FL 33605 813.241.8838
Tampa, Florida 33607 PO Bax 16727 CHRIS HARP E-mail: nf@Ybor.rg
13.23.0760 Tampa Florida 3387 Ybor Musum Sciety E-mail: inf
Referred by: Tom Keating 813.688.6000 VINCE PARD
: T (YDCOC)Yber City DOevelopment Corp.

LA GACETA/Friday, July 21, 2006/Page 15

,Christopher Caruso

UETTE King-O' Neal Scholar Award

by Paul Guzzo

The world is a dangerous the FBI National Academy, and my father was so successful,"
place. the John F. Kennedy School of explained Docobo.
Twenty-six years ago, Jose Govemment's Senior Executive Docobo was born in Galicia,
Docobo came to the realization Fellows PrA~ram, and earned Spain and moved to Tampa,
that he could do one of two a master's degree in national Fl. at the age of 4 with his
things about the danger- com- security studies (homeland parents and older brother. His
plain or join the front line of security and defense) from the father was a successful doctor
the battle against in Spain but was
t. He chose the ose willing to give it
latter. oie D ocobo all up and start
Today, Doco- over in order to
bo is chief dep- raise his children
uty and second in a country full
.in command of of opportunity.
the Hillsborough Upon. arriv-
County Sheriff's. ing Tampa. they
Department. Over settled in Ybor
his 26 year career City, and then
in law enforce- moved to West
ment, he has seen Tampa. Docobo
it all, working as was sent to pri-
a patrol officer, vate school and
detective and un- college, dream-
-dercover. He has ing of becoming
worked homicide, a teacher.
hostage negotia- "My father ,
tion and intemal couldn't even
affairs. He- has speak a word of
successfully de- English," said
fused hostage Docobo. "Yet in
situations, and time was not only Our family is proud to announce that Christopher
seen the kidnap- able to learn, but
seer take his dna able stoart uphis Carso graduated summa cum laude from the Univer-
life standing only ownmedicalclin- sty of South Florida o May 6, 2006. He received a
a few feet away. ic again and raise Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting. He also
He's nearly lost four children. I
He's lnearly lost f have accom-e received the King-O'Neal Scholar Award for maintain-
gone to bed on plished nothing ing a 4.0 grade point average. Chris has already entered
more than one when compared graduate school at USF this summer and plans on
occasion wonder- to my father."
ingc if tomnorrow- By his senior receiving a Masters in Accounting. We are very proud of
will be the day a year at USF, his hardwork and dedication
criminal wins the Docobo real- Love, Mom & Dad (Elizabeth Martinez and Leo Caruso)
battle. ized educatio
"You have your "The world is a dangerous place. And like was not the ca-.
ups and downs everyone in law enforcement, I want to make reer for him. He
in this business," the world a safe place.", an ted to make
said Docobo. "You place." the streets safe. D
never completely get over your United States Naval Postgradu- He thought of a career in the V \ I .
failures and are never com- ate School. FBI, but loved Tampa too muchl D
pletely satisfied with your suc- In September 2005, he vis- to leave. The Hillsborough .RIC Afl MiA ~ lhI
cesses. There are still times I ited Israel so as to discuss.his County Sheriffs Department th D U G |Q IR
can remember as clear as day homeland security with Israeli gave him a chance, but during
seeing the hostage taker stand- law enforcement officials who his first week on the job as a
ingjust a few feet from me and must deal with domestic terror- patrol officer he wondered if he
putting thatgun to himself and ism on a daily basis. made the right choice.
pulling the trigger. You can't "It was an experience of a "My family was far from [v e
witness that sort of thing and lifetime," said Docobo. "For the rich, but I grew up in a stable
ever get over it." first time 1 was able to see in environment. My father was
Through it all, Docobo, like practice many of the theories a doctor and we lived in West
the majority of his colleagues in and debates we entered into Tampa, a community where
every level of law enforcement, academically about homeland everyone looked out for every- I Ii
has trekked on, determined to security and terrorism. As a one," explained Docobo. "Then
serve his community. result of that trip I had first- my first week on the job be- 1303 N. Wheeler Road, Plant City, FL 33566
"The world is a dangerous hand exposure to the issues cause I speak Spanish I'm sent
place," Docobo reiterated. "And that have to be dealt with on to Lutz and Wimauma to patrol (813)707-1488
like everyone in law enforce- a daily basis by the Israeli the immigrant communities.
ment, I want to make the world people, government and law Today, 1I can walk those streets
a safe place." enforcement: What I realized, with no fear. But being a young The hiring of an attorney is an important decision that should not be based solely on advertisements.
After 9/11, when Docobo re- most iportantly, is we're not man in that new environment Before you decide, let us send you written information regarding our experience and capacity.
alized rapists, murderers and ready to deal with terrorism was a big culture shock. I made.
drug dealers weren't the only like the Israelis do." it through, though."
threat to local community, he What he saw in Israel were And 26 years later he is the s
once again sought to become citizens who didn't question the second highest ranking official F z D ..t.t 59
part of the solution. He is now fact that they were. searched in the department, answerng
a member of the State of Flori- when they pulled into a mall only to the sheriff.
da RegionalDomestic Security parking lot and again when "I've worked hard," said
Task Force, the Federal Joint they entered the mall. He saw Docobo, who was named chief
_Terrorism Task Force, and the a country willing to accept deputy in'January 2005. "I've SaThe y 2Gehe 2 -
Advisory Committee to the restrictions on their freedoms never sat back and accepted Th A od Luck Can -19 7 Ave Ybor CityG7
National Council on Readiness in return for some degree of my position. I've always madearkgree of my positio AvIatable e always made 7th
and Preparedness. He has pub- safety. Here in Tampa, there an effort to improve myself y a trip down memory lane with ev eni of old
lished three articles on local was uproar over pat-downs at both physically and mentally ip l memand metally musfrien iv politics
law enforcement's importance Raymond James Stadium, while and because of that determi- di thic k in the bay" FUNdroaser for
in preventing terrorism as well in Israel they would accept the nation have been able to climb thBcandki da House, aistrict 59.
as a chapter in the book, "Pro- pat-downs without questions. the ranks." ddrd 59.
tecting America's Communities "I don't think Americans will Despite his high ranking
From Terrorism." ever be ready to do what Israel position, he has not forgotten
"I firmly believe it's going to does," said Docobo. "But I don't his roots and rides along with Hors d' oeuvres
be local law enforcement that want us to be, because if we patrol officers whenever he has Dris
will be the first responder if get to the point in which we're the time. 6is 0sBB 8 s" ~ o. C nt~t
we ever have the misfortune ready to abrogate our freedoms "Unfortunately, as you move 3 1,. Te Musc oCl.
of suffering a terrorist attack," in return for safety then that through the ranks you tend to
said Docobo. "I also believe means our safety has already become further removed fromve Per N ob *
that local law enforcement is been compromised." what I believe we all came into
justas important as the federal Despite his vast knowledge this business for," said Docobo. V' TOIght
government is when it comes to on homeland security and his "I don't think there is any one
preventing a terrorist attack." high ranking position with the of us who got into this line of Acpl|are t into this line ofite .
Again, when Docobo sees a Hillsborough County Sheriffs work expecting to get into the
problem, he doesn't just talk Department, Docobo is humble administrative side. We came 2ed@verizon t i t.
about it, he does something. when it comes to discuss- here to serve the community $1. 187or 813 17:6971.
Besides serving on terrorist ing his success. In short, he and make our homes safer.
task forces, he continues to doesn't feel he is successful Riding along with the patrol .oMedb bCp
educate himself on home- in comparison to the man he officers really puts things in W n~ $andAa Stslaus
land security so as to better has always looked up to most perspective and reminds me o on
serve the community. He is a his father. that this is still a dangerous .e o
graduate of the Secret Service "I have only been able to ac- world we live in and myjob will
Dignitary Protection School, complish what I have because never end." e'
Page 16/LA GACETA/Friday, July 21, 2006


Gabrilovich Honored by Peers torney surveys. Holland & Knight has more Summer Bash
Dmitry Gabrilovich, M.D., Ph.D. has been Florida Legal Elite lawyers than any other law The Ophelia Poject presents Summer Bash 2006, an event,
elected by his peers on the Scientific Advisory firm. The list is published in the July issue exclusively for girls currently in grades five through eight, on
Council as H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center- & of Florida Trend. Saturday,July29,from9:30a.m.to2 p.m.attheRuskin
Research Institute's 2006 Scientist of the Holland & Knight's Managing Partner, Neighborhood Service Center located at 911 N. US Highway
Year. Gabrilovich is a professor in the Im- HowellW. Melto Jr.,as alsorecognizedas 41. The conference is an opportunity for teenage girls to
munolo Program. a Top Managing Partner. In addition, seven come together to explore ne ideas and enjoy music, arts and.
Gabrilovich rceived his medical degree Holland & Knight lawyers were recognized as crafts, and games, all whilecelebrating the empowerment of
from Kabardino-Balkarian State University, "Up ad Comers" m the lega profession. girls. Girls who attend Summer Bash will discss, learn and
Medical School and his doctorate from Cen- The following lawyers i Holld gan tools for thriving in their teen years. Workshops and
tral Institute for Epidemiology, both in Rus- Lakeland and Tampa offices were recognized activities based on the themes of celebration, inspiratin,
sia. Prior to joining Moffitt, Gabrilovich was as 2006Florida g Eite honorees: dward empowerment and affirmation will be offered; a self-defense
assistant professor of pathology at Loyola F. Koren Jr., Sandra G. Sheets, Richard L. classis included.
Univetsity Schoo ofMedicine in Chicago. He Stockton, Edward Vogel III, Steven L. Bran- Registration is free and includes lunch. Please visit the
has published morethan 90 papersin e nock, William Dufoe Leonard H. Gilbert, Ruskin Neighborhood Service Center to complete a registra-
tific ournalsand crrently is the associe Bob Grammig, Richard B. Hadlo, and Brad tion form. Deadline for registration is Wednesday, July 26.
editor of the Journal of Immunolgy. Kimbro. For more information, call Joy, Garren at 924-4303 or visit
Much of Gabrilovich's work has been USF Has Top.Ten Arts Program
dedicated to developing a research program The University of South Florida Institute for
focused on understanding cellular and rom Research in Art, College of Visual & Perform-
lecular mechanisms of immune defectsin ing Arts, has gained recognition from Public Black Journalists
cancer and the devlopmnt of new effective Art Review magazine in its Spring/Summer The Tampa Bay Association of Black Journalists [TBABJ]
canceran e eve e edition for having one of the top ten best art- is accepting entries for the 2006 Griot. Drum Awards, which
ncer vaccines. on-campus programs in the nation. honors the best coverage of people of color. Winners will be
Holland & KnightHonored Public Art Review (PAR), a program of announced on Thursday, -November 16, during the 2006
Holland & Knight is pleased to announce FORECAST Public Artworks, is the-onlyi a- Griot Drum Awards ceremony at the Poynter Institute in St.
that 52 of the firm's attorneys have been tionaljournal focused.on exploring the many -Petersburg.
named to Florida Trend magazine's 2006 dimensions of public art. The publication Any individual or news organization in Hillsborough, Pinel-
Florida Legal Elite, including 10 in the Tampa provides coverage ofgrowing trends, reflec- las, Citrus, Hernando, Manatee, Pasco, Polk or Sarasota coun-
Bay area. The Florida Legal Elite are the top tion on critical issues and surveys many of ties can enter materials published, broadcast or presented
lawyers practicing in Florida, according to the latest.public art projects happeninin the between January 1, 2005 and Decmber 31,-2005. Awards
the results of the magazine's statewide at- United States and around the world. committee.members are ineligible: The cost per entry is $25
for'non-TBABJ members and $10 for members. Checks.or
-money orders should be made out to the Tampa Bay Asso-
ciation of Black Journalists and should be attached to each
entry form.:
All entries must be. postmarked by Thursday, August 31.
Any entry postmarked after that date will be disqualified.
Entries should be mailed to: Tampa Bay Association of Black
Journalists, c/o Steve Echeverria Jr., Griot Drum Awards
Coordinator, 1741 Main Street, Sarasota, Florida 34236

Hurricane Preparedness
S.A Hurricane Preparedness program will be held on Satur-
day, July 29 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Brandon Family
Support & Resource Center, 1277Kingways Road, Brandon.
Guest speakers will be on hand to teach to protect
your family, pets and property from a hurricane; Kids will also
enjoy the event with fun learning activities, games.and stories.
The event will also feature door prizes and food.

If you would like to join our crowd HART BID D-5084

of successful alumni, LOW SULFUR DIESEL FUEL #2
The Hillsborough Area Transit Authority HART will be
accepting bids until 2:00 PM eastern time, August 14, 2006 for
call253-7066 TODAY LLow Sulfur Diesel Fuel #2.
SThe BID documents will be available for download from the
for a free career book or log on to HART website at www.hartline.orq after 11:00 AM, on Monday,
July 24, 2006. The documents can be located under the
Purchasing Section. Al} inquiries pertaining tothe specifica-
www.hccfliedu for detais. :tions, or any questions in reference to the Bid documents
should be directed to: Darlene Belka, Purchasing Agent,.
hillsborough Area Transit Authority, 4305 East 21st Avenue,
Tampa, FL 33605 (813) 623-5835,
7/21/06 1T
She'll teach you what she knows.

This medical coder
-, .- 1 I ti lillsborough County
fits the bill. He11 mmnd your business.
your smile. Hehas designs on REQUESTS FOR BIDS
SLet him your house. ANDIOR PROPOSALS
Hillsborough County will receive sealed bids and/or proposals for
the following, until the stated date and time when they will be
publicly opened.
AUGUST 8, 2006 2:00 P.M.


AUGUST 15, 2006 2:00 P.M.

Some or all of the above bid(s) may have Pre-Bid Conferences.
Information on these and other Requests for Bids, along with
Bid/Proposal results may be accessed via the following: (1) the
Internet at, or
(2) by coming to the Department of Procurement Services office
located at the address listed below.
Minority and women owned firms will be afforded a full oppor-
tunity to participate in these matters and will not be subject to
S$ discrimination on the basis of race, sex, color or national origin.
SQuestions regarding the above projects may be directed to Hillsbor-
ough County Board of Commissioners, Department of Procurement
Services, 601 E. Kennedy Blvd., 18th FI., County Center, Tampa
Florida, 33602, (813) 272-5790, during regular business hours.
LA GACETA/Friday, July 21, 2006/Page 17

forts. Even the first mate, a guy member living on th "Lene,"
by the name of Perry-Fly, had climbing up the shaky ladder
Sto give up because he would that leaned against the behe-
get violently sea-sick on- days moth hull of this virtual Ark,
when large rolling seas would particularly after a few brews
Vo i r challenge even the best diges- with the guys working on the
by Lke Lirut tive tract, camera boats for the TV show
In September of 1979, with a "Love Boat." It was hard work,
crew of about 10, we sailed out but it was honest work, and
Nature Takes Its Course, Well Plotted under the Golden Gate Bridge therewas a type of pride that
(quite a sight from below), and was inescapable knowing that
S:-tiii down the coast" of California, you were part of an incredible
for the days that it took to get experience and a reflection of a
S to Los Angeles, where the ves- nautical heritage that was truly
.sel was hauledout for the final vanishing, even then.
: plank replacements and major
structural work. I can still re- Continued next week...

.. :. ; :::. "
Special Needs Shelters
: It's Not Too Late to Apply for a Special Needs Shelter.
August's Water Bill Will Conveniently Include a Special
Needs Application.
A hurricane can strike our area with little time to prepare,
especially for those with special needs. These residents should
register for a special needs shelter and not wait until an evacu-
ation is called. These shelters accommodate those who are not
S ill enough to require hospitalization, but need special attention
Siifrom doctors or nurses. By registering, healthcare profession-
als have the time to evaluate each application to make certain
special needs citizens receive the medical attention they need
in the event of a declared emergency.
To register, have personal and medical information ready
and call the Hillsborough County Infoline at 272-5900 to fill
out an application over the telephone. An application can also
be downloaded at, click on the "A
Z Index," and go to the Emergency Management section. It
can be mailed to the Hillsborough County Health Department,
P.O. Box 5135, Tampa, FL 33675 or faxed to 276-8689.
Hillsborough County has also conveniently included a special
needs application in August's edition of the Communicator;
a publication for residents included in Hillsborough County
water bills.
The "Lene Marie" took columnist Luke Lirot on a high seas adventure. Those who meet the following criteria should consider pre-
registering for a special needs shelter:
SSince 1996, every three University of San Francisco learning the names of the .Inability toadministertheir own frequently required medi-
years I get together "out west" (the other "USF"), when my dad sails, the magic that one can cations, such as injections.
with a number of people who told me about the "Lene Maie," do with lines and ropes (do Require more frequent dressing changes because of medi-
are very important to me.- and the circumnavigation that not ever misdescribe one as cal conditions.
just returned from Gold Lake, was planned. My-father was a the other), and, generally, Need assistance with catheters of any kind.
California, where I attended good recreational sailor, hav- just trying to be, or at least Need assistance with basic:functions because of immobil-
a reunion of the former crew ing grown-up on Long-Island appear, as adept as the other ity.
and owners of a beautiful Sound in ConnecticUt, and competitors for this rare sail- *. Require daily, professional assessment of unstable medi-
Baltic Trader that circled the he had been out on some bay ing privilege. Lucky for me, I cal condition.
globe on a "goodwill mission." cruises on the "Lene," so it had the inside line, because Require special equipment, which must be brought by the
Like the friends I saw, the wasn't too difficult to convince my father, aware of when the resident to the shelter.
experience oflsailing on this him that a sojourn at sea ownirs' scheduled visits would Require administration of heavy doses of pain medicine.
gorgeous boat created some-of would only "delay" law school taki~place from inofes on the Directed by a health department, HRS or social services
the deepest personal relation- a little and probably be a good office calndar, wouid tell me nurse to go to a special needs shelter.
ships I have ever had. The ves- character builder. He agreed, in advance of when they would Those who meet the following conditions should go to a
sel was named "Lene Marie," and I joined those vying for a be coming by the boat to check hospital, and NOT a special needs shelter:
and it was a magnificent twin spot on the trip by engaging on the progress of the re-fit. On Pregnant women within six weeks of the estimated day of
masted gaff-rigged ketch that in the incredibly hard work of those occasions, I would try to delivery.
was built in Denmark in 1910. refurbishing a huge wooden be aloft, high on the masts or o Those suffering from acute infection or infestation.
She started out tall and sturdr; b0at, trying to be chosen to in the rigging, essentially not Those who have an immediate medical or emergency con-
however, after she was brought "earn passage" with a lot of having a clue what I was doing, dition.
over in the early 1970s to the more experienced and "salty" but waving down to the owners If you need to go to a Special Needs shelter, remember to
United- States by Ray Kroc, contenders. in an effort to make a good im- bring the following items when evacuating:
the original magnate behind To improve my knowledge pression. As the work got more All required medications and medical support equipment
McDonald's hamburgers, she of sailing ships, started to intense, a lot of guys with local Special dietary foods and items
soon became neglected and fell study books on maintaining families and ther less difficult Important papers, including an original "Do Not Resusci-
into disrepair, like so many fine and operating such vessels, options abandoned their ef- tate" order if you have one
wooden vessels have in the last
20 years.
Having fallen into disre-
pair and having been largely
neglected after being turned
over a few times, the vessel
was ultimately obtained by BACTO SCHOOL
the Pacific Union Corporation
in San Diego in the late 70s,
and sailed up to San Fran- IMMUNIZATIONS AND PHYSICALS
cisco, where she was given a
berth of great prominence at
the St. Francis Yacht Club, a
stellar location just west of the O H L R N E T I KND GA EN R: G A E
Marina Green, in full view of
the spectacular sights of the
Golden Gate Bridge and San
Francisco Bay. It was there,
in August of 1979, that my
life was forever changed. Pa- 2
cific Union Corporation was a SATURDAY
hugely successful real estate
and development company
headed by three incredibly tal- 5802 North 3th Street Tampa
ented and special people. Peter
Stocker was a "ski bum" who 8
began dabbling in real estate 8 a.m a.m .
in the Lake Tahoe area and
built his empire with the help
of Bill Harlan, an experienced
contractor who had been an Tam pa Children must be accompanied by
English Channel swimmer, .m
and John Montgomery, a bril- General parent or legal guardian and bring
liant business person and col- H s ital record to reeie im unizatons.
was the most obsessed sailor,
with Harlan a close second. My
father was wqrking for their SNACKS / FUN / MUSiC Sports physicals W ILL NOT be available.
when I went to San Francisco
to go to Law School.
I wasin the processofgear- For directions or more information, please call (813) 844-FAIR.
ing up for the test of discipline
which is law school at the

Pge 18/LA GACETA/Friday, July 21, 2006

Moffitt Makes Advances

iWHAT' HAPPENING in Breast Cancer Research
In )d Yb r In what may be a significant advance for the treatment of
Sin breast cancer, researchers at H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center &
B Paul Guzzo Research Institute and Montefiore Medical Center in New York,
By Paul Guzzo have discovered they can more effectively wipe out tumor cells
S. from the breast when a drug targeting a molecular switch in
Events Italian Club 1 Day Films is looking for cancer cells is combined with standard -chemotherapy.
e nsThe ItaliClub has opned film submissions for future -In a multi-center clinical trial reported in currentissue of
If yould like oanevenounce that sls a en events. For more pete@tooprod. the Journal of Clinical Oncology, wmen with locally advanced
woud ke to announce Italian items. The gift shop s. com or paulguzzo@hotmail breast cancer were given an oral medication that targets cancer
tGuzzo at 2ple r callPaulx n Satudays from 1 a com. All genres offilms are ac- causing pathways i the cancer cell, in addition to rotine in-
Guzzo at 248-39 or fax 2 p.m. The Italian Cml in- cepted feature length; shorts, travenous chemotherapy, before undergoing surgery. Analysis
themto 247-5vitesall tour guidesto bring documentaries, comedy, hor- of the breast tissue taken at surgery showed no signsof cancer
Pasta Con Salsa their graups to check out the ror, love, art,-drama, foreign in a third ofthe women, compared with 5to 10 percent expected
The Marti-Maceo Cantina gift shop. For.more informa- language, experimental etc. No forchemotheiapy: alone.
will serve three types of pasta tion, call 248-3316. pornography! The study included 21 women.with locally advanced breast
- with mea; meat eballs and Visit www.thetampafilmr- cancer who were considered suboptimal candidates forsurgery
-seafood- ang with fresh Tampa Film Review for more. m because of the advanced stage of their disease. They received
saload, bread, dessert ared The next Tampa Film Re- standard chemotherapy, doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide
salad, bread, desse 21 from noon view, presented by 1 Day Acting Class given itravenously onceevery..twoweeks for four treatents.-
on2, uly 21 fromn Films, will be held on riday Actor Joe Lala teaches an Aftr each chemotherapy treatment, they also received 200
p.m. A happy hour specia5 wil- August 11 from 8 10 p.m. at Actor's Workshop on Mondays mg of the farnesyltransferase inhiibit6r tipifarnib taken orally
also be available from 5 s 8 International Bazaar, located and Wednesdays at the Italian twice a dayfor sixd-ays. All patients then underwent a mastec-
p.m. The MartiMaceo Cantina at 1600 E.ighthAve in the Club in Ybor City. Eac ses- tomy or a lumpectomy. Pathological analyses of breast tissue
is located at 1226 E. Seenth Centro Ybor Complex.Tampa sion costs $30 andthe class retrieved from the surgeries showed no cancerous tissue ir
Av e. Pre s $7 $10. Film Reviews is a monthly is limited t 32 students. Joe seven patients, or 33 percentof the women who received the
e. e is showcase of local indepen- Lala is best known for provid- treatment, compared with the five to 10 percent rate expected
Cuban Club dent films and is held every ing voice over work in such with chemotherapy alone.
The Cuban Club will present second Friday of the month hit cartoon series as Batman, The researchers also demonstrated that tipifarnib, a drug-
Master Mehrdad Muay Classic and is free. Jimmy Neutron, Superman, thatworksby inhibitingan enzyme called farnesyltransferase,
VII on Saturday, July 29: at 6 1 Day Films feels that there and American Family. He has. inhibite the enzmeiintumor tissue by anaverge of 90 per-
p.m. The Cuban Club is loated a very fewseen i Miami Vi cent Farnesyltransferase is essential for activating proteins
atare very few, f any, regular aas Raesnt t cuse re tam sgce
at 2010 Avenida Repblica de outlets in the local area for and Senfeld. T eserve aspot, such as Ras that contribute tooncogenesis.
Cuba. Admission is $20. For local independent filmmak- call 876-0329. "This important study suggests that breast tumors from one
tickets, call (727) 490-5473 or ers to showcase their films. Urban Renewal Exhibit thid of the patients treated depend on farnesylated proteins
fciditiensionand/or survival" says Said Sebti, Ph.D., Direc- Hopefully, this monthly event The Ybor City State Muse- for cell division andor survival" saysSaid Sebti, Ph.D., Direc-
Ybor Seniors will provide that outlet- for um, 1818 NinthAve.,presents tor of Moffitt's Drug Discovery Program and senior author of
The Ybor City Senior Citi- everyone, from experienced ;an exhibit on Urban Renewal the study.
zens will hold their next lun-. local independent filmmakers throughout the summer.The Th findings are extremely encouraging," says Dr. Joseph
cheon on Monday, July 31 at to local college and high school exhibit examines whyYbor was Sparano, lead author of the study and director of the Breast
S11:.30 a.m. onithe Strship filmmakers experimentingwith the target of rban Renewa, Evaluation Center at tle Montefiore-Einstein Cancer Center
Yacht. Besides a delicious film production for the first what was.lost, and how Urban in New York. "Eradication of.cancer cells in breast tissue is a
lunch being served, those in at- *time. 1 Day Films promises Renewal has influenced just short term endpoint that translates into .a greater chance of
tendance will also enjoy a two- will be shown! about everything you see or being cured in the long term. This strategy of giving treatment
hour tour of Harbour-Island Tampa Film Review was don't see today in Ybor City properativey and determining how often cancer cells are com-
and Davis:Island. Tickets are awarded a 2005 Best of the The museum is open 9 a.m. pletely eradicated aows usmto identify ptentiallyprhmisi g
$25 and MUSTbepurchased Bay Award for BEST REASONS to 5 p.m. daily. Visit ww. treatments with a- small num ber o patients, and then move
by July 25 by calling Mamie TO BELIEVE THE LOCAL FILM for more ahead and study more patients f the treatment looks promis-
Ferlitaat 254-5311. SCENE IS ALIVE AND WELL. information. ing. This combination definitely loks promising, and we are
moving ahead with larger confirmatory trials."
"We next plan on using gene expression profiling and pro-
teomic 'technologies to identify farnesylated proteins and the
pathways they regulate that predict clinical responses," says
"We believ thatby switching the farnesylation dependent
pathways to the off position, that we made the chemotherapy
much more effective" says Dr. Sparano. "Our next step will
be to combine tipifarnib with other types of standard chemo-
therapy in order to push the response rate even higher, and
perform randomized trials that provide more definitive.proof of
the benefits of this treatment."
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Hillsborough County will receive sealed bids and/or proposals for
the following, until the stated date and time when'they will be
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Stop in every Saturday for AUGUST 8, 2006- 2:00 P.M.
our great offers and convenient service!
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II T unformation on these and other Requests for Bids, along with
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/ff^ ^ Internet at, or
(2) by coming to the Department of Procurement Services office
located at the address listed below.
Stop in any one of our Tampa Bay Financial Centers Minority and women owned firms will be afforded a full oppor-
CALL (81 \3) 306-2512 or (727) 298-1291 Q 1 VIIT tunity to participate in these matters and will not be subject to
CALL (813) 306-2512 or (727) 298-1291 VISIT discrimination on the basis of race, sex, color or national origin.
Questions regarding the above projects may be directed to Hillsbor-
*Annual Percentage Yield (APY) accurate as of 07/16/06. $500.Minimum deposit required. Rates may change after ough County Board of Commissioners, Department of Procurement
account is opened. Fees may reduce earnings. Accounts closed within six months will be charged $L5. Fifth Third Services, 601 E. Kennedy Blvd., 18th FI., County Center, Tampa
Bank reserves the right to refuse any deposit. FifthThird Checking account required. Club 53 bonus account not 33602 (813) 272-5790, during regular business hours.
applicable. Returned check fees or overdraft fees apply to all checking accounts. Fifth Third and Fifth Third Bank Florida 33602, (813) 272-5790, durng regular business hours
are registered service marks of Fifth Third Bancorp. Member FDIC. 7/21/06 1T
LA GACETA/Friday, July 21, 2006/Page 19


Outdoor Sportsman's i


By Richard Muga Mosley Makes Easier Work
of Vargas in Their Rematch
Th of British olumbia Fisernando Vargas felt he got the referee's 10 countbut was
lile Lure of Br itish Columbia Flshing a rotten deal back in Febru- extremely dazed. The fight was
e ary when his fight with Shane stoppedjust seconds after the
Every year, many of our Mosley was stopped in the knockdown as ,osley contin-
local friends travel north local friends tiravel nort west Oth tround due to massive ued to pund away at his hurt
to pursue their stfav rite spot swelling around Vargas' left opponent.
in the exotic setting of Bitish eye. Vargas believed that he This was Sugar Shane Mos-
C olumbia. Catching species was winning at the time of the ley's most impressive perfor-
fsuh a nt poport ions creates stoppage and also claimed that mance since his first victory
of giant proportion creates his eye swelled due to an acci- over Oscar De La Hoya back
an irresistible attraction for dental head butt and not from in 2000. Shane has his father,
die-hard fishers seeking new Mosley's punches. The unfor- Jack Mosley, back in his comer
challenges. tunate way that Mosley-Vargas after four fights. Jack trained
For, Jesus Lima, Michael "I ended set the stage for part Shane since he was a child mnd
Buscemi, Doctors Henry Cac- II this past Saturday night in on through Shane's most suc-
ciatore, Scott Cutler and son Las -Vegas. This time around, cessful years as a boxer. After
Steve- Cutler, June 16, 2006 Shane Mosley proved beyond a being dominated by Winky
marked the beginning of one shadow of a doubt that he was Wright a few years ago, Shane
such adventure. The Tampa the better fighter as he-domi- Mosley made the difficult deci-
group flew from Tampa to nated and eventually stopped s ion to replace his father with
Houston and-then on to Van- Vargas in the sixth round., a new trainer. But after four
couver. From VancOuver the
group Ife ycojemmuer rsus Lima hauled in this giant salmon ..Fromthe opening bellitwas fights apart, the father and
group fiew by comniuter air- clear that Vargas (26-4, 22 son team came back together
plane to remote Bella Bella BC. KOs) had no answer for Mos- in brilliant fashion.
There, the adventure began ley's (43-3, 37 KOs) far supe- Mosley, who fought at 154
in earnest when the fishers rior hand speed. Mosley boxed pounds, now plans to move
boarded the vintage Grumman, beautifully, always keeping back down in weight to 147
Goose Amphibian for a, scenic a stiff left jab in Vargas' face where he hopes to land afight
ride to The Lodge at Whale Chan- and beating him to the punch with the man who many box-
nel, their final destination. every time. Vargas had been ing experts rank number one
The lodge is a custom built aggressive in the first fight to pound-for-pound in the spodt,
floating hotel with every ame- keep. it close on the scorecards, Floyd Mayweather, Jr. At 34,
nity and comfort-any outdoors but in the rematch he looked Mosley doesn't know how
person may desire. The lodge lost and just wouldn't let his much longer his boxing career
operators tow the huge barge punches go. will last. After this great perfor-
there in May and pack every- Mosley easily won every mance against Vargas, Sugar
thing and tow it out of the round of the fight going into Shane looks ready to make one
remote channel in mid July. the sixth round when Sugar final run for glory.
Aboard, a manger, experi- Shane blasted Vargas with a You can listen to Jason
enced guides, dock staff, vicious left hook that sent Fer- Alessi on The Home Team
servers and house keepers nando sprawling backwards every Saturday from 10 a.m.
and Chef's crew cater to the to the canvas. Vargas beat to noon, now on 1470 a.m.
comforts of the guests. The
lodge also provides rain gear
and boots of the sizes pre- LAW OFFICES (813) 653-2500

Soon after arrival, the fish-
ers meet for a short orienta- ,
tion period, are assigned their
guides and boats and fishing CLIFTON C. CURRY, JR.
begins. The lodge uses heavy ATTORNEY ATLAW
duty 18 foot aluminum boats
powered by 75 Hp outboards,
Two fishers and a guide are
According to Jesus Lima's SERVICE LAW FIRMS BRANDON, FLORIDA 33511
account, the fishing could not
hav been better. He and Dr.
Cacciatore began fishing at 4 CITY OF TAMPA
a.m. an.d their results were ... then reeled in an enormous halibut. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS
most gratifying. All the mem- RE UET FOR PROPOALS
bers of the group caught their During the time the anglers class operation.
limits of giant salmon and were on the water a courtesy. For those that desire a first East Tampa Community Redevelopment Area -
halibut. According to the tides, boat came by to bring coffee, class trip to BC, call 1-800-
the boats retreated to the lodge drinks and food to insure the 810-TYEE or E-mail www. Single Family Residential Development
when the bite stopped and absolute comfort of the crews. The City of Tampa and the Community Redevelopment Agency
then returned for more fishing. No doubt, this Lodge is a first BE A GOOD SPORT! of the City of Tampa (collectively, the "City") give notice pursuant
to Part III, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, of their request for
LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT submission of proposals for a single family residential develop-
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE needs any accommodation in order to OUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA. ment (the "Project") in the target area herein referenced, which is
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CRCUIT OF participate in this proceeing, you are and comonly known as: 3113 W. HEN ocated in the East Tampa Community Redevelopment Area.
THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision and commonly known as: 3113 W. HEN o
FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY of ceitain assistance. Please contact the RY AVENUE; including the building, ap- The City may subsequently designate a developer and dispose.
CIVIL DIVISION Clerk of CircuitCourt, Circuit Civil Division, purtenances, and fixtures locaed therein, or allow the use of certain property it owns, leases, or may
800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL at public sale to the highest and best
CASE NO. 05-CA-007208 DIVISION: E 33602, telephone-no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, bidder, for cash, at the George Edgecomb acquire in the target area, which is generally bounded on the
THOMAS P. MARTINO, SR. AS within 2 working days of your receipt of Courthouse, located at 800 E. Twiggs north by Hillsborough Avenue, the south by 1-4, the east by 1-275,
TRUSTEE OF THE THOMAS P. this document; if you are hearing or voice Street, Room 201/202, Tampa, Florida, on
MARTINO, SR. REVOCABLE TRUST impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. August 8, 2006 at 2 o'clock P.M. and the west at the city liits (50th and 56th Streets).
AGREEMENT DTD 06/28/99 WITH DATED on July 14, 2006. Any persons claiming an interest in the
POWER AND AUTHORITY, PAT FRANK surplus from the sale. it any, other than Proposals must be consistent with applicable laws, ordinances
Plaintiff(s), Clerk of the Court the property owner as of the date of the lis and regulations governing the East Tampa Community Redevel-
vs. By: Sandra Glennon pendens must file a claim within 60 days opment Area, identifying a site in the target area, address
REYNO AVILA and MARCELA AVILA. Deputy Clerk after the sale.
Defendant(s). 7/21-7/28/06 2T If you are a person with a disability who planning, designing; constructing, and implementing the Project,
NOTICE OF SALE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE needs any accommodation in order fo provide for payment by the developer of all costs associated with
NOTICE OF SALE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFTHE participate in this proceeding, you are
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision any relocations necessitated by the developer's proposed
a Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR of certain assistance. Please contact the Project, and be prepared in accordance with the guidelines and
in the above styled cause, in the Circuit HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, requirements outlined in the Request forProposals applicable to
Court of HILLSBOROUGH County, Flor- CIVIL DIVISION 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL 33602,
ida, I will sell the property situate in HILLS- Case No. 06-004319 Division K telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, within the development of the Project.
BOROUGH County, Florida, described as. MIDFIRST BANK, 2 working days of your receipt of this
Lot 14, Block 10, SECOND ADDITION Plaintiff, document; if you are hearing or voice All proposals shall be submitted within 30 days after the date of
TO FAIRMONT MOBILE ESTATES. vs. impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. this public notice to the City of Tampa Real Estate Division,
according to the map or plat thereot vS. CAMPOSeANOtoNKNaEN Datad ihis l4th dey of Juny, 2006.
as recorded in lat k 43, Pag 63 CARLOS A. CAMPOS AND UNKNOWN Dated this 14th day of July, 2006. Department of Business and Housing Development, City of
tPublic Records of Hillsborough Coun- TENANtS/OWfERS, Clerk of he Circuit Cou rt Tampa, 306 E. Jackson Street, 3N, Tampa, Florida 33602 (Note:
t public sale, o he highest and best NOTICE OF SALE By: Sandra Glennon Section 163.380 of the Florida Statutes requires proposals to be
bidder or bidders for cash in the George Notice is hereby given, pursuant to 7/217/28/062 submited within 30 days after the date of this publi notice). For
E. Edgecomb Courthouse, located at 800 Final Judgment of Foreclosure for Plaintiff additional information contact the City of Tampa Real Estate
E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, Florida in room entered in this cause on July 13, 2006, in DVision at 813 74-8624
201/202 at 2:00 p.m.. on the 16th day of the Circuit Court of Hillsborough County, Division at (813) 2748624.
August. 2006. Florida, I will sell the property situated in TO SUBSCRIBE A copy of the Request for Proposals applicable to the Project
Any person claiming an interest in the Hillsborough County, Florida, described as:
surplus from the sale, if any, other than LOT 12 IN BLOCK 1 OF AYALA AND TO LA GACETA may be obtained by contacting the City of Tampa, Real Estate
the property owner as of the date of the SANTOS SUBDIVISION. AS PER MAP Division at (813) 274-8624
Lis Pendens must file a claim within 60 OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN 7/21/061T
daysafterthesale PLAT BOOK 34, PAGE 19, OF THE CALL 248-3921 7/21/06
If you are a person with a disability who PUBLIC RECORDS OF HILLSBOR-
Page. 20/LA GACETA/Friday, July 21, 2006

W ive, ne Treasure ofYbor C y the beauty prize whei he the mother of the Ybor City
picked a single Dahlia, whose revitalization.
by Ferdie Pacheco beauty was onlysurpassed by The beautiful young daugh-
A year ago I wrote an ar- good cheer and clamor to have caf con leche and pan tostado her sweetness of being. She is ter of restaurateur Casimiro
ticle giving homage and credit a good time made it a special waiting for you on the table!: a quiet one, and defined the Hernandez, she was sent to
to the wonderful mothers of day to look for. Oh, how true that was! word class. studyat the Julliard School of
Ybor City. The city abounded To me, they are the last of Finally, 36 years ago, I Angel went back to Spain Music in NYC. She graduated
in great mothers. As a matter the immigrant wives. Their found a perfect Latin woman. arid brought back a perfect and became an accomplished
of fact, I could not think of one class still lived by the rules My Luisita Seville was the head Spanish wife. She helped Angel concert pianist.
bad one. of matrimony that held our dancer for Los Chavelle de establish a successful busi- She played- some nights at
This week as I sat watching families together, through Espana. Incredibly beautiful ness; and peifect family. Un- the Columbia Restaurant, her
bad news come from the home thick and thin. Once married and talented, she was actually fortunately, Eusevia passed a father's famous restaurant,
front of Ybor City, I reflected you stayed married "til death the highest example of an Ybor few years ago. and tripped over her father's
on the great wives of Ybor. do us part." wife. We've been married 36 The baby of the family, Joe, tall handsome matinee idol,
These are mostly the women Those of us who went to col- years and so I feel competent also lucked out with a delicate violinist Cesar Gonzmart. In
who married us as we came lege becameAmericanized. Our to judge the Ybor wives as the beaut, soft spokenand kind. no time he swooped her up
back from World War II and the children are unfortunate be- best n the world. Joe jst passed last month.: and married her. They had
Korean War. The War Brides, cause they lead their married Some Perfect Wives Rosemary was perfect fo the two boys, Richard and Casey,
I call them. lives like television sitcoms. (with apologies to the many hot tempered Joe. She kept and she built a happy home in
They helped us use our G.I.- Where are the principles? who don't fit in the space al- him cool and civil. And she .DavisIsland.-
Bill to go to college to get an Where is the foundation? The lotted) made his life happy. Cesar:was more band leader
education, helped us build our strength of a family unified Winner of the Wife of Mly 3 Dot Fernandez, another than restaurateur. He almost
modest G Houses, and make against the wrld? Generation (19452006) "cracker" who was a perfect wrecked the famrus establish-
do with small checks from the The American Dream falls AieenMartinez Ybor City wife and mother. ment; but Adelalived to resus-
government: Those first five short ofour rugged marriages. Wife of Victor Martinez, Do took :hunchi when He citate therestaurant and bring
years were tough and then Why? Because they leave NO M.D. was bedeviled bythe emons t back to prominece and
babies came. Somehow we foundation. They reach for Children: Vctor Daniel and 4 y incrcer in shbee is cthonsidered' the mother
of :a 4 year incrcerat0n in she is considered-the-mother
tightened our belts and made a divorce lawyer before they Kathy (bot wyers) the. POW camps on the Baltic. of Ybor. City today. Her two
do for the growing family. call a priest or a god over the If some divine spirit coud She guided. Cunchi: back to sonsnow run the successful
Yet, talk to the Wives who backence talk to their neigh- have tod the cool beauty o -leelground,sawhim gradate restaurant.
survived through tough, ard bor. Divorcac? A disgrace to be Bayshore atie oolf from FSU, rejoin the USAAF Conchita Trelles
times and they all remember avoided. the turbulent a the Korean Wr, leave the bstor last Con-
them fondly. "We had fun In the short space allotted her, she would have headed in the Air Force until his 25
times," they say. In truth, they to me going to ist some for th hils.Ailee a tower year retirement. He wenton to chita Trelles' life is a book.
ofstrength, has survived the As, ayoung lovely women,
the wives,made it fun times. great wives of my gang. It of strength as sur d t teach and saw him retire after sh was oung rtesa, o mn,
We might ave worked like many good times- and the 2he was a5 courtesan, or mis-
We ight have worked like seems to me that- they wereSe
dogs in two and threejbs, but all so lucky. I was not .lucky many incredible contretemps Hs house was always a -tress to various gamblers. She
on Sunday we loaded the old the first to times I married e incrediblelife of Dr ic- heaven to usin Ybor City Ba- was ot andovie star" ofg. Sbor
car with casseroles of tuna fis, efirst tor Martinez, M.D., was the movie star" of Ybor
car with casseroles of tuna fish, Americans. I left Ybor at 16 to tor Martnez, M.D., nanas caught up in the service.
Cuban sandwiches, Miranda's go off to college o was more Marriedto a Crown Prince And every visit was like a visit it She lookd like Delores
deviled crabs and had a high American than I was Latin of Ybor City, Victor Martinez, toan Ybor City home, thaks Del Rioand any said much
old time at the beach, where when I reached the courting M.D., arisingstar of medicine, to Dot, who taught herself prettier.;
the surf and the sand were free and marrying age.- a cadiovascular surgeon son how to act like a great Ybor She caught the eye of Dr.
and the games went all day. Yes, I refused to heed my of El Encanto Cleaners,their Cy rge mistrelles antoboth managed to
That Sunday Beach Day erased fathers advice: "Casate con future seemed bright and se- 4. Chunchi's best friend behefamostr g ler. Trells wa
allthe pain and.tiredness of the Latina!" -. Marry a Latin girl. cure. was his buddy Chelo Huerta, a an had ve ren
six dayweek. And who didthe n jest, he would sy, Dn'tey had two children both toota sar, coac of unde- maried andhadfive children.
work? The wives. Always their marry anyone who can't have good looking and intelligent. feated teams, and politician It was the scandal desti of
T Both lawyers. and fundraiser. He died way te 1920s in Ybor City.
To detail the avalanche of too soon But,in te short time It ended when Trelles,

tan IflO rap tinez' I'd need a book, not an wife. hiswife and prom ptly mar-
Sarticle. w5. If there was one outstand- ried Conchita.. This- almost
SWhen things were at their ing beauty in my growing up brought Trelles to professional
Sciazng i eCa best, the practice growing, and dst was da Grimaldi ruin. Conchita reformed and
days, it was olwda Arimaldi.
S iotograh ie a few million in the bank, Vic- Striking face and astounding trainedherselto benurse, a
Formaf & In-L form tor decided to open a hospital figure, Ida was also intelligent, midwife, and an anesthesiolo-
S3or6 Infa primarily for the South Amer- a top student t an a great per- gist. Sih' ian te Treles Clinic
emal:dgt @rapd on. omr sat ie- homen a ndi ev eary th i eng th at top prs dent of th e a per-lumb ia wh tco th owhest in w
ortaif Pnace can cardiovascular patients, sonality. Everyone loved her. I nt was the best surgical clinic
Alllicensingwas obtained and had my eye on her when I d ha It was te best surgica ci
o* Afor(dableIVeddng then the Hillsboroughi Medical to leave to go to Spring Hill. in town.
Pa~"ckas $625 & Board stopped him. Victor, When I got back Ray Grimaldi Then, as Trehles reached
S t & Occasio wtiha lot of Don Quixote's had snared her. ge hepulled a
blood in him, fought until he'd Never did I feel so low. A major blunder.
ioorai h used up a $6 million reserve beauty like Ida deservedmuch At 60 e fell in love with a
813-952-7667 He lost his practice, lost his better than the wasted son of 21 year od Cuban reception-
emal rba home, and everything that the president of.the Columbia ist. Conchitawho had devoted Creative un meant anything to him except Bank. Sh deservedbetter. She her life to Trelles was crused
http://WWW.rapdronfor the most valuable thing he deserved... ME! Many ugly battles resulted and
owned, his wife Aileen. Life with the irrepressible once Conchita shot itim with
SlFrom those very hard days, and unpredictable Ray was a .22 in the butt. It wasn't
one disaster after another has an up and down race. But the pretty.
bedeviled. Aileen learned to worse Ray became the more With foolish pride, Trelles
cope: steadying her force became announced that he wss hav-
oithout the strength, the Ida kept her family together ing a baby with the 21 year old
guiding light, the encourage- and lived to stay married to Cuban girl. All Ybor scoffed.
r Ua tmen't of the strong woman, the end. Applause to a great Shewas still seeing her ex-
a Victor would have shattered beauty. husband. The baby was is,
1and collapsed:. But she stood Of the people older thhan te ex bad's.
HeIpn1 sti, firm. Like General Jacksonin I'd like to list a few. They served To cap off the humiliation,
the Civil War, "There stands to show us by example how Trelles fired Conchita and
Wth Spri jut aroun he ornr our tok Jackson, like a Stonewall!" things were done in their era. threw her out of the clinic. It
I nominate her Ybor City They set the rules for us who was the low point of her life.
of basic school supplies are nearly gone. Wife of the Generation (1945 followed. Things went from bad to
2006) The best, as I have said over worse. The clinic, without
Aileen Martinez and over was Ramona Ranon, Conchita, fel apart. Trelles
Weed our hel now If there e were a Congres- so just take my word. was diagnosed as a diabetic,
wa s l sional Medal of Honor given to Another incredible lady was ar advanced.
housewives, she would receive Rose Grimaldi, who was not He fell in bed. His 21 year
The most rec uested essential the first medal given. Italiar but Spanish. A beauti- old left him,abandoned him
This is a list of perfect Ybor fu] face was always adorned to care for himself. He was at
tma t1ea her ak for are: Citywives in no special order. by a grin. She had a devilish death's door. They-amputated
t ms chers ask for are: They're all the.same to me: sense of humor, laughter camrne his leg.
Great! to her eaily. She loved her So, who shows up to nurse
.io #e -' 1. Liz Accurso: Strange that family, forgve her husband's him and take care- of him?
I picked a cracker from Ten- many indiscretions, loved her Why, Conchita, of course.
nessee to be a perfect Yborr daughters lavishly, had tie hepa- Te end was ugly. Conchita

all Lont? Beker- Prorgr f oii o awife, but her entire adult life tience to forgive Ray's boorish still loved him, but he was a
Shas been spent in Ybor City, behavior, and could only laugh surly bad patient,and she still
(15) 20-2949 o r emlipl at making hitr ousband Frankie at er baby Julia's zany behav- held the many urts he had
Accurso, a perfect partner. ior. H e never made sense, Rose visited on her head, and tok
5719 Corpo x Pk D' ey gae Ybotr Ciy five girs, acted as if se didn't notice. I revenge from time to time.
all successful, all beautiful re- loved being with her. She was He lost tie other leg and,

T was Ramona Ranon, a perfect Adela Gonzmart .. If I left you out, I'm sorry, I
Slampa, L 1 moflections of Liz and Frankie. so upliftingthe land went around wit h a lot of gired. s,
To donat6 fo r more lAll have identical sunny A couple ] didn't know per-
calI D D Ien ee ker lro0ram Cooralna'tor personalities. Their laugher is sonally but looked like the her former lover, still as beau-
spontaneous -th.aftampa.oreir sense of perfect pair was Jonny Diazdela but few wiver. Stil as loving,
o TahLA o Tm fun is infectious of te Roofing Co. Se as so/F Zarrae took yer in as an old21
Ifl had to categorize them by beautiful and he was so cool friend and trea,ted her like
(&15) 620-2949 or vta emall aV a phrase, it would be, "What's and handsome. They have a queen. And, in my book, she
the use of living if it isn't going son, Johnny Jr. Diaz, who led a too was a champion Ybor City
3719 Corporex Park Prlve SuIte 400 2. The mother of my choice who passed recently. the most beautiful.
Tampa, FL 33619 was Ramona Ranon, a perfect Adela Gonzmart If I left you out, I'm sorry, I
mother. Is it odd that her three Champion wife of the land wnt around with a lot of girls, boys picked perfect wives? of show business: Adela but few wives.

LA GACETA/Friday, July 21, 2006/Page 21


At the Al ovies with Jason Alessi

Dupree Is Familiar But Funny
Movie: You, Me and Du- lyweds who can't wait to get time time soon. To make mat-
pree their new life together start- ters worse for Carl, he must
Director: Anthony Russo, ed. Unfortunately, things deal with his boss (Michael
Joe Russo start out on the wrong foot for Douglass), who also happens
Cast: Owen Wilson, Kate the couple thanks to Carl's to be Molly's dad, breathing
Hudson, Matt Dillon, Michael best friend, the irresponsible down his neck at work:
Douglas, Seth Rogan, Amanda Randy Dupree (Wilson), who Things take a turn in the
Detmer has managed to lose his job film when Dupree. starts
Ratiig: PG-13.(crude hu- an.d his apartment. Out of patching up bhis strained
mor, sexual content, profanity, sympathy for his friend, Carl relationship with Molly and
brief nudity) invited Dupree to live with begins to make Carl suspect
Running Time: 108 min- him ard Molly until Randy that something's up between
utes can get back on his own two the two.
Owen Wilson has a perfect feet again. This movie is very clich
showcase film to show off his Of course things go hay- and Wilson can certainly be a
clumsiness and annoyance wire immediately as the clue- bit much at times, but it still
as slacker Randy Dupree. less Dupree constantly man- manages to make us laugh.
It seems like Wilson always ages to invade the couple's As far as. comedies go, this
manages to look the same no privacy and wrecks their movie is no where near as ef-
matter what role he's in. He home in more ways than one. fective as the Adam Sandler
looks goofy and he acts goofy, What was supposed to be a movie, Click, but it is worth
and You, Me and-Dupree is brief-stay for Dupree at Carl seeing as long as you're not
certainly no exception. and Molly's house becomes expecting much.
Molly (Kate Hudson) and a longer engagement when
Alice Banks prepares to cear the pool table at Carl I(Matt Dillon) are new- Dupree fails to find work any- Grade: C+
Fatso's Billiards on East Busch Boulevard.
9" Anywhere at Anytime
c sinie <95 Stcke
rr Pac .ackage


-Ao Palmetto Beach cea te #1o
1305 S. 22nd St. 25
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of a large firm,

per Pub, located intheBritton .i
of a local one.

Our Busness Litigation attorneys are available to handle

A Construction Claims Intellectual Property
Contract Negotiations and Disputes *fReal Estate Litigation

Beanie and Joan Woodward hang out at the Tap-
per Pub, located in the Britton Plaza.t B n a

Serving lunch
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For more information, contact:
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Page 22/LA GACETA/Friday, J;uly 21, 2006



Sarah Terrell and Keith Anderson munch on their lunches at the world fa-
mous Columbia Restaurant, located on Seventh Avenue in Ybor City.
Debbie Nobel and Mark W ker get together for

Andrea Bastian, Joseph Narkiewicz and Jennifer Motsinger escape work and
relax at the Valencia Garden, located on West Kennedy Boulevard.

Shana Wheelwright bartends at Stoney's Bar &
Scoackage shley Davidson buy all2heir cigars from
LaHeeniaDe Cuba EVEL MEandn AdeCigars,A locatedon
Seventhi Avenue in Ybor City.

Roy and Debbie Snmpson polists off their delicious sandwiches at La Tropi-
cana Restaurant, located on Seventh Avenue in Ybor City.

Shana Wheelwright bartends at Stoney's Bar &
Package Liquor on South 22nd Street.

The Nominating Committee of the Ybor City Development Corporation, Inc. is Fvt it "pa says
seeking nominations for its 2006-2007 Board of Directors. Nominees must Spanish
represent one of the following Board categories: retail, bar, restaurant, profes-
sional office, hotel/bed & breakfast, property owner, multi-family residential,
entertainment/events, mult-use complex, and at-large. Terms of office are for
one (1) year beginning October 1, 2006 and ending September 30, 2007. Nomi- LUNCH
nations must be submitted by July 25, 2006 to: & DINNER
2105 N. Nebraska Avenue, 2nd Floor reservations
Tampa, FL 33602-2558 3)248-4961
Fax: (813) 274-7935
Nominations must be submitted on a Nomination Information Form, which can be N y
obtained through the Ybor City Development Corporation, Inc. office or online at Flamenco shows ^.. ,. hr .
m.pdf. Questions should be directed to VincePardo at (813) 274-7936. 211t7 E. 7th Avenu Hstoc Ybor City, TAMPA

LAGACETA/Friday, July 21, 2006/Page23


SJeffLanier and Joe Rizzo dig in to the authentic Italian cuisine served at
Bernini, located on Seventh Avenue in Ybor City.

."Copyrighted Material
"- ~- Syndicated Content -

Available from Commercial News Providers"

m_ j 0


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Page 24/LA GACETA/Friday, July 21, 2006


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Call 966-5760 383-6666 CalI 966-5760 800-889-8139 Cali 966-5760

Opportunties Ronald McDonald House HEARING OFFICER
ACCOUNTING CLERK II has a full-time position for Admin & Fiscal Manager The Hillsborough County Board of County Commission-
$25,688 office elPn vlunr Auto Equipment perator II ers on November 14, 1996 approved Ordinance 96-35
AIRPORT TRAFFIC SPECIALIST benefitS. Email resume to Building Inspector II which provides for the appointment of one or more Land
-(NON-STANDARD HOURS) Chief of Safety& Claims Use Hearing Officers to conduct hearings & render
$28,059 Communications Technician I decisions regarding applicatios for rezoning and related
BUYER _- Consumer Affairs Manager matters. Applicants must have a degree in planning or
$34,964 Construction Crime Scene Technician I related field and three years experience or a degree in
ENVIRONMENTAL Drafting Techician I architecture, engineering or law and licensed to practice
TECHNICIAN 84 LUMBER & in Florida for three years. This is a personal services
$20,404 COMPANY EngineerIII contract not to exceed $75,000 per year. Please forward
FIELD COLLECTOR COMP Y Engineer lll NIS resume clearly documenting above qualifications to:
$27,164 YARD HELP Engineering Tech III (NIS) Paula Harvey, Division Director, Planning & Growth
GENERALMANAGER I Firefighter Management, P.O. Box 1110, Tapa, FL 33601.
(TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM) We are seeking motivated FleetMechanic IIl Resumes must be postmarked no later than August
$45,115 team players to work full- HVAC Mechanicll 16,2006.
SENIOR INTERNAL AUDITOR time in our Lumber Yard. If Mechanical Inspector II
$52,228 you enjoy working out- -_____ __ ___Inspector_1_
SOFTWARE SPECIALIST II doors ard the physical Office Support Specialist III
(SQLSERVER) work of building loads, un- Police Officer
$52,124 loading and loading trucks, Police Scholarship Program
SYSTEMS ANALYST then this could be the job ProjectArchitect Hlsborough Couny
(SQL DATABASE) for you! Enjoy excellent Refuse Collector Driver
$52,124 benefits in a great work ResidentialComp Plans HEARING MASTER
WATER / WASTEWATER environment. Apply in per- Examiner The Hillsborough County Board of County Commission-
PLANTOPERATOR TRAINEE son Wednesday,:July 26 Site Inspector II ers on November 14, 1996 approved Ordinance 96-35
$24m 148 (ask or Tracy)t ro 2 pm Solid Waste Driver Loader which provides for the appointment of one or more Phos-
See our web site at" "- t phate Mining Hearing Masters to conduct hearings & 84 LUMBER COMPANY Cityof Tampa render recommendations regarding applications for
orcontact 2102 Henderson Way Employment Services phosphate mining including operating permits and
Job Newsline 272-6975 Plant City, FL 315 E. Kennedy Blvd. vested ights Applicants must have a law degree and be
(TDD 272-5623) Fax: 866-298-3868 8131274-8911 licensed to practice in Florida for three years. This is a
r visit our office at: Email: "Job News" 274-8115 personal services contract not to exceed. $50,000 per
601 E. Kennedy Boulevard year. Please forward resume clearly documenting above
17th Floor, Tampa, FL visit our website at: Drug-free workplace EEO-flmlhlv qualifications to: Paula Harvey, Division Director,
Preference in initialapt. will www.84 Planning & Growth Management, P.O. Box 1110,
be given to elgible vets& OE M/F/D/a Tampa, FL 33601. Resumes must be postmarked no
AAIEEO Employer Drug Free Environment To Subscribe: 248-3921 later than August 9, 2006.

Florida All that alleyway lying in. Block 6, CORRECTED MAP OF THE RE-RE-REVISED
MAP OF BELLEMERE, a subdivision as map or plat thereof is recorded in Plat Book
MANAGER, ENGINEERING AND 25, Page 43 of the public records of Hilisborough County, Florida, LESS that portion
previously vacated per City of Tampa Ordinance 1066-A.
Water Resource Services MERCHANT III- C06-13
ater ResouceServiesLEGAL DESCRIPTION:
Hillsborough County is seeking an experienced leader and executive-level manager Al that alleyway lying in Block 2, CAMPBELLS SUBDIVISION OF LOT 12 OF
Hisborough County s seeking an experenced leader and executve-evel manager CAMPBELLS SUBIVISION, as map or plat thereof is recorded in Plat Book 1, Page
to serve as the Manager, Engineering And Envirpnmental Management Group, 51 of the public records of Hillsborough County, Florda.
Water Resource Services. Position will directly oversee the Department's Capital ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION OF THE CITY
Improvement Program; project management services; potable, waste and reclaimed WILL N RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, AND FOR SUCH URPOSE,
water planning, engneering -design, environmental montoring and permitting; and MAY NEED TO HIRE A COURT REPORTER TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM
water plannin, engineerig esign, environmental monitong and permitting and RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE
contracting minor engineer construction projects.-The Manager, Engineering and TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TOBE BASED..
Environmental Management Group is under the general direction of the Department ECTN ACCORDANCE IDA STATUTE AM ERNS WITH DISABILITIES ACT NEEDING
Director and is responsible for over 90 full-time employees. S PECIAL ACCOMMODATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS MEETING SHOULD
Position requires four-year bachelor's degree from an accredited college or univer- DATE OFTHED PARMEETING.ES MAY APPEAR AND BE HEARD AT SAD HEARING.
sity in engineering, management, or equivalent education and experience, and SHIRLEY FOXX-KNOWLES 7/6
credentials as a licensed Professional Engineer in the state of Florida. This position CITY CLERK 7/21/06 1T
also requires 5 years of executive-level management experience of which 3 years NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
must include supervisory experience in a principal engineering role. Candidates ON CTOBER 12, 2006 AT 6:00 P.M. IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY
should have ademonstrated understanding of Critical Path Method (CPM) schedul- HALL, 315 E. KENNEDY BLVD., THIRD FLOOR, TAMPA. FLORIDA, A PUBLIC
ing and the ability to simplify and resolve complex problems, and experience with HEARING WILLBETION(ELD BY THE TAMPA CRIGHTYCOUNCIL TO CNSDER THE
planning, design and construction of water and wastewater infrastructure. Master's RESOLUTION NO. 2006-867
degree a plus. Best qualified candidates will have a proven commitment to team- PETITIONER(S): PETITION OF UNION STATION TAMPA, LLC C06-09
building; a track record of sound decision making; a history of improving the LEGAL DESCRIPTION:
efficiency of serice delivery; b adaptable, flexible, responsive and possess strong Ah that alleyway lying in Section 24, Township 29 South, Range 18 East, Hillsbor-
efficiencyf service delivery; b adaptable, flexible, responsive and possess strongough County, Florida, and MAP OF BINKLEY'S ADDITION TO FT. BROOKE, a
oral andwritten communication skills. subdivision as map or plat thereof s recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 41 of the public
oral and written communication skills. OugbdissinHiSToa urh at hreow
records of Hillsborough County, Florida, lying withinthe following described boundar-
Salary rane $72,214-$111342; exceptional benefits pckage; position open until es, to wit:
Salary range $72,214-$111,342; exceptional benefits package; position open until that alleyway lying in Blocks 3 and 4, of said MAP OF BINKLEYS ADDITION TO
filled. FT. BROOKE, and the Westerly extension of the North and South boundary of said
alleyway to the East boundary of CHAS. WRIGHT SUBDIVISION, as map or plat there-
Qualified individuas should submit a resume, cover letter, five work related refer- of record in Plat Book 1, Page 95 of the public records of Hillsborough County,
Qualiied individus Florida LESS that portion previouly vacated per City of Tampa Ordinance 958-A.
ences and current salary information to: AND
All that alleyway lying in Section 24, Township 29 South, Rnge 18 East, Hillsbor-
Human Resources Executive Recruitment ough County, Florida, dedicated per Deed Book 1356. Page 24 of the public records
of Hillsborough County, Florida, LESS that portion previously vacated per City of
601 E. Kennedy Blvd., 17th Floor Tampa Ordinance 958-A.
CITY CLERK ...-. 7/21/061T
LA GACETA/Friday, July 21, 2006/Page 25

IN THE CIRGJUIT COURT-OF-THE against-decedentfs-estate,-on-whom a the-property owner as-of the date of the INTHE CIRCOIT COURTFOR the'pidprty ower as of'thedate of
-THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF copy of this notice is served within three Lis Pendens must file a claim within sixty HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA the Lis Pendens must file a claim
THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND months after the date of the first publica- (60) days after the sale. PROBATE DIVISION within sixty (60). days after the sale.
FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY tion of this notice must file their claims If you are a person with a disability who File No. 06-1827 Division A If you-are a person with a disability who
JUVENILE DIVISION with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF needs any accommodation in order to R ATOFneeds any order to
FFN: 503320 DIVISION: C THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE participatein this proceeding, you :are IN R: ESG JACSO participate in this proceedirg, you are
FCASE s 01 0 : OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS entitled, atrocost to you, to the provision JAMES G JACKSON, entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisin
CASE IDs 01-5350 NOTICE OR THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE of certain asistance. Please contact the Deceased. of certain assistance. Please contact the
IN THE INTEREST OF: DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division,
COX, CORNELIUS B/M (dob: 5/02/93) THIS NOTICE ON THEM. 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL The administration of the estate of 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL
COX, CORMARIUS B/M (dob: 4/25/96) All other creditors of the decedent and 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, JAMES ad CKSON doae sad whe 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252,
COX,CORTEZ B/M (dob: 6/20/97) persons having claims or demands- within 2 working days of your receipt of Jde of eath waCs ne 20dece Flse within 2 working days of your receipt of
COX CORI'ANA B/F (dob: 1/08/99) against the estate of the decedent must this document; if you are hearing or voice Numba r 20061827, i pending in fha ir- this document; are hearing or voice
COX. CORNESHIA B/F (dob: 8/14/00) file their claims with this Court WITHIN impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. utur Hills gh nt, Fi impaired, cal 1-800-955-8771.
COX, CORDEZ B/M (dob: 8/14/00) THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of Probate Division, the address of whic WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of
MINOR CHILDREN. OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS this Court on Juy 14, 2006. is P.O. Box 1110, Tampa, FL 33601. The this Court on July 14, 2006.
NOTICE OF AN ADVISORY HEARING NOTICE. Pat Frank names and addresses of the personal Pat Frank
ON A TERMINATION OF PARENTAL ALL CLAIMS AN DEMANDS NOT SO Clerk of the Circuit Court representative and the personal repre- Clerk of the Circuit Court
RIGHTS PROCEED1NGS FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. By: Sandra Glennon sentative's attorney are set forth below. By: Sandra Glennon
FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT The date of this first publication of this Deputy Clerk All creditors of the decedent and other Deputy Clerk
THE ADVISORY HEARING CONSTI- Notice is July 21, 2006. Echevarria & Associates, P.A. persons having claims or demands Echevarria & Associates, PA.
TUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINA- -Personal Representative: P.O. Box 25018 against decedent's estate on whom a Box 25018
TION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THESE JAMES A. URBANEK Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 copy of this notice is required to be Tampa Florida 33622-5050118
CHILDREN. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON 1025 W. McLeod St. F06006589 served .must file their claims with this F06004291
THIS DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU Bartow, FL 33830 7/21-7/28/06 2T court WITHIN THE LAER OF.3 MONTHS 7/21-7/28/06 2T
TO: CORNELIUS COX, FatherOf: JESS J. YADO, I, P.A. 75 HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY All other creditors of the decedent and File No 06-1767 Division: A
Cornelius Cox, dob: 5/02/93) Tampa, FL 33609-2595 SJUVENILE DIVISION other persons having claims or demands
Cormarius Cox, dob: 4/25/96 Telephone: (813) 286-4300 FFN:: 505960 against decedent's estate must file their IN RE: ESTATE OF
Cortez Cox, dob: 6/20/97 CASE ID: 04-0522 DIVISION: C clairs with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS DOROTHY W. CLAYTON,
Cori'ana Cox, -dob: 1/08/99 7/21-7/28/06 2T AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- Deceased.
trrata-Petin for TO T AE DA NOICEOFANADVISORYHEARING se datef death Was Jne 1-2006;
Rights has been filed in the Circuit Court AIY A DIV INT PROBATE. CODE WILL BE FOREVER
of. ghte Thirteelenth JudicilCrcuait Cot FAMILY LAW DIVISION ON A TERMINATION OF PARENTAL .BARRED: Fila Number 06-1767, is pending in the
State of Florida,in and for Hillborough CASE NO.: 06012499 DIVISION:E UREITO SONALR NOTWITHSTANDING THE. TIME PE- Cicui our r Hillborough Couny,
County, Florida, Juvenile Divisio, alleg- FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT RIOD SET FORTH ABOE, ANY CLAIM Florida, Probate Division, the address of
gCoutty, horida Juvenimed ivhilre are IN RE:THE MARRIAGE OF: THE ADVISORY HEARING CONSTI- IDSED TOR BOVE, ANY LMOA which is 800 E. Twiggs Street, Tampa,
ng fhaf fha above-named children are SI^ ED^S o l a
dependent children and by which the Pe- ROSA A. MONTALVO, TUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINA- AFTER TWO (2)E DECEDENTS OR. MORE Florida 33602. The names anddresses
titioner is asking for the terminationof pa- Petitioner, TION OFPARENTAL RIGHTS OF THIS AFTER TH IS BARRDECEDENT'S DATE OF othe personal representative and the
rental rights and permanent commitment and CHILD. IF YOU- FAIL TO APPEAR ON personal representative's attomey are set
of the children to the Departmentof Child- JORGE A. MONTALVO, THIS DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU The date of the first publication of this forth below.
ren and Families for subsequent adoption. Respondent. .MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS ,AS A, notice is July 21, 2006. All creditors of the decedent and other..
PARENT TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THE Personal Representative: persons having claims or demands against
are required to appear personally on the DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE TOTROY LEHMAN (father), 1550 Maplewood Drve this notice is required to be served, must
5th day of September, 2006, at 11:00 TO:TROY LEHMAN (father),b
a.m, bfore the Honorable Martha Cook, TO: JORGE A. MONTALVO or any possible father of: Caro, MIl48723 file their claims with this court WITHIN
t Edgcomb urhous 800 Eas LastAddres Unknown Brittany Hansel, dob: 06/07/03 Attorney for Personal Representative: THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE
courtroom #411, Tampa, Florida 33602, been filed against you and that you are that a Petition for Terminatin of Parental Florida Bar No. 0070660 THIS NOTFSERVICE OF A COPY OF
to show cause, if any, why parental rights rquired to serve a copy of your writ- Rights has been filed i theCircuit Court 1601 Rickenbacker Drive, Suite 8 DATE OF SERVICE OF A OP OF
hal notbe terminated and said children ten defenses, i any to it on ROSA A. of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit of the Sun City Center, FL 33573 THIS NOTICE ON THEM.
shall not be permanently committed to the MONTALVO,.whose address is 1501 E. State of Florida, in and for Hillsborough Telephone: 813-633-6312 All other creditors of the decedent and
Florida Department of.Children and Fam- Shadowlawn St., Tampa, FL-33610,.on or County, Florida, Juvenile Division, alleg- 7/21-7/28/06 2T other persons having claims or demands
ilies for subsequent adoption. You are before August 21, 2006, and file the ing that the above-named child is a de- against decedent's estate must file their
entitled to be epresented by an attorney original with the clerk of,this Court at 800 pendent child and by which the Petitioner NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME claims with thiscourt WITHIN 3 MONTHS
at this proceding. E. Twiggs St., #101, Tampa, FL 33602, is asking for the termination of parental REGISTRATION LAW A THE DATEOF THE FIRST
DATED this 18th day of July, 2006. before service on the Petitioner or im- rights and permanent commitment of the PUBLICATION OFTHIS NOTICE.
PAT FRANK mediately-thereafter. fail to do so, a child to the Department of Children and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the un- ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN
PATR FRANK default may be entered against you for Families for subsequent adoption. dersigned, desirng to engage n business THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT the relief demanded in the Petition. YOU AR HEREBY nified tha under the fictitious ame of BELLA BABY SECTON 733702 OF TE FLORIDA
By Linda Lpelletier Copies of all court documents in this are rquired to appear personally on he DEIGNS, locaed at305 Hickory Lane, PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER
peputy Cerk 7/21-8/11/06 4T case, including orders, are available at the 26th day of September, 2006, at 11:00 efer, FL 33584, is the sole owner of BARRED.
Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may a.m., before the Honorable Martha Cook, snad with ha e Division oft orporaitone NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PE-
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE review these. documents upon request. at the Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 East theDeparte f ae o RIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM
REAN T FOR HILLSBOROUGH You.must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Twiggs.Street, 4th Floor, Division C with Section 865.09, Florida Statutes. FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE
INAND LLBOROUGH Court's office notified of your current ad- courtroom #411, Tampa, Florida 33602, AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF
COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA dress. (You may file Notice of Currerit Ad- to show cause, if any, why parental rights Dated this 17th day of July, 2006. DEATH IS BARRED.
PROBATE DIVISION dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved shall not be terminated and said child BELLA BABY DESIGNS The date of first publication of this notice
CASE NO.: 06-CP-001425 DIVISION: E Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers shall not be permanently committed to the 305 Hickory Lane, Seffner, FL 33584 is July 21, 2006.
IN RE: The Estate of in this lawsuit will be mailed to the Florida Department of Children and Fami- prr Amroin/ Sigrd on July 18, 2006
JANENELLYFISHER, address on record t he er<'s office. lies for subsequent adoption. You are en- Poietor Teior J. Ambroino ied on Jly 18 2006
Deceased. ". WARNIIG:. RIule 12.25,'FIorida ,Fam- titled to be represented by an attorney at Jula A.A opPersonal Representative:
TT ily Law Rules of Procedurere, requires this proceeding. 7/21/061T M DEXTER CLAYTON II
NOTICE TO CREDITORS JN certain automatic dislsosure of docu- DATED this 19th day of July, 2006 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Tampa, FL 33617-7843
The administration ofhe estate of JANE rments and information. Failure to cmply PAT FRANK THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT
NEILLY FISHER, deceased, whose date can result in snctions, including, dis- CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT IN ANO FOR-HILLSBOROUGH Attorey for Personal Representative:
of death was December 29, 2005, and missal or striking of pleadings. By: Linda Lepelletier COUNTY, FLORIDA E. JACKSON BCf3GS
whose Social Security Number is 263- DATED: July 18, 2006 Deputy Clerk CIVIL ACTION Florida Bar No. 007206
32-5928, is pending in the Circuit Court 7/21-8/11/06 4T FOWLER WHITE BOGGS BANKER P.A.
for Hillsborough County, Florida, Probate PAT FRANK CASE NO. 2006-002760 DIVISION F Post Office Box 1438 .
Division; the address of which is George CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE WELLS FARGO BANK, NA, Tampa, FL 33601
E. Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 E. Twiggs By: Brenda Dudley THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Paintiff Telephone: (813) 222-1148
Street, 2nd Floor, Tampa, Florida 33602. Deputy Clerk 7/21-8/11/06 4T I COUNT, FORIDA vs. 7/21-7/28/06 2T
The names and addresses of the person- COUNTYFLOAMARA LUCAS, et al 721-728 2T
al representative and the personal repre- CIVIL ACTION MARIA LUCAS, el,
sentative's attoney are set forth below. NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME CASE NO. 05-1872-CA DIVISION F Defendant(s). IN THE COUNTY COURT IN AND FOR
against decedent's estate on whom a dersigned, desiring to engage in business MORTGAGE, LLC; SUCCESSOR BY a Final Judgment of Mortgage Foreclosure CASE NO: 06-01375 DIVISION: "H"
copy of this notice is required to be under the fictitious name of MALLORY MERGER WITH NATIONSBANC dated July 13, 2006, and entered in Case C. J. STOLL, INC., a Florida corporation,
served must file their claims with this BAY CARGO COMPANY, located at 305 MORTGAGE CORPORATION, NO. 2006-002760 of the Circuit Court of d/b/a KENTWOOD MOBILE HOME
court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 Hickory Lane, Seffner, FL 33584, is the Plaintiff, the THIRTEENTH Judicial Circuit in and PARK,
MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE sole owner of said name and intends to vfor HILLSBOROUGH County, Florida Plaintiff
FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE register said name with the Division of wherein WELLS FARGO BANK N.A., is
OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF Corporations of the Department of State JEFFREY CROLLICK, et al, n ARA A
SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE in accordance with Section 865.09, Flor- Defendant(s). the Plaintiff and MARIA LUCAS JESS IDONA PITTMAN,
All other creditors of the decedent and Dated this 17th day of July, 2006. FORECLOSURE SALE HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY SHERIFF; NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF
other persons having claims or demands MALLORY BAY CARGO COMPANY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant TENANT #1 are the Defendants, I will sell- MOBILE HOME
against the decedent's estate mut file 305 Hickor Lane, Seffer, FL 33584 to an Order Rescheduling Foreclosure to the highest and best bidder for cash at NOTCE IS HEREBY GVEN that r-
theirclais with thi court WTHN 3 Sale dated July 13, 2006 and entered in 800 E. Twiggs Street, George Edgecomb NOTICE S HREBY GIEN pr-
MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE Proprietor: Julie A. Angelopoulos Case NO. 05-1872-CA of the Circuit Courthouse, 2nd Floor, Room 201/202, suant o a Final Judgment for Removal of
FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. 7/21/06 1T Court of the THIRTEENTH Judicial Circuit Tampa, Florida 33602, at 2:00PM, on the Tehant, service of Writ of Possesion,
ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN in and for HILLSBOROUGH County, Flor- 6th day of September, 2006, the following aond Notics of Righant to R cl timan
THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ida wherein BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., described property as set forth in said 715.10- 1 of te Fd P y orsu a Stattes
SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT SUCCESSOR BY MERGER WITI- BA Final Judgment: 715.10-715.111 of hihes Florida Satutesr
DEATH IS BARRED. Plaintiff, will sell to the highest and best bidder for CERTAIN MOBILE HOME LOCATED Said mobile home is located on a lot
The date of the first publication of this vs. cash at 800 E. Twiggs Street, George THEREON, DESCRIBED AS A 2002 that had been rented by Idonia Pittman.
Notice is July 21, 2006. JABARI N'KOSI WAITE, et al, Edgecomb Courthouse, 2nd Floor, Room DOUBLEWIDE WITH SERIAL NUM- Said mobile home is owned by Idonia
Personal Representative: Defendant(s). 201/202, Tampa, Florida 33602, at 2:00 BERS GAFL154A86854ET21 AND Pittman.
KELLY C. FISHER PM, on the 9th day of August, 2006, the GAFL154B86854ET21 AND TITLE NEIL E. POLSTER, ESQUIRE
Attorney For Personal Representative NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE following described property as set forth NUMBERS 87056116 AND 87056197. 2529 West Busch Blvd. #800
JOHN R. NEWCOMER, JR., ESQUIRE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuantto in said Final Judgment: A/K/A 12914 FOUR OAKS ROAD, Tampa, Florida 33618
Florida Bar No.: 143380 a Final Judgment of Mortgage Foreclosure LOT 19, BLOCK 2, FRANCES ARBOR TAMPA, FL 33624. Phone: (813) 931-5850
James, Hoyer, Newcomer & Smiljanich, dated July 13, 2006 and entered in Case VILLAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP Any person claiming an interest in the Attorney for C.J. Stoll, Inc.
P.A. NO. 06-3883-CA of the Circuit Court of OR PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED surplus from the sale, ii any, other than 7/21-7/28/052T
4830 W. Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 550 the THIRTEENTH Judicial Circuit in and IN PLAT BOOK 49, PAGE 57, OF THE surplus from the sale, i
7/21-7/28/06 2T CORPORATON, i Plaintif and A/K/A 6411 E. 113th Avenue, Temple ON SEPTEMBER 14, 2006 AT 6:00 P.M. IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS,
FILE NO 06-1766 DIVISION: "A" SOCIATION, INC.; are the Defendants, I the property owner as of the date of the RESOLUTION NO. 2006-869
will sell to the highest and best bidder for Lis Pendens must file a claim within sixty PETITIONER(S): PETITION OF MT. OLIVE AME CHURCH / REV. JAMES C. GIVINS
IN RE: THE ESTATE OF cash at 800 E. Twiggs Street, George (60) days after the sale. C06-11
ALBIN EDWARD URBANEK, aka ALBIN Edgecomb Courthouse, 2nd Floor, Room If you are a person with a disability who LEGAL DESCRIPTION:
E. URBANEK, 201/202, Tampa, Florida 33602, at 2:00 needs any accommodation in order to AII that porton of Fremont Avenue (20th Avenue) lying East of and abutting the East
Deceased. PM, on the 7th day of August, 2006, the participate in this proceeding, you are boundary of Lot 24, Block 12 and lying West of and abutting the West boundary of Lot
NOTICE TO CREDITORS foowing descrbed property as set frth entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision 13, Block 11, MAP OF BENJAMIN'S SECOND ADDITION TO WEST TAMPA, a
TO ALL PERSONS HAVNG CLAMS said Final Judgment: of LAKcertain assistance. Please cntact the subdiviion as map or plat thereof is recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 62 of the public
TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS UNIT 217, CARROLLBROOK LAKE- Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Divi- records ofsHillsborough County, Florida.
OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE SIDE CONDOMINIUMS, ACCORDING sion, 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL records ofHilsborough County, Florida.
The administration of the estate of MINIUM THEREOF, AS RECORDED within 2 working days of your receipt of COUNCIL WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING
E URBANEK, deceased, File Number PAGE 349, AS AMENDED, AND RE- impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. MAY NEED TO HIRE A COURT REPORTER TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM
for Hillsborough County, Florida, Probate BOOK 6, PAGE 30, ALL OF THE PUB- this Court on July 14, 2006. TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED.
1110, Tampa, Florida 33601. The names COUNTY, FLORIDA, TOGETHER Paerk ofthe Circuit Court SECTION 286.26, FLORDA STATUTES, PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING
attorney are set forth below. TENANT THERETO. epuy DATE OF THE MEETING.
TIFIED THAT: CLE, #217, TAMPA, FL 33618. Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 SHIRLEY FOXX-KNOWLES
All creditors of the decedent and other Any person claiming an interest in the F0609634 CITY CLERK
persons having claims or demands surplus from the sale, if any, other than 7/21-7/28/06 2T 7/21/06 1T
Page 26/LA GACETA/Friday, July 21, 2006

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE entitled, at no cost lo you, to the provision the Plaintiff and DAVID E. COUNCIL; NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH Clerk of Circuit Court, Cicuit CMIv Division, CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER, AND A public hearing will be held by the Land Use Hearing Officer, pursuant to Hiilsborough
COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL AGAINST THE HEREIN NAMED INDI- County Land Development Code, beginning at 3:00 a.m., August 4, 2006, at the Board
FAMILY LAW DIVISION 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext 7252, VIDUAL DEFENDANT(S) WHO ARE NOT Room, 2nd floor of the County Center, 601 E. Kennedy Blvd., Tampa, to hear the fol-
within 2 working days of your receipt of KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, lowing requests.
CASE NO.: 06011841 DIVISION: E this document; if you are hearing or voice WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES Copies of the applications, department reports and legal descriptions are available for
IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF: impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST AS public inspection in a master file maintained by the Planning and Growth Management
CRISTOBAL OSWALDO LOPEZ, WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, OR Department and the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners. All interested
Petitioner thiCourt on July14,2006 OTER CLAIMANS; HILLSBOROUGH eh|rr
Petitioner this Court on July 14, 2006 OTHER CLAIERKMANOFTS HE ILL RCUIT personswishing to submit testimony or other evidence in this matter must submit same
and CLERKPat Frank OFto the.HeariiMaster at the public hearing before him/her. The decision of the Land
LOURDES HERNANDEZ, Cerk of the Circuit Curt RTMNTF Use Hearng Officr wil be filed with the Clerk within fifteen (15) working days after the
LRe nent. r e PARTMENT F REVENUE;are the De- onclusion of the public hearing.
Respondent. By: Sandra Glennon tendants, I will sell to the highest and best
Lat Addres: Unknown Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 2:00PM, on the 9th day of August, 2006, FORTHCOMING PUBLIC HEARING OR MEETING IS HEREBY ADVISED THAT
YOU ARE OTIFED thatn acti has F0007018 71-/ 2 the foilowing described property as set THEY .WILL NEED A RECORD OQF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH
YOU ARE NOTIFIED action has F0600701 7121-7128106 2T forth in said Final.Judgment: PURPOSE, THEY MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE
defenses, if any, to it on CRISTOBAL THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT MAP OR PLAT THEREOF' AS RE- Additional information concerning these requests may be obtained by calling the
OSWALDO LOPEZ, whose addres is IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 35, PAGE Department of Planning and Growth Management at (813) 276-2058.
3605 W. Flora St., Tampa, Florda 33614, COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA 88 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF
original with the clerk of 1his Court at 800
E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, Florida, before CASE NO.: 06012258 DIVISION: C A/K/A 7109 DELLWOOD DRIVE, TAM- These items will be heard beginning at 1:30 p.m.:
service on the Petitioner or immediately IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF: PA, FL 33619. Petition SU 06-0944 EL (AB) filed on 3/15/2006, by Scott R. Sohl, represented by
thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default FELICIA FERREIRA, Any person claiming an interest in the Dixie Liberty of 5719 Tanagerlake Rd., Lithia, FL 33547, ph 913-817-8585, requesting
may be entered against you for the relief Petitioner surplus from the sale, if any, other than an Alcoholic Beverage Permit 4 COP Beer, wine and. liquor for sale and
demanded in the Petition. Petiioner, the property owner as of the date of consumption on and off the.licensed premises (package sales). Presently zoned CG,
Copies of all court documents in this and the Lis Pendens must file a claim located in all or parts of Section 27 Township 28 Range 19, or 7402 N. 56th St., Ste.
case, including orders, are available at the ANTHONY MINORO, within sixty (60) days after the sale. 902 & 903. Contains 5,890.7 sq. ft. .
Clerk of the Circuit Courts office. You may Respondent. If you are a person with a disability who Petition SU 06-0975-KO (LE) filed 3/21/2006, by North Dale Development, LTD,
review these documents upon request. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR needs any accommodation in order to represented by Hung T. Mai, P.E. of 14031 N: Dale Mabry Hwy., Tampa, FL 33618,
You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE participate in this proceeding, you are -ph 813-969-0600, requesting a Special Use for Land Excavation. Presently zoned AR,
Court's office notified of your current ad- TO: ANTHONY MINORO entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision located in all or parts of Section 6 & 7 Twnship 27 Range 18, or N & S side of Lutz
dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- Last Address: Unknown of certain assistance. Please contact the Lake Fern Rd., % mile W/O the Suncoast Corridor. Contains 286.02 acres .
dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved UAREs Cerk of Circuit Court, Circuit CivIlDMvision,
dr, Fda ur9eme CFuur Approve YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has 800 Est Twigg Street, Tampa iFL Petition SU 06-1257 EGL filed 5/5/2006, by Libertas Academy, Inc., represented by
FamilyLaw For 2.915.)Future paper been filed against you and that you are 3360, t h no. 2 00,xt. Stan Tyrell of 10206 N. Armenia Ave., Tampa, FL 33612, ph 813-690-8685,
in this lawsuit will be mailed to the required to serve a copy of yourtelephoeno. 276-800 252,
ddrss on rcord t c ffquir o serve a copy of your writ- within 2 working daysof your receipt of requesting a Special Use fr School. Presently zoned RMC-20, ocated in all or parts
e e ten defenses,. if any, to iton FELICIA i of Section 33 Township 28 Range 18 or 6206 N. Himes Ave. Contains 6.02 acres .
WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- FERREIRA, whose ardress ai 5914 A his document; if you are hearing or voice r
y Law Rules of Poc2.285ur, require HaFar FERREIRA whose addresmpa, FL '33615 impaired, cal 1-800-9558771. Petition SU 06-1270 GB (LE) filed 5/8/2006, by Tanktek, Inc. represented by
certain automatic disclosure of docu- on or before Augus 21, 2006, and file the. WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of Thomas Nicolaos and Chris Gasinski of 608 N. ,l9th St., Tampa, FL 33605, ph
Sn81-3 in a14 oLreus N2a Spectia 9 s forLarn the seal of Excavton Pe snattzed R
ments and information. Failure to comply original with the clerk of this Court at 800 this Court on Juiy.14, 2006. I813-334-1046, raquesting af Special Usefor Land Excavaion. Pr1s1antly.tzoed M,
can result in sanctions, including dis- E. Twiggs St, #101, Tampa, FL 33602, Pat Frank locataedins all orpa13 acres ction 9 ownip 31 ange ,or 13031 Wyand a Rd.
missal or striking of pleadings. before service on the Petitioner or im- Clerk of the Circuit Court ntain acres.
DATED: July 7, 2006 mediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a : B: Sandra Glennon Petition SU 06-1304 BR (AB) filed on 5/11/2006, by Jack Hurley, Inc. d/b/a Balka
PATFRANK default may be entered against you for D t Clerk Billiards.& Lounge, represented by Engelhardt, Hammer & Associates of 3001 N.
CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT the relief demanded in the Petition. puRocky Point Drive: East, #300, Tampa, FL 33607, ph 813-282-3855, requesting an
Copie of all umen in this Echevarria & Associates, P.A. Alcoholic Beverage Permit -4 COP -. Beer, wine and liquor for sale and consumption
By: Brnda udey inludin oder, ar available atthe P.O. Box25018 on and off the licensed premises (package sales). Presently zoned IPD-2, located in
Deputy Clerk 714-8/4/06 4T Clrk of the Crcuit Curt's office. ou my Tampa Florida 33622-5018 all or parts of Section 28 Township 29 Range 20, or 2070 to 2074 Badlands Dr.
IN THE CICUIT COURT OF THE review these documents upon request F6004507 7/2128/06 2 Contains 4,500 sq.ft. .
IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH Court's office notified of your current ad- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE The items illbe heardbeginning at 9:00 a.m
COUNTY,FLORIDA dress. (You may.file Notice of Current Ad- THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT These tems be head g ng a 9:00 am.:
FAMILY LAW DIVISION' dress; Florida Supreme Court Approved IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH Petition VAR 06-0539 NWH Belleair Development Group is requesting a Sign Variance
Ca : 06 1 Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers COUNTY, FLORIDA for property located at NE corner of Nine Eagles & Race Track Rd., zoned PD.
Case No.: 06 10893 Diision: D in this lawsuit will be nailed to the CIVIL ACTION Petition VAR06-0926 BR RNA Properties, Inc. is requesting a Sign Variance for
IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF: address on record at the clerk's office. CASE NO 06-000389-CA IIVISION I property located at9329 E. Adamo Dr., zoned C.
FRENCIS JOSE SUBERO,' WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- property acatad at9329 E. Adamo Dr., zoned CI.
Petitioner iSy Law Rules of Proedure, requires WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., Petition VAR 06-0968 CW CPI Limited, Inc. is requesting a Sign Variance for
and certain automatic disclosure of docu- Plaintiff, property located at 14301 N Dale Mabry Hwy., zoned PD-C.
and A L HRAN ments and information. Failure to comply vs. Petition VAR 06-0985 CW David Denning is requesting a Variance to the easement
BRND E HERNANDEZ, can result in sanctions, including dis- DENNIS VICKERS, et al, width requirements and to the setback requirements for property located at 13409
Responaent. missal or striking of pleadings. Defendant(s). Forest Hills Dr., zoned RSC-6.
NOTICE OFACTION FOR DATED: July 13,2006 AMENDEDNOTICEOF Petition VAR 06-1090 ER Mark & Chanda Griggs are requesting Variances to
DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE PAT FRANK FORECLOSURE SALE include easement in lot area, to allow easement access:for more than three lots and to
TO: BRENDA LEE HERNANDEZ CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant the lot width requirements for property located at 5501 Durant Rd., zoned ASC-l.
LastKnown Address: Unknown By: Brenda Ddley to an Amended Final Judgment of Mort- Petition VAR 06-1135 SS Luz Reyes is requesting a Variance to the setback
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action Deputy Clerk 7/21-8/11/06 gage Foreclosure dated July 13, 2006 requirements for property located at 3305 Maple Mex St., zoned AS-1;
has been filed against you and that you 7121-8/11.06 4T and entered in Case NO. 06-000389-CA
are required to serve a.copy of your writ- of the Circuit i Cr the o TH IRTEENTH Petition VAR 06-1137 VR Vicki Williams is requesting a Variance to the lot width and
ten defenses, if any, to it on FRENCIS N THE T CCUCURT OFHE Judicial Circuit i and for HILLSBOR- setback requirements for property located at 221 Skywood Dr., zoned ASC-1.
JOSE SUBERO, whose addres is 34194 IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH OUGH County, Florida wherein WELLS Petition VAR 06-1251 USF Kenneth Egli is requesting a Variance to flag lot and
West Kirby Street, Tampa, Florida 33614, I COUN TA F RIDAA FARGO BANK, N,A., is the Plaintiff and easement requirements in Urban Service Area, to allow Flag pole to be included in lot
on or before July 31st, 2006, and file the CROBT UFLORIDA & DENNIS VICKERS; MARY VICKERS; are size, and to the lot size requirements for a septic tank for property located at E/S of N.
original with the clerk of this ourt at 800 ROBATE, GUARDIANSHIP& the Defendants, I will sell to the highest 20th St., 300' S/O Sinclair Hills Rd., zoned RSC-6 (MH).
E. wigg Stret Tampa, Floda,befe TRUST DVlSON and bes bidder for cash at800 E. Twiggs tn R 06-1259 N Grace n Miniss Tus reu ng a
service on Petitioner or immediatelthe Case No.: 2006-CP-1636 Street, George Edgecomb Courthouse PetVariancen VARo he e6-1259TNCnd dGrack Brethren Ministries Trustperes s request S of
fter. lf you fail to do so, a default may IN RE: The Estate of 2nd Floor, Room 20/202, Tam pa Varance-to the setback an sdewak reqirement for pe ocated at S of
:be ,entered against you for the relief de- MYA RAWFR e Florida 33602, t 2:00 PMo the 8th R hornda Rd., 50' N/O Hanna Ave., zoned RSC-6.
manded in the petition. Decease day of September, 2006, .he following Petition VAR 06-1276 EL Crist Searer is requesting a Variance to the setback
Copies of all court documents in' this ca described property as set forth in said requirements for property located at 9602 E. Sligh Ave., zoned AS-1.
case, including orders, are available at the NOTICE TO CREDITORS Final Judgment: Petition VAR 06-1305 ER Robert C. Kirkland, Jr. is.requesting a Variance to the
Clerk of the Circuit Courts office. You may The administration of the estate of MYAL LOT 7, BLOCK 5, GALLERY GAR- maximum size of an accessory structure & to the setback requirements for property
review these documents upon request. CRAWFORD GREENE, JR., deceased, DENS 4C ADDITION, ACCORDING located at 1205 E. Knights Griffin Rd., zonedAS-1.
You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit whose date of death was June 14, 2006, TO THE PLAT THEREOF ,AS RE-
Court's office notified of your current ad- File Number 2006-CP-1636, is pending in CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 43, PAGELU- Gene & Rseann Teston are requesting a Variance to the
dress. (You may file Notice of Current-Ad- the Circuit Court for Hillsborough County, 90, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF setback requirements for property located at 236 Deer Cove Lane, zoned RSC-4.
dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved Florida, Probate Division, the address of HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA. Petition VAR 06-1309 NWH Joel Tener is requesting a Variance to the setback
Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers which is 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, A/K/A 249 VAN GOGH CIRCLE, requirements for property located at 8805 Casablanca Way, zoned PD.
in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- Florida. The names and addresss of the BRANDON, FL 33511. Petition VAR 06-1313 TH Julia Perez is requesting a Variance to include easement
dreas on record at the clerk's office. personal representative and the person-
dress on record at the 2.285, Florida F rso- al preentative attorneye et forth Any person claiming an interest in the access in lotwidth-calculation for property located at 305 Pruett Rd., zoned AS-1.
ily Law Rule 1of P roure rbeow surplu from h sale, if ay other t Phr an Petition VAR 06-1320 TNC Auto Safe and Sound, Inc. is requesting a Sign Variance
ily Law Rules of Procedure, require the property owner as of the date of the for property Iocated at 7249 W. Hillsborough Ave., zoned CG.
certain automatic disclosure of docu- All creditors of the decedent and other Lis Pendens must file a claim within sixty
ments and information. Failure to comply persons having clims or demands (60) days after the sale. Petition VAR 06-1328 TNC Mirna Ferreira & Angel F. Montero are requesting a
can result in sanctions, including dis- against decedent's, on whom a copy of Variance to the setback requirements for property located at 8908 Bay Bridge Court,
missal or striking of pleadings. this notice required to be served must you are a person with disabity who zonedPD-H.
Dated: June 22,2006. file their claims with this court WITHIN needs any accommodation in order to
Dated: June 222006. THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE participate in this proceeding, you are Petition VAR 06-1334 EL Terry L. & Sharon L. King are requesting a Variance to the
PAT FRANK TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision front setback requirements for property located at 3608 Sugarcreek Dr., zoned RSC-6.
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE of certain assistance. Please contact the Petition VAR 06-1343 BR Niel A. Kemp is requesting a Variance to the setback
By: AdrianJ.Salas DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF Clerkof Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, requirements and the maximum height and size of an accessory structure and
Deputy Clerk 6/30-7/21/06 4T THIS NOTICE ON THEM. 800 Eat Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL maximum lot coverage for property located at 501 Pheasant Place, zoned RSC-6.
__ 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252,
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE All other creditors of the decedent and within 2 working days of your receipt of Petition VAR 06-1344 CW Walgreen Company is requesting a Sign Variance for
ITHRTEE THC JUDICIALU RT O other persons having claims ar demands this document; if you are hearing or voice property located at SE corner of W. Fletcher Ave. & N. Boulevard, zoned PD.
IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH tgain claims with this urtae muW file impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. Petition VAR 06-1399 ER Ryan Johnson is requesting a Variance to the front & rear
-COUNTY, FLORIDA MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of setback requirements for property located at S/S of Trapnell Rd., 300' W/ Nesmith
CIVIL ACTION FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. this Court on July 13, 2006. Rd., zoned AS-1.
CASE NO. 06-004205-CA DIVISION F ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN Pat Frank Petition VAR 06-1412 NWH Phyllis Merz is requesting a Variance to the side setback
WELLS FARGO BANK, NA, THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN Clerk of the Circuit Court requirements for property located at 5824 Liverpool Dr., zoned RSC-6.
Plaintiff, SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA By: Sandra Glennon Petition VAR 06-1414 RU John McNeff is requesting a Variance to lot width for 2
vs. PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER Deputy Cler lots for property located at Southeasterly side of Oak St., 300' SW of College Ave.,
AMY S. NICHOLAS, etal, BARRED. Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski zoned RSC-6.
Defendant(s). NOTWTHSTANDNG THE T IME Tampa, Florida33622-5018 Petition VAR 06-1420 BR Seffner Mango Voluntary Fire Department, Inc. is
NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE ILED STWO (2) YEARS OR MORE F05021979 7/21-7/28/062T requesting a Variance to the setback requirements for property located at 203
NTCOFO CLUESL FEDT_2YAOMF00 797272/ 2T Henderson Ave., zoned RSC-6.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF on VAR 06-142 XTC Holdinging a Sign Va-ianc
a Final Judgment of Mortgage Foreclosure DEATH IS BARRED. SHERIFF'S SAL Petition VAR 06-1422 BR XTC Holdings, Corp. is requesting a Sign Variance for
dated July 13, 2006, and entered in Case The date of the first publication of this Case Number: 05-05321-CC property located at 9921 E. Adamo Dr., zoned Cl.
NO. 2006-004205-CA of the Circuit Court Notice is July 21, 2006. Under and by virtue of Execution issued Petition VAR 06-1425 VR Sherry DeWald is requesting a Variance to the maximum
of the THIRTEENTH Judicial Circuit in JAMES ALLEN GREENE out of and under the Seal of the County size of an accessory dwelling for property located at 3623 Stearns Park Rd., zoned
and for HILLSBOROUGH County, ,Florida Ponal Reresentative Court in and for Hillsborough County, AS-1.
he Plaintiff and AMY S. NICHOLAS; c/ The Yates Law Firm Florida, dated May 11, 2006 in a certain Petition VAR 06-1426 BYT RSVP-Fishhawk LLC is requesting a Sign Variance for
MORTGAGE EECTRONIC REGISTRA- 320 W. Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 520 caus wherein Bay Gulf Credit Uno property located at 5466 to 5468 Lithia Pinecrest Rd., zoned PD-MU.
TION SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED AS Tampa, Florida 33606 Plaintiff and Michael T. Franklin and
TIN IION SYSTEMS, NCORPORATED AS (p 54-6516 Dorene Franklin, Defendants. I have Petition VAR 06-1433 BYT Fishhawk Community Limited Partnership is requesting a
NOMINEE FOR IRWIMN UNIN BANK (13) 4- levied on and will on August 22, 2006 the Sign Variance for property located at E/S of Fishhawk Blvd:; 900' NE of Fishhawk
AND TRUST COMPANY; KEYBANK, N.A.; CARLA B. YATES, Attorney At Law same being a legal sales day, at 11:00 Crossing Blvd., zoned PD-MU.
HOME-PRO, INC.; SUMMER SPRIGS Yates Lw Frmoulevard Suite520 am. offer for sale at 700 E. Twiggs St., Petition VAR 06-1436 VR Maria A. Figueredo & Rene A. Castro are requesting a
HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC.; 320 West Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 520 Sheriff's Office, 3rd Floor, Court Process Variance to allow an easement in the Urban Service Area and to the easement width
are the Defendants I will el to he high- Tampa, Florida 33709166 Section, Tampa, Florida, andsell to the for property located at 2611 Bloomingdle Ave., zoned RSC-3.
est and best bidder for cash at 800 E. Florida Bal No.: 709166 highest and best bidder for cas,,isbject i
Twiggs Street, George Edgecomb Court- (813) 254-6516 7/217/28/0 to all prir liens or encumbraes th Petition VAR 06-1448 TNC Billy L. & Margaret A. LeGree ar requesting a Variance to
house, 2nd Floor, Room 201/202, Tampa, ____________ following described Personal Property, in the setback requirements for property located at 6901 Summerbridge Dr:., zoned RSC-6.
Florida 33602, at 2:00PM, on the 9th day IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Hillsborough County, Florida, to-wit: Petition VAR 06-1449 SR Hilton Nicholson is requesting a Variance to the setback
of August, 2006, the following described THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT All Rights, Interest and Title of Property requirements for property Iacated at 10627 Lithia Estates Dr.. zoned PD.
progmperty as set forth in said Final IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH Belongingto: Petition VAR 06-1459 RU Andrew & Jennifer Keith are r.'lesting a Variance to the
LOT 2. BLOCK C" OF SUMMER CV FCTI Dorene ranklin setback requirements for property located at 105 Steven St., zoned RSC-6.
SPRING,BL ACCORDING TO THE CASE NO. 2006-002695ACTN Descripin of Property: Petition VAR 06-1460 PR Jose Lopez & Mayra L. Depina are requesting a Variance
PLAT TH BEOF, AS RECORDED IN O. 2006-002695 DV SON F 2001 Kia Sportege to allow parking of one commercial vehicle in agriculture zoning on lot less than 1 acre
PLAT BOK 98, PAGE 18, OF THE WELLS FARGO BANK, NA, Vin Number: KNDJB723515076651 for property located at 2509 Maydell Dr., zoned ASC-1.
PUBLIC RECORDS OF HillBoR- Plaintiff Stored at:o' Petition VAR 06-1461 CW Mission Bell Holdco LLC is requesting a Sign Variance for
OUGHA 12907 CATTADAD E. COUCIL, et al, 3744 4th Street property located at 12701 N. Dale Mabry Hwy., zoned PD-MU.
EARV 1290 CATT L9SOR Defendant(s) Tampa, FL 33610 S r.e. Petition VAR 06-0788 ABP Circle K Stores, Inc. is requesting a Variance to setback
RVERVilEW, PL 33569. in.;:'.:..; Defndant(s) S.-' .. Telephone: 740-9548 : 4,- for proposed ca ,foreperty located at 330 Apolloap .Blvd., zoned CN.
Any.person claiming an intersat i fthe NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Sold to satisfy said execution anaI csts. 7/21/06 1T
surplus from the sale, if any, other than NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Arthur S. Corrales, Esq.
the property owner as of the date of a Final Judgment of Mortgage Foreclosure Atthrn forrals Es .
the Lis Pendens must file a claim dated July 13, 2006, and entered in Case Attorney for plaintiff
within sixty (60) days after the sale. NO. 2006-002695 of the Circuit Court of DAVID GEE, SHERIFF
If you are a person with a disability who the THIRTEENTH Judicial Circuit in and Hillsborough County, Florida
needs any accommodation in order to for HILLSBOROUGH County, Florida Yolanda R. Corrales, D.S.
participate in this proceeding, you are wherein WELLS FARGO BANK, NA, is 7/21-8/11/06 4T
LA GACETA/Friday, July 21, 2006/Page 27

NOTICE OF APPLICATION Dated this 7th day of July, 2006. 8100 ext 4809 to verify sale location). TAXES the names in which it was assessed are
FOR TAX DEED Signature by: If you are a person with a disability who Name in which assessed: as follows:
Lauren D. Merritt, Deputy Clerk needs any accommodation in order to par- DANNY LEE FOX Folio No. 145524.0000
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that PAT FRANK ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, Said property being in the County of Certificate No. 90879
BROADWAY ASSET MANAGEMENT Clerk of Circuit Court of at no cost to you, to the provision of certain Hillsborough, State of Florida. File No. 2006-262
LLC the holder of the following certificate Hilsborough County, Forida assistance. Please contact the Clerk of Cir- Unles such certificate shall be re- Year of Issuance: 2004
has filed said certificate for a tax deed to cuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, Room 530, accord o aw he roer escription of Property:
be issued thereon. The certificate number 7/14-8/4/06 4T George E Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 demsed i uc cr fi te o LOTS 7 AND 8 AND E / CLOSED
and year of issuance, the description of Twiggs St., Tampa, FL 33602, Telephone o the highest bidder at 601 E. Kennedy ALLEY ABUTTING THEREON BLOCK 7
the property, and the names in which it NOTICE OF APPLICATION No. 272-7040, within 2 working days of your Blvd 26th Floor Conference Room A on ORANGE TERRACE
was assessed are as foilows: FOR TAX DEED receipt of this document; if you are hearing the 4th of August, 2006 a 10:00 PLAT BOOK 10 PAGE 11
Folio No. 035114.0000 or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. AM. (NOTCE: Please call (813) 276- SEC 19TWP 28S RGE 19 E
Certificate No. 82014 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that WA- Dated this7th day of July, 2006. 8100 ext 4809 to verify sale location). SUBJECT TO ALL OUTSTANDING
File No. 2006-251 CHOVIA BK NA CUST/TTEE C/O BOA Signature by: If you are a person with a disability who TAXES
Year of Issuance: 2004 TX SVCS LLC the holder of the following Laure D. Merritt, Deputy Clerk needs any accommodatio in order to par- Name in which assessed:
Description of Property: certificate has filed said certificate for a tax PAT FRANK ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, ENRIQUE FERNANDEZ & MARIA
LOT 12 deed to be issued thereon. The certificate Clerk of Circuit Court of at no cost to you, to the provision of certain ORTIZ
LIVINGSTON AVENUE ESTATES number and year of issuance, the descrip- Hillsborough County, Florida assistance. Please contact the Clerk of Cir- Said property being in the County of
PLAT BOOK 34 PAGE 55 tion of the property, and the names in 7/14-8/4/06 4T cuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, Room 530, Hilsborough, State of Florida.
SEC 5 TWP 28 S RGE 19 E which it was assessed are as follows: 7/14-8/4/064T George E Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 Unless such certificate shall be re-
SUBJECTTO ALL OUTSTANDING Folio No. 043737.2136 Twiggs St., Tampa, FL 33602, Telephone deemed according to law the property
TAXES Certificate No. 82780 NOTICE OF APPLiCATION No. 272-7040, within 2 working days of your described in such certificate shall be sold
Name in which assessed: File No.'2006-254HX FOR TAX DEED receipt of this document; if you are hearing to the'highest bidder at 601 E. Kennedy
ESTATE OF RUTH L Year of Issuance: 2004 -or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. Blvd 26th Floor Conference Room A on
SCHAUFELBERGER Description of Property: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that EQUI-. Dated this 7th day of July, 2006. the 14th day of August, 2006, at 10:00
Said property being in the County of LOT 68 FUNDING INC the holder of the following Sinature by: A.M. (NOTICE: Please call (813) 276-
Hillsborough, State of Florida. PALM RIVER VILLAGE certificate has filed said certificate for a tax Lauren D. Merritt, Deputy Clerk 8100 ext 4809 to verify sale location).
Unles such cerificae shall be re- PLAT BOOK 43 PAGE 71 deed to be issued thereon. The certificate A F K If you are a person with a disability who
deemed according to law the property SEC 22TWP 29 S RGE 19 E number and year of issuance, the descrip- needs any accommodation in order to par-
described n such certifcate hal e sold SUBJECT TO ALL OUTSTANDING tion of the property, and the ames in erk of Circuit Cour of ticipate in this proceeding, you ae entited
to the highest bidder at 601 E. Kennedy TAXES which it was assessed are as follows: Hilisborough County, Florida at no cost to you, to the provision of certain
Blvd 26th Floor Conference Room A on Name in which assessed: Folio No. 061066.0400 7/14-8/4/06 4T assistance: Please contact the Clerk of Cir-
the 14th day of August, 2006, at 10:00 HAROLD L KENDRICK & YOLANDA L Certificate No. 7063 cuit Court Circuit Civil Division,, Room 530,
A.M. (NOTICE: Please call (813) 276- KENDRICK File No. 2006-257 NOTICE:OFAPPLICATION George E Edgecomb Courthouse, 800
8100 ext 4809 to verify sale location). Said property being in the County of Year of Issuance: 2002 FOR TAX DEED Twiggs St., Tampa, FL 33602, Telephone
If you are a person with a disability who Hillsborough, State of Florida. Description of Property: No. 272-7040, within 2 working days of your
needs any accommodation in order to par- Unless such certificate shall be re- W 137.5 FT OF N 134 FT OF S 200 FT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that WA- receipt of this document; if you are hearing
tcipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, deemed according to law the property OF N 335 FT OF E 300 FT OF SE OF CHOVIA AS CUST/TTEE C/O CHEETAH or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771.
at no cost to you, to the provision of certain described in such certificate shall be sold NW % OF NE /4 N 25 FT FOR RD TX SVCS LLC the holder of the following Dated this 7th day of Jly, 2006.
assistance. Please contact the Clerk of Cir- to the highest bidder at 601 E. Kennedy USE ONLY certificate has filed said certificate for a tax
cuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, Room 530, Blvd 26th Floor Conference Room A on SEC 18 TWP 28 S RGE 20 E deed to be issued thereon. The certificate Signature by:.
George E Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 the 14th day of August, 2006, at 10:00 SUBJECT TO ALL OUTSTANDING number and year of-issuance, the descrip- Laun D y
Twiggs St., Tampa, FL 33602, Telephone A.M. (NOTICE: Please call (813) 276- TAXES tion of the property, and the names in PAT FRANK
No. 272-7040, within 2 working days of your 8100 ext 4809 to verify sale location). Name in which assessed: which it was assessed are as follows: Clerkof Circuit Court of
receipt of this document; if you are hearing f you are a person with a disability who JOHN H MARSHALL & CARLETTE S Folio No. 133404.0000 Hilsborough County, Florida
or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. needs any accommodation in order to par- MARSHALL Certificate No. 90130 7/14-8/4/06 4T
Dated this 7th day of July, 2006. ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, Said property being in the County of File No. 2006260HX
Signature by: at no cost to you, to the provision of certain Hilisborough, State of Florida. Yearof Issuance: 2004 NOTICE OF APPLICATION
Lauren D. Merritt, Deputy Clerk assistance. Please contact the Clerk of Cir- Unless such certificate shall be re- Description of Property: FOR TAX DEED
cuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, Room 530, deemed according to law the proet W34FTOFLOTS 12 & E 28 FTOF
PAT FRANK rtf George E Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 describedin uch certficateha beo LOT 3 BLOCK 5 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that.WA-
Hillsborough ty a Twiggs St,, Tampa, FL 33602, Telephone the higes bidder at 601 E Kennedy GANDY BOULEVARD PARK CHOVIA BK NA CUSTTEE VANDER-
Hisborough County, Florda No. 272-7040, within 2 working days of your Blvd 26th oor Cnference Room A on ADDITION BILT TX SVCS LLC the holder of the
14-/4/06 receipt of this document; if you are hearing the 14th day of August, 2006, at 10:00 PLATBOOK 30 PAGE90 following certificate has filed said certifi-
or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. A.M. (NOTICE: Please call (813) 276- SEC 09 TWP 30 S RGE 18 E cate for a tax deed to be issued thereon
NOTICE OF APPLICATION Dated this 7th day of July, 2006. 8100 ext 4809 to verify sale location). SUBJECT TO ALL OUTSTANDING Thecertificate number and year of issu-
Soi --1TAXES ance, the description of the property, and
FOR TAX DEED Signature by: If you are a person with a disabilitywho Name in which asesed the names in which it was aesed are
Lauren D. Merritt, Deputy Clerk needs any accommodation in order to par- N e in hich ee he names in which it was ssesse are
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that PAT FRANK ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, EDWARD K TOTTEN & MARA A as folows
BROADW.AY ASSET MANAGEMENT Clerk of Circuit Court-of at no cost to you, to the provision of certain FALCON Folio No. 155306.0000
LLC the holder of fie following certificate Hillsborough County, Florida assistance. Please contact the CleTk of Cir- Said property being in the County of Certificate No. 91896
has filed said certificate for a iax deed to 7/14-8/4/06 4T cuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, Room 530, Hillsborough, State of Florida. File No. 2006-263HX
be issued thereon. The certificate number George E Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 Unless such certificate shall be re- Year of Issuance: 2004
and year of issuance, the description of Twiggs St., Tampa, FL 33602, Telephone deemed according to law the property Description of Property:
the property, and the names in which it NOTICE OF APPLICATION No. 272-7040, within 2 working days of your described in such certificate shall be sold LOTS 10 AND11 BLOCK 7
was assessed are as follows: FOR TAX DEED receipt of this document; if you are hearing to the highest bidder at 601 E. Kennedy BELMONT HEIGHTS
Folio No. 035899.0000 -or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771.. Blvd 26th Floor Conference Room A on PLAT BOOK 4 PAGE 83
Certificate No. 82106 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Dated this 7th day of July, 2006. the 14th day of _August, 2006, at 10:00 SEC 05 TWP 29 S RGE 19 E
File No. 2006-252 AJAX FINANCIAL LLC the holder of the b A.M. (NOTICE: Please call (813) 276- SUBJECT TO ALL OUTSTANDING
Year of Issuance: 2004 following certificate -has filed said certifi- ignature b rtt, 8100 ext 4809 to verify sale location). TAXES
Description of Property: cate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. If you are a person with a disability who Name in which assessed:
E 174 FT OF E Y2 OF S 14 OF SE % OF The certificate number and year of issu- PAT FRANK needs any accommodation in order to par- DIANNA DAVIS & ALVIN DAVIS
NW /4 LESS HWY & LESS N 152.5 FT ance, the description of the property,and Cerk ofCircuit Court of ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, Said property being in the County of
& LESS S 25 FT FOR RD the names in was assessed are. Hillsborough County, Florida at no cost to you, to the provision of certain Hillsborough, State of Florida.
SEC 7 TWP 28 S RGE 19 E as follows: 7/14-8/4/06 4T assistance. Please contact the Clerk of Cir- Unless such certificate shall be re-
SUBJECT TO ALL OUTSTANDING Folio No. 047195.0000 cuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, Room 530, deemed according to law the property
TAXES Certificate No. 83131 NOTICE OF APPLICATION George E Edgecomb ourthouse, 800 described in such certificate shall be sold
Name in which assessed: File No. 2006-255 FOR TAX DEED to the highest bidder at 601 E. Kennedy.
ESTATEOF SYLVIA FRANKLIN Year of Issuance: 2004 No. 272-7040, within 2 working days of your Blvd 26th Floor Conference Room A on
Said property being in the County of Description of Property: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that WA- o ce ipdoumt i ou are hearing the 14th day of August 2006, at 10:00
Hillsborough, State of Florida. LOT 14 CHOVIA AS CUST EE CHEETA oie impaire, ca 18009558771. A.M. (NOTICE: Please call (813) 276---
Unless such certificate shall be re- BROOKSIDE SUBDIVISION TX SVCS LLC the holder of the following Dated this 7th day of July, 2006. 8100 ext 4809 to verify sale location). .--.
deemed according fo law the property PLAT BOOK 1 PAGE 135 certificate has filed said certificate for a tax Signature by: If you.are a person with a disability who
described n such certificate hal be sold SEC 34 TWP 29 S RGE 19 E deed to be issued thereon. The certificate Lauren D. Merritt, Deputy Clerk needs any accommodation in order to par-
do the highest bidcer at 601 E. Kennedy SUBJECT TO ALL OUTSTANDING number and year of issuance, the descrip- PAT FRANK ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled,
Btvd 26th Floor Confer ence Room A on TAXES tion of the property, and the names in Clerk of Circuit Court of at no cost to you, to the provision of certain
the 14th day of August, 2006, at 10:00 Name in which assessed: which it was assessed are as follows: Hillsborough County, Florida assistance. Please contact the Clerk of Cir-
A.M. (NOTICE: Please cali (813) 276- GATOR SUPPLY AND EQUIPMENT Folio No. 084206.0000 7/14-8/4/064T cuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, Room 530,
8100 ext 4809 to verify sale location). INC Certificate No. 87313 ______ George E Edgecomb Courthouse, 800
If you are a person with a disability who Said property being in the County of File No. 2006-258 wiggsNOTICE OF APPLICATSt., Tampa, FL 33602, Telephon
needs any accommodation in order to par- Hillsborough, State of Florida. Year of Issuance: 2004 FOR TAX DEED receipt of this document; if you are hearing
ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, Unless such certificate shall be re- Description of Property! or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771.
at no cost to you, to the provision of certain deemed according to law the property E 3 AC OFS OF SW OF NW '/ NOTICE I HEREBY GIVEN, that AJAX Dated this 7th day of July 2006
assistance. Please contact the Clerk of Cir- described in such certificate shall be sold AND E 3 AC OF N OF NW of SW FINANCIAL LLC the holder of the fol-a
cuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, Room 530, to the highest bidder at 601 E. Kennedy SEC 02 TWP 29 S RGE 21 E lowing certificate has filed said certificate Signature by:
George E Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 Blvd 26th Floor Conference Room A on SUBJECT TO ALL OUTSTANDING for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The Lauren D. Merritt, Deputy Clerk
Twiggs St., Tampa, FL 33602, Telephone the 14th day of August, 2006, at 10:00 TAXES certificate number and year of issuance PAT FRANK
No. 272-7040, within 2 working days of your A.M. (NOTICE: Please call "(813) 276- Name in which assessed" the description of the property, and the Clerk of Circuit Court of
Sreceipt of this document; if you are hearing 8100 ext 4809 to verify sale location). KIM BO WONG names in which it was assessed are as Hillsborough County, Florida
or voice impaired, cal] 1-800-955-8771. If you are a person with a disability who Said property being in the County of follows: 7/14-8/4/06 4T
Dated this 7th day of July, 2006. needs any accommodation in order to par- Hillsborough, State of Florida. Folio No. 139469.0000
Signature by: ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, Unless such certificate shall be re- Certificate No. 90443 NOTICE OF APPLICATION
Lauren D. Merritt, Deputy Clerk at no cost o ou, o the pvision f cerain demed according o aw e property File No. 2006-261 FORTAX DEED
assistance. Please contact the Clerk of Cir- deemed according to law the ropertyOR TAX DEED
PAT FRANK cuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, Room 530 described in such certificate shall be sold Year of Issuance: 2004
Clerk of Circuit Court of George E Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 to the highest bidder at 601 E. Kennedy Description of Property: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that EQUI-
Hillsborough County; Florida Twiggs St., Tampa, FL 33602, Telephone Blvd26th Fooronference Room A on LOT BEG 358.2 FT E AND 1002.49 FT FUNDING INC the holder of the following
7/14-8/4/06 4T No. 272-7040, within 2 working days of your the 14th day of August, 2006, at 10:00 N OF SW COR OF SEC 15 28 19 & certificate has filed said certificate for a tax
receipt of this document; if you are hearing A.M. (NOTICE: Please call (813) 276- RUN E 77.5 FT N 300 FT W 77.5 FT & deed to be issued thereon. The certificate
or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. 8100 ext 4809 to verify sale location). S 300 FT TO BEG number and year of issuance, the descrip-
NOTICE OF APPLICATION D his a Jl, 2I00 f you are a person with a disability who SEC 15 TWP 28 S RGE 19 E tion of the property, and the names in
FOR TAX DEED Datd this 7h ay of July, 2006. needs any accommodation in order to par- SUBJECT TO ALL OUTSTANDING which it was assessed are as follows:
Signature by: ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, TAXES Folio No. 179267.0000
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that AM- Lauren D. Merritt, Deputy Clerk at no cost to you, to the provision of certain Name in which assessed: Certificate No. 93886
HERST ASSET MGMT LLC the holder of PAT FRANK assistance. Please contact the Clerk of Cir- ANGELA I DUNCAN File No. 2006-264
the following certificate has filed said Clerk of Circuit Court of cuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, Room 530, Said property being in the County of Year of Issuance: 2004
certificate for a tax deed to be issued Hillsborough County, Florida George E Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 Hillsborough, State of Florida. Descriponof Propery:
thereon. The certificate number and year 7/14-8/4/06 4T Twiggs St., Tampa, FL 33602, Telephone Description o Property
of issuance, the description of the prop- /4/4/ No. 272-7040, within 2 working days of your Unless such certificatbeshall be re- OTS 3 AND 4 BLOCK 32
erty, and the names in which it was as- receipt of this document; if you are hearing deemed according to law the property MACFARLANES REV MAP OF
sessed are as follows: NOTICE OF APPLICATION or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. described in such certificate shall be sold ADDITIONS TO WEST TAMPA
Folio No. 042677.0000 FOR TAXlDEED to the highest bidder at 601 E. Kennedy PLAT BOOK 3 PAG3 30
Folo No. 0677.0000 OR TAX DEED Dated this 7th day of July, 2006. Blvd 26th Floor Conference Room A on SEC 15 TWP 29 S RGE 18 E
rFie No. 2006-253 SNOignature by: the 14th day of August, 2006, at 10:00 SUBJECT TO ALL OUTSTANDING
File No. 2006-253 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that WA- Lauren D. Merritt, Deputy Clerk A.M. (NOTICE: Please call (813) 276- TAXES
Year of Issuance: 2004 CHOVlA AS CUST/ITEE C/O CHEETAH
Description of Property: TX SVCS LLC the holder of the following PAT FRANK 8100 ext 4809 to verify sale location). Name in which assessed:
LOTS 20 AND 22 BLOCK 46 certificate has filed said certificate for a tax Clerk of Circuit Court of If you are a person with a disability who ANGLOIBERIAN INC
TAMPA.TOURIST CLUB deed to be issued thereon. The certificate Hilisborough County, Florida needs any accommodation in order to par- Said property being in the County of
PLAT BOOK 21 PAGE 21 number and year of issuance, the descrip- 7/14-8/4/06 4T ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, Hillsborough, State of Florida.
SEC 11 TWP 29 S RGE 19 E tion of the property, and the names in at no cost to you, to the provision of certain Unless such certificate shall be re-
SUBJECT TO ALL OUTSTANDING which it was assessed are as follows: NOTICE OF APPLICATION aistance. ease conta ihe Clerk of Cir- deemed according to law the property
TAXES Folio No. 047399.0000 FOR TAX DEED George E Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 described in such certificate shall be sold
Name in which assessed: Certificate No. 83156 Twiggs St., Tama, FL 33602, Telehone to the highest bidder at 601 E. Kennedy
JERRY L LAPE & MICHELLE L LAPE File No. 2006-256HX Twiggs St., Tampa, 2L 33602, Tedepaone Blvd 26th Floor Conference Room A on
Year of Issuance: 2004 NOTICE IW HEREBY GIVEN, that No. 272-7040, within 2 working days of your 14h da of Augus, 2006, a 10:00
Said property being in the County of Y4MARIELOUISE A OR ROBERT F receipt of this document; if you are hearing the 14th day of August 2006, at 1000
Hillsborough, State of Florida. Description of Property: CARINO TRUSTEES CARINO FAMILY or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. A8100M. (NOTICE: Please call (813 276-
LOTS 11 AND 12 BLOCK 3 TRUST the holder of the following certifi- Dated Ibis 7t dat ofJuly, 2006. 8100 ext 4809 to verify sale locatlion).
Unless such certificate shail be re- SUBDIVISION OF TRACTS 2 AND 7 cate has fildarid certifiDated thicas 7th day ofaxuly 2006 If you are a person with a disability who
deemed according to iaw tfe property OF SOUTH TAMPA IN NE deed to be issued thereon The certificate Signature by: needs any accommodation in order to par-
desct thbe in sucb certiicat 601 El be sold PLAT BOOK 25 PAE 37 number and year of issuance, the descrip- Lauren D. Merritt, Depuy Clerk ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled,
o the highest bidder at 601 E. Kennedy SEC 35 TWP 29 S RGE 19 E tion of the property, and the names in PAT FRANK at no cost to you, to the provision of certain
the 1426th day of August, 2006, at 10:00 SUBJECT TO ALL OUTSTANDING which it was assessed are as follows: Clerk of Circuit Court of assisnce. Plese contac the Crk of Ci
the 14th day of August, 2006, at 10:00 TAXES 0Hilsborough County, Florida CUlt Oourt, Circuit Civil Division, Room 530.
A.M. (NOTICE: Please cal (813) 276- Folio No. 084891.0000 oroug y, a George E Edgecomb Courthouse, 800
8100 ext 4809 to verify sale location). Name in which assessed: Certificate No. 6345 7/14-8/4/06 4T Twiggs St., Tampa, FL 33602, Telephone
f you are a person with a disabiit who CTAVIO P ERNANDEZ & RMA Fle No. 2006-259 No. 272-7040, within 2 working days of your
needs any accommodation in order to par- ZAMARRiPA Year of Issuance: 2000 NOTICE OF APPLICATION receipt of this document: if you are hearing
ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, Said property being in the County of Description of Property: FOR TAX DEED or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771.
at no cost to you, to the provision of certain Hillsborough, State of Florida. S 330 FT of N 495 FT of N 1/2 OF NE Dated this 7th day of July, 2006.
assistance. Please contact the Clerk of Cir- Unless such certificate shall be re- OF SE LESS N 201.5 FT OF E 218.5 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that WA-
cuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, Room 530, deemed according to law the property FT OF S 330 FT OF N 495 FT OF N V2 CHOVIA BK NA CUST/TTEE VANDER- Signatur by'
George E Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 described in such certificate shall be sold OF NE OF SE / LESS S 128.5 FT BILT TX SVCS LLC the holder of the Lauren D. Merri, Deputy Clerk
Twiggs St., Tampa, FL 33602, Telephone to the highest bidder at 601 E. Kennedy OF E 736 FT OF S 330 FT OF N 495 FT following certificate has filed said certifi- PAT FRANK
No. 272-7040, within 2 working days of your Blvd 26th Floor Conference Room A on OF N '/2 OF NE /4 OF SE cate for a tax deed to be issued thereon Clerk of Circuit Court of
receipt of this document; if you are hearing the 14th day of August, 2006, at 10:00 SEC 08 TWP 29 S RGE 21 E The certificate number and year of issu- Hillsborough County, Florida
or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. A.M. (NOTICE: Please call (813) 276- SUBJECT TO ALL OUTSTANDING ance, the description of the property, and 7/14-8/4/06 4T

Page 28/LA GACETA/Friday, July 21, 2006

NOTICE OF APPLICATION Tampa, Florida 33602, at 2:00PM, on the with this Court WITHIN THREE MONTHS NOTICE OR THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action
FOR TAX DEED 9th day of August, 2006, the following AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF has been filed against you and that you
Sdescribed property as set forth in said PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. THIS NOTICE ON THEM. a,e required to serve a copy of your
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that EQUI- Final Judgment: ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS AND OBJECT- All other creditors of the decedent and written defenses, if any, to it on ELENA
FUNDING INC the holder of the following LOT 4, BLOCK 6, BIG OAKS SUBDI- IONS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOR- other persons who have claims or ROCIO HUERTA MUNOZ, whose ad-
certificate has filed said certificate for a tax VISION, ACCORDING TO THE MAP EVER BARRED. demands against the decedent's estate, dresa is 6936 Cavacade Dr. Apt. 10D,
deed to be issued thereon. The certificate OR PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED The date of the first publication of this including unmatured, contingent or un- Tampa, FI 33614, on or before August 14,
number and year of issuance, the descrip- IN PLAT BOOK 30, PAGE 29, OF THE Notice is July 14, 2006. liquidated claims, must file their claims 2006, and file the original with the clerk of
tion ofathe properfy, and the names in PUBLIC RECORDS OF HILLSBOR- w July 14, 2006. th this court WITHIN THREE (3) this Court at 800 E. Twiggs St., Room
tion of the property, and the names in OPUB COUNTY, FLORIDA. Petitioner: MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE 101, Tampa, Florida 33602, before ser-
which it was assessed are as follows: COUNTY, FLORIDA. JOSEPH F. DIMISA FIRST PUBLICATION OFTHIS NOTICE. vice on Petitioner or immediately there-
Folio No. 203274.9550 A/K/A 1907 EAST EMMA STREET, 2705 West Jetton after. If you fail to do so, a default may
Certificate No. 95388 TAMPA, FL 33610. Tampa, FL 33629 ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE be entered against you for the relief de-
File No. 2006-265 If you are a person with a disability who Attorney for Personal Representative: OREVER BARRED. manded in the petition.
Year of Issuance: 2004 needs any accommodation in order to CLAY A. HOLTSINGER NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERI- Copies of all court documents in this
Description of Property, participate in this proceeding, you are KASS, SHULER, SOLOMON, ODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM case, including orders, are available at the
LOT 16 BLOCK 7 entitled, atno cost to you, to the provision SPECTOR, FOYLE & SINGER, P.A. FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may
WALDN LAKE UIT 30 PHAS i of certain assistance. Please contact the P.O. Box 800 AFTER.THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF review these documents upon request.
ALDEN AKE UN 30 PHAE Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Divi- Tampa, Florida 33601 DEATH IS BARRED. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit
SECATION A sion, 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL 813-229-0900 Ext. 1350 THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICA- Court's office notified of your current ad-
PLAT BOOK 66 PAGE 38 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, Florida Bar No. 0294330 TION OF THIS NOTICE IS JULY 14, 2006. dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad-
SUBJECT TO ALL OUTSTANDING within 2 working days of your receipt of 7/14-7/21/06 2T Personal Representative: dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved
S Tthis document; if you are hearing or voice GEORGE WEBSTER SEEVERS, JR. Family Law Form 12.915-) Future papers
TAXES impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 1204 Wild Rd. in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad-
Name in which assessed: WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF Van Alstyne, Texas 75495 dress on record at the clerk's office.
RAYMOND FREE & CECILY A this Court on July 12th, 2006. THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN ANDWARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam
BLOUNT Pat Frank FOR HILLSBOROUGH.COUNTY Attorney for Personal Rep.: WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam-
y bg i te C y Pat b Frank o t CIVIL DIVISION PHILIP R. LAZZARA, ESQ. ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires
Said property being in the County of Clerkof theCircuit Court CIVIL N 307 South Boulevard, Suite #D certain automatic disclosure of docu-
Hillsborough, State of Florida. By: Kim P. Dietz CASE NO. 06-CA-005101 DIVISION: F Tampa, FL 33606 ments and information. Failure to comply
Unless such certificate shall be re- Deputy Clerk RALPH BROWN and ISABEL C. (813) 251-0763 can result in sanctions, including dis;
deemed according to law the property Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski BROWN, Fla Bar #115361 7/14-7/21/06 2T missal or striking of pleadings.
described in such certificate shall be sold p.O. Box 25018 Plaintiff(s); Dated: July 5, 2006.
to the highest bidder at 601 E. Kennedy Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 vs. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE PAT FRANK
Blvd 26th Floor Conference Room A on F04011043 7/21-72806 2T PATRICIA B McCLENDON, a/k/a THRTEENTH JUDAL CRCUT CLERK OF THE C
the l4th day of August, 2006, at 10:00 7/21-7/28/06 2T PATRICIA B. McCLENDON, a/k/a THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT
AtheMh d ay of Auust, 20, at 10:00 26-PATRICIA McCLENDON and ROMA IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH By: Pauline A. Takiguchi
8100 ext 4809 N THE CRCU CO THE VESKLER, a/k/a ROMoN TVESKLER, COUNCTY FLORIDA .. eputy Clerki 7/7 -7/280 4T
8100ex4809ve saocaon). THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Defendant(s). PROBATE-DIVISION Deputy Cerk 7/7-7/28/06 4T
If you are a person with a disability who IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH NOTICE OF ACTION PROPERTY Case No.: 2006-1701 IN THE CIRCUIT COURTOFTHE
tci an aincthis c daiproeding, you are e COUNI, FL ACIDA TO: ROMA VESKLER, a/k/a ROMAN IN RE: The Estate of THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT,
at no cost to you, to the provision of certain VESKLER, the unknown spouse, JOSEPH W. FRANKS, IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH
assistance. Please contact the Clerk of Cir- CASE NO. 2006-001703 DIVISION A heirs, devisees, grantees, creditors Deceased. COUNTY, FLORIDA
cuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, Room 530, LONG BEACH MORTGAGE COMPANY and all other parties claiming by, NOTICE TO CREDITORS CASE NO.: 05-CA-010756 DIVISION: A
George E Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 A DELAWARE CORPORATION, through, under or against ROMA
Twiggs St., Tampa, FL 33602, Telephone Plaintiff, VESKLER, a/k/a ROMAN VESKLER The administration of the estate of DARREN M. DIAZ,
No 272-7040, within 2 working days of your vs. and all parties having or claiming to JOSEPH W. FRANKS, deceased, whose Plaintiff,
receipt of this document; it you are hearing ANTHONY OSBORNE, et al, have any dight title, or interest in the date of death was April 26, 2006, Frle v.
or voice impaired,call 1 -800955-8771. Defendant(s). Oproperty harein described. Numbere06-1701, is pending in the Circuit THE ESTATE OF BERTHA MAE
... RESIDENCE(S): UNKNOWN Court for- Hillsborough County, Florida; PARKER,
Dated this 7th day of July, 2006. NOTICE OF RESCHEDULED YOU ARE NOTIFIEDivision, the addres of whic8h s Defendanta
._gna.,,. by:, FOREC UR E SALEYOU ARE NOTIIED that anaction lo 8Gg E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, Florida
Signature by: FORECLOSURE SALE foreclose a mortgage upon the following 33602. The names and address of the NOTICE OF ACTION
Lauren D. Merritt, Deputy Clerk NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant property in Hillsborough County, Florida: personal representative and the person- TO: THE ESTATE OF BERTHA MAE
PAT FRANK to an Order Rescheduling Foreclosure Lot 8 of TANGELO TERRACE ES- al representative's attomey are set forth PARKER, AND ALLPARTIES
Clerk of Circuit Court of Sale dated June 30th 2006 and entered TATES, according to the plat thereof, below. CLAIMING INTERESTS BY,
Hillsborough County, Florida in se NO. 200600703 of the Circuit as recorded in Plat Book 85, at Page A creditors of the decedent and other THROUGH, UNDER OR AGANST
7/14-8/4/06 4T h HILSBORO H Judial Ciru- 49, of the Public Records of Hillsbor- persons having claims o demands THE ESTATE OF BERTHA MAE
ida wherein LONG BEACH MORTGAGE ough County, Florida. against decedent's estate on whom a PARKER, WHO ARE NOT KNOWN
NOTCE OF APPLIATION COMPANY A DELAWARE CORPORA- has been filed against you and you are copy of this notice is served must file TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, LAST
FO R T AICE DEED TION, is the Plaintiff and ANTHONY required to serve a copy of your written\ their claim with-this Court WITHIN THE KNOWN ADDRESS IS 2132 PINE
the holder of the following certificate has INDIVIDUAL DEFENDANT(S) WHO Tampa, Florida 33602 OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. quiet title on the following described prop-
filed said certificate for a .tax deed to be ARE NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR (813) 477-2645 All other creditors of the decedent and erty in Hillsborough County, Florida, and
issued thereon. The certificate number ALIVE, WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN Florida Bar No. 0486231 other persons having claims or demands seeking other relief as specified in the
and year of issuance, the description of PARTIES MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST on or before August 14, 2006, and lile against the decedent's estate must file Complaint in this action:
the property, and the names in which it AS SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, OR the original with this court either before their claims with this court WITHIN THREE The west 22 feet of Lot 9 and all of Lot
was assessed are as follows: OTHER CLAIMANTS; LONG BEACH service on Plaintiff(s) attorny or immedi- MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE 10, Block 37, REVISED MAP OF
Certificate No,.95838 COMMERCIAL CORPORATION F/K/A be entered against you for the relief de- ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE WEST TAMPA, according to the plat
File No. 2006-266 ASSOCIATES COMMERICAL CORPO- mandedin the Complaint or petition. FOREVER BARRED. thereof as recorded in Plat Book 3,
Year of ssuance2004 RATON; STAT OF FLORIDA DE- WITNESS my had and the seal of said NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PE- Page 30, of the Public Records of
Description of Prperty: fillsel o he highet and best.h court on July7, 2006. RIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM Hillsborough County, Florda.
LOT 11 BLOCK 3 bidder for cash t 800 E. Twiggs Street, Pat Frank FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE has been filed against you and the other
GLENDALE deorg Edgecob 2nd Floor, Plerk of AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF Defendants named above. You are
PLAT BOOK 7 PAGE 26 Room 201202, Tampa, Florida 33602, t ByHery Suber, Jr. DEATH IS BARRED. required to file written defenses with the
SEC 33 TWP 28 S RGE22 E 2:00PM, on the 31st day of July, 2006, As Deputy Clerk The date of the first publication of this Clerk of Court and to serve a copy on
SUBJECT TO ALLOUTSTANDING the following described property as set 7/14-7/21/06 2T Notie is July 7, 2006. Plaintiff's attorney on or before Augus
TAXES forth in said Final Judgment: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE MARY GAY FINLEY-FRANKS 4th, 2006, (30 days after the first
Name in which assessed: LOT 17, BLOCK 27, TAMPA OVER- THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Personal Representative he ame andaddres ofnotice Plainti.S. 49.09).
WILLIE MAE BALDWIN LOOK, ACCORDING TO MAP OR OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR c/o The Yates Law Firm he name ands S Davddremps of Piiffs
Said property being in the County of PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY 320 W. Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 520 atornay is SM. David Stamps, Esq.,
Hillsborough, State of Florida. PLAT BOOK 17, PAGE 2 OF THE CIVIL DIVISION Tampa, Florida 33606 .M. David Stamps, III. P.A., 805 West
Unless such certificate shall be re- PUBLIC RECORDS OF HILLSBOR- Case No. 06-001545 Division H (813 254-6516 zeele Street, fampa Florida enter
deemed according to law the property OUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA. CARLA B. YATES, Attorney At Law against you for the relief demandedin the
described in such certificate shall be sold A/K/A 1810 EAST 97TH AVENUE, MIDFIRST BANK, The Yates Law Firm complaint or petition.
to the highest bidder at 601 E. Kennedy TAMPA, FL 33612. Platff 320 West Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 520 personwih a disabiity wo
Blvd 26th Floor Conference Room A on If you are a person with a disability who vLL N GAN AND CARM FloaBar Na 70966 needs any accommodation in order to
the 14th day of August, 2006, at 10:00 needs any accommodation in order to LLLAN GNANN AND A EL l 2546516 participate in this proceeding, you are
A.M. (NOTICE: Please call (813) 276- participate in this proceeding, you are GONZALEZ, nt 7/14., (813) 254-6516 etit atno csttoyoutotheprovisin
8100 ext 4809 to verify sale location). entitled, at no cost to you,-to the provision Defendants. 71of 14-7certaint assistance. Please contact the
If you are a person with a disability who of certain assistance. Please contact the AMENDED NOTICE OF SALE IN THE CIRCUIT CURT OF THE Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division,
needs any accommodation in order to par- Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Divi- Noticeis hereby given, pursuant to an THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, Room 530, George E. Edgecomb Court-
ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, sion, 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL Ex Parte OrderRescheduling Foreclosure IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH house, 800 E. Twiggs St, Tampa, Flonda
at no cost to yu, to the provision of certain 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, Sale entered in this cause, in the Circuit COUNTY, FLORIDA 33602. Telephone No. 276-8100, Ex. 4365
at n co loauyu, lo he piuvisiof crtaeii withi 2 working days of your receipt. of nf within 2 working days of your receipt of
asistance. Please contact the Clerk ofCir- withi 2 working days of your receipt of Court of Hillsborough County, Florida, I Case No.: 06 11672 Division: D2 workng days of your receip of
ssistance. PCiiase conaiil iiie Cork oo ir- this document; if you are hearing or voice will sell the propertysituated in Hillsbor-ase 6 ivisthis document; if you are hearing or voice
George E Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. ough County, Florida, described as: SONIA VEGA, impaired, call 800-955-8771.
Twiggs St., Tampa; FL 33602, Telephone WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of LOT 94, GLEN ELLEN VILLAGE, AS Petitioner WITNESS my hand and the seal of this
No. 272-7040, within 2 working days of your this Court on July 10th, 2006. PER MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RE- and Court on July 6, 2006.
-receipt of this document; if you are hearing Pat Frank CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 50, PAGE 68 ALBERTO VEGA ALVAREZ, PAT FRANK
or voice impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. Clerk of the Circuit Court OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF HILLS- Respondent. Clerk of the Court
Dated this 7th day of July, 2006. By: Kim P. Dietz BOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA, NOTICE OF ACTION FOR By: Nancy J. Hipson
Deputy Clerk AND COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 10752 DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE as Deputy Clerk 7/14-8/4/06 4T
Signature by: Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski GLEN ELLEN DRIVE, TO: ALBERTO VEGA ALVAREZ
PAT FRANK Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 at public sale to the highest and best Last Known Address: Unknown I C UC RTOF H
PAT FRANK TampO., Foxrida 2bidder,-for cash, at the George Edgecomb THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT,
Clerk of Circuit Court of F06002842 7/14-7/21/06 2T Courthouse, located at 800 E. Twiggs YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH
Hillsborough County, Florida Street, Room 201/202, Tampa, Florida, at has been filed against you and that you COUNTY, FLORIDA
7/14-8/4/06 4T IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 2:00 P.M., on August 24, 2006. are required to serve a copy of your written Case No06010939 Divisi
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAl CIRCUIrlT If *r s wit a it defenses, if any, to it on SONIA VEGA, Case No.: 06010939 Dvision: C
----IN-T-- AND HPR HULLSBOROUGH !f you are a person with a disabilitwho whose address is 7605 Caracal Ct., Tam- GUSSIE T. YELDELL,
THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE IN AND FOR HLLSBOROUGH needs any accommodation in order to pa, FL 33625, on or before Auguct 14, Petfiioner
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY, FLORIDA participate in this proceeding, you are 2006, and file the original with the clerk of nd
IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH PROBATE DIVISION entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision this Courn t at00 E. Twiggs St., Rm. 101,
COUNTY, FLORIDA File No. 06-1708 of certain assistance. Plese contact the Tampa, FL, before service on Peition0r BOBBY DAVIS,
CIVIL ACTION IN RE: THE-ESTATE OF Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, orimmediately thereafter. If you fail to do Respondent.
CASE NO. 2004-9540-CA DIVISION F JOSEPH JOHN DIMISA ak/a JOSEPH J. 800 East Twiggs Street; Tampa, FL 33602, so, a default may be entered against you NOTICE OF ACTION FOR
WELLS ARGO BANK, N.A., DIMISA, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, within or the relief demanded in the peition. DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE
WELLSFARGO BANK, N.A.,M DIMISA, 2 working days of your receipt of this
SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO WELLS Deceased. document; if you are hearing or voice Copies of all court documents in this TO: BOBBY DAVIS
FARGO BANK MINNESOTA, NATIONAL NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. case, including orders, are available at the Last Known Address: Unknown
ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE OR THE The administration of the estte of Dated this 7 dy of Ju 2006Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action
REGISTERED HOLDERS OF HOME JOSEPH JOHN DIMISA a/k/a JOSEPH J. PAT FRANK review these documents upon request. has been filed against you and that you
EQUITY LOAN ASSET-BACKED DIMISA, Deceased, File Number 06- Clerk of the Circuit Court You must keep the Cierk of the Circuit are required f o serve a copy of your writ-
CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2003-3; 1708, is pending in the Circuit Court for By: Darrell Morning Courts office notiied of your current ad- n defenses, if any, o it on GUSSIE T.
Plaintiff, Hillsborough County, Florida, Probate Deputy Cerk dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- YELDELL, whose address is 7702 River-
vs. Division, the address of which is 800 East 7/14-7/21/06 2T dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved gate Dr. #421, Tampa, FL 33619, on or
VERA DOE, et al, Twiggs Street, Tampa, Florida 33602. Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers before August 7th, 2006, and file the
Defendant(s). The name and address of the personal IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- original with the clerk of this Court at
AMENDED NOTICE OF representative and the personal repre- HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA dress on record at the clerk's office. 800 E. Twiggs St., Room 101, Tampa,
AMENLDED NOTICE O sentative's attorney are set forth below. PROBATE DIVISION WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- FL 33602 or P.O. Box 3450, Tampa, FL
FORECLOSURE ALE ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NO- FILE NO: 06-1706 DIVISION: A ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires 33601, before service on Petitioner or
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to TIFIED THAT: IN RE: THE ESTATE OF certain automatic disclosure of docu- immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so,
an Amended Final Judgment of Mortgage ments and information. Failure to comply a default may be entered against you for
Foreclosure dated July l0th, 2006 and Ah persons on whom this notice is JEAN HARRISON SEEVERS, aka JEAN can result in sanctions, including dis- the relief demanded in the petition:
entered in Case NO. 2004-9540-CA of the served who have objections that challenge SEEVERS, missal or striking of pleadings. Copies of all court documents in this
Circuit Court of the THIRTEENTH Judi- the validity of the Will, the qualification of Deceased.striking of pleadings. Copies of a court documents in this
cial Circuit in and for HILLSBOROUGH the Personal Repre'sentative, venue, ororders, are available at the
Couny, Florida wherein WELLS FARGO judiction of this Court are required to file NOTICE TO CREDITORS PAT FRANK. Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may
BANK, N.A., SUCCESSOR BY MERGER their objections with this Court WITHIN The Administration of the estate of CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT review these documents upon request.
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE TER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- SEEVERS, deceased, whose date of Deputy Clerk 7/14-8/4/06 4T Court's office notified of your current ad-
FOR THE REGISTERED HOLDERS OF LICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY death was May 5, 2006; is pending in the dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad-
HOME EQUITY LOAN ASSET-BACKED DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE Circuit Court for Hillsborough County, Flor- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved
CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2003-3, is the OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. ida, Probate division; File Number 06- THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers
Plaintiff and VERA DOE; ANY AND ALL All creditors of the decedent and other 1706; the address of which is Post Office IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad-
UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING BY, persons having claims or demands Box 1110, Tampa, Florida 33601. The COUNTY, FLORIDA dress on record at the clerk's office.
THROUGH, UNDER, AND AGAINST THE against decedents estate on whom a copy names and addresses of the personal Case No.: 06DR11687 Division: F WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam-
HEREIN NAMED INDIVIDUAL DEFEND- of this notice is served within three months representative and the personal repre- ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires
ANT(S) WHO ARE NOT KNOWN TO -after the date of the first publication of this sentative's attorney are set forth below. ELENA ROCIO HUERTA MUNOZ, certain automatic disclosure of docu-
BE DEAD OR ALIVE, WHETHER SAID notice must file their claims with this Court AII creditors of the decedent and other Petitioner ments and information. Failure to comply
UNKNOWN PARTIES MAY CLAIM AN WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS persons who have claims or demands and can result in sanctions, including dis-
INTEREST AS SPOUSES, HEIRS, DE- AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- against decedent's estate, including un- ORESTES DIEGUEZ ALVAREZ, missal or striking of pleadings.
VISEES, GRANTEES, OR OTHER LICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY matured, contingent or unliquidated Respondent. Dated: June 23rd, 2006.
CLAIMANTS; TENANT #1 N/K/A WILLIE DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE claims, and who have been served a
PRAYON are the Defendants, I will sell to OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. copy of this notice, must file their claims NOTICE OF ACTION FOR PAT FRANK
the highest and best bidder for cash at AII other creditors of the decedent and with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT
800 E. Twiggs Street, George Edgecomb persons having claims or demands against THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE TO: ORESTES DIEGUEZ ALVAREZ By: Sharon D. Dale
Courthouse, 2nd Floor, Room 201/202, the decedent's estate must file their claims OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS Last Known Address: Unknown Deputy Clerk 6/30-7/21/06 4T

LA GACETA/Friday, July 21, 2006/Page 29

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE in this lawsuit .will be mailed to the ad- written defenses, if any, to it on RONALD
COUNTY, FLORIDA COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires July 31st, 2006 and file the original with
FAMILY LAW DIVISION FAMILY LAW DIVISION CIVIL DIVISION certain automatic disclosure of docu- the lerk of this Court at 800 E. Twiggsce
Case No.: 06010921 Division: A CASE NO.: 06011794 DIVISION: B CASE NO. 06-CA-003738 DIVISION: H ments and information. Failure to compl St. Tampa, FL 33602, before service on
IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF: N RE: THE MARRIAGE OF: CHARLES R. MTCHELL and wife, can result in sancions, including dis- faito do so, defa y be ete r
JESSICA LLANOS, RRA MARGARET MITCHELL missal or strking of pleadings. againsl you for the relief demanded in the
JESSICA LLANOS, MIRIAM C. RIVERA, Plaintiff(s), Dated: June 28, 2006. petition.
Petitioner Petitioner, vs. PATFRANK Copies of all court documents in this
and and DARRYLE NORTON, SR. and CHRISTY CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT case, including orders, are available at the
ALEJANDRO PEREZ RODRIGUEZ, PATRICK RUSS PIATT, NORTON, husband and wife By: Troy Tocco Clerk of the Circuit Courts office. You may
Respondent. Respondent. Defendant(s). Deputy Clerk /30-7/21/06 4T review these documents upon request.
DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE hereby given that IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Court's office notified of your current ad-
TO: ALEJANDRO PEREZ RODRIGUEZ TO: PATRICK RUSS PIATT Noice is hereby given that pursuant to THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad-
Last Known Addrss: Unknown Last Unknown a Final Judmen of Foreclosure entered IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH. dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved
SLat Known AddressR Unknown LaAdressUnknown n the aboe styed cause, in he Circuit COUNTY, FLORIDA Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action YOU ARE NOTIFIED thatan action has Court of HILLSBOROUGH County, Flor- in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad-
has been filed against you and that you been filed against you and that you are ida, I will sell the property situate in HILLS- Case No.: 06 10561 Division: F dress on record at the clerk's office.
are required to serve a copy of your writ- required to serve a copy of your written BOROUGH County, Florida, described as: JOSE A. TORRES, WARNING: Rule .85 Florda Fam-
ten defenses, if any, to it on JESSICA defenses, if any, to it on MIRAM C. Block 10 PetitioneWARNING: Rule 12. Florida Fm-
LLANOS, whose address is 12101 N. RIVERA, whose address is 8018 W. FALRVEWTERRACE, according to and cert y Law Rules of Prdoceureof docures
Dale Mabry Hwy., Apt. 1013, Tampa, Comanche Ave., Tampa, Florida 33615 FAIRVIEW TERRACE, according to and certain automatic- disclosure of docu-
Florida 33618, on or befe Augu 7 or ore Augu 14, 2006, and file the map or plat thereof a recoded in YOLANDA LOPEZ TORRES, ments andinformation. Failure o coply
Plat Book 11, Page 55, Public Rec- R can resul in sancliona, including
2006, and file the original with the c 0erk of original with the Clerk of this Court at 800 ord of Hisborough Co un Florida espondenons, din g dis-
this Court at 800 E. Twiggs Street, Tam- E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, Florida, before missal or stliking of pleadings.
pa, Florida, before service on Petitioner service on the Petitioner or immediately a public sale, o h highes and bDIS NOLUTION OF ACTION AGE DatedJue 22, 2006.
or immediately thereafter. If to do thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default bidder or biddrs for cash inthe George DISSOLUTIONOF MARRIAGEJune 22, 2006.
so, a default may be entered against you may be entered against you for the relief E. Edgecomb Courthouse, locatd at 800 TO: YOLANDA LOPEZ TORRES PAT FRANK
for the relief demanded in the etition. demanded in the Petition. E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, Florida in room Last Known Address:Unknown CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT
Copies of all court documents in this Copies of all court document in this 201/202 at 2:00 p.m., on the 7th day of YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action By: MargaretAlbano
case, including orders, are available the case including Order, are available at the September, 2006 has been filed against you and that you Deputy Clerk 6/30-7/21/06 4T
Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may Clerk of the Circuit Courts office. You may Any person claiming an interest in the are required to serve a copy of your writ-T COURT OF THE
review these documents upon request. review these documents upon request. surplus from the sale, i any other than ten defenses i any, o it on JOSE A. I TH CIRCUIT
You must keap the Clerk of the Circult You mus keep fthe Clerk of the Circuil the property owner as of the date of the- TORRES, whose address ls 11305 N. THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL ClRCUlT
You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit You must ptheerkofthemust file a claim within 60 C51st St., #810, TampaeFL 33602 or IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH
Court's office notified of your current ad- Court's office notiied of your current ad- Lis ndns mus le a cam wthn 60 51s St., #B Tampa, FL 3360, be- COUNTY, FLORDA
dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad days afterthe sale. .O. Box 3450, Tampa, L 33601 be- COUNTY, FLORIDA
dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved If you are a person with a disability fore service n Pef tioner or immediately N CIVIL ACTION
Family Law Form 12.91.5.) Future papers Family Law Form 12.915:) Future papers who needs anyaccommodation in order thereafter. lf to do so, a default CASE NO. 2005-3689-CA DIVISION I
in this lawsu will be mailed to the ad- in hi lawsuit will be mailed o the to paicipate in this proceeding, you are may be enterd againt you for the relief WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A.,
dress on record at the clerk's office. address on record at the clerk's office entitled, at no costo you, to the provision demanded in the petition. Plaintiff,
WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- of certain assistance. Please contact the Copies of all court documents in this a
ily.Law Rules of Procedure requires ly Law Rules of Procedure, require Clerk of Circuit Court, Cicuit Civil Divi- case, including orders, are available at the GEORGE DANIEL, e al,
certain automatic disclosure of docu- certain automati disclosure of docu- sion, 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL Clerk of the Crcuit Court's office. You may Defendan). et al,
ments and information. Failure to comply ments and. infomation. Failure lo comply 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, review these documents upon request. Defend
can result in sanctions, including dis- can result in sanctions, including dis- within 2 working days of your receipt of You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE
sal or stking of s ing. misal or sriking of pding this document; if you are hearing or voice -Court' office notified of your current ad- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant
missal or stiking of pleadings. m al or trin of p6 ings impaired, call 1-800;955-8771. dress. (You mayfile Notice of Current Ad- to a Final Judgment of Mortgage Fore-
Dated: June 23, 2006. DATED: July 2006 DATED on: July 12, 2006. dress, Florida Suprema Court Approved closure dated June 30, 2006, and entered
PAT FRANK PAT FRANK PATFRNK Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in Case NO. 2005-3689-CA of the Cir-
CLERKOF THE CIRCUTCOURT CLERK OFCIRCUITCOURT Clerk of the Court in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- cuit Court of the THIRTEENTH Judicial
By: Brenda Dudley By: Brenda Dudly By: Sandra Glennon dress on record at the clerk's office. Circuit in and for HILLSBOROUGH
Deputy Clerk 6/30-7/21106 4T Deputy Clerk 7/14-8/4/06 4T. Deputy-Clerk 7121-7/2816 2T WARNIG: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- County, Florida wherein-WELLS FARGO
7V1211 6 uy Law Rules of Procedur, rquires BANK, N.A., is-the Plaintiff and GEORGE
IN THE CIRCUIT. COURT OF THE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR certain automatic disclosure of docu- DANIELS; are the Defendants, 1 will sell
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY,-FLORIDA ments and information. Failure to comply to the highest and best bidder for cash at
IN AND FORJHILLSBOROUGH IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH CIVIL DIVISION can result in sanctions, including dis- 800 E. Twiggs Street, George Edgecomb
IN ACOUNT, F LOR LLSBOROUGHIDA COUNY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 06-5276 DIVISION K missal or strking of pleadings. Courthouse, 2nd Floor, Room 201/202,
COUNTY, FLORDA COUN, FLORDA CASE NO. 06-5276 DIVISION K Tampa, Florida 33602, at 2:00PM, on the
Case No.: 06008475 Division: C Case No:: 06 12300 Division: E ROBERT S. AYERS AND MARY C. PT FRANK, described properf Aug s t, 2 fh in wsai
Pettioner Petitioner By: Cynthia Menendez LOT 10, COTTAGEWOOD OAKS
and and v. Deputy Clerk PHASE III, ACCORDING TO THE
Respondent. Respondent. DEVISEES, TRUSTEES, LIENORS,
Last Known Address: Unknown Last Known Address: Unknown Defendant. CIVIL ACTION COURT, BRANDON, FL 33510.
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action NOTICE OF ACTION CASE NO. 06-03960-CA DIVISION C Any peson claiming en interest in the
has been filed against you and that you has been filed against you and that you TO: The Unknown Spouse, Heirs, CHASE HOME FINANCE LLC, than the property owner asof the dte
are required to serve a. copy of your are required to serve a copy of your wntten Devisees, Trustees, Lienors, and UCCESOR BY MERGER TO of the Lis Penden mut file a claim
a'f=SUtCCES BYr MER cpGER of fuha Lisi Pnndena musfile a cthsai
written defenses, if any,to it on MARITZA defenss, if any, to iton DORA GERENA, Other Claimants Claiming By, CHASE MANHATTAN MORTGAGE within sixy (60days after the sale.
M. MATOS, whose address is 11500 N. whose address is 2519 W. St. John St., Through, Under or Against John F. CORPORATION SUCCESSOR BYu are a ersn with a disability who
Dale Mabry, Apt. 1804, Tampa, FL 33618,: Tampa, FL 33607, on or before August 21, McCain, Deceased, whose last MERGER WITH CHASE MORTGAGE lf you are a prson wih a disability who
on or before August 21, 2006, and file the 2006, and file the original with the clerk of known address is unknown and COMPANY, needa any accommodation in order to
original with the clerk of this Court at 800 this Court at 800 E. Twiggs Street, Tam- whose current address is unknown. Plaintiff, participate in this proceeding, you are
E. TwiggsSt., Rm. 101, Tampa, FL 33602, pa, FL 33602 (Room 101), before service YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED tha an vs. o ihe provision
before service on Petitioner or immediate- on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. YO ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that aneti anc f
before servic on Petitioner or immediate- on Petitioner or immediately thereafteIf action to quiet title has been filed in re- SHANNON MASSARO, et al, Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division,
ly thereafter. you fail o do so, a default you fail to do so, a default may be en- gards o thefollowing described property Defendant(s). er of Crct Twiggs, Circu Civil Divisin,
may be entered against you for the relief teredagainst you for the relief demanded gards fo fha following described properfy 800- East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL
dmaynded ain peion in te paityon. r e r de located in Hillsborough County, Florida: NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252,
Copie of all court documens in this Copies of al court document in this (Lot 12 of Block A ALAFIA RVER ES- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuan within 2 working days of your recip of
case, including orders, are available at the case, includin orders, are available at the TATES, cutting plan) Being 685.5 feet to a Final Judgment of Mortgage Fore- this document; if you are hearing' or oice
Clerkof the Clrcuin Courd s a ffice. You may Clerk of the Crcuit Courts offce. Youmay north and 33.0 feet East of the South- closure dated July 5, 2006 and entered impaired, cal 1-800-955-8771. --
erkvew these documeni t upon rqus. orview Ythes documents upon requs west corner of Section 15, Township in Case NO. 06-03960-CA of the Circuit WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of
review thee documents upon request. review these documents upon requet. 30 South, Range 20 East, for a point of Court of the THIRTEENTH Judicial Circuit this Court on July 11 th, 2006.
You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit You must keep the Clerk of the Circui beginning; run thence East 110 feet, in and for HILLSBOROUGH County, Flori- Pat Frank
Court's office notified of your current ad- Court's office notified of your current ad- thence South 60 feet, thence West 110 da wherein CHASE HOME FINANCE LLC, Clerk of the Circuit Court
dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- feet, thence North 60 feet to.the point SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO CHASE
dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved of beginning, less the East 5.0 feet for MANHATTAN MORTGAGE CORPORA- By: Kim P. Dietz, Deputy Clerk
Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers V2 the utility easement.. TION SUCCESSOR BY MERGER WITH Echevarria & Associates, P.A.
in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad-, has been filed against you. You are CHASE MORTGAGE COMPANY, is the PO. Box25018
dress on record at the clerk's office, dress on record at the clerk's office. required to serve a copy of your written Plaintiff and SHANNON MASSARO; Tampa, Florida.33622-5018
WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- defenses, if any, to it on KRISTOPHER E. MICHAEL A. MASSARO; HOME LOAN F05008824 7/14-7/21/06 2T
ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires FERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE, whose address CENTER, INC.; are the Defendants, I will
certain automatic disclosure of docu- certain automatic disclosure of docu- is 114 S. Fremont Avenue, Tampa, Florida sell to the highest and best bidder for IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR
ments and information. Failure to comply ments and information. Failure to comply 33606, on or before July 31, 2006, and cash at 800 E. Twiggs Street, George HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA
can result in sanctions, including dis- can result in sanctions, including dis- file the original with the Clerk of this Court Edgecomb Courthouse, 2nd Floor, Room PROBATE DIVISION
missal or striking of pleadings. missal or striking of pleadings. either before service on Plaintiffs attor- 201/202, Tampa, Florida 33602, at 2:00 File No.: 06-1600 Division: A
Dated: July 13, 2006. Dated: July 14, 2006. ney or immediately thereafter. Other- PM, on the 4th day of August, 2006, the -
PAT FRANK PAT FRANK wise, a default will be entered against you following described property as set forth IN RE: ESTATE OF
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT for the relief demanded in the Complaint. in said Final Judgment: MARIE LILLY HAWSEY, A/K/A MARIE
By: Adrian J. Salas By: Cynthia Menendez If you are a person with a disability who LOT 7, BLOCK 3, BRANDON FOREST VIRGINIA HAWSEY,
Bepuy: ACerk DJS spu B y Clynerk ne needs any accommodation in order to SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE Deceased.
DeputyClerk 7/21-8/11/064T p7/21-8/11/064T participate in this proceeding, you are MAP OR PLAT THEREOF AS RE- NOTICETO CREDITORS
entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 45, PAGE 2,mif estt
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE of certain assistance. Please contact the RECORDED iN THE PUBLIC REC- The administration of the estate of
IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH Room 530, George E. Edgecomb Court- FLORIDA. date ofVIRGINI dath was April 19, 2006, and
COUNTY, FLORIDA COUNTY, FLORIDA house, 800 E. Twiggs St., Tampa, Florida A/KA 2933 FORREST CIRCLE, SEFF- whose Social Security Number is 253-
Case No.: 0612240 Division: C Case No.: 06-11467 33602. Telephone No. 276-8100, Ex. 4365 NER, FL 33584. 22-4665, a pending in the Circui Court
Case No.: 06 12240 Division: C Case No.: 06-11467 within 2 working days of your receipt of ii nterest inhe o i t, F orid rot
DAVID HERNANDEZ, BOBBIE JEAN REDDISH, this document; if you are hearing or voice Any person laimig an terest in for the addreough County, Florida, Proba800 E.
Petitioner Petitioner impaired, call 800-955-8771. surplus from the sale, if any, other than Division, the address of which is 800 E.
aPetioner P oner ipai, the property owner as of the date of the Twiggs Street, Tampa, Florida 33602.
and and Dated: June 27, 2006. Lis Pendens must file a claim within The names and addresses of the person-
ZEREFA GENET, RONNIE LEE REDDISH, PAT FRANK sixty (60) days after the sale. al representative and the personal repre-
Respondent. Respondent. Clerk of the Court If you are a person with a disability who sentative's attorney are set forth below.
NOTICE OF ACTION FOR NOTICE OF ACTION FOR By: Henry Suber, Jr. needs any accommodation in order to All creditors of the decedent and other
DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE as Deputy Cerk 6/30-7/21/06 4T participate in this proceeding, you are persons having claims or demands
lTO: ZEREFA GENET TO: RONNIE LEE REEDISH entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision against decedent's estate on whom a
TO: ZEREFA GENET TO: RONNIE LEE REDDISH IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE of certain assistance. Please contact the copy of this notice is required to be
Last Known Address: Unknown Last Known Address: Unknown THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Divi- served must file their claims with this
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH sion, 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS
has been filed against you and that you has been filed against you and that you COUNTY, FLORIDA 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST
are required to serve a copy of your are required to serve a copy of your written C N Division: C within 2 working days of your receipt of PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30
written defenses, if any, to it on DAVID defenses, if any, to it on BOBBIE JEAN aseNo:this document; if you are hearing orvoice DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE
HERNANDEZ, whose address is 3017 W. REDDISH, whose address is 5029 Chalet LEDYS LAUDITH MELO, impaired, cal 1-800-955-8771. OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM.
Ivy St., Tampa, FL 33607, on or before Ct. #515, Tampa, FL 33617, on or before Petitioner WITNESS.MY HAND and the seal of All other creditors of the decedent and
August 21, 2006, and file the original with August 21st, 2006, and file the original and this Court on July 7, 2006. other persons having claims or demands
the clerk of this Court at 800 E. Twiggs with the clerk of this Court at 800 E. ROBERT JAMES STILLIEatFrank aaint decdens estte must ile their
Street, Rm. 101, Tampa, FL 33602, be- Twiggs St., Room 101, Tampa, FL 33602, Respondent JAMES Sof the Circuit Court caims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS
fore service on Petitioner or immediately before service on Petitioner or immedi- Responden. Cerk of the Circuit Curtaim with his cour WTHN 3 MONTHS
thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default ately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a de- NOTICE OF ACTION FOR By: Darrell Morning LICATION OF THIS NOTICE.
may be entered against you for the relief fault may be entered against you for the DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE Deputy Clerk LICATON OF THIS NOTICE.
demanded in the petition. relief demanded in the petition. TO: ROBERT JAMES STILLIE Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski ALL CLAIMS NOT SFLED WITHIN
Copies of all court documents in this Copies of all court documents in this Last Known Address: Unknown TamO. Bo rida 25018 5THE TIME PERODS SET FORTHIDAIN
case, including orders, are available at the case, including orders, are available at the Tampa,YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action F PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER
Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may as been filed against you and that you 7/14-7/21/06 2T BARRED
review these documents upon request. review these documents upon request. are required to serve a copy of your NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PE-
You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit written defenses, if any, to it on LEDYS IN THE UIRCUIT COURT OF THE RODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLANDING THE TIME
Court's office notified of your current ad- Court's office notified of your current ad- LAUDITH MELO, whose address is 3111 THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE
dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- W. Coachman Ave., Tampa, Florida IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH AFTLED TWOH E DECEDENTS ORDATE OFRE
dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved 33611, on or before July 30, 2006, and COUNTY, FLORIDA DEATH IS BARRED.
Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers file the original with the clerk of this Court Case No.: 06-DR-010840 Division: R The date of the first publication of this
in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- at 800 E. Twiggs St., Tampa, FL 33602,
dress on record at the clerk's office. dress on record at the clerk's office. before service on Petitioner or immedi- RONALD RICHARD MURRAY, notice is July 14, 2006.
WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- ately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a Petitioner Personal Representative:IN
ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires defaul may be entered against you for and SALLY HAWSEY STRAIN
certain automatic diclosure of docu- certain automatic disclosure of docu- the relief demanded in the petition. LOU MARILYN CASON, 4016W. El Prado Boulevard
ments and information. Failure to comply ments and information. Failure to comply Copies of all court documents in this Respondent. Tampa, Florida 33629
can result in sanctions, including dis- can result in sanctions, including dis- case, including orders, are available at the NOTICE OF ACTION FOR Attorney for Personal Representative:
missal or striking of pleadings. missal or striking.of pleadings. Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE KRISTOPHER E. FERNANDEZ, ESQ.
Dated: July 13, 2006. Dated: July 13th, 2006. review these documents upon request. LOU MA N CASON eFrf lyawsey ain
PAT FRANK PAT FRANK You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit TO: LOU MARdLYsN CASON 114mS. Fremont Avenue
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Court's office notified of your current ad- Last Known Address: Unknown Tampa, Florida 33606
y:CLERKOF THE CIRCUIT COURT CLERK OF THE CIRdrCUIT. (You may file Notice of Crrent Ad- YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action (813) 832-6340
By: Adrin J. Salas By: Sharon D. Dale dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved has been filed against you and that you Fla Bar No. 0606847
Deputy Clerk 7/21-8/11/06 4T Deputy Clerk 7/21-8/11/06 4T Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers are required to serve a copy of your SPN 01353178 7/14-7/21/06 2T

Page 30/LA GACETA/Friday, July 21, 2006

FFN.: 504659 SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA TO: TERRANCE EDWARDS (father) George Edgecomb Courthouse, 2nd Floor, CASE NO. 06-004202-CA DIVISION J
CASE ID: 04-DP-1418 DIVISION: S PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER Residence/Whereabouts Unknown Room 21202, Tampa, Florda 33602, at WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., AS
NTHE INTEREST OF: BARRED. 2:00PM, on the 1th day of August, 2006uu, TRUSTEE FOR OPTON ONE
HALL, JAYVANT 10/14/2004 RODSET FOT ABOEANY CL that a Petition for.Termination of Parental forth insaid Final Judgment: ASSTGAG LAKED CERTIFICATES
MINOR CHILD. FILED TWO (2) OR MORE YEARS Rihts has been filed in th Circuit Court LOT 13, BLOCK 2, SMMERFIELD SERIES 2005-2, CERTIATES
NOTI AAFTER THE DECEDENTS DATE OF of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit of the VILLAGE 1 TRACT 29,-ACCORDING Plaintiff
ON ATERMINATION OF PARENTAL County, Florida, Juvenile Division, alleg- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 95, PAGES vs.
RIGHTS PROCEEDINGS The date of the first publication of this ing that the above-amed child is a de- 21-1 THROUGH 21-3, OF THE PUB- RANDOL L. WALTON, et al,
FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT Notice is July 21, 2006. pendent child and by which the Petitioner LIC RECORDS OF HILLSBOROUGH Defendant(s).
THE ADVISORY HEARING CONSTI- Person Giving Notice: is asking for the termination of parental COUNTY, FLORIDA. NOTICEOF FORECLOSURE SALE
TUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINA- SANDRA J. MORAN rights and permanent commitment of the A/KA 11806 LYNMOOR DRIVE, RIV- NOTICE IS-HEREBY GIVEN pursuant
TION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THIS 1704 Stay SailDrive child to the Department of Children and ERVIEW FL 33569 to a Final Judgment-of Mortgage Fore-
CHILD. IF..YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON Valrico, FL 33594 Families for subsequent adoption. ERVIEW, FL33569 o a Fan al Judgmen-of Mortgage Fore-
THIS DATMEAND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU AtorneyforPerson Giving Noice: YOU ARE HEREBY notified that you Any person claiming an interest in the closure dated July 10, 2006, and entered
MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGT AE Attorney forPerson Giving Notice: YU AE Hh surplus from the sale, if any, other than in Case NO. 06-004202-CA of the Circuit
PAR TOTHE CHILD NAMED IN THE MARK E HAGER, ESQ. are required to appear personally on the the property owner as of the date of Court of the THIRTEENTH Judicial Cir-
PARENT TO THE CHLD NAMED IN THE Pilka & Associates; P.A. 15th day of August, 2006, at 8:30 a.m:, the Lis Pendens must file a claim cuit in and for HILLSBOROUGH County,
PETITION ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE. 213 ProvidenceRoad before the Honorable Jack Espinosa, Jr., within sixty (60) days after the sale. Florida wherein WELLS FARGO BANK,
TO:-WHITNEY LYNSHAY HALL (mother) Brandon, Florida 33511 at the Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 East wh N.A.AS TRUSTEE FOR OPTION ONE
Residence/Whereabouts Unknown (813) 653-3800 Twiggs Street, 4th Floor, Tampa, Florida f you are a person with adisability who MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2005-2 AS-
-Unknown( 6-, .3 ,;7/217/28/06 2T 33602, to show cause, if any, why par- needs any accommodation in order to SET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES
Reside ere s Unknown (father) ntal rights shall not be terminated and participate in this proceeding, you are 2005-2, is the Plaintift and RANDOL L.
Residence/Whereabouts Unknown IN THEIRCT COURTFORTHE said child shall notbe permanently com- entitled, at no costto you, to the provision ALTON; LAYESHA WALTON; OPTION
YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUITIN mittedto.the Florida Department of Child- of certain assistance. Please contact-he ONE MQRTGAGE CORPORATION; are
that a Petition for Termination of Parental AND FOR.HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, ren and Families for subsequent adop- Clerk ofCircuit Court, Circuit Civil Diision, heDefendants, 1 will sell the highest
Rights has. been filed in the Circuit Court STATE OF FLORIDA tion. You are entitled to be represented 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa -FL te Deeidar for cash at800E.Twiggs
of the Thirteenth .Judicial Circuit of the PROBATE DIVISION by an attorney at this proceeding. 33602;telephone no.276-8100, ext. 7252, seet George Edgeombr cash at80
.Stae of Florida, in and for Hillsborough within 2 workig. days of, your receipf -of Street- George Edgecomb Courthouse,
CS ouy, Florida, vin an ivisio :CASE NO.: 06-CP-Q1595 DATEDthis5th dayofJuly2006 th en; are heari or ie nd Floor, Room 20/202 TampaFlor-
County, Florida, JuvenileDiviion alleg-th da
ing thaf the above-named child is a de- IN RE THEESTATEOF -. PAT FRANK impaired, call 1-800-955-8771., ida 33602, 2006, the fll de-
pendent child and by which the Petitioner ORA CARMEN:FISCHER, deceased,. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT WITNESS MY HAND d the seal of scribed property as set fort in saidFinal
is asking for theatermination of parental : N' NTiCETO -CREDITORS By: Linda Lepelletier this Court on July 13th, 2006.. Judgment:t f i
rights and permanent Gommitment of the -:. -.. CRED.IT.oRSl Deputy'Clerk k LO.T 1,2 N D3 LESS- T- HE SOU TH
child to the Department of Children and The administration of the Estate of ORA 7/7-7 281/0 4T Frank -cLOrS 1,2CAND 3 LES IYHE SOUTH
Families forsubsequant adoption. CARMEN FISCHER- deceasad, whose R T Cerkof the CircuitfCourt 30.5 FEET THEREOF,- BLOCK 34,
FYOU ARE HEREBY noptifiedon. Chat u f deah January 9, 2006 Case IN-THE CIRCUIT.COURT FTHE By: Kim P. Dietz TERRACE PARK SUBDIVSION, AC-
are required to appear personally on the- N CP-0 N D FR HLLS ROg in tH iENTH JUDICIALIRCUITk EREOF AS REORED IN PLAT
11th- day of September, 2006, at 9:00,. cuit Court for Hillsborough County, Florida, INAN FOR HLLSBOROUGH Echevarr &AsociateO 10, PAGE 71, OF THE PUB-
before the Honorable Frank A..Gomez, at Probate Division, the address of which is CQUNTY, FLORIDA -Echevarria & Associates, P.A. THCREOF S EOF H ILLSBOROUGH
the Edgeco Cou u 800 Eat Post Office Box 1100, Tampa, Floida Case No.:'06010379- Division: B mP:O .Box2 3622-5018 LIC RCORDS OF HILLSBOROUGH
Twiggs Street; 4th Floor, Tampa, Florida 33601. The estate is intestate. The names UI ENRCOUNTYUE PLLEGRN, F06007844 FLORIDA.
33602, to show cause, ii any, why and addresses of the perscnal represen- LUIS ENRIQUEP ELrEGRIN, F0600844
b at I s antr ^ RlQUE'PEL1EGIRIN,' FO6007844 7/21-7/281062T AlKAPA99073 OLAWAHA AVENUE,
parental- ridhts shall not be terminated tatives and the personal representatives' Petitoner _.. 7.-7/2 _/06..- TAMPA, FL 33617.
and said child hall notbe permanently attoey are set forth below. and INTHE CIRCUIT RTOFTHE Any person claiming aninterest in the
committed to the Florida Department of Alfcreditors of the decedent and other DAISY MILAGROS MOLINA,- THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, surplus from the sale, if any, other than
Children and Families for subsequent p-rsons-having claims or demands Respondent. IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH ': -the property owner as of,the date. of
adoption. You are entitled to be repre- against decedent's estate, on whom a AMENDED NOTICE OF ACTION FOR COUNTY, FLORIDA ::- the Lis Pendens must file a claim
sentedby an attomey at this proceeding. copy f:this notice is required to be DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE Case No.: 06DR12073 Division:B within sixty (60) days after the sale.
DATED this 2thday ofJuly, 2006 sed THE L R eF 3 TO: DAISY MILAGROS MOLINA CARMEN ROSAAYESTAS If you are a person with a disability who
DATED this 12thday---------------------------WITHIN. THE.- LATER OF 3CAMNRSAYTS
PATFRANK MOT S AFTER THE DATE OF THE Last Known Address: Unknown WOODWARD nedsan accommodation in order o
P T Parti.ipa te n tlJ proceeding y u Dte
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action Petitioner nti tled, at proc eedin you to the pr
By: Linda Lepelletier OR 30 DAYS AFTER .THE DATE OF has been filed against you and that you and of certain assidtanc ae ontt the
Deputy Clark 7/14-8/4/0641 SERVICE OFA COPY OF THIS-,NOTICE are required to serve a copy of your of certain. assistance. Please contact the
lON T 714-8406 4T VeOA ir fednsers, i any, o it on LUIS JAMES ALBERT WOODWARD, -: Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division,
IN TE CRCUT COURT OFTHE A c s f decENRIQUE PELLEGRIN, whoSe addrass Respondent. 800 East .Twiggs Street, Tampa, .FL
THIRTENTHE DIRCUI T OURT OFTHE Aother creditors hv of the decedent and is 1764 Shady Side Cir,, Lutz, FL 33549, NOTICE OF ACTIONF 33602telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252,
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF othej persons havil g claims:or demands on o befor Augus 20 afe DIS U Om M ARl within 2 working days of your receipt of
THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR against decdent's estae must file their on or before August 14, 206, and file the DISSOLUTION OFMARRIAGE withis doument; iday of you are hearing voie
HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS original with the cerkof thisCout t 800 TO: JAMES ALBERT WODWARD ipaied, cal 1-800955-8771
JUVENILE DIVISION AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- E. Twigg St, Rm 1 Tampa FL be- Last Known AddressnknHAND an seal of
FFN 507992 LICATIQN OFTHIS :NOTICE: fore service on petitioner or immediately WlTNESS MY HAND and the seal of
FFN: : -507992 LICATION OF THIS: FILE. W thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action this Court.on July 13th, 2006.
CASEID: 06-DP-0009 DIVISION: S AL- CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE mmay be entered against you for the relief has been filed.:against you and that you
FOREVER BARRED demanded in the petition. are required serve a coy of your rk
are req ired to e ea e a s fiCopy of yuof th Cicui Cou
IN THE INTEREST OF: a NOTWITHSTANDING HE TIME PE- Copies of all court documents in this writte defenses any, t nARM EN. : Kim P. DieCu
MIRANDA, "BABY BOY" a,/-ka RIOD SET FORTH ABOVE ANY CLAIM case, includig orders, are available at the ROSA AYESTAS'.WOODWARD, whose By: Kim P.-Dietz
Christopher Miranda 12/15/2005 "ILED DSWOO R YEA adciress is 4827 N. Melton Ave. #205, Deputy Clerk
Christopher Miranda 12/15/2005- FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may m a i33614, oN. before Ave. ugust205, DePui Clerk
MINOR CHILD. AFTER THE DECEDENS DATE OF review these documents upon reguest. T 1e 4, or b e t EchevarriaAssociates P.A.
NOTICE OF AN ADVISORY HEARING DEATH IS BARRED :. Y must keep Clerklhe Cirt ui ori00 E.Twiggs St, Oa Box2d o3622-501 8
ON A TERMINATIONOF PARENTAL The date of the: first publication ofthis Courts office notified of our- current ad- Tm e e siceaon- Petitioner Tam, Florid 2-
RIGHTS PROCEEDINGS Notice is July 21,2006:. dress. (You mayfile Noticeof Current Ad- or-i iH atheIferef fy aio dO ,- 7/21-7/28/062T
FAILURE TO PERSONALLYEAPPEAR AT Personal Representativ: dress,; Floida Supreme Gourtrproved. soa l: be'ntered agaist yQu
THE ADVISORY HEARING CONSTI- JANETTE E. WOODWORTH Family Law Formr 12.915.) .Futurf papers fof--the ie1if-de idedinthe petitibi, IN THE Cl IT COURT F
-TUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINA- 5352-3 Saddlebrook Way in this lawsuit .will be mailed tothe- ad--Call cout d s in COUR FOR
TIOQNOFPASENTAL.,RIGHTS OF. THIS Wesley Chapel, FL 33543 ..... dresson record at.theclerks.offiqe. case, including oders, are available at the IISBOROUGH COUNTY FORIDA
CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR- ON. (813) 973-2107 WARNING: Rule 12 285, Florida Fam- Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You mray FE NO: 06-13 DIVISION: A
THIS DATE AND TME SPECIFIED, YOU Attomey for Personal Representative: ily Law.Rules of Procedure, reqires reviewthese documents upon request FILE NO: 06-1703 D A
MAYRLOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A A PAUL 8. JOHNSON, ESQUIRE certain autpmatic disclosure of docu- You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit IN RE: THE ESTATE OF "
1NT TA HE Bar No.:-039966 mentsainfomaton. Failuretcoply Court's 0ffice notified pf your current ad- TIERESE A. DROLET, akaTERIE
PETTIONATACHED TO THIS NOTICE. Post Office Box 3416 can result in sanctions, including dis- dress (You may file Notice of Current Ad- DROLET,
TO: Unknown Father Tampa, FL 33601 missal or striking of pleadings.- dress, Florida Supreme-Court Approved: Deceased.
.. .Residence/Whereabouts Unknown (813) 258-0087 Dated: July-6,'2006. Family Law.For.r12.91.) Future papers
YOU WILL PLESE TAKE NTICE () 8: 7/2 1-7/28/06 2T PAT FRANK- in tis, lasiwil:ealald lo the ad- NOTICETO CREDITORS
that a Petition for Termination of Parental CLERK OFTHE CIRCUIT COURT dress on'recrdlat'etlehlrk's office. The Administration of the estate of
Righs has beenfilad in fha CicuiCour IN-THE CIRI COURT OFA.DROLT, a TERT
Right ha been iled n the Circui CoutRTETH JUDC By: Cynthia Menendez WARNING: Rue 12.285, Florida Fam- HERESE A DROLET aka TERIE
of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit ofthe OF FLORIDA, IN AN FR Deputy Clerk ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires DROLET, deceased, whose date of death
State of Florida, in and for Hillsborough OF FLORIDAIN AND FOR 7/21-8/11/064T rainautomatic disclosure of docu- was May 29, 2006; is pending in the
County, Florida, Juvenile Division, alleg- HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY menta d information. Failure o compy Circuit Court for Hilisborough County,
ng that the above-named child is a de- CIVIL DIVISIN E CRCUITCOURTFOR ents and information, Failure t comply rd rbae Dision Fe N
pendent child and by which the Petitioner Case No. 03-2955 Division F HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA can result riking incluading dis- 06-CP-1 703 ate addriss io whiche N.O
is asking for the termination of parental MORTGAGE ELECTRN PROBATEDIVISImi or strik Box 1110 Tampa, Florida 33601. T1he
ights and permanent commitment of the REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. File No.: 06-634 Division: "A" Dated 1 names and addresses of the personal
child to the Department of Children and Plaintiff, IN RE: ESTATE OF PAT FRANK representative and the personal repre-
Families for subsequent adoption. vs JOSEPH F. REYNOLDS CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT sentative's attorney are set forth below.
YOU ARE HEREBY notified that you ANGELA STUTTS AND CHARLES Deceased. By: Evelyn Pooran All creditors of the decedent and other
are required to appear personally on the STUTTS, et. al NOTICE OF TRUST Deputy Clerk 7/21-8/11/064T persons who have claims r demands
11th day of September, 2006, at 8:30 Defendants. JOSEPH F. REYNOLDS, a resident of against decedent's estate, including un-
a.m., before the Honorable Frank A. INTHECIRCUITCOURTOFTHE matured contingent or unliquidated
Gomez, at the Edgecomb Courthouse, AMENDED NOTICE OF SALE HILLSBOROUGH County, Florida, who THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF claim, and who have been served a
died on December 31, 2005, was the THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF claims, and who have been served a
800 East Twiggs Street, 4th Floor, Tam-- Notice is hereby given, prsuant to an grantor of a tru entid: THE JOSEPH THE STATE OFFLORIDA, IN AND copy of this notice, must file their clai
pa, Florida 33602, to show cause, if any, Amended Final Judgment and Order Re- F.REYNOLSTRUSTAGREEMENT FOR HILLSBOROUGH OUNTY wththis court WITHIN THE LTER OF
why parental tights shall not be termi- scheduling Foreclosure Sale entered in datd July 14, 1993, which is a tSt JUVENILE DIVISION THREE(3) MONTHS AFIER THE DATE
t h fe cm be pec- ntS E 14, 19R93 whcGh sE FOa tru OF THE FIRST-PUBLICATION-OF THH R
nated d and said child shall not be per- this cause, in the Circuit Court of Hillsbor- described in Section 733.707(3) of the FFN.: 505325 NOTICE OR THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER
maa ly commied o e Florida D- ough Couny, Florida, will the proper- Florida Probate Code and i liable for the CASE ID: 04-0477 DIVISION: S THE DATE OF SERVCEOF A COPY OF
partment of Children and Families for ty situated in Hillsborough County, Florida, expensas of the administration of the T OF SERVICE OF A COPY OFTICEONTHEM.
subsequent adoption:- You are entitled to described as: deeen's etae anideforceabon e IN THE INTEREST OF: THIS NOTICE ON THEM.
be represented by an attorney at this LOT 81 IN BLOCK 1 OF WOOD LAKE of he decedent's credi tor th eatent WORTHY, TATEEONIA All other creditors of the decedent and
proceeding. PHASE 1 UNIT NO. 1 AS PER MAP the decedent's estate is insufficient to pay B/F (dob: 04/13/04) other persons who have claims or
DATED this 6th day of July, 2006 OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN them, as provided in Section 733.607(2) A MINOR CHILD. demands against the.decedent's estate,
PAT FRANK PLAT BOOK 54 ON PAGE 26 OF THE of the Florida Probate Code. including unmatured, contingent or un-
PATFRANK PUBL T of the Florida Probate Code. NOTICE OF AN ADVISORY HEARING liquidated claims, must file their claims
Deputy Clerk 7/14-8/4/06 4T AND COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 9123 The clerk shall file and index this notice FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE.
De0___________ 4T SUFFIELD COURT, TAMPA, FL 33615, of trust in the same manner as a caveat, E HEARNG CONSTI- ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE at public sale, to the highest and best unless there exists a probate proceeding TE S HE ARI N ONTI ALL LAIM NOT SO FILED WILLBE
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT bidder, for cash, at the George Edge- for the grantor' estate in which case this TUTES CONSENTL HE TERMINA- FOREVER BARRED. T PE
IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH comb Courthouse located at 800 E. Twiggs notice of trust must be filed in the probate TION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THIS NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERI-
COUNTY, FLORIDA Street, Room 201/202, Tampa, Florida, at proceeding and the clerk shall send a CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON ODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM
PROBATE DIVISION 2:00 P.M., on August 9, 2006. copy to the personal representative. THMS DATE AND TME SPECIFIED, YOU FILED TWO (DEC) YEARSDN OR MORE
File Number 06-1038 Division E If you are a person with a disability who Signed on February 28, 2006. PARENT TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THE DEATH-IS BARRED.
IN RE: ESTATE OF participate in this proceeding, you are 11465 Perkie Road : ERIC JOHNSON (faOF THCE IS JULY 14, 2006ICA-
SUSAN J. KOVALICK entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision Lakeland, Florida TO: ERC JOHNSON (father) TON OF THIS NOTICE ISJULY 14, 2006.
SSN: 302-58-9000, of certain assistance. Please contact the DAMON C. GLISSON, ESQUIRE YO WLL PLEE n AKnown Personal Representative:
Deceased. Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, Attorney for Trustee YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE PEGGY D TOMLINSON
NOTCETO CREDITORS 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL 33602, 5908 Fortune Place that a Petition for Termination of Parental 17108 SW 75th Avenue
NOTICE CREDITORS telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, within A o Bac, FL 7 Rights has been filed in the Circuit Court Archer, FL 32618
The Administration of the Estate of 2 working days of your receipt of this (813) 645-6796 7/14-7/21/06 the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit of the Attorney for Personal ReSp.
SUSAN J. KOVALICK, deceased, whose document; if you are hearing or voice 7/14-7/21/06 2T State of Florida, in an for Hilsborough PHILIP R. LAZZARA ESQUIRE
date of death was February 7, 2006, and impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. IN THE CRCUT COURT-OFTHE County, Florida, Juvenile Division, alleg- 307 S. Boulevard, Suite D
whose Social Security Number is 302- Dated this 1th day of Juy, 2006. THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT h child a de Tampa, FL 33606
58-9000; is pending in the Cirnouit Court pendent child and by which the Petitioner (813) 251-0763
for Hillsborough County, Florida, Probate PAT FRANK IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH is asking for the termination of parental Fa Bar # 115361
Division; File Number 06-1038; the Clerk of the Circuit Court COUNTY, FLORIDA rights and permanent commitment of the 7/14-7/21/06 2T
address of which is Pat Frank, Clerk of By: Sandra Glennon CIVIL ACTION child to the Department of Children and
the Circuit Court, Hillsborough County Deputy Clerk 7/21-7/28/06 2T CASE NO. 06-4514-CA DIVISION C Families for subsequent adoption. ___
Courthouse, P.O. Box 1110, Tampa, FL DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST YOU ARE HEREBY notified that you
33601. The name of the personal rep- IN HE CRCUIT COURT OF HE COMPANY AS TRUSTEE FOR FFMLT are required to appear personally on the
resentative and the name and address of THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF TRUST 2005-FFA MORTGAGE 7th day of August, 2006, at 8:30 a.m.,
personal representative's attorney are THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, before the Honorable Frank A. Gomez,
set forth below. FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY SERIES 2005-FFA, Judge, at the Hillsborough County Court- !
All creditors of the decedent and other JUVENILE DIVISION Plaintiff, house Edgecomb Building, 800 East i '
persons, having claims or .demands FFN.: 505969 vs. Twiggs Street, 4th Floor, Tampa, Florida
against decedent's estate, on whom a CASE ID:05-0243 DIVISION:D RONNIE J. HINES, etal, 33602, to show cause, if any, why par-
copy of this notice is required to be ental rights shall not be terminated and rh d "at*I
served, must file their claims with this IN THE INTEREST OF: Defendan(s). said child hall not be permanently O icated Cntent
court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE DAVIS, KIARA 04/17/2003) NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE committed to the Florida Department of
MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE MINOR CHILD. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant "Children and Families for subsequent
FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE to a Final Judgment of Mortgae Fore adoption. You are entitled to be repre- ilable fm Cmmercial News Pvide
OR THISTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE NOTICE OF AN ADVISORY HEARING closure dated July 11, 2006, and entered sented by an attorney atthis proceeding.
in Case NO. 0o-4514-CA of the Circuit DATED this 26th day of June, 2006
All other creditors of the decedent and FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT cuit in and for HILLSBOROUGH County, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT
persons having claims or demands THE ADVISORY HEARING CONSTI- Florida wherein DEUTSCHE BANK NA- By: Linda Lepelletir
against the decedent's estate, must file TUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINA- TIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUST- puty CL epelletier
their claims with this court WITHIN TION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THIS EE FOR FFMLT TRUST 2005-FFA. 6/30-7/21/06 4T

LA GACETA/Friday, July 21, 2006/Page 31

Las mscaras-de vejigante forman parte de la herencia cultur africana
de Puerto Rico. Son tradicionales en los carnavales del pueblo de Loiza,
pero tambin en los de Hatillo, Dorado y Ponce. Tradicionalmente, se
tallan en cscara de coco seco o se hacen de papel mach y se pintan
de vivos colores, representando animales y figuras msticas. Durante los
tiempos de la colonia, estas mscaras eran usadas para atemorizar a los
piratas que intentaban invadir la isla.


n 3L AE e -l .
Pde Puerto Rico. Sontradicionales en los carnavales del puebl2e.0oza,

Pgina SLA GACETA/YViernes, 21 de julio de 2006