have a lot of personal wealth so refusing to on moral grounds.
LIB OF FL HISTORY PO BOX 117007 this law won't make them miss *****
205 SMA UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA many meals. Their staff, on the Interested in running for of-
GAINESVILLE FL 32611-7007 other hand, is not so well-off. This fice? Keep these dates in mind.
) new law is keeping them out of the Individuals who want to run for a
steakhouses and forcing them to judicial post or for a federal office
frequent the burger joints. like Congress must qualify to run
The Republican legislators who between May 8 at noon and May
voted for this gift ban are already 12 at noon. Qualifying week for lo-
,A A cheating. The Florida Republican cal and state elections is from July
Party is spending lobbyist con- 17 at noon to July 21 at noon.
The new state law that bans in Tallahassee, tells us business tributions to buy food and drink ****
lobbyists from giving anything is down at least 25 percent from and serve it to the Republican Our friend Fernando Noriega,
of value to legislators, staffers last year. We hear other restau- legislators in the Capitol build- who was the top lieutenant in
and other state employees has rants are off 30 35 percent and ing. We hear one such buffet line Mayor Dick Greco's administra-
hurt Tallahassee restaurants and in some cases more. They are was set up in the Majority office tion, had quadruple bypass sur-
bars. seeing fewer legislators, but the on Wednesday.
Clydes and Costello's, one ofthe greatest number of missing is The Democrats could do the
finer eateries and watering holes legislative staff. Most legislators same thing but as a group are (Continued on page 12)
84th GAA
This July 15, 1930 photo was taken in Madame Himes Beauty Par- aires." Bow became a national screen phenomenon when she
lor in the lobby of the Tampa Theatre, 711 N. Franklin Street. The starred in the 1927 movie "It," inspiring the phrase "It Girlo" Himes'
temporary salon offered theatre goers a chance to get a Clara Bow actual beauty parlor was located far many years on Franklin Street
haircut before seeing Bow in the movie "Love Among the Million- (Burgert Brothers photo from Pioneer Commercial Photography)
l d oe al d Las Masacres Que Seguimos Permitieno
AEl deporte al. d M Editorial Leonardo Len Resulta odioso como la pren- cometido por los pasados aos
Durante el discurso de la sa internacional y la Casa ante la mirada impune de los
Por Harvey Grajales Unin Americana, el presidente Blanca llama al conflicto de pases industrializados, y el
Bush, omiti completamente Sudn, "una guerra civil", grito mudo de la Organizacin
La Serie M undial de Bisbol cualquier alusin al conflicto Usualmente una guerra de las Naciones Unidas, cuya
africano en Darfur y Sudn. ocurre entre dos ejrcitos pero misin ha sido alimentar a los
Repblica Dominicana planto bandera a fuerza de batazos, Se le olvid mencionar que a en el caso de Sudn, la falasia
Venezuela qued rascndose la cabeza, Puerto Rico suspir pesar de querer llevar justicia, es que cientos de miles de civi- (pasa a la pgina 2)
profundo y Estados Unidos cumpli sin problemas en la primera democracia, paz y progreso les, mujeres, nios, hombres y
jornada de los grupos B, C y D del Clsico Mundial de Bisbol. Los al mundo, tal y como asegura ancianos corren despavoridos
dominicanos aplastaron 11-5 a Venezuela con cuatro jonrones est haciendo en Irak, no haba ante los avances de los milicia-
de David Ortz y Adrin Beltr en el duelo estelar de la fecha, considerado de inters nacional nos que buscan exterminar las
Puerto Rico sud tembl antes de superar 2-1 a Panam, y Es- salvar las vidas de casi 300 mil etnias que no profesan el islam
tados Unidos desempolv un estelar pitcheo para blanquear 2-0 campesinos, africanos negros y que no son de origen rabe.
a Mxico. Italia, por su parte, vapule 10-0 a Australia y le gan que no son rabes, asesinados Esto no es y no podr ser
por nocaut, mientras que Canad venci 11-8 a Surfrica. por las milicias sudanesas du- llamado jams una guerra. Es
(pasa a la pgina 5) rante los pasados 5 aos: un genocidio que viene siendo 6 32 5 9 9 00001 9
Actualiad-d 15-1-Un Yate, Premio Para el Magnicida
Actualidad de
Amrica Latina'
El presidente Ricardo Lagos elogi el jueves al saliente
jefe del ejrcito, general Juan Emilio Cheyre, quien durante su
mando reconoci la responsabilidad de su institucin en las
violaciones a los derechos humanos durante la dictadura de
Augusto Pinochet y prometi que "nunca ms" se cometeran
tales actos. Lagos dijo que Cheyre, quien el jueves concluye
su perodo de cuatro aos, "hizo suya la misin de devolver el
ejrcito y las instituciones armadas para todos los chilenos y
chilenas y contribuir a forjar la anhelada unidad nacional". El
mandatario agradeci la "exitosa labor" de Cheyre durante los
cuatro aos de.su mand.o llevada a cabo "con coraje y profe-
sionalismo, pero basada en el amor a Chile". Cheyre admiti el
2004, tras un informe oficial que determin prisin y torturas
a 28.000 prisioneros durante el rgimen de Pinochet entre
1973 y 1990, la responsabilidad del ejrcito en las violaciones
a los derechos humanos.
SSeis inmigrantes cubanos lograron arribar el mir-
coles a Puerto Rico a travs de la occidental Isla de Mona,
inform la Polica. Las autoridades indicaron que los seis
inmigrantes tres hombres, una mujer y dos menores
fueron detenidos en e sector Carabinero de la pequea Recientemente el presidente de Sudn, Omar Hassan al-Bashir's compr un yate
isla a eso de las 3:00 de la madrugada del mircoles, luego
que una embarcacin los trasladara desde la Repblica de 118 pis de largo or 32 de ancho, por 4-5 millones de dlares que tuvo que ser
Dominicana. Todos se encuentran en buen estado de salud, trado hasta elMar Rojo y luego transportado por camin hasta el Nilo hasta su
se indic. Segn el informe preliminar, los operadores de la arribo a Khartum. En un pais donde la guerra civil y fratricida alimentada por
embarcacin en la que viajaron los cubanos presuntamente las milicias de Hassan representala muerte de decenas diariamente, este tipo de
regresaron a Dominicana. Los cubanos iniciaran gestiones compras resultanverdaderas afrentas a la paz mundial y odiosos recordatorios
para solicitar asilo poltico en este territorio estadounidense, de la indiferencia y crueldad del mandatario. Los trabajadores que se observan
separado de la Repblica Dominicana por un peligro ca- a
nal infestado de tiburones. Bajo una ley estadounidense en la foto tienen que destruir los muros de edificacionesque entorpecan el paso
promulgada en 1966, los cubanos que lleguen a tierra es- del yate del omnimodo y depreciable presidente. Propiedad privada, derechos ci-
tadounidense pueden permanecer en Estados Unidos. viles, respeto por la vida o simple compasin son conceptos impensables en la
ARGENTINA agenda de Hassan.
El presidente argentino Nstor Kirchner mantuvo un
grave intercambio de palabras con la esposa de un ex mayor Las Masacres Que Seguimos Permitieno
del Ejrcito, que lo increp durante el discurso que ofreca
con motivo del Da Internacional de la Mujer. En el acto real- (viene de la pgina 1) Recordemos que el gran est en lade muypocos, y es por
izado en la Casa de Gobierno, Kirchner elogiaba a "nuestras desplazados en los campos de pecado de la administracin eso que resulta imperativo que
compaeras" que "tienen un pensamiento independiente, refugiados instalados en los de Clinton fue el abandono de la comunidad hispana presione
dicen lo que piensan y discuten", cuando repentinamente pases fronterizos. Ruanda durante un periodo de a sus dirigentes y se encargue
lo interrumpi Mara Cecilia Pando, esposa del mayor Pe- Kristof, columnista del New masacra sistemtica tnica. A de difundir el mensaje de paz y
dro Mercado, quien fue pasado a retiro el ao pasado pre- York Times recientemente revel machete murieron cerca de 800 de inetrs por la sobrevivencia
cisamente por crticas de su mujer al mandatario. "Seor que los milicianos del presiden- mil hombres, mujeres y nios de unos ignotos africanos en
Presidente, yo no puedo decir lo mismo porque mi marido te Sudans, Hassan -aunque en pocos meses y aunque se le Sudn. Hoy por ti, maana
se qued sin trabajo y lo dejaron en la calle con siete hijos', el gobierno niegue su partici- mostr la evidencia a Clinton, por mi.
dijo Pando, ante la sorpresa general. Kirchner no ignor el pacin-- se han desplazado a al Congreso Americano y las
mensaje e inmediatamente le contest que "no debe ser el la frontera con Chad, su pas Naciones Unidas, nadie hizo MARCHAN INMIGRANTES
tuyo el nico caso". "Hay gente tambin, no slo mujeres, vecino con el afn de cazar nada. EN TAMPA
que se queda sin trabajo. En este caso se est quedando tu como presas salvajes a los des- Bush puede redimir su re- Luis Ibarra, presidente de
marido sin trabajo, para que veas que cuando afecta el dolor, plazados que han huido. calcitrante sesgo personal en la organizacin sin nimo de
afecta por igual, a la mujer como al hombre", agreg. "Y ahora aparentemente, con determinar lo que es diablico lucro, ILUF, Inmigrantes La-
COLOMBIA la bendicin del mundo, Sudn y lo que es sagrado. La vida tinos Unidos de la Florida, ha
Con la voz temblorosa, William Rodrguez Abada, el he- est enviando sus tropas de humana es sagrada y el lo ha convocado a una marcha de
redero natural del Cartel de Cali, anunci ayer en una corte asalto a invadir Chad, matar y dicho, Por qu no la defiende? protesta por las reformas in-
federal de Miami que est dispuesto a declarar en contra violar miembros de las mismas La vida de bebs esta sien- migratorias que se ventilarn
de su padre Miguel Rodrguez Orejuela y su to Gilberto en tribus africanas que han venido do extreminada simplemente en el Senado proximamente.
un eventual juicio por narcotrfico que ambos cabecillas asesinado en Darfur", asegura porque los milicianos saben La marcha serealzar a las
de la organizacin encaran en esta ciudad.Como parte del Kristof con cierta rabia. que ellos se convertirn en 9 am. en la esquina de Dale
sorpresivo acuerdo e culpabilidad suscrito con la iscala Nuevamente el mundo est adultos y en sus posibles ver- Mabry y Columbus, o esquina
sum-nistrar informacin sobre el pago de sobornos a auto- ocurrido la dcada pasada exterminio completo de ciertas importante que usted asista y
ridades colombianas por parte del Cartel de Cali. Tambin en Ruanda, o la masacre de tribus africanas y es posible que muestre su solidaridad, aunque
acord que facilitar la confiscacin de propiedades y ac- armenios, de cambodianos 0 lo logren si llegan a los campos sea residente o ciudadano, con
ciones a su nombre-en empresas de Amrica Latina, Europa de judos ms remotamente, y de refugiados emplazados en aquellos que estn siendo aco-
y Estados Unidos que suman ms de $300 millones, segn tristemente el reporte de parsi- Chad. rralados por una seie de leyes
el gobierno. "Es muy difcil para m, porque son mi padre y monia y de ignominia resulta Una vez la suerte de muchos que los criminaliza.
mi to, pero estoy de acuerdo", respondi Rodrguez Abada ofensivo y lamentable. Alcaldia leAyu con Impuestos
en ingls al juez federal Federico Moreno. La Secretaria de Estado le u
eRaF r Mnorteamericana, Condolezza La Alcalda de Tampa en compaa de los Condados de
URUGUAY Rice, ha visitado a Hassan, le Hillsborough y Pinellas han lanzado una campaa pblica,
El presidente Tabar Vzquez emprender el viernes una ha estrechado la mano y le ha "Campaa de Prosperidad" que busca ayudar a la ciudadana
gira por cinco pases sudamericanos inicindola en Chile, pedido que proteja a su gente. a preparar sus impuestos del 2006. La ceremonia de inau-
para informar de la dura. crisis que afronta con Argentina Todo ese acto circense no pasa guracin tuvo lugar el 11 de enero en el centro de Servicios
por la oposicin de ese pas a dos plantas de celulosa en de una fotografa que aparece del vecindario de Rome. Muchos sitios de preparacin de im-
suelo uruguayo. En Santiago, adems de reunirse el viernes en diarios del mundo como puestos estarn abiertos hasta el 15 de abril del 2006. Para
con su colega Ricardo Lagos, participar de la asuncin de respuesta a un conflicto que una lista completa de todas las localidades que ofrecen esta
la nueva mandataria Michelle Bachelet, donde tambin es- contina asesinado a inocen- ayuda gratuita se pideque llamen al 211, o si usan celular
tar el presidente argentino Nstor Kirchner. tes mientras sonrien, firman al (813)234-1234. En esta ocasin se busca que las familias
tratados y brindan con cham- americanas reciban el beneficios del crdito tributario por
pagne. ingresos or Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Para ms in-
LA GACETA (USPS 299-240) Qu espera el presidente formacin llame al (813)258-2599.
THE NATION'S ON LYTRI-LINGUAL :NEWSPAPER Bush para apoyar una resolu- Continan Estafas de la Lotera
THE NATIOS ONLTRI-LINGUAL NE PAPER cin de las Naciones Unidas que
Published Every Friday By LA GACETA PUBLISHING, INC. intervenga de manera radical en El Departamento de Polica de Tampa ha informado que re-
neutralizar la masacre? cientemente varios hispanos, en su mayora personas mayores
VICTORIANO MANTEIGA (1894-1982) FOUNDER Es claro que Sudn no tiene de buen corazn, han cado vctimas de las estafas de la lotera,
ROLAND MANTEIGA (1920-1998) EDITOR AND PUBLISHER armas nucleares y no represen- en las que los malechores abordan en sitios pblicos a las vcti-
ta una amenaza a la seguridad mas, identificndose como inmigrantes ilegales ganadores de la
PATRICK MANTEIGA...............................................Editor and Publisher nacional, pero la comunidad in- lotera, pero inhabilitados para recoger el premio. Ofrecen a sus
ANGIE MANTEIGA... ..............................Associate Publisher ternacional en pleno apoya una vctimas la oportunidad de compartir y redimir el tiquete por una
intervencin pacificadora en el fraccin del alegado valor de lo ganado y esto atrae lamentable-
LEONARDO LE ON............................................................Spanish Editor area. Se necesitan ms que uno mente a muchos hispanos. Varios metodos se usan para hacer
Entered as Second Class Matter in 1923 o dos barcosen las lejanas cos- que las vctimas entreguen efectivo y de manera habilidosa
Periodical Postage Paid at 0 Tampa, Florida tas para que los asesinos dejen los malehechores huyen con el efectivo, a veces joyas y otras
su mortal oficio. propiedades de Ias victimas.
P.O. Box 5536, Tampa; Florida:33675, .Phone (813) 248-3921 Fax (813) 247-5357 El presidente Bush debe man- Desde enero del 2005 se han producido este tipo de estafas
Yearly subscription price $26.75 (Hills. Co. only includes tax) dar tropas que garanticen lavida por una cuantia de cien mil dlares. Se pide que sen vigilan-
For prices outside Hillsborough County please call. de los-sobrevivientes. Luego, si le tes y que reconozcan como peligrosas estas seales: "Estoy
VisitourWebsteat:wwwa acetanewsoercom place, debe presionar a la clase .aqui- ilegalmente aydenme a cambiar el boleto de Iotera,
POSTfMASTER: Send addresschanges4to LaGahceta: dirigentesudanesaylaConfede- necesito an representante y quiero compartir el dinero". Si
P 0. Boxe5536 racin de- Repblicas Africanas tiene sospecha~ s de algo similar o de un crimern ya cometido por
.. ............... .,T f a .. para que:se enearguende dirigir favor comuniquese con el Departamento de Policia llamando-
,_ _a Sud,n haci la paz. al (.8I3)231-613"0
Pgia a 2/A GAC'EA/I'Vier nes, ~0de marzo de- 2006.
Leoneth Rodrguez, El Hombre de Macondo en Tampa
Por: Leonardo Len sensible, ms parecido a un Por azares del destino odio- comprimidos varias dcadas y los cuentos increbles de su
Lleg temprano a la cita anfibio reclamando volver a su so, la Colombia que recibi a de leyendas macondianas, el hermano mayor.
vespertina, vestido cuidadosa- elemento con urgencia, que al- tantos inmigrantes rabes, olor salitre del Magdalena, la Le ped que comenzara por
mente con una camisa ama- guien preocupado por mostrar europeos y africanos durante bullaranga de los nios de el principio y no le qued difcil
rilla larga, sencilla que se algo, por completarsu agendao 4 siglos continuos, hoy empuja El Banco despidiendo a sus mencionar a su padre Juan
vea cmoda; pareca una por hacer una diligencia ms. al exilio forzoso a hombres del padres pescadores, las gui- Manuel Rodrguez, pescador
guayabera, pero no era. Vena, Este hombre, de figura tamao de Leoneth. D rabia tarras serenando las calen- del Banco y su madre Cornelia
quizs, indeciso a contar una recia, tez canela y cabello saber que la patria de Mrquez turas imposibles de la costa, Moreno. Ambos campesinos
vez ms la historia de su vida, azabache intenso con incipien- vomita de sus entraas a sus los acordeones plaideros de nacidos cerca del celebre puebli-
que traa cuidadosamente or- tes manantiales grises, que mejores hijos. historias de conquistadores (pasa a la pgina 9)
denada debajo del brazo en un hubiese podido llorar en medio El pintor lleg a Tampa hace
flder manila. Muchas veces de la entrevista, no puede ser 5 aos con su esposa, Clara
antes lo haba hecho. otro distinto a Leoneth Ro- Ins Rivera y sus dos hijos,
Su tono seguro, voz pausada drquez; artista colombiano, Juan Manuel y Malena huyen-
y monlogo cuidadosamente amigo del ya fallecido Maestro do del cncer de la violencia *N O N
repasado me dejaron claro Escalona, coterrneo del gran y las amenazas infundadas.A donde est
que Leoneth Rodrguez, era Mrquez, Obregn y otros Ya haba presentado por dos
un hombre al que deba es- grandes librepensadores de dcadas numerosas veces sus
cuchar. Tenia algo que decir. la costa colombiana. Viene de obras en galerias de Colom-
A partir del saludo, se revel una raza de cclopes y eso lo bia al lado de renombrados
un ser humano infinitamente dice todo. pintores, pues l es uno ms FESTIVAL DEL RENACIMIENTO EN EL MOSI
Desde el pasado 25 de febrero y hasta el 9 de abril se
presentar en las instalaciones del Museo de Ciencia e
SIndustria de Tampa (MOSI) el Festival Renacentista de la
Baha. Actores y actrices vestidas con'diferentes trajes de
distintas pocas reviven cada fin de semana episodios de la
historia. Combates cuerpo a cuerpo con espadas y armas
antiguas se producen sin dejar heridos y ante el asombro
de las muchedumbres que aplauden.
Este fin de semana est dedicado a la hispanidad y
por eso se presenta la Corte Espaola con un grupo my
selecto de artistas que incluyen al conocido Luis Otero,
famoso por su papel en Don Juan Tenorio. No olvide ver
a los juglares, las armaduras, los caballos, magos, los
come-fuegos y para los amantes de ajedrez, que mejor que
una partidacon personas, peones, alfiles, reyes y reinas
de carne 3 hueso!
Los boletos se pueden conseguir en el MOSI o en el
portal www.renaissancefestival.com/bay-area.htm. Para
ms informacin llamar al 1(800) 779-4910.
Hasta este domingo 12 de marzo regresa a la ciudad
de Planta City, el famoso Festival de la Fresa o Strawberry
Festival por su nombre en ingls. La admisin tiene un costo
de $9 para mayores de 13 aos, 5 para menores entre 6 y 12
aos y nios menores de 5 aos entran gratis con la compra
de un tiquete de un adulto. Los boletos para los conciertos
que diariamente se presentan oscilan entre $10 y $25 dlares
por persona.
Las atracciones diarias gratuitas incluyen: Las estrellas
acrbatas de Peking a las 11:30 am. 2:30 pm. 5:30 y 8:30
pm; Dennis Lee a la lpm.; La coral de la Catedral Bblica,
Arthur Jones, Stephen Jones. El show de Rowdy Rooster a
las 11:30 am, 4 pm. y 7 pm. El show Roving Vehicle a las
"La obra de Leoneth Rodrguez es un canto vallenato lleno de vivencias que 10:30 am., 1:30 pm. y 5:30 pm. Msica Andina, RunaPacha:
hablan directamente al alma de quien las mira. No puedo catalogar sus pin- "Indian World" a las 10:30 am., 12:15 pm y 2:15 pm.
turas dentro del marco de una escuela especfica y es por eso que tanto me SeLpuede conseguir un brazalete para montar todas las
atraccciones mecnicas por $17 dlares. Si desea mayor in-
gustan y admiro las obras de Leoneth y me transportan a aquellos tiempos en formacin acerca de los eventos diarios y descuentos llame
que siendo muchacho an, empec a pintar con Jaime Molina o cuando aos al (813)752-9194. La feria- esta localizada en el 2202 West
despus me tropezaba con la magia de Gabriel Garca Mrquez y Alejandro Reybolds St. de la ciudad de Plant City.
Obregn en el Grupo, "la Cueva" de Barranquilla. Gabo pintaba palabras DIA DE DIVERSION FAMILIAR EN EL YMCA
y Alejandro pintaba cndores... con la misma emocin hoy veo a Leoneth La Organizacin de Jvenes de Amrica, ms conocida
como YMCA tendr un da de diversiones para nios y toda
atrapando en cada pincelada suya los sueos, la nostalgia, el sentimiento y la la familia en el YMCA de Northwest Hillsborough (8950 W.
fuerza del hombre latino, caribe, universal... el hombre macondo", palabras Waters Ave), maana sbado.11 de marzo de 7 am. a 7 pm.
del fallecido Maestro Rafael Escalona. Se jugarn partidos de bisbol, basketball, hockey y se rea-
lizarn actividades informativas sobre cmo educar a los
de ese puado que se puede hijos, actividades manuales, historias de cuentos y mucho
enclaustrar en su estudio y ms, anunciaron los organizadores. Los eventos del da
despus de unas horas, das estn separados en 4 secciones: Zona de Nios, Programas
o semanas quizs, salir con' de super-deportes, programa pre-escolar y entrenamiento
una verdadera obra de arte, de lderes. Para ms informacin llame al (813)249-8510
llena de simbolos, de colores, o visite el portal www.tampaymca.org
de exclamaciones comunes. ROCK EN ESPANOL EN TAMPA
Durante su experiencia Hoy viernes a partir de las 8 pm. y hasta las 12 pm.
Scolombiana, Leoneth actu se presentan 5 bandas locales de la Baha de Tampa.de
como una especie de super- rock en espaol en "La Cueva" del centro de Tampa (802
_____ _embajador cultural entre dife- E. Withing Street). "Rock en la Baha" es el nombre de la
waNrentes etnias indgenas y asociacin de muchas bandas de Rock ne espaol locales
entidades acadmicas como que finalmente le mostraran al pblico de la Baha lo que
la Universidad Nacional y, son capaces de hacer. La boletas son a $5 dlares y natu-
6n 4 2ni0c di d/s *Jn a Colcultura. Ayud a fundar 13 ralemente slo se permite la entrada a mayores de edad.
museos, varios arqueolgicos Para ms informacin llame al (813) 810-4244.
y a recoger la dispersa historia DELIRIUM DE CIRQUE DU SOLEIL
oral de los pueblos indgenas Resulta extraodinario que la compaa Cirque Du Soleil
acorralados por el peso de la realice funciones fuera de su acostumbrada carpa azul,
modernidad. Vivi en Bogot pero la excepcin es, Delirium, obra que presentan en el
S ~ durante 12 aos donde des- St. Pete Times Forum durante los dias 9 y 10 de abril. Los
cubri el gusto por la soledad, creadores y directores, Michel Lemieux y Vctor Piln, han
y quizs fue el clima londinense logrado mezclar elementos musicales diversos, coregografas
capitalino lo que excacerb agresivas que aseguran transforman el escenario en una
cierto aire de melancola que "locura". Como todas las presentaciones del reconocido circo
lleva en profundamente pegado mundial, delirium promete para el espectador una velada
en sus ojos. Luego se fue a vivir nica y mgica. Los boletos de $71 hasta $112 dlares ya
a Ibague donde conoci a su es- estn a la venta en Ticketmaster y el Sundome de USF. Para
posa y de donde se desprende la ms informacin llame al (813) 301-2500.
historia de la reciente experien- EL CONDADO SE REUNE CON LOS HISPANOS
cia americana. El martes 14 de marzo se llevar a cabo una reunin pblica
Sin embargo, es un hombre entre la comunidad Hispana y las directivas del Condado de
de risa resuelta. a quien se le Hillsborough. Segn la oficina del coordinador de Asuntos
ilumina el rostro al hablar de su Hispanos, Tony Morejn, "Los Comisionados del Condado de
esposa y sus hijos, y determi- Hillsborough estn interesados en escuchar los comentarios y
nado a triunfar con su arte y a las preocupaciones de la comunidad Hispana sobre los servicios
aceptar las nuevas condiciones que reciben del Condado de Hillsborough". El evento tendr
de vida en los Estados Unidos. lugar a partir de las 6 pm. en el auditorio de la escuela de
Se confiesa como un desobe- Armwood High School, localizada en el 12000 E. US Highway
"diente indisciplinado espe- 92 de Seffner. Aquellos que no puedan asistir podrn hacer
1cialmente con las cuestiones sus comentarios o preguntas llamando al 272-5275. Estos.
Sacadmicas y aunque nunca mensajes se leern durante la reunin y los residentes podrn
estudi formalmente, termin ver su respuesta mas adelante a travs de HTV22, el canal
'siendo profesor de la escuela del gobierno del Condado de Hillsborough que se transmite
> de Bellas Artes. por el canal de cable 22. Para ms informacin se puede
S'n rs u ltas' venian llamar a Morejn (813) 276-8622.
LA" GOACETA i'ernws "1" de mirzode 2006o/Pgina 3
SProtesta de Baragu, Marzo 15 de 1878
Solo M u jeres Por. Marta Muln Romero Campos. Sin embargo, esos diez aos
Bajo el nombre de Protesta de En los artculos de esta capitu- en que la sangrienta lucha nunca
Por la Dra. Silvia Jimnez Baragu registra la historia de lacin, se consignaron promesas ces y el agotamiento de las fuer-
Cuba uno de los episodios ms -y llamados hechos que influan zas materiales de los patriotas
n ,- 1* brillantes "donde la rebelda noble en el rgimen poltico -social de hicieron presumir que el pacto
Qu es la iViM e cina Dulce? y altiva" del mayor general Anto- la Isla, a saber: firmado en el Zanjn llegara a
nio Maceo y Grajales consagr a Primero: Introduccin en ser admitido por lo menos como
El papel de ciertos carbohidratos en la prevencin y el la gloriosaenseaproezas dignas Cuba de condiciones semejantes el principio de una tregua entre
tratamiento del cncer, recintemente est siendo estudiado e los atributos de la fama. a las que regan en Puerto Rico. los espaoles y los patriotas
Muchos de estos carbohidratos (parte de las glucoprotenas), Si hubo una protesta ese Segundo: Olvido del pasado cubanos.
tienen cambios en las clulas cancerosas, relacionados a da se sobre entiende que hubo respecto de los delitos polticos Mucho quedaba por hacer an
las propiedadea s de adhesividad (las clulas cancerosas se causa y efecto por algo. Ese algo cometidos desde 1868. antes de que en la Isla imperase
"adhieren"a otras celulas) y la diseminacin del cncer (me- est tambin registrado en la Tercero: Libertad de los colo- la paz totalmente.
tstasis). Las glucoprotenas alteradas, pueden modificar la historia bajo el nombre de Pacto nos asiticos y esclavos que se Baranu hizo realidad la in-
habilidad de las clulas cancerosas o tumorales, evitando de Zanjn. hallasen en las filas revoluciona- sistencia del general Arsenio
la respuesta normal, o "engaando al sistema inmune (para Fue en el Zanjn, en Ca- rias el da del pacto. Martnez Campos para llegar
seguir su crecimiento anormal). Glucoprotenas alteradas se maguey, donde se concluy un Lgicamente el pacto se ha- con el genral Antonio Maceo a
han encontrado en el cncer de intestino, ovario, prstata y pacto entre cubanos y espaoles llaba lejos de satisfacer ls as- un arreglo que pusiese paz en el
pulman. La manosa (carbohidrato) es el principio activo de la que queran mantener en Cuba piraciones alimentadas por los departamento oriental de la Isla,
planta loe Vera (sbila), utilizada enla actualidad en infinidad la dominacin espaola, idea revolucionarios en la larga lucha donde nunca ces el fuego. Bajo
de productos.- pacificadora de Arsenio Martnez de diez aos. sus famosos mangos,laesperada
Sind e p roductos, el loe Vera tiene ms de 200 polisacrpacificadora de Arsenio Martnez de diez aos. sus famosos mangos, la esperada
Sin embargo, el loe Vera tiene ms de 200 polisacridos y entrevista ocurri.
slo unos cuantos ayudan en la funcin del sistema inmune LifePath Ofrece C n ej a o ar Desde
en humanos. El hecho que los productos de sbila en el mer- LifiePLlL C onsejerla Era el 15 de marzo. Desde el
cado anotan en su etiqueta que son 100% puros,. no quiere no haba dado resultado.
decir que estn compuestos del principio activo. Otras fuentes El hospicio, LifePath Hospice de Tampa est ofreciendo grupos no haba dado resultado.
naturales de carbohidratos son: cebollas, puerros, rbanos, de apoyo nocturnos para menores entre 3 y 18 aos de edad que "La conducta de Maceo en
vinorojo, tomates, la hierba echinacea, muchas variedades de hayan sufrido un trauma por la muerte o enfermedad de un ser aquella ocasim retrat de cu-
hongos (shitake, maitake, reishi, corolus y cordyceps). Pectinas muy cercano. Los grupos estn abiertos a todos aquellos que se erpo entero al campen cuyas
que provienen de frutase, ecialmente las manzaas y toionja. hallen en esta situacin, aunque sus familiares no se encuentren hazaas eran asombro y orgullo
Inulina de la flor de la Dalia y escarola, y un cacts del desierto en el hospicio. Los grupos se reunen en el Centro del Crculo de de los cubanos". Su clebre frase:
"opuntia streptacant la (pckly pear cactus. Amor localizado en el 3010 W. Azeele de Tampa. "No quiero libertad si a ello va
"opuntia streptacantha (pncky pear ciactus). cSe buscan y necesitan voluntarios igualmente. Si usted unida la deshonra", surgi y se
Adema s del cncer, la ausencia de ciertos carbohidratos en la desa ser voluntario puede comunicarse con Tammy Alsing al hizo realidad una vez ms.
dieta, se ha asociado a artritis reumatoidea, asma, inflamacin, (813)383-5243 El intento del general Maceo
fibromialgia, fatiga crnica, disminucin de la actividad an- (813)383 result baldo. Poco ms de un
timicrobiana y antiviral del sistema inmune y muchas otras sAC U M ar a ur l Mtr a boha la t co dcuann
enfermedades crnicas. Las compaas farmacuticas han ACLU M archa por las M ujeres aohsabatdanscrrdon cuando el
iniciado la "carrera" para la introduccin al mercado de ciertos La organizacin, Unin de Libertades Civiles Americanas, ACLU, clan guerrero en Oriente.
carbohidratos, para el tratamiento de diferentes padecimien- en su capitulo de la Baha de Tampa celebrar el mes de la mujer en En otras partes de la Isla la
tos. El artculo ms reciente "Sweet Medicine", que anota los marzo del 2006 con un programa que enfatizalapresencia politica conformidad empezaba a reinar.
adelantos/fue publicado en la revista "Scientific American en de la mujer en la Florida y una marcha. Pat Frank, Directora Ope- Finalmente se hace constar
julio 2002. Me pregunto si en unos 200 aos, los cientficos de rativa de las Cortes del Condado de Hillsborough, cargo obtenido a que Zanjn no fue la tumba se
la poca podrn entender, el por que en el siglo veinte y siglo travs del voto popular, ser una de las ordaoras invitada. Rebecca los ideales emancipadores de los
veintiuno, se invirtieron millones de dlares en "distorsionar Steele, directora regional de ACLU, hablar sobre los temas que cubanos, ms bien abri nica-
qumicamente lo que nos daba la madre naturaleza, solo para afectan los derechos de las mujeres en la Florida y la nacin. mente un breve parntesis en
poder patentarlo y para obtener una sustancia que no slo La marcha tendr lugar el martes 14 de marzo alas 7 pm. en las luchas por la creacin de la
es extraa al cuerpo, sino que casi invariablemente produce la biblioteca pblica, John F. Germany del 900 N. Ashley Drive del Repblica. En ningn momento
efectos secundarios indeseados. Centro de Tampa. La marcha es gratuita y abierta a todo el pblico, se perdi el respeto a la dignidad
Pregunta de la semana del Flaca Club Para ms informacin llame al (813) 254-0925. humana.
Cundo estoy estresada gano peso, porqu? Si el estrs
y la ansiedad permanecen por tiempo prolongado, los niveles
de la hormona cortisol se mantendrn elevados, produciendo
muchos problemas metablicos, entre ellos la habilidad del
cerebro para la utilizacin de la glucosa y problemas en los e deu
centros de control del apetito. Ms infor-macin: www.solo- 110 .. .
mujeres.com remodeacin de su hogar. Gastos
Tampa Honra a Cinthia Miller univeSitaros. Qu ha us
El prestigioso galardn Josephine Howard Stafford Memorial Award
del 2006 ser otorgado a Cinthia (Cindy) Miller, actual directora del
Departamento de Vivienda y Negocios de la Ciudad de Tampa. Este
premio es dado a una empleada de la ciudad que haya trabajado por
ms de 5 aos con la ciudad de Tampa y que haya demostrado un E uyfcipnr a tabjr elva qu shog
gran compromiso de servicio con la comunidad. Miller es miembro de u o pa p i d de ta fi,
United Way, Kid Citym El Museo de los Nios de Tampa, El Ejrcitoos p os fijo de liqid i
de Salvacin y numerosas otras organizaciones locales.s mensuales accesibles con una autorizacin rpida y sin costos de
La alcadesa, Pam Iorio, invita a la comunidad para que se unan a pa
este homenaje hoyviemes alas 11 am. enlos salones 20 y21 del Centro cerre Acuda a su sucursl s cercana, L e at 80 o visi
de Convenciones de Tampa localizado en el 333 S.Franklin Street. sutrustco owrates af d descubr todo o que n Prstao sobre
La oradora invitada es la Dra. Renu Khator, Provost y Vicepresidente el Vaor Lquid d a P dad de Trust uus
Acadmica de la Universidad del Sur de la Florida (USF). '
HART BID # B-5065
Gillig Bus Parts
The Hillsborough Transit Authority will be accepting bids until
2:00 P.M. eastern time, March 24, 2006 for Gillig Bus Parts. Prstamos
The BID documents will be available for download from the a o
HARTline website at www.hartline.org after 11:00 AM, on sobre el Lquido
Monday March 13, 2006. The documents can be located under sobre el Valor Liquido
the Purchasing Section. All inquiries pertaining to the specifica-
tions, or any questions in reference to the Bid documents de la Pro ledad
should be directed to: Darlene Belka, Purchasing Agent, de l a Propiedad
Hillsborough Transit Authority, 4305 East 21st Avenue, Tampa, de SunTrust
Florida 33605 (813) 623-5835. 3/10/06 1T SunTr
iGarantice su pago por
INVITATION TO SEALED BID Debajo de la Tasa Fija Preferencial!
Tampa Bay Water, A Regional Water Supply Authority (Tampa D ao a a Pre ren al
Bay Water), is requesting written sealed bids from vendors who Tasas tan bajas como
are able to provide Tampa Bay Water Water Treatment Chem-
icais according to Tampa Bay Water's specifications.
This request is for:
Contract # 2006-058 Aqueous Ammonia Supply Services
Contract # 2006-059 Quicklime Supply Services de APR* TR
Contract # 2006-060 Coagulation Aid Polymer Supply Services
Contract # 2006-061 Residuals Dewatering Polymer Supply Services Plazo a 10 aos
Contract # 2006-062 Sodium Hydroxide Supply Services
Contract.# 2006-063 Ferric Sulfate Supply Services
Qualified vendors will be required to submit separate bid pro-
posals for each item and only bid Item or Items qualified to bid. *Prefere~~ncial se refiere a la Tasa Preferencial (Prime Rate) publicada en el The Wall5treetoumal, la cual era de 750% al 02/01/06. Las tasas "Por Debajo de a Tasa
Preferencial" fluctan entre el 6.99% y el 7.49% de APR. EstasTasas Porcentuates Anuates (APR) "Por Debajo de id Tasa Preferencial" se aplican a nues as r&stamos at
Written sealed bids must be supplied on forms provided by consumidor totalmente amortizados de $50.000 o ms con una R1 o ina nelaCon e Prstamo y eVaor (CLTV) d 80% o menos, un plazo de lquidacn de
240 meses o menos, y pago automtico a travds de la deduccin de una cuenta de depsito de SunTust Bank. Su tasa de inters podra ser diferente basndose en la
Tampa Bay Water and bids will be received until 2:00 p:m. cantidad del pr6stamo, el plazo de liqui daci6n, e CLTV u otros factores, y generalmente, las tasas estdar fluctan entre el 6.99% y el 10.24% de APRl. Ejemplo deago:
un prstamo de $S0,000/a plazo de 10 aos con una APR de 7.24% resultaria en 120 pagos mensuales de S586.75 Ofertaaplicable a solicitudes recibidas el 04/30 06
Friday, March 24th, 2006 at our Clearwater office ocated at o antes y que cierren el 05/12/06 o antes. Oferta y tasas sujetas acambio sin previo aviso. Esta oferta s6lo est disponible con residencias unifamiliares o condominios
2575habitados por el propietario que estn ubicados en AL. AR, DC, FL, GA, MD, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA o WV y no es vlida con viviendas prefabricadas ni cooperativas. SunTrust
2575 Enterprise Road, Clearwater, FL. 33763. debe poseer el primer o segundoderecho de retenci6n sobre el colateral. Se requiere seguro sobre la propiedad y.de ser pertinente tambin se requerr seguro
contra inundaciones. Se aplican exclusiones y limitaciones. Consulte a su asesor fiscal acerca de la deductibiUdad de los intereses. Generalmente se toman decisiones
Specifications and forms may be obtained at Tampa Bay preliminaressobre los prstamos dentro del periodo de 24 horas siguiente a la fecha de recepci6n de las solicitudes recibidas durante horas.hbiles normales.
Water's office located at 2575 Enterprise Road, CleaMrwater, En nuevos prstamosde $20.0000 o m6rs, SunTrust Bank adelantard los costos de cierre en su nombre, excluyendo las cuotas sobre el seguro del titulo de propiedad
L. 33763 or by cntacting Tampa Bay Water Record y otras cuotas relacionadas, de ser requeridas; no obstante, si usted cierra su cuenta dentro de un periodo de tres (3) ailos, le aadiremos todos los costos de ierre
FL. 33763 or by contacting Tampa Bay Water Records adelantados en su nombre a su saldo pendiente de pago a fin de que nos sean reembolsados. EItotal de los costos de cierre generalmente fluctan entre S100 y $1,500.
Department at (727) 796-2355. lInstitucin Equitativa de Credito para la Vivienda. SunTrust Bank, Miembrode FDIC. C2006 SunTrust Banks, Inc. SunTrusty "Viendo ms alli deldinero" son marcas
3/10/06 1T de servicio de SunTrust Banks, Inc.
E~gina4/L-- A GAETA/ViE~nesL &:de~,iuarzo.de 2~006
y fue llevado a un hospital de empate del Vida y que Motagua
Scottsdale, donde muri en la cay en la capital.
madrugada del lunes. En me- Vida empat 1-1 con Platense
dio del duelo por la muerte, se con un goles de Jeffrey Brooks y
Por Harvey Grajales destacaba un cartel frente al de Vanny Lozano. Real Espaa,
Metrodome y junto a una calle por su lado, derrot 1-0 a Mo-
(viene de la pgina 1) Federico Bez, yno fue hasta que Japn estaba integrado por: que lleva el nombre del famoso tagua en el estadio Nacional de
Ortiz sacudi dos jonrones Alexis Ros sacudi un jonrn Corea del Sur (que clasific pelotero miembro del Saln de Tegucigalpa con un tanto de
y Beltr conect otro par en un solitario en el quinto episodio a la segunda ronda invicto 3 la Fama. Juan Carlos Diaz.
partido con pronstico reservado. que el color regres al rostro de ganados y ninguno perdido. La BARRY US ESTEROIDES En otros resultados, Olimpia
Dominicana y Venezuela son los los boricuas. seleccin de Japn que gan 2 Barry Bonds us una can- super 2-1 a Valencia y Uni-
favoritos del Grupo D, dos equi- Carlos Lee, toletero de los y perdi 1, tambin clasific. tidad de sustancias para me- versidad venci 2-1 al sotanero
pos repletos de estrellas de las Cerveceros de Milwaukee, anot Taiwan y China quedaron elimi- jorar su rendimiento, incluidos Hispano. Asimismo, Marathn
mayores de principio a fin. la nica carrera panamea en nados. esteroides y la hormona del igual 1-1 con Victoria.
A ltima hora, el poderoso el cuarto inning, remolcado por El Grupo B, con sede en Ari- crecimiento humano, durante MEXICO: Los Jaguares de
bateo dominicano pudo ms una base por bolas. zona, est integrado por: Esta- por lo menos cinco temporadas, Chiapas sacaron de visita un
que los brazos de Johan San- Ros empat el tablero en la dos Unidos, Canad Sudafrica empezando en 1998, segn un empate a un gol con los "Monar-
tana, Carlos Zambrano, Vctor quinta con su cuadrangular, la y Mxico. Hoy viernes juegan libro de dos reporteros del diario cas" de Morelia y mantuvieron
Zambrano y compaa en un nica carrera permitida por el en Scottsdale Ari. Sudafrica Vs. San Francisco Chronicle. la punta del torneo Clausura
estadio de Orlando Florida que abridor Lenn Picota, y Bernie USA. 3pm. AUTOMOVILISMO 2006 del ftbol mexicano.
se pint de merengue, salsa, Williams remolc la segunda Grupo C, con sede en Puerto El piloto estadounidense CHILE: El entrenador ar-
tambores y sabor caribeo. anotacin boricua con un sen- Rico est integrado por Puerto Denny Hamlin gan en Mxico gentino Claudio Borghi, que ha
En el segundo partido de la cillo en ese mismo acto. Rico, Cuba, Panamy Holan-da. su primera carrera de la serie convertido a Colo Colo en una
llave, los italianos, encabezados En el Grupo B en Arizona, Hoyjuegan Panamvs Holanda, Nascar-Busch y el anfitrin verdadera mquina de ataque,
por el catcher Mike Piazza y el Estados Unidos exhibi su 1 pm. Cuba vs Puerto Rico 7 Carlos Contreras fue el mejor recibi una oferta de 50.000
infranqueable pitcheo de Jason pitcheo de lujo y toler apenas pm. de los ocho mexicanos par- dlares mensuales para hacerse
Grilli, castigaron con 12 hits a cuatro hits a la alineacin Grupo D, con sede Kissim- ticipantes al terminar en el cargo del Atlante de Mxico.
Australia para imponerse en mexicana. mee Fi., integrado por: Repbli- undcimo sitio. Clausura 2006 del ftbol mexi-
siete entradas. Mxico enfrent sin tapujos ca Dominicana, Italia, Venezu- Por otro lado, el campen cano.
En el estadio Hiram Bithorn a Estados Unidos, uno de los ela y Australia. mundial francs, Sebastien ITALIA: Fiorentina gana en
de San Juan, los aficionados se conjuntos en la corta lista de Hoy juegan Repblica Do- Loeb gan el rally FIA Mxico el ltimo minuto. Con un gol
quedaron sin uas que comerse favoritos, hasta que Derrek Lee minicana Vs Australia 7pm. el domingo, la primera victoria agnico de Giampaolo- Pazzini,
al ver a su equipo, el favorito del la sac del parque en la cuarta La Segunda Ronda empieza el este ao para el piloto francs. en que fue determinante el chi-
Grupo C, vencer a duras penas entrada frente al abridor Ro- domingo 12 en Anaheim Cali- GOLF leno Luis Jimnez, Fiorentina
a una novena panamea por la drigo Lpez. fornia. Tiger Woods exhibi en Mia- se impuso el domingo 2-1 al
que pocos daban un centavo. Chipper Jones produjo la MUERE PUCKETT mi su mejor y peor golf ante un Siena y se ubic transitoria-
Los canaleros dieron el primer otra raya en la sptima con un El ex astro de los Mellizos impecable e inmenso Camilo mente en el cuarto lugar de la
campanazo en la cuarta, apro- vuelacerca solitario ante Oscar de Minnesota Kirby Puckett Villegas, de Colombia al que no liga italiana.
vechando el descontrol del abri- Villarreal. sufri el domingo un ataque de le bastaron sus mejores golpes MUNDIAL DE FUTBOL
dor Javier Vzquez y su relevo El Grupo A, con sede en apopleja en su casa de Arizona para vencer en el campeonato al La FIFA no excluir a Irn
_ _ _ mejor del mundo.La A r a
FUTBOL EN EL MUNDO por programa nuclear La FIFA
har caso omiso a las peti-
Jos A. Baents de 45 aones de excluirdad y Jos Barri de lant
de 33 aos de edad fueron arrestados en Wimauma por la
rina o Rit ed Po ra Ser Ele l idad antnarcticos de la OfCopna Mundialguac de ftbol que se
I kilos de cocalna por valor estimado de $314 mil dlares, as
Para Ayuda de FEM A como marijuana y parafernalia. A. y B. Barrientos, respectiva-
mente tio y sobrino eran unos de los mayores proveedeores de
narcticos en Tampa, Brandon y el rea sobre la Universidad del
Sur de la Florida, gracias a(USF).
iLa Poli e Patrulla!
La fUsted Fue Afectado potar l a a sistencia de El detective, Craig Darlak, regresaba a su casa en su vehculo
Sd e 33 aos de edad fueron alerta policido que infomaba de
Katr i Rita U d Pod Se El gibl unidad antinarcticos de la Oficina del Alguacil del Condado
FEMA ne el 11 de maraz de E0 un robo qem ue estaba ocurriendo cerca. Darlak acudi a la escena
kilos del crimen y alcanza ver valor estimad Jamel Taylor de 17 areos, aseje-
para Ayuda de FEM A como marijuana y parafernalia. A. y B. Barrientos, respectiva-
mcutandte to y sob o a mano aada. Cuando Tayores proveealideoresl almacde
narctios en el 14833 le apuntdon y el rdetective y ste respondidad con
Hay distint programas de ayuda para lo ale ted p a varias rfagas. Taylor huy hacia un estacionamiento y mSF).s tarde
La fecha lmite para solicitar la asistencia de El detective, Craig Darlak, regresaba a su casa en su vehculo
a un rea rescuch un mensaje de falerta poliue aprehendidorAunque
FEMA es el 11 de marzo de 2006. un robo que estaba ocurriendo cerca. Darlak acudi a la escena
del crimen y alcanz a ver a, Rashad Jamel Taylor de 17 aos, eje-
cutando el robo a mano armada. Cuando Taylor sali del almacn
situado en el 14833 le apunt al detective y ste respondi con
Hay distintos programas de ayuda para los cuales usted podra varias rfagas. Taylor huy hacia un estacionamiento y ms tarde
a un rea residencial donde finalmente fue aprehendid0.Aunque
ser elegible. Los programas incluyen: asistencia para vivienda nadie result herido, el sospechoso fue acusado de asalto armado y
asalto agravado a un oficial. Los detectives recuperaron la mscara
temporera, subvenciones para necesidades serias relacionadas y arma que el sospechoso haba arrojado en su huida.
al desastre y para realizar reparos al hogar que no estn cubiertos Ronald Gannon de 41 aos fue arrestado la semana pasada
despus de que una investigacin criminal concluyera que era
por una pliza de seguros u otro programa de asistencia, responsable de un desfalco de $30 mil dlares de la compaa
Connecticut Schoold Broadcasting, localizada en el 3901 Coco-
o prstamos por desastre a bajo inters de la Administracin de nut Plam Drive de Tampa. Gannon haba estado sacando dinero
por los pasados 3 aos a travs del nombre falso, Rhon Cannon,
Pequeos Negocios. No es necesario completar el formulario de cuyo seguro social e informacin fueron creadas artificialmente
con la finalidad de justificar la expedicin de cheques que iban
prstamos de SBA para ser considerado para el programa a parar la cuenta de Gannon. Gannon que fue despedido de la
compaa en febrero del 2006 fue acusado de 48 cargos de hacer
de asistencia de vivienda temporera de FEMA o fondos para efectivo o depositar cheques con el intento de cometer fraudes
de asistencia de vivienda temprera dey negociar con propiedad robada. Gannon igualmente destruy
otras necesidades relacionadas al desastre rcords privados contables.
tra necesidades relacionadas al desastre. El detective de la Oficina del Alguacil del Condado, Howard
Lpez describi a Gannon como un '.leptmano de: Cuello
Balnco", para referirse a un alto ejecutivo con mente criminal.
Llame a FEMA para inscribirse El mercado del 8706 de Harney Road fue robado el pasado
Sviite el sitio Web viernes 3 de marzo y uno de sus empleados, Jos Alvarado
S e de 46 aos, que vive en uno de los cuartos del almacn fue
1-800-621-FEMA (6 a.m. hasta la medianoche, hora del este) golpeado de manera brutal repetidamente por los asaltantes
decuando se percataron de la presencia del hombre. Las heridas
que presenta Alvarado, especialmente en el crneo y torso
TTY: 1-800-462-7585 superior son de gravedad y por tal razn se halla en estado
crtico en el Hospital St. Josephs de Tampa. La investigacin
thttp ://www.fema.gov/spanish contina y los detectives de la oficina del Alguacil del condado
(la programacin s est disponible en ingls) apreciaran cualquier informacin al respecto.
(la programacin slo esta disponible en ingls) CON AMIGOS ASI... PARA QUE ENEMIGOS
Michael Ybarra de 52 aos de edad se encontraba en su
Hay operadores bilinges disponibles. residencia cuando de manera imprevista y sbita, Samuel
Calixto de 26 aos de edad irrumpi en ella con un arma que
inmediatamente se la puso en el cuello a Ybarra. Calixto llev
La asistencia de recuperacin por desastre deFEMA est disponible sin a la victima al cuarto de atrs de la vivienda y lo amenaz
distincin de raza, color, sexo, religin, nacionalidad, edad, incapacidad o de muerte si se atreva a huir. El criminal huy de la escena
situacin econmica. Si usted cree que usted o alguien a quien conoce llevndose un televisor y una grabadora. Los oficiales de la
ha sido discriminado, llame a FEMA al 800-621-3362 o cominquese a la ley llegaron a la vivienda de Ybarra en cuestin de minutos y
a t p fueron capaces de arrestar al Calixto. El arma recobrada era
Oficina Estatal para Derechos Civiles. de perdigones pequeos. La propiedad robada fue devuelta a
~____~___....______.____........._ _- u _dueio. -Y-_barra y Calixto e rarn amigos - -.-..-.-....-.... -j
4'1 GACE-TA V4ie'n_;; T9:d'e.arod e2O iP gih&'5
Y Ahora Viene la Masacre de Chad-Sudn
Noticias de Inmigracion
Director de Inmigracion de Catholic Charities
Por Jos Fernndez
La Carta de Sostenimiento
SPregunta: Me llamo Rodolfo Alvarez, soy residente perma-
nente de los Estados Unidos y la siguiente es mi situacion:
S Tengo un empleo muy bueno y mi ingreso anual es alto por
lo que un amigo me ha pedido que le firme una carta de sos-
tenimiento (affidavit of support 1-864) para que su esposa y
sus hijos puedan emigrar a este pas, pero no estoy seguro si
debo firmar dicha carta. He odo varias versiones acerca de las
responsabilidades al firmarla, pero antes de hacerlo, quisiera
saber en realidad cules podran ser mi responsabilidades
una vez firme la carta de sostenimiento.
Respuesta: Seor lvarez, tiene mucha razn en preguntar
y preocuparse en saber sus responsabilidades antes de firmarle
la carta de sostenimiento a su amigo. Legalmente usted seria
S ,responsable por cualquier problema financiero que tenga la
familia de su amigo; por ejemplo, si la familia de su amigo le
pide ayuda del gobierno, ste podra pedirles a usted que res-
tituya el dinero. Si un miembro de la familia de su amigo, una
vez haya emigrado, tiene un accidente y no est asegurado,
podran reclarmarle a usted la responsabilidad de los gastos.
Gastos mdicos en hospitales pblicos seran potencialmente
su responsabilidad.
La duracin de su responsabilidad finaliza cuando su amigo
adquiera la ciudadana americana o trabaje '10 aos aos en
los Estados Unidos. Recuerde adems que una vez que firme
e inmigracin acepte la carta de sostenimiento no podr re-
tractarse de su decisin.
Si va a firmar una carta de sostenimiento es muy importante
que entienda sus responsabilidades y recuerde que ignorar las
leyes no lo excusa de sus responsabilidades.
Cuestionan Polica de Tampa
El viernes 24 de marzo de 2:30 a 4:30 pm., la oficina de Dere-
chos Civiles del Departamento de Justicia realizar una mesa
redonda con lderes de la comunidad sobre la manera. cmo la
Polica de Tampa (TPD) se dirige y resuelve problemas con la po-
Nicholas D. Kristof, columnista del New York Times, reciente visit Sudn y blacin que tiene limitaciones con el ingls o LEP( manejo limitado
escribi un artculo, "Donde los Asesinos Andan, elVeneno se Extiende", acerca del Ingls). El evento tendr lugar en el saln Martin Luther King
de las tropas del gobierno sudans que en su afn de atacar a los rebeldes de de la Biblioteca Pblica John F. Germany del Centro de Tampa.
Darfur han decidido invadir a su vecino pas Chad. A su paso slo dejan destruc- No estn invitados la prensa o a miembros de la Polica de Tampa.
cin, desolacin y la huella de la muerte en cada villa que arrasan, queman y Para ms informacin acerca del evento se puede comunicar con
en la que violan a las mujeres y matan todos lo varones sin importar la edad. Da e ree)
Precisamente Harum Ismael, le cont a Kristof como los soldados golpearon
brutalmente a su mujer hasta dejarla en coma perpetuo y mataron al beb de
slo 3 meses, simplemente por ser varn. El artculo describe la indiferencia R eun
mundial ante este crimen, la incapacidad de las tropas de Chad para detener el
avance de los asesinos y la an inexistente colaboracin del gobierno de Bush P b li
para detener la masacre. Igualmente destaca el carcter heroico de las pocas Hillsborough P U b ica s
tropas de paz enviadas por las Naciones Unidas. En la foto parecen una mujer County
desplazada con su hijo en uno de los muchos campos de refugiados donde final-
mente pueden comer algo, despus de largos das de viaje y escasez. Para Discutir Asuntos de Vivienda
Informe: USRR Involucrada en Atentado al Papa y Desarrollo Econmico
El Condado de Hillsborough tendr una serie de reuniones pblicas
Por: Arturo R. Rivera, J.D. Como se especulaba en Wojtyla, nombre de pila del para obtener opiniones de cmo utilizar fondos pblicos-para
Enuna noticia, que no causa aos anteriores, la comisin papa Juan Pablo II. En el vivienda, servicios pblicos, servicios para personas sin hogar y
sorpresa alguna, la comisin sostuvo que el Papa era un informe se sostiene, adems, proyectos de desarrollo comunitario.
del parlamento italiano con- peligro para la Unin Sovitica que una fotografa muestra a
cluy, ms all de cualquier porque respaldaba al movi- un hombre blgaro, absuelto El Condado de Hillsborough utilizara esta informacin para crear un
duda razonable, que la Unin miento sindical, Solidaridad, de participacin en el intento Plan Consolidado de 5 aos el cual guiar el uso de aproximadamente
Sovitica fue responsable del en su patria Polonia. de asesinato del 13 de mayo $10 millones recibidos anualmente del Departamento Estadounidense
intento de asesinato al papa La comisin sostiene, in- de 1981, estaba en la plaza de
Juan Pablo II en 1981. Esta es dudablemente, que los lderes San Pedro cuando Mahmet Ali de Vivienda y Desarrollo Humano.
una teora que por aos se ha de la Unin Sovitica tuvieron Agca le dispar al pontfice.
estado debatiendo. la iniciativa de matar a Karol El blgaro era un agente del En estas reuniones, personal del condado le pedir su opinin y
servicio secreto de Bulgaria y contestaran preguntas del pblico. Si usted no puede asistir a esta
Reuninde o Amigos delRiverwalk trabajaba para la inte.ligencia reunin, puede obtener una encuesta a partir del 27 de marzo en
El 14 de marzo, la alcaldesa de Tampa, Pam Iorio, y los militar sovitica, pero un tri- nuestra pgina de Internet: www.hillsboroughcounty.org/hcce.
"Amigos del Paseo del Ro" o "Friends of the Riverwalk" harn el bunal italiano sostuvo que no
anuncio oficial defPlan Maestro y la Campaa para la Creacin existan suficientes evidencias Le invitamos a presentar su opinin en estas reuniones:
del Riverwalk Project, una de las obras ms importantes de para acusar a los blgaros por27demarzo Lunes 10 deabril
la administracin de la alcaldesa Iorio. El evento tendr lugar 6:30 p.m. c:30 p.m.
traet e a e r Ho e eoAli Agca, de origen turco, 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m.
naturalmente en:el Parque Curtis Hixon del Centro de Tampa. ha cambiado su relato varias Upper Tampa Bay UniversityArea
Para ms informacin puede llamar al (813)274-7416. ,Library CommunityCenter
Para m fr i p ea r 83 4veces y los investigadores con- Library CommunityCenter
Gala D m inicana en Tam pa cluyeron que no saban para 11211 CountryWay Blvd. 14013 N. 22nd St.
La Junta directiva de Mujeres y Hombres Dominicanos Profe- quin trabajaba. Lo cierto es Mircoles 29 de marzo Lunes 24 de abril
sionales de la Baha de Tampa realizar una gala con ocasin del que Agca perteneca a grupos 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m.
dcimo aniversario de fundacin de la institucin el sbado 29 de de extrema derecha y anteri- Progress Village Plant City High School
abril en. el Hotel Sheraton Suites del Aeropuesto de Tampa (4400 ormente haba asesinado a un Recreation Center One Raider Place
Cypress St). Para registrarse o ms informacin acerca del evento periodista
por favor comunquese con lavicepresidenta Damaris Soto Frassica Ciertamente, Juan Pablo 8701 Progress Blvd.
al (813) 831-3730. II fue un agente cataltico en
el derrumb e de la antigua Todos los locales de reunin estn en conformidad con la Ley para
Abra Su Cuenta Corriente Unin Sovitica. Tanto por Personas con Incapacidades. Para asistencia adicional srvase
su figura carismtica como llamarnos con 48 hors de anticipacin.
Un taller de trabajo acerca de cmo abrir y mantener una por el conocimiento de los so- Para mayor infonnacin,
cuenta corriente en un banco se ofrecer el sbado primero viticos que ya tena desde su favor de llamar a Kemly Jimnez
de abril en las instalaciones del Children's Board del Condado pas natal, Polonia, ayudaron
de Hillsborough, localizado en el 1002 E. Palm Ave. de Tampa. al derrumbe unido, al colapso301-7173)
Este taller est orientado a ofrecer a aquellas personas que han econmico de esa nacin. For information in English,
tenido porblema's de crdito o financieros, manejando cuentas A pesar de ese informe, please call 274-6678.
bancarias o que nunca hayan abierto una. El costo del curso es los hechos que dieron lugar
$30 por persona o $45 por pareja. Para registrarse oa ms infor- al intento de asesinato de HILLSBOROU GH COUNTY
maci llame al Servico de Consejeria del Crdito al Consumidor Juan Pablo II no estn claros / Coaa ogo: o--n A4a;L .--
al 1-800- 741-7040. todava. ___ _
Pgina 6/LA'GACETA/Vi'ernes; 10 de Inarzo de 2006"
Wangari: Nobel de Paz en USF U Beso Solucin a la Depresin
El beso -tema de boleros, tiempo es gris", la organizacin "buen sexo".
inolvidables fotografias y apa- enfatiza que los besos que apor- "Sin embargo, el beso aporta
sionadas escenas en la pantalla, tan ms beneficios para la salud tanto bienestar y placer como
de esas que dan escalofros a y para combatir las tristezas no el buen sexo, y es ms fcil,
S los corazones romnticos-, es son aquellos en los que slo se pudiendo disfrutarlo ya sea en
la mejor terapia, principalmente juntan los labios, sin mucha la intimidad o en pblico", dice
para superar las depresiones pasin o emocion. la experta de esta organizacin,
que caracterizan al mes de Mientras ms "excitantes" que el ao pasado atendi a ms
Senero, revel una organizacin y apasionados sean los besos, de 150 mil personas en el Reino
britnica. "nis adrenalina es liberada en Unido para ayudarles en sus
Vt Liberador de endorfinas la sangre", y mayores son los relaciones de pareja.
Sin embargo, el beso puede beneficios para la salud, ase- Knwoles hizo un especial
Stambin ser mortfero, como gura la organizacin britnica. llamado para que las parejas
comprob una chica cana- La sexloga britnica Denise se besen ms, sobre todo en el
diense, Christina Desforges, que Knowles, que trabaja como mes de enero.
muri a finales del ao pasado asesora de terapia sexual en "Enero es para muchos el
tras darle un beso a su novio Relate, indica que los beneficios mes ms triste del ao, cuando
que acababa de comer un sand- para la salud provocados por el tiempo es gris y las deudas
wich de mantequilla de man, a un beso apasionado se explican contradas en Navidad nos obli-
la que ella era alrgica. porque una fuerte liberacin de gan a muchos a privarnos de al-
El beso "estimula la parte del adrenalina provoca un aumento gunas cosas", afirma Knowles.
cerebro que libera endorfinas en de la tensin arterial y del ritmo La sexloga exhorta por ello a
el torrente sanguneo creando cardaco. las parejas a que, asi como pagan
una sensacin de bienestar", Knowles lamenta por eso las deudas navideas, cancelen
afirm la principal agencia de que frecuentemente el beso es tambin las "deudas emociona-
terapia sexual britnica, Relate, relegado en las relaciones de les" pendientes, empezando a
con sede en Londres. pareja, en una sociedad donde pagarlas...con un beso.
Las endorfinas son los opi- la gente busca sobre todo tener
ceos naturales del organismo,
cuya liberacin en el cerebro Talle de Da a Br ile
provoca una sensacin placen- er e Danza Brasilea
tera, actuando como antdoto El centro artistico, The New Place Multicultural Arts Center y
para la depresin. la Compaa Americana de Danza y Teatro, Ensamblaje, invitan
Lafundadoradelmovimiento GreenbeltPremioNobel Recordandoquelos beneficios a los adultos de la comunidad a que participen de un taller de
de Paz 204, Comisionada por Kenya para Asuntos para la salud de la liberacin danza gratuito que se realizar el martes 21 de marzo a las 5:30
de Paz 4, C nada p Keny p ara Asuos de endorfinas provocada por pm. en el 2811 17 N Street de Tampa. La Directora del New Place,
Ambientales, Wangari Maathai, hablar el jueves 23 un beso han generado ya irmu- Rachel Ache, le pide a las personas que reserven que cumplan
de marzo en la Universidad del Sur de la Florida en el merables documentos cientficos, con su compromiso de asistir. Para ms informacin se puede
centro de estudios universitarios Marshal Centeralas la organizacin britnica hace llamar al (813) 241-4706.
7 pmm. La conferencia de la Dra. Maathaiversar sobre un Ullamado a que las personas
se besen ms, para combatir el
"Ae ismios entregrupos debasedelMedioAmbiente" desnimo que invade a muchos Bright House Promueve Becas
est patrocinada por Earth Charter Communities tras las fiestas navideas y de
USAy el Centro Patel de Soluciones Gobales de la USE fin de ano. La organizacin de Jvenes Voluntarios de Bright House
Maathaieslaprimera mujerdelEsteyCentrodeAfrica Estudios anteriores demues- honrar proximamente a estudiantes de high school de los
queaaobt olidoctorado. ueelegida aparlaente tran que las parejas en el Rei- condados de Citrus, Hernando, Hillborough, Pasco, Pinellas,
S no Unido "no invierten mucho Polk y Manatee, que hayan hecho contribuciones a sus co-
Kenya en el ao 2oo2, es miembro permanente del Co- tiempo en besarse, sino que cada munidades. Los requisitos son: mantener un promedio escolar
mit de Desarme delas Naciones Unidas, delnstituto vez ms sus horas estn consa- de 2.5, cursar una clase entre 9 y 12 grados y haber prestado
Jane Goodall, y de la Organizacin para el Desarrollo gradas al trabajo, escribe Relate, al menos 50 horas de trabajo comunitario. Doce ganadores
delMedioAmbienteylaMujer(WEDO),entremuchas especializadaenterapiasexualy recibirn $500 dlares cada uno, en Bonos de Ahorro del
en dar asesoramiento psicolgico gobierno, un computador porttil y una Mencin de Mrito.
otrasorga zaiones mundiales quepotegenyvelan aparejas. Se reciben las solicitudes hasta abril 7 del 2006. Para ms
por el Medio Ambiente. Para ms informacin llame En un documento titulado informacin puede llamar al (813)684-6400 o visite la pgina de
al (813)974-6993. "El beso francs cuando el internet: mybrighthouse.com
Slas mi ummsuma mam maam mma grEI mmmmmmm n nmam IU maga imm as m Uiam sane S mm .iail s e maUlma Ul iamm mm *li]aaina*
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"Copyrighted Material- -
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
-- Peridico Dominical en CD
-- ID
Ya se Acerca el Banquete -
El 31 de marzo a las 7 pm. se realizar en el Saln Higgins
de la iglegia St. Lawrence (5221 N. Himes Ave. Tampa) el tercer
"Banquete del Milln", que organiza la fundacin colombiana,
Minuto de Dios, a beneficio de las familias pobres o de bajos i
recursos que en Colombia no pueden comprar o construir su
propia vivienda. El Dr. Hernn Len, tuvo la oportunidad de
visitar en Colombia los proyectos que adelanta el Minuto de Dios,
que dirige el Padre Jaramillo, y testific la impresionante labor
que cumple dicha organizacin.
Las boletas son a $100 dlares por persona y se pueden
conseguir directamente en las tiendas "Antojitos" (interseccin
de Howard con Columbus) y "Mi Pequea Colombia" (interseccin
de Armenia con Slight) y adems se pueden reservar mesas con
el Dr. Len llamando al (813)3803301.
Sea Voluntario del CERT Paradjicamente en un mundo donde los Medios se
El Departamento de Bomberos de la ciudad de Tampa se en- estn enfocando en los portales de la Internet, un
cuentra entrenando a su personal de emergencia y especialmente peridico, The Dallas Morning News, ha anunciado
su equipo denominado CERT, o Equipo de Respuesta Comunitaria que distribuir el suplemento dominical de una
en casos de Emergencia. CERT est capacitando a los residentes de revista en un CD-Rom que viene con un formato
la ciudad para ayudar en emergencias. Se pide la colaboracin de llamativo. Las directivas del diario esperan ansio-
al menos dos o tres personas por vecindario que estn dispuestas s reues del co su nn
a ayudar durante las emergencias, especialmente la temporada de sas la respuesta del pblico en su afn de capturar
huracanes. Si desea ms informacin por favor llame a Michael el voltil mundo de los lectores de diarios.
Gonzlez al 242-5410.
Calendario de
Eventos para Reunion para.
SLatinS uHilsboroug Organizciones
County Sin Fines de Lucro
Sunshine State Par Discutir Asuntos de Vivienda
y Desarrollo Econmico
El Condado de Hillsborough tendr una reunin para Organizaciones
k Fed eral Saving s Sin Fines de Lucro para obtener opiniones de cmo utilizar fondos
AND LOAN ASSOCIATION pblicos para vivienda, servicios pblicos, servicios para personas sin
hogar y proyectos de desarrollo comunitario.
-n El Condado de Hillsborough utilizara esta informacin para crear un
Plan Consolidado de 5 aos el cual guiar el uso de aproximadamente
$10 millones recibidos anualmente del Departamento Estadounidense
de Vivienda y Desarrollo Humano.
Sp En estas reuniones, personal del condado le pedir su opinin y
contestaran preguntas del pblico. Si usted no puede asistir a esta
reunin, puede obtener una encuesta a partir del 27 de marzo en
NO TIENE POR-QUE PAGAR ALTOS YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PAY HIGH nuestra pgina de Internet www.hillsboroughcounty.org/hcce.
Le invitamos a presentar su opinin en esta reunion:
VEHICULO. iSi tiene buen crdito y A VEHICLE. If you have good credit Martes 14 de marzo
empleo estable podra ser elegible para and stable employment, you could 9 a.m.
un prstamo con intereses bajos! qualify for a low inerest rate loan. Housing and Code Enforcement Department
l o 10119 Windhorst Rd, Brandon
Llmenos hoy para saber si pre-califica. Call us today to possibly pre-qualify
Qu tien que perder? What do you have to lose? Todos los locales de reunin estn en conformidad con la Ley para
Personas con Incapacidades. Para asistencia adicional srvase
SU CENTRO BANCARIO DE YOUR FULL SERVlCE llamarnos con 48 horas de anticipacin.
favor de llamar a Kemly Jimnez
Plant City Walden Woods Office Riverview Brandon 274-6675 (TTY: 301-7173)
Main Office 2400 Jim Redman Parkway 7459 Highway 301 S. 420 W. Brandon Blvd. For information in English,
102 W. Baker Street 754-1844 677-7102 689-1271 please call 274-6678.
"-': "El banco donde usted es parte de la familia" HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY
Pgina 8/LA GACETA/Viernes, 10 de marzo de 2006
Leoneth Rodrguez, El Hombre de Macondo en Tampa
(viene de la pgina 3) modidad con la que el artista lenta internamente porque
to, El Banco, de las riberas se entiende con su arco iris de lo ha obligado a alejarse de
del ro Magadalena, que para acrlicos y leos. sus pinceles, de su arte y
quienes no lo conocen es el Mi- "Uno hace un cuadro por forzado a entender que la vida
ssissippi colombiano. que tiene algo que decir. Yo americana gira en torno a la
"Mi niez fue muy sen- creo que el arte es una cosa produccin.
cilla y simple. Mis primeros hiptetica, no es una cosa con- Desde que est en los Esta-
9 aos transcurrieron al lado creta, definida o estructurada; dos Unidos ha hecho tres ex-
de chiquillos descalzos, que tiene que ser una propuesta posiones, y esto es un rcord.
al igual que yo, nos diverta- nueva. Es una manera siem- si se considera aue Leonth
mos cada tarde por las calles pre nueva de ver al hombre, emplea sus das para trabajar
polvorientas de mi barrio, la vida y lo que es el ser hu- en lo que sea, mientras que
persiguiendo liblulas, grillos, mano. Siempre veo mi alma de llega la noche y se escabulle
espantando las gallinas de campesino y veo a mis padres. en su escondite, su estudio, a
los vecinos, viendo las peleas Yo no creo que uno pinte nada conspirar con la complacencia
espontneas de los perros que no sea intrnsecamente de la luna y las clidas noches
callejeros a causa de alguna interior". tampeas.
hembra en celo mientras es- Experiencia Americana y "Dormir es un privilegio
perbamos el grito de nuestras el Arte que no puedo darme ahora",
madres avisndonos la hora "Nos vinimos a vivir aqu afirma Leoneth resignado, por
de comer". forzados. Me mont a unos eso duerme tres horas antes
Su padre se mud a la techos a trabajar en construc- de levantarse a la una de la
capital del Csar, Valledupar y cin. Fue abrupto, para mi", maana para pintar hasta
all fue donde por primera vez confiesa Leoneth con evidente las 6 am. cuando parte para
se obsesion, casi de manera frustracin, pero igual insiste su trabajo. "Apenas comienzo
"Van Gohnniana" por los que ver "la realidad total, del a trabajar llevo ya 5 o 6 horas
colores, al ver la paleta del un campesino, inteletual, mdico de actividad".
"pintor vecino, Luis Eduardo en unaposicin igual", le ayud Para su esposa y sus hijos,
Arias". Desde entonces sus a ser ms humilde. "Fue una no es cil lidiar con el espritu El artista, Leoneth Rodrguez vive en la Baha de
pinturas son obras de arte-de leccin de humildad.... Tena Macondiano de Leoneth que Tampa y sus obras vibrantes, llenas del Caribe,
slo color. Fiestas tropicales el Ego muy alborotado". se rehusa a entrar a la mor- Se han expuesto exitosamente en galerias locales,
que muestran de manera La experiencia americana tificante mecnicade comer- prximamente se abrir una nueva exposicin en
deshinibida la libertad y co- de Leoneth ha sido muy vio- cializar su arte. El artista no Ybor City.
teme afirmar su desafecto por
el dinero aunque lo necesita.
"Busco el dinero para propo-
cionarle comfort a mi familia
y si ellos estan felices entonces
yo puedo pintar".
Sin embargo, su esposa, a
pesar de su formacin contable
orientada a entender el mundo
de los nmeros, es tambin
una guerrera idealista, que
junto a l emplean muchos
fines de semana enseando
danza y arte probono.
Hubo una poca de trota-
mundo en la que Leoneth recor-
ri Colombia a pi, pintando
retratos. Debia recibir algunos
pesos por esas obras pero a
cambio las regalaba o las daba
por afecto y una sonrisa.
Hoy por hoy, ms resuelto a
vivir su experiencia americana
con su propio estilo, Leoneth
continuamente revisa, como el
mismo lo indica al mencionar
al poeta, Pesoa, todo lo que ha
hecho, tratando de encontrar
respuestas a su presente.
Es un artista ntegro, de-
voto a su espritu macondiano,
pero dividido internamente
por la distancia del Caribe
que hoy lo obliga a pintar mi-
rando al ro Hillsborough y no
al Magadalena o a los nevados
No cabe duda que su triun-
fo americano es cuestin de
tiempo, porque la tenacidad
de su carcter y el amor de su
familia garantizan el xito de su
'experiencia americana.
El inconsciente,
subconsciente o mente
reactiva subyuga y
esclaviza al hombre.
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62258-0215.15 Premios Semanales: $10,000 y la opcin de recibir un viaje a la Florida y la oportunidad de ganar el Gran Premio de $1,000,000 (en lugar del Premio Semanal de $10.000). Los ganadores
del Premio Semanal deben estar presentes en el GRAN EVENTO para ser elegibles para ganar el Gran Premio. Las probabilidades de ganar cada Sorteo Semanal dependen de la cantidad total de
inscripciones elegibles recibidas. Probabilidades de ganarel Gran Premio: 1 de cada 1,000. Sujeto a Reglas Oficiales disponibles en www.amsouth.com. El valor minorista aproximado (ARV) de todos
los premios, incluidos los viales, es de $1,160,250. Patrocinador: AmSouth Bancorporation, Birmingham, Alabama.
'. .. LA GACETA/Viernes, 10 de marzo de 2006/Pgina 9
Qu Significa la Impuntualidad?
UN CONSTANTE CORRER cambiar. Llega tarde porque
Y PEDIR DISCULPAS todava no ha podido alcanzar I UA A A LA
Durante una poca, llevaba el un conocimiento de si misma
reloj con 10 minutos de adelanto, que le permita vivir sin miedos
pensando que de este modo de- y sin inseguridades.
jaria de llegar tarde a los sitios. Hay una falta de manejo Elena "Helen" Fernndez, dos hermanos, Michael Flores Borja.
Pensaba que esa maniobra la del tiempo propio, de la misma de 85 aos falleci. Le sobre- y Martin Flores. Pauline "Peggy" Feiles,
empujara a salir antes y dejara manera que descuida el de los viven sus hijos, Yolanda y Martn Borja, de 14 aos de 97 aos falleci en Tampa.
de ser tan impuntual, pero todo dems. Algunas caractersticas Armando Snchez, Diana y La- falleci en Tampa. Le sobreviven Le sobreviven su hermana,
era intil. psicolgicas que tienen las per- mar Rooks, Vincent y Brigitte madre Sharon (Humberto) Gladys hijo, Floyd, nieto
Anglica siempre llegaba con sonas que se comportan de este Cuervo, y Mara Elena y Albert su madre, Sharon (Humberto) Gladys hio, Floyd, nieto
Anglica siempre llegaba con snas que se comporta de este Cuervo, y Maa Elena y Albert Del Agua, abuelo, Michael (Sha- Joseph Weintraub, as como
un poco de retraso a casi todos modo son: Strauss., dos hermanos, Elido ron), abuela materna, Ressie varios sobrinos y sobrinas y
los sitios. Sus amigos conta- Inmadurezy falta de autoes- Fernndez y Julio Fernndez, Jacobs, un hermano, Marcos numerosos otros familiares de
ban con ello como un rasgo de tima: su impuntualidad provoca y una hermana, Louisa Mon- oa un hermana, Francisca su familia extendida.
carcter que no poda cambiar. que los otros estn constante- talbano, as como 13 nietos y Bo unahermana,Francisca
Cuando estaba a punto de salir mente pendientes de ellos, de este 12 bisnietos.
de casa, siempre se le ocurra modo se aseguran de ser el centro Prudencio Hernndez, de
algo que la hacia-entretenerse. de atencin del pensamiento del 94 aos falleci en Tampa. Le
No media bien el tiempo, sobre otro. No estn seguros de poder sobreviven su hija, Diahn Hanes; BOZA
todo cuando acuda a una cita. serlo de otra forma. Hay una nietos, Craig, ybisnietos, Spencer I"rALMi
Siempre la tenian que esperar demanda inconsciente e infantil y Vctor. ..
y ella llegaba corriendo y ex- de que el otro est ah, dispuesto Antonio Jos Agustn Dal- ....
cusndose. a esperarle, pensando en todo masi, falleci. Le sobreviven En Memoria De
Por qu no puede Anglica momento en l. su esposa, Martha; dos hijos,
dominar el tiempo? Qu la Agresividad encubierta: una Orlando Dalmasi y Martin, una Donald Cupp Juana Naranjio
hace que siempre llegue tarde? forma de daar al otro es no hija, Marisela Salas, nietos
Estas preguntas hallaron su tener respeto por su tiempo e in- Orlando Dalmasi Jr., y Luisa y Sharon Harrison Joe A. Gonzlez, Sr.
respuesta en una psicoterapia tentar que est a disposicin de Jimmy Boehring; cinco herma- Prudencio Hernndez Peter J. Monteleone, Jr.
a la que acudi por problemas quien llega tarde. Esta actitud nas, Lucia Vda. Castro, Jose-
con la comida. no reconocida por el impuntual fina Dalmasi Rojas, Pura Vda. Gloria Elizabeth Hellner Dorothy Elizabeth Feigle
LA INSEGURIDAD la siente la persona que espera, Alba, Mara Teresa Vda. Daz y Det. Juan Antonio Serrano Karim Mohamedali Karim
QUE SE OCULTA en la mayora de las ocasiones, Carmen Vda. Pelleran.
La impuntualidad sistemti- por educacin. Shaneda Flores de 14
ca es una falta de educacin y MIEDO A LLEGAR A TIEMPO aos falleci. Le sobreviven 4730 N. Armenia Ave
de cortesa para el otro, pero La demora en llevar a cabo una su abuelo, Michael (Sharon) 877-7676
tambin es un rasgo neurtico accin intenta evitar el miedo a no Trusty, abuela, Ressie Jacobs, Se Habla Espaol
que delata una peticin excesiva poder hacerla. Cuando los retra- una hermana, Katrina Flores,
de atencin por parte del que sos son habituales y sistemticos,
llega tarde. pueden estar asociados a una
Teme encontrarse con una escena o a un pensamiento que
escena que no soporta por lo temamos enfrentar: por ejemplo, ::
que intenta retrasar la cita. El quedamos solos.
que espera sustituye a otros Si es ocasional: puede estar
que estn en la fantasa del im- sealndonos que no hemos
puntual, que quiere ser deseado medido bien nuestras actividades East**de Funeral Nom e, Inc.
y provocar con su ausencia el y estamos sobrecargadas. Si se
inters del otro. Esta actitud re- repite, es porque la situacin est
sulta agresiva para el que espera asociada a una idea inconscienteFo ndo li
porque denota que el otro no le que no nos gusta y que queremos,
tiene en cuenta. evitar.
El impuntual no puede con- Si es sistemtica: es el
trolar ni su vida ni su tiempo; sntoma de un conflicto interno Rrt S
depende de un momento interno no resuelto que tiene caracte- ea. Ro Lee Se e jens
donde algunos conflictos no risticas fbicas, es decir, intenta
elaborados le provocan discusio- evitar algo que proporciona an- ,
nes o malestares con las otras gustia y temor.
personas. Si es de forma inconsciente:
En ocasiones, se llega a acep- salir de viaje, por ejemplo, pue- -
tar como un rasgo de carcter y de estar asociado a la idea de (813) 2249557 (813) 29 7430 fax
se convence a s mismo de que tener un accidente, por lo que 2301 N. NebraLka Ave. Tampa, FL
es as. se retrasa la salida. Acudir a .,
CONOCERSE MEJOR una entrevista puede esconder castsidefhf@yalvoo.com
Este planteamiento es el de la el temor a ser descubierto en
persona que no tiene capacidad algo inconfesable. Estas ideas
para cuestionarse y posee pocos actan sin que la persona lo
recursos internos para poder sepa de forma consciente.
Aprenda a Escribir Grants
La Sociedad Americana de Ciudadanos Conscientes (ASCC)
ofrecer un taller-seminario --ABS de Ecribir Grants-- de medio
da acerca de cmo escribir propuestas de pedidos de fondos para
proyectos el mircoles 5 de abril. Se les ofrecern a los participantes
la oportunidad de seguir paso a paso todo el proceso de identifi-
cacin de fuentes de fondos, escribir propuestas de tal manera que
sean aprobadas. El seminario tendr lugar en el hotel Doubletree
(113 N. 30th Street de Tampa) de 9 am. a 1 pm. El valor de la ins-
cripcin es $135. Para registrarse a ms informacin llame al ACC
Prevenga los Linfomas neraom
Con un crecimiento aproximado de 1.5 de millones de hispanos
anualmente en los Estados Unidos, la Alianza Nacional para la
Salud de los Hispanos y la Fundacin de Investigacin de los
Linfomas han lanzado una campaa de informacin acerca de la
urgencia de educarse acerca de lo que representa este tipo de cncer
que afecta a casi el 5 por ciento de los pacientes hispanos que sufren
de cncer. Se ha creado un portal multicultural interactivo que
resuelve en espaol preguntas bsicas www.lymphomafacts.org e
igualmente una lnea gratuita 1-800500-9976.ad
Clases de Ingls Gratuitas Cremation & Cemetery
El centro de aprendizaje St. Juan situado en el 10401 N.
Florida Ave. esta aceptando incripciones para sus clases de
ESOL, o ingles como segunda lengua, que se realizan las maa-
nas de los lunes, mircoles y sbados a partir de las 9 am. hasta Plans A vailable
medio da. La inscripcin, registro y clases son gratuitas. Para
mas informacin se puede comunicar al (813) 233-2400.
7209 North Dale Mabry Hwy. Tampa, Florida 33614
(813) 931-1833 Se Habla Espaol
E-mail us at: askafuneraldirector.com
*Because you deserve the best, we will honor all pre-
arTangement contracts and will match any funeral home price.
, PI gim ,a10/LA,GACE, TA/Vier ie ,:10,dce maisio1de 2006
Ybor Rotary Club Honors Judge E.J. Salcines
COMUNICATO all'estero.
ELEZIONI DEL PARLA- L'elettore, utilizzando la
MENTO ITALIANO busta gi affrancata e segu-
:VOTO ALL'ESTERO PER endo attentamente le istruzioni
CORRISPONDENZA contenute nel foglio informativo,
Con Decreto del Presidente dovr spedire SENZA RITARDO
della Repubblica in data 11 le schede elettorali votate, in
febbraio 2006 sono state in- modo che arrivino al proprio
dette per il 9 e 10 aprile 2006 Consolato entro e non oltre -
le votazioni per l'elezione della le ore 16 ora locale del 6 aprile.
Camera dei Deputati e del I1 voto personale e segreto
Senato della Repubblica In ed fatto divieto di votare piT
Italia le votazioni si svolgono volte e inoltrare schede per
presso i seggi istituiti nei Co- conto di altre persone. Chi-
muni di residenza nei giorni di unque violi le disposizioni in
domenica 9 aprile ( dalle ore materia elettorale, sar punito
8,00 alle ore22,00 ) e di lunedi a norma di legge.
10 aprile (dalle ore 7,00 alle L'elettore che alla data del
ore 15,00) 26 marzo non avesse ancora
All'estero, i cittadini italiani ricevuto il plico elettorale,
ivi stabilmente residenti, is- potr rivolgersi al proprio Con-
critti nelle liste elettorali della solato per verificare la propria
Circoscrizione estero, pos- posizione elettorale e chiedere
sono partecipare alle elezioni un duplicato.
votando PER CORRISPON- A seguito dell'entrata in
Elsa Salcines looks on as Ybor Rotary President Dana Ludwig presents the DENZA. Essi votano per le liste vigore della legge 27 gennsio
di candidat presentate nella 2006 n 22 -consultabile sul
Award to Appellate Judge E.J. Salcines at the Ybor Rotary luncheon. rispettiva ripartizione della sito www.esteri.it possono
rispettiva ripartizione della sito www.esteriit possono
Circoscrizione Estero. votare per posta con le stesse
Recognizing a lifetime of Rotary President Rafael Mar- itself is an award-winning A ciascun elettore residente modalita ed entro i termini sud-
outstanding contributions to tinez-Ybor recited a long list organization in its almost 60 all'estero, che non abbia op- detti anche alcune categorie di
our community, the Ybor City of Judge Salcines' exemplary years. It was founded in 1947 tato per i voto in Italia entro cittadini temporaneamente
Rotary Club inducted District community service, which with County Historian Tony il 21 febbraio, i Consolato all'estero per motivi di servizio
Court ofAppeal Judge E.J. Sal- included preserving the rich Pizzo as its founding presi- competente invia per posta, o per missioni internazionali
cines as an Honorary Rotarian heritage of this area, men- dent. Prior to Salcines, only entro il 22 marzo, un PLICO che si siano a tal fine registrati
at their March 1 luncheon at toring hundreds of students 13 outstanding citizens have contenente: un foglio informa- in appositi elenchi entro il 13
the Columbia Restaurant. into community leaders, and been recognized as "Honorary tivo che spiega come votare, il febbraio scorso.
Ybor Rotary President Dana innovating successful crime- Rotarians," including Baseball certificato elettorale, la scheda GLI UFFICI CONSOLARI
Ludwig presented the award prevention programs. Hall of Fame member, the late elettorale (due per chi, avendo SONO A DISPOSIZIONE DEI
to Judge Salcines as former The Ybor City Rotary Club Al Lopez. compiuto 25 anni, puo votare CITTADINI PER QUALSIASI
anche per il Senato), una busta ULTERIORE INFORMAZI-
completamente bianca, una ONE.
busta gi affrancata recante INFORMAZIONI DETTA-
l'indirizzo dell'Ufficio conso- GLIATE SONO INOLTRE DIS-
lare stesso, le liste dei candi- PONIBILI SUL SITO www.
St Joseph s Feast Ddati della propria ripartizione, esteri.it
il testo della legge sul voto "VOTO ALL'ESTERO".
Join us for food, fun and community fellowship Friday,
as we celebrate the 31st Annual St. Joseph's
Feast hosted by Al Noto, family & friends. March 17, 2006
NEW LOCATION! I 1:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m. onservation
West Tampa Convention Center startsin y ur
3005 W. Columbus Drive starts
For more information contact:
Tampa, FL 33607 MacDonald Training Center, Inc.
All Proceeds Benefit: smesko@macdonaldcenter.org C o
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.TrainiIig Center Fbuixlationic.
Empom ejng Itople 91ih Dsabi/i ids
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Mission: To empowerpeople with disabilities to lead the lives they choose. statem ent of
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With Sprin~ just around the corner our stock of Invo ved
basic school supplies are nearly gone.t ve
We need your help nowl 0
The most requested e!ential itm em teaher 0
ask for are:
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To 0onato or for more Informaton plea0e
3719 Corporex Park Drive Sulte 400 Tampa, FL 33619 ASSOCIATION
LA GACETA/Viernes, 10 de marzo de 2006/Pgina 11
(Continued from page 1) his volunteer work with the Cu- q 4
gery at St. Joseph's Hospital last ban Club.
week. Friends tell us he's doing *****
extremely well and is currently In our January 21 issue we Y
resting at home. We wish him a wrote that Jose Vazquez, candi- -" q
speedy recovery. date for Florida House district "
***** 58, was delinquent in filing his Copyrighted Material
Charlie Miranda tells us he will campaign finance report. That
run for City Council. That means was incorrect. Mr. Vazquez filed a Syndicated Content
the district 6 race between Mi- report on time stating that there i
randa and State Representative was no financial activity. We called Available from Commercial News Providers"
Bob Henriquez will be one of the the State Division of Elections in
most competitive and interesting January to confirm our original
of the city races in 2007. article and were given the bad
www***** information.
Our deepest sympathies to Vin a***** m
and Laura Marchetti on the tragic Great name for a band ...
loss of their 16-year-old daughter, Cuban Sandwich Crisis is a
Katlyn, who passed away as. a local four-piece acoustic pop/rock
result of a traffic accident. There band.
really are no words to comfort *****
parents on the sudden unexpected The National Italian American
.^0 nf.^rlw anrl r, iL.ii 7th and ends at 20th Street. The One of his campaign promises
loss of a child. We can only pray Foundation will present a Special 7thand ends at 20th Street. The One of his campaign promises
for them to find strength to get Achievement Award in Medicine parade features 90 units of floats, is to keep us out ofwar with Oa-
through this most trying time. to Dr. Scott J. Antonia for his krewes and bands. homa and he doesn't see smoking
***** ..n ; Cuban cigars as supporting the
Vin Marchetti is an attorney vital breakthrough initiatives Cuban cigars as supporting
who specializes in land use and and vaccines toward advances in Alfred Ruiz told us he mailed Cuban economy, but as burning
zoning and is a board member of fighting cancer. The dinner is on in his paperwork to run for state their crops.
the Tampa Sports Authority. Wednesday, March 22 at 6 p.m. representative district 58 as a Currently, Kinky's poll numbers
***** at L'Unione Italiana Clubhouse. Republican last Friday. Currently, stand at 10 percent.
Congresswoman Katherine The cost is $100 per person with Democrats Michael Scionti, Dan- Ifyou don't remember his band,
Harris attended the Strawberry proceeds benefiting the Charlie iel Suarez and Jose Vazquez are maybe some of his tunes are famil-
Festival Luncheon on Monday Cagno fund for H. Lee Moffitt running. iar, like "Get Your Biscuits in the
and rode in the parade later that Cancer Center and Research In- ***** Oven and Your Buns in the Bed,"
day. Her appearance helped quiet stitute. For more information, call Tony Ippolito is looking for or "They Ain't Makin' Jews Like
rumors that she was pulling out 745-1403. donations tb pay for a historic Jesus Anymore."
of the U.S. Senate race after miss- ***** marker for Gary. Gary is a com- *****
ing several scheduled events last The Clermont Fellowship munityjust east ofYbor City that There are complaints about
week and over the weekend after Church in Clermont, Florida is in its heyday was its own city the architecture of the Tampa
news of her taking a lobbyist's promoting its "Free Porn Week- with a school, city hall, business Bay History Center. Some feel its
money in return for a vote intensi- end," starting on Saturday, March district and cigar factories. Mr. all glass southern exposure is an
fied. Many of her Republican boo 11 to talk about pornography ad- Ippolito is diligently working to energy conservation nightmare.
birds are still passing rumors she diction and guarding your kids preserve Gary's history and iden- Others feel the style has nothing
will pull out. That's just wishful from the traps of porn. Perhaps tity and this historic marker is a in common with the history the
thinking and shows little under- the church nieans to host a "Porn giant step to remind people of a building will house. One editorial
standing of Ms. Harris' grit and Free Weekend" instead of a "Free history that is almost forgotten. describes it as a boring 1970s-era
determination. This most recent Porn Weekend." The reversal of Call 661-2214 to donate or for beige box.
scandalisjust a small bump in the those two words could attract a more information. We find the building's style
road compared to past problems totally different audience than ***** is in perfect harmony with our
she has weathered: Remember they expect. JoinAlNoto, familyandfriends, area's lack of passion for its own
that half of America believes she ***** for the 31st annual St. Joseph's history. Their have been many
threw the 2000 Presidential Elec- Joanne Alonso Byars was in- Feast Day on Friday, March 17 glass and beige boxes built on sites
tion. She was the butt of jokes ducted into the Gold Humanism from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. There that once contained architectural
about her makeup from Jay Leno, Society ofthe University of Florida will be entertainment and a tra- treasures. Sometimes, like in the
David Letterman and the cast of Medical School for her volunteer- ditional Italian feast. case of the old courthouse, we
Saturday Night Live. In spite of ism while in medical school. Over Cost is whatever you want to don't even build a beige box. We
having 50 percent of Floridians the last four years she has helped donate but please note there is a tear down a Moorish marvel for a
hating her and being made a in clinics in Mexico, the Domini- new location the West Tampa parking lot.
foolof, she ran for Congress and can Republic, Haiti and Nicara- Convention Center on Columbus It's quite appropriate that many
won. Mos recently, a ajority of gua. She was previously honored Drive near MacDill. are let down by the style of the
Republican leaders in Washing- by the Equal Access Clinic in This is a Sicilian tradition of history museum the same week
ton tried to discourage.her from Gainesville as Medical Student building an altar to St. Joseph in when our politicians allowed the
running against U.S. Senator Volunteer of the Year. gratitude for answering prayers old Maas Brothers building to
Nelson and they have worked to Joanne is the daughter of Bar- for rain and deliverance from be raized along with the Strand
find someone to run against her. baraAlonso Byars and the late Joe famine and to share good fortune Theater to make room for another
Shehasignored their negaive Covington Byars. She is the grand- with others in need. glass and beige box.
comments and their attempts to daughter of Braulio Alonso. Proceeds from the event ben- Maybe Tampa City Council can
undermine her and has forged sw efit MacDonald Training Center, add some historical context to the
ahead in her campaign. which works to empower people new Tampa Bay History Center
Ms. Harris believes in her abil- The investiture (roing) cer- with disabilities to lead the lives by incorporating some bricks in
ity to win and that confidence will emony for Circuit Court Judge they choose its faade from the cigar factories
likely keep her in the race. Christopher Sabella will take that Citych e Council is failing to
Time is also on her side. Any place today, Friday, March 10 at 1 that City Counci is failing to
major Republican opponent would p.m. at George Edgecomb Court- The death toll of U.S. soldiers p
have to qualify by May 12. house, 800 E. Twiggs, Courtroom in the Iraq war stands at 2,305
We personally send this mes- One. The reception, also at the as of March 8. Every week the The Greater Mt. Carmel Devel-
sage to Katherine Harris: George Edgecomb Courthouse, number goes up. Every week we opment Corporation will honor
Weather the storm, stay the immediately follows. wonder if the blood being spilled Eleanor Dixon, Chloe Coney,
course, this negative publicity ***** will bring about permanent and Roseann Favata, Karem Sims
will pass. Democrats need you Friends of Les Miller for Con- positive change. and Apostle Nelia Frazier at the
to head the Republican ticket in gress will host a spaghetti dinner ***** "Above And Beyond The Call"
2006. Don't disappoint us! Run dance fundraiser on Saturday, The Texasgovernor'sracemigt Community Awards Luncheon
Katherine, run! March 18 at the Marti Maceo So- get more interesting if indepen- on Saturday, March 18 at noon
*****- cial Club beginning at 6 p.m. Call dent Kinky Friedman collects West Cypress St. Tickets are $30
Ross Bannister, senior media Dora Brown at 248-1900 for more enough signatures to get on the
spokesperson for TECO has re- information. ballot. Kinky, formerly with the per person.
signed to take a job in his home ***** band Kinky Friedman and the *****
state of Texas as director of the Come to Ybor City Saturday, Texas Jewboys, is running with Tampa native Mark Fernandez
Grapevine Heritage Foundation. March 11 to enjoy the St. Patrick's the slogan "Why the Hell Not?" has returned home to help turn
The group promotes history, heri- Day Parade produced by the To finance his campaign, he's the Tampa Bay Devil Rays into
tage and cultural preservation in Rough Riders. The parade starts selling T-shirts and bumper stick- winners, both on and off the field.
Grapevine and fits Bannister's at 8 p.m. on 7th Avenue and ers, some that read, "He Ain't Read about him in this week's
passion, which he has proven in Nuccio Parkway, travels east on Kinky, He's My Governor." Silhouettes.
Page122/bAGACTAI Friday, Marchr 3; 20061
Letter to the Editor 0n the OthEr Hand
Mr. Partrick Montega [sic] On the Oth Hand
La Gaceta
Dear Patrick, by Lee Drury De Cesare
I am very disappointed in thejournalism (or lack thereof) you
displayed in the response you printed regarding the support
rally that I organized for Rhonda Storms [sic]. The rally was .
held on the grounds of Brandon Realty, which is on Parsons S ch o o l Pn
Avenue in Brandon. w y
For your information, I conceived the rally because Rhonda I received the following letter Delphic spin-defense to hide dards Director Linda Kipley
[sic] has been receiving much-bad press for the stands she from Steve Hegarty, Office of information, not provide it. that Dr. Hamilton misused
had recently taken on several issues involving family values Communications, School Dis- Making good-faith effort to school email for personal grati-
and morality. She stood up against the use of taxpayer money trict of Hillsborough County: find out which administrators fication in his Star-Trek illiter-
being used to promote displays that show public support for As I mentioned to you on were present at Tiger Bay for ate message, making fun of the
homosexual and lesbian lifestyle in public libraries. She stood Friday, I have a concern about the Lamb oration and encoun- pay delay teachers suffered. La
up against the opening of a so-called "bikini-bar", proposed to an untruth in your most recent tering usual runaround, I made Kipley has not yet acknowl-
be located in the renovated building of the old "Stage Coach" column.... for the record and a negative inference based on edged that she received the
Bar. for the benefit ofyour boss, let my perception. Negative infer- complaint, and I help pay her
You should note that either 5 or 6 commissioners voted to me explain enes are my specialty. bloated $120,000 salary.
Rhonda sic] in her efforts to keep this filth from our me explain. ences are my specialty. bloated $120,000 salary.
upport Rhonda [sic] in her efforts to keep this filth from our In your column you wrote: You want me to apologize 5. You pledge to stop sound-
residential neighborhoods "A gaggle of overpaid admin- for believing the blackbirds to ing like you were raised in
My purpose in writing to you is to inform you that this rally istrative deadwood showed up be administrators instead of, a barn by interrupting and
was conceived by me, promoted byme, and presented by me. at Tiger Bay to drown me out say, ill-dressed accountants in filibustering a person's trying
When is the last time you've seen almost 300 voters turn out when I questioned Le Lamb town for a local convetion? to speak.
for such an event, organized in just three days? about irregular school hiring. I will-even needle-pointing. 6. The public-relations of-
It is shoddy journalism for you to accuse Audi for doing all They sat like Greek chorus you a whoopee cushion-- with fice sponsors voter referendum
this on county time and at county expense, when you could not of blackbirds on a phone line conditions. that makes obligatory no ad-
possibly have any basis for such a charge. In the past I have in ill-fitting suits, squawking 1. Admit in writing you lied ministrator's salary exceeds a
thought you to be a fair mindedjournalist. Must I now re-think to cover up chicanery's sup- like a rug to apple-polish with teacher's by more than 50 per-
this label? I would like to see a reasonable and accurate col- porting their featherbedding your boss Lamb when you cent. Elia's is now an obscene
umn that tells readers the truth about the rally. Maybe if you overpaid pseudo jobs." interrupted my chat with him $225,000 (7-teachers) yearly
attended the rally you might have been a little more accurate Here is the list of adminis- to say you had responded to with proliferating perquisites
with the facts. For your information, Audi did not ask me to trative and school board at- my three emails. To confirm while teachers take second
write this letter, and she did not prompt the tone ofit. tendees at Tiger Bay on that your persiflage or dismiss it, jobs to survive. Dr. Lennard's
Sincerely, day: Stephen Hegarty. Mr. send me public-information was $225,000, and he couldn't
Roy G. Davis Hegarty did not get leave time. $2 disk copy of all your emails use commas correctly yet
He paid for lunch with cash, since you got the job. Two headed schools supposed to
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS did not ask for a receipt and bucks was county charge for teach students to use commas
has not requested reimburse- a disk of all citizen emails on correctly.
The SCHOOL BOARD OF HILLSBOURGH COUNTY, Florida, is ment. library shut-out of gays and Let voters decide if that pay
accepting sealed proposals for the following services: Depart- You also wrote that the Ronda-ordinance degrading disparity betweenteachers and
ment of Risk Management Personal Injury, Worker's Compen- group at Tiger Bay sat in ill- their citizenship. You cited $50 administrators is fair. Ifteach-
sation & Appellate Counsel; Department of Risk Management fitting suits. Perhaps myjacket disk minimum fee to discour- ers are as valuable as pious
Environmental Counsel; Construction Litigation Counsel; did not meet your standards, age citizens from asking for consensus says they are, let's
Eminent Domain Counsel; Land Use Counsel; Disclosure Coun- but I think you owe an apol- public information. You must show this platitude true with
sel; and Student Change of Placement Hearing Counsel. Sealed ogy to some other Tiger Bay stop that practice. It's not ethi- the county's putting its money
proposals will be received in the School District of Hillsborough attendees. cal and thwarts the Sunshine where its hypocritical mouth
County, Purchasing Department, 901 E Kennedy Blvd., Tampa, During your visit to my Law. is. 1 predict county voters
Florida, 33602, until March 29, 2006 at 2:00 P.M. Specifications office, you spoke eloquently 2. You write mea culpa for pass it and make the burgeon-
are available by visiting www.vendorbid.net/hillsborough. The about the right of free speech. School Board's and adminis- ing minions of administrative
School District of Hillsborough County, Florida reserves the right I agreed with you. trust that tration's unfair hiring prac- deadwood shake in their boots
to reject any and all proposals, to waive any informality, if any, we both believe deeply in the tices, using Connie Milito's across the country. The state
existing in any proposal orto accept the proposal or proposas right of a free press as well. and Linda Kipley's job snatch has a teacher shortage, not an
which best serve the interest of the School District of Hillsbor- I hope you also recognize the of unadvertised jobs with the administrator shortage. The
owh n t itrt o t ool itresponsibilities that go hand in sponsorship ofbig-shot admin- Dempsey dumpster of super-
ough County, Florida. 3/10/06 1T hand with those rights. istrators Hamilton and Bryant fluous administrator layabouts
it would be nice to see an as illistration. You promise who apply for any adminis-
West Central Floria A a A y on A g apology regarding all the un- with Board consent to stop trative job that opens up in
West Central Florida rea Agency n Aging fair and inaccurate things you unfair employment practices Hillsborough County testifies
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL wrote in your column about so everybody-not just affir- to this fact. Of course, the fix
the School District's hiring mative-action administration is usually in to give the job to
Community Care for the Elderly Program practices. However, I don't pets, relatives, and hangers- pets, buddies, or family.
The West Central Florida Area-Agency on Aging for Hardee, expect it. on-gets a fair whack at a 7. You master correct use
Highlands, Hillsboriough, Manatee, and Polk Counties, x On the matter of Tiger Bay, school job. for commas for the $91,000
iciting proposaborough, Mparies intee, and Polk Counties, is so- however, I expect to see a cor- 3. You produce letter-head- we taxpayers shell out for your
liciting proposals from all parties interested in bidding for Com- rection State-Archives statement that school spin job. Get Harbrace
munity Care for the Elderly (CCE) case management services, rection. State-Archives statement that school spin job. Get Harbrace
munity Care for the Ederly (CCE) case management seices, schools must retain job-appli- College Handbook, 6th, 7th,
coordination of core services, and lead agency functions for the schools must retaln job-appli- College Handbook, 6th, 7th,
coordination of core services, and lead agency functions for the Master Heggarty: cation information for Mileto's or 8th edition. Publishers
annual period beginning July 1, 200. Community-based organ- Stop whining. 1 lent you my and Kipley's--or anyjobs- only subsequently dummied down
izations interested in obtaining a CCE lead agency designation readers'ears the three years you cite. My call handbooks to accommodate
will be requested to submit written proposals (through the readers' ears. the three years you cite. My call handbooks to accommodate
will be requested to submit written proposalificas (through the identified the telephone- to state archives people yielded burgeoning illiteracy in the
plans for process) detailing thmanagement services, coordfications aof wire blackbirds as gaggle of answer of 30 years for job file classroom and in administra-
plans for provices,ding case management services, coordination of the school administrators come retention. I don't believe attor- tive ranks.
core services, andotherto drown out my questions neys would accept the-records- My ill-fitting-suits fashion
CCEprogram. about shady Board employ- have-been-destroyed gloss on assessment of the blackbirds
Copies of the Request for Proposal may be picked up at the ment practices at Dr. Lamb's hiring for two jobs with no sitting on the phone wires at
West Central Florida Area Agency on Aging, located at 5905 Tiger Bay pinch-hit speech. competition. Somebody could Tiger Bay stands. Tampa needs
Breckenridge Parkway, Suite F, Tampa, 33610-4239, beginning Bush came to town, so the reg- still apply for one or bothjobs. fashion runway commentator
Friday, March 10, 2006 at 9:00 am. A pre-proposal conference ular speaker obeyed summons He or she could claim the like those assessing outfits
will be held on Tuesday, March 21 at 10:00 am in the Area to attend Bush festival to swell Board didn't advertise either when stars traverse the red
Agency conference room. Sealed proposals are due by 3:00 pm a Republican progress. and hence violated Title VII. carpet. I volunteer.
April 10, 2006. The primary contact person for this RFP is Phil I couldn't get straight an- Dr. Lennard told me the School You become the Black-
Hollister, Contracts and Grants Specialist (ext. 240). swer from Dr. Lamb--holed up Board obeyed Title VII in hir- bird Kid for tattletaling to the
3/10/06 1T somewhere eating bonbons-or ing. I would get a courtroom Honorable Patrick Manteiga,
from you, who couched your front-row seat to witness any Esquirealino Extraordinare, of
response in a weird third- Title VII trial against the School whom I am, of course, terrified.
CONFUSION? person riddle that I couldn't Board. You think like Cotton Mather
FORGET FU L? take seriously. I inferred that 4. You secure response to and talk like morality-proctor
FORGET ULNE your cutesy third-person reply my formal complaint months spinster.
M EMORY LOSS? was your idea of wit or usual ago to the Professional Stan- lee
Do you or someone you know suffer from these symptoms?
If so, these may be the first signs of Alzheimer's L @ A L L
Disease. Alzheimer's Disease affects people of
all nationalities and backgrounds. Dr. Susan RICHARD D. MUGA, ESQUIRE
Steen, a board certified neurologist in South
Tampa, is conducting a clinical research trial on -
a medication for Alzheimer's Disease for partici-
pants of Hispanic origin. If you would like more
information to see if you or your loved one would
be eligible to enroll in the study, please call Jan-
nifer at Axiom Clinical Research of Florida (813) 303 N. Wheeler Road, Plant City, FL 33566
353-9613. 1303 N. Wheeler Road, Plant Cty, FL 33566
For more information about the study, contact: (813)707-1488
JENNIFER at 813-353-9613
The hiring of an attorney is an important decision that should not be based solely on advertisements.
Axiom Clinical Research of Florida Before you decide, let us send you written information regarding our experience and capacity.
LA GACETA/Friday, March 10, 2006/Pagel13
-_-4-" -" -running day-to day operations When the project was com-
,* I for the Arena Football Team. It plete Fernandez returned to
S. was a crazy time in Phoenix. Phoenix and was named vice
The city was exploding and the president of community affairs
BI L I Suns just traded for Charles for the Diamondbacks. He was
Barkley. The entire city was later promoted to senior vice
by Paul Guzzo full of energy and we were a president of sales and mar-
____________real dynamic organization at keting.
the arena. In 2004, the team was sold.
Who could know more about out free parking. The franchise who went on to have a great "It was one of those mo- After 15 years of working for
what would make the Tampa is also spending millions of dol- NFL career. Working in the ments in life when you realize the same ownership, Fer-
Bay Devil Rays fans happy lars cleaning and renovating professional sports industry, this is your chance. I had to nandez wasn't sure if he was
than someone who is a fan the stadium facilities, retrain- I'm not enamored with the ath- jump on the bus and not worry willing to adjust to the new
himself? ing the staff and hiring new letes I work with everyday, but if there was an open seat. It's ownership.
Enter Tampa native Mark staff, providing better food and I11 always have a connection funny looking back on it now. I'm sure they're great guys,
Fernandez, the new vice presi- drink policies, and more. with the players I cheered for It was 15 years ago, I was 27 but after working for the same
dent/chief sales asakid. Someet- years old and making things family for so long, I just felt
officer. His official Fern d ing Solomon, my up as I went along. I was help- like the ownership change
duties include ark Fe andez favorite athlete ing to run an Arena Football was a sign that it was time to
overseeing the as a kid, was a Team! But, I don't remember move on," he said. "In a per-
Devil Rays cor- real pleasure." one time in which I thought it fect storm type of situation,
porate marketing In 1976, Tam- wouldn't work out. I just knew the position of vice president
efforts and broad- paBay finally hit it would." and chief sales officer for the
cast operations. the big time when Confident and sure of him- Devil Rays opened up. There
But, more impor- the NFL awarded self, Fernandez succeeded at were very fewjobs that I'd have
tantly, he is also the city with their every job put before him and left Phoenix for, but to return
one of the fran- first professional his career soared. home to Tampa and be near
hise's newest sports franchise In 1993 longtime Phoenix my family and help rebuild my
leaders who has The Bucs. Fer- Suns owner Jerry Coangelo hometown team was a dream
been entrusted nndez can't re- assembled an ownership team job I had to take.
with reaching out memberifhe was to bring Major League Baseball 'What I really love about
to the Devil Rays -in eighth or ninth to Phoenix and in 1995 the the Devil Rays is that the new
fans and telling grade at the Arizona Diamondbacks were owner, Sternberg, knows this
them that the time, but he still bornr. is not an overnight fix. This
franchise is here clearly remem- Fernandez was hired by is going to take a few years to
to serve them. bers the Tampa the Arizona Diamondbacks in turn around, but I believe we
The new owner Tribune picture 1997 and was asked to move to have the right team of people
of the Devil Rays, the day of the Tucsontohelp open the team's to do it. This is going to be one
Stu Sternberg, announcement new training complex on 148 of the great sports business
believes that the a baby wearing acres of land. He was incharge stories of our generation. We
past ownership a diaper and a of construction of the stadium plan on making the Devil Rays
alienated the fans; football helmet. and the workout facility, selling the most fan frendly team in
put their needs He remembers naming rights, finding spon- all ofsports.
and desires in the their first victory, sorship, and more. "When you come to a game
back of the line. which came on "While the senior guys were this year you're going to see
So when the new the road against in Phoenix building Bank One the changes. You're going to
owner came to the New Orleans Ball Park for the regular season enjoy your experience and look
town, he had two "What I really love about the Devil Rays is that Saints in 1977, games, I was doing my own forward to coming back. I really
goals turn the the new owner, Sternberg, knows this is not an and was at their mini-version in Tucson. It was believe that this is going to be
franchise into a overnight fix. This is going to take few years to first home victory a great learning experience" the year of the fans
winner and bring turn around, but I believe we have the right against the St.
the fans back into team to do it. This is going to be one of the great Louis Cardinals.
the fold, make "Sports was
them an impor- sports business stories of our generation. We everything to me," INVITATION TO BID
tant part of the plan on making the Devil Rays the most fan said Fernandez.
franchise again. friendly team in all of sports." "I spent all day at HART BID # B-5064
On paper, Fer- the playground Car, Truck and Van Parts
nandez' resume speaks for "A lot is going to be differ- and all night reading about The HillsboroughTransit Authority will be accepting bid
itself. He owns 15 years of ex- ent about the Devil Rays this them." The Hillsborough Transit Authority will be accepting bids until
perience in professional sports, season," said Fernandez. "This A career in the sports indus- 2:00 P.M. eastern time, March 24, 2006 for Car, Truck & Van
joining the Devil Rays from the is the 12th largest television try was the furthest thing from Parts.
Arizona Diamondbacks where market in the country, so the his mind, though. A graduate The BID documents will be available for download from the
hespentthelastyearassenior fans to support the team are of Chamberlain High School, HARTline website at www.hartline.org after 11:00 AM, on
vice president of sales and here. But until we support ne earned a B.A. in sociology Monday March 13, 2006. The documents can be located under
marketing. Previously, Fernan- them we cannot expect them from the University of South the Purchasing Section. All inquiries pertaining to the specifica-
dez served nearly four years to support us. That's why we're Florida with plans to enter law tions, or any questions in reference to the Bid documents
as the Diamondback's vice not thinking like executives school. When a career in law should be directed to: Darlene Belka, Purchasing Agent,
president of corporate sales anymore and instead thinking no longer interested him, he Hillsborough Transit Authority, 4305 East 21st Avenue, Tampa,
and served a stint as head of like fans. relocated to Phoenix, Arizona Florida 33605 (813) 623-5835. 3/10/061T
development and constrc- "I love this job," he contin- and pursued a career in the 10/0_____
tion of Tucson Electric Park in ued. "Ifyou told me when I was restaurant industry.
Tucson, Arizona. He also spent little that one day I would be "I had no idea what I want-
several successful years in the working for a Tampa profes- ed to do," he said. "I knew I I ITATION TO BID
Phoenix Suns organization, sional sports team, I'd have wanted to see other cities and INVITATION TO BID
running game operations for asked you how much I'd have Phoenix seemed as good a city Sealed bids for ADAMS &STEWART TRACK RENOVATIONS
all arena sports. to pay you to get the job. This as any. I envy 22 and 23 year will be received by the School Board of Hillsborough County,
Yes, Fernandez' resume is is unbelievable." olds who somehow know what Florida in the Office of the Supervisor of Purchasing, Third Floor,
impressive, but his greatest When the now 42 year old they want to do with their lives School Administrative Center, 901 East Kennedy Boulevard,
quality does not come from Fernandez was a child, it was because when I was that young Tampa, Florida until 3:00 PM, Tuesday, March 28, 2006. (The
his professional background, literally unbelievable for him to I was clueless." mailing address is P.O. Box 3408, Tampa, Florida 33601). Bids
but rather from his personal foresee himself one day work- His career in the restau- will not be accepted after 3:00 PM of the aboe date. Bids will
background. He is a sports ing in the professional sports rant industry took him from be opened and read aloud in the Purchasing Department,
executive second and a sports industry in Tampa because Phoenix to Kansas City and located on the third floor of the School Administrative
fan first. at the time Tampa didn't have back to Phoenix, working for Center.
"I understand what a team any professional sports fran- Chili's and Applebee's, open-
can mean to a community," chises. ing new locations and training Contractors desiring to bid this project are subject to an En-
said Fernandez, who worked Most Tampa residents in the managers. couragement Affirmative Action Plan as identified within the
for the Suns during.their run 1960s and 70s cheered for the In 1992, Fernandez no lon- bidding documents.
to the NBA Finals in 1993 and Miami Dolphins because they ger saw his future in restau- There will be a Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting on Thursday,
the Diamondbacks when they were the closest professional rants, though. While searching March 16, 2006, at 8:30 a.m. at Adams located at 10201 N.
won the World Series in 2001. team. Not a single professional for a new career, news broke Boulevard, Tampa, FL 33612 and on Thursday, March 16,
"Look at how energized Tampa basketball team was nearby that the Phoenix Suns were 2006 at Stewart at 10:30 a.m. located at 1125 Spruce Street,
became when the Bucs won and the closest baseball fran- about to break ground on a Tampa, FL 33607.
the Super Bowl. When a team chise was the Atlanta Braves, new arena, American West I THE B S RESPY TO TAT
wins, the entire city rallies but they were a third of a day's Arena, so he walked into their DELIVERED TO THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT AS
together. It's up to the team to drive away and absolutely ter- corporate headquarters and REFERENCED ABOVE. BID SECURITY MUST BE SUB-
show that same sort of loyalty rible. asked for a job. A short time MITTED WITH BID. TERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS.
to its fans. We need to treat Tampa residents had to later he was named direc- TTED WTH BID. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS.
themaswellasweexpectthem get their live sports fixes from tor of guest services at the NOTICE TO ALL BIDDERS: The School Administrative
to treat the team." other avenues. new arena, placed in charge Center is a "security" building, therefore, visitors will be
Fernandez understands During Major League Base- of training all ushers, ticket required to obtain a Visitors Pass prior to entering the
there is no substitute for win- ball Spring Training, Tampa takers and anyone else with building. A photo identification will need to be presented
ning. If the Devil Rays were to residents were graced with the a point of contact with the at this-time.
win a World Series this year, play of the Cincinnati Reds public. Six months later, arena Complete information regarding bidding documents and other
the franchise could provide the at Al Lopez Field and for live management taught him how information may be obtained from the Architect/Engineer:
fans with nothing and continue football games they crowded to book concerts and shows Robert J Hugenschmidt, P.
to sell out every game. But, he into the University of Tampa's for the arena and named him PRobert J. BoxHugenchmidt, P.E.31
said the franchise doesn't want football stadium. director of booking and mar- P F 33682
to run a team in that manner. "When I was little we all keting. Tampa, FL 33682
They want to provide a game cheered for Fabulous Freddie "Within a year I suddenly 813-932-6571
day experience that treats the Solomon and the UT Spar- had my hand in everything," No bidder may. withdraw his bid for a period of thirty (30) days
fans like champions even dur- tans," remembered Fernandez. said Fernandez. "I was still after date set for bid opening.
ing seasons when the team "I'd go to every game with my working in guest services, plus THE SCHOOL BOARD OF
doesn't play like one. dad and love every second of booking shows and running all HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA
To do so, the Devil Rays will it. I was recently invited to a the business from the arena. MARYELLN ELIA
lose millions of dollars in park- Tampa Sports Club dinner and I was also the announcer for SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS
ing revenue this year by giving got to meet Freddie Solomon, the indoor soccer team and SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS 3/33/10/06 2T
Page-G4/LA ACETA/Friday, March 10,: 2006
CORPORATE CHATTER Prudencio "Peaches" Hernandez, Jr.
HERNANDEZ, Prudencio "Peaches", League and Little League and
Ross Realty President Honored terias processing and manufacturing at the Jr., 94, of Tampa passed away Mar. received the Pop Warner Award
Elliot M. Ross, CCIM, founding president National Science Foundation. As a program 7,2006. He is preceded in death.by and the Sertoma Service to
and CEO of The Ross Realty Group, Inc. director, Durham was responsible for-manag- his wife Mercedes R. Hernandez. Mankind Award. He also coached
has been named FGCAR's 2005 Broker of ing multi-million dollar budgets, establishing Survivors include his daughter, the Gibsonton Chiefs, a semi-pro
has been named FGCAR's c2005 Broer of new research directions with the research Diahn Hanes, grandson, Craig baseball team, which became the 5
lthe Year. FCAR based itooss ovdeiin c n coordinatingwith other agencies Anderson and wife Stefanie, great year state champions and placed
year, including his intimate involvement in to provide funding for multidisciplinary and grandsons, Spencer and Victor 3rd in the National Tournament in
FGCAR's annual golf outing, which raises thematic awards and assessing outcomes of Anderson. Mr. Hernandez was a 1961. The family will gather to
FGCAR's annual golf outing, which raises temti ardsan awonderful husband, father, receive friends on Friday, Mar. 10,.
money for county educational programs, the ongoing rsearch. grandfather and great grandfather. 2006 from 6 to 8 p.m. with
his continually outstanding work attract- Historical Hanley House Moved He graduated from Jesuit High recitation of the Catholic Wake Rite
ing affiliates to FGCAR, his ongoing work Developers of The Enclave of Palma Ceia School in 1932, played 8 years of at 7 p.m at Boza & Roel Funeral
on the Commercial Information Exchange have moved the historical South Tampa professional baseball. He worked Home, 4730 N. Armenia Ave.,
(CIE), his serving on the board as treasurer, landmark, Hanley House, from the center of for a phosphate co. as a chemist Tampa, FL. Private services will be
and his successful track record as a broker. the community's seven lots to the corner of and retired after 33 years of held Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006 and
Ross was also voted FGCAR's Top General MacDill Avenue and Agawan. The stately, Tu- service. He coached. baseball and interment will follow in Centro
Broker in 2003 and Runner-up Retail Broker dor-style home, which has stood on MacDill basketball for 21 years, volun- Espanol Memorial Park. In lieu of
in 2004. Avenue since 1945, will become the seventh teering as a coach for Jesuit High flowers contributions may be made
USF Appoints New Graduate Dean and largest home in The Enclave and will be School, OLPH, Most Holy Name to Jesuit High School Endowment
University of South Florida Provost Renu renamed "The Mayfair." and Mary Help of Christians Fund, c/o Jesuit High School, 4701
Khator announced the appointment today of The Mayfair's 5,100 sq.-ft. interior will Schools. He coached American N. Himes Ave., Tampa, FL 33614.
Delcie Durham as associate provost and dean be completely redesigned and it will receive
of the Graduate School. some exterior remodeling. Built in 1945 by NFO B
Durham brings 25 years of higher educa- the Hanley Family on seven 66'X131' lots, it
tion and research experience to USF where is a stately manor where Florida Legislator
she will lead the Graduate School's efforts to Sam Gibbons married Martha Hanley. They
make significant contributions to the social, lived at Hanley House until 1949 when it Drug Plan Questions
cultural, economic, health and technological was purchased by the Mead Family. Hanley Many Hillsborough County residents still have questions
development needs of the region and state. House leaves behind a legacy of humorous and concerns regarding enrollment into the new Medicare
Durham most recently served as a pro- anecdotes which add character the post- Prescription Drug Plan Part D. Hillsborough County's Aging
gram director for engineering design and ma- WWII home. Services and Health & Social Services Departments are now
offering additional assistance to the public by calling 272-
6630. The helpline is open Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to
5 p.m. After hours customers can leave a voicemail message
and it will be retured the next business day.
SO Mayor's Walk
Take the first step to a healthier lifestyle with a free Fitness
Walk with Tampa Mayor Pam lorio on Saturday, March 11 at
Al Lopez Park, 4810 N. Himes Ave. Registration begins at 8
a.m. and the walk begins at 9 a.m. The mayor will walk four
miles and participants can walk as little as one. Free health
Sscreenings will also be available.
The Centre for Women, 305 S.,Hyde Park Ave., is offering a
Florida Separation and Divorce Law Seminar on Friday, March
10 from 1:30 3:30 p.m. and Tuesday, March 14 from 6 8
p.m. The seminar features attorneys specialising in family law
who can assist women with the legalities. Reservations are
required and there is a suggested donation of $5. Call 251-
8437 from 1 4:30 p.m. to register.
Chili Cook-Off
If you would like to join our crowd The Fifth Annual Bay Area Fire Fighters Chili Cook-Offwill
be held on Saturday, March 25 at Bayside Denning's Lounge,
13609 N. Florida Ave. Set-up is from 8 10 a.m. and chili prep
Of SUccessful alumni, begins at 11 a.m. The entry fee is $30 and 100 percent of net
proceeds will benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
call 253-7066 TODAY Joshua House
The Friends of Joshua House Foundation, Inc. will host
the 10th annual Child Abuse Awareness Luncheon on Friday,
for a free career book or log on to March 31 at 11:50 a.m. at the Marriott Waterside, 700 S.
Florida Ave. Victor Rivas Rivers, a professional athlete, actor
and author will share his tale of abuse and survival. The event
www.hccfl.edu for details. will be hosted by Cathy Unruh, Belinda Womack will provide
musical .entertainment and Monsignor Higgins will deliver
the invocation. Joshua House is a 24-hour emergency shelter
that has cared for literally hundreds of abused, reglected and
abandoned children over the past 13 years. Tickets are $50
each, with table sponsorships ranging from $500 $7,500.
She'll teach you what she knows. For reservations, call 263-3469.
Jessica Lunsford Run
The First Annual Jessica Lunsford Run will take place
This medical coder in downtown Tampa Saturday,. April 1. The event kicks off
fits the bill. He'll mind your business. at the St. Pete Times Forum with a 5K run and a one-mile
She'll improve fun run/walk and continues through downtowri Tampa onto
your smile. Bayshore Boulevard before returning to. the Forum. Post run
1H-e has designs on activities include entertainment, food and beverages and child
Let him our house. safety exhibits. Pre-registration for the run/walk is available
entertain you. online through the K.I..S. Foundation website (www.defend-
inginnocence.org) and through a link at www.active.comn. The
pre-registrationfee is $20 through March 20. After that, the
fee will be $25.
Hillsborough Reunion
The Hillsborough High Class of 1946 will hold its 60th
Reunion from April 7- 8, 2006. Saturday, April 8, the class
will board and dine on the Yacht StarShip while cruising the
bay. Upon return, the class will board sightseeing buses for
a tour of Tampa and, finally, a Saturday night visit to the
Hospitality Room at the Quorum Hotel. For information and
reservations, call Antoinette Law Keene at 988-1720, Robert
Dorman at 988-2111, or Sara Corey Gilbert at 935-1564.
Moffitt Cancer Run
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute has part-
nered with SunTrust Bank to present the first ever SunTrust
Miles for Moffitt run and walk to benefit Moffitt on Saturday,
April 8 at the University of South Florida Tampa campus.
Registration starts at 6 a.m. and the event begins at 8 a.m.
The venue includes.a five-mile competitive run and a one-mile
fun runi/walk for all age groups.
SunTrust Miles for Moffitt commemorates two milestones
in 2006: Moffitt's 20th year asa leader in Florida cancer care
and USF's 50th anniversary year.
SEntry fees for both events are $20 in advance, $25 two
weeks prior to the race and $30 on race day. To register or
.. for more information, visit www.milesformoffitt.com or call
745-2006. Registration forms will also be available at Sun-
Trust Banks.
LA GCiCETIFiidy); .Mairh'lO;'2IO6/Page .5 --'
Hillsborough County's politi-
cal, business and community
leaders once again gathered
together for the annual Florida
Strawberry Festival Luncheon
held on Monday, March 6 at the
HCC Plant City Campus. When
the handshaking and greetings
were complete, everyone sat
down for a delicious lunch that
was topped off by Plant City's
finest Strawberry Shortcake.
The guests then left to either
participate in or watch the
Strawberry Festival Parade. As
always, the Festival Queen and
Court were beautiful and friend-
ly to all the luncheon guests. Tony Scionti & Michael Scionti Belinde Allen & Merita Minar Senator Bill Nelson & Alex Sink
Sehool Board members Jack Lamb, Candy Olsen, Strawberry Queens Court, Megan Shelley, Kayla Gaschler, John Dicks Jr. Plant City Mayor John Dicks Sr.,
Dorthea Edgecomb & Susan Valdes First Mald llene Chavez & Julie Boback Supervisor of Elections Buddy Johnson
Laura & Cheif Financial Officer Tom Gallagher Betty Tompkins & Mark Proctor Dennis Scruggs & Bob Odom Adriana Decker & Rocky Vsldez
Robert Wolf & HCC President Gwendolyn Stephenson Liana Fox & Genda Venable Anna Ramos & Roselie Simms Mercy & Victor DiMaio
Llana Lopez & Mayor Pom lorio Strawberry Queen Hannah Hodge Councilwoman Rose Ferlita & Sheriff David Gee Alligator Bob & Tax Collector Doug Belden
Page 16/LA GACETA/Friday, March 10, 2006
C tyB d L r ki g fo V T 1 nt form from the Advisory Boards ments to the Family Child Care
County Boards Loo ing for Volunteers andCommitteessection ofthe Homes Licensing Ordinance
County Commission's page. or the Rules and Regulations
SHillsborough County Com- In addition, appointees may be Kennedy Blvd. in downtown The form can be completed Handbook, including recom-
missioners are currently re- required to file financial disclo- Tampa; by calling the Boards online, bt cannot be submit- mending and assisting the lo-
cruiting volunteers for a variety sures. The application deadline and Councils Coordinator ted electronically. Options for cal licensing agency in the de-
of citizen advisory boards and date is March 16, 2006. at 272-5632 or through the submission are listed on the velopment and implementation
councils. Nominees must be Applications are available county's web site at www. application. Appointments for of training materials for child
registered to vote in Hillsbor- in the commissioners' recep- hillsboroughcounty.org. Inter- these boards and councils will care personnel; advising the lo-
ough County and be willing to tion area on the second floor ested residents can download be made during County Com- cal licensing agency on matters
serve without compensation. of County Center, 601 E. and complete the application mission meetings in April or of licensing policy, procedure,
May 2006. and priorities; and proposes
_____~______ ___ -_._ __ __ JBuilding Board of Adjust- additional rules and regula-
ment, Appeals and Examiners tions regarding the intent and
'-w "- confirms the competency and purpose of the ordinance. Two
..... i integrity of applicants applying positions are vacant. Posi-
for building certification in the tions are specified as parents
T E GRf EATER M T CARM EL county and takes disciplinary who have a child enrolled in a
T GREATER v C"ARM EL action against those contrac- licensed family.day care home.
P rtors that fail to comply with the Appointments for these terms
SVELOPM ENT CAT Building Code. One vacancy .will be for the completion of
exists. Position is specified their duration, which expires
in Partnership with the as "alternate." The term is for December 31, 2006. Meeting
two years. Nominees for this schedule: Quarterly, third
TAMPA BAY AREA FAITH BASED ALLIANCE position must be knowledge- Thursday, 7 pm.
able and experienced in the Gas Board of Adjustment,
Cordially invite you to attend technical codes of the building Appeals and Examiners gov-
industry. Meeting schedule: erns the certification of gas
Monthly, third Tuesday, 9 contractors doing work in Hill-
a.m. sborough County and enforces
ABOVE AND BEYOND THE CALL Child Care Facilities Ad- adherence to the standards set
A Community Awards Luncheon visory Board advises the by the Gas Code. One term has
County Commission on rec- expired and two positions are
ommended amendments to vacant. Positions are specified
In honor of the Child Care Facilities Or- as a liquid petroleum installer
dinance; proposes additional and two alternates. Term for
rules and regulations which ef- regular member is four years
fectuate the intent and purpose and alternates' terms are for
of the ordinance; recommends two years. Nominees for alter-
and assists the Hillsborough nate positions must be knowl-
County Office of Child Care edgeable and experienced in
Licensing in the development the technical codes of the gas
and implementation of train- industry. Meeting schedule:
ing materials for child care Quarterly, third Thursday,
S C A Kren Eenor personnel; provides advice on 11 a.m.
Roseann Chloe Apostle Karen Eleanor all matters pertaining to child Health Coundil of West
Favata Coney Nelia Sims Dixon care facilities. One term has ex- Central Florida, Inc.(District
F azier pired. Position is specified as a VI Health Council) devel-
representative of a non-profit, ops plans for coordinating the
licensed child care facility or delivery and improvement of
Saturday, March 18, 2006 12:00 P.M. To 2:00 P.M. organization. Term is for three health care services through-
years. Meeting schedule: At out its district: Consumer
The Double Tree Hotel least quarterly, first Thursday, publications are prepared to
(Tampa Westshore Airport) 1 p.m. help constituents make more
Consumer Protection informed choices for their
Bay Pointe Grand Ballroom Board acts as a quasi-ad- health. One term has expired.
4500 West Cyress Street Tampa, FL 33607 judicatory body to enforce the Term is for two years. Psition
provisions of the Consumer is specified as a health care
Protection Ordinance. One consumer 60 years of age or
$30 per peron Business Attire term has expired and one va- over. Meeting schedule: sec-
cancy exists due to resignation. ond Wednesday of every other
Full term is for two years and month, 3 p.m.
the unexpired term is through Land Use Appeals Board
September 30, 2006. Positions hears appeals from the Land
V y VA~ n, >,r IA LO~ VIS k' b VA In, vi~ 'VVA0v AI VA< n are specified as a Temple Ter- Use Officer decisions on special
x W nrae residen and a C~~ ~ ~ race resident and a City of use permits and variances
Plant City resident. Meeting from zoning regulations.
Sschedule: Monthly, second The Land Development Code
Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. was amended which set spe-
vi JGL Electrical Board ofAdjust- cific criteria for membership
li G onzle z- l mentAppeals and Examiners of this board:'Attorney with at
So G confirms the competency and east five years of experience,
(formerly of Gonzalez Funeral Home) % integrity of applicants applying practicing in Hillsborough
for electrical certificationin the County who shall have been
Sproud to provide continued service to action against contractors that for no less than five years;
fail to comply with the Electri- landscape architect or archi-
STerm is for four years. Position the state of Florida; business
is specified as representative owner or operator in unincor-
A 7Aof an electric utility company. porated Hillsborough County;
MIR A Meeting schedule: Quarterly, professional planner with not
third Thursday, 8:30 a.m. less than three years of expe-
Fu neFamily Child Care Home rience in land use planning or
4 : Advisory Board reviews and zoning in Hillsborough County;
FB n 7-er G n advises the County Commis- civil or environmental engi-
fo erly Glass Funeral Home) sion on recommended-amend- neer registered to practice in
Florida; member of a civic or
SAThe .Costantino family has neighborhood organization in
6718 North Armenia Avenue been doing busnesinunHiboou
utive business in Hillsborough
Initial terms are staggered
(8 s 2-5 8 ..per Land Development Code
9.03.01 and subsequent terms
Ir are for'three years. Nominees
SFRAN COSTANTINO unincorporated area of the
S.. .BROKER county. M eeting schedule:
Se Habla Espaol Monthly, first Friday, 9 a.m.
Se Habla Espaol AE cCOSTANTINO
TAMPA, FL 33605
S pre-arr fuer a plans are for'three y||iears. omnee
FAX: :81 3-241-6868
r s 2 RLA GACETA/Friday, March 10, 2006/Page 17
MY VIEWPOINT Three Generations of a Festive Family
By John T. Spera
Autistie Boy Shocks Everyone
"These successes encourages:
They can because they think they can." Virgil l
Two weeks ago I wrote about point baskets, a school record!
a boy who received the coveted The fans went frenziedly wild!
Eagle Scout award, Sean Mc- Coach Johnson said, "It was
Creesh. Sean had a customary truly the most amazing thing
family life with parents who I've ever seen in my life. It was
instilled upon him discipline, as touching as any moment I
honesty and duty. An intro- have ever had in sports."
verted boy who claimed no In spite of being too small
honor, he only knew what he for the team and with autism,
had to do. His parents are pro- he gained "instant" recognition
fessional people; the mother is for his efforts, and I suspect
a certified public accountant he received Hollywood calls
(CPA) and the father is a civil from Glitter City to star in a
engineer, raising three other film for his achievement. His
children, Colleen, Megan and mother said they had 15 calls
Kelly. How's that for an "Irish" from Hollywood to make Jason
family. a star!
In this world today with Iraq Autism is a rather seri-
and our shortage of troops ous medical disorder that ap- *
there, Enron, Senator DeLay's pears in young children and -
fiasco, the Dubai debate, the remains throughout life. It
post-Katrina delay, and ev- is characterized by a limited
erything else going dreadful ability to communicate and Three generations of the Valdez family have participated in the festive pa-
in America, it's somewhat interact with people. How- rades held each year in Ybor City. Amelia Valdez, her children Iris Valdez-
refreshing to have a charming ever, Jason has defied this
and inspirational event happen symptom because he thrived Cory and Tony Valdez, and her granddaughter Kaley Valdez have al par-
occasionally. on interaction with players. ticipated in parades during their lives and childhood years. Their costumes
Jason McElwain, 17, an au- Scientists know autism is were handmade and won first place year after year. Their grandfather had a
tistic teenager, had a dramatic caused by an abnormality in tradition of making a float each year so his grandchildren could participate
change in life when he was the development of the brain. in the parade events. Unfortunately, their grandfather has passed, but the
Aena High Shoo basketball r Ho plicae th mt omsinle tradition continues. Kaley's grandfather made her first float for her very first
Athena High School basketball so complicated that no single
team. His job entailed provid- area of the brain can account parade, which took place in Ybor City for Fiesta Day on February 25, 20o6.
ing the players with bottles for all of them. Autism can be The tradition continues as Kaley (pictured above) is wearing her Aunt Iris'
of water, keeping the statisti- inherited or environmental fac- Carmen Miranda costume, which is now 30 years old. These events are very
cal record of the games they tors can play a role, as related exciting for the family and have been very memorable. Ybor City has been a
played, and running the clock. disorders and certain drugs big part of the family's life and ontinues t be for the futur
In the meantime, he sat on in early pregnancy have in-e f y's le ad
the bench with the basketball creased the risk of producing
players wearing a shirt and tie. a child with autism. It is in-
But, a few weeks ago, when the curable, but doctors say early
coach told him to "suit up," it detection and treatment can
meant to put on a uniform like improve the lives of children
the rest of the team. The coach with the disorder. Behavioral
regretted it for a moment but intervention, where the child
not for long! Jason proceeded is rewarded for progress to-
to sink three point shot after ward more typical behavior, H T
three point shot and scored 20 is often helpful, as shown by
points in all! At the end of the Jason McElwain. S T REETCAR DU RIN G
game, he remarked, "I ended I am sure the constant be-
my career on the right note havioral intervention Jason's
today. I was really hotter than parents keep up and that night THEROUGHRIDERS T. PATRICK' PARADE
a pistol!" His teammates car- when he achieved basketball
ried him offthe court. He was fame will tend for him to live SATURDAY, MARCH II 2006
mobbed by well-wishers and his life like any one of us. Af-
even autographed a basketball ter McElwain graduates from
for a fan! Athena High School, he plans PARADE HOURS: 8 P.M. -9:30 P.m.
According to his coach, he to major in business manage-
was considered too small to ment at Monroe Community STREETCAR HOURS OF OPERTION: 9 A.M. A.M.
make the junior varsity team, College. STREETCAR HouRS oF OPERATION: 9 A.M. 2 A.
so he volunteered to become The only vision he has at the
manager of the Greece Athe- moment, which is uppermost -4--o
na H.S. basketball team! Of in his mind, is, "Trying to win a.......
course, Coach Jim Johnson sectional title for the team." TEMPORA.RY
was so overcome with Jason's Jason McElwain for the STEETCo S
- commitment that he had to next game will be sitting on STATION STOPS
allow him to suit up for the the bench as a manager with a PO N,#~ O
final game of the season. The shirt and tie on as usual! ... .L". CPARKING.....
coach wanted Jason to make at The first time I saw Jasoh on
least one shot for Jason's ego. TV I was completely choked up
His performance was beyond to see that a kid with autism
belief, scoring 20 points in four and determination and mettle 9TH
minutes, making 6-of-10 three can make it!
If qou wish to buq or sell a house, don't wait 5 ...
anPqlonper. Your best choice is to call me. With
mq experience and the support of Centurq I : '
e'll make qour dreams come true! This temporary streetcar stop
is for Saturday, March llth
L ,:- ONLY from 8 p.m. 9:30 p.m.
Lo~~~rdesi Acosta during the parade. All other
Realtor Ybor station stops north of 7th
S Avenue will be closed during
lourdesacosta.mfr.milxchange.conm /" this time. Station stops south
Cell Phone (813) 477-8254 a of 7th Avenue will continue to
Each Ojfice is icdepenid'ny Owned and Operated ; have regular service.
LAW OFFICES (813) 653-2500
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Page 18/LA'GACETA/Friday,.March 10, 2006
LS Re ey from Spain. Your father is a was usually right. I didn't win
pharmacist. All of you speak, many arguments. On one exam
by Ferdie Pacheco write and read well. They tell she asked how to say "Please."
by Ferdie Pacheco me, you are friendly with Victo- Easy. "Por Favor." She marked
She was small, petite is The war started. There were no She picked up her atten- riano Manteiga, can you write, it wrong! My perfect 100 per-
what they call it now. funds to beautify or clean up dance book and began to read read and speak Spanish?" cent A paper down a notch.
She was about five feet tall, the old wreck. off names. She read a name, "Yes, as well as English, I "Well, if not 'por favor,' then
but she had a perfect shapely A dramatic change in cur- then made that student stand think, but 1 want to be better. what?"
figure, and wonderful posture. riculum occurred when the up and repeat her name in I want to be perfect." "Tenga va la bonda ...
She stood and walked as if she Hillsborough School Board de- a loud clear voice. When she "Youll be better. No one is "Wrong, wrong, wrong. That
were six feet tall. That was cided to cancel all Latin classes finished she put a rubber perfect." She smiled and patted is formal and antiquated. Cer-
pride. She was a very proud and replace themwith Spanish band around it and put it in my shoulder. "You'll lead the vantes- Spanish was of saying,
woman. courses. For me, it was just in her drawer. way. When the other kids see 'Please have the kindness to ...
Thinking back on her, as the knick of time. I had seen "There. I won't need to look what you know and how well instead of simply 'por favor.'
she appeared in a dream to my brother Joseph, anauthen- up your name. I'11 bet you you speak, and read, they'll She held firm. 1 wouldn't
me, a replay of our dramatic tic genius, labor long and hard a Coke I'11 never forget your see it can be done and it is not budge. So I went to my grand-
moment together. I figured she to get an A in Latin. Shoot, I name." hard, and weIl see if we can father, the Consul from Spain.
was about 25 years old and I couldn't see any value in Latin. We looked at each other. Did make it fun." He agreed with me. Not satis-
was 14 years old. She taught It was a dead language, and I she just bet us a Coke? Bet? Now you can imagine how fied, I went to the Main Lector,
me Spanish for three years was alive. I did want to learn What kind of teacher is this? proud that made me. She had Victoriano Manteiga.He agreed
Boy, what fun those days were Spanish, and learn it well. By the end of the first week recruited me as her partner, with me. Armedwith thosetwo
with her. She sparkled, danced Our school was 90 percent she had us categorized. Who She was right too; some of letters, I went to Miss Lastra.
in joy when the teaching was Spanish-speaking. Of course, spoke Spanish well? Who could those kids would never speak From there I was headed to the
going good. She wanted ev- by now, their Spanish was read and write Spanish? Who Spanish. Some of the Spanish principal's office. I was on fire!
eryone to get an A, to learn fractured Spanish, Spanglish. were Spaniards? Cubans? Ital- kids thought they were speak- An outrage!
to speak Spanish. She was Here was the opportunity of a ians? Americans? ing Spanish. All of Ybor City She cooled downand backed
crushed when she failed, but lifetime to learn to speak two She shuffled chairs around. spoke Spanish. You could be off. "Well, actually, we're both
she tried harder on those who languages well. Clearly the I ended up beside her desk. born in Ybor City, live and right.' She smiled her blinding
couldn't grasp Spanish. No one future was going to belong to Why? Had I been bad? Was this work there, and die there and smile.
ever failed Spanish, the lowest the bilingual. the dumb chair? She waited still not speak good Spanish. "Yes, but you marked it
grade was a C- Enter Miss Lastra. She until the class emptied out, but Their parents came from Spain down as wrong," I persisted.
Our high school, Jefferson walked briskly to her desk and she held me back. Up close, and spoke nothing but Span- "Okay," she said, still smil-
High, had just been made sat down, as if that entrance she smelled wonderful, even ish yet mainly they spoke in ing, you win. I'1 fix it." And
into a high school for political was a military maneuver. She her breath smelled great. dialects of the province from she did.
reasons. It was a junior high looked up and every guy in the "You are going to be the where they had come. Miss Then there was our major
and was very shabby indeed. It room said "WOW!" in his head. leader of the pack. I know Lastra was trying to impose disaster. Wewould get trans-
got no better as a high school. Miss Lastra was a movie star. where yoii come from. Your order and uniformity in three fers from other cities as the war
years. Could it be done? She moved families around. The
H appy 84thr hd y DHer classes were fun. Itwas They spoke worse Spanish
Happy 84th Birthday Victor DiMaio! ""aI dfsened to es tle ugh there foo meN dnroek
like living theatre. She'd bring than the Ybor City kids. They
in a one act play and cast it, were mainly Puerto Ricans and
rehearse it, and play it on Fri- the other kids looked down on
day. Next week, a new play, a them as lower class.
new cast, etc. Or we would take One day Ms. Lastra sends
turns reading a novel aloud to me to the board to conjugate
the class, like the lector did in coger to get.
cigar factories. This could take I'm half way through the
up an entire month. If one kid conjugation and the New York
was slow, she'd replace him kids start to laugh hysterically
with me. I was the champion and point to the board. I looked
reader. loved to read. I loved at Lastra. She couldn't figure
to imagine I was a lector. it out. Lastra called on him to
And in between fun, she explain.
slipped in conjugation of verbs, "No, not to you. To him. I1!
spelling and teaching the gram- explain to him."
mar. We were really learning I went over to his side and
Spanish. he explained, "Coger means to
By this time, mid-semes- "Huh?"
ter, we were kind of used to "All over South American
her stunning good looks. As islands the word coger mean
she got looser, she got kind of islands the word coger means
saucy. She wore short skirts, to screw."
a sort of primitive miniskirt. explain that uo he sweet in-
If she bent over to pick up a expain that Ms. Lastra? I asked her
pencil, every guy in his seat nocent Ms. Lastra? r asked her
was standing to get a look. And to step into the cloak room. She
she purposely titillated every he was laughing. She called
male in the room by hiking up him wasintothe cloak Sheroom and
on top of her desk, crossing her left him there for the rest of
Family members and friends ofVictor E. DiMaio celebrated his 84th birth-' legs and showing plenty of leg. the rest of
day on Sunday, February 19 at Bern's Steakhouse. Pictured: Rear Admiral She acted like she didn't notice the day.
Donato Marzano from Italy with the Coalition Forces at MacDill Air Force the tongues hanging out. I went to se her after m
Base, Mercy DiMaio (wife), Victor R. DiMaio (son), Brigadier General Select le he morgave esponsibilie mo academic grand tour and she
Dan Woodward (Stationed atthe Pentagon) and Colonel MaggieWoodward I started to battle with her. was still very sweet, almost
commander of the 6th Air Mobility Wing at MacDill Air Force Base, Victor She welcomed give and take. subdued.
E. DiMaio and Gloria Keegan (sister). "Keep up working hard.
Don't let up. Go hard until
you graduate. You are going
to be a fine doctor. You've been
great to have as a student."
She kissed my cheek gently
and patted me on the back,
I almost swooned and she
pushed me out the door. "Now,
go become a big shot." She
flashed me that killer smile.
Our sole focus is From time to time when I
came home I'd go by to see a
keeping cancer few old teachers I always just
mused about Miss Lastra. I
out of the picture. heard that she never married.
There was a rumor that she
had something going with Mr.
Lindsay in 1942. He was an
electrifying Jimmy Cagney
kind of an English teacher, but
the draft caught up with him
and they sent him to Bongan-
ville to pacify the.Japanese
Eventually in her eighties, I
H.LE heard she died.
H. ~ T I felt a sort of deep sorrow.
MOFIFI lI would have liked to have
CancerCenter&ResearchInstitute shared live stories as we aged
The End Of Cancer Begins Here. through all of these years. They
A National Cancer Institute say she remained a "peach." I
Comprehensive Cancer Center can imagine that. It would be
At nte Universit ufSouthI Floi*da hard to imagine anything hap-
1-888-MOFFITT. pening to her legs!
www.MoffittCancerCenter.org I can say I speak Span-
ish, read and write it, better,
because of Ms. Lastra. So, at
least, she accomplished that.
LA. GACETA/Eriday, March 1O, 20,Q6/.page,19,,
Outdoor Sportsman's
By Richard Muga McCullum Gets Support,
USF Bulls Get a Victory
1Big B s Day on Lake Garcia It may have been just one forced to coachthroughmany
^ .' "D7 .. JL U.U aa^ mere conference victory in a player injuries and a move into
long, frustrating season for the what may be the best confer-
It was to be a special day for < pounds. But that was not the USF Bulls, but it's something ence in all of basketball. The
Tampa attorney Joseph R. Bry- best of the fishing expedition. positive that can be taken into Bulls showed this season that
ant. Last Thursday and Friday O the lat d, t 230 the off season. In the season they are more than capable of
he and guide John Fox fished y finale last Saturday night at playing with the best teams;
for bass near Vero Beach. p.m., using the last shiner the Sun Dome, USF (7-22, they simply were unable to
Before the day was over the Ia s str y 100 yards 1-15) beat No. 20 Georgetown close out games. Give McCul-
fishing expedition turned into he geover Highway 63-56, earning the Bulls their lum a good recruiting class
a memorable experience not to i6. Th one eyed fish we4 nds first ever victory in the Big East and a healthy team, and you
be soon forgotten. in at anamazig 14 pounds Conference and snapping a will likely see a big difference.
Taking time from his law Bryant had just broken his school worst 17-game losing There will no doubt be a dif-
practice is not easy for Bry- own record and surpassed his streak. ference in the number of wins
ant. But, during a recent well expectatons of a big fish. South -Florida has had to next season if Robert McCul-
earned break, he decided to A most appreciativeoe Bry- play nearly the entire 2005- lum is to stay on as coach at
pursue his desire to catcha ant explained that guide John 2006 basketball season short- USF. While the Bulls may not
pursue his desire to catch a
trophy bass. "1 always wanted Fox is a past Bass Masters handed due to numerous beatournamentteamin2006-
to catch a 10 pound bass," Champion and a wonderful injuries. Despite having the 2007, they will likely need to
said the outdoors enthusiast. John Fox, Joseph R. and knowledgeable guide. He odds heavily stacked against finishwith arecord around the
"But the opportunity never Bryant and their bass. suggested that those that de- them, the Bulls played some .500 mark.
presented itself," continued sire to catch a trophy bass call of the nation's best teams very Thankfully, with the victory
Bryant. day including other whoppers Fox at 800-643-4665. close and never seemed to quit over Georgetown, USF won't
Last week, during a busi- weighing 6.5, seven, and 8.5 BE A GOOD SPORT! on Head Coach Robert McCul- have the infamy of going win-
ness trip to Ocala, he met guide .- lum. Amidst swirling rumors less in conference play. The
extraordinaire Joe Fox. Bryant that USF was looking to oust Bulls have some promising
had suggested they fish the lWHAT' HIAPfPEN\riXNG McCullum in hopes of luring transfers that are expected
Ocklawaha Reservoir because n @Id Ybotr former Cincinnati coach Bob to play in the upcoming bas-
of tales of big fish originating I IHuggins to Tampa, athletic ketball season. While the im-
from there. Fox suggested dif- By Paul Guzzo director Doug Woolard an- provement is certainly needed
ferently and Bryant acquiesced nounced that McCullum would with the team, I support Doug
to what turned out to be the Events be back as head coach for the Woolard's vote of confidence
best move of all his fishing Ifyou have any events you would like to announce in this Bulls' next season. for Coach McCullum.
experences. column, please call Paul Guzzo at 248-3921 orfax them to Looking at Robert McCul- You can listen to Jason Ales-
The duo fished Lake Garcia, 247-5357. lum's win-loss record in three si talk sports with Tampa Bay
a farm reclaimed and flooded years at USF, one would as- Lightning, Orlando Magic, and
by the St. Johns Water Man- Tampa Film Review sume that he has been a major USF Bulls arena announcer
agement District off Highway The next Tampa Film Review, presented by 1 Day Films, bust. But McCullum had not Paul Porter on The Home Team
60 just West of 1-95. They will be held on Friday, March 10 from 8 10 p.m. at Interna- had extremely talented teams every Saturdayfrom 10a.m. to
used exclusively wild shiners tional Bazaar, located at 1600 E. Eighth Ave. in the Centro to work with, and has been noon, now on 1470 AMESPN.
that Fox transported all the Ybor Complex. Tampa Film Reviews is a monthly showcase of
way from Ocala, as none were local independent films and is held every second Friday of the REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS
available locally. month and is free.
The tackle used included Coffeehouse Film Review was awarded a 2005 Best of the HART BID # RB-5061
4/0 hooks set under bobbers Bay Award for BEST REASONS TO BELIEVE THE LOCAL FILM
others were free-lined with SCENE IS ALIVE AND WELL. The Hillsborough Transit Authority will be accepting pro-
small weights attached. Fif- 1 Day Films is looking for film submissions for future events. posals until 2:00 P.M. eastern time, March 31, 2006 for Legal
teen-pound monofilament line For more pete@tooprod.com or paulguzzo@hotmail.com. All Services.
or power pro on bait casting genres of'films are accepted feature length, shorts, docu- The RFP documents.will be available for download from the
reels finished the equipment. mentaries, comedy, horror, love, art, drama, foreign language, HARTline website at www.hartline.org after 11:00 AM, on
Bryant related they fished experimental etc. No pornography! Monday, March 13, 20061 The documents can be located
the second and third days Visit www.thetampafilmreview.com for more. under the Purchasing Section. All inquiries pertaining to the
past the full moon when the St. Patrick's Day Parade specifications, or any questions in reference to the Bid docu-
big bass were finishing their The streets ofYbor City come alive on Saturday, March 11 ments should be directed to: Rick Hargrove, Procurement
spawn. They did not sight-fish at 8 p.m. when hundreds of floats masked with lights and Manager, Hillsborough Transit Authority, 4305 East 21st
but depended on the guide's loaded with leprechauns. The annual St. Patrick's Day Parade Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33605 (813) 623-5835. 3/10/06 1T
knowledge of the waters for in Ybor City presented by the Tampa Rough Riders will fill the
baitplacement. At 9:30 a.m. on
baitplacement. At 9:30 a.m. on streets with crowds dressed in green and clovers. There will
Thursday a large fish chased also be many food and trinket vendors. The route will take
the shiner on three seprate the parade North up Nuccio to Seventh Avenue then east on
occasions before finally eat- Seventh Avenue to 20th Street where the parade will end.
ing it. Bryant fought the fish Admission is free.
and when he brought it to the
boat only to discover he had Summoning the Muse
met his goal and more. The Summoning the Muse runs April 21 at HandMade in Florida
fish weighed 11llb. 5 oz. After Craft Gallery, 1903 N. 19th St., Tampa. Works of six members
pictures, the large.female was of Clearwater's Artists' Way Cooperative are presented in a
quickly released. They caught group show. Regular hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday
and. released 16 fish on that through Saturday.
Racing Dining Poker Golf
Live Racing and Poker
Thru- May 7, 2006
Page 20/LA GACETA/Friday, March 10, 2006
Kary Andrews and Amanda King are always smil- Dolly Petel and Melissa Lindie munch on the mouth watering salads served
ing after a delicious meal at Valencia Garden, at Bernini's, located on Seventh Avenue in Ybor City.
located on West Kennedy Boulevard.
"Copyrighted Material
S- Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
Toni Lynn Grimaldi and Swanson McElven get to- I n E A ~ I
gether for good food and drinks and great conver- At the M ovies with Jason Alessi
sation at the Tapper Pub in the Britton Plaza.
Underdog Crashes Oscar Party
The 78th Annual Academy in Brokeback Mountain kept it iets us know that we cannot
Awards were going almost per- from receiving the Academy's always predict with certainty
fectly as planned last Sunday top award, that's probably what will win.
1N AV 1L evening before undergoing a not the case. Hollywood has While I was pleased to see
o Hitcockian-like twist. All the proven to be very liberal and Philip Semour Hoffman walk
major awards went to those accepting for quite some time. away with a statuette for his
whom many experts predicted. Just the fact that a film like hauntingly brilliant work in
But one needed only to see the Brokeback received so many Capote, I was a little disap-
shocked look on Jack Nichol- Oscar nominations shows that pointed that Felicity Huffman
son's face when he opened the the popular movie industry is didn't win Best Actress for her
envelope and read the winner more than willing to embrace role as a transsexual in Trans-
SBE R N IN MI ; for Best Picture. diversity. Crash was a film that america. Reese Withersppon
Crash dealt with another important was wonderful as June Carter
That's right, not Brokeback topic racism and the major- in Walk The Line, but I just felt
INNOVATIVE ITALIAN CUISINE Mountain, which was the hands- ity of the Oscar voters no doubt like Huffman's was a more dif-
down favorite going in. Even after found it immensely powerful. ficult performance to pull off.
Serving lunch Ang Lee was awarded the Osce: The Academy Awards have Overall, I deem the most
Monday thru Fridy, forBest Director for Brokeback, at times been predictable recent Academy Awards a
the movie about two cowboys in through the years. Often times, success. Jon Stewart was a
Dinner 7 nghts a week love that captured all the critics' many could successfully pre- worthy host, and veteran film-
hearts, it was Paul Haggis' tale dict going into an awards show maker Robert Altman gave a
1that got the gold. While I really loved Brokeback the honorary Oscar. Kudos to
n "_ ,- 248-0099 While some may suspect Mountain, I'm overjoyed to see the great unpredictability of
that the homosexual theme an upset like this occur. It motion pictures.
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LA GACETA/Friday, March 10, 2006/Page 21
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Page 22/LA GACETA/Friday, March 10, 2006
PARTNERSHIPS), Technology Development/Office of Research. This Hillsborough e ri
La Quinta Inn & Suites position is primarily responsible for management and strategic direction of County
n B dn is crrntly USF CONNECT. The successful candidate will have first-hand experience
in Brandon is currently starting, managing and growing a small business enterprise, and must be
seeking team players. able to translate those experiences into individualized assistance for local On Proposed Tampa
Our mission is all about and regional start-up technology businesses. Since a primary role of USF
making our guests feel CONNECT is to identify and provide existing resources to these compa- Bay Water Permnits
S t nies, this position must match the needs of technology businesses with
as welcome and comfort- available resources within USF and the economic development commu- Your Board ofCounty Coimmissioners will receive information and
able as possible. We work nity. REQUIRES: Master's degree in Business Administration, Public conduct a public hearing on whether the County should seek arbitra-
just as hard to create a Administration, Engineering, or Life/Health Sciences and six yrs exp inrd e
work environment that's business management, contract management, product development tion under Tampa Bay Water's Interlocal Agreement regarding one or
and/or university-based economic development. Annual salary range: more of the following proposed permits.
equally inviting. These are $100,000-negotiable. Apply by 3/16/06 to Martina Goller, ADM 200 or
just a few of the bene- mgoller@research.usf.edu. ADA accommodations call (813) 396-9308. Tamp Bay Water's submittal of the Annual Report for the
fits available to full-time #5273 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC, USF Physical Plant. Completion of Optimized Regional Operations Plan (OROP) for Water Year 2005 to
employees: an approved apprenticeship program for multiple trades; or a HS diploma the Southwest Florida Water Management District. The OROP
and four yrs multiple trades exp. Appropriate vocational/technical training govems rotation of use among Tampa Bay Water's water production
Medical insurance may substitute at an equivalent rate for required exp. Valid Florida Driver's facilities.
Dental insurance License. Drug/Background Check. Prefer one yr commercial maintenance Taa a r ii ri r
Lite insurance exp; knowledge of basic repair procedures for door closures/hardware, Tampa Bay Water's applcation to the Florida Department of
SLife insurance electrical work, painting, plumbing and HVAC. Ability to work extended Environmental Protection for a renewal of the National Pollutant
SVision coverage hours. B/w salary range: $780.80 -$1,054.71. Apply by 03/17/06 to Diane Discharge Elimination Permit for the Tampa Bay Seawater Desalina-
Moore, OPM100, dmoore@admin.usf.edu. ADA accommodations call
SPaid vacation M M00, dm3)re@adminus.edu. ADA accommodations cal tion Plant. The renewal does not modify the existing Permit.
401(k) plan USFISAN EO/EA/AA INSTITUTION Tampa Bay Water's request to the Florida Department of
R m r Environmental Protection for an Environmental Resource Permit
Room rate discounts I construction phase time extension for the Tampa Bay Seawater
Apply in person. Desalination Plant.
LA QUINTA INN & SUITES Tampa Bay Water's application to the Florida Department of
310 Grand Regency Boulevard Environmental Protection for a modification of the Environmental
Brandon Resource Permit for wetland mitigation at the C.W. Bill Young
eoe Regional Reservoir to provide mitigation area drainage improvements.
A meeting of the.Environmental Protection Commission of
HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY [ Hillsborough County will be convened immediately following this
CIVIL SERVICE I public hearing to consider the same matters.
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LA GACETA/Friday, March.10O, .2096/lage 23
RUBEN MARTIN, Case No. 05-10539 Divlsiborough Coun C REGCASE NO. 06-000071-CA DISTRA-IONJ Twiggs t., Room #101, Tampa, FL Attorne for PersonmGiving Notice n
thereafter. f you fail to do so, a default ty, Florida, I will sell the property situ- TION SYSTEMS, NC.; ar the Defend- 33602 before servce on Petitioner or TEMPLE H. DRUMMONDs wih his courESQ
may be etionered against you for the relief ated in PROPERTIES, FloridC, de- a ORAN CHASE BANK, N.A., AS immediately thereaftioner WITHIN THE TIME ERIDS SET
andbidder for a sh at 800 E. Twiggs Street, and FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE
Clerk ahrcut Cout's mfe CNYouAKho mayca cludng oure r ara aEl bsle at thBARRED.
NOTICE OF ACTION OR SANCHEZ, THEODORE J. CUCH SREC set forth in said Final Judgment: review these documens upo r
YOU ARE NOTIFIED ha an actionpers FORTH MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS, INC.; o a Final Judgment of Morgage FoTre- Las nown Address: Unknown MORE AFTER THE DECEDENTS DATE
in this lawsuit wilhas been filed against you and thad- 151 CITY OF TAMPA, AND UNKNOWN closure daed March 7, 2006 and entered YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action OF DEATH IS BARRED
are required to serve a copy of your TENANTSOWNERS, FLORIDA. Case NO. 06-000071-CA of the Circuit has been filed against you and that you The date of the firs publicaion f hi
written defenses, if any, to it on RUBEN Defendants. Court of the THIRTEENTH Judicial Circuit are required to serve a copy of your Noticte j March 10, 2006.
MARTIN, whose address requires 3022 W. WATERSin and for HILLSBOROUGH County, Flor- writtNIen defenses, if any, o it on CYNTH and
Crest, Tampa, FL 33614, on or before NOTICE OF SALE ida wherein JP MORGAN CHASE BANK, FEW MILLINER, whose address ls 1609 Persons Giving Notice:
Aprinl 10, 2006, and file the oriinl with Noice is to hereby given, pursuan o F- NA., AS TRUSTEE, s he Plainiff and E. Norulebay Street Tampa FrocedureL 33610, on CHARLES R. SAFARIK
he clerk of this Court at 800 E. Twigg nal Jugment of Foreclosure for Plintiff SCOTT LAFOUNTAIN; LISA LAFOUN- or bafore April 17th 200 and filethe 7820 N. 5comply6th Street
Street, #101, Tampa, FL 33602, before entered in this cause on March 7, 2006, TAIN W S BADCOCK CORPORATION; original with the clerk of this Court at 800 Tampa, Florida 33617
service on Petitioner or immediately in the Circuit Court of Hilsborugh Coun MeORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRA- E. Twiggs St., Room #101, Tampa, FL Attorney for Person Giving Notice
CR OFRR I you are a person with a disability who participate in thi s proceeding, you are immediately thereafter. f you fal to do soa
S e needs any accommodation in order to entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision PAT FRANK Last Known Address: Unknown
heputy It1u-a/f1o0o a T u t ity lod, at wio o s a f oh prope isio Clerk of Circuis Court, Circuit Civil Division, By: Sharon D. Dale has been filed against you and that you
demaofnded in the petition. scried as bidder for cash at 800 E. Twiggs Street, a default may. be enterd against you for Drummond & Associates
demanddi nhes peoif i ou n. t cribad a: DIGeorge Edgecomb Courthouse, 2nd the relief demanded in the petition. 6325 Jacqueline Arbor Drive
YouIN THE CIRCUIT CleOURT OF THE CCircuit PAGE 0015it Court, CircTHE PUBLC REC set rh in aid Final Judgment- riew hs docunts upon requ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE
T RTEEON UD C RU T 8, C pa, t th o et yu ar8. hthrnFE ET ari orFEET OF THE HIL BORO GH fOUN UT FLOR IDA O rbe r JUI 6,C A dLfiR t,
in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- 151, PUBLIC RECORDS OF HILLS- 26.1 FEET OF LOT 7, HOPEWE2LL dreFs, Fl or 12 p1em Couur Approved C.r tY F Ia9 3n
WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- AND COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 1109 PLAT BOK PAGE47OFTHE es on record t the clerk's office. Petitioner
y L oner Dated Prcdur rthiurs W thiWATERS AVENUE, PUB006. LICRE CORD OF HTLLB WARNING: Rule 12.285,a Florida Fam- e an
can rsTAul in sancions, l including dis Courthouse, located at 800 E. Twiggs CITY, FL 33566. mants andE information. Failure o complyOIE OF A O
miasal or striking of pleadinga. Street, Room 201/202, Tampa, Florida, on It you are a parson wifh a disabilify who mi1sal or striking of pleadings. DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE
PATFRANK NIf you are a person with a disability who participate in this proceeding, you are DATED: March 8eh, 2006. no
CLERK OF THE OFCRCUT COURT need any. accommodation in order o entited, t no cos (Summaryo you, o theministration) provisin PAT FRANKorders, ar avaiable at the
By: Brenda Duley participate in this proceeding, you are of certain assistance. Please contact the CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action
epO: KRy STAL LYNN 310-3/31/GLISS 06 4T entited, at no cost o you NTEo NThe provisin lr of Circui Cour, Circuit Civil Divisi, By Sharon D Dal has been fild against you and fthate Circ you
Last Known Address: Unknown TO REGISTER Court's office notifiedrve a copy of your current ad-
YOU ARE NOTIFED that an action FIof crTITIOUS TRADE NAME IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE puy Crk 3/10-3a31/06 4T nowriin defensas, if any, uq it on DENNY
has been filed against you and that you Notice is hereby given tharcut Civtheil Divisier- THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUT OF t on no. 276-8100, xt. 7252, Forur
are required to serve a copy of your signed intend(s) to register with the THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN tANDe thiy Lereafter. If you fail to do so, a
written defenses i any, to it on JUAN Florida Department of State, Division of FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY Circuit Court for HILLSBORO s at be enter e d you for
MEDINA, whose address s 10219 Alta- Corporatons, pursuant to Section 865.09 CIVIL DIVISION ty, Florida, Probate Dref demanded the eo
Rvista Ave. Apt. 106 Tampa, FL 33647, of the Florida Statutes (Chapter 90-267) CASE NO. 05-CA-010286 DIVSION: C of which is Post Office Box 1110, TamORS Copies o all court document n this
on or eteApril 17, 2006, and fil the the trade name of: SuJAMES S NUZZOas AGENT for Florid ary Administration) case, including orders, are available at the
igin Ie clerk of this Court at 800 death was August 11, 1998; that the total erin t ha cr Cour of ou
SRoo m0on 'Ta2u3/170am6r2T TamhLPlaintiff(s)a value of the estate is $22,000 and that the mres Twg inotaee tion FTilu m p reL u s -t
33602, bef Nre servce on Pettioner or Address: vs names and addresses notf those to whom it dressa (You my file sNotice o f u a di-
i mediately thereafter. IF you fail tr SAo do so, 785 Cypress Trail Drive has been dbsc Cor a:adns
ta ifa tn ma e Dd at you for Tarpon Springs, Florida 34688 M c 2S R.0 0.ERAo ndh ANACRcut MENDOZA C rALE ARI duo eueDATED: March 8th, 2006.
and PATeddnOwner: Florida Press, Inc. Defendant(s). 7820 N. 56th Street PAT FRANK
KYCSeT LY nN or dGL aveNs inCtthis President: Richard Broom cu10/06rT ap OTICr NTampa, Florida 33617 CLERK OF THE CoRCUIT COURT
C lerk of the C ircuinst ou andrt's office. Y ou may IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Notice is hereby given that pursuant to a iF mTE T FSTorD PERSONS A Nur r Apler
re required to serve a copy of your signed intend(s) to register with the THE STATE Of Foreclosure entered in LORIDA, IN AND decease 12 e 4Ta
Court's office not ified of your current ad-COUNTY Florida Departmt of SatCourt of HILLSBOROUGH County, Flor- cT r HI I G C rs a ma
SY aL N n No i ion ida, I will sell the property situate in HILLS- NOTICE OF PROPOSED AGENCY
dress, Florida Suprema Court Approved TR UREGtSTERa described Cd o
Family LawFor 2.915.) Futurepapers 36 FloERNANDO ZARA TractASE No. 106B-1: Commence at ACTION B 110,Y THE SOUTHWEST FLORIDA
n or before A 17, 2006, and fle the ad Petitioner of: JAMES S as Florida 33601 W haTER MANAGEMENT DISTo urICT
regh als o t the ci erk in s ou a 8 A Pr int Solution EUGrNIA K. MORRLLCUT death was Augusmm1a 1998A thato tha totane deats a Fori a t S p irloure Ao popr d
WARNING: Ruue 12.285e Florida Fam- JESSICA VARGAS, HRirsborough County, Florida, thence
ly Law Rules.of Procedure, requires Respondent. South 8922'48 West, 1345.91 feet Notice is given and that theDistricts Proposetd inAgency Action ics ap-
e r med fo serveal c pyof or Nad OIne n O Ralongsthe rSou olme h a aSec ean proval of the Environmental Resource Permit on 120 acres to
cmertaina tmatids 785sr of. docu- NO iC E LUIS R. RIE RA 3 td ANAot 9L0000" MENAsA a r t, 2006.
a ef anult inman tion, Fi lu in o l or ida DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE 273.26 feet; thence North 31C00'3.5" serve an excavation known as Stockton Lake. The project is
cane e d i t pII. Lwner Florida Press, Inc. Defendant(s). 7820 N. 56th Streetaddss
C onpies aora l c 17ur7do20e0, s ilna thas Pres adent: Rnchard Broom 3J10N061T NOTICE OF SALE Tampa Florida 33617 h CLERK O f rc u raqURT
issal orstrikingofpleadings TO:JESSICAVARGAS West, 550.00 feet; thence North ocated in Hillsborough County, Section(s) 30, Township 31al
DATED: March3rd 2006. LastTKnownPAddressA:Unknownac E G8N5A9'56.5 MRst,I 696vl ueetS fa South, Range 21 East. The permit applicant is Stockton Farms,
You must keep the Cerk o an 3100'3.5" West, 125.00 feet thence LLC, whose address is PO Box 1024, Riverview, FL 33668
Court's office notified of your current ad- COUNTY, FLORIDA Court of HILLSBOROUGH County, Flor-Z a aat yn
WARNING: Rule U12.285, Florida Fa 58595.5" 1724fe TVARGAShe proposed permit number is 43028914.000.
Copain as ofsi cour dcocumaofa in fha rad ruicared Brvo po thence ToNth CEO00'00F East ALL NTETD Pa S haron D. Dae
enty aren 3alwtion, de1 0 T DISSOLUTIONs OF MARRIAGE 273.260 feet; thence South 5805'56.5" The file(s) pertaining to the project referred to above is available
missal or strCking of pleadings. TO: JESSICA VARGAS Westi 550.00 feet; thence ofLot 1 for inspection Monday through Friday except for legal holidays, 31
TIRENTHE C DCRCUIT COnR OpLast 1 Known Acdress: Unknownt o0 Block 46, SUL..PHUR SPRINGS ADDI- 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the Southwest Florida Water Manage-
vAhDdOcRAnES uo rbTHIRTEENTH JUDICIAL Ct t Fnra lThION,accon to the mapc orpa ment District (District), 7601 Highway 301 North, Tampa, F
N mfAND ARE NOTIFIED that n action Pont of Beginning, thence South CSt.c uoome #It asm, PFL theeo as StOCktona Fo 336.
FAMILY LAW DIVISION immediately thereafter. I i you fail.to do so ida, Publs Rorys o n Hills OF33O P SE6759C
CREPAOT 6 has been Siled against you and Bhat you for o 5'ghCounty Florida,00 the FLwth
CA SE NO.: 06003887 DIVSION: B5the reiefEast1.24feet; The proposed permit number is 43028914.000.
Deputy CLerk 3/10-323106.4T DO ZARApUA, whFR N address is 20253No 1062 1 Commence af
IN RE:THE MARRIAGE OF: Copies of all court documents in this thereon. N to h Fiay ect fo lal olia,
dARANOa on rCACHArdcs, ahc ofiencd ng oresaa at public sale, to the highest and best,
TIARtN C IRCUIT C R. c lerk of cui or's e a oue af the bidder or bidders for cash in theADDI- 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the Southwest Florida Water Manaby the Dis-
IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH E. uwiggs St., Room #101 Tampa FL Tis eeot, Tamp, oridanoom trative he ring in accordance with Sections 120.569 and 120.57
COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA 33602, before service n Petitioner or 200 5t, p.lm. Records of 7ilh Day5of3
espondent.FAMILY LAW DIVISIN mmediately thereafter. f you Ap ril, 2006. Florida Statutes (F.S.), and Chapter 28-106, Florida Administra-
CAy E NORA00 ON7 dIRdress, ri a default may e you ar a person wth a disabiity who tive Cod(F.A.C.), o f the Uniform Rulesof Procedure. A request
CASENOmI Oc AC IN the dreuolief demanded in the petitionvO 3e hanc Nt 900y aommdtt in ore to
RE:DISSOLUTIONAGEOF AGE: Copies of alw Fourt documents in this ofor hearing must (1) explain how the substantial interests of each
MARIANO D. CACCHIARELLION Ccase, inciluding orders, are available at the a picae th eig aAn
Last Address: Unknown dressrk on record at the clerk's office You may entited, at no cost to you, to the orovision erso n reque sting the hearing willert are a ffected by the District's
E. Edgecomb Courthouse, located at 800 trction, actor final action; (2) state all material facts disputed by each
en fied against you and that you are ily Law Rules of Procedure requires 800t East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FhLy h r5e. e ting 1 7afnt Th spets b ain
SHELLI KEYONA MCNEAL, You must keep the Cslerke of othe Circuit 201/202 at 2 00 pmon thf th
Respondent t Dco e nums o it d- A3pn2, eleph oneno 276-8100ext 7252, facts; and (3) otherwise comply with Chapter 28-106, F.A.C. Administra
dees esiaytoitn:MANO^w dressns a iforma tioe o Curet Apd you are a person wgth a disability who tive Code (F.A.C.), of the Uniform Rules of Procedure. A requesth
ACCHIARELLI, whose address s: 2701 can thiresult will be s anctions, including dis- this proceeddocumnt; oar hearing, you aree t re aive iS e
iYO U ARE NOTIFIED that an action has WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- CPerk 4o A UCourtCGrc ADin p80ation othis notice (o' within 14 days for an Environmentale
beult may be entered againsthat you for the Deputy Clesrk 3/10-3/31/06 4T Deputy Cerk use of Sovereign Submerged Lands). Failure to fil a request for
efdemanded in the petition. 3/10-3/17/06 2T hearing within this time period shall constituhapte a waiver of any
eNET i O : C s of si cour c a 2 t his right such person may have to request a hearing under Sections
CACCHIARELLI, whose address is: 2701 can result in sanctions, including dsf- thisdocu i youre hetnd orbv6cea and
iltinerk of the Circuit CourCs of f fh Cu P oc ice. You mayYE g10t a1n r 7 iSay ree an ain
aviewthese cumentwigg St reet, Tampa,est ITS NOT W ORTH THE W EIGHT. Becatiuse the administratie hear ing proces is designed to
EuLre ert e NeAtLo orY By: Brenda Dufey Byr 0ren Mo onng formulate fieral agency action, wth roprietar Atoriation means that
Naess. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- Deputy Clerk Deputy the District's final action may be differrent from the position takenfor
Faess oridaoS Or F MARAGoe e m L2.F5.m12.915.)iFuturacpaperaia 'd nnl agency action. Persons whose sub-
this lawsuit will be aied to the stantialinteg wiresthin this wille affecteod h anstiuchint a adecisio of any
Cadress on record at the clerkns office. a o the District pon the application hav e t he right to petition to bectome
CAerk of the Circuit CourEt Fas c o o u C part to tAhe proceeding, in aocordance with the requirements seta
rtain automatic disclosur of docu-ise
cdantss i an td informatic ionsFailu rteo mphn ogin ad- cootumc. o Mediuat io n pursuant to Sect ion th 120.573, F.S., to settle anh
ssal or striking of p leadings, administrativ dispute regarding the Distri ct's final ac tion in this
n ATED: March 7th, 2006. For better health and fitness, exe rc ise, matter is not available prior to the filing of a requesth for hearing. of
ah onAT FRANK p iti o th nic e thi1 o n iome
sLE RK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT C__r f C o r e p ouh en i Porid a r w the r ai n ft he
Bep Sar0nc. Daleam iAmerican Heart Association oWanao tmd 3/10/06 1T
t epumy beC er a n3/10-3/31/06 4T o h 99D. 4, D- p l r 0 T e r it hin tsa ti p e ri dc 1t a. A oe o an
Page 24/LA GACETA/Friday, March 910, 2006 12
File Number: 06-399 Division: A Edgecomb Courthouse, 2nd Floor, Room EVER BARRED PETITION NO.: V06-14
201/202, Tampa, Florida 33602, at 2:00
IN RE: ESTATE OF PM, on the 6th day of June, 2006, the The date of the first publication of this PETITIONER: RIDAN INDUSTRIES LLC C/O LAURALEE WESTINE, ESO.
CHARLOTTE MALEBRANCHE, following described property as set forth notice is March 10, 2006. SPECIAL USE REQUESTED: 148' FLAGPOLE TOWER
Deceased. in said Final Judgment: Personal Representative: GENERAL LOCATION OF PROPERTY (ADDRESS): 6001 S. HIMES AVE., TAMPA
Th adminitration of the estte of ERS SUBDIVISION, A PLATTED 637 Tna Lak 31Lane That part of the vacated right of way of West Wyoming Avenue and Lots 22 and 23,
CHARLOTTE MALEBRANCHE, deceas- SUBDIVISION WITH NO IMPROVE- pa Block 15, INTERBAY, as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 36, of the
ed, File Number 06-399, s pendiin in the MENTS, ACCORDNG TO THE PLAT Attorney for Personal Representative: Public Records of Hillsborough County, Florida, lying in Section 10, Township 30
Circuit Court for Hillsborough ounty, THEREOF, AS- RECORDED IN PLAT RALPH B. FISHER, ESQ. South, Range 18 East, being more particularly described as follows:
Florida, Probate Division, the address of BOOK 78, PAGE 43, OF THE PUB- FISHER'S LAW OFFICE, P.A. Commence at a found 5/8" ron rod (no identification) at the intersection of the Easterly
which is 800 E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, LIC RECORDS OF HILLSBOROUGH 18125 Highway 41 N. Suite 109 right of way line of South Sterling Avenue with the centerline of the 13 foot wide alley
Florida 33601. The names and addresses COUNTY, FLORIDA. Lutz, Florida 33549 within Block 13, INTERBAY, as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 36, of
of the personal representative and the TOGETHER WITH A MOBILE HOME (813) 949-2749 the Public Records of Hillsborough County, Florida, said point being on the original
personal representative's attorney are set LOCATED THEREON AS A PER- SPN 54867 West line of said Block 15; thence N 89'55'25" E along said centerline for 514.19 feet;
forth below. MANENT FIXTURE AND APPURTE- 3/10-3/17/06 2T thence S 0027'19" W for 78.81 feet to the point of beginning; thence S 01918'22" W for
ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NO- NANCE THERETO, DESCRIBED AS: 106.58 feet; thence N 89-22'17" W for 18.19 feet to an intersection with the exterior
TIFIED THAT: A MOBILE HOME WITH SERIAL IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE face of an existing elementary school building; thence N 29'32'02" W along said
n on w h n NUMBERS C02908A AND C02908B. THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT exterior face for 6.56 feet; thence N 89'22'17" W along said exterior face for 17.92 feet;
All persons on whom this notice is IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH thence N 29120'23" W for 24.30 feet; thence N 00928'58" E for 73.33 feet; thence N
served who have objections that challenge AKA 805 ERRY STH ROAD, COUNTY, FLORIDA 15213'03" E for 6.74 feet; thence S 8922'17" E for 51.30 feet to the point of beginning.
the validity of the will, the qualifications DOVER, FL 33527. CIVIL ACTION Containing an area of 5,256 square feet, more or less.
of the personal representative, venue, or It you are a person with a disability who CASE NO. 2004-8033-CA DIVISION J
jurisdiction of this Court are required to file needs any accommodation in order to ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION OF THE CITY
their objections with the Court WITHIN participate in this proceeding, you are CITIFINANCIAL MORTGAGE COUNCIL WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING
All creditors of the decedent and other within 2 working days of your receipt of vs. SECTION 286.26, FLORIDA STATUTES, PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING
persons having claims or demands this document; if you are hearing or voice CARLOS A. VARGAS, et al, SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS MEETING SHOULD
against decedent's estate on whom a copy impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. Defendant(s). CONTACT THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE
of this notice is served within three months WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of DATE OF THE MEETING.
after the date of the first publication of this this Court on March 2, 2006. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE INTERESTED PARTIES MAY APPEAR AND BE HEARD AT SAID HEARING.
notice must file their claims with this Court Pat Frank NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant SHIRLEY FOXX-KNOWLES
WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS Clerk of the Circuit Court to an Amended Final Judgment of Mort- LER
AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- By: Sandra Glennon gage Foreclosure dated February 28, CITY CLERK 3/10/06 1T
LICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY Deputy Clerk 2006 and entered in Case NO. 2004-
OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarki THIRTEENTH Judicial Circuit in and for
THEM. P.O. Box 25018 HILLSBOROUGH County, Florida where- ON JUNE 8, 2006 AT 6:00 P.M. IN CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 3RD FLOOR, CITY
Apl other creditors of the decedent and F05017415 3/10-3/17/06 NY INC. SUCCESSOR N ERES BY THE TAMPA CITY COUNCIL TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING REZONING
persons having claims or demands 3/10-3/17/062T NY INC. SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST
against the decedent's estate must file TO ASSOCIATES HOME EQUITY SER- PETITIONS:
EVER BARRED. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. OF FLORIDA; HILLSBOROUGH COUN- A tract consisting of Lots 8, 9, 10, 15, 16 and 17 and that certain lot marked "C.W.
The date of the first publication of this SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO WELLS TY CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT; CHAPIN" and bounded on the East by said Lots 10 and 15, bounded on the North by
Notice is March 10, 2006. FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, INC., HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY SHERIFF; Granada Street, bounded on the West by the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad right of way,
Personal Representative: Plaintiff, are the Defendants, I will sell to the highest and bounded on the South by Bay-to-Bay Boulevard (Covadonga Street by plat), all in
ROSE MARIE MENARD vs. and best bidder for cash at 800 E. Twiggs REVISED PLAT OF MADRID, as per map or plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 2 on
1710 Citrus Orchard Way JENNIFER M. HALLING, et al, Street, George Edgecomb Courthouse, page 69 of the Public Records of Hillsborough County, Florida, said tract being further
Valrico, FL 33594 Defendant(s). 2nd Floor, Room 201/202, Tampa, Florida described as follows: from the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 8, run North 83
33602, at 2:00PM, on the 27th day of degrees 30 minutes West along the southerly right of way line of Granada Street a
Attorney for Personal Representative: NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE March, 2006, the following described prop- distance of 338.08 feet to the Easterly right of way line of Atlantic Coast Line Railroad;
NANCY G. FARAGE, ESQUIRE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant erty as set forth in said Final Judgment: run thence South 22 degrees 41 minutes 45 seconds West. along said Easterly right of
Nancy G. Farage, P.A. to a Final Judgment of Mortgage Fore- LOT 6, EASTSIDE MOBILE VILLA, way line a distance of 347.32 feet to a point on the Northerly right of way line of Bay-
Post Office Box 173027 closure dated February 28, 2006 and ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT to-Bay Boulevard (Covadonga Street by plat); run thence North 88 degrees 44
Tampa, Florida 33672 entered in Case NO. 05-11418-CA of the THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT minutes East along said Northerly right of way line a distance of 369.04 feet to a point
Phone: 813/221-5603 Circuit Court of the THIRTEENTH Judi- BOOK 36, PAGE 92 OF THE PUBLIC on the Westerly right of way line of Ysabelia Avenue; run thence North 20 degrees 15
Florida Bar No. 325171 cial Circuit in and for HILLSBOROUGH RECORDS OF HILLSBOROUGH minutes East along said Westerly right of way line a distance of 292.0 feet to the Point
3/10-3/17/06 2T County, Florida wherein WELLS FARGO COUNTY, FLORIDA, TOGETHER of Beginning, Less that part taken by Suit No. 73-10232.
IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH HALLING RYAN Gf LOCKWOODn are SRBED AS A 1989 MODEL WITH as per map or plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 2 on page 69 of the Public Records
NTFO HLLORIDA theALLIDefendants wi se to the highest 1 NUMBERS 13006844A AND of Hillsborough County, Florida, and a 30 foot-strip of land in Lot 3 HAWLEY'S
CIVIL ACTION and best bidder for cash at 800 E. Twiggs SUBDIVISION as per map or plat thereof recorded in Deed Book "D", on page 469 of
CASE NO. 05-010608-CA DIVISION F Street, George Edgecomb Courthouse, A/K/A 5430 MOBILE VILLA DR, SEFF- the Public Records of Hillsborough County, Florida, lying between the Westerly
CHASE HOME FINANCE, LLC. 2nd Floor, Room 201/202, Tampa, Flor- NER, FL 33584. boundary of Lots 11 and 12 of REVISED PLAT OF MADRID as per map or plat
Plaintiff, da 33602, at 2:00 PM, on the 29th day of If you are a person with a disability who thereof recorded in Plat Book 2 on Page 69 of the Public Records of Hillsborough
March, 2006, the following described prop- needs any accommodation in order to County, Florida, and the Easterly right of way line of Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, Less
vs. erty as set forth in said Final Judgment: participate in this proceeding, you are that part taken by Suit No. 73-10232.
TERRY A. HUNTER, et al, BLOCK GOLFWOOD entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision Said land alIo described as:
Defendant(s). R- LOT 27, BLOCK 10, GOLFWOOD
Defendant(s). .ESTATES UNIT NO. 12, ACCORDING of cerain assistanc. Please contacthe A tract consisting of all of Lots 8, 9, 10 and parts each of Lots 15, 16 and 17 and part
NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RE- Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, of that certain lot marked "C.W. Chapin, bounded on the East by said Lots 10 and 15,
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 43, PAGE 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL bounded on the North by Granada Street, bounded on the West by the Atlantic Coast
to a Final Judgment of Mortgage Fore- 61, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF 33602, telephon no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, Line Railroad righ of way, and bounded on the South by Bay-to-Bay Boulevard
closure dated February 28, 2006 and HLLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA. thidocument; i you are hearing or voice (Covadonga Street by plat), all in REVISED PLAT OF MADRID, according to map or
entered in Case NO. 05-010608-CA of A/K/A 4834 BONITA VISTA DRIVE, impaired, call 1-800-955-8771 plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 69, public records of Hillsborough County,
the Circuit Court of the THIRTEENTH TAMPA, FL 33634. Florida, described as follows: From the Southeast comer of said Lot 17 of REVISED
Judicial Circuit in and for HILLSBOR- f y WTNESS MY HAND and the seal of PLAT OF MADRID, run North 27 degrees 34 minutes 33 seconds East along the
OUGHi Crount, Florida wrein CHASE nI yu ay apccron with a disbii o this Court on March 1 2006. Easterly boundary of said Lot 17 a distance of 11.04 feet to a point of beginning, which
OUGH County, Florida wherein CHASE needs any accommodation in order to
HOME FINANCE, LLC, is the Plaintiff and participate in this proceeding, you are Pat Frank point is on the North right of way line of Bay-to-Bay Boulevard as said right of way was
TERRY A. HUNTER; THE UNKNOWN entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision Clerk of the Circuit Court widened by the acquisition of right of way described in instrument recorded in Official
SPOUSE OF TERRY A. HUNTER N/K/A of certain assistance. Please contact the By: Sandra Glennon Record 2878 on page 189, public records of Hillsborough County, Florida: From said
SHANNON HUNTER; WILLIAM SPEARS; Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, Deputy Clerk point of beginning, run Westerly along said Northerly right of way line along a curve to
LINDA SPEARS; are the Defendants, 1 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski the right (radius -1879.86 feet) a distance of 184.08 feet (chord 184.01 feet; chord
will sell to the highest and best bidder 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, P.O. Box 25018 bearing North 80 degrees 12 minutes 57.1 seconds West); run thence North 77
for cash at 800 E. Twiggs Street, George within 2 working days of your receipt of Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 degrees 24 minutes 37.9 seconds West along said Northerly right of way line a
Edgecomb Courthouse, 2nd Floor, Room this document; if you are hearing or voice F04008797 distance of 13.23 feet; run thence North 60 degrees 35 minutes 23.1 seconds West
201/202, Tampa, Florida 33602, at 2:00 impairedcall 1-800-955-8771 3/10-3/17/06 2T along said Northerly right of way line a distance of 62.60 feet; run thence North 23
PM, on the 29h day of Mar 06, the Il degrees 49 minutes 34 seconds East along the Easterly right of way line of the South
PM, on the 29th day of March.2006, the WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Cross-Town Expressway (as established by acquisition of right of way as described in
n said inal Judgmen: t t this Court on March 1,2006. THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT said instrument recorded in Official Record 2878 on page 189) a distance of 273.71
HE EAST 1/2 OF THE FOLLOWING Pat Frank IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH feet to intersection with the Southerly right of way line of Granada Street; run thence
TDECRIBES 12 OF THE FOLLOWNUT Clerk of the Circuit Court COUNTY, FLORIDA South 76 degrees 07 minutes 55 seconds East along said Southerly right of way line
DF THE TRACT 14HE SOUTH 1/2 By: Darrell Morning CIVIL ACTION of Granada Street a distance of 276.33 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 8 of
OF TE ORHE AST 114 OF THE SO Deputy Clerk CASE NO. 06-00415-CA DIVISION H REVISED PLAT OF MADRID a distance of South 27 degrees 34 minutes 33 seconds
WEST 1/4, LESS THE WEST 132 Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski HOUSEHOLD MORTAGE FUNDING West along the Westerly right of way line of Ysabella Avenue a distance of 280.95 feet
FEET THEREOF, IN SECTION 27, P.O. Box 25018 CORPORATION III, to the Point of Beginning.
TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, RANGE 22 Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 Plaintiff, A tract consisting of all of Lots 13,14,23,24,25, 26,47,48,49 and 50 and parts each of
EAST, ALL LYING AND BEING IN F05023493 3/10-3/17/06 2T vs. Lots 11 and 12 all in REVISED PLAT OF MADRID, according to map or plat thereof
HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA. PARMANAND KALADEEN, et al, recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 69, public records of Hillsborough County, Florida, AND
A/K/A 246 W M ROA ITHIA IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR Defendant(s). part of a 30 foot wide strip of land in Lot 3 of HAWLEY'S SUBDIVISION according to
NK/A 2446 WELCOME ROAD, LITHIA, HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA map or plat thereof recorded in Deed Book "D", Page 469, public records of
L 3 PROBATE DIVISION NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Hillsborough County, Florida, lying between the Westerly boundary of Lots 11 and 12
If you are a person with a disability who File Number 06-CP-000495 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant of REVISED PLAT OF MADRID (Plat Book 2, Page 69) and the Easterly right of way
needs any accommodation in order to to a Final Judgment of Mortgage Fore- line of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad; Said tract being more particularly described as
participate in this proceeding, you are IN RE: ESTATE OF closure dated March 2, 2006 and entered follows: From the Southeast corner of said Lot 50 of REVISED PLAT OF MADRID, run
entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision VIRGINIA ANNIE ROTHFELDT, in Case NO. 06-00415-CA of the Circuit Westerly along the Northerly right of way line of Granada Street, North 76 degrees 07
of certain assistance. Please contact the Deceased. Court of the THIRTEENTH Judicial Circuit minutes 55 seconds West a distance of 219.07 feet; run thence North 23 degrees 49
Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION / in and for HILLSBOROUGH County, Flor- minutes 34 seconds East along the Easterly right of way line of the South Cross-Town
800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL NOTICE TOCRida wherein HOUSEHOLD MORTGAGE Expressway (as established by acquisition of right of way as described in said
33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, N E TO CRDIT FUNDING CORPORATION III, is the instrument recorded in Official Record 2878. Page 189) a distance of 191.48 feet to a
within 2 working days of your receipt of The administration of the estate of VIR- Plaintiff and PARMANAND KALADEEN; point of curve; run thence Northerly along said Easterly right of way line along a curve
this document; if you are hearing or voice GINIA ANNIE ROTHFELDT, Deceased, JAGRANE KALADEEN; are the Defend- to the right (Radius 1597.02 feet) a distance of 71.98 feet (chord 71.97 feet, chord
impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. File Number 06-CP-000495, is pending in ants, I will sell to the highest and best bearing North 25 degrees 07 minutes 02 seconds East) to intersection with the
WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of the Circuit Court for Hillsborough County, bidder for cash at 800 E. Twiggs Street, Southerly right of way line of Barcelona Street; run thence South 69 degrees 00
this Court on March 1, 2006. Florida, Probate Division, the address of George Edgecomb Courthouse, 2nd Floor, minutes 20 seconds East along said Southerly right of way line of Barcelona Street a
Pat Frank which is P.O. Box 1110, Tampa, Florida Room 201/202, Tampa, Florida 33602, at distance of 288.67 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 47 of REVISED PLAT OF
Clrak of Circui Cour33601. The name and address of the 2:00PM, on the 25th day of May, 2006; MADRID; run thence South 27 degrees 34 minutes 33 seconds West along the
erk of the Circui Court personal representative and of the per- the following described property as set Westerly right of way line of Ysabella Avenue a distance of 229.93 feet to the Point of
By: Darrell Morning sonal representative's attorney are.set forth in said Final Judgment: Beginning.
Echevarra, Codilis & Stawiarski LOT 11, BLOCK 4, BAY PORT COL- AND That portion of Granada Street (now closed) described as follows:
P.O. Box 25018 ALLINTERESTED PERSONS ARE NO- ONY PHASE III, UNIT A, ACCORD- From the SE corner of Lot 50 of REVISED PLAT OF MADRID, according to map or
'Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 NG TO TE PLAT THEREOF IN plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 69, Public Records of Hillsborough County,
F05022109 3/10-3/17/062T A perons on whm this noice is PLAT BOOK 56 PAGE 6 O THE Florida; run Westerly along the Northery right of way line of Granada Street; North 76
31-10-317-06 2 served who have objections that challenge PUBLIC RECORDS OF HILLSBOR- degrees 07 minutes 55 seconds West, a distance of 279.07 feet; run thence South 23
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE the validity of the will, the qualifications of OUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA. degrees 49 minutes 34 seconds West along the Easterly right of way line of the South
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT the personal representative, venue, or jur- A/K/A 6728. ISLANDER LANE, TAM- Cross-Town Expressway (as established by the acquisition of right of way as
IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH isdiction of this Court are required to file PA, FL 33615. described in Instrument recorded in O.R. Book 2878, Page 189, Public Records of
COUNTY, FLORIDA their objections wth this Court WITHIN If you are a person with a disability who Hillsborough County, Florida), a distance of 40.61 feet; run thence Easterly along the
CIVIL ACTIONA THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AF needs any accommodation in order to Southerly right of way line of Granada Street; South 75 degrees 07 minutes 55
CASE NO. 05-7598-CA DIVISION B CATEON OA THIS NO THE FR THT participate in this proceeding, you are seconds East, 276.33 feet o the Northeast corner of Lot 8 of REVISED PLAT OF
WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A.o DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision MADRID; run thence North 27 degrees 34 minutes 33 seconds East. a distance of
WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE of certain assistance Please contact the 41.17 feet to the Point of Beginning.
FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, INC., All creditors of the decedent and other 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION OF THE CITY
Plaintiff. persons having claims or demands 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, COUNCIL WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING
n.33602, eephone no. 276-8100, ex. 7252, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE.
vs. against decedent's estate on whom a copy within 2 working days of your receipt o WL MAY NEED TO HRE A COURT REPORTER EDI ENSURE THA A VERBATIMPOSE,
MICHAEL L. JONES, et al, of this notice is served within three months this document; if you are hearing or voice RA EED O IRE ARCONRT REPSRTER TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM
Defendant(s). after the date of the first publication of this impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE. WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE
Court of the THIRTEENTH Judicial Circuit ON THEM... Deputy Clerk TO THE DATE OF THE MEETING..
in and for HILLSBOROUGH County, Flor- All other creditors of the decedent and Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski iNTERESTED PARTIES MAY APPEAR AND BE HEARD AT SAID HEARING.
ida wherein WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., persons having claims or demands P.O. Box 25018
.SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO WELLS against decedent's estate must file their Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 SHIRLEY FOXX-KNOWLES
FARGO HOMEMORTGAGE, ING.,, is claims with this ourt WITHIN THREE F600623 3/10-3/17/062T CITYCLERK. .... .... .... .. .................
LA GACETA/Friday, March 10, 2006/Page 25
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE rights and permanent commitment of the Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL 33602. The IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE default may be entered against you for
THRTEENTH JUDICIAL CRCT OF child to the Department of Children and names and address of the personal rep- THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, the relief demanded in the petition.
THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND Families for subsequent adoption. resentative and the personal representa- IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH
FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY YOU ARE HEREBY notified that you tive's attorney are set forth below. COUNTY, FLORIDAof all coutin docume an in th
NCOUNTY, FLORIDA case, including orders, are available at the
FFJUVENE DIVISION are required to appear personally on the AII creditors of the decedent and other Case No.: 05-5519 Division: D Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may
FFN: 504874 CASE ID: 03-567 4th day of April, 2006, at 11:00 a.m., persons, who have claims or demands review these documents upon request.
DIVISION: S before the Honorable Martha Cook, at the against the decedent's estate, including JUAN SANTA ANA, ee
IN THE INTEREST OF: Hilsborough County Edgecomb Court- unmatured, contingent or unliquidated Petitioner You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit
house, 800 E. Twiggs Street, 4th Floor, claims, and who have been served a and Court's office notified of your current ad-
FORBES, BENJAMIN (dob: 06/20/2003) Division C courtroom #411, Tampa. copy of this notice, must file their claims DALIA O'CHILL, dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad-
(alk/a Benjamin Evans) Florida 33602, to show cause, if any, why with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF Respondent. dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved
MINOR CHILD. parental rights shall not be terminated THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER DATE OF Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers
NOTICE OF AN ADVISORY HEARING and said child shall not be permanently THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OF ACTION FOR in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad-
ON A TERMINATION OF PARENTAL committed to the Florida Department of NOTICE OR THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE dress on record at the clerk's office.
RIGHTS PROCEEDINGS Children and Families for subsequent THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF TO: DALIA O'CHILL WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam-
RET PERSONA ER adoption. You are entitled to be repre- THIS NOTICE ON THEM. Last Known Address: UNKNOWN ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires
THE ADVISORY HEARING CONSTI- y a orny a rc n. All other creditors of the decedent YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action certain automatic disclosure of docu-
TUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINA- DATED this 16th day of February, 2006. and other persons, who have claims or has been filed against you and that you ments and information. Failure to comply
TION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THIS PAT FRANK demands against the decedent's estate, are required to serve a copy of your can result in sanctions, including dis-
CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT including unmatured, contingent or un- written defenses, if any, to it on JUAN missal or striking of pleadings.
THIS DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU By: Linda Lepelletier liquidated claims, must file their claims SANTA ANA, whose address is 5903 N. DATED: March 6, 2006.
MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A Deputy Clerk with this court WITHIN THREE (3) Armenia Ave., Tampa, FL 33603, on or
PARENT TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THE 2/24-3/17/06 4T MONTHS AFTER DATE OF THE FIRST before April 10, 2006, and file the original PAT FRANK
Residence/Whereabouts Unknown THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR FOREVER BARRED. 101, before service on Petitioner or im- Deputy Clerk
YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PE- mediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a 3/10-3/31/06 4T
that a Petition for Termination of Parental JUVENILE DIVISION RIOD SET FORTH ABOVE. ANY CLAIM
Rights has been filed in the Circuit Court FILED TWO (2) OR MORE YEARS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit of the FFN: 96280 DIVISION: S AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF ON APRIL 27, 2006 AT 6:00 P.M. IN CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 3RD FLOOR,
State of Florida, in and for Hillsborougn 03-0467
ing that the above-named child is a de- IN THE INTEREST OF: OF THIS NOTICE IS MARCH 10TH, 2006. ING PETITIONS:
pendent child and by which the Petitioner VIDAURRAZAGA, Selena 02-27-2001 Personal Representative: PETITION NO.: Z05-40
is asking for the termination of parenal VIDAURRAZAGA, Allison 05-12-2003 JUDITH CRAMER PETITIONER: ANDY WINEBRENNER
rights and permanent commitment of the MINOR CHILDREN. Attorneyfor Petitioner: REQUESTED REZONING: FROM: RM-16 TO: PD
child to the Department of Children and
are required to appear personally on the RIGHTS PROCEEDINGS Tampa Florida 33609 LEGAL DESCRIPTION:
6th day of April, 2006, at 9:00 am., be- FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR Florida Bar No. 179925 Lot 7, Block 14, Couier City, according to the map or plat thereof, as recorded in Plat
fore the Honorable Katherine G. Essrg, AT THE ADVISORY HEARING CON- Book 2, Page 13 of the Public Records of Hillsborough County, Florida.
at the Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 East STITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMI- 3/10-3/17/06 2T
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT that a Petition for Termination of Parental
By: Linda Lepelletier Rights has been filed in th Circui Court CLAIMANT: DENEE VAN DYKE ANDAND BE HEARD AT SAID HEARING
Deputy Clerk 2/17-3/10/06 4T of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit of the JOSEPH NUNNELLY INTERESTED PARTIES MAY APPEAR AND BE HEARD AT SAID HEARING.
State of Florida, in and for Hillsborough NOTICE OF FORFEITURE SHIRLEY FOXX-KNOWLES
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR County, Florida, Juvenile Division, alleg- PROCEEDINGS CITY CLERK
HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA ing that the above-named children are TO: DENEE VAN DYKE 3/10/06 1T
PROBATE DIVISION dependent children and by which the 321 Hollow Tree Drive
Case No.: 06-CP-397 Division: "A" Petitioner is asking for the termination of Seffner, Florida 33584 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
parental rights and permanent commit-
IN RE: ESTATE OF ment of these children to the Department JOSEPH NUNNELLY A public hearing will be held by the Land Use Hearing Officer, pursuant to Hillsborough
RUFUS WILSON, of Children and Families for subsequent 1419 Thistledown Drive County Land Development Code, beginning at 9:00 a.m., March 24, 2006, at the Board
Deceased. adoption. Brandon, Florida 33510 Room, 2nd floor of the County Center, 601 E. Kennedy Blvd., Tampa, to hear the fol-
NOTICE TO CREDITORS YOU ARE HEREBY notified that you and all persons who claim an interest in: lowing requests.
(Summary Administration) are required to appear personally on the TWENTY-SEVEN THOUSAND ONE HUN- Copies of the applications, department reports and legal descriptions are availablefor
2nd day of May, 2006, at 9:00 a.m., be- DRED ONE DOLLARS AND 82/100 U.S. public inspection in a master file maintained by the Planning and Growth Management
TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS fore the Honorable Katherine G. Essrig, CURRENCY ($27,101.82), seized Decem- Department s n nda Cer fle maitaneod of Coue Planning Commssond Growth Management
OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE at the Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 East ber 2, 2005, at or near 1419 Thistledown persons wishng tho subrki tetimony or ofh unty Comm in is maioners. Am interested
ESTATE: Twiggs Street, 4th Floor, Tampa, Florida Drive, Brandon, in Hilisborough County, peo nh wihaing to submit testimoy or other evidence in this matter must submit same
You are hereby notified that an Order of 33602, to show cause, if any, why pa- Florida. Us te Hearing fMater at the public hearing before himn/er. The decision of the Land
Summary Administration has been entered rental rights shall not be terminated and YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE said conclusio of the pubic haring.aysafter the
in the estate of RUFUS WILSON. De- said children shall not be permanently property is in the custody of Hillsborough
ceased, File Number 06-CP-397; by the committed to the Florida Department of County Sheriffs Office. Any Claimant ANY PERSON WHO MIGHT WISH TO APPEAL ANY DECISION OR RECOMMEN-
Circuit Court for HILLSBOROUGH County, Children and Families for subsequent desiring to contest the forfeiture of the DATION MADE BY THE LAND USE- HEARING OFFICER OR THE GOVERNING
Florida, Probate Division; the address of adoption. You are entitled to be repre- above-described property shall serve upon BODY REGARDING ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE FORTHCOMING PUBLIC
which is Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 East sented by an attorney at this proceeding. the below-signed attorney any responsive HEARING OR MEETING IS HEREBY ADVISED THAT THEY WILL NEED A
Twiggs Street, Tampa, Florida 33602; that DATED this 24th day of Febuar, 2006 pleadings and affirmative defenses within RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE, THEY MAY NEED
the decedenstt date of death was January of February, 26. twenty (20) days after receipt of the Com- TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE AS IT
4, 2006; that the total value of the estate PAT FRANK plaint for Forfeiture and Order Finding WILL INCLUDE THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH SUCH APPEAL
is $65,000.00 and that the names and CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Probable Cause. {932.703(2)(a)(b)} IS TO BE BASED.
ladd c $6500000By: Linda Lepetletier
addrsses of those o whom it has been By: Linda peletierrk PLEASE GOVERN YOURSELVES AC- Additional information concerning these request may be obtained by calling the
assgned bysuch order ae: u Cr 3/3-3/24/06 4T CORDINGLY this 6th day of March, 2006. Department of Planning and Growth Management at (813) 276-2058.
2213.East Ida Avenue IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE as Sheriff of Hillsborough County SPECIAL USE REQUESTS
Tam N orD P 3361 S A THE STATE OF FLORIDA IN AND JASON G. GORDILLO, ESQ., These items will be heard beginning at 1:30 p.m.:
AL INTERSTED PERSONS ARE, NO- FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY Attorney for David Gee, Petition SU 06-0351-EL (AB), filed on 11/30/2005 by Riaz V. Ahmed / MRS Petroleum
TFED THAT: CIVIL ACTION as Shriff of Hillsborough County Inc., represented by Jamaal Nagamia, P.E., of 11104 N. 61st St., Temple Terrace, FL
A creditors of the estate of the de- CASE2008 East 8h Avenue 33617, ph 813-748-0013, requesting an Alcoholic Beverage Pearmit-2APS-beer and
cedent and persons having claims or Post Office Box 3371 wine to be soid in sealed containers only for consumption off the licensed premises
demands against the estate of the MARC ASSOCIATES. INC. Tampa, Florida 33601 (package sales). Presently zoned M, Iocated in all or parts of Section 35 Township 28
decedent other than those for whom Plaintiff, (813) 247-8102 Range 19, 6812 Harney Rd. Contains 1,918 sq ff. +.
provisions for payment was made in the vs. Florida Bar No. 0399663
Order of Summary Administration must CYNTHIA M. WINDHAM, GEORGE O. 3/10-3/17/06 2T VARIANCE REQUESTS
file their clai with his court WITHN WINDHAM, ; JOHN DOE and JANE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OR These items will be heard beginning at 9:00 a.m.:
DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION Defendant(s). HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA Petition VAR 06-0465-RV- Luis E. Arredondo & Lucina Lopez are requesting a
OFTHIS NOTICE. UPROBATE DIVISION Variance to the accessory dwelling requirements for property located at 12011
ALL CLAMS AND DEMANDS NOT SO NOTCE OF SALE File No.: 06-404 Division: E Dagwood Way, zoned AS-1.
FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTICE ISGVENIN RE: Petition VAR 06-0494-TNC- Betty Ann Dominguez is requesting a Variance to the
NOTIWlTHSTANDNG THE TIME PE- FiNOTlCE S GVEN tof at pursuant to a front setbacks and height of decorative column for property located at 4601 Burkett
NOTWIETTHSTANDING TBVHE TIME PE-A Final Judgment of Foreclosure, dated ESTATE OF Circe, zoned SC9.
RIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM February 28, 2006, in the above-styled DONALD LEWIS BOLEN, Circle, zoned RSC-9.
AFTER THE DE2) OR MORE YEARS cause, I will sell to the highest and best Deceased. Petition VAR 06-0575-BR- Mayra Reichard is requesting a Variance to the accessory
DEAER TH IS BARREDENS DATE OF bider for cash on the Second Floor of TO CREDITORS dwelling height & rear setback for property located at 703 Debra Lynne Dr., zoned
DEATH S BARRED. the George E. Edgecomb Courthouse N CE TO CREDITORRSC-6.
THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICA- 800 E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, Florida a The administration of the Estate of Petition VAR 06-0577-NWH- Tina E. & Joseph Dieck are requesting a Variance to
TION OF THIS NOTICE IS MARCH 2:00 p.m. on the Sth day of April, 2006, DONALD LEWIS BOLEN, Deceased, front setback for property located 10723 Dalton Ave., zoned PD-MU.
10TH, 2006. the following described real property: whose date of death was January 10, on
Persons Giving Notice: Lot 16, Block 2, FRANCIS, according to 2006; File Number 06-404, is pending in Petition VAR 06-0584-USF- John Watson s requesting a Variance to the accessory
TONY ALONZO JORDAN map or plat thereof as recorded in Plat the Circuit Court for Hillsborough County, structure requirements and setbacks for property located at 1222 E. 138th Ave., zoned
2213 East Ida Avenue Book 4, Page 45, of the Public Rec- Florida, Probate Division, the address of RMC-20.
Tampa, Florida 33610 ords of Hillsborough County, Florida. which is 800 E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, Petition VAR 06-0594-ER-.Jose Abrams is requesting a Variance to allow easement in
Attorney or Person Giving Notice: aa: 3506 N. 10th Street, Tampa, FL Florida 33602. The names and adresse otsize calculations for property located E/S of Newmith Rd., / mile S/O Trapnell Rd.,
VINCENT PHILIP NUCCIO 33605. of the personal representative and the zoned AS-0.4.
INCNT PILIINUCCI personal representative's attorney are set
Attorney at Law If you are a person with a disability who forth below. Petition VAR 06-0603-EGL- Paul M. Sorbera is requesting Variances to the front, side
4049 Henderson Boulevard needs any accommodation in order to All creditors of the decedent and other an rear setbacks for hurch & arking lot for property located NW corer of N. Grady
Tampa, Florida 33629 participate in this proceeding, you are persons having claims or demands against & W. Henry Ave.. zoned RSC-9.
813/289-9334 -., entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision persons having claims or demands against
813289-9334 3/10-3/17/06 2T of certain assistances Please contact the decedent's estate, on whom a copy of Petition VAR 06-0609-ER- Chris McMath is requesting a Variance to fence height for
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, this notice is required to be served, must property located at 2217 Wallace Branch Rd., zoned ASC-1.
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, F thr cTEROF 3 i MNThs AFTE WTHE Petition VAR 06-0632-SS- Juan Zuniga is requesting a Variance to the front and rear
THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND 33602, telephone no. 276-8100 ex. 7252 TIME OF THE FIRST PUBICATION OF setback for property locad t 3315 Wilow Rd., zoned AS
FOR HILLSBOROUGCONT within 2 working days of your receipt of THISNOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE Petition VAR 06-0640-KO- David Kloczkowski is requesting a Variance to the front
JUVENILEDIVISION this document8 if you are hearing or voice DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF setbacks on a comer lot for property ocated NW comer of Indiana Ave. & Tarpon
FFN: 503663 DIV ated this 28th day of February, 2006 THIS NOTICEON THEM. Springs Rd., zoned ASC-1 & AR.
CASE D:01-8918 at Franthi 2h day oFebruary 2006 AIl other creditors of the decedent and Petition VAR 06-0643-BR- East Pointe LLC is requesting a Sign Variance for property
S-8Cerk P of Court other persons having claims or demands located N/O S.R. 60,.3/8 mile W/O Mt. Carmel Rd., zoned PD.
IN THE INTEREST OF: Cferk of Court against decedent's estate must file their
GAINEY TRAVIB/M (dob 12/By: Sandra Glennon claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS Petition VAR 06-0651-BR- AI Children's Hospital, Inc., is requesting a Sign Variance
GREENTYLEE TRAVIS B/M (dob: 05/1/099) DeputyClerk AFTER THE DATE OF THE FRST for property located at E/S of Parsons Ave., 1/4 mile N/O Lumsden Rd., zoned
3708 W. Euclid Ave., Tampa, FL 33629 ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN Petition VAR 06-0653-TNC- McDonald's Corporation is requesting a Sign Variance for
NOTICE OF AN ADVISORY HEARING (813) 832-9790, (813) 832-9739 fax THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN property located at 7909 W. Hillsborough Ave., zoned CG.
ON A TERMINATON OF PARENTAL 3/10-31706 2T SECTON 733702 OF THE FLORIDA Petition VAR 06-0655-SR- Warren M. Manning is requesting Variances to the wetland
F RIGHTS PROCEEDINGS APPEAR AT IN THE CT PROBATE CODE WLL BE FOREVER and front setbacks for property located at 3326 Powerline Rd., zoned RSC-2.
THE ADVISORY HEARNG CONSTI- THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT NOTWITHTANDING THE TM P- Petition VAR 06-0657-NWH- Sokrat & Vjollca Zaka are requesting Variances to the
CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON PROBATE DIVISION AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF Petition VAR 06-0658-TNC- RamonDiaz is requesting a Variance to rear setback for
THIS DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU CASE NO. 06-552 DEATH IS BARRED. property located at 6807 Fountain Ave., zoned RSC-9.
PARENT TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THE IN RE: ESTATE OF The date of first publication of this notice Petition VAR 06-0659-KO- Linda Pearson is requesting a Variance to allow an
PETITION ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE. DANNY REID PERKINS, aka DANNY R. is March 10, 2006. accessory structure in the front/side yard for property located at 7510 N. Mobley Rd.,
PERKINS, Signed on March 3, 2006. zoned ASC-1.
father of: ny poible Deceased. Personal Representative: Petition VAR 06-0660-KO- Robert E. & Mariah Manz are requesting a Variance to the
Travis Gainey, dob: 12/08/99 NOTICE TO CREDITORS THELMA DODD BOWLING maximum size of an accessory dwelling for property located at 17865 Boy Scout Rd,
Tylee Green, dob: 05/13/02 TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS Pn dg wtear Drive zoned PD-H.
YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE Petition VAR 06-0666-CW- Juan C. Alvarez is requesting Variances to allow an
that a Petition for Termination of Parental ESTATE: Attorney for Personal Representative: easement/flag lot in the Urban Service Area and to easement/flag lot width for
Rights has been fil in theCirito E. JACKSON BOGGS property located at 6002 Whippooill Dr.. zoned ASC-1.
Rights has been filad in the Circui Court The administration of the estate of Florida Bar No. 007206a 6002 Whippoorwil Dr., zoned ASC-1.
of the Thirteenth Judicial Circui of the DANNY REID PERKIcNS, aka DANNY R. FOWLER WHITE BOGGS BANKER P.A. Petition VAR 06-0667-ER- Daniel F. Brooks is requesting a Variance to the accessory
County,ate of Florida, Juvenile an Division,r Hillborough- waERKINS, deceased, whoe date of death Post Office Box 1438 dwelling requirements for property located at 940 Charlie Griffin Rd.. zoned AS-1.
Couny, Florida Jubovenile Divisin, ade- ircui December 17, 2005, is pending in the Tampa, Florida 33601 Petition VAR 06-0668-SFN- Ronnie J. Anderson is requesting a Variance to front
pendent child and by which the Petitioner Florida, Probate Division, File Number Telephone: (813) 222-1148 setback on a comer lot for property located at 1915 S. Oak St., zoned RSC-6 (MH).
is asking for the termination of parental 06-552; the address of which is 800 East .3/103'/17/06 2T ,-, 3/10/06
Page 26/LA GACETA/Friday, March ,10,2006 ,
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT F'OR against decedent's estate must file their after. If you fail to do so, a default may be BOOK 26, PAGE 83, OF THE PUBLIC
COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2004-1659 DIVISION A LICATION OF THIS NOTICE. Copies of all court documents in this has been filed against you and you are
Case No.: 06002750 Division: E IN RE: ESTATE OF ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN case, including orders, are available at the required to serve a copy of your written
MARIA 1. MERINOVELARDE, RNAL R A THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may defenses, if any, on or before April 3,
MARA MERNO VELARDE RONALD GEORGE CLARK SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA review these documents upon request. 2006, on Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski,
Petitioner Deceased. PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Plaintiffs attorney, whose address is 9119
and NOTICE TO CREDITORS BARRED. Court's office notified of your current ad- Corporate Lake Drive, Suite 300, Tampa,
JUAN CARLOS ZAPATIER, administration of the Estte of NOTITHSTANDING THE TIME PE- dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- Florida 33634, and file the original with
JUAN CARLOS ZAPATIER, The administration of the Estate of NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PE- dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- Florida 33634, and file the original with
Respondent. RONALD GEORGE CLARK, deceased, RIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved this Court either before service on Plain-
NOTICE OF ACTION FOR whose date of death was May 14. 2004 is FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers tiff's attorney or immediately thereafter,
DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE pending in the Circuit Court for Hilsbor- AFTER THE DECEDENTS DATE OF in this lawsuit will be mailed to the otherwise a default will be entered against
TO: JUAN CARLOS ZAPATIER ough County, Florida, Probate Division, DEATH IS BARRED. address on record at the clerk's office. you for the relief demanded in the Com-
Last Known Address: Unknown the address of which is 800 E. Twiggs The date of the first publication of this WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- plaint or petition.
Street, Tampa, Florida 33602. The names notice is March 3, 2006. ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires This notice shall be published once
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action and addresses of the personal represen- Personal Representative: certain automatic disclosure of docu- each week for two consecutive weeks in
has been filed against you and that you tative and the personal representative's BILLE JOLENE COOMER ments and information. Failure to comply the La Gaceta.
written de enses, i an, to on MARA attomey are set forth below. 5215 Salem Street can result in sanctions, including dis- If you are a person with a disability who
MERINO VELARDE, whose address is All creditors of the decedent and other Tampa, Florida 33624 missal or stnking of pleadings. needs any accommodation in order to
24934 Oakhaven Ct., Oakhaven Ct., Lutz, persons having claims or demands Attomey for Personal Representative: DATED: February 7, 2006. participate in this proceeding, you are
FL 33559, on or before March 27, 2006, against decedent's estate on whom a WILLIAM B. TAYLOR, IV PAT FRANK entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision
and file the original with the clerk of this copy of this notice is required to be Florida Bar No. 0144329 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT of certain assistance. Please contact the
Court at 800 E. Twiggs St., Tampa, FL served must file their claims with this Macfarlane Ferguson & McMullen Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division,
33603, before service on Petitioner or court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS Post Office Box 1531 Deputy C8erk 33602, telephone no. Street, Tampa, FL
immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST Tampa, Florida 33601-1531 Deputy Clerk 2/17-3/10/06 4T 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext 7252
a default may be entered against you for PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 Telephone: (813) 273-4228 within 2 working days of your receipt of
the relief demanded in the petition. DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE this document; if you are hearing or voice
Copies of al court documents in this OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. 3/3-3/10/05 2T THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT impaired, call 1-800-955-8771.
case, including orders, are available at the All other creditors of the decedent and IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE IN ANDFOR HILLSBOROUGH WITNESS my hand and the seal of this
Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may other persons having claims or demands THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY, FLORIDA Court on this 27th day of February, 2006.
review these documents upon request. against decedents estate must file their OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR CIVIL ACTION Pat Frank
You mut ke the Cerk the Circuit claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY CASE NO.: 06-000197-CA DIVISION: C Clerk of the Court
You must keep the "Clerk of the Circuit AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- CIVIL DIVISION NDYMAC BANK, F.S.B., By: Henry Suber, Jr.
Court's office notified of your current ad- LICATION OF THS NOTICE. CIVIL DIVISIN INDYMAC BANK, F.S.B., By: Deputy uber Jr
dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- CaseNo. 05-10821 Division G Plaintiff, As Deputy Clerk
dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WlTHIN R NTR SRVI vsEchevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski
Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN GREENTREESERVICING LLC, v.25018
in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA Plaintiff, GEORGE B. GOODYKOONTZ, et al,. Box 25018
dress on record at the clerk's office. PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER vs. Defendant(s). Tampa,05023896Florida 33622-5018
ments and information. Failure to comply FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE Defendants. LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: THRTEENTH JUDICAL, IRCUN AND
can result in sanctions, including dis- AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF NOTICE OF SALE 8 Ahworth Drive FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY
missal or striking of pleadings. DEATH IS BARRED. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Tampa, FL33647 JUVENILE DIVISION
DATED: February 16, 2006. The date of the first publication of this Final Judgment of oreclosure / Replevin CURRENTADDRESFFN.: 77829
PAT FRANK notice is March 3, 2006. for Plaintiff entered in this cause on Feb- 8767 As hrCASE ID: 0012485 DIVISION: G
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Personal Representative: ruary 23, 2006, in the Circuit Court of Tampa, FL 33647
By: Brenda Dudley STEVEN R. CLARK Hillsborough County, Florida, I will sell the THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF IN THE INTEREST OF:
en le 4209 Dareigh Road property situated in Hilisborough County, GEORGE B. GOODYKOONTZ BARLOW, LAMEISH B/F (dob: 10/25/92)
eputy Cer 2/24-3/17/06 4T Baltimore, MD 21236 Florida, described as: LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: MINOR CHILD.
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Attorney for Personal Representative: LOT 2, BLOCK 2, SHADY OAKS SUB- 8767 Ashworth Drive NOTICE OF AN ADVISORY HEARING
RIGHTS PROCEEDINGS WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. AS at public sale to the highest and bes TENANT #2 possible father of
FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT TRUSTEE FOR OPTION ONE bider, for cash, at the George Edgecomb LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: Lameish Barlow, dob: 10/2592
THE ADVISORY HEARING CONSTI- MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2005-2 Courthouse, located at 800 E. Twgg LASTKNOWN ADDRESS: Lameish Barlow, dob: 10/25/92
TION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THIS SERIES 2005-2, 2:00 p.m. on April 27, 2006. Tampa, FL 33647 that a Petition for Termination of Parental
CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON Plaintiff, If you are a person with a disability who CURRENT ADDRESS: Rights has been filed in the Circuit Court
THIS DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU vs. needs any accommodation in order to 8767Ashworth Drive Thirtenth Judicial Circuit of the
MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A MARK KARBOWSKI, et al, participate in this proceeding, you are Tampa, FL 33647 State of Florida, un and for Hillsborough
PARENT TO THE CHlILD NAMED IN THE Defendant(). entitled, at no cost to.you, to the provision County, Florida, Juvenile Division, alleg-
PARENT T THE HLD NMED N THE Defendant(s). certai assi ase ANY AND ALL UNKNOWN ing that the above-named child is a de-
PETITION ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE. ALE Clerk o af irsit ourircut Dcnistaon, PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, pendent child and by which the Petitioner
TO: Unknown (Father)b u n N CE IS H Y G pr 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL 33602, UNDER, AND AGAINST THE HEREIN is asking for the termination of parental
Residence/Whereabouts unknown NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant 80eht gn.710, e. 252 within NAMED INDIVIDUAL DEFENDANT(S) rights and permanent commitment of the
to a Final Judgment of Mortgage Fore- telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, within WHO ARE NOT KNOWN TOBE child fo fhe Department of Children and
YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE closure dated February 21, 2006 and en- 2 working days of your receipt of this WD O AE NO T KNWN TO BESD Failied to Department Childreand
that a Petition for Termination of Parental tered in Case NO. 05-011093-CA of the documentUN; i you are hearing or voice NKNOWN PARTIES MAY LAIMoption.
Rights has been filed in the Circuit Court Circuit Court of the THIRTEENTH Judi- impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. AN INTEREST AS SPOSES HEIRS YOU ARE HEREBY notified that you
of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit of the cial Circuit in and for HILLSBOROUGH Dated this 24th day of February, 2006. DEVISEES, GRANTEES, OR OTHER 5th day of Apl, 2006, pp at 9:00 am., be-
State of Florida, in and for Hillsborough County, Florida wherein WELLS FARGO PAT FRANK CLAIMANTS 5th de Honorable Herbet 9:00 a.m., b
County, Florida, Juvenile Division, alleg- BANK, N.A. AS TRUSTEE FOR OPTION Clerk of he Circuit Court LAT KNOWN ADDRES: UNKNOWN Jr., JudgeHot rabe Hillerbert J. Baumann
ing that the above-named child is a de- ONEMORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2005-2 Crello LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: UNKNOWN Jr., Judge, at the Hilisborough County
ing tha the above-named childi a de- ONE MORTGAGE LOAN-TRUST 2005-2 By: Darrell Moming CURRENT ADDRESS: UNKNOWN Dvon G), Courhoue Annex Tower,
pendent child and by which the Petitioner ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SER- Deputy Clerk Y CURRENT ADDRESS: UNKNOWN (Division G), Courthouse Annex Tower,
is asking for the termination of parental IES 2005-2, is the Plaintiff and MARK 3/3-3/10/06 2T YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to 4th Floor, 801 East Twiggs Street, Court
rghts and permanent commitment of the KARBOWSKI; H & R BLOCK MORT- N TE T OT F T foreclose a mortgage on the following prop- Room #26, Tampa, Florida 33602; to
child to the Department of Children and GAGE CORPORATION; TENANT #1 IN THE CRCUT COURT OF THE erty in HILLSBOROUGH County, Florida: show cause, if any, why parental rights
Families for subsequent adoption. N/K/A PATTI COLLINS are the Defend- THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT shall not be terminated and said child
YOU ARE HEREBY notified that you ants, will sell to he highest and best IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH TH GREEN PHAS ACCORDING shall not be permaently committed to the
are required to appear personally on the bidder for cash at 800 E. Twiggs Street, COUNTY, FLORIDA THE GREEN PHASE 2, ACCORDING Florida Department of Children and Fam-
1st day of June, 2006, at 9:00 a.m., be- George Edgecomb Courthouse, 2nd Floor, FAMILY LAW DIVISION TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF ilies for subsequent adoption. You are en-
AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 72, titled to be represented by an attorney at
fore the Honorable Katherine G. Essrig, Room 201/202, Tampa, Florida 33602, at CASE NO.: 06 3074 DIVISION: B PAGE 66, OF THE PUBLIC REC- this proceeding.
at the Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 East 2:00 PM, on the 20th day of March, 2006, SHABEAH USMANALI ORDS OF HILLSBOROUGH COUN-
Twiggs Street, 4th Floor, Tampa, Florida the following described property as set Petitioner/Mothe, TY, FLORIDA. DATED this 16th day of February, 2006
33602, to show cause, if any, why pa- forth in said Final Judgment: vs has ben fild agin you and you are PAT FRANK
?vs. has been filed againt you and you are PAT FRANK
rental rights shall not be terminated and LOT 10, SINEWOOD, ACCORDING required to serve a copy of your written CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT
said children shall not be permanently TO MAP OR PLAT THEREOF AS RE- ANGELO MACEDONIAif any on or befor Apr 3 By: Linda Lepelleer
committed to the Florida Department of CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 12, PAGE Respondent/Father. 2006, on Echevarra, odin or b e ril Deputy Clark 24e3/17/064
Children and Families for subsequent 88, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF NOTICE OF ACTION Plantiffs attorney, whose address is 9119
adoption. You are entitld to be repre- HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA. TO: ANGELO MACEDONIA Corporate Lake Drive, Suite 300, Tampa, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE
sented by an attomy at this proceeding. A/K/A 8021 NORTH EDISON AVE- Last Known Address: Unknown Florida 33634, and file the original with THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF
DATED this 27th day of February, 2006. NUE, TAMPA, FL 33604. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a this Court either before service on Plain- THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND
PAT FRANK If you are a person with a disability who Petition to Establish Paternity, Custody tiffs attorney or immediately thereafter, FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT needs any accommodation in order to and Other Relief has been filed and you oherwise a default will be entered against JUVENILE DIVISION
By: Linda Lepelletier participate in this proceeding, you are are required o serve a copy of your ou or relief demanded in the Com- FFN: 503706 CASE ID: 05-0636
Deputy Clerk 3/3-3/24/06 4T entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision written objections if any, to it on Nancy plaint or petition. DIVISION:
of certain assistance. Please contact the McRoberts Parham, P.A., Attorney for This notice shall be published once
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, Petitioner/Mother, whose address is 210 each week for two consecutive weeks in IN THE INTEREST OF:
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL North Pierce Street. Tampa, FL 33602 on the La Gaceta. ALMARAZ, DAVID W/M (dob: 06/10/05)
IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, or before March 27, 2006, and file the ori- If you are a person with a disability who MINOR CHILD.
COUNTY, FLORIDA within 2 working days of your receipt of ginal with the Clerk of this Court, George needs any accommodation in order to NOTICE OF AN ADVISORY HEARING
Case No.: 06 03129 Division: B this document; if you are hearing or voice E. Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 E. Twiggs participate In this proceeding, you are ON A TERMINATION OF PARENTAL
FLOR J. RAMIREZ, impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. Street, Tampa, FL 33602 before service entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision RIGHTS PROCEEDINGS
Petitioner WITNESS MY HAND and the. seal of on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If of certain assistance. Please contact the
and this Court on February 21, 2006. you fail to do so a default will be entered Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT
MARCO A. BURGOSPat Frank against you for the relief demanded in the 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL THE ADVISORY HEARING CONSTI-
MARCO A. GClerk of the Circuit Court Petition. 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, TUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINA-
Rspondn. By: Sandra Glennon WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family within 2 working days of your receipt of TION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THIS
NOTICE OF ACTION FOR Deputy Clerk Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain this document; if you are hearing or voice CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON
DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski automatic disclosure of documents and impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. THIS DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU
TO: MARCO A. BURGOS P.O. Box 25018 information. Failure to comply can result in WITNESS my hand and the seal of this MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A
Last Known Address: UNKNOWN Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 sanctions, including dismissal or striking of Court on this 24th day of February, 2006. PARENT TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THE
OU ARE NTED h an acion F05023071 pleadings. Pat Frank PETITION ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE.
has been filedagainst you and that you 33/3-3/10/06 2T WITNESS my hand and seal of this Clerk of the Court TO: GABRIEL ALMARAZ (father) or any
are required to serve a copy of your IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR Court on February 22,2006. By: Henry Suber, Jr. possible father of:
written defenses, i any, to it on FLOR J. HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA PAT FRANK As Deputy Clerk David Almaraz; dob: 06/10/05
Cordelia St., Tampa, FL 33607, on or By: Kay Crum P.O. Box 25018 that a Petition for Termination of Parental
before April 3, 2006, and file the original File No. 06-403 Division A Deputy Clerk 3/3-3/24/06 4T Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 Rights has been filed in the Circuit Court
with the clerk of this Court at 800 E. IN RE: ESTATE OF F/-34 F06000039 3/3-3/10/06 2T of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit of the
Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL 33602 (Room TOMMY L. COOMER, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TH T TH CCIT O T State of Florida, in and for Hilisborough
101), before service on Petitioner or Deceased. THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT T T T County, Florida, Juvenile Division, alleg-
immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT ing that the above-named child is a de-
a default may be entered against you for NOTICE TO CREDITORS COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH pendent child and by which the Petitioner
COUNTY, FLORIDA is asking for the termination of parental
the relief demanded in the petition. The administration of the estate of FAMILY LAW DIVISION COIVL ACTION i asking for the termination of parental
Copies of all court documents in this TOMMY L. COOMER, deceased, whose CASE NO.: 06002120 DIVISION: F CASE NO.: 06-000021-C DIVISION: J rights and permanent commitment of the
case, including orders, are available at the date of death was December 27, 2005,06-000021-CA DIVISIN: J child to the Deparmen of Childrn and
Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may and whose Social Security Number is IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF: JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A., Families for subsequent adoption.
review these documents upon request. 305-96-5373, is pending in the Circuit ALEJANDRO MARTINEZ SANCHEZ, Plaintiff, YOU ARE HEREBY notified that you
You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Hillsborough County, Florida, Petitioner vs. are required to appear personally on the
Court's office notified of your current ad- Probate Division, the address of which is and TONY JENKINS, et al, 4th day of April, 2006, at 9:00 a.m., be-
dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- Post Office Box 1110, Tampa, Florida MISLAYDE RODRIGUEZ LEYVA, Defendant(s). fore the Honorable Martha Cook, at the
dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved 33601-1110. The names and addresses Respondent Hillsborough County Edgecomb Court-
Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers of the personal representative and the Repond NOTICE OF ACTION house, 800 E. Twiggs Street, 4th Floor.
in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- personal representative's attorney are set NOTICE OF ACTION FOR TO: TONY JENKINS Division C courtroom #411, Tampa,
dress on record at the clerk's office, forth below. DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: Florida 33602, to show cause, if any, why
WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- AII creditors of the decedent and other TO: MISLAYDE RODRIGUEZ LEYVA 4012 Myrtle Av parental rights shall not be terminated
ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires persons having claims or demands Last Address: Unknown Tam4012 FL3363 ad sidchild shall not be permanently
ginst Tampa, FL 33603 and aidchild hall not be permanently
certain auomatic disclosure of docu- against decedent's estate on whom a YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has 8202 Bahai Ave. committed to the Florida Department of
ments and information. Failure to comply copy of this notice is required to be served been filed against you and that you are Tampa, FLi 33619 Children and Families for subsequent
can result in sanctions, including dis- must file their claims with this court required to serve a copy of your written adoption. You are entitled to be repre-
missal or striking of pleadings. WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AF- defenses, if any, to it on: ALEJANDRO CURRENT ADDRESS: UNKNOWN sented by an attorney at this proceeding.
DATED: February 23, 2006. TER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLI- MARTINEZ SANCHEZ, whose address is: YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to
PAT FRANK CATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS 416 Adelia Ave., Sarasota, Florida 34236, foreclose a mortgage on the following prop- DATED this 13th day of February, 2006.
CLEPAT FRANK OF THE CRCUT COURT AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A on or before March 13, 2006, and file the erty in HILLSBOROUGH County, Florida: PAT FRANK
By:D Cynhi Menend AII oher, er edtpcsdo top< deqpedQnt nd d. *, Tiggs Street, Tapmyp, FIpridp,,b,efpr,e ACCORDING JO THE MAPROR PLAT e. ny:,L.n,Leelletierr .....- .
ty.Clrk 3/3-3/24/06 4T other persons havirfg claims or demands service on Petitioner or immediately there- THEREOF,* RECORDED IN PLAT Deputy Clerk 2/17-3/10/06 4T
'age228/1'AXIACETA7Friday,1Mabh' 10, '2606
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed to the can result in sanctions, including dis- following described property as set forth
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- address on record at the clerk's office. missal or striking of pleadings. in said Final Judgment:
THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR dress on record at the clerk's office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- DATED: February 9, 2006. LOT 693, BELLMONT HEIGHTS NO.
HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires PAT FRANK 2 AS PER PLAT THEREOF, RE-
CIVIL DIVISION ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of docu- CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 12, PAGE
Case Number: 05-03193 Division: J certain automatic disclosure of docu- ments and information. Failure to comply By: Cynthia Menendez 94, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF
MAXX FINANCIAL, INC., ments and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dis- Deputy Clerk HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA.
Plaintiff can result in sanctions, including dis- missal or striking of pleadings. 2/17-3/10/06 4T A/K/A 3616 CLIFTON STREET EAST,
V missal or striking of pleadings. DATED: February 23, 2006. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TAMPA, FL 33610.
JOHN BARNHILL and MARY LOU DATED: February 21, 2006. PAT FRANK THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF If you are a person with a disability who
AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC., CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: Brenda Dudiey HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY participate in this proceeding, you are
Defendants. By: Kay Crum Deputy Clerk PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision
y CrDeputy Cle rk 3/33/3-3/24/06 4T DIVISION of certain assistance. Please contact the
NOTCE OF ACTON 33-32406 IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE CASE NO. 06-472 VISION: A Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division,
TO: JOHN BARNHILL, current address IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION Florida Bar #071911 800 East Twiggs Street. Tampa, FL
unknown Las known address: THIRTEENT JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, D CT URD Foi33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252,
o kst non addre THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CRCUIT, MECKLENBURG COUNTY IN RE: THE ESTATE OF within 2 working days of your receipt of
Par1104 GeorgiaBrookstone Ridge, College IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH NORTH CAROLINA MINNIE MARIE SHIPMAN, this document; it you are hearing or voice
MarY Lor NCOUNTY, FLORIDA 06 CVD 2125 Deceased. impaired, call 1-800-955-8771.
MARYs LOU BAkNHILL current Case No.: 06-00193 Division: A LUZ MILENA ANTHONY, WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of
address unknown Last known LUZ MILENA ANTHONY. NOTICE TO CREDITORS this Court on February 28, 2006.
address: 1104 Brookstone Ridge, PAULETTE CAMPBELL-HENRY, PLAINTIFF, N n C th this Court on February 28,2006.
College Park, Georgia 30349. Petitioner VS. The administration of the estafe of Pat Frank
ne MINNIE MARIE SHIPMAN. deceased, Clerk of the Circuil Court
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to and BRIAN WESLEY ANTHONY, File Number 2006-472, is pending in the By: Sandra Glennon
Quiet Title to the following described real DELROY HENRY, DEFENDANT. Circuit Court for Hillsborough County, Deputy Clerk
property in Hillsborough County, Florida: Respondent. NOTICE OF SERVCE OF PROCESS Florida, Probate Division, the address of Echevarria Codilis & Stawiarski
Lot 1, block 5, BENJAMIN'S ADDI- NOTICE OF ACTION FOR BY PUBLICATION which is 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, P.O. Box 25018
TION TO WEST TAMPA, according to DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE W Y ANTHONY Florida 33602. The names and address- p
the plat thereof recorded in Plat book TOTO BRAN WESLEY ANTHONY es of the personal representative and the Tampa, 4012722Florida 33622-5018
1, page 55, Public Records of Hilsbor- TO: DELROY HENRY UNKNOWN Tampa, Florida personal representative's attorney are set F04 2 3/3-3/10/06 2T
ough County, Florida. ast K drs NKNOWN Take notice that a pleading seeking forth below.
has been filed against you, and you are YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action relief against you has been filed in the All creditors of the decedent and other IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE
required to serve a copy of your written has been filed against you and that you above-entitled action. The nature of the persons having claims or demands THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT
defired to sens e a copy on Henyour writn are required to serve a copy of your writ- relief being sought is as follows: The against deceden's estate including OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN
Es., aorney for Plaintife, whse ad ten defenses, ii any, to it on PAULETTE Plaintiff, LUZ MILENA ANTHONY has unmatured, contingent or unliquidated AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH
Esqss attor300ne for Plaintiff, whosue a CAMPBELL-HENRY, whose address is filed a Complaint seeking an Absolute aim on whom acopy of his noice COUNTY, FLORIDA
dress is 3003 West Azeele Street, Suite claims, on whom a copy of this noticeis
200, Tampa, Florida 33609, on or before 807 W. Coral St., Tampa, FL 33602, on Divorce. served must file their claims with this JUVENILE DIVISION
March 20,before April 3, 2006, and to file the original o You are required to make defense to court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 FFN.: 503663 CASE ID: 01-8918
with the Clerk of this Court either before original wih the clerk of hi Court at such pleading not later than forty (40) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE DIVISIN:
service on paintifs atComey or immedi- 800 E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL 33602 DIVISION: C
service on plaintiffs attoey or immedi- (Room800 E. Twiggs 101),St beforeet, Tampa, FL 33602toner days after March 3, 2006, (exclusive of FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE,
ately thereafter; otherwise a default will (Rom 11 beore serie on etitione said date), and upon your failure to do so, OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF IN THE INTEREST OF:
be entered against you for the relief or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do the party seeking service against you will SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE GAINEY, MIKERIA B/F (dob: 05/19/94)
demanded in the Complaint. so, a default may be entered against you apply to the Court for the relief sought. ON THEM. A MINOR CHILD.
d nfor the relief demanded in the petition.
The action was instituted in the Circuit Copies of all court document n thi This the 21st day of February, 2006. All other creditors of the decedent NOTICE OF AN ADVISORY HEARING
Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit of casincludin oder ae available at th SUSANNA GABRIELLA GARZA and other persons having claims or de- ON A TERMINATION OF PARENTAL
the State of Florida and is styled: Maxx Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may Attomey for Plaintiff mands against decedent's estate, in- RIGHTS PROCEEDINGS
Financial, Inc. v. John Bamhill, Mary Lou review thee documents upon request. 3547 N. Sharon Amity, Suite 203 cluding unmatured, contingent or un-
Barnhill and Owens Properties and Charlotte, North Carolina 28205 liquidated claims, must file their claims FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT
Management Services, Inc.; Hillsborough You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS THE ADVISORY HEARING CONSTI-
County Circuit Court Case Number Court's office notified of your current ad- 3/3-3/24/06 4T AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST TUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINA-
05-03193. dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. TION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THIS
DATD on F 26. dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON
As Clerk of the Court dress on record at the clerk's office. COUNTY, FLORIDA The date of the first publication of this PARENT TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THE
By: Henry Suber, Jr. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- CIVIL ACTION Notice is March 3, 2006. PETITION ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE.
Deputy Clerk 2/24-3/17/06 4T ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires CASE NO. 06-000035-CA DIVISION B Personal Representative: TO: Unknown father, or any possible
SE certain automatic disclosure of docu- WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., JOHN D. MINCEY father of:
IN THE CRCUT COURT OF THE ments and information. Failure to comply SUCCESSOR BY MERGER FROM 6310 Fitzgerald Road Mikeria Gainey, dob: 05/19/94
IN AND OR HILLOROUGH misal or striking of pleadings. INC., Attorney for Personal Representative: that a Petition for Termination of Parental
CIVIL ACTION DATED: March 1, 2006. Plaintiff, CHARLES H. SCRUGGS, III, ESO. Rights has been filed in the Circuit Court
CASE NO. 05-105CA IIO A PAT FRANK vs. 405 W. Azeele Street of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit of the
CASE NO. 05-10543-CA DIVISI A CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT SHEILA A. JONES, et al, Tampa, FL 33606 State of Florida, in and for Hillsborough
WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK, By: Cynthia Menendez Defendant(s). Fla. Bar No. 071911 County, Florida, Juvenile Division, alleg-
Plaintiff, Deputy Clerk 3/3-3/24/06 4T NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE (813) 254-9031 3/33/10/06 2T ing that the above-named child is a de-
vas. 33-31 T NOTCE OF FORECLOSURE SALE3 pendent child and by which the Petitioner
GARY L. WILFONG, JR. et al, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE is asking for the termination of parental
Defendant(s). IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE to a Final Judgment of Mortgage Fore- THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF rights and permanent commitment of the
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, closure dated February 28, 2006 and en- THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND child to the Department of Children and
NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH tered in Case NO. 06-000035-CA of the FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY Families for subsequent adoption.
to a Final Judgment of Mortgage Fore- Case No.: 06002803 Division: A cial Circuit in and for HILLSBOROUGH CASE NO. 04-8478 DIVISION:.G are required to appear personally on the-
closure dated February 28, 2006 and County, Florida wherein WELLS FARGO 4th day of April, 2006, at 11:00 a.m.,
entered in Case NO. 05-10543-CA of CESAR MARCOS, BANK, N.A., SUCCESSORBY MERGER POLCO USA, CORP., befre Honorable Martha Cook at the
the Circuit Court of the THIRTEENTH Petitioner FROM WELLS FARGO HOME MORT- Plaintiff(s), Hillsborough County Edgecomb Court-
Judicial Circuit in and for HILLSBOR- and GAGE, INC., is the Plaintiff and SHEILA vs. house 800 E. Twiggs Street, 4th Floor,
OUGH County, Florida wherein WASH- TAMMY T. GIMBLET, A. JONES; are the Defendants, I will sell LILIA BORBA, Civision C courtroom #411, Tampa,
INGTON MUTUAL BANK, is the Plaintiff Respondent to the highest and best biddr for cash at Defendant(s). Florida 33602, to show cause, it any, why
and GARY L. WILFONG, JR; JOSEPH 800 E. Twiggs Street, George Edgecomb parental rights shall not be terminated
TUZZOLINO, JR INDIVIDUALLY; NCO NOTICE OF ACTION FOR Courthouse, 2nd Floor, Room 201/202, NOTICE OF SALE parna righ shal nt be erminat
FINANCIAL SYSTEMS, INC' GEICO DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE Tampa, Florida 33602, at 2:00 PM, on the Notice is hereby given that pursuant to a dcommittd to the Florida Department of
GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY TO: TAMMY T. GIMBLET 28th day of March, 2006, the following Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered in Children and Families for subsequent
A/S/O JOSEPH TUZZOLINO; are the Last Known Address: Unknown described property as set forth in said the above styled cause, in the Circuit adotion You are enitled to be repre
Defendants, I will sell to the highest and YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action Final Judgment: Court of HILLSBOROUGH County, Flor- sented by an attorney at this proceeding.
best bidder for cash at 800 E. Twiggs has been filed against you and that you LOT 2, BLOCK 1, CREEKSIDE, ida, I will sell the property situate in HILLS-
Street, George Edgecomb Courthouse, are required to serve a copy of your ACCORDING TO MAP OR PLAT BOROUGH County, Florida, described as: DATED this 16th day of February, 2006
2nd Floor, Room 201/202, Tampa, Flor- written defenses, if any, to it on CESAR THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT The West 99 Feet of the East 305 PAT FRANK
ida 33602, at 2:00 PM, on the 27th day MARCOS, whose address is 735 Provi- BOOK 53, PAGE 46, OF THE PUB- Feet of the South /2 of Lot 48, of CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT
of March, 2006, the following described dence Trace Cir. Apt. 203, Brandon, FL LIC RECORDS OF HILLSBOROUGH Jones Addition to Temple Terrace, By: Linda Lepelletier
property as set forth in said Final 33511, on or before March 27th, 2006, COUNTY, FLORIDA. according to the Plat thereof, as Deputy Clerk 2/24-3/17/06 4T
Judgment: and file the original with the clerk of this NK/A 13603 FRIAR PLACE, TAMPA, recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 49, of
LOT 6, BLOCK 6, CITRUS POINTE Court at 800 E. Twiggs St., Room 101, FL 33625. the Public Records of Hiltsborough IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR
UNIT 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT Tampa, FL 33602 or PO Box 3450, Tam- County, Florida. HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA
THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT pa, FL 33601, before service on Petition- If you are a person with a disability who at public sale, to the highest and best PROBATE DIVISION
BOOK 57, PAGE 21, PUBLIC REC- er or immediately thereafter. If you fail to needs any accommodation in order to bidder or bidders for cash in the George File Number 06-CP-000425
ORDS OF HILLSBOROUGH COUN- do so, a default may be entered against participate in this proceeding, you are E. Edgecomb Courthouse, located at 800 IN RE: ESTATE OF
TY, FLORIDA. you for the relief demanded in the petition. entitld, at no cost to you, to the provsion Twiggs Street Tampa, Florida in room IA LITKE
of certain assistance. Please contact tha E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, Floridanin roam IDA LITTKE,
A/K/A 14012 LEMON VALLEY PLACE, Copies of all court document in this Clerk of Circuit Cur, Circui Civil Divisi 201/202 at 2:00 p.m., on the 23rd Day of Dceased.
TAMPA, FL 33625. case, including orders, are available at the 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa FL March, 2006.
lf you are a prson with a disabiliy who Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, If you are a person with a disability who NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION /
needs any a ccommodation in order to review these dacuments upon request. within 2 working days of your receipt of needs any accommodation in order to NOTICE TO CREDITORS
participate in this proceeding, you are You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit this document; if you are hearing or voice participate in this proceeding, you are The administration of the estate of IDA
entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision Court's office notified of your current ad- impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision LITTKE, Deceased, File Number 06-CP-
of certain assistance. Please contact the dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- WITNESS MY HAND and the sal of of certain assistance. Please contact the 000425, is pending in the Circuit Court for
Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Divi- dress, Florida Supreme Curt Approved hisCour onFebrua 282006 Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division Hilborough County, Florida, Probate
sion, 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers Cr ruay 2, 2 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL Division, the address of which is P.O. Box
33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- Pat Frank 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, 1110, Tampa, Florida 33601. The name
within 2 working days of your receipt of dress on record at the clerk's office. Clerk of the Circuit Court within 2 working days of your receipt of and address of the personal representa-
this document; if you are hearing or voice WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- By: Sandra Glennon this document; if you are hearing or voice tive and of the personal representative's
impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires Deputy Clerk impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. attorney are set forth below.
WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of certain automatic disclosure of docu- Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski DATED on: February 23, 2006. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NO-
this Court on February 28, 2006. ments and information. Failure to comply P.O. Box 25018 PAT FRANK TIFIED THAT:
PatFrank can result in sanctions, including.di- Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 Clerkof the Court All persons on whom this notice is
Clerk of the Circuit Court missal or striking of pleadings. F05023651 3/3-3/10/06 2T By: Sandra Glennon served who have objections that challenge
By: Sandra Glennon DATED: February 17th, 2006. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Deputy Clerk 3/3-3/10 2T the validity of the will, the qualifications of
Deputy Clerk PAT FRANK THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, the personal representative. venue, or jur-
Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE isdiction of this Court are required to file
P.O. Box 25018 By: Sharon D. Dale COUNTY, FLORIDA THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT their objections with this Court WITHIN
F05022038 -2/24-3/17/06 4T Case No.: 06-DR-2271 Division: A COUNTY, FLORIDA TER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLI-
COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.: 06-DR-001907 Division: A Respondent. AS NOMINEE FOR WELLS FARGO against decedent' estate on whom a copy
Case No.: 06 2940 Division: C KATIE McCLELLAN NOTICE OF ACTION FOR BANK, NA, of this notice is served within three months
BELKYS M. DIAZ. Petitioner DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE Plaintiff, after the date of the first publication of this
Petitioner and TO: CHRISTOPHER WASHINGTON vs. notice must file their claims with this
DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE Tten defenses, if any, to it on PATRICIA to a Final Judgment of Mortgage Fore- ON THEM..
T S LUTIO F MARRIAGE TO: MONTE McCLELLAN WASHINGTON, whose address is 1708 N. closure dated February 28, 2006 and en- All other creditors of tha dcedent and
TO: ANGEL LUIS DIAZ Last Known Address: Unknown Tampanla Ave., Apt. B, Tampa, FL 33607, tered in Case NO. 2004-9912-CA of the person having claims or demands
Last Known Address: UNKNOWN YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has on or before, March 20, 2006; and file Circuit Court of the THIRTEENTH Judi- againt decedent's tate must file tei
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action been filed against you and that you are the orginal with the clerk of this Court at cial Circuit in and for HILLSBOROUGH claims with this Court WITHIN THREE
has been filed against you and that you required to serve a copy of your written 800 E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL 33602 County, Florida wherein MORTGAGE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE
are required to serve a copy of your defenses, if any, to it on KATIE TcCLEL- (Room 101), before service on Petitioner ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYS- FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE.
written defenses, if any, to it on BELKYS LAN, whose address is 2928 Kelly Ridge or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do TEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR WELLS
M. DIAZ, whose address is 717 W. Green Ln., Tampa, FL 33604, on or before March so, a default may be entered against you FARGO BANK, NA, is the Plaintiff and ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS AND OBJEC-
St. Apt. #1A, Tampa. FL 33607, on or 27, 2006, and file the original with the for the relief demanded in the petition. EARLENE SCOTT; THE UNKNOWN TIONS NOT SO FILED WlLL BE FOR-
before April 3, 2006, and file the original clerk of this Court at 800 E. Twiggs St., Copies of all court documents in this SPOUSE OF EARLENE L. SCOTT; ANY EVER BARRED
with the clerk of this Court at 800 E. #101, Tampa, FL 33602, before service case, including orders, are available at the AND ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIM- The date of the first publication of this
Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL, before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If Clerk of the Circuit Courts office. You may ING BY, THROUGH, UNDER, AND notice is MarchT3, 2006.
on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be en- review these documents upon request. AGAINST THE HEREIN NAMED IN- Personal Representative:
you fail to do so, a default may be en- tered against you for the relief demanded You must keep the Clerk of tha Circuit DIVIDUAL DEFENDANT(S) WHO ARE DELMA I. BELFLOWER
tered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. Coau keep ift led of o the Circurn NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, 18809 15th Street
n the petiin -Court's office notifled of your current ad- WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES Lutz, FL 33549
in the petition. Copies of all court documents in this dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST AC
Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the drss, Florida Supreme Court Approved SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANT- Attorney for Personal Representative:
case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers EES OR OTHER CLAIMANT; TENANT RALPH B. FISHER, ESQ.
Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may review these documents upon request. in this lawsuit will be mailed to the #1; TENANT #2 are the Defendants, I will FISHER'S LAW OFFICE, P.A.
review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit address on record at the clerk's office. sell to the highest and best bidder for 18125 Highway 41 N. Suit 109
You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office notified of your current ad- WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- cash at 800 E. Twiggs Street, George Lutz, Florida 33549
Courtas office notified of your current ad- dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- ily Law Rules of Procedure. requires Edgecomb Courthouse, 2nd Floor, Room (813) 949-2749
dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved certain automatic disclosure of docu- 201/202, Tampa, Florida 33602, at 2:00 Fla Bar No. 371580
dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family,Law Form .12.9.15.). Futue papers -ments and information: Failure to comply PM; the-27th, day March, 2006., ,the SPN 54867 3/3-3/10/06 2T
;LA GACETA/Fri,4ay; Mrd10 2006/Page 29
Case No.: 06002656 Division: D RALH W. BEE Case Number: 05-03193 Division: J ABEARDGIRALDO CASE NO.: 2006-000841-CA DIVISION: G
and The administration of the estate of JOHN BARNHILL and MARY LOU Repondent. CEPa FICATES SERIES 2005-SDiff,
Respondent. date of death was November 29, 2004, is AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC., NOTICE OF ACTION FOR vs
Respondent. pending in the Circuit Court for Hillsbor- Defendants. DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE IVEL M. CANTWELL, et al,
NOTICE OF ACTION FOR ough County, Florida, Probate Division, NOTICE OF ACTION TO: JANET SANCHEZ Defendant(s).
DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE the address of which is P.O. Box 1110, ast Known Address: Unknown NOTICE OF ACTION
TO: CAROLINA QUINONES Tampa, Florida 33601. The names and TO: JOHN BARNHILL, current address YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action TO: THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES,
Last Known Address: Unknown addresses of the personal representative unknown Last known address: has been filed against you and that you NTES NES
and the personal representative's attor- 1104 Brookstone Ridge, College GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES,
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action ase efrsbeo esentatives attor- P14 rook ao30349e, Coege are required to serve a copy of your writ- LIENORS, CREDITORS,
has been filed against you and that you neare seorelw. ark, Geogia 30349 ten defenses, if any, to it on ABELARDO TRUSTEES, OR OTHER
are required to serve a copy of your writ- All creditors of the decedent and other MARY LOU BARNHILL, current GIRALDO, whose address is 6013 Wil- CLAIMANTS CLAIMING BY,
ten defenses, if any, to it on GERARDO persons having claims or demands address unknown Last known shire Dr., Tampa, FL 33615, on or before THROUGH, UNDER, DONNIE P.
A. CHANCALAY, whose address is 4714 against decedent's estate on whom a address: 1104 Brookstone Ridge, April 3, 2006, and file the original with the BYRD, DECEASED
N. Habana Ave., Apt. 215, Tampa, Flori- copy of this notice is required to be served College Park, Georgia 30349. clerk of this Court at 800 E. Twiggs St., LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: UNKNOWN
da 33614, on or before March 27th, 2006, must file their claims with this court TamPa. FL 33602 (Room 101), before ser-
and file he original with the clerk o this WTHN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AF- YOU ARE NOTFED that an action to mpa FL 02 (Room orCURRENT ADDRESS: UNKNOWN
Court al 800 E. Twiggs Street, Room 101, TER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLI- Quiet Title to the following described real vice on Petitioner or immediately there-
Tampa, FL 33602 orPO Box 3450, Tam- CATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYSP property in Hillsborough County, Florida: after. If you fail to do so, a default may ANY AND ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES
be entered against you for the relief. de- CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER,
pa, FL 33601-3450, before service on AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A Lot 1, block 5, BENJAMIN'S ADDI- manded in the petition. AND AGAINST THE HEREIN NAMED
Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. TION TO WEST TAMPA, according to Copies o al court documents in this INDIVIDUAL DEFENDANT(S) WHO
fail to do so, a default may be entered All other creditors of the decedent and the plat thereo recorded in Plat bok Copie of l rders are available at in the ARE NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR
against you for the relief demanded in the other persons having claims or demands 1, page 55, Public Records of Hilsbor- caserk of the C ircuit Court's officlable You may A RE NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD UNKNOWN
petition against decedent's etate mut filetheir ough County, Florida. Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may ALIVE, WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN
petition. against decedents estate must file -their ough ounty, review these documents upon request. PARTIES MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST
Copies of al court documents in this claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS has been filed against you, and you are u m ee r of he Crcut AS SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISEES,
case including orders, are available at the AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- required to serve a copy of your written Yourt's offie notiie of yur crrent ad GRANTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS
Clerk of the Circui Court's office. You may LICATION OF THIS NOTICE. defenses, if any, to it on Henry W. Hick, (You fie Noti e of u urrent d- LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: UNKNOWN
review these documents upon request. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN Esq., atorney for Plaintiff, hos ad- dress. You ma file Noice of Curt Ap d- LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: UNKNOWN
You musf keep the Clerk of the Circuit THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN dress is 3003 West Azeele Street Suite dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved CURRENT ADDRESS: UNKNOWN
Courts office notified of your current ad- SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA 200, Tampa, Florida 33609, on orbefore Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to
dress. (You may file Noice of y urrent Ad- PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER March 20, 2006, and to file the original in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- foreclose a mortgage on the following prop-
dress, Florida Supreme Cournt Approved BARRED. with the Clerk of this Court either before dress on record at the'clerk's office erty in HILLSBOROUGH County, Florida:
dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved service on plaintiffs attorney or immedi- WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- LOT 12, BLOCK 2, HOLIDAY HILLS
Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PE- ately thereafter; otherwise a default will ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires UNIT NUMBER 4, ACCORDING TO
in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- ROD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM be entered against you for the relief certain automatic disclosure of docu- THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF AS
dress on.record at the clerk's office. FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE demanded in the Complaint. ments and information. Failure to comply RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 45,
WARNING: Rule 12.285 Florida Fam- AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF The action wasinsituted n he Circui can result in anction including di- PAGE 24, PUBLC RECORD OF
ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires DEATH IS BARRED. The action was instituted in the Circuir can result in sanctions, including dis- PACE 24 PUBLIC RECORDS OF
ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires EAT S B. Re D Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit of missal or striking of pleadings. HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA.
certain automatic disclosure of docu- The date of the first publication of this the State of Florida and is styled: Maxx DATED: February 23, 2006. has been filed against you and you are
ments and information. Failure to comply notice is March 3, 2006. Financial, Inc: v. John Barnhill, Mary Lou PAT FRANK required to serve a copy of your written
can result in sanctions, including dis Personal Representative: Barnhill and Owens Properties and CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT defenses, if any, on or before April 3,
missal or stnking of pleadings. DENNIS J. TRACY Management Services, Inc., Hillsborough By: Cynthia Menendez 2006, on Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski,
DATED: February 15th, 2006. 229 Pensacola Road County Circuit Court Case Number Deputy Clerk Plaintiffs attorney, whose address is 9119
PAT FRANK Venice, Florida 34285 05-03193. 3/3-3/24/06 4T Corporate Lake Drive, Suite 300, Tampa,
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Attorney for Personal Representative: DATED on February 8, 2006. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Florida 33634, and file the original with
By: Sharon D. Dale DENNIS J. TRACY, ESQUIRE PAT FRANK THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT this Court either before service on Plain-
Deputy Clerk 2/24-3/17/06 4T Attorney for Dennis J. Tracy As Clerk of the Court IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH tiff's attorney or immediately thereafter,
Florida Bar No. 176558 By: Henry Suber, Jr. COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA. otherwise a default will be entered against.
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Dulmer & Tracy, Chartered Deputy Clerk FAMILY LAW DIVISION you for the relief demanded in the Com-
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, 229 Pensacola Road 2/24-3/17/06 4T plaint or petition.
IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH Venice, Florida 34285 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE CASE NO.: 06 02194 DIVISION: E This notice shall be published once
COUNTY, FLORIDA Telephone: (941) 485-7761 THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF: each week for two consecutive weeks in
Case No.: 06 02055 Division: B 3/3-3/10/05 2T IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH SARA 1. NOVILLO, the La Gaceta.
MARVIN E. SETTLES COUNTY, FLORIDA Petitioner If you are a person with a disability who
Petitioner IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Case No.: 06002208 Division: F and needs any accommodation in order to
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, participate in this proceeding, you are
and IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH BLANCA N. AYALA DE ARENA, ATHAN E. MCREYNOLDS, entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision
BRENDA SETTLES, COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA Petitioner Respondent. of certain assistance. Please contact the
Respondent. FAMILY LAW DIVISION and NOTICE OF ACTION FOR Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division,
DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF: Respondent. TO: NATHAN E. MCREYNOLDS 33602, telephone no. 276-8100r ext. 7252
TO: BRENDA SETTLES RAYMUNDO GARCIA RENTERIA, NOTICE OF ACTION FOR Last Address: Unknown this document; i you are hearing or voic
Last Known Address: UNKNOWN Petitioner DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action impaired, call 1-800-955-8771.
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action and TO: JOSE VCTOR ARENA-DIAZ has been filed against you and that you WITNESS my hand and the seal of this
has been filed against you and that you VERNICA MORN GARCA, Last Known Address: Unknown are required to serve a copy of your writ- Court on his 23rd day of February, 2006.
are atS Court on this 23rd day of February, 2006.
are required to serve a copy of your wri- Respondent. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has NOVILLO, whose address is: 2701 W. Pat Frank
ten defenses, if any, to it on MARVIN E. p been filed against you and that you are Waters Ave., Apt. 107, Tampa, Florida Clerk of the Court
SETTLES, whose address is 4009 W. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR required to serve a copy of your written 33614, on or before March 13, 2006, and By: Henry Suber, Jr.
Nassau St., Tampa, FL 33607, on or DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE defenses, if any, to it on BLANCA N. file the original with the clerk of this Court As Deputy Clerk
before March 20, 2006, and file the TO: VERONICA MORON GARCIA AYALA DE ARENA, whose address is t 800 E. Twis Street, Tampa, Florida, Echvarria, Codilis & Stawiarski
original with the clerk of this Court at 800 Last Known Address: Unknown 3468 Justin David Ct., Lakeland; FL before service on Petitioner or immedi- P.O. Box 25018
E. Twiggb St.e Room 101, Tampa, FL YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action 33810, on-or before March 20th, 2006, ately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a Tampai Florida 33622-5018
immediately thereafter. If you fail to do sor has been filed against you and that you and file h orinal with h crk of his default may be entered against you or. F600198 3/3-3/10/062T
a default may be entered against you for are required to serve a copy of your writ- Court a 800 E.Twigg S., Rm. 0,Tam- the relief demanded inthe petition. 333/10/06 2T
the relief demanded in the petition, ten defenses, if any, to it on RAYMUNDO pa, FL 33602 1 PO Box 3450, Tampa, FL
th GARClA RENTERIAn, whose ad dress i 33601, before service on Petitioner or Copies of all court documents in this IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE
Copies of all court documenfs in this 8610 Shirley Drive, Tampa, Florida 33617, immediately thereafter. It you bail to do so, case, including orders, are available at the THIRTEENTH JUDICIAl. CIRCUIT,
case, including orders, are available at the on or before March 27th, 2006, and file a default may be entered against you for Clerk of the Circuit Courm s office. You may IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH
Cleirk of the Circuit Courts office. You may the original with the clerk of this Court at the relief demanded in the petition. review these document upon request. COUNTY FLORDA
review these documents upon request. 800 E. Twiggs Street, Room 101, Tampa, Copies of all court documents in this You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Case No.: 06 02525 Division: D
You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit FL 33602 or PO Box 3450, Tampa, FL case, including orders, are available at the Cour's office notified of your current ad-A. SDL
Court's office notified of your current ad- 33601-3450, before service on Petitioner Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- JENNIFER A. SEDLER a/,da JENNIFER
dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do review these documents pon request. dress, Forida Supreme Court Approved SCAAREGA SEDLER,
dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved so, a dbeentered against you Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers Petitioner
dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved so, a default may be entered against you You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit in this lawsuit will be mailed to the and
Famiy Law Form 12.915.) Future papers for the relief demanded in the petition. Court's office notified of your current ad- address on record at the clerk's office. JACOB T. SEDLER
in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- Copies of all court documents in this dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- Repden.
dress on record at the clerk's office, case,.including orders, are available at the dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- Respondent.
WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers ily Law Rulecs of Procedure requres NOTICE OF ACTON FOR
ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires review these documents upon request. in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- certan ainomatic discloure of docum DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE
certain automatic disclosure of docu. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit dress on record at the clerk's office. aents and information Faiur ingm TO: JACOB T. SEDLER
can result in sanctions, including dis-
ments and information. Failure to compl, Court's office notified of your current ad- WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- missal or striking of pleadings. Last Known Address: UNKNOWN
can result in sanctions, including dis dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires DATED: Febru 8, 2006 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action
missal or striking of pleadings. dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved certain automatic disclosure of docu- DATEDFebruary 8 2006bee ed aat y and hato
DATED: February 7, 2006. Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers ments and information. Failure to comply PAT FRANK has ben fired sgaiert you and that you
PAT FRANK n this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- can rul in sancion, incuding dis- CLERK OF THE CIRCUT COURT ae required to serve a copy of your writ-
PAT FRANK in this lawsuit will be maied to the ad- can resut in sanctions, includig dis- CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ten defenses, if any, to it on JENNIFER
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT dress on record at the clerk's office. missal or striking of pleadings. By: Cynthia Menendez A. SEDLER a/k/a JENNIFER A. SCAT-
By: Cynthia Menendez WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- DATED: February 8th, 2006. Deputy Clerk 2/17-3/10/06 4T TAREIGA SEDLER, whose address is
Deputy Clerk ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires PAT FRANK 509 Center Point Rd., Valrico, FL 33594,
2/17-3/10/06 4T certain automatic disclosure.of docu. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE on or before March 27, 2006, and file the
IN THE CRCUT COURT OF THE ments and information. Failure to coply By: Sharon D. Dale THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, original with the clerk of this Court at
THIRTEENTH UICI CIR can result in sanctions, including dis- Deu Clerk IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH 800 E. Twiggs St., Room 101, Tampa, FL
THIRTEENTH JUDCIAL CRCUIT, missal or striking of pleadings. 2/17-3/10/06 4 COUNTY, FLORIDA. 33602, before service on Petitioner or
COUNTY, FLORIDA DATED: February 17th, 2006. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Case No.: 06 03100 Division: F immediatlytherafter. It you fail to doso,
DAT OcRFH THCaRTseNTHo. 06i 031R00 o IITF a daefault may be entered agains you Tor
Case No.: 06002657 PAT THE C THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUI MARIA PEROGIA ESTEVEZ, the relief demanded in the petition.
MELISSA A. CASTRO, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND Patifioner Copias of ah court documanta in this
MELISSA A. CASTRO, By: Sharon D. Dale FOR HILLSBQROUGH COUNTYoner Copies of all court document in this
Petitioner Deputy Clerk 2/24-/1706 T GENERAL CIVIL LAW DIVISION and case, including orders, are available at the
and 4-7/6 4 CASE NO.: 06-111 DIVISION: A JAVIER ESTEVEZ RODRIGUEZ, Clerk of the Circuit Courts office. You may
ROBERTO CASTRO JR., SHERIFF'S SALE IN RE: THE FORFEITURE OF ONE Respondent. review these documents upon request.
Respondent. Case Number: 99-958-CC THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED THIRTY NOTICE OF ACTION FOR ou must keep the ifClerk of the Circuit
NOTICE OF ACTION FOR Under and by virtue of Execution issued DOLLARS AND 00/100 ($1,730.00) U.S. DISSOLUTION.OF MARRIAGE dress. (You may file Noice of Current Ad-
DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE ou of and under the Seal of the County CURRENCY TO: JAVIER ESTEVEZ RODRIGUEZ dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved
TO: ROBERTO CASTRO JR. Court in and for Hillsborough County, CLAIMANT: JESSICA MILLER Last Known Address: UNKNOWN Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers
Last Known Address: Unknown Florida, dated January 13, 2006 in a NOTICE OF FORFEITURE YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action in this lawsuil will be mailed to the ad-
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action ment Corp., Plaintiff, and Robert Mittlider PROCEEDINGS has been filed against you and that you dress on record at the clerk's office.
has been filed against you and that you and Nora Mttleer ee t e are required to serve a copy of your WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam-
has been fild gainst you and ha you and Nora Mittlieder, Defendants. I have TO: JESSICA MILLER written defenses, i any, to it on MARIA ily Law Rules of Procedure. requires
are required to serve a copy of your writ- levied on and will on March 28, 2006 the 6431-8 Drexel Drive PEROGIA ESTEVEZ, whose address is certain automac disc osure of docu
ten defenses, if any, to it on MELISSA A. same being a legal sales day, at 11:00 Port Richey, Florida 34668 6916 Conord Dr, Ap. A, Bldg. 32 meta and information. Failure o comply
CASTRO. whose address is 12818 Cedar .m. offer for sale at 700 E. Twiggs St., and all persons who claim an interest in: Tampa, FL 33614, on or before April 3, can result in sanctions, including dis-
Forest Dr. #106, Tampa, FL 33625. on or Sheriff's Office, 3rd Floor, Court Process ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED 2006, and file the original with the clerk of missal or striking of pleadings.
before March 27th. 2006, and file the Section, Tampa, Florida, and sell to the THIRTY DOLLARS AND 00/100 this Court at 800 E. Twigg Street, Tam- DATED: February 13, 2006.
original with the clerk of this Court al 800 highest and best bidder, for cash, subject ($1,730.00) U.S. CURRENCY, seized No- pa, FL 33602 (Room 101), before service 13 2006
E. Twiggs St., Room 101, Tampa, FL to all prior liens or encumbrances the vember 22, 2005, at or near Tarpon on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If PAT FRANK
33602, before service on Petitioner or following described Personal Property, in Springs Road and Crawley Road, Odes- you fail to do so, a default may be en- CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT
immediately thereafter. Id you fail to do so, Hillsborough County, Florida, to-wit: sa, in Hillsborough County, Florida. tered against you for the relief demanded By: Cynthia Menendez
a default may be entered against you for All Rights, Title and Interest of Property YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE said in thepetition. Deputy Clerk 2/24-3/17/06 4T
h relief demandld in th pe istion. Belonging to: property is in the custody of Hillsborough Copies of all court documents in this ________
Copies of i al court documents in this Nora Mittlieder County Sheriff's Office. Any Claimant case, including orders, are available at the
case, inluding order, r available at h Property #1 desiring to contest the forfeiture of the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may
reviewrk of thee doCircuments upoffice. You mayet Description of Property: above-described property shall serve upon review these documents upon request.
review these documents upon request. 2005 White Nissan Titan Pickup Truck the below-signed attorney any responsive You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit
You must keep ther Clerk of the Circuit Vin Number: 1N6BA07A55N517855 pleadings and affirmative defenses within Court's office notified of your current ad-
Court's office notified of your current ad- Property #2 twenty (20) days after receipt of the Com- dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad-
dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- Description of Property: plaint for Forfeiture and Order Finding dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved *
Fa For up urped 2004 Brown Chevrolet Blazer Probable Caus. 932.703(2)()(b) Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers
in this lawsuit Form 12.915.) milFued to tpaper Vin Number: 1GNCS13X64K107948 PLEASE GOVERN YOURSELVES AC- in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad-
dress on record at the clerk's office. Stored: CORDINGLY this 1st day of March, dress on record at the clerk's office.
WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- Sunstate Towing 2006- WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam-
ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires 3800 Florida Avenue DAVID GEE, ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires "COpyrighted Material
certain automatic disclosure of docu- Tampa, FL as Sheriff of Hillsborough County certain automatic disclosure of docu-
ments and information. Failure to cornply 874-9895 JASON G. GORDILLO, ESO., ments and information. Failure to comply Syndicated Content
can result in sanctions, including dis- Sold to satisfy said execution and costs. Attorney for David Gee, can result in sanctions, including dis-
missal or striking of pleadings. Mitchell A. Dinkin, P.A. as Sheriff of Hillsborough County missal or striking of pleadings. Available from Commercial News Providers"
DATED: February 15th, 2006. Attorney for Assignee 2008 East 8th Avenue DATED: February 23, 2006.
Post Office Box 3371 PAT FRANK 4
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Hillsborough County, Florida (813 47-8102 COURT
By: Sharon D. Dale Yolanda R. Corrales, D.S. Florida Bar No. 0399663 By: Cynihia Menendez
Deputy Clerk ,.. .224-3/1.7/06 4T 2/243/1706 4T ,, ,. ,.-33-q/10(6 2T epuy er /33/2/06 4T
Pa'ge 30/LA GACETA/Fridy, Mairdh 0, 2006- .
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR first publication of this notice. You must Defendants, I will sell to the highest and
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA file your original response with the Clerk best bidder for cash at 800 E. Twiggs
IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH CIVIL DIVISION of this court, at the address below, either Street. George Edgecomb Courthouse,
COUNTY, FLORIDA COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 05-8341 DIVISION F before service on Petitioner's attorney, 2nd Floor, Room 201/202, Tampa, Flor-
Case No.: 052514 Division: E Case No.: 05-10108 Dvsion: or immediately thereafter; otherwise a ida 33602, at 2:00 PM, on the 20th day
Case No.: 05 2514 Divisin: E Case No.: 05-10108 Divisin: D FIDELIO ANTONIO FERNANDEZ, JR., defaut will be entered agains you for he of March, 2006, the following described
JUANITA E. MYERS, MARCOS A. VELASQUEZ, Plaintiff, relief demanded in the Petition. property as set forth in said Final
Petitioner Petitioner v. Clerk of The Court Judgment:
and and LISA AHIK, ESMERALDA ARTIGAS, IDA 800 E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL 33602 LOT 23, BYRNWYCK AT THE, EAGLE
TO: PAUL D. MYERS TO: ADA ORTIZ FERNANDEZ, FRANCISCO E. be a hearing on this petition which willA 12705 BENTY WAY ODESSA
Last Known Address: UNKNOWN Last Known Address: FERNANDEZ, GAIL MARTINEZ, AND take place April 3, 2006, at 10:30 AM, in FL 33556.
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action 9502 Windermere Park Cir. #301, CITIFINANCIAL MORTGAGE front of the Honorable Claudia R. Isom,
has been filed against you and that you Riverview, Florida 33569 COMPANY, INC., F/K/A FORD Circuit Judge, at the Hillsborough County If you are a person with a disability who
are required t serve a copy of your writ- YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action CONSUMER FINANCE COMPANY, INC., Courthouse, 302 N. Michigan Avenue, Rm needs any accommodation in order to
ten defenses, if any, to it on JUANITA E. has been filed against you and that you Defendant. P2, Plant City, Florida 33563. The Court participate in this proceeding, you are
MYERS, whose address is 502 Julie Lane, are required to serve a copy of your NOTICE OF ACTION has set aside fifteen (15) minutes for this etitd, at no costto you, toe proision
Brandon, EL 33511, on or before March written defensas, if any, fo it on MARCOS hearing. of cartain asaisfanca. Please contact the
randon FL 3351 on or before March written defenses, if any, to itn MARCOS TO: Michael Valdez, whose last known UNDER SECTION 63.089, FLORIDA Clerk o Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Divi-
27, 2006, and file the original with the A. VELASQUEZ, whose address is 5903 address is unknown and whose cur- STATUTES, AECTILURE TO FILE A sion, 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL
clerk of this Court at George E. Edge- N. Armenia Ave., Tampa, FL 33603, on or rn adress unknown. TATTE, RFAILURE TO FIE A si02, telephe no 276-8100, ext. 7252
comb Courthouse, 800 East Twiggs before April 3, 2006, and file the original WRITTEN RESPONSE TO THIS 33 lon no. 27 ex. 72
Street, 2nd Floor, Tampa, Florida 33602, with the clerk of this Court at 800 E. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an NOTICE WITH THE COURT OR TO within 2 working days of your receipt of
before service on Petitioner or immedi- Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL 33602 or PO action to quiet title has been filed in APPEAR AT THIS HEARING CON- this document; if you are hearing or voice
ately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a de- Box 3450, Tampa, FL 33601-3450, be- regards to the following described property STITUTES GROUNDS UPON WHICH impaired, call 1-800-955-8771.
fault may be entered against you for the fore service on Petitioner or immediately located in Hillsborough County, Florida: THE COURT SHALL END ANY WITNESS MY HAND and the seal ol
relief demanded in the petition. thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default Lot 16, Block 8, MICHIGAN HEIGHTS, PARENTAL RIGHTS YOU MAY HAVE this Court on February 23, 2006.
Copies of all court documents in this may be entered against you for the relief as per map or plat thereof recorded REGARDING THE MINOR CHILD. Pat Frank
case, including orders, are available at the demanded in the petition. in Plat Book 19, Page 57, of the Pub- PARA TRADUCCION DE ESTE Clerk of the Circuit Court
Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may Copies of all court documents in this lic Records of Hillsborough County, FORMULARIO AL ESPANOL LLAME A By: Sandra Glennon
review these documents upon request. case, including orders, are available at the Florida. .LA OFICINA DE INTERPRETES DE LA Deputy Clerk
You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may has been filed against you. You are CORTE, AL 813-272-5947 DE LUNES Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski
Court's office notified of your current ad- review these documents upon request. required to serve a copy of your written A VIERNES DE 3:00 P.M. Y 5:00 P.M. P.O. Box 25018
dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit defenses, if any, to it on KRISTOPHER E. If you are a person with a disability who Tampa, Florida 33622-5018
dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved Court's office notified of your current ad- FERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE, whose address needs any accommodation in order to F05022595 3/3-3/10/06 2T
Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- is 114 S. Fremont Avenue, Tampa, Florida participate in this proceeding, you are ______
in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved 33606, on or before March 27, 2006, and entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE
dress on record at the clerk's office. Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers file the original with the Clerk of this Court of certain assistance. Please contact the THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT
WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- either before service on Plaintiff's attor- Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH
ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires dress on record at the clerk's office. ney or immediately thereafter. Other- Hillsborough County Courthouse, 800 E. COUNTY, FLORIDA
certain automaic disclosure of docu- WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- wi, a dfault wil be enterd against you Twiggs Street, Tampa, Florida 33602 CVIL ACTION
ments and information. Failure to comply ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires r r the t Telephone No. 276-8100CASE NO. 06-000153-CA DIVISION H
can result in sanctions, including dis- certain automatic disclosure of docu- If you are a person with a disability who ing days of your receipt of this document;0001 A D N
missal or striking of pleadings. ments and information. Failure to comply needs any accommodation in order to if you are hearing or voice impaired call BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. SUCCESSOR
DATED: February 13, 2006. can result in sanctions, including dis- participate in this proceeding, you are 1-800-955-8771. BY MERGER TO NATIONSBANK, N.A.
PATF ry missal or striking of pleadings. entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision WITNESS my hand and seal of said F/K/A NATIONSBANK, N.A. (SOUTH)
PAT FRANK DATED: Feb 2006. of certain assistance. Please contact the Court on this 17th day of February, 2006. F/K/A NATIONSBANK OF FLORIDA, N.A.,
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT DATED: February 24, 2006. Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, PAT Plaintiff.
By: Kay Crum PAT FRANK Room 530, George E. Edgecomb Court- ACLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT vs
Deputy Clerk 4T CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT house, 800 E. Twiggs St., Tampa, Florida PauF THE CIR T C T MARGUERITE SMITH MORRISON, et al,
Dpt_______Cer1-3/ -/4 By: Brenda Dudiey 33602. Telephone No. 276-8100, Ex. 4365 B: Pauliner Defendant(s)
INuy Crk 2/I7-T3/10T/064TL Deputy Clerk Dud within 2 working days of your receipt of Depuy Clerk 224-3/17/06 4Ts
IN THE CIRCUIT COURTOF THE Dey Ck 3/3-3/24/06 4T his document; if you are hearing or voice NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE
Case No.: 06-DR-2487 Division: C COUNTY, FLORIDA Crk fthe rt COUNTY, FLORIDA tered in Case NO. 06-000153-CA of the
Cesa No.: -R 8 DisiC COUNT, FLORIDA Cflerk of the Court CIVIL ACTION Circuit CaurI of the THIRTEENTH Judi-
WlLLIAM LEE CHOW, Case No.: 06002206 Division: B By: David Anderson CIVIL ACTION Circuit Court of the THIRTEENTH Judi-
Petitioner No.: 06002206 Divisin:eput Clerk 224-317/06 4T CASE.NO.: 06-525-CA DIVISION: E cial Circuit in and for HILLSBOROUGH
and r IRMADUF s Dpuy Crk 2/24-3/17/06 4T TRST County, Florida wherein BANK OF AMER-
TO: CAROL SINGLETON CHOW DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE CASE NO. 05-11284-CA DIVISION G Defendant(s). the Defendants, I will sell to the highest-
Last Known Address: TO: LARRY WAYNE DUFFYWELLS FAGO BANK, N.A., and best bidder for cash at 800 E. Twiggs
Last Known Address: Unknown Plaintiff, Street, George Edgecomb Courthouse,
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has owon s vs TO:BIANCA OLIVIA AKPODIETE 2nd Floor, Room 201/202, Tampa, Flor-
eied a been filed againt you and that you ar YOU ARE NOTIFIED tha n acion as CLYDE R ROBERTS etal LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: ida 33602, at 200 PM, on the 23rd day of
required to serve a copy of your writ- been filed against you and tht you are Defendant(s). 10417 Canary Isle Drive March, 2006, the following described prop-
ten defenses, if any, o it on WILLIAM required to serve copy of your wntten Tampa, FL 33647 erty as set forth in said Final Judgment:
Frierson Ave., Tampa, FL 33610, on or hos addrss i 1624 Pam Lea Driv NOTCE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant AN AND ALL UNKNOWN CUS GARDENS SUBDIVISIN, AS
before March 20,. 2006 and fil the Brandon, FL 33510, n or befre March to a l Judgmen o Mortgage Fore- PARTES CLAIMING BY THROUGH PER TE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF
original with the clerk of this Court at 20th, 2006, and file the oginal with the closure dated February 21, 2006 and en- UNDER, ANDAGAINTTHE HEREN AS SHOWN RECORDED IN PLAT
800 E. Twiggs St., Rm.101, Tampa, FL clerk of this Court at 800 E. Twiggs St., tered in Case NO. 05-11284-CA of the NAMED ANDDUA E NS BOOK 12 AT PACE 17, OF THE
33602, before service on Petitioner or Rm. 101, Tampa, FL 33602 P Box Circuit Court o the THIRTEENH Judi- NAMED INDIVIDUAL DEFENDANT(S) BK 12 ATIC REC ORDS OF HILLSBOR-
immediately thereafter. If you fail to ddoso, 3450, Tampa, FL 33601, before servi c ial Circuit Courin and for HIRTEENT H Judi- WHO ARE NOT KNOWNTO BE PUBLC RECORS OF HILLSBOR-
a default may be entered against you for on Petitioner or immediately thereafter, If C irounty, Florida wherin WEHILLSBO FARGH DEAD OR ALIVE, WHETHER SAID OUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA,
the relief demanded in the petition. you fail to do so, a default may be en- n UNKNOWNPARTIES MAY CLAIM PARCEL ID#: 026951 0000.
tered against you for the relief demanded BANK, N.A., is the Plaintiff and CLYDE R. AN INTEREST AS SPOUSES, AK/A 3920 WEST HAMILTON AVE-
Copies of al court documents in this for the relef demanded ROBERTS; BRUSSELS BOY HOME- HEIRS, DEVISEES GANTES NUE, TAMPA, FL 33614. AVE-
case, including orders, are available at the OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC; TENANT OR OTHER CLAIMANTS
Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may Copies of all court documents in this #1 N/K/A/ TAMRA MURPHY; TENANTLA AR If you are a person with a disability who
review these documents upon request. case, including orders, are available at the #2 DONNY MURPHY are the Defend- LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: UNKNOWN needs any accommodation in order to
You must keep the Cerk of the Circuit Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may ants, I will sell to the highest and best CURRENTADDRESS: UNKNOWN participate in this proceeding, you are
Cours office notified of your current ad- review these documents upon request. bidder for cash at 800 E. Twiggs Street, YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision
dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit George Edgecomb Courthouse, 2nd Floor, foreclose a mortgage on the following prop- of certain assistance. Please contact the
dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved Court's office notified of your current ad- Room 201/202, Tampa, Florida 33602, at erty in HILLSBOROUGH County, Florida: Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division,
Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- 2:00 PM, on the 23rd day of March, 2006, LOT 9, BLOCK 2, CORY LAKE ISLES 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL
in this lawsuit will be mailed to the dress Florida Supreme Court Approved the following described property as set PHASE 6 ACCORDING TO THE 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252,
address on record at the clerk's office. Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers forth in said Final Judgment: MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORD- within 2 working days of your receipt of
WARNING: Rule 12.285 Florida Fam- in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- LOT 12, BLOCK 4, BRUSSELS BOY, ED IN PLAT BOOK 77, PAGE 24 thii dcument; if you are hearing or voice
ily Law Rules of Procedure, require dress on record at the clerks office. PHASES I AND II, ACCORDING TO PUBLIC RECORDS OF HILLSBOR- impaired. cal 1-800-955-8771.
certain automatic disclosure of docu- WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF AS OUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA. WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of
ments and information. Failure to comply ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 88, has been filed against you and you are this Court on February 23, 2006.
can result in sanctions, including dis- certain automatic disclosure of docu- PACE 95, OF THE PUBLIC REC- quired to erv a copy of your wtten Pat Frank
missal or stiking of pleading ment and information. Failure t comply ORDS OF HLSBOROU COUN-n befre Apr 3 Crk of the Circuit Court
can result in sanctions, including dis- TY, FLORIDA. 2006, on Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski, By: Sandra Glennon
DATED: Fbruary 13,2006. missal or striking of pleadings. TOGETHER WITH A MOBILE HOME Plaintiffs attorney, whose address is 9119 Deputy Clerk
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT DATED: February 8th, 2006. LOCATED THEREON AS A FIXTURE Corporate Lake Drive, Suite 300, Tampa, Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski
BTrO T C PAT FRANK AND APPURTENANCE THERETO; Florida 33634, and file the original with P.O. Box 25018
By: Troy Tocco CLERK OF THE CRCUIT COURT YEAR 2002, MODEL: EAGLE, SN# this Court either before service on Plain- Tampa, Florida 33622-5018
pu Crk 2/17-3/10/06 4T By: SharonGAFL154A/BC/86912ET21, TITLE tiff's attorney or immediately thereafter, F05023932
217-3De1ut106 4T By: Sharon D. Dale /1 #S 0085495499, 0085495568 AND otherwise a default will be entered against 3/3-3/10/06 2T
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Deputy Cerk 2173/10/06 4T 0085495646; RP DECAL #S you for the relief demanded in the Com- IN THE CRCUIT COURT OF THE
COUNTY, FLORIDA IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH ERVIEW, FL 33569-6163. each week for two consecutive weeks in COUNTY, FLORIDA
Case No.: 06 02626 Division: D COUNTY, FLORIDA If you are a person with a disability who the La Gaceta. Case No.: 06003356 Division A
MIDALYS LLERENA Case No.: 06002380 Division: F needs any accommodation in order to If you are a person with a disability who
participate in this proceeding, you are needs any accommodation in order to NANCY BARILLAS,
Petitioner PEDRO A.MOLLEDA, entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision participate in this proceeding, you are Petitioner
and Petitioner of certain assistance. Please contact the entitled, at no cost to you. to the provision and
EDGAR A. AMAGUANA-GUANOPATIN, and Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, of certain assistance. Please contact the MAURICIO BARILLAS.
Respondent ERICA L. FREEMAN, 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, Respondent.
NOTICE OF ACTION FOR Respondent. 33602. telephone no. 276-8100, ext..7252, 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL
NDIOLTIN OF RR AGE N within 2 working days of your reweipt of 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, NOTICE OF ACTION FOR
DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE NOTICE OF ACTION FOR this document; if you are hearing or voice within 2 working days of your receipt of DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE
TO: EDGAR A. AMAGUANA- DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. this document; if you are heanng or voice TO: MAURICIO BARILLAS
GUANOPATIN TO: ERICA L. FREEMAN WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of impaired, ca1i 1-800-955-8771. Last Known Address: 40 Hamilton
Last Known Address: UNKNOWN Last Known Address: Unknown this Court on February 23, 2006. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this St., Bridgeport, CT 06608
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action Pat Frank Court on this 27th day of February, 2006. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action
has been filed against-you and that you has been filed against you and that you Clerk of the Circuit Court Pat Frank has been filed against you and that you
are required to serve a copy of your writ- are required to serve a copy of your writ- By: Sandra Glennon Clerk of the Court are required to serve a copy of your writ-
ten defenses, if any, to it on MIDALYS ten defenses, if any, to it on PEDRO A. Deputy Clerk By: Henry Suber, Jr. ten defenses, if any, to it on NANCY
LLERENA, whose address is 7410 W. MOLLEDA, whose address is 1500 W. Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski As Deputy Clerk BARILLAS, whose address is 2038 Bran-
Hanna Ave., Tampa, Florida 33615, on or Highiand St., Lot 16, on or before March P.O. Box 25018 Echevarria, Cadilis & Stawiarski don Crossing, Brandon, FL 33511, on or
before March 20, 2006,- and file the 20, 2006, and file the original with the Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 P.O. Box25018 before April 3, 2006, and file the original
original with the clerk of this Court at 800 clerk of this Court at 800 E. Twiggs St., F05023313 am3 006 2T T F aO. Box 25018 3 8 with the clerk of this Court at 800 E.
East Twiggs St., Room 101. Tampa, Flor- #101, Tampa, FL 33602. before service 3/3-3/10/06 2T Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 Twiggs St., #101, Tampa, FL 33602
ida 33602, before service on Petitioner or on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If F06000867
immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, you fail to do so, a default may be en- TIN THE CIRCUIT I COURT OF THE 3/3-3/10/06 2T before service on Petitoner or immedi-
a default may be entered against you for tered against you for the relief demanded THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUI O may be entered against you for the
the relief demanded in the petition. in the petition. THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE fault may be entered against you for the
e ee demanded in the petition. i t tto HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT relief demanded in the petition.
Copies of all court documents in this Copies of all court documents in this IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH Copies of all court documents in this
case, including orders, are available at the case, including orders, are available at the CASE-NO: 06-DR-000064 DIVISION: R COUNTY, FLORIDA case, including orders, are available at the
Clerk of the Circuit Courts office. You may Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may IN RE: THE TERMINATION OF CIVIL ACTION Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may
review these documents upon request. review these documents upon request. PARENTAL RIGHTS PURSUANT TO CASE NO; 2005-4087 DIVISION J review these documents upon request.
You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit THE ADOPTION OF A MINOR: You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit
Court's office notified of your current ad- Court's office notified of your current ad- BLUE VIEW CORPORATION A/K/A S Cous office notiied of your urrent ad-
dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- S dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad-
dress, Florida Suprema Court Approved dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved NOTICE OF ACTION, NOTICE OF Plaintiff, dress. Florida Suprema CaurI Approved
Family Law Form 12.915.).Future papers Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers PETITION, AND NOTICE OF HEARING vs. Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers
in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- TO TERMINATE PARENTAL RIGHTS JEFFREY J. GEORGE, et al, in thi lawsuit will be mailed to th ad-
dress on irecord at the clerk's office, dress on record at the clerk's office. PENDING ADOPTION Defendant(s). dress on record at the clerk's office.
WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- TO: JEFFREY LEE ESTES NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam-
ily Law Rules of Procedure. requires ily Law Rules of Procedure. requires DOB: 06/21/1976 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. prsuant ily Law Rules of Procedure. requires
certain automatic disclosure of docu- certain automatic disclosure of docu- Caucasian, Male o a Final Judg of Mo Fo cerain autoatic discsure docu-
ments and information. Failure to comply ments and information. Failure to comply Last Known Residence: Unknown tosua Final Judg Fmentruf ortgage For6 and ens auomatic diclosure o docul
can resul in sanctios, including dis- ca result sanctons including dis- YOUARE NOTIFIED that an action for entered in Case NO. 2005-4087 of the can result i sanions including dis-
missal or stnking;of pteadings missal or stEring of pleadings. Termination of Parenlal: Rights Pursuant Circuit Caurt ofl the THIRTEENTH Judi- missal or striking of pleadings.
DATED: February 14, 2006. DATED: February 10, 2006. to an Adoption has, been filed. and you ; cial Circuit in and for HILLSBOROUGH DATED: Februaiy 27, 2006.
PAT FRANK PAT FRANK are required to serve a copy of your County, Florida wherein BLUE VIEW PAT FRANK
By:.CynlhiaMenendez By: Breada Dudley Greenwood, Esqc. 819 E Lumsder Rd:, IN(, i: the Plaintitf and JEFFREY J.
' -eaCBK- -C ... Dputy lCerk BLandon, Florida 33511,. Petitioner's GEORGE; iBiARISA, J. GEORGE;- THE By: Brenda Dudley.
2/17-3/10/064T D2/17-3/10/06 4T attomey, within 30"days after the date of UNITEBS AT E Deputy.Cleri. 33'I3/234/064T
LA GACETA/Friday; Maxch 10 2006/Page 31
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