grow up first? ate president in 2009-10 and for
SISR 117007 ***** 2011-12. Senator Alex Villalobos
L" OF FU HISTORY PO BO looked like he had the presidency
L205 SMA UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA We continue to hearthat Betsey of the Senate sewn up for 2009-10
GINESVLLE FL 32611-7007 Hapner will run for the circuit but State Senator Jeff Atwater
be open and so far attorney Ber- to be making headway. Ronda's
nard Silver is the only announced benefactor and Villalobos'lieuten-
candidate. Ms. Hapner was elect- ant, State Senator J.D.Alexander
FI! 1 : I ml = ed to a judicial seat before but was has promised Ronda (so we have
_______________ T _______ removed for misconduct. heard) that he will raise $150,000
Florida Christian Singles'web- website for members to peruse. ***** for her campaign. When and if
site is advertising its services to You must be at least 16 years The money that will go to Ronda elected she must vote for Villalo-
help good Christian singles find old. Why is a Christian website Storms' campaign treasury for bos for president in 2009-10 and
other good Christian singles to encouraging minors and adults to State Senate is more likely to be for Alexander in 2011-12. So a lot
date with the purpose of mar- mix on a dating website and why contributed because of who she of money that will go to Ronda
riage. The part we find curious do theywant 16 year olds to date votes for than what she stands will be from people who want to
is the age requirement to place with the purpose of marriage in for. Her race is caught up in a bit-
your name and information on the mind? How about letting them ter fight for who will be the Sen- (Continued on page 12)
The Gonzalez Mora & Co. Cigar Company, based in Chicago, opened hundreds of homes and businesses, was demolished when I-4 was
this factory at 2311 18th Street in 1899. This building, along with constructed through Ybor City. (Photo courtesy of Armnando Mendez)
La Guerra Moderna Debera Ser Sin Armas
"Fl drte l d l Editorial Leonardo Le6n ellos deba ser corta y protoco- nos y/o las corporaciones que
1G o ora L C n eai La semana pasada visitaron laria, sta se exterdi por varias los poseen, las libertades a los
rlas instalaciones de La Gaceta horas gracias a la atmsfera derechos periodsticos, de la
SPora Ha231rvey Gn189 rajales_ ubn puado de muy selectos cordial y de camaraderia que se prensa y naturalmente el res-
y distinguidos periodistas, present en el momento. (pasa a la pgina 2)
Segunda Copa TECATE editores y acadmicos del pe- Los temas que se abordaron
riodismo mundial. Esta visita fueron los esperados: la imagen
En este ao la segunda edicin de la Copa Tecate de Futbol, se auspiciada por el Departamento de los Estados Unidos en el
jugar con la participacin de ms de 100 equipos pertenecientes de Estado de los Estados Unidos exterior, la guerra en Irak, la
a la recin fundada Coalicin de Ligas Hispanas de Futbol del constituye un claro esfuerzo impopularidad del presidente
Estado de la Florida, desde la bella Baha de Tampa hasta el rea por enmendar la deteriorada Bush, las divisiones religio-
de Imokale y Homested. Este domingo en los campos deportivos imagen de los Estados Unidos sas en el mundo, el aparente
de la escuela High School de Palmetto se realizar la ceremonia, en el mundo a partir de la in- sentimiento ant-islmico, el
que incluye desfile de los equipos participantes y sus respectivas vasin a Irak. control de los medios de infor-
(pasa a la pgina 6) Aunque la conversacin con macin por parte de los gobier- 6 2 5 99 00001 9
iActualidd de No es Cuestin de Leyes Sino de Unin
Actualidad de
Amrica Latina j
Las cuadrillas de rescate rompieron barreras de escombros el I
jueves, topndose con gases txicos pero sin hallar a nadie en el lugar
donde supuestamente estaban dos de los 65 mineros atrapados tras
la explosin en una mina. El hallazgo disminuy la esperanza de que
todavia estn con vida los mineros atrapados por la explosin ocurri-
da la madrugada del domingo, aunque las autoridades. pese a que
dijeron que los altos niveles de gas toxico hacen poco probable que halla
sobrevivientes, no han sealado que los trabajadores hayan muerto.
El administrador de la mina Pasta de Conchos, Rubn Escudero, dijo
en una conferencia de prensa que las cuadrillas de rescate haban
avanzado 680 metros y haban pasado el lugar donde se pensaba que
estaban dos operadores de la correa de transporte. No haba seales
de los dos mineros all, aadi, indicando que eso implica que ellos
probablemente fueron sepultados bajo los escombros o estn en otro
lugar de las instalaciones.
El gobierno de Ecuador declar el estado de emergencia en
una provincia productora de petrleo ubicada en el Amazonas. La
medida, que fue tomada luego de que los manifestantes atacaran
dos oleoductos en las ltimas 48 horas y tras el fracaso de las
conversaciones con los lderes de la provincia de Napo, significa
que todas las protestas quedan prohibidas. Las autoridades de
la regin acusan al gobierno central de incumplir su promesa de
construir ms infraestructura local. La compaa estatal petro-
lera. ecuatoriana, Petroecuador, pudo reestablecer el martes las
exportaciones de crudo tras reparar una estacin de bombeo que
haba sido daada por los manifestantes durante lajornada. Sin
embargo, un oleoducto privado cerr sus operaciones luego que Es muy posible que el tema de inmigracin se convierta en la gran batalla con-
los manifestantes tomaran por asalto otra estacin de bombeo gresional de las prximas elecciones si los detractores de medidas que buscan
durante un enfrentamiento con las fuerzas de seguridad, favorecer a los inmigrantes residenciados en el pas ganan la batalla. Por los
BOLIVIA ltimos dos meses el tema del paquete legislativo inmigratorio que ser estu-
*El gobierno del presidente Evo Morales, con el apoyo de Cuba, diado en el Senado a finales de marzo, ha causado que activistas y lderes de
inici una ambiciosa campaa que buscar erradicar el 13,3% organizaciones sindicales poderosas como El Sindicato de Trabajadores de Ser-
de analfabetismo que registra Bolivia en los prximos 30 meses.
eLa campafa, e amada Yo si puedol fue diseada por expertos vicios Internacionales, se desplazaran a la ciudad de Miami la semana pasada
cubanos. La administracin cubana del presidente Fidel Castro, a apoyar el "Plan de Braceros" o "Trabajadores Invitados" que el Presidente
como se comprometi cuando Morales visit la isla en diciembre, Bush, ha anunciado que apoyara. En la foto Eliseo Mendoza, Vicepresidente
envi 140 especialistas para trabajar hasta 2008 en el proyecto.El de SEIU vocea en favor de la propuesta que a pesar de no ser lo mejor para los
embajador cubano en Bolivia, Luis Felipe Vsquez, inaugur las inmigrantes constituye un paso adelante en sus derechos.
tareas en la localidad rural de Laja, 37 kilmetros al suroeste de
La Paz, que se constituye en el primer centro piloto del proceso. ua e era
"Aqu, en Bolivia, y desde ahora, en estos prximos 15 dias e La Guerra Moderna Debera Ser Sin Armas
desarrolla una prueba de pilotaje y despus del 15 de marzo ya
comienza la generalizacin...", dijo el diplomtico. (viene de la pgina 1) fecundo y se lleg de comn Esta estrategia ertamente re-
GUATEMALA pY HOS eto a los derechos humanos. acuerdo a la conclusin de que dundar, alargo plazo, enfuentes
GU TEMALA Y HO DURAS Para muchos de ellos, espe- somos simplemente habitantes de fecundo cambio y quizs ms
tas autoridades de Guatemala, Honduras y El Salvador firma- cialmente del Medio Oriente y del planetaTierra, con distinciones toleranciay armonia mundial, si
rn un convenio la prxima semana para exhortar a las compaas Africa, este viaje al pas consti- de nacionalidad, estratos socio- esfuerzos concomitantes en las
telefnicas a que no activen celulares robados en el rea y a com- tua su primera visita. El sen- econmicos y educativos, que a reas de educacin, reparticin
partir informacin sobre los mismos. Los funcionarios encargados timiento de empata por el trabajo veces entorpecen nuestro nico de la riqueza, justicia social, y
de regular la telefona se reunirn en Esquipulas, ciudad cercana a periodstico que se realiza en los objetivo: vivir en paz, de acuerdo libertad a los derechos humanos,
la frontera con El Salvador y Honduras. Aldo Bonilla, encargado del Estados Unidos, ya que tuvieron con determinados preceptos reli- se intensifican.
rea internacional de la superintendencia, asegur que en el acto la oportunidad de visitar mucha giosos y costumbre culturales. La verdad es que las guerras
de firma del convenio estarn presentes el superintendente general Casas editoriales y rotativas de Cmo respetar esos elementos tradicionales se comienzan con
de electricidad y telecomunicaciones de El Salvador, Isidoro Nieto, pretigiosos diarios, revistas y bsicos de los pueblos modernos palabras, se pelean con balas y se
y el presidente de la Comisin Nacional de Telefona de Honduras, publicaciones por todo el pas, est alcentro delquehacerde estos terminan con miles de muertos,
Rasel Tom. fue elocuente y reafirmador. periodistas que en su mayoravie- y las lgrimas de los hurfanos
VENEZUELA-BRASIL-ARGENTINA Particularmente interesante nen de zonas de conflictos arma- y viudas.
fue el tema de las caricaturas dos y desazn social acentada. El postulado de hoy es que las
SLos representantes de los gobiernos de Venezuela, Brasil del Profeta Mahoma. Excepto d social acentuada. u as sid e comienzan
y Argentina iniciaron una reunin multilateral para definir las por dos personas, el editor de Los hispanos e inmigrantesdel con palabras deben pelearse
estrategias que permitirn el desarrollo del gasoducto regional este diario entre ellas, todos se pas conocemos de primera mano, son palabras, con argumentos,
para transportar hidrocarburos a siete pases del continente. mostraron en francio desacuer- la buena voluntad, generosidad y y terminarse con la eliminacin
En este encuentro el grupo coordinador del proyecto espera do con la publicacin inicial y deseo de vivir en paz que existen de polticos corruptos, medios de
definir el plan de trabajo para la construccin del gasoducto, repetida de las controversiales en todos nuestros paises y en el comunicacin sin tica y comer-
que ser presentado a los presidentes de Hugo Chvez de caricaturas. resto del mundo, por esta razn, ciantes de la violencia.
Venezuela, Nstor Kirchner de Argentina, y Luiz Inacio Lula da El -sentir de la mayora es es reconfortante saber que existe La palabra es y debe ser siem-
Silva de Brasil, durante la reunin que sostendrn el prximo que se ha avanzado mucho en buena voluntad en las esferas de pre el finyel comienzo. Es hora de
12 de marzo. El Ministerio de Energa de Venezuela dijo que la libertad de prensa y que se Washington por conversar comenzar a hablar.
durante este encuentro se evaluarn algunos temas tales como hace lo que se puede de acuerdo
mercado, recursos, comercializacin, diseo de tarfas, planif- con las circunstancias polticas Colo bianos Votan en Tam pa
cacin de ingeniera, modelo de negocio y financiamient. del pas donde se trata de cubrirl o ia os ta e n p
del pas donde se trata de cubran
CUBA la noticia y naturalmente los El domingo 12 de marzo se realizarn las votaciones para
Un grupo de 12 cubanos detenidos a mediados del mes pasado recursos disponibles del medio elegir a los representantes legislativos (Congresistas) y adminis-
cuando entraban de forma ilegal a Guatemala, pidieron que el pas que se usen. trativos de Colombia. El evento que tendr lugar en el ya conocido,
les otorgue refugio. "Lo que correspondera sera deportarlos a su Fue muy agradable esta ca- West Tampa Convention Center, abrir sus puertas para sufragar
pas, pero como pidieron refugio por motivos polticos y econicos, sual e informal conversacin, alas 8 am. y las cerrar a las 4 pm. Para ms informacin puede
ahora tendremos que tramitar su solicitud y otorgarles un permiso que paradjicamente es aus- llamar al (813)935-6334.
para que permanezcan en el pas mientras se resuelve", dijo la piciada por el propio gobierno
portavoz de la direccin de migracin, Lorena Rosales. estadounidense, justamnt Ls H ispanos en Clearw ater
cana____r__ea____ ir_____ cuando la presetncia militar os en(
del pas en el mundo entero es Una interesante reunin sobre el estado de los Hispanos en
LA GACETA (USPS 299-240) gravemente cuestionada, criti- Clearwater tendr lugar el vienes 17 de marzo a las 9 am en el
cada y atacada. Departamento de la Polica de Clearwater (645 Pierce St.) Segn
THE NATION'S ONLY TRI-LINGUAL NEWSPAPER Por primeravez en seis aos, Danielle Ricciardi, miembro de la Junta Directiva del Comit de
Published Every Friday By LA GACETA PUBLISHING, INC. es destacable que alguien en la Bienestar Juvenil del Condado de Pinellas, esta reunin con otras
adminstracin Bush, se preo- personas de diferentes asociaciones que sirven a la comunidad,
VICTORIANO MANTEIGA (1894-1982) FOUNDER cupe por usar fondos militares servir para evaluar las necesidades de la creciente comunidad
ROLAND MANTEIGA (1920-1998) EDITOR AND PUBLISHER para reconstruir las relaciones hispana. Se abordarn los servicios que se prestan en espaol,
multilaterales rotas. educacin, empleo, necesidades bsicas, estatus migratorio, li-
PATRICK MANTEIGA..........................................Editor and Publisher La educacin, preparacin cencias de conducir etc. Para ms informacin se puede llamar
ANGIE MANTEIGA.............. .......... Associate Publisher y hasta cierto punto indoctri- a Ricciardi al (727) 547-5696.
nacin del profesional periodista
LEONARDO LEN ......................... ........Spanish Editor --que opera distante en remotas Grupos de Apoyo a M enores
Entered as Second Class Matter in 1923 montaas deAfganistn, Boiivia,
Periodical Postage Paid at Tampa, Florida Angola o Malasia--, es el primer El hospicio, LifePath Hospice de Tampa est ofreciendo grupos
paso para dejarle saber alos mili- de apoyo nocturnos para menores entre 3 y 18 aos de edad que
P.O. Box 5536, Tampa, Florida 33675 Phone (813) 248-3921 Fax (813) 247-5357 cianos, gentes normales incluso, hayan sufrido un trauma por la muerte o enfermedad de un ser
Yearly subscription price $26.75 (Hills. Co. only includes tax) y obviamente a los extremistas muy cercano. Los grupos estn abiertos a todos aquellos que se
For prices outside Hillsborough County please call. descerebrados, que ejecutan hallen en esta situacin, aunque sus familiares no se encuentren
Visit our Website at: actos suicidas sin razn, que en el hospicio. Los grupos se reunen en el Centro del Crculo de
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to La Gaceta el pueblo estadounidense no es Amor localizado en el 3010 W. Azeele de Tampa.
P.O. Box 5536 malo. Se buscan y necesitan voluntarios igualmente. Si usted
Tampa, FL 33675 Estacasifutilafirmacinaflor desa ser voluntario puede comunicarse con Tammy Alsing al
Tampa, FL 33675 en varias instancias del dilogo (813)383-5243.
Pgina 2/LA GACETA/Viernes,' de marzo de 2006
d y ogaza de Pan por Cien D lares "su esposa Gloria Otero, hacen por las instituciones, leyes y
a 0 y H ogazad e an por C e lares parte del grupo que apoyan la creencias religiosas.
En los anales de la historia Por medio siglo, las reinas pobres, desplazados, hurfanos realizacin del Banquete del La labor no ha sido fcil
de las revoluciones sociales de belleza de Colombia, se y abandonados, por oportuni- Milln en Tampa) y para cubrir las urgentes
pacificas de Latinoamrica han unido a este evento sir- dades de vida y progreso. Eso La obra del Minuto de Dios necesidades, La Direccin del
del siglo pasado, ya aparece el vindole a los comensales del es El Minuto de Dios. no necesita presentacin ante Minuto ha tenido que salir del
nombre de El Minuto de Dios banquete ms pobre, pero ms Es por todo este cmulo ningn colombiano mayor de marco territorial colombiano,
en Colombia y naturalmente rico, segn palabras de Garca de razones que vienen del 40 aos. a tocar las puertas de nuestros
Es ms, diramos, que compatriotas en otras nacio-
aquellos padres de familia nes. Es as como el Minuto ya
tienen la obligacin de haber- ha realizado varias ediciones
les enseado a sus hijos al es- de su evento estrella, el Ban-
tar por fuera de Colombia, que quete del Milln, en el territo-
en ella hubo un sacerdote lla- rio estadoundidense.
mado Rafael Garca Herreros, Pero cabe la pregunta, eSe
quien hace unos cincuenta justifica este salto ha~ta aqu,
aos fund el Minuto de Dios, en busca de la tan necesitada
Sla institucin colombiana de ayuda?
ayuda por excelencia, en la- La respuesta es un SI con-
que se combinan el amor al -tundente, moralmente y en
prjimo, la ayuda humani- virtud de la desproporcin
taria en vivienda, educacin econmica entrela familia co-
y trabajo; as, como proveer lombiana trabajadora en este
educacin bsica y superior pas y aquella necesitada en
y disciplina social, todo den- nuestro terruo, que no ha po-
tro de un marco de honradez dido romper el crculo vicioso
difana, calidad y responsabi- de pobreza que cada ao la
lidad administrativa, y respeto (pasa a la pgina 8)
Este es un ejemplo de las urbanizaciones construdas por "El Minuto de Dios",
que albergan a los menos favorecidos de la sociedad colombiana: los pobres e r
y desplazados. Por un caldo y una hogaza de pan, Usted podra, convertir en A dFest nde ir e str'r a M vno
realidad el sueo de miles de colombianos, vctimas de la violencia, desem-
pleo, desamparados y sin vivienda.
el del ya desparecido padre Herreros. testimonio, personal -de los FESTIVAL DE ARTES DE GASPARILLA
Rafael Garca Herreros. La Obra de El Minuto de beneficiados, de aquellos que El sbado y domingo 4 y 5 de marzo respectivamente
La revolucin social que Dios ha llegado a los Estados abogan por el programa y las se realizar el festival de Artes de Gasparilla en el Centro
este singular sacerdote eudis- Unidos y muy particularmente propias directivas del Minuto de Tampa. Este evento atrae a notables artistas del pas a
ta comenz, sumido el pas en a Tampa, donde la acogida ha de Dios, que se hace perentorio exhibir sus fabulosas obras que son a su vez premiadas por
la violencia, abri las puertas sido extraordinaria y en donde que la comunidad colombiana, renombrados jurados internacionales. Las reas artsti-
de esperanza para miles. el Padre Jaramillo, sucesor del y ojal los hispanos en general cas son: pintura, cermica, textiles, joyera, escultura,
En medio de la desazn Padre Garca Herreros, espera de la Baha, acudan a este fotografa, escultura, fotografas digitales etc. Habr una
y abandono gubernamental encontrar los fondos para banquete. seccin especifica para que los nios hagan manualidades,
que sobrecoga, y an lo hace, seguir ofreciendo viviendas Por slo 100 dlares podrn as como una seccin de restaurantes y comidas rpidas
al pueblo colombiano, Garca dignas a miles de colombianos darle un techo a una familia y Este ao se entregarn ms de 60 mil dlares en premios a
Herreros decidi de manera pobres. adems recibirn un caldo y los artistas ganadores. Usualmente el festival de las artes
ingeniosa, casi atrevida si se El Minuto de Dios es ms una hogaza de pan benditos. hace que se cierren gran partes de las calles aledaa a
quiere, pedirle mucho dinero que una agencia de construc- Jorge y Gloria Otero, son Ashley, y la porcin del paseo del Ro sobre el Museo de
a los ricos por sentarse a cin de vivienda, o de asisten- dos de aquellos colombianos la ciudad para que los miles de visitantes caminen con
comer una hogaza de pan con cia social. Su mano bondadosa desinteresados que se han tranquilidad. Para ms informacin se puede visitar el
un caldo. Los pudientes acep- llega a los hogares a travs de unido a estajornada de apoyo, portal de
taron el desafo. la educacin, capacitando a no slo ofreciendo su asisten- COMIENZA EL FESTIVAL DE LA FRESA
. Esta idea se cristaliz ofi- miles de estudiantes de pri- cia al evento y trabajo, sino A partir demaanasbado, 2 demarzo y hasta el domingo
cialmente hace ms de 50 maria y secundaria y reciente- escribiendo unas sencillas y 12 del mismo mes regresa a la ciudad de Planta City, el fa-
aos con el primer Banquete mente a nivel universitario. provocadoras palabras que moso Festival de la Fresa o Strawberry Festival por su nombre
del Milln, realizado en Bo- La idea es extender el poder merecen nuestra atencin y en ingls. La admisin tiene un costo de $9 para mayores de
got. El valor de una boleta del bien. Compartir y hacerlo agradecimiento. 13 aos, 5 para menores entre 6 y 12 aos y nios menores
en aquel entonces ayudaba a felizmente con aquellos menos EL MINUTO DE DIOS de 5 aos entran gratis con la compra de un tiquete de un
financiar la construccin de afortunados. Por: Jorge E. y Gloria Otero adulto. Los boletos para los conciertos que diariamente se
una vivienda. Hoy es apenas La idea es sembrar esperan- (*Jorge E Otero, renombra- presentan oscilan entre $10 y $25 dlares por persona.
una fraccin. za, cambiar la desventura de los do cardilogo colombiano y Las atracciones diarias gratuitas incluyen: Las estrellas
acrbatas de Peking a las 11:30 am. 2:30 pm. 5:30 y 8:30
pm; Dennis Lee a la lpm.; La coral de la Catedral Bblica,
U Arthur Jones, Stephen Jones. El show de Rowdy Rooster ,a
las 11:30 am, 4 pm. y 7 pm.. El show Roving Vehicle a las
10:30 am., 1:30 pm. y 5:30 pm. Msica Andina, Runa Pacha:
"Indian World" a las 10:30 am., 12:15 pm y 2:15 pm.
Se puede conseguir un brazalete para montar todas las
atraccciones mecanicas por $17 dlares.
Maana sbado es el Da y Desfile de los Nios. Todos
entran gratis y reciben descuentos hasta la 4 pm. El domingo
es el Da de la Familia, se harn concursos para bebs. El
City of T lunes es el da del gran desfile. No olvide detenerse a probar
The City of Tampa's los deliciosos postres de fresas famosos y sobretodo admirar
la eleccin de la famosa Reina de la Fresa. Si desea mayor
Ybor City Development Corporation informacin acerca de los eventos diarios y descuentos llame
al (813)752-9194. La feria esta localizada en el 2202 West
Reybolds St. de la ciudad de Plant City.
invites you to a Desde hoy y hasta el domingo estar en escena en el
Shimber Playhose del Centro de las Artes de Tampa, Om-
strab. Esta es una fantstica obra que integra muchas
COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE MEETING artes y que cuenta la historia de 5 trabajadores que migran
de regiones de dificultades a la ciudad donde enfrentan
los desafos de la sociedad citadina. Presenta ritmos del
noreste del Brasil. Para ms informacin o comprar boletas
to solicit recommendations for se puede llamar al (813)229-7827, o 1(800)955-1045.
Entre los crticos de ballet, se dice que la produccin de la
Bella Dumiente del Gran Ballet de Rusia es la meor de todas.
COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE NEEDS AND OTHER Si usted desea comprobar por si mismo, este domingo es la
ocasin ideal para hacerlo ya que la compaa de ballet Rusa
CITY SERVICES IN THE YBOR CITY AREA FOR THE se halla en el Centro de las Artes de Tampa este domingo
para una funcin nica a las 4 pm. Los boletos van desde
CITY'S UPCOMING BUDGET YEAR los $20 a los $45. y para ms informacin o comprarlos
llame al (813)229-7827, o 1(800)955-1045.
Todos los aos se realiza una feria de proveedores de
Monday, March 6, 2006 servicios, artculos y mejoras para los hogares, casas y
jardines de aquellos que poseen y desean mejorar sus vivi-
5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. endas. Usualmente la presentacin de nuevos productos,
tecnologas avanzadas y en el caso concreto de la Baha,
The Italian Club ~los materiales para protegerse de los huracanes son la nota
th sobresaliente de este evento que este ao tendr lugar en
7h Avenue el estadio Tropicana Field de la ciudad de St. Petersburg
Ybor City desde hoy, viernes 3 de marzo hasta el domingo 5.
Se presentarn shows famosos como "This Old House"
y "Ask This Old House," con Kevin O'Connor. La admisin
para adultos es a $8, mayores de 60 aos $6 y menores
For further information, please contact Corine Linebrink with the Ybor de 12 aos entran gratis. Para ms informacin visite el
portal y si compra los boletos
City Development Corporation at 274-7936. en la Internet puede ahorrr $2 dlares.
I A'GXCETA/Vieri;;, 3SI, 3 dh iaiz ;'2 e 2d 06/P, a3giia
-~~ w,< 1 $,
Periodistas Visitaron La Gaceta o ueres
Solo Mujeres
Por la Dra. Silvia Jimnez
Indispensable Botiqun
-Lesiones de la piel: El gel de la hoja de Sbila (aloe
vera), aplicado directamente a lesiones por quemaduras de
sol, picaduras de mosquito o brotes por alergia al contacto
con algunas plantas, acelera la curacin. La sbila contiene
polisacridos naturales que aumentan la respuesta del
S sistema inmune. Si tiene una planta a mano, abra una de
la hojas en sentido longitudinal y aplique el gel a la lesin.
La tintura de rnica (rnica montana) puede aplicarse en zonas
adoloridas o con espasmo muscular. No se debe de utilizar en
lesiones abiertas de la piel.El aceite esencial del rbol de t (tea
tree oil-Malaleuca alternifolia) es antisptico y ayuda a limpiar
las heridas de la piel. Mezcle una y media cucharada del aceite
iesencial en una taza de agua y limpie las lesiones. Aplique el
aceite puro en la piel con una picadura de abeja.
-Molestias digestivas: La hierba diente de len ayuda
a mejorar las molestias digestivas. Puede tomarla en tin-
tura preparada de las hojas de la planta o en cpsulas.
Las tinturas o t de menta y manzanilla son excelentes para
tratar la indigestin y la nusea, as como tambin el t de
Como parte de un proyecto de integracin profesional, el Departamento de Estado raz de jengibre.
-V hierba recomendada para viajes largos en avingseng sano eshabi-
de los Estados Unidos invit a 18 periodistas de varios pases del mundo a recorrer la hierba recomendada para viajes largos en avin, por su habi-
varias ciudades de la nacin para visitar las rotativas y diarios ms importantes. En lidad de ayudar al cuerpo a ajustarse a los cambios. Se puede tomar
la Baha de Tampa estos periodistas visitaron el Tampa Tribune, el St. Petersburg en forma de tintura o en cpsulas y se recomienda empezar a tomar
Times, el Instituto Poynter de estudios periodsticos y La Gaceta. Durante 3 horas y la hierba uno o dos das antes del inicio del viaje. Si usted sufre de
media, setuvo la oportunidad de intercambiar ideas con periodistas delAsia, Medio mareos en los viajes en avin, tome cpsulas de jengibre 30 minutos
antes del vuelo, o en el momento que inicia la nusea o el mareo.
Oriente, Europa, Africa, Oceanay Latinoamrica. La poltica internacional, ibertad Pregunta de la semana del Flaca Club
de prensa, la guerra de Irak, el futuro de los Medios, la difusin de la informacin y Es cierto que la avena ayuda en la prdida de peso? En un
las percepciones dela presencia de los Estados Unidos en el mundo, dominaron la in- estudio realizado en el Hospital St Luke-Roosevelt en la ciudad
teresanteconversacin.Enlafotoaparecensloalgunosdelossiguientesperiodistas: de Nueva York, los investigadores sugieren que la avena con-
Rahmatullah Kawsar de Afganistn, Leila Turcilo de Bonia-Herzegovina, Anglica sumida en el desayuno, puede ayudar en la prdida de peso.
Los 16 voluntarios refirieron disminucin del apetito y menos
MaraLagos Camargo de Colombia,Andrs AlexandroDvilaSpiegelerdeGuatemala, hambre despus de un desayuno con avena, comparado con
KristofSzalayde Hungra, PrasunAcharya de India,ShiryEdende Israel, SyedAzhar un desayuno de cereal azucarado y diminuyeron en un 30% la
deMalasia, HarishsinshingChundundingde Mauricio, HoratiusOwaegbanoriaEgua cantidad de alimento consumido en el almuerzo.Preguntas,
de Nigeria, Al-Wadhah Talib Al Mawali de Oman, Sarfaraz Ahmed y Rana Mubashir ms informacin? Visitenos
de Pakistn, Murali Subramaniam de Singapore, Malixole Maali Gwatyu de Sur Tiene uejas Contra la Polica?
Africa, Badra Haji Masoud de Tanzania, Waldi Dorai de Tunisia y Ameen Abduljalil
Mudhsh de Yemen. El viernes 24 de marzo de 2:30 a 4:30 pm., la oficina de Dere-
chos Civiles del Departamento de Justicia realizar una mesa
redonda con lderes de la comunidad sobre la manera cmo la
Polica de Tampa (TPD) se dirige y-resuelve problemas con la po-
blacin que tiene limitaciones con el ingls o LEP( manejo limitado
del Ingls). El evento tendr lugar en el saln Martin Luther King
de la Biblioteca Pblica John F. Germany del Centro de Tampa.
No estn invitados la prensa o a miembros de la Polica de Tampa.
S- Para ms informacin acerca del evento se puede comunicar con
S-- --- Daphne Felten-Green al (202) 305-31010.
Feria de la Salud de la Familia
La Alianza Colombiana del Golfo y la Coalicin Hispano
Latina invitan al siguiente evento: "Quinta Feria Bilinge de la
Salud Familiar" o "Fifth Annual Bilingual Family Health Fair"
el. sbado, 18 de marzo de 8:30 am al medio da en el centro
de servicios de Glasser-Schoenbaum Human Services Center
_e o 1750 17th St. Se realizarn pruebas gratuitas de presin san-
gunea, diabetes, colesterol, masa corporal, SIDA, audicin,
algo- _podiatra, densidad sea y dental. Para ms informacin puede
-- llamar al (941) 955-5834.
"Copyrighted Material
_.aSyndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers" I.w
-* *. *_ B
Prepare su Casa Para Huracanes
La Oficina de Extensin de Servicios del Condado de Hills-
bqrough en asociacin con la Asociacin de Constructores de
S Tampa ofrecer el 8 de abriluna clase de 9 am. a 12:30 pm. sobre
Scomo preparar y reforzar su vivienda durante la temporada de 8
El costo de registro es de $7 dlares y debe hacerse antes del 31
de marzo. Los tpicos que se tratarn son: cuidado y proteccin
de rboles, evaluiacin de estructuras, contratar un constructor,
reforzar puertas de garage, ventanas, prevenir goteras y hume-
dad. Un representante de la compaa Lowes estar presente para
informar sobre materiales disponibles. Para ms informacin se
puede llamar a Traci al (813) 744-5519 ext 137.
El Paseo del Ro de Tampa
El 14 de marzo, la alcaldesa de Tampa, Pam Iorio, y los
"Amigos del Paseo del Ro" o "Friends of the Riverwalk" harn el
anunci oficial del Plan Maestro y la Campaa para la Creacin
del Riverwalk Project, una de las obras ms importantes de la
administracin Iorio. El evento tendr lugar naturalmente en el
Parque Curtis Hixon del Centro de Tampa. Para ms informacin
puede llamar al (813)274-7416.
Pgina 4/LA GACETA/Viernes, 3 de mnarzo d1e 2O6 .. ,
Great Public Schools for Every Child
Enfoque de
Dr. Seuss
*. ... .:::ii. W ....
Los nios que leen logran sus metas. Ellos tienen calificaciones ms
altas en los exmenes y reconocen las letras y los nmeros ms a
menudo que los nios que no lo hacen con tanta frecuencia. El
reto para los padres, los adultos que los cuidan y los maestros es
entusiasmar a los nios con la lectura.
"Y tendrn xito? S! Claro que s! (garantizado en un 98 y 3/4
por ciento.) "PODRS MOVER MONTAAS!" Estas lneas del
libro de Dr. Seuss, "!Oh, cun lejos Ilegars!" son slo un ejemplo
de sus encantadoras rimas y ritmos que ayudarn a hacer la lectura
ms divertida.
Es en el espritu de hacer de la lectura una experiencia llena de alegra que
la Asociacin Nacional de Educacin ha lanzado "Read Across America." Creado
originalmente como un evento de un da el 2 de marzo, en el cumpleaos de Dr. Seuss, "Read
Across America" se ha convertido en una iniciativa a nivel nacional que promueve
la lectura diaria, con ms de 45 millones de participantes al ao.
Los nios necesitan desarrollar el disfrute por la lectura y necesitan
escuelas pblicas de calidad con grupos de clases ms pequeos,
libros actualizados y materiales.
Podemos trabajar juntos, en el hogar, en la escuela y en la
comunidad, para ayudar a nuestros nios a tener xito en
la vida.
Visite para conocer ms de
"Read Across America" y cmo usted puede ayudar a
construir una nacin de lectores.
LA GACETA/Viernes, 3 de marzo de 2006/Pgina 5
l t Protesta de Inmigrantes
El deporte al d`a
Por Harvey Grajales
(viene de la pgina 1) Liga Mexicana de Clearwater rante la pelea, en el casino MGM
madrinas, juegos interligas de con 50 equipos, la Liga Hardee Grand. De la Hoya pelear por
varones, mujeres, veteranos, y de Wachula con 26 equipos de primera vez desde el 18 de sep-
ninos varones y 6 de nios. tiembre del 2004, cuando fue
La unin de estas ligas que El presidente de la Liga Lati- vencido por Bernard Hopkins
asciende a ms de 300 equipos noamericana hace un llamado en el noveno asalto.
de futbol se debe a la inquitud a las ligas de ftbol del norte de De la Hoya tiene una foja de
que ha tenido desde un comien- Tampa y Este de Orlando para 37-4 con 29 nocuts. El rcord
zo la familia Walle que inicio que se integren a esta unin de Mayorga es de 27-5-1 con 22
la entidad deportiva hace 20 de ligas y a la vez solicita a las nocuts.
anos con 4 equipos que form personas que estn interesa- FUTBOL
Francisco Walle Senior. das en ser arbitros que se co- ESPAA: El Zaragoza fue
El mismo llevaba y traa muniquen llamando al telfono multado con $10.730 por los
en su usada camioneta Van a (941)518-8022. insultos racistas que sus afi-
los jugadores para sus entre- MAYORGA Y DE LA HOYA cionados le gritaron el pasado
namientos y partidos, dando SE TIRAN VERBALMENTE sbado al delantero del Barce-
as nacimiento a la Liga Lati- Oscar de la Hoya y el nica- lona Samuel Eto'o durante un
noamericana de Futbol que ragense Ricardo Mayorgapre- partido de la liga espaola. En lafoto aparecen Jos Rodriguez y Cathy Colunga
actualmente tiene registrados pararon la escena con un duelo Eto'o estuvo a punto de a an a n d n gran s rde
74 equipos de varones, mujeres de insultos y empujones. abandonar el encuentro a los 77 de la organizacin de Inmigrantes, ILUF, rodeando
y nios. De la Hoya, de 33 aos, ha minutos, cuando varios fanti- aJorge Capdevila, loutor dela estainWQBN 1300
Lo ms peculiar de estas confiado en retirarse triunfal cos n el estadio La Romareda AM que la pasada convoc a una protesta contra
ligas de ftbol, es que los juga- del boxeo en septiembre, con imitaron gritos de mono mien- las recientes propuestas legislativas que buscan
dores son trabajadores de los una pelea ante Floyd May- tras el cameruns se aprestaba menoscavar ms los ya exiges derechos de los in-
campos agrcolas --que laboran weather Jr. o el puertorriqueo a patear un crner. El artillero m e l Ea s nds O s
de sol a sol, plantando, culti- Flix Trinidad. permaneci en eljuego tras ser migrantes en los Estados Unidos. Otra marcha sub-
vando y recolectando cosechas Pero el nicaragense, cuyo convencido por sus compae- secuente convocando a un paro laboral inmigrante
con uno o dos entrenamien- poderoso golpeo lo ha conver- ros, el rbitro Vctor Esquinas nacionaly una caminata alas oficinas de Fort Mayer
tos en la semana-- y an as tido en el campen reinante por Torres y el tcnico del Barsa delSenadorBillNelson, capturaronlaatencindela
se preparan para el partido el Consejo Mundial de Boxeo, Frank Rijkaard. prensa la semana pasada. Una gran marcha de pro-
dominical donde asisten con dijo el martes que busca estro- Los insultos continuaron testa nacional anunciada para el prximo marzo 11
toda la familia, amigos y veci- pear los planes de De la Hoya, hasta el final del desafo, que n luga en Tmp L a y r ex osn
nos. Es todo lo contrario de al vencerlo el 6 de mayo. el Barcelona gan 2-0. tendr lugar en Tampad. La hora y el lugar exactos no
los jugadores profesionales que "Este payaso que est sen- Eto'o tambin fue insultado han sido anunciados localmente pero para aquellos
les pagan por jugar. Nuestros tado aqu a mi derecha me ha por aficionados del Zaragoza que deseen asistir y solidarizarse pueden llamar al
jugadores tienen que pagar faltadoel respeto", dijo Mayorga el ao pasado en el mismo (941)737-6668 para ms informacin, o sintonizar
para jugar, para sufragar los en una conferencia de prensa. estadio. e pl m en es in
costos de rbitros, registracin "Se mantiene diciendo que va a 16 MILLONES POR UN la emisora QWBN 1300 AM en espaol.
y arrendamiento de campos de pelear en septiermbre o en octu- POTRO EN MIAMI
futbol. bre, como si no fuera a pelear Un potro de dos aos que Las Caricaturas de M ahom a
Francisco "Chico" Walle, con nadie en mayo". an no ha debutado implant
fundador, presidente e impulsor "Soy el campen, debes ayer un rcord mundial al ser Por: Arturo R. Rivera, J.D. (1) "El derecho a la libertad
del futbol en el rea, tambin es reconocer eso. Mi mano ms adquirido por $16 millones, en Los musulmanes en el mun- de pensamiento y de expresin,
Jefe de Cuadrilla de ms de 300 fuerte es la derecha. Ven su la subasta que se celebra en do entero han respondido aira- sancionado por la Declaracin
trabajadores que por esta poca ojo? Le voy a desprender la reti- el hipdromo de Calder. Demi dos y con violencia en protesta de los Derechos del Hombre,
estn plantando y amarrando na", dijo Mayorga. De la Hoya O'Byrne, un agente, fue el pos- por las caricaturas de Mahoma no puede implicar el derecho a
estacas a matas de tomate que permaneci sentado e impvido, tor que adquiri el ejemplar que fueron publicadas origi- ofender el sentimiento religiosos
darn su cosecha a finales de mientras vea a Mayorga. De para un equipo encabezado por nalmente en un peridico de de los creyentes. Obviamente,
abril. pronto, el pgil de Managua dijo el magnates John Magnier. Dinamarca. La violencia de las este derecho vale para cualquier
Ahora con la fundacin de que iba a golpear a De la Hoya El precio de venta del pura- manifestaciones ha causado religin."
la Coalicin de Ligas Hispanas en la cara, y los dos se empu- sangre quebr la marca de muertes y destruccin a la (2) "La convivencia exige,
de Futbol de la Florida, partici- jaron, antes de ser separados. $13.1 millones implantada propiedad de consulados y em- adems, un clima de respeto
parn en la segunda edicin de Cuando De la Hoya subi al a mediados de los aos '80 bajadas de Dinamarca, adems mutuo para favorecerla paz en-
la Copa Tecate a nivel nacional estrado, se mostr ms mesu- cuando fue adquirido Seattle de algunas propiedades de las tre los hombres y las naciones.
que da $10 mil dlares al ga- rado. "Esta ser", dijo antes de Dancer, medio hermano del fa- Naciones Unidas. Adems, estas formas de crtica
nador y que est considerado el hacer una larga pausa, "la pelea moso Seattle Slew, ganador de En la religin musulmana se exagerada o de escarnio de los
torneo ms importante de futbol de mi vida. Nunca he sentido ira la Triple Corona de los Estados prohibe hacer cualquier dibujo dems manifiestan una falta de
a nivel del Inmigrante latino. ni falta de respeto hacia nadie, Unidos. o caricatura sobre el profeta sensibilidad humana y pueden
Las ligas unidas en esta salvo por un sujeto que anda Pero el rcord previo para Mahoma. Todo este incidente constituir en algunos casos
entidad son: Liga Latinoameri- por ahy fue noqueado", dijo un ejemplar de dos aos era de ha ocasionado una controversia una provocacin inadmisible.
cana de Futbol con 74 equipos, De la Hoya, en una alusin evi- $5.2 millones, precio de un hijo entre la libertad de prensa y el La lectura de la historia ensea
Liga Mexicana de Homested dente a Fernando Vargas. "Este de Tale of the Cat implantado en derecho de los practicantes de que por este camino no se curan
con 70 equipos, Liga de Futbol otro chico de aqu, cranme, va las ventas de Calder del 2005. determinada religin a exigir las heridas que existen en la
de Imokale con 26 equipos, la a caer noqueado el 6 de mayo". O'Byrne y John Ferguson, respeto a sus creencias. vida de los pueblos."
Liga Mexicana de Boiton con 26 "Le est echando lea quien representa a Sheikh Los dibujos, que ya han sido Por otro lado, en otro acto de
equipos, la Liga de futbol San al fuego. A m no me gusta Mohammed bin Rashid al Mak- incluidos en varias publica- intolerancia religiosa, el Papa
Pablo con 28 equipos, la Liga alardear, pero me las va a pagar toum, de Dubai, pujaron tan ciones europeas y estadouni- Benedicto XVI lament el asesi-
Panamericana de Ft. Mayers dentro del cuadriltero", alto por el noble bruto que denses, presentan al profeta nato del sacerdote italiano, An-
con 46 equipos, la Liga Unidad Mayorga, quien cumplir 33 elevaron paulatinamente su con una bomba envuelta en el drea Santoro. El mismo ocurri
Hispana de Naples con 56 equi- aos el 10 de marzo, expondr precio a territorio rcord. turbante que cubre su cabeza. mientras el sacerdote rezaba
pos de varones y 4 de nios, la su cetro de los superwlter du- El ejemplar subastado a El acto de haber reproducido la en la iglesia donde acababa de
precio rcord es el segundo imagen de Mahoma es conside- celebrar la Santa Misa.
producto de la yegua madre rado como un sacrilegio para
i N cia. Magical Masquerade, descendi- los practicantes del Islam.
ticias de Inm gracion ente del padrote Forestry, y fue El Vaticano, en respuesta a
Director de Inmigracion de Catholic Charities criado en la Florida. varias peticiones y aclaraciones
SPor Jos Femrndez Los compradores quedaron sobre la posicin de la Santa Sede
Por Joso e tFernndez estupefactos con el ejercicio sobre las representaciones ofen- e iel
realizado por el purasangre sivas de los sentimientos religio- h d mp
Perm isos Tem porales Locales cuando par los relojes en 10 sos de personas y comunidadesa d T
Pregunta: Me llamo Roberto Ruizy soy originao de Costa segundos para los 200 metros. enteras, seal lo siguiente:
Rica. Vivo hace 10 aos en los Estados Unidos. Hace 4 meses
envi mi solicitud de residencia permanente y permiso de trabajo El inconsciente, CONFUS O N
al Departamento de Inmigracin. Cuando hice mi trmite de in- subconsciente o mente CFUSI
migracin la persona que me ayud a completar mi papeleo me reactiva subyuga y FORGETFU LN ESS?
inform que recibira mi permiso de trabajo en 90 das y tendria mi esclaviza al hombre. MEM ORY LO S?
entrevista de residencia permanente en 5 o 6 meses. La semana O
pasada complet 4 meses esperando mi permiso de trabajo. No Es la fuente de sus
s qu es lo que est pasando con mi permiso de trabajo ya que pesadillas, temores Do you or someone you know suffer from these symptoms?
deberia haberlo recibido hace 30 das. Me podra informar Qu irracionales, malestares y
est pasando, por qu inmigracin se est tomado ms tiempo de cualquier inseguridad. If so, these may be the first signs of Alzheimer's
del debido para mandarme mi permiso de trabajo? Deshgase de su Disease. Alzheimer's Disease affects people of
Respuesta: Seor Ruz, Inmigracin timamente est atra- mente reactiva. al nationalities and background. Dr. Susan
rasada con el proceso de los permisos de trabajo. Una de las ns ad b. D.
razones es que el propio Departamento de Inmigracin hace las Compre y lea Diantica: la Steen, a board certified neurologist in South
Aquells personasque tengan ms de90 dasesperando el mental por L Ronald Hubbard. a meiaion fr Alhe ers Dseas or at
permiso de trabajo deben de hacer una cita con el Departamento "...tan revolucionario para la a medication for Alzheimer's Disease for partid-
de Inmigracin local por medio del portal de internet(www.uscis. humanidad como el primer pants of Hispanic origin. If you would like more
org) para que les den un permiso de trabajo temporal llamado, descubrimiento y uso del fuego infOrmatin to se if yu or y r love one would
Interim, mientras reciben el permiso de trabajo regular. Cuando por el hombre de las cavernas". information to see if you or your oved e would
vaya a la cita.con inmigracin debe llevar la copia de la solicitud Walter Winchell, New York Daily Mirror be eligible to enroll in the study, please call Jan-
del permiso de trabajo o unanueva solicitud de permiso de trabajo. nifer at Axiom Clinical Research of Florida (813)
Tambin debe llevar todos sus recibos de inmigracin para que nf a Axo 353-9613
pueda probarle que ha solicitado su permiso de trabajo con ms 353-9613.
de 90 das de anticipacin. Otra de las cosas que requiere inmi- Obtenga su ejemplar en:
Church of Scientology Tampa, For more information about the study, contact:
gracin es que debe llevar su propio traductor el da de su cita. 3102 N. Habana Ave., JENNIFER at 813-353-9613
Despus de visitar inmigracin ellos le mandarn una cita por Tampa, FL 33607 813-872-0722
correo. Recuerde que no necesita pagarle otra vez a inmigracin Precio $8 Axiom Clinical Research of Florida
Spara que le den el temporal ............ ..
Pgina 6/LA GACETA/Vieirnes, marZo de 2)00P6
Coalicin de Comercio Justo Estudiantes Ayudando Estudiantes
La Coalicin de Comercio Justo de la Florida o Florida Fair
Trade Coalition en ingls, realizar su primera conferencia anual
el sbado 4 de marzo de 9 am. a 6:30 pm, en el hotel Country
Inn Suites cercano al aeropuerto de Orlando (5440 Forbe Place, i
Orlando, FI, 32812). Esta organizacin se encarga de entender
cul es el impacto negativo de los recientes acuerdos de libre
comercio. Igualmente busca establecer mecanismos que per-
mitan justos tratados de comercio. LULAC, AFCL-CIO, FCAN,
Farmworkers Ministry y muchas otras organizaciones estarn a
presentes. Cabe destacar la presencia de Anita de Palma, Di-
rectora estatal de LULAC. El evento abierto al pblico tiene un
costo de $30 para sus miembros y $40 para no miembros. Se
incluye el almuerzo. Para ms informacin se puede comunicar
con Eric o Katlynn al (727) 896-8224 o visitar el portal de la
Reunin Profesores de Ingls
La Organizacin Profesores de Ingls de aquellos que hablan
Otros Idiomas --TESOL- Teachers of English to. Speakers of
Other Languages--, tendr su 40ava convencin en el Centro
de Convenciones de Tampa a partir del mircoles 15 de marzo
hasta el sbado 18 del mismo mes. A la convencin pasada en
San Antonio asistieron ms de 7500 profesionales de ms de 96
pases. Cientos de panelistas, grupos de discusin y trabajo as
como discursos por famosos oradores hacen que esta conven-
cin de TESOL sea un gran evento para la Baha de Tampa. El
valor de la inscripcin para las exhibiciones es $25. Para ms
informacin se puede visistar el portal o llamar a
John Segota al (703) 518-2513.
Algunos estudiantes sobresalientes, quepertenecen ala SociedadHonoraria Nacio-
nal o NHS y DECA de la escuela Newsome High School del Condado de Hillsborough
PU BLIC PROCUREMENT visitaron la escuela Fish Hawk Early Learning Center el mes pasado para ayudarle
AN NOUNCEM ENT a los pequeos a decorar sus salones de clase para la celebracin de San Valentin.
Tampa Bay Water is seeking a qualified firm to provide Con- "Una de la clases nos cant al terminar la sesin como seal de agradecimiento",
struction Management (CM) at Risk services for a new Infra- afirm una de las participantes en comunicado enviado por el Sistema Escolar
structure and Emergency Management Building to be located at del Condado de Hillsborough. En la foto aparecen de izquierda a derecha, Mckala
Tampa Bay Water's Cypress Creek Operations Center at 8865 Mason, Lauren Chandler y Johni Sladino. La profesora encargada del proyecto es
Pumping Station Road, Land O' Lakes, Florida, 34639. The Ann Marie Coats, instructora de mercadeo.
building will provide office space for Tampa Bay Water's Opera-
tions, Maintenance, Instrumentation and Controls, Construction Febrero, A n N o Se A caba V eam os...
Management and Facilities Support staff. The building will alsoe
include an Emergency Operations Center, and store original Por4 Marta Muln Romero colas en Mount Veron, donde dencia de Santo Domingo. La
infrastructure record drawings, O&M manuals and maintenance Si pudieramos con una varita muri en 1799. Repblica Dominicana glorifica
records. The building will be designed to withstand hurricane mgica hacer del calendario las Por su rectitud y la elevacin en este acto patritico a sus tres
conditions. The space requirement is currently estimated at just modificaciones pertinentes para de su espritu es una de las hroes nacionales: Juan Pablo
over 17,000 square feet. que en este caso, por ejemplo figuras ms admirables de esta. Duarte, considerado adems,
The CM at Risk shall work with the design firm, Collman & fuese el mes de febrero proveedor nacin. Padre de la Patria Dominicana,
Karsky Architects, through the detailed design, providing con- de cinco y no de cuatro semanas, 24 de febrero: Esta fecha Juan Francisco del Rosario Sn-
structability reviews, value engineering, etc. of the above no nos sentiramos deudores de marca el inicio de la guerra de in- chez y Ramn Mella.
described project to ensure an on budget project. The CM at varias hechos histricos que no dependencia de Cuba, ms cono- 28 de febrero: En esta fecha
Risk shall negotiate with Tampa Bay Water a guaranteed pudimos tratar en su fecha co- cida como Grito de baire dado pero en el ao de 1822, vino al
maximum price to construct the project at the 100 percent point rrespondiente en el recien pasado en 1985, siendo Baire uno de mundo un puertoiqueo ilustre
of design completion. The CM at Risk will be required to de- mes de febrero. los sitios donde distintos grupos nacidoenelcaserodeGuaynabo,
monstrate its ability to provide a minimum of $6 million in bond- 22 de febrero: Consideramos insurrectos se lanzaron de nuevo hoy ciudad con la honra todos los
ing capability. inevitable este da por marcar el a la contienda, alcanzando al fin aos de ofrecer todos los recono-
Tampa Bay Water is accepting Statements of Qualifications nacimiento en Virginia, en el ao la independencia tres aos ms cimientos que tal figura merece.
(SOQs) from firms interested in providing these CM at Risk 1732 de Jorge Washington, mili- tarde. La repblica,sinembargo, Su nombre, Ramn Baldorioty
services. nterested firms must deliver eight (8) copies of SOQs tarypoltico norteamericano, uno qued inaugurada finalmente el de Castro.
on or before 11:00 am Eastern Standard Time, March 17, 2006, de los fundadores de la repblica 20 de mayo de 1902, siendo don Sus padres eran pobres, no
addressed to Ms. Amanda Rice, Tampa Bay Water, 2575 En- de los Estados Unidos y su primer Toms Estrada Palma, su primer obstante, decidieron enviarlo a
terprise Road, Clearwater, FL 33763. Submittals must include presidente (1789 -1797). Despus presidente. San Juan donde aprendi las
all of the following items: de haber sido presidente de la 27 de febrero: En el 1844, un primeras letras en la escuela de
Unin por segunda vez, volvi da como el que aparece histri- Rafael Cordero Molina, conside-
1) Letter of Interest and Summary of Qualifications (two page sencillamente a sus labores agr- camente se proclam la indepen- rado en la historia de Puerto
limit); Rico, como el ser ms cercano
2) Project specific Statement of Qualifications Standard Form Nuevos Subsidios en el Condado a ser llamado "hombre santo".
(SF) 330; Baldorioty, trasladado ms tarde
El Condado de Hillsborough aprob una partida presupuestal a Madrid, Espaa, al ganarseuna
3) References (minimum of three) specifically for the CM at para tres organizaciones que sin fines de lucro ayudan a personas beca de estudios en el Seminario
Risk's proposed Project Manager with names and telephone discapacitas y trabajadores rurales. Sel-Reliance Inc, recibir Conciliar establecido en San
numbers of contact persons for completed projects of a $243 mil dlares para ayudar a personas discapacitadas con Juan, se gradu de licenciado
similar nature; modificaciones a sus viviendas. La Iglesia Beth-El farmworker en Ciencias Fsico-Matemticas
4) Description of approach for services to be performed, includ- Ministry, recibir, $128 mil dlares para asistir a personas de en la Universidad Central de esa
ing management of the work, pre-purchasing of equipment, bajos recursos con vivienda, clases de austosuficiencia y finan- ciudad en el ao 1851.
working with the designer, schedule for major activities, etc. zas. La tercera organizacin es Home Partership Hnc, que reci- Gradundose ms tarde en
Respondent shall use Section H "Additional Information" for bir $281 mil dlares para ayudar a familias con problemas de Paris de Licenciado de Artes y
SF 330 (five page limit); vivienda. Los fondos redistribuidos por el Condado provienen del Manufacturas.
5) Written statement of potential conflicts of interest; Departamento de Vivienda, HUD, de los Estados Unidos. Interminable seria enumerar
6) Summary of current contracts with Tampa Bay Water's A a sus mltiples facetas como hom-
member governments, the SWFWMD, and the Florida i ye a la Cm ara isp a bre pblico: maestro, periodista
Department of Envronmental Protection; La Cmara de Comercio Hispana est buscando voluntarios pune s y sobre todo un dos ocbatalla-
7) Proof of certification as a Minority Business Enterprise for que deseen apoyar a esta organizacin y deseen vincularse al dor incansable que lo hacia
firm or any subconsultants, if applicable; desfile que tendr lugar durante el Festival de la Fresa de Plant manifestarse como un verdadero
8) Current projected workload and ability of the firm to meet City el lunes 6 de marzo. Se le pide a los interesados que contacten patricio.
time and budget requirements; and a Gracie Crdenas al (813)478-4362. Su gran campaia poltica
9) Evidence of ability to meet the bonding requirements for this pdesde La.Crnica, peridico
project. Reunin de Hispanos y Condado poltico en Ponce, del cual fue
director, dio como resultado, dos
If submittals are late and/or do not include or address all infor- El martes 14 de marzo se llevar a cabo una reunin pblica aos despus, a la formacin del
mation requested herein, they shall be considered incomplete entre la comunidad Hispana y las directivas del Condado de Hills- Partido Autonomista.
and will be rejected. Top-ranked firms will be selected based on borough. Segn la oficina del coordinador de Asuntos Hispanos, Ramn Baldorioty de Castro
these items and qualifications in accordance with the State of Tony Morejn, "Los Comisionados del Condado de Hillsborough muri en la ciudad de Ponce en
Florida's Consultant's Competitive Negotiations Act (CCNA), estn interesados en escuchar los comentarios y las preocupa- 1889.
Section 287.055, F.S. Oral presentations by qualified respon- ciones de la comunidad Hispana sobre los servicios que reciben La historia es una, no se pue-
dents, if deemed necessary, will be scheduled for March 30, del Condado de Hillsborough". El evento tendr lugar a partir de de postergar y mucho menos
2006 at Tampa Bay Water's Clearwater, Florida office. las 6 pm. en el auditorio de la escuela de Armwood High School, sus momentos dignos de eterno
An information package including additional project localizada en el 12000 E. US Highway 92 de Seffner. Aquellos que reconocimiento. Ese es nuestro
information, selection criteria, insurance require- TA A no puedan asistir podrn hacer sus comentarios o preguntas acervo cultural y constituye un
ments and the standard contract documents in- lBAYet amandoaa272-s275.d deberpatriohacerlejustorecono-
tended for this project may be obtained by calling A Estos mensajes se leern durante la reunin y los residentes cimiento cada vez que su aniver-
the Records Department at (727) 796-2355. Please I"R podrn ver su respuesta ms adelante a travs de HTV22, el canal sario hace fecha. Honremos a
request "Construction Management at Risk for In- del gobierno del Condado de Hillsborough que se transmite por nuestros hroes, y a las pginas
frastructure and Emergency.Management Building." 3/3/061T el canal de cable 22. Para ms informacin se puede llamar a gloriosas que con su esfuerzo
Morejn (813) 276-8622. constituyen huellas indelebles.
kib;ACETA/fV nes d se3-d mazor, de 2006/Pagina'7
Caldo y Hogaza de Pan por Cien Dlares Los Padres Se Defienden
(viene de la pgina 3) Ciencias Sociales, Ingenierias mocin de todos los hombres
asfixia ms, y en el que la falta y Comunicaciones. y de todo hombre y el paso
de educacin y satisfaccin En el 2004 se capacitaron para cada uno y para todos,
de necesidades bsicas niega un total de 10.306 personas; de condiciones de vida menos
las oportunidades, genera se entregaron 1.215 viviendas; humanas a condiciones mis
desasociego y desesperanza, se ayudaron a instalar un total humanas".
repitiendo el mismo patrn en de 2.515 microempresas y se Es por stas y por las ra-
la generacin siguiente. generaron 1.454 empleos. zones de su corazn, que el
Este es un crculo vicioso Un total de 1.877 familias Minuto de Dios merece su
que el Minuto ha logrado fueron beneficiadas con crdi- ayuda, si no su asistencia al
romper para muchos. Sin em- tos de vivienda y otras 10.015 Banquete del Milln, Tampa
bargo, el nmero de necesita- personas con algn tipo de 2006 que tendr lugar el
dos es sobrecogedor, algo que, programa social. viernes 31 de marzo a las 7
sencillamente marea. Finalmente, como reflejo PM, en el gran saln Higgins
Demos un vistazo a qu de la situacin del pas, se (Higgins Hall) de la Iglesia
queremos decir con la ruptura atendieron en varios niveles de St. Lawrence, en el 5225 de
del crculo vicioso. Para ello re- necesidad a unos 29.230 des- la Avenida Himes (Himes Ave-
curramos a informacin pbli- plazados. Los programas de nue), a unos 200 metros al sur
ca sobre la obra del Minuto de vivienda y educacin existen de la Avenida Hillsborough.
Dios, en lo correspondiente al ya en prcticamente todas las E1 valor de la boleta es de 100
ao del 2004, pues la compi- capitales departamentales. El var de la boleta es de 1
lacin del 2005 an no est En la ciudadela del Minuto dlares por persona y puede
disponible. de Dios en Bogot --el nombre hacer su reservacin enviando
Recuerden que el Padre de barrio le qued pequeo-- se su ceue u den pota a El
Garca Herreros empez esta. encuentran un centro de comu- Minuto de Dios Corporation/
obra con la encomendacin nicacin en masa, un museo de PO. Box 227 Miami,
vespertina al Seor del da que arte con su teatro, una iglesia, 33122
habia pasado y de la noche que mdulos de trabajo, la univer- El valor de la ayuda es
iba a llegar; a eso se uni6 el sidad Uniminuto, colegios y deducible de sus impuestos
llamado Banquete del Milln, escuelas; el mausoleo del Padre federales, acorde a los regla-
es decir, un sencillo plato de Garca Herreros, canchas de- mentos del Departamento de
caldo con su pan. portivas y el albergue digno para rentas o IRS, para corpora-
Los siguientes datos hablan miles de nuestros compatriotas ciones sin nimo de lucro del Uaa l
por si solos, veamos: que, hoy da y gracias al Minuto, tipo 501-C3
El mayor impacto de la rompieron el crculo vicioso que
obra ha sido en Bogot donde, los atenazaba. Las reservaciones hechas
despus de todo, se concentra Bajo la nueva direccin directamente con la oficina de "En este Pas hay ms de lo millones de nios que
del 20 al 25% de la poblacin visionaria del Padre Diego Miami deben llegar a la direc- e les recetan peligrosas drogas psicotrpicas, y
colombiana. El Minuto man- Jaramillo, El Minuto de Dios cin anotada arriba antes del en vista de las eltimas advertencias de salud que
tiene programas de vivienda, ha establecido su meta: "Velar 26 de marzo. De lo contrario acerca de suuso hicierala FDA, las acrices irsie
de educacin primaria y se- por el desarrollo integral de la pueden adquirir boletas llama acerca de su uso hiciera la FDA, las actrices Kirstie
cundaria, as como de edu- persona humana y de las co- do a los telfonos siguientes: Alley y Kelly Preston se han unido a una fuerte
cacin universitaria (Uniminu- munidades marginadas, tanto 3803301, 3251852, 7661358, oalicin para apoyar la legislacin presentada
to), esta ltima con un total urbanas como rurales, a la 6252287, 9608535, hasta el por el Representante Gustavo Barreiro y el Sena-
de unos.7.000 estudiantes luz del evangelio. Entendiendo jueves 30 de marzo a las 12 dor Victor Crist", afirm la Comisin de derechos
distribuidos en facultades de por desarrollo integral, la pro- de la noche. Ciudadanos, al medio da del pasado jueves 23 de
Minuto de Dios, Por qu Ayudar? Proteccin de los derechos de los Padres se par
en las escalinatas del edificio del Capitolio para
CARTA AL EDITOR quetes en los EEUU tuvimos en tus manos entregamos este apoyar los proyectos de ley presentados en la Casa
Por: Hernn Len(*) el honor de ser invitados por da que ya pas y la noche que de Representantes y el Senado de Florida.
(*) Mdico residenciado en la el "Minuto" a presenciar una llega", hicieron de este hecho
Baha de Tampa. entrega de casas en la munici- un evento inolvidable. El Concilio Hispano de Tampa
Durante los dos ltimos aos palidad de Zipaquira, ciudad Todas estas magnificas Con o Ho aa
he tenido el placer y gran satis- situada a 50 millas de Bogot. expresiones de amor por los El Concilio de Servicios Hispanos de Tampa contina ofreci-
faccin de presidir el Comit que Cuarenta y dos casas fueron pobres formaron un ambiente endo clases de inters general para-los hispos Agunos de los
ha organizado el banquete del donadas en total, 15 por la ca- celestial y todos nos confun- entrenamientos son gratuitos y en otros se req re la compra de
Milln en la ciudad de Tampa. dena de supermercados Carulla dimos en un aroma de amor un libro o material, o un cargo muy peque.Seestn ofreciendo
El xito ya alcanzado nos ha y las restantes por todas las a Dios por habernos dado la los siguientes cursos:
aumentado la moral y nuestra personas y organizaciones aqu gracia de sentir y vivir la satis- Ingls como segunda lengua para principianteso ESOL por
espiritualidad, an ms cuando en los EEUU donde se realizan faccin de servir a otros menos sus siglas en ingls, los das, lunes, martes yjueves entre 8 am.
vamos conociendo las diferentes los banquetes de el Milln. afortunados que hoy viven en y 11 am, y entre 11:30 am. y 2:30 pm. Clases de ciudadana los
actividades y logros del minuto La alegra de esas gentes la desgracia de ser pobres y mircoles de 10 am. a 1 pm. Clase de ingls conversacional los
de Dios durante sus cincuenta al recibir su nueva casa, la desplazados. mircoles de 1 pm. a 4 pm. Las clases para ser mejores padres
aos de servicio a los pobres en autenticidad de sus expre- Unete a nosotros en nuestro son todos los viernes de 9 am. a medio da y tiene un costo de
Colombia. siones y su inmensa felicidad banquete para ellos y vive el $36 dlares ms $18 de un texto. Para ms informacin puede
En el mes de Julio pasado, al ver culminadas sus aspi- inmenso placer de servir a llamar al Maggie Snchez al (813)876-7223.
tuve la oportunidad de visi- raciones al poseer una casa, otros. Por favor llmeme para
tar las instalaciones de "El que quizs, ninguno de sus asistir al banquete del Milln
Minuto de Dios", su centro antepasados llegaron a tener, que se realizar el viernes 31 I
de operaciones en Bogpt,sus como tambin las expresiones de marzo en el Higgins Hall NVITATION TO BID
diferentes corporaciones, la de amor del padre Diego Jara- de la Iglesia St. Loretnz de Sealed bids for ADAMS & STEWART TRACK RENOVATIONS
gente que alli trabaja y espe- millo por esos pobres, sumado Tampa. Para boletas pueden will be received by the School Board of Hillsborough County,
cialmente, la gente. a quien el a su frase ya tradicional "Seor llamar al (813) 380 3301. Florida in theOffice of the Supervisor of Purchasing, Third Floor,
minuto Tampa School Administrative Center, 901. East Kennedy Boulevard,
Actualmente todos los ban- Renacimiento de W e t Tampa Tampa, Floridauntil 3:O 0 PM, Tuesday, March 28, 2006. (The
quetes realizados er los EEUU El sbado 8 de abril de 9 a 5 pm. se llevar a cabo una fiesta mailing address is P.O. Box 3408, Tampa, Florida 33601). Bids
recaudan fondos para la de celebracin por el Renacimiento de Wst Tampa. El evento will not be accepted after 3:00 PM of the above date. Bids will
corporacin de vivienda, que tendr lugar en el 2502 N. Howard Avenue (esquina de Beach be opened and read aloud in the Purchasing Department,
pobres y desalojadas de los Street). Durante el da, Kenya Dworkin y Mndez recogern located on the third floor of the School Administrative
cpobes coo resulada de los historias orales y fotos de residentes de West Tampa. El juez Center.
conflicto armado que ibra Emiliano Salcines, Rosina Santana, Jason Busto, Ken Garca, Contractors desiring to bid this project are subject to an En-
en ese pais.Dichas personas entre muchos otros. harn presentaciones y discusiones sobre la couragement Affirmative Action Plan as identified within the
constituyen una calamidad historia, el presente y el futuro-de West Tampa. De 4 a 5 pm. se bidding documents.
social al venir a las ciudades entregarn premios alo mejor de West Tampaya las 5 se realizar There will be a Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting on Thurday,
y recogerse a vivir en zonas un brindis por su futuro. Para ms informacin se puede llamar There will be a Mandato Pre-Bid Meeting on Thursday,
y recogerse a vivir en zonas al (813) 75-2159 o visitar el portal March 16, 2006, at 8:30 a.m. at Adams located at 10201 N.
extremadamente inapropiadas Boulevard, Tampa, FL 33612 and on Thursday, March 16,
para la vida misma. i de i 2006 at Stewart at 10:30 a.m. located at 1125 Spruce Street,
LacorporacindeEducacin PrOxim a Reunion de lorio Tampa, FL 33607.
cubre desde la educacin pri- La primera de 4 reuniones comunales de la alcadesa de Tampa, IT IS THE BIDDER'S RESPONSlBILITY TO SEE THAT BIDS
maria, bachillerato hasta un Pam Iorio, con la ciudadana tuvo lugar el pasado mes de febrero ARE DELIVERED TO NG DEPARTMENT
nivel universitario,teniendo ya en la escuela Plant High School. En un esfuerzo por acercarse REFERENCED ABOVE. BID SECURITY MUST BE SUB-
dos universidades o "Uniminu- ms a la ciudadana, no slo la alcadesa pero altos oficiales de MITTED WITH BID. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS.
to", donde estudian ya ms de su administracin, se hicieron presentes en las reuniones llama-
8000 estudiantes de los estra- das en ingls, Town Hall Meetings. En las restantes 3 reuniones NOTICE TO ALL BIDDERS: The School Administrative
tos sociales uno, dos, y tres, que tendrn lugar el 11 de abril en New Tampa, el primero de Center is a "security" building, therefore, visitors will be
los ms bajos de la sociedad agosto en West Tampa y el 12 de septiembre en East Tampa, se required to obtain a Visitors Pass prior to entering the
colombiana. respondern preguntas de los asistentes, as como se aceptarn building. A photo identification will need to be presented
La corporacin de agricul- comentarios. Para ms informacin acerca de estos eventos se at this time.
tura hace investigacin y cubre puede comunicar con Shannon Edge al (813)274-7835. Complete information regarding bidding documents and other-
unagran cantidad de pequelos information may be obtained from the Architect/Engineer:
agricultores actualizndolos Anites de Comenzar a Remodelar Robert J. Hugenschmidt, P.E.
en las necesidades bsicas del
cultivo de sus tierras. Si piensa en construir o remodelar su casa en el condado de P.O. Box 17431
La corporacin de Capaci- Hllsborough es mejor que se prepare bien pues existen demasiados Tampa, FL 33682
tacin, entrena en su gran papeles, inspecciones y trmites tcnicos y burocrticos que debe 813-932-6571
mayoria-a madres solteras resolverduranteelcursodelproceso.Porestarazn, la Universidad No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of thirty (30) days
que alli aprenden un oficio del Sur de la Florida, el Condado de Hillasborough la Asociacin after date set for bid opening.
para hacer su vida productiva de Bienes .Raices de Tampa y otras organizaciones locales han THE SCHOOL BOARD OF
y- ayudar a sus familias unido esfuerzos para ofrecer calses que le permitan a propietanrios y HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA
El 15 de Diciembre 2005 un contratistas la oportunidad de aprender a manejar sus proyectos de
grupo de personas envueltas construccin apropiadamente. Para ms informacin acerca de los MARELLEN ELA
en la organizacin de losban- horarios y la matricula se.puede llamar al (813)744-5519. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS 3/3-3/,1/Q662T
Pgina 8/LA GACETA/Viernes, 3 de marzo de 2006
Fiesta Day: Tradicin de la Familia Valdz DelValle: Primer Premio del Flan
Fiesta Day no es una celebracin ms de la ciudad, y mucho menos una en la que
el sentido y trascendecia histrica no permanezcan muy vigentes. La prueba evi-
dente la costituye la familia Valdz, de Tampa, que por tres generaciones consecu-
tivas, desde 1962, ha venido asistiendo a esta hermosa fiesta multicultural. La ini- Norma Del Valle sonre, mientras sostiene la placa
cacin se produce precisamente con el vestidito que lleva la pequea Kaley y que de primer premio al sabor, dada por los organiza-
todos han usado de pequeos desde962: Tony, ahora Kaley, Iris y Amelia. dores del Festival del Flan realizado el pasado
sbado en Ybor City como parate de las celebra-
ciones de Fiesta Day. Grace Del Rosal, recibi el
primer premio a la presentacin igualmente.
Fh l Q daFr&dJ; ila Polica Patrulla!
A Dos menores de 8 y 6 aos fueron atropellados por el ve-
hculo Toyota que conduca Carol Ann Vammer de 61 aos,
el pasado 22 de febrero en la interseccin de Bryan Road, y
Brooker Road. El accidente se produjo cuando Vammer no se
detuvo en la parada obligatoria y los menores que conducan
., .1 'sus bicicletas continuaron pedaleando. El menor de 8 aos
fue llevado de emergencia en helicptero al Hospital General
de Tampa con heridas de mediana seriedad. El otro nio no
i alcanz a ser impactado gravemente. .
Freddie Vsquez, alias Tony Lugo, Frankie Vsquez, Ike, de 42
1i' i :raitt iq place aos, se encontraba trabajando en la compaa SEERS de la 6902
V/ 7th Ave, como parte de su programa de rehabilitacin y liberacin
carcelaria fall en presentarse a trabajar la semana pasada y desde
jW ef por haber violado su probatoria por cargos de Gran Robo. En vez
_.ime! ^ de ser liberado el prximo 15 de junio como estaba planeado,
r Fer 'lZ aPP .p.a.. ahora enfrenta la posibilidad de 15 aos de crcel.
Vsquez est asociado con uno de los individuos presentes
durante el tiroteo de Town and Country, que result con la muerte
de Michael Roberts y Sebastin Luengas el pasado 20 de febrero.
S, "La oficina del Alguacil pidi que cualquier informacin referente a
1" A f widitfe V Vsquez sea comunicada inmediatamente al (813)247-8200.
Sl ia rdpeSts Richard Soler de 36 aos, Linda Rodrguez de 38 aos y Antonio
S Nieves de 36 aos fueron arrestados por la Oficina del Alguacil por
Save ponsiblv 1 cargos que incluyen siembra de una planta de marijuana y trfico
Save de cocaina. Se hallaron 33 gramos de cocaina, 61 gramos de crack
y 20 gramos de marijuana, as como un arma y $5396 dlares en
SWater'* fefectivo dentro de la residencia localizada en el 4125 Tartan Place
de Tampa.
.educe str t Kevin Oswald de 25 aos de edad y su hija Kainan de 14 aos
poco se imaginaron que en el cruce de la interseccin del State
eO the wSerfrofft0 Road 60 y Syndenr Wasjer Road, un Dodge Dinasty modelo 1992,
Sro conducida por Antonio Jimnez de 22 aos, los golpeara bru-
tamente. Afortunadamente las heridas sufridas para los Oswald
Sno fueron de gravedad y fueron dados rapidamente de alta del
hospital de Brandon. Jimnez y Francisco Nieves, el pasajero del
A Florida-friendly landscape is beautiful, yet saves water and protects Dodge fueron transportados en helicptero de rescate al Hospital
General de Tampa donde se hallan en serio peligro, Se espera que
the environment. For information and materials on Florida-friendly se formulen cargos pues se sospecha que Jimnez conduca bajo
landsaping statewde, contact ounty's Extension Servie office la influencia del alcohol.
landscapg statewide, contact your county Extensin Service office PERECE ESCOLTA DE LA ALCADESA IORIO
(look in the government pages of your phone book) and ask for the Juan A. Serrano, de 49 aos, y veterano de 17 aos con el
Departamento de Polica de Tampa, pereci el pasado sbado en
Florida Yards & Neighborhoods Program. You may also visit un accidente de trnsito ocurrido en Gibsonton Drive. Jos Luis
hnttp y fa s. u Espinoza, de 36 aos es el conductor del Pontiac Grand Prix, que
http://yn.ifas.ufl.edimpact con su vehiculo, Pontiac Grand Prix, al oficial Serrano.
Espinoza huy de la escena pero fue aprehendido ms tarde. El
For additional information and to orderfree tip cards, visit detective Serrano fue llevado en helicptero al Hospital General
W ATh. RT[ r AA'-f- _, de Tampa donde muri a consecuencia de las heridas. El da del
SOAE G accidente Serrano haba servido como escolta de la alcadesa de
or call 1-800-423-1476 (Florida only), ext. 4757. Tampa, Pam lorio, durante el clsico-maratn de Gasparilla.
Akbar Nagji de 84 aos de edad y quien sufre de la enfer-
UIFUNIVERSITY OF Florida l l \llItl'II South'west Florida medad de Azheimer se encontraba perdido la semana pasada.
FLORTPA I_________ El anciano que comparte la residencia con su hijo habra salido
LOR IDA Yards D water Management Dstrct de la casa y no haba regresado durante todo el da. Afortu-
IFAS EXTENSION NeighborhoodS nadamente, y antes de que se cerrara esta edicin, Nagki fue
S- hallado ileso, por unidades de la polica y en buen estado de
Ssalud en la interseccin de Swamm y Fremont. La Polica apro-
vech este incidente para reiterar la importancia de vigilar
atentamente a aquellos familiares con problemas de demencia,
o degenerativos para que no sean vctimas del crimen.
LA GACETA/Viernes, 3 de marzo de 2006/Pgina 9
Ayude en Emergencias '
El Departamento de Bomberos de la ciudad de Tampa se en-
cuentra entrenando a su personal de emergencia y especialmente E ITUARIO SEMANALL A N
su equipo denominado CERT, o Equipo de RespuestaComunitaria .
en casos de Emergencia. CERT est capacitando a los residentes
de la ciudad para ayudar en emergencias. Se pide la colabo- Juan Serrano, de 49 aos Police Memorial Fund, 3818 28 aos falleci. Le sobreviven
racin de al menos dos o tres personas por vecindario que estn falleci en Tampa a causa de W. Tampa Bay Blvd., Tampa, su esposo, madre, hermano y
dispuestas a ayudar durante las emergencias, especialmente la las heridas ocasionadas por un FL 33614, atencin al capitn abuela.
temporada de huracanes. Si desea ms informacin por .favor accidente de trnsito. El detec- Miller. Josephine Mancini, de
llame a Michael Gonzlez al 242-5410. tive Serrano era veterano de 17 96 aos falleci en Tampa. Le
l / aos del Departamento de la Joseph Relio Cabrera, sobreviven un hijo, Vctor Man-
El Banquete del M illOn PolicadeTampa y sedesempe- falleci. Le sobreviven su es- cini; hija, Arleen y muchos
El 31 de marzo a as 7 pm. se realizar en el Saln Higgins aba como el escolta-detective posa Norma, hijos, Relio Jr., sobrinos, sobrinas y amigos.
de la iglegia St. Lawrence (5221 N. Himes Ave. Tampa) el tercer de la alcadesa de Tampa, Pam Andrew, hijas, Michelle, Su- Manuel "Canita" Men-
"Banquete del Milln", que organiza la fundacin colombiana, Iorio. Las honras fnebres se san, Christina, hermananastra ndez, de 84 aos falleci en
Minuto de Dios, a beneficio de las familias pobres o de bajos celebraron ayer en la ciudad Carol, 8 nietos, 2 bisnietos. Tampa. Le sobreviven un hijo,
recursos que en Colombia no pueden comprar o construir su de Tampa. Le sobreviven su Ralph Cuesta, de 88 aos 5 hijas, 13 nietos, 2 bisnietos
propia vivienda. El Dr. Hernn Len, tuvo la oportunidad de esposa, Mylin Serrano; sus falleci en Tampa. Le sobreviven y una hermana,
visitar en Colombia los proyectos que adelanta el Minuto de Dios, hijos, Johan, Dori Ann, Juan su sobrina Shirley Duran Olivio J. Rodrguez, de
que dirige el Padre Jaramillo, y testific la impresionante labor Luis Serrano, Richard Andrew 44 anos falleci en Tampa. Le
que cumple dicha organizacin. y Natalie Ruiz; su madre, Olga Mary Fernndez, de 89 sobreviven dos hijas, Annette
Las boletas son a $100 dlares por persona y se pueden Reyes, su padre, Rafael Serrano; aos falleci en Tampa. Le S. Rodrguez, 13, y Yainette M.
conseguir directamente en las tiendas "Antojitos" (interseccin hermanos, Hctor y ngel Ser- sobreviven su hija, Arlene Rodrguez, 6; su padrey madre,
de Howard con Columbus) y"Mi Pequea Colombia" (interseccin rano, numerosos amigos de la F. Babanats, nietos, Kevin y Ovilio Sr. y Dulce Mara Rodr-
de Armenia con Slight) y adems se pueden reservar mesas con ciudad de tampa y de su nativo Michael Babanats, cuada, guez; una hermana, Martiza
el Dr. Len llamando al (813)3803301. Puerto Rico. Las contribuciones Vicenta "Bee" Coto, muchos Padrn, sobrina, Gera Duran;
al funeral d pueden hacer al sobrinos y sobrinas, sobrino, Greter Padrn;, as
Cruz Roja Necesita Voluntarios Nationall Law Enforcement Amy Hubert-Navarro, de como muchos amigos.
La Cruz Roja de Tampa ha informado que necesita urgente-V X''s o4 1o'91 'o0 'o X, 'o M9,1, IMM In. '
mente voluntarios, especialmente conductores y personas que
hagan entregas en el Condado de Hillsborough. Aquellos intere- ME Si' ,S .
sados en hacerse voluntarios necesitan tomar un curso de en-
trenamiento de 2 semanas. Para ms informacin comunquese lio G o, Ro L
con Bonnie Kushlakus al (813)348-4820 ext. 834.O onzal,
_______________________*Julio Gonzalez -Roel, L-ED
Se Habla Espaol 813-988-9(formerly of Gonzalez funeral Home)
Se Habla Espaol 813-988-9200 Y^*Y
H Is proud to provide continued service to V
Tampa's families at his new location:
Terrace Oaks
Adolfo Gonzalez-Roel Ie Only Call ou faveo q a. G (formerly Glass Funeral Home)
Ve Take Care Of Everyt/iing! v
S Care f v 6718 North Armenia Avenue
Pre-Planning Available o
12690 N. 56th St, Tampa 65 Years Experience (just south of Sigh)
(1/4 mi. South of FletcherAve.) Independently Owned and Operated M 1 . Weacceptpre-arrangementsfromother funeral homes. Tampa, Florida 33604
Sr- BOI (813) 932-5308 A
B O A Please call or come by anytime
"m"i''s"" Q s Our staffis ready to serve at a A
Familias como la suya... J
La funeraria de Boza y Roelcontina esa tradicin asistiendo a oments notice
familias en Tampa durante estos momentos tan dificiles. Boza y Roel le
ofrece dignos servicios funeraros, accesibles a familias como la suya. .
.1 funera- di Bozh eRoel prosege quella trazione assistendo a le M Se Hlabla Espaol
farigliejin Tampa durante questi mom~eti cosi difficile. Boza e Roel gli
offfono degii servizi'funerari, accessibili per famigli como la vostra.
ooa o Julio will honor ALL pre-arranged funeral
Boza and Roel Funeral ,Homne continues the tradlion of assisting ho o A
famlis ionalmi. l ost difficult moments:iBoza and R 1 plans and will match any funeral home price.
ofrc0 i3hB6 es, avilable to familis like your piansanprice. 'V"
473 Areia Ave., Tamipa, Florida
A jb eot co 7- 7676Se Habla Es%,o
~4n4* Es el Seguro Social
ElsieDuli IN MEMORY OF: Ana Zapata un rompecabezas
Rosa Acosta John Mathey
Ralph Cuesta Gloria Caruso
Paul E. Dalton Ignacio Garca p u e
Ariel Norberto Jos L. Miranda
Carmen Arroyo Hctor Snchez
Patricia Stewart Yolanda Marino Para ayudar a decidir su futuro,
Polonia Navarro Dianne Breeding dnde todas i r
Ovilio Rodrguez Mara Ruiz Reyes aprenda dnde van todas las piezas. Llame al
Horace Rodrguez Bautista Dumenigo
Margaret La Monte Alejandro Goenaga
Germn Sotomayor Ariel Norberto Pena
Robert A. Roberts, Sr. Qentin Martin Vargas -*--
Amaris Madeline Senquis Pida el folleto, Elt Fitro Del Seguro Social,
7209 North Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa 931-1833 O vea nuestra pgina del Internet:
Se Habla Espaol
P ginaO10/LA GACETA/Viernes, 3 de marzo de 2006 -
I1 Mercoledi delle ceneri sottolinea che 1'evoluzione azione, previa all'assoluzione, stati assolti dai loro peccati la La semplice ma coinvolgente
Questa settimana ha inizio della disciplina penitenziale e prolungata e rigorosa, ad una mattina del giovedi santo. Nel liturgia del mercoledi delle ce-
il triplice: "da una celebrazione soddisfazione, successiva tempo il gesto dell'imposizione neri conserva questo duplice
L'origine del Mercoledi delle pubblica ad una celebrazione all'assoluzione". delle ceneri si estende a tutti i significato che esplicitato
cener da ricercare nell'antica privata; da una riconciliazione La celebrazione delle ceneri fedeli e la riforma liturgica ha nelle formule di imposizione:
prassi penitenziale. Origi- con la Chiesa, concessa una nasce a motivo della celebra- ritenuto opportuno conservare "Ricordati che sei polvere, e in
nariamente il sacramento della sola volta, ad una celebrazione zione pubblica della penitenza, l'importanza di questo segno. polvere ritornerai" e "Conver-
penitenza non era celebrato frequente del sacramento, in- costituiva infatti il rito che La teologia biblica rivela titevi, e credete al Vangelo".
secondo le nmdalit attuali. tesa come aiuto-rimedio nella dava inizio al cammino di pen- un duplice significato dell'uso Adrien Nocent sottolinea che
I1 liturgista Pelagio Visentin vita del penitente; da una espi- itenza dei fedeli che sarebbero delle cenerin l'antica formula (Ricordati che
1 Anzitutto sono segno sei polvere...) strettamente
della debole e fragile condizione legata al gesto di versare le
dell'uomo. Abramo rivolgen- ceneri, mentre la nuova for-
dosi a Dio dice: "Vedi come mula (Cormvertitevi...) esprime
ardisco parlare al mio Signore, meglio l'aspetto positivo della
i o che sono polvere e cenere..." quaresima che con questa
(Gen 18,27). Giobbe ricono- celebrazione ha il suo inizio.
scendo il limite profondo della Lo stesso liturgista propone
propria esistenza, con senso di una soluzione rituale molto
estrema prostrazione, afferma: significativa: "Se la cosa non
"Mi ha gettato nel fango: son risultasse troppo lunga, si
diventato polvere e cenere" potrebbe unire insieme 'antica
(Gb 30,19). In tanti altri passi e la nuova formula che, con-
biblici puo essere riscontrata giuntamente, esprimerebbero
questa dimensione precaria certo al meglio il significato
dell'uomo simboleggiata dalla della celebrazione: "Ricordati
Scenere (Sap 2,3; Sir 10,9; Sir che sei polvere e in polvere
17,27). tornerai; dunque convertiti e
2 Ma la cenere e anche il credi al Vangelo".
segno esterno di colui che si 11 rito dell'imposizione delle
pente del proprio agire mal- ceneri, pur celebrato dopo
vagio e decide di compiere un l'omelia, sostituisce l'atto pen-
rinnovato cammino verso il itenziale della messa; inoltre
Signore. Particolarmente noto puo essere compiuto anche
e il testo biblico della conver- senza la messa attraverso
sione degli abitanti di Ninive questo schema celebrativo:
a motivo della predicazione canto di ingresso, colletta,
di Giona: "I cittadini di Ninive letture proprie, omelia, impo-
credettero a Dio e bandirono sizione delle ceneri, preghiera
un digiuno, vestirono il sacco, dei fedeli, benedizione solenne
dal piu grande al pi piccolo. del tempo di quaresima, con-
Giunta la notizia fino al re di gedo.
Ninive, egli si alz dal trono, si Le ceneri possono essere
tolse il manto, si copri di sacco imposte in tutte le celebrazioni
e si mise a sedere sulla cenere" eucaristiche del mercoledi
(Gio 3,5-9). Anche Giuditta in- ma sara opportuno indicare
vita invita tutto il popolo a fare una celebrazione comunitaria
ww .aphoto3 .com penitenza affinch Dio inter- "privilegiata" nella quale sia
venga a liberarlo: "Ogni uomo o posta ancor pi in evidenza la
Wpfe now have a helpful donna israelita e i fanciulli che dimensione ecclesiale del cam-
abitavano in Gerusalemme si mino di conversione che si sta
& nfrmative Newsletter prostrarono davanti al tempio iniziando.
e cosparsero il capo di cenere
Our Web-Site answers all you questions or call Sharon & Al e, vestiti di sacco, alzarono le NOTIZIE SOCIALI
mani davanti al Signore" (Gdt
For Quality .
I Signori Joanna e joe Man-
lgione assieme ai Signori Joan
View Krew of Sant' Yago Call e James Walker hanno il pia-
cere e orgoglio nell'annunciare
Coronation Ball Pictures La Gaceta la nascita della loro nipote
Emily Nicole Mangione, figlia
and More on Our Web Site3921 dei coniugi Melanie e Joe Man-
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LA GACETaA/Viernes, 3 de marzo de 2006/Pigina 1
(Continued frompagei) race. The hosts were Dick and I
curry favor with potential senate Linda Greco and Steve and Erika *
presidents and will have nothing Anderson .
to do with her mean-spirited back- *****
woods views. We met U.S. Representative
***** and House Minority Whip Steny alj 69 e
Here's a tip for the ladies... Hoyer at the Valencia Garden Mat
When the local lecherous poli- Restaurant on Thursday. He was opyrighte Materal
ticians or brash business leaders dining with Phyllis Busansky,
harass you for a date at the local Democratic candidate for Con- dic d ntnt
watering hole and just won't take gress, district 9. Congressmanndicated C
the hint that you're not interested, Hoyer was here to help Busansky. Availale from Commercial News Providers"
give him your number. Well, not His interest and the interest ofailae rm mmeria e r er
your number, but instead give him other top officials in the party *
this number 273'8160. When he demonstrate that Busansky has a
calls, the recorded message will let chance to beat the son of the ruler
him know that he has reached the of district 9, Gus Bilirakis, who
Rejection Hotline. The message wants to win the district through
says that you do not want to have inheritance, not deeds.
any further contact with him and *****
gives a list of possible reasons for The Hillsborough County Dem-
the rejection, which includes bad ocratic Women's Club will hold its
breath or body odor or the socially dinner meeting on Monday, March kicked the parade over to Ybor for the Quinceaera, which is the
deadly combination of both. 6 starting at 6:15 p.m. at Mimi's City. The parade didn't help its Hispanic version of the Sweet
***** Caf, located at 11702 N. Dale reputation by incurring environ- Sixteen party, but normally far
The Florida Democratic Party Mabry Hwy. The guest speaker mental fines last year and not more elaborate and expensive.
fundraiser with Senator Hillary will be April Griffin, candidate for paying them until they filed for a The magazine will be completely
Clinton last Saturday raised school board. new permit this year. The parade's devoted to articles that will help
close to $200,000, according to **** main problem seems to be its own plan for this once in a lifetime
Party Chair KarenThurman. One Tampa City Councilwoman success. event.
complaint was the mixing of two Mary Alvarez endorsed State Over 40,000 enjoyed the cel- *****
differently priced events at the Senator Les Miller for Congress ebration last year an the people Lightning does strike twice in
Rifkin/Cruz house. For $1,000, district 11 in a public ceremony managing it just can't handle the same place. Former Mayor
contributors stood in the yard on Wednesday. Councilwoman it all. Perhaps it s time that a Dick Greco's houseis underrepair
eating tasty hors d'oeuvres and Alvarez has served for many years professional event management due to lightning striking the roof
were able to say hello to Ms. Clin- with Councilwoman Gwen Miller, company be hired to bring more a month ago. This is the second
ton. For $10,000 or for selling 10 who is the wife of Les Miller. control to the Puerto Rico Cultural time lightning has hit the Greco
$1,000 reception tickets or giving Festival. That is what has hap- Harbour Island residence.
services of equal value you could pened to Gasparilla, Guavaween
have gone inside and had a sit We never thought that Repub- and the Knight Parade as they Did you know that Sam Rashid
down luich with Ms. Clinton. The lican County Commissioner Ken grew too large to run with volu is not uppot Ro a toms
proximity of the two events was Hagan would receive our thanks teers. His moneys on Sandra Murman.
awkward. Those outside could see but recently he has cast two *****WerTead Sm s starting to
those inside and vice versa, which tough votes on the side of truth Jose Demetrio Diego, a Spanish think like u arting o
ledto speculationonwhopaidand and justice. First, hevoted for historian from Satander, Spain,
who didn't. One quote reported to imposing impact fees to benefit has sent us a signed copy of a
us was, "One thousand dollars and our schools. He was on the losing recent biography of Angel Cuesta Last week we reported that
I'm still hungry." side but he did do the right thing. Lamadrid, patriarch of one of our Julio Gonzalez-Roel bought Glass
****We wondered if it was a fluke, but famous cigar factories n Tampa. Funeral Home to continue the
Masuerade the club ocated then he cast another good vote. Demetrio Diego kindly thanks family tradition in the funeral
inthquerade, he club located On Wednesday, he voted on the La Gaceta for providing special. business. He announced this week
ctose its doors Satud i t winning side to keep a public ac- editions that reflect "historical that he's renaming it J.G.R. Fu-
closed its doors Saturday. It was cess channel as part of the cable sensibility." In a more detailed neral Home and is open to serve
concertsby local and international contract. letter, he described his difficulties the community.
bands whose music ranged from ***** in nine years of compiling infor-
punk to hip-hop and everything The Puerto Rico Cultural Festi- mation and again points out how Eighteen journalists from
in between. cal scheduled for Sunday, April 30 the 75th and 80th anniversary around the world visited La
The St. Petersburg Times re- might face some difficulty getting special supplements of our paper Gaceta's office last Tuesday as
ported that the Ybor City noise a permit. The Ybor City Develop- helped him to know more of Mr. part of the International Visitor
ordinance and its toughened ment Corporation (YCDC) staff Cuesta. This book is a source of Leadership Program.
penalties led to the club's' clos- has been diligently working with enjoyment for the avid historian They came from Afghanistan,
ing. From what we hear that's a the event organizers, trying to and a source of pride for all Tam- Bosnia-Herzegovina, Colombia,
fairy tale and the real reason is overcome problems. They origi- panians. The chapter dedicated Guatemala, Hungary, India, Is-
old fashioned greed. Masquerade nally wanted to have a concert go to the industrial beginnings of rael, Malaysia, Mauritius, Nige-
was being sued by the family of until midnight on a Sunday. Staff Tampa in 1986 and the eloquent ria, Oman, Pakistan, Singapore,
a man who was stabbed to death knew that was unacceptable and description of the construction of South Africa, Tanzania, Tinisia
while dancing at the club. It's our persuaded them to compromise the Cuesta Cigar Factory on How- and Yemen.
understanding that the club had by ending the music at 9 p.m. ard, gave us the chance to reflect During meetings like this we
no or insufficient insurance to and shutting down all vendors by upon our history and to reclaim always learn more than we teach.
cover the loss. So the ownership 9:30 p.m. from our councilpersons the need We found out Bush's foreign poli-
kept the proceeds from the con- Staff has also worked with the to preserve those jewels of our cies are perceived as overreaching
certs, stopped paying their bills group to overcome last year's history. These 300-plus pages in and overbearing by the majority
and waited for the business to go problems, which included vendors Spanish link in a very graceful of the foreign press. All of them
bankrupt. It seems they pocketed dumping oil and grease on Ybor way our city andour belovedYbor liked Clinton over Bush. The
the money so they wouldn't lose it City parking lots, streets and in City and West Tampa with Cuba group was divided over whether
in a damage award. storm drains. The group will take and Spain through a century. the U.S. should forcibly prevent
damage deposits from the vendors Thanks to Mr. Demetrio Diego Iran from joining the nuclear club.
OnMonday, March 16, theYbor and provide approved containers for his outstanding contribution Only one of them would have run
On M onday, March 16, theYbor to dump grease. to our history and to our already the controversial cartoons of the
City Development Corporati StaffrecommendedtotheYCDC deceased subscriber, Mr. Eugenio prophet Muhammad that caused
wil host a meeting to receive com-board to approve the event, but Simon, who fed Demetrio's hun- rioting in the Muslim world. None
munty nput on infrastructure instead the board voted o ask ger for knowledge, pasSing along of them knew of Sami Al-Arian.
needs andrequestsfor additional city council to move the parade to our weekly editions through the The group was split on whether
services. he suggestion could be downtown. It seems the Puerto Atlantic. the U.S. should pull out of Iraq
included in the city's next budget Rico Cultural Festival has a *****. immediately.:The most important
year. The mee Italian Club, negative reputation that follows More evidence of the growing thing that we had in common was
0pomf7t Av tenItauan Cltb' it from one location to another. buying power of the nation's His- that we could share a good laugh
Strner of 7th Avenue and 18th The parade started in West Tampa panic population: and enjoy each other's humor.
but left some bad debts there (it On March 1, Quince Girl maga- *****
***** owes the Tampa Sports Authority zine will be launched nationwide Read about Curtis Stokes, act-
On Thursday evening, Rose $4,355) and relocated to Chan- to serve the 400,000 Hispanic ing-president of the Hillsborough
Ferlita had a very successful fund- nelside. The city felt security was females that turn 15 every year County NAACP, in this week's
raiser for her County Commission a problem at Channelside and and their families in planning Silhouettes.
Page 12LA iGACETA/Fiday,.March 3,. 2006
school lawyer said Birdsall was back his bigot base. No Board
Swithin free-speech rights. member gave Killer Bee Blair
O1n th E O th r H an d The fishing expedition eked a tongue lashing for encroach-
ment. Instead, the Board re-
out Birdsall's library-bulletin- ment binsteads the Board re-
board announcement of the warded bigots by jerking new
by Lee Drury De Cesare board announcement of the holiday schedule and return-
gay-pride march against disen- undemocratic one. This
francbising gays. This posting ing to undemocratic one. Tbis
franchisng gays. This post in Board lacks the guts to rebuke
hat Learned n Class genered Linda ipley the worst elements in the com-
SLea n Claretextdoubtless with Elia's
Mrs. Candy Olson will have through the system, he evaded does unless he holds mem- approval--to haul Birdsall in Same board raised its
oppositionfor theSchoolBoard. the point. Mileto and Kipley got bership in both worlds and to terrify him. Kipley's sadistic salaries past teachers' with
La Candy needs it. She raised jobs abracadabra with back- participates in inside-planning fillip was ominous registered master's degree. Teachers
her salary despite poor county stairs influence. They didn't for outside consumption. The letter to Birdsall with hints of have a tough time surviving
children's lacking supplies, work their way up through the Board's duty requires posing dire consequences for fugitive on meager salaries. Jennifer
She raised it beyond veteran system: they played the system probing questions to the ad- faults with no proof. Falliero's husband is a coach;
teachers' with master's de- and worked around it. ministration, not playing ball I filed a charge against Dr. she should understand teach-
grees. She fled the pain of gay A gaggle of overpaid admin- with skullduggery adepts. Hamilton for illiterate, crude ers' dilemma. But she voted to
children's mistreatment in the istrative deadwood showed up Ms. Elia's ethics trouble any use of the school email for up her salary and to hell with
schools, saying "another elec- at Tiger Bay to drown me out fair-minded-person. Joe Stines, personal reasons. That offense teachers. All administrators
tion cycle" must pass to nail when I questioned Le Lamb head of Hillsborough County violates misuse-of-email pol- haveinflated salaries: teacher-
down her incumbency before about irregular school hiring. library, received emails from icy. Kipley hasn't responded, administrator salary disparity
she considered children's suf- They sat like Greek chorus school employee Bart Birdsall But she hasn't heard the last ranks nationwide scam and
fering. She allowed jobs to go of blackbirds on a phone line criticizing Stines for abetting from me. A citizen has a duty to scandal as does low teacher
to Dr. Hamilton et al's favorites in ill-fitting suits, squawking disenfranchisement of gays question disparate treatment pay. Academic weaklings such
without advertising them. to cover up chicanery's sup- in the library-display fracas. of two people: one low level, as the blackbirds on the phone
Scrutiny of School Board/ porting their featherbedding, Birdsall said Stines's behav- one high level. Birdsall didn't wire at Tiger Bay rush into
administration uncovers par- overpaid pseudo jobs. ior especially offended since misuse the school email sys- administration bogus jobs as
allel universe. It replicates Dorthea Edgecomb an- Stines is gay. tem; Hamilton did. Hamilton's money pit for themselves.
Twin Peaks, Blue Velvet, or swered me about Dr. Otero's Stines sicced Elia on Bird- being honcho administrator Future essay on fiddle-
Peyton Place. These show we daughter's getting a prin- sall. Bean assistant Manus shouldn't sanction unequal faddle of school apparatchiks'
live in a strange world. Surface cipalship prematurely. She O'Donnell alleged when I com- treatment. The school system blocking citizens' access to
normalcy cloaks what unfolds wrote the daughter didn't get a plained that "Stines ...respond- isn't the Sun King's court. public information follows
beneath. principal's job but a postbelow ed ... [to Elia's] emails...." How The Board showed feeble anon. Its star will be Artful
Administration/School principal. Ms. Edgecomb be- would Elia know about Bird- courae in facin a contro- Dodger Steve Heggarty, Dick-
Board sells snake-oil flim-flam lieves the job process followed sall's emails ifStines didn't rat verageal issue All members enan administrative blocker
versial issue. All members ensian administrative blocker
that depicts the operation as correct protocol. This former Birdsal out? This pas-de-deux except Edecomb and retiring of Sunshine law.
picture-bookwholesome: lead- principal is new to the Board. represents cross-agency cover- Bricklemeyer buckled when Since I taught college Eng-
ership high-minded, its goal I want her to monitor the ca- up. Truth lies buried under ligots descended in red-neck lish for 28 years and served
nurturing and educating our reer moves of this high-level bureaucratic verbal sludge. .jihad about Muslims' getting union president, I know which
young. Peeping behind Wiz- adminstrator's child to insure Elia launched template ad- holidays along with Christians. school rugs to look under,
ard-of-Oz green door reveals better qualified person doesnt ministration spirit-breaking Democratic holiday schedule which smells to follow. I keep
spin disguises Board/admin- lose to nepotism. protocol: terrifying people with came from a year's work by in mind Adam Smith's observa-
istration parallel universe. Tailored job descriptions in job loss unless they shut up Board-appointed committee. tion two centuries ago:
Take an unexpurgated look last two "nation-wide" searches about administration miscon- t its wip t t
at hiring. It's nest of nepotism, for superintendent ended with duct. Elia ordered schools' But bigots wiped it out with School administrators abet-
buddyjobs, and exotic promo- in-house candidates previ- tech depar.tment to comb "towel henire" ted by a supine Board run the
tion. ously chosen: Dr. Lennard and school-system computers to schools "not for the benefit of
Two egregious examples are Ms. Elia. Dr. Lennard's job eke outwhiffofBirdsall's abus- Grey-matter-challenged the students" but "for the ease
Connie Mileto and Linda Kip- description included "experi- ing school email although he Commissioner Brian Blair of the masters."
ley, kindergarten and home-ec ence in vo-tech," probably first
teachers respectively. Without instance of a superintendent's
a whit of competition, .they needing non-academic vo-tech Y V JEWJ
parlayed slender credentials credentials outside schools By John T. Spera
intojobs nowpaying$120,000 with primary concentration
a year. The administration on such vocational classes as
didn'tadvertise thejobs. Sugar shop, catering, and intemal- The Latest on High Blood Pressure
Daddies Hamilton, La Mileto combustion-engine repair.
sponsor, and Orlan Bryant, But Dr. Lennard had vo-tech "If I had my way, I'd make health catching instead of disease."
La Kipley patron, pulled a fast training. So vo-tech embedded Robert Ingersoll
one with administrative clout, itself in superintendent job the heart muscle cels and
awarding favoritesjobswithout description. For Ms. Elia, doc- hen theheart pumps t he food the gest or maybe the heart muscle cells and
competition. Board rubber- toral requirement disappeared. has a force that is measured they have a gene that's prone blood vessels resulting in re-
stamped these dodgy deals. Those $65,000 "nationwide" with a sphygmomanometer. to high BP. Scientists are find- duced workload for the heart
One doesn't know whether searches constituted cover-up Don' t let the word frighten ing genes for many diseases or and vasodilatation (increase
this razzle-dazzle replicated sucker taxpayers subsidized you, though; you have seen find they have a predisposition dilation or opening of the blood
Twin-Peaks, Blue-Velvet, or for Board/administration un- these instruments in your own to hypertension. vessels).
Peyton-Place choreography. I der-the-radar-political-plum- doctor's office. It is an instru- I remember when an Afri- All these medications, and
vote last named. job maneuvers. ment for measuring both sys- can-American walked into my there are a myriad of them, are
When Dr. Lamb told me at Dr. Lamb said at Tiger Bay tolic (squeezed) and diastolic pharmacy and he complained used according to the physical
Tiger Bay that a person should that he doesnt rubberstamp (relaxed) blood pressure. Sys- of an appalling headache. condition ofyour body, wheth-
be able to work her way up administration directives. He tolic is rhythmic contraction Having this statistic in mind, er you are obese or edematous
of the heart, especially of the I proceeded to take his blood or suffer with any other pre-
ventricles, by which blood is pressure. It was over 300 (sys- existing conditions.
driven through the aorta and tolic) so I told him to go to the Physicians, if you have BP,
[LAW O (813)E87SFAX (0 pulmonary artery after each emergency clinic immediately! should encourage the contin-
dilation or diastole. Diastolic is There are medications for ual taking of antihypertensive
normal rhythmically occurring hypertension, of course. There medications because they feel
Y d p relaxation and dilatation of the are diuretics such as Lasix well enough to discontinue
A_ C w T l oT heart chambers, especially the (furosemide), which are useful and remind patient's of the
ventricles, during which they because they increase volume, serious side effect of high
fillwithblood. Magazines usu- thus reducing the pressure blood pressure, such as de-
264.I LAW lD AM, FLORIDA 33601 aally' advertise all kinds of BP that the heart has to pump. bilitating strokes and ulti-
devices for sale; they are cuff Diuretics, however, decrease mately death!
wiwle r e Yail: y atypes or finger types. Usually the sodium from your body, so There are ways to prevent
the cuff types are the best. I physicians are inclined to pre- hypertension, such as main-
can remember systolic and scribe sodium and potassium- taining an "ideal" body weight
LAW OFFICES (813) 653-2500 diastolic by remembering the sparing and sodium-sparing and restricting sodium (salt)
CURRY & ASSOCIATES P.A. Fax (813) 689-0242 "squeezing" and the aftermath such as hydrochlorothiazide in your diet, usually less than
"relaxing." (HCT) and triamterene. half a teaspoonful.
Unfortunately, hypertension Beta-Blockers reduce the Remember, foods at the su-
or blood pressure is frequently workload of the heart by acting permarket are prepared with
CLIFTON C. CURRY, JR. without symptoms, which are on the sympathetic (the ner- lots of sodium chloride (salt),
ATTORNEY AT LAW reasons you should have your vous system we have no control especially sausage pizza! Main-
BP monitored regularly. over) nervous system. The ac- tain a schedule of exercise (at
You should be free of BP if tivation of these beta-blockers least half an hour) two or three
you measure 120 for systolic results in increased force of the times a week.
ONE OF BRANDON'S LaVIVA P.ROFESSIONAL CENTER and 80 for diastolic, although if heartbeat, thereby easing the Restrict your diet with less
OLDEST & LARGEST FULL 750 WEST LUMSDEN ROAD it measures 120-139 (systolic) cardiac stress by s!owing down saturated fat (meats), use
SERVICE LAW FIRMS BRANDON, FLORIDA 33511 and 80-89 you are considered the heart rate and the resulting "fake" butter and definitely
pre-hypertension. If your BP decrease hypertension. increase your intake of the
measures 140-159 (systolic) Thenthere are Angiotensin- reliable fruit and vegetable!
HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY AVIATION AUTHORITY and 90-99 (diastolic), you have Converting Enzymes or "ACE," And to you drinkers of alco-
hypertension, the measure of which you probably know as holic beverages don't have
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS BP is above 160 (systolic) or Acupril, Captopril, Lotensin, more than two drinks daily.
100 (diastolic) you have se- and Monopril. There are many Remember, beer has extra
FOREIGN CURRENCY EXCHANGE SERVICES vere hypertension. Although more brand names of these calories, but that shouldn't be
The Authority is seeking qualified firms or individuals desiring BP varies frequently during drugs; I mentioned a few of the a problem now that football
to be considered for this project. The RFP documents will be the day, so doctors suggest ACE medications. Sometimes season is over!
available on the Authority's website February 27, 2006, at keeping recQrdings of these the pharmaceutical companies A study of the American; Airport Business, RFP/RFQ. For ques- variations of measurements, combine them with Calcium Journal of Hypertension
tions regarding the RFP contact Connie Mundzak at 813-801-6040. unless your BP machine has Channel Blocker agents such showed that many hyperten-
a memory. as Prinzide, Lotensin HCT, sive people not being treated
HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY AVlATION AUTHORITY The African-American race, Uniretic, and Zestoretic. The with drugs! And, overweight
By: Louis E. Miller, Executive Director sorry to say, has an increase Calcium Channel agents pre- people are more likely to be
3/3/06 1T of hypertension. Perhaps it is vent the fiow of calcium into victims of hypertension!
LA GACETA/Friday, March3,-2006/Page 13
school, worked at the prison or President of the Hillsborough
** TS L H L worked in the fields. In Tampa, County NAACP Sam Horton
1.,| M i || there were opportunities as far fell ill in October 2005, Stokes
:E* as the eyes could see." became acting president.
Stokes decided to get into When not working with the
the banking industry. He NAACP or the bank, Stokes
by Paul Guzzo worked for Blazer Financial is also active in a number of
and then NorWest Bank be- civic organizations, such as the
fore being accepted into the East Tampa CDC, University
As acting president of the mother." the time, A&M was a top party manager training program at Area of CDC, National Council
Hillsborough County NAACP, Stokes was born and raised school. And I guess I chose NationsBank. When he called of Christians and Jews, just
he has a very strange goal for in Belle Glade, Florida, a tiny partying as my major." his mother and told her the to name a few. He also men-
the organization He wants to community of about 5,000 In 1989 he transferred to news, she broke down crying, tors local children and college
put them out of business. people, mostly African-Ameri- Florida Atlantic University proud that all her hard work in students, providing advice
"Actually, NAACP leaders can, that thrives on the agri- so he could settle down and raising her son paid off. whenever needed.
have been trying to put the culture industry, mainly corn concentrate on his studies "When I was growing up, Three years ago he delved
organization out and in 1990 he not only was Belle Glade the into the world of politics, chal-
of business since Curtis 0 S 1 graduated with a type of town where black men lenging Gwen Miller for a seat
it was founded in CUtlS Ot eS B.A. in political didn't work in banks, but we on the Tampa City Council.
1909," explained science. Florida didn't even belong to a bank," He lost, but said he has no
Curtis Stokes, Atlantic Univer- said Stokes. "We used money regrets.
who took over as sity provided him orders only." "Gwen Miller is a friend of
acting president of with more than a Today, Stokes provides hope mine and I think she is a fine
the local chapter book education, for lower income members of leader," he said. "I was 33
when President though, but also the community as a director years old at the time and felt
Sam Horton fell ill with an educa- of community affairs at Fifth the leadership in the African-
in October 2005. tion on life. Third Bank. He acts as the American community needed
"Situations keep "Florida Atlan- liaison between the bank and a younger and different voice.
arising, though, tic was the first the community, insuring that The voters felt differently and
that force us to time I was ever the bank provides loans to I. respect their choice. Gwen is
stay in business. around a num- hard working members of the a great leader.
The NAACP would ber of white peo- community looking to start a "Will I run again? All I can
love nothing more ple," Stokes ex- small business or buy their say is never say never. If an
than to no longer plained. "I grew first home. opportunity arises in which
be needed. Unfor- up in an all black "We want to make sure the I feel by running I can help
tunately, we are environment at American Dream is accessible better the community, then I
still needed every Belle Glade. I ac- to everyone," he said." would consider it. My dream
day." tually only had He started working with in life isn't to win political
But Stokes two white kids in the NAACP when he arrived office or become president of
stressed that -my class. Then in Tampa. A few years ago the a bank. My dream is to help
while theNAACP's at A&M there NAACP local leadrship asked other's fulfill their dreams. My
importance to the were no white him to become more involved mother did that for me and now
African-American kids. The posi- with the organization and I want to do that for others:
community has tive of growing last year he was elected first Whatever road I have to travel
not changed, its up in such a ra- vice president of the Hillsbor- to help fulfill others' dreams I
battleground has. cially sheltered ough County NAACP. When will follow."
While the NAACP environment was
still organizes that I never ex-
marches and ral- perienced rac- HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY AVIATION AUTHORITY
lies, Stokes be- ism firsthand.
lieves the orga- believe we need to provide opportunities for I'm sure behind REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS
nization's main minorities to fulfill the American Dream. Who closed doors
focus is now in better to provide those opportunities than things happened BOND COUNSEL SERVICES AND UNDERWRITERSCOUNSEL
the board rooms, minorities who have already fulfilled their I didn't know The Authority is seeking qualified firms or individuals desiring
executive meet- Y about, but l was to be considered for this project. The RFP documents will be
ings, and political dfeams? never called the available on the Authority's website February 27, 2006, at
halls. N word to my face; Airport -Business, RFP/RFQ. For ques--
"Civil Rights have changed and sugar. Much of the town and never denied access to my tions regarding the RFP contact Connie Mundzak at 813-801-6040.
to an economic and education- lives below the poverty level face. The negative thing about
al right," he explained. "Today, and Stokes' family was no dif- that upbringing was that I HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY AVIATION AUTHORITY
African-Americans can go join ferent. knew very little about white By: Louis E. Miller, Executive Director 3/3/061T
country clubs, go to the mall When Stokes was in seventh people.
and have lunch at the Univer- grade his parents divorced "The only thing I knew about
sity Club without legally being and he has not seen his father white people was what 1 saw
denied membership or service. since, leaving his mother to on television. Suddenly, I had
So what we need to focus on raise four children on her own, classes in which I was the only
now is ensuring that minorities working in the fields. But his black kid. It was a good expe-
get an equal education and are mother refused to accept her rience for me. Sitting in class
then allowed to use that educa- lot in life. She decided to fight beside them, hanging out with
tion to get into the board rooms for something better. them, I saw for the first time
in major corporations. We need In the early 1980s, through that white people are just like
to make sure that minorities President Jimmy Carter's me. No matter what your color,
have a major role in shapirig CETA Program, Stokes'mother we're all human."
this country." received the opportunity to After graduation, he leamed
For example, Stokes said earn her GED. After earning another reality -jobs are hard
while the number of minori- her GED, she decided she to come by. In 1990 the coun- a ing Dining Poker Golf
ties who are department heads wanted more. She was hired try was in the midst of a re-
within the City of Tampa con- asa teachers aide in the Palm cession and jobs were scarce,
tinues to increase, there are Beach County School System especially for a recent graduate Live Racing and Poker
still no minorities on Tampa earning $8,000 a year. She with a degree in political sci-
Mayor Pam Iorio's operating would work for the school ence. But, pride doesn't pay
committee, which consists of system until 2:30 p.m., then bills, so he took a job outside Thru- May 7,2006
seven Caucasians.. as dishwasher at KFC until of his expertise, working as a
"I am pleased with many of 6 p.m., and then attended parole officer in Palm Beach
Mayor Iorio's policies, but we junior college to earn her AA. County for 14 months while
need more minorities on her Once she received her AA, she earning his master's degree in
operating committee," said earned her B.A. in education business administration from
Stokes. "The African-Ameri- from Florida Memorial College Nova University. TAJ1PA ,
can department heads have and was hired as a fulltime In 1992, both Stokes and
to listen to what this operat- teacher in the school system. his thengirlfriend/current
ing team says is best for the "I had a strong mother who wife, Katrina, decided it was
community. We need more pulled herself up from her time to make a move. Orlando
minorities on this operating bootstraps and wasn't given was too crowded, and neither
committee, shaping the future anything. She was a live-in wanted to move to the other's
of the city. role model who proved every- hometown, Katrina's being
"I believe we need to provide day that anything is possible Tallahassee. So, they compro-
opportunities for minorities to if you take advantage of an mised and moved to Tampa.
fulfill the American Dream. opportunity and work hard," Stokes packed everything he
Who better to provide those said Stokes. "My mother was owned into his Camaro. He
opportunities than minorities always working, so never made didn't own any furniture and
who have already fulfilled their a single high school basketball had no job waiting for him.
dreams?" game I played in and missed a What he felt Tampa did have
While not fighting for equal- lot of events l participated in, waiting for him was opportu-
ity, Stokes has also forged a but I couldn't have asked for a nity.
successful career in the bank- better mother. She provided us "I had never seen a city this
ing industry, is a mentor to with what we needed inspira- big in my life," he said. "Coming
minority children in the com- tion and opportunity." from Belle Glade, Tampa was
munity, works tirelessly for a But even with his mother's the big city. There were eight
number of civic organizations, success story as motivation, to 10 high schools and gas sta-III
and has delved into the world Stokes wasn't always a chip tions on every corner. It blew ar
of politics. No matter how long off the old block. After gradu- me away. I was so excited. I Athe fac ts
his resume becomes, though, ating high school, he went to couldn't see how anyone could
his area of expertise will always Florida A&M for two years, fail in a city like this. There was
be the American Dream. stressing the word "went" over so much opportunity hotels,
"I was raised on the Ameri- "attended." restaurants, constructionjobs, mi
can dream," he said. "I saw it "I didn't exactly attend class anda whole lot of other thirfigs. American Red Cross
fulfilled firsthand through my all the time," he admitted. "At In Belle Glade, you taught
Page 14/LA GACETA/Friday, March 3, 2006
Hill, Ward & Henderson News The Bank of Tampa Assistant VP Partners Circle Gala
Hill, Ward & Henderson, P. A., is pleased Dawn J. Shea was appointed assistant vice The Partners Circle Gala will be held on Saturday, March
to announce that Morris C. Massey, former president of electronic banking at The Bank 4 at 7:30 p.m. at the Tampa Marriot Waterside Hotel, 700 S.
senior chief assistant city attorney for the City of Tampa's Blanchard Center location. Shea Florida Ave. The Salesian Sisters and the Partners Circle Board
of Tampa, has joined the firm. Massey will has over 17 years of banking and financial of Trustees will present the Joseph J. McAleer, Sr. Award to
be practicing with the firm's Real Estate & services experience, all of which have been Sr. Kim Keraitis and Glenn D. Permuy, Sr. All proceeds from
Development and Land Use Groups. Massey spent in the Tampa Bay area. Her expertise the event will benefit the Salesian Youth Center/Boys & Girls
received his law degree with high honors from is in the areas of electronic banking, deposit Club. For information, call 226-0836.
the University of Florida in 1986, and his B.A. operations and bank security. She was previ-
from Wake Forest University in 1983. Out of ously employed by The Bank of St. Petersburg Bark in the Park
school he joined Carlton Fields, P. A., where as an assistant vice president in deposit The Humane Society of Tampa Bay (HSTB) is holding its
he ultimately became a shareholder in the operations. 19th annual walk for the animals "Bark in the Park on Satur-
Real Estate and Environmental Department. Shea earned her bachelor's degree in fine day, March 18 at Al Lopez Park in Tampa. Registration starts
In. 1997 Massey joined the City Attorney's arts from the University of South Florida in at 8:30 a.m., the walk starts at 10 a.m. and the activities will
office. With Hill, Ward & Henderson, P. A., 1973. In her spare time, she mentors abused continue until 1 p.m. Participants of the fundraising walk
Massey will be focusing his practice primar- and neglected children through local organi- collect pledges from supporters. "Bark in the Park" helps the
ily on land use, governmental matters and zations in Pinellas County. Humane Society of Tampa Bay raise the much needed finan-
real estat ue. g n Am l A cial support to continue to provide shelter, food and medical
realstate Moffitt Announced Assistant Prof. care for the thousands of animals that are relinquished to
Schifino Lee Advertising VP H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research our shelter yearly. Please call Cathy Bellatin at 876-4150 or
Schifino Lee Advertising & Marketing an- Institute announces Debra Anoff, M.D., as email at to receive
nounced that it has promoted Max Blevins Assistant Professor in the Internal and Hos- your registration form or for more information. Sponsorship
to vice president/associate creative director. pital Medical Division. and vendor opportunities available.
Blevins has served as senior art director and Prior to joining Moffitt, she was in private
associate creative director with the firm for practice in Loxahatchee and was chief of Lifeguards Needed
six years, and he brings more than 10 years medicine at Palms West Hospital in Florida. The City of Tampa Parks and Recreation Department is
of industry knowledge to the firm's range of Anoff received her medical degree from the offering lifeguard training for anyone interested in joining the
experience. University of North Carolina School of Medi- city's aquatic team as a lifeguard this summer.
In this senior management role, Blevins cine, Chapel Hill. She is board certified in Training sessions will be held at Copeland Park, Cuscaden,
will be integral in the business development of internal medicine and pediatrics. Anoff is a Danny Del Rio, Loretta Ingraham, Interbay, Sulphur Springs
the firm. He will also expand upon his creative memberofthe American Medical Association and Spicola Family pools. The course fee is $65, which in-
leadership, working on some of the firm's and the American Academy of Pediatrics. cludes the required book and certification.
largest accounts including AT&T, Catalina In 2001, the National Cancer Institute For more information or to register, please call the City
Marketing and DeBartolo Holdings LLC. awarded Moffitt the status of a Comprehen- of Tampa Parks and Recreation Department Aquatics Team:
Prior to joining Schifino Lee, Blevins was sive Cancer Center in recognition of its Karla Kipi or Barry Thomas at 274-8615.
senior art director for Lykes Brothers Cor- excellence in research and contributions
poration and senior art director for Morton to- clinical trials, prevention and cancer Step Show
Mease Plant Hospital. control. Over 500 children will Step to the Beat at the City of Tampa
Parks and Recreation Department's Eighth Annual Step Fes-
t ival on Saturday, April 1 at 6:30 p:m. at the Hillsborough
If qou wish to buq or seil a house, dont wait Anywhere at Anytime Community College Gymnasium, located at 4001 W. Tampa
anq 0lnper. YOur best Choice is to call me. With Bay Boulevard. Admission is $5 and tickets may be purchased
in advance at all community centers. For more information,
mq experience and the support of Centurq 21, contact Regina Peoples with the City of Tampa Parks and
1'11 make q0our dreaIs COme true! Recreation Department at 274.7717.
Lourdes~ A co sta B The Make-A-Wish Foundation of Sarasota/Tampa Bay,
Inc. is in need of bi-lingual volunteers to help with the wish
Realtor granting process. Volunteers are an integral part of the orga- Certificate#102 nization and they rely on them to help them grant the wishes
SCell Phone (813) 477-8254 253A of children with life-threatening medical conditions. Please
Ea B Oic is hilOpe Od a( ) 4-7 contact Andrea Sasser at or call
Guido Morana
Jewelers Open
Second Store in
South Tampa
Recently, 1 had the honor of sitting and interviewing Marisella Morana Docobo, and Mrs. Guido Morana on laughed.
the owner of Guido Morana Jewelers, Mrs. Guido this idea two years ago. "All three of us jumped on the The second store will be more of a "Jewelry
Morana, and her two daughters, Marietta Morana idea, a salon, a spa and a jewelry store fill of women, Boutique". There will be fine jewelry and also fun
Maniscalco and Marisella Morana Docobo. This is the how could we pass on this opportunity? What a great costume jewelry as well. It will be different, fun, and
first and only location of the fine jewelry importers, and mixture," joked Marietta. Mrs. Guido Morana always always have the outstanding quality that you expect from
they allowed me to get a glimpse of the amazing new wanted to expand but she was looking for something a Guido Morana Jewelers. The customer can bring their
store which is opening soon in South Tampa. little different. "If my husband, Guido Morana, would dress for an affair to the new South Tampa location, and
o te be alive today he would jump on the idea too," Mrs. while Robert or Candido style their hair, we cani tell
T"W are so excited about thie opening of oursecond Guido Morana said, reminiscing about the years since them exactly wiat jewelry will match with their outfit.
store in South Tampa, it's been two years that we have her husband started this business, traveling door to door Maisella added, "We have 32 years of jewelry
been waitng for this and now finally the day is coming," to do jewelry repairs. This outstanding store has been i experience and expertise here in Tampa and we
Marietta said. "The second store is located inside the the same location for 32 years, at 4317 N. Armenia Ave., definitely know what will match well for anv
new CR La Mansion Salon and Spa at 3627 West Azeele and has an impeccable reputation. Marietta added, "We occasion."
Street on the comer of Azeele and Steriing in South have the best customers and friends, and even though weMr. Giudo Morana would
Tampa. It will be Tampa's Premier Salon and Spa." have et wonderful people through out the years, now en aked how e late Mr. Giudo Morana would
This salon has been the dream for years of Robert it's the time for us to grow." feel about the progress on tl e jeweh store, Marietta
prid cnti limou er c, alcndresponded, "Os ur father would be proud. He was the one
Gandarilla and Candido lano, two of Tampa's top hair Marietta and Marisella have worked in the jewelry who started Guido Morana Jewelers in 1974 and afer his
Sstlists. "These twho men hve clients fly tiro allnd over business since they were little. "It's i our blood. w e .passing in 1984 Mrs. Guido Morana and with her two
the country to have their hair cut by Robert and Candido can't help it. We love to travel the world, especially to daughters and grandchildren have continuod the
and it takes months to get ah appoltnment with them," Italy and Spain. At all the jewelry tirade shows we can. business." Mrs. Morana added, "lf it doesn't say Guido
Marietta informed. "Thank God 1 have a good bring our customers the latest faishion," Marietta said. Morana Jewelers on the sign, it's not. We have had some
connection with them," she laughed. "No one touches "W are definitely not a usual catalog jewelry store imitators throughout the vears but it's the people behind
my hair except them. Aparit from having, Ihe usual Where vou will see the same jewelry as all the other the buisiness who make the business, not anytihing
services a salon has, Robert and Candido will also stores. Fashion changes and so does ourjewelry. People else."
provide their clients with limousine services, a licensed stop us on the streets asking "Where did you get that
medical doctor who will offer botax and restilin, and also ing?'. We buy and wear what we like, I guess we must "This is just the beginning, we hlave fuiture plans bfor
a make up artist showing the latest trends in makeup." have great taste because 1 sometimes have to sell to further expansion. I love this business, and you have to
Robert approached Marietta Morana Maniscalco, people the jeweiry that 1 am wearing," Marisella love what you do, which 1 certainly do" Marietta said.
IA'GAC- ETA/Pi d#y;'Malrcli 3; idO0/'g-i g
The streets of Ybor City came
alive with the sound, sights and
smells of multiculturalism as it
celebrated the 52nd annual Fiesta
Day on Saturday, :February 25.
The family-oriented event fea-
tured ethnic food, entertainment,
art, contests, the famous Flan :::
Fest, children's activities and the
International Parade of Flags.
Fiesta Day is a tribute to the
Cuban, African Cuban, German,
Italian, Jewish and Spanish im-
migrants that came to Ybor City in
the late 18oos. These immigrants
settled in Ybor City as the Cuban
cigar factories thrived. "Ybor City
Day," as it was originally known,
began as a day of rest for the cigar
workers of the distriet. Flan Fest lst place in taste winner over 25 conteetants, participated in Flan Feet 1st place in presentation by
Norma Del Valle 2006 Flan Fest Grace Del Rosal
Ybor City Ambassador Jerry Valdes holde the flag of The crowds watch a young performer belt one out on one of the Enrique Woodroffe & Al Fernandez
Ybor City many sta es near Centro Ybor work the Free Bean Sou for visitore
Strect Performer Balloon manr
Maria Pasetti & Laura Leto Nora Lamb working for the Italian Club Jonathan Leathe a Mssionary from Visitore Info Center Gilda Schulmeyer,
in costume selling Italian sweetes South America Ralph Lazzala & Rose Barbie
A dancer on the Main Stage locatecd in the
The Mambis were in Ybor in full force SunTrust parkin lot
:________'From the Magnet school pirograms
A street performer gets out of a straightjacket while Tanly Cabrera, Debbie Arias &
entertaining the crowd The children's Slide Debra Houghand
Page 16/LA GACETA/Friday, March 3, 2006
The Ybor City Market and Fiesta Pay Vendore
lo A
LA GACETA/Friday, March 3, 2006/Page 17
Housing Grants Available
I Hillsborough County Commissioners recently voted at a
board meeting to allocate approximately $650,000 in federal
funds that the county had received to three local non-profit
organizations. The three organizations will use their portion of
the money to help residents buy their own homes, become more
self-sufficient, and make homes more accessible for residents
Mosley Earns Victory Over Vargas wdisabilitiese $243320o h sidents
It was a crossroads fight match. Mosley was able to use and it seemed like a real pos- with disabilities make modificationsr to heir hores, such as
for both "Sugar" Shane Mos- his speed to overcome Vargas' sibility that the fight could be widening doorways for wheelchair accessibility and installing
ley and Fernando Vargas last strength, as "Sugar" Shane stopped. alarm systems for the deaf. Beth-El Farmworker Ministry, Inc.
Saturday night in Las Vegas. beat Vargas to the punch In Round 10, Mosley con- will receive $128,746 to provide services to low-income Hispanic
It wasn't long ago that Mosley through much of the fight. tinued to nail Vargas with households in the Balm-Wimauma area, such as housing
and Vargas both held world Overall, it was a terrific right hand shots, and though counseling, self-sufficiency education, and financial literacy.
titles and were considered fight. Mosley appeared to win Fernando was still game, Cor- The third organization, Florida Home Partnership, Inc., will use
pound for pound two of the the first couple of rounds by tez stepped in to call a halt to their grant of $281,836 to assist with their affordable housing
very best fighters in the world. out-boxing Vargas. The left eye the action. A frustrated Vargas programs that they run through the state's Home Investment
Each suffered losses and it of Vargas began to grow puffy wanted very much to continue Partnership Program.
also seemed like their skills in the second round and grad- but his corner didn't seem to -These funds are part of the U.S. Department of Housing and
were eroding as they aged. ually deteriorated as the fight protest the stoppage. Urban Development Community Development Block Grants
Mosley and Vargas looked progressed. Vargas seemed to Shane Mosley made it clear that the county's Housing & Community Code Enforcement
like they were on their way take control of the match in after this victory that he would Department receives and disburses annually. These non-
to becoming mere opponents the middle rounds by using return to fight at the welter- profits, along with many other community organizations, were
for younger up and coming his size advantage to push weight limit of 147 lbs. It's selected to receive grants after being reviewed and approved
fighters. Mosley around. While Mosley possible that Mosley may by a committee made up of representatives from the county's
Shane Mosley prevailed last still managed to land some want to get a fight with welter- departments of Management & Budget, Children's Services,
Saturday via TKO in the lOth punches, it was Vargas' shots weight champion and current Health & Social Services, and Housing & Community Code
when the fight was stopped that were more effective. pound-for-pound king Floyd Enforcement.
due to Vargas' left eye being As the fight grew very close Mayweather in the near future. The Housing & Community Code Enforcement Department
swollen shut. What made on the judges'scorecards, Var- "Sugar" Shane undoubtedly receives approximately $15 million annually from a varety of
this victory so impressive fdr gas' eye was giving him some proved to his critics that he state and federal grants that is then distributed throughout
Mosley (42-4, 36 KO's) was problems. Fernando's inability still has some fight left in him. the community. With these grants, the department provides
the fact that he was fighting to see out of his left eye made funding to local governments, non-profit agencies, and prvate
at 154 lbs, a full weight clas him an easy target for Mosley's You can listen to Jason Ales- affordable housing providers for services.
above his most comfortable right hand punches. As more si talk sports with Tampa Bay
weight of 147 lbs. Fernando rights landed, Vargas' eye Lightning, Orlando Magic, and
Vargas (26-3 22 KO's) fights grewworse. The ringphysician USF Bulls arena announcer HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY AVIATION AUTHORITY
naturally at 154 lbs, and was as well as referee Joe Cortez PaulPorter on TheHome Team INVITATION TO BID
clearly considered to be the began taking a serious look every Saturdayfrom 10 a.m. to
stronger fighter going into the at Vargas in between rounds noon, now on 1470 AMESPN. Sealed bids will be received from bidders by the Authority in the
Service Building front office located on the second level/red
side, Tampa International Airport, for the project listed below,
until 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 28, 2006, at which time all bids
received will be publicly opened-and read aloud in the Lobby
Conference A Room, located in the Service Building second
level/red side:
Airport Name: Tampa International Airport
HCAA Project Number: 4815
Project Title: Replace Short Term Parking Garage
A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held in the Authority
Boardroom located in the Landside Terminal Building third level/
blue side on Tuesday, March 14, 2006 at 2:00 p.m. For more
Sinformation regarding the bidding of this project, please access
the Authority's website at; Quick Links,
( Airport Business, Invitation to Bid or you can contact Tricia
Alvarez at 813-870-7838.
Mon 1 a -3 r Tues. -Th urs. 1 am-1 pm By: Louis E. Miller, Executive Director 3/3/061T
Fr -Sat 1 am-1 2pm* Sun. 12-9:30pm
1623 E- u---- ior Cit
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" i -age' cLAGCETA/Mnday; Mar'h 3, 2006
Hillsborough High Renovation Celebration WHAT'S HAPPENING
N-l In @Id Ybwor
By Paul Guzzo
Gf you have any events you would like to announce in this
column, please call Paul Guzzo at 248-3921 orfax them to
Event Co-Sponsorship
Through March 23, 2006 at 5 p.m., the Ybor City Develop-
ment Corporation will be accepting applications for Ybor City
event co-sponsorship. Besides providing assistance funds for
a chosen event, the YCDC will also provide assistance with
coordination, public relations, post-event clean-up at a supple-
mental service fee, available public restrooms, and more.
The event can be a new or existing event, should help
reinforce Ybor City's cultural roots, be family-oriented, and
maintain and improve Ybor City's traditional events.
YCDC's funds-cannot be used for purchase of food or bever-
ages, major equipment or capital items.
For more information on the YCDC's event co-sponsorship
program, call Brenda Thrower at 274-7936.
Fashion Show
La Moda di Primavera Fashion Show, sponsored by the Ital-
ian Ladies Auxiliary, Inc., will be held on Saturday, March 4
beginning at 11 a.m. at the Quorum Hotel, 700 N. Westshore
Blvd. The event will include a botique browsing, social, silent
The "March of the Cheerleaders" Mary Ann (Irby) Valenti (1960), Kippy auction, lunch and a fashion show with fashion by Stein Mart.
(Noland) Pitisci (1954), Sally (Villar) Giacobbe (1953), Jo-Ann (Rodriguez) Admission is $40 per person. Proceeds benefit The Italian Club
Dedmon (1952), Wilma (Miranda) Pendarvis (1951), Dana (Hepinstall) ofTampa and the Italian Club Cemetery.
Garcia (1951). Cheerleaders who would like to join them, contact Wilma Tampa Film Review
Pendarvs at 96-6835 or emal wiera@verizonneThe next Tampa Film Review, presented by 1 Day Films,
(Miranda) Pendarvis at 961- 5 or e l wt will be held on Friday, March 10 from 8 10 p.m. at Interna-
Hillsborough High School was repaired. Also, windows down the aisle. tional Bazaar, located at 1600 E. Eighth Ave. in the Centro
will show off and celebrate its were added that allow sunlight Hillsborough High School is Ybor Complex. Tampa Film Reviews is a monthly showcase of
many renovations on Saturday, into the recently darkened the oldest senior high school local independent films andcis held every second Friday of the
April 1 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. classrooms, ceilings have been in Hillsborough County. It was month and is free.
Tours will be held throghout raised, doors replaced and organized in 1885 and called March's films will include:
the day. Admission and park- wood floors restored. Plus, the Hillsborough County School. Dawg s Tale by Damien Kincannon: Welcome to the world of
ing are free and light refresh- auditorium and cafeteria were It began in an old building on rap music where Joe Bauer sets a new standard for failure. His
ments will be served. Hillsbor- completely restored. Franklin Street and was housed latest hopefuls just got their crunk stomped out and Joe's sold
ough High School is located at The day's events will include there until 1911 when it occu- on suicide. Enter Tightey Whitey, a street wrapper with all the
5000 N. Central Ave. city and county officials, the pied a new building on Highland wrong moves, who may just be Joe's last chance at success.
The renovation project start- "Big Red" Band, musical enter- Avenue. In 1927 the present Chase the Mark by Joe DiCanio: Chase. Bardone (Thomas
ed over five years ago with work tainment throughout the day, building was constructed. Prophet) is a hitman for the local mob. He's been doing "jobs"
on the exterior of the building and the March of the Cheer- Everyone is invited to attend for years now and is beginning to develop a conscience and is
when 11 million bricks were leaders cheerleaders-from the event and celebrate the plagued by the ghosts of his "marks." He's on the verge of a
re-mortared and the main roof today and yesterday marching historic occasion. divorce and is thinking of quitting, but his best friend and fel-
low hitman Doug E. Fresh (Doug Cockerham) is trying to talk
him out of it because, "Noo ne quits Vito Gambelli."
The Power by James Patrick Dillon: There's a new kid in
town, and her reputation is spreading fast. It seems she has
ha special gift, a power to see things others cannot. However,
some things are so terrifying, it's better not to look.
Bad Connection by James Patrick Dillon: In a moment of
suicidal desperation, Holly writes to Jesus. Her message is
S"kundeliverable," at least to the addressee. However, someone
does respond.
rushes to the hospital
because his wife is going into labor.
Works by Martin F. Hennigan: Explore the dramatic, mysteri-
ous worlds within the paintings of Martin F. Hennigan.
1 Day Films feels that there are very few, if any, regular
JNot introductory rates! outlets in the local area for local independent filmmakers to
1 Day Films is looking for film submissions for future events.
For more or All
genres of films are accepted feature length, shorts, docu-
mentaries, comedy, horror, love, art, drama, foreign language,
experimental etc. No pornography!
Visit for-more.
Ybor Film Festival
The Ybor Festival of the Moving Image celebrates its fourth
year ofpresenting a wide variety of exciting cinema with over 60
films, documentaries, shorts, features and live performances
that will thrill the critic and novice alike.
Two new works by Tampa-born filmmaker Les Blank will be
Official Bank of the *featured in a retrospective of his work at the Fourth Annual
Ybor Festival of the Moving Image. The artist will attend the
festival and discuss his films.
This festival highlights artists working not only in traditional
ways such as narrative and documentary, but also artists using
a moving image component in any medium, especially music,
dance, theater and the visual arts of sculpture and painting.
This event also strives to have the creators of the works pres-
ent at the festival. Artists are available to discuss and explain
the technical and philosophical aspects of their work with the
audience before and after screenings and performances.
Most of the artists attend for the full four days and festival
attendees are encouraged to enjoy direct conversation one-
on-one with the artists.
S Visit
Sca a 837 Vendors Needed
The Ybor City Fresh Market is looking for new vendors and
fundraising groups. Appropriate vendors will include produce,
deli items, seafood, cheeses, baked goods, plants, flowers, and
arts and crafts. The Ybor City Fresh Market is open every Sat-
F iB urday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Centennial Park in Ybor City.
\Working Hard To Be The Oilly Bank Y'ou'l1 Ever Need For more information, call Lynn Schultz at 241-2442 or email
*Annual Percentage'Yield (APY) accurate as of 02/12/06. $500 minimum required balance. Penalty for early withdrawal. Museum Volunteers
Accounts must be opened with funds not currently on dep it with Fifth Third Bank. Fifth Third reserves the right to refuse any The Ybor City Museum Society is looking for more volunteers
deposit. Not available for commercial and non-profit accounts. **Annual Percentage Yield (APY) accurate as of 02/12/06. Rate to help with the daily duties at the museum, such as providing
mav change after accounit is opened. Fees may reduce eamings. $50 minimum opening balance. $25 fee if account is clsed tours of the museum and LaCasita, staffing the museum store
within 180 days of opening. Offer applies to new savings accounts opened with money not on deposit with Fifh Third Bank.ti nea nd ai ing tinre to,
Fifth Third reserves the right to refuse any deposit. Not available for commercial and non-profil accounts. **Annual Percentage participatging in yearly fundraising and exhibition receptions,
Yield (APY) accurate as of 02/12/06. $500 minimum required balance. Penalty for early withdrawal. Accounts must be opened cataloguing the society's artifacts, providing administrative
with funds not currently on dept~sit with Fifth Third Bank. Fifth Third reserves the right to refuse any deposit. Nol available for support, and joining the various Board of Director committees.
commercial and non-profit accounts. Fifth Third and Fifth Third Bank are registered service marks of Fifth Third Ban0arp. Ifyou are a local resident or a seasonal visitor with an interest
,Member FDIC. in Ybor City and would like to volunteer call 961-2365.
LA GACETA/Friday, March 3, 200q6/Page 19
Deanie Gregary, Tony Wayner and Sherrie Gillis love the authentic Italian
food served at Bernini's, located on Seventh Avenue in Ybor City.
"Copyrighted Material
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
Dory Bryantjoins Ybor City Chamber of Commerce President Tom Keating
for lunch at the Columbia Restaurant on Seventh Avenue in Ybor City.
I Frosted Mug of DRAFT BEER .
with purchase of our worldd.famous
FREE CHEESE During Cocktail Hour
5-7 p.m. (ServeYourself) Food Served Till 2
Sealed bids will be received by the City of Tampa no later than 1:30 p.m. on the
indicated Bid Date(s) for the following Project(s):
CONTRACT NO.: 6-C-51; Substation #2 Fuel Tank Replacement at Lowry Park
BID DATE: March 21, 2006 ESTIMATE: $231,000 DEPOSIT: $20 SCOPE: The
project consists of removal and disposal of three (3) underground storage tanks;
providing two (2) aboveground storage tanks, fuel pumps with filtering, tank appurte-
nances and sensors; providing reinforced concrete slab and bollards; providing
related electrical modifications. PRE-BID CONFERENCE: Tuesday, March 7, 2006
at 2:00 p.m.
Bids will be opened in the 4th Floor Conference Room, Tampa Municipal Office
Building, 306 E. Jackson Street, Tampa, Florida 33602. Pre-Bid Conference is held
at the same location unless otherwise indicated.-Plans and Specifications for this
work may be examined at the Contract Administration Department, 306 E. Jackson
Street, 4th Floor North. Tampa, Florida 33602. Copies may be obtained upon
payment of the refundable deposit indicated for each set. Deposits are refunded if
documents are returned in good condition within 15 days after bid opening. Deposits
should be in the form of separate checks for each project. Mailing is available for an N
additional charge of $10.00 per set. Checks should be made payable to the City of
Tampa. Subcontracting opportunities may exist for City certified Women/Minority
Business Enterprises (W/MBE's). A copy of the current W/MBE directory may be '
obtained at Phone (813) 274-8456 for assistance. For Techni-, o' l.
cal Questions: Fax 813/274-8080. 3/3/061T
Page 20/LA GACETA/Friday, March 3, 2006
i Jake and Debbie Piascik can't wait to dine on the delicious Cuban sandwiches
Alicia Gonzalez and Ana Marta dine at Valencia at La Tropicana Restaurant, located on Seventh Avenue in Ybor City.
Gardens, located on West Kennedy Boulevard.
Ken Dye loves the cold drinks and warm atmo-
sphere at the Tapper Pub in the Britton Plaza.
SAt th.e MLovi-es ;with Jason Alessi
.9 .. .1 -
LowOn Blood, High On TeMaterial
Srving lunch Movie: When A Stranger is not graphically violent, but someone else other than her-
Monday thru Frida als S manages to crate moments self and the children in this
Director:. Simon West of great uneasiness for the massive house, someone who
Dinner 7 nights a week Cast Camilla Belle, Ka- viewer. We know that there is intends todo them harm.
SKtie Cassidy, Brian Geraghty, danger for the main:character, I was pleased with the fact
1702 E. 7th Ave. Ybor City Tessa Thompson but we don't know when it will that the lead character, Jill,
Rated:PG-13 (violence,'pro- arrive. Director Simon West was an intelligent person who
S248-0099 fanity) toys with us enough to the didn't resort to doing bone-
_Running time: 98 min. point where we just can't seem headed things that would set
It's no accident that I waited to wait any longer for the terror her up for the kill. She was very
a while before going to see a to let loose. realistic and very responsible.
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS remake of the 1979 horror film Jill (Camilla Belle) isa teen- for her actions.
When A Stranger Calls. I was ager babysitting for a rich When A Stranger Calls re-
HART BID # B-5062 definitely not expecting much, couple at their beautiful home, minded me more of John Carp-
The Hillsborough Transit Authority will be accepting proposals given how so many lame hor- which is located out in the ernter's Halloween than it did
until 2:00 P.M. eastern time, March 24, 2006 for the furnishing ror remakes are being made by middle of nowhere. It is a large the 1979 original Stranger film.
of Physical Damage and Inland Marine Coverage. Hollywood in an effort to rake house with many rooms; it It has that slow-building feeling
in the cash at the box office. even has a guest house. Jill of dread that something really
The Bid documents will be available for download from the I'd almost made up my mind starts getting strange phone terrifying is coming up. Simon
HARTIine website at after 11:00 AM, on that I wasn't even going to calls from someone who won't West sets up the suspense per-
Monday, March 6, 2006. The documents can be located bother seeing this film in the identify themselves. Some- fectly by giving the audience a
under the Purchasing Section. All inquiries pertaining to the theatres, but love of the horror times the caller says nothing good mixture ofboth legitimate
specifications, or any questions in reference to the Bid docu- movie genre forced me to give and just hangs up, while other and false alarms before the real
ments should be directed to: Cathy Zickefoose, Purchasing it a try and I'm very grateful times he makes remarks that nightmare comes to life. This
Agent, Hillsborough Transit Authority, 4305 East 21st Avenue, that I did. Jill can't quite understand, yet is a rare example of a remake
Tampa, Florida 33605 (813) 623-5835. 3/3/06 1T The new Stranger film is an she knows aren't friendly. Jill outdoing the original.
effectively made shocker that comes to realize that there's Grade: B+
Only Drive Thru Window on
''b ~~' "7th Avenue in Ybor City
LA GACETA/Friday, March 3, 2pO0/Page Z1
Full Time BRAND MARKET Board of Directors Meetngght House Networks
PERSON Temporary position 6pm
Our client, a beverage compa- 16215 Hanna Rd.
La Quinta Inn & Suites ny is seeking Brand Marketing Lutz, FL 33549 People across the country are learningwhat our 2.1 million customers
a Quin I Specialist. You wll manage key already know: that Bright House Networks is delivering the future of
in Brandon is currently on & ff-Premise designated ac- information and entertainment. Join us now to see for yourself!
seeking team players. counts & execute national & local HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY
Our mission is all about programs. CIVIL SERVICE
making our guests feel Only candidates who reside in As a ulltme MIS Specialist, you will perform helpdesk support
as welcome and cor.nfort- the Tampa area and meet the New Employment Asa full-time MIS Specialist, you will perform hell desk SUpport
ollowing welcome and cofortpa ir emnts will be pNepomtunt les functions including network user support, PC hardware, printers
able as possible. We work contacted: support, desktop OS, software applicaton and basic networking.
just as hard to create a Must be fluent in English & ANIMAL CARE ASSISTANT The selected candidate will possess A+ certification; previous IT help
work environment that's Spanish $19,323 desk support expenence; working knowledge of MS Office
equally inviting. These are 1-2 years commercial sales CHILD CARE SPECIALIST Professional, Windows 2000/XP and PC hardware/software; and solid
Ut a f f the bn (off-premise, merchandising LD CAR S AL understanding of basic network troubleshooting. Strong interpersonal
just a few of the ene- and/or distributor) experience (NON-STANDARD HOURS) communication/customer service skills and a valid Roida driver's
fits available to full-time preferred $27,164 license are also required. MCP or Network + certification is a plus.
employees: BS/BA & knowledge of on and FIRE MEDIC I
SMedical insurance off strongly preferred $38,3* Comprehensive Benefits Package Offered!
Must possess a valid FL
Dental insurance drivers icense & have you FIRE MEDIC TRAINEE Qualified candidates should apply online at
Life insurance own car $11.22/HR
SAbility & desire to work nights HOMEMAKER/RESPITE AIDE
Vision coverage & after hours for events $17,638 brght
Paid vacation You will be compensated with a PARK RANGER I hOr
highly competitive hourly rate & PARK RANGER I h e
S401(k) plan you will be reimbursed for your $20,404 ,.
Room rate discounts mileage and T&E expenses. PRINCIPAL PLANNER
Apply in person. lf you meet our job requirements, $52,124
310 Grand Regency Boulevard (attention Jan Venice Mercer). (CLASS B) ACTION BY THE SOUTHWEST FLORIDA
Brandon Ourclient is an $25,688 WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT
eoe Equal Opportunity Employer SENIOR CHILD CARE
SPECIALIST (RESTRICTED) Notice is given that the District's Proposed Agency Action is
$30,742 approval of the Carrollwood Wells Collection Main Project on 4.8
SUNIVERSITY OF WATER PLANT OPERATOR II acres for the installation of a 10- and 12-inch diameter pipeline
SOUT FLO FDA WTRI$32,884 that will convey water for public supply to Tampa Bay Water's
SYSOUTH FLORIDA F $ member governments who include the counties of Hillsborough,
See our web site at Pasco, and Pinellas, and the cities of New Port Richey, Tampa, and St. Petersburg. The project is located in Hillsborough
WUSF06-05 LIGHTING GRIP/PRODUCTION TECH, Intellis Media. or contact County, Sections 8, 15, 16, and 17, Township 28 South, Range
Intellis Media, a division of WUSF, is a dynamic design and integration orN I 18 East. The permit applicant is Tampa Bay Water, whose
group in the Central and Southeast Florida Region. Seeking a talented Job Newsline 272-6975 18 East. The permit applirant is Tampa Ray Water, whose
worker who will perform the role of grip/electric for studio and field produc- (TDD 272-5623) address is 2575 Enterprise Road, Clearwater, Florida 33763.
tions, perform the role of field technician for all Flight Pack" related or visit our office at: The permit no. is 47028178.001.
productions including setting up, operating and troubleshooting the system The file(s) pertaining to the project referred to above is available
while on location, operate studio and robotic field cameras, stage manage 601 E. Kennedy Boulevard file) ertainin to theroject referred to aboe is aailale
and provide client service during production, maintain lighting/grip 17th Foor, Tampa, FL for nspecton Monday throuh Frday except forlegal holdays,
inventory, load/unload trucks, check power distribution and maintain a 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the Southwest Florida Water Man-
balanced electrical load, set up light and stands, execute lighting plots with Preference in initial apt. will agement District (District), located at 7601 U.S.. Highway 301
related grip equipment, and ensure safety on the set. Employee will be given to eligible vets & North, Tampa, FL 33637.
ensure project deadlines are met and will perform other responsibilities eligible spouses of vets.
and duties as assigned. REQUIRES: HS diploma or GED and one year of AA/EEO Employer NOTICE OF RIGHTS
exp in TV production. PREFER prior exp in carpentry to assist the set Any person whose substantial interests are affected by the Dis-
designer in the design and build phases of production. Hourly pay rate is __
comriiensurate with exp. Open until filled; review begins immediately. trict's agency action regarding this permit, may request an admin-
Apply to Lisa Clementi, WRB 219, ADA accommodations istrative hearing in accordance with Sections 120.569 and 120.57,
call (813) 974-8694. Position staffed through Sun Dome, Inc. Florida Statutes (F.S.), and Chapter 28-106, Florida Administra-
#14201 OFFICE ASSISTANT, CFS/DARES-FMH. This position provides tive Code (F.A.C.), of the Uniform Rules of Procedure. A request
administrative support and assists in managing office project operations of for hearing must (1) explain how the substantial interests of each
the Florida Positive Behavior Support Project within the Division of Applied person requesting the hearing will be affected by the District's
Research and Educational Support (DARES); manages all logistics for action, or final action; (2) state all material facts disputed by each
project; schedules and coordinates conference calls; designs, establishes person requesting the hearing or state that there are no disputed
and maintains administrative filing system for project(s), including facts; and (3) otherwise comply with Chapter 28-106, F.A.C. A
databases;' performs specialized word processing/spradsheet/graphic
design functions for project(s); coordinates ordering and receipt of request for hearing must be filed with and received by the Agency
supplies; coordinates travel for project staff and trainees; manages project Clerk of the District at the District's Brooksville address, 2379
correspondence and contacts. REQUIRES: HS diploma and four yrs of Broad Street, Brooksville, FL 34609-6899 within 21 days of
project management exp including database management-and meeting publication of this notice (or within 14 days for an Environmental
and travel coordination. Appropriate college coursework or Resource Permit with Proprietary Authorization for the use of
vocational/technical training may substitute at an equivalent rate for the* ng i Sovereign Submerged Lands). Failure to file a request for hearing
required exp. PREFER bachelor's degree in a relate d (Education, Sovereign Submergd Lands). Failure to file a requst or haring
Social Sciences, etc.); exp coordinating training and technical assistance within this time period shall constitute a waiver of any right such
activities of multi person agency; collecting data and managing data sets person may have to request a hearing under Sections 120.569
using MS Word, Excel, Access, and other standard software programs; *** and 120.57, F.S.
exp with the University's PeopleSoft Financials (GEMS) system; organiza-
tional skills; self-management skills. Time Limited Position. Biweekly Because the administrative hearing process is designed to
salary range: $1,035-$1,300. Open until filled; application review begins: formulate final agency action, the filing of a petition means that
03/07/06. Apply to Edita Dautovic, MHC 1102 or the District's final action may be differrent from the position taken
ADA accommodations call.(813)974-11918. by it in this notice of final agency action. Persons whose sub-
#3621 COORDINATOR, INFORMATION/PUBLICATIONS SERVICES stantial interests will be affected by any such final decision of the
(PHOTOGRAPHER), University Relations. Campus photographer and District on the application have the right to petition to become a
visual communications consultant to advance the university's top strate- party to the proceeding, in accordance with the requirements set
gic priorities and strengthens the USF brand through strong photography forth above.
and related visual products. Coordinate, schedule and shoot photos for
communications and marketing materials, as well as prepare images for Mediation pursuant to Section 120.573, F.S., to settle an
print. REQUIRES: Bachelor's degree and two yrs photography related administrative dispute regarding the District's final action in this
exp. Annual salary: negotiable. Open until filled; review begins immedi- matter is not available prior to the filing of a request for hearing.
ately. Apply to Johnny Prugh, ADM 278or ADA
accommodations call (813) 974-1112. TAMPA Southwest Florida
BAY WaterManagement Distnct
TIa m p a .-- -' t w o
fluthoritY '
Do you have investment properties?
Are you finding it difficult to lease your unit? l
Would yoy like to earn more on your investment? "4',i
Do you have units throughout Hillsborough County, such as Valrico, Carrollwood, ,
Town and Country, New Tampa or other areas.
If so, and you are interested in working with the Tampa Housing Authority for the first
time, then come and meet with us at 1529 W. Main Street, Tampa, FL 33607 AND SAVYI
Wednesday, March 8, 2006 at 5:30 pm in the Tampa Housing Authority boardroom. When you buy products made from recycled materials.
Please RSVP by calling (813) 253-0551, ext. 120 or e-mailing xiomarae recycling keeps working. To find out more, call 1-800-CALL-EDF.
If the first session fills we will accept RSVP for Wednesday, March 15, 2006 at 5:30 pm. 1 .NSE
2/24-3/3/06 2T I 4 5 kS. K
Page 22YLA' GACETA/Frid Mr; Mrhi' 3; 2006: -
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed to the can result in sanctions, including dis- following described property as set forth
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- address on record at the clerk's office. missal or striking of pleadings. in said Final Judgment:
THE STATE OF FLORID,. IN AND FOR dress on record at the clerk's office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- DATED: February 9, 2006. LOT 693, BELLMONT HEIGHTS NO.
HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires PAT FRANK 2 AS PER PLAT THEREOF, RE-
CIVIL DIVISION ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of docu- CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 12, PAGE
Case Number: 05-03193 Division: J certain automatic disclosure of docu- ments and information. Failure to comply By: Cynthia Menendez 94, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF
MAXX FINANCIAL, INC., ments and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dis- Deputy Clerk HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA.
Plaintiff, can result in sanctions, including dis- missal or striking of pleadings. 2/17-3/10/06 4T AK/A 3616 CLIFTON STREET EAST,
PV. missal or striking of pleadings. DATED: February 23, 2006. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TAMPA, FL 33610.
JOHN BARNHILL and MARY LOU DATED: February 21, 2006. PAT FRANK THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF If you are a person with a disability who
AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC., CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: Brenda Dudley HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY participate in this proceeding, you are
Defendants. By: Kay Crum Deputy Clerk PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision
NOTICE OF ACTION Deputy Clerk 3-3/3-324/06 4T DIVISION of certain assistance. Please contact the
NOTCE OF ACTION eputy er 3/3-3/24/06 4T06-472 IVISIN: A Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division,
TO: JOHN BARNHILL, curren address N TH CRCUT COURT OF THE DITRICT COURT DV S TION CASFlorida Bar#0712 911 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL
unknown Last known address: IN THE CRCUIT COURT OF THE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION Florida Bar #071911 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252,
1104unknown LaBr st known address: CoegeTHIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, MECKLENBURG COUNTY IN RE: THE ESTATE OF within 2 working days of your receiptof
1104 Brookste Ridge, College IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH NORTH CAROLINA MINNIE MARIE SHIPMAN, this document; if you are hearing or voice
Park, Georgia 30349. COUNTY, FLORIDA 06 CVD 2125 Deceased. impaired, call 1-800-955-8771.
MARY LOU BARNHILL, currentown Case No.: 06-00193 Division: A WlTNESS MY HAND and the seal of
addressnt Case No.: 06-00193 Divisin: A LUZ MILENA ANTHONY, NOTICE TO CREDITORS this Court on February 28, 2006.
address: 1104 Brookstone Ridge, PAULETTE CAMPBELL-HENRY, PLAINTIFF, The administration of the estate of Pat Frank
College Park, Georgia 30349. Petitioner VS. MINNIE MARIE SHIPMAN, deceased, Clerk of the Circuit Court
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action tc and BRIAN WESLEY ANTHONY, File Number 2006-472, is pending in the By: Sandra Glennon
Quiet Title to the following described real DELROY HENRY, DEFENDANT. Circuit Court for Hillsborough County, Deputy Clerk
property in Hillsborough County, Florida: Respondent. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS Florida, Probate Division, the address of Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski
Lot 1, block 5, BENJAMIN'S ADDI- NOTICE OF ACTION FOR BY PUBLICATION which is 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, P.O. Box 25018
TION TO WEST TAMPA, according to DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE OFlorida 33602. The names and address Tamp Frida 33622-5018
the plat thereof recorded in Plat book TO BRAN WESLEY ANTHNY es of the personal representative and the F04012722
1, page 55, Public Records of HilIsbor- Las Kown Address: UNKNOWN T Florida personal representative's attorney are set 3/3-3/10/06 2T
ough County, Floridat Adres UNKNOWN Take notice that a pleading seeking forth below.
has bn d and you are YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action relief against you has been filed in the AII creditors of the decedent and other IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE
has beenfiled against you, and you are has been filed against you and that you above-entitled action. The nature of the ersons having claims or demands THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT
defenses, irve any, to on Hery W. Hick.en are required to serve a copy of your writ- relief being sought is as follows: The paginst decedent's estate, including OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND
Esq., atorney for Plaintiff, whose ad. ten defenses, if any, to it on PAULETTE Plaintiff, LUZ MILENA ANTHONY has unmatured, contingent or unliquidated FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY
dress i 3003 West Azeele Street, Suite CAMPBELL-HENRY, whose address is filed a Complaint seeking an Absolute claims, on whom a copy of this notice is GENERAL CIVIL LAW DIVISION
200, Tampa, Florida 33609, on or before 807 W. Coral St., Tampa, FL 33602, on Divorce. served must file their claims with this CASE NO.: 06-111 DIVISION: A
March 20, 2006, and to file the rioignal or before April 3, 2006, and file the You are required to make defense to court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 IN RE: THE FORFEITURE OF ONE
with the Clerk of this Court either before original with the cerk of this Court at such pleading not later than forty (40) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED THIRTY
service on plaintiff' attorney or immedi- 800 E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL 33602 days after March 3, 2006, (exclusive of FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE DOLLARS AND 00/100 ($1,730.00) U.S.
ately thereafter; otherwise a default will (Room 101), before service on Petitioner said date), and upon your failure to do so, OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF CURRENCY
be entered against you for the relief or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do he party seeking service against you will SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE CLAIMANT: JESSICA MILLER
so, a default may be entered against yoru apply to the Court for the relief sought. ON THEM.
demanded in the Complaint. for the relief demanded in the petition.
The action was instituted in the Circuit ohe ef e in This the 21st day of February, 2006. All other creditors of the decedent NOTICE OF FORFEITURE
Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit of Copies of alld court dcumen at in the SUSANNAGABRIELLA GARZA and other persons having claims or de- PROCEEDING
the State of Florida and is styled: Maxx Clerk of the Circuit Court's offce. You may Attorney for Plaintiff mands against decedent's estte, in- TO: JESSICA MILLER
Financial, Inc. v. John Bamhill, Mary Lou viw hee docment upon reques3547 N. Sharon Amity, Suite 203 cluding unmatured, contingent or un- 6431-8 Drexel Drive
Barnhill and Owens Properties and ee these umet uo rCharlotte, North Carolina 28205 liquidated claims, must file their claims Port Richey, Florida 34668
Management Services, Inc., Hillborough. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS and all persons who claim an interest in:
County Circuit Court Case Number Court's office notified of your current ad- 3/3-3/24/06 4T AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED
05-03193. dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. THIRTY DOLLARS AND 00/100
DATED on February 8, 2006. Family Law Form 12.915.) Fuure paper THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CRCUIT ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE ($1,730.00) US. CURRENCY, seized No-
PAT FRANK in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH FOREVER BARRED. vember 22, 2005, at or near Tarpon
As Clerk of the Court d r e cord at the clrks ofice COUNTY, FLORDA The date of the first publication of this Springs Road and Crawley Road, Odes-
By: Henry Suber, Jr. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Foda Fam- CIVIL ACTION Notice is March 3, 2006. se, in Hillsborough County, Florida.
WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE said
Deputy Clerk 2/24-3/17/06 4T ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires CASENO. 06-000035-CA DIVISION B Personal Representative: property is in the custody of Hilsborough
certain automatic disclosure of docu- WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., JOHN D. MINCEY County Sheriffis Office. Any Claimant
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ments and information. Failure to comply SUCCESSOR BY MERGER FROM 6310 Fitzgerald Road dCon to theriff's Office. Any Claimant
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL ClRCUIT can result in sanctions, including dis- WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, Tampa, FL 33634 above-described property shall serve upon
IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH missal or striking of pleadings. INC., Attorney for Personal Representative: the below-signed attorney any responsive
CIVIL ACTION DATED: March 1, 2006. Plaintiff, CHARLES H. SCRUGGS, III, ESQ. pleadings and affirmative defenses within
CVIL AC iM PAT FRANK vs. 405 W. Azeele Street twenty (20) days after receipt of the Com-
CASE NO. 05-10543-CA DIVISION A CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT SHEILA A. JONES, et al, Tampa, FL 33606 plaint for Forfeiture and Order Finding
WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK, By: Cynthia Menendez Defendant(s). Fla. Bar No. 071911 Probable Cause. (932.703(2)(a)(b)}
Plaintiff, Deputy Clerk 3/3-3/24/06 4T NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE (813)254-9031 3/3-3/10/0621 PLEASE GOVERN YOURSELVES AC-
vs. -- CORDINGLY this 1st day of March,
t(s) THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, closure dated February 28, 2006 and en- THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND D EE
NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH tered in Case NO. 06-000035-CA of the FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY s Sheriff of Hillsborough County
to a Final Judgment of Mortgage Fore- Case No.: 06002803 Division: A cial Circuit in and for HILLSBOROUGH CASE NO. 04-8478 DIVISION: G Attorney for David Gee,
clou datd Feb ry 28, 2006 and ounty, Florida wherein WELLS FARGO es Sheriff of Hillsborough County
entored in C eba NO 05-10543-CA of CESAR MARCOS, BANK, N.A., SUCCESSOR BY MERGER POLCO USA, CORP., 2008 East 8th Avenue
the Circuit Court of the THIRTEENTH Petitioner FROM WELLS FARGO HOME MORT- Plaintiff(s), Post Office Box 3371
Judicial Circuit in and for HILLSBOR- and GAGE, INC., is the Plaintiff and SHEILA vs. Tampa, Florida 33601
OUGH County, Florida wherein WASH- TAMMY T. GIMBLET, A. JONES; are the Defendants, I will sell LILIA BORBA, (813) 247-8102
INGTON MUTUAL BANK, is the Plaintiff Respondent. to the highest and best bidderfor cash at Defendant(s). Florida Bar No. 0399663
and GARY L. WILFONG, JR; JOSEPH 800 E. Twiggs Street, George Edgecomb 3/3-3/10/06 2T
FINANCIAL SYSTEMS, INA; GEICO DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE Tampa, Florida 33602, at 2:00 PM, on th Notice is hereby given that pursuant to a IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE
GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY TO: TAMMY T. GIMBLET 28th day of March, 2006, the following Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered in THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT,
A/S/O JOSEPH TUZZOLINO; are the Last Known Address: Unknown described property as set forth in said the above styed cause, in the Circuit IN AND FOR HIILLSBOROUGH
Defendants, I will sell to the highest and YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action Final Judgment: Court of HILLSBOROUGH County, Flor- COUNTY, FLORIDA
best bidder for cash at 800 E. Twiggs has been filed against you and that you LOT 2, BLOCK 1, CREEKSIDE, ida, will sell the property situate in HILLS- Case No.: 06002208 Division: F
Street, George Edgecomb Courthouse, are required to serve a copy of your ACCORDING TO MAP OR PLAT BOROUGH County, Florida, described as: BLANCA N. AYALA DE ARENA,
2nd Floor, Room 201/202, Tampa, Flor- written defenses, if any, to it on CESAR THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT The West 99 Feet of the East 305 Petitioner
ida 33602, at 2:00 PM, on the 27th day MARCOS, whose address is 735 Provi- BOOK 53, PAGE 46, OF THE PUB- Feet of the South Y2 of Lot 48, of and
of March, 2006, the following described dence Trace Cir. Apt. 203, Brandon, FL LIC RECORDS OF HILLSBOROUGH Jones Addition to Temple Terrace, a
property as set forth in said Final 33511, on or before March 27th, 2006, COUNTY, FLORIDA. according to the Plat thereof, as JOSE VICTOR ARENA-DIAZ,
Judgmenl: and file the original with the clerk of this K/A 13603 FRIAR PLACE TAMPA recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 49, of Respondent.
LOT 6, BLOCK 6, CITRUS POINTE Court at 800 E. Twiggs St., Room 101, FL 33625. Public Rcord of Hisborough NOTICE OF ACTION FOR
UNIT 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT Tampa, FL 33602 or PO Box 3450, Tam- County, Florida. DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE
THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT pa, FL 33601, before service on Petition- If you are a person with a diability who at public sale, to the highest and best JSE VCTOR ARENA-DIAZ
BOOK 57, PAGE 21, PUBLIC REC- er or immediately thereafter. If you fail to needs any accommodation in order o bidder or bidders for cash in the George Last Known Address Unknown
ORDS OF HILLSBOROUGH COUN- do so, a default may be entered against participate in this proceeding, you are E. Edgecomb Courthouse, located at 800
TY, FLORIDA. you for the relief demanded in the petition. titedat no cot o you, o the provision E. Twgg Street, Tampa, Florida in room YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has
A/A 14012 LEMON VALLEY of certain assistance. Pleae contact the 201/202 at 2:00 p.m., on the 23rd Day of been filed against you and that you are
AK/A 14012 LEMON VALLEY PLACE, Copies of all court documents in this Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, March, 2006. required to serve a copy of your written
TAMPA, FL 33625. case, including orders, are available at the 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL defenses, if any, to it on BLANCA N.
Clerk of the Circuit Couros office. You may 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, lf you are a person with a disability who AYALA DE ARENA, whose address is
u n ee a pron with a dibiiy who e documents upon request. within 2 working days of your receipt of needs any accommodation in order to 3468 Justin David Ct., Lakeland, FL
participate in this proceeding, you are You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit this document; if you are hearing or voice participate in this proceeding, you are 3310, on or bfor March 2th, 2006,
entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision Court's office notified of your current ad- impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision d fil, o original with th clrk of this
of certain assistance. Please contact the dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of ofcertain asC co t t Court at 800 E. Twiggs St., Rm. 101 Tam-
Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Divi- dress. Florida Supreme Court Approved this Court on February 28, 2006. Cl8rk of CircuT tourt, r vil pa, FL 33602 / PO Box 3450, Tampa, FL
sion, 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers 800 Eas wiggStreet, Tampa, FL 33601, before service on Petitioner or
33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- Pat Frank 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, immdiately thereafter. If you fail to do so,
within 2 working days of your receipt ol dress on record at the clerk's office. Clerk of the Circuit Court within 2 working day of your receipt of a default may be entered against you for
this document; if you are hearng or voice WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fm- Glnnon hi documnt; i you are hearng or voice the relief demanded in the petition.
impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires Dpu lrk impai ca 1-80Copies of all court documents in this
WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of certain automatic disclosure of docu- Echvarria, Codili & Stawiarski DATED on: February 23, 2006. case, including orders, are available at the
this Court on February 28, 2006. ments and information. Failure to comply P.O. Box 25018 PAT FRANK Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may
PatFrank can result in sanctions, including dis- Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 Clerk of the Court review these documents upon request.
Clerk of the Circuit Court misl or riking of pleading. 3/3-3/10/06 2T By: Sandra Glennon You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit
By: Sandra Glennon DATED: February 17th, 2006. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Deputy Clerk 3/3-3/10/06 2T Court's office notified of your current ad-
Deputy Clerk PAT FRANK THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad-
Echevarria Codili & Stawiarski CLERK OF THE CRCUT COURTIN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH IN THE CRCUIT COURT OF THE dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved
P.. Box 25018 By: Sharon D. Dale COUNTY, FL ORIDA THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers
Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 Dp Chap lerk FRDA IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad-
F05220 33622-5018 Deputy Clerk 2/24-3/17/06 4T Case No.: 06-DR-2271 Division: A COUNTY, FLORIDA dress on record at the clerk's office.
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, Petitioner CASE NO. 2004-9912-CA DIVISION A ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires
COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.: 06-DR-001907 Division: A Respondent. AS NOMINEE FOR WELLS FARGO can result in sanctions, including dis-
Case No.: 06 2940 Division: C KATIE McCLELLAN, NOTICE OF ACTION FOR BANK, NA, missal or striking of pleadings.
Case No.: 06 2940 Division: C KATIE McCLELLAN, NOTICE OF ACTIONFOR Plaintiff FRDATED: February 8th, 2006.
BELKYS M. DIAZ, Petitioner DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE Plainiff, DAT February 8th, 2006.
and MONTE McCLELLAN, Last Known Address: Unknown Defendant(s). By: Sharon D. Dale
ANGEL LUIS DIAZ, Respondent. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has Deputy Clerk 2/17-3/10/06 4T
Respondent. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR been filed against you and that you are NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE
NOTICE OF ACTON FOR DISOLUTION OF MARRTIAGE required to serve a copy of your writ- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant
NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRAGE ten defenses, if any, to it on PATRICIA to a Final Judgment of Mortgage Fore-
DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE TO: MONTE McCLELLAN WASHINGTON, whose address is 1708 N. closure dated February 28, 2006 and en- F r -l t
TO: ANGEL LUIS DIAZ Last Known Address: Unknown Tampania Ave., Apt. B, Tampa, FL 33607, tered in Case NO. 2004-9912-CA of the l t
Last Known Address: UNKNOWN YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has on or before March 20, 2006. and file Circuit Court of the THIRTEENTH Judi-
SYOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action been filed against you and that you are the original with the clerk of this Court at cial Circuit in and for HILLSBOROUGH Classifie
are required to serve a copy of your defenses, if any, to it on KATIE McCLEL- (Room 101), before service on Petitioner ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYS
written defenses, if any, to it on BELKYS LAN, whose address is 2928 Kelly Ridge or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do TEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR WELLS 1#l
M. DIAZ, whose address is 717 W. Green Ln., Tampa, FL 33604, on or before March so, a default may be entered against you FARGO BANK, NA, is the Plaintiff and 1 Legal
St. Apt. #1A, Tampa, FL 33607, on or 27, 2006, and file the original with the for the relief demanded in the petition. EARLENE SCOTT; THE UNKNOWN
before April 3, 2006, and file the original clerk of this Court at 800 E. Twiggs St., Copies of all court documents in this SPOUSE OF EARLENE L. SCOTT; ANY
with the clerk of this Court at 800 E. #101, Tampa, FL 33602, before service case, including orders, are available at the AND ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAM- A dvertisi
Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL, before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may ANG BY, THROUGH, UNDER, AND
on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be en- review these documents upon request. AGAINT THE HEREIN NAMEANT AIN-
you fail to do so, a default may be en- tered against you for the relief demanded You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE,
tered against you for the relief demanded in thepetition. Court's office notified of your current ad- WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES
in the petition. Copies of all court documents in this dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST AS
Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANT- L a G aceta
case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers EES OR OTHER CLAIMANT: TENANT
Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may review these documents upon request. in this lawsuit will be mailed to the #1; TENANT #2 are the Defendants, I will
review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circui' address on record at the clerk's office. sell to the highest and best bidder for 2 4 8
You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office notified of your current ad- WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- cash at 800 E. Twiggs Street, George
Court's office notified of your current ad- dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- ily Law Rules .of Procedure, requires Edgecomb Courthouse, 2nd Floor, Room 2
dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved certain automatic disclosure of docu- 201/202, Tampa, Florida 33602, at 2:00
dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers ments and information. Failure to comoly PM, on the 27th day of March, 2006, the
LA ^ACETA/Friday, Mar;h, 3, 2006/Page 23 .
COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2004-1659 DIVISION A LICATION OF THIS NOTICE. COUNTY, FLORIDA has been filed against you and you are
Case No.: 06002750 Division: E R STATE ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN CIVIL ACTION required to serve a copy of your written
AICase No.: 06002750 Divi : E IN RE: ESTE OF THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN CASE NO.: 06-525-CA DIVISION: E defenses, if any, on or before April 3,
etitioner Deceased. PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER FOR ENCORE CREDIT RECEIVABLES Plaintiffs attorney, whose address is 9119
and NOTICE TO CREDITORS BARRED. TRUST 2005-2 Corporate Lake Drive, Suite 300, Tampa,
JUAN CARLOS ZAPATIER administration of the Estte of NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PE- latiff, Florida 33634, and file the original with
Respondent.. The administration of the Estate of this Cor e f rc PEaPlaintiff,
Respondent. RONALD GEORGE CLARK, deceased, RIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM vs. this Court either before service on Plain-
NOTICE OF ACTION FOR whose date ofdeath was May 14, 2004, is FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE ALEXANDER AKPODIETE, et al, otheise a defaut wil be enteredagate
DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE pending in the Circuit Court for Hillsbor- AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF Defendant(s). you fr the relefdemat w a in the C
TO: JUAN CARLOS ZAPATIER ough County, Florida, Probate Division, DEATH IS BARRED.
Last Known Address: Unknown the address of which is 800 E. Twiggs The date of the first publication of this NOTICE OF ACTION plaint or petition.
YOU ARE NOTED that an action Street, Tampa, Florida 33602. The names notice is March 3, 2006. TO: BIANCA OLIVIA AKPODIETE This notice shall be published once
has been fed aainst you and thato and addreses of the personal represen- Personal Representative: LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: he La Gaceta.
are required o serve a copy of your tative and the personal representativs BILLIE JOLENE COOMER 10417 Canary Isle Drive te a a
written defenses to attorney are set forth below. 5215 Salem Street Tampa, FL 33647 I you are a person with a dsability who
MERINO VELARDE, whose address is All creditors of the decedent and other Tampa, Florida 33624 CURRENT ADDRESS: UNKNOWN needa any accommodatodn in order to
Alrdosf ens toefresa psn v U E D E UK participate in this proceeding, you are
24934 Oakhaven Ct., Oakhaven Ct., Lutz, persons having claims or demands Atorney for Personal Representative: ANY AND ALL UNKNOWN entited, at no cost o you tohe provision
FL 33559, on or before March 27, 2006, against decedent' estate on whom a WILLIAM B. TAYLOR, IV PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, of certain assistance. Please contact the
and file the original with the clerk of this copy of this notice is required to be Florida Bar No. 0144329 UNDER, ANDAGANSTTHE HEREN erkofCircuit Court, CircuiCivil Division
Court at 800 E. Twiggs St., Tampa, FL served must file their claims with this Mactarlane Ferguson & McMullen NAMED INDIVIDUAL DEFENDANT(S) 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL
33603, before service on Petitioner or Cr WTHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS Post Office Box 1531 WHO ARE NOT KNOWN TO BE 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252,
immediately thereafter. I you ail to do so AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST Tampa oria 3601-1531 DEAD OR AVE WHETHER SAID within 2 workin days of your receipt of
a default may be entered against you for PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 Telephone: (813) 273-4228 DEAD OR ALIVE, WHETHER SAID within 2 working days of your receipf of
the relief demanded in the petition. DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE UNKNOWN PARTIES MAY CLAIM this document; it you are hearing or voice
OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. 3/3-3/10/05 2T AN INTEREST AS SPOUSES, impaired, call 1-800-955-8771.
Copies of all court documents in this HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES,
case, including orders, are available at the All other creditors of the decedent and ORWTNESS my hand and the seal of this
Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may other persons having claims or demands THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: UNKNOWN27th day of February, 2006.
review these documents upon request. against decedent's estate must file their THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: UNKNOWN Pat Frank
You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- COUIVIL ACTION YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to By: Henry Sber, Jr.
Court's office notified of your current ad- LICATION OFTHIS NOTICE.ACTON YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to By: Henry Suber, Jr.
dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- AT H R CO I ACTIVN foreclose a mortgage on fha following prop- As Deputy Clark
dres, Florida Suprem Cour Approved ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN CASE NO. 05-11391-CA DVSN C y in HILLSBOROUGH County, Florida: Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski
in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE, PHASE 6 ACCORDING TO THE Tampa, Florida 33622-5018
dress on record at the clerk's office. PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER Plaintiff, MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORD- F05023896 33-3 6
WARNING: Ru 12.285, Florida Fam- BARRED. vs. ED IN PLAT BOOK 77, PAGE 24, 3/3-3/10/06 2T
ments and information. Failure to comply FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE has been filed against you and you are THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND
can result in sanctiors, including dis- AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF TI F FR R required to serve a copy of your written FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY
missal or striking of pleadings. DEATH IS BARRED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant defenses, if any, on or before April 3, JUVENILE DIVISION
DATED: February 16, 2006. The date of the first publication of this to a Final Judgment of Mortgage Fore- 2006, on Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski,
notice is March 3, 2006. closure dated February 21, 2006 and Plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 9119 FFN.: 77829
PAT FRANK entered in Case NO. 05-11391-CA of the Corporate Lake Drive, Suite 300, Tampa CASE ID: 00-12485 DIVISION: G
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Personal Representative: Circuit Court of the THIRTEENTH Judi- Florida 33634, and file e e original with IN THE INTEREST OF:
By: Brenda Dudley EVEN CLARK cial Circuit in and for HLLSBOROUGH this Court either before service on Plain- BARLOW, LAMEISH B/F (dob: 10/25/92)
By: Brnda Dudley 4209 Darleigh Road County, Florida wherein DEUTSCHE tiffs attorney or immediately thereafter, MINOR CHILD.
Deputy Clerk 2/24-3/17/06 4T Baltimore, MD 21236 BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, oherise a defaul will be entered againCHILD
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Attorney for Personal Representative: AS TRUSTEE, is the Plaintiff and WIL- you for the relief demanded in the Com- NOTICE OF AN ADVISORY HEARING
HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY Tampa, Florida 33606 TION SYSTEMS, INC AS NOMINEE This notice shall be published once RGHTS PROCEEDNGS
JUVENILE DIVISION (813) 832-6340 FOR FREMONT INVESTMENT & LOAN; each week for two consecutive weeks in FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT
FFN: 503815 CASE ID: 02-1481 3/3-3/10/06 2T CIATION OF HILLSBOROUGH COUN- If you are a person with a disability who TUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINA-
DIVISION: S IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TY, INC; are the Defendants, I will sell to needs any accommodation in order to TION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THIS
IN THE INTEREST OF: THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT the highest and best bidder for cash at participate in this proceeding, you are CHILD IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON
MCPHERSON, REUBEN 01-22-2002 INAND FOR HILLSBOROUGH 800 E. Twiggs Street, George Edgecomb entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision THIS DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU
A MINOR CHILDREN. COUNTY, FLORIDA Courthouse, 2nd Floor, Room 201/202, of certain assistance. Please contact the MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A
CIVIL ACTION Tampa, Florida 33602, at 2:00 PM, on the Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, PARENT TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THE
NOTICE OF AN ADVISORY HEARING C. 24th day of March, 2006, the following 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL PETITION ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE.
ON A TERMINATION OF PARENTAL CASE NO. 05-011093-CA DIVISION J described property as set forth in said 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, TO: JAMES ALTEMUS (father) or any
RIGHTS PROCEEDINGS WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. AS Final Judgment: within 2 working days of your receipt of possible father of:
FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT TRUSTEE FOR OPTION ONE LOT 1, BLOCK 303, PALM VISTA AT this document; if you are hearing or voice Lameish Barlow, dob: 10/25/92
TUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINA- ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF AS WITNESS my hand and the seal of this that a Petition for Termination of Parental
TION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THIS SERIES 2005-2, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 100, Court on this 27th day of February, 2006. Rights has been filed in the Circuit Court
CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON Plaintiff, PAGES 90 THRU 93, OF THE PUB- Pat Frank of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit of the
THIS DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU vs. LIC RECORDS OF HILLSBOROUGH Clerk of the Court State of Florida, in and for Hillsborough
MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A MARK KARBOWSKI, et al, COUNTY, FLORIDA. By: Henry Suber, Jr. County, Florida, Juvenile Division, alleg-
PARENT TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THE Defendant(s). A/K/A 4918 ANNISTON CIRCLE, As Deputy Clerk ing that the above-named child is a de-
PETITION ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE TAMPA, FL 33647. Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski pendent child and by which the Petitioner
TO: Unknown (Father) If you are a person with a disability who P.O. Box 25018 is asking for the termination of parental
Residence/Whereabouts unknown NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant needs any accommodation in order to Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 rights and permanent commitment of the
YOU WILL PLEASEto a Final Judgment of Morgage Fore participate in this proceeding, you are F06000867 child to the Department of Children and
tha aPetition Terminaton of Paren clour datd February 21, 2006 and en- entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision 3/3-3/10/06 2T Familiesfor subsequent adoption.
that a Petition lor Termination of Parental tered in Case NO. 05-011093-CA of the of certain assistanc. Please contact the YOU ARE HEREBY notified that you
Rights has been filed in the Circuit Court Circuit Court of the THIRTEENTH Judi- of certain assistance. Please contact the YOU ARE HEREBY notified that you
of the Thirteenth Judicialn Circuit Courof the THRTEENTH Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE are required to appear personally on the
of Sha Thirteenth Judicial Circui of h cal Circuio. in and for HILLSBOROUGH 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, 5th day of Apnl, 2006, at 9:00 am., be-
State of Florida, in and for Hil sborough Countyn Foida wherein W ELLS FARGO 83 0 e it o. 2 -e8t 0 m a F T R E O HU CBO OR GU 5th ead of Aprilb 2006, at 9:00 a.m,, be-
e of Florida, n and fr Hllborough County, Florida whrein WELLS FARGO 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH fore the Honorable Herbert J. Baumann,
Couny, Florida Juvenile Division, a leg- B ANK, N.A. AS TRUSTEE FOR OPTION within 2 working days of your receipt of COUNTY, FLORIDA Jr., Judge, at the Hillsborough County
pendenhat child and by whid chd th e Petitioner ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATEST 2005-2 this document; if you are hearing or voice Case No.: 06003102 Division: A (Division G), Courthouse Annex Tower,
pendent child and by which the Petitioner ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SER- impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. 4th Floor, 801 East Twiggs Street, Court
is asking for the termination of parental ES 2005-2, is the Plaintiff and MARK ed 1-800-955-8771. ABELARDO GIRALDO, oo801 East Twiggs Street, Court
rights and permanent commitment of the KARBOWSKI; H & R BLOCK MORT- WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of Petitioner Room #26, Tampa, Florida 33602, to
child to the Department of Children and GAGE CORPORATION; TENANT #1 this Court on February 22, 2006. show cause, if any, why parental rights
Families forsubsequent adoption. N/K/A PATTI COLLINS are the Defend- Pat Frank an shall not be terminated and said child
YOU ARE HEREBY notified that you ants, I will sell to the highest and best Clerk of the Circuit Court JANET SANCHEZ, shall not be permanently committed to the
are required to appear personally on the bidder for cash at 800 E. Twiggs Street, By: Darrell Morning Respondent. Florida Department of Children and Fam-
1st day of June, 2006, at 9:00 a.m., be- George Edgecomb Courthouse, 2nd Floor, Deputy Clerk NOTICE OF ACTION FORe for subequentadoption. You are en
fore the Honorable Katherine G. Essrig, Room 201/202, Tampa, Florida 33602, at Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE this proceeding.
at the Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 East 2:00 PM, on the 20th day of March, 2006, P.O. Box 25018 TO: JANET SANCHEZ proc in
Twiggs Street, 4th Floor. Tampa, Florida the following described property as set Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 Last Known Address: Unknown DATED this 16th day of February. 2006
33602, to show cause, if any, why pa- forth in said Final Judgment: F05023507 2/24-3/3/06 2T YU ARE NOTIFED hat an acon PATFRANK
rental rights shall not be terminated and LOT 10, SINEWOOD, ACCORDING YOU lant AREoOFIE that yaYCLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT
said children shall not be permanently TO MAP OR PLAT THEREOF AS RE- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE hare reqired aga is yo and that you By: Linda Lepelletier
committed to the Florida Department of CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 12, PAGE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL ClRCUITOF t dee i to A o Deputy lerk 2/24-3/17/06 4T
Children and Families for subsequent 88, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND GIRALten defensOs, ifwhoe any, ddreo it on ABELARDO -4-31706 4T
adoption. You are entitled to be repre- HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA. FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY shireDr., Tampa FL 33615, onor before IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE
sented by an attoey at this proceeding. AK/A 8021 NORTH EDISON AVE- JUVENILE DIVISION April 3, 2006, and file the original with the THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF
DATED this 27th day of February, 2006. NUE, TAMPA, FL 33604. FFN.: 500422PC CASE ID: 98-8987 clerk of this Court at 800 E. Twiggs St., THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND
PAT FRANK If you are a person with a disability who 500422PD CASE ID: 98-8987 Tampa, FL 33602 (Room 101), before ser- FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT needs any accommodation in order to DIVISION: D vice on Petitioner or immediately there- JUVENILE DIVISION
By: Linda Lepelletier participate in this proceeding, you are after. If you fail to do so, a default may FFN: 503706 CASE ID: 05-0636
Deputy Clerk 3/3-3/24/06 4T entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision IN THE INTEREST OF: be entered against you for the relief de- DIVISION: C
of certain assistance. Please contact the INFANTE, Monifa (dob 08/30/90) manded in the petition.
IN THE CIRCUT COURT OF THE Cerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, KITURE, Tah'Leek (dob 12/20/94) Copies of all court documents in this IN THE INTEREST OF:
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL MINOR CHILDREN. case, including orders, are available at the ALMARAZ, DAVID W/M (dob: 06/10/05)
IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252; Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may MINOR CHILD.
COUNTY, FLORIDA within 2 working days of your receipt of NOTICE OF AN ADVISORY HEARING review these documents upon request. NOTICEOF AN ADVISORY HEARING
Case No.: 06 03129 Division: B this document; if you are hearing or voice ON A TERMINATION OF PARENTAL You must keep the Clerk of the Circui ON A TERMINATION O PARENTAL
impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. RIGHTS PROCEEDINGS You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit ON A TERMINATION OF PARENTAL
FLOR J. RAMIREZ, impaired, cali 1-800-955-8771. RIGHTS PROCEEDINGS Court's office notified of your current ad- RIGHTS PROCEEDINGS
Petitioner WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- ALUE TO P A A AT
and this Court on February 21, 2006. AT THE ADVISORY HEARING CON- dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved FAILE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT
RCespondent. Clerk of the Circuit Court NATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- TUTES CNENT T THE TERMIN
RespondeBy: Sandra Glennon THESE CHILDREN. IF YOU FAIL TO dress on record at the clerk's office. TION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THIS
TO: MARCO A. BURGOS P.O. Box 25018 LEGAL RIGHTS ASA PARENT TO THE certain automatic disclosure of docu- PARENT TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THE
Last Known Address: UNKNOWN Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 CHILDREN NAMED IN THE PETITION ments and information. Failure to comply PETITN AOTTACHED TO INOTICE
YU ARE NTIFiD tha an ain F05023071 can result in' sanctions, including dis-
hYO ARE NOT l FED that an action F5 1 3/3-3/10/06 2T TO: CARMEN MARIE DIAZ (mother) missal or striking of pleadings. TO: GABRIEL ALMARAZ (father) or any
are required to serve a copy of your IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR Residence/Whereabouts Unknown DATED: February 23, 2006. possible father of:
written defenses, if any, to it on FLOR J. HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE PAT FRANK David Almaraz; dob: 06/10/05
RAMIREZ, whose address is 2313 W. PROBATE DIVISION that a Petition for Termination of Parental CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE
Cordelia St., Tampa, FL 33607, on or Rights has been filed in the Circuit Court Cnhia Mnn that a Petition for Termination of Parental
before April 3, 2006, and file the original File No 06-403 DivisionA of the Thirteenth Judicial Circui of the Clerk Rights has been filed in the Circuit Court
with the clerk of this Court at 800 E. IN RE: ESTATE OF State of Florida, in and for Hillsborough puy 3/3-3/24/06 4T of the Thirteenh Judicial Circuit of the
Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL 33602 (Room TOMMY L. COOMER County, Florida, Juvenile Division, alleg- IN TE C C O State of Florida, in and for Hillsborough
101), before service on Petitioner or ig that the above-named children are de-R C E County, Florida, Juvenile Division, alleg-
11,efrtely shervce o faitione or so, Deceased: pendent children and by which the THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CRCUT
imrnediately thereafter. I you fail to do so, eceas pnd chdre and by whch TRTEENTHJUDICIALCI T ing that the above-named child is a de-
a default may be entered against you for NOTICE TO CREDITORS Petitioner is asking for the termination of IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH pendent child and by which the Petitioner
the relief demanded in the petition. The administration of the estate of parental rights and permanent commit- COUNTY, FLORIDA is asking for the termination of parental
Copies of all court document in this TOMMY L. COOMER, deceased whose ment of these children to the Department CIVIL ACTION righs and permannt commitment of the
case, including orders, are available at the date of deathwas Deceber27, 2005, of Children and Families for subsequent CASE NO.: 06-000021-CA DIVISION: J child to the Department of Children and
Clerk of theCircuit Court's office. You may and whose Social Security Number is a ion. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A., Families for subsequent adoption.
review these documents upon request. 305-96-5373, is pending in the Circuit YOU ARE HEREBY notified that you Plaintiff, YOU ARE HEREBY notified that you
You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Hillsborough County, Florida, are required to appear personally on the vs. are required to appear personally on the
Court's office notified of your current ad- Probate Division, the address of which is 81h day of' March, 2006, at 8:30 a.m., 4h day of Apri 2006 at 9:00 a.m. be-
dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- Post Office Box 1110, Tampa, Florida before the Honorable Jack Espinosa, Jr., TONY JENKINS, e fore th daye Honorable Martha Cook,9:00 am.,t the
dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved 33601-1110. The names and addresses at the Hillsborough County Edgecomb Defndan Hit(s). sborough County Edgecomb Courk, at the-
Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers of the personal representative and the Courthouse, 800 E. Twiggs Street, 4th NOTICE OF ACTION house, 800 E. Twiggs Stree, 4th Floor,
in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- personal representative's attorney are set Floor, Division C Courtroom #411, Tam-ampa,
dress on record at the clerk's office. forth below pa retal LASTKNOWNADDRESS Florida 33602, to show caue,se TO:TONY JENKDivision C courtroom #411, if ampay, why
why parental rights shall not be termi- LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: Florida 33602, to show cause, if arwy. why
WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- All creditors of the decedent and other nated and said children shall not be 4012 Myrtle Ave. parental rights shall not be terminated
ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires persons having claims or demands permanently committed to the Florida Tampa, FL 33603 and said child shall not be permanently
certain automatic disclosure of docu- against decedent's estate on whom a Department of Children and Families for 8202 Bahai Ave committed to the Florida Department of
ments and information. Failure to comply copy of this notice is required to be served subsequent adoption. You are entitled to Tampa, FL 33619 Children and Families for subsequent
can result in sanctions, including dis- must file their claims with this court be represented by an attorney at this CURRENT ADDRESS: UNKNOWN adoption. You are entitled to be repre-
missal or striking of pleadings. WTHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AF- proceeding. sented by an attorney at this proceeding.
DATED: February 23, 2006. TER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLI- YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to
C- ATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS DATED this 3rd day of February, 2006. foreclose a mortgage on the following prop- DATED this 131h day of February, 2006.
By: Cynthia Menendez All other creditors of the decedent and By: Linda Lepelletier ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT By: Linda Lepelletier
Deputy Clerk 3/3-3/24/06 4T other persons h*aving claims or demands Deputy Clerk 2/10-3/3/06 4T THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT Deputy Clerk 2/17-3/10/06 4T
Page 24/LA GACETA/Friday, March 3, 2006
Case No.: 05 2514 Division: E Case No.: 05-10108 Division: D FIDELIO ANTONIO FERNANDEZ, JR. CIVIL ACTION ida 33602, at 2:00 PM, on the 20th day
JUANITA E. MYERS, MARCOS A. VELASQUEZ, Plaintiff, CASE NO. 05-10697-CA DIVISION I o March, 2006, the following described
property as set forth in said Final
Petitioner Petitioner v. LASALLE BANK NATIONAL Judgment:
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action 9502 Windermere Park Cir. #301, CITIFINANCIAL MORTGAGE to a Final Judgment of Mortgage Fore- FL 33556.
has been filed against you and that you Riverview, Florida 33569 COMPANY, INC., F/K/A FORD closure dated February 15, 2006 and If you are a person with a disability who
are required to serve a copy of your writ- YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action CONSUMER FINANCE COMPANY, INC., entered in Case NO. 05-10697-CA of the needs any accommodation in order to
ten defenses, if any, to it on JUANITA E. has been filed against you and that you Defendant. Circuit Court of the THIRTEENTH Judi- participate in this proceeding, you are
cial Circuit in and for HILLSBOROUGH entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision
MYERS, whose address is 502 Julie Lane, are required to serve a copy of your NOTICE OF ACTION County, Florida wherein LSSALLE BANK of certain assistance. Please contact the
Brandon, FL 3511, on or before Mah written efenses, if any,o it on MARCOS TO: Michael Valdez whose last known NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, TRUSTEE, Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Divi-
27. 2006, and file the original with the A VELASQUEZ, whose ad dress i 5903 address is unknown and whose cur- is the Plaintiff and -IGNACIO GARCIA; sion, 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL
clerk of this Court at George E. Edge- N. Armenia Ave., Tampa, FL 33603, on or rent address is unknown. ISABEL D. GARCIA; are the Defendants, 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252,
comb Courthouse, 800 East Twiggs before April 3, 2006, and file the original will seo the highes and bet bidder within 2 working days o your receipt o
Street, 2nd Floor, Tampa, Florida 33602, with the clerk of this Court at 800 E. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an will sell to the highes and best bidder within 2 working days of yur receipt
before service on Petitioner or immedi- Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL 33602 or PO action to quiet title has been filed in for cash at 800 E. Twiggs Street, George this document; if you are hearing or voice
ately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a de- Box 3450, Tampa, FL 33601-3450, be- regards to the following described property Edgecomb Courthouse, 2nd Floor, Room impaired, call 1-800-955-8771.
fault may be entered against you for the fore service on Petitioner or immediately located in Hillsborough County, Florida: 201/202, Tampa, Florida 33602, at 2:00 WITNESS MY HAND and the seal o
relief demanded in the petition. thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default Lot 16, Block 8, MICHIGAN HEIGHTS, PM, on the 17th day of March, 2006, the this Court on February 23, 2006.
Copies of all court documents in this may be entered against you for the relief as per map or plat thereof recorded n saFina d property as set fort Pat Frank
case. including orders, are available at the demanded in the petition. in Plat Book 19, Page 57, of the Pub- a nalClerk of the Circuit Court
Clerk of the Circuit Court's-office. You may Copies of all court documents in this lic Records of Hillsborough County, THE WEST 52.00 FEET OF THE By: Sandra Glennon
review these documents upon request. case, including orders, are available at the Florida. EAST 1108.8 FEET OF THE NORTH Deputy Clerk
You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may has been filed against you. You are 148.00 FEET OF SOUTH 178.00 Echevarra, Codilis & Stawiarski
Court's office notified of your current ad- review these documents upon request. required to serve a copy of your written THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SEC- P.O. Box 25018
dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit defenses, if any, to it on KRISTOPHER E. TION 15 TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH Tampa, Florida 33622-5018
dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved Court's office notified of your current ad- FERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE, whose address RANGE 18 EASTOWNSHILLSBOROUTH, F05022595 33-3 6
Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- is 114 S. Fremont Avenue, Tampa, Florida COUN1Y FLORIDA 3/3-3/10/06 2T
in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved 33606, on or before March 27, 2006, and COUNTY, FLORIDA.
dress on record at the clerk's office. Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers file the original with the Clerk of this Court A/K/A 3415 W. BEACH STREET, IN THE ClRCUT COURT OF THE
WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- either before service on Plaintiff's attor- TAMPA, FL 33607. THIRTEENTH JUDICALSCIRCUIT
ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires dress on record at the clerk's office. ney or immediately thereafter. Other- lf you are a person with a disability who COUNTY, FLORIDA
ertain automatic disclsure of docu- WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- wise, a default will be entered against you needs any accommodation in order to CIVIL ACTION
certain automatic disclosure of docu- WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- for the relief demanded in the Complaint. participate in this proceeding, you are
ments and information. Failure to comply ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires rhe eeema d in he particpat in his proceedingA DISN H
can result in sanctions, including dis- certain automatic disclosure of docu- If you are a person with a disability who entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision CASE NO. 06-000153-CA DIVISION H
missal or striking of pleadings. ments and information. Failure to comply needs any accommodation in order to of certain assistance. Please contact the BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. SUCCESSOR
DATED: February 13, 2006. can result in sanctions, including dis- participate in this proceeding, you are Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, BY MERGER TO NATIONSBANK, N.A.
PAT FRANK missal or striking of pleadings. entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL F/K/A NATIONSBANK, N.A. (SOUTH)
PAT FRANK 4of certain assistance. Please contact the 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, F/K/A NATIONSBANK OF FLORIDA, N.A.,
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT DATED: February 24 2006. Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, within 2 working days of your receipt of Plaintiff,
By: Kay Crum PAT FRANK Room 530, George E. Edgecomb Court- this document; if you are hearing or voice vs.
Deputy Clerk 17-100 4 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT house, 800 E. Twiggs St., Tampa, Florida impaired, calI 1-800-955-8771. MARGUERITE SMITH MORRISON, et al
_________2/17-3/10/06 4T By: Brenda Dudley 33602. Telephone No. 276-8100, Ex. 4365 WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of Defendant(s).
IN THE CIRCUI T COURT F TE Deputy Clerk 33-3/2406 4T within 2 working days of yoUr receipt of this Court on February 16, 2006. NOTCE OF FORECLOSURE SALE
THIRTEENTH JUDICIALOCRUOT, De e 3/3-3/24/06 4T this document; if you are hearing or voice Pat Frank NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE
IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE impaired, cal 800-955-8771. Clerk of the Circuit Court NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant
COUNTY, FLORIDA THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT; Dated: February 22, 2006. By: Darrell Morning to a Final Judgment of Mortgage Fore-
IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH PAT FRANK Deputy Clerk closure dated February 22, 2006 and en-
Case No.: 06-DR-2487 Division: C COUNTY, FLORIDA Clerk of the Court Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski tered in Case NO. 06-000153-CA of the
WILLIAM LEE CHOW, Case No.: 06002206 Division: B By: David Anderson P.O. Box 25018 Circuit Court of the THIRTEENTH Judi-
Petitioner as Deputy Clerk 6 4 Tampa, Frida 33622-5018 cial Circuit ih and for HILLSBOROUGH
an IRMA DUFFY, s Dputy Cerk 2/24-3/17/06 4T F05022050 County, Florida wherein BANK OF AMER-"
LT: CAROL SNGLE N HOW DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE CASE NO. 2004-1504-CA DIVISION E CIVIL ACTION the Defendants, I will sell to the highest
3104 E. Frierson Ave., Tampa, FL 33610 TO: LARRY WAYNE DUFFY MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC CASE NO. 05-11284-CA DIVISION G Srdeet, George Edgcomb CourhouEse,
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has Las Known Address: Unknn REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., 2nd Floor, Room 201/202, Tampa, Flor-
been filed against you and that you are YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has NOMINEE FOR WASHINGTON Plaintiff, ida 33602, at 2:00 PM, on the 23rd day of
required to serve a copy of your writ- been filed against you and that you are MUTUAL BANK, FA, vs. March, 2006, the following described prop-
ten defenses, if any, to it on WILLIAM required to serve a copy of your written Plaintiff, CLYDE R. ROBERTS, et al, erty as set forth in said Final Judgment:
LEE CHOW, whose address is 3104 E. defenseas if any, to it on IRMA DUFFY, vs. Defendant(s). LOTS 5, AND 6, BLOCK 12, HIBIS-
Frers Mn Ave.. Tampa, FL 33610, on or oe addre s 1on or before Mrh A DOUGLAS CLEMENCE AA NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE CUS GARDENS SUBDIVISION, AS
original with the clerk of this Court at 20th, 2006, and file the original with the ARTHUR D. CLEMENCE, e al, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant SHOWN RECORDED IN PLATEREO
800 E. Twiggs St., Rm.101, Tampa, FL clerk of this Court at 800 E. Twiggs St., Defendant(s). to a Final Judgment of Mortgage Fore- BOOK 12 AT PAGE 17, OF THE
33602, before service on Petitioner or Rm. 101, Tampa, FL 33602 / PO Box NOTICE OF RESCHEDULED closure dated February 21, 2006 and en- PUBLIC RECORDS OF HILLSBOR-
immediatelythereafter. f you fail to do so, 3450, Tampa, FL 33601, before service FORECLOSURE SALE tered in Case NO. 05-11284-CA of the OUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA
a default may be entered against you for on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Circuit Court of the THIRTEENTH Judi- A,
the relief demanded in the petition. you fail to do so, a default may be en- an Order Rescheduling Foreclosure Sale cial Circuit in and for HILLSBOROUGH PARCEL ID#: 026951 0000.
Copies of all court documents in his tered against you for the relief demanded dated February 21, 2006 and entered in County, Florida wherein WELLS FARGO A/K/ 3920 WEST HAMILTON AVE-
case includin order, are avaiable the in the petition. Case NO. 2004-1504-CA of the Circuit BANK, N.A., is the Plaintiff and CLYDE R. NUE, TAMPA, FL 33614.
Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may Copies ol all court documents in this Court of the THIRTEENTH Judicial Cir- ROBERTS; BRUSSELS BOY HOME- If you are a person with a disability who
review these documents upon request. case, including orders, are available at the cuit in and for HILLSBOROUGH County, OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC; TENNT need any accommodation in order to
You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may Florida wherein MORTGAGE ELEC- #1 NIK/A TAMRA MURPHY; TENANT participate in this proceeding, you are
Courts office notified o you curren ad review these documents upon request. TRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, #2 DONNY MURPHY are the Defend- entitled, at no cost to you, t the provision
Court's office notified of your current ad- tl, al no cosi lo yau, totha provison
dress; (You may file Notice of Current Ad- You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit INC. AS NOMINEE FOR WASHING- ants, I wil sell to the highest and best of certain assistance. Please contact the
dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved Court's office notified of your current ad- TON MUTUAL BANK, FA, is the Plaintiff bidder for cash at 800 E. Twiggs Street, Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division,
Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- and A. DOUGLAS CLEMENCE A/K/A George Edgecomb Courthouse, 2nd Floor, 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL
in this lawsuit will be mailed to the dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved ARTHUR D. CLEMENCE; HILLSBOR- Room 201/202, Tampa, Florida 33602, at 33602, teiephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252,
address on record at the clerk's office. Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers OUGH COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY 2:00 PM, on the 23rd day of March, 2006 within 2 working days of your receipt of
inWARNING: Rule this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- COMMISSIONERS; TENANT #1 N/K/A the following described property as set this document; if you are hearing or voice
WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florda Fam- dress on record at the clerk's office. LINDA CAPKOCIV are the Defendants, I forth in said Final Judgment: impaired, call 1-800-955-8771.
ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires will sell to the highest and best bidder for LOT 12, BLOCK 4, BRUSSELS BOY, "
certain automatic disclosure ot docu- WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- d WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of
ments and information. Failure to comply ily Law Rules o Procedure, requires cash at 800 E. Twiggs Street, George E. PHASES 1 AND II, ACCORDING TO this Court on February 23, 2006. -
can result in sanctions, including dis- certain automatic disclosure of docu- omb 201/202 Ta usa, d Florida, 33602 at Room THE MAPEC ORDED IN PLAT HEREBOOK 88 Pat Fran
201/202, Tampa, Florida, 33602. al RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 88, Pat Frank
missal or striking of pleadings. ments and information. Failure to comply 00PM, onh29thday of March, 2006 PAGE95, OF THE PUBLC RE Clerk of the Circuit Court
can result in sanctions, including dis- 2:00PM, on the 29th day of Match, 2006, PACE 95, OF THE PUBLIC REC-
DATED: February 13, 2006. mssal orstriking of pleadinung the following described property as set ORDS OF HILLSBOROUGH COUN- By: Sandra Glennon
PAT FRANK m or striing o peading. forth in said Final Judgment: TY, FLORIDA. Deputy Clerk
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT DATED: February 8th, 2006. THE EAST 3/4 OF LOT 16 OF TOGETHER WITH A MOBILE HOME Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski
DepuyCer 2/17-3/10/06 4T By: Sharon D. Dale RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 14, YEAR 2002, MODEL: EAGLE, SN# F05023932 3/3-3/10/06 2T
Deputy Clerk 2/17-3/10/06 4T PAGE 25, OF THE PUBLIC GAFL154A/B/C/86912ET21, TITLE
Case No.: 06 02626 Division: D COUNTY, FLORIDA HOME LOCATED THEREON DE- ERVIEW, FL 33569-6163. Case No.: 06003356 Division: A
MIDALYS LLERENA Case No.: 06002380 Division: F SCRIBED AS A 1994 CARRIE-sability who NANCY BARILLAS
CRAFT DOUBLEWIDE MOBILE If you are a person with a disability who NANCY BARILLAS,
Petitioner PEDRO A.MOLLEDA, HOME WlTH VEHICLE IDENTIFICA- needs any accommodation in order to Petitioner
and Petitioner TION NUMBERS FLFLP70A21652CG participate in this proceeding, you are and
EDGAR A. AMAGUANA-GUANOPATIN, and & FLFLP70B21652CG AND TITLE entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision
Respondent. ERICA L. FREEMAN, NUMBERS 65554042 & 65554041. of certain assistance. Please contact the MAURICIO BARILLAS,
NOTCE F A FClRespondent. Cierk of Circuit Court, Circuil Civil Division, Respondent.
NOTICE OF ACTION FOR Responden. A/K/A 7512 ANNA AVENUE, GIB- 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL NOTICE OF ACTION FOR
TO: EDGAR A. AMAGUANA- DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE If you are a person with a disability who within 2 working days of your receipt of CIO BA
GUANOPATIN TO: ERICA L. FREEMAN needs any accommodation in order to this document; if you are hearing or voice TO:MAURICIO BARILLAS
Last Known Address: UNKNOWN Last Known Address: Unknown participate in this proceeding, you are impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. Last Known Address: 40 Hamilton
entitled, at no cost lo you, to the WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of St., Bridgeport, CT06608
YOU ARE NOTFlED that an action YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action provision of certain assistance. Please this Court on February 23, 2006. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action
has been filed against you and that you has been filed against you .and that you contact the Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit has been filed against you and that you
are required to serve a copy of your writ- are required to serve a copy of your writ- Civil Division, 800 East Twiggs Street, Pat Frank are required l serve a copy of your writ-
ten defenses, i any, to it on MIDALYS ten defenses, if any, to it on PEDRO A. Tampa, FL 33602, tlephone no Clerk othe Cicuit Courten defenses, any, o it on NANCY
LLERENA, whose address is 7410 W. MOLLEDA, whose address is 1500 W. 276-8100, ext. 7252, within 2 working By: Sandra Glennon BARILLAS, whose address is 2038 Bran-
Hanna Ave., Tampa, Florida 33615, on or Highland St., Lot 16, on or before March days of your receipt of this document; if Deputy Clerk don Crossing, Brandon, FL 33511, on or
before March 20, 2006, and file the 20, 2006, and file the original with the you are hearing or voice impaired, cal Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski before April 3, 2006, and file the original
original with the clerk of this Court at 800 clerk of this Court at 800 E. Twiggs St., 1-800-955-8771. P.O. Box 25018 with the clerk of this Court at 800 E.
East Twiggs St., Room 101, Tampa, Flor- #101, Tampa, FL 33602, before service Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 Twiggs St., #101, Tampa FL 33602
ida 33602, before service on Petitioner or on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. I WTNESS MY HAND and the seal of F05023313 before service on Petitioner or immedi-
immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, you fail to do so, a default may be en- this Court on February 21, 2006. 3/3-3/10/06 2T atey thereafter. f youilto do so, a de-
a default may be entered against you for tered against you for the relief demanded Richard Ake RC IT CT RT EeuTTU ma nterd aga you lar tho
the relief demanded in the petition. in the petition. Clerk of the Circuit Court IN THE C UDICRCT COURT OF THE fault may be entered against you for the
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL ClRCUIT relief demanded in the petition.
Copies of all court documents in this Copies of all court documents in this By: Sandra Glennon IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH Copies of all court documents in this
case, including orders, are available at the case, including orders, are available at the Deputy Clerk COUNTY, FLORIDA case, including orders, are available at the
Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may Clerk of the Circuil Court's office. You may Echevarria & Associates, P.A. CIVIL ACTION Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may
review these documents upon request. review these documents upon request. P.O. Box 25018 CASE NO 2005-4087 DIVISION J review these documents upon request.
You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Tampa, Florida 33622-5018E NO2 C A IO N You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit
Court's office notified of your current ad- Court's office notified of your current ad- F4001878 3/3-3/10/06 2T LUEASSE ICORPORATIONA/K/A., Cou'soffice noifd your curren ad
dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- P3aintLff, dress' (You may file Notice of Current Ad-
dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved NOTICE OF INTENTION TO Plaint dres, Florida Suprem Court Approved
Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers REGISTER FICTITIOUS TRADE NAME vs. Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers
in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- JEFFREY J. GEORGE, et al, in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad-
dress on record at the clerk's office. dress on record at the clerk's office. Notice i hereby given that the under- Defendant(s). dres on record at the clerk's office.
signed intend(s) to register with the
WARNING Rule 12.285, Florida Fa WARNNG: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- Florida Department of State, Division of NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam-
crtain aulomati diedosure of dcu- ly Law Rules of Procedis ure, reof docquires Corporations, pursuant to Section 865.09 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires
ments and infomatic Failure to comc etai omatic o- of the Florida Statutes (Chapter 90-267), to a Final Judgment of Mortgage Fore- certain automatic disclosure of docu-
ments an information. Furetocompy ments and information. Failure to comply the trade name of: closure dated February 23, 2006 and mente and information. Failure to comply
can result in sanctions, including dis- can result in sanctions, including dis-( 9-6 ^S % a i s
missal or striking of pleadings. missal or striking of pleadings. Greater Bay Title entre in Case NO. 2005-4087 of he can result in s tions, incuding dis-
Circuit Court of the TH.IRTEENTH Judi- missal or striking of pleadings.
DATED: February 14,2006. DATED: February 10, 2006. Address: cial Circuit in and for HILLSBOROUGH DATED: February 27, 2006.
PAT FRANK PAT FRANK 400 North Tampa Street, Suite 2125, County, Florida'wherein BLUE VIEW PAT FRANK
By: Cynthia Menendez By: Brenda Dudley Owner: Greater Bay Title, LLC INC, is the Plaintiff and JEFFREY J.
DeputyClerk /64T Deputy Clerk 4T Manager: Linda M. Michaels GEORGE; MARISA J. GEORGE; THE By: Brenda Dudey
eputy Cler 2/17-3/10/064T 2/17-3/10/06 4T 3/3/06 1T UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: are the Deputy Clerk 3/3-3/24/06 4T
LA GACETA/Friday, March 3, 2006/Page 25
IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH PROBATE DIVISION 200, Tampa, Florida 33609, on or before County, Florida wherein WELLS FARGO IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH
COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA File No. 05-2284 March 20, 2006, and to file the original BANK, NA SUCCESSOR BY MERGER COUNTY, FLORIDA
FAMILY LAW DIVISION with the Clerk of this Court either before TO WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, Case No.: 06 02322 Division: B
Case No.: 06002656 Division: D IN RE: ESTATE OF service on plaintiffs attorney or immedi- INC., is the Plaintiff and DANIEL S. DIAZ; ase : 32 vso
asRALPH W. BUZBEE, ately thereafter; otherwise a default will WANDA D. DIAZ; are the Defendants, I ENRIQUE MACASSI,
IN RE: THE MARRIAGE OF: Deceased. be entered against you for the relief will sell to the highest and best bidder for Petitioner
GERARDO A. CHANCALAY, demanded in the Complaint. cash at 800 E. Twiggs Street, George and
Petitioner NOTICE TO CREDITORS The action was instituted in the Circuit Edgecomb Courthouse, 2nd Floor, Room YANETT R. SILVA CALDAS,
and The administration of the estate of Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit of 201/202, Tampa, Florida 33602, at 2:00 Respondent.
CAROLINA QUINONES, RALPH W. BUZBEE, deceased, whose the State of Florida and is styled: Maxx PM, on the 16th day of Mareh, 2006, the
Repndent. date of death was November 29, 2004, is Financial, Inc. v. John Barnhill, Mary Lou following described property as set forth NOTICE OF ACTION FOR
spn pending in the Circuit Court for Hillsbor- Barnhill and Owens Properties and in said Final Judgment: DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE
NOTICE OF ACTION FOR ough County, Florida, Probate Division, Management Services, Inc., Hillsborough LOT 3, BLOCK 5, SUGARWOOD TO: YANETT R. SILVA CALDAS
DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE the address of which is P.O. Box 1110, County Circuit Court Case Number GROVE, ACCORDING TO MAP OR Last Known Address: UNKNOWN
TO: CAROLINA QUINONES Tampa, Florida 33601. The names and 05-03193. PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action
Last Known Address: Unknown addresses of the personal representative DATED on February 8, 2006. PLAT BOOK 49, PAGE 44, OF THE has been filed against you and that you
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action and the personal representative's attor- PAT FRANK PUBLIC RECORDS OF HILLSBOR- are required to serve a copy of your writ-
has been filed against you and that you ney are set forth belowAs Clerk of the Court OUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA. ten defenses, if any, to it on ENRIQUE
are required to serve a copy of your writ- All creditors of the decedent and other By: Henry Suber, Jr. A/K/A 5611 FULLMAR DRIVE, TAM- MACASSI, whose address is 303 N. Ster-
ten defenses, if any. to it on GERARDO persons having claims or demands Deputy Clerk PA, FL 33625. ling Ave., Tampa, FL 33609, on or before
A. CHANCALAY, whose address is 4714 against decedent's estate on whom a 2/24-3/17/06 4T March 20, 2006, and file the original with
N. Habana Ave., Apt. 215, Tampa, Flori- copy of this notice is required to be served If you are a per on with a diability who h crk of this Court at 800 E. Twiggs
da 33614, on or before March 271th, 2006, must file their claims with this court IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE needs any accommodation in order to Street, Tampa, FL 33602 (Room 101), be-
and file the original with the clerk of this WITHIN THE LATER OF3 MONTHS AF- THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT participate in this proceeding, you are fore service on Petitioner or immediately
Court at 800 E. Twiggs Street, Room 101, TER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLI- IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH entitled, at no cost to yo.u, to the provision thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default
Tampa, FL 33602 or PO Box 3450, Tam- CATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS COUNTY, FLORIDA of certain assistance. Please contact the may be entered against you for the relief
pa, FL 33601-3450, before service on AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A CIVIL ACTION Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, demanded in the petition.
Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. CASE NO. 2005-5350-CA DIVISION H 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL Copies o all court documents in thi
fail to do so, a default may be entered All other creditors of the decedent and E33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, Copias of sl cour e docuaaae in thi
fait do so. a defaultmaye ientere AI otherceors the d eand dWELLS FARGO BANK, NA S/B/M within 2 working days of your receipt of case, including orders, are available at the
against you for the relief demanded in the other persons having claims or demands WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, this document; if you are hearing or voice Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may
petition. against decedent's estate must file their INC., impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. review these documents upon request.
Copies of all court documents in this claims with this court WTHIN 3 MONTHS Pl WITNESS MY HAND and the sea You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit
case, including orders, are available at the AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- ainiff WTNESS MY HAND and the seal of notifi e of curr
Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may LICATION OF THIS NOTICE. vs. this Court on February 15, 2006. dress. (You may filed Notic of Current Ad-
review these documents upon request. ALL CLAIMS NOT FJLED WITHIN TRAV J. COY, al, Pat Frank dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved
You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN Defendant(s). Clerk of the Circuit Court Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers
Court's office notified of your current ad- SECTION 733.702 OF THE. FLORIDA NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE By: Sandra Glennon in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad-
dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant Deputy Clerk dress on record at the clerk's office.
dress- Florida Supreme Court Approved BARRED. N pursuant
dress Florida Supreme Court Approved BARRED to a Final Judgment of Mortgage Fore- Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam-
Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PE- closure dated February 16, 2006 and P.O. Box 25018 ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires
in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- RIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM entered in Case NO. 2005-5350-CA of Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 certain automatic disclosure of docu-
dress on record at the clerk's office. FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE the Circuit Court of the THIRTEENTH F05017637 2/24-3/3/06 2T ments and information. Failure to comply
WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF Judicial Circuit in and for HILLSBOR- can result in sanctions, including dis-
ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires DEATH IS BARRED. OUGH County, Florida wherein WELLS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE missal or striking of pleadings.
certain automatic disclosure of docu- The date of the first publication of this FARGO BANK, NA S/B/M WELLS THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, DATED: February 9, 2006.
ments and information. Failure to comply notice is March 3, 2006. FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, INC., is the IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH PAT FRANK
can result in sanctions, including dis- Personal Representative: Plaintiff and TRAVIS J. COY; are the De- COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT
missal orstrikingof pleadings. DENNIS J. TRACY fendants, I will sell to the highest and best Case No.: 06001692 Division:A By: Cynthia Menendez
DATED: February 15th, 2006. 229 Pensacola Road bidder for cash at 800 E. Twiggs Street, DepuCt ClerkMene
PAT FRANK Venice, Florida 34285 George Edgecomb Courthouse, 2nd MIGUEL ANGEL RODRIGUEZ, 2/17-3/10/06 4T
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Attomey for Personal Representative: Floor, Room 201/202, Tampa, Florida Petitioner IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE
By: Sharon D. Dale DENNIS J. TRACY, ESQUIRE 33602, t 2:00 P, on the h day o and THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT
Deputy Clerk 2/24-3/17/06 4T Attorney for Dennis J. Tracy May, 2006, the following described prop- CLARA GUTIERREZ, IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH
Florida Bar No. 176558 erty as set forth in said Final Judgment: Respondent. COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA
Case No.: 06 02055 Division: B 3/3-3/10/05 2T 78, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF Last Known Address: Unknown ALEJANDRO MARTINEZ SANCHEZ,
Petiti onSr IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR A/K/A 912 COADE STONE DRIVE, has been filed against you and that you
ionerHILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA SEFFNER, FL 33584 are required to serve a copy of your writ- and
BRENDA SETTLES, If you are.a person with a disability who ANGEL RODRIGUEZ, whose address is Respondent.
Respondent. File No. 0205 Division: A needs any accommodation in order to 7811 Social Circle #B, Tampa, FL 33614, NOTICE OF ACTION FOR
IN RE: ESTATE OF participate in this proceeding, you are on or before March 13th, 2006, and file DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE
NOTICE OF ACTION FOR RICHARD MARVIN WHITACRE, entitled, at no cos to you to the provision the original with the clerk of this Court at : MSLAYDE RODRGUEZ LEYVA
DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE Deceased. 'of certain assistance. Please contact the 800 E. Twiggs St., Room #101, Tampa T: MISLAYDE RODRGUEZ LEYVA
TO: BRENDA SETTLES Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, FL 33602 or PO Box 3450, Tampa, FL Last Address: Unknown
Last Known Address: UNKNOWN NOTICE TO CREDITORS 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL 33601-3450, before service on Petitioner YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action The administration of the estate of 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do been filed against you and that you are
has been filed against you and that you RICHARD MARVIN WHITACRE, de- within 2 working days of your receipt of so, a default may be entered against you required to serve a copy of your written
are required to serve a copy of your writ- ceased, whose date of death was Decem- this document; if you are hearing or voice for the relief demanded in the petition. defenses, if any, to it on: ALEJANDRO
ten defenses, if any, to it on MARVIN E. ber 1, 2005, is pending in the Circuit Court impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. Copies of all court documents in this MARTINEZ SANCHEZ, whose address is:
SETTLES, whose address is 4009 W. for HILLSBOROUGH County, Florida, WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of case, including orders, are available at the 416 Adelia Ave., Sarasota, Florida 34236,
Nassau St., Tampa, FL 33607, on or Probate Division, the address of which is this Court on February 16, 2006. Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may on or before March 13, 2006, and file the
before March 20, 2006, and file the 800 E. Twiggs St., Tampa. The names Pat Frank review these documents upon request. oig with te clerk of this lourt t 800
ginal with th clerk of this Court a 800 and addresses of the personal represen- Clerk of the Circuit Court You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit service on Petitioneror immediately there-
E. Twiggs St., Room 101, Tampa, FL tative and the personal representative's By: Sandra Glennon Court's office notified of your current ad- after. If you fail to do so, a default may be
33602. before service on Petitioner or attorney are set forth below. Deputy Clerk dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- entered against you for the relief demand-
immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved ad in tha ptition.
a default may be entered against you for All creditors of the decedent and other Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski Fed in the petition.
the relief demanded in the petition. persons having claims or demands P.O. Box 25018 in thFamily Law Forwil 12.91.) Future papers Copies of al court document in thi
Coie of l cour documnt hi against decedents estate, on whom a Tampa. Florida 33622-5018 dres en racord st fha clerks office. case, including orders, are available at the
Copies of afl court documents in this c of t i s e d oF 0 2 5 'dresson record atthe l erksoffice.e
case, includin orde are available at t thi noice s requird t be F05010725 -/Clerk of t3he Cr cui Cours ofice. You Fmay
Clerk of the ircuit Court's office; You may served must fila their claims with this court 2/24-3/3/06 2T WARNING: Rule 12.285, Floda Fam- review these documents upon request.
reiew othe documentL s upon request. WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS ily-Law Rules of Procedure, requires
reviewthse ocu p r AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE certain automatic disclosure of docu- You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit
You must keep the Clerk of the Circui PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, ments and information. Failure to comply Courts office notified of your current ad-
Court's office notified of your current ad- DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH can result in sanctions, including dis- dress (o may file Notice o Curent Ade
dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- F A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. COUNTY, FLORIDA missal or striking of pleadings. Famiy Law Form 12.91.) Futurt Aapers
drass, Florida Supremo Court Approved
Family Law Form 12.915) Future papers AI other creditors of the decedent and Case No.: 06 03314 Division: B DATED: January 31st, 2006. in this lawsuit will be mailed to the
n this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- other persons having claims or demands CARMEN BONILLA, PAT FRANK address on record at the clerk's office.
dress on record at the clerk's office. against decedents estate must file their Petitioner CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT WARNING: Rule 12.285. Florida Fam-
WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS and By: Sharon D. Dale ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires
jly Law Rules of Procedure, requires AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST HENRY PORFIRIO VALDEZ, Deputy Clerk 2/10-3/3/06 4T certain automatic disclosure of docu-
certain automatic disclosure of docu. PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. Respondent. ments and information. Failure to comply
ments and information. Failure to compl ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR can result in sanctions, including dis-
can result in sanctions, including dis THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN NOTICE OF ACTION FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA missal or striking of pleadings.
missal or striking of pleadings. SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE PRQBATE DIVISION DATED: February 7, 2006.
By: Cynthia Menendez RIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM has been filed against you and that you CATHERINE E. DRABIK, Deputy CBerk nda
SFLED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE are required to serve a copy of your Deceased. 2/17-3/10/06 4T
BONILLA, whose address is 12227 N.
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE DEATH IS BARRED. 15th St., Tampa, FL 33612, on or before The administration of the estate of THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT,
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, The date of first publication of this April 3, 2006, and file the original with the CATHERINE E. DRABIK, deceased, IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH
IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH notice is: February 24, 2006. clerk of this Court at 800 East Twiggs St., whose date of death was February 7, COUNTY, FLORIDA
COUNTY, FLORIDA Personal Representative: Room 101, Tampa, Florida 33602, be- 2006; File Number 06-448, is pending in Case No.: 06 02086 Division: E
Case No.: 06002657 DANE W. SMITHi fore service on Petitioner or immediately the Circuit Court for HILLSBOROUGH
MELSSA CARO, 10923 Orange Grove Drive thereafter. you fail to do so, a default County, Ronda, Probate Division, the ad- JASMINE Y. RIEGA,
MELISSA A. CASTRO, Tampa, Florida 33618-3940 may be entered against you for the relief dress of which is 800 E. Twiggs Street, Petitioner
Petitioner demanded in the petition. Tampa, FL 33601. The names and ad- and
and Attomey for Personal Representative: ies of dresses of the personal representative RUBEN K. RIEGA
ROBERTOASTRO JR. AUL E. RIFFEL ESQUE Copis of al court documents in thi and hes ersonarepresentative's attor- Rponden, incudin order, are available at the ney are setforth becwresetatvs or espondent.
Respondant. Attorney for DianeW. Smith Clerk of the Circuit Courts office. You may
Florida Bar No. 352098 review these documens un request. All creditors of the decedent and other NOTICE OF ACTION FOR
NOTICE OF ACTION FOR 1319 W. Fletcher Avenue review ocqu persons having claims or demands DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE
DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE Tampa FL33612 ou stkeep the Cerk of the Circuit againt decedent estate, n whom a TO: RUBEN K. RIEGA
TO: ROBERTO CASTRO JR. (13) 265-1185 Court' ofice notied of yourrent ad- copy of this notice is required to be served Last Known Address: UNKNOWN
Last Known Address: Unknown 2/24-3/306 2T des. (Youmay file Noice of Current Ad- must file her claims with thi court WITH- YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has
an aen dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved IN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER b e N ty anato a
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICA- been filed against you and that you are
has been filed against you and that you THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- TION OF THI NOTICE OR 30 DAYS required to serve a copy of your written
are required to serve a copy of your writ- THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR dress on record at the clerk's office. AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A defenses, if any, to it on JASMINE Y.
ten defenses, if any, to it on MELISSA A. HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. RIEGA, whose address is 6722 W. Riv-
CASTRO, whose address is 12818 Cedar CIVIL DIVISION ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires ther credtors o the decede erchase Dr. Temple Terrace, FL 33637,
Forest Dr. #106, Tampa, FL 33625, on or Case Number: 05-03193 Division: J ceran automatic diclosure of docu- on or before March 13, 2006, and file
before March 27h, 2006, and file the Case Number: 05-03193 Divisin: J ceran aumc dand oher perons havn claim o de- th original with the clerk of hi Curt at
original with the clerk of this Court at 800 MAXX FINANCIAL, INC., can ret information. ailure comply mands against decedentfs estate, must 800 E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL 33602
E. Twiggs St., Room 101, Tampa, FL Plaintiff, can result in sanctions, including dis- file their claims with this Court WITHIN 3 8REm 101), before srvice Petitioner
33602. before s orvice on Peti tioner or missal or striking of pleadings. MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE- r imm at)e ervice on P eiti do
immediately thereatser. If you fail to do so. DATED: February 27. 2006. F or immediately thereaffer. ff you rail to do
mmediately hereafter. you fail todo so, JOHN BARNHILL and MARY LOU D: ruay FIRST PUBLICATION OF HIS NOTICE. so, a default may be entered against you
a default may be entered against you for BARNHILL, and OWENS PROPERTIES PAT FRANK ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN for the relief demanded in the petition.
the relief demanded in the petition. AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC., CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN Copies of all court documents in this
Copies of all court documents in this Defendants. By: Cynthia Menendez SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA case, icludin orders, ar available at the
case, including orders, are available at the Deputy Clerk PROBATE CODE WlLL BE FOREVER case, ircluding rdr, are availabl t the
Clerk of the Circuit Court' office. You may NOTICE OF ACTION put erk3/3-3/24/06 4T BARRED. Clerk of th Crcuit Curt' office. Yu may
review these documents upon request. TO: JOHN BARNHILL, current address IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PE- review these documenls upof request.
You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit unknown Last known address: THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT RIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit
Court's office notified of your current ad- 1104 Brookstone Ridge, College IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH FILED TWO (2)- YEARS OR MORE Court's office notified of your current ad-
dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- Park, Georgia 30349. COUNTY, FLORIDA AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad-
dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved MARY LOU BARNHILL, current CIVIL ACTION DEATH IS BARRED. dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved
Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers address unknown Last known CASE NO. 05-07744-CA DIVISION H The date of the first publication of this in this lawuit will be mailed to the ad-
in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- address: 1104 Brookstone Ridge notice is March 3, 2006.n t e l f
dres on rcord at the clerk's office College Park, Georgia 30349. WELLS FARGO BANK, NA Pdress on record t the clerk's office.
WARNING: Rule 12.285s Florida Fam- SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO WELLS Personal Representative: WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam-
lyARNNG: w Rule Proced12.285, Florida Fresm- YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, INC., GE106 Meadowlark LaMne ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires
certainQuiet Title to the following described real Plaintiff, eer L certain automatic disclosure of docu-
certain automatic disclosure of docu- property in Hillsborough County, Florida: Sun City Center, FL 33573
ments and information. Failure to comply propery in Hiborough unty Florida vs. ments and information. Failure to comply
can result in sanctions, including dis- Lot 1, block 5, BENJAMIN'S ADDI- DANIEL S. DIAZ, et al Attorney for Peronal Represetatve: can result in sanctions, including dis-
missal or striking of pleadings. TION TO WEST TAMPA, according to Defendant(s). FlDENNIS V. NYMARK missal or striking of pleadings.
DATED: February Sth 2006. the plat thereof recorded in Plat book Florida Bar No. 059239
DATED: February 15th, 2006. 1, page 55, Public Recbrds of Hillsbor- NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE DENNIS V. NYMARK PA DATED: February 7.2006.
PAT FRANK ough County, Florida. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant 110 S. Pebble Beach BIvd. PAT FRANK
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT has been filed against you, and you are to a Final Judgment of Mortgage Fore- TeSun Citylephone: (813) 6L343-8447 By: CLERK F THE CRCUIT COURT
By: Sharon D. Dale required to serve a copy of your written closure dated February 14, 2006 and Telephone: (813) 634-8447 By: Cynthia Menendez
:;. O.Pp,utyPY Ierk 2/24-3/17/06 4T defenses, if any, to it on Henry W. Hick, -entqrqd, ir Case NO. 05-07744-CA Qfthea ,./3-3/10/0,6 2T! Deputy ,lerk,, ,- i:,2/.1023/3/06'4T
Paage6 C.ACA T4FrFidda ay, yarcch3,,2.0Q6
IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH is based shall state that no such facts are TWENTY-FIVE (25) FEET SOUTH IN AN FOR HILLSBOROUGH
COUNTY, FLORIDA in dispute and otherwise shall contain the AND TWO HUNDRED TWENTY (220) COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA By: Cynthia Menendez
CIVIL ACTION same information as set forth above as FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST FAMILY LAW DIVISION Deputy Clerk
CASE NO. 06-000072-CA DIVISION G required by Rule 28-106.301. CORNER OF SOUTH 1/2 OF NORTH- 217-310/06 4T
CASEN.060000Because the administrative hearing pro- EAST 1/4 OF SOUTHEAST 1/4, AND CASE NO.: 0602194 DIVISION: E
JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. AS cess is designed to formulate final agency RUN SOUTH 160.3 FEET WEST 200 N RE: THE MARRIAGE OF: SHERIFF'S SALE
TRUSTEE, action, the filing of a petition means that FEET, NORTH 160.3 FEET, AND NOVILLO Case Number: 99-958-CC
Plaintiff, the EPC's final action may be different EAST 200 FEET TO THE BEGINNING, Petitioner er b rue eu ue
vs. from the position taken by it in this notice SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 28 SOUTH, Ptitionr Undr and by virtue o Exacution Cosued
LORSHAWN VICKERS, et al, of intent. Persons whose substantial in- RANGE 19 EAST, RECORDED IN and ourt o and under th Sea o the County
Defendant(s). terests will be affected by any such. final VOLUME 1685 PAGE 344, HILLS- NATHAN E. MCREYNOLDS, Cour in and for Hillsborough County,
NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE decision of the EPC on the application BOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA, Respondent.crtain caus wherinAdvocate Invest-
have the right to petition to become a party RECORD OF DEEDS; NOTICE OF ACTION FOR ment Corp., Plaintiff, and Robert Mittlieder
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the proceeding, in accordince with the AND DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE and Nora Mittlieder, Defendants. I have
to a Final Judgment of Mortgage Fore- requirements set forth above. PARCEL "C": TO: NATHAN E. MCREYNOLDS levied on and will on March 28, 2006 the
closure dated February 21, 2006 and en- Mediation under section 120.573, F.S., is THE WEST 1/2 OF THE FOLLOWING Last Address: Unknown same being a legal sales day, at 11:00
tered in Case NO. 06-000072-CA of the not available in this proceeding. DESCRBED PAREL; THAT TRACT YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an acion am. offer for sale at 700 E. Twiggs St.,
Circuit Court of the THIRTEENTH Judi-
cial Circuit in and for HILLSBOROUGH This action is final and effective on the OF LAND BEGINNING 25 FEET has been filed against you and that you Sheriffs Office, 3rd Floor, Court Process
County, Florida wherein JPMORGAN date filed with the Clerk of the EPC unless SOUTH AND 220 FEET WEST OF are required to serve a copy of your writ- Section, Tampa, Florida, and sell to the
CHASE BANK, N.A. AS TRUSTEE is a petition is filed in accordance with above. THE N.E. CORNER OF THE SOUTH ten defenses, if any, to it on: SARA 1. highest and best bidder, for cash, subject
the Plaintiff and LORSHAWN VICKERS; Upon the timely filing of a petition this HALF OF THE N.E. 1/4 OF THE S.E. NOVILLO, whose address is: 2701 W. to al prior liens or encumbrances the
JOYCELYN VICKERS; DAIMLER CHRYS- order will not be effective until further order 1/4, SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 28 Waters Ave., Apt. 107, Tampa, Florida following described Personal Property, in
LER SERVICES NORTH AMERICA, LLC of the EPC. SOUTH, RANGE 19 EAST, AND RUN 33614, on or before March 13, 2006, and Hillsborough County, Florida, to-wit:
F/K/A CHRYSLER FINANCIAL CORPO- Any party to this order has the right to WEST 100 FEET THENCE SOUTH file the original with the clerk of this Court All Rights, Title and Interest of Property
RATION; are the Defendants, I will sell to seek judicial review of it under Section 160.03 FEET, THENCE EAST 100 at 800 E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, Florida, Belonging to:
the highest and best bidder for cash at 120.68 of the Florida Statutes, by filing a FEET AND THENCE NORTH 160.03 before service on Petitioner or immedi- Nora Mittlieder
800 E. Twiggs Street, George Edgecomb notice of appeal under rule 9.110 of the FEET TO POINT OF BEGINNING, ately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a Property#1
Courthouse, 2nd Floor, Room 201/202, Florida rules of Appellate Procedure with the BEING IN HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, default may be entered against you for Description of Property:
Tampa, Florida 33602, at 2:00 PM, on th EPC's Legal Office at 3629 Queen Palm FLORIDA, the relief demanded in the petition. 2005 White Nissan Titan Pickup Truck
23rd day of March, 2006, the following Dr., Tampa, Florida 33619 and with the COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 4907 E. Copies of all court documents in this Vin Number: 1N6BA07A55N517855
described property as set forth in said clerk of the Department of Environmental IDLEWILD AVENUE, case, including orders, are available at the Property #2
Final Judgment: Protection in the Office of General Coun- at public sale, to the highest and best Clerk of the Circuit Courts office. You may Description of Property:
LOTS 3 AND 4, IN BLOCK 10 OF sel, Mail Station 35, 3900 Commonwealth bidder, for cash, at the George Edge- review these documents upon request. 2004 Brown Chevrolet Blazer
REVISED MAP OR DRUID HILLS, Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399- comb Courthouse located at 800 E. Twiggs You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Vin Number: 1GNCS13X64K107948
ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT 3000, and by filing a copy of the notice of Street, Room 201/202, Tampa, Florida, at Court's office notified of your curren ad- Sored
THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT appeal accompanied by the applicable filing 2:00 o'clock P.M., on March 24, 2006. dress. (You may fle Noic of Current Ad- Suntate Towing
BOOK 25, PAGE 33, OF THE PUB- fees with the appropriate dstrict court of
LIC RECO)RS OF H3LLSBOROUGH appeal. The noice must be filed within f you are a person with a disability who dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved 3800 Florida Avenue
LIC RECORDS OF HILLSBOROUGH ahnay ae t ie Sm tld wii n sany accommodation in order to Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers Tampa, FL
COUNTY, FLORIDA. thirty days after this order is filed with the needs any accommodation in order to Family Law Form 12.915.) Futurpaper Tapa, FL
S8 OR clerk of the Department. participate in this proceeding, you are in this lawsuit will be mailed to the 874-9895
A/K/A 8745 NORTH 48TH STREET, Te ote p t ailable for entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision address on record at the clerk's office. Sold to satisfy said execuion and costs.
TAMPA FL 33617. The complete project fil is availabl r of certain assistance. Please contact the WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- Mche. Dnkn, P.A.
f you are a prson wih a disability who ublic inspecton during normal bsiness Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division y Law Rules of Procedu, requires tnn
neeIfd are a person with a diability who hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL 33602, crin auomatc diclosure of docu- orny r Asignee
ned any accommodation in order to throgh Friday, except legal holidays, at the telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, er aom ti lre c DAVID GEE, SHERIFF
participate in thisproceeding, you are Environmental Protection Commission of 2 working days of your receipt of athis e nd ion iuh County, Florida
entitled, at no costto you, to the provision HillboIough County, 3629 Queen Palmcan result in sanctions, including dis-
of certain assistance Please onta Dsbugh Couny 329 een Pm document; if you are hearing or voice missal or striking o pleadings. Yolanda R. Corrales, D.S.
rof Crcui courCcu Civi Dvison Dr., Tampa, Florida 33619. The complete impaired, call 1-800-955-8771.
Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, project fileincldes the proposed Perm t, DATED: February 8, 2006. 2/24-3/17/06 4T
800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL theapplication, and the nformation sub Dated this 22d day of February, 2006. DAD
33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252 mitted by the responsible official, exclusive PATFRANK NOTE OF PUBLIC HEARNG
within 2 working days of your receiptof mitted bythe responsible official, exclusive PAT FRANK NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
this document; if you are hearng or voic of confidential records under Section Clerk o the Circuit Court As a result of being unable to effectuate certified mail notice to violators of the City
impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. 403.111, F.S. Interested persons may By: Sandra Glennon Code, notice is hereby given that a Tampa Municipal Code Enforcement Hearing Master
SMY HAND and the seal contact Alice H. Harman, P.E., at the eputy C 3/3-3/10/06 2T has scheduled a public hearing on March 15, 2006, at 9:00 a.m. to hear the below
WITNESS MY HAND andhe seal above address, or calI 813-627-2600, for listed cases which are in violation of the City of Tampa Code. Information listed below
this Court on February 23, 2006. additional information. Any written com- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE describes the case number, property owner(s), violation address, code section violated,
Pat Frank ments filed shall be available for public THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT and legal description of subject property in that order. The hearing will be held in the
Clerk of the Circuit Court inspection. If written comments received IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH Tampa City Council Chambers, 315 E. Kennedy Blvd., 3rd Floor, Tampa, Florida.
By: Sandra Glennon result in a significant change in the pro- COUNTY, FLORIDA
Deputy Clerk posed agency action, the EPC shall revise CIVIL ACTION Affected property owners will be given the opportunity to discuss the alleged violations.
Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski the proposed permit and require, if applica- CASE NO.: 06-000197-CA DIVISION: C Should anyone have any questions regarding these cases, please call the Office of
P.O. Box 25018 ble, anoth'er Public Notice. the City Clerk at (813) 274-7286.
Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 3/3/06 1T INDYMAC BANK, F.S.B.,
Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 Plaintiff, Please note that if any person decides to appeal any decision made by the Code
F06000065 3/3-3/10/06 2T IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE vs. Enforcement Hearing Master with respect to any matter considered at the meeting or
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT GEORGE B. GOODYKOONTZ, et al, hearing, they will need to ensure a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR Defendant(s). record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.
The Environmental Protection Commis- vs. Tampa, FL 33647 CASE # 05-28295
delegated by the Florida Department of -M. CALDWELL AND UNKNOWN 8767 Ashworth Drive LOCATION OF VIOLATION: 2616 E 9TH AV
Environmental Protection (DEP) gives TENANTS/OWNERS, Tampa, FL 33647 SECTION: 19-56
notice of its intent to air pollution Defendants. THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION: GARYTOWN
permit no. 0570293-015-AC to Cory Pack- NOTICE OF SALE GEORGE B. GOODYKOONTZ LOT 2 BLOCK 11
aging, Inc. d/b/a Master Packaging, lo- C
cated at 6932 South Manhattan Avenue, Notice is hereby given that pursuant to LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: CASE # 05-29574
Tampa, FL 33616, Hillsborough County. Final Judgment of Foreclosure / Replevin 8767 Ashworth Drive NAME OF VIOLATOR: CAPERS ROSALYN
The permit authorizes the operational for Plaintiff entered in this cause on Feb- Tampa, FL 33647 LOCATION OF VIOLATION: 3505 LINDELL AV
change of the ventilation ductwork for ruary 23, 2006, in the Circuit Court of CURRENT ADDRESS: SECTIONS: 19-46, 19-47, 19-49, 19-50
Press No. 2. Hillsborough County, Florida, I will sell the 8767 Ashworth Drive LEGAL DESCRIPTION: CENTRAL VILLAGE
A Best Available Control Technology property situated in Hillsborough County, Tampa, FL 33647 LOTS 1 AND 2 BLOCK 6
(BACT) determination was not required. Florida, described as: TNANT #1 CASE # 05-30169
a timely petition for an administrative hear- NO IMPROVEMENTS, ACCORDING TO 8767 Ashworth Drive SECTIONS: 19-236, 19-237
ing is filed pursuant to Sections 120.569 THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORD- Tampa, FL 33647 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: W 50 FT OF E 200 FT OF S 257 FT OF SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4
and 120.57, F.S. before the deadline for ED IN PLAT BOOK 83, PAGE 7 OF CURRENT ADDRESS: LESS S 50 FT FOR'HILLSBOROUGH R/W & W 50 FT OF E 150 FT OF S 100 FT OF
filing a petition. The procedures for peti- THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF HILLS- 8767 Ashworth Drive SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 LESS S 50 FT FOR R/W
tioning for hearing are set forth below. BOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA. TO- Tampa, L 33647 2/17-3/10/06 4T
A person whose substantialinterests are GETHER WITH A 1999 BROOKLYN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
affected by the proposed permitting decis- TRAILER MOBILE HOME WITH VIN TENANT #2 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
ion may petition for an administrative pro- #'S 2G610410LA & 2G610410LB AND LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: As a result of being unable to effectuate certified mail notice to violators of the. City
ceeding (hearing) under Sections 120.569 TITLE #'S 0076163083 & 0076163085, 8767 Ashworth Drive Code, notice is hereby given that a Tampa Municipal Code Enforcement Hearing Master
and 120.57, F.S. The petition must contain AND COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 12831 Tampa, FL 33647 has scheduled a public hearing on March 8, 2006, at 9:00 a.m. to hear the below listed
the information set forth below and must be RHODINE ROAD, CURRENT ADDRESS: cases which are in violation of the City of Tampa Code. Information listed below
filed (received) in the Legal Department of at public sale to the highest and best 8767 Ashworth Drive describes the case number, property owner(s), violation address, code section violated,
the EPC at 3629 Queen Palm Dr., Tampa, bidder, for cash, at the George Edgecomb Tampa, FL 33647 and legal description of subject property in that order. The hearing will be held in the
Florida 33619, Phone 813-627-2600, Fax Courthouse, located at 800 E. Twiggs ANYAND ALL NKNOWN Tampa City Council Chambers, 315 E. Kennedy Blvd., 3rd Floor, Tampa, Florida.
813-627-2602. Petitions filed by the permit Street, Room 201/202, Tampa, Florida, at PARTID ALAIMING BY THROUGH, Affected property owners will be given the opportunity to discuss the alleged violations.
apmpicant or awity f theparties listad below 2:00 p.m. on April 27, 2006. UNDER, AND AGAINST THE HEREIN Should anyone have any questions regarding these cases, please call the Office of
mui pte fi withis not of n tetPeiions) d led If you are a person with a disability who NAMED INDIVIDUAL DEFENDANT(S) the City Clerk at (813) 274-7286.
recey an of thipersons otice of inen. Petiion fled need any accommodation in order to WHO ARE NOT KNOWN TO BE Please note that if any person decides to appeal any decision made by the Code
byany peron otice undher Sectihan hoe entted to participate in this proceeding; you are DEAD OR ALIVE, WHETHER SAID Enforcement Hearing Master with respect to any matter considered at the meeting or
muwritten be fild within 14 (fSectiourteen) day 120.60(3), F. entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision UNKNOWN PARTIES MAY CLAIM hearing, they will need to ensure a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which
ublication o the public notice or withn f of certain ssistance. Please cntact the AN INTEREST AS SPOUSES, HEIRS, record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.
(fpublication) days of the publc notice or withinoic Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division. DEVISEES, GRANTEES, OR OTHER
(fourteen) days of receipt of this notice of 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL 33602, CLAIMANTS CASE # 05-14215
intent, whichever occurs first. Under Section 800, NAME OF VIOLATOR: HOWELL MARY LUE LIFE ESTATE
120.60(3), however, any person who asked wleiphone noa 276-8100 ext. 7252, within LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: UNKNOWN LOCATIOF VIOLATION: 1911 E NOEL ST
the EPC for notce of egency action mey file 2 wdrking days of your receip of Ihis
a petiion within 14 (f ourfen may file document; if you are hearing or voice CURRENT ADDRESS: UNKNOWN SECTIONS: 19-46,19-49,19-50,19-56, & 27-148
Spetitihon wnithin 14 (ourteen) days of re- impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BIG OAKS SUBDIVISION
ceipt o| that notice, regardless of the date of foreclose a mortgage on the following prop- LOT 6 BLOCK 5
publication. A petitoner shall mail a copy of Dated this 24th day of February, 2006. eor os LLBRaOUGnth owing prop- LOT 6 BLOCK 5
the petition to the applicant at the address PAT FRANK CASE# 05-17811
indicated above at the time of filing. The .Clerk of the Circuit Court LOT 11, BLOCK 1, HAMPTON ON NAME OF VIOLATOR: STEPHENS JOCELYN YVONNE
failure of any person to file a petition within By: Darrell Morning THE GREEN PHASE 2, ACCORDING LOCATION OF VIOLATION: 907 E SHADOWLAWN AV
the appropriate time period shall constitute Deputy Clerk TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF SECTIONS: 19-46, 19-47, 19-49 & 19-56
a waiver of tha person's right to request an 3/3-3/10/06 2T AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 72, LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SHADOWLAWN
administrative deerminaion (hearing) under C PAGE 66, OF THE PUBLIC REC- LOT 23
administrative determination (hearing) under IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ORDS OF HILLSBOROUGH COUN-
Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S., or to in- THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT TY, FLORIDA. CASE # 05-17811
tervene in this proceeding and participate as OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR has been filed agains you and you are NLAME OF VIOLATOR: STEPHENS JOCELYN YVONNE
a party to it. Any subsequent intervention HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY ee f n yo a you r LOCATION OF VIOLATION: 907 E SHADOWLAWN AV
will be only at the approvel of the presiding CIVIL DIVISION required to serve a copy of your written SECTIONS: 19-46, 19-47 19-49 & 19-56
officer upon the filing of a motion in com- defenses, if any, on or before April 3, LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SHADOWLAWN
pliance with Rule28-106.205 of the F.A.C. Case No. 05-2915 Division I 2006, on Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski, LOT 23
A petition that disputes the material facts JOSE M. ALVAREZ, AS TRUSTEE OF Plaintiffs attorney, whose address is 9119
on which the EPC's action s based is re- THE JOSE M. ALVAREZ TRUST 2/15/99 Corporate Lake Drive, Suite 300, Tampa, CASE # 05-27049
quired to contain the following information: Plaintiff., Florida 33634, and file the original with NAME OF VIOLATOR: MIAOULIS EMMANUEL
(a) The name and address of each vs. this Court either before service on Plain- LOCATION OF VIOLATION: 2013 E OKALOOSA AV
e) tiff's attorney or immediately thereafter, SECTIONS: 19-49, 19-50
agency affected and each agency's file or JAMES S. GARBETT, et. al. otherwise a default will be entered against LEGAL DESCRIPTION: HLLSBORO HEIGHTS MAP
identification number it known; Defendants. you for the relief demanded in the Com- LOTS 9 AND 10 BLOCK H
n(b) he name, address, and telephone AMENDED NOTICE OF SALE plaint or petition. CASE # 05-27481
number of the petitioner, and the name.
address, and telephone of each petitioner's Notice is hereby given, pursuant to an This notice shall be published once NAME OF VIOLATOR: BROWNING JAMES R
representative, if any, which shall be the Ex Parte Order Rescheduling Foreclosure each week for two consecutive weeks in LOCATION OF VIOLATION: 2401 E 19TH AV
address for service purposes during the Sale entered in this cause, in the Circuit the La Gaceta. SECTIONS 19-26, 19-27
course of the proceedings; and an expa- Court of Hilsborough County, Florida I you re person wih a diabty who LEGAL DESCRIPTION: MAYS ADDITION
nation of how the petitioner's substantial will sell the property situated in Hillsbor- needs any accommodation in order to W 30.5 FT OF LOT 9 BLOCK 8
interests will be affected by the agency ough County, Florida, described as: participate in this proceeding, you are CASE # 05-29718
determination; PARCEL "A": entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision NAME OF VIOLATOR: WINER BARBARA M
(c) A statement of how and when peti- LOT BEGINNING SIX HUNDRED of certain assistance. Please contact the LOCATION OF VIOLATION: 4314 S ANITA BL
tioner received notice of the EPC action; FORTY (640) FEET NORTH AND Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, SECTIONS: 19-46, 19-47, 19-49 & 19-50
(d) A statement of all disputed issues of THREE HUNDRED TWENTY (320) 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SUBDIVISION LOT 19
material fact. If there are none, the petition FEET WEST OF THE SOUTHEAST 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, BLOCK 5
must so indicate; CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST within 2 working days of your receipt of CASE # 05-29982
(e) A concise statement of the ultimate QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST this document; if you are hearing or voice NAME OF VIOLATOR: JOHNSON OSCAR AND WILIE P
facts alleged, including the specific facts QUARTER OF SECTION THIRTY- impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. LOCATION OF VIOLATION: 2617 E 38TH AV
the petitioner contends warrant reversal or THREE (33), TOWNSHIP 28 SOUTH, WITNESS my hand and the seal of this SECTIONS: 19-47, 19-49, 19-231, 27-77, Table 4-1
modification of the EPC proposed action: RANGE 19 EAST, AND RUN WEST Court on this 24th day of February, 2006. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ENGLEWOOD
(f) A statement of specific rules or FIFTY (50) FEET, SOUTH 159.6 .Pat Frank LOT 8 BLOCK 14
statutes the petitioner contends requires FEET, EAST FIFTY FEET AND Clerk of the Court CASE # 05-30011
reversal or modification of the EPC's pro- NORTH TO BEGINNING, BEING IN By: Henry Suber, Jr. NAME OF VIOLATOR:.JENKINS NYCOLE
(g) A statement of the relief sought by the IDA, RECORDED IN DEED BOOK Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski SECTIONS: 19-46, 19-49, 19-50
petitioner, stating precisely the action peti- 1867, PAGE 400; P.O. Box 25018 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: HENDRY AND KNIGHTS ADDITION TO SULPHUR SPRINGS
tioner wishes the EPC to take with re, AND Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 LOT 238
spectthethe EPC'S proposed action. PARCEL "B": F06000039 3/33/110/6'2T : 2/10-3/3/06 4T
.LA GACETA/F.iday, March 3,2006/Page 27
FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY COUNTY, FLORIDA INDIVIDUAL DEFENDANT(S) WHO March, 2006, the following described prop- LOAN; are the Defendants, I will sell to
CIVIL ACTION CIVIL ACTION ARE NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR erty as set forth in said Final Judgment: the highest and best bidder for cash at
Plaintiff, WASHNGTON MUTUAL BANK, FA, GRANTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS ED IN PLAT BOOK 53, PAGE 08, PM, on the 16th day of March, 2006, the
vS. Plaintiff, LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: UNKNOWN PUBLIC RECORDS OF HILLSBOR- following described property as set forth
Defendant(s). CRAMER, et al YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to A/K/A 4506 DEER PARK PLACE, LOTS 15 & 16, BLOCK "B", MAP OF
NOTICE OF SALE Defendant(s). foreclose a mortgage on the following prop- BRANDON, FL 33511. HILLSBORO HEIGHTS, ACCORDING
NOTIC E OF SALE 45 erty in HILLSBOROUGH County, Florida: If you are a person with a disability who TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF
NOTICE IS GIVEN that pursuant to a NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant UNIT NUMBER 4, ACCORDING TO participate in this proceeding, you are AT PAGE 15, OF THE PUBLIC
Final Judgment of Foreclosure, dated to a Final Judgment of Mortgage Fore- THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF AS entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision RECORDS OF HILLSBOROUGH
February 21, 2006, in the above-styled closure dated February 14, 2006 and RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 45, of certain assistance. Please contact the COUNTY, FLORIDA.
cause, I will sell to the highest and best entered in Case NO. 05-11098-CA of the PAGE 24, PUBLIC RECORDS OF Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, A/K/A 1809 EAST SKAGWAY AVE-
bidder for cash on the second floor in Circuit Court of the THIRTEENTH Judi- HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA. 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL NUE, TAMPA, FL 33604.
Room 201/202 of the George E. clal Circuit in -and for HILLSBOROUGH s bn fd a t o a 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, If you are a person with a disability who
Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 E. Twiggs County, Florida wherein WASHINGTON ha bn filed agains ou and ou are within 2 working days of your receipt of needs any accommodation in order to
Street, Tampa, Florida at 2:00 p.m. on the MUTUAL BANK, F/K/A WASHINGTON required o serve a copy of your wrien this document; if you are hearing or voice participate in this proceeding, you are
201h day of March, 2006, the following MUTUAL BANK, FA, is the Plaintiff and defenses, if any, on or before Apri 3, impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision
described real property: ANGELA J CRAMER A/K/Ai ANGELA 2006, on Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski,
Los 26e HODGE SHADY GROVE, CRAMER; COLONAL BAK, N.A.; are Plaintifs attorney, whose address is 9119 WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of of certain assistance. Please contact the
according to map or plat thereol as the Defendants, I will sell to the highest Corporate Lake Drive, Suite 300, Tampa, this Court on February 15, 2006. Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division,
recorded in Piat Book 9, Page 53, of and best bidder for cash at 800 E. Twiggs Florida 33634, and file the original with Pat Frank 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL
rdhe Public ecors of Hiborough and bestbiee dd, George fEdgecom b 800 E. Twis this Court either before service on Plain- Clerk of the Circuit Court 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252,
County, Florida. 2nd Floor, Room 201/202, Tampa, Flor- tiff's attorney or immediately thereafter, By: Darrell Morning within 2 working days of your receipt of
a/k/a: 1712 E. Louisiana Avenue, ida 33602, at 2:00 PM, on the 13th day of otherwise a defulwill be entered again Depu Clerk i dcum i ou ae hearg or voic
Tampa, FL 33610. April, 2006, the following described prop- you for elie demanded in th Com- Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski WITNESSimpaired, call 1-800and he seal o 955-8771. his
If you are a person with a disability who erty as set forth in said Final Judgment: laint o petition. P.O. Box 25018 WITNES MY HAND and the sea of this
needs any accommodation in order o BEGIN AT THE NORTHEASTERLY This notice shall be published once Tampa; Florida 33622-5018 Court on February 20, 2006.
participate in this proceeding, you are CORNER OF LOT 71 OF ELLIOTT ch wee for two consecutive week in F5022107he Circui Court
entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision AND HARRISON SUBDIVISION, AC-l erk of te iri Cour
of certain assistance. Please contact the CORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF If you are a person with a disability who IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE B: Sandra Glennon
Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE needs any accommodation in order to THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Dety Clerk
800 East Twiggs Street. Tampa, FL CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT IN participate in this proceeding, you are IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski
33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUN- entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision COUNTY, FLORIDA P.O. Box 25018
within 2 working days of your receipt of TY, FLORIDA, RECORDED IN PLAT of certain assistance. Please contact the CIVIL ACTION Tampa, Florida 33622-5018
this document; if you are hearing or voice BOOK 32, PAGE 17; SAID LANDS Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, CASE NO 0600952CA DIVISI B F03013450 2/243/3/06 2T
impaired, calI 1-800-955-8771. SITUATE LYING AND BEING IN 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL CASE NO.: 06-000952-CA DIVISION: B 2/24-3/3/06 2
Dat his 21st da of bruaryHILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLOR- 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A.,
Dated this 21st day of February 2006. IDA, THENCE NORTHWESTERLY within 2 working days of your receipt of Plaintiff, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE
Pat Frank ALONG NORTHERLY LINE 60 FEET this document; if you are hearing or voice vs. THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT,
Clerk of Court TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. JAMES H. GREEN, et al, IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH
By: Sandra Glennon THENCE SOUTH 35 DEGREES 46 WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Defendant(s). COUNTY, FLORIDA
Deputy Clerk MINTUTES WEST 200 FEET TO Court on this 23rd day of February, 2006. Case No.: 06002754 Division: D
3708 W. Euclid Ave., Tampa, FL 33629 NORTH 53 DEGREES 35 MINUTES Clerk of the Court TO:JAMES H. GREEN PetiRioner
(813) 832-9790, (813) 832-9739 fax WEST ALONG SOUTHERLY BOUND- By: Henry Suber, Jr. LAST KNOWN ADDRESSoner
2/24-3/3/06 2T ARY 60 FEET, THENCE NORTH 35 As Deputy Clerk 3202 Pinellas Place and
FEET TO NORTHERLY BOUNDARY, Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski Tampa, FL 33619 Respondent
COUNTY, FLORIDA 3/3-3/10/06 2T
SHABEAH USMANALyou are a person wih a disabiliy wo THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: UNKNOWN has been filed against you and that you
SHABEAH USMANALI needs any accommodation in order to FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY are rquired o rve a copy o your writ-
Petitioner/Mother, participate in this proceeding, you are CURRENT ADDRESS: UNKNOWN are required to serve a copy.of your writ-
vs. entitled, at no cost to you, o the provis are JUVENILE DIVISION Y Aten defenses, if any, to it on KERLYMS
vs. entitlad, al no cosi to you. tu the pruvision ANY AND ALL UNKNOWN JIMALBERTH MENDEZ, whose acdress
ANGELO MACEDONIA of certain assistance. Please contact the FFN: 503663 CASE ID: 01-8918 PARTIES CLAIMING BY THROUGH, JIMALBERTH MENDEZ, whose address
Respondent/Father. Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, DIVISION: C UNDER, AND AGAINST THE HEREIN n o80r7 efr St.MEa 2Pa00, Lnd il the
800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL IN THE INTEREST OF: NAMED INDIVIDUAL DEFENDANT(S) original with the clerk of this Court at 800
NOTICE OF ACTION 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, GA KEAB (dob05/19/94) O A T N T iginal with the clerk of this Court at 800
NOTICE OF ACTION 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, GAINEY, MIKERIA B/F (dob: 05/19/94) WHO ARE NOT KNOWN TOBE E. Twiggs St., Tampa, FL 33602, before
TO: ANGELO MACEDONIA within 2 working days of your receipt of DEAD OR ALIVE WHETHER SA] sb on Petitioner or immediately
Last Known Address: Unknown this document; if you are hearing or voice A MINOR CHILD. DEAD OB ALIVE, WHETHER SAlO service un Petitiuner or immediately
Last Known Adress: Unknown this document if you are heang or voice UNKNOWN PARTIES MAY CLAIM thereafter. II you fail to do so, a default
YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. NOTICE OF AN ADVISORY HEARING AN INTEREST AS SPOUSES, may be entered against you for he relief
Petition to Establish Paternity, Custody WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of ON A TERMINATION OF PARENTAL HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, demanded in the petition.
and Other Relief has been filed and you this Court on February 15, 2006. RIGHTS PROCEEDINGS OR OTHER CLAIMANTS Cpi o n in h
are required to serve a copy of your Pat Frank FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: UNKNOWN ase, including order, are avalable a the
written objections if any, to it on Nancy Clerk of the Circuit Court THE ADVISORY HEARING CONSTI- CURRENT ADDRESS: UNKNOWN Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may
McRoberts Parham, P.A., Attorney for By: Darrell Morning TUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINA-
Petitioner/Mother, whose address is 210 Deputy Clerk TION.OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THIS YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to review these documents upon request.
North Pierce Street, Tampa, FL 33602 on Echevarria Codilis & Stawiarski CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON foreclose a mortgage on the following prop- You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit
or before March 27. 2006, and file the ori- P.O. Bo' 25018 THIS DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU erty in HILLSBOROUGH County, Florida: Court's office notified of your current ad-
ginal with the Clerk of this Court, George Tampa Florida 33622-5018 MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A LOT 23, BLOCK 1 OF SANSON dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad-
E. Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 E. Twiggs F05023063 PARENT TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THE PARK, UNIT NO. 4. ACCORDING TO dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved
Street, Tampa, FL 33602 before service 2/24-3/3/06 2T PETITION ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE. MAP OR PLAT THEREOF AS RE- Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers
on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If TO: Unknown father or any possible CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 46, PA in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad-
you fail to do so a default will be entered IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TO: Unown fathr r 4 OF PUBLIC RCODS OF dress on record at the clerk's office.
against you for the relief demanded in the THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, Mikera Gany, db: 05/19/94 HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fm-
Petition. IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH Mikeria Gainey, dob: 051994 HLLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORDA. Rules f Prcedure, requir
WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family COUNTY, FLORIDA YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE has been filed against you and you are certain automatic disclosure of docu-
Law Rues o Prcedure rquirs cetain Case No.: 06 02518 Divisin: F tha a Petitin for Termination of Parental required o serve a copy of your written ments and information. Failure to comply
au les of diProcedosure o requires certain CaseNo.:060251 Diviion: Rights has been filed in the Circuit Court defenses, ir any, on or before March 27, can result in sanctions, including dis-
infautomation. Failure cmpy can resul n CARMEN M. RIVERA, of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit of the 2006, on Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski, missal or striking of pleadings.
informantions,. Faincludingre to comply can result riking o Petitioner State of Florida, in and for Hillsborough Plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 9119
pleanctions, and County, Florida, Juvenile Division, alleg- Corporate Lake Drive, Suite 300. Tampa, DATED: February 16, 2006.
TNESS my hand and seal o thi LUIS E. DE JESUS ing that the above-named child is a de- Florida 33634, and file the original with PAT FRANK
CourWITNESS my hand nd sea of006. Respondent. pendent child and by which the Petitioner this Court either before service on Plain- CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT
Court n Fbruiry 22, 2006. epnn. asking for the termination of parental tiff's attorney or immediately thereafter, By: Brenda Dudley
PAT FRANK NOTICE OF ACTION FOR rights and permanent commitment of the otherwise a default will be entered against Deputy Clerk 2/24-3/17/06 4T
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE child to the Department of Children and you for the relief demanded in the Com-
By: Kay Crum TO: LUIS E. DE JESUS Families for subsequent adoption. plaint or petition. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR
Deputy Clerk 3/3-3/24/06 4T Last Known Address: UNKNOWN YOU ARE HEREBY notified that you This notice shall be published once HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action are required to appear personally on the each week for two consecutive weeks in PROBATE DIVISION
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE has been filed against you and that you 4th day of April, 2006, at 11:00 a.m., the La Gaceta. File No.: 05-3049 Division: A
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF are required to serve a copy of your writ- before the Honorable Martha Cook, at the you are a erson with a disability who ETAT OF
THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND ten defenses, if any, to it on CARMEN M. Hillsborough County Edgecomb Court- needs any accommodation in order to IN R: E TE
FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY RIVERA, whose address is 1272 E. 113th house, 800 E. T.wiggs Street, 4th Floor, participate in this proceeding, you are SYVIA BRYS
JUVENILE DIVISION Ave. #103, Tampa, FL 33612, on or be- Division C courtroom #411, Tampa, entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision Deceased.
FFN: 503663 DIVISION: C fore March 27 2006 and file the original Florida 33602, o how cause, if any, why f certain assistance. Pease contact the NOTCE TO CREDITOR
CASE ID: 01S-8918 with the clerk of this Court at 800 E. parrntal rights shall not be terminated Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division (Summary Administration)
CASE ID: 01-8918 Twiggs St., Room 101. Tampa, FL 33602, and said child shall not be permanently 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL
-918 before service on Petitioner or immedi- committed to the Florida Department of 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS
IN THE INTEREST OF: ately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a de- Children and Families for subsequent within 2 working days of your receipt of OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE
GAINEY, TRAVIS B/M (dob: 12/08/99) fault may be entered against you for the adoption. You are entitled to be repre- this document; if you are hearing or voice ESTATE:
GREEN, TYLEE B/M (dob: 05/13/02) relief demanded in the petition. sented by an attorney at this proceeding. impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. You are hereby notified that an Order
A MINOR CHILDREN. Copies of all court documents in this DATED this 16th day of February, 2006. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this of Summary Administration has been
NOTICE OF AN ADVISORY HEARING case, including orders, are available at the PAT FRANK Court on this 20th day of February, 2006. entered in the Estate of SYLVIA J. BRYS,
ON A TERMINATION OF PARENTAL Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT deceased, File Number 05-3049, by the
RIGHTS PROCEEDINGS review these documents upon request. By: Linda Lepelletier Pat Frank Circuit Court for HILLSBOROUGH Coun-
FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Deputy Clerk 2/24-3/17/06 4T By Her Sour, Jr.t f which i Post fe ivix 111, Tampads
THE ADVISORY HEARING CONSTI- Court's office notified of your current ad-
TUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINA- dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE As Deputy Clerk Florida 33601; that the decedent's date of
TION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THI dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski death was September 29, 2005; that the
CHILD. IF YOUF YU FAIL TO APPEAR ON Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH P.O. Box 25018 total value of the estate is consisting only
THIS DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- COUNTY, FLORIDA Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 of exempt homestead, and that the names
MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A dress on record at the clerk's office. CIVIL ACTION F06001490 2/24-3/3/06 2T and addresses of those to whom it has
SLEE h i *i certain automatic disclosure of docu- iir^ RTHIRTEENTH JUDICAL CIRCUT 6333 Fairway Boulevard
TO: LEE GREEN (father) or any possible e a omatin ire t cml SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH Apollo Beach, Florida 33572
fathOrN fa ments and information. Failure lo compiy CHASE MANHATTAN MORTGAGE COUNTY, FLORIDA
e dob: 12/08/99 can resul in sanction including dis- CORPORATION, SUCCESSOR BY CIVILACTON ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NO-
TyIee Green, dob: 05/13/02 missal or stnking of pleading. MERGER WITH CHASE MORTGAGE CASE NO. 2003-11693-CA DIVISION G TIFIEDTHAT:
YOU WlLL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE DATED: February 13, 2006. COMPANY, AlC creditors of the estate of the de-
that a Petition for Termination of Parental PAT FRANK Plaintiff, MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC cedent and persons having claims or
Rights has been filed in the Circuit Court CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT vs. REGISTRATION SYSTEMS AS demands against the estate of the
of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit of the By: Cynthia Menendez ROBERT P. HAYNES, et al, NOMINEE FOR DEUTSCHE BANK decedent other than those for whom
State of Florida, in and for Hillsborough Deputy Clerk Defendant(s). NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS provision for full payment was made in
Couantu Florida, iunn on iionagh u2/24-3/17/06 4T TRUSTEE, the Order of Summary Administration
Countyh Floridab Juvenile Div isin, alleg- NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Plaintiff, must file their claims with this court
ing that che above-named child i a de- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant vs. WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET
pendan chilc and by which he Petitioner THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL ClRCUIT to a Final Judgment of Mortgage Fore- HAZEL T. CRESSIE, et al, FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE
is asking for the termination of parental IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH osur datd Fbruary 14 2006 and Defndan() FLORIDA PROBATE CODE.
rights and permanent commitment of the COUNTY FLORIDA closure dated February 14, 2006 and Defendant(s). FLORIDA PROBATE CODE.
child to the Department ofCilmden ao COUNTY, FLORDA entered in Case NO. 05-010612-CA of ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOT SO
chilid tor he Dsparment aof Children and CIVL ACTION the Circuit Court of the THIRTEENTH NOTICE OF RESCHEDULED FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED.
FamiliEs for subequent adopt ion. CASE NO.: 2006-000841-CA DIVISION: G Judicial Circuit in and for HILLSBOR- FORECLOSURE SALE NOTWITHSTANDNG ANY OTHER
are required to appear personally on the BANK OF NEW YORK AS TRUSTEE OUGH County, Florida wherein CHASE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant APPLICABLE TIME PERIOD, ANY
4th day of April, 2006, at 11:00 a.m., FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF HOME FINANCE, LLC SUCCESSOR to an Order Rescheduling Foreclosure CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR
before the Honorable Martha Cook, at the CWABS 2005-SD1, ASSET BACKED BY MERGER TO CHASE MANHAT- Sale dated February 14, 2006 and en- MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE
Hillsborough County Edgecomb Court- CERTIFICATES SERIES 2005-SD1. TAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION, SUC- tered in Case NO. 2003-11693-CA of OF DEATH IS BARRED.
house, 800 E. Twiggs Street. 4th Floor, Plaintiff, CESSOR BY MERGER WlTH CHASE he Circuit Court of the THIRTEENTH Ju- The date of the first publication f his
c o 1TapaMORTGAGE COMPANY, is the Plaintiff dicial Circuit in and for HILLSBOROUGH te ercation o his
rio 33 2, loo usa # f a v M. TWELLand ROBERT P. HAYNES; VlVlANE County, Florida wherein MORTGAGE Notice i February 24, 2006.
Florida 33602, to show caue i any, why VEL M CANTWELL et al HAYNES; ANY AND ALL UNKNOWN ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYS- Persons Giving Notice:
parental righti shall not be terminated Defendant(s). PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, TEMS AS NOMINEE FOR DEUTSCHE JOSEPH BRYS
an d sid child shall not be permanently UNDER, AND AGAINST THE HEREIN BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, 6333 Fairway Boulevard
coimmtted lo fha Florida Departmant of NOTICE OF ACTION NAMED INDIVIDUAL DEFENDANT(S) AS TRUSTEE, is the Plaintiff and HAZEL Apollo Beach, FL 33572
adoption. You are entitled to be repre- GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, OR ALIVE, WHETHER SAlD UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH. Attorney for Persons Giving Notice:
Deputy Clerk LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: UNKNOWN fendants, I will sell to the highest and best INTEREST AS SPOUSES, HEIRS. Telephone: (813) 645-6796
., u -y C 2/24-3/17/06 4T CURRENT ADDRESS& UNKNOWN bidder for cash at 800 E. Twiggs Street, DEVISEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS: 2/24-3/3/06 2T
Page 28/LA GACETA/Friday, March 3, 2006
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT George Edgecomb Courthouse, 2nd Floor, THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, ERS OF ASSET BACKED SECURITIES The administration of the estate of
COUNTY, FLORIDA 2:00 PM, on the 23rd day of March, 2006, COUNTY, FLORIDA TRUST, SERIES OOMC 2005-HE6, is Number 06-CP-000297, is pending in
CIVIL ACTION the following described property as set Case No.: 06-DR-002645 Division: R the Plaintiff and ELBERT A. GOLDWIRE; the Circuit Court for Hillsborough Coun-
CASE NO. 2004-8637-CA DIVISION C forth in said Final Judgment: CLARENCINA B. GOLDWIRE; OPTION ty, Florida, Probate Division, the address
SOLELY IN ITS CAPACITY AS TRUSTEE COUNTRY PARK, UNIT NO. 29, Petitioner the Defendants, I will sell to the highest ida 33601. The name and address of
FOR EQUICREDIT CORPORATION OF ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR and and best bidder for cash at 800 E. Twiggs the personal representative and the per-
AMERICA TRUST 2001-2 PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN TYRONE ALPHANSO POWELL, Street, George Edgecomb Courthouse, sonal representative's attorney are set
Plaintiff, PLAT BOOK 43, PAGE 11, PUBLIC Respondent. 2nd Floor, Room 201/202, Tampa, Flor- forth below.
RECORDS OF HILLSBOROUGH ida 33602, at 2:00 PM, on the 16th day All creditors of the decedent and other
vs. COUNTY, FLORIDA. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR of March, 2006, the following described persons, who have caims or demand
DIANNE LANGSTON HART, et al, DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE property as set forth in said Final against the deceden tate, i din
Defendart(s). PA, FL 33634 TO: TYRONE ALPHANSO POWELL Judgment: unmatured, contingent or unliquidated
NOTICE OF RESCHEDULED If you are a person with a disability who Last Known Address: Unknown "Orlando" LOT 21, BLOCK 7, GRANT PARK, claims, and who have been served a
FORECLOSURE SALE needs any accommodation in order to YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT copy of this notice, must file their claims
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant participate in this proceeding, you are been filed against you and that you are THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF
to an Order Rescheduling Foreclosure entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision required to serve a copy of your written BOOK 6, PAGE 30, OF THE PUB- THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE
Sale dated February 16, 2006 and en- of certain assistance. Please contact the defenses, if any, to it on NIK-KIE LYNN LIC RECORDS OF HILLSBOROUGH OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS
tered in Case NO. 2004-8637-CA of the Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, ARTHUR, whose address is 1504 Planta- COUNTY, FLORIDA. NOTICE OR THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER
Circuit Court of the THIRTEENTH Judi- 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa; FL tion Grove Ct., Plant City, FL 33566, Apt. A/K/A 3719 TEMPLE STREET, TAM- THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY
cial Circuit in and for HILLSBOROUGH 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, #1134, on or before March 21, 2006, and PA, FL 33619. OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM.
County, Florida wherein THE BANK OF within 2 working days of your receipt of file the original with the clerk of this Court If you are a person with a disability who All other creditors of the decedent and
NEW YORK, ACTING SOLELY IN ITS this document; if you are hearing or voice at 302 N. Michigan Ave., Rm #12, Plant needs any accommodation in order to other persons who have claims or de-
CAPACITY AS TRUSTEE FOR EQUI- impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. City, FL 33566, before service on Peti- participate in this proceeding, you are mands against the decedent's estate,
CREDIT CORPORATION OF AMERICA WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of tioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision including unmatured, contingent or un-
TRUST 2001-2, is the Plaintiff and this Court on February 17, 2006 to do so, a default may be entered against of certain. assistance. Please contact the liquidated claims, must file their claims
DIANNE LANGSTON HART; BETTY you for the relief demanded in the petition. Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, with this Court WITHIN THREE MONTHS
JEAN STEWART; UNITED STATES OF Cerk of the Circuit Curt Copies of all court documents in this 800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB-
BAMERD O COUNTY COMMISSION- By: Sandra Glennon case, including orders, are available at the 33602, telephone no. 276-8100. ext. 7252, LICATION OF THIS NQTICE.
BOARDS; CH FF NAMNCC COMMISSI- D:y Clerk Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may within 2 working days of your receipt of ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE
ERS; C'HRYSLER FINANCIAL COMPA- Depuy Cerk review these documents upon request. this document; if you are hearing or voice FOREVER BARRED.
NY, L.L.C.: TENANT #1 N/K/A JANE Echevarria& Associates, P.A. You must keep he Clerk of he Circui mpaired, cal 1-800-955-8771. NOTWTHSTANDNG THE TME PE-
DOE are the Defendants, I will sell to the P.O. Box 25018 You must keep the Cerk of the Crcut NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PE-
highest and bet bidder for cas aat 800 Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 Court's office notified of your current ad- WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of RIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY
E. Twiggs Street, George Edgecomb F05006409 dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- this Court on February 15, 2006. CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR
Courthouse, 2nd Floor, Room 201/202, 2/24-3/3/06 2T dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved Pat Frank MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S
Tampa, Florida 33602, at 2:00 PM, on the Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers Clerk of the Circuit Court DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED.
17th day of March, 2006, the following IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE in this lawsuit will be mailed to the By: Sandra Glennon The date of the first publication of this
described property as set forth in said THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, address on record at the clerk's office. Deputy Clerk Notice is February 24, 2006.
Final Judgment: IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski Personal Representative:
THE EAST 38 FEET OF LOT 21, COUNTY, FLORIDA ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires p.O. Box 25018 MICHAEL S. DiMAIO
HIGHLAND VIEW SUBDIVISIN, AC- Case No.: 06 03100 Divisin: F certain automatic disclosure of docu- Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 16303 Fairford Plams Court
CORNRDN TO THE PLAT TBHOEOE26, MAA P A E ments and information. Failure to compy F05023428 2/24-3/3/06 2T Tampa, FL 33647
CORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, MARIA PEROGIA ESTEVEZ, can result in sanctions, including dis- 2/24-313106 2T
AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 26, Petitioner missal or striking of pleadings. Attorney for Personal Representative:
If you are a person with a disability who NOTICE OF ACTION FOR By: Cheryl Wagner Case No.: 06001694 Division: E 813/685-3133 2/24-3/3/06 2T
needs any accommodation in order to DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE Deputy Clerk 2/24-3/17/06 4T RENAN WILFREDO SANTOYO,E C C O
participate in this proceeding, you are TO: JAVIER ESTEVEZ RODRIGUEZ Petitiner IN THE CIRCUT COURT OF THE
entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision Last Known Address: UNKNOWN IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE onerTHIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT,
of certain assistance. Please contact the YOU ARE NOTIIED that an action THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF and IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH
Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, has been filed agains you and that you THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR CELIA DORIS GONZALEZ. COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA
33602 teephone no. 276-8100, ex 7252, are required to serve a copy of your HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY Respondent. FAMILY LAW DIVISION
within 2 working days of your receipt of written defenses, if any, to it on MARIA CASE NO: 06-DR-000064 DIVISION: R NOTICE OF ACTION FOR Case No.: 06002801 Division: D
this document; if you are hearing or voice AESTEVEZ, wh address IN RE: THE TERMNATION F DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGEIN E: THE MARRIAGE OF
Tampa, PL 33614, on or befare April 3 THE ADOPTION OP A MINOR: Las Known Address: Unknown
WITNESS MY HAND and the sea] of 2006, and file the original with the clerk of THE AD OAddress: Unknown Petitioner
this Court on February 16, 2006. this Court at 800 E. Twiggs Street, Tam-_/ YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action and
Pat Frank pa, FL 33602 (Room 101), before service has been filed against you and that you
Pat Frank pa, L 3360Circuit2 Court reere NOTICE OF ACTION, NOTICE OF are required to serve a copy of your wt- VERONICA MORON GARCIA,
erk of Crcu Curon Peitioner or immediately thereafter. PETITION, AND NOTICE OF HEARING ten defenses, if any, to it on RENAN Respondent.
By: Sandra Glennon you fail to do so, a default may be en- TO TERMINATE PARENTAL RIGHTS WILFREDO SANTO, whose address is NOTICE OF ACTION FOR
Deputy Clerk tered against you for the relief demanded PENDING ADOPTION 1435 48th Ave. N.. St. Petersburg, FL SSOLUTON O MARRAGE
Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski in the petition. PENDG 48th Ave N S P u DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE
P.O. Box 25018 Copies of all court documents in this TO: JEFFREY LEE ESTES 33703, on or before March 13th, 2006, TO: VERONICA MORON GARClA
Tampa, Florida 33622-5018 case, including orders, are available at the DOB: 06/21/1976 and file the original wih the clerk of this Last Known Address: Unknown
F04009510 .Clerk of the Circuit Courts office. You may Caucasian, Male Court at 800 E. Twiggs St.. Room #101,
02/24-3/3/06 2T reviewthesedocuments upon request. Last Known Residence: Unknown Tampa, FL 33602, before service on YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action
Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you has been filed against you and that you
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for fail to do so, a default may be entered are required to serve a copy of your writ-
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF Court's office notified of your current ad- Termination of Parental Rights Pursuant against you for the relief demanded in the ten defenses, if any, to it on RAYMUNDO
THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- to an Adoption has been filed, and you petition. GARCIA RENTERIA, whose address is
FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved are required to serve a copy of your l 8610 Shirley Drive, Tampa, Florida 33617,
JUVENILE DIVISION Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers written response, if any, to it on Mary L. Copies of all court documents in this on or before March 27th, 2006, and file
in this lawsuit will be mailed o the ad- Greenwood Esq., 619 E. Lumsden Rd case, including orders, are available at the the original with the clerk of this Court at
FFN: 504874 CASE ID: 03-567 dress on record at the clerk's office. Brandon, Florida 33511, Petitioner's Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may 800 he original wiggs Street, Room 101his CTampa, t
DIVISION: S WARNING: ule 12.285, Florida F ttorney, within 30 days after the date of review these documents upon request. FL 33602 or PO Box 3450, Tampa, FL
IN THE INTEREST OF: ity Law Rules of Pracedur, ri first publication of this notice. You must You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit 33601-3450, before service on Petitioner
Sily Law Rule( 6 of Procedurerequo i res file your original response with the Clerk Court's office notified of your current ad- or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do
FORBES, BENJAMIN (dob: 06/20/2003) certain automatic disclosure of docu- of this court, at the address below, either dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad- so. adefaul msy be enterad against you
(a/da Benjamn Evans) ments and information. Failureuto compy e r ouicP @ssebelo de (Y day eN rt e so, a default may be entered against you
(alkla Banjamin Evans) ments and infarmation. Failure to cmply before service on Petitioner's attorney, dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved for the relief demanded in the petition.
MINOR CHILD. can result in sanctions, including dis- or immediately thereafter; otherwise a Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers Cie f a d cen i i
NOTICE OF AN ADVISORY HEARING missal or striking of pleadings. default will be entered against you for the in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad- COPies of al court documents in this
ON A TERMINATION OF PARENTAL DATED: February 23, 2006. relief demanded in the Petition. dress on record at the clerk's office. case, including orders, are available at the
SO Clerk of the Circuil Courtds Office. You may
RIGHTS PROCEEDINGS PAT FRANK Clerk of The Court WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam- Crview these documents upon rquest.
FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT 800 E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL 33602 ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit
THE ADVISORY HEARING CONSTI- By: Cynthia Menendez NOTICE O PETTION AN certain automatic disclosure of docu- Cou office notified of your curr ad-
TUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINA- Deputy Clerk 4 TNOTICE OHE ments and information. Failure to comply dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad-
TION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THIS 3/3-3/24/06 4T NOTICE OF HEARING can result in sanctions, including dis- dresse
CHILD IF YOU FAL TO APPEAR ON A Verified Petition for Termination of missal or striking of pleadings. dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved
THIS DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED, YOU THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL ClRCUIT Parental Rringts has een iled There willJanuar 31 2006 il
MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A iMANnFnRHIL^Rn ir' be a hearing on this petition which will UAlbLi.January3lst.2006. in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad-
PARENT TO THE CHLD NAME IN IN A OR HILLSBOROUGDA take place April 3, 2006, at 10:30 AM. in PAT FRANK dress on record at the clerk's office.
PETITION AITACHED 10 IHIS NOTIMCE. CIVIL ACTION Circuit Judge, at the Hillsborough County By: Sharon D. Dale ily Law Rules of Procedure, requires
TO: DANIEL FORBES (fatheri CASE NO. 05-009832-CA DIVISION K Courthouse, 302 N. Michigan Avenue, Rm Deputy Clerk 10-306 4T certain automaic disclosure of docu-
Residence/Whereabouts Unknown WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., P2, Plant City, Florida 33563. The Court 10-3/3/06 ments and information. Failure to comply
YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE Plaintiff, has set aside fifteen (15) minutes for this IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE can result in sanctions, including dis-
that a Petition for Termination of Parental vs. hearing. THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, missal or striking of pleadings.
Rights has been filed in the Circuit Court LEROY MOORE et al UNDER SECTION 63.089, FLORIDA IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH DATED: February 17th, 2006.
of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit of the Defendants) STATUTES, FAILURE TO FILE A COUNTY, FLORIDA PAT FRANK
State of Florida, in and for Hilisborough bRTE RPATFRANK
Sg Defendant(s). WRTTEN RESPONSE TO THIS Case No.: 06 02538 Division: F CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT
County, Florida, Juvenile Division, alleg- NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE WITH THE COURT O TOase No 06 2538 D on: F ER OF THE CIRCUIT COURT
ing that the above-named child is a de- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to APPEAR AT THIS HEARING CON- GERANA ASSE AUGUSTE, By: Sharon D. Dale
pendent child and by which the Petitioner a Final Judgment of Mortgage Foreclosure STITUTES GROUNDS UPON WHICH Petitioner Deputy Clerk 2/24-3/17/06 4T
is asking for the termination of parental dated January 26, 2006 and entered THE COURT SHALL END ANY and IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE
rights and permanent commitment of the in Case NO. 05-009832-CA of the Cir- PARENTAL RIGHTS YOU MAY HAVE STEVE S. RICHARDSON, THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT,
child to the Department of Children and cuit Court of the THIRTEENTH Judicial REGARDING THE MINOR CHILD. Respondent. IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH
Families for subsequent adoption. Circuit in and for HILLSBOROUGH PARA TRADUCCION DE ESTE NOTE O AT COUNTY, FLORIDA
are required to appear personally on the BANK, N.A., is the Plaintiff and LEROY LA OFICINA DE INTERPRETES DE LA DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE Case No.: 06 02525 Division: D
6th day of April, 2006, at 9:00 a.m., be- MOORE; ELIZABETH L. MOORE; ANY CORTE, AL 813-272-5947 DE LUNES TO: STEVE S. RICHARDSON -JENNIFER A. SEDLER a/k/a JENNIFER
fore the Honorable Katherine G. Essrig, AND ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIM- A VIERNES DE 3:00 P.M. Y 5:00 P.M. Last Known Address: UNKNOWN A. SCATTAREIGA SEDLER,
at the Edgecomb Courthouse, 800 East NG BY, THROUGH, UNDER, AND f you are a person with a disability who YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action Petitioner
Twiggs Street, 4th Floor, Tampa, Florida AGAINST THE HEREIN NAMED INDI needs any accommodation in order to has been filed against you and that you and
33602, to shw cause, i any, why parn- VIDUAL DEFENDANT(S) WHO ARE participate in this proceeding, you are are required to serve a copy of your writ- .JACOB T. SEDLER,
l rigds shall not be terminated and id NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisions ten defenses, if any, to it on GERANA Respondent.
child shall not be permanently committed IWHETHER SAID UNKNOWN PAR- of certain assistance. Please contact the ASSE AUGUSTE, whose address is 2307 NOTICE OF ACTION OR
to the Florida Department of Children and TIES MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST AS Clerk of Circuit Cur Circui Civil DivisiC St. #206 Tampa L 33607 NOTICE OF ACTION FOR
Familis for ubsequent adoption. You SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANT- Hlsboroug County Cou 80 E. orbore March 27a 26 DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE
ney d t o be rpresentad by an altar- EES, R OTHER CLAIMAN; are t h e Twiggs Street, Tampa, Florida 33602, original with the clerk of this Court at 800 TO: JACOB T. SEDLER
neyais prceeding. Defendants, will sell to the highest and Telephone No. 276-8100, within 2 work- E. Twiggs St., Room 101, Tampa, FL Last Known Address: UNKNOWN
DATED this 8th day of February, 2006. best bidder for cash at 800 E. Twiggs ing days of your receipt of this document; 33602, before service on Petitioner or YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action
PAT FRANK Street George Edgecomb Curthouse, if you are hearing or voice impaired cal immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, has been filed against you and that you
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Florida 33602 aoo 20102 thama 1-800-955-8771. a default may be entered against you for are required to serve a copy of your writ-
By: Linda Lepelletier day of March, 2006, e foowing de- WITNESS my hand and seal of said the relief demanded in the petition. ten defenses, if any, to it on JENNIFER
Deputy Clerk 2/17-3/10/06 4T scribed property as set forth in said Final Court on this 17th day of February, 2006. Copies of all court documents in this A. SEDLER a/k/a JENNIFER A. SCAT-
Judgment: PAT FRANK case, including orders, are available at the TAREIGA SEDLER, whose address is
IN THE CRCUIT COURT OFTHE LOT 64 OF EASTERN H HT CLERK OF THE CRCUIT COURT Clerk of the Circui Court's office. You may 509 Center Point Rd.. Valrico, FL 33594,
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL ClRCUIT FIRST DDI4, O EATERN HEIGH CLERK OPau HE CICUIT Ch URT review these documents upon request. on or before March 27, 2006, and file the
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FIRST ADOITION, ACCOROING TO By: Paulina A. Takigucbi Original wilh the clerk of this Court al
IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORD- Deputy Clerk 2/24-You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit o re nalw0 i the cerk of this C0urt Fa
COUNTY, FLORIDA ED IN PLAT BOOK 29,ATPAE25 2/24-3/17/06 4T Court's office notified of your current ad- 800 E. Twiggs S, Room on01 PTampa, FL
CIVIL ACTION OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE dress. (You may file Notice of Current Adpprove im dial ere r. e you ds
CASE NO. 01-9359 DIVISION G HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA. THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers a default may be entered against you for
CHASE MANHATTAN MORTGAGE AK/A 4226 EMMA STREET EAST, IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH n this lasuit willbe mailedo tad the relief demanded in the petition.
CORPORATION, TAMPA, FL 33610. COUNTY, FLORIDA dress on record at the clerks office Copies of all court documents in this
Plaintiff, If you are a person with a disability who CIVIL ACTION WARNING: Rule 12.285. Florida Fam case, including orders, are available at the
vs. needs any accommodation in order to CASE NO.05-11306-CA DIVISIN H ly Law Rules of Procedure Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may
WILLIAM D. EVANS, et al, participate in this proceeding, you are WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. N certain automatic disclosure of docu- review these documents upon request.
Defendant(s). entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision TRUST FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE ments and information. Failure to comply You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit
of certain assistance. Please contact the CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF ASSET can result in sanctions, including dis- Court's office notified of your current ad-
FORAMENDED NOTSURE SALOF Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division, BACKED SECURITIES CORPORATION missal or striking of pleadings. dress. (You may file Notice of Current Ad-
MFORECLON URD N E S800 East Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL HOME EQUITY LOAN TRUST, SERIES DATED: February 13, 2006. dress, Florida Supreme Court Approved
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursu- 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252, OOMC 2005-HE6, ruary 13, 2006. Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers
ant to an Amended Final Judgment of within 2 working days of your receipt of Plaintiff PAT FRANK in this lawsuit will be mailed to the ad-
Mortgage Foreclosure dated February 9, this document; if you are hearing or voice vs CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT dress on record at the clerk's office.
2006, and entered in Case NO. 01- 9359 impaired, call 1-800-955-8771. ELBERT A. GOLDWIRE, et al By: Cynthia Menendez WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Fam-
of tea Circui rt aoof dhe RHIRTEEBNOTH WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of Defendant(s). Deputy Clerk 2/24-3/17lyLaw Rues of Procedure, require
Judicial Crcuit un and for HILLSBOR Ithis Court on February 16, 2006. certain automatic disclosure of docu-
TION, is the Plaintiff and WILLIAM D. Clerk of the Circuit Court NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA can result in sanctions, including dis-
EVANS; JANICE D. EVANS; WILLIAM R. By: Darrell Morning to a Final Judgment of Mortgage Fore- PROBATE DIVISION missal or striking of pleadings.
SCHUELLER; CHRISTEL SCHUELLER; Deputy Clerk closure dated February 14, 2006 and CASE NO. 2006-CP-000297 DATED: February 13,.2006.
UNKNOWN TENANTS A/K/A WILLIAM Echevarria, Codilis & Stawiarski entered in Case NO. 05-11306-CA o the DIVISION: EAST Florida Bar #308447 PAT FRANK
SCHULLER; UNKNOWN TENANTS AJK/A P.O. Box 25018 Circuit Court of the THIRTEENTH Judi:
WlLLAM SCHULLER are theAN Defi Ad- Tampa, Floxrida 33622-5018 cial Circuit in and for HILLSBOROUGH IN RE: ESTATE OF CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT
W'tLL I l LE, h re he De nd Tt F05009314 County, Florida wherein WELLS FARGO JEAN THERESA DiMAIO, By: Cynthia Menendez
ants, I will sell to the highest and best F05009314 2/24-3/3/06 2T BANK. N.A. IN TRUST FOR THE Deceased. Deputy Clerk 2/24-3/17/06 4T
LA GACETA/Friday, March 3, 2006/Page 29
NOTICE AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, assigns claiming any interest in or to The above funds less required clerk's costs Florida for the use and benefit of Public
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE STATE OF FLORIDA the funds hereafter described. will be deposited with the State Treasurer Guardianship unless claimed in the man-
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF Notice is hereby given under the provis- under the provisions of the above statute ner provided by said statute within ten
HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA, UNCLAIMED FUNDS ions of Chapter 744.534, Florida Statutes, six months after the 3RD day of FEBRU- years from the date said sum is deposited
HAS ON HAND THE FOLLOWING CASE NO: 00-CP-000797 that the personal representative of the ARY 2006, the date of the first publication with the State Treasurer.
UNCLAIMED FUNDS. estate of BILLY HALL, deceased, has of notice by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set
TO: The Heirs of ROBERT JONES, deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit Hillsborough County, Florida. my hand and the seal of this Court this
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE deceased, his/her heirs, executors, Court of Hillsborough County, Florida, the Said sum shall escheat to the State of 18th day of JANUARY 2006.
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN administrators, successors, and sum of $1,736.40, the money and proper- Florida for the use and benefit of Public PAT FRANK
AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, assigns claiming any interest in or to ty of the heirs of BILLY HALL, deceased. Guardianship unless claimed in the man- CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT
STATE OF FLORIDA the fund hereafter described. The above funds less required clerk's costs ner provided by said statute within ten In and For Hillsborough County,
Notice is hereby given under the provis- will be deposited with the State Treasurer years from the date said sum is deposited State of Florida
NOTICE OF DEPOIT OF ions of Chapter 744.534, Florida Statutes, under the provisions of the above statute with the State Treasurer. BEY LA VY
UNCLAIMED FUNDS that the personal representative of the es- six months after the 3RD day of FEBRU- IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set Deputy Clerk
CASE NO: 03-CP001288 tate of ROBERT JONES, deceased, has ARY 2006, the date of the first publication my hand and the seal of this Court this
TO: The Heirs of MEDIL LOUIS, deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit of notice by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of 18th day of JANUARY 2006. This instrument prepared by:
deceased, his/her heirs, executors, Court of Hillsborough County, Florida, the Hillsborough County, Florida. PAT FRANK PAT FRANK
administrators, successors, and sum of $11,467.77, the money and prop- Said sum shall escheat to the State of CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT
assigns claiming any interest in or to ery of the heirs of ROBERT JONES, Florida for the use and benefit of Public In and For Hillsborough County, BETTY J LA VOY & 3/3
the funds hereafter described. deceased. Guardianship unless claimed in the man- State of Florida 2_3 & 3/3/06.2T
Notice is hereby given under the provis- The above funds less required clerk's costs ner provided by said statute within ten BETTY J LA VOY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE
ions pf Chapter 744.534, Florida Statutes, will be deposited with the State Treasurer years from the date.said sum is deposited Deputy Clerk THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL ClRCUIT IN
that the personal representative of the under the provisions of the above statute with the State Treasurer. AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH CIRCUNT
estate of MEDIL LOUIS, deceased, has six months after the 3RD day of FEBRU- IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto et This instrument prepared by: ORHILLSBOROUGCOUNTY
deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit ARY 2006, the date of the first publication IN W iTNESS WHER F hereuno st Tths PT F K STATE OF FLORIDA
Court of Hillsborough County, Florida, the of notice by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of my JANUARY 2006 C LERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OFPAT FRANK
sum of $743.57, the money and property Hillsborough County, Florida. h day of JANARY 2006. CLERK OF THE CRCUT COURT NOTCE F EPOST OF
of the heirs of MEDIL LOUIS, deceased. Said sum shall escheat to the State of PATFRANK BETTY J LA 2/3 & 3/3/06 2T UNCLAIMED FUNDS04CP 0955
The above fund e less required catrks costs Florida for th use and beaneft of Public in and For Hillsborough County, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TO: The Heirs of ANNIE BARRETT,
will be deposited with the State Treasurer Guardianship unless claimed in the man- State of Florida THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN deceased, his/her heirs, executors,
under the provisions of the above statute ner provided by said statute within tenRCUIT IN
six months after the 3RD day of FEBRU- years from the date said sum is deposited BETTY J LA VOY AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, administrators, successors, and
ARY 2006, the date of the first publication with the State Treasurer. Deputy Clerk STATE OF FLORIDA assigns claiming any interest in or to
of notice by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set This instrument prepared by: NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF Noice s herby given under he provis-
Hillsborough County, Florida. my hand and the seal of this Court this PAT FRANK UNCLAIMED FUNDS otns of Chaptereby given under the provis,
Said sum shall escheat to the State of 18th day of JANUARY 2006. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT CASE NO: 89-CP-002640 that h personal rpresentative of th
Florida for the use and benefit of Public PAT FRANK BETTY J LA VOY 2 TO: The Heirs of LAWRENCE GABEL, tate of ANNIE BARRETT, deceased, has
Guardianship unless claimed in the man- CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT 2/3 & 3/3/06 2T deceased, his/her heirs, executors, deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit
ner provided by said statute within ten In and For Hillsborough County, administrators, successors, and Court of Hillsborough County, Florida, the
years from the date said sum is deposited State of Florida IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE assigns caiming any interest In or to sum of $2,52012, the money and prop-
with the State Treasurer. BETTY J LA VOY THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN the funds hereafter described. erty of the heirs of ANNIE BARRETT,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set Deputy Clerk AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Notice is hereby given under th provis- deceased.
my hand and the seaR of this Court this This instrument prepared by: STATE OF FLORIDA ons of Chapter 744.534, Florida Statutes, The above funds less required clerk's costs
18tay of JANUARY 2006.PAT FRANK NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF that the personal representative of the es- will be deposited with the State Treasurer
PAT FRANK CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT UNCLAIMED FUNDS tate of LAWRENCE GABEL, deceased, under the provisions of the above statute
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT LEK J CASE NO: 93-CP-002073 has deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit six months after the 3RD day of FEBRU-
In and For Hillsborough County, BETTY J LAVOY 2/3 & 3/3/06 2T TO: The Heirs of CLOTILDE PLACIBE Court of Hillsborough County, Florida, the ARY 2006, the date of the first publication
State of Florida deceased his/her heirs execuors sum of $2,705.66, the money and prop- of notice by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of
BETTY J LA VOY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE administrators, successors, andery of the heir of LAWRENCE GABEL, Hilborough County, Florida.
Deputy Clerk THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN assigns claiming any interest in or to deceased. Said sum shall escheat to the State of
This instrument prepared by: AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, the funds hereafter described. The above funds less required clerk's costs Florida for the use and benefit of Public
PAT FRANK STATE OF FLORIDA Notice is hereby given under the provis- wil be deposited with the State Treasurer Guardianship unless claimed in the man-
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF ions of Chapter 744.534, Florida Statutes, usdei' the provisiona of the above tatute ner provided by said statute within ten
UNCLAIMED FUNDS that the personal representative of the es- six months after the 3RD day of FEBRU- years from the date said sum as deposited
BETTY J LA tULAMDNVOYh personal ARY 2006, the date of the first publication with the State Treasurer.
BETTY J LA VOY 2/3 & 3/3/06 2T CASE NO: 01-CP-001396 tate of CLOTILDE PLACIBE, deceased, of note the dte of the first ucato with the State T
-TO: The Heirs of ROMN JONES has deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit of nic byh Crk of th Circui Court of IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE H r RMAN JONES, Court of Hillsborough County, Florida, the Hillsborough County, Florida. my hand and the seal of this Court this
IRTNTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN deceased, his/her heirs, executors sum of $320.77, the money and rop- Said sum shall escheat to the State of 18th day of JANUARY 2006.
TRIRTEENTH JUDICIAL ClRCUIT IN administrators, successors, and .2
AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, asisnaamin t erty of the heirs of CLOTILDE PLA IBE, Florida for the use and benefit of Public PAT FRANK
STATE OF FLORIDA th funds mg any teret in o deceased. Guardianship unless claimed in the man- CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT
TaE OF DOI the funds hereafter described. ne Fldar provided by said snatute within ten In and For Hillsborough County,
NOTCE OF DEPOIT OF Notice is hereby given under the provis- Guardianship unless claimed in the man- State of Florida 2/3 & 3/3/06 2
UNCLAIMED FUNDS ions of Chapter 744.534, Florida Statutes, wil b deporitd with the State aurr yar ten Am Y IN THE CIR IT C RT OF THE
CASE NO: 03-CeP-001064 a has the personal representativa of the es- undr the provision of the aove statuted Depith utyhe Stae Treaurr.RTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT
deposited with the Clerk of theY C tatte pof JESciea h s ix months after the 3RD day of FEBRU- IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set Deputy Clerk
TO: The Heirs of EVELYN BURKEY, tate of ROMAN JONES, deceased, has ARY 2006, the date of the first publication my hand and the seal of this Court this
deceased, his/her heirs, executors, deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit y a t of hJANUARY 2this00. This nstrument prepared by:
administrators, successors, and Court of Hillsborough County, Florida,. 18th da y ot JANUARY 2006. BPAT J FANK Y A NOA D N
assigns claiming any interest in orf to m of $7,226.85, the mony and prop- Hillborough Couny, Florida. PAT FRANK PAT FRANKUIT COURT
the fund hereafter described. erty of the heirs of ROMAN JONES, Said um shall echeat to Sa of CLERK OF THE CRCUT COURT
Saodeceased. Florida for the use and benefit of Public In and For Hillsborough County, BETTY J LA VOY BANK, AS
Notice is hereby given under the provis- Guardianship unless claimed in the man- State of Florida 2/3 & 3/3/06 2T
ions of Chapter 744.534, Florida Statutes, The above funds less required clerk's costs ner provided by said statute within ten BETTY J LA VOY IN THE _1RCUIT COURT OF THE
that the personal representative of the es- will be deposited with the State Treasurer yars from the date said ansum is depsitedborough Cy IN THE CE UTI T COURT OF THE
ate of EVELYN BURKEY, deceased, has under the provisions of the above statuten wit h the St date eTHIasurer.puty Clek TRN
deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit six months after the 3RD day of FEBRU- This instrument prepared by: IN AND FOR ILLSBOROUGH
Court of Hillsborough County, Florida, the ARY 2006, the date of the first publication IN WITNESS WHEREOF 1 hereunto set PAT FRANK COUNTY, FLORIDA
umof notice by the C$erk of the Circuiu Court of my hand and the seal of this Court thiss CIVIL ACTIpre d ONb:
erty of the heir of EVELYN BURKEY, Hllsborough County, Florida. 18h day of JANUARY 2006. T ITO OCASE NO 05-11208-CA DIISION C
deceased. Said sum shall escheat to the State of PAT FRANK BECY J LA VOY 2/3 & 3/3/06 2T J R GAN CHAE BANK
The above funds less required clerk' costs Florida for the ueu and benefit of Public CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT 01-P-002744 to a Fil Ju t of Mo e
will be deposited with the Stat Treasurer Guardianship unless claimed in the man- InK OF THE CC C 2 T Hirs of A YO ERS or a Frar 2 2 an,
undear f the proviions of th aboe statute nae provided by Eaid Ctatute within ten State of Floridaand Cit CE RCUrcuit Court the THIRTEE H
ix month after the 3R day of FEBRU- yar from the date aid sum is deposited BETTY J LA VOY AND FOR HILLBOROUGH COUNTY, KENNETH D. RICH, et al,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set Deputy Clerk AND FOR HALLSBOROUGH COUNTY, the funds hereafter described. County, Florida wherein JPMORGAN
ARY 2006,h the date of the first publication with the State Treasurer. Deputy Clerk TATE OF FLORIDA Defendant( ).
of notic by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of IN WITNESS WHEREOF 1 hereunto set This instrument prepared by: NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE
Hillborough County, Florida. my hand and the seal of this Court this PATFRANK UNCLAMED FUNDS ENGINEERING SSOCITES
Said Rum shall escheat to the State of 18th day of JANUARY 2006. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT UN CLAIED FUNDS tae of ANN YONKES a a STOIN, HE EAGLES MA E
Florida for the use and benefit of Public PAT FRANK 6 2 TO: The Heirs of L H C o H 0-CP 4 t o a Final Judgment of Mortgage Fore
Guardianship unlesa claimed in thQ man- CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT BETTY J LA VOY 2/3 & 3/3/06 2T TO: The Heira of ANN YONKERS, closure dated February 21, 2006 and
ner provided by said statute within ten In and For Hillsborough County, deceased, his/her heirs, executors, entered in Case NO. 05-1 1208-CA of the
years from the date said sum is deposited State of Florida IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE administrators, successors, and Circuit Court of the THIRTEENTH Judi-
with the State Treasurer. BETTY J LA VOY THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN assigns claiming any inoteret in or to cial Circuit in and for HILLSBOROUGH
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set Deputy Clerk AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, the funds hereafter described. County, Florida wherein JPMORGAN
my hand and the seal of this Court tNhis The is h y STATE OF FLORIDA Notice is hereby given under the provis- CHASE BANK, AS TRUSTEE, is the
ShdCLERK OF THE CIRCU COURT intrument prepr by: nion of Chapter 744.534, Florida Statutese Plaintiff and KENNETH D. RICH; KING
18th day of JANUARY 20PAT FRANK NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF that the personal representative of the es- ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC.; I. B.
BETTYJLAVOY UNCLAIMED FUNDS that the personal representative of the es- six months after the 3RD day of FEBRU- sbed property as set forth in said
2/3 & 3/3/06 2T CASE H County3 BETY J LA VOY CASE NO: 03-CP-002613 deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit ASSOCIATION, INC.; CANTERBURY VIL-
TOntandTortH M 2/3 & 3/3/06 2T d TO: The Heirs of CARL HANSEN, Court of Hillcborough Cunty, Flourda, fh LAGE HOMEOWN ERS ASSOCIATIONT
BEN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE deceased, his/her heirs, executora, sum of $1,361.56h C t, Flhmoney and prop- INC.; are h fndans, wll s o
Deputy Cierk THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL ClRCUIT IN administrators, successors, and erty of the heirs of ANN YONKERS, highest and best bidder for cash at 800 E.
T it e r rbAND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, o tassigrs claiming any interest in or o deceased. Twiggs t Streetl, George Edgecomb Court-
ThiSTATE OF FLORIDA the funds hereafter described. The above funds less reuired cerks costs urdiasi unles raquired c lerk' cost o 2n d F, m 20 n, T
PAT FRANKICE O Notice is hereby given under the provis- will be deposited with the State Treasurer Flora 3 S ; on h 24t
CLERK OF THE CRCUT COURT NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF ions of Chapter 744.534, Foda Statutes, under the provisions of the above tatute day of March, 2006, th following de-
CASE NO:-CP t UNCLAIMED FUNDp that s nthe paersonal representative of the es- ix months aft er the 3RD day of FEBRU- scribed property as set forth in sai
BETTY JL2/3 & 3/3/06 2T CASE NO: 03-CP-000172 tate of CARL HANSEN, deceased, has ARY 2006, the date of the first publication Final JudgmentS
TO: The Heirs of EMILIO CRUIZ, deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit of notice by the Clerkof the of th Cirui Court of LOT 6, IN BLOCK "C", OF CANTER-
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE deceased, his/her heirg executora, Court of Hilsborough County, Florida, the Hillsborough County, Florida. BURY VILLAGE, ACCORDING TO
THIRTEENiH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN administrators, successors, and aum of $1,878,61, the mon and property Said um shall escheat to the State of THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF, AS
AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, asig oclaiming any intert in oro of hir of CARL HANSEN, d ased. Florida for the use and benefit of Public RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 74,
STATE OF FLORIDA the funds hreafter described. The above funds less required clerk' costs Guardianship unless claimed in the man- PAGE 2, OF THE PUBLIC REC-
NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF Notice is hreby given under the provos- will be deposited with the State wTreasurer ner providad by aid statute within ten ORDS OF HILLSBOROUGH COUN-
UNCLApMED FUNDS ions of Chapter 744.534, Florida Satutes, under the provisions of the above statute years from the date said sum deposit ed TY FLORIDA.
ate ofeTpAeSnHa O S decs under te provisions of the above statute with the State Treasurer. Deuty Clerk 33602, telephone no. 276-8100, ext. 7252
CASE NO: 00-CP-000510 that ths personal representativ of the six months after the 3RD day of FEBRU- with the State Treasurer. A/KA 16003 ROYAL ABEcDEEN
Court ofHiborestate of EMILIO CRUIZ, deceased, has ARY 2006, the date of the first publication IN WITNESS WHEREOF 1 hereunto set PLACE, ODESSA, FL 33556.
sTO: The Heir of TAMISHA ROBINSON, deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit Cf notice by the Clerk of.he Circuit Court of my hand and the seal of this Court this lf you are a person with a disability who
der ceasd, hirs/hr heir, excutor, Court of Hillsborough County, Florida, Hillsborough County, Florida. 18th day of JANUARY 2006. needs any accommodation in order to
deasdinr the S sum shall escheat to the State of CAT FRANK participate in this proceeding, you are
he ab funds le rea iteres n o d propery of the hirs of EM CRUIZ, cFlorida for the use and benefit of Pubic CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision
the uos hreadfthr dstribaed. deceased. Guardianship unless claimed in the man- In and For Hillsborough County, of certain assistance. Please contact the
Notice is hereby given under the provis- The above funds less required cerk'co ner prvided by said statute within ten State of Florida Clerk of Circuit Court, Circuit Civil Division,
ion s of Chapter 744.534, Fda StatuteTreasurer years from the date said sum is deposited BETTY J LA VOY erk AND FOR HH C. a. 72,
that the personal representative of the esfirst underth the above statute with the Stat This instrument prepared b STATE OF FLORIDA Echevarra, Codiis & Stawiarski
at of ntie the Clerk of deceasei six months after the 3RD day of FEBRU- IN WITNESS WHEREOF hereunto set2
has deposited with fha Clrk of th e Ciruit ARY 2006, the date of the firsC publicaTion my hand and the seal of thi Court this This instrument prepared by: !has document; ii you are hearing or voice
Hillsborough County, Florida my hand and the seal of this Court this NOT11 1 OF DEPOST O Tampa, Florida 33622-5018
Court of Hil$4,962.39,sborough County, Florida, h of notice by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of 18th day of JANUARY 2006. PAT FRANK impaired, cal 1-800-955-8771.
aim of $4,96239, ofhA mony and PrOP- Hillsborough County, Florida. PAT FRANK CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of
arfy of fha heirs of TAMISHA ROBINSON, thia Court on Fabnuary 21, 2006.
deceasad. Said sum shall escheat to the State of CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT BETUY J LA VOY FUNts C t Februa05 21, 2006.C
ThFlorida for the use and benefit of Public PIn and For Hill sborough Coun2/3 & 3/3/06 2T Pat Fr
will be deposited with the State Treasurer GuCLERK THE CIRCUIT COURT TO The Heirs of JOHN W WILLIAMSE Ca fa
under the provisions of the above tatute ner provided by said statute within ten BETTY J LA VOY THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN BY: Sandra Glennon
years fromon the date said sum year from the date said sum is deposited Deputy Clerk AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Deputy Clerk
six months after the 3RD day of FEBRU- with the State Treasurer. BETTY J LA VOY AND FOR HLLSBOROUGH COUNTY assigns claiming any interest in or o
ARY 2006, the date of the first publication This instrument prepared by: STATE OF FLORIDA Echevarria, Codilia & Stawiarski
of notice by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of N WlTNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set DeP.O. Box 25018
Hillsborough County, Florida. my hand and the seal of this Court this PAT FRANK NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF Tampa, Florida 33622-5018
Said um shall escheat o the State of 18th day of JANUARY 2006. CLERK OF THE CIRCUT COURT UNCLAIMED FUNDS F05023245
Florida for the use and benefit of Public PAT FRANK BETTY J LA VOY 2/3 & 3/3/06 2T CASE NO: 96-CP-002094 2/24-3/36
Guardianship unless claimed in the man- CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT CATO: The Heirs of JOHN W WILLIAMS,
ner providd by said Ctatute within ten In and For Hiborough County, INTO: THE CHRCUIT COURT OF THE deceased, his her hirs e xecutor,
BETTYars from the date aid THE CIRCUm IT depoitd State of Florida IRTEENTH JUDICIAL CCUI IN administrator, succesors, and
DeptyClrk THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN assigns claiming any interest in or to eray of the heirs of JOHN W WILLIAMS, cl1 an it0110 Ust i
wih the Stat Treaurr. BETTY J LA VOY AND OR ILLBOROUGH COUNTY, asinunds hereafter described. deceased.any nret in orto
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set Deputy Clerk STATE OF FLORIDA fha funda bareahar deacribad.
hand and sea of hi Cr This i nstrument prepared by: STATE OF FLORIDA Notice is hereby given under the provis- The above funds less required clerk's costs Ame Prde
myPAT FRANK NOTICE OF DEPOST OF ions of Chapter 744.534, Florida Staturtes,
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT2006. PAT FRANK UNCLAMED FUND that the personal r epr above sentativ of ute es-
In and For Hilsborough County, BETTY J LA VOY 2/3 & 3/3/06 2T TO: The Heirs of PEARL DONLEY, has deposited wih he Clerk of the Circui
State of ForidaTO: deceasd, hi/hr hir, exeHALL, dececuor, CourCourt of Hilsborough County, Florida, t he
BETTY J LA VOY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE admini tratoro, sucesorney and property m of $391335, Flthe mony and prop- SydicatedCo
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN administrators, successors, and osignf the claiming any DONLterest in o tdeceao sed. Said sum shall escheat of JOHN W WILLIAMS,the State of
AND FOR HILLBOROUGH COUNTY, th3,20 fund hereafter d ribe decea
This instrument prepared by: STATE OF FLORIDA Notice ia hereby given under the provis- The above funda less required clerk's costa Available from Commercial News Providers"
PATFRAoNK NOTiCE OF DEPOSIT OF ona of Chapter 744.534, Florida Statutes, will be deposited with the State Treasurer
CLEFRAK OF THECRCUTC RTUNCLAIMED FUNDS that the personal representative of the under the provisions of the above statute
BETTY J LA VOY estate of PEARL DONLEY, deceased, has six months after the 3RD day of FEBRU-
2/3 & 3/3/06 2T CASE NO: 95-CP-002730 deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit ARY 2006, the date of the first publication
TO: The Heirs of BILLY HALL, deceased, Court of Hillsborough County, Florida, the of notice by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of
IN THE ClRCUIT COURT OF THE his/her heirs, executors, aum of $679.27, the money and property Hillsborough County, Florida.
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUlT IN administrators, successors, and of the heirs of PEARL DONLEY, deceased. Said aum shall escheat to the State of
Pase 30/. LA GACETA/Friday,. March 3, 20Q6
NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE deceased, his her heirs, executors, deceased, has deposited with the Clerk of The above funds less required clerk's costs
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN administrators, successors, and the Circuit Court of Hillsborough County, will be deposited with the State Treasurer
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, assigns claiming any interest in or to Florida, the sum of $1,918.70, the money under the provisions of the above statute
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF STATE OF FLORIDA the funds hereafter described. and property of the heirs of WILLIAM six months after the 27TH day of JAN-
HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA, JOURDAN, deceased UARY 2006, the date of the first pubication
HAS ON HAND THE FOLLOWING NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF Notice is hereby given under the provis- JAMES JOJRDAN, deceased: UARY 2006, the date of fhe first publication
UNCLAIMED FUNDS. UNCLAIMED FUNDS ions of Chapter 733.816, Florida Statutes, The above funds less required clerk's costs of notice by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of
NCLAIED FNDS NCAE NS that the personal representative of the es- will be deposited with the State Treasurer Hillsborough County, Florida.
N HCASE NO: 02-CP-001819 t ate of MYRTLE M GASKILL, deceased, under the provisions of the above statute Said sum shall escheat to the State of
TIN THE Cl UDCL CRCUIT OF THE TO: The Heirs of GENE DEE AUSTIN, has deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit six months after the 27TH day of JAN- Florida for the use and benefit of the State
ATHRTEENTH JUDIHI B AL CICUT INT deceased, his her heirs, executors, Court of Hillsborough County, Florida, UARY 2006, the date of the first publication School Fund unless claimed in the man-
AND FOR HILLSBUOROU UNTY, administrators, successors, and the sum of $682.00, the money and prop- of notice by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of ner provided by said statute within ten
STATE OF FLORIDA assigns claiming any interest in or to erty of the heirs of MYRTLE M GASKILL, Hillsborough County, Florida. years from the date said sum is deposited
NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF the funds hereafter described. deceased. Said sum shall escheat to the State of with the State Treasurer.
UNCLAIMED FUNDS Notice is hereby given under the provis- The above funds less required clerk's costs Florida for the use and benefit of the State IN WITNESS WHEREOF 1 hereunto set
CASE NO: 00-CP-002192 ions of Chapter 733.816, Florida Statutes, will be deposited with the State Treasurer School Fund unless claimed in the man- my hand and the seal of this Court. this
TO: The Heirs of RUTH VERGOT, that the personal representative of the under the provisions of the above statute ner provided by said statute within ten 18th day of JANUARY 2006.
deceased, his her heirs, executors estate of GENE DEE AUSTIN, deceased, six months after the 27TH day of JAN- years from the date said sum is deposited PAT FRANK
administrators, successors, and has deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit UARY 2006, the date of the first publication with the State Treasurer. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT
assigns claiming any interest in or to Court of Hillsborough County, Florida, of notice by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set In and For Hillsborough County,
the funds hereafter described. the sum of. $14,505.18, the money and Hillsborough County, Florida. my hand and the seal of this Court this State of Florida
Notice is hereby givn under the provi- property of the heirs of GENE DEE Said sum shall escheat to the State of 18th day of JANUARY 2006. BETTY J LA VOY
ions of Chapter 733.816, Florida Statutes, AUSTIN, deceased. Florida for the use and benefit of the State PAT FRANK Deputy Clerk
that the personal representative of the The above funds less required clerk's costs School Fund unless claimed in the man- CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT This instrument prepard by:
estate of RUTH VERGOT, deceased, has will be deposited with the State Treasurer ner provided by said statute within ten In and For Hillsborough County, s nsrume reare
deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit under the provisions of the above statute years from the date said sum is deposited State of Florida PAT FRANK
Court of Hillsborough County, Florida, six months after the 27TH day of JAN- with the State Treasurer. BETTY J LA VOY CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT
the sum of $14,921.05, the money and UARY 2006, the date of the first publication IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set Deputy Clerk BETTY J LA VOY 2/3 & 3/3/0 2T
property of the heirs of RUTH VERGOT, of notice by the Clerk of Circui Cour of my and and the seal of this Court this 2/3 & 3/3/06 2T
deceased. Hillsborough County, Florida. 18th day of JANUARY 2006. This instrument prepared by:
The above funds less required clerk's costs Said sum shall escheat to the State of PAT FRANK PAT FRANK IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE.
will be deposited with the State Treasurer Florida for the use and benefit of the State CLERK OF THE CRCUT COURT CLERK OF HE CRCUIT COURT THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF
under the provisions of the above statute School Fund unless claimed in the man- In and For Hillsborough County, BETTY J LA VOY THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR
six months after the 27TH day of JAN- ner provided by said statute within ten State of Florida 2/3 & 3/3/06 2T HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY
UARY 2006, the date of the first publication years from the date said sum is deposited JUVENILE DIVISION
of notice by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of with the State Treasurer. BEY J LA VOY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THENILE DIVISION
Hillsborough County, Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set Deputy Cerk THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN FFN: 96280 DIVISION: S
Said sum shall escheat to the State of my hand and the seal of this Court this This instrument prepared by: AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, CASE ID: 03-0282
Florida for the use and benefit of the State 18th day of JANUARY 2006. PAT FRANK STATE OF FLORIDA 03-0467
ner provided by said statute within ten CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT BETTY J LA VOY 6 2TUNCLAIMED FUNDS VIDAURRAZAGA, Selena 02-27-2001
years from the date said sum is deposited In and For Hilisborough County, &NO:01-CP-001936 VIDAURRAZAGA Allison 05-12-2003
with the State Treasurer. State of Florida CASE NO: 01-CP-001936 VIDAURRAZAGA, Allison 05-12-2003
my hand and the eal of this Court this Deputy Clerk AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, deceased, his her heirs, executors, NOTICE OF AN ADVISORY HEARING
18th day of JANUARY 2006. This instrument prepared by: STATE OF FLORIDA administrators, successors, and ON A TERMINATION OF PARENTAL
PAT FRANK PAT FRANK assigns claiming any interest in or RIGHTS PROCEEDINGS
In and For Hillsborough County, UNCLAIMED FUNDS Notice is hereby given under the provis- AT THE ADVISORY HEARING CON-
State of Florida BETTY J LA VOY 2/3 & 3/3/06 2T CASE NO: 99-CP-001980 ions of Chapter 733.816, Florida Stattes, STITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMI-
BETTY J LA VOY TO: The Heirs of DONALD C ROGERS, that the personal representative of the es- NATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF
This instrumnt reardbTHIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN executors, administrators, successors, KENNEDY, deceased, has deposited APPEAR ON THIS DATE AND TIME
This instrment prepared by: AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, and assigns claiming any interest in or with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of SPECIFIED, YOU MAY LOSE ALL
PAT FRANK STATE OF FLORIDA to the funds hereafter described. Hillsborough County, Florida, the sum of LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE
CLERK OF THE CRCUT COURT NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF No herby givn undr provis- $2,143.26, the money and property of the CHILDREN NAMED IN THE PETITION
2/3 & 3/3/06 2T CASE NO:01-CP-001145 that the personal representative of the TON KENNEDY, deceased. TO: FELIX VIDAURRAZAGA (father)
N TE C T C T OF TE T: T of ARAHAN SR, estate of DONALD C ROGERS, SR, de- The above funds less required clerk's costs Residence/Whereabouts Unknown
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TO: The Heirf hGAR MAGHANi SR, ceased, has deposited with the Clerk of will be deposited with the State Treasurer YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN admceistrato hs h eors, execad the Circuit Court of Hillsborough County, under the provisions of the above statute that a Petition for Termination of Parental
AND FOR HLLSBOROUGH COUNTY, admin a nuccessors, and o Florida, the sum of $27.,232.58, the money six months after the 27TH day of JAN- Rights has been filed in the Circuit Court
STATE OF FLORIDA fTign caiming any intesred in oro and property of the heirs of DONALD C UARY 2006, the date of the first publication of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit of the
NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF Nthe fuds here nr described. ROGERS, SR, deceased. of notice by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of State of Florida, in and for Hillsborough
NOTC E OF DEPOSIT OF Noticis hereby given under the provis- The above funds less required clerk's costs Hillsborough County, Florida. County, Florida, Juvenile Division, alleg-
UNCLASMED FUNDS ions of Chapter 733.816, Florida Statutes, will be deposited with the State Treasurer Said sum shall escheat to the State of ing that the above-named children are
CASE NO: 02-CP-002970 tat e per onal repatie of tDGAR H deceased, under the provisions of the above statute Florida for the use and benefit of the State dependent children and by which the
TO: The Heirs of ROBERT YOUNG, htate of EDGAR MAGA, SR decea r six months after the 27TH day of JAN- School Fund unless claimed in the man- Petitioner is asking for the termination of
deceased, his her heirs, executors, has deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit UARY 2006, the date of the first publication ner provided by said statute within ten parental rights and permanent commit-
administrators, successors, and Court of Hillsborough County, Florida of notice by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of years from the date said sum is deposited ment of these children to the Department
assigns claiming any interes in orto he surm of t$9,013.02, fthe mony and Hillsborough County, Florida. with the State Treasurer. of Children and Families for subsequent
ote fuds ereafy ven desribed. pSR, deceased. Said sum shall escheat to the State of IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set adoption.
Notice is hereby given under the provis- fud s re d c s ct Florida for the use and benefit of the State my hand and the seal of this Court this YOU ARE HEREBY notified that you
ions of Chapter 733.816, Florida Statutes, The above funds les reqired clerk's cots School Fund unless claimed in the man- 18th day of JANUARY 2006. are required to appear personally on the
that the personal representative of the wil be deposited with the e Stat Treasurer ner provided by said statute within ten PAT FRANK 2nd day of May, 2006, at 9:00 a.m., be-
estate of ROBERT YOUNG, deceased, unde the provisions of te above ftatt years from the date said sum is deposited CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT fore the Honorable Katherine G. Essrig,
has deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit mo ths afte the 2 f day of JAN- with the State Treasurer. I and For Hillsborough County, at the Edgcomb Courthouse, 800 East
Courf of Hillsborough County, Flodda, UARY 2006, the date of the firat publication Twiggs Street, 4th Roor, Tampa, Florida
the sum of $3,391.31, the money and of notice by the Clerk of the Circuit Cour of IN WITNESS WHEREOF hereunto set State of Florida Twggs Street 4h oo, Tampa, Florida
roperty of he heirs of ROBERT YOUNG, Hillsborough County, Florida. my hand and the seal o'this Court this BETTY J LA VOY 33602, ro tshow caube, ia any, why pa
deceased. Said sum shall escheat to the State of h day of JANUARY 206. Deputy Clerk said children shall not be permanently
The above funds less required clerk's costs Florida for the use and benefit of the State PAT FRANK This instrument prepared by: committed to the Florida Department of
will be deposited with the State Treasurer School Fund unless claimed in the man- CLERK OFTHE CRCUIT COURT FRANK Childrn a Familis florida Department of
under the provisions of the above statute ner provided by said statute within ten In and For Hillborough County, PAT FRANK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT adoption. and Families fo be reprnt
six months after the 27TH day of JAN- years from the date said sum is deposited State of Florida CLERK OF THE CRCU COsentadtin aomey enti thi proceeding.pre-
UARY 2006, the date of the first publication with the State Treasurer. BETTY J LA VOY BETTY J LA VOY 2/3 & 3/3/06 2T DATED this 24th da of Fbruary, 2006.
of notice by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set Deputy Clerk 3 & 306 ATED thi hay ofFebay, .
Hilborough County, Florida.FRANK
Hillsborough County, Florida. my hand and the seal of this Court this This instrument prepared by: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUT COURT
Said sum shall escheat to the State of 18th day of JANUARY 2006. PAT FRANK THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN By: Linda Lepelletier
Florida for the use and benefit of the State PAT FRANK CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Deputy Clerk
School Fund unless claimed in the man- CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURTY STATE OF FLORIDA 3/3-3/2406 4T
ner provided by said statute within ten In and For Hillsborough County, BT L 2/3 & 3/3/06 2T TE OF O -
years from the date said sum is deposited State of Florida NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF
my hand and the seal of this Court this This instrument prepared by AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, TO: The Heirs of CHARLES EGAN, NumOr- O
18th day of JANUARY 2006. STATE OF FLORIDA deceased, his her heirs, executors, File Number 06-CP-000425
PAT RANK PAT FRANK CIRCT C T administrators, successors, and IN RE: ESTATE OF
PATCLERK OF THE CIRCUITCOURT NOTCE OF DEPOS OF assigns claiming any interest in or to IDA LITTKE,
In and For Hillsborough County, BETTY J LA VOY 2/3 & 3/3/06 2T CASE NO: 05-CP-000785the funds hereafter dscribed.ceas
State of Florida CAE N: 05 Notice is hereby given under the provis- NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION
BETTY J LA VOY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TO: The Heirs of HARRIET JANE ions of Chapter 733.816, Florida Statutes, NOTICE T-CRPDITO 1
Deputy Clerk THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN FSCHER, deceasd, hi her heir, that the personal representative of the es- NOTICE TO CREDITORS
e rere AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, executors, administrators, successors, tate of CHARLES EGAN, deceased, has The administration of the estate of IDA
This instrument prepared by: STATE OF FLORIDA and assigns claiming any interest in or deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit LITTKE, Deceased, File Number 06-CP-
PAT FRANK to the funds hereafter described. Court of Hillsborough County, Florida, 000425, is pending in the Circuit Court for
CLERK OFTHE CIRCUIT OURT NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF Notice is hereby given under the provis- the sum of $2,748.35, the money and Hillsborough County, Florida, Probate
BETTY J LA VOY UNCLAIMED FUNDS ions of Chapter 733.816, Florida Statutes, property of the heirs of CHARLES EGAN, Division, the address of which is P.O. Box
2/3 & 3/3/06 2T CASE NO: 03-CP-001237 that the personal representative of the .deceased. 1110, Tampa, Florida 33601. The name
TO: The Heirs of MELVIN T PURIFORY, estate of HARRIET JANE FISCHER, The above funds less required clerk's costs and address of the personal representa-
_______hs________________________e TO: The Heira ofre MELVIN T rti
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE deceased, his her heirs, executors, deceaed, has depoitd wih the Clerk of will be depositd with the State Tresurer tive and of the personal representative's
THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN administrators, successors, and the Circuit Court of Hillsborough County, under the provisions of the above statute attorney are set forth below.
AND FOR HILLBOROU GH CCOUNTY, assigns claiming any interest in or to Florida, the sum of $1,066.29, the money six months after the 27TH day of JAN- ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NO-
AND FORHILLSBOROUH COUNTY, the funds hereafter described. and property of the heirs of HARRIET UARY 2006, the date of the first publication TIFIED THAT:
STATE OF FLORIDA Notice is hereby given under the provis- JANE FISCHER, deceased. of notice by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of All persons on whom this notice is
NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF ions of Chapter 733.816, Florida Statutes, The above funds less required clerk's costs Hillsborough County, Florida. served who have objections that challenge
UNCLAIMED FUNDS that the personal representative of the es- will be deposited with the State Treasurer Said sum shall escheat to the State of the validity of the will, the qualifications of
CASE NO: 04-CP-001454 tate of MELVIN T PURIFORY, deceased, under the provisions of the above statute Florida for the use and benefit of the State the personal representative, venue, or jur-
TO: The Heirs of CORA COROLA has deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit six months after the 27TH day of JAN- School Fund unless claimed in the man- isdiction of this Court are required to file
deceased, his her heirs, executors, Court of Hillsborough County, Florida, UARY 2006, the date of the first publication ner provided by said statute within ten their objections with this Court WITHIN
administrators, successors, and the sum of $28,661.98, the money and of notice by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of years from the date said sum is deposited THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AF-
assigns claimin any intrest in or to property of the heirs of MELVIN T Hillsborough County, Florida. with the State Treasurer. TER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLI-
the funds hereafter described. PURIFORY, deceased. Said sum shall escheat to the State of IN WITNESS WHEREOF 1 hereunto set CATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY
Notice is hereby given under the provis- The above funds less required clerk's costs Florida for the use and benefit of the State my hand and the seal of this Court this DAYS AFTER THE DATEI OFSERTVCE
ions of Chapter 733.816, Florida Statutes, will be deposited with the State Treasurer School Fund unless claimed in the man- 18th day of JANUARY 2006. OF A COPY OF THIS ON THEM
that the personal representative of the under the provisions of the above statute ner provided by said statute within ten PAT FRANK All creditors of the decedent and other
estate of CORA COROLA, deceased, has six months after the 27TH day of JAN- years from the date said sum is deposited CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT persons having claims or demands
deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit UARY 2006, the date of the first publication with the State Treasurer. In ad For Hilsborough County, against decedent' estate on whom a copy
Court of Hillsborough County, Florida, of notice by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set State of Florida of this notice is served within three months
the sum of $1,032.20, the money and Hillsborough County, Florida. my hand and the seal of this Court this BETTY J LA VOY afte mdat of the firt publication of this
property of the heirs of CORA COROLA, Said sum shall escheat to the State of 18th day of JANUARY 2006. Deputy Clerk Court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE
deceased. Florida for the use and benefit of the State PAT FRANK M T AFT T AT TH
The above funds less required clerk's costs School Fund unless claimed in the man- CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT This instrument prepared by: MFRST PUBLCATEION OF THE S NOTTCE
will be deposited with the State Treasurer ner provided by said statute within ten In and For Hillsborough County, PAT FRANK FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE
under the provisions of the above statute years from the date said sum is deposited State of Florida CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ORTHIRTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF
six months after the 27TH day of JAN- with the State Treasurer. BETTY J LA VOY BETTY J LA VOY 2/3 & 3/3/06 2T ON THEM..
UARY 2006, the date of the first publication IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set Deputy Clerk __A oh2/r creditor3 of the decedent and
of notice by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of my hand and the seal of this Court this This instrument prepared by: IN THE CRCUT COURT OF THE persons having claims or demands
Hilsborough County, Florida. 18th day of JANUARY 2006. prepared by: N THE CRCUIT COURT OF THE
Said sum hal eshea o h Sa of PAT F K PAT FRANK THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUT IN against decedent's estate must file their
School Fund unless claimed in the man- In and For Hillsborough County, BETTY J LA VOY 2/3 & 3/3/06 2T FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE.
ner provided by said statute within ten State of Florida NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS AND OBJEC-
with the Sta Treasurer. Deputy Clerk THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN CASE NO: 01-CP-002863 EVER BARRED
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto et This nstrument prepared by: AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, TO: The Heirs of RICHARD MATHEW The date of the first publication of this
my hand a th ea this Court this PAT FRANK STATE OF FLORIDA HURDA, deceased, his her heirs, notice is March 3, 2006.
18th day of JANUARY 2006. PAT FRANK
PAT FRANK CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF exsucuors, admnisctrator iin an Pesonal Representative:
In and For Hillsborough County, CASE NO: 05-CP-001143 described. 18809 15th Street
State of Florida IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TO: The Heirs of WILLIAM JAMES Notice is hereby given under the provis- Luz, FL 33549
BETTY J LA VOY THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN JOURDAN, deceased, his her heirs, ions of Chapter 733.816, Florida Statutes, Attomeyfor Personal Representative:
Deputy Clerk AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, executors, administrators, successors, that the personal representative of the es- RALPH B. FISHER, ESQ.
This instrument prepared by: STATE OF FLORIDA and assigns claiming any interest in or tate of RICHARD MATHEW HURDA, de- FISHERS LW 1OFFICE, PA.
Thf ^^e NOTICEe OFnEOiTO to the funds hereafter described. ceased, has deposited with the Clerk of the 125 Hhaute 19
CLERK OF THE CRCUIT OURT UNCLAMDFUNDS Notice is hereby given under the provis- Ciuit Court of Hillsborough County, Flor- (813) 949-2749
CLERK OFTHE CIRCUIT COURT UNLAIMEDFUNDS ions of Chapter 733.816, Florida Statutes,. ida, the sum of $13,120.23, the money7
BETTY J LA VOY CASE NO: 02-CP-003078 that the personal representative of the and property of the heirs of RICHARD SPa Bar No. 371580
2/3 & 3/3/06 2T TO: The Heirs of MYRTLE M GASKILL, estate of WILLIAM JAMES JOURDAN, MATHEW HURDA, deceased. 5487 3/3-3/10/06 2T
LA GACTA/Friday, March 3, 2006/Page;
Paleta de Cerdo'
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Salchicha Arro CORE Refrescos Cerveza Bd Light
Vienna Libby's.... .3100 Uncle Ben's CM Selectos Pepsi.. .33.00 Paquete de 12:.8.39
Lata de 5-onz. Ready........... GRATIS Bot. de 2-1. 0 Budweiser, Budweiser Select,
(Excluyendo Vienna de Pollo.) Variedades Surtidas, Para el (Excluyendo Vernor's Ginger Ale.) Bud Ice o Bud Ice Light,
Precios vigentes desde el jueves 2 de marzo hasta el miercoles 8 de marzo del 2006.
Sd en los Siguientes Condados: Hillsborough, P.ees P asco Polk, Orange, Sem no e Volus, Brevard y Osceola.
o ld oen Publix ebo. Nos reservmos e derecho a ma ndades. DOND COMPRAR ES UN PLACER.
Pgina 32/LA GACETA/Viernes, 3 de marzo de 2006