The Independent Florida alligator

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The Independent Florida alligator
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Florida allgator
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Dates or Sequential Designation:
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Impact questions Gator, SG spending

Editor's note: This is the third in a four-
part series outlining the issues of the
Student Senate Fall election.
Alligator Writer

Ever wonder what happens to that $8.64-
per-credit-hour Activity & Service Fee that
trickles out of students' bank accounts every
Last fiscal year, $14,325.66 of it went to
Student Government memorabilia, including
a stylized SG water bottle, a squeezable SG

foam alligator and SG-packaged and mono-
grammed chocolates and mints.
This administration's challenger in next
week's election, the Impact Party, is question-
ing these and other expenditures.
"They've become comfortable spending
other people's money, and no one has told
them 'no,'" said Impact Party President
Thomas Jardon, who classified himself as a
fiscal conservative.
But SG executives said the promotional
material is important for enticing student
interest. The items all but the chocolates
and key chains are marked with the phone

number, Web site and/or e-mail of the SG of-
fice, thereby informing students of how to get
"It's been a tremendous
success," Student Body
President Joe Goldberg
said. "I'm very happy
that we did it. As a matter
of fact, I think we need
Goldberg Other student-funded
promotional merchandise
includes pens, notepads, folders, highlight-
ers, plastic cups and stress balls a total of

14 items.
From Summer C to the first week of
Fall 2005, SG and its offshoots Student
Government Productions, Accent and
Student Legal Services spent $67,187 on ad-
vertising. The new SG logo alone cost $1,600.
"We don't need to be flaunting SG if SG
is doing its job," Jardon said. "A&S fees are
paid for by every student at this institution.
Therefore, every student should benefit from
Jardon said that free printing in all CIRCA
labs and expanded wireless Internet would

UF crowns three for

Homecoming finals

Alligator Contributing Writer

As the minutes ticked down to
pageant time, the contestants for
this year's Miss Florida nibbled on
low-calorie snacks, applied their last
touch of bronzer and made sure each
strand of hair was perfectly in place.
The Phillips Center
On for the Performing
Campus Arts was transformed
into a runway Monday
as 31 contestants made their way
across the stage for the Florida Blue
Key Homecoming Pageant.
But only the three winners would
be on this year's Homecoming
Court, and they are Anne Imanuel,
Cat Jackson and Catherine Hough.
"I was nervous, but it was re-
ally great to hear my sorority sisters
of Alpha Delta Pi cheer me on,"
Jackson said. "It really helped me
get through the night."

Mari Wilensky, current Miss
Florida, and Jess Johnson, execu-
tive assistant to the vice president
for Student Affairs, presided as the
masters of ceremonies.
Wilensky will crown this year's
Homecoming queen at Gator Growl
on Oct. 7. Other winners included
Miss Photogenic Julia Weiss, and
Miss Congeniality Rebecca Gaff.
To start the pageant, the con-
testants danced a choreographed
routine in black cocktail dresses to
"Simply Irresistible."
All contestants entered the stage
and stepped up to the microphone
receiving applause while introduc-
ing themselves and their sponsors to
the audience and judges.
The audience consisted mostly of
female supporters who cheered and
held cut-out letters spelling their
sororities' Greek letters.


Tim Casey/ Alligator Staff
Catherine Hough, Cat Jackson and Anne Imanuel react to the announcement that they are the three
finalists for Homecoming queen Monday night during the UF Homecoming Pageant.

Tunnel gets make-under as student paints it white


Alligator Contributing Writer

Obscene messages, local band Web sites
and student artwork most of these are gone
after a student painted over years' worth of

Dodging a
more serious
injury, Ray
McDonald will
miss only 4-6
weeks with a
partially torn
See story,
pg. 16.

murals and graffiti Monday.
Inside the Southwest 13th Street underpass
from Norman Hall to the UF campus, graffiti
has covered nearly every inch of wall space
for years.
But a UF civil and coastal engineering
graduate student who asked to remain anony-
mous decided to take on the project of cover-
ing the south wall with white paint because he
said it was an "eyesore."

He plans to return occasionally to paint
over the fresh graffiti, he said.
"I come through here a couple
Stud ent times a day, and it bugs me to see
tjf this," he said.
Shirtless, with greenish shorts,
sandals and ruffled blond hair,
the student smiled and continued working
with his paint roller as a passerby called his
effort a "waste of time."

"Copyrighted Material
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"

N From backpacks to
blood, UFstudents are
getting creative in their
efforts to help Hurricane
Katrina victims, as cam-
pus organizations found
innovative alternatives for
students who want to help.
See story, pg. 5.

"A lot of people walk by and mumble stuff
like that," he said.
Because the underpass was not the graffiti
artists' property in the first place, he doesn't
feel bad for destroying their work, he said.
"I had some friends that said they like the
graffiti," he said. "But they said, 'If this makes
you happy, go ahead.'"


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News Today

UF offers Constitution forum
Built on its the free-speech cor-
nerstone, civil-rights bricks and the
pillars of the three branches of gov-
ernment, the United States relies
on the mortar of its Constitution,
which will be the centerpiece of a
campus forum Wednesday.
UF will hold "The U.S.
Constitution in the New Century"
panel discussion as part of a nation-
wide observance of the first annual
Constitution Day.
"I see it as an opportunity," said
David Hedge, UF political science
professor. "The world has changed.
The country has changed."
Hedge volunteered to plan
the university's Constitution Day
event and decided that a round
table discussion featuring a panel
of government officials and uni-
versity political science, history
and law professors would offer
interesting debate on constitu-
tional issues.
"I can't think of anything that
affects people more," said Hedge,
picking up a pocket-sized copy
of the approximately 4,440-word
Constitution. "It's just barely a
Gordon Rule course."
This will be the first year
schools around the country ob-
serve the-occasion after Congress
passed legislation mandating that
all schools receiving federal fund-
ing should host events focusing
on the Constitution on Sept. 17,
the day the document was signed
in 1787.
Since the date fell on a weekend
this year, schools had the option
of observing Constitution Day a
week earlier or later.
Hedge said that while most
people need a better understand-
ing of the Constitution, the nation
is engaged in constitutional de-
bates all the time on issues from
corporate crime to the powers of
the presidency.
As moderator Hedge will lead
the panel in discussions on issues
including euthanasia, gay rights,
women's rights and the changing
Supreme Court.
Elizabeth Dale, UF legal history
professor and a former civil rights
attorney will be a panelist.
"One thing we can say is the
Supreme Court in the next couple
of years is going to be one of the
great detective stories of all time,"
Dale said. "We don't know what
justices will do until they do it."
She said many of the issues the



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Economic Outlook
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.vji p~uc

a t bthe independent florida

VOLUME 99 ISSUE 19 ISSN 0889-2423
Not officially associated with the University of Florida '
Published by Campus Communications Inc., of Gainesville, Florida
352-3764458 (Voice), 352-376-4467 (Fax)

Managing Editor



-r,.7 A
the Avenue Ass



Jennifer LaBrie / Alligator Staff







court has made dose decisions
on in the past, such as affirma-
tive action and the panel's topics,
will continue to be important in
the coming decades. Others have
come to the forefront in the wake
of Hurricane Katrina, including
environmental laws, race and
Political science junior
Marissa Noel said she worries
about the effects the Patriot Act
and the Supreme Court's re-
cent ruling on eminent domain
- the right of government to
seize private property for public
use will have on her consti-
tutional rights to privacy and
"I just pretty much think that
it may be a precursor to other
infringements," Noel said of the
Patriot Act.
Although she didn't know
about Constitution Day or the
event, Noel said forums for dis-
cussion of citizens' constitutional
rights were important to inform
and empower people to fight
back on issues such as eminent
"Knowing about the
Constitution is knowing about





your world and how it affects
you," Noel said.
The round table is being hosted
,by the College of Liberal Arts and
Sciences and the Levin College
of Law. It will begin at 6:30 p.m.
in the Grand Reading Room in
Smathers Library East and is
open to all in the university and
the community. The program will
also be available at

Student Senate and the
Gainesville City Commission are
having a joint meeting today in the
Reitz Union Auditorium at 6 p.m.
This is a public forum for stu-
dents to discuss issues including
the 3 a.m. bar-closing proposal,
alcohol-consumption policies and
programs, along with city and
Student Government elections.
Refreshments will be served.

The Alligator strives to be accurate
and clear in its news reports and
editorials. If you find an error,
please call our newsroom at (352)
376-4458 or send an e-mail to

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The Independent Florida Alligator is a student newspaper serving the University of Florida, -pub-
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NO 00, Ioe- 101" N30- 541.


Gator Growl talent show tonight at new location

Alligator Contributing Writer
Gator Growl Talent Night will proceed as
planned tonight despite a change in venue.
The event, originally scheduled at The
Venue, will now take place across the street at
Abbey Road, 238 W University Ave.
The show will feature singers and dance
groups from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. followed by a
battle of the bands competition until 2 a.m.,
said Ashley Metzel, director of Gator Growl
Talent Night.

She said she expects the battle of the bands
competition to draw a large crowd, and the
singers and dancers will draw their own fans.
"We're going to have a real diverse group
coming out," Metzel said.
All of the show's participants will have the
opportunity to be selected to perform at Gator
Growl 2005. A panel of judges will choose win-
ners in each talent category and award prizes.
Metzel said The Venue recently underwent
management changes, and Talent Night had
been double-booked.
Peter Gonzalez, an associate producer for

Gator Growl, said both clubs were cooperative
in the effort, but Abbey Road offered the ideal
date of today made in the original announce-
ment of the event.
"It's kind of hard to go do
On this thing on a Monday or some-
CampUS thing when everybody is at The
Swamp," he said.
Gonzalez also works in promotions for
Abbey Road, but he said he will make no mon-
ey from the change in venue. Neither dub was
planning to charge Student Government for
space. There is no cover charge for the event.

"Either way there's no money being spent,"
Gonzalez said.
The owner of Abbey Road, Randy Grinter,
said he is not paying Gonzalez for bringing the
event to his club, and the only money his busi-
ness will make will be from beverage sales. He
said he thinks of it as a public service.
"There's no downside," Grinter said.
Metzel said stage presence was a strong
consideration in selecting participants for
Talent Night.
"So many people can just sing, but not ev-
erybody can sing in front of a crowd," she said.






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Soulful singing helps heal hurricane-damaged lives

Alligator Contributing Writer

After packing 15 people into
a small pickup truck, Alexis and
Jonathan Hunter finally escaped
Louisiana five days after Hurricane
Katrina hit.
Holding back tears, Alexis held
a poem entitled "I ain't no refu-
gee," which she read in front of ap-
proximately 250 people during the
University Gospel Choir Charity
Concert in the Reitz Union Grand
Ballroom on Sunday.
The concert was organized to
collect canned goods and sup-
plies to send to the American Red
Cross for survivors of Hurricane
The poem described percep-
tions of those living in Louisiana
and the issues surrounding the
Alexis brought up issues of de-
layed supplies, disorganized aid,
and lost family and friends.
"Too little, too late," she recited.
"Why is security the question
when we are just hungry to sur-
vive? Are we refugees because of
the food and water we looted?"
Attendees were asked to bring
canned goods or other supplies as
an admission charge.
"We collected over 250 cans

New Fusion Lunch Specials

David Richardson II conducts the University Gospel Choir Charity Concert on Sunday night.
alone, not including the bags of Alex.Marshall, spokesman for the clothing and almost $100 in cash."
rice, spaghetti, noodles and other University Gospel Choir. The choir entertained the crowd,
small non-perishable goods," said "We even got a few bags of singing songs following the theme,

"I need you to survive." The crowd
was encouraged to stand up and
participate throughout the show,
clapping and dancing.
"Gospel music requires some
hand clapping and some .foot
stomping," said David Richardson
II, the conductor of the choir. "We
want you to stand up with us and
groove with us."
Swaying, the choir sang out,
"You are important to me. I need
you to survive. I need you. You
need me. Stand with me. Agree
with me."
Two Alpha Kappa Alpha
Sorority members contributed a
dance and song in the middle of
the show.
The performances expressed
the need to find a spiritual sanctu-
ary in the midst of disaster.
The choir ended with a song
that inspired audience participa-
tion. Afterward, information about
helping the survivors who were
unable to escape the hurricane was
Unlike many, the Hunters said
they were able to leave the city
with their health.
Anyone can donate by visiting or by calling
the Alachua County division of
the American Red Cross at 376-

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give more

than cash

for relief


Alligator Contributing Writer

From backpacks to blood, UF
students are getting creative in
their efforts to help Hurricane
Katrina victims.
Instead of having students dig
through their pockets for loose
change, campus political organi-
zations have found more innova-
tive alternatives for students who
want to help in Katrina relief
A backpack drive sponsored
by the UF College Democrats
was kicked off Monday night to
benefit the victims.
The organiza-
tion is collecting
:" backpacks and
small bags in
Hurricane which victims can
Katrina store the items
they are receiving
through other donations.'
Victims are getting money and
other items from different places,
but what "they don't have is
something to hold their belong-
ings," said Andrea Garces, vice
president of philanthropy for the
UF College Democrats.
The Federal Emergency
Management Agency is paying
for the UPS shipment, she said.
The collection will continue
for a week or two, Garces said.
Students can donate backpacks at
140 Tigert Hall.
UF College Republicans just
finished a.weeklong blood drive-
in remembrance of Sept. 11, 2001,
which is also helping victims of
Hurricane Katrina.
As far as efforts dedicated
solely to Hurricane Katrina vic-
tims, the organization is still in
the planning process.
"We haven't done any mone-
tary donations yet," said College
Republicans' Chairman Ashlee
Black said she expects they
will collect money or hold a
fundraiser soon to donate money
to the survivors.
The Red Cross indicated that

money, Black said.
"Right now the only idea that
we've had is to pass a hat at the
meetings or a silent auction, off
campus, of course," she said.
Black said she is encouraging
all active College- Republicans to
donate as much as possible to the



Crazy leader

New Orleans mayor

needs to be locked up
New Orleans is screwed.
There is a crazy man at its helm.
Mayor Ray Nagin recently announced plans to al-
low 180,000 residents back into sections of the city by Sept. 26.
Fortunately, he suspended his plans Monday, citing the
chance that Tropical Storm Rita may hit Louisiana.
Even he can be convinced that some duct-taped levees aren't
going to survive God's tiniest sneeze.
But his complete incompetence wasn't completely halted.
Thousands of residents, mostly business owners, already
returned to the Algiers neighborhood when Nagin flipped his
Although Algiers received a minimal hit by Hurricane
Katrina and is reported to have safe drinking water, Nagin
should be fired immediately for displaying such incompetence
.and insanity. Then we should put a sock in his mouth and tie his
hands behind his back to prevent any further tragedies.
This same kind of political maneuvering led to the deaths of
so many New Orleans residents in the first place.
Nagin refused to organize an effective mandatory evacu-
ation before Katrina because he apparently couldn't grasp, or
didn't want to face, the catastrophe on his hands. Now he is
hoping to repopulate the city to show the world that everything
is OK.
Is he willing to sacrifice his constituency for a public rela-
tions campaign? We're afraid to hear the answer to that one.
His own words reflect his disconnect from reality.
"We're bringing New Orleans back," he said. "I'm tired of
hearing these helicopters. I want to hear some jazz."
Apparently, Nagin has tuned out the nation's discussions on
how difficult reconstruction will be.
It's preposterous for Nagin to endanger residents simply be-
cause he doesn't want to see any more death and destruction.
It's even more nuts to think tourists will return to the city
any time soon.
The only tourists Nagin will be seeing are those hoping to
help Katrina victims, since he seems bent on creating more
Most of the city has no water or electricity, no 911 service and
no working hospitals.
That's no place for people to live, and it's the government's
job to keep them out.
Displaced residents always want to go back home. That
doesn't mean the mayor should let them.
After making this mistake and letting some people in Algiers
on Monday, Nagin almost immediately told them to evacuate.
So he created another mini-evacuation. We all know how
good he is at those.
And what would he have done if more of the city were re-
populated when Rita threatened?
The levees are useless. Buildings are unsafe. Shelters are
nonexistent, and roads are less than perfect:
Nagin could have created a repeat of his past mistakes.
He should be relieved of his position, and the federal gov-
ernment should take over. At least the latter is beginning to
show signs of intelligence.
Coast Guard Vice Adm. Thad Allen made his disdain of the
move public. To this valid criticism, Nagin brilliantly retorted
that Allen had made himself "the new-crowned federal mayor
of New Orleans."
These are obviously the well-thought-out words of a bom
Following this name calling, however, Nagin reversed his
position on the repopulation after a serious talk with Allen.
This mayor is like a 5-year-old playing dress-up.
He needs to go to the naughty comer before he causes any
more damage.

l the independent florida





Media should hold off praising coach

Can we put the ball washing on hold for a couple of
With the win over Tennessee, Urban Meyer is
already being heralded as the second coming of Steve
This is ridiculous.
The man has coached the Gators for all of three games
this season, not nearly enough time to make any definitive
judgment. As coach of the Gators, Meyer has now won
exactly one more big game than I have.
You know who else won a big game against Tennessee
early in his first season as Gator coach? Ron Zook.
I'm hot saying Urban Meyer isn't a great coach. My
point here is that we just don't know yet.
The Gators won on Saturday because their defense was
incredible. Who can say if that was due to outstanding
coaching or simply a highly talented group of players?
Who can say they'll be this good on the road against LSU?
No one can.
That's why I want everyone to slow down a bit before
deciding Urban Meyer is the best thing since sliced bread
(or Fun N' Gun, for that matter).
The sports journalism establishment has a horrible, ten-
dency to give coaches too much credit after wins and too
much blame after losses.
For instance, in the euphoria after Saturday's win, a
columnist from this very paper called Meyer names like
"The Urbinator" and. "Mr. Destiny."
Why? I wouldn't call him those names even if every-
thing that happened in the game were directly due to his
The Gator offense, for the most part, looked terrible.
I credit the Tennessee defenders for that, but Meyer was
the man calling the shots, and his play-calling was so
conservative, I could have sworn the Gators hired Dave

Except for the misdirection play
that netted the Gators their only
touchdown, the offense could not
have been more basic. Every run
was straight up the middle, every
pass attempt was to the same tired
Andrew Meyer hook routes. I was screaming dur-
Editorial Notebook ing an entire quarter for the Gators to try a slant (which they eventu-
ally did, for a 20-yard gain), or a
play-action pass (they didn't even
attempt one.) They managed only a pair of field goals the
two times they were given outstanding field position.
But just as I don't give Meyer all the credit for the de-
fense, I don't give him all the blame for the offense either.
I think the defense was incredible mostly because they
have incredible players.
Similarly, I think the offense was poor because it's run
by a poor quarterback.
That's right, I think Chris Leak is a bad player.
I'm not questioning his arm strength or his tools.
Instead, I think he makes terrible decisions. He doesn't
know when to throw the ball away. That, coupled with a
weak offensive line, means he is always getting sacked. He
focuses on one receiver, which makes his passes infinitely
easier to defend. He can run, but he rarely does, and even
then he never goes for the extra yard. He can throw-on the
run, but the Gators never roll him out.
Honestly, I wish Josh Portis was starting.
Again, if we give the coach all the credit or blame, then
Leak's shortcomings are Meyer's fault. And I don't think
that's fair either.
I think Urban Meyer, and his spread offense, will ulti-
mately succeed.
But to deify him after three games? Please.
Andrew Meyer is a journalism sophomore.

Mike Gimignani
Eva Kis

Emily Yehle
Andrew Meyer, Tom Durrenberger

The Alligator encourages comments from readers. Letters to the editor should not exceed 150
words (about one letter-sized page). They must be typed, double-spaced and must include the
author's name, classification and phone number. Names will be withheld if the writer shows
just cause. We reserve the right to edit for -.-.i. ammar, style and libel. Send letters to bring them to 1105 W. .-,-. r, Ave., or send them to P.O. Box 14257,
Gainesville, FL 32604-22 57.Columns of about 450 words about original topics and editorial
cartoons are also welcome. Questions? Call 376-4458.

The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator.

Reader response
Today's question:
Does Saturday's win prove that
Urban Meyer is a great coach?

Monday's question:
Is Africa the Western World's
deadbeat uncle?

Vote or post a message at

58% YES
42% NO



Letters to the Editor
Kanye West was hasty in his comment
I did not see the original cartoon printed
by the Alligator on Sept. 13. However, after
being told of its contents, I laughed.
Yes, I an African American female and a
double minority laughed.
It's preposterous that Condoleezza Rice
would ever stoop so low and use such a
And it's preposterous that everyone ex-
pects the Alligator to apologize.
We didn't protest the cartoons about (for-
mer Student Body President) Jamal Sowell or
Joe Goldberg, both prominent campus politi-
cians who were ridiculed for their views. We
didn't ridicule the Alligator when it printed a
cartoon depicting sorority girls with worms


on their heads being hazed by fraternity
boys. Yet we want to march across campus
when it uses the "n-word."
It has to be all or nothing. You can't con-
demn a paper an independent paper at
that some of the time, whenever you feel
like it. Frankly, the whole point of the political
cartoons in the Opinions section is to voice
the paradigms of an individual or group.
I think Kanye West, although a great per-
former, was hasty in his comment.
Whether or not the comment he made
about Bush was true, his stating the fact did
nothing to ameliorate the matter and instead
created a tension among Americans.
Edwine Cherubin

Rice's status is not a leap for blacks
With regard to his depiction of Condoleezza
Rice with Kanye West, Alligator cartoonist
Andy Marlette stated, "I can picture a black
woman saying that to a black man."
If it was realism Marlette was aiming for,
can he really see that particular black woman,
Condoleezza Rice, using that terminology?
His further willingness to defend his use of
the word "nigga" on the basis of its frequent
use in pop culture indicates that the full extent
of his knowledge of how black people commu-
nicate with each other is derived from movies,
TV and rap music. Reliance on portrayals in
pop-. culture leads to complete ignorance of
the ongoing, emotional debate among black
people about the use of the word "nigger" and
the nuances surrounding use of the word.

Amore significant issue here is the meaning
of the cartoon. Condoleezza Rice's status as
Secretary of State doesn't represent any great
leap forward for black people, nor is it any in-
dication of Bush's interest in setting an agenda
addressing racial inequality. Willingness to
embrace individual blacks is not equivalent to
addressing systemic inequities. Anyone who
thinks so is woefully underinformed.
Given that Rice was playing tennis and
shopping on Madison Avenue during the
week of the Gulf Coast debacle, it's apparent
that setting such an agenda is of little concern
to her. In fact Marlette might have more aptly
and realistically depicted Rice saying, "Forget
them! I'm doing all right myself!"
Charlice Hurst


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SG used more than $14K of student money on self-promoting swag

SPENDING, from page 1

be wiser expenditures of student
Impact has also questioned
the $3,338.72 lobbying trip to
Washington, Ei.C., that five top SG
officials took during Summer B.
But SG Lobby Coordinator
Thomas Philpot said it was "abso-
lutely imperative" that the Florida
congressmen who legislate finan-

cial aid meet the representatives of
UF's student body.
"I think that made [the congress-
men] pay a lot more attention to the
real issue and the real face of fed-
eral financial aid," Philpot said. "I
didn't take it as a personal trip."
Earlier last summer, the of-
fices of Goldberg, Student Body
Vice President Joyce Medina and
Student Senate Pro Tempore John
Boyles were refurnished for a total
of $4,466.66.
"The desks were falling apart,"

Goldberg said. "I tried to pull out
the keyboard tray to type, and it
fell in my lap."
He said new chairs were pur-
chased because the old couch was
not appropriate
Student for his work
Government space.
"I needed to
have a more professional atmo-
sphere in my office," he said.
SG executives and bureau
chairs also receive monthly cell
phone stipends. Goldberg's* is

highest at $50.
Goldberg, Accent Chairman
Evan Tyroler and SGP Chairman.
Joey Van de Bogart have student-
funded Blackberry devices with
unlimited data plans.
Goldberg's service costs
$107.94 monthly, plus a $99 start-
up fee.
Van de Bogart said he gets
about 100 e-mails per day on his
BlackBerry. He said it increases
his productivity, noting that he
has planned twice as many Fall

concerts as his predecessor, Jeff
Yeatman, did.
"The student body, by provid-
ing me with a phone, made me
work harder for them because I
am constantly working for them,"
he said.
Impact spokeswoman Allison
Cullin denounced SG's use of stu-
dent money for self-promotion.
"Go up to the SG offices," she
urged students. "Ask for your wa-
ter bottle. Ask for your little alliga-
tor you paid for it."

Queen will be chosen at Gator Growl

PAGEANT, from page 1.

The five judges who critiqued the ladies
were Shelley Meyer, Michael Blachly, Darius
Dunn, Roslyn F. Levy and Cynthia Thibault.
"The judging for the pageant is not just
based on beauty but rather 65 percent goes
to the contestant's GPA, formal interview and
resume of campus and community involve-
ment," Garrison said. "The remainder of the
judging is based on formal and casual wear
and, of course, the final question."
Before going on stage, Randi Lieberman
of Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority said, "Win or

lose, after the pageant I am going out to eat
a cheeseburger and fries, something very
Entertainment was provided by the UF
Danza team, which performed two dances be-
tween the casual and formal wear segments.
The final question of the night asked what
contestants saw themselves contributing to
the Gator Nation after graduation.
Finalists all had similar responses, stating
they would want to become mentors to stu-
dents of the university.
Scarborough Insurance, Gainesville Floral
Exchange and the Village Jeweler were spon-
sors of the Homecoming Pageant.

Student undid years of murals, art

GRAFFITI, from page 1

Though some students shared the
painter's dismay over the graffiti, others
preferred a colorful wall to a white one.
"I prefer it being decorated," paint-
ing major Matt Hill said. "I don't think
any art should be covered up unless it is
Ed Poppell, vice president for finance
and administration at UF, said the uni-
versity treats the underpass as part of its
property, maintaining the lights and the
pipes that run through it.
He said the university has taken steps
to prevent graffiti on the underpass, such
as allowing sanctioned artwork from lo-
cal schools and clubs on the walls.

He would prefer students work with
UF in efforts to fight graffiti, he said.
The student wrote in an e-mail
that he prefers to remain anonymous
because his effort is still "kind of a per-
sonal thing" and "it is too soon to be
taking credit."
He only painted the south wall of
the underpass because the other wall
is covered with chill water and steam
pipes that would make the job too time-
The student said he lived next to the
34th Street Wall for a few years. He re-
spected the artistry of the murals and was
dismayed to see them ruined by graffiti.
"[The art] used to be tasteful, but now
they just do not care. They will spray
paint over anything," he said.

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home $895/mo, garage,
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pliances $495/mo 304 N.W. 19th Ave. yard
service, Green Tree Realty, Inc.. Barbara
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4BR/2.5BA Vintage house in NW near UF.
Hardwood floors, cent H/AC, W/D, 907 NW
11th Ave. $1200/mo. Call 333-9413 9-26-

Nice home 3BR/2BA
Central AC, tile floors, carport, fenced yard,
W/D hookup. 328 SE 70th Street. $870/mo.
Pets neg. Sec. alarm. Avail immed 316-1637

Historic house, lots of charm, hardwood firs,
blocks to downtown, studio $400, 306 NE 6th
St. Call 538-6527, 379-4952 9-23-10-2
Near Campus Large 1 BR/1 BA $450/Mo
1 BR/1 BA Historic Area $325/Mo
4BR/2BA 1 Acre Lot $1100/Mo
Pear Tree Realty, Inc.
Realtor 335-3802 10-10-20-2
4BR/2BA Double Carport, 2200 sq. ft. ter-
razo/ tile and carpet floors, inside laundry
room, large. fully equipped kitchen, near
schools, churches & shopping. $1200/mo
3708 NW 16th Ave. 352-376-2547 9-30-14-2

1 BR/1BACondo
Close to UF. New appliances. Call 352-213-
3943 9-27-10-2
Nice & vey clean affordable 3BR/2BA brick
house. 1620 NW 55th St. Close to UF, SFCC
& Mall. Cent. H/AC, new DW, carport, laun-
dry rm, scr porch, fenced backyard. Avail
immed. $945/mo Ist/last/sec. 352-281-4229

New 1430 sq. ft. 2BR/2.5BA townhouse.
Master suite. Pool, hi- spd. internet, security
system. New appliances. Near UF. $1000/
mo. Call 954-755-1728, 561-912-6223 9-
3BRs for-rent in a 4BR/2BA. $250/mo each.
Off Williston Rd. Contact Jen 352-495-8068
or 407-947-9748 or Denise 407-509-4574
Efficiency apt. in quiet NW, perfect for prof
or grad student, $395, includes all utilities
& cable, avail Nov. 1 377-1868 6-8 PM 9-
Close to UF Law School. 3BR/1BA w/extra
room $840/MO. Parquet wood floors. Central
heat & air. 303 NW 36th Drive. Call Merrill
Management Inc. 352-317-3418 9-23-7-2

mi. from UF. $450/MO Caii Janet 871-5928
9-21-5-2 .
Casa Blanca West townhouse, 1000 sq. ft.
2BR/1.5BA, screened rm, W/D, pool, 2 bus
routes, avail Aug. $650/mo Call 352-359-
2594 9-28-10-2
1 BR w/ pvt gated courtyard
Small quiet complex located at 3320 SW
23rd St. Starting at $395/mo. Pets arranged.
Call 377-2150. Please leave a message.
3BR/2BA newly renovated condo. Close to
the mall. No pets. Smoke-free environment.
$1000/mo + deposit. Call 336-6421 9-22-5-2
In-house housing director for UF fraternity.
Not paid. Free room & board. Need to fill po-
sition ASAP. Call 305-338-2006. 9-20-3-2
3/1 1 Block to UF
1227 SW 4th Ave.
Remodeled, central heat/AC, wood floors,
clean. $975 Call 352-514-5060 9-23-5-2


3BR/Pvt BA. Available 1/1/06. 6-12 month
lease. Perfect for grad/intl. students.
Sparkling. Furn/unfurn. Large home in
Kirkwood. $400-$500 +util. 352-375-6996 or
352-284-0979 10-7-15-2

Apartment For Rent
Gator Place Condos
3600 SW 23rd St. Apt #4
2 bed/1bath $695 a month
Contact: Amy 561-252-5144 9-23-5-2

La Mancha Apts.
Enjoy all-inclusive individual leases within
walking distance of UF! Swimming pool,
laundry facilities, private parking. Make your
life easier today! Short term leases avail-
able! Call Campus Realty today 692-3800

Studio, One and Two Bedrooms
Pets Welcome (ask for details)
Rents start at $329! PLUS FREE RENT!
Call today! 352-373-7665 9-26-5-2

Available now!
2BR/1BA Apt. $475
3BR/1BA Duplex $600
MITCHELL REALTY 374-8579x1 12-7-64-2

5I Subleases

2BR/2.5BA Arbor East townhouse $655/mo
tile floors extra storage close to UF, Shands
& shopping 1st month free 1002 sq ft pets
welcome. Call 373-1828. 9-22-20-3

1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA at Spyglass Apts.
W/D in unit. Utilities included no cap. Walk
in closet. Available @ $450. Sept Free. Call
Maame 352-871-2254 9-21-10-3

1BR/1BA 575 sq. ft. 5 min slow walk to
Century Tower. No deposit. $540/mo. Full
bath. Pets ok. Great windows. 443-223-9801


Brian Keith

Black Male
(DOB 2126167); 5'10",
185 lbs, Black Hair,
Brown Eyes

Wanted for:
2 Felony Violation of Probation
Warrants for Possession of a
Controlled Substrance and
Worthless Check




Call (352) 372-STOP


fm Subleases ) Roommates

1BR w/shared bath @ Campus Club Apts.
Rent is $376!!! All inclusive. For more info
please call Dave@ 863-944-5023. 9-21-5-3

Holly house 2BR/1BA all to yourself in SE
Gainesville historical district. On top of UF/
Shands bike trail. Huge yard & front porch.
Just $625/mo. You keep $300 deposit. 335-
6975. 9-22-5-3

ARBOR APTS. 1BR/1BA. Vaulted ceilings,
all new carpet & appliances. Starting Jan 06.
$500/mo. VERY NEGOTIABLE. Call 321-
695-3021 9-23-5-3

U Roommates

Roommate Matching HERE
Oxford Manor 377-2777
The Landings 336-3838
The Laurels 335-4455.
Cobblestone 377-2801
Hidden Lake 374-3866

Female roommate for one/two female UF
students. Quiet. Responsible. 60 second
walk to UF. Old house charm with all ameni-
ties. Avail Now. $400 up. 352-538-2181 .Lv
message. Private Owner 12-7-72-4

Unfurn BR for rent in brand new, spacious
condo w/2 F, UF students. NW 55th St. Call
Lisa for details @ 352-514-1763. 9-30-21-4

F NS grad/prof needed for 1BR in BRAND
NEW 2/2 condo. 2 mi to UF on bus rte. W/D.
$475 + 1/2 util/mo. Common area furnished,
tile firs. 904-386-6485 or

REDUCED! M/F to share 2/1.5 twnhs w/ 20yr
pre-vet M. Pets ok. W/D, DW, full kitchen,
tile, pool in Mill Run. SW 20th Ave. $300/mo
+ 1/2 utils. 828-775-8807. 9-22-24-4

1 male wanted to rent master BR in nice
clean 3BR/2BA house 4 miles to campus,
new wood floors & appliances. $350-375/
mo + 1/3 util. Call Ryan 850-261-3571 9-

Roommates bring a friend. Share utils.
Houses on East University Ave. Bike or bus
to class. $475-550 + sec & last mo. Available
now. Call 352-375-4250 or 745-0785. 9-

)ll V'0 off

Female student to join 2 females for your
own BR in attractive 3BR house near NW8th
Ave, 3mi. from UF on bus rt. #43, tile/hdwd,
$275/mo + 1/3 GRU&HSInternet-digital
cable, avail Sept, 381-5597, 332-3852. 9-

Room in NW home. $350/mo incl utils &
DSL. No pets mature male non-drinker/
smoker. Avail immed (flex). Scott 335-8209

1BA avail now. Ethernet, util incl. W/D, nicely
furn, secure. Exercise/pool. Direct bus UF 3
mi.$455/mo/room. Vanessa 352-217-3464,
Flo 352-357-9656 or 352-636-4814. 9-30-

MICANOPY Nature lover's paradise. 12
min to UF. F prof/frad wanted to share 3/2
contemporary home, 2 park-like acres, fire-
place, wd fir, 2 porches & vaulted ceiling. No
pets. $425 incl util. 352-466-0619 9-20-10-4

hdwd firs, large shared studio space, cable
incl, parking pets poss. $275 + $100 dep.
871-5844 9-20-10-4

2 Rooms Available at a House 705 NW 34th
St., Blocks Away from UF College of Law...1
for $280 or 2 for $500. Call Will at 352-375-
8699 or 9-22-10-4

Looking for female for 1 BR/BA in 3 BR/3BA
Apt at Rockwood Villas. Hi-spd internet &
cable. On UF busline. All utils. incl. for $500/
mo Rent. 407-970-0720 or 407-421-3121.

M/F Rommate for room in 2/1 condo. $400/
mo. incl. cable, internet & utils. Close to UF
& Butler Plaza. On bus route. Small pets ok.
Pool/exercise. 246-8712 9-20-5-4

1 Male roommate needed for 4/4 BRAND NEW
condo by Sorority Row. $475/mo +1/4 util,
furn, w/d,dw, pvt bath, dsl. 3 blocks from UF.
Call Dave @954-821-6229 9-20-5-4

One roommate needed to live in 3BR/2BA
house on 34th St.. and 16th Ave. Call
Michelle 305-322-6389. Rent $375/mo + 1/3
utilities. 9-22-6-4

Roommate 3BR/2BA, nice SW neighbor-
hood. Pool, DSL, HBO, $475/mo includes
utilities. Furnished optional. Female pre-
ferred. Call 772-201-9933. 9-23-6-4

4W. 0 on



..1 GOOMOEM -w- w W1

- ~- -

) l Roommates Real Estate

Roommate wanted to share 1BR/1BA in
3BR/2BA house. Fully furnished, W/D, DW.
SW Gainesville, close to UF. 336-6421 or
850-496-0367. 9-22-5-4
Rooms for rent: Large, clean house. Close
to campus. High speed and cable. Large
yard. Two car garage and porch area. Rent
$425. For more info call Tre at 352-328-8878
1 BR avail in cute 2/1.5 twnhs w/vet stdnt, w/
d, fncd yard, pool, hi-spd int, new carpet, tile,
pets ok. NO. DEPOSITS! $350/mo +1/2 util. 352-255-7852 9-23-5-4

1 Male roommate needed. Serious student
to share 3BR/2BA house. Located south of
UF on Williston Rd. W/D, cable, wireless
DSL, $395/mo +1/3 utils. Call 258-9116

to share 2/2 condo, includes::
utilities, cable, internet, w/d, gated, pool,
racquetball, fully furnished $125/wk
352-264-9821 9-35-36 9-23-5-4

** 3BR/2.5BA Roomate needed in Cricket
Club. Allergy-free environment, covered
parking available, on bus rt. Incl. clubhouse,
pool, gym, laundry in gated community, $450/
mo incl. utils. Jodi 494-0405 10-10-15-4

Roekwood Villas 1BR/1BA Avail in 3/3
Condo. $460/mo +utils. Close to campus
& on bus route. Call Karly at 352-514-1617
Leave msg. 10-3-10-4

near Library .downtown. $285-$360/mo +
utilities. Free internet access. Short term. No
pets. No smoking. Job opportunity available.
378-1304 9-26-5-4
Beautiful home in tress on quiet street near
UF. Quiet for study. Gourmet kitchen, fire-
place, hi-spd DSL internet, cable TV, W/D,
cent A/C, large yard, cats welcome. $340+
utils. 352-271-8711 9-26-5-4

1 MONTH FREE. Furnished 1 BR/1 BA avail-
able immediately in 3BR/3BA Campus Lodge
Apt. W/D, screened porch. Great location
$534/mo 757-348-8767 9-26-5-4

S Real Estate

Sell your house, condo, acreage, mobile
home and much more in the ALLIGATOR
CLASSIFIEDS! Reach over 24,000 possible
buyers! Mastercard and Visa accepted over
the phone. Please Call 373-Find

Quad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra
land, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House
3/4BR, 2BA, wd firs, covered prch, concrete
patio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 352-
538-2181 Iv mssg 12-7-72-5

Existing condos & luxury condos near UF
at affordable prices. For more information,
visit or call
today Matt Price 352-281-3551 Campus
Realty Group 9-30-27-5

Spectacular university views. Walk to UF &
the stadium. Classic New Orleans appeal
with state-of-the-art luxury. Reserve today.
52 units available. Starting in mid-300's. Call
Eric Wild 870-9453 12-7-80-5

4BR/4BA, 3 leases signed for next year. Call
for details 407-620-1555 9-30-28-5

2 bed/ 1 bath condo on 10-minute bus
route. Only $89,900. Call Kenny Gibbs with
Campus Realty (352)494-0012. 9-21-20-5

I can help you find a house or condo
in the UF area. Call Brett Wherry
at 352-412-8662
Century 21 Classic Properties 352-331-2100

2BR/2.5BA condo w/10 min bus route on
SW 20th Ave. 1,176 sq ft built in 2002
$150,000. Call Tony Nguyen at 407-738-
2169/ 9-20-10-5

U [ Furnishings

BED-Queen, orthopedic, extra thick, pillow-
top, mattress & box. Name brand, new, still
in plastic. Sacrifice $110. Call 352-372-7490
will deliver. 12-7-72-6

mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic
w/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice $85. Call
352-377-9846 12-7-72-6

Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must
sell. Can deliver: Retail $2300. Sacrifice
$550 352-372-7490 12-7-72-6

BED King Pillowtop mattress & box springs.
Orthopedic rated. Name brand, new, never
been used, in plastic with warranty. Sell
$170. Call 352-372-8588 Can deliver. 12-

0 a W 0

]* Furnishings 3

CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop
Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. Cost
$1500, sacrifice $550 352-333-7516

Sofa $185 Brand new in pkg 333-7616

BEDROOM SET. 7pc Cherry,' Queen/ king
bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chests
avail. Dovetail const. New, in boxes. Can de-
liver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice $1400
(352) 372-7490 12-7-72-6

SOFA & LOVESEAT 100% Italian leather.
Brand new in plastic w/warranty-,Retail
$2650. Sacrifice $750. Call 352-377-9846

DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table,
6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New,
still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100.
Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-8588 12-

FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/
mattress. New, in box. $160 332 9899

DINETTE SET 5pc $85 Brand new in box.
Never used. 352-377-9846 12-7-72-6

BEDS Full mattress & boxspring sets $49
* Queen sets $89 Single sets $39 OKing
sets $99 0 From estate sale. Safe pine bunk
bed $109. 376-0939/378-0497.
CALL-A-MATTRESS 4370 SW 20th Ave.

MEMORY FOAM same as Temperpedia.
Save 50% & more. Other close-outs. 0 twin
sets $89 *full sets $129 *queen sets $149
*king sets $189 Student discounts apply.
4370 SW 20th Ave. 376-0953. We deliver.

Beds, Futons, Furniture, King Sealy sets
$299; new sofas for $299; oak futons $169;
sofa & loveseat $399; dinettes, desks, all
on sale *New Location* 140 NW 6th St
Morrells Furniture Outlet. 352-375-3400

: Orthopedic pillow-top sets.
**Full-$100 Queen-$130 King-$195**
Brand name matching sets not used or re-
furbished. Still in plastic, direct from factory!
A better product at a better price. Whi3iesale
Furniture Dealer (3205 SW 40th Blvd. off
Archer Rd:) 376-1600. Ask for Rachel or
Brian 12-7-72-6

Bed All New Queen orthopedic pillow-top
mattress & box set. Still in plastic with war-
ranty. Can Deliver. $130 (352) 264-9799

Bed $100 All New Full size orthopedic mat-
tress set. Brand new, still in plastic, w/ war-
ranty. Can Deliver.352-376-1600 12-7-72-6

Bedroom Set Brand New! Still in boxes! HB
$125, NS $75, Dresser $135, Mirror $75,
Chest $135. Can Deliver. (352) 264-9799

Dinette Set $125 Brand New 5 pc set in
box, never used! Can Deliver 494-0333

Sofa $225 Brand New! Loveseat $170 Still
in package, never used. Can Del. 376-1600

Pool Table Gorgeous 8' All wood table.
Leather pockets, Italian 1" slate, carved
Slegs. Br. New still in crate. Cost $4,500. Sell
$1,350. Can Deliver. 264-9799 12-7-72-6

Hot Tub/Spa $1795.00 Brand New Loaded!
Waterfall, LED lights, cup-holders, 110v en-
ergy efficient with warranty. Free Delivery.
264-9799 12-7-72-6

Washer & Dryer leasing $160/semester or
$300/year. Call 352-318-3721 9-30-32-6

**Full $90 Queen $110 King $170"*
Orthopedic pillow-top sets. Brand name
matching sets not used or refurbished. Still
in plastic, direct from factory! 352-333-7516.

Classifieds... -
Continued on next page.

. ,

"Copyrighted Material 1

Syndicated Content

Available from Commercial News Providers"

A a t *


* Furnishings

BED- QUEEN New orthopedic pillowtop mat-
tress and boxspring set. Brand name, brand
new, still in plastic with warranty. Can deliver.
$115 352-377-9846.12-7-72-6

Bed- All New King! 3pc Orthopedic pillowtop
mattress set. Brand NEW, still in plastic with
warranty. Can deliver. $170 352-333-7516.

Bedroom Set- $325 BRAND NEW. Still
in boxes! 6 pieces include: Headboard, 2
Nightstands, Dresser, Mirror, Chest. Must
sell, can deliver. 352-377-9846. 12-7-72-6

Futon $160 Solid Oak Mission Style with
plush mattress. All brand NEW still in box.
Can deliver. 352-333-7516 12-7-72-6

Pool Table Gorgeous 8" All wood table.
Leather pockets, Italian 1" slate, carved legs.
Brand new still in crate. MUST SELL Retail
$5500. Sell $950. Can deliver 352-377-9846

Hot Tub/Spa $1295 Brand New Loaded!
Waterfall, LED lights,, cupholders, 110-v
energy efficient with warranty. Free delivery,
MUST SELL 352-372-8588 12-7-72-6

Bed-FULL size pillowtop mattress & box.
New, in plastic, warr. Can del. $90 317-4031

Sofa $185 Brand new! Love seat $150 still in
pkg. Can del 352-333-7516

Dumas Discount 371-4422 1201 E. Univ. Av.
New Used 0 Buy 0 Sell 12-7-59-6

MUST GO! New Pier 1 Rio Grand Bedroom
Set- 5 drawer & 7 drawer nightstand and
bench w/storage; Pier 1 Dakota Queen
Headboard & lamps, floorlamps, 20" TV,
VCR, DVDNCR combo, TV stand. Rooms
2 Go couch, futon, chair & ottoman, coffee
table, end tables & bookshelf, microwave,
Sony stereo, OfficeMax desk & swivel chair.
Please call for pictures or to see in person
321-695-1972, 9-20-5-6

Used Appliances
Washers/Dryers, refrigerators & Stoves
$125,-ach (352)378-4578 10-12-20-6

Full size bed $60, dorm fridge $45, dining
room table w/4chairs $75, nice sofa $85,
dresser w/mirror $75, 13" remote TV $35,
Lawn mower $60. Call 335-5326 9-20-3-6


r.S7A+CtamputEr mEh
We .L4 fiota, c411a


Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek
House/dorm 59 min response. No,waiting/
unplugging/hassels. $30 Gator Discount
w/student ID. M/F Cert MCSE technicians.
333-8404. 12-

Cash Paid Laptop PCs
SALES 0 SERVICE 0 PARTS 336-0075 12-7-72-7

Network specialists
We buy computers and laptops
Working and Non-working
378-4009, 607 NW 13th Street

S12-7-69-7 .2.

- computer/laptop repair
- virus, spyware, hardware
- $1041iscounts, cheapest!
- home/dorm 352-219-2980

l. Computers

$top paying too much for computer repairs.
We offer "flat rates" as low as $25 for minor
"onsite" repair. "No hourly charges ever."
(352)-494-2355 (352)-494-2374 9-20-5-7

5 Electronics

722 S. Main 0 The Red Bldg

GATOR CAR ALARMS Take a bite out of
crime $99.95. Installed FREE. Gainesville's
oldest car alarm and car stereo specialty
store. 373-3754 Audio Outlet. 12-7-84-8

Car stereo, car alarms, mobile video, mobile
navigation, custom wheels and tires, and
automobile performance at Sound Depot &
Performance. 374-7700

MESA BOOGIE AMP. Nomad 45 Guitar Amp.
All tubes, 3 channel. Excellent condition.
$650 OBO. Call Sunil at 352-278-0232 and
leave message. 9-22-5-8

2 years old. Remote included.
$175 OBO. Call Mike 352-262-7059

U Bicycles

In the market for a new set of wheels or just
looking to add a second to that collection?
Want personalized handlebars or a fitted
seat? Check in the Alligator Classifieds.

Many to choose from
* Best Prices in Town 0
SPIN CYCLE 373-3355
424 W University Ave 12-7-72-9

Used not abused. From basic transportation'
to highend stuff. All styles. Great prices. 5
blocks from UF in College Park. 870-8693

* For Sale

Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF.
Reserve now! Reasonable rates. 352-538-
2181. Can leave mssg. 12-7-72-10

Search 24 bookstores in 1 click!
S&H and taxes automatically calculated
Try it tiday! http:l/ 9-

by Bob Brackin
"Gainesville Stories" 11-18-60-10

PARTY SUPPLIES: Complete line of Bar
Supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft beer.
equipment. Professional Cooking Utensils.
R.,W. Beaty Co. 4322 NW 13th St, Gville
RWBEATY.COM 376-5939 12-7-71-10

For Sale 55 gal
$750 obo Micah 359-4873 9-8-5-10

Whirlpool Washer/Dryer
Large capacity, 4 yrs old. Like new. $300.
Contact 332-6664. 9-22-5-10

Washer & Dryer
Heavy duty super capacity 4 load sizes &
settings. Roper by Whirlpool. 386-682-9853
nice +. 9-22-5-10

condition, 4-lug universal. Asking $400. Call
316-6353 or e-mail for
pics. 9-23-4-10

F Motorcycles Mopeds

Many Brands Available 518 SE 2nd St. 377-6974

*Swamp Cycles* Save $$$ on gas, ride to
class! Largest selection of Ebikes, scooters
& accessories. Free delivery, 1-yr warranty,
best cust. service 534 SW 4th Ave 373-8823

Scooters from $599. Largest selection
KYMCO, Vento, Hyosung, Keen & many
others. Financing avail. 3550 SW 34th St.
338-8450 12-7-72-11

SCOOTERS, or dirt bikes in ANY condition,
Running or not. titles or not. Prompt pick up.
Call ANYTIME: 352-376-9096
Please leave a message.

New location now open 1901 NW 67th Place
Best prices in Gainesville. Owned by Gator
grads. Will beat all Gainesville competitor's
prices on similar models. 12-7-84-11

Get your U.M X-speed 50 Scooters; only
scooter with a 3 year parts & labor warranty.
RPM Motorcycles, Inc. 518 SE 2nd St,
Gainesville 377-6974

1999 KAWASAKI ZX 600
11k miles. $2500. 941-320-9522 9-23-8-11

2001 Yamaha XT225 8V. Pack Rack Dual-
Purpose. Perfect condition and extras.
$2200. Also '97 Honda Civic LX 108K $3200
Call Rich (352) 373-8238 9-23-5-11

UI1 Autos

*Running or not!*
*Over 10 yr svc to UF students
*Call Don @ 215-7987 12-7-72-12

CARS -CARS Buy*SelleTrade
Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes
Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars
3432 N Main St.

Running or Not 1990 & up only
Sell or Trade Welcome
Call Ray 352-284-8619

2715 N MAIN 377-1616

Best Cars Lowest Prices

For listings 800-749-8116 ext 4622 12-7-

2001 Ford Explorer XLT, cold AC, V6, 4 liter,
rear air, PS, PW, PDriyers Seat, alloy wheels,
AM/FM, CD/Cassette player $12,400 359-
2963 9-23-10-12

2000 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP Daytona, 2Dr,
V6 Supercharger, AT, leather, sunroof, Bose,
exc. condition, $8,800 OBO 352-264-0325

MAZDA PROTEGE 5 Sporty Hatchback
Wagon 2002, automatic, 50,800 miles, great
condition, 2L, A/C, CD, AM/FM, front air
bags, alloy wheels, yellow w/black interior,
large cargo space. $8995 Tel 352-219-0236


'86 Corvette
V8, auto, coupe, great condition. 84k miles.
White, blue int. PS, PW, AM/FM/tape. $9000
OBO. Call Sunil 352-278-0232. Must see!

98 Mustang GT. Yellow/black, custom-
ized, loud, fast, attention getting car, new
Goodyear tires, brakes, shocks &struts, $92k
hwy mi, $7500, 941-726-0162 9-23-5-12

97 Nissan Sentra GXE, Automatic, Cold A/C.
AM/FM/CD, full power, 110 K Miles, $3990+
T&T University Auto Brokers 320 NE 33 Ave,
Gainesville (352)-371-2277 (352)-284-1047

98 Ford Mustang Convertable, 6 cyl. au-
tomatic, green, new top, only 75k miles,
alloy wheels, $5985 + T&T University Auto
Brokers 320 NE 33 Ave. Gainesville (352)-
371-2277 (352)-284-1047 9-26-5-12

99 Nissan Sentra GXE, Automatic Cold
A/C AM/FM stereo tape, pwr windows, locks,
$4750 + T&T University Auto Brokers 320 NE
33 Ave. Gainesville (352)-371-2277 (352)-
284-1047 9-26-5-12

98 Ford Mustang CPE, Automatic, 6 cly. only
68k miles, red, AM/FM, CD, alloy wheels,
$5975 + T&T University Auto Brokers 320
NE 33 Ave. Gainesville (352)371-2277
(352)284-1047 9-26-5-12


JEWELRY. 373-9243 12-7-72-13

Transport patients to/fromr treatments
Must have valid driver's license,
safe driving record & attend training session.
Call 352-376-6866 ext 114 for more info..

| Help Wanted .

This newspaper assumes no responsibil-
ity for injury or loss arising from contacts
made through advertising. We suggest that'
any reader who responds to advertising use
caution and investigate the sincerity of the
advertiser before giving out personal infor-
mation or arranging meetings

Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be
over 22, stable work history, clean driving re-
cord, drug-free, pers ref.
for details. 12-7-72-14

Animal Care Tech looking for hard working
person to work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will
train, PTto start with more hrs possible. Start
at $6.50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024
between 9-4 M-F. 12-7-72-14

CNA CLASS: Leam @ your own time and
pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and
pass the state exam is on VCR tape. 95%
pass the state exam the 1st timel $200. Call
800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 12-7-72-14

Phone survey interviewers' wanted. Start
work today! No sales, opinion research
only! Flexible Schedule! Perceptive Market
Research 336-6760 ex 4081 Call now! 12-


"Copyrighted Material

Syndicated Content

Available from Commercial News Providers"

% a


SHelp Wanted

Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/
Sales and IT needed for various positions.
Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Join
our team! Learn more at
employment 12-7-72-14

For gently used brand name
Clothing/accessories & furniture
$Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No appt
necessary! 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 12-

No experience necessary, training provided.
800-965-6520 ext 138 12-7-72-14

Needed for evaluations of
Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters
Flexible Hours, E-mail required
Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254

Donate Plasma & Save a Life
Best part-time job you'll ever have.
Bring this Ad and Earn an
Extra $5 on Your 2nd Donation.
DCI Biologicals 150 NW 6th St.

Mortgage lender has immediate positions
avail for college students. No exp req. $8/hr
+ bonus, flex hrs. Apply in person 2-7pm M-F
at 1900 SW 34th St Ste 206 (2nd fir above
credit union) 12-7-72-14

Would you like to be your own boss, work
your own hours, and make unlimited in-
come? Call Emma @ 352-871-4489 or e-mail 12-7-72-14

Internet Marketing Specialist Detail oriented
w/strong MS Excel/Word, communication
skills. Knowledge of SEO, PPC and affiliate
management a plus. Flex schedule. Base
pay + bonuses. Fax resume 800-967-5140

HIRING KITCHEN STAFF Starting $6.15/hr
DRIVERS $8-15/hr, and FLYERERS. PT
easy schedule. Please call 2-5pm 378-2442
or fill out application at California Chicken
Grill 2124 SW 34th St. Mon Fri. 12-7-72-14

Private dance co. Great for students. Great
pay, fast cash & flexible hours. All to start
today! 378-3312 9-20-20-14

Five Star Pizza Downtown/Tower Road now
hiring all positions for fall and spring. In store/
driver. Great pay w/ great atmosphere. Apply
@ 210 SW 2nd Ave 375-5600 or 600 NW
75th St. 333-7979 10-3-37-14
Find a job today at one of over 60 restau-
rants, bars or hotels. Cooks, delivery driv-
ers, bartenders, housekeepers, servers.
In high demand. 9-30-33-14

MOVERS WANTED. Need driver's license.
Apply in. person at 505 NW 53rd Ave. At

FORGET COLLEGE. Beer, parties and fun.
Ready to get serious? Free online business,
real estate, self-defense and empowerment
courses. 9-20-20-14 -


gI Help Wanted Help Wanted

7J WI ed M fi! aed

We need Paid Survey Takers in Gainesville.
100% FREE to join. Click on Surveys.
Tired of sitting around wlout it? Sit here &
students to raise funds. Earn up to $8.00/hr
with a FLEXIBLE schedule. Apply at 105
NW 16th St. 4th floor. Academic Classroom
Building. 105, or call 392-7754 for more info.

Earn between $10-$20/hrl.
Flexible Schedule, Great Opportunity.
For info contact Meghan 379-3663 9-26-
Merchandise sales. Earn $100-$200 working
2-3 hrs. Home games only, prior to kick-off.
Contact 321-277-5523 8-321-5-14
University of Florida
Survey Research Center
408 W University Ave, Suite 106
Mon-Fri 9:30am-9pm
392-2908 ext. 105
$7/hr + BONUS + Paid Training
Telephone Interviewing NO SALES
3 eves 6-9 pm + 2 weekend shifts
Sat 12pm-6pm + Sun 2pm-8pm
Must work winter break
Lg Property Management Co Now Hiring
PT & FT Leasing Agent (Sales) & FT
Asst Manager openings. Great team, train-
ing, bonuses. Fax res, cover & avail sched
to 376-6269 or




. 4W





Fill out app:
Receive offers from over 100 restaurants &
hotels. Also needed: delivery drivers, manag-
ers & housekeeppers. 9-30-25-14

Infinite Energy, a rapidly expanding
natural gas marketer with a large customer
base, has an immediate need for SALES
REPRESENTATIVES (inbound and out-
bound calls). Flexible schedules. Need more
info go to Respond
by fax 352-240-4146 or email your resume to EOE/AA/
MFDV 9-23-20-14

Now hiring servers & prep cooks. Experience.
& Spanish speaking a plus. FT apply in per-
son M-F 2-5pm. 2409 SW 13th Street 336-
4127 10-10-30-14

Attention Smokers!
Earn about $6/hr. Smokers are needed to
participate in a study on decision making
& smoking. If interested, come to the
Psychology Bldg room 397 or call 392-
0601 ext 297 12-7-68-14

Finance company needing office assistant
& collections associate. Young, progressive
company w/ advancement & bonuses. 25
hrs/wk. Start immediately. Fax resume to
352-378-4156. 10-31-41-14

Call center needs telephone agents for all
shifts 24 hours. 1830 NE 2nd St. Apply in
person M-F 9am-4pm. 12-7-66-14















U -
~. --(U.

~ Q ~-


- -


PT, flex hrs, fast & hardworking. Pref UF or
SFCC student w/exp & able to give 15 hrs/
wk, $8/hr. 371-9409 9-20-10-14
OFFICE ASST 10hrs/wk, $6.25. Proficient
in Windows, internet, typing and other com-
puter operations. Flex around class schedule
Indicate major and year in college. FaxASAP
to 375-4591 9-21-10-14
Pickup & care of bldg & grounds. Great mgmt
team, benefits, training. Must have auto. Fax
res, avail sched to 376-6269 12-7-63-14
Male tumbling instructor needed at
TUMBLEMANIA in High Springs. The posi-
tion is PT (10-12 hrs/wk). Previous spotting
exp. required. Must be able to spot basic
thru intermediate level skills. 386-454-1779.
Gator Dining Services located on the UF
Campus is hiring for supervisors,, cashiers,
cooks, line servers, and dishwashers. Flex
hours, competitive pay and a great working
environment. Apply at Gator Dining Services,
B73 Reitz Union, Museum Rd or online at
www.gatordining .com 9-23-10-14
Security Staff Needed Nowl
$6.75 hour
Help residence halls be safe.
Info and applications available
at housing office near Beaty.
392-2161 x 10125 for more info.
Female smokers, thin, feminine who
enjoy smoking socially needed for confi-
dential phone interview. Selected callers
earn $50. Leave name and number, your
call will be returned. 661-255-3940 10-
Attention Smokers! Do you want to quite
smoking? smokers are needed to participate
in a smoking cessaton study. If interested
e-mail the UF Smoking Lab and Clinic.
ufsmokelabclinic@gmail.coni or call 328-
4944 9-30-14-14
* TEACHER'S AIDE Mon. thru Fri.
* RECEPTIONIST Mon., Wed., Fri.

Earn up to $12-14/hr.
Call California Chicken Grill 378-2442

YMCA Get paid to play!
Do you like to work with children? The YMCA
is now accepting applications for
Afterschool counselors. Multiple locations
throughout Gainesville. Need to be
available from approx. 1pm-6pm. Apply in
person at 5201 NW 34th St. Immediate
Openings! 9-30-14-14
Get paid after FREE training classes
Exciting new multimedia grade booster!
Bright, enterprising -All majors/years
email now

Private care of elder in rehab & private home.
Call 352-332-0394 for appt. & interview.
Flexible hrs. & favorable salary. 9-27-10-14
NOW HIRING! Young professionals to join
dynamic cast in restaurant setting. Must
be trainable. Call 373-8882 for details. 9-
Part time pre-med or pre-dental student to
assist in patient care and surgery. Hours:
,* Monday & Wednesday 9am-noon & Friday
6:45am 11am. Resumes to 352-331-6336.

needed for Jewish day school Monday
- Friday in the afternoon. Call 376-1508 ext
110 for more info. 9-20-5-14
PE TEACHER needed for Jewish day school
2-3pm. 2 afternoons a week. Call 376-1508
ext 110 9-20-5-14

$10-15/hour DRIVERS
$8-$10/hour INSIDERS
$35-$50/year MANAGERS
Apply online at 12-

Needed FT and PT positions. $7-$9/hr. Holy
Trinity. Call 377-2290 9-23-8-14

AT BUSY HAM STORE. Previous dell expe-
rience helpful. Flex shifts available. $7-8/hr.
Apply at 3832 Newberry Rd. 9-20-5-14
Responsible student wanted for babysitting
in my home. Approx 3-4 afternoons per
week. References necessary. Please call
222-1532 for questions. 9-27-10-14
Now hiring Special Event servers, Friday
night servers and weekend dishwasher.
Apply in person at Hillel at the University of
Florida, 2020 W. Univ. Ave. 9-20-5-14
Marketing Internship: Leading mobile soft-
ware company is looking for energetic and
hard working individuals for a marketing
internship. The position will include market
research, as well as promotional material
development. Interested candidates please
send your resume to 9-
Do you want to work at an airport? Apply to-
day at University Air Center or call 335-4681.
Night shift and customer service positions
available immediately. 9-28-10-14
CHILDCARE PRN days & occasional eve-
nings. Must be energetic, loving,& not afraid
to have fun. Experience & references a must.
Starting @ $8/hr. Call 332-4488 9-20-4-14
and DRIVERS needed. Apply at 3458 West
University Ave. 3PM-3AM. MARIO & LUIGI'S
PIZZA. Flexible schedule. 376-6433 9-21-

Ca lendar-O 6

Talent call 9/24, 9-11am at RAMTECH for
attractive women modeling & representing
RAMTECH products. Visit
for examples of pro-photography themes.
Questions:352-256-8324, rates and details discussed at the talent call 3711 SW
42nd Ave. #5 9-23-7-14
HUNGRY HOWIES is now hiring. Cash
paid daily. Drivers & inside workers needed.
Flexible schedule. Full & part time avil. Apply
in person at any Gainesville location. 9-28-

The Phonetics Laboratory in the Program
in Linguistics is looking for -people to par-
ticipate in a listening experiment. You can
earn $10/hour by participating in a study
of the perception of speech sounds from
foreign languages. If you are interested in
participating, please contact Jenna Silver
( 9-28-10-14
hrs per. week. Call 9am noon. 377-6245
FT asst Mgr/FT or PT Leasing Agt. Great
customer Svcs skills. Able to handle busy
env. Some Sats req'd. Apply at 1902 SW
42nd Way or fax resume to 352-375-4434
Ventura Apts. 9-28-10-14
Reps and Mgrs.
Will Train.
FAX 815-301-8667 9-21-5-14
For major internet retailer.
Opening new concept store.
FAX 815-301-9667 9-21-5-14
In-house housing director for UF fraternity.
Not paid. Free room & board. Need to fill po-
sition ASAP. Call 305-338-2006. 9-20-3-14


FT Marketing Associate
Exp. in general mkg, graphic design,
Quark & Photoshop req. Web exp. a plus.
Send resume & cover letter 376-6269 ,.,

for site work construction office. Quickbooks
experience preferred. Ideal for business or
accounting major.,Flexible hours. $8-12/hr.
Call 335-1711. 9-22-5-14

Farm worker
Shipping tech.
Word processors
Software developers
Resume to:

HORSE FARM Barn chores in exchange for
living accommodations. Silver Ridge Stables,
Micanopy. 361-1454. 9-29-10-14

Silver Q Billiards is now hiring waitresses
and security. Also looking for promotion
for Platinum Lounge. Apply in person on
Tuesday /between 1:00 and 4:00 pm. 9-

PT/FT Nights & Weekends.
Apply at any Pizza Hut
$12-$14 an hour. 9-30-11-14

Gator Dining Services, located on the UF
Campus is hiring Positions start at $7.30 an
hour. Full and part time positions available,
no experience needed. Flex hours and a
great working environment. Apply at Gator
Dining Services, B73 Reitz Union, Museum
Rd or online at 9-29-
10-14 -

Classic Fare Catering, located on the UF
Campus, is looking for banquet staff super-
visiors. Flexible hours, competitive pay and a
great work environment. No experience nec-
essary, we will train. Apply in person and the
Classic Fare Catering Office located on the
first floor of the Reitz Union or apply online at 9-29-10-14

Health&Fitfi ss

It's a Job Fair!
Saturday, Septemer 24th
Hear about exciting career opportunities at
GHFC & ReQuest Physical Therapy!

We're looking for motivated team players
to work in the following departments:

Personal Training
Physical Therapy
0 Group Fitness

RSVP with Teresa at 374-4634
For details, visit

Place Car Wash is looking for hard workers
for all positions. Cashiers (fullday availabil-
ity) & lineworkers. (AM 8:30-1) & (PM 12-6)
shifts available. 15-40hrs. your choice. Great
work environment. Apply in person. 7404
NW 4th Blvd. Across from Home Depot. No
phone calls please. 10-7-15-14

Pt. Prev. childcare exp. Required. FT Cook
1049 Museum Rd. Kinder Care 9-23-5-14

Help wanted for the serious, hard work-
ing and trustworthy. Yard work $6.50/hour.
Carpentry, electric, roofing and plumbing
repair starting at $7.50/hour. Negotiable.-
376-6183 9-23-4-14

Continued on next page.


= A

. .


*C Help Wanted

Full time & part time people wanted. Must be
customer oriented & dependable. Call Andy
1-888463-1954 ext. 205 9-23-5-14
Leasing Consultant
Looking for reliable, motivated people for
busy leasing office. PT including nights &
weekends. Please fax resume to 384-3982
MUST be willing to travel full time.
Have rf criminal background,
Have clean driving record and be drug-free.
Also see CAREER BUILDER Key word
Blimp Ground Crew or call Steve Adams
407-363-7777 9-30-10-14

available at Celebrations Catering. All shifts,
flexible scheduling. Apply at 904 N. Main St.

8-12 hrs/wk Flex schedule 352-331-0260

to teach @ Gainesville's Premier Facility
352-331-3557 9-30-10-14

Flyer Distributer Needed is looking for energetic
enthusiastic people, flexible schedule. Call
Meghan @379-3663 9-23-5-14

PT inventory control, flexible hours.
Great job for students! Will work around
class schedule. Apply at Concessions Office,
South End Zone Ben Hill Griffin Stadium,
next to the Gator Sport Shop 9-23-5-14
PT Supervisors needed. Days, nights,
weekends. Flexible hours. Great 2nd Job!
Apply at Concessions Office, South End
Zone Ben Hill Griffin Stadium, next to the
Gator Sport shop 9-23-5-14
SUSHI HELPERS. Call 352-871-4381
Receptionist/front office assistant for
Dermatology office. Must have excellent
organization and communication skills. FT
M-F, 8-5 or PT at least 30 hr/wk. Insurance/
retirement benefits available. Medical office
experience desired but will train motivated
person. Fax resume to 352-332-2966 9-
Residential care workers to supervise &
direct teenage girls in residential program,
Assist w/record keeping & perform duties
necessary for overall care & well being of
juvenile in program. Flex sched avail. Ocala
area. Resume: Human Resources Children's
Home Society. 605 NE 1st St Gville 32601
or online EOE/DFWP 9-26-

Needs part-time help, fleible weekday hours,
plus 2-3 Saturdays per month. Please bring
in a resume to 2020 NW 6th St.
Host/Hosstess Wanted apply @ The
Sovereign Restaurant, Service Entrance 12
SE 2nd Ave. after 2 pm 9-21-2-14

0U Services

Close To UF, Convenient
4x4x4 $20/mo
4x8x8 $35/mo
*,533 SW 2nd Ave. 377-1771
Porsche, Volvo, VW, Honda, Toyota, Nissan,
Mazda. Quality craftsmanship, reasonable
prices, near UF, AAA approved 378-7830 12-7-72-15
HYPNOTIST-Stop smoking. Improve mem-
ory & concentration. .Eliminate bad habits.
Past tea regression. Learp self-hypnosis.
Low Student Rates. Leonard Umans AAPH,
NGH certified 379-1079. 12-7-72-15

M l Services

Ethnic Dance Expressions Studio
For Fun & Fitness 384-9200
HORSE BOARDING peaceful spacious
30 acres lighted arena round pens -stan-
dard & oversized- exp help 12x12 stalls 1-
352-472-2627 or Iv msg @ 339-2193 Owner
on premisis 35+ yrs exp. Lessons avail.
Quality Boarding Lessons/English *
Parties 0 Alachua County's oldest & finest
horse farm 466-4060 12-7-72-15
Complete Auto Service
Imports & Domestics 0 Cars & Trucks
Discount for students. Call 352-380-0033
The countryclub for horses & owners.
Customer lounge w/full kitchen & bath. 250'
x 160' riding ring, round pen & jump pad-
dock. Lessons. 30 acres, 40 matted stalls, 19
separate paddocks. 24-hr security, 352-591-
3175 12-7-72-15
Custom Posters 0 Exhibits Awards
Top Quality Fast Service Low Prices
SignMasters 335-7000

Jump start your job search at
Plaques Name Badges Cups Etc.
Best Selection In Town
SignMasters 335-7000
,English as 2nd language
Reading, Composition, Conversation
Experienced educators. Reasonable fees.
Tel: 352-335-9400 9-30-27-15

Individuals or small groups.
Experienced, excellent.
375-6641 Harold Nobles
Stringing If anybody can string rackets low,
EZ Tennis can string them lower. Ready in
24hrs. Express stringing avail upon request.
We have more string than all local stores
combined, please stop by or call 372-2257
Why buy mart-cheap rackets?- You can
upgrade at EZ Tennis & pay less. Stop wast-
ing money. Our name is EZ and our game
is Tennis. Call them and call us. 372-2257
Rackets Tennis Racquetball Squash
Badmitton Table Tennis. Lowest prices in
town. EZ Tennis will gladly beat lower inter-
-net prices. Call us at 372-2257 10-21-42-15
Personal and Group Training
Flexible Scheduling Exclusive Facility
Call for a free workout
Want to be a CNA? Don't want to wait?
Express Training Services can get you certi-
fied under 3 wks! Hands-on exp, no videos.
Day/eve classes avail. Next class 10/3/05.
Class sizes limited. 338-1193 for details.
Car hot? Lose your cool!
Call Rick-I'm quick! RICK'S MOBILE AUTO
A/C, All Freons-oils, computer diagnosis
40 years experience 213-2665
Strength skills & GPA *
Call Neil at (352) 377-4389 or
Email WriteRight
Sliding hourly scale


MATH TUTOR 7 years of experience. B.S.
in Engineering UF. English/Spanish. Call
Francisco. @352-494-8582 or 377-2526
Sliding Scale Rates 9-26-20-15

Guitar, piano and bass. All serious students
welcome. I'm a 30 yr. pro. 376-3831 11-2-
KEEP THIS! Perfect your interviewing/
resume skills with personal consultation by
professional with years of sr. management
exp. $50/2hrs 954-461-5451 9-23-5-15

Free Long Distance Anywhere
Worldwide + FREE Coupons/Specials.
FREE Dialer = FREE Calls + Coupons.

* Health Services

Alachua County Health Dept. Call
334-7960 for app't (optional $20 fee)

New Location Students No Appt Needed!
4343 Newberry Rd. #10, 373-2340
Most Ins Accepted, Hours M-F 8am-6pm
IV sedation, Student Discount.
Well Woman Care & Birth Control
Bread & Roses Women's Health Ctr
All Women's Health Center
Free Pregnancy Test
RU-486 Available
Lose 8 15 pounds in 4 weeks
Only $99!
Gain muscle while you lose fat
Groups forming now. 339-2199.
New therapy being studied! If you qualify to
participate ln this research you will get free
evaluation, medication, and be reimbursed
for your rime. Call Dr. Levy @ 331-2020 for
evaluation. 12-7-71-16
"PINK EYE?" Participate in a study to treat.
bacterial conjunctivitis. Qualified participants
will bet free evaluation, medication & be
reimbursed for their time. Call Dr. Levy @
331-2020 immediately 12-7-71-16
Loving, Christian couple wanting to expand
their family. If you are pregnant, and adoption
is an alternative, please contact our attorney,
Alice Murray, FBN 0794325 at 1-800-708-
8888. 10-12-20-16
Women's Health Services at Jennings.
Routine gyn exams and contraception
info and prescriptions for all UF students.
Tuesday 1:30-4:30 by appt. only There is
a fee for these health services. 392-1433
Massage therapy at Jennings for UF stu-
dents. Wednesday 1-4pm. Chair massages.
by appt. only, there is a fee for these health
services. 392-1433 9-30-10-16

Typing Services

RESUMES $25 & up.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Call daysteves 256-1042;
SAME DAY SERVICE: Transcription, typing,
apps. Desktop pub: brochures, newsletters,
flyers, ads, logos. Resume service. 18 yrs
exp. 24-hr turnaround. Connie 271-2677

- ~' ~






: O











9 Personals

Alachua County Health Dept. Call
334-7960 for app't (optional $20 fee)


University Opticians
300 SW 4th Ave. 378-4480.

1800 Gun Inventory
Over 500 handguns in stock
Buy, Sell, Trade or Repair.
Reloading Supplies 466-3340
Harry Beckwith, Gun Dealer
8mi. South of G'ville on 441

*Family Chiropractic*
Since 1977. Two blocks from U.F.

We buy 10-5,-M-Sat. Open to shop til 6. WE
Ave 375-3752.12-7-72-18

Inside Books, Inc. 505 NW 13 St.
10-9 384-0090

a Personals

CLEARANCE SALE All CDs must go -
100,000+ CDs on sale $5.99. Ten for $50.
We need more room for our GIANT DVD
INVENTORY. Cash paid for DVDs. Hear
Again 818 W. University Ave. 373-1800

Big stores cannot touch our stringing in qual-
ity and price. Please ask their clerks about
EZ Tennis. Why wait for 3-5 days on strining.
With us 1 day max! Call us at 372-2257 10-

In terms of Tennis, big stores make EZ
Tennis look good. We are lower than them
in prices faster in stringing stock better
quality rackets can explain or recommend
products to customers better. Tell your
friends about EZ Tennis. Call Us at 372-2257

Tell your friends about EZ Tennis. If you have
any questions, please talk to us. Our goal,
to have the lowest prices on rackets in the
world. .Please help us and your friends to
achieve this goal. Bring the lowest price u-
find.. Call us at 372-2257 10-21-42-18

Become More Beautiful
Add years to life. Free proof: PASR, Box
312144, Atlanta Georgia 30331. 10-5-35-18

Flowing postures w/focus on breath &
energy. All levels. Near UF or mall. Drop-in
or Series. Mon, Wed nights; Thur am. Also,
Free talks Mon nights 7:30-8:30 331-3366



I) I Entertainment 1 1t Entertainment A l

Want to make a connection? Place your ad FIRST STRIKE PAINTBALL
here to look for someone to share a common Airball, Speedball, Forts on 27 acres
interest with or for your true love Call for the best group rates!
Must have lots of free time for rehersals
and your own travel money for the first year.
We're going on a big musical tour in about
one year. Seeking bass player & keyboard- ACCOMODATIONS-Sports/Special Events
ist by ear. Children's music for The Learning 5 min to UFL Private 3 acres: Sleeps 8
Castle TV show. Angelina 352-333-8588 4BR/3.5BA, kitchen, great room, porches,
9-22-20-19- hot tub, gas grill. Ideal for family/adult cou-
ples $500/day 352-371-7922 9-21-15-21

Asexual Pals Meeting Service
"Where non-sexual adults find love" 9-27-10-19

' il Event Notices


Another Saturday night without a date?
Read The Alligator.

Tuesday 6:30-7:30. Westside Park Rec
Center. 1001 NW 34th St. $20/10wks.
Starting Sept 20, 2005. Call 373-4001 9-

5 Days From$299! Includes Meals, Taxes,
Entry To Exclusive MTVu Events,
Beach Parties With Celebrities
As Seen on Real World, Road Rules!
On Campus Reps Needed!
FL Seller of Travel Reg. #ST34486


From $499 Fall & holiday specials. NYC, DC, Philly, New
Travel With America's Largest & Ethix Eng & more! Gator Country Travel (just off
Award Winning Spring Break Company! campus) 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg.
Fly Scheduled Airlines, No. ST 36232 12-7-72-22
Free Meals, Drinks, Biggest Celebrity
On-Campus Marketing Reps Needed! $$ Looking for single game & season tickets home and away.-Paying top dollar. Call 877-
1-800-678-6386 596-1234 10-20-40-22
FL Seller of Travel Reg #34486



D 1

Rides '

20 Yrs. as the Official So. Fl. Bus
Depart: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30PM/reverse
$40 r/t Mia-FtL/Pomp-WPB-FtP.

All Home/Away Games
Call 352-871-0146 11-23-62-22

r-*EUROPE from $377 RT*** WANTED
ravel planning for everyone. Train, cruises, Paying Top $$$
hotels, tours. Gator Country Travel (just off Local and Confidential
ampus) 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg. -6 -
1o. ST-36232 12-7-72-22 1-800-611-7053

kt**WEST COAST from $197 RT**
fours packages & more. Los Angeles, Finders Keepers? If you find something, you
Seattle, S.F., S.D. & more! Gator Country can place a FREE FOUND AD in our lost &
Travel (just off campus) 373-1992 FL Seller found section. Be kind to someone who's
f Travel Reg. No. ST-36232 12-7-72-22 lost what you've found. Call 373-FIND.

S-- ----*--------

Miami Bus Service
$40 R/T W.P Bch, Pomp, FT. L, Miami
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McDonald to miss 4 to 6 weeks


Alligator Staff Writers

The No. 5 Gators received somewhat relieving
news on Monday when the team learned star defen-
sive end Ray McDonald would miss just four to six
weeks with a partially torn ACL in his right knee,
suffered in UF's 16-7 victory against Tennessee.
While McDonald's absence will certainly hurt a
defense currently ranked No. 2 in the nation, it was
initially feared that McDonald would miss the entire
After leading the team with 10 tackles for
losses a year ago, the new UF coaching staff shifted
McDonald from defensive tackle to end, the posi-
tion he played in high school. The move allowed
McDonald to play more freely and utilize his speed.
Now the Gators must regroup. Joe Cohen will
return to the starting role he held a year ago, while
redshirt freshman Derrick Harvey who could be
one of the more talented players on the team will
also see time at defensive end.
"I feel good about Derrick Harvey and Joe
Cohen. I trust them," said senior Jeremy Mincey,
UF's other starting defensive end. "Harvey's young,
but the more he plays, the more snaps he gets, the
better he can get.
"That's a big plus that Joe Cohen is already ex-
The news came one day after receiver Andre
Caldwell underwent surgery to repair a broken leg,
also suffered in the Tennessee victory.
"We're talking about two great young men," UF
coach Urban Meyer said.
"lay McDonald is a different man [this year] as
is Andre Caldwell. They were making such a good
push up to right now."

NOT ON THE OFFENSIVE: While UF's defense is sud-
denly overshadowing an offense expected to be
among the best in the nation, Meyer a coach often
critical of his offense said he's satisfied where the

Alligator Writer

It was dearly a mismatch on paper,
but you can't spell rivalry in Gainesville
without F-S-U.
Unfortunately for Florida State, the
match looked more even on paper than
on the court. The No. 6 UF volleyball
team crushed in-state rival Florida State
Monday night (30-20, 30-23, 30-16) in the
Gators' final match before heading into
* Southeastern Conference play against
Mississippi-State on Friday.

Giants 27
Saints 10


"Anytime Florida State and UF
suit up, it is going to be a rivalry,
and we're thinking about that."
Amber McCray
UF volleyball sophomore

The Gators have now won 14 straight
matches against Florida State. Despite
recent domination of the Seminoles, op-
posite hitter Amber McCray admitted the
match means a little something extra to the
Gators. But she said the team does not let

Ranked by average yards allowed
1. Connecticut 197.7
2. UF 199.0
3. West Virginia 199.3
4. Alabama 204.0
5. Virginia Tech / 220.7

the rivalry become a distraction.
"Anytime Florida State and UF suit up,
it is going to be a rivalry, and we're think-
ing about that," she said. "But it is not as
big as football, so we were just basically
working on coming out and taking this
game as a game we can use to get better
and work on ourselves."
The Gators did not forget about last
season, when FSU launched into raucous
celebration after winning a game against
UF. Although the Gators eventually won
that match, sophomore Marcie Hampton

1997: Peyton Manning has one final
chance to defeat the Gators, but No. 3 UF
keeps Manning winless against his big-
gest rival, defeating No. 4 Tennessee at the
Swamp, 33-20.

Impact of

injury unclear
ndre Caldwell honed in on the end
zone. Ten wayward Tennessee de-
fenders could only glance back in
disbelief. Tens of thousands of Gators fans
could only gaze into the future.
For Caldwell, this is how it was sup-
posed to be.
Urban Meyer's spread option was to
catapult the junior to the upper echelon
of collegiate football
The Gators' sole
touchdown against
the Vols on Saturday
seemed to provide a
Bryan App glimpse of that.
App-etite As Chris Leak ran
for Receptions an option play to the left, Caldwell sprung
back behind the quar-
terback to the right.
As the Tennessee defense collapsed on
Leak, Caldwell took a reverse pitch.
With wheels like Caldwell's, it should've
been illegal.
Eighteen yards and one block later and
Caldwell began to realize his destiny.
This was why he came to UF.
This was to be the season. Little more
than one quarter later, it was finished.
Running back the opening kick of the
second half, a helmet to the right thigh
ended his season. But as Caldwell was
carted off the field wincing in pain from a
broken leg, it was harder to tell who hurt
more him or his fellow receivers.
"I didn't think it was that bad of a hit,
but the more I saw, my stomach dropped
a little bit," junior Jemalle Cornelius said.
"We were just in a bit of a daze because
everybody expected him to just pop back
up. We saw he was down for a pretty long
time, and it just took the wind out of you for
a little bit."
When a guy like Caldwell goes down,
responsibility tends to set in as subtly as a
freight train to the solar plexus.
But it's OK. Breathe, Jemalle, breathe.
Without question, the Gators will feel the
strain of Caldwell's departure.
With his kind of speed, it seems Caldwell
was born for Meyer's system.
And the coach kept no secrets ab6iut
whom he considered his top playmaker
during spring and summer workouts. Now,


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Andy Apicella / Alligator
Defensive end Ray McDonald limps off the field after partially tearing
the ACL in his right knee. He will miss 4 to 6 weeks of action.


Gators dismantle overmatched FSU

- ------- --- ------- t~il


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APP, from page 16

Meyer rewards defensive stars

FOOTBALL, from page 16

group currently stands.
He even singled out wide re-
ceiver Jemalle Cornelius, whose role
suddenly triples now that Caldwell
is out for the year.
"We had no turnovers [against
Tennessee] and we had the ball for a
long time," Meyer said.
"Jemalle Cornelius came out a
winner, and Chris Leak played ex-
tremely hard."

weeks, making Meyer's postgame
Champions Club hasn't been an
easy feat, even though the Gators
have won all three of their games.
On Monday, Meyer rewarded
the Gators' defensive performance
against Tennessee.
Steven Harris, Marcus Thomas,
Jeremy Mincey, Brandon Siler, Earl
Everett, Todd McCullough, Vernell

Brown, Kyle Jackson, Reggie Nelson,
Dee Webb and Jarvis Herring all
made the club, but it was the mem-
bers of the secondary that graded
out as the biggest difference-makers.
"Jarvis Herring had 11 opportu-
nities to make a play and he made all
11," Meyer said.
"If you are wondering how we
won that game, it's those two stats
right there."
After holding the Volunteers
to just 7 points, UF's defense is
ranked second in the nation behind
Connecticut. The Gators are giving
up an average of 8 points a game
and 199 yards to opposing teams in
the Swamp.
"I don't think I've been around a
team that's played better defense,"
Meyer said.
"They played an excellent foot-
ball team who has a great tradition
of running the ball, and they shut
them down."

three unproven juniors and a
former quarterback must fill
the void.
Even as Caldwell writhed
in a hospital bed Saturday
night, Meyer already was busy
challenging Cornelius and

other receivers to dive into
Caldwell's Nikes.
Only, nobody is quite sure
how big they are.
Coming to UF rated as a
No. 1 receiving prospect in the
country, Caldwell never fully
lived up to the hype, -scoring
just three touchdowns before
that nifty reverse.
Even in all its beauty, the

play callers, not the playmak-
ers, made Saturday's reverse
With 10 of Tennessee's 11 de-
fenders halfway to Newberry,
320-pound offensive guard
Tavares Washington could've
stuck that one in.
So while Caldwell's imme-
diate future appears murky,
the Gators' is simply unclear.

Killingsworth stands out as inside presence

VOLLEY, from page 16

said head coach Mary Wise had the team pre-
pared for FSU's emotional outbursts.
"[Wise] knew they were going to be an emo-
tional team coming in here, so she made sure we
were focused on what we were doing and not
worried about what is going on over on their side
of the net," Hampton said.
The Gators took game one 30-20, clinching the
game on an attack error by FSU's Lauren Scott.
McCray led the Gators with five kills on six at-
tempts in the opening game, while FSU hit for an
anemic -.049 percentage in the game. UF scored
6 of the last 7 points to claim game two 30-23.
Angie McGinnis led the Gators with four kills
out of the setter position while tallying 12 assists
in the process.

McGinnis has been working on her offensive
game, employing a sort of hook shot with her off-
hand to try to catch defenses napping.
"I think you have to try to catch them off-
guard, you have to be tricky with it and know
when to do it," McGinnis said. "Hopefully by
the end of the season I'll get at least five kills a
night that's my goal."
UF cruised to a 7-0 lead in the third and decid-
ing game before the Gators ended the game and
the match with a 30-16 score.
Sophomore Kisya Killingsworth had a career-
high nine blocks in the match, and finally began
to look like the strong inside presence the Gators
have lacked all season.
"Wouldn't you like to play defense around
Kisya Killingsworth?" Wise asked. "You don't
get many opportunities, certainly today, because
of the way she blocked."

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UF receiving contributions from array o


Alligator Writer

Prior to this season, UF coach
Mary Wise was asked whether Jane
Collymore could be counted on
to be a dominant star a player
who would have the ability to take
over a match the way Aury Cruz -
did during UF's run to the NCAA
Championship match in 2003.
It's a tough comparison to
Cruz was a three-time first-team
All-American, while Collymore en-
ters her second season as the Gators
featured player.
Collymore has shown that abil-
ity to take over a match. In UF's
Sept. 10 win against Southern
California, she racked up 30 kills,
including 11 of the Gators' 15 kills
in the second game.
While Collymore continues to
get the most swings on the team,.
UF has been spreading the love
around all season. Monday night
was no different, as eight different
players recorded kills for the Gators
in their 3-0 sweep of Florida State.
"Bottom line, when in a three-
game match when four players are
in double-digit points, that's great
point production," Wise said. "That
means that we're getting kills,
blocks and ace serves. We're getting
contribution in lots of ways."

I V -"A



., -

Luanne Dietz/ Alligator
While UF volleyball star Jane Collymore is counted on to lead a young UF team, her teammates are
pitching in as well.

Those double-doubles came
from Marcie Hampton, Amber
McCray, Kisya Killingsworth and
Collymore. Combine the statis-
tics of -Angie McGinnis and Kari
Klinkenborg and UF recorded five
Wise has emphasized to her
team that getting scoring out of all

six spots on the floor is the best way
for her team to be successful, and a
lot of that distribution comes from
pre-game scouting.
"A lot of it is game-plan specific
and based on where we think we
can get points," Wise said. "There
are times when it may look like
[McGinnis] is favoring one hitter

over another, but that is by de-
Wise has- preached patience
with outside hitters Collymore and
Hampton, who see the bulk of the
While the two took 31 and 24
swings respectively against the
Seminoles, they also opened the

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door for the opposite hitters and
middle blockers to step up and
make plays.
Killingsworth had nine kill, and
a career-high nine blocks out of the
middle, and McCray recorded eight
kills and two blocks.
"We have so many players
averaging over two kills a game,"
McCray said. "Teams have to
worry about defending all different
spots on the floor, so it's really go-
ing to help us."
As last year's Southeastern
Conference Freshman of the Year,
McGinnis has the task of getting
the ball to where all of her various
weapons can hit it. She doesn't,
however, take into account how
many sets are going to each player.
"As a setter you really don't
think about it that way," she said.
"It depends on what they're do-
ing. If they're going to block our
outside hitters then I'm going to
try to give most of the balls to our
For her part, Collymore believes
that distributing the ball among all
the team's scorers can only help
the Gators.
"We're a much more effective
team if the ball can go to five or six
really strong players rather than
one person," she said. "Because if
you think about it from a blocking
standpoint, if the defense knows
the ball is going to one person
over and over again, they'll kind
of stand there."

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New defensive scheme showing results

Alligator Staff Writer

No offense Urban Meyer, but Chris
Leak and Co. are getting overshadowed
by an unlikely bunch of headliners.
After shutting down Tennessee's of-
fense in Saturday's 16-7 victory against
the Volunteers, UF's defense is second to
just ene.
Not only are the Gators giving up the
least yards in the Southeastern Conference,
but also the 199 yards allowed per game is
second best in the entire NCAA, trailing
only Connecticut.
Meyer's spread offense and UF's ar-
ray of talented receivers received all the
preseason buzz, but the Gators scoring of-

fense currently ranks just sixth in the SEC
and 45th in the nation.
And it was UF's defense that spent
much of the summer trying to shed the
label of late game choke-artists.
"If you watch film on us, you can see
we're chasing the ball better than last year,"
linebacker Earl Everett said. "The d-line is
playing better, the linebackers are holding it
down more. I think we're more aggressive
than last year."
Last year's defense ranked just sixth
in the SEC, and virtually the same unit
returned minus star linebacker Charming
But the defensive players credit much
of the turnaround to new defensive coor-
dinator Greg Mattison, who splits duties

Andy Apicella / Alligator
After linebacker Earl Everett and the Gators held Tennessee to -4 rushing yards in the
second half, UF's scoring defense ranks No. 2 in the nation.

with Charlie Strong, the only holdover
from the previous coaching regime.
While the defense was put through the
same grueling off-season workouts as the
rest of the team, Mattison brought a new
aggressive, blitz-heavy philosophy to
the defense. Suddenly players that were
mediocre at best last season rank among
the SEC leaders in various statistical cat-
Although the defense may experience a
slight drop-off now that starting defensive
end Ray McDonald is expected to miss
four to six weeks with an ACL injury in
his right knee, even career backups have
been starring for UF this season.
At 5-foot-8, Vernell Brown spent much
of his career floating from position to po-
sition while seeing little action. This year,
the senior nabbed a starting cornerback
job and currently leads the Gators with
18 tackles.
"After seeing these kids work all win-
ter, I knew they had a chance to be pretty
darn good because they showed pride and
they showed work ethic," Mattison said.
"They're a year older. I really think
they believe in what we're doing and I
think they want to leave here knowing.
that they've had a chance to do something
Mattison said head coach Urban Meyer
knew exactly what he was doing when he
assembled a staff that included Mattison,
Strong and other respected defensive
minds like cornerbacks coach Chuck
Heater and safeties coach Doc Holliday.
"There's no egos," Mattison said. "That
to me is special. We all have the same
Mattison realizes it takes more than
motivational speeches for his defense to
realize what its capable of achieving. So he
spends hours showing game film from the
NFL and highlights of some of Mattison's
previous stars at Notre Dame, including
current Baltimore Ravens star defensive
end Anthony Weaver.
"If they know the way you coached
that guy on film is the same way you're
coaching them, I think they listen bet-
ter," Mattison said. "They say OK, it must


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VOLUME 99 ISSUE 15 the independent florida Not officially associated by Campus COM1nunications Inc. of Ganesulle, Florida We Inform. You Decide. Recyale, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2005 tq estlons Gator, SG spending Editor's note: This is the third in a fourpart series outlining the issues of the Student Senate Fall election. By JUSTIN RICHARDS Alligator Writer Ever wonder what happens to that $8.64per-credit-hour Activity & Service Fee that trickles out of students' bank accounts every semester? Last fiscal year, $14,325.66 of it went to Student Governent memorabilia, including a stylized SG water bottle, a squeezable SG foam alligator and SG-packaged and monogrammed chocolates and mints. This administration's challenger in next week's election, the Impact Party, is questioning these and other expenditures. "They've become comfortable spending other people's money, and no one has told them 'no,"' said Impact Party President Thomas Jardon, who classified himself as a fiscal conservative. But SG executives said the promotional material is important for enticing student interest. The items -all but the chocolates and key chains -are marked with the phone number, Web site and/or e-mail of the SG office, thereby informing students of how to get involved. "It's been a tremendous success," Student Body President Joe Goldberg said. "I'm very happy that we did it. As a matter of fact, I think we need more." Goldberg Other student-funded promotional merchandise includes pens, notepads, folders, highlighters, plastic cups and stress bals -a total of 14 items. From Summer C to the first week of Fall 2005, SG and its offshoots Student Goverr-nent Productions, Accent and Student Legal Services spent $67,187 on advertising. The new SG logo alone cost $1,600. "We don't need to be flaunting SG if SG is doing its job," Jardon said. "A&S fees are paid for by every student at this institution. Therefore, every student should benefit from them." Jardon said that free printing in all CIRCA labs and expanded wireless Internet would SEE SPENDING, PAGE 8 UF rowns three for Hormecoming finals By OLIVIA ORMOS Alligator Contributing Writer As the minutes ticked down to pageant time, the contestants for this year's Miss Florida nibbled on low-calorie snacks, applied their last touch of bronzer and made sure each strand of hair was perfectly in place. The Phillips Center Ofn for the Perforning Campus Arts was transformed into a runway Monday as 31 contestants made their way across the stage for the Florida Blue Key Homecoming Pageant. But only the three winners would be on this year's Homecoming Court, and they are Anne Imanuel, Cat Jackson and Catherine Hough. "I was nervous, but it was really great to hear my sorority sisters of Alpha Delta Pi cheer me on," Jacksonusaid. "It really helped me get through the night." Mari Wilensky, current Miss Florida, and Jess Johnson, executive assistant to the vice president for Student Affairs, presided as the masters of ceremonies. Wilensky will crown this year's Homecoming queen at Gator Growl on Oct. 7. Other winners included Miss Photogenic Julia Weiss, and Miss Congeniality Rebecca Gaff. To start the pageant, the contestants danced a choreographed routine in black cocktail dresses to "Simply Irresistible." All contestants entered the stage and stepped up to the microphone receiving applause while introducing themselves and their sponsors to the audience and judges. The audience consisted mostly of female supporters who cheered and held cut-out letters spelling their sororities' Greek letters. SEE PAGEANT, PAGE 8 Tim casey / Alligator Staff Catherine Hough, Cat Jackson and Anne Imanuel react to the announcement that they are the three finalists for Homecoming queen Monday night during the UF Homecoming Pageant. TthuneI gets make-under as student paints It white E MURALS ON THE WALKWAY TOWARD NORMAN HALL ARE ERASED. By ZACH WEISSMUELLER Alligator Contributing Writer Obscene messages, local band Web sites and student artwork -most of these are gone after a student painted over years' worth of murals and graffiti Monday. He plans to return occasionally to paint Inside the Southwest 13th Street underpass over the fresh graffiti, he said. from Norman Hall to the UF campus, graffiti "I come through here a couple has covered nearly every inch of wall space Student times a day, and it bugs me to see for years. Lfej this," he said. But a UF civil and coastal engineering Shirtless, with greenish shorts, graduate student who asked to remain anonysandals and ruffled blond hair, mous decided to take on the project of coverthe student smiled and continued working ing the south wall with white paint because he with his paint roller as a passerby called his said it was an "eyesore." effort "waste of time." "A lot of people walk by and mumble stuff like that," he said. Because the underpass was not the graffiti artists' property in the first place, he doesn't feel bad for destroying their work, he said. "I had some friends that said they like the graffiti," he said. "But they said, 'If this makes you happy, go ahead."' SEE GRAFFITI, PAGE 8 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" o From backpacks to blood, UF'students are getting creative in their efforts to help Hurricane Katrina victims, as campus organizations found innovative alternatives for students who want to help. See story, pg. 5. FORECAST 2 OPINIONS 6 CLASSIFIEDS 9 CROSSWORD 14 Partly SPORTS 16 cloudy 92/72 visit I Dodging a more serious injury, Ray McDonald will miss only 4-6 weeks with a partially torn ACL. See story, pg. 16.


2, ALLIGATOR U TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2005 News Today CAM PUS UF offers Constitution forum Built on its the free-speech cornerstone, civil-rights bricks and the pillars of the three branches of government, the United States relies on the mortar of its Constitution, which will be the centerpiece of a campus forum Wednesday. UF will hold "The U.S. Constitution in the New Century" panel discussion as part of a nationwide observance of the first annual Constitution Day. "I see it as an opportunity," said David Hedge, UP political science professor. "The world has changed. The country has changed." Hedge volunteered to plan the university's Constitution Day event and decided that a round table discussion featuring a panel of government officials and university political science, history and law professors would offer interesting debate on constitutional issues. "I can't think of anything that affects people more," said Hedge, picking up a pocket-sized copy of the approximately 4,440-word Constitution. "It's just barely a Gordon Rule course." This will be the first year schools around the country observe the occasion after Congress passed legislation mandating that all schools receiving federal funding should host events focusing on the Constitution on Sept. 17, the day the document was signed in 1787. Since the date fell on a weekend this year, schools had the option of observing Constitution Day a week earlier or later. Hedge said that while most people need a better understanding of the Constitution, the nation is engaged in constitutional debates all the time on issues from corporate crime to the powers of the presidency. As moderator Hedge will lead the panel in discussions on issues including euthanasia, gay rights, women's rights and the changing Supreme Court: Elizabeth Dale, UF legal history professor and a former civil rights attorney will be a panelist. "One thing we can say is the Supreme Court in the next couple of years is going to be one of the great detective stories of all time," Dale said. "We don't know what justices will do until they do it." She said many of the issues the M KIM This coupon good for an extra $5 on your 2nd and 4th I I donation. I L. .-.-.-.-.-.J For More Information Go To www.D ECONOMY Americans' Dour Econoic Attitudesiittle Affected by Katrina What impact has Hurricane Katrina hadon consumer confidence in the United States economy? Galiuo'sfirst September update suggests that the hurricane has had little effect. Confidence in the economy, which was low and dropping in Augustjust before Katrina's landfall, continues to be low in September, showing little change in either direction after the events of the last few weeks. These results are based on Gall s anple of 921A riencans interviewed Sept. 12. 100 Economic Outlook --OGetting better 50-oGetting worse 66 o4 58.5 56.5 S6 57,5 48 46 42 S 3 36.5 35 35 20 32 Source: Galluo the i i dent fl i da VOLUME 99 ISSUE 19 iSSN 0889-2423 Not officially associated with the University ofFlorida Published by Campus Communications Inc., of Gainesville, Florida NEWSROOM 352-376-4458 (Voice), 352-376-4467 (Fax) Managing Managing Editor Assig Uni Fe O alligatorSpo E Assistant the A the Avenue Ass G Cop Jennifer LaBrie / Alligator Staff FORECAST TODAY PARTLY CLOUDY 92/72 WEDNESDAY '2 THUNDER STORMS 89/71 court has made dose decisions on in the past, such as affirmative action and the panel's topics, will continue to be important in the coming decades. Others have come to the forefront in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, including environmental laws, race and poverty. Political science junior Marissa Noel said she worries about the effects the Patriot Act and the Supreme Court's recent ruling on eminent domain the right of government to seize private property for public use -will have on her constitutional rights to privacy and property. "I just pretty much think that it may be a precursor to other infringements," Noel said of the Patriot Act. Although she didn't know about Constitution Day or the event, Noel said forums for discussion of citizens' constitutional rights were important to inform and empower people to fight back on issues such as eminent domain. "Knowing about the Constitution is knowing about THURSDAY THUNDER STORMS 87/70 FRIDAY THUNDER STORMS 90/69 SATURDAY SUNNY 91/69 your world and how it affects you," Noel said. The round table is being hosted by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Levin College of Law. It will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the Grand Reading Room in Smathers Library East and is open to all in the university and the community. The program will also be available at -ADRIANNA C. RODRIGUEZ ANNOUNCEMENT Student Senate and the Gainesville City Commission are having a joint meeting today in the Reitz Union Auditorium at 6 p.m. This is a public forum for students to discuss issues including the 3 a.m. bar-dosing proposal, alcohol-consumption policies and programs, along with city and Student Government elections. Refreshments will be served. The Alligator strives to be accurate and clear In its news reports and editorials. If you find an error. please call our newsroom at (352) 376-4458 or send an e-mall to editor@ailigator.orgName: Serena Barry Class: UF Senior Major: Elementary Education -Hobbies: Reading, Watching TV, hanging out with my friends, and just relaxing Wh d&IdnttlP ml -r 4 cs w e g & w d 6 r -e a ,) Earn up to $180/mo. donating plasma in a friendly place. DCI Biological Plasma Center -352-378-9204 150 NW 6th Street -Central Plaza New Media As Ne Editor Mike Gimignani, Editor/ Print Eva Kis, / New Media Gwen Heimburg, gheimburg@alligator org nment Editor Bridget Carey, versity Editor Stephanie Garry, Metro Editor Jeff Sirmons, atures Editor Neil Hughes, pinions Editor Emily Yehle, Sports Editor Bryan App, Editor Louis Anastasis, editorial Board Mike Gimignani, Eva Kis, Emily Yehle Photo Editors Casey Anderson, Tim Casey, Photo Editor Tricia Coyne, venue Editor Cher Phillips, cphillips@alligatororg istant Editors Erin Chalfant, Jacqueline Davison Art Director Andy Marlette raphics Chief Michelle Stewart, Graphics Jennifer LaBrie y Desk Chiefs Gayle Cohen, Krissi Palmer, Stephanie Rosenbiatt Copy Editors Josh Armstrong, Robert Beltran, Amanda Brown, Juliana Casale, Jennifer Freihofer, Jayme Gough, Ashton Grosz, Kayla Harris, Kevin Mahadeo, Christina Simak, Skyler Smith, Natalie Van Hoose, Christopher White, Katie Wilkinson, Jen Zei sistant Editor Matthew Kelly w Media Staff Brett Roegiers Staff Eric Esteban, Ian Fisher, Farzad Safi DISPLAY ADVERTISING 352-376-4482,800-496-0265 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Advertising Director Brad Smith, Advertising Office Manager Marianne Cooper, Advertising Office Assistants Elizabeth Cueto, Lindsey Kuhn, Sara Henry Sales Representatives Danny Wayne, William Cuadra, Whitney Lawson, Ana Paula De Lima Laura Gerszewski, Morgan Morillo Sales Development/Intern Coordinator William Cuadra CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 352-373-FIND (Voice), 352-376-3015 (Fax) Classified Advertising Manager Ellen Light, Classified Clerks Bethany O'Neill, Dan Cribb, Katie Morgan, Samantha Wright, Cassia Sookoo CIRCULATION Operations Manager Scott McKearnan, Operations Assistant Clint Day BUSINESS 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Comptroller Ramona Pelham, Bookkeeper Lucy Richards, Student Accounting Clerks Keith Enright, Alex Thurn, Chris Brink ADMINISTRATION 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) General Manager C.E. Barber, Assistant General Manager Patricia Carey, tcarey@alligatororg Administrative Manager Lorena Cromley, Catherine McNamara Allison Sinclair Administrative Assistant Lenora McGowan, lmcgowan@alligatororg PRODUCTION/SYSTEMS Production/Systems Manager Vern Bean, Assistant Production Manager Stephanie Gocklin, Information Technology Manager Brian Dwyer, Advertising Production Staff Kate Barnes, Alicia Bennatts, Ben Hofer, Lisa Llanes, Niko Lowry, Maggie Peuler, Michelle Stewart Editorial Production Staff Melissa Garcia, James Hibbs, Amy Oglesby, Brandy Stearns, Natasha Weinstein The Independent Florida Alligator is a student newspaper serving the University of Florida, published by a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) educational organization, Campus Communications Inc., P.O. Box 14257, Gainesville, Florida, 32604-2257. The Alligator is published Monday through Friday mornlngs, except during holidays and exam periods. During UF summer academic terms Tne Alligator is published Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Alligator is a member of the Newspaper Association of America, National Newspaper Association, Florida Press Association and Southern University Newspapers. Subscription Rates: One Semester (Fall or Spring) $18 Summer Semester $10 Two Semesters (Fall or Spring) $35 Full Year (All Semesters) $40 The Alligator offices are located at 1105 W. University Ave. Classified advertising can be placed at that location from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, except for holidays. Classifieds also can be placed at the UF Bookstore. @ Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of The Alligator may be reproduced in any means without the written consent of an officer of Campus Communications Inc. 00, ,Ot, Soo,


TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2005 M ALLIGATOR, 3 Gator Growl talent show tonight at new location By ZACH WEISSMUELLER Alligator Contributing Writer Gator Growl Talent Night will proceed as planned tonight despite a change in venue. The event, originally scheduled at The Venue, will now take place across the street at Abbey Road, 238 W University Ave. The show will feature singers and dance groups from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. follofved by a battle of the bands competition until 2 a.m., said Ashley Metzel, director of Gator Growl Talent Night. She said she expects the battle of the bands competition to draw a large crowd, and the singers and dancers will draw their own fans. "We're going to have a real diverse group coming out," Metzel said. All of the show's participants will have the opportunity to be selected to perform at Gator Growl 2005. A panel of judges will choose winners in each talent category and award prizes. Metzel said The Venue recently underwent management changes, and Talent Night had been double-booked. Peter Gonzalez, an associate producer for Gator Growl, said both clubs were cooperative in the effort, but Abbey Road offered the ideal date of today made in the original announcement of the event. "It's kind of hard to go do On tIs thing on a Monday or someCampuS thing when everybody is at The Swamp," he said. Gonzalez also works in promotions for Abbey Road, but he said he will make no money from the change in venue. Neither club was planning to charge Student Govermnent for space. There is no cover charge for the event. "Either way there's no money being spent," Gonzalez said. The owner of Abbey Road, Randy Grinter, said he is not paying Gonzalez for bringing the event to his club, and the only money his business will make will be from beverage sales. He said he thinks of it as a public service. "There's no downside," Grinter said. Metzel said stage presence was a strong consideration in selecting participants for Talent Night. "So many people can just sing, but not everybody can sing in front of a crowd," she said. 4D NAE WAREUOU. 5+ TV %555-7 F Jeans 16.99 Tanks $5.99 Tops $7.99 Shorts $7.99 Pants .$12.99 Sweaters $12.99 Outerwear $24.99 Accessories $0.99 September 18 September 23 Sun: 5pm-9pm -""UrnverstvAve UF Coursesaum ol Bit Paramotut Plaz Hotal SW 2900 13th St.) 13o ass OLOTInII SLE Bus Route 13, stop C. Visit for more info. Are yo. of al tha,&t 100 million trees must be cut down every year to help provide the paper for magazines, catalogs and junk mail resulting in 40 million tons of paper clogging the landfills each year. Junk mail is one of the most difficult papers to recycle. It is deeply inked and colored. The process takes a large amount of water and chemicals. The slurry formed after this process is nothing more that industrial waste. GET RID OF IT! Write to the address below and have national junk mail stopped: Mail Preference Service Direct Marketing Association 6 East 43rd St. NY, NY 10017 Source: "Let's Talk Trash, Big Blue's Guide to Garbage," City of Gainesville. F M-F: 10am-9pm Paramount Plaza Hotel and Suites 2900 SW 13th Stl T -Tn i% ,e_ -m. ik v Av, e 11 v I I


4, ALLIGATOR N TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2005 ON CAMPUS Sou ful s--ng'ing helps heal hu rr~oane-darag--ed lives By TIM HUSSIN Alligator Contributing Writer After packing 15 people into a small pickup truck, Alexis and Jonathan Hunter finally escaped Louisiana five days after Hurricane Katrina hit. Holding back tears, Alexis held a poem entitled "I ain't no refugee," which she read in front of approximately 250 people during the University Gospel Choir Charity Concert in the Reitz Union Grand Ballroom on Sunday. The concert was organized to collect canned goods and supplies to send to the American Red Cross for survivors of Hurricane Katrina. The poem described perceptions of those living in Louisiana and the issues surrounding the disaster. Alexis brought up issues of delayed supplies, disorganized aid, and lost family and friends. "Too little, too late," she recited. "Why is security the question when we are just hungry to survive? Are we refugees because of the food and water we looted?" Attendees were asked to bring canned goods or other supplies as an admission charge. "We collected over 250 cans "I need you to survive." The crowd was encouraged to stand up and participate throughout the show, clapping and dancing. "Gospel music requires some hand clapping and some foot stomping," said David Richardson I, the conductor of the choir. "We want you to stand up with us and groove with us." Swaying, the choir sang out, "You are important to me. I need you to survive. I need you. You need me. Stand with me. Agree with me." Two Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority members contributed a dance and song in the middle of the show. The perfon-nances expressed the need to find a spiritual sanctu_T ary in the midst of disaster. The choir ended with a song that inspired audience participation. Afterward, information about helping the survivors who were unable to escape the hurricane was 1 -posted. Unlike many, the Hunters said they were able to leave the city with their health. Tim Hussin / Alligator Anyone can donate by visiting David Richardson 11 conducts the University Gospel Choir Charity Concert on Sunday night. or by calling alone, not including the bags of Alex Marshall, spokesman for the clothing and almost $100 in cash." the Alachua County division of rice, spaghetti, noodles and other University Gospel Choir. The choir entertained the crowd, the American Red Cross at 376small non-perishable goods," said "We even got a few bags of singing songs following the theme, 4669. Our scholarship covers tuition, textbooks and supplies and even gives you a monthly stipend for living expenses. But it's the experience you'll gain after graduation that sets this program apart. As an Air Force dentist, you'll be in a supportive team environment where teaching and mentoring are ongoing. You'll have exposure to various specialties, and the weight of emergencies or difficult cases won't rest on your shoulders alone. For more information about our Health Professions Scholarship Program, call or visit us online. 1-800-5885260 e AIRFORCE.COM/HEALTHCARE New IFusion Lunch Specialls -Jphn Bogart City Edifor, 1890 J oin the Driver Club UF students with a designated driver program card will receive free soda when it is presented at participating establishments. Cards available in 202 Peabody hall & 302 Student Health Care Center Funded by FIPSE Grant F


TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2005 N ALLIGATOR, 5 Groups The positive effect of beginning your career with Ernst & Young is too great to measure. A great start can take you further. At Ernst & Young we've created an environment that's conducive to personal and professional growth and success. And what we're offering is an opportunity to learn from some of the best talent in the industry. Become a benchmark for success. Visit us on the Web at, or look for us on campus. FORTUNE' 100 BEST COMPANIES TO WORK FOR Quality In Everything We Do @2005 ERNST & YOUNG LLP give more than cash for relief M STUDENTS CAN DONATE BACKPACKS AT TIGERT HALL By IVETTE MENDEZ Alligator Contributing Writer From backpacks to blood, UF students are getting creative in their efforts to help Hurricane Katrina victims. Instead of having students dig through their pockets for loose change, campus political organizations have found more innovative alternatives for students who want to help in Katrina relief efforts. A backpack drive sponsored by the UF College Democrats was kicked off Monday night to benefit the victims. The organization is collecting backpacks and small bags in Hurrip'ne which victims can KUtrmna store the items they are receiving through other donations. Victims are getting money and other items from different places, but what "they don't have is something to hold their belongings," said Andrea Garces, vice president of philanthropy for the UF College Democrats. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is paying for the UPS shipment, she said. The collection will continue for a week or two, Garces said. Students can donate backpacks at 140 Tigert Hall. UF College Republicans just finished a.weeklong blood drivein remembrance of Sept. 11, 2001, which is also helping victims of Hurricane Katrina. As far as efforts dedicated solely to Hurricane Katrina victims, the organization is still in the planning process. "We haven't done any monetary donations yet," said College Republicans' Chairman Ashlee Black. Black said she expects they will collect money or hold a fundraiser soon to donate money to the survivors. The Red Cross indicated that the number one thing it needs is money, Black said. "Right now the only idea that we've had is to pass a hat at the meetings or a silent auction, off campus, of course," she said. Black said she is encouraging all active College Republicans to donate as much as possible to the cause.


6, ALLIGATOR N TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2005 Editorial Crazy leader New Orleans mayor needs to be locked up N ew Orleans is screwed. There is a crazy man at its helm. Mayor Ray Nagin recently announced plans to allow 180,000 residents back into sections of the city by Sept. 26. Fortunately, he suspended his plans Monday, citing the chance that Tropical Storm Rita may hit Louisiana. Even he can be convinced that some duct-taped levees aren't going to survive God's tiniest sneeze. But his complete incompetence wasn't completely halted. Thousands of residents, mostly business owners, already returned to the Algiers neighborhood when Nagin flipped his outlook. Although Algiers received a minimal hit by Hurricane Katrina and is reported to have safe drinking water, Nagin should be fired immediately for displaying such incompetence and insanity. Then we should put a sock in his mouth and tie his hands behind his back to prevent any further tragedies. This same kind of political maneuvering led to the deaths of so many New Orleans residents in the first place. Nagin refused to organize an effective mandatory evacuation before Katrina because he apparently couldn't grasp, or didn't want to face, the catastrophe on his hands. Now he is hoping to repopulate the city to show the world that everything is OK. Is he willing to sacrifice his constituency for a public relations campaign? We're afraid to hear the answer to that one. His own words reflect his disconnect from reality. "We're bringing New Orleans back," he said. "I'm tired of hearing these helicopters. I want to hear some jazz." Apparently, Nagin has tuned out the nation's discussions on how difficult reconstruction will be. It's preposterous for Nagin to endanger residents simply because he doesn't want to see any more death and destruction. It's even more nuts to think tourists will return to the city any time soon. The only tourists Nagin will be seeing are those hoping to help Katrina victims, since he seems bent on creating more chaos. Most of the city has no water or electricity, no 911 service and no working hospitals. That's no place for people to live, and it's the government's job to keep them out. Displaced residents always want to go back home. That doesn't mean the mayor should let them. After making this mistake and letting some people in Algiers on Monday, Nagin almost immediately told them to evacuate. So he created another mini-evacuation. We all know how good he is at those. And what would he have done if more of the city were repopulated when Rita threatened? The levees are useless. Buildings are unsafe. Shelters are nonexistent, and roads are less than perfect. Nagin could have created a repeat of his past mistakes. He should be relieved of his position, and the federal government should take over. At least the latter is beginning to show signs of intelligence. Coast Guard Vice Adm. Thad Allen made his disdain of the move public. To this valid criticism, Nagin brilliantly retorted that Allen had made himself "the new-crowned federal mayor of New Orleans." These are obviously the well-thought-out words of a born leader. Following this name calling, however, Nagin reversed his position on the repopulation after a serious talk with Allen. This mayor is like a 5-year-old playing dress-up. He needs to go to the naughty corner before he causes any more damage. l the independent florida Mike Gimignani EDITOR Eva Kis MANAGING EDITOR Emily Yehle OPINIONS EDITOR Andrew Meyer, Tom Durrenberger EDITORIAL BOARD The Alligator encourages comets from readers. Letters to the editor should not exceed 150 ords (about one letter-sied page). They muot be tyed doble-spaced and ms tr ticlrude the author's, oe clsifctioi photo number. Names wll he withheld tf the writershows cot ce. We teserve the rght to edit tor legth emmar, style atd lbel. hend ltts to Gnttemsvellt.og hoop thew m to S?10 W. 3-erity Ade., o sed them to P.O. Boo 1427, Gaitesvlle. FL 32h04-22h7.Columts oh aboct 450 words about otignal topics a00 editorial catosae elso welcome. Questions? Cell 376-4d58. Opion ions ALLIGATOR Column Media should hold off praising coach an we put the ball washing on hold for a couple of weeks? With the win over Tennessee, Urban Meyer is already being heralded as the second coming of Steve Spurrier. This is ridiculous. The man has coached the Gators for all of three games this season, not nearly enough time to make any definitive judgment. As coach of the Gators, Meyer has now won exactly one more big game than I have. You know who else won a big game against Tennessee early in his first season as Gator coach? Ron Zook. I'm not saying Urban Meyer isn't a great coach. My point here is that we just don't know yet. The Gators won on Saturday because their defense was incredible. Who can say if that was due to outstanding coaching or simply a highly talented group of players?' Who can say they'll be this good on the road against LSU? No one can. That's why I want everyone to slow down a bit before deciding Urban Meyer is the best thing since sliced bread (or Fun N' Gun, for that matter). The sports journalism establishment has a horrible tendency to give coaches too much credit after wins and too much blame after losses. For instance, in the euphoria after Saturday's win, a columnist from this very paper called Meyer names lik& "The Urbinator" and. "Mr. Destiny." Why? I wouldn't call him those names even if everything that happened in the game were directly due to his influence. The Gator offense, for the most part, looked terrible. I credit the Tennessee defenders for that, but Meyer was the man calling the shots, and his play-calling was so conservative, I could have sworn the Gators hired Dave Wannstedt. Except for the misdirection play that netted the Gators their only touchdown, the offense could not have been more basic. Every run was straight up the middle, every pass attempt was to the same tired Andrew Meyer hook routes. I was screaming durEditorial Notebook ing an entire quarter for the Gators to try a slant (which they eventually did, for a 20-yard gain), or a play-action pass (they didn't even attempt one.) They managed only a pair of field goals the two times they were given outstanding field position. But just as I don't give Meyer all the credit for the defense, I don't give him all the blame for the offense either. I think the defense was incredible mostly because they have incredible players. Similarly, I think the offense was poor because it's run by a poor quarterback. That's right, I think Chris Leak is a bad player. I'm not questioning his arm strength or his tools. Instead, I think he makes terrible decisions. He doesn't know when to throw the ball away. That, coupled with a weak offensive line, means he is always getting sacked. He focuses on one receiver, which makes his passes infinitely easier to defend. He can run, but he rarely does, and even then he never goes for the extra yard. He can throw on the run, but the Gators never roll him out. Honestly, I wish Josh Portis was starting. Again, if we give the coach all the credit or blame, then Leak's shortcomings are Meyer's fault. And I don't think that's fair either. I think Urban Meyer, and his spread offense, will ultimately succeed. But to deify him after three games? Please. Andrew Meyer is a journalism sophomore. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator. Reader response Today's question: Monday's question: Does Saturday's win prove that Is Africa the Western World's Urban Meyer is a great coach? deadbeat uncle? Vote or post a message at 58% YES 42% NO 132 TOTAL VOTES 4 A \ I


TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2005 0 ALLIGATOR, 7 Letters to the Editor Kanye West was hasty in his comment I did not see the original cartoon printed by the Alligator on Sept. 13. However, after being told of its contents, I laughed. Yes, I -an African American female and a double minority -laughed. It's preposterous that Condoleezza Rice would ever stoop so low and use such a tern. And it's preposterous that everyone expects the Alligator to apologize. We didn't protest the cartoons about (former Student Body President) Jamal Sowell or Joe Goldberg, both prominent campus politicians who were ridiculed for their views. We didn't ridicule the Alligator when it printed a cartoon depicting sorority girls with wonrms on their heads being hazed by fraternity Rice's status is not a leap for blacks boys. Yet we want to march across campus With regard to his depiction of Condoleezza when it uses the "n-word." Rice with Kanye West, Alligator cartoonist It has to be all or nothing. You can't conAndy Marlette stated, "I can picture a black demn a paper -an independent paper at woman saying that to a black man." that -some of the time, whenever you feel If it was realism Marlette was aimmg for, like it. Frankly, the whole point of the political can he really see that particular black woman, cartke i.Fnky the wioneon i to otica Condoleezza Rice, using that terminology? cartoons in the Opiions section is to voice His further willingness to defend his use of the paradigms of an individual or group. the word "nigga" on the basis of its frequent I think Kanye West, although a great peruse in pop culture indicates that the full extent former, was hasty in his comment. of his knowledge of how black people commuWhether or not the comment he made nicate with each other is derived from movies, about Bush was true, his stating the fact did TV and rap music. Reliance on portrayals in nothing to ameliorate the matter and instead pop. culture leads to complete ignorance of created a tension among Americans. the ongoing, emotional debate among black Edwine Cherubin people about the use of the word "nigger" and 4jM the nuances s surrounding use of the word. Amore significant issue here is the meaning of the cartoon. Condoleezza Rice's status as Secretary of State doesn't represent any great leap forward for black people, nor is it any indication of Bush's interest m setting an agenda addressing racial inequality Willingness to embrace individual blacks is not equivalent to addressing systemic inequities. Anyone who thinks so is woefully underinformed. Given that Rice was playing tennis and shopping on Madison Avenue during the week of the Gulf Coast debacle, it's apparent that setting such an agenda is of little concern to her. In fact Marlette might have more aptly and realistically depicted Rice saying, "Forget them! I'm doing all right myself!" Charlice Hurst 8BA I'c0,1 n birthright israel wtlbrth rghtsrae corm L A W, jal[ ------------------r7; __4 Z


8, ALLIGATOR N TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2005 SG used more than $14K of student money on self-promoting swag SPENDING, from page 1 be wiser expenditures of student money. Impact has also questioned the $3,338.72 lobbying trip to Washington, D.C., that five top SG officials took during Summer B. But SG Lobby Coordinator Thomas Philpot said it was "absolutely imperative" that the Florida congressmen who legislate financial aid meet the representatives of UF's student body. "I think that made [the congressmen] pay a lot more attention to the real issue and the real face of federal financial aid," Philpot said. "I didn't take it as a personal trip." Earlier last summer, the offices of Goldberg, Student Body Vice President Joyce Medina and Student Senate Pro Tempore John Boyles were refurnished for a total of $4,466.66. "The desks were falling apart," Goldberg said. "I tried to pull out the keyboard tray to type, and it fell in my lap." He said new chairs were purchased because the old couch was not appropriate Student for his work Government space. "I needed to have a more professional atmosphere in my office," he said. SG -executives and bureau chairs also receive monthly cell phone stipends. Goldberg's is highest at $50. Goldberg, Accent Chairman Evan Tyroler and SGP Chairman. Joey Van de Bogart have studentfunded Blackberry devices with unlimited data plans. Goldberg's service costs $107.94 monthly, plus a $99 startup fee. Van de Bogart said he gets about 100 e-mails per day on his BlackBerry. He said it increases his productivity, noting that he has planned twice as many Fall concerts as his predecessor, Jeff Yeatman, did. "The student body, by providing me with a phone, made me work harder for them because I am constantly working for them," he said. Impact spokeswoman Allison Cullin denounced SG's use of student money for self-promotion. "Go up to the SG offices," she urged students. "Ask for your water bottle. Ask for your little alligator -you paid for it." Queen will be chosen at Gator Growl PAGEANTfrompagel The five judges who critiqued the ladies were Shelley Meyer, Michael Blachly, Darius Dunn, Roslyn P. Levy and Cynthia Thibault "The judging for the pageant is not just based on beauty but rather 65 percent goes to the contestant's GPA, formal interview and resume of campus and community involvement," Garrison said. "The remainder of the judging is based on formal and casual wear and, of course, the final question." Before going on stage, Randi Lieberman of Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority said, "Win or lose, after the pageant I am going out to eat a cheeseburger and fries, something very unpageant-like." Entertainment was provided by the UF Danza team, which performed two dances between the casual and formal wear segments. The final question of the night asked what contestants saw themselves contributing to the Gator Nation after graduation. Finalists all had similar responses, stating they would want to become mentors to students of the university. Scarborough Insurance, Gainesville Floral Exchange and the Village Jeweler were sponsors of the Homecoming Pageant. Student undid years of murals, art GRAFFITI, from page 1 Though some students shared the painter's dismay over the graffiti, others preferred a colorful wall to a white one. "I prefer it being decorated," painting major Matt Hill said. "I don't think any art should be covered up unless it is derogatory." Ed Poppell, vice president for finance and administration at UF, said the university treats the underpass as part of its property, maintaining the lights and the pipes that run through it. He said the university has taken steps to prevent graffiti on the underpass, such as allowing sanctioned artwork from local schools and clubs on the walls. He would prefer students work with UF in efforts to fight graffiti, he said. The student wrote in an e-mail that he prefers to remain anonymous because his effort is still "kind of a personal thing" and "it is too soon to be taking credit." He only painted the south wall of the underpass because the other wall is covered with chill water and steam pipes that would make the job too timeconsuming. The student said he lived next to the 34th Street Wall for a few years. He respected the artistry of the murals and was dismayed to see them ruined by graffiti. "[The art] used to be tasteful, but now they just do not care. They will spray paint over anything," he said. What will YOU do after graduation? Elven if you aren't an education major, you Can Pursue a career in teachj.r Americas Schools need 2.4 million "ew teachers Over the next 0 Years. Learn howo prepare for your teacng career-tod R a free Online inform at register for -,,.~r\J'urt session offered by the American sBori -P, u-ta aion ~ / Call] or visit TM AMERICANdBOARE for Certification o~f Teacher Excellence or of Teacher Excellence. -877-669-22 -Ot g today. bill make a difference. You O1l be a tecer


TUY EA. SELL YT. FND IT. 373-FIND Classif ieds TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2005 ALLIGATOR For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent furnished furnished furished ) furnished u It's not too late! Escape the dorms this spring! 1 BR/1 BA*2BR/2BA*3BR/3BA TH Cable*Gated*Sauna*24hr Gym*Tanning *Close to UF!*Lease for SPRING*377-2777 12-7-72-1 Super Clean Studio Walk to ShandsAnnual lease Now as low as $355 monthly inc all utilities ph 336-9836 12-7-72-1 NEED ROOMMATES?! Private Bed/Bath, in 3/3 Apt. $489 for all utilities, furn, & internet Call 336-3838 12-7-72-1 Another Saturday night without a date? Read The Alligator. BETTER THAN THE DORMS Roommate matching from $430 Townhouse style*Furnished*All Utilities Pool*Gym*Hot Tub*Free Tanning Call for specials! 372-8100 12-7-72-1 HUGE *AFFORDABLE 1, 2 & 3BR Spiral Staircase Skylight Pool 2 Tennis Cts Indvl lease & Utility Pack Now and Fall 377-7401 12-7-72-1 Close to UF FREE Roommate Match FREE CABLE, FREE Utilities FREE Alarm FREE Furniture FREE Tanning, W/D, PC Lab 24-hr Gym, Gated Entry Only $485, 372-0400 12-7-72-1 1 MO FREE w/ indiv. lease. Countryside, 1 mi from UF. 1 BR/1 BA in 4BR/4BA, Furnished incl 51" TV, cable, DSL, washer/dryer, pool, fitness center, $425/mo. Call 352-281-4588 9-21-20-1 1, 2, 3, 4BR Apts. 12-7-72-1 ONE MONTH FREE + Free Internet, Cable, W/D, PC Lab, New Gym, 3 Bus Stops and Roommate Match! The Best Student Living and a Fun Community! Going Fast 271-3131 12-7-72-1 Souvenir Edition! More than 60,000 people will be coming to Gainesville during the weekend-long event. They will be looking for places to eat, sleep, celebrate and buy souvenirs. Get their attention by advertising in the Alligator. Walk to SFCC Roll out of bed and into class. $399 Gets you all this! Fully Furnished, Free Ethernet, Free Cable w/HBO, FREE UTILITIES, W/D, Roommate match. 379-9300 12-7-72-1 UF Living At Its Best 4/4 & 3/3 from $385 Inc. all util., cable, & internet. On UF bus routes. Free roommate match. MaCor Realty Inc. 352-375-8888 10-18-45-1 NS and dog-friendly roomates wanted IMMEDIATELY! New appliances, wireless, W/D, direct bus route and biking distance. everything ici. for $435/mo. 386-795-5888 9-20-15-4 Large fully furnished room in a luxury 2 story house with prof. lady who is seeking the same. The Valley off NW 39th Ave. $125/ wk. incl., cable, electric and phone. 514-3409 9-30-13-1 DUCKPOND 1 Room in 2 story 3BR/2BA House. All util. incl. Fully furnished. W/D. 514-3409 9-3013-1 SHORT WALK TO UF 1BR in 4BR/2BA LaMancha Apt. Includes utilities, cable, high speed internet & pool. Completely furnished $505/mo Call 2789347 9-20-5-1 CUTE, CLEAN, CHEAP! 1 BR apt in large Duckpond home. Close to UF. Pretty yard. Available now. $375/mo, utils included. 378-4684. 9-22-5-1 FREE $250 FREE Sublease available now thru May '06 4BR/2BA Fully furnished apt. Great female roommates. Within 1 mile of UF Rent $390 + util. Call Mellisa at 305-318-1040 9-23-5-1 Room. in a home w/big yard for serious female student. Non-smokers, 5 minutes from campus, processed water, unlimited calls, short term okaycall Barbara 352-376-9960 9-26-5-1 For Rnt QUIET, CLEAN, LOTS OF GREEN SPACE. Rustic 1BR apt. $345/mo. *1BR cottage $375/mo. Call 378-9220 or mobile 213-3901. 12-7-72-2 ACROSS FROM UF 1 BRs from $460 Laundry on site, pets ok. 700 sq ft, Free Parking. Open Weekends 371-7777 12-7-72-2 LYONS SPECIAL $99 1st month's rent 377-8797 12-7-72-2 Need a Rental Home or Condo? Need A Tenant? CALL THE BEST! Wtson Realty Corp. REAtrORS'* Property Mgmt/Rentals 352-335-0440 Full Service Sales 352-377-8899 12-7-72-2 Wake up & walk to UF Studios & 1 bedrooms Starting @ $469 Pet friendly, Pool *Come See! 372-7111* 12-7-72-2 JANUARY AVAILABILITY! HUGE floorplans! Great Pools! 1BR $530 2 BR $575! Water/Sewer included! Bike to UF 335-7275 12-7-72-2 DOWNTOWN-ONLY 2 UNITS LEFT 3/3 avil NOW & Studio avail Oct. Alarm*Pool*Pets Welcome Daily $pecials!! 338-0002 12-7-72-2 *SUN BAY APTS@ OSome furnished avail* S@Walk or Bike to Campus @0 1-1 $460/mo@02-1 $520/mo 1 ww. @00376-6720 12-7-72-2 1 & 2BR apts. convenient to shopping, bus line, and just a few miles from UF: Located off SW 20th Ave. $375 -$450, Inc] water, sewer, pest control & garbage. Sorry no pets allowed. Call 335-7066. 12-7-72-2 LEASING FOR JANUARY! Stress free living! Great rates! 1BR from $460 2BR from $530 0 Beautiful pools/courtyards Walk/bike to UF 372-7555 12-7-72-2 212 LUXURY TOWNHOUSE Close to UF & Law School Free Tan, 24hr.Gym,Comp.Lab W/D incl., Free Cable & Alarm Call for GREAT Specials 379-9255 12-7-72-2 Deluxe, Large 3 or 4BR apt/house, 60 second walk to UF. Remodeled, Old House charm. Central AC, washer/dryer included. Wood floors. With Parking. By Private Owner. 538-2181 lv message 12-7-72-2 HUGE apt! HUGE value! 2BR avail. NOW! 1,2 & 4 BR units avail Jan '06 Pool, tennis, alarm, close to everything! FREE UF parking, pets welcome! or call 376-4002 12-7-72-2 Deluxe, large one or two bedroom, 60 second walk to UF. Wood firs, washer dryer included, fireplace, patio deck. Can furnish. Short term available. Private Owner. $495up. 352-538-2181. Lv mssg 12-7-72-2 There's no place like home! Make us yours! 1 BR/1 BA*2BR/2BA*3BR/3BA TH Cable*Gated*Sauna*24hr Gym*Tanning *Close to UFE*Lease for SPRING*377-2777 12-7-72-2 ***Beautiful and New*** 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA LUXURY FREE High-Speed Internet FREE Monitored Alarm FREE Cable/Tanning/Gym W/D plus TVs in every kitchen 374-FUNN (3866) 12-7-72-2 ** ELLIE'S HOUSES ** Quality single family homes. Walk or bike to UF. 352-215-4991 or 352-215-4990 12-7-72-2 Classifieds. Continued on next page.


10, ALLIGATOR N TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2005 For Rent For Rent For Rent 77For Rent For Ren nurshdufrnfurni sh edfurishe ufrise ufrihd SUNDISLAND 1.1 from $480.00 2.1 $530.00 $99 deposit for Grad students 999 SW 16th Ave phone # 376-6720 12-7-72-2 TRIPLE YOUR SAVINGS! HUGE Townhouse only $1025 Cable*Pool*Free Tanning*Gym Fall Specials on Now! 372-8100 12-7-72-2 PARK AT UF Huge 2/2s from $625 Laundry on site, central ac. Pets ok, private balconies. Open Weekends 371-0769 12-7722 HOUSES AT UF 2/3/5 BRs from $690 Wood Floors, W/D Fenced in backyard, central ac OPEN WEEKENDS 371-7777 12-7-72-2 LIVE STUDY PLAY Luxury 3BR/3BA Townhomes Free Cable w/ HBO/Sho, Tan, 24 hr gym, Aerobics, W/D, Gated, Pet Friendly, Alarms *The Laurels, 335-4455* *Sign today & save over $1050* 12-7-72-2 HUGE i1BR Move-in Today Tennis, -ball, pool, alarm 376-4002, open wknds call about specials 12-7-72-2 You can't go wrong with FREE FREE Rent, FREE UPF Parking FREE W/D 2BR/1.5BA townhome $669 Alarms, pets welcome, move-in today! 373-1111 12-7-72-2 *2/2 TWHN Avail. Now!** 1.9 mi to UF-W/D*Garages Free Cable w/HBO & Showtime Free Tanning-Comp. Lab Pets welcome-Private dog park Luxury Living 377-2801 12-7-72-2 Total Elec, 2 & 3 Bedroom, $395-$550, cent A/C, pool, tennis, B-ball waste, pest, lawn mowing. 251b pet $15/mo. M-F 10-6 or by appt. Alamar Gardens 4400 SW 20th Ave. 373-4244 UF bus line #20 12-7-72-2 **1BR & 2BR BEAUTIFUL* NEW kitchen, tile, carpet, paint 3BR/2BA Flats 00 $735/mo 2BR/2BA Flats @0 $695/mo 2BRover 1100 sq ft00 $695/ mo 1 BR-over 800 sq ft 00 $599/mo Close to UF, beautiful, quiet High-speed wireless internet $300 off deposit 0 376-2507 12-7-72-2 WANT THINGS FREE? FREE CABLE*FREE INTERNET RENT REBATE FOR FALL HUGE THREE BEDROOM! CALL TODAY! 372-8100 12-7-72-2 NEWLY RENOVATED Affordable, Quiet living HUGE 1& 2BR Pool Skylights 1.5 miles to UF Furn Avail 377-7401* 12-7-72-2 ENORMOUS 3BR Avail for Current and Fall Pool*Tennis Cts*1.5 Mi 2 UF nd lease, Furn & Util Avail Great Specials*377-7401 12-7-72-2 INDIVIDUAL LEASES AVAILABLE NOW AND FALL SEASON Convenient UF access $325 to $575 Action Real Estate Services 352-331-1233 12-7-72-2 University Terrace Gainesville University Terrace West 9 Month Individual Leases W/D, Pool & Utilities $325-$350/mo. Union Properties 373-7578 12-7-725-2 Looking for a home? We have the LARGEST selection of single family rentals in Gainesville. With over 100 properties currently available, we're sure to have something to fit your style and budget. Visit our website at, or call us to find your new home today 352375-7104 ex 2. IManagement Inc. 12-7-72-2 *UPPER CLASS Students* Perfect place to study! FREE cable w/ HBO/Show FREE GARAGE*ALARM*WD Gated entry*Computer lab Wireless poolside*FREE Tanning 1,2&3brs*338-0003 12-7-72-2 VILLAGE LOFT APTS. 1BR LOFT APTS. 650 &750 sq ft. Starting @ $490 mo. Quiet, wooded setting. FREE monitored alarm system. 6400 SW 20th Ave. Call 332-0720 9-30-21-2 CHEAP RENT! 3BR 1 BA house CH/AC, large kitchen, w/d hookups, $625/rent. 503 A NW 19th Lane Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 9-23-29-2 SEPT FREE! Downtown 4BR 2BA house w/Living & family rooms, fireplace, parquet floors. washer/dryer, $1050/rent 1525 NE 6th Terrace Carl Turlington Real Estate, inc. 372-9525 9-23-29-2 2 bd/2ba, NW area, Central H & A/C, ceiling fan, dish washer, W &D, 2 car garage, fenced back yard. Close to Oaks Mall and North Regional. Ready for Aug. lease. $860. No section 8. Call 352-375-6754 9-30-33-2 3bd/ 2ba, NW area. Clean and spacious. Fenced back yard. Central H & A/C. Ceiling fans. W/D hookups. Car port. Close to law school. Ready for Aug. lease. Call 352-3756754. No section 8. 9-30-33-2 3BR/3BA COUNTRYSIDE APT. Close to UF on bus rt. W/D, utils, cable w/ HBO,DSL incl. $400/rm/mo. No dep. Female only. NS. 954-680-0918. 954-328-2021 930-24-2 Village West Apartments 800 NW18th Ave 1 BR/1BA $460-$520/mo. Ask about UF Parking Decal Union Properties 373-7578 12-7-72-2 Bel-Aire Apartments 636 NW 26th Ave. 1 or 2 BRs $535-$625/mo Ask about UF Prarking Decal Union Properties 373-7578 12-7-72-2 BLOCKS TO UP! Spacious 3BR 2BA, Bonus roorl, Wood flours, fireplace, lawn SIX, Screen porch, w/d hookups, $1475/rent 1741 NW 6th Avenue Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 9-23-23-2 1st MONTH FREE! 3 BR 2 BA, Parquet floors, carport, screen porch, w/d hookups, $875/rent 600 NW 36th Drive Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 9-23-23-2 3/2 PARTY HOUSEAVAILABLE NOW. 904-710-3050 9-30-28-2 2 bed/1 bath condo for rent $650.00 per month. On 10-minute bus route, small pets OK. Call Stacey 352-256-6361. 9-21-20-2 HOME OR OFFICE 3 and 1.5 NW area .Close to banks, businesses and shopping centers. Central Ht and A/C. Private driveway and space for parking. Call 352-375-6754. No section 8. 9-30-27-2 3912 SW 37th St. 3BRGreat location, wood floors, newly painted, off-street parking $900/mo. Campus Realty 692-3800 9-22-20-2 907 NW 11th Ave. 4BR/2.5BA, wood floors, W/D, spacious interior, large yard. $1200/mo Campus Realty 692-3800 9-22-20-2 Free extended Basic Cable! Pets Welcome! 1000 sq ft Split Floor PLan W/D Hook-ups & DW. 1 BR/1BA & 2BR/2BA Available. Call Now 372-9913 12-7-71-2 Amazingly Affordable! HUGE 650 sq ft 1lBR 1000 sq ft 2BR Townhouses & Flats Discounted Rates Starting @ $380 & $480 Close to Santa Fe, UF & 1-75 332-5070 127-71-2 4/3 & 3/2 HOUSES Walking distance to UF. Newly remodeled. W/D, carport and huge yard. Call 352-283-2828. 9-30-26-2 ACROSS FROM O-DOME Lg 4BR/3BA house, many amenities. $1600/ mo no pets. K&M Properties 352-372-1509 9-20-18-2 NW 39th Ave. Nice 2BR/2BA Gated patio, trees. $510-$525.0 Extra large 2BR/2BA+ loft. With Laminate wood patern floor good archetecture, good neighborhood convenient $610-$6258 Call 373-8310. 9-22-19-2 NEAR LAW SCHOOL 3/1, $'1200/mo. 1st. last, sec. Pref grad student. No pets, W/D hook up, DW, wood firs, cent A/C, gas heat, trees. Call Tom >8pm or wkd 954-529-4031 9-26-15-2 Walking distance to UF! Completely renovated studio Condos in Prairiewood less than 1 mile to campus. $450. Call 215-5155/215-5506 9-30-25-2 Looking for an Apartment??? THE LEASING CONNECTION 1608 NW 1st Avenue Located right behind the Florida Book Store Plenty of FREE PARKING FREE Apartment and Housing Locator Service Call 352-376-4493 or visit 9-30-25-2 Beautiful, brand new Sorrento Subdivision. 2192 sq ft 4BR/2BA 2056 NW 47th Pl. 4.6 miles from UF. $1550/mo + sec dep. or 284-0316 or 2810733 9-27-20-2 217 NW 35th St -3BR/3BA $1050/mo Ceramic tile, large fenced yard, W/D, dishwasher, carport, lawn care incl. Excellent condition! Call Campus Realty 692-3800 9-22-15-2 Affordable 3BRs close to UF! 1418 NW 6th Pl. W/D, fenced yard, private parking $950/mo 625 NW 10th Ave. Private parking, W/D hu, Ig yard $900/mo Campus Realty 692-3800 9-22-15-2 LUXURY IBR/IBA overlooking creek Washer/Dryer. Ready for immediate occupancy. Near Sam's Club, on bus line. Close to UF $560. Andree Realty 375-2900 9-30-21-2 FUNKY LOFT APARTMENT behind Leo's 706. Walk to UF & downtown. $350/mo 333-9413 leave message 9-2617-2 SEPT FREE! 1BR -Great value! Only $449/mosO0 $150 Deposit CLOSE TO CAMPUS THE WOODS 0 375-3077 9-30-20-2 FREE Ist MONTH! 2BR 2.5BA TH in Kensington South, high Ceilings, dining room, washer/dryer, pool 3901 SW 20th Ave #105 Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 9-23-14-2 Cute cottage 2 bedroom 1 bath with study $750/mo wood floors yard service 316 N.W. 20th Ave. Green Tree Realty, Inc. Barbara 317-4392. 10-3-20-2 Melrose Bay furnished 3 bedroom 2 bath 2200 sq. overlooks Lake Sante Fe $2400/mo Seminole Ridge Rd. Green Tree Realty, Inc. Liz 258-2437. 10-3-20-2 Downtown Alachua 3 bedroom 2 bath large home $895/mo, garage, Green Tree Realty, Inc. Barbara 317-4392 10-3-20-2 Cute 1 bedroom 1 bath with study; new appliances $495/mo 304 N.W. 19th Ave. yard service, Green Tree Realty, Inc. Barbara 317-4392. 10-3-20-2 CUTE & CLEAN 4BR/2.5BA Vintage house in NW near UF. Hardwood floors, cent H/AC, W/D, 907 NW 11th Ave. $1200/mo. Call 333-9413 9-2614-2 Nice home 3BR/2BA Central AC, tile floors, carport, fenced yard, W/D hookup. 328 SE 70th Street. $870/mo. Pets neg. Sec. alarm. Avail immed 316-1637 9-30-17-2 DUCKPOND Historic house, lots of charm, hardwood firs, blocks to downtown, studio $400, 306 NE 6th St. Call 538-6527, 379-4952 9-23-10-2 Near Campus Large 1 BR/1BA $450/Mo 1 BR/1BA Historic Area $325/Mo 4BR/2BA 1 Acre Lot $1100/Mo Pear Tree Realty, Inc. Realtor 335-3802 10-10-20-2 4BR/2BA Double Carport, 2200 sq. ft. terrazo/ tile and carpet floors, inside laundry room, large, fully equipped kitchen, near schools, churches & shopping. $1200/mo 3708 NW 16th Ave. 352-376-2547 9-30-14-2 1 BR/1BA Condo Close to UF. New appliances. Call 352-2133943 9-27-10-2 Nice & vey clean affordable 3BR/2BA brick house. 1620 NW 55th St. Close to UF, SFCC & Mall. Cent. H/AC, new DW, carport, laundry rm, scr porch, fenced backyard. Avail immed. $945/mo 1st/last/sec. 352-281-4229 9-26-10-2 New 1430 sq. ft. 2BR/2.5BA townhouse. Master suite. Pool, hispd. internet, security system. New appliances. Near UF. $1000/ mo. Call 954-755-1728, 561-912-6223 927-10-2 3BRs for rent in a 4BR/2BA. $250/mo each. Off Williston Rd. Contact Jen 352-495-8068 or 407-947-9748 or Denise 407-509-4574 9-27-10-2 Efficiency apt. in quiet NW, perfect for prof or grad student, $395, includes all utilities & cable, avail Nov. 1 377-1868 6-8 PM 930-12-2 Close to UF Law School. 3BR/1BA w/extra room $840/MO. Parquet wood floors. Central heat & air. 303 NW 36th Drive. Call Merrill Management Inc. 352-317-3418 9-23-7-2 NEWLY RENOVATED STUDIO APT 1.5 mi. from UF. $450/MO Caii Janet 871-5928 9-21-5-2 n Casa Blanca West townhouse, 1000 sq. ft. 2BR/1.5BA, screened rm, W/D, pool, 2 bus routes, avail Aug. $650/mo Call 352-3592594 9-28-10-2 1 BR w/ pvt gated courtyard Small quiet complex located at 3320 SW 23rd St. Starting at $395/mo. Pets arranged. Call 377-2150. Please leave a message. 9-29-10-2 3BR/2BA newly renovated condo. Close to the mall. No pets. Smoke-free environment. $1000/mo + deposit. Call 336-6421 9-22-5-2 In-house housing director for UF fraternity. Not paid. Free room & board. Need to fill position ASAP. Call 305-338-2006. 9-20-3-2 SPECIAL -REDUCED 3/1 1 Block to UF 1227 SW 4th Ave. Remodeled, central heat/AC, wood floors, clean. $975 Call 352-514-5060 9-23-5-2 3BR/Pvt BA. Available 1/1/06. 6-12 month lease. Perfect for grad/intl. students. Sparkling. Furn/unfurn. Large home in Kirkwood. $400-$500 +util. 352-375-6996 or 352-284-0979 10-7-15-2 Apartment For Rent Gator Place Condos 3600 SW 23rd St. Apt #4 2 bed/i bath $665 a month Contact: Amy 561-252-5144 9-23-5-2 La Mancha Apts. Enjoy all-inclusive individual leases within walking distance of UF! Swimming pool, laundry facilities, private parking. Make your life easier today! Short term leases available! Call Campus Realty today 692-3800 10-17-20-2 JUST THE PLACE! Studio. One and Two Bedrooms Pets Welcome (ask for details) Rents start at $329! PLUS FREE RENT! Call today! 352-373-7665 9-26-5-2 CLOSE TO CAMPUS Available now! 2BR/1 BA Apt. $475 3BR/1BA Duplex $600 MITCHELL REALTY 374-8579x1 12-7-64-2 Subleases 2BR/2.5BA Arbor East townhouse $655/mo tile floors extra storage close to UF, Shands & shopping 1st month free 1002 sq ft pets welcome. Call 373-1828. 9-22-20-3 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA at Spyglass Apts. W/D in unit. Utilities included no cap. Walk in closet. Available @ $450. Sept Free. Call Maame 352-871-2254 9-21-10-3 REST OF SEPT. FREE 1BR/1BA 575 sq. ft. 5 min slow walk to Century Tower. No deposit. $540/mo. Full bath. Pets ok. Great windows. 443-223-9801 9-20-5-3 Taliaferro Black Male (DOB 2126/67); 510", 185 Ibs, Black Hair, Brown Eyes Wanted for: 2 Felony Violation of Probation Warrants for Possession of a Controled Substrance and Worthless Check ALACHUA COUNTY STOPPERS Call (352) 372-STOP


TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2005M ALLIGATOR, 11 sRoommat es Real state ishigs 1BR w/shared bath @ Campus Club Apts. Rent is $376!!! All inclusive. For more info please call Dave@ 863-944-5023. 9-21-5-3_ Holly house 2BR/1BA all to yourself in SE Gainesville historical district. On top of UF/ Shands bike trail. Huge yard & front porch. Just $625/mo. You keep $300 deposit. 3356975. 9-22-5-3 ARBOR APTS. 1BR/1BA. Vaulted ceilings, all new carpet & appliances. Starting Jan 06. $500/mo. VERY NEGOTIABLE. Call 321695-3021 9-23-5-3 3M Rommates Roommate Matching HERE Oxford Manor 377-2777 The Landings 336-3838 The Laurels 335-4455 Cobblestone 377-2801 Hidden Lake 374-3866 12-7-72-4 Female roommate for one/two female UF students. Quiet. Responsible. 60 second walk to UF. Old house charm with all amenities. Avail Now. $400 -up. 352-538-2181.Lv message. Private Owner 12-7-72-4 Unfurn BR for rent in brand new, spacious condo w/2 F, UF students. NW 55th St. Call Lisa for details @ 352-514-1763. 9-30-21-4 F NS grad/prof needed for 1BR in BRAND NEW 2/2 condo. 2 mi to UF on bus rte. W/D. $475 + 1/2 util/mo. Common area furnished, tile firs. 904-386-6485 or 9-30-32-4 REDUCEDI M/F to share 2/1.5 twnhs w/ 20yr pre-vet M. Pets ok. W/D, DW, full kitchen, tile, pool in Mill Run. SW 20th Ave. $300/mo + 1/2 utils. 828-775-8807. 9-22-24-4 1 male wanted to rent master BR in nice clean 3BR/2BA house 4 miles to campus, new wood floors & appliances. $350-375/ mo + 1/3 until. Call Ryan 850-261-3571 921-20-4 Roommates -bring a friend. Share utils. Houses on East University Ave. Bike or bus to class. $475-550 + sec & last mo. Available now. Call 352-375-4250 or 745-0785. 922-20-4 Female student to join 2 females for your own BR in attractive 3BR house near NW 8th Ave, 3mi. from UF on bus rt. #43, tile/hdwd, $275/mo + 1/3 GRU&HSInternet-digital cable, avail Sept, 381-5597, 332-3852. 923-21-4 Room in NW home. $350/mo incl utils & DSL. No pets mature male non-drinker/ smoker. Avail immed (flex). Scott 335-8209 9-23-30-4 COUNTRYSIDE CONDO. 4BR4BA: 1BR/ 1BA avail now. Ethernet, util incl. W/D, nicely furn, secure. Exercise/pool. Direct bus UF 3 mi.$455/mo/room. Vanessa 352-217-3464, Flo 352-357-9656 or 352-636-4814. 9-3026-1 MICANOPY -Nature lover's paradise. 12 min to UF. F prof/frad wanted to share 3/2 contemporary home, 2 park-like acres, fireplace, wd fir, 2 porches & vaulted ceiling. No pets. $425 incl util. 352-466-0619 9-20-10-4 2BR DUPLEX hdwd firs, large shared studio space, cable incl, parking pets poss. $275 + $100 dep. 871-5844 9-20-10-4 2 Rooms Available at a House 705 NW 34th St., Blocks Away from UF College of Law. 1 for $280 or 2 for $500. Call Will at 352-3758699 or 9-22-10-4 Looking for female for 1 BR/BA in 3 BR/3BA Apt at Rockwood Villas. Hi-spd internet & cable. On UF busline. All utils. incl. for $500/ mo Rent. 407-970-0720 or 407-421-3121. 9-27-10-4 M/F Rommate for room in 2/1 condo. $400/ mo. inc. cable, internet & utils. Close to UF & Butler Plaza. On bus route. Small pets ok. Pool/exercise. 246-8712 9-20-5-4 1 Male roomate needed for 4/4 BRAND NEW condo by Sorority Row. $475/mo +1/4 util, furn, w/d,dw, pvt bath, dsl. 3 blocks from UF. Call Dave @954-821-6229 9-20-5-4 One roommate needed to live in 3BR/2BA house on 34th St. and 16th Ave. Call Michelle 305-322-6389. Rent $375/mo + 1/3 utilities. 9-22-6-4 Roommate 3BR/2BA, nice SW neighborhood. Pool, DSL, HBO, $475/mo includes utilities. Furnished optional. Female preferred. Call 772-201-9933. 9-23-6-4 Roommate wanted to share 1BR/1BA in 3BR/2BA house. Fully furnished, W/D, DW. SW Gainesville, close to UF. 336-6421 or 850-496-0367. 9-22-5-4 Rooms for rent: Large, clean house. Close to campus. High speed and cable. Large yard. Two car garage and porch area. Rent $425. For more info call Tre at 352-328-8878 9-23-5-4 1 BR avail in cute 2/1.5 twnhs w/vet stdnt, w/ d, fncd yard, pool, hi-spd int, new carpet, tile, pets ok. NO. DEPOSITS! $350/mo +1/2 util. 352-255-7852 9-23-5-4 1 Male roommate needed. Serious student to share 3BR/2BA house. Located south of UF on Williston Rd. W/D, cable, wireless DSL, $395/mo +1/3 utils. Call 258-9116 10-14-20-4 OTULANE STUDENT NEEDS ROOMMATE to share 2/2 condo, includes:: utilities, cable, internet, w/d, gated, pool, racquetball, fully furnished $125/wk 352-264-9821 9-35-36 9-23-5-4 ** 3BR/2.5BA Roomate needed in Cricket Club. Allergy-free environment, covered parking available, on bus rt. Incl. clubhouse, pool, gym, laundry in gated community, $450/ mo incl. utils. Jodi 494-0405 10-10-15-4 Rookwood Villas 1BR/1BA Avail in 3/3 Condo. $460/mo +utils. Close to campus & on bus route. Call Karly at 352-514-1617 Leave msg. 10-3-10-4 ENJOY A ROMANTIC OLD HOUSE near Library downtown. $285-$360/mo + utilities. Free internet access. Short term. No pets. No smoking. Job opportunity available. 378-1304 9-26-5-4 Beautiful home in tress on quiet street near UF. Quiet for study. Gourmet kitchen, fireplace, hi-spd DSL internet, cable TV, W/D, cent A/C, large yard, cats welcome. $340+ utils. 352-271-8711 9-26-5-4 1 MONTH FREE. Furnished 1BR/1BA available immediately in 3BR/3BA Campus Lodge Apt. W/D, screened porch. Great location $534/mo 757-348-8767 9-26-5-4 Sell your house, condo, acreage, mobile home and much more in the ALLIGATOR CLASSIFIEDS! Reach over 24,000 possible buyers! Mastercard and Visa accepted over the phone. Please Call 373-Find Quad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra land, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House 3/4BR, 2BA, wd firs, covered prch, concrete patio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 352538-2181 lv mssg 12-7-72-5 Existing condos & luxury condos near UF at affordable prices. For more infornation, visit or call today Matt Price 352-281-3551 Campus Realty Group 9-30-27-5 JACKSON SQUARE Spectacular university views. Walk to UF & the stadium. Classic New Orleans appeal with state-of-the-art luxury. Reserve today. 52 units available. Starting in mid-300's. Call Eric Wild 870-9453 12-7-80-5 UNIVERSITY TERRACE CONDO 4BR/4BA, 3 leases signed for next year. Call for details 407-620-1555 9-30-28-5 2 bed/ 1 bath condo on 10-minute bus route. Only $89,900. Call Kenny Gibbs with Campus Realty (352)494-0012. 9-21-20-5 TIRED OF RENTING? I can help you find a house or condo in the UF area. Call Brett Wherry at 352-412-8662 Century 21 Classic Properties 352-331-2100 9-23-15-5 2BR/2.5BA condo w/10 min bus route on SW 20th Ave. 1,176 sq ft built in 2002 $150,000. Call Tony Nguyen at 407-7382169/ 9-20-10-5 -Furnih"ngsBED-Queen, orthopedic, extra thick, pillowtop, mattress & box. Name brand, new, still in plastic. Sacrifice $110. Call 352-372-7490 will deliver. 12-7-72-6 BED -FULL SIZE ORTHOPEDIC Pillow-top mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic w/warrany. Can deliver. Sacrifice $85. Call 352-377-9846 12-7-72-6 MICROFIBER SOFA& LOVESEAT Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must sell. Can deliver: Retail $2300. Sacrifice $550 352-372-7490 12-7-72-6 BED -King Pillowtop mattress & box springs. Orthopedic rated. Name brand, new, never been used, in plastic with warranty. Sell $170. Call 352-372-8588 Can deliver. 127-72-6 a CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. Cost $1500, sacrifice $550 352-333-7516 Sofa $185 Brand new in pkg 333-7516 12-7-72-6 BEDROOM SET. 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chests avail. Dovetail const. New, in boxes. Can deliver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice $1400 (352) 372-7490 12-7-72-6 SOFA & LOVESEAT 100% Italian leather. Brand new in plastic w/warranty-'Retail $2650. Sacrifice $750. Call 352-377-9846 12-7-72-6 DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table, 6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New, still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100. Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-8588 127-72-6 FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/ mattress. New, in box. $160 332 9899 DINETTE SET 5pc $85 Brand new in box. Never used. 352-377-9846 12-7-72-6 BEDS 0 Full mattress & boxspring sets $49 Queen sets $89 0 Single sets $39 OKing sets $99 0 From estate sale. Safe pine bunk bed $109. 376-0939/378-0497. CALL-A-MATTRESS 4370 SW 20th Ave. 12-7-72-6 MEMORY FOAM -same as Temperpedia. Save 50% & more. Other close-outs. 0 twin sets $89 Ofull sets $129 queen sets $149 eking sets $189 Student discounts apply. 4370 SW 20th Ave. 376-0953. We deliver. 12-7-72-6 Beds, Futons, Furniture, King Sealy sets $299; new sofas for $299; oak futons $169; sofa & loveseat $399; dinettes, desks, all on sale *New Location* 140 NW 6th St Morrells Furniture Outlet. 352-378-3400 12-7-81-6 **BEDS -ALL BRAND NEW** Orthopedic pillow-top sets. **Full-$100 Queen-$130 King-$195** Brand name matching sets not used or refurbished. Still in plastic, direct from factory! A better product at a better price. Widiesale Furniture Dealer (3205 SW 40th Blvd. off Archer Rd.) 376-1600. Ask for Rachel or Brian 12-7-72-6 Bed -All New Queen orthopedic pillow-top mattress & box set. Still in plastic with warranty. Can Deliver. $130 (352) 264-9799 12-7-72-6 Bed -$100 All New Full size orthopedic mattress set. Brand new, still in plastic, w/ warranty. Can Deliver.352-376-1600 12-7-72-6 Bedroom Set -Brand New! Still in boxes! HB -$125, NS -$75, Dresser $135, Mirror -$75, Chest -$135. Can Deliver. (352) 264-9799 12-7-72-6 Dinette Set -$125 Brand New 5 pc set in box, never used Can Deliver 494-0333 Sofa -$225 Brand New! Loveseat -$170 Still in package, never used. Can Del. 376-1600 12-7-72-6 Pool Table -Gorgeous 8' All wood table. Leather pockets, Italian 1" slate, carved legs. Br. New still in crate. Cost $4,500. Sell $1,350. Can Deliver. 264-9799 12-7-72-6 Hot Tub/Spa -$1795.00 Brand New Loaded! Waterfall, LED lights, cup-holders, 110v energy efficient with warranty. Free Delivery. 264-9799 12-7-72-6 DIAL-A-WASHER Washer & Dryer leasing $160/semeof'ter or $300/year. Call 352-318-3721 9-30-32-6 **BEDS -ALL BRAND NEW** **Full $90 Queen $110 King $170** Orthopedic pillow-top sets. Brand name matching sets not used or refurbished. Still in plastic, direct from factory! 352-333-7516. 12-7-72-6 Classifieds. Continued on next page. "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers"


12, ALLIGATOR 0 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2005 Furnishings Computers Motorcycles, Mopeds Autos Help Wanted BEDQUEEN New orthopedic pillowtop mattress and boxspring set. Brand name, brand new, still in plastic with warranty. Can deliver. $115 352-377-9846. 12-7-72-6 BedAll New King! 3pc Orthopedic pillowtop mattress set. Brand NEW, still in plastic with warranty. Can deliver. $170 352-333-7516 12-7-72-6 Bedroom Set$325 BRAND NEW. Still in boxes! 6 pieces include: Headboard, 2 Nightstands, Dresser, Mirror, Chest. Must sell, can deliver. 352-377-9846. 12-7-72-6 Futon -$160 Solid Oak Mission Style with plush mattress. All brand NEW still in box. Can deliver. 352-333-7516 12-7-72-6 Pool Table -Gorgeous 8" All wood table. Leather pockets, Italian 1" slate, carved legs. Brand new still in crate. MUST SELL Retail $5500. Sell $950. Can deliver 352-377-9846 12-7-72-6 Hot Tub/Spa -$1295 Brand New Loaded! Waterfall, LED lights, cupholders, 110-v energy efficient with warranty. Free delivery MUST SELL 352-372-8588 12-7-72-6 Bed-FULL size pillowtop mattress & box. New, in plastic, warr. Can del. $90 317-4031 Sofa $185 Brand new! Love seat $150 still in pkg. Can del 352-333-7516 12-7-72-6 FUTONS a BEDS e FURNITURE LOW PRICES & LARGE SELECTION Dumas Discount 371-4422 1201 E. Univ. Av. New 0 Used 6 Buy 6 Sell 12-7-59-6 MUST GO! New Pier 1 Rio Grand Bedroom Set5 drawer & 7 drawer nightstand and bench w/storage; Pier 1 Dakota Queen Headboard & lamps, floorlamps, 20" TV, VCR, DVDNCR combo, TV stand. Rooms 2 Go couch, futon, chair & ottoman, coffee table, end tables & bookshelf, microwave, Sony stereo, OfficeMax desk & swivel chair. Please call for pictures or to see in person 321-695-1972, knoiseux@ufl edu 9-20-5-6 Used Appliances Washers/Dryers, Refrigerators & Stoves $125-oach (352)378-4578 10-12-20-6 Full size bed $60, dorm fridge $45, dining room table w/4chairs $75, nice sofa $85, dresser w/mirror $75, 13" remote TV $35, Lawn mower $60. Call 335-5326 9-20-3-6 11m -ComDuters A+ EhiptEr ae k W&mat, ;M"e & ca&Ur 12-7-72-7 Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek House/dorm 59 min response. No waiting/ unplugging/hassels. $30 Gator Discount w/student ID. M/F Cert MCSE technicians. 333-8404. 127-72-7 Cash Paid Laptop PCs SALES 0 SERVICE 6 PARTS 336-0075 12-7-72-7 "COMPUTER & LAPTOP REPAIRS" Network specialists We buy computers and laptops Working and Non-working 378-4009, 607 NW 13th Street 12-7-72-7 352 21929r4**."*e* 12-7-69-7 GATORNERD.COM -computer/laptop repair -virus, spyware, hardware -$10.iiscounts, cheapest! -home/dorm 352-219-2980 12-7-69-7 $top paying too much for computer repairs. We offer "flat rates" as low as $25 for minor "onsite" repair. "No hourly charges ever." Unbeatable prices. (352)-494-2355 (352)-494-2374 9-20-5-7 DISCOUNT HI-Fl 722 S. Main 0 The Red Bldg WE ARE CHEAPER 12-7-72-8 GATOR CAR ALARMS Take a bite out of crime $99.95. Installed FREE. Gainesville's oldest car alarm and car stereo specialty store. 373-3754 Audio Outlet. 12-7-84-8 Car stereo, car alarms, mobile video, mobile navigation, custom wheels and tires, and automobile performance at Sound Depot & Performance. 374-7700 12-7-72-8 MESA BOOGIEAMP. Nomad 45 GuitarAmp. All tubes, 3 channel. Excellent condition. $650 mBD. Call Sunil at 352-278-0232 and leave message. 9-22-5-8 32 SHARP TV PERFECT CONDITION 2 years old. Remote included. $175 OBO. Call Mike 352-262-7059 .9-21-3-8 In the market for a new set of wheels or just looking to add a second to that collection? Want personalized handlebars or a fitted seat? Check in the Alligator Classifieds. NEW& USED BIKES FOR SALE Many to choose from 0 Best Prices in Town 6 SPIN CYCLE 373-3355 424 W University Ave 12-7-72-9 YIKES BIKES Used not abused. From basic transportation to highend stuff. All styles. Great prices. 5 blocks from UF in College Park. 870-8693 12-7-72-9 PARKING: Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF. Reserve now! Reasonable rates. 352-5382181. Can leave mssg. 12-7-72-10 GET CHEAP TEXTBOOKS Search 24 bookstores in 1 click! S&H and taxes automatically calculated Try it tiday! 926-25-10 ANTHOLOGY by Bob Brackin containing "Gainesville Stories" 11-18-60-10 PARTY SUPPLIES: Complete line of Bar Supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft beer equipment. Professional Cooking Utensils. R.,W. Beaty Co. 4322 NW 13th St, Gville RWBEATY.COM 376-5939 12-7-71-10 Fo'r Sale 55 gal SALTWATER REEF TANK $750 obo Micah 359-4873 9-8-5-10 Whirlpool Washer/Dryer Large capacity, 4 yrs old. Like new. $300. Contact 332-6664. 9-22-5-10 Washer & Dryer Heavy duty super capacity 4 load sizes & settings. Roper by Whirlpool. 386-682-9853 nice +. 9-22-5-10 17" TSW CHROME RIMS W/TIRES. Good condition, 4-lug universal. Asking $400. Call 316-6353 or e-mail for pics. 9-23-4-10 ** SCOOTERS ** RPM MOTORCYCLES INC SALES, SERVICE, PARTS Many Brands Available 518 SE 2nd St. 377-6974 12-7-72-11 OSwamp Cycles* Save $$$ on gas, ride to class! Largest selection of Ebikes, scooters & accessories. Free delivery, 1-yr warranty, best cust. service 534 SW 4th Ave 373-8823 12-7-72-11 ***SOLANO CYCLE*** Scooters from $599. Largest selection KYMCO, Vento, Hyosung, Keen & many others. Financing avail. 3550 SW 34th St. 338-8450 12-7-72-11 CASH PAID for MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS, or dirt bikes in ANY condition, Running or not. titles or not. Prompt pick up. Call ANYTIME: 352-376-9096 Please leave a message. 12-7-88-11 *NEW SCOOTERS 4 LESS* New location now open 1901 NW 67th Place 352-336-1271 www.newscooters4less com Best prices in Gainesville. Dinned by Galor grads. Will beat all Gainesville competitor's prices on similar models. 12-7-84-11 I HURRY Get your U.M X-speed 50 Scooters; only scooter with a 3 year parts & labor warranty. RPM Motorcycles, Inc. 518 SE 2nd St, Gainesville -377-6974 9-28-15-11 1999 KAWASAKI ZX 600 11k miles. $2500. 941-320-9522 9-23-8-11 2001 Yamaha XT225 8V. Pack Rack DualPurpose. Perfect condition and extras. $2200. Also '97 Honda Civic LX 108K $3200 Call Rich (352) 373-8238 9-23-5-11 OFAST CASH PAID FOR ANY CARO eRunning or notlO NEED HONDA, TOYOTA, PICKUPS Over 10 yr svc to UF students *Call Don @ 215-7987 12-7-72-12 CARS -CARS Buy@SellOTrade Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars 3432 N Main St. CARRSMITH AUTO SALES 373-1150 12-7-72-12 **FAST CASH PAID** For CARS & TRUCKS Running or Not 1990 & up only Sell or Trade Welcome Call Ray 352-284-8619 12-7-72-12 OVER 50 IMPORTS UNDER $10,000 SELECT MOTDR CAR THE YELLOW BUILDING 2715 N MAIN 377-1616 12-7-72-12 Best Cars e Lowest Prices 12-7-72-12 $500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! HONDAS, CHEVYS, TOYOTAS, ETC. For listings 800-749-8116 ext 4622 12-772-12 2001 Ford Explorer XLT, cold AC, V6, 4 liter, rear air, PS, PW, PDriyers Seat, alloy wheels, AM/FM, CD/Cassette player $12,400 3592963 9-23-10-12 2000 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP Daytona, 2Dr, V6 Supercharger, AT, leather, sunroof, Bose, exc. condition, $8,800 OBO 352-264-0325 9-21-7-12 MAZDA PROTEGE 5 Sporty Hatchback Wagon 2002, automatic, 50,800 miles, great condition, 2L, A/C, CD, AM/FM, front air bags, alloy wheels, yellow w/black interior, large cargo space. $8995 Tel 352-219-0236 9-28-10-12 '86 Corvette V8, auto, coupe, great condition. 84k miles. White, blue int. PS, PW, AM/FM/tape. $9000 OBO. Call Sunil 352-278-0232. Must see! 9-22-5-12 98 Mustang GT. Yellow/black, customized, loud, fast, attention getting car, new Goodyear tires, brakes, shocks &struts, $92k hwy mi, $7500, 941-726-0162 9-23-5-12 97 Nissan Sentra GXE, Automatic, Cold A/C. AM/FM/CD, full power, 110 K Mlles, $3990+ T&T University Auto Brokers 320 NE 33 Ave Gainesville (352)-371-2277 (352)-284-1047 9-26-5-12 98 Ford Mustang Convertable, 6 cyl. automatic, green, new top, only 75k miles, alloy wheels, $5985 + T&T University Auto Brokers 320 NE 33 Ave. Gainesville (352)371-2277 (352)-284-1047 9-26-5-12 99 Nissan Sentra GXE, Automatic Cold NC AM/FM stereo tape, pwr windows, locks, $4750 + T&T University Auto Brokers 320 NE 33 Ave. Gainesville (352)-371-2277 (352)284-1047 9-26-5-12 98 Ford Mustang CPE, Automatic, 6 cly. only 68k miles, red, AM/FM, CD, alloy wheels, $5975 + T&T University Auto Brokers 320 NE 33 Ave. Gainesville (352)371-2277 (352)284-1047 9-26-5-12 LOCAL ARTIST NEEDS: GOLD, DIAMONDS, GEMS, CLASS RINGS, ETC TOP CASH $ OR TRADE. OZZIE'S FINE JEWELRY. 373-9243 12-7-72-13 THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY NEEDS VOLUNTEER DRIVERS Transport patients to/from treatments Must have valid driver's license, safe driving record & attend training session. Call 352-376-6866 ext 114 for more info. W Help Wanted This newspaper assumes no responsibility for injury or loss arising from contacts made through advertising. We suggest that any reader who responds to advertising use caution and investigate the sincerity of the advertiser before giving out personal information or arranging meetings LIKE' TO WORK WITH LUXURY CARS? Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be over 22, stable work history, clean driving record, drug-free, pers ref. for details. 12-7-72-14 Animal Care Tech looking for hard working person to work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will train, PT to start with more hrs possible. Start at $6.50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024 between 9-4 M-F. 12-7-72-14 CNA CLASS: Learn @ your own time and pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and pass the state exam is on VCR tape. 95% pass the state exam the 1st timel $200. Call 800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 12-7-72-14 Phone survey interviewers wanted. Start work today! No sales, opinion research only! Flexible Schedule! Perceptive Market Research 336-6760 ex 4081 Call now! 127-72-14 Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/ Sales and IT needed for various positions. Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Join our team! Learn more at employment 12-7-72-14 $$ STUDENTS GET CASH $$ For gently used brand name Clothing/accessories & furniture $Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No appt necessary! 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 127-72-14 BARTENDING $250 A DAY POTENTIAL No experience necessary, training provided. 800-965-6520 ext 138 12-7-72-14 SECRET SHOPPERS Needed for evaluations of Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters Flexible Hours, E-mail required Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254 12-7-72-14 EARN $60 THIS WEEK! Donate Plasma & Save a Life Best part-time job you'll ever have. NEW DDNDRS Bring this Ad and Earn an Extra $5 on Your 2nd Donation. DCI Biologicals 150 NW 6th St. 352-378-9204 12-7-72-14 Mortgage lender has immediate positions avail for college students. No exp req. $8/hr + bonus, flex hrs. Apply in person 2-7pm M-F at 1900 SW 34th St Ste 206 (2nd flr above credit union) 12-7-72-14 Would you like to be your own boss, work your own hours, and make unlimited income? Call Emma@352-871-4489 ore-mail 12-7-72-14 Internet Marketing SpecialistDetail oriented w/strong MS Excel/Word, communication skills. Knowledge of SE0, PPC and affiliate management a plus. Flex schedule. Bane pay + bonuses. Fax resume 800-967-5140 10-31-66-14 HIRING KITCHEN STAFF Starting $6.15/hr DRIVERS $8-15/hr, and FLYERERS. PT easy schedule. Please call 2-5pm 378-2442 or fill out application at California Chicken Grill 2124 SW 34th St. Mon -Fri. 12-7-72-14 *DANCERS NEEDED* Private dance co. Great for students. Great pay, fast cash & flexible hours. All to start today! 378-3312 9-20-20-14 Five Star Pizza Downtown/Tower Road now hiring all positions for fall and spring, In store/ driver. Great pay w/ great atmosphere. Apply @ 210 SW 2nd Ave 375-5600 or 600 NW 75th St. 333-7979 10-3-37-14 Find a job today at one of over 60 restaurants, bars or hotels. Cooks, delivery drivers, bartenders, housekeepers, servers. In high demand. 9-30-33-14 MOVERS WANTED. Need driver's license. Apply in person at 505 NW 53rd Ave. At GATOR MOVING & STORAGE. Mon-Fri 9-30-28-14 FORGET COLLEGE. Beer, parties and fun. Ready to get serious? Free online business, real estate, self-defense and empowerment courses. 9-20-20-14 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers"


TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2005 N ALLIGATOR, 13 Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted GATORSNEEDJOBS.COM We need Paid Survey Takers in Gainesville. 100% FREE to join. Click on Surveys. 9-30-27-14 CASH Tired of sifting around w/out it? Sit here & make it! UF FLORIDA REPDIALS seeks UF students to raise funds. Earn up to $8.00/hr with a FLEXIBLE schedule. Apply at 105 NW 16th St. 4th floor. Academic Classroom Building.105, or call 392-7754 for more info. 12-7-72-14 DRIVER OPPORTUNITY Earn between $10-$20/hr!. Flexible Schedule, Great Opportunity. For info contact Meghan 379-3663 9-2622-14 LOOKING FOR A PARTTIME JOB? Merchandise sales. Earn $100-$200 working 2-3 hrs. Home games only, prior to kick-off. Contact 321-277-5523 8-321-5-14 University of Florida Survey Research Center 408 W University Ave. Suite 106 Mon-Fri 9:30am-9pm 392-2908 ext. 105 $7/hr + BONUS + Paid Training Telephone Interviewing NO SALES 3 eves 6-9 pm + 2 weekend shifts or Sat 12pm-6pm + Sun 2pm-8pm Must work winter break 12-7-71-14 Lg Property Management Co Now Hiring PT & FT Leasing Agent (Sales) & FT Asst Manager openings. Great team, training, bonuses. Fax res, cover & avail sched to 376-6269 or 12-7-71-14 C Cp 0 C COOKS NEEDED Fill out app: Receive offers from over 100 restaurants & hotels. Also needed: delivery drivers, managers & housekeeppers. 9-30-25-14 TELEMARKETING SALES REPRESENTATIVES Infinite Energy, a rapidly expanding natural gas marketer with a large customer base, has an immediate need for SALES REPRESENTATIVES (inbound and outbound calls). Flexible schedules. Need more info -go to Respond by fax 352-240-4146 or email your resume to EOE/AA/ MFDV 9-23-20-14 VIRTUALLY CUBAN Now hiring servers & prep cooks. Experience, & Spanish speaking a plus. FT apply in person M-F 2-5pm. 2409 SW 13th Street 3364127 10-10-30-14 Attention Smokers! Earn about $6/hr. Smokers are needed to participate in a study on decision making & smoking. If interested, come to the Psychology Bldg room 397 or call 3920601 ext 297 12-7-68-14 Finance company needing office assistant & collections associate. Young, progessive company w/ advancement & bonuses. 25 hrs/wk. Start immediately. Fax resume to 352-378-4156. 10-31-41-14 Cull center needs telephone agents for all shifts 24 hours. 1830 NE 2nd S1. Apply in person M-F 9am-4pm. 12-7-66-14 L. 0) *0 U 0 SE 0) EU 0i FRAMER/CARPENTER/HANDYMAN PT, flex hrs, fast & hardworking. Pref UF or SFCC student w/exp & able to give 15 hrs/ wk, $8/hr. 371-9409 9-20-10-14 OFFICE ASST 10hrs/wk, $6.25. Proficient in Windows, internet, typing and other computer operations. Flex around class schedule Indicate major and year in college. FaxASAP to 375-4591 9-21-10-14 PT & FT GROUNDS & EXT MAINT Pickup & care of bldg & grounds. Great mgmt team, benefits, training. Must have auto. Fax res, avail sched to 376-6269 12-7-63-14 Male tumbling instructor needed at TUMBLEMANIA in High Springs. The position is PT (10-12 hrs/wk). Previous spotting exp. required. Must be able to spot basic thru intermediate level skills. 386-454-1779. 9-22-10-14 FOOD SERVICE JOBS Gator Dining Services located on the UF Campus is hiring for supervisors,cashiers, cooks, line servers, and dishwashers. Flex hours, competitive pay and a great working environment. Apply at Gator Dining Services, B73 Reitz Union, Museum Rd or online at www.gatordining .com 9-23-10-14 Security Staff Needed Now! $6.75 hour Help residence halls be safe. info and applications available at housing office near Beaty. 392-2161 x 10125 for more info. 9-23-10-4 Female smokers, thin, feminine who enjoy smoking socially needed for confidential phone interview. Selected callers earn $50. Leave name and number, your call will be returned. 661-255-3940 1010-21-14 Attention Smokers! Do you want to quite smoking? smokers are needed to participate in a smoking cessaton study. If interested e-mail the UF Smoking Lab and Clinic. or call 3284944 9-30-14-14 O TEACHER'S AIDE Mon. thru Fri. RECEPTIONIST Mon., Wed., Fri. SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST or PT ESE TEACHER EINSTEIN CHARTER SCHOOL 335-4321 9-26-10-14 HIRING DELIVERY DRIVERS Earn up to $12-14/hr. Call California Chicken Grill 378-2442 12-7-59-14 YMCA Get paid to play! Do you like to work with children? The YMCA is now accepting applications for Afterschool counselors. Multiple locations throughout Gainesville. Need to be available from approx. lpm-6pm. Apply in person at 5201 NW 34th St. Immediate Openings! 9-30-14-14 INTERNSHIPS AVAILABLE! Get paid after FREE training classes Exciting new multimedia grade booster! Bright, enterprising -All majors/years email now 9-24-8-14 NURSING STUDENTS/CNA'S Private care of elder in rehab & private home. Call 352-332-0394 for appt. & interview. Flexible hrs. & favorable salary. 9-27-10-14 NOW HIRING! Young professionals to join dynamic cast in restaurant setting. Must be trainable. Call 373-8882 for details. 920-5-14 Part time pre-med or pre-dental student to assist in patient care and surgery. Hours: Monday & Wednesday 9am-noon & Friday 6:45am -11am. Resumes to 352-331-6336. 9-20-5-14 PRE-SCHOOL TEACHER ASSISTANT needed for Jewish day school Monday -Friday in the afternoon. Call 376-1508 ext 110 for more info. 9-20-5-14 PE TEACHER needed for Jewish day school 2-3pm. 2 afternoons a week. Call 376-1508 ext 110 9-20-5-14 GATOR DOMINOS $10-15/hour DRIVERS $8-$10/hour INSIDERS $35-$50/year MANAGERS Apply online at 127-65-14 CHILD CARE TEACHERS Needed FT and PT positions. $7-$9/hr. Holy Trinity. Call 377-2290 9-23-8-14 SEASONAL or FT HELP NEEDED AT BUSY HAM STORE. Previous deli experience helpful. Flex shifts available. $7-8/hr. Apply at 3832 Newberry Rd. 9-20-5-14 Responsible student wanted for babysitting in my home. Approx 3-4 afternoons per week. References necessary. Please call 222-1532 for questions. 9-27-10-14 Now hiring Special Event servers, Friday night servers and weekend dishwasher. Apply in person at Hillel at the University of Florida, 2020 W. Univ. Ave. 9-20-5-14 Marketing Internship: Leading mobile software company is looking for energetic and hard working individuals for a marketing internship. The position will include market research, as well as promotional material development. Interested candidates please send your resume to 928-10-14 Do you want to work at an airport? Apply today at University Air Center or call 335-4681. Night shift and customer service positions available immediately. 9-28-10-14 CHILDCARE -PRN days & occasional evenings. Must be energetic, loving,& not afraid to have fun. Experience & references a must. Starting @ $8/hr. Call 332-4488 9-20-4-14 PIZZA MAKERS FLYER DISTRIBUTORS and DRIVERS needed. Apply at 3458 West University Ave. 3PM-3AM. MARIO & LUIGI'S PIZZA. Flexible schedule. 376-6433 9-215-14 MTEC C alenclr '06 Talent call 9/24, 9-11am at RAMTECH for attractive women modeling & representing RAMTECH products. Visit for examples of pro-photography themes. Questions:352-256-8324, rates and details will be discussed at the talent call 3711 SW 42nd Ave. #5 9-23-7-14 HUNGRY HOWIES is now hiring. Cash paid daily. Drivers & inside workers needed. Flexible schedule. Full & part time avil. Apply in person at any Gainesville location. 9-2810-14 PARTICIPANTS NEEDED The Phonetics Laboratory in the Program in Linguistics is looking for people to participath in a listening experiment. You can earn $10/hour by participating in a study of the perception of speech sounds from foreign languages. If you are interested in participating, please contact Jenna Silver ( 9-28-10-14 PRODUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES. 20-25 hrs per.week. Call 9am -noon. 377-6245 9-23-7-14 FT asset Mgr/FT or PT Leasing Agt. Great customer Svcs skills. Able to handle busy env. Some Sats req'd. Apply at 1902 SW 42nd Way or fax resume to 352-375-4434 Ventura Apts. 9-28-10-14 CUSTOMER SERVICE FT Reps and Mgrs. Will Train. FAX 815-301-8667 9-21-5-14 RETAIL STORE MANAGER For major internet retailer. Opening new concept store. FAX 815-301-9667 9-21-5-14 In-house housing director for UF fraternity. Not paid. Free room & board. Need to fill position ASAP. Call 305-338-2006. 9-20-3-14 FT Marketing Associate Exp. in general mkg, graphic design, Quark & Photoshop req. Web exp. a plus. Send resume & cover letter 376-6269 12-7-63-14 ACCTS. RECEIVABLE/BILLING CLERK for site work construction office. Quickbooks experience preferred. Ideal for business or accounting major.,Flexible hours. $8-12/hr. Call 335-1711. 9-22-5-14 Farm worker Shipping tech. Word processors Software developers Resume to: 9-21-4-14 HORSE FARM -Barn chores in exchange for living accomodations. Silver Ridge Stables, Micanopy. 361-1454. 9-29-10-14 Silver Q Billiards is now hiring waitresses and security. Also looking for promotion for Platinum Lounge. Apply in person on Tuesday between 1:00 and 4:00 pm. 920-3-14 NOW HIRING DELIVERY DRIVERS PT/FT Nights & Weekends. Apply at any Pizza Hut $12-$14 an hour. 9-30-11-14 FOOD SERVICE JOBS Gator Dining Services, located on the UF Campus is hiring Positions start at $7.30 an hour. Full and part time positions available, no experience needed. Flex hours and a great working environment. Apply at Gator Dining Services, B73 Reitz Union, Museum Rd or online at 9-2910-14 Classic Fare Catering, located on the UF Campus, is looking for banquet staff supervisiors. Flexible hours, competitive pay and a great work environment. No experience necessary, we will train. Apply in person and the Classic Fare Catering Office located on the first floor of the Reitz Union or apply online at 9-29-10-14 GAINESVILLE Health&Fitness C N 1k E It's a Job Fair! Saturday, Septemer 24th 10:00am Hear about exciting career opportunities at GHFC & ReQuest Physical Therapy! We're looking for motivated team players to work in the following departments: Membership Personal Training Physical Therapy Group Fitness Nutrition Massage RSVP with Teresa at 374-4634 For details, visit 9-21-4-14 GREAT PAY FOR PEOPLE WHO STAY! Park Place Car Wash is looking for hard workers for all positions. Cashiers (fullday availability) & lineworkers. (AM 8:30-1) & (PM 12-6) shifts available. 15-40hrs. your choice. Great work environment. Apply in person. 7404 NW 4th Blvd. Across from Home Depot. No phone calls please. 10-7-15-14 CHILDCARE TEACHERS wanted M-P, FT. & Pt. Prev. childcare exp. Required. FT Cook 1049 Museum Rd. Kinder Care 9-23-5-14 Help wanted for the serious, hard working and trustworthy. Yard work $6.50/hour. Carpentry, electric, roofing and plumbing repair starting at $7.50/hour. Negotiable. 376-6183 9-23-4-14 Classifieds. Continued on next page.


14, AL IGATOR N TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2005 -Hel Ip Wanted ervc1sServices Personals Personals VALET PARKING Full time & part time people wanted. Must be customer oriented & dependable. Call Andy 1-888-463-1954 ext. 205 9-23-5-14 Leasing Consultant Looking for reliable, motivated people for busy leasing office. PT including nights & weekends. Please fax resume to 384-3982 9-23-5-14 BLIMP GROUND CREW MUST be willing to travel full time. Have iro criminal background, Have clean driving record and be drug-free. Also see CAREER BUILDER Key word Blimp Ground Crew or call Steve Adams 407-363-7777 9-30-10-14 DELIVERY & KITCHEN POSITIONS available at Celebrations Catering. All shifts, flexible scheduling. Apply at 904 N. Main St. 9-23-5-14 ADMINSTRATIVE ASST. 8-12 hrs/wk Flex schedule 352-331-0260 9-30-10-14 KARATE INSTRUCTOR to teach @ Gainesville's Premier Facility 352-331-3557 9-30-10-14 Flyer Distributer Needed is looking for energetic enthusiastic people, flexible schedule. Call Meghan @379-3663 9-23-5-14 WAREHOUSE STAFF PT inventory control, flexible hours. Great job for students! Will work around class schedule. Apply at Concessions Office, South End Zone Ben Hill Griffin Stadium, next to the Gator Sport Shop 9-23-5-14 EVENT SUPERVISORS PT Supervisors needed. Days, nights, weekends. Flexible hours. Great 2nd Job! Apply at Concessions Office, South End Zone Ben Hill Griffin Stadium, next to the Gator Sport shop 9-23-5-14 WANTED SERVERS, DISHWASHERS, SUSHI HELPERS. Can 352-871-4381 9-23-5-14 Receptionist/front office assistant for Dermatology office. Must have excellent organization and communication skills. FT M-F, 8-5 or PT at least 30 hr/wk. Insurance/ retirement benefits available. Medical office experience desired but will train motivated person. Fax resume to 352-332-2966 926-5-14 Residential care workers to supervise & direct teenage girls in residential program, Assist w/record keeping & perform duties necessary for overall care & well being of juvenile in program. Flex sched avail. Ocala area. Resume: Human Resources Children's Home Society. 605 NE 1st St Gville 32601 or online www.chsflorg EOE/DFWP 9-265-14 *EDUCATIONAL RETAIL STORE* Needs part-time help, fleible weekday hours, plus 2-3 Saturdays per month. Please bring in a resume to 2020 NW 6th St. 10-10-15-14 Host/Hosstess Wanted apply @ The Sovereign Restaurant, Service Entrance 12 SE 2nd Ave. after 2 pm 9-21-2-14 SerViCes, AAA STORAGE Close To UF, Convenient 4x4x4 $20/mo 4x8x8 $35/mo *'533 SW 2nd Ave. 377-1771 12-7-72-15 IMPORT AUTO REPAIR.BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, Volvo, VW, Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Mazda. Quality craftsmanship, reasonable prices, near UF, AAA approved 378-7830 12-7-72-15 HYPNOTIST-Stop smoking. Improve memory & concentration. Eliminate bad habits. Past We regression. Learn self-hypnosis. Low Student Rates. Leonard Umans AAPH, NGH certified 379-1079. 12-7-72-15 ** BELLY DANCE ** Ethnic Dance Expressions Studio For Fun & Fitness 384-9200 12-7-72-15 HORSE BOARDING -peaceful -spacious 30 acres -lighted arena -round pens -standard & oversizedexp help -12x12 stalls 1352-472-2627 or Iv msg @ 339-2193 Owner on premisis -35+ yrs exp. Lessons avail. 12-7-72-15 SLEEPY HOLLOW HORSE FARM Quality Boarding 0 Lessons/English 0 Parties 0 Alachua County's oldest & finest horse farm @ 466-4060 12-7-72-15 **AUTO MALL SERVICE DEPT*+ Complete Auto Service Imports & Domestics 0 Cars & Trucks Discount for students. Call 352-380-0033 12-7-74-15 EVERGLADE EQUESTRIAN CENTER The countryclub for horses & owners. Customer lounge w/full kitchen & bath. 250' x 160' riding ring, round pen & jump paddock. Lessons. 30 acres, 40 matted stalls, 19 separate paddocks. 24-hr security, 352-5913175 12-7-72-15 ** GREAT BANNERS & SIGNS * Custom Posters 0 Exhibits 0 Awards Top Quality Fast e Service S Low Prices SignMasters 335-7000 9-2-61-15 Jump start your job search at 12-7-72-15 AWARDS & PERSONALIZED GIFTS Plaques e Name Badges e Cups 0 Etc. Best Selection In Town SignMasters 335-7000 6-2-61-15 ENGLISH TUTORING ,English as 2nd language Reading, Composition, Conversation Experienced educators. Reasonable fees. Tel: 352-335-9400 9-30-27-15 FINANCE TUTOR Individuals or small groups. Experienced, excellent. 375-6641 Harold Nobles 12-7-72-15 Stringing -If anybody can string rackets low, EZ Tennis can string them lower. Ready in 24hrs. Express stringing avail upon request. We have more string than all local stores combined. please stop by or call 372-2257 10-21-42-15 Why buy mart-cheap rackets? You can upgrade at EZ Tennis & pay less. Stop wasting money. Our name is EZ and our game is Tennis. Call them and call us. 372-2257 10-21-42-15 Rackets -Tennis -Racquetball -Squash -Badmitton -Table Tennis. Lowest prices in town. EZ Tennis will gladly beat lower inter-net prices, Call us at 372-2257 10-21-42-15 PERSONAL TRAINING 300 Personal and Group Training Flexible Scheduling Exclusive Facility Call for a free workout 339-2199 12-7-72-15 Want to be a CNA? Don't want to wait? Express Training Services can get you certified under 3 wks! Hands-on exp, no videos. Day/eve classes avail. Next class 10/3/05. Class sizes limited. 338-1193 for details. 12-7-71-15 NEED GAS? Car hot? Lose your cool! Call Rick-I'm quick! RICK'S MOBILE AUTO A/C, All Freons-oils, computer diagnosis 40 years experience 213-2665 12-7-71-15 WRITING COACH Strength skills & GPA Call Neil at (352) 377-4389 or Email WriteRight_1 Sliding hourly scale 9-23-5-15 MATH TUTOR 7 years of experience. B.S. in Engineering UF. English/Spanish. Call Francisco @352-494-8582 or 377-2526 Sliding Scale Rates 9-26,20-15 MUSIC STUDIES Guitar, piano and bass. All serious students welcome. I'm a 30 yr. pro. 376-3831 11-235-15 KEEP THISI Perfect your interviewing/ resume skills with personal consultation by professional with years of sr. management exp. $50/2hrs 954-461-5451 9-23-5-15 Free Long Distance Anywhere Worldwide + FREE Coupons/Specials. FREE Dialer = FREE Calls + Coupons. Go to: W/WW.MYADCALLS.COM/6673 9-28-15-20 Health ServiCses ANONYMOUS HIV ANTIBODY TESTING Alachua County Health Dept. Call 334-7960 for app't (optional $20 fee) URGENT CARE/WALK-IN MEDICAL New Location Students -NoAppt Needed! FIRST CARE OF GAINESVILLE 4343 Newberry Rd. #10, 373-2340 Most Ins Accepted, Hours M-F 8am-6pm 12-7-72-16 ABORTION/ABORTION by PILL (RU-486) IV sedation, Student Discount. Well Woman Care & Birth Control Bread & Roses Women's Health Ctr 352-372-1664 1-9-72-16 All Women's Health Center ABORTION Free Pregnancy Test RU-486 Available 378-9191 12-7-72-16 THE TRUE YOU! Lose 8 -15 pounds in 4 weeks Only $99! Gain muscle while you lose fat Groups forming now. 339-2199. 12-7-72-16 "SEVERE DRY EYE?" New therapy being studied! If you qualify to participate im theis reserarch you will get free evaluation, medication, and be reimbursed for your rime. Call Dr. Levy @ 331-2020 for evaluation. 12-7-71-16 "PINK EYE?" Participate in a study to treat bacterial conjunctivitis. Qualified participants will bet free evaluation, medication & be reimbursed for their time. Call Dr. Levy @ 331-2020 immediately 12-7-71-16 Loving, Christian couple wanting to expand their family. Ifyou are pregnant, and adoption is an alternative, please contact our attorney, Alice Murray, FBN 0794325 at 1-800-7088888. 10-12-20-16 Women's Health Services at Jennings. Routine gyn exams and contraception info and prescriptions for all UF students. Tuesdays 1:30-4:30 by appt. only There is a fee for these health services. 392-1433 9-30-10-16 Massage therapy at Jennings for UF students. Wednesdays 1-4pm. Chair massages. by appt. only, there is a fee for these health services. 392-1433 9-30-10-16 Typing Services RESUMES -$25 & up. DOUBLE-SPACED REPORTS -$2.50/pg. COVER LETTERS, ENVELOPES, ETC. Satisfaction guaranteed. Calldays/eves256-1042; 12-7-72-17 SAME DAY SERVICE: Transcription, typing, apps. Desktop pub: brochures, newsletters, flyers, ads, logos. Resume service. 18 yrs exp. 24-hr turnaround. Connie 271-2677 9-21-5-17 ANONYMOUS HIV ANTIBODY TESTING Alachua County Health Dept. Call 334-7960 for app't (optional $20 fee) SAVE ON RAYBAN/SUNGLASSES University Opticians 300 SW 4th Ave. 378-4480. 12-7-72-18 GUNS GUNS! GUNS! 1800 Gun Inventory Over 500 handguns in stock Buy, Sell, Trade or Repair. Reloading Supplies 466-3340 Harry Beckwith, Gun Dealer 8mi. South of G'ville on 441 12-7-72-18 *Family Chiropractic* Since 1977. Two blocks from U.F. 373-7070 12-7-72-18 FLASHBACKS PAYS CASH'FOR CLOTHES. We buy 10-5SM-Sat. Open to shop til 6. WE ALSO BUY HOUSEHOLD ITEM. 2 11 WUnie Ave 375-3752. 12-7-72-18 VEGETARIAN? Try BOOK LOVER'S CAFE Inside Books, Inc. 505 NW 13 St. 10-9 384-0090 12-7-72-18 %M CLEARANCE SALE -All CDs must go 100,000+ CDs on sale $5.99. Ten for $50. We need more room for our GIANT DVD INVENTORY. Cash paid for DVDs Hear Again 818 W. University Ave. 373-1800 12-7-72-18 Big stores cannot touch our stringing in quality and price. Please ask their clerks about EZ Tennis. Why wait for 3-5 days on strining. With us 1 day max! Call us at 372-2257 1021-42-18 in terms of Tennis, big stores make EZ Tennis look good. We are lower than them in prices -faster in stringing -stock better quality rackets -can explain or recommend products to customers batter. Tall your friends about EZ Tennis. Call is at 372-2257 10-21-42-18 Tell your friends about EZ Tennis. If you have any questions, please talk to us. Our goal, to have the lowest prices on rackets in the world. Please help us and your friends to achieve this goal. Bring the lowest price afind. Call us at 372-2257 10-21-42-18 Become More Beautiful Add years to life. Free proof: PASR, Box 312144, Atlanta Georgia 30331. 10-5-35-18 POSTURE FLOW YOGA CLASSES 0 Flowing postures w/focus on breath & energy. All levels. Near UF or mall. Drop-in or Series. Mon, Wed nights; Thur am. Also, Free talks Mon nights 7:30-8:30 331-3366 10-6-20-18 O~) 0 O~) Cu cm) IL. 0) *0 0 0~ C,) ze Cu 0) Em 5 i%1 B


TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2005 E ALLIGATOR, 15 GConnelctiOns, Eriteirtainmen't, Entertainme4nt Vickets 'be Want to make a connection? Place your ad FIRST STRIKE PAINTBALL here to look for someone to share a common Airball, Speedball, Forts on 27 acres interest with or for your true love Call for the best group rates! 352-338-8408 Must have lots of free time for rehersals 12-7-72-21 and your own travel money for the first year. We're going on a big musical tour in about one year. Seeking bass player & keyboardACCOMODATIONS-Sports/Special Events lot by ear. Children's music for The Learning 5 min to UFL. Private -3 acres: Sleeps 8 Castle TV show. Angelina 352-333-888 -4BR/3.5BA, kitchen, great room, porches, 9-22-20-19hot tub, gas grill. Ideal for family/adult couples -$500/day -352-371-7922 9-21-15-21 Asexual Pals Meeting Service "Where non-sexual adults find love" CLOGGING BEGINNNERS CLASS 9-27-10-19 Tuesdays 6:30-7:30. Westside Park Rec Center. 1001 NW 34th St. $20/10wks. Starting Sept 20, 2005. Call 373-4001 923-14-21 BAHAMAS SPRING BREAK CELEBRITY CRUISE! IS YOUR BUSINESS, CLUB OR 5 Days From$299! Includes Meals, Taxes, ORGANIZATION HAVING AN EVENT? Entry To Exclusive MTVu Events, DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL Beach Parties With Celebrities ANNOUNCEMENT? PLACE YOUR AD As Seen on Real World, Road Rules! HERE AND GET IT NOTICED On Campus Reps Needed 1-800-678-6386 Another Saturday night without a date? FL Seller of Travel Reg. #ST34486 Read The Alligator. 2-15-81-21 CANCUN, ALCPULCO, JAMAICA ***EAST COAST $137 RT*** From $499 Fall & holiday specials. NYC, DC, Philly, New Travel With America's Largest & Ethix Eng & morel Gator Country Travel oust off Award Winning Spring Break Company! campus) 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg. Fly Scheduled Airlines, No. ST 36232 12-7-72-22 Free Meals, Drinks, Biggest Celebrity Parties! On-Campus Marketing Reps Needed! $$ Looking for single game & season tickets -home and away. Paying top dollar. Call 8771-800-878-6388 898-1234 10-20-40-22 FL Seller of Travel Reg #34486 596-1234_1_-2_-4_-22_ 2-15-81-21 GMG TRANSPORT 20 Yrs. as the Official So. Fl. Bus Depart: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30PM/reverse $40 r/t Mia-FtL/Pomp-WPB-FtP. 336-7026 12-7-72-23 Loyal Gator Fan NEEDS FOOTBALL TIX All Home/Away Games Tickets Call 352-871-0146 11-23-62-22 ALL GATOR TICKETS L'E-o ***EUROPE from $377 RT*** WANTED Travel planning for everyone. Train, cruises, Paying Top $$$ hotels, tours. Gator Country Travel Oust off Local and Confidential campus) 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg No. ST-36232 12-7-72-22 1-800-611-7053 11-23-52-22 k**WEST COAST from $197 RT** ours packages & more. Los Angeles, Finders Keepers? If you find something, you leattle, S.F., S.D. & more! Gator Country can place a FREE FOUND AD in our lost & Travel Oust off campus) 373-1992 FL Seller found section. Be kind to someone who's f Travel Reg. No. ST-36232 12-7-72-22 lost what you've found. 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TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20,2005 ALLIGATOR Mc anald UP m ss"4 to le w ks EARILEST POSSIBLE RETURN FOR DEFENSIVE END COULD COME AGAINST LSU. By ANDREW ABRAMSON and ERIC ESTEBAN Alligator Staff Writers The No. 5 Gators received somewhat relieving news on Monday when the team learned star defensive end Ray McDonald would miss just four to six weeks with a partially torn ACL in his right knee, suffered in UF's 16-7 victory against Tennessee. While McDonald's absence will certainly hurt a defense currently ranked No. 2 in the nation, it was initially feared that McDonald would miss the entire season. After leading the team with 10 tackles for losses a year ago, the new UF coaching staff shifted McDonald from defensive tackle to end, the postion he played in high school. The move allowed McDonald to play more freely and utilize his speed. Now the Gators must regroup. Joe Cohen will return to the starting role he held a year ago, while redshirt freshman Derrick Harvey -who could be one of the more talented players on the team -will also see time at defensive end. "I feel good about Derrick Harvey and Joe Cohen. I trust them," said senior Jeremy Mincey UF's other starting defensive end. "Harvey's young, but the more he plays, the more snaps he gets, the better he can get. "That's a big plus that Joe Cohen is already experienced." The news came one day after receiver Andre Caldwell underwent surgery to repair a broken leg, also suffered in the Tennessee victory. "We're talking about two great young men," UP coach Urban Meyer said. "tlay McDonald is a different man [this year] as is Andre Caldwell. They were making such a good push up to right now." NOT ON THE OFFENSIVE: While UF's defense is suddenly overshadowing an offense expected to be among the best in the nation, Meyer -a coach often Andy Apicella / Aiiig critical of his offense -said he's satisfied where the Defensive end Ray McDonald limps off the field after partially teari SEE FOOTBALL, PAGE 18 the ACL in his right knee. He will miss 4 to 6 weeks of action. UF VOLLiEYBALLe Gia t ors d Is Man t kve o vIE rmlma&, a;,herd FU afE1 By BRYAN JONES Alligator Writer It was clearly a mismatch on paper, but you can't spell rivalry in Gainesville without F-S-U. Unfortunately for Florida State, the match looked more even on paper than on the court. The No. 6 UF volleyball team crushed in-state rival Florida State Monday night (30-20, 30-23, 30-16)in the Gators' final match before heading into Southeastern Conference play against Mississippi-State on Friday NFL Giants 27 Saints 10 Redskins 14 Cowboys 13 "Anytime Florida State and UF suit up, it is going to be a rivalry, a nd we're th in king a bout that" Amber McCray UF volleyball sophomore The Gators have now won 14 straight matches against Florida State. Despite recent domination of the Seminoles, opposite hitter Amber McCray admitted the match means a little something extra to the Gators. But she said the team does not let Ranked by average yards allowed 1. Connecticut 197.7 2. UF 199.0 3. West Virginia 199.3 4. Alabama 204.0 5. Virginia Tech 220.7 ator ng the rivalry become a distraction. "Anytime Florida State and UF suit up, it is going to be a rivalry, and we're thinking about that," she said. "But it is not as big as football, so we were just basically working on coming out and taking this game as a game we can use to get better and work on ourselves." The Gators did not forget about last season, when FSU launched into raucous celebration after winning a game against UP. Although the Gators eventually won that match, sophomore Marcie Hampton SEE VOLLEY, PAGE 18 i 1997: Peyton Manning has one final chance to defeat the Gators, but No. 3 UF keeps Manning winless against his biggest rival, defeating No. 4 Tennessee at the Swamp, 33-20. Impact of injury unclear ndre Caldwell honed in on the end zone. Ten wayward Tennessee defenders could only glance back in disbelief. Tens of thousands of Gators fans could only gaze into the future. For Caldwell, this is how it was supposed to be. Urban Meyer's spread option was to catapult the junior to the upper echelon of collegiate football Bryan App, App-etite stardom. -The Gators' sole touchdown against the Vols on Saturday seemed to provide a glimpse of that. As Chris Leak ran for Receptions an option play to the left, Caldwell sprung back behind the quarterback to the right. As the Tennessee defense collapsed on Leak, Caldwell took a reverse pitch. With wheels like Caldwell's, it should've been illegal. Eighteen yards and one block later and Caldwell began to realize his destiny. This was why he came to UP. This was to be the season. Little more than one quarter later, it was finished. Running back the opening kick of the second half, a helmet to the right thigh ended his season. But as Caldwell was carted off the field wincing in pain from a broken leg, it was harder to tell who hurt more -him or his fellow receivers. "I didn't think it was that bad of a hit, but the more I saw, my stomach dropped a little bit," junior Jemalle Cornelius said. "We were just in a bit of a daze because everybody expected him to just pop back up. We saw he was down for a pretty long time, and it just took the wind out of you for a little bit." When a guy like Caldwell goes down, responsibility tends to set in as subtly as a freight train to the solar plexus. But it's OK. Breathe, Jemalle, breathe. Without question, the Gators will feel the strain of Caldwell's departure. With his kind of speed, it seems Caldwell was born for Meyer's system. And the coach kept no secrets abdut whom he considered his top playmaker during spring and sumer workouts. Now, SEE APP, PAGE 18 .MLB : Marlins vs. Mets Fox Sports, 7:10 p.m. EWNBA Finals : Sun vs. Monarchs ESPN2, 8 p.m.


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18, ALLIGATOR E TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2005 Meyer rewards defensive stars FOOTBALL, from page 16 group currently stands d He even singled out wide receiver Jemalle Cornelius, whose role suddenly triples now that Caldwell is out for the year. "We had no turnovers [against Tennessee] and we had the ball for a long time," Meyer said. "Jemalle Cornelius came out a winner, and Chris Leak played extremely hard." CHAMPION DEFENSE: In past weeks, making Meyer's postgame Champions Club hasn't been an easy feat, even though the Gators have won all three of their games. On Monday, Meyer rewarded the Gators' defensive performance against Tennessee. Steven Harris, Marcus Thomas, Jeremy Mincey, Brandon Siler, Earl Everett, Todd McCullough, Vernell Brown, Kyle Jackson, Reggie Nelson, Dee Webb and Jarvis Herring all made the club, but it was the members of the secondary that graded out as the biggest difference-makers. "Jarvis Herring had 11 opportunites to make a play and he made all 11 ," Meyer said. "If you are wondering how we won that game, it's those two stats right there." After holding the Volunteers to just 7 points, UF's defense is ranked second in the nation behind Connecticut. The Gators are giving up an average of 8 points a game and 199 yards to opposing teams in the Swamp. "I don't think I've been around a team that's played better defense," Meyer said. "They played an excellent football team who has a great tradition of running the ball, and they shut -them down." from page 16 three unproven jtnnors and a former quarterback must fill the void. Even as Caldwell writhed in a hospital bed Saturday night, Meyer already was busy challenging Cornelius and other receivers to dive into Caldwell's Nikes. Only, nobody is quite sure play. how big they are. Coming to UF rated as a No. 1 receiving prospect in the courfry, Caldwell never fully lived up to the hype, -scoring just three touchdowns before that nifty reverse. Even in all its beauty, the play callers, not the playmakers, made Saturday's reverse With 10 of Tennessee's 11 defenders halfway to Newberry, 320-pound offensive guard Tavares Washington could've stuck that one in. So while Caldwell's immediate future appears murky, the Gators' is simply unclear. Killings worth stands out as inside presence VOLLE from page 16 said head coach Mary Wise had the team prepared for FSU's emotional outbursts. "[Wise] knew they were going to be an emotional team coming in here, so she made sure we were focused on what we were doing and not worried about what is going on over on their side of the net," Hampton said. The Gators took game one 30-20, clinching the game on an attack error by FSU's Lauren Scott. McCray led the Gators with five kills on six attempts in the opening game, while FSU hit for an anemic -.049 percentage in the game. UF scored 6 of the last 7 points to claim game two 30-23. Angie McGinnis led the Gators with four kills out of the setter position while tallying 12 assists in the process. McGinnis has been working on her offensive game, employing a sort of hook shot with her offhand to try to catch defenses napping. "I think you have to try to catch them offguard, you have to be tricky with it and know when to do it," McGinnis said. "Hopefully by the end of the season I'll get at least five kills a night -that's my goal." UF cruised to a 7-0 lead in the third and deciding game before the Gators ended the game and the match with a 30-16 score. Sophomore Kisya Killingsworth had a careerhigh nine blocks in the match, and finally began to look like the strong inside presence the Gators have lacked all season. "Wouldn't you like to play defense around Kisya Killingsworth?" Wise asked. "You don't get many opportunities, certainly today, because of the way she blocked." Radiant Research is conducting a clinical research study examining the safety of an FDA approved topical lotion on healthy adults, age 18 to 55 years old. Qualified participants will receive all study-related care and treatment and will not be charged. You will be required to stay in the facility for 2 nights. You may receive compensation up to $750 for time and travel. Call Mon-Fri for more information 877.851.1050 352.333.3111 1014 NW 57th Street, Ste. A, Gainesville, FL the GUide to dining out Rt E S E: A I? C H


TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2005 11 ALLIGATOR, 19 0 ROLE PLAYERS TAKING LARGER ROLE IN OFFENSE By DAN TREAT Alligator Writer Prior to this season, UF coach Mary Wise was asked whether Jane Collymore could be counted on to be a dominant star -a player who would have the ability to take over a match the way Aury Cruz did during UF's run to the NCAA Championship match in 2003. It's a tough comparison to make. Cruz was a three-time first-team All-American, while Collymore enters her second season as the Gators featured player. Collymore has shown that ability to take over a match. In UF's Sept. 10 win against Southern California, she racked up 30 kills, including 11 of the Gators' 15 kills in the second game. While Collymore continues to get the most swings on the team, UF has been spreading the love around all season. Monday night was no different, as eight different players recorded kills for the Gators in their 3-0 sweep of Florida State. "Bottom line, when in a threegame match when four players are in double-digit points, that's great point production," Wise said. "That means that we're getting kills, blocks and ace serves. We're getting contribution in lots of ways." Luanne Dietz/ Alligator While UF volleyball star Jane Collymore is counted on to lead a young UF team, her teammates are pitching in as well. Those double-doubles came from Marcie Hampton, Amber McCray, Kisya Killingsworth and Collymore. Combine the statistics of Angie McGinnis and Kari Klinkenborg and UF recorded five double-doubles. Wise has emphasized to her team that getting scoring out of all six spots on the floor is the best way for her team to be successful, and a lot of that distribution comes from pre-game scouting. "A lot of it is game-plan specific and based on where we think we can get points," Wise said. "There are times when it may look like [McGinnis] is favoring one hitter over another, but that is by design." Wise has preached patience with outside hitters Collymore and Hampton, who see the bulk of the sets. While the two took 31 and 24 swings respectively against the Seminoles, they also opened the This section for display ads only. To run a classified ad on' 10/10/05 in our daily classifieds, call 373-3463? alligator T a Stu Lvn Gu a y. The Stu11dent Living7 Guide Ca-n Help! Advertise in The Alligator's Student Living Guide and find the key to your, business' success. You will reach over 50,000 readers, many will be looking for new apartments, condos, furniture, appliances, household items and much more! UFw% ree iv ig l01ntmr ib u-t io ns f r om a rr ay oif ap liy eras door for the opposite bitters and middle blockers to step up and make plays. Killingsworth had nine kill, and a career-high nine blocks out of the middle, and McCray recorded eight kills and two blocks. "We have so many players averaging over two kills a game, McCray said. "Teams have to worry about defending all different spots on the floor, so it's really going to help us." As last year's Southeastern Conference Freshman of the Year, McGinnis has the task of getting the ball to where all of her various weapons can hit it. She doesn't, however, take into account how many sets are going to each player. "As a setter you really don't think about it that way," she said. "It depends on what they're doing. If they're going to block our outside bitters then I'm going to try to give most of the balls to our middles." For her part, Collymore believes that distributing the ball among all the team's scorers can only help the Gators. "We're a much more effective team if the ball can go to five or six really strong players rather than one person," she said. "Because if you think about it from a blocking standpoint, if the defense knows the ball is going to one person over and over again, they'll kind of stand there." GENERAL NUTRITION CENTERS 25% OFF any one GNC Product Cannot be combined. Need coupon. 3914 SW Archer Rd 4 only available at Butler Plaza loation DaiySpei5s 377-620 E 10/31/as Caterina in the Big City Tues, Wed, Thurs 7:00 & 9:00pm Singles Challenge League -Meet new people at your skill level -Exciting play & prizes -Professionally organized -SIGN UP ONLINE $37.00 for eight weeks htp:// Or call 352-376-8250


20, ALLIGATOR N TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2005 UF FOOTBALL 7e d7,sv c e e h w n e ut By ANDREW ABRAMSON Alligator Staff Writer No offense Urban Meyer, but Chris Leak and Co. are getting overshadowed by an unlikely bunch of headliners. After shutting down Tennessee's offense in Saturday's 16-7 victory against the Volunteers, UF's defense is second to just Ane. Not only are the Gators giving up the least yards in the Southeastern Conference, but also the 199 yards allowed per game is second best in the entire NCAA, trailing only Connecticut. Meyer's spread offense and UF's array of talented receivers received all the preseason buzz, but the Gators scoring offense currently ranks just sixth in the SEC and 45th in the nation. And it was UF's defense that spent much of the summer trying to shed the label of late game choke-artists. "If you watch fihn on us, you can see we're chasing the ball better than last year," linebacker Earl Everett said. "The d-line is playing better, the linebackers are holding it down more. I think we're more aggressive than last year." Last year's defense ranked just sixth in the SEC, and virtually the same unit returned minus star linebacker Channing Crowder. But the defensive players credit much of the turnaround to new defensive coordinator Greg Mattison, who splits duties Andy Apicella / Alligator After linebacker Earl Everett and the Gators held Tennessee to -4 rushing yards in the second half, UF's scoring defense ranks No. 2 in the nation. with Charlie Strong, the only holdover from the previous coaching regime. While the defense was put through the same grueling off-season workouts as the rest of the team, Mattison brought a new aggressive, blitz-heavy philosophy to the defense. Suddenly players that were mediocre at best last season rank among the SEC leaders in various statistical categories. Although the defense may experience a slight drop-off now that starting defensive end Ray McDonald is expected to miss four to six weeks with an ACL injury in his right knee, even career backups have been starring for UF this season. At 5-foot-8, Vernell Brown spent much of his career floating from position to position while seeing little action. This year, the senior nabbed a starting cornerback job and currently leads the Gators with 18 tackles. "After seeing these kids work all winter, I knew they had a chance to be pretty darn good because they showed pride and they showed work ethic," Mattison said. "They're a year older. I really think they believe in what we're doing and I think they want to leave here knowing that they've had a chance to do something special." Mattison said head coach Urban Meyer knew exactly what he was doing when he assembled a staff that included Mattison, Strong and other respected defensive minds like cornerbacks coach Chuck Heater and safeties coach Doc Holliday. "There's no egos," Mattison said. "That to me is special. We all have the same goals." Mattison realizes it takes more than motivational speeches for his defense to realize what its capable of achieving. So he spends hours showing game film from the NFL and highlights of some of Mattison's previous stars at Notre Dame, including current Baltimore Ravens star defensive end Anthony Weaver. "If they know the way you coached that guy on film is the same way you're coaching them, I think they listen better," Mattison said. "They say OK, it must work." ators Top Week 2 performances: DARRELL JACKSON Seattle WR (Classof'00) 8 rec, 13.1 lidS MIKE PETERSON Indianapolis RB (Class of '99) 1-,3 tackles, 1int RAN CARTHON, Indianap s RB (Class of0)6 rushes. 5 yds, I TO FRED TAYLOR J c s RB (ClasS 5), -ss1 yds KEVIN (ARTER,ai E (Class ) G as Is ack TRAVIs TAyLR OR. ast WR ICiass 0) 7t -Thsyds LITO 5HEPPARD, PhO 1dlp5(a CB {class 021 takis, int iAN SCoT, Chicago IT tClas s(f3V, 2tackls, im CHANNING CROWDERMian LB Jennifer LaBrie / Alligator Staff