The Independent Florida alligator

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The Independent Florida alligator
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Fraternity remembers Brown Appeals court

Alligator Writer t ju d g e
~judge tapped

Thomas Oliver Brown's fraternity members re-
member him as a hard worker, a valued friend and By GABRIELLA VIGIER
a "car fanatic." Alligator Contributing Writer
Brown was beaten to death Saturday night by
five men outside Jacksonville Landing, which was After the political sting of Harriet
hosting a UF-University of Georgia football game Miers' withdrawal from her nomination
afterparty, said Ken Jefferson, Jacksonville Sheriff's to the Supreme Court, President Bush an-
Office spokesman. nounced Monday that his next candidate is
Police found him unconscious two blocks federal appeals court judge Samuel Alito.
away from the deafening cocktail party. He died at Alito is seen as a conservative ally based on his re-
Shands Jacksonville within the hour. cord in court, which includes supporting spousal
Brown's Beta Theta Pi Fraternity brothers said consent for abortion.
they dubbed the 6'2" building construction senior Bush picked a candidate that is almost an
p Paul Bunyan, after the legendary lumberjack giant, exact replica of colorful and
more for the respect he drew from his peers than for controversial Associate Justice
his physical stature. Antonin Scalia, said Fletcher
"He wasn't confrontational. He never looked N. Baldwin Jr., a UF law school
for any trouble," fraternity President Steve Greene professor.
said. "He was a great role model for guys like my- "He looks like Scalia
self that were younger guys in the house." straight down the line, except
His fraternity brothers said Brown was as de- for his personality," he said.
voted to his friends as he was to cars. ABaldwin added that Alito's
For a week and a half, fraternity member James Atopersonality is more likable.
personality is more likable.
White's '87 Chevrolet Camaro wouldn't start with- He also said he believed the president picked a
out an engine jump. For a week and a half, Brown candidate with more experience than his previous
started White's car every morning so his brother selection Harriet Miers.
could get to work. Alito received his Bachelor of Arts degree at
"Ninety percent of the time if you wanted to Princeton University and earned a law degree at
look for TB, he was under the hood of his car," Yale University. He has served on the U.S. Court
member Michael Kastanek said. of Appeals for the Third Circuit since 1990.
Added Greene, "He would've continued to do If Alito obtains the position; he will be the fifth
that, I'm sure, for the rest of his life." Roman Catholic on the Supreme Court.
His dream, they said, was to work for Porsche "That doesn't speak well for Roe v. Wade,"
in Germany. He was so determined to be an expert -Baldwin said.
mechanic that he taught himself to weld, White The professor mentioned a case in which Alito
said. upheld a Pennsylvania law that requires wives to
Greene said Brown was also dedicated to his inform their husbands of a planned abortion.
family. He used to return to his hometown, Merritt Conservatives are enthusiastic about Alito's
Island, and help his mother with a family business.
Luanne Dietz/ Alligator Brown was named fraternity brother of the year SEE ALITO, PAGE 5
Beta Theta Pi member David Runyon helps paint a mural in memory of
his fraternity brother, Tom Brown, on Monday on the 34th Street wall. SEE BROWN, PAGE 5

Gainesville Fire Rescue facing shortages due to budget


Alligator Writer

Firefighter Lt. Brad Tschomrn
spends about a third of his life at
the fire station. He calls it his sec-
ond home.

But he's upset when manda-
tory overtime keeps him from
his first home, with his wife and
However, with record employ-
ee shortages facing Gainesville
Fire Rescue, firefighters like
Tschorn don't have a choice.
"My family doesn't like it
because it messes up schedules
like picking up the kids from
school things I'm supposed to

do when I'm not here (at work),"
Tschorn said.
The department must pay
larger salaries for overtime, but
the budget Gainesville gives the
department is
Around not sufficient,
Gainesville firefighter and
union president
Lt. Jeffrey Lane said.
GFR can't buy new equipment
or build a new fire station with

the budget shortage, he said.
The last station was built in 1984,
Tschorn said.
"This department is in a cri-
sis," Lane said. "If the city doesn't
change its pattern of neglect, the
fire department will suffer, and
the citizens will suffer."
Lane said that after Sept. 11,
2001, GFR's responsibilities have
increased to include dealing with
hazardous materials and con-

ducting urban search and rescue.
However, GFR has fewer em-
ployees than in the early '70s,
Tschorn said.
"We are much smaller than
we've been in the past," Lane
said. "So we're having to do
much more with much less."
He estimated that over 50 per-
cent of overtime is mandatory.


"Copyrighted Material
Syndicated Content
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Sixty-six bicycles
were reported stolen on
campus from Sept. 1to
Oct. 26 up from only
24 in the same period
last year- and police
are turning to students to
help lower the crime rate.
See story, pg. 5.

* After spending two
seasons as a reserve
guard, junior Lee
Humphrey enters
tonight's exhibition
opener as one of the
Gators' key players.
- Humphrey spent the
off-season improving
his all-around game.
See story, page 16.


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Fia Doeati Tota l

Sororities Total Donations
1- Kappa Kappa Gamma-57
2- Alpha Omicron Pi- 47
3- Sigma Kappa- 36
'4- Phi Mu -30
5-Alpha Chi Omega- 29
6- Alpha Delta Pi- 20
7- Chi Omega- 18
8- Kappa Delta
Tied for 9th
9- Pi Beta Phi- 15
9-Delta Gamma- 15
10- Kappa Alpha Theta- 11

uuagsueti.n o B

Sororities Percentage .
1- Kappa Kappa Gamma- 38%
2- Sigma Kappa- 35%
3-Alpha Omicron Pi- 27%
4- Alpha Chi Omega-2 1%
5- Chi Omega- 16%
6- Phi Mu- 15%
7-Alpha Delta Pi- 10%
8- Kappa Delta- 8%
9- Delta Gamma- 8%
10- Pi Beta Phi- 7%


Alpha Gamma Rho- 2
Alpha Tau Omega- 1
Delta Upsilon- 8
Kappa Sigma-4

Fraternities Total Donations
1- Lambda Chi Alpha- 71
2- Pi Kappa Phi- 61
3- Delta Upsilon- 43
4-Alpha Gamma Rho-41
5- Phi Sigma Kappa- 27
Tied for 6th
6- Beta Theta Pi- 20
6- Kappa Sigma- 20
7- Delta Tau Delta- 1 8
8- Zeta Beta Tau- 14
9- Tau Kappa Epsilon- 11
10- Phi Kappa Tau- 9
Lambda Chi Alpha- 13
Phi Sigma Kappa- 1
Pi Lambda Phi- 1
Sigma Phi Epsilon- 1

Fraternities Percentage
1- Delta Upsilon- 102%
2- Alpha Gamma Rho- 95%
3- Pi Kappa Phi- 73%
4- Lambda Chi Alpha- 63%
5- Phi Sigma Kappa- 32%
6- Tau Kappa Epsilon- 24%
7- Beta Theta Pi- 20%
8- Delta Tau Delta- 19%
9- Kappa Sigma- 17%
1 d- 7atn Ratin Tni.- 1 9/% "

a the independent florida

VOLUME 99 ISSUE 49 ISSN 0889-2423
Not officially associated with the University of Florida
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The Independent Florida Alligator is a student newspaper serving the University of Florida, pub-
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10- Zeta Beta Tau- 12%

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0=nz, pffw



SFCC treats kids, local charities

Alligator Contributing Writer

Covered head-to-toe in
a black Grim Reaper robe,
Jonathan Elgin knew exactly

3rr a giva
or, .-y'V ^^

why he came to the SFCC
Teaching Zoo's "Boo at the
Zoo" on Monday night.
"I would say the candy,"
Elgin said.
Elgin, 11, along with more

than 5,000 other trick-or-
treaters, attended the 11th
annual Halloween celebra-
tion at the zoo for the ad-
mission price of one canned
good per person.

Andrea Morales / Alligator Staff
Kenton Reynolds, 6, hesitates before digging into a cauldron of "goo" at the SFCC Teaching
Zoo's "Boo at the Zoo" on Monday evening. The event provided a safe alternative to tradi-
tional trick-or-treating for the admission price of one canned good per person.

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"The short version of this
event is it's trick or treating
at the zoo," said Buz Bireline,
assistant director of the zoo.
"I think that the most im-
portant thing for the kids is
the 12 candy stands through-
out the zoo, where kids can
get yummy snacks."
Bireline said that the
Halloween-themed games
and decorations are a main-
stay of the event, along with
a tour of the zoo, which was
decorated with orange and
blue Christmas lights. This
year's theme, Superheroes,
added some changes.
"We have a Spiderman in-
side the zoo," Bireline said.
Bireline said the idea for
the event came from past
students who had wanted
to build a haunted house for
the community to visit.
Because of the young
age of most trick-or-treat-
ers, the haunted house idea
was turned into "Boo at the
"We decided to provide
a safe environment for the
kids who wanted to go trick
or treating," Bireline said.
Catholic Charities Food
Pantry in. Gainesville and
the Ft. White Community
Thrift Shop's food bank will
receive the donated goods.

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pitch tepee
Alligator Writer

Study, sleep or smoke a peace pipe
in a tepee this week in the Plaza of the
Students in UF professor John
Moore's Plains Indians anthropology
class divided into two "families" and
constructed a Cheyenne tepee Thursday
to encourage students to think about
other lifestyles.
The tepee took two hours to build
and is made of long lodge-pole pine
trunks, chokecherry-
On wood stakes and covered
Campus with muslin.
"The whole point of
the class is for the students to see that there
are other ways of living and behaving that
are different from what we do in the U.S.,"
Moore said.
Women in the Cheyenne Indian tribe
assume dominant roles in many respects.
"They own everything," Moore said.
"The women in this society own the te-
pees and make a lot of decisions that men
make in other societies."
The class will smoke a peace pipe in the
tepee today, and tentatively, a Cheyenne
Indian from St. Augustine will attend.
"The pipe is passed around so every-
one participates," Moore said. "We are
going to pray about the health and well-
being of the members of the class."


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to speak
Alligator Contributing Writer

Kyle Maynard does not think in
terms of limitations but accomplish-
Maynard was born with a rare
disorder called congenital amputa-
tion. He does not have arms below
the elbows and legs below the
Despite the challenges he con-
fronts each day, he lives with a
positive mentality and motivational
attitude that inspires people around
the world.
Maynard is scheduled to speak
at 8 p.m. today in the Reitz Union
Grand Ballroom about his new book
"No Excuses: The True Story of a
Congenital Amputee Who Became
a Champion in Wrestling and in
Despite Maynard's physical
differences, he was one of the top
wrestlers in -Georgia during his
senior year of high school. After
the 2004 Georgia State Wrestling
Championships, Maynard com-
pleted his high school
On season with a record
Campus of 35-16. Continuing
his success, Maynard
now wrestles at the University of
"When I first competed in wres-
tling, I lost 35 matches without a
win," Maynard said in a phone in-
terview. "This was one of the times
where I wanted to give up, but I had
my family and friends supporting
me, and I felt that it was possible."
One of Maynard's long-term
goals is to open up fitness centers
to help people meet their physical
goals, he said.
Maynard's motto of "It's not what
I can do, but what I will do," helped
him win ESPN's ESPY award as Best
Athlete with a Disability in 2004.
Since childhood, Maynard's
father stressed self-reliance,- often
telling his more sympathetic wife,
"If he does not figure out how to eat
on his own, he's going to starve," ac-
cording to Maynard's Web site.
Maynard figured out how to eat
on his own and now can easily eat
with standard silverware. He also
can type 50 words a minute with the
ends of his limbs.
"I think the fact that my parents
wanted me to do things on my own,
whether it was eating, dressing
or showering, helped me grow,"
Maynard said. "I grew up like that,
and now I've been living in a town-
house with my friends on my own
for the past two years."
Maynard said he recently mod-
eled for an Abercrombie & Fitch ad-
vertisement that appeared in Vanity
Fair and The New York Times:
"My family, friends and the
girls I have dated have all seen me
as normal, so I don't see any more
challenges than anyone else faces,"
Maynard said. "Everywhere that I
go, I try to express that everything
is possible, and if you don't give ex-
cuses to give up, then you will move
forward and succeed."

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Five men arrested in brother's beating

Campus theft up

Alligator Contributing Writer
Sixty-six bicycles were re-
ported stolen on campus from
Sept. 1 to Oct. 26 up from
only 24 in the same period in
2004 and police are urging
students to be cautious.
There were also 57 per-
.sonal property thefts in that
time span, according to a
University Police Department
report released last week.
"A criminal is a criminal,"
UPD Sgt. Henry Spurlin said.
"At one point, there was a
man parking his van inside the
(UF) Welcome Center stealing
bikes and throwing them into
the back. We did catch him,
but God knows how long he
had been doing it."
Spurlin said students can
deter theft by properly pro-
tecting their property.
"If you leave your laptop
on a desk and get up to go to
the bathroom, you gave them
the opportunity," Spurlin
said. "You can't take away
anyone's desire or ability, but
you can take away the oppor-
Bicycles are the most fre-
quently stolen items on cam-
pus, Spurlin said.
Most of the thefts occurred
in the area north of Museum

Road and east of Gale
Lemerand Drive, according to
the report.
"People either don't lock
their bikes, or they use a cable
lock which can be cut eas-
ily," he said. "If you have a
Kryptonite U-Lock, it's very
Kryptonite locks can be
purchased at most bicycle
shops for about $17.
"You can't take away
anyone's desire or abil-
ity, but you can take
away the opportunity."
Sgt. Henry Spurlin
University Police spokesman

Students can also register
valuable items with. UPD.
While it won't prevent be-
longings from being stolen,
it could aid in their recovery,
Spurlin said.
"You can virtually register
anything with a serial num-
ber," he said.
Spurlin advised students
to report all on-campus thefts
to UPD.
"The key to having your
property recovered is report-
ing it to the police in a timely
manner," Spurlin said.

BROWN, from page 1

for the 2003-04 school session, dur-
ing which he served as administra-
tive vice president.
Several fraternity members set
out to paint Brown a memorial on
the 34th Street Wall on Monday
"As much as he's done for us
for the last three years," White said,
"this is just a little bit of what we
can do in return... just a fraction."
The plan for the mural includes
the words, "Once a Beta, always
a Beta," and a painting of Paul
Brown's funeral date has not yet
been set, but Greene said he plans
to hold a memorial for him.
"The mood in the house has
been pretty dismal for the last day
and a half," Greene said. "We're
just sticking together."

Dean of Students Gene
Zdziarski said his office would
help coordinate a memorial.,
"For a weekend that was such a
high for so many in the university
community, this really is a disap-
pointing, saddening end," he said.
Students can
contact the DSO
or the Grief
Center, both lo-
cated in Peabody
Hall, to receive
therapy from
Brown a licensed psy-
"It's different than losing a
grandparent or a person that is
older because there may be a level
of expectation there," Zdziarski
said. "For some, it's a realization of
their own mortality."
Patrol officers received a call

about a fight after Saturday's foot-
ball game. Brown was alone and
not breathing when police found
him near 550 Water St.
Responding to reports of at-
tackers riding away in a taxi, po-
lice tracked the cab and arrested
the five men inside. Jacksonville
residents Jeremy Lane, 21, Alex
Canzano, 21, Casey Schuurman, 19,
and Mark Foss, 18, and Ponte Vedra
Beach native Jeffery Groncziak, 19,
are charged with Brown's murder.
A surveillance tape recorded the
five assailants beating Brown.
Fraternity memberAaron Simon,
who said he knew Brown for four
years, echoed the dean's sentiment.
"You never imagine you'll go
through something like this in col-
lege because you're hanging out
with people so young," he said.
The Associated Press contributed
to this report.

Divisive Miers spurs conservative choice

ALITO, from page 1

nomination, including Jacqueline Johnson, the presi-
dent of UF Law School Republicans.
"My personal opinion is that the court will be bet-
ter off," Johnson said. "It will certainly be more con-
servative than when it was with [Justice Sandra Day]
Johnson agreed that Miers was too divisive and had
little support even from her own party. She also said
she wasn't surprised that a conservative got the nod.
"After the whole Miers fiasco, I think the president
felt the pressure for the next pick to be more conserva-
tive," she said.
Democrats are not pleased at the prospect of an-
other conservative judge on the Supreme Court.
"I think most congressional Democrats will oppose
Alito's nomination because of his right-wing views,"

said Brendan Moore, political chair of UF College
Democrats. "This nomination shows once again that
President Bush is more interested in pleasing his right-
wing base than picking a moderate justice."
Moore also said he finds the difference between
Republican reaction to the nominations of Miers and
Alito interesting.
National "I think its ironic that conserva-
News tives are now calling for an up or
down vote on Judge Alito when
just a few days ago they refused to do the same for
Harriet Miers," he said. "I'm curious to see if moder-
ate Republicans stand by their principles and ask the
tough questions that need to be asked."
Johnson also said that like Chief Justice John Roberts,
he should obtain the position of justice with ease.
"I have no doubt about it. Unless they uncover that
he was a bad altar boy or something."

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Supreme relief,

Bush's new nominee

better option than Miers
The abortion-crusading, secular-obsessed, liberally
slanted core of the Editorial Board wants to scream in
bone-crushing agony at the thought of a new Supreme
Court justice nicknamed "Scalito."
But reason triumphs over heart in our reaction to Bush's
latest Supreme Court nominee, Sam Alito, who earned
his nickname because of similarities to ultra-conservative
Justice Antonin Scalia.
After Harriet Miers thankfully fled the scene, Bush was
left with a tall order: find a candidate with a paper trail
that satisfies both his neo-con buddies and his liberal op-
From the information we have on Alito thus far, we're
satisfied with Bush's choice. Not happy, not ecstatic and not
jumping for joy, but fairly relieved. We're even tempted to
claim that this entire situation has proven the effectiveness
of our political system. A grossly inexperienced candidate
was chased away, and a qualified judge took her place.
Alito's past opinions reveal a judge unafraid of dissent
and committed to a thorough examination of the law. We
would hope every judge follows this criterion, but Bush's
past two candidates were so inexperienced that we never
knew how they would act.
Alito appears to be a strong proponent of free speech.
Citing the First Amendment, he once voted to strike down
a public school policy that extended to speech that was not
vulgar or school sponsored.
In another case, he supported the motion that the
Establishment Clause was not violated when a city hall put
up a manger, a menorah and several secular decorations.
Despite the fact that the American Civil Liberties Union was
the one that took the case to court, we think it's an example
of Alito doing his job well. Sometimes that ACLU does get
a little overzealous.
Alito's interpretation of law is undoubtedly conserva-
tive. But this is not enough to shoot down a qualified can-
didate. Bush is going to nominate a conservative, just as a
more liberal president would nominate a liberal. All we can
hope for is someone who is fair. Alito seems to qualify.
However, Democrats are already up in arms over Alito's
dissenting opinion on a case about abortion. He voted to
uphold a Pennsylvania law that required married women to
notify their husbands before having an abortion.
We don't agree, but we're not going to pick up the
pro-choice pitchforks just yet. Although we think couples
should be left alone to figure out their communication prob-
lems, Alito's ruling is in the realm of understandable. An
egg is nothing without the sperm.
And no one should prematurely pin Alito as a hardcore
conservative judge. In another case, he sided with Planned
Parenthood and voted to strike down a New Jersey statute
that prohibited late-term abortions.
That's not a decision made by someone who is a reli-
gious-right fanatic.
Unless stronger evidence of Alito's evil comes to light,
Democrats will have a hard time keeping such a candidate
out of the Supreme Court.
And their plight will be even more hopeless if they lash
out against Alito because he is not a woman.
If Bush doesn't nominate a qualified woman, we have to
accept that we're out of luck. The real decision at this point
is whether Alito is up for the job, not whether he fits into an
ideal vision of equality.
And for the record, Scalia has disagreed with at least one
of Alito's rulings, giving us some hope that the nominee
doesn't live up to his nickname.

i t he independent florida


Mike Gimignani
Eva Kis

Emily Yehle
Tom Durrenberger,
Scott Gilton, Andrew Meyer.

The Alligator encourages comments from readers. Letters to the editor should not exceed 150
words (about one letter-sized page). They must be typed, double-spaced and must include the
author's name, classification and phone number. Names will be withheld if the writer shows

just cause. We reserve the right to edit for length, grammar, style and libel. Send letters to
.. ii ., r...-, i Ir.. [ i L05 W. University Ave., or send them to P.O. Box 14257,
- 3 ... C1. ,- -- )..i: -'. : '.: 1 r.,'. of about 450 words about original topics and editorial
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Presidents can't be
A Then Mario plummets to his death for the last time,
!/ unable to rescue Princess Peach from Bowser's
Vdastardly claws, one can hit the reset button on the
Nintendo, and all will return to normal.
Unfortunately, American presidents don't have the luxu-
ry of living in the fictional Mushroom Kingdom.
Since World War II, every second-term American presi-
dent has faced career-threatening adversity during his time
of service. Some didn't even wait for the "sophomore jinx"
and instead decided it would be easier to sully a presidency
without having to go through all that reelection business.
But presidents must recognize that Americans are sur-
prisingly sympathetic when their leaders overcome their
pride and admit their mistakes.
During the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961, John F. Kennedy
funded about 1,500 United States-trained Cuban exiles to
invade Cuba in an attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro and
prevent the spread of communism. The mission was a ca-
tastrophe, and Kennedy was forced to trade $53 million in
food and medicine for the surviving exiles' release. And even
worse, it forever screwed the American people out of some
good Cuban smokes.
However, Kennedy took full responsibility for the di-
saster and apologized to the American people. He set an
important precedent that many presidents unfortunately
failed to follow.
Following Lyndon B. Johnson's Vietnam-cursed presi-
dency, Richard Nixon found himself the main subjett of an
investigation into his role in an illegal cover-up of the break-
in at the Democratic headquarters at the Watergate Hotel.
The investigation exposed an administration rampant with
corruption and resulted in the president's impeachment.
However, Nixon's "I am not a crook" plea was a pretty im-
pressive attempt at reverse psychology.
In his initial response to the uncovering of the Iran-Contra
Affair, Ronald Reagan vehemently denied selling arms to Iran
in exchange for the release of American hostages and then


afraid to apologize
diverting that money to Nicaraguan
insurgents. Eventually, his response
changed: "A few months ago, I told
the American people I did not trade
arms for hostages. My heart and my
best intentions still tell me that's
Aaron Blye true, but the facts and the evidence
Blye's Eyes tell me it is not." Somehow those damn facts and evidence get you
every time.
And last but not least, how can
anyone forget the Monica Lewinsky scandal? The fact that
an Oval Office hummer almost got Bill Clinton kicked out of
office is absurd. The Republican Party was stupid for investi-
gating the president's private life, and Clinton was stupid for
lying about it under oath.
But amazingly, when the president changed his tone
from "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" to
"Indeed, I did have a relationship with Miss Lewinsky that
was not appropriate," his approval ratings shot up faster
than Hugh Heffner's blood pressure at a Playboy Mansion
pool party.
Unlike many other presidents, Reagan and Bill success-
fully sought forgiveness from the American people and
became two of the most beloved presidents of the modem
Now, only a year into his second term, President Bush is
up a creek with a toothpick for a paddle, unable to counter
a current of unaccountability. FEMA's response to Hurricane
Katrina was a disaster. Harriet Miers withdrew her nomina-
tion to the Supreme Court. Vice President Cheney's chief of
staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, was just indicted. And the Iraq
War keeps on going like the Energizer Bunny.
Mr. President, it's time to check your hubris at the door.
Aaron Blye is a political campaigning graduate student. His
column appears on Tuesday.

The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator.

-; ,. response
Today's question:
Should Bush apologize for the
administration's recent actions?

Monday's question:
Are Democrats in worse shape
than Republicans?

Vote or post a message at

39% YES
61% NO

_ -I I _I1'I IIII


Guest column

Reality of politics forces parties to incorporate many views

Would like to take issue with the opinions expressed
in Monday's column, "Liberals' crisis worse than
Republicans'," in which Matt Melone makes the assertion
that liberalism is now "little more than a puzzling blend of
race demagoguery, extreme feminism, hare-brained environ-
mentalism, European-style socialism and pacifism."
If you ignore the intentionally inflammatory language,
Melone is dearly trying to claim that American liberal
thought and the Democratic Party are schizophrenic. This
would be significant if it weren't for the fact that all major
political parties suffer from the same condition. In order for a
party to build a large voting base, it must incorporate various
viewpoints and find ways to cater to extreme voices.
The Republican Party itself is a puzzling blend of ex-
treme Christian fundamentalism, laissez-faire capitalism,
social Darwinism and neo-imperialism. But ask the average
Republican for his or her opinions, and you're likely to find

Letters to the Editor

J. Rhett someone far more moderate and unin-
Aultman terested in many of these ideas.
Speaking Out It's no different on the left.
Melone says that the only ideological
liberal leader is comedian Jon Stewart,
and liberals have no heroes except Michael Moore and Cindy
Sheehan.\I would love to ask Melone who the grand ideologi-
cal leader for the right is.
It's not President Bush, since Congress periodically dis-
agrees with him. It's not a congressional leader because it
takes considerable effort 'to gain Republican majorities on
major votes. Who is it? Just like any other political party,
the Republican Party consists of a diverse membership that
must be brought to consensus through effort and negotiation.
That's what politics is.
Regardless, it seems the only real ideological leader and
hero to whom the right can universally point is Ronald

Reagan, which is largely due to mythmaking efforts by his
party. Young Republicans are not likely to be aware of his
policies and work while he was president.
Furthermore, the left has not been languishing for 30 years,
as Melone claims. Perhaps Melone was visiting another planet
from 1992 to 2000, but Bill Clinton was president then, and he
was beloved in ways Bush will never be. The American right
didn't feel strongly supportive of Bush in 2000 but was united
in the fact that he wasn't Al Gore. It's true that the Democrats
need stronger leadership, organization and a more lucid plat-
form, but Melone has clearly missed the point.
Look g at the splinter in a liberal's eye, he's ignored the
tree in his own, and he's ignored fundamental facts of history
and truths of political science.
Perhaps the next time he wants to shake pom-poms for the
right, he should first learn how the game is played.
J: Rhett Aultman is an engineering graduate student.

Libby indicted for lying, not for leaking
CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity
First let me say that I do not sift through
your paper looking for something to write in
about. In fact, I've never written to you in the
six years I have been here.
Nevertheless, when I read the third sen-
tence of Matt Melone's column, "Liberals'
crisis worse than Republicans'," I nearly fell
out of my chair.
Melone writes, "Vice President Dick
Cheney's chief of staff has been indicted for
leaking the name of a CIA operative." Wrong!
I don't know who is to blame Melone, the
editor or the credulous UF population but
when Melone can print a completely incorrect
statement in your paper it makes for a very
sad Alligator. I am sure 90 percent of your
readers will take this inaccuracy as fact, lead-

ing to the further mental deficiency of this fine
As. correctly written in your editorial,
"Lewis 'Scooter' Libby has been indicted for
lying about his involvement in leaking the
name of CIA operative Valerie Plame" to a
grand jury. I am sure many ignorant people
may not understand the difference, but there
is a huge one.
Most importantly, however, is how Melone,
a journalism and political science junior, wrote
a column without getting the simple facts cor-
rect in the first three sentences. I would love to
hear his explanation.
As for the Alligator, please be more selec-
tive in your columnists.
Perhaps they could take a simple fact-
checking quiz before leaking their opinions
into your paper.

Thank you, and keep up the generally great
Kevin E. Kane
Graduate research assistant

Liberal values of equality, peace relevant
The difficulty in being a liberal stems not
from some weak ideology but from being
forced to confront a right that characterizes
everything we value as "extreme."
It's not extreme to acknowledge and con-
front the racial inequality that exists, when
almost half of black children live below the
poverty line. It's not extreme to question
complacency regarding women's rights, when
our culture is such that an FBI estimate claims
only 37 percent of rape victims feel they can

report the incident to the police. It's not ex-
treme to value the relationships people have
and believe that they do not need our gener-
ous permission to marry. It's not extreme to
care about protecting our environment when
policymakers are actively destroying the only
planet we have. It is neither weak nor extreme
to be motivated by peace, equality and justice
rather than money, misguided morality and
fear of change.
Matt Melone calls liberalism "irrelevant,"
when most students would be hard pressed to
remember when it was more relevant.
Being a liberal today is not easy, but we
.owe it to those who. fought before us for ev-
erything we value today to continue the battle,
popular or not.
Erica Walters

AVAULA133LM F T-uesday Nove~mbe8



.' ......


including the HIT

"Who You'd Be Today"


6 a *


Number of firefighters on trucks reduced to three, standards lowered

FIRE, from page 1

The shortages are so bad that
GFR had to lower standards, Lane
said. Most departments require
four firefighters on each fire truck;
Gainesville reduced the number
to three.
"This department is in a
crisis. If the city doesn't
change its pattern of ne-
glect, the fire department
will suffer, and the citizens
will suffer."
Lt. Jeffrey Lane
Gainesville firefighter

But GFR officials don't want to
lower standards too much because
they are rated by ISO, a company
that analyzes risks in businesses.
Lane said if Gainesville's rating
lowers one more rank, commer-
cial insurance rates will double.
Lane said he informed City
Manager Russ Blackburn of GFR's

crisis when he took office this
However, Blackburn recently
changed the organizational
structure so GFR officials an-
swer to Assistant City Manager
Barbara Lipscomb instead of
"Typically, assistant city man-
agers don't manage fire depart-
ments," Lane said. "People's life,
health and property should be
No. 1 on the City Commission."
In a prepared statement to
Lane, Blackburn stated that
although the assistant city man-
ager will work on the day-to-day
issues, he still plans to work
with GFR and interim Fire Chief
William Northcutt.
But Lane said he believes
Blackburn is passing his respon-
sibilities to an assistant so when
GFR's problems grow, he will
not be blamed.
"I see him as putting distance
between the problem and him-
self," he said.
"The assistant city manager
will be the scapegoat."

I rcia uoyne/ Alligator starr
Gainesville Fire Rescue firefighters Rob Mason and Aaron Hunt load up their truck after responding to a
call Thursday afternoon. As winter sets in, the risk of fires increases.

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Hook up, Dish, WD Firs., Cent. A/C, Gas
Heat, Trees Call Tom >8PM or Wkd. 954-
529-4031 11-10-20-2

.Continued on next page.

I------ --------~csl-~- ~ "--~I------------------------ P--`;~""""""~p9"L-~ 3 I~sll~eb-, -E~%l~lls


S For Rent
U unfurnished

MILL POND! 2BR/2BA Patio home,
Vaulted ceilings, screen porch, garage,
newer carpet, washer/dryer, $825/rent
368 NW 48th Boulevard
(,drl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 11-4-15-2

Large NW 3BR/2BA near downtown/UF,
wood floors, cent a/h, fireplace/den,
2000+sf., $1100, extra BRIBA for $100 more 375-7104 ex 2
1731 NW 6th Street 12-7-35-2

Reasonably priced NW 3BR house,
I'z30sf, washer/dryer, den, eat-in kitchen,
garage, large maintained yard $720 375-7104 ex. 2
1731 NW 6th Street 12-7-35-2

Talismar, SW 1BR near vet school & hospi-
tals, cent h/a, enclosed courtyard, includes
water & trash, $375
375-7104 ex 2 1731 NW 6th St. 12-7-35-2

Colonial Oaks, SW 2BR/1.5BA TH,
convenient to shops, UF, 1-75, two
screened porches, washer/dryer $550 375-7104 ex.2
1731 NW 6th St. 12-7-35-2

1 Room Available in a beautiful and clean
house. Comes w/wood firs., pool, workout
room, W/D, DSL, maid, & great roommates.
-No deposit or lease required. Call Justin 336-
1271 11-18-24-2

One BR apt for rent. 1 person, 1 car, no
smoking, no pets, no fleas. It is small, but
has it all. All util. pd. $360/mo, unfurnished.
Call Charlie "Whitey" Webb. 375-4373. Stop
by 1215 NE 20th Ave. 11-2-10-2

2/1.5 apt 1100 sq. ft. $595
3/2 apt 1300 sq ft $695
1800 NW4th St. Over 20 houses also avail.

Patio, privacy rear, amenities, bike to cam-
pus 386-328-6229 Iv msg or cell 386-972-
4647. $475 + deposit. 11-7-14-2

32 Tile & carpet, fenced yd, W/D, DW + den
38S5 each. 1801 NW 38th Dr. Avail now:
1315 NW 39th Dr. Available Nov 1. 352-219-
6453 or 352-514-1257 11-4-12-2

3BR/2BA, 1-story, 2 car garage, quiet street,
screened porch, fenced yard, fireplace,
vaulted ceilings. Near Norton Elementary.
$1475/mo. Bob 954-383-0552 11-2-10-2

home. New tile entire first floor, new carpet
entire second floor & new paint in all. W/D,
1.5 mi. to UF in NW. $750/mo (pets ok) Avail.
immed. Call 772-708-7048 11-9-21-2

Trenton 3BR/2BA doublewide
Clean, no pets. $550/mo. 1st, last, security.
352-542-8540/210-1888. 11-4-7-2

*********Walk to UF********
2BR/1BA in older house behind Leo 706,
upstairs hardwood floors, utilities included
with rent, pets arranged $490/mo Greg 214-
3291 11-8-10-2

Stylish 2BR/2BA SW apt, W/D, alarm, sky-
light, mirrored living room, front porch great
bus rte., pets okay. Avail Jan., $640/mo.
Call 317-8150 for showing and information

4BR/2BA House
1904 NW 6th St. Easy bike ride to UF/
downtown. W/D & fenced yard $1,200/mo
Call now for a discount on Nov. rent!

DUPLEX 2BR/1BA. New tile, new carpet,
new paint, central AC/heat, W/D hk up.
Walk/bike to UF. 408 NW 5th Ave. Unit A.
$695/mo. 1st/last &sec.
284-0316 or 281-0733 11-9-10-2

Townhouse 2BR/1.5 BA. Fenced yard,
V\t^D hook-ups, Pets ok. Monthy rent $625.
3936 SW 26 Ter. Apt. B. Call Candy or David
352-371-3473. 11-10-10-2.

l. -For Rent

Available May several units within 1/2
mi of UF campus or closer. $300-310
1BR/1BA $395-415, 2BR/2.5BA $725,
2BR/1 BA $700. Sec dep. No pets. Contact or Iv msg 352-870-7256

HISTORIC APTS Ceiling fans, hardwood
floors, high ceilings, some w/fireplaces.
SE historic district. First, last, security. 2BR
&2BR w/study 2-2BR Houses in NW Dntn.-
$600-800/mo No dogs please. 378-3704

Only 7 blocks from campus.
Available now! Completely remodeled 1BR
duplex. 1313 NW 7th Ave. Call 871-6413

Walk to UF 2BR.1BA duplex, cent A/C,
private parking, 922 SW 6th Ave. $520 375-7104 12-7-

1 Blkto UF! 1BR/1BAApt
$470/MO 1236 SW 4th Avenue
Central Heat & Air. Carpet. Laundry Fac.
Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 11-

3 Blks to UF! 1BR/1BAApt.
$470/MO 1029 SW 3rd Avenue
Central Heat & Air. Carpet. x-tra room.
Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 11-

2 Blksto UF!2BR/1BAApt.
$530/MO 408 NW 15th Street
Window A/C Nat. Gas ht. Wood Floors
Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 11-

1 BLKto UF! 2BR/1BAApt.
$550/MO 216 SW 12th Street
Windown A/C, Nat Gas ht., wood floors
Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 11-

Convenient UF access $375 to $620/mo
Action Real Estate Services 352-331-1133

650-750 sq. ft. Starting @ $490/MO. Quiet,
wooded setting. FREE monitored alarm
system. 6400 SW 20th Ave. Call 332-0720

Walk/Bike to Shands or UF
Call 379-3779 11-7-5-2

Subleases 3

Countryside @ University Condo. 2
bedrooms available in 4BR/4BA for
$425/ea. Cable, water, elec incl except
phone. Call Irvin 904-610-0967 or email 11-1-10-3

Melrose 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. Furnishings,
utils, internet & cable included. W/D in unit.
B-ball, V-ball, tennis, 2 pools, spa, fitness
room, game room & computer lab. $367/mo
Available Dec Aug 916-295-4090 11-1-

for $612/mo. Available now!!! 352-494-3844

SPACIOUS 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA town-
home. Sublease for 9 mo. in Towne Parc.
Free hi-spd internet. Only $375/mo. MUST
SUBLEASE. Contact Jason 352-213-3668
2BR/2BA TOWNHOME. All amenities in-
cluded. $958/mo. Available for spring. Start
date negotiable. Please call 352-283-3603.

FREE -RENT Until 12/31/05. Sublease
avail now thru 8/06. 1BR/1BA in furn. 2BR
Gainesville Place Apt. $590 for all utils, cable
tv, internet. Close to UF.,Great amenities
incls. balcony. Call Ashley 914-826-7171

Massive one bedroom flat available im-
mediately in Boardwalk apts. November
FREE. $630/month for 850+ sq. ft. Perfect
for couple! Come see! Lydia 352-318-4240.

1BR/1BA on SW 16 Ave. Sublease from
Dec. to May $480/mo. Cat friendly, no dogs
please. Call 352-870-2163 or e-mail: 11-3-5-3

1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA in Gainesville Place
for spring. 2 swimming pools, tennis courts,
soccer field. $435/mo- everything included.
Cable, hi speed internet. On bus line. Female
only. Call 813-363-8412. 11-10-10-3

1 month free 1 BR/BA apt. at Frederic Garden
$460/mo. Pets allowed. Close to UF and bus
route 24hr. maint. Call 373-8235 Before
-2pm or e-mail

Spring and summer sublease at The Estates.
I bedroom in a 3 bedroom apartment Great
price. Includes everything. Female or male.
305-342-5157 11-7-5-3


Roommate Matching HERE
Oxford Manor 377-2777
The Landings 336-38383
The Laurels 335-4455
Cobblestone 377-2801
Hidden Lake 374-3866

Female roommate for one/two female UF
students. Quiet. Responsible. 60 second
walk to UF Old house charm with all ameni-
ties. Avail Now. $400 up. 352-538-2181.Lv
message. Private Owner 12-7-72-4

F NS grad/prof needed for 1BR in BRAND
NEW 2/2 condo. 2 mi to UF on bus rte.
W/D. $475 + 1/2 util/mo. Common area
furnished, tile firs. No pets. 904-386-6485 or 11-14-62-4

Rooms. $75-$85 P/W utilities color tv max
cab. w/m on bus r/t. 3 mi from Univ Ave +
Main St. But rent + utility. (negotiable) for one
day work. 376-0384 for all info. 11-16-40-4

Rooms for rent: Large, clean house. Close
to campus. High speed and cable. Large
yard. Two car garage and porch area. Rent
$425. For more info call Tre at 352-328-8878

Female student fo join 2 females for own BR
in attractive 3BR house near NW 8th Ave,
3mi from UF on bus rte. #43, tile/hardwood,
$275/mo+ 1/3 GRU & .HSInternet-digital
cable, avail now. 381-5597 or 332-3852

Unfurnished BR for rent in brand new spa-
cious condo w/2 female UF students. NW
55th St. Call Lisa for details @ 352-374-6636

3BR/Pvt BA. Available 1/1/06. 6-12 month
lease. Perfect for grad/intl. students.
Sparkling. Furn/unfurn. Large home in
Kirkwood. $400-$500 +util. 352-375-6996 or
352-284-0979 11-15-41-4

$250 Nice large room in cool house near
UF. DSL, W/D, big fenced yard, great stu-
dent roommates, good study atmosphere.
Flexible lease 371-9409 12-1-35-4

Male roommate for 1 room in 2BR/2.5BA in
Victoria Station. Share kitchen, family rm.,
W/D. Community pool. $450/mo + utilities.
Avail Jan. 1 Call 954-303-1104 or 954-242-
4633 11-8-20-4

Roommate needed for 3Br/2Ba apt in SW
20th Ave Now. $300 +1/3util. On UF busline.
HI-spd Intnt, pool & TV Cable. Free UF pk.
Call 219-7309.

Female roommate, student preferred,
needed to share with other female student
in a 2BR/1 BA house. Avail in Nov. Hardwood
floors, W/D, fenced backyard near Ward's.-
$325/mo + 1/2 util. Pets ok. 352-283-6304

Furnished room w/ private bathroom.
University Terrace Gainesville.. W/D, A/C,
cable, internet. $350/mo. Call 352-472-9778
or 305-299-3485 11-10-14-4

Roomate wanted 3BR/3BA furnished house.
Wood floors. Looking for quiet, clean person.
$400/mo. Utilities included $200 deposit. Call
352-745-1552 11-30-23-4

J 1 Heal Estate

DUCKPOND/Creekview/nice house. Large
BR $400; medium BR $350 + 1/3 utilities.
High ceilings bright space, wood firs, carport.
Perfect for art, gardening, studying, good
housemates, fun. Now or Jan 374-7038

1 Female needed for 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA
@Countryside. $425/mo incl. utils., cable,
internet, finished. Avail NOW! Call 727-510-
9346 11-9-10-4

LIVE DOWNTOWN! Want open-minded,
clean/fun/young prof/grad student to share
new/lux 3BR/3BA condo. $600/mo + 1/3 util
7 or 12 mo lease Avail 01 JAN/Scott 262-
7899 11-7-8-4

CAMPUS LODGE Room for lease.
PRICE NEGOTIABLE. Incl. furniture, utils,.
pvt. bathroom, big screened TV, resort-style
pool & 2 great roommates. Available Dec.
Call 407-227-4170. 11-3-5-4

Avail Dec 2 rooms in large house, 1
blk from 13th & University, $300 + split
util, sec dep. NS, no pets. Contact or leave message
at 352-870-7256 12-7-29-4

1/1 available in 2/2. 1/2 furnished. Museum
Walk. Male/female. 2 story. DW/WD/pool/
tanning/parties. Laid back, clean per-
son ASAP 732-670-1821 $500 +1/3 util.

near the Library downtown. $285-$360/rm +
utilities. Free internet access. Short term. No
pets. No smoking. 378-1304 11-4-5-4

M/F roommate wanted for 1BR/pvt. bath in
3BR/2BA apt. w/2 females. W/D, cox internet
& cable. Avail. Jan.- early Aug. $345 +1/3 util.
Call 407-222-4266 11-21-15-4

$245/MO Rent, Male N/S
Quiet private home
Archer Rd. Location
Sec. Deposit +1/2 electric
Info. 375-6393 11-7-5-4

1227 SW 4th Ave. Apt. 1
Perfect location. Perfect condition.
Need 1 or 2 roomates. Split $1135/mo
Call 352-514-5060 or 904-716-1609

Roomates needed for 4BR/4BA condo.
Close to UF on bus rt. Incl. W/D, utils, wire-
less internet, cable $425/rm/mo w/$125 sec
dep. Contact @ 407-719-1699 12-7-26-4 .

2 rooms for rent in 4BR/4BA unit. Rent only
$400/mo incl utils, cable, internet.& furnished
living area. Call 352-870-8459 for more de-
tails. 11-15-10-4

a Real Estate

Sell your house, condo, acreage, mobile
home and much more in the ALLIGATOR
CLASSIFIEDS! Reach over 24,000 possible
buyers! Mastercard and Visa accepted over
the phone. Please Call 373-Find

Quad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra
land, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House
3/4BR, 2BA, wd firs, covered prch, concrete
patio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 352-
538-2181 Iv mssg 12-7-72-5

Existing condos & luxury condos near UF
at affordable prices. For more information,
visit or call
today Matt Price 352-281-3551 Campus
Realty Group 11-30-19-5

Spectacular university views. Walk to UF &
the stadium.- Classic New Orleans appeal
with state-of-the-art luxury. Reserve today.
52 units available. Starting in mid-300's. Call
Eric Wild 870-9453 12-7-80-5

ARCHER Two story 3x1 home on 5.4 flat,
green, usable acres cross fenced barn
- paddock two 12x40' new steel storage
units many extras. AHHR @ 352-250-5138

SHERWOOD FOREST 4 2.5 1. bouglas
built home. This is the. best of the best with
dozens of extras magnificent home priced
right! AHHR @ 352-250-5138 for full details.

Home. Boat house pier private slip boat
barn treed beautiful elevated and land-
scaped lot. AHHR 352-250-5138 11-2-10-5

Nice 2BR/2BA Brandywine Condo.
1226 sq. feet. A couple of miles to the
University. New carpet. Asking $96,000.
Call 222-5143 11-14-15-5



BED-Queen, orthopedic, extra thick, pillow-
top, mattress & box. Name brand, new, still
in plastic. Sacrifice $110. Call 352-372-7490
will deliver. 12-7-72-6

mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic
w/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice $85. Call
352-377-9846 12-7-72-6

Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must
sell. Can deliver. Retail $2300. Sacrifice
$550 352-372-7490 12-7-72-6

BED King Pillowtop mattress & box springs.
Orthopedic rated. Name brand, new, never
been used, in plastic with warranty. Sell
$170. Call 352-372-8588 Can deliver. 12-

CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop
Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. Cost
$1500, sacrifice $550 352-333-7516

Sofa $185 Brand new in pkg 333-7516

BEDROOM SET. 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king
bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chests
avail. Dovetail const. New, in boxes. Can de-
liver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice $1400
(352) 372-7490 12-7-72-6

SOFA & LOVESEAT 100% Italian leather.
Brand new in plastic w/warranty. Retail
$2650. Sacrifice $750. Call 352-377-9846

DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set witable,
6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New,
still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100.
Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-8588 12-

FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/
mattress. New, in box. $160 332 9899

DINETTE SET 5pc $85 Brand new in box.
Never used. 352-377-9846 12-7-72-6

BEDS 0 Full mattress & boxspring sets $49
* Queen sets $89 0 Single sets $39 *King
sets $99 0 From estate sale. Safe pine bunk
bed $109. 376-0939/378-0497.
CALL-A-MATTRESS 4370 SW 20th Ave.

MEMORY FOAM same as Temperpedia.
Save 50% & more. Other close-outs. 0 twin
sets $89 Ofull sets $129 Oqueen sets $149
*king sets $189 Student discounts apply.
4370 SW 20th Ave. 376-0953. We deliver.

Beds, Futons, Furniture, King Sealy sets
$299; new sofas for $299; oak futons $169;
sofa & loveseat $399; dinettes," desks, all
on sale *New Location* 140 NW 6th St
Morrells Furniture Outlet. 352-378-3400
Orthopedic pillow-top sets.
**Full-$100 Queen-$130 King-$195*
Brand name matching sets not used or re-
furbished. Still in plastic, direct from -factory!
A better product at a better price. Wholesale
Furniture Dealer (3205 SW 40th Blvd. off
Archer Rd.) 376-1600. Ask for Rachel or
Brian 12-7-72-6



a ur Furnishings

Bed All New Queen orthopedic pillow-top
mattress & box set. Still in plastic with war-
ranty. Can Deliver. $130 (352) 264-9799

Bed $100 All New Full size orthopedic mat-
tress set. Brand new, still in plastic, w/ war-
ranty. Can Deliver.352-376-1600 12-7-72-6

Bedroom Set Brand New! Still in boxes! HB
- $125, NS $75, Dresser $135, Mirror $75,
Chest $135. Can Deliver. (352) 264-9799

Dinette Set $125 Brand New 5 pc set in
box, never used! Can Deliver 494-0333

Sofa $225 Brand New! Loveseat $170 Still
in package, never used. Can Del. 376-1600

Pool Table Gorgeous 8' All wood table.
Leather pockets, Italian 1" slate, carved
legs. Br. New still in crate. Cost $4,500. Sell
$1,350. Can Deliver. 264-9799 12-7-72-6

Hot Tub/Spa $1795.00 Brand New Loaded!
Waterfall, LED lights, cup-jiolders, 110v en-
ergy efficient with warranty. Free Delivery.
264-9799 12-7-72-6

*Full $90 Queen $110 King $170"**
Orthopedic pillow-top sets. Brand name
matching sets not used or refurbished. Still
in plastic, direct from factory! 352-333-7516.

BED- QUEEN New orthopedic pillowtop mat-
tress and boxspring set. Brand name, brand
new, still in plastic with warranty. Can deliver.
$115 352-377-9846. 12-7-72-6

Bed- All New King! 3pc Orthopedic pillowtop
mattress set. Brand NEW, still in plastic with
warranty. Can deliver. $170 352-333-7516.

Bedroom Set- $325 BRAND NEW. Still
in boxes! 6 pieces include: Headboard, 2
Nightstands, Dresser, Mirror, Chest. Must
sell, can deliver. 352-377-9846. 12-7-72-6

Futon $160 Solid Oak Mission Style with
plush mattress. All brand NEW still in box.
Can deliver. 352-333-7516 12-7-72-6

Pool Table Gorgeous 8" All wood table.
Leather pockets, Italian 1" slate, carved legs.
Brand new still in crate. MUST SELL Retail
$5500. Sell $950. Can deliver 352-377-9846


.u 0

~LM .0 L
~. % E r -

C C %


Hot Tub/Spa $1295 Brand New Loaded!
Waterfall, LED lights, cupholders, 110-v
energy efficient with warranty. Free delivery,
MUST SELL 352-372-8588 12-7-72-6

Bed-FULL size pillowtop mattress & box.
New, in plastic, warr. Can del. $90 317-4031

Sofa $185 Brand new! Love seat $150 still in
pkg. Can del 352-333-7516

Dumas Discount 371-4422 1201 E. Univ. Av.
New Used 0 Buy Sell 12-7-59-6

FUTON, Queen
Like new condition. Light colored wood.
$600, includes 2 futon covers. Contact: 352-
256-1478. 11-1-5-6

Queen bed (mattress, box + frame) bought
new Feb '05. $110; desk w/hutch $35;
dining room (table + 4 chairs) $60; micro-
wave $25; lamp $5. Call Oscar 381-1961, 11-1-3-6

for sale. $175 for both. Red slipcover for
couch and red striped slipcover for chair
included. Call 321-432-8314 11-4-4-6


^-yA+n mputer De h
-, W&, A49k& hoVU- CAU!


Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek
House/dorm 59 min response. No waiting/
unplugging/hassels. $30 Gator Discount
w/student ID. M/F Cert MCSE technicians.
333-8404. 12-

Cash Paid Laptop PCs
SALES SERVICE PARTS 336-0075 12-7-72-7

Network specialists
We buy computers and laptops
Working and Non-working
378-4009, 607 NW 13th Street



- computer/laptop repair
- virus, spyware, hardware
- $10 discounts, cheapest!
- home/dorm 352-219- '.*80

G'ville Computer Repair
Service on all PC MAC and Networks. 1204
NW 13th St, Ste #10. 352-337-2500 12-7-

Spyware/virus removal special $59. Laptop
memory upgrade $50+. Stop paying too
much for computer repairs. Fixed rates as
low as $30. Call today for a free estimate.

722 S. Main The Red Bldg

GATOR CAR ALARMS Take a bite out of
crime $99.95. Installed FREE. .Gainesville's
oldest car alarm and car stereo specialty
store. 373-3754 Audio Outlet. 12-7-84-8.

Car stereo, car alarms, mobile video, mobile
navigation, custom wheels and tires, and
automobile performance at Sound Depot &
Performance. 374-7700

| Bicycles 3

In the market f6r a new set of wheels or just
looking to add a second to that collection?
Want personalized handlebars or a fitted
seat? Check in the Alligator Classifieds.

Many to choose from
* Best Prices in Town *
SPIN CYCLE 373-3355
424 W University Ave 12-7-72-9

Used not abused. From basic transportation
to highend stuff. All styles. Great prices. 5
blocks from UF in College Park. 870-8693

WANTED: Road Bike
Call with size + components 316-1164

5G For Sale

Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF.
- Reserve now! Reasonable rates. 352-538-
2181. Qan leave mssg. 12-7-72-10

by Bob Brackin
"Gainesville Stories"- 11-18-60-10

PARTY SUPPLIES: Complete line of Bar
Supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft beer
equipment. Professional Cooking Utensils.
R.,W. Beaty Co. 4322 NW 13th St, Gville
RWBEATY.COM 376-5939 12-7-71-10

* ~



Cool Hand Painted Bamboo. Curtains.
Excellent for dorm, home, party room or gift!

Save $100's on Tavertine or granite for your
.next job/project. Call Joel at 359-3216 at
Jackson LLC. 11-2-10-10

U MotofcybI", -M opedJ

Many Brands Available 518 SE 2nd St. 377-6974

*Swamp Cycles* Save $$$ on gas, ride to
class! Largest selection of Ebikes, scooters
& accessories. Free delivery, 1-yr warranty,
best cust. service 534 SW 4th Ave 373-8823

Scooters from $599. Largest selection
KYMCO, Vento, Hyosung, Keen & many
others. Financing avail. 3550 SW 34th St.
338-8450 12-7-72-11

SCOOTERS, or dirt bikes in ANY condition,
Running or not. titles or not. Prompt pick up.
Call ANYTIME: 352-441-0442
Please leave a message.

New location now open 1901 NW67th Place
Best prices in Gainesville. Owned by Gator
grads. Will beat all Gainesville competitor's
prices on similar models. 12-7-84-11

Oil ingection, lots of storage. Brand new,
never used. Over 100 mpg. Park anywhere.
ONLY $895 262-4673 11-8-10-11

VERUCCI SCOOTERS for sale 49cc 4
stroke electric start. Remote alarm & ignition.
Reaches 45-50 mph. Makes 80-100mpg. 1
new blue $1500, 1 used yellow $1000, Call
352-219-3950 11-22-15-11


*Running or not!*
*Over 10 yr svc to UF students
OCall Don @215-7987 12-7-72-12

CARS -CARS Buy*SellSTrade
Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes
Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars
3432 N Main St.

Running or Not 1990 & up only
Sell or Trade Welcome
Call Ray 352-284-8619

2715 N MAIN 377-1616

Best Cars Lowest Prices

For listings 800-749-8116 ext 4622 12-7-

For Cars & Trucks
Any year, make, model, mileage, condi-
tion. Free towing. Up to $250 for junkers
Call 407-756-9100

Silver, 5-spd, 34mpg, A/C, AM/FM/CD,
remote keyless entry, alloy wheels, tinted
windows, alarm. 72k mi. Great cond $4750/
OBO. 352-328-1075 11-

1994 Toyota 4x4 pickup DX X-cab V6. 3.0,
Rhinoliner, topper, AC, CD/mp3, Yakima
rack, trailer hitch, tinted windows, man trans,
182 K $4700 Call 352-281-2485. 11-3-5-12

Wanted' :

JEWELRY. 373-9243 12-7-72-13
Transport patients to/from treatments
Must have valid driver's license,
safe driving record & attend training session.
Call 352-376-6866 ext 114 for more info.
On-going volunteer needed: Blind lady
needs trans on Sundays only to Mass @
Queen of Peace Catholic Church orSt.
Augustine Catholic Church. For more info
call 219-6948. I live in the Tower Rd area.

Blind lady needs health majors interested in
walking at least three times a week. Call 352-
219-6948. Thanks. 11-14-83-13

352-317-6601 12-7-36-13

I ]l Help Wanted 3

This newspaper assumes no responsibil-
ity for injury or loss arising from contacts
made through advertising. We suggest that
any reader who responds to advertising use
caution and investigate the sincerity of the
advertiser before giving out personal infor-
mation or arranging meetings
Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be
over 22, stable work history, clean driving re-
cord, drug-free, pers ref. www.carrsmith.qpm
for details. 12-7-72-14
Animal Care Tech looking for hard working
person to work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will
train, PT to start with. more hrs possible. Start
at $6.50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024
between 9-4 M-F. 12-7-72-14
CNA'CLASS: Learn @ your own time and
pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and
pass the state exam is on VCR tape. 95%
pass the state exam the 1st time! $250. Call
800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 12-7-72-14
Phone survey interviewers wanted; Start
work today! No sales, opinion research
only! Flexible Schedule! Perceptive Market
Research 336-6760 ex 4081 Call now! -2-
Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/
Sales and IT needed for various positions.
Flexible schedules and, competitive pay. Join
our team! Learn more at
employment 12-7-72-14
For gently used brand name
Clothing/accessories & furniture
$Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No appt
necessary! 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 12-
No experience necessary, training provided.
800-965-6520 ext 138 12-7-72-14

Needed for evaluations of
Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters
Flexible Hours, E-mail required
Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254

Donate Plasma & Save a Life
Best part-time job you'll ever have.
Bring this Ad and Earn an
Extra $5 on Your 2nd Donation.
DCI Biologicals 150 NW 6th St.
Mortgage lender has immediate positions
avail for college students. No exp req. $8/hr
+ bonus, flex hrs. Apply in person 2-7pm M-F
at 1900 SW 34th St Ste 206 (2nd fir above
credit union) 12-7-72-14

Continued on next page.

I A, 10 "s


S HeWanted HelpWnted
;Help Wanted py 1e ae j ~ ~ ~ ne

Would you like to be your own boss, work
your own hours, and make unlimited in-
come? Start your own AVON business for
just $10. Call Emma @ 352-871-4489 or
e-,fail 12-7-

HIRING KITCHEN STAFF Starting $6.15/hr
DRIVERS $8-15/hr, and FLYERERS. PT
easy schedule. Please call 2-5pm 378-2442
or fill out application at California Chicken
Grill 2124 SW 34th St. Mon Fri. 12-7-72-14
Apply online today. At one of over .100
.for any position today. 11-30-76-14

We need Paid Survey Takers in Gainesville.
100% FREE to-join. Click on Surveys.
12-7-72-14 ,

Tired of sitting around w/out it? Sit here &
students to raise funds. Earn up to $8.00/hr
with a FLEXIBLE schedule. Apply at 105
NW 16th St. 4th floor. Academic Classroom
Building 105, or call 392-7754 for more info.

Telephone Interviewing
$7.50/hr ($8 Bi-lingual) + BONUS
Apply @ UF Survey Research Center
M-F 9:30am-9pm 408 W University Ave.
Suite 106, Tel. 392-2908 x105
Must work eve/wknd

Attention Smokers!
Earn about $6/hr. Smokers are needed to
participate in a study on decision making
& smoking. If interested, come to the
Psychology Bldg room 397 or call 392-
0601 ext 297 12-7-68-14

Call center needs telephone agents for all
shifts 24 hours. 1830 NE 2nd St. Apply in
person M-F 9am-4pm. 12-7-66-14

Attention Smokers! Do you want to quit
smoking? Smokers are needed to participate
in-a smoking cessation study. If interested
e-mail the UF Smoking Lab and Clinic. or call 328-
4944 9-3-15-14

.Earn up to $12-14/hr.
Call California Chicken Grill 378-2442

$10 15/Hour DRIVERS
$6.15 $7.15/Hour INSIDERS
$35K-$50K/year MANAGERS
Apply online at
Or at any of the 6 locations. 12-7-65-14

Park Place Car Wash is looking for hard
workers for all positions. Cashiers (fullday
availability) & lineworkers. (AM 8:30-1) &
(PM 12-6). Apply: 7404 NW 4th Blvd. Across
from Home Depot. No phone calls please.

Apply in person. Windmeadows Apt. 2712
SW 34th St. DFWP. 11-30-49-14

Get Paid To Drive A Brand New Carl
Now paying drivers $800-$3200 a month.
Pick up your free car key today. 11-8-35-14

MARK Representatives needed. Earn up to
40% on everything you sell. Make money
while in school; buy, sell, fundraise. Be your
,wa boss, work flexible hours. Call Emma @
352-87-1-4489 12-7-50-14

Bartending Jobs
Up to $300/shift. Many Positions Avail.
No exp. req. FT/PT. 1-800-806-0082 ext
1516 12-7-41-14

HUNGRY HOWIES is now hiring
Cash paid daily. Drivers & inside workers
needed. Flexible schedule. Full & part time
avdil. Apply in person 3105 SW 34th St.

Phone reps. needed ASAP for Political
Campaigns. Base hourly rate + bonus. 352-
371-5888 X 111 or 4112 NW 22nd Drive.

CASHIER PT, approx. 25hrs./wk. Mornings,
afternoons or evenings. ADA'S CLOTHES
REPAIR 336-0164 12-7-35-14

$100 EACH NIGHT Guaranteed. 13th St.
Dominos now hiring 10 drivers. Closing driv-
ers earn $100 to $125 each night. Apply @
2106 SW 13th St. 373-2337 11-2-15-14

Are you America's Next TOP Personality?
Earn $70 for a 5 hour event!
Promoting brands by .
Distributing samples/brochures
and demonstrating products to
consumers. Part-time, weekends,
and typically 4-6 hours. Apply online

New Scooters 4 Less is looking for a part
time mechanic. Must have knowledge of 2 &
4 stroke engines. Training provided. Relaxed
and fun environment. Call 336-1271 to set up
an interview. 11-18-24-14

The Phonetics Laboratory in the Program
in Linguistics is looking for people to par-
ticipate in a listening experiment. You can
earn $10/hr by participating in a study
of the perception of speech sounds from
foreign languages. If you are interested in
participating, please contact Jenna Silver: 11-2-10-14

FT Veterinary Receptionist
Call for information 318-1247 11-3-11-14

WANTED Waitstaff and kitchen personnel
at The Clubhouse Grille. 5112 NW 34th St.,
across from the YMCA. Between the hours of
2 &4pm M-F. 11-2-10-14

Previous hotel sales experience preferred.
Hourly & bonus. Apply in person: 4021 SW
40th Blvd. 11-2-10-14

needed for youth co-ed basketball pro-
DIFFERENCE. Call 334-5053 11-1-7-14

Earn $$$. Officiate youth basketball games.
Basketball officials clinic. Nov 16 6-8pm.
Call.393-8751 for more info. 11-1-7-14

National company. Mon-Fri. Apply in person
@ 3005 SW Williston Rd or send resume to 11-7-10-14

20 to 30 hrs per week, 4 jobs $$$
Noah's Ark Nanny 376-5008 11-7-10-14

We're looking for motivated people to join our
team! PIT, flexible scheduling. Apply at store
331-5900 11-1-5-14

TCBY on 34th St.
Apply in person. 12-7-28-14

Brinks authorized dealer looking for top
sales person. Lead program, top commis-
sion. Support/training. Set your own hours.
Excellent job for college student. Call 1-866-
427-4880. 11-8-10-14

needed at Tumblemania in High Springs.
Call 386-454-1779 for more info. 11-8-10-14

Now hiring DELIVERY DRIVERS. Flexible
hours. Closing shifts earn over $100.
Apply in person 600 NW75th St. 11-8-10-14

Nanny needed M-F Full Time
for twin girls at the beginning of the year.'
References required. 262-4437 11-8-10-14

Part Time Criminal Justice Tech
Advanced technical clerical/
record work associated w/inmate
records. 20-30 hrs/week.
Starting salary: $10/hr+benefits
HS/GED, 18+yrs, Type 30 CWPM
Deadline: November 4, 2005'
2621 SE Hawthorne Road
Gainesville, FL 32641

songs. Paid positions. Call Pastor Terry, 352-
472-5433 or 472-7736 11-8-10-14

for sitework construction office. Quickbooks
exp. pref. Ideal for business or account-
ing major. Min 20hrs/wk. Call 335-1711

Are you energetic and motivated? Are you
looking for a flexible holiday job? LifeSouth
Community Blood Centers, Inc. is cur-
rently seeking part-time Donor Scheduling
Representatives to help maintain the com-
munity blood supply. Evening and weekend
shifts are available. To apply, please call
(352) 224-1741 after 5pm Monday through
Thursday & leave a message. EOE/DFWP.

Catering Help
Wait Staff/Dishwashers/Bartenders
Great Environment/Wknds/Flexible Hours
No Phone Calls/ Must Have Experience
Email refs. to

JW Furniture seeks M/F energetic, motivated
employees that are commission driven.
Contact AlexCutler 305-766-6339 11-2-

Major Internet Retailer
Customer Svc., sales, shipping,
advertising, marketing, graphics,
programmers, photography, etc.

for authentic New York-style hand-tossed
to start. Tues-Fri, 2-10Opm. Call 745-0456

is now hiring DELIVERY DRIVERS. Come by
and fill out an application at 1710 SW 13th
St. 372-4848 11-30-19-14

SHIFT WORK 7/24, 365
We can work with your schedule. Contact
David Armstrong 386-462-1016 11-2-5-14

Seeking recent grads/current students in
Psy, Sp Ed or other realted field to work with
children and adults with autism. $10/hr. Call
Mark at 332-8588 11-1-3-14

Want a job that has flexible hours, makes
unlimited income, and is tons of fun?
Become a sales rep selling
the hottest styles in silver and handbags.
Call Rebecca at 305-677-9500

tionist for busy Gainesville research center.
Medical Manager Experience a plus. Salary
commensurate w/exp. Fax resume to 352-
331-8345. 11-4-6-14

IVEY'S GRILL needs dishwashers. Shifts are
Tues thru Sun 7:30 am to 4:30 pm and Thurs
thru Sat 4:30 pm thru 11:30 pm. Apply in per-
son. Closed Mondays. 11-3-5-14

Student Supervisors/Managers:
Start building or add to your resume! Gator
Dining Services, located on the UF Campus,
is looking for Student Supervisors/Managers.
Pay is $8-1 Ohr. based on experience. We of-
fer competitive pay, benefits and a great
working environment. Apply at Gator Dining
Services, B73 Reitz Union, Museum Rd.
or online at 11-14-

Inventory Position:
Gator Dining Services, located on the UF
Campus, is looking for a full time inven-
tory person. Qualified applicant will have
experience with data entry, inventory, cash
handling and sales reporting. Must possess
strong computer and customer service
skills. This position will also help with other
general office duties. We offer competitive
pay, benefits and a great working environ-
ment. Email resume with salary require-
ments or apply online at 11-14-10-14

Accounts Receivable:
Gator Dining Services, located on the UF
Campus is looking for a full time office per-
son. Hours are M-F 8:30-5pm. This person
will manage cash on account, work closely
with the catering department to ensure all in-
voices go out promptly, post incoming checks
to the corresponding invoices and help with
other general office duties. Must possess
strong computer and customer service skills.
We offer competitive pay, benefits and a great
working environment. Fax resume with sal-
ary requirements to 352-392-9787 or email
to 11-14-10-14

Psychiatric Aides $22,612 annually. Shift
work. Rotating days off. Req completion of
30 sem or 45 qtr hrs of college w/5 courses in
Soc/Behav Sci. Apply::; Lori Ross at 264-8250. EEO/AA

needs a few good men.
Best food on campus. Call 378-9032 11-

Painters needed immediately. No experi-
ence necessary. Flexible hours. Great
pay. Call Thomas 786-385-9232 or E-mail 11-7-5-14

CSR Needed!
To coordinate service via the phone to our
natfl clients, techs & homeowners. Gnvl of-
fice, training, benefits, FT/PT, great pay. Fax
352-336-4218 call 352-258-3854 11-3-3-14

Can you talk the talk & close the slae? Call
us! We have warm leads & high commissions
for the motivated salesperson in our GnvI of-
fice. Training, FT/PT, benefits. Fax 352-336-
4218, call 352-258-3854 11-3-3-14

Exactech, Inc "
A Great Day in the O.R.

ordinate corporate meetings for regional,
international & domestic meetings & events,
support tradeshow management and sales
training. Will also maintain event material
storage areas. Marketing, Public Relations
degree and 2 year experience in Corporate
Marketing preferred. Must have excellent
computer, written and oral communication
skills. Send cover letter, resume and salary
history to To
learn more about Exactech and this opportu-
nity please visit 11-7-5-14

Part time, flexible hours. General office
skills. & common sense required. Email
getajob@progifts.corn or call 332-3833 or fax
resume to 332-8252 Attn John or Shannon.


Do you work with the public? Are you 18
years or older and work at lease 20 hours
per week? If so, you may earn up to $50 for
completing daily surveys online over five
work days as part of a UF Management
Department study of emotions of customer
service employees. For details and sign-up
information, visit 11-4-

1 Services'.'- -.

Close To UF, Convenient
4x4x4 $20/mo
4x8x8 $35/mo
533 SW 2nd Ave. 377-1771

Porsche, Volvo, VW, Honda, Toyota, Nissan,
Mazda. Quality craftsmanship, reasonable
prices, near UF, AAA approved 378-7830 12-7-72-15

HYPNOTIST-Stop smoking. Improve mem-
ory & concentration. Eliminate bad habits.
Past life regression. Learn self-hypnosis.
Low Student Rates. Leonard Umans AAPH,
NGH certified 379-1079. 12-7-72-15

Ethnic Dance Expressions Studio
For Fun & Fitness 384-9200

HORSE BOARDING peaceful spacious
30 acres lighted arena round pens -stan-
dard & oversized- exp help 12x12 stalls 1-
352-472-2627 or Iv msg @ 339-2193 Owner
on premisis 35+ yrs exp. Lessons avail.

Quality Boarding Lessons/English *
Parties Alachua County's oldest & finest
horse farm @ 466-4060 12-7-72-15

Complete Auto Service
Imports & Domestics Cars & Trucks
Discount for students. Call 352-380-0033

The countryclub for horses & owners.
Customer lounge w/full kitchen & bath. 250'
x 160' riding ring, round pen & jump pad-
dock. Lessons. 30 acres, 40 matted stalls, 19
separate paddocks. 24-hr security, 352-591-
3175 12-7-72-15

Custom Posters 0 Exhibits Awards
Top Quality Fast Service Low Prices
SignMasters 335-7000

Jump start your job search at

Plaques Name Badges Cups Etc.
Best Selection In Town
SignMasters 335-7000

41111 --

"Copyrighted Material I

Syndicated Content

Available from Commercial News Providers"

* *

m -~



WI Servicest:-19J M fi-ea!t1dSeis

Individuals or small groups.
Experienced, excellent.
375-6641 Harold Nobles

Personal and Group Training
Flexible Scheduling Exclusive Facility
Call for a free workout

Want to be a CNA? Don't want to wait?
Express Training Services can get you certi-
fied under 3 wksl Hands-on exp, no videos.
Day/eve classes avail. Next class 11/28/05.
Class sizes limited. 338-1193 for details.

Car hot? Lose your cool!
Call Rick-I'm quick! RICK'S MOBILE AUTO
A/C, All Freons-oils, computer diagnosis
40 years experience 213-2665

Guitar, piano and bass. All serious students
welcome. I'm a 30 yr. pro. 376-3831 11-2-

All facilities & amenities: quality instruc-
tion, 15 min from UF. Jan at 376-7762.
Greathouse Equestrian Center 12-743-15






7 Years of experience. B.S. in Engineering, -
UF. English/Spanish. Call Francisco @352-
494-8582 OR 377-2526 Sliding Scale Rates

Beginners-advanced. Folk, bluegrass, blues
& popular. Flatpick & fingerpicking guitar
styles. Celtic & bluegrass fiddle & mandolin
styles. Alan Stowell 37" ""t8, 262-0171

24-hr access. Study at your own pace
Our professors rated highly by their students
** Packages starting at just $10 Go

Alachua County Health Dept. Call
334-7960 for app't (optional $20 fee)

New Location Students NoAppt Needed!
4343 Newberry Rd. #10, 373-2340
Most Ins Accepted, Hours- M-F 8am-6pm













IV sedation, Student Discount.
Well Woman Care & Birth Control
Bread & Roses Women's Health Ctr

All Women's Health Center
Free Pregnancy Test.
RU-486 Available

Lose 8 15 pounds-in 4 weeks
Only $99!
Gain muscle while you lose fat
Groups forming now. 339-2199.
New therapy being studied If you qualify to
participate in this research you will get free
evaluation, medication, and be reimbursed
for your rime. Call Dr. Levy @ 331-2020 for
evaluation. 12-7-71-16
Call today for your free initial consultation.
David Cox, PhD, LMHC, 352-378-3000

m Typing Services .

RESUMES $25 & up.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Call days/eves 256-1042;
SAME DAY SERVICE: Transcription, typing,
apps. Desktop pub: brochures, newsletters,
flyers, ads, logos. Resume service. 18 yrs
exp. 24-hr turnaround. Connie 271-2677

Alachua County Health Dept. Call
334-7960 for app't (optional $20 fee)
University Opticians
300 SW 4th Ave. 378-4480.
1800 Gun Inventory
Over 500 handguns in stock
Buy, Sell, Trade or Repair.
Reloading Supplies 466-3340
Harry Beckwith, Gun Dealer
8mi. South of G'ville on 441

*Family Chiropractic*
Since 1977. Two blocks from U.F.
1107 SW 2nd Ave 373-7070
We buy 10-5, M-Sat. Open to shop til 6. WE
Ave 375-3752. 12-7-72-18

Inside Books, Inc. 505 NW 13 St.
10-9 384-0090
CLEARANCE SALE All CDs must go -
100,000+ CDs on sale $5.99. Ten for $50.
We need more room for our GIANT DVD
INVENTORY. Cash paid for DVDs. Hear
Again 818 W. University Ave. 373-1800

Need a card or letter? Sharing a burden
gets you through it; or perhaps you know
a deserving child who would like a birthday
card. Campbell Box 13101 Jax. 32206-detail

Want to make a connection? Place your ad
here to look for someone to share a common
interest with or for your true love
Chat live free, gay STR-8 or Bi. Call the
Matchmaker free @ 373-7272, 24 hrs. Great
way to meet cool people and it works. Chat
live with others. 12-7-52-19
Find your spulmate today. 7-day free trial.
After, only $9.99/mo. membership fee.

There will be a meeting for
Those who have lost a loved one to suicide
on Wed., Nov. 2nd &16th from 6:30-8:30PM
at the Alachua County Crisis Center
at 218 SE 24th Street, Gainesville, Florida.
Call 264-6789 If you have any questions

** ***** *************


Airball, Speedball, Forts on 27 acres
Call for the best group rates!
5 Days From$299! Includes Meals, Taxes,
Entry To Exclusive MTVu Events,
Beach Parties With Celebrities
As Seen on Real World, Road Rules!
On Campus Reps Needed!
Promo Code 32. 1-800-678-6386
FL Seller of Travel Reg. #ST34486
From $499
Travel With America's Largest & Ethics
Award Winning Spring Break Company!
Fly Scheduled Airlines,
Free Meals, Drinks, Biggest Celebrity
On-Campus Marketing Reps Needed!
Promo.Code 32. 1-800-678-6386
FL Seller of Travel Reg #34486
Spring Break Exclusive

$189 5-Days/4-Nights
$239 7-Days/6-Nights
-Prices include:
Round-trip luxury cruise with food.
Accommodations on the island at
your choice of ten resorts.
Free V.I.P. party package upgrade
Appalachia Travel
Cancun from $499
FL Seller of Travel Reg #ST35585

Have our members. compete to date youl
Decide who your friends date!

In Gainesville Better Prices
Better Fields Better Call 371-2092

Miami Bus Service
$40 R/T W.P Bch, Pomp, FT. L, Miami
Departures: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30 pm

Furry, feathery,, not your
roommate...pets. Find or advertise your pets
or pet products here in the Pets section of
the Alligator.

FT Veterinary Receptionist
Call for information 318-1247 11-3-11-24

Jamaica Spring Break
from $287 4 nights
Fla Seller of Travel Reg No#10098 11i4-
Shotgun Sports Skeet Trap Bunker
Open To Public Wed Sat Sun 1-6PM
Guys-Gals-Families-UF Students-Special
Discounts Memberships Safety Training.
Pro-Shop Rentals Reloading Available 352-372-1044
Best Hotels, Lowest Rates
FL Seller of Travel Reg No STi4611

tT, ets.,

***EUROPE from $377 RT***
Travel planning for everyone. Train, cruises,
hotels, tours. Gator Country Travel (just off
campus) 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg.
No. ST-36232 12-7-72-22

***WEST COAST from $197 RT**
Tours, packages & more. Los Angeles,
Seattle, S.F., S.D. & more! Gator Country
Travel Oust off campus) 373-1992 FL Seller
of Travel Reg. No. ST-36232 12-7-72-22

***EAST COAST $137 RT***
Fall & holiday specials. NYC, DC, Philly, New
Eng & morel Gator Country Travel Oust off
campus) 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg.
No. ST 36232 12-7-72-22
All Home/Away Games
Call 352-871-0146 11-23-62-22

Paying Top $$$
Local and Confidential
need extra football tickets?
want to sell your extras? 11-23-35-22

*C *' Rides: 3

20 Yrs. as the Official So. Fl. Bus
Depart: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30PM/reverse
$40 r/t Mia-FtL/Pomp-WPB-FtP.


Walsh to face difficult test as professional

Wise retracts comment

Alligator Writer

UF volleyball coach Mary Wise said
she was merely joking when she accused
Tennessee coach Rob Patrick of throwing
a match against the Gators earlier this
During a radio broadcast following
L UF's 3-2 loss to Tennessee on Sunday,
Wise said Patrick threw a match against
the Gators earlier this season by bench-
ing one of his star players, a move that
may have thrown off UF's game plan in
their next meeting.
On Monday, Wise apologized for
the comment which was published
on saying anyone
that saw her being interviewed would
have known she was joking, although it
wasn't clear over the radio.
"I regret saying anything that takes
away from Tennessee and the perfor-
mance of their players yesterday," Wise
said. "I know that I need to choose my

words more carefully because my facial
expressions aren't broadcast on the ra-
Tennessee's 3-2 victory against UF
marked the third time in two seasons
that the Gators lost in five games to the
Volunteers. Tennessee is the only team
to defeat the Gators in a regular season
conference match since 1994.
"I sensed it was com-
Gators ing, an ambush," Wise
Volleyball said on the radio after the
match. "You don't nor-
mally see this in college
athletics. It was like they threw the game
back in Gainesville by not playing [star
libero Amy] Morris.
"We found out later Morris didn't
even know she wasn't playing. It shows
that they set everything up."
The Gators will continue their road
trip on Friday, taking on Alabama before
traveling to Auburn on Sunday. Should
the Gators win both matches, they would
clinch their 15th consecutive SEC title.

WALSH, from page 16

heck out of the ball."
In 66 minutes of preseason action,
Walsh has scored 16 points. His four 3-
pointers, in addition to his four steals,
captured Coach Stan Van Gundy's eye.
"He's played well," Van Gundy said.
"Matt's a tough, competitive kid who re-
ally knows how to play the game and has
shot the ball well at times. He's got a real
confidence about him."
Nobody expected Walsh to forego
his senior season at UF, let alone make
an NBA roster. When he and fellow UF
guard Anthony Roberson failed to get
drafted, ESPN college basketball analyst
Jay Bilas publicly chided them. But it
was Walsh who purposely refused to be
drafted in the second round by as many
as five teams to avoid being sent over-
seas. Miami soon signed him to a par-
tially guaranteed $1.2 million, two-year
contract. Roberson, meanwhile, earned a
spot on Memphis' roster.
"I let my play do the talking," said
Walsh, who averaged 14.1 points while
totaling 192 3-pointers at UF. "I don't

need to point anything out to anybody."
So instead of spending his summer
in Gainesville, Walsh soaked up South
Beach and heeded advice from future
Hall-of-Famers like O'Neal and Miami
guard Gary Payton.
But now comes the hard part.
"Your whole entire life you've been
involved in situations in high school and
college and elementary
school playing basket-
ball," UF coach Billy
Donovan said. "Now,
all of a sudden, it goes
to 'Wow, I'm on a team,
but I'm not even play-
Donovan ing; I'm not even dress-
But he has survived the cuts. And so
whatever happens will suit Walsh just
"For now, I have to handle it," he said.
"I'll do anything it takes for the team
to get better. If that means going hard
against Dwayne Wade every day in prac-
tice, then that's what I'll do, but I'm still
going to be. trying hard to get better and
get into a position where I can help this
team more."

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UF looks to Humphrey to ease losses of star players

HUM PHREY, from page 14

Alligator File Photo
Junior guard Lee Humphrey dribbles past Alabama forward Evan Brock dur-
ing the Gators' 85-54 win against the Crimson Tide on February 5.

Humphrey takes to effortlessly fall through
the net.
He's been so good, in fact, that
Donovan called him as good a pure shoot-
er as he's been around in his 10 years in
It came as no surprise to those who
had been following the Gators when he
knocked down a buzzer beater in the SEC
Tournament his freshman year to down
It was a shot which Humphrey called
his best individual moment at UF.
His shots and playing time, however,
have always been limited because of other
personnel on the floor.
Humphrey started down the stretch his
freshman year after Christian Drejer quit
the team to play professionally in Europe,
and filled in amicably when Matt Walsh-
went down with a foot injury midway
through last season.
That experience should help Humphrey
as he moves into a full-time starting role
this season and becomes one the lineup's
veteran players.
"When Christian left and when Matt
[was injured I was] able to get in there quite
a bit [and that experience is] definitely go-
ing to pay off this year," Humphrey said.
"Anytime you get in game situations like
that it should help."
And with the departures of Walsh and
Anthony Roberson, both of whom made
NBA rosters this week, a deep shooting
presence is exactly what the Gators need.
"I think Lee's game has gotten bet-
ter and that's what we need out of him,"
Donovan said.
"Walsh and Roberson aren't here, and
it's time for him to come into his own a
little bit."

Football Practice

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expands game

Alligator Writer

Some of his teammates trained, some of them werit
home and others went to class or worked on their jumper.
Lee Humphrey traveled halfway around the world.
As part of the Sports Reach Program, Humphrey trav-
eled with seven other Southeastern Conference players,
including Chuck Davis of Alabama, as part of a 7-day,
7-game tour of China last May.
"We played in seven different cities and we got to see
a whole lot of China," Humphrey said. "I got to see all
different parts of China and got to see some pretty cool
places, so it was a lot of fun."
Humphrey averaged 12.9 points per game in the
Orient, and he saw some time at point guard, a position he
will likely be asked to play occasionally as the Gators open
their exhibition schedule tonight against Embry Riddle at
the O'Connell Center.
"With the way our hand is dealt right now he's going to
play some point," UF coach Billy Donovan said.
Donovan also said that Humphrey's development as
a ball handler was necessary as he evolves into a more
complete player.
"I felt like last year Lee really got one-dimensional,
where most of his shooting and most of the things he did
offensively were just catch and shoot," Donovan said. "I
thought for him to grow as a player he was going to have
to spend a lot of time in the off-season gettingconfidence ...
. handling the ball."
While Humphrey may be transitioning into somewhat
of a different role, he will
Who: Gators vs. Embry likely still be defined by his
Riddle jump shooting.
What: Exhibition game It has become such a
Where: O'Connell phenomenon over his first
two seasons that the crowd
Center seems to expect every shot

When: Tonight at 7 p.m.


Walsh survives Miami roster cuts

Alligator Staff Writer

Matt Walsh sports a trim hair-
cut, which coincidentally reveals a
receding hairline.
Could this be the same player
loved by the Gators for his over-
flowing blond locks and hated by
the Southeastern Conference for
the same?
Sure, but now that Walsh has
officially made the Miami Heat's
15-man roster, it's time to let the
hair grow.
"I cut it because people had a
perception of me with my old hair
which was totally untrue," Walsh
said. "Now I've got a month's
worth and it's going to get long."
Miami announced that Walsh
had survived its roster cuts
Monday, but it was a move the
guard had expected all along.
In fact, he did not even formu-
late a backup plan in case the Heat
released him.
Since Miami lost three-point
shooters Damon Jones and Eddie
Jones in free agency and trades
,during the off-season, Walsh be-
lieves his outside shooting can
help the Heat.
"Shaq [O'Neal] and Dwayne
Wade demand so much attention.
so you need guys that can spot up
for threes and I think I can provide
that," Walsh said.
What Miami also loves is
Walsh's basketball sense. His reck-
less .abandon on the court while at
UF typified his on-the-court per-
sonality. Even if Walsh wasn't the
quickest or most athletic player, he
would do everything he could to
compensate with aggression and

Victor Baldizon / NBAE via Getty Images
Former UF forward Matt Walsh, now with the Miami Heat, dribbles
upcourt at the American Airlines Arena on October 10 in Miami.
basketball smarts. time," said Heat power forward
"He's defending well taking Udonis Haslem, also a former
charges, diving on loose balls and Gators star. "And he's stot the
being in the right place at the right SEE WALSH, PAGE 14

Manson, Wynn proving that two-back system will work for Gators

With the way UF ran the ball against
Georgia, the Gators should finally
have their running back situation
settled. The two-headed beast that is DeShawn
Wynn and Markus Manson must get the ball.
They racked up 158 combined yards
Saturday, which is the most by two backs
since they amassed 169 against Louisiana
* Tech, which, lets face it, doesn't actually count
for anything.
But against a stingy Georgia defense, they
both had great games, and this is why they
should both be the featured backs.

1. Southern California.977
2. Texas .973
3. Virginia Tech .929
4. Alabama .870
5. UCLA .787
16. UF .415

Two weeks ago, Coach Urban Meyer de-
dared that DeShawn Wynn was the Gators'
running back. I had disagreed with him all
season about giving Wynn all the carries while
Manson sat there and watched. -
Yeah, yeah, yeah- he couldn't hold the ball
in practice. But he did in games, and every
time he touched it, it seemed like he went for
10 yards.
Manson is the fastest back the Gators have;
Wynn is the most powerful. They complement
each other like lamb and tuna fish, if you will.
(OK, spaghetti and meatballs it is.)

*Offensive coordinator Randy
Sanders, who spent the past 17
years on Tennessee's coaching
staff, resigned on Monday. UT's of-
fense ranks 108th in the nation.

"That was about as
well as two tailbacks
can complement each
other," Meyer said. "I
was really excited about
Markus Manson."
Ian Fisher Me too, except I've
Extra lannings been excited about him for longer. Meyer
finally sees it. The key
to a successful run-
ning game will be utilizing both Manson and

E 1969: UF quarterback John Reaves at-
tempts a school record 66 passes. An NCAA
record nine of the passes were intercepted
in UF's 38-12 loss to Auburn.

Manson got his chance, and he ran with it,
averaging more than 5 yards a carry just like
Chris Leak brought up a recent example of a
two-back attack working in the SEC: Auburn's
Ronnie Brown and Cadillac Williams last year,
who are both playing on Sundays now.
Can they be that good? There's only one
way to find out.
It's time to end the running back juggling.
It's time to embrace both Manson and
Wynn and see how good they can really be.

ENBA Season Opener: Nuggets vs. Spurs
TNT, 8 p.m.

*Mavericks vs. Suns
TNT, 10:30 p.m.

Full Text


the independent florida Not officially associated with the University of Florida Published by Campus Communications, Inc. of Gainesvlle,. Florida We Inf~rrm Vniaeide VOLUME 99 ISSUE 49 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2005 Fraternity B rown Appeals court By JUSTIN RICHARDS Alligator Writer jrichards@a Thomas Oliver Brown's fraternity members re Beta Theta Pi member David Runyon helps paint a mural in memory of his fraternity brother, Tom Brown, on Monday on the 34th Street wall. member him as a hard worker, a valued friend and a "car fanatic." Brown was beaten to death Saturday night by five men outside Jacksonville Landing, which was hosting a UF-University of Georgia football game afterparty, said Ken Jefferson, Jacksonville Sheriff's Office spokesman. Police found him unconscious two blocks away from the deafening cocktail party. He died at Shands Jacksonville within the hour. -Brown's Beta Theta Pi Fraternity brothers said they dubbed the 6'2" building construction senior Paul Bunyan, after the legendary lumberjack giant, more for the respect he drew from his peers than for his physical stature. "He wasn't confrontational. He never looked for any trouble," fraternity President Steve Greene said. "He was a great role model for guys like myself that were younger guys in the house." His fraternity brothers said Brown was as devoted to his friends as he was to cars. For a week and a half, fraternity member James White's '87 Chevrolet Camaro wouldn't start without an engine jump. For a week and a half, Brown started White's car every morning so his brother could get to work. "Ninety percent of the time if you wanted to look for TB, he was under the hood of his car," member Michael Kastanek said. Added Greene, "He would've continued to do that, I'm sure, for the rest of his life." His dream, they said, was to work for Porsche in Germany. He was so determined to be an expert mechanic that he taught himself to weld, White said. Greene said Brown was also dedicated to his family. He used to return to his hometown, Merritt Island, and help his mother with a family business. Brown was named fraternity brother of the year SEE BROWN, PAGE 5 invi ir e fa cing sh ortages due to budget I OFFICIAL SAYS CITY MUST ALTER 'PATTERN OF NEGLECT' TO KEEP UP SERVICE By JESSICA RIFFEL Alligator Writer Firefighter Lt. Brad Tschorn spends about a third of his life at the fire station. He calls it his second home. But he's upset when mandatory overtime keeps him from his first home, with his wife and children. However, with record employee shortages facing Gainesville Fire Rescue, firefighters like Tschorn don't have a choice. "My family doesn't like it because it messes up schedules like picking up the kids from school -things I'm supposed to do when I'm not here (at work)," Tschorn said. The department must pay larger salaries for overtime, but the budget Gainesville gives the department is Around not sufficient, GaineSVille firefighter and union president Lt. Jeffrey Lane said. GFR can't buy new equipment or build a new fire station with the budget shortage, he said. The last station was built in 1984, Tschorn said. "This department is in a crisis," Lane said. "If the city doesn't change its pattern of neglect, the fire department will suffer, and the citizens will suffer." Lane said that after Sept. 11, 2001, GFR's responsibilities have increased to include dealing with hazardous materials and conducting urban search and rescue. However, GFR has fewer employees than in the early '70s, Tschorn said. "We are much smaller than we've been in the past," Lane said. "So we're having to do much more with much less." He estimated that over 50 percent of overtime is mandatory. SEE FIRE, PAGE 8 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" 7 Sixty-six bicycles were reported stolen on campus from Sept. 1to Oct. 26 -up from only 24 in the same period last year -and police are turning to students to help lower the crime rate. See story, pg. 5. N After spending two seasons as a reserve guard, junior Lee Humphrey enters tonight's exhibition opener as one of the Gators' key players. Humphrey spent the off-season improving his all-around game. See story, page 16. FORECAST 2 OPINIONS 6 CLASSIFIEDS 9 CROSSWORD 13 SPORTS 16 R-cycle By GABRIELLA VIGIER Alligator Contributing Writer After the political sting of Harriet Miers' withdrawal from her nomination to the Supreme Court, President Bush announced Monday that his next candidate is federal appeals court judge Samuel Alto. Alito is seen as a conservative ally based on his record in court, which includes supporting spousal consent for abortion. Bush picked a candidate that is almost an exact replica of colorful and controversial Associate Justice Antonin Scalia, said Fletcher N. Baldwin Jr., a UF law school professor. "He looks like Scalia straight down the line, except for his personality," he said. Alito Baldwin added that Alito's personality is more likable. He also said he believed the president picked a candidate with more experience than his previous selection Harriet Miers. Alito received his Bachelor of Arts degree at Princeton University and earned a law degree at Yale University. He has served on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit since 1990. If Alito obtains the position, he will be the fifth Roman Catholic on the Supreme Court. "That doesn't speak well for Roe v. Wade," Baldwin said. The professor mentioned a case in which Alito upheld a Pennsylvania law that requires wives to inform their husbands of a planned abortion. Conservatives are enthusiastic about Alito's SEE ALITO, PAGE 5 Rain 82/63 visit


2, ALLIGATOR N TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2005 News-Today FORECAST TODAY RAIN 82/63 WEDNESDAY RAIN 77/61 THURSDAY RAIN 78/60 FRIDAY SUNNY 82/58 SATURDAY SUNNY 85/61 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" The Aligator strives to be aurteand clear C its news reports and editoria's if you find an rror, please call ur newsroom at (32 37-4458 or sedan -minI Co editorfah gtoreorg I "Oa aStudentr aPla4unv Dcnor Name: Serena Barry I Class: UF Senior Major: Elementary Education Xe Hobbies: Reading, Watching TV, hanging out with my friends, and just relaxing Why d&I dote'Plainwa This coupon good for an extra $5 on your 2nd and 4th1 donation. I Earn up to $180/mo. donating plasma in a friendly place. L -----all DCI Biological Plasma Center -352z378-9204 For More Information Go To 150 NW 6th Street -Central Plaza GREEK BL0@D DRIVE FALL 20D5 Sororities Total Donations 1Kappa Kappa Gamma-57 2Alpha Omicron Pi47 3Sigma Kappa36 -APhi Mu -30 5Alpha Chi Omega29 6Alpha Delta Pi20 7Chi Omega18 8Kappa Delta Tied for 9th 9Pi Beta Phi15 9-Delta Gamma15 10Kappa Alpha Theta11 T tE SWAMP RESTAi t Sororities Percentage 1Kappa Kappa Gamma38% 2-Sigma Kappa35% 3Alpha Omicron Pi27% 4Alpha Chi Omega-21% 5Chi Omega16% 6Phi Mu15% 7Alpha Delta Pi10% 8Kappa Delta8% 9Delta Gamma8% 10Pi Beta Phi7% Alpha Ga Alpha Tau Delta Ups Kappa Sig Fraternities Total Donations 1Lambda Chi Alpha71 2Pi Kappa Phi61 3Delta Upsilon43 4Alpha Gamma Rho-41 5Phi Sigma Kappa27 Tied for 6th 6Beta Theta Pi20 6Kappa Sigma20 7Delta Tau Delta18 8Zeta Beta Tau14 9Tau Kappa Epsilon11 10Phi Kappa Tau9 Double-Red Donations mma Rho2 Lambda Chi Alpha13 Omega1 Phi Sigma Kappa1 ilon8 Pi Lambda Phi1 ma-4 Sigma Phi Epsilon1 Fraternities Percentage 1Delta Upsilon102% 2Alpha Gamma Rho95% 3Pi Kappa Phi73% 4Lambda Chi Alpha63% 5Phi Sigma Kappa32% 6Tau Kappa Epsilon24% 7Beta Theta Pi20% 8Delta Tau Delta19% 9Kappa Sigma17% 10Zeta Beta Tau12% am r .C .I .a ~iey it the independent florida alligator VOLUME 99 ISSUE 49 ISSN 0889-2423 Not officially associated with the University of Florida Published by Campus Communications Inc., of Gainesville, Florida NEWSROOM 352-376-4458 (Voice), 352-376-4467 (Fax) Editor Mike Gimignani, Managing Editor/ Print Eva Kis, Managing Editor/ New Media Gwen Heimburg, University Editor Bridget Carey, Metro Editor Jeff Sirmons, Features Editor Neil Hughes, Opinions Editor Emily Yehle, Sports Editor Andrew Abramson, Sports Assistant Editor Bryan App, Editor 'Louis Anastasis, Editorial Board Mike Gimignani, Eva Kis, Emily Yehle, Tom Durrenberger, Scott Gilton, Andrew Meyer Photo Editors Casey Anderson, Tim Casey, Assistant Photo Editor Tricia Coyne, Photo Staff Tim Hussin, Andrea Morales the Avenue Editbr Cher Phillips, the Avenue Assistant Editors Erin Chalfant, Jacqueline Davison Art Director Andy Marlette Graphics Chief Michelle Stewart, Graphics Jennifer LaBrie Copy Desk Chiefs Gayle Cohen, Krissi Palmer, Stephanie Rosenbiatt Copy Editors Josh Armstrong, Robert Beltran, Amanda Brown, Juliana Casale, Jennifer Freihofer, Ashton Grosz, Kayla Harris, Kevin Mahadeo, Christina Simak, Skyler Smith, Natalie Van Hoose, Christopher White, Katie Wilkinson, Jen Zei New Media Assistant Editor Matthew Kelly New Media Staff Brett Roegiers Staff Eric Esteban, Ian Fisher, Farzad Safi DISPLAY ADVERTISING 352-376-4482, 800-496-0265 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Advertising Director Brad Smith, Advertising Office Manager Marianne Cooper, Advertising Office Assistants Elizabeth CuetoSara Henry Sales Representatives Danny Wayne, Whitney Lawson, Ana Paula De Lima, Laura Gerszewski, Morgan Morillo, Lindsey Kuhn, Christine Carabeo, Aaron Paul, Michael Selvester Sales Development/intern Coordinator William Cuadra CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 352-373-FIND (Voice), 352-376-3015 (Fax) Classified Advertising Manager Ellen Light, ellight@alligatororg Classified Clerks Bethany O'Neill, Dan Cribb, Samantha Wright, Cassia Sookhoo CIRCULATION Operations Manager Scott McKearnan, Operations Assistant .Clint Day BUSINESS 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Comptroller Ramona Pelham, rpelham@alligatocorg Accounts Receivable Supervisor Sharin Sexton Student Accounting Clerks Keith Enright, Alex Thurn, Chris Brink ADMINISTRATION 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) General Manager C.E. Barber, Assistant General Manager Patricia Carey, Administrative Manager Lorena Crowley, Catherine McNamara Allison Sinclair Administrative Assistant Lenora McGowan, lmcgowan@alligatororg PRODUCTION/SYSTEMS Production/Systems Manager Vern Bean, Assistant Production Manager .Stephanie Gocklin, Information Technology Manager Brian Dwyer, Advertising Production Staff' Kate Barnes, Alicia Bennatts, Ben Hofer, Lisa Lianes, Maggie Peuler, Michelle Stewart Editorial Production Staff Melissa Garcia, James Hibbs, Amy Oglesby, Brandy Stearns, Natasha Weinstein The Independent Florida Alligator is a student newspaper serving the University of Florida, published by a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) educational organization, Campus Communications Inc., P.O. Box 14257, Gainesville, Florida, 32604-2257. The Alligator is published Monday through Friday mornings, except during holidays and exam periods. During UF summer academic terms The Alligator is published Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Alligator is a member of the Newspaper Association of America, National Newspaper Association, Florida Press Association and Southern University Newspapers. Subscription Rates: One Semester (Fall or Spring) $18 Summer Semester $10 Two Semesters (Fall or Spring) $35 Full Year (All Semesters) $40 The Alligator offices are located at 1105 W. University Ave. Classified advertising can be placed at that location from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, except for holidays. Classifieds also can be placed at the UF Bookstore. @ Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of The Alligator may be reproduced in any means without the written consent of an officer of Campus Communications Inc.


TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2005 M ALLIGATOR, 3 By EMILY KISER Alligator Contributing Writer Covered head-to-toe in a black Grim Reaper robe, Jonathan Elgin knew exactly fur 7 why he came to the SFCC Teaching Zoo's "Boo at the Zoo" on Monday night. "I would say the candy," Elgin said. Elgin, 11, along with more than 5,000 other trick-ortreaters, attended the 11th annual Halloween celebration at the zoo for the admission price of one canned good per person. Andrea Morales / Alligator Staff Kenton Reynolds, 6, hesitates before digging into a cauldron of "goo" at the SFCC Teaching Zoo's "Boo at the Zoo" on Monday evening. The event provided a safe alternative to traditional trick-or-treating for the admission price of one canned good per person. Lunch Sushi Special Sushi, Soup, and ulad Mon -Fri 11:30 -2:30 "The short version of this event is it's trick or treating at the zoo," said Buz Bireline, assistant director of the zoo. "I think that the most important thing for the kids is the 12 candy stands throughout the zoo, where kids can get yummy snacks." Bireline said that the Halloween-themed games and decorations are a mainstay of the event, along with a tour of the zoo, which was decorated with orange and blue Christmas lights. This year's theme, Superheroes, added some changes. "We have a Spiderman inside the zoo," Bireline said. Bireline said the idea for the event came from past students who had wanted to build a haunted house for the community to visit. Because of the young age of most trick-or-treaters, the haunted house idea was turned into "Boo at the Zoo." "We decided to provide a safe environment for the kids who wanted to go trick or treating," Bireline said. Catholic Charities Food Pantry in. Gainesville and the Ft. White Community Thrift Shop's food bank will receive the donated goods. I GENERAL NUTRITION CENTERS I 25% OFF any one GNC product i I Only available at Butler laz location, next to Albertsons. I Net still with any oties ofers, see soles asso. fos details. Want more practice material to take home? You'll get over 4,500 questions with complete explanations of both right and wrong answer choices. Want all 45 real-released LSATs to take home? You got it! Check us out on campus at our Reitz Union location today. Don't settle. Prep Smarter. Enroll today! 1 -800-KAP-TEST c. Test Prep and Admissions 61 G"-te Ipft -.P A----1omlhl --ie S1,1C Every Tues & Wed UF Students w/ ID only $12.00 Oct 14 Tues -Fri 8:15pm thru Sat 5pm & 8:30pm Nov 13 Sun 2pm & 7:30pm MURDERBALL Sundance Film Festival Docu mentary Audience Award Winner Tues, Wed, Thurs 7:00pm & 9:00pm Wed Matinee 4:30 m HALLOWEEN SFCC ~ ~ ~ ~~~V Fraskdoaca-'s By TIM HUSSIN Alligator Writer Study, sleep or smoke a peace pipe in a tepee this week in the Plaza of the Americas. Students in UF professor John Moore's Plains Indians anthropology class divided into two "families" and constructed a Cheyenne tepee Thursday to encourage students to think about other lifestyles. The tepee took two hours to build and is made of long lodge-pole pine trunks, chokecherry On wood stakes and covered Campus with muslin. "The whole point of the class is for the students to see that there are other ways of living and behaving that are different from what we do in the U.S.," Moore said. Women in the Cheyenne Indian tribe assume dominant roles in many respects. "They own everything," Moore said. "The women in this society own the tepees and make a lot of decisions that men make in other societies." The class will smoke a peace pipe in the tepee today, and tentatively, a Cheyenne Indian from St. Augustine will attend. "The pipe is passed around so everyone participates," Moore said. "We are going to pray about the health and wellbeing of the members of the class." Bipolar Disorder Affects over 2 million Americans. Are you one of them? Bipolar disorder, also called manic-depressive disorder, is a condition that can cause extreme mood changes. Although mood changes associated with bipolar disorder can be difficult, treatments are available. A medical research study is being conducted to evalu,ate the clinical response and side effects of an approved treatment. To qualify for this study, you must: Be 18 years of age or older Have been diagnosed with Bipolar 1 disorder Qualified participates will receive study-related medical evaluations and will receive study medicine. Call Sarkis Clinical Trials today to learn more: 352-333-0094 r I LSAT 'I-,


4, ALLIGATOR E TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2005 Disab ed wrestler to speak By OLIVIA ORMOS Alligator Contributing Writer Kyle Maynard does not think in terms of limitations but accomplishments. Maynard was born with a rare disorder called congenital amputation. He does not have arms below the elbows and legs below the knees. Despite the challenges he confronts each day, he lives with a positive mentality and motivational attitude that inspires people around the world. Maynard is scheduled to speak at 8 p.m. today in the Reitz Union Grand Ballroom about his new book "No Excuses: The True Story of a Congenital Amputee Who Became a Champion in Wrestling and in Life." Despite Maynard's physical differences, he was one of the top wrestlers in Georgia during his senior year of high school. After the 2004 Georgia State Wrestling Championships, Maynard completed his high school On season with a record C4iitllt of 35-16. Continuing his success, Maynard now wrestles at the University of Georgia. "When I first competed in wrestling, I lost 35 matches without a win," Maynard said in a phone interview. "This was one of the times where I wanted to give up, but I had my family and friends supporting me, and I felt that it was possible." One of Maynard's long-term goals is to open up fitness centers to help people meet their physical goals, he said. Maynard's motto of "It's not what I can do, but what I will do," helped him win ESPN's ESPY award as Best Athlete with a Disability in 2004. Since childhood, Maynard's father stressed self-reliance, often telling his more sympathetic wife, "If he does not figure out how to eat on his own, he's going to starve," according to Maynard's Web site. Maynard figured out how to eat on his own and now can easily eat with standard silverware. He also can type 50 words a minute with the ends of his limbs. "I think the fact that my parents wanted me to do things on my own, whether it was eating, dressing or showering, helped me grow," Maynard said. "I grew up like that, and now I've been living in a townhouse with my friends on my own for the past two years." Maynard said he recently modeled for an Abercrombie & Fitch advertisement that appeared in Vanity Fair and The New York Times: "My family, friends and the girls I have dated have all seen me as normal, so I don't see any more challenges than anyone else faces," Maynard said. "Everywhere that I go, I try to express that everything is possible, and if you don't give excuses to give up, then you will move forward and succeed." The positive effect of beginning your career with Ernst & Young is too great to measure. A great start can take you further. At Ernst & Young we've created an environment that's conducive to personal and professional growth and success. And what we're offering is an opportunity to learn from some of the best talent in the industry. Become a benchmark for success. Visit us on the Web at ey.Com/us/careers, or look for us on campus. FORTUNE 100 BEST C0MPANIESg TO WORK FORF Quality In Everything We Do


TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2005 E ALLIGATOR, 5 By CHRIS B. HIATT Alligator Contributing Writer Sixty-six bicycles were reported stolen on campus from Sept. 1 to Oct. 26 -up from only 24 in the same period in 2004 -and police are urging students to be cautious. There were also 57 personal property thefts in that time span, according to a University Police Department report released last week. "A criminal is a crinmnal," UPD Sgt. Henry Spurlin said. "At one point, there was a man parking his van inside the (UF) Welcome Center stealing bikes and throwing them into the back. We did catch him, but God knows how long he had been doing it." Spurlin said students can deter theft by properly protecting their property. "If you leave your laptop on a desk and get up to go to the bathroom, you gave them the opportunity," Spurlin said. "You can't take away anyone's desire or ability, but you can take away the opportunity." Bicycles are the most frequently stolen items on campus, Spurlin said. Most of the thefts occurred in the area north of Museum Road and east of Gale Lemerand Drive, according to the report. "People either don't lock their bikes, or they use a cable lock which can be cut easily," he said. "If you have a Kryptonite U-Lock, it's very difficult." Kryptonite locks can be purchased at most bicycle shops for about $17. "You can't take away anyone's desire or ability, but you can take away the opportunity." Sgt. Henry Spurlin University Police spokesman Students can also register valuable items with .UPD. While it won't prevent belongings from being stolen, it could aid in their recovery Spurlin said. "You can virtually register anything with a serial number," he said. Spurlin advised students to report all on-campus thefts to UPD. "The key to having your property recovered is reporting it to the police in a timely manner," Spurlin said. Five men arrested in brother's beating 0-mapfs 'heft up Dean of Students Gene Zdziarski said his office would help coordinate a memorial. "For a weekend that was such a high for so many in the university community, this really is a disappointing, saddening end," he said. BROWN, from page 1 for the 2003-04 school session, during wich he served as administra' tive vice president. Several fraternity members set out to paint Brown a memorial on the 34th Street Wall on Monday. "As much as he's done for us for the last three years," White said, "this is just a little bit of what we can do in return., just a fraction." The plan for the mural includes the words, "Once a Beta, always a Beta," and a painting of Paul Bunyan. Brown's funeral date has not yet been set, but Greene said he plans to hold a memorial for him. "The mood in the house has been pretty dismal for the last day and a half," Greene said. "We're just sticking together." "It's different than losing a grandparent or a person that is older because there may be a level of expectation there," Zdziarski said. "For some, it's a realization of their own mortality." Patrol officers received a call about a fight after Saturday's football game. Brown was alone and not breathing when police found him near 550 Water St. Responding to reports of attackers riding away in a taxi, police tracked the cab and arrested the five men inside. Jacksonville residents Jeremy Lane, 21, Alex Canzano, 21, Casey Schuurman, 19, and Mark Foss, 18, and Ponte Vedra Beach native Jeffery Groncziak, 19, are charged with Brown's murder. A surveillance tape recorded the five assailants beating Brown. FratemitymemberAaron Simon, who said he knew Brown for four years, echoed the dean's sentiment. "You never imagine you'll go through something like this in college because you're hanging out with people so young," he said. The Associated Press contributed to this report. Divisive Miers spurs conservative choice A LITO, from page 1 nomination, including Jacqueline Johnson, the president of UF Law School Republicans. "My personal opinion is that the court will be better off," Johnson said. "It will certainly be more conservative than when it was with [Justice Sandra Day] O'Connor." Johnson agreed that Miers was too divisive and had little support even from her own party. She also said she wasn't surprised that a conservative got the nod. "After the whole Miers fiasco, I think the president felt the pressure for the next pick to be more conservative," she said. Democrats are not pleased at the prospect of another conservative judge on the Supreme Court. "I think most congressional Democrats will oppose Alito's nomination because of his right-wing views," said Brendan Moore, political chair of UF College Democrats. "This nomination shows once again that President Bush is more interested in pleasing his rightwing base than picking a moderate justice." Moore also said he finds the difference between Republican reaction to the nominations of Miers and Alito interesting. gfttsll "I think it's ironic that conservaN ews tives are now calling for an up or down vote on Judge Auto when just a few days ago they refused to do the same for Harriet Miers," he said. "I'm curious to see if moderate Republicans stand by their principles and ask the tough questions that need to be asked." Johnson also said that like Chief Justice John Roberts, he should obtain the position of justice with ease. "I have no doubt about it. Unless they uncover that he was a bad altar boy or something." CDd-rQncUdse' 818WU l VA' -anas i0ok pW,,%.ek a i h. Holiday Gi iui0des. Show our readers all the ift ideas you have to offer by advertising in this year's Holiday Gift Guides. Gift Guide I Gift Guide II Run Date: Nov.18 Run Date: Dec. 2 Deadline:Nov. 14 Deadline:Nov. 23 the independent florida agAorU -SI li4t' Students can contact the DSO or the Grief C counseling Center, both located in Peabody Hall, to receive therapy from a licensed psychologist. Brown 7 AR 401


6, ALLIGATORS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2005 E dit mr a a Supreme reflef. Bush's new nominee better option than Miers he abortion-crusading, secular-obsessed, liberally slanted core of the Editorial Board wants to scream in bone-crushing agony at the thought of a new Supreme Court justice nicknamed "Scalito." But reason triumphs over heart in our reaction to Bush's latest Supreme Court nominee, Sam Alito, who earned his nickname because of similarities to ultra-conservative Justice Antonin Scalia. After Harriet Miers thankfully fled the scene, Bush was left with a tall order: find a candidate with a paper trail that satisfies both his neo-con buddies and his liberal opponents. From the information we have on Alito thus far, we're satisfied with Bush's choice. Not happy, not ecstatic and not jumping for joy, but fairly relieved. We're even tempted to claim that this entire situation has proven the effectiveness of our political system. A grossly inexperienced candidate was chased away, and a qualified judge took her place. Alito's past opinions reveal a judge unafraid of dissent and committed to a thorough examination of the law. We would hope every judge follows this criterion, but Bush's past two candidates were so inexperienced that we never knew how they would act. Alito appears to be a strong proponent of free speech. Citing the First Amendment, he once voted to strike down a public school policy that extended to speech that was not vulgar or school sponsored. In another case, he supported the motion that the Establishment Clause was not violated when a city hall put up a manger, a menorah and several secular decorations. Despite the fact that the American Civil Liberties Union was the one that took the case to court, we think it's an example of Alito doing his job well. Sometimes that ACLU does get a little overzealous. Alito's interpretation of law is undoubtedly conservative. But this is not enough to shoot down a qualified candidate. Bush is going to nominate a conservative, just as a more liberal president would nominate a liberal. All we can hope for is someone who is fair. Alito seems to qualify. However, Democrats are already up in arms over Alito's dissenting opinion on a case about abortion. He voted to uphold a Pennsylvania law that required married women to notify their husbands before having an abortion. We don't agree, but we're not going to pick up the pro-choice pitchforks just yet. Although we think couples should be left alone to figure out their communication problems, Alito's ruling is in the realm of understandable. An egg is nothing without the sperm. And no one should prematurely pin Alito as a hardcore conservative judge. In another case, he sided with Planned Parenthood and voted to strike down a New Jersey statute that prohibited late-term abortions. That's not a decision made by someone who is a religious-right fanatic. Unless stronger evidence of Alito's evil comes to light, Democrats will have a hard time keeping such a candidate out of the Supreme Court. And their plight will be even more hopeless if they lash out against Alito because he is not a woman. If Bush doesn't nominate a qualified woman, we have to accept that we're out of luck. The real decision at this point is whether Alito is up for the job, not whether he fits into an ideal vision of equality. And for the record, Scalia has disagreed with at least one of Alito's rulings, giving us some hope that the nominee doesn't live up to his nickname. a ll independent florida Af-h -mi Mike Gimignani EDITOR Eva Kis MANAGING EDITOR EmilyYehle OPINIONS EDITOR Tom Durrenberger, Scott Gilton, Andrew Meyer EDITORIAL BOARD The Alligaor enceurages coemmeets froet reeders. Letters he the editor should not exceed 150 ords (about oe letter-sized page). They must he typed, double-spaced ted must include the author's name, classficaton tnd phone nume. Ngmes mill he eithheld f the ttitert show just house. We resetue the tight he edit tot length, gtammat, style atd libel. Setd letters to Ietters@oIhg ator.or ri ng them to 110 w. University Ae., er teed them te P.O. Box 1427, Gaoesnille FL 32w5m4-22h7.Ceiuem s oh about 450 wotds out original tepis and editetial catosaealso welcome. Queseions? Cell 376-4d58. iS ALLIGATOR"ions 0 = Colurnn I resi d e nts C n 't be af ra i d to a apologize en Mario plummets to his death for the last time, unable to rescue Princess Peach from Bowser's dastardly claws, one can hit the reset button on the Nintendo, and all will return to normal. Unfortunately, American presidents don't have the luxury of living in the fictional Mushroom Kingdom. Since World War I, every second-term American president has faced career-threatening adversity during his time of service. Some didn't even wait for the "sophomore jinx" and instead decided it would be easier to sully a presidency without having to go through all that reelection business. But presidents must recognize that Americans are surprisingly sympathetic when their leaders overcome their pride and admit their mistakes. During the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961, John E Kennedy funded about 1,500 United States-trained Cuban exiles to invade Cuba in an attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro and prevent the spread of communism. The mission was a catastrophe, and Kennedy was forced to trade $53 million in food and medicine for the surviving exiles'release. And even worse, it forever screwed the American people out of some good Cuban smokes. However, Kennedy took fell responsibility for the disaster and apologized to the American people. He set an important precedent that many presidents unfortunately failed to follow. Following Lyndon B. Johnson's Vietnam-cursed presidency, Richard Nixon found himself the main subjett of an investigation into his role in an illegal cover-up of the breakin at the Democratic headquarters at the Watergate Hotel. The investigation exposed an administration rampant with corruption and resulted in the president's impeachment. However, Nixon's "I am not a crook" plea was a pretty impressive attempt at reverse psychology. In his initial response to the uncovering of the Iran-Contra Affair, Ronald Reagan vehemently denied selling arms to Iran in exchange for the release of American hostages and then Aaron B1ye Blye's Eyes diverting that money to Nicaraguan insurgents. Eventually, his response changed: "A few months ago, I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not." Somehow those damn facts and evidence get you every time. And last buet not least how can anyone forget the Monica Lewinsky scandal? The fact that an Oval Office hummer almost got Bill Clinton kicked out of office is absurd. The Republican Party was stupid for investigating the president's private life, and Clinton was stupid for lying about it under oath. But amazingly, when the president changed his tone from "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" to "Indeed, I did have a relationship with Miss Lewinsky that was not appropriate," his approval ratings shot up faster than Hugh Heffner's blood pressure at a Playboy Mansion pool party. Unlike many other presidents, Reagan and Bill successfully sought forgiveness from the American people and became two of the most beloved presidents of the modem era. Now, only a year into his second term, President Bush is up a creek with a toothpick for a paddle, unable to counter a current of unaccountability. FEMA's response to Hurricane Katrina was a disaster. Harriet Miers withdrew her nonination to the Supreme Court. Vice President Cheney's chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, was just indicted. And the Iraq War keeps on going like the Energizer Bunny. Mr. President, it's time to check your hubris at the door. Aaron Blye is a political campaigning graduate student. His column appears on Tuesday. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator. Reader response Today's question: Should Bush apologize for the administration's recent actions? Monday's question: Are Democrats in worse shape than Republicans? Vote or post a message at 39% YES 61% NO 51 TOTAL VOTES


TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2005 3 ALLIGATOR, 7 Guest column Reality of politics forces parties to incorporate many views Would like to take issue with the opinions expressed in Monday's column, "Liberals' crisis worse than Republicans'," in which Matt Melone makes the assertion that liberalism is now "little more than a puzzling blend of race demagoguery, extreme feminism, hare-brained environmentalism, European-style socialism and pacifism." If you ignore the intentionally inflammatory language, Melone is clearly trying to claim that American liberal thought and the Democratic Party are schizophrenic. This would be significant if it weren't for the fact that all major political parties suffer from the same condition. In order for a party to build a large voting base, it must incorporate various viewpoints and find ways to cater to extreme voices. The Republican Party itself is a puzzling blend of extreme Christian fundamentalism, laissez-faire capitalism, social Darwinism and neo-imperialism. But ask the average Republican for his or her opinions, and you're likely to find Letters to the Editor J. Rhett someone far more moderate and uninAultman terested in many of these ideas. Speaking Out It's no different on the left. Melone says that the only ideological liberal leader is comedian Jon Stewart, and liberals have no heroes except Michael Moore and Cindy Sheehan. I would love to ask Melone who the grand ideological leader for the right is. It's not President Bush, since Congress periodically disagrees with him. It's not a congressional leader because it takes considerable effort to gain Republican majorities on major votes. Who is it? Just like any other political party, the Republican Party consists of a diverse membership that must be brought to consensus through effort and negotiation. That's what politics is. Regardless, it seems the only real ideological leader and hero to whom the right can universally point is Ronald Reagan, which is largely due to mythmaking efforts by his party. Young Republicans are not likely to be aware of his policies and work while he was president. Furthermore, the left has not been languishing for 30 years, as Melone claims. Perhaps Melone was visiting another planet from 1992 to 2000, but Bill Clinton was president then, and he was beloved in ways Bush will never be. The American right didn't feel strongly supportive of Bush in 2000 but was united in the fact that he wasn't Al Gore. It's true that the Democrats need stronger leadership, organization and a more lucid platform, but Melone has clearly missed the point. Looking at the splinter in a liberal's eye, he's ignored the tree in his own, and he's ignored fundamental facts of history and truths of political science. Perhaps the next time he wants to shake pom-poms for the right, he should first learn how the game is played. J: Rhett Aultnan is an engineering graduate student. Libby indicted for lying, not for leaking CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity First let me say that I do not sift through your paper looking for something to write in about. In fact, I've never written to you in the six years I have been here. Nevertheless, when I read the third sentence of Matt Melone's column, "Liberals' crisis worse than Republicans'," I nearly fell out of my chair. Melone writes,"Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff has been indicted for leaking the name of a CIA operative." Wrong! I don't know who is to blame -Melone, the editor or the credulous UF population -but when Melone can print a completely incorrect statement in your paper it makes for a very sad Alligator. I am sure 90 percent of your readers will take this inaccuracy as fact, leading to the further mental deficiency of this fine institution. As correctly written in your editorial, "Lewis 'Scooter' Libby has been indicted for lying about his involvement in leaking the name of CIA operative Valerie Plame" to a grand jury. I am sure many ignorant people may not understand the difference, but there is a huge one. Most importantly, however, is how Melone, a journalism and political science junior, wrote a column without getting the simple facts correct in the first three sentences. I would love to hear his explanation. As for the Alligator, please be more selective in your columnists. Perhaps they could take a simple factchecking quiz before leaking their opinions into your paper. Thank you, and keep up the generally great work. Kevin E. Kane Graduate research assistant Liberal values of equality, peace relevant The difficulty in being a liberal stems not from some weak ideology but from being forced to confront a right that characterizes everything we value as "extreme." It's not extreme to acknowledge and confront the racial inequality that exists, when almost half of black children live below the poverty line. It's not extreme to question complacency regarding women's rights, when our culture is such that an FBI estimate claims only 37 percent of rape victims feel they can report the incident to the police. It's not extreme to value the relationships people have and believe that they do not need our generous permission to marry. It's not extreme to care about protecting our environment when policymakers are actively destroying the only planet we have. It is neither weak nor extreme to be motivated by peace, equality and justice rather than money, misguided morality and fear of change. Matt Melone calls liberalism "irrelevant," when most students would be hard pressed to remember when it was more relevant. Being a liberal today is not easy, but we owe it to those who.fought before us for everything we value today to continue the battle, popular or not. Erica Walters 3LS 1d1 tEW STO 1nCluding the H IT 4,


8, ALLIGATOR U TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2005 Number of firefighters on trucks reduced to three, standards lowered F IRE, from page 1 The shortages are so bad that GFR had to lower standards, Lane said. Most departments require four firefighters on each fire truck; Gainesville reduced the number to three. "This department is in a crisis. If the city doesn't change its pattern of neglect, the fire department will suffer, and the citizens will suffer." Lt. Jeffrey Lane Gainesville firefighter But GFR officials don't want to lower standards too much because they are rated by ISO, a company that analyzes risks in businesses. Lane said if Gainesville's rating lowers one more rank, commercial insurance rates will double. Lane said he informed City Manager Russ Blackburn of GPR's crisis when he took office this summer. However, Blackburn recently changed the organizational structure so GFR officials answer to Assistant City Manager Barbara Lipscomb instead of himself. "Typically, assistant city managers don't manage fire departments," Lane said. "People's life, health and property should be No. 1 on the City Commission." In a prepared statement to Lane, Blackburn stated that although the assistant city manager will work on the day-to-day issues, he still plans to work with GFR and interim Fire Chief William Northcutt. But Lane said he believes Blackburn is passing his responsibilities to an assistant so when GFR's problems grow, he will not be blamed. "I see him as putting distance between the problem and himself," he said. "The assistant city manager will be the scapegoat." incia uoyne/ Aliigaxorssarr Gainesville Fire Rescue firefighters Rob Mason and Aaron Hunt load up their truck after responding to a call Thursday afternoon. As winter sets in, the risk of fires increases. ~.;.Friends for Life of America Lance Dalton Memorial Week Silent Auction All proceeds will benefit a pediatric cancer patient's family Wednesday, November 2nd from 10am-3pm on the Reitz Union Colonnade or Bid online until November 1st at Bid on gift certificates, Kaplan Classes, comic books, plane tickets, and more! Locks of Love Wednesday, November 2nd from 1Oam-2pm Reitz Union Colonnade Donate 6-10" of hair to a child suffering from medical hair loss. Professional hair stylists will cut hair for FREE! Attention Pre-Health Students College of Medicine Electives for Pre-Health Undergrads 3 Credit, 100% Web-based Online Courses for Fall/Spring/SumC Register on ISIS under "Medicine-General" See for details & syllabi MEL 4011Introduction to the Professions of Medicine -Overview of US healthcare & different MD careers -A chance to become a Teaching Assistant MEL 4012Physician Shadowing -Prerequisite of MEL4011 required, competitive application process for enrollment -A chance to shadow physicians in area clinics MEL 4601Diseases of Eating -Lessons on anorexia, bulimia and obesity with emphasis on societal influences MEL 4xxxIntroduction to Psychiatry -NEW for Spring 2006! Course # coming soon. -Study of psychiatric disorders and the DSM-IV -These courses may count as advanced electives for Psychology majors Email: MEL4011, MEL4012, or MEL4601 Azrove.ufl. edu ATTENTION ALL UF REGIEREDSTUDENT 1ORGN -ZATIOS Due to the current estrangement between certain parties in UF Student Government, your funding for advertising in The Independent Florida Alligator may be limited. Therefore The Alligator is offering you a chance to stretch your reach to our readers and save advertising dollars at the same time. From now until the deadline for last issue of die fall term, any University of Florida properly registered student organization of any type, including all fraternity & sorority organizations, may purchase an ad of any size and receive a second running of the ad in the following issue at no additional cost. In addition, for all Student Governmen funded organizations, instead of paying the regular UF rate, you can take advantage of the lowest contract rate usually afforded to SG. Yes.that's no.nada, nil, naught, ich, zero, zip, -0additional cost for the second ad! Call Alligator Advertising Today at 376-4482 se idependevt flota alligator All additional discounts or contract levels earned remain the same, but the free second advertisement cannot count toward contract fufflilment. All advertising policies remain the same.


BUY IT. SELL IT. FIND IT. 373-FIND Classif eds TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2005 ALLIGATOR For Rnt For Rent For Rent F6r Ret ent furnished furnishd unfurnished unfurnished 1 unrnished It's not too latel Escape the dorms this spring[ 1 BR/1 BA*2BR/2BA*3BR/3BA TH Cable*Gated*Sauna*24hr Gym*Tanning *Close to UF*Lease for SPRING*377-2777 12-7-72-1 Super Clean Studio Walk to ShandsAnnual lease Now as low as $355 monthly Inc all utilities ph 336-9836 12-7-72-1 NEED ROOMMATES?! Private Bed/Bath, in 3/3 Apt. $489 for all utilities, furn, & internet Call 336-3838 12-7-72-1 Want a Change for The New Year? Furnished Utilities* Cable* Internet New Year special from only $450! Hurry only 4 rooms left! 372-8100 2-7-72-1 HUGE AFFORDABLE 1, 2 & 3BR Spiral Staircase Skylight Pool 2 Tennis Cts Indvi lease & Utility Pack Now and Fall 377-7401 12-7-72-1 Close to UF FREE Roommate Match FREE CABLE, FREE Utilities FREE Alarm FREE Furniture FREE Tanning, WfD, PC Lab 24-hr Gym, Gated Entry Only $485, 372-0400 12-7-72-1 1, 2, 3, 4BR Apts. 12-7-72-1 Raising the standard of luxury to an unprecedented level. 414's from $455 -609! More amenities than you can dream of FREE: internet, cable, w/d, pc lab, gym 3 buses/RM match! Call 352-271-3131 12-7-72-1 Walk to SF CC Roll out of bed and into class. $439 Gets you all this Fully Furnished, Free Ethernet, Free Cable w/HBO, FREE UTILITIES, W/D, Roommate match. 379-9300 12-7-72-1 NEEDED NOW!!!! 2 NS female roommates to move in asap! Up the road from campus, direct bus route. CALL NOW. (386) 795-588 11-9-15-1 *UNIVERSITY TERRACE WEST. Fully turn 4BR/4BA, Swimming pool. No pets.$425 indiv., 278-9347 11-7-15-1 2/2 Laurels Apt* Avail by Dec. 0 On UF bus route 0 Will give free stuff away w/apt i Nice deal. 377-3264 12-7-36-1 Studio apt @ Prairiewood Condo. Great room 15 x 17 separate kitchen, new carpet reefer everything. Full bath $425/mo, 1st/last 352-281-4588 11-16-20-1 DUCKPOND w/LOFT BR Adorable 1/1 apt. for female grad student. $550/mo utils incl. No pets. Avail now 3394222 lv msg. 11-7-10-1 ASAP male to take over lease in 4BR/4BA. 10 mins. from UF. Direct bus route, October FREE, $335/mo + utilities. Call Stan 8711303. 11-3-5-1 2 BLKS. FROM UF 1BR+ Pvt. Bath Everything incl. $400 Call 954-557-0452 11-4-5-1 Grad Student Roommates Wanted Huge 3BR house in very quiet neighborhood across from Royal Park Plaza. Inci All Utils, cable, phone, W/D. $450/mo 352-375-2662 11-30-21-1 QUIET, CLEAN, LOTS OF GREEN SPACE. Rustic 1 BR apt. $345/mo. @1BR cottage $375/mo. Call 378-9220 or mobile 213-3901. 12-7-72-2 ACROSS FROM UF 1 BRs from $460 Laundry on site, pets ok. 700 sq ft, Free Parking. Open Weekends 371-7777 12-7-72-2 LYONS SPECIAL $99 1st month's rent 377-8797 12-7-72-2 Need a Rental Home or Condo? Need A Tenant? CALL THE BEST! Watson Realty Corp. REALTORS' Property Mgmt/Rentals 352-335-0440 Full Service Sales 352-377-8899 12-7-72-2 Wake up & walk to UF Studios & 1 bedrooms Starting @ $4809 Pet friendly, Pool -Come Seet 372-7111* 12-7-72-2 JANUARY AVAILABILITY HUGE floorplans! Great Pools! 1BR $530 2 BR $575! Water/Sewer included! Bike to UF 335-7275 12-7-72-2 LIVE DOWNTOWN FOR SPRING! Studios, 1/ls, 2/2s & 3/3s Pool*Alarm*Pets Welcome Available January! 338-0002 12-7-72-2 OSUN BAY APTSO OSome furnished avail* @*Walk or Bike to Campus 00 1-1 $460/mo@02-1 $520/mo @00376-6720 12-7-72-2 1 & 2BR apts. convenient to shopping, bus line, and just a few miles from UF. Located off SW 20th Ave. $375 -$450, incl water, sewer, pest control & garbage. Sorry no pets allowed. Call 335-7066. 12-7-72-2 LEASING FOR JANUARY Stress free living! Great rates! 0 1 BR from $460 2BR from $530 Beautiful pools/courtyards Walk/bike to U* 372-7555 12-7-72-2 3/3 Luxury Avail. Now Roommate match for Jan. 24hr. Gym, Comp. Lab, Tan Close to UF Law, & SW Rec. Call 352-379-9255 12-7-72-2 Deluxe, Large 3 or 4BR apt/house, 60 second.walk to UF. Remodeled, Old House charm. Central AC, washer/dryer included. Wood floors. With Parking. By Private Owner. 538-2181 Iv message 12-7-72-2 HUGE apt! HUGE value! 2BR avail. NOW! 1,2 & 4 BR units avail Jan '06 Pool, tennis, alarm, close to everything! FREE UF parking, pets welcome! or call 376-4002 12-7-72-2 Deluxe, large one or two bedroom, 60 second walk to UF. Wood firs, washer dryer included, fireplace, patio deck. Can furnish. Short term available. Private Owner. $495up. 352-538-2181. Lv mssg 12-7-72-2 There's no place like home! Make us yours! 1 BR/1 BA*2BR/2BA*3BR/3BA TH Cable*Gated*Sauna*24hr Gym*Tanning *Close to UF!*Lease for SPRING*377-2777 12-7-72-2 *Beautiful and New*** 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA LUXURY FREE High-Speed Internet FREE Monitored Alarm FREE Cable/Tanning/Gym W/D plus TVs in every kitchen 374-FUNN (3866) 12-7-72-2 ** ELLIE'S HOUSES ** Quality single family homes. Walk or bike to UF. 352-215-4991 or 352-215-4990 12-7-72-2 -SUN ISLAND 1.1 from $480.00 2.1 $530.00' $99 deposit for Grad students 999 SW 16th Ave phone # 376-6720 12-7-72-2 PARK AT UF Huge 2/2s from $625 Laundry on site, central ac. Pets ok, private balconies. Open Weekends 371-0769 12-7-72-2 AVAILABLE JANUARY Studio and 1BRs From $529 Across From UF, Pets Ok. Laundry on Site, Wood Floors Avail Open Weekends 371-7777 12-7-72-2 LIVE STUDY PLAY Luxury 1/1, 2/2 flats & 3BR/3BA Townhomes Free Cable w/ HBO/Sho, Tan, 24 hr gym, Aerobics, W/D, Gated, Pet Friendly, Alarms *The Laurels, 335-4455* 12-7-72-2 Tremendous Townhome 2BR/1.5BA townhome for only $679 Includes W/D and Alarm Pets welcome, move in today! 373-1111 12-7-72-2 Spring tease Avail. 3/3 townhouse Cable w/HBO, tanning, gym All the extras! Almost gone! Call for specials 377-2801 12-7-72-2 Total Elec, 2 & 3 Bedroom, $395-$550, cent A/C, pool, tennis, B-ball waste, pest, lawn mowing. 251b pet $15/mo. M-F 10-6 or by appt. Alamar Gardens 4400 SW 20th Ave. 373-4244 UF bus line #20 12-7-72-2 **1BR & 2BR BEAUTIFUL** NEW kitchen, tile, carpet, paint 3BR/2BA Flats 00 $735/mo 2BR/2BA Flats 00 $695/mo 2BRover 1100 sq ft 00 $695/ mo' 1 BR-over 800 sq ft 00 $599/mo Close to UF, beautiful, quiet High-speed wireless internet $300 off deposit 0 376-2507 12-7-72-2 Its Never Too Early! Huge 2 and 3 Beds for January! Cable W/D Pool Gym Pets Ok Pre-leasing for 2006! 372-8100 12-7-72-2 NEWLY RENOVATED Affordable, Quiet living HUGE 1& 2BR Pool Skylights 1.5 miles to UF Furn Avail 377-7401* 12-7-72-2 ENORMOUS3R Avail for Current and Fall Pool*Tennis Cts*1.5 Mi 2 UF Ind lease, Furn & Util Avail Great Specials*377-7401 12-7-72-2 INDIVIDUAL LEASES AVAILABLE NOWAND FALL SEASON Convenient UF access $325 to $575 Action Real Estate Services 352-331-1233 12-7-72-2 Countryside University Terrace Gainesville University Terrace West Individual Leases' W/D, Pool & Utilities $300-$325/mo. Union Properties 373-7578 12-7-72-2 Looking for a home? We have the LARGEST selection of single family rentals in Gainesville. With over 100 properties currently available, we're sure to have something to fit your style and budget. Visit our website at, or call us to find your new home today 352375-7104 ex 2. -Manaaernent Inc 12-7-72-2 *UPPER CLASS Students* Perfect place to study! FREE cable w/ HBO/Show FREE GARAGE*ALARM*WD Gated entry*Computer lab Wireless poolside*FREE Tanning 1,2&3brs**338-0003 12-7-72-2 NOVEMBER FREE 3BR 1 BA house CH/AC, large kitchen, w/d hookups, $625/rent, 503 A NW 19th Lane Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 11-4-59-2 4/2 WALK TO UF -OCTOBER FREE Bonus room, Wood floors, fireplace, lawn svc, Screen porch, w/d hookups, $1475/rent 1741 NW6fh Avenue Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 11-4-52-2 3/2 PARTY HOUSE AVAILABLE NOW. 904-710-3050 9-30-28-2 Free extended Basic Cable! Pets Welcome! 1000 sq ft Split Floor PLan W/D Hook-ups & DW. 1BR/IBA & 2BR/2BA Available. Call Now 372-9913 12-7-71-2 Amazingly Affordable! HUGE 650 sq ft 1BR 1000 sq ft 2BR Townhouses & Flats Discounted Rates Starting @ $380 & $460 Close to Santa Fe, UF & 1-75 332-5070 127-71-2 lst MONTH FREE! 2BR 2.5BA TH in Kensington South, high Ceilings, dining room, washer/dryer, pool $850/rent 3901 SW 20th Ave #105 Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 11-4-44-2 CLOSE TO CAMPUS Available now! 2BR/1BAApt. $475 3BR/1 BA Duplex $600 MITCHELL REALTY 374-8579x1 12-7-64-2 Rent With Us Today, Buy With Us Tomorrow! Condo, House & Townhouse Rentals Ask About Our Lucrative Tenant Rewards Program! 2BR/2BA Haile Condo $900/mo 2BR/1 BA Near UF $475/mo 3BR/2BA Duckpond $795/mo Ask about Move-In Specials! Over 30+ Private Homes Available! Call Today: 371-2118 12-7-50-2 *Large afforadable apartments* 2/2.5 & 4/2.5 TH w/W/D. No pet restrictions! Pool, Gym, B-ball, Tennis, Racquetball, UF parking. Available Jan 2006 @ (352) 3327401 12-7-49-2 NEW Development NEW Construction 1.5 mi. from UF. 2BR/2.5BA. W/D inci. Cabana & pool. Avail immediately. Contact MaCor Realty, Inc. 352-375-8888 11-3042-2 Going, Going, GONEHt 2BR/1 BA only $675 Spacious floor plan, Quiet atmosphere Move in TODAY! 376-1248 12-7-45-2 $380 only per mo. Private BR & BA. Very well maintained unit. Laundry room facilities, full kitchen. Includes all util + DSL. 10 min from UF. 954-830-8468. 11-3-20-2 3BR/2BA at NW area. Central Ht/Ac and ceiling fans. Fenced back yard and car port, spacious and clean. Ready for short term lease (4 to 6 months). $950. Call 352-375-6754. (no section 8th). 11-3-20-2 3BR/1.5BA plus an extra space at the NW area. Central Ht/Ac and ceiling fans. Fenced back yard. Carpet and tile. W&D hook ups. Clean and spacious. Ready to move-in. $850. Call 352-375-6754. (no section 8th). 11-3-20-2 STUDIO APT. 60 Sec. walk to UF. 1 or 2 rooms. Shgq. term avail. $350 & up. Call 352-538-218i 12-7-39-2 Near Law School 3-2. $1200/mo is/LasI/Sec Pret Grad Std: No Pets, W/D Hook up, Dish, WD Firs., Cent. A/C, Gas Heat, Trees Call Tom >8PM or Wkd. 954529-4031 11-10-20-2 Classifieds. Continued on next page.


10, ALLIGATOR 0 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2005 r Rentd r eSubleases Roommates Real Estate unfurnuShed i) nfuirnished lul MILL POND! 2BR/2BA Patio home, Vaulted ceilings, screen porch, garage, newer carpet, washer/dryer, $825/rent 368 NW 48th Boulevard Odrl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 11-4-15-2 Large NW 3BR/2BA near downtown/UF, wood floors, cent a/h, fireplace/den, 2000+sf., $1100, extra BR/BA for $100 more 375-7104 ex 2 1731 NW 6th Street 12-7-35-2 Reasonably priced NW 3BR house, 11Z0sf, washer/dryer, den, eat-in kitchen, garage, large maintained yard $720 375-7104 ex. 2 1731 NW 6th Street 12-7-35-2 Talismar' SW 1BR near vet school & hospitals, cent h/a, enclosed courtyard, includes water & trash, $375 375-7104 ex 2 1731 NW 6th St. 12-7-35-2 Colonial Oaks, SW 2BR/1.5BA TH, convenient to shops, UF, 1-75, two screened porches, washer/dryer $550 375-7104 ex.2 1731 NW 6th St. 12-7-35-2 1 Room Available in a beatiful and clean house. Comes w/wood firs., pool, workout room, W/D, DSL, maid, & great roommates. No deposit or lease required. Call Justin 3361271 11-18-24-2 One BR apt for rent. 1 person, 1 car, no smoking, no pets, no fleas. It is small, but has it all. All util. pd. $360/mo, unfurnished. Call Charlie "Whitey" Webb. 375-4373. Stop by 1215 NE 20th Ave. 11-2-10-2 BIG & CHEAP 2/1.5 apt 1100 sq. ft. $595 3/2 apt 1300 sq ft $695 1800 NW 4th St. Over 20 houses also avail. 373-4423 8-16-13 1-2 2BR, 1.5 TOWNHOUSE Patio, privacy rear, amenities, bike to campus 386-328-6229 lv msg or cell 386-9724647. $475 + deposit. 11-7-14-2 2 GREAT HOUSES IN NW 312 Tile & carpet, fenced yd, W/D, DW+ den ?835 each. 1801 NW 38th Dr. Avail now: 1315 NW 39th Dr. Available Nov 1. 352-2196453 or 352-514-1257 1.1-4-12-2 CHERRY TREE SUBDIVISION 3BR/2BA, 1-story, 2 car garage, quiet street, screened porch, fenced yard, fireplace, vaulted ceilings. Near Norton Elementary. $1475/mo. Bob 954-383-0552 11-2-10-2 FREE MONTH'S RENT 2BR/2.5BA town home. New tile entire first floor, new carpet entire second floor & new paint in all. W/D, 1.5 mi. to UF in NW. $750/mo (pets ok) Avail. immed. Call 772-708-7048 11-9-21-2 Trenton 3BR/2BA doublewide Clean, no pets. $550/mo. 1st, last, security. 352-542-8540/210-1888. 11-4-7-2 *********Walk to UF******** 2BR/1BA in older house behind Leo 706, upstairs hardwood floors, utilities included with rent, pets arranged $490/mo Greg 2143291 11-8-10-2 *** CUTE, CLEAN, QUIET *** Stylish 2BR/2BA SW apt, W/D, alarm, skylight, mirrored living room, front porch great bus rte., pets okay. Avail Jan., $640/mo. Call 317-8150 for showing and information 11-28-20-2 4BR/2BA House 1904 NW 6th St. Easy bike ride to UF/ downtown. W/D & fenced yard $1,200/mo Call now for a discount on Nov. rent! 352-428-5925 11-17-15-2 DUPLEX 2BR/1BA. New tile, new carpet, new paint, central AC/heat, W/D hk up. Walk/bike to UF. 408 NW 5th Ave. Unit A. $695/mo. 1st/last &sec. 284-0316 or 281-0733 11-9-10-2 Townhouse -2BR/1.5 BA. Fenced yard, Wa/D hook-ups, Pets ok. Monthy rent $625. 3936 SW 26 Ter. Apt. B. Call Candy or David 352-371-3473. 11-10-10-2 Available May several units within 1/2 mi of UF campus or closer. $300-310 1BR/1BA $395-415, 2BR/2.5BA $725, 2BR/1 BA $700. Sec dep. No pets. Contact or iv msg 352-870-7256 12-7-29-2 HISTORIC APTS Ceiling fans, hardwood floors, high ceilings, some w/fireplaces. SE historic district. First, last, security. 2BR &2BR w/study 2-2BR Houses in NW Dntn. $600-800/mo No dogs please. 378-3704 11-30-20-2 Only 7 blocks from Campus. Available now! Completely remodeled 1BR duplex. 1313 NW 7th Ave. Call 871-6413 11-4-5-2 Walk to UF 2BR.1BA duplex, cent A/C, private parking, 922 SW 6th Ave. $520 375-7104 12-727-2 1 Blk to UFI 1BR/1BAApt $470/MO 1236 SW 4th Avenue Central Heat & Air. Carpet, Laundry Fac. Call Merril Management Inc. 372-1494 114-4-2 3 Biks to UF! 1BR/1BA Apt. $470/MO 1029 SW 3rd Avenue Central Heat & Air. Carpet. x-t7 room. Call Merrill Management Iso. 372-1494 114-4-2 2 Biks to UF! 2BR/1BAApt. $530/MO 408 NW 15th Street WindowA/C Nat. Gas ht. Wood Floors Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 114-4-2 1 BLK to UF! 2BR/1 BAApt. $550/MO 216 SW 12th Street Window A/C, Nat Gas ht., wood floors Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 114-4-2 INDIVIDUAL AND SEMESTER LEASES AVAILABLE FOR THE WINTER SEASON Convenient UF access $375 to $620/mo Action Real Estate Services 352-331-1133 1-15-31-2 VILLAGE LOFT APTS. 1BR Loft apts. 650-750 sq. ft. Starting @ $490/MO. Quiet, wooded setting. FREE monitored alarm system. 6400 SW 20th Ave. Call 332-0720 11-30-21-2 SUMMIT HOUSE APARTMENT 1 BR/1 BA $425/mo Walk/Bike to Shands or UF Call 379-3779 11-7-5-2 Countryside @ University Condo. 2 bedrooms available in 4BR/4BA for $425/ea. Cable, water, elec incl except phone. Call Irvin 904-610-0967 or email 11-1-10-3 Melrose 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. Furnishings, utils, internet & cable included. W/D in unit. B-ball, V-ball, tennis, 2 pools, spa, fitness room, game room & computer lab. $367/mo Available Dec -Aug 916-295-4090 11-110-3 2BR/2BA VERY SPACIOUS for $612/mo. Available now!ll 352-494-3844 11-3-10-3 SPACIOUS 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA townhome. Sublease for 9 mo. in Towne Parc. Free hi-spd internet. Only $375/mo. MUST SUBLEASE. Contact Jason 352-213-3668 11-7-10-3 2BR/2BA TOWNHOME. All amenities included. $958/mo. Available for spring. Start date negotiable. Please call 352-283-3603. 11-1-5-3 FREE RENT Until 12/31/05. Sublease avail now thru 8/06. 1BR/1BA in furn. 2BR Gainesville Place Apt. $590 for all utils, cable tv, internet. Close to UF. Great amenities incls. balcony. Call Ashley 914-826-7171 11-10-11-3 Massive one bedroom flat available immediately in Boardwalk apts. November FREE. $630/month for 850+ sq. ft. Perfect for couple! Come see! Lydia 352-318-4240. 11-3-5-3 1BR/1BA on SW 16 Ave. Sublease from Dec. to May $480/mo. Cat friendly, no dogs please. Call 352-870-2163 or e-mail: 11-3-5-3 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA in Gainesville Place for spring. 2 swimming pools, tennis courts, soccer field. $435/moeverything included. Cable, hi speed internet. On bus line. Female only. Call 813-363-8412. 11-10-10-3 1 month free 1 BR/BA apt. at Frederic Garden $460/mo. Pets allowed. Close to UF and bus route 24hr. maint. Call 373-8235 Before -2pm or e-mail 11-4-5-3 Spring and summer sublease at The Estates. I bedroom in a 3 bedroom apartment Great price. Includes everything. Female or male. 305-342-5157 11-7-5-3 --e s Roommate Matching HERE Oxford Manor 377-2777 The Landings 336-3838 The Laurels 335-4455 Cobblestone 377-2801 Hidden Lake 374-3866 12-7-72-4 Female roommate for one/two female UF students. Quiet. Responsible. 60 second walk to UF. Old house charm with all amenities. Avail Now. $400 -up. 352-538-2181.Lv message. Private Owner 12-7-72-4 F NS grad/prof needed for 1BR in BRAND NEW 2/2 condo. 2 mi to UF on bus rte. W/D. $475 + 1/2 util/mo. Common area furnished, tile 8r. No pets. 904-386-6485 or 11-14-62-4 Rooms. $75-$85 P/IW utilities color tv max cab. w/m on bus r/t. 3 mi from Univ Ave + Main St. But rent + utilit. (negotiable) for one day work. 376-0384 for all info. 11-16-40-4 Rooms for rent: Large, clean house. Close to campus. High speed and, cable. Large yard. Two car garage and porch area. Rent $425. For more info call Tre at 352-328-8878 11-3-28-4 Female student fo join 2 females for own BR in attractive 3BR house near NW 8th Ave, 3mi from UF on bus rte. #43, tile/hardwood, $275/mo+ 1/3 GRU & HSInternet-digital cable, avail now. 381-5597 or 332-3852 11-1-20-4 Unfurnished BR for rent in brand new spacious condo w/2 female UF students. NW 55th St. Call Lisa for details @ 352-374-6636 11-7-23-4 3BR/Pvt BA. Available 1/1/06. 6-12 month lease. Perfect for grad/inti. students. Sparkling. Furn/unfurn. Large home in Kirkwood. $400-$500 +util. 352-375-6996 or 352-284-0979 11-15-41-4 $250 Nice large room in cool house near UF. DSL, WI/D, big fenced yard, great student roommates, good study atmosphere. Flexible lease 371-9409 12-1-35-4 Male roommate for 1 room in 2BR/2.5BA in Victoria Station. Share kitchen, family rm., W/D. Community pool. $450/mo + utilities. Avail Jan. 1 Call 954-303-1104 or 954-2424633 11-8-20-4 Roommate needed for 3Br/2Ba apt in SW 20th Ave Now. $300 +1/3util. On UF busline. HI-spd Intnt, pool & TV Cable. Free UF pk. Call 219-7309. 11-3-15-4 Female roommate, student preferred, needed to share with other female student in a 2BR/1 BA house. Avail in Nov. Hardwood floors, W/D, fenced backyard near Ward's.$325/mo + 1/2 util. Pets ok. 352-283-6304 11-8-15-4 Furnished room w/ private bathroom. University Terrace Gainesville. W/D, A/C, cable, internet. $350/mo. Call 352-472-9778 or 305-299-3485 11-10-14-4 Roomate wanted 3BR/3BA furnished house. Wood floors. Looking for quiet, clean person. $400/mo. Utilities included $200 deposit. Call 352-745-1552 11-30-23-4 DUCKPOND/Creekview/nice house. Large BR $400; medium BR $350 + 1/3 utilities. High ceilings bright space, wood firs, carport. Perfect for art, gardening, studying, good houservates, fun. Now or Jan 374-7038 11-4-7-4 1 Female needed for 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA @Countryside. $425/mo incl. utils., cable, internet, punished. Avail NOW! Call 727-5109346 11-9-10-4 LIVE DOWNTOWN! Want open-minded, clean/fun/young prof/grad student to share new/lux 3BR/3BA condo. $600/mo + 1/3 util 7 or 12 mo lease Avail 01 JAN/Scott 2627899 11-7-8-4 CAMPUS LODGE Room for lease. PRICE NEGOTIABLE. Inci. furniture, utils,. pvt. bathroom, big screened TV, resort-style pool & 2 great roommates. Available Dec. Call 407-227-4170. 11-3-5-4 Avail Dec 2 rooms in large house, 1 blk from 13th & University, $300 + split util, sec dep. NS, no pets. Contact or leave message at 352-870-7256 12-7-29-4 1/1 available is 2/2. 1/2 furnished. Museum Walk. Male/female. 2 story. DWI/WD/pool/ tanning/parties. Laid back, clean person ASAP 732-670-1821 $500 +1/3 util. 11-4-5-4 ENJOY A ROMANTIC OLD HOUSE near the Library downtown. $285-$360/rm + utilities. Free internet access. Short term. No pets. No smoking. 378-1304 11-4-5-4 M/F roomate wanted for 1BR/pvt. bath in 3BR/2BA apt. w/2 females. W/D, cox internet & cable. Avail. Janearly Aug. $345 +1/3 util. Call 407-222-4266 11-21-15-4 $245/MO Rent, Male N/S Quiet private home Archer Rd.' Location Sec. Deposit +1/2 electric Info. 375-6393 11-7-5-4 3BR/1BA -1 BLOCK TO UF 1227 SW 4th Ave. Apt. 1 Perfect location. Perfect condition. Need 1 or 2 roomates. Split $1135/mo Call 352-514-5060 or 904-716-1609 11-7-5-4 Roomates needed for 4BR/4BA condo. Close to UF on bus rt. Incl. WI/D, utils, wireless internet, cable $425/rm/mo w/$125 sec dep. Contact @ 407-719-1699 12-7-26-4 LIVE AT COUNTRYSIDE 2 rooms for rent in 4BR/4BA unit. Rent only $400/mo incl utils, cable, internet.& furnished living area. Call 352-870-8459 for more details. 11-15-10-4 'Real Estate Sell your house, condo, acreage, mobile home and much more in the ALLIGATOR CLASSIFIEDS! Reach over 24,000 possible buyers! Mastercard and Visa accepted over the phone. Please Call 373-Find Quad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra land, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House 3/4BR, 2BA, wd firs, covered prch, concrete patio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 352538-2181 lV mssg 12-7-72-5 Existing condos & luxury condos near UF at affordable prices. For more infornation, visit or call today Matt Price 352-281-3551 Campus Realty Group 11-30-19-5 JACKSON SQUARE Spectacular university views. Walk to UF & the stadium. Classic New Orleans appeal with state-of-the-art luxury. Reserve today. 52 units available. Starting in mid-300's. Call Eric Wild 870-9453 12-7-80-5 ARCHER -Two story 3x1 home on 5.4 flat, green, usable acres -cross fenced -barn -paddock -two 12x40' new steel storage units -many extras. AHHR @ 352-250-5138 11-2-10-5 SHERWOOD FOREST 4 -2.5 -1. Douglas built home. This is the best of the best with dozens of extras -magnificent home priced right! AHHR @ 352-250-5138 for full details. 11-2-10-5 BIG LAKE SANTA FE 2X2X2 Lake Front Home. Boat house -pier -private slip -boat barn -treed beautiful elevated and landscaped lot. AHHR 352-250-5138 11-2-10-5 Nice 2BR/2BA Brandywine Condo. 1226 sq. feet. A couple of miles to the University. New carpet. Asking $96,000. Call 222-5143 11-14-15-5 JUST BUILT 4BR/4BA LUXURY CONDO NEAR SORORITY ROW2BLKS FROM UF ALL APPLIANCESGREAT INVSTMT OPP PRVT. OWNER-MUST SELL-$265K ELEVATOR ON PREMISE 904-838-7581 11-14-15-5 Furnishings BED-Queen, orthopedic, extra thick, pillowtop, mattress & box. Name brand, new, still in plastic. Sacrifice $110. Call 352-372-7490 will deliver. 12-7-72-6 BED -FULL SIZE ORTHOPEDIC Pillow-top mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic w/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice S85. Call 352-377-9846 12-7-72-6 MICROFIBER SOFA & LOVESEAT Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must sell. Can deliver. Retail $2300. Sacrifice $550 352-372-7490 12-7-72-6 BED -King Pillowtop mattress & box springs. Orthopedic rated. Name brand, new, never been used, in plastic with warranty. Sell $170. Call 352-372-8588 Can delver. 127-72-6 CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. Cost $1500, sacrifice $550 352-333-7516 Sofa $185 Brand new in pkg 333-7516 12-7-72-6 BEDROOM SET. 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chests avail. Dovetail const. New, in boxes. Can deliver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice $1400 (352) 372-7490 12-7-72-6 SOFA & LOVESEAT 100% Italian leather. Brand new in plastic w/warranty. Retail $2650. Sacrifice $750. Call 352-377-9846 12-7-72-6 DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table, 6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New, still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100. Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-8588 127-72-6 FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/ mattress. New, in box. $160 332 9899 DINETTE SET 5pc $85 Brand new in box. Never used. 352-377-9846 12-7-72-6 BEDS 0 Full mattress & boxspring sets $49 Queen sets $89 0 Single sets $39 OKing sets $99 0 From estate sale. Safe pine bunk bed $109. 376-0939/378-0497. CALL-A-MATTRESS 4370 SW 20th Ave. 12-7-72-6 MEMORY FOAM -same as Temperpedia. Save 50% & more. Other close-outs. 0 twin sets $89 Ofull sets $129 *queen sets $149 King sets $189 Student discounts apply. 4370 SW 20th Ave. 376-0953. We deliver. 12-7-72-6 Beds, Futons, Furniture, King Sealy sets $299; new sofas for $299; oak futons $169; sofa & loveseat $399; dinettes,' desks, all on sale *New Location* 140 NW 6th St Morrells Furniture Outlet. 352-378-3400 12-7-81-6 **BEDS -ALL BRAND NEW** Orthopedic pillow-top sets. **Full-$100 Queen-$130 King-$195** Brand name matching sets not used or refurbished. Still in plastic, direct from factory! A better product at a better price. Wholesale Furniture Dealer (3205 SW 40th Blvd. off Archer Rd.) 376-1600. Ask for Rachel or Brian 12-7-72-6


TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2005E ALLIGATOR, 11 Furnishings urishings9 Computers Mptorcycles, Mopeds Wanted Bed -All New Queen orthopedic pillow-top mattress & box set. Still in plastic with warranty. Can Deliver. $130 (352) 264-9799 12-7-72-6 Bed -$100 All New Full size orthopedic mattress set. Brand new, still in plastic, w/ warranty. Can Deliver.352-376-1600 12-7-72-6 Bedroom Set -Brand New! Still in boxes! HB -$125, NS -$75, Dresser $135, Mirror -$75, Chest -$135. Can Deliver. (352) 264-9799 12-7-72-6 Dinette Set -$125 Brand New 5 pc set in box, never used! Can Deliver 494-0333 Sofa -$225 Brand New! Loveseat -$170 Still in package, never used. Can Del. 376-1600 12-7-72-6 Pool Table -Gorgeous 8' All wood table. Leather pockets, Italian 1" slate, carved legs. Br. New still in crate. Cost $4,500. Sell $1,350. Can Deliver. 264-9799 12-7-72-6 Hot Tub/Spa -$1795.00 Brand New Loaded! Waterfall, LED lights, cup-holders, 110v energy efficient with warranty. Free Delivery. 264-9799 12-7-72-6 **BEDS -ALL BRAND NEW** **Full $90 Queen $110 King $170** Orthopedic pillow-top sets. Brand name matching sets not used or refurbished. Still in plastic, direct from factory! 352-333-7516. 12-7-72-6 BEDQUEEN New orthopedic pillowtop mattress and boxspring set. Brand name, brand new, still in plastic with warranty. Can deliver. $115 352-377-9846. 12-7-72-6 BedAll New King! 3pc Orthopedic pillowtop mattress set. Brand NEW, still in plastic with warranty. Can deliver. $170 352-333-7516. 12-7-72-6 Bedroom Set$325 BRAND NEW. Still in boxes! 6 pieces include: Headboard, 2 Nightstands, Dresser, Mirror, Chest. Must sell, can deliver. 352-377-9846. 12-7-72-6 Futon -$160 Solid Oak Mission Style with plush mattress. All brand NEW still in box. Can deliver. 352-333-7516 12-7-72-6 Pool Table -Gorgeous 8" All wood table. Leather pockets, Italian 1" slate, carved legs. Brand new still in crate. MUST SELL Retail $5500. Sell $950. Can deliver 352-377-9846 12-7-72-6 LM 0) C.) 0 9== Hot Tub/Spa -$1295 Brand New Loaded! Waterfall, LED lights, cupholders, 110-v energy efficient with warranty. Free delivery, MUST SELL 352-372-8588 12-7-72-6 Bed-FULL size pillowtop mattress & box. New, in plastic, warr. Can del. $90 317-4031 Sofa $185 Brand new! Love seat $150 still in pkg. Can del 352-333-7516 12-7-72-6 FUTONS BEDS .FURNITURE LOW PRICES & LARGE SELECTION Dumas Discount 371-4422 1201 E. Univ. Av. New 0 Used 0 Buy O Sell 12-7-59-6 FUTON, Queen Like new condition. Light colored wood. $600, includes 2 futon covers. Contact: 352256-1478. 11-1-5-6 Queen bed (mattress, box + frame) bought new Feb '05. $110; desk w/hutch $35; dining room (table + 4 chairs) $60; microwave $25; lamp $5. Cali Oscar 381-1961, 11-1-3-6 BEIGE COUCH AND ARM CHAIR for sale. $175 for both. Red slipcover for couch and red striped slipcover for chair included. Call 321-432-8314 11-4-4-6 Compters W& Ma" Hot& CAk&! 12-7-72-7 Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek House/dorm 59 min response. No waiting/ unplugging/hassels. $30 Gator Discount w/student ID. M/F Cert MCSE technicians. 333-8404. 127-72-7 Cash Paid Laptop PCs SALES 0 SERVICE S PARTS 336-0075 12-7-72-7 "COMPUTER & LAPTOP REPAIRS" Network specialists We buy computers and laptops Working and Non-working 378-4009, 607 NW 13th Street 12-7-72-7 0 C0 C C) 0 L0 Z E E E 0 L. E 0 3 22 9.2981D gaw rdk m 12-7-69-7 GATORNERD.COM -computer/laptop repair -virus, spyware, hardware -$10 discounts, cheapest -home/dorm 352-219i80 12-7-69-7 G'ville Computer Repair Service no all PC MAC and Networks. 1204 NW 13th St, Ste #10. 352-337-2500 12-753-7 Spyware/virus removal special $59. Laptop memory upgrade $50+. Stop paying too much for computer repairs. Fixed rates as low as $30. Call today for a free estimate. 352-494-2355 11-1-5-7 DISCOUNT HI-FI 722 S. Main 0 The Red Bldg WE ARE CHEAPER 12-7-72-8 GATOR CAR ALARMS Take a bite out of crime $99.95. Installed FREE. Gainesville's oldest car alarm and car stereo specialty store. 373-3754 Audio Outlet. 12-7-84-8 Car stereo, car alarms, mobile video, mobile navigation, custom wheels and tires, and automobile performance at Sound Depot & Performance. 374-7700 12-7-72-8 In the market fdr a new set of wheels or just looking to add a second to that collection? Want personalized handlebars or a fitted seat? Check in the Alligator Classifieds. NEW & USED BIKES FOR SALE Many to choose from Best Prices in Town 0 SPIN CYCLE 373-3355 424 W University Ave 12-7-72-9 YIKES BIKES Used not abused. From basic transportation to highend stuff. All styles. Great prices. 5 blocks from UF in College Park. 870-8693 12-7-72-9 WANTED: Road Bike Call with size + components 316-1164 11-3-5-9 For Sale PARKING: Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF. Reserve now! Reasonable rates. 352-5382181. Qan leave mssg. 12-7-72-10 ANTHOLOGY by Bob Brackin containing "Gainesville Stories" 11-18-60-10 PARTY SUPPLIES: Complete line of Bar Supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft beer equipment. Professional Cooking Utensils. R.,W Beaty Co. 4322 NW 13th St, Gville RWBEATY.COM 376-5939 12-7-71-10 *NEW GATOR LOGO ITEM& Cool Hand Painted Bamboo Curtains. Excellent for dorm, home, party room or gift! GO TO: 11-15-20-10 TILES Save $100's on Tavertine or granite for your next job/project. Call Joel at 359-3216 at Jackson LLC. 11-2-10-10 ** SCOOTERS ** RPM MOTORCYCLES INC SALES, SERVICE, PARTS Many Brands Available 518 SE 2nd St. 377-6974 12-7-72-11 OSwamp CyclesO Save $$$ on gas, ride to class! Largest selection of Ebikes, scooters & accessories. Free delivery, 1-yr warranty, best cust. service 534 SW 4th Ave 373-8823 12-7-72-11 ***SOLANO CYCLE*** Scooters from $599. Largest selection KYMCO, Vento, Hyosung, Keen & many others. Financing avail. 3550 SW 34th St. 338-8450 12-7-72-11 CASH PAID for MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS, or dirt bikes in ANY condition, Running or not. titles or not. Prompt pick up. Call ANYTIME: 352-441-0442 Please leave a message. 12-7-88-11 *NEW SCOOTERS 4 LESS* New location now open 1901 NW 67th Place 352-336-1271 Best prices in Gainesville. Owned by Gator grads. Will beat all Gainesville competitor's prices on similar models. 12-7-84-11 SCOOTER, 50cc, SUZUKI POWERED 2005 Oil ingection, lots of storage. Brand new, never used. Over 100 mpg. Park anywhere. ONLY $895 262-4673 11-8-10-11 VERUCCI SCOOTERS for sale 49cc 4 stroke electric start. Remote alarm & ignition. Reaches 45-50 mph. Makes 80-100mpg. 1 new blue $1500, 1 used yellow $1000, Call 352-219-3950 11-22-15-11 Autos FAST CASH PAID FOR ANY CAR* @Running or notl@ NEED HONDA, TOYOTA, PICKUPS Over 10 yr nyc to UP students OCall Don @ 215-7987 12-7-72-12 CARS -CARS BuyOSellOTrade Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars 3432 N Main St. CARRSMITH AUTO SALES 373-1150 12-7-72-12 **FAST CASH PAID** For CARS & TRUCKS Running or Not 1990 & up only Sell or Trade Welcome Call Ray 352-284-8619 12-7-72-12 OVER 50 IMPORTS UNDER $10,000 SELECT MOTOR CAR THE YELLOW BUILDING 2715 N MAIN 377-1616 12-7-72-12 Best Cars e Lowest Prices 12-7-72-12 $500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! HONDAS, CHEVYS, TOYOTAS, ETC. For listings 800-749-8116 ext 4622 12-772-12 *WE PAY CASH* For Cars & Trucks Any year, make, model, mileage, condition. Free towing. Up to $250 for junkers Call 407-756-9100 12-7-34-12 2000 FORD FOCUS SE SPORT Silver, 5-spd, 34mpg, A/C, AM/FM/CD, remote keyless entry, alloy wheels, tinted windows, alarm. 72k mi. Great cond $4750/ OBO. 352-328-1075 or 117-10-12 1994 Toyota 4x4 pickup DX X-cab V6. 3.0, Rhinoliner, topper, AC, CD/mp3, Yakima rack, trailer hitch, tinted windows, man trans, 182 K $4700 Call 352-281-2485. 11-3-5-12 LOCAL ARTIST NEEDS: GOLD, DIAMONDS, GEMS, CLASS RINGS, ETC TOP CASH $ OR TRADE. OZZIE'S FINE JEWELRY. 373-9243 12-7-72-13 THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY NEEDS VOLUNTEER DRIVERS Transport patients to/from treatments Must have valid driver's license, safe driving record & attend training session. Call 352-376-6866 ext 114 for more info. On-going volunteer needed: Blind lady needs trans on Sundays only to Mass @ Queen of Peace Catholic Church orSt. Augustine Catholic Church. For more info call 219-6948. I live in the Tower Rd area. 11-14-83-13 Blind lady needs health majors interested in walking at least three times a week. Call 352219-6948. Thanks. 11-14-83-13 WANT TO BUY BROKEN XBOX, PSP, DS 352-317-6601 12-7-36-13 f Help Wanted This newspaper assumes no responsibility for injury or loss arising from contacts made through advertising. We suggest that any reader who responds to advertising use caution and investigate the sincerity of the advertiser before giving out personal information or arranging meetings LIKE TO WORK WITH LUXURY CARS? Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be over 22, stable work history, clean driving record, drug-free, pers ref. for details. 12-7-72-14 Animal Care Tech looking for hard working person to work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will train, PT to start with more hrs possible. Start at $6.50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024 between 9-4 M-F. 12-7-72-14 CNA CLASS: Learn @ your own time and pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and pass the state exam is on VCR tape. 95% pass the state exam the 1st time! $250. Call 800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 12-7-72-14 Phone survey interviewers wanted. S/art work today No sales, opinion research only! Flexible Schedule! Perceptive Market Research 336-6760 ex 4081 Call now! 1-27-72-14 Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/ Sales and IT needed for various positions. Flexible schedules and. competitive pay. Join our team! Learn more at employment 12-7-72-14 $$ STUDENTS GET CASH $$ For gently used brand name Clothing/accessories & furniture $Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No appt necessary! 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 127-72-14 BARTENDING $250 A DAY POTENTIAL No experience necessary, training provided. 800-965-6520 ext 138 12-7-72-14 SECRET SHOPPERS Needed for evaluations of Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters Flexible Hours, E-mail required Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254 12-7-72-14 EARN $60 THIS WEEK! Donate Plasma & Save a Life $$$$$$$$$$$$ Best part-time job you'll ever have. NEW DONORS Bring this Ad and Earn an Extra $5 on Your 2nd Donation. DCI Biologicals 150 NW 6th St. 352-378-9204 12-7-72-14 Mortgage lender has immediate positions avail for college students. No exp req. $8/hr + bonus, flex hrs. Apply in person 2-7pm M-F at 1900 SW 34th St Ste 206 (2nd fir above credit union) 12-7-72-14 Classifieds. Continued on next page.


12, ALLIGATOR M TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2005 HejpjWanted He1pWanted Help Wanted HpWted Help WantedZ Would you like to be your own boss, work your own hours, and make unlimited income? Start your own AVON business for just $10. Call Emma @ 352-871-4489 or e-tiiail 12-772-14 HIRING KITCHEN STAFF Starting $6.15/hr DRIVERS $8-15/hr, and FLYERERS. PT easy schedule. Please call 2-5pm 378-2442 or fill out application at California Chicken Grill 2124 SW 34th St. Mon -Fri. 12-7-72-14 Apply online today. At one of over .100 RESTAURANTS, BARS OR HOTELS. Apply for any position today. 11-30-76-14 GATORSNEEDJOBS.COM We need Paid Survey Takers in Gainesville. 100% FREE to-join. Click on Surveys. 12-7-72-14 CASH!I Tired of sifting around in/out it? Sit bare & wake it UF FLORIDA REPDIALS seeks UF students to raise funds. Earn up to $8.00/hr with a FLEXIBLE schedule. Apply at 105 NW 16th St. 4th floor. Academic Classroom Building 105, or call 392-7754 for more info. 12-7-72-14 Telephone Interviewing NO SALES $7.50/hr ($8 Bi-lingual) + BONUS Apply 0 UP Survey Research Center M-P 9:3am-9pm 408 W University Ave. Suite 106, Tel. 392-2908 x105 Must work eve/wknd 12-7-71-14 Attention Smokers! Earn about $6/hr. Smokers are needed to participate in a study on decision making & smoking. If interested, come to the Psychology Bldg room 397 or call 3920601 ext 297 12-7-68-14 Call center needs telephone agents for all shifts 24 hours. 1830 NE 2nd St. Apply in person M-F 9am-4pm. 12-7-66-14 Attention Smokers! Do you want to quit smoking? Smokers are needed to participate in a smoking cessation study. If interested e-mail the UF Smoking Lab and Clinic. or call 3284944 9-3-15-14 HIRING DELIVERY DRIVERS Earn up to $12-14/hr. Call California Chicken Grill 378-2442 12-7-59-14 GATOR DOMINOS $10 -15/Hour DRIVERS $6.15 -$7.15/Hour INSIDERS $35K-$50K/year MANAGERS Apply online at Or at any of the 6 locations. 12-7-65-14 Park Place Car Wash is looking for hard workers for all positions. Cashiers (fullday availability) & lineworkers. (AM 8:30-1) & (PM 12-6). Apply: 7404 NW 4th Blvd. Across from Home Depot. No phone calls please. 12-7-55-14 PART TIME LEASING AGENT Apply in person. Wlndmeadows Apt. 2712 SW 34th St. DFWP. 11-30-49-14 Get Paid To Drive A Brand New Car! Now paying drivers $800-$3200 a month. Pick up your free car key today. 11-8-35-14 MARK Representatives needed. Earn up to 40% on everything you sell. Make money while in school; buy, sell, fundraise. Be your own boss, work flexible hours. Call Emma @ 352-871-4489 12-7-50-14 Bartending Jobs Up to $300/shift. Many Positions Avail. No exp. req. FT/PT. 1-800-806-0082 ext 1516 12-7-41-14 HUNGRY HOWIES is now hiring Cash paid daily. Drivers & inside workers needed. Flexible schedule. Full & part time avTFil. Apply in person 3105 SW 34th St. 11-4-20-14 DEMOCRATIC CALL CENTER Phone reps. needed ASAP for Political Campaigns. Base hourly rate + bonus. 352371-5888 X 111 or 4112 NW 22nd Drive. 11-7-20-14 CASHIER PT, approx. 25hrs./wk. Mornings, afternoons or evenings. ADA'S CLOTHES REPAIR 336-0164 12-7-35-14 $100 EACH NIGHT Guaranteed. 13th St. Dominos now hiring 10 drivers. Closing drivers earn $100 to $125 each night. Apply @ 2106 SW 13th St.373-2337 11-2-15-14 Are you America's NextTOP Personality? Earn $70 for a 5 hour event! Promoting brands by Distributing samples/brochures and demonstrating products to consumers. Part-time, weekends, and typically 4-6 hours. Apply online 11-15-23-14 New Scooters 4 Less is looking for a part time mechanic. Must have knowledge of 2 & 4 stroke engines. Training provided. Relaxed and fun environment. Call 336-1271 to set up an interview. 11-18-24-14 PARTICIPANTS NEEDED The Phonetics Laboratory in the Program in Linguistics is looking for people to participate in a listening experiment. You can earn $10/hr by participating in a study of the perception of speech sounds from foreign languages. If you are interested in participating, please contact Jenna Silver: 11-2-10-14 FT Veterinary Receptionist Call for information 318-1247 11-3-11-14 WANTED Waitstaff and kitchen personnel at The Clubhouse Grille. 5112 NW 34th St., across from the YMCA. Between the hours of 2 & 4pm M-F. 11-2-10-14 SALES ASSOCIATE FOR GROUPS Previous hotel sales experience preferred. Hourly & bonus. Apply in person: 4021 SW 40th Blvd. 11-2-10-14 VOLUNTEER COACHES needed for youth co-ed basketball programGET INVOLVED AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Call 334-5053 11-1-7-14 BASKETBALL OFFICIALS NEEDED. Earn $$$. Officiate youth basketball games. Basketball officials clinic. Nov 16 6-8pm. Cal. 393-8751 for more info. 11-1-7-14 PT DRIVER AVAILABLE National company. Mon-Fri. Apply in person @ 3005 SW Williston Rd or send resume to 11-7-10-14 NANNIES NEEDED, JOBS START @ NOON 20 to 30 hrs per week, 4 jobs $$$ Noah's Ark Nanny 376-5008 11-7-10-14 SUCCESSORIES -Oaks Mall Were looking for motivated people to join our team! PIT, flexible scheduling. Apply at store 331-5900 11-1-5-14 TCBY on 34th St. NOW HIRING ALL SHIFTS. Apply in person. 12-7-28-14 Brinks authorized dealer looking for top sales person. Lead program, top commission. Support/training. Set your own hours. Excellent job for college student. Call 1-866427-4880. 11-8-10-14 TUMBLING INSTRUCTOR needed at Tumblemania in High Springs. Call 386-454-1779 for more info. 11-8-10-14 FIVE STAR PIZZA on Tower Rd. Now hiring DELIVERY DRIVERS. Flexible hours. Closing shifts earn over $100. Apply in person 600 NW 75th St. 11-8-10-14 Nanny needed M-F Full Time for twin girls at the beginning of the year. References required. 262-4437 11-8-10-14 ALACHUA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Part Time Criminal Justice Tech Advanced technical clerical/ record work associated w/inmate records. 20-30 hrs/week. Starting salary: $10/hr+benefits HS/GED, 18+yrs, Type 30 CWPM Deadline: November 4, 2005 2621 SE Hawthorne Road Gainesville, FL 32641 (352)367-4040 11-1-5-14 LOCAL A/G CHURCH NEEDS WORSHIP LEADER/KEYBOARDIST. Contemporary songs. Paid positions. Call Pastor Terry, 352472-5433 or 472-7736 11-8-10-14 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE/BILLING CLERK for sitework construction office. Quickbooks exp. pref. Ideal for business or accounting major. Min 20hrs/wk. Call 335-1711 11-1-5-14 Are you energetic and motivated? Are you looking for a flexible holiday job? LifeSouth Community Blood Centers, Inc. is currently seeking part-time Donor Scheduling Representatives to help maintain the community blood supply. Evening and weekend shifts are available. To apply, please call (352) 224-1741 after 5pm Monday through Thursday & leave a message. EOE/DFWP. 11-17-16-14 Catering Help Wait Staff/Dishwashers/Bartenders Great Environment/Wknds/Flexible Hours No Phone Calls/ Must Have Experience Email refs. to 11-2-5-14 SALES ASSOCIATE JW Furniture seeks M/F energetic, motivated employees that are commission driven. Contact Alex-Cutler 305-766-6339 11-25-14 Major Internet Retailer Customer Svc., sales, shipping, advertising, marketing, graphics, programmers, photography, etc. 11-2-5-14 PIZZA MAKER for authentic New York-style hand-tossed pizza. EXPERIENCE NECESSARY $10/hr to start. Tues-Fri, 2-l0pm. Call 745-0456 11-2-5-14 CASINO'S PIZZA is now hiring DELIVERY DRIVERS. Come by and fill out an application at 1710 SW 13th St. 372-4848 11-30-19-14 SHIFT WORK 7/24, 365 We can work with your schedule. Contact David Armstrong 386-462-1016 11-2-5-14 Seeking recent grads/current students in Psy, Sp Ed or other realted field to work with children and adults with autism. $10/hr. Call Mark at 332-8588 11-1-3-14 Want a job that has flexible hours, makes unlimited income, and is tons of fun? Become a sales rep selling the hottest styles in silver and handbags. Call Rebecca at 305-677-9500 11-1-3-14 RECEPTIONIST FULL TIME Medical receptionist for busy Gainesville research center. Medical Manager Experience a plus. Salary commensurate w/exp. Fax resume to 352331-8345. 11-4-6-14 IVEY'S GRILL needs dishwashers. Shifts are Tues thru Sun 7:30 am to 4:30 pm and Thurs thru Sat 4:30 pm thru 11:30 pm. Apply in person. Closed Mondays. 11-3-5-14 Student Supervisors/Managers: Start building or add to your resume Gator Dining Services, located on the UF Campus, is looking for Student Supervisors/Managers. Pay is $8-10hr. based on experience. We offer competitve pay, benefits and a great working environment. Apply at Gator Dining Services, B73 Reitz Union, Museum Rd. or online at 11-1410-14 Inventory Position: Gator Dining Services, located on the UF Campus, is looking for a full time inventory person. Qualified applicant will have experience with data entry, inventory, cash handling and sales reporting. Must possess strong computer and customer service skills. This position will also help with other general office duties. We offer competitive pay, benefits and a great working environment. Email resume with salary requirements or apply online at 11-14-10-14 Accounts Receivable: Gator Dining Services, located on the UF Campus is looking for a full time office person. Hours are M-F 8:30-5pm. This person will manage cash on account, work closely with the catering department to ensure all invoices go out promptly, post incoming checks to the corresponding invoices and help with other general office duties. Must possess strong computer and customer service skills. We offer competitive pay, benefits and a great working environment. Fax resume with salary requirements to 352-392-9787 or email to 11-14-10-14 Psychiatric Aides -$22,612 annually. Shift work. Rotating days off. Req completion of 30 sem or 45 qtr hrs of college in5 courses in Soc/Behav Sci. Apply::; Lori Ross at 264-8250. EEO/AA 11-4-5-14 ALPHA OMICRON PI needs a few good men, Best food on campus. Call 378-9032 114-5-14 Painters needed immediately. No experience necessary. Flexible hours. Great pay. Call Thomas 786-385-9232 or E-mail 11-7-5-14 CSR Neededl To coordinate service via the phone to our nat'l clients, techs & homeowners. GnvI office, training, benefits, FT/PT, great pay. Fax 352-336-4218 call 352-258-3854 11-3-3-14 PHONE SALES Can you talk the talk & close the slae? Call ust We have warm leads & high commissions for the motivated salesperson in our Gnvi office. Training, FT/PT, benefits. Fax 352-3364218, call 352-258-3854 11-3-3-14 Exactech, Inc A Great Day in the O.R. MEETING & EVENT SPECIALIST to coordinate corporate meetings for regional, international & domestic meetings & events, support tradeshow management and sales training. Will also maintain event material storage areas. Marketing, Public Relations degree and 2 year experience in Corporate Marketing preferred. Must have excellent computer, written and oral communication skills. Send cover letter, resume and salary history to To learn more about Exactech and this opportunity please visit 11-7-5-14 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Part time, flexible hours. General office skills & common sense required. Email or call 332-3833 or fax resume to 332-8252 -Attn John or Shannon. 11-7-5-14 Do you work with the public? Are you 18 years or older and work at lease 20 hours per week? If so, you may earn up to $50 for completing daily surveys online over five work days as part of a UF Management Department study of emotions of customer service employees. For details and sign-up information, visit 11-44-14 I E e rviceZ AAA STORAGE Close To UF, Convenient 4x4x4 $20/mo 4x8x8 $35/mo 533 SW 2nd Ave. 377-1771 12-7-72-15 IMPORT AUTO REPAIR.BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, Volvo, VW, Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Mazda. Quality craftsmanship, reasonable prices, near UF, AAA approved 378-7830 12-7-72-15 HYPNOTIST-Stop smoking. Improve memory & concentration. Eliminate bad habits. Past life regression. Learn self-hypnosis. Low Student Rates. Leonard Umans AAPH, NGH certified 379-1079. 12-7-72-15 ** BELLY DANCE ** Ethnic Dance Expressions Studio For Fun & Fitness 384-9200 12-7-72-15 HORSE BOARDING -peaceful -spacious 30 acres -lighted arena -round pens -standard & oversizedexp help -12x12 stalls 1352-472-2627 or v msg @ 339-2193 Owner on premisis -35+ yrs exp. Lessons avail. 12-7-72-15 SLEEPY HOLLOW HORSE FARM Quality Boarding S Lessons/English 0 Parties Alachua County's oldest & finest horse farm 0 466-4060 12-7-72-15 **AUTO MALL SERVICE DEPT** Complete Auto Service Imports & Domestics 0 Cars & Trucks Discount for students. Call 352-380-0033 12-7-74-15 EVERGLADE EQUESTRIAN CENTER The countryclub for horses & owners. Customer lounge w/full kitchen & bath. 250' x 160' riding ring, round pen & jump paddock. Lessons. 30 acres, 40 matted stalls, 19 separate paddocks. 24-hr security, 352-5913175 12-7-72-15 *** GREAT BANNERS & SIGNS * Custom Posters 0 Exhibits 0 Awards Top Quality Fast 0 Service 0 Low Prices SignMasters 335-7000 9-2-61-15 Jump start your job search at www. college-resumes. com 12-7-72-15 AWARDS & PERSONALIZED GIFTS Plaques 0 Name Badges 0 Cups 0 Etc. Best Selection In Town SignMasters 335-7000 9-2-61-15 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers"


TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2005 N ALLIGATOR, 13 Services aWrvicesIHealth Services CInctions W Entertainment FINANCE TUTOR Individuals or small groups. Experienced, excellent. 375-6641 Harold Nobles 12-7-72-15 PERSONAL TRAINING 300 Personal and Group Training Flexible Scheduling Exclusive Facility -Call for a free workout 339-2199 12-7-72-15 Want to be a CNA? Don't want to wait? Express Training Services can get you certified under 3 wks! Hands-on exp, no videos. Day/eve classes avail. Next class 11/28/05. Class sizes limited. 338-1193 for details. 12-7-71-15 NEED GAS? Car hot? Lose your cool!l Call Rick-lwm quickly RICK'S MOBILE AUTO A/C, All Freons-oils, computer diagnosis 40 years experience 213-2665 12-7-71-15 MUSIC STUDIES Guitar, piano and bass. All serious students welcome. I'm a 30 yr. pro. 376-3831 11-235-15 TLC HORSEBOARD All facilities & amenities: quality instruction, 15 min from UF. Jan at 376-7762. Greathouse Equestrian Center 12-7-43-15 20 u 0~ '40 MATH TUTOR 7 Years of experience. B.S. in Engineering, UF. English/Spanish. Call Francisco @352494-8582 OR 377-2526 Sliding Scale Rates 11-15-25-15 GUITAR, MANDOLIN & FIDDLE LESSONS Beginners-advanced. Folk, bluegrass, blues & popular. Flatpick & fingerpicking guitar styles. Celtic & bluegrass fiddle & mandolin styles. Alan Stowell 37' "'48, 262-0171 11-3-10-15 *VIDEO REVIEWS for YOUR CLASSES* 24-hr access. Study at your own pace Our professors rated highly by their students 00 Packages starting at just $10 0 11-22-15-15ANONYMOUS HIV ANTIBODY TESTING Alachua County Health Dept. Call 334-7960 for app't (optional $20 fee) URGENT CARE/WALK-IN MEDICAL New Location Students -No Appt Needed! FIRST CARE OF GAINESVILLE 4343 Newberry Rd. #10, 373-2340 Most Ins Accepted, Hours M-F 8am-6pm 12-7-72-16 I) I. G) I. >. I ABORTION/ABORTION by PILL (RU-486) IV sedation, Student Discount. Well Woman Care & Birth Control Bread & Roses Women's Health Ctr 352-372-1664 1-9-72-16 All Women's Health Center ABORTION Free Pregnancy Test RU-486 Available 378-9191 12-7-72-16 THE TRUE YOU! Lose 8 -15 pounds in 4 weeks Only $99! Gain muscle while you lose fat Groups forming now. 339-2199. 12-7-72-16 "SEVERE DRY EYE?" New therapy being studied! If you qualify to participate in theis research you will get free evaluation, medication, and be reimbursed for your rime. Call Dr. Levy @ 331-2020 for evaluation. 12-7-71-16 FEELING STRESSED? OVERWHELMED? UNHAPPY? @0 I CAN HELP YOU 00 Call today for your free initial consultation. David Cox, PhD, LMHC, 352-378-3000 12-7-40-16 II E nter tarnment **nSr ie ********* *** RESUMES -$25 & up. DOUBLE-SPACED REPORTS -$2.50/pg. COVER LETTERS, ENVELOPES, ETC. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call days/eves 256-1042; 12-7-72-17 SAME DAY SERVICE: Transcription, typing, apps. Desktop pub: brochures, newsletters, flyers, ads, logos. Resume service. 18 yrs exp. 24-hr turnaround. Connie 271-2677 11-3-5-17 ANONYMOUS HIV ANTIBODY TESTING Alachua County Health Dept. Call 334-7960 for app't (optional $20 fee) SAVE ON RAYBAN/SUNGLASSES University Opticians 300 SW 4th Ave. 378-4480. 12-7-72-18 *GUNS!GUNS!GUNS! 1800 Gun Inventory Over 500 handguns in stock Buy, Sell, Trade or Repair. Reloading Supplies 466-3340 Harry Beckwith, Gun Dealer 8mi. South of G'ville on 441 12-7-72-18 II U', I I *Family Chiropractic* Since 1977. Two blocks from U.F. 1107 SW 2nd Ave 373-7070 12-7-72-18 FLASHBACKS PAYS CASH FOR CLOTHES. We buy 10-5, M-Sat. Open to shop til 6. WE ALSO BUY HOUSEHOLD ITEM. 211 W Univ Ave 375-3752. 12-7-72-18 VEGETARIAN? Try BOOK LOVER'S CAFE Inside Books, Inc. 505 NW 13 St. 10-9 384-0090 12-7-72-18 CLEARANCE SALE -All CDs must go 100,000+ CDs on sale $5.99. Ten for $50. We need more room for our GIANT DVD INVENTORY. Cash paid for DVDs. Hear Again 818 W. University Ave. 373-1800 12-7-72-18 Need a card or letter? Sharing a burden gets you through it; or perhaps you know a deserving child who would like a birthday card. Campbell Box 13101 Jax. 32206-detail 12-5-35-18 Want to make a connection? Place your ad here to look for someone to share a common interest with or for your true love Chat live free, gay STR-8 or Bi. Call the Matchmaker free @ 373-7272, 24 hrs. Great way to meet cool people and it works. Chat live with others. 12-7-52-19 GAINESVILLE SINGLES MEET ONLINE Find your soulmate today. 7-day free trial. After, only $9.99/mo. membership fee. 11-1-5-19 $vent NotiCes IS YOUR BUSINESS, CLUB OR ORGANIZATION HAVING AN EVENT? DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT? PLACE YOUR AD HERE AND GET IT NOTICED! There will be a meeting for SURVIVORS OF SUICIDE Those who have lost a loved one to suicide on Wed., Nov. 2nd &16th from 6:30-8:30PM at the Alachua County Crisis Center at 218 SE 24th Street, Gainesville, Florida. Call 264-6789 If you have any questions 11-2-3-20 SPRING BREAK SPRING BREAK ADS WILL APPEAR IN THIS SECTION ******* *** ** ** 3-10-50-21 FIRST STRIKE PAINTBALL Airball, Speedball, Forts on 27 acres Call for the best group rates! 352-338-8408 12-7-72-21 BAHAMAS SPRING BREAK CELEBRITY CRUISE! 5 Days From$299! Includes Meals, Taxes, Entry To Exclusive MTVu Events, Beach Parties With Celebrities As Seen on Real World, Road Rules! On Campus Reps Needed! Promo Code 32. 1-800-678-6386 FL Seller of Travel Reg. #ST34486 2-15-81-21 CANCUNACAPULCO, JAMAICA From $499 Travel With America's Largest & Ethics Award Winning Spring Break Company! Fly Scheduled Airlines, Free Meals, Drinks, Biggest Celebrity Parties! On-Campus Marketing Reps Needed! www.SpringBreakTravel.comPromo.Code 32. 1-800-678-6386 FL Seller of Travel Reg #34486 2-15-81-21 BAHAMAS PLATINUM PACKAGE Spring Break Exclusive $189 5-Days/4-Nights $239 7-Days/6-Nights -Prices include: Round-trip luxury cruise with food. 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14, ALLIGATOR M TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2005 | Walsh to face difficult test as professional By BRYAN JONES Alligator Writer UF volleyball coach Mary Wise said she was merely joking when she accused Tennessee coach Rob Patrick of throwing a match against the Gators earlier this season. During a radio broadcast following IUF's 3-2 loss to Tennessee on Sunday, Wise said Patrick threw a match against the Gators earlier this season by benching one of Iis star players, a move that may have thrown off UF's game plan in their next meeting. On Monday, Wise apologized for the comment -which was published on -saying anyone that saw her being interviewed would have known she was joking, although it wasn't clear over the radio. "I regret saying anything that takes away from Tennessee and the performance of their players yesterday," Wise said. "I know that I need to choose my words more carefully because my facial expressions aren't broadcast on the radio." Tennessee's 3-2 victory against UF marked the third time in two seasons that the Gators lost in five games to the Volunteers. Tennessee is the only team to defeat the Gators in a regular season conference match since 1994. "I sensed it was coming, an ambush," Wise v pIIyl I said on the radio after the match. "You don't normally see this in college athletics. It was like they threw the game back in Gainesville by not playing [star libero Amy] Morris. "We found out later Morris didn't even know she wasn't playing. It shows that they set everything up." The Gators will continue their road trip on Friday, taking on Alabama before traveling to Auburn on Sunday. Should the Gators winboth matches, they would clinch their 15th consecutive SEC title. W'SH, from page 16 heck out of the ball." In 66 minutes of preseason action, Walsh has scored 16 points. His four 3pointers, in addition to his four steals, captured Coach Stan Van Gundy's eye. "He's played well," Van Gundy said. "Matt's a tough, competitive kid who really knows how to play the game and has shot the ball well at times. He's got a real confidence about him." Nobody expected Walsh to forego his senior season at UF, let alone make an NBA roster. When he and fellow UF guard Anthony Roberson failed to get drafted, ESPN college basketball analyst Jay Bilas publicly chided them. But it was Walsh who purposely refused to be drafted in the second round by as many as five teams to avoid being sent overseas. Miami soon signed him to a partially guaranteed $1.2 million, two-year contract. Roberson, meanwhile, earned a spot on Memphis' roster. "I let my play do the talking," said Walsh, who averaged 14.1 points while totaling 192 3-pointers at U. "I don't i, at r a C L a n t You may qualify to participate in a Phase 1 (single dose) clinical research trial of an investigational drug being developed for possible use in diabetes. The study involves 4 out-patient visits and participants will be compensated for their time. For further details please contact: -Karen Brezner Clinical Trial Coordinator Endocrine division University of Florida Tel: (352) 846 2234 DO NOT apply if you have diabetes. (4)'z Ire, -eidt4"-4re nee s 14nre We are looking for gift donations to give to our patients for a happy holiday season! Clothing (sizes XL, 2X or 3X) Shoes Jewelry Unused perfumes o Anything else you're willing to donate I would like to comnplement The independent F/orida A/ligator for its importat contribution to the university community. I have long been impressed with you[ coverage of university and local news. I am always surprised at the professionalism of your news room and editorial staff. I have been advertising in The Allgator for almost thirty-five years and have always been impressed with the service and loyalty of your account executives. They are conscientious and dependable. But that wouldn't matter were The Alligator not also an excellent opportunity to reach the university community, faculty, staff, and students. I am particularly impressed with your readership amongst faculty and staff. Keep up the good work. And thanks for keeping your costs manageable. I' need to point anything out to anybody" So instead of spending his summer in Gainesville, Walsh soaked up South Beach and heeded advice from future Hall-of-Famers like O'Neal and Miami guard Gary Payton. But now comes the hard part. "Your whole entire life you've been involved in situations in high school and college and elementary school playing basketball," UF coach Billy Donovan said. "Now, all of a sudden, it goes to 'Wow, I'm on a team, but I'm not even playing; I'm not even dressDonovan ing. But he has survived the cuts. And so whatever happens will suit Walsh just fine. "For now, I have to handle it," he said. "I'll do anything it takes for the team to get better. If that means going hard against Dwayne Wade every day in practice, then that's what I'll do, but I'm still going to be trying hard to get better and get into a position where I can help this team more."


TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2005 N ALLIGATOR, 15 UF looks to Humphrey to ease losses of star players HUMPH REY, from page 14 Alligator File Photo Junior guard Lee Humphrey dribbles past Alabama forward Evan Brock during the Gators' 85-54 win against the Crimson Tide on February 5. Humphrey takes to effortlessly fall through the net. He's been so good, in fact, that Donovan called him as good a pure shooter as he's been around in his 10 years in Gainesville. It came as no surprise to those who had been following the Gators when he knocked down a buzzer beater in the SEC Tournament his freshman year to down Alabama. It was a shot which Humphrey called his best individual moment at UF. His shots and playing time, however, have always been limited because of other personnel on the floor. Humphrey started down the stretch his freshman year after Christian Drejer quit the team to play professionally in Europe, and filled in amicably when Matt Walsh. went down with a foot injury midway through last season. That experience should help Humphrey as he moves into a full-time starting role this season and becomes one the lineup's veteran players. "When Christian left and when Matt [was injured I was] able to get in there quite a bit [and that experience is] definitely going to pay off this year," Humphrey said. "Anytime you get in game situations like that it should help." And with the departures of Walsh and Anthony Roberson, both of whom made NBA rosters this week, a deep shooting presence is exactly what the Gators need. "I think Lee's game has gotten better and that's what we need out of him," Donovan said. "Walsh and Roberson aren't here, and it's time for him to come into his own a little bit." Football Practice R report HONORED: Jeremy Mincey's week got even better on Monday after the Southeastern Conference announced he was the defensive player of the week. -A Mincey led the Gators with seven tackles in Saturday's 14-10 victory against Georgia and made two crucial plays in the fourth quarter, one of which Coach Urban Meyer said changed the momentum of the game. Mincey, a Statesboro, Ga. native, also won the award on Oct. 10 after UF's 35-9 victory against Mississippi State. "I just like watchiing Miocey artd checking out som e otthe things he does," said defensive end Jarvis Moss, who played on the opposite side of the line in Ray McDonald's absence earlier in the season. "He has a high motor and he's always running and playing hard." Offensive guard Drew Miller was also honored Monday, as the SEC offensive lineman of the week. CHAMPIONS CLUB: The Gators had long lists of champions both on defense and on offense, Meyer announced Monday. DE Ray McDonald, Moss. DT Marcus Thomas, DT Steven Harris, S Reggie Nelson. S Jarvis Herring CB Dee Webb and CB Vernell Brown all made the cut on defense, while LB Brandon Slier and Mincey were named the defensive players of the game. On offense, linemen Mike Degory, Lance Butler, Steve Rissler, Randy Hand and Miller were champions-the most inductees from the line all season. Receivers Dallas Baker, Jemalle Cornelius and Kenneth Tookes, tailbacks DeShawn Wynn and Markus Manson, quarterback Chris Leak and tight end Tate Casey were also champions. SITTING, WAITING: The Gators will play South Carolina at 12:30 on Nov. 12, in a game that could potentially determine the SEC East championship, the SEC announced Monday. Georgia will face Auburn at 7:45 that night. If UF wins this weekend against Vanderbilt and defeats South Carolina, the Georgia-Auburn matchup would determine the SEC East champion. If Auburn defeats Georgia, the Gators would win the division. If Georgia wins, the Bulldogs just have to defeat Kentucky to win the East. INJURIES: Dallas Baker (ankle) and Brandon Siler f (ankle) didn't practice Monday but should be fine 'later in the week. Meyer also rested several other players. "A lot of the guys that are playing 70 plays, I'm going to really keep an eye on," Meyer said. Slier is wearing a boot for precautionary measures. Jennifer LaBrie, Ian Fisher / Alligator Staff ~O ~ ~x ~fj Go IcvcY~, ~ Oot "P4lot gheCk out Gift Guides for great gift ideas! Holiday Gift Guide I comes out Nov.18 Holiday Gift Guide II comes out Dec. 2 J 0in 1"th e mos t po w er1-fmu touring bnd in the woNrld. The U.S. Army Band's "Black and Gold" Tour is coming to your campus to perform and hold auditions. It will be your chance to find out what the Army Band program has to offer you. Like the opportunity to travel the world and perform a variety of styles-including rock, jazz, classical, country, blues, Latin and more. Recruiters will be on hand to explain benefits, including assistance with college loan repayment, bonuses up to $10,000 for college graduates and incentives for bassoon, oboe, clarinet, French horn and keyboard players. Visit to sign up for an audition and to view a tour schedule. 1,P M 1-7---1= 1---1 02004. Paid or hythefUnied tates Aln riht a esemad Advertise in The Alligcttor classifieds. 37 3-FIND


Sports TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2005 ALLIGATOR Walsh survives Miami roster cuts UF MEN'S BASKETBALL expands game By DAN TREAT Alligator Writer Some of his teammates trained, some of them went home and others went to class or worked on their jumper. Lee Humphrey traveled halfway around the world. Literally. As part of the Sports Reach Program, Humphrey traveled with seven other Southeastern Conference players, including Chuck Davis of Alabama, as part of a 7-day, 7-game tour of China last May. "We played in seven different cities and we got to see a whole lot of China," Humphrey said. "I got to see all different parts of China and got to see some pretty cool places, so it was a lot of fun." Hmphrey averaged 12.9 points per game in the Orient, and he saw some time at point guard, a position he will likely be asked to play occasionally as the Gators open their exhibition schedule tonight against Embry Riddle at the O'Connell Center. "With the way our hand is dealt right now he's going to play some point," UF coach Billy Donovan said. Donovan also said that Humphrey's development as a ball handler was necessary as he evolves into a more complete player. "I felt like last year Lee really' got one-dimensional, where most of his shooting and most of the things he did offensively were just catch and shoot," Donovan said. "I thought for him to grow as a player he was going to have to spend a lot of time in the off-season getting confidence handling the ball." While Humphrey may be transitioning into somewhat of a different role, he wll Who: Gators vs. Embry likely still be defined by his Riddle jump shooting. What: Exhibition game It has become such a Where: O'Connell phenomenon over his first two seasons that the crowd Centerseems to expect every shot By LOUIS ANASTASIS Alligator Staff Writer Matt Walsh sports a trim haircut, which coincidentally reveals a receding hairline. Could this be the same player loved by the Gators for his overflowing blond locks and hated by the Southeastern Conference for the same? Sure, but now that Walsh has officially made the Miami Heat's 15-man roster, it's time to let the hair grow. "I cut it because people had a perception of me with my old hair which was totally untrue," Walsh said. "Now I've got a month's worth and it's going to get long." Miami announced that Walsh had survived its roster cuts Monday, but it was a move the guard had expected all along. In fact, he did not even formulate a backup plan in case the Heat released him. Since Miami lost three-point shooters Damon Jones and Eddie Jones in free agency and trades ,during the off-season, Walsh believes his outside shooting can help the Heat. "Shaq [O'Neal] and Dwayne Wade demand so Much attentionso you need guys that can spot up for threes and I think I can provide that," Walsh said. What Miami also loves is Walsh's basketball sense. His reckless.abandon on the court while at UF typified his on-the-court personality. Even if Walsh wasn't the quickest or most athletic playe, he would do everything he could to compensate with aggression and basketball smarts. "He's defending well -taking charges, diving on loose balls and being in the right place at the right time," said Heat power forward Udonis Haslem, also a former Gators star. "And he's stiot the SEE WALSH, PAGE 14 Manson, Wynn proving that two-back system will work for Gators With the way UF ran the ball against Georgia, the Gators should finally have their running back situation settled. The two-headed beast that is DeShawn Wynn and Markus Manson must get the ball. They racked up 158 combined yards Saturday, which is the most by two backs since they amassed 169 against Louisiana Tech, which, let's face it, doesn't actually count for anything. But against a stingy Georgia defense, they both had great games, and this is why they should both be the featured backs. Two weeks ago, Coach Urban Meyer declared that DeShawn Wynn was the Gators' running back. I had disagreed with him all season about giving Wynn all the carries while Manson sat there and watched. Yeah, yeah, yeah -he couldn't hold the ball in practice. But he did in games, and every time he touched it, it seemed like he went for 10 yards. Manson is the fastest back the Gators have; Wynn is the most powerful. They complement each other like lamb and tuna fish, if you will. (OK, spaghetti and meatballs it is.) Ian Fisher Extra lannings "That was about as well as two tailbacks can complement each other," Meyer said. "I was really excited about Markus Manson." Me too, except I've been excited about him for longer. Meyer finally sees it. The key to a successful running game will be utilizing both Manson and Wynn. Manson got his chance, and he ran with it, averaging more than 5 yards a carry just like Wynn. Chris Leakbroughtup a recent example of a two-back attack working in the SEC: Auburn's Ronnie Brown and Cadillac Williams last year, who are both playing on Sundays now. Can they be that good? There's only one way to find out. It's time to end the running back juggling. It's time to embrace both Manson and Wynn and see how good they can really be. 1. Southern California.977 2. Texas .973 3. Virginia Tech .929 4. Alabama .870 5. UCLA .787 :.6. UF .415 T 1969: UF quarterback John Reaves attempts a school record 66-passes. An NCAA record nine of the passes were intercepted in UF's 38-12 loss to Auburn. ENBA Season Opener: Nuggets vs. Spurs TNT, 8 p.m. EMavericks vs. Suns TNT, 10:30 p.m. Victor Baldizon / NBAE via Getty Images Former UF forward Matt Walsh, now with the Miami Heat, dribbles upcourt at the American Airlines Arena on October 10 in Miami. When: Tonight at 7 p.m. SEE HUMPHREY, PAGE 15 MOffensive coordinator Randy Sanders, who spent the past 17 years on Tennessee's coaching staff, resigned on Monday. UT's offense ranks 108th in the nation. ----------