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- Title:
- The Independent Florida alligator
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- Florida allgator
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- Alternate Title:
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- Place of Publication:
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- Publisher:
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- Creation Date:
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- Dates or Sequential Designation:
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the independent florida
Published by Campus Communications, Inc. o Gainesville, Florida
We Inform. You Decide.
City Commission approves towing rate hike
Alligator Writer
The Gainesville City Commission ap-
proved an $8 hike in towing rates Monday
The 4-3 vote in favor of the increase brings
the fee to $84, effective Jan. 1.
Commissioner Chuck Chestnut expressed
hesitation about the increase at the Nov.14 com-
mission meeting but voted in favor Monday.
"I think it was justified in terms of cost,"
Chestnut said. "In terms of diesel fuel... and
the economics of insurance."
He also said the commission was able to set
a 24-hour period before the towing company
can charge for storage costs.
A towing-rate increase was proposed last
year, but the commission did not approve it
because members did not believe they were
provided with enough information.
The commission rejected a motion to set
an annual increase or decrease in towing fees.
The vote was 2-5, with Commissioners Ed
Braddy and Jack Donovan in favor.
Chestnut said he was against the annual
adjustment because the commission would
"The law says we can't
lose its control of the local towing industry.
do anything against the
towing industry," he said.
"We can just set fees, and
we use fees as a way to di-
rect behavior. It's our only
Ultimate Towing re-
Hanrahan quested the rate hike at the
end of September, accord-
ing to company attorney Katherine Smaha.
Ultimate Towing wanted $90, but the issue
was deferred to the Public Safety Committee
at the Nov. 14 commission meeting.
Smaha said Ultimate is "quite happy with
the commission's decision."
In other news, the commission opted not to
rule out increasing alcohol regulations in 2006.
Mayor Pegeen Hanrahan does not want to
eliminate the possibility of regulating drink
specials, but the commission voted to defer
the issue to the Public Safety Committee.
Sex speaker dazzles
Writer, speaker and sex educator Jay Friedman dangles a female condom during a speech in the
Reitz Union Auditorium on Monday night.
Biology sexual
tips discussed
Alligator Contributing Writer
Shopping for a condom should
be like shopping for a car: You need
to find the make, model and features
that feel right to you.
These are the words of sex educa-
tor Jay Friedman, who spoke to about
150 people Monday night in the Reitz
Union Auditorium.
For the past 14 years, Friedman
has toured the country speaking pri-
marily to college students about sex
and promoting healthy relationships.
During a lecture at MIT, Friedman
said he had to explain sex to the male-
dominated student body in terms of
graphs and mathematics. He came up
with the analogy that a man's experi-
ence is like a microwave oven and a
woman's is more like a crockpot.
"Women can have multiple or-
gasms, so Freud was all wrong with
penis envy," he said. "Men reach
their sexual peak at ages 18 or 19 and
women at age 30 or 40."
For some women it takes more
time to feel comfortable with their
bodies, along with hopes and desires
with a partner, he said.
It is normal for both men and
women to masturbate, Friedman said,
and normal if they don't.
"Masturbation is a perfect way to
practice using condoms. It is dull lov-
ers, not dull condoms, that make for
dull sex," he said.
The secret to making condoms feel
better, he said, is to simply flip the
condom over and put water-based
lubricant in the tip of the condom.
Friedman told about the time in
high school when he was forced to
watch a movie that flashed pictures of
genitals covered with diseases.
"My belief is that sex is good. It's
what we learn about sex that is not so
good," he said. "The videos are a scare
tactic to never make us want to do it
the rest of our lives but instead leave
us ignorant and confused."
Panel to discuss feasibility of Asian American director
Alligator Writer
A panel discussion to be held tonight aims
to educate UF students and faculty about why
the university needs a director of Asian Pacific
American Affairs.
Asian American Student Union President
Sandy Chiu said a director would assist Asian
American students.by informing them about
E Chris Richard
and the No. 11
Gators are off to
their best start in
two decades after
beating up on
Alabama State 87-
60 Monday night
and improving to
See story, pg. 15.
scholarships, putting together a mentor pro-
gram like the ones other minority groups on
campus have, and giving students a voice in
the Office of Admissions and the university.
The discussion starts at 7 p.m. in the Reitz
Union Rion Ballroom.
UF does not recruit for Asian American
students in the way it does for Hispanic and
Latino or black students, and a director could
help to change this, Chiu said.
She added that the forum is to inform those
in attendance of what is happening with the
director and "how all students can benefit"
from having one.
When people attend the fo-
Student rum, they "will show administra-
Life tion, faculty and other students
the support or curiosity regard-
ing this issue," Chiu said.
This will not be the first time this year stu-
dents have brought this issue to the adminis-
tration's attention.
"Copyrighted Material
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
i With a little con-
struction paper, a few
stickers and some
cutout snowflakes,
UF students can send
season s greetings to
youn cancer patients
spe riding their holi-
days in hospitals.
See story, pg. 4.
During the first week of classes in the Fall
semester, students from the Asian American
Student Union and South Asian American
Student Union assembled at a speech by Vice
President for Student Affairs Patricia Telles-
Irvin to express their concerns about the lack
of a director.
That came a few days after the Dean of
Students Office's announcement that a posi-
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Looking for experience in
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a the independent florida
VOLUME 99 ISSUE 66 ISSN 0889-2423
Not officially associated with the University of Florida
Published by Campus Communications Inc., of Gainesville, Florida
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The Independent Florida Alligator is a student newspaper serving the University of Florida, pub-
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tions Inc.
Scooters don't faze UPD
Alligator Contributing Writer
Scooters are treated as motorcycles by
law when traveling at 30 mph or more,
but local police usually disregard this fact
because it would require an additional
motor vehicle license, insurance and eye
"Could we enforce them? Absolutely.
Do we? Not really," said Gainesville Police
Department Sgt. Anthony Ferrara.
Ferrara compared scooter law enforce-
ment to jaywalking on a football gameday.
"There is a leniency given to students
who aren't making waves," he said.
Amateur riders without proper protec-
tion, including a helmet, are a concern for
officials, even though all scooter riders are
not required to wear helmets.
"Any time you are going faster than
walking pace on something not biologically
part of you, you should have a helmet on,"
Ferrara said.
Under Florida law, motorcyclists over
the age of 21 with proper license and
$10,000 worth of personal injury insurance
are exempt from helmet laws.
A state law requiring all motorcyclists
to wear a helmet was revoked in 2000, and
fatalities have dramatically increased since
then. According to the National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration, fatalities in
Florida were 71 percent greater in the two
years following the repeal than the two
years before it.
"Anytime you are going faster
than walking pace on something
not biologically part of you, you
should have a helmet on."
Sgt. Anthony Ferrara
Gainesville Police Department
"Students don't like to wear helmets
because it doesn't look cool," said UPD of-
ficer David Miles. "It's a really dangerous
University students hoping to return
to Gainesvilleafter the holiday break with
new scooters should not overlook the hel-
mets at the dealership.
"As a motorcycle rider, I don't see any
significant difference between the two
when you're in the city," said UF graduate
student Paul Wiseman.
Police: Buckle up or pay
Alligator Contributing Writer
Driving without a seatbelt in
Gainesville could cost you more than $75
as local officials enforce a Click it or Ticket
campaign this month.
University Police is cracking down
on drivers and passengers not wear-
ing seatbelts as part of a countywide
Driving without a seatbelt is against
Florida state law, but it is not a primary of-
fense, meaning police cannot pull over an
adult for not wearing a seatbelt. As a sec-
ondary violation, however, not buckling
up will tack an extra $77.50 to a ticket for
a primary offense like speeding, said UPD
officer John Savona.
Savona said students should be careful.
"The primary stop is not the seatbelt,
but if you run a stop sign or something,
then they can get you," he said.
One exception to the secondary offense
rule is if an individual under the age of 18
is not wearing a seatbelt. Even if the person
is in the back seat, the violation becomes a
primary offense, giving an officer the right
to pull the vehicle over and issue a citation
to the driver.
The fine for a non-moving offense,
such as not wearing a seatbelt, has gone
up from $74.50 to $77.50 in the past year,
Savona said. The fine for a moving offense,
such as running a stop sign, rose from
$118.50 to $121.50.
A citation of this kind will not result in
points on a driver's license, but Savona
said to expect more fine increases.
"Everything just keeps going up," he
Motor vehicle accidents are the lead-
ing cause of death and disability among
Americans ages 2 to 33, according to a
report of the National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration.
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Man without a face
Director livens up classes
Alligator Writer
Microeconomics professor Mark
Rush carefully paced the floor, try-
ing not to step on a crack.
When asked why, his friend
butted in: "He breaks my back."
This is a familiar scene for
Rush and his accomplice, Anthony
Bouton, better known to many as
the Director.
You've probably heard the two
insult each other, but chances are
you've never seen them face-to-face.
Bouton is in charge of large
Warrington College of Business lec-
tures behind Bryan Hall Room 130.
He takes pride in concealing his
identity behind the camera, a posi-
tion he's held since 1990.
He puts the entry-level business
courses, Rush's microeconomics
and David Denslow's macroeco-
nomics, on the electronic platform
for thousands of students to view.
While students remain in the
dark about who is behind the lens,
Bouton said he enjoys taunting the
professors he never understood.
"I've got to keep it that way," he
said. "1 think it makes it more fun
for students. Everyone has a dif-
ferent picture of what the Director
looks like."
Rush said students can only
concentrate for about 30 minutes at
a time, and Bouton helps to break up
the economic monotony.
So the two take jabs at each other,
even when the camera isn't rolling,
on things such as Rush's oft-worn
plaid shirts, which Bouton said rep-
resent lines on a globe.
"Hopefully, most people like it,"
Bouton said. "They can always fast-
forward through the stuff. You want
to walk that fine line."
Denslow said there are few times
when the same level of thought
is present during an hour-long
event, noting the drinking scene in
Shakespeare's play "Macbeth."
Bouton said Denslow's mom and
Shakespeare have a lot in common.
"They both produce great trag-
edies," he said.
Bouton joked that his favorite
part about his job is going home
") after work with Rush, Denslow and
marketing professor Richard Lutz.
Rush responded Jby noting he
was offended that he and Lutz were
mentioned in the same breath.
"I like the fact that Gainesville
has a sewer system too, but that
doesn't mean I like to associate with
it," he said.
Bouton said he used to direct
graduate-level engineering courses,
where it was "one equation after the
other" with little student contact.
"Director equals p times o times
s," Rush said.
Denslow said his class has a
90-percent approval rating, in part
because of Bouton's contribution.
But he said the jokes are typically
recycled every semester.
Jenny Harnish, Alligator
The Director draws a mustache on Microeconomics professor Mark Rush. The two trade playful insults
and practical jokes during lecture recordings.
"That's an incentive to pass,"
Denslow said.
Donald Jones, a tourism manage-
ment senior, said Bouton usually
wins the joke war.
"I think the Director gets the best
of them sometimes," he said.
"Enjoy your last night in
Gainesville," Rush rebutted.
Bouton said Rush generally
shoots back quicker than Denslow.
"You have.to make your joke air-
tight (with Rush)," he said.
The trio frequents local resta-
raunts such as Leonardo's and
Burrito Brothers for lunch.
Denslow said they played golf, but
it was a disaster, so they tried tennis.
"His (Bouton's) main goal is to
see how far over the backstop he can
hit it," he said. "I play at the so-called
senior league. But it starts young. You
only have to be 60 to be in it."
Just then, sirens rang from a
nearby emergency vehicle.
"The bad joke police are here,"
Rush said.
City 'Intern' competition enters second year at SFCC
Alligator Writer
Although Gainesville Mayor Pegeen Hanrahan is no
Donald Trump, she will decide the fate of who receives a paid
internship and a scholarship in the SFCC competition The
Intern 2, a spin-off of the TV show "The Apprentice."
The theme of this year's competition is "Building kids' fu-
tures, one task at a time," and it begins January 2006.
Eight contestants will compete in seven tasks, with a
children's theme focused on benefiting different aspects of
Gainesville's children community.
"It is really hush-hush on the tasks so no one can get the up-
per leg on the other competition," said SFCC student Krystal
Wilson, project coordinator. "They are a secret, but what I
can say is that the Children's Home Society, March of Dimes,
United Way and various charities and organizations are in-
Last year, only nine students applied for the eight open
spots, but the college is hoping to have more students partici-
pate this year.
"The ideal type of person for 'The Intern' is someone who
has ideas, who can think outside the box," said Wilson, who
placed second to Daniel Jones in last year's The Intern.
"You think everything is going perfect, but it is that one idea
that puts you over the top," she said. "The person needs to be a
leader, but able to follow others."
The deadline to enter is Dec. 6. The Intern hopefuls must
submit an application as to why they would like to participate
in the competition, one recommendation letter and a 250-word
autobiography. Each student must be registered for the Spring
2006 semester and hold at least a 2.0 GPA.
"A new addition to the competition will be online voting,"
said Alan Rezaei, SFCC's student body president. "This is to
get the community more in-
Santa Fe volved with the project."
Community College Rezaei is working with
Student Government to help
raise campus awareness about the event.
Local community members will be able to go to
sfccintemproject.com and vote for the contestant they believe
should move on to the next week's task.
However, voting will not have any direct effect on the
mayor's decision.
Rezaei said the mayor used the phrase "Stay in school"
during last year's competition instead of Trump's signature
"You're fired!"
The student chosen as The Intern will receive a 12-credit-
hour, in-state scholarship and a paid internship in the mayor's
office in Fall 2006.
Holiday cards go from campus to children in hospitals
Alligator Contributing Writer
With a little construction paper, a few stick-
ers and some cutout snowflakes, UF students
can send season's greetings to young cancer
patients spending their holidays in hospitals.
For its fifth annual Hearts for the Holidays
campaign, Gainesville's chapter of the stu-
dent-run Friends for Life of America organiza-
tion is working to have 7,000 cards made and
sent to children in hospitals nationwide.
The club will have tables set up with art
supplies from 9:35 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. weekdays
through Dec. 5 on the Reitz Union Colonnade.
Anyone can stop by and make holiday cards.
A card-making table will also be on Turlington
Plaza during the same times every weekday
except Wednesday. A floating table will be at
the Broward Dining Hall and the Southwest
Recreation Center from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Wednesday, as well as in the Warrington
College of Business courtyard Monday.
"It's a really good opportunity for UF stu-
dents to do something for the community,"
said Mary McNichol, a psychology junior.
"You can help kids feel better about being in
the hospital."
She participated in the campaign last year
and said she hopes her cards "come-out pret-
ty" for the children who receive them.
The club's hospital correspondents coor-
dinate with each hospital to make sure all
the children in that hospital receive a card,
"It's a really good opportunity
for UF students to do something
for the community. You can help
kids feel better about being in.the
Mary McNichol
said Megan Crosmer, 21, a biochemistry and
molecular biology junior and co-chair of the
The club's 2002 event at UF collected 11,388
cards, which were sent to 45 hospitals across
the nation.
"The holidays are a really hard time for
kids to be in the hospital," Crosmer said.
"This is a way to add a little happiness to the
People can stop by as often as they want, to
make as many holiday cards as possible. No
artistic talent is required.
"Everybody gets hooked," Crosmer said.
"It's a chance to be creative and at the same
time reach out to children."
Vikram Purohit, 21, a molecular biology
senior, has made holiday cards for the cam-
paign every holiday season since he's been at
the university.
"Every child in the hospital should have
as normal a life as possible, and this is just an-
other way to do that," Purohit said.
Committee will discuss alcohol
CITY, from page 1
The committee will need to submit a
recommendation for the commission's
Dec. 12 meeting in order for the city to
vote to regulate drink specials and the
tracking of kegs in 2006.
UF Student Body President Joe
Goldberg told the commission that he's
against keg registration.
"Somebody will purchase a keg and
take it to a party, and somebody will
come to that party and steal it," he said.
He said even though the student no
longer has control of who drinks from
the keg, the student would still be re-
sponsible because it is registered under
his or her name.
Hanrahan countered that some re-
sponsibility is necessary.
"We want people tobe worried about
someone stealing their kegs or who's
drinking out of their kegs," she said.
Robert Zeller, owner of Gator City,
Grog House and Copper Monkey, said
the laws might hurt small businesses.
Zeller and other alcohol distributors
told the commission that more discus-
sions need to be held and that local
businesses should be included.
Mark Barnett,
Gainesville City owner of Gator
Commission Beverage, lo-
cated at 1126 W
University Ave., said Gainesville citi-
zens must have more input on issues
that could greatly affect them.
"I don't think there's any awareness
of this issue at all in the general public,"
he said. "This small, hidden piece of
legislature could greatly affect their ex-
posure to civil and criminal damage."
Friedman: 'Blue balls' a myth
SEX, from page 1
Friedman said the reasons why even
nice guys find themselves putting pres-
sure on their partners to have sex is be-
cause of locker-room talk, homophobia
and the myth of "blue balls."
"If the 'blue-ball' myth were true,
you would hear explosions all over
campus," Friedman said. "No one
should feel compelled to finish some-
one off; this is where you need to
communicate and negotiate the sexual
behavior you are ready for."
Friedman said that during his travel
across the United States, he found more
open-minded students onthe East coast,
and more dose-minded students as he
moved inland toward states like North
and South Dakota and Montana.
Many of his visits have resulted in
censorship, and he said people voice
complaints such as "he is stimulating
students into a state of erotic frenzy."
UF junior Lauren Case said she en-
joyed Friedman because "it's rare you
find someone willing to ... speak about
this very taboo subject."
Friedman concluded with a "gift" to
the audience of teaching them how to in-
crease their sexual strength and stamina
with kegel exercises, squeezes of the
muscles of the pelvic floor. The exercise
helps enhance one's sex life, he said.
"You don't want to do too many too
fast, but you want to do sets of these
things every day," Friedman said.
Dean of Students Office appointed Asian graduate assistant instead of director
DIRECTOR, from page 1
tion was created for a director of multicultural and diversity
A graduate assistant position was also created for Asian
Pacific American Affairs, but not the director position that
some students had hoped for.
Kappa Phi Lambda and Delta Phi Omega sororities are
hosting tonight's event with support from Asian American
Heritage Kaleidoscope Month.
Coordinator for the event Thao Tran said it would not be a
protest or rally, but an educational forum.
Student She said the event will benefit the whole
Lifo student body.
Chiu said the forum will allow students to
write down questions that a moderator will pose. -
Panelists will include South Asian American Student Union
President Preeti Sharma, past AASU President Linh Nguyen,
professors Amy Ongiri and Malini Schueller and Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual and Transgender Affairs Director Tamara Cohen, said
Kaleidoscope Month Event Coordinator Leo Esclamado.
The Dean of Students Office has appointed directors for
black students, Hispanic students and students with disabili-
ties as well.
The two professors were involved in a panel last year that
focused on ethnic studies, Esclamado said.
He emphasized that the panel's purpose is not to blame
the Dean of Students Office because it does not have a director
for Asian Ajmerican Students.
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Clumsy tactics
Fight against military
recruitment farfetched
With nothing of controversial value happening on cam-
pus recently, the Editorial Board has decided to rely
on a natural foe for editorial material.
We'd like you to travel back to last Monday, when the
National Guard came to the Plaza of the Americas to recruit
students by letting them touch and aim powerful weapons.
By adding video games and free food to the deal, the men in
uniform had no problem garnering positive attention. College
boys love war and games, except perhaps when it's real.
But the appearance of guns on campus, whether the weap-
ons were in working condition or not, made us question the
military's recruitment tactics. The necessity of using guns to at-
tract possible soldiers is an interesting trend in military recruit-
ment. It emphasizes the excitement of violence, rather than the
honor of fighting for your country.
But while we're worried about how the military recruits,
others are focused on the message behind the organization.
The Forum for Academic and Institutional Rights is fight-
ing against the Solomon Amendment, which would allow the
federal government to withdraw funding if universities don't
permit military recruiters on campus. Some schools would like
to bar the military because its "don't ask, don't tell" policy on
gays conflicts with efforts to battle discrimination.
The forum argues that the law, enacted after Sept. 11, 2001,
violates the First Amendment. The Supreme Court will hear the
case Dec. 6.
So what's the Editorial Board's conclusion? Our nation is
obsessed with homosexuality. And in this case, the argument
doesn't apply to the situation.
Our nation is at war, and our military is pathetically smaller
than our ambitions. We're knee-deep in Iraq without the man-
power to construct a democracy out of anarchy. Students are of
the right age, mind and situation for recruitment. The military,
and our country's international efforts, cannot survive without
scouring universities.
On the other hand, our military discriminates against the
openly gay. And that's just bigoted.
But we don't believe universities are seen as discriminatory
because they allow the military on campus. Joining the Army is
a good option for many, and impeding students from learning
about this opportunity isn't a very educated decision.
There's a big difference between an group that recruits stu-
dents for the purpose of working against gays, and an organiza-
tion that has a discriminatory policy buried within its ranks.
Furthermore, tying obligations to federal funding is nothing
new. Universities must follow a million specifications to get
government grants; this requirement is just another one in the
pile. The forum is following up on it because winning the case
will help put pressure on the military to change its policy.
We would like to see the policy changed, partly because we
don't think it has anything to do with fighting. Soldiers of every
race, sex and creed are needed, and discrimination goes against
the military's goals.
However, this case is stretched thin. Whatever the outcome,
the "don't ask, don't tell" policy will not change. Only time and
a shifting public opinion can do that. In this political climate, the
military unfortunately will lose more recruits than it gains if it
changes the policy now.
The military shouldn't speak against gays or actively encour-
age discrimination on campus. Beyond that, students can make
their own decisions about the worthiness of the organization.
We can't win the battle against discrimination from such an
awkward angle.
Instead, we should focus on a more direct and relevant is-
sue: Is promoting violence an acceptable recruitment tactic on
college campuses?
to the independent florida
Mike Gimignani
Eva Kis
Emily Yehle
Tom Durrenberger,
Scott Gilton, Andrew Meyer
The Alligator encourages comments from readers. Letters to the editor should not exceed 150
words (about one letter-sized page). They must be typed, double-spaced and must include the
author's name, classification and phone number. Names will be withheld if the writer shows
just cause. We reserve the right to edit for length, grammar, style and libel. Send letters to
letters@alligator.org, bring them to 1105 W. University Ave., or send them to P.O. Box 14257,
Gainesville, FL 32604-22 57.Columns of about 450 words about original topics and editorial
cartoons are also welcome. Questions? Call 376-4458.
Guest column
Scientific theories more than guesses
t is clear that there are significant public misconceptions
about the debate on "intelligent design." Part of this am-
biguity stems from a general misunderstanding of science
- the roots of which are fodder for an entire series of opinion
columns and part of it is caused by the parties involved in
the controversy.
There are two facets to this debate: One is political, and
the other is academic. Neither concerns the validity or cor-
rectness of "intelligent design"; that is, of whether it is a
plausible idea or not. The political controversy centers on
the legality of teaching an inherently religious philosophy in
public schools and whether that is constitutional. I will not
dwell on the political situation, as I am sure that everyone
has heard plenty from the media.
The other part of the debate, the academic angle, deals
with whether "intelligent design" is actually a science.
As Joseph Meert pointed out last Monday, the answer is
a resounding "no." In his Wednesday column, Thomas
Harrington correctly pointed out that a scientific theory is
testable and falsifiable. What he failed to state, however, is
that "intelligent design" does not meet these criteria. How
do you falsify the hypothesis of the interaction of a higher
being? By disproving the existence of God? That is not sci-
ence. There is a reason that advocates focus on trying to
discredit the neo-Darwinian natural selection theory rather
than on testing. "Intelligent design" is a philosophy, not a
science. Rather than explain the how, "intelligent design')
actually deals with the why. I agree with Meert that it has
an appropriate classroom setting one that is a theology or
philosophy class, not a science class.
The public should also realize what the "intelligent
design" idea actually states. The concept does not refute
evolution. A curious person needs only to refer to the Web
site of the Discovery Institute, the primary institutional pro-
ponent for "intelligent design," to realize this. Evolution is,
as defined by evolutionary biologist Douglas J. Futuyma,
"...change in the properties of populations of organisms that
Jonathan transcend the lifetime of a single indi-
Hoffman vidual." Advocates attempt to explain
Speaking Out the cause for this change and attach
purpose to it, not deny its existence.
They do not even fully reject natu-
ral selection, the driving mechanism behind neo-Darwinian
evolution. They concede that genetic mutations do occur,
causing change, but they contend that not all of these muta-
tions are random.
As a scientist, I am disturbed by the general misconcep-
tion that a scientific theory holds little credence. Last week,
one editorial author stated that "evolution is as much of a
theory as 'intelligent design,'" implying that evolution is
still only a "lowly" theory. In science, it is an accolade for an
idea to attain the level of theory, not a dishonor. A scientific
theory is based on observations that have been subjected to
and withstood numerous tests, including attempts at falsifi-
cation. Statements such as "it's just a theory" equate a theory
with a hypothesis. Relativity, the idea behind the splitting of
atoms and nuclear energy, is "just" a theory. No one, how-
ever, debates its validity because it has been upheld through
countless trials. It also does not challenge our concepts of
creation, but I digress. -
Lastly, I can only shake my head at Ashley Wills' claim
that evolution is a "philosophy issue." In the science commu-
nity, the occurrence of evolution is supported beyond debate.
We have witnessed it happen before our very eyes with the
annual formation of new viral strains. Further evidence has
come from the fossil record, in which we have discovered im-
pressive evolutionary sequences, for example, in horses and
whales. In her column, Wills refuted evolutionary biology's
status as a science. It is my hope that most people can realize
that evolutionary biology and its related fields are science.
Furthermore, I hope that people will understand fully the
position they advocate.
Jonathan Hoffman is a graduate student in the Department of
Geological Sciences.
The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator.
Reader response
Today's question:
Should the military be allowed to
recruit on campus?
Monday's question:
Would you use the bus service on
32% YES
68% NO
Vote or post a message at www.alligator.org
Letters to the Editor
Flag supporters comical, uninformed
After a nice relaxing break, it was good
to come back to campus to find the comedy
that was the Alligator Letters to the Editor
on Monday. Nothing says hilarity like two
individuals who do not attend UF and have
well-developed opinions on things they
know nothing about.
Since space is limited, I will address
the letter from Wes Hamilton, a proud
resident of Clyde, Texas, who apparently
has no connection with UF whatsoever.
Hamilton goes to great pains to inform
us, the impressionable student body, that
his seventh cousin, Robert E. Lee, did not
in fact take up arms against his country
but simply switched his allegiance when
another group of seemingly non-traitorous
individuals decided to establish a new na-
tion. No rebellion there at all!-
What puzzles me the most, however,
is Hamilton's prestigious family history.
He claims that he had grandfathers in six
states and that all of them were officers and
soldiers in the Confederate Army.
I was under the impression that most
people only had two grandfathers. I have
heard of inbreeding in the South, but I
thought this was just conjecture and rumor.
Hamilton proves that this is indeed a his-
torical certainty.
If, as Hamilton claims, the Confederates
were fighting for the value system em-
bodied by Thomas Jefferson, why does
the United States still exist under the
Constitution? How exactly did the election
of Abraham Lincoln threaten America's
"principles, morals and rights" as codified
by the Founding Fathers?
He really doesn't answer this question
very well and instead spews the same vitri-
olic rhetoric that so many pro-Dixie people
have trotted out over the years.
The only thing that Hami
was lacking was a Zell Miller
challenging Andrew Bare to a
field of honor.
lton's letter
r-esque line
duel on the
Mike Bowen
Bare judges past by today's standards
Andrew Bare's Wednesday column
"Confederate flag is a symbol of treason"
makes the mistake of judging the people
of the 1860s by current standards. For
example, the column stated, "Lee had his
chance to serve his country or serve his
state. He chose his state." But to Lee, his
state was his country.
The federal government was much
smaller and weaker in 1860 than it is today.
Back then, Americans did not have Social
Security numbers, they did not pay federal
income taxes, and most did not carry U.S.
passports. They moved from state to state
much less than people do today, and they
had fewer relatives and friends in other
Therefore, it is not surprising that they
felt more like citizens of their states than
citizens of the United States. To many of
them, the idea that their states could not
leave the United States would be compa-
rable to the modern idea that a nation can-
not leave the United Nations.
Many Southerners opposed secession
and slavery and ending slavery was not
initially a goal of the Union but chose
to resist or were even forced to resist an
armed invasion of the South. Does that
make those people evil?
If the Confederate flag is a symbol of
treason, then the U.S. flag is also a symbol
of treason. The stars and stripes is the flag
of people who rebelled against the British
Also, many people who fly the flag
today are not trying to honor Confederate
heritage or make a political or social state-
ment. To many, the flag is just a symbol of
the South or Southern pride. And many
people just fly the flag as a kind of silly or
fun thing. I think this is especially true of
the Louisiana State University sports fans,
who wave a purple and gold LSU's
school colors version of the flag.
Larry Fafarman
Los Angeles
Confederacy honored for many reasons
I am by no means an ardent supporter
or admirer of the Confederacy, but the
* argument. presented by Andrew Bare is
patently ridiculous.. By the same reasoning
process, Old Glory is also a symbol of trea-
son. Should we be ashamed? Should we
avoid flying it when it might offend the
United Kingdom? Don't be ridiculous.
The South had reasons other than slav-
ery for revolting. This does not excuse it
but represents extenuating circumstances.
Afterward, the people who had to prose-
cute the war felt that the reasons for the re-
volt were not unreasonable as evinced by
the easy terms granted postwar. If many of
the ones who fought and died as a result
of the South's decision did not blame it
overmuch, I don't think it makes sense for
us to do that now.
The Confederacy represents many
things to many people. If we are to live in
a free society, we need to learn to tolerate
and grasp that a reverence for its better in-
tentions does not necessitate ignorance of
its flaws. Further, if we are to learn from its
mistakes, we cannot do so by eradicating it
from memory. Those offended by the flag
would be better off using it to discuss the
errors it represents than to make it disap-
pear from human experience.
Nicholas Bretagna II
UF employee
More to Southern story than most know
I used to believe the things that Andrew
Bare professed in his column. I was a Yankee,
born and raised in the North Country where
I live.
I earned a master's in American history
from a university in Kansas, a state that flaunts
its "abolitionist" history. It wasn't until after I
had the degree and spent four years working
at the Kansas State Historical Society Library/
Archives that I realized there was much more
to the story than is publicly taught in schools
Secession was not unconstitutional before
the Civil War, only after was it declared so.
The original colonies had done the same thing
from England, but we glorify them as heroes.
The war was primarily over tyranny, second-
arily over slavery.
Gen. Ulysses S. Grant owned slaves; Gen.
Robert E. Lee did not. Lincoln did not free all
slaves, only slaves in southern states. There
were plenty of slaves in border states and
northern slaves that were not freed.
The Confederacy at the end of the war
allowed black units, and during the war, al-
lowed individual black soldiers and had entire
Native American regiments. I could go on, but
I won't.
I will end with this quote from a Union
hero: "If I thought this war was about slavery,
I would resign my commission and take my
sword to the other side."
Guess who said that? Ulysses S. Grant.
Justin Dragosani-Brantingham
Baudette, Minn..
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3 Sublease 8. Electronics 13 Wanted 18 Personals 23 Rides
4 Roommates. 9 Bicycles 14 Help Wanted 19 Connections 24 Pets
Al5 ReaJlEstate' 10 for Sale ...15 Services' 20 Event Notices 25. Lost & Found
All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make limitation, or discrimination." We will
not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. All employment opportunities advertised herein are subject to the laws which prohibit discrimina-
tion in employment (barring legal exceptions) because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, familial status, age, or any other covered status. This newspaper assumes no responsibility for injury or loss arising from contacts made through the type of advertising that
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P~qA~B~%sS"P~~*BBf~ ILi~sp~sB~sBILr%--~____ ~_~~~_~=;BK~I
- - -
5 For Rent
NEW kitchen, tile, carpet, paint
3BR/2BA Flats 00 $839/mo
2BR/2BA Flats ** $725/mo
2BR- over 1100 sq ft 00 $725/ mo
1 BR-over 800 sq ft 00 $625/mo
Close to UF, beautiful, quiet
High-speed wireless internet
$450 deposit 0 376-2507
Its Never Too Early!
Huge 2 and 3 Beds for January!
Cable W/D Pool Gym Pets Ok
Pre-leasing for 2006! 372-8100
Affordable, Quiet living
HUGE 1& 2BR Pool
Skylights 1.5 miles to UF
Furn Avail 377-7401*
Avail for Current and Fall
Pool*Tennis Cts*1.5 Mi 2 UF
Ind lease, Furn & Util Avail
Great Specials*377-7401 12-7-72-2
University Terrace Gainesville
University Terrace West
Individual Leases
W/D, Pool & Utilities $300-$325/mo.
Union Properties 373-7578
Looking for a home? We have the
LARGEST selection of single family rent-
als in Gainesville. With over 100 properties
currently available, we're sure to have some-
thing to fit your style and budget. Visit our
website at www.edbaurmanagement.com,
or call us to find your new home today 352-
375-7104 ex 2.
IEd Baur
i Management Inc.,
*UPPER CLASS Students*
Perfect place to study!
FREE cable w/ HBO/Show
Gated entry*Computer lab
Wireless poolside*FREE Tanning
- .
a ll For Rent
Free extended Basic Cable! Pets Welcome!
1000 sq ft Split Floor PLan W/D Hook-ups
& DW. 1BR/1BA & 2BR/2BA Available. Call
Now 372-9913 12-7-71-2
Amazingly Affordable! HUGE 650 sq ft 1BR
1000 sq ft 2BR Townhouses & Flats
Discounted Rates Starting @ $380 & $480
Close to Santa Fe, UF & 1-75 332-5070 12-
Available now!
2BR/1BAApt. $475
3BR/1BA Duplex $600
MITCHELL REALTY 374-8579xl 12-7-64-2
Rent With Us Today,
Buy With Us Tomorrow!
Condo, House & Townhouse Rentals
Ask About Our Lucrative
Tenant Rewards Program!
2BR/2BA Haile Condo $900/mo
2BR/1BA Near UF $475/mo
3BR/2BA Duckpond $795/mo
Ask about Move-In Specials!
Over 30+ Private Homes Available!
Call Today: 371-2118
*Large affordable apartments*
2/2.5 & 4/2.5 TH w/W/D. No pet restrictions!
Pool, Gym, B-ball, Tennis, Racquetball, UF
parking. Available Jan 2006 @ (352) 332-
7401 12-7-49-2
NEW Development NEW Construction
1.5 mi. from UF. 2BR/2.5BA. W/D incl.
Cabana & pool. Avail immediately. Contact
MaCor Realty, Inc. 352-375-8888 11-30-
Going, Going, GONE!!
2BRJ1BA only $675
Spacious floor plan, Quiet atmosphere
Move in TODAY! 376-1248
60 Sec. walk to UF. 1 or 2 rooms. Short
term avail. $350 & up. Call 352-538-2181
bo '.
* W
I FOY Rent
S unfu-rnished
Reasonably priced NW 3BR house,
1200sf, washer/dryer, den, eat-in kitchen,
garage, large maintained yard $720
edbaurmanagement.com 375-7104 ex. 2.
1731 NW 6th Street 12-7-35-2
Talismar, SW 1 BR near vet school & hospi-
tals, cent h/a, enclosed courtyard, includes
water & trash, $375 ebaurmanagement.com
375-7104 ex 2 1731 NW 6th St. 12-7-35-2
One BR apt for rent. 1 person, 1 car, no
smoking, no pets, no fleas. It is small, but
has it all. All util. pd. $360/mo, unfurnished.
Call Charlie "Whitey" Webb. 375-4373. Stop
by 1215 NE 20th Ave. 12-7-34-2
2/1.5 apt 1100 sq. ft. $595
3/2 apt 1300 sq ft $695
1800 NW 4th St. Over 20 houses also avail.
373-4423 www.maximumre.com
2BR/2.5BA NW townhome. New tile 1st fir,
carpet 2nd fir & paint. W/D, 1.5 mi to UF
$725/mo pets ok Avail now 772-708-7048
DUPLEX 2BR/1BA. New tile, new carpet,
new paint, central AC/heat, W/D hk up.
Walk/bike to UF. 408 NW 5th Ave. Unit A.
$695/mo. 1 st/last &sec. www.gatorpads.com
284-0316 or 281-0733 12-7-27-2
Avail Dec several units within 1/2 mi of UF
campus-or closer. Efficiency $325 1BR/1BA
$420, 2BR/2.5BA $725, 2BR/1BA $600. Sec
dep. No pets. Contactgvll32601@gmail.com
or Iv msg 352-870-7256 12-7-29-2
HISTORIC APTS Ceiling fans, hardwood
floors, high ceilings, some w/fireplaces.
SE historic district. First, last, security. 2BR
&2BR w/study 2-2BR Houses in NW Dntn.
$600-800/mo No dogs please. 378-3704
Walk to UF 2BR.1BA duplex, cent A/C,
private parking, 922 SW 6th Ave. $520
Edbaurmanagement.com 375-7104 12-7-
Convenient UF access $375 to $620/mo
Action Real Estate Services 352-331-1133
650-750 sq. ft. Starting @ $490/MO. Quiet,
wooded setting. FREE monitored alarm
system. 6400 SW 20th Ave. Call 332-0720
townhouse. Master suite w/private terrace.
Pool, hi spd internet & security system hook-
ups. New appliances. Near UF off 13th St.
$950/mo. Call 561-912-6223, 954-755-1728
1, 2, & 3BR units. Available now. Starting @
$380/mo. 332-5070, 331-8225 12-7-25-2
La Mancha Apts.
Enjoy all-inclusive individual leases, within
walking distance of UF! Swimming pool,
laundry facilities, private parking. Make your
life easier today! Short term leases avail-
able! Call Campus Realty today! 692-3800
Campus Realty
Great homes for rent in the
UF area! 352-692-3800
3207 W. University Ave
Furnished + pool table, W/D, 2 car garage,
off-street parking, tile floors. Campus Realty
692-3800 12-7-25-2
New carpets 1800 sq. ft. Walk to Law School.
$1200/mo. Gore-Rabell Real Estate 378-
1387 www.gore-rabell.com 12-7-24-2
One mile to campus & Shands 2BR/1.5BA
Avail. Jan. 1st Wood floors, W/D, DW, clean,
no pets, sm, 1038 SW 6th Dr. $600/mo
239-898-9317 1-31-40-2
U For Rent
Close in. Lots of green space. Large 4BR/
2BA Home Screen porch. No pets. $800/MO
Call (352)378-9220 or 213-3901 12-7-24-2
Large, exlcusive 2/2. W/D. Walk/ride to
campus. Available Jan 1. $800/mo. Call 378-
2627 or 466-3797 12-7-21-2
Large, Modern, Clean 4BR/3BA house 1
block North of UF. Many amenities. Zoned ok
for 4 roommates. $1600/mo. No Pets. K&M
Properties 372-1509. 12-7-21-2
Great Location & Price. 1&2 BR. Apts. 1
Block from UF on North & East side of cam-
pus. Priced $440-$575/mo. No pets. K&M
Properties 372-1509. 12-7-21-2
One or both rooms in 2BR DOWNTOWN
APT. Quiet neighborhood. CLOSE TO
person. Pets OK. Call 262-1351 11-30-14-2
2BR/1 BA DUPLEX for rent. Newly remodeled
and new appliances: W/D hk-up. Hawthorne
Rd.. SE 46th Terr. $600/MO, $300 dep. Call
352-258-8806 12-7-17-2
Apartment Buildings
Close to UF & Shopping
2BR/1.5BA condos W/D hookups
$675/MO 494-9045 or 494-2173
WALK TO CLASS! Nice 2/1 house with big
fenced yard. W/D. 716 NW 4th Ave. $695/mo
evenings 472-9273, mobile '494-3154 or
e-mail billconradconstruction@yahoo.com
NW 1BR house. Freshly painted inte-
rior. 1000 sq. ft. Two window AC's and space
heat. Several multi-use rooms. Some pets
okay 1936 NW 31stAve. $450 Jim 375-1590
Looking for an Apartment???
1412 W. University Avenue
Visit our NEW location in the new
Target Copy Center!
FREE Apartment and Housing
Locator Service
Call 352-376-4493 or visit
PET'S PARADISE No app or pet fee 2BR
townhome. Fireplace, privacy fence, new
carpet, modern appliances, ceiling fans, CH/
AC, 1000 SW 59 Terr. Private owner. Please
leave detailed msg. $450/mo 352-331-2099
Taylor Square Apts & Townhouses. 1BR/
1BA. Avail Jan 2006. $650/mo Inci hi-spd
internet & W/D. Call 692-4066 12-1-10-2
1/1 in 2/2 avail, in Oxford Manor
w/i closet, priv bath, w/d, quiet
great gym, close to Shands, shops
$405 month plus half utilities. Female only.
352-328-5880 or kes208@ufl.edu 12-1-15-2
Near Law School 3/1, $1200/mo. 1st, last,
security. Pref grad student. No pets, W/D
hook up, Wood floors, cent A/C, gas heat,
trees. Call Tom >8pm or weekends 954-529-
4031 12-7-13-2
On park-like 1 acre lot located in High
Springs; carport; no pets; all amenities
included. Avail for Dec 1. $850 mthly 3x to
move-in. See ad details on Rent.com or call
1-866-833-1601 x 1014 11-30-7-2
Male for room in 2BR/2.5BA in .Victoria
Station. Shared kitchen, family room,
washer/dryer. Community pool. $425/mo
+ utilities. Avail Jan 1. Call 954-303-1104
or 954-242-4633, or kvabraham@aol.com
TH in Kensington South, high ceilings, dining
room, washer/dryer, pool, $850/rent
3901 SW 20th Ave #105 <-
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 12-2-8-2.
**--*0.8 MILES TO UF*-**
Studio apt in historic house near downtown.
Laundry & parking outside front door. $325/
mo 404 SW2nd St. 214-9270 12-7-12-2
Countryside @ University. 2BR/2BA avqi, in
4BR/4BA for $350/ea. All util, high-speed net
and W/D incl indiv leases. Call Josh at 813-
545-2245 orufstangl@ufl.edu 12-7-12-2
Rent 2BR/2BA in 4BR/4BA 6 to 12 month
lease, 1BR furn/1BR unfurn.; utilities incl.
Cable, ethernet. W/D. Near pool. Info 305-
979-7862 OR 786-412-9337 12-7-11-2
Roommate wanted to share 3BR/2BA.
2-mi from UF. $400/mo + 1/3 utils. 1st + sec.
No pets 772-359-9162 12-7-11-2
1BR/1BA $650 and $550. In private wooded
cul-de-sac near downtown. W/D included.
115 & 125 SE 10th St. Call Peter 316-6667
2BR/2BA apt $700
Short term lease ok.
3BR/1 BA duplex downtown $600
Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 12-7-10-2
Avail Jan-Aug 2006 2BR/2BA $880/mo +
free hi-speed internet. Clean, quiet, great
management. Call 386-689-8613 12-7-9-2
DUCKPOND 2BR near Thomas Center.
Wood floors, fireplace, porch, W/D, bay
window. Available 1/1/06. $800/mo. 1 year
lease. Call 352-377-6562. New paint and
quiet. 12-7-8-2
1 Blkto UF! 1BR 1BAApt
$470/Mo 1236 SW 4th Avenue
Central H &Air, Carpet, Laundry Fac.
Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 12-
1 Blk to UF! 2BR 1BAApt
$550/Mo 216 SW 12th Street
Window A/C, Nat Gas ht, Wood Floors
Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 12-
1215 SW4th Ave. 2BR/1BA Duplex.
Walk to campus. $595/mo.
1st MONTH FREE. Call 335-3577
Licensed Real Estate Broker. 12-7-8-2 .
1802 NW 7th Street. 2BR/1BA Duplex. W/D
hk-up, $600/mo, $600 deposit, $25 applica-
tion fee. Call 352-378-0212 12-7-8-2
3BR/2BA, large living rm, separate dining
rm, zoned commercial, ideal home/office on
SWWilliston Rd. near Shands/VA. $875. Call
Kathy 215-1728, Lisa 372-9000 1-20-17-2 -
3 blocks to UF. Gator Nest Apts.
1 BR/1 BA 300 NW 18th St. $405/mo.
Call 352-371-3636 12-7-8-2
ADORABLE 3 BR 1.5 BA! Great
House, 2 living areas, washer/dryer,
Ceiling fans, newer carpet, $850/rent
2102 NE 8th Street
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.turlingtonrealestate.com 12-2-4-2
BIKE TO UF! Cute 2 BR 2 BA
House close to downtown, wood
Floors, updated kitchen & baths,
Washer/dryer, 2 sceen porches,
$900/rent, 216 NW 14th Avenue
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.turlingtonrealestate.com 12-2-4-2
Save $$ with coupons from the Alligator.
Continued on next page.
Zu '
to E
- 0 --) 0 -
mm .
Urn 4uDe~aseS7h -miDe~s~
amenities. DW, W/D, fitness ctr., pool, spa
& security system. Very clean. $865/mo. Call
954-540-1905 12-2-20-3
Nice 1 BR/1 BA loft apartment, no roommates.
2701 SW 13th St. The Boardwalk Available
NOW! Bonus if subleased by Dec 1 $615/mo
+ util. 239-281-4411. 12-6-20-3
1BR in 4BR/2BA house across from stadium
$35r5/mo + utils. Avail Jan-Aug. Newly reno-
vated, W/D, new ~ppl. Call 352-262-7887
1 or both rooms in 2BR Downtown apt
Quiet neighborhood. Close to Shands, UF,
& library. $350/mo per room. Pets ok. Call
262-1351 11-30-14-3
1 BED/1 BATH in a 3/3 at University Glades.
Currently only 1 roommate. Walk-in closet,
ALL utils, cable, internet incl. Furnished -
$480 Erik 954-651-0086 12-2-15-3
ROYAL VILLAGE APT Blocks from campus.
1BR/1BA in 4BR/2BA, furn, W/D in unit,
utils, cable internet incl. Pool, parking decal,
game-room, $440/mo. Avail Dec thru Aug.
2 MO FREE RENT. Kevin 407-619-5734
Roommate needed for house 2 blocks N of
campus. $450/month + util. female only. call
8137856641. 12-5-15-3
Utilities included. W/D in unit, furnished, free
cable & ethernet, $390/MO. Avail Jan.-Aug
ng8or@yahoo.com 12-1-8-3
Downtown 2/1 house, wood floors, walk to
campus, CH/A, pvt parking, high ceilings, no
dogs. lst/last/sec. $670/mo. 226 NW 3rd
Ave. 359-8499 11-30-10-3
1BR/1BA new, 1st fir apt. Move-in ready.
Quiet, behind Butler Plaza, pool, fitness,
internet, clubhouse $589/mo, elec only. 373-
1111, 338-1943 12-7-14-3
College Park. Available 1/06 tro 7/06. Walk
to class and the bars. $835/mo. Call Brandon
@ 352-235-2800 or email blh2309@ufl.edu
First month's rent free! 2/1 apt behind
Chipolte on NW 15th St. Walking distance to
campus and bars. Pets welcome. W/D facility
and pool. Call Eric 352-514-6190 1-9-15-3
WALK TO CLASS! 1BR in 4/2.5 house. Pool,
washer/dryer, dishwasher, lots of space,
parking, private entrance. Available spring.
Mike 352-219-8080 11-29-7-3
4BR/4BA Jan 1. Ethernet & util incl, W/D,
nicely furn, secure. Exercise/pool direct bus-
UF 3 mi. $465/mo/room.:Vanessa 352-217-
3464, Flo 352-636-4814 12-7-14-3
LIVE DOWNTOWN! Arlington Square town-
house-style 2BR/2BA apt avail. Jan. '06.
Quiet bldg/end unit close to UF + busses.
Call Chris 352-246-9048 12-7-14-3
Jan 2006 Gainesville Place. All inclusive,
furnished, W/D, private bath. $495/mo, but
only pay $395! katri916@mindspring.com or
786-338-1257 12-7-14-3
1 bed/1 bath in a 2 bed/2 bath, close to com-
pus & bars on Univ $480/mo + util. Free inter-
net, 1/06 8/06. Call Cara @ 727-804-6932
or email cara13@ufl.edu 12-7-14-3
Chill, laidback roommate for large 2/2.5
townhouse in Casablanca w/hammock, high
speed, W/D, $350 + utilities. Leo 352-372-
1894. Avail now. 12-1-10-3
2BR/2.5BA only $730/moIll
Jan-July 06' 2yr old townhouse in
Kensington South Apts. on 20th Ave. Hi-
Speed Broadband I-net & W/D incl!
352-256-4907 or heihachi80@cs.com
Campus Club Apts.
Male or Female
Included: hi-spd. int., cbl., pool, elec, water,
furnished. Can move in Jan. 1 ONLY $420
NEGOTIABLE Contact AbRebLee@aol.com
Get your privacy. 1 BR/1 BA in a 3BR/3BA apt.
Furnished except BR. Utils incl. Avail 12/16.
Oxford Manor, close to UF. $440/mo. 2 pools,
hottub, free tanning, wt rm, game rm & much
more. Short term lease ok. 386-547-9131
Rooms in 3/2 house avail. Jan Jun. Quiet,
fenced,. Close to bus or 10 min bike ride.
Mostly furn. $390-420/rm+utils. Prefer grads.
Call 734-330-5022 ******** 12-5-10-3
Apts. All 3 subleases avail Jan. Fully furn.
Free util, inet, cable, W/D. $465/mo ea. Call
352-216-2261 12-5-10-3
3/3 TH, MADISON POINTE $1206, "dance
pole" (optional), 1700 sq ft, pool, pets wel-
come, tan bed, some furn, gated, garage,
W/D. Melissa 256-5883 12-7-12-3
Apts. All 3 subleaes avail Jan. Fully furn free
util, inet, cable, W/D. $465/mo ea. Call 352-
216-2261 12-5-10-3
3 rooms in huge home by Stonewood. Hi-
speed, -W/D, cable, fireplace, tons of space.
No deposit. Avail now, Dec, or Jan. -$400
+ utils. davem@ufl.edu for more info. 12-
thru Aug. $385/mo Furn, 1st, fir, next to bus
stop & pool, w/2 great female roommates.
ufberger@ufl.edu or 352-262-8492 12-1-8-3
INCREDIBLE 4BR/4BA apt w/1 room
avail. for spring. Lexington Crossing. Fully
furnished. Well decorated. $5000 entertain-
ment system, $450/mo MUST SEE! 359-
1602 12-6-11-3
FREE RENT Until 12/31/05
Sublease avail now thru 8/06 1BR/1BA in
furn 2BR G-ville Place Apt. $590 for all utils,
cable tv, inet. Close to UF. Great amenities.
IncI balcony. Ashley 914-826-7171 12-7-
BEAUTIFUL APT. One or both bedrooms
in 2BR/1BA in 34th St & Archer Rd. Area.
$315/rm Pets ok. Avail immediately Call Erin
871-0679 12-7-11-3 -
LOOKING GLASS 2BR/2BA. Walk-in closets.
W/D, DW. Luxury Apt. Best location to UF.
Behind the Swamp Rest. Internet included.
Avail Jan. thru Aug. Call 321-288-2821
Sublease for female roommate $410 in-
cludes rent/utilities/cable w/HBO/ethemet.
From Jan. Aug. No crdt. check/no deposit.
Free tanning Call Jenn 407-466-0967 12-
1BR/1BA @ Countryside Apt. All utilities,
W/D, pool, gym incl. Available Dec thru Aug.
$425/mo neg. Clean, furnished. Call Shin @
407-435-2824 11-30-5-3
Female wanted Luxury brand new 1BR/1BA
in 2BR/2BA starting Jan 06. Many amenities
incl W/D, walk-in closet, built-in tv in kitchen.
Located less than 1 blk to UF in Heritage
Oaks $469/mo + 1/3 utils. 850-516-4911
Great location. Incl parking & water. Pets ok.
215 NE 3rd St. 283-0581 12-7-9-3
1 mile from campus. Great location, close to
shopping & more. Asking $475/mo Jan thru
July. Call Steve @ 318-0314 12-2-6-3
1BR in 3/2 apt. @ Tuscan Bend. Free
Internet. $200/mo. Jan-Jul Call Sameer 352-
281-1053 sammyd@ufl.edu. 12-1-5-3
Oxford Manor 1 BR/1 BA in 3BR/3BA for $380
OBO. Furn, utils, internet, W/D, cable, includ-
ed, gated comm. big gym. Close to UFI Rent
for spring and summer. makoj84@aol.com or
352-271-1067 12-7-9-3
Spacious 1 BR/1 BA furnished. Only $670/mo
instead of new rate $700/mo. Perfect for cou-
ples! Avail Jan, Call 305-898-7751 12-7-7-3
1 bedroom in a 4BR/2BA. Furnished. $340/
mo plus util or negotiable. Available Jan 1.
Call Shari @ 407-341-8760 12-7-8-3
2BR/1 BA available 1/1
2 blocks to campus. $819/mo. Call 352-317-
5185 or 954-304-3792 11-30-3-3
Huge 1/1 in. historic district. Starting Jan.
Wood floors. Safe & quiet $480. Call Michele
786-417-7237 12-7-8-3
2BR/1BA apt availalbe Jan-July 06. $560/
mo. Corner unit w/view of point. Rent in-
cludes water/sewer/trash. Pool/gym. Rent
Negotiable. Call 352-337-8347 12-7-8-3
2BR/1BA only $709/molll 2 blks to UF.
Behind Swamp. Huge rooms 10x20 Get
up to $300 back. Please call Sab 871-3099
a Roommates
Roommate Matching HERE
Oxford Manor 377-2777
The Landings 336-3838
The Laurels 335-4455
Cobblestone 377-2801
Hidden Lake 374-3866
Female roommate for one/two female UF
students. Quiet. Responsible. 60 second
walk to UF. Old house charm with all ameni-
ties. Avail Now. $400 up. 352-538-2181 .Lv
message. Private Owner. 12-7-72-4
F NS grad/prof needed for 1BR in BRAND,
NEW 2/2 condo. 2 mi to UF on bus rte.
W/D. $475 + 1/2 util/mo. Common area
furnished, tile firs. No pets. 904-386-6485 or
apena13@ufl.edu 11-30-77-4
Rooms for rent: Large, clean house. Close
to campus. High speed and cable. Large
yard. Two car garage and porch area. Rent
$425. For more info call Tre at 352-328-8878
$250 Nice large room in cool house near
UF. DSL, W/D, big fenced yard, great stu-
dent roommates, good study atmosphere.
Flexible lease 371-9409 12-1-35-4
Roomate wanted 3BR/3BA furnished house.
Wood floors. Looking for quiet, clean person.
$400/mo. Utilities included $200 deposit. Call
352-745-1552 11-30-23-4
Avail Dec 2 rooms in large house, 1 blk from
13th & University, $300 + split until, sec dep.
NS,. no pets. Contactgvll32601@gmail.com
or leave message at 352-870-7256 12-7-29-
Roomates needed for 4BR/4BA condo.
Close to UF on bus rt. Incl. W/D, utils, wire-
less internet, cable $425/rm/mo w/$125 sec
dep. Contact @407-719-1699 12-7-26-4
1 ~tj- -a
1 male roommate needed for 4/4 BRAND
NEW condo by Sorority Row. $475/mo
+1/4 util, fum., W/D, DW, pvt bath, DSL. 3
blocks from UF. Call Dave @ 954-821-6229.
2 share 2 BR Downtown apt. Newly remod-
eled. Close to Shands, UF & library. $350/
mo. Month-to-month or longer lease okay.
Pets okay. Call 262-1351 11-30-14-4
Law school 0.5 mi, law/grad student for very
nice 5/4 home with law students. Must be
neat, clean, N/S. Includes cable, W/D, wifi,
all utils $550. Available Jan 1. 202-236-4330
Female roommate for large 3BR/2BA town-
house w/pool. Only 1 mile to UF. $450/mo all
utils, cable & hi-spd net incl. Call 954-298-
7591 or amyb@ufl.edu. 12-7-16-4
Grad student roommate wanted 2BR/1.5BA
in quiet neighborhood. On bus route 10 min
from campus. $280/mo + 1/2 utils. Between
16th Ave & Main St. Call Ana 352-283-6498
or Shaira 352-283-9827. 11-29-10-4
1 M Roommate to share 3BR/3BA
Apt. The Estates (The Exchange)
$504/mo. furnished,pvt. bath,dsl
close to UF, Available 1/1/06
561-706-9809 or nmb2boca@aol.com 11-
Male/female for 1BR/1BA in 3BR/BA Oxford
Manor. $350 +1/3 utils. W/D, all kitchen
amenities incl. Free hi-speed internet. Cable
incl. w/free HBO & Showtime. Contact Chris
352-359-2540 or e-mail woods@ufl.edu
near the Library downtown. $285-$360/rm +
utilities. Free internet access. Short term. No
pets. No smoking. 378-1304 11-30-10-4
W .M..%
* --
Available from Commercial News Providers"
I Q m 1 -
. -- "Copyrighted Material-
* Syndicated Content
1 Room in 4BR/4BA Countryside
Apt. Close to UF on bus rt. W/D utils., cable
w/HBO, and DSL incl. $400/MO No deposit.
Female only NS. Call 954-680-0918 12-
1 Female needed for 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA
@ Countryside. $425/MO incl. utils, cable,
internet, furn., Avail NOW! Call 727-510-
9346 12-7-14-4
M/F roommate for 4BR/3BA house on 34th
St & University. $300/mo + 1/4 util. Avail Dec
1st. Great roommates. Call Anthonly 222-
1966. 12-2-10-4
SPRING LEASE 4BR/4BA condo $410/mo
everything incl. Countryside Apts. Female
only non-smokers looking for a fun room-
mate! Contact Jackie 813-924-1520 12-
Male roommate needed. Serious student.
House close to UF. Easy access to 1-75/
Santa Fe. W/D, internet. $450/mo all utils
included. Call Mike 386-235-5400 or 386-
676-9703 12-7-13-4
Female roommate needed. 4BR/4BA @
Countryside. Own BA & large closet. Secure.
All amenities. $410/mo utils included. Call
Mike 386-235-5400 or 386-676-9703 12-
STADIUM. 3BR/1BA Must be clean. Move-
in at end of Dec. Call ASAP 352-317-0433
1 room w/screened balcony, share BA for
female. $275/mo. Located between UF &
SFCC w/ bus route. Close to Mall & NFRMC.
On site W/D, pool, gym, tennis and other
amenities. Sparrow Condo (352) 514-3425
so 0
1 RooRmmate-- -1 Real Estate
Looking for a 3rd female student roommate
to share beautiful 3BR/2BA condo within
Cypress Point. All util incl internet + cable.
On bus route 20. Close to mall. $400/mo.
Call Lauren 352-871-3831 11-29-5-4
Female Pebble Creek, 3BR/2BA $333/mo
+ 1/3 util, furnished common area, no pets,
very close to campus & SW Gym. Call 786-
282-8160 12-7-12-4
Gorgeous large 4BR fully furn home. 0.15
mi from UF. Pets allowed $500/mo. Call 561-
289-4759 or 561-212-3153 12-5-10-4
Spacious 1BR avail in 3BR/2BA house. All
utils incl + wireless hi spd internet svc. Off
bus rt. $500/no. Available immediately. Call
352-283-2005 or 352-317-8080 12-7-12-4
Roommate for 3BR/2BA house
Older prof or grad. No drugs/alcohol. $350 +
$200 dep. incl. utils 352-384-3793 12-1-7-4
F/NS/NP Grad, quiet, clean, to share 3BR/
2.5BA Casablanca East furnished condo with
1 other FS. Nice unit by pool, W/D, screen
rm. $530 + 1/2 utils, no maint fee orwater bill.
375-2458 12-7-10-4
To share w/grad student. 3BR/2BA. New
townhome. Bus to UF, poolm,gym, volleyball,
tennis, gated. $350 + utils. Call 727-644-
0435 or celtic67@ufl.edu. 12-7-10-4
MUSEUM WALK. 2-story. ASAP. 1/1 avail-
able in 2/2. 1/2 furn DW, W/D, pool, tanning,
parties. Male/female. Laidback. $500 1/3 util.
Steven 850-960-8486 12-7-9-4
U -
2 rooms available in 3BR/2BA house.
Furn or unfurn w/ nice yard on 34th St.
Upperclassmen or grad student. No pets.
$375/mo/each + util. Call 239-707-4113
Room available in fully fuirnished home near
downtown. W/D. Must be clean, mature,
cool. $419 incl utilities. Avail Dec 1. Contact
Kyle 213-3998 11-30-4-4
LIVE DOWNTOWN Need open-minded,
clean, tidy, fun responsible, grad/prof student
to share new condo. $550/mo + 1/3 util.
Awesome place! Come see. Avail 01 Jan.
Scott 262-7899 12-1-5-4
1Br/1Ba in 2/2.5 condo on 13th St. Dec 20.
1 mile to campus, $450/mo, everything
included. Wireless HS, W/D, big closet 352-
262-2892 orsarah13@ufl.edu 12-2-5-4
Looking for remale for 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA
apt at Rockwood Villas. Hi-spd internet &
cable. On UF busline. All utils incl for $500/
mo rent. 407-970-0720 or 407-421-3121
Sell your house, condo, acreage, mobile
home and much more in the ALLIGATOR
CLASSIFIEDS! Reach over 24,000 possible
buyers! Mastercard and Visa accepted over
the phone. Please Call 373-Find
Quad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra
land, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House
3/4BR, 2BA, wd firs, covered prch, concrete
patio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 352-
538-2181 Iv mssg 12-7-72-5
Existing condos & luxury condos near UF
at affordable prices. For more information,
visit www.mattpricerealtor.com or call
today Matt Price 352-281-3551 Campus
Realty Group 11-30-19-5
Spectacular university views. Walk to UF &
the stadium. Classic New Orleans appeal
with state-of-the-art luxury. Reserve today.
52 units available. Starting in mid-300's. Call
Eric Wild 870-9453 12-7-80-5
Own your own condo for under $100k.
2BR/1.5BA. New Kitchen &appliances, W/D.
Close to UF. Call Scott @ 352-359-1678
3BR/1BA/den. 2010 SE 43rd Terr.
Remodeled. Tile floors, new carpet, near
Eastside HS $89,900. Lease option avail.!
For appts, Ms Eddie today at 352-505-4564
office. 11-30-10-5
2BR/1.5BA condo. Completely remod-
eled. New appliances. New wood, carpet,
tile floors. $122,500. FSBO., Call Brian @
352-262-3006, Iv msg or 352-334-5045
BED-Queen, orthopedic, extra thick, pillow-
top, mattress & box. Name brand, new, still
in plastic. Sacrifice $110. Call 352-372-7490
will deliver. 12-7-72-6
mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic
w/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice $85. Call
352-377-9846 12-7-72-6
Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must
sell. Can deliver. Retail $2300. Sacrifice
$550 352-372-7490 12-7-72-6
BED King Pillowtop mattress & box springs.
Orthopedic rated. Name brand, new, never
been used, in plastic with warranty. Sell
$170. Call 352-372-8588 Can deliver. 12-
CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop
Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. Cost
$1500, sacrifice $550 352-333-7516
Sofa $185 Brand new in pkg 333-7516
BEDROOM SET. 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king
bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chests
avail. Dovetail const. New, in boxes. Can de-
liver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice $1400
(352) 372-7490 12-7-72-6
SOFA & LOVESEAT 100% Italian leather.
Brand new in plastic w/warranty. Retail
$2650. Sacrifice $750. Call 352-377-9846
DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table,
6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New,
still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100.
Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-8588 12-
FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/
mattress. New, in box. $160 332 9899
DINETTE SET 5pc $85 Brand new in box.
Never used. 352-377-9846 12-7-72-6
BEDS Full mattress.& boxspring sets $49
* Queen sets $89 Single sets $39 *King
sets $99 0 From estate sale. Safe pine bunk
bed $109. 376-0939/378-0497.
CALL-A-MATTRESS 4370 SW 20th Ave.
12-7-72-6 .
MEMORY FOAM same as Temperpedia.
Save 50% & more. Other close-outs. twin
sets $89 *full sets $129 *queen sets $149
*king sets $189 Student discounts apply.
4370 SW 20th Ave. 376-0953. We deliver.
Beds, Futons, Furniture, King Sealy sets
$299; new sofas for $299; oak futons $169;
sofa & loveseat $399; dinettes, desks, all
on sale *New Location* 140 NW 6th St
Morrells Furniture Outlet. 352-378-3400
Orohnnodii nildniM-fnn sots
Dumas Discount 371-4422 1201 E. Univ. Av.
New Used Buy Sell 12-7-59-6 ,i.
MOVING SALE. Queen Size Bed bought new
at $399.87 in Oct. 2004, very clean, with fac-
tory warranty, now $200. Twin Size Bed $25.
Big Computer Desk $50. CD/Cassette/Radio
Player $10. Call 352-328-1075. 12-1-5-6
*/ Computers
**Full-$100 Queen-$130 King-$195"** A + Ml ter [le
352-376-1600 C4
Wholesale Warehouse. AS SEEN ON TV. 12-7-72-7
Low overhead HUGE savings! Brand New
Name Brand Sets! Don't be fooled by other Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek
ads. Cheaper price means cheaper product! House/dorm 59 min response. No waiting/
CALL BRIAN 12-7-72-6 unplugging/hassels. $30 Gator Discount
Bed All New Queen orthopedic pillow-top
mattress & box set. Still in plastic with war-
ranty. Can Deliver. $130 (352) 264-9799
Bed $100 All New Full size orthopedic mat-
tress set. Brand new, still in plastic, w/ war-
ranty. Can Deliver.352-376-1600 12-7-72-6
in boxes! HB, 2NS, Dresser, Mirror...chest
avail. Must see to appreciate! Can Deliver
352-264-9799 12-7-72-6
Dinette Set $125 Brand New 5 pc set in
box, never used! Can Deliver 494-0333
Still in package! Will sell with loveseat $395
for set! Can Del. 376-1600
FUTON-$100- BRAND NEW Futon mat-
tress, still in package! Sold with oak Futon,
both for $170. Can Deliver 352-494-0333
Pool Table Gorgeous 8' All wood table.
Leather pockets, Italian 1" slate, carved
legs. Br. New still in crate. Cost $4,500. Sell
$1,350. Can Deliver. 264-9799 12-7-72-6
Hot Tub/Spa $1795.00 Brand New Loaded!
Waterfall, LED lights, cup-holders, 110v en-
ergy efficient with warranty. Free Delivery.
264-9799 12-7-72-6
**Full $90 Queen $110 King $170"*
Orthopedic pillow-top sets. Brand name
matching sets not used or refurbished. Still
in plastic, direct from factory! 352-333-7516.
BED- QUEEN New orthopedic pillowtop mat-
tress and boxspring set. Brand name, brand
new, still in plastic with warranty. Can deliver.
$115 352-377-9846. 12-7-72-6
Bed-All New King! 3pc Orthopedic pillowtop
mattress set. Brand NEW, still in plastic with
warranty. Can deliver. $170 352-333-7516.
Bedroom Set- $325 BRAND NEW. Still
in boxes! 6 pieces include: Headboard, 2
Nightstands, Dresser, Mirror, Chest. Must
sell, can deliver. 352-377-9846. 12-7-72-6
Futon $160 Solid Oak Mission Style with
plush mattress. All brand NEW still in box.
Can deliver. 352-333-7516 12-7-72-6
Pool Table Gorgeous 8" All wood table.
, Leather pockets, Italian 1" slate, carved legs.
Brand new still in crate. MUST SELL Retail
$5500. Sell $950. Can deliver 352-377-9846
Hot Tub/Spa $1295 Brand New Loaded!
Waterfall, LED lights, cupholders, 110-v
energy efficient with warranty. Free delivery,
MUST SELL 352-372-8588 12-7-72-6
Bed-FULL size pillowtop mattress & box.
. New, in plastic, warr. Can del. $90 317-4031
Sofa $185 Brand new! Love seat $150 still in
pkg. Can del 352-333-7516
w/student ID. M/F Cert MCSE technicians.
333-8404. www.AComputerGeek.com 12-
Cash Paid Laptop PCs
www.pcrecycle.biz 336-0075 12-7-72-7
Network specialists
We buy computers and laptops
Working and Non-working
378-4009, 607 NW 13th Street
- computer/laptop repair
- virus, spyware, hardware
- $10 discounts, cheapest!
- home/dorm 352-219-2980
G'ville Computer Repair
Service on all PC MAC and Networks. 1204
NW 13th St, Ste #10. 352-337-2500 12-7-
\ -Electronics .
722 S. Main The Red Bldg
GATOR CAR ALARMS Take a bite out of
crime $99.95. Installed FREE. Gainesville's
oldest car alarm and car stereo specialty
store. 373-3754 Audio Outlet. 12-7-84-8
Car stereo, car alarms, mobile video, mobile
navigation, custom wheels and tires, and
automobile performance at SoundDepot &
Performance. 374-7700 sdp-alligator.com.
Rear projection 18 months left on transfer-
able warranty excellent condition $1600.00
352-475-3437 12-2-10-8
* Bicycles 1
In the market for a new set of wheels or just
looking to add a second to that collection?
Want personalized handlebars or a fitted
seat? Check in the Alligator Classifieds.
Many to choose from
* Best Prices in Town *
SPIN CYCLE 373-3355
424 W University Ave 12-7-72-9
Continued on next pager
- 0
* -
U| Bicycles 3
Used not abused. From basic transportation
to highend stuff. All styles. Great prices. 5
blo6tks from UF in College Park. 870-8693
*1 For Sale
Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF.
ez~e -ve now! Reasonable -rates. 352-538-
2181. Can leave mssg. 12-7-72-10
by Bob Brackin
containing "Gainesville Stories"
www.bobbrackin.com 3-31-120-10
PARTY SUPPLIES: Complete line of Bar
Supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft beer
equipment. Professional Cooking Utensils.
R.,W. Beaty Co. 4322 NW 13th St, Gville
RWBEATY.COM 376-5939 12-7-71-10
m -Autos )
*Running or not!*
*Over 10 yr svc to UF students
*Call Don @ 215-7987 12-7-72-12
CARS -CARS Buy*SelleTrade
Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes
Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars
3432 N Main St. www.carrsmith.com
Running or Not 1990 & up only
Sell or Trade Welcome
Call Ray 352-284-8619
2715 N MAIN 377-1616
*COLLEGE GIFTS* Best Cars Lowest Prices
www.campusimages.com www.39thaveimports.com
12-7-14-10 12-7-72-12
handle tap & C02 set -up w/custorm bar.
zabinski@ufl.edu, 941-914-2173 $850 OBO
For listings 800-749-8116 ext 4622 12-7-
Great divider "Pro Series" 9.0 cart bag *W E PAY CASH*
with Bag Boy Speed Cart $100/OBO. For Cars & Trucks
ostr@ufl.edu 11-29-4-10 Any year, make, model, mileage, condi-
tion. Free towing. Up to $250 for junkers
torcycles Moped 12-7-34-12Call 407-756-9100
M 1 Motorcycles, Mopedsj 12-7-34-12
Many Brands Available 518 SE 2nd St.
www.RPMmotorcycles.com 377-6974
*Swamp CyclesO Save $$$ on gas, ride to
class! Largest selection of Ebikes, scooters
& accessories. Free delivery, 1-yr warranty,
best cust. service 534 SW 4th Ave 373-8823
Scooters from $599. Largest selection
KYMCO, Vento, Hyosung, Keen & many
others. Financing avail. 3550 SW 34th St.
338-8450 solanocycle.com 12-7-72-11
SCOOTERS, or dirt bikes in ANY condition,
Running or not. titles or not. Prompt pick up.
Call ANYTIME: 352-441-0442
Please leave a message.
New location now open 1901 NW 67th Place
352-336-1271 www.newscooters4less.com
Best prices in Gainesville' Owned by Gator
grads. Will beat all Gainesville competitor's
prices on similar models. 12-7-84-11
POWERED 2005 Oil injection, lots of stor-
age. Over 100 mpg. Park anywhere. ONLY
$795 262-4673 12-7-25-11
Daytona 600cc 3,000miles. Still under fac-
tory warranty $5,200 OBO 352-256-2558
1999 YAMAHA R6 rare blue-red-shite
cbroring, perfect for campus! Polished
frame/muffler. Email cheilman@ufl.edu for
info/pics. Must pay rent! $3700 352-283-
1484 12-6-15-11
SCOOTER-Red Viaggio, 49cc, 4-stroke en-
gine w/elec start & alarm. No license needed,
gets 80 mpg and reaches, 45 mph. Only 1
yr old-like new. $900/OBO 352-235-2800,
email blh2309@ufl.edu, ask for Brandon.
Save $$ with coupons from the Alligator.
PW/PL, sunroof, CD player, spoiler, ABS
brakes, automatic. New starter, belt, spark-
plugs, rear brakes & battery. Fairly new AC.
83k miles. $6000 OBO 384-3811 11-29-
2001 Mitsubishi Mirage ES
sedan automatic, A/C, green with gray cloth,
power everything, 76k, clean, $5,500 OBO
352-514-1800 frankiev@bellsouth.net 12-
High miles but runs well. No A/C. $700/
NEGOTIABLE. Call 367-1589. 12-2-5-12
92 TOYOTA CELICA GT 5-speed white,
AC, PS, PB, PL, PW, tint, air bag, sunroof,
many new parts, dash mp3 w/warranty.
Runs amazing, interior immaculate. 126k mi
$3200 must sell 352-281-6685 12-7-8-12
Buy, Sell, Trade We Finance
As low as $899 down $49.99 a week
*R| Wanted )
JEWELRY. 373-9243 12-7-72-13-
Transport patients to/from treatments
Must have valid driver's license,
safe driving record & attend training session.
Call 352-376-6866 ext 114 for more info.
On-going volunteer needed: Blind lady
needs trans on Sundays only to Mass @
Queen of Peace Catholic Church or St.
Augustine Catholic Church. For more info
call 219-6948. I live in the Tower Rd area.
Blind lady needs health majors interested in
walking at least three times a week. Call 352-
219-6948. Thanks. 11-30-93-13
352-317-6601 12-7-36-13
V Help Wanted HelpWanted
This newspaper assumes no responsibil-
ity for injury or loss arising from contacts
made through advertising. We suggest that
any reader who responds to advertising use
caution and investigate the sincerity of the
advertiser before giving out personal infor-
mation or arranging meetings
g the independent florida
The Independent Florida Alligator Is seek-
ing an individual whom will have the sole
responsibility for operations of our computer
systems. This individual will be involved
in the planning and implementation of our
technology, and must be able to communi-
cate and work with students and staff. Must
have experience with Linux (Fedora Core3),
Samba3, Apache, Sendmail, Squirrelmail,
Mailscanner Spamm and virus), Http and
IP table updates. Familiar with Dell Power
Edge Servers Raid1, a plus. Good network-
ing skills to support up to 100 machines.
Must be able to troubleshoot and repair
PC hardware and software. This is a full
time position with the largest student-run
newspaper in the country. Please send your
resume and salary requirements to Campus
Communications, Inc. P 0 Box 14257,
Gainesville, FL 32604-2257 attention Vern
Bean or email to vbean@alligator.org. We
are an equal opportunity employer.
the independent florida
The Independent Florida AlligatorAdvertising
Office has openings for part-time office clerks
for the spring semester. Must be an enrolled,
full-time student at UF or SFCC in the spring
semester. Filing, light computer skills, client
interaction, phone etiquette, great communi-
cation skills are required. Minimum wage. If
enrolled as full-time student in the summer
semester, the position has the potential to
carry over. Please come by our office at 1105
West University Ave between 8:30 am and
5:00 pm, M-F and fill out an application and
class schedule. Deadline for applications is
Monday, November 30th. No phone calls
please. EEO/AA 11-30-9-14
Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be
over 22, stable work history, clean driving re-
cord, drug-free, pers ref. www.carrsmith.com
for details. 12-7-72-14
Animal Care Tech looking for hard working
person to work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will
train, PT to start with more hrs possible. Start
at $6.50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024
between 9-4 M-F. 12-7-72-14
CNA CLASS: Learn @ your own time and
pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and
pass the state exam is on VCR tape. 95%
pass the state exam the 1st time! $250. Call
800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 12-7-72-14
Phone survey interviewers wanted. Start
work today! No sales, opinion research
only! Flexible Schedule! Perceptive Market
Research 336-6760 ex 4081 Call now! 12-
Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/
Sales and IT needed for various positions.
Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Join
our team! Learn more at www.gleim.com/
employment 12-7-72-14
For gently used brand name
Clothing/accessories & furniture
$Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No appt
necessary! 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 12-
No experience necessary, training provided.
800-965-6520 ext 138 12-7-72-14
Needed for evaluations of
Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters
Flexible Hours, E-mail required
Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254
Donate Plasma & Save a Life
Best part-time job you'll ever have.
Bring this Ad and Earn an
Extra $5 on Your 2nd Donation.
DCI Biologicals 150 NW 6th St.
Mortgage lender has immediate positions
avail for college students. No exp req. $8/hr
+ bonus, flex hrs. Apply in person 2-7pm M-F
at 1900 SW 34th St Ste 206 (2nd flr above
credit union) 12-7-72-14
Would you like to be your own boss, work
your own hours, and make unlimited in-
come? Start your own AVON business for
just $10. Call Emma @ 352-871-4489 or
e-mail avonbyemma@hotmail.com. 12-7-
HIRING KITCHEN STAFF Starting $6.15/hr.
DRIVERS $8-15/hr, .and FLYERERS. PT
easy schedule. Please call 2-5pm 378-2442
or fill out application at California Chicken
Grill 2124 SW 34th St. Mon Fri. 12-7-72-14
Apply online today. At one of over 100
for any position today. 11-30-76-14
We need Paid Survey Takers in Gainesville.
100% FREE to join. Click on Surveys.
Telephone Interviewing
$7.50/hr ($8 Bi-lingual) + BONUS
Apply @ UF Survey Research Center
M-F 9:30am-9pm 408 W University Ave.
Suite 106, Tel. 392-2908 x105
Must work eve/wknd
Call center needs telephone agents for all
shifts 24 hours. 1830 NE 2nd St. Apply in
person M-F 9am-4pm. 12-7-66-14
Attention Smokers! Do you want to quit
smoking? Smokers are needed to participate
in a smoking cessation study. If interested
e-mail the UF Smoking Lab and Clinic.
ufsmokelabclinic@gmail.com or call 328-
4944 9-3-15-14
Earn up to $12-14/hr.
Call California Chicken Grill 378-2442
$10 15/Hour DRIVERS
$6.15 $7.15/Hour INSIDERS
$35K-$50K/year MANAGERS
Apply online at www.gatordominos.com
Or at any of the 6 locations. 12-7-65-14
Park Place Car Wash is looking for hard
workers for all positions. Manager. Detailer.
Cashiers (fullday availability) & Lineworkers.
(AM 8:30-1) & (PM 12-6). Apply: 7404 NW
4th Blvd. Across from Home Depot. No
phone calls please. 12-7-55-14
Get Paid To Drive A Brand New Carl
Now paying drivers $800-$3200 a month.
Pick up your free car key today.
www.freecarkey.com 12-7-49-14
MARK Representatives needed. Earn up to
40% on everything you sell. Make money
while in school; buy, sell, fundraise. Be your
own boss, work flexible hours. Call Emma @
Bartending Jobs
Up to $300/shift. Many Positions Avail.
No exp. req. FTIPT. 1-800-806-0082 ext
1516 12-7-41-14
by fill out app 1710 SW 13th St. 372-4848
AND DRIVERS NEEDED. Apply at 3458 W.
University Ave. 3PM-3AM MARIO & LUIGI'S
PIZZA Flexible schedule 376-6433 11-29-
M ___ Help Wanted -
**Education Retail Store**
Seeking PT help. Please bring in a resume
to 2020 NW 6th St. Flexible weekday hours.
Experience in HTML, PHP, SQL & Graphic
Design a must. Call Dave 352-870-7467
MEDICAL OFFICE PT Daily, afternoons &
early evenings. Computer skills req. Send
resume to 6400 W. Newberry Rd, Suite 301,
Gainesville, 32605 11-29-10-14
Please contact Kim @ 392-0601 ext 380 or
kdf1108@ufl.edu. Payment is $10/hr. 12-
Fill out application online at
Apply for any position today. 12-7-15-14
for business &/or technical classes @ UF. No
exp req'd. Will pay good $$$ for good candi-
dates. Call 352-359-1602 11-30-10-14
Research Positions Open
Gainesville office expanding
Internet Researchers needed
FT 9am-6pm (M-F) PT Negotiable
Resumes@NetEnforcers.com 12-7-15-14
Mon-Fri. 6:30AM-3:30PM Great pay.
Excellent benefits. Background check
required. 1049 Museum Rd. KinderCare
Gator Dining Services needs experienced
professionals for weekend and night posi-
tions. Pay based on experience, flexible
hours. Apply at Gator Dining Services, B73
Reitz Union, Museum Rd or online at
www.gatordining.com 12-1-10-14
Daniel Marcelo
White male
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is looking for Student Supervisors/Managers.
Pay is $8-10 hr based on experience. We of-
fer competitive pay, benefits and a great
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Clarke Sports 1504 NW 13th St. 11-30-7-14
Hiring for spring rush Orange & Blue
Textbooks is seeking PT/FT help for upcom-
ing semester rush. Good people skills & reg-
ister exp pref. Stop by store @ 309 NW 13th
St. for details and applications. 12-7-12-14
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mail flbakeract@airpost.net 12-5-10-14
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Cato, leader in women's fashion, seeks PT
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Experience & references a must. Call 352-
224-8943 after 4pm to set up interview.
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Exp, own transportation. Non-smoker.
20hrs/wk for morning hours. 332-2310 11-
Wired-not tired? Deja Brew Cafe' is looking
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(Inside Target Copy) 12-1-5-14
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2777 12-1-5-14
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florida.com; Lori Ross at 264-8250. EEO/AA
YMCA Get paid to play!
Do you like to work with children? The YMCA
is now accepting applications for Afterschool.
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prox. lpm-6pm. Bus Drivers Needed. Must
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Need to be available from approx. 12pm-
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St. Immediate Openings! 12-7-8-14
HR Assistant
ATM, an environmental consulting firm has
immediate opening for a FT HR Assistant in
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Support HR management with major em-
phasis in recruiting. Work experience with
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neering or related field preferred.
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Submit resume and salary requirements by
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.com Must include Job C0509.
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We are an equal opportunity workplace and
encourage diversity in the workforce:
for Gainesville law office. Flexibel hours. Call
371-4000. 12-7-8-14
for busy espresso bar near mall. Excellent
pay and training. Email contact info w/wk
references, dates & contacts, to Doug at
tendoug@atlantic.net. 12-7-8-14
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skking@gator.net 12-5-5-14
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Call 373-4107 12-7-7-14
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SAME DAY SERVICE: Transcription, typing,
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1800 Gun Inventory
Over 500 handguns in stock
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1/2 head $65. Full head $85 inc. shampoo,
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12-7-11-15 Continued on next page.
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Ave 375-3752. 12-7-72-18
Inside Books, Inc. 505 NW 13 St.
10-9 384-0090
CLEARANCE SALE All CDs must go -
100 000+ CDs on sale $5.99. Ten for $50.
We need more room for our GIANT DVD
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Need a card or letter? Sharing a burden
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Travel (just off campus) 373-1992 FL Seller
of Travel Reg. No. ST-36232 12-7-72-22
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GATOR TIX WANTED Miami Bus Service
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I 8. Stereos/Electronics 21. Entertainment
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1 Day........$6.00
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4-night cruise to the Bahamas. $449
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Gators breeze by Hornets
Alligator Writer
It didn't seem much like a night for record
breaking Monday at the O'Connell Center.
Coming off three straight wins against
opponents from major conferences, UF met
up with Alabama State, a team from the
Southwest Athletic Conference coming into
the game with a first-year coach and a 1-4
But with an 87-60 win over the Hornets,
the No. 11 Gators jumped out to a 6-0 season-
opening record for the first time since Coach
Billy Donovan came to Gainesville in 1996 and
the first time since the 1984-85 season, Vernon
Maxwell's first in orange and blue.
That team, however, failed to make the
NCAA Tournament, a fact Donovan noted
after the game as he downplayed the accom-
"It doesn't really mean a lot to me,"
Donovan said. "Because we've had some very,
very good teams here over the last 10 years
that haven't gotten off to a start like we've got.
I'm not really that wrapped up in it."
Donovan also felt that the achievement
showed the relative lack of basketball heritage
at UF.
"I think what it really shows people is the
lack of tradition that's been here in basketball
over an extended period of time," Donovan
With the game never really in doubt, the
Gators jumped out to a 10-0 lead and never
looked back. Spurred on by a 4-for-4 start
from the field by Corey Brewer, who finished
8 for 9 with 17 points, seven rebounds and five
assists, UF took a 45-32 lead into the locker
Al Horford posted his second double-
double of the season, finishing with 12 points
and 11 rebounds, but admitted it wasn't an
easy game.
"We went through some slumps," Horford
said. "We've got to work on that. We've got
to be more consistent and play the whole 40
And sophomore Taurean Green continued
his steady shooting from the foul line, shoot-
ing 10 for 10 from the charity stripe while
running his streak of consecutive free throws
made up to 24.
"We went through some slumps.
We've got to work on that. We've got
to be more consistent and play the
whole 40 minutes."
Al Horford
UF basketball player
Green finished with 18 points.
"That. is very helpful when you have a
point guard that's a good free-throw shooter
that can get fouled," Donovan said. "And he's
a good enough creator and penetrator that he
can get in the lane and create and make some
things happen."
The highlight, or perhaps lowlight, of the
game, came when Donovan was on the receiv-
ing end of an accidental smack above the right
eye from one of the officials as he was signal-
ing for a media timeout.
"I was really hoping no one saw that,"
Donovan said.
"I just told the ref thank God he didn't have
any rings on, so I was at the wrong place in
the wrong time ... he obviously didn't do it
on purpose.
"But the last thing I wanted to know, and
[the television announcers] said they showed
it about 10 times and kept replaying it, so I'm
sure it looks really good on tape."
Andy Apicella, Alligator Staff
UF junior forward Chris Richard throws down a slam against Alabama State Mon-
day night in the O'Connell Center. The Gators won 87-60, improving to 6-0,
Big wins came from sub-par rivals, easy home schedule for Gators
W hy is everyone getting so
upset about what Florida
State running back
Lorenzo Booker said?
As it turns out, he was right.
FSU and UF really do not belong
on the same field. Anyone watch-
ing the game on Saturday could've
seen that.
Booker and the rest of FSU's in-
ept offense must've forgotten that
the Florida high-school playoffs
were in Miami this year, not in the
Swamp, because that's what they
showed up for.
So yes, UF's blowout was a big
win, but how big? The Seminoles
ESFCC Men's Hoops:
Pasco-Hernando vs Santa Fe
SFCC Gymnasium, 7 p.m.
Admission is $3 for general pub-
lic and free for SFCC students.
and their leader are in what is
beyond a downward spiral. The
Seminoles have lost three in a row.
They are drowning without a life-
boat because three more losses are
on tap.
Want to see ugly? Tune into
this weekend's travesty of an ACC
Championship and watch Virginia
Tech win by however many points
Frank Beamer wants to. After that,
it doesn't matter Wvho FSU plays
in its bowl because any bowl-eli-
gible team could defeat the 'Noles
where their program is now. Then,
they open with Miami next year.
Half a dozen losses in a row, me-
1. Duke (61) 5-0
2. Texas (6) 5-0
3. Connecticut (4) 4-0
4. Villanova (1) 2-0
10. Kentucky 4-1
11. UF 5-0
lan Fisher
Extra lannings
This is
why UF's
win on
wasn't as big
as everyone
is making
it out to
be. Yes, the
Gators blew
out their biggest rival. However,
their biggest rival hasn't been
this bad in a long, long time.
Couple that with beating a terrible
Tennessee team, and you've got
two of the big three that UF won
this year. Then, there was Georgia
sans quarterback.
Sure, the Gators never trailed
to any of those three this year,
but there's no reason they should
Yes, the Gators went undefeated
at home, but they also didn't play
anybody at home. Has the Swamp
been taken back yet? Inconclusive.
The Gators are going to prob-
ably their worst bowl in at least 10
years, yet because of one victory
against a terrible FSU team, people
are labeling this season a definite
Did I miss something? UF did
lose three games one to a less-
talented team and one in which the
Gators had a five-turnover advan-
tage over their opponent.
So how then is this season a suc-
cess, as many fans feel after defeat-
ing down-and-almost-out FSU?
It's not. Ask any of the fans (or
my colleague Louis) who predict-
ed the Gators to go to the national
championship or a BCS bowl. Ask
UF's seniors for that matter.
For them, it is just another
season in which UF didn't have a
shot at a Southeastern Conference
Success? I think not. __
ETwo UF football players were honored by
the SEC following Saturday's win against
FSU. Randy Hand was named Offensive
Lineman of the Week and Jarvis Herring
was named Defenisve Player of the Week.
* 1969: Carlos Alvarez sets a UF record with
15 receptions in a game in a win against Mi-
ami. Alvarez also set the UF record with 88
receptions in a season. Chad Jackson needs
seven catches in UF's bowl game to break it.
I1 I ~ --LCI ~3 ~L I -- ---~ ~L~ Lr -- ~I I = ii ,
~ti~."3;;~~aF*~'?'~ T~I~~~~ .11-i~i~l" I~~;.''-_;~;,~:.~, ~ ;,~~k~. ;-:I~'F-,:: ::-s~-lr~i ~ ~~~:; l~I ~,~:~ .,~~,~~;~;~'~-~I'c~~,~~~~;~.. ~ :~ii~5
F 30 3-6 0-0 1-1 2 0 2
F 19 2-6 0-1 2-2 0 0 0
G 9 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 2 2
G 28 5-10 3-3 3-4 0 1 1
G 27 1-7 0-2 0-0 0 2 2
- 23 3-7 2-5 0-0 0 3 3
3- 2 5-10 2-6 1-2 0 1 1
18 2-7 0-1 0-0 2 4 6
12 2-4 0-0 0-0 2 2 4
1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
3 0 3
200 23-57 7-18 7-9 9 15 24
0 7
0 6
0 0
2 16
1 2
2 8
1 13
0 4
1 4
0 0
1 0
8 60
1st Half: 11-30 .367
1st Half: 5-8 .625
1st Half: 5-7 .714
2nd Half: 12-27 .444
2nd Half: 2-10 .200
2nd Half: 2-2 1.00
Game: 23-57 .404
Game: 7-18 .389
Game: 7-9 .778
3-Pt. FG%
F Throw %
1st Half: 17-26 .654 2nd Half: 10-19 .526
1st Half: 4-6 .667 2nd Half: 2-6 .333
1st Half: 7-10 .700 2nd Half: 12-16 .750
.Game: 27-45 .600
Game: 6-12 .500
Game: 19-26 .731
PLAYER OF THE GAME: It was another stellar all-around performance for sopl
more center Al Horford, who scored 12 points to go with 11 rebounds, three assii
and two blocks.
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Noah F F 21 3-5 0-0 3-6 1 2 3 0 1 0 4 1
Green G 30 3-8 2-4 10-10 0 2 2 2 2 1 0 0 1
Moss 11 1-2 0-0 2-2 2 1 3 2 2 1 1 0
Richard 16 2-3 0-0 2-2 2 5 7 3 0 2 2 1
Swanson 1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tyler 1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTALS 200 27-45 6-12 19-26 7 26 33 11 14 12 9 4 7
19 1114 2
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the independent florida Not officially associated with the University of Florida Published by Campus Com unications, inc. of Gainesvlle, Floida VOLUME 99 ISSUE 66 We Inform. You Decide. R-Icyce TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2005 C.1ly Commission approves towing rate hike By JESSICA RIFFEL Alligato r Write r jriffeI@amligator.org The Gainesville City Commission approved an $8 hike in towing rates Monday. The 4-3 vote in favor of the increase brings the fee to $84, effective Jan. 1. Commissioner Chuck Chestnut expressed hesitation about the increase at the Nov.14 commission meeting but voted in favor Monday "I think it was justified in terms of cost," Chestnut said. "In terms of diesel fuel. and the economics of insurance." He also said the commission was able to set a 24-hour period before the towing .company can charge for storage costs. A towing-rate increase was proposed last year but the commission did not approve it because members did not believe they were provided with enough information. The commission rejected a motion to set an annual increase or decrease in towing fees. The vote was 2-5, with Commissioners Ed Braddy and Jack Donovan in favor. Chestnut said he was against the annual adjustment because the commission would lose its control of the local towing industry. 7"The law says we can't do anything against the towing industry," he said. "We can just set fees, and we use fees as a way to direct behavior. It's our only leverage." Ultimate Towing reHanrahan quested the rate hike at the end of September, according to company attorney Katherine Smaha. Ultimate Towing wanted $90, but the issue was deferred to the Public Safety Committee at the Nov. 14 commission meeting. Smaha said Ultimate is "quite happy with the commission's decision." In other news, the commission opted not to rule out increasing alcohol regulations in 2006. Mayor Pegeen Hanrahan does not want to eliminate the possibility of regulating drink specials, but the commission voted to defer the issue to the Public Safety Committee. SEE CITY, PAGE 5 Sex speaker dazzles Writer, speaker and sex educator Jay Friedman dangles a female condom during a speech in the Reitz Union Auditorium on Monday night. Biology sexual tips discussed By OLIVIA ORMOS Alligator Contributing Writer Shopping for a condom should be like shopping for a car: You need to find the make, model and features that feel right to you. These are the words of sex educator Jay Friedman, who spoke to about 150 people Monday night in the Reitz Union Auditorium. For the past 14 years, Friedman has toured the country speaking primarily to college students about sex and promoting healthy relationships. During a lecture at MIT, Friedman said he had to explain sex to the maledominated student body in terms of graphs and mathematics. He came up with the analogy that a man's experience is like a microwave oven and a woman's is more like a crockpot. "Women can have multiple orgasms, so Freud was all wrong with penis envy," he said. "Men reach their sexual peak at ages 18 or 19 and women at age 30 or 40." For some women it takes more time to feel comfortable with their bodies, along with hopes and desires with a partner, he said. It is normal for both men and women to masturbate, Friedman said, and normal if they dont. "Masturbation is a perfect way to practice using condoms. It is dull lovers, not dull condoms, that make for dull sex," he said. The secret to making condoms feel better, he said, is to simply flip the condom over and put water-based lubricant in the tip of the condom. Friedman told about the time in high school when he was forced to watch a movie that flashed pictures of genitals covered with diseases. "My belief is that sex is good. It's what we learn about sex that is not so good," he said. "The videos are a scare tactic to never make us want to do it the rest of our lives but instead leave us ignorant and confused." SEE SEX, PAGE 5 Pa to discus feasibility of Asian American director By DIANA MAZZELLA Alligator Writer dmazzelIa@aIigator.org A panel discussion to be held tonight aims to educate UF students and faculty about why the university needs a director of Asian Pacific American Affairs. Asian American Student Union President Sandy Chiu said a director would assist Asian American students-by informing them about scholarships, putting together a mentor program like the ones other minority groups on campus have, and giving students a voice in the Office of Admissions and the university. The discussion starts at 7 p.m. in the Reitz Union Rion Ballroom. UF does not recruit for Asian American students in the way it does for Hispanic and Latino or black students, and a director could help to change this, Chiu said. She added that the forum is to inform those in attendance of what is happening with the director and "how all students can benefit" from having one. When people attend the foStudent rum, they "will show administraLife tion, faculty and other students the support or curiosity regarding this issue," Chiu said. This will not be the first time this year students have brought this issue to the administration's attention. During the first week of classes in the Fall semester, students from the Asian American Student Union and South 'Asian American Student Union assembled at a speech by Vice President for Student Affairs Patricia TellesIrvin to express their concerns about the lack of a director. That came a few days after the Dean of Students Office's announcement that a posiSEE DIRECTOR, PAGE 5 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" II With a little construction paper, a few stickers and some cutout snowflakes, UF students can send season's greetings to young cancer patients spending their holidays in hospitals. See story, pg. 4. FORECAST 2 OPINIONS 6 CLASSIFIEDS 8 CROSSWORD 11 Thunder SPORTS 15 storms 75/48 visit www.alligator.org Chris Richard and the No. 11 Gators are off to their best start in two decades after beating up on Alabama State 8760 Monday night and improving to 6-0. See story, pg. 15.
2, ALLIGATOR U TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2005 News Today FORECAST TODAY THUNDER STORMS 75/48 WEDNESDAY t, SUNNY_ -67/38 THURSDAY SUNNY 68/41 FRIDAY SUNNY 71/45 SATURDAY SUNNY 74/52 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" Th Algato strives At;be acurte and' clear in its newsreports and editorials. if you End en error, piase call our newsroom at (352) 376-4458 or send an s-wadl 0 editortaallgator.org. Looking for experience in public relations and event0 planning?' The Independent florida Alligator it looking for interns in the promotions department to assist in daily activities such as writing monthly newsletters, planning upcoming special events and creating ads to promote The Alligator to local advertisers. e are looking for hardworking individuals who wil commit their time from the spring semester through the tall semester of 2006. This is a great opportunity to gain valuable public relations experience while possibly earning class credits. Please submit a cover letter and resume by Wednesday, December 2, 2005 by 3 p.m. Resumes can be delivered in person a 1105 W. University Ave. or seni via e-mail to Icrowley@alligator.org. Please address resumes to Lorena Crowley in Ihe promotions department. lhe independent florida 11M 1 I' m'cStnvd~udaeir alPlaozal Donor A18O yName: Serena Barry Class: UF Senior per Major: Elementary Education Hobbies: Reading, Watching TV, hanging out with my friends, and just relaxing To-help save-llaesr ileay money fa lcogW iaen4+ d e I I I donation. I Earn up to $180/mo. donating plasma in a friendly place. ..------DCI Biological Plasma Center -352-378-9204 For More Information Go To www.DciPlasma.com 150 NW 6th Street -Central Plaza the independent florida alligalor VOLUME 99 ISSUE 66 ISSN 0889-2423 Not officially associated with the University of Florida Published by Campus Communications Inc., of Gainesville, Florida NEWSROOM 352-376-4458 (Voice), 352-376-4467 (Fax) Editor Mike Gimignani, editor@alligator.org Managing Editor/ Print Eva Kb, ekis@alligatororg Managing Editor/ New Media Gwen Heimburg, gheiwburg@alligatocorg University Editor Bridget Carey, bcarey@alligator.org Metro Editor Jeff Sirmons, jsirmons@alligator.org Features Editor Neil Hughes, nhughes@alligator.org Opinions Editor Emily Yehle, eyehle@alligator.org Sports Editor Andrew Abramson, aabramson@alligator.org Sports Assistant Editor Bryan App, bapp@alligator.org alligatorSports.org Editor Louis Anastasis, lanastasis@alligator.org Editorial Board Mike Gimignani, Eva Kis, Emily Yehle, Tom Ourrenberger, Scott Gilton, Andrew Meyer Photo Editors Casey Anderson, canderson@alligator.org Tim Casey, tcasey@alligatocorg Assistant Photo Editor Tricia Coyne, fcoyne@alligatororg Photo Staff Tim Hussin, Andrea Morales the Avenue Editor Cher Phillips, cphillips@alligatororg the Avenue Assistant Editors Ern Chalfant, Jacqueline Davison Art Director Andy Marlette Graphics Chief Michelle Stewart, mstewart@alligator.org Graphics Jennifer LaBrie Copy Desk Chiefs Gayle Cohen, Krissi Palmer, Stephanie Rosenblatt Copy Editors Josh Armstrong, Robert Beltran, Amanda Brown, Juliana Casale, Jennifer Freihofer, Ashton Grosz, Kayla Harris, Kevin Mahadeo, Christina Simak, Skyler Smith, Natalie Van Hoose, Christopher White, Katie Wilkinson, Jen Zei New Media Assistant Editor Matthew Kelly New Media Staff Lisa Hope, Brett Roegiers Staff Eric Esteban, Ian Fisher, Farzad Safi DISPLAY ADVERTISING 352-376-4482,800-496-0265 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Advertising Director Brad Smith, bsmith@alligator.org Advertising Office Manager Marianne Cooper, mcooper@alligator.org Advertising Office Assistants Elizabeth CuetoSara Henry Sales Representatives Danny Wayne, Whitney Lawson, Ana Paula De Lima, Laura Gerszewski, Morgan Morillo, Lindsey Kuhn, Christine Carabeo, Aaron Paul, Michael Selvester Sales Development/Intern Coordinator William Cuadra CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 352-373-FIND (Voice), 352-376-3015 (Fax) Classified Advertising Manager Ellen Light, ellight@alligator.org Classified.Clerks Bethany O'Neill, Dan Cribb, Samantha Wright, Cassia Sookhoo CIRCULATION Operations Manager Scott McKearnan, smckearnan@alligator.org Operations Assistant Clint Day BUSINESS 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Comptroller Ramona Pelham, rpelham@alligator.org Accounts Receivable Supervisor Sharin Sexton Student Accounting Clerks Keith Enright, Alex Thurn, Chris Brink ADMINISTRATION 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) General Manager C.E. 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During UF summer academic terms The Alligator is published Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Alligator is a member of the Newspaper Association of America, National Newspaper Association, Florida Press Association and Southern University Newspapers. Subscription Rates: One Semester (Fall or Spring) $18 Summer Semester $10 Two Semesters (Fall or Spring) $35 Full Year (All Semesters) $40 The Alligator offices are located at 1105 W. University Ave. Classified advertising can be placed at that location from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, except for holidays. Classifieds also can be placed at the UF Bookstore. @ Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of The Alligator may be reproduced in any means without the written consent of an officer of Campus Communications Inc. r This coupon good1 for an extra $5 on your 2nd and 4th 2
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2005 E ALLIGATOR, 3 E OFFICERS PREFER STUDENTS TO WEAR HELMETS ON THE ROAD. By KARI M. TARR Alligator Contributing Writer Scooters are treated -as motorcycles by law when traveling at 30 mph or more, but local police usually disregard this fact because it would require an additional motor vehicle license, insurance and eye protection. "Could we enforce them? Absolutely. Do we? Not really," said Gainesville Police Department Sgt. Anthony Ferrara. Ferrara compared scooter law enforcement to jaywalking on a football gameday. "There is a leniency given to students who aren't making waves," he said. Amateur riders without proper protection, including a helmet, are a concern for officials, even though all scooter riders are not required to wear helmets. "Any time you are going faster than walking pace on something not biologically part of you, you should have a helmet on," Ferrara said. Under Florida law, motorcyclists over the age of 21 with proper license and $10,000 worth of personal injury insurance are exempt from helmet laws. A state law requiring all motorcyclists to wear a helmet was revoked in 2000, and fatalities have dramatically increased since then. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, fatalities in Florida were 71 percent greater in'the two years following the repeal than the two years before it. "Anytime you are going faster than walking pace on something not biologically part of you, you should have a helmet on." Sgt. Anthony Ferrara Gainesville Police Department "Students don't like to wear helmets because it doesn't look cool," said UPID officer David Miles. "It's a really dangerous trend." University students hoping to return to Gainesville after the holiday break with new scooters should not overlook the helmets at the dealership. "As a motorcycle rider, I don't see any significant difference between the two when you're in the city," said UF graduate student Paul Wiseman. By CHRISTOPHER HIATT Alligator Contributing Writer Driving without a seatbelt in Gainesville could cost you more than $75 as local officials enforce a Click it or Ticket campaign this month. University Police is cracking down on drivers and passengers not wearing seatbeits as part of a countywide campaign. Driving without a seatbelt is against Florida state law, but it is not a primary offense, meaning police cannot pull over an adult for not wearing a seatbelt. As a secondary violation, however, not buckling up will tack an extra $77.50 to a ticket for a primary offense like speeding, said UPD officer John Savona. Savona said students should be careful. "The primary stop is not the seatbelt, but if you run a stop sign or something, then they can get you," he said. One exception to the secondary offense rule is if an individual under the age of 18 is not wearing a seatbelt. Even if the person is in the back seat, the violation becomes a primary offense, giving an officer the right to pull the vehicle over and issue a citation to the driver. The fine for a non-moving offense, such as not wearing a seatbelt, has gone up from $74.50 to $77.50 in the past year, Savona said. The fine for a moving offense, such as running a stop sign, rose from $118.50 to $121.50. A citation of this kind will not result in points on a driver's license, but Savona said to expect more fine increases. "Everything just keeps going up," he said. Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death and disability among Americans ages 2 to 33, according to a report of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. students returning to school. RECEIVE 15% OFF Discount Deadline: Wednesday, December 7,2005 Final Deadline:Thursday, January 5,2006 Run Date: Monday, January 9,2006 Call your Sales Rep Today: 376.4482 Ale >4 Post-Thanksgiving To Do List: Start diet Std frfnals \ 2 Stud>I Oit 2 Get \nrto E nroll inKpa test Prep c Prepare for the LSAT, GMAT, GRE, MCAT, OAT, DAT, or PCAT by taking a course with Kaplan. Call now to register for a course that fits ihto your schedule. 1-800-KAP-TEST kaptest.com Test Prep and Admissions St;Vers-V dull't fazve UPD PUBLIC SAFETY Police: Btsuckle up or *%ay qo 4 o" VE, gV N -th
4, ALLIGATOR E TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2005 Man without a face Director livens up classes By DAVID COHEN Alligator Writer dcohen@alligator.org Microeconomics professor Mark Rush carefully paced the floor, trying not to step on a crack. When asked why, his friend butted in: "He breaks my back." This is a familiar scene for Rush and his accomplice, Anthony Bouton, better known to many as the Director. You've probably heard the two insult each other, but chances are you've never seen them face-to-face. Bouton is in charge of large Warrington College of Business lectures behind Bryan Hall Room 130. He takes pride in concealing his identity behind the camera, a position he's held since 1990. He puts the entry-level business courses, Rush's macroeconomics and David Denslow's macroeconomics, on the electronic platform for thousands of students to view. While students remain in the dark about who is behind the lens, Bouton said he enjoys taunting the professors he never understood. "I've got to keep it that way," he said. "I think it makes it more fun for students. Everyone has a different picture of what the Director looks like." Rush said students can only concentrate for about 30 minutes at a time, and Bouton helps to break up the economic monotony. So the two take jabs at each other, even when the camera isn't rolling, on things such as Rush's oft-worn plaid shirts, which Bouton said represent lines on a globe. "Hopefully, most people like it," Bouton said. "They can always fastforward through the stuff. You want to walk that fine line." Denslow said there are few times when the same level of thought is present during an hour-long event, noting the drinking scene in Shakespeare's play "Macbeth." Bouton said Denslow's mom and Shakespeare have a lot in common. "They both produce great tragedies," he said. Bouton joked that his favorite part about his job is going home after work with Rush, Denslow and marketing professor Richard Lutz. Rush responded -by noting he was offended that he and Lutz were mentioned in the same breath. "I like the fact that Gainesville has a sewer system too, but that doesn't mean I like to associate with it," he said. Bouton said he used to direct graduate-level engineering courses, where it was "one equation after the other" with little student contact. "Director equals p times o times s," Rush said. Denslow said his class has a 90-percent approval rating, in part because of Bouton's contribution. But he said the jokes are typically recycled every semester. Jenny Harnish / Alligator The Director draws a mustache on Microeconomics professor Mark Rush. The two trade playful insults and practical jokes during lecture recordings. "That's an incentive to pass," Denslow said. Donald Jones, a tourism management senior, said Bouton usually wins the joke war. "I think the Director gets the best of them sometimes," he said. "Enjoy your last night in Gainesville," Rush rebutted. Bouton said Rush generally shoots back quicker than Denslow. "You have.to make your joke airtight (with Rush)," he said. The trio frequents local restaraunts such as Leonardo's and Burrito Brothers for lunch. Denslow said they played golf,but it was a disaster, so they tried tennis. "His (Bouton's) main goal is to see how far over the backstop he can hit it," he said. "I play at the so-called senior league. Butit starts young. You only have to be 60 to be in it." Just then, sirens rang from a nearby emergency vehicle. "The bad joke police are here," Rush said. Ciyi 'ntern' petitiontn entor r eco d year at SFCC N THE WINNER OF THE CONTEST WILL INTERN FOR GAINESVILLE MAYOR PEGEEN HANRAHAN. By ALEXIS LLOYD Alligator Writer Although Gainesville Mayor Pegeen Hanrahan is no Donald Trump, she will decide the fate of who receives a paid internship and a scholarship in the SFCC competition The Intern 2, a spin-off of the TV show "The Apprentice." The theme of this year's competition is "Building kids' futures, one task at a time," and it begins January 2006. Eight contestants will compete in seven tasks, with a children's theme focused on benefiting different aspects of Gainesville's children community. "It is really hush-hush on the tasks so no one can get the upper leg on the other competition," said SFCC student Krystal Wilson, project coordinator. "They are a secret, but what I can say is that the Children's Home Society, March of Dimes, United Way and various charities and organizations are involved." Last year, only nine students applied for the eight open spots, but the college is hoping to have more students participate this year. "The ideal type of person for 'The Intern' is someone who has ideas, who can think outside the box," said Wilson, who placed second to Daniel Jones in last year's The Intern. "You think everything is going perfect, but it is that one idea that puts you over the top," she said. "The person needs to be a leader, but able to follow others." -The deadline to enter is Dec. 6. The Intern hopefuls must submit an application as to why they would like to participate in the competition, one recommendation letter and a 250-word autobiography. Each student must be registered for the Spring 2006 semester and hold at least a 2.0 GPA. "A new addition to the competition will be online voting," said Alan Rezaei, SFCC's student body president. "This is to get the community more inSanta Fe volved with the project." Community College Rezaei is working with Student Government to help raise campus awareness about the event. Local community members will be able to go to sfccinternproject.com and vote for the contestant they believe should move on to the next week's task. However, voting will not have any direct effect on the mayor's decision. Rezaei said the mayor used the phrase "Stay in school" during last year's competition instead of Trump's signature "You're fired!" The student chosen as The Intern will receive a 12-credithour, in-state scholarship and a paid internship in the mayor's office in Fall 2006. STUDENT LIFE Holiday cards go fron campus to chi dren in hospitals By ADRIANNA C. RODRIGUEZ Alligator Contributing Writer With a little construction paper, a few stickers and some cutout snowflakes, UF students can send season's greetings to young cancer patients spending their holidays in hospitals. For its fifth annual Hearts for the Holidays campaign, Gainesville's chapter of the student-run Friends for Life of America organization is working to have 7,000 cards made and sent to children in hospitals nationwide. The club will have tables set up with art supplies from 9:35 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. weekdays through Dec. 5 on the Reitz Union Colonnade. Anyone can stop by and make holiday cards. A card-making table will also be on Turlington Plaza during the same times every weekday except Wednesday. A floating table will be at the Broward Dining Hall and the Southwest Recreation Center from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday, as well as in the Warrington College of Business courtyard Monday. "It's a really good opportunity for UF students to do something for the community," said Mary McNichol, a psychology junior. "You can help kids feel better about being in the hospital." She participated in the campaign last year and said she hopes her cards "come-out pretty" for the children who receive them. The club's hospital correspondents coordinate with each hospital to make sure all the children in that hospital receive a card, "It's a really good o for UF students to do for the community. Y kids feel better about hospital.' said Megan Crosmer, 21, a b molecular biology junior an campaign. The club's 2002 event at U cards, which were sent to 45 the nation. pportunity "The holidays are a really hard time for kids to be in the hospital," Crosmer said. something "This is a way to add a little happiness to the ou can help holidays." being in the People can stop by as often as they want, to make as many holiday cards as possible. No artistic talent is required. Mary McNichol "Everybody gets hooked," Crosmer said. UF junior "It's a chance to be creative and at the same time reach out to children." Vikram Purohit, 21, a molecular biology iochemistry and senior, has made holiday cards for the camd co-chair of the paign every holiday season since he's been at the university. P collected 11,388 "Every child in the hospital should have hospitals across as normal a life as possible, and this is just another way to do that," Purohit said.
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2005 N ALLIGATOR, 5 Committee will discuss alcohol CITY, from page 1 The committee will need to submit a recommendation for the commission's Dec. 12 meeting in order for the city to vote to regulate drink specials and the tracking of kegs in 2006. UF Student Body President Joe Goldberg told the commission that he's against keg registration. "Somebody will purchase a keg and take it to a party, and somebody will come to that party and steal it," he said. He said even though the student no longer has control of who drinks from the keg, the student would still be responsible because it is registered under his or her name. Hanrahan countered that some responsibility is necessary. "We want people tobe worried about someone stealing their kegs or who's drinking out of their kegs," she said. Robert Zeller, owner of Gator City, Grog House and Copper Monkey, said the laws might hurt small businesses. Zeller and other alcohol distributors told the commission that more discussions need to be held and that local businesses should be included. Mark Bamett, Gainesville.City owner of Gator CommiSSIOn Beverage, located at 1126 W University Ave., said Gainesville citizens must have more input on issues that could greatly affect them. "I don't think there's any awareness of this issue at all in the general public," he said. "This small, hidden piece of legislature could greatly affect their exposure to civil and criminal damage." Friedman: 'Blue balls' a myth SEX, from page 1 Friedman said the reasons why even nice guys find themselves putting pressure on their partners to have sex is because of locker-room talk, homophobia and the myth of "blue balls." "If the 'blue-ball' myth were true, you would hear explosions all over campus," Friednan said. "No one should feel compelled to finish someone off; this is where you need to communicate and negotiate the sexual behavior you are ready for." Friedman said that during his travel across the United States, he found more open-minded students onthe East coast, and more close-minded students as he moved inland toward states like North and South Dakota and Montana. Many of his visits have resulted in censorship, and he said people voice complaints such as "he is stimulating students into a state of erotic frenzy." UF junior Lauren Case said she enjoyed Friedman because "it's rare you find someone willing to .speak about this very taboo subject." Friedman concluded with a "gift" to the audience of teaching them how to increase their sexual strength and stamina with kegel exercises, squeezes of the muscles of the pelvic floor. The exercise helps enhance one's sex life, he said. "You don't want to do too many too fast, but you want to do sets of these things every day," Friedman said. Dean of Students Office appointed Asian graduate assistant instead of director DIRECTOR, from page 1 tion was created for a director of multicultural and diversity affairs. A graduate assistant position was also created for Asian Pacific American Affairs, but not the director position that some students had hoped for. Kappa Phi Lambda and Delta Phi Omega sororities are hosting tonight's event with support from Asian American Heritage Kaleidoscope Month. Coordinator for the event Thao Tran said it would not be a protest or rally, but an educational forum. Student She said the event will benefit the whole Life student body. Chiu said the forum will allow students to write down questions that a moderator will pose. Panelists will include South Asian American Student Union President Preeti Sharma, past AASU President Linh Nguyen, professors Amy Ongiri and Malini Schueller and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Affairs Director Tamara Cohen, said Kaleidoscope Month Event Coordinator Leo Esclamado. The Dean of Students Office has appointed directors for black students, Hispanic students and students with disabilities as well. The two professors were involved in a panel last year that focused on ethnic studies, Esclamado said. He emphasized that the panel's purpose is not to blame the Dean of Students Office because it does not have a director for Asian American Students. O4ec'end c-/ /eab/ 1ceY ill -4 Fill I gallon zip lock bags with any of the following items and bring them to the Alligator office by 4pm on December 7, 2005 to RECEIVE COUPONS REDEEMABLE FOR FREE ONE-DAY BASIC SIZE CLASSIFIED ADS (one coupon per filled zip lock bag.) Coupons are valid through Aug 16, 2006 3-hole notebook paper e 3-ring binders, backpacks o calculatorse composition books o construction paper crayons and markers .erasers f holders -glue and glue sticks -graph paper pencil cases -pencils and pens -rulers a scissors j jackets j eans -long-sleeved shirts -sorts sweat suits -sweaters e underwear o Goody's, Rack Room, Ross, Target, Wal-Mart, etc. Brushchopstick -comb -conditioner -deodorant -hair accessories o hairstyling gel e laundry detergent -lotion o shampoo soap toothbrush h toothpaste Bring items to: The Independent Florida Alligator located at 1105 W. University Ave Call the Classified Advertising Department for more information: 352.373.3463 nations benefit homeless children of Alachua county in coordination with the Stuff the Bus promotion sponsored by A so Internaonol of Goinesville. to dining out theGuide aM a O 0 L. E E 0 0 E 0 6Cu
6, ALLIGATOR M TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2005 Edltoral Clumsy tactics Fight against military recruitment farfetched ith nothing of controversial value happening on campus recently, the Editorial Board has decided to rely on a natural foe for editorial material. We'd like you to travel back to last Monday, when the National Guard came to the Plaza of the Americas to recruit students by letting them touch and aim powerful weapons. By adding video games and free food to the deal, the men in uniform had no problem garnering positive attention. College boys love war and games, except perhaps when it's real. But the appearance of guns on campus, whether the weapons were in working condition or not, made us question the military's recruitment tactics. The necessity of using guns to attract possible soldiers is an interesting trend in military recruitment. It emphasizes the excitement of violence, rather than the honor of fighting for your country. But while we're worried about how the military recruits, others are focused on the message behind the organization. The Forum for Academic and Institutional Rights is fighting against the Solomon Amendment, which would allow the federal government to withdraw funding if universities don't permit military recruiters on campus. Some schools would like to bar the military because its "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays conflicts with efforts to battle discrimination. The forum argues that the law, enacted after Sept. 11, 2001, violates the First Amendment. The Supreme Court will hear the case Dec. 6. So what's the Editorial Board's conclusion? Our nation is obsessed with homosexuality. And in this case, the argument doesn't apply to the situation. Our nation is at war, and our military is pathetically smaller than our ambitions. We're knee-deep in Iraq without the manpower to construct a democracy out of anarchy Students are of the right age, mind and situation for recruitment. The military, and our country's international efforts, cannot survive without scouring universities. On the other hand, our military discriminates against the openly gay. And that's just bigoted. But we don't believe universities are seen as discriminatory because they allow the military on campus. Joining the Army is a good option for many, and impeding students from learning about this opportunity isn't a very educated decision. There's a big difference between an group that recruits students for the purpose of working against gays, and an organization that has a discriminatory policy buried within its ranks. Furthermore, tying obligations to federal funding is nothing new. Universities must follow a million specifications to get government grants; this requirement is just another one in the pile. The forum is following up on it because winning the case will help put pressure on the military to change its policy We would like to see the policy changed, partly because we don't think it has anything to do with fighting. Soldiers of every race, sex and creed are needed, and discrimination goes against the military's goals. However, this case is stretched thin. Whatever the outcome, the "don't ask, don't tell" policy will not change. Only time and a shifting public opinion can do that. In this political climate, the military unfortunately will lose more recruits than it gains if it changes the policy now. The military shouldn't speak against gays or actively encourage discrimination on campus. Beyond that, students can make their own decisions about the worthiness of the organization. We can't win the battle against discrimination from such an awkward angle. Instead, we should focus on a more direct and relevant issue: Is promoting violence an acceptable recruitment tactic on college campuses? l th idpdnt florid 0-1119tom Mike Gimignani EDITOR Eva Kis MANAGING EDITOR Emily Yehle OPINIONS EDITOR Tom Durrenberger, Scott Gilton, Andrew Meyer EDITORIAL BOARD The Alligator encourages comments from readers. Letters to the editor should not exceed 150 words (a'hau one leter-sied pa'n. They musot be typed, double-spaced and must include the autl or's nam~e, classification antI phone number. Names ail he withh~eld if the writer shOows aust cause. We reserve thle right to edit to, length, gamma, style and ibel. Send letters to lette s lligator.org, bning thee to 1105 .Univetsiy Ae., or seed ther to PO. Bo 142h7, Gainesvle, FL 32604-2257.Columns of about 450 words about original topics and editorial cartoons are also welcome. Questions? Call 376-4458. ALLIGATOR www.alligator.org/opinions &X) ~ -n Si-------Guestcolum Scientific~~~ ~ -hoismr ta use t is clear that there are significant public misconceptions about the debate on "intelligent design." Part of this ambiguity stens from a general misunderstanding of science the roots of which are fodder for an entire series of opinion columns -and part of it is caused by the parties involved in the controversy. There are two facets to this debate: One is political, and the other is academic. Neither concerns the validity or correctness of "intelligent design"; that is, of whether it is a plausible idea or not. The political controversy centers on the legality of teaching an inherently religious philosophy in public schools and whether that is constitutional. I will not dwell on the political situation, as I am sure that everyone has heard plenty from the media. The other part of the debate, the academic angle, deals with whether "intelligent design" is actually a science. As Joseph Meert pointed out last Monday, the answer is a resounding "no." in his Wednesday column, Thomas Harrington correctly pointed out that a scientific theory is testable and falsifiable. What he failed to state, however, is that "intelligent design" does not meet these criteria. How do you falsify the hypothesis of the interaction of a higher being? By disproving the existence of God? That is not science. There is a reason that advocates focus on trying to discredit the neo-Darwinian natural selection theory rather than on testing. "Intelligent design" is a philosophy, not a science. Rather than explain the how, "intelligent design", actually deals with the why. I agree with Meert that it has an appropriate classroom setting -one that is a theology or philosophy class, not a science class. The public should also realize what the "intelligent design" idea actually states. The concept does not refute evolution. A curious person needs only to refer to the Web site of the Discovery Institute, the primary institutional proponent for "intelligent design," to realize this. Evolution is, as defined by evolutionary biologist Douglas J. Futuyma, ".change in the properties of populations of organisms that Jonathan transcend the lifetime of a single indiHoffman vidual." Advocates attempt to explain Speaking Out the cause for this change and attach purpose to it, not deny its existence. They do not even fully reject natural selection, the driving mechanism behind neo-Darwinian evolution. They concede that genetic mutations do occur, causing change, but they contend that not all of these mutations are random. As a scientist, I am disturbed by the general misconception that a scientific theory holds little credence. Last week, one editorial author stated that "evolution is as much of a theory as 'intelligent design,"' implying that evolution is still only a "lowly" theory. In science, it is an accolade for an idea to attain the level of theory, not a dishonor. A scientific theory is based on observations that have been subjected to and withstood numerous tests, including attempts at falsification. Statements such as "it's just a theory" equate a theory with a hypothesis. Relativity, the idea behind the splitting of atoms and nuclear energy, is "just" a theory. No one, however, debates its validity because it has been upheld through countless trials. It also does not challenge our concepts of creation, but I digress. .Lastly, I can only shake my head at Ashley Wills' claim that evolution is a "philosophy issue." In the science community, the occurrence of evolution is supported beyond debate. We have witnessed it happen before our very eyes with the annual formation of new viral strains. Further evidence has come from the fossil record, in which we have discovered impressive evolutionary sequences, for example, in horses and whales. In her column, Wills refuted evolutionary biology's status as a science. It is my hope that most people can realize that evolutionary biology and its related fields are science. Furthermore, I hope that people will understand fully the position they advocate. Jonathan Hoffman is a graduate student in the Department of Geological Sciences. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator. Today's question: Should the military be allowed to recruit on campus? Monday's question: Would you use the bus service on Sundays? Vote or post a message at www.alligator.org 32% YES 68% NO 90 TOTAL VOTES IF 'SnS-
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2005 U ALLIGATOR, 7 Letters to the Editor Flag supporters comical, uninformed After a nice relaxing break, it was good to come back to campus to find the comedy that was the Alligator Letters to the Editor on Monday. Nothing says hilarity like two individuals who do not attend UF and have well-developed opinions on things they know nothing about. Since space is limited, I will address the letter from Wes Hamilton, a proud resident of Clyde, Texas, who apparently has no connection with UF whatsoever. Hamilton goes to great pains to inform us, the impressionable student body, that his seventh cousin, Robert E. Lee, did not in fact take up arms against his country but simply switched his allegiance when another group of seemingly non-traitorous individuals decided to establish a new nation. No rebellion there at all!. What puzzles me the most, however, is Hamilton's prestigious family history. He claims that he had grandfathers in six states and that all of them were officers and soldiers in the Confederate Army. I was under the impression that most people only had two grandfathers. I have heard of inbreeding in the South, but I thought this was just conjecture and rumor. Hamilton proves that this is indeed a historical certainty. If, as Hamilton claims, the Confederates were fighting for the value system embodied by Thomas Jefferson, why does the United States still exist under the Constitution? How exactly did the election of Abraham Lincoln threaten America's "principles, morals and rights" as codified by the Founding Fathers? He really doesn't answer this question very well and instead spews the same vitriolic rhetoric that so many pro-Dixie people have trotted out over the years. OVoA .. The only thing that Hami was lacking was a Zell Mille challenging Andrew Bare to a field of honor. U U U Iton's letter r-esque line duel on the Mike Bowen 9LS Bare judges past by today's standards Andrew Bare's Wednesday column "Confederate flag is a symbol of treason" makes the mistake of judging the people of the 1860s by current standards. For example, the column stated, "Lee had his chance to serve his country or serve his state. He chose his state." But to Lee, his state was his country. The federal government was much smaller and weaker in 1860 than it is today. Back then, Americans did not have Social Security numbers, they did not pay federal income taxes, and most did not carry U.S. passports. They moved from state to state much less than people do today, and they had fewer relatives and friends in other states. Therefore, it is not surprising that they felt more like citizens of their states than citizens of the United States. To many of them, the idea that their states could not leave the United States would be comparable to the modern idea that a nation cannot leave the United Nations. Many Southerners opposed secession and slavery -and ending slavery was not initially a goal of the Union -but chose to resist or were even forced to resist an armed invasion of the South. Does that make those people evil? If the Confederate flag is a symbol of treason, then the U.S. flag is also a symbol of treason. The stars and stripes is the flag going on? Check out the holiday Wift Guides for great gift ideas! Holiday Gift Guide I comes out Nov. 18 Holiday Gift Guide I comes out Dec. 2 of people who rebelled against the British government. Also, many people who fly the flag today are not trying to honor Confederate heritage or make a political or social statement. To many, the flag is just a symbol of the South or Southern pride. And many people just fly the flag as a kind of silly or fun thing. I think this is especially true of the Louisiana State University sports fans, who wave a purple and gold -LSU's school colors -version of the flag. Larry Fafarman Los Angeles Confederacy honored for many reasons I am by no means an ardent supporter or admirer of the Confederacy, but the argument presented by Andrew Bare is patently ridiculous. By the same reasoning process, Old Glory is also a symbol of treason. Should we be ashamed? Should we avoid flying it when it might offend the United Kingdom? Don't be ridiculous. The South had reasons other than slavery for revolting. This does not excuse it but represents extenuating circumstances. Afterward, the people who had to prosecute the war felt that the reasons for the revolt were not unreasonable as evinced by the easy terms granted postwai-. If many of the ones who fought and died as a result of the South's decision did not blame it overmuch, I don't think it makes sense for us to do that now. The Confederacy represents many things to many people. If we are to live in a free society, we need to learn to tolerate and grasp that a reverence for its better intentions does not necessitate ignorance of its flaws. Further, if we are to learn from its mistakes, we cannot do so by eradicating it from memory. Those offended by the flag would be better off using it to discuss the errors it represents than to make it disappear from human experience. Nicholas Bretagna 11 UF employee U U U More to Southern story than most know I used to believe the things that Andrew Bare professed in his column. I was a Yankee, born and raised in the North Country where I live. I earned a master's in American history from a university in Kansas, a state that flaunts its "abolitionist" history. It wasn't until after I had the degree and spent four years working at the Kansas State Historical Society Library/ Archives that I realized there was much more to the story than is publicly taught in schools today. Secession was not unconstitutional before the Civil War, only after was it declared so. The original colonies had done the same thing from England, but we glorify them as heroes. The war was primarily over tyranny, secondarily over slavery. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant owned slaves; Gen. Robert E. Lee did not. Lincoln did not free all slaves, only slaves in southern states. There were plenty of slaves in border states and northern slaves that were not freed. The Confederacy at the end of the war allowed black units, and during the war, allowed individual black soldiers and had entire Native American regiments. I could go on, but I won't. I will end with this quote from a Union hero: "If I thought this war was about slavery, I would resign my commission and take my sword to the other side." Guess who said that? Ulysses S. Grant. Justin Dragosani-Brantingham Baudette, Minn. lrcter Rd. I GENERAL NUTRITION CENTERS Lunch Sushi Special 25% OFF any one GNC product I Sushi, Soup, and anld .Jo,, ,Bgart I Only available at 1stier Momz location, next to Albersons. I Mon -Fri 11:30 -2:30 City Editor, 1890 Not voild with any other offers, see sales assoc. for details I XP.--12/31/ ROM $5A OFF VM YOU, BUMf OUR. SHIRAT, CAIPS CLB 10 different bars 10 free drinks 1 free cover charges 2 free slices of pizza Souvenir t-shirt ONE HUGE PARTY Thursday, Decembaer eth Shirts on Sale at Gala, City, Campus Club and the Domino's Pizza an the corner at Univ Ave. & 34th St. (Publix Plaza) 37.PZZA (377-4992) For more information, -377-7333 Dresm~okea* INS_ 'Tis the season to get HIPP for the holidays! A Tina ChrisThmas and A Christmas Carol On stage through Dec. 18 JUNEBUG -Sundance Film Festival Special Jury Prize Tues, Wed Thurs 7pm & 9:1Spm Wed Wtinee 4:30pm (352) 375-HIPP ,, ., wvvv thehi pp.orqg
IR u IT f. SE"'=L L I T. F ND T 3 7 3-F .N00Class if eds TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2005 ALLIGATOR www.aligator.Org/class For Rent .For Rent For Rent 1 ortRent For Rent-' furnished furnished furnished ) unfurnished iftu'rnishe It's not too late! Escape the dorms this spring! 1 BR/1 BA*2BR/2BA*3BR/3BA TH Cable*Gated*Sauna*24hr Gym*Tanning *Close to UF!*Lease for SPRING*377-2777 12-7-72-1 Super Clean Studio Walk to ShandsAnnual lease Now as low as $355 monthly inc all utilities ph 336-9836 12-7-72-1 NEED ROOMMATES?! Private Bed/Bath, in 3/3 Apt. $489 for all utilities, furs, & internet Call 336-3838 12-7-72-1 Want a Change for The New Year? Furnished Utilities* Cable* Internet New Year special from only $450! Hurry only 4 rooms left! 372-8100 2-7-72-1 HUGE AFFORDABLE 1, 2 & 3BR Spiral Staircase Skylight Pool 2 Tennis Cts Indvl lease & Utility Pack Now and Fall 377-7401 12-7-72-1 Close to UF FREE Roommate Match FREE CABLE, FREE Utilities FREE Alarm FREE Furniture FREE Tanning, WID, PC Lab 24-hr Gym, Gated Entry Only $485, 372-0400 12-7-72-1 1, 2, 3, 4BR Apts. www.ApartmentslnGainesville.com 12-7-72-1 Raising the standard of luxury to an unprecedented level. 4/4's from $455 -509! More amenities than you can dream of FREE: internet, cable, wid, pc lab, gym 3 buses/RM match! Call 352-271-3131 12-7-72-1 Walk to SFCC Roll out of bed and into class. $439 Gets you all this! Fully Furnished, Free Ethernet, Free Cable w/HBO, FREE UTILITIES, W/D, Roommate match. 379-9300 12-7-72-1 UNIVERSITY TERRACE WEST. Fully furn 4BR/4BA, Swimming pool. Individual leases. www.bogartproperties.com 278-9347 12-7-34-1 2/2 Laurels Apt Avail by Dec. 0 On UF bus route 0 Will give free stuff away w/apt O Nice deal. 377-3264 12-7-36-1 Grad Student Roommates Wanted Huge 3BR house in very quiet neighborhood across from Royal Park Plaza. Ind All Utils, cable, phone, W/D. $450/mo 352-375-2662 11-30-21-1 ROOM IN A HOUSE W/BIG YARD 10 min from UF. For serious female student, NS. All included $400/mo Short term ok. 352376-9960 12-5-20-1 COLLEGIATE LIVING ORGANIZATION Spring Leases Available! Only $275/mo w/ethernet, until, parking, furnished, one block from campus! 377-4269. Grove.ufi.edu/-clo 12-7-19-1 LEXINGTON CROSSING Spacious, clean, 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. Spring & summer. Great amenities. $425/mo ind all utils. or negotiable. Call 305-742-5608 12-7-18-1 M/F, NS, Grad student/Professional wanted to reent gorgeous furn room in new home. 1.5 mi to Shands. Kitchen, living room, laundry facilities included. $425/mo + share utils. Call 336-5450 or 954-328-2863 12-7-15-1 Fully furn. 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA in Campus Lodge. Huge gym, tanning, biggest pool in G-ville, bball, carwash, screened patio w/fan, stadium seating to watch 2TVs! Inds. fast internet, cable w/HBO, all util. incl. elec. Nice furnished! Discount $439 neg. 727-743-7926 11-29-14-1 Students & Graduates! Live close to UF & SFCC! $465/mo. All included. New appliances & furnishings. Avail Jan 06. Leave msg 386-795-5888 12-1-10-1 1 BR/1 BA in 4BR/4BA in Gainesville Apts. W/ D, bed, desk and gated community. $400/MO utils. incl. Bus #34 comes inside complex. 321-356-0626 12-1-10-1 HUGE 4BR HOUSE. 2 furn rooms for rent 1 block from campus. 2 min walk to law school. Quiet neighborhood. Util & wireless internet included. W/D, on-site parking. 352-2628739 12-7-12-1 ***LaMANCHAAPTS*** Enjoy all-inclusive individual leases within walking distance to UF. Fully furn 4BR/2BA. 352-278-9347 www.bogartyproperties.com 12-7-9-1 FIRST MONTH FREE Sublease available now-May 2006 Apt fully furnished (4/2). Great female roommates. Within 1 ml from UF. Rent $390 + until. 305318-1040 12-1-5-1 For Renta l unturnished, *QUIET, CLEAN, LOTS OF GREEN SPACE. Rustic 1BR apt. $345/mo. O1BR cottage $375/mo. Call 378-9220 or -mobile 213-3901. 12-7-72-2 ACROSS FROM UF 1 BRs from $460 Laundry on site, pets ok. Central Air, walk in closet. Open Weekends 371-7777 12-7-72-2 LYONS SPECIAL $99 1st month's rent 377-8797 12-7-72-2 Need a Rental Home or Condo? Need A Tenant? CALL THE BEST! Watson Reaty Corp. REALTORS www.watsonrent.com Property Mgmt/Rentals 352-335-0440 Full Service Sales 352-377-8899 gvillepm@watsonrealtycorp.com 12-7-72-2 Wake up & walk to UF Studios & 1 bedrooms Starting @ $489 Pet friendly, Pool *Come See! 372-7111* 12-7-72-2 AVAILABLE JANUARY! HUGE floorplans! Great Pools! Water/Sewer included! Pets OK 1BR $550 2 BR $595! Bus or bike to UF 335-7275 12-7-72-2 LIVE DOWNTOWN FOR SPRING! Studios, 1/1s, 2/2s & 3/3s Pool*Alarm*Pets Welcome Available January! 338-0002 12-7-72-2 *SUN BAY APTSO OSome furnished avail* SOWalk or Bike to Campus es 1-1 $460/mo*02-1 $520/mo www.sunisland.info @00376-6720 12-7-72-2 1 & 2BR apts. convenient to shopping, bus line, and just a few miles from UF. Located off SW 20th Ave. $375 -$450, incl water, sewer, pest control & garbage. Sorry no pets allowed. Call 335-7066. 12-7-72-2 MOVE IN JANUARY! Stress free living! Great rates! S1 BR from $479 2BR from $549 Beautiful pools/courtyards* Pets OK Walk/bike to UF 372-7555 12-7-72-2 3/3 Luxury Avail. Now Roommate match for Jan. 24hr. Gym, Comp. Lab, Tan Close to UF Law, & SW Rec. Call 352-379-9255 12-772-2 Deluxe, Large 3 or 4BR apt/house, 60 second walk to UF. Remodeled, Old House charm. Central AC, washer/dryer included. Wood floors. With Parking. By Private Owner. 538-2181 Iv message 12-7-72-2 HUGE apt! HUGE value! 2BR avail. NOW! 1,2 & 4 BR units avail Jan '06 Pool, tennis, alarm, close to everything! FREE UF parking, pets welcome! pinetreegardens.com or call 376-4002 12-7-72-2 Deluxe, large one or two bedroom, 60 secand walk to UF. Wood firs, washer dryer included, fireplace, patio deck. Can furnish. Short term available. Private Owner, $495up. 352-538-2181. Lv mssg 12-7-72-2 There's no place like home! Make us yours! 1 BR/1 BA*2BR/2BA*3BR/3BA TH Cable*Gated*Sauna*24hr Gym*Tanning *Close to UF!*Lease for SPRING*377-2777 12-7-72-2 ***Beautiful and New*** 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA LUXURY FREE High-Speed Internet FREE Monitored Alarm FREE Cable/Tanning/Gym W/D plus TVs in every kitchen 374-FUNN (3866) 12-7-72-2 ** ELLIE'S HOUSES ** Quality single family homes. Walk or bike to UF. www.ellieshouses.com 352-215-4991 or 352-215-4990 12-7-72-2 SUN ISLAND 1.1 from $480.00 2.1 $530.00 $99 deposit for Grad students 999 SW 16th Ave phone # 376-6720 www.sunisland.info 12-7-72-2' 4/4 Townhome for Fall Across from UP W/D, Alarm, DW From $550 per BR suite Open Weekends 371-0769 12-7-72-2 AVAILABLE JANUARY Studio and 1 BRs From $529 Across From UF, Pets Ok. Laundry on Site, Wood Floors Avail Open Weekends 371-7777 12-7-72-2 LIVE STUDY PLAY Luxury 1/1, 2/2 flats & 3BR/3BA Townhomes Free Cable w/ HBO/Sho, Tan, 24 hr gym, Aerobics, W/D, Gated, Pet Friendly, Alarms *The Laurels, 335-4455* 12-7-72-2 Now leasing for January 2006 1 br for $595 or 3br for $870 2br townhome with W/D for $669 Alarms, park FREE @ UF, Pets welcome www.SpanishTrace.org 373-1111 12-7-72-2 Spring lease Avail. 3/3 townhouse Cable w/HBO, tanning, gym All the extrasTAlmost gone! Call for specials 377-2801 12-7-72-2 Total Elec, 2 & 3 Bedroom, $395-$550, cent A/C, pool, tennis, B-ball waste, pest, lawn mowing. 251b pet $15/mo. M-F 10-6 or by appt. Alamar Gardens 4400 SW 20th Ave. 373-4244 UF bus line #20 12-7-72-2 How To Place A Classified Ad: Corrections and Cancellations: Cancellations: Call 373-FIND M -F, 8am -4pm. No refunds or In Person: By Mail: When Will Your Ad Run? credits can be given. Cash, Check, MC, or Visa Use forms appearing weekly in The Classifieds begin TWO WORKING DAYS Alligator errors: Check your ad the FIRST day it runs. Call 373-FIND Alligator. Sorry, no cash by mail. MC, after they are placed. Ads placed at the with any corrections before noon. THE ALLIGATOR IS ONLY REThe Alligator Office Visa or checks only. UF Bookstore may take THREE days to SPONSIBLE FOR THE FIRST DAY THE AD RUNS INCORRECTLY. 1105 W. University Ave. B Phone: (352' 373-FIND appear. Ads may run for any length of Corrected ads will be extended one day. 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For Rent: Furnished 6 Furnishings 11 Motorcycles, Mopeds 16 health Services 21 Entertainment 2 For Rent: Unfurnished 7 Computers 12 Autos -17 Typing Services 22 Tickets 3 Sublease 8 Electronics 13 Wanted 18 Personals 23 Rides 4 Roommates 9 Bicycles 14 He p Wanted 19 Connections 24 Pets 5 Real Estate 10 For Sale 13 Services 20 Event Notices 25 Lost & Found All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make limitation, or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. -All employment opportunities advertised herein are subject to the laws which prohibit discrimination in employment (barring legal exceptions) because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, familial status, age, or any other covered status. .This newspaper assumes no responsibility for injury or loss arising from contacts made through the type of advertising that is know as "personal" or "connections" whether or not they actually appear under those classifications. We suggest that any reader who responds to that type of advertising use caution and investigate the sincerity of the advertiser before giving out personal information. .Although this newspaper uses great care in accepting or rejecting advertising according to its suitability, we cannot verify that all advertising claims or offers are completely valid in every case and, therefore, cannot assume any responsibility for any injury or loss arising from offers and acceptance of offers of goods and/or services through any advertising contained herein.
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2005 N ALLIGATOR,-i For Rent i FnrVRTnt F0n r-7t For Rent For Rent a lunfurnished unfurnished unfurnhed s edf ) ll unfurnished ) **1BR & 2BR BEAUTIFUL** NEW kitchen, tile, carpet, paint 3BR/2BA Flats 00 $839/mo 2BR/2BA Flats 00 $725/mo 2BRover 1100 sq ft 00 $725/ mo 1 BR-over 800 sq ft 00 $625/mo Close to UF, beautiful, quiet High-speed wireless internet $450 deposit 0 376-2507 12-7-72-2 Its Never Too Early! Huge 2 and 3 Beds for January! Cable W/D Pool Gym Pets Ok Pre-leasing for 2006! 372-8100 12-7-72-2 NEWLY RENOVATED Affordable, Quiet living HUGE 1& 2BR *Pool Skylights 1.5 miles to UF Furn Avail 377-7401* 12-7-72-2 ENORMOUS 3BR Avail for Current and Fall Pool*Tennis Cts*1.5 Mi 2 UF Ind lease, Furn & Util Avail Great Specials*377-7401 12-7-72-2 Countryside University Terrace Gainesville University Terrace West Individual Leases W/D, Pool & Utilities $300-$325/mo. Union Properties 373-7578 www.rentgainesville.com 12-7-72-2 Looking for a home? We have the LARGEST selection of single family rentals in Gainesville. With over 100 properties currently available, we're sure to have something to fit your style and budget. Visit our website at www.edbaurmanagement.com, or call us to find your new home today 352375-7104 ex 2. m~ur Management Inc. 12-7-72-2 *UPPER CLASS Students* Perfect place to study! FREE cable w/ HBO/Show FREE GARAGE*ALARM*WD Gated entry*Computer lab Wireless poolside*FREE Tanning 1,2&3brs**338-0003 12-7-72-2 CL 0) Free extended Basic Cable! Pets Welcome! 1000 sq ft Split Floor PLan W/D Hook-ups & DW. 1 BR/1 BA & 2BR/2BA Available. Call Now 372-9913 12-7-71-2 Amazingly Affordable! HUGE 650 sq ft 1BR 1000 sq ft 2BR Townhouses & Flats Discounted Rates Starting @ $380 & $480 Close to Santa Fe, UF & 1-75 332-5070 127-71-2 CLOSE TO CAMPUS Available now! 2BR/1 BA Apt. $475 3BR/1 BA Duplex $600 MITCHELL REALTY 374-8579x1 12-7-64-2 Rent With Us Today, Buy With Us Tomorrow! Condo, House & Townhouse Rentals www.BosshardtPM.com Ask About Our Lucrative Tenant Rewards Program! 2BR/2BA Haile Condo $900/mo 2BR/1 BA Near UF $475/mo 3BR/2BA Duckpond $795/mo Ask about Move-In Specials! Over 30+ Private Homes Available! Call Today: 371-2118 12-7-50-2 "Large afforadable apartments 2/2.5 & 4/2.5 TH in/WiD. No pet restrictions! Pool, Gym, B-ball, Tennis, Racquetball, UF parking. Available Jan 2006 @ (352) 3327401 12-7-49-2 NEW Development NEW Construction 1.5 mi. from UF. 2BR/2.5BA. W/D incl. Cabana & pool. Avail immediately. Contact MaCor Realty, Inc. 352-375-8888 11-3042-2 Going, Going, GONEII 2BR/1 BA only $675 Spacious floor plan, Quiet atmosphere Move in TODAY! 376-1248 12-7-45-2 STUDIO APT. 60 Sec. walk to UF. 1 or 2 rooms. Short term avail. $350 & up. Call 352-538-2181 12-7-39-2 0 IS0 0-) Reasonably priced NW 3BR house, 1200sf, washer/dryer, den, eat-in kitchen, garage, large maintained yard $720 edbaurmanagement.com 375-7104 ex. 2 1731 NW 6th Street 12-7-35-2 Talismar, SW 1 BR near vet school & hospitals, cent h/a, enclosed courtyard, includes water & trash, $375 ebaurmanagement.com 375-7104 ex 2 1731 NW 6th St. 12-7-35-2 One BR apt for rent. 1 person, 1 car, no smoking, no pets, no fleas. It is small, but has it all. All util. pd. $360/mo, unfurnished. Call Charlie "Whitey" Webb. 375-4373. Stop by 1215 NE 20th Ave. 12-7-34-2 BIG & CHEAP 2/1.5 apt 1100 sq. ft. $595 3/2 apt 1300 sq ft $695 1800 NW 4th St. Over 20 houses also avail. 373-4423 wvvw.maximumre.com 8-16-131-2 FREE MONTH'S RENT 2BR/2.5BA NW townhome. New tile 1st fir, carpet 2nd fir & paint. W/D, 1.5 mi to UF $725/mo pets ok Avail now 772-708-7048 12-7-38-2 DUPLEX 2BR/1BA. New tile, new carpet, new paint, central AC/heat, W/D hk up. Walk/bike to UF. 408 NW 5th Ave. Unit A. $695/mo. 1st/last &sec. www.gatorpads.com 284-0316 or 281-0733 12-7-27-2 Avail Dec several units within 1/2 mi of UF campus or closer. Efficiency $325 1 BR/1 BA $420, 2BR/2.5BA $725, 2BR/1 BA $600. Sec dep. No pets. Contact gv1132601 @gmail.com or lv msg 352-870-7256 12-7-29-2 HISTORIC APTS Ceiling fans, hardwood floors, high ceilings, some w/fireplaces. SE historic district. First, last, security. 2BR &2BR w/study 2-2BR Houses in NW Dntn. $600-800/mo No dogs please. 378-3704 11-30-20-2 Walk to UF 2BR.1BA duplex, cent A/C, private parking, 922 SW 6th Ave. $520 Edbaurmanagement.com 375-7104 12-727-2 INDIVIDUAL AND SEMESTER LEASES AVAILABLE FOR THE WINTER SEASON Convenient UF acess $375 to $620/mo Action Real Estate Services 352-331-1133 1-15-31-2 VILLAGE LOFT APTS. 1BR Loft apts. 650-750 sq. ft. Starting @ $490/MO. Quiet, wooded setting. FREE monitored alarm system. 6400 SW 20th Ave. Call 332-0720 11-30-21-2 BRAND NEW 1430 SQ FT 2BR/2.5BA townhouse. Master suite w/private terrace. Pool, hi spd internet & security system hookups. New appliances. Near UF off 13th St. $950/mo. Call 561-912-6223, 954-755-1728 12-7-25-2 MORE FOR YOUR MONEY 1, 2, & 3BR units. Available now. Starting @ $380/mo. 332-5070, 331-8225 12-7-25-2 La Mancha Apts. Enjoy all-inclusive individual leases. within walking distance of UF! Swimming pool, laundry facilities, private parking. Make your life easier today! Short term leases available! Call Campus Realty today! 692-3800 12-7-25-2 Campus Realty Great homes for rent in the UF area! 352-692-3800 www.campusrealty.com/rentals 4-26-72-2 3207 W. University Ave Furnished + pool table, WIG, 2 car garage, off-street parking, tile floors. Campus Realty 692-3800 12-7-25-2 4BR/2BA HOUSE New carpets 1800 sq. ft. Walk to Law School. $1200/mo. Gore-Rabell Real Estate 3781387 www.gore-rabell.com 12-7-24-2 One mile to campus & Shands 2BR/1.5BA Avail. Jan. 1st Wood floors, WID, DW, clean, no pets, sm, 1038 SW 6th Dr. $600/mo 239-898-9317 1-31-40-2 Close in. Lots of green space. Large 4BR/ 2BA Home Screen porch. No pets. $800/MO Call (352)378-9220 or 213-3901 12-7-24-2 OAKBROOK CONDO Large, exclusive 2/2. W/D. Walk/ride to campus. Available Jan 1. $800/mo. Call 3782627 or 466-3797 12-7-21-2 AVAIL. JAN OR EARLIER Large, Modern, Clean 4BR/3BA house 1 block North of UF. Many amenities. Zoned ok for 4 roommates. $1600/mo. No Pets. K&M Properties 372-1509. 12-7-21-2 AVAIL. JAN. Great Location & Price. 1&2 BR. Apts. 1 Block from UF on North & East side of campus. Priced $440-$575/mo. No pets. K&M Properties 372-1509. 12-7-21-2 One or both rooms in 2BR DOWNTOWN APT. Quiet neighborhood. CLOSE TO SHANDS, UF, & LIBRARY. $350/MO per person. Pets OK. Call 262-1351 11-30-14-2 2BR/1 BA DUPLEX for rent. Newly remodeled and new appliances. W/D hk-up. Hawthorne Rd. SE 46th Terr. $600/MO, $300 dep. Call 352-258-8806 12-7-17-2 BRAND NEW Apartment Buildings Close to UF & Shopping 2BR/1.5BA condos W/D hookups $675/MO 494-9045 or 494-2173 12-7-17-2 WALK TO CLASS! Nice 2/1 house with big fenced yard. W/D. 716 NW 4th Ave. $695/mo evenings 472-9273, mobile 494-3154 or emai billconradconstruction@yahoo.com 11-29-10-2 NW 1BR house. Freshly painted interior. 1000 sq. ft. Two window AC's and space heat. Several multi-use rooms. Some pets okay 1936 NW 31st Ave. $450 Jim 375-1590 11-30-10-2 Looking for an Apartment??? THE LEASING CONNECTION 1412 N. University Avenue Visit our NEW location in the new Target Copy Center! FREE Apartment and Housing Locator Service Call 352-376-4493 or visit www.TheLeasingConnection.com 12-7-15-2 PET'S PARADISE No app or pet fee 2BR townhome. Fireplace, privacy fence, new carpet, modern appliances, ceiling fans, CH/ AC, 1000 SW 59 Terr. Private owner. Please leave detailed msg. $450/mo 352-331-2099 11-30-10-2 NEW COMPLEX 2 BLKS FROM CAMPUS Taylor Square Apts & Townhouses. 1BR/ 1 BA. Avail Jan 2006. $650/mo Inc hi-spd internet & W/D. Call 692-4066 12-1-10-2 1/1 in 2/2 avail. in Oxford Manor w/i closet, priv bath, w/d, quiet great gym, close to Shands, shops $405 month plus half utilities. Female only. 352-328-5880 or kes208@ufl.edu 12-1-15-2 Near Law School 3/1, $1200/mo. 1st, last, security. Pref grad student. No pets, W/D hook up, Wood floors, cent A/C, gas heat, trees. Call Tom >8pm or weekends 954-5294031 12-7-13-2 3/2 WELL-KEPT HOME On park-like 1 acre lot located in High Springs; carport; no pets; all amenities included. Avail for Dec 1. $850 mthly 3x to move-in. See ad details on Rent.com or call 1-866-833-1601 x 1014 11-30-7-2 Male for room in 2BR/2.5BA in Victoria Station. Shared kitchen, family room, washer/dryer. Community pool. $425/mo + utilities. Avail Jan 1. Call 954-303-1104 or 954-242-4633, or kvabraham@aol.com 12-7-12-2 1st MONTH FREE! 2BR/2.5BA TH in Kensington South, high ceilings, dining room, washer/dryer, pool, $850/rent 3901 SW 20th Ave #105 Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 12-2-8-2. ***0.8 MILES TO UF*** Studio apt in historic house near downtown. Laundry & parking outside front door. $325/ mo 404 SW 2nd St. 214-9270 12-7-12-2 Countryside @ University. 2BR/2BA avqii in 4BR/4BA for $350/ea. All util, high-speed net and W/D incl indiv leases. Call Josh at 813545-2245 or ufstang1@uf6.edu 12-7-12-2 COUNTRYSIDE APTS. Rent 2BR/2BA in 4BR/4BA 6 to 12 month lease, 1BR furn/1BR unfurn.; utilites Inc]. Cable, ethernet. W/D. Near pool. Info 305979-7862 OR 786-412-9337 12-7-11-2 Roommate wanted to share 3BR/2BA. VINTAGE VICTORIAN HOME 2 mi from UF. $400/mo + 1/3 utils. 1st + sec. No pets 772-359-9162 12-7-11-2 MODERN CRACKER HOUSES FOR RENT 1BR/1BA $650 and $550. In private wooded cul-de-sac near downtown. W/D included. 115 & 125 SE 10th St. Call Peter 316-6667 12-7-9-2 4 BLOCKS TO CAMPUS 2BR/2BA apt $700 Short term lease ok. 3BR/1 BA duplex downtown $600 Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 12-7-10-2 STEPS TO CAMPUS! Avail Jan-Aug 2006 2BR/2BA $880/mo + free hi-speed internet. Clean, quiet, great management. Call 386-689-8613 12-7-9-2 DUCKPOND 2BR near Thomas Center. Wood floors, fireplace, porch, W/D, bay window. Available 1/1/06. $800/mo. 1 year lease. Call 352-377-6562. New paint and quiet. 12-7-8-2 1 Blk to UF! 1BR 1BAApt $470/Mo 1236 SW 4th Avenue Central H & Air, Carpet, Laundry Fac. Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 122-5-2 1 Blk to UF! 2BR 1BA Apt $550/Mo 216 SW 12th Street Window A/C, Nat Gas ht, Wood Floors Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 122-5-2 1215 SW4thAve. 2BR/1BA Duplex. Walk to campus. $595/mo. 1st MONTH FREE. Call 335-3577 ALACHUA MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES, Licensed Real Estate Broker. 12-7-8-2 1802 NW 7th Street. 2BR/1BA Duplex. W/D hk-up, $600/mo, $600 deposit, $25 application fee. Call 352-378-0212 12-7-8-2 2 STORY COUNTRY HOUSE 3BR/2BA, large living rm, separate dining rm, zoned commercial, ideal home/office on SW Williston Rd. near ShandsVA. $875. Call Kathy 215-1728, Lisa 372-9000 1-20-17-2 APPLY NOW NO APPLICATION FEE 3 blocks to UF. Gator Nest Apts. 1 BR/1 BA 300 NW 18th St. $405/mo. Call 352-371-3636 12-7-8-2 ADORABLE 3 BR 1.5 BA! Great House, 2 living areas, washer/dryer, Ceiling fans, newer carpet, $850/rent 2102 NE 8th Street Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 wwwurlingtonrealestate.com 12-2-4-2 BIKE TO UF! Cute 2 BR 2 BA House close to downtown, wood Floors, updated kitchen & baths, Washer/dryer, 2 sceen porches, $900/rent, 216 NW 14th Avenue Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.turlingtonrealestate.com 12-2-4-2 Save $$ with coupons from the Alligator. Classifieds Continued on next page.
10, ALLIGATOR E TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2005 Subleases -Sbab Subleases 9Rommates Ro5mmates HAMPTON OAKS -2BR/2BA Apt. Great amenities. DW, W/D, fitness ctr., pool, spa & security system. Very clean. $865/mo. Call 954-540-1905 12-2-20-3 Nice 1 BR/1 BA loft apartment, no roommates. 2701 SW 13th St. The Boardwalk Available NOW! Bonus if subleased by Dec 1 $615/mo + util. 239-281-4411. 12-6-20-3 OOWALK TO UFOOO 1 BR in 4BR/2BA house across from stadium $335/mo + utils. Avail Jan-Aug. Newly renovated, W/D, new yppl. Call 352-262-7887 11-30-15-3 1 or both rooms in 2BR Downtown apt. Quiet neighborhood. Close to Shands, UF, & library. $350/mo per room. Pets ok. Call 262-1351 11-30-14-3 1 BED/1 BATH in a 3/3 at University Glades. Currently only 1 roommate. Walk-in closet, ALL utis, cable, internet incl. Furnished $480 -Erik 954-651-0086 12-2-15-3 ROYAL VILLAGE APT Blocks from campus. 1BR/1BA in 4BR/2BA, furn, W/D in unit, utils, cable internet incl. Pool, parking decal, game-room, $440/mo. Avail Dec thru Aug. 2 MO FREE RENT Kevin 407-619-5734 12-7-17-3 Roommate needed for house 2 blocks N of campus. $450/month + until. female only. call 8137856641. 12-5-15-3 CAMPUS CLUB 1BR/1BA in 4BR/3BA Utilities included. W/D in unit, furnished, free cable & ethernet, $390/MO. Avail Jan.-Aug ng8or@yahoo.com 12-1-8-3 Downtown -2/1 house, wood floors, walk to campus, CH/A, pvt parking, high ceilings, no dogs. 1st/last/sec. $670/mo. 226 NW 3rd Ave. 359-8499 11-30-10-3 SPANISH TRACE 1BR/1BA new, 1st fir apt. Move-in ready. Quiet, behind Butler Plaza, pool, fitness, internet, clubhouse $589/mo, elec only. 3731111, 338-1943 12-7-14-3 FIRST TWO MONTHS FREE 2BR/1BA in College Park. Available 1/06 tro 7/06. Walk to class and the bars. $835/mo. Call Brandon @ 352-235-2800 or email blh2309@ufl.edu 12-7-14-3 First month's rent free! 2/1 apt behind Chipolte on NW 15th St. Walking distance to campus and bars. Pets welcome. W/D facility and pool. Call Eric 352-514-6190 1-9-15-3 WALK TO CLASS! 1 BR in 4/2.5 house. Pool, washer/dryer, dishwasher, lots of space, parking, private entrance. Available spring. Mike 352-219-8080 11-29-7-3 COUNTRYSIDE CONDO 3BR/3BA avail in 4BR/4BA Jan 1. Ethernet & util incl, W/D, nicely furn, secure. Exercise/pool direct bus UF -3 mi. $465/mo/rooms Vanessa 352-2173464, Flo 352-636-4814 12-7-14-3 LIVE DOWNTOWN! Arlington Square townhouse-style 2BR/2BA apt avail. Jan. '06. Quiet bldg/end unit close to UF + busses. Call Chris 352-246-9048 12-7-14-3 Jan 2006 Gainesville Place. All inclusive, furnished, W/D, private bath. $495/mo, but only pay $395! katri916@mindspring.com or 786-338-1257 12-7-14-3 1 bed/1 bath in a 2 bed/2 bath, close to compus & bars on Univ $480/mo + util. Free internet, 1/06 -8/06. Call Cara @ 727-804-6932 or email cara13@ufl.edu 12-7-14-3 Chill, laidback roommate for large 2/2.5 townhouse in Casablanca w/hammock, high speed, W/D, $350 + utilities. Leo 352-3721894. Avail now. 12-1-10-3 2BR/2.5BA only $73OfmoMt Jan-July 06' 2yr old townhouse in Kensington South Apts. on 20th Ave. HiSpeed Broadband I-net & W/D incl! 352-256-4907 or heihachi80@cs.com 12-7-13-3 Campus Club Apts. Male or Female included: hi-spd. int., cbl., pool, elec, water, furnished. Can move in Jan. 1 ONLY $420 NEGOTIABLE Contact AbRebLee@aol.com 12-1-10-3 Get your privacy. 1 BR/i BA in a 3BR/3BA apt. Furnished except BR. Utils incl. Avail 12/16. Oxford Manor, close to UF. $440/mo. 2 pools, hoftub, free tanning, wt rm, game rm & much more. Short term lease ok. 386-547-9131 12-7-12-3 Rooms in 3/2 house avail. Jan -Jun. Quiet, fenced,. Close to bus or 10 min bike ride. Mostly furn. $390-420/rm+utils. Prefer grads. Call 734-330-5022 ******** 12-5-10-3 3BR/3BA LEXINGTON CROSSING Luxury Apts. All 3 subleases avail Jan. Fully furn. Free util, inet, cable, W/D. $465/mo ea. Call 352-216-2261 12-5-10-3 3/3 TH, MADISON POINTE $1206, "dance pole" (optional), 1700 sq ft, pool, pets welcome, tan bed, some furn, gated, garage, W/D. Melissa 256-5883 12-7-12-3 3BR/3BA LEXINGTON CROSSING Luxury Apts. All 3 subleaes avail Jan. Fully furn free util, inet, cable, W/D. $465/mo ea. Call 352216-2261 12-5-10-3 3 rooms in huge home by Stonewood. Hispeed, -W/D, cable, fireplace, tons of space. No deposit. Avail now, Dec, or Jan. -$400 + utils. davem@ufl.edu for more info. 126-11-3 CAMPUS CLUB 1BR/1BA in 4BR/3BA Jan thru Aug. $385/mo Furn, 1st, fir, next to bus stop & pool, w/2 great female roommates. ufberger@ufl.edu or 352-262-8492 12-1-8-3 INCREDIBLE 4BR/4BA apt w/1 room avail. for spring. Lexington Crossing. Fully furnished. Well decorated. $5000 entertainment system. $450/mo MUST SEE! 3591602 12-6-11-3 FREE RENT Until 12/31/05 Sublease avail now thru 8/06 1BR/1BA in furn 2BR G-ville Place Apt. $590 for all utils, cable tv, inet. Close to UF. Great amenities. Inc balcony. Ashley 914-826-7171 12-711-3 BEAUTIFUL APT. One or both bedrooms in 2BR/1BA in 34th St & Archer Rd. Area. $315/rm Pets ok. Avail immediately Call Erin 871-0679 12-7-11-3 LOOKING GLASS 2BR/2BA. Walk-in closets. W/D, DW. Luxury Apt. Best location to UF. Behind the Swamp Rest. Internet included. Avail Jan. thru Aug. Call 321-288-2821 11-29-5-3 Sublease for female roommate $410 includes rent/utilities/cable w/HBO/ethernet. From Jan. -Aug. No crdt. check/no deposit. Free tanning Call Jenn 407-466-0967 126-10-3 1BR/1BA @ Countryside Apt. All utilities, W/D, pool, gym incl. Available Dec thru Aug. $425/mo neg. Clean, furnished. Call Shin @ 407-435-2824 11-30-5-3 Female wanted Luxury brand new 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA starting Jan 06. Many amenities incl W/D, walk-in closet, built-in tv in kitchen. Located less than 1 blk to UF in Heritage Oaks $469/mo + 1/3 utils. 850-516-4911 11-30-5-3 1 BR/1 BA VICTORIAN STYLE APT Great location. Incl parking & water. Pets ok. 215 NE 3rd St. 283-0581 12-7-9-3 HUGE 1BR/1BAAPT 1 mile from campus. Great location, close to shopping & more. Asking $475/mo Jan thru July. Call Steve @ 318-0314 12-2-6-3 1BR in 3/2 apt. @ Tuscan Bend. Free Internet. $200/mo. Jan-Jul _Call Sameer 352281-1053 sammyd@ufl.edu. 12-1-5-3 Oxford Manor 1 BR/1 BA in 3BR/3BA for $380 OBO. Furn, utils, internet, W/D, cable, included, gated comm. big gym. Close to UF! Rent for spring and summer. makoj84@aol.com or 352-271-1067 12-7-9-3 ASPEN RIDGE S Spacious 1 BR/1 BA furnished. Only $670/mo instead of new rate $700/mo. Perfect for couplesl Avail Jan. Call 305-898-7751 12-7-7-3 FEMALE @ UNIV. COMMONS 1 bedroom in a 4BR/2BA. Furnished. $340/ mo plus util or negotiable. Available Jan 1. Call Shari @407-341-8760 12-7-8-3 2BR/1BA available 1/1 2 blocks to campus. $819/mo. Call 352-3175185 or 954-304-3792 11-30-3-3 ** DUCKPOND ** Huge 1/1 in historic district. Starting Jan. Wood floors. Safe & quiet $480. Call Michele 786-417-7237 12-7-8-3 2BR/1BA apt availalbe Jan-July 06. $560/ mo. Corner unit w/view of point. Rent includes water/sewer/trash. Pool/gym. Rent Negotiable. Call 352-337-8347 12-7-8-3 WALK TO UF 2BR/1BA only $709/mo!!! 2 blks to UF. Behind Swamp. Huge rooms 10x20 Get up to $300 back. Please call Sab 871-3099 12-7-7-3 Room mate s Roommate Matching HERE Oxford Manor 377-2777 The Landings 336-3838 The Laurels 335-4455 Cobblestone 377-2801 Hidden Lake 374-3866 12-7-72-4 Female roommate for one/two female UF students. Quiet. Responsible. 60 second walk to UF. Old house charm with all amenities. Avail Now. $400 -up. 352-538-2181.Lv message. Private Owner 12-7-72-4 F NS grad/prof needed for 1BR in BRAND, NEW 2/2 condo. 2 mi to UF on bus rte. W/D. $475 + 1/2 util/mo. Common area furnished, tile firs. No pets. 904-386-6485 or apenal3@ufledu 11-30-77-4 Rooms for rent: Large, clean house. Close to campus. High speed and cable. Large yard. Two car garage and porch area. Rent $425. For more info call Tre at 352-328-8878 11-29-42-4 $250 Nice large room in cool house near UF. DSL, W/D, big fenced yard, great student roommates, good study atmosphere. Flexible lease 371-9409 12-1-35-4 Roomate wanted 3BR/3BA furnished house. Wood floors. Looking for quiet, clean person. $400/mo. Utilities included $200 deposit. Call 352-745-1552 11-30-23-4 Avail Dec 2 rooms in large house, 1 blk from 13th & University, $300 + split util, sec dep. NS, no pets. Contact gvl32601@gmail.com or leave message at 352-870-7256 12-7-294 Roomates needed for 4BR/4BA condo. Close to UF on bus rt. Incl. W/D, utils, wireless internet, cable $425/rm/mo w/$125 sec dep. Contact @ 407-719-1699 12-7-26-4 1 male roommate needed for 4/4 BRAND NEW condo by Sorority Row. $475/mo +1/4 util, turn., W/D, DW, pvt bath, DSL. 3 blocks from UF. Call Dave @ 954-821-6229. 11-30-15-4 2 share 2 BR Downtown apt. Newly remodeled. Close to Shands, UF & library. $350/ mo. Month-to-month or longer lease okay. Pets okay. Call 262-1351 11-30-14-4 Law school 0.5 mi, law/grad student for very nice 5/4 home with law students. Must be neat, clean, N/S. Includes cable, W/D, wifi' all utils $550. Available Jan 1. 202-236-4330 12-7-16-4 Female roommate for large 3BR/2BA townhouse w/pool. Only 1 mile to UF. $450/mo all utils, cable & hi-spd net incl. Call 954-2987591 or amyb@ufl.edu. 12-7-16-4 Grad student roommate wanted 2BR/1.5BA in quiet neightborhood. On bus route 10 min from campus. $280/mo + 1/2 utils. Between 16th Ave & Main St. Call Ana 352-283-6498 or Shaira 352-283-9827. 11-29-10-4 1 M Roommate to share 3BR/3BA Apt. The Estates (The Exchange) $504/mo. furnished,pvt. bath,dsl close to UF, Available 1/1/06 561-706-9809 or nmb2boca@aol.com 1130-10-4 Male/female for 1BR/1BA in 3BR/BA Oxford Manor. $350 +1/3 utils. W/D, all kitchen amenities incl. Free hi-speed internet. Cable incl. w/free HBO & Showtime. Contact Chris 352-359-2540 or e-mail woods@ufl.edu 11-30-10-4 ENJOY A ROMANTIC OLD HOUSE near the Library downtown. $285-$360/rm + utilities. Free internet access. Short term. No pets. No smoking. 378-1304 11-30-10-4 1 Room in 4BR/4BA Countryside Apt. Close to UF on bus rt. W/D utils., cable w/HBO, and DSL inc. $400/MO No deposit. Female only NS. Call 954-680-0918 127-14-4 1 Female needed for 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA @ Countryside. $425/MO incl. utils, cable, internet, furn., Avail NOW! Call 727-5109346 12-7-14-4 M/F roommate for 4BR/3BA house on 34th St & University. $300/mo + 1/4 util. Avail Dec 1st. Great roommates. Call Anthonly 2221966. 12-2-10-4 SPRING LEASE 4BR/4BA condo $410/mo everything incl. Countryside Apts. Female only non-smokers looking for a fun roommate! Contact Jackie 813-924-1520 127-13-4 Male roommate needed. Serious student. House close to UF. Easy access to 1-75/ Santa Fe. W/D, internet. $450/mo all utils included. Call Mike 386-235-5400 or 386676-9703 12-7-13-4 Female roommate needed. 4BR/4BA @ Countryside. Own BA & large closet. Secure. All amenities. $410/mo utils included. Call Mike 386-235-5400 or 386-676-9703 127-13-4 HOUSE DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM UF STADIUM. 3BR/1BA Must be clean. Movein at end of Dec. Call ASAP 352-317-0433 12-2-10-4 1 room w/screened balcony, share BA for female. $275/mo. Located between UF & SFCC wl bus route. Close to Mall & NFRMC. On site W/D, pool, gym, tennis and other amenities. Sparrow Condo (352) 514-3425 12-5-20-4 I U U U U.0 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers"
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2005 E ALLIGATOR, RoommatesRdImI.tI Real Estate Furishings sings Looking for a 3rd female student roommate to share beautiful 3BR/2BA condo within Cypress Point. All util incl internet + cable. On bus route 20. Close to mall. $400/mo. Call Lauren 352-871-3831 11-29-5-4 Female Pebble Creek, 3BR/2BA $333/mo + 1/3 util, furnished common area, no pets, very close to campus & SW Gym. Call 786282-8160 12-7-12-4 2 FEMALE ROOMMATES NEEDED. Gorgeous large 4BR fully turn home. 0.15 mi from UF. Pets allowed $500/mo. Call 561289-4759 or 561-212-3153 12-5-10-4 Spacious 1BR avail in 3BR/2BA house. All utils inc + wireless hi spd internet svc. Off bus rt. $500/no. Available immediately. Call 352-283-2005 or 352-317-8080 12-7-12-4 Roommate for 3BR/2BA house NEAR DUCKPOND Older prof or grad. No drugs/alcohol. $350 + $200 dep. inc. utils 352-384-3793 12-1-7-4 F/NS/NP Grad, quiet, clean, to share 3BR/ 2.5BA Casablanca East furnished condo with 1 other FS. Nice unit by pool, W/D, screen rm. $530 + 1/2 utils, no maint fee or water bill. 375-2458 12-7-10-4 ***ROOMMATES NEEDED ASAP*** To share w/grad student. 3BR/2BA. New townhome. Bus to UF, pool, gym, volleyball, tennis, gated. $350 + utils. Call 727-6440435 or celtic67@ufl.edu. 12-7-10-4 MUSEUM WALK. 2-story. ASAP. 1/1 available in 2/2. 1/2 furn DW, W/D, pool, tanning, parties. Male/female. Laidback. $500 1/3 util. Steven 850-960-8486 12-7-9-4 (U IM In 2 rooms available in 3BR/2BA house. Furn or unfurn w/ nice yard on 34th St. Upperclassmen or grad student. No pets. $375/mo/each + util. Call 239-707-4113 11-30-5-4 Room available in fully fuirnished home near downtown. W/D. Must be clean, mature, cool. $419 incl utilities. Avail Dec 1. Contact Kyle 213-3998 11-30-4-4 LIVE DOWNTOWN -Need open-minded clean, tidy, fun responsible, grad/prof student to share new condo. $550/mo + 1/3 util. Awesome place! Come see. Avail 01 Jan. Scott 262-7899 12-1-5-4 1Br/1Ba in 2/2.5 condo on 13th St. Dec 20. 1 mile to campus, $450/mo, everything included. Wireless HS, W/D, big closet 352262-2892 orsarah13@uf8.edu 12-2-5-4 Looking for remale for 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA apt at Rockwood Villas. Hi-spd internet & cable. On UF busline. All utils incl for $500/ mo rent. 407-970-0720 or 407-421-3121 12-7-8-4 Sell your house, condo, acreage, mobile home and much more in the ALLIGATOR CLASSIFIEDS! Reach over 24,000 possible buyers! Mastercard and Visa accepted over the phone. Please Call 373-Find C CL 'IVi 0 I) L. 0) U S S S Quad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra land, 60 sec walk to UP. Exc cond. House 3/4BR, 2BA, wd firs, covered prch, concrete patio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 352538-2181 lv mssg 12-7-72-5 Existing condos & luxury condos near UF at affordable prices. For more infornation, visit www.mattpricerealtor.com or call today Matt Price 352-281-3551 Campus Realty Group 11-30-19-5 JACKSON SQUARE Spectacular university views. Walk to UF & the stadium. Classic New Orleans appeal with state-of-the-art luxury. Reserve today. 52 units available. Starting in mid-300's. Call Eric Wild 870-9453 12-7-80-5 TIRED OF RENTING? Own your own condo for under $100k. 2BR/1.5BA. New Kitchen &appliances, W/D. Close to UF. Call Scott @ 352-359-1678 12-7-17-5 3BR/lBAlden. 2010 SE 43rd Terr. Remodeled. Tile floors, new carpet, near Eastside HS $89,900. Lease option avail.! For appts, Ms Eddie today at 352-505-4564 office. 11-30-10-5 000060SHELLROCK VILLAS900*00 2BR/1.5BA condo. Completely remodeled. New appliances. New wood carpet, tile floors. $122,500. FSBO. Call Brian @ 352-262-3006, Iv msg or 352-334-5045 12-7-16-5 JUST BUILT 4BR/4BA LUXURY CONDO NEAR SORORITY ROW-2 BLKS FROM UF. ALL APPLIANCES -GREAT INVESTMENT. $265K NOV/DEC ONLY -RENT $500 BR. ELEVATOR ON PREMISES 904-838-7581 12-7-9-5 BED-Queen, orthopedic, extra thick, pillowtop, mattress & box. Name brand, new, still in plastic. Sacrifice $110. Call 352-372-7490 will deliver. 12-7-72-6 BED -FULL SIZE ORTHOPEDIC Pillow-top mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic w/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice $85. Call 352-377-9846 12-7-72-6 MICROFIBER SOFA & LOVESEAT Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must sell. Can deliver. Retail $2300. Sacrifice $550 352-372-7490 12-7-72-6 BED -King Pillowtop mattress & box springs. Orthopedic rated. Name brand, new, never been used, in plastic with warranty. Sell $170. Call 382-372-8588 Can deliver. 127-72-6 CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. Cost $1500, sacrifice $550 352-333-7516 a M I I U I U v 9 Sofa $185 Brand new in pkg 333-7516 12-7-72-6 BEDROOM SET. 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chests avail. Dovetail const. New, in boxes. Can deliver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice $1400 (352) 372-7490 12-7-72-6 SOFA & LOVESEAT 100% Italian leather. Brand new in plastic w/warranty. Retail $2650. Sacrifice $750. Call 352-377-9846 12-7-72-6 DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table, 6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New, still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100. Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-8588 127-72-6 FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/ mattress. New, in box. $160 332 9899 DINETTE SET 5pc $85 Brand new in box. Never used. 352-377-9846 12-7-72-6 BEDS @ Full mattress & boxspring sets $49 0 Queen sets $89 0 Single sets $39 OKing sets $99 0 From estate sale. Safe pine bunk bed $109. 376-0939/378-0497. CALL-A-MATTRESS 4370 SW 20th Ave. 12-7-72-6 MEMORY FOAM -same as Temperpedia. Save 50% & more. Other close-outs. 0 twin sets $89 Ofull sets $129 *queen sets $149 eking sets $189 Student discounts apply. 4370 SW 20th Ave. 376-0953. We deliver. 12-7-72-6 Beds, Futons, Furniture, King Sealy sets $299; new sofas for $299; oak futons $169; sofa & loveseat $399; dinettes, desks, all on sale *New Location* 140 NW 6th St Morrells Furniture Outlet. 352-378-3400 12-7-81-6 **BEDS -ALL BRAND NEW** **Full-$100 Queen-$130 King-$195** 352-376-1600 Wholesale Warehouse. AS SEEN ON TV. Low overhead -HUGE savings! Brand New Name Brand Sets! Don't be fooled by other ads. Cheaper price means cheaper product! CALL BRIAN 12-7-72-6 Bed -All New Queen orthopedic pillow-top mattress & box set. Still in plastic with warranty. Can Deliver. $130 (352) 264-9799 12-7-72-6 Bed -$100 All New Full size orthopedic mattress set. Brand new, still in plastic, w/ warranty. Can Deliver.352-376-1600 12-7-72-6 BEDROOM SET -$395 BRAND NEWl Still in boxes! HB, 2NS, Dresser, Mirror.chest avail. Must see to appreciate! Can Deliver 352-264-9799 12-7-72-6 Dinette Set -$125 Brand New 5 pc set in box, never used! Can Deliver 494-0333 Sofa -$225 BRAND NEW! MICROFIBER! Still in package! Will sell with loveseat -$395 for set! Can Del. 376-1600 FUTON-$100BRAND NEW Futon mattress, still in package! Sold with oak Futon, both for $170. Can Deliver 352-494-0333 12-7-72-6 Pool Table -Gorgeous 8' All wood table. Leather pockets, Italian 1" slate, carved legs. Br. New still in crate. Cost $4,500. Sell $1,350. Can Deliver. 264-9799 12-7-72-6 Hot Tub/Spa -$1795.00 Brand New Loaded! Waterfall, LED lights, cup-holders, 110v energy efficient with warranty. Free Delivery. 264-9799 12-7-72-6 **BEDS -ALL BRAND NEW** **Full $90 Queen $110 King $170** Orthopedic pillow-top sets. Brand name matching sets not used or refurbished. Still in plastic, direct from factory! 352-333-7516. 12-7-72-6 BEDQUEEN New orthopedic pillowtop mattress and boxspring set. Brand name, brand new, still in plastic with warranty. Can deliver. $115 352-377-9846. 12-7-72-6 BedAll New King! 3pc Orthopedic pillowtop mattress set. Brand NEW, still in plastic with warranty. Can deliver. $170 352-333-7516. 12-7-72-6 Bedroom Set$325 BRAND NEW. Still in boxes! 6 pieces include: Headboard, 2 Nightstands, Dresser, Mirror, Chest. Must sell, can deliver. 352-377-9846. 12-7-72-6 Futon -$160 Solid Oak Mission Style with plush mattress. All brand NEW still in box. Can deliver. 352-333-7516 12-7-72-6 Pool Table -Gorgeous 8" All wood table. Leather pockets, Italian 1" slate, carved legs. Brand new still in crate. MUST SELL Retail $5500. Sell $950. Can deliver 352-377-9846 12-7-72-6 Hot Tub/Spa -$1295 Brand New Loaded! Waterfall, LED lights, cupholders, 110-v energy efficient with warranty. Free delivery, MUST SELL 352-372-8588 12-7-72-6 Bed-FULL size pillowtop mattress & box. New, in plastic, warr. Can del. $90 317-4031 Sofa $185 Brand new! Love seat $150 still in pkg. Can del 352-333-7516 12-7-72-6 FUTONS BEDS .FURNITURE LOW PRICES & LARGE SELECTION Dumas Discount 371-4422 1201 E. Univ. Av. New 0 Used BuyO Sell 12-7-59-6,; MOVING SALE. Queen Size Bed bought new at $399.87 in Oct. 2004, very clean, with factory warranty, now $200. Twin Size Bed $25. Big Computer Desk $50. CD/Cassette/Radio Player $10. Call 352-328-1075. 12-1-5-6 Computers -N/bAkok~'*t~c -c )k W8 A4k&Ho A& 12-7-72-7 Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek House/dorm 59 min response. No waiting/ unplugging/hassels. $30 Gator Discount w/student ID. M/F Cart MCSE technicians. 333-8404. www.AComputerGeek.com 127-72-7 Cash Paid Laptop PCs SALES 0 SERVICE 0 PARTS www.pcrecycle.biz 336-0075 12-7-72-7 "COMPUTER & LAPTOP REPAIRS" Network specialists We buy computers and laptops Working and Non-working 378-4009, 607 NW 13th Street 12-7-72-7 12-7-69-7 GATORNERD.COM -computer/laptop repair -virus, spyware, hardware -$10 discounts, cheapest! -home/dorm 352-219-2980 12-7-69-7 G'ville Computer Repair Service on all PC MAC and Networks. 1204 NW 13th St, Ste #10. 352-337-2500 12-753-7 Electronics DISCOUNT HI-FI 722 S. Main 0 The Red Bldg WE ARE CHEAPER 12-7-72-8 GATOR CAR ALARMS Take a bite out of crime $99.95. Installed FREE. Gainesville's oldest car alarm and car stereo specialty store. 373-3754 Audio Outlet. 12-7-84-8 Car stereo, car alarms, mobile video, mobile navigation, custom wheels and tires, and automobile performance at Sound Depot & Performance. 374-7700 sdp-alligator.com. 12-7-72-8 TV 57" HITACHI XWX Rear projection 18 months left on transferable warranty excellent condition $1600.00 352-475-3437 12-2-10-8 Bicycles In the market for a new set of wheels or just looking to add a second to that collection? Want personalized handlebars or a fitted seat? Check in the Alligator Classifieds. NEW& USED BIKES FOR SALE Many to choose from 0 Best Prices in Town 0 SPIN CYCLE 373-3355 424 W University Ave 12-7-72-9 Classified Continued on next page:
1t, ALLIGATOR M TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2005 Bicycles Autos Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted YIKES BIKES Used not abused. From basic transportation to highend stuff. All styles. Great prices. 5 blocks from UF in College Park. 870-8693 12-7-72-9 or Sale PARKING: Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF. Reserve now! Reasonable rates. 352-5382181. Can leave mssg. 12-7-72-10 ANTHOLOGY by Bob Brackin containing "Gainesville Stories" www.bobbrackin.com 3-31-120-10 PARTY SUPPLIES: Complete line of Bar Supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft beer equipment. Professional Cooking Utensils. R.,W. Beaty Co. 4322 NW 13th St. Gville RWBEATY.COM 376-5939 12-7-71-10 *COLLEGE GIFTS* www.CampusimageS.COm 12-7-14-10 KEGERATOR & HUNCH-PUNCH-RATOR with 2handle tap & C02 set -up w/custorm bar. zabinski@ufi.edu, 941-914-2173 $850 080 11-30-7-10 Great divider "Pro Series" 9.0 cart bag with Bag Boy Speed Cart -$100/01B0. ostr@ufl.edu 11-29-4-10 Motorcycles, Mopeds ** SCOOTERS ** RPM MOTORCYCLES INC SALES, SERVICE, PARTS Many Brands Available 518 SE 2nd St. www.RPMmotorcycles.com 377-6974 12-7-72-11 OSwamp Cycles Save $$$ on gas, ride to class! Largest selection of Ebikes, scooters & accessories. Free delivery, 1-yr warranty, best cust. service 534 SW 4th Ave 373-8823 www.swampcycles.com 12-7-72-11 ***SOLANO CYCLE*** Scooters from $599. Largest selection KYMCO, Vento, Hyosung, Keen & many others. Financing avail. 3550 SW 34th St. 338-8450 solanocycle.com 12-7-72-11 CASH PAID for MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS, or dirt bikes in ANY condition, Running or not. titles or not. Prompt pick up. Call ANYTIME: 352-441-0442 Please leave a message. 12-7-88-11 *NEW SCOOTERS 4 LESS* New location now open 1901 NW 67th Place 352-336-1271 www.newscooters4less.com Best prices in Gainesville. Owned by Gator grads. Will beat all Gainesville competitor's prices on similar models. 12-7-84-11 SCOOTER, 50CC, SUZUKI POWERED 2005 Oil injection, lots of storage. Over 100 mpg. Park anywhere. ONLY $795 262-4673 12-7-25-11 2004 TRIUMPH Daytona 600cc 3,000miles. Still under factory warranty $5,200 OBO 352-256-2558 12-7-17-11 1999 YAMAHA R6 rare blue-red-shite cbiuring, perfect for campus! Polished frame/muffler. Email cheilman@ufl.edu for info/pics. Must pay rent! $3700 352-2831484 12-6-15-11 SCOOTER-Red Viaggio, 49cc, 4-stroke engine w/elec start & alarm. No license needed, gets 80 mpg and reaches, 45 mph. Only 1 yr old-like new. $900/OBO 352-235-2800, email blh2309@ufl.edu, ask for Brandon. 12-7-8-11 Save $$ with coupons from the Alligator. OFAST CASH PAID FOR ANY CARe *Running or notl* NEED HONDA, TOYOTA, PICKUPS Over 10 yr svc to UF students OCall Don @ 215-7987 12-7-72-12 CARS -CARS BuySSellOTrade Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars 3432 N Main St. www.carrsmith.com CARRSMITH AUTO SALES 373-1150 12-7-72-12 **FAST CASH PAID** For CARS & TRUCKS Running or Not 1990 & up only Sell or Trade Welcome Call Ray 352-284-8619 12-7-72-12 OVER 50 IMPORTS UNDER $10,000 SELECT MOTOR CAR THE YELLOW BUILDING 2715 N MAIN 377-1616 www.selectmotorcar.us 12-7-72-12 Best Cars e Lowest Prices www.39thaveimports.com 12-7-72-12 $500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! HONDAS, CHEVYS, TOYOTAS, ETC. For listings 800-749-8116 ext 4622 12-772-12 *WE PAY CASH* For Cars & Trucks Any year, make, model, mileage, condition. Free towing. Up to $250 for junkers Call 407-756-9100 12-7-34-12 1999 NISSAN SENTRA SE PW/PL, sunroof, CD player, spoiler, ABS brakes, automatic. New starter, belt, sparkplugs, rear brakes & battery. Fairly new AC. 83k miles. $6000 OBO 384-3811 11-2910-12 2001 Mitsubishi Mirage ES sedan automatic, A/C, green with gray cloth, power everything, 76k, clean, $5,500 OB 352-514-1800 frankiev@bellsouth.net 127-9-12 1991 MITSUBISHI MIRAGE High miles but runs well. No A/C. $700/ NEGOTIABLE. Call 367-1589. 12-2-5-12 92 TOYOTA CELICA GT 5-speed white, AC, PS, PB, PL, PW, tint, air bag, sunroof, many new parts, dash mp3 w/warranty. Runs amazing, interior immaculate. 126k mi $3200 must sell 352-281-6685 12-7-8-12 GATORMAX USED CARS Buy, Sell, Trade We Finance As low as $899 down $49.99 a week gatormax.net 12-7-7-12 LOCAL ARTIST NEEDS: GOLD, DIAMONDS, GEMS, CLASS RINGS, ETC TOP CASH $ OR TRADE. OZZIE'S FINE JEWELRY. 373-9243 12-7-72-13 THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY NEEDS VOLUNTEER DRIVERS Transport patients to/from treatments Must have valid driver's license, safe driving record & attend training session. Call 352-376-6866 ext 114 for more info. On-going volunteer needed: Blind lady needs trans on Sundays only to Mass @ Queen of Peace Catholic Church or St. Augustine Catholic Church. For more info call 219-6948. I live in the Tower Rd area. 11-30-93-13 Blind lady needs health majors interested in walking at least three times a week. Call 352219-6948. Thanks. 11-30-93-13 WANT TO BUY BROKEN XBOX, PSP, DS 352-317-6601 12-7-36-13 This newspaper assumes no responsibility for injury or loss arising from contacts made through advertising. We suggest that any reader who responds to advertising use caution and investigate the sincerity of the advertiser before giving out personal information or arranging meetings the i'dependent florida all Igaator9 INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGER The Independent Florida Alligator is seeking an individual whom will have the sole responsibility for operations of our computer systems. This individual will be involved in the planning and implementation of our technology, and must be able to communicate and work with students and staff. Must have experience with Linux (Fedora Core3), Samba3, Apache, Sendmail, Squirrelmail, Mailscanner (span and virus), Http and IP table updates. Familiar with Dell Power Edge Servers Raid1, a plus. Good networking skills to support up to 100 machines. Must be able to troubleshoot and repair PC hardware and software. This is a full time postion with the largest student-run newspaper in the country. Please send your resume and salary requirements to Campus Communications, Inc. P 0 Box 14257, Gainesville, FL 32604-2257 attention Vern Bean or email to vbean@alligator.org. We are an equal opportunity employer. ,tM iend.pndnt florida The Independent Florida Alligator Advertising Office has openings for part-time office clerks for the spring semester. Must be an enrolled, full-time student at UF or SFCC in the spring semester. Filing, light computer skills, client interaction, phone etiquette, great communication skills are required. Minimum wage. If enrolled as full-time student in the summer semester, the position has the potential to carry over. Please come by our office at 1105 West University Ave between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm, M-F and fill out an application and class schedule. Deadline for applications is Monday, November 30th. No phone calls please. EEO/AA 11-30-9-14 LIKE TO WORK WITH LUXURY CARS? Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be over 22, stable work history, clean driving record, drug-free, pers ref. www.carrsmith.com for details. 12-7-72-14 Animal Care Tech looking for hard working person to work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will train, PT to start with more hrs possible. Start at $6.50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024 between 9-4 M-F. 12-7-72-14 CNA CLASS: Learn @ your own time and pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and pass the state exam is on VCR tape. 95% pass the state exam the 1st time! $250. Call 800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 12-7-72-14 Phone survey interviewers wanted. Start work today! No sales, opinion research only! Flexible Schedule! Perceptive Market Research 336-6760 ex 4081 Call now! 127-72-14 Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/ Sales and IT needed for various positions. Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Join our team! Learn more at www.gleim.com/ employment 12-7-72-14 $$ STUDENTS GET CASH $$ For gently used brand name Clothing/accessories & furniture $Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No appt necessary 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 127-72-14 BARTENDING $250 A DAY POTENTIAL No experience necessary, training provided. 800-965-6520 ext 138 12-7-72-14 SECRET SHOPPERS Needed for evaluations of Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters Flexible Hours, E-mail required Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254 12-7-72-14 EARN $60 THIS WEEK! Donate Plasma & Save a Life $$$$$$$$$$$$ Best part-time job you'll ever have. NEW DONORS Bring this Ad and Earn an Extra $5 on Your 2nd Donation. DCI Biologicals 150 NW 6th St. 352-378-9204 12-7-72-14 Mortgage lender has immediate positions avail for college students. No exp req. $8/hr + bonus, flex hrs. Apply in person 2-7pm M-F at 1900 SW 34th St Ste 206 (2nd flr above credit union) 12-7-72-14 Would you like to be your own boss, work your own hours, and make unlimited income? Start your own AVON business for just $10. Call Emma @ 352-871-4489 or e-mail avonbyemrna@hotmail.com. 12-772-14 HIRING KITCHEN STAFF Starting $6.15/hr DRIVERS $8-15/hr, and FLYERERS. PT easy schedule. Please call 2-5pm 378-2442 or fill out application at California Chicken Grill 2124 SW 34th St. Mon -Fri. 12-7-72-14 www.GatorHospitalityJobs.com Apply online today. At one of over 100 RESTAURANTS, BARS OR HOTELS. Apply for any position today. 11-30-76-14 GATORSNEEDJOBS.GOM We need Paid Survey Takers in Gainesville. 100% FREE to join. Click on Surveys. 12-7-72-14 Telephone Interviewing NO SALES $7.50/hr ($8 Bi-lingual) + BONUS Apply @ UF Survey Research Center M-F 9:30am-9pm 408 W University Ave. Suite 106, Tel. 392-2908 x105 Must work eve/wknd 12-7-71-14 Call center needs telephone agents for all shifts 24 hours. 1830 NE 2nd St. Apply in person M-F 9am-4pm. 12-7-66-14 Attention Smokers! Do you want to quit smoking? Smokers are needed to participate in a smoking cessation study. If interested e-mail the UF Smoking Lab and Clinic. ufsmokelabclinic@gmail.com or call 3284944 9-3-15-14 HIRING DELIVERY DRIVERS Earn up to $12-14/hr. Call California Chicken Grill 378-2442 12-7-59-14 GATOR DOMINOS $10 -15/Hour DRIVERS $6.15 -$7.15/Hour INSIDERS $35K-$50K/year MANAGERS Apply online at www.gatordominos.com Or at any of the 6 locations. 12-7-65-14 Park Place Car Wash is looking for hard workers for all positions. Manager. Detailer. Cashiers (fullday availability) & Lineworkers. (AM 8:30-1) & (PM 12-6). Apply: 7404 NW 4th Blvd. Across from Home Depot. No phone calls please. 12-7-55-14 Get Paid To Drive A Brand New Car! Now paying drivers $800-$3200 a month. Pick up your free car key today. www.freecarkey.com 12-7-49-14 MARK Representatives needed. Earn up to 40% on everything you sell. Make money while in school; buy, sell, fundraise. Be your own boss, work flexible hours. Call Emma @ 352-871-4489 12-7-50-14 Bartending Jobs Up to $300/shift. Many Positions Avail. No exp. req. FT/PT. 1-800-806-0082 ext 1516 12-7-41-14 CASINO'S PIZZA is now hiring DELIVERY DRIVERS, PIZZA MAKERS & SHIFT MANAGERS. Come by fill out app 1710 SW 13th St. 372-4848 11-30-19-14 PIZZA MAKERS FLYER DISTRIBUTORS AND DRIVERS NEEDED. Apply at 3458 W. University Ave. 3PM-3AM MARIO & LUIGI'S PIZZA Flexible schedule 376-6433 11-2918-14 **EduCation Retail Store** Seeking PT help. Please bring in a resume to 2020 NW 6th St. Flexible weekday hours. 12-7-18-14 WEB DESIGNER WANTED Experience in HTML, PHP, SQL & Graphic Design a must. Call Dave 352-870-7467 12-7-17-14 MEDICAL OFFICE PT Daily, afternoons & early evenings. Computer skills req. Send resume to 6400 W. Newberry Rd, Suite 301, Gainesville, 32605 11-29-10-14 WANTED GOOD EARS FOR A HEARING STUDY Please contact Kim @ 392-0601 ext 380 or kdfllO8@ufl.edu. Payment is $10/hr. 127-15-14 COOKS NEEDED Fill out application online at www.gatorhospitalityjobs.com. Apply for any position today. 12-7-15-14 NEED TUTORS for business 8/or technical classes @ UF. No exp req'd. Will pay good $$$ for good candidates. Call 352-359-1602 11-30-10-14 Research Positions Open Gainesville office expanding Internet Researchers needed FT 9am-6pm (M-F) PT Negotiable Resumes@NetEnforcers.com 12-7-15-14 COOK WANTED Mon-Fri. 6:30AM-3:30PM Great pay. Excellent benefits. Background check required. 1049 Museum Rd. KinderCare 12-1-10-14 Cooks Gator Dining Services needs experienced professionals for weekend and night positions. Pay based on experience, flexible hours. Apply at Gator Dining Services, B73 Reitz Union, Museum Rd cr online at www.gatordining.com 12-1-10-14 MOST WANTED Daniel Marcelo Galindo White male 24 years old (05112/81) 5'0 8, 1401b s., brown hair, brown eyes wanted for: FELONY VIOLATION OF PROBATION WARRANT FOR POSSESION OF MOMA ECSTASY ALACHUA COUNTY Call (352) 372-STOP
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2005 E ALLIGATOR,'i5 pWUnWelpWanted E Help Wanted Services Services Student Supervisors/Managers: Start building or add to your resume! Gator Dining Services, located on the UF Campus, is looking for Student Supervisors/Managers. Pay is $8-10 hr based on experience. We offer competitive pay, benefits and a great working environment. Apply at Gator Dining Services, B73 Reitz Union, Museum Rd or online at www.gatordining.com 12-1-10-14 WANTED Energetic, serious, hard-working individuals to assist customers with high quality sporting goods merchandise. We're looking for the best. Full and part time opportunities. No phone calls. Min 1 year commitment. Lloyd Clarke Sports 1504 NW 13th St. 11-30-7-14 Hiring for spring rush Orange & Blue Textbooks is seeking PT/FT help for upcoming semester rush. Good people skills & register exp pref. Stop by store @ 309 NW 13th St. for details and applications. 12-7-12-14 Law Student Needed to research case/ legislative history develop constitional issues FI Baker Act Flex Time-no office e mail fibakeract@airpost.net 12-5-10-14 Teach me web site construction flex time e mail flbakeract@airpost.net 12-5-10-14 COMPETITIVE YOUTH SOCCER COACHES Req. coaching license or 3-5 years exp. & ability to make 2 yr comittment. Email to: contact@gainesvillesoccer.org 228-47-14 Retail Sales Associate Cato, leader in women's fashion, seeks PT associate 15-20 hrs./wk Apply in person, no calls. 3242 SW 35th Blvd. Butler Plaza 11-30-6-14 PT entry level web programmer needed for small web company. Should be profficient in hand-coded html (no generators). Graphics exp., asp or java script programming are a+ but not essential. See www. medianerds.com 12-2-8-14 MAKE MONEY SURFING THE INTERNET Details and contact info at. www.surfthenet.ws 11-29-5-14 NANNY FOR 2 YEAR OLD in North Marion County. 45 hours/wk. Experience & references a must. Call 352224-8943 after 4pm to set up interview. 12-7-10-14 HEALTH & FITNESS COMPANY Top 50 year US company expanding in US & globally, Asian marketing. Benefits, flexible schedule, PT/FT. 373-5295 12-7-9-14 RGIS INVENTORY SPECIALIST *Year-round hourly work No Experience Necessary $8 an hour to start Apply online at RGISINV.COM or by phone at 1-888-242-RGIS 1-17-15-14 CONSTRUCTION ASSISTANT Help w/measuring, permitting, drawings & ordering materials. CAD exp helpful. Must have own vehicle. 20 hrs/wk. 352-262-8931 11-30-5-14 Seeking NS elem ed or kid-friendly UF student w/own trans to care for charming 18-mo old. Guaranteed 4hr pay/wk. $10/hr. Main times: Mon &/or Th AM. Need 3 refs (non-family) CORRECTED: Bookersch@bellsouth.net, 331-7238 12-6-8-14 ICE RINK HELP Dec 3 -Jan 1. Downtown Community Plaza. Ice guards, skate rental. Hiring onsite. Nov 28, 29 & 30 from Bam-5pm,. 11-30-4-14 Catering Help Wait Staff/Dishwashers/Bartenders. Great Environment/Weekends/Flexible Hours No Phone Calls/Must Have Experience Email ruts to: events@smeetmaterinn.com 12-7-9-14 $10-$15/Month. No Boss, No MLM. 1-888784-1705; Watch Video at: www.themo neydocto rsystem .co m/ 101027.php 12-1-5-14 LOVING NANNY E2p, own transportation. Non-smoker. 20hrs/wk for morning hours. 332-2310 1129-3-14 Wired-not tired? Deja Brew Cafe' is looking for nite owl Barista's who possess a sincere commitment to customer service, demonstrates pride in their work, are enthusiastic, friendly and enjoy working with people. 11PM-7AM. Experience not necessary, having the passion to learn the trade a must! Apply in person @ 1412 W. University Ave (Inside Target Copy) 12-1-5-14 E 2 mo CL 6 C .0 SWEET OPPORTUNITY Krishon Chocolates has PT openings. Start immed as holiday help or stay longer. This position offers flex hrs & $weet compensation. Call 352-283-9740 or visit krishon.com 11-29-3-14 ACCOUNTING STUDENT for bookkeeping. Will train. Part-time. Select your own hours. Resume to: drlevyafn22025@bellsouth.net. 12-7-9-14 PERSONAL CAREGIVER & TUTOR for autistic 18-year old male. After school. Hawthorne area. Fax letter of interest to 4812777 12-1-5-14 Psychiatric Aides -$22,612 annually. Shift work. Rotating days off. Req completion of 30 sem or 45 qtr hrs of college w/5 courses in Soc/Behav Sci. Apply:: https://phoplefirst.my florida.com; Lori Ross at 264-8250. EEO/AA 11-30-3-14 YMCA Get paid to play! Do you like to work with children? The YMCA is now accepting applications for Afterschool counselors. Multiple locations throughout Gainesville. Need to be available from approx. lpm-6pm. Bus Drivers Needed. Must have valid CDL and good driving record. Need to be available from approx. 12pm5pm M-F. Apply in person at 5201 NW 34th St. Immediate Openings! 12-7-8-14 HR Assistant ATM, an environmental consulting firm has immediate opening for a FT HR Assistant in its growing Corporate Gainesville office. Support HR management with major emphasis in recruiting. Work experience with applicant tracking, screening and interviewing highly desired. Must have strong interest and skills as a HR generalist in a technical setting. Bachelor's degree in business, engineerng or related field preferred. ATM offers competitive compensation and benefits and the opportunity to work in a team-oriented environment. Some travel required. Submit resume and salary requirements by fax (375-0995) or email HR@AppliedTM .com Must include Job C0509. ATM is a drug free/smoke free workplace. We are an equal opportunity workplace and encourage diversity in the workforce. EOE M/F/DN. 12-2-5-14 PART TIME OFFICE ASSISTANT for Gainesville law office. Flexibel hours. Call 371-4000. 12-7-8-14 BARISTA TRAINEE WANTED for busy espresso bar near mall. Excellent pay and training. Email contact info w/wk references, dates & contacts, to Doug at tendoug@atiantic.net. 12-7-8-14 DRESSAGE/EVENT RIDERS Volunteer riders to help exercise show quality horses. 15 min from Oaks Mall. Exp only. References. 352-332-5297 or skking@gator.net 12-5-5-14 MEDICAL OFFICE EXP for Pre-Med or grad student. 20-25 hrs/wk. Call 373-4107 12-7-7-14 MAJOR INTERNET RETAILER Various positions in IT, Business Dev. and Customer Service. Flexible schedules. Competitive pay. Learn more at: www.bytheplanet.com/careers.htm or call 352-367-8600 9am-6pm EST 12-7-7-14 Eml Services AAA STORAGE Close To UF, Convenient 4x4x4 $20/mo 4x8x8 $35/mo 533 SW 2nd Ave. 377-1771 12-7-72-15 IMPORT AUTO REPAIR.BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, Volvo, VW, Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Mazda. Quality craftsmanship, reasonable prices, near UF, AAA approved 378-7830 www.carrsmith.com 12-7-72-15 HYPNOTIST-Stop smoking. Improve memory & concentration. Eliminate bad habits. Past life regression., Learn self-hypnosis. Low Student Rates. Leonard Umans AAPH, NGH certified 379-1079. 12-7-72-15 ** BELLY DANCE ** Ethnic Dance Expressions Studio For Fun & Fitness 384-9200 www.ethnicdanceexpressions.com 12-7-72-15 HORSE BOARDING -peaceful -spacious 30 acres -lighted arena -round pens -standard & oversizedexp help -12x12 stalls 1352-472-2627 or lv msg @ 339-2193 Owner on premisis -35+ yrs exp. Lessons avail. 12-7-72-15 SLEEPY HOLLOW HORSE FARM Quality Boarding 0 Lessons/English 0 Parties 0 Alachua County's oldest & finest horse farm 0 466-4060 12-7-72-15 **AUTO MALL SERVICE DEPT** Complete Auto Service Imports & Domestics 0 Cars & Trucks Discount for students. Call 352-380-0033 www.automallgainesville.com 12-7-74-15 EVERGLADE EQUESTRIAN CENTER The countryclub for horses & owners. Customer lounge w/full kitchen & bath. 250' x 160' riding ring, round pen & jump paddock. Lessons. 30 acres, 40 matted stalls, 19 separate paddocks. 24-hr security, 352-5913175 everglade-eqestrian.com 12-7-72-15 * GREAT BANNERS & SIGNS * Custom Posters 0 Exhibits 0 Awards Top Quality Fast 0 Service 0 Low Prices www.signpower.com SignMasters 335-7000 9-2-61-15 Jump start your job search at www.college-reSumeS.Com 12-7-72-15 AWARDS & PERSONALIZED GIFTS Plaques 0 Name Badges 0 Cups 0 Etc. Best Selection In Town www.signpower.com SignMasters 335-7000 9-2-61-15 FINANCE TUTOR Individuals or small groups. Experienced, excellent. 375-6641 Harold Nobles 12-7-72-15 PERSONAL TRAINING 300 Personal and Group Training Flexible Scheduling Exclusive Facility Call for a free workout 339-2199 12-7-72-15 Want to be a CNA? Don't want to wait? Express Training Services can get you certified under-3 wks! Hands-on exp, no videos. Day/eve classes avail. Next class 1/23/06. Class sizes limited. 338-1193 for details. 4-26-72-15 NEED GAS? Car hot? Lose your cool! Call Rick-I'm quick! RICK'S MOBILE AUTO A/C, All Freons-oils, computer diagnosis 40 years experience 213-2665 12-7-71-15 TLC HORSEBOARD All facilities & amenities: quality instruction, 15 min from UF. Jan at 376-7762. Greathouse Equestrian Center 12-7-43-15 MATH TUTOR 7 years experience. BS in Engineering, UF English/Spanish. Call Francisco @ 352-494-8582 or 377-2526. Sliding Scale Rates. 12-7-13-15 Medical Device/Pharmceutical Sales Career preparation & recruitment services. Ensure your place in the industry. 205-620-3692 12-2-10-15 FOIL HI-LITES 1/2 head $65. Full head $85 Inc. shampoo, cut, & style. Hair by Glenda (352)258-8431 12-7-11-15 SPANISH AND ESL TUTOR English as a Second Language Grammar and conversation Call Ana @ 352-336-9242 12-5-9-15 TENNIS RACQUET RESTRINGING Excellent prices on strings. Fast service Close to UF at Westside Park Tennis Center 352-376-8250 1001 NW 34th St. 11-30-4-15 Health Services ANONYMOUS HIV ANTIBODY TESTING Alachua County Health Dept. Call 334-7960 for app't (optional $20 feb) URGENT CARE/WALK-IN MEDICAL New Location Students -No Appt Needed! FIRST CARE OF GAINESVILLE 4343 Newberry Rd. #10, 373-2340 Most Ins Accepted, Hours M-F 8am-6pm 12-7-72-16 ABORTION/ABORTION by PILL (RU-486) IV sedation, Student Discount. Well Woman Care & Birth Control Bread & Roses Women's Health Ctr 352-372-1664 www.breadroses.com 1-9-72-16 All Women's Health Center ABORTION Free Pregnancy Test RU-486 Available 378-9191 www.abortiongainesville.com 12-7-72-16 THE TRUE YOU! Lose 8 -15 pounds in 4 weeks Only $99! Gain muscle while you lose fat Groups forming now. 339-2199. 12-7-72-16 FEELING STRESSED? OVERWHELMED? UNHAPPY? *@ CAN HELP YOU 00 Call today for your free initial consultation. David Cox, PhD, LMHC, 352-378-3000 12-7-40-16 UNPLANNED PREGNANCY? Confidential, compassionate adoption advice. expenses paid if needed. choose life! www.america nkidzadoption.com FL lic. # 1105-002-000 (727) 823-1537 or toll free (866) 303-1573 12-7-25-16 Q Typing Services. SAME DAY SERVICE: Transcription, typing, apps. Desktop pub: brochures, newsletters, flyers, ads, logos. Resume service. 18 yrs exp. 24-hr turnaround. Connie 271-2677 11-30-10-17 a-personals ANONYMOUS HIV ANTIBODY TESTING Alachua County Health Dept. Call 334-7960 for app't (optional $20 fee) SAVE ON RAYBAN/SUNGLASSES University Opticians 300 SW 4th Ave. 378-4480. 12-7-72-18 GUNS! GUNS! GUNS! 1800 Gun Inventory Over 500 handguns in stock Buy, Sell, Trade or Repair. Reloading Supplies 466-3340 Harry Beckwith, Gun Dealer 8mi. South of G'ville on 441 12-7-72-18 *Family Chiropractic* Since 1977. Two blocks from U.F. 1107 SW 2nd Ave 373-7070 12-7-72-18 Classifieds. Continued on next page.
14. ALLIGATOR E TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2005 Personals Entertainnitent Entertainment Tickets Rides FLASHBACKS PAYS CASH FOR CLOTHES. CANCUN,ACAPULCO, JAMAICA ROCKYCREEK PAINTBALL ***EAST COAST $137 RT*** We buy 10-5, M-Sat. Open to shop til 6. WE From $499 In Gainesville Better Prices Fall & holiday specials. NYC, DC, Philly, New AL%0 BUY HOUSEHOLD ITEM. 211 W Univ Travel With America' Largest & Ethics Better Fields Better Call 371-2092 Eng & more! Gator Country Travel (just off Ave 375-3752. 12-7-72-18 Award Winning Spring Break Company! 12-7-45-21 campus) 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg. Fly Scheduled Airlines, No. ST 36232 12-7-72-22v VEGETARIAN? Free Meals, Drinks, Try BOOK LOVER'S CAFE Biggest Celebrity Parties! SPRING BREAK CRUISE inside Books, Inc. 505 NW 13 St. On-Campus Marketing Reps Neededl Rock the Boat:Reality TV 10-9 384-0090 www.SpringBreakTravel.com Spring Break Cruise." GATOR TIX WANTED 12-7-72-18 Promo Code 32. 1-800-678-6386 4-night cruise to the Bahamas. $449 TOP $$ PAID. Local 1-877-596-1234 11FL Seller of Travel Reg #34486 377 2401 FL Seller of Ttravel Reg ST12618 30-13-22 CLEARANCE SALE -All CDs must go -2-15-81-21 12-7-9-21 10qt00+ CDs on sale $5.99. Ten for $50. We need more room for our GIANT DVD INVENTORY. Cash paid for DVDs. Hear BAHAMAS Again 818 W. University Ave. 373-1800 PLATINUM PACKAGE TRkl 12-7-72-18 Spring Break Exclusive Need a card or letter? Sharing a burden $189 5-Days/4-Nights gets you through it; or perhaps you know $239 7-Days/6-Nights a deserving child who would like a birthday ***EUROPE from $377 RT*** card. Campbell Box 13101 Jax. 32206-detail Prices include: Travel planning for everyone. Train, cruises, gigig I rM 12-5-35-18 Round-trip luxury cruise with food. hotels tours Gator Country Travel Oust off Connections Want to make a connection? Place your ad here to look for someone to share a common interest with or for your true love Chat live free, gay STR-8 or Bi. Call the Matchmaker free @ 373-7272, 24 hrs. Great way to meet cool people and it works. Chat live with others. 12-7-52-19 Event Notices IS YOUR BUSINESS, CLUB OR ORGANIZATION HAVING AN EVENT? DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT? PLACE YOUR AD HERE AND GET IT NOTICED! Entertainment SPRING BREAK SPRING BREAK ADS WILL APPEAR IN THIS SECTION **** ** ********* ** 3-10-50-21 FIRST STRIKE PAINTBALL -Airball, Speedball, Forts on 27 acres Call for the best group rates! 352-338-848 12-7-72-21 BAHAMAS SPRING BREAK CELEBRITY CRUISEI 5 Days From$2991 Includes Meals, Taxes, Entry To Exclusive MTVu Events, Beach Parties With Celebrities As Seen on Real World, Road Rules! On Campus Reps Needed! www.SpringBreakTravel.com Promo Code 32. 1-800-678-6386 FL Seller of Travel Reg. #ST34486 2-15-81-21 alligator advertising F Accommodations on the island at your choice of ten resorts. Free V.I.P. party package upgrade! Appalachia Travel 1-800-867-5018 www.BahamaSun.com WE WILL BEAT ANY PACKAGE PRICE]. Cancun from $499 FL Seller of Travel Reg #ST35585 3-3-89-21 campus) 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-36232 12-7-72-22 ***WEST COAST from $197 RT** Tours, packages & wore. Los Angeles, Seatle, S.F., S.D. & more! Gator Country Travel (ust off campus) 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-36232 12-7-72-22 Miami Bus Service $40 R/T W.P Bch, Pomp, FT. L, Miami Departures: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30 pm 335-8116 www.miamibusservice.com 12-7-72-23 Pets Gorgeous PIT BULL PUPPIES. Pure breed. Ready to go! 377-6877 11-29-5-24 Lost & Found 20 Yrs. as the Official So. Fl. Bus Depart: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30PM/reverse FOUND, $40 r/t Mia-FtL/Pomp-WPB-FtP. 2 FEMALE DOBERMANS 336-7026 www.GMGTRANS.com SW 35th Place on 11/21pm. Call to identify. 12-7-72-23 Call 352-371-9682 11-30-3-25 -----M -MM 37341IND BUY IT. SELL IT. FIND IT. 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TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2005 ALLIGATOR www.alligatorSports.org By DAN TREAT Alligator writer dtreat@asligator.org It didn't seem much like a night for record breaking Monday at the O'Connell Center. Coming off three straight wins against opponents from major conferences, UF met up with Alabama State, a team from the Southwest Athletic Conference coming into the game with a first-year coach and a 1-4 record. But with an 87-60 win over the Hornets, the No. 11 Gators jumped out to a 6-0 seasonopening record for the first time since Coach Billy Donovan came to Gainesville in 1996 and the first time since the 1984-85 season, Vernon Maxwell's first in orange and blue. That team, however, failed to make the NCAA Tournament, a fact Donovan noted after the game as he downplayed the accomplishment. "It doesn't really mean a lot to me, Donovan said. "Because we've had some very very good teams here over the last 10 years that haven't gotten off to a start like we've got. I'm not really that wrapped up in it." Donovan also felt that the achievement showed the relative lack of basketball heritage at UF. "I think what it really shows people is the lack of tradition that's been here in basketball over an extended period of time," Donovan said. With the game never really in doubt, the Gators jumped out to a 10-0 lead and never looked back. Spurred on by a 4-for-4 start from the field by Corey Brewer, who finished 8 for 9 with 17 points, seven rebounds and five assists, UF took a 45-32 lead into the locker room. Al Horford posted his second doubledouble of the season, finishing with 12 points and 11 rebounds, but admitted it wasn't an easy game. "We went through some slumps," Horford said. "We've got to work on that. We've got to be more consistent and play the whole 40 minutes." And sophomore Taurean Green continued his steady shooting from the foul line, shooting 10 for 10 from the charity stripe while running his streak of consecutive free throws made up to 24. "We went through some slumps. We've got to work on that. We've got to be more consistent and play the whole 40 minutes." Al Horford UF basketball player Green finished with 18 points. "That. is very helpful when you have a point guard that's a good free-throw shooter that can get fouled," Donovan said. "And he's a good enough creator and penetrator that he can get in the lane and create and make some things happen." The highlight, or perhaps lowlight, of the game, came when Donovan was on the receiving end of an accidental smack above the right eye from one of the officials as he was signaling for a media timeout. "I was really hoping no one saw that," Donovan said. "I just told the ref thank God he didn't have any rings on, so I was at the wrong place in the wrong time .he obviously didn't do it on purpose. "But the last thing I wanted to know, and [the television announcers] said they showed it about 10 times and kept replaying it, so I'm sure it looks really good on tape." Andy Apicella / Alligator staff UF junior forward Chris Richard throws down a slam against Alabama State Monday night in the O'Connell Center. The Gators won 87-60, improving to 6-0, Big wins came from sub-par rivals, easy home schedule for Gators hy is everyone getting so upset about what Florida State running back Lorenzo Booker said? As it turns out, he was right. FSU and UF really do not belong on the same field. Anyone watching the game on Saturday could've seen that. Booker and the rest of FSU's inept offense must've forgotten that the Florida high-school playoffs were in Miami this year, not in the Swamp, because that's what they showed up for. So yes, UF's blowout was a big win, but how big? The Seminoles 0 SFCC Men's Hoops: Pasco-Hernando vs Santa Fe SFCC Gymnasium, 7 p.m. Admission is $3 for general public and free for SFCC students. and their leader are in what is beyond a downward spiral. The Seminoles have lost three in a row. They are drowning without a lifeboat because three more losses are on tap. Want to see ugly? Tune into this weekend's travesty of an ACC Championship and watch Virginia Tech win by however many points Frank Beamer wants to. After that, it doesn't matter Who FSU plays in its bowl because any bowl-eligible team could defeat the 'Noles where their program is now. Then, they open with Miami next year. Half a dozen losses in a row, me1. Duke (61) 2. Texas (6) 3. Connecticut (4) 4. Villanova (1) 10. Kentucky 11. UF 5-0 5-0 4-0 2-0 4-1 5-0 thinks. This is why UF's win on wasn't as big Ian Fisher as everyone Extra lannings is making ifiheraiigaor~rg it out to ifishereailigstsr.org be. Yes, the Gators blew out their biggest rival. However, their biggest rival hasn't been this bad in a long, long time. Couple that with beating a terrible Tennessee team, and you've got two of the big three that UF won this year. Then, there was Georgia sans quarterback. Sure, the Gators never trailed to any of those three this year, but there's no reason they should have. Yes, the Gators went undefeated at home, but they also didn't play anybody at home. Has the Swamp been taken back yet? Inconclusive. The Gators are going to probably their worst bowl in at least 10 years, yet because of one victory against a terrible FSU team, people are labeling this season a definite success. Did I miss something? UF did lose three games -one to a lesstalented team and one in which the Gators had a five-turnover advantage over their opponent. So how then is this season a success, as many fans feel after defeating down-and-almost-out FSU? It's not. Ask any of the fans (or my colleague Louis) who predicted the Gators to go to the national championship or a BCS bowl. Ask UF's seniors for that matter. For them, it is just another season in which UF didn't have a shot at a Southeastern Conference Championship. Success? I think not. N Two UF football players were honored by the SEC following Saturday's win against FSU. Randy Hand was named Offensive Lineman of the Week and Jarvis Herring was named Defenisve Player of the Week. >~ E 1969: Carlos Alvarez sets a UF record with 15 receptions in a game in a win against Miami. Alvarez also set the UF record with 88 receptions in a season. Chad Jackson needs seven catches in UF's bowl game to break it. UF MEN'S BASKETBALL NIpg GaOrs breevzer by OHorohet S
1AALLIGATORE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2005 ALABAMA STATE 60 #11 FLORIDA 87 VISITORS: HORNETS (1-5) 3-PT REBOUNDS NIVIE POS MIN FG-FGA FG-FGA FT-FTA OF DE TOT PF A TO BLK S TP Morton F 30 3-6 0-0 1-1 2 0 2 3 3 1 1 0 7 Claborn F 19 2-6 0-1 2-2 0 0 0 4 3 0 1 0 6 Hayles G 9 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 2 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 Blake G 28 5-10 3-3 3-4 0 1 1 2 1 2 0 2 16 Oliver G 27 1-7 0-2 0-0 0 2 2 1 1 3 0 1 2 Richmond -23 3-7 2-5 0-0 0 3 3 2 1 4 0 2 8 NAtc hell -32 5-10 2-6 1-2 0 1 1. 2 2 1 0 1 13 Bosh -18 2-7 0-1 0-0 2 4 6 2 0 0 0 0 4 Lott -12 2-4 0-0 0-0 2 2 4 1 0 2 0 1 4 Ray -1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Jones -1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 TEAM --3 0 3 --TOTALS -200 23-57 7-18 7-9 9 15 24 19 1114 2 8 60 TOTAL FG% 1st Half: 11-30 .367 2nd Half: 12-27 .444 Game: 23-57 .404 3-Pt. FG% 1st Half: 5-8 .625 2nd Half: 2-10 .200 Game: 7-18 .389 F Throw % 1st Half: 5-7 .714 2nd Half: 2-2 1.00 Game: 7-9 .778 HOME: GATORS (6-0) 3-PT REBOUNDS NAME POS MIN FG-FGA FG-FGA FT-FTA OF DE TOT PF A TO BLK S I rewer F i3 7 2 0-0 066243 0 3 NoahF F 21 3-5 0-0 3-6 1 2 3 0 1 0 4 1 orford C 26 _510 00 6 10 1 4 2 1 Green G 30 3-8 2-4 10-10 0 2 2 2 2 1 0 0 1 Humhrey 28 -7 -6 o-00 0 1 0 01 Moss -11 1-2 0-0 2-2 2 1 3 2 2 1 1 0 H-dgei8 2 0 0-0 0 _0 0 0000O 0 Richard -16 2-3 0-0 2-2 2 5 7 3 0 2 2 1 Huertas, 5 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 O 1 0 0' Swanson1 0-0 0-0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Berry ---0 00 1-2 00 0 0 0 0 Tyler -1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TEAM -TOTALS -200 27-45 6-12 19-26 7 26 33 11 14 12 9 4 7 TOTAL FG% 1st Half: 17-26 .654 2nd Half: 10-19 .526 Game: 27-45 .600 3-Pt. FG% 1st Half: 4-6 .667 2nd Half: 2-6 .333 Garme: 6-12 .500 F Throw % 1st Half: 7-10 .700 2nd Half: 12-16 .750 Game: 19-26 .731 TECHNICAL FOULS: ALABAMA STATE -none FLORIDA -none SCORE BY PERIODS: ALABAMA STATE FLORIDA 1st 32 45 2nd 28 42 TOTAL PLAYER OF THE GAME: It was another stellar all-around performance for sopl 60 more center Al Horford, who scored 12 points to go with 11 rebounds, three assil 87 and two blocks. Friends for Life of America Come out and make a card for a child with cancer! Cards will be sent to hospitals around the nation. November 28 -December 5 9:30 am -3 pm Tables located at: Reitz Union Colonnade and Turlington Plaza Come visit us at Southwest Rec on November 30 from 6 pm to 9 pm for further infonaton visit our websitehttp://www.fiiendsfode.com/chapter/uf/iidexrhtml Friends for Life ofArnericis funded by Student Government Deadline is Proof deadly previous ine is pr On tbelt imeboards for Cdhege and NFI, oe a Game analysis and caeae fcpfor other w-akend sports Thursday. evious Wednesday. heindependet florida alliato