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- Title:
- The Independent Florida alligator
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- Florida allgator
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- Alternate Title:
- University digest
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- University of Florida digest
- Place of Publication:
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- Publisher:
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- Creation Date:
- December 2, 2005
- Publication Date:
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- Dates or Sequential Designation:
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the independent florida
_ot 'A
Not officially associated with the University of Florida
Published by Campus Communications, Inc. of Gainesville, Florida
We Inform. You Decide.
Sweeping under Machen's feet
Longtime janitor earns $15K 1C 3
By JUSTIN RICHARDS somebody starts tomorrow, and
Alligator Writer
Beneath the chambers of UF
President Bernie Machen, a less
famous man keeps the administra-
tion's palace gleaming with mops
and scrubs.
"Nobody wants to go to a
messy school," said Cartrell
Robinson, the ground-floor custo-
dian at Tigert Hall.
Machen spends' his typical
morning meeting with administra-
tors in poshly furnished offices.
Meanwhile, Robinson is two floors
below using a pumice stick to
scrape mildew from porcelain.
Before any administrators ar-
rive, Robinson has been in Tigert
for hours. He wakes at 3:30 ev-
ery morning to be at work by 5
Robinson said he has worked in
UF custodial services for 14 years
and makes only 96 cents an hour
more than a brand-new custodian.
"I don't think that's fair," he
said. "You have 14 years in, and
you're not making much more
than them."
Including paid holidays,
Robinson makes roughly $15,500
per year about two weeks' pay
for Machen.
He received a 3.6 percent raise
this year, a policy he said has not'
been consistent.
"That doesn't amount to
much," he said.
Meanwhile, a $75,000 bonus
for Machen passed its first level of
approval by the Board of Trustees,
UF's highest governing body, on
The stipend would be his sec-
ond since taking office in 2003, and
he is eligible for a $225,000 bonus
in 2007.
Despite the pay, Robinson said
he loves his job especially be-
cause of its benefits.
For every week Robinson
works, he receives six hours of
vacation time, which he usually
spends with his family.
Jenny Harnish / Alligator
Cartrell Robinson mops the floor of Tigert Hall, where UF President Bernie Machen and his administra-
tion work.
UF may set tuition rate
Alligator Writer
UF is looking to make a name for
itself nationally, as members of the
university's highest governing body
work to extend their power on the
state front by gaining authority to set
tuition rates.
At a meeting of the Board of Trustees
Committee on Government Relations
on Thursday afternoon, the power to
control tuition rates was named one of
the university's top priorities on its leg-
islative agenda alongside issues such
as salary increases, health insurance
for graduate students, and the Florida
Bright Futures scholarship.
"We have, right now currently,
the lowest tuition rate of any AAU
(Association of American Universities)
school," Government Relations
Chairman Carlos Alfonso said. "We
want the control (over rates)."
In addition to setting undergraduate
tuition rates for Florida residents, the
Board also wants the ability to control
rates for graduate, professional and
out-of-state students.
The Board of Governors, which over-
sees Florida's 11 public universities, is
due to discuss the issue of whether to
transfer power at its January meeting.
City mulls annexing SFCC
Alligator Writer
Twenty signatures sent to the City of
Gainesville may result in the annexation
of 1,400 acres into the city limits.
SFCC, part of Interstate 75 and some of
the surrounding communities could ben-
efit from the annexation with enhanced
bus, police and urban services, said Karen
Snyder, city strategic planner.
"The major benefit will be increased
bus services through [Regional Transit
System] to those areas," Snyder said.
The proposed new bus route would
run from the Oaks Mall, down Newberry
Road, up Fort Clarke, over 23rd Avenue to
SFCC, creating a 20-minute bus route at
the main transportation hub.
"The bus route would improve bus
service, take some cars off the road and
have less traffic congestion," said Barbara
Lipscomb, assistant city manager.
The bus-system services, including
buses and drivers, will be fully funded by
revenue generated in that area. However,
SFCC students would still be required to
pay bus fares.
"Next year, the city will be trying to
pass a legislative bill to have SFCC stu-
dents to be similar to UF and have an
activity fee built in to pay for transporta-
tion," Lipscomb said.
Santa Fe
Community College
The bus
route would
also benefit
elderly resi-
dents in the
area, she said.
The proposed annexation would af-
fect more than 5,000 Alachua County
The area is characterized by a mix of
single-family housing developments,
apartment complexes and commercial
"The residents in the area that are
registered voters will make the decision
* UF junior running back
Sklyer Thornton rushes for
3 yards past Mississippi
State linebacker Clarence
McDougal during the
penultimate play of the
Gators' 35-3 win against
the Bulldogs on Oct. 8. It
was Thornton's final carry
of the season.
See story, pg. 28.
N Students
can get
other than a
this weekend.
See story,
pg. 8.
Students donned red
ribbons and gathered on
the Reitz Union Colonnade
on Thursday, acknowledged
globally as World AIDS Day,
to raise awareness and show
support for people living with
the disease.
See story, pg. 5.
* UF aerospace engineer-
ing sophomore Johnny
Yanchunis camped out
for 18 hours Thursday in
his quest for the record
books as he who has
attended the most Chik-
fil-A grand openings.
See story, pg. 10.
visit www.alllgator.org
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a the independent florida
ill gator
VOLUME 99 ISSUE 69 ISSN 0889-2423
Not officially associated with the University of Florida
Published by Campus Communications Inc., of Gainesville, Florida
352-376-4458 (Voice), 352-376-4467 (Fax)
Editor Mike Gimignani, editor@alligator.org
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The Independent Florida Alligator is a student newspaper serving the University of Florida, pub-
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14257, Gainesville, Florida, 32604-2257. The-Alligator is published Monday through Friday morn-
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tions Inc.
Election nominees unclear
Alligator Writer
Afew UF students have said they are interested
in the highest offices of Student Government, but
parties still aren't quite sure who they plan to run
in next Spring's election.
Thomas Jardon, Impact Party president dur-
ing this Fall's elections, said the party is sup-
porting Sen. Jared Hernandez, a UF law student.
However, Jardon said he was unsure if Hemandez
would run with the party.
"Yes, we think that Jared would make the best
student body president," Jardon said.
He said Hernandez's "depth and breadth of
experience" and "willingness to think for himself"
make him a good candidate.
He said Impact plans on "scouring" campus
for vice president and treasurer candidates.
However, Adam Roberts, former spokesman
for the Impact Party during the Fall election, said
Jardon does not represent the entire party and de-
cisions have not been made.
Hernandez said "many student leaders" have
expressed support for him.
Former Student Senate President Diane Kassim-
said if she runs, it will be to "preserve the ideals"
of the Access Party of 2004.
"I am running for student body president if the
students need me to run for student body presi-
dent. I have a genuine concern for the integrity,
character and motivation of the current candidates
that aspire to be student body president."
"I'm always about important change," she said.
Sources tell the Alligator
.- jA9l that Senate President John
Boyles will run for president.
But Boyles said he didn't
.-. ** i want to talk about Spring elec-
tions just yet.
"It's just illegal right now,"
he said. "It's not fair territory to
Boyles talk about in a public way. It's
just too far away."
Boyles could not cite a specific statute stating it
is illegal to say he is considering a run for office.
He is too busy worrying about duties in his
current position, such as issues concerning the es-
tablishment of a campus-improvement committee
and transportation improvements, he said.
Interfraternity Council President John Dicks
said he thought about running for an executive
office earlier in the semester but he might go out
of state for law school.
He said he will help his father, John L. Dicks,
run for a Florida Senate seat this summer. John L.
Dicks is the mayor of Plant City.
Book fair raises funds
Alligator Contributing Writer
Draped with brightly col-
ored displays of books like
"Clifford the Big Red Dog" and
"The Chronicles of Narnia,"
the Norman Hall Terrace Room
brought readers back, to their
The Scholastic Book Fair, a two-
day event sponsored by the UF
Student Reading Council, serves
as both a fundraiser for a school
damaged by Hurricane Katrina
and a way for students and teach-
ers to stock up on holiday gifts.
The money raised at the book
fair will be donated to the New
OrlasnDesire Street Academy,
which was forced to relocate this
Fall after the storm.
"We had people come in ear-
lier who actually sat down and
started reading," said Rebecca
Blount, president of the council.
Some spent almost half an
hour flipping through books in
the discount boxes or on the best-
sellers table, she said.
Senior Litza Lopez said she
found books that she wanted
to have in her
On classroom after she
Campus graduated.
"These are my
five novels, and I have a stack of
eight picture books," she said.
Lopez, who also sat on the
floor to read some of the books
she picked out, said the book fair
carried a lot of books for cheaper-
than-bookstore prices.
The book fair will continue
today starting at 8 a.m. and will
end with a children's book raffle
at 8 p.m. in the Norman Hall
Terrace Room.
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Downtown ice-skating rink ushers in holiday spirit
Alligator Contributing Writer
"Look at me like you're going to
kiss me," Don Yontz said, holding
an infrared thermometer.
Yontz, owner of the travel-
ing ice-skating rink that opens
in downtown Gainesville today,
measured the temperature of her
"Eighty-five you must not
like me," he said.
The small device, though not
traditionally used to measure body
heat but ice temperature, is es-
Tim Hussin, Alligator Staff
Ed Armstrong, ice rink installer, adjusts antifreeze strips to seal a gap in the ice rink at the Downtown
Community Plaza in preparation for today's opening.
sential to Yontz's work at the rink.
That, and a lot of electricity.
For the past two years, a $25,000
generator has provided electrical
power to the chiller, a device that
keeps the ice of the rink frozen.
This year, a $50,000 transformer
was installed on the Downtown
Community Plaza next to the
Alachua County Courthouse.
The city invested in electric-
ity for the rink in affirmation of its
plans to continue to host the tem-
porary skating palace every holi-
day season, said Laural DeWild,
events coordinator of the city's
Department of Parks, Recreation
and Cultural Affairs.
The ice has to be constantly
monitored using the infrared ther-
mometer and other devices. But she
said with electricity, which is more
consistent than. a generator, leaks
and breaks in the ice shouldn't be a
problem this year.
She said she remembers when a
leak prevented skaters from using
half the rink one day last year.
"I've seen blind dates, I've seen
proposals," she said. "People have
a good time."
Music education major Melanie
Driscoll said she skated at the rink
with her fellow sisters of Sigma
Alpha Iota Sorority last year.
"The best part was watching
friends fall," she said.
Yontz said he loves the atmo-
sphere of his rinks and his job. Once
a professional ice skater, he decided
he wanted to own and manage
his own rinks, so he put himself
through refrigeration school.
He now owns and operates tem-
porary seasonal rinks in Atlanta,
Fort Walton
Around Beach, Las Vegas
Gainesville and Gainesville
and said it pro-
vides another
venue for both families and college
"It's a good place for them (col-
lege students) to go besides a hotel
room," he said.
University of Georgia graduate
Walt Thompson, the 23-year-old
rink manager, has worked at the
rink since his freshman year of high
school and said that working there,
electricity willing, is a great time.
"How can you -not get in the
holiday spirit when you are ice
skating?" he said.
Admission to the rink will cost
$6, plus $2 to rent ice skates. The
rink will be open until Jan. 1. Hours
vary depending on the night of the
week; visit gvlculturalaffairs.org
for more information.
Programs aim to end Alachua County's homelessness
Alligator Contributing Writer
A 10-year plan to eradicate homelessness
was presented by Gainesville Mayor Pegeen
Hanrahan and Alachua County Commissioner
Rodney J. Long on Thursday.
"The time.has come to seriously and pro-
actively address this issue," Hanrahan said to
about 70 citizens at the Martin Luther King Jr.
Multi-Purpose Center.
The program, called GRACE for Gainesville
Region/Alachua County Empowerment,
includes specific plans to "dose the front
door" by preventing and reducing homeless-
ness and "open the back door" by increasing
support services and providing housing for
the approximately 1,000 homeless people in
Alachua County.
Seven different committees are working
on issues such as safety, physical and mental
health, substance abuse, sustainable housing
and financing for the program.
The plan, which joins 205 other 10-year
plans around the country, has been in the
works since last March, when the first Alachua
County Homelessness Summit created, five
committees to determine goals and strategies.
- Since then, the number of committees has
grown to seven, and more than 100 volunteers
- including local business owners and the
homeless themselves have taken part in the
creation of the program's first draft. It will be
formally presented Dec. 15 to a joint session of
the city and county commissions.
"The time has come to seriously
and proactively address this issue."
Pegeen Hanrahan
Gainesville mayor
Philip Mangano, executive director for
the United States Interagency Council on
Homelessness, told the audience how lucky
they are to have leaders who care about
"The county and the city are working
together. That's a good thing," he said. "In
too many places, such a partnership is non-
Homelessness needs to be ended not
managed or accommodated, Mangano said.
The hardest part of the program will be get-
ting people to resist the status quo, the belief
that the best way to get rid of homeless people
is to shuffle them around, Mangano said.
"Change is hard to accept, isn't it? Only
a wet baby wants change," he said, drawing
laughter from the audience as he glanced at
Hanrahan, who has an 11-week-old daughter.
"It's a living document," he said. "Don't
worry about perfection now. It'll get more
perfect with time."
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Donations benefit homeless children of Alachua county in coordination with the Stuff the Bus promotion sponsored by Attrusainternational of Gainesville.
To being an us' for once
S Students raise awareness
Alligator Contributing Writer
Campus groups and event
throughout UF and Gainesville o0
Thursday and continuing this week
end aim to instill the idea of "n(
day but today," from the Broadwar
musical-turned-feature film "Rent,
regarding HIV and AIDS.
While "Rent" glimpses into
year in the life of a group of artist
struggling in the shadow of AIDS
poverty and drugs, it has inspired
people with its message of livin1
every day to its fullest by addressin1
a disease often treated as taboo.
Dec. 1 marked World AIDS Day
a global event to unite every-
one in a mission to increase
awareness, education and
fight prejudice since its incep-
tion in 1988.
The number of people liv-
Sing with HIV has passed 40
million a new record ac-
cording to a report released
last month by the World Healt
Organization and UNAIDS, th
Joint United Nations Program o:
More than 100,000 of their
live in Florida, which has consist
tently ranked No. 2 in the natio.
for incidence of HIV infections
said Spencer Lieb, senior epidem
ologist at the Florida Department
Health's Bureau of HIV/AIDS. Lie
highlighted trends related to th
disease during a speech Thursday
the UF Health Professions, Nursin
and Pharmacy Complex.
"To put these numbers int
perspective, there is one new infe
tion case every six seconds and on
death every 10 seconds," he said.
This year an estimated 4.9 mi
lion people became infected wit
HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
Since the first World AIDS Da
different themes have reflected pr
vailing issues affecting people with People, Progressive Black Men and
HIV and AIDS. Last year's theme the Jamaican American Student
was "Women, Girls, HIV and AIDS," Association teamed up to encour-
a response to the growing number of age students to get tested for HIV,
n women with the disease. handing out information, male
This year's theme is "Stop AIDS: and female condoms and locations
o Keep the Promise," a plea to politi- of free testing on the Reitz Union
y cans and governments around the Colonnade on Thursday.
- world to keep the promises they Rodney Gammons, a 21-year-
have made to combat AIDS. old senior who is a member of
a It is equally important to look to Progressive Black Men, said if people
s- local communities. have sex, they should make it safe.
, Thursday on the Reitz Union "I think abstinence is the best
d Colonnade, members of the World choice," he said. "Even though I'm
g AIDS Awareness Committee, a UF not, I try to be."
g group, sported bright red stickers Gammons said the most impor-
that read, "DEAD: Five people die tant thing for his group is to educate
y of HIV/AIDS every minute." people about the disease and its ef-
fects. Be safe and don't harm
It comes down to self-respect, others, he said.
self-responsibility Many events commemo-
soci repo sirating World AIDS Day are
and social responsibility, planned for the coming days.
Sasha Muradali Today the African
WorldAIDS Awareness Committee member Students' Union hosts its first
Triple "A" Kickoff, which it
Committee President Jenfer plans to hold annually, at 7:
Committee President nn 30 p.m. in the Health Professions,
SOrtiz, 21, said UF doesn't have an Nursing and PharmacyAuditorium.
e AIDS education program, which is The free event will feature speakers,
why the committee was started. poets, musicians, dancers and food
"AIDS has global ramifications and will aim to raise awareness of
That will eventually affect us if we global AIDS with a major focus on
Don't do something about it," Ortiz its impact in Africa.
n said. "It's a much larger scale than I Saturday from9ic a.m. to4p.m.
S Orthink people understand."he num at the Paramount Plaza Hotel and
Srtiz said that because the num Suites, 2900 SW 13th St., will be a
b ber of people withAIDSin the United Surviving and Thriving Conference.
e States is lower than overseas, people Admission is $20 for students.
e do not think it's their problem. The World AIDS Marathon, the
Too many people are scared to first marathon in Gainesville in more
g get tested because there's a negative than 20 years, will take place Sunday.
stigma associated with AIDS, which Visit worldaidsmarathon.com to
t committee member Sasha Muradali information.
- said is unfortunate because more of- ree and for more inforV testing is
ten than not, is too lately the time available at Planned Parenthood,
l- those people find out. 914 NW 13th St., from 9 a.m. to noon
"It comes down to self-respect, every Tuesday and Wednesday.
self-responsibility and socialrespon- Alligator contributing writer
y, sibility," Muradali said. Stephanie Lewis contributed to this
Y The Gator National As'ociation tephanie Lewis contributed to this
Alligator Writer
Students donned red ribbons
and gathered on the Reitz Union
Colonnade on Thursday to raise
awareness and show support for
people living with the disease.
In honor of the 18th annual
World AIDS Day, UF's chapter of
the Student Global AIDS Campaign
asked students to write promises to"
fight the epidemic on red slips of
"I promise to wear a condom,"
one stated.
The slips will be linked together,
made into the shape of a ribbon and
sent to the organization's national
office in Washington, A).C.
Campaign member Anthony
Sochet said he hopes the project.will
encourage U.S. Sen. Bill Frist (R-
Tenn.), who has opposed increases
in federal funding for global AIDS
programs, to allocate more money
to the Global Fund, a fund created
to finance the fight against AIDS,
tuberculosis and malaria.
"We want to let him know we're
going to keep our promise. How
about you keep yours?" Sochet said.
About 50 students gathered for a
forum co-hosted by UF's chapter of
the NAACP, Progressive Black Men
and the Jamaican American Student
Association on Thursday evening to
discuss AIDS education, statistics
and living with the disease.
Patricia Colson, 50, was a crack
addict for 17 years and suffered
from alcoholism, depression and
spousal abuse. She was diagnosed
with HIV in 2000. She said the best
form of prevention is control.
"I wasn't thinking dearly. I was
only thinking about that next hit,"
she said. "This is the consequence of
my behavior."
On SFCC professor
Campus MarvinCohenstressed
the importance of
AIDS education.
"HIV don't care where you come
.from, your GPA, what kind of car
you got," he said. "HIV travels. HIV
got a BMW."
' He said there is a six-month
window for HIV tests, meaning
that they can only detect the disease
if it has been contracted more than
six months before the test is done.
Still, he said, frequent testing is
Colson said some people treated
her differently after her diagnosis,
but she realized her life was not over.
"It's just living. At dinner I take
my pills, and that's it," she said.
"HIV is not a death sentence."
Jenny Harnish / Alligator
Patricia Colson speaks about her battle with HIV and drug addiction
at Little Hall on Thursday night.
for the. Advancement of .Colored
Tim Hussin / Alligator Staff
Andres Coulter, a UF junior majoring in family, youth and community sciences, gets tested Thursday dur-
ing World AIDS Day on Turlington Plaza.
Campus, local groups plan AIDS Day events
With less than a week left of classes, the Editorial Board
was preparing to drive home for the holidays. We had
packed our bags, finished our final papers andused the
last of our money to fill the gas tank.
But our plans were thwarted when we realized that get-
ting home would cost almost $20 on the Florida Turnpike.
And we didn't want to take U.S. Highway 27. That road is
just scary.
We were outraged. Does the Turnpike's upkeep really
cost 7.5 cents per mile, per car, per trip? It's just another
way for The Man to keep us down.
However, we stopped short of taking advantage of the
gap in the toll system, through which SunPass users can
cut their costs down by skipping a toll. Instead, we've de-
cided to hitchhike home and face the risk of seedy drivers.
We're just that dedicated to our ethics, even if The Man is
a crook who wants to rob us blind.
So empty your pockets, light up a cigarette and lament
the state of our government as we begin this week's edi-
tion of ...
Darts & Laurels
The Turnpike might lighten our wallets, but legal theft in
Gainesville will bleed us dry. We shoot a higher-gas-prices-
paycheck DART to the Gainesville City Commission for
approving an $8 hike in towing rates Monday.
We understand why the towing companies constantly
try to raise their fee: They're glorified criminals. Paying
a visit to their offices feels like walking into the bowels of
the Mafia.
The City Commission should protect our interests. Gas
prices and insurance costs do not come close to justifying
an $84 fee. If upkeep has increased a little, towing compa-
nies should take the chunk out of their high profits. We're
sick of this roam-towing anarchy.
It's time for us to put up a fight and booby-trap our
But if we can't overcome the towing terror, the women
of Gainesville have at least triumphed over the sexual lies
of the opposite gender.
The women of the Editorial Board bestow a we-knew-
the-truth LAUREL to sex educator Jay Friedman for
bursting the myth of blue balls. Anyone who's been pres-
sured to finish the job because of this "medical" reason
can now sit back and laugh while the guy squirms. It's a
beautiful thing.
We also enjoyed Friedman's oversized condoms. That's
always fun education.
Finally, we present a despite-popular-belief-the-
Alligator-doesn't-carry-all-the-news-of-the-world LAUREL
to Student Government for continuing the New York
Times/USA Today Readership Program. It's the best thing
to come out of SG and actually educates the student body.
But SG never gets off that easy.
We also throw a why-can't-the-idea-of-a-sustainable-
budget-enter-the-heads-of-those-in-charge DART at SG
.for funding the $45,000 program from reserves for the
third year in a row. We want a plan worked out for the
future that doesn't include last-minute solutions.
However, if officials are going to spend reserves so
spontaneously, this program is better than other possibili-
SG could have decided to pay for more issues of The
Gainesville Sun.
jj the dependent forida
Mike Gimignani
Eva Kis
Emily Yehle
Tom Durrenberger,
Scott Gilton, Andrew Meyer
The Alligator encourages comments from readers. Letters to the editor should not exceed 150
words (about one letter-sized page). They must be typed, double-spaced and must include the
author's name, classification and phone number. Names will be withheld if the writer shows-
just cause. We reserve the right to edit for length, grammar, style and libel. Send letters to
letters@alligator.org, bring them to 1105 W. University Ave., or send them to P.O. Box 14257,
Gainesville, FL 32604-2257.Columns of about 450 words about original topics and editorial
cartoons are also welcome. Questions? Call 376-4458.
Abortion issue demands compromise
here is probably no issue in American society as
divisive as abortion.
It's almost impossible to find two people with
the same views on the subject because there are so many
difficult moral considerations involved.
As shown by a case before the Supreme Court, there
are also few issues in which it is more important that
both sides work together.
I have my own opinion on abortion, and I won't
apologize for it. I don't agree with the general concept
for three simple reasons:
I don't think it's possible to know when life begins,
,so I think it's unconscionable to choose a random point
in the pregnancy as the standard.
I don't think there is any such thing as a "right to
choose" to end your unborn child's life any more than
I think there is a right to choose to end your teenager's -
life, a criminal's or anyone else's in a situation when
self-defense doesn't come into play.
And I don't think pregnancy is some sort of punish-
ment you can appeal because you didn't intend for it to
But I don't claim to have everything figured out. I am
on especially shaky ground when it comes to early term
pregnancies presenting unavoidable threats to mothers'
lives, so I don't know if I can deny them that option.
None of my. opinions matter, in this case. Regardless
of moral disputes, there's one thing we all can agree on:
The decision to abort should not be made lightly.
That choice requires knowledge of the risks involved,
as well as an attempt to understand the emotional im-
pact in the aftermath.
That's why minors need to have some sort of dia-
logue with a parent or guardian about abortion before
they make their decisions.
Both sides debating this issue need to work together
to ensure this dialogue occurs without undue risk to mi-
nors' health. The Supreme Court
case regarding New Hampshire's
law likely will be the standard
against which this idea is judged
in the foreseeable future.
For the most part, the law has
Matt Sanchez the right idea. It requires minors
In Moderation to inform their parents but does
msanchez@alligator.org not require parental consent.
I agree with opponents,
though, that the law needs care-
ful reconsideration to ensure it is narrowly tailored to
accomplish its purpose.
The law includes an exemption for minors who are
in life-threatening danger, but it doesn't provide for less
immediate, but equally severe, situations.
In those cases, we need to put the decision as to
whether parental notification must be sacrificed to
preserve a minor's health where it should be: in the
doctor's hands.
Approval from a judge is not an option. Our legal
system is not capable of handling such medically sig-
nificant cases at the necessary speed.
We can't afford to let this entire law die because of
one overbroad point.
As cliche as it may sound, there is too much at
Our society will never reach a consensus on abor-
There are too many factors involved, and there are
too many unshakable beliefs on both sides.
But while the debate rages on among the politically
opinionated, we need to make sure the conflict doesn't
eliminate compromises necessary to the well-being of
those caught in the middle.
* Matt Sanchez is a journalism senior. His column appears
on Friday.
The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator.
Reader response
Today's question:
Should the City Commission have
approved the towing rate hike?
Thursday's question: 64% YES
Should UF offer domestic-partner
benefits to employees? 8936% NOTALVOTES
Vote or post a message at www.alligator.org
- I I I
Letters to the Editor
Cartoon incorrectly insinuates that cul-
tural groups on campus are competing
It is unfortunate that Andy Marlette has
once again decided to use a cartoon to try to
ignite tensions between cultural groups on
this campus.
The lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgen-
der community at UF fully supports Asian
American students in the quest for an Asian
Pacific American Affairs director.
We believe that such a director would
serve not only the Asian American commu-
nity but the entire campus community, just
as the LGBT Affairs director serves the en-
tire campus community including Asian
American students and not just the LGBT
We do not have to accept a model por-
traying various cultural and ethnic groups
as kids fighting over limited gifts; instead,
we choose to see each other as allies in the
struggle to improve our campus climate for
Allison Andrews
Pride Student Union President
Preeti Sharma
South Asian American Student Alliance
Sandy Chiu
Asian American Student Union President
Tamara Cohen
Director of LGBT Affairs
Resident's resent of students baseless
Gerald J. Bodoh's resentful letter Thursday
perfectly represents the origin of tensions and
misunderstandings between the UF commu-
nity and the rest of Gainesville.
It is evident that Bodoh has a bias against
college students. According to him, and based
on his own assumptions, my parents pay
.my expenses because I won't "get off my ass
and work." What an educated, rational argu-
ment. It would perhaps interest him to know
that I work an average of 65 hours a week all
Summer and am currently working here in
Gainesville merely to cover the bare minimum
of my college expenses, as I receive nothing
from my parents.
As for scholarships, such as Bright Futures,
Mr. Bodoh seems to think he pays for those as
well. He does no such thing unless he plays the
Florida Lottery, which is entirely his choice.
Gainesville and UF coexist based on an
educated, constructive and open dialogue, the
mutual benefits of which create a greater and
more united community. Bodoh's attitude rep-
resents a backward step in this process.
Gainesville is a college town, Mr. Bodoh. If
you have an aversion to college students based
on unfair generalizations and it seems clear
that you do I can only suggest you open
your mind or move elsewhere.
Michael Falcone
Marriage is not a Christian concept; it's
a foundation for societies everywhere
Ashley Goforth's letter in Thursday's
Alligator ("Goldberg should not worry about
Baxley") suggests that marriage is an exclu-
sively Christian concept, but nothing could be
further from the truth.
Marriage is an institution that has been a
part of human culture for thousands of years
and is found almost universally across the
globe in countless cultures and religions. To
further one's own personal views by sug-
gesting otherwise is to ignore the history of
The state has a vested interest in support-
ing the institution of marriage, as it provides
the foundation for a healthy society. This
commitment, unique among human relation-
ships, is the cornerstone of the family unit, the
bedrock of the community. The family bond
provides support beyond that provided by
even the closest of friendships; it is the greatest
and last line of defense in a diverse but all too
often disconnected society.
I encourage Ms. Goforth to continue to
fight for equal rights among those of all per-
However, attacking the institution of
marriage is a poor and misguided way to go
about it.
Jeremiah Blanchard
Earth's age based on facts, not books
Having read Richard DeZego Jr.'s com-
ments Thursday, I feel I must respond to
someone who seems to believe geology is
bunk. DeZego wonders if the earth is really
billions of years old. Oddly enough, there is
a real science that has been investigating the
age of the Earth and its composition for a long
time. Since men started wondering about the
strange creatures they found trapped in rocks
in the British Isles, people have used the scien-
tific method to try and determine just what the
Earth is made of and how it formed.
The religious folks out there with a funda-
mental bent might like to point to Arch Bishop
Usher's daim that the Earth is only a few
thousand years old based on the timeline of
genealogies contained- in the Old Testament.
But the Arch Bishop was using a single book
on which to base his assertions and not the
evidence in the rocks around him.
The world may not be exactly four billion
years old, but because of a fact called radioac-
tive decay, geologists and geophysicists have
an educated guess as to the Earth's age.
There is plenty of research that has gone
into this subject if DeZego would care to look
at a little of it, but I think that he may already
believe he is correct and won't bother to go
find out for himself.
Thomas Mott
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It's on for student dancers
Alligator Contributing Writer
Students can get served
somewhere other than a res-
taurant this weekend.
The members of UF's
Breakdancing Sports Club
will host the third annual
breakdancing competition
Saturday, Icing on the Break,
at the Unified Training
Center in Gainesville.
The event will show-
case the breakdancing club
members' skills at popping,
locking and house dancing.
The breakdancers, known as
Bboys and Bgirls, will com-
pete in two-on-two battles
and test out their freestyle
moves, routines and foot-
Anyone is welcome to
sign up to battle it out with
dancers of all skill levels.
Those who have been
dancing for less than a year
can sign up for beginner
Club President Raul
Quintana said about 300
people came to the competi-
tion last year.
"People come from all
over to be at this event,"
Quintana said. "We had
people from Savannah, (Ga.,)
Tampa and Orlando who
traveled to com-
On pete last year."
Campus He. said he
expects about
the same number will come
out this year.
Rebecca Hunniford, a
sophomore majoring in
mathematics, said when she
,went to the breakdancing
event last year, she thought
the dancing was crazy.
"Every time you see it, it's
different," Hunniford said.
"Everyone has their own
style and their own moves
that they bring to the com-
petition. That's what makes
breakdancing so unique."
The competitors will
judge who moves on to the
next round. Winners will re-
ceive custom-made plaques.
DJ BMF, of Orlando, and
DJ LOKI, of Gainesville, will
be supplying the hip-hop,
funk and soul music for the
Members of the UF Hip
Hop Collective will also help
run the event.
. Doors open at 5 p.m. for
dancer warm-ups and open
dance floor time. Partners
can register to dance for the
battles until 6 p.m.
Battles begin at 7 p.m.,
and the event will run until
about 11 p.m..
Unified Training Center
is located at Southwest
Eighth Street and University
Avenue. Admission is $5 at
the door with a UF ID and $7
for general admission.
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Due to the current estrangement between
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Therefore The Alligator is offering you a
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All additional discounts or contract levels earned remain the same, but the free second advertisement cannot
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Charles Harriott
breakdances Thurs-
day afternoon on
Turlington Plaza.
UF's Breakdancing
Club will host Icing
on the Break on
Saturday, featur-
ing breakdancing
competitions and
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Chick-en driven
Student pursuing record
Alligator Contributing Writer
Johnny Yanchunis is going for
the record books as having at-
tended the most Chik-fil-A grand
This is no easy task. The UF
aerospace engineering sophomore
camped out for 18 hours Thursday
at The Villages for his 11th overall
grand opening, making him second
only to Dan Booher, of Maryland,
who has attended 13, said Cindi
Pickett, spokeswoman for Chik-
But Yanchunis could catch up;
there is nearly one grand opening
each week. Besides, there are plenty
of side benefits.
At the grand opening, he earned
52 more Chicken Sandwich Combo
cards to bring his total to 572 cards
worth $2,860 in all.
"I mean think about it: I'll never
have to pay for Chick-fil-A again,"
he said.
"I think I only eat at Chick-fil-A
- Chick-fil-A and Ramen."
To get the combo cards, partici-
pants had to stay in the parking lot
and be at their numbered spot dur-
ing line checks. Anybody not pres-
ent was disqualified.
Despite the cold December eve-
ning, Yanchunis said the trip was
worth it.
Driving to so many of the open-
ings, he has become a recognizable
face to some of the Chick-fil-A man-
agement team.
"I've met you several times be-
fore," said Chick-fil-A President Dan
Cathy, as he shook Yanchunis' hand.
He smiled when Yanchunis told
him this was his 11th opening.
Cathy said he attends almost
every opening, which is about one
every week. So he spends a lot of
time with the company's most fer-
vent fans.
He said the openings allow him
to connect-with the customers and
show his appreciation.
"It creates a lot of buzz in the
community," he said.
A local disc jockey hosted an eve-
ning filled with line dancing, trivia
games and a hula-hoop contest.
Throughout the night, employ-
ees offered attendees chicken nug-
gets, brownies, drinks and chicken
Yanchunis described the meat as
larger and tastier than the normal
chicken sandwiches. He said the
chicken is thicker at the openings..
"You'd have to go to an opening
to get food this good," he said as he
savored his first bite.
Since the campers had a lot of time
on their hands, they played video
games, dominoes, solitaire and even
four-square lined with duct tape.
Yanchunis and his friends cre-
ated a makeshift entertainment cen-
ter equipped with foldable chairs,
blankets, sleeping bags and, most
importantly, a 19-inch TV.
The TV caught the attention of
WESH 2 News reporter Eryka C.
Marvin Halelamien Alligator
After waiting in the parking lot of the newest Chick-fil-A restaurant for about 18 hours, Johnny Yanchunis
(center) orders Thursday with one of his 52 free Chicken Sandwich Combo cards, handed out at openings.
She filmed a brief segment and
said the TV made waiting outside
in the cold weather "a little more
One of Yanchunis' friends,
Dennis Perez, 19, joked that the TV
reporter should have interviewed
Yanchunis because he could be like
Subway's Jared, except his health
probably hasn't improved from his
Chik-fil-A consumption.
Yanchunis checked his choles-
terol before Thanksgiving. To his
surprise, his health was normal.
Even though he eats at Chick-
fil-A every day, his weight has
remained the same. He used to eat
there three times a day, but then cut
back to twice a day. Some employees
knew him by name.
The coupons are meant for
Chicken Sandwich Combos, but
they can also be substituted for
foods of comparable cost.
So he sometimes orders salads or
wraps instead of chicken. He once
got six cartons of milk.
His mini fridge is packed with
Chick-fil-A products. He stockpiles
extra food for Sundays when Chick-
fil-A is closed.
He said refrigerated chicken
sandwiches are surprisingly good.
Apple campaign ends today
Alligator Contributing Writer
Apples are no longer just a part of UF stu-
dents' grade-school-past.
At the end of Fall and Spring semesters,
they come back in style with Apple for You,
a campaign sponsored by Campus Diplomats
that delivers apple-decorated notes to faculty
.members, professors and staff with messages
from students wanting to show appreciation.
Students can fill out notes on tables locat-
ed on Turlington Plaza and the Reitz Union
Colonnade from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. today.
"The point of the event is to give thanks
to those who deserve it," said Maggie Tan,
an accounting graduate student and Campus
Diplomats member. "We want to make it
a more welcoming place. With more than
40,000 students on campus, some can feel a
bit displaced."
The campaign, which delivered 600 mes-
sages last Spring, is one of the organization's
most popular and about 15 students fill out
notes each hour.
Tan said since the campaign is so close to
winter break, "real apples have never been
used because they might rot."
The group uses different materials every
year, like filling apple-shaped containers with
candy or delivering magnetic clips in the form
of an apple.
Tan said professors sometimes think they
are part of a joke when "apples" are delivered.
"We get mixed reactions," Tih said.
"Sometimes they are grateful and say we
have made their day."
She said some people -send notes be-
cause they are too embarrassed to talk to
professors, while others send anonymous
"I still haven't seen a message that is
straight-up sucking up to the professors,"
Tan said.
"The point of the event is to give
thanks to those who deserve it."
Maggie Tan
Campus Diplomats member
Students have different reasons for send-
ing the notes, such as letting professors
know who they are.
"I decided to do it because I feel a lot of
professors don't notice the students," said
Kristin Cullen, an anthropology student
who just transferred from SFCC.
Cullen said she believes that when a pro-
fessor makes time for students, he or she de-
serves the appreciation because many others
are too busy working on other projects.
"It's frustrating to be in a class of 500 and
not be recognized," Cullen said.
Celine Patel, member of the organiza-
tion, said she doesn't know of instances
where Diplomats had to deal with negative
Rare maps come to UF
Alligator Contributing Writer
Two rare maps of Africa that date
back to the 1600s have been added to the
UF Map & Imagery Library and are on
display until next week.
The maps are a vital part of car-
tographic research materials for the
library, already among the Top 5 larg-
est academic libraries for maps in the
United States.
The additions are extremely prized
articles, according to experts in the field,
and will be on display through Dec. 7.
on the first floor of the Marston Science,
The two maps were purchased from
a dealer in New Hampshire and will
eventually be encapsulated to-allow-
professors and students to handle them
without risk of damage, said UF librar-
ian Peter Malanchuk.
Malanchuk, an African and po-
litical science bibliographer, works in the
Department of Special and Area Studies
Collections at UF.
"These maps are special things that
' are prized, but they are to be used, and
they are not just for graduates either.
It is for undergrads and instructors as
well, for instruction and presentation
purposes," he said.
The library staff never gave up the
hope of obtaining these maps and wait-
ed seven years because they completed
a set, he said.
Completing the first set of the
library's half-million maps is a map by
John Speed titled "Africae described,
the manners of their habits and build-
It is the first printed English map of
Africa, prepared in 1626 and published
in Great Britain in 1631.
The addition of the second map,
titled "Western side of Africa: Typus
oranrum maritmarum guinae, mani-
congo & angolae ultra" by Jan Huygen
van Linschoten, brought the library's
total map collection to 500,001.
Van Linschoten was a
On well-known Dutch voy-
Camhpus ager who used this map
for precise information
regarding Portuguese sea routes to the
East, which greatly influenced Dutch
The maps were purchased using con-
tributions from Madelyn M. Lockhart
and Elizabeth Harrer in memory of her
son, Thomas.
Most of the rare African maps have
been scanned and may be viewed on-
line. Duplicate copies of the maps can
also be sent -to the university's sister
' These type of advancements improve
the prestige of UF, Malanchuk said.
All 500,001 maps and other resources
located in the library such as atlases,
reference books, CD-ROMs, aerial pho-
tographs and remote sensing images are
fully accessible.
Annexation would affect police coverage, buses [ : ..
CITY, from page 1
on whether or not it should be an-
nexed," Snyder said.
The vote will occur March or
April 2006.
The annexation would affect
fire and police coverage of the
area. If the city annexes the area,
the county would still cover it, but
the city would pay the county for
its services.
Snyder said that most opposi-
tion to annexations in the past has
risen from these two entities.
"It will end up where the city
will pay the county additional
revenue because the county will
be coming into the city limits
more often," she said.
If annexed, the Gainesville
Police Department would add 10
more officers to its force.
Snyder said the Alachua
County Sheriff's Office tends to
oppose annexations because they
lead to reduced revenue.
"There will be less area that
they'll have to cover so they'll be
able to take his resources and put
them other places," Snyder said.
Utility surcharges on water,
wastewater and gas are removed
for renters within the city limits.
There is an additional 10 percent
surcharge on electricity and 25
percent on water and wastewater
outside of the limits.
"There's a possibility the rent-
er's utility bill may be reduced,"
Snyder said.
However, homeowners may
only break even with this ben-
efit because the city has increased
property taxes.
Lipscomb said the city has not
received any opposition to the
Area Proposed for Annexation
Proposed NW Annexation
City of Gainesville, FL
Led nd
Proposed Annexation Area (1400.05 acres)
,,,,I!,Section-Township-Ratige Lines
=City Limits
Michelle Stewart/ Alligator Staff
annexation, but she said this is
probably because the city just an-
nounced the proposition.
"We are looking at a Spring
election somewhere in March or
April," Lipscomb said. "Anyone
that would oppose it, I imagine,
would get more interested in it
during the Spring."
Only .registered voters in that
area are able to vote on the an-
nexation, and they must register
30 days before the vote is carried
"Everyone needs to be a voting
and contributing member to their
community," said Daniel Jones,
a UF statistics junior and former
SFCC student. "This is especially
true for the students who live in
that area."
The proposed bus route will
help students at SFCC and UF,.
Jones said. In the future, students
who do not have a'car can look
into that area because of the in-
creased bus services.
"I was a Santa Fe student first,"
he said. "I am still extremely con-
nected to Santa Fe, and I care
about Santa Fe and its students."
Jones will act as a liaison for UF
and SFCC student governments
and the city to help provide infor-
mation about the annexation.
"It is key that students get the
message that they need to register
to vote in Alachua County," said
Bob Woods, public information
officer for the Office of the City
Manager. "Students' votes are
going to be very critical in this
issue. They represent a significant
number of voters in that area. If
they want their voices heard, it
becomes very important for them
to register."
More than 630 properties are
located in the annexation and
Would bring about $2 million in
new revenue to the city in the
first year, according to the urban
Woods warned, however, that
this doesn't mean the city will
earn $2 million from this annexa-
"It is important to remember
this is not a windfall for the city '
he said. "There is just enough
funds for that area. It is not like
the [city] is going to have some
huge financial benefit."
Tiana Williams and Chris Caffie, of Fort Clarke Middle School catch
the bus at SFCC in order to make it home.
SGainesville would also provide
public works services, including
mosquito control and assistance
with stormwater and drainage is-
sues in the area.
"During all the hurricanes last
year, there were many areas with
flooding issues," Snyder said.
"We would be able to provide
our city's stormwater manage-
ment programs that would be
able to address those drainage
Once the area is annexed, it
will officially be incorporated into
"It's amazing how many peo-
ple believe they live in the city of
Gainesville because their address
says Gainesville, when in actual-
ity they are in part of the unin-
corporated part of the county,"
Snyder said.
She said it makes sense for
SFCC to be in the city since it al-
ready shares so many ties.
"We have a good working re-
lationship with Santa Fe," Snyder
said. "It will just enhance the
relationship even more if it were
inside the city limits."
If the annexation is approved,
the area- affected will become
part of the city limits in Fall
"[The City of Gainesville] sees
it as a win-win for everybody,"
Snyder said.
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Purchased papers still punishable as plagiarism
Alligator Writer
A 30-page paper on nuclear physics that is
"100 percent free of plagiarism" can be bought
and delivered in three days.
SameDayResearch touts that it can write
any paper and, for a higher fee, have it deliv-
ered by e-mail in as little as three hours.
This type of plagiarism has added'to UF's
problem of academic dishonesty, and it is
especially difficult to regulate since the es-
says are custom written, Director for Student
Judicial Affairs Ken Gassiot said.
"It makes it difficult in terms of being able
to take care of violations that are occurring,"
he said.
However, Albert Matheny, associate dean
of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences,
said students should be wary of the papers
they receive through such companies.
"They do recycle the papers," he said.
"Students run a great risk thinking it's an
original paper."
And if it's not completely unique, students
can be caught through computer programs
set up by companies such as Tumritin, which
many UF professors use.
"All professors have access to it and use it
frequently," Matheny said. "I have known peo-
ple to use it and catch students plagiarizing."
If caught,'students can work it out with
their professor to receive the determined
grade penalty, or they can be sent to Student
Judicial Affairs.
Gassiot said students can choose to have
their cases heard before the Student Conduct
Committee, which is run by students, faculty
and staff, or the Student Honor Court, which
is more formal and completely student-run.
Approximately 68 student-dishonesty al-
legations have been filed this semester, but no
student has been expelled from the university,
Gassiot said.
However, students have been expelled in
the past.
Matheny recognized a profound similarity
between a student's unattributed work and an
author he had used in his dissertation.
"He was kicked out of UF, and I never saw
him again," he said.
SameDayResearch eliminates its liability by
stating on the Web site that customers cannot
turn in purchased essays to their professors.
"We shall assume no responsibility for any
acts of plagiarism that you may engage in," ac-
cording to the Web site. "Our custom written
papers can only be used as reference sources."
"It's just not worth it. Put in your
own time, and put in your own
Ken Gassiot
Student Judicial Affairs director
Gassiot said that research paper companies
that make such statements "obviously know
that students get in trouble" for using their
"They put that 'don't turn it in to your
professors' part to cover themselves," he said.
"And in the event that it's turned in, they're
not responsible."
Another company, Essay Relief, offers
"completely non-plagiarized" papers for as
little as $9.95 for each page, but the company's
Web site also states the papers are for "as-
sistance use only" and must be referenced in
any paper.
However, in an e-mail, the company's cus-
tomer service representative said otherwise.
"Once a piece of work is sold, it becomes
the property of the customer, and we do not
have any right on it," the e-mail read. "You can
use it as a reference paper or turn it in as it is
and hence, utilize it as per your requirement."
There is another. option for the budget-
conscious college student Have a friend write
the paper.
A UF psychology major said she wrote an
essay for a friend because it was a useless as-
signment that wouldn't have taught her friend
"I knew it would be easier for me to write a
paper than it would be for her, so I decided to
help a friend in need," said the student, who
wished to remain anonymous.
And while this form of plagiarism is fairly
difficult to catch, students should not risk be-
ing expelled, Gassiot said.
"It's just not worth it, "he said. "Put in your
own time, and put in your own work"
Lobbying firm hired to represent university's interests in Washington
TRUS I -LS, from page 1
Alfonso and Jane Adams, UF's
vice president of university rela-
tions, also announced the recent
selection of a firm that will rep-
resent the university's interests at
the capital.
Barbour Griffith & Rogers, a
Washington, D.C.-based public af-
fairs firm, will begin lobbying for
UF in 2006.
"We've hired these guys (be-
cause) they're of the highest repute
in Washington," Alfonso.said.
The firm's responsibilities will
include garnering federal support
for UF, representing the school on
public policy issues and enhanc-
ing the university's visLibiity in
Dan Murphy, one of UF's new
Washington representatives who
has worked beside U.S. Sen. Mel
Martinez, said his firm will ensure
that UF will "really begin to be up
there with Top 10 universities."
Studerit Body President Joe
Goldberg expressed concern over
recent decreases in the amount of
federal financial aid awarded to stu-
dents, a problem which Murphy said
his firm might be able to help fight.
During a joint meeting of the
Committee on Finance and the
Committee on Audit & Operations
Review, Vice President of Health
Affairs "Doug Barrett discussed
PeopleAdmin, a newly purchased
program that will alleviate some
issues with UF accounting software
PeopleSoft that caused various
problems in the past.
However, Barrett said the
university will easily be able to
track new staff and. faculty appli-
cants with the implementation of
Vice President for Human
Resources Kyle Cavanaugh said
the program is expected to cost
about $40,000 per year. in addition
to some initial training costs during
the first few months.
"It's relatively inexpensive
in the scheme of implement-
ing technology," he said, add-
ing that about 200 universities
have already bought the new
PeopleAdmin software.
Although the program will aid
UF's data system in one respect,
Barrett said many PeopleSoft prob-
lems still don't have solutions.
"A significant amount of educa-
tion will need to be done in order to
achieve our goal of using PeopleSoft
all across the university," he said.
The Committee on Governance
voted in favor of awarding UF
President Beinie Machen a $75,000
bonus he will receive this January.
UF President Bernie Machen checks his cell phone during a Board of Trustees committee meeting Thurs-
day afternoon.
In a recent review of his perfor- in his communication skills. The entire Board will take a
mance, the Board praised Machen "I've learned some things (from final vote on whether to approve
for his leadership qualities but em- the Board review), and I plan to fol- Machen's bonus at its meeting this
phasized the needfor improvement low up on them," Machen said. morning.
Long before administrators arrive, janitor spends hours cleaning offices and halls
ROBINSON, from page 1
He takes his three children to theme parks in Central
Florida and Chuck E. Cheese's in Jacksonville.
Robinson said he prefers the early hours he works be-
cause he can spend afternoons with his kids and his wife of.
10 years after they finish school and work.
That wasn't the case five years ago, when he worked a
shift from 3 p.m to rrudrnght stripping and waxing floors
with a heavy buffer machine.
"That's a much harder job," he said.
At his ground-floor job, Robinson said he and his co-
workers have little trouble keeping the hall spotless.
"We pretty much keep it up to the standards," hesaid.
Robinson starts his pre-dawn mornings in the employee
lounge, mopping the floor and wiping the tables. The bath-
rooms come next.
Then he cleans the offices before any of their occupants
have arrived.
He uses lemon furniture polish to make the desks glisten.
He trashes the coffee grounds and lunch-break leftovers in
the office kitchenette.
Last, he takes to the hallways with a mop and bucket.
The whole routine is performed twice before Robinson
clocks out at 1.30 p.m.
He said his internal dock is set so that even on weekends
he can't sleep much past 6:30 in the morning.
Beyond the traditional broom, vacuum, mop and
bucket, Robinson's arsenal is a chemistry set of cleaning
He has several bottles of cleaner one each for porcelain,
furniture, glass and germs as well as a scraper to unstick
gum wads and dean elevator tracks, a caustic
On powder for cleaning water fountains, a feath-
Campus ered toilet brush for urinals (or a "Johnny mop"
in custodian-speak), orange-and-blue feather
dusters and a steel cleaner for elevators and doorknobs.
."That's what makes it shine," Robinson said.
Between tasks, Robinson said he often passes Machen in
the halls, and they exchange a "Good morning" or "How
ya' doin.'"
And that's the extent to which the lives of the two men in
Tigert Hall overlap.
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Lowe happy to be home
Alligator Writer
Sarrh Lowe-, was asked
some of the toughest ques-
tions currently facing America
at her Rhodes Scholarship in-
terviews in Birmingham, Ala.,
but her biggest dilemma was
finding a way to keep in touch
with the Gators.
So in the middle of prepar-
ing answers for questions like
what the biggest moral dilem-
ma in the United States is, her
opinion on Title IX and where
she sees herself in 10 years, all
Lowe could think about was
the final score of the Gators'
The senior guard didn't
make the final cut of 32 schol-
ars who get to study abroad at
Oxford University in England
next fall, but she was relieved
nonetheless the Gators
went 2-0 in her absence.
"I was so pissed," said
Lowe, -who will lead the
Gators (4-1) in front of a home-
town crowd in Philadelphia
for Saturday's game at- No.
18 Temple (6-0). "My com-
puter ended up not working,
so I wasn't able to listen. But
[sports information director
Kathy] Cafazzo was sweet
enough to text me at every
media timeout. I knew it was
going on for the most part for
UF's first game, an 83-57
win against St. Francis (NY) on
Nov. 18, came during a dinner
for the Rhodes finalists, but
Lowe forgot her text messag-
ing device.
Once the meal was over,
she came back to find the score
and summary in a series of
text messages.
"There were some very
talented individuals
there, and it was cool
to be just around other
highly accomplished col-
lege students."
Sarah Lowe
The second game of the
Seton Hall Classic, a nail-bit-
ing 52-48 win against the host
Pirates, went down while
Lowe was soaring at 30,000
On the way back to
Gainesville, Lowe didn't miss
an update.
However, she did regret not
being able -to don the orange
and blue and join her team in
a post-game shopping spree in
New York.
"Just not being there [with
the team] was a very tough ex-
perience for me," Lowe said.
"It's a thing that I probably
would never want to do again.
But at the same time, it was
one of these experiences that I
had to do, and I learned from
and I grew from it.
"My team is like my family,
and it was just really tough
not being with them this
After the initial interview,
Lowe endured another round
of questioning the next day.
Afterward, Lowe and the
rest of the students competing
for the program used their free
time to watch football in a con-
ference room.
"I've never been in that sort
.of environment before aca-
demically," Lowe said. "There
were some very talented
individuals there, and it was
cool to be just around other
highly accomplished college
After a couple hours of de-
liberation, the results were in.
Unlike the Gators' game out-
comes, this answer wasn't the
one Lowe was looking for.
However, for somebody
who gets down on herself for
not making A's, Lowe took the
news well.
"I was definitely bummed
for a couple hours, there's no
doubt about it," Lowe said. "I
invested myself in this for the
past three months of school,
sacrificing in other areas to
put myself in this situation.
However, at the same time,
there's a lot that's said and ev-
erything happens for a reason,
and I truly believe in that."
Top UF recruit prepares for
Alligator Writer
The Tim Tebow experience is coming to
a close.
Paraded around the country to the big-
gest college football games of the season,
Tebow's final stretch begins today.. -
In a span of 12 days, Tebow will travel
from his home in northeast Florida to Los
Angeles and possibly Miami.
Then, he will star in his own special in
front of a national television audience on
ESPN on Dec. 14, highlighted by his college
choice announcement.
Tebow, rivals.com's top-rated dual-threat
quarterback recruit out of St. Augustine
Nease High (11-2), plays in the state semifi-
-nals tonight at home, a 90-minute drive from
Gainesville, against Pace High (13-0).
Should Nease win, it would play in
Miami for the Class 4A state championship
on Dec. 10.
Holding onto the ball will be the key to
advancing, Tebow said.
"When you turn the ball over, you lose
games," he said. "It's something coach
stresses. We know we have to hold onto the
ball. If we do that, we should be in position
to win games. It's something we've worked
Andy Apicella/ Alligator Staff
Sarah Lowe pushes past Stetson guard Sharnesha Smith on Sunday. Heading
back to her hometown Saturday, Lowe is relieved to be reunited with UF.
playoff game,
on all through the playoffs."
Hours after tonight's game, Tebow will
board a plane headed to Los Angeles for the
UCLA-Southern California game on an offi-
cial visit with the Trojans.
The trip will mark his
final college visit. He lists
Alabama, UF, Louisiana
State and Michigan in ad-
dition to USC as possible
"-- final destinations.
Experts believe the
Tebow race is down to UF and
Alabama, and Tebow is familiar with both
visit to USC
He's been to both schools at least three
times this fall, including a visit to UF dur-
ing last week's win -against Florida State,
where fans chanted his name in unison at
one point.
At his high school game last Friday,
Nease fans displayed a poster readable from
the field at Nease's stadium that said "Gator
Nation Needs You!"
But 12 days away from his nationally
televised decision, Tebow's focus is on his
final high school home game.
"It's crazy to think this is going to be
my last game playing here," Tebow said.
"Hopefully we can go out with a bang."
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Enjoy all-inclusive individual leases within
walking distance to UF. Fully fum 4BR/2BA.
352-278-9347 www.bogartyproperties.com
Sublease available now-May 2006 Apt fully
furnished (4/2). Great female roommates.
Within 1 mi from UF. Rent $390 + until. 305-
318-1040 12-7-9-1
GAINESVILLE PLACE Must leave town.
Spacious, clean, lbr/lba in 4br/ba. spring
and summer. incl cable, net, utils, wshr/dryr.
$465 mo. (will give $500 at signing) 813-695-
6322. 12-7-6-1
Available Jan Aug 06. Spacious 1BR/1BA
in 2BR/2BA at Mount Vernon -Apts. Close to
UF. Rent $382.50 + utils. 850-982-2748 or
caklopez@ufl.edu. 12-6-5-1
January. Call 352-359-6614 12-6-5-1
Furnished Apt for Relet. 4BR/4BA deluxe w/3
female roommates @ the Estates less than
1 mile from campus. $499/mo. Call 423-878-
3545 12-7-5-1
Spring term must see attractively decorated
4BR/3.5BA townhome. Bus rt 8 NW. Porch,
pool, pref grad or family $950/mo neg email
rhh82@ufl.edu or 352-262-2362 12-7-5-1
Roommate wanted to share 3BR/2BA.
2 mi from UF. $400/mo + 1/3 utils. 1st + sec.
No pets 772-359-9162 12-7-11-1
Brand new 2BR/2BA. W/D, NW 3rd Ave.
Available. 386-295-3194 12-7-5-1
mo full amenities, pvt carport, utils,
pools, gym, study rms, entertainment rm.
EVERYTHINGI Hi-spd i-net & wireless. 1
min to UF, 34th & 20th Ave. 305-332-2204
The Estates (The Exchange) 1BR/1BA
in 3BR/3BA near campus Fully fum,
free cable, dsl, utilities. Jan 1 Aug 7th.
nmb2boca@aol.com or 561-706-9808 12-
Countryside Apt. Pvt. Bathroom, walk-in
closet, wireless, nice & tidy female room-
mates. $425 inc. utils. Avail. Dec 8. Call (239)
682-0488. 12-7-4-1
$99 1st month's rent
Need a Rental Home or Condo?
Need A Tenant?
Watson Realty Corp. RE LTORS-
Property Mgmt/Rentals 352-335-0440
Full Service Sales 352-377-8899
Wake up & walk to UF
Studios & 1 bedrooms
Starting @ $489
Pet friendly, Pool
*Come See! 372-7111*
* HUGE floorplans! Great Pools!
* Water/Sewer included! Pets OK
* 1BR $550 2 BR $595!
* Bus or bike to UF 335-7275
Studios, 1/1s, 2/2s & 3/3s
Pool*Alarm*Pets Welcome
Available January! 338-0002
Archer Rd. Efficieny Apt. w/ Bath. includes @SUN BAY APTSO
utils., W/D, TV, Lines too. $400/mo, $250 *Some fumished availO
deposit, Call Betty 372-1191 12-7-4-1 **Walk or Bike to Campus **
1-1 $460/mo-o2-1 $5201mo
Tl 1-';-F rf rt ':., www.sunisland.info 000376-6720
m .^^F i0 t,.- 12-7-72-2
SPACE. Rustic 1BR apt. $345/mo.
01BR cottage $375/mo. Call 378-9220 or
mobile 213-3901.12-7-72-2
1BRs from $460
Laundry on site, pets ok.
Central Air, walk in closet.
Open Weekends 371-7777
1 & 2BR apts. convenient to shopping, bus
line,'and just a few miles from UF. Located
off SW 20th Ave. $375 $450, incl water,
sewer, pest control & garbage. Sorry no pets
allowed. Call 335-7066. 12-7-72-2
* Stress free living! Great rates!
S1 BR from $479 2BR from $549
* Beautiful pools/courtyards* Pets OK
* Walk/bike to UF 372-7555
3/3 Luxury Avail. Now
Roommate match for Jan.
24hr. Gym, Comp. Lab, Tan
Close to UF Law, & SW Rec.
Call 352-379-9255 12-7-72-2
Deluxe, Large 3 or 4BR apt/house, 60
second walk to UF. Remodeled, Old House
charm. Central AC, washer/dryer included.
Wood floors. With Parking. By Private
Owner. 538-2181 Iv message 12-7-72-2
HUGE apt! HUGE value! 2BR avail. NOW!
1,2 & 4 BR units avail Jan '06
Pool, tennis, alarm, close to everything!
FREE UF parking, pets welcome!
pinetreegardens.com or call 376-4002
Deluxe, large one or two bedroom, 60 sec-
ond walk to UF. Wood firs, washer dryer
included; fireplace, patio deck. Can furnish.
Short term available. Private Owner. $495-
up. 352-538-2181. Lv mssg 12-7-72-2
There's no place like home!
Make us yours!
1 BR/1 BA*2BR/2BA*3BR/3BA TH
Cable*Gated*Sauna*24hr Gym*Tanning-
*Close to UF!*Lease for SPRING*377-2777
"Beautiful and New***
FREE High-Speed Internet
FREE Monitored Alarm
FREE Cable/Tanning/Gym
W/D plus TVs in every kitchen
374-FUNN (3866)
Quality single family homes. Walk or bike to
UF. www.ellieshouses.com 352-215-4991 or
352-215-4990 12-7-72-2
1.1 from $480.00 2.1 $530.00
$99 deposit for Grad students
999 SW 16th Ave phone # 376-6720
414 Townhome for Fall
Across from UF
W/D, Alarm, DW
From $550 per BR suite
Open Weekends 371-0769
How To Place A Classified Ad:
In Person:
Cash, Check, MC, or Visa
The Alligator Office
1105 W. University Ave.
M-F, 8am 4pm
UF Bookstore at Reitz Union
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Use forms appearing weekly in The
Alligator. Sorry, no cash by mail. MC,
Visa or checks only.
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By Fax: (352) 376-4556
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Corrections and Cancellations:
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Alligator errors: Check your ad the FIRST day it runs. Call 373-FIND
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Corrected ads will be extended one day. No refunds or credits can be
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be further compensated.
Customer error or changes: Changes must be made BEFORE
NOON for the next day's paper. There will be a $2.00 charge for
minor changes.
All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make limitation, or discrimination." We will
not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. All employment opportunities advertised herein are subject to the laws which prohibit discrimina-
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offers of goods and/or services through any advertising contained herein.
~l g P _Y ~111L-----~L3 X -~-PI -3 -ImIP5_ OF --III
E For .Reint
unfurnished -
Studio and 1 BRs From $529
Across From UF, Pets Ok.
Laundry on Site, Wood Floors Avail
Open Weekends 371-7777
jxury 1/1, 2/2 flats & 3BR/3BATownhomes
Free Cable w/ HBO/Sho, Tan, 24 hr gym,
aerobics, W/D, Gated, Pet Friendly, Alarms
*The Laurels, 335-4455*
Now leasing for January 2006
1 br for $595 or 3br for $870
2br townhome with W/D for $669
Alarms, park FREE @ UF, Pets welcome
www.SpanishTrace.org 373-1111
pring lease Avail.
'3 townhouse
able w/HBO, tanning, gym
II the extras! Almost gone!
all for specials 377-2801
total Elec, 2 & 3 Bedroom, $395-$550, cent
IC, pool, tennis, B-ball waste, pest, lawn
lowing. 251b pet $15/mo. M-F 10-6 or by
ppt. Alamar Gardens 4400 SW 20th Ave.
73-4244 UF bus line #20 12-7-72-2
NEW kitchen, tile, carpet, paint
3BR/2BA Flats ** $839/mo
2BR/2BA Flats ** $725/mo
2BR- over 1100 sq ft ** $725/ mo
1 BR-over 800 sq ft ** $625/mo
Close to UF, beautiful, quiet
High-speed wireless internet
$450 deposit 376-2507
Its Never Too Early!
Huge 2 and 3 Beds for January!
Cable W/D Pool Gym Pets Ok
Pre-leasing for 2006! 372-8100
Affordable, Quiet living
HUGE 1& 2BR Pool
Skylights 1.5 miles to UF
Furn Avail 377-7401 *
wail for Current and Fall
'ool*Tennis Cts*1.5 Mi 2 UF
nd lease, Furn & Util Avail
ireat Specials*377-7401 12-7-72-2
a~ 2
0 Cm)0
For Rnt, '5~~ 77R~t
Countryside Rent With Us Today, L Mlanch Ae rstS
University Terrace Gainesville Buy With Us Tomorrow! La M ancha Apts.
University Terrace West Enjoy all-inclusive individual leases. within
Individual Leases 31 3 walking distance of UF! Swimming pool,.
W/D, Pool & Utilities $300-$325/mo. laundry facilities, private parking. Make your
Union Properties 373-7578 life easier today! Short term leases avail-
www.rentgainesville.com able! Call Campus Realty today! 692-3800
12-7-72-2 12-7-25-2
Condo, House & Townhouse Rentals
Looking for a home? We have the Ask About Our Lucrative Cam pus Realty
LARGEST selection of single family rent- 2BTenant Rewards Progra/m Great homes for rent in the
als in Gainesville. With over 100 properties 2BR/1BA Near UFCondo $90475/mo UF area! 352-692-3800
currently available, we're sure to have some- 2BR/1 BA Near UF $475/mo UF area! 352-692-3800
thing to fit your style e rebudget. Visit our 3BR12BA Duckpond $795/mo www.campusrealty.com/rentals
website at www.edbaurmanagement.com, A a t ove S 4-26-72-2
or call us to find your new home today 352- Over 30+ Private Homes Available!
375-7104 ex 2. Call Today: 371-2118 3207 W. University Ave
12-7-50-2 Furnished + pool table, W/D, 2 car garage,
D' 'i4 Ed Ba r Woff-street parking, tile floors. Campus Realty
*Large affordable apartments* 692-3800 12-7-25-2
2/2.5 & 4/2.5 TH w/W/D. No pet restrictions!
M nQagemen Inc. Pool, Gym, B-ball, Tennis, Racquetball, UF 4BR/2BA HOUSE
*UPPER CLASS Students*
Perfect place to study!
FREE cable w/ HBO/Show
Gated entry*Computer lab
Wireless poolside*FREE Tanning
Free extended Basic Cable! Pets Welcome!
1000 sq ft Split Floor PLan W/D Hook-ups
& DW. 1BR/1BA & 2BR/2BA Available. Call
Now 372-9913 12-7-71-2
Amazingly Affordable! HUGE 650 sq ft 1 BR
1000 sq ft 2BR Townhouses & Flats
Discounted Rates Starting @ $380 & $480
Close to Santa Fe, UF & 1-75 332-5070 12-
Available now!
2BR/1BA Apt. $475
3BR/1BA Duplex $600
MITCHELL REALTY 374-8579x1 12-7-64-2
Finders Keepers? If you find something, you
can place a FREE FOUND AD in our lost &
found section. Be kind to someone who's
lost what you've found. Call 373-FIND.
parking. AMVaIable Jan 2006 @lUUO ( 2) 332-
7401 12-7-49-2
Going, Going, GONE!!
2BR/1 BA only $675
Spacious floor plan, Quiet atmosphere
Move in TODAY! 376-1248
60 Sec. walk to UF. 1 or 2 rooms. Short
term avail. $350 & up. Call 352-538-2181
Reasonably priced NW 3BR house,
1200sf, washer/dryer, den, eat-in kitchen,
garage, large maintained yard $720
edbaurmanagement.com 375-7104 ex. 2
1731 NW 6th Street 12-7-35-2
Talismar, SW 1BR near vet school & hospi-
tals, cent h/a, enclosed courtyard, includes
water & trash, $375 ebaurmanagement.com
375-7104 ex 2 1731 NW 6th St. 12-7-35-2
One BR apt for rent. 1 person, 1 car, no
smoking, no pets, no fleas. It is small, but
has it all. All util. pd. $360/mo, unfurnished.
Calf Charlie "Whitey" Webb. 375-4373. Stop
by 1215 NE 20th Ave. 12-7-34-2
2/1.5 apt 1100 sq. ft. $595
3/2 apt 1300 sq ft $695
1800 NW 4th St. Over 20 houses also avail.
373-4423 www.maximumre.com
2BR/2.5BA NW townhome. New tile 1st fir,
carpet 2nd fir & paint. W/D, 1.5 mi to UF
$725/mo pets ok Avail now 772-708-7048
DUPLEX 2BR/1BA. New tile, new carpet,
new paint, central AC/heat, W/D hk up.
Walk/bike to UF. 408 NW 5th Ave. Unit A.
$695/mo. 1st/last &sec. www.gatorpads.com
284-0316 or 281-0733 12-7-27-2
Avail Dec several units within 1/2 mi of UF
campus or closer. Efficiency $325 1 BR/1BA
$420, 2BR/2.5BA $725, 2BR/1BA $600. Sec
dep. No pets. Contact gvll32601@gmail.com
or Iv msg 352-870-7256 12-7-29-2
Walk to UF 2BR.1BA duplex, cent A/C,
private parking, 922 SW 6th Ave. $520
Edbaurmanagement.com 375-7104 12-7-
- ~
* ~ em
0 -
Convenient UF access $375 to $620/mo
Action Real Estate Services 352-331-1133
townhouse. Master suite w/private terrace.
Pool, hi spd internet & security system hook-
ups. New appliances. Near UF off 13th St.
$950/mo. Call 561-912-6223, 954-755-1728
1, 2, & 3BR units. Available now. Starting @
$380/mo. 332-5070, 331-8225 12-7-25-2
New carpets 1800 sq.ff. Walk to Law School.
$1200/mo. Gore-Rabell Real Estate 378-
1387 www.gore-rabell.com 12-7-24-2
One mile to campus & Shands 2BR/1.5BA,
Avail. Jan. 1st Wood floors, W/D, DW, clean,
no pets, sm, 1038 SW 6th Dr. $600/mo
239-898-9317 1-31-40-2
Close in. Lots of green space. Large 4BR/
2BA Home Screen porch. No pets. $800/MO
Call (352)378-9220 or 213-3901 12-7-24-2
Large, exlcusive 2/2. W/D. Walk/ride to
campus. Available Jan 1. $800/mo. Call 378-
2627 or 466-3797 12-7-21-2
Large, Modern, Clean 4BR/3BA house 1
block North of UF. Many amenities. Zoned ok
for 4 roommates. $1600/mo. No Pets. K&M
Properties 372-1509. 12-7-21-2
Great Location & Price. 1&2 BR. Apts. 1
Block from UF on North & East side of cam-
pus. Priced $440-$575/mo. No pets. K&M
Properties 372-1509. 12-7-21-2
2BR/1 BA DUPLEX for rent. Newly remodeled
and new appliances. W/D hk-up. Hawthorne
Rd. SE 46th Terr. $600/MO, $300 dep. Call
352-258-8806 12-7-17-2
Apartment Buildings
Close to UF & Shopping
2BR/1.5BA condos W/D hookups
$675/MO 494-9045 or 494-2173
Looking for an Apartment???
1412 W. University Avenue,
Visit our NEW location in the new
Target Copy Center!
FREE Apartment and Housing
Locator Service
Call 352-376-4493 or visit
PET'S PARADISE No app or pet fee 2BR
townhome. Fireplace, privacy fence, new
carpet, modern appliances, ceiling fans, CH/
AC, 1000 SW 59 Terr. Private owner. Please
leave detailed msg. $450/mo 352-331-2099
Near Law School 3/1, $1200/mo. 1st, last,
security. Pref grad student. No pets, W/D
hook up, Wood floors, cent A/C, gas heat,
trees. Call Tom >8pm or weekends 954-529-
4031 12-7-13-2
Male for room in 2BR/2.5BA in Victoria
Station. Shared kitchen, family room,
washer/dryer. Community pool. $425/mo
+ utilities. Avail Jan 1. Call 954-303-1104
or 954-242-4633, or kvabraham@aol.com
1st MONTH FREE! 2BR/2.5BA -
TH in Kensington South, high ceilings, dining
room, washer/dryer, pool, $850/rent
3901 SW 20th Ave #105
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 12-2-8-2.
***0.8 MILES TO UF***
Studio apt in historic house near downtown.
Laundry & parking outside front door. $325/
mo 404 SW2nd St. 214-9270 12-7-12-2
Countryside @ University. 2BR/2BA avail in
4BR/4BA for $350/ea. All util, high-speed net
and W/D incl indiv leases. Call Josh at 813-
545-2245 or ufstangl@ufl.edu 12-7-12-2
Rent 2BR/2BA in 4BR/4BA 6 to 12 month
lease, 1BR furn/1BR unfurn.; utilities incl.
Cable, ethernet. W/D. Near pool. Info 305-
979-7862 OR 786-412-9337 12-7-11n.
1BR/1BA $650 and $550. In private wooded
cul-de-sac near downtown. W/D included.
115 & 125 SE 10th St. Call Peter 316-6667
2BR/2BA apt $700
Short term lease ok.
3BR/1 BA duplex downtown $600
Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 12-7-10-2
Avail Jan-Aug 2006 2BR/2BA $880/mo +
free hi-speed internet. Clean, quiet, great
management. Call 386-689-8613 12-7-9-2
DUCKPOND 2BR near Thomas Center.
Wood floors, fireplace, porch, W/D, bay
window. Available 1/1/06. $800/mo. 1 year
lease. Call 352-377-6562. New paint and
quiet. 12-7-8-2
1 BlktoUF!1BR 1BAApt
$470/Mo 1236 SW 4th Avenue
Central H & Air, Carpet, Laundry Fac.
Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 12-
1 Blkto UF! 2BR 1BAApt
$550/Mo 216 SW 12th Street
Window A/C, Nat Gas ht, Wood Floors
Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 12-
1215 SW4thAve. 2BR/1 BA Duplex.
Walk to campus. $595/mo..
1st MONTH FREE. Call 335-3577
Licensed Real Estate Broker. 12-7-8a2
1802 NW 7th Street. 2BR/1 BA Duplex. W/D
hk-up, $600/mo, $600 deposit, $25 applica-
tion fee. Call 352-378-0212 12-7-8-2
3BR/2BA, large living rm, separate dining
rm, zoned commercial, ideal home/office on
SW Williston Rd. near Shands/VA. $875. Call
Kathy 215-1728, Lisa 372-9000 1-20-17-2
3 blocks to UF. Gator Nest Apts.
1BR/1BA 300 NW 18th St $405/mo.
Call 352-371-3636 12-7-8-2
ADORABLE 3 BR 1.5 BA! Great
House, 2 living areas, washer/dryer,
Ceiling fans, newer carpet, $850/rent
2102 NE 8th Street
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.turlingtonrealestate.com 12-2-4-2
BIKE TO UF! Cute 2 BR 2 BA
House close to downtown, wood
Floors, updated kitchen & baths,
Washer/dryer, 2 sceen porches,
$900/rent, 216 NW 14th Avenue
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.turlingtonrealestate.com 12-2-4-2
Strickland College Cottages Apts. 17 SW
24th St. Across from law school & Wilberts
Store. 2BR/1BA, 2 car, 2 people. Pet ok,
Wash, Dryer CA/H. $1200/rno. 338-3244,
468-2638 Unfumished.house 12-7-6-2
HOUSE ON LAKE. 20 min from G'ville. Easy
drive. $700/mo. Call 481-4421 for info. 12-
2BR/2BA apt. $695/mo
Contact 321-282-8080. Pets allowed. 12-
Continued on next page.
.~.1.__...1.._._.111.._.__~__ ~~
U 1 For Rent
1BR available in 4BR/4BA @ Countryside.
Incl all utils + internet. Exercise/pool, direct
bus UF 3 miles. $450/mo 352-483-1052 or
352-37*8208 12-7-5-2
Spacious immaculate 3BR/2BA home in fam-
ily neighborhood very close to UF. Central
heat/air, W/D hook-up, dishwasher, lovely
fenced yard. $850/mo 378-4684 12-7-5-2
Large master bedroom w/private bath in
spacious 3BR/2BA home to share with only
one other person. Close to UF. Great family
neighborhood. Immaculate. $390/mo 378-
4684. Avail now. 12-7-5-2
off SW 23rd Street. $395/Mo. Private court-
yard. Call 665-6333 12-7-5-2
Walk or bike to UF. Recently renovated 3
bedroom/1 bath house with laundry/storage
room and fenced yard. 920 NW 7th Ave.
$750/mo. Call Todd @ 256-3826 or B.J. @
871-7203 for info 12-7-4-2
Walking distance to UF. W/D. Quiet neighbor-
hood, lovely garden. Avail Jan 1st. $650/mo
incl utils. Call 871-3224 12-7-4-2
A large 3BR/2BA house. Walk to UF.
Hardwood floors, screened porch, fenced
yard, W/D, furnished. Avail 1/7 to 4/10. Rent
negotiable. References. 377-2399 12-7-4-2
A Holiday Special!
3230 SWArcher Road
Newly renovated one bedrooms
(W/D available in some units)
Also available, 2/2 & 3/2 available
Starting from $499
3020 SW Archer Road
One & two bedrooms apartments
available starting at $499
3100 SW 35th Place
-1 352-338-1000
1, 2 & 3 bedroom apartments available
All properties conveniently located within
walking distance of shopping, restaurants
and bus lines and UF.
2001 SW 16th Street
1 & 2 bedroom available Starting $550
Walking distance to Shands, VA Hospital,
Veterinary School, and UF
New BAs. Walk to campus. Mint cond., wood
firs, on Univ. Ave. W/D, eat-in kitchen. Jan
1st. Call 954-270-4000 or 954-290-5657
3BR/1BA house less than 1 block from 0
Dome. 123 NW 20th Dr.. -Beginning in Jan.
$1600/mo Call 317-3238. 12-7-4-2
1BR/1BA for rent SUNDOWNE APT. Great
location behind Butler Plaza. $469/mo. Call
352-219-0441. ASAP Must go! 12-7-4-2 .
LIVE DOWNTOWN! Arlington Square town-
house-style 2BR/2BA apt. avail. Jan. '06.
Quiet bldg/end unit close to UF + busses.
Call Chris 352-246-9048. 12-7-4-2*
OCONDOO 3BR/3BA furn, pool, tennis, bus
rte, W/D, fridge, Oaks Mall near. lyr+ $1100/
mo, *HOME* 3BR/2BA 1 car garage,
fireplace, gorgeous 1+ acres, young prof,
area $1350/mo. Trippe Realty 538-1133.
6 BIks to UF. Patio home. 4 parking spaces,
newly remodeled, 3BR/2BA, den, ceramic
tile, new carpet, W/D, DW, microwave hood,
faux blinds, CH/AC, 1300 sq ft. $850. Short
lease avail. 1421 NW 6th PI Carol 377-3852
Mobile Home (3BD/1 BA) for rent Located at
SW 20th Ave. Central air. Include water and
electricity. $300/mo each Call Erik anytime
407-575-0088. Email erik-vo@hotmail.com
a Subleases
amenities. DW, WID, fitness ctr., pool, spa
& security system. Very clean. $865/mo. Call
954-540-1905 12-2-20-3
1BR in 4BR/2BA house across from stadium
$335/mo + utils. Avail Jan-Aug. Newly reno-
vated, W/D, new apple. Call 352-262-7887
1 BED/1 BATH in a 3/3 at University Glades.
Currently only 1 roommate. Walk-in closet,
ALL utils, cable, internet incl. Furnished -
$480 Erik 954-651-0086 12-2-15-3
ROYAL VILLAGE APT Blocks from campus.
1BR/1BA in 4BR/2BA, furn, W/D in unit,
utils, cable internet incl. Pool, parking decal,
game-room, $440/mo. Avail Dec thru Aug.
2 MO FREE RENT. Kevin 407-619-5734
Roommate needed for house 2 blocks N of
campus. $450/month + util. female only. call
8137856641. 12-5-15-3
Downtown 2/1 house, wood floors, walk to
campus, OH/A, pvt parking, high ceilings, no
dogs. lst/last/sec. $670/mo. 226 NW 3rd
Ave. 359-8499 or 904-829-3410 12-7-15-3
1BR/1BA new, 1st fir apt. Move-in ready.
Quiet, behind Butler Plaza, pool, fitness,
internet, clubhouse $589/mo, elec only. 373-
1111 12-7-14-3
College Park. Available 1/06 tro 7/06. Walk
to class and the bars. $835/mo. Call Brandon
@ 352-235-2800 or email blh2309@ufl.edu
First month's rent free! 2/1 apt behind
Chipolte on NW 15th St. Walking distance to
campus and bars. Pets welcome. W/D facility
and pool. Call Eric 352-514-6190 1-9-15-3
4BR/4BA Jan 1. Ethernet & util incl, W/D,
nicely furn, secure. Exercise/pool direct bus
UF 3 mi. $465/mo/room. Vanessa 352-217-
3464, Flo 352-636-4814 12-7-14-3
LIVE DOWNTOWN! Arlington Square town-
house-style 2BR/2BA apt avail. Jan. '06.
Quiet bldg/end unit close to UF + busses.
Call Chris 352-246-9048 12-7-14-3
Jan 2006 Gainesville Place. All inclusive,
furnished, W/D, private bath. $495/mo, but
only pay $395! katri916@mindspring.com or
786-338-1257 12-7-14-3
1 bed/1 bath in a 2 bed/2 bath, close to com-
pus & bars on Univ $480/mo + util. Free inter-
net, 1/06 8/06. Call Cara @ 727-804-6932
or email caral3@ufl.edu 12-7-14-3
Campus Club Apts.
Male or Female
Included: hi-spd. int., cbl., pool, elec, water,
furnished. Can move in Jan. 1 ONLY $420
NEGOTIABLE Contact AbRebLee@aol.com
Get your privacy. 1 BR/1 BA in a 3BR/3BA apt.
Furnished except BR. Utils incl. Avail 12/16.
Oxford Manor, close to UF. $440/mo. 2 pools,
hottub, free tanning, wt rm, game rm & much
more. Short term lease ok. 386-547-9131
Rooms in 3/2 house avail. Jan Jun. Quiet,
fenced,. Close to bus or 10 min bike ride.
Mostly furn. $390-420/rm+utils. Prefer grads.
Call 734-330-5022 ******** 12-5-10-3
Apts. All 3 subleases avail Jan. Fully furn.
Free util, inet, cable, W/D. $465/mo ea. Call
352-216-2261 12-5-10-3
3/3 TH, MADISON POINTE $1206, "dance
pole" (optional), 1700 sq ft, pool, .pets wel-
come, tan bed, some furn, gated,- garage,
W/D. Melissa 256-5883 12-7-12-3
Apts. All 3 subleaes avail Jan. Fully furn free
until, inet, cable, W/D. $465/mo ea. Call 352-
216-2261 12-5-10-3
3 rooms in huge home by Stonewood. Hi-
speed, W/D, cable, fireplace, tons of space.
No deposit. Avail now,. Dec, or Jan. ~$400
+ utils. davem@ufl.edu for more info. 12-
6-11-3 .
CF Subleases 3
thru Aug. $385/mo Furn, 1st, fir, next to
bus stop & pool, w/2 great female room-
mates. ufberger@ufl.edu or 352-262-8492
INCREDIBLE 4BR/4BA apt w/1 room
avail, for spring. Lexington Crossing. Fully
furnished. Well decorated. $5000 entertain-
ment system. $450/mo MUST SEE! 359-
1602 12-6-11-3
FREE RENT Until 12/31/05
Sublease avail now thru 8/06 1BR/1BA in
furn 2BR G-ville Place Apt. $590 for all utils,
cable tv, inet. Close to UF. Great amenities.
Incl balcony. Ashley 914-826-7171 12-7-
BEAUTIFUL APT. One or. both bedrooms
in 2BR/1BA in 34th St & Archer Rd. Area.
$315/rm Pets ok. Avail immediately Call Erin
871-0679 12-7-11-3
Sublease for female roommate $410 in-
cludes rent/utilities/cable w/HBO/ethernet.
From Jan. Aug. No crdt. check/no deposit.
Free' tanning Call Jenn 407-466-0967 12-
Great location. Incl parking & water. Pets ok.
215 NE 3rd St. 283-0581 12-7-9-3
1 mile from campus. Great location, close to
shopping & more. Asking $475/mo Jan thru
July. Call Steve @ 318-0314 12-2-6-3
Oxford Manor 1 BR/1 BA in 3BR/3BA for $380
OBO. Furn, utils, internet, W/D, cable, includ-
ed, gated comm. big gym. Close to UF! Rent
for spring and summer. makoj84@aol.com or
352-271-1067 12-7-9-3
Spacious 1BR/1BA furnished. Only $670/mo
instead of new rate $700/mo. Perfect for cou-
ples! Avail Jan. Call 305-898-7751 12-7-7-3
1 bedroom in a 4BR/2BA. Furnished. $340/
mo plus until or negotiable. Available Jan 1.
Call Shari @407-341-8760 12-7-8-3
2BR/1 BA available 1/1
2 blocks to campus. $819/mo. Call 352-317-
5185 or 954-304-3792 12-2-5-3
2BR/1BA apt availalbe Jan-July 06.. $560/
mo. Corner unit w/view of point. Rent in-
cludes water/sewer/trash. Pool/gym. Rent
Negotiable. Call 352-337-8347 12-7-8-3
2BR/1BA only $709/mo!!! 2 blks to UF.
Behind Swamp. Huge rooms 10x20 Get
up to $300 back. Please call Sab 871-3099
SUBLEASE: No deposit. 3BR/2BA apt.
1 mile from UF campus. Spacious, great
amenities. Only $795/mo. Avail 12/1. 271-
0356 12-7-6-3
Sublease 1BR in a townhouse. SW20th Ave.
W/D, Hi-spd internet are availalbe. 2 bus
rts 20 & 21. 10 min to school. Suprmarket
is nearby. Ask for $250 + 1/3 utils, no dep.
Pease contact 352-262-6912 after 5pm.
CAMPUS CLUB NS, F, wanted for 1BR
w/pvt BA & walk-in closet in 3BR/2BA. Nicely
furn, utils, ethernet, TV incl., W/D in unit.
Take 6ver $478/mo. Avail Jan to Aug 11,
2006. Call 954-557-5993 12-7-6-3
Spacious 1BR in 3BR/3BA at Tivoli apts.
Fully furnished. $380/mo. 5 min from UF.
Pool/workout room. Available Dec 15. Call
617-448-9332 12-2-3-3
1 minute walk from law school & bus stop.
2718 SW 3rd Place. $400/mo + utils. 305-
776-0372 12-7-6-3
1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA apt. All utils, cable,
internet incl. Semi-furn. Avail Jan thru July.
$400/mo. Call 352-256-4331 12-7-6-3
IMMEDIATE move in! One bedroom massive
apt. in Boardwalk. $630 a month. I pay Dec.
utilities! Call Lydia 352-318-4240. No move
;n fees 12-2-3-2
Ua Subleases ) Subleases
1BR/1BA LOFTAPT. in Malibu Cove. Behind
Norman Hall. Laundry facilities, parking,
water incl. Avail Dec or Jan. $545/mo. Call
870-5418 12-7-6-3
Live Downtown! Avail immediately shared
townhome in Arlington Square. 1 or 2 bed-
rooms avail each w/private bath. $450/$470
+ util. Call 561-706-9796 12-7-6-3
1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA apt in The Estates.
Available Jan $535/mo OBO. Utils incl.
Close to clubhouse & pool. W/D, DW. Pets
welcome. Call 352-373-4720 12-7-6-3
2BR/2BA sublease available Dec
Cobblestone Apartments #W159
$971 lease ends July 31, 2006
Study rm, laundry, kitchen, more.
Call Jenny 352-514-2560 12-7-5-3
AMAZING 1BR/1BA Gainesville Place- very
clean & amp; new, great roommates, all utili-
ties incl. Great price, close to campus, avail.
til Aug, 407-538-2953 12-7-5-3
In new 2/2.5 Townhouse. Everything new +
W/D. $430 + 1/2 Utils. Call 352-870-2506 or
email apt4rent06@yahoo.com 12-7-5-3
Campus Club Apt 3BR/2BA direct bus to UF
T3/cable TV furnished pool/gym, $380 flat
avail. Jan to Aug male only GREAT DEAL.
Call 954-871-7037 ASAP. 12-7-5-3
1 BR/1 BA in College Manor, next to business
school, avail now thru Aug. 1st 2 mos free,
some free furniture, $500/mo, assume lease.
Pets OK. Call 850-832-1538. 12-7-4-3
$395/mo Gainesville Place Apts. Private
room/bath. Have moved, family emergency.
Sublease until July 1, 2006. Contact Sarah
at 226-0048 or 331-9080 12-7-4-3
1BR/1BA Vaulted Ceilings W/D Dishwasher
Unfurn. $660/mo. Call 352-359-6615. Avail.
Jan! 1-17-10-3
1BR in 3BR/2BA apt. 1 mile to campus.
Fitness etc, tennis, pool. $225/mo + utils.
Avail Dec thru July. Call Marisa @ 404-395-
8618 1-9-5-3
The Estates (The Exchange) 1BR/1BA
in 3BR/3BA near campus fully furn.,
free cable,, dsl, utilities. Jan 1-Aug 7th.
nmb2boca@aol.com or 561-706-9808 12-
Countryside @University Condo 2 Bedroor
avail, in 4BR for $425/ea Cable, water, ell
incl. except phone. Call Irvin (904) 610-091
or email icheng@bellsouth.net. 12-7-4-3
Campus Lodge 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4Bi
Vaulted ceiling. Friendly female roommate
Cherrywood furn, fabulous amenities. Plea.
call Jackie 561-716-7781, 941-713-87f
Sub-Let Appt. from Jan-May 2006, mu
be approved by original leaser & d
posit required. Furnished move in on
SERIOUS $300. 1 blk UF + parking ini
philipforget@gmail.com or 954-629-63;
Campus Club Spring sublease pvt. BA ful:
furn. utils. incl. $418/mo. Move in as ear;
as mid Dec. Call Alexis @ 786-325-993
Everything a student could need.
large, quite, upstairs rm w/2 closet1
100 steps to campus. W/D, sunroof
Room semi-furn. $512.50/mo contaj
margimjohnson@yahoo.com, 850-545-870
1st MONTH FREE! 2BR/2BA vintage.hous
in downtown. Wood floors, private yard
parking. 8 min. bike to campus/ 4 min. wal
to downtown. 113 NW 4th Ave. $885/mo nr
dogs. 379-9401 or cknapp@ufl.edu 12-1
l| Roommates
Roommate Matching HERE
Oxford Manor 377-2777
The Landings 336-3838
The Laurels 335-4455
Cobblestone 377-2801
Hidden Lake 374-3866
\Female roommate for one/two female UI
students. Quiet. Responsible. 60 second
walk to UF. Old house charm with all arm-r,
ties. Avail Now. $400 up. 352-538-2181.L
message. Private Owner 12-7-72-4
F NS grad/prof needed for 1BR in BRAN[
NEW 2/2 condo. 2 mi to UF on bus rtg
W/D. $475 + 1/2 util/mo. Common arei
furnished, tile firs. No pets. 904-386-6485 o
apenal3@ufl.edu 12-7-82-4
a .
O) E
0 Cu L
- 0
I r~FI~1~
a ll Roommates
) all Roommates ] 5 l Real Estate
Parker Road Baptist
300 SW 122nd St. Gainesville,
FL 32607 Pastor Gordon Keller
332-4991. 9:45 Sunday School
Worship @ 11am t 6pm.
Wednesday Worship @- 7pm.
6:45pm Youth WOW
First Baptist Church
425 W. University Ave. Downtown
and Distinctive! Sunday Worship
11:00 am Bible Study 9:30 am
Christian Study Center
of Gainesville
Offenng classes, reading groups,
lectures and more. Home of
Pascal's coffee house. For more
information ,'lit our website at
112 11W 16th St. 379-7375
Holy Trinity Episcopal
100 NtE Fir t Street
Sunday Services 8am. Holy Comin-
munion 8am, 10:30am. Educa
'ion Hour 9:15am.
Holy Communion 6pm.
Wednesday Ser rice 12:15pm
Healing and Holy Communion.
Creekside Community
Sunday Service: 10:30 am.
Wednesday College Bible Study,
8:00pm. 2640 NW 39th Ave; 352-
378-1800 wvww.creeksidecc.org
^^ ewish^^^
First Lutheran Chu
1801 NW 5th Ave, Litu
cat Service at 8:30am
11am. Upbeat Praise S
vice at 11am. Sunday F
Lunch for college stude
The Family Chur
The Family Church is
multi-cultural Christian C
with great music, relevant
sages, casual dress, at
friendly people. Service
are Saturdays at 7pm and
days at 10am. 1022 SW 1
Street, Gainesville. Free
available to college stud
Call 352-332-6459
for more info. ext.1
University City
Church of Chris
www. gatorsforchrist.o
College Mnisu.ry meets
Uni ersity City Churc
Bible Study Sunday at 9:
and Wednesday 7pm
University Unite
Methodist Chur
wesley Foundation Meet
Presbyterian Church 141
univ Ave. Unit #2
Sunday Worship 10:30am
For more Info: 372-818
. :
nts. .
t mes-
nd -
ing @
02 W
:3 or
"a -1
Avail Dec 2 rooms in large house, 1 blk from
13th & University, $300 + split util, sec dep.
NS, no pets. Contactgvll32601@gmail.com
or leave message at 352-870-7256 12-7-29-
Roomates needed for 4BR/4BA condo.
Close to UF on bus rt. Incl. W/D, utils, wire-
less internet, cable $425/rm/mo w/$125 sec
dep. Contact @ 407-719-1699 12-7-26-4
Law school 0.5 mi, law/grad student for very
nice 5/4 home with law students. Must be
neat, clean, N/S. Includes cable, W/D, wifi,
all utils $550. Available Jan 1. 202-236-4330
Female roommate for large 3BR/2BA town-
house w/pool. Only 1 mile to UF. $450/mo all
utils, cable & hi-spd net incl. Call 954-298-
7591 or amyb@ufl.edu. 12-7-16-4
Grad student roommate wanted 2BR/1.5BA
in quiet neighborhood. On bus route 10 min
from campus. $280/mo + 1/2 utils. Between
16th Ave & Main St. Call.Ana 352-283-6498
or Shaira 352-283-9827. 12-7-16-4
near the Library downtown. $285-$360/rm +
utilities. Free internet access. Short term. No
pets. No smoking. 378-1304 12-7-15-4
1 Room in 4BR/4BA Countryside
Apt. Close to UF on bus rt. W/D utils., cable
w/HBO, and DSL incl. $400/MO No deposit.
Female only NS. Call 954-680-0918 12-
1 Female needed for 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA
@ Countryside. $425/MO incl. utils, cable,
internet, furn., Avail NOW! Call 727-510-
9346 12-7-14-4
M/F roommate for 4BR/3BA house on 34th
St & University. $300/mo + 1/4 util. Avail Dec
1st. Great roommates. Call Anthonly 222-
1966. 12-2-10-4
SPRING LEASE 4BR/4BA condo $410/mo
everything incl. Countryside Apts. Female
only non-smokers looking for a fun room-
mate! Contact Jackie 813-924-1520 12-
Male roommate needed. Serious student.
House close to UF. Easy access to 1-75/
Santa Fe. W/D, internet. $450/mo all utils
included. Call Mike 386-235-5400 or 386-
676-9703 12-7-13-4
Female roommate needed. 4BR/4BA @
Countryside. Own BA & large closet. Secure.
All amenities. $410/mo utils included.. Call
Mike 386-235-5400 or 386-676-9703 12-
STADIUM. 3BR/1BA Must be clean. Move-
in at end of Dec. Call ASAP 352-317-0433
1 room w/screened balcony, share BA for
female. $275/mo. Located between UF &
SFCC w/ bus route. Close to Mall & NFRMC.
On site W/D, pool, gym, tennis and other
amenities. Sparrow Condo (352) 514-3425
Female Pebble Creek, 3BR/2BA $333/mo
+ 1/3 util, furnished common area, no pets,
very close to campus & SW Gym. Call 786-
282-8160 12-7-12-4
Gorgeous large 4BR fully furn home. 0.15.
mi from UF. Pets allowed $500/mo. Call 561-
289-4759 or 561-212-3153 12-5-10-4
Spacious 1BR avail in 3BR/2BA house. All
utils incl + wireless hi spd internet svc. Off
bus rt. $500/no. Available immediately. Call
352-283-2005 or 352-317-8080 12-7-12-4
FINS/NP Grad, quiet, clean, to share 3BR/
2.5BA Casablanca East furnished condo with.
1 other FS. Nice unit by pool, W/D, screen
rm. $530 + 1/2 utils, no maint fee or water bill.
375-2458 12-7-10-4
To share w/grad student. 3BR/2BA. New
townhome. Bus to UF, pool, gym, volleyball,
tennis, gated. $350 + utils. Call 727-644-
.0435 or celtic67@ufl.edu. 12-7-10-4
MUSEUM WALK. 2-story. ASAP. 1/1 avail-
able in 2/2. 1/2 furn DW, W/D, pool, tanning,
parties. Male/female. Laidback. $500 1/3 util.
Steven 850-960-8486 12-7-9-4
2 rooms available in 3BR/2BA house.
Furn or unfurn w/ nice yard on 34th St.
Upperclassmen or grad student. No pets.
$375/mo/each + util. Call 239-707-4113
1Br/1Ba in 2/2.5 condo on 13th St. Dec 20.
1 mile to campus, $450/mo, everything
included. Wireless HS, W/D, big closet 352-
262-2892orsarah13@ufi.edu 12-2-5-4
Looking for remale for 1 BR/1 BA in 3BR/3BA
apt at Rockwood Villas. Hi-spd internet &
cable. On UF busline. All utils incl for $500/
mo rent. 407-970-0720 or 407-421-3121
2 rooms available ASAP: Newly renovated
large home 4BR/2BA, deck, hot tub, 1/2 mi
from Campus Lodge. Covered carport, $500/
mo. incl utils. No smoking. 352-516-1940
taylorz@ufl.edu. 12-7-6-4
Female student to join 2 females for own Br
in attractive 3BR house near NW 8th Ave.
<3mi. from UF on bus rte. #43, tile/hardwood,
$275/mo + 1/3 GRU HSInternet-digital cable,
avail now. 381-5597, 332-3852 12-7-6-4
Roommate wanted to share 3BR/2BA 2000+
sq. ft. furnished house. Parquet wood floors,
gourmet kitchen, 5 min bkie to campus.
Looking for quiet, clean person $350/mo
+ 1/3 utils. 352-494-8189, 352-283-4571
Roommate Wanted, prefer F, to share 3/2
home 3 mi from mall w/1 other F, $650 furn &
all util incl. W/D, fence, hs internet, Must like
dogs. Nice neighborhood, new home. Jen
494-2283 or adoptapetflorida@yahoo.com
Male grad student wanted for 4BR/2BA
house. Only one other roommate. 2700 sq
ft. $500/mo incl everything. Call Steve 318- "
0314 12-5-3-4
Non-smoking female roommate wanted. Nice
3BR/2BA house. Call Melissa 706-766-5682
for info. Starting Jan.'2006 1-13-10-4
Male, serious UF 'student looking for furn/
unfurnished BR/BA January-end of April.
M/Female roommates. No parties, NO smok-
ers. gnemeth@cfl.rr.com 12-7-5-4
M/F roommate for own room/bath in 4/4
condo. Pool, busline, W/D, full kitchen.
Available- now. $325 + Shared utils. John
786-436-1657 12-7-5-4
WALK TO UF one bedroom available for
spring/summer in a 3 bedroom apt. Private
bath, walking closet, full kitchen, washer/dryer
only 2 yrs old! Call 772-485-2659 12-7-5-4
Great house. Great roommates. Great
neighborhood. Close to campus, huge yard,
furnished or unfurnished. $375 + 1/3 util.
904-234-4774 12-7-4-4
SPRING & SUMMER. Must rent clean safe
big house. 2BRs avail of 3BR. Off Newberry
Rd. W/D, DW, garage, $375/mo OBO. Call
Lauren @ 352-262-6463 12-7-4-4
Room w/loft in 2BR/2BA luxury condo.
Spacious living & nicely furn, every amenity,
2 mi to UF on bus rte. Beautiful area, pool,
tennis, close to food & shop. Incl. cable, W/D,
wifi, all utils. $500/mo Derek 386-871-7330.
Female room to lease in 3 BRApt. Located in
beautiful Hidden Lakes $420/mo pvt BA, Sec
sys, etc. Call 941-524-9098 12-7-4-4
1 BR Avail Now 5 min to UF. Free Digital .
Cable $300/mo + 1/3 util. Female or male
non smoker. 352-332-2234, 352-514-1441.
Roorhmate Needed for Fall semester in
4BR/3BA house. Big house w/deck & pool, 5
mins. from.UF. Rent is $400/mo. Call Tom @
305-323-2090 12-7-4-4
1 male roommate needed for 4/4 BRAND
NEW condo by Sorority Row. $475/mo +1/4
util., furn., W/D. DW, pvt bath, dsl. 3 blocks
from UF. Call Dave @ (954) 821-6229 12-
Sell your house, condo, acreage, mobile
home and much more in the ALLIGATOR
CLASSIFIEDS! Reach over 24,000 possible
buyers! Mastercard and Visa accepted over
the phone. Please Call 373-Find ,.,
Quad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra
land, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House
3/4BR, 2BA, wd firs, covered prch, concrete
patio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 352-
538-2181 Iv mssg 12-7-72-5
Existing condos & luxury condos near UF
at affordable prices. For more information,
visit www.mattpricerealtor.com ;r call
today Matt Price 352-281-3551 Campus
Realty Group 1-31-21-5
Spectacular university views. Walk to UF &
the stadium. Classic New Orleans appeal
with state-of-the-art luxury. Reserve today.
52 units available. Starting in mid-300's. Call
Eric Wild 870-9453 12-7-80-5
Own your own condo for under $100k.
2BR/1.5BA. New Kitchen &appliances, W/D.
Close to UF. Call Scott @ 352-359-1678
3BR/1BA/den. 2010 SE 43rd Terr.
Remodeled. Tile floors, new carpet, near
Eastside HS $89,900. Lease option avail.!
For appts, Ms Eddie today at 352-505-4564
office. 12-7-16-5
2BR/1.5BA condo. Completely remod-
eled. New appliances. New wood, carpet,
tile floors. $122,500. FSBO. Call Brian @
352-262-3006, Iv msg or 352-334-5045
Live in 1, let the other 3 pay the rent. 4-
2bed, 1.5-bath townhouses. All appliances
included, open kitchen. Well maintaigpd and
fully rented. $235,000. 371-6478/cell 494-
1909 12-7-6-5
Condo For Sale. 2BR/2.5BA Brighton Park
condo in desired SW location minutes from
Shands & UF. Townhouse with two master
suites. Built 2000. $157,900. Call 386-424-
0914 12-7-6-5
GIGANTIC 2-DAY Auction December 1 & 2,
2005 Montgomery, AL. Dumps, truck trac-
tors, skidders, feller bunchers, log loaders,
farm tractors, crawler loaders & tractors, mo-
tor graders & scrapers, rubber tired loaders,
excavators, backhoes. J.M. Wood Auction
Co. Inc. (334)264-3265. Bryant Wood AL Lic
#1137. 12-2-1-5
Auction! 347+/- acres, offered divided,
Early County, GA. Excellent farm & hunt-
ing land. Thursday, December 15, 2:
00pm. Rowell Auctions, Inc. (800)323-8388
www.rowellauctions.com 10% BP GAL AU-
C002594. 12-2-1-5
North Carolina Gated Lakefront Community
1.5 acres plus, 90 miles of shoreline. Never
before offered with 20% pre-development
discounts, 90% financing. Call (800)709-
5253. 12-2-1-5
NC. Homes, Cabins, Acreage & Investments.
Cherokee Mountain Realty GMA(;Real
Estate, Murphy www.cherokeemorintainre
alty.com Call for Free Brochure (800)841-
5868. 12-2-1-5
Coastal Southeast Georgia Large wooded
water access, marsh view, lake front, and
golf oriented homesites from the mid $70's
Live oaks, pool, tennis, golf. (877)266-7376.
www.cooperspoint.com. 12-2-1-5
Continued on next page.
Western NC. Easy Access, Paved Roads,
Privacy, Gated, Awesome views! Acreage
w/creelk. & log cabin shell from $89,900.
Financing Available. (828)247-0081. 12-
Coastal Living at it's Best- Brunswick County,
North Carolina. Homes and homesites. CALL
NOW! (800)682-9951 Coastal Carolina
Lifestyle Inc www.coastalcarolinalifestyle.in
fo. 12-2-1-5
Where there is: Cool Mountain Air, Views &
Streams, Homes, Cabins & Acreage. CALL
PROPERTY SALES (800)642-5333. Realty
Of Murphy 317 Peachtree St. Murphy, N.C.
28906. www:realtyofmurphy.com. 12-2-1-5
View Bargains! Water access from $34,900
COSTS! Sat & Sun 12/10 & 12/11. Huge pre-
construction savings on beautifully wooded
parcels at 34,000 acre lake in Tennessee.
Enjoy unlimited water recreation.Surrounded
by state forest. Lakefront available. Excellent
financing! Call now (800)704-3154 x 701.
top, unfinished inside, view, trees, waterfall
& large public lake nearby, no traffic, $89,900
owner (866)789-8535 www.NC77.com. 12-
community on the TN/KY border. Just 1-1/2
hours to Nashville. Spectacular views of Lake
Barkley. 1 to 6 acres from the $40s. New to
Market. Call (866)339-4966. 12-2-1-5
lake community close to Chattanooga &
Knoxville. Limited number of private boat
slips. Community lake access and amenities.
1/2 + acres from $40K. Call (866)292-5769.
Spectacular gated riverfront mountain com-
munity near Asheville, NC. 1-8 acre build-
ing sites from the $60s. Borders National
Forestfommunity lodge & river walk. Call
(866)292-5762. 12-2-1-5
NEW MEXICO -16 acres $24,990 Scenic.
region, views, canyons, trees, rolling hills,
wildlife. Enjoy hunting, hiking, horses, great
climate. Power, great access. 100% financ-
ing Call (914)232-5100. 12-2-1-5
U | Furnishings
BED-Queen, orthopedic, extra thick, pillow-
top, mattress & box. Name brand, new, still
in plastic. Sacrifice $110. Call 352-372-7490
will deliver. 12-7-72-6
mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic
w/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice $85. Call
352-377-9846 12-7-72-6
Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must
sell. Can deliver. Retail $2300. Sacrifice-
$550 352-372-7490 12-7-72-6
BED King Pillowtop mattress & box springs.
Orthopedic rated. Name brand, new, never
been used, in plastic with warranty. Sell
$170. -Call 352-372-8588 Can deliver. 12-
CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop
Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. Cost
$1500. sacrifice $550 352-333-7516
Sofa $185 Brand new in pkg 333-7516
BEDROOM SET. 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king.
bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chests
avail. Dovetail const. New, in boxes. Can de-
liver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice $1400
(352) 372-7490 12-7-72-6
SOFA & LOVESEAT 100% Italian leather.
Brand new in plastic w/warranty. Retail
$2650. Sacrifice $750. Call 352-377-9846
DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table,
6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New,
still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100.
Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-8588 12-
FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/
mattress. New, in box. $160 332 9899
DINETTE SET 5pc $85 Brand new in box.
Never used. 352-377-9846 12-7-72-6
BEDS Full mattress & boxspring sets $49
* Queen sets $89 0 Single sets $39 *King
sets $990 From estate sale. Safe pine bunk
bed $109. 376-0939/378-0497.
CALL-A-MATTRESS 4370 SW 20th Ave.
MEMORY FOAM same as Temperpedia.
Save 50% & more. Other close-outs. 0 twin
sets $89 *full sets $129 Oqueen sets $149
*king sets $189 Student discounts apply.
4370 SW 20th Ave. 376-0953. We deliver.
Beds, Futons, Furniture, King Sealy sets
$299; new sofas for $299; oak futons $169;
sofa & loveseat $399; dinettes, desks, all
on sale *New Location* 140 NW 6th St
Morrells Furniture Outlet. 352-378-3400
Orthopedic pillow-top sets.
**Full-$100 Queen-$130 King-$195**
Pool Table Gorgeous 8" All wood table.
Leather pockets, Italian 1" slate, carved legs.
Brand new still in crate. MUST SELL Retail
$5500. Sell $950. Can deliver 352-377-9846
Hot Tub/Spa $1295 Brand New Loaded!
Waterfall, LED lights, cupholders, 110-v
energy efficient with warranty. Free delivery,
MUST SELL 352-372-8588 12-7-72-6
Bed-FULL size pillowtop mattress & box.
New, in plastic, warr. Can del. $90 317-4031
Sofa $185 Brand new! Love seat $150 still in
pkg. Can del 352-333-7516
Dumas Discount 371-4422 1201 E. Univ. Av.
New 0 Used 0 Buy Sell 12-7-59-6
Couch & Loveseat for sale
$100 for both OBO. 372-2557 12-2-3-6
Seat everybody at the table with this
$750 firm. 352-514-1667 12-7-5-6
GIGANTIC SALE TVs, DVDs, printers,
furniture, kitchen appliances, pots & pans.
Saturday, Dec 3rd, 9am-12pm. Haile
Plantation follow signs from Tower Rd. Call
352-359-2005 12-2-1-6
350 Like new
Wholesale Warehouse, AS SEEN ON TV. for sale. $150 Negotiable Call 352-494-1043.
Low overhead HUGE savings! Brand New 12-7-4-6
Name Brand Sets! Don't be fooled by other
ads. Cheaper price means cheaper product!
CALL BRIAN 12-7-72-6 Computers J
Bed All New Queen orthopedic pillow-top
mattress & box set. Still in plastic with war-
ranty. Can Deliver. $130 (352) 264-9799
Bed $100 All New Full size orthopedic mat-
tress set. Brand new, still in plastic, w/ war-
ranty. Can Deliver.352-376-1600 12-7-72-6
in boxes! HB, 2NS, Dresser, Mirror...chest
avail. Must see to appreciate! Can Deliver
352-264-9799 12-7-72-6
Dinette Set $125 Brand New 5 pc set in
box, never used! Can Deliver 494-0333
Still in package! Will sell with loveseat $395
for set! Can Del. 376-1600
FUTON-$100- BRAND NEW Futon mat-
tress, still in package! Sold with oak Futon,
both for $170. Can Deliver 352-494-0333
Pool Table Gorgeous 8'. All wood table.
Leather pockets, Italian 1" slate, carved
legs. Br. New still in crate. Cost $4,500. Sell
$1,350. Can Deliver. 264-9799 12-7-72-6
Hot Tub/Spa $1795.00 Brand New Loaded!
Waterfall, LED lights, cup-holders, 110v en-
ergy efficient with warranty.. Free Delivery.
264-9799 12-7-72-6
"Full $90 Queen $110 King $170**
Orthopedic pillow-top sets. Brand name
matching sets not used or refurbished. Still
in plastic, direct from factory! 352-333-7516.
BED- QUEEN New orthopedic pillowtop mat-
tress and boxspring set. Brand name, brand
new, still in plastic with warranty. Can deliver.
$115 352-377-9846. 12-7-72-6
Bed- All New King! 3pc Orthopedic pillowtop
mattress set. Brand NEW, still in plastic with
warranty. Can deliver. $170 352-333-7516.
Bedroom Set- $325 BRAND NEW. Still
in boxes! 6 pieces include: Headboard, 2
Nightstands, Dresser, Mirror, Chest. Must
sell, can deliver. 352-377-9846. 12-7-72-6
Futon $160 Solid Oak Mission Style with
plush ma s. All brand NEW still in box.
'Can delivelr"52-333-7516 12-7-72-6
Car stereo, car alarms, mobile video, mobile
navigation, custom wheels and tires, and
automobile performance at Sound Depot &
Performance. 374-7700 sdp-alligator.com.
Rear projection 18 months left on transfer-
able warranty excellent condition $1600.00
352-475-3437 12-2-10-8
I" "Bicycles ..
In the market for a new set of wheels or just
looking to add a second to that collection?
Want personalized handlebars or a. fitted
seat? Check in the Alligator Classifieds.
Many to choose from
0 Best Prices in Town 0
SPIN CYCLE 373-3355
424 W University Ave 12-7-72-9
Used not abused. From basic transportation
to highend stuff. All styles. Great prices. 5
blocks from UF in College Park. 870-8693
Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF.
Reserve now! Reasonable rates. 352-538-
2181. Can leave mssg. 12-7-72-10
by Bob Brackin
containing "Gainesville Stories"
www.bobbrackin.com 3-31-120-10
< j7A+ dEfputEr FEk
Wa- W AMa-tiotws-C41.k'
Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek
House/dorm 59 min response. No waiting/
unplugging/hassels. $30 Gator Discount
w/student ID. M/F Cert MCSE technicians.
333-8404. www.AComputerGeek.com 12-
Cash Paid Laptop PCs
www.pcrecycle.biz 336-0075 12-7-72-7
Network specialists
We buy computers and laptops
Working and Non-working
378-4009, 607 NW 13th Street
t 9352 .. 1..
- computer/laptop repair
- virus, spyware, hardware
- $10 discounts, cheapest!
- home/dorm 352-219-2980
G'ville Computer Repair
Service on all PC MAC and Networks. 1204
NW 13th St, Ste #10. 352-337-2500 12-7-
722 S. Main 0 The Red Bldg
GATOR CAR ALARMS Take a bite out of
crime $99.95. Installed FREE. Gainesville's
oldest car alarm and car stereo specialty
store. 373-3754 Audio Outlet. 12-7-84-8
- (b
-wa pop 4b
PARTY SUPPLIES: Complete line of B
Supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft be!
equipment. Professional Cooking Utensil
R.,W. Beaty Co. 4322 NW 13th St, Gvil
RWBEATY.COM 376-5939 12-7-71-10 ,.
70 machines placed. Includes supplier
Immediate income $500/mo. Easy part-tirr'
job. $10k. Call 352-665-0551. 12-7-6-10
Moving sale:
Call 335-3959 12-07-5-10
Holiday Shop Online
From Manufacturer. 20 colors in stock wit
all Accessories. Quick turn around! Deliver.
Available Toll Free (888)393-0335. 12-2
$800/day? 30 Machines, Free Candy All fc
$9,995. (888)629-9968 B02000033. CALI
US: We will not be undersold! 12-2-1-10
SAWMILLS from only $2,795.00 Conve(
your Norwood portable band sawmill. Lo.
skidders also available. www.norwoodindui
tries.com -Free information: (800)578-136:
ext 300N. 12-2-1-10
"9111110 -
For Sale
lrple Martin Housesfromwww.SKMFG.com
now available at the World's Largest
-la.ier -i, Pet Department, $19.97, for a
ire nei you, call (800)764-8688. 12-2-
ignreered for Hurricane Coast! Ship
.c0or, Direct for quick delivery. 24x30 Up
C100.2001 Call Now! (800)499-6401 Eddie.
-. 1. I0
Motorcycles. Moped s
Many Brands Available 518 SE 2nd St.
www.RPMmotorcycles.com 377-6974
Swamp Cycles* Save $$$ on gas, ride to
lat 3' Largest selection of Ebikes, scooters
Accessories. Free delivery, 1-yr warranty,
est cust. service 534 SW 4th Ave 373-8823
cooters from $599. Largest selection
,YMCO. Vento, Hyosung, Keen & many
r,eEr Financing avail. 3550 SW 34th St.
:.38-8450 solanocycle.com 12-7-72-11
W 1 Motorcycles. Mopeds In
SCOOTERS, or dirt bikes in ANY condition,
Running or not. titles or not. Prompt pick up.
Call ANYTIME: 352-441-0442
Please leave a message.
New location now open 1901 NW67th Place
352-336-1271 www.newscooters4less.com
Best prices in Gainesville. Owned by Gator
grads. Will beat all Gainesville competitor's
prices on similar models. 12-7-84-11
POWERED 2005 Oil injection, lots of stor-
age. Over 100 mpg. Park anywhere. ONLY
$795 262-4673 12-7-25-11
Daytona 600cc 3,000miles. Still under fac-
tory warranty $5,200 OBO 352-256-2558
1999 YAMAHA R6 rare blue-red-shite
coloring, perfect for campus! Polished
frame/muffler. Email cheilman@ufl.edu for
info/pics. Must pay rent! $3700 352-283-
1484 12-6-15-11
SCOOTER-Red Viaggio, 49cc, 4-stroke en-
gine w/elec start & alarm. No license needed,
gets 80 mpg and reaches, 45 mph. Only 1
yr old-like new. $900/OBO 352-235-2800,
email blh2309@ufl.edu, ask for Brandon.
2005 NINJA 250
Low miles, good way to get around campus.
$2500/OBO. Call 328-6047 12-7-6-11
*Running or not!*
*Over 10 yr svc to UF students
*Call Don @ 215-7987 12-7-72-12
CARS -CARS Buy*Sell*Trade
Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes
Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars
3432 N Main St. www.carrsmith.com
Running or Not 1990 & up only
Sell or Trade Welcome
Call Ray 352-284-8619
2715 N MAIN 377-1616
Best Cars Lowest Prices
Im| Help Wanted
This newspaper assumes no responsibil-
ity for injury or loss arising from contacts
made through advertising. We suggest that
any reader who responds to advertising use
caution and investigate the sincerity of the
advertiser before giving out personal infor-
mation or arranging meetings
$500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! the independent florida
For listings 800-749-8116 ext 4622 12-7-
For Cars & Trucks
Any year, make, model, mileage, condi-
tion. Free towing. Up to $250 for junkers
Call 407-756-9100
PW/PL, sunroof, CD player, spoiler, ABS
brakes, automatic. New starter, belt, spark-
plugs, rear brakes & battery. Fairly new
AC. 83k miles. $6000 OBO 384-3811 12-
2001 Mitsubishi Mirage ES
sedan automatic, A/C, green with gray cloth,
power everything, 76k, clean, $5,500 OBO
352-514-1800 frankiev@bellsouth.net 12-
High miles but runs well. No A/C. $700/
NEGOTIABLE. Call 367-1589. 12-2-5-12
92 TOYOTA CELICA GT 5-speed white,
AC, PS, PB, PL, PW, tint, air bag,'sunroof,
many new parts, dash mp3 w/warranty.
Runs amazing, interior immaculate. 126k mi
$3200 must sell 352-281-6685 12-7-8-12
Buy, Sell, Trade We Finance
As low as $899 down $49.99 a week
4 sale. 89k original miles, strong eng & trans.
Candy paint. New starter & plugs. No dents.
Fast car. Very reliable. $3000 OBO. Call 352-
871-8435 12-7-6-12
1 owner car. Great commuter vehicle 70mpg.
Asking $5,500 352-219-2285 12-7-6-12
Running condition. $300. Call- 335-3959
114k miles, white ext, beige int. Good
cond. '$4500. Call 850-380-2821,
kevin.parekh@gmail.com 12-7-4-12
W1 01
-JEWELRY. 373-9243 12-7-72-13
The Independent Florida Alligator is seek-
ing an individual whom will have the sole
responsibility for operations of our computer
systems. This individual will be involved
in the planning and implementation of our
technology, and must be able to communi-
cate and work with students and staff. Must
have experience with Linux (Fedora Core3),
Samba3, Apache, Sendmail, Squirrelmail,
Mailscanner Spamm and virus), Http and
IP table updates. Familiar with Dell Power
Edge Servers Raid1, a plus. Good network-
ing skills to support up to 100 machines.
Must be able to troubleshoot and repair
PC hardware and software. This is a full
time position with the largest student-run
newspaper in the country. Please send your
resume and salary requirements to Campus
Communications, Inc. P 0 Box 14257,
Gainesville, FL 32604-2257 attention Vern
Bean or email to vbean@alligator.org. We
are an equal opportunity employer.
the independent florida
What's black and white and
"read" all over???
The Independent Florida Alligator
and you can be part of the sales team of
the largest college newspaper in the
country by applying to be come an
(this is a non-paid spring position
requiring 12-15 hours per week
possibly leading to a paid sales position)
If you are a UF or SFCC student available to
work both spring & summer and are eager
to gain valuable sales experience, stop by
the Alligator. 1105 W. University Avenue, to
fill out an application and a class schedule
by Dec 2, 2005. We will contact you for an
interview opportunity to get your career jump
started! EEO/AA. 12-2-3-14
Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be
over 22, stable work history, clean driving re-
cord, drug-free, pers ref. www.carrsmith.com
for details. 12-7-72-14
Animal Care Tech looking for hard working
person to work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will
train, PT to start with more hrs possible. Start
at $6.50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024
between 9-4 M-F. 12-7-72-14
CNA CLASS: Learn @ your own time and
pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and
pass the state exam is on VCR tape. 95%
pass the state exam the 1st time! $250. Call
800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 12-7-72-14
01 Wanted
Transport patients to/from treatments
Must have valid driver's license,
safe driving record & attend training session.
Call 352-376-6866 ext 114 for more info.
On-going volunteer needed: Blind lady
needs trans on Sundays only to Mass @
Queen of Peace Catholic Church or St.
Augustine Catholic Church. For more info
call 219-6948. I live in the Tower Rd area.
352-317-6601 12-7-36-13
Help Wanted
Phone survey interviewers wanted. Start
work today! No sales, opinion research
only! Flexible Schedule! Perceptive Market
Research 336-6760 ex 4081 Call now! 12-
Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/
Sales and IT needed for various positions.
Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Join
our team! Learn more at www.gleim.com/
employment 12-7-72-14
For gently used brand name
Clothing/accessories & furniture >-
$Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No appt
necessary! 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 12-
No experience necessary, training provided.
800-965-6520 ext 138 12-7-72-14
Needed for evaluations of
Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters
Flexible Hours, E-mail required
Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254
Donate Plasma & Save a Life
Best part-time job you'll ever have.
Bring this Ad and Earn an
Extra $5 on Your 2nd Donation.
DCI Biologicals 150 NW 6th St.
Mortgage lender has immediate positions
avail for college students. No exp req. $8/hr
+ bonus, flex hrs. Apply in person 2-7pm M-F
at 1900 SW 34th St Ste 206 (2nd fir above
credit union) 12-7-72-14
Would you like to be your own boss, work
your own hours, and make unlimited in-
come? Start your own AVON business for
just $10. Call Emma @ 352-871-4489 or
e-mail avonbyemma@hotmail.com. 12-7-
HIRING KITCHEN STAFF Starting $6.15/hr
DRIVERS $8-15/hr, and FLYERERS. PT
easy schedule. Please call 2-5pm 378-2442
or fill out application at California Chicken
Grill 2124 SW 34th St. Mon Fri. 12-7-72-14
We need Paid Survey Takers in Gainesville.
100% FREE to join. Click on Surveys.
Telephone Interviewing
$7.50/hr ($8 Bi-lingual) + BONUS
Apply @ UF Survey Research Center
M-F 9:30am-9pm 408 W University Aye.
Suite 106, Tel. 392-2908 x105
Must work eve/wknd
Call center needs telephone agents for all
shifts 24 hours. 1830 NE 2nd St. Apply in
person M-F 9am-4pm. 12-7-66-14
Attention Smokers! Do you want to quit
smoking? Smokers are needed to participate
in a smoking cessation study. If interested
e-mail the UF Smoking Lab and Clinic.
ufsmokelabclinic@gmail.com or call 328-
4944 9-3-15-14
Earn up to $12-14/hr.
Call California Chicken Grill 378-2442
$10 15/Hour DRIVERS
$6.15 $7.15/Hour INSIDERS
$35K-$50K/year MANAGERS
Apply online at www.gatordominos.com
Or at any of the 6 locations., 12-7-65-14
Continued on next page.
i llf -Help Wanted J ,,l.Watinted
.iHrip~ ted" 1 ,p Wante6d-
Park Place Car Wash is looking for hard
workers for all positions. Manager. Detailer.
Cashiers (fullday availability) & Lineworkers.
(AM 8:30-1) & (PM 12-6). Apply: 7404 NW
4th Blvd. Across from Home Depot. No
phone calls please. 12-7-55-14
Get Paid To Drive A Brand New Car!
Now paying drivers $800-$3200 a month.
Pick up your free car key today.
www.freecarkey.com 12-7-49-14
MARK Representatives needed. Earn up to
40% on everything you sell. Make money
while inr school; buy, sell, fundraise. Be your
own boss, work flexible hours. Call Emma @
352-871-4489 12-7-50-14
Bartending Jobs
Up to $300/shift. Many Positions Avail.
No exp. req. .FT/PT. 1-800-806-0082 ext
1516 .12-7-41-14
**Education Retail Store**
Seeking PT help. Please bring in a resume
to 2020 NW 6th St. Flexible weekday hours.
Experience in HTML, PHP, SQL & Graphic
Design a must. Call Dave 352-870-7467
Please contact Kim @ 392-0601 ext 380 or
kdf1108@ufl.edu. Payment is $10/hr. 12-
Fill out application online at
Apply for any position today. 12-7-15-14
Research Positions Open
Gainesvilleo expanding
Internet Researchers needed
FT 9am-6pm (M-F) PT Negotiable
Resumes@NetEnforcers.com 12-7-15-14
Hiring for spring rush Orange & Blue
Textbooks is seeking PT/FT help for upcom-
ing semester rush. Good people skills & reg-
ister exp pref. Stop by store @ 309 NW 13th
St. for details and applications. 12-7-12-14
Law Siddent Needed to research case/
legislative history develop constitional is-
sues FI Baker Act Flex Time-no office e mail
flbakeract@airpost.net 12-5-10-14
Teach me web site construction flex time e
mail flbakeract@airpost.net 12-5-10-14
COACHES Req. coaching license or 3-5
years exp. & ability to make 2 yr comittment.
Email to: contact@gainesvillesoccer.org 2-
PT entry level web programmer needed for
small web company. Should be profficient in
hand-coded html (no generators). Graphics
exp., asp or java script programming are a+
but not essential. See www. medianerds.com
in North Marion County. 45 hours/wk.
Experience & references a must. Call 352-
224-8943 after 4pm to set up interview.
Top 50 year US company expanding in US
& globally, Asian marketing. Benefits, flexible
schedule, PT/FT. 373-5295 12-7-9-14
Year-round hourly work
No Experience Necessary
$8 an hour to start
Apply online at RGISINV.COM or
by phase at 1-888-242-RGIS 1-17-15-14
Seeking NS elem ed or kid-friendly UF student
w/own trans to care for charming 18-mo old.
Guaranteed 4hr pay/wk. $10/hr. Main times:
Mon &/or Th AM. Need 3 refs (non-family)
CORRECTED: Bookersch@bellsouth.net,
331-7238 12-6-8-14
Catering Help
Wait Staff/Dishwashers/Bartenders. Great
Environment/Weekends/Flexible Hours
No Phone Calls/Must Have Experience
Email refs to: events@sweetwaterinn.com
for bookkeeping. Will train. Part-time. Select
your own hours. Resume to Dr. Levy:
afn22025@bellsouth.net. 12-7-9-14
YMCA Get paid to play!
Do you like to work with children? The YMCA
is now accepting applications for Afterschool
counselors. Multiple locations throughout
Gainesville. Need to be available from ap-
prox. lpm-6pm. Bus Drivers Needed. Must
have valid CDL and good driving record.
Need to be available from approx. 12pm-
5pm M-F. Apply in person at 5201 NW 34th
St. Immediate Openings! 12-7-8-14
HR Assistant
ATM, an environmental consulting firm has
immediate opening for a FT HR Assistant in
its growing Corporate Gainesville office.
Support HR management with major em-
phasis in recruiting. Work experience with
applicant tracking, screening and interview-
ing highly desired. Must have strong interest
and skills as a HR generalist in a technical
setting. Bachelor's degree in business, engi-
neering or related field preferred.
-ATM offers competitive compensation and
benefits and the opportunity to work in a
team-oriented environment. Some travel
Submit resume and salary requirements by
fax (375-0995) or email HR@AppliedTM
.com Must include Job C0509.
ATM is a drug free/smoke free workplace.
We are an equal opportunity workplace and
encourage diversity in the workforce.
for Gainesville law office. Flexibel hours. Call
371-4000. 12-7-8-14
for busy espresso bar near mall. Excellent
pay and training. Email contact info w/wk
references, dates & contacts, to Doug at
tendoug@atlantic.net. 12-7-8-14
Volunteer riders to help exercise show
quality horses. 15 min from Oaks Mall.
Exp only. References. 352-332-5297 or
skking@gator.net 12-5-5-14
for Pre-Med or grad student. 20-25 hrs/wk.
Call 373-4107 12-7-7-14
Various positions in IT, Business Dev.
and Customer Service. Flexible sched-
ules. Competitive pay. Learn more at:
www.bytheplanet.com/careers.htm or call
352-367-8600 9am-6pm EST 12-7-7-14
needs female personal aid to help w/daily
living needs:. Daytime hrs Mon-Thurs $9/hr.
Contact Alex 904-814-6790 12-7-6-14
HIGH SPRINGS. property maintenance,
part time in PM. $9.00 hr, send qualifications
to alwoodward@pestcontrolbiz.com. Leave
message 1-800-707-8899. Must have trans-
portation. 20 min drive. 12-7-6-14
Part time. Call our new and existing cus-
tomers in AM from your location. DSL,
Newer computer required. $9 hr + bonus.
Send qualifications or 1-800-707-8899. See
www.Pestcontrolbiz.com 12-7-6-14
High School Diploma, at lease 1 yr exp work-
ing w/children, must be able to work shift-
work, weekends, and holidays, call between
9am & 1pm 352-378-7074. 4025 NE 1st Terr.
G'ville, FL 32609 12-7-6-14
AFTER-SCHOOL CARE. 3 bright, creative
kids 6, 8, 9. Need car w/3back seatbelts,
refs & no cat allergies. 3:45-6pm. Mon-Fri.
Homework, trampoline, bikes. 373-7899.
Apply between 2 & 4, Mon-Fri. CALICO
JACK'S 3501 SW 2nd Ave. Creekside Mall
Outgoing personality. Beginning in January
for Jewish Day School. Mon Fri, 2pm-6pm.
Call 376-1508, ext 110 12-7-6-14
RESTAURANT (Haile Plantation) is look-
HELPERS. Call 352-871-5771. Visit
www.green-sparrow.com for location.
Help wanted for the serious hard-working
& trustworthy. General labor, yard work,
& heavy lifting $7/hr. Carpentry, electric,
roofing & plumbing repair starting at $8/hr.
NEGOTIABLE 376-6183 12-2-3-14
Oil. TI i.. moc'k
Oak Hammock at the University of Florida
Waitstaff (Full-time & Part-time)
Hiring smiles and great attitudes to wait
tables in our resort style retirement commu-
nity. No experience necessary willing to train;
flexible schedules offered and guaranteed
hourly rate of pay.
Apply in person:
5100 SW 25th Blvd
Gainesville, Florida 32608
Oak Hammock is a DFWP/EOE!
Fax: 352-548-1049
Our home 3 days 20/hrs wk. Ref & amp; Exp
a must. Call 505-6212 to set up interview.
Register ASAP
Lots of positions open
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Donovan could be fastest UF coach to reach mark
HOOPS, from page 27
nounced my name," Donovan said.
"They probably did, but I was prob-
ably too nervous and too uptight."
Aftef moving on to UF, Donovan
spent his first two seasons trying to
craft the program in his image, .and
the early growing pains resulted in
two sub-.500 years.
In is third year, however, the
Gators burst on the scene, making
it to the Sweet 16 where they fell to
Gonzaga by just 1 point.
The next year, however, was leg-
UF made a surprising run all the
way to the NCAA title game, falling
to Michigan State.
But despite his success, Donovan
doesn't view the wins as belonging
to himself.
"People say 'OK, you've got (200
wins)," Donovan said. "I don't have
200 wins.
"Mike Miller does, Udonis
Haslem does, Taurean Green does,
(Joakim) Noah does, every guy that's
here, it's more them and it's more the
school. I happen to be the leader, but
"We're just going out on Sat-
urday as just another game,
play hard and get another
Taurean Green
UF guard
I've never looked at it- like it's my.
record or these are my wins."
Donovan's current players are
largely unaware of the history they
are about to make for their coach.
"I don't think anybody on the
team even knows thatt" Green said.
"We're just going out on Saturday as
just another game, play hard and get
another win."
And Donovan would be reaching
those 200 wins faster than any other
coach in school history.
Norm Sloan is the only other
Gators coach to even win 200 games
at UF.
Donovan said beginning his ca-
reer at such an early age might lead
to an eventual early retirement.
"I know there's going to come a
time in my life where I'm going to
say, 'This is old,'" Donovan said. "It
happens to everybody, and I think
my time is going to happen a lot
earlier than most, because I started
a lot earlier.
"I think 40 in this profession is
relatively young, but at 50 years old,
it would be interesting."
However, Donovan said he would
like to establish more of a basketball
tradition at UF.
"I'm happy here, I love it here,
and the people have been great to
me, but do I want to be here ten
years from now?," he said. "If ,that
happened, I wouldn't be upset; I
don't have a different agenda.
"I would love to be able to look
back and say, 'You know what, with
our players and with our coaching
staff, we built something over a 20-
year period that is now special.'"
Gators to face K-State
VOLLEY, from page 27
"[Sophomore setter] Angie [McGinnis] took
care of running the offense, and our players
The Gators will face Kansas State in the
second round of the NCAA Tournament Friday
night. It will be the final home match for
Collymore and senior libero Rachel Engel.
The Kansas State Wildcats defeated Florida
A&M 3-1 in the other first round match at the
O'Connell Center.
"[Kansas State] will be one of the best serv-
ing and passing teams that we'll play all year,"
Wise said. "I am'very impressed with both as-
pects of their game.
After losing in the second round to Stanford
last season, the Gators might step into the game
with a little something to prove.
"Maybe a little more than last year, we're
pumped to get a win in the second round,"
McGinnis said.
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onovan prepares for 200th win as Gators' coach
Alligator Writer
So much has changed in the last 10
ears. Republicans have taken control of
congress gas prices have doubled and cell
'hones have replaced pagers on people's
One thing that hasn't changed, howev-
er, is Billy Donovan's status as UF's head
basketball coach.
Donovan coached his first game in
Gainesville at age 30 with just two years of
head coaching experience.
On Nov. 22, 1996, UF defeated Central
Florida 80-63 to pick up the first win of
Donovan's tenure. Ten seasons later, he's
seeking another milestone against UCF.
On Saturday, Donovan will go for his
200th career victory at UF when the Gators
face UCF at the O'Connell Center.
"It's gone by quickly here," Donovan
!said. "It's hard to believe how quick it's
gone by for me, but it's been a blast."
Donovan has come a long
way since growing up on
Men's Long Island, becoming a na-
Basketball tional figure in his playing
days as "Billy the Kid" at
Providence, playing briefly
in the NBA for the New York Knicks and
serving five years as a Kentucky assistant
before being hired as the head coach at
Marshall at the ripe old age of 28.
"There was a great passion for sports
at Marshall," Donovan said. "You ook at
what Jim Donnan.did there football-wise,
even basketball-wise we had a couple of
games my first year where we had 10,000
His first game on the sidelines was any-
thing but the choreographed and elaborate
pregame ceremonies that take place at UF.
"Heck, I don't even know if they an-
UF overpowers FAU in NCAA opener
Alligator Writer
The match was probably finished before it began, but
t didn't feel like it even lasted that long.
The No. 4 UF volleyball team made quick work of
ktlantic Sun champion Florida Atlantic (29-3) in the
Tim Casey / Alligator Staff
Senior outside hitter Jane Collymore recorded 14 kills
as the Gators breezed past Florida Atlantic Thursday.
NCAA Tournament, winning their 16th consecutive
opening-round match.
In one of their most lopsided victories of the season,
the eighth-seeded Gators defeated FAU 3-0 (30-19, 30-
15, 30-14) in less than 90 minutes Thursday night at the
O'Connell Center.
"In the NCAA tournament, you'll take any win, any
way it comes," Coach Mary Wise said. "And it was extra
special to do it in such a good way."
FAU got off to a strong start in, game one, jumping out
to an early 7-6 lead. But from that point on, the Gators
took charge.
"Florida started off serving a little bit easy, which defi-
nitely helped us," Owls Coach Jody Brown said. "When
you are not used to playing a team of that caliber, you get
out in front of them and you think 'Hey, we're beating
somebody,' and the next thing you know, those teams are
used to coming back.
"They are used to fighting every day. We needed [to
play] more teams that really press us, that are going to
get in our face and hit the ball back at us. And this year,
we didn't have a lot of that."
UF knew it would have to shut down Owls' outside
hitter Kelly Paiva, who typically accounts for most of
FAU's offense.
And despite surrendering 14 kills to Paiva, the Gators
did just that.
Paiva hit just .036 on 55 attempts.
"She played well, but Florida is just a great team,"
Brown said.
The Gators also had the support of the home crowd
behind them, an advantage they do not take for granted.
"We'd like to think that they were glad to be back,"
Wise said. "What we now have is a volleyball-savvy,
knowledgeable crowd.
"They have come out for years, and they love to see
good volleyball, and we were glad to see that."
Senior outside hitter Jane Collymore led the Gators
with 14 kills on .367 hitting.
The Gators hit a stellar .430, while holding FAU to
.049. -No UF player hit below .300 for the match.
"It was a very solid performance as indicated by the
numbers," Wise said. "We were low-error and very good
Meyer working
recruiting wonders
Tave you seen them?
Shooting four and five stars are dotting
Li the Gator Nation skyline.
Have you heard about them?
Stars so bright, stars so ahead of schedule that
Urban Meyer reportedly slept for 15 hours last
Unless you've been
living under a garnet and
gold rock, you've probably
Recruits are coming to
'' Gainesville. Many of them.
And good ones.
Louis They're coming to a team
Anastasis that has three losses. To a
Louis in the Bullpen team that hasn't played in
lanastasis@alligator.org a Southeastern Conference
title game in five years. To
a team that, at times, has
looked more lost on offense than Green Day at a
Republican national Ccnvention.
So how about one collective, "Huh?"
"We knew kind of going in that Florida was
going to have a great class," said Jamie Newberg,
a national recruiting analyst for scout.com. "But
what has transpired since the Florida State game
has been pretty amazing."
A 27-point blowout. A regular-season ending
smash. A -recruiter's equivalent of winning the
What has happened since Saturday is abso-
lutely silly. Absolutely astounding.
Seven players committed during the span of
five days. And Meyer didn't even have to use lob-
ster and Escalades to do it.
"I think that game Saturday obviously had a lot
to do with a bunch of guys wanting to be here right
now, and that's a real positive," Meyer said.
Seven more players. That brings the count of
early UF commitments to 19 (about 10-12 more
slots scholarships remain). That's enough talent
* UF senior Mike Degory is one U NCAA Volleyball Tourney (Rd 2) 2000: UF win its final SEC title to date, R See page 16 for a story on Sarah Lowe's
of six finalists for the Rimington Kansas State vs. UF defeating Auburn 28-6 for the conference Rhodes Scholarship interview. Also, get
Trohpy, given annually to the O'Connell Center, Tonight, 7. crown. The Gators would go on to lose to the scoop on Tim Tebow one of the top
nation's top center. The winner U Men's Basketball : UCF vs. UF Miami in the Sugar Bowl 37-27. quarterback prospects in the nation who is
will be announced on Dec. 8. O'Connell Center, Saturday, Noon considering playing for the Gators -,as he
prepares for the high school state semis.
--,' ::-.'.- .*-' ," .T ,. :, *: *'-:':" */*-..'*..'. 7 ;-. : -: ^,, -:: ,,,., :.., !- ,," '"A ^, -,^.^A:46
Thornton considers transferring
Alligator Staff Writer
After a frustrating season, junior run-
ning back Skyler Thornton is contemplat-
ing his future with the Gators. If he trans-
fers, he would have to sit out a year before
playing for another Division I-school he
could play for a Division I-AA school with-
out penalty.
Thornton has carried the ball just 20
times this season and hasn't had a carry
since the Mississippi State game on Oct. 8.
He said this season isn't what he expect-
ed it to be. He was competing for a starting
job before the season kicked off, and at one
point during the summer, UF coach Urban
. . .... ... .... .. .. .
Ium uasey/ Alligator stan
UF junior tailback Sklyer Thornton rushes for 3 yards against Mississippi State
for his final carry of the season. It could be his last carry as a Gators back.
Meyer said Thornton was the top back out
of a group that included DeShawn Wynn,
Markus Manson and Kestahn Moore.
Heading into UF's bowl game,
Thornton is No. 4 on the depth chart.
He doesn't know why he hasn't gotten
more of a chance, he said.
Thornton was a highly ranked recruit
out of LaGrange, Ga., often compared to
former Auburn star and current Tampa
Bay Buccaneers rookie Cadillac Williams.
But he has never gotten extended playing
He carried the ball 55 times for 230
yards in 2004, and he finished that season
as Ciatrick Fason's backup. This year, he
only recorded 98 yards.
Thornton said he hasn't looked into
any other schools yet, but it's something he
might consider.
"I'll have to see after the season," he
LEAK FILES WITH NFL: Quarterback Chris
Leak has filed papei-work with the NFL's
Draft Advisory Committee to see where
he would likely be drafted as a junior.
The papers wouldn't bind Leak, but
Meyer said it is mostly for insurance pur-
EXTRA PRACTICES: One positive aspect
about going to a bowl game is the extra
practice for younger players, Meyer said.
He said it gives the coaching staff a chance
to work with freshmen who are going to
play next year. The Gators will have 15
practices.before the bowl game.
However, he has to use the practices
more toward bowl preparation at some
"That's a fine line," Meyer said. "You
have to maintain a positive attitude, but
you don't ever want it to be punishment
for finishing strong."
ETC: Starting cornerback Vernell Brown,
who broke his fibula against Vanderbilt
and hasn't played since then, told Meyer
that he'll be ready to play in UF's bowl
"He says he's going to play," Meyer
said. "He told me three weeks, but that's
not verified by our doctors. He deserves to
play in a bowl game."
Defensive end Ray McDonald had an
MRI on his knee, but no decisions have
been made about his status.
ANASTASIS, from page 27
to make Kentucky an SEC contender next
year. That's enough for a team of its own.
Five-star, 4.4-second 40-yard dash phe-
nom Jarred Fayson could run quarterback
for the revitalized Spread 'n' Shred. Four-
star running back Chevon Walker could
handle tailback. Four-star studs Damian
Williams, Justin Williams and Bryan
Thomas are your three receivers. And how
about some blocking from 6-foot-5, 335-
pound behemoth Carl Johnson and 6-foot-
3,344-pound monster Maurice Hurt.
You want defense? At 6-foot-4, five-star
Mr. Do-It-All Jamar Hornsby can play
.safety. St. Augustine's speedy Jacques
Rickerson fits right in at corner. And just
to be unfair, the Gators have Larry Grant at
linebacker. The 6-foot-3 linebacker report-
edly runs a 4.45 40-yard dash. Sheesh.
"They've got a lot of momentum -
they're filling needs, and it only looks like
it's going to keep going," Newberg said.
Wait, there's more recruiting to be done?
Scout.com ranks UF's early class as fourth
in the country. For those of you keeping
score at home, that's better than LSU,
Auburn, Ohio State and USC. Apparently,
that's not good enough.
Not for Meyer and Co., a group of
recruiters so adept at their skill that Ron
Zook's classes are beginning to look like
Troy State material.
Because you may have heard of this
Tim Tebow quarterback fellow from St.
And recruiting often works like domi-
noes. Start the chain reaction and it can't
be stopped.
Not only does Tebow hold a gazillion
ties to the Gators as is, but he now has a
mind-numbing recruiting class to whisper
sweet seductive phrases in his ear.
"With Tim, I had the feeling two and
a half weeks ago that Alabama was the
team to beat," Newberg said. "But with all
the Florida ties and his parents, I certainly
think Florida is the team to beat."
Or has he already made his decision?
"This leads you to believe that maybe
these guys know something we don't re-
ally know," Newberg said.
It's a secret no longer. Mix yourself some
Urban Bourbon because next year's fresh-
man class will be fantabulous.
'Tis the season
to get HIPP
for the holidays!
A Tuna Christmas
ami A Christmas Carol
On stage through Dec. 18
7PM & 9:30PM
Full Text |
VULUIVIE V ISUL 10V the independent florida Not officially associated with the University of Florid Published by Camputs Communications, Inc. of Gainesville, Floida We Inform. You Decide. "eW~, , 'T 7. '; Loweeping under Mesachenas 5ee Lon time janitor earns $615K By JUSTIN RICHARDS Alligator Writer jrichards@alligator.org Beneath the chambers of UF President Bernie Machen, a less famous man keeps the administration's palace gleaming with mops and scrubs. "Nobody wants to go to a messy school," said Cartrell Robinson, the ground-floor custodian at Tigert Hall. Machen spends' his typical morning meeting with administrators in poshly furnished offices. Meanwhile, Robinson is two floors below using a pumice stick to scrape mildew from porcelain. Before any administrators arrive, Robinson has been in Tigert for hours. He wakes at 3:30 every morning to be at work by 5 o'clock. Robinson said he has worked in UF custodial services for 14 years and makes only 96 cents an hour more than a brand-new custodian. "I don't think that's fair," he said. "You have 14 years in, and somebody starts tomorrow, and you're not making much more than them." Including paid holidays, Robinson makes roughly $15,500 per year -about two weeks' pay for Machen. He received a 3.6 percent raise this year, a policy he said has not been consistent. "That doesn't amount to much," he said. Meanwhile, a $75,000 bonus for Machen passed its first level of approval by the Board of Trustees, UF's highest governing body, on Thursday. The stipend would be his second since taking office in 2003, and he is eligible for a $225,000 bonus in 2007. Despite the pay, Robinson said he loves his job -especially because of its benefits. For every week Robinson works, he receives six hours of vacation time, which he usually spends with his family. Jenny Harnish / Alligator Cartrell Robinson mops the floor of Tigert Hall, where UF President Bernie Machen and his administraSEE ROBINSON, PAGE 13. tion work. N THE UNIVERSITY HAS MADE WRESTING TUITION CONTROL FROM THE STATE A PRIORITY. By LYNDSEY LEWIS Alligator Writer UF is looking to make a name for itself nationally, as members of the university's highest governing body work to extend their power on the state front by gaining authority to set tuition rates. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees Committee on Government Relations on Thursday afternoon, the power to control tuition rates was named one of the university's top priorities on its legislative agenda alongside issues such tcuition rate as salary increases, health insurance for graduate students, and the Florida Bright Futures scholarship. "We have, right now currently, the lowest tuition rate of any AAU (Association of American Universities) school," Government Relations Chairman Carlos Alfonso said. "We want the control (over rates)." In addition to setting undergraduate tuition rates for Florida residents, the Board also wants the ability to control rates for graduate, professional and out-of-state students. The Board of Governors, which oversees Florida's 11 public universities, is due to discuss the issue of whether to transfer power at its January meeting. SEE TRUSTEES, PAGE 13 City muls annexing SFCC By ALEXIS LLOYD Alligator Writer Twenty signatures sent to the City of Gainesville may result in the annexation of 1,400 acres into the city limits. SFCC, part of Interstate 75 and some of the surrounding communities could benefit from the annexation with enhanced bus, police and urban services, said Karen Snyder, city strategic planner. "The major benefit will be increased bus services through [Regional Transit System] to those areas," Snyder said. The proposed new bus route would run from the Oaks Mall, down Newberry Road, up Fort Clarke, over 23rd Avenue to SFCC, creating a 20-minute bus route at the main transportation hub. "The bus route would improve bus service, take some cars off the road and have less traffic congestion," said Barbara Lipscomb, assistant city manager. The bus-system services, including buses and drivers, will be fully funded by revenue generated in that area. However, SFCC students would still be required to pay bus fares. "Next year, the city will be trying to pass a legislative bill to have SFCC students to be similar to UF and have an activity fee built in to pay for transportation," Lipscomb said. Santa Fe copImMyU0 The bus route would also benefit elderly residents in the area, she said. The proposed annexation would affect more than 5,000 Alachua County residents: The area is characterized by a mix of single-family housing developments, apartment complexes and commercial areas. "The residents in the area that are registered voters will make the decision SEE CITY, PAGE 11 UF junior running back Sklyer Thornton rushes for 3 yards past Mississippi State linebacker Clarence McDougal during the penultimate play of the Gators' 35-3 win against the Bulldogs on Oct. 8. It was Thornton's final carry of the season. See story, pg. 28. 01 Students can get served somewhere other than a restaurant this weekend. See story, pg. 8. IS Students donned red ribbons and gathered on the Reitz Union Colonnade on Thursday, acknowledged globally as World AIDS Day, to raise awareness and show support for people living with the disease. See story, pg. 5. RP UF aerospace engineering sophomore Johnny Yanchunis camped out for 18 hours Thursday in his quest for the record books -as he who has attended the most Chikfil-A grand openings. See story, pg. 10. FORECAST 2 OPINIONS 6 CLASSIFIEDS 18 /' f CROSSWORD 23 Sunny SPORTS 27 64/36 visit www.alligator.org FRilADCEB n5ri l n
2, ALLIGATOR U FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2,2005 News Today -0 Cu -SE 01o 0 4) U CORRECTION A grant from the A.J. Spiege)Foundation to UF'a College of Pharmacy waa the first donation OPINION Presidential Approval Rating Most Recent Highest Lowest 90 57 60 38 3 6 7 2005 2001 2005 Nov. 17-20 Sept. 21-22 Nov. 11-13 % Approve Source: Gallup.com [E % Disapprove Michelle Stewart / Alligator Staff FORECAST TODAY SUNNY 64/36 SATURDAY SUNNY 72/47 exclusively for graduate students in the college's history, not UF history. We reported otherwise in Thursday's Alligator. check out our daily specials I g VA MA 3*I 31 SUNDAY SUNNY 78/56 MONDAY THUNDER STORMS 74/38 TUESDAY PARTLY CLOUDY 65/34 The Altg tor strives to be acuretesond clear in ts news reports and editorias. if you d an em r pte-4 e call ar no ,soom-,at(3 ,2)37/6,44 Sun send'h> e11ail to r@aigator.org. VE $ 20 TODAY 0 THIS WEEK (S20 after your 1st donation & .JJn\ $40 utter your tna donation with proof 01 SS# a ~ ua enny and focal residency. applies to new donots d 6 tmtothlape dnors. Walkm ns Welcome No appointment Necessary Open Mon -Thurs. 8am-7pm Fri, 8pm-Spm Sat. 1tam -3pm NABI F1 r h -a,, t -p by: OVI sifti ft in the Westgate Plaza Central orida Office Plus is relocating! Stop by our Relocation Sale and get supplies for your last art project at even greater deals! Hurry, the sale won't last long! As of December 23, CFOP will be in one convenient, downtown location. Westgate -378-1200 Comer of SW 34th Street & W. University Ave. Downtown -378-2577 Comer of NW. 6th St. & W. University Ave. Central Florida r-mofi the independent florida VOLUME 99 ISSUE 69 ISSN 0889-2423 Not officially associated with the University of Florida Published by Campus Communications Inc., of Gainesville, Florida NEWSROOM 352-376-4458 (Voice), 352-376-4467 (Fax) Editor Mike Gimignani, editor@alligator.org Managing Editor/ Print Eva Kis, ekis@alligator.org Managing Editor/ New Media Gwen Heimburg, gheimburg@alligator.org University Editor Bridget Carey, ,bcarey@alligatorcrg Metro Editor Jeff Sirmons, jsirmons@alligator.org Features Editor Neil Hughes, nhughes@alligator.org Opinions Editor Emily Yehle, eyehle@alligator.org Sports Editor Andrew Abramson, aabramson@alligator.org Sports Assistant Editor Bryan App, bapp@alligator.org alligatorSports.org Editor Louis Anastasis, lanastasis@alligator.org Editorial Board Mike Gimignani, Eva Kis, Emily Yehle, Tom Durrenberger, Scott Gilton, Andrew Meyer Photo Editors Casey Anderson, canderson@alligator.org Tim Casey, tcasey@alligator.org Assistant Photo Editor Tricia Coyne, tcoyne@alligator.org Photo Staff Tim Hussin, Andrea Morales the Avenue Editor Cher Phillips, cphillips@alligator.org the Avenue Assistant Editors Erin Chalfant, Jacqueline Davison Art Director Andy Marlette Graphics Chief Michelle Stewart, mstewart@alligator.org Graphics Jennifer LaBrie Copy Desk Chiefs Gayle Cohen, Krissi Palmer, Stephanie Rosenblatt Copy Editors Josh Armstrong, Robert Beltran, Amanda Brown, Juliana Casale, Jennifer Freihofer, Ashton Grosz, Kayla Harris, Kevin Mahadeo, Christina Simak, Skyler Smith, Natalie Van Hoose, Christopher White, Katie Wilkinson, Jen Zei New Media Assistant Editor Matthew Kelly New Media Staff Lisa Hope, Brett Roegiers Staff Eric Esteban, Ian Fisher, Farzad Safi DISPLAY ADVERTISING 352-376-4482, 800-496-0265 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Advertising Director Brad Smith, bsmith@alligator.org Advertising Office Manager Marianne Cooper, mcooper@alligator.org Advertising Office Assistants Elizabeth CuetoSara Henry Sales Representatives Danny Wayne, Whitney Lawson, Ana Paula De Lima, Laura Gerszewski, Morgan Morillo, Lindsey Kuhn, Christine Carabeo, Aaron Paul, Michael Selvester Sales Development/lntern Coordinator William Cuadra CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 352-373-FIND (Voice), 352-376-3015 (Fax) Classified Advertising Manager Ellen Light, ellight@alligator.org Classified Clerks Bethany O'Neill, Dan Cribb, Samantha Wright, Cassia Sookhoo CIRCULATION Operations Manager Scott McKearnan, smckearnan@alligator.org Operations Assistant Clint Day BUSINESS 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Comptroller Ramona Pelham, rpelham@alligator.org Accounts Receivable Supervisor Sharin Sexton Student Accounting Clerks Keith Enright, Alex Thurn, Chris Brink ADMINISTRATION 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) General Manager C.E. Barber, cebmrber@alligator.org Assistant General Manager Patricia Carey, tcarey@alligator.org Administrative Manager Lorena Crowley, Catherine McNamara Allison Sinclair Administrative Assistant Lenora McGowan, Imcgowan@alligator.org PRODUCTION/SYSTEMS Production/Systems Manager Vern Bean, vbean@alligator.org Assistant Production Manager Stephanie Gocklin, sgocklin@alligator.org Advertising Production Staff Kate Barnes, Alicia Bennatts, Ben Hofer, Lisa Llanes, Maggie Peuler, Michelle Stewart Editorial Production Staff Melissa Garcia, James Hibbs, Amy Oglesby, Brandy Stearns, Natasha Weinstein The Independent Florida Alligator is a student newspaper serving the University of Florida, published by a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) educational organization, Campus Communications Inc., P.O. Box 14257, Gainesville, Florida, 32604-2257. The-Alligator is published Monday through Friday mornings, except during holidays and exam periods. During UF summer academic terms Tne Alligator is published Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Alligator is a member of the Newspaper Association of America, National Newspaper Association, Florida Press Association and Southern University Newspapers. Subscription Rates: One Semester (Fall or Spring) $18 Summer Semester $10 Two Semesters (Fall or Spring) $35 Full Year (All Semesters) $40 The Alligator offices are located at 1105 W. University Ave. Classified advertising car be placed at that.location from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, except for holidays. Classifieds also can be placed at the UF Bookstore. @ Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of The Alligator may be reproduced in any means without the written consent of an officer of Campus Communications Inc. TI 1N Yo G IW t I4-L 14 A peciah ultraviolet camemakes it possible to sea the underlying akin dama. one byoh the -ao And -i. t inc Ameicas wll eveop kin cancer in their lifetime, hut better eason to alway une sunscreen, w-a protective clothing and use common sense. t MDI AME.RICAN ACADEMYOFDEM OLGY
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2,2005 E ALLIGATOR, 3 By DAVID COHEN Alligator Writer dcohen@alligator.org A few UF students have said they are interested in the highest offices of Student Government, but parties still aren't quite sure who they plan to run in next Spring's election. Thomas Jardon, Impact Party president during this Fall's elections, said the party is supporting Sen. Jared Hernandez, a UF law student. However, Jardon said he was unsure if Hernandez would run with the party. "Yes, we think that Jared would make the best student body president," Jardon said. He said Hernandez's "depth and breadth of experience" and "willingness to think for himself" make him a good candidate. He said Impact plans on "scouring" campus for vice president and treasurer candidates. However, Adam Roberts, fonner spokesman for the Impact Party during the Fall election, said Jardon does not represent the entire party and decisions have not been made. Hernandez said "many student leaders" have expressed support for him. Former Student Senate President Diane Kassim said if she runs, it will be to "preserve the ideals" of the Access Party of 2004. "I am running for student body president if the students need me to run for student body president. I have a genuine concern for the integrity, character and motivation of the current candidates that aspire to be student body president." "I'm always about important change," she said. Sources tell the Alligator that Senate President John Boyles will run for president. But Boyles said he didn't want to talk about Spring elections just yet. "It's justillegal right now," he said. "It's not fair territory to talk about in a public way. It's just too far away." Boyles could not cite a specific statute stating it is illegal to say he is considering a run for office. He is too busy worrying about duties in his current position, such as issues concerning the establishment of a campus-improvement committee and transportation improvements, he said. Interfraternity Council President John Dicks said he thought about running for an executive office earlier in the semester but he might go out of state for law school. He said he will help his father, John L. Dicks, run for a Florida Senate seat this summer. John L. Dicks is the mayor of Plant City. By CHERYL CLARKE Alligator Contributing Writer Draped with brightly colored displays of books like "Clifford the Big Red Dog" and "The Chronicles of Narnia," the Norman Hall Terrace Room brought readers back. to their childhoods. The Scholastic Book Fair, a twoday event sponsored by the UF Student Reading Council, serves as both a fundraiser for a school damaged by Hurricane Katrina and a way for students and teachers to stock up on holiday gifts. The money raised at the book fair will be donated to the New OrlasnDesire Street Academy, which was forced to relocate this Fall after the storm. "We had people come in earlier who actually sat down and started reading," said Rebecca Blount, president of the council. Some spent almost half an hour flipping through books in the discount boxes or on the bestsellers table, she said. Senior Litza Lopez said she found books that she wanted to have in her On classroom after she CaMPUS graduated. "These are my five novels, and I have a stack of eight picture books," she said. Lopez, who also sat on the floor to read some of the books she picked out, said the book fair carried a lot of books for cheaperthan-bookstore prices. The book fair will continue today starting at 8 a.m. and will end with a children's book raffle at 8 p.m. in the Norman Hall Terrace Room. You need it. We offer the opportunity to get it. M nc 79 gM601AN Ad -D -It"thNaT IV. Must be enrolled in Spring 2006 courses GAT Happy Hour 4pm-9pm $4 Pitchers -$100 Drafts RI: $2 Pitchers -Live Acoustic Music XS -80's Night SA r:$1 Drafts -$1 Wells -Live DJ '1728 WN. University Ave.-* 3,77-7333 .. UPs Original Student-Run Dance Company Presents Their Dance Showcase: Saturday December 3rd, 7:30 pm Phillips Center for the Performing Arts Admission is Free! www floridanceuf con You may qualify to participate in a Phase 1 (single dose) clinical research trial of an investigational drug being developed for possible use in diabetes. The study involves 4 out-patient visits and participants will be compensated for their time. For further details please contact: Karen Brezner Clinical Trial Coordinator Endocrine division University of Florida Te: 352) 846 2234 breznka@medicine.ufl.edu DO NOT apply if you have diabetes. Book fair raiqes funds STlfUJDE NTC GOV ER N M ENT Ele(Ction nominees unclear
4, ALLIGATOR U FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2,2005 Downtown ice-skating rink ushers in holiday spirit By MARIA LAVERGHETTA Alligator Contributing Writer "Look at me like you're going to kiss me," Don Yontz said, holding an infrared thermometer. Yontz, owner of the traveling ice-skating rink that opens in downtown Gainesville today, measured the temperature of her mouth. "Eighty-five -you must not like me," he said. The small device, though not traditionally used to measure body heat but ice temperature, is esTim Hussin / Alligator Staff Ed Armstrong, ice rink installer, adjusts antifreeze strips to seal a gap in the ice rink at the Downtown Community Plaza in preparation for today's opening. sential to Yontz's work at the rink. That, and a lot of electricity. For the past two years, a $25,000 generator has provided electrical power to the chiller, a device that keeps the ice of the rink frozen. This year, a $50,000 transformer was installed on the Downtown Community Plaza next to the Alachua County Courthouse. The city invested in electricity for the rink in affirmation of its plans to continue to host the temporary skating palace every holiday season, said Laural DeWild, events coordinator of the city's Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs. The ice has to be constantly monitored using the infrared thermometer and other devices. But she said with electricity, which is more consistent than a generator, leaks and breaks in the ice shouldn't be a problem this year. She said she remembers when a leak prevented skaters from using half the rink one day last year. "I've seen blind dates, I've seen proposals," she said. "People have a good time." Music education major Melanie Driscoll said she skated at the rink with her fellow sisters of Sigma Alpha Iota Sorority last year. "The best part was watching friends fall," she said. Yontz said he loves the atmosphere of his rinks and his job. Once a professional ice skater, he decided he wanted to own and manage his own rinks, so he put himself through refrigeration school. He now owns and operates temporary seasonal rinks in Atlanta, Fort Walton Around Beach, Las Vegas Gainesville and Gainesville and said it provides another venue for both families and college students. "It's a good place for them (college students) to go besides a hotel room," he said. University of Georgia graduate Walt Thompson, the 23-year-old rink manager, has worked at the rink since his freshman year of high school and said that working there, electricity willing, is a great time. "How can you not get in the holiday spirit when you are ice skating?" he said. Admission to the rink will cost $6, plus $2 to rent ice skates. The rink will be open until Jan. 1. Hours vary depending on the night of the week; visit gvlculturalaffairs.org for more information. Pro ras saim to end A ch ua County's ho lessness By JULIA CARVALHO support services and providing housing for creation of the program's first draft. It will be together. That's a good thing," he said. "In Alligator Contributing Writer the approximately 1,000 homeless people in formally presented Dec. 15 to a joint session of too many places, such a partnership is non A 10-year plan to eradicate homelessness was presented by Gainesville Mayor Pegeen Hanrahan andAlachua County Commissioner Rodney J. Long on Thursday. "The time has come to seriously and proactively address this issue," Hanrahan said to about 70 citizens at the Martin Luther King Jr. Multi-Purpose Center. Theprogram, called GRACE for Gainesville Region/Alachua County Empowerment, includes specific plans to "ciose the front door" by preventing and reducing homelessness and "open the back door" by increasing Alachua County. Seven different committees are working on issues such as safety, physical and mental health, substance abuse, sustainable housing and financing for the program. The plan, which joins 205 other 10-year plans around the country, has been in the works since last March, when the first Alachua County Homelessness Summit created five committees to determine goals and strategies. Since then, the number of committees has grown to seven, and more than 100 volunteers -including local business owners and the homeless themselves -have taken part in the the city and county commissions. "The time has come to seriously and proactively address this issue." Pegeen Hanrahan Gainesville mayor Philip Mangano, executive director for the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness, told the audience how lucky they are to have leaders who care about them. "The county and the city are working existent." Homelessness needs to be ended -not managed or accommodated, Mangano said. The hardestpart of the program willbe getting people to resist the status quo, the belief that the best way to get rid of homeless people is to shuffle them around, Mangano said. "Change is hard to accept, isn't it? Only a wet baby wants change," he said, drawing laughter from the audience as he glanced at Hanrahan, who has an 11-week-old daughter. "It's a living document," he said. "Don't worry about perfection now. It'll get more perfect with time." A. flIilfl, -< S~t nn ,pt \#i4 4 (~4VI -i i gallon zip lOCK ougs wimn any OT ne Toiiowing iiems and bring them to the Alligator office by 4pm on December 7, 2005 to RECEIVE COUPONS REDEEMABLE FOR FREE ONE-DAY BASIC SIZE CLASSIFIED ADS (one coupon per filled zip lock bag.) Coupons are valid through Aug 16, 2006 e 3-hole notebook paper -3-ring binders, backpacks -calculatorscomposition books -construction paper e crayons and markers e erasers -folders -glue and glue sticks -graph paper e pencil cases e pencils and pens -rulers -scissors jackets -[eans -long-sleeved shirts socks e sweat suits e sweaters underwear e Goody's, Rack Room, Ross, Target, Wal-Mart, etc. Brush* chapstick comb -conditioner e deodorant e hair accessories -hairstyling gel e laundry detergent -lotion shampoo soap toothbrush -toothpaste Bring items to: The Independent Florida Alligator located at 1105 W. University Ave Call the Classified Advertising Department for more information: 352.373.3463 Donations benefit homeless children of Alachua county in coordination with the Stuff the Bus promotion sponsored by Altrusa international of Gainesville. alligapto r .ii .3.<,,3
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2005 N ALLIGATOR, 5 To beig an us for once Tim Hussin Aligator Staff Andres Coulter, a UFjunior majoring in family, youth and community sciences, gets tested Thursday during World AIDS Day on Turlington Plaza. Ca pus, local groups plan AIDS Day events By RACHEL LEWINTER vailing issues affecting people with People, Progressive Black Men and Alligator Contributing Writer I-IV and AIDS. Last year's theme the Jamaican American Student was "Women, Girls, HIV and AIDS," Association teamed up to encourCampus groups and events a response to the growing number of age students to get tested for -IV throughout UF and Gainesville on women with the disease. handing out information, male Thursday and continuing this weekThis year's theme is "Stop AIDS: and female condoms and locations end aim to instill the idea of "no Keep the Promise," a plea to politiof free testing on the Reitz Union day but today," from the Broadway cians and governments around the Colonnade on Thursday. musical-turned-feature film "Rent," world to keep the proniises they Rodney Gammons, a 21-yearregarding HIV and AIDS. have made to combat AIDS. old senior who is a member of While "Rent" glimpses into a It is equally important to look to Progressive Black Men, said if people year in the life of a group of artists -local communities. have sex, they should make it safe. struggling in the shadow of AIDS, Thursday on the Reitz Union "I think abstinence is the best poverty and drugs, it has inspired Colonnade, members of the World choice," he said. "Even though I'm people with its message of living AIDS Awareness Comnittee, a UF not, I try to be." every day to its fullest by addressing group, sported bright red stickers Gammons said the most impora disease often treated as taboo. that read, "DEAD: Five people die tant thing for his group is to educate Dec. 1 marked World AIDS Day, of HIV/AIDS every minute." people about the disease and its efa global event to unite everyfects. Be safe and don't harm one in a mission to increase It comes down to Self-reSpeCt, others, he said. awareness, education and self-responsibility Many events commemofight prejudice since its incepd social ib rating World AIDS Day are tion in 1988. dspoisibilityplanned for the coming days. The number of people livSasha Muradah Today the African ing with HIV has passed 40 WorldAIDSAwareness Committee member Students' Union hosts its first million -a new record -acTriple "A" Kickoff, which it cording to a report released Committee President Jennifer plans to hold annually, at 7: last month by the World Health Ortiz, 21, said UF doesn't have an 30 p.m. in the Health Professions, Organization and UNAIDS, the AIDS education program, which is Nursing and Pharmacy Auditorium. Joint United Nations Program on why the coraittee was started. The free event will feature speakers, HIV and AIDS. "AIDS has global ramifications poets, musicians, dancers and food More than 100,000 of them that will eventually affect us if we and will aim to raise awareness of live in Florida, which has consisdon't do something about i C'tiz global AIDS with a major focus on tently ranked No. 2 in the nation said. "It's a much larger scale than I its impact in Africa. for incidence of HIV infections, think people understand." Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. said Spencer Lieb, senior epidemisaid that because the n at the Paramount Plaza Hotel and ologist at the Florida Department of ber of people withAIDSin the United Suites, 2900 SW 13th St., will be a Health's Bureau of IV/AIDS. Lieb States is lower than overseas, people Surviving and Thriving Conference. highlighted trends related to the do not think its their problem. Admission is $20 for students. disease during a speech Thursday at Too many people are scared to The World AIDS Marathon, the the UF Health Professions, Nursing t tested because there's a negative first marathon in Gainesville in more and Pharmacy Complex. get scae with AIDS wgice than 20 years, will take place Sunday. "To put these numbers into stigma associated with AIDwhich Visit worldaidsmarathon.com to perspective, there is one new infecsaid is n tut nate because more ofregister and for more information. tion case every six seconds and one ten than not, it's too late by the time Free anonymous HIV testing is death every 10 seconds," he said. those people find out. available at Planned Parenthood, This year an estimated 4.9 mil"It comes down to self-respect, 914 NW 13th St, from 9 a.m. to noon lion people became infected with self-responsibility and social respond every Tuesday and Wednesday. HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. sillisy," Muradali said. Alligator contributing writer Since the first World AIDS Day, The Gator National Association Stephanie Lewis contributed to this Students raise awareness By JENNIFER FREIHOFER Alligator Writer Students donned red ribbons and gathered on the Reitz Union Colonnade on Thursday to raise awareness and show support for people living with the disease. In honor of the 18th annual World AIDS Day, UF's chapter of the Student Global AIDS Campaign asked students to write promises tofight the epidemic on red slips of paper. "I promise to wear a condom," one stated. The slips will be linked together, made into the shape of a ribbon and sent to the organization's national office in Washington, -.C. Campaign member Anthony Sochet said he hopes the project.will encourage U.S. Sen. Bill Frist (RTenn.), who has opposed increases in federal funding for global AIDS programs, to, allocate more money to the Global Fund, a fund created to finance the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. "We want to let him know we're going to keep our promise. How shout you keep yours?" Sochet said. About 50 students gathered for a forum co-hosted by UF's chapter of the NAACP, Progressive Black Men and the Jamaican American Student Association on Thursday evening to discuss AIDS education, statistics and living with the disease. Patricia Colson, 50, was a crack addict for 17 years and suffered from alcoholism, depression and spousa] abuse. She was diagnosed with HIV in 2000. She said the best form of prevention is control. "I wasn't thinking clearly. I was only thinking about that next hit," she said. "This is the consequence of my behavior." On SFCC professor Cniatpl MarvinCohenstressed the importance of AIDS education. "-11V don't care where you come from, your GPA, what kind of car you got," he said. "HIV travels. HIV got a BMW." I He said there is asix-month window for H1V tests, meaning that they can only detect the disease if it has been contracted more than six months before the test is done. Still, he said, frequent testing is important. Colson said some people treated her differently afer her diagnosis, but she realied her life was not over. "It's just living. At dinner I take my pills, and that's it," she said. "HIV is not a death sentence." Jenny Harnish / Alligator Patricia Colson speaks about her battle with HIV and drug addiction at Little Hall on Thursday night. different themes have reflected prefor the Advancement of Colored report.
6, ALLIGATOR M FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2005 Editorial With less than a week left of classes, the Editorial Board was preparing to drive home for the holidays. We had packed our bags, finished our final papers andused the last of our money to fill the gas tank. But our plans were thwarted when we realized that getting home would cost almost $20 on the Florida Turnpike. And we didn't want to take U.S. Highway 27. That road is just scary. We were outraged. Does the Turnpike's upkeep really cost 7.5 cents per mile, per car, per trip? It's just another way for The Man to keep us down. However, we stopped short of taking advantage of the gap in the toll system, through which SunPass users can cut their costs down by skipping a toll. Instead, we've decided to hitchhike home and face the risk of seedy drivers. We're just that dedicated to our ethics, even if The Man is a crook who wants to rob us blind. So empty your pockets, light up a cigarette and lament the state of our government as we begin this week's edition of Darts & Laurels The Turnpike might lighten our wallets, but legal theft in Gainesville will bleed us dry. We shoot a higher-gas-pricesshould-cut-out-of-huge-profits-not-out-of-our-dwindlingpaycheck DART to the Gainesville City Commission for approving an $8 hike in towing rates Monday. We understand why the towing companies constantly try to raise their fee: They're glorified criminals. Paying a visit to their offices feels like walking into the bowels of the Mafia. The City Commission should protect our interests. Gas prices and insurance costs do not come close to justifying an $84 fee. If upkeep has increased a little, towing companies should take the chunk out of their high profits. We're sick of this roam-towing anarchy. It's time for us to put up a fight and booby-trap our cars. But if we can't overcome the towing terror, the women of Gainesville have at least triumphed over the sexual lies of the opposite gender. The women of the Editorial Board bestow a we-knewit-was-a-lie-but-it-unfortunately-took-a-man-to-revealthe-truth LAUREL to sex educator Jay Friedman for bursting the myth of blue balls. Anyone who's been pressured to finish the job because of this "medical" reason can now sit back and laugh while the guy squirms. It's a beautiful thing. We also enjoyed Friedman's oversized condoms. That's always fun education. Finally, we present a despite-popular-belief-theAlligator-doesn't-carry-all-the-news-of-the-world LAUREL to Student Government for continuing the New York Times/USA Today Readership Program. It's the best thing to come out of SG and actually educates the student body. But SG never gets off that easy. We also throw a why-can't-the-idea-of-a-sustainablebudget-enter-the-heads-of-those-in-charge DART at SG for funding the $45,000 program from reserves for the third year in a row. We want a plan worked out for the future that doesn't include last-minute solutions. However, if officials are going to spend reserves so spontaneously, this program is better than other possibilities. SG could have decided to pay for more issues of The Gainesville Sun. the independent florida alligators Mike Gimignani EDITOR Eva Kis MANAGING EDITOR Emily Yehle 'OPINIONS EDITOR Tom Durrenberger, Scott Gilton, Andrew Meyer EDITORIAL BOARD The Alligator encourages comments from readers. Letters to the editor should not exceed 150 words (about one letter-sized page). They most he typed, double-spaced and must include the author's name. classitcation and phone number. Names millbe withheld ist writer shoos just caune. We reserue the right to edit to, length, gamma, style end libel. Send letters to lettersholligoto.org bring then no 110h W5. University hue., or send them to P.O. son 1d257, Gainesuille, FL 32950d-2257.coluenns of about d50 words about original topics and editorial cartoons are also welcome. Questions? Call 376-4458. Opinions ALLIGATOR www.alligator.org/opin ions o u Column Abortion issue demands compromise here is probably no issue in American society as divisive as abortion. It's almost impossible to find two people with the same views on the subject because there are so many difficult moral considerations involved. As shown by a case before the Supreme Court, there are also few issues in which it is more important that both sides work together. I have my own opinion on abortion, and I won't apologize for it. I don't agree with the general concept for three simple reasons: I don't think it's possible to know when life begins, ,so I think it's unconscionable to choose a random point in the pregnancy as the standard. I don't think there is any such thing as a "right to choose" to end your unborn child's life any more than I think there is a right to choose to end your teenager's life, a criminal's or anyone else's in a situation when self-defense doesn't come into play. And I don't think pregnancy is some sort of punishment you can appeal because you didn't intend for it to happen. But I don't claim to have everything figured out. I am on especially shaky ground when it comes to early term pregnancies presenting unavoidable threats to mothers' lives, so I don't know if I can deny them that option. None of my opinions matter, in this case. Regardless of moral disputes, there's one thing we all can agree on: The decision to abort should not be made lightly. That choice requires knowledge of the risks involved, as well as an attempt to understand the emotional impact in the aftermath. That's why minors need to have some sort of dialogue with a parent or guardian about abortion before they make their decisions. Both sides debating this issue need to work together to ensure this dialogue occurs without undue risk to minors' health. The Supreme Court case regarding New Hampshire's law likely will be the standard against which this idea is judged in the foreseeable future. For the most part, the law has Matt Sanchez the right idea. It requires minors In Moderation to inform their parents but does msanchez@alligator.org not require parental consent. I agree with opponents, though, that the law needs careful reconsideration to ensure it is narrowly tailored to accomplish its purpose. The law includes an exemption for minors who are in life-threatening danger, but it doesn't provide for less immediate, but equally severe, situations. I In those cases, we need to put the decision as to whether parental notification must be sacrificed to preserve a minor's health where it should be: in the doctor's hands. Approval from a judge is not an option. Our legal system is not capable of handling such medically significant cases at the necessary speed. We can't afford to let this entire law die because of one overbroad point. As cliche as it may sound, there is too much at stake. Our society will never reach a consensus on abortion. There are too many factors involved, and there are too many unshakable beliefs on both sides. But while the debate rages on among the politically opinionated, we need to make sure the conflict doesn't eliminate compromises necessary to the well-being of those caught in the middle. Matt Sanchez is a journalism senior. His column appears on Friday. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator. Reader response Today's question: Thursday's question: Should the City Commission have Should UF offer domestic-partner approved the towing rate hike? benefits to employees? Vote or post a message at www.alligator.org 64% YES 36% NO 89 TOTAL VOTES
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2005 E ALLIGATOR, 7 Letters to the Editor Cartoon incorrectly insinuates that cultural groups on campus are competing It is unfortunate that Andy Marlette has once again decided to use a cartoon to try to ignite tensions between cultural groups on this campus. The lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community at UF fully supports Asian American students in the quest for an Asian Pacific American Affairs director. We believe that such a director would serve not only the Asian American community but the entire campus community, just as the LGBT Affairs director serves the entire campus community -including Asian American students -and not just the LGBT community. We do not have to accept a model portraying various cultural and ethnic groups as kids fighting over limited gifts; instead, We choose to see each other as allies in the struggle to improve our campus climate for everyone. Allison Andrews Pride Student Union President Preeti Sharma South Asian American Student Alliance President Sandy Chiu Asian American Student Union President Tamara Cohen Director of LGBTAffairs Resident's resent of students baseless Gerald J. Bodoh's resentful letter Thursday perfectly represents the origin of tensions and misunderstandings between the UF community and the rest of Gainesville. It is evident that Bodoh has a bias against college students. According to him, and based on his own assumptions, my parents pay my expenses because I won't "get off my ass and work." What an educated, rational argument. It would perhaps interest him to know that I work an average of 65 hours a week all Summer and am currently working here in Gainesville merely to cover the bare minimum of my college expenses, as I receive nothing from my parents. As for scholarships, such as Bright Futures, Mr. Bodoh seems to think he pays for those as well. He does no such thing unless he plays the Florida Lottery, which is entirely his choice. Gainesville and UF coexist based on an educated, constructive and open dialogue, the mutual benefits of which create a greater and more united community. Bodoh's attitude represents a backward step in this process. Gainesville is a college town, Mr. Bodoh. If you have an aversion to college students based on unfair generalizations -and it seems clear that you do -I can only suggest you open your mind or move elsewhere. Michael Falcone 2LS Marriage is not a Christian concept; it's a foundation for societies everywhere Ashley Goforth's letter in Thursday's Alligator ("Goldberg should not worry about Baxley") suggests that marriage is an exclusively Christian concept, but nothing could be further from the truth. Marriage is an institution that has been a part of human culture for thousands of years and is found almost universally across the globe in countless cultures and religions. To further one's own personal views by suggesting otherwise is to ignore the history of mankind. The state has a vested interest in supporting the institution of marriage, as it provides the foundation for a healthy society. This conunitment, unique among human relationships, is the cornerstone of the family unit, the bedrock of the community. The family bond provides support beyond that provided by even the closest of friendships; it is the greatest and last line of defense in a diverse but all too often disconnected society. I encourage Ms. Goforth to continue to fight for equal rights among those of all persuasions. However, attacking the institution of marriage is a poor and misguided way to go about it. Jeremiah Blanchard 7EG Earth's age based on facts, not books Having read Richard DeZego Jr.'s comments Thursday, I feel I must respond to someone who seems to believe geology is bunk. DeZego wonders if the earth is really billions of years old. Oddly enough, there is a real science that has been investigating the age of the Earth and its composition for a long time. Since men started wondering about the strange creatures they found trapped in rocks in the British Isles, people have used the scientific method to try and determie just what the Earth is made of and how it formed. The religious folks out there with a fundamental bent might like to point to Arch Bishop Usher's claim that the Earth is only a few thousand years old based on the timeline of genealogies contained in the Old Testament. But the Arch Bishop was using a single book on which to base his assertions and not the evidence in the rocks around him. The world may not be exactly four billion years old, but because of a fact called radioactive decay, geologists and geophysicists have an educated guess as to the Earth's age. There is plenty of research that has gone into this subject if DeZego would care to look at a little of it, but I think that he may already believe he is correct and won't bother to go find out for himself. Thomas Mott 4LS Want to impress your family AND share a special time 18ys HIA 0 with someone special? We've got your ticket! T 378 7 v Ave X Much cooler, new fans installed CrFkiru FRIUSEathClc Dec. 15th at 7:30pm RI: Beat the Clock lp t0 Free Food 7pm -9pm e Live Music/DJ PhillipsCenter'AT: Free Beer & Karaoke Fe Students $10 0 As 0 "oausy *P~e llsanity" -1 t's" -'Hoa one t %Jste* usn ." 1)013 10W mesy v.-3857 The 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt is the perfect getaway. With better gas mileage than the Jetta, you'll get around without breaking the bank. A sevenspeaker Pioneer stereo system and countless other customizable features will make driving fun again. The Chevy Cobalt. Because you couldn't run fast enough AN AMERICAN REVOMNIN For mom information Visit Maiasitrnt ChevAolSt at 26OU N Mai btedirsvi .FL 32609 Protect yourself against AIDS.
8, ALLIGATOR U FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2,2005 It's on for student dancers W By KATE WILKINSON Alligator Contributing Writer Students can get served somewhere other than a restaurant this weekend. The members of UF's Breakdancing Sports Club will host the third annual breakdancing competition Saturday, Icing on the Break, at the Unified Training Center in Gainesville. The event will showcase the breakdancing club members' skills at popping, locking and house dancing. The breakdancers, known as Bboys and Bgirls, will compete in two-on-two battles and test out their freestyle moves, routines and footwork. Anyone is welcome to sign up to battle it out with dancers of all skill levels. Those who have been dancing for less than a year can sign up for beginner battles. Club President Raul Quintana said about 300 people came to the competition last year. "People come from all over to be at this event," Quintana said. "We had people from Savannah, (Ga.,) Tampa and Orlando who traveled to comOn pete last year." Campus He said he expects about the same number will come out this year. Rebecca Hunniford, a sophomore majoring in mathematics, said when she went to the breakdancing event last year, she thought the dancing was crazy. "Every time you see it, it's different," Hunniford said. "Everyone has their own style and their own moves that they bring to the competition. That's what makes breakdancing so unique." The competitors will judge who moves on to the next round. Winners will receive custom-made plaques. DJ BMF, of Orlando, and DJ LOKI, of Gainesville, will be supplying the hip-hop, funk and soul music for the event. Members of the UF Hip Hop Collective will also help run the event. .Doors open at 5 p.m. for dancer warm-ups and open dance floor time. Partners can register to dance for the battles until 6 p.m. Battles begin at 7 p.m., and the event will run until about 11 p.m. Unified Training Center is located at Southwest Eighth Street and University Avenue. Admission is $5 at the door with a UF ID and $7 for general admission. Downtown Comm unity Plaza uunity 36Admission & a~ (pls ta) Bee. Dcx. iDec. 17 -Jan.I 4 pm-10 pm Mon-Wed 10 am -11pm Mon-Sat 4 pm-11 pm Thur-Fri 12noon-11pm Sun 10 ampm Sat 12noon-1O pm Sua OUTSIDE UPIMeil THE BN =11CON MediaLooking for experie ce in public relations and event planning!, The Independent florida Alligator is looking for interns in the promotions department to assid in daily activities such as writing monthly newslefters, planning upcoming special events and creating ads to promote The Alligator to local advertisers. We are looking for hardworking individuals who will,: commit their lime from the spring semester through the fall semester of 2006. This is a great opportunity to gain valuable public relations experience while possibly earning class credits. Please submit a cover letter and resume by Wednesday, December 2, 2005 by 3 p.m. Resumes can be delivered in person af 1105 W. University Ave. or sent via e-mail to lcrowley@alligator.org. Please address resumes to Lorena Crowley in the promotions department. 1.ig a dtZ,; Charles Harriott breakdances Thursday afternoon on Turlington Plaza. UF's Breakdancing Club will host Icing on the Break on Saturday, featuring breakdancing competitions and displays. ATTENTION -AL L UF ORGA1-N1ZAT10ONS Duec to the current estrangement between certain parties in UF Student Governsment, your funding for advertising in The dependent Fiorida Alligator may be limited. Therefore The Alligator is offering you a chance to stretch your reach to our readers and save advertising" dollars at the same tin. Fromrl now until the deadline for last issue of sie fall term any Tnrsaersitv of Florida properly resaSered student organization of any lype, including all fraternity & sorority organizations, may purchase an ad o any size and receive a second runninE of the ad i the following issue at no additional cost In addition, for all Student Governmsenis funded organizaions, instead of paying the regular U5F rate, you cas take advantage of the lowest contract rate usually afforded to SG, Yes .that's no. .nada, nil, naught, zilch, zero, zip, -0additional cost for the second ad! Call Alligator Advertising Today at 376-4482 All additional discounts orcontract levels earned remain the same, but the free second advertisement cannot count toward contract fulfilment. All advertising policies remain the same.
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2005 E ALLIGATOR, 9 Plc 8 Kickboxing Classes for $55.00 MARY KAY how very holiday No matter what holiday you're celebrating, I can help you create a party-perfect ook. Call me today to get your complimentary color makeover. Megan Sauls indepentent Beauty Consultant msauis@maryk-y.corn vovw.marykay.com/msouis 352-239-6990 F3lr 37 628. 19w nirsyAv C, 1t ra mve w n vI es ffe stn IRsi Notee F5 8 as RK. E.3j~ n t la' 5 and vieo o15@0 R -S50~ heiwon CRS@ J camr any Wye 09 files Efth vou anywhaels M I 6123FDOW csreM alcuves and oahew school eveffis! Splus a whole lea moeffl -MP4Video Players start at only $149.951 k We have many more of the latest Hi-Tech items to choose from! The model shown is an all in one MP4 Player, digital camera, 20GB external hard drive, MP3 Player, photo viewer and voice recorder. It records video in Mpeg 4, with a video resolution of 960x240 pixels on a 3.5 inch LCD screen with backlight. This player supports most video, music, and photo formats including MpIeg4. MP3, and Divx. Records up to 40 hoUrs of video, 370 hours of music, or 910 hours of voice recording, Store up to 100,000 photos with 3X zoom and Audio/Video out to TV. Save any type of files as 20GB external hard drive. This model includes a built-in speaker, 3.7V rechargeable Li-Lon battery and a 12V DC adapter is included. Supports high speed USD2.0, and it is US3 1l.1compatible. Includes headphones, CF storage card, USB and audio/video plugs including out to TV. MP4 model prices vary. For this and more of the latest hi-tech items including MP3 watches, digital cameras, wireless headphones, novelty flash drives and more, log onto: ,,SAP L@CaCm 'v _j N You Get Together s e e for the Holidays 2 We'll get the food together for you. Tailgating -After Game Parties 4 ganr Club Meetings -Special Events CALL TODAY 376.8269 FAX 3674395 Regular Restaurant Hours: Mlon-Fri: 6:30ami-3:30prn, Sat 6:30ami -1:00pm Serving breakfast and Junch.37 N. Pain Street at Phil-Nicks OR 3
10,'ALLIG'ATOR U FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2/2'005 Cic-en drven Student pursuing record By MARVIN HALELAMIEN Alligator Contributing Writer Johnny Yanchunis is going for the record books -as having attended the most Chik-fil-A grand openings. This is no easy task. The UF aerospace engineering sophomore camped out for 18 hours Thursday at The Villages for his 11th overall grand opening, making him second only to Dan Booher, of Maryland, who has attended 13, said Cindi Pickett, spokeswoman for Chikfil-A. But Yanchunis could catch up; there is nearly one grand opening each week. Besides, there are plenty of side benefits. At the grand opening, he earned 52 more Chicken Sandwich Combo cards to bring his total to 572 cards worth $2,860 in all. "I mean think about it: I'll never have to pay for Chick-fil-A again," he said. "I think I only eat at Chick-fil-A -Chick-fil-A and Ramen." To get the combo cards, participants had to stay in the parking lot and be at their numbered spot during line checks. Anybody not present was disqualified. Despite the cold December evening, Yanchunis said the trip was worth it. Driving to so many of the openings, he has become a recognizable face to some of the Chick-fil-A management team. "I've met you several times before," said Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy, as he shook Yanchunis' hand. He smiled when Yanchunis told him this was his 11th opening. Cathy said he attends almost every opening, which is about one every week. So he spends a lot of time with the company's most fervent fans. He said the openings allow him to connect-with the customers and show his appreciation. "It creates a lot of buzz in the communityy" he said. A local disc jockey hosted an evening filled with line dancing, trivia games and a hula-hoop contest. Throughout the night, employees offered attendees chicken nuggets, brownies, drinks and chicken sandwiches. Yanchunis described the meat as larger and tastier than the normal chicken sandwiches. He said the chicken is thicker at the openings. "You'd have to go to an opening to get food this good," he said as he savored his first bite. Since the campers had a lot of time on their hands, they played video games, dominoes, solitaire and even four-square lined with duct tape. Yanchunis and his friends created a makeshift entertainment center equipped with foldable chairs, blankets, sleeping bags and, most importantly, a 19-inch TV. The TV caught the attention of WESH 2 News reporter Eryka C. Washington. Marvin Halelamien / Alligator After waiting in the parking lot of the newest Chick-fil-A restaurant for about 18 hours, Johnny Yanchunis (center) orders Thursday with one of his 52 free Chicken Sandwich Combo cards, handed out at openings. She filmed a brief segment and said the TV made waiting outside in the cold weather "a little more bearable." One of Yanchunis' friends, Dennis Perez, 19, joked that the TV reporter should have interviewed Yanchunis because he could be like Subway's Jared, except his health probably hasn't improved from his Chik-fil-A consumption. Yanchunis checked his cholesterol before Thanksgiving. To his surprise, his health was normal. Even though he eats at Chickfil-A every day, his weight has remained the same. He used to eat there three times a day, but then cut back to twice a day. Some employees knew him by name. The coupons are meant for Chicken Sandwich Combos, but they can also be substituted for foods of comparable cost. So he sometimes orders salads or wraps instead of chicken. He once got six cartons of milk. His mini fridge is packed with Chick-fil-A products. He stockpiles extra food for Sundays when Chickfil-A is closed. He said refrigerated chicken sandwiches are surprisingly good. By DELIA RIVERA ZABALA Alligator Contributing Writer Apples are no longer just a part of UF students' grade-school past. .At the end of Fall and Spring semesters, they come back in style with Apple for You, a campaign sponsored by Campus Diplomats that delivers apple-decorated notes to faculty members, professors and staff with messages from students waning to show appreciation. Students can fill out notes on tables located on Turlington Plaza and the Reitz Union Colonnade from 10 a.m. to 2p.m. today. "The point of the event is to give thanks to those who deserve it," said Maggie Tan, an accounting graduate student and Campus Diplomats member. "We want to make it a more welcoming place. With more than 40,000 students on campus, some can feel a bit displaced." The campaign, which delivered 600 messages last Spring, is one of the organization's most popular and about 15 students fill out notes each hour. Tan said since the campaign is so close to winter break, "real apples have never been used because they might rot." The group uses different materials every year, like filling apple-shaped containers with candy or delivering magnetic clips in the form of an apple. Tan said professors sometimes think they are part of a joke when "apples" are delivered. "We get mixed reactions," Tan said. "Sometimes they are grateful and say we have made their day." She said some people .send notes because they are too embarrassed to talk to professors, while others send anonymous messages. "I still haven't seen a message that is straight-up sucking up to the professors," Tan said. "The point of the event is to give thanks to those who deserve it." Maggie Tan Campus Diplomats member Students have different reasons for sending the notes, such as letting professors know who they are. "I decided to do it because I feel a lot of professors don't notice the students," said Kristin Cullen, an anthropology student who just transferred from SFCC. Cullen said she believes that when a professor makes time for students, he or she deserves the appreciation because many others are too busy working on other projects. "It's frustrating to be in a class of 500 and not be recognized," Cullen said. Celine Patel, member of the organization, said she doesn't know of instances where Diplomats had to deal with negative notes. are maps cometo UF LIBRARY CURATORS WAITED SEVEN YEARS FOR SET. By STEPHANIE LEWIS Alligator Contributing Writer Two rare maps of Africa that date back to the 1600s have been added to the UF Map & Imagery Library and are on display until next week. The maps are a vital part of cartographic research materials for the library, already among the Top 5 largest academic libraries for maps in the United States. The additions are extremely prized articles, according to experts in the field, and will be on display through Dec. 7 on the first floor of the Marston Science Library. The two maps were purchased from a dealer in New Hampshire and will eventually be encapsulated to allow professors and students to handle them without risk of damage, said UF librarian Peter Malanchuk. Malanchuk, an African and political science bibliographer, works in the Department of Special and Area Studies Collections at UP. "These maps are special things that are prized, but they are to be used, and they are not just for graduates either. It is for undergrads and instructors as well, for instruction and presentation purposes," he said. The library staff never gave up the hope of obtaining these maps and waited seven years because they completed a set, he said. Compleimg the first set oi the library's half-million maps is a map by John Speed titled "Africae described, the manners of their habits and buildings." It is the first printed English map of Africa, prepared in 1626 and published in Great Britain in 1631. The addition of the second map, titled "Western side of Africa: Typus oranrum maritmarum guinae, manicongo & angolae ultra" by Jan Huygen van Linschoten, brought the library's total map collection to 500,001. Van Linschoten was a On well-known Dutch voyCaepuS ager who used this map for precise information regarding Portuguese sea routes to the East, which greatly influenced Dutch expansion. The maps were purchased using contributions from Madelyn M. Lockhart and Elizabeth Harrer in memory of her son, Thomas. Most of the rare African maps have been scanned and may be viewed online. Duplicate copies of the maps can also be sent to the university's sister schools. These type of advancements improve the prestige of UF, Malanchuk said. All 500,001 maps and other resources located in the library such as atlases, reference books, CD-ROMs, aerial photographs and remote sensing images are fully accessible. a"--ftds todam# Awplte wil ff r y
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2,2005 N ALLIGATOR, 11 Annexation would affect police coverage, buses CITY, from page 1 on whether or not it should be annexed," Snyder said. The vote will occur March or April 2006. The annexation would affect fire and police coverage of the area. If the city annexes the area, the county would still cover it, but the city would pay the county for its services. Snyder said that most opposition to annexations in the past has risen from these two entities. "It will end up where the city will pay the county additional revenue because the county will be coming into the city limits more often," she said. If annexed, the Gainesville Police Department would add 10 more officers to its force. Michelle Stewart/ Alligator Staff Snyder said the Alachua County Sheriff's Office tends to oppose annexations because they lead to reduced revenue. "There will be less area that they'll have to cover so they'll be able to take his resources and put them other places," Snyder said. Utility surcharges on water, wastewater and gas are removed for renters within the city limits. There is an additional 10 percent surcharge on electricity and 25 percent on water and wastewater outside of the limits. "There's a possibility the renter's utility bill may be reduced," Snyder said. However, homeowners may only break even with this benefit because the city has increased property taxes. Lipscomb said the city has not received any opposition to the annexation, but she said this is probably because the city just announced the proposition. "We are looking at a Spring election somewhere in March or April," Lipscomb said. "Anyone that would oppose it, I imagine, would get more interested in it during the Spring." Only .registered voters in that area are able to vote on the annexation, and they must register 30 days before the vote is carried out. "Everyone needs to be a voting and contributing member to their community," said Daniel Jones, a UF statistics junior and former SFCC student. "This is especially true for the students who live in that area." The proposed bus route will help students at SFCC and UF, Jones said. In the future, students who do not have a car .can look into that area because of the increased bus services. "I was a Santa Fe student first," he said. "I am still extremely connected to Santa Fe, and I care about Santa Fe and its students." Jones will act as a liaison for UF and SFCC student governments and the city to help provide information about the annexation. "It is key that students get the message that they need to register to vote in Alachua County," said Bob Woods, public information officer for the Office of the City Manager. "Students' votes are going to be very critical in this issue. They represent a significant number of voters in that area. If they want their voices heard, it becomes very important for them to register." More than 630 properties are located in the annexation and would bring about $2 million in new revenue to the city in the first year, according to the urban report. Woods warned, however, that this doesn't mean the city will earn $2 million from this annexation. "It is important to remember this is not a windfall for the city," he said. "There is just enough funds for that area. It is not like the [city] is going to have some huge financial benefit." says Gainesville, when in actuality they are in part of the unincorporated part of the county," Snyder said. She said it makes sense for SFCC to be in the city since it already shares so many ties. "We have a good working relationship with Santa Fe," Snyder said. "It will just enhance the relationship even more if it were inside the city limits." If the annexation is approved, the area affected will become part of the city limits in Fall 2006. "[The City of Gainesville] sees it as a win-win for everybody," Snyder said. ItI "Copyrighted Materia Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" Area Proposed for Annexation 01 IN, j I! B f I ( I Jan Shackley/ Alligator Tiana Williams and Chris Caffie, of Fort Clarke Middle School, catch the bus at SFCC in order to make it home. Gainesville would also provide public works services, including mosquito control and assistance with stormwater and drainage issues in the area. "During all the hurricanes last year, there were many areas with flooding issues," Snyder said. "We would be able to provide our city's stormwater management programs that would be able to address those drainage problems." Once the area is annexed, it will officially be incorporated into Gainesville. "It's amazing how many people believe they live in the city of Gainesville because their address
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FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2,2005 ALLIGATOR, 13 ACADEMICS Purchased papers st pullhbea pa'rs By JESSICA RIFFEL Alligator Writer jriffel@alligator.org A 30-page paper on nuclear physics that is "100 percent free of plagiarism" can be bought and delivered in three days. SameDayResearch touts that it can write any paper and, for a higher fee, have it delivered by e-mail in as little as three hours. This type of plagiarism has added to UF's problem of academic dishonesty, and it is especially difficult to regulate since the essays are custom written, Director for Student Judicial Affairs Ken Gassiot said. "It makes it difficult in terms of being able to take care of violations that are occurring," he said. However, Albert Matheny, associate dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, said students should be wary of the papers they receive through such companies. "They do recycle the papers," he said. "Students run a great risk thinking it's an original paper." And if it's not completely unique, students can be caught through computer programs set up by companies such as Turmitin, which many UF professors use. "All professors have access to it and use it frequently," Matheny said. "I have known people to use it and catch students plagiarizing." If caught, students can work it out with their professor to receive the determined grade penalty, or they can be sent to Student Judicial Affairs. Gassiot said students can choose to have their cases heard before the Student Conduct Committee, which is run by students, faculty and staff, or the Student Honor Court, which is more formal and completely student-run. Approximately 68 student-dishonesty allegations have been filed this semester, but no student has been expelled from the university Gassiot said. However, students have been expelled in the past. Matheny recognized a profound similarity between a student's unattributed work and an author he had used in his dissertation. "He was kicked out of UF, and I never saw him again," he said. SameDayResearch eliminates its liabilityby stating on the Web site that customers cannot turn in purchased essays to their professors. "We shall assume no responsibility for any acts of plagiarism that you may engage in," according to the Web site. "Our custom written papers can only be used as reference sources." It's just not worth it. Put in your own time, and put in your own work." Ken Gassiot Student Judicial Affairs director Gassiot said that research paper companies that make such statements "obviously know that students get in trouble" for using their papers. "They put that 'don't turn it in to your professors' part to cover themselves," he said. "And in the event that it's turned in, they're not responsible." Another company, Essay Relief, offers "completely non-plagiarized" papers for as little as $9.95 for each page, but the company's Web site also states the papers are for "assistance use only" and must be referenced in any paper. However, in an e-mail, the company's customer service representative said otherwise. "Once a piece of work is sold, it becomes the property of the customer, and we do not have any right on it," the e-mail read. "You can use it as a reference paper or turn it in as it is and hence, utilize it as per your requirement." There is another option for the budgetconscious college student: Have a friend write the paper. A UF psychology major said she wrote an essay for a friend because it was a useless assignment that wouldn't have taught her friend anything "I knew it would be easier for me to write a paper than it would be for her, so I decided to help a friend in need," said the student, who wished to remain anonymous. And while this form of plagiarism is fairly difficult to catch, students should not risk being expelled, Gassiot said. "It's just not worth it, "he said. "Put in your own time, and put in your own work." Lobbying firm hired to represent university's interests in Washington TRUSTEES, from page 1 Alfonso and Jane Adams, UF's vice president of university relations, also announced the recent selection of a firm that will represent the university's interests at the capital. Barbour Griffith & Rogers, a Washington, D.C.-based public affairs firm, will begin lobbying for UF in 2006. "We've hired these guys (because) they're of the highest repute in Washington," Alfonso said. The firm's responsibilities will include garnering federal support for UF, representing the school on public policy issues and enhancing the university's visibility in Washington. Dan Murphy, one of UF's new Washington representatives who has worked beside U.S. Sen. Mel Martinez, said his firm will ensure that UF will "really begin to be up there with Top 10 universities." Studerit Body President Joe Goldberg expressed concern over recent decreases in the amount of federal financial aid awarded to students, a problem which Murphy said his firm might be able to help fight. During a joint meeting of the Committee on Finance and the Committee on Audit & Operations Review, Vice President of Health Affairs Doug Barrett discussed PeopleAdmin, a newly purchased program that will alleviate some issues with UF accounting software PeopleSoft that caused various problems in the past. However, Barrett said the university will easily be able to track new staff and. faculty applicants with the implementation of PeopleAdmin. Vice President for Human Resources Kyle Cavanaugh said the program is expected to cost. about $40,000 per year, in addition to some initial training costs during the first few months. "It's relatively inexpensive in the scheme of implementing technology," he said, adding that about 200 universities have already bought the new PeopleAdmin software. Although the program will aid UF's data system in one respect, Barrett said many PeopleSoft problems still don't have solutions. "A significant amount of education will need to be done in order to achieve our goal ofusingPeopleSoft all across the university," he said. The Committee on Governance voted in favor of awarding UF President Bertie Machen a $75,000 bonus he will receive this January. UF President Bernie Machen checks his cell phone during a Board of Trustees committee meeting Thursday afternoon. In a recent review of his performance, the Board praised Machen for his leadership qualities but emphasized the need for improvement in his communication skills. "I've learned some things (from the Board review), and I plan to follow up on them," Machen said. The entire Board will take a final vote on whether to approve Machen's bonus at its meeting this morning. Long before administrators arrive, janitor spends hours cleaning offices and halls ROBINSON, from page 1 He takes his three children to theme parks in Central Florida and Chuck E. Cheese's in Jacksonville. Robinson said he prefers the early hours he works because he can spend afternoons with his kids and his wife of 10 years after they finish school and work. That wasn't the case five years ago, when he worked a shift from 3 p.m. to midnight stripping and waxing floors with a heavy buffer machine. "That's a much harder job," he said. At his ground-floor job, Robinson said he and his coworkers have little trouble keeping the hall spotless. "We pretty much keep it up to the standards," he said. bucket, Robinson's arsenal is a chemistry set of cleaning Robinson starts his pre-dawn mornings in the employee products. lounge, mopping the floor and wiping the tables. The bathHe has several bottles of cleaner -one each for porcelain, rooms come next. furniture, glass and germs -as well as a scraper to unstick Then he cleans the offices before any of their occupants gum wads and clean elevator tracks, a caustic have arrived. On powder for cleaning water fountains, a feathHe uses lemon furniture polish to make the desks glisten. CampuS ered toilet brush for urinals (or a "Johnny mop" He trashes the coffee grounds and lunch-break leftovers in the office kitchenettes. Last, he takes to the hallways with a mop and bucket. The whole routine is performed twice before Robinson clocks out at 1:30 p.m. He said his internal clock is set so that even on weekends he can't sleep much past 6:30 in the morning. Beyond the traditional broom, vacuum, mop and in custodian-speak), orange-and-blue feather dusters and a steel cleaner for elevators and doorknobs. "That's what makes it shine," Robinson said. Between tasks, Robinson said he often passes Machen in the halls, and they exchange a "Good morning" or "How ya' doin."' And that's the extent to which the lives of the two men in Tigert Hall overlap.
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16, ALLIGATOR 0 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2,2005 Lowe happy to be home By NICK ZACCARDI Alligator Writer win against St. Francis (NY) on Nov. 18, came during a dinner for the Rhodes finalists, but had to do, and I learned and I grew from it. "My team is like my Sarii Lowe was asked Lowe forgot her text messagand it was just really some of the toughest quesing device. not being with the tions currently facing America Once the meal was over, weekend." at her Rhodes Scholarship inshe came back to find the score After the intial int terviews in Birmingham, Ala., and summary in a series of Lowe endured another but her biggest dilemma was text messages. of questioning the next finding a way to keep in touch Afterward, Lowe a with the Gators. "There were some very rest of the students co So in the middle of prepartalented individuals for the program used th ing answers for questions like there, and it was cool time to watch football i what the biggest moral dilem.ference room. ma in the United States is, her to bejusi aroun "I've never been int opinion on Title IX and where highly accomplished colof environment befo she sees herself in 10 years, all lege students." demically," Lowe said. Lowe could think about was Sarah Lowe were some very t the final score of the Gators' Guard individuals there, and game. cool to be just aroun The senior guard didn't highly accomplished make the final cut of 32 scholThe second game of the students." ars who get to study abroad at Seton Hall Classic, a nail-bit.After a couple hour Oxford University in England ing 52-48 win against the host liberation, the results next fall, but she was relieved Pirates, went down while Unlike the Gators' ga nonetheless -the Gators Lowe was soaring at 30,000 comes, this answer wa went 2-0 in her absence. feet. one Lowe was looking "I was so pissed," said On the way back to However, for so Lowe, -who will lead the Gainesville, Lowe didn't miss who gets down on her Gators (4-1) in front of a homean update. not making A's, Lowe t town crowd in Philadelphia However, she did regret not news well. for Saturday's game at No. being able -to don the orange "I was definitely b 18 Temple (6-0). "My comand blue and join her team in for a couple hours, the puter ended up not working, a post-game shopping spree in doubt about it," Lowe so I wasn't able to listen. But New York. invested myself in this [sports information director "Just not being there [with past three months of Kathy] Cafazzo was sweet the team] was a very tough exsacrificing in other a enough to text me at every perience for me," Lowe said. put myself in this si media timeout. I knew it was "It's a thing that I probably However, at the sam going on for the most part for would never want to do again. there's a lot that's said. play-by-play." But at the same time, it was erything happens for a UF's first game, an 83-57 one of these experiences that I and I truly believe in th RECRUITING Top UF rec-ruit prp'e Vo % d from family, tough m this erview, round day. nd the mpeting eir free n a conhat sort re aca"There alented it was d other college s of dewere in. ne outsn't the for. nebody self for ook the runmed re's no said. "I for the school, reas to station. e time, and evreason, at." Andy Apicella / Alligator Staff Sarah Lowe pushes past Stetson guard Sharnesha Smith on Sunday. Heading back to her hometown Saturday, Lowe is relieved to be reunited with UF. p ayoff game, visit to USC By NICK ZACCARDI Alligator Writer The Tim Tebow experience is coming to a close. Paraded around the country to the biggest college football games of the season, Tebow's final stretch begins today. In a span of 12 days, Tebow will travel from his home in northeast Florida to Los Angeles and possibly Miami. Then, he will star in his own special in front of a national television audience on ESPN on Dec. 14, highlighted by his college choice announcement. Tebow, rivals.com's top-rated dual-threat quarterback recruit out of St. Augustine Nease High (11-2), plays in the state semifinals tonight at home, a 90-mn ute drive from Gainesville, against Pace High (13-0). Should Nease win, it would play in Miami for the Class 4A state championship on Dec. 10. Holding onto the ball will be the key to advancing, Tebow said. "When you turn the ball over, you lose games," he said. "It's something coach stresses. We know we have to hold onto the ball. If we do that, we should be in position to win games. It's something we've worked on all through the playoffs." Hours after tonight's game, Tebow will board a plane headed to Los Angeles for the UCLA-Southern California game on an official visit with the Trojans. The trip will mark his final college visit. He lists Alabama, UF, Louisiana State and Michigan in addition to USC as possible final destinations. Experts believe the race is down to UF and Alabama and Tebow is familiar with both teams. He's been to both schools at least three times this fall, including a visit to UP during last week's win -against Florida State, where fans chanted his name in unison at one point. At his high school game last Friday, Nease fans displayed a poster readable from the field at Nease's stadium that said "Gator Nation Needs You!" But 12 days away from his nationally televised decision, Tebow's focus is on his final high school home game. "It's crazy to think this is going to be my last game playing here," Tebow said. "Hopefully we can go out with a bang." .9 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers"
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BUY IT. SELL IT. FIND IT. 373-FIND Classif eds FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2,2005 ALLIGATOR www.alligator.org/claSs For Rent ( For Rent For Rent Fr Rent For Rent furnished ) furnished. ) furnished unfurnished unfurnished It's not too late! Escape the dorms this spring! 1 BR/1 BA*2BR/2BA*3BR/3BA TH Cable ated*Sauna*24hr Gym*Tanning *Close to UFl*Lease for SPRING*377-2777 12-7-72-1 Super Clean Studio Walk to ShandsSAnnual lease Now as ow as $355 monthly inc all utilities ph 336-9836 12-7-72-1 NEED ROOMMATES?! Private Bed/Bath, in 3/3Apt. $489 for all utilities, furn, & internet Call 336-3538 12-7-72-1 Want a Change for The New Year? Furnished Utilities* Cable* Internet New Year special from only $450 2 Horry onty 4 res leftl 372-8100 2-7-72-1 HUGE *AFFORDABLE 1, 2 & 3BR Spiral Staircase Skylight Pool* 2 Tennis Cts Indvl lease & Utility Pack Now and Fall 377-7401 12-7-72-1 Close to UF FREE Roommate Match FREE CABLE, FREE Utilities FREE Alarm FREE FurnitureFREE Tanning, WD, PC Lab 24-hr Gym, Gated Entry Only $485, 372-0400 12-7-72-1 1, 2, 3, 4BR Apts. www.ApartmentsinGainesville.com 12-7-72-1 -Raising the standard of luxury to an unprecedented level. 414's from $455 -509! More amenities than you can dream of FREE: internet, cable, wld, pc lab, gym 3 busesRM match! Call 352-271-3131 12-7-72-1 Walk to SFCC Roll out of bed and into class. $439 Gets you all this! Fully Furnished, Free Ethernet, Free Cable w/HBO, FREE UTILITIES, W/D, Roommate match. 379-9300 12-7-72-1 eUNIVERSITY TERRACE WEST* Fully furn 4BR/4BA, Swimming pool. Individual leases. www.bogartproperties.com 278-9347 12-7-34-1 2/2 Laurels Apt -Avail by Dec. 0 On UF bus route 0 Will give free stuff away w/apt 0 Nice deal. 377-3264 12-7-36-1 ROOM IN A HOUSE W/BIG YARD 10 min from UF. For serious female student, NS. All included $400/mo Short term ok. 352376-9960 12-5-20-1 COLLEGIATE LIVING ORGANIZATION Spring Leases Available! Only $275/mo w/ethernet, util, parking, furnished, one block from campus! 377-4269. Grove.ufl.edu/-clo 12-7-19-1 LEXINGTON CROSSING Spacious, clean, 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. Spring & summer. Great amenities. $425/mo ino all utils. or negotiable. Call 305-742-5608 12-7-18-1 M/F, NS, Grad student/Professional wanted to reent gorgeous furn room in new home. 1.5 mi to Shands. Kitchen, living room, laundry facilities included. $425/mo + share utils. Call 336-5450 or 954-328-2863 12-7-15-1 HUGE 4BR HOUSE. 2 furn rooms for rent 1 block from campus. 2 min walk to law school. Quiet neighborhood. Free Util & free wireless internet incl. WID, on-site parking. $550/mo inclusive 352-262-8739 12-7-12-1 ***LaMANCHAAPTS*** Enjoy all-inclusive individual leases within walking distance to UF. Fully furn 4BR/2BA. 352-278-9347 www.bogartyproperties.com 12-7-9-1 FIRST MONTH FREE Sublease available now-May 2006 Apt fully furnished (4/2). Great female roommates. Within 1 mi from UF. Rent $390 + util. 305318-1040 12-7-9-1 GAINESVILLE PLACE Must leave town. Spacious, clean, lbr/lba in 4br/ba. spring and summer. ino cable, net, utils, wshr/dryr. $465 mo. (will give $500 at signing) 813-6956322. 12-7-6-1 Available Jan -Aug 06. Spacious 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA at Mount Vernon -Apts. Close to UF. Rent $382.50 + utils. 850-982-2748 or caklopez@ufl.edu. 12-6-5-1 STUDIO 2 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS. Available January. Call 352-359-6614 12-6-5-1 Furnished Apt for Relet. 4BR/4BA deluxe w/3 female roommates @ the Estates less than 1 mile from campus. $499/mo. Call 423-8783545 12-7-5-1 Spring term must see attractively decorated 4BR/3.5BA townhome. Bus rt 8 NW. Porch, pool, pref grad or family $950/mo neg email rhh82@ufl.edu or 352-262-2362 12-7-5-1 Roommate wanted to share 3BR/2BA. VINTAGE VICTORIAN HOME 2 mi from UF. $400/mo + 1/3 utils. lst + sec. No pets 772-359-9162 12-7-11-1 SAINT CHARLES CONDO Brand new 2BR/2BA. W/D, NW 3rd Ave. Available. 386-295-3194 12-7-5-1 ASAP SPRING LUXURY APT 2BR $4851 mo full amenities, pvt carport, utils, pools, gym, study rms, entertainment rm. EVERYTHING! Hi-spd i-net & wireless. I min to UF, 34th & 20th Ave. 305-332-2204 12-7-5-1 The Estates (The Exchange) 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA near campus Fully fum, free cable, dsl, utilities. Jan 1 -Aug 7th. nmb2boca@aol.com or 561-706-9808 127-4-1 Countryside Apt. Pvt. Bathroom, walk-in closet, wireless, nice & tidy female roommates. $425 inc. utils. Avail. Dec 8. Call (239) 682-0488. 12-7-4-1 LYONS SPECIAL $99 lst month's rent 377-8797 12-7-72-2 Need a Rental Home or Condo? Need A Tenant? CALL THE BEST! r~ A Watson Realty Corp. REALTORS*v www.watsonrent.com Property Mgmt/Rentan 352-335-0440 Full Service Sales 352-377-8899 gvillepm@watsonrealtycorp.com 12-7-72-2 Wake up & walk to UF Studios & 1 bedrooms Starting @ $489 Pet friendly, Pool *Come See!372-7111' 12-7-72-2 AVAILABLE JANUARY! HUGE floorplans! Great Pools! Water/Sewer included! Pets OK 1BR $550 2 BR $595! Bus or bike to UF 335-7275 12-7-72-2 LIVE DOWNTOWN FOR SPRING! Studios, 1/1s, 2/2s & 3/3s Pool*Alarm*Pets Welcome Available January! 338-0002 12-7-72-2 Archer Rd. Efficieny Apt. w/ Bath. includes OSUN BAY APTSO utils., W/D, TV, Lines too. $400/mo, $250 *Some fumished avail* deposit, Call Betty 372-1191 12-74-1 COWalk or Bike to Campus 04D 1-1 $460/mon02-1 $520/mo www.sunisland.info @00376-6720 For Rent 12-7-72-2 unfurnished *QUIET, CLEAN, LOTS OF GREEN SPACE. Rustic 1 BR apt. $345/mo. 01BR cottage $375/mo. Call 378-9220 or mobile 213-3901. 12-7-72-2 ACROSS FROM UF 1BRs from $460 Laundry on site, pets ok. Central Air, walk in closet. Open Weekends 371-7777 12-7-72-2 1 & 2BR apts. convenient to shopping, bus line, and just a few miles from UF. Located off SW 20th Ave. $375 -$450, incl water, sewer, pest control & garbage. Sorry no pets allowed. Call 335-7066. 12-7-72-2 MOVE IN JANUARY! Stress free living! Great rates! 0 1 BR from $479 2BR from $549 Beautiful pools/courtyards* Pets OK Walk/bike to UF 372-7555 12-7-72-2 3/3 LuxuryAvail. Now Roommate match for Jan. 24hr. Gym, Comp. Lab, Tan Close to UF Law, & SW Rec. Call 352-379-9255 12-7-72-2 Deluxe, Large 3 or 4BR apt/house, 60 second math to UF. Remodeled, Old House chs. Centra AC, washer/dryer included. Wood floors. With Parking. By Private Owner. 538-2181 tv message 12-7-72-2 HUGE apt! HUGE value! 2BR avail. NOW! 1,2 & 4 BR units avail Jan '06 Pool, tennis, alarm, close to everything! FREE UF parking, pets welcome! pinetreegardens.com or call 376-4002. 12-7-72-2 Deluxe, large one or two bedroom, 60 second walk to UF. Wood fis, washer dryer included, fireplace, patio deck. Can famish. Short term available. Private Owner. $495up. 352-538-2181. Lv mssg 12-7-72-2 There's no place like home! Make us yours! 1 BR/1 BA*2BR/2BA*3BR/3BA TH Cable*Gated*Sauna*24hr Gym*Tanning *Close to UF!*Lease for SPRING*377-2777 12-7-72-2 "'Beautiful and New"' 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA LUXURY FREE High-Speed Intemet FREE Monitored Alarm FREE CableTanning/Gym WID plus TVs in every kitchen 374-FUNN (3866) 12-7-72-2 ** ELLIE'S HOUSES ** Quality single family homes. Walk or bike to UF. www.ellieshouses.com 352-215-4991 or 352-215-4990 12-7-72-2 SUN ISLAND 1.1 from $480.00 2.1 $530.00 $99 deposit for Grad students 999 SW 16th Ave phone # 376-6720 www.sunisland.info 12-7-72-2 414 Townhome for Fall Across from UF W/D, Alarm, DW From $550 per BR suite Open Weekends 371-0769 1.2-7-72-2 How To Place A Classified Ad: In Person: Cash, Check, MC, or Visa The Alligator Office 1105 W. University Ave. M-F, Bam -4pm UF Bookstore at Reitz Union M -F, 8am -6pm, Sat. 10am -5pm By Mail: Use forms appearing weekly in The Alligator. Sorry, no cash by mail. MC, Visa or checks only. By Phone: (352) 373-FIND Payment by Visa or MasterCard ONLY. M -F, 8am -4pm By Fax: (352) 376-4556 When Will Your Ad Run? Classifieds begin TWO WORKING DAYS after they are placed. Ads placed at the UF Bookstore may take THREE days to appear. Ads may run for any length of time and be cancelled at any time. Sorry but there can be no refunds or credits for cancelled ads. Corrections and Cancellations: Cancellations: Call 373-FIND M -F, 8am4pm. No refunds or credits can be given. Alligator errors: Check your ad the FIRST day it runs. Call 373-FIND with any corrections before noon. THE ALLIGATOR IS ONLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FIRST DAY THE AD RUNS INCORRECTLY. Corrected ads will be extended one day. No refunds or credits can be given after placing the ad. Changes called in after the first day will not be further compensated. Customer error or changes: Changes must be made BEFORE NOON for the next day's paper. There will be a $2.00 charge for minor changes. 1 For Rent: Furnished 6 Furnishin sM, 16 Heah Services 2 Entertainment S For Rent: Unfurnished, 7 12 Autos 17 Typing Servces 212 Tickes 3 Sublease 8 Ee>2tronics 3 Wanted 18 Personals 23 Rides 4 Roommates 9) Bicyctles 14 Help "'anted 19 connections 2-1 Pets 5 Real Estate 10 For Sale 15 Services 20 Event Notices 2S Lost & Found All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make limitation, or discriminaton." We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. -All employment opportunities advertised herein are subject to the laws which prohibit discrimination in employment (barring legal exceptions) because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, familial status, age, or any other covered status. -This newspaper assumes no responsibility for injury or loss arising from contacts made through the type of advertising that is know as "personal" or "connections" whether or not they actually appear under those classifications. We suggest that any reader who responds to that type of advertising use caution and investigate the sincerity of the advertiser before giving out personal information. -Although this newspaper uses great care in accepting or rejecting advertising according to its suitability, we cannot verify that all advertising claims or offers are completely valid in every case and, therefore, cannot assume any responsibility for any injury or loss arising from offers and acceptance of offers of goods and/or services through any advertising contained herein.
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2005 E ALLIGATOR, 19 ForRent For Rent FFor Rent in o7Rn 7 rRent unfurnihed unfurnished unfurnished )1un1furnihled unfurnished AVAILABLE JANUARY Studio and 1BRs From $529 Across From UF, Pets Ok. Laundry on Site, Wood Floors Avail Open Weekends 371-7777 .-7-72-2 LIVE STUDY PLAY ixury 1/1, 2/2 flats & 3BR/3BA Townhomes Free Cable w/ HBO/Sho, Tan, 24 hr gym, .erobics, W/D, Gated, Pet Friendly, Alarms *The Laurels, 335-4455* !-7-72-2 Now leasing for January 2006 1 br for $595 or 3br for $870 2br townhome with W/D for $669 Alarms, park FREE @ UF, Pets welcome www.SpanishTrace.org 373-1111 Z-7-72-2 pring lease Avail. '3 townhouse able w/HBO, tanning, gym l1 the extras Almost gone! all for specials 377-2801 2-7-72-2 :tal Elec, 2 & 3 Bedroom, $395-$550, cent /C, pool, tennis, B-ball waste, pest, lawn lowing. 251b pet $15/mo. M-F 10-6 or by ppt. Alamar Gardens 4400 SW 20th Ave. 73-4244 UF bus line #20 12-7-72-2 *1BR & 2BR BEAUTIFUL* NEW kitchen, tile, carpet, paint 3BR/2BA Flats SO $839/mo 2BR/2BA Flats 0S $725/mo 2BRover 1100 sq ft i0 $725/ mo 1 BR-over 800 sq ft O $625/mo Close to UF, beautiful, quiet High-speed wireless internet $450 deposit 376-2507 2-7-72-2 Its Never Too Early! Huge 2 and 3 Beds for January! Cable W/D Pool Gym Pets Ok Pre-leasing for 20061 372-8100 2-7-72-2 NEWLY RENOVATED Affordable, Quiet living HUGE 1& 2BR Pool Skylights 1.5 miles to UF Furn Avail 377-7401' 2-7-72-2 ENORMOUS 3BR wail for Current and Fall 'ool*Tennis Cts*1.5 Mi 2 UF nd lease, Furn & Util Avail ;reat Specials*377-7401 12-7-72-2 (D CL 0' Countryside University Terrace Gainesville University Terrace West Individual Leases W/D, Pool & Utilities $300-$325/mo. Union Properties 373-7578 www.rentgainesville.com 12-7-72-2 Looking for a home? We have the LARGEST selection of single family rentals in Gainesville. With over 100 properties currently available, we're sure to have something to fit your style and budget. Visit our website at www.edbaurmanagement.com or call us to find your new home today 352375-7104 ex 2. Bor Management hoc. 12-7-72-2 *UPPER CLASS Students* Perfect place to study! FREE cable w/ HBO/Show FREE GARAGE*ALARM*WD Gated entry*Computer lab Wreless poolside*FREE Tanning 1,2&3brs**338-0003 12-7-72-2 Free extended Basic Cable! Pets Welcome! 1000 sq ft Split Floor PLan W/D Hook-ups & DW. 1 BR/1 BA & 2BR/2BA Available. Call Now 372-9913 12-7-71-2 Amazingly Affordabld! HUGE 650 sq ft 1BR 1000 sq ft 2BR Townhouses & Flats Discounted Rates Starting @ $380 & $480 Close to Santa Fe, UF & 1-75 332-5070 127-71-2 CLOSE TO CAMPUS Available now! 2BR/1 BA Apt. $475 3BR/1 BA Duplex $600 MITCHELL REALTY 374-8579x1 12-7-64-2 Finders Keepers? If you find something, you can place a FREE FOUND AD in our lost & found section. Be kind to someone who's lost what you've found. Call 373-FIND. 0 M 0 E I0 U E 0 Rent Wth Us Today, Buy With Us Tomorrow! Condo, House & Townhouse Rentals www BosshardtPM .com Ask About Our Lucrative Tenant Rewards Programl 2BR/2BA Haile Condo $900/mo 2BR/1BA Near UF $475/mo 3BR/2BA Duckpond $795/mo Ask about Move-In Specials! Over 30+ Private Homes Available! Call loday: 371-2118 12-7-50-2 *Large affordable apartments* 2/2.5 & 4/2.5 TH w/I/D. No pet restrictions! Pool, Gym, B-ball, Tennis, Racquetball, UF parking. Available Jan 2006 @ (352) 3327401 12-7-49-2 Going, Going, GONEII 2BR/1 BA only $675 Spacious floor plan, Quiet atmosphere Move in TODAY! 376-1248 12-7-45-2 STUDIO APT. 60 Sec. walk to UF. 1 or 2 rooms. Short term avail. $350 & up. Call 352-538-2181 12-7-39-2 Reasonably priced NW 3BR house, 1200sf, washer/dryer, den, eat-in kitchen, garage, large maintained yard $720 edbaurmanagement.com 375-7104 ex. 2 1731 NW 6th Street 12-7-35-2 Talismar, SW 1BR near vet school & hospitals, cent h/a, enclosed courtyard, includes water & trash, $375 ebaurmanagement.com 375-7104 ex 2 1731 NW 6th St. 12-7-35-2 One BR apt for rent. 1 person, 1 car, no smoking, no pets, no fleas. It is small, but has it all. All util. pd. $360/mo, unfurnished. Call Charlie "Whitey" Webb. 375-4373. Stop by 1215 NE 20th Ave. 12-7-34-2 BIG & CHEAP 2/1.5 apt 1100 sq. ft. $595 3/2 apt 1300 sq ft $695 1800 NW 4th St. Over 20 houses also avail. 373-4423 www.maximumre.com 8-16-131-2 FREE MONTH'S RENT 2BR/2.5BA NW townhome. New tile 1st fir, carpet 2nd fir & paint. W/D, 1.5 mi to UF $725/mo pets ok Avail now 772-708-7048 12-7-38-2 DUPLEX 2BR/1BA. New tile, new carpet, new paint, central AC/heat, WID hk up. Walk/bike to UF. 408 NW 5th Ave. Unit A. $695/mo. 1 st/last &sec. www.gatorpads.com 284-0316 or 281-0733 12-7-27-2 Avail Dec several units within 1/2 mi of UF campus or closer. Efficiency $325 1BR/1BA $420, 2BR/2.5BA $725, 2BR/1 BA $600. Sec dep. No pets. Contact gvll32601@gmail.com or lv msg 352-870-7256 12-7-29-2 Walk to UF 2BR.1BA duplex,' cent A/C, private parking, 922 SW 6th Ave. $520 Edbaurmanagement.com 375-7104 12-727-2 INDIVIDUAL AND SEMESTER LEASES AVAILABLE FOR THE WINTER SEASON Convenient UF acess $375 to $620/mo Action Real Estate Servides 352-331-1133 1-15-31-2 BRAND NEW 1430 SQ FT 2BR12.5BA townhouse. Master suite w/private terrace. Pool, hi spd internet & security system hookups. New appliances. Near UF off 13th St. $950/mo. Call 561-912-6223, 954-755-1728 12-7-25-2 MORE FOR YOUR MONEY 1, 2, & 3BR units. Available now. Starting @ $380/mo. 332-5070, 331-8225 12-7-25-2 La Mancha Apts. Enjoy all-inclusive individual leases, within walking distance of UF! Swimming pool, laundry facilities, private parking. Make your life easier today! Short term leases available! Call Campus Realty today 692-3800 12-7-25-2 Campus Realty Great homes for rent in the UF area! 352-692-3800 www.campusrealty.com/rentals 4-26-72-2 3207 W. University AVe Furnished + pool table, W/D, 2 car garage, off-street parking, tile floors. Campus Realty 692-3800 12-7-25-2 4BR/2BA HOUSE New carpets 1800 sq. ft. Walk to Law School. $1200/mo. Gore-Rabell Real Estate 3781387 www.gore-rabell.com 12-7-24-2 One mile to campus & Shands 2BR/1.5BA Avail. Jan. 1st Wood floors, W/D, DW, clean, no pets, sm, 1038 SW 6th Dr. $600/mo 239-898-9317 1-31-40-2 Close in. Lots of green space. Large 4BR/ 2BA Home Screen porch. No pets. $800/MO Call (352)378-9220 or 213-3901 12-7-24-2 OAKBROOK CONDO Large, exlcusive 2/2. W/D. Walk/ride to campus. Available Jan 1. $800/mo. Call 3782627 or 466-3797 12-7-21-2 AVAIL. JAN OR EARLIER Large, Modern, Clean 4BR/3BA house 1 block North of UF. Many amenities. Zoned ok for 4 roommates. $1600/mo. No Pets. K&M Properties 372-1509. 12-7-21-2 AVAIL. JAN. Great Location & Price. 1&2 BR. Apts. 1 Block from UF on North & East side of campus. Priced $440-$575/mo. No pets. K&M Properties 372-1509. 12-7-21-2 2BR/1 BA DUPLEX for rent. Newly remodeled and new appliances. W/D hk-up. Hawthorne Rd. SE 46th Terr. $600/MO, $300 dep. Call 352-258-8806 12-7-17-2 BRAND NEW Apartment Buildings Close to UF & Shopping 2BR/1 .5BA condos W/D hookups $675/MO 494-9045 or 494-2173 12-7-17-2 Looking for an Apartment??? THE LEASING CONNECTION 1412 W. University Avenue Visit our NEW location in the new Target Copy Center! FREE Apartment and Housing Locator Service Call 352-376-4493 or visit www.TheLeasingConnection.com 12-7-15-2 PET'S PARADISE No app or pet fee 2BR toWnhome. Fireplace, privacy fence, new carpet, modern appliances, ceiling fans, CH/ AC, 1000 SW 59 Terr. Private owner. Please leave detailed msg. $450/mo 352-331-2099 12-7-15-2 Near Law School 3/1, $1200/mo. 1st, last, security. Pref grad student. No pets, W/D hook up, Wood floors, cent A/C, gas heat, trees. Call Tom >8pm or weekends 954-5294031 12-7-13-2 Male for room in 2BR/2.5BA in Victoria Station. Shared kitchen, family room, washer/dryer. Community pool. $425/mo + utilities. Avail Jan 1. Call 954-303-1104 or 954-242-4633, or kvabraham@aol.com 12-7-12-2 1st MONTH FREE! 2BR/2.5BA TH in Kensington South, high ceilings, dining room, washer/dryer, pool, $850/rent 3901 SW20th Ave #105 Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 12-2-8-2. ***0.8 MILES TO UF*** Studio apt in historic house near downtown. Laundry & parking outside front door. $325/ mo 404 SW 2nd St. 214-9270 12-7-12-2 Countryside @ University. 2BR/2BA avail in 4BR/4BA for $350/ea. All util, high-speed net and W/D incl indiv leases. Call Josh at 813545-2245 or ufstang1@ufl.edu 12-7-12-2 COUNTRYSIDE APTS. Rent 2BR/2BA in 4BR/4BA 6 to 12 month lease; 1BR furn/1BR unfurn.; utilites incl. Cable, ethernet. W/D. Near pool. Info 305979-7862 OR 786-412-9337 12-7-11w2 MODERN CRACKER HOUSES FOR RENT 1 BR/1 BA $650 and $550. In private wooded cul-de-sac near downtown. W/C included. 115 & 125 SE 10th S1. Call Peter 316-6667 12-7-9-2 4 BLOCKS TO CAMPUS 2BR/2BA apt $700 Short term lease ok. 3BR/1 BA duplex downtown $600 Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 12-7-10-2 STEPS TO CAMPUS! Avail Jan-Aug 2006 2BR/2BA $880/mo + free hi-speed internet. Clean, quiet, great management. Call 386-689-8613 12-7-9-2 DUCKPOND 2BR near Thomas Center. Wood floors, fireplace, porch, W/D, bay window. Available 1/1/06. $800/mo. 1 year lease. Call 352-377-6562. New paint and quiet. 12-7-8-2 1 Blk to UFl 1BR 1BAApt $470/Mo 1236 SW 4th Avenue Central H &Air, Carpet, Laundry Fac. Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 122-5-2 1 Blk to UFl 2BR 1BAApt $550/Mo 216 SW 12th Street Window A/C, Nat Gas ht, Wood Floors Call Merrill, Management Inc. 372-1494 122-5-2 1215 SW 4th Ave. 2BR/1BA Duplex. Walk to campus. $595/mo. 1st MONTH FREE. Call 335-3577 ALACHUA MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES, Licensed Real Estate Broker. 12-7-a"2 1802 NW 7th Street. 2BR/1BA Duplex. W/D hk-up, $600/mo, $600 deposit, $25 application fee. Call 352-378-0212 12-7-8-2 2 STORY COUNTRY HOUSE 3BR/2BA, large living rm, separate dining rm, zoned commercial, ideal home/office on SW Williston Rd. near ShandsNA. $875. Call Kathy 215-1728, Lisa 372-9000 1-20-17-2 APPLY NOW NO APPLICATION FEE 3 blocks to UF. Gator Nest Apts. 1BR/1BA 300 NW 18th St. $405/mo. Call 352-371-3636 12-7-8-2 ADORABLE 3 BR 1.5 BA! Great House, 2 living areas, washer/dryer, Ceiling fans, newer carpet, $850/rent 2102 NE 8th Street Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.turlingtonrealestate.com 12-2-4-2 BIKE TO UF! Cute 2 BR 2 BA House close to downtown, wood Floors, updated kitchen & baths, Washer/dryer, 2 sceen porches, $900/rent, 216 NW 14th Avenue Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.turlingtonrealestate.com 12-2-4-2 Strickland College Cottages Apts. 17 SW 24th St. Across from law school & Wilberts Store. 2BR/1BA, 2 car, 2 people. Pet ok, Wash, Dryer CA/H. $1200/mo. 338-3244, 468-2638 Unfurnished.house 12-7-6-2 GRADUATE STUDENTS ONLY for GREAT HOUSE ON LAKE. 20 min from G'ville. Easy drive. $700/mo. Call 481-4421 for info. 127-6-2 2BR/2BA apt. $695/mo Contact 321-282-8080. Pets allowed. 127-6-2 Classifieds. Continued on next page.
20, AJyLIGATOR U FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2,2005 For Renteas unf urnis,-hed I a e 1BR available in 4BR/4BA @ Countryside. Inc] all utils + internet. Exercise/pool, direct bus UF -3 miles. $450/mo 352-483-1052 or 352-37 18208 12-7-5-2 Spacious immaculate 3BR/2BA home in family neighborhood very close to UF. Central heat/air, W/D hook-up, dishwasher, lovely fenced yard. $850/mo 378-4684 12-7-5-2 Large master bedroom w/private bath in spacious 3BR/2BA home to share with only one other person. Close to UF. Great family neighborhood. Immaculate. $390/mo 3784684. Avail now. 12-7-5-2 SPACIOUS 1/1 off SW 23rd Street. $395/Mo. Private courtyard. Call 665-6333 12-7-5-2 Walk or bike to UP. Recently renovated 3 bedroom/i bath house with laundry/storage room and fenced yard. 920 NW 7th Ave. $750/mo. Call Todd @ 256-3826 or B.J. @ 871-7203 for info 12-7-4-2 STUDIO COTTAGE Walking distance to UF. W/D. Quiet neighborhood, lovely garden. Avail Jan 1st. $650/mo incl utils. Call 871-3224 12-7-4-2 A large 3BR/2BA house. Walk to UF. Hardwood floors, screened porch, fenced yard, W/D, furnished. Avail 1/7 to 4/10. Rent negotiable. References. 377-2399 12-7-4-2 A Holiday Special! REGENCY OAKS APARTMENTS 3230 SW Archer Road 352/378-5766 Newly renovated one bedrooms (W/D available in some units) Also available, 2/2 & 3/2 available Starting from $499 ARCHERWOODS APARTMENTS 3020 SWArcher Road 352-373-7227 One & two bedrooms apartments available starting at $499 ROCKY POINTAPARTMENTS 3100 SW 35th Place 352-338-1000 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apartments available All properties conveniently located within walking distance of shopping, restaurants and bus lines and UF. COUNTRY GARDENS APARTMENTS 2001 SW 16th Street 352-373-4500 1 & 2 bedroom available Starting $550 Walking distance to Shands, VA Hospital, Veterinary School, and UF 12-7-4-2 3BR/2BA HUGE HOUSE New BAs. Walk to campus. Mint cond., wood firs, on Univ. Ave. W/D, eat-in kitchen. Jan 1st. Call 954-270-4000 or 954-290-5657 12-7-4-2 3BR/1BA house less than 1 block from 0 Dome. 123 NW 20th Dr. Beginning in Jan. $1600/mo Call 317-3238. 12-7-4-2 IBR/IBA for rent SUNDOWNE APT. Great location behind Butler Plaza. $469/mo. Call 352-219-0441. ASAP Must go! 12-7-4-2 LIVE DOWNTOWN! Arlington Square townhouse-style 2BR/2BA apt. avail. Jan. '06. Quiet bldg/end unit close to UF + busses. Call Chris 352-246-9048. 12-7-4-2 OCONDOGO 3BR/3BA furn, pool, tennis, bus rte, W/D, fridge, Oaks Mall near. 1yr+ $1100/ mo, OHOMES 3BR/2BA 1 car garage, fireplace, gorgeous 1+ acres, young prof, area,$1350/mo. Trippe Realty 538-1133. 1-27-18-2 6 Blks to UF. Patio home. 4 parkng spaces, newly remodeled, 3BR/2BA, den, ceramic tile, new carpet, WID, DW, microwave hood, faux blinds, CH/AC, 1300 sq ft. $850. Short lease avail. 1421 NW 6th PI Carol 377-3852 12-7-4-2 Mobile Home (3BD/1BA) for rent Located at SW 20th Ave. Central air. Include water and electriciy. $300/mo each Call Erik anytime 407-575-0088. Email erik-vo@hotmaii.com 12-7-4-2 HAMPTON OAKS -2BR/2BA Apt. Great amenities. DW, W/D, fitness ctr., pool, spa & security system. Very clean. $865/mo. Call 954-540-1905 12-2-20-3 *@*@WALK TO UFOOO 1 BR in 4BR/2BA house across from stadium $335/mo + utils. Avail Jan-Aug. Newly renovated, W/D, new apple. Call 352-262-7887 12-2-17-3 1 BED/1 BATH in a 3/3 at University Glades. Currently only 1 roommate. Walk-in closet, ALL utils, cable, internet incl. Furnished $480 -Erik 954-651-0086 12-2-15-3 ROYAL VILLAGE APT Blocks from campus. 1BR/1BA in 4BR/2BA, furn, W/D in unit, utils, cable internet incl. Pool, parking decal, game-room, $440/mo. Avail Dec thru Aug. 2 MO FREE RENT Kevin 407-619-5734 12-7-17-3 Roommate needed for house 2 blocks N of campus. $450/month + util. female only. call 8137856641. 12-5-15-3 Downtown -2/1 house, wood floors, walk to campus, QH/A, pvt parking, high ceilings, no dogs. 1st/last/sec. $670/mo. 226 NW 3rd Ave. 359-8499 or 904-829-3410 12-7-15-3 SPANISH TRACE 1BR/1BA new, 1st fir apt. Move-in ready. Quiet, behind Butler Plaza, pool, fitness, internet, clubhouse $589/mo, elec only. 3731111 12-7-14-3 FIRST TWO MONTHS FREE 2BR/IBA in College Park. Available 1/06 tro 7/06. Walk to class and the bars. $835/mo. Call Brandon @ 352-235-2800 or email blh2309@ufl.edu 12-7-14-3 First month's rent free! 2/1 apt behind Chipolte on NW 15th St. Walking distance to campus and bars. Pets welcome. W/D facility and pool. Call Eric 352-514-6190 1-9-15-3 COUNTRYSIDE CONDO 3BR/3BA avail in 4BR/4BA Jan 1. Ethernet & util incl, W/D, nicely furn, secure. Exercise/pool direct bus UF -3 mi. $465/mo/room. Vanessa 352-2173464, Flo 352-636-4814 12-7-14-3 LIVE DOWNTOWNl Arlington Square townhouse-style 2BR/2BA apt avail. Jan. '06. Quiet bldg/end unit close to UF + busses. Call Chris 352-246-9048 12-7-14-3 Jan 2006 Gainesville Place. All inclusive, furnished, W/D, private bath. $495/mo, but only pay $395! katri916@mindspring.com or 786-338-1257 12-7-14-3 1 bed/1 bath in a 2 bed/2 bath, close to compus & bars on Univ $480/mo + util. Free internet, 1/06 -8/06. Call Cara @ 727-804-6932 or email cara13@uifl.edu 12-7-14-3 Campus Club Apts. Male or Female Included: hi-spd. int., cbI., pool, elec, water, furnished. Can move in Jan. 1 ONLY $420 NEGOTIABLE Contact AbRebLee@aol.com 12-7-14-3 Get your privacy. 1 BR/1 BA in a 3BR/3BA apt. Furnished except BR. Utils incl. Avail 12/16. Oxford Manor, close to UF. $440/mo. 2 pools, hottub, free tanning, wt rm, game rm & much more. Short term lease ok. 386-547-9131 12-7-12-3 Rooms in 3/2 house avail. Jan -Jun. Quiet, fenced,. Close to bus or 10 min bike ride. Mostly furn. $390-420/rm+utils. Prefer grads. Call 734-330-5022 ******** 12-5-10-3 3BR/3BA LEXINGTON CROSSING Luxury Apts. All 3 subleases avail Jan. Fully furn. Free util, inet, cable, W/D. $465/mo ea. Call 352-216-2261 12-5-10-3 3/3 TH, MADISON POINTE $1206, "dance pole" (optional), 1700 sq ft, pool, pets welcome, tan bed, some furn, gated; garage, W/D. Melissa 256-5883 12-7-12-3 3BR/3BA LEXINGTON CROSSING Luxury Apts. All 3 subleaes avail Jan. Fully furn free util, inet, cable, W/G. $465/mo ea. Call 352216-2261 12-5-10-3 3 rooms in huge home by Stonewood. Hispeed, W/D, cable, fireplace, tons of space. No deposit. Avail now,. Dec, or Jan. -$400 + utils. davem@ufl.edu for more info. 126-11-3 CAMPUS CLUB 1BR/1BA in 4BR/3BA Jan thru Aug. $385/mo Furn, 1st, fir, next to bus stop & pool, w/2 great female roommates. ufberger@ufl.edu or 352-262-8492 12-7-12-3 INCREDIBLE 4BR/4BA apt w/1 room avail. for spring. Lexington Crossing. Fully furnished. Well decorated. $5000 entertainment system. $450/mo MUST SEE! 3591602 12-6-11-3 FREE RENT Until 12/31/05 Sublease avail now thru 8/06 1BR/1BA in furn 2BR G-ville Place Apt. $590 for all utils, cable tv, inet. Close to UF. Great amenities. Incl balcony. Ashley 914-826-7171 12-711-3 BEAUTIFUL APT. One or. both bedrooms in 2BR/1BA in 34th St & Archer Rd. Area. $31-/rm Pets o. Avail immediatly Call Erin 871-0679 12-7-11-3 Sublease for female roommate $410 includes rent/utilities/cable w/HBO/ethernet. From Jan. -Aug. No crdt. check/no deposit. Free tanning Call Jenn 407-466-0967 126-10-3 1BR/1BA VICTORIAN STYLE APT Great location. Incl parking & water. Pets ok. 215 NE 3rd St. 283-0581 12-7-9-3 HUGE 1BR/1BAAPT 1 mile from campus. Great location, close to shopping & more. Asking $475/mo Jan thru July. Call Steve @ 318-0314 12-2-6-3 Oxford Manor 1 BR/1 BA in 3BR/3BA for $380 OBO. Furn, utils, internet, W/D, cable, included, gated comm. big gym. Close to UFI Rent for spring and summer. makoj84@aol.com or 352-271-1067 12-7-9-3 ASPEN RIDGE 0 Spacious IBR/1 BA furnished. Only $670/mo instead of new rate $700/mo. Perfect for couples! Avail Jan. Call 305-898-7751 12-7-7-3 FEMALE @ UNIV COMMONS 1 bedroom in a 4BR/2BA. Furnished. $340/ mo plus sil or negotiable. Available Jan 1. Call Shari @407-341-8760 12-7-8-3 2BR/1 BA available 1/1 2 blocks to campus. $819/mo. Call 352-3175185 or 954-304-3792 12-2-5-3 2BR/1 BA apt availalbe Jan-July 06. $560/ mo. Corner unit w/view of point. Rent includes water/sewer/trash. Pool/gym. Rent Negotiable. Call 352-337-8347 12-7-8-3 WALK TO UF 2BR/1BA only $709/mo!l! 2 blks to UF. Behind Swamp. Huge rooms 10x20 Get up to $300 back. Please call Sab 871-3099 12-7-7-3 SUBLEASE: No deposit. 3BR/2BA apt. 1 mile from UF campus. Spacious, great amenities. Only $795/mo. Avail 12/1. 2710356 12-7-6-3 Sublease 1 BR in a townhouse. SW 20th Ave. WID, Hi-spd internet are availalbe. 2 bus rts 20 & 21. 10 min to school. Suprmarket is nearby. Ask for $250 + 1/3 utils, no dep. Pease contact 352-262-6912 after 5pm. 12-6-5-3 CAMPUS CLUB -NS, F, wanted for 1BR w/pvt BA & walk-in closet in 3BR/2BA. Nicely furn, utils, ethernet, TV incl., W/D in unit. Take over $478/mo. Avail Jan to Aug 11, 2006. Call 954-557-5993 12-7-6-3 Spacious 1BR in 3BR/3BA at Tivoli apts. Fully furnished. $380/mo. 5 min from UF. Pool/workout room. Available Dec 15. Call 617-448-9332 12-2-3-3 1 ROOM IN 3BR HOUSE 1 minute walk from law school & bus stop. 2718 SW 3rd Place. $400/mo + utils. 305776-0372 12-7-6-3 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA apt. All utils, cable, internet incl. Semi-furn. Avail Jan thru July. $400/mo. Call 352-256-4331 12-7-6-3 IMMEDIATE move in! One bedroom massive apt. in Boardwalk. $630 a month. I pay Dec. utilities! Call Lydia 352-318-4240. No move in fees! 12-2-3-2 1BR/1BA LOFTAPT. in Malibu Cove. Behind Norman Hall. Laundry facilities, parking, water incl. Avail Dec or Jan. $545/mo. Call 870-5418 12-7-6-3 Live Downtown! Avail immediately -shared townhome in Arlington Square. 1 or 2 bedrooms avail each w/private bath. $450/$470 + util. Call 561-706-9796 12-7-6-3 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA apt in The Estates. Available Jan $535/mo OBO. Utils incl. Close to clubhouse & pool. W/D, DW. Pets welcome. Call 352-373-4720 12-7-6-3 2BR/2BA sublease available Dec Cobblestone Apartments #W1 59 $971 lease ends July 31, 2006 Study rm, laundry, kitchen, more. Call Jenny 352-514-2560 12-7-5-3 AMAZING 1BR/1BA Gainesville Placevery clean & amp; new, great roommates, all utilities incl. Great price, close to campus, avail. tilAug, 407-538-2953 12-7-5-3 1/1 AVAILABLE In new 2/2.5 Townhouse. Everything new + W/D. $430 + 1/2 Utils. Call 352-870-2506 or email apt4rent06@yahoo.com 12-7-5-3 Campus Club Apt 3BR/2BA direct bus to UF T3icable TV furnished pool/gym, $380 flat avail. Jan to Aug male only GREAT DEAL. Call 954-871-7037 ASAP. 12-7-5-3 1 BR/1 BA in College Manor, next to business school, avail now thru Aug. 1st 2 mos free, some free furniture, $500/mo, assume lease. Pets OK. Call 850-832-1538. 12-7-4-3 DEEP DISCOUNT $395/mo Gainesville Place Apts. Private room/bath. Have moved, family emergency. Sublease until July 1, 2006. Contact Sarah at 226-0048 or 331-9080 12-7-4-3 ASPEN RIDGE! 1BR/1BA Vaulted Ceilings W/G Dishwasher Unfurn. $660/mo. Call 352-359-6615. Avail. Jan! 1-17-10-3 1BR in 3BR/2BA apt. 1 mile to campus. Fitness etc, tennis, pool. $225/mo + utils. Avail Dec thru July. Call Marisa @ 404-3958618 1-9-5-3 The Estates (The Exchange) 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA near campus fully furn., free cable, dsl, utilities, Jan 1-Aug 7th. nmb2boca@aol.com or 561-706-9808 127-4-3 t Countryside @University Condo 2 Bedroor avail. in 4BR for $425/ea Cable, water, el, incl. except phone. Call Irvin (904) 610-09 or email icheng@bellsouth.net. 12-7-4-3 Campus Lodge 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4B Vaulted ceiling. Friendly female roommate Cherrywood furn, fabulous amenities. Plea! call Jackie 561-716-7781, 941-713-87( 12-7-4-3 Sub-Let Appt. from Jan-May 2006, mu be approved by original leader & d posit required. Furnished move in on SERIOUS $300. 1 blk UF + parking in, phiiipforget@gmail.com or 954-629-63, 12-7-4-3 Campus Club Spring sublease pvt. BA ful furn. utils. inc. $418/mo. Move in as ear as mid Dec. Call Alexis @ 786-325-997 12-7-4-3 Everything a student could need. large, quite, upstairs rm w/2 closet 100 steps to campus. W/D, sunroorn Room semi-furn. $512.50/mo conta margimjohnson@yahoo.com, 850-545-87C 12-7-4-3 1st MONTH FREE! 2BR/2BA vintage hous in downtown. Wood floors, private yard parking. 8 min. bike to campus/ 4 min. wa to downtown. 113 NW 4th Ave. $885/mo n dogs. 379-9401 or cknapp@ufl.edu 12-, 4-3 Roommate Matching HERE Oxford Manor 377-2777 The Landings 336-3838 The Laurels 335-4455 Cobblestone 377-2801 Hidden Lake 374-3866 12-7-72-4 Female roommate for one/two female U students. Quiet. Responsible. 60 secon walk to UF. Old house charm with all amen ties. Avail Now. $400 -up. 352-538-2181.L message. Private Owner 12-7-72-4 F NS grad/prof needed for 1BR in BRANE NEW 2/2 condo. 2 mi to UF on bus rte W/D. $475 + 1/2 util/mo. Common are; furnished, tile firs. No pets. 904-386-6485 o apenal3@ufl.edu 12-7-82-4 *r 2 a(u ozE M E 0 n N I N a U U U
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2005 I ALLIGATOR, 21 RRmasIomMates Real, Estate, te worship guide www.JewishGatorcom (5 blocks north of the stadium) Parker Road Baptist Church 300 SW 122nd St. Gainesvile First Lutheran Church FL 32607 Pastor Gordon Keller 1801 NW 5th Ave. Liturgi332-4991. 9:45 Sunday School cal Service at 8:30am and Worship @ 11am & 6pm. 11am. Upbeat Praise SerWednesday Worship @ 7pm. 6:45pm Youth WOW -vice at 11am. Sunday Free Lunch for college students. First Baptist Church www.flcgainesvinle.com 425 W. University Ave. Downtown and Distinctive! Sunday'Worship 11:00 am -Bible Study 9:30 am wwwlfbcgainesville.net Christian Study Center of Gainesville Offering classes, reading groups, lectures and-more. Home of Pascal's coffee house. For more information visit our website at ww.christianstudycenter.org 112 NW 16th St. 379-7375 Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 100 NE First Street Sunday Services 8am, Holy Communion am, 10:30ar. Education Hour 9:15am, Holy Communion 6pm. Wednesday Service 12:,15pm. Healing and Holy Communion, Creekside Community Church Sunday Service: 10:30 am. Wednesday College Bible Study, 8:00pm. 2640 NW 39th Ave; 352378-1800 www.creeksideccorg Lubavitch Jewish Student Center Your home away from home. Friday Night Live! Services a Shabbat Dinner. Fail and Spring 7:30 pm. 352-336-5877; 2021 NW 5th Ave. The Family Church The Family Church is a nondenominational multi-cultural Christian Church. with great music, relevarithessages; casual dress, and friendly people., Servicetimes are Saturdays at 7pm and Sundays at l0am; 1022SW122nd Street, Gainesville. Freelides available to college students. Call 352-332-6459 for more infoext.19 University City, Church of -ChrWst www.gtorsforchrist org, Collegee Ministry meets at University City Church. Bible Study Sunday at 9:30am and Wednesday 7pm. University United Methodist Church Wesley Foundation Meeting @ Presbyterian Church 1402 W Univ. Ave. Unit #2 Sunday Worship 10:30am & 7pm For more info, 372-8183 or myuumc com look for us very thursay Ushe mependilett Nria Avail Dec 2 rooms in large house, 1 blk from 13th & University, $300 + split until, sec dep. NS, no pets. Contact gv132601@gmail.com or leave message at 352-870-7256 12-7-294 Roomates needed for 4BR/4BA condo. Close to UF on bus rt. Incl. W/D, utils, wireless internet, cable $425/rm/mo w/$125 sec dep. Contact @ 407-719-1699 12-7-26-4 Law school 0.5 mi, law/grad student for very nice 5/4 home with law students. Must be neat, clean, N/S. Includes cable, W/D' wifi all utIs $550. Available Jan 1. 202-236-4330 12-7-16-4 Female roommate for large 3BR/2BA townhouse w/pool. Only 1 mile to UF. $450/mo all utils, cable & hi-spd net incl. Call 954-2987591 or amyb@ufl.edu. 12-7-16-4 Grad student roommate wanted 2BR/1.5BA is quiet neightborhood. On bus route 10 min from campus. $280/mo + 1/2 utils. Between 16th Ave & Main St. Call Ana 352-283-6498 or Shaira 352-283-9827. 12-7-16-4 ENJOY A ROMANTIC OLD HOUSE near the Library downtown. $285-$360/rm + utilities. Free internet access. Short term. No pets. No smoking. 378-1304 12-7-15-4 1 Room in 4BR/4BA Countryside Apt. Close to UF on bus rt. W/D utils., cable w/HBO, and DSL incl. $400/MO No deposit. Female only NS. Call 954-680-0918 127-14-4 1 Female needed for 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA @ Countryside. $425/MO inc, utils, cable, internet, furn., Avail NOW! Call 727-5109346 12-7-14-4 M/F roommate for 4BR/3BA house on 34th St & University. $300/mo + 1/4 until. Avail Dec 1st. Great roommates Call Anthonly 2221966. 12-2-10-4 SPRING LEASE 4BR/4BA condo $410/mo everything incl. Countryside Apts. Female only non-smokers looking for a fun roommate! Contact Jackie 813-924-1520 127-13-4 Male roommate needed. Serious student. House close to UF. Easy access to 1-75/ Santa Fe. W/D, internet. $450/mo all utls included. Call Mike 386-235-5400 or 386676-9703 12-7-13-4 Female roommate needed. 4BR/4BA @ Countryside. Own BA & large closet. Secure. All amenities. $410/mo utils included. Call Mike 386-235-5400 or 386-676-9703 127-13-4 HOUSE DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM UF STADIUM. 3BR/1BA Must be clean. Movein at end of Dec. Call ASAP 352-317-0433 12-2-10-4 1 room w/screened balcony, share BA for female. $275/mo. Located between UF & SFCC w/ bus route. Close to Mall & NFRMC. On site W/D, pool, gym, tennis and other amenities. Sparrow Condo (352) 514-3425 12-5-20-4 Female Pebble Creek, 3BR/2BA $333/mo + 1/3 util, furnished common area, no pets, very close to campus & SW Gym. Call 786282-8160 12-7-12-4 2 FEMALE ROOMMATES NEEDED. Gorgeous large 4BR fully furn home. 0.15 mi from UF. Pets allowed $500/mo. Call 561289-4759 or 561-212-3153 12-5-10-4 Spacious 1BR avail in 3BR/2BA house. All utils incl + wireless hi spd internet svc. Off bus rt. $500/no. Available immediately. Call 352-283-2005 or 352-317-8080 12-7-12-4 F/NS/NP Grad, quiet, clean, to share 3BR/ 2.5BA Casablanca East furnished condo with 1 other FS. Nice unit by pool, W/D, screen rm. $530 + 1/2 utils, no maint fee or water bill. 375-2458 12-7-10-4 ***ROOMMATES NEEDED ASAP*** To share w/grad student. 3BR/2BA. New townhome. Bus to UF, pool, gym, volleyball, tennis, gated. $350 + utils. Call 727-6440435 or celtic67@ufl.edu. 12-7-10-4 MUSEUM WALK. 2-story. ASAP. 1/1 available in 2/2. 1/2 furn DW, W/D, pool, tanning, parties. Male/female. Laidback. $500 1/3 util. Steven 850-960-8486 12-7-9-4 2 rooms available in 3BR/2BA house. Furn or unfurn w/ nice yard on 34th St. Upperclassmen or grad student. No pets. $375/mo/each + util. Call 239-707-4113 12-7-10-4 lBr/1Ba in 2/2.5 condo on 13th St. Dec 20. 1 mile to campus, $450/mo, everything included. Wireless HS, W/D, big closet 392262-2892 or ssrah13@uC.edu 12-2-5-4 Looking for remale for 1 BR/i BA in 3BR/3BA apt at Rockwood Villas. Hi-spd internet & cable. Un UP busline. All stuns iticI for $500/ mo rent. 407-970-0720 or 407-421-3121 12-7-8-4 2 rooms available ASAP: Newly renovated large home 4BR/2BA, deck, hot tub, 1/2 mi from Campus Lodge. Covered carport, $500/ mo. incl utils. No smoking. 352-516-1940 taylorz@ufl.edu. 12-7-6-4 Female student to join 2 females for own Br in attractive 3BR house near NW 8th Ave. <3mi. from UF on bus rte. #43, tile/hardwood, $275/mo + 1/3 GRU HSlnternet-digital cable, avail now. 381-5597, 332-3852 12-7-6-4 Roommate wanted to share 3BR/2BA 2000+ sq. ft. furnished house. Parquet wood floors, gourmet kitchen, 5 min bkie to campus. Looking for quiet, clean person $350/mo + 1/3 utils. 352-494-8189, 352-283-4571 12-7-6-4 Roommate Wanted, prefer F, to share 3/2 home 3 mi from mal w/1 other F, $650 furn & all until incl. W/D, fence, hs internet, Must like dogs. Nice neighborhood, new home. Jen 494-2283 or adoptapefflorida@yahoo.com 12-6-5-4 Male grad student wanted for 4BR/2BA house. Only one other roommate. 2700 sq 9. $500/mo incl everything. Call Steve 3180314 12-5-3-4 Non-smoking female roommate wanted. Nice 3BR/2BA house. Call Melissa 706-766-5682 for info. Starting Jan. 2006 1-13-10-4 Male, serious UF student looking for furn/ unfurnished BR/BA January-end of April. M/Female roommates. No parties, NO smokers. gnemeth@cfl.rr.com 12-7-5-4 M/F roommate for own room/bath in 4/4 condo. Pool, busline, W/D, full kitchen. Available now. $325 + Shared utils. John 786-436-1657 12-7-5-4 WALK TO UF one bedroom available for spring/summer in a 3 bedroom apt. Private bath, walkin closet, full kitchen, washer/dryer only 2 yrs old! Call 772-485-2659 12-7-5-4 Great house. Great roommates. Great neighborthood. Close to campus, huge yard, furnished or unfurnished. $375 + 1/3 until. 904-234-4774 12-7-4-4 SPRING & SUMMER. Must rent clean safe big house. 2BRs avail of 36R. Off Newberry Rd. W/D, DW, garage, $375/mo OBO. Call Lauren @ 352-262-6463 12-7-4-4 Room w/loft in 2BR/2BA luxury condo. Spacious living & nicely furn, every amenity. 2 wi ts UP on bus rte. Beautiful area, pool, tennis, close to food & shop. Ic. cable, W/D wifi, all utils. $500/mo Derek 386-871-7330. 12-7-4-4 Female room to lease in 3 BR Apt. Located in beautiful Hidden Lakes $420/mo pvt BA, Sec sys, etc. Call 941-524-9098 12-74-4 1 BR Avail Now 5 min to UF. Free Digital Cable $300/mo + 1/3 util. Female or male non smoker. 352-332-2234, 352-514-1441. 12-7-4-4 Roornmate Needed for Fall semester in 4BR/3BA house. Big house w/deck & pool, 5 mins. from UF. Rent is $400/mo. Call Tom @ 305-323-2090 12-7-4-4 1 male roommate needed for 4/4 BRAND NEW condo by Sorority Row. $475/mo +1/4 util., furn., W/D. DW, pvt bath, dsl. 3 blocks from UF. Call Dave @ (954) 821-6229 127-20-4 Sell your house, condo: acreage, mobile home and much more in the ALLIGATOR CLASSlFIEDS! Reach over 24,000 possible buyers! Mastercard and Visa accepted over the phone. Please Call 373-Find I Quad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra land, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House 3/4BR, 2BA, wd fCrs, covered prch, concrete patio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 352538-2181 Iv mssg 12-7-72-5 Existing condos & luxury condos near UF at affordable prices. For more information, visit mm.maftpricerealtor.com :6r caill today Matt Price 382-281-3551 Campus Realty Group 1-31-21-5 JACKSON SQUARE Spectacular university views. Walk to UF & the stadium. Classic New Orleans appeal with state-of-the-art luxury. Reserve today. 52 units available. Starting in mid-300's. Call Eric Wild 870-9453 12-7-80-5 TIRED OF RENTING? Own your own condo for under $100k. 2BR/1.5BA. New Kitchen &appliances, W/D. Close to UF. Call Scott @ 352-359-1678 12-7-17-5 3BR/lBA/den. 2010 SE 43rd Terr. Remodeled. Tile floors, new carpet, near Eastside HS $89,900. Lease option avail.! For appts, Ms Eddie today at 352-505-4564 office. 12-7-16-5 0@0800SHELLROCK VILLASO@@@ 2BR/1.5BA condo. Completely remodeled. New appliances. New wood, carpet, tile floors. $122,500. FSBO. Call Brian @ 352-262-3006, Iv msg or 352-334-5045 12-7-16-5 JUST BUILT 4BR/4BA LUXURY CONDO NEAR SORORITY ROW2 BLKS FROM UF. ALL APPLIANCES -GREAT INVESTMENT. $265K NOV/DEC ONLY -RENT S500 ER. ELEVATOR ON PREMISES 904-338-7581 12-7-9-5 Live in 1, let the other 3 pay the rent. 42bed, 1.5 bath townhouses. All appliances included, open kitchen. Well maintained and fully rented. $235,000. 371-6478'cell 4941909 12-7-6-5 Condo For Sale. 2BR/2.5BA Brighton Park condo in desired SW location minutes from Shands & UP. Townhouse with two master suites. Built 2000. $157,900. Call 386-4240914 12-7-6-5 GIGANTIC 2-DAY Auction December 1 & 2, 2005 Montgomery, AL. Dumps, truck tractors, skidders, seller bunchers, log loaders, farm tractors, crawler loaders & tractors, motor graders & scrapers, rubber tired loaders, excavators, backhoes. J.M. Word Auction Co. Inc. (334)264-3265. Bryant Wood AL Lic #1137. 12-2-1-5 Auction! 347+/acres, offered divided, Early County, GA. Excellent farm & hunting land. Thursday, December 15, 2: OOpm. Rowell Auctions, Inc. (800)323-8388 www.rowellauctions.com 10% BP GAL AUC002594. 12-2-1-5 North Carolina Gated Lakefront Community 1.5 acres plus, 90 miles of shoreline. Never before offered with 20% pre-development discounts, 90% financing. Call (800)7095253. 12-2-1-5 BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA. ESCAPE THE HEAT IN THE COOL BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NC. Homes, Cabins, Acreage & Investments. Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAGReal Estate, Murphy www.cherokeemodntainre alty.com Call for Free Brochure (800)8415868. 12-2-1-5 Coastal Southeast Georgia Large wooded water access, marsh view, lake front, and golf oriented homesites from the mid $70's Live oaks, pool, tennis, golf. (877)266-7376. www.cooperspont.c.om. 12-2-1-5 Classifieds. Continued on next page.
22, ALLIGATOR E FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2,2005 Real Estate Furnishings nishings Electro nics For Sale ESCAPE TO YELLOW TOP MOUNTAIN, Western NC. Easy Access, Paved Roads, Privacy, Gated, Awesome views! Acreage w/creerw & log cabin shell from $89,900. Financing Available. (828)247-0081. 122-1-5 Coastal Living at it's BestBrunswick County, North Carolina. Homes and homesites. CALL NOW! (800)682-9951 Coastal Carolina Lifestyle Inc www.coastalcarolinalifestyle.in fo. 12-2-1-5 WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS North Carolina Where there is: Cool Mountain Air, Views & Streams, Homes, Cabins & Acreage. CALL FOR FREE BROCHURE OF MOUNTAIN PROPERTY SALES (800)642-5333. Realty Of Murphy 317 Peachtree St. Murphy, N.C. 28906. www.fealtyofmurphy.com. 12-2-1-5 GRAND OPENING SALE Phase 2. Lake View Bargains! Water access from $34,900 w/ FREE Boat Slips. PAY NO CLOSING COSTS! Sat & Sun 12/10 & 12/11. Huge preconstruction savings on beautifully wooded parcels at 34,000 acre lake in Tennessee. Enjoy unlimited water recreationSurrounded by state forest. Lakefront available. Excellent financing! Call now (800)704-3154 x 701. 12-2-1-5 NC MOUNTAIN LOG CABIN on mountain top, unfinished inside, view, trees, waterfall & large public lake nearby, no traffic, $89,900 owner (866)789-8535 www.NC77.com. 122-1-5 OWN A LAKEFRONT RETREAT Private community on the TN/KY border. Just 1-1/2 hours to Nashville. Spectacular views of Lake Barkley. 1 to 6 acres from the $40s. New to Market. Call (866)339-4966. 12-2-1-5 TN WEEKEND RETREAT ACREAGE New lake community close to Chattanooga & Knoxville. Limited number of private boat slips. Community lake access and amenities. 1/2 + acres from $40K. Call (866)292-5769. 12-2-1-5 OWN A PRIVATE MOUNTAIN RETREAT Spectacular gated riverfront mountain community near Asheville, NC. 1-8 acre building sites from the $60s. Borders National Forest. ommunity lodge & river walk. Call (866)292-5762. 12-2-1-5 NEW MEXICO -16 acres $24,990 Scenic. region, views, canyons, trees, rolling hills, wildlife. Enjoy hunting, hiking, horses, great climate. Power, great access. 100% financing Call (914)232-5100. 12-2-1-5 Furnishings, BED-Queen, orthopedic, extra thick, pillowtop, mattress & box. Name brand, new, still in plastic. Sacrifice $110. Call 352-372-7490 will deliver. 12-7-72-6 BED -FULL SIZE ORTHOPEDIC Pillow-top mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic w/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice $85. Call 352-377-9846 12-7-72-6 MICROFIBER SOFA& LOVESEAT Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must sell. Can deliver. Retail $2300. Sacrifict $550 352-372-7490 12-7-72-6 BED -King Pillowtop mattress & box springs. Orthopedic rated. Name brand, new, never been used, in plastic with warranty. Sell $170. Call 352-372-8588 Can deliver. 127-72-6 CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. Cost $1500. sacrifice $550 352-333-7516 Sofa $185 Brand new in pkg 333-7516 12-7-72-6 BEDROOM SET. 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chests avail. Dovetail cost. New, in boxes. Can deliver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice $1400 (352) 372-7490 12-7-72-6 SOFA & LOVESEAT 100% Italian leather. Brand new in plastic w/warranty. Retail $2650. Sacrifice $750. Call 352-377-9846 12-7-72-6 DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table, 6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New, still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100. Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-8588 127-72-6 FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/ mattress. New, in box. $160 332 9899 DINETTE SET 5pc $85 Brand new in box. Never used. 352-377-9846 12-7-72-6 BEDS 0 Full mattress & boxspring sets $49 Queen sets $89 0 Single sets $39 *King sets $99 0 From estate sale. Safe pine bunk bed $109. 376-0939/378-0497. CALL-A-MATTRESS 4370 SW 20th Ave. 12-7-72-6 MEMORY FOAM -same as Temperpedia. Save 50% & more. Other close-outs. 0 twin sets $89 Ofull sets $129 queen sets $149 *king sets $189 Student discounts apply. 4370 SW 20th Ave. 376-0953. We deliver. 12-7-72-6 Beds, Futons, Furniture, King Sealy sets $299: new sofas for $299; oak futons $169; sofa & loveseat $399; dineftes, desks, all on sale *New Location* 140 NW 6th St Morrells Furniture Outlet. 352-378-3400 12-7-81-6 **BEDS -ALL BRAND NEW** Orthopedic pillow-top sets. **Full-$100 Queen-$130 King-$195** 352-376-1600 Wholesale Warehouse. AS SEEN ON TV. Low overhead -HUGE savings! Brand New Name Brand Sets! Don't be fooled by other ads. Cheaper price means cheaper product! CALL BRIAN 12-7-72-6 Bed -All New Queen orthopedic pillow-top mattress & box set. Still in plastic with warranty. Can Deliver. $130 (352) 264-9799 12-7-72-6 Bed -$100 All New Full size orthopedic mattress set. Brand new, still in plastic, w/ warranty. Can Deliver.352-376-1600 12-7-72-6 BEDROOM SET -$395 BRAND NEW! Still in boxes! HB, 2NS, Dresser, Mirror.chest avail. Must see to appreciate! Can Deliver 352-264-9799 12-7-72-6 Dinette Set -$125 Brand New 5 pc set in box, never used! Can Deliver 494-0333 Sofa -$225 BRAND NEW! MICROFIBERI Still in package! Will sell with loveseat -$395 for set! Can Del. 376-1600 FUTON-$100BRAND NEW Futon mattress, still in package! Sold with oak Futon, both for $170. Can Deliver 352-494-0333 12-7-72-6 Pool Table -Gorgeous 8'All wood table. Leather pockets, Italian 1" slate, carved legs. Br. New still in crate. Cost $4,500. Sell $1,350. Can Deliver. 264-9799 12-7-72-6 Hot Tub/Spa -$1795.00 Brand New Loaded! Waterfall, LED lights, cup-holders, 110v energy efficient with warranty. Free Delivery. 264-9799 12-7-72-6 **BEDS -ALL BRAND NEW** **Full $90 Queen $110 King $170** Orthopedic pillow-top sets. Brand name matching sets not used or refurbished. Still in plastic, direct from factory! 352-333-7516. 12-7-72-6 BEDQUEEN New orthopedic pillowtop mattress and boxspring set. Brand name, brand new, still in plastic with warranty. Can deliver. $115 352-377-9846. 12-7-72-6 BedAll New King! 3pc Orthopedic pillowtop mattress set. Brand NEW, still in plastic with warranty. Can deliver. $170 352-333-7516. 12-7-72-6 Bedroom Set$325 BRAND NEW. Still in boxes! 6 pieces include: Headboard, 2 Nightstands, Dresser, Mirror, Chest. Must sell, can deliver. 352-377-9846. 12-7-72-6 Futon -$160 Solid Oak Mission Style with plush mattriess. All brand NEW still in box. Can delivea.'52-333-7516 12-7-72-6 Pool Table -Gorgeous 8" All wood table. Leather pockets, Italian 1" slate, carved legs. Brand new still in crate. MUST SELL Retail $5500. Sell $950. Can deliver 352-377-9846 12-7-72-6 Hot Tub/Spa -$1295 Brand New Loaded! Waterfall, LED lights, cupholders, 110-v energy efficient with warranty. Free delivery, MUST SELL 352-372-8588 12-7-72-6 Bed-FULL size pillowtop mattress & box. New, in plastic, warr. Can del. $90 317-4031 Sofa $185 Brand new! Love seat $150 still in pkg. Can del 352-333-7516 12-7-72-6 FUTONS .BEDS e FURNITURE LOW PRICES & LARGE SELECTION Dumas Discount 371-4422 1201 E. Univ. Av. New s Used 0 Buy e Sell 12-7-59-6 Couch & Loveseat for sale $100 for both OBO. 372-2557 12-2-3-6 Seat everybody at the table with this MAPLE DROP-LEAF TABLE & 10 CHAIRS $750 firm. 352-514-1667 12-7-5-6 GIGANTIC SALE TVs, DVDs, printers, furniture, kitchen appliances, pots & pass. Saturday, Dec 3rd, 9am-12pm. Haile Plantation follow signs from Tower Rd. Call 352-359-2005 12-2-1-6 Like new FULL SIZE MATTRESS SET for sale. $150 Negotiable Call 352-494-1043. 12-7-4-6 -+ Puters W&a A-i.0 How& a'ouv-ctt 12-7-72-7 Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek House/dorm 59 min response. No waiting/ unplugging/hassels. $30 Gator Discount w/student ID. M/F Cert MCSE technicians. 333-8404. www.AComputerGeek.com 127-72-7 Cash Paid Laptop PCs SALES S SERVICES PARTS www.pcrecycle.biz 336-0075 12-7-72-7 "COMPUTER & LAPTOP REPAIRS" Network specialists We buy computers and laptops Working and Non-working 378-4009, 607 NW 13th Street 12-7-72-7 12-7-69-7 GATORNERD.COM -computer/laptop repair -virus, spyware, hardware -$10 discounts, cheapest! -home/dorm 352-219-2980 12-7-69-7 G'ville Computer Repair Service on all PC MAC and Networks. 1204 NW 13th St, Ste #10. 352-337-2500 12-753-7 ;Electronics DISCOUNT HI-FI 722 S. Main 0 The Red Bldg WE ARE CHEAPER 12-7-72-8 GATOR CAR ALARMS Take a bite out of crime $99.95. Installed FREE. Gainesville's oldest car alarm and car stereo specialty store. 373-3754 Audio Outlet. 12-7-84-8 Car stereo, car alarms, mobile video, mobile navigation, custom wheels and tires, and automobile performance at Sound Depot & Performance. 374-7700 sdp-alligator.com. 12-7-72-8 TV 57" HITACHI XWX Rear projection 18 months left on transferable warranty excellent condition $1600.00 352-475-3437 12-2-10-8 .Bicy cles In the market for a new set of wheels or just looking to add a second to that collection? Want personalized handlebars or a. fitted seat? Check in the Alligator Classifieds. NEW & USED BIKES FOR SALE Many to choose from 0 Best Prices in Town SPIN CYCLE 373-3355 424 W University Ave 12-7-72-9 YIKES BIKES Used not abused. From basic transportation to highend stuff. All styles. Great prices. 5 blocks from UF in College Park. 870-8693 12-7-72-9 a ~ For Sale PARKING: Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF. Reserve now! Reasonable rates. 352-5382181. Can leave mssg. 12-7-72-10 ANTHOLOGY by Bob Brackin containing "Gainesville Stories" www.bobbrackin.com 3-31-120-10 my0 C) CL 0 PARTY SUPPLIES: Complete line of B Supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft be equipment. Professional Cooking Utensil R.,W. Beaty Co. 4322 NW 13th St, Gvil RWBEATY.COM 376-5929 12-7-71-10 *COLLEGE GIFTS* wwwCampuSimageS.COm 12-7-14-10 CANDY VENDING BUISNESS FOR SALE 70 machines placed. Includes supplie Immediate income $500/mo. Easy part-tirr job. $1Ok. Call 352-665-0551. 12-7-6-10 Moving sale: SEWING MACHINE $50; DRESS MAKERS' DUMMY $80. Call 335-3959 12-07-5-10 Holiday Shop Online www.9390.onlineshopexpress.com 12-7-4-10 METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Dire( From Manufacturer. 20 colors in stock wit all Accessories Quick turn around Deliver Available Toll Free (888)393-0335. 12-2 1-10 ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you ear $800/day? 30 Machines, Free Candy All fc $9,995. (888)629-9968 B02000033. CAL US: We will not be undersold! 12-2-1-10 SAWMILLS from only $2,795.00 Convei your LOGS TO VALUABLE LUMBER wit your Norwood portable band sawmill. Lo skidders also available. www.norwoodindu tries.com -Free information: (800)578-136: ext 300N. 12-2-1-10 L= 0 (I) E 0 0 0 .0 L= U I I
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2,2005 N ALLIGATOR, 23 rley M eds Auo Wananted tiel' ted irple Martin Housesfromwww.SKMFG.com now available at the World's Largest stailer in Pet Department, $19.97, for a )re near you, call (800)764-8688. 12-210 _L STEEL BLDGS! UP TO 50% OFF!! igineered for Hurricane Coast! Ship ictory Direct for quick delivery. 24x30 Up 100x200! Call Now! (800)499-6401 Eddie. -2-1-10 ** SCOOTERS ** RPM MOTORCYCLES INC SALES, SERVICE, PARTS Many Brands Available 518 SE 2nd St. www.RPMmotorcycles.com 377-6974 2-7-72-11 Swamp CyclesO Save $$$ on gas, ride to lass! Largest selection of Ebikes, scooters accessories. Free delivery, 1-yr warranty, ast cust. service 534 SW 4th Ave 373-8823 www.swampcycles.com 2-7-72-11 ***SOLANO CYCLE*** coolers from $599. Largest selection YMCO, Vento, Hyosung, Keen & many others. Financing avail. 3550 SW 34th St. 38-8450 solanocycle.com 12-7-72-11 O %M %M CASH PAID for MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS, or dirt bikes in ANY condition, Running or not. titles or not. Prompt pick up. Call ANYTIME: 352-441-0442 Please leave a message. 12-7-88-11 *NEW SCOOTERS 4 LESS* New location now open 1901 NW 67th Place 352-336-1271 www.newscooters4less.com Best prices in Gainesville. Owned by Gator grads. Will beat all Gainesville competitor's prices on similar models. 12-7-84-11 SCOOTER, 50CC, SUZUKI POWERED 2005 Oil injection, lots of storage. Over 100 mpg. Park anywhere. ONLY $795 262z-4873 12-7-25-11 2004 TRIUMPH Daytona 600cc 3,000miles. Still under factory warranty $5,200 OBO 352-256-2558 12-7-17-11 1999 YAMAHA R6 rare blue-red-shite coloring, perfect for campus Polished frame/muffler. Email cheilman@ufl.edu for info/pics. Must pay rent! $3700 352-2831484 12-6-15-11 SCOOTER-Red Viaggio, 49cc, 4-stroke engine w/elec start & alarm. No license needed, gets 80 mpg and reaches, 45 mph. Only 1 yr old-like new. $900/OBO 352-235-2800, email blh2309@uf6.edu, ask for Brandon. 12-7-8-11 2005 NINJA 250 Low miles, good way to get around campus. $2500/010. Call 328-6047 12-7-6-11 :Z 0 L. 0 O E S0 0 U U I FAST CASH PAID FOR ANY CARS ORunning or notl NEED HONDA, TOYOTA, PICKUPS *Over 10 yr svc to UF students OCall Don @ 215-7987 12-7-72-12 CARS -CARS Buy@Sell@Trade Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars 3432 N Main St. www.carrsmith.com CARRSMITH AUTO SALES 373-1150 12-7-72-12 **FAST CASH PAID** For CARS & TRUCKS Running or Not 1990 & up only Sell or Trade Welcome Call Ray 352-284-8619 12-7-72-12 OVER 50 IMPORTS UNDER $10,000 SELECT MOTOR CAR THE YELLOW BUILDING 2715 IN MAIN 377-1616 www.selectmotorcar.us 12-7-72-1 Z Best Cars .Lowest Prices www.39thaveimports.com 12-7-72-12 $500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! HONDAS, CHEVYS, TOYOTAS, ETC. For listings 800-749-8116 ext 4622 12-772-12 *WE PAY CASH* For Cars & Trucks Any year, make, model, mileage, condition. Free towing. Up to $250 for junkers Call 407-756-9100 12-7-34-12 1999 NISSAN SENTRA SE PW/PL, sunroof, CD player, spoiler, ABS brakes, automatic. New starter, belt, sparkplugs, rear brakes & battery. Fairly new AC. 83k miles. $6000 OBO 384-3811 127-16-12 2001 MitsubiShi Mirage ES sedan automatic, A/C, green with gray cloth, power everything, 76k, clean, $5,500 OBO 352-514-1800 frankiev@bellsouth.net 127-9-12 1991 MITSUBISHI MIRAGE High miles but runs well. No A/C $700/ NEGOTIABLE. Call 367-1589. 12-2-5-12 92 TOYOTA CELICA GT 5-speed white, AC, PS, PB, PL, PW, tint, air bagsunroof, S many new parts, dash mp3 w/warranty. Runs amazing, interior immaculate. 126k mi $3200 must sell 352-281-6685 12-7-8-12 GATORMAX USED CARS Buy, Sell, Trade We Finance_ As low as $899 down $49.99 a week I U-I I I I gatormax.net 12-7-7-12 1991 CHEVROLET CAPRICE 4 sale. 89k original miles, strong eng & trans. Candy paint. New starter & plugs. No dents. Fast car. Very reliable. $3000 OBO. Call 352871-8435 12-7-6-12 2000 SILVER HONDA HYBRID INSIGHT 1 owner car. Great commuter vehicle 70mpg. Asking $5,500 352-219-2285 12-7-6-12 CHEVY LUV '82 Running condition. $300. Call 335-3959 12-7-5-12 1998 NISSAN ALTIMA 114k miles, white ext, beige int. Good cond. $4500. Call 850-380-2821, kevin.parekh@gmail.com 12-7-4-12 09 Wanted IMF LOCAL ARTIST NEEDS: GOLD, DIAMONDS, GEMS, CLASS RINGS, ETC TOP CASH $ OR TRADE. OZZIE'S FINE JEWELRY. 373-9243 12-7-72-13 THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY NEEDS VOLUNTEER DRIVERS Transport patients to/from treatments Must have valid driver's license, safe driving record & attend training session. Call 352-376-6866 ext 114 for more info. On-going volunteer needed: Blind lady needs trans on Sundays only to Mass @ Queen of Peace Catholic Church or St. Augustine Catholic Church. For more info call 219-6948. I live in the Tower Rd area. 1-13-10-13 WANT TO BUY BROKEN XBOX, PSP, DS 352-317-6601 12-7-36-13 Help Wanted This newspaper assumes no responsibility for injury or loss arising from contacts made through advertising. We suggest that any reader who responds to advertising use caution and investigate the sincerity of the advertiser before giving out personal information or arranging meetings the independent florida INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGER The Independent Florida Alligator is seeking an individual whom will have the sole responsibility for operations of our computer systems. This individual will be involved in the planning and implementation of our technology, and must be able to communicate and work with students and staff. Must have experience with Linux (Fedora Core3), Samba3, Apache, Sendmail, Squirrelmail, Mailscanner Spamm and virus), Http and IP table updates. Familiar with Dell Power Edge Servers Raid1, a plus. Good networking skills to support up to 100 machines. Must be able to troubleshoot and repair PC hardware and software. This is a full time postion with the largest student-run newspaper in the country. Please send your resume and salary requirements to Campus Communications, Inc. P 0 Box 14257, Gainesville, FL 32604-2257 attention Vern Bean or email to vbean@alligator.org. We are an equal opportunity employer. the independent florida alligators 0 What's black and white and "read" all over??? The Independent Florida Alligator and you can be part of the sales team of the largest college newspaper in the country by applying to be come an ADVERTISING INTERN (this is a non-paid spring position requiring 12-15 hours per week possibly leading to a paid sales position) If you are a UF or SFCC student available to work both spring & summer and are eager to gain valuable sales experience, stop by the Alligator. 1105 W. University Avenue, to fill out an application and a class schedule by Dec 2, 2005. We will contact you for an interview opportunity to get your career jump started! EEO/AA. 12-2-3-14 LIKE TO WORK WITH LUXURY CARS? Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be over 22, stable work history, clean driving record, drug-free, pers ref. www.carrsmith.com for details. 12-7-72-14 Animal Care Tech looking for hard working person to work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will train, PT to start with more hrs possible. Start at $6.50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024 between 9-4 M-F. 12-7-72-14 CNA CLASS: Learn @ your own time and pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and pass the state exam is on VCR tape. 95% pass the state exam the 1st time! $250. Call 800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 12-7-72-14 Phone survey interviewers wanted. Start work today! No sales, opinion research only Flexible Schedulel Perceptive Market Research 336-6760 ex 4081 Call now! 127-72-14 Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/ Sales and IT needed for various positions. Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Join our team! Learn more at www.gleim.com/ employment 12-7-72-14 $$ STUDENTS GET CASH $$ For gently used brand name Clothing/accessories & furniture $Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No appt necessary! 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 127-72-14 BARTENDING $250 A DAY POTENTIAL No experience necessary, training provided. 800-965-6520 ext 138 12-7-72-14 SECRET SHOPPERS Needed for evaluations of Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters Flexible Hours, E-mail required Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254 12-7-72-14 EARN $60 THIS WEEK! Donate Plasma & Save a Life $$$$$$$$$$$$ Best part-time job you'll ever have. NEW DONORS Bring this Ad and Earn an Extra $5 on Your 2nd Donation. DCI Biologicals 150 NW 6th St. 352-378-9204 12-7-72-14 Mortgage lender has immediate positions avail for college students. No exp req. $8/hr + bonus, flex hrs. Apply in person 2-7pm M-F at 1900 SW 34th St Ste 206 (2nd fir above credit union) 12-7-72-14 Would you like to be your own boss, work your own hours, and make unlimited income? Start your own AVON business for just $10. Call Emma @ 352-871-4489 or e-mail avonbyemma@hotmail.com. 12-772-14 HIRING KITCHEN STAFF Starting $6.15/hr DRIVERS $8-15/hr, and FLYERERS. PT easy schedule. Please call 2-5pm 378-2442 or fill out application at California Chicken Grill 2124 SW 34th St. Mon -Fri. 12-7-72-14 GATORSNEEDJOBS.COM We need Paid Survey Takers in Gainesville. 100% FREE to join. Click on Surveys. 12-7-72-14 Telephone Interviewing NO SALES $7.50/hr ($8 Bi-lingual) + BONUS Apply @ UF Survey Research Center M-F 9:30am-9pm 408 W University Aye. Suite 106, Tel. 392-2908 x105 Must mark eve/mknd 12-7-71-14 Call center needs telephone agents for all shifts 24 hours. 1830 NE 2nd St. Apply in person M-F 9am-4pm. 12-7-66-14 Attention Smokers! Do you want to quit smoking? Smokers are needed to participate in a smoking cessation study. If interested e-mail the UF Smoking Lab and Clinic. ufsmokelabclinic@gmail.com or call 3284944 9-3-15-14 HIRING DELIVERY DRIVERS Earn up to $12-14/hr. Call California Chicken Grill 378-2442 12-7-59-14 GATOR DOMINOS $10 -15/Hour DRIVERS $6.15 -$7.15/Hour INSIDERS $35K-$50K/year MANAGERS Apply online at www.gatordominos.com Or at any of the 6 locations. 12-7-65-14 Classifieds. Continued on next page.
24, ALLIGATOR U FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2,2005 Help Wand HipWanted Help Wanted HelpWanted Help Wanted Park Place Car Wash is looking for hard workers for all positions. Manager. Detailer. Cashiers (fuliday availability) & Lineworkers. (AM 8:0-1) & (PM 12-6). Apply: 7404 NW 4th Blvd. Across from Home Depot. Nu phone calls please. 12-7-55-14 Get Paid To Drive A Brand New Car! Now paying drivers $800-$3200 a month. Pick up your free car key today. www.freecarkey.com 12-7-49-14 MARK Representatives needed. Earn up to 40% on everything you sell. Make money while in school; buy, sell, fundraise. Be your own boss, work flexible hours. Call Emma @ 352-871-4489 12-7-50-14 Bartending Jobs Up to $300/shift. Many Positions Avail. No exp. req. FT/PT. 1-800-806-0082 ext 1516 .12-7-41-14 **EduCation Retail Store** Seeking PT help. Please bring in a resume to 2020 NW 6th St. Flexible weekday hours. 12-7-18-14 WEB DESIGNER WANTED Experiance in HTML, PHP, SQL & Graphic Design a must. Call Dave 352-870-7467 12-7-17-14 WANTED GOOD EARS FOR A HEARING STUDY Please contact Kim @ 392-0601 ext 380 or kdfll08@ufl.edu. Payment is $10/hr. 127-15-14 COOKS NEEDED Fill out application online at www.gatorhospitalityjobs.com. Apply for any position today. 12-7-15-14 Research Positions Open Gainesville office expanding Internet Researchers needed FT 9am-6pm (M-F) PT Negotiable Resumes@NetEnforcers.com 12-7-15-14 Hiring for spring rush Orange & Blue Textbooks is seeking PT/FT help for upcoming semester rush. Good people skills & register exp pref. Stop by store @ 3Q9 NW 13th St. for details and applications. 12-7-12-14 Law SEdent Needed to research case/ legislative history develop constitional issues Fl Baker Act Flex Time-no office e mail flbakeract@airpost.net 12-5-10-14 Teach me web site construction flex time e mail flbakeract@airpost.net 12-5-10-14 COMPETITIVE YOUTH SOCCER COACHES Req. coaching license or 3-5 years exp. & ability to make 2 yr comittment. Email to: contact@gainesvillesoccer.org 228-47-14 PT entry level web programmer needed for small web company. Should be profficient in hand-coded html (no generators). Graphics exp., asp or java script programming are a+ but not essential. See www. medianerds.com 12-2-8-14 NANNY FOR 2 YEAR OLD in North Marion County. 45 hours/wk. Experience & references a must. Call 352224-8943 after 4pm to set up interview. 12-7-10-14 HEALTH & FITNESS COMPANY Top 50 year US company expanding in US & globally, Asian marketing. Benefits, flexible schedule, PT/FT 373-5295 12-7-9-14 RGIS INVENTORY SPECIALIST Year-round hourly work No Experience Necessary $8 an hour to start Apply online at RGISINV.COM or by phgge at 1-888-242-RGIS 1-17-15-14 Seeking NS elem ed or kid-friendly UF student w/own trans to care for charming 18-mo old. Guaranteed 4hr pay/wk. $10/hr. Main times: Mon &/or Tb AM. Need 3 rats (non-family) CORRECTED: Bookersch@beIlsouth.net, 331-7238 12-6-8-14 Catering Help Wait Staff/Dishwashers/Bartenders. Great Environment/Weekends/Flexible Hours No Phone Calls/Must Have Experience Email refs to: events@sweetwaterinn.com 12-7-9-14 ACCOUNTING STUDENT for bookkeeping. Will train. Part-time. Select your own hours. Resume to Dr. Levy: afn22025@bellsouth.net. 12-7-9-14 YMCA Get paid to play! Do you like to work with children? The YMCA is now accepting applications for Afterschool counselors. Multiple locations throughout Gainesville. Need to be available from upprox. lpm-6pm. Bus Drivers Needed. Must have valid CDL and good driving record. Need to be available from approx. 12pm5pm M-F. Apply in person at 5201 NW 34th St. Immediate Openings! 12-7-8-14 HR Assistant ATM, an environmental consulting firm has immediate opening for a FT HR Assistant in its growing Corporate Gainesville office. Support HR management with major emphasis in recruiting. Work experience with applicant tracking, screening and interviewing highly desired. Must have strong interest and skills as a HR generalist in a technical setting. Bachelor's degree in business, engineering or related field preferred. -ATM offers competitive compensation and benefits and the opportunity to work in a team-oriented environment. Some travel required. Submit resume and salary requirements by fax (375-0995) or email HR@AppliedTM .com Must include Job C0509. ATM is a drug fiee/smoke free workplace. We are an equal opportunity workplace and encourage diversity in the workforce. EOE M/F/DN. 12-2-5-14 PART TIME OFFICE ASSISTANT for Gainesville law office. Flexibel hours. Call 371-4000. 12-7-8-14 BARISTATRAINEE WANTED for busy' espresso bar near mall. Excellent pay and training. Email contact info w/wk references, dates & contacts, to Doug at tendoug@atlantic.net. 12-7-8-14 DRESSAGE/EVENT RIDERS Volunteer riders to help exercise show quality horses. 15 min from Oaks Mail. Exp only. References. 352-332-5297 or skking@gator.net 12-5-5-14 MEDICAL OFFICE EXP for Pre-Med or grad student. 20-25 hrs/wk. Call 373-4107 12-7-7-14 MAJOR INTERNET RETAILER Various positions in IT, Business Dev. and Customer Service. Flexible schedules. Competitive pay. Learn more at: www.bytheplanet.com/careers.htm or call 352-367-8600 9am-6pm EST 12-7-7-14 FEMALE STUDENT W/DISABILITY needs female personal aid to help w/daily living needs. Daytime hrs Mon-Thurs $9/hr. Contact Alex 904-814-6790 12-7-6-14 HIGH SPRINGS. -property maintenance, part time in PM. $9.00 hr, send qualifications to alwoodward@pestcontroibiz.com. Leave message 1-800-707-8899. Must have transportation. 20 min drive. 12-7-6-14 Part time. Call our new and existing customers in AM from your location. DSL, Newer computer required. $9 hr + bonus. Send qualifications or 1-800-707-8899. See www.Pestcontrolbiz.com 12-7-6-14 High School Diploma, at lease 1 yr exp working w/children, must be able to work shiftwork, weekends, and holidays. call between 9am & 1pm 352-378-7074. 4025 NE 1st Terr. Gville, FL 32609 12-7-6-14 AFTER-SCHOOL CARE. 3 bright, creative kids 6, 8, 9. Need car w/3back seatbelts, refs & no cat allergies. 3:45-6pm. Mon-Fr. Homework, trampoline, bikes. 373-7899. 12-7-6-14 NOW HIRING SERVERS Apply between 2 & 4, Mon-Fri. CALICO JACK'S 3501 SW 2nd Ave. Creekside Mail 12-7-6-14 PRE-SCHOOL TEACHER NEEDED Outgoing personality. Beginning in January for Jewish Day School. Mon -Fri, 2pm-6pm. Call 376-1508, ext 110 12-7-6-14 GREEN SPARROW CHINESE RESTAURANT (Haile Plantation) is looking for DELIVERY DRIVERS/KITCHEN HELPERS. Call 352-871-5771. Visit ww.green-sparrow.com for location. 12-7-6-14 Help wanted for the serious hard-working & trustworthy. General labor, yard work, & heavy lifting $7/hr. Carpentry, electric, roofing & plumbing repair starting at $8/hr. NEGOTIABLE 376-6183 12-2-3-14 Oak Itaeunrck Oak Hammock at the University of Florida Waitstaff (Full-time & Part-time) Hiring smiles and great attitudes to wait tables in our resort style retirement community. No experience necessary willing to train; flexible schedules offered and guaranteed hourly rate of pay. Apply in person: 5100 SW 25th Blvd Gainesville, Florida 32608 Careers@oakhammock.org Oak Hammock is a DFWP/EOE! Fax: 352-548-1049 12-7-6-14 NANNY FOR TODDLER Our home 3 days 20/hrs wk. Ref & amp; Exp a mast. Call 505-6212 to set ap interview. 12-2-3-14 NANNIES FOR SPRING Register ASAP Lots of positions open NANNY AGENCY 376-5008 12-7-6-14 EARLY pm NANNIES Start @ 12:00 Needed now.l Noah'sArk 376-5008 12-7-6-14 CHRISTMAS EVE NANNY Good $$$: Fun Kids! Inquire @ Noah's Ark Nanny Agency 376-5008 12-7-6-14 EVEN MORE NANNY JOBS!. 3 TU/TH nannies needed now good $$ for exp care Nanny Agency 376-5008 12-7-6-14 Spring Internship -Accounting Students needed for busy CPA Firm, who are reliable, detail oriented and able to multi-task. Should possess strong organizational skills, outstanding phone etiquette, outgoing personality and professional experience. Previous computer experience necessary (Word and Excel). 15-20 hours/week minimum. E-mail resume and availability to Rachel at rdbarten@abgcpa.com 12-2-2-14 TGI FRIDAYS is now hiringALL POSITIONS. Apply in person 3598 SW Archer Rd. Mon thru Thurs between 2 & 4 pm or anytime online at: Fridays.com Holiday/daytime availability required. 12-7-5-14 Harry's now hiring experienced LINE COOKS, HOSTESSES, BUSERS Apply between 2:00 -4:00 pm. 110 SE 1st Street. 12-7-5-14 PART TIME ADMIN ASST POSITION AVAIL NATIONAL Elect. Supply Co. Hours 8am-1pm M-F APPLY AT 3005 SW WILLISTON RD OR SEND RESUME: KUNIETIS@REXELUSA.COM 12-7-5-14 Energetic, dependable & outgoing receptionist needed. M-W-F in busy NW hair salon. Headlines. Call for details 375-7833 12-2-2-14 MAKE MONEY SURFING THE INTERNET. Details and contact info at: www.Surfthenet.WS 12-7-5-14 Conference Center Full or part time banquet servers Full or part time restaurant servers. Line cooks & banquet cooks. Apply in person or call 377-4000 12-7-5-14 Help wanted THE BAGEL BAKERY 384-9110. Energetic, smiley people wanted $6.50/hr for line people, $7.50/hr for bakers. 12-7-4-14 5 STAR PIZZA Pizza makers -must be available to worK late nights and weekends. Experience preferred. Apply in person. 2300 NW 39th Ave. 12-7-4-14 HORSE FARM Alachua Sam-noon, 5 mornings incl Sat & Sun. Feed horses, clean paddocks & stalls, chainsaw & tractor work. $6.75 to start 352871-2523 or 386-462-9943 12-7-4-14 TCBY NOW HIRING @ ALL LOCATIONS Apply in person @ Thornebrook Village or 34th St/Archer Rd. Store. 12-7-4-14 ATTENTION SMOKERS! Earn about $6/hr. Smokers are needed to participate in a study on decision making & smoking. If interested, come to the Psychology Bldg room 397 or call 3920601 ext 297 12-7-4-14 VALET PARKING Full time & Part time. Must be customeroriented & dependable. Good Pay! Must be available through holidays. Leave Message forAndy 1-888-463-1954 ext.205 12-7-4-14 Coming January NAPOLATANOS will reopen & be hiring allpositions. Wailpersons, Cooks, Hosts, Dishwasher, Delivery Drivers, Asst Mgrs. Send resumes w/ cover letter of availability to 606 NW 75th St. G'ville 32608. 1-12-8-14 DANCERS WANTED Lots money, Parties only Call Mary Jane @ French Addiction 3736628. 819 W. Univ. Ave 12-7-4-14 HOUSEKEEPERFamily looking for a housekeeper. Mon.-Fri full time. For more info or to schedule an interview. Please call 256-3323 12-7-4-14 DRIVERS WANTED Average dispatch is 2,100 miles *3-Pay Packages to choose from *Late model Equipment *No Haz-Mat *No East-Coast *100% No-Touch Freight *Weekly Advances *Direct Deposit *weekly (same week) Settlements. Solos and Owner Operators Welcome. Requirements: 1-year OTR verifiable experience, CDL CLASS A Plus Safe Driving record, .Call Smithway Logistics, Inc. (800)282-1911 ext 115. 122-1-14 DriverCOVENANT TRANSPORT. Excelle Pay & Benefits for Experienced Drive 0/0, Solos, Teams & Graduate Student Bonuses Available. Refrigerated Nc Available. (888)MORE PAY (888-667-372 12-2-1-14 DATA ENTRY. Work from anywhere. Flexib Hours. Personal Computer Require Excellent Career Opportunity. Senior Inquiries Only. (800)344-9636 Ext. 49 12-2-1-14 CDLA OTR DRIVERS TEAMS E CPM SOLOS .34 CPM 100% DROP HOOK HEALTH BENEFITS ASSIGNE EQUIPMENT REQUIRE1 YEAR OT HAZMAT & DOUBLES (321)202-4406. 1' 2-1-14 Company Drivers. $.32-.41 per mile. 1. raise every six months. Lease purchas 0/0 .90cpm. National Carriers The El fleet. (888)707-7729. nationalcarriers.cor 12-2-1-14 PRESS OPERATOR -NewsKing expert ence preferred. Benefits -group health vacation/sick time and holidays. E-mz belderton@nsb-observer.com, fax (386)42L 9858, Publisher, Observer Newspapers, P.C Box 10, New Smyrna Beach, FL 3216/ 12-2-1-14 0/0 Driver -FFE, The F/S is-higher herE $1.11 Avg. $2,000 sign-on $2,600 referrr bonus. Base plate provided. No truck n problem. Low payment with short leasE (800)569-9298. 12-1-2-14 CYPRESS TRUCK LINES, INC Drive Designed Dispatch. PLA ONLY/Fl. Bed students welcome. Home Ever WeekEnd Most Nights (800)545-135 www.cypresstruck.com. 12-2-1-14 MOVIE EXTRAS, ACTORS & MODELS Make $75-$250/day. All ages and face wanted! No exp. Required. FT/PT! (800)851 9046. 12-2-1-14 $600 WEEKLY Working through the gov ernment part-time. No Experience. A lot c Opportunities. (800)493-3688 Code J-14 12-2-1-14 Now Hiring for 2005 Postal Positions $17.50 $59.00+/hr. Full Benefits/Paid Trainin and Vacations No Experience Necessar (800)584-1775 Reference # 5600. 12-2 1-14 DriverNOW HIRING QUALIFIED DRIVER, for Central Florida Local & National OTF positions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat no pumps, great benefits, competitive pax & new equipment. Need 2 years experience Call Bynum Transport for your opportunity today. (800)741-7950. 12-2-1-14 GOLF BUSINESS, play lots of golf, play bet ter golf, play the best courses, help others through charities, earn an awesome income Call 24/7 (800)709-4684. 12-2-1-14 What is the "Ideal Sales Job"? Leads given Viable business for next 100 years! Residue income' No investment' Your business! You hours' 80k-120k! Call us: (888)287-603 ext. 302 www.merchantcooperative.com 12-2-1-14 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers"
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2005 N ALLIGATOR, 25 Help Wanted services Services Personals EnteirtainmentIJ PRODUCT IONS Ve are currently accepting resumes for the allowing positions. NTERNSHIPS: MARKETING, PR, ADVERTISING ACCOUNTING, College :redit available, Min. 15-20 hrs/wk. ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS, PAID, >rganized, motivated, goal-oriented, Fullime/Part-time, ideal for recent grads!! \CCOUNT EXECUTIVES, Full-time/Partime, for student and corporate markets, earn '$$, gain sales experience, flexible hours. :lease send resumes & cover letter to nfo@premierparties.com or fax to 352-375994. 12-7-4-14 Ser vices AA STORAGE Close To UF, Convenient 4x4x4 $20/mo 4x8x8 $35/mo 533 SW 2nd Ave. 377-1771 12-7-72-15 IMPORT AUTO REPAIR.BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, Volvo, VW, Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Mazda. Quality craftsmanship, reasonable prices, near UF, AAA approved 378-7830 www.carrsmith.com 12-7-72-15 HYPNOTIST-Stop smoking. Improve memory & concentration. Eliminate bad habits. Past life regression. Leam self-hypnosis. Low Student Rates. Leonard Umans AAPH, NGH certified 379-1079. 12-7-72-15 ** BELLY DANCE ** Ethnic Dance Expressions Studio For Fun & Fitness 384-9200 www.ethnicdanceexpressions.com 12-7-72-15 HORSE BOARDING -peaceful -spacious 30 acres -lighted arena -round pens -standard & oversizedexp help -12x12 stalls 1352-472-2627 or lv msg @ 339-2193 Owner on premisis -35+ yrs exp. Lessons avail. 12-7-72-15 SLEEPY HOLLOW HORSE FARM Quality Boarding 0 Lessons/English 0 Parties 0 Alachua County's oldest & finest horse farm e 466-4060 12-7-72-15 **AUTO MALL SERVICE DEPT** .Complete Auto Service Imports & Domestics 0 Cars & Trucks Discount for students. Call 352-380-0033 www.autorriallgainesville.com 12-7-74-15 EVERGLADE EQUESTRIAN CENTER The countryclub for horses & owners. Customer lounge w/full kitchen & bath. 250' x 160' riding ring, round pen & jump paddock. Lessons. 30 acres, 40 matted stalls, 19 separate paddocks. 24-hr security, 352-5913175 everglade-eqestrian.com 12-7-72-15 the i S-I ** GREAT BANNERS & SIGNS * Custom Posters 0 Exhibits 0 Awards Top Quality Fast 0 Service 0 Low Prices www.signpower.com SignMasters 335-7000 9-2-61-15 Jump start your job search at Www.Colege-resumes.Com 12-7-72-15 AWARDS & PERSONALIZED GIFTS Plaques 0 Name Badges 0 Cups 0 Etc. Best Selection In Town www.signpowei.com SignMasters 335-7000 9-2-61-15 FINANCE TUTOR Individuals or small groups. Experienced, excellent. 375-6641 Harold Nobles 12-7-72-15 PERSONAL TRAINING 300 Personal and Group Training Flexible Scheduling Exclusive Facility Call for a free workout 339-2199 12-7-72-15 Want to be a CNA? Don't want to wait? Express Training Services can get you certified under 3 wks! Hands-on exp, no videos. Day/eve classes avail. Next class 1/23/06. Class sizes limited. 338-1193 for details. 4-26-72-15 NEED GAS? Car hot? Lose your cool! Call Rick-I'm quick. RICK'S MOBILE AUTO A/C, All Freons-oils, computer diagnosis 40 years experience 213-2665 12-7-71-15 TLC HORSEBOARD All facilities & amenities: quality instruction, 15 min from UF. Jan at 376-7762. Greathouse Equestrian Center 12-7-43-15 MATH TUTOR 7 years experience. BS in Engineering, UF English/Spanish. Call Francisco @ 352-494-8582 or 377-2526. Sliding Scale Rates. 12-7-13-15 Medical Device/Pharmceutical Sales Career preparation & recruitment services. Ensure your place in the industry. 205-620-3692 12-2-10-15 FOIL HI-LITES 1/2 head $65. Full head $85 inc. shampoo, cut, & style. Hair by Glenda (352)258-8431 12-7-11-15 SPANISH AND ESL TUTOR English as a Second Language Grammar and conversation Call Ana @ 352-336-9242 1.2-5-9-15 Heavy Equipment Operator CERTIFIED. Hands on Training. Job Placement Assistance. Call Toll Free (866)933-1575. ASSOCIATED TRAINING SERVICES, 5177 Homosassa Trail, Lecanto, Florida, 34461. 12-2-1-15 DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS children, etc. Only one signature required! *Excludes govt. fees! Call weekdays (800)462-2000, ext.600. (8am-7pm) Alta Divorce, LLC. Established 1977. 12-2-1-15 a a "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" U U ARRESTED INJURED Need a Lawyer? All Criminal Defense & Personal Injury. *Accidents *Injuries *Wrongful Death *Felonies *Misdemeanors *DUI *Traffic. AA-AAtlorney Referral Service (800)733-5342 -24[7. 12-2-1-15 EARN DEGREE online from home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers. Job Placement Assistance. Computer & Financial aid if qualify. (866)858-2121 www.onlinetide watertech.com. 12-2-1-15 CHealth Servides ANONYMOUS HIV ANTIBODY TESTING Alachua County Health Dept. Call 334-7960 for app't (optional $20 fee) URGENT CARE/WALK-IN MEDICAL New Location Students -No Appt Needed! FIRST CARE OF GAINESVILLE 4343 Newberry Rd. #10, 373-2340 Most Ins Accepted, Hours M-F 8am-6pm 12-7-72-16 ABORTION/ABORTION by PILL (RU-486) IV sedation, Student Discount. Well Woman Care & Birth Control Bread & Roses Women's Health Ctr 352-372-1664 www.breadroses.com 1-9-72-16 All Women's Health Center ABORTION Free Pregnancy Test RU-486 Available 378-9191 www.abortiongainesville.com 12-7-72-16 THETRUEYOU! Lose 8 -15 pounds in 4 weeks Only $991 Gain muscle while you lose fat Groups forming now. 339-2199. 12-7-72-16 FEELING STRESSED? OVERWHELMED? UNHAPPY? 00 1 CAN HELP YOU 00 Call today for your free initial consultation. David Cox, PhD, LMHC, 352-378-3000 12-7-40-16 UNPLANNED PREGNANCY? Confidential, compassionate adoption advice. expenses paid if needed. choose life! www.america nkidzadoption.com FL lic. # 1105-002-000 (727) 823-1537 or toll free (866) 303-1573 12-7-25-16 There will be a meeting for SUVIVORS OF SUICIDE Those who have lost a loved one to suicide Wed, Nov 16th from 6:30-8:30 pm at The Alachua County Crisis Center at 218 SE 24th Street, Gainesville, Florida. Call 264-6789 if you have any questions 12-7-5-16 Is Stress Ruining Your Life? Read DIANETICS by Ron L. Hubbard Call (813)872-0722 or send $7.99 to Dianetics, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tampa FL 33607. 12-2-1-16 SAVE ON PRESCRIPTION MEDICINES! Up to 90% discount! Patent. Generic. OTCs too. Reliable. Safe. Easy. Fast! Order via internet. CC payment. US Postal Service delivery. www.pharmamx.com. 12-2-1-16 Typjig Ser vi ces SAME DAY SERVICE: Transcription, typing, apps. Desktop pub: brochures, newsletters, flyers, ads, logos. Resume service. 18 yrs exp. 24-hr turnaround. Connie 271-2677 12-7-15-17 ANONYMOUS HIV ANTIBODY TESTING Alachua County Health Dept. Call 334-7960 for app't (optional $20 fee) SAVE ON RAYBAN/SUNGLASSES University Opticians 300 SW4th Ave. 378-4480. 12-7-72-18 GUNS! GUNS! GUNS! 1800 Gun Inventory Over 500 handguns in stock Buy, Sell, Trade or Repair. Reloading Supplies 466-3340 Harry Beckwith, Gun Dealer 1 mi. South of G'ville on 441 12-7-72-18 *Family Chiropractic* Since 1977. Two blocks from U.F. 1107 SW 2nd Ave 373-7070 12-7-72-18 FLASHBACKS PAYS CASH FOR CLOTHES. We buy 10-5, M-Sat. Open to shop fiI 6. WE ALSO BUY HOUSEHOLD ITEM. 211 W Univ Ave 375-3752. 12-7-72-18 VEGETARIAN? Try BOOK LOVER'S CAFE Inside Books, Inc. 505 NW 13 St. 10-9 384-0090 12-7-72-18 CLEARANCE SALE -All CDs must go 100,000+ CDs on sale $5.99. Ten for $50. We need more room for our GIANT DVD INVENTORY. Cash paid for DVDs. Hear Again 818 W. University Ave. 373-1800 12-7-72-18 Need a card or letter? Sharing a burden gets you through it; or perhaps you know a deserving child who would like a birthday card. Campbell Box 13101 Jax. 32206-detail 12-5-35-18 nneCti'on s Chat. live free, gay STR-8 or Bi. Call the Matchmaker free @ 373-7272, 24 hrs. Great way to meet cool people and it works. Chat live with others. 12-7-52-19 Event Notices GUN SHOW Dec 10 & 11. Paramont Resort 2900 SW 13th Street. Sat 9-4, Sun 9-3. Concealed weapons class twice daily. Admission $6. Info 904-461-0273 12-7-5-20 ********************* SPRING BREAK SPRING BREAK ADS WILL APPEAR IN THIS SECTION 3-10-50-21 FIRST STRIKE PAINTBALL Airball, Speedball, Forts on 27 acres Call for the best group rates! 352-338-8408 12-7-72-21 BAHAMAS SPRING BREAK CELEBRITY CRUISE! 5 Days From$299! Includes Meals, Taxes, Entry To Exclusive MTVu Events, Beach Parties With Celebrities As Seen on Real World, Road Rules! On Campus Reps Needed! www.SpringBreakTravel.com Promo Code 33. 1-800-678-6386 FL Seller of Travel Reg. #ST34486 2-15-81-21 CANCUNACAPULCO, JAMAICA From $499 Travel With America's Largest & Ethics Award Winning Spring Break Company! Fly Scheduled Airlines, Free Meals, Drinks, Biggest Celebrity Parties! On-Campus Marketing Reps Needed! www.SpringBreakTravel.com Promo Code 33. 1-800-678-6386 FL Seller of Travel Reg #34486 2-15-81-21 BAHAMAS PLATINUM PACKAGE Spring Break Exclusive $189 5-Days/4-Nights $239 7-Days/6-Nights Prices include: Round-trip luxury cruise with food. Accommodations on the island at your choice often resorts. Free V.I.P. party package upgrade! Appalachia Travel 1-800-867-5018 www.BahamaSun.com WE WILL BEAT ANY PACKAGE PRICE! Cancun from $499 FL Seller of Travel Reg #ST35585 3-3-89-21 ROCKYCREEK PAINTBALL In Gainesville Better Prices Better Fields Better Call 371-2092 12-7-45-21 SPRING BREAK CRUISE Rock the Boat:Reality TV Spring Break Cruise." 4-night cruise to the Bahamas. $449 377 2401 FL Seller of Ttravel Reg ST12618 12-7-9-21 ***EUROPE from $377 RT*** Travel planning for everyone. Train, cruises, hotels, tours. Gator Country Travel Oust off campus) 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-36232 12-7-72-22 ***WEST COAST from $197 RT** Tours, packages & more. Los Angeles, Seatle, S.F., S.D. & more! Gator Country Travel (just off campus) 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-36232 12-7-72-22 ***EAST COAST $137 RT*** Fall & holiday specials. NYC, DC, Phiily, New Eng & more! Gator Country Travel Oust off campus) 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST 36232 12-7-72-22 GMG TRANSPORT 20 Yrs. as the Official So. Fl. Bus Depart: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30PM/reverse $40 r/t Mia-FtL/Pomp-WPB-FtP. 336-7026 www.GMGTRANS.com 12-7-72-23 Miami Bus Service $40 RIT W.P Bch, Pomp, FT. L, Miami Departures: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30 pm 335-8116 www.miamibusservic,{om 12-7-72-23 PtS= Furry, feathery, scaly.no, not your roommate.pets. Find oradvertise your pets or pet products here in the Pets section of the Alligator.
26, ALLIGATOR E FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2,2005 Donovan could be fastest UF coach to reach mark H OOPS, from page 27 nounced my name," Donovan said. "They probably did, but I was probably too nervous and too uptight." Aftef moving on to UF, Donovan spent his first two seasons trying to craft the program in his image, .and the early growing pains resulted in two sub-.500 years. In his third year, however, the Gators burst on the scene, making it to the Sweet 16 where they fell to Gonzaga by just 1 point. The next year, however, was legendary. UF made a surprising run all the way to the NCAA title game, falling to Michigan State. But despite his success, Donovan doesn't view the wins as belonging to himself. "People say 'OK, you've got (200 wins)," Donovan said. "I don't have 200 wins. "Mike Miller does, Udonis Haslem does, Taurean Green does, (Joakim) Noah does, ev here, it's more them an school. I happen to be "We're just going urday as just ano play hard and gE win." I've never looked at record or these are my Donovan's curren largely unaware of th are about to make for "I don't think an team even knows tha "We're just going out' just another game, pla another win." And Donovan wou those 200 wins faster coach in school histor Norm Sloan is t Gators coach to even at UF ery guy that's Donovan said beginning his cad it's more the reer at such an early age might lead the leader, but to an eventual early retirement. "I know there's going to come a out on Sattime in my life where I'm going to ther game, say, 'This is old,"' Donovan said. "It t another happens to everybody, and I think my time is going to happen a lot earlier than most, because I started Taurean Green a lot earlier. UF guard "I think 40 in this profession is relatively young, but at 50 years old, itlike it's my it would be interesting." wins." However, Donovan said he would t players are like to establish more of a basketball e history they tradition at UP. their coach. "I'm happy here, I love it here, ybody on the and the people have been great to t," Green said. me, but do I want to be here ten on Saturday as years from now?," he said. "If .that y hard and get happened, I wouldn't be upset; I don't have a different agenda. Id be reaching "I would love to be able to look than any other back and say, 'You know what, with y. our players and with our coaching he only other staff, we built something over a 20win 200 games year period that is now special."' Gators to face K-State VOLLEY, from page 27 offensively. "[Sophomore setter] Angie [McGinnis] took care of running the offense, and our players delivered." The Gators will face Kansas State in the second round of the NCAA Tournament Friday night. It will be the final home match for Collymore and senior libero Rachel Engel. The Kansas State Wildcats defeated Florida A&M 3-1 in the other first round match at the O'Connell Center. "[Kansas State] will be one of the best serving and passing teams that we'll play all year," Wise said. "I amvery impressed with both aspects of their game. After losing in the second round to Stanford last season, the Gators might step into the game with a little something to prove. "Maybe a little more than last year, we're pumped to get a win in the second round," McGinnis said. M Four Barbers Monday thru Friday 'Jill AmpeFREE P~rki,'gn o P 714 W. Un-vrsty Avenu Saturday (352) 378-1652 Sam to ipr $4 Bud Light Pitchers $4 Jager Bombs $ M P 111,ATUVR DAY $4 M~iller-Lite Pitchers Discount Deadline: Wednesday, December 7,2005 Final Deadline:Thursday, January 5, 2006 Run Date: M"londay, January 9,2006 Call your Sales Rep Today: 376.4482 At bF A*k 24 10alo
rt FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2005 ALLIGATOR www.alligatorSports.org Donovan prepares for 200th win as Gators' coach I MILESTONE COULD COME AGAINST UCF ON SATURDAY. By DAN TREAT Alligator Writer So much has changed in the last 10 ears. Republicans have taken control of ongress, gas prices have doubled and cell hones have replaced pagers on people's eips. One thing that hasn't changed, however, is Billy Donovan's status as UF's head basketball coach. Donovan coached his first game in Gainesville at age 30 with just two years of head coaching experience. On Nov. 22, 1996, UF defeated Central Florida 80-63 to pick up the first win of Donovan's tenure. Ten seasons later, he's seeking another milestone against UCF. On Saturday, Donovan will go for his 200th career victory at UF when the Gators face UCF at the O'Connell Center. "It's gone by quickly here," Donovan said. "It's hard to believe how quick it's gone by for me, but it's been a blagt." Donovan has come a long way since growing up on Men's Long Island, becoming a naISk a I I tional figure in his playing days as "Billy the Kid" at Providence, playing briefly in the NBA for the New York Knicks and serving five years as a Kentucky assistant before being hired as the head coach at Marshall at the ripe old age of 28. "There was a great passion for sports at Marshall," Donovan said. "You ?bok at what Jim Donnan.did there football-wise, even basketball-wise we had a couple of games my first year where we. had 10,000 people." His first game on the sidelines was anything but the choreographed and elaborate pregame ceremonies that take place at UF. "Heck, I don't even know if they anSEE HOOPS, PAGE 26 CAA TOURNAMENT UF overpowers FAU in NCAA tapener By BRYAN JONES Alligator Writer The match was probably finished before it began, but t didn't feel like it even lasted that long. The No. 4 UF volleyball team made quick work of Xtlantic Sun champion Florida Atlantic (29-3) in the Tim Casey/ Alligator Staff Senior outside hitter Jane Collymore recorded 14 kills as the Gators breezed past Florida Atlantic Thursday. NCAA Tournament, winning their 16th consecutive opening-round match. In one of their most lopsided victories of the season, the eighth-seeded Gators defeated FAU 3-0 (30-19, 3015, 30-14) in less than 90 minutes Thursday night at the O'Connell Center. "In the NCAA tournament, you'll take any win, any way it comes," Coach Mary Wise said. "And it was extra special to do it in such a good way." FAU got off to a strong start in game one, jumping out to an early 7-6 lead. But from that point on, the Gators took charge. "Florida started off serving a little bit easy, which definitely helped us," Owls Coach Jody Brown said. "When ybu are not used to playing a team of that caliber, you get out in front of them and you think 'Hey, we're beating somebody,' and the next thing you know, those teams are used to coming back. "They are used to fighting every day. We needed [to play] more teams that really press us, that are going to get in our face and hit the ball back at us. And this year, we didn't have a lot of that." UF knew it would have to shut down Owls' outside hitter Kelly Paiva, who typically accounts for most of FAU's offense. And despite surrendering 14 kills to Paiva, the Gators did just that. Paiva hit just .036 on 55 attempts. "She played well, but Florida is just a great team," Brown said. The Gators also had the support of the home crowd behind them, an advantage they do not take for granted. "We'd like to think that they were glad to be back," Wise said. "What we now have is a volleyball-savvy, knowledgeable crowd. "They have come out for years, and they love to see good volleyball, and we were glad to see that." Senior outside hitter Jane Collymore led the Gators with 14 kills on .367 hitting. The Gators hit a stellar .430, while holding FAU to .049. No UF player hit below .300 for the match. "It was a very solid performance as indicated by the numbers," Wise said. "We were low-error and very good SEE VOLLEY, PAGE 26 1 2000: UF win its final SEC title to date, defeating Auburn 28-6 for the conference crown. The Gators would go on to lose to Miami in the Sugar Bowl 37-27. F See page 16 for a story on Sarah Lowe's Rhodes Scholarship interview. Also, get the scoop on Tim Tebow -one of the top quarterback prospects in the nation who is considering playing for the Gators --.as he prepares for the high school state semis. Meyer working recruiting wonders H ave you seen them? Shooting four and five stars are dotting the Gator Nation skyline. Have you heard about them? Stars so bright, stars so ahead of schedule that Urban Meyer reportedly slept for 15 hours last night. Unless you've been living under a garnet and gold rock, you've probably heard. Recruits are coming to Gainesville. Many of them. Lus And good ones. Louis They're coming to a team Anastasis that has three losses. To a Louis in the Bullpen team that hasn't played in lanastasis@aligator.org a Southeastern Conference title game in five years. To a team that, at times, has looked more lost on offense than Green Day at a Republican national Ccnvention. So how about one collective, "Huh?" "We knew kind of going in that Florida was going to have a great class," said Jamie Newberg, a national recruiting analyst for scout.com. "But what has transpired since the Florida State game has been pretty amazing." A 27-point blowout. A regular-season ending smash. A -recruiter's equivalent of winning the lottery What has happened since Saturday is absolutely silly. Absolutely astounding. Seven players committed during the span of five days. And Meyer didn't even have to use lobster and Escalades to do it. "I think that game Saturday obviously had a lot to do with a bunch of guys wanting to be here right now, and that's a real positive," Meyer said. Seven more players. That brings the count of early UF commitments to 19 (about 10-12 more slots scholarships remain). That's enough talent SEE ANASTASIS, PAGE 28 E UF senior Mike Degory is one of six finalists for the Rimington Trohpy, given annually to the nation's top center. The winner will be announced on Dec. 8. 0 NCAA Volleyball Tourney (Rd 2) Kansas State vs. UF O'Connell Center, Tonight, 7. M Men's Basketball: UCF vs. UF O'Connell Center, Saturday, Noon '44i "s-
28, Al LIGATORE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2005 By IAN FISHER Alligator Staff Writer ifisher@alligator.org After a frustrating season, junior running back Skyler Thornton is contemplating his future with the Gators. If he transfers, he would have to sit out a year before playing for another Division I-school -he could play for a Division I-AA school without penalty. Thornton has carried the ball just 20 times this season and hasn't had a carry since the Mississippi State game on Oct. 8. He said this season isn't what he expected it to be. He was competing for a starting job before the season kicked off, and at one point during the sumer, UF coach Urban im asey/ Alligator sta? UF junior tailback Sklyer Thornton rushes for 3 yards against Mississippi State for his final carry of the season. It could be his last carry as a Gators back. Meyer said Thornton was the top back out of a group that included DeShawn Wynn, Markus Manson and Kestahn Moore. Heading into UF's bowl game, Thornton is No. 4 on the depth chart. He doesn't know why he hasn't gotten more of a chance, he said. Thomton was a highly ranked recruit out of LaGrange, Ga., often compared to former Aubum star and current Tampa Bay Buccaneers rookie Cadillac Williams. But he has never gotten extended playing time. He carried the ball 55 times for 230 yards in 2004, and he finished that season as Ciatrick Fason's backup. This year, he only recorded 98 yards. Thornton said he hasn't looked into any other schools yet, but it's something he might consider. "I'll have to see after the season," he said. LEAK FILES WITH NFL: Quarterback Chris Leak has filed paperwork with the NFL's Draft Advisory Committee to see where he would likely be drafted as a junior. The papers wouldn't bind Leak, but Meyer said it is mostly for insurance purposes. EXTRA PRACTICES: One positive aspect about going to a bowl game is the extra practice for younger players, Meyer said. He said it gives the coaching staff a chance to work with freshmen who are going to play next year. The Gators will have 15 practices before the bowl game. However, he has to use the practices more toward bowl preparation at some point. "That's a fine line," Meyer said. "You have to maintain a positive attitude, but you don't ever want it to be punishment for finishing strong." ETC: Starting cornerback Vernell Brown, who broke his fibula against Vanderbilt and hasn't played since then, told Meyer that he'll be ready to play in UF's bowl game. "He says he's going to play," Meyer said. "He told me three weeks, but that's not verified by our doctors. He deserves to play in a bowl game." Defensive end Ray McDonald had an MRI on his knee, but no decisions have been made about his status. ANASTASIS, from page 27 to make Kentucky an SEC contender next year That's enough for a team of its own. Five-star, 4.4-second 40-yard dash phenom Jarred Fayson could run quarterback for the revitalized Spread 'n' Shred. Fourstar running back Chevon Walker could handle tailback. Four-star studs Damian Williams, Justin Williams and Bryan Thomas are your three receivers. And how about some blocking from 6-foot-5, 335pound behemoth Carl Johnson and 6-foot3, 344pound monster Maurice Hurt. You want defense? At 6-foot-4, five-star Mr. Do-It-All Jamar Hornsby can play safety. St. Augustine's speedy Jacques Rickerson fits right in at comer. And just to be unfair, the Gators have Larry Grant at linebacker. The 6-foot-3 linebacker reportedly runs a 4.45 40-yard dash. Sheesh. "They've got a lot of momentum they're filling needs, and it only looks like it's going to keep going," Newberg said. Wait, there's more recruiting to be done? Scout.com ranks UF's early class as fourth in the country. For those of you keeping score at home, that's better than LSU, Auburn, Ohio State and USC. Apparently, that's not good enough. Not for Meyer and Co., a group of recruiters so adept at their skill that Ron Zook's classes are beginning to look like Troy State material. Because you may have heard of this Tim Tebow quarterback fellow from St. Augustine. And recruiting often works like dominoes. Start the chain reaction and it can't be stopped. Not only does Tebow hold a gazillion ties to the Gators as is, but he now has a mind-numbing recruiting class to whisper sweet seductive phrases in his ear. "With Tim, I had the feeling two and a half weeks ago that Alabama was the team to beat," Newberg said. "But with all the Florida ties and his parents, I certainly think Florida is the team to beat." Or has he already made his decision? "This leads you to believe that maybe these guys know something we don't really know," Newberg said. It's a secret no longer. Mix yourself some Urban Bourbon because next year's freshman class will be fantabulous. ijoa'S 7. 1515 SW 13th St 'Tis the season to get HIPP for the holidays! A Tuna Ch risas am A Christwas Carol On stage through Dec. 18 2046 A FILM BY WONG KAR-WAI OPENS TONIGHT! 7PM & 9:30PM