The Independent Florida alligator

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The Independent Florida alligator
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Florida allgator
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University digest
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Creation Date:
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the independent florida


Published by Campus Communications, Inc. of Gainesville, Florida
We Inform. You Decide.



Student dies

Alligator Writer

Tricia Coyne / Alligator Staff
On the attack
UF seniors Brian Simon and Simon Yu attempt the military-training obstacle course as part of Get Carded's
Draft-A-Donor event encouraging students to become organ donors Thursday on the North Lawn.

A UF student died Tuesday of what family members
describe as an accident.
Ryan Todd Lacey, 21, a target shooter, was cleaning his
gun when he accidentally shot himself, said a close family
friend who was not at the scene of the accident.
"Ryan was always someone you can depend on," said
childhood friend Lawson Lamar. "A lot of people lost a
big part of their lives."
Lacey was born in Orlando on March
20, 1984 to Lisa and Robert Lacey. He is
survived by a fiancee, Jennifer Martin,
and a brother, Christopher.
Lacey was an all-around athlete,
whether he was wakeboarding with his
friends or playing lacrosse for his high
Lacey school, Lamar said.
After graduating from the
International Baccalaureate program at Winter Park High
School, Lacey fulfilled his lifelong dream to become a
Florida Gator.
"He was a Gator fan since elementary school," said
childhood friend Travis Powell. "I don't know a day
where he didn't wear an orange-and-blue shirt."
Lacey was a building construction major and a leader
who inspired those around him.
Growing up, he enjoyed discussing books with family
and friends and was interested in contemporary litera-
"It seemed like every time I was with him, he always
made the best of situations," Lamar said. "I want him to be
remembered for all the positive things that he's done."
The funeral service will be held Monday at St. Michael's
Episcopal Church in College Park, 2499 N Westmoreland
Drive, Orlando, at 2 p.m.


UF to examine light, computer use to save energy

Alligator Contributing Writer

UF President Bernie Machen
envisions a campus free from all
on-campus solid waste in 2015.
And' to make his dreams come
true, a UF committee has called
for new recycling technology on
campus and a standard of energy
conservation in all university de-
The university's Committee on
Sustainability is planning a pro-
gram to change energy usage on
campus and hopefully get people
to be more environmentally re-
sponsible, said committee member
Charles Kibert.

"Academic departments and
operational- departments will
receive a budget for energy," he
"If they spend less than the
budget, they will receive money
back, and if they spend more, they
will have to pay the difference."
Kibert said he hopes this will
give people more incentive to save
"We are trying to make people
aware," he said. "We're trying to
do the little things like reducing
lighting on campus and getting
people to turn off their comput-
The largest problem with lights
is in classrooms, he said. The com-

mittee's efforts to fix this problem
include turning off unneccesary
lights, using more occupancy sen-
sors and designing buildings that
will use more daylight.
"Academic departments
and operational depart-
ments will receive a budget
for energy." .
Charles Kibert
UF Committee on Sustainability

Occupancy sensors are being
used in Rinker Hall to detect the
amount of daylight in the room

and determine how much addi-
tional lighting is needed.
The plan is to use more in-
Stelligent lighting systems in
areas around campus, he said.
Occupancy sensors are intelligent
lighting systems that detect the
amount of heat-energy in a room.
Once a person walks into a room,
the lights will turn on. Once a
person leaves the room or the heat-
energy disappears, the lights then
turn off.
There are also computer-con-
trolled lighting systems with bulbs
that can be set to turn on and off at
specific times.
The committee said UF also
will need to use other technologies

to help reduce the amount of light-
energy used on campus.
Energy-efficient fluorescents
and Light Emitting Diodes, a type
of electronic light, will be needed
to create more energy-efficient
lighting on campus as well.
"All of these technologies will
be examined without compromis-
ing security on campus," Kibert
The amount of energy used by
constantly running computers is
also an issue, he said.
"The problem with computers
is everywhere, from computer labs
to faculty offices," Kibert said.

Gators down No. 18 Wake
The Gators were supposed
to be lost without their top
three scorers from a season
ago. But behind a cohesive
effort and a 23-point perfor-
mance from Taurean Green,
UF upset No. 18 Wake Forest,
77-72, Thursday to advance
the final of the Coaches vs.
Cancer classic tonight. See
story pg. 27.

"Copyrighted Material
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"

Prostitution has
long been a concern in
Gainesville, but some
UF students are find-
ing it closer to home
- at the Krispy Kreme
on Southwest 13th
See story, pg. 13.

SPORTS 28 cloudy





News Today


- .~ ~

Bush Approval Ratings


Foreign Affairs

The economy


Federal Spending


*The lower rating on
terrorism is especially
significant, because Bush's
2004 electoral victory is
widely attributed to the
president's image as a strong
leader opposing ..r:,.,-,
About two weeks i. -.:.r.. r,.-
election, 57% of Americans
approved of the way Bush
was handling the issue, nine
r- ngr.-r ,-, i.-

% Approve
% Disapprove

Source: online poll
Michelle Stewart/ Alligator Staff




9 l









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a the independent florida

VOLUME 99 ISSUE 61 ISSN 0889-2423
Not officially associated with the University of Florida
SPublished by Campus Communications Inc., of Gainesville, Florida
352-376-4458 (Voice), 352-376-4467 (Fax)
Editor Mike Gimignani,
Managing Editor/ Print Eva Kis,
'Managing Editor/ New Media Gwen Heimburg,
University Editor Bridget Carey,
Metro Editor Jeff Sirmons,
Features Editor Neil Hughes,
Opinions Editor Emily Yehle,
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Andrew Meyer
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The.Independent Florida Alligator is a student newspaper serving the University of Florida, pub-
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Students plan UF rooms

Never forget
Natalia Leal takes
part in the Transgen-
der Day of Remem-
brance candlelight
vigil memorializing
those killed because
of anti-transgender
hatred or prejudice.
The LGBTQ Student
Cabinet and LGBT
Affairs sponsored
the vigil, which took
place in Turlington
Plaza on Thursday

Tricia Coyne / Alligator Staff

College of Design

aids honors prog

Alligator Contributing Writer
Drab walls, flickering fluorescent lights
and the drone of a professor 50 rows away
conjures up an image of classroom space
the UF Honors Program wants to change.
Thirty-three students from the UF
College of Design, Construction &
Planning are helping the Honors Program
plan new classrooms and offices, which
will be moved from Tigert Hall to Grinter
Hall next October.
The students, who were divided into
15 teams, surveyed honors students in
October and will present their findings to
the honors staff today.
The teams' mission was to design
spaces that will facilitate more participa-
tion in class and more active listening than
current lecture halls do.
A classroom based on learning rather
than teaching would be organized differ-
ently so that students could be actively
involved in discussions, interior design
professor Jo Hasell said.
"With lecture halls, one person is in
control, and the rest are passive," she said.
"With different arrangements, students
are in control and are producing informa-
tion. The teacher becomes a coach."
Many of the teams based their plans
on the architecture studios within their
college. These rooms have both individual
and group workstations, and students sit

at round tables and talk face-to-face dur-
ing classes.
"Sitting in lecture is passive," Hasell
said. "It would be better for students to
solve problems and produce their own
The Association of American
Universities, an accreditation association,
criticized UP last year for having too
many large classes and not enough faculty
members per student.
Currently, 85 percent of the university
is set up in.lecture format, Hasell said.
"This is a chance for students
to show their creativity."
Sheila Dickison
Honors Program director

"This project will help lessen that
problem and modernize the university,"
she said.
The teams are also planning additions
to the honors offices, including a schol-
arship information library and flexible
spaces for students and their parents to
meet with faculty and advisers.
Graduate design students have
worked on similar projects for Baby
Gator and Levin College of Law Student
Services, but this is the first design col-
laboration With undergraduate students,
said Sheila Dickison, director of the
Honors Program.
On Dec. 4, the teams will present their
plans to Dickison and her staff, who will
choose proposals to recommend to the
university. The budget will come from the
Office of the Provost.

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Available from Commercial News Providers"

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John Bogart
City Editor, 1890


Speaker on Israeli-Palestinian relations faces protest

Alligator Contributing Writer
Although Ra'anan Gissin, se-
nior adviser to the prime minister
of Israel, didn't know when the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict would be
resolved, he did have some sugges-
tions for Palestinians.
"Don't send terrorists to Israel
because then you'll meet with the
iron wall," Gissin said Thursday
night to a crowd of 175 in the Reitz
Union Rion Ballroom. "We're not
going to talk we're going to kick
some ass."
He said Israel took the first step
toward peace by pulling its troops
and settlers out of the Gaza Strip,
and now the Palestinians have to
determine their response.
"Are they going to use [this op-
portunity], or lose .it?" he asked.
"Are they going to vie for a state, or
are they going to be an entity with
free-ranging terrorism?"
Gissin said Israel is a true de-
mocracy other nations should look
to for direction in today's world.
"Any (country) that wants to see
a working liberal democracy that
has survived ongoing terrorism
should visit Israel," he said.
Others disagree.
Nakba '48, a pro-Palestinian
group, protested Gissin's speech
outside the Rion Ballroom and on
the Reitz Union Colonnade.
Members stood in front of
graphic pictures of women and

Tricla Coyne/ Alligator Staff
Ranin.Moreb (left) protests the use of Student Government funding to bring speaker Ra'anan Gissin,
senior adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, to campus Thursday night.

children being assaulted by Israeli
gunmen and held up fluorescent
signs with statements such as
"Security requires justice, not oc-
cupation," "Just say no to impe-
rialism," and "40,415 Palestinians

have been left homeless."
"As long as there is an Israeli
state founded on Zionism, there
will never be democracy in Israel,"
said Robert Heck, a political science
senior. "A Jewish-stated majority

ensures that there won't be equal
Heck said he resents the univer-
sity's use of student fees to pay for
a speaker whose "government is
actively forcing apartheid on the

Palestinian people in contravention
of international law."
He said the Israeli government
uses an apartheid system to control
the Palestinians and keep them sep-
arate from the Israeli population.
"It's a system of discrimination
and suppression," Heck said.
Josh Sachs, who helped coordi-
nate the event, said he welcomed
the Nakba '48 protest.
"It's their right," he said.
But Sachs has his own opinions.
"Gissin's obviously not against
peace because he's participated in
past peace conferences and has been
one of Sharon's top advisers during
disengagement," Sachs said.
Talia Andron, campus coordi-
nator for Caravan for Democracy,
which co-sponsored the event,
underscored the importance of the
event for the Israeli nation.
"Israel has received a pretty bad
rap in the media and at Caravan
for Democracy, we feel it is our re-
sponsibility to present people with
the facts," she said. "Gissin plays a
huge role in the current government
and has been very influential over
the past couple years. He is one of
the best people to speak for Israel
for these reasons."
Sam Decalo, a Middle Eastern
and African politics adjunct profes-
sor, said he was delighted to hear
Gissin speak at UF.
"There's been a massive change
in attitude in the past few years," he
said. "People who used to view the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a battle
between little Israel, and 21 massive
Arab states are now seeing Israel as
the bully."

Looks like someone

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the hiIIde- enid florida



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Law group holds gambling tournament for Red Cross tonight

Alligator Contributing Writer

The Jbhn Marshall Bar Association will
bring a little bit of Las Vegas to UF so the Red
Cross can give a little peace of mind to the
thousands of recent natural disaster victims
tonight at its second annual Casino Night.
This year's JMBA Grand Casino Night, all

proceeds from which will be donated to the
Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund, will include
an open bar, free food, raffle drawings and
casino games including blackjack, roulette,
craps and war. A poker tournament will. be the
event's centerpiece, with a first prize of $100 to
The Swamp. All participants will receive gift
certificates, coupons and chances to win vari-
ous prizes throughout the night.

The event will be held today from 6 p.m.
to 1 a.m. at Eventfuls Banquet Center, 13840
W Newberry Road, and costs $10 in advance
tickets can be purchased at
Student Bruton-Geer Hall and $15 at
Life the door.
The poker tournament begins
at 6 p.m. Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 at
the door. Attendees must be 21 or older.

Last year's event raised about $3,000.
"Take a chance with your Friday night
and help us impact those still weathering the
storm," said Joshua Cossey, UF law student
and vice president of community affairs for
JMBA. "You might as well have some serious
fun for a serious cause."
Formore information, call theJMBA office at
377-7655, or e-mail



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of peace

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allig 'a It 6r

^ >^


As the end of the semester quickly approaches, students
are less inclined to go to class.
We have turkeys to eat, presents to open and eggnog
to chug. Who has time for reading, writing and studying?
Life has its own lessons to teach, and holiday breaks are'
integral to the academic experience.
So the Editorial Board has a suggestion for the UF ad-
ministration. It's bold. It's unique. It's fun for all ages.
Classes should be canceled for the remainder of the
UF could be at the forefront of a new lbrand of aca-
demia: one that doesn't imprison students in classes for an
unnecessary amount of time. We've already learned what
we can from our professors this semester; let's forgo the
finals and end the courses while we're still ahead.
We have a feeling many students will be skipping
next week anyway. And what good are we the week after
Thanksgiving? It's the prime time for Christmas shop-
But since UF administrators aren't likely to begin tak-
ing our advice now, the Editorial Board will continue to
write nonsense until the.end.
So baste that fat turkey, shove bread up its innards and
start protesting that calculus final as we begin this week's
edition of ...

Darts & Laurels

We always like to start our fun with places more
screwed up than Gainesville. Hence, we throw an if-
pretend-you're-doing-it-for-an-honorable-cause DART at
the town formerly known as Clark, Texas, for changing
its name to Dish.
The two-person town council decided to change the
name as part of an advertising campaign for the Dish
Network satellite TV system. In return, all the town's resi-
dents will get free satellite TV for a decade.
Don't Texans living in the middle of nowhere have any
sense of community pride? The town's name was the only
thing going for them.
Other towns have made similar changes for companies,
but most did it to gain money for some nobler cause. If
you're going to sell out, sell out right.
Though it might seem Dish beat Gainesville in catering
to corporations, we still have some claim to bending down_
before business.
So for the second week in a row, we fling a stop-ruin-
ing-Gainesville-by-being-overfriendly-to-business DART
at the Community Redevelopment Agency for approving
the $37 million tax incentive for University Corners. The
project has to begin in 2007 and must be completed within
five years.
In essence, city officials just gave a 90-percent tax break
to a project that didn't have enough money to start busi-
ness on its own. So congratulations, students we'll be
covered in dust for five years, at which point we'll be able
to buy expensive food and clothing.
By that time, much of the student population might
also be sick. We shoot a you-might-as-well-encourage-un-
students DART at the Student Health Care Center for
allowing religious exemptions for required vaccinations,
such as measles, rubella, Hepatitis B and meningitis.
We support religious freedom, and it's a person's right
to deny medical treatment. But we start to doubt univer-
sity officials' intelligence when students are allowed to
put peers in danger because of their beliefs. You can put
yourself in danger but not others.
By exempting some students from the requirement,
officials are saying that the vaccinations aren't needed.
Vaccinations are required or they're not; there's no middle
ground for disease.

the independent florida


Mike Gimignani
Eva Kis

Emily Yehle
Tom Durrenberger,
Scott Gilton, Andrew Meyer

The Alligator encourages comments from readers. Letters to the editor should not exceed 150
words (about one letter-sized page). They must be typed, double-spaced and must include the
author's name, classification and phone number. Names will be withheld if the writer shows
just cause. We reserve the right to edit for length, grammar, style and libel. Send letters to
: -,,, .:.., .,,g them to 1105 W. University Ave., or send them to P.O. Box 14257,
.,-: .- ;:. i 2257.Columns of about 450 words about original topics and editorial
cartoons are also welcome. Questions? Call 376-4458.



Alito's past not necessarily his future

Listen, we know what you did.
S"Sure, you look good on paper now: summa cum
laude, UF class of 2006, 4.0 GPA, Florida Blue Key,
Golden Key jeez, do they give you a key ring? It's all the
things we usually look for.
"But there is still that one thing, back in the nursery. You
remember. Ms. Suzie's braids used to dangle in front of your
face, taunting you every time she changed your diaper.
"One day, you snapped. You pulled them. You pulled
them hard, and it felt great. You made Ms. Suzie cry.
"I'm sorry, but we just can't hire anyone with that sort
of aggravated battery in his past. Maybe you can try some
other firm that doesn't care as much about character."
Okay, so that's a pretty ridiculous scenario. But then,
how can you judge someone based on anything he or she
did 20 years ago and maintain a straight face?
That's what's happening to Supreme Court nominee
Samuel A. Alito Jr. at this very moment.
Twenty years ago, Alito wrote a memo professing
staunch support for several prevailing conservative views.
Opponents argue this negates his current claims of
evaluating all disputes based on his interpretation of the
law rather than his political beliefs.
How would you feel if you showed up for an interview
and handed over your resume only to have your prospec-
tive employer toss it aside and start reading from your 20-
year-old papers?
I'm pretty sure an interviewer would more likely send
me to psychiatric help than hire me after taking a look at
some of the creatures I used to fingerpaint when I was sup-
posed to be drawing an apple or a house.
Yeah, I know Alito's an older guy, so it's not quite the
same thing. Instead of binging on applesauce and staying
up way past 7 p.m., he spent most of his time 20 years ago
trying to climb the political ladder.
Maybe he still is. Maybe his claims of impartiality are
a devious ploy to get his dirty, conservative fingers into as

many pies as possible.
But let's at least give him the
respect of believing that perhaps
just perhaps he's changed a
bit since 1985.
Alito's opponents have one
Matt Sanchez thing right: You'd better believe
In Moderation this guy's a serious conservative. There's no doubt about that.
The truth, though, is that this
isn't a bad thing.
I'm no conservative. But the Bush administration is.
If you think the president should have appointed some-
one who didn't share his political views, then you seriously
need to consider that maybe you're the one who's letting
opinions influence a sense of what's right.
In a perfect world, our government would select the
absolute best person for the job, regardless of political af-
But that's not going to happen, now or ever.
It doesn't matter if the administration is liberal, con-
servative, moderate or something even crazier we haven't
seen yet. Politicians want to advance their own beliefs, and
to expect your political opponents to do otherwise because
of some illusory idea of "fairness" is the worst kind of hy-
Every document in Alito's professional past should be
carefully scrutinized to put together a clear picture of his
At the end of the day, however, the decision for or
against his confirmation needs to be based upon a realistic
appraisal of the person he is today, not the person he was
before most UF students got a handle on the whole chew-
ing thing.
Matt Sanchez is a journalism senior. His column appears
on Friday.

The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator.

Reader response
Today's question:
Should UF offer religious exemp-
tions for vaccinations?

Thursday's question:
Should the federal government
pass a law banning torture?

41% YES
59% NO

Vote or post a message at

- I I L _


tLetters to the Editor
In deciding to teach 'intelligent design,'
Kansas is ahead of the science game
As a regular reader of the Alligator, I
would like to submit a request that the title of
'Andrew Bare's column be changed from "The
iBare Truth" to "Barely Any Truth."
* It actually appears that Kansas might be
ahead of the curve in the field of public educa-
Ition after its recent decision to teach evolution
:and "intelligent design."
i After all, a hundred scientists stated in a
i12001 advertisement in The Weekly Standard
;'that they were "skeptical of claims for the
ability of random mutation and natural
:selection to account for the complexity of
life," and that "careful examination of the
,evidence for Darwinian theory should be
!! But we shouldn't accept these wacko reli-
gious fundamentalists' views, right?
i Oh wait,- these scientists included Fred
Sigworth, the professor of cellular and mo-
lecular physiology at. Yale Graduate School,
and Henry F. Schaefer, a Nobel nominee and
the third most-cited chemist in the world.
Other scientists in the advertisement
hailed from the Smithsonian Institution,
Los Alamos National Laboratory and the
Plasma Physics Laboratory at Princeton.
These brilliant minds were professors at
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Tulane, Rice, North Carolina, Pennsylvania,
Wisconsin, California, Texas, Ohio and even
the great University of Florida.
In fact, Science Digest recently published
an article that stated, "Scientists who utterly
reject evolution may be one of the fastest-
growing controversial" groups in scientific
However, I'm sure Science Digest is just

a mouthpiece for the religious, and close-
So please, spare us the academic elitism
and ridiculous assumption that evolution is
so "widely accepted" and that "intelligent de-
sign" should not be taught alongside Darwin's
sketchy (at best) theory. What are you so wor-
ried about anyway?
Jake McGee

Use of a derogatory term in sports col-
umn hurts the disabled community
"He'll adapt. He's not a retard."
What a brilliant way for Bryan App to
end his column about UF head football coach
Urban Meyer.
The ironic thing is the rest of us are the ones
who feel mentally challenged after reading
such a terribly insightful article.
Might I suggest that App quit whining
about the recent struggles of the football
team and instead take some time to take an
ethics class, in which he would be taught the
negative impact of using the word "retard"
as a derogatory comment toward people who
have a disability.
Poking fun at someone with a disability is
by no way a means to make yourself look like
an intelligent person. I'm sure App wouldn't
appreciate it if everyone went around telling
him that his picture reminds them of a frat-
boy reject.
I mean, that wouldn't be a very nice thing
to say, right?
So I suggest to App that every "retard" out
there is just as worthy of living a-normal life

as you are.
Maybe in the future, you'll think about
your word choice before making yourself look
Andrew Hyatt

* N N

Poor can't get rich simply by hard work
The attitude that people who are less
privileged are in that position because they
aren't trying- hard enough, or that they could
move above the poverty line simply by work-
ing harder, is an insult to every impoverished
person in this or any other nation. There are
systematic roadblocks that keep 10 people in
a poverty trap for every one person who suc-
cessfully escapes it.
Of course there are some poor people who
are lazy.
But that does not mean it is a bad idea to
help the majority of those below the poverty
line who are working harder than most mem-
bers of the middle class have worked in their
entire lives. Social conscience is something to
be proud of, not ashamed of.
Based on his column, I wonder if New
wanted the Sheriff of Nottingham to triumph
over Robin Hood.
A study published in the Washington Post
conducted by University of Paris researchers
sent out two fictional identical job resumes to
200 French employers.
One applicant had a French name, the oth-
er had an Algerian name. The fictional French
applicant received 75 job interviews, while the
Algerian received only 14. This is undeniable

So while the rioters' actions are clearly not
justified, there is a larger problem that must
not be ignored.
Doug Webber


Bright Futures should have higher bar
My comment on Ivette Mendez's
Thursday article can be summed up in one
word: finally.
I am very pleased with Denslow's work.
I have moved many times and am very
happy to have been a Florida resident since
2000. Unfortunately, I did not attend high
school in the state. My grades and SAT scores
meet the mark to receive 75 percent of my tu-
ition from Bright Futures, but I receive nothing
from the state.
But that is OK with me.
Florida residents do not understand that
this is one of very few states that offers full-
ride scholarships to such a large percentage
of high school graduates. By offering so many
scholarships, we are gradually putting the
state into a potentially huge deficit.
While I think Bright Futures can help
Florida students stay in the state, I think the
bar for the scholarship is far too low.
Getting a 3.0 GPA and a 1270 should not
result in everyone getting a free ride to a state
university. That GPA and SAT score hardly
would get a potential student into UF.
I may not have aced Denslow's macroeco-
nomics class, but I fully understand and sup-
port his ideas about Bright Futures.
Mary Kate McCague


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Global student body grows
* UF'S INTERNATIONAL Anderson, the center's coordi- International students are
EDUCATION WEEK RUNS nator of student services, allowed to work only 20 hours
She said international stu- a week on campus and are
THROUGH TODAY. dents provide unique views of barred from working off-cam-
the global society, pus jobs unless registered for
By NAOMI PIERCEY "Only 10 percent of UF stu- an internship course, Anderson
Alligator Contributing Writer dents ever travel abroad," she* said.
said. "For the other 90 percent, Because international stu-
UF's International Center is the only exposure is intemation- dents are pressed for money, the
welcoming the largest number al students at the university." international coffeehouses have
of international students at UF has been a huge success, Anderson
the university since 2001 with InterfS|MtO ai been send- said. The 35 students at the
a coffeehouse event to close News ing appli- September event grew to more
International Education Week. cation and than 100 in October.
Students can mingle today admission documents via DHL "Students come in and out
in the Matthews and Bryan shipping, transforming a pro- and ask questions," she said.
lounges at Gator Nights or lis- cess that used to take weeks into "Some have come up and asked
ten to music at the international one that now boasts a "48-hour me why we don't do this every
festival on the Reitz Union turnaround," Anderson said. Friday."
Colonnade in the afternoon. University departments. Aya Yamashita, 21, came
This semester 713 students are seeking more international to study at UF from Japan be-
from across the globe 200 graduate students due to a new cause she wanted to be near the
more than last Fall received tuition policy that qualifies all beach.
improved shipping methods for international students as in- "It's hard to make American
visa documentation, as well as a state students, Anderson said. friends because I can't speak
new in-state tuition policies for She expects the numbers to English. well, and it's hard to
international students. increase in the Spring because communicate," she said.
"The international stu- UF has decided to suspend a $50 She said she hasn't been to
dents contribute a great deal government fee used to monitor the beach yet, but she said com-
to the university," said Debra international students while they ing to study at UF was and con-
are in the United States. tinues to be a good decision.

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Go- -


Dorm residents gripe

Locals to run for research

Alligator Contributing Writer

It would be all right if only the mold
were gone, a student said of her air-condi-
tioning unit at Trussler Hall.
Internet would make my life easier, said
a graduate student living in family housing
with no high-speed Internet access.
Students discussed these and other
concerns at a Student Government-
sponsored forum for on-campus housing-
Sanjay Lamsal, a graduate student liv-
ing at McGuire Village, said he feels family
housing'is often overlooked when the uni-
versity makes renovation and construction
Lamsal said the lack of adequate Internet
access has severely affected students living
in family housing.
"Graduate students who are working on
doctorate degrees and thesis papers need a
high-speed Internet connection," he said.
Lamsal also wants the Department of
Housing & Residence Education to im-
prove safety around Mcquire Village, not-
ing that there are no blue-light emergency
phones near family housing.
This is especially dangerous because
many residents of the village have small
children, he said.
Chris Armstead, a fourth-year electrical
engineering major, does not live in fam-
ily housing, but he agrees that the village
needs to be updated.

"The Department of Housing has been
neglecting things for years," he said.
Armstead said he believes the depart-
ment focuses on dorms such as the Keys
Residential Complex and Hume Hall,
which draw more undergraduates.
Armstead, who now lives in an apart-
ment after three years of on-campus hous-
ing, said that while he lived in dorms, the
Department of Housing waited until situ-
ations were unbearable before any repairs
were made.
"The Department of Housing has
been neglecting things for years.".
Chris Armstead
UF student

Overall, students at the event agreed
that convenience was their main reason for
living in dorms.
SG On-Campus Housing Cabinet
Director Jerod Watson, who hosted the
event, said he .would present students'
concerns to Student Body President
Joe Goldberg and Vice President Joyce
"The main purpose of the forum was to
get a consensus of on-campus residents to
see how we can improve things," Watson
Multiple representatives of the
Department of Housing were invited to
participate in the forum, but none were
able to attend, Watson said.

Alligator Contributing Writer

The World AIDS Marathon will be
the first marathon to come to Gainesville
in 20 years and will be one of the many
events marking World AIDS Week.
"You have people that die every three
seconds from extreme poverty and AIDS
in Africa, and something obviously has
to be done," said Sasha Muradali, vice
president of public relations for the non-
profit Richard M. Brodsky Foundation,
the host of the week's events.
The marathon will be a 26.2-mile
route from Hawthorne to Gainesville and
begins at 8 a.m. Dec. 4. UF students who
pay a $25 entry fee and raise another $175
can participate.
All proceeds from the marathon and
other events will be donated to AIDS re-
search at UF and various cancer charities.
The money received from the 2004 mara-
thon is now funding the Little Lambs
AIDS orphanage in Nakuru, Kenya.
The issue is very close to the foun-
dation's president, Richard M. Brodsky,
who is HIV positive and a brain cancer
"It's really sad that a G8 nation like
ours gives less than 1 percent of its bud-
get to AIDS and poverty because it is
such an issue nationally and internation-

ally," Muradali said.
AIDS and extreme poverty have be-
come a global emergency, said UF geog-
raphy professor Abe Goldman.
Although more than 38 million people
around the world are infected with HIV
or AIDS, 25 million are in Africa alone,
according to Debt AIDS Trade Africa.
Africa is affected by the disease
mostly due to extreme poverty caused
by factors such as corruption in -the
government and the lack of education
and medication, Goldman said. One in
seven people has no access
On to clean water. Twelve mil-
S-' lion children have already
lost one or both parents to
AIDS, and 104 million children do not
attend school.
"The burden of disease is one of the
main reasons poverty is persisting in
Africa," Goldman said. "It's just an aw-
ful cycle."
Having personally researched in
countries such as Uganda and Malawi,
Goldman found that most families know
of someone either related or in their dose
social network who has died of AIDS.
"If you educate people and make
them aware of the problem, action is
inevitable," Muradali said. "The point is:
What will get you out of your chair and
willing to help?"

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Student public-relations conference back on track


Alligator Contributing Writer

UF members of the Public Relations
Student Society of America are getting another
chance to host the organization's annual con-
ference, after Hurricane Wilma dampened the

event the first time around last month.
After sending out a survey with alternate
dates to about 1,100 students registered for the
conference, PRSSA rescheduled the event at
the Fontainebleau Resort in Miami Beach for
Dec. 18-21.
About 800 people responded to the survey,
with most preferring the December dates.
"There was nothing we could do," said
Kara Czerniak, a senior public relations major
and coordinator of the national conference.
"You can't control the weather."

Czerniak was one of four UF students from
the university's PRSSA chapter who won the
bid to host the 2005 national con-
Student ference Sept. 2004. They had been
Life planning the event ever since.
"We are still very much look-
ing forward to it," Czerniak said.
She said she didn't know the final number
of people attending the conference because
the last day to re-register is Monday, but she
expected turnout to be lower because of the
holidays and final exams.

Re-registration for the conference is also
open to students who were not registered for
the October conference, so more students have
the chance to attend.
For the October conference, 74 UF students
made arrangements for hotel accommodations
and a bus to Miami. Most were reimbursed for
the bus and hotel money.
The conference is the biggest benefit for
members of the society, which is why it was
important to reschedule and not cancel it,
Czerniak said.

Hunt seeks world record

Alligator Contributing Writer

One car, four friends and $5 could
earn some clever scavengers a spot in
the Guinness Book of World Records
this weekend.
UF's chapter of the American
Marketing Association will attempt
to record the Great Gator Hunt as
the world's largest scavenger hunt
"We're actually going for the
'Guinness Book of World Records,'"
chapter President Reneida Leon said.
"Up to this point, there is no record, so
we want to be -the first to set one."
"The record right now is 200
people, from three years ago.
But we expect a lot more
people to show up next week."
Reneida Leon
UF American Marketing Association

Participants in the citywide scav-
enger hunt, which has been themed
"The Rich and Famous," will drive
to local businesses with the help of
directions hidden in clues and riddles.
Registration is $5 per person, and each
vehicle may have up to four partici-
pants who will work together to solve
the clues and riddles.
"This event serves as a sort of promo-
tion for the businesses," Leon said.
Photos and video will be used to

verify the record-setting number of par-
ticipants, Leon said. No Guinness World
Records representative is necessary.
"Guinness doesn't really like to say
that we are going for a Guinness World
Record until we actually get it," Leon
said. "So for now, we are just saying we
are going for the world record."
The scavenger hunt, which began a
few years ago as a fundraising event for
the AMA, has become a biannual project
that is now a record-setting attempt,
Leon said.
"The record right now is 200 people,
from three years ago," Leon said. "But
we expect a lot more people to show up
next week."
One of the businesses supporting the
scavenger hunt is Bowls A Cereal Joint.
Owner Rocco Monteleone said he is
creating the riddle to lead participants to
his cafe. As participants come to Bowls
on the scavenger hunt, he will stamp
their participation cards to verify their
An afterparty will be the last stop on
the scavenger hunt, and each participant
in the first car to arrive will receive $100.
The location of the party is unknown un-
til participants solve the final riddle.
Richard Lutz, a UF professor and ad-
viser to AMA, said organizing the event
offered real-world experience the stu-
dents can't always learn in the classroom.
Participants can pre-register in
Turlington Plaza at the AMA table to-
day. Registration, will continue through
Saturday from 9 a.m. until the event
begins at 5 p.m. in the Commuter Lot on
Gale Lemerand Drive.

I .

Draggin' the line
Ezra Goldsmith,
25, smoothes con-
crete pavement
behind Library -
West on Thursday
afternoon. The
much-needed ren-
ovation of the 35-
year-old building
began December
2003 and is ex-
pected to reopen
January 2006.

SMarvin Halelamien / Alligator


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Student generosity benefits disaster victims, kids

Alligator Writer
Natural disasters have always plagued
mankind, but this past year was exceptional.
UF students don't seem to be watching
idly, however.
The Asian American Student Union col-
lected and donated $13,600 to victims of the
tsunami that hit South Asia last December,
which killed about 275,000.
Club Treasurer Kshama Shah said about 20
student groups came together to donate medi-
cal supplies.
"It makes me feel hopeful," Shah said. "A
lot of times, groups stress the differences be-
tween each other."
The Interfraternity and Panhellenic coun-

cils presented the North Central Florida
Chapter of the Red Cross with a $7,500 check
for tsunami disaster relief in January.
The Interfraternity Council's philanthropy
continued with a $6,150 donation to Hurricane
Katrina relief later in the year.
Council Treasurer Tyler Parramore said
some fraternities and sororities within the
Greek community donated more from indi-
viduals on their own but did not tell him spe-
cifics about their additional donations.
The Pakistani Student Association, in
conjunction with five other groups, donated
$5,000 to aid the region, which could see
about 100,000 deaths from the earthquake last
"I really think we did something big," said
Aisha Khan, the association's president.
Khan said the money paid for a new house

"I really think we did something
Aisha Khan
Pakistani Student Association president

for a displaced family and will cover food,
clothing and accommodations for five more.
"They really are in great need of money,"
she said. But it's not just disaster victims who
are affected by UF's generosity.
UF students aren't raising money for disas-
ter relief alone.
UF's Dance Marathon, which is the larg-
est student-run philanthropy event in the
Southeast, promoted early registration for its
April 2006 main event this week with different
activities every day, including line dances on
Turlington Plaza.

In its 11-year history, the marathon has
generated about $1.6 million for the Children's
Miracle Network at Shands Children's
Hospital, according to a release.
Marathon spokeswoman Emily Kiser said
the main event will be capped at 650 partici-
She said students engage in a letter-writing
campaign to friends, family and businesses
asking for donations.
Participants are also asked to stand and
dance for 32 hours straight, while patients
from the benefiting hospital join in.
Kiser said the event is something the chil-
dren look forward to.
"They're right in the middle of it," she said.
"Hanging with the college kids is the absolute
coolest thing."
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Panel talks homeless


Alligator Writer

They can't find an open restroom at
2 a.m., and they easily could be arrested
while trying to sleep.
The 1,000 to 1,200 homeless in
Gainesville struggle with these obsta-
cles every day, and local shelters have
limits placed on how much they can
help, said Beth O'Grady, representative
for the Alachua County Coalition for
the Homeless and Hungry.
O'Grady and other speakers ex-
plained how local, state and national
governments criminalize the homeless
at a forum Thursday organized by the
Public Service Law Fellows at the Levin
College of Law.
Only one 24-hour bathroom exists in
the city for the homeless at St. Francis
House, a homeless shelter, she said.
"There is virtually no legal place to
sleep in Gainesville," O'Grady said.
The house is limited to the amount of
meals it can serve at a time and people
it can house, even though it may have
more beds and more food, she said.
She said the city shifts responsibility
by saying the problem is the county's,
although almost all of the homeless in
the county are in Gainesville.
Michael Stoops, acting executive di-

rector of the National Coalition for the
Homeless, explained that the organiza-
tion's rating of Gainesville as the fifth
"meanest" city toward the homeless in
the United States reflects the civil rights
afforded homeless people in that city.
More than 700,000 people in the
country are homeless, and 40 percent of
them sleep outside, Stoops said.
The audience. of about 20 laughed
when he said, "You folks are mean."
"There is virtually no legal
place to sleep in Gainesville."
Beth O'Grady
Alachua County Coalition for the
Homeless and Hungry representative

He said that the situation in the city
for homeless is improving and said he
liked the recent sleep-in the city held
this week.
He mentioned success stories in
Florida, including homelessness train-
ing for police officers in Broward
County that lowered the amount of
homeless arrested.
Tulin Ozdeger, a civil rights staff
attorney with the National Law Center
on Homelessness and Poverty, said
students could be powerful if they ad-
vocate for the homeless.
She said everyone is affected by
poverty because people of any and all
backgrounds can experience it.
"People may find themselves a pay-
check or two away from homelessness,"
she said.

'Ho-rrific' acts draw notice

Classic perk
Meghan Greenfield
enjoys a hot cup
of java at Maude's
in downtown
Gainesville on Thurs-
day night. The caf6
shows classic black-
and-white films
throughout the night,
enhancing its bohe-
mian ambiance.

Speaker attacks old ideals

Alligator Contributing Writer

Sugary pastries aren't the only things some
Gainesville residents are indulging in when
they visit Krispy Kreme Doughnuts.
Prostitution has long been a concern in
Gainesville, but some UF students are finding
it closer to home at the Krispy Kreme on
Southwest 13th Street.
Health science sophomore Katie Quinn
said she witnesses prostitution and other
"transactions" from her bedroom window
that often wake her in the middle of the night
with a combination of boorning bass, screech-
ing tires and other noises.
"There are these frequent get-togethers in
the Krispy Kreme parking lot," said Quinn,
who is temporarily living with her roommates
in a house behind Krispy Kreme while their
condominium is under construction. "The
parking lot is packed with maybe 40 cars, mu-
sic is blaring, and all kinds of strange people
are dancing in the streets it's the most bi-
zarre thing I've ever seen."
Quinn said shortly after people arrive for
the "party in the parking lot," scantily clad
women show up, approach the men and leave
in their cars. Many of the cars are parked right
in front of her driveway, giving her a firsthand
look at what she calls "Gainesville's red-light
"I distinctly remember this one night when
I heard a woman yell, 'You better give me my
money,'" Quinn said. "Then this huge, 6-foot-
2-inch man, who I assume was the pimp, came
to the rescue. He was wearing a red velour
jumpsuit, sunglasses it's 3 a.m., mind you
- and some major bling around his neck."
Quinn said the pimp usually stays in his
car a "really nice Cadillac" and seems to
keep watch.
She has called the police several times this
semester because the noise disrupLt her studyv-

ing and sleep, as many of the prostitutes tend
to carry on their business in her front yard.
"I always get a quick response from the
police, but they usually just drive by and
flash their lights," she said. "I appreciate their
promptness whenever I call, but it just doesn't
seem to be a permanent fix."
Sgt. Keith Kameg, spokesman for the
Gainesville Police Department, said although
it's difficult to eradicate the problem, there are
several measures taken to combat it.
"There are prostitutes in every city in the
United States," Kameg said. "Where there is a
demand, there will be a supply."
Kameg said GPD
sends out undercover
male officers to arrest
prostitutes who approach
them, as well as tinder-
cover female officers to
pose as prostitutes and
arrest the potential "cli-
Kameg ents."
"It's important for us
to try and instill fear in those people participat-
ing in the crime because they have something
to lose-some have families and reputations to
uphold," Kameg said. "Prostitutes don't mind
getting arrested. They just look at it as a cost of
the business."
Kameg said it is necessary for anyone who
witnesses prostitution to call policeeach time it
happens, so GPD can get a better idea of where
the majority of prostitution is taking place and
focus on those areas in the future. ,
Quinn said that the situation has been
going on for a while and isn't getting much
"There are people having sex in parked
cars outside my house, people buying and
selling drugs ... this area scares grown men,"
she said.
Terry Jones, the -owner of Krispy Kreme
Doughnuts, was not available for conunent.

Students walk out

of heated event
Alligator Contributing Writer

Man's noblest element is reason, said a
Duke University ethics director, but some
who attended his Thursday night speech
suggested he lacked it.
Gary Hull presented "Your Professors'
War Against the Mind: The Black Hole of
Postmodernism and Multiculturalism" to
students, some who stormed out in protest.
Hull believes that Western civilization is
becoming a tribal civilization.
"College is a place of race," Hull said.
"Have college students lost the ability to think
for themselves or are they just puppets?"
Hull explained the differences between

Western civilization and the rest of the
"Western civilization is superior," he said.
"The immigrant should give up their old world
and adopt the Western economic ideals,"
Stephen Roberts, assistant director of
Engineering Student Services, said that
diversity has been an important element
behind the United States.
"We have an array of different perspec-
tives and knowledge sets that indicate our
benefits," Roberts said. "These are not based
on the bias of everyone contributing and
should notbe at the expense of one's cultural
or historical background."
Roberts left the speech early after verbally
disagreeing with Hull.
Hull claimed that everyone should be
free to express history as he or she pleases.
"Most people are not aware of their own
philosophies," Hull said. "Race has altered
every situation."

UF seeks freedom from waste by 2015

ENERGY, from page 1

On Oct. 26 at Campus Sustainability Day,
Machen set a goal for the university to re-
duce waste disposalto zero by 2015.
UF's Institute of Food and Agricultural
Sciences has partnered with the ME Rinker
Sr. School of Building Construction to reduce
some waste through composting.
The schools made a conceptual agree-
ment with Florida Organics Recycling
Center for Excellence, a compost research
facility located in Sumter County.
A compost building soon will be brought

in and placed at the IFAS facilities. With a
donation from the center, the building will
process about 600 pounds of food a day.
"This can eventually eliminate all solid
waste on campus," said Dave Newport, for-
mer sustainability director at UF.
Leslie P. Thiele, sustainability committee
chair, said he believes the office has great
potential and a chance of putting UF on the
global map:
"I think there is an opportunity for the
University of Florida to really become syn-
onymous.-with sustainability and to make
that one of its trademarks," he said. "It is also
the right thing to do. It is what an institution
with moral onscience does,"

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Gators try to win title at final SEC Tournament


Alligator Writer

After losing the final match of last
season's Southeastern Conference
Tournament, the Gators will be ea-
ger to become the defending cham-
pions this year for good.
This will be the final SEC
Tournament of the foreseeable fu-
ture. Beginning next season, the
SEC will scrap their conference tour-
nament so that every team can play
each other twice during the regular
season. With the additional matches
on the schedule, there simply will
not be enough time to field the tour-
"The irony is that now it has
become a tournament that has been
built up for a lot of excitement and
a lot of great matches," coach Mary
Wise said.
In years past, their tournament
had been anything but competitive.
"We know there was a period
while we were here that there was
not a single upset for years in the
tournament," Wise said. "Now we
have finally built something. It is
too bad this is the final year."
The top-seeded Gators will open
up on Friday against eighth-seeded
Georgia, a team UF twice swept this

"You can throw out the seeding,"
Wise said. "I don't think any of that
will matter. We are going to play
a Georgia team that, yes, we have
beaten twice, but remember this is
the team that took us to 16-14 in
game five of the semifinals a year
ago with the same players. So there
is no sense looking past Georgia."
"We know there was a period
while we were here that there
was not a single upset for
years in the tournament. Now
we have finally built some-
thing. It is too bad this is the
final year."
Coach Mary Wise
UF volleyball

Should the Gators win Friday,
they will advance to the semifinals,
in which they will face the win-
ner of the match between fourth-
seeded Arkansas and fifth-seeded
Should the tournament unfold
according to plan, it would set the
stage for the rubber match between
UF and second-seeded Tennessee.
The Volunteers have won three of
the last five matches between the
two teams, and are the only SEC
team to defeat the Gators since
"The challenge is you have to

play well three matches, three days
in a row to win this." Wise said.
"And you are playing teams that
you are very familiar with, as they
are with you.
"In some ways, it is a great setup
to prepare any team for the NCAA
Tournament. If you can get through
this, it will really set you up for
playing back-to-back matches in an
NCAA field."
The Gators have won six out of
the last seven SEC Tournaments.
Since 1991, the Gators have reached
the finals every season, failing to
win the tournament just three times.
"To win this, you are going to
have to beat somebody who is com-
ing off of two wins on Sunday, let
alone coming off of a big win from
Friday to Saturday," Wise said.
"Whoever wins this tournament will
have really earned it."

BACK TO BACK: For the second con-
secutive season, senior outside hit-
ter Jane Collymore was named SEC
Player of the Year. Collymore, UF's
leading scorer, led the Gators to a 15-1
SEC season.
Three other Gators were honored
on Thursday.
Sophomore setter Angie
McGinnis and sophomore middle
blocker Kisya Killingsworth joined
Collymore as members of the All-
SEC First Team. Sophomore outside
hitter Marcie Hampton was named
to the second team.

Tim Casey/ Alligator Staff
Jane Collymore goes for the kill against Georgia on Oct. 12.
On Wednesday she was named SEC Player of the Year.

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One BR apt for rent. 1 person, 1 car, no
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has it all. All util. pd. $360/mo, unfurnished.
Call Charlie "Whitey" Webb. 375-4373. Stop
by 1215 NE 20th Ave. 12-7-34-2

2/1.5 apt 1100 sq. ft. $595
3/2 apt 1300 sq ft $695
1800 NW4th St. Over 20 houses also avail.

2BR/2.5BA NW townhome. New tile 1st fir,
carpet 2nd fir & paint. W/D, 1.5 mi to UF
$725/mo pets ok Avail now 772-708-7048




E .E

D o

.~. ,~
* ~

* -

Stylish 2BR/2BA SW apt, W/D, alarm, sky-
light, mirrored living room, front porch great
bus rte., pets okay. Avail Jan., $640/mo.
Call 317-8150 for showing and information

4BR/2BA House
1904 NW 6th St. Easy bike ride to UF/
downtown. W/D & fenced yard $1,200/mo
Call now for a discount on Nov. rent!

DUPLEX 2BR/1BA. New tile, new carpet,
new paint, central AC/heat, W/D hk up.
Walk/bike to UF. 408 NW 5th Ave. Unit A.
$695/mo. 1st/last &sec.
284-0316 or 281-0733 11-28-20-2

Avail Dec several units within 1/2 mi of UF
campus or closer. Efficiency $325 1BR/1BA
$420, 2BR/2.5BA $725, 2BR/1BA $600. Sec

dep. No pets.
or Iv msg 352-870-7256 12-7-29-2

HISTORIC APTS Ceiling fans, hardwood
floors, high ceilings, some w/fireplaces.
SE historic district. First, last, security. 2BR
&2BR w/study 2-2BR Houses in NW Dntn.
$600-800/mo No dogs please. 378-3704

Walk to UF 2BR.1BA duplex, cent A/C,
private parking, 922 SW 6th Ave. $520 375-7104 12-7-

Convenient UF access $375 to $620/mo
Action Real Estate Services 352-331-1133

650-750 sq. ft. Starting @ $490/MO. Quiet,
wooded setting. FREE monitored alarm
system. -6400 SW 20th Ave. Call. 332-0720

townhouse. Master suite w/private terrace.
Pool, hi spd internet & security system hook-
ups. New appliances. Near UF off 13th St.
$950/mo. Call 561-912-6223, 954-755-1728

Lg 1BR/1BA avail spring in 2/2 Royal Palms
luxury apt. 2 min walk to UF Walk-in closet
big balcony/porchswing, W/D, free inet,
alarm, new & quiet. Lg kitchen, all apple $589/
mo renewable 305-725-8885, 954-967-5900

1, 2, & 3BR units. Available now. Starting @
$380/mo. 332-5070, 331-8225 12-7-25-2

College Park studio. Avail spring. Very
clean, renovated, awesone location! Util
incl. Call Cat 352-514-1237 11-23-15-2

La Mancha Apts.
Enjoy all-inclusive individual leases, within
walking distance of ,UF! Swimming pool,
laundry facilities, private parking. Make your
life easier today! Short term leasesgavail-
able! Call Campus Realty today! 692-3800

Campus Realty
Great homes for rent in the
UF area! 352-692-3800

3207 W. University Ave
Furnished + pool table, W/D, 2 car garage,
off-street parking, tile floors. Campus Realty
692-3800 12-7-25-2

New carpets 1800 sq. ft. Walk to Law School.
$1200/mo. Gore-Rabell Real Estate 378-
1387 12-7-24-2

One mile to campus & Shahds 2BR/1.5BA
Avail. Jan. 1st Wood floors, W/D, DW, clean,
no pets, sm, 1038 SW 6th Dr. $600/mo
239-898-9317 1-31-40-2

Close in. Lots of green space. Large 4BR/
2BA Home Screen porch. No pets. $800/MO
Call (352)378-9220 or 213-3901 12-7-24-2

Large, exlcusive 2/2. W/D. Walk/ride to
campus. Available Jan 1. $800/mo. Call 378-
2627 or 466-3797 12-7-21-2

Large, Modern, Clean 4BR/3BA house 1
block North of UF. Many amenities. Zoned ok
for 4 roommates. $1600/mo. No Pets. K&M
Properties 372-1509. 11-30-16-2

Great Location & Price. 1&2 BR. Apts. 1
Block from UF on North & East side of cam-
pus. Priced $440-$575/mo. No pets. K&M
Properties 372-1509. 12-7-21-2

*4BR/3BA house hdwd firs, DW, W/D, cent.
H/AC, fireplace, carport $1400/MO 1562
NW 18th St. 06 blocks to UF. 4BR/2BA
newly renovated patio home 1300 sq ft. tile
firs, cent H/AC, W/D, DW, faux wood blinds
$1000/MO 1421 NW 6th Place. *Close to
Balyhoos 3BR/1.5BA house hd. wd. firs.,
DW, W/D, cent H/AC, fenced yard, $850/MO
303 NW 36th St. 03 blks. from UF 2BR/1BA
apt. Cent H/AC, security entrance $550/MO
incl water 125 NW 10th St. Carol 377-3852
11-22-10-2 '

One or both rooms in 2BR DOWNTOWN
APT. Quiet neighborhood. CLOSE TO
SHANDS, UF, & LIBRARY. $350/MO per
person. Pets OK. Call 262-1351 11-30-14-2

2BR/1 BA DUPLEX for rent. Newly remodeled
and new appliances. W/D hk-up. Hawthorne
Rd. SE 46th Terr.-$600/MO, $600 dep. Call
352-258-8806 11-28-10-2

Apartment Buildings
Close to UF & Shopping
2BR/1.5BA condos W/D hookups
$700/MO 494-9045 or 494-2173'

WALK TO CLASS! Nice 2/1 house with big
fenced yard. W/D. 716 NW4th Ave. $695/mo
evenings 472-9273, mobile 494-3154 or

$380 only per mo, private BR & BA. Very well
maintained unit. Laundry room facilities, full
kitchen. Includes all util & dsl. 10 min from
UF. 954-830-8468

2BR/2.5BA apt Behind sorority row. $1075/
mo. W/D, DW, alarm. Parkside II. Pets ok
Allie 407-466-7524/Katherine 850-699-2950.

3BR/2BA Near Duckpond. Lg living room,
dining room, den, screened room, wd firs,
A/C, W/D, privacy fence. NS., no pets. 1140
NE 10th Ave. $850/mo. Call 213-6374 or
375-6854 11-18-5-2

1 BLK to UF! 2BR/1BAApt
$550/Mo 216 SW 12th Street
Window A/C, Nat Gas ht. Wood Floors
Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 11-

1 BIk to UF! 1BR/1BAApt
$470/Mo 1236 SW4th Avenue
Central H &Air, Carpet, Laundry Fac.
Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 11-

NW 1BR house. Freshly painted interior.
1000 sq. ft. Two window AC's and space
heat. Several multi-use rooms. Some pets
okay 1936 NW 31st Ave. $450 Jim 375-1590

Looking for an Apartment???

1412 W. University Avenue

Visit our NEW location in the new
Target Copy Center!

FREE Apartment and Housing
Locator Service

Call 352-376-4493 or visit

PET'S PARADISE No app or pet fee 2BR
townhome. Fireplace, privacy fence, new
carpet, modern appliances, ceiling fans, CH/
AC, 1000 SW 59 Terr. Private owner. Please
leave detailed msg. $450/mo 352*331-2099

2 minute walk Shands. 3BR/3BA $550/mo/
room. Alarm, W/D, Beautiful view. Available
now. Call 561-994-2146 11-22-5-2

Taylor Square Apts & Townhouses. 1BR/
1BA..Avail Jan 2006. $650/mo fftcl hi-spd
internet & W/D. Call 692-4066 12-1-10-2

********WALK TO UF********
2BR/1BA apt in older house next to
University Ave and 7th Terr. Pets ok, some
utilities included. $475/mo Greg 214-3291
OTHERS TOO! 11-23-3-2

***711 NW 8th Street***
2/1 Close to UF/Downtown. New interior,
clawfoot tub $650/mo Drive by! Call 352-
332-1939 11-23-6-2

1/1 in 2/2 avail, in Oxford Manor
w/i closet, priv bath, w/d, quiet
great gym, close to Shands, shops
$405 month plus half utilities. Female only.
352-328-5880 or 11-22-

Near Law School 3/1, $1200/mo. 1st, last,
security. Pref grad student. No pets, W/D
hook up, Wood floors, cent A/C, gas heat,
trees. Call Tom >8pm or weekends 954-529-
4031 12-7-13-2

EFFICIENCY w/Util included
$575/Mo tile floors, includes Washer/Dryer.
Cable/Internet. Very Nice. Near Law School
729 NW 22nd St. Call Jed Merrill
352-538-7968 or 352-372-1494 11-23-5-2

On park-like 1 acre lot located in High
Springs; carport; no pets; all amenities
included. Avail for Dec 1. $850 mthly 3x to
move-in. See ad details on Rentcom'or call
1-866-833-1601 x 1014 11-30-7-2

Male for room in 2BR/2.5BA in Victoria
Station. Shared kitchen, family room,
washer/dryer. Community pool. $425/mo
+ utilities. Avail Jan 1. Call 954-303-1104
or 954-242-4633, or

TH in Kensington South, high ceilings, dining
room, washer/dryer, pool, $850/rent
3901 SW 20th Ave #105
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 12-2-8-2.

***0.8 MILES TO UF***
Studio apt in historic house near downtown.
Laundry & parking outside front door. $325/
mo 404 SW2nd St. 214-9270 12-7-12-2

Countryside @ University. 2BR/2BA avail in
4BR/BA for $350/ea. All util, high-speed net
and W/D incl indiv leases. Call Josh at 813-
545-2245 or 12-7-12-2

College Park sudio, util, incl, clean, walk
to the bars! For spring. Call Cat 352-514-
1237 11-23-15-3

Studio apt avail spring, College Park. 2
blocks from campus. Very clean! Call
Catherine 514-1237 util incl. 11-23-15-3

amenities. DW, W/D, fitness ctr., pool, spa
& security system. Very clean. $865/mo. Call
954-540-1905 11-23-15-3

Nice 1 BR/ 1 BA loft apartment, no room-
mates. 2701 SW 13th St. Available Nov 1-
July 30, rent free in Nov. $615 mo +util. Pets
addl. fee. 239-281-4411. 11-18-10-3

Continued on next page.



- Subleases

5 min from campus. Furnished with W/D.
$440/mo. Call Atiya 352-338-9980 11-21-
10-3 #,

****WALK TO UFO@*@
1 BR in 4BR/2BA house across from stadium
$335/mo + utils. Avail Jan-Aug. Newly reno-
vated, W/D, new appl. Call 352-262-7887

1 or both rooms in 2BR Downtown apt.
Quiet neighborhood. Close to Shands, UF,
& libral $350/mo per room. Pets ok. Call
262-1351 11-30-14-3

1 BED/1 BATH in a 3/3 at University Glades.
Currently only 1 roommate. Walk-in closet,
ALL utils, cable, internet incl. Furnished -
$480- Erik 954-651-0086 12-2-15-3

ROYAL VILLAGE APT Blocks from campus.
1BR/1BA in 4BR/2BA, furn, W/D in unit,
utils, cable internet incl. Pool, parking decal,
game-room, $440/mo. Avail Dec thru Aug.
2 MO FREE RENT. Kevin 407-619-5734

Roommate needed for house 2 blocks N of
campus. $450/month + util. female only. call
8137856641. 12-5-15-3

Apartment available for spring semester
$370/mo. Includes 1BR w/BA attached in
4BR apt at University Club Apts. Would live
w/3 great female roommates. Call Kathleeen
@ 239-293-1593 11-18-6-3

Available now 1BR in 4BR/2BA large newly
renovated house w/hottub, hardwood floors.
Close to campus. $490/mo incl util. 3 great
roommmates. Call Tina 772-631-1581 11-

1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA apt in The Estates.
Available Jan $545/mo OBO. Utils incl.
Close to clubhouse & pool. W/D, DW. Pets
welcome. Call 352-373-4720 11-28-10-3

Spacious poolside STUDIO just $489/MO:
Water, sewer, trash pick-up, pest control
incl. Call 246-8678 for move in specials

Utilities included. W/D in unit, furnished, free
cable & ethernet, $390/MO. Avail Jan.-Aug 11-28-10-3

Flippin' sweet 2BR/2BTH apt.
Available Jan 1, W/D in unit
Great bus route, 9 and 34
One month free rent!
Call Matt (352) 328-9268 GOSH! 11-28-

New 2BR/2BA apartment available Dec 15.
Lease ends jn July. No deposit and one free
month of rent! Located at Hampton Oaks be-
hind the mall. $865/mo. Contact Anna 228-
547-0872 or 253-988-3584 11-18-5-3

Spacious room in University Commons. Rent
is $385 a month which includes furnishing,
utilities, electricity and cable. Sublease avail-
able 1/06 to 8/06, I will pay for January rent!

1BR in 4BR/2BA house 1 block to campus
w/3 females. $400 + utilities available Jan-
June. Spacious w/large front porch. Call
Julie @ 352-262-8601. 1128 SW 1st Ave

Downtown 2/1 house, wood floors, walk to
campus, CH/A, pvt parking, high ceilings, no
dogs. lst/last/sec. $670/mo. 226 NW 3rd
Ave. 359-8499 11-21-5-3

2BR/2BA 1st floor apt in Boardwalk Apts.
Avail now-7/31/06. Split floorplan, sunken
living rm, storage, sliding glass door to
deck -*"695/mo 1st mo rent is neg. Call
Julie @ 239-839-7404 11-21-5-3

Female @ The Laurels apts in a 2BR/2BA.
Spacious living area. Rent is $465/mo. Avail
Dec 15th. DEC IS FREE. Pets welcome. Has
2 porches, gym, pool, tanning bed. 813-367-
7712 11-28-7-3

Guys, 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA Melrose avail
Jan-Aug. Furnishings, cable, Ethernet, W/D,
utils in-dlded. Quiet/clean roommates. Short
bus ride to campus. Rent is only $3251 Call
352-215-7488. 11-22-5-3

5 Subleases

1BR/1BA new, 1st fir apt. Move-in ready.
Quiet, behind Butler Plaza, pool, fitness,
internet, clubhouse $589/mo, elec only. 373-
1111, 338-1943 12-7-14-3

1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA, W/D, rent $345/mo
+ 1/3 util. Available now!' 352-213-5479

Female roommate needed for Santa Fe
Pointe apts room: furnished, utils, pvt bath-
room, pool, gym & tanning booth. Market
value $439 but it's yours for $399/mo only!
Lease runs Jan-July 06. Call 305-336-3245

College Park. Available 1/06 tro 7/06. Walk
to class and the bars. $835/mo. Call Brandon
@ 352-235-2800.or email

First month's rent free! 2/1 apt behind
Chipolte on NW 15th St. Walking distance to
campus and bars. Pets welcome. W/D facility
and pool. Call Eric 352-514-6190 1-9-15-3

1BR/1BA in 3BR/2BA, W/D, cable & wore-
less internet, near to SW Rec. $280 + 1/3 util.
Avail in Dec, one month free, Call Xu @ 352-
275-6565 or 11-22-5-3

WALK TO CLASS! 1BR in 4/2.5 house. Pool,
washer/dryer, dishwasher, lots of space,
parking, private entrance. Available spring.
Mike 352-219-8080 11-29-7-3

4BR/4BA Jan 1. Ethernet & util inci, W/D,
nicely furn, secure. Exercise/pool direct bus
UF 3 mi. $465/mo/room. Vanessa 352-217-
3464, Flo 352-636-4814 12-7-14-3

Spacious 1BR/1 BA in 4BR/4BA at Lexington
Crossing. Fully furnished, everything includ-
ed. Female only. Great rommmates $450/
mo. Call Jackie 813-624-2677 11-22-5-3

LIVE DOWNTOWN! Arlington Square town-
house-style 2BR/2BA apt avail. Jan. '06.
Quiet bldg/end unit close to UF + busses.
Call Chris 352-246-9048 12-7-14-3

Jan 2006 Gainesville Place. All inclusive,
furnished, W/D, private bath. $495/mo, but
only pay $395! or
786-338-1257 12-7-14-3

Avail Dec 19 thru Aug 10. Only pay rent from
Jan-July! $395/mo all utils, cable, inet incl.
Furnished, W/D. Campus Club 1 BR in 3BR/
2BA apt (share bath). Female only. Contact
871-6158 11-22-5-3

1 bed/1 bath in a 2 bed/2 bath, close to com-
pus & bars on Univ $480/mo + util. Free inter-
net, 1/06 8/06. Call Cara @ 727-804-6932
or email 12-7-14-3

Chill, laidback roommate for large 2/2.5
townhouse in Casablanca w/hammock, high
speed, W/D, $350 + utilities. Leo 352-372-
1894. Avail now. 12-1-10-3

Clean, quiet 2BR 1.5BAApt by Jan 1 to July
31, renewable 1044 sqft, pool, tennis, laun-
dry Brookwood Terrace NW 23 Blvd $650/
MO No deposit, 336-0449 11-22-5-3

1 or 2BR & BA fully-furn'd in 3/3 townhouse
- Arlington. Square; downtown; walk'g dis-
tance 4m restr's, bars; short. drive to UF. Beg
Dec./Jan. @ $300/mo+ elec. 305-975-0015

Campus Club Apt 3BR/2BA direct bus to UF
Near Butler Plaza T3/cable TV, furnished,
pool/gym. $385 utilities incl. Spring/summer.
Male only. Call 954-871-7037 11-23-5-3

2BR/2.5BA only $7301moll
Jan-July 06' 2yr old townhouse in
Kensington South Apts. on 20th Ave. Hi-
Speed Broadband I-net & W/D incl!
352-256-4907 or

Campus Club Apts.
Male or Female
Included: hi-spd. int., cbl., pool, elec, water,
furnished. Can move in Jan. 1 ONLY $446
Contact 12-1-10-3

lf Subleases

Get your privacy. 1 BR/1 BA in a 3BR/3BA apt.
Furnished except BR. Utils incl. Avail 12/16.
Oxford Manor, close to UF. $440/mo. 2 pools,
hottub, free tanning, wt rm, game rm & much
more. Short term lease ok. 386-547-9131

Rooms in 3/2 house avail. Jan Jun. Quiet,
fenced,. Close to bus or 10 min bike ride.
Mostly furn. $390-420/rm+utils. Prefer grads.
Call 734-330-5022 ******** 12-5-10-3

Apts. All 3 subleases avail Jan. Fully furn.
Free util, inet, cable, W/D. $465/mo ea. Call
352-216-2261 12-5-10-3 ,

3/3 TH, MADISON POINTE $1206, "dance
pole" (optional), 1700 sq ft, pool, pets wel-
come, tan bed, some furn, gated, garage,
W/D. Melissa 256-5883 11-28-5-3

Apts. All 3 subleaes avail Jan. Fully furn free
util, inet, cable, W/D. $465/mo ea. Call 352-
216-2261 12-5-10-3

3 rooms in huge home by Stonewood. Hi-
speed, W/D, cable, fireplace, tons of space.
No deposit. Avail now, Dec, or Jan. -$900
+ utils. for more info. 12-

thru Aug. $385/mo Furn, 1st, fir, next to
bus stop & pool, w/2 great female room-
mates. or 352-262-8492

1BR/1 BA in 4BR/4BA $420/mo NEG. All incl,
cable, int, all util, fully furnished. 5 min to UF.
Call 305-815-6966******** 11-28-5-3

INCREDIBLE 4BR/4BA apt w/1 room avail.
Cool roomies, neatly kept, well decorated.
$5000 entertainment system. $450/mo
MUST SEE! 359-1602 12-5-10-3

01 Roommates

Roommate Matching HERE
Oxford Manor 377-2777
The Landings 336-3838
The Laurels 335-4455
Cobblestone 377-2801
Hidden Lake 374-3866

Female roommate for one/two female UF
students. Quiet. Responsible. 60 second
walk to UF. Old house charm with all ameni-
ties. Avail Now. $400 up. 352-538-2181.Lv
message. Private Owner 12-7-72-4

F NS grad/prof needed for 1BR in BRAND
NEW 2/2 condo. 2 mi to UF on bus rte.
W/D. $475 + 1/2 util/mo. Common area
furnished, tile firs. No pets. 904-386-6485 or 11-30-77-4

Available 1/1/06. Large room w/private bath.
6-12 month lease. Perfect for grad/intl. stu-
dents. Sparkling. Furn/unfurn. Large home in
Kirkwood. $400-$500 +util. 352-375-6996 or
352-284-0979 11-18-41-4

Rooms for rent: Large, clean house. Close
to campus. High speed and cable. Large
yard. Two car garage and porch area. Rent
$425. For more info call Tre at 352-328-8878

$250 Nice large room in cool house near
UF. DSL, W/D, big fenced yard, great stu-
dent roommates, good study atmosphere.
Flexible lease 371-9409 12-1-35-4

Roomate wanted 3BR/3BA furnished house.
Wood floors. Looking for quiet, clean person.
$400/mo. Utilities included $200 deposit. Call
352-745-1552 11-30-23-4

DUCKPOND/Creekview/nice house. Large
BR $400; medium BR $350 + 1/3 utilities.
High ceilings bright space, wood firs, carport.
Perfect for art, gardening, studying, good
housemates, fun. Now or Jar 374-7038

Avail Dec 2 rooms in large house, 1 blk from
13th & University, $300 + split util, sec dep.
NS, no pets. Contact
or leave message at 352-870-7256 12-7-29--


Roommates Roommates

M/F roommate wanted for 1BR/pvt. bath in
3BR/2BA apt. w/2 females. W/D, cox internet
& cable. Avail. Jan.- early Aug. $345 +1/3 util.
Call 407-222-4266 11-21-15-4

Roomates needed for 4BR/4BA condo.
Close to UF on bus rt. Incl. W/D, utils, wire-
less internet, cable $425/rm/mo w/$125 sec
dep. Contact @ 407-719-1699 12-7-26-4

Looking for a female roommate for Lg. BR in
beautiful new house. Huge pool. Pvt fence,
close to UF & SFCC. Internet, HBO cable, &
util. incl. $500/mo avail. Jan. Call Jacqueline
352-395-7462 or 941-780-3526. 11-23-13-4

1 male roommate needed for 4/4 BRAND
NEW condo by Sorority Row. $475/mo
+1/4 util, furn., W/D, DW, pvt bath, DSL. 3
blocks from UF. Call Dave @ 954-821-6229.

2 share 2 BR Downtown apt. Newly remod-
eled. Close to Shands, UF & library. $350/
mo. Month-to-month or longer lease okay.
Pets okay. Call 262-1351 11-30-14-4

VIEW condo. Quiet, clean community. Great
location. Patio, fireplace, garage, cable,
phone, wireless internet. Rent $495. Matt
407-702-8019 11-23-10-4

Law school 0.5 mi, law/grad student for very
nice 5/4 home with law students. Must be
neat, clean, N/S. Includes cable, W/D, wifi,
all utils $550. Available Jan 1. 202-236-4330

Female roommate wanted large BR in
2BR/2BA Heritage of Gainesville Apt. Pets
ok. $445/mo. Util Included! 904-591-4727




0~4~ I~ G

Extra large room, private entrance in quiet
wooded neighborhood off Archer Rd. W/D,
shared bath/kitchen. NS, Must be great with
cats. $350 + 1/2 electric. 352-335-1212 Iv
msg 11-18-5-4

Female roommate for large 3BR/2BA town-
house w/pool. Only 1 mile to UF. $450/mo all
utils, cable & hi-spd net incl. Call 954-298-
7591 or' 12-7-16-4

Grad student roommate wanted 2BR/1.5BA
in quiet neighborhood. On bus route 10 min
from campus. $280/mo + 1/2 utils. Between
16th Ave & Main St. Call Ana 352-283-6498
or Shaira 352-283-9827. 11-21-5-4

1 M Roommate to share 3BR/3BA
Apt. The Estates (The Exchange)
$504/mo. furnished,pvt. bath,dsl
close to UF, Available 1/1/06
561-706-9809 or 11-

Female roommate for quiet 3BR/2BA in Oak
Park Village. Rent $400. Includes utilities
and DSL. Call Kelly @336-0053 11-21-5-4

Room in fully furnished home, near down-
town. Must be mature, clean and cool. No
pets. $300 +1/2 utilities. W/D Avail. Dec. 1
Contact Kyle 213-3998 11-21-5-4

Male/female for 1BR/1BA in 3BR/BA Oxford
Manor. $350 +1/3 utils. W/D, all kitchen
amenities incl. Free hi-speed internet. Cable
incl. w/free HBO & Showtime. Contact Chris
352-359-2540 or e-mail

FEMALE for 1BR in 2BR downtown two-
story house $350/MO. Must love dogs. Call
352-219-8442 11-18-4-4









2 *

400 -1 4w -

- f-



ll Roommates


I all Aoorfimfates

the worship guide

Parker Road Baptist
300 SW 122nd St. Gainesville.
FL 32607 Pastor Gordon Keller
332-4991. 9:45 Sunday School
Worship 1.1am Et 6pm.
Wednesday Worship 12 7prm.
6:45pm Youth WOW

First Baptist Church
425 W. University A'e. Dov,ntov. r
and Distinctivel Sunday Worship Bible Study 9.30 am
wwwv.fbcgainesville. net.

Christian Study Center
of Gainesville
Offering classes,, reading qroup;
lectures and more. Hornme o
Psa.': o*:O ee house. F.:,r more. ionr 1 our c.e tlite at
v.I. ,. C l 6rit]harS 3u.,c;nter or~
112 rJw I6tr, St 3. "i'-,":i' ,

(5 blocks north of the stadium

First Lutheran Church
1801 NW 5th Ave. Liturgi-
cal Service at. 8:30am and
11am. Upbeat Praise Ser-
vice at 11am. Sunday Free
Lunch for college students.

The Family Church
..The Family Church .is.a- ,:
nondenominationalal .
muiti-cultural Chrfstian'Church
v.ith great music. relevant mes-
sages, casual dress, and
trierdly people. Service times
are Saturdays at 7pm and Suni-
davs a 1l0am, 1022 SW 122nd
Street., CinesVille. Free rides-
a.ailable to college students.
Call 352-332-6459
for more lifo. ext.19

University City
Church of Christ
r*. .. r; a[OrSfo rchrrr ...rg
College Ministry meLs, at
Urni.ersry City Church.
Bible Study Sund 3y at 9- 30,arm
rand Wedries-dv .pm.


In NEW 2/2.5 townhouse. Everything new +
W/D. $430 + 1/2 utilities. Call 352-870-2506
or email 11-21-5-4
near the Library downtown. $285-$360/rm +
utilities. Free internet access. Short term. No
pets. No smoking. 378-1304 11-4-5-4

3BR/1BA -1 BLOCK to UF
n 1227 SW 4th 1 or 2 rooms available.
Perfect location. Perfect condition. Need 1 or
2 roommates. Split $1135/mo.
Call 352-514-5060 or 904-71.6-1609 11-

1 BR avail in 3BR/2BA apt. $273/MO Aspen
Ridge Available Jan. 1st. W/D & DW. Call
-Now! 813-390-3355 11-18-3-4
.1 Room in 4BR/4BA Countryside
Apt. Close to UF on bus rt. W/D utils., cable
w/HBO, and DSL incl. $400/MO No deposit.
Female only NS. Call 954-680-0918 12-
ROOM FOR RENT! Walking distance to UF
except phone! $500/MO Split rent w/a friend.
For more info. 786-255-6736/
1 Female needed for 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA
@ Countryside. $425/MO incl. utils, cable,
internet, furn., Avail NOW! Call 727-510-
9346 12-7-14-4
and garage $390 + utils. Share w/1 female
UF student. House close to campus. 1216
NW 16thAve. 457-1813 11-22-5-4

a* a 06Ise



* 0(1

3BR/2BA 2000+ sq. ft. furnished house.
Parquet wood floors, gourmet kitchen, 5 min-
ute bike to campus. Looking for quiet, clean
person. $425/mo utilities included + $200
deposit. Call 352-283-4571 or 352-494-8189

Non-smoker grad., phD or Christian female
preferred. Own room & bath in 2/2 condo in
SW area by park. $375 plus 1/2 elec. Basic
cable phone & pest incl. LM 375-0084 11-

M/F roommate for 4BR/3BA house on 34th
St & University. $300/mo + 1/4 until. Avail Dec
1st. Great roommates. Call Anthonly 222-
1966. 12-2-10-4

SPRING LEASE 4BR/4BA condo $410/mo
everything incl. Countryside Apts. Female
only non-smokers looking for a fun room-
miate! Contact Jackie 813-924-1520 12-

Male roommate needed. Serious student.
House close to UF. Easy access to 1-75/
Santa Fe. W/D, internet. $450/mo all utils
included. Call Mike 386-235-5400 or 386-
676-9703 12-7-13-4

Female roommate needed. 4BR/4BA @
Countryside. Own BA & large closet. Secure.
All amenities. $410/mo utils included. Call
Mike 386-235-5400 or 386-676-9703 12-

,STADIUM. 3BR/1BA Must be clean. Move-
in at end of Dec. Call ASAP 352-317-0433









- 11 11 1



1 room w/screened balcony, share BA for
female. $275/mo. Located between UF &
SFCC w/ bus route. Close to Mall & NFRMC.
On site W/D, pool, gym, tennis and other
amenities. Sparrow Condo (352) 14-3425
Looking for a 3rd female student roommate
to share beautiful 3BR/2BA condo within
Cypress Point. All util inci internet + cable.
On bus route 20. Close to mall. $400/mo.
Call Lauren 352-871-3831 11-29-5-4
$230 mo + 1/2 util. Lg bedroom in 2 bedrm
apt. Wood floors, 10 ft ceilings, pri'A.te, cov-
ered parking. 5 min walk to UF. Quiet area.
Clean roommate. Vintage style! Call 865-
924-3571 11-23-5-4
Female Pebble Creek, 3BR/2BA $333/mo
+ 1/3 util, furnished common area, no pets,
very close to campus & SW Gym. Call 786-
282-8160 11-28-5-4
Gorgeous large 4BR fully furn home. 0.15
mi from UF. Pets allowed $500/mo. Call 561-
289-4759 or 561-212-3153 11-28-5-4
Spacious 1BR avail in 3BR/2BA house. All
utils inci + wireless hi spd internet svc. Off
bus rt. $500/no. Available immediately. Call
352-283-2005 or 352-317-8080 12-7-12-4

*2 Real Estate

Quad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra
land, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House
3/4BR, 2BA, wd firs, covered prch, concrete
.patio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 352-
538-2181 Iv mssg 12-7-72-5
Existing condos & luxury condos near UF
at affordable prices. For more information,
visit or call
today Matt Price 352-281-3551 Campus
Realty Group 11-30-19-5
Spectacular university views. Walk to UF &
the stadium. Classic New Orleans appeal
with state-of-the-art luxury.. Reserve today.
52 units available. Starting in mid-300's. Call
Eric Wild 870-9453 12-7-80-5

Own your own condo for under $100k.
2BR/1.5BA. New Kitchen &appliances, W/D.
Close to UF. Call Scott @ 352-359-1678
3BR/1BA/den. 2010 SW 43rd Terr.
Remodeled. Tile floors, new carpet, near
Eastside HS $89,900. Lease option avail.!
For appts, Ms Eddie today at 352-505-4564
office, 407-722-4093 cell. 11-18-5-5

Continued on next page.

Information Systems
The Independent Florida Alligator is
seeking an individual whom will have
the sole responsibility for operations of
our computer systems. This individual
will be involved in the planning and
implementation of our technology,
and must be able to communicate and
work with students and staff. Must
have experience with Linux (Fedora
Core3), Samba3, Apache, Sendmail,
Squirrelmail, Mailscanner Spamm
and virus) Http And IP table updates.
Familiar with Dell Power Edge Servers
Raid 1, a plus. Good networking skills
to support up to 100 machines..Must
be able to troubleshoot and repair PC
hardware and software. This is a full
time position with the largest student
run newspaper in the country. Please
send your resume and salary require-
ments to Campus Communication Inc.
PO Box 14257 Gainesville, F1 32604-
2257 attention Vern Bean or email to We are an equal
opportunity employer.
i t Ihe dependent florid



a II |Real Estate

) Real Estate

Furnishings J Furnishings j Electronics

2BR/1.5BA condo. Completely remod-
eled. New appliances. New wood, carpet,
tile floors ..$122,500. FSBO. Call Brian @
352-262-3006, Iv msg or 352-334-5045

ABSOLUTE AUCTION Lakefront subdivi-
sion on Watts Bar Lake off 1-40, Kingston,
TN. Saturday, Nov. 19, 12:00 Noon. Furrow
Auction Company, (800)-4FURROW or TN Lic. #62. 11-18-1-5

GAL 2550. 11-18-1-5

Auction 134+/- Acres. Farmland Divided.
3bdr, 2ba home, development potential.
Thomas Co., GA. Nov 25, 10 a.m. 10%B.P.
Rowell Auctions, Inc. (800)323-8388 GAL AU-C002594.

OCALA COM/RES. High visibility & desir-
able locations. 501 Spring Lake Rd. & 103
SE Tuscawilla Ave. Tranzon Driggers Walt
Driggers, Lic. Real Estate Broker (877)347-
4437. 11-18-1-5

NEW LOG CABIN-NC Mountains. New
shell on secluded mountain site. $89,900.
Hardwood forest. Great fall colors. Paved
road. Near parks & lakes. Acreage & financ-
ing available. (828)247-0081. 11-18-1-5

North Carolina Gated Lakefront Community
1.5 acres plus, 90 miles of shoreline. Never
before offered with 20% pre-development
discounts, 90% financing. Call (800)709-
5253. 11-18-1-5

NC. Homes, Cabins, Acreage & Investments.
Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real
Estate, Murphy www.cherokeemountainrealt Call for Free Brochure (800)841-5868.

WESTEFRN North Carolina Mountains
Cool Air, Views, Streams, Homes, Cabins,
PROPERTY (800)642-5333. Realty Of
Murphy 317 Peachtree St. Murphy, N.C.
28906. 11-18-1-5

Tennessee Waterfront Sale! 2.4 Acre
Waterfront $9,900! Dockable Building Lots
from $14,9001 Cabin Package $54,900. Call
Now! (866)770-5263 Ext. 8. 11-18-1-5

Unique 6,000 sq. ft. Lake Lanier home,
private-2ac, 325 ft on lake, exquisite gar-
dens, waterfalls, boat dock, 50mi. NE of
Atlanta, GA $1,500,000: Doris, Savage RE,
(770)861-8525. 11-18-1-5

NC .MOUNTAIN 2.87 acres on mountain
top, view, trees, waterfall & large public
lake nearby, paved private access, $19,500
owner (866)789-8535 11-

community on the TN/KY border. Just 1-1/2
hours to Nashville. Spectacular views of Lake
Barkley. 1 to 6 acres from the $40s. New to
Market. Call (866)339-4966. 11-18-1-5

Serene Mountain Golf Homesite $69,900.
Breathtaking views. Upscale golf commu-
nity set amid Dye designed 18 hole course
in Carolina Mountains. Near Asheville NC.
A sanctioned Golf Digest Schools teaching
facility! Excellent financing. Call toll-free
(866)334-3253 x. 993 www.cherokeevalleys 11'-18-1-5

lake community close to Chattanooga &
Knoxville. Limited number of private boat
slips. Community lake access and amenities.
1/2 + acres from $40K. Call (866)292-5769.

$10,000 DISCOUNT! Grand Opening! Ocala
area- The Preserve at Oak Hill. Upscale
equestrian community of 5 to 21 acre par-
cels. Pri'Ate, gated, trails. Discount ends
12/15/05. Broker/Owner. (352)330-0022.

Spectacular gated riverfront mountain com-
munity near Asheville, NC. 1-8 acre build-
ing sites from the $60s. Borders. National
Forest. Community lodge & river walk. Call
(866)292-5762. 11-18-1-5

Coastal Southeast Georgia Large wooded
water access, marsh view, lake front, and
golf oriented homesites from the mid $70's
Live oaks, pool, tennis, golf. (877)266-7376. 11-18-1-5

Miami Waterfront Pre-construction 10%
down, 2 year build out. GA Coastal
Waterfront Pre-construction 1st phase as-
signable/ GA Lots $6,900+, RV lots $15k.
Realtor/ (877)468-5687. 11-18-1-5

NEW MEXICO -16 acres $24,990 Scenic
region, views, canyons, trees, rolling hills,
wildlife. Enjoy hunting, hiking, horses, great
climate. Power, great access. 100% financ-
ing Call (914)232-5100. 11-18-1-5

Community Riverfront and Mountain Views
Available. Prices Starting Low as $46,900.
Final Phase Limited Lots Call Now! Ask
about our lot/ home pkg. Buy Direct from
the Developer SAVE THOUSANDS$$$$
(800)559-3095 ext 327

STATE AT or Call
(866)300-7653. 11-18-1-5

Investment lots $5,000 increasing in value by
the month, on paved roads with all utilities
FSBO (954)523-8118. 11-18-1-5

a Furnishings D

BED-Queen, orthopedic, extra thick, pillow-
top, mattress & box. Name brand, new, still
in plastic. Sacrifice $110. Call 352-372-7490
will deliver. 12-7-72-6

mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic
w/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice $85. Call
352-377-9846 12-7-72-6

Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must
sell. Can deliver. Retail $2300. Sacrifice
$550 352-372-7490 12-7-72-6

BED King Pillowtop mattress & box springs.
Orthopedic rated. Name brand, new, never
been used, in plastic with warranty. Sell
$170. Call 352-372-8588 Can deliver. 12-

CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop
Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. Cost.
$1500, sacrifice $550 352-333-7516

Sofa $185 Brand new in pkg 333-7516

BEDROOM SET. 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king
bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chests
avail. Dovetail const. New, in boxes. Can de-
liver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice $1400
(352) 372-7490 12-7-72-6

SOFA & LOVESEAT 100% Italian leather.
Brand new in plastic w/warranty. Retail
$2650. Sacrifice $750. Call 352-377-9846

DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table,
6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New,
still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100.
Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-8588 12-

FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/
mattress. New, in box. $160 332 9899

DINETTE SET 5pc $85 Brand new in box.
Never used. 352-377-9846 12-7-72-6

BEDS 0 Full mattress & boxspring sets $49
0 Queen sets $89 Single sets $39 *King
sets $99 0 From estate sale. Safe pine bunk
bed $109. 376-0939/378-0497.
CALL-A-MATTRESS 437& SW 20th Ave.

MEMORY FOAM same as Temperpedia.
Save 50% & more. Other close-outs. twin
sets $89 Ofull sets $129 Oqueen sets $149
*king sets $189 Student discounts apply.
4370 SW 20th Ave. 376-0953. We deliver.

Beds, Futons, Furniture, King Sealy sets
$299; new sofas for $299; oak futons $169;
sofa & loveseat $399; dinettes, desks, all
on sale *New Location* 140 NW 6th St
Morrells Furniture Outlet. 352-378-3400

Orthopedic pillow-top sets.
**Full-$100 Queen-$130 King-$195**

Dumas Discount 371-4422 1201 E. Univ. Av.
New 0 Used 0 Buy 0 Sell 12-7-59-6

MOVING SALE. Beds, futon, lamps, dress-
ers, tables, chairs, book shelves, night-
stands, computer desk, irons, electric fan,
TV set, CD player, computer, printer, cable
modem, and many more Call 352-328-1075

Kenmore Brand Older model washer works
great. Dryer needs heating element. Power
cord included. $200. Sell as a set only 352-
224-8093 11-22-5-6'

352-376-1600 Computers
Wholesale Warehouse. AS SEEN ON TV.
Low overhead HUGE savings! Brand New
Name Brand Sets! Don't be fooled by other
ads. Cheaper price means cheaper product! A + -IrrUtr [ h
CALL BRIAN 12-7-72-6 Sf
'' Mw. A& mak Ho(t& C4&!c

Bed All New Queen orthopedic pillow-top
mattress & box set. Still in plastic with war-
ranty. Can Deliver. $130 (352) 264-9799

, Bed $100 All New Full size orthopedic mat-
tress set. Brand new, still in plastic, w/ war-
ranty. Can Deliver.352-376-1600 12-7-72-6

in boxes! HB, 2NS, Dresser, Mirror...chest
avail. Must see to appreciate!. Can Deliver
352-264-9799 12-7-72-6

Dinette Set $125 Brand New 5 pc set in
box, never used! Can Deliver 494-0333

Still in package! Will sell with loveseat $395
for set! Can Del. 376-1600

FUTON-$100- BRAND NEW Futon mat-
tress, still in package! Sold with oak Futon,
both for $170. Can Deliver 352-494-0333

Pool Table Gorgeous 8' All wood table.
Leather pockets, Italian 1" slate, carved
legs. Br. New still in crate, Cost $4,500. Sell
$1,350. Can Deliver. 264-9799 12-7-72-6

Hot Tub/Spa $1795.00 Brand New Loaded!
Waterfall, LED lights, cup-holders, 119v en-
ergy efficient with warranty. Free Delivery.
264-9799 12-7-72-6

"Full $90 Queen $110 King $170-"
Orthopedic pillow-top sets. Brand name
matching sets not used or refurbished. Still
in plastic, direct from factory! 352-333-7516.

BED- QUEEN New orthopedic pillowtop mat-
tress and boxspring set. Brand name, brand
new, still in plastic with warranty. Can deliver.
$115 352-377-9846. 12-7-72-6

Bed- All New King! 3pc Orthopedic pillowtop
mattress set. Brand NEW, still in plastic with
warranty. Can deliver. $170 352-333-7516.

Bedroom Set- $325 BRAND NEW. Still
in boxes! 6 pieces include: Headboard, 2
Nightstands, Dresser, Mirror, Chest. Must
sell, can deliver. 352-377-9846. 12-7-72-6

Futon $160 Solid Oak Mission Style with
plush mattress. All brand NEW still in box.
Can deliver. 352-333-7516 12-7-72-6

Pool Table Gorgeous 8" All wood table.
Leather pockets, Italian 1" slate, carved legs.
Brand new still in crate. MUST SELL Retail
$5500. Sell $950. Can deliver 352-377-9846

Hot Tub/Spa $1295 Brand New Loaded!
Waterfall, LED lights, cupholders, 110-v
energy efficient with warranty. Free delivery,
MUST SELL 352-372-8588 12-7-72-6

Bed-FULL size pillowtop mattress & box.
New, in plastic, warr. Can del. $90 317-4031

Sofa $185 Brand new! Love seat $150 still in
pkg. Can del 352-333-7516


Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek
House/dorm 59 min response. No waiting/
unplugging/hassels. $30 Gator Discount
w/student ID. M/F Cert MCSE technicians.
333-8404. 12-

Cash Paid Laptop PCs
SALES SERVICE PARTS 336-0075 12-7-72-7

Network specialists
We buy computers and laptops
Working and Non-working
378-4009, 607 NW 13th Street


- computer/laptop repair
- virus, spyware, hardware
- $10 discounts, cheapest!
-home/dorm 352-219-2980

G'ville Computer Repair
Service on all PC MAC and Networks. 1204
NW 13th St, Ste #10. 352-337-2500 12-7-


722 S. Main 0 The Red Bldg

GATOR CAR ALARMS Take a bite out of
crime $99.95. Installed FREE. Gainesville's
oldest car alarm and car stereo specialty
store. 373-3754 Audio Outlet. 12-7-84-8

Car stereo, car alarms, mobile video, mobile.
navigation, custom wheels and tires, and
automobile performance at Sound Depot &
Performance. 374-7700
12-7-72-8 .

4056. 11-18-1-8

BlankTV 57" Hitachi XWX
Rear projection 18 months
left on transferable
warranty excellent condition
$1600.00 352-475-3437 11-28-5-8

1 Bicycles

In the market for a new set of wheels or just
looking to add a second to that collection?
Want personalized handlebars or a fitted
seat? Check in the Alligator Classifieds.

Many to choose from
* Best Prices in Town 0
SPIN CYCLE 373-3355
424 W University Ave 12-7-72-9

Used not abused. From basic transportation
to highend stuff. All styles. Great prices. 5
blocks from UF in College Park. 870-8693

G For Sale

Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF.
Reserve now! Reasonable rates. 352-538-
2181. Can leave mssg. 12-7-72-10

by Bob Brackin
containing "Gainesville Stories" 3-31-120-10

PARTY SUPPLIES: Complete line of Bar
Supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft beer
equipment. Professional Cooking Utensils.
- R.,W. Beaty Co. 4322 NW 13th St, Gville
RWBEATY.COM 376-5939 12-7-71-10


From Manufacturer. 20 colors in stock with
all Accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery
Available Toll Free (888)393-0335. 11-18-

$800/day? 30 Machines, Free Candy All for
$9,995. (888)629-9968 B02000033. CALL
US: We will not be undersold! 11-18-1-10

Firm Has. Middle Market Businesses For
Sale. If Interested In Buying Or selling
A Business, Call (877)217-8231. 11-18-1-10

SAWMILLS from only $2,795.00 Convert
your Norwood portable band sawmill. Log
skidders also available. www.norwoodindus -Free information: (800)578-1363
ext 3QQN. 11-18-1-10

& HUNCH-PUNCH-RATOR with 2-handle
tap & C02 set -up." $850
OBO 11-28-5-10

"Copyrighted Material I

Syndicated Content

Available from Commercial News Providers"

l.-\ .


Motorcycles, Mopeds Autos Help Wanted
Ai'to He1 s J WiHl W t

Many Brands Available 518 SE 2nd St. 377-6974

*Swamp Cycles* Save $$$ on gas, ride to
class! Largest selection of Ebikes, scooters
& accessories. Free delivery, 1-yr warranty,
best cust. service 534 SW 4thAve 373-8823

Scooters from $599. Largest selection
KYMCO, Vento, Hyosung, Keen & many
others. Financing avail. 3550 SW 34th St.
338-8450 12-7-72-11

SCOOTERS, or dirt bikes in ANY condition,
Running or not. titles or not. Prompt pick up.
Call ANYTIME: 352-441-0442
Please leave a message.

New location now open 1901 NW 67th Place
Best prices in Gainesville. Owned by Gator
grads. Will beat all Gainesville competitor's
prices on similar models. 12-7-84-11

POWERED 2005 Oil injection, lots of stor-
age. Over 100 mpg. Park anywhere. ONLY
$795 262-4673 12-7-25-11

VERUCCI SCOOTERS for sale 49cc 4
stroke electric start. Remote alarm & ignition.
Reaches 45-50 mph. Makes 80-100mpg. 1
new blue $1150, 1 used yellow $1000, Call
352-219-3950 11-22-15-11

2004'Trimumph Daytona 600cc 3,000miles.
Still under factory warranty $5,200 OBO Call
352-256-2558 11-28-10-11

1999 YAMAHA R6 rare blue-red-shite
coloring, perfect for campus! Polishe,
frame/muffler. Email for
info/pics. Must pay rent! $3700 352-283-
1484 12-6-15-11


ORunning or not!O
*Over 10 yr svc to UF students
OCall Don @ 215-7987 12-7-72-12

CARS -CARS Buy*SellOTrade
Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes
Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars
3432 N Main St.

Running or Not 1990 & up only
Sell or Trade Welcome.
Call Ray 352-284-8619

2715 N MAIN 377-1616

Best Cars Lowest Prices

"Copyrighted Material
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"

Is I

For listings 800-749-8116 ext 4622 12-7-

For Cars & Trucks
Any year, make, model, mileage, condi-
tion. Free towing. Up to $250 for junkers
Call 407-756-9100

Black, manual, 17" rims, reliable and clean.
Great on gas. 106k miles, new battery,
new motormount.. $1750/OBO. Call 352-
359-5399 or email @

PW/PL, sunroof, CD player, spoiler, ABS
brakes, automatic. New starter, belt, spark-
plugs, rear brakes & battery. Fairly new AC.
83k miles. $6000 OBO 384-3811 11-29-

* Wanted

JEWELRY. 373-9243 12-7-72-13

Transport patients to/from treatments
Must have valid driver's license,
safe driving record & attend training session.
Call 352-376-6866 ext 114 for more info.

On-going volunteer needed: Blind lady
needs trans on Sundays only to Mass @
Queen of Peace Catholic Church or St.
Augustine Catholic Church. For more info
call 219-6948. I live in the Tower Rd area.

Blind lady needs health majors interested in
walking at least three times a week. Call 352-
219-6948. Thanks. 11-30-93-13

352-317-6601 12-7-36-13

M 1 Help Wanted

This newspaper assumes no responsibil-
ity for injury or loss arising from contacts
made through advertising. We suggest that
any reader who responds to advertising use
caution and investigate the sincerity of the
advertiser before giving out personal infor-
mation or arranging meetings

the independent florida



The Independent Florida Alligator is seek-
ing an individual whom will have the sole
responsibility for operations of our computer
systems. This individual will be involved
in the planning and implementation of our
technology, and must be able to communi-
cate and work with students and staff. Must
have experience with Linux (Fedora Core3),
Samba3, Apache, Sendmail, Squirrelmail,
Mailscanner Spamm and virus), Http and
IP table updates. Familiar with Dell Power
Edge Servers Raid1, a plus. Good network-
ing skills to support up to 100 machines.
Must be able to troubleshoot and repair
PC hardware and software. This is a full
time position with the largest student-run
newspaper in the country. Please send your
resume and salary requirements to Campus
Communications, Inc. P -0 Box 14257,
Gainesville, FL 32604-2257 attention Vern
Bean or email to We
are an equal opportunity employer.

Sthe independent florida


The Independent FloridaAlligatorAdvertising
Office has openings for part-time office clerks
for the spring semester. Must be an enrolled,
full-time student at UF or SFCC in the spring
semester. Filing, skills, client
interaction, phone etiquette, great communi-
cation skills are required. Minimum wage. If
enrolled as full-time student in the summer
semester, the position has the potential to
carry over. Please come by our office at 1105
West University Ave between 8:30 am and
5:00 pm, M-F and fill out an application and
class schedule. Deadline for applications is
Monday, November 30th. No phone calls
please. EEO/AA 11-30-9-14

Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be
over 22, stable work history, clean driving re-
cord, drug-free, pers ref.
for details. 12-7-72-14

Animal Care Tech looking for hard working
person to work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will
train, PT to start with more hrs possible. Start
at $6.50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024
between 9-4 M-F. 12-7-72-14

CNA CLASS: Learn @ your own time and
pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and
pass the state exam is on VCR tape. 95%
pass the state exam the 1st time! $250. Call
800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 12-7-72-14

Phone survey interviewers wanted. Start
work today! No sales, opinion research
only! Flexible Schedule! Perceptive Market
Research 336-6760 ex 4081 Call now! 12-

Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/
Sales and IT needed for various positions.
Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Join
our team! Learn more at
employment 12-7-72-14

For gently used brand name
Clothing/accessories & furniture
$Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No appt
necessary! 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 12-

No experience necessary, training provided.
800-965-6520 ext 138 12-7-72-14

Needed for evaluations of
Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters
Flexible Hours, E-mail required
Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254

Donate Plasma & Save a Life
Best part-time job you'll ever have.
Bring this Ad and Earn an
Extra $5 on Your 2nd Donation.
DCI Biologicals 150 NW6th St.

Mortgage lender has immediate positions
avail for college students. No exp req. $8/hr
+ bonus, flex hrs. Apply in person 2-7pm M-F
at 1900 SW 34th St Ste 206 (2nd fir above
credit union) 12-7-72-14

Would you like to be your own boss, work
your own hours, and make unlimited in-
come? Start your own AVON business for
just $10. Call Emma @ 352-871-4489 or
* e-mail 12-7-

HIRING KITCHEN STAFF Starting $6.15/hr
DRIVERS $8-15/hr, and FLYERERS. PT
easy schedule. Please call 2-5pm 378-2442
- or fill out application at California Chicken
Grill 2124 SW 34th St. Mon Fri. 12-7-72-14
Apply online today. At one of over 100
for any position today. 11-30-76-14

Wi1 Help Wanted I

We need Paid Survey Takers in Gainesville.
100% FREE to join. Click on Surveys.

Telephone Interviewing
$7.50/hr ($8 Bi-lingual) + BONUS
Apply @ UF Survey Research Center
M-F 9:30am-9pm 408 W University Ave.
Suite 106, Tel. 392-2908 x105
Must work eve/wknd

Call center needs telephone agents for all
shifts 24 hours. 1830 NE 2nd St. Apply in
person M-F 9am-4pm. 12-7-66-14

Attention Smokers! Do you want to quit
smoking? Smokers are needed to participate
in a smoking cessation study. If interested
e-mail the UF Smoking Lab and Clinic. or call 328-
4944 9-3-15-14

Earn up to $12-14/hr.
Call California Chicken Grill 378-2442

$10 15/Hour DRIVERS
$6.15 $7.15/Hour INSIDERS
$35K-$50K/year MANAGERS
Apply online at
Or at any of the 6 locations. 12-7-65-14

Park Place Car Wash is looking for hard
workers for all positions. Cashiers (fullday
availability) & lineworkers. (AM 8:30-1) &
(PM 12-6). Apply: 7404 NW 4th Blvd. Across
from Home Depot. No phone calls please.

Get Paid To Drive A Brand New Carl
Now paying drivers $800-$3200 a month.
Pick up your free car key today. 12-7-49-14

MARK Representatives needed. Earn up to
40% on everything you sell. Make money
while in school; buy, sell, fundraise. Be your
own boss, work flexible hours, Call Emma @
352-871-4489 12-7-50-14

Bartending Jobs
Up to $3001shift. Many Positions Avail.
No exp. req. FT/PT. 1-800-806-0082 ext
1516 12-7-41-14

New Scooters 4 Less is looking for a part
time mechanic. Must have knowledge of 2 &
4 stroke engines. Training provided. Relaxed
and fun environment. Call 336-1271 to set up
an interview. 11-18-24-14

by fill out app 1710 SW 13th St. 372-4848

AND DRIVERS NEEDED. Apply at 3458 W.
University Ave. 3PM-3AM MARIO & LUIGI'S
PIZZA Flexible schedule 376-6433 11-29-

0 ,1. Him m.,kA

Oak Hammock at the University of Florida.

Waitstaff (Full-time & Part-time)

Hiring smiles and great attitudes to wait
tables in our resort style retirement
community. No experience necessary
willing to train; flexible schedules offered
and guaranteed hourly rate of pay.

Apply in person:
5100 SW 25th Blvd
Gainesville, Florida 32608
Oak Hammock is a DFWP/EOE!
Fax: 352-548-1049

| Help Wanted


The Well-Oiled Machine

4 to 5 hours, 2-5 days a week
Available Immediately
No experience necessary. --
Earn $6.50-$9.00 with BONUS potential.
Call 800-598-9850 x 783
FT and Mgmt positions also available.

BEEF O'BRADY'S now hiring FT
to 4810 S. Florida Ave, Lakeland, FL 33813
or call Don @ 863-581-7979 11-23-10-14

**Education Retail Store**
Seeking PT help. Please bring in a resume
to 2020 NW 6th St. Flexible weekday hours.

Experience in HTML, PHP, SQL & Graphic
Design a must. Call Dave 352-870-7467

AutoCAD PT person M-F daily. 30-50 hrs/
weekly. $10.50/hr. Must be dependable &
have good knowledge of basicAutoCAD. 1 mi
to campus. Email
or call Wells @ 219-1183 11-23-9-14

Work your own hours.
Great opportunity for anyone.
Make monthly residual income w/ 20 yr. old
company PT/FT hours. Call 352-258 -2111

Comfortable in SQL, Linux, Macs & Open-
Source, 20 hrs/wk $10/hr. Apply Andrew
Schmadeke 217-502-4694, schmad@glenn- 11-18-6-14

Experience a must. Royal Village Apts. 352-
338-0202 e-mail resume: weloveUFstudents 11-28-10-14

Earn between $10-$20/hr!
Flexible schedule. Great Opportunity
For info contact Meghan 379-3663

Psychiatric Aides $22,612 annually. Shift
work. Rotating days off. Req completion of
30 sem or 45 qtr hrs of college w/5 courses in
Soc/Behav Sci. Apply: https://peoplefirst.myf; Lori Ross at 264-8250. EEO/AA.

MEDICAL OFFICE PT Daily, afternoons &
early evenings. Computer skills req. Send
resume to 6400 W. Newberry Rd, Suite 301,
Gainesville, 32605 11-29-10-14

Apartment Hunters now accepting applica-
tions. Looking for energetic, outgoing people
who like to have fun at their job. Customer
service exp a plus. Eve & wkends req Flex
scheduling. Apply at 1310 W University Ave.

Please contact Kim @ 392-0601 et 380 or Payment is $10/hr. 12-

Fill out application online at
Apply for any position today. 12-7-15-14

Continued on next page.

- ------~~-~~ ~~~~~~ --~~~~~~--------~--


B Help Wanted .

Help Wanted

SHelp Wanted Services Services
*1 '. I .---H *') am -'HelpB Wate s ^

Various positions in IT, Business Dev.
and Customer Service. Flexible sched-
ules. Competitive pay. Learn more at:
www.bytheplanet.comicareers.htm or call
352-367-8600 9am-6pm EST. 11-21-5-14

PIT or FIT flexible schedules, competitive
pay. Fax 815-301-8667 or call 352-367-
8600 11-21-5-14

looking for reliable flexible person to help
in our shipping & photography depts. 15-40
hrs/wk., $7.50/hr. Telephone: Rick 800-344-
9103 11-21-5-14

for business &/or technical classes @ UF. No
exp req'd. Will pay good $$$ for good candi-
dates. Call 352-359-1602 11-30-10-14

Research Positions Open
Gainesville office expanding
Internet Researchers needed
FT 9am-6pm (M-F) PT Negotiable 12-7-15-14

Part-time help

Banyan Biomarkers Inc.
( is looking for part
time help (10-20 h/wk) flexible hours; for
scientific database entry, reference database
management and other admin. functions.
Science and computer skills required. The
successful candidate will gain invaluable
experience working in a dynamic biotech
company environment. We are located at the
BDI in Alachua (
We are looking for a highly motivated and
mentally mature individual.

For inquiries contact Barbara Fellows at
386-462-6699 or

seeking native French speaker
to play with our two girls
who miss Switzerland.
Flexible Hours. Call 371 7559 11-21-5-14

Tutor HS student in our home,
at least 6hrs/wk $12/hr
219-6744 11-18-5-14

Office Mgr./Admin Asst.
Afternoon hours. People-person w/good
computer skills Call 331-3557 11-22-5-14

SHOP HELP Needed cat furniture, upholstry
& assembly. Good pay in a physical environ-
ment. No exp. needed. Must like to work
w/hands Call 337-1535 11-22-5-14

also. Apply in person between 1 & 4pm
7038 NW 10th Place behind Red Lobster

Female companions to care for 22yr. old
female disabled person for multiple time
slots: M-W-F (2:30-9:00pm) T, R (2:30-9:
00pm) Job duties incl. assistance w/toileting,
laundry, reading, computer work, bedtime
preparations & trips to various appts. &
social activities. Applicants must be in good
phys. condition & have reliable transporta-
tion. Excellent working conditions in new,
luxurious home $9/hr Call Jerry at 377-1306

$10K-$15K/MO. No boss, no MLM. Free
report! (g8)784-1705, watch video: www

where! "The NEXT TRILLION$ industry"
www. 11-22-5-14

Mon-Fri. 6:30AM-3:30PM Great pay.
Excellent, benefits. Background check
required. 1049 Museum Rd. KinderCare

We need 5th yr. accounting students to as-
sist with critical reading, editing, customer
support, & research. This is a great way
to earn-while you learn. We have a great
success rate of employees who pass the
CPA exam on the first try. Flex. hrs. Send
resume to

Free rent in exchange for personal care,
researcher with spinal cord injury. No ex-
perience necessary. Please call 332-5810
or email: 11-

Earn a massive income by promoting online
gambling with the most trusted & respected
online casino in the world. This is absolutely
the most lucritive & fun business you will ever
find 888-249-5973 11-18-3-14

KIDSITTER for holidays. Extra money for
easy job. Great TEENAGERS NEED A
DRIVER. Must be dependable & have reli-
able car. Call 352-262-8909 11-21-3-14

needs scoopers. Must be able to work during
holiday breaks. Email:
or call 333-9000. 11-22-4-14

Gator Dining Services needs experienced
professionals for weekend and night posi-
tions. Pay based on experience, flexible
hours. Apply at Gator Dining Services, B73
Reitz Union, Museum Rd or online at 12-1-10-14

Student Supervisors/Managers:
Start building or add to your resume! Gator
Dining Services, located on the UF Campus,
is looking for Student Supervisors/Managers.
Pay is $8-10 hr based on experience. We of-
fer competitive pay, benefits and a great
working environment. Apply at Gator Dining
Services, B73 Reitz Union, Museum Rd or
online at 12-1-10-14

Catering Sales Coordinator:
Classic Fare Catering, located on the UF
Campus, is looking for a full time Catering
Sales Coordinator. Hours are M-F, 8-5pm.
Heavy typing, filing and excellent phone
skills required. Must possess strong com-
puter, customer service skills and the ability
to multi-task. Menu & party planning experi-
ence a plus! We offer competitive pay, ben-
efits and a great working environment. Fax
resume with salary requirements to 352-392-
9787, email or apply
online at 11-23-5-14

FTAsst Mgr/FT or PT Leasing Agt
Great customer service skills, able to handle
busy environment. Some Sats required.
Apply at 1902 SW 42nd Way or fax resume
to 352-375-4434 Ventura Apts. 11-22-4-14

Designer needed for websites, e-newslet-
ters, and other related e-niarketing methods.
Nationwide archery coaches organization
located in Newberry provides instructor
training programs for the recreation market.
Candidate will design training websites,
produce e-newsletters and other internet-
based promotional materials. No experience
in archery required. Work from city or in
Newberry office, flexible part-time hours.
Email resume and work samples to 11-23-5-14

Pay & Benefits for Experienced Drivers,
0/0, Solos, Teams & Graduate Students.
Bonuses Available. Refrigerated Now
Available. (888)MORE PAY (888-667-3729).

HAZMAT & DOUBLES (321)202-4406. 11-

DRIVERS WANTED Average dispatch is
2,100 miles *3-Pay Packages to choose
from *Late model Equipment *No Haz-Mat
*No East-Coast *100% No-Touch Freight
*Weekly Advances *Direct Deposit *weekly
(same week) Settlements. Solos and Owner
Operators Welcome. Requirements: 1-year
OTR verifiable experience, CDL CLASS A
Plus Safe Driving record, ...Call Smithway
Logistics, Inc. (800)282-1911 ext 115. 11-

-Now Hiring for 2005 Postal Positions $17.50-
$59.00+/hr. Full Benefits/Paid Training
and Vacations No Experience Necessary
(800)584-1775 Reference # 5600. 11-18-

$600 WEEKLY Working through the gov-
ernment part-time. No Experience. A lot of
Opportunities. (800)493-3688 Code J-14.

Make $75-$250/day. All ages and faces
wanted! No exp. Required. FT/PT! (800)851-
9046. 11-18-1-14

S/E & 3-State Run: T/T Drivers. HOME
WEEKENDS. Mileage Pay, Benefits, 401K.
Trainees Welcome. Miami area- exp. req. 21
min age/Class-A CDL Cypress Truck Lines
(800)545-1351. 11-18-1-14

ACT NOW DRIVERS- Flatbed, Bulk Tank and
Refrigerated Divisions. Performance based
pay. Experienced Operators. Independent
Contractors or Company Drivers. CDL
Instruction Program available. (800)771-
6318. 11-18-1-14

for Central Florida Local & National OTR
positions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat,
no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay
& new equipment. Need 2 years experience.
Call Bynum Transport for your opportunity
today. (800)741-7950. 11-18-1-14

$5,500 Weekly Goal Potential If someone did
it, so can you! 2-3 confirmed appointments
daily! Benefits Available... Call Catherine
McFarland (888)563-3188. 11-18-1-14

Energetic, serious, hard-working individuals
to assist customers with high quality sporting
goods merchandise. We're looking for the
best. Full and part time opportunities. No
phone calls. Min 1 year commitment. Lloyd
Clarke Sports 1504 NW 13th St. 11-30-7-14

Hiring for spring rush Orange & Blue text-
books is seeking PT/FT help for upcoming
semester rush. Good people skills & register
exp pref. Stop by store @ 309 NW 13th St.
for details and applications. 12-7-12-14


Are you going to be in Gainesville
over the holidays?

If so, .The University of Florida Bookstore is
currently seeking enthusiastic team mem-
bers for Temporary positions to help us
through our busy book buyback & back to
school season. We're looking for customer
service oriented individuals to perform ca-
shier & other retail duties. Previous retail
experience a plus.

For consideration, please apply in person
at: The University of Florida Bookstore
& Welcome Center, -Museum Road,
Gainesville, FL 32611; or Fax: (352) 392-
3660 We are an Equal Opportunity Employer
welcoming individuals of diverse talents &
backgrounds. 11-21-2-14

Law Student Needed to research case/
legislative history develop constitional is-
sues FI Baker Act Flex Time-no office e mail 12-5-10-14

Teach me web site construction flex time e
mail 12-5-10-14

4 children 1-7 years at our home. 15-30
hrs/wk, -ref req'd
or 352-375-7632 11-28-5-14

Close To UF, Convenient
4x4x4 $20/mo
4x8x8 $35/mo
533 SW 2nd Ave. 377-1771

Porsche, Volvo, VW, Honda, Toyota, Nissan,
Mazda. Quality craftsmanship, reasonable
prices, near UF, AAA approved 378-7830 12-7-72-15

HYPNOTIST-Stop smoking. Improve mem-
ory & concentration. Eliminate bad habits.
Past life regression. Learn self-hypnosis.
Low Student Rates. Leonard Umans AAPH,
NGH certified 379-1079. 12-7-72-15

Ethnic Dance Expressions Studio
For Fun & Fitness 384-9200

HORSE .BOARDING peaceful spacious
30 acres lighted arena round pens -stan-
dard & oversized- exp help 12x12 stalls 1-
352-472-2627 or Iv msg @ 339-2193 Owner
on premisis 35+ yrs exp. Lessons avail.

Quality Boarding Lessons/English 0
Parties 0 Alachua County's oldest & finest
horse farm 466-4060 12-7-72-15

Complete Auto Service
Imports & Domestics 0 Cars & Trucks
Discount for students. Call 352-380-0033

The countryclub for horses & owners.
Customer lounge w/full kitchen & bath. 250'
x 160' riding ring, round pen & jump pad-
dock. Lessons. 30 acres, 40 matted stalls, 19
separate paddocks. 24-hr security, 352-591-
3175 12-7-72-15

Custom Posters 0 Exhibits 0 Awards
Top Quality Fast 0 Service 0 Low Prices
SignMasters 335-7000
9-2-61-15 "

Jump start your job search at

Plaques 0 Name Badges 0 Cups 0 Etc.
Best Selection In Town
SignMasters 335-7000

Individuals or small groups.
Experienced, excellent.
375-6641 Harold Nobles

Personal and Group Training
Flexible Scheduling Exclusive Facility
Call for a free workout

Want to be a CNA? Don't want to wait?
Express Training Services can get you certi-
fied under 3 wksl Hands-on exp, no videos.
Day/eve classes avail. Next class 11/28/05.
Class sizes limited. 338-1193 for details.

Car hot? Lose your cooll
Call Rick-I'm quick RICK'S MOBILE AUTO
A/C, All Freons-oils, computer diagnosis
40 years experience 213-2665

All facilities & amenities: quality instruc-
tion, 15 min from UF. Jan at 376-7762.
Greathouse Equestrian Center 12-7-43-15




Black male, 44 years
old (07/27/611),
5'07", 175 bIDS.,
black hair, brown eyes

Wanted for:
Per, i currently ,afi6ed for
dealing in stolen properly and
Trtail first degree rniscemeanor




Call (352) 372-STOP





24-hr access. Study at your own pace
Our professors rated highly by their students
** Packages starting at just $10 00

Middle school math teacher will tutor in
elementary through middle school grade
level math. Can offer great help with FCAT
preparation. Certified in Secondary Math in
two states. Call Karen 352-283-1251 11-

MATH TUTOR 7 years experience. BS
in Engineering, UF English/Spanish. Call
Francisco @ 352-494-8582 or 377-2526.
Sliding Scale Rates. .12-7-13-15

Private or small class. Most subjects.
Higher score, 100% satisfaction guaran-
teed. UNIVERSITY PREP. Call 372-8560 or
1-800-910-1352 11-23-5-15

Medical Device/Pharmceutical Sales
Career preparation & recruitment services.
Ensure your place in the industry.

Heavy Equipment Operator CERTIFIED.
Hands on Training. Job Placement
Assistance. Call Toll Free (866)933-1575.
Homosassa Trail, Lecanto, Fl. 34461. 11-

DIVORCE$275-$350*COVERS children, etc.
Only one signature required! *Excludes govt.
fees! Call weekdays (800)462-2000, ext.600.
(8am-7pm) Alta Divorce, LLC. Established
1977. 11-18-1-15

Criminal Defense. *Felonies *Misdemeanors
*DUI *Automobile Accident *Domestic
Violence *Wrongful Death. "Protect Your
Rights" A-A-A Attorney Referral Service
(800)733-5342 24/7. 11-18-1-15



W96- AervithSb"V"0 inii fl thrvices j HFic : ersan al$s tznzerzaiInmeIn-..

*Business, *Paralegal, *Computers. Job New Location Students NoAppt Needed! New therapy being studied! If you qualify to 100,000+ CDs on sale $5.99. Ten for $50. Award Winner.
PlacementAssistance. Computer & Financial FIRST CARE OF GAINESVILLE participate in this research you will get free We need more room for our GIANT DVD 11-18-10-21
aid if qualify. (866)858-2121 www.onlinetide 4343 Newberry Rd. #10, 373-2340 evaluation, medication, and be reimbursed INVENTORY. Cash paid for DVDs. Hear 11-18-1-15 Most Ins Accepted, Hours M-F 8am-6pm for your rime. Call Dr. Levy @ 331-2020 for Again 818 W. University Ave. 373-1800
12-7-72-16 evaluation. 12-7-71-16 12-7-72-18 : cets.

CREDIT REPAIR 29 years experience li-
censed and bonded. One price clean credit
for life. Lee Harrison Credit Restoration. Call
(903)835-1667 for free information package.,

Run your ad STATEWIDEI! For only $450
you can place your 25 word classified ad in
over 150 newspapers throughout the state
reaching over 5 MILLION readers. Call
this newspaper or Advertising Networks of
Florida at (866)742-1373. Visit us online
at Display ads
also available. 11-18-1-15

21 Health Services 3

Alachua County Health Dept. Call
334-7960 for app't (optional $20 fee)

IV sedation, Student Discount.
Well Woman Care & Birth Control
Bread & Roses Women a Health Ctr

All Women's Health Center
Free Pregnancy Test
RU-486 Available

Lose 8- 15 pounds in 4 weeks
Only $99!
Gain muscle while you lose fat
Groups'forming now. 339-2199.













Cd C3
M0 >

-D 0 > z

z X m
m a

Sp. Chg


FEELING STRESSED? Need a card or letter? Sharing a burden .......
OVERWHELMED? UNHAPPY? gets you through it; or perhaps you know
** I CAN HELP YOU ** a deserving child who would like a birthday ***EUROPE from $377 RT***
Call today for your free initial consultation, card. Campbell Box 13101 Jax. 32206-detail Travel planning for everyone. Train, cruises,
David Cox, PhD, LMHC, 352-378-3000 12-5-35-18 hotels, tours. Gator Country Travel Oust off
12-7-40-16 campus) 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg.
No. ST-36232 12-7-72-22
UNPLANNED PREGNANCY? Confidential, '"Connections. .'
compassionate adoption advice, expenses ***WEST COAST from $197 RT**
paid if needed, choose life! www.america Tours, packages & more. Los Angeles, FL lic. # 1105-002-000 Chat live free, gay STR-8 or Bi. Call the Seattle, S.F., S.D. & more! Gator Country
(727) 823-1537 or toll free (866) 303-1573 Matchmaker free @ 373-7272, 24 hrs. Great Travel (just off campus) 373-1992 FL Seller
12-7-25-16 way to meet cool people and it works. Chat of Travel Reg. No. ST-36232 12-7-72-22
live with others. 12-7-52-19
Is Stress Ruining Your Life? Read ***EAST COAST $137 RT***
DIANETICS by Ron L. Hubbard Call Fall & holiday specials. NYC, DC, Philly, New
(813)872-0722 or send $7.99 to Dianetics, Event Notices Eng & morel Gator Country Travel (just off
3102 N. Habana Ave., Tampa FL 33607. campus) 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg.
11-18-1-16 No. ST 36232 12-7-72-22v

OXYGEN USERS: Enjoy more freedom! ******** ART SALE ********
Travel without canisters, Oxilife's lightweight, Paintings, Drawings, Ceramics, Glass,
Oxygen concentrators run off your car & Jewelry, Photography & More. Reasonable
in your home. U.S.A.- made Warranteed prices. Nov. 19, 9;00-2:00. 3909 W.
(800)780-2616 11-18- Newberry Rd. Suite D. Opposite Starbucks.
1-16 11-18-1-20

Typing Services W r Entertainment

SAME DAY SERVICE: Transcription, typing, SPRING BREAK
apps. Desktop pub: brochures, newsletters, SPRG BREAK ADS
flyers, ads, logos. Resume service. 18 yrs SPRING BREAKADS
exp. 24-hr turnaround. Connie 271-2677 WINLL APPEAR
11-21-5-17 IN THIS SECTION

Airball, Spdedball, Forts on 27 acres
ANONYMOUS Call for the best group rates
Alacrhca County Health Dept. Call

334-7960 for app't (optional $20 fee)


University Opticians
300 SW 4th Ave. 378-4480.
1800 Gun Inventory,
Over 500 handguns in stock
Buy, Sell, Trade or Repair.
Reloading Supplies 466-3340
Harry Beckwith, Gun Dealer
8mi. South of G'ville on 441

*Family Chiropractic*
Since 1977. Two blocks from U.F.
1107SW2ndAve 373-7070

We buy 10-5, M-Sat. Open to shop til 6. WE
Ave 375-3752.12-7-72-18

Inside Books, Inc. 505 NW 13 St.
10-9 384-0090


I 1. For Rent: Furnished _. 14. Help Wanted
2. For Rent: Unfurnished 15. Services
3. Sublease: House/Apt 16. Health Services
4. Roommates 17. Resumes/Typing Services
5. Real Estate 18. Personals
S 6. Furniture/Household Items 19. Connections
7. Computers 20. Events/Notices
I_ 8. Stereos/Electronics -21. Entertainment
9. Bicycles 22. Tickets
10. ForSale 23. Rides
11. Mopeds/Motorcycles 24. Pets
12. Autos 25. Lost & Found
13. Wanted



(Circle One) "
1 Day........$6.00
2 Days....$11.00 I
3 Days....$14.00
4 Days....$17.00 I
5 Days....$20.00

Additional Days
$2.00 each
-- Days = $

Additional Lines
$2.00 each line, each day *
. Add'l Lines= $_ I

5 Days From$2991 Includes Meals, Taxes,
Entry To Exclusive MTVu Events,
Beach Parties-With Celebrities
As Seen on Real World, Road Rules!
On Campus Reps Needed! .
Promo Code 32.1-800-678-6386
FL Seller of Travel Reg. #ST34486
From $499
Travel With America's Largest & Ethics
Award Winning Spring Break Company!
Fly Scheduled Airlines,
Free Meals, Drinks, Biggest Celebrity
On-Campus Marketing Reps Needed!
Promo Code 32. 1-800-678-6386
FL Seller of Travel Reg #34486
Spring Break Exclusive

$189 5-Days/4-Nights
$239 7-Days/6-Nights

Prices include:
Round-trip luxury cruise with food.
Accommodations on the island at
your choice of ten resorts.
Free V.I.P. party package upgrade!
Appalachia Travel
Caricun from $499
FL Seller of Travel Reg #ST35585

$$$ FSU $$$
Call 352-871-0146 11-23-62-22

Paying Top $$$
Local and Confidential
need extra football tickets?
want to sell your extras? 11-23-35-22

TOP $$ PAID. Local 1-877-596-1234 11-

20 Yrs. as the Official So. Fl. Bus
Depart: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30PM/reverse
$40 r/t Mia-FtL/Pomp-WPB-FtP.

Miami Bus Service
$40 RiT W.P Bch, Pomp, FT. L, Miami
Departures: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30 pm

Furry, feathery,, not your-
roommate...pets. Find or advertise your pets
or pet products here in the Pets section of
the Alligator.

* .Lot & o'. ROu ;

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& w-M M = = = M M = M =



Player name
Stricklarid, T.
Visser, Kyle
Williams, Eric
Gray, Justin
Drum, Michael
Ellis, Chris
Dukes, S.
Hale, Hfarvey
Swinton, Kevin



2-2 8-7
0-0 0-0
0-0 2-4
4-11 1-5
1-2 0-0
2-4 3-4
0-0 0-0
0-4 1-3
0-0 0-0

2 5 7
1 3 4
3 4 7
2 3 5
0 0 0
2 3 5
0 0 0
1 4 5
0 0 0

Player name
Brewer, Corey
Noah, Joakim
Horford, Al
Green, Taurean
Humphrey, Lee
Moss, Adrian
Hodge, Walter
Richard, Chris
Huertas, David




ATORS (3-0)
5-9 3 2 5
1-2 0 2 2
3-5 1 4 5
7-8 1 3 4
0-0 0 1 1
2-3 3 5 8
0-0 0 0 0
1-2 0 2 2
0-0 0 3 3

1 1 2
24-57 9-23 15-24 12 23 35

26 1422 2 5 72


2552.2.1.1.-2 : 1 2
25-52 5-24 19-29 9 23 32 21 17 18 3 10 77

TOTAL FG% 24-57 42.1%
3-Pt. FG% 9-23 39.1%
F Throw % 15-24 62.5%

TOTAL FG% 25-52 48.1%
3-Pt. FG% 8-24 33.3%
F Throw % 19-29 65.5%

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PLAYER OF THE GAME: Going up against the experienced, talented
Justin Gray was supposed to be a daunting task for Taurean Green.
Instead it was the sophomore who led his team to victory. While
Green was expected to play a conservative game this season and
have most.of his success passing the ball, he exploded for 23 points
and five assists, proving he can do more than just run the point.

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Green stars for Gators

Point guard

leads all scorers
Alligator Writer

NEW YORK This was supposed to
be the year that UF had a traditional-style
point guard, the near antithesis of what
Anthony Roberson had been for the three
previous years.
And while that may ultimately turn
out to be what they have, Thursday's win
against Wake Forest may prove to be evi-
dence to the contrary.
After putting up just 15 points in the
season's first two games, sophomore
Taurean Green poured in 23 points on 6 of
12 shooting to go along with 5 assists and
4 rebounds as the Gators defeated Wake
Forest 77-72 in the semifinals of the Coaches
vs. Cancer Classic.
"Taurean Green is the man tonight,
baby," sophomore forward Corey Brewer
said. "Any given night, you never know
who's going to be the man. We needed him.
We got in foul trouble early, and they were
trying to shut Lee [Humphrey] down, and
Taurean made all the shots. That's what we
In the arena where his father played
professionally and he watched games 'as a
child, Green had the best game of his col-
legiate career.
"I was just happy we won," Green said.
And while Roberson often had trouble
pressuring the ball handler, Green harassed
Wake senior Justin Gray all night.
Although Gray finished with 17 points,
he also committed 7 turnovers in a game
that was fairly sloppy on both sides.
"Taurean did a good job on him," UF
coach Billy Donovan said. "He had 19, but

6 of those points were within the last 15 to
20 seconds."
Green also helped out on the interior,
stripping the ball from Wake Forest big man
Eric Williams at the end of the first half to
break up an uncontested dunk.
And Donovan wasn't the only one
impressed with Green's play against the
Demon Deacons.
Jerry Tarkanian, who coached Green's
father Sidney at UNLV, chatted with Green
in the tunnel after the game and declared
the sophomore. player of the game.
"I met him when I was little," Green
said. "But I haven't seen him since I was a
little kid."
The Gators up-tempo pressing style
even reminded Green of Tarkanian's
Runnin' Rebels days.
Green's performance was aided by Wake
Forest's defensive scheme, as the Demon
Deacons were often in a triangle and two,
manning up on Brewer and Lee Humphrey,
while playing zone on the remainder of the
The defense opened up Green to shoot
4-of-8 from beyond, the arc, and he even
knocked another one down from the comer
after a Wake Forest foul killed the play.
"They were playing a triangle and two
,on Corey and Lee Hump," Green said.
"And coach ran some ball screens to free
me open.
"We knew they were going to throw
some junk defense at us, so we prepared
for that."

NOTES: This was the first meeting be-
tween the two teams since 1995, a game
Wake Forest won 77-53 in Gainesville.
The series between the two schools
now stands at 6-5 in favor of the Gators.
Joakim Noah scored five points and four
rebounds in front of his home crowd.

Tim Casey / Alligator Staff
Taurean Green drives past Wake Forest's Justin Gray in the first half of UF's 77-72 victory
against the Demon Deacons at Madison Square Garden on Thursday.

Tebow's brother visits

Alligator Staff Writer

During one last quiet day of
workouts before the bye week-
end, an unexpected visitor await-
ed Coach Urban Meyer outside.
the team's practice facility.
Peter Tebow, older brother of
St. Augustine Nease High quar-
terback Tim Tebow, dropped by
to see Meyer but left shortly be-
fore practice ended Thursday.
Rated -the No. 1 quarterback
prospect in the country by, Tim's list of prospec-
tive colleges includes Alabama,
LSU, Southern California, FSU,
Miami and UF the alma mater
of both his parents.
Peter, a 21-year-old com-
puter engineering major at UF,
wouldn't say if his brother would
follow him to Gainesville.
"That's a good question,"
Peter said. "I don't know."
Tim Tebow is expected to an-
nounce his decision Dec. 14 live
on ESPN.

CROWDED HOUSE: While landing
Tebow would create somewhat
of a quarterback logjam for the

Gators next season, it's a problem
Meyer is willing to accept.
"You need four scholarship
quarterbacks," Meyer said.
"That's the goal."
Provided ihat starting .QB
Chris Leak returns for a senior
season next year, Tebow could
help Meyer reach that goal by
joining freshman backup Josh
Portis, who
fo allowed
Meyer to UF
after orally
to Utah last
season, and
Leak Cornelius
I n g r a m .
According to Meyer, it's not such
an easy accomplishment, espe-
cially considering Leak also came
to UF as one of the top quarter-
back prospects in the country.
"What I've noticed [else-
where] is with the higher recruit-
ed quarterbacks, the other guys
don't come for a couple of years,"
Meyer said. "I've noticed that at
Notre Dame and here at Florida.'
Ideally, you take one a year, and
you get four quarterbacks."


Brooks ready to shine in opener

Alligator Writer

Sha Brooks, it's time to un-
screw the training wheels.
Your first two-wheeler ride is
Brooks, a freshman, will lead
the UF women's basketball team
in its regular-season opening
tournament this weekend in the
absence of Sarah Lowe, who trav-
eled to Birmingham, Ala., for her
Rhodes Scholarship interview.
UF will face St. Francis, N.Y,
on Friday at the Seton Hall Classic
in South Orange, N.J., before fac-
ing Seton Hall on Saturday.
"I'm looking forward to it,"
said Brooks, a Jackson, Tenn., na-
tive. "I think I'm pretty comfort-
able on the court. I don't think I'll
be too nervous. I'll be all right."
An Energizer Bunny in a.
headband on the floor, she works
off her pre-game jitters by mak-
ing hustle plays steals, defend-
ing fast breaks and the occasional
battle in the paint for boards.
"I have butterflies before ev-
ery game," Brooks said. "I did in
high school, and I'm pretty sure I
will in college."
Amid all the hype surround-
ing UF's freshman phenom, a
sign of her youthfulness peeked
-. "i'mJkind ofaaquiet person, so

"I think she had two
points in the first half
and had 30 in the sec-
ond half. After 'Toya
had seen her play, she
would call me and ask
me, 'Coach are we going
to sign her?' I was like,
Carolyn Peck
UF women's basketball coach

Coach [Carolyn Peck] gets onto
me when I'm too quiet," Brooks
said. "She says that I have to have
a voice on the court and let my
teammates know where they're
supposed to be ... and that I've
got their back."
Brooks almost didn't get to
Gainesville. UF came in late dur-
ing the recruiting process, and
Chattanooga was at the top of her
list at the time.
"Sha was a player who would
play her high school games, and
then after the games she went to
work," said Peck, who didn't no-
tice Brooks until last November.
"She didn't play AAU ball where
she- would get a lot of different
But pestering in the form

of text messaging from fellow
Tennessee native LaToya Bullard,
who had already committed to
UF, helped Brooks change over to
the Orange and Blue.
Peck first saw her play against
Bullard in high school action.
"I think she had two points in
the first half and had 30 in the sec-
ond half," Peck said. "After 'Toya
had seen her play, she would call
me and ask me, 'Coach are we
going to sign her?' I was like,
Brooks was quoted in the
Jackson Sun after the game say-
ing, "I was hot tonight."
And if the preseason is any
indication, she could be again
this weekend. Lowe gave up her
starting spot in Monday's exhi-
bition game against the Miami
Suns, allowing Brooks to get her
feet wet.
Sha wasn't shy
She attempted threeS-pointers
in the first three minutesi;aking
her first two, while leading the
team in minutes (35) and steals
(four) in addition to hitting 5 of 7
from long range for 21 points.
The performance in UF's 96-63
win prompted praise from Peck
after the game.
"It's almost like trying on
a new pair of shoes," she said.
"And for Sha, they fit pretty




Gators shine under Garden lights

Alligator Writer

NEW YORK Throughout the
preseason, the UF men's basketball
squad has been plagued by ques-
tions questions of whether they
can score, whether they have any
depth, and whether they will be able
to compete with elite teams after the
departure of David Lee, Matt Walsh
and Anthony Roberson.
It might have just been one night,
but the answer after Thursday's
game was an emphatic yes.
Taurean Green led three players
in double figures, and the Gators
withstood foul trouble and a Wake
Forest 3-point barrage in the games'
final minute to defeat the No. 18
Demon Deacons in the semifinals of
the Coaches vs. Cancer Classic.
"We knew we could win the
game," senior Adrian Moss said. "It
was just a matter of coming out and
executing, and it really shows that
we can execute and beat a very good
ball club."
The Gators advanced to tonight's
championship game where they will
square off against Syracuse.
Surprisingly, it might have been
Moss' "lay that helped the Gators
jump out to an early lead, one they,
would not relinquish.
After undergoing knee surgery a
month ago, it seemed unlikely that.
Moss would be able to play in the
Not only was Moss available, but
he scored 8 points.
After both Al Horford and Chris
Richard picked up two fouls early
in the first half and were forced to
endure extended stays on the bench,
Moss hit two key jumpers that kept
Wake Forest from taking advantage
of the foul trouble.
"I think the performance by
Taurean and Adrian Moss kept
us in the game in the first half,"
UF coach Billy Donovan said.
"Maybe our depth, as far as front
court people, wore them down a
And while Richard scored
just 3 points, his lone field goal
a dunk with 14 minutes, 56
seconds remaining gave the

Men's basketball
Syracuse (16)
Texas Tech

Memphis (12)
Alabama (14)


.. :....

Tim Casey Alligator Staff
UF center Al Horford basks in the Madison Square Garden spotlight after
the Gators upset No. 18 Wake Forest to advance to tonight's final.

Gators a 49-47 lead.
UF never trailed after David
Huertas knocked down a 3-
pointer with 11:22 left in the first
The Gators also held Wake
Forest without a field goal
for almost a 6-minute stretch.
Meanwhile, they extended their
lead to 72-62
See complete with a fast-
box score, pg. 26 break dunk
by Corey
Brewer, who finished with 15
"I was very pleased with the
way we guarded them in the
half court," Donovan said. "I was
very, very disappointed with the
way we rebounded tonight.
"Wake Forest, to me, has got
great physicality, quickness ,go-

*See page 16 for a preview of the
Gators' upcoming trip to the final
SEC volleyball-tournament. Also,
visit for a story
on this weekend's swim meet.

ing to the glass. We just did not
rebound the ball particularly
Horford, the Gators' resident
glass eater, was limited to just 24
minutes as a result of foul trou-
ble. He did manage to pull down
two crucial rebounds in the final
40 seconds to help seal the win.
And the win made it loud and
clear that the Gators have the
ability to come through in a big
"We all know that we've been
disrespected, and no one thinks
we're going to be any good,"
Brewer said. "We lost the Big
Three; we've heard it over and
over again. But to us, we know
we're good, and we're trying to
prove it."

1* 1989: Tony Lomack records a UF record
159 yards on kickoff returns in the Gators'
38-28 against Kentucky. UF finished 7-5 in
'89 and interim coach Gary Darnell would be
replaced by Steve Spurrier that off-season.

UF not so little

without Big Three
No David Lee. No Matt Walsh. No Anthony
Roberson. Sounds like a nightmare on pa-
per. Looks like a cohesive unit in reality.
Because after defeating No. 18 Wake Forest,
somehow, someway, the Gators may be better than
last year.
UF proved Thursday night that such a thing as
team basketball still exists, that you really can suc-
ceed by deferring to your teammates, that it's all
right to do whatever it takes to grab that W.
Instead of Roberson dropping 30 points off 20
shots, it was the unheralded Taurean Green scoring
23 points off a pedestrian 11 attempts.
Instead of Lee crashing the boards it was Adrian
Moss huh? pulling down eight rebounds.
And who needs Walsh, your 40-foot 3-point spe-
cialist, when you have .Lee
Humphrey to drain 3-point
rainmakers of his own one
of them a spot-up 25-footer.
"We want it to be all five
"'' :" players on the court who are
Louis a threat to score," Green said.
Anastasis "Instead of just having one
Louis in the Bullpen person, a team won't know who's going to shoot it or
who's going to score for you.
That's how we want it to be."
Funny thing is Green didn't say that after the
game. He said that before the season, proving how
Coach Billy Donovan may be in the midst of or-
chestrating the best coaching crossover of his career,
quelling the egos, molding a team and building a
consistent winner.
And how about the way UF won the game.
On one play, it was Green playing the part of John
Stockton and Joakim Noah starring as a vintage Karl
Malone. The two worked the pick and rolled for a
dunk as if they've done it thousands of times.
On another play, it was Green orchestrating the
fast break to perfection, capping the play with a
Corey Brewer flush.
Brewer, that's right almost forgot about him. He
might have scored the quietest 15 points in basketball
history. And if the Gators don't need to rely on Brewer
as a primary scorer, it could get interesting this season.
"These guys are going to do good. They don't
have me, David and Peep hogging all the shots this
year," said Walsh a few weeks ago.
Last season, it took the Gators 19 games to defeat
a team comparable to Wake Forest. And that was an
Alabama home win fueled by an experienced UF
The junior and seniors have been replaced by
freshmen and sophomores. And somehow, throwing
the principles of logic aside, the Gators may have very
well replaced a mediocre squad with a solid one.

*BaskebIll : UF vs. No. 16 Syracuse
ESPN2, 9 p.m.

ITexas Tech vs. No. 18 Wake Forest
ESPN2, 7 p.m.

W 'a-cam 95MM, g,-se~g

Full Text


the independent florida y of Florid, Published by Carnpus Communications, Inc. of Gainesville, Florida Rel 1 VOLUME 99 ISSUE 61 By JENNA HANSEN Alligator Contributing Writer UF President Bernie Machen envisions a campus free from all on-campus solid waste in 2015. And' to make his dreams come true, a UF committee has called for new recycling technology on campus and a standard of energy conservation in all university departments. The university's Committee on Sustainability is planning a program to change energy usage on campus and hopefully get people to be more environmentally responsible, said committee member Charles Kibert. "Academic departments and operational departments will receive a budget for energy," he said. "If they spend less than the budget, they will receive money back, and if they spend more, they will have to pay the difference." Kibert said he hopes this will give people more incentive to save energy. "We are trying to make people aware," he said. "We're trying to do the little things like reducing lighting on campus and getting people to turn off their computers." The largest problem with lights is in classrooms, he said. The committee's efforts to fix this problem include turning off unneccesary lights, using more occupancy sensors and designing buildings that will use more daylight. "Academic departments and operational departments will receive a budget for energy Charles Kibert UF Committee on Sustainability member Occupancy sensors are being used in Rinker Hall to detect the amount of daylight in the room and determine how much additional lighting is needed. The plan is to use more in.telligent lighting systems in areas around campus, he said. Occupancy sensors are intelligent lighting systems that detect the amount of heat-energy in a room. Once a person walks into a room, the lights will turn on. Once a person leaves the room or the heatenergy disappears, the lights then turn off. There are also computer-controlled lighting systems with bulbs that can be set to turn on and off at specific times. The committee said UF also will need to use other technologies to help reduce the amount of lightenergy used on campus. Energy-efficient fluorescents and Light Emitting Diodes, a type of electronic light, will be needed to create more energy-efficient lighting on campus as well. "All of these technologies will be examined without compromising security on campus," Kibert said. The amount of energy used by constantly running computers is also an issue, he said. "The problem with computers is everywhere, from computer labs to faculty offices," Kibert said. SEE ENERGY, PAGE 13 Gators down No. 18 Wake The Gators were supposed to be lost without their top three scorers from a season ago. But behind a cohesive effort and a 23-point performance from Taurean Green, UF upset No. 18 Wake Forest, 77-72, Thursday to advance the final of the Coaches vs. Cancer classic tonight. See story pg. 27. "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" E Prostitution has long been a concern in Gainesville, but some UF students are finding it closer to home -at the Krispy Kreme on Southwest 13th Street. See story, pg. 13. FORECAST OPINIONS CLASSIFIEDS CROSSWORD 2 6 18 21 Partly SPORTS 28 cloudy 65/48 visit Not officially associated with the Universit We Inform. You Decide. On the attack UF seniors Brian Simon and Simon Yu attempt the military-training obstacle course as part of Get Carded's Draft-A-Donor event encouraging students to become organ donors Thursday on the North Lawn. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2005 Student dies By STEPHANIE RODRIGUEZ Alligator Writer A UF student died Tuesday of what family members describe as an accident. Ryan Todd Lacey, 21, a target shooter, was cleaning his gun when he accidentally shot himself, said a close family friend who was not at the scene of the accident. "Ryan was always someone you can depend on," said childhood friend Lawson Lamar. "A lot of people lost a big part of their lives." Lacey was born in Orlando on March 20, 1984 to Lisa and Robert Lacey. He is survived by a fiancee, Jennifer Martin, and a brother, Christopher. Lacey was an all-around athlete, 4 whether he was wakeboarding with his friends or playing lacrosse for his high school, Lamar said. After graduating from the International Baccalaureate program at Winter Park High School, Lacey fulfilled his lifelong dream to become a Florida Gator. "He was a Gator fan since elementary school," said childhood friend Travis Powell. "I don't know a day where he didn't wear an orange-and-blue shirt." Lacey was a building construction major and a leader who inspired those around him. Growing up, he enjoyed discussing books with family and friends and was interested in contemporary literature. "It seemed like every time I was with him, he always made the best of situations," Lamar said. "I want him to be remembered for all the positive things that he's done." The funeral service will be held Monday at St. Michael's Episcopal Church in College Park, 2499 N Westmoreland Drive, Orlando, at 2 p.m. Uto examine Mgt copter use to s",ave energy


2, ALLIGATOR FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2005 News Today OPINION Bush Approval Ratings 1U2 *0 L: (L U0 0 E 0 Source: online poll Michelle Stewart/ Alligator Staff 0 (U "* 0 48 37 61 _63 71 0 C') MONDAY PARTLY CLOUDY 68/39 FORECAST TODAY PARTLY CLOUDY 65/48 TUESDAY SUNNY 69/42 The Alligator strives to be accurate and idear in ts news reports and editorials. If yo nd n2)rror lease call our newsrm tdr i3764458 or snd an he-ailtoiiosc gts~r. A/Iproceeds benefit STOP'sepediatric cancer research programs Terrorism Foreign Affairs The economy Iraq Federal Spending immigration -The lower rating on terrorism is especially significant, because Bush's 2004 electoral victory is widely attributed to the president's image as a strong leader opposing terrorism. About two weeks before the election, 57% of Americans approved of the way Bush was handling the issue, nine points higher than the current reading. % Approve % Disapprove the independentflorida alligator VOLUME 99 ISSUE 61 ISSN 0889-2423 Not officially associated with the University of Florida Published by Campus Communications Inc., of Gainesville, Florida NEWSROOM 352-376-4458 (Voice), 352-376-4467 (Fax) Editor Mike Girnignani, Managing Editor/ Print Eva Kis, Managing Editor/ New Media Gwen Heimburg, University Editor Bridget Carey, Metro Editor Jeff Sirmons, Features Editor Neil Hughes, Opinions Editor Emily Yehle, Sports Editor Andrew Abramson, Sports Assistant Editor Bryan App, Editor Louis Anastasis, Editorial Board Mike Gimignani, Eva Kis, Emily Yehle, Tom Durrenberger, Scott Gilton, Andrew Meyer Photo Editors Casey Anderson, Tim Casey, Assistant Photo Editor. Tricia Coyne, Photo Staff Tim Hussin, Andrea Morales the Avenue Editor Cher Phillips, the Avenue Assistant Editors Erin Chalfant, Jacqueline Davison Art Director Andy Marlette Graphics Chief Michelle Stewart, Graphics Jennifer LaBrie Copy Desk Chiefs Gayle Cohen, Krissi Palmer, Stephanie Rosenblatt Copy Editors Josh Armstrong, Robert Beltran, Amanda Brown, Juliana Casale, Jennifer Freihofer, Ashton Grosz, Kayla Harris, Kevin Mahadeo, Christina Simak, Skyler Smith, Natalie Van Hoose, Christopher White, Katie Wilkinson, Jen Zei New Media Assistant Editor Matthew Kelly New Media Staff Lisa Hope, Brett Roegiers Staff Eric Esteban, Ian Fisher, Farzad Safi DISPLAY ADVERTISING 352-376-4482,800-496-0265 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Advertising Director Brad Smith, Advertising Office Manager Marianne Cooper, mcoopera' Advertising Office Assistants Elizabeth CuetoSara Henry Sales Representatives Danny Wayne, Whitney Lawson, Ana Paula De Lima, Laura Gerszewski, Morgan Morillo, Lindsey Kuhn, Christine Carabeon Aaron Paul, Michael Selvester Sales Development/Intern Coordinator William Cuadra 'CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 352-373-FIND (Voice), 352-376-3015 (Fax) Classified Advertising Manager Ellen Light, Classified Clerks Bethany O'Neill, Dan Cribb, Samantha Wright, Cassia Sookhoo CIRCULATION Operations Manager Scott McKearnan, Operations Assistant Clint Day BUSINESS 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Comptroller Ramona Pelham, Accounts Receivable Supervisor Sharin Sexton Student Accounting Clerks Keith Enright, Alex Thurn, Chris Brink ADMINISTRATION 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) General Manager C.E. Barber, Assistant General Manager Patricia Carey, Administrative Manager Lorena Crowley, Catherine McNamara Allison Sinclair Administrative Assistant Lenora McGowan, PRODUCTION/SYSTEMS Production/Systems Manager Vern Bean, vbean@alligatororg Assistant Production Manager Stephanie Gocklin, Advertising Production Staff Kate Barnes, Alicia Bennatts, Ben Hofer, Lisa Llanes, Maggie Peuler, Michelle Stewart Editorial Production Staff Melissa Garcia, James Hibbs, Amy Oglesby, Brandy Stearns, Natasha Weinstein The Independent Florida Alligator is a student newspaper serving the University of Florida, published by a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) educational organization, Campus Communications Inc., P.O. Box 14257, Gainesville, Florida, 32604-2257. The Alligator is published Monday through Friday mornings, except during holidays and exam periods. During UF summer academic terms The Alligator is published Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Alligator is a member of the Newspaper Association of America, National Newspaper Association, Florida Press Association and Southern University Newspapers. Subscription Rates: One Semester (Fall or Spring) $18 Summer Semester $10 Two Semesters (Fall or Spring) $35 Full Year (All Semesters) $40 The Alligator offices are located at 1105 W. University Ave. Classified advertising can be placed at that location from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, except for holidays. Classfieds also can be placed at the UF Bookstore. @ Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of The Alligator map be reproduced in any means without the written consent of an officer of Campus Communications Inc. SATURDAY RAIN 69/50 SUNDAY PARTLY CLOUDY 71/42 Dr. Russell Robinson, Professor of Music at the University of Florida and STOP! CHILDREN'S CANCER, INC. present Columbia, Eastside & PK. Yonge High School Choruses and the Gainesville Youth Chorus, with the Alachua County Youth Orchestra Also featuring local performer, Hanna Peterson performing in Sunday, November 27, 2004 4:00 PM Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts Tickets $10 Adults $5 Children under 12 Available at the Phillips Center Box Office, (352) 392-ARTS and (800) 905-ARTS, University Box Office, Ticketmaster outlets, STOP! Office, (352) 377-2622 and at CAMPUS wr a U &F rShan University of Florida aOnds Department of Pediatrics SAe-, S^MS0to46 University of Florida Shands Ca cer Cen ter 3.7FM Live Eye Studio Prange's Florist Sandwich Inn The Third Place Pub & Grille University City Florist _1/


FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2005 N ALLIGATOR, 3 Studer-nts plan UF rooms College of Design aids honors prog By CHRISTINA SIMAK Alligator Contributing Writer Drab walls,flickering fluorescent lights and the drone of a professor 50 rows away conjures up an image of classroom space the UF Honors Program wants to change. Thirty-three students from the UF College of Design, Construction & Plannig are helping the Honors Program plan new classrooms and offices, which will be moved from Tigert Hall to Grinter Hall next October. The students, who were divided into 15 teams, surveyed honors students in October and will present their findings to the honors staff today. The teams' mission was to design spaces that will faciltate more participation in class and more active listening than current lecture halls do. A classroom based on leading rather than teaching would be organized differently so that students could be actively involved in discussions, interior design professor Jo Hasell said. "With lecture halls, one person is in control, and the rest are passive," she said. "With different arrangements, students are in control and are producing information. The teacher becomes a coach." Many of the teams based their plans Tricla Coyne/ Alligator Staff on the architecture studios within their college. These rooms have both individual and group workstations, and students sit "Copyrighted Materia at round tables and talk face-to-face during classes. "Sitting in lecture is passive," Hasell said. "It would be better for students to solve problems and produce their own informationn" The Association of American Universities, an accreditation association, criticized UF last year for having too many large classes and not enough faculty members per student. Currently, 85 percent of the university is setup inlecture fornat, Hasell said. "This is a chance for students to show their creativity." Sheila Dickison Honors Program director "This project will help lessen that problem and modernize the university," she said. The teams are also planning additions to the honors offices, including a scholarship information library and flexible spaces for students and their parents to meet with faculty and advisers. Graduate design students have worked on similar projects for Baby Gator and Levin College of Law Student Services, but this is the first design collaboration with undergraduate students, said Sheila Dickison, director of the Honors Program. On Dec. 4, the teams will present their plans to Dickison and her staff, who will choose proposals to recommend to the university. The budget will come from the Office of the Provost. I9 Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" Gift Certificates to the Hippodrome make the P 111illperfect holiday gift! Holiday Shows Open Nov. 25 A turna Chrsrnas A Christmas Carol MACHUCA Opens Tonight! 7:00pm and 9:15pm Saturday 4:30, 7pm, 9:15pm Sunday 2:30, 6pm, 8:30pm Never forget Natalia Leal takes part in the Transgender Day of Remembrance candlelight vigil memorializing those killed because of anti-transgender hatred or prejudice. The LGBTQ Student Cabinet and LGBT Affairs sponsored the vigil, which took place in Turlington Plaza on Thursday afternoon.


4, ALLIGATOR E FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2005 Speaker on Israeli-Palestinian relations faces protest 0 RA'ANAN GISSIN SAID ISRAEL HAS TAKEN STEPS TOWARD REGIONAL PEACE. By KIMBERLY GOUZ Alligator Contributing Writer Although Ra'anan Gissin, senior adviser to the prime minister of Israel, didn't know when the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would be resolved, he did have some suggestions for Palestinians. "Don't send terrorists to Israel because then you'll meet with the iron wall," Gissin said Thursday night to a crowd of 175 in the Reitz Union Rion Ballroom. "We're not going to talk -we're going to kick some ass." He said Israel took the first step toward peace by pulling its troops and settlers out of the Gaza Strip, and now the Palestinians have to determine their response. "Are they going to use [this opportunity], or lose it?" he asked. "Are they going to vie for a state, or are they going to be an entity with free-ranging terrorism?" Gissin said Israel is a true democracy other nations should look to for direction in today's world. "Any (country) that wants to see a working liberal democracy that has survived ongoing terrorism should visit Israel," he said. Others disagree. Nakba '48, a pro-Palestinian group, protested Gissin's speech outside the Rion Ballroom and on the Reitz Union Colonnade. Members stood in front of graphic pictures of women andRanin Moreb (left) protests the use of Student Government funding to bring speaker Ra'anan Gissin, senior adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, to campus Thursday night. children being assaulted by Israeli have been left homeless." ensures that there won't be equal gunmen and held up fluorescent "As long as there is an Israeli signs with statements such as state founded on Zionism, there "Security requires justice, not 6cwill never be democracy in Israel," cupation," "Just say no to impesaid Robert Heck, a political science rialism," and "40,415 Palestinians senior. "A Jewish-stated majority rights." Heck said he resents the unversity's use of student fees to pay for a speaker whose "government is actively forcing apartheid on the Palestinian people in contravention of international law." He said the Israeli governments uses an apartheid system to control the Palestinians and keep them separate from the Israeli population. "It's a system of discrimination and suppression," Heck said. Josh Sachs, who helped coordinate the event, said he welcomed the Nakba '48 protest. "It's their right," he said. But Sachs has his own opinions. "Gissin's obviously not against peace because he's participated in past peace conferences and has been one of Sharon's top advisers during disengagement," Sachs said. -Talla Andron, campus coordinator for Caravan for Democracy, which co-sponsored the event, underscored the importance of the event for the Israeli nation. "Israel has received a pretty bad rap in the media and at Caravan for Democracy, we feel it is our responsibility to present people with the facts," she said. "Gissin plays a huge role in the current government and has been very influential over the past couple years. He is one of the best people to speak for Israel for these reasons." Sam Decalo, a Middle Eastern and African politics adjunct professor, said he was delighted to hear Gissin speak at UF. "There's been a massive change in attitude in the past few years," he said. "People who used to view the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a battle between little Israel, and 21 massive Arab states are now seeing Israel as the bully." L0koyk likEl svo men 0%ok E1)ka eek oa t the Holiday G it uides. Show our readers all the ift ideas you have to offer by advertisin in this year's Holday Gift Guides. Gift Gui de I Run Date:.Dec. Z Dea di e: ov.23 the independent florida W""! V


FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2005 U ALLIGATOR, 5 Law growp holds gambling touOrnamnent Tor Red Cross tonight By KRISTEN JIMENEZ Alligator Contributing Writer The John Marshall Bar Association will bring a little bit of Las Vegas to UF so the Red Cross can give a little peace of mind to the thousands of recent natural disaster victims tonight at its second annual Casino Night. This year's JMBA Grand Casino Night, all proceeds from which will be donated to the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund, will include an open bar, free food, raffle drawings and casino games including blackjack, roulette, craps and war. A poker tournament will be the event's centerpiece, with a first prize of $100 to The Swamp. All participants will receive gift certificates, coupons and chances to win various prizes throughout the night. The event will be held today from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. at Eventfuls Banquet Center, 13840 W Newberry Road, and costs $10 in advance -tickets can be purchased at Student Bruton-Geer Hall -and $15 at Life the door. The poker tournament begins at 6 p.m. Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 at the door. Attendees must be 21 or older. Last year's event raised about $3,000. "Take a chance with your Friday night and help us impact those still weathering the storm," said Joshua Cossey, UF law student and vice president of community affairs for JMBA. "You might as well have some serious fun for a serious cause." Formoreinformation,calltheJMBAoffice at 377-7655, or e-mail S111) -WAI L M 1 t check out our daily specials NEED EXTRA VACATION MONEY FREE DENTAL SCREENING Get Pai$15 per procedure for patients who qualify & participate as a patient in the upcoming dental licensing examination. TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT PLEASE CALL 374-8131 IN BIG LOTS & ASHLEY'S FURNITURE SHOPPING CENTER. MUST BE 18 YO, NOT PREGNANT. AND HAVEAT LEAST 20 NATURAL TEETH TO PARTIlE DN4011217 2442 N. MAIN ST. MI -N. MAIN ST N.W23 0~ / N Take a moment of peace for yourself, everyday. Friendly advice from the alligator


6, ALLIGATOR E FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2005 di torial As the end of the semester quickly approaches, students are less inclined to go to class. We have turkeys to eat, presents to open and eggnog to chug. Who has time for reading, writing and studying? Life has its own lessons to teach, and holiday breaks are integral to the academic experience. So the Editorial Board has a suggestion for the UF administration. It's bold. It's unique. It's fun for all ages. Classes should be canceled for the remainder of the semester. UF could be at the forefront of a new brand of academia: one that doesn't imprison students in classes for an unnecessary amount of time. We've already learned what we can from our professors this semester; let's forgo the finals and end the courses while we're still ahead. We have a feeling many students will be skipping next week anyway. And what good are we the week after Thanksgiving? It's the prime time for Christmas shopping. But since UF administrators aren't likely to begin taking our advice now, the Editorial Board will continue to write nonsense until the.end. So baste that fat turkey, shove bread up its innards and start protesting that calculus final as we begin this week's edition of Darts & Laurels We always like to start our fun with places more screwed up than Gainesville. Hence, we throw an ifyou're-going-to-make-an-ass-out-of-yourselves-at-leastpretend-you're-doing-it-for-an-honorable-cause DART at the town formerly known as Clark, Texas, for changing its name to Dish. The two-person town council decided to change the name as part of an advertising campaign for the Dish Network satellite TV system. In return, all the town's residents will get free satellite TV for a decade. Don't Texans living in the middle of nowhere have any sense of community pride? The town's name was the only thing going for them. Other towns have made similar changes for companies, but most did it to gain money for some nobler cause. If you're going to sell out, sell out right. Though it might seem Dish beat Gainesville in catering to corporations, we still have some claim to bending down before business. So for the second week in a row, we fling a stop-ruining-Gainesville-by-being-overfriendly-to-business DART at the Community Redevelopment Agency for approving the $37 million tax incentive for University Corners. The project has to begin in 2007 and must be completed within five years. In essence, city officials just gave a 90-percent tax break to a project that didn't have enough money to start business on its own. So congratulations, students -we'll be covered in dust for five years, at which point we'll be able to buy expensive food and clothing. By that time, much of the student population might also be sick. We shoot a you-might-as-well-encourage-untreated-Hepatitis-B-patients-to-have-rarmpant-sex-withstudents DART at the Student Health Care Center for allowing religious exemptions for required vaccinations, such as measles, rubella, Hepatitis B and meningitis. We support religious freedom, and it's a person's right to deny medical treatment. But we start to doubt university officials' intelligence when students are allowed to put peers in danger because of their beliefs. You can put yourself in danger but not others. By exempting some students from the requirement, officials are saying that the vaccinations aren't needed. Vaccinations are required or they're not; there's no middle ground for disease. pth independent florida alligator Mike Gimignani EDITOR Eva Kis MANAGING EDITOR Emily Yehle OPINIONS EDITOR -Tom Durrenberger, Scott Gilton, Andrew Meyer EDITORIAL BOARD The Alligator encourages comments forn readers. Letters to the editor should not exceed 150 words (about 000 letter-sized pae). They moot be typed, double-spaced aed most include the author's nme." clssifi'tion nd pthote number. Naetes dl be wthheld t tbe oirte shs otst cause. We tesetve ttte right to edit tot length, gtamtear, style and libel. Seed tettets to, borng tbei to 1105 W. Unoesdy Aoe., ot send them to PO. eox 14257, Gainesvlle, FIL 32em4-22b7.Cotomes ot ebout d50 orts ebout oriin1 teems and eddotil catosaealse welcomte. Qoesbees9 Colt 376-4458. O pifi *osbMo ALLIGATOR AIto' pastno nece-ssarily his future; L isten, we know what you did. "Sure, you look good on paper now: summa cum laude, UF class of 2006, 4.0 GPA, Florida Blue Key, Golden Key -jeez, do they give you a key ring? It's all the things we usually look for. "But there is still that one thing, back in the nursery. You remember. Ms. Suzie's braids used to dangle in front of your face, taunting you every time she changed your diaper. "One day, you snapped. You pulled them. You pulled them hard, and it felt great. You made Ms. Suzie cry. "I'm sorry, but we just can't hire anyone with that sort of aggravated battery in his past. Maybe you can try some other firm that doesn't care as much about character." Okay, so that's a pretty ridiculous scenario. But then, how can you judge someone based on anything he or she did 20 years ago and maintain a straight face? That's what's happening to Supreme Court nominee Samuel A. Alito Jr. at this very moment. Twenty years ago, Alito wrote a memo professing staunch support for several prevailing conservative views. Opponents argue this negates his current claims of evaluating all disputes based on his interpretation of the law rather than his political beliefs. How would you feel if you showed up for an interview and handed over your resume only to have your prospective employer toss it aside and start reading from your 20year-old papers? I'm pretty sure an interviewer would more likely send me to psychiatric help than hire me after taking a look at some of the creatures I used to fingerpaint when I was supposed to be drawing an apple or a house. Yeah, I know -Alito's an older guy, so it's not quite the same thing. Instead of singing on applesauce and staying up way past 7 p.m., he spent most of his time 20 years ago trying to climb the political ladder. Maybe he still is. Maybe his claims of impartiality are a devious ploy to get his dirty, conservative fingers into as many pies as possible. But let's at least give him the respect of believing that perhaps -just perhaps -he's changed a bit since 1985. Alito's opponents have one Matt Sanchez thing right: You'd better believe In Moderation this guy's a serious conservative. There's no doubt about that. The truth, though, is that this isn't a bad thing. I'm no conservative. But the Bush administration is. If you think the president should have appointed someone who didn't share his political views, then you seriously need to consider that maybe you're the one who's letting opinions influence a sense of what's right. In a perfect world, our government would select the absolute best person for the job, regardless of political affiliation. But that's not going to happen, now or ever. It doesn't matter if the administration is liberal, conservative, moderate or something even crazier we haven't seen yet. Politicians want to advance their own beliefs, and to expect your political opponents to do otherwise because of some illusory idea of "faimess" is the worst kind of hypocrisy. Every document in Alito's professional past should be carefully scrutinized to put together a clear picture of his character. At the end of the day, however, the decision for or against his confirmation needs to be based upon a realistic appraisal of the person he is today, not the person he was before most UF students got a handle on the whole chewing thing. Matt Sanchez is a journalism senior. His column appears on Friday. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator. Reader response Today's question: Should UF offer religious exemptions for vaccinations? Thursday's question: 41% YES Should the federal government NO pass a law banning torture? 46 eOL VOTES Vote or post a message at CW W -0 1 TaG L1 44AIV


FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2005 N ALLIGATOR, 7 'Letters to the Editor In deciding to teach 'intelligent design,' :Kansas is ahead of the science game As a regular reader of the Alligator, I would like to submit a request that the title of Andrew Bare's column be changed from "The Bare Truth" to "Barely Any Truth." It actually appears that Kansas might be ahead of the curve in the field of public education after its recent decision to teach evolution and "intelligent design." After all, a hundred scientists stated in a 2001 advertisement in The Weekly Standard that they were "skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life," and that "careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged." But we shouldn't accept these wacko religious fundamentalists' views, right? Oh wait, these scientists included Fred Sigworth, the professor of cellular and molecular physiology at Yale Graduate School, and Henry F. Schaefer, a Nobel nominee and the third most-cited chemist in the world. Other scientists in the advertisement hailed from the Smithsonian Institution, Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Plasma Physics Laboratory at Princeton. These brilliant minds were professors at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Tulane, Rice, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, California, Texas, Ohio and even the great University of Florida. In fact, Science Digest recently published an article that stated, "Scientists who utterly reject evolution may be one of the fastestgrowing controversial" groups in scientific research. However, I'm sure Science Digest is just a mouthpiece for the religious. and closeminded. So please, spare us the academic elitism and ridiculous assumption that evolution is so "widely accepted" and that "intelligent design" should not be taught alongside Darwin's sketchy (at best) theory. What are you so worried about anyway? Jake McGee 2LS .U Use of a derogatory term in sports column hurts the disabled community "He'll adapt. lie's not a retard." What a brilliant way for Bryan App to end his column about UF head football coach Urban Meyer. The ironic thing is the rest of us are the ones who feel mentally challenged after reading such a terribly insightful article. Might I suggest that App quit whining about the recent struggles of the football team and instead take some time to take an ethics class, in which he would be taught the negative impact of using the word "retard" as a derogatory comment toward people who have a disability. Poking fun at someone with a disability is by no way a means to make yourself look like an intelligent person. I'm sure App wouldn't appreciate it if everyone went around telling him that his picture reminds them of a fratboy reject. I I mean, that wouldn't be a very nice thing to say, right? So I suggest to App that every "retard" out there is just as worthy of living a normal life as you are. Maybe in the future, you'll think about your word choice before making yourself look stupid. Andrew Hyatt 4HHP U U U Poor can't get rich simply by hard work The attitude that people who are less privileged are in that position because they aren't tryinghard enough, or that they could move above the poverty line simply by working harder, is an insult to every impoverished person in this or any other nation. There are systematic roadblocks that keep 10 people in a poverty trap for every one person who successfully escapes it. Of course there are some poor people who are lazy. But that does not mean it is a bad idea to help the majority of those below the poverty line who are working harder than most members of the middle class have worked in their entire lives. Social conscience is something to be proud of, not ashamed of. Based on his column, I wonder if New wanted the Sheriff of Nottingham to triumph over Robin Hood. A study published in the Washington Post conducted by University of Paris researchers sent out two fictional identical job resumes to 200 French employers. One applicant had a French name, the other had an Algerian name. The fictional French applicant received 75 job interviews, while the Algerian received only 14. This is undeniable discrinmination. So while the rioters' actions are clearly not justified, there is a larger problem that must not be ignored. Doug Webber 3LS Bright Futures should have higher bar My comment on Ivette Mendez's Thursday article can be sunmed up in one word: finally. I am very pleased with Denslow's work. I have moved many times and am very happy to have been a Florida resident since 2000. Unfortunately, I did not attend high school in the state. My grades and SAT scores meet the mark to receive 75 percent of my tuition from Bright Futures, but I receive nothing from the state. But that is OK with me. Florida residents do not understand that this is one of very few states that offers fullride scholarships to such a large percentage of high school graduates. By offering so many scholarships, we are gradually putting the state into a potentially huge deficit. While I think Bright Futures can help Florida students stay in the state, I think the bar for the scholarship is far too low. Getting a 3.0 GPA and a 1270 should not result in everyone getting a free ride to a state university. That GPA and SAT score hardly would get a potential student into U. I may not have aced Denslow's macroeconomics class, but I fully understand and support his ideas about Bright Futures. .Mary Kate McCague 4JM v Gll,3Vi bra nce -* 1 spring br eak TLP T"Ift U1LU.L.Lfi & donchambersandGOAT Tabernacle SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26 8:00 PM TABE1NAOLE 8 1"52 y iks strokes ALANTA, OA 30 3' &RLL WITH YOUR GUARD Monlaiay 11/1211 10 to 3 at Plaza of the A.1mericas FREE POOb bring this ad g(N* 1-800-342-6528 Y CA


8, ALLIGATOR M FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2005 M UF'S INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION WEEK RUNS THROUGH TODAY. By NAOMI PIERCEY Alligator Contributing Writer UF's International Center is welcoming the largest number of international students at the university since 2001 with a coffeehouse event to close International Education Week. Students can mingle today in the Matthews and Bryan lounges at Gator Nights or listen to music at the international festival on the Reitz Union Colonnade in the afternoon. This semester 713 students from across the globe -200 more than last Fall -received improved shipping methods for visa documentation, as well as a new in-state tuition policies for international students. "The international students contribute a great deal to the university," said Debra Anderson, the center's coordinator of student services. She said international students provide unique views of the global society. "Only 10 percent of UF students ever travel abroad," she' said. "For the other 90 percent, the only exposure is international students at the university." UF has it ''t~ i 'it~ been sendNews ing application and admission documents via DHL shipping, transforming a process that used to take weeks into one that now boasts a "48-hour turnaround," Anderson said. University departments are seeking more international graduate students due to a new tuition policy that qualifies all international students as instate students, Anderson said. She expects the numbers to increase in the Spring because UF has decided to suspend a $50 government fee used to monitor international students while they are in the United States. G oba student bo dy grows International students are allowed to work only 20 hours a week on campus and are barred from working off-campus jobs unless registered for an internship course, Anderson said. Because international students are pressed for money, the international coffeehouses have been a huge success, Anderson said. The 35 students at the September event grew to more than 100 in October. "Students come in and out and ask questions," she said. "Some have come up and asked me why we don't do this every Friday." Aya Yamashita, 21, came to study at UF from Japan because she wanted to be near the beach. "It's hard to make American friends because I can't speak English well, and it's hard to communicate," she said. She said she hasn't been to the beach yet, but she said coming to study at UF was and continues to be a good decision. WOMEN'S & MEN'S DESIGNER DENOM & TOP SALE Thursday. Nov 17 -Fri. Nov 18 11 am7 pm Expect all the hot new styles for Fall 05. All denim jeans, skirts, tops, and lightweight sweaters are 40 -80 % off retail, Brands include 7 for All Mankind, Citizens of Humanity, True Religion, Blue Cult, 575 Denim and more. Days Inn Ballroom 1901 SW 13th Street Gainsville H h A R1 F bH ?PPI N Chevrolet Day 2005 Come learn about the 2006 Chevy Cobalt and other great Chevrolet vehicles! Free food and prize drawings! F would like to complement The Independent Florida Aligator for its important contribution to the university community. I have long been impressed with your coverage of university and local n'ws. I am always surprised at the professionalism f yur news rom and editorial staff. 1 have been advertising in The A/ligatorfor almost thirty-five years and have always been impressed with the service and loyalty of your account executives. They are conscientious and dependable. But that wouldn't matter were The Alligatornot also an excellent opportunity to reach the university community, faculty, staff, and students. I am particularly impressed with your readership amongst faculty and staff. Keep up the good work. And thanks for keeping your costs manageable. I Protect yourself against AIDS. L _ _ VCL 0 0" 0 40 40 *0 0 *0 cl, lOIN --. Butler Plaza (next to Friday's Restaurant) Sunday, November 20, 2005 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 o.m. -0 E E 0 U E 0


FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2005 M ALLIGATOR, 9 By CASSIDY MILLS Alligator Contributing Writer It would be all right if only the mold were gone, a student said of her air-conditioning unit at Trussler Hall. Internet would make my life easier, said a graduate student living in family housing with no high-speed Internet access. Students discussed these and other concerns at a Student Governmentsponsored forum for on-campus housing Thursday. Sanjay Lamsal, a graduate student living at McGuire Village, said he feels family housing-is often overlooked when the university makes renovation and construction decisions. Lamsal said the lack of adequate Internet access has severely affected students living in family housing. "Graduate students who are working on doctorate degrees and thesis papers need a high-speed Internet connection," he said. Lamsal also wants the Department of Housing & Residence Education to improve safety around McQpire Village, noting that there are no blue-light emergency phones near family housing. This is especially dangerous because many residents of the village have small children, he said. Chris Armstead, a fourth-year electrical engineering major, does not live in family housing, but he agrees that the village needs to be updated. "The Department of Housing has been neglecting things for years," he said. Armstead said he believes the department focuses on dorms such as the Keys Residential Complex and Hume Hall, which draw more undergraduates. Armstead, who now lives in an apartment after three years of on-campus housing, said that while he lived in dorms, the Department of Housing waited until situations were unbearable before any repairs were made. "The Department of Housing has been neglecting things for years.". Chris Armstead UF student Overall, students at the event agreed that convenience was their main reason for living in dorms. SG On-Campus Housing Cabinet Director Jerod Watson, who hosted the event, said he would present students' concerns to Student Body President Joe Goldberg and Vice President Joyce Medina. "The main purpose of the forum was to get a consensus of on-campus residents to see how we can improve things," Watson said. Multiple representatives of the Department of Housing were invited to participate in the forum, but none were able to attend, Watson said. Locals to run for research By REBECA PEREZ Alligator Contributing Writer The World AIDS Marathon will be the first marathon to come to Gainesville in 20 years and will be one of the many events marking World AIDS Week. "You have people that die every three seconds from extreme poverty and AIDS in Africa, and something obviously has to be done," said Sasha Muradall, vice president of public relations for the nonprofit Richard M. Brodsky Foundation, the host of the week's events. The manithon will be a 26.2-mile route from Hawthorne to Gainesville and begins at 8 a.m. Dec. 4. UF students who pay a $25 entry fee and raise another $175 can participate. All proceeds from the marathon and other events will -be donated to AIDS research at UF and various cancer charities. The money received from the 2004 marathon is now funding the Little Lambs AIDS orphanage in Nakuru, Kenya. The issue is very close to the foundation's president, Richard M. Brodsky, who is HIV positive and a brain cancer survivor. "It's really sad that a G8 nation like ours gives less than 1 percent of its budget to AIDS and poverty because it is such an issue nationally and internationally," Muradali said. AIDS and extreme poverty have become a global emergency, said UF geography professor Abe Goldman. Although more than 38 million people around the world are infected with HIV or AIDS, 25 million are in Africa alone, according to Debt AIDS Trade Africa. Africa is affected by the disease mostly due to extreme poverty caused by factors such as corruption in the government and the lack of education and medication, Goldman said. One in seven people has no access On to clean water. Twelve mil-' lion children have already lost one or both parents to AIDS, and 104 million children do not attend school. "The burden of disease is one of the main reasons poverty is persisting in Africa," Goldman said. "It's just an awful cycle." Having personally researched in countries such as Uganda and Malawi, Goldman found that most families know of someone either related or in their close social network who has died of AIDS. "If you educate people and make them aware of the problem, action is inevitable," Muradali said. "The point is: What will get you out of your chair and willing to help?" --i -k ,o wspcj-d oik to ben'come i iss C 's1*0-mbwr. Tv 2g .' i h g ic ,.o c d 'il" 1ill'l't I 'l I il'iiilSi. .'l'(I 'i'' \ '' -u' -stot lnwervHews for 'uil-time, Phu-ti & Soosooi Pcsiirt 'ii 1t, Ca ing C;Ii, 0 rl 5 l uenai Vsta Driv', lr uo' e ini -i, FL '/2830 Ncmv\' 11er 23, 25 26 -Saim-3pxa 4in. t'5iewg for seasonal holiday 0o 0 n WHEN'S THE LAST TIME A RIP-OFF %-SAVED YOU MONEY? it It can happen EVERY DAY if l you tear out Alligator coupons! -0 $1l ff'an item 2 l Be caH Tt Customer pays sales tBie Racks -Hitches -Trailers Expires 12/ 31/05. Lift Kitts -Lowering

10, ALLIGATOR M FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2005 Student public-relations conference back on track E HURRICANE WILMA FORCED UF STUDENT ORGANIZERS TO POSTPONE THE EVENT LAST MONTH. By ADRIANNA C. RODRIGUEZ Alligator Contributing Writer UF members of the Public Relations Student Society of America are getting another chance to host the organization's annual conference, after Hurricane Wilma dampened the event the first time around last month. After sending out a survey with alternate dates to about 1,100 students registered for the conference, PRSSA rescheduled the event at the Fontainebleau Resort in Miami Beach for Dec. 18-21. About 800 people responded to the survey, with most preferring the December dates. "There was nothing we could do," said Kara Czerniak, a senior public relations major and coordinator of the national conference. "You can't control the weather." Czerniak was one of four UF students from the university's PRSSA chapter who won the bid to host the 2005 national conStudent ference Sept. 2004. They had been LIf e planning the event ever since. "We are still very much looking forward to it," Czerniak said. She said she didn't know the final number of people attending the conference because the last day to re-register is Monday, but she expected turnout to be lower because of the holidays and final exams. Re-registration for the conference is also open to students who were not registered for the October conference, so more students have the chance to attend. For the October conference, 74 UP students made arrangements for hotel accommodations and a bus to Miami. Most were reimbursed for the bus and hotel money. The conference is the biggest benefit for members of the society, which is why it was important to reschedule and not cancel it, Czerniak said. By EMILY KI Alligator Contributi One car, four friends earn some clever scaver the Guinness Book of this weekend. UF's chapter of t Marketing Association to record the Great G the world's largest sc Saturday. "We're actually g 'Guinness Book of Wo chapter President Rene "Up to this point, there i we want to be -the first to "The record right n people, from three But we expect a people to show up UF American Marketi Participants in the enger hunt, which has "The Rich and Famou to local businesses wit directions hidden in clu Registration is $5 per pe vehicle may have up t pants who will work to the clues and riddles. "This event serves as tion for the businesses," Photos and video TA 3ER verify the record-setting number of parng Writer ticipants, Leon said. No Guinness World -Records representative is necessary and $5 could "Guinness doesn't really like to say gers a spot in that we are going for a Guinness World Norld Records Record until we actually get it," Leon said. "So for now, we are just saying we he American are going for the world record." will attempt The scavenger hunt, which began a ator Hunt as few years ago as a fundraising event for avenger hunt the AMA, has become a biannual project that is now a record-setting attempt, going for the Leon said. rld Records,"' "The record right now is 200 people, ida Leon said. from three years ago," Leon said. "But s no record, so we expect a lot more people to show up set one." next week." One of the businesses supporting the ow is 200 scavenger hunt is Bowls -A Cereal Joint. years ago. Owner Rocco Monteleone said he is creating the riddle to lead participants to lot more his cafe. As participants come to Bowls next week." on the scavenger hunt, he will stamp Reneida Leon their participation cards to verify their ng Association arrival. ng sidetn An afterparty will be the last stop on president the scavenger hunt, and each participant in the first car to arrive will receive $100. citywide scav-The location of the party is unknown unbeen themed til participants solve the final riddle. s," will drive Richard Lutz, a UF professor and adh the help of viser to AMA, said organizing the event es and riddles. offered real-world experience the sturson, and each dents can't always leam in the classroom. o four particiParticipants can pre-register in gather to solve Turlington Plaza at the AMA table today. Registration will continue through a sort of promoSaturday from 9 a.m. until the event Leon said. begins at 5 p.m. in the Commuter Lot on ill be used to Gale Lemerand Drive. Fill 1 gallon zip lock bags with any of the following items and bring them to the Alligator office by 4pm on December 7, 2005 to RECEIVE COUPONS REDEEMABLE FOR FREE ONE-DAY BASIC SIZE CLASSIFIED ADS (160 characters (one coupon per filled zip lock bag.) Coupons are valid through Aug 16, 2006 .3-hole notebook paper .3-ring binders, backpacks a calculators a composition books e construction paper crayons and markers 9 erasers folders a glue and glue sticks graph paper pencil cases -pencils and pens rulers Scissors a jackets a leans~ long-sleeved shirs *socks sweat suits a sweaers a underwear a ood/'s. Rack Roam. Ross, Target, Wal-Mart, etc. brushes chapstick -comb -conditioner 9 deodorant -hair accessories -hairstyling gel laundry detergent a lotion shampoo a soap o toothbrush -toothpaste aa r Bring items to: The Independent Florida Alligator located at 1105 W. University Ave Call the Classified Advertising Department for more information: 352.373.3463 Donations benefit homeless children of The Alachua County School System through the Stuff the Bus promotion sponsored by Altruso Intemational of Gainesville. Draggin' the line Ezra Goldsmith, 25, smoothes concrete pavement behind Library West on Thursday afternoon. The much-needed renovation of the 35year-old building began December 2003 and is expected to reopen January 2006. Marvin Halelamien/ Alligator Maddia' a Pet Rescue Project of Alachua County presents 6 convenient locations, 10 hours and 200:pets for you to love C Hunt seeks world record


FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2005 E ALLIGATOR, 11 ACTIVISM Student generosityai benefits disaster victims, kids By DAVID COHEN Alligator Writer Natural disasters have always plagued mankind, but this past year was exceptional. UF students don't seem to be watching idly, however. The Asian American Student Union collected and donated $13,600 to victims of the tsunami that hit South Asia last December, which killed about 275,000. Club Treasurer Kshama Shah said about 20 student groups came together to donate medical supplies. "It makes me feel hopeful," Shah said. "A lot of times, groups stress the differences between each other." The lnterfraternity and Panhellenic councils presented the North Central Florida Chapter of the Red Cross with a $7,500 check for tsunami disaster relief in January. The Interfraternity Council's philanthropy continued with a $6,150 donation to Hurricane Katrina relief later in the year. Council Treasurer Tyler Parramore said some fraternities and sororities within the Greek community donated more from individuals on their own but did not tell him specifics about their additional donations. The Pakistani Student Association, in conjunction with five other groups, donated $5,000 to aid the region, which could see about 100,000 deaths from the earthquake last month. "I really think we did something big," said Aisha Khan, the association's president. Khan said the money paid for a new house I really think we did something big." Aisha Khan Pakistani Student Association president for a displaced family and will cover food, clothing and accommodations for five more. "They really are in great need of money," she said. But it's not just disaster victims who are affected by UF's generosity. UF students aren't raising money for disaster relief alone. I UF's Dance Marathon, which is the largest student-run philanthropy event in the Southeast, promoted early registration for its April 2006 main event this week with different activities every day, including line dances on Turlington Plaza. In its 11-year history, the marathon has generated about $1.6 million for the Children's Miracle Network at Shands Children's Hospital, according to a release. Marathon spokeswoman Emily Kiser said the main event will be capped at 650 participants. She said students engage in a letter-writing campaign to friends, family and businesses asking for donations. Participants are also asked to stand and dance for 32 hours straight, while patients from the benefiting hospital join in. Kiser said the event is something the children look forward to. "They're right in the middle of it," she said. "Hanging with the college kids is the absolute coolest thing." The Associated Press contributed to this report. "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" 2 Locations Creeksidet aiI near Gator Textooks & SW 34th S near Alley Katz Boling' Cal1 381 1-8282 Desktops* LaptopsMacs fid FT, CHEAP & FIXED RIGHT ,the first time, in shop or on site at your dorm, home or office. FREE PICK-UP & DEUVERY. 2U% DiscOi on M epairs th student LD. Custom built lapps & desktops, sa g atjutA $3991 $4 Bud Light Pitchers $4 Jager Bombs U-SATURDAY 0* $4 Miller-Lite Pitchers $4 Long Islands Our scholarship covers tuition, textbooks and supplies and even gives you a monthly stipend for living expenses. But it's the experience you'll gain after graduation that sets this program apart. As an Air Force dentist, you'll be in a supportive team environment where teaching and mentoring are ongoing. You'll have exposure to various specialties, and the weight of emergencies or difficult cases won't rest on your shoulders alone. For more information about our Health Professions Scholarship Program, call or visit us online. 1-800-5885260 9 AIRFORCE.COM/HEALTHCARE FRIENDS MAN TLET FIENDS 8Rifll DRINK. Do whatever it takes.


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FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2005 U ALLIGATOR, 13 Panel talks homeless i THE LEVIN COLLEGE OF LAW EVENT DISCUSSED THE LEGAL PROBLEMS OF STREET LIFE. By DIANA MAZZELLA Alligator Writer They can't find an open restroom at 2 a.m., and they easily could be arrested while trying to sleep. The 1,000 to 1,200 homeless in Gainesville struggle with these obstacles every day, and local shelters have linits placed on how much they can help, said Beth O'Grady, representative for the Alachua County Coalition for the Homeless and Hungry. O'Grady and other speakers explained how local, state and national governments criminalize the homeless at a forum Thursday organized by the Public Service Law Fellows at the Levin College of Law. Only one 24-hour bathroom exists in the city for the homeless at St. Francis House, a homeless shelter, she said. "There is virtually no legal place to sleep in Gainesville," O'Grady said. The house is limited to the amount of meals it can serve at a time and people it can house, even though it may have more beds and more food, she said. She said the city shifts responsibility by saying the problem is the county's, although almost all of the homeless in the county are in Gainesville. Michael Stoops, acting executive director of the National Coalition for the Homeless, explained that the organization's rating of Gainesville as the fifth "meanest" city toward the homeless in the United States reflects the civil rights afforded homeless people in that city. More than 700,000 people in the country are homeless, and 40 percent of them sleep outside, Stoops said. The audience of about 20 laughed when he said, "You folks are mean." "There'is virtually no legal place to sleep in Gainesville." Beth O'Grady Alachua County Coalition for the Homeless and Hungry representative He said that the situation in the city for homeless is improving and said he liked the recent sleep-in the city held this week. He mentioned success stories in Florida, including homelessness training for police officers in Broward County that lowered the amount of homeless arrested. Tulin Ozdeger, a civil rights staff attorney with the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty, said students could be powerful if they advocate for the homeless. She said everyone is affected by poverty because people of any and all backgrounds can experience it. "People may find themselves a paycheck or two away from homelessness," she said. 'H-rrfiC' acts dP rawnoticE) By KRISTEN JIMENEZ Alligator Contributing Writer Sugary pastries aren't the only things some Gainesville residents are indulging in when they visit Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. Prostitution has long been a concern in Gainesville, but some UF students are finding it closer to home -at the Krispy Kreme on Southwest 13th Street. Health science sophomore Katie Quinn said she witnesses prostitution and other "transactions" from her bedroom window that often wake her in the middle of the night with a combination of booming bass, -screeching tires and other noises. "There are these frequent get-togethers in the Krispy Kreme parking lot," said Quinn, who is temporarily living with her roommates in a house behind Krispy Kreme while their condominium is under construction. "The parking lot is packed with maybe 40 cars, music is blaring, and all kinds of strange people are dancing in the streets -it's the most bizarre thing I've ever seen." Quinn said shortly after people arrive for the "party in the parking lot," scantily clad women show up, approach the men and leave in their cars. Many of the cars are parked rigkt in front of her driveway, giving her a firsthand look at what she calls "Gainesville's red-light district." "I distinctly remember this one night when I heard a woman yell, 'You better give me my money,"' Quinn said. "Then this huge, 6-foot2-inch man, who I assume was the pimp, came to the rescue. He was wearing a red velour jumpsuit, sunglasses -it's 3 a.m., mind you -and some major bling around his neck." Quinn said the pimp usually stays in his car -a "really nice Cadillac" -and seems to keep watch. She has called the police several times this semester because the noise disrupts her studying and sleep, as many of the prostitutes tend to carry on their business in her front yard. "I always get a quick response from the police, but they usually just drive by and flash their lights," she said. "I appreciate their promptness whenever I call, but it just doesn't seem to be a permanent fix." Sgt. Keith Kameg, spokesman for the Gainesville Police Department, said although it's difficult to eradicate the problem, there are several measures taken to combat it. "There are prostitutes in every city in the United States," Kameg said. "Where there is a demand, there will be a supply." Kameg said GPD sends out undercover male officers to arrest prostitutes who approach them, as well as undercover female officers to pose as prostitutes and arrest the potential "cliKameg ents." "It's important for us to try and instill fear in those people participating in the crime because they have something to lose-some have families and repufations to uphold," Kameg said. "Prostitutes don't mind getting arrested. They just look at it as a cost of the business." Kameg said it is necessary for anyone who witnesses prostitution to call police each time it happens, so GPD can get a better idea of where the majority of prostitution is taking place and focus on those areas in the future. Quinn said that the situation has been going on for a while and isn't getting much better. "There are people having sex in parked cars outside my house, people buying and selling drugs .this area scares grown men," she said. Ter Jones, the pwner of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, was not available for comment. ,peaker attacks old ideals Students walk out of heated event By NICOLE ROHRMANN Alligator Contributing Writer Man's noblest element is reason, said a Duke University ethics director, but some who attended his Thursday night speech suggested he lacked it. Gary Hull presented "Your Professors' War Against the Mind: The Black Hole of Postmodernism and Multiculturalism" to students, some who stormed out in protest. Hull believes that Western civilization is becoming a tribal civilization. "College is a place of race," Hull said. "Have college students lost the ability to think for themselves or am they just puppets?" Hull explained the differences between Western civilization and the rest of the world. "Westem civilization is superior," he said. "The imigrant should give up their oldworld and adopt the Western economic ideals." Stephen Roberts, assistant director of Engineering Student Services, said that diversity has been an important element behind the United States. "We have an array of different perspectives and knowledge sets that indicate our benefits," Roberts said. "These are not based on the bias of everyone contributing and should not be at the expense of one's cultural or historical background." Roberts left the speech early after verbally disagreeing with Hull. Hull claimed that everyone should be free to express history as he or she pleases. "Most people are not aware of their own philosophies," Hull said. "Race has altered every situation." UF seeks freedom from waste by 2015 ENERGY, from page 1 On Oct. 26 at Campus Sustainability Day, Machen set a goal for the university to reduce waste disposal to zero by 2015. UF's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences has partnered with the ME Rinker Sr. School of Building Construction to reduce some waste through composting. The schools made a conceptual agreement with Florida Organics Recycling Center for Excellence, a compost research facility located in Sumter County. A compost building soon will be brought in and placed at the WAS facilities. With a donation from the center, the building will process about 600 pounds of food a day. "This can eventually eliminate all solid waste on campus," said Dave Newport, former sustainability director at UP. Leslie P. Thiele, sustainability committee chair, said he believes the office has great potential and a chance of putting UF on the global map. "I think there is an opportunity for the University of Florida to really become synonymous with sustainability and to make that one of its trademarks," he said. "It is also the right thing to do. It is what an institution with moral conscience does." Classic perk Meghan Greenfield enjoys a hot cup of java at Maude's in downtown Gainesville on Thursday night. The caf6 shows classic blackand-white films throughout the night, enhancing its bohemian ambiance.


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FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2005 N ALLIGATOR, 15 241~~~ TM yL EAV'4 D"J A-7 %o V '~, ,~1,, II,. 7---.' 1-IA; CJ, "-2M r '-~,--'~~' ~ ~.~-a-P ) ML !r( 2

16, ALLIGATOR E FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2005 VOLLEYBALL Gators try to win title at final SEC Tournament N COLLYMORE NAMED SEC PLAYED OF THE YEAR AGAIN. By BRYAN JONES Alligator Writer After losing the final match of last season's Southeastern Conference Tournament, the Gators will be eager to become the defending champions this year -for good. This will be the final SEC Tournament of the foreseeable future. Beginning next season, the SEC will scrap their conference tournament so that every team can play each other twice during the regular season. With the additional matches on the schedule, there simply will not be enough time to field the tournament. "The irony is that now it has become a tournament that has been built up for a lot of excitement and a lot of great matches," coach Mary Wise said. In years past, their tournament had been anything but competitive. "We know there was a period while we were here that there was not a single upset for years in the tournament," Wise said. "Now we have finally built something. It is too bad this is the final year." The top-seeded Gators will open up on Friday against eighth-seeded Georgia, a team UF twice swept this season. "You can throw out the seeding," Wise said. "I don't think any of that will matter. We are going to play a Georgia team that, yes, we have beaten twice, but remember this is the team that took us to 16-14 in game five of the semifinals a year ago with the same players. So there is no sense looking past Georgia." "We know there was a period while we were here that there was not a single upset for years in the tournament. Now we have finally built something. It is too bad this is the final year." Coach Mary Wise UF volleyball Should the Gators win Friday, they will advance to the semifinals, in which they will face the winner of the match between fourthseeded Arkansas and fifth-seeded Kentucky. Should the tournament unfold according to plan, it would set the stage for the rubber match between UF and second-seeded Tennessee. The Volunteers have won three of the last five matches between the two teams, and are the only SEC team to defeat the Gators since 1997. "The challenge is you have to play well three matches, three days in a row to win this." Wise said. "And you are playing teams that you are very familiar with, as they are with you. "In some ways, it is a great setup to prepare any team for the NCAA Tournament. If you can get through this, it will really set you up for playing back-to-back matches in an NCAA field." The Gators have won six out of the last seven SEC Tournaments. Since 1991, the Gators have reached the finals every season, failing to win the tournament just three times. "To win this, you are going to have to beat somebody who is coming off of two wins on Sunday, let alone coming off of a big win from Friday to Saturday," Wise said. "Whoever wins this tournament will have really earned it." BACK TO BACK: For the second consecutive season, senior outside hitter Jane Collymore was named SEC Player of the Year. Collymore, UF's leading scorer, led the Gators to a 15-1 SEC season. Three other Gators were honored on Thursday. Sophomore setter Angie McGinnis and sophomore middle blocker Kisya Killingsworth joined Collymore as members of the AllSEC First Team. Sophomore outside hitter Marcie Hampton was named to the second team. Tim Casey/ Alligator Statf Jane Collymore goes for the kill against Georgia on Oct. 12. On Wednesday she was named SEC Player of the Year. PO'TOYS CREOLE CAFE WILL RE OFFERING A DISCOUNT WITH A DANCE MARATHON CARD ON FRIDAY s2 a FOR ALL THE RIGHT REASONS a Sb UFod Cox a114'all # itor r N&~~~~~ C# nIAPA;129 hildren'fs -' I.I. Miracle iW Netwvork 1718 W. Univ. Ave The 378-7033 r j usi Much cooler, new fans installed a % FR : Beat the Clock Free Food 7pm -9pm a Live Music/DJ SAT: Free Beer & Karaoke For ai y r paicipals ip a Phase 1 (single dse) clinical esrch trial of an investigational drug being developed for possible use in diabetes. The study involves 4 out-patient visits and participants will be compensated for their time. For further details please contact: Karen Brezner Clinical Trial Coordinator Endocrine division University of Florida Tel: (352) 846 2234 DO NOT apply if you have diabetes. YluvtClassffied Ad.4NEW5PAP R .One phone call. Place your classified ad in 140 Florida newspapers with one phone call, starting at $375. Just call the Alligator and ask about the Florida Classified Advertising Network. Or call 1-800-742-1373. A service of the Florida Press Association. It's not nice to fool with Mother Nature. 9 RECYCLE F n,Iv T. W1011 JU /0 I%0


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Rural, private. Pets, horse board ok. Avail Dec 1st. Please call 352-591-2474 11-23-10-1 Countryside 4BR/4BA. $375/mo Bus 9 & 35. T1 internet connection, gym & pool. Ind lease length neg. Can be unfurn if pref. Call Victor 352-337-9747 or 786-385-3971 11-23-8-1 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA for spring 400 for all util, cable, tivo, internet, fully furnished, 3 pools, fitness room, tennis, amazing roommates. Call 201-456-2803 11-18-5-1 M/F, NS, Grad student/Professional wanted to recent gorgeous furn room in new home. 1.5 mi to Shands. Kitchen, living room, laundry facilities included. $425/mo + share utils. Call 336-5450 or 954-328-2863 12-7-15-1 FIRST MONTH FREE Sublease available now-May 2006 Apt fully furnished (4/2). Great female roommates. Within 1 mi from UF. Rent $390 + util. 305318-1040 11-21-5-1 Fully furn. 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA in Campus Lodge. Huge gym, tanning, biggest pool in G-ville, bball, carwash, screened patio w/fan, stadium seating to watch 2TVs! Incls. fast internet, cable w/HBO, all util. incl. elec. Nice furnished! Discount $439 neg. 727-743-7926 11-18-4-1 Students & Graduates! Live close to UF & SFCC! $465/mo. All included. New appliances & furnishings. Avail Jan 06. Leave msg 386-795-5888 12-1-10-1 1 BR/1 BA in 4BR/4BA in Gainesville Apts. W/ D, bed, desk and gated community. $400/MO utils. incl. Bus #34 comes inside complex. 321-356-0626 12-1-10-1 HUGE 4BR HOUSE. 2 furn rooms for rent 1 block from campus. 2 min walk to law school. Quiet neighborhood. Util & wireless internet included. W/D, on-site parking. 352-2628739 12-7-12-1 S unfUrnished *QUIET, CLEAN, LOTS OF GREEN SPACE. Rustic 1 BR apt. $345/mo. 01BR cottage $375/mo. Call 378-9220 or mobile 213-3901. 12-7-72-2 ACROSS FROM UF 1BRs from $460 Laundry on site, pets ok. Central Air, walk in closet. Open Weekends 371-7777 12-7-72-2 LYONS SPECIAL $99 1st month's rent 377-8797 12-7-72-2 Need a Rental Home or Condo? Need A Tenant? CALL THE BEST! Watson Really Corp. REALTORS Property Mgmt/Rentals 352-335-0440 Full Service Sales 352-377-8899 12-7-72-2 Wake up & walk to UF Studios & 1 bedrooms Starting @ $489 Pet friendly, Pool *Come See! 372-7111* 12-7-72-2 AVAILABLE JANUARY! HUGE floorplans! Great Pools! Water/Sewer included! Pets OK @ 1BR $550 2 BR $595! Bus or bike to UF 335-7275 12-7-72-2 LIVE DOWNTOWN FOR SPRING! Studios, 1/1s, 2/2s & 3/3s Pool*Alarm*Pets Welcome Available January! 338-0002 12-7-72-2 OSUN BAY APTS@ *Some furnished availO 0OWalk or Bike to Campus 00 1-1 $460/mo602-1 $520/mo @00376-6720 12-7-72-2 1 & 2BR apts. convenient to shopping, bus line, and just a few miles from UF. Located off SW 20th Ave. $375 -$450, incl water, sewer, pest control & garbage. Sorry no pets allowed. Call 335-7066. 12-7-72-2 MOVE IN JANUARY! Stress free living! Great rates! 0 1 BR from $479 2BR from $549 Beautiful pools/courtyards* Pets OK Walk/bike to UF 372-7555 12-7-72-2 3/3 Luxury Avail. Now Roommate match for Jan. 24hr. Gym, Comp. Lab, Tan Close to UF Law, & SW Rec. Call 352-379-9255 12-7-72-2 Deluxe, Large 3 or 4BR apt/house, 60 second walk to UF. Remodeled, Old House charm. Central AC, washer/dryer included. Wood floors. With Parking. By Private Owner. 538-2181 lv message 12-7-72-2 HUGE apt! HUGE value! 2BR avail. NOW! 1,2 & 4 BR units avail Jan '06 Pool, tennis, alarm, close to everything! FREE UF parking, pets welcome! or call 376-4002 12-7-72-2 Deluxe, large one or two bedroom, 60 second walk to UF. Wood firs, washer dryer included, fireplace, patio deck. Can furnish. Short term available. Private Owner. $495up. 352-538-2181. Lv mssg 12-7-72-2 There's no place like home! Make us yours! 1 BR/1 BA*2BR/2BA3BR/3BA TH Cable*Gated*Sauna*24hr Gym*Tanning *Close to UF!*Lease for SPRING*377-2777 12-7-72-2 ***Beautiful and New* 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA LUXURY FREE High-Speed Internet FREE Monitored Alarm FREE Cable/Tanning/Gym W/D plus TVs in every kitchen 374-FUNN (3866) 12-7-72-2 ** ELLIE'S HOUSES ** Quality single family homes. Walk or bike to UP. 352-215-4991 or 352-215-4990 12-7-72-2 SUN ISLAND 1.1 from $480.00 2.1 $530.00 $99 deposit for Grad students 999 SW 16th Ave phone # 376-6720 12-7-72-2 414 Townhome for Fall Across from UF W/D, Alarm, DW From $550 per BR suite Open Weekends 371-0769 12-7-72-2 AVAILABLE JANUARY Studio and 1BRs From $529 Across From UF, Pets Ok. Laundry on Site, Wood Floors Avail Open Weekends 371-7777 112-7-72-2 LIVE STUDY PLAY Luxury 1/1, 2/2 flats & 3BR/3BATownhomes Free Cable w/ HED/Sho, Tan, 24 hr gym, Aerobics, W/D, Gated, Pet Friendly, Alarms *The Laurels, 335-4455* 12-7-72-2 Now leasing for January 2006 1 br for $595 or 3br for $870 2br townhome with W/D for $669 Alarms, park FREE @ UF, Pets welcome 373-1111 12-7-72-2 Spring lease Avail. 3/3 townhouse Cable w/HBO, tanning, gym All the extras! Almost gone! Call for specials 377-2801 12-7-72-2 I Total Elec, 2 & 3 Bedroom, $395-$550, cent A/C, pool, tennis, B-ball waste, pest, lawn mowing. 251b pet $15)mo. M-F 10-6 or by appt. Alamar Gardens 4400 SW 20th Ave. 373-4244 UF bus line #20 12-7-72-2 **1BR & 2BR BEAUTIFUL* NEW kitchen, tile, carpet, paint 3BR/2BA Flats @0 $839/mo 2BR/2BA Flats 00 $725/mo 2BRover 1100 sq ft 00 $725/ mo 1 BR-over 800 sq ft 00 $625/mo Close to UF, beautiful, quiet High-s,eed wireless internet $450 deposit 0 376-2507 12-7-72-2 Its Never Too Early! Huge 2 and 3 Beds for January! Cable W/D Pool Gym Pets Ok Pre-leasing for 2006! 372-8100 12-7-72-2 NEWLY RENOVATED Affordable, Quiet living HUGE 1& 2BR Pool Skylights 1.5 miles to UF Fur Avail 377-7401* 12-7-72-2 ENORMOUS 3BR Avail for Current and Fall Pool*Tennis Cts*11.5 Mi 2 UF Ind lease, Furn & Util Avail Great Specials*377-7401 12-7-72-2 Countryside University Terrace Gainesville University Terrace West Individual Leases W/D, Pool & Utilities $300-$325/mo. Union Properties 373-7578 12-7-72-2 --E .0 2 U I' m U guy e ----


FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2005 N ALLIGATOR, 19 For Rent F rRnFr Rent FrRRent For Re unfurnished untnished nfurnish'ed punished unfurnished Looking for a home? We have the LARGEST selection of single family rentals in Gainesville. With over 100 properties currently available, we're sure to have something to fit your style and budget. Visit our website at, or call us to find your new home today 352375-7104 ex 2. Management inc. 12-7-72-2 *UPPER CLASS Students* Perfect place to study FREE cable w/ HBO/Show FREE GARAGE*ALARM*WD Gated entry*Computer lab Wireless poolside*FREE Tanning 1 ,2&3brs**338-0003 12-7-72-2 Free extended Basic Cable! Pets Welcome! 1000 sq ft Split Floor PLan W/D Hook-ups & DW. 1 BR/1 BA & 2BR/2BA Available. Call Now 372-9913 12-7-71-2 Amazingly Affordable! HUGE 650 sq ft 1 BR 1000 sq ft 2BR Townhouses & Flats Discounted Rates Starting @ $380 & $480 Close to Santa Fe, UF & 1-75 332-5070 127-71-2 CLOSE TO CAMPUS Available now! 2BR/1BA Apt. $475 38K/i BA Duplex $600 MITCHELL REALTY 374-8579x1 12-7-64-2 Rent With Us Today, Buy With Us Tomorrow! Condo, House & Townhouse Rentals Ask About Our Lucrative Tenant Rewards Programl 2BR/2BA Haile Condo $900/mo 2BR/1 BA Near UF $475/mo 3BR/2BA Duckpond $795/mo Ask about Move-In Specials! Over 30+ Private Homes Available! Call Today:.371-2118 12-7-50-2 (D (D 0) *Large afforadable apartments* 2/2.5 & 4/2.5 TH w/W/D. restrictions! Pool, Gym, B-ball, Tennis, Racquetball, UF parking. Available Jan 2006 @ (352) 3327401 12-7-49-2 NEW Development NEW Construction 1.5 mi. from UF. 2BR/2.5BA. W/D inc l. Cabana & pool. Avail immediately. Contact MaCor Realty, Inc. 352-375-8888 11-3042-2 Going, Going, GONE!! 2BR/1 BA only $675 Spacious floor plan, Quiet atmosphere Move in TODAY! 376-1248 12-7-45-2 STUDIO APT 60 Sec. walk to UF. 1 or 2 rooms. Short term avail. $350 & up. Call 352-538-2181 12-7-39-2 Reasonably priced NW 3BR house, 1200sf, washer/dryer, den, eat-in kitchen, garage, large maintained yard $720 375-7104 ex. 2 1731 NW 6th Street 12-7-35-2 Talismar, SW 1 BR near vet school & hospitals, cent h/a, enclosed courtyard, includes water & trash, $375 375-7104 ex 2 1731 NW 6th St. 12-7-35-2 1 Room Available in a beatiful and clean house. Comes w/wood firs., pool, workout room, W/D, DSL, maid, & great roommates. No deposit or lease required. Call Justin 3361271 11-18-24-2 One BR apt for rent. 1 person, 1 car, no smoking, no pets, no fleas. It is small, but has it all. All until. pd. $360/mo, unfurnished. Call Charlie "Whitey" Webb. 375-4373. Stop by 1215 NE 20th Ave. 12-7-34-2 BIG & CHEAP 2/1.5 apt 1100 sq. ft. $595 3/2 apt 1300 sq ft $695 1800 NW 4th St. Over 20 houses also avail. 373-4423 8-16-131-2 FREE MONTH'S RENT 2BR/2.5BA NW townhome. New tile 1st fir, carpet 2nd fSr & paint. WID, 1.5 mi to UF $725/mo pets ok Avail now 772-708-7048 12-7-38-2 0 L_ a0 E .2 o E 60 *** CUTE, CLEAN, QUIET *** Stylish 2BR/2BA SW apt, W/D, alarm, skylight, mirrored living room, front porch great bus rte., pets okay. Avail Jan., $640/mo. Call 317-8150 for showing and information 11-28-20-2 4BR/2BA House 1904 NW 6th St. Easy bike ride to UF/ downtown. W/D & fenced yard $1,200/mo Call now for a discount on Nov. rent! 352-428-5925 11-17-15-2 DUPLEX 2BR/1BA. New tile, new carpet, new paint, central AC/heat, W/D hk up. Walk/bike to UF. 408 NW 5th Ave. Unit A. $695/mo. 1st/last &sec. 284-0316 or 281-0733 11-28-20-2 Avail Dec several units within 1/2 mi of UF campus or closer. Efficiency $325 1BR/1BA $420, 2BR/2.5BA $725, 2BR/1 BA $600. Sec dep. No pets. Contact gv1132601 or lv msg 352-870-7256 12-7-29-2 HISTORIC APTS Ceiling fans, hardwood floors, high ceilings, some w/fireplaces. SE historic district. First, last, security. 2BR &2BR w/study 2-2BR Houses in NW Dntn. $600-800/mo No dogs please. 378-3704 11-30-20-2 Walk to UF 2BR.1BA duplex, cent A/C, private parking, 922 SW 6th Ave. $520 375-7104 12-727-2 INDIVIDUAL AND SEMESTER LEASES AVAILABLE FOR THE WINTER SEASON Convenient UF acess $375 to $620/mo Action Real Estate Services 352-331-1133 1-15-31-2 VILLAGE LOFT APTS. 1BR Loft apts. 650-750 sq. ft. Starting @ $490/MO. Quiet, wooded setting. FREE monitored alarm system. -6400 SW 20th Ave. Call 332-0720 11-30-21-2 BRAND NEW 1430 SQ FT 2BR/2.5BA townhouse. Master suite w/private terrace. Pool, hi spd internet & security system hookups. New appliances. Near UF off 13th St. $950/mo. Call 561-912-6223, 954-755-1728 12-7-25-2 Lg 1BR/1 BA avail spring in 2/2 Royal Palms luxury apt. 2 min walk to UF Walk-in closet big balcony/porchswing, W/D, free inet, alarm, new & quiet. Lg kitchen, all app $589/ mo renewable 305-725-8885, 954-907-5900 11-23-15-2 MORE FOR YOUR MONEY 1, 2, & 3BR units. Available now. Starting @ $380/mo. 332-5070, 331-8225 12-7-25-2 WALK TO CAMPUS/MIDTOWN BARSttt College Park studio. Avail spring. Very clean, renovated, awesone location! Util incl. Call Cat 352-514-1237 11-23-15-2 La Mancha Apts. Enjoy all-inclusive individual leases. within walking distance of -UF! Swimming pool, laundry facilities, private parking. Make your life easier today! Short term leases~available! Call Campus Realty today! 692-3800 12-7-25-2 Campus Realty Great homes for rent in the UF area! 352-692-3800 12-7-25-2 3207 W. University Ave Furnished + pool table, W/D, 2 car garage, off-street parking, tile floors. Campus Realty 692-3800 12-7-25-2 4BR/2BA HOUSE New carpets 1800 sq. ft. Walk to Law School. $1200/mo. Gore-Rabell Real Estate 3781387 12-7-24-2 One mile to campus & Shahds 2BR/1.5BA Avail. Jan. 1st Wood floors, W/D, DW, clean, no pets, sm, 1038 SW 6th Dr. $600/mo 239-898-9317 1-31-40-2 Close in. Lots of green space. Large 4BR/ 2BA Home Screen porch. No pets. $800/MO Call (352)378-9220 or 213-3901 12-7-24-2 OAKBROOK CONDO Large, exlcusive 2/2. W/D. Walk/ride to campus. Available Jan 1. $800/mo. Call 3782627 or 466-3797 12-7-21-2 AVAIL. JAN OR EARLIER Large, Modern, Clean 4BR/3BA house 1 block North of UF. Many amenities, Zoned ok for 4 roommates. $1600/mo. No Pets. K&M Properties 372-1509. 11-30-16-2 AVAIL. JAN. Great Location & Price. 1&2 BR. Apts. 1 Block from UF on North & East side of campus. Priced $440-$575/mo. No pets. K&M Properties 372-1509. 12-7-21-2 CLOSE TO UF 04BR/3BA house hdwd firs, DW, W/D, cent. H/AC, fireplace, carport $1400/MO 1562 NW 18th St. 06 blocks to UF. 4BR/2BA newly renovated patio home 1300 sq ft. tile firs, cent H/AC, W/D, DW, faux wood blinds $1000/MO 1421 NW 6th Place. OClose to Balyhoos 3BR/1.5BA house hd. wd. firs., DW, W/D, cent H/AC, fenced yard, $850/MO 303 NW 36th St. 03 blks. from UF 2BR/1 BA apt. Cent H/AC, security entrance $550/MO incl water 125 NW St. 0 Carol 377-3852 11-22-10-2 One or both rooms in 2BR DOWNTOWN APT. Quiet neighborhood. CLOSE TO SHANDS, UF, & LIBRARY. $350/MO per person. Pets OK. Call 262-1351 11-30-14-2 2BR/1 BA DUPLEX forrent. Newly remodeled and new appliances, W/D hk-up. Hawthorne Rd. SE 46th Terr. $600/MO, $600 dep. Call 352-258-8806 11-28-10-2 BRAND NEW Apartment Buildings Close to UF & Shopping 2BR/1.5BA condos W/D hookups $700/MO 494-9045 or 494-2173 11-28-10-2 WALK TO CLASS! Nice 2/1 house with big fenced yard. W/D. 716 NW 4th Ave. $695/mo evenings 472-9273, mobile 494-3154 or email 11-29-10-2 $380 only per mo, private BR & BA. Very well maintained unit. Laundry room facilities, full kitchen. Includes all util & dsl. 10 min from UF. 954-830-8468 11-29-10-2 WALK TO CAMPUS! 2BR/2.5BA apt Behind sorority row. $1075/ mo. W/D, DW, alarm. Parkside 11. Pets ok Allie 407-466-7524/Katherine 850-699-2950. 11-18-5-2 3BR/2BA Near Duckpond. Lg living room, dining room, den, screened room, wd flrs, A/C, W/D, privacy fence. NS., no pets. 1140 NE 10th Ave. $850/mo. Call 213-6374 or 375-6854 11-18-5-2 1 BLK to UF! 2BR/1BAApt $550/Mo 216 SW 12th Street Window A/C, Nat Gas ht. Wood Floors Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 1118-5-2 1 Blk to UF! 1BR/1BA Apt $470/Mo 1236 SW 4th Avenue Central H & Air, Carpet, Laundry Fac. Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 1118-5-2 NW 1BR house. Freshly painted interior. 1000 sq. ft. Two window AC's and space heat. Several multi-use rooms. Some pets okay 1936 NW 31st Ave. $450 Jim 375-1590 11-21-5-2 Looking for an Apartment??? THE LEASING CONNECTION 1412 W. University Avenue Visit our NEW location in the new Target Copy Center! FREE Apartment and Housing Locator Service Call 352-376-4493 or visit 12-7-15-2 PET'S PARADISE No app or pet fee 2BR townhome. Fireplace, privacy fence, new carpet, modern appliances, ceiling fans, CH/ AC, 1000 SW 59 Terr. Private owner. Please leave detailed msg. $450/mo 352v331-2099 11-21-5-2 BRAND NEW CAMPUS VIEW CONDO 2 minute walk Shands. 3BR/3BA $550/mo/ room. Alarm, W/D, Beautiful view. Available now. Call 561-994-2146 11-22-5-2 NEW COMPLEX 2 BLKS FROM CAMPUS Taylor Square Apts & Townhouses. 1BR/ 1BA.Avail Jan 2006. $650/mo i0cl hi-spd internet & W/D. Call 692-4066 12-1-10-2 ********WALK TO UF******** 2BR/1BA apt in older house next to University Ave and 7th Terr. Pets ok, some utilities included, $475/mo Greg 214-3291 OTHERS TOO! 11-23-3-2 ***711 NW 8th Street*** 2/1 Close to UF/Downtown. New interior, clawfoot tub $650/mo Drive by! Call 352332-1939 11-23-6-2 1/1 in 2/2 avail. in Oxford Manor w/i closet, priv bath, w/d, quiet great gym, close to Shands, shops $405 month plus half utilities. Female only. 352-328-5880 or 11-2210-2 Near Law School 3/1, $1200/mo. 1st, last, security. Pref grad student. No pets, W/G hook up, Wood floors, cent A/C, gas heat trees. Call Tom >8pm or weekends 954-5294031 12-7-13-2 EFFICIENCY w/Util included $575/Mo tile floors, includes Washer/Dryer. Cable/Internet. Very Nice. Near Law School 729 NW 22nd St. Call Jed Merrill 352-538-7968 or 352-372-1494 11-23-5-2 .3/2 WELL-KEPT HOME On park-like 1 acre lot located in High Springs; carport; no pets; all amenities included. Avail for Dec 1. $850 mthly 3x to move-in. See ad details on or call 1-866-833-1601 x 1014 11-30-7-2 Male for room in 2BR/2.5BA in Victoria Station. Shared kitchen, famiy room, washer/dryer. Community pool. $425/mo + utilities. Avail Jan 1. Call 954-303-1104 or 954-242-4633, or 12-7-12-2 1st MONTH FREE! 2BR/2.5BA TH in Kensington South, high ceilings, dining room, washer/dryer, pool, $850/rent 3901 SW 20th Ave #105 Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 12-2-8-2. ***0.8 MILES TO UF*** Studio apt in historic house near downtown. Laundry & parking outside front door. $325/ mo 404 SW 2nd St. 214-9270 12-7-12-2 Countryside @ University. 2BR/2BA avail in 4BR/BA for $350/ea. All util, high-speed net and W/D ind indiv leases. Call Josh at 813545-2245 or ufstangl@ufL edu 12-7-12-2 Sub.le. se. 250 STEPS FROM CAMPUS! College Park sudio, util, inci, clean, walk to the bars! For spring. Call Cat 352-5141237 11-23-15-3 SICK OF YOUR DORM/ROOMMATES? Studio apt avail spring, College Park. 2 blocks from campus. Very clean Call Catherine 514-1237 util incl. 11-23-15-3 HAMPTON OAKS -2BR/2BA Apt. Great amenities. DW, W/D, fitness ctr., pool, spa & security system. Very clean. $865/mo. Call 954-540-1905 11-23-15-3 Nice 1 BR/ 1 BA loft apartment, no roommates. 2701 SW 13th St. Available Nov 1July 30, rent free in Nov. $615 mo +util. Pets addi. fee. 239-281-4411. 11-18-10-3 Continued on next ge.


20, ALLIGATOR U FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2005 Subleases fjIae Subleases Roammatesl Roommates 1 BR in 4BR/2BA apt. @ ROYAL VILLAGE 5 min from campus. Furnished with W/D. $440/mo. Call Atiya 352-338-9980 11-2110-3 v, O@@WALK TO UFO*@ 1 BR in 4BR/2BA house across from stadium $335/mo + utils. Avail Jan-Aug. Newly renovted, W/D, new apple. Call 352-262-7887 11-21-10-3 1 or both rooms in 2BR Downtown apt. Quiet neighborhood. Close to Shands, UF, & libraty/ $350/mo per room. Pets ok. Call 262-1351 11-30-14-3 1 BED/1 BATH in a 3/3 at University Glades. Currently only 1 roommate. Walk-in closet, ALL utils, cable, internet incl. Furnished $480 -Erik 954-651-0086 12-2-15-3 ROYAL VILLAGE APT Blocks from campus. 1BR/1BA in 4BR/2BA, furn, W/D in unit, utils, cable internet incl. Pool, parking decal, game-room, $440/mo. Avail Dec thru Aug. 2 MO FREE RENT. Kevin 407-619-5734 12-7-17-3 Roommate needed for house 2 blocks N of campus. $450/month + util. female only. call 8137856641. 12-5-15-3 Apartment available for spring semester $370/mo. Includes 1BR w/BA attached in 4BR apt at University Club Apts. Would live w/3 great female roommates. Call Kathleeen @ 239-293-1593 11-18-6-3 Available now 1BR in 4BR/2BA large newly renovated house w/hottub, hardwood floors. Close to campus. $490/mo incl util. 3 great roommmates. Call Tina 772-631-1581 1123-9-3 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA apt in The Estates. Available Jan $545/mo OBO. Utils incl. Close to clubhouse & pool. W/D, DW. Pets welcome. Call 352-373-4720 11-28-10-3 *G*@WALK TO UF@*@* Spacious poolside STUDIO just $489/MO: Water, sewer, trash pick-up, pest control incl. Call 246-8678 for move in specials 11-23-9-3 CAMPLhS CLUB 1BR/1BA in 4BR/3BA Utilities included. W/D in unit, furnished, free cable & ethernet, $390/MO. Avail Jan.-Aug 11-28-10-3 Flippin' sweet 2BR/2BTH apt. Available Jan 1, W/D in unit Great bus route, 9 and 34 One month free rent! Call Matt (352) 328-9268 GOSH! 11-2810-3 New 2BR/2BA apartment available Dec 15. Lease ends in July. No deposit and one free month of rent! Located at Hampton Oaks behind the mall. $865/mo. Contact Anna 228547-0872 or 253-988-3584 11-18-5-3 Spacious room in University Commons. Rent is $385 a month which includes furnishing, utilities, electricity and cable. Sublease available 1/06 to 8/06, I will pay for January rent! 11-18-5-3 1BR in 4BR/2BA house 1 block to campus w/3 females. $400 + utilities available JanJune. Spacious w/large front porch. Call Julie @ 352-262-8601. 1128 SW 1st Ave 11-23-8-3 Downtown -2/1 house, wood floors, walk to campus, CH/A, pvt parking, high ceilings, no dogs. 1st/last/sec. $670/mo. 226 NW 3rd Ave. 359-8499 11-21-5-3 2BR/2BA 1st floor apt in Boardwalk Apts. Avail now-7/31f06. Split floorplan, sunken living rm, storage, sliding glass door to deck *S695mo 1st mo rent is neg. Call Julie @ 239-839-7404 11-21-5-3 Female @ The Laurels apts in a 2BR/2BA. Spacious living area. Rent is $465/mo. Avail Dec 15th. DEC IS FREE. Pets welcome. Has 2 porches, gym, pool, tanning bed. 813-3677712 11-28-7-3 Guys, 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA Melrose avail Jan-Aug. Furnishings, cable, Ethernet, W/D, utils ins.,ded. Quiet/clean roommates. Short bus ride to campus. Rent is only $325! Call 352-215-7488. 11-22-5-3 SPANISH TRACE 1BR/1BA new, 1st flr apt. Move-in ready. Quiet, behind Butler Plaza, pool, fitness, internet, clubhouse $589/mo, elec only. 3731111, 338-1943 12-7-14-3 STONERIDGE 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA, W/D, rent $345/mo + 1/3 util. Available nowl 352-213-5479 11-22-5-3 Female roommate needed for Santa Fe Pointe apts room: furnished, utils, pvt bathroom, pool, gym & tanning booth. Market value $439 but it's yours for $399/mo only! Lease runs Jan-July 06. Call 305-336-3245 11-22-5-3 FIRST TWO MONTHS FREE 2BR/1BA in College Park. Available 1/06 tro 7/06. Walk to class and the bars. $835/mo. Call Brandon @ 352-235-2800.or email 12-7-14-3 First month's rent free! 2/1 apt behind Chipolte on NW 15th St. Walking distance to campus and bars. Pets welcome. W/D facility and pool. Call Eric 352-514-6190 1-9-15-3 1BR/1BA in 3BR/2BA, W/D, cable & woreless internet, near to SW Rec. $280 + 1/3 util. Avail in Dec, one month free, Call Xu @ 352275-6565 or 11-22-5-3 WALK TO CLASS! 1 BR in 4/2.5 house Pool, washer/dryer, dishwasher, lots of space, parking, private entrance. Available spring. Mike 352-219-8080 11-29-7-3 COUNTRYSIDE CONDO 3BR/3BA avail in 4BR/4BA Jan 1. Ethernet & until incl, W/D, nicely furn, secure. Exercise/pool direct bus UF -3 mi. $465/mo/room. Vanessa 352-2173464, Flo 352-636-4814 12-7-14-3 Spacious 1 BR/1 BA in 4BR/4BA at Lexington Crossing. Fully furnished, everything included. Female only. Great rommmates $450/ mo. Call Jackie 813-624-2677 11-22-5-3 LIVE DOWNTOWN! Arlington Square townhouse-style 2BR/2BA apt avail. Jan. '06. Quiet bldg/end unit close to UF + busses. Call Chris 352-246-9048 12-7-14-3 Jan 2006 Gainesville Place. All inclusive, furnished, W/D, private bath. $495/mo, but only pay $3951 or 786-338-1257 12-7-14-3 Avail Dec19 thru Aug 10. Only pay rent from Jan-July! $395/mo all utils, cable, inet incl. Furnished, W/D. Campus Club -1 BR in 3BR/ 2BA apt (share bath). Female only. Contact 871-6158 11-22-5-3 1 bed/1 bath in a 2 bed/2 bath, close to compus & bars on Univ $480/mo + until. Free internet, 1/06 -8/06. Call Cara @ 727-804-6932 or email 12-7-14-3 Chill, laidback roommate for large 2/2.5 townhouse in Casablanca w/hammock, high speed, W/D, $350 + utilities. Leo 352-3721894. Avail now. 12-1-10-3 Clean, quiet 2BR 1.5BA Apt by Jan 1 to July 31, renewable 1044 sqft, pool, tennis, laundry Brookwood Terrace NW 23 Blvd $650/ MO No deposit, 336-0449 11-22-5-3 1 or 2BR & BA fully-furn'd in 3/3 townhouse -Arlington. Square; downtown; walk'g distance 4m restr's, bars; shrt. drive to UF. Beg Dec/Jan. @ $300/mo+ elec. 305-975-0015 11-22-5-3 Campus Club Apt 3BR/2BA direct bus to UF Near Butler Plaza T3/cable TV, furnished, pool/gym. $385 utilities incl. Spring/summer. Male only. Call 954-871-7037 11-23-5-3 2BR/2.5BA only $730/moll Jan-July 06' 2yr old townhouse in Kensington South Apts. on 20th Ave. HiSpeed Broadband I-net & W/D incl! 352-256-4907 or 12-7-13-3 Campus Club Apts. Male or Female Included: hi-spd. int., cbI., pool, elec, water, furnished. Can move in Jan. 1 ONLY $446 Contact 12-1-10-3 Get your privacy. 1 BR/1 BA in a 3BR/3BA apt. Furnished except BR. Utils incl. Avail 12/16. Oxford Manor, close to UF. $440/mo. 2 pools, hottub, free tanning, wt rm, game rm & much more. Short term lease ok. 386-547-9131 12-7-12-3 Rooms in 3/2 house avail. Jan -Jun. Quiet, fenced, Close to bus or 10 mis bike ride. Mostly furn. $390-420/rm+utils. Prefer grads. Call 734-330-5022 ******** 12-5-10-3 3BR/3BA LEXINGTON CROSSING Luxury Apts. All 3 subleases avail Jan. Fully furn. Free util, inet, cable, W/D. $465/mo ea. Call 352-216-2261 12-5-10-3 3/3 TH, MADISON POINTE $1206, "dance pole" (optional), 1700 sq fl, pool, pets welcome, tan bed, some furn, gated, garage, W/D. Melissa 256-5883 11-28-5-3 3BR/3BA LEXINGTON CROSSING Luxury Apts. All 3 subleaes avail Jan. Fully furn free util, inet, cable, W/D. $465/mo ea. Call 352216-2261 12-5-10-3 3 rooms in huge home by Stonewood. Hispeed, W/D, cable, fireplace, tons of space. No deposit. Avail now, Dec, or Jan. -$900 + utils. for more info. 125-10-3 CAMPUS CLUB 1BR/1BA in 4BR/3BA Jan thru Aug. $385/mo Furn, 1st, flr, next to bus stop & pool, w/2 great female roommates. or 352-262-8492 11-22-3-3 **SUBLEASE 4 SPRING & SUMMER '06 1 BR/1 BA in 4BR/4BA $420/mo NEG. All incl, cable, int, all util, fully furnished. 5 min to UF. Call 305-815-6966******** 11-28-5-3 INCREDIBLE 4BR/4BA apt w/1 room avail. Cool roomies, neatly kept, well decorated. $5000 entertainment system. $450/mo MUST SEE! 359-1602 12-5-10-3 U Ioommates Roommate Matching HERE Oxford Manor 377-2777 The Landings 336-3838 The Laurels 335-4455 Cobblestone 377-2801 Hidden Lake 374-3866 12-7-72-4 Female roommate for one/two female UF students. Quiet. Responsible. 60 second walk to UF. Old house charm with all amenities. Avail Now. $400 -up. 352-538-2181.Lv message. Private Owner 12-7-72-4 F NS grad/prof needed for 1BR in BRAND NEW 2/2 condo. 2 mi to UF on bus rte. W/D. $475 + 1/2 util/mo. Common area furnished, tile firs. No pets. 904-386-6485 or 11-30-77-4 Available 1/1/06. Large room w/private bath. 6-12 month lease. Perfect for grad/intl. students. Sparkling. Furn/unfurn. Large home in Kirkwood. $400-$500 +util. 352-375-6996 or 352-284-0979 11-18-41-4 Rooms for rent: Large, clean house. Close to campus. High speed and cable. Large yard. Two car garage and porch area. Rent $425. For more info call Tre at 352-328-8878 11-18-37-4 $250 Nice large room in cool house near UF. DSL, W/D, big fenced yard, great student roommates, good study atmosphere. Flexible lease 371-9409 12-1-35-4 Roomate wanted 3BR/3BA furnished house. Wood floors. Looking for quiet, clean person. $400/mo. Utilities included $200 deposit. Call 352-745-1552 11-30-23-4 DUCKPOND/Creekview/nice house. Large BR $400; medium BR $350 + 1/3 utilities. High ceilings bright space, wood firs, carport. Perfect for art, gardening, studying, good housemates, fun. Now or Jan 374-7038 11-18-16-4 Avail Dec 2 rooms in large house, 1 blk from 13th & University, $300 + split until, sec dep. NS, no pets. Contact or leave message at 352-870-7256 12-7-29M/F roomate wanted for 1BR/pvt. bath in 3BR/2BA apt. w/2 females. W/D, cox internet & cable. Avail. Jan.early Aug. $345 +1/3 util. Call 407-222-4266 11-21-15-4 Roomates needed for 4BR/4BA condo. Close to UF on bus rt. Incl. W/D, utils, wireless internet, cable $425/rm/mo w/$125 sec dep. Contact @ 407-719-1699 12-7-26-4 Looking for a female roommate for Lg. BR in beautiful new house. Huge pool. Pvt fence, close to UF & SFCC. Internet, HBO cable, & until. incl. $500/mo avail. Jan. Call Jacqueline 352-395-7462 or 941-780-3526. 11-23-13-4 1 male roommate needed for 4/4 BRAND NEW condo by Sorority Row. $475/mo +1/4 util, furn., W/D, DW, pvt bath, DSL. 3 blocks from UF. Call Dave @ 954-821-6229. 11-21-10-4 2 share 2 BR Downtown apt. Newly remodeled. Close to Shands, UF & library. $350/ mo. Month-to-month or longer lease okay. Pets okay. Call 262-1351 11-30-14-4 ROOM FOR RENT in 2BR/2BA VINTAGE VIEW condo. Quiet, clean community. Great location. Patio, fireplace, garage, cable, phone, wireless internet. Rent $495. Matt 407-702-8019 11-23-10-4 Law school 0.5 mi, law/grad student for very nice 5/4 home with law students. Must be neat, clean, N/S. Includes cable, W/D, wifi, all utils $550. Available Jan 1. 202-236-4330 12-7-16-4 STUDIOUS, CLEAN, NICE Female roommate wanted large BR in 2BR/2BA Heritage of Gainesville Apt. Pets ok. $445/mo. Util Included! 904-591-4727 11-18-5-4 a) 0. Extra large room, private entrance in quiet wooded neighborhood off Archer Rd. W/D, shared bath/kitchen. NS, Must be great with cats. $350 + 1/2 electric. 352-335-1212 lv msg 11-18-5-4 Female roommate for large 3BR/2BA townhouse w/pool. Only 1 mile to UF. $450/mo all utils, cable & hi-spd net incl. Call 954-2987591 or 12-7-16-4 Grad student roommate wanted 2BR/1.5BA in quiet neighborhood. On bus route 10 min from campus. $280/mo + 1/2 utils. Between 16th Ave & Main St. Call Ana 352-283-6498 or Shaira 352-283-9827. 11-21-5-4 1 M Roommate to share 3BR/3BA Apt. The Estates (The Exchange) $504/mo. furnished,pvt. bath dsl close to UF, Available 1/1/06 561-706-9809 or 1130-10-4 Female roommate for quiet 3BR/2BA in Oak Park Village. Rent $400. Includes utilities and DSL. Call Kelly @336-0053 11-21-5-4 Room in fully furnished home, near downtown. Must be mature, clean and cool. No pets. $300 +1/2 utilities. W/D Avail. Dec. 1 Contact Kyle 213-3998 11-21-5-4 Male/female for 1 BR/1 BA in 3BR/BA Oxford Manor. $350 +1/3 utils. W/ID, all kitchen amenities incl. Free hi-speed internet. Cable incl. w/free HBO & Showtime. Contact Chris 352-359-2540 or e-mail 11-30-10-4 FEMALE for 1BR in 2BR downtown twostory house $350/MO. Must love dogs. Call 352-219-8442 11-18-4-4 L. 00 OJ)O UU Hi E. 0 ft


FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2005 E ALLIGATOR, 21 Roommates Roommates Roommates / te worsh frp e, Parker Road Baptist Church 300 SW 122nd St. Gainesville, FL 32607 Pastor Gordon Keller 332-4991. 9:45 Sunday School Worship @ 11am & 6pm. Wednesday Worship p 7pm. 6:45pm Youth WOW First Baptist Church 425 W. University Ave. Downtown and Distinctivet Sunday Worship 11:00 am -Bible Study 9:30 am www.fbcguinesville.ntet Christian Study Center of Gainesville Offering classes, reading groups, lectures and more. Home of Pascal's coffee house. For more information visit our website at 112 NW 16th St. 379-7375 Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 100 NE First Street Sunday Services 8am. Holy Communion 8am, 10:30am. Education Hour 9:15am. Holy Communion 6pm. Wednesday Service 12:15pm. Healing and Holy Communion. Creekside Community Church Sunday Service: 10:30 am. Wednesday College Bible Study, 8:00pm. 2640 NW 39th Ave; 352378-1800 www.JewishGatorcom (5 blocks north of the stadium) First Lutheran Church 1801 NW 5th Ave. Liturgical Service at 8:30am and 11am. Upbeat Praise Service at 11am. Sunday Free Lunch for college The Izarily Church The Family Church is a nondenominational, multi-cultural Chrisian Church with great music, relevant messages, casual dress, and friendly people. Service times are Saturdays at 7pm and Sundays at 10am. 1022 SW 122nd Street, Gainesville. Free rides available to college students. Call 352-332-6459 for more info. ext.19' University City Church of Christ College Ministry meets at University City Church. Bible Study Sunday at 9:30am and Wednesday 7pm. University United Methodist Church Wesley Foundation Meeting @ Presbyterian Church 1402 W Univ. Ave. Unit # Sunday Worship 10:30am & 7pm For moreinfo: 372-8183 or look for us eve tharda 1/1 AVAILABLE In NEW 2/2.5 townhouse. Everything new + W/D. $430 + 1/2 utilities. Call 352-870-2506 or email 11-21-5-4 ENJOY A ROMANTIC OLD HOUSE near the Library downtown. $285-$360/rm + utilities. Free internet access. Short term. No pets. No smoking. 378-1304 11-4-5-4 3BR/1BA -1 BLOCK to UF 1227 SW 4th 1 or 2 rooms available. Perfect location. Perfect condition. Need 1 or 2 roommates. Split $1135/mo. Call 352-514-5060 or 904-716-1609 1122-5-4 1 BR avail in 3BR/2BA apt. $273/MO Aspen Ridge Available Jan. 1st. WID & DW. Call Nowl 813-390-3355 11-18-3-4 .1 Room in 4BR/4BA Countryside Apt. Close to UF on bus rt. W/D utils., cable i/HBO, and DSL incl. $400/MO No deposit Female only INS. Call 954-680-0918 127-14-4 ROOM FOR RENT! Walking distance to UF on bus routeEVERYTHING INCLUDED except phone $500/MO Split rent w/a friend. For more info. 786-255-6736/ 11-22-5-4 1 Female needed for 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA @ Countryside. $425/MO incl. utils, cable, internet, furn., Avail NOW! Call 727-5109346 12-7-14-4 FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED. 2BR/1BA and garage $390 + utils. Share w/1 female UF student. House close to campus. 1216 NW 16th Ave. 457-1813 11-22-5-4 LM CL *0 'a 3BR/2BA 2000+ sq. ft. furnished house. Parquet wood floors, gourmet kitchen, 5 minute bike to campus. Looking for quiet, clean person. $425/mo utilities included + $200 deposit. Call 352-283-4571 or 352-404-8189 11-22-5-4 Non-smoker grad., phD or Christian female preferred. Own room & bath in 2/2 condo in SW area by park. $375 plus 1/2 elec. Basic cable phone & pest incl. LM 375-0084 1122-5-4 M/F roommate for 4BR/3BA house on 34th St & University. $300/mo + 1/4 util. Avail Dec 1st. Great roommates. Call Anthonly 2221966. 12-2-10-4 SPRING LEASE 4BR/4BA condo $410/mo everything incl. Countryside Apts. Fema le only non-smokers looking for a fun room,matel Contact Jackie 813-924-1520 127-13-4 Male roommate needed. Serious student. House close to UF. Easy access to [-75/ Santa Fe. W/D, internet. $450/mo all utils included. Call Mike 386-235-5400 or 386676-9703 12-7-13-4 Female roommate needed. 4BR/4BA @ Countryside. Own BA & large closet. Secure. All amenities. $410/mo utils included. Call Mike 386-235-5400 or 386-676-9703 127-13-4 HOUSE DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM UF ,STADIUM. 3BR/1BA Must be clean. Movein at end of Dec. Call ASAP 352-317-0433 12-2-10-4 LM 0 L. -a., 0M E E 0 LM >U r 0 a S I I 5 0 p 1 room w/screened balcony, share BA for female. $275/mo. Located between UF & SFCC w/ bus route. Close to Mall & NFRMC. On site W/D, pool, gym, tennis and other amenities. Sparrow Condo (352) 5/14-3425 11-28-15-4 Looking for a 3rd female student roommate to share beautiful 3BR/2BA condo within Cypress Point. All util incl internet + cable. On bus route 20. Close to mall. $400/mo. Call Lauren 352-871-3831 11-29-5-4 $230 mo + 1/2 util. Lg bedroom in 2 bedrm apt. Wood floors, 10 ft ceilings, priste, covered parking. 5 min walk to UF. Quiet area. Clean roommate. Vintage style! Call 865024-3571 11-23-5-4 Female Pebble Creek, 3BR/2BA $333/mo + 1/3 util, furnished common area, no pets, very close to campus & SW Gym. Call 786282-8160 11-28-5-4 2 FEMALE ROOMMATES NEEDED. Gorgeous large 4BR fully furn home. 0.15 mi from UF. Pets allowed $500/mo. Call 561289-4759 or 561-212-3153 11-28-5-4 Spacious 1BR avail in 3BR/2BA house. All utils incl + wireless hi spd internet svc. Off bus rt. $500/no. Available immediately. Call 352-283-2005 or 352-317-8080 12-7-12-4 Real Estate Quad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra land, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House 3/4BR, 2BA, wd firs, covered prch, concrete 538-2181 Iv mssg 12-7-72-5 Existing condos & luxury condos near UF at affordable prices. For more information, visit or call today Mast Price 352-281-3551 Campus Realty Group 11-30-19-5 JACKSON SQUARE Spectacular university views. Walk to UF & the stadium. Classic New Orleans appeal with state-of-the-art luxury. Reserve today. 52 units available. Starting in mid-300's. Call Eric Wild 870-9453 12-7-80-5 TIRED OF RENTING? Own your own condo for under $100k. 2BR/1.5BA. New Kitchen &appliances, W/D. Close to UF. Call Scott @ 352-359-1678 11-23-9-5 3BR/1BA/den. 2010 SW 43rd Terr. Remodeled. Tile floors, new carpet, near Eastside HS $89,900. Lease option avail.! For appts, Ms Eddie today at 352-505-4564 office, 407-722-4093 cell. 11-18-5-5 Classifieds. Continued on next page. Information Systems Manager The Independent Florida Alligator is seeking an individual whom will have the sole responsibility for operations of our computer systems. This individual will be involved in the planning and implementation of our technology. and must be able to communicate and work with students and staff. Must have experience with Linux (Fedora Core3), Samsba3, Apache, Sendmail. Squirrelmail. Mailscanner Spamm and vins) Hap and IP table updates. Familiar with Dell Power Edge Servers Raid 1, a plus. Good networking skills to support up to 100 machines. Must be able to troubleshoot and repair PC hardware and software. This is a full time position with the largest student run newspaper in the country. Please send your resume and salary requirements to Campus Communication Inc. PO Box 14257 Gainesville, Fl 326042257 attention Vern Bean or email to vbean@alliator.or. 'We are an equal opportunity employer. ailigat.r


22, ALLIGATOR U FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2005 ReAl Estate Real Estate Furnishings Furnishin E ;ectronics 00*OS0SHELLROCK VILLASSOSOOS 2BR/1.5BA condo. Completely remodeled. New appliances. New wood, carpet, tile floors. $122,500. FSBO. Call Brian @ 352-262-3006, lv msg or 352-334-5045 12-7-16-5 ABSOLUTE AUCTION -Lakefront subdivision on Watts Bar Lake off 1-40, Kingston, TN. Saturday, Nov. 19, 12:00 Noon. Furrow Auction Company, (800)-4FURROW or TN Lie. #62. 11-18-1-5 AUCTION DECEMBER 3RD 10:15 A.M. [bOLY COUNTY/PINEHURST, GEORGIA 1000 +/ACRES OFFERED DIVIDED TWO FARMS / TWO HOMES TREMENDOUSLY IRRIGATED CROPLAND PEACHSTATE AUCTION GROUP, INC. or (866)300-7653 GAL2550. 11-18-1-5 Auction 134+/Acres. Farmland -Divided. 3bdr, 2ba home, development potential. Thomas Co., GA. Nov 25, 10 a.m. 10%B.P. Rowell Auctions, Inc. (800)323-8388 GAL AU-C002594. 11-18-1-5 OCALA COM/RES. High visibility & desirable locations. 501 Spring Lake Rd. & 103 SE Tuscawilla Ave. Tranzon Driggers Walt Driggers, Lic. Real Estate Broker (877)3474437. 11-18-1-5 NEW LOG CABIN-NC Mountains. New shell on secluded mountain site. $89,900. Hardwood forest. Great fall colors. Paved road. Near parks & lakes. Acreage & financing available. (828)247-0081. 11-18-1-5 North Carolina Gated Lakefront Community 1.5 acres plus, 90 miles of shoreline. Never before offered with 20% pre-development discounts, 90% financing. Call (800)7095253. 11-18-1-5 BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA. ESCAPE THE HEAT IN THE COOL BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NC. Homes, Cabins, Acreage & Investments. Cherokee Mountain Realty GMAC Real Estate, Murphy www.cherokeemountainrealt Call for Free Brochure (800)841-5868. 11-18-1-S WESTERJ North Carolina Mountains Cool Air, Views, Streams, Homes, Cabins, Acreage FREE BROCHURE OF MOUNTAIN PROPERTY (800)642-5333. Realty Of Murphy 317 Peachtree St. Murphy, N.C. 28906. 11-18-1-5 Tennessee Waterfront Sale! 2.4 Acre Waterfront $9,900! Dockable Building Lots from $14.900! Cabin Package $54,900. Call Now! (866)770-5263 Ext. 8. 11-18-1-5 Unique 6,000 sq. ft. Lake Lanier home, private-2ac, 325 ft on lake, exquisite gardens, waterfalls, boat dock, 50mi. NE of Atlanta, GA $1,500,000: Doris, Savage RE, (770)861-8525. 11-18-1-5 NC MOUNTAIN 2.87 acres on mountain top, view, trees, waterfall & large public lake nearby, paved private access, $19,500 owner (866)789-8535 1118-1-5 OWN A LAKEFRONT RETREAT Private community on the TN/KY border. Just 1-1/2 hours to Nashville. Spectacular views of Lake Barkley. 1 to 6 acres from the $40s. New to Market. Call (866)339-4966. 11-18-1-5 Serene Mountain Golf Homesite $69,900. Breathtaking views. Upscale golf community set amid Dye designed 18 hole course in Carolina Mountains. Near Asheville NC. A sanctioned Golf Digest Schools teaching facility! Excellent financing. Call toll-free (866)334-3253 x. 993 www.cherokeevalleys 1118-1-5 TN WEEKEND RETREAT ACREAGE New lake community close to Chattanooga & Knoxville. Limited number of private boat slips. Community lake access and amenities. 1/2 + acres from $40K. Call (866)292-5769. 11-18-1-5 $10,000 DISCOUNT! Grand Opening! Ocala areaThe Preserve at Oak Hill. Upscale equestrian community of 5 to 21 acre parcels. Priute, gated, trails. Discount ends 12/15/05. Broker/Owner. (352)330-0022. 11-18-1-5 OWN A PRIVATE MOUNTAIN RETREAT Spectacular gated riverfront mountain community near Asheville, NC. 1-8 acre building sites from the $60s. Borders National Forest. Community lodge & river walk. Call (866)292-5762. 11-18-1-5 Coastal Southeast Georgia Large wooded water access, marsh view, lake front, and golf oriented homesites from the mid $70's Live oaks, pool, tennis, golf. (877)266-7376. 11-18-1-5 Miami Waterfront Pre-construction 10% down, 2 year build out. GA Coastal Waterfront Pre-construction 1st phase assignable/ GA Lots $6,900+, RV lots $15k. Realtor/ (877)468-5687. 11-18-1-5 NEW MEXICO -16 acres $24,990 Scenic region, views, canyons, trees, rolling hills' wildlife. Enjoy hunting, hiking, horses, great climate. Power, great access. 100% financing Call (914)232-5100. 11-18-1-5 SEASON CLOSE-OUT SALE IN THE TENNESSEE SMOKIES Gated Waterfront Community Riverfront and Mountain Views Available. Prices Starting Low as $46,900. Final Phase Limited Lots Call Now! Ask about our lot/ home pkg. Buy Direct from the Developer SAVE THOUSANDS$$$$ (800)559-3095 ext 327 11-18-1-5 GEORGIA PROPERTIES FOR SALE PARCELS RANGE FROM 3 to 1000 ACRES ALL DEEPLY DISCOUNTED 1031 TAX EXCHANGE WELCOME VISIT PEACH STATE AT or Call (866)300-7653. 11-18-1-5 Investment lots $5,000 increasing in value by the month, on paved roads with all utilities FSBO (954)523-8118. 11-18-1-5 al Fur nis hings ) BED-Queen, orthopedic, extra thick, pillowtop, mattress & box. Name brand, new, still in plastic. Sacrifice $110. Call 352-372-7490 will deliver. 12-7-72-6 BED -FULL SIZE ORTHOPEDIC Pillow-top mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic w/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice $85. Call 352-377-9846 12-7-72-6 MICROFIBER SOFA& LOVESEAT Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must sell. Can deliver. Retail $2300. Sacrifice $550 352-372-7490 12-7-72-6 BED -King Pillowtop mattress & box springs. Orthopedic rated. Name brand, new, never been used, in plastic with warranty. Sell $170. Call 352-372-8588 Can deliver. 127-72-6 CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. Cost $1500, sacrifice $550 352-333-7516 Sofa $185 Brand new in pkg 333-7516 12-7-72-6 BEDROOM SET 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chests avail. Dovetail const. New, in boxes. Can deliver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice $1400 (352) 372-7490 12-7-72-6 SOFA & LOVESEAT 100% Italian leather. Brand new in plastic w/warranty. Retail $2650. Sacrifice $750. Call 352-377-9846 12-7-72-6 DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table, 6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New, still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100. Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-8588 127-72-6 FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/ mattress. New, in box. $160 332 9899 DINETTE SET 5pc $85 Brand new in box. Never used. 352-377-9846 12-7-72-6 BEDS S Full mattress & boxspring sets $49 Queen sets $89 S Single sets $39 SKing sets $99 S From estate sale. Safe pine bunk bed $109. 376-0939/378-0497. CALL-A-MATTRESS 4370 SW 20th Ave. 12-7-72-6 MEMORY FOAM -same as Temperpedia. Save 50% & more. Other close-outs. @ twin sets $89 *full sets $129 @queen sets $149 *king sets $189 Student discounts apply. 4370 SW 20th Ave. 376-0953. We deliver. 12-7-72-6 Beds, Futons, Furniture, King Sealy sets $299; new sofas for $299; oak futons $169; sofa & loveseat $399; dinettes, desks, all on sale *New Locatien* 140 NW 6th St Morrells Furniture Outlet. 352-378-3400 12-7-81-6 **BEDS -ALL BRAND NEW** Orthopedic pillow-top sets. **Full-$100 Queen-$130 King-$195** FUTONS o BEDS .FURNITURE LOW PRICES & LARGE SELECTION Dumas Discount 371-4422 1201 E. Univ. Av. New S Used S Buy .Sell 12-7-59-6 MOVING SALE. Beds, futon, lamps, dressers, tables, chairs, book shelves, nightstands, computer desk, irons, electric fan, TV set, CD player, computer, printer, cable modem, and many more Call 352-328-1075 11-21-5-6 WASHER AND DRYER 4 SALE: Kenmore Brand Older model washer works great. Dryer needs heating element. Power cord included. $200. Sell as a set only 352224-8093 11-22-5-6 = MR1u1 Wholesale Warehouse. AS SEEN ON TV. Low overhead -HUGE savings! Brand New Name Brand Sets! Don't be fooled by other ads. Cheaper price means cheaper product! j!u CALL BRIAN 12-7-72-6 N'& ma4ek" Hotoe" cw k Bed -All New Queen orthopedic pillow-top mattress & box set. Still in plastic with warranty. Can Deliver. $130 (352) 264-9799 12-7-72-6 -Bed -$100 All New Full size orthopedic mattress set. Brand new, still in plastic, w/ warranty. Can Deliver.352-376-1600 12-7-72-6 BEDROOM SET -$395 BRAND NEW! Still in boxes! HB, 2NS, Dresser, Mirror.chest avail. Must see to appreciate! Can Deliver 352-264-9799 12-7-72-6 Dinette Set -$125 Brand New 5 pc set in box, never used! Can Deliver 494-0333 Sofa -$225 BRAND NEW! MICROFIBER Still in package! -Wll sell with loveseat -$395 for set! Can Del. 376-1600 FUTON-$100BRAND NEW Futon mattress, still in package! Sold with oak Futon, both for $170. Can Deliver 352-494-0333 12-7-72-6 Pool Table -Gorgeous 8' All wood table. Leather pockets, Italian 1" slate, carved legs. Br. New still in crate, Cost $4,500. Sell $1,350. Can Deliver. 264-9799 12-7-72-6 Hot Tub/Spa -$1795.00 Brand New Loaded! Waterfall, LED lights, cup-holders, 110v energy efficient with warranty. Free Delivery. 264-9799 12-7-72-6 **BEDS -ALL BRAND NEW** **Full $90 Queen $110 King $170** Orthopedic pillow-top sets. Brand name matching sets not used or refurbished. Still in plastic, direct from factory! 352-333-7516. 12-7-72-6 BEDQUEEN New orthopedic pillowtop mattress and boxspring set. Brand name, brand new, still in plastic with warranty. Can deliver. $115 352-377-9846. 12-7-72-6 BedAll New King! 3pc Orthopedic pillowtop mattress set. Brand NEW, still in plastic with warranty. Can-deliver. $170 352-333-7516. 12-7-72-6 Bedroom Set$325 BRAND NEW. Still in boxes! 6 pieces include; Headboard, 2 Nightstands, Dresser, Mirror, Chest. Must sell, can deliver. 352-377-9846. 12-7-72-6 Futon -$160 Solid Oak Mission Style with plush mattress. All brand NEW still in box. Can deliver. 352-333-7816 12-7-72-6 Pool Table -Gorgeous 8" All wood table. Leather pockets, Italian 1" slate, carved legs. Brand new still in crate. MUST SELL Retail $5500. Sell $950. Can deliver 352-377-9846 12-7-72-6 Hot Tub/Spa -$1295 Brand New Loaded! Waterfall, LED lights, cupholders, 110-v energy efficient with warranty. Free delivery, MUST SELL 352-372-8588 12-7-72-6 Bed-FULL size pillowtop mattress & box. New, in plastic, warr. Can del. $90 317-4031 Sofa $185 Brand new! Love seat $150 still in pkg. Can del 352-333-7516 12-7-72-6 12-7-72-7 Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek House/dorm 59 min response. No waiting/ unplugging/hassels. $30 Gator Discount w/student ID. M/F Cert MCSE technicians. 333-8404. 127-72-7 Cash Paid Laptop PCs SALES @ SERVICES PARTS 336-0075 12-7-72-7 "COMPUTER & LAPTOP-REPAIRS" Network specialists We buy computers and laptops Working and Non-working 378-4009, 607 NW 13th Street 12-7-72-7 12-7-69-7 GATORNERD.COM -computer/laptop repair -virus, spyware, hardware -$10 discounts, cheapest! -home/dorm 352-219-2980 12-7-69-7 G'ville Computer Repair Service on all PC MAC and Networks. 1204 NW 13th St, Ste #10. 352-337-2500 12-753-7 Electronics DISCOUNT HI-FI 722 S. Main S The Red Bldg WE ARE CHEAPER 12-7-72-8 GATOR CAR ALARMS Take a bite out of crime $99.95. Installed FREE. Gainesville's oldest car alarm and car stereo specialty store. 3.73-3754 Audio Outlet. 12-7-84-8 Car stereo, car alarms, mobile video, mobile navigation, custom wheels and tires, and automobile performance at Sound Depot & Performance. 374-7700 12-7-72-8 FREE 4-ROOM DIRECTV W/ INSTALLATION! FREE DVR! FREE DVD PLAYER! 3 MONTHS FREE HBO CINEMAX! ACCESS 225+ CHANNELS. 100% DIGITAL CONDITIONS APPLY. CALL NOW (866)5004056. 11-18-1-8 BlankTV 57" Hitachi XWX Rear projection 18 months left on transferable warranty excellent condition $1600.00 352-475-3437 11-28-5-8 Bicycles In the market for a new set of wheels or just looking to add a second to that collection? Want personalized handlebars or afitted seat? Check in the Alligator Classifieds. NEW& USED BIKES FOR SALE Many to choose from Best Prices in Town 0 SPIN CYCLE 373-3355 424 W University Ave 12-7-72-9 YIKES BIKES Used not abused. From basic transportation to highend stuff. All styles. Great prices. 5 blocks from UF in College Park. 870-8693 12-7-72-9 For Sale PARKING: Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sen to UF. Reserve now! Reasonable rates. 352-5382181. Can leave mssg. 12-7-72-10 ANTHOLOGY by Bob Brackin containing-"Gainesville Stories" 3-31-120-10 PARTY SUPPLIES: Complete line of Bar Supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft beer equipment. Professional Cooking Utensils. -R.,W. Beaty Co. 4322 NW 13th St, Gville RWBEATY.COM 376-5939 12-7-71-10 *COLLEGE GIFTS* www.CampUsimages.COm 12-7-14-10 METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ Buy Direct From Manufacturer. 20 colors in stock with all Accessories. Quick turn around! Delivery Available Toll Free (888)393-0335. 11-181-10 ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800/day? 30 Machines, Free Candy All for $9,995. (888)629-9968 B02000033. CALL US: We will not be undersold! 11-18-1-10 INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT BANKING Firm Has, Middle Market Businesses For Sale. If Interested In Buying Or selling A Business, Call (877)217-8231. 11-18-1-10 SAWMILLS from only $2,795.00 Convert your LOGS TO VALUABLE LUMBER with your Norwood portable band sawmill. Log skidders also available. www.nOrwoodindus triescom -Free information: (800)578-1363 ext 30QN. 11-18-1-10 CUSTOM BAR w/KEGERATOR & HUNCH-PUNCH-RATOR with 2-handle tap & C02 set -up: $850 OBO 11-28-5-10 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers"


FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2005 N ALLIGATOR, 23 W otfcyclesg id W IIHpWtd IHelp Wanted H6 ** SCOOTERS ** RPM MOTORCYCLES INC SALES, SERVICE, PARTS Many Brands Available 518 SE 2nd St. 377-6974 12-7-72-11 OSwamp Cycles* Save $$$ on gas, ride to class! Largest selection of Ebikes, scooters & accessories. Free delivery, 1-yr warranty, best cust. service 534 SW 4th Ave 373-8823 12-7-72-11 ***SOLANO CYCLE*** Scooters from $599, Largest selection KYMCO, Vento, Hyosung, Keon & many others. Financing avail. 3550 SW 34th St. 338-8450 12-7-72-11 CASH PAID for MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS, or dirt bikes in ANY condition, Running or not. titles or not. Prompt pick up. Call ANYTIME: 352-441-0442 Please leave a message. 12-7-88-11 *NEW SCOOTERS 4 LESS* New location now open 1901 NW 67th Place 352-336-1271 Best prices in Gainesville. Owned by Gator grads. Will beat all Gainesville competitor's prices on similar models. 12-7-84-11 SCOOTER, 50CC, SUZUKI POWERED 2005 Oil injection, lots of storage. Over 100 mpg. Park anywhere. ONLY $795 262-4673 12-7-25-11 VERUCCI SCOOTERS for sale 49cc 4 stroke electric start. Remote alarm & ignition. Reaches 45-50 mph. Makes 80-100mpg. 1 new blue $1150, 1 used yellow $1000, Call 352-219-3950 11-22-15-11 2004 Trimumph Daytona 600cc 3,000miles. Still under factory warranty $5,200 OBO Call 352-256-2558 11-28-10-11 1999 YAMAHA R6 rare blue-red-shite coloring, perfect for campus! Polished, frame/muffler. Email for info/pics. Must pay rent! $3700 352-2831484 12-6-15-11 $500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! HONDAS, CHEVYS, TOYOTAS, ETC. For listings 800-749-8116 ext 4622 12-772-12 *WE PAY CASH* For Cars & Trucks Any year, make, model, mileage, condition. Free towing. Up to $250 for junkers Call 407-756-9100 12-7-34-12 1998 DODGE NEON Black, manual, 17" rims, reliable and clean. Great on gas. 106k miles, new battery, new motormount. $1750/OBO. Call 352359-5399 or email @ 11-21-8-12 1999 NISSAN SENTRA SE PW/PL, sunroof, CD player, spoiler, ABS brakes, automatic. New starter, belt, sparkplugs, rear brakes & battery. Fairly new AC. 83k miles. $6000 OBO 384-3811 11-2910-12 Wanted LOCAL ARTIST NEEDS: GOLD, DIAMONDS, GEMS, CLASS RINGS, ETC TOP CASH $ OR TRADE. OZZIE'S FINE JEWELRY. 373-9243 12-7-72-13 THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY NEEDS VOLUNTEER DRIVERS Transport patients to/from treatments Must have valid driver's license, safe driving record & attend training session. Call 352-376-6866 ext 114 for more info. On-going volunteer needed: Blind lady needs trans on Sundays only to Mass @ Queen of Peace Catholic Church or St. Augustine Catholic Church. For more info call 219-6948. I live in the Tower Rd area. 11-30-93-13 Blind lady needs health majors interested in Autos walking at leastthree times a week. Call 352219-6948. Thanks. 11-30-93-13 @FAST CASH PAID FOR ANY CARS ORunning or notl* NEED HONDA, TOYOTA, PICKUPS *Over 10 yr svc to UF students OCall Don @ 215-7987 12-7-72-12 CARS -CARS BuySSeilOTrade Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars 3432 N Main St. CARRSMITH AUTO SALES 373-1150 12-7-72-12 **FAST CASH PAID** For CARS & TRUCKS Running or Not 1990 & up only Sell or Trade Welcome Call Ray 352-284-8619 12-7-72-12 OVER 50 IMPORTS UNDER $10,000 SELECT MOTOR CAR THE YELLOW BUILDING 2715 N MAIN 377-1616 12-7-72-12 WANT TO BUY BROKEN XBOX, PSP, DS 352-317-6601 12-7-36-13 A Help Wanted This newspaper assumes no responsibility for injury or loss arising from contacts made through advertising. We suggest that any reader who responds to advertising use caution and investigate the sincerity of the advertiser before giving out personal information or arranging meetings the independent florida, INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGER The Independent Florida Alligator is seekars Lowest Prices ing an individual whom will have the sole responsibility for operations of our computer systems. This individual mill be involved in the planning and implementation of our technology, and must be able to communicate and work with students and staff. Must have experience with Linux (Fedora Core3), Samba3, Apache, Sendmail, Squirrelmail, Mailscanner Spamm and virus), Hftp and IF table updates. Familiar with Dell Power Edge Servers Raid1, a plus. Good networking skills to support up to 100 machines. opyrighted Material Must be able to troubleshoot and repair Syndicated Content PC hardware and software. This is a full om Commercial News Providers" time portion with the largest student-run newspaper in the country. Please send your resume and salary requirements to Campus Communications, Inc. P .0 Box 14257, Gainesville, FL 32604-2257 attention Vern Bean or email to We are an equal opportunity employer. 0 'he independent florida alligator The Independent Florida Alligator Advertising Office has openings for part-time office clerks for the spring semester. Must be an enrolled, full-time student at UF or SFCC in the spring semester. Filing, lightlcomputer skills, client interaction, phone etiquette, great communication skills are required. Minimum wage. If enrolled as full-time student in the summer semester, the position has the potential to carry over. Please come by our office at 1105 West University Ave between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm, M-F and fill out an application and class schedule. Deadline for applications is Monday, November 30th. No phone calls please. EEO/AA 11-30-9-14 LIKE TO WORK WITH LUXURY CARS? Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be over 22, stable work history, clean driving record, drug-free, pers ref. for details. 12-7-72-14 Animal Care Tech looking for hard working person to work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will train, PT to start with more hrs possible. Start at $6.50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024 between 9-4 M-F. 12-7-72-14 CNA CLASS: Learn @ your own time and pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and pass the state exam is on VCR tape. 95% pass the state exam the 1st time! $250. Call 800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 12-7-72-14 Phone survey interviewers wanted. Start work today! No sales, opinion research only! Flexible Schedule! Perceptive Market Research 336-6760 ex 4081 Call now! 127-72-14 Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/ Sales and IT needed for various positions. Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Join our team! Learn more at employment 12-7-72-14 $$ STUDENTS GET CASH $$ For gently used brand name Clothing/accessories & furniture $Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No appt necessary! 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 127-72-14 BARTENDING $250 A DAY POTENTIAL No experience necessary, training provided. 800-965-6520 ext 138 12-7-72-14 SECRET SHOPPERS Needed for evaluations of Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters Flexible Hours, E-mail required Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254 12-7-72-14 EARN $60 THIS WEEK!, Donate Plasma & Save a Life $$$$$$$$$ $ Best part-time job you'll ever have. NEW DONORS Bring this Ad and Earn an Extra $5 on Your 2nd Donation. DCI Biologicals 150 NW 6th St. 352-378-9204 12-7-72-14 Mortgage lender has immediate positions avail for college students. No exp req. $8/hr + bonus, flex hirs. Apply in person 2-7pm M-F at 1900 SW 34th St Ste 206 (2nd fir above credit union) 12-7-72-14 Would you like to be your own boss, work your own hours, and make unlimited income? Start your own AVON business for just $10. Call Emma @ 352-871-4489 or e-mail 12-772-14 HIRING KITCHEN STAFF Starting $6.15/hr DRIVERS $8-15/hr, and FLYERERS. PT easy schedule. Please call 2-5pm 378-2442 or fill out application at California Chicken Grill 2124 SW 34th St. Mon -Fri. 12-7-72-14 www.GatOrHOSpitalityJObS.cOm Apply online today. At one of over 100 RESTAURANTS, BARS OR HOTELS. Apply for any position today. 11-30-76-14 GATORSNEEDJOBS.COM We need Paid Survey Takers in Gainesville. 100% FREE to join. Click on Surveys. 12-7-72-14 Telephone Interviewing NO SALES $7.50/hr ($8 Bi-lingual) + BONUS Apply @ UF Survey Research Center M-F 9:30am-9pm 408 W University Ave. Suite 106, Tel. 392-2908 x105 Must work eve/wknd 12-7-71-14 Call center needs telephone agents for all shifts 24 hours 1830 NE 2nd St. Apply in person M-F 9am-4pm. 12-7-66-14 Attention Smokers! Do you want to quit smoking? Smokers are needed to participate in a smoking cessation study. If interested e-mail the UF Smoking Lab and Clinic. or call 3284944 9-3-15-14 HIRING DELIVERY DRIVERS Earn up to $12-14/hr. Call California Chicken Grill 378-2442 12-7-59-14 GATOR DOMINOS $10 -15/Hour DRIVERS $6.15 -$7.15/Hour INSIDERS $35K-$50K/year MANAGERS Apply online at Or at any of the 6 locations. 12-7-65-14 Park Place Car Wash is looking for hard workers for all positions. Cashiers (fullday availability) & lineworkers. (AM 8:30-1) & (PM 12-6). Apply: 7404 NW 4th Blvd. Across from Home Depot. No phone calls please. 12-7-55-14 Get Paid To Drive A Brand New Car! Now paying drivers $800-$3200 a month. Pick up your free car key today. 12-7-49-14 MARK Representatives needed. Earn up to 40% on everything you sell. Make money while in school; buy, sell, fundraise. Be your own boss, work flexible hours. Call Emma @ 352-871-4489 12-7-50-14 Bartending Jobs Up to $300/shift. Many Positions Avail. No exp. req. FT/PT. 1-800-806-0082 ext 1516 12-7-41-14 New Scooters 4 Less is looking for a part time mechanic. Must have knowledge of 2 & 4 stroke engines. Training provided. Relaxed and fun environment. Call 336-1271 to set up an interview. 11-18-24-14 CASINO'S PIZZA is now hiring DELIVERY DRIVERS, PIZZA MAKERS & SHIFT MANAGERS. Come by fill out app 1710 SW 13th St. 372-4848 11-30-19-14 PIZZA MAKERS FLYER DISTRIBUTORS AND DRIVERS NEEDED. Apply at 3458 W. University Ave. 3PM-3AM MARIO & LU IGI'S PIZZA Flexible schedule 376-6433 11-2918-14 Oak Hammock at the University of Florida Waitstaff (Full-time & Part-time) Hiring smiles and great attitudes to wait tables in our resort style retirement community. No experience necessary willing to train; flexible schedules offered and guaranteed hourly rate of pay. Apply in person: 5100 SW 25th Blvd Gainesville, Florida 32608 Oak Hammock is a DFWP/EOE! Fax: 352-548-1049 11-17-10-14 YOU NEED EXTRA CASH, WE NEED YOUR HELP! aThe Well-Oiled Machine FLEXIBLE DAYTIME HOURS 4 to 5 hours, 2-5 days a week Available Immediately No experience necessary.N Earn $6.50-$9.00 with BONUS potential. MANY CONVENIENT LOCATIONS IN GAINESVILLE Call 800-598-9850 x 783 FT and Mgmt positions also available. 11-22-10-14 BEEF O'BRADY'S now hiring FT EXPERIENCED MANAGERS. Mail resume to 4810 S. Florida Ave, Lakeland, FL 33813 or call Don @863-581-7979 11-23-10-14 **EduCation Retail Store** Seeking PT help. Please bring in a resume to 2020 NW 6th St. Flexible weekday hours. 12-7-18-14 WEB DESIGNER WANTED Experiance in HTML, PHP, SOL & Graphic Design a must. Call Dave 352-870-7467 11-28-10-14 AutoCAD PT person M-F daily. 30-50 hrs/ weekly. $10.50/hr. Must be dependable & have good knowledge of basicAutoCAD. 1 mi to campus. Email or call Wells @ 219-1183 11-23-9-14 Work your own hours. Great opportunity for anyone. Make monthly residual income w/ 20 yr. old company PT/FT hours. Call 352-258 -2111 11-17-5-14 EXP. PHP DEVELOPER Comfortable in SQL, Linux, Macs & OpenSource, 20 irs/wk $10/hr. Apply Andrew Schmadeke 217-502-4694, 11-18-6-14 LEASING AGENTS FT/PT Experience a must. Royal Village Apts. 352338-0202 e-mail resume: weloveUFstudents 11-28-10-14 DRIVER OPPORTUNITY Earn between $10-$20/hr! Flexible schedule. Great Opportunity For info contact Meghan 379-3663 11-28-10-14 Psychiatric Aides -$22,612 annually. Shift work. Rotating days off. Req completion of 30 sem or 45 qtr hrs of college w/5 courses in Soc/Behav Sci. Apply: https://peoplefirst.myf; Lori Ross at 264-8250. EEO/AA. 11-18-5-14 MEDICAL OFFICE PT Daily, afternoons & early evenings. Computer skills req. Send resume to 6400 W. Newberry Rd, Suite 301, Gainesville, 32605 11-29-10-14 Apartment Hunters now accepting applications. Looking for energetic, outgoing people who like to have fun at their job. Customer service exp a plus. Eve & mkends req Pies scheduling. Apply at 1310 W University Ave. 11-18-5-14 WANTED GOOD EARS FOR A HEARING STUDY Please contact Kim @ 392-0601 err) 380 or Payment is $10/hr. 127-15-14 COOKS NEEDED Fill out application online al Apply for any position today. 12-7-15-14 Classifieds. Continued on next page. Best C www.3 12-7-72-12 "C Available fr


24, ALUJGATOR U FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2005 Help.WAnted Help Wanted Help Wanted Services services MAJOR INTERNET RETAILER Various positions in IT, Business Dev. and Customer Service. Flexible schedules. Competitive pay. Learn more at: or call 352-367-8600 9am-6pm EST. 11-21-5-14 WAREHOUSE AND CUSTOMER SERVICE P/T or F/T -flexible schedules, competitve pay. Fax 815-301-8667 or call 352-3678600 11-21-5-14 MEMORABILIA COMPANY in Alachua is looking 0;r reliable flexible person to help in or shipping & photography depts. 15-40 hrs/wk., $7.50/hr. Telephone: Rick 800-3449103 11-21-5-14 NEED TUTORS for business &/or technical classes @ UF. No exp req'd. Will pay good $$$ for good candidates. Call 352-359-1602 11-30-10-14 Research Positions Open Gainesville office expanding Internet Researchers needed FT 9am-6pm (M-F) PT Negotiable 12-7-15-14 Part-time help Banyan Biomarkers Inc. ( is looking for part time help (10-20 h/wk) flexible hours; for scientific database entry, reference database management and other admin. functions. Science and computer skills required. The successful candidate will gain invaluable experience working in a dynamic biotech company environment. We are located at the BDI in Alachua ( We are looking for a highly motivated and mentally mature individual. For inquiries contact Barbara Fellows at 386-462-6699 or 12-1-10-14 GREAT PAY TO PLAY. seeking native French speaker to play with our two girls mho miss Smitzerland. Flexible Hours. Call 371 7559 11-21-5-14 Tutor HS student in our home, at least 6hrs/wk $12/hr 219-6744 11-18-5-14 Office Mgr./Admin Asst. Afternoon hours. People-person w/good computer skills Call 331-3557 11-22-5-14 SHOP HELP Needed cat furniture, upholstry & assembly. Good pay in a physical environment. No exp. needed. Must like to work w/hands Call 337-1535 11-22-5-14 LA FIESTA MEXICAN RESTORANT is looking for WAITSTAFF w/exp. DISHWASHER also. Apply in person between 1 & 4pm 7038 NW 10th Place behind Red Lobster 11-22-5-14 Female companions to care for 22yr. old female disabled person for multiple time slots: M-W-F (2:30-9:00pm) T, R (2:30-9: OOpm) Job duties incl. assistance w/toileting, laundry, reading, computer work, bedtime preparations & trips to various appts. & social activities. Applicants must be in good phys: condition & have reliable transportalion. Excellent working conditions in nem, luxurious home $9/hr Call Jerry at 377-1306 11-22-5-14 $10K-$15K/MO. No boss, no MLM. Free report! (i, 8)784-1705, watch video: www 01 027.php 11-22-5-14 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! Work anywhere! "The NEXT TRILLION$ industry" www. 11-22-5-14 COOK WANTED Mon-Fri. 6:30AM-3:30PM Great pay. Excellent benefits. Background check required. 1049 Museum Rd. KinderCare 12-1-10-14 ACCOUNTING STUDENTS We need 5th yr. accounting students to assist with critical reading, editing, customer support, & research. This is a great way to earn while you learn. We have a great success rate of employees who pass the CPA exam on the first try. Flex. hrs. Send resume to www.gleim.corn 11-18-3-14 Free rent in exchange for personal care, researcher with spinal cord injury. No experience necessary. Please call 332-5810 or email: 1122-5-14 POKER PLAYERS Earn a massive income by promoting online gambling with the most trusted & respected online casino in the world. This is absolutely the most lucritive & fun business you will ever find 888-249-5973 11-18-3-14 KIOSITTER for holidays. Extra money for easy lob. Great TEENAGERS NEED A DRIVER. Must be dependable & have reliable car. Call 352-262-8909 11-21-3-14 BEN & JERRY'S @ OAKS MALL needs scoopers. Must be able to work during holiday breaks. Email: or call 333-9000. 11-22-4-14 Cooks Gator Dining Services needs experienced professionals for weekend and night positions. Pay based on experience, flexible hours. Apply at Gator Dining Services, B73 Reitz Union, Museum Rd or online at 12-1-10-14 Student Supervisors/Managers: Start building or add to your resume! Gator Dining Services, located on the UF Campus, is looking for Student Supervisors/Managers. Pay is $8-10 hr based on experience. We offer competitive pay, benefits and a great working environment. Apply at Gator Dining Services, B73 Reitz Union, Museum Rd or online at 12-1-10-14 Catering Sales Coordinator: Classic Fare Catering, located on the UF Campus, is looking for a full time Catering Sales Coordinator. Hours are M-F, 8-5pm. Heavy typing, filing and excellent phone skills required. Must possess strong computer, customer service skills and the ability to multi-task. Men & party planning experience a plus! We offer competitive pay, benefits and a great working environment. Fax resume with salary requirements to 352-3929787, email or apply online at 11-23-5-14 FT Asst Mgr/FT or PT Leasing Agt Great customer service skills, able to handle busy environment. Some Sats required. Apply at 1902 SW 42nd Way or fax resume to 352-375-4434 Ventura Apts. 11-22-4-14 Designer needed for websites, e-newsletters, and other related e-marketing methods. Nationwide archery coaches organization located in Newberry provides instructor training programs for the recreation market. Candidate will design training websites, produce e-newsletters and other internetbased promotional materials. No experience in archery required. Work from city or in Nemberry office, flexible part-lime hours. Email resume and work samples to 11-23-5-14 DriverCOVENANT TRANSPORT Excellent Pay & Benefits for Experienced Drivers, 0/0, Solos, Teams & Graduate Students. Bonuses Available. Refrigerated Now Available. (888)MORE PAY (888-667-3729). 11-18-1-14 CDLA OTR DRIVERS TEAMS .60 CPM SOLOS .34 CPM 100% DROP & HOOK HEALTH BENEFITS ASSIGNED EQUIPMENT REQUIRE1 YEAR OTR HAZMAT & DOUBLES (321)202-4406. 1118-1-14 DRIVERS WANTED Average dispatch is 2,100 miles *3-Pay Packages to choose from *Late model Equipment *No Haz-Mat *No East-Coast *100% No-Touch Freight *Weekly Advances *Direct Deposit *weekly (same week) Settlements. Solos and Owner Operators Welcome. Requirements: 1-year OTR verifiable experience, CDL CLASS A Plus Safe Driving record, .Call Smithway Logistics, Inc. (800)282-1911 ext 115. 1118-1-14 Now Hiring for 2005 Postal Positions $17.50$59.00+/hr. Full Benefits/Paid Training and Vacations No Experience Necessary (800)584-1775 Reference # 5600. 11-181-14 $600 WEEKLY Working through the government part-time. No Experience. A lot of Opportunities. (800)493-3688 Code J-14. 11-18-1-14 MOVIE EXTRAS, ACTORS & MODELS! Make $75-$250/day. All ages and faces wanted! No exp. Required. FT/PT! (800)8519046. 11-18-1-14 S/E & 3-State Run: T/T Drivers. HOME WEEKENDS. Mileage Pay, Benefits, 401K. Trainees Welcome. Miami areaexp. req. 21 min age/Class-A CDL Cypress Truck Lines (800)545-1351. 11-18-1-14 ACT NOWDRIVERSFlatbed, BulkTank and Refrigerated Divisions. Performance based pay. Experienced Operators. Independent Contractors or Company Drivers. CDL Instruction Program available. (800)7716318. 11-18-1-14 DriverNOW HIRING QUALIFIED DRIVERS for Central Florida Local & National OTR positions. Food grade tanker, no hazmat, no pumps, great benefits, competitive pay & new equipment. Need 2 years experience. Call Bynum Transport for your opportunity today. (800)741-7950. 11-18-1-14 $5,500 Weekly Goal Potential If someone did it, so can you! 2-3 confirmed appointments daily! Benefits Available. Call Catherine McFarland (888)563-3188. 11-18-1-14 WANTED Energetic, serious, hard-working individuals to assist customers with high quality sporting goods merchandise. We're looking for the best. Full and part time opportunities. No phone calls. Min 1 year commitment. Lloyd Clarke Sports 1504 NW 13th St. 11-30-7-14 Hiring for spring rush Orange & Blu e textbooks is seeking PT/FT help for upcoming semester rush. Good people skills & register exp pref. Stop by store @ 309 NW 13th St. for details and applications. 12-7-12-14 SALES ASSOCIATES Are you going to be in Gainesville over the holidays? If so,.The University of Florida Bookstore is currently seeking enthusiastic team members for Temporary positions to help us through our busy book buyback & back to school season. We're looking for customer service oriented individuals to perform cashier & other retail duties. Previous retail experience a plus. For consideration, please apply in person at: The University of Florida Bookstore & Welcome Center, Museum Road, Gainesville, FL 32611; or Fax: (352) 3923660 We are an Equal Opportunity Employer welcoming individuals of diverse talents & backgrounds. 11-21-2-14 Law Student Needed to research case/ legislative history develop constitional issues FI Baker Act Flex Time-no office e mail 12-5-10-14 Teach me web site construction flex time e mail 12-5-10-14 NANNY/PERSONAL ASSISTANT 4 children 1-7 years at our home. 15-30 hrs/wk, ref req'd or 352-375-7632 11-28-5-14 AAA STORAGE Close To UF, Convenient 4x4x4 $20/mo 4x8x8 $35/mo 533 SW 2nd Ave. 377-1771 12-7-72-15 IMPORT AUTO REPAIR.BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, Volvo, VW, Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Mazda. Quality craftsmanship, reasonable prices, near UF, AAA approved 378-7830 12-7-72-15 HYPNOTIST-Stop smoking. Improve memory & concentration. Eliminate bad habits. Past life regression. Learn self-hypnosis. Low Student Rates. Leonard Umans AAPH, NGH certified 379-1079. 12-7-72-15 ** BELLY DANCE ** Ethnic Dance Expressions Studio For Fun & Fitness 384-9200 12-7-72-15 HORSE .BOARDING -peaceful -spacious 30 acres -lighted arena -round pens -standard & oversizedexp help -12x12 stalls 1352-472-2627 or iv msg @ 339-2193 Owner on premisis -35+ yrs exp. Lessonsavail. 12-7-72-15 SLEEPY HOLLOW HORSE FARM Quality Boarding 0 Lessons/English 0 Parties Alachua County's oldest & finest horse farm @ 466-4060 12-7-72-15 **AUTO MALL SERVICE DEPT** Complete Auto Service Imports & Domestics O Cars & Trucks Discount for students. Call 352-380-0033 12-7-74-15 EVERGLADE EQUESTRIAN CENTER The countryclub for horses & owners. Customer lounge w/full kitchen & bath. 250' x 160' riding ring, round pen & jump paddock. Lessons. 30 acres, 40 matted stalls, 19 separate paddocks. 24-hr security, 352-5913175 12-7-72-15 *** GREAT BANNERS & SIGNS*** Custom Posters 0 Exhibits *Awards Top Quality Fast 0 Service 0 Low Prices SignMasters 335-7000 9-2-61-15 Jump start your job search at www.ColIege-reSumeS.Com 12-7-72-15 AWARDS & PERSONALIZED GIFTS Plaques* Name Badges TCups 0 Etc. Best Selection In Tomn SignMasters 335-7000 9-2-61-15 FINANCE TUTOR Individuals or small groups. Experienced, excellent. 375-6641 Harold Nobles 12-7-72-15 PERSONAL TRAINING 300 Personal and Group Training Flexible Scheduling Exclusive Facility Call for a free workout 339-2199 12-7-72-15 Want to be a CNA? Don't want to wait? Express Training Services can get you certified under 3 wks Hands-on exp, no videos. Day/eve classes avail. Next class 11/28/05. Class sizes limited. 338-1193 for details. 12-7-71-15 NEED GAS? Car hot? Lose your cool! Call Rick-I'm quick! RICK'S MOBILE AUTO A/C, All Freons-oils, computer diagnosis 40 years experience 213-2665 12-7-71-15 TLC HORSEBOARD All facilities & amenities: quality instruction, 15 min from UF. Jan at 376-7762. Greathouse Equestrian Center 12-7-43-15 *VIDEO REVIEWS for YOUR CLASSES* 24-hr access. Study at your own pace Our professors rated highly by their students @0 Packages starting at just $10 06 11-22-15-15MATH TUTOR Middle school math teacher will tutor in elementary through middle school grade level math. Can offer great help with FCAT preparation. Certified in Secondary Math in two states. Call Karen 352-283-1251 1122-5-15 MATH TUTOR 7 years experience. BS in Engineering, UF English/Spanish. Call Francisco @ 352-494-8582 or 377-2526. Sliding Scale Rates. 12-7-13-15 TUTORING AND TEST PREP Private or small class. Most subjects. Higher score, 100% satisfaction guaranteed. UNIVERSITY PREP. 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ALACHUA COUNTY CRIME Call (352) 372-STOP


FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2005 U ALLIGATOR, 25 ServieC :Health Services Health Services Personals Entaient EARN DEGREE online from home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers. Job Placement Assistance. Computer & Financial aid if qualify. (866)858-2121 www.onlinetide 11-18-1-15 CREDIT REPAIR -29 years experience licensed and bonded. One price -clean credit for life. Lee Harrison Credit Restoration. Call (903)835-1667 for free information package., 11-18-1-15 Run your ad STATEWIDEHl For only $450 you can place your 25 word classified ad in over 150 newspapers throughout the state reaching over 5 MILLION readers. Call this newspaper or Advertising Networks of Florida at (866)742-1373. Visit us online at Display ads also available 11-18-1-15 Health Services ANONYMOUS HIV ANTIBODY TESTING Alachua County Health Dept. Call 334-7960 for app't (optional $20 fee) r ---j ClII 1 2 1 11 1 1 5CD1 III WI 0I Ii 01 U tIL I ma. 011 III L(D 0' II 1CIL CL C)1 ULI CI1 1 I I I I I 0 I I I~ I I I I D CI I I I D URGENT CARE/WALK-IN MEDICAL New Location Students -No Appt Needed! FIRST CARE OF GAINESVILLE 4343 Newberry Rd. #10, 373-2340 Most Ins Accepted, Hours M-F 8am-6pm 12-7-72-16 ABORTION/ABORTION by PILL (RU-486) IV sedation, Student Discount. Well Woman Care & Birth Control Bread & Roses Women a Health Ctr 352-372-1664 1-9-72-16 All Women's Health Center ABORTION Free Pregnancy Test RU-486 Available 378-9191 12-7-72-16 THE TRUE YOU! Lose 8 -15 pounds in 4 weeks Only $99! Gain muscle while you lose fat Groups forming now. 339-2199. 12-7-72-16 "SEVERE DRY EYE?" New therapy being studied! If you qualify to participate in theis research you will get free evaluation, medication, and be reimbursed for your rime. Call Dr. Levy @ 331-2020 for evaluation. 12-7-71-16 FEELING STRESSED? OVERWHELMED? UNHAPPY? @0 1 CAN HELP YOU 0 Call today for your free initial consultation. David Cox, PhD, LMHC, 352-378-3000 12-7-40-16 UNPLANNED PREGNANCY? Confidential, compassionate adoption advice. expenses paid if needed. choose life! www.america FL lic. # 1105-002-000 (727) 823-1537 or toll free (866) 303-1573 12-7-25-16 Is Stress Ruining Your Life? Read DIANETICS by Ron L. Hubbard Call (813)872-0722 or send $-99 to Dianetics, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Tampa FL 33607. 11-18-1-16 OXYGEN USERS: Enjoy more freedom! Travel without canisters, Oxlife's lightweight, Oxygen concentrators run off your car & in your home. U.S.A.made -Warranteed (800)780-2616 11-181-16 CLEARANCE SALE -All CDs must go 100,000+ CDs on sale $5.99. Ten for $50. We need more room for our GIANT DVD INVENTORY. Cash paid for DVDs. Hear Again 818 W. University Ave. 373-1800 12-7-72-18 Need a card or letter? Sharing a burden gets you through it; or perhaps you know a deserving child who would like a birthdayy card. Campbell Box 13101 Jax. 32206-detail 12-5-38-18 Chat live free, gay STR-8 or Bi. Call the Matchmaker free @ 373-7272, 24 hirs. Great way to meet cool people and it works. Chat live with others. 12-7-52-19 ******** ART SALE ******** Paintings, Drawings, Ceramics, Glass, Jewelry, Photography & More. Reasonable prices. Nov. 19, 6:00-2:00. 3906 W. Newberry Rd. Suite D. Opposite Starbucks. 11-18-1-20 --Typing Ser.v-cesent > 0 F SAME DAY SERVICE: Transcription, typing, SPRING BREAK Z apps. Desktop pub: brochures, newsletters, SPRING BREAK ADS x > 0 flyers, ads, logos. Resume service. 18 yrs 0 exp. 24-hr turnaround. Connie 271-2677 I ASE N 11-215-17IN THIS SECTION fit 11-21-5-17 4 r13-10-50-21 203 0 FIRST STRIKE PAINTBALL Airball, Speedball, Forts on 27 acres ANONYMOUS Call for the best group rates! P "352-338-8408 HIV ANTIBODY TESTING 12-7-72-21 Alarhura County Health Dent. Call 0 m m I I 3 N OFFICE USE ONLY Sp. Chg. cASH CK Rec. By 334-7960 for app't (optional $20 fee) SAVE ON RAYBAN/SUNGLASSES University Opticians 300 SW 4th Ave. 378-4480. 12-7-72-18 GUNS! GUNS! GUNS 1800 Gun Inventory Over 500 handguns in stock Buy, Sell, Trade or Repair. Reloading Supplies 466-3340 Harry Beckwith, Gun Dealer 8mi. South of G'ville on 441 12-7-72-18 *Family Chiropractic* Since 1977. Two blocks from U.F. 1107 SW2ndAve 373-7070 12-7-72-18 FLASHBACKS PAYS CASH FOR CLOTHES. We buy 10-5, M-Sat. Open to shop til 6. WE ALSO BUY HOUSEHOLD ITEM. 211 W Univ Ave 375-3752. 12-7-72-18 VEGETARIAN? Try BOOK LOVER'S CAFE Inside Books, Inc. 505 NW 13 St. 10-9 384-0090 12-7-72-18 CLASSIFICATIONS ICheckone 9vEs I 1. For Rent: Furnished -14. Help Wanted 2. For Rent: Unfurnished 15. Services 3. Sublease: House/Apt -16. Health Services 4. Roommates .__ 17. Resumes/Typing Serces 5. Real Estate -18. Personals 6. Furnnture/Household Items .19. Connections 7. Computers _20. Events/Notices 8. Stereos/Electronics -21. Entertainment 9. Bicycles _22. 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26, ALLIGATOR M FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2005 WAKE FOREST 72 0 FLORIDA 77 VISITORS: DEMON DEACONS (2-1) HOME: GATORS (3-0) TOT-FG 3-PT REBOUNDS TOT-FG 3-PT REBOUNDS Player name MIN FG-FGA FG-FGA FT-FTA OF DE TOT PF A TO BLK S TP Player name MIN FG-FGA FG-FGA FT-FTA OF DE TOT PF A TO BLIK S TP Stricklahd, T. 36 4-7 2-2 8-7 2 5 7 4 2 3 0 1 18 Brewer, Corey 31 5-12 0-3 5-9 3 2 5 3 3 2 0 3 15 Visser, Kyle 16 1-3 0-0 0-0 1 3 4-4. >2 2 1 1 2 Noah, Joakim 16 2-3 0-0 1-2 0 2 2 4 1 1 0 2 5 Williams, Eric 37 9-16 0-0 2-4 3 4 7 4 1 3 0 2 20 Horford, Al 24 4-4 0-0 3-5 1 4 5 4 2 2 2 1 11 Gray, Justin 36 7-18 4-11 1-5 2 3 5 1 5 7 0 1 19 Green, Taurean 36 6-12 4-8 7-8 1 3 4 0 5 4 0 3 23 Drum, Michael 22 1-3 1-2 0-0 0 0 0 5 3 2 0 0 3 Humphrey, Lee32 3-10 3-7 0-0 0 1 1 3 3 2 019 Ellis, Chris 25 2-4 2-4 3-4 2 3 5 3 1 0 9 Moss, Adrian 23 3-6 0-2 2-3 3 5 8 3 0 0 1 0 8 Dukes, S. 3 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 Hodge,Walter 12 0-2 0-2 0 00 0 3 2 0 0 0 Hale, F~rvey 23 0-6 0-4 1-3 1 4 5'2 1,2 0 0 1 Richard, Chris 17 1-1 0-0 1-2 0 2 2 3 0'3 0 0 3 Swinton, Kevin 2 0-0 0-0 0-0 o 0 1 0 0 0 00 jHuertas, David 9 1-2 0 0 30 1 0 0",,0 3' TEAM 112 TEAM 112 TOTALS 24-57 9-23 15-24 12 23 35 26 14 22 2 5 72 TOTALS 25-52 8-24 19-29 9 23 32 21 17 18 3 10 77 TOTAL FG% 24-57 42.1% TOTAL FG% 25-52 48.1% 3-Pt. FG% 9-23 39.1% 3-Pt. FG% 8-24 33.3% F Throw % 15-24 62.5% F Throw % 19-29 65.5% PLAYER OF THE GAME: Going up against the experienced, talented TECHNICAL FOULS: SCORE BY PERIODS: 1st 2nd TOTAL Justin Gray was supposed to be a daunting task for Taurean Green. WAKE FOREST -none WAKE FOREST 37 35 72 Instead it was the sophomore who led his team to victory. While Florida -1 (bench) Florida 39 38 77 Green was expected to play a conservative game this season and have most of his success passing the ball, he exploded for 23 points and five assists, proving he can do more than just run the point. Monday thru Friday -Ampe RE P~kng 6pn14GW. Uinesve' Satredmyier (352) 378-1652 Maditrnpn Reach over 60,000 UF & SFCC Happy Hour 4pm-9pm students returning to school. $4 Pitchers -$100 Drafts 4 RI:$2 Pitchers -Live Acoustic Music RECEIVE I 5% OFF XS -80's Night Discount Deadline: Wednesday, December 7,2005 sArT:$1 Drafts -$1 Wells -Live DJ Final Deadline:Thursday, January 5, 2006 S1728 W. University Ave. 377-7333 __ _ ._ _Run Date: Mondayjanuary 9, 2006 Call your Sales Rep Today: 376.4482 INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL For more information, please visit % UNIVERSITY OF CentAr F LRIDA and Goa INTERNATIONAL CENTER (aS5/tudies center t r


FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2005 U ALLIGATOR, 27 Green stars for Gators Point guard leads all scorers By DAN TREAT Alligator Writer NEW YORK -This was supposed to be the year that UF had a traditional-style point guard, the near antithesis of what Anthony Roberson had been for the three previous years. And while that may ultimately turn out to be what they have, Thursday's win against Wake Forest may prove to be evidence to the contrary. After putting up just 15 points in the season's first two games, sophomore Taurean Green poured in 23 points on 6 of 12 shooting to go along with 5 assists and 4 rebounds as the Gators defeated Wake Forest 77-72 in the semifinals of the Coaches vs. Cancer Classic. "Taurean Green is the man tonight, baby," sophomore forward Corey Brewer said. "Any given night, you never know who's going to be the man. We needed him. We got in foul trouble early, and they were trying to shut Lee [Humphrey] down, and Taurean made all the shots. That's what we needed." In the arena where his father played professionally and he watched games as a child, Green had the best game of his collegiate career. "I was just happy we won," Green said. And while Roberson often had trouble pressuring the ball handler, Green harassed Wake senior Justin Gray all night. Although Gray finished with 17 points, he also committed 7 turnovers in a game that was fairly sloppy on both sides. "Taurean did a good job on him," UP coach Billy Donovan said. "He had 19, but 6 of those points were witlrn the last 15 to 20 seconds." Green also helped out on the interior, stripping the ball from Wake Forest big man Eric Williams at the end of the first half to break up an uncontested dunk. And Donovan wasn't the only one impressed with Green's play against the Demon Deacons. Jerry Tarkanian, who coached Green's father Sidney at UNLV, chatted with Green in the tunnel after the game and declared the sophomore. player of the game. "I met him when I was little," Green said. "But I haven't seen him since I was a little kid." The Gators up-tempo pressing style even reminded Green of Tarkanian's Runnin' Rebels days. Green's performance was aided by Wake Forest's defensive scheme, as the Demon Deacons were often in a triangle and two, manning up on Brewer and Lee Humphrey, while playing zone on the remainder of the squad. The defense opened up Green to shoot 4-of-8 from beyond. the arc, and he even knocked another one down from the comer after a Wake Forest foul idIled the play. "They were playing a triangle and two on Corey and Lee Hump," Green said. "And coach ran some ball screens to free me open. "We knew they were going to throw some junk defense at us, so we prepared for that." NOTES: This was the first meeting between the two teams since 1995, a game Wake Forest won 77-53 in Gainesville. The series between the two schools now stands at 6-5 in favor of the Gators. Joakim Noah scored five points and four rebounds in front of his home crowd. Tbow Sbrother Visits By BRYAN APP Alligator Staff Writer During one last quiet day of workouts before the bye weekend, an unexpected visitor awaited Coach Urban Meyer outside the team's practice facility. Peter Tebow, older brother of St. Augustine Nease High quarterback Tim Tebow, dropped by to see Meyer but left shortly before practice ended Thursday. Rated the No. 1 quarterback prospect in the country by, Tim's list of prospective colleges includes Alabama, LSU, Southern Califomia, FSU, Miami and UF -the alma mater of both his parents. Peter, a 21-year-old computer engineering major at UF, wouldn't say if his brother would follow him to Gainesville. "That's a good question," Peter said. "I don't know." Tim Tebow is expected to announce his decision Dec. 14 live on ESPN. CROWDED HOUSE: While landing Tebow would create 'somewhat of a quarterback logjam for the Gators next season, it's a problem Meyer is willing to accept. "You need four scholarship quarterbacks," Meyer said. "That's the goal." Provided that starting QB Chris Leak returns for a senior season next year, Tebow could help Meyer reach that goal by joining freshman backup Josh Portis, who f 0 o w e d Meyer to UF after orally committing to Utah last season, and third-stringer I n g r a m According to Meyer, it's not such an easy accomplishment, especially considering Leak also came to UF as one of the top quarterback prospects in the emuntry. "What I've noticed [elsewhere] is with the higher recruited quarterbacks, the other guys don't come for a couple of years," Meyer said. "I've noticed that at Notre Dame and here at Florida. Ideally, you take one a year, and you get four quarterbacks." -BRYAN APP Tim Casey / Alligator Staff Taurean Green drives past Wake Forest's Justin Gray in the first half of UF's 77-72 victory against the Demon Deacons at Madison Square Garden on Thursday. Broks ready to shine in opener By NICK ZACCARDI Alligator Writer Sha Brooks, it's time to unscrew the training wheels. Your first two-wheeler ride is today. Brooks, a freshman, will lead the UF women's basketball team in its regular-season opening tournament this weekend in the absence of Sarah Lowe, who traveled to Birmingham, Ala., for her Rhodes Scholarship interview. UF will face St. Francis, N.Y., on Friday at the Seton Hall Classic in South Orange, N.J., before facing Seton Hall on Saturday. "I'm looking forward to it," said Brooks, a Jackson, Tenn., native. "I think I'm pretty comfortable on the court. I don't think I'll be too nervous. I'll be all right." An Energizer Bunny in a headband on the floor, she works off her pre-game jitters by making hustle plays -steals, defending fast breaks and the occasional battle in the paint for boards. "I have butterflies before every game," Brooks said. "I did in high school, and I'm pretty sure I will in college." Amid all the hype surrounding UF's freshman phenom, a sign of her youthfulness peeked through. "I'm kind of.a quiet person, so "I think she had two points in the first half and had 30 in the second half. After 'Toya had seen her play, she would call me and ask me, 'Coach are we going to sign her?' I was like, 'Absolutely."' Carolyn Peck UF women's basketball coach Coach [Carolyn Peck] gets onto me when I'm too quiet," Brooks said. "She says that I have to have a voice on the court and let my teammates know where they're supposed to be .and that I've got their back." Brooks almost didn't get to Gainesville. UF came in late during the recruiig process, and Chattanooga was at the top of her list at the time. "Sha was a player who would play her high school games, and then after the games she went to work," said Peck, who didn't notice Brooks until last November. "She didn't play AAU ball where she would get a lot of different exposure." But pestering in the form of text messaging from fellow Tennessee native LaTya Bullard, who had already committed to UF, helped Brooks change over to the Orange and Blue. -Peck first saw her play against Bullard in high school action. "I think she had two points in the first half and had 30 in the second half," Peck said. "After 'Toya had seen her play, she would call me and ask me, 'Coach are we going to sign her?' I was like, 'Absolutely."' Brooks was quoted in the Jackson Sun after the game saying, "I was hot tonight." And if the preseason is any indication, she could be again this weekend. Lowe gave up her starting spot in Monday's exhibition game against the Miami Suns, allowing Brooks to get her feet wet. Sha wasn't shy. She attempted three'3-pointers in the first three minutes, shaking her first two, while leading the team in minutes (35) and steals (four) in addition to hitting 5 of 7 from long range for 21 points. The performance in UF's 96-63 win prompted praise from Peck after the game. "It's almost like trying on a new pair of shoes," sle said. "And for Sha, they fit pretty well."


Sports FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2005 WAKE FOREST 72 FLORIDA 77 Gators shine under Garden lights By DAN TREAT Alligator Writer NEW YORK -Throughout the preseason, the UF men's basketball squad has been plagued by questions -questions of whether they can score, whether they have any depth, and whether they will be able to compete with elite teams after the departure of David Lee, Matt Walsh and Anthony Roberson. It might have just been one night, but the answer after Thursday's game was an emphatic yes. Taurean Green led three players in double figures, and the Gators withstood foul trouble and a Wake Forest 3-point barrage in the games' final minute to defeat the No. 18 Demon Deacons in the semifinals of the Coaches vs. Cancer Classic. "We knew we could win the game," senior Adrian Moss said. "It was just a matter of commg out and executing, and it really shows that we can execute and beat a very good ball club." The Gators advanced to tonight's championship game where they will square off against Syracuse. Surprisingly, it might have been Moss' lay that helped the Gators jump out to an early lead, one they would not relinquish. After undergoing knee surgery a month ago, it seemed unlikely that Moss would be able to play in the tournament. Not only was Moss available, but he scored 8 points. After both Al Horford and Chris Richard picked up two fouls early in the first half and were forced to endure extended stays on the bench, Moss hit two key jumpers that kept Wake Forest from taking advantage of the foul trouble. "I think the performance by Taurean and Adrian Moss kept us in the game in the first half," UF coach Billy Donovan said. "Maybe our depth, as far as front court people, wore them down a little." And while Richard scored just 3 points, his lone field goal -a dunk with 14 minutes, 56 seconds remaining -gave the Tim Casey/ Alligator Staff UF center Al Horford basks in the Madison Square Garden spotlight after the Gators upset No. 18 Wake Forest to advance to tonight's final. Gators a 49-47 lead. UF never trailed after David Huertas knocked down a 3pointer with 11:22 left in the first half. The Gators also held Wake Forest without a field goal for almost a 6-minute stretch. Meanwhile, they extended their lead to 72-62 See complete with a fastbox score, pg. 26 break dunk by Corey Brewer, who finished with 15 points. "I was very pleased with the way we guarded them in the half court," Donovan said. "I was very, very disappointed with the way we rebounded tonight. "Wake Forest; to me, has got great physicality, quickness going to the glass. We just did not rebound the ball particularly well." Horford, the Gators' resident glass eater, was limited to just 24 minutes as a result of foul trouble. He did manage to pull down two crucial rebounds in the final 40 seconds to help seal the win. And the win made it loud and clear that the Gators have the ability to come through in a big spot. "We all know that we've been disrespected, and no one thinks we're going to be any good," Brewer said. "We lost the Big Three; we've heard it over and over again. But to us, we know we're good, and we're trying to prove it." ALLIGATOR UF not so little without Big Three o David Lee. No Matt Walsh. No Anthony Roberson. Sounds like a nightmare on paper. Looks like a cohesive unit in reality. Because after defeating No. 18 Wake Forest, somehow, someway, the Gators may be better than last year. UF proved Thursday night that such a thing as team basketball still exists, that you really can succeed by deferring to your teammates, that it's all right to do whatever it takes to grab that W. Instead of Roberson dropping 30 points off 20 shots, it was the unheralded Taurean Green scoring 23 points off a pedestrian 11 attempts. Instead of Lee crashing the boards it was Adrian Moss -huh? -pulling down eight rebounds. And who needs Walsh, your 40-foot 3-point specialist, when you have Lee Humphrey to drain 3-point rainmakers of his own -one of them a spot-up 25-footer. "We want it to be all five players on the court who are Louis a threat to score," Green said. Anastasis "Instead of just having one Louis in the Bullpen person, a team won't know who's going to shoot it or who's going to score for you. That's how we want it to be." Funny thing is Green didn't say that after the game. He said that before the season, proving how Coach Billy Donovan may be in the midst of orchestrating the best coaching crossover of his career, quelling the egos, molding a team and building a consistent winner. And how about the way UF won the game. On one play, it was Green playing the part of John Stockton and Joakim Noah starring as a vintage Karl Malone. The two worked the pick and rolled for a dunk as if they've done it thousands of times. On another play, it was Green orchestrating the fast break to perfection, capping the play with a Corey Brewer flush. Brewer, that's right -almost forgot about him. He might have scored the quietest 15 points in basketball history. And if the Gators don't need to rely on Brewer as a primary scorer, it could get interesting this season. "These guys are going to do good. They don't have me, David and Peep hogging all the shots this year," said Walsh a few weeks ago. Last season, it took the Gators 19 games to defeat a team comparable to Wake Forest. And that was an Alabama home win fueled by an experienced UF team. The junior and seniors have been replaced by freshmen and sophomores. And somehow, throwing the principles of logic aside, the Gators may have very well replaced a mediocre squad with a solid one. P See page 16 for a preview of the Gators' upcoming trip to the final SEC volleyball-tournament. Also, visit for a story on this weekend's swim meet. &11989: Tony Lomack records a UF record 159 yards on kickoff returns in the Gators' 38-28 against Kentucky. UF finished 7-5 in '89 and interim coach Gary Darnell would be replaced by Steve Spurrier that off-season. FBaskebqll : UF vs. No. 16 Syracuse ESPN2, 9 p.m. ITexas Tech vs. No. 18 Wake Forest ESPN2, 7 p.m. Men's basketball Syracuse (16) Texas Tech Memppis (12) Alabama (14) 81 46 87 76