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- Title:
- The Independent Florida alligator
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- Florida allgator
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- Alternate Title:
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- Place of Publication:
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- Creation Date:
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the independent florida
_*1111 _A
Not officially associated with the University of Florida
VOLUME 99 ISSUE 21 .............. .. .. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,2005
False fire alarms could mean large fees
Alligator Writer
UF's classrooms, residence halls and stu-
dent union have received final inspections to
ensure their fire alarms are in top working or-
der before the city of Gainesville begins charg-
ing the university for false alarms Oct. 1.
Gainesville's False Fire Alarm Ordinance
will fine all residents and business owners
inside city limits who cause multiple false fire
alarms. The ordinance is modeled after a simi-
lar law regarding burglar alarms in 2000.
A false fire alarm occurs when the fire
department responds and later determines no
real emergency existed.
"Our hope is just to reduce the amount of
"Our hope is just to reduce the
amount of false fire alarms in the
Shawna Traub
Gainesville Fire Rescue spokeswoman
false fire alarms in the city," said Gainesville
Fire Rescue spokeswoman Shawna Traub.
She said there are risks involved with
false-alarm responses involving speeding fire
engines moving through city traffic.
"We respond as if it was a real fire," she
said. "It puts everybody on the road at risk,
and it also takes us out of service."
GFR reports an average of 1,430 false fire
alarms per year, costing the city $370,000.
From 2001 to 2004, UF was the site of 860
false alarms, or 15 percent of Gainesville's total.
Tenants file lawsuits
for UCorners parking
Alligator Writer
There will be no free parking
in the new University Corners if
developers get their way.
Three tenants are disputing
the $180-million project because
parking fees may inhibit business.
The Brick Oven Pizza and Pasta
Company has filed a lawsuit.
"I think that most college
students wouldn't pay to park,"
owner Ryan McGuinfiess said.
There is free parking now
for customers of Gator Plaza,
the development at University
Avenue and 13th Street, but the
proposed change is prompting
tenant Maui Teriyaki to file a
lawsuit as well.
"This is only going to be for
the rich," owner Steve Marzke
said. "People in Gainesville will
not pay to park. This is a fiasco.
This is not South Beach."
He does not plan to be a part
of "the new University Corners
because of the charge for park-
ing, as well as the higher rent.
' "We intended to be there until
2022 and beyond, but we don't
want to be in the new shopping
center," Marzke said;
The new University Corners is
planned to be a three-block com-
mercial and residential complex,
and developers said they hope
to attract more unique stores and
Frank Darabi, the chief execu-
tive officer of University Corners
LLC, the developer, said busi-
nesses can. pay for their own
customers' free parking.
"That would all be worked
out between the owner and the
developer," Darabi said.
However, Marzke 'said the
charge for parking violates his
Norma Lizardo, a UF junior, serves Vanita Hensel at Maui Teriyaki. Restaurant owners fear that proposed
parking costs in the University Corners development will deter their business.
UF opens new office to better, further Gator Nation
Alligator Contributing Writer
UF has moved sustainability up on the priority list all the
way up to Tigert Hall.
In hopes of meeting the needs of today's UFCommunity
and preserving resources for the next generation, UF has an-
nounced it will open an Office of Sustainability in the universi-
ty's chief administrative building.
"The Office of Sustainability symbolizes the importance of
sustainability to UF and especially to the students," Faculty
Senate Chairwoman Kim Tanzer said.
Tanzer said the office, which the Faculty Senate initiated,
should help coordinate the sustainability work
On that is already going on at UF and help prepare
CampuS for more work in the future.
The office will not officially open until
November, when an executive director is hired, but some
sustainability efforts are already underway. They include ev-
erything from advocating for living wages to the design of new
The living-wage program was announced in 2000 for entry-
level employees. The current starting salary is $8.67 per hour.
"It is important that we don't just pay people minimum
wage. We need to provide them with enough money to live,"
said Les Thiele, a professor of political science and chair of the
Committee on Sustainability at UF.
He called the office "a good idea whose time has come."
Some results of increased sustainability practices on campus
will be more recycling, a reduction of waste, greater efficiency
of energy in buildings, greater interest in community service
A converted full-
back, Joe Cohen
struggled as a
defensive lineman
last season. Cohen
will now have to
fill in as defensive
end for injured Ray
See story,
pg. 26.
"Copyrighted Material
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
With his Southern drawl and
frequent use of "ain't," Rick
Bragg may not have given
the impression of a man
who won a Pulitzer Prize
for feature writing in 1996
this week as a guest of the
College of Journalism and
See story, pg. 3.
the AVENUE 10
visit www.alligator.org
News Today._
ft0-- OW -
"Copyrighted Material
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
Student Senate cut student
money for the Sunsplash event,
coordinated by the Caribbean
Student Association. Caribsa is
still an active and student-funded
The Alligator strives to be accurate
and clear in its news reports and
editorials. If you find an error,
please call our newsroom at (352)
376-4458 -or send an e-mail to
a t the independent florida
VOLUME 99 ISSUE 21 ISSN 0889-2423
Not officially associated with the University of Florida
Published by Campus Communications Inc., of Gainesville, Florida
352-376-4458 (Voice), 352-376-4467 (Fax)
Managing Editor.
the A
the Avenue Assi
New Media As!
Editor Mike Gimignani,
: mgimignani@alligator.org
Editor/ Print Eva Kis, ekis@alligator.org
/ New Media Gwen Heimburg, gheimburg@alligator.org
nment Editor Bridget Carey, bcarey@alligator.org
versity Editor Stephanie Garry, smgarry@alligator.org
Metro Editor Jeff Sirmons, jsirmons@alligator.org
atures Editor Neil Hughes, nhughes@alligator.org
onions Editor Emily Yehle, eyehle@alligator.org
Sports Editor Bryan App, bapp@alligator.org
rts.org Editor Louis Anastasis, lanastasis@alligator.org
litorial Board Mike Gimignani, Eva Kis, Emily Yehle
Photo Editors Casey Anderson, canderson@alligator.org
Tim Casey, tcasey@alligator.org
Photo Editor Tricia Coyne, tcoyne@alligator.org
venue Editor Cher Phillips, cphillips@alligator.org
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Desk Chiefs Gayle Cohen, Krissi Palmer,
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Copy Editors Josh Armstrong, Robert Beltran,
Amanda Brown, Juliana Casale,
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Ashton Grosz, Kayla Harris,
Kevin Mahadeo, Christina Simak,
Skyler Smith, Natalie Van Hoose,
Christopher White, Katie Wilkinson, Jen Zei
sistant Editor Matthew Kelly
SMedia Staff Brett Roegiers
Staff Eric Esteban, lan Fisher, Farzad Safi
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Advertising Office Assistants Elizabeth Cueto, Lindsey Kuhn,
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352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax)
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Production/Systems Manager
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Information Technology Manager
Advertising Production Staff
Editorial Production Staff
Vern Bean, vbean@alligator.org
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Brian Dwyer, bdwyer@alligator.org
Kate Barnes, Alicia Bennatts, Ben Hofer,
Lisa Llanes, Niko Lowry, Maggie Peuler,
Michelle Stewart
Melissa Garcia, James Hibbs,
Amy Oglesby, Brandy Stearns,
Natasha Weinstein
The Independent Florida Alligator is a student newspaper serving the University of Florida, pub-
lished by a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) educational organization, Campus Communications Inc., P.O. Box
14257, Gainesville, Florida, 32604-2257. The Alligator is published Monday through Friday morn-
ings, except during holidays and exam periods. During UF summer academic terms The Alligator is
published Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The Alligat6r is a member of the Newspaper Association of America, National Newspaper Associa-
tion, Florida Press Association and Southern University Newspapers.
Subscription Rates: One Semester (Fall or Spring)' $18
Summer Semester $10
Two Semesters (Fall or Spring) $35
Full Year (All Semesters) $40
The Alligator offices are located at 1105 W. University Ave. Classified advertising can be placed at
that location from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, except for holidays. Classifieds also can
be placed at the UF Bookstore. Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of The Alligator
may be reproduced in any means without the written consent of an officer of Campus Communica-
tions Inc.
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Pulitzer winner visits college
Alligator Contributing Writer
Don't tell. Show.
Journalists strive to achieve
this goal in their writing, and
some might say Rick Bragg has
perfected it.
Bragg was an official guest
of the College of Journalism
and Communications at UF this
week, speaking to classrooms
full of students eager for the
opportunity to learn tips from a
world-renowned author.
"It's not about the craft. It's
not about the money," Bragg
said to the students. "It's about
the adventures you have along
the way."
With his Southern drawl and
frequent use of "ain't," Bragg
may not give the impression of a
man who won a Pulitzer Prize for
feature writing in 1996.
His jobs have taken him on a
number of adventures. Just ask
and he'll tell.
Luanne ulerz/ Hillgauor
Pulitzer-winning journalist Rick Bragg autographs his book at
the College of Journalism and Communications on Monday..
Starting at a small weekly
newspaper in Alabama, Bragg
honed his skills and became the
premier feature writer for The
New York Times.
He has written stories about
the Oklahoma City bombing,
the race riots in Miami, the Elian
Gonzalez crisis and the 2000 elec-
He even offered to "kiss a
camel on the mouth" to write
from the Middle East when he
worked for the St. Petersburg
Times. Luckily, he said, it didn't
have to come to that.
Bragg didn't just give the
facts about events he covered;
he focused on the people the
facts affected. He has so many
memorable news-feature stories
that he filled a book with them
- "Somebody Told Me."
"I've been mad, hurt, so sick
to my stomach in all my years
of doing this," he said. "But I've
never been bored."
Bragg warned young writers
about the hardships he encoun-
tered while being a journalist,
and how starting out as a writer
can be like being on the "tail end
of a dragon."
It's a job requiring more than
determination youth is also a
necessity, he said.
Bragg made national head-
lines in May 2003 when he re-
signed from The New York Times
after using a stringer to assist him
on a story without giving credit.
He denied fault in the situ-
ation, saying it was a common
practice at the paper at the time.
While he no longer has a
full-time feature-writing job, he
writes occasional opinion pieces
for various national publica-
Master lecturer Mike Foley,
who was an editor at the St.
Petersburg Times when he hired
Bragg as a reporter, introduced
Bragg to many UF classes.
Bragg now works as a profes-
sor of writing at the University
of Alabama. He said he plans to
write at least two more books.
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Police search for sex offender
Alligator Writer
A local registered sex offender vio-
lated probation Tuesday and became
a fugitive, spurring law-enforcement
agencies statewide to initiate a man-
Edgar Baughn Bird, 43, removed
the monitoring device strapped to
his ankle.
Bird has a violent criminal history
that includes robbery and child moles-
tation, according to reports.
"We are trying to do everything
in our power to capture him," said
Alachua County Sheriff's Office
spokesman Sgt. Stephen Maynard.
A statewide alert has been issued
to locate Bird.
Bird is a white male, approximate-
ly 5'11" and 240 pounds, according to
the police report.
A picture of Bird can be found at
His last known residence is 6805
SW 51st Ave. in Gainesville.
Police are considering a reward for
anyone who knows his whereabouts.
Those with information may con-
tact ASO at 955-1818. Callers-wishing
to remain anonymous can contact
Crime Stoppers at 374-7867.
at Lexington Crossing apartments
sent out a notice of the dangers of
door-to-door magazine vendors after
Gainesville Police discovered that
some of them were robbers.
"If you don't know people, don't
let them in your house," said GPD
spokesman Sgt. Keith Kameg.
"If you want to buy a magazine,
call the company."
Kameg advised residents to secure
any sliding glass doors, as those are
the easiest targets for robbers.
With the several occupied-home
burglaries of the past few weeks in
two other apartment complexes, GPD
is investigating whether both inci-
dents are related.
ATTEMPTED MURDER: A man tried to
kill two North Florida Evaluation and
Treatment Center employees because
he was denied a request for changes to
be made in his housing and counselor
assignments at the facility, reports
Ramon Sanchez, 35, kicked Cindy
Hopson and Pamela Borders in the
head repeatedly while threatening to
kill them with a small knife if they
didn't comply with his demands.
Security officials at the facility were
able to contain the situation.
were arrested for possession of 35
grams of cocaine near Joseph A.
Williams Elementary School, 1245 SE
Seventh Ave.
Chauncey Presley, 26, and
Michael Spann, 21, were in a white
Buick when an officer approached
the car because they were playing
their music too loudly, according
to reports.
When the officer approached
the car, he noticed that Spann, who
smelled like marijuana, attempted to
hide a "partially smoked cannabis-
filled blunt" in his pants. As the officer
called for backup because drugs were
involved, Presley fled from the car,
who was caught later.
Police found baggies full of cocaine
and $6,194 in the vehicle and suspect
the cocaine was mainly for distribu-
Last day to apply
for Preview staff
Alligator Contributing Writer
Many are called, but few will be chosen for the
Preview Staff 2006 experience.
Today is the last day to turn in applications for
Preview 2006.
More than 100 students are expected to attend the
first round of. group interviews at the Reitz Union
Grand Ballroom on Wednesday, but only 40 will be
selected, said Ann Ho Becks, director for New Student
Becks said her office is looking for ap-
Stiudent plicants who will be strong role models to
__ students and families. It seeks individuals
who are willing to do the hard work, have
an energy, passion and love for UF, as well as genuine
care and concern for people.
After all entries are submitted, applicants go through
a selective interview process, said Eva Trowbridge, se-
nior secretary of New Student Programs, who receives
the applications.
"We have to make sure. we get top quality," she
said. "It will show what a true Gator is about as far as
academics and leadership the real reasons you really
come to college riot just the partying."
Bonding and interaction among staff members and
their faculty advisers are important parts of the Preview
experience, said Adam Freehling, third-year recreation
and event management major, and Preview staff mem-
"I learned from my other staffers how to deal with
other's leadership styles, personality and diversity,"
Freehling said.
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Hasty acts
Joe Goldberg makes
damaging decision
The topic of today's editorial is close to home.
However, with Student Government elections com-
ing up, we feel it must be addressed.
At Tuesday's Student Senate meeting, Student Body
President Joe Goldberg issued an executive order prohibiting
all SG agencies from advertising in the Alligator.
We know we may not be able to step back from this enough
to judge it in the right context. But we are the main newspaper
covering the university, and we're going to take a shot at it.
A section of the student body is upset. Somehow, that has
snowballed into SG deciding to remove itself from the entire
student population.
This move could be much more disastrous for UF students
than for the Alligator. We'll take the bullet, but students
shouldn't be hit in an all-encompassing drive-by.
Goldberg's haste has punished the uninvolved. To find out
what their tuition is buying, students will be forced to search
online and around campus for SG events, rather than open up
a readily available newspaper.
We're not sure anyone will put in the effort.
And does this mean SG agencies will'also be told not to
speak to Alligator reporters about upcoming events?
If so, we're sorry that the Alligator's news stories will lack
the views and information from the SG officials who organize
these student-funded activities.
But don't get us wrong. We'd rather they cut their adver-
tisements and talk to reporters than not talk at all.
It irks us even more that Goldberg, the lead student who
makes decisions on our behalf, has decided to break student
statutes to make his point.
He wants to take away all SG advertisements from the
Alligator, but the statutes state that certain notices be placed
in "the newspaper with the greatest circulation among
University of Florida students."
Goldberg's assertion that the UF Wednesday Update and
the SG Web site can fill this role is simply incorrect.
If SG wanted to make this move, its statutes should have
been changed. That way, Goldberg would not have broken SG
rules, and officials would have had more time to think about
making this big decision.
Furthermore, senators would have had a say. We can't tell
how many were for this move and how many were against
it. Goldberg announced his decision; he didn't ask for sena-
tors' input. When statutes are changed, however, the Student
Senate has to vote.
We don't know if Goldberg knew he was breaking rules,
but this isn't the first time he has shown a disregard for the'
laws that uphold Student Government. When he was sen-
ate president last Fall, Goldberg made several questionable
At one Senate meeting, he allowed a second meeting to
convene directly afterward despite a Florida statute that states
"reasonable notice" should be given for all such open, public
At another session, several senators accused Goldberg
of manipulating Senate procedure in an effort to stop a cer-
tain candidate from being voted in as president for Student
Government Productions.
This is not the leadership UF students need and deserve.
Goldberg should be carefully considering what best suits the
student body. He should not be making hasty decisions.
Goldberg's attempt to make a point has revealed his ques-
l the independent florida
Eva Kis
Emily Yehle
Andrew Meyer, Tom Durrenberger
The Alligator encourages comments from readers. Letters to the editor should not exceed 150
words (about one letter-sized page). They must be typed, double-spaced and must include the
author's name, classification and phone number. Names will be withheld if the writer shows
just cause. We reserve the right to edit for length, grammar, style and libel. Send letters to
letters@alligator.org, bring them to 1105 W. University Ave., or send them to P.O. Box 14257,
Gainesville, FL 32604-2 257.Columns of about 450 words about original topics and editorial
cartoons are also welcome. Questions? Call 376-4458.
Cartoon backlash incites new debate
ast week, I ran a cartoon that has received more atten- Emily Yehle cially the Opinions section of a news-
tion than I ever expected. Editorial Notebook paper. Opinion faces touchy issues.
Sure, I get responses every day that criticize and. eyehle@alligator.org Opinion hopes to provoke thought
support the cartoons and columns I place on this page. and discussion. Opinion is opinion.
The Alligator's cartoonist, Andy Marlette, has a knack And make no mistake: We are a
for pushing people's buttons when he illustrates his political student newspaper, but we are a newspaper nonetheless.
and social commentary. I will not retract something because people misinter-
But in the past, most of the backlash fell on the Opinions pret it.
section. I knew what I was getting into when I accepted this I agree that a newspaper that is not run by students would
position, and I'm happy to take the heat. probably hold off on running such a cartoon. They would
I answer every call. I respond to every e-mail that poses a wait until the word did not hold such power.
question. I welcome readers into my office to talk about their However, we are young, and we have the ability to forego
concerns, the ideas and stereotypes that are imprinted on an older gen-
This time, however, emotions are high enough that people eration's mind. It's the younger generation that.has recycled
are harassing the Alligator's reporters and News editors. this controversial term into something completely different.
To make it dear: The News section of this paper had noth- And yes, it's primarily used by popular culture and media;
ing to do with the decision to publish the infamous cartoon. not all of the black community uses it. The cartoon put Kanye
Marlette drew it, and I made the decision to run it. The editor West's words into Condoleezza Rice's mouth purposefully.
and managing editor of the paper gave it final approval. A newspaper's role is not to correct society by ignoring
The rest of the Alligator staff saw it for the first time when society; a newspaper benefits society by commenting on
it appeared in the Sept. 13 paper. And they have no say in this society.
section's response to the protests. If some students paint the Of course, the cartoon's meaning has been somewhat bur-
Opinions section as racist, they cannot use the same brush for ied under all the baggage of its language. It is unfortunate
our entire paper. that the discussion it was meant to spark is almost nonex-
I understand that some students and Gainesville resi- istent. Most of us have ignored whether Kanye West's com-
dents are offended. I regret that it hurts those who remember ments rang true, and whether Condoleezza Rice has really
it from the days when it was used as a weapon. I hate that, in made a step forward for the average black American.
some places, it is still used as a derogatory term. However, I think the conversation that is taking place is
I am most saddened by the apparent mistrust black stu- perhaps even more important.
dents have of our paper. I promise that we do welcome di- Why are so many offended when the word is simply
versity, and we know that more student interaction can only printed? Why does the context in which it's used have no
improve this publication. It was never our intent to hurt, only effect? Should blacks be able to use it because they are "flip-
to provoke discussion. ping" its meaning? Should whites be barred from using it be-
That said, I do not believe the cartoon was racist, and I cause their families have not suffered under its oppression?
think it made a salient point. I I can't answer these questions alone. I can only try to stir
If I had held it back originally, it would have been to avoid the conversation by printing a cartoon like Marlette's.
this aftermath. That is a poor way to run a newspaper, espe- Emily Yehle is a journalism senior. She is the Opinions editor.
The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator.
Reader response
Today's question: Wednesday's question:
Should Goldberg have banned SG Should Democrats vote in favor of
advertisement in the Alligator? John Roberts for chief justice?
Vote or post a message at www.alligator.org
75% YES
25% NO
Letters to the Editor
Outsiders cannot use 'nickname'
This letter is not to condone the use of the
word or to trivialize this issue. I am trying to
explain how some people might feel.
In June 1995, Michael Jackson released his
HIStory two-disc set. In one song he used the
term "kike." He explained he was trying to
promote multiculturalism and that he wasn't
a racist. No one bought that explanation, and
Michael Jackson went back to the studio and
recorded a more acceptable version of the
song. This is similar to what happened to this
The terms that we consider derogatory that
people of various groups use with each other
are like nicknames. The nickname that your
family gives you might be one that is contro-
versial, but you know your family members
love you when they use it.
Outsiders are not as compassionate be-
cause of your nickname's connotations.
Therefore, only family gets to use your
Arlana Shields
SG should fight all racism on campus
It's great that Student Government and the
UF administration are concerned about racism
on campus, but if they are worried about solv-
ing problems of inequality, they should look
Today, at the Student Recreation and Fitness
Center, as I did my sit-up routine, Jay-Z's song
"99 Problems" came on the stereo. The chorus,
repeated numerous times, is: "If you havin'
girl problems, I feel bad for you son. I got 99
problems but a bitch ain't one."
As I looked around the fitness center
at the women and men there, I felt embar-
rassed for all of us. Half of us were referred
to as "bitches" who should not be taken
seriously, while to the other half it was im-
plied that they are not real men if they take
women seriously.
I am confused as to why no one seems
to mind that at this UF facility women are
blatantly referred to as "bitches" and dearly
degraded while Andy Marlette's cartoon is
causing such an uproar when it made no value
judgments of any particular group.
I don't doubt that both race and socioeco-
nomic status played an either direct or indirect
role in the evacuation procedure of Hurricane
Katrina or that there is rampant racism in gov-
ernment and society at large. I also don't think
anyone can infer from Marlette's cartoon that
he would disagree.
So, if SG wants to take away funding from
the Alligator because of perceived racism, I
think it should also take away funding from
the Student Recreation and Fitness Center be-
cause of the obvious sexism it allowed.
Sarah Bidmead
Meyer has shown superiority to Zook
Andrew Meyer needs to re-watch a tape of
the Gators' first three games this season before
passing his judgment on our football team.
I agree that we have been quick to anoint
Coach Urban Meyer as the savior of Florida
football (I remember thinking, "Hey, this Zook
guy's pretty good" after his first win against
UT.) But Andrew Meyer needs to examine the
reasons behind the Gator Nation's views.
This was the first off-season in recent
memory that passed without incident, due to
the discipline instilled by Coach Meyer. The
players as also playing with this discipline
and with a heart and desire that was lacking in
three seasons under Zook.
True, Coach Meyer did call a conserva-
tive game, but I'm sure it wasn't his choice..
Tennessee's defense is talented enough to
force you to change your game plan. I'm sure
Coach Meyer wishes he could have been more
aggressive, but UT's defense wasn't allowing
enough time for these types of plays to de-
velop. Coach Meyer took what was given to
him and won with it.
If Zook was still coach, I guarantee we
wouldn't have walked away from that game
with a victory.
As for Josh Portis starting over Leak, I think
Mr. Meyer may have lost his mind.
Portis deserves to start based off what 20
plays? National championship-contending
teams don't have 17-year-old -quarterbacks
starting for them. Period. Do me a favor and
re-watch the Tennessee game. On almost
every play, Chris Leak was running for his
life, yet he stepped up and made the plays he
needed to time and time again.
He played almost flawlessly considering
the appalling lack of blocking and constant
pressure he had to face. Leak is one of the
most talented players in the country and has
the potential to be a legitimate Heisman can-
didate. Unfortunately, like most quarterbacks,
he needs time to be able to make plays.
Portis will be a great QB at UF in the future,
but this is Leak's team, and I have faith that
he will put up more big numbers this season
and next. Ask college coaches and I'd bet 99
percent of them will take the three-year start-
ing, conference passing yard-leading, 17 con-
secutive pass-completing junior quarterback
over the wide-eyed freshman who has only
completed one five-yard pass and has yet to
see action.against any real opponents.
Paul Johnson
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Cost of false fire calls may alarm students
ALAR MS, from page 1
Each building with a registered fire
alarm is allowed one false-alarm call
per year.
After that, fees start at $25 for false
alarm No. 2 and could go as high as
$400 for false alarm No. 9 and above.
UF will keep a record of any future
false alarms to understand potential
causes, such as electrical malfunctions,
heat, cooking smoke, or accidental or
intentional manual activation.
However William Properzio, UF
environmental health and safety di-
rector, said no campus alarm system
renovations were necessary.
"All our fire alarms are inspected
by the state fire marshal, and they all
meet code," he said.
In the last three months, UF has
stepped up its quality control of moni-
toring each alarm.
"We have re-emphasized and en-
hanced what we're doing," he added.
Buildings with the highest number
of false fire alarms on campus during
the past five years were residence halls
and fraternity and sorority houses.
Factors playing into the high num-
ber of false alarms include continuous
occupancy, frequent cooking and pos-
sible alarm activation by residents.
Residents now are required to
register their fire alarm with the city
at a cost of $15 and are encouraged to
check with their alarm company if they
ever have a false alarm.
Project cannot start until disputes are settled
UCORNERS, from page 1
"Parking is critical," Marzke said. "Without parking
there, it will kill a business."
The lease prohibits University Comers from demolish-
ing the Gator Plaza, as the developer plans, he said.
"They are only allowed to build above and around
us," Marzke said. "They can't demolish the building.
They say they can, so it'll be up to a judge to decide."
Michael Conroy, project manager of University
Comers, said they would like to start the project at the
beginning of 2006, but it depends on the three disputing
tenants, financial issues and negotiations with the city.
The project cannot start until the disputes are settled,
whether in or out of court.
"I remain hopeful that things will work out and it will
be a win-win situation for both parties involved," Conroy
Brick Oven is waiting to set a court date, and Maui
Teriyaki anticipates filing a lawsuit.
"For now, we're going to try to fight it in court and
keep our business open," Marzke said. "We'll do every-
thing in our right to make sure the lease is enforced."
The owner of Gator Cuts, the third business in dispute,
refused to comment. -
New building designs
meet higher standards
and more courses in sustainability, Thiele said.
UF is also designing buildings that meet standards
for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design.
Current buildings on campus with the LEED design
include additions to the Florida Museum of Natural
History and the Levin College of Law. Rinker Hall was
also built with this design.
LEED standards will be used more in the future,
said Bahar Armaghani, project manager and quality
assurance coordinator in the facilities, planning and
construction division at UF.
"As of right now we have adopted LEED to do all
of our major building renovations and construction,"
Armaghani said. On average, buildings made to be
sustainable are 37-percent more efficient than those that
are not.
Rinker Hall cost an initial 7 percent more during
construction because it was built to be sustainable, but
that initial cost will be made up in 10 years, he said.
The facilities, planning and construction division has
an estimated $365 million in current projects.
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Grads' financial aid
up for consideration
Alligator Writer
Graduate students who receive
financial aid are encouraged to
come to tonight's Graduate Student
Council meeting to discuss their ex-
periences and offer suggestions for
improving the aid system.
The meeting is scheduled for
6:30 p.m. in Room C1-9 of the
Communicore building off Center
Drive, behind Shands at UE.
A liaison from the UF financial
aid office is expected to attend and
speak on the aid process.
Graduate student Lindsey
Collins said she and many of her
graduate friends have dealt with
a variety of complications when it
comes to receiving their money.
"I really do think graduate stu-
dents are in a different situation,"
Collins said.
One reason might be that gradu-
ate students must complete a waiver
to show how much aid they need,
whereas undergraduates do not.
"There seems to be lots of dis-
organization in the financial aid
process," Collins said.
"Sometimes it is the student's
fault, but I've noticed that a lot of
times it isn't."
Graduate students typically are
older than undergraduates, and
many occupy roles as teachers, re-
searchers and spouses in addition
to their roles as students.
"Graduate students who take
out loans depend on financial aid
- and timely disbursement as
much as undergraduates do, and
perhaps more so since they tend
to be less dependent on parents,
and sometimes have dependent
UF of their
Administration own," she
"I have
talked to many graduate students
who have horror stories about
financial aid disbursements com-
ing weeks and months late, re-
sulting in late rent, car and utility
payments," Collins said. "Some
have said-that they have told pro-
spective graduate students that
UF is unreliable when it comes to
financial aid, and that if they need
aid to get by, UF might not be the
best place for them."
Financial aid officials were not
contacted Wednesday because at
the time of the story the office was
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No AMcnev, MOc problems
Filmmakers need funds ff
ue Andres learned the diffi-
culties of Hollywood life the
hard way. Now all she wants
to do is give other people a start.
Andres started Student Upstart
Films in January, a student orga-
nization dedicated to all things
concerning the silver screen, from
production to print. The idea was
to get students interested in the
various aspects of filmmaking to
work together on their projects.
In mid-March, Andres made
Upstart's first request through
the Student Senate Allocations
Committee, asking for micro-
phones, lighting kits, a camera and
other basic film equipment.
While the $6,000 request
seemed reasonable to Andres,
Allocations Chairman Jason Lutin
felt differently.
Andres said Lutin informed
the group that Allocations did not
have the precedent to fund Upstart
for equipment. Instead, Lutin
suggested they borrow necessary
equipment from the university's
telecommunications department.
However, the department has
barely enough equipment for its
own students, much less some
new student group, Andres said.
"Allocations doesn't under-
stand we don't have access to
equipment," Andres said, "pe-
After a few compromises,
Upstart approached the Student
Senate with a bill requesting a por-
table hard drive for editing pur-
poses and money to make copies.
Although a few senators spoke in
favor of funding the organization,
the bill was passed as-is, without
the extra funds, April 19.
While it may seem odd that
an organization with some Senate
support doesn't receive more
funding, the decision is not an easy
one to make.
SG Treasurer Lindsay Cosimi
said it is difficult to determine how
much each organization should
receive, while remaining fair to
the others, especially in the case of
new organizations.
"Many new organizations
are what we call 'narrow-focus
groups,'" Cosimi said.
Narrow-focus groups are orga-
nizations that appear promising at
first, but drop in membership over
time, Cosimi explained. Once the
founder of the organization leaves,
the group fizzles.
"We look for growth in an orga-
nization," Cosimi said. "We look
for growth in membership, pro-
gramming, planned speakers."
Cosimi said the best example of
a rags-to-riches student organiza-
tion was the National Organization
for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.
Although NORML began as a
small organization with little
funding, in about a year it became
one of the largest student organi-.
zations on campus.
"They really branched out,"
Wrlblin 1 noIC I Ailg6alur
Student Upstart Films president Sue Andres, treasurer Natalie Andres
and member Brian Brown discuss upcoming film projects Tuesday.
granmni.ng. olt-ide funding and
kept detailed records. ot how% man',
memiiber- attended each meetLng
If this its the example Up-tart
needs to follow, Andres said she
feels they are already on their way.
"We already have 200 people
on our listserv," Andres said. "So
many people at UF are interested
in film, from all different [majors].
We have members from liberal arts
and aerospace engineering."
The grcup ha. already com-
pleted tluee project_ and -\ill
hold a screemnng ot the latest tho
at the Rcitz Liuon Cmlema on
Tuesday\ LUpstart ts abo worirkng
hard to raise money for the much-
needed equipment. They will hold
a car wash Saturday at the BP
gas station on Archer Road and
Southwest 34th Street.
As with any new organization,
only time will tell whether or not
Upstart will survive. However,
Andres is confident Upstart offers
enough appeal to students to keep
the club going.
"Video production is connected
to so many fields," Andres said.
"Knowing how to convey ideas on
film is a very beneficial skill."
Controversial 'Bodies' art exhibit educates, awes
In the soft lighting and quiet of the Museum
of Science & Industry, a young girl ques-
tioned her father.
"That's a heart?" she asked.
It doesn't look like the hearts on playing
cards or the heart that beats from a cartoon
character's chest.
The heart is in a display case with a short
description beside it, explaining how the awk-
wardly shaped muscle once pumped blood
through a human's body.
Such revelations are the purpose of
"Bodies: The Exhibition" at the museum in
Tampa an effort to help visitors understand
the complexity of the human body and en-
courage healthy lifestyle choices.
"To see is to know," proclaims a banner.
And there's plenty to see in the 14,000-
N This weekend the U.S. Navy's
Blue Angels will raise money for
Katrina victims by performing
daredevil stunts over the Gville
skies. Find out more, pg. 13.
square-foot exhibit that utilizes 20 whole-body
specimens and 260 organs and partial-body
specimens. The exhibit is divided into nine'
rooms, each focusing on a different part of
the body.
As patrons walk into the ..
dimly lit exhibit, a spotlight
shines on a skeleton holding
up its thumb like a hitch-
hiker. Complete with eyes, 4 ,1 1
toenails and expressions on
their faces, the bodies in the exhibit pose for
stronger impact on the observer.
"Wow, look at this soccer player!" a man
said to his daughter. The body is in midair, do-
ing a kick flip to show how the muscular sys-
tem works. It's hard to believe these bodies are
actual cadavers they are preserved using a
U Dear and Glorious Physician will
play this weekend at the SideBar.
Get to know the band online at
www.alligator.org. Also, check out
book reviews and more.
process called polymer preservation, a process
by which tissue water is replaced with silicone
rubber, giving the specimen a "rubbery" look.
But they all are real: the black, cancer-
stricken lung; the wrinkly,
June cirrhotic liver; the tiny fetus
Capiello with a deft lip.
Playlist "Makes you think about
heavenue@alligator.org not smoking," one woman
said after comparing a
smoker's lung to the ivory-
white lung of a non-smoker.
UF alumnus John Vincent, 29, was fasci-
nated by the total dissection of one cadaver,
which was horizontally cut multiple times
from the feet to the head. Observers can view
the entire body as one would look at the rings
on a tree stump.
"Actually, I do not think white people
are allowed to use slang until it is ast
least a year old. So if the slang is a
little played out, you're all good."
Kanye West
"I think that was one of the most interest-
ing things I've ever seen," Vincent said.
The circulatory system is displayed in a
pitch-dark room, save for red, glowing arter-
ies that look like seaweed.
"It's beautiful," said Beth Young, 22. "It's
Young is one of many people who were
skeptical of the exhibit.
"Everything was mind-blowing," she said.
Kim Fetner, of Largo, went to the exhibition
with her daughter and was quick to agree.
"It's good for kids to see the inner work-
ings of the body," she said.
, Comment books located at the end of the
exhibit are full of messages of positive feed-
The general consensus: "amazing."
* Be the first to e-mail the Avenue at
theavenue@alligator.org and you
will win a copy of the Pussycat Dolls' new
release "PCD."
fry r'1111 MAt AlDC e
Band rocks
past age crisis
Some bands will give you a phone interview
from their drunken post-show party. The Mid
Life Crisis Band gives you one from their
niece's baseball game.
Mark Chirico and Greg Smith, both lead guitar-
ists and vocalists, say the reason for the name of
their band is simple: It's completely true.
"We're definitely a mid life crisis band," said
Chirico in a phone interview amid cheering at a
local ballpark in Union, N.J.
"All of us are, I guess, in our 40s except for one
of us that just crossed the great divide (into 50),"
said Smith, in a separate interview.
The Gainesville band, which specializes in
blues, classic and southern rock covers, is playing
at Calico Jack's on Sept. 23.
Outside of the band, the four members lead
typical lives.
They all have wives and children except for
drummer Larry
Thompson, the
only full-time
musician in the
Playlist band.
theavenue@alligator.org AGainesville
resident since
Tom Petty and
Don Felder of the Eagles were locals, Thompson is
also in Dbl Wide and Killer Bees.
The rest of the band members are not quite
Doctor Feelgoods at their full-time jobs.
Chirico is a pharmacist, Smith is an X-ray repair
technician and bassist Tony Gray is a nurse anes-
When they play, Chirico says, "We bring every-
body with us from the hospital in town."
Supportive friends, wives and kids are also at
their shows.
Chirico's son's band, The Fantasmics, even
plays in between The Mid Life Crisis Band's sets.
They play band and crowd favorites including
Lynyrd Skynyrd and Stevie Ray Vaughan covers.
They also play two originals, "Brand New Start"
and "Going Down to Georgia."
They aren't strangers to song requests, though
"sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't,"
said Smith.
A list of The Mid Life Crisis Band's songs and-
upcoming shows can be found on their Web site,
Sister Hazel performed at the Phillips Center for the Performing Arts on Friday night. The band, whose loyal
following refers to themselves as "Hazlenuts," performs regularly to stay in touch with fans.
Gainesville keeps nightlife new
although going to the same place,
listening to the same music and
seeing the same people is always
nice, sometimes change is good too.
As luck would have it, Gainesville's
nightlife is constantly changing, so there's
no excuse for a repetitive nightlife.
Those who look for new places,
Gainesville has two downtown club open-
ings to look forward to in the next couple of
weeks. Both are different and appealing.
The former location of Simon's, 8 S
Main St., will soon be home to Rehab, a
chic nightclub with a dance floor, lounge
and upstairs cabana bar called Moonshine.
Club manager and part-owner of Rue
Bar, Jason Mitow, said it has been com-
pletely redone and will feature padded
walls, mosaics, a $20,000 hanging fish tank,
plasma TVs and a "killer sound system."
The rooftop bar was redone with a "real
Miami flavor" and a floor
girls can actually walk on
without their high heels '.
getting stuck, he said. -
The club's big rap
and R&B nights will be
Friday and will have
various themes includ-
ing rock and '80s throughout the week.
Rehab and Moonshine should be open
within two weeks.
"It should be pretty crazy," Mitow said.
A slightly more low-key venue to look
out for is That Bar, by the owner of down-
town's That Burrito & Smoothie Place,
Chuck Owens.
That Bar, on 110 S Main St. where
Kresser's Deli used
to be, will be a casual
Julia place for beer, wine
Carvalho -and late-night food.
Night Writer They will serve Cuban
theavenue@alligator.org pressed sandwiches
and hamburgers until 3
a.m. in hopes of giving
more options to people. who like to eat late,
Owens said.
That Bar will also have live acoustic mu-
sic to complement its casual atmosphere. It
is scheduled to open Monday, Oct. 3.
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r 1
Blue Angels, stunt flyers soar for Katrina victims
Avenue writer
It is not every day that F-18s descend on
This weekend they will, as the U.S.
Navy's Blue Angels soar through the skies
at Gainesville Regional Airport as part of the
first annual Heart of Florida Airshow.
The show will include low-level aerobat-
ics routines, a fully restored B-25 Mitchell
Bomber and Otto the clown helicopter. Gates
open at 10 a.m. Saturday and Sunday; tickets
cost $15.
The airshow has been made pos-
sible by the Gainesville Regional Airshow
Consortium Inc., which made a five-year
commitment to establish the show as the
premier aviation sporting event in North
Central Florida.
The show will raise money for several lo-
cal charities and Hurricane Katrina victims to have the Blue Angels," said Christy
and will award an annual aviation scholar- Hendricks, airshow spokeswoman.
ship. Since their inception in 1946, the Angels
Hundreds of local volunteers will corn- have performed in front of 381 million fans.
prise most of the airshow staff and In 2004, they performed at more
entertain an estimated 50,000 "It is kind than 70 airshows in 34 locations
audience members. around the United States and
The stars of the show, the of neat to be flying Canada.
U.S. Navy's Blue Angels, so close to home. They The theme of the Heart of
are an elite flying team Florida Airshow is A Salute
charged with bolstering rarely have them in your to Veterans.
Navy recruitment, embody- backyard." Gainesville native and
ing teamwork and represent- Patty Wagstaff highly decorated World War
ing the "Naval forces to the aerobatic flyer II pilot John R. Alison has
United States, its elected officials been named Honorary Show
and foreign nations." Chairman.
Their aerial display, which should be the Alison first flew combat in 1942 with the
highlight of this weekend's show, is widely 75th Fighter Squadron of the 23rd Fighter
renowned for its close-unit flying like the Group. For his leadership, he was awarded
four-jet Diamond Formation and six-jet Delta the Distinguished Service Cross and eventu-
Formation. ally promoted to commander of that squad-
"We are, of course, extremely excited ron.
In 1946, Alison resigned from the Air
Force as a colonel, only to re-enlist in 1950
for the Korean War. Alison was inducted into
the Air Commando Hall of Fame in 1994.
Along with the Blue Angels, the airshow
will feature Olympic-level aerobatic flyer
Patty Wagstaff. Wagstaff has built a reputa-
tion as "The First Lady of Aerobatics" and is
famous for an unparalleled display of daring
low-level flying.
Patty Wagstaff Airshows Inc. is based in
St. Augustine.
"It is kind of neat to be flying so close to
home," she said in a telephone interview
Monday. "They rarely have them in your
Wagstaff is the first woman to win the
title of U.S. National Aerobatic Champion
and has performed in airshows on five con-
"I'm really working on Antarctica," she
Local electronic music scene thrives in rock domain
Gainesville Rock City. That's
us, right?
Not anymore, at least if
Christopher Miller has his way.
Miller is the head of Electronic
SubSouth, a small collective dedicat-
ed to fostering a successful live elec-
tronic music scene in Gainesville.
That's all well and good, but isn't
it an act of futility in a town best
known in the music community as
the home of seminal punk label No
Idea Records? Wrong again, said
"The fans and the interest in the
music are already here. The problem
is the lack of venues which are will-
ing to host such events or bring elec-
tronic acts into town," he said.
Chris Kolodziej, of local elec-
tronic act On*tic, agrees.
"The fans come in droves," he
said. "I've even met people from the
Orlando and Tampa areas that drive
all that way just to see the locals."
Two venues not falling into
that category are The Atlantic,
which has hosted several ESS
shows, and The Side Bar, soon to
be home to a monthly electronic
music showcase beginning Sept.
28. But Miller's plans stretch
beyond increasing the volume of
events SubSouth has lined up for
the next few months.
"UP has had an electro-acoustic
music scene for over a decade, and
I'd like to figure out a way to partner
with that. There is also the possibil-
ity of an electro-
night at a newer
downtown ven-
ue," he said'-
music has a few
barriers to over-
come before it can really take off in
Gainesville. Dave LeBleu of Textual,
another local electronic act, said he
believes electronic musicians need
to put on more of a show to pull in a
bigger audience..
"There needs to be more of an
.actual visual or live experience as
opposed to just a few people sit-
ting behind their
laptops," LeBleu
Matt Clear said. SubSouth
Playlist is also looking
theavenue@alligator.org for musicians to
have "more of
a performance-
based element to
their live shows."
For this to happen, and for
new electronic acts to flourish in
Gainesville, a strong support system
needs to be in place. With SubSouth,
these factors have now come togeth-
er and the scene can only continue
to grow.
"It's the ultimate networking
tool for musicians and fans," said
Perhaps the next big thing to
come out of Gainesville will eschew
guitars and drums for a laptop and
a synthesizer. If that's the case, it
could happen because of SubSouth
and the dedicated community
of musicians and fans they have
helped bring together.
For more information, visit
Virgil Hawkins Pre-Law Society
is hosting
Saturday, 9/24
9:30 am 2:45 pm
Grand Ballroom, Reitz Union
Advance Tickets $8.00 including lunch
Many Law Schools will be represented, including U_
FSU, and Barry to Penn State and Columbia. Sessions w:
be held on "Financing Law School," "Writing for La
School," and "Applying to Law School." A panel of curre
law school students will be there to answer your question
about what it is like to be in law school today. There w:
also be a guest speaker. There will be a giveaway of
Kaplan LSAT Course and a STA Travel Voucher.
For more information contact:
prelawday(@yahoo.com or call
Roshni @ 786-201-9305
Tickets will be sold this Thursday & Friday
at the Reitz Union Colonnade.
We Hope to See You There.
- ... .
Ko l~lN[K
Earplugs preserve quality
Avenue Writer
I If you've ever used the cheap, yellow foam
earplugs, you're well aware that sound chang-
es in the process.
Although earplugs protect your ears from
the damage caused by loud speakers at a bar,
they distort the quality of music, said John
Wiseheart, a local audiologist.
Research shows that custom-made musi-
cian earplugs can help the listener or musician
hear the quality of the music better without
damaging their ear, Wiseheart said.
The musician earplugs can either be custom
made for your ear, which cost about $150, or
can be non-custom for $15 to $20.
"Sixty percent of the inductees into the Rock
and Roll Hall of Fame have hearing impair-
ment," Wiseheart said.
Normal conversation uses about 60 decibels
of sound, but the level of the ear's resources
that are used increases exponentially by every
added decibel, Wiseheart.
If you are at a rock concert, which is about
112 decibels on average, you could listen for
an hour and 25 minutes with the musician
ear plugs instead of only listening for five
minutes without causing muffled hear-
ing, ringing in your ears, or with repeated
exposure, permanent hearing loss, accord-
ing to the Etymotic Research, Inc. Web site,
Because the older earplugs protect against
higher-frequency sounds, the music is not
heard as well, Wiseheart said.
"It's like someone just turning the volume
down," he said. "The older, yellow earplugs
are great if you want maximum attenuation
or protection but not if you want to enjoy the
Rashon Medlock, a local singer and gradu-
ate of the UF School of Music, said he sees this.
as arbitrary.
"In Gainesville, pretty much everybody,
plays as loud as they can anyway," he said.
"The quality of earplug would really only mat-
ter if you were a serious concert patron."
However, other local musicians who play
in the brass section feel as though this is an
important investment.
Dakeyan "Dre" Graham, a music education
major at UF and saxophone player in the UF
Jazz Ensemble, said the older earplugs are not
helpful when he uses them during his perfor-
"They block out the sound," he said. "They
don't allow you to tune as well as you could
because you can't use all the resources of your
Erik Augereau, a trombonist at UF, doesn't
use earplugs but understands why other play-
ers use them.
"I sit in the back, so I never use earplugs,"
he said. "There are even orchestras which-
have Plexiglass shields between the brass and
strings to protect them."
Due to the benefits of the musician ear
plugs, musicians of all kinds, including march-
ing bands and sound crews, are encouraged to
wear them. Any protection is better than none
at all though, Wiseheart said.
"People don't appreciate how easy it is to
lose your hearing," he said.
Pool keeps fun cheap
S plit between four friends,
a mere $1.63 will cover an
hour of hearty billiards fun at
Silver-Q Billiards and Sports Bar.
You don't have to pay to the door and
there's usually no line. That's a great
way to start any night.
Sure, the initial onslaught of smoke
is a little overwhelming, but it's a
pool hall. Even if no
one was smoking,
management would
most likely conjure
up artificial smoke
to be in accordance
with unspoken
rules for the pool-
hall atmosphere.
With 13 billiard tables, there's often no
wait. Simply trade your ID for a rack of
balls and pick a table.
means fewer people have the opportu-
nity to see me scratch every other shot.
Sabotage your competitive friend with
devious distraction tactics. Stir up
musketeer-like duels with your sticks
between shots. Challenge the big guy
to limbo.
Possibilities are limitless,
even for the fickle pool player.
The bar offers fast and friendly ser-
vice. Just don't put your cup on the
pool table they don't like that.
Even if pool isn't your thing, you can
shoot hoops, play air hockey, football or
watch something sports-related on TV.
Don't avoid Silver-Q just because
you don't know how to play pool.
They don't make you sign a statement
at the door stating your affinity or your
pool intentions.
Find others like
Diana Jo yourself and be ter-
Godfrey rible together. Get
Cheap Beat that cute guy or girl
theavenue@alligator.org to show you how to
line up a shot. You
may surprise your-
self and be decent. Even lucky shots
feel good.
As you call your eight-ball pocket,
consider the greats who played before
you. English and French royalty used
to play billiards much like CEOs and
salesmen play golf today. Mary,Queen
of Scots enjoyed billiards so much
she was wrapped in the cloth from
her table after she was beheaded.
When you're looking for a chill night
with friends or decide the line at :08
is too long, walk next door to Silver-Q,
225 W University Ave., for a good time.
Cover is free, service is fast, and you
only dance if you want to.
Share your space, but live on your own.
auk;;-M~m .(SA
Get everything for your dorm room at Walmart.com and still afford tuition.
Common Grounds, live music:
needtobreathe, Alphabet City,
Blacksnake, 10 p.m., $5
Eddie C's, live music: Funks
Incorporated, Voice of the People,
Grasshead, 10:30 p.m., $4
Orange and Brew, live music:
Adam's Out, Select Start, The
Duppies, 8 p.m., free
Eddie C's, live music: Chasing
Yesterday, In Stereo, Too Late
May, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, 9
p.m., $5
Phillips Center for the Performing
Arts, live music: Lizz'Wright, 7:30
p.m., $10-$25
The Side Bar, live music: Dbl Wide,
The Alaskan Pirate and his Salty
Seamen, Rob McGregor, 9 p.m.,
Cafe Gardens, live music: Mellow
Fellows Edible Jazz, 6-9 p.m.,
Eddie C's, live'music: Visceral, April,
False Idols, Verity, 10 p.m., $5
The Side Bar, live music: Apollo
Quartet, Dear and Glorious
Physician, Crash the Satellites,
Jason Choi and the Sea, 9 p.m.,
The Purple Porpoise, live music:
Bayside, I am the Avalanche,
June, The Forecast, Never Again,
5 p.m., $8
Reitz Union Cinema, movie: "The
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy,"
8 p.m, 10:30 p.m., free
Common Grounds, live music:
Prefuse 73, DJ Nobody, Textual,
10 p.m., $12
Common Grounds, live music: Battle
of the Bands (Part 2) Maxwell
Edison, Smoked Mullet, Crash
Pad, Killarney Star, 10 p.m., $5
Florida School of Massage, live.
music: Gainesville Liberation
Orchestra, time and price TBA
Abbey Road, live music: Appetite for
Destruction, Smashing Pumpkins
Tribute Band, 9 p.m., $8
Civic Media Center, live music: Nim
Sum, Lyndon, Cara del Gato, 8
p.m., $3 $5-
The Side Bar, live music: Brentina,
On*tic, Phsychic Killers, The_
Virus, 9 p.m., $5
CDs play upbeat, retro
Minus the Bear
Menos el Oso
Suicide Squeeze
WThe Seattle quintet is noto-
rious for its comedy song
titles, but just because this album doesn't
boast anything quite as ridiculous as
"Thanks for the Killer Game of Crisco
Twister" doesn't mean they've decided
to drastically change their sound. "Menos
el Oso" follows the same blueprint that
made 2002's "Highly Refined Pirates"
a success jerky, post-punk rhythms
melded to electronic flourishes and seri-
ous lyrics which belie the silly song titles.
It's a formula which is particularly suc-
cessful on more upbeat, danceable tracks
like "The Fix" and "Pachuca Sunrise,"
although there is sadly nothing to match
"Highly Refined Pirates."
However, Minus the Bear's problem
has always been making its songs catchy
enough to stick in listeners' heads, and
"Menos el Oso" is no different the
unexpected time changes and the uncon-
ventional vocals of Jake Snider give the
record a certain initial level of inaccessibil-
ity. If given enough time to grow on you,
these elements can become the album's
"Menos el Oso" is a solid record. MTB
fans will love it, but newcomers might
want to try the slightly superior "Highly
Refined Pirates" first.
The Coral
The Invisible Invasion
l Being from Liverpool can
be something of a handicap
for a band; it means that reviewers almost
invariably find some way to mention The
B--s. Luckily for the Coral, it bears no
musical resemblance.
That doesn't mean the band doesn't
look to the past for inspiration. A good
portion of the album's harmonies and gui-
tar licks are reminiscent of '60s surf pop,
often providing us with the album's best
moments propulsive opening track
"She Sings the Mourning" in particular.
But the Coral isn't just a one-trick
pony. Lead single "In the Morning," quite
rightly a hit in the band's native UK, is the
very essence of chilled-out summery pop
"The Operator" features a fantastic mock-
spooky keyboard line, and on "So Long
Ago" and "Late Afternoon," the guitar
melodies and softer vocal style (although
not the vocals themselves) recall some of
Belle &Sebastian's more upbeat numbers.
It's debatable whether this album with
its strong tendency toward the retro, will
have a lasting impact. But before the '60s
plundering begins to wear a little thin,
it undoubtedly will provide great enjoy-
ment for those looking to keep the spirit of
summer alive.
SThe Future's 8o 1Bright
The future's so bright for us at UF, we have
to wear shades.
Designer couture has taken eye protection
to a whole new level. Not only do your knick-
ers have to be up to
par, but somebody's
also looking at your
eyewear from be-
hind theirs.
The style that
'was once cute and
petite or cat-eyed is
now rocking the old
school way big,
flashy and aviator.
If the eyes are
the windows to the
soul, what happens
if you're wearing
I guess you're in-
cognito, you sneaky
Slummy style creates sex-life strain
My ex-boyfriend used to say he
liked taking me out to show
me off. I would wish I could
say the same.
Who wants to be shown off by a guy
whose clothes have more holes than
my fishnet stockings and buttcheeks
that peek out when he bends over?
In nature, men are the ones who are
supposed to show off.
They always have the most beauti-
ful features the male cardinal with
his brilliant red, the mallard duck with
his iridescent green, the lion with his
regal mane.
When in the evolutionary chain did
this gene disappear?
Now guys show off by competing to
see whose boxers hang out the most.
I've come to rely on healthy skepti-
cism in the beginning of a relationship
when guys tend to look their best to
win our affection.
It's not real because once they get
you after a few months, their true
style' re-emerges. Thus, you see the
paper-thin, grease-laden, pit-stained,
seethrough, once-was-white-now-is-
grey cotton T-shirt increasingly in his
wardrobe repertoire.
The clothes he used to wear he con-
siders his nice clothes, and they hang
in the closet for special occasions that
never happen.
Sure, you have a few apples who fall
far from the tree, but
for the most part, men
have turned into total
When did this
become OK? Because
it's not just a phase,.
it's the norm.
Women accept guys who don't care,
and the worst thing is we continue to
let them get away with it.
You've seen the mismatched couples
- the princess and the pea, the beauty
and the beast, the fair and the frog, the-
radiant and the rabid.
Why should you take the time
to look adorable if your guy walks
around wearing the same clothes to
toss the football, play X-Box, and club
hop with you and his buddies?
Please note there is a huge dis-
tinction between a guy whose look is
scruffy and the guy who just doesn't
You can tell the difference. It's one
thing to be comfortable but another to
be lazy.
Some of you may consider this ma-
terialistic and vain,
Christine but it's not; it's pride
Steffens a completely dif-
Fashion a Go-Go ferent sin.
theavenue@alligator.org So, what can you
I'm not here to
play devil's advocate, but a friend of
mine once withheld sex from her boy-
friend until he cleaned up his act.
He let himself go after they started
dating, but once he shaved, sprinkled
on some cologne and rid himself of his
beer belly, she had her first non-self-
stimulated orgasm in six months.
Not to say you should do the same,
but let's get the creative juices flowing.
We cannot accept less. If we see it,
let's take action; women unite.
Ladies, it's time to stop settling.
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CALL TODAY! 372-8100
Affordable, Quiet living
HUGE 1& 2BR Pool
Skylights 1.5 miles to UF
Furn Avail 377-7401 *
A.vail for Current and Fall
Pool*Tennis Cts*1.5 Mi 2-UF
Ind lease, Furn & Util Avail
Great Specials*377-7401 12-7-72-2
Convenient UF access
$325 to $575
Action Real Estate Services
352-331-1233 12-7-72-2
University Terrace Gainesville
University Terrace West
9 Month Individual Leases
W/D, Pool & Utilities $325-$350/mo.
Union Properties 373-7578
Looking for a home? We have the
LARGEST selection of single family rent-
als in Gainesville. With over 100 properties
currently available, we're sure to have some-
thing to fit your style and budget. Visit our
website at www.edbaurmanagement.com,
or call us to find your new home today 352-
375-7104 ex 2.
SEd Baur
--Management Inc.
*UPPER CLASS Students*
Perfect place to study!
FREE cable w/ HBO/Show
Gated entry*Computer lab
Wireless poolside*FREE Tanning
1BR LOFT APTS. 650 &750 sq ft. Starting
@ $490 mo. Quiet, wooded setting. FREE
monitored alarm system. 6400 SW 20th Ave.
Call 332-0720 9-30-21-2
CHEAP RENT! 3BR 1 BA house
CH/AC, large kitchen, w/d hookups,
$625/rent, 503 A NW 19th Lane
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 9-23-29-2
SEPT FREE! Downtown 4BR 2BA house
w/Living & family rooms, fireplace, parquet
floors, washer/dryer, $1050/rent
1525 NE 6th Terrace
Carl Turlington Real Estate, inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 9-23-29-2
2 bd/2ba, NW area, Central H & A/C, ceiling
fan, dish washer, W &D, 2 car garage, fenced
back yard. Close to Oaks Mall and North
Regional. Ready for Aug. lease. $860. No
section 8. Call 352-375-6754 9-30-33-2
3bd/ 2ba, NW area. Clean and spacious.
Fenced back yard. Central H & A/C. Ceiling
fans. W/D hookups. Car port. Close to law
school. Ready for Aug. lease. Call 352-375-
6754.-No section 8. 9-30-33-2
f*.Dse to UF on bus rt. W/D, utils, cable w/
HBO,DSL incl. $400/rm/mo. No dep. Female
only. NS. 954-680-0918, 954-328-2021 9-
Village West Apartments
800 NW 18th Ave
1BR/1BA $460-$520/mo.
Ask about UF Parking Decal
Union Properties 373-7578
Bel-Aire Apartments
636 NW 26th Ave.
1or 2 BRs $535-$625/mo
Ask about UF Prarking Decal
Union Properties 373-7578
BLOCKS TO UF! Spacious 3BR 2BA, Bonus
room, Wood floors, fireplace, lawn svc,
Screen porch, w/d hookups, $1475/rent
1741 NW 6th Avenue
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 9-23-23-2
1st MONTH FREE! 3 BR 2 BA,
Parquet floors, carport, screen
porch, w/d hookups, $875/rent
600 NW 36th Drive
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 9-23-23-2
NOW. 904-710-3050
3 and 1.5 NW area Close to banks, busi-
nesses and shopping centers. Central Ht and
A/C. Private driveway and space for parking.
Call 352-375-6754. No section 8. 9-30-27-2
3912 SW 37th St. 3BR
Great location, wood floors, newly painted,
off-street parking $900/mo
Campus Realty 692-3800 9-22-20-2
907 NW 11th Ave.
4BR/2.5BA, wood floors, W/D, spacious inte-
rior, large yard. $1200/mo
Campus Realty 692-3800 9-22-20-2 .
Free extended Basic Cable! Pets Welcome!
1000 sq ft Split Floor PLan W/D Hook-ups
& DW. 1BR/1BA & 2BR/2BA Available. Call.
Now 372-99t3 12-7-71-2
Amazingly Affordable! HUGE 650 sq ft 1BR
1000 sq ft 2BR Townhouses & Flats
Discounted Rates Starting @ $380 & $480
Close to Santa Fe, UF & 1-75 332-5070 12-
4/3 & 3/2 HOUSES Walking distance to UF.
Newly remodeled. W/D, carport and huge
yard. Call 352-283-2828. 9-30-26-2
NW 39th Ave. Nice 2BR/2BA Gated patio,
trees. $510-$525.9 Extra large 2BR/2BA+
loft. With Laminate wood pattern floor good
architecture, good neighborhood convenient
$610-$6259 Call 373-8310. 9-22-19-2
NEAR LAW SCHOOL 3/1, $1200/mno. 1st,
last, sec. Pref grad student. No pets, W/D
hook up, DW, wood firs, cent A/C, gas heat,
trees. Call Tom >8pm or wkd 954-529-4031
Walking distance to UF!
Completely renovated studio
Condos in Prairiewood less than
1 mile to campus. $450.
Call 215-5155/215-5506 9-30-25-2
Looking, for an Apartment???
1608 NW 1st Avenue
Located right behind the Florida Book Store
FREE Apartment and Housing
Locator Service
Call 352-376-4493 or visit
217 NW 35th St 3BR/3BA $1050/mo
Ceramic tile, large fenced yard, W/D, dish-
washer, carport, lawn care incl. Excellent
Call Campus Realty 692-3800 9-22-15-2
Affordable 3BRs close to UFI
1418 NW6th PI.
W/D, fenced yard, private parking $950/mo
625 NW 10th Ave.
Private parking, W/D hu, Ig yard $900/mo
Campus Realty 692-3800 9-22-15-2
LUXURY 1BR/1BA overlooking creek
Washer/Dryer. Ready for immediate occu-
pancy. Near Sam's Club, on bus line. Close
to UF $560.
Andree Realty 375-2900 9-30-21-2
behind Leo's 706. Walk to UF & downtown.
$350/mo 333-9413 leave message 9-26-
SEPT FREE! 1 BR Great value!
Only $449/mos 0 $150 Deposit
THE WOODS 375-3077
TH in Kensington South, high
Ceilings, dining room, washer/dryer, pool
3901 SW 20th Ave #105
Carl Tu.rlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
Cute cottage 2 bedroom 1 bath with study
$750/mo wood floors yard service
316 N.W. 20th Ave. Green Tree Realty, Inc.
Barbara 317-4392. 10-3-20-2
Melrose Bay furnished 3, bedroom 2 bath
2200 sq. overlooks Lake Sante Fe
$2400/mo Seminole Ridge Rd. Green Tree
Realty, Inc. Liz 258-2437. 10-3-20-2
-Downtown Alachua 3 bedroom 2 bath large
home $895/mo, garage,
Green Tree Realty, Inc. Barbara 317-4392
Cute 1 bedroom 1 bath with study, new ap-
pliances $495/mo 304 N.W. 19th Ave. yard
service, Green Tree Realty, Inc. Barbara
317-4392. 10-3-20-2
4BR/2.5BA Vintage house in NW near UF.
Hardwood floors, cent H/AC, W/D, 907 NW
11th Ave. $1200/mo. Call 333-9413 9-26-
Nice home 3BR/2BA
Central AC, tile floors, carport, fenced yard,
W/D hookup. 328 SE 70th Street. $870/mo.
Pets neg. Sec. alarm. Avail immed 316-1637
Historic house, lots of charm, hardwood firs,
blocks to downtown, studio $400, 306 NE 6th
St. Call 538-6527, 379-4952 9-23-10-2
Near Campus Large 1 BR/1 BA $450/Mo
1 BR/1 BA Historic Area $325/Mo
4BR/2BA 1 Acre Lot $1100/Mo
Pear Tree Realty, Inc.
Realtor 335-3802 10-10-20-2
4BR/2BA Double Carport, 2200 sq. ft. ter-
razo/ tile and carpet floors, inside laundry
room, large. fully equipped kitchen, near
schools, churches & shopping. $1200/mo
3708 NW 16th Ave. 352-376-2547 9-30-14-2
1 BR/1BA Condo
Close to UF. New appliances. Call 352-213-"
3943 9-27-10-2
Nice & vey clean affordable 3BR/2BA brick
house. 1620 NW55th St. Close to UF, SFCC
& Mall. Cent. H/AC, new DW, carport, laun-
dry rm, scr porch, fenced backyard. Avail
immed. $945/mo 1st/last/sec. 352-281-4229
New 1430 sq. ft. 2BR/2.5BA townhouse.
Master suite. Pool, hi- spd. internet, security
system. New appliances. Near UF. $1000/
mo. Call 954-755-1728, 561-912-6223 9-
3BRs.for-rent in a 4BR/2BA. $250/mo each.
Off Williston Rd. Contact Jen 352-495-8068
or 407-947-9748 or Denise 407-509-4574
Efficiency apt. in quiet NW, perfect for prof
or grad student, $395, includes all utilities
& cable, avail Nov. 1 377-1868 6-8 PM 9-
Close to UF Law School. 3BR/1BA w/extra
room $840/MO. Parquet wood floors. Central
heat & air. 303 NW 36th Drive. Call Merrill
Management Inc. 352-317-3418 9-23-7-2
Casa Blanca West townhouse, 1000 sq. ft.
2BR/1.5BA, screened rm, W/D, pool, 2 bus
routes, avail Aug. $650/mo Call 352-359-
2594 9-28-10-2
1BR w/ pvt gated courtyard
Small quiet complex located at 3320 SW
23rd St. Starting at $395/mo. Pets arranged.
Call 377-2150. Please leave a message.
3BR/2BA newly renovated condo. Close to
the mall. No pets. Smoke-free environment.
$1000/mo + deposit. Call 336-6421 9-22-5-2
3/1 1 Block to UF
1227 SW 4th Ave.
Remodeled, central heat/AC, .wood floors,
clean. $975 Call 352-514-5060 9-23-5-2
3BR/Pvt BA. Available 1/1/06. 6-12 month
lease. Perfect for grad/intl. students.
Sparkling. Furn/unfurn. Large home in
Kirkwood. $400-$500 +util. 352-375-6996 or
352-284-0979 10-7-15-2
Apartment For Rent
Gator Place Condos -
3600 SW 23rd St. Apt #4
2 bed/1 bath $695 a month
Contact: Amy 561-252-5144 9-23-5-2
La Mancha Apts.
Enjoy all-inclusive individual leases within
walking distance of UF! Swimming pool,
laundry facilities, private parking. Make your
life easier today! Short term leases avail-
able! Call Campus Realty today 692-3800
Studio, One and Two Bedrooms
Pets Welcome (ask for details)
Rents start at $329! PLUS FREE RENTI
Call today! 352-373-7665 9-26-5-2
Available now!-
2BR/1BA Apt. $475
3BR/1BA Duplex $600
MITCHELL REALTY 374-8579x1 12-7-64-2
Remodeled 3/1 house in nice NW area near
UF. New: kitchen/bonus rm, bath, tile/carpet,
appliances, w/d. Central AC,big yard. $950/
mo. 305-297-4827 10-18-15-2
BRADISSEN PLACE Brand new construc-
tion. Large 2BR/2BA condo. W/D, patio area.
Close to Archer Rd. & UF. $725/mo. On UF
bus route. 317-5060 or 332-0841 10-4-10-2
Apartments Available Now
All Florida Areas. All Major US Cities
Browse our listing FREE
1-877-For-Rent (367-7368) 9-22-1-2
2BR/1BA. New tile, new carpet, new paint,
cent AC/heat, W/D hk up. Walk/bike to UF.
408-NW 5th Ave. Apt. A. $720/mo + utils. 1st/
last & sec. www.gatorpads.com 284-0316 or
281-0733 10-5-10-2
Rent With Us Today,
Buy With Us Tomorrow!
Condo, House & Townhouse Rentals
Ask About Our Lucrative
Tenant Rewards Program!
2BR/2BA Haile Condo $900/mo
2BR/1 BA Near UF $475/mo
3BR/2BA Duckpond $795/mo
Ask about Move-In Specials!
Over 30+ Private Homes Available!
Call Today: 371-2118
Female 1 room in 3BR/3BA @ Univesity
Glades, 2 bus rts, W/D, internet, 24hr gym,
can do short term lease, + free desk! $400/
mo all inclusive OBO email izard83@ufl.edu
or call 386-299-1547 10-5-10-2
$i Subleases' "
2BR/2.5BA Arbor East townhouse'$655/mo
tile floors extra storage close to UF, Shands
& shopping 1st month free 1002 sq ft pets
welcome. Call 373-1828. 9-22-20-3
Holly house 2BR/1 BA all to yourself in SE
Gainesville historical district. On top of UF/
Shands bike trail. Huge yard & front porch.
Just $625/mo. You keep $300 deposit. 335-
6975. 9-22-5-3
ARBOR APTS. 1BR/1BA. Vaulted ceilings,
all new carpet & appliances. Starting Jan 06.
$500/mo. VERY NEGOTIABLE. Call 321-
695-3021 9-23-5-3
"Copyrighted Material
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
--.0 40M
qw Ae
- -
-~ ~.- e
____ m -. ~ -
quo o 4m 40 4D
4000 & 4m 0
SSubeases Rooom e Ro o as -6j .Furnishings,
TAKE OVER LEASE for a 3BR/2.5BA with
den, W/D, DW, free cable, free gym pass,
pool, bbcourt, tennis, racquet ball. Fun en-
vironment, close to UF, SFCC $975/mo. No
dep. Call 331-9133 Shannon. 9-26-4-3
Huge 1/1 in Duckpond. Wood floors. Blvd.
Apts. $480/mo 786-417-7237 9-26-3-3
Roommate Matching HERE
Oxford Manor 377-2777 ,
The Landings 336-3838
The Laurels 335-4455
Cobblestone 377-2801
Hidden Lake 374-3866
Female roommate for one/two female UF
students. Quiet. Responsible. 60 second
walk to UF. Old house charm with all ameni-
ties. Avail Now. $400 up. 352-538-2181 .Lv
message. Private Owner 12-7-72-4
Unfurn BR for rent in brand new, spacious
condo w/2 F, UF students. NW 55th St. Call
Lisa for details @ 352-514-1763. 9-30-21-4
F NS grad/prof needed for 1BR in BRAND
NEW 2/2 condo. 2 mi to UF on bus rte. W/D.
$475 + 1/2 util/mo. Common area furnished,
tile firs. 904-386-6485 or apena13@ufl.edu
REDUCED! M/F to share 2/1.5 twnhs w/ 20yr
pre-vet M. Pets ok. W/D, DW, full kitchen,
tile, pool in Mill Run. SW 20th Ave. $300/mo
+ 1/2 utils. 828-775-8807. 9-22-24-4
Roommates bring a-friend. Share utils.
Houses on East University Ave. Bike or bus
to class. $475-550 + sec & last mo. Available
now. Call 352-375-4250 or 745-0785. 9-
Female student to join 2 females for your
own BR in attractive 3BR house near NW 8th
Ave, 3mi. from UF on bus rt. #43, tile/hdwd,
$275/mo + 1/3 GRU&HSInternet-digital
cable, avail Sept, 381-5597, 332-3852. 9-
Room in NW home. $350/mo incl utils &
DSL. No pets mature male non-drinker/
smoker. Avail immed (flex). Scott 335-8209
1BA avail now. Ethernet, util incl. W/D, nicely
furn, secure. Exercise/pool. Direct bus UF 3
mi.$455/mo/room. Vanessa 352-217-3464,
Flo 352-157-9656 or 352-636-4814. 9-30-
2 Rooms Available at a House 705 NW 34th
St., Blocks Away from UF College of Law.. 1
for $280 or 2 for $500. Call Will at 352-375-
8699 or wcharlot@ufl.edu 9-22-10-4
Looking for female for 1 BR/BA in 3 BR/3BA
Apt at Rockwood Villas. Hi-spd internet &
cable. On UF busline. All utils. incl. for $500/
mo Rent. 407-970-0720 or 407-421-3121.
One roommate needed to live in 3BR/2BA
house on 34th St. and 16th Ave. Call
Michelle 305-322-6389. Rent $375/mo + 1/3
utilities. 9-22-6-4
Roommate 3BR/2BA, nice SW neighbor-
hood. Pool, DSL, HBO, $475/mo includes
utilities. Furnished optional. Female pre-
ferred. Call 772-201-9933. 9-23-6-4
Roommate wanted to share 1BR/1BA in
3BR/2BA house. Fully furnished, W/D, DW.
SW Gainesville, close to UF. 336-6421 or
850-496-0367. 9-22-5-4
Rooms for rent: Large, clean house. Close
to campus. High speed and cable. Large
yard. Two car garage and porch area. Rent
$425. For more info call Tre at 352-328-8878
I BR avail in cute 2/1.5 twnhs w/vet stdnt, w/
d, fncd yard, pool, hi-spd int, new carpet, tile,
pets ok. NO DEPOSITS! $350/mo +1/2 util.
alexgatr@ufl.edu 352-255-7852 9-23-5-4
1 Male roommate needed. Serious student
to share 3BR/2BA house. Located south of
UF on Williston Rd. W/D, cable, wireless
DSL, $395/mo +1/3 utils. Call 258-9116
to share 2/2 condo, includes::
utilities, cable, internet, w/d, gated, pool,
racquetball, fully furnished $125/wk
352-264-9821 9-35-36 9-23-5-4
** 3BR/2.5BA Roomate needed in Cricket
Club. Allergy-free environment, covered
parking available, on bus rt. Incl. clubhouse,
pool, gym, laundry in gated community, $450/
mo incl. utils. Jodi 494-0405 10-10-15-4
%do ot we. */ mos u m
"Copyrighted Material
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
- t .. .
- w. .
Rockwood Villas 1BR/1BA Avail in 3/3
Condo. $400/mo +utils. Close to campus
& on bus route. Call Karly at 352-514-1617
Leave msg. 10-4-10-4
near Library downtown. $285-$360/mo +
utilities. Free internet access. Short term. No
pets. No smoking. Job opportunity available.
378-1304 9-26-5-4
Beautiful home in tress on quiet street near
UF, Quiet for study. Gourmet kitchen, fire-
place, hi-spd DSL internet, cable TV, W/D,
cent A/C, large yard, cats welcome. $340+
utils. 352-271-8711 9-26-5-4
1 MONTH FREE. Furnished 1BR/1BA avail-
able immediately in 3BR/3BA Campus Lodge
Apt. W/D, screened porch. Great location
$534/mo 757-348-8767 9-26-5-4
Rooms. $75-$85 P/W utilities color tv max
cab. w/m on bus r/t. 3 mi from Univ Ave +
Main St. But rent + utility. (negotiable) for one
day work. 376-0384 for all info. 10-4-10-4
Roommate needed: 1BR, private bath.
House on 441 just outside Gville. Rent $250
plus half cable & utilities. Porch, garage, gat-
ed community. Females only. Pets allowed.
Call Sara 352-359-0839 9-27-5-4
NE Gainesville. Quiet neighborhood $300/
mo + 1/2 utils. 1st/last/$200 security. Home
375-5377, work 373-6066 ask for Sue. 9-
DUCKPOND AREA: 1BR in 3BR house-
w/living & dining rm, kitchen, garage, front
& backyards. $300/mo + util. 352-256-380Q
in NEW 2/2.5 townhouse. Everything new +
W/D. $430/mo + 1/2 utils. Call 352-870-2506
or email apt4rent06@yahoo.com 9-28-5-4
Roommate needed for 3BR/2BA apt in SW
20th Ave now. $300 + 1/3 util. On UF busline.
Hi-spd inet, pool &TV cable. Free UF parking.
Call 219-7309, probook2003@yahoo.com
M/F Roommate for unfurnished room in 4BR/
4BA condo. W/D, DW, full kitchen, pool, bus
line, close to UF. $325 + shared util. Available
now. John 786-436-1657 10-5-10-4
Real Estate
Sell your house, condo, acreage, mobile
home and much more in the ALLIGATOR
CLASSIFIEDS! Reach over 24,000 possible
buyers! Mastercard and Visa accepted over
the phone. Please Call 373-Find .
Quad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra
land, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House
3/4BR, 2BA, wd firs, covered prch, concrete
patio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 352-
538-2181 Iv mssg 12-7-72-5
Existing condos & luxury condos near UF
at affordable prices. For more information,
visit www.mattpricerealtor.com or call
today Matt Price 352-281-3551 Campus
Realty Group 9-30-27-5
Spectacular university views. Walk to UF &
the stadium. Classic New Orleans appeal
with state-of-the-art luxury. Reserve today.
52 units available. Starting in mid-300's. Call
Eric Wild 870-9453 12-7-80-5
4BR/4BA, 3 leases signed for next year. Call
for details 407-620-1555 9-30-28-5
I can help you find a house or condo
in the UF area. Call Brett Wherry
at 352-412-8662
Century 21 Classic Properties 352-331-2100
a Furnishings
BED-Queen, orthopedic, extra thick, pillow-
top, mattress & box. Name brand, new, still
in plastic. Sacrifice $110. Call 352-372-7490
will deliver. 12-7-72-6
mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic
w/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice $85. Call
352-377-9846 12-7-72-6
Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must
sell. Can deliver. Retail $2300. Sacrifice
$550 352-372-7490 12-7-72-6
BED King Pillowtop mattress & box springs.
Orthopedic rated. Name brand, new, never
been used, in plastic with warranty. Sell
$170. Call 352-372-8588 Can deliver. 12-
CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop
Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. Cost
$1500, sacrifice $550 352-333-7516
Sofa $185 Brand new in pkg 333-7516
BEDROOM SET. 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king
bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chests
avail. Dovetail const. New, in boxes. Can de-
liver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice $1400
(352) 372-7490 12-7-72-6
SOFA & LOVESEAT 100% Italian leather.
Brand new in plastic w/warranty. Retail
$2650. Sacrifice $750. Call 352-377-9846
DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table,
6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New,
still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100.
Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-8588,12-
FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/
mattress. New, in box. $160' 332 9899
DINETTE SET 5pc $85 Brand new in box.
Never used. 352-377-9846 12-7-72-6
BEDS Full mattress & boxspring sets $49
Queen sets $89 0 Single sets $39 *King
sets $99 0 From estate sale. Safe pine bunk
bed $109. 376-0939/378-0497.
CALL-A-MATTRESS 4370 SW 20th Ave.
MEMORY FOAM same as Temperpedia.
Save 50% & more. Other close-outs. twin
sets $89 Ofull sets $129 Oqueen sets $149
eking sets $189 Student discounts apply.
4370 SW 20th Ave. 376-0953. We deliver.
Beds, Futons, Furniture, King Sealy sets
$299; new sofas for $299; oak futons $169;
sofa & loveseat $399; dinettes, desks, all
on sale *New Location* 140 NW 6th St
Morrells Furniture Outlet. 352-378-3400
Orthopedic pillow-top sets.
**Full-$100 Queen-$130 King-$195"**
Brand name matching sets not used or re-
furbished. Still in plastic, direct from factory!
A better product at a better price. Wholesale
Furniture Dealer (3205 SW 40th Blvd. off
Archer Rd.) 376-1600. Ask for Rachel or
Brian 12-7-72-6
Bed All New Queen orthopedic pillow-top
mattress & box set. Still in plastic with war-
ranty. Can Deliver, $130 (352) 264-9799
Bed -$100 All New Full size orthopedic mat-
tress set. Brand new, still in plastic, w/ war-
ranty. Can Deliver.352-376-1600 12-7-72-6
Bedroom Set- Brand New! Still in boxes! HB
-$125, NS -$75, Dresser $135, Mirror -$75,
Chest $135. Can Deliver. (352) 264-9799
Dinette Set $125 Brand New 5 pc set in
box, never used! Can Deliver 494:0333 -
Sofa $225 Brand New! Loveseat- $170 Still
in package, never used. Can Del. 376-1600
Pool Table Gorgeous 8' All wood table.
Leather pockets, Italian 1" slate, carved
legs. Br. New still in crate. Cost $4,500. Sell
$1,350. Can Deliver. 264-9799 12-7-72-6
Hot Tub/Spa $1795.00 Brand New Loaded!
Waterfall, LED lights, cup-holders, 110v en-
ergy efficient with warranty. Free Delivery.
264-9799 12-7-72-6
Washer & Dryer leasing $160/semester or
$300/year. Call 352-318-3721 9-30-32-6
**Full $90 Queen $110 King $170* -
Orthopedic pillow-top sets. Brand name
matching sets not used or refurbished. Still
in plastic, direct from factory! 352-333-7516.
BED- QUEEN New orthopedic pillowtop mat-
tress and boxspring set. Brand name, brand
new, still in plastic with warranty. Can deliver.
$115 352-377-9846.12-7-72-6
Bed- All New King! 3pc Orthopedic pillowtop
mattress set. Brand NEW, still in plastic with
warranty. Can deliver. $170 352-333-7516.
Bedroom Set- $325 BRAND NEW. Still
in boxes! 6 pieces include: Headboard, 2
Nightstands, Dresser, Mirror, Chest. Must
sell, can deliver. 352-377-9846.12-7-72-6
Futon $160 Solid Oak Mission Style with
plush mattress. All brand NEW still in box.
Can deliver. 352-333-7516 -12-7-72-6
Pool Table Gorgeous 8" All wood table.
Leather pockets, Italian 1" slate, carved legs.
Brand new still in crate. MUST SELL Retail
$5500. Sell $950. Can deliver 352-377-9846
Hot Tub/Spa $1295 Brand New Loaded!
Waterfall, LED lights, cupholders, 110-v
energy efficient with warranty. Free delivery,
MUST SELL 352-372-8588 12-7-72-6
Bed-FULL size pillowtop mattress & box.
New, in plastic, warr. Can del. $90 317-4031
Sofa $185 Brand new! Love seat $150 still in
pkg. Can del 352-333-7516
Dumas Discount 371-4422 1201 E. Univ. Av.
New Used 0 Buy 0 Sell 12-7-59-6
Used Appliances
Washers/Dryers, Refrigerators & Stoveq
$125 each (352)378-4578 10-12-20-6
APT CONTENTS Modem furniture. Exc
cond. <2yrs old: dining table $250, sofa
$200, coffee table $120, shelf unit $25,
garden table/chairs; Ikea queen bedset incl.
mattress, 2 bedside tables, chest of drawers
$450. Kitchen equipment, lamps, port CD
radio & more. 352-219-0236. Visit 9am-lpm
Sun 9/25. Apt J-301, Haile Village Center
9158 51st Rd 3rd fir above Village Market.
6 pieces, fair condition, white & green flow-
ers. $150. 352-374-8451 9-28-5-6
Full size bed $60, dorm fridge $45, dining
room table w/4chairs $75, nice sofa $85,
dresser w/mirror-$75, 13" remote TV-$35,
Lawn mower $60. Call 335-5326 9-28-5-6
W& MALakmpucs. CA&!
Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek
House/dorm 59 min response. No waiting/
unplugging/hassels. $30 Gator Discoint
w/student ID. M/F Cert MCSE technicians.
333-8404. www.ACorriputerGeek.com 12-
Cash Paid Laptop PCs
www.pcrecycle.biz 336-0075 12-7-72-7
Classifieds... .
Continued on next page.
Network specialists
We buy computers and laptops
Working and Non-working
37.-4009, 607 NW 13th Street
- computer/laptop repair
- virus, spyware, hardware
- $10 discounts, cheapest!
- home/dorm 352-219-2980
12-7-69-7 .
Dual 21" Sun/Sony Flat CRT Monitors.
Perfect for Graphics & Audio Workstations.
$500 obo. John @ 850-832-0888 or
sonicj@gmail.com for Pics. Monitors located
in Gainesville. 9-26-4-7
G'ville Computer Repair
Service on all PC MAC and Networks. 1204
NW 13th St, Ste #10. 352-337-2500 12-7-
ll1 Electronics
722 S. Main 0 The Red Bldg
GATOR CAR ALARMS Take a bite out of
crime $99.95. Installed. FREE. Gainesville's
oldest car alarm and car stereo specialty
store. 373-3754 Audio Outlet. 12-7-84-8
Car stereo, car alarms, mobile video, mobile
navigation, custom wheels and tires, and
automobile performance at Sound Depot &
Performance. 374-7700 sdp-alligator.com.
MESA BOOGIEAMP. Nomad 45 GuitarAmp.
All tubes, 3 channel. Excellent condition.
$650 OBO. Call Sunil at 352-278-0232 and
leave-message. 9-22-5-8
I ,Bicycles
In the market for a new set of wheels or just
looking to add a second to that collection?
Want personalized handlebars or a fitted
seat? Check in the Alligator Classifieds.
Many to choose from
Best Prices in Town *
SPIN CYCLE 373-3355
424 W University Ave 12-7-72-9
Used not abused. From basic transportation
to highend stuff. All styles. Great prices. 5
blocks from UF in College Park. 870-8693
0 1 For Sale
Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF.
Reserve now! Reasonable rates. 352-538-
2181. Can leave mssg. 12-7-72-10
Search 24 bookstores in 1 click!
S&H and taxes automatically calculated
T. it tiday! http://www.bookhq.com 9-
by Bob Brackin
"Gainesville Stories"!'
www.bobbrackin.com 11-18-60-10
PARTY SUPPLIES: Complete line of Bar
Supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft beer
eipment. Professional Cooking Utensils.
R.,. Beaty Co. 4322 NW 13th St, Gville
RWBEATY.COM 376-5939 12-7-71-10
Gal For Sale
For Sale 55 gal
$750 obo Micah 359-4873 9-8-5-10
Whirlpool Washer/Dryer
Large capacity, 4 yrs old. Like new. $300.
Contact 332-6664. 9-22-5-10
Washer & Dryer
Heavy duty super capacity 4 load sizes &
settings. Roper by Whirlpool. 386-682-9853
nice +. 9-22-5-10
condition, 4-lug universal. Asking $400. Call
316-6353 or e-mail mkunkle@ufl.edu for
pics. 9-23-4-10
W I Motorcycles, Mopeds
Many Brands Available 518 SE 2nd St.
www.RPMmotorcycles.com 377-6974
*Swamp Cycles* Save $$$ on gas, ride to
class! Largest selection of Ebikes, scooters
& accessories. Free delivery, 1-yr warranty,
best cust. service 534 SW4th Ave 373-8823
Scooters from $599. Largest selection
KYMCO, VEnto, Hyosung, Keen & many
others. Financing avail. 3550 SW 34th St.
338-8450 solanocycle.com 12-7-72-11
.SCOOTERS, or dirt bikes in ANY condition,
Running or not. titles or not. Prompt pick up.
Call ANYTIME: 352-376-9096
Please leave a message.
New location now open 1901 NW 67th Place
352-336-1271 www.newscooters4less.com
Best prices in Gainesville. Owned by Gator
grads. Will beat all Gainesville competitor's
prices on similar models. 12-7-84-11
Get your U.M X-speed 50 Scooters; only
scooter with a 3 year parts & labor warranty.
RPM Motorcycles, Inc. 518 SE 2nd St,
Gainesville 377-6974
1999 KAWASAKI ZX 600
11k miles. $2500. 941-320-9522 9-23-8-11
2001 Yamaha XT225 8V. Pack Rack Dual-
Purpose. Perfect condition and extras.
$2200. Also '97 Honda Civic LX 108K $3200
Call Rich (352) 373-8238 9-23-5-11
Suzuki Katana 600cc 1999
19k mi. Runs great, good cond. Black $3300
407-590-6184 9-27-5-11
Ul1 Autos
*Running or not!*
*Over 10 yr svc to UF students
*Call Don @ 215-7987 12-7-72-12
CARS -CARS Buy9SellTrade
-Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes
Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars
3432 N Main St. www.carrsmith.com
Running or Not 1990 & up only
Sell or Trade Welcome
Call Ray 352-284-8619
2715 N MAIN 377-1616
* Autos
Best Cars Lowest Prices
For listings 800-749-8116 ext 4622 12-7-
2001 Ford Explorer XLT, cold AC, V6, 4 liter,
rear air, PS, PW, PDrivers Seat, alloy wheels,
AM/FM, CD/Cassette player $12,400 359-
2963 9-23-10-12
MAZDA PROTEGE 5 Sporty Hatchback
Wagon 2002, automatic, 50,800 miles, great
condition, 2L, A/C, CD, AM/FM, front air
bags, alloy wheels, yellow w/black interior,
large cargo space. $8995 Tel 352-219-0236
'86 Corvette
V8, auto, coupe, great condition. 84k miles.
White, blue int. PS, PW, AM/FM/tape. $9000
OBO. Call Sunil 352-278-0232. Must see!
98 Mustang GT. Yellow/black, custom-
ized, loud, fast, attention getting car, new
Goodyear tires, brakes, shocks &struts, $92k
hwy mi, $7500, 941-726-0162 9-23-5-12
97 Nissan Sentra GXE, Automatic, Cold A/C.
AM/FM/CD, full power, 110 K Miles, $3990+
T&T University Auto Brokers 320 NE 33 Ave,
Gainesville (352)-371-2277 (352)-284-1047
98 Ford Mustang Convertable, 6 cyl. au-
tomatic, green, new top, only 75k miles,
alloy wheels, $5985 + T&T University Auto
Brokers 320 NE 33 Ave. Gainesville (352)-
371-2277 (352)-284-1047 9-26-5-12
99 Nissan Sentra GXE, Automatic Cold
A/C AM/FM stereo tape, pwr windows, locks,
$4750 + T&T UniversityAuto Brokers 320 NE
33 Ave. Gainesville (352)-371-2277 (352)-
284-1047 9-26-5-12
98 Ford Mustang CPE, Automatic, 6 cly. only
68k miles, red, AM/FM, CD, alloy wheels,
$5975 +, T&T University Auto Brokers 320
NE 33 Ave. Gainesville (352)371-2277
(352)284-1047 9-26-5-12
$200. 352-328-4844 9-26-3-12
*f Wanted )
'JEWELRY. 373-9243 12-7-72-13
Transport patients to/from treatments
Must have valid driver's license,
safe driving record & attend training session.
Call 352-376-6866 ext 114 for more info.
On-going volunteer needed: Blind lady
needs trans on Sundays only to Mass @
Queen of Peace Catholic Church or St.
Augustine Catholic Church. For more info
call 219-6948. I live in the Tower Rd area.
Blind lady needs health majors interested
in walking at lease three times a week. Call
352-219-6948. Thanks. 9-30-53-13
Help Wanted
This newspaper assumes no responsibil-
ity for injury or loss arising from contacts
made through advertising. We suggest that
any reader who responds to advertising use
caution and investigate the sincerity of the
advertiser before giving out personal infor-
mation or arranging meetings
Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be
over 22, stable work history, clean driving re-
cord, drug-free, pers ref. www.carrsmith.com
for details. 12-7-72-14
MI Help Wanted
Animal Care Tech looking for hard working
person to work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will
train, PT to start with more hrs possible. Start
at $6.50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024
between 9-4 M-F. 12-7-72-14 '
CNA CLASS: Learn @ your own time and
pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and
pass the state exam is on VCR tape. 95%
pass the state exam the 1st time! $200. Call
800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 12-7-72-14
Phone survey interviewers wanted. Start
work today! No sales, opinion research
only! Flexible Schedule! Perceptive Market
Research 336-6760 ex 4081 Call now! 12-
Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/,
Sales and IT needed for various positions.
Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Join
our team! Learn more at www.gleim.com/
employment 12-7-72-14
For gently used brand name
Clothing/accessories & furniture
$Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No appt
necessary! 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 12-
No experience necessary, training provided.
800-965-6520 ext 138 12-7-72-14
Needed for evaluations of
Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters
Flexible Hours, E-mail required
Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254
Donate Plasma & Save a Life
Best part-time job you'll ever have.
Bring this Ad and Earn an
Extra $5 on Your 2nd Donation.
DCI Biologicals 150 NW6th St.
Mortgage lender has immediate positions
avail for college students. No exp req. $8/hr
+ bonus, flex hrs. Apply in person 2-7pm M-F
at 1900 SW 34th St Ste 206 (2nd fir above
credit union) 12-7-72-14
Would you like to be your own boss, work
your own hours, and make unlimited in-
come? Call Emma @ 352-871-4489 or e-mail
avonbyemma@hotmail.com. 12-7-72-14
Internet Marketing Specialist Detail oriented
w/strong MS Excel/Word, communication
skills. Knowledge of SEO, PPC and affiliate
management a plus. Flex schedule. Base
pay + bonuses. Fax resume 800-967-5140
HIRING KITCHEN STAFF Starting $6.15/hr.
DRIVERS $8-15/hr, and FLYERERS. PT
easy schedule. Please call 2-5pm 378-2442
or fill out application at California Chicken
Grill 2124 SW 34th St. Mon Fri. 12-7-72-14
Private dance co. Great for students. Great
pay, fast cash & flexible hours. All to start
today! 378-3312 10-4-30-14
Five Star Pizza Downtown/Tower Road now
hiring all positions for fall and spring. In store/
driver. Great pay w/ great atmosphere. Apply
@ 210 SW 2nd Ave 375-5600 or 600 NW
75th St. 333-7979 10-3-37-14
M HelpWanted
Find a job today at one of over 60 restau-
rants, bars or hotels. Cooks, delivery driv-
ers, bartenders, housekeepers, servers.
In high demand. 9-30-33-14
MOVERS WANTED. Need driver's license.
Apply in person at 505 NW 53rd Ave. At
We need Paid Survey Takers in Gainesville.
100% FREE to join. Click on Surveys.
Tired of sitting around w/out it? Sit here &
students to raise funds. Earn up to $8.00/hr
with a FLEXIBLE schedule. Apply at 105
NW 16th St. 4th floor. Academic Classroom
Building 105, or call 392-7754 for more info.
Earn between $10-$20/hrl.
Flexible Schedule, Great Opportunity.
For info contact Meghan 379-3663 9-26-
Merchandise sales. Earn $100-$200 working
2-3 hrs. Home games only, prior to kick-off.
Contact 321-277-5523 8-321-5-14
University of Florida
Survey Research Center
408 W University Ave. Suite 106
Mon-Fri 9:30am-9pm
392-2908 ext. 105
$7/hr + BONUS + Paid Training
Telephone Interviewing NO SALES
3 eves 6-9 pm + 2 weekend shifts
Sat 12pm-6pm + Sun 2pm-8pm
Must work winter break
Lg Property Management Co Now Hiring
PT & FT Leasing Agent (Sales) & FT
Asst Manager openings. Great team, train-
ing, bonuses. Fax res, cover & avail sched
to 376-6269 or hr@trimarkproperties.com
Fill o.ut app: GatorHospitalityJobs.com.
Receive offers from over 100 restaurants &
hotels. Also needed: delivery drivers, manag-
ers & housekeeppers. 9-30-25-14
Infinite Energy, a rapidly expanding
natural gas marketer with a large customer
base, has an immediate need for SALES
REPRESENTATIVES (inbound and out-
.bound calls). Flexible schedules. Need more
info go to www.infiniteenergy.com. Respond
by fax 352-240-4146 or email your resume to
wehavejobs@infiniteenergy.com. EOE/AA/
MFDV 9-23-20-14
Now hiring servers & prep cooks. Experience
& Spanish speaking a plus. FT apply in per-
son M-F 2-5pm. 2409 SW 13thStreet 336-
4127 10-10-30-14
Attention Smokers!
Earn about $6/hr. Smokers are needed to
participate in a study on decision making
& smoking. If interested, come to the
Psychology Bldg room 397 or call 392-
0601 ext 297 12-7-68-14
"Copyrighted Material
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
* .~ p ~
' I
a w n~a
orua w nEmMP.lSo
He~ait197 Wt Help Want%4 IWU WhtdQ" eIfW5 itU'p
Finance company needing office assistant
& collections associate. Young, progessive
company w/ advancement & bonuses. 25
hrs/wk. Start immediately. Fax resume to
352-378-4156. 10-31-41-14
Call center needs telephone agents for all
shifts 24 hours. 1830 NE 2nd St. Apply in
person M-F 9am-4pm. 12-7-66-14
Pickup & care of bldg & grounds. Great mgmt
team, benefits, training. Must have auto. Fax
res, avail sched to 376-6269
hr@trimarkproperties.com 12-7-63-14
Male tumbling instructor needed at
TUMBLEMANIA in High Springs. The posi-
tion is PT (10-12 hrs/wk). Previous spotting
exp. required. Must be able to spot basic
thru intermediate level skills. 386-454-1779.
Gator Dining Services located on the UF-
Campus is hiring for supervisors, cashiers,
cooks, line servers, and dishwashers. Flex
hours, competitive pay and a great working
environment. Apply at Gator Dining Services,
B73 Reitz Union, Museum Rd or online at
www.gatordining .com 9-23-10-14
Security Staff Needed Nowl
$6.75 hour
Help residence halls be safe.
Info and applications available
at housing office near Beaty.
392-2161 x 10125 for more info.
Female smokers, thin, feminine who
enjoy smoking socially needed for confi-
dential phone interview. Selected callers
earn $50. Leave name and number, your
call will be returned. 661-255-3940 10-
Attention Smokers! Do you want to quite
smoking? smokers are needed to participate
in a smoking cessaton study. If interested
e-mail the UF Smoking Lab and Clinic.
ufsmokelabclinic@gmail.com or call 328-
4944 9-30-14-14
* TEACHER'S AIDE Mon. thru Fri.
* RECEPTIONIST Mon., Wed., Fri.
Earn up to $12-14/hr.
Call California Chicken Grill 378-2442
YMCA Get paid to play!
Do you like to work with children? The YMCA
is now accepting applications for
Afterschool counselors. Multiple locations
throughout Gainesville. Need to be
available from approx. 1pm-6pm. Apply in
person at 5201 NW 34th St..Immediate
Openings! 9-30-14-14
Get paid after FREE training classes
Exciting new multimedia grade booster!
Bright, enterprising -All majors/years
email now happygrades@bellsouth.net
C &
o I
5. E
0) E L
Private care of elder in rehab & private home.
Call 352-332-0394 for appt. & interview.
Flexible hrs. & favorable salary. 9-27-10-14
$10-15/hour DRIVERS
$8-$10/hour INSIDERS
$35-$50/year MANAGERS
Apply online at www.gatordominos.com 12-
Needed FT and PT positions. $7-$9/hr. Holy
Trinity. Call 377-2290 9-23-8-14
Responsible student wanted for babysitting
in my home. Approx 3-4 afternoons per
week. References necessary. Please call
222-1532 for questions. 9-27-10-14
Marketing Internship: Leading mobile soft-
ware company is looking for energetic and
hard working individuals for a marketing
internship. The position will include market
research, as well as promotional material
development. Interested candidates please
send your resume to jobs@usbmis.com 9-
Do you want to work at an airport? Apply to-
day at University Air Center or calf 335-4681.
Night shift and customer service positions
available immediately. 9-28-10-14
Calendar 'o6
Talent call 9/24, 9-11am at RAMTECH for
attractive women modeling & representing
RAMTECH products. Visit www.ramtech.net
for examples of pro-photography themes.
Questions:352-256-8324, rates and details
will be discussed at the talent call 3711 SW
42nd Ave. #5 9-23-7-14
HUNGRY HOWIES is now hiring. Cash
paid daily. Drivers & inside workers needed.
Flexible schedule. Full & part time avil. Apply
in person at any Gainesville location. 9-28-
The Phonetics.Laboratory in the Program
in Linguistics is looking for people to par-
ticipate in a listening experiment. You can
earn $10/hour by participating in a study
of the perception of speech sounds from
foreign languages. If you are interested in
participating, please contact Jenna Silver
(jenlsilver@yahoo.com) 9-28-10-14
hrs per week. Call 9am noon. 377-6245
FT asst Mgr/FT or PT Leasing Agt. Great
customer Svcs skills. Able to handle busy
env. Some Sats req'd. Apply at 1902 SW
42nd Way or fax resume to 352-375-4434
Ventura Apts. 9-28-10-14
Reps and Mgrs.
Will Train.
FAX 815-301-8667
careers@bytheplanet.com 9-28-10-14
for site work construction office. Quickbooks
experience preferred. Ideal for business or
accounting major. Flexible hours. $8-12/hr.
Call 335-1711. 9-22-5-14
HORSE FARM Barn chores in exchange for
living accommodations. Silver Ridge Stables,
Micanopy. 361-1454. 9-29-10-14
PT/FT Nights & Weekends.
Apply at any Pizza Hut
$12-$14 an hour. 9-30-11-14
Gator Dining Services, located on the UF
Campus is hiring! Positions start at $7.30 an
hour. Full and part time positions available,
no experience needed. Flex hours and a
great working environment. Apply at Gator
Dining Services, B73 Reitz Union, Museum
Rd or online at www.gatordining.com 9-29-
Classic Fare Catering, located on the UF
Campus, is looking for banquet staff super-
visiors. Flexible hours, competitive pay and a
great work environment. No experience nec-
essary, we will train. Apply in person and the
Classic Fare Catering Office located on the
first floor of the Reitz Union or apply online at
www.gatordining.com 9-29-10-14
Place Car Wash is looking for hard workers
for all positions. Cashiers (fullday availabil-
ity) & lineworkers. (AM 8:30-1) & (PM 12-6)
shifts available. 15-40hrs. your choice. Great
work environment. Apply in person. 7404
NW 4th Blvd. Across from Home Depot. No
phone calls please. 10-7-15-14
Pt. Prev. childcare exp. Required. FT Cook
1049 Museum Rd. Kinder Care 9-23-5-14
Help wanted for the serious, hard work-
ing and trustworthy. Yard work $6.50/hour.
Carpentry, electric, roofing and plumbing
repair starting at $7.50/hour. Negotiable.
376-6183 9-23-4-14
Full time & part time people wanted. Must be
customer oriented & dependable. Call Andy
1-888-463-1954 ext. 205 9-23-5-14
Leasing Consultant '
Looking for reliable, motivated people for
busy leasing office. PT including nights &
weekends. Please fax resume to 384-3982
MUST be willing to travel full time.
Have no criminal background,
Have clean driving record and be drug-free.
Also see CAREER BUILDER Key word
Blimp Ground Crew or cell Steve Adams
407-363-7777 9-30-10-14
available at Celebrations Catering. All shifts,
flexible scheduling. Apply at 904 N. Main St.
8-12 hrs/wk Flex schedule 352-331-0260
to teach @ Gainesville's Premier Facility
352-331-3557 9-30-10-14
Flyer Distributer Needed
Gatorfood.com is looking for energetic
enthusiastic people, flexible schedule. Call
Meghan @379-3663 9-23-5-14
PT inventory control, flexible hours.
Great -job for students! Will work around
class schedule. Apply at Concessions Office,
South End Zone Ben Hill Griffin Stadium,
next to the Gator Sport Shop 9-23-5-14
PT Supervisors needed.. Days, nights,
weekends. Flexible hours. Great 2nd Jobi
Apply at Concessions Office, South End
Zone Ben Hill Griffin Stadium, next to the
Gator Sport shop 9-23-5-14
SUSHI HELPERS. Call 352-871-4381
Receptionist/front office assistant for
Dermatology office. Must have excellent
organization and communication skills. FT
M-F, 8-5 or PT at least 30 hr/wk. Insurance/
retirement benefits available. Medical office
experience desired but will train motivated
person. Fax resume to 352-332-2966 9-
Residential care workers to supervise &
direct teenage girls in residential program,
Assist w/record keeping & perform duties
necessary for overall care & well being of
juvenile in program. Flex sched avail. Ocala
area. Resume: Human Resources Children's
Home Society. 605 NE 1st St Gville 32601
or online www.chsfl.org EOE/DFWP 9-26-
Needs part-time help, fleible weekday hours,
plus 2-3 Saturdays per month. Please bring
in a resume to 2020 NW ith St.
Research Associate
Applied Genetic Technologies Corporation
(AGTC), a development-stage biotech com-
pany dedicated to developing Adeno-associ-
ated virus (AAV) based gene therapies for the
treatment of acquired and inherited genetic
diseases,, is seeking a full-time Research
Associate. The Research Associate will be
responsible for upstream process develop-
ment of adherent and suspension cell culture
and viral vector production, scaling to bio-
reactors, downstream unit operations, and
process monitoring, control, and automation.
Requirements: BSc or MS in chemical en-
gineering, biochemical engineering, micro-
biology, or related discipline with 2-5 years
(for BSc) or 0-2 years (for MS) of relevant
experience. The successful candidate will
be a highly motivated, self-starter able to
work with minimal supervision on multiple
tasks within the context of a face-paced,
multi-disciplinary team. Extensive hands
on experience with bioreactor cell culture
and/or viral production required. Familiarity
with process monitoring and control software
and interfacing process equipment is highly
AGTC offers competitive salaries based
on experience, with a full range of benefits.
EOE. AGTC maintains a drug free work-
place. Please send CV or resume to: Dr.
David Knop, Applied Genetic Technologies
Corporation, 12085 Research Drive, Suite
144, Alachua, FL 32615; via facsimile (386)
462-0875, Attn. Dr. David Knop, AGTC; or e-
mail to: dknop@biotech.ufl.org. 9-27-5-14
Now hiring flyer distributors $7.50/hr; Drivers
$10-12/hr; Pizzamakers $7/hr. Apply at 3458
W. University Ave. Call 376-6433 or 871-
3368 9-27-5-14
Get paid what you're worth while working for
yourself. Take control! Call 1-800-626-0669.
www.endgamenow.com 10-4-10-14
PT help wanted 15-25/hr/wk. The Village
Market & Coffee Shop located in Haile
Village Center. Apply within. 380-0111
Directions only. 10-4-10-14
For major internet retailer.
FAX 815-301-9667
careers@bytheplanet.com 9-27-5-14
Self-motivated & energetic. PT evenings at
the mall. 6-9 .Mon-Sat. Call Shannon 284-
2959 9-27-5-14
$6.50/hr part time. Call Sandy's Consignment
Boutique 372-1226 9:27-5-14
Students for part time cleaning. 8-11 hrs
per week. $10 hour. 339-1761.after 7p. 9-
IVEY'S GRILL needs part-time dishwasher/
prep cooks Fri, Sat & Sun 7:30am to 5pm
AND Thurs, Fri & Sat 4pm to 11pm. Apply
in person @ 3303 W. University Ave. Closed
Monday. 9-27-5-14
FT/PT. Seeking: positive attitude, reliabe,
responsible, organized drivers. Need valid,
clean license, commit to 2(+) semesters/
6mos. We provide: company cars, cell
phones, flexible schedules, networking
opportunities w/area's most prestigious
firms. Fax resume: 378-1594, attention; Ed
Simmons. 9-27-5-14
Advanced Technologies & Testing. Lab is
seeking applications for Full/Part Time
Office Assistant and Lab Technician/
Chemist. Please email your resume to
attl@bellsouth.net or fax to 352-378-0322
Apply in person. Windmeadows Apt. 2712
SW34th St. DFWP. 10-7-12-14
Customer Service Sales Stock
Appiif inperson 7100 W. University Ave.
Apply in person Tower Rd. & 13th St. loca-
tions. 10-13-16-14
Nurse/Medicalassistantforbusy Dermatology
office. Ideal position for health related major.,
Part-time position 16-20 hrs/wk. Minimum 1-
year commitment. Experience preferred but
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McDonald injury thrusts Cohen into starting role
Alligator Staff Writer
For defensive end Joe Cohen, a
year made a huge difference.
Last year, he started 12 games at
end before taking a backseat to Ray
Now with McDonald out four to
six weeks with a partially torn ACL,
Cohen is back starting at end.
"Me, personally, I don't
think I should have been
starting last year."
Joe Cohen
UF defensive end
Starting every game last season,
Cohen failed to record a single sack.
He's the first to admit that he was
"Me, personally, I don't think I
should have been starting last year,"
Cohen said. "I still had a ways to
go at D-end. I still was way off on
my technique. I just needed more
Cohen, a fullback before switch-
ing to defense, hadn't played on
the defensive line since ninth or
10th grade. No wonder he lacked
"He was a running back," fel-
low defensive end Jeremy Mincey
said. "That's the running back state
of mind: 'I want to get the ball and
"He used to pass rush like he was
running the ball sometimes."
Not anymore.
Cohen is finally getting the de-
fensive mindset, Mincey said.
Although Cohen only has one
tackle this season, Coach Urban
Meyer graded him one of four de-
fensive champions after his perfor-
mance against Louisiana Tech, even
before McDonald was injured.
"He's a guy that didn't practice
real well around here for a while,"
Meyer said. "Even before Ray's
injury, he was making a big push
about three or four weeks ago."
With McDonald gone, that push
is going to have to be harder.
Cohen will start at end with
redshirt freshman Derrick Harvey
backing him up until McDonald can
But Cohen doesn't see it as a
chance to prove himself; he'd rather
have McDonald playing.
"I try not to look at it that way,"
he said. "I wish Ray was out there
with us. But so far this year I've been
trying to establish myself in second
Alligator File Photo
A converted fullback, Joe Cohen struggled as a defensive lineman last season. Cohen will now have to
fill in at defensive end for injured Ray McDonald.
Portis, Thornton may see playing time against Kentucky
Alligator Staff Writers
After earning a nod to start the season
opener against Wyoming, tailback Skyler
Thornton has apparently fallen out of Coach
Urban Meyer's good graces due to ball-han-
dling issues.
Thornton didn't play a down against
Tennessee but could see a limited role against
Kentucky on Saturday.
"He dropped the ball as well," Meyer
said. "He and Markus [Manson] had a little
ball-security issue. Skyler's getting a little
better. He had a very good week. We might
see a little more Skyler this week."
Quarterback Josh Portis also didn't play
against Tennessee due to Meyer's lack of
confidence in the freshman's ball-handling
"Are you kidding me?" said Meyer regard-
ing whether Portis' ball-handling contributed
to his lack of playing time in the 16-7 UF win
against the Volunteers.
"You lose that game if we turn the ball
But Portis seems to be improving in
practices and should play in Lexington on
Saturday, Meyer said.
"There's a plan [to play Portis]," Meyer,
said. "He's doing a little bit of a better job this
week. We have a plan, and I think you guys
know what it is to take care of the football
and get in the game."
LOW OUTPUT: While UF's defense continues
to receive praise, Meyer's offense has re-
ceived a bit of criticism.
UF's offense considered one of the best
in the nation heading into the season is cur-
Gators must return to special teams glory; give Dee a chance
It certainly didn't happen in 2004. Tack on a big negative
in that stat category for 2003. 2002? Fat chance, and if you
see a trend developing you might as well just skip 2001.
"Come on," you must be saying, "what stat category do the
Gators have a big goose egg in dating back till 2000?"
The last time UF had a punt return or kick return for a
touchdown was when Lito Sheppard took a pair of punts to
pay dirt back when Steve Spurrier was the 01' Ball Coach five
years ago.
One of Zooker's many, many problems was the special
teams play. How many games were there that a special teams'
touchdown could have ignited the Gators? Not only would
it have re-energized a team in disar-
ray, but imagine how a game changing
play can put a 10,000-watt charge into
a sideline, coaching staff, stadium and
fan base. Just one play in four of the
Gators' five losses could have been the
Eric Esteban difference in Ron Zook retaining em-
Tenacious E ployment through 2005.
eesteban@alligator.org I don't go by the moniker of Silky
Johnson, but hating on a 3-0 team might
just be worthy of an induction to the
belated Chapelle's Show's Player Hater's Ball.
However, the question begs to be answered: why have
Florida's special teams tanked harder than a ludicrous
Alligator editorialist's Tuesday column stating that "Chris
Leak is a bad player?"
It can't be the athletes. With a talent-rich state waiting to
be plundered by Coach Urban Meyer's recruiting, there's no
reason for a capable, play-making athlete not to be in the back
throwing down the jukes NCAA Football 2006 style. Miami
has Devin Hester and Florida State has flashy freshman Fred
Rouse, but Meyer's returned so far has been flat.
NCAA Football
Bowling Green 20
Boise State 48
Marlins 4
Mets 5
Yards per game
1. Georgia
2. Vanderbilt
3. Arkansas
4. Alabama
7. UF
* 1956: Joe Brodsky sets the UF record with
three interceptions in a game and 162 yards
returned in UF's 26-0 win against Mississippi
State. He also became the only UF player to
catch two interceptions for touchdowns.
*Baseball: Mets vs. Marlins
FSN, 7:10 p.m.
*NCAA Football: Air Force vs. Utah
ESPN, 7:30 p.m.
0-line struggles to adapt
Alligator Staff Writer
While most of Gainesville celebrated UF's
win against Tennessee last weekend, two
Gators could hardly enjoy themselves.
"'Seniors Mike Degory and Randy Hand
went straight home Saturday night, because
they were too angry to party.
The Tennessee defensive line sacked quar-
terback Chris Leak five times, stuffed the
Gators on a 4th-and-inches play and domi-
nated UF's offensive line for most of the night.
"Mike and I were disgusted after the
Tennessee game," Hand said. "We were mad
because beating them was one of the biggest
wins of our career and we played poorly."
But was the Gators' offensive line that bad,
or was Tennessee's defensive line that good?
"Tennessee had amazing talent on the de-
fensive line," Coach Urban Meyer said. "They
had three seniors, and all three of those guys
are going to be making a bunch of money play-
ing in the NFL next year."
Regardless, Degory believes that the offen-
sive line did not show up to play.
"Up front, that was one of the worst games
I've ever been associated with," he said.
How could a unit led by four experienced
seniors be one of the last to adapt to the new
Meyer and the players have different ex-
planations for the latest dilemma with the
"I don't think it was a lack of courage or a
lack of talent with the offensive line," Meyer
said. "I think it's a lack of technique."
"We've spent so much time focusing on
scheme," he said. "Right now, we need to fo-
cus on the fundamentals. Those guys need to
work on their base footwork and hand place-
ment, because they looked awful on film."
Meyer has changed how the offensive line
has been practicing this. week. Tight ends
coach Steve Addazio has been assigned to
work specifically with the tackles.
Sophomore tight end Tate Casey may also
see his role change in the offense until the play
of the line improves.
"I'm happy spending most of my time on
the field blocking," Casey said. "A tight end
makes his living off of blocking. Whatever
catches he makes are just bonuses."
While Meyer believes the problem is due
to a lack of fundamentals, one of the starters
thinks it's the new system.
"It's a new offense for us too," Hand said.
"The tackles have a lot more responsibility this
year because we have to make more reads.
Last year, we only had to go one way and
block somebody."
As long as the offensive line continues to
struggle, the entire offense will suffer.
Following a 247-yard performance against
Tennessee, the Gators rank seventh in the
Southeastern Conference and 60th in the na-
tion in total offense.
Meyer admitted that he has had to limit a
lot of his play calling due to the line's errors.
Conveniently, the offensive line has an ex-
cellent opportunity to boost its self-esteem this
week against injury-riddled Kentucky.
The Wildcats have the worst rushing de-
fense in the SEC, allowing 223.7 yards per
"I'd be all for running the ball 50 times this
week against Kentucky to get the bugs Out the
system," Hand said. "We need to get at least
150 yards rushing to be satisfied though."
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Hungry for competition, former fullback tweaks defensive technique
COHEN, from page 23
team so it really doesn't make any
difference. I just know when I'm in
there now, I'm going 110 [percent],
giving all I've got."
Mincey has noticed that too.
"I feel good about Derrick
Harvey and Joe Cohen," he said.
"Harvey's young, but the more he
plays, the more snaps he gets, the
better he can get."
Mincey said he's confident about
Cohen, and their position coach
"I'm not worried at all about Joe
Cohen," defensive line coach Greg
Mattison said. "Joe Cohen since day
one has been a starter for us. He's
been a starter. He's like everyone
Mincey credited Mattison with
helping Cohen catch on and im-
proving his technique.
But that's not even the biggest
change in Cohen this year.
What is the main difference since
Cohen's sub-par 2004 campaign?
"I think it's his hunger for the
game," Mincey said. "Last year, he
didn't like defense as much.
"Now he's taking pride in what
he's doing, and it's making him a
better player."
How much better?
"I feel I'm more ready now than
I've ever been," Cohen said.
Gators' offense 'not very pretty'
FOOTBALL, from page 23
rently ranked just seventh in the SEC.
.On Wednesday, Meyer said the
criticism is warranted.
"They should be critical, [the of-
fense is] not very pretty," Meyer said.
"What you can't be critical about is
field position and ball security. [But]
we're here to score points."
Some Heisman watch lists continue
to rank quarterback Chris Leak in the
top five several as high as No. 3
- but there are critics who believe
Leak simply isn't suited for Meyer's
option offense.
"I think it's a combination [of peo-
ple not stepping up]," Meyer said.:
"It's not [just] Chris Leak. It's a
group of 11 people doing the jobs, and
right now they're not; it's a breakdown
here and there."
O-LINE WOES: After allowing five
sacks against Tennessee, the Gators'
offensive line could experience more
problems with an injury to offensive
guard Tavares Washington.
Coach Urban Meyer said
Washington is suffering from a sore
elbow after possibly hyper-extending
it against the Volunteers.
Freshman Jim Tartt, who has played
only as a reserve in one game this sea-
son while recovering from a shoulder
injury is receiving more practice reps
at guard, Meyer said.
Lb I LsAN, from page 23
Senior corner 'back Vernell Brown has
played beyond lights out and Meyer calling
him "The face of Florida Football" speaks
volumes of how far the Gainesville native
has come. While Meyer praised him during
fall and spring practice, I didn't buy into it.
I was busy sipping the Reggie Nelson Kool-
Aid, and yes, he has proven to be the Real
Deal Holyfield, I thought Nelson would be
starting by LSU. Brown's play speaks for it-
self-his 18 tackles leads the Gators and he
also has an interception, but his job at punt
returned has been nauseating at best. UF is
dead last in the Southeastern Conference in
punt returns and 101st in the nation, and
Brown's 13 returns for 57 yards, a 4.4-yard
average, is not what Meyer could have pos-
sibly imagined.
The proposed solution is simple. For
those that were lucky enough to see his
recruiting film back in the day, Dee Webb
could only be described as a game breaker
while returning punts at Jacksonville's Ed
White High. Already one of the fastest
guys on the team, Webb showcased and
harnessed that speed in the spring when he
competed with the track team on top of his
rigorous football and academic schedule.
All I am saying is, give Dee-a chance.
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Former soccer star a secret no longer
By LOUIS ANASTASIS But you see two reporters flank Where did this kid come from?
Alligator Staff Writer this walk-on yes, you guessed Is he really this good? The answers
lanastasis@alligator.org right about the walk-on part and may surprise you.
His dirty brown hair flaring into
a puffy tuft, No. 39 and his modest
physique trots off the practice field.
Could he be a walk-on punter?
Perhaps one of UF's water boys has
decided to have a laugh and try on
a-Gators uniform.
there is something going on here.
This is no football Joe-Schmo. He is
redshirt sophomore Chris Hetland,
UF's 5-for-5 kicker and veritable
campus rock star.
"All the hard work is paying
off," Hetland said. "I just do what I
know how to do."
lIIII ,/aocy / -lllla iuir J, l1
Coming to UF as a walk-on, kicker Chris Hetland almost didn't have
the chance to be the Gators' savior against Tennessee.
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Self-made kicker
Rewind seven years. Location:
Lee County High in Leesburg, Ga.
Hetland, a freshman, a bona fide so-
cer center/midfielder and a middle
school linebacker/defensive back is
getting cocky. He thinks he can kick
a football.
"As far as soccer went, he was
probably the best ball distributor
I had ever seen from the middle,"
father Randy said. "He was a
playmaker, and he could put the
ball wherever he needed. So when
he saw football, he said, 'I can do
Solid and always improving,
Randy saw potential in the mid-
An engineer and soccer guru
himself, Randy, despite having,
never kicked a football in his'
life, became Hetland's coach.
They bought kicking books, at-
tended kicking classes and camps
- including UF camps after his
freshman and sophomore seasons
- bought kicking tapes, then made
kicking tapes of their own.
"We've grown. together,"
Hetland said. "I mean, I didn't
know a whole lot about kicking.
I just kicked the soccer ball, and
then I would kind of go up there
and kick the football. We taught
each other and we learned from
each other. We kind of put things
together and molded."
Soon the two became experts.
'Hetland finished his senior season
3-for-3 from beyond 50 yards.
His college search was anything
but a touchdown. No one wanted
him except small schools. Handful
of decent colleges asked Hetland to
walk-on. Then came the ultimatum.
Hefland demanded to kick for a
Southeastern Conference school,
specifically UF or Georgia.
Lucky for him, "[Ron] Zook
called him at the last moment,
and so he ended up coming here,"
Randy said.
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Almost lost in the shuffle
Recruited by Steve Spurrier,
yet stuck behind a bevy of kick-
ers when Zook took over, Hetland
waited, watched and maintained
his kicking regimen with his father.
But Zook noticed a little some-
thing about Hetland.
Despite the fact that Matt Leach
became the entrenched starter,
Hetland secured a back-up role and
a promise: After Leach graduates,
it's your job.
"And so when Zook got canned,
that sort of created some anxiety
because we didn't know what a
new coach would do," Randy said.
"Sure enough, when Coach [Urban]
Meyer came, in, he recruited
[Jonathan] Phillips."
Faced with more adversity than
ever, coupled with the fact that pay-
kicking game, with fans scrambling
through media guides to figure
out who this walk-on was, a cool
Hetland nailed field goal attempts
of 40 and 47 yards in his season
opener against Wyoming. Still, gos-
sip abounded about Hetland's two
muffed extra points.
"It put things in perspective
and got me even more focused,"
Hetland said.
Did it ever. In his first-ever ac-
tion against an SEC team, Hetland
froze Tennessee with his bionic
Converting on all three field
goals of 38, 35 and 20 yards,
Hetland single-handedly booted
the Volunteers back to Knoxville
with a 16-7 loss.
What a far cry from the soccer
fields of Leesburg.
ing for "To score
tuition "Right now, I feel like if I miss [10] points
nearly and this might sound cocky-. against
became Tennessee
too burden- it's a fluke." and to
some, Hetland Chris Hetland, UF kicker have that
thought about leav- be the
.ing. Meyer, however, would difference
give him a shot. in the game, I'm going, 'Holy cow.'
"He said, 'Are you a good It's like wow," Randy said.
kicker?'" Hetland recalled. "I said, Now that everyone knows who
'Yeah.' He said, 'Well, let me re- Hetland is, it's time for the serious
phrase that. Are you a great kicker?' question. Is he ever going to miss?
I said, 'I think so.'" "I plan on making every one of
While Gator Nation -expected them," said Hetland, who is quick
Phillips the No. 2 kicker in to point out he feels comfortable
the nation at the time, according from any distance 53 yards and
to scout.com to step into the in. "Right now, I feel like if I miss
starting role, Hetland established and this might sound cocky
a training routine to overtake the it's a fluke."
freshman. Another burning issue is his
"I was like, 'He better be damn walk-on status.
good because I'm going to go out Burdened by a fourth year of
there and give it my best,'" Hetland tuition, the Hetlands are crossing
said. their fingers that something will
Sometimes with his father, give.
sometimes alone, Hetland dedi- "If he's the guy who continues
cated three to four days a week to and plays the rest of the year,
hardcore kicking this summer. he'll be on scholarship," Meyer
By the beginning of two-a- said.
days, Hetland knew he had the What a secret weapon UF has
inside track to starting, to starring, had on its hands all along. As for
Everyone else would have to wait the biggest secret of all, Hetland is
to witness UF's best-kept secret. aiming for the NFL.
"That's what his dream is,"
Mr. Perfect Randy said, "and that's why he
With the media questioning UF's went to Florida."
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Gators to enter lull in schedule
Luanne Dietz/ Alligator
Rhian Davis and the Gators must carry momentum into SEC
play. Davis has responded well to increased playing time.
Alligator Writer
Complacency is a word that
always makes coaches cringe, and
Mary Wise is no exception.
While the Gators' exited their
non-conference schedule with a 9-1
mark, including a victory against ri-
val Southern California, Wise wants
her players to continue progress-
ing the way they have through the
season's first month. "-
"As a coach you're always look-
ing to the future and what more
they can learn," Wise said. "'Every
time they learn something we want
to give them something else, so they
may never feel like they can ever ac-
complish everything. Because every
time they get something we're go-
ing to add something to it."
UF is now entering a stretch of its
season that could hardly be consid-
ered daunting.
Currently ranked No. 6 in the na-
tion, the Gators aren't scheduled to
play another team in the Top 25 for
the remainder of the season.
Perhaps UF's toughest remain-
ing competition is Tennessee, which
is currently receiving the most votes
of any unranked team.
The Volunteers defeated the
Gators twice last season the
first win breaking UF's streak of
145 consecutive regular season
Southeastern Conference wins,,
and the second to take the SEC
Tournament crown.
"It's like the light has come
on for Rhian. Understand that
she is incredibly fast, and
now has a better understand-
ing of the game."
Mary Wise
UF coach
Wise, however, wants to keep the
Gators focused on the next task.
"I just told the players we're 0-0."
ing sparingly her first two seasons,
Rhian Davis has emerged as a ma-
jor defensive contributor for the
Gators throughout the season's first
She has seen the court in every
match and has eclipsed 10 digs
three times, including a season high
15 against Florida State Monday
That effort was just shy of her
career high of 17 against Minnesota
in 2004.
"It's like the light has' come on
for Rhian," Wise said. "Understand
that she is incredibly fast, and now
has a better understanding of thet
game in a position she's never
played before.
"She's really a lot more comfort-
able, and thus able to get a whole lot
more balls."
the Division I Volleyball Attendance
Report, the Gators have the sixth-
highest average home-match atten-
dance in the nation.
. UF has been ranked in the na-
tional top-10 in attendance each of
the last 14 years.
The Gators are averaging 2,376
fans per game, and their total at-
tendance of 16,635 for seven home
matches so far ranks behind only
UF is the only school in either the
SEC or on the east coast ranked in
the top 20.
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the independe nt florida Not officially associated with the University of Florida PbIshed by Campus Co nunnicatsons. Inc. of Gainesvlle, Flonida 9We Inform. You Decide. r R0 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2005 I A NEW CITY ORDINANCE IS SET TO TAKE EFFECT OCT. 1. By STEPHEN MAGRUDER Alligator Writer snagruder@allgator.org UF's classrooms, residence halls and student union have received final inspections to ensure their fire alarms are in top working order before the city of Gainesville begins charging the university for false alarms Oct. 1. Gainesville's False Fire Alarm Ordinance will fine all residents and business owners inside city limits who cause multiple false fire alanns. The ordinance is modeled after a sinilar law regarding burglar alanns in 2000. A false fire alarm occurs when the fire department responds and later determines no real emergency existed. "Our hope is just to reduce the amount of "Our hope is just to reduce the amount of false fire alarms in the city." Shawna Traub Gainesville Fire Rescue spokeswoman false fire alarms in the city," said Gainesville Fire Rescue spokeswoman Shawna Traub. She said there are risks involved with false-alarm responses involving speeding fire engines moving through city traffic. "We respond as if it was a real fire," she said. "It puts everybody on the road at risk, and it also takes us out of service." GFR reports an average of 1,430 false fire alarms per year, costing the city $370,000. From 2001 to 2004, UF was the site of 860 false alarms, or 15 percent of Gainesville's total. SEE ALARMS, PAGE 8 G'AINESVILLE Tenants f e lawsauits for U,.Orners parking By JESSICA RIFFEL Alligator Writer jriffel@aigatororg There will be no free parking in the new University Corners if developers get their way. Three tenants are disputing the $180-million project because parking fees may inhibit business. The Brick Oven Pizza and Pasta Company has filed a lawsuit. "I think that most college students wouldn't pay to park," owner Ryan McGuinness said. There is free parking now for customers of Gator Plaza, the development at University Avenue and 13th Street, but the proposed change is prompting tenant Maui Teriyaki to file a lawsuit as well. "This is only going to be for the rich," owner Steve Marzke said. "People in Gainesville will not pay to park. This is a fiasco. This is not South Beach." He does not plan to be a part of 'the new University Corners because of the charge for parking, as well as the higher rent. % "We intended to be there until 2022 and beyond, but we don't want to be in the new shopping center," Marzke said. The new University Corners is planned to be a three-block commercial and residential complex, and developers said they hope to attract more unique stores and restaurants. Frank Darabi, the chief executive officer of University Corners LLC, the developer, said businesses can pay for their own customers' free parking. "That would all be worked out between the owner and the developer," Darabi said. However, Marzke said the charge for parking violates his lease. .SEE UCORNERS, PAGE 8 Norma Lizardo, a UF junior, serves Vanita Hensel at Maui Teriyaki. Restaurant owners fear that proposed parking costs in the University Corners development will deter their business. UF opens new office to better, further -Gator Nation By CASSIDY MILLS Alligator Contributing Writer UP has moved sustainability up on the priority list -all the way up to Tigert Hall. In hopes of meeting the needs of today's UFomunity and preserving resources for the next generation, UF has announced it will open an Office of Sustainability in the university's chief administrative building. "The Office of Sustainability symbolizes the importance of sustainability to UF and especially to the students," Faculty Senate Chairwoman Kim Tanzer said. Tanzer said the office, which the Faculty Senate initiated, should help coordinate the sustainability work On that is already going on at UF and help prepare Campus for more work in the future. The office will not officially open until November, when an executive director is hired, but some sustainability efforts are already underway. They include everything from advocating for living wages to the design of new buildings. The living-wage program was announced in 2000 for entrylevel employees. The current starting salary is $8.67 per hour. "It is important that we don't just pay people minimum wage. We need to provide them with enough money to live," said Les Thiele, a professor of political science and chair of the Cormmittee on Sustainability at UP. He called the office "a good idea whose time has come." Some results of increased sustainability practices on campus will be more recycling, a reduction of waste, greater efficiency of energy in buildings, greater interest in community service SEE SUSTAINABILITY, PAGE 8 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" With his Southern drawl and frequent use of "ain't," Rick Bragg may not have given the impression of a man who won a Pulitzer Prize for feature writing in 1996 this week as a guest of the College of Journalism and Communications. See story, pg. 3. FORECAST 2 OPINIONS 6 the AVENUE 10 CLASSIFIEDS 17 Thunder CROSSWORD 17 storms SPORTS 28 visit www.alligator.org VOLUME 99 ISSUE 21 A converted fullback, Joe Cohen struggled as a defensive lineman last season. Cohen will now have to fill in as defensive end for injured Ray McDonald. See story, pg. 26. Fa s,,ire alarms could mean large fees
2, ALLIGATOR M THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2005 News Today FORECAST TODAY THUNDER STORMS 87/71 FRIDAY PARTLY CLOUDY 90/68 SATURDAY PARTLY CLOUDY 91/69 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" SUNDAY PARTLY CLOUDY 91/69 MONDAY PARTLY CLOUDY 92/69 CORRECTION Student Senate cut student money for the Sunsplash event, coordinated by the Caribbean Student Association. Caribsa is still an active and student-funded organiation. The Alligator strives to be accurate and clear in its news reports and editorials. If you find an error, please call our newsroom at (352) 376-4458 or send an e-mail to editor@alligator.org. tjtendep endent florta VOLUME 99 ISSUE 21 ISSN 0889-2423 Not officially associated with the University of Florida Published by Campus Communications Inc., of Gainesville, Florida NEWSROOM 352-376-4458 (Voice), 352-376-4467 (Fax) Managing Managing Editor, Assig Uni Fe Op alligatorSpo E Assistant theA the Avenue Assi G Copy New Media As New Editor Mike Gimignani, mgimignani@alligator.org Editor/ Print Eva Kis, ekis@alligator.org / New Media Gwen Heimburg, gheimburg@alligator.org nment Editor Bridget Carey, bcarey@alligator.org versity Editor Stephanie Garry, smgarry@alligator.org Metro Editor Jeff Sirmons, jsirmons@alligator.org atures Editor Neil Hughes, nhughes@alligator.org inions Editor Emily Yehle, eyehle@alligator.org Sports Editor Bryan App, bapp@alligator.org rts.org Editor Louis Anastasis, lanastasis@alligator.org editorial Board Mike Gimignani, Eva Kis, Emily Yehle Photo Editors Casey Anderson, canderson@alligator.org Tim Casey, tcasey@alligator.org Photo Editor Tricia Coyne, tcoyne@alligator.org venue Editor Cher Phillips, cphiltips@alligator.org ntant Editors Erin Chalfant, Jacqueline Davison Art Director Andy Marlette raphics Chief Michelle Stewart, mstewart@alligator.org Graphics Jennifer LaBrie Desk Chiefs Gayle Cohen, Kris'si Palmer, Stephanie Rosenblatt Copy Editors Josh Armstrong, Robert Beltran, Amanda Brown, Juliaira Casale, Jennifer Freihofer, Jayme Gough, Ashton Grosz, Kayla Harris, Kevin Mahadeo, Christina Simak, Skyler Smith, Natalie Van Hoose, Christopher White, Katie Wilkinson, Jen Zei distant Editor Matthew Kelly Media Staff Brett Roegiers Staff Eric Esteban, Ian Fisher, Farzad Safi Jiffy Lube Signature The Well-Oiled Machine Services Oil Change For More information log onto: www.jiffyiubesoutheast.com L C -IM P Vjtwm%, w-C0sSt (Saturday, Sep-tember 24 Y -) a 1 DISPLAY ADVERTISING 352-3764482, 800-496-0265 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Adve rtising Director Brad Smith, bsmith@alligator.org Advertising Office Manager Marianne Cooper, mcooper@alligatcr.org Advertising Office Assistants Elizabeth Cueto, Lindsey Kuhn, Sara Henry Sales Representatives Danny Wayne, William Cuadra, Whitney Lawson, Ana Paula De Lima Laura Gerszewski, Morgan Morillo Sales Development/Intern Coordinator William Cuadra CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 352-373-FIND (Voice), 352-376-3015 (Fax) Classified Advertising Manager Ellen Light, ellight@alligator.org Classified Clerks Bethany O'Neill, Dan Cribb, Katie Morgan, Samantha Wright, Cassia Sookhoo CIRCULATION Operations Manager Scott McKearnan, smckearnan@alligator.org Operations Assistant Clint Day BUSINESS 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Comptroller Ramona Pelham, rpelham@alligator.org Student Accounting Clerks Keith Enright, Alex Thurn, Chris Brink ADMINISTRATION 352-376-4446 (Voi6e), 352-376-4556 (Fax) General Manager C.E. Barber, cebarber@alligatororg Assistant General Manager Patricia Carey, tcarey@alligator.org Administrative Manager Lorena Crowley, Catherine McNamara Allison Sinclair Administrative Assistant Lenora McGowan, lmcgowan@alligator.org PRODUCTION/SYSTEMS Prduction/Systems Manager Assistant Production Manager Information Technology Manager Advertising Production Staff Editorial Production Staff Vern Bean, vbean@alligator.org Stephanie Gocklin, sgocklin@alligaor.org Brian Dwyer, bdwyer@alligator.org Kate Barnes, Alicia Bennatts, Ben Hofer, Lisa Llanes, Niko Lowry, Maggie Peuler, Michelle Stewart Melissa Garcia, James Hibbs, Amy Oglesby, Brandy Stearns, Natasha Weinstein The Independent Florida Alligator is a student newspaper serving the University of Florida, published by a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) educational organization. Campus Communications Inc., P.O. Box 14257, Gainesville, Florida, 32604-2257. The Alligator is published Monday through Friday mornings, except during holidays and exam periods. During UF summer academic terms The Alligator is published Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Alligator is a member of the Newspaper Association of America, National Newspaper Association, Florida Press Association and Southern University Newspapers. Subscription Rates: One Semester (Fall or Spring) $18 Summer Semester $10 Two Semesters (Fall or Spring) $35 Full Year (All Semesters) $40 The Alligator offices are located at 1105 W. University Ave. Classified advertising can be placed at that location from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, except for holidays. Classifieds also can be placed at the UF Bookstore. @ Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of The Alligator may be reproduced in any means without the written consent of an officer of Campus Communications Inc. \11 t e -A WON*R
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2005 U ALLIGATOR, 3 ON CAMPUS PuliTzer winner visits college By BOBBY KEITH Alligator Contributing Writer Don't tell. Show. Journalists strive to achieve this goal in their writing, and some might say Rick Bragg has perfected it. Bragg was an official guest of the College of Journalism and Communications at UP this week, speaking to classrooms full of students eager for the opportunity to learn tips from a world-renowned author. "It's not about the craft. It's not about the money," Bragg said to the students. "It's about the adventures you have along the way." With his Southern drawl and frequent use of "ain't," Bragg may not give the impression of a man who won a Pulitzer Prize for feature writing in 1996. His jobs have taken him on a number of adventures. Just ask and he'll tell. Luanne uiexlz MAigatur Pulitzer-winning journalist Rick Bragg autographs his book at the College of Journalism and Communications on Monday. Starting at a small weekly newspaper in Alabama, Bragg honed his skills and became the premier feature writer for The New York Times. He has written stories about the Oklahoma City bombing, the race riots in Miami, the Elian Gonzalez crisis and the 2000 election. He even offered to "kiss a camel on the mouth" to write from the Middle East when he worked for the St. Petersburg Times. Luckily, he said, it didn't have to come to that. Bragg didn't just give the facts about events he covered; he focused on the people the facts affected. He has so many memorable news-feature stories that he filled a book with them -"Somebody Told Me." "I've been mad, hurt, so sick to my stomach in all my years of doing this," he said. "But I've never been bored." Bragg warned young writers about the hardships he encountered while being a journalist, and how starting out as a writer can be like being on the "tail end of a dragon." It's a job requiring more than determination -youth is also a necessity, he said. Bragg made national headlines in May 2003 when he resigned from The New York Times after using a stringer to assist him on a story without giving credit. He denied fault in the situation, saying it was a common practice at the paper at the time. While he no longer has a full-time feature-writing job, he writes occasional opinon pieces for various national publications. Master lecturer Mike Foley, who was an editor at the St. Petersburg Times when he hired Bragg as a reporter, introduced Bragg to many UF classes. Bragg now works as a professor of writing at the University of Alabama. He said he plans to write at least two more books. STUDY ABROAD IN PARIS: YES YOU CAN! UF-SPONSORED INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAMS OF DISTINCTION AT THE PARIS RESEARCH CENTER Honors in Paris Spring Term 2006 Intensive Study Abroad over Spring Break 2006 Intensive May Intersession Study Abroad 2006 Summer Study Abroad 2006 Email us at paris-research@clas.ufl.edu or visit our website, www.clas.ufl.edu/PRC Join us on Thursday, September 29 at 5:15 PM in ROL 205 (Rolfs Hall) to learn more about our 2006 programs! We are currently accepting applications for Honors in Paris, Intensive Study Abroad over Spring Break, May Intersession Study Abroad, and Summer Study Abroad. For more information, visit us on the web at www.clas.ufl.edu/PRC or email us at paris-research@clas.ufl.edu. Contact us now! EZ Tenn 9 Big stores cannot touch our stringing tn quality and prce Please ask theti rierks about EZ Tennis. Why3 wat for 3-5 days on stringit" with us I day max Call es at 372 57. Grab-a-Date Af Grog Tonight L. 202 voE CLu 0 C.
4, ALLIGATOR 0 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2005 PUBLIC SAFETY Police search for sex offender By STEPHANIE RODRIGUEZ Alligator Writer srodriguez@alligator.org A local registered sex offender violated probation Tuesday and became a fugitive, spurring law-enforcement agencies statewide to initiate a manhunt. Edgar Baughn Bird, 43, removed the monitoring device strapped to his ankle. Bird has a violent criminal history that includes robbery and child molestation, according to reports. "We are trying to do everything in our power to capture him," said Alachua County Sheriff's Office spokesman Sgt. Stephen Maynard. A statewide alert has been issued to locate Bird. Bird is a white male, approximately 5'11" and 240 pounds, according to the police report. A picture of Bird can be found at http://www.fdle.state.fl.us. His last known residence is 6805 SW 51st Ave. in Gainesville. Police are considering a reward for anyone who knows his whereabouts. Those with information may contact ASO at 955-1818. Callers wishing to remain anonymous can contact Crime Stoppers at 374-7867. MAGAZINE POSERS: Management at Lexington Crossing apartments sent out a notice of the dangers of door-to-door magazine vendors after Gainesville Police discovered that some of them were robbers. "If you don't know people, don't let them in your house," said GPD spokesman Sgt. Keith Kameg. "If you want to buy a magazine, call the company." Kameg advised residents to secure any sliding glass doors, as those are the easiest targets for robbers. With the several occupied-home burglaries of the past few weeks in two other apartment complexes, GPD is investigating whether both incidents are related. ATTEMPTED MURDER: A man tried to kill two North Florida Evaluation and Treatment Center employees because he was denied a request for changes to be made in his housing and counselor assignments at the facility, reports state. Ramon Sanchez, 35, kicked Cindy Hopson and Pamela Borders in the head repeatedly while threatening to kill them with a small knife if they didn't comply with his demands. Security officials at the facility were able to contain the situation. COCAINE POSSESSION: Two men were arrested for possession of 35 grams of cocaine near Joseph A. Williams Elementary School, 1245 SE Seventh Ave. Chauncey Presley, 26, and Michael Spann, 21, were in a white Buick when an officer approached the car because they were playing their music too loudly, according to reports. When the officer approached the car, he noticed that Spann, who smelled like marijuana, attempted to hide a "partially smoked cannabisfilled blunt" in his pants. As the officer called for backup because drugs were involved, Presley fled from the car, who was caught later. Police found baggies full of cocaine and $6,194 in the vehicle and suspect the cocaine was mainly for distribution. Last day to apply for Preview staff By DAPHNE CHARLES Alligator Contributing Writer Many are called, but few will be chosen for the Preview Staff 2006 experience. Today is the last day to turn in applications for Preview 2006. More than 100 students are expected to attend the first round of group interviews at the Reitz Union Grand Ballroom on Wednesday, but only 40 will be selected, said Ann Ho Becks, director for New Student Programs. Becks said her office is looking for apStudent plicants who will be strong role models to Lf students and families. It seeks individuals who are willing to do the hard work, have an energy, passion and love for U, as well as genuine care and concern for people. After all entries are submitted, applicants go through a selective interview process, said Eva Trowbridge, senior secretary of New Student Programs, who receives the applications. "We have to make sure we get top quality," she said. "It will show what a true Gator is about as far as academics and leadership -the real reasons you really come to college -not just the partying." Bonding and interaction among staff members and their faculty advisers are important parts of the Preview experience, said Adam Freebling, third-year recreation and event management major and Preview staff member. "I learned from my other staffers how to deal with other's leadership styles, personality and diversity," Freehling said. The technologies we create define leading-edge. So do our opportunities. Join Raytheon, one of the world's most admired defense and aerospace systems suppliers, and apply your mind in ways that you've always thought possible. Advance engineering with a diversity of people and talents. Take on challenges that defy conventional thinking. And meet us at the forefront of innovation. 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THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,2005 E ALLIGATOR, 5 Daily Crossword Puzzle 4 ACROSS: 3. A is an attempt to predict the future performance of a business, usually by looking at figures or by undertaking market research. 4. The process of leading and directing all or part of a business through the deployment and manipulation of resources. 5. The rise in general prices and the reduction in the value of money. 7. The process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to satisfy customers. 8. A person who undertakes the risks of production in order to make a profit. 9. The output of goods and services. 10. Goods and services one country produces and sells to others. DOWN: 1. The growth of interdependence among world economies. 2. One of the factors of production that consists of man-made resources like machines, factories, and offices. 6. An individual or organization with an interest in the activities of a company. If you can't complete the above crossword, you need to attend our information session! Master of Science, major: Management (MSM) Warrington College of Business -Designed for non-business majors -Comprehensive business education -Electives in many specialty areas -Integrated (Bachelor/Master) option for UF students -Only 10 months -No professional work experience required You are invited to attend our open information session: Monday, September 26 78:15 PM Stuzin Hall Room 102 http://www.cba.ufl.edu/msm
6, ALLIGATOR E THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2005 Editorial Hasty acts Joe Goldberg makes damaging decision T he topic of today's editorial is close to home. However, with Student Goverrnent elections coming up, we feel it must be addressed. At Tuesday's Student Senate meeting, Student Body President Joe Goldberg issued an executive order prohibiting all SG agencies from advertising in the Alligator. We know we may not be able to step back from this enough to judge it in the right context. But we are the main newspaper covering the university, and we're going to take a shot at it. A section of the student body is upsct. Somehow, that has snowballed into SG deciding to remove itself from the entire student population. This move could be much more disastrous for UF students than for the Alligator. We'll take the bullet, but students shouldn't be hit in an all-encompassing drive-by. Goldberg's haste has punished the uninvolved. To find out what their tuition is buying, students will be forced to search online and around campus for SG events, rather than open up a readily available newspaper. We're not sure anyone will put in the effort. And does this mean SG agencies will'also be told not to speak to Alligator reporters about upcoming events? If so, we're sorry that the Alligator's news stories will lack the views and information from the SG officials who organize these student-funded activities. But don't get us wrong. We'd rather they cut their advertisements and talk to reporters than not talk at all. It irks us even more that Goldberg, the lead student who makes decisions on our behalf, has decided to break student statutes to make his point. He wants to take away all SG advertisements from the Alligator, but the statutes state that certain notices be placed in "the newspaper with the greatest circulation among University of Plorida students." Goldberg's assertion that the UF Wednesday Update and the SG Web site can fill this role is simply incorrect. If SG wanted to make this move, its statutes should have been changed. That way, Goldberg would not have broken SG rules, and officials would have had more time to think about making this big decision. Furthermore, senators would have had a say We can't tell how many were for this move and how many were against it. Goldberg announced his decision; he didn't ask for senators' input. When statutes are changed, however, the Student Senate has to vote. We don't know if Goldberg knew he was breaking rules, but this isn't the first time he has shown a disregard for the' laws that uphold Student Government. When he was senate president last Fall, Goldberg made several questionable moves. At one Senate meeting, he allowed a second meeting to convene directly afterward despite a Florida statute that states "reasonable notice" should be given for all such open, public meetings. At another session, several senators accused Goldberg of manipulating Senate procedure in an effort to stop a certain candidate from being voted in as president for Student Govermnent Productions. This is not the leadership UF students need and deserve. Goldberg should be carefully considering what best suits the student body. He should not be making hasty decisions. Goldberg's attempt to make a point has revealed his quesl the independent florida Mike.Gimignani EDITOR Eva Kis MANAGING EDITOR Emily Yehle OPINIONS EDITOR Andrew Meyer, Tom Durrenterger EDITORIAL BOARD The Alligator encourages comments from readers,. Letters to the editor should not exceed 150 wors about one letter-sized page). They must be tyd, double-spaced and must include the author's nave, classiition and phone number. Names will he withheld it the writer shows iost cause. We reserve the right to edit tor length, grammar, style and libel. Send letters to ltters@aiiggotor.org, bting them to 1105 W. Uniersn y Ave., or send them to P.O. Bo, 14257, Gainesville, FL 32604-2257.Columns of about 450 words about original topics and editorial cartoons are also welcome. Questions? Call 376-4458. Opinions ALLIGATOR www.alligator.org/opinions o Zo6 54E> 4/ ---7-Columni Cartoon backlash incites new debate ast week, I ran a cartoon that has received more attenEmily Yehle cially the Opinions section of a newstion than I ever expected. Editorial Notebook paper. Opinion faces touchy issues. Sure, I get responses every day that criticize and eyehle@alligator.org Opinion hopes to provoke thought support the cartoons and columns I place on this page. and discussion. Opinion is opinion. The Alligator's cartoonist, Andy Marlette, has a knack And make no mistake: We are a for pushing people's buttons when he illustrates his political student newspaper, but we are a newspaper nonetheless. and social commentary. I will not retract something because people misinterBut in the past, most of the backlash fell on the Opinions pret it. section. I knew what I was getting into when I accepted this I agree that a newspaper that is not run by students would position, and I'm happy to take the heat. probably hold off on running such a cartoon. They would I answer every call. I respond to every e-mail that poses a wait until the word did not hold such power. question. I welcome readers into my office to talk about their However, we are young, and we have the ability to forego concerns. the ideas and stereotypes thatare imprinted on an older genThis time, however, emotions are high enough that people eration's mind. It's the younger generation that has recycled are harassing the Alligator's reporters and News editors. this controversial term into something completely different. To make it clear: The News section of this paper had nothAnd yes, it's primarily used by popular culture and media; ing to do with the decision to publish the infamous cartoon. not all of the black community uses it. The cartoon put Kanye Marlette drew it, and I made the decision to run it. The editor West's words into Condoleezza Rice's mouth purposefully. and managing editor of the paper gave it final approval. A newspaper's role is not to correct society by ignoring The rest of the Alligator staff saw it for the first time when society; a newspaper benefits society by commenting on it appeared in the Sept.13 paper. And they have no say in this society. section's response to the protests. If some students paint the Of course, the cartoon's meaning has been somewhat burOpinions section as racist, they cannot use the same brush for ied under all the baggage of its language. It is unfortunate our entire paper. that the discussion it was meant to spark is almost nonexI understand that some students and Gainesville resiistent. Most of us have ignored whether Kanye West's comdents are offended. I regret that it hurts those who remember ments rang true, and whether Condoleezza Rice has really it from the days when it was used as a weapon. I hate that, in made a step forward for the average black American. some places, it is still used as a derogatory term. However, I think the conversation that is taking place is I am most saddened by the apparent mistrust black stuperhaps even more important. dents have of our paper. I promise that we do welcome diWhy are so many offended when the word is simply versity, and we know that more student interaction can only printed? Why does the context in which it's used have no improve this publication. It was never our intent to hurt, only effect? Should blacks be able to use it because they are "flipto provoke discussion. ping" its meaning? Should whites be barred from using it beThat said, I do not believe the cartoon was racist, and I cause their families have not suffered under its oppression? think it made a salient point. I can't answer these questions alone. I can only try to stir If I had held it back originally, it would have been to avoid the conversation by printing a cartoon like Marlette's. this aftermath. That is a poor way to run a newspaper, espeEmily Yehle is a journalism senior. She is the Opinions editor. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator. Reader response Today's question: Wednesday's question: Should Goldberg have banned SG Should Democrats vote in favor of advertisement in the Alligator? John Roberts for chief justice? Vote or post a message at www.alligator.org 75% YES 25% NO 59 TOTAL VOTES
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2005 U ALLIGATOR, 7 Letters to the Editor Outsiders cannot use 'nickname' This letter is not to condone the use of the word or to trivialize this issue. I am trying to explain how some people might feel. In June 1995, Michael Jackson released his iHStory two-disc set. In one song he used the term "kike." He explained he was trying to promote multiculturalism and that he wasn't a racist. No one bought that explanation, and Michael Jackson went back to the studio and recorded a more acceptable version of the song. This is similar to what happened to this newspaper. The terns that we consider derogatory that people of various groups use with each other are like nicknames. The nickname that your family gives you might be one that is controversial, but you know your family members love you when they use it. Outsiders are not as compassionate because of your nickname's connotations. Therefore, only family gets to use your nickname. Emlff SG should fight all racism o It's great that Student Gove UF administration are concede on campus, but if they are worry ing problems of inequality, they should look elsewhere. Today, at the Student Recreation and Fitness Center, as I did my sit-up routine, Jay-Z's song "99 Problems" came on the stereo. The chorus, repeated numerous times, is: "If you having' girl problems, I feel bad for you son. I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one." As I looked around the fitness center at the women and men there, I felt embarrassed for all of us. Half of us were referred to as "bitches" who should not be taken seriously, while to the other half it was implied that they are not real men if they take women seriously. I am confused as to why no one seems to mind that at this UF facility women are blatantly referred to as "bitches" and clearly degraded while Andy Marlette's cartoon is causing such an uproar when it made no value judgments of any particular group. Arlana Shields don't coubt mat bom race and socioeco8JM nomic status played an either direct or indirect role in the evacuation procedure of Hurricane Katrina or that there is rampant racism in government and society at large. I also don't think anyone can infer from Marlette's cartoon that n campus he would disagree. rnment and the So, if SG wants to take away funding from d about racism the Alligator because of perceived racism, I ied about solvthink it should also take away funding from the Student Recreation and Fitness Center because of the obvious sexism it allowed. Sarah Bidmead 4LS Meyer has shown superiority to Zook Andrew Meyer needs to re-watch a tape of the Gators' first three games this season before passing his judgment on our football team. I agree that we have been qulck.to anoint Coach Urban Meyer as the savior of Florida football (I remember thinking, "Hey, this Zook guy's pretty good" after his first win against UT.) But Andrew Meyer needs to examine the reasons behind the Gator Nation's views. This was the first off-season in recent memory that passed without incident, due to the discipline instilled by Coach Meyer. The players as also playing with this discipline and with a heart and desire that was lacking in three seasons under Zook. True, Coach Meyer did call a conservative garner, but I'm sure it wasn't his choice. Tennessee's defense is talented enough to force you to change your game plan. I'm sure Coach Meyer wishes he could have been more aggressive, but UT's defense wasn't allowing enough time for these types of plays to develop. Coach Meyer took what was given to him and won with it. If Zook was still coach, I guarantee we wouldii't have walked away from that game with a victory. As for Josh Portis starting over Leak, I think Mr. Meyer may have lost his mind. Portis deserves to start based off what -20 plays? National championship-contending teams don't have 17-year-old quarterbacks starting for them. Period. Do me a favor and re-watch the Tennessee game. On almost every play, Chris Leak was running for his life, yet he stepped up and made the plays he needed to time and time again. He played almost flawlessly considering the appalling lack of blocking and constant pressure he had to face. Leak is one of the most talented players in the country and has the potential to be a legitimate Heisman candidate. Unfortunately, like most quarterbacks, he needs time to be able to make plays. Portis will be a great QB at UF in the future, but this is Leak's team, and I have faith that he will put up more big numbers this season and next. Ask college coaches and I'd bet 99 percent of them will take the three-year starting, conference passing yard-leading, 17 consecutive pass-completing junior quarterback over the wide-eyed freshman who has only completed one five-yard pass and has yet to see action.against any real opponents. Paul Johnson 5HH Souvenir Edition! More than 60,000 people will be coming to Gainesville during the weekend-long event. They will be looking for places to eat, sleep, celebrate and buy souvenirs. Get their attention by advertising in the Alligator. DOM ESTE V PTC H E R S ]EVERY DAY 3-7PM ~h~pygfw~re S~f 2.99 74tche4's' 3 -7 coming soon to the Sthe Big City Hippodrome stage Last Night -7:00 & 9:00pm by Hamfltoa Dean and Jobn LBalderst=n goo 1-Nov 6 Previews Oct 12 & 13 P S Friday1!!! NOT FOR THE 3 Q '"FAINT OFHEART
8, ALLIGATOR E THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2005 Cost of false fire calls may alarm students ALARMS, from page 1 Each building with a registered fire alarm is allowed one false-alarm call per year. After that, fees start at $25 for false alarm No. 2 and could go as high as $400 for false alarm No. 9 and above. UF will keep a record of any future false alarms to understand potential causes, such as electrical malfunctions, heat, cooking smoke, or accidental or intentional manual activation. However William Properzio, UF environmental health and safety director, said no campus alarm system renovations were necessary. "All our fire alarms are inspected by the state fire marshal, and they all meet code," he said. In the last three months, UP has stepped up its quality control of monitoring each alarm. "We have re-emphasized and enhanced what we're doing," he added. Buildings with the highest number of false fire alarms on campus during the past five years were residence halls and fraternity and sorority houses. Factors playing into the high number of false alarms include continuous occupancy, frequent cooking and possible alarm activation by residents. Residents now are required to register their fire alarm with the city at a cost of $15 and are encouraged to check with their alarm company if they ever have a false alarm. Project cannot start until disputes are settled UCORNERS, from page "Parking is critical," Marzke said. "Without parking there, it will kill a business." The lease prohibits University Corners from demolishing the Gator Plaza, as the developer plans, he said. "They are only allowed to build above and around us," Marike said. "They can't demolish the building. They say they can, so it'll be up to a judge to decide." Michael Conroy, project manager of University Corners, said they would like to start the project at the beginning of 2006, but it depends on the three disputing GAINESVILLE FAMILY DENTISTRY William M. Witt, D.D.S visit us at -Gil Brodach, D.M.D drwittsofficecom' We Offer .CEREG computerized 1-visit crowns/inlays Orthodontics -Braces Rapid tooth whitening Metal-free dentistry 5622 N.W. 43 Street UF Students: (in Waterford Park) Present this ad for (352 378 -3139 25% discount on all services HX~EAT H I rNs uRKAN CE "Students need Health Insurance. Help protect yourself from the rising cost of medical services. You deserve quality health insurance coverage, and it is available for you. We at Chip Williams & Associates will help you acquire that insurance." Chip Williams WE FIND ANSWERS. CHIP WILLIAMS & ASSOCIATES A Contracted General Agency For: Independent Insurance Agents BlueCross BlueShield of Florida -0775 Form Number: 18533-599SU 3669 S.W. 2nd Avenue tenants, financial issues and negotiations with the city. The project cannot start until the disputes are settled, whether in or out of court. "I remain hopeful that things will work out and it will be a win-win situation for both parties involved," Conroy said. Brick Oven is waiting to set a court date, and Maui Teriyaki anticipates filing a lawsuit. "For now, we're going to try to fight it in court and keep our business open," Marzke said. "We'll do everything in our right to make sure the lease is enforced." The owner of Gator Cuts, the third business in dispute, refused to comment. New building designs meet higher standards SUSTAINABI LITY, from page 1 and more courses in sustainability, Thiele said. UF is also designing buildings that meet standards for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. Current buildings on campus with the LEED design include additions to the Florida Museum of Natural History and the Levin College of Law. Rinker Hall was also built with this design. L FED standards will be used more in the future, said Bahar Armaghani, project manager and quality assurance coordinator in the facilities, planning and construction division at UF. "As of right now we have adopted LEED to do all of our major building renovations and construction," Armaghani said. On average, buildings made to be sustainable are 37-percent more efficient than those that are not. Rinker Hall cost an initial 7 percent more during construction because it was built to be sustainable, but that initial cost will be made up in 10 years, he said. The facilities, planning and construction division has an estimated $365 million in current projects.
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2005 E ALLIGATOR, 9 "Lip gloss helped me pay for my car.*.and a couple of road trips! -Emily, mark Representative mark. AV ON the makeu you can buy and sell Grads' financial aid up for consideration THE GRADUATE STUDENT COUNCIL WILL TALK TONIGHT. By STEPHEN MAGRUDER Alligator Writer smagruder@alligator.org Graduate students who receive financial aid are encouraged to come to tonight's Graduate Student Council meeting to discuss their experiences and offer suggestions for improving the aid system. The meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. in Room C1-9 of the Communicore building off Center Drive, behind Shands at U. A liaison from the UF financial aid office is expected to attend and speak on the aid process. Graduate student Lindsey Collins said she and many of her graduate friends have dealt with a variety of complications when it comes to receiving their money. "I really do think graduate students are in a different situation," Collins said. One reason might be that graduate students must complete a waiver to show how much aid they need, whereas undergraduates do not. "There seems to be lots of disorganization in the financial aid process," Collins said. "Sometimes it is the student's fault, but I've noticed that a lot of times it isn't." Graduate students typically are older than undergraduates, and many occupy roles as teachers, researchers and spouses in addition to their roles as students. "Graduate students who take out loans depend on financial aid -and timely disbursement -as much as undergraduates do, and perhaps more so since they tend to be less dependent on parents, and sometimes have dependent children of their UF own," she Administration said. "I have talked to many graduate students who have horror stories about financial aid disbursements coming weeks and months late, resulting in late rent, car and utility payments," Collins said. "Some have said-that they have told prospective graduate students that UF is unreliable when it comes to financial aid, and that if they need aid to get by, UF might not be the best place for them." Financial aid officials were not contacted Wednesday because at the time of the story the office was closed. Want to plan your own road trip? Emily did-by selling mark. More than a top beauty brand, mark has 351+ makeu-p jproduots) and ac esorits It's an opportunity to eari money or even iundrasie for your favorite organization. Seliag rmawk is fun and fashionable, and more rewarding than working in restaurants or retail stores. )e your ovn 'boss, work flxibe h rs and make money for school, shopping, or whatever! L -Earn up to 40% on everything you sell. -Earn prizes, trips and cash. 0 4, (0) 05 0 0 (U Ul) *0 0) .0. CL 0 9 I Z 0 E E 0 0 E 0 lLM M Cu Ei Go to meetmark.com/eolegemoney to become a mark Representative. mark-Repreenatve:a. .0
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2005 ALLIGATOR www.aIIigator.org/avenue Filmmakers r ue Andres learned the difficulties of Hollywood life the hard way. Now all she wants to do is give other people a start. Andres started Student Upstart Films in January, a student organization dedicated to all things concerning the silver screen, from production to print. The idea was to get students interested in the various aspects of filimaking to work together on their projects. In mid-March, Andres made Upstart's first request through the Student Senate Allocations Committee, asking for microphones, lighting kits, a camera and other basic film equipment. While the $6,000 request seemed reasonable to Andres, Allocations Chairman Jason Lutin felt differently. Andres said Lutin informed the group that Allocations did not have the precedent to fund Upstart for equipment. Instead, Lutin suggested they borrow necessary equipment from the university's telecommunications department. However, the department has barely enough equipment for its own students, much less some new student group, Andres said. "Allocations doesn't understand we don't have access to equipment," Andres said, "period." After a few compromises, Upstart approached the Student Senate with a bill requesting a poreed funds table hard drive for editing purposes and money to make copies. Although a few senators spoke in favor of funding the organization, the bill was passed as-is, without the extra funds, April 19. While it may seem odd that an organization with some Senate support doesn't receive more funding, the decision is not an easy one to make. SG Treasurer Lindsay Cosimi said it is difficult to determine how much each organization should receive, while remaining fair to the others, especially in the case of new organizations. "Many new organizations are what we call 'narrow-focus groups,"' Cosimi said. Narrow-focus groups are organizations that appear promising at first, but drop in membership over time, Cosimi explained. Once the founder of the organization leaves, the group fizzles. "We look for growth in an organization," Cosimi said. "We look for growth in membership, programing, planned speakers." Cosimi said the best example of a rags-to-riches student organization was the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. Although NORML began as a small organization with little funding, in about a year it became one of the largest student organi-. zations on campus. "They really branched out," Kristin Nichols/ Alligator Student Upstart Films president Sue Andres, treasurer Natalie Andres and member Brian Brown discuss upcoming film projects Tuesday. Cosimi said. "Did a lot of co-programming, outside funding and kept detailed records of how many members attended each meeting." If this is the example Upstart needs to follow, Andres said she feels they are already on their way. "We already have 200 people on our listserv," Andres said. "So many people at UF are interested in film, from all different [majors]. We have members from liberal arts and aerospace engineering." The group has already completed three projects and will hold a screening of the latest two at the Reitz Union Cinema on Tuesday. Upstart is also working hard to raise money for the muchneeded equipment. They will hold a car wash Saturday at the BP gas station on Archer Road and Southwest 34th Street. As with any new organization, only time will tell whether or not Upstart will survive. However, Andres is confident Upstart offers enough appeal to students to keep the club going. "Video production is connected to so many fields," Andres said. "Knowing how to convey ideas on film is a very beneficial skill." Controversial 'Bodies' art exhibit educates, awes In the soft lighting and quiet of the Museum of Science & Industry, a young girl questioned her father. "That's a heart?" she asked. It doesn't look like the hearts on playing cards or the heart that beats from a cartoon character's chest. The heart is in a display case with a short description beside it, explaining how the awkwardly shaped muscle once pumped blood through a human's body Such revelations are the purpose of "Bodies: The Exhibition" at the museum in Tampa -an effort to help visitors understand the complexity of the human body and encourage healthy lifestyle choices. "To see is to know," proclaims a banner. And there's plenty to see in the 14,000square-foot exhibit that utilizes 20 whole-body specimens and 260 organs and partial-body specimens. The exhibit is divided into nine rooms, each focusing on a different part of the body. As patrons walk into the dimly lit exhibit, a spotlight shines on a skeleton holding up its thumb like a hitchhiker. Complete with eyes, toenails and expressions on their faces, the bodies in the exhibit pose for stronger impact on the observer. "Wow, look at this soccer player!" a man said to his daughter. The body is in midair, doing a kick flip to show how the muscular system works. It's hard to believe these bodies are actual cadavers -they are preserved using a process called polymer preservation, a process by which tissue water is replaced with silicone rubber, giving the specimen a "rubbery" look. But they all are real: the black, cancerstricken lung; the wrinkly, June cirrhotic liver; the tiny fetus Capiello with a cleft lip. Playlist "Makes you think about theavenue@aligator.org not smoking," one woman said after comparing a smoker's lung to the ivorywhite lung of a non-smoker. UF alumnus John Vincent, 29, was fascinated by the total dissection of one cadaver, which was horizontally cut multiple times from the feet to the head. Observers can view the entire body as one would look at the rings on a tree stump. "I think that was one of the most interesting things I've ever seen," Vincent said. The circulatory system is displayed in a pitch-dark room, save for red, glowing arteries that look like seaweed. "It's beautiful," said Beth Young, 22. "It's perfect." Young is one of many people who were skeptical of the exhibit. "Everything was mind-blowing," she said. Kim Fetner, of Largo, went to the exhibition with her daughter and was quick to agree. "It's good for kids to see the inner workings of the body," she said. Comment books located at the end of the exhibit are full of messages of positive feedback. The general consensus: "amazing." "Actually, I do not think white people are allowed to use slang until it is ast least a year old. So if the slang is a little played out, you're all good.' Kanye west R Be the first to e-mail the Avenue at theavenue@alligator.org and you will win a copy of the Pussycat Dolls' new release "PCD." Z This weekend the U.S. Navy's Blue Angels will raise money for Katrina victims by performing daredevil stunts over the Gville skies. Find out more, pg. 13. M Dear and Glorious Physician will play this weekend at the SideBar. Get to know the band online at www.alligator.org. Also, check out book reviews and more. NO /*qunielkd U0 5-01 1 mm sEv 11KEVN AAUAL-C
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2005 U ALLIGATOR, 11 Ban d r0#%cks pas-t age criss Some bands will give you a phone interview from their drunken post-show party. The Mid Life Crisis Band gives you one from their niece's baseball game. Mark Chirico and Greg Smith, both lead guitarists and vocalists, say the reason for the name of their band is simple: It's completely true. "We're definitely a mid life crisis band," said Chirico in a phone interview amid cheering at a local ballpark in Union, N.J. "All of us are, I guess, in our 40s except for one of us that just crossed. the great divide (into 50)," said Smith, in a separate interview. The Gainesville band, which specializes in blues, classic and southern rock covers, is playing at Calico Jack's on Sept. 23. Outside of the band, the four members lead typical lives. They all have wives and children except for drummer Larry Thompson, the Danielle only full-time Lucey musician in the Playlist band. theavenue@alligator.org AGainesville resident since Tom Petty and Don Felder of the Eagles were locals, Thompson is also in Dbl Wide and Killer Bees. The rest of the band members are not quite Doctor Feelgoods at their full-time jobs. Chirico is a pharmacist, Smith is an X-ray repair tecimician and bassist Tony Gray is a nurse anesthetist. When they play, Chirico says, "We bring everybody with us from the hospital in town." Supportive friends, wives and kids are also at their shows. Chirico's son's band, The Fantasmics, even plays in between The Mid Life Crisis Band's sets. They play band and crowd favorites including Lynyrd Skynyrd and Stevie Ray Vaughan covers. They also play two originals, "Brand New Start" and "Going Down to Georgia." They aren't strangers to song requests, though "sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't," said Smith. A list of The Mid Life Crisis Band's songs and upcoming shows can be found on their Web site, www.mlcrisisband.com Though going to the same place, listening to the same music and seeing the same people is always nice, sometimes change is good too. As luck would have it, Gainesville's nightlife is constantly changing, so there's no excuse for a repetitive nightlife. Those who look for new places, Gainesville has two downtown club openings to look forward to in the next couple of weeks. Both are different and appealing. The former location of Simon's, 8 S Main St., will soon be home to Rehab, a chic nightclub with a dance floor, lounge and upstairs cabana bar called Moonshine. Club manager and part-owner of Rue Bar, Jason Mitow, said it has been completely redone and will feature padded walls, mosaics, a $20,000 hanging fish tank, plasma TVs and a "killer sound system." The rooftop bar was redone with a "real Miami flavor" and a floor girls can actually walk on without their high heels getting stuck, he said. The club's big rap and R&B nights will be Fridays and will have various themes -including rock and '80s -throughout the week. Rehab and Moonshine should be open within two weeks. "It should be pretty crazy," Mitow said. A slightly more low-key venue to look LIVE J A -At 35 POKER' HAMLT(03N TEXAS HC Jai-Alai & Pokersi ,ooo TY Hours Poker:Wed-Mon, noonI 2pmn Poker Room Jai-Alai: Mon & Wed-Sat, 7pm; Sun, I pm Watch all r arl-. s 4 out for is That Bar, by the owner of downtown's That Burrito & Smoothie Place, Chuck Owens. That Bar, on 110 S Main St. where Kresser's Deli used to be, will be a casual Julia place for beer, wine Carvalho and late-night food. Night Writer They will serve Cuban theavenue@alligator.org pressed sandwiches and hamburgers until 3 a.m. in hopes of giving more options to people who like to eat late, Owens said. That Bar will also have live acoustic music to complement its casual atmosphere. It is scheduled to open Monday, Oct. 3. EZ Tennis Rackets -Tennis -Racquetball -Squash -Badmitton -Table Tennis. Lowest prices in town. EZ Tennis will gladly beat lower internet prices. Call us at 372-2257: >m ;ht 'S! FALL CAREER IN THE ALLIGATOR WiED-, SEPTEMB:ER 21], 2005 "-y-"6~"-." Sister Hazel performed at the Phillips Center for the Performing Arts on Friday night. The band, whose loyal following refers to themselves as "Hazlenuts," performs regularly to stay in touch with fans. N a Gainw.I W b6 pI ghillfe alaEw
12, ALLIGATOR U THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2005 Cfarder18 has been just across ,,ot, hes LF-Campus since 197&, This quaint landmark establishment with award winning courtyard dining Perfect for any date or gathering, Do(tniss the Friday wine tastings pmi. Open 7 days. Lunch eetings catered. Daily Lunch & Drink Specials. -Uve Music Nightlyall 376-2233 1643 NW Ist Ave Golden Buddha Where eating well means eating healthy. Gainesville's best chinese food. Now with more sizes available with more vegetarian options. As always, generous portions, fast service & super lunch/dinner combos. FREE DELIVERY 613 NW 16th Ave. 372-4282. Full menu and specials Ca GainesvilleGoldenBuddha.com ildred's Big City Food Best of Gainesville for 11 years! European chocolate cake, cheesecake., over 20 handmade desserts. 3445 W University 371 1711 www.mldredsbigcityfood.com Mildred's Big City Food Meals made from scratch with organic local produce, fresh meats -9 seafood, daily baked breads & desserts by Gainesville's most awarded chef. Consistently voted best chef.menu, salad, seafood, martini, wine list, wine bar, dessert & service, 3445 VV University Ave, 371-1711 wwwmildredsbigcityfood.com 3222 SW 35th Blvd. (Butler Plaza next to Publixl. Enjoy Authentic Japanese food in a Casual & Comfortable environment. Our extensive SUSHI BAR provides the best portions in town. All sushi made-to-order. Try our new menu with new rolls, appetizers, lunch specials, & unique rice wines. Open every day 11:30am-I Opm. To Go orders available on everything. 3353030. Delivery available through 13aterfood.com. Bento Cafe 3830 W Newberry Rd. Suite 15 Royal Park Plaza (next to Gator Dockside) Enjoy sushi, rice bowls, noodle bowls, and bento boxes Try our Boba Tea with over 30 different flavors First in Gainesille in a trendy, hip atmosphere. Open everyday I 1am-10:30pm. Carryout or dine-in checkout our menu at Gatorfood.com. 377-8686. Uqui ner sian ire and Teahouse 101 SE 2nd PL ( Behind Hippodrome Sucenter Downtown Pan-Asian seafood, steaks, and stir-fry in a rains. upacele atmosphere. Try our iwde selection of exotic martinis and hot tees. Open for lunch Sun-Fri and Dinner evry nite 5-i D;3Dpm, Call 371-2323 for a reservation. I id's eal itEB Voted #1 in Gainesvile and listedin "Where the Local at as best place in Gainesville for Ribs & BBQ. David's says come on in for breakfast. lunch or dinner Adult size portions for adult size appetites. David's caters to the Gators. Open.7am-Spm Mon-Sat, Gam-9pm Sun, We are located at 5121-A NVV 39th Ave. (352) 373-2002. David's B80 delivers the best BBQ anywhere in Gainesville with Gatorfood.com The Mew Deal Cafe Consistently voted best burger in Gainesville. Other best of awards include: salad, dessert, martini, wine list. 3443 W. University Ave. 371-4418 ook for is e\/ery th uPs day BEST Mexican foodc in Gainesville. Lovedl by Gators parst and present Best homemade salsa in-towr. Open 7 days -a week -for lunch and dinner 1723 SW 13th St. Take out and catering available Live music 2nd end 4th Saturday of the month ket rad dVeca e prepared ith anar I ingrsden ts D smo enis Jnduices, Amax/WVsa/ ATM D am-B pm 505 NW 13th Ra~ lace Delicious Gourmet Kosher dining at Ray's Place inside the new Hillel building. Lunch served 11 :30am2pm and dinner 6pm-Spm daily. Ray's Place serves a variety of dishes. You didn't think Cacciatore could be Kosher? How about jerk Chicken? Beef Lo Main? All this plus traditional Jewish dishes and Deli; fresh soup & salad bar, vegetarian entrees, and homemade desserts. Shabbat dinner Fridays Meal Plans and Catering available, Off Campus Dining Cards Accepted Delivery available through Gatorfood com Weekend hours vary 372-2900 alligator El Toro You've had the rest, now try the -4, 'J; X k Y J
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2005 N ALLIGATOR, 13 GAINESVILLE AIRSHOW Blue Angels, stunt flyers soar for Katrina victims By BRETT KELMAN Avenue writer It is not every day that F-18s descend on Gainesville. This weekend they will, as the U.S. Navy's Blue Angels soar through the skies at Gainesville Regional Airport as part of the first annual Heart of Florida Airshow. The show will include low-level aerobatics routines, a fully restored B-25 Mitchell Bomber and Otto the clown helicopter. Gates open at 10 a.m. Saturday and Sunday; tickets cost $15. The airshow has been made possible by the Gainesville Regional Airshow Consortium Inc., which made a five-year commitment to establish the show as the premier aviation sporting event in North Central Florida. The show will raise money for severallocal charities and Hurricane Katrina victims to have the Blue Angels," said Christy and will award an annual aviation scholarHendricks, airshow spokeswoman. ship. Since their inception in 1946, the Angels Hundreds of local volunteers will comhave performed in front of 381 million fans. rise most of the airshow staff and In 2004, they performed at more entertain an estimated 50,000 "It is kind than 70 airshows in 34 locations audience members. around the United States and The stars of the show, the of neat to be flying Canada. U.S. Navy's Blue Angels, so close to home. They The theme of the Heart of are an elite flying team Florida Airshow is A Salute charged with bolstering rarely have them in your to Veterans. Navy recruitment, embodybackyard." Gainesville native and ing teamwork and representPatty Wagstaff highly decorated World War ing the "Naval forces to the aerobatic flyer II pilot John R. Alison has United States, its elected officials been named Honorary Show and foreign nations." Chairman. Their aerial display, which should be the Alison first flew combat in 1942 with the highlight of this weekend's show, is widely 75th Fighter Squadron of the 23rd Fighter renowned for its close-unit flying like the Group. For his leadership, he was awarded four-jet Diamond Formation and six-jet Delta the Distinguished Service Cross and eventuFormation. ally promoted to commander of that squad"We are, of course, extremely excited ron. In 1946, Alison resigned from the Air Force as a colonel, only to re-enlist in 1950 for the Korean War. Alison was inducted into the Air Commando Hall of Fame in 1994. Along with the Blue Angels, the airshow will feature Olympic-level aerobatic flyer Patty Wagstaff. Wagstaff has built a reputation as "The First Lady of Aerobatics" and is famous for an unparalleled display of daring low-level flying. Patty Wagstaff Airshows Inc. is based in St. Augustine. "It is kind of neat to be flying so close to home," she said in a telephone interview Monday. "They rarely have them in your backyard." Wagstaff is the first woman to win the title of U.S. National Aerobatic Champion and has performed in airshows on five continents. "I'm really working on Antarctica," she joked. Lvca electronic music scene thrives in rock domain ainesville Rock City. That's us, right? Not anymore, at least if Christopher Miller has his way. Miller is the head of Electronic SubSouth, a small collective dedicated to fostering a successful live electronic music scene in Gainesville. That's all well and good, but isn't it an act of futility in a town best known in the music community as the home of seminal punk label No Idea Records? Wrong again, said Miller. "The fans and the interest in the music are already here. The problem is the lack of venues which are willing to host such events or bring electronic acts into town," he said. Chris Kolodziej, of local electronic act On*tic, agrees. "The fans come in droves," he said. "I've even met people from the Orlando and Tampa areas that drive all that way just to see the locals." Two venues not falling into that category are The Atlantic, which has hosted several ESS shows, and The Side Bar, soon to be home to a monthly electronic music showcase beginning Sept. 28. But Miller's plans stretch beyond increasing the volume of events SubSouth has lined up for the next few months. "UP has had an electro-acoustic music scene for over a decade, and I'd like to figure out a way to partner with that. There is also the possibility of an electroclash-themed night at a newer downtown venue," he said. But electronic music has a few barriers to overcome before it can really take off in Gainesville. Dave LeBleu of Textual, another local electronic act, said he believes electronic musicians need to put on more of a show to pull ina bigger audience. "There needs to be more of an actual visual or live experience as opposed to just a few people sitting behind their laptops," LeBleu Matt Clear said. SubSouth Playlist is also looking theavenue@alIigator.org for musicians to have "more of a performancebased element to their live shows." For this to happen, and for new electronic acts to flourish in Gainesville, a strong support system needs to be in place. With SubSouth, these factors have now come together and the scene can only continue to grow. "It's the ultimate networking tool for musicians and fans," said Kolodziej. Perhaps the next big thing to come out of Gainesville will eschew guitars and drums for a laptop and a synthesizer. If that's the case, it could happen because of SubSouth and the dedicated community of musicians and fans they have helped bring together. For more information, visit www.electronicsubsouth.com. Virgil Hawkins Pre-Law Society is hosting Pre-,Law Saturday, 9/24 9:30 am -2:45 pm Grand Ballroom, Reitz Union Advance Tickets $8.00 including lunch Many Law Schools will be represented, including U FSU, and Barry to Penn State and Columbia. Sessions wi be held on "Financing Law School," "Writing for La School," and "Applying to Law School." A panel of curre law school students will be there to answer your question about what it is like to be in law school today. There w also be a guest speaker. There will be a giveaway of Kaplan LSAT Course and a STA Travel Voucher. For more information contact: prelawdaycyahoo.com or call Roshni @ 786-201-9305 Tickets will be sold this Thursday & Friday at the Reitz Union Colonnade. We Hope to See You There. lcv ~ -VVH,# D D ? WHEN DO WE KNOW !T? =fAb
14, ALLIGATOR U THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2005 Earplugs preserve quality By MARIA LAVERGHETTA Avenue Writer Pool keeps fun cheap plit between four friends, a mere $1.63 will cover an hour of hearty billiards fun at Silver-Q Billiards and Sports Bar. You don't have to pay to the door and there's usually no line. That's a great way to start any night. Sure, the initial onslaught of smoke is a little overwhelming, but it's a If you've ever used the cheap, yellow foam earplugs, you're well aware that sound changes in the process. Although earplugs protect your ears from the damage caused by loud speakers at a bar, they distort the quality of music, said John Wiseheart, a local audiologist. Research shows that custom-made musician earplugs can help the listener or musician hear the quality of the music better without damaging their ear, Wiseheart said. The musician earplugs can either be custom made for your ear, which cost about $150, or can be non-custom for $15 to $20. "Sixty percent of the inductees into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame have hearing impairment," Wiseheart said. Normal conversation uses about 60 decibels of sound, but the level of the ear's resources that are used increases exponentially by every added decibel, Wiseheart. If you are at a rock concert, which is about 112 decibels on average, you could listen for an hour and 25 minutes with the musician ear plugs -instead of only listening for five minutes -without causing muffled hearing, ringing in your ears, or with repeated exposure, permanent hearing loss, according to the Etymotic Research, Inc. Web site, www.etymotic.com. Because the older earplugs protect against higher-frequency sounds, the music is not heard as well, Wiseheart said. "It's like someone just tuning the volume down," he said. "The older, yellow earplugs are great if you want maximum attenuation or protection but not if you want to enjoy the music." Rashon Medlock, a local singer and graduate of the UF School of Music, said he sees this as arbitrary. "In Gainesville, pretty much everybody plays as loud as they can anyway," he said. "The quality of earplug would really only matter if you were a serious concert patron." However, other local musicians who play in the brass section feel as though this is an important investment. Dakeyan "Dre" Graham, a music education major at UF and saxophone player in the UF Jazz Ensemble, said the older earplugs are not helpful when he uses them during his performances. ."They block out the sound," he said. "They don't allow you to tune as well as you could because you can't use all the resources of your ears." Erik Augereau, a trombonist at UP, doesn't use earplugs but understands why other players use them. "I sit in the back, so I never use earplugs," he said. "There are even orchestras which have Plexiglass shields between the brass and strings to protect them." Due to the benefits of the musician ear plugs, musicians of all kinds, including marching bands and sound crews, are encouraged to wear them. Any protection is better than none at all though, Wiseheart said. "People don't appreciate how easy it is to lose your hearing," he said. vice. Just don't put your cup on the pool table -they don't like that. Even if pool isn't your thing, you can shoothoops, play air hockey, foosball or watch something sports-related on TV. Don't avoid Slver-Q just because you don't know how to play pool. They don't make you sign a statement at the door stating your affinity or your pool intentions. Find others like Diana Jo yourself and be terGodfrey rible together. Get Cheap Beat that cute guy or girl tssavenueeapligator.org to show you how to line up a shot. You may surprise yourself and be decent. Even lucky shots feel good. As you call your eight-ball pocket, consider the greats who played before you. English and French royalty used to play billiards much like CEOs and salesmen play golf today. MaryQueen of Scots enjoyed billiards so much she was wrapped in the cloth from her table after she was beheaded. When you're looking for a chill night with friends or decide the line at :08 is too long, walk next door to Silver-Q, 225 W University Ave., for a good time. Cover is free, service is fast, and you only dance if you want to. Share your space, but live on your own. WAL*MART' Get everything for your dorm room at Walmart.com and still afford tuition. ALWAYS LOW PRICES. Walmartcom pool hall. Even if no one was smoking, management would most likely conjure up artificial smoke to be in accordance with unspoken rules for the poolhall atmosphere. With 13 billiard tables, there's often no wait. Simply trade your ID for a rack of balls and pick a table. Like togoupstairswherefewer tables means fewer people have the opportunity to see me scratch every other shot. Sabotage your competitive friend with devious .distraction tactics. Stir up musketeer-like duels with your sticks between shots. Challenge the big guy to limbo. Possibilities are limitless, even for the fickle pool player. The bar offers fast and friendly ser. s e a
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2005M ALLIGATOR, 15 Calendar Common Grounds, live music: needtobreathe, Alphabet City, Blacksnake, 10 p.m., $5 Eddie C's, live music: Funks Incorporated, Voice of the People, Grasshead, 10:30 p.m., $4 Orange and Brew, live music: Adam's Out, Select Start, The Duppies, 8 p.m., free friday Eddie C's, live music: Chasing Yesterday, In Stereo, Too Late May, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, 9 p.m., $5 Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, live music: Lizz'Wright, 7:30 p.m., $10-$25 The Side Bar, live music: Dbl Wide, The Alaskan Pirate and his Salty Seamen, Rob McGregor, 9 p.m., $5 saturday Caf6 Gardens, live music: Mellow Fellows Edible Jazz, 6-9 p.m., free Eddie C's, live-music: Visceral, April, False Idols, Verity, 10 p.m., $5 The Side Bar, live music: Apollo Quartet, Dear and Glorious Physician, Crash the Satellites, Jason Choi and the Sea, 9 p.m., $5 sunday The Purple Porpoise, live music: Bayside, I am the Avalanche, June, The Forecast, Never Again, 5 p.m., $8 Reitz Union Cinema, movie: "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," 8 p.m, 10:30 p.m., free monday Common Grounds, live music: Prefuse 73, DJ Nobody, Textual, 10 p.m., $12 tuesday Common Grounds, live music: Battle of the Bands (Part 2) Maxwell Edison, Smoked Mullet, Crash Pad, Killarney Star, 10 p.m., $5 Florida School of Massage, live music: Gainesville Liberation Orchestra, time and price TBA wednesday Abbey Road, live music: Appetite for Destruction, Smashing Pumpkins Tribute Band, 9 p.m., $8 Civic Media Center, live music: Nim Sum, Lyndon, Cara del Gato, 8 p.m., $3 -$5 The Side Bar, live music: Brentina, On*tic, Phsychic Killers, The_ Virus, 9 p.m., $5 AUDIOLOGY u b tr CDs play upbeat, retro Minus the Bear Menos el Oso Suicide Squeeze The Seattle quintet is notorious for its comedy song titles, but just because this album doesn't boast anything quite as ridiculous as "Thanks for the Killer Game of Crisco Twister" doesn't mean they've decided to drastically change their sound. "Menos el Oso" follows the same blueprint that made 2002's "Highly Refined Pirates" a success -jerky, post-punk rhythms melded to electronic flourishes and serious lyrics which belie the silly song titles. It's a formula which is particularly successful on more upbeat, danceable tracks like "The Fix" and "Pachuca Sunrise," although there is sadly nothing to match "Highly Refined Pirates." However, Minus the Bear's problem has always been making its songs catchy enough to stick in listeners' heads, and "Menos el Oso" is no different -the unexpected time changes and the unconventional vocals of Jake Snider give the record a certain initial level of inaccessibility. If given enough time to grow on you, these elements can become the album's strengths. "Menos el Oso" is a solid record. MTB fans will love it, but newcomers might want to try the slightly superior "Highly Refined Pirates" first. The Coral The Invisible Invasion Sony/BMG Being from Liverpool can be something of a handicap for a band; it means that reviewers almost invariably find some way to mention The B-s. Luckily for the Coral, it bears no musical resemblance. That doesn't mean the band doesn't look to the past for inspiration. A good portion of the album's harmonies and guitar licks are reminiscent of '60s surf pop, often providing us with the album's best moments -propulsive opening track "She Sings the Mourning" in particular. But the Coral isn't just a one-trick pony. Lead single "In the Morning," quite rightly a hit in the band's native UK, is the very essence of chilled-out summery pop "The Operator" features a fantastic mockspooky keyboard line, and on "So Long Ago" and "Late Afternoon," the guitar melodies and softer vocal style (although not the vocals themselves) recall some of Belle & Sebastian's more upbeat numbers. It's debatable whether this album with l' its strong tendency toward the retro, will have a lasting impact. But before the '60s plundering begins to wear a Jittle thin, it undoubtedly will provide great enjoyment for those looking to keep the spirit of summer alive. -MATT CLEAR
16, ALLIGATOR N THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2005 S ystypIr r tes sex-life strain The future's 8obright The future's so bright for us at UF, we have to wear shades. Designer couture has taken eye protection to a whole new level. Not only do your knickers have to be up to par, but somebody's also looking at your eyewear -from behind theirs. The style that was once cute and petite or cat-eyed is now rocking the old school way -big, flashy and aviator. If the eyes are the windows to the soul, what happens if you're wearing sunglasses? I guess you're incognito, you sneaky devils. EZ Tennis Stringing -If anybody can string rackets low. EZ Tennis can string them lower. Ready in 24hrs. Express stringing available upon request. We have more string than all local stores combined. Please stop by or call 372-2257 "MaSQddi" Pet Rescue Project of Alachua County presents 6 convenient locations, 10 hours and 200ess for you to love ww.MaddiesPetRescueOtAlachua.org UingulartuswmerN P ingular cuitnmers xt9e4LL nFi ilts 'text M t oItuFLUV(386) Boomload thbe rnopble games! Win a trlp to Wimbledon or the Wnrer elaries in Dl6! I fA5 I~ IT SHOULONI TAKE ANY -HM iCALS TO MAXE IT TASTE UXE CHICKEN. Ckipctte SERVING NATURALLY RAISED CHICKEN. 15TH & UNIVERSITY y ex-boyfriend used to say he liked taking me out to show me off. I would wish I could say the same. Who wants to be shown off by a guy whose clothes have more holes than my fishnet stockings and buttcheeks that peek out when he bends over? In nature, men are the ones who are supposed to show off. They always have the most beautiful features -the male cardinal with his brilliant red, the mallard duck with his iridescent green, the lion with his regal mane. When in the evolutionary chain did this gene disappear? Now guys show off by competing to see whose boxers hang out the most. I've come to rely on healthy skepticism in the beginning of a relationship when guys tend to look their best to win our affection. It's not real because once they get you after a few months, their true style' re-emerges. Thus, you see the paper-thin, grease-laden, pit-stained, seethrough, once-was-white-now-isgrey cotton T-shirt increasingly in his wardrobe repertoire. The clothes he used to wear he considers his nice clothes, and they hang in the closet for special occasions that never happen. .Sure, you have a few apples who fall far from the tree, but for the most part, men have turned into total schlubs. When did this become OK? Because it's not just a phase, it's the norm. Women accept guys who don't care, and the worst thing is we continue to let them get away with it. You've seen the mismatched couples -the princess and the pea, the beauty and the beast, the fair and the frog, the radiant and the rabid. Why should you take the time to look adorable if your guy walks around wearing the same clothes to toss the football, play X-Box, and club hop with you and his buddies? Please note -there is a huge distinction between a guy whose look is scruffy and the guy who just doesn't care. You can tell the difference. It's one thing to be comfortable but another to be lazy. Some of you may consider this materialistic and vain, Christine but it's not; it's pride Steffens -a completely difFashion a Go-Go ferent sin. theavenue@alligator.org So, what can you do? I'm not here to play devil's advocate, but a friend of mine once withheld sex from her boyfriend until he cleaned up his act. He let himself go after they started dating, but once he shaved, sprinkled on some cologne and rid himself of his beer belly, she had her first non-selfstimulated orgasm in six months. Not to say you should do the same, but let's get the creative juices flowing. We cannot accept less. If we see it, let's take action; women unite. Ladies, it's time to stop settling.
BUY IT. SELL IT. FIND IT. 373-FIND Classifieds ALLIGATOR THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2005 www.alligator.org/cIass For Rent For Rent Fr Rent For Rent For Rent furnished furnished furihnnisishednofurnished It's not too late! Escape the dorms this spring! 1 BR/1BA*2BR/2BA*3BR/3BA TH Cable*Gated*Sauna*24hr Gym*Tanning *Close to UF!*Lease for SPRING*377-2777 12-7-72-1 Super Clean Studio Walk to ShandsAnnual lease Now as low as $355 monthly inc all utilities ph 336-9836 12-7-72-1 NEED ROOMMATES?! Private Bed/Bath, in 3/3 Apt. $489 for all utilities, furn, & internet Call 336-3838 12-7-72-1 BETTER THAN THE DORMS Roommate matching from $430 Townhouse style*Furnished*All Utilities Pool*Gym*Hot Tub*Free Tanning Call for specially 372-8100 12-7-72-1 CL 0 Oo UU E m %M HUGE *AFFORDABLE 1, 2 & 3BR Spiral Staircase Skylight Pool 2 Tennis Cts Indvl lease & Utility Pack Now and Fall 377-7401 12-7-72-1 Close to UF FREE Roommate Match FREE CABLE, FREE Utilities FREE Alarm FREE Furniture FREE Tanning, WID, PC Lab 24-hr Gym, Gated Entry Only $485, 372-0400 12-7-72-1 1, 2,3, 4BR Apts. www.ApartmentsInGainesville.com 12-7-72-1 Finders Keepers? If you find something, you can place a FREE FOUND AD in our lost & found section. Be kind to someone who's lost what you've found. Call 373-FIND. :z >W z -B S Cm) SE 0== cm)== ONE MONTH FREE Need a Rental Home or Condo? Need A Tenant? + Free Internet, Cable, W/D, PC Lab, New CALL THE BEST! Gym, 3 Bus Stops and Roommate Match! The Best Student Living and a Fun Community! Watson Realty Corp. REALTORS* www.watsonrent.com Going Fast 271-3131 Property Mgmt/Rentals 352-335-0440 12-7-72-1 Full Service Sales 352-377-8899 gvillepm@watsonrealtycorp.com Walk to SFCC 12-7-72-2 Roll out of bed and into class. $399 Gets you all this! Fully Furnished, Free Ethernet, Free Cable w/HBO, FREE UTILITIES, W/D, Roommate match. 379-9300 12-7-72-1 UF Living At Its Best 4/4 & 3/3 from $385 Incl. all util., cable, & internet. On UF bus routes. Free roommate match. MaCor Realty Inc. 352-375-8888 10-18-45-1 NS and dog-friendly roomates wanted IMMEDIATELY! New appliances, wireless, W/D, direct bus route and biking distance. everything incl. for $435/mo. 386-795-5888 9-27-20-1 Large fully furnished room in a luxury 2 story house with prof. lady who is seeking the same. The Valley off NW 39th Ave. $125/ wk. incl., cable, electric and phone. 514-3409 9-30-13-1 DUCKPOND 1 Room in 2 story 3BR/2BA House. All util. incl. Fully furnished. W/D. 514-3409 9-3013-1 CUTE, CLEAN, CHEAP!. 1BR apt in large Duckpond home. Close to UF. Pretty yard. Available now. $375/mo, utils included. 378-4684. 9-22-5-1 cmo= eon co= FREE $250 FREE Sublease available now thru May '06 4BR/2BA Fully furnished apt. Great female roommates. Within 1 mile of UF Rent $390 + until. Call Mellisa at 305-318-1040 9-23-5-1 0 I p I Room. in a home w/big yard for serious female student. Non-smokers, 5 minutes from campus, processed water, unlimited calls, short term okaycall Barbara 352-376-9960 9-26-5-1 For Rent *QUIET, CLEAN, LOTS OF GREEN SPACE. Rustic 1 BR apt. $345/mo. 01BR cottage $375/mo. Call 378-9220 or mobile 213-3901. 12-7-72-2 ACROSS FROM UF 1 BRs from $460 Laundry on site, pets ok. 700 sq ft, Free Parking. Open Weekends 371-7777 12-7-72-2 LYONS SPECIAL $99 1 st month's rent 377-8797 12-7-72-2 Wake up & walk to UF Studios & 1 bedrooms Starting @ $469 Pet friendly, Pool *Come See! 372-7111* 12-7-72-2 JANUARY AVAILABILITY! HUGE floorplans! Great Pools! 0 1BR $530 *2 BR $575! Water/Sewer included! Bike to UF 335-7275 12-7-72-2 LIVE DOWNTOWN FOR SPRING! Studios, 1/1s, 2/2s & 3/3s Pool*Alarm*Pets Welcome Available January! 338-0002 12-7-72-2 *SUN BAY APTSO OSome furnished avail* **Walk or Bike to CampusS 1-1 $460/moOO2-1 $520/mo www.sunisland.info 000376-6720 12-7-72-2 1 & 2BR apts. convenient to shopping, bus line, and just a few miles from UF. Located off SW 20th Ave. $375 -$450, incl water, sewer, pest control & garbage. Sorry no pets allowed. Call 335-7066. 12-7-72-2 LEASING FOR JANUARY! Stress free living! Great rates! 0 1 BR from $460 2BR from $530 Beautiful pools/courtyards Walk/bike to UF 372-7555 12-7-72-2 2f2 LUXURY TOWNHOUSE Close to UF & Law School Free Tan, 24hr.Gym,Comp.Lab W/D incl., Free Cable &Alarm Call for GREAT Specials 379-9255 12-7-72-2 Deluxe, Large 3 or 4BR apt/house, 60 second walk to UF.Remodeled, Old House charm. Central AC, washer/dryer included. Wood floors. With Parking. By Private Owner. 538-2181 lv message 12-7-72-2 HUGE apt! HUGE value! 2BR avail. NOW! 1,2 & 4 BR units avail Jan '06 Pool, tennis, alarm, close to everything! FREE UF parking, pets welcome! pinetreegardens.com or call 376-4002 12-7-72-2 Deluxe, large one or two bedroom, 60 second walk to UF. Wood firs, washer dryer included,. fireplace, patio deck. Can furnish. Short term available. Private Owner. $495up. 352-538-2181. Lv mssg 12-7-72-2 There's no place like home Make us yours! 1 BR/I1BA2BR/2BA3BR/3BA TH Cable*Gated*Sauna*24hr Gym*Tanning *Close to UF!*Lease for SPRING*377-2777 12-7-72-2 ***Beautiful and New*** 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA LUXURY FREE High-Speed Internet FREE Monitored Alarm FREE Cable/Tanning/Gym W/D plus TVs in every kitchen 374-FUNN (3866) 12-7-72-2 ** ELLIE'S HOUSES ** Quality single family homes. Walk or bike to UF. www.ellieshouses.com 352-215-4991 or 352-215-4990 12-7-72-2 SUN ISLAND 1.1 from $480.00 2.1 $530.00 $99 deposit for Grad students 999 SW 16th Ave phone # 376-6720 www.sunisland.info 12-7-72-2 TRIPLE YOUR SAVINGS! HUGE Townhouse only $1025 Cable*Pool*Free Tanning*Gym Fall Specials on Now! 372-8100 12-7-72-2 PARK AT UF Huge 2/2s from $625 Laundry on site, central ac. Pets ok, private balconies. Open Weekends 371-0769 12-7-72-2 HOUSES AT UF 2/3/5 BRs from $690 Wood Floors, W/D Fenced in backyard, central ac OPEN WEEKENDS 371-7777 12-7-72-2 LIVE STUDY PLAY Luxury 3BR/3BA Townhomes Free Cable w/ HBO/Sho, Tan, 24 hr gym, Aerobics, W/D, Gated, Pet Friendly, Alarms *The Laurels, 335-4455* *Sign today & save over $1050* 12-7-72-2 HUGE 1 BRI Move-in Today Tennis, b-ball, pool, alarm Pinetreegardens.com 376-4002, open wknds call about specials 127-72-2 You can't go wrong with FREE FREE Rent, FREE UF Parking FREE W/D 2BR/1.5BA townhome $669 Alarms, pets welcome, move-in today! www.SpanishTrace.org 373-1111 12-7-72-2 *2/2 TWHN Avail. Nowl** 0 1.9 mi to UF-W/D*Garages Free Cable w/HBO & Showtime Free Tanning-Comp. Lab 0 Pets welcome-Private dog park Luxury Living 377-2801 12-7-72-2 Total Elec, 2 & 3 Bedroom, $395-$550, cent A/C, pool, tennis, B-ball waste, pest, lawn mowing. 251b pet $15/mo. M-F 10-6 or by appt. Alamar Gardens 4400 SW 20th Ave. 373-4244 UF bus line #20 12-7-72-2 **1BR & 2BR BEAUTIFUL* NEW kitchen, tile, carpet, paint 3BR/2BA Flats 00 $735/mo 2BR/2BA Flats 00 $695/mo 2BRover 1100 sq ft 69$695/ mo 1 BR-over 800 sq ft100 $599/mo Close to UF, beautiful, quiet High-speed wireless internet $300 off deposit 0 376-2507 Classifieds. Continued on next page. mm
18, ALLIGATORUTITHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2005 Fr Rent: For Rent For Rent For Rent For IRent unfurishedUnfurnished unfurnishedunrnsdufrnsd WANT THINGS FREE? FREE CABLE*FREE INTERNET RENT REBATE FOR FALL HUGE THREE BEDROOM! CALL TODAY! 372-8100 12-7-72-2 NEWLY RENOVATED Affordable, Quiet living HUGE 1& 2BR Pool Skylights 1.5 miles to UF Furn Avail 377-7401 12-7-72-2 ENORMOUS 3BR 0.vail for Current and Fall Pool*Tennis Cts*1.5 Mi 2 UF Ind lease, Furn & Util Avail Great Specials*377-7401 12-7-72-2 INDIVIDUAL LEASES AVAILABLE NOW AND FALL SEASON Convenient UF access $325 to $575 Action Real Estate Services 352-331-1233 12-7-72-2 University Terrace Gainesville University Terrace West 9 Month Individual Leases W/D, Pool & Utilities $325-$350/mo. Union Properties 373-7578 www.rentgainesville.com 12-7-725-2 Looking for a home? We have the LARGEST selection of single family rentals in Gainesville. With over 100 properties currently available, we're sure to have something to fit your style and budget. Visit our website at www.edbaurmanagement.com, or call us to find your new home today 352375-7104 ex 2. Baw Management InC. 12-7-72-2 *UPPER CLASS Students* Perfect place to study! FREE cable w/ HBO/Show FREE GARAGE*ALARM*WD Gated entry*Computer lab Wireless poolside*FREE Tanning 1,2&3brs**338-0003 12-7-72-2 VILLAGE LOFTAPTS. 1BR LOFT APTS. 650 &750 sq ft. Starting @ $490 mo. Quiet, wooded setting. FREE monitored alarm system. 6400 SW 20th Ave. Call 332-0720 9-30-21-2 CHEAP RENT! 3BR 1 BA house CH/AC, large kitchen, wd hookups, $625/rent, 503 A NW 19th Lane Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 9-23-29-2 SEPT FREE! Downtown 4BR 2BA house w/Living & family rooms, fireplace, parquet floors, washer/dryer, $1050/rent 1525 NE 6th Terrace Carl Turlington Real Estate, inc. 372-9525 www.TuringtonRealEstate.com 9-23-29-2 2 bd/2ba, NW area, Central H & A/C, ceiling fan, dish washer, W&D, 2 car garage, fenced back yard. Close to Oaks Mall and North Regional. Ready for Aug. lease. $860. No section 8. Call 352-375-6754 9-30-33-2 3bd/ 2ba, NW area. Clean and spacious. Fenced back yard. Central H & A/C. Ceiling fans. W/D hookups. Car port. Close to law school. Ready for Aug. lease. Call 352-3756754. -No section 8. 9-31333-2 3BR/3BA COUNTRYSIDE APT. *:x se to UF on bus rt. W/D, utils, cable w/ HBO,DSL inc. $400/rm/mo. No dep. Female only. NS. 954-680-0918, 954-328-2021 930-24-2 Village West Apartments 800 NW 18th Ave 1 BR/1iBA $460-$520/mo. Ask about UF Parking Decal Union Properties 373-7578 www.rentgainesville.com 7'%-7-72-2 Bel-Aire Apartments 636 NW 26th Ave. 1or2 BRs $535-$625/mo Ask about UF Prarking Decal Union Properties 373-7578 wwww.rentgainesville.com 12-7-72-2 BLOCKS TO UF! Spacious 3BR 2BA, Bonus room, Wood floors, fireplace, lawn svc, Screen porch, w/d hookups, $1475/rent 1741 NW 6th Avenue Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 9-23-23-2 1st MONTH FREE! 3 BR 2 BA, Parquet floors, carport, screen porch, w/d hookups, $875/rent 600 NW 36th Drive Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 9-23-23-2 3/2 PARTY HOUSEAVAILABLE NOW. 904-710-3050 9-30-28-2 HOME OR OFFICE 3 and 1.5 NW area .Close to banks, businesses and shopping centers. Central Ht and A/C. Private driveway and space for parking. Call 352-375-6754. No section 8. 9-30-27-2 3912 SW 37th St. 3BR Great location, wood floors, newly painted, off-street parking $900/mo Campus Realty 692-3800 9-22-20-2 907 NW 11th Ave. 4BR/2.5BA, wood floors, W/D, spacious interior, large yard. $1200/mo Campus Realty 692-3800 9-22-20-2 Free extended Basic Cable! Pets Welcome! 1000 sq ft Split Floor PLan W/D Hook-ups & DW. 1BR/1BA & 2BR/2BA Available. Call Now 372-9913 12-7-71-2 Amazingly Affordable! HUGE 650 sq ft1 BR 1000 sq ft 2BR Townhouses & Flats Discounted Rates Starting @ $380 & $480 Close to Santa Fe, UF & 1-75 332-5070 127-71-2 4/3 & 3/2 HOUSES Walking distance to UF Newly remodeled. W/D, carport and huge yard. Call 352-283-2828. 9-30-26-2 NW 39th Ave. Nice 2BR/2BA Gated patio, trees. $510-$525.0 Extra large 2BR/2BA+ loft. With Laminate wood patern floor good archetecture, good neighborhood convenient $610-$625@ Call 373-8310. 9-22-19-2 NEAR LAW SCHOOL 3/1, $1200/mo: 1st, last, sec. Pref grad student. No pets, W/D hook up, DW, wood firs, cent A/C, gas heat, trees. Call Tom >8pm or wkd 954-529-4031 9-26-15-2 Walking distance to UP! Completely renovated studio Condos in Prairiewood less than 1 mile to campus. $450. Call 215-5155/215-5506 9-30-25-2 Looking for an Apartment??? THE LEASING CONNECTION 1608 NW1st Avenue Located right behind the Florida Book Store Plenty of FREE PARKING FREE Apartment and Housing Locator Service Call 352-376-4493 or visit www.TheLeasingConnection.com 9-30-25-2 217 NW 35th St3BR/3BA $1050/mo Ceramic tile, large fenced yard, W/D, dishwasher, carport, lawn care incl. Excellent condition! Call Campus Realty 692-3800 9-22-15-2 Affordable 3BRs close to UF! 1418 NW 6th Pl. W/D, fenced yard, private parking $950/mo 625 NW 10th Ave. Private parking, W/D hu, Ig yard $900/mo Campus Realty 692-3800 9-22-15-2 LUXURY 1BR/1BA overlooking creek Washer/Dryer. Ready for immediate occupancy. Near Sam's Club, on bus line. Close to UF $560. Andree Realty 375-2900 9-30-21-2 FUNKY LOFT APARTMENT behind Leo's 706. Walk to UF & downtown. $350/mo 333-9413 leave message 9-2617-2 SEPT FREE! IBR -Great value! Only $449/mos @0$150 Deposit CLOSE TO CAMPUS THE WOODS 0 375-3077 9-30-20-2 FREE 1st MONTH! 2BR 2.5BA TH in Kensington South, high Ceilings, dining room, washer/dryer, pool 3901 SW 20th Ave #105 Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 9-23-14-2 Cute cottage 2 bedroom 1 bath with study $750/mo wood floors yard service 316 N.W. 20th Ave. Green Tree Realty, Inc. Barbara 317-4392. 10-3-20-2 Melrose Bay furnished 3. bedroom 2 bath 2200 sq. overlooks Lake Sante Fe $2400/mo Seminole Ridge Rd. Green Tree Realty, Inc. Liz 258-2437. 10-3-20-2 Downtown Alachua 3 bedroom 2 bath large home $895/mo, garage, Green Tree Realty, Inc. Barbara 317-4392 10-3-20-2 Cute 1 bedroom 1 bath with study, new appliances $495/mo 304 N.W. 19th Ave. yard service, Green Tree Realty, Inc. Barbara 317-4392. 10-3-20-2 CUTE & CLEAN 4BR/2.5BA Vintage house in NW near UF. Hardwood floors, cent H/AC, W/D, 907 NW 11th Ave. $1200/mo. Call 333-9413 9-2614-2 Nice home 3BR/2BA Central AC, tile floors, carport, fenced yard, W/D hookup. 328 SE 70th Street. $870/mo. Pets neg. Sec. alarm. Avail immed 316-1637 9-30-17-2 DUCKPOND Historic house, lots of charm, hardwood firs, blocksto downtown, studio $400. 306 NE 6th St. Call 538-6527, 379-4952 9-23-10-2 Near Campus Large 1 BR/1BA $450/Mo 1 BR/1BA Historic Area $325/Mo 4BR/2BA 1 Acre Lot $1100/Mo Pear Tree Realty, Inc. Realtor 335-3802 10-10-20-2 4BR/2BA Double Carport, 2200 sq. ft. terrazo/ tile and carpet floors, inside laundry room, large. fully equipped kitchen, near schools, churches & shopping. $1200/mo 3708 NW 16th Ave. 352-376-2547 9-30-14-2 1 BR/1 BA Condo Close to UF. New appliances. Call 352-2133943 9-27-10-2 Nice & vey clean affordable 3BR/2BA brick house. 1620 NW 55th St. Close to UF, SFCC & Mall. Cent. H/AC, new DW, carport, laundry rm, scr porch, fenced'backyard. Avail immed. $945/mo 1st/last/sec. 352-281-4229 9-26-10-2 New 1430 sq. ft. 2BR/2.5BA townhouse. Master suite. Pool, hispd. internet, security system. New appliances. Near UF. $1000/ mo. Call 954-755-1728, 561-912-6223 927-10-2 3BRa for rent in a 4BR/2BA. $250/mo each. Off Williston Rd. Contact Jun 352-495-8068 or 407-947-9748 or Denise 407-509-4574 9-27-10-2 Efficiency apt. in quiet NW, perfect for prof or grad student, $395, includes all utilities & cable, avail Nov. 1 377-1868 6-8 PM 930-12-2 Close to UF Law School. 3BR/1BA w/extra room $840/MO. Parquet wood floors. Central heat & air. 303 NW 36th Drive. Call Merrill Management Inc. 352-317-3418 9-23-7-2 Casa Blanca West townhouse, 1000 sq. ft. 2BR/1.5BA, screened rm, W/D, pool, 2 bus routes, avail Aug. $650/mo Call 352-3592594 9-28-10-2 1 BR w/ pvt gated courtyard Small quiet complex located at 3320 SW 23rd St. Starting at $395/mo. Pets arranged. Call 377-2150. Please leave a message. 9-29-10-2 3BR/2BA newly renovated condo. Close to the mall. No pets. Smoke-free environment. $1000/mo + deposit. Call 336-6421 9-22-5-2 SPECIAL -REDUCED 3/1 1 Block to UF 1227 SW 4th Ave. Remodeled, central heat/AC, wood floors, clean. $975 Call 352-514-5060 9-23-5-2 3BR/Pvt BA. Available 1/1/06. 6-12 month lease. Perfect for grad/intl. students. Sparkling. Furn/unfurn. Large home in Kirkwood. $400-$500 +util. 352-375-6996 or 352-284-0979 10-7-15-2 Apartment For Rent Gator Place Condos 3600 SW 23rd St. Apt #4 2 bed/1bath $695 a month Contact: Amy 561-252-5144 9-23-5-2 La Mancha Apts. Enjoy all-inclusive individual leases within walking distance of UP! Swimming pool, laundry facilities, private parking. Make your life easier today! Short term leases available! Call Campus Realty today 692-3800 10-17-20-2 JUST THE PLACE! Studio, One and Two Bedrooms Pets Welcome (ask for details) Rents start at $329! PLUS FREE RENTI Call today! 352-373-7665 9-26-5-2 CLOSE TO CAMPUS Available now! 2BR/1BA Apt. $475 3BR/1BA Duplex $600 MITCHELL REALTY 374-8579x1 12-7-64-2 NEW&AFFORDABLE! Remodeled 3/1 house in nice NW area near UF. New: kitchen/bonus rm, bath, tile/carpet, appliances, w/d. Central AC,big yard. $950/ mo. 305-297-4827 10-18-15-2 1st MONTH FREE BRADISSEN PLACE Brand new construction. Large 2BR/2BA condo. W/D, patio area. Close to Archer Rd. & UF. $725/mo. On UF bus route. 317-5060 or 332-0841 10-4-10-2 Apartments Available Now All Florida Areas. All Major US Cities Browse our listing FREE WWWr.SUBLET.COM 1-877-Por-Rest (367-7368) 9-22-1-2 2BR/1BA. New tile, new carpet, new paint, cent AC/heat, W/D hk up. Walk/bike to UF. 408-NW 5th Ave. Apt. A. $720/mo + utils. 1 st/ last & sec. www.gatorpads.com 284-0316 or 281-0733 10-5-10-2 Rent With Us Today, Buy With Us Tomorrow! Condo, House & Townhouse Rentals www.BosshardtPM.com Ask About Our Lucrative Tenant Rewards Program! 2BR/2BA Haile Condo $900/md 2BR/1BA Near UF $475/mo 3BR/2BA Duckpond $795/mo Ask about Move-In Specials! Over 30+ Private Homes Available! Call Today: 371-2118 12-7-50-2 Female 1 room in 3BR/3BA @ Univesity Glades, 2 bus rts, W/D, internet, 24hr gym, can do short term lease, + free desk! $400/ mo all inclusive OBO email izard83@ufl.edu or call 386-299-1547 10-5-10-2 2BR/2.5BA Arbor East townhouse $655/mo tile floors extra storage close to UF, Shands & shopping 1st month free 1002 sq ft pets welcome. Call 373-1828. 9-22-20-3 Holly house 2BR/1BA all to yourself in SE Gainesville historical district. On top of UF/ Shands bike trail. Huge yard & front porch. Just $625/mo. You keep $300 deposit. 3356975. 9-22-5-3 ARBOR APTS. 1BR/1BA. Vaulted ceilings, all new carpet & appliances. Starting Jan 06. $500/mo. VERY NEGOTIABLE. Call 321695-3021 9-23-5-3 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers"
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2005m ALLIGATOR, 19 Subleases 1f 1Mmates Room mates f u-nishings Furnisings TAKE OVER LEASE for a 3BR/2.5BA with den, W/D, DW, free cable, free gym pass, pool, bbcourt, tennis, racquet ball. Fun environment, close to UF, SFCC $975/mo. No dep. Call 331-9133 Shannon. 9-26-4-3 SUBLEASE FOR SPRING Huge 1/1 in Duckpond. Wood floors. Blvd. Apts. $480/mo 786-417-7237 9-26-3-3 Roommate Matching HERE Oxford Manor 377-2777 The Landings 336-3838 The Laurels 335-4455 Cobblestone 377-2801 Hidden Lake 374-3866 12-7-72-4 Female roommate for one/two female UF students. Quiet. Responsible. 60 second walk to UF. Old house charm with all amenities. Avail Now. $400 -up. 352-538-2181.Lv message. Private Owner 12-7-72-4 Unfurn BR for rent in brand new, spacious condo w/2 F, UF students. NW 55th St. Call Lisa for details @ 352-514-1763. 9-30-21-4 F NS grad/prof needed for 1BR in BRAND NEW 2/2 condo. 2 mi to UF on bus rte. W/D. $475 + 1/2 util/mo. Common area furnished, tile firs. 904-386-6485 or apena13@ufl.edu 9-30-32-4 REDUCED! M/F to share 2/1.5 twnhsk mw 2yr pme-vet M. Pets ok. WD, OW, full kitchen, tile, pool in Mill Run. SW 20th Ave. $300/mo + 1/2 utils. 828-775-8807. 9-22-24-4 Roommates -bring a-friend. Share utils. Houses on East University Ave. Bike or bus to class. $475-550 + sec & last ins. Available now. Call 352-375-4250 or 745-0785. 922-20-4 Female student to join 2 females for your own BR in attractive 3BR house near NW 8th Ave, 3mi. from UF on bus rt. #43, tile/hdwd, $275/mo + 1/3 GRU&HSinternet-digital cable, avail Sept, 381-5597, 332-3852. 923-21-4 Room in NW home. $350/mo incl utils & DSL. No pets mature male non-drinker/ smoker. Avail immed (flex). Scott 335-8209 9-23-30-4 COUNTRYSIDE CONDO. 4BR4BA: 1BR/ 1 BA avail now. Ethernet, util incl. WD, nicely furn, secure. Exercise/pool. Direct bus UF 3 mi.$455/mo/room. Vanessa 352-217-3464, Flo 352-157-9656 or 352-636-4814. 9-3026-1 2 Rooms Available at a House 705 NW 34th St., Blocks Away from UF College of Law. 1 for $280 or 2 for $500. Call Will at 352-3758699 or wcharlot@ufl.edu 9-22-104 Looking for female for 1 BR/BA in 3 BR/3BA Apt at Rockwood Villas. Hi-spd internet & cable. On UF busline. All utls. incl. for $500/ mo Rent. 407-970-0720 or 407-421-3121. 9-27-10-4 One roommate needed to live in 3BR/2BA house on 34th St. and 16th Ave. Call Michelle 305-322-6389. Rent $375/mo + 1/3 utilities. 9-22-6-4 Roommate 3BR/2BA, nice SW neighborhood. Pool, DSL, HBO, $475/mo inludes utilities. Furnished optional. Female preferred. Call 772-201-9933. 9-23-6-4 Roommate wanted to share 1BR/1BA in 3BR/2BA house. Fully furnished, W/D, DW. SW Gainesville, close to UF. 336-6421 or 850-496-0367. 9-22-5-4 Rooms for rent: Large, clean house. Close to campus. High speed and cable. Large yard. Two car garage and porch area. Rent $425. For more info call Tre at 352-328-8878 9-23-5-4 1 BR avail in cute 2/1.5 twnhs i/vet stdnt, w/ d, fncd yard, pool, hi-spd lt, new carpet, tile, pets ok. NO DEPOSITS $350/mo +1/2 util. alexgatr@ufl.edu 352-255-7852 -23-5-4 1 Male roommate needed. Serious student to share 3BR/26A house. Located south of UF on Williston Rd. W/D, cable, wireless DSL, $395/mo +1/3 utils. Call 258-9116 10-14-20-4 OTULANE STUDENT NEEDS ROOMMATE to share 2/2 condo, includes:: utilities, cable, internet, w/d, gated, pool, racquetball, fully furnished $125/wk 352-264-9821 9-35-36 9-23-54 ** 3BR/2.5BA Roomate needed in Cricket Club. Allergy-free environment, covered parking available, on bus rt. Incl. clubhouse, pool, gym, laundry in gated community, $450/ mo incl. utils. Jodi 494-0405 10-10-15-4 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" Rockwood Villas 1BR/1BA Avail in 3/3 Condo. $400/mo +utils. Close to campus & on bus route. Call Karly at 352-514-1617 Leave msg. 10-4-10-4 ENJOY A ROMANTIC OLD HOUSE near Library downtown. $285-$360/mo + utilities. Free internet access. Short term. No pets. No smoking. Job opportunity available. 378-1304 9-26-5-4 Beautiful home in tress on quiet street near UF, Quiet for study. Gourmet kitchen, fireplace, hi-spd DSL internet, cable TV, W/D, cent A/C, large yard, cats welcome. $340+ utils. 352-271-8711 9-26-54 1 MONTH FREE. Furnished 1 BR/1 BA available immediately in 3BR/3BA Campus Lodge Apt. W/D, screened porch. Great location $534/mo 757-348-8767 9-26-5-4 Rooms. $75-$85 P/W utilities color tv max cab, w/m on bus r/t. 3 mi from Univ Ave + Main St. But rent + utilit. (negotiable) for one day work. 376-0384 for all info. 10-4-10-4 Roommate needed: 1BR, private bath. House on 441 just outside Gville. Rent $250 plus half cable & utilities. Porch, garage, gated community. Females only. Pets allowed. Call Sara 352-359-0839 9-27-5-4 1BR w/PRIVATE BA NE Gainesville. Quiet neighborhood $300/ mo + 1/2 utils. lst/last/$200 security. Home 375-5377, work 373-6066 ask for Sue. 922-1-4 DUCKPOND AREA: 1BR in 3BR house w/living & dining rm, kitchen, garage, front & backyards. $300/mo + ti. 352-256-3800 9-28-5-4 1/1 AVAILABLE in NEW 2/2.5 townhouse. Everything new + WED. $430/mo + 1/2 allis. Call 352-870-2506 or email apt4rent06@yahoo.com 9-28-5-4 Roommate needed for 3BR/2BA apt in SW 20th Ave now. $300 + 1/3 utii. On UF busline. Hi-spd inet, pool &TV cable. Free UF parking. Call 219-7309, probook2003@yahoo.com 10-5-10-4 M/F Roommate for unfurnished room in 4BR/ 4BA condo. WD, DW, full kitchen, pool, bus line, close to UF. $325 + shared util. Available now. John 786436-1657 10-5-10-4 R lE state Sell your house, condo, acreage, mobile home and much more in the ALLIGATOR CLASSIFIEDS! Reach over 24,000 possible buyers Mastercard and Visa accepted over the phone. Please Call 373-Find Quad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra land, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House 3/4BR, 2BA, wd firs, covered prch, concrete patio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 352538-2181 lv mssg 12-7-72-5 Existing condos & luxury condos near UF at affordable prices. For more information, visit www.mattpricerealtor.com or call today Matt Price 352-281-3551 Campus Realty Group 9-30-27-5 JACKSON SQUARE Spectacular university views. Walk to UF & the stadium. Classic New Orleans appeal with state-of-the-art luxury. Reserve today. 52 units available. Starting in mid-300's. Call Eric Wild 870-9453 12-7-80-5 UNIVERSITY TERRACE CONDO 4BR/4BA, 3 leases signed for next year. Call for details 407-620-1555 9-30-28-5 TIRED OF RENTING? I can help you find a house or condo in the UF area. Call Brett Wherry at 352-412-8662 Century 21 Classic Properties 352-331-2100 9-23-15-5 U Fu L]r 1n6iS h ing S BED-Queen, orthopedic, extra thick, pillowtop, mattress & box. Name brand, new, still in plastic. Sacrifice $110. Call 352-372-7490 will deliver. 12-7-72-6 BED -FULL SIZE ORTHOPEDIC Pillow-top mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic w/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice $85. Call 352-377-9846 12-7-72-6 MICROFIBER SOFA & LOVESEAT Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must sell. Can deliver. Retail $2300. Sacrifice $550 352-372-7490 12-7-72-6 BED -King Pillowop mattress & box springs. Orthopedic rated. Name brand, new, never been used, in plastic with warranty. Sell $170. Call 352-372-8588 Can deliver. 127-72-6 CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. Cost $1500, sacrifice $550 352-333-7516 Sofa $185 Brand new in pkg 333-7516 12-7-72-6 BEDROOM SET. 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chests avail. Dovetail const. New, in boxes. Can deliver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice $1400 (352) 372-7490 12-7-72-6 SOFA & LOVESEAT 100% Italian leather. Brand new in plastic w/warranty. Retail $2650. Sacrifice $750. Call 352-377-9846 12-7-72-6 DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table, 6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New, still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100. Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-8588 127-72-6 FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/ mafress. New, in box. $160 332 6866 DINETTE SET 5pc $85 Brand new in box. Never used. 352-377-9846 12-7-72-6 BEDS 0 Full mattress & boxspring sets $49 Queen sets $89 0 Single sets $39 OKing sets $99 0 From estate sale. Safe pine bunk bed $109. 376-0939/378-0497. CALL-A-MATTRESS 4370 SW 20th Ave. 12-7-72-6 MEMORY FOAM -same as Temperpedia. Save 50% & more. Other close-outs. 0 twin sets $89 Ofull sets $129 Oqueen sets $149 eking sets $189 Student discounts apply. 4370 SW 20th Ave. 376-0953. We deliver. 12-7-72-6 Beds, Futons, Furniture, King Sealy sets $299; new sofas for $299; oak futons $169; sofa & loveseat $399; dinettes, desks, all on sale *New Location* 140 NW 6th St Morrells Furniture Outlet. 352-378-3400 12-7-81-6 **BEDS -ALL BRAND NEW** Orthopedic pillow-top sets. **Full-$100 Queen-$130 King-$195** Brand name matching sets not used or refurbished. Still in plastic, direct from factory! A better product at a better price. Wholesale Furniture Dealer (3205 SW 40th Blvd. off Archer Rd.) 376-1600. Ask for Rachel or Brian 12-7-72-6 Bed -All New Queen orthopedic pillow-top mattress & box set. Still in plastic with warranty. Can Deliver. $130 (352) 264-9799 12-7-72-6 Bed -$100 All New Full size orthopedic mattress set. Brand new, still in plastic, w/ warranty. Can Deliver.352-376-1600 12-7-72-6 Bedroom Set -Brand New! Still in boxes! HB -$125, NS -$75, Dresser $135, Mirror -$75, Chest -$135. Can Deliver. (352) 264-9799 12-7-72-6 Dinette Set -$125 Brand New 5 pc set in box, never used Can Deliver 494-0333 Sofa -$225 Brand New! Loveseat -$170 Still in package, never used. Can Del. 376-1600 12-7-72-6 Pool Table -Gorgeous 8' All wood table. Leather pockets, Italian 1" slate, carved legs. Br. New still in crate. Cost $4,500. Sell $1,350. Can Deliver. 264-9799 12-7-72-6 Hot Tub/Spa -$1795.00 Brand New Loaded! Waterfall, LED lights, cup-holders, 110v energy efficient with warranty. Free Delivery. 264-9799 12-7-72-6 DIAL-A-WASH ER Washer & Dryer leasing $160/semester or $300/year. Call 352-318-3721 9-30-32-6 **BEDS -ALL BRAND NEW** **Full $90 Queen $110 King $170 Orthopedic pillow-top sets. Brand name matching sets not used or refurbished. Still in plastic, direct from factory! 352-333-7516. 12-7-72-6 BEDQUEEN New orthopedic pillowtop mattress and boxspring set. Brand name, brand new, still in plastic with warranty. Can deliver. $115 352-377-9846. 12-7-72-6 BedAll New King! 3pc Orthopedic pillowtop mattress set. Brand NEW, still in plastic with warranty. Can deliver. $170 352-333-7516. 12-7-72-6 Bedroom Set$325 BRAND NEW. Still in boxes! 6 pieces include: Headboard, 2 Nightstands, Dresser, Mirror, Chest. Must sell, can deliver. 352-377-9846. 12-7-72-6 Futon -$160 Solid Oak Mission Style with plush mattress. All brand NEW still in box. Can deliver. 352-333-7516 T2-7-72-6 Pool Table -Gorgeous 8" All wood table. Leather pockets, Italian 1" slate, carved legs. Brand new still in crate. MUST SELL Retail $5500. Sell $950. Can deliver 352-377-9846 12-7-72-6 Hot Tub/Spa -$1295 Brand New Loaded! Waterfall, LED lights, cupholders, 110-v energy efficient with warranty. Free delivery, MUST SELL 352-372-8588 12-7-72-6 Bed-FULL size pillowtop mattress & box. New, in plastic, warr. Can del. $90 317-4031 Sofa $185 Brand newly Love seat $150 still in pkg. Can del 352-333-7516 12-7-72-6 FUTONS BEDS. *FURNITURE LOW PRICES & LARGE SELECTION Dumas Discount 3714422 1201 E. Univ. Av. New 0 Used 0 Buy 0 Sell 12-7-59-6 Used Appliances Washers/Dryers, Refrigerators & StoveJ' $125 each (352)378-4578 10-12-20-6 APT CONTENTS Modern furniture. Exc cond. <2yrs old: dining table $250, sofa -$200, coffee table $120, shelf unit $25, garden table/chairs; Ikea queen bedset incl. mattress, 2 bedside tables, chest of drawers $450. Kitchen equipment, lamps, port CD radio & more. 352-219-0236. Visit 9am-1pm Sun 9/25 Apt J-301, Haile Village Center 9158 51st Rd 3rd fir above Village Market. 9-23-3-6 PVC PATIO SET 6 pieces, fair condition, white & green flowers. $150. 352-374-8451 9-28-5-6 Full size bed $60, dorm fridge $45, dining room table w/4chairs $75, nice sofa $85, dresser w/mirror-$75, 13" remote TV $35, Lawn mower $60. Call 335-5326 9-2B-5-6 -0 A+u~tevuek r &A a" WlrpcEE 12-7-72-7 Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek House/dorm 59 min response. No waiting/ unplugging/hassels. $30 Gator Discoltet w/student ID. M/F Cert MCSE technicians. 333-8404. www.AComputerGeek.com 127-72-7 Cash Paid Laptop PCs SALES 0 SERVICE PARTS www.pcrecycle.biz 336-0075 12-7-72-7 Classifieds. Continued on next page.
20, ALLIGATOR U THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2005 Computers For Sl Autos HelpWtd I ante d "COMPUTER & LAPTOP REPAIRS" Network specialists We buy computers and laptops Working and Non-working 372r4009, 607 NW 13th Street 12-7-72-7 1 2-7-69-7 GATORNERD.COM -computer/laptop repair -virus, spyware, hardware -$10 discounts, cheapest! -home/dorm 352-219-2980 12-7-69-7 Dual 21" Sun/Sony Flat CRT Monitors. Perfect for Graphics & Audio Workstations. $500 obo. John @ 850-832-0888 or sonicj@gmail.com for Pics. Monitors located in Gainesville. 9-26-4-7 G'ville Computer Repair Service on all PC MAC and Networks. 1204 NW 13th St, Ste #10. 352-337-2500 12-753-7 DISCOUNT HI-FI 722 S. Main 0 The Red Bldg WE ARE CHEAPER 12-7-72-8 GATOR CAR ALARMS Take a bite out of crime $99.95. Installed FREE. Gainesville's oldest car alarm and car stereo specialty store. 373-3754 Audio Outlet. 12-7-84-8 Car stereo, car alarms, mobile video, mobile navigation, custom wheels and tires, and automobile performance at Sound Depot & Performance. 374-7700 sdp-alligator.com. 12-7-72-8 MESA BOOGIEAMP. Nomad 45 GuitarAmp. AJ1 tubes, 3 channel. Excellent condition. $650 OBO. Call Sunil at 352-278-0232 and leave message. 9-22-5-8 Bicycles In the market for a new set of wheels or just looking to add a second to that collection? Want personalized handlebars or a fitted seat? Check in the Alligator Classifieds. NEW& USED BIKES FOR SALE Many to choose from Best Prices in Town 0 SPIN CYCLE 373-3355 424 W University Ave 12-7-72-9 YIKES BIKES Used not abused. From basic transportation to highend stuff. All styles. Great prices. 5 blocks from UF in College Park. 870-8693 12-7-72-9 PARKING: Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF. Reserve now! Reasonable rates. 352-5382181. Can leave mssg. 12-7-72-10 GET CHEAP TEXTBOOKS Search 24 bookstores in 1 click! S&H and taxes automatically calculated Tik it tiday! htp://www.bookhq.com 926-25-10 ANTHOLOGY by Bob Brackin containing "Gainesville Stories" www.bobbrackin.com 11-18-60-10 PARTY SUPPLIES: Complete line of Bar Supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft beer equipment. Professional Cooking Utensils. R.,W. Beaty Co. 4322 NW 13th St, Gville RWBEATY.COM 376-5939 12-7-71-10 For Sale 55 gal SALTWATER REEF TANK $750 obo Micah 359-4873 9-8-5-10 Whirlpool Washer/Dryer Large capacity, 4 yrs old. Like new. $300. Contact 332-6664. 9-22-5-10 Washer & Dryer Heavy duty super capacity 4 load sizes & settings. Roper by Whirlpool. 386-682-9853 nice +. 9-22-5-10 17" TSW CHROME RIMS W/TIRES. Good condition, 4-lug universal. Asking $400. Call 316-6353 or e-mail mkunkle@ufl.edu for pics. 9-23-4-10 MotorsyMo, npds ** SCOOTERS ** RPM MOTORCYCLES INC SALES, SERVICE, PARTS Many Brands Available 518 SE 2nd St. www.RPMmotorcycles.com 377-6974 12-7-72-11 OSwamp CyclesO Save $$$ on gas, ride to class! Largest selection of Ebikes, scooters & accessories. Free delivery, 1-yr warranty, best cust. service 534 SW 4th Ave 373-8823 www.swampcycles.com 12-7-72-11 ***SOLANO CYCLE*** Scooters from $599. Largest selection KYMCO, Vnto, Hyosung, Keen & many others. Financing avail. 3550 SW 34th St. 338-8450 solanocycle.com 12-7-72-11 CASH PAID for MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS, or dirt bikes in ANY condition, Running or not. titles or not. Prompt pick up. Call ANYTIME: 352-376-9096 Please leave a message. 12-7-88-11 *NEW SCOOTERS 4 LESS* New location now open 1901 NW 67th Place 352-336-1271 www.newscooters4less.com Best prices in Gainesville. Owned by Gator grads. Will beat all Gainesville competitor's prices on similar models. 12-7-84-11 1 HURRY I Get your U.M X-speed 50 Scooters; only scooter with a 3 year parts & labor warranty. RPM Motorcycles, Inc. 518 SE 2nd St, Gainesville -377-6974 9-28-15-11 1999 KAWASAKI ZX 600 11k miles. $2500. 941-320-9522 9-23-8-11 2001 Yamaha XT225 8V. Pack Rack DualPurpose. Perfect condition and extras. $2200. Also '97 Honda Civic LX 108K $3200 Call Rich (352) 373-8238 9-23-5-11 Suzuki Katana 600cc 1999 19k mi. Runs great, good cond. Black $3300 407-590-6184 9-27-5-11 AutosIIi FAST CASH PAID FOR ANY CAROL ORunning or note *NEED HONDA, TOYOTA, PICKUPS Over 10 yr svc to UF students OCall Don @ 215-7987 12-7-72-12 CARS -CARS BuyOSeliOTrade -Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars 3432 N Main St. www.carrsmith.com CARRSMITH AUTO SALES 373-1150 12-7-72-12 **FAST CASH PAID** For CARS & TRUCKS Running or Not 1990 & up only Sell or Trade Welcome Call Ray 352-284-8619 12-7-72-12 OVER 50 IMPORTS UNDER $10,000 SELECT MOTOR CAR THE YELLOW BUILDING 2715 N MAIN 377-1616 www.selectmotorcar.us 12-7-72-12 Best Cars e Lowest Prices www.39thaveimports.com 12-7-72-12 $500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! HONDAS, CHEVYS, TOYOTAS, ETC. For listings 800-749-8116 ext 4622 12-772-12 2001 Ford Explorer XLT, cold AC, V6, 4 liter, rear air, PS, PW, PDrivers Seat, alloy wheels, AM/FM, CD/Cassette player $12,400 3592963 9-23-10-12 MAZDA PROTEGE 5 Sporty Hatchback Wagon 2002, automatic, 50,800 miles, great condition, 2L, A/C, CD, AM/FM, front air bags, alloy wheels, yellow w/black interior, large cargo space. $8995 Tel 352-219-0236 9-28-10-12 '86 Corvette V8, auto, coupe, great condition. 84k miles. White, blue int. PS, PW, AM/FM/tape. $9000 OBO. Call Sunil 352-278-0232. Must see! 9-22-5-12 98 Mustang GT Yellow/black, customized, loud, fast, attention getting car, new Goodyear tires, brakes, shocks &struts, $92k hwy mi, $7500, 941-726-0162 9-23-5-12 97 Nissan Sentra GXE, Automatic, Cold A/C. AM/FM/CD, full power, 110 K Miles, $3990+ T&T University Auto Brokers 320 NE 33 Ave, Gainesville (352)-371-2277 (352)-284-1047 9-26-5-12 98 Ford Mustang Convertable, 6 cyl. automatic, green, new top, only 75k miles, alloy wheels, $5985 + T&T University Auto Brokers 320 NE 33 Ave. Gainesville (352)371-2277 (352)-284-1047 9-26-5-12 99 Nissan Sentra GXE, Automatic Cold A/C AM/FM stereo tape, pwr windows, locks, $4750 + T&T UniversityAuto Brokers 320 NE 33 Ave. Gainesville (352)-371-2277 (352)284-1047 9-26-5-12 98 Ford Mustang CPE, Automatic, 6 cly. only 68k miles, red, AM/FM, CD, alloy wheels, $5975 + T&T University Auto Brokers 320 NE 33 Ave. Gainesville (352)371-2277 (352)284-1047 9-26-5-12 MITSUBISHI MIRAGE 1995 $200. 352-328-4844 9-26-3-12 Wanted LOCAL ARTIST NEEDS: GOLD, DIAMONDS, GEMS, CLASS RINGS, ETC TOP CASH $ OR TRADE. OZZIE'S FINE 'JEWELRY. 373-9243 12-7-72-13 THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY NEEDS VOLUNTEER DRIVERS Transport patients to/from treatments Must have valid driver's license, safe driving record & attend training session. Call 352-376-6866 ext 114 for more info. On-going volunteer needed: Blind lady needs trans on Sundays only to Mass @ Queen of Peace Catholic Church or St. Augustine Catholic Church. For more info call 219-6948. I live in the Tower Rd area. 9-30-53-13 Blind lady needs health majors interested in walking at lease three times a week. Call 352-219-6948. Thanks. 9-30-53-13 Help Wanted This newspaper assumes no responsibility for injury or loss arising from contacts made through advertising. We suggest that any reader who responds to advertising use caution and investigate the sincerity of the advertiser before giving out personal information or arranging meetings LIKE TO WORK WITH LUXURY CARS? Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be over 22, stable work history, clean driving record, drug-free, pers ref. www.carrsmith.com for details. 12-7-72-14 Animal Care Tech looking for hard working person to work w/ reptiles & rodents. Wll train, PT to start with more hrs possible. Start at $6.50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024 between 9-4 M-F. 12-7-72-14 CNA CLASS: Learn @ your own time and pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and pass the state exam is on VCR tape. 95% pass the state exam the 1st time $200. Call 800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 12-7-72-14 Phone survey interviewers wanted. Start work today! No sales, opinion research only! Flexible Schedule! Perceptive Market Research 336-6760 ex 4081 Call now! 127-72-14 Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/, Sales and IT needed for various positions. Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Join our team! Learn more at www.gleim.com/ employment 12-7-72-14 $$ STUDENTS GET CASH $$ For gently used brand name Clothing/accessories & furniture $Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No appt necessary 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 127-72-14 BARTENDING $250 A DAY POTENTIAL No experience necessary, training provided. 800-965-6520 ext 138 12-7-72-14 SECRET SHOPPERS Needed for evaluations of Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters Flexible Hours, E-mail required Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254 12-7-72-14 EARN $60 THIS WEEK! Donate Plasma & Save a Life $$ $$$ $$ $$ $$ $ Best part-time job you'll ever have. NEW DONORS Bring this Ad and Earn an Extra $5 on Your 2nd Donation. DCI Biologicals 150 NW 6th St. 352-378-9204 12-7-72-14 Mortgage lender has immediate positions avail for college students. No exp req. $8/hr + bonus, flex hrs. Apply in person 2-7pm M-F at 1900 SW 34th St Ste 206 (2nd fir above credit union) 12-7-72-14 Would you like to be your own boss, work your own hours, and make unlimited income? Call Emma @ 352-871-4489 or e-mail avonbyemma@hotmail.com. 12-7-72-14 Internet Marketing Specialist -Detail oriented w/strong MS Excel/Word, communication skills. Knowledge of SEC, PPC and affiliate management a plus. Flex schedule. Base pay + bonuses. Fax resume 800-967-5140 10-31-66-14 HIRING KITCHEN STAFF Starting $6.15/hr DRIVERS $8-15/hr, and FLYERERS. PT easy schedule. Please call 2-5pm 378-2442 or fill out application at California Chicken Grill 2124 SW 34th St. Mon -Fri. 12-7-72-14 *DANCERS NEEDED* Private dance co. Great for students. Great pay, fast cash & flexible hours. All to start today! 378-3312 10-4-30-14 Five Star Pizza Downtown/Tower Road now hiring all positions for fall and spring. In store/ driver. Great pay w/ great atmosphere. Apply @ 210 SW 2nd Ave 375-5600 or 600 NW 75th St. 333-7979 10-3-37-14 www.GatorHospitalityJobs.com Find a job today at one of over 60 restaurants, bars or hotels. Cooks, delivery drivers, bartenders, housekeepers, servers. In high demand. 9-30-33-14 MOVERS WANTED. Need driver's license. Apply in person at 505 NW 53rd Ave. At GATOR MOVING & STORAGE. Mon-Fri 9-30-28-14 GATORSNEEDJOBS.COM We need Paid Survey Takers in Gainesville. 100% FREE to join. Click on Surveys. 9-30-27-14 CASHHI Tired of sitting around w/out it? Sit here & make it! UF FLORIDA REPDIALS seeks UF students to raise funds. Earn up to $8.00/hr with a FLEXIBLE schedule. Apply at 105 NW 16th St. 4th floor. Academic Classroom Building 105, or call 392-7754 for more info. 12-7-72-14 DRIVER OPPORTUNITY Earn between $10-$20/hri. Gatorfood.com Flexible Schedule, Great Opportunity. For info contact Meghan 379-3663 9-2622-14 LOOKING FOR A PARTTIME JOB? Merchandise sales. Earn $100-$200 working 2-3 hrs. Home games only, prior to kick-off. Contact 321-277-5523 8-321-5-14 University of Florida Survey Research Center 408 W University Ave. Suite 106 Mon-Fri 9:30am-9pm 392-2908 ext. 105 $7/hr + BONUS + Paid Training Telephone Interviewing NO SALES 3 eves 6-9 pm + 2 weekend shifts or Sat 12pm-6pm + Sun 2pm-8pm Must work winter break 12-7-71-14 Lg Property Management Co Now Hiring PT & FT Leasing Agent (Sales) & FT Asst Manager openings. Great team, training, bonuses. Fax res, cover & avail sched to 376-6269 or hr@trimarkproperties.com 12-7-71-14 COOKS NEEDED Fill out app: GatorHospitalityJobs.com. Receive offers from over 100 restaurants & hotels. Also needed: delivery drivers, managers & housekeeppers. 9-30-25-14 TELEMARKETING SALES REPRESENTATIVES Infinite Energy, a rapidly expanding natural gas marketer with a large customer base, has an immediate need for SALES REPRESENTATIVES (inbound and outbound calls). Flexible schedules. Need more info -go to www.infiniteenergy.com. Respond by fax 352-240-4146 or email your resume to wehavejobs@infiniteenergy.com. EOE/AA/ MFDV 9-23-20-14 VIRTUALLY CUBAN Now hiring servers & prep cooks. Experience & Spanish speaking a pius. PT apply in person M-P 2-5pm 2409 SW 13th Street 3364127 10-10-30-14 Attention Smokers! Earn about $6/hr. Smokers are needed to participate in a study on decision making & smoking.If interested, come to the Psychology Bldg room 397 or call 3920601 ext 297 12-7-68-14 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers"
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2005 N ALLIGATOR, 21 IHelp W'ated Help Wanted Help Wanted pHelp Wanted H Finance company needing office assistant & collections associate. Young, progessive company w/ advancement & bonuses. 25 hrs/wk. Start immediately. Fax resume to 352-378-4156. 10-31-41-14 Call center needs telephone agents for all shifts 24 hours. 1830 NE 2nd St. Apply in person M-F 9am-4pm. 12-7-66-14 PT & FT GROUNDS & EXT MAINT Pickup & care of bldg & grounds. Great mgmt team, benefits, training. Must have auto. Fax res, avail sched to 376-6269 hr@trimarkproperties.com 12-7-63-14 Male tumbling instructor needed at TUMBLEMANIA in High Springs. The position is PT (10-12 hrs/wk). Previous spotting exp. required. Must be able to spot basic thru intermediate level skills. 386-454-1779. 9-22-10-14 FOOD SERVICE JOBS Gator Dining Services located on the UF Campus is hiring for supervisors, cashiers, cooks, line servers, and dishwashers. Flex hours, competitive pay and a great working environment. Apply at Gator Dining Services, B73 Reitz Union, Museum Rd or online at www.gatordining .com 9-23-10-14 Security Staff Needed Now! $6.75 hour Help residence halls be safe. Info and applications available at housing office near Beaty. 392-2161 x 10125 for more info. 9-23-10-4 Female smokers, thin, feminine who enjoy smoking socially needed for confidential phone interview. Selected callers earn $50. Leave name and number, your call will be returned. 661-255-3940 1010-21-14 Attention Smokers! Do you want to quite smoking? smokers are needed to participate in a smoking cessaton study. If interested e-mail the UF Smoking Lab and Clinic. ufsmokelabclinic@gmail.com or call 3284944 9-30-14-14 TEACHER'S AIDE Mon. thru Fri. RECEPTIONIST Mon., Wed., Fri. SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST or PT ESE TEACHER EINSTEIN CHARTER SCHOOL 335-4321 9-26-10-14 HIRING DELIVERY DRIVERS Earn up to $12-14/hr. Call California Chicken Grill 378-2442 12-7-59-14 YMCA Get paid to play! Do you like to work with children? The YMCA is now accepting applications for Afterschool counselors. Multiple locations throughout Gainesville. Need to be available from approx. lpm-6pm. Apply in person at 5201 NW 34th St. Immediate Openings! 9-30-14-14 INTERNSHIPS AVAILABLE! Get paid after FREE training classes Exciting new multimedia grade booster! Bright, enterprising -All majors/years email now -happygrades@bellsouth.net 9-24-8-14 4) -:0 NURSING STUDENTS/CNA's Private care of elder in rehab & private home. Call 352-332-0394 for appt. & interview. Flexible hrs. & favorable salary. 9-27-10-14 GATOR DOMINOS $10-15/hour DRIVERS $8-$10/hour INSIDERS $35-$50/year MANAGERS Apply online at www.gatordominos.com 127-65-14 CHILD CARE TEACHERS Needed FT and PT positions. $7-$9/hr. Holy Trinity. Call 377-2290 9-23-a-14 Responsible student wanted for babysitting in my home. Approx 3-4 afternoons per week. References necessary. Please call 222-1532 for questions. 9-27-10-14 Marketing Internship: Leading mobile software company is looking for energetic and hard working individuals for a marketing internship. The position will include market research, as well as promotional material development. Interested candidates please send your resume to jobs@usbmis.com 928-10-14 Do you want to work at an airport? Apply today at University Air Center or call 335-4681. Night shift and customer service positions available immediately. 9-28-10-14 MTEC Calenclar C06 Talent call 9/24, 9-11am at RAMTECH for attractive women modeling & representing RAMTECH products. Visit www.ramtech.net for examples of pro-photography themes. Questions:352-256-8324, rates and details will be discussed at the talent call 3711 SW 42nd Ave. #5 9-23-7-14 HUNGRY HOWIES is now hiring. Cash paid daily. Drivers & inside workers needed. Flexible schedule. Full & part time avil. Apply in person at any Gainesville location. 9-2810-14 PARTICIPANTS NEEDED The Phonetics Laboratory in the Program in Linguistics is looking for people to participate in a listening experiment. Youcan earn $10/hour by participating in a study of the perception of speech sounds from foreign languages. If you are interested in participating, please contact Jenna Silver (enlsilver@yahoo.com) 9-28-10-14 PRODUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES. 20-25 hrs per week. Call 9am -noon. 377-6245 9-23-7-14 FT asst Mgr/FT or PT Leasing Agt. Great customer Svcs skills. Able to handle busy env. Some Sats req'd. Apply at 1902 SW 42nd Way or fax resume to 352-375-4434 VenturaApts. 9-28-10-14 CUSTOMER SERVICE FT Reps and Mgrs. Will Train. FAX 815-301-8667 careers@bytheplanet.com 9-28-10-14 ACCTS. RECEIVABLE/BILLING CLERK for site work construction office. Quickbooks experience preferred. Ideal for business or accounting major. Flexible hours. $8-12/hr. Call 335-1711. 9-22-5-14 HORSE FARM -Barn chores in exchange for living accomodations. Silver Ridge Stables, Micanopy. 361-1454. 9-29-10-14 NOW HIRING DELIVERY DRIVERS PT/FT Nights & Weekends. Apply at any Pizza Hut $12-$14 an hour. 9-30-11-14 FOOD SERVICE JOBS Gator Dining Services, located on the UF Campus is hiring! Positions start at $7.30 an hour. Full and part time positions available, no experience needed. Flex hours and a great working environment. Apply at Gator Dining Services, B73 Reitz Union, Museum Rd or online at www.gatordining.com 9-2910-14 Classic Fare Catering, located on the UF Campus, is looking for banquet staff supervisiors. Flexible hours, competitive pay and a great work environment. No experience necessary, we will train. Apply in person and the Classic Fare Catering Office located on the first floor of the Reitz Union or apply online at www.gatordining.com 9-29-10-14 GREAT PAY FOR PEOPLE WHO STAY! Park Place Car Wash is looking for hard workers for all positions. Cashiers (fullday availability) & lineworkers. (AM 8:30-1) & (PM 12-6) shifts available. 15-40hrs. your choice. Great work environment. Apply in person. 7404 NW 4th Blvd. Across from Home Depot. No phone calls please. 10-7-15-14 CHILDCARE TEACHERS wanted M-F, FT. & Pt. Prev. childcare exp. Required. FT Cook 1049 Museum Rd. Kinder Care 9-23-5-14 Help wanted for the serious, hard working and trustworthy. Yard work $6.50/hour. Carpentry, electric, roofing and plumbing repair starting at $7.50/hour. Negotiable. 376-6183 9-23-4-14 VALET PARKING Full time & part time people wanted. Must be customer oriented & dependable. Call Andy 1-888-463-1954 ext. 205 9-23-5-14 Leasing Consultant Looking for reliable, motivated people for busy leasing office. PT including nights & weekends. Please fax resume to 384-3982 9-23-5-14 BLIMP GROUND CREW MUST be willing to travel full time. Have no criminal background, Have clean driving record and be drug-free. Also see CAREER BUILDER Key word Blimp Ground Crew or call Steve Adams 407-363-7777 9-30-10-14 DELIVERY & KITCHEN POSITIONS available at Celebrations Catering. All shifts, flexible scheduling. Apply at 904 N. Main St. 9-23-5-14 ADMINSTRATIVE ASST. 8-12 hrs/wk Flex schedule 352-331-0260 9-30-10-14 KARATE INSTRUCTOR to teach @ Gainesville's Premier Facility 352-331-3557 9-30-10-14 Flyer Distributer Needed Gatorfood.com is looking for energetic enthusiastic people, flexible schedule. Call Meghan @379-3663 9-23-5-14 WAREHOUSE STAFF! PT inventory control, flexible hours. Great job for students! WiIl work around class schedule. Apply at Concessions Office, South End Zone Ben Hill Griffin Stadium, next to the Gator Sport Shop 9-23-5-14 EVENT SUPERVISORS!! PT Supervisors needed. Days, nights, weekends. Flexible hours. Great 2nd Job! Apply at Concessions Office, South End Zone Ben Hill Griffin Stadium, next to the Gator Sport shop 9-23-5-14 WANTED SERVERS, DISHWASHERS, SUSHI HELPERS. Call 352-871-4381 9-23-5-14 Receptionist/front office assistant for Dermatology office. Must have excellent organization and communication skills. FT M-F, 8-5 or PT at least 30 hr/wk. Insurance/ retirement benefits available. Medical office experience desired but will train motivated person. Fax resume to 352-332-2966 926-5-14 Residential care workers to supervise & direct teenage girls in residential program, Assist w/record keeping & perform duties necessary for overall care & well being of juvenile in program. Flex sched avail. Ocala area. Resume: Human Resources Children's Home Society. 605 NE 1st St GviIle 32601 or online www.chsfl.org EOE/DFWP 9-265-14 *EDUCATIONAL RETAIL STORE* Needs part-time help, fleible weekday hours, plus 2-3 Saturdays per month. Please bring in a resume to 2020 NW rth Sf. 10-10-15-14 Research Associate Applied Genetic Technologies Corporation (AGTC), a development-stage biotech company dedicated to developing Adeno-associated virus (AAV) based gene therapies for the treatment of acquired and inherited genetic diseases, is seeking a full-time Research Associate. The Research Associate will be responsible for upstream process development of adherent and suspension cell culture and viral vector production, scaling to bioreactors, downstream unit operations, and process monitoring, control, and automation. Requirements: BSc or MS in chemical engineering, biochemical engineering, microbiology, or related discipline with 2-5 years (for BSc) or 0-2 years (for MS) of relevant experience. The successful candidate will be a highly motivated, self-starter able to work with minimal supervision on multiple tasks withinmthe context of a face-paced, multi-disciplinary team. Extensive hands on experience with bioreactor cell culture and/or viral production required. Familiarity with process monitoring and control software and interfacing process equipment is highly desirable. AGTC offers competitive salaries based on experience, with a full range of benefits. EOE. AGTC maintains a drug free workplace. Please send CV or resume to: Dr. David Knop, Applied Genetic Technologies Corporation, 12085 Research Drive, Suite 144, Alachua, FL 32615; via facsimile (386) 462-0875, Attn. Dr. David Knop, AGTC; or email to: dknop@biotech.ufl.org. 9-27-5-14 MARIO & LUIGI'S PIZZA Now hiring flyer distributors $7.50/hr; Drivers $10-12/hr; Pizzamakers $7/hr. Apply.at 3458 W. University Ave. Call 376-6433 or 8713368 9-27-5-14 SICK OF YOUR JOB? Get paid what you're worth while working for yourself. Take control! Call 1-800-626-0669. www.endgamenow.com 10-4-10-14 PT help wanted 15-25/hr/wk. The Village Market & Coffee Shop located in Haile Village Center. Apply within. 380-0111 Directions only. 10-4-10-14 WAREHOUSE MGR F/T SHIPPING CLERKS F/T For major internet retailer. FAX 815-301-9667 careers@bytheplanet.com 9-27-5-14 CASHIER/CUSTOMER SERVICE Self-motivated & energetic. PT evenings at the mall. 6-9 Mon-Sat. Call Shannon 2842959 9-27-5-14 SALES CLERK $6.50/hr part time. Call Sandy's Consignment Boutique 372-1226 9-27-5-14 HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. Students for part time cleaning. 8-11 hrs per week. $10 hour. 339-1761.after 7p. 927-5-14 IVEY'S GRILL needs part-time dishwasher/ prep cooks Fri, Sat & Sun 7:30am to 5pm AND Thurs, Fri & Sat 4pm to 11pm. Apply in person @ 3303 W. University Ave. Closed Mondays. 9-27-5-14 COURIERS NEEDED FT/PT. Seeking: positive attitude, reliabe, responsible, organized drivers. Need valid, clean license, commit to 2(+) semesters/ 6mos. We provide: company cars, cell phones, flexible schedules, networking opportunities w/area's most prestigious firms. Fax resume: 378-1594, attention, Ed Simmons. 9-27-5-14 Advanced Technologies & Testing Lab is seeking applications for Full/Part Time Office Assistant and Lab Technician/ Chemist. Please email your resume to attl@bellsouth.net or fax to 352-378-0322 9-28-5-14 PART TIME LEASING AGENT Applyin person. Wndmeadows Apt. 2712 SW 34th St. DFWP. 10-7-12-14 Customer Service Sales Stock Apply iiiperson .7100 W. University Ave. 10-5-10-14 MAUI TERIYAKI Now hiring PT/FT COOKS & CASHIERS. Apply in person .Tower Rd. & 13th St. locations. 10-13-16-14 Nurse/Medical assistantforbusy Dermatology office. Ideal position for health related major. Part-time position 16-20 hrs/wk. Minimum 1year commitment. Experience preferred but willing to train motivated person. Fax resume 352-332-2966 9-28-5-14 LA Services AAA STORAGE Close To UF, Convenient 4x4x4 $20/mo 4x8x8 $35/mo 533 SW 2nd Ave. 377-1771 12-7-72-15 IMPORT AUTO REPAIR.BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, Volvo, VW, Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Mazda. Quality craftsmanship, reasonable prices, near UF, AAA approved 378-7830 www.carrsmith.com 12-7-72-15, HYPNOTIST-Stop smoking. Improve memory & concentration. Eliminate bad habits. Past life regression. Learn self-hypnosis. Low Student Rates. Leonard Umans AAPH, NGH certified 379-1079. 12-7-72-15 ** BELLY DANCE ** Ethnic Dance Expressions Studio For Fun & Fitness 384-9200 www.ethnicdanceexpressions.com 12-7-72-15 HORSE BOARDING -peaceful -spacious 30 acres -lighted arena -round pens -standard & oversizedexp help -12x12 stalls 1352-472-2627 or Iv msg @ 339-2193 Owner on premisis -35+ yrs exp. Lesons avail. 12-7-72-15 SLEEPY HOLLOW HORSE FARM Quality Boarding 0 Lessons/English 0 Parties 0 Alachua County's oldest & finest horse farm @ 466-4060 12-7-72-15 **AUTO MALL SERVICE DEPT** Complete Auto Service Imports & Domestics 0 Cars & Trucks Discount for students. Call 352-380-0033 www.automallgainesville.com 12-7-74-15 EVERGLADE EQUESTRIAN CENTER The countryclub for horses & owners. Customer lounge w/full kitchen & bath.-250' x 160' riding ring, round pen & jump paddock. Lessons. 30 acres, 40 matted stalls, 19 separate paddocks. 24-hr security, 352-5913175 everglade-eqestrian.com 12-7-72-15 ** GREAT BANNERS & SIGNS * Custom Posters 0 Exhibits 0 Awards Top Quality Fast 0 Service 0 Low Prices www.signpower.com SignMasters 335-7000 9-2-61-15 Jump start your job search at www.college-resumes.com 12-7-72-15 AWARDS & PERSONALIZED GIFTS Plaques Name Badges 0 Cups 0 Etc. Best Selection In Town www.signpower.com SignMasters 335-7000 9-2-61-15 ENGLISH TUTORING English as 2nd language Reading, Composition, Conversation Experienced educators. Reasonable fees. Tel: 352-335-9400 9-30-27-15 FINANCE TUTOR Individuals or small groups Experienced, excellent. 375-6641 Harold Nobles 12-7-72-15 Stringing -If anybody can string rackets low, EZ Tennis can string them lower. Ready in 24hrs. Express stringing avail upon request. We have more string than all local stores combined. please stop by or call 372-2257 10-21-42-15 Classifieds. Continued on next page.
22, ALLIGATOR N THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2005 ei cs Himath ServicesPersonals Enterfainmnent Rides Why buy mart-cheap rackets? You can upgrade at EZ Tennis & pay less. Stop wasting money. Our name is EZ and our game is Tennis. Call them and call us. 372-2257 10-21-42-15 Rackets -Tennis -Racquetball -Squash -Badmitton -Table Tennis. Lowest prices in town. EZ Tennis will gladly beat lower internet prices. Call us at 372-2257 10-21-42-15 PERSONAL TRAINING 300 Personal and Group Training Flexible Scheduling Exclusive Facility Call for a free workout 339-2199 12-7-72-15 Want to be a CNA? Don't want to wait? Express Training Services can get you certified under 3 wks! Hands-on exp, no videos. Day/eve classes avail. Next class 10/3/05. Class sizes limited. 338-1193 for details. 12-7-71-15 NEED GAS? Car hot? Lose your cool Call Rick-I'm quick! RICK'S MOBILE AUTO A/C, All Freons-oils, computer diagnosis 40 years experience 213-2665 12-7-71-15 WRITING COACH Strength skills & GPA Call Neil at (352) 377-4389 or Email WriteRight 1@msn.com -Sliding hourly scale 9-23-5-15 MATH TUTOR 7 years of experience. B.S. in. Engineering UF. English/Spanish. Call Francisco @352-494-8582 or 377-2526 Sliding Scale Rates 9-26-20-15 MUSIC STUDIES Guitar, piano and bass. All serious students welcome. I'm a 30 yr. pro. 376-3831 11-235-15 KEEP THIS! Perfect your interviewing/ resume skills with personal consultation by professional with years of sr. management exp. $50/2hrs 954-461-5451 9-23-5-15 Free Long Distance Anywhere rldwide + FREE Coupons/Specials. FREE Dialer = FREE Calls + Coupons. Go to: WWW.MYADCALLS.COM/6673 9-28-15-20 TUTORING-Ph.D. Instructor Spanish, English, Philosophy $10.per hour. Please call & leave message 352-332-1818 9-27-5-15 M Hea Ith Services ANONYMOUS HIV ANTIBODY TESTING Alachua County Health Dept. Call 334-7960 for appt (optional $20 fee) URGENT CARE/WALK-IN MEDICAL New Location Students -NoAppt Neededl FIRST CARE OF GAINESVILLE 4343 Newberry Rd. #10, 373-2340 Most Ins Accepted, Hours M-F 8am-6pm 12-7-72-16 ABORTION/ABORTION by PILL (RU-486) IV sedation, Student Discount. Wall Woman Care & Birth Control Bread & Roses Women's Health Ctr 352-372-1664 www.breadroses.com 1-9-72-16 All Women's Health Center ABORTION Free Pregnancy Test RU-486 Available 378-9191 www.abortiongainesville.com 12-7-72-16 THETRUEYOU! Lose 8 -15 pounds in 4 weeks Only $99! Gain muscle while you lose fat Groups forming now. 339-2199. 12-7-72-16 "SEVERE DRY EYE?" New therapy being studied! If you qualify to participate in theis reserarch you will get free evaluation, medication, and be reimbursed for your rime. Call Dr. Levy @ 331-2020 for evaluation. 12-7-71-16 "PINK EYE?" Participate in a study to treat bacterial conjunctivitis. Qualified participants will bet free evaluation, medication & be reimbursed for their time. Call Dr. Levy @ 331-2020 immediately 12-7-71-16 Loving, Christian couple wanting to expand their family. If you are pregnant, and adoption is an alternative, please contact our attorney, Alice Murray, FBN 0794325. at 1-800-7088888. 10-12-20-16 Women's Health Services at Jennings. Routine gyn exams and contraception info and prescriptions for all UF students. Tuesdays 12:30-4:00pm by appt. only There is a fee for these health services. 392-1433 9-30-10-16 Massage therapy at Jennings for UF students. Wednesdays 1:30-4:30pm. Chair massages. by appt. only, there is a fee for these health services. 392-1433 9-3010-16 fa l tTyping Services RESUMES -$25 & up. DOUBLE-SPACED REPORTS -$2.50/pg. COVER LETTERS, ENVELOPES, ETC. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call days/eves 256--1042; bb32601@aol.com 12-7-72-17 SAME DAY SERVICE: Transcription, typing, apps. Desktop pub: brochures, newsletters, flyers, ads, logos. Resume service. 18 yrs exp. 24-hr turnaround. Connie 271-2677 9-28-10-17 In terms of Tennis, big stores make EZ Tennis look good. We are lower than them in prices -faster in stringing -stock better quality rackets -can explain or recommend products to customers better. Tell your friends about EZ Tennis. Call us at 372-2257 10-21-42-18 Tell your friends about EZ Tennis, If you have any questions, please talk to us. Our goal, to have the lowest prices on rackets in the world. Please help us and your friends to achieve this goal. Bring the lowest price ufind. Call us at 372-2257 10-21-42-18 Become More Beautiful Add years to life. Free proof: PASR, Box 312144, Atlanta Georgia 30331. 10-5-35-18 POSTURE FLOWYOGA CLASSES 0 Flowing postures w/focus on breath & energy. All levels. Near UF or mall. Drop-in or Series. Mon, Wed nights; Thur am. Also, Free talks Mon nights 7:30-8:30 331-3366 10-6-20-18 U onntnectio n Uj Want to make a connection? Place your ad here to look for someone to share a common interest with or for your true love Must have lots of free time for rehersals and your own travel money for the first year. We're going on a big musical tour in about one year. Seeking bass player & keyboard-. ist by ear. Children's music for The Learning Castle TV show. Angelina 352-333-8588 9-22-20-19 Asexual Pals Meeting Service "Where non-sexual adults find love" http://www.asexualpals.com 9-27-10-19 Chat live free, gay STR-8 or Bi. Call the Matchmaker free @ 373-7272, 24 hrs. Great way to meet cool people and it works. Chat live with others. 12-7-52-19 Personals Ntcs E. Eeni Notices ANONYMOUS HIV ANTIBODY TESTING Alachua County Health Dept. Call 334-7960 for app't (optional $20 fee) SAVE ON RAYBAN/SUNGLASSES University Opticians 300 SW 4th Ave. 378-4480. 12-7-72-18 GUNSl GUNS! GUNS!. 1800 Gun Inventory Over 500 handguns in stock Buy, Sell, Trade or Repair. Reloading Supplies 466-3340 Harry Beckwith, Gun Dealer 1 mi. South of G'ville on 441 12-7-72-18 *Family Chiropractic* Since 1977. Two blocks from U.F. 373-7070 12-7-72-18 FLASHBACKS PAYS CASH FOR CLOTHES. We buy 10-5, M-Sat. Open to shop Ill 6. WE ALSO BUY HOUSEHOLD ITEM. 211 W Univ Ave 375-3752. 12-7-72-18 VEGETARIAN? Try BOOK LOVER'S CAFE Inside Books, Inc. 505 NW 13 St. 10-9 384-0090 12-7-72-18 CLEARANCE SALE -All CDs must go 100,000+ CDs on sale $5.99. Ten for $50. We need more room for our GIANT DVD INVENTORY. Cash paid for DVDs. Hear Again 818 W. University Ave. 373-1800 12-7-72-18 Big stores cannot touch our stringing in quality and price. Please ask their clerks about EZ Tennis. Why wait for 3-5 days on strining. With us 1 day max! Call us at 372-2257 1021-42-18 IS YOUR BUSINESS, CLUB OR ORGANIZATION HAVING AN EVENT? DO YOU HAVE .A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT? PLACE YOUR AD HERE AND GET IT NOTICED! .k get ready for career fair-aug 26 workshops, panels, speakers, networking, info sessions www.engineeringday.eng.ufl.edu 9-22-2-20 FREE GRE VERBAL WORKSHOP UF Reading & Writing Center offers this workshop Mon & Wed Sept 26 & 28 from 5-6:45pm. Call 392-2010 to register & learn room location. 9-26-4-20 ACCOMODATIONS-Sports/Special Events 5 min to UFL. Private -3 acres: Sleeps 8 -4BR/3.5BA, kitchen, great room, porches, hot tub, gas grill. Ideal for family/adult coupIes -$500/day352-371-7922 10-19-35-21 CLOGGING BEGINNNERS CLASS Tuesdays 6:30-7:30. Westside Park Rec Center. 1001 NW 34th St. $20/10wks. Starting Sept 20, 2005. Call 373-4001 923-14-21 BAHAMAS SPRING BREAK CELEBRITY CRUISEl 5 Days From$299 Inclades Meals, Taxes, Entry To Exclusive MTVu Events, Beach Parties With Celebrities As Seen on Real World, Road Rules! On Campus Reps Needed! www.SpringBreakTravel.com 1-800-678-6386 FL Seller of Travel Reg. #ST34486 2-15-81-21 CANCUN, ALCPULCO, JAMAICA From $499 Travel With America's Largest & Ethix Award Winning Spring Break Company! ~ Fly Scheduled Airlines, Free Meals, Drinks, Biggest Celebrity Parties! On-Campus Marketing Reps Needed! www.SpringBreakTravel.com 1-800-678-6386 FL Seller of Travel Reg #34486 2-15-81-21 Tickets ***EUROPE from $377 RT*** Travel planning for everyone. Train, cruises, hotels, tours. Gator Country Travel (ust off campus) 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-36232 12-7-72-22 ***WEST COAST from $197 RT** Tours, packages & more. Los Angeles, Seattle, S.F, S.D. & More! Gator Country Travel (ust off campus) 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-36232 12-7-72-22 ***EAST COAST $137 RT*** Fall & holiday specials. NYC, DC, Philly, New Eng & morel Gator Country Travel Oust off campus) 373-1 992 FIL Seller of Travel Rag. No. ST 36232 12-7-72-22 $$ Looking for single game & season tickets -home and away. Paying top dollar. Call 877596-1234 10-20-40-22 Loyal Gator Fan NEEDS FOOTBALL TIX All Home/Away Games Call 352-871-0146 11-23-62-22 ALL GATOR TICKETS WANTED Paying Top $$$ Local and Confidential 1-800-611-7053 11-23-52-22 Rides FREE CLAST WORKSHOP This UF Teaching Center workshop will help students with the ELS, Essay & Math Sections. ELS & Essay on Mon 9/26 from 23:30pm; Math on Tues 9/27 & Th 9/29 from 7-9pm. Call 392-2010 to register 9-26-4-20 GM G TRANSPOTI' 20 Yrs. as the Official So. Fl. Bus 'Depart: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30PM/reverse ment $40 r/t Mia-FtL/Pomp-WPB-FtP336-7026 www.GMGTRANS.com 12-7-72-23 ** ***************** SPRING BREAK SPRING BREAK ADS WILL APPEAR IN THIS SECTION 3-10-50-21 FIRST STRIKE PAINTBALL Airball, Speedball, Forts on 27 acres Call for the best group rates 352-338-8408 12-7-72-21 Miami Bus Service $40 R/T W.P Bch, Pomp, FT. L, Miami Departures: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30 pm 335-8116 www.miamibusservice.com 12-7-72-23 JACKSONVILLE INT'LAIRPORT and Beaches -daily trips. $40 ONE WAY or $65 ROUND TRIP Relax and save. Reserve now! WM.RNWY.COM 0 1-800-5RUNWAY 9-26-20-23 2 IMMEDIATE POSITIONS Veterinary assistant & FT receptionist. Tri-Country Pet and Bird Hospital. 10 Mi W of Oaks Mall on Newberry Rd. No calls or faxes. (Asst must have Mon & Thurs afternoons available) 923-10-24 HORSES FOR SALE OR LEASE. Reasonable price. Micanopy Barn 466-3182 10-4-10-24 AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE PITBILL Puppies for sale. 8 weeks. With shots. $200. 352-283-5998 9-28-5-24 LOST: MALE JACK RUSSELL TERRIER near university. White w/tri-color face. Microchipped. REWARD $500. Call 352514-3187 9-29-20-25 FOUND: PRESCRIPTION GLASSES IN EYEGLASS CASE in intersection of University & Main on Tues 9/20. Call to identify 373-3463. 9-26-3-25 FOUND: TINY 6-WK OLD KITTEN white & tan near end of SW 42nd St. Wed morning. Call to identify 375-0410 9-263-25 I MOST WANTED 1 Brian Keith Taliaferro Black Male (DOB 2126/67); 510", 185 lbs, Black Hair, Brown Eyes Wanted for: 2 Felony Violation of Probation Warrants tar Possession ofa Controlled Substranse end Worthless Check ALACHUA COUNTY CRIME STOPPERS Call (352) 372-STOP
P THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2005 ALLIGATOR www.alligatorSports.org cDonald injury thrusts Cohen into starting role By IAN FISHER Alligator Staff Writer ifisher@alligator.org For defensive end Joe Cohen, a year made a huge difference. Last year, he started 12 games at end before taking a backseat to Ray McDonald. Now with McDonald out four to six weeks with a partially tom ACL, Cohen is back starting at end. "Me, personally, I don' t think I should have been starting last year." Joe Cohen UF defensive end Starting every game last season, Cohen failed to record a single sack. He's the first to admit that he was ineffective. "Me, personally, I don't think I should have been starting last year," Cohen said. "I still had a ways to go at D-end. I still was way off on my techuique. I just needed more work." Cohen, a fullback before switching to defense, hadn't played on the defensive line since ninth or 10th grade. No wonder he lacked techniqueT UFFOOTBALL M POOR BALL PROTECTION HAS KEPT RESERVES ON BENCH. By BRYAN APP and ANDREW ABRAMSON Alligator Staff Writers After earning a nod to start the season opener against Wyoming, tailback Skyler Thornton has apparently fallen out of Coach "He was a runting back," fellow defensive end Jeremy Mincey said. "That's the running back state of mind: 'I want to get the ball and run.' "He used to pass rush like he was running the ball sometimes." Not anymore. Cohen is finally getting the defensive mindset, Mincey said. Although Cohen only has one tackle this season, Coach Urban Meyer graded him one of four defensive champions after his performance against Louisiana Tech, even before McDonald was injured. "He's a guy that didn't practice real well around here for a while," Meyer said. "Even before Ray's injury, he was making a big push about three or four weeks ago." With McDonald gone, that push is going to have to be harder. Cohen will start at end with redshirt freshman Derrick Harvey backing him up until McDonald can return. But Cohen doesn't see it as a chance to prove himself; he'd rather have McDonald playing. "I try not to look al it that way," he said. "I wish Ray was out there with us. But so far this year I've been trying to establish myself in second SEE COHEN, PAGE 25 Alligator File Photo A converted fullback, Joe Cohen struggled as a defensive lineman last season. Cohen will now have to fill in at defensive end for injured Ray McDonald. PLis, Thr7may slag re against Kentucky Urban Meyer's good graces due to ball-hanconfidence in the freshman's ball-handling said. "He's doing a little bit of a better job this dling issues. ability. week. We have a plan, and I think you guys Thornton didn't play a down against "Are you kidding me?" said Meyer regardknow what it is -to take care of the football Tennessee but could see a limited role against ing whether Portis' ball-handling contributed and get in the game." Kentucky on Saturday. to his lack of playing time in the 16-7 UF win "He dropped the ball as well," Meyer against the Volunteers. LOW OUTPUT: While UF's defense continues said. "He and Markus [Manson] had a little "You lose that game if we turn the ball to receive praise, Meyer's offense has reball-security issue. Skyler's getting a little over." ceived a bit of criticism. better. He had a very good week. We might But Portis seems to be improving in UF's offense -considered one of the best see a little more Skyler this week." practices and should play in Lexington on in the nation heading into the season -is curQuarterback Josh Portis also didn't play Saturday, Meyer said. against Tennessee due to Meyer's lack of "There's a plan [to play Portis]," Meyer SEE FOOTBALL, PAGE 25 Gators must return to special teams glory; It certainly didn't happen in 2004. Tack on a big negative it have re-energized a team in disarin that stat category for 2003. 2002? Fat chance, and if you ray, but imagine how a game changing see a trend developing you might as well just skip 2001. play can put a 10,000-watt charge into "Come on," you must be saying, "what stat category do the a sideline, coaching staff, stadium and Gators have a big goose egg in dating back till 2000?" fan base. Just one play in four of the The last time UF had a punt return or kick return for a -Gators' five losses could have been the touchdown was when Lito Sheppard took a pair of punts to Eric Estebandifference in Ron Zook retaining empay dirt back when Steve Spurrier was the 0l' Ball Coach five Tenacious E ployment through 2005. years ago. eesteban@alligator.org I don't go by the moniker of Silky One of Zooker's many, many problems was the special Johnson, but hating on a 3-0 team might teams play. How many games were there that a special teams' just be worthy of an induction to the touchdown could have ignited the Gators? Not only would belated Chapelle's Show's Player Hater's Ball. give Dee a chance However, the question begs to be answered: why have Florida's special teams tanked harder than a ludicrous Alligator editorialist's Tuesday column stating that "Chris Leak is a bad player?" It can't be the athletes. With a talent-rich state waiting to be plundered by Coach Urban Meyer's recruiting, there's no reason for a capable, play-making athlete not to be in the back throwing down the jukes NCAA Football 2006 style. Miami has Devin Hester and Florida State has flashy freshman Fred Rouse, but Meyer's returner so far has been flat. SEE ESTEBAN, PAGE 25 NCAA Football Yards per game U11956: Joe Brodsky sets the UF record with EBaseball Mets vs. Marlins Bowling Green 20 1. Georgia 489.0 three interceptions in a game and 162 yards FSN, 7:10 p.m. Boise State 48 2. Vanderbilt 451.0 returned in UF's 26-0 win against Mississinni State. He also became the only UF player to catch two interceptions for touchdowns. *NCAA Football : Air Force vs. Utah ESPN, 7:30 p.m. MLB Marlins Mets 4 is 3. Arkansas 4. Alabama 7. UF 438.3 434.7 377.7
24, ALLIGATOR U THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2005 instruggles to adapt Z AFTER GIVING UP FIVE SACKS TO TENNESSEE, UF'S OFFENSIVE LINE IS TRYING TO REGROUP. By FARZAD SAFI Alligator Staff Writer fsafi@aligator.org While most of Gainesville celebrated UF's win against Tennessee last weekend, two Gators could hardly enjoy themselves. -Seniors Mike Degory and Randy Hand went straight home Saturday night, because they were too angry to party The Tennessee defensive line sacked quarterback Chris Leak five times, stuffed the Gators on a 4th-and-inches play and dominated UF's offensive line for most of the night. "Mike and I were disgusted after the Tennessee game," Hand said. "We were mad because beating them was one of the biggest wins of our career and we played poorly." But was the Gators' offensive line that bad, or was Tennessee's defensive line that good? "Tennessee had amazing talent on the defensive line," Coach Urban Meyer said. "They had three seniors, and all three of those guys are going to be making a bunch of money playing in the NFL next year." Regardless, Degory believes that the offensive line did not show up to play. "Up front, that was one of the worst games I've ever been associated with," he said. How could a unit led by four experienced seniors be one of the last to adapt to the new offense? Meyer and the players have different explanations for the latest dilemma with the offense. "I don't think it was a lack of courage or a lack of talent with the offensive line," Meyer said. "I think it's a lack of technique." EZ Tennis In terms of Tennis, big stores make EZ -ennis look good. We are lower than them in prices -faster in stringingstock better quality rackets -can explain or recommend products to customers better. Tell your friends about EZ Tenis. Call 372-2257 40 "We've spent so much time focusing on scheme," he said. "Right now, we need to focus on the fundamentals. Those guys need to work on their base footwork and hand placement, because they looked awful on film." Meyer has changed how the offensive line has been practicing this. week. Tight ends coach Steve Addazio has been assigned to work specifically with the tackles. Sophomore tight end Tate Casey may also see his role change in the offense until the play of the line improves. "I'm happy spending most of my time on the field blocking," Casey said. "A tight end makes his living off of blocking. Whatever catches he makes are just bonuses." While Meyer believes the problem is due to a lack of fundamentals, one of the starters thinks it's the new system. "It's a new offense for us too," Hand said. "The tackles have a lot more responsibility this year because we have to make more reads. Last year, we only had to go one way and block somebody." As long as the offensive line continues to struggle, the entire offense will suffer. Following a 247-yard performance against Tennessee, the Gators rank seventh in the Southeastern Conference and 60th in the nation in total offense. Meyer admitted that he has had to limit a lot of his play calling due to the line's errors. Conveniently, the offensive line has an excellent opportunity to boost its self-esteem this week against injury-riddled Kentucky. The Wildcats have the worst rushing defense in the SEC, allowing 223.7 yards per game. "I'd be all for running the ball 50 times this week against Kentucky to get the bugs out the system," Hand said. "We need to get at least 150 yards rushing to be satisfied though." This section for display ads only. To run a classified ad on 10/10/05 in our daily classifieds, call 373-3463! jenniter Labrie / Anmgator stare Pla ce. To Itf. Stasep Th"le Student Living Guide Can H_7elp! 0 ffi. i.& d-t fl.id. alligfitor
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2005 E ALLIGATOR, 25 Hungry for competition, former fullback tweaks defensive technique Mincey has noticed that too. agreed. helping Cohen catch on and imdidn't like defense as muc COHEN, from page 23 "I feel good about Derrick "I'm not worried at all about Joe proving his technique. "Now he's taking prid team so it really doesn't make any difference. I just know when I'm in there now, I'm going 110 [percent], giving all I've got." Harvey and Joe Cohen," he said. "Harvey's young, but the more he plays, the more snaps he gets, the better he can get." Mincey said he's confident about Cohen, and their position coach Cohen," defensive line coach Greg Mattison said. "Joe Cohen since day one has been a starter for us. He's been a starter. He's like everyone else." Mincey credited Mattison with But that's not even the biggest change in Cohen this year. What is the main difference since Cohen's sub-par 2004 campaign? "I think it's his hunger for the game," Mincey said. "Last year, he h1. e in what he's doing, and it's making him a better player." How much better? "I feel I'm more ready now than I've ever been," Cohen said. Gators' offense 'not very pretty' FOOTBALL, from page 23 rently ranked just seventh in the SEC. .On Wednesday, Meyer said the criticism is warranted. "They should be critical, [the offense is] not very pretty," Meyer said. "What you can't be critical about is field position and ball security. [But] we're here to score points." Some Heisman watch lists continue to rank quarterback Chris Leak in the top five -several as high as No. 3 -but there are critics who believe Leak simply isn't suited for Meyer's option offense. "I think it's a combination [of people not stepping up]," Meyer said.: "It's not [just] Chris Leak. It's a group of 11 people doing the jobs, and right now they're not; it's a breakdown here and there." 0-LINE WOES: After allowing five sacks against Tennessee, the Gators' offensive line could experience more problems with an injury to offensive guard Tavares Washington. Coach Urban Meyer said Washtington is suffering from a sore elbow after possibly hyper-extending it against the Volunteers. Freshman Jim Tartt, who has played only as a reserve in one game this season while recovering from a shoulder injury, is receiving more practice reps at guard, Meyer said. ESTEBAN, from page 23 Senior corner 'back Vernell Brown has played beyond lights out and Meyer calling him "The face of Florida Football" speaks volumes of how far the Gainesville native has come. While Meyer praised him during fall and spring practice, I didn't buy into it. I was busy sipping the Reggie Nelson KoolAid, and yes, he has proven to be the Real Deal Holyfield, I thought Nelson would be starting by LSU. Brown's play speaks for itself-his 18 tackles leads the Gators and he also has an interception, but his job at punt returner has been nauseating at best. UF is dead last in the Southeastern Conference in punt returns and 101st in the nation, and Brown's 13 returns for 57 yards, a 4.4-yard average, is not what Meyer could have possibly imagined. The proposed solution is simple. For those that were lucky enough to see his recruiting film back in the day, Dee Webb could only be described as a game breaker while returning punts at Jacksonville's Ed White High. Already one of the fastest guys on the team, Webb showcased and harnessed that speed in the spring when he competed with the track team on top of his rigorous football and academic schedule. All I am saying is, give Dee a chance. You may qualify to participate in a Phase 1 (single dose) clinical research trial of an investigational drug being developed for possible use in diabetes. The study involves 4 out-patient visits and participants will be compensated for their time. For further details please contact: Karen Brezner Clinical Trial Coordinator Endocrine division University of Florida Tel: (352) 846 2234 breznka@medicine.ufl.edu DO NOT apply if you have diabetes. Deadline is previous Thursday. Proof deadline is previous Wednesday. the independent florida alligator Tam WA
26, ALLIGATOR E THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2005 WALK-ON WATER Former soccer star a secret no longer By LOUIS ANASTASIS But you see two reporters flank Where did this kid come from? Alligator Staff Writer this walk-on -yes, you guessed Is he really this good? The answers lanastass@aigator.org right about the walk-on part -and may surprise you. His dirty brown hair flaring into a puffy tuft, No. 39 and his modest physique trots off the practice field. Could he be a walk-on punter? Perhaps one of UF's water boys has decided to have a laugh and try on a-Gators uniform. there is something going on here. This is no football Joe-Schmo. He is redshirt sophomore Chris Hetland, UF's 5-for-5 kicker and veritable campus rock star. "All the hard work is paying off," Hetland said. "I just do what I know how to do." Coming to UF as a walk-on, kicker Chris Hetland almost didn't have the chance to be the Gators' savior against Tennessee. Self-made kicker Rewind seven years. Location: Lee County High in Leesburg, Ga. Hetland, a freshman, a bona fide socer center/midfielder and a middle school linebacker/defensive back is getting cocky. He thinks he can kick a football. "As far as soccer went, he was probably the best ball distributor I had ever seen from the middle," father Randy said. "He was a playmaker, and he could put the ball wherever he needed. So when he saw football, he said, 'I can do that."' Solid and always improving, Randy saw potential in the midfielder. An engineer and soccer guru himself, Randy, despite having never kicked a football in his life, became Hetland's coach. They bought kicking books, attended kicking classes and camps -including UF camps after his freshman and sophomore seasons -bought kicking tapes, then made kicking tapes of their own. "We've grown -together," Hetland said. "I mean, I didn't know a whole lot about kicking. I just kicked the soccer ball, and -hen I would kind of go up there and kick the football. We taught each other and we learned from each other. We kind of put things together and molded." Soon the two became experts. 'Hetland finished his senior season 3-for-3 from beyond 50 yards. His college search was anything but a touchdown. No one wanted him except small schools. Ahandful of decent colleges asked Hetland to walk-on. Then came the ultimatum. Hetland demanded to kick for a Southeastern Conference school, specifically UF or Georgia. Lucky for him, "[Ron] Zook called him at the last moment, and so he ended up coming here," Randy said. Almost lost in the shuffle Recruited by Steve Spurrier, yet stuck behind a bevy of kickers when Zook took over, Hetland waited, watched and maintained his kicking regimen with his father. But Zook noticed a little something about Hetland. Despite the fact that Matt Leach became the entrenched starter, Hetland secured a back-up role and a promise: After Leach graduates, it's your job. "And so when Zook got canned, that sort of created some anxiety because we didn't know what a new coach would do," Randy said. "Sure enough, when Coach [Urban] Meyer came. in, he recruited [Jonathan] Phillips." Faced with more adversity than ever, coupled with the fact that paysome, Hetland thought about leaving. Meyer, however, would give him a shot. "He said, 'Are you a good kicker?' Hetland recalled. "I said, 'Yeah.' He said, 'Well, let me rephrase that. Are you a great kicker?' I said, 'I think so.'" While Gator Nation -expected Phillips -the No. 2 kicker in the nation at the time, according to scout.com -to step into the starting role, Hetland established a training routine to overtake the freshman. "I was like, 'He better be damn good because I'm going to go out there and give it niy best,"' Hetland said. Sometimes with his father, sometimes alone, Hetland dedicated three to four days a week to hardcore kicking this summer. By the beginning of two-adays, Hetland knew he had the inside track to starting, to starring. Everyone else would have to wait to witness UF's best-kept secret. Mr. Perfect With the media questioning UF's kicking game, with fans scrambling through media guides to figure out who this walk-on was, a cool Hetland nailed field goal attempts of 40 and 47 yards in his season opener against Wyoming. Still, gossip abounded about Hetland's two muffed extra points. "It put things in perspective and got me even more focused," Hetland said. Did it ever. In his first-ever action against an SEC team, Hetland froze Tennessee with his bionic foot. Converting on all three field goals of 38, 35 and 20 yards, Hetland single-handedly booted the Volunteers back to Knoxville with a 16-7 loss. What a far cry from the soccer fields of Leesburg. "To score [10] points a g a i n s t Tennessee and to have that be the difference in the game, I'm going, 'Holy cow.' It's lke wow," Randy said. Now that everyone knows who Hetland is, it's time for the serious question. Is he ever going to miss? "I plan on making every one of them," said Hetland, who is quick to point out he feels comfortable from any distance 53 yards and in. "Right now, I feel like if I miss -and this might sound cocky -it's a fluke." Another burning issue is his walk-on status. Burdened by a fourth year of tuition, the Hetlands are crossing their fingers that something will give. "If he's the guy who continues and plays the rest of the year, he'll be on scholarship," Meyer said. What a secret weapon UF has had on its hands all along. As for the biggest secret of all, Hetland is aiming for the NFL. "That's what his dream is," Randy said, "and that's why he went to Florida." GENERAL NUTRITION CENTERS 25% OFF any one GNC Product Cannot be combined. Need coupon. 3914 SW Archer Rd only available at Butler Plaza location [4.Doily Specials 377-6020 Eop 10/31/05 EZ Tennis Tell Your frbn aot ens. 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THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2005 M ALLIGATOR, 27 UE VOLLEYBALL Ga~tors tooenter lul in schedule Luanne LDetz/ Alligator Rhian Davis and the Gators must carry momentum into SEC play. Davis has responded well to increased playing time. R gW a r 7"LU #N.CrT oII Ringtones. Wallpapers. Flavor for your phone. 1* UF HEADS INTO SEC PLAY RANKED NO. 6. By DAN TREAT Alligator Writer Complacency is a word that always makes coaches cringe, and Mary Wise is no exception. While the Gators' exited their non-conference schedule with a 9-1 mark, including victory against rival Southern California, Wise wants her players to continue progressing the way they have through the season's first month. "As a coach you're always looking to the future and what more they can learn," Wise said. "Every time they learn something we want to give them something else, so they may never feel like they can ever accomplish everything. Because every time they get something we're going to add something to it." UF is now entering a stretch of its season that could hardly be considered daunting. Currently ranked No. 6 in the nation, the Gators aren't scheduled to play another team in the Top 25 for the remainder of the season. Perhaps UF's toughest remaining competition is Tennessee, which is currently receiving the most votes of any unranked team. The Volunteers defeated the Gators twice last season -the first win breaking UF's streak of 145 consecutive regular season Southeastern Conference wins, and the second to take the SEC Tournament crown. "It's like the light has come on for Rhian. Understand that she is incredibly fast, and now has a better understanding of the game." Mary Wise UF coach Wise, however, wants to keep the Gators focused on the next task. "I just told the players we're 0-0." BACK-ROW BREAKOUT: After playing sparingly her first two seasons, Rhian Davis has emerged as a major defensive contributor for the Gators throughout the season's first month. She has seen the court in every IMeACU 2 Locatins: Creekside mall near Gator TextBooks & SW 34th St. near Alley Katz Bowling match and has eclipsed 10 digs three times, including a season high 15 against Florida State MondaZ night. That effort was just shy of her career high of 17 against Minnesota in 2004. "It's like the light has' come on for Rhian," Wise said. "Understand that she is incredibly fast, and now has a better understanding of the game in a position she's never played before. "She's really a lot more comfortable, and thus able to get a whole lot more balls." PACKING THE HOUSE: According to the Division I Volleyball Attendance Report, the Gators have the sixthhighest average home-match attendance in the nation. UF has been ranked in the national top-10 in attendance each of the last 14 years. The Gators are averaging 2,376 fans per game, and their total attendance of 16,635 for seven home matches so far ranks behind only Hawaii. UF is the only school in either the SEC or on the east coast ranked in the top 20. NEED EXTRA VACATION MONEY FREE DENTAL SCREENING Get Paid$150 per procedure for patients who quality & partic pate as a patient in the upcoming dental loaensing aaamination. TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT PLEASE CALL 374-8131 IN BIG L & SHLEYS FURNITURE SHOPPING CENTER. MUST BE 18 YO, NOT PREGNANT AND HAVE AT LEAST 20 NATURAL TEETH TO PARTICIPATE DN5011217 2442 N. MAIN ST. NJ N. MAIN ST. -N.W. 23 YOU CAN HELP ENDANGERED MANATEES 20% Discount an repairs with student LD Custom built laptops & desktops, start Ing at just $3991 FRIENDSIOE't LET FRIENDS DRIVEMli. Do whatever it takes. NOTICE TO SG FUNDED SPECIAL EVENT ORGANIZATIONS Budget requests for fiscal year 2006-2007 must be submitted no later than Monday, October 3, 2005 Request forms are available online at: http://sg.ufl.edu/budget e-mail request to: shenriques@sg.ufl.edu For questions or additional information contact Student Government at 392-1665 ext. 302 or 308