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Not officially associated with the Universit
the independent florida
/ of Florida Published by Campus Communications, Inc. of Gainesville, Florida
We Inform. You Decide.
Wayne Brady to headline Gator Growl
Alligator Writer
Gator Growl officials have selected "Whose
Line Is It Anyway?" comedian Wayne Brady
as the headlining act for this October's event.
Brady, an Orlando native who has won
two Emmy awards including one for "Whose
Line...," will join a who's who of past per-
formers, such as Jerry Seinfeld and Jay Leno,
at the world's largest student-run pep rally.
Brady's talent coordinator, Colleen McGarr,
said Brady will work closely with Carmody
and the rest of the Gator Growl staff to tailor
his act specifically for this year's show.
"He's from Orlando, so he's super familiar
with Gator Growl," McGarr said.
She said Brady agreed to perform at UF for
a number of reasons, but mainly because, like
for many performers, Gator Growl is like a
right of passage they all want to do it once.
McGarr said Brady is the first performer
of his kind at Gator Growl because he will
incorporate comedy, music and improvisation
all in one show.
Growl spokesman Chris Chase said Brady
will be paid $65,000 for a 45-minute perfor-
- mance. Last year's head-
S & liner, Blue Collar Comedy
Tour's Bill Engvall, was
paid $90,000 for his Gator
Growl appearance.
Although the Florida
Blue Key event has a
smaller budget this year
Brady and had to request a pro-
vision of almost $200,000
from Student Government, the "Revenge of
the Swamp"-themed show will go on, Gator
Growl Producer Rob Carmody said.
Carmody said he still is searching for
opening acts but doesn't want to get students'
hopes up by naming any of the possibilities
until he knows whom he will get to commit.
Students can also audition to be part of the
event at a talent night to be held within the
next few weeks, Chase said.
Both Carmody and Chase noted every-
thing is right on schedule for what will be
Gator Growl's 80th year, and Carmody, who
ISIS to charge cards
At Criser Hall (above), students can pay their bills in several ways without facing a new service charge.
Alligator Writer
Students who use ISIS to pay
university obligations, such as
tuition, with a credit card will see
a charge added to their transac-
tions next week in a move a UF
administrator says is meant to
encourage the use of less costly
payment methods.
Starting July 26, a 2.6-percent
service charge will be added to
all credit card payments made
through ISIS on UF's Web site to
offset the fees charged to the uni-
versity to process the payments.
UF Senior Associate Controller
Stuart Hoskins said UF students
pay more than $40 million in
tuition each year, and the fees to
cover credit card payments made
by a minority of students are paid
for by all students.
"That's why we had to make
this decision," he said.
Hoskins added that admin-
istrators, who announced the
upcoming fee Friday via e-mail,
have considered adding the fee
since January.
Credit card companies charge
UF about 2 percent of the total to
process online transactions. The
extra 0.6 percent UF is charging
students will cover the cost of hir-
ing a processing company.
"What we tried to do was go
back and charge this to the stu-
dents who were using the credit
cards," he said.
"We know increasing any fees
isn't popular with students."
VISA, the most frequently used
credit card on ISIS, declined to ac-
cept the 2.6-percent service charge
and no longer will be accepted on
VISA would have allowed the
convenience fee if UF charged a
flat fee to all students, Hoskins
said, but that was not feasible
since some students use ISIS to
Multicultural groups seek improved representation
Editor's note: This is the second story in a
series taking a closer look at the hidden
structures of Student Government.
Alligator Writer
With opinions as diverse as their back-
grounds, students in multicultural groups
seem to agree on one thing: there is room for
improvement in Student Government's repre-
Several play-
ers have left the
UF men's bas-
ketball program
before their third
year. Coach Billy
Donovan suggested
an eligibility rule in
basketball similar
to college baseball.
See story, pg. 19.
sentation of minority students.
Senate President Diane Kassim, the highest
ranking African American woman in SG his-
tory, said the path to her position was riddled
with challenges.
"I'm not going to say it was easy at all," she
said. "I took chances. There were several situ-
ations where I thought I would never be a part
of (Student) Senate again."
Kassim said she feels SG is treading the high
road of diversification.
"I believe that [SG] is a better reflection of
the student body, more so than the administra-
tion," she said. "The numbers are moving up.
(But) there's always room for improvement."
Hispanic Student Association Vice President
of Operations and District
Student D Sen. Laura Gonzalez said
Government there are very few hoops to
jump through in order to
get to the SG finish line.
"I was chosen based on my qualifications,"
she said. "I don't think being a minority made
it more difficult in any way. I found it a very
"Copyrighted Material
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
R UF's College of
Health and Human
Performance is on
the ball literally.
Eleven faculty mem-
bers have traded
their office chairs for
exercise balls.
See story, pg. 9.
welcoming environment. Every facet of school
is represented."
SG adviser Chris Cupoli said he believes
SG is on the path toward boasting a group
of representatives just as multifaceted as UF's
student body.
"Just looking around the third floor (of the
Reitz Union), I think it is more diverse than it
has been," he said. "It's a fairly diverse room.
It's not all old, white guys anymore at UF."
-. ,
CROSSWORD 11 Thunder
SPORTS 19 storms
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1" ielAn. IN 1 1 n m/a onnr-
News Today
- --=N
0 c0
Harry Potter launch event
enchants bookstore
Witches, wizards and were-
wolves stood in line at the Joe
Muggs "Leaky Cauldron" Caf6
for pints of Berry Brew and
purple mini cakes, while others
bustled through the store mak-
ing wizard hats and watching
magic tricks.
At 12:01 a.m. July 16, the
crowd in Books-A-Million on
13th Street erupted in cheers as
an employee behind the registers
lifted a book into the air the
first of approximately 450 books
sold in the first hour and a half.
"Harry Potter and the Half-
Blood Prince" was no longer a
Scholastic Inc., the global
children's publishing and media
company, printed and shipped
10.8 million copies of "Harry
Potter and the Half-Blood
Prince" filling more than 600
trucks in preparation for the
biggest book release in history,
according to a company press
release. More than 5,000 stores
nationwide held midnight par-
ties to celebrate the release of J.K.
Rowling's sixth Potter book.
"It's like Christmas in July,"
said Clay Whittaker, a cafe as-
sociate at Books-A-Million. "The
excitement grows as the minutes
tick away to midnight."
Harry Potter fans scoured
the store looking for any Harry
Potter accessories they could
find, including books, pencils
and the now famous black
Harry Potter eyeglasses. After
being separated into one of
four houses Gryffindor,
Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and
Slytherin each customer
93/75 91/75
visited one of the four activity
"classrooms" in the store.
Jessica Stephens, a 13-year-old
fan who arrived just after 9 p.m.
to take part in the festivities, said it
was weird being in Slytherin when
her stepsister was in Gryffindor.
The two houses are pitted against
each other in the books.
Fans were dressed in such
elaborate costumes that custom-
ers had a hard time distinguish-
ing between reality and the fan-
tasy world of Hogwarts School of
Witchcraft and Wizardry.
"I wasn't expecting Professor
Trelawney to be here," Stephens
said, motioning to a woman
dressed as one of the book's char-
acters, complete with long, curly
silver hair, a crystal ball and eye-
glasses that magnified her eyes to
twice their normal size.
The winners of the best overall
costume contest, Ryan Tamay and
Alex Geoffroy, were dressed as a
Slytherin quidditch player and a
hippogriff, respectively. A hippog-
riff is a magical creature that looks
like a giant eagle and horse.
Ashley Powers, who dressed
as Harry's sidekick, know-it-all
Hermione Granger, came to win
Books-A-Million's Harry Potter
trivia contest.
Cradling a stuffed dragon
named Norbert, Powers entered
the contest but did not win.
However, she was still excited
about receiving her book and said
she was going to start reading it
the minute she got it.
"I'm going to stay up until six in
the morning if I have to," she said.
Stephens, on the other hand,
said she was going to go to sleep
and start reading in the morning,
since it was only going to take her
about three or four hours to finish
the 672-page book.
"I've read each one about 16
times except the fourth," she
said. "I've read that one about 40
As customers filed out of the
store with their books in hand at
about 1:30 a.m., Books-A-Million
employees surveyed the aftermath.
Luke Schmidt, the store's gen-
eral manager, said the number of
people who attended the event
was much higher than the last.
"I was stupefied," he said, rub-
bing his eyes as he sat in the back
office after the event ended.
The Alligator strives to be
accurate ana clear in its news
reports and editorials. If you
find an error, please call our
newsroom at i3521 376-
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aI^ the independent florida
VOLUME 98 ISSUE 160 ISSN 0889-2423
Not officially associated with the University of Florida
Published by Campus Communications Inc., of Gainesville, Florida
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The Independent Florida Alligator is a student newspaper serving the University of Florida, pub-
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tions Inc.
Students to vote in
online-voting poll
Alligator Writer
Students are invited to act as
senators by debating and cast-
ing ballots on the issue of online
voting in Student Government
elections at a forum Wednesday
night, Senate President Diane
Kassim said.
"If the Senate ignores what
the students say," Kassim said,
"that says a lot about the Student
The issue has been raised and
quashed in Senate since Fall 2001,
when students had the option of
voting online in a trial run of
the system that 600 voters used.
Gainesville-based network-
ing company Accelerated Data
Works, Inc. conducted the trial.
Kent Tambling, the firm's
vice president of operations,
said no security weaknesses
were found.
He said he has spoken to SG
every year since and assured
them each time the system was
"I felt the answers I was giv-
ing were not the ones they were
looking for," he said. "I felt they
were looking for weaknesses."
Former Student Body
Treasurer Dennis Ngin specu-
lated political motives may have
suppressed the issue in the past.
"If more people vote, better
representatives will be elected
and some people don't like that,"
Ngin said.
Sen. Jared Hernandez,
chairman of the Online Voting
Revisions Committee, said his
group has arrived at two options
for online voting, which it has
termed "secure site" and "unse-
cure site."
Secure-site voting involves
monitored polling locations that
require photo identification. Its
advantage is students can vote
at any polling location, instead of
only at their respective colleges.
With an unsecure site sys-
tem, students can vote from
almost any computer with an
Internet connection.
Tambling said IP addresses,
which identify computers
logged onto specific networks
such as campus wireless net-
works, can'be frozen to prevent
party members from campaign-
ing by using their laptops to ask
students to vote on the spot.
Addresses also can be timed
out to prevent multiple votes
from the same computer.
Hernandez expressed con-
cern that unsecure-site voting
would not protect students'
anony m -
Student ity, allowing
Government them to be
coerced from
over their shoulders.
"It's up to the individual
voter to protect their own rights
to vote," Tambling said, adding
such a case would be no differ-
ent from absentee ballots.
Committee member Sen.
Gareth Kerr expressed discom-
fort about the terms "secure
site" and "unsecure site."
"I don't like the terminology
because I think it's all secure,"
he said.,
Both forms use 128-bit en-
- cryption, code even the U.S.
government has not been able
to break.
Santa Fe Community College
and Florida International
University use online voting for
their SG elections.
"You can pick up your cell
phone and vote in Student
Government elections," said
Dan Rodkin, associate director
for student life at SFCC.
The switch to online
voting could save approxi-
mately $30,000 each election,
Hernandez said.
The forum will be held at 7
p.m. in room 282 of the Reitz
Point blank
University Police officer Phil Bell, left, along with reserve officers John Steven and Brian Boyd,
practices shooting his handgun at the Santa Fe Community College shooting range Wednesday.
Poll: Staff happy with UF, not pay
Alligator Contributing Writer
For UF staff, life is pretty good.
A survey of more than 8,000 UF
employees showed a high level of
contentment with work environ-
ments at the university as well as
benefits and career-development
Of those surveyed, 84 percent
said they would recommend UF as
a good place to work, compared to
the national average of 77 percent.
As far as school spirit is con-
cerned, 83 percent of respondents
said they were proud to be part of
the UF community, right on par
with the national average.
About 61 percent of those offered
the survey, which was designed
by Chicago-based International
Survy Research, responded.
"Survey results indicate that our
staff thoroughly enjoys the working
condi ions here," UF President Bernie
Machen said in a press release.
On the other hand, the survey
revealed that the same group re-
ported a low level of satisfaction
with pay and internal communica-
"Staff pay is a major concern
and we recognize that issue. Pay is
one of our high-
UF pest priorities, and
the upcoming 3.6
percent salary
increase is a step
'roe in the right direc-
tion," Machen
Machen Another area
UFpresident of dissatisfaction
among UF staff
involves the implementation of the
PeopleSoft accounting software.
PeopleSoft, blamed for multiple
personnel and payroll issues in the
year following its activation, has
made their jobs more challenging,
staffers said.
As for improvement in soft-
ware, Vice President for Human
Resources Kyle Cavanaugh said
UF has an ongoing plan to ease
employees' relationship with
"PeopleSoft is much more than
an information system; it's nothing
short of a cultural change," he said.
"It requires a different thinking
process, but over time we will see
Cavanaugh said the majority of
staffers believe the PeopleSoft situ-
ation soon will improve because
familiarity and knowledge of the
system is increasing rapidly.
Machen said in the release UF
will use the results, along with
other information, to create a
strategy to continue to improve the
administration's relationship with
university staff.
"Attracting and retaining qual-
ity staff is a key to our pursuit of
becoming a Top 10 institution,"
he said. "The survey results are an
important tool in helping us do just
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On Sunday, July 24th at 11 a.m., recreational sports will be
hosting a clinic on strongman lifting technique followed by
Strong Gator, Round 2. This competition is open to anyone
with a valid Gator 1 ID and will determine who is UF's
strongest gator. Events include the Olympic Deadlift, Atlas
Stone, Crucifix Hold, Farmers
Walk and Medley.
For more information
contact Jerret at
Bob Graham to visit UF
Alligator Contributing Writer
Retired U.S. Senator and UF alumnus
Bob Graham will visit UF on Thursday
to discuss a center for public service
planned for the College of Liberal Arts
and Sciences.
Graham will hold an open forum for
faculty, staff and students at 2 p.m. in the
Keene Faculty Center at 103 Dauei Hall to
discuss the new Bob Graham Center for
Public Service.
The facility will be dedicated to train-
ing college students in languages, culture
and other skills vital to a career in public
"Graham has been talking with UF
since the Spring about establishing this
center," said Allyson Beutke, spokes-
woman for the college.
Some of the issues Graham will dis-
cuss at the forum include the opening
date for the center, how the center will
operate and how it will be funded.
"The center, like the other programs in
the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences,
will receive state money," Beutke said.
"But Graham will also solicit for donations
r from private donors."
Plans for the
Graham Center
include implement-
ing a Statesmen-in-
Residence Program,
which will invite
j prominent U.S. and
Graham international leaders
to UF to conduct re-
search and give seminars, Beutke said.
The center also will hold interdisci-
plinary forums, provide an internship
program and eventually, through CLAS,
offer bachelor's and master's degrees in
public policy, Beutke said.
Graham will teach courses at UF and
serve as a Senior Scholar in Residence, but
will not preside as the center's coordina-
tor, Beutke said. A professor from the col-
lege most likely will hold that position.
College gets interim dean
Alligator Contributing Writer
Tony Dasta knew he would become an
architect and teach, but he didn't expect a
39-year stint at UF, a tenure that culminated
in his appointment as the interim dean of
the College of Design, Construction and
Planning last week.
Dasta, 64, formerly the associate dean
for curriculum and student services at the
college, started at the university as a profes-
sor in 1966 after completing his master's
degree in architectural engineering at the
University of Illinois because it seemed like
a "good place to start a career," he said.
He worked as a consultant while teaching
to become a registered architect and engineer,
he said. After 25 years as a professor, he has
spent the last 14 years in administration.
He will begin his new position Aug. 6,
according to a press release. His annual
salary as dean will be $176,274, the same as
his current salary, according to UF's human
resources and academic personnel depart-
During his time as interim dean,
Dasta said he hopes to increase gradu-
ate-student enrollment in the college and
broaden its international programs. He
said he wants to keep the college moving
while it awaits a new dean.
He has an open-door policy with stu-
dents, he said.
"When I'm a dean, students come
first," he said. "If I'm here, and you're
here, we talk."
Dasta has another two years left until
retirement when he can go fishing and
work on his golf handicap, he said. The
search for a new
U F dean should take
Administration about a year.
The college
has about 1,500
students and about 74 to 80 faculty mem-
bers so it is one of the smaller colleges at
the university, he said.
Andrew Wehle, Dasta's assistant in
student services, said he expects a smooth
transition because of Dasta's knowledge
of the college.
There will be no search to fill Dasta's
previous position, Wehle said. Dasta has
said he will continue to be involved in
student services.
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UF students fight genocide one letter at a time
Alligator Contributing Writer
UF students are demanding the
President and representatives take
action against the genocide in the
p Darfur region of western Sudan.
Human Rights Awareness on
Campus has sent a total of 1,350
letters to President Bush, Sen. Mel
Martinez, Sen. Bill Nelson and Rep.
Cliff Stearns to urge them to take
"We want to tell people about
these situations, and expose the ugly
truths behind the West's inaction,"
group President Nikolas Wolfe said.
The new student group, started in
March, has recruited 30 active mem-
bers and more than 200 students for'
its letter-writing campaign.
The letters implore legislators
to pass the Darfur Accountability
Act, which would establish United
Nations-sanctioned aid to the area's
peacekeepers and would create a
no-fly zone over Sudan.
Robert Uttaro, a 52-year-old UF
political science doctoral candidate,
said the only thing that could keep
the genocide in Darfur at the fore-'
front of American politics is college
students pushing the issue.
"The challenge for this gen-
eration is to get America-back on
the right side," said Uttaro, who has
taught courses on African politics at
UF and will be teaching an African
experience course in the Fall.
The United Nations estimates
a total of 400,000
Student Africans have been
Activism killed by govern-
raids since the "ethnic cleansing"
started in February 2003.
Uttaro said the United
States stopped calling the mur-
ders in Darfur genocide when
Condoleezza Rice became Secretary
of State in January, but the Darfur
Accountability Act may be able to
repair some damage.
He said the act is probably "al-
ready a dead horse" since'the White
House rejected it a few months ago,
but there is hope in mobilizing legis-
lators on local levels.
Wolfe, a political science major,
said the response from lawmakers so
far has been vague. One letter dated
July 6 from Steams said he "voted in
favor of a resolution that declared the
atrocities unfolding in Darfur, Sudan,
genocide" on July 22.
In April, the group won a $10,000
MTVu grant for its Darfur activism
as a start-up organization. Wolfe
said the organization's goal for the
summer is to continue to work and
to remember that the organization
was not just a fluke idea at the end
of spring.
"We want something to be
done," Wolfe said.
He said his group would like to
use the money from MTVu to spon-
sor a village in Sudan by sending
clothing, food and other supplies..
The organization is working
on getting speakers such as Don
Cheadle from "Hotel Rwanda" and
Paul Rusesabagina, the man his
character is based on, to speak at
UF in the Fall.
Discount rally
tickets on sale
GROW L, from page 1
went on a scouting mission last month to
see Brady in Las Vegas, said he believes
attendees "will be blown away with how
talented Wayne Brady is," adding he feels
Brady's performance will be unlike any-
thing Gator Growl has seen before.
Tickets Went on sale Wednesday, and
although Chase said he did not know how
many had been sold so far, he expected tick-
et sales to pick up now that Brady has been
named as part of the entertainment lineup.
Gator Growl is scheduled to take place
Oct. 7 at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium, and
the first 15,000 student tickets, subsidized
to cost $5 by SG, can be purchased at the
University Box. Office in the lobby of the
Constans Theatre adjacent to the Reitz
Union. Tickets for non-students also can be
purchased for $18.
SG asked to engage underrepresented student groups
CULTURAL, from page 1
Sen. Jared Hemandez said he doesn't
see the SG engine running so smoothly.
"SG should not only be representative
of the students, but it should be reflective
of the. student body," he said. "There's still
a great many barriers that still need to be
broken in terms of race, sexual orientation
and gender."
Hernandez added the issues at hand
run deeper than a simple fix will address.
"The system that currently exists re-
quires groups to be politically motivated,
active and participatory," he said. "There
are institutional obstacles to tradition- .
ally underrepresented and marginalized.
But Pride Student Union President
Allison Andrews said her group has done
better recently than in past years.
"This past year was the first year that
we had really good representation," she
said. "I think that right now things are
good. More people are willing to be out
in Senate."
Asian Student Union President Sandy
Chiu said there is a shortage of Eastern
faces in SG.
"They have a fear that it's not the place
for them," she said of her constituents.
"Maybe they are afraid of SG in general.
It's harder for an Asian American to feel
like they belong at UE The outreach is not
Asian specific. A lot of people feel they are
not welcome in SG because they don't see
any Asian Americans in it."
"I think to have more people
in SG, people have to take the
initiative first."
Sandy Chiu
ASU president
She said SG members need to breathe
more multicultural air at campus events.
"It would be really helpful and advan-
tageous on SG's part if they would come
out to more multicultural events," she said.
"We can only do so much promoting."
Hernandez said SG needs to deepen its
interest in minority groups in an effort to
lure all students into the activities of UF's
student-run governing body.
"You have to engage populations of stu-
dents that haven't been engaged before," he
said. "They have to feel vested in the com-
munity I know we can do better. It takes
leaders who are willing to break barriers."
Chiu added that it has been difficult to
get efficient funding from SG because the
Budget Committee increases' organiza-
tional checkbooks by 5 percent each year,
which is too low for the "exponential"
growth of ASU.
"But there's only a certain amount
of money for student groups," she said.
"Everyone has the need for more money."
But she said she thinks the Asian
American community needs to take the
first step toward change.
Summer program director of the Jewish
Student Union Josh Sachs said his organi-.
zation is content with the state of its repre-
sentation in SG.
"I've never found a problem with get-
ting involved (in SG),"'he said. "You just
have to figure out what you want to do."
He said JSU does not tell its members
who to vote for in SG elections.
"The students are there to make their
own decisions," he said.
None of the multicultural groups men-
tioned require membership dues.
Senate President Pro-Tempore John
Boyles said senators tend to vote along
party lines rather than with their multicul-
tural comrades.
"Having a political party can been a
great tool to accomplish common goals,"
he said.
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Batter up
Don't discount UF's
major-league potential
With summer in full swing, our hearts turn to the
world of baseball, where the tales of fortune and
disaster would make Kevin Costner blush.
There's the ongoing saga of the New York Yankees, the
team for whom George Steinbrenner has spent so much
money that Coleridge could pen a verse or two about
With $208 million in the bank, the 25 men lucky enough
to play on the stately pleasure field that Ruth built remain
in second place with a win-loss record unremarkable in its
Hint to Steinbrenner: buy five other teams. You can af-
ford it. Or the Kingdom of Tonga you could afford that,
Speaking of low payroll and low expectations, no one
fits the bill like our "hometown" Tampa Bay Devil Rays,
the worst team in baseball.
Is it comforting to us, then, that the other team based in
Florida is winning only as many as it's losing? Ours must
be the worst state in the union for baseball fans.
Then again, Florida's infatuation with the game has
taken its share of lumps. We're a football state.
Or maybe Gainesville's a basketball city, too.
But it seems UE's contributions to the major leagues of
our national pastime have plenty of their own stories to
tell, and they're almost as plentiful as UF stars in other
sports. "
The Washington Nationals, led by former UF star Brad
Wilkerson, were written off as nobodies while they fought
hard to avoid last place while hailing from Montreal the
past few years.
Conditions became so bad that no one owned the team
all the other teams pitched in to buy a share to keep'the
franchise alive.
With a fresh start in D.C., they've become one of the best
teams in baseball. Wilkerson, while not an All-Star, has per-
formed admirably in center field for the Nats this year.
It goes to show that nothing is predictable, a lesson we
can all share.
Or take the story of David Eckstein, once the second
baseman here at UF and now the shortstop for the St.
Louis Cardinals.
Although loved by the folks in Anaheim, where he
started his career, he finally became an All-Star in St. Louis.
Playing for the best team in the league hasn't hurt him.
It's possible the Cards and Nats will face off in this
year's playoffs, and when they do it'll be a reunion of
Gators and of what UF does when it does something
And don't forget former UF pitcher Josh Fogg, who's
held his head (and his record) above water despite pitch-
ing for the below-middling-Pittsburgh Pirates.
While none of these men have the explosive star power
of an Emmitt Smith or a Udonis Haslem, a baseball super-
star may be on the horizon faster than could be expected.
Look at the Gators this year. They weren't expected to
compete, and they made it to the brink of a national cham-
Could Matt LaPorta be the next Albert Pujols? Could
Jeff Corsaletti become, well, the next Brad Wilkerson?
We don't know either, but you can bet we'll stay tuned.
Batter up.
the independent florida
Mike Gimignani
Eva Kis
The Alligator encourages comments from readers. Letters to the editor should not exceed 150
words (about one letter-sized page). They must be typed, double-spaced and must include the
author's name, classification and phone number. Names will be withheld if the writer shows
just cause. We reserve the right to edit for length, grammar, style and libel. Send letters to
letters@alligator.org bring them to 1105 W. University Ave., or send them to P.O. Box 14257,
Gainesville, FL 32 604-2257.Columns of about 450 words about original topics and editorial
cartoons are also welcome. Questions? Call 376-4458.
Super Lance, hero a
s mere mortals, we often look to the superhuman
for inspiration. One lives among us, and his name
is Lance Armstrong.
Webster's dictionary" defines superhuman as "being
above the human; exceeding normal human power, size
or capability."
After overcoming cancer that spread from his testicles
to his abdomen, lungs and brain, Armstrong was given a
50 percent chance to live.
He responded by winning the Tour de France a record
six times in a row and is currently on his way to lucky
number seven.
Before he was diagnosed with cancer, Armstrong had
never won the event.
The Tour de France is one of the most grueling athletic
competitions on the planet. It takes place over the course
of three weeks in July with only one or two days devoted
to rest for the whole race.
The 2005 Tour spans 2,240,miles with cyclists riding
more than 100 miles almost every day. The Tour begins
with 189 cyclists and often only half of them cross the fin-
ish line.
Imagine riding a bicycle from New York to Los Angeles
in less than a month, and then add in ample climbs of the
Alps and Pyrenees mountains for good measure.
In 1986, after 83 years of European domination,
America's Greg LeMond became the first non-European
to win the Tour de France.
At the time, this accomplishment was equivalent to
America winning the World Cup in soccer. Now, consider
Lance Armstrong's domination of the Tour for six straight
years, possibly seven.
How's that for perspective?
Armstrong's physical capability is rivaled by no other hu-
mong mere mortals
Aaron Blye man being on the planet. At the start
Blye's Eyes of the Tour, his body-fat level was
ablye@alligator.org about 4-5 percent. The average man
has between 15-17 percent, whereas
elite athletes are in the 6-12 range.
Somehow, Armstrong produces less lactic acid and
metabolizes it more effectively than most top athletes. It
is a physiological phenomenon that scientists have yet to
This ability allows him to spin the pedals around 100
times per minute on a mountain climb, a rate that would
turn his opponents' quads into Jell-O.
Armstrong's 83.8 score on the V02 Max test, used to
assess an athlete's aerobic ability by measuring maximum
oxygen consumption, is more than double that of a typi-
cal, healthy man.
His heart, which is a third larger than that of an average
male, is so strong that it beats about 32 times per minute at
rest, a rate'so low that any doctor who didn't know better
would immediately send him to the hospital.
Sounds more like a description of the newest comic-
book superhero than the attributes of a human being.
During Stage 9 of the 2003 Tour de France, Armstrong
was forced to off-road down a grassy embankment at 60
mph when a rival went down in front of him. How his 20
mm wide tires didn't explode is beyond comprehension.
Michael Jordan and Muhammad Ali might have more
talent than him, but Lance Armstrong is the greatest
American athlete of all time.
With less than a week remaining in Armstrong's final
Tour de France, Americans should all tune into OLN and
see first hand what it means to be superhuman.
Aaron Blye is a political science senior. His column appears
on Tuesday.
The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator.
Reader response
Today's question: Is Wayne Brady Thursday's question: Do you
the right choice to perform at think the Space Shuttle should
Gator Growl? keep flying?
Vote or post a message at www.alligator.org
62% YES
38% NO
Power of language extends beyond phrases and clauses
If there are universals for everyone in the
human adventure, one of them must be
Denying the power of language cannot be
done with a straight face. Unfortunately, the
same can be said of trying to find a comprehen-
sive definition of language that encompasses all
its varied uses and messy meanings.
We use the word for a lot of things: the lan-
guage of love, the language of war, computer
languages and so on.
As omnipresent as it is though, language
unfortunately is taken for granted in educa-
tion, in policy and in our every day lives. We
should not, as the President might say, misun-
derestimate language's many intricacies.
As native speakers of language, our minds
quickly and effortlessly combine these forms
to express thought. But I encourage you to
toss your grammar book out the window and
learn about these rules and forms from our
linguistics department.
The fun and interesting Introduction to
Linguistics (LIN3010) presents the study of
language through many rigorous, exciting
and often interrelated disciplines such as syn-
. tax, phonology, morphology, sociolinguistics,
writing systems and many more.
We draw conclusions from sociolinguistics
as to why language in education should be
more readily understandable.
In Texas, it has been shown that students
whose native language is Spanish and don't
know English will do better in education if
they continue learning both as time goes on..
It might have something to do with the
ability to compare and contrast the languages,
thereby deriving a superior understanding of
. what makes, language work, perhaps expand-
ing our mind to consider different possibilities.
People deserve a chance to learn as fully as
everyone else. Coming to America, being born
or being raised here isn't enough.
If older immigrants don't know English,
Christian and they don't use it
Waugh in their jobs, and they
The Final Frontier don't have the financial
wug gtor.org access to resources to
cwaugh@alligator.org learn the language, and
learn the language, and
if their friends don't
speak English, then how the hell can they be
expected to learn it?
Children certainly deserve such an oppor-
tunity, which is why we should strive to leave
no child behind as opposed to simply catering
to the lucky multilinguals.
And so, too, does language in
our normal lives go unappreciated.
Every word can have an effect on the mind.
Languages themselves may shape perceptions
on a neurobiological basis, if we are to believe
some neuroscientists.
One unfortunate trend belying crude,
unfeeling and unthinking ignorance is to call
things of supposed ill repute "gay." .
English's grammatical structure contains a
more pernicious and -covert trend: the obfus-
cation of women. From the generic pronoun
"he" to the order of women in phrases like
"men and women," women are implicitly put
second place all the time by almost all speak-
ers of the language.
One linguist at UF says we should say
"women and men" until it doesn't matter
anymore. I agree.
We should be freed by language, not im-
prisoned by it. Perhaps if people made a con-
scious effort to change this, their perceptions
might change.
But language is ever-changing. Its forms
shift and dance to the speech communities
of the day. Words and grammars are here one
day and gone the next.
We should not fear the change of language,
but welcome it, because language's power
comes from diversity.
Christian Waugh is a first-year law student.
His column appears on Tuesdays.
Letters to the it.:_-
Reduced library hours meet most students' needs
Editor: I am writing in response to the letter from graduate
assistant Ann Griswold complaining about library hours.
Each year, library staff develop a schedule of service hours
designed to meet the needs of UF's students, faculty and staff.
Traditionally, we offer shorter hours during the summer
and greatly reduced hours (including closing on weekends)
during intersessions.
Library use is significantly lower during these periods.
During the intersession between Summer and Fall, reduced
hours give the libraries time to gear up for the coming semester
and the library staff an opportunity to schedule the vacations
they have earned. Since we don't have redundant staffing, we
would be stretched thinly if several staff needed to be away
from the libraries during our peak periods.
Carol A. Turner
Director for Public Services, George A. Smathers Libraries
Sam Proctor the real 'Gator to know'
During the past few weeks, many articles and editorials
have been published in newspapers across the state regarding
the UF Alumni Association's list of 81 "Gators to Know."
There is a man who more than deserves to be there, a true
UF alumnus who arguably has done more to advance the his-
tory of UF and the state than any other Samuel Proctor.
UF will never be the same without him. The first time I met
him, Dr. Proctor spent hours talking about not only the Johns
Committee but also other fascinating parts of UF's history.
UF was so much a part of his life. How many others can say
they have been on campus for almost 70 years?
Even though he had been ill for the past two years, when
visiting him, he would still recount names and events from the
past about professors, campus buildings and alumni.
He truly was a Gator standout and a great man every UF
alumnus should be proud of.
Allyson Beutke DeVito
UF College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
The Board of Directors of Campus Communications, Inc.
publisher of
the independent florida
announces the opening for the position of
Student Member at Large of the Board of Directors-
This unpaid position may be filled by
a graduate or undergraduate student
The application for this position is available at the reception desk of The Alligator Building at
1105 W. University Ave., each weekday between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m from now until July 20.
Part of the application consists of short essays in answer to specific questions. -Applicants
should pick up applications far enough in advance to allow enough time to complete them by the
deadline of 3 p.m., July 21.
More information is available for an applicant's mandatory reading at the time an application is
picked up. Applicants should allow themselves 10 to 15 minutes of reading time when picking
up an application. The application must be returned to. the same office before 3 p.m., by July21.
This is an absolute deadline. All returned applications will be copied and available to be read
at The Alligator building prior to the selection meeting. Interviews and selections by the Board
of Directors will be held at The Alligator offices in a meeting open to the public, Friday, July
29 beginning at .10 a.m. Applicants must be present to be considered. Applicants must be.
currently-enrolled, degree-seeking college or university students. Board of Directors applicants
cannot be current or recent past employees or trainees of Campus Communications, Inc.
Campus Communications, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer
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Renovated law library opens
Alligator Writer
UF's Levin College of Law
reopened its library on campus at
Holland Hall on-Friday after more
than a year of storing its legal re-
sources at Butler Plaza.
The newly renovated library
has been renamed the Lawton M.
Chiles Legal Information Center
and boasts an expansion of about
60,000 square feet, said Kathleen
Price, associate dean for Library
and Technology at the college.
"What used to be classrooms
are now part of the library," Price
said. "We put in new floors and
have new classroom towers."
In addition to the expansion,
Price said the library features cut-
ting-edge technology she hopes
will aid law students.
"It's a totally wireless campus,
and every classroom has all the lat-
est technologies," she said. "Some
are energy-savers, .like when
people are moving in a room, lights
will go on, and when the move-
ment stops they'll go off."
The facility has been closed
since April 2004, when all its
resources except reserve and tax
materials were moved to a storage
facility in Butler Plaza.
Despite the inconveniences
of an off-campus resource center,
Price said students'
SOn reactions were gener-
Campus ally positive.
"I think that was
what was most surprising to me
because I expected students to be
angry, and they were wonderful,"
she said. "Our students are a con-
genial group, and they've grown
accustomed to studying in the
woods around picnic tables."
Although the library only
closed in 2004, plans for its reno-
vation have been in the works for
years, Price said.
"The project began even before
I came here from NYU, so I'd say
it started four or five years ago,"
she said, adding that UF architec-
ture students helped in the initial
stages to determine the amount of
new space necessary.
Now that the center is reopen-
ing, Price said she hopes to draw
attention to its expansion and
technologies during a dedication
ceremony scheduled for Sept. 8.
"It's a football weekend, so
we're planning to have an open
house and tours the next day," she
said, adding that recently retired
Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day
0' Connor and members of the
Florida Supreme Court are slated
to make appearances at the event.
Although she looks forward
to the events surrounding the
library's dedication, Price said
she's eager for law students to be-
gin utilizing the renovated center's
new resources.
"We're very excited to provide
this space for students," she said.
"Just as the university is seeking to
become one of the Top 10 public in
the nation, so is the law school, and
I think this library will jumpstart
Campus payment still free
IS IS, from page 1
pay thousands of dollars in
tuition while others only use
it to pay parking tickets.
"We couldn't come up.
with one single rate that
would be fair to everybody,"
he added.
However, the fee will not
impact credit card transac-
tions on campus, where VISA
still is accepted. It also will
not apply to debit card trans-
The fee likely will im-
pact students who do not
receive financial aid and
cannot afford paying tuition
with a checking account.
Undergraduate Florida
residents, who pay $2,955 per
year for 30 credits, would be
charged $76.83 for making
online credit card payments.
Out-of-state students would
pay $411.50 on their $15,827
annual tuition.
Hoskins said while credit
card tuition payments are
popular, they represented
a minority of the payment
"Last time we did an
analysis, just about half of the
[tuition] fees get paid for by
financial aid," Hoskins said
He added the majority of
the remaining half is paid for
by the fee-free methods of
cash or check.
Transferring funds to UF
electronically from a check-
ing account, known as EFT,
will remain free and will be
processed immediately in-
stead of taking three to four
days also starting July 26.
Tuition payments via
credit card can be made fee-
free at S-113 Criser Hall.
i Update your GatorLink account ni&, and Ii
Sthe action come to you with all the latest
news and info from UF
1 : g :'T
T eIve get 5alls
Craze sweeps
UF college
Alligator Contributing Writer
UF's College of Health and
Human Performance is on the ball
- literally.
Outreach coordinator Cher
Harris, 31, started the craze with her
purple exercise ball.
Staff and faculty passing by her
office would catch Harris sitting on
her exercise ball while typing at her
computer. Her high-backed office
chair sat abandoned in the comer
of the room.
"I started using it in 1999 when I
was getting my master's in Exercise
Physiology at the University of
Indiana, and the balls were just get-
ting popular," Harris said. "There are
so many health benefits that go along
with sitting on the ball, and when I
explain that to people, they get curi-
ous and want to try it themselves."
Harris started a trend that spread
quickly among the college's faculty.
Eleven faculty members so far have
traded their office chairs for exercise
balls, including the college's interim
dean, Jill Vames.
"We spend a lot of time at work,"
Vames said. "We need to have some
fun, and this a safe way to get some
low-impact exercise and bum a
couple extra calories while working.
You can't roll from your computer
C '
I ~,
,"~** ,~:'.
Jayme Gotigh / Alligator
Cher Harris, Melissa Wohlstein, Interim Dean Jill Varnes, Janice Douglas and Jessica Brennan gather
around a table in the College of Health and Human Performance's reading room on Friday.
to your printer in the office the way
you would in an office chair. It forces
you to move around."
Sitting on the ball makes you
aware of your posture, Harris said.
In the beginning, it is difficult be-
cause if you slouch you feel very un-
stable, and if you aren't used to keep-
ing your back straight, your muscles
will hurt by the end of the day.
Harris explained when a person
slouches they depend on their lower
back muscles to hold up their torso
instead of their abdominal muscles.
This.causes lower back pain, weak
abdominal muscles, cartilage de-
terioration and permanent spine
As people who slouch age, they
eventually are unable to straighten
their spines and end up with
"I would say posture is the most
important part of being fit and
healthy because it affects all activi-
ties and everything yofi do in daily
life," Harris said.
It is especially important for
women because of bone density is-
sues, Harris said.
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Women are more susceptible
to osteoporosis than men because,
during menopause, bone density
decreases as women lose calcium,
and the bones in the spine break
or shrink. Sitting straight could
decrease harmful stress on the back
'that worsens osteoporosis.
"Sitting on the ball has made all
activities much easier," Harris said.
"I don't have any back pain, and
my core muscles are strong."
DeEtta Harissen, 34, is a pro-
gram assistant in the college's
Office of Student Affairs. She has
sat on the ball for the past two
weeks and said she already feels
the impact the ball has had on her
quadriceps, gluteus muscles and
"Students notice and say things
like 'nice seat' or 'That's different,'"
Hanssen said. "It makes a lot of stu-
dents smile, because you don't real-
ize what you look like when you
start bouncing without thinking."
Hanssen said as she became ac-
climated to the ball, boring office
tasks weren't as difficult to finish.
"I did a lot of data entry into
a computer today, but I don't
feel the mental fatigue I normally
would have begun to feel by now,"
Hanssen said.
Harris suggests beginning ball-
users start by sitting on the ball in
one-hour intervals.
"It sounds ludicrous, but sitting
up straight in the beginning is tir-
ing," Harris said.
She said K-mart sells the balls
for around $13.
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W/D*Tanning*Huge GYM*Gated
Save $255 Per Room. 377-2777
Super Clean Studio
Walk to Shands-
Annual lease
Now as low as $355 monthly
inc all utilities ph 336-9836
Private Bed/Bath, Furnished, All Utilities
inc Cox High-Speed Internet, Pool, Gym,
Tennis, Bball, Tanning $429 336-3838
Experience the luxury at Windsor Hall.
Located 2 blocks to UF. Beautiful single &
double suites available. Starting at $400/mo
includes everything gym, pool, DSL, elec-
tric, etc. 337-9255 or www.windsorhall.com
1BR & 2BR Huge floor plan. Private patio,
park at your door. Oasis 377-3149 Furn Avail
3436 SW 42nd Ave & 34th St. $500 & $600/
mo 8-15-25-1
Roommate matching from $430
Townhouse style*Furnished*AII Utilities
Pool*Gym*Hot Tub*Free Tanning
Call for specials! 372-8100
Spiral Staircase Skylight
Pool 2 Tennis Cts
Indvl lease & Utility Pack
Now and Fall 377-7401 8-15-25-1
Summer and fall rooms available
$350/sum A, B. Fall $275/mo.
Incl. util, Ethernet. Near UF.
377-4269 grove.ufl.edu/~clo 8-15-25-1
Close to UF
FREE Roommate Match
FREE Alarm FREE Furniture
FREE Tanning, W/D, PC Lab
24-hr Gym, Gated Entry
Only $485, 372-0400
Rockwood Villas, 3BR/3BA condo.
Furnished, W/D, Avail mid-July. $1050/mo.
Call 352-871-4478 7-28-11-1
1 MO FREE w/ indiv. lease. Countryside, 1
mi from UF. 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA, Furnished
incl 51 TV, cable, DSL, washer/dryer, pool,
fitness center, $425/mo. Call 352-281-4588
Roommates wanted. 3BR avail in 4/2 NW
house. DSL/Phone & cable in rooms, W/D,
furn. opt, $400 inclusive or $1000 for entire
house. Call 941-504-4036 7-19-6-1
Grad Student Roommates Wanted
Huge 3BR house in very quiet neighborhood
across from Royal Park Plaza. Inc. All Utils,
cable, phone, W/D. $450 352-375-2662 7--
2BR2BA CONDO. Furn except 1BR.
Treehouse Village Condos. Share w/UF
student. All utils, cable & dsl internet inc. in
,,price $430/mo hellman4613@verizon.net,
8'13-657-3405 8-15-12-1
4BR/4BA CONDO. Countryside off 23rd St.
Close to UF. Good bus rts. 2 rooms avail. Pvt
BA & walk-in closet in each rm. NS, no pets.
Overlooking pqol. All utits, cable, inet incl.
$380/mo. Avail.;8/,17. Female applicants only
941-661-0462 7-19-6-1
* For Rent
FOR RENT: Near SW Rec, Park & Ride 2,
Shands, shopping. 2/1.5 TOWNHOUSE. W/
D, AC, DW, pool, pvt patio. Avail ASAP. $670/
mo + dep. Call 772-538-5792 7-19-5-1
Quiet 3BR/1 BA Duckpond area. New paint/
carpet. W/D, cent H/AC, N/S. 219-2399, 376-
7529 7-28-8-1
**Countryside 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. $425
util, cable, alarm, dsl incl. W/D. On bus rts 9
& 35. Individual leases. Call -407-620-1555
2 Rooms avail. Countryside at the University.
Share 4BR/4BA. 1.5 mi to UF. Pool, sec, bus
rte, NS, no pets, $450/mo util, w/d incl, avail
for fall. Call 386-672-6969 7-19-6-1
1, 2, 3, 4BR Apts.
"1st MONTH FREE" 2 rooms available at
Countryside Apts. Newly renovated. $425/
mo utilities included. Fully furnished. Call
305-785-3474. Lease begins 8/1 8-4-9-1
Awesome Student Living
414's from $435-455! Free
Internet, cable, W/D, PC lab, all new gym,
3 Buses & RM Match! Going Fast 271-3131
PHOENIX 2BR, 1.5BA townhouse, patio,
privacy rear, amenities, bike to campus. 386-
328-6229 Iv msg or cell 386-972-4647. $475
+ deposit. 8-30-14-1
2 rooms in 2-story 3BR/2BA HOUSE. $110/
wk or $85/wk. Fully furnished. W/D. 514-
3409 7-28-6-1
838-7581 FOR INFO. 7-26-5-1
Close to UTW, UF & shopping 1BR/1BA
$350 + 1/4 until. Furn, incl 27" TV, cable, e-
net, W/D, pool, jacuzzi. On bus rts 20 & 21.
Indiv lease. Avail Aug 1st. Quiet or grad stu-
dent pref. 954-600-1475. 7-19-2-1
Countryside Condo. 4BR/4BA: 1/1 avail 8-
1-05. Ethernet access, util incl (cap), W/D,
furn, secure. Exercise/pool, bus to UF-3 mi.
$465/mo/rm. 1st.last.dep. Vanessa 352-217-
3464, Flo 352-357-9656 7-28-23-1
Walk to SFCC
Roll out of bed and into class.
1$399 Gets you all this!
Fully Furnished, Free Ethernet, Free Cable
w/HBO, all utilities incl, W/D,
Free Roommate match.
Call for this special: 379-9300
*Kensington N 2/2.5*
w/d, pool, gym, ethernet
15 min bus $910 561-251-5425 7-21-2-1
F. furnished room in private part of 7BD/5BA
home. Walk to UF. All util. cable TV, laundry,.
park, room has desk, bed, dinette, frig, MW,
walk-in closet. $320. 262-5527, 378-8166
1 For Rent
SPACE. Rustic 1BR apt. $325/mo.
*1BR cottage $375/mo. Call 378-9220 or
mobile 213-3901. 8-15-25-2
5 BR House at UF
Wood Floors, W/D,
Screened porch, Pets Ok.
3 Blocks to UF
$99 1st month's rent
Need a Rental Home or Condo?
Need A Tenant?
V A..,| H.-_ l ,,i .., RFSAITORS'*
Property Mgmt/Rentals 352-335-0440
Full Service Sales 352-377-8899
Studios & 1/1s from $469 studios incl all util
Pets OK, Res. Free parking...guaranteed***
You Can't Live any Closer!
1216 SW 2nd. 372-7111
* HUGE floorplans
0 1, 2 &3 BRs- $530-735!
* Sparkling pools & more!
* Bike to UF Pets ok!
* Open wkends 335-7275
Fabulous Studios and One Bedrooms
Alarm*Pool*Pets Welcome
Filling up FAST!! 338-0002
OSome furnished availO
**Walk cdr Bike to Campus **
1-1 $460/mo092-1 $520/mo
www.sunisland.info ***376-6720
1 & 2BR apts. convenient to shopping, bus
line, and just a few miles from UF. Located
off SW 20th Ave. $375 $450, incl water,
sewer, pest control & garbage. Sorry no pets
allowed. Call 335-7066. 8-15-25-2
* Stress free living! Great rates! -
S1 BR from $460 2BR from $530
* Beautiful pools/courtyards
* Walk/bike to UF Pets ok
* Open Weekends! 372-7555
Luxury 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA
W/D incl. *FREE Cable*Alarm*
24hr. Gym* FREE Tan* Close to UF
Museum Walk-379-9255
Deluxe, Large 3 or 4BR apt/house, 60
second walk to UF. Remodeled, Old House
charm. Central AC, washer/dryer included.
Wood floors. With Parking. By Private
Owner. 538-2181 Iv message 8-15-25-2
GET $$$ OFF RENT! 3&4 B/R
Amazing SPECIALS for fall!!!
FREE UF Parking!
Tennis, b-ball, pool, luv pets!
Open wknds, Call 376-4002
Deluxe, large one or two bedroom, 60 sec-
ond walk to UF. Wood firs, washer dryer
included, fireplace, patio deck. Can furnish.
Short term available. Private Owner. $495-
up. 352-538-2181. Lv mssg 8-15-25-2
1/1 Flats, 2/2.5 & 4/2.5 TH w/W/D. No
pet restrictions! Pool, Gym, Bball, Tennis,
Raquetball. Park at UF. Indiv. Lease avail.
352-332-7401 8-15-25-2
1/1s 2/2s 3/3s! Near UF
FREE Cable*HBO*Showtime*Alarm
Up to $825 in Rebates. 377-2777
for your BUCK
from ONLY $399/person
FREE Cable, FREE Tanning,
FREE Alarm, W/D, PC Lab
24-hr Gym, Gated Entry
Pets Welcome, 372-0400
***Beautiful and New***
FREE High-Speed Internet
FREE Monitored Alarm
FREE Cable/Tanning/Gym
W/D plus TVs in every kitchen
374-FUNN (3866)
Quality single family homes. Walk or bike to
UF. www.ellieshouses.com 352-215-4991 or
352-215-4990 8-15-25-2
1.1 from $460.00 2.1 $520.00
$99 deposit for Grad students
999 SW 16th Ave phone # 376-6720
HUGE fownhouse only $1025
Cable*Pool*Free Tanning*Gym
Fall Specials on Now! 372-8100
All locations and price ranges
If you are tired of apt life
Go to www.maximumre.com or call 374
6905. 8-24-170-2
*Location, Location, Location*
1 BR $589, near Butler Plaza,
but park FREE @ UF.
Alarms, some utils, walk-in closet, pets OK!
www.SpanishTrace.org 373-1111
WOOD Floors at UF
Large 1BR w/W/D.
Pets ok, central air
Free parking, 1 blk from stadium.
Open Weekends 371-0769
Studios and 1 BR's
From $489. Pets Ok.
Laundry on site, Free parking.
Open Weekends 371-7777
Summer rates
on a 15 month lease
Sun Island Properties
376-6720 www.sunisland.info
SPECIALS!! 1BR flats, 2, 3, and 4 BR THs.
W/D in all THs: We have it all! Pool*tennis*
bball*racquetball*FREE gym*no pet restric-
tions. 332-7401. 8-15-25-2
For Rent For Rent
unfurnished 1I unfurnished
lU For Rent
Luxury 3BR/3BA Townhomes
Free Cable w/ HBO/Sho, Tan, 24 hr gym,
Aerobics, W/D, Gated, Pet Friendly, Alarms
*The Laurels, 335-4455*
*Sign today & save over $1050*
1,2,3&4BR FOR FALL
FREE UF Parking! Tennis,
b'-ball, pool, d/w, amazing
specials! call 376-4002
8-15-25-2 -
Lonely apartment seeks you *
2BR/1.5BA townhome $669 includes W/D!
Park FREE @ UF, alarm, pets welcome
www.SpanishTrace.org 373-1111
FREE UF parking & bus rt to UF
tennis, b-ball, monitored alarm
spacious! pets ok! SPECIALS!
pirietreegardens.com 376-4002
1BR/1BA $420, 2BR/1BA $495, 2BR/2BA
$525, 3BR/2BA $695. New carpet, Italian
tile, cent AC/H, covered patio, DW, verticals,
W/D hkups, pool. Some utils, walk to UF.
332-7700. 8-15-25-2
"**Male Roommate Match**
1 Room left@ $518
incl. utilities, furn, Cable, HBO,
Ind. Lease/1.9 mi to UF, Close to SFCC
W/D*garages*free tanning*comp. lab
Free Extended Basic Cable! Pets Welcome!
1000 sq ft Split Floor Plan, W/D Hook-ups
& DW, 1BR/1BA & 2BR/2BA Available. Call
Now 372-9913 8-15-25-2
Amazingly Affordable! HUGE 650sq ft
1BR 1000 sq ft 2BR Townhouses & Flats!
Discounted Rates Starting @ $380 & $480.
Close to Santa Fe, UF & 1-75, 332-5070.
HOUSES 2 mi to UF Now & fall 331-0095
630 NW 35th St. Ig 3/2, fam rm $1200/mo;
816 NW 37th Dr 3/2, fam rm gar $1300/mo;
1802 NW 38th Terr 3/2 $875/mo;
642 NW 35th St. 3/2 $1100/mo 8-15-25-2
Total Elec, 2 & 3 Bedroom, $395-$550, cent
A/C, pool, tennis, B-ball waste, pest, lawn
mowing. 251b pet $15/mo. M-F 10-6 or by
appt. Alamar Gardens 4400 SW 20th Ave.
373-4244 UF bus line #20 8-15-25-2
Have Roommates?
4BR/2BA House $950
3BR/2BA Haile $1100
Only You?
1BR/1BAApt $450
Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 8-15-25-2
So Close to Campus
Avail now, 2BR/1BA apts.
$450, $475, $520
Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 8-15-25-2
1/2 PRICE APTS! Close to UF/Downtown.
2BR & 3BR starting @ $525/mo Call 373-
4423 or online at www.maximumre.com
NEW kitchen, tile, carpet, paint
2BR- over 1100 sq ft ** $650/ mo
1 BR-over 800 sq ft 00** $550/mo
Close to UF, beautiful, quiet
High-speed wireless internet
$300 off deposit 0 376-2507
CALL TODAY 372-8100
U For Rent
Rent With Us Today,
Buy With Us Tomorrow!
Condo, House & Townhouse Rentals
Ask About Our Lucrative
Tenant Rewards Program!
2BR/2.5BA Townhouse $850/mo
2BR/1BA House $575/mo
1BR/1BA Near UF $370/mo
Over 30+ Private Homes Available!
Call Today: 371-2118
Champagne Living for a Beer Budget!
3/3 for $385/bdrm or 4/4 for $370/bdrm
includes cable w/HBO & SHOWTIME
Water & Sewer, W/D, Gym, Tanning
Now & Fall The Landings 336-3838
Affordable, Quiet living
HUGE 1& 2BR Pool
Skylights 1.5 miles to UF
Furn Avail 377-7401*
*Luxury Living/Walk to UF*
1BR, Private Patios, Alarm, Pets OK.
Huge Bedrooms Walk-in Closets.
Next to Sorority Row
Office: 1216 SW 2nd AVE Call 372-7111
For Rent
FREE cable w/HBO/SHOWTIME, Alarm
Gated* 24 hr gym* FREE Tanning* Close to
UF Leasing for NOW and FALL 377-2777
Avail for Current and Fall
Pool*Tennis Cts*1.5 Mi 2 UF
Ind lease, Furn & Util Avail
Great Specials*377-7401 8-15-25-2
*FALL* BIks from UF Houses *0
Duplexes Apts (Managed by owner) See
www.Dalyproperties.com for listings or call
Carol at 377-3852. 8-15-25-2
Upscale 1 & 2 BR apts. 1 biock to campus on
north & east sides. Year leases avail. Begin
summer or fall. No pets. K&M Properties
372-1509 8-15-25-2
Huge 1/1 w/ D/W, patio/balcony
Tennis, ball, alarm, luv pets!
SPECIALSI leasing now & fall
Open wknds, call 376-4002
Avail Aug: All units .5 mi of UF campus.
Rooms in house $300 + split util, 1BR/1BA
$450-$475, 2BR/2.5BA $725, 2BR/1BA
$700. Sec dep, NS, no pets. Contact
sor20@yahoo.com or Iv msg 352-870-7256
r u
- -b
- -
S For Rent
U unfurnished
Convenient UF access
$325 to $575
Action Real Estate Services
352-331-1233 8-15-25-2
Apartments & Houses
Studio to 5BR+
Most within 2 miles of campus!
Campus Realty 692-3800,
1/1 & 2/2 flats, 3/3 townhomes
Free Tanning, Aerobics, 24 hr gym-
PC lab, Gated, Trash Svc, All amenities.
Leasing Now & Fall, 335-4455
Bike to campus. Large fenced yards. Lots
of extras. Available now & fall. Call for de-
tails. $875-1225/mo. 352-372-4768
Available Summer & Fall
Studios & 1 BRs $350 to $750
2BRs & 3BRs $425 to $850
Gore-Rabell Real Estate, Inc.
378-1387 www.gore-rabell.com
Historic house, cute and cozy, lots of charm.
Studio avail. 306 NE 6th St. $400/mo. Call
379-4952 8-15-25-2
l For Rent
Ask About Our Move-In
Specials & Giveaways
Individual Leases: Furniture Packages,
IncI Washer/Dryer, FREE Hispeed Internet;
Every Unit is an End Unit
Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5
701 SW 62nd Blvd 373-6330
Ask About Our Move In
Specials & Giveaways
Large 1, 2 & 3 bdrm Floor Plans;
Furniture Packages Inc. Washer/Dryer;
Workout Rm, Tennis Court; Swimming Pool;
Sauna etc. Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5
700 SW 62nd Blvd 371-8009
1BR w/pvt. Gated courtyard. Small quiet
complex located at 3320 SW 23rd St. Starting
@ $395/mo. Pets arranged. Call 377-2150.
Please leave a message. 8-4-35-2
**0.8 miles to UF. Historic 2BR apt/house
near downtown. W/D. $625/mo. 214-9270
Owner/Agent 8-4-29-2
Historic Apartments. Ceiling fans, hardwood
floors, high ceilings, some w/fireplaces, SE
Historic District. 1, 2 & 3 BR w/water, sewer
$475/mo. 1st, last, security. No dogs please.
378-3704 7-28-25-2
4BR/4BA available now. University Terrace.
W/D, pool, convenient bus stop, pvt wood-
land view, 3 mi from campus. $335/room util
not incl. Call John 786-436-1657 or Jonathon
954-309-3004 7-28-22-2
For Rent
Fall rentals, walk to campus 2br/lba
$500, sign lease now and move in August.
Edbaurmanagement.com 375-7104 1731
NW 6th St. 8-15-25-2
Now leasing for fall 3 blocks from campus
4BR/2BA apt. $265/rm + utils 1740 NW 3rd
P1231-3002 8-15-25-2
University Terrace Gainesville
University Terrace West
4/4 Individual Leases
Furnished Living Area
W/D, Pool $375/mo. ,
Union Properties 373-7578
1/2 Month FREE RENT!
Bel-Air Apartments 636 NW 26th Ave.
1 BR/1 BA or 2BR/1 BA starting at $535
Village West Apartments-800 NW 18th Ave
1 BR/1 BA available now. Starting at $460.
Ask about UF Parking Decal.
352-373-7578 3www.rentgainesville.com
1 & 2 BRs Avail August!
1BR $439 2BR $539
$200 offAugust 0
Pine Rush Apts 375-1519
1 Month FREE Rent! Going Fast!
Avail Now & Aug! Luxury Studios. Specials
from $489/mo Wood firs, W/l closets & pet
friendly. All -Incl also avail! Call now! 376-
6223 LiveNearCampus.com 8-15-23-2
Apartments Available Now
All Florida Areas; All Major US Cities
Browse our listing FREE
1-877-For-Rent (367-7368) 8-15-23-2
"The Three Amigos" live at Spanish Trace
Large 3BR only $285/person
FREE UF parking, alarms, pets adored.
Same-day sign specials! 373-1111
3BR/2BA HOUSE. Wood floors, cent A/C,
W/D, large yard, 521 NW 4th St. $990/mo
262-7462 8-15-23-2
From $450 to $1400/mo
Available Now & August
Call 376-4581
1/1 flat 750 sq ft. Porch/balcony. Monitored
alarm. Friendly community. Pool*tennis*bbal
l*recquetball*FREE gym* no pet restrictions.
332-7401 8-15-22-2
**NEW W/D**
FREE Tanning 24hr Gym Pool
FREE Alarm Screened Porch-
Gated Entry PC Lab Pet Friendly
RENT REBATE 372-0400
, 8-15-22-2
a 40
Immediate Availability
Haile Country Club, Mill Run & Brandywine
Huge 2 & 3 BRs Call 665-41066
Ask us about our summer specials!
l Continued on ne6t page.
vomw4 &"wn
a m
"Copyrighted Materiall
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
I U .
I I gI I I I ~I I I
a lI For Rent
a ll unfurnished
carpet/tile, fans, hook-ups, near shopping/
schools. Grads/yuppies desired. $1200/mo.
+ deposit. No pets. Avail 8/1/05
37081,jW 16th Blvd. 376-2547
2Bed/1Bath Apartment. $525/mo. W/D
hookup, no pets. 625 SW 11th Lane. Call
231-3002 8-15-20-2
For Rent: Rockwood Villas SW condo. Avail
8/1/05. 3BR/3BA. W/D incl. Lots of ameni-
ties, on bus route to UF/SFCC. $1000/mo.
Refl-iquired. Call 352-339-3250 7-28-16-2
*-***4 BLOCKS TO UF****
Cute 3/2 in great area, hardwood & tile floors,
W/D, central AC, tons of off-street parking.
Avail-Aug. $1200/mo Watson Realty 335-
0440 7-28-15-2
6 BLOCKS FROM UF. New owners. 4BR/
2BA duplexes. All appliances incl. DW, W/D..
Cent heat/AC. New ceramic tile & carpet.
Approx 1200 sq ft. $1300/mo. Call Carol
at 377-3852 or check dalyproperties.com
9th Terr. Sec system, W/D, high ceilings,
energy efficient, good p ets ok. $700/
mo Mitchell Realty 374-8579 8-15-16-2
Looking for a home? We have the
LARGEST selection of single family rent-
als in Gainesville. With over 100 properties
currently available, we're sure to have some-
thing to fit your style and budget. Visit our
website at www.edbaurmanagement.com,
or call us to find your new home today 352-
375-7104 ex 2.
I MOnagement Inc.
1/1 699/mo and 2/2 839/mo
W/D and Alarm INCLUDED!
Ask about our SPECIALS!
Call 376-9607
3 blks from campus. $1060/mo No pets. 231-
3002 8-15-15-2
3BR/2BA house for Aug 1. Clean, central H/
AC, W/D, wood floors, roomy living area &
den. Yard service, bike to UF. 1025 NW 10th
Ave. $1140/mo to see call 352-336-6116 or
go to www.10houses.com 8-2-12-2
Available now 3BR/1 BA house with private
yard, window A/C, 920 NW 6th Ave. $600
edbaurmanagement.com 1731 NW 6th St.
375-7104 ex 2 7-28-11-2
August rental -- 1BR 1.BA, cent A/C, water/
sewer, garage included, 1406 SW 18 PI.
$425 edbaurmanagment.com 1731 NW 6th
St. 375-7104 ex 2 7-28-11-2
August rental 2BR/1BA duplex, walk to UF,
922 SW 6th Ave, off street parking $520
edbaurmanagement.com 1731 NW 6th St.
375-7104 ex 2 7-28-11-2
1 BR apts avail now. Starting at $395/month.
Pets arranged. 216 SW 3rd Ave. Others
Avail. Call 371-3260 8-15-13-2
1, 2, 3& 4 BRs. Houses & apts avail for Fall.
All near campus. All price ranges. Call 371-
3260 8-15-13-2
4bed, bath UTG condo. $1300/month.
Walk-in closets, W/D, balcony, pool.
Photos www.rentalworkshop.com.
Close to campus! Very nice & great deal!
870-0904, 318-4553 7-21-8-2
*UPPER CLASS Students*
Perfect place to study!
FREE cable w/ HBO/Show
Gated entry*Computer lab
-Wireless poolside*FREE Tanning
U For Rent
Very nice 3BR/2BA house, Avail Aug 1st.
Ceramic tile throughout. Remodeled kitchen
& bath. Lg fenced yard. Close to campus.
$1125/mo. Drive by 3423 NW 1st Ct. Then
call for appt 377-2399 7-19-6-2
217 NW 35th St 3BR/3BA $1200/mo.
Ceramic tile, large fenced yard, W/D, dish-
washer, carport, lawn care incl. Excellent
condition! Call Campus Realty 692-3800
Free Hi-Speed Internet
Walk/bike to UF & shopping. 2/2 only $665
* 3/2 only.$775 0 www.tuscanbend.com
3009 SW Archer Rd. 377-0555 7-28-9-2
3BR/1BA house for Aug near Duckpond.
wd firs, central H/AC, W/D, Ig bonus rm,
screened porch, nice fenced yard, lawn svc.
$900/mo. 915 NE 11th Ave 352-336-6116
One BR apt for rent. 1 person, 1 car, no
smoking, no pets, no fleas. It is small, but
has it all: All until. pd. $360/mo, unfurnished.
Call Charlie "Whitey" Webb. 375-4373. Stop
by 1215 NE 20th Ave. 8-15-12-2
3BR/2BA home for rent, avail now. Wood
floors, fenced yard, pets ok. Call for more
info 870-1194. 3516 NW 3rd St 7-28-9-2
3 Blocks to UF!
2BR Apts Avail Fall. See our list at
www.merrillmanagement.net updated daily
or call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494
2BR 1BA Apts. $500-525/Mo
5 BIks to UF! 840 Sq. Ft.
829. SW 5th Avenue, St. Croix Apts, Central
H & Air, Incids Wtr, Swg, Pst Ctrl, Garbage.
Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 8-
2BR 1BAApt. Carpet,
Central H & Air $635/Mo.
1234 SW 1st Avenue. Call Merrill
Management Inc. 372-1494
2 Blks to UF!
2BR 1BA Apt. Wood Floors, Window A/C,
Nat gas ht. $475/Mo 314 NW 14th Street
Call Merrill Management Inc 372-1494 7-
Close to UF Law School
3BR 1BA Home $900/Mo.
Wood Floors, Central H &Air
303 NW 36th Drive. Call Merrill
Management Inc. 372-1494 8-4-11-2
wood floors, central air, fenced yard., Walk
to UF. $1800/mo. Pets free. 424 NW 27th
Terrace. Call 262-7462 8-15-12-2
1BR/1BA APT for rent coming 10/1/05.
Spyglass Apts. Pets welcome. Fitness cen-
ter, pool, tennis court, screened in patio.
$594/mo. Call Natalya 283-6399 8-2-10-2
1 BR/1 BA APT W/D hk ups, large screened
room, pets ok. $475/mo w/$500 sec dep.
3300 SW 23rd St. Apt 2. Call Candy or David
@ 352-371-3473 7-28-9-2
For Rent
1 BRF/1 BA in 4BR/4BA at Countryside Apts. All
utilities inc. $400 per mo. Lease fall 2005 to
Spring 2006. Info 786-412-9337 8-15-12-2
2BR/1BA No lease.. On bus line, W/D hook-
up, fresh carpet & paint, ceiling fans, no pets.
New cabinets & new tile. $450/mo + $450
security deposit. Call 374-7175. 7-19-11-2
Close to UF & Butler Plaza on bus rte
2BR/1BA duplex w/huge fenced backyard.
$630/mo 3829 SW 37th St. Avail 8/1 352-
371-5805 9-1-19-2
*Huge 1/1 w/Balcony*
Walk to class
Next to sorority row
Oversized: Br, Ba, Closet,
& Kitchen
Want to take a look call 372-7111
condo in Brighton Park. Incl W/D, pool, pvt
setting, on bus rtto UF every 8 min $800/mo.
Call 665-5361 7-21-7-2
Cheap 3BRs close to UF
625 NW 10th Ave $900
1417 NW 7th Ave $950
1418 NW 6th PI $950
Campus Realty 692-3800 8-15-11-2
1BR LOFT APTS. 650 &750 sq ft. Starting
@ $450 mo: Quiet, wooded setting. FREE
monitored alarm system. 6400 SW 20th Ave.
Call 332-0720 8-31-17-2
Spacious 1/1 $615/mo. Rocky Point
Apartments. Fenced yard, available August
1. W/D hookup; on 9/34/35 bus routes. Pets
ok. Call Lena 813-453-6478 7-19-5-2
3/2 1250 sq ft condo on golf course. All ap-
pliances, amenities, pool. New carpet. Avail
immediately. 4204 NE 17th Terr. $875/mo
941-447-5453 7-2.6-7-2
3BR/2BA HOUSE w/2-car garage, all appli-
ances, maintenance-free front yard. Close
to UF & SFCC. $1200/mo. Call 215-9987
1BR in a 3BR/2BA apt @ 1107 NW 8th St.
Move in Aug 1, $290/mo + utilities. Call
Emmitt 352-339-6569 or Mike 352-235-4827
2 Blocks to Stadium
Walk to class 1BR/1BA
Separate living room, large kitchen
$400, Call 335-4790 7-21-5-2
Mansion for 5-8 students 920 SW 1st Ave
Large 4/3 3515 NW 7th Pl. $1500/yr or
$1600/10 mos.
Call 495-8612 or 377-1732 7-21-5-2
New 1800 sq ft 3BR/2BA home for rent.
Brand new neighborhood w/ pool. Great
schools. Quick drive to campus. $1500/mo.
Avail now. Call 331-0485 7-26-5-2
NW 4BR/3BA, 1 mi to UF. Lease starting
Aug. $1400/mo. 376-6183 7-21-4-2
Jiffy Lube Signature The Well-Oiled MachineO
Service Oil Change
For More information log onto: www.jiffylubesoutheast.com
For Rent R enFor Rer -
unfurnished J unfurnished
Apts and Townhouses
621 SW 10th St Gainesville
Behind Norman Hall
CONTACT 352-332-2097
7-28-6-2 "
$200 OFF 1st MO RENT
1BR/1BA $395/mo incl wat/swr. Bike to UF.
Painted wood floors, new appliances, ceiling
fans, porch, safe & quiet area. 352-262-4584
Great 3BR home w/ wood floors, CH/A
screened porch, large BRs, carport. Walk
to campus. 104 NW 7th Terr. $1200/rrio. Call
371-3260. Others available. 8-24-10-2
Excellent 2BR home with small yard, perfect
condition, CH/A, ceramic tile, W/D hook-ups.
1023 NW 30th Ave. $750/mo 352-215-8815
house, W/D, porch, pool, cable and high
speed wireless internet. On bus route. Close
to UF and Shands! Avail Aug. $960/mo. Call
352-336-8986 7-26-5-2
3br/2ba beautiful home in quiet nw commu-
nity with pvt pool, clbhse. Tile & wood fl, w/d
hkups, fenced yd w/ lawn svc, garage, bus rt.
$1200neg avail 8/1. 256-3609. 7-26-5-2
Spacious 1BR apartment close to UF &
downtown. Central A/C, hardwood floors,
quiet neighborhood. $475/mo $300. sec
dep. Call Jeremy 871-2658. Available Aug
1st. 7-21-4-2
3BR/2.5BA, huge floor plan; 2650 sq ft.
Immense game room. Just a few miles
from.UF. Hardwood floors, huge yard, good
- neighborhood. Central AG and heat, 2 car
garage, washer & dryer. $1195/mo.
Call 954-812-4884
2/2 home w/garage in Milhopper area. 1 acre
with deer & cows across fence. $900/mo.
352-377-2150 8-4-8-2
1 BR avail in 3/3 townhouse in Rockwood
Villas. Avail Aug 1, 1 year lease re-
quired. $360/mo + 1/3 util. Email:
theoneandonlyant@aol.com or call 786-210-
8103 7-21-4-2
3 blks north of UF. Hardwood firs, ceiling
fans, W/D. Great neighborhood. Lots of stor-
age. $575/mo 373-5295. 7-26-4-2
STUDIO APT $575/mo
Newly remodeled. Very close to campus,
near Swamp. College Park Apts. 1517 N.
5th Ave. Lease starts 8/12. 727-733-3686
2BR/2.5BA townhome. New tile, carpet &
paint. W/D, sec system, 1.5 mi to UF in NW.
$750/mo (pets ok). Available Aug. Call 352-
219-6340 7-19-2-2
3BR/1BAAPT 1 block to UF
1227 SW 4th Ave. Apt #1
Cent H/AC' wood floors, parking & clean
Avail Aug 7th, $1125
Call 352-331-0590, 514-5060 cell. 7-26-4-2
STUDIO APT. 1 mi from UF. Completely
renovated, new appliances. Laundry on-site.
$495/mo 352-871-5928 7-28-5-2
STUDIO APT. Great downtown location.
Walk to Starbucks. 1st mo rent FREE. Can
be furnished. $515/mo. Available now. Call
954-463-4498 Iv msg. 7-28-5-2
1/1 CONDO 4 blocks to UF
Near UF, HSC, Sorority Row
Brand new kitchen, tile firs, patio, cent AC
Off-str parking, $600/mo incl water, swr, gbg
1st, last, sec. Avail 8/1 352-222-6344 8-
2BR/1BA apt. Small fenced yard. 815 NW
16th Ave. Available Aug. $550/mo. Prefer
grad student or couple. Call 870-0742 8-
6 Blocks from UF 1 Block from Mother
Earth. Pets OK $650/month 386-454-4440.
Efficiency. W/D, full kitchen. $380/mo. Call
377-2930. 7-21-3-2
2.5BA security sys, off street parking,
remodeled, w/washer & dryer hook-ups,
dishwasher. $1600. Available in August. Call
305-527-9315. 7-28-5-2
2BR/1.5BA twnhm, W/D, DW, new applianc-
es, on bus route, NS, no pets, $625/mo Avail
August 1st. Call 352-335-0455.- 8-15-8-2
"Copyrighted Material
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
-moo a D Q
41111 -
m 4 0 g
.. ft -.4p
F'No~~ Copo Nedd Noeprto at trmme
Jst brn in a- vai stdntI
U d For Rent
Remodeled 3BR/1BA house in quiet NW
neighborhood. New kitchen, bath, washer,
dryer, cnetral ac, Ig bk yd. Close to UF & bus
route. $1100/mo. 1st & deposit only. 305-
297-4827. 7-26-4-2
3 rooms for rent $350/mo. Pet fee. Horse
board avail. Contact Jen 407-947-9748.
House available Aug 1st NW location. 1200
sq ft, 3BR/2BA, garage, appliances, W/D hk-
ups, fenced, great schools. Bus to Shands,
UF & SFCC. $950/mo + sec. Call 941-5453
0003 BLOCKS TO UF!@46
120 NW 10th St. ***00 Historic 3BR, remod-
eled kitchen & bath, lofts,.porch, W/D, cent
H/AC $975 neg Ed Baur Mgmt 375-7104
1/1 apt, close to UF and downtown.
Backyard. $475 mo. 1st, last & security.
Avqail immed 352-376-0006. 7-28-4-2
OAKBROOK CONDO Ground floor, 2 mas-
ter suites, W/D incl. Water, trash, sewage,
pest control included. Avail Aug. $850/mo.
Pets negotiable. 373-0874 7-28-4-2
Parquet floors, carport, screen
Porch, w/d hookups, $900/rent
600 NW 36th Drive
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2
from this 2 BR 1.5BA duplex,
CH/AC, pets considered, $495/rent
805 NW 3rd Avenue
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2
Pets considered, fenced yard, w/d
Hookups, $800/rent, 11805 SE CR 234
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2
2BR 2BA, renovated w/wood floors & ce-
ramic tile, sunroom, living & dining
rooms, fireplace, w/d hookups, $675/rent
1102 NE 3rd Avenue
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2
l For Rent
U unfurnished
In downtown area, ceramic tile
Throughout, living, family & dining
Rooms, w/d hookups, detached workshop,
$875/rent, 1204 NE 10th Avenue
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2
Wood floors, fireplace, lawn svc,
Screen porch, w/d hookups, $1600/rent
1741 NW 6th Avenue
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2
-POOL HOME! 4BR 2BA, screen porch,
Pool service included, 2 carfgarage, living
& dining rooms, $1600/rent,
1706 NW 22nd St.
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TrulingtonRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2
2BAs remaining in 4BR apt, new flooring
before move-in, furnished rooms, $425/room
4000 SW 23rd Atreet #6-305
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurligntonRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2
2.5BA Townhouse, w/d hookups, ceramic
tile, porch,Pool, $750/rent
2735 SW 35th PI #1604
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2
Carport, w/d hookups, CH/AC,
$800/rent 1410 NW 55th Terrace
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2
GREAT 4BR HOUSE! 2 master
BRS, fireplace, lawn svc, w/d hookups,
$1200/rent, 917 NW 40th Drive
Carl Turlington Rea[ Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingotnRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2
Living & family rooms, fireplace,
Eat-in kitchen, w/d hookups, $675/rent
711 NW 54th Terrace
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2
1BR HOUSE! Fenced yard,
CH/AC, w/d hookups, $450/rent-
503 B NW 19th Lane
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2
"Copyrighted Material
Syndicated Content 0
Available from Commercial News Providers"
U For Rent
CH/AC, large kitchen, w/d hookups,
$625/rent, 503 A NW 19th Lane
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2
Contact us for a complete listing
Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525
Spacious 1BR 1BA, new carpet,
screen porch, lawn svc,
$550/rent, 417 SW 2nd Street
Carl Turlington Real Estate, inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2
$500 OFF 1st MONTHI Downtown 4BR 2BA
house w/Living & family rooms, fireplace,
parquet floors, washer/dryer, $1050/rent
1525 NE 6th Terrace
Carl Turlington Real Estate, inc. 372-9525
www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2
HOUSE w/POOL. Older, remodeled 4/2
house w/above-ground pool. 4.5 mi to UF.
Pvt, fenced yard. W/D, satellite, possible
pets, partly furn. On bus line. No cash dep for
UF students w/good credit. Lease $1095/mo
Call Stephanie 371-9409 8-31-13-2
3BR/3BA Countryside Apt.
W/D, utils, cable, w/ HBO, and DSL incl
$400/room/mo + $100 deposit. F only. NS.
Call 954-680-0918, 954-328-2021 7-19-8-2
*Kensington N 2/2.5*
w/d, pool, gym, ethernet
15 min bus $840 561-251-5425 7-2.1-2-2
Houses for rent: 3/2/2, fenced yard, 5212
NW 8th Ave, $1200 mo. 3/1 Duck pond
area, $875 mo. 1st, last, & security required.
Available immediately. 352-376-0006 7-
Acre fenced yd, pet-arranged, garage.
4127 NW 36th St. $990/mo. $900 sec.
678-481-9208 orC678-480-2930 7-21-2-2
ONLY $449/mos $150 Deposit
THE WOODS 0 375-3077
2BR ONLY $579- *
$185 Moves You In *
Homestead Apts 376-0828 0
3BR ONLY $679!
$185 Moves You In 0
Georgetown Apts.
NW location 378-1755
0 Walk to a movie @ Butler Plaza 0
Includes water/sewerS
Sundowne Apartments 377-2596
2/1 ONLY $519 *
August Free 0
W/D hook-up *
Beval Apts 372-4835 0
3 Blocks to UF, 2BR 1 BAApt.
Terazzo Floors, Window A/C. Nat Gas Ht.
1508 NW 4th Ave. $520/Mo.
Call Merrill Management Inc 372-1494 7-
3/2 CONDO. NW nr 39th Ave & Hwy 441.
Refurbished, 1st floor, liv rm, din rm, D/W,
W/D. Screened porch. VERY private, quiet.
$850/month. Avail 8/1. 352-372-3819. 7-
2BR/2.5BA 2-story townhouse. W/D incl:
1190 sq ft. Private backyard. In Greenleaf
subdivision off of Tower Rd. Close to
Kanapaha Park and Publix. Quiet neighbor-
hood. $600/mo. 325-428-6780 7-21-2-2
Studio Apt. 1.5 miles to UF and Oaks Mall.
Contemporary style, marble bath, laundry
avail, high speed internet. $375/mo. includes
utils. Avail Aug. 1. Call 352-262-1838
S For Rent Roommates
0 1 unfurnished .
3BR/2BA ranch + 1-car garage in Northwood.
$1000/mo. Reduced rent for 2 months! Sec
dep, 1st & last mos. rent due on move-in. No
pets. Avail 8/15/05. Credit and background
check. 352-246-7159, 561-422-7052. 8-2-
SAVE $$$! Take over my lease the year &
a spacious 2B/2B apt close to Shands,
on many bus routes. RENT $750.mo incl
W/D, balcony, pool. Contact 352-870-9965
Brand New Apt. In Bradissen Place near All
Bus Stops. Right off of 34th St. & SW 35th
Ave. Close to campus and shopping. Across
from Gainesville Place Apts. 2BR/2BA, upper
floor. $750/mo. 352-262-6602 7-28-4-2
Female for 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2.5BA town-
house. Behind sorority row. Short walk to
campus. Avail ASAP. Price NEGOTIABLE.
Call 352-870-8902 8-4-30-3
Apartments Sublets & Roommates
All areas. Stu, .1 & 2 Bdrm; $400-1500
Shrt-Long & Furn-Unfurn
1-(877)FOR-RENT (367-7368)
WWW.SUBLET.COM 8-15-23-3
Sublet individual lease. Gainesville Place.
Ground floor. Unfurn. $360/mo. Starting Aug
05 to July 31, 06. Call 850-785-1777 Iv msg.
1BR/1BA July 05 July 06. $630/mo
unfurnished. W/D, new appliances, PET
FRIENDLY. Quiet area close to 34th and
Archer Rd. Please contact Elizabeth at 352-
372-1709 7-19-6-3
2BR/2BA at CAMPUS LODGE. Can move in
immediately. Offering it at a discount. On the
third floor. Close to the lodge and pool Call
Jennifer at 235-1700 7-19-5-3
1 BR in 4BR/4 Bath w/private bath. Sublease
for Fall/Spring. On good bus #13 route. Rent
negotiable. Fully furnished: living room &
some in bedroom. The Landings. 262-2832
1BR/1BA in 2BR/2BA furn apt. Female only.
All utils incl. Melrose Apts. $459/mo. Avail
Aug 05 thru Aug 06. Call 941-484-9761 7-
Countryside @ University Condo. 1 bedroom
avail in 4BR/4BA for $425. Cable, water, elec
incl except phone. Call Irvin (904) 610-0967
or email icheng@bellsouth.net 7-19-4-3
$250/mo utils incl for Aug to Dec. Clean
female for 1BR in 4BR apt. Indiv lease.
Furnished, 2 blocks to campus, pool, gated,
housekeeping, & trash pickup. 407-340-'
9035, trix@ufl.edu 7-21-5-3
3BR/3BA at the Exchange
$499/mo, all included & furnished. Please
contact Ashley at 727-424-5552 8-15-8-3
1BR/1BA apt. Pine Rush.
Nice, clean, comfortable, spacious
Furniture available. New carpet.
$429/mo. Call 352-219-1745. 7-21-3-3
1BR avail in 3BR/1BA house in 3rd Ave
neighborhood. $290/mo + utils. Pets wel-
come 215-7126 7-26-3-3
F seeking M or F roommate. 5-month lease
up in Dec. Stoneridge Apts. $350/mo + 1/2
utils. For info, please call Kelly 813-956-7884
$335/mo. 1BR/1BA in 4BR/2BA at Univ.
Commons. 1.5 mi. to campus. On 3 bus rts.
FURNISHED! Pool, gym, hot tub, W/D. Call
Jess 954-559-9698 8-2-5-3
Sublease close to campus 20 NW 8th St.
1BR apt in house. Very nice, wood floors,
high ceilings, only $415/mo. Pets allowed for
pet fee. Avail 8/1. Call 375-8980/222-0156
Roommate Matching HERE
Oxford Manor 377-2777
The Landings 336-3838
The Laurels 335-4455
Cobblestone 377-2801
Hidden Lake 374-3866
Female roommate for one/two female UF
students. Quiet. Responsible. 60 second
walk to UF. Old house charm with all ameni-
ties. Avail Now. $400 up. 352-538-2181.Lv
message. Private Owner 8-15-25-4
Looking for a female roommate for IgBR in
beautiful new house. Huge pool, pvt fence,
Close to UF & SFCC. Internet, HBO cable,
sec alarm & utils incl $500/mo.Avail Fall. Call
Jacqueline 352-395-7462 or 941-780-3526
Avail May 2 rooms in Ig house, 1 blk from
13th & University, $300 + split util, sec dep,
NS, no pets. Contact sor20@yahoo.com or
leave message at 352-870-7256 8-15-25-4-
Walk to Law School
Large rBR in 4BR/2BA house. 3 1L stu-
dents need roommate. Cable TV, wireless.
Available now. $425/share utilities. 770-639-
5958, dcdotson@ufl.edu 7-21-20-4
Female Roommate Needed
Kensington North $500/mo
includes utilities & cable
Union Properties 373-7578 8-15-25-4
NEIGHBORHOOD-Roommate for 3/2
house. Conv location, pool, volleyball, W/D,
ethernet, cable, NS, avail summer & fall
$380/mo + share utils. Jake 239-564-0069
Grad, upperclassmen or prof to share spa-
cious new 3BR/2BA house. I-net & cable incl.
Must be neat clean & responsible. $400/mo
+ 1/3 util. Short or long term avail. 262-3989
2BRs Avail in Charming NW house. Close
to Ward's Grocery, W/D1 Share kitchen/BA.
Seeking serious student/professional, NS.
Furn opt. $250 +.utils. No lease. Call 338-
2086 7-26-20-4
3rd Roommate needed male. 2 irm'Tfrom
SFCC. 3BR new furnished townhome. Golf,
gated, $550/mo incl all util, inet & cable.
Avail 8/15/05. 1 year lease. No pets. Call
Mike 954-467-7070 or Jeff 954-240-3524
Sublets and Rooms Available
All Florida Areas; All Major US Cities
Browse available Rooms FREE!
1-(877)-For-Rent (367-7368) 8-15-23-4
Female roommate, NS for fall. $500/mo + 1/
3 util 3BR/2.5BA. Brand new, fully furnished,
beautiful, 2500 sq ft, luxury townhome at
Regents Park. Call 561-281-9274 7-28-13-4
Live in luxury above Dragonfly Sushi &
Starbucks. Downstairs BR w/pvt BA, stain-
less steel appliances, wd firs throughout,
balcony. $495/mo. Call Anthony 337-1330
Female roommate needed Aug.' Looking
Glass Apts. 30 seconds to UF. Floor Plan
B $505/month plus utilities. Call Apt Office
352-376-1111 or Kim 407-761-5266 8-15-
ATTENTION! F roommate needed for 2BR/
2.5BA condo. $350/mo + 1/2 utils. Must be
responsible, neat & clean. Avail, now! Call
Madgene @ 561-827-4970 7-21-10-4
Countryside 2 rms in 4BR/4BA to share w/
2 females. Secure, poolside, cable, internet,
W/D. Free parking, on bus route. 10,wiij0. to
UF. $400 utils inci. el7bear@aol.com,
386-676-9703, 386-235-5400 8-2-13-4
Lg furn. 3BR/3BA house 3806 SW 2nd Ave.
1 blk to Newberry Rd w/in 1 mi of UF. About
3000 sq ft. Hdwd firs, no carpet, carport, Ig
front porch. Incl all utils, w/hi spd cbl. $550/
mo/rm. 407-363-7198, cell 407-234-1380
Classifieds.; "
Continued on next page.
a l Roommates
] a l Roommates ) 0 1 Roommates *0 l Roommates 0 Real Estate
M needed for 2BR/2BA apt. Rockwood
Villas. 1st floor. Rent incl: basic cable, inter-
net, utils & furn. 9 mo lease $470/mo, 12 mo
lease $440/mo. Dalia@imecanic@aol.com,
305.299-1777 7-26-8-4
Female roommate for NW 39 Ave home,
$475/mo, all utilities incl, fully furnished, pri-
vate BR, internet, W/D, avail ASAP, more info
870-5291 8-4-11-4
M/F roommate wanted for 2/1 apt. Lg bed-
rooms, cable, hi speed internet. $350/mo.
Call William at 514-9320. Walking distance
to stadium. 8-4-11-4
Beautiful home in trees on quiet street near
UF. Quiet for study. Gourmet kitchen, fire-
place, hi-spd DSL internet, cable TV, W/D,
centA/C, Ig yard, cats welcome. $340 + utils..
352-271-8711 7-28-9-4
F Roommate for 1 BR in 2/2 w/ private bath,
walk-in closet, furnished, include utils, W/D,
& hi-speed internet. $490/mo. Call 514-7741
Iv msg. 7-28-9-4
2 male roommates needed serious stu-
dents to share 3BR/2BA house. Located
South of UF on Williston Rd. W/D, cable,
wireless DSL. $395/mo + 1/3 utils. Call 258-
9116 7-28-9-4
3BR/3BA Countryside Apt.
W/D, utils, cable w/ 2 HBO, and DSL incl
$400/rm/mo + $100 deposit. F only. NS. Call
954-680-0918, 954-328-2021 7-28-11-4
2 student rooms avail. Great house, great
roommates. Close to UF. W/D, dsl. Possible
pets. Small rm $240. Lg rm $275. Lease. No
cash dep for UF stdt w/good credit. Call 371-
9409 8-31-18-4
1 female roommate needed for 3BR/3BA apt
in the Laurels. Rent around $500/mo utils
incl. Clean, huge room, large walk-in closet.
Avail 8/6, Call 727-501-2554. 7-19-6-4
fully furn Univ Terr 4BR/4BA all priv bath.
Walk-in closets. Great location 2 bus rts. 1
yr lease. $400/mo incl utils, wireless internet,
W/D, + cable. Call 954-592-0521 8-15-12-4
Female roommates for large 3BR/2BA town-
.'--. w/ pool. Only 1 mile to UF. $450/mo
11 ui.n:, dig cable & hi spd net incl. Call 954-
298-7591 or amyb@ufl.edu. 8-15-12-4
PETS, NS, $550/MO + 1/3 UTIL 262-7899
M/F needed for 2BR townhome. W/D, DW,
spacious, very nice. Only $285 +1/2 utilities.
Across from Gainesville Place on 35th. Lease
negotiable. Call 352-256-1034 7-19-5-4
Share 3/2 house, NW Gainesville -
Rainbows. W/D, kitchen, patio. Located off
of 39th Ave. 10 mins to UF/SFCC. No pets,
already have 2 dogs. $400/mo, utils incl. Call
Ila 352-336-6108 7-21-6-4
1/1 in 3/3 apartment available August in
Heritage of Gainesville. On 9/34/35 bus
routes. $400/mo + 1/3 utils. W/D included
w/awesome roommates. Call Celine @ 201-
456-2803 7-19-5-4
Roommate wanted in large 3BR/2BA house
between SFCC & UF. DW, W/D, routed
DSL, cable, garage, porch, over 20 yrs old
required. $380/mo all utils incl. Call 352-514-
2250 7-19-5-4
2BR/1BA SW 5th Ave by Cred Union/
Norman Hall/hospital/buses for city/UF.
Laundry/AC/furniture/c-fans. $300 + half
util. Quiet/Considerate f/m? Call 337-9746
7-49-13-4 -
**one roommate wanted**
house w/everything in the 300 club!
only -$325/mo + 1/4 utilities
*395-6788 or lilgoody@ufl.edu*
2 rooms available in 3 BR house. Great loca-
tion, close to UF. Partially furnished. $375/
mo?'mail vmarum@ufl.edu or call 375-2496
or 870-4723 7-21-5-4
Female for 2BR/2BA townhouse. Fully re-
modeled. 1/2 mi to UF. Pool located off patio.
On bus rt. $450/mo incl everything: cable,
internet, W/D, all utils. Quiet, pref serious
stdt. Responsible. Stephanie 954-857-5618
8-2-8-4 .
**Countryside** 2BR/2BA avail in beautiful
condo by the pool. 1st stop on the bus rt.
Wood firs, porch, W/D. Cable, high spd in-
ternet. Awesome people. $420 util included.
Avail Aug 1. Hurry and call Nicole 328-4551
Walk to UF & Stadium! Grad stud/prof,
couple ok. Spacious bedroom w/pvt entrance
& bath attached to 4/3 home. Clean, neat, &
N/S. On bus rte, near Publix & CVS. Parking,
cable, w/d, wifi, utils incl. Use of main .house
common areas $750. Call 561-471-5021
Walk to Law School and Stadium! Grad
stud/prof for 5/4 home. Must be clean, neat,
N/S. On bus rte near Publix & CVS. Parking,
cable, w/d, wi/fi, utils incl. Aug 1 $550-$575
Call 561-471-5021 8-2-8-4
Roommates Wanted! Countryside @
University 2 rooms left. Furnished: bed, desk,
common areas, W/D, utils, internet, basic ca-
ble, phone included. Email queenyb@ufl.edu
or mstarksl@cfl.rr.com Phone: Baechle
(Bake-Lee) 407-463-6535 7-28-7-4
02 UF Senior females need a female room-
mate 0 $400/mo for own BR in new 1700 sq.
ft. house next to SFCC. Avail now. Call 283-
6279 8-24-11-4
Great space for art, gardening, potlucks,
fun, studying. 3/2 on the creek. Bright living
& studio areas. 2BRs, $350, $400 + util. W/D.
Or share house w/ 1 person $500 374-7038
Rockwood Villas 1BR/1BA avail in 3/3
condo. $400/mo + utils. Close to campus
& on bus route. Call Karly at 352-514-1617
leave message. 7-21-5-4
Male, close to campus, small furnished apt
for 1 person on side of private home. Mature
grad student preferred. No pets. Quiet,
clean, safe, cable, patio. Avail 1 AUG. $430
per mo. utils incl. Lease, deposits. 378-2016
Roommate wanted for 1 room in 2BR/1BA
house. All utils incl. Rent $450/mo + sec.
dep. 6,9 & 12 mo. leases available. On the
75 bus route. 5 min from 9,20,34 & 5 routes:
442-2871 8-15-9-4
Ready now 1BR/1BA in 2/2.5 condo. Tile
firs, W/D, DW, scr. porch, community pool.
Room can be furn. Close to everything, on
34th btwn Archer & Williston. $375 + 1/2 util.
$100 dep. 615-584-7837 or 386-623-5760
Female(s) for 1-2 BR in 3/2 house near UF,
Shands & VA. W/D. Pets ok, furn opt., avail
now. Jennifer 371-6228 please leave msg
Room in nice Valwood home w/ 2 females.
$460/mo incl. all utils, EVERYTHING.
7824 SW 52nd PI.
Call 378-4626, 871-0227 7-28-6-4 .
Furn. ropm in 4BR/4BA condo. All utils.,
cable w/ HBO and DSL internet incl. W/D
and walk-in closet $425/mo.
CALL JOSH 352-494-2394 7-26-5-4
Unfurn BR for rent in brand new, spacious
condo w/2 F, UF students. NW 55th St. Call
Lisa for details @ 352-514-1763. 8-31-15-4
1Bdrm Pirvate Bath
NE Gvl Home Quiet neighborhood, W/D,
dishwasher, cable, central H/A $300/mo +
1/2 util. 1st, last, $200 security. 375-5377,
373-6066, ask for Sue 7-28-6-4
Seeking NS, F to share beautiful 2BR re-
stored Victorian house in downtown G'ville.
$425/mo + 1/2 utils. Call Melodye at 378-
1633 7-21-4-4
2 rooms in 2-story 3BR/2BA HOUSE. $110/
wk or $85/wk. Fully furnished. W/D. 514-
3409. 7-28-6-4
F Roommate wanted to share 2BR/2BA spa-
cious apt. Close to campus. Rent $292.50/
mo + util. Move in Aug. Please call 407-687-
8188 7-19-3-4
1 room for rent in a great 2/1 Duckpond
house. Updated kitchen, wood floors, central
AC and heat. W/D. You must love dogs[ Avail
Aug. Lease length negotiable. $350/mo
OBO. Call Annie 352-284-1686 7-26-5-4
* Wanted: 1 F N/S pref. prof/grad roommate
for 2/2 apt in Pebble Creek 0 On-campus,
vaulted ceilings, security, W/D, gym, pool,
internet, cable. $415 + 1/2 utilities 0 352-
219-4408 7-28-6-4
Room in NW home. $350/mo incl utils &
DSL. No pets. Mature male non drinker/
smoker. Availalbe immediately (flex). Call
Scott 335-8209 8-24-10-4
Roommate needed for 2BR/2BA, wood firs,
leather couches. Tennis courts, pool, hi-
speed internet, & digital cable. On 62nd by
the mall on the 20 bus rte. Pref Grad Student.
$495/mo. Call 904-891-1601 8-5-8-4
*** 2 roommates needed. New allergy-
free environment. 3BR apt, covered parking
avail. Cricket Club. On bus rte. Clubhouse,
pool, gym, laundry, gated. $500/mo incl utili-
ties. Call Jodi 352-494-0405 7-28-6-4
F roommate for a 3BR/2BA. Grad student/
prof. No pets, NS. Near 1-75 & Oaks Mall.
Avail immediately until mid Oct. #318/mo
+ 1/3 util. Pool, tennis, 24-hr gym. Elba
425-778-2460 (work) or elbarsan@ufl.edu.
Female roommate. Brand new apartment
for fall 2005! On Archer and 13th. 3/3 on top
floor. Punished. $500 + utilities. No pets and
non-smoker. 305-525-0499 7-28-5-4
Clean, nice, responsible, post-grad female
seeks to share 3BR house. Hardwood floors,
natural yard, laundry. $300/mo + util. No
pets. 3 blks N of Law School. Call 373-9602.
Avail 7/15 or 8/1. 7-28-5-4
1 female needed, for 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA
@ Countryside. $425/mo incl utils, cable,
internet, furn. Available mid-Aug. Call 727-
510-9346. 7-28-5-4
1/2-acre home located on a quiet, wooded
street near mall. Must love dogs, but not
actually have one. $300/mo, everything incl.
262-9630 8-15-8-4
in a house w/big yard. 10 min from UF.
Mature, F, NS. Short lease OK. $400/mo incl
everything. 352-376-9960 8-2-6-4
College student looking for roommate. Living
in Piccadilly apt complex. 2BR/1BA, living
room, kitchen. Poolside. Completely furn
except BR (some room for extra furn) Low
rent $323/mo. 246-1637 8-2-6-4
Female for 2BR/2BA apt
Very close to campus. Looking Glass Apts.
$460/mo + util. 239-560-0610 8-15-8-4
$245 MO RENT, male N/S
Quiet private home
Archer Rd location
Sec deposit + 1/2 electric
Info 375-6393 7-19-2-4
1BR in a 3BR/2BA HOUSE. 2-car garage,
near 34th & 16th. $350/mo + util. Dep
required. No pets. Call 386-290-0902 7-
M/F for 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA apt @
Heritage, bus routes 9, 35, walk-in closet,
W/D, dishwasher, pets ok, $300/mo + 1/3
cable/util. Avail NOW! Call Mark 904-477-
8156 7-28-5-4
For a furn 1BR/1BA in nice condo. W/D,
pool, good neigh, 4 miles to UF. Bus stop at
front gate. $260/mo + 1/2 until. Pref F Asian.
Move in anytime. Call 331-0834 after 6pm.
2 rooms avail in 3BR house. SE area, Close
to Boulware Springs Park. Only 5 min drive to
UF or 20 mirl biking thru beautiful Hawthorne
Trail. $230/mo ea + utils. Call 375-0982 or
elaw@ufl.edu. 7-28-4-4
F, NS, 3BR/2BA house w/pool. NW 23rd Ave
off 43rd. Rent $375/mo + utils. For more info
please call 352-317-0433 7-21-2-4
1 ROOM AVAIL House in Northridge subdivi-
sion $325/mo + 1/3 util. Tennis ct, pool, W/D
on premises. Prefer prof or serious student.
Walking distance to SFCC: On bus route to
UF. 376-9632 8-4-6-4
1BR avail 8/1. 5 min to UF. Free dig cable,
$300/mo + 1/3 util. NS 352-332-2234, 352-
514-1441 7-28-4-4
ROOMMATE NEEDED to share 3/2 house
in SW Gville. Minutes to UF. Fully furn. Pet
friendly. W/D, DW, fenced yard. Call 352-
336-6421 or 850-496-0367 8-2-5-4
2 roommates (F preferred) for 9BR/4BA
house. Only $290, $330/mo. Close to so-
rority row. WID, cable, internet, great room-
mates. Jessica 352-246-1499 8-24-8-4
$430, no move-in fees, 3/3, patio, W/D in
apt, lease begins 7/30, M wanted, Spyglass,
gated community, great amenities. Contact
Kevin 386-235-1615 7-21-2-4
2 NS responsible females needed for 4BR/
2BA HOUSE in quiet NW neighborhood.
$350/mo + 1/4 utils. Call Holly 352-384-3905
M student looking for 2 housemates. 3/2
home in SW Gainesville. Rent $325/mo +
1/3 util. Sec dep $325. Lease 8/2005 thru
7/2006. No pets. Please call 813-645-8472
or 352-225-1823 for more information. 7-
3 fun, friendly roommates looking for female
4th roommate. Close to UF. 4BR/4BA condo
w/ walk-in closets. Internet, cable, & W/D
incl. $435/mo. Call Gwen 386-748-8718 7-
Large bedroom. 2 full closets + more.
Optional connecting office/studio. $500 +
$300 down. Electric incl. 1015 NW 3rd Ave.
Male/female/musicians welcome. 352-256-
6197 8-2-5-4
GREAT 4 STUDYING! F rmmate for Ig 1B/1B
in 2B/2B w/ med student. AUG IS FREE. Apt
is quiet spacious unfurn- near Shands, on
many bus rts. NO DEPOSIT. rent $375/mo
incl W/D balcony, pool. Call 352-870-9965
l| Real Estate
Sell your house, condo, acreage, mobile
home and much more in the ALLIGATOR
CLASSIFIEDS! Reach over 24,000 possible
buyers! Mastercard and Visa accepted over
the phone. Please Call 373-Find
3 leases signed for next year. Call for details
407-620-1555 7-28-10-5
Quad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra
land, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House
3/4BR, 2BA, wd firs, covered prch, concrete
patio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 352-
538-2181 Iv mssg 8-15-25-5
Existing condos & luxury condos near UF
at affordable prices. For more information,
visit www.mattpricerealtor.com or call
today Matt Price 352-281-3551' Campus
Realty Group 7-28-74-5
Grantwood Condominiums
2/2 Loft Condo W/Private Courtyard
Minutes From UF! 975SF, GATED
Starting @ $125,9001 HURRY!
Call Adam Vaisman 352-222-7260
Coldwell Banker MM Parrish Rltrs 372-5375
looking to buy or lease houses in this area.
Any size, price, or condition. 352-264-7347
or visit us @ www.happygatorhomes.com
1BR/1BA Tumbling Creek Condo.
End unit overlooking creek, new paint;
flooring, plumbing, light fixtures, walk to
UF/Shands/VA. $66,900, serious buyers.
222-2942 7-28-14-5
Under $100k, only 5 left
Call Scott @ 359-1678 Campus Realty
FSBO, 3b/2ba, 1208sf, conv NW location
approx 2 mi from campus, new roof, new
-carpet, new kitchen cab, new int/ext paint,
fenced yard, screened porch, $158,500 obo
Genie 381-9070, "featured" listing on http:
/'/infotube.net/116455 7-21-9-5 -
HOT Student Condos Near UF.
Save Thousands When You Buy Now.
Free List of UF CONDOS.
Campus Realty Group 9-1-19-5
Great Homes Close to UF.
Stop Renting. Buy Now.
Campus Realty Group 9-1-19-5
4BR/4BA condo at Countryside. 1 mile from
UF. 3 conv. bus rts. Overlooks pool & spa. W/
D incl. Tile & carpet, walk in closets, wireless
internet. Call 904-753-1575 7-28-8-5
1978 12' x 60' single wide mobile home in
Gville park. 2BR/1.5 BA. Lot rent $220/mo.
AC, heat, 10x24 screened room & 8x10 stor-
age shed. 1 owner. $17,000 cash. Call 386-
736-3244 eves for info. 7-28-8-5
3/2 plus den, double wide mobile home
on UF Bus line, country feel, close to
town. Remodeled, must see! $220 lot rent,
$46,900. Call 561-436-3020 7-28-6-5
Spectacular university views. Walk to UF &
the stadium. Classic New Orleans appeal
with state-of-the-art luxury. Reserve today.
52 units available. Starting in mid-300's. Call
Eric Wild 870-9453 12-7-80-5
1 ]0 1 Furnishings
BEDS 0 Full mattress & boxspring sets $49
* Queen sets $89P Single sets $39 *King
sets $99 0 From estate sale. Safe pine bunk
bed $109. 376-0939/378-0497.
. CALL-A-MATTRESS 4370 SW 20th Ave.
I 4W__ --gap .
"Copyrighted Material
Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/
mattress. Brand new, all unused in box. Sell
$199 can deliver. 352-377-9846 8-15-25-6
Futon Top of the line. Looks brand new. All
wood. Blue/mauve tones. Cost $800, sell
$150. 378-4626 7-28-6-6
BED-Queen, orthopedic, firm, extra thick, pil-
low-top, mattress & box. Name brand, new,
still in plastic. Sacrifice $150. Call 352-372-
7490 will deliver. 8-15-25-6
mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic
w/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice $140. Call
352-377-9846 8-15-25-6
Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must
sell. Can 'deliver. Retail $2300. Sacrifice
$550 352-372-7490 8-15-25-6
BED King-Pillowtop mattress & box springs.
Orthopedic rated. Name brand, new, never
been used, in plastic with warranty. Sell
$230. Call 352-372-8588. Can deliver. 8-
CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop
Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. Cost
$1500, sacrifice $550 352-271-5119 8-15-
BEDROOM SET. 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king
bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chests
avail. Dovetail const. New, in boxes. Can de-
liver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice $1400
(352) 372-7490 8-15-25-6
SOFA & LOVESEAT 100% Italian leather.
Brand new in plastic w/warranty. Retail
$2650. Sacrifice $750. Call 352-377-9846
DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table,
6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New,
still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100.
Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-8588 8-15-
MEMORY FOAM same as Temperpedia.
Save 50% & more. Other close-outs. 0 twin
sets $89 *full sets $129 *queen sets $149
*king sets $189 Student discounts apply.
4370 SW 20th Ave. 376-0953. We deliver.
Furniture for Sale. Matching dresser w/mirror
& nightstand ($250), 2 white sofas ($25),
2 white side tables ($10), desk ($10), ve-
. hicle bike rack ($5). All look brand new. Call
Lauren @ 219-3617- 7-19-5-6
Loveseat & sofabed, 2 end tables, 1 coffee
table, dining table, 5 chairs. Call 786-282-
5073. Ask for Amy or email afajardo@ufl.edu
2 twin size beds, new GE washer & dryer.
Prices are negotiable. 954-540-0344. 8-
Matching sofa & chair $80, sofa w/ sleeper
i $60, wood table w/ 3 chairs $40, TV center
$30, coffee table $10, grill $30, oak desk
$40,'2 desk chairs $30 ea.3 end tables $25
ea., dresser w/ night stand $90, filing cabinet
$75, printer $25 call 219-1330 7-19-4-6
Bed; desk; black, faux leather couches;
chairs; lamps; kitchenette w/chairs; enter-
tainment unit. Prices negotiable. 561-715-
1857 7-28-6-6
"Copyrighted Material A
i Syndicated Content
Available from Commercial News Providers"
Washer/dryer $250 for both. Full size bed
w/mattress $120. Wood kitchen table w/2
chairs $40. Corner desk $65. Call 352-
374-8088 or email lessthantony@aol.com
Beds, Futons, Furniture, King Sealy sets
$299; new sofas for $299; oak futons $169;
sofa & loveseat $399; dinettes, desks, all
on sale *New Location* 140 NW 6th St
Morrells Furniture Outlet. 352-378-5400
POOL TABLE like new. Professional size.
$1800 obo. Barley used. 352-359-2357.
Great for a house! 7-26-5-6
Moving sale: desk wi/hutch $30, another
desk $10; dresser $30; bookshelf $25; couch
$50, baker's rack $30; OBO. Must pick up!
Call 352-871-5370 7-19-3-6
Brand new La-Z-Boy chair & ottoman.
Contemporary Collection by Todd Oldham
Design. $500. Call 371-1060. 7-28-5-6
Incl: nightstand, head & foot boards, dresser
w/mirror, bureau, mattress. $300/OBO. In
good condition. Call 813-326-2183. Must
pick up. Must sell by 7/30. 7-28-5-6
Washer/Dryer $200
Call 381-9854, 7-26-3-6
Bed Full size orthopedic mattress & box.
Brand New. Still in plastic with warranty. Can
Deliver. $100 (352) 376-1600 8-2-5-6
Bed Full size orthopedic mattress & box.
Brand New. Still in plastic with warranty. Can
Deliver. $100 (352) 376-1600 8-2-5-6
Bed All New Queen orthopedic pillow-top
mattress & box set. Still in plastic with war-
ranty. Can Deliver. $140 (352) 264-9799
Bed -All New Kint! 3pc. Orthopedic pillow-top
set. Brand new, still in plastic, with warranty.
Can Deliver. $195.376-1600 8-2-5-6
Bedroom Set $495 Brand New! Still in
boxes! 6 pieces include: HB, 2 NS, Dresser,
Mirror, Chest. Can Deliver. (352) 264-9799
Futon $195 Solid oak, mission-style. Plush
mattress. Never used. Still in box. Can
Deliver. (352) 376-1600 8-2-5-6
Pool Table Gorgeous 8' All wood table.
Leather pockets, Italian 1" slate, carved
legs. Br. New still in crate. Cost $4,500. Sell
$1,350. Can Deliver. 264-9799 8-2-5-6
Hot Tub/Spa $1795.00 Brand New Loaded!
Waterfall, LED lights, cup-holders, 110v en-
ergy efficient with warranty. Free Delivery.
264-9799 8-2-5-6
CHEAP Bed includes box spring & mat-
tress, 3 pc armoire set & couch. Good condi-
tion. Call 954-540-1900 7-28-4-6
Sofabed, bedroom set, TV & stand
Best offer, but must pick up.
Call 352-216-4596 7-21-2-6
Heavy duty, super capacity, good condition.
For $200 352-870-4961 7-21-2-6
Computers D
^ A+Ebputepr GEke
Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek
House/dorm -59 min response. No waiting/
unplugging/hassels. $30 Gator Discount
w/student ID. M/F Cert MCSE technicians.
333-8404. www.AComputerGeek.com 8-
Complete residential & commercial support,
networking & website development. $45/hr
www.gainesvillecsi.com 371-2230 8-15-24-7
Cash Paid Laptop PCs
www.pcrecycle.biz 336-0075 8-15-24-7
Network specialists
We buy computers and laptops
Working and Non-worling
378-4009, 607 NW 13th Street
- computer/laptop repair
- virus, spyware, hardware
- $10 discounts, cheapest!
- home/dorm 352-219-2980
Dell Inspiron 5100 laptop P-4
2.4 Ghz Win XP 40 GHD 256 mb RAM
DVD/CD-RW, 15" screen
1 yr old-like new $800 o.b.o.
(352) 475-2382 (352) 665-9700 7-26-4-7
5 | Electronics
722 S. Main 0 The Red Bldg
GATOR CAR ALARMS Take a bite out of
crime $99.95. Installed FREE. Gainesville's
oldest car alarm and car stereo specialty
store. 373-3754 Audio Outlet. 12-7-84-8
Electronic 4 channel crossover $25, sound
mixer $10, pair prodynamics TX 1200 400-
watt speaker $150, Sherwood amp $20, JBL
control FB-5 subwoofer $50, set of technics
111-CD changer VSX-D9025 receiver $835
new, sell $150. Must sell. Call 352-262-1838
0 Bicycles
In the market for a new set of wheels or just
looking to add a second to that collection?
Want personalized handlebars or a fitted
seat? Check in the Alligator Classifieds.
Many to choose from
0 Best Prices in Townl
SPIN CYCLE 373-3355
424 W University Ave 8-15-25-9
S For Sale
Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF.
Reserve now! Reasonable rates. 352-538-
2181. Can leave mssg. 8-15-25-10
PARTY SUPPLIES: Complete line of bar
supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft beer
equipment. Professional cooking utensils.
R.W.Beaty Co. 4322 NW 13th St, Gville
RWBEATY.COM 376-5939. 8-15-25-10
NGC/PCGS Certified Coins, Silver Eagles,*
State Qtrs., etc. MS63 to perfect 70.
American Coins & Stamps. 3446 W. Univ.
.in good condition. Pewter color. $500/OBO.
Call Liz 352-359-6299 7-21-3-10
$35/mo each. Behind Nonrman Hall. 922 &
924 SW 7th Ave. & 1117 & 1119 SW 7th Ave.
372-4903 7-28-5-10
* IBANEX BLK electric guitar
*Dunlop full set golf clubs
*Sharp 28" huge color TV
*Tall wood/metal computer desk
Drafting table $50 OBO
S Motorcycles. Mopeds) l
Many Brands Available 518 SE 2nd St.
www.RPMmotorcycles.com 377-6974
Swamp Cycles
Large selection of E-bikes, Scooters and
Accessories. CPI USA, ETon, Luojia, HJC
Helmets. 534 SW 4th Avenue, 373-8823
www.swampcycles.com 8-15-25-11
Scooters from $599. Largest section
KYMCO, Vento, Hyosung, Keen & many
others. Financing avail. 3550 SW 34th St.
338-8450 solanocycle.com 8-15-43-11
SCOOTERS, or dirt bikes in ANY condition,
Running or not. titles or not. Prompt pick up.
Call ANYTIME: 352-376-9096
Please leave a message.
New location now open 1901 NW67th Place
352-336-1271 www.newscooters4less.com
Best prices in Gainesville. Owned by Gator
grads. Will beat all Gainesville competitor's
prices on similar models. 12-7-84-11
BUELL BLAST 2000, 500cc
6170 miles, Asking $2600 OBO. Call
Manuela Devack 904-269-2174. 7-21-4-11
Runs great, perfect on-campus transporta-
tion. $500 Call 328-6854 7-19-1-11
50cc Maxxi Scooter
Bought new in 2003. Excellent cond. and low
mileage. $850, call Ashley @ 850-321-6822
2003 HYOSUNG SENSE scooter for sale.
1st owner, 2k miles, maroon. Must sell by
end of July! $800 OBO. Serious inquiries
only. 256-1238 7-21-2-11
0* Autos
*Running or not!*
*Over 10 yr svc to UF students
*Call Don @ 215-7987 8-15-25-12
CARS -CARS Buy*SelleTrade
Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes
Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars
3432 N Main St. www.carrsmith.com
Running or Not 1990 & up only
Sell or Trade Welcome
Call Ray 352-284-8619
2715 N MAIN 377-1616
Best Cars Lowest Prices
For listings 800-749-8116 ext 4622 8-15-
automatic, 4-door, A/C, new tires. 69,500 mi,
$6500. Call 352-219-7450 or 352-219-1140
Black, 4 door, automatic, AC, AM/FM/
Cassette, PL, PW. $1600. Call 305-798-
5932 7-26-7-12
2002 JEEP WRANGLER 4WD, 53k mi,
100% fun/reliable ride! Orig owner, mint
cond. Expecting baby. Feat. ab, abs, ac, ps,
tilt, padded sound bar for great music-w/top
down. Go Dawgs!$15,900, 404-932-0709
1996 Dodge Stratus
Auto, A/C, Call 352-359-4459 7-28-7-12
'00 Silver Grand Cherokee
Exc. condition, 56k mi.
$10,000 obo.
813-817-6657 or 407-925-2523 i-
Chevy Venture Minivan. 2002. 42,700 miles.
16 mos FULL FREE Care Care Family of
Services and full warranty (except hoses).
Great deal $10,500 OBO. Call 846-5879
ABS, remote entry, automatic, 140k miles,
A/C, CD, cruise control, carefully maintained.
$3800. Call 373-6240 7-19-2-12
Automatic, 4 door, tinted windows, Sony
stereo, new tires, good condition, 85k miles.
$5200/OBO. Moving out of country. Call 305-
331-7413 8-15-8-12
92 Honda Civic DX 3dr hatch
4 cyl 30 mpg city A/C am/fm/cd
78k miles good cond
$2,850. Call Mike 374-4243 (eves) 8-4-6-12
WIN Wanted D
JEWELRY. 373-9243 8-15-25-13
On-going VOLUNTEER needed: Blind lady
needs trans on Sundays only to Mass @
Queen of Peace Catholic Church or St.
Augustine Catholic Church. For more info
call 219-6948. I live in the Tower Rd area.
Blind lady needs health majors interested in
walking at least three times a week. Call 352-
219-6948. Thanks. 7-28-22-13
Care-giver; lawn care, carpentry, plumbing;
electrical and ETC. Employment must in-
clude a private dwelling, board and furnished
- negotiable. Call 386-496-3056 ask for
Wayne. Religion: Baptist 7-21-5-13
*1 l Help Wanted
This newspaper assumes no responsibil-
ity for injury or loss arising from contacts
made through advertising. We suggest that
any reader who responds to advertising use
caution and investigate the sincerity of the
advertiser before giving out personal infor-
mation or arranging meetings'
Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be
over 22, stable work history, clean driving re-
cord, drug-free, pers ref. www.carrsmith.com
for details. 8-15-25-14
Animal Care Tech looking for hard working
person to work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will
train, PT to start with more hrs possible. Start
at $6.50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024
between 9-4 M-F. 8-15-25-4
CNA CLASS: Learn @ your own time and
pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and
pass the state exam is on VCR tape .~5%
pass the state exam the 1st time! $200. Call
800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 8-15-25-14
Phorte survey interviewers wanted. Start
work today! No sales, opinion research
only! Flexible Schedule! Perceptive Market
Research 336-6760 ex 4081 Call now!; 8-
Classifieds. ...
Continued on next page.
9l1 Furnishings l fi Computers
*1 Help Wanted ) | Help Wanted ) M Help Wanted
M 1 Help Wanted
) M 1 Help Wanted j
Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/
Sales and IT needed for various positions.
Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Join
our team! Learn more at www.gleim.com/
employment 8-15-25-14
For gently used brand name
Clothing/accessories & furniture
$Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No appt
necessary! 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 8-
No experience necessary, training provided.
800-965-6520 ext 138 8-15-25-14
Needed for evaluations of
Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters
Flexible Hours, E-mail required .
Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254
Attention Smokers!
Earn about $6/hr. Smokers are needed to
participate in a study on decision making &
smoking. If interested come to the psychol-
ogy bldg room 397 or call 392-0601 ext 297
Finance company needing office assistant
& collections associate. Young, progressive
company w/advancement & bonuses. 25
hrs/wk. Start immediately. Fax resume to
352-378-4156 8-31-90-14
Donate Plasma & Save a Life
Best part-time job you'll ever have.
Bring this Ad and Earn an
Extra $5 on Your 2nd Donation.
DCI Biologicals 150 NW6th St.
Groundskeepers FT, PT
Custodial duties/Apt Maint'
Transportation req. DFWP EEO
220 N Main 375-2152 x301 8-15-25-14
Leading Consultant, FT, PT
Energetic Attitude
Cust. Serv. Exp.'DFWP EEO
220 N. Main 375-2152 x301 8-15-25-14
Great for college students. Flexible hours.
Excellent pay. No exp nec. 378-8252 8-15-
Green Sparrow Chinese Restaurant now
hiring: Kitchen helpers, cashier/servers.
Apply in person 4-5pm, Mon Sun. See
www.green-sparrow.com for store loca-
tion or call 352-871-5771 8-15-25-14
ALSO some PT Position available.
352-246-5785 8-15-25-14
SOCCER COACHES: Gainesville Soccer
Alliance seeking experienced soccer coach-
es for competitive youth soccer teams for
2005-2006 season. Call 379-5979 or email:
contact@gainesvillesoccer.org 8-15-25-14
Participants Needed
The Phonetics Laboratory in the Program in
Linguistics is looking for people to participate
in a listening experiment.
You can earn $10/hour by participating in a
study of the perception of speech sounds
from foreign languages.
If you are interested in participating, please
contact Jenna Silver jenlsilver@yahoo.com
Mortgage lender has immediate sales posi-
tions avail for college students seeking prof
work exp. No exp req. $8-9/hr"+ bonus, flex
hrs. Apply in person 2-7pm M-F at 1900 SW
34th St Ste 206 (2nd fir above credit union)
Need Driver's License. Apply in person
at 515 NW 53rd Ave. at Gator Moving &
Storage Mon.-Fri. 7-28-20-14
Holiday Inn University Center is looking for
housekeepers and houseman
Start your AVON BUSINESS for $10.
Call Emma @ 352-871-4489 or e-mail
avonbyemma@hotmail.com. 8-15-20-14
Web Programmer
asp, asp.net, vb script, c#, SQL knowledge.
E-mail resume to jobs@352media.com
Internet Marketing Specialist Detail oriented
w/strong MS Excel/Word, communication
skills. Knowledge of SEO, PPC and affiliate
management a plus. Flex schedule. Base
pay + bonuses. Fax resume 800-967-5140
Exp preferred. Valid driver's license a must.
352-222-1904 8-15-15-14
Leasing Agent/Sales
Outgoing & reliable? Bonuses, great team.
PT schedule incl Sat req. Fax resume, cover
& avail schedule to Trimark Properties 376-
6269 or email hr@trimarkproperties.com
HIRING KITCHEN STAFF Starting $6.15/hr
DRIVERS $8-15/ht. PT easy schedule.
Please call 2-5pm 378-2442 or fill out ap-
plication at California Chicken Grill 2124 SW
34th St. Mon Fri. 8-15-14-14
Gymnastics & Dance
Coaches and instructors wanted at the
YMCA. Apply at 5201 NW 34th St. 3749622
ask for Kim or Judy. 8-15-13-14
Counselors wanted at the YMCA.. Summer
and fall. Apply at 5201 NW 34th St. 374-9622
ask for Judy. 8-15-13-14
Wellness Staff
wanted at the YMCA. Apply at 5201 NW 34th
St. 374-9622 ask for Kristina 8-15-13-14
Bus Drivers
wanted at the YMCA. Apply at 5201 NW 34th
St. 374-9622 ask for Tim 8-15-13-14
Accounting Asst. needed 15-20 hrs/week.
Base pay + bonuses. Quickbooks, Excel,
data entry, & problem solving skills a must.
Accounting background preferred. Start
immediately, fax resume to 800-967-5140
Tire Technicians, Experienced Only, Full and
Part time. Apply in Person: Tire Outlet 1320
N. Main Street 7-19-6-14
The Village Market
Gourmet Foods/Coffee Shop at Haile
Plantation. PT help 20-25 hrs. All shifts avail.
Apply within 380-0111 Call for .directions'
ONLY. 7-19-6-14
schedule. 100% commission, up to $500/wk.
Call 372-8444 for more info. 8-15-12-14
-Nanny, Full/Part time, newborn & older.
N/S, transportation required. Experience/
references required. Call 333-9988 7-28-
Private dance co. Great for students. Great
pay, fast cash & flexible hours. All to start
today[ 378-3312 8-4-15-14
Stuffing envelopes. Send self-addressed
stamped envelope to Scarab Marketing 28
E Jackson, 10th FL. Ste 938, Chicago, IL
60604 7-28-8-14
local tech company seeking positive ener-
getic and assertive sales professionals with
excellent communication and phone skills.
Sales exp preferred. Base pay + commis-
sion. Send resume to jobs@usbmis.com
Artistic? Nice handwriting? Hand lettering
P/T. A few.hours per wk. Close to campus.
No experience req. Short resume to: P 0 Box
286, Gainesville 32602 7-26-6-14
Gatorfood.com. Can earn anywhere between
$8 $15/hr. Set your own schedule.
For info contact 379-3663 7-28-8-14
Gatorfood.com "seeking immediate, place-
ment for ASP/MS-SQL server web devel-
oper. 5 yrs or equiv exp req. Email resume &
contact info to employment@gatorfood.com
wanted for friendly country practice. High
Springs Animal Hospital 386-454-1001 7-
RECEPTIONIST needed for busy OB-GYN
practice. Responsibilities include: answer-
ing multiple phone lines, scheduling appts,
collecting payments & chart mgmt. Good
benefits. Fax resume to: 352-332-7095 7-
Classic Fare Catering, located on the UF
Campus, is looking for banquet staff. Flexible
hours, competitive pay and a great working
environment. No experience necessary, we
will train. Apply in person and the Classic
Fare Catering Office located on the first floor
of Reitz Union from 3-5 pm, Monday Friday
or apply online at www.gatordining.com. 7-
High Performance Manager?
Fast Moving Dot Com needs a
Champion in the Office Place.
Aggressive Pay for Performance.
Resumes@NetEnforcers.com 7-19-4-14
Cashier/Stocker/Deli Gas Station near
Newberry Owner from India: Immediate
opening, long, hours available. Call. Nick/
Tommie/Annie @ 352-472-5079 7-19-4-14
Full-time paid legal intern
wanted for Gainesville
criminal defense law office.
Fax resume to 374-6771
Parttime for pm & weekend work. Executive's
assistant. Computer and basic math skills re-
quired. Send resume to: 6400 W. Newberry
Rd, Ste 301 Gainesville, FL 32605 7-19-
P/T Office Assistant position available for
young, exciting, and fast-growing company!
Responsibilities- include general office, mar-
keting, and research duties. Candidate must
be familiar with Microsoft Office and internet
researching. Hours are flexible. Email re-
sume to: etedprince@perthleadership.org.or
call 352-333-3768 7-28-6-14
After school care program attendent needed
for school year 2005-2006. Oak Hall Middle
School. Contact Middle School Head 352-
332-3609. References needed. 7-21-4-14
hiring for a dishwasher, kitchen prep position,
full or part time. Evenings only. Pay starts at
$7.00/hr. Apply within, Mon-Thurs, 1:00-4:00
pm, use rear entrance 7-21-4-14
Trainee for busy espresso bar near Oaks
Mall. Excellent pay, advanced skills taught.
No coffee experience req'd. Email work
references w/dates & contact info to :
tendoug@atlantic.net 7-28-6-14
instruct youth. 352-332-5626 7-21-4-14
Work for Student. Yard work, carpentry, elec-
trical, roofing, plumbing & some heavy lifting.
$6.50 7.00/hr depends on skill & experi-
ence. Call 376-6183 7-21-4-14
Wanted: PT ASAP Micanopy. Up to $9/hr.
Stall cleaning, other. Pos-warm blood
breeding/training farm spec. in dressage, C/L
mares/foals; farm maint. Family atmosphere,
live on farm. Rent/horse board ex. work.
Serious exp. only, year-round commitment
req. Excellent learning opp. Call 352-281-
3016 after 7pm. 8-15-9-14
We need a few more cat furniture makers!
Looking for P/T, manual laborers. Contact
Tom at Molly and Friends 337-1535 open
8-6 M-F. Good with numbers is a plus. 7-
Childcare in my NW home for 1-yr old &
4- yr old. Flexible schedule, approximately
12-17 hrs/wk. Please have transportation &
references. Salary .depends on experience.
514-0519 7-21-4-14
Five Star Pizza Downtown/Tower Road now
hiring all positions for fall and spring. In store/
driver. Great pay w/ great atmosphere. Apply
@ 210 SW 2nd Ave 375-5600 or 600 NW
75th St. 333-7979 10-3-37-14
The. Reitz Union Productions Department
is now accepting applications for Student
Assistant positions. Productions employees
work in a fast-paced environment setting
tables, chairs, staging, and audio-visual
equipment for events in the Reitz Union.,
Opportunities for advancement are avail-
able in our growing department. Apply
online at: www.union.ufl.edu/jobs, and list
"Productions" as your first choice of employ-
ment. 7-21-4-14
Non-profit organization seeking copy editor.
Grammar and writing skills necessary. Email
resume to Alexakos@gue.com 7-28-6-14
Infinite Energy sells $500 million of natural
gas yearly. We have immediate openings for
20-35 hours per week. Hourly wage: $7 to
$11, plus commission. Need-more info? Go
to www.infiniteenergy.com. Respond- by
fax 352-240-4146 or email your resume to
wehavejobs@infiniteenergy.com. EOE/AA/
MFDV. 8-4-8-14
Student Supervisors/Managers:
Start building or add to your resume! Gator
Dining Services, located on the UF Campus,
is looking for Student Supervisors/Managers.
Pay is $8-$10 hr based on experience. We
offer competitive pay, benefits and a great
working environment. Aply at Gator Dining
Services, B73 Reitz Union, Museum Rd or
online at www.gatordining.com. 7-26-4-14
WGFL-TV is seeking a reliable part-time
master control operator. Must be able to
work possible overnight & weekend shifts.
Computer or broadcast experience a plus.
DFWP EOE. Fax or mail resume to: WGFL-
TV .4190 NW 93rd Ave. Gainesville, FL
32653; fax 352-371-9353. 7-26-4-14
CHILD CARE needed in my home. FT/PT.
Must have own transportation. References
req. $8/hr. Begins 8/1/05. 494-7705 7-21-
Now hiring experienced kitchen staff. Please
'apply in person at 6500 SW Archer,Rd. 7-
Help wanted PT immediate availability.
Busy optometrist office in search of PT help.
Will train. Applicants must have excellent
people skills. Fax resume w/availability for
the rest of summer as well as fall semester.
Great patient care exp. Fax to 352-333-9950
ASAP 7-26-4-14
ASST. 352-338-2800. 7-28-5-14
PT POSITIONS. Great for FT students.
Email info to: amarshall35@yahoo.com 8-
Catering positions available with the dy-
namic, creative crew at Gainesville's best
catering company. Hiring part time and full
time caterers, set up staff, kitchen prep
and delivery drivers. Open positions for all
shifts. Flexible scheduling with weekday
and weekend hours available. This job is
for enthusiastic, active people who want a
fun job loaded with opportunity and variety.
This is NOT your typical fast food, drive-thru,
or boring retail setting. Every day is exciting
arid different at Celebrations. Ask around
about our excellent reputation and become
part of our success!...check our web site at
www.celebrations-catering.com --- No'cater-
ing experience necessary. Apply in person
at Celebrations Catering after 2pm 904 N.
Main St. by U-Haul. 8-15-8-14
for on-campus flyering for reputable local
company. UF students only. Call 352-375-
2707. 7-26-4-14
Herbal Manufacturing Co. opening for
LAB ASSISTANT. Please fax resume to 386-
462-3396 or call 386-462-0026. 7-19-2-14
Holiday Inn University Center Hotel
Immediate openings for the following:
Maintenance one year experience
Apply in person Mon-Fri 8am-5pm 7-26-
The Honey Baked Ham Co & Cafe is now
hiring sales assoc & sandwich prep. .PT.
Approx 18-24 hrs/wk. Starting salary $6.50/
hr. Apply in person 618 NW 60th St. (behind
McDonalds on Newberry Rd) 331-1253.. 7-
good $ for exp: grad student welcomed
bkgd ck: 8 REAL $ jobs avail NOW
Noah's Ark Nanny 352-376-5008. 8-15-8-14
MARY POPPINS: Where are you??
FT NANNY NEEDED 30-45 hrs/wk
6 Jobs avail immediately: Great $ for exp.
Noah's.Ark Nanny: 352-376-5008. 8-15-
Lunch Receptionist M-F
Friendly, Dependable
Starts 07/25/05
Call Larae 336-1594 7-21-3-14
Video tape for use in court. 1-3 days a week,
3-5 hours per day. Hours vary. Will train.
Must have own camcorder, VHS or better.
Call (352) 466-1105 and leave a brief mes-
sage on machine. 8-2-5-14
Hiring for fall rush. Orange & Blue Textbooks
is seeking PT/FT help for upcoming semes-
ter rush. Good people skills & register expe-
rience preferred. Stop by store @ 309 NW
13th St. for details & application 8-2-5-14
$10-12/hr Delivery Drivers
Mario & Luigi's Pizza. Flexible schedule. Call
after 5pm 871-3368 8-2-5-14
Wanted for:
2 Counts of Felony DUI, Driving
While License Suspended or Revoked
3rd Conviction, Leaving the Scene
of an Accident with Personal Injury,
and Driving While Drivers License
Revoked Habitual
Call (352) 372-STOP
*d .Help Wanted Ril
VB, asp.net, SQL knowledge. Email resume
to jobs@gothicsoftware.com 8-2-5-14
To the University of Florida students! Help us
make the world green, and fund your educa-
tion doing it. Details at:
http://krystal-planet.com/umc 8-2-5-14
Established fine-dining Asian restaurant
seeks reliable student for part-time entry-
level positions. Please call 352-514-6404 for
more info, 2-5pm daily. 8-2-5-14
SCHOOL": Part time assistant teacher,
after school supervisor, Spanish teacher &
Substitute Teachers. Stop by 8505 NW 39
Ave. to apply see Millhopper.com for de-
tails. 7-28-4-14
Medical Assistant for busy Dermatology
Office. Ideal position for health-related major.
Part-time 16-30 hrs/wk to possible full-time
position. Minimum 1-year commitment.
Experience preferred but willing to train mo-
tivated person. Fax resume to 352-332-2966
Lead Cook
ARAMARK The world leader in managed
services is looking to hire a lead cook for an
Italian Concept on the UF Campus. Need
to be a hands on person that will work right
along with the employees and have experi-
ence with recipes and managing employees.
Competitive pay, flex hours. Fill out an ap-
plication online at www.gatordining.com or
email resume to msmorgan@ufl.edu. As
always, Grazie. EEO/AA. 7-28-4-14
Experienced shingle & built up. Benefit pack-
age. DFWP. Call 352-376-3419. 8-4-6-14
Review will begin August 1, 2005-
and continue until filled.
For additional information visit
http://admin.sfcc.edu/-humresourc/ or call
Human Resources at 352-395-5185 7-21-
Southeastern Integrated Medical, PA is
recruiting for
2 Patient Attendants (Part-Time);
Fax resume to 373-9870 or Email
simedpa@yahoo.com 7-21-2-14
SWEET JOB!! Thornbrook Chocolates is
hiring sales assts, PT/FT. Only responsible,
hard-working, people-friendly people need
apply. No calls please. Apply in person @
2441 NW43rd St. Suite 11B 7-28-4-14
S Servides .
Close To UF, Convenient
-4x4x4 $20/mo
4x8x8 $35/mo
533 SW 2nd Ave. 377-1771
Porsche, Volvo, VW, Honda, Toyota, Nissan,
Mazda. Quality craftsmanship, reasonable
prices, near UF, AAA approved 378-7830
www.carrsmith.com 8-15-25-15
HYPNOTIST-Stop smoking. Improve mem-
ory & concentration. Eliminate bad habits.
Past life regression. Learn self-hypnosis.
Low Student Rates. Leonard Umans AAPH,
NGH certified 379-1079. 8-15-25-15
Services J
Ethnic Dance Expressions Studio
For Fun & Fitness 384-9200
HORSE BOARDING peaceful spacious
30 acres ring-arena round pens expe-
rienced help 12x12 stalls 1-352-472-2627.
Owner on premisis 35+ yrs exp. Lessons
avail. 8-15-25-15
Take Points Off Your Driver's License
And Dismiss Traffic Tickets
With Online Driver Improvement Courses
Quality Boarding 0 Lessons/English 0
Parties Alachua County's oldest & finest
horse farm 0 466-4060 8-15-25-15
Classes & Workshops
at Sanctuary
Complete Auto Service
Imports & Domestics Cars & Trucks
Discount for students. Call 352-380-0033
The countryclub for horses & owners.
Customer lounge w/full kitchen & bath. 250'
x 160' riding ring, round pen & jump pad-
dock. Lessons. 30 acres, 40 matted stalls, 19
separate paddocks. 24-hr security, 352-591-
3175 everglade-eqestrian.com 8-15-25-15
Custom Posters Exhibits 0 Awards
Top Quality Fast 0 Service 0 Low Prices
SignMasters 335-7000
Jump start your job search at
Plaques Name Badges Cups Etc.
Best Selection In Town
SignMasters 335-7000
English as 2nd language
Reading, Composition, Conversation
Experienced educators. Reasonable fees.
Tel: 352-335-9400 8-15-25-15
Individuals or small groups.
Experienced, excellent.
375-6641 Harold Nobles
All facilities & amentiies: quality instruc-
tion. 15 minutes from UF. Jan at 376-7762.
Greathouse Equestrian Center. 8-15-26-15
Stringing If anybody can string rackets low,
EZ Tennis can string them lower. Ready in
24hrs. Express stringing available upon
request. We have more string than all local
stores combined, please stop by or call 372-
2257 8-15-20-15
Why buy mart-cheap rackets? You can
upgrade at EZ Tennis & pay less. Stop wast-
ing money. Our name is EZ and our game
is Tennis. Call them and call us. 372-2257
Rackets Tennis Racquetball Squash
Badmitton Table Tennis. Lowest prices in
town. EZ Tennis will gladly beat lower inter-
net prices. Call us at 372-2257 8-15-20-15
Professional employee training, negotiation,
mediation, conflict resolution & consulting.
Public/private sector. Sliding scale. Free
initial consultation. Phone 352-514-5515
Um Services -
MAKE IT PERFECT with affordable & profes-
sional editing for your newsletter, manuscript,
class paper, thesis or dissertation. Sliding
scale. Phone 352-514-5515 7-28-16-15
Whippoorwill Farm: Stall and/or pasture
board. 10 min W of UF off Archer Rd. CBS
Barn 12x12 stalls on 27 shaded acres.
Lighted arena, round pen, trails, tackroom.
Owner on premises. 376-8792 8-15-19-15
Want to be a CNA? Don't want to wait?
Express Training Services can get you certi-
fied in less than 3 weeks! Hands-on exp, no
videos. Day/eve classes avail. Next class 7-
25-05. Class sizes limited. Call 338-1193 for
.details. 7-28-12-15
Beautiful emerald amethyst farm 40 acre,
full service horse boarding & training facility.
On-site trainer & care. 275 x 175 jump ring.
386-462-0781 8-15-12-15
Beginners to advanced. Folk, bluegrass,
blues & pop. Flatpick & fingerpicking guitar
styles. Celtic & bluegrass fiddle & mandolin
styles. Alan Stowell 372-9248, 262-0171
Private Tutor Experienced teacher look-
ing for students to tutor Grades 1-6 Back
to school special Eamil today for info or
call 386-546-0013/nan2198@yahoo.com.
tHealth Services
New Location. Students No Appt Needed!
4343 Newberry Rd. #10, 373-2340
Most Ins Accepted, Hours M-F 8a-6p 8-15-
IV sedation, Student Discount.
Well Woman Care & Birth Control
Bread & Roses Women's Health Ctr
"PINK EYE?" Participate in a study to treat
bacterial conjunctivitis. Qualified participants
will get free evaluation, medication & be
reimbursed for their time. Call Dr. Levy @
331-2020 immediately. 8-15-25-16
New therapy being studied! If you qualify to
participate in this research you will get free
evaluation, medication, and be reimbursed
for your time. Call Dr. Levy @ 331-2020 for
evaluation 8-15-25-16
Save up to 80%. Go to: www.health4u.biz or
call 352-376-9960. 8-2-6-15
Typing Services'
SAME DAY SERVICE: Transcription, typing,
apps. Desktop pub: brochures, newsletters,
flyers, ads, logos. Resume service. 18 yrs
exp. 24-hr turnaround. Connie 271-2677
5 Personals -
Anonymous HIV Antibody Testing
Alachua County Health Dept. Call
334-7960 for app't (optional $20 fee)
University Opticians
300 SW 4th Ave. 378-4480;
1800 Gun Inventory
Over 500 handguns in stock
Buy, Sell, Trade or Repair.
Reloading Supplies 466-3340
Harry Beckwith, Gun Dealer
8mi. South of G'ville on 441
*Family Chiropractic*
Since 1977. Two blocks from U.F.
S Personals 3
We buy 10-5, M-Sat. Open to shop til 6. WE
Ave 375-3752. 8-15-25-18
Inside Books, Inc. 505 NW 13 St.
10-9 384-0090
CLEARANCE SALE All CDs must go -
100,000+ CDs on sale $5.99. Ten for $50.
We need more room for our GIANT DVD
INVENTORY. Cash paid for DVDs. Hear
Again 818 W. University Ave. 373-1800 8-
Big stores cannot touch our stringing in qual-
ity and price. Please ask their clerks about
EZ Tennis. Why wait for 3-5 days on strining.
With us 1 day max! 8-15-20-18
In terms of Tennis, big stores make EZ
Tennis look good. We are lower than them
in prices faster in stringing stock better
quality rackets can explain or recommend
products to customers better. Tell your
friends about EZ Tennis. 8-15-20-18
Tell your friends about EZ Tennis. If you have Mia
any questions, please talk to us. Our goal, VIC
to have the lowest prices on rackets in the $40 R/T
world. Please help us and your friends to Depai
achieve this goal. Bring the lowest price u- 335-8'
find. 8-15-20-18 8-15-25-2:
Want to make a connection? Place your ad Furry, fi
here to look for someone to share a com- roommate
mon interest with or for your true love or pet prc
the Alligat
Event Notices
Aug 5 Sept 2
Classes 6-7pm
376-6011 $20 7-28-4-20
Every Sat & Sun Hwy 301
15 min from Gainesville 468-2255.
Airball, Speedball, Forts on 27 acres
Call for the best group rates!
In Gainesville Better Prices
Better Fields Better Call 371-2092
in Panama City. Beautiful, new 2/2 condo.
Oceanfront, spectacular views, white sand.
Call 335-5946 or 379-0619 Iv msg. 8-15-
Or Tickets?
***EUROPE $757 RT***
Travel planning for students. Train & cruises
also available Gator Country Travel (just off
campus) 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg.
No. ST-18264 8-15-25-22
***WEST COAST $177 RT***
Tours packages & more. Los Angeles,
Seattle & more! Call for best rates. Gator
Country Travel (just off campus) 373-1992
FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-18264 8-
***AIRFARE $157 RT***
Summer & fall specials. NYC, DC, Philly,
New Eng & more! Gator Country Travel (just
off campus) 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel
Reg. No. ST 18264 8-15-25-22 "
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Secondary prepares for more man-to-man coverage
Alligator Staff Writer
With a crucial game on the line, some-
body in the secondary needed to step up.
Ideas were on a swivel as tomahawk
chops churned in unison to the tune of the
Marching Chiefs and it seemed as if the
Gators were destined for yet another late-
game meltdown with Florida State driving
into UF territory.
But the final game of the regular season
brought promising signs for the 2005 cam-
paign. In the closing seconds against FSU,
Jarvis Herring's game-clinching intercep-
tion showed that the safety should be a
force in his final season.
Now a senior, Herring cemented his
spot at the strong safety position through-
out the spring after becoming a mainstay
on the 2004 secondary.
His ability to read the offense and be
at the right place at the right time helped
him lead the Gators last year with four
"I'm not a fast guy or a guy who will
run you a 4.3," Herring said. "I just don't
have that kind of speed. But I'm one that's
going to keep hustling to the ball on every
play and I'll be the last man standing."
While Herring might not be -a blazing
S i junior Dee
110"M MI Ai ig Webb brings
i plenty of
speed to the
Webb, who competed with the track
team in the spring to' improve his speed,
emerged as the Gators' top cornerback last
year after leading UF in pass breakups
with 10.
UF should be playing a lot more man-
to-man coverage this year, and that's an
opportunity that Webb is already savor-
"Man coverage is my favorite coverage
and we didn't run it too much until the
end of last season," he said. "I like that
a lot because I feel like I can shut down
anybody at anytime, so by [Coach Urban
Meyer] implementing that, I can be more
physical with the receiver."
An even bigger surprise for the UF sec-
ondary in 2004 turned out to be the rapid
on-field maturation of sophomore Kyle
Jackson started the Gators' final four
games last year and looked like a natural
at the free safety position; snatching two
interceptions in UF's 48-14 win against
South Carolina.
The biggest question in the secondary
is who will lock up the second cornerback
Senior Vernell Brown emerged from
the spring as the starter, but he will have
to hold off up-and-comers like Reggie
Lewis, twin broth-
ers Tremaine and
Jermaine McCollum
and true freshman
Avery Atkins.
The dark horse
in the race could be
sophomore safety
Reggie Nelson.
Nelson has all the
TackL ls
lnr t)Js
intangibles to be a force in the SEC, but
. a transition to cover corner would have
to be learned in a small amount of time.
At 6-foot-I, 175 pounds, he possesses the
ideal frame for a starting corner and is ath-
letic enough to get on the field as the year
Sophomore Tony Joiner and junior
Terrence Holmes should also give quality
depth in the secondary because of their
game experience. Joiner is a close friend
with Jackson and the relationship has
helped him become even more knowl-
edgeable on the field.
"[Kyle] being out there and playing is
kind of like a mentor to me, because he
played last year and I didn't," Joiner said.
"So he sees things I don't see."
Secondary Depth Chart
5 16
3 30-.
2 IS
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TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2005
Donovan criticizes NBA's minimum-age requirement
Alligator Staff Writer
Donnell Harvey, Kwame
Brown, Mike Miller, Christian
Drejer the list of players who
have deferred to complete their
basketball apprenticeships under
UF coach Billy Donovan grows
At the helm of a program that
lQst nearly 40 percent of its scor-
ing after former UF junior guards
Anthony Roberson and Matt
Walsh opted to go pro last month,
Donovan would seem to be the
poster boy for raising the NBA
age limit.
But the coach burned so fre-
quently by early departures of-
fered criticism of the NBA's recent-
ly adopted 19-year-old minimum
entry age during a teleconference
on Monday.
As part of the NBA's collective
bargaining agreement with the
player's union last month, the
league raised its minimum age
from 18.
Starting in 2006, all NBA draft
entrants must be at least 19 years
old, which effectively eliminates
the opportunity of high school
prospects skipping college to head
straight to the pros.
"Personally, I don't like it,"
Donovan said. "I think it creates
more confusion in our game at the
college level."
Donovan explained that from
speaking with NBA scouts, colle-
giate coaches have a good idea of
Matt Marriott / Alligator Staff
Several players have left the UF men's basketball program before their third year in college. Coach Billy
Donovan suggested using an eligibility rule in basketball similar to the one used in college baseball.
which potential signees are likely
to jump straight to the league.
Under the old regulation,
coaches could maximize their re-
cruiting time by concentrating on
prospects not pegged for the pros.
Now, with the new age limit
forcing future NBA superstars to
spend a year out of high school,
coaches must face the burden of
convincing talented but potential
two-, three, and four-year play-
ers, to commit to a program as a
reserve for an unknown amount
of time.
"I think it's very difficult in
college when you sign a real good
player, and you spend an enor-
mous amount of time [recruiting
him]," Donovan said, "and then
he's only there for a year and
Donovan did acknowledge that
players, such as former Syracuse
star Carmelo Anthony, have made
significant impacts on their respec-
tive teams in only one year.
But he also noted the difficulty
in a program recovering from such
a loss.
Donovan also pointed out the
adjustment period many first-year
collegiate players encounter could
injure an NBA prospect's stock.
"I think it creates unrealistic
expectations for a young man,"
Donovan said. "I don't care if it's
high school to college or college to
the NBA. Anytime you change lev-
els and the competition changes,
there's always a period of adjust-
While the coach admitted he
couldn't offer a perfect solution,
Donovan pointed to baseball's
policy as a preferable example.
High school baseball players
have the option of jumping to the
big leagues immediately. However,
once a player has signed with a
college, he must remain there for
three years.
"Selfishly, the best thing for our
game would be a situation like
baseball," Donovan said. "I think
that will make it a little easier for
us transition-wise.
"But at the same point, it's not
fair to a young man that has the
option to leave after his freshman
or sophomore year and can make a
lot of money to maybe change the
lifestyle of his family."
At 60, Spurrier shouldn't have to deal with South Carolina mess
There was a day not so long ago when
South Carolina landing on probation
equaled a page seven story, buried
somewhere between UCF football and the
But when the NCAA announced the
discovery of ten violations under Lou Holtz
throughout a three-year period, the interest
in Gainesville exploded.
About five hours northeast of town, Steve
Spurrier hides under his USC visor to escape
the scorching sun blazing on a ritzy South
Carolina golf course.
Today the 60-year-old Spurrier, once
crowned "Wonderboy" in Gainesville, is old
enough to utilize many senior citizen golf
You'd expect a man like Spurrier to retire
at 60 and play golf, drive to the beach and
MMLB: Florida vs. Arizona
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drool at girls in bikinis, or do whatever it is
retired millionaires do.
Instead, you can turn on the TV and find
Spurrier wearing a red Gamecocks vest. He
looks much more weary these days, worn
out with the. season still more than a month
The first summer of Spurrier's seventh
decade hasn't been so kind to the ol' ball
coach. After watching several of his players
run afoul with the law, Spurrier must deal
with the violations.
No, South Carolina won't be slapped with
the most serious penalties. Spurrier and Co.
have requested two years of probation and a
minor reduction in scholarships.
But it's painfully obvious the Gamecocks
are far from competing for a SEC title, some-
thing USC has never accomplished.
UF President Bernie Machen
talks to the Alligator about Urban
Meyer, Steve Spurrier and off-the-
field issues in college sports in the
first of a two part interview series.
Drew's Control
Don't feel sorry for
Steve, he knew the
dung was about hit the
fan when he took the
job. Still, I don't get it.
Steve, buddy, pal,
legend, what are you
doing in Columbia?
You once laid claim to
king of college football,
your majestic visor
more feared than Napoleon's sword.
Some say it's Spurrier's enormous ego,
desperate to prove that he can single-hand-
edly resurrect a program like he did at Duke
and UF (shhh, we'll pretend the NFL coach-
ing gig was a dream or something).
Let's get real. If South Carolina wins the
SEC East this year or next, I will attend a
EJuly 16, 1996 : Senior quarterback Eric
Kresser transfers to then-Division I-AA Mar-
shall. After starting just once at UF, Kresser
took Chad Pennington's job at Marshall,
leading the 15-0 Herd to a national title.
WNBA and MLS game on the same day.
Some will argue that Spurrier found him-
self in a similar situation when he became
UF's head man, but the talent-rich state of
Florida seemed to be waiting for the Age of
Spurrier. History doesn't repeat itself, not
like that.
So why, at Spurrier's age, would he want
to take over a program that's a long-term in-
vestment? Even Pat Riley, also regarded as a
fading legend, will only accept a coaching gig
likely to result in a shiny championship ring.
Spurrier may claim he balked at the UF
job because he wanted a new challenge, but
do you really believe he would rather coach
South Carolina than a familiar UF team
loaded with talent.
In all likelihood, Spurrier never expected
SWhen making an overcall- a call after
one has already been made on the bet-i
you can't assume a bluff anymore because
you are now playing against two hands..
4' .. -
This is the first of a two-part series of
interviews betwe-; 4i1h.- ,.:-r .:.,.rr : .t.,.
tor Andrew Abramnc:,,i rin uF -i"i.,e-nt
< Bernie Machen. A4i., -ins:.rn .Ard t M..:'otri
discussed a wide airr- .:.r "p.:.r p : .r-- -:.
AA: Growing up, wno mere your sports idols and
favorite teams?
BM: I grew up in St Louis. so my favorne team
was the base-oall Cardinals wnich is the
biggest thing in St. Louis. Stan Musial,
Tim McCarver. Boo Gibson-those are
the names out cf mne past thai I grew up
watching. Baseoali Ias a big sport, there
was no pro football. Remember. they 're
now the Arizona Cardinals, they used to
be the St. Louis Cardinals, but wnen I
was growing up mney were the Chicago
Cardinals. You're going way back now.
There was no pro football team in St.
Louis when I was growing up: it came as
I graduated high school So when it came
to football, the Universiv of Missouri. Dan
Devine-he went on to Notre Dame-was
the team thai we all watched.
AA: Did you play many sports as a child?
BM: I played football and I played golf. In junior
high I played basketball but at the high
school level I only played football ano golf.
AA: Do you ever eel the desire to go out and
throw the football around anymore?
BM: Not anymore. Not anymore.
AA: Do you have an opportunity to golf often?
BM. I thought when I moved to Florida that I
would eolt a lot, but I haven t been able
to get our much. But I golf once a month
AA. When you arrived in Gainesville, were you
surprised at the enthusiasm surrounding UF
BM: Well, actually, I knew it was one of the top
overall programs in Ihe country. I measure
that not so much by football, which a lot
of schools have, but by the depth or the
program especially women's sports I
was verve impressed coming in by the qual-
ity of the swimming and diving team, the
women s soccer team, the gymnastics team
and the volleyball team. Women's basket-
ball had a rough go. but I knew it was a good
AA: What about just the overall fan support?
60,000 fans showing up to a spring game.
that's a lot.
BM: I've never seen anything like it. At most
places-including Michigan, which is a
pretty fair football school-never would
spring sports and the spring game have
the kind of attraction that it does here.
Many schools are doing away with the
spring game. Obviously that wouldn't work
here given the fan interest in making it
happen. But I realized a number of things.
First, last fall going through a coaching
search win a.11 the help that I received, I
h realized there's a lot of
people paying attention
II_ to what's going on with
rn football. And generally
II II once Coach Meyer came
and seeing the enthu-
e n siasm outpour for him,
1che I realized we were in a
different place.
AA: How strange is it hir-
ing Urban Meyer twice, and what's so special
aoout n.m?
BM: I remember the last time I saw Coach
Meyer before I came to Florida. Utah played
Southern Mississippi in the Liberth Bowl
on New Near's Eve day. The n6i.t morning I
was checking out of the hotel at 7 a.m. and
Urban was down at the lobby. We hugged
and I said, "go get 'em. Urban." I figured
that was it. Then, the idea of us hiring him
[at UF| never even got in my head. It was
Jeremy Foley who really decided that s the
person we wanted. BItL I knew Urban. I knew
his values are what a coach ought to have.
He s family list and he lakes care ot his
athletes the way any c:ach would want his
atnletes to ne taken care of. He also loves
the university. He will never do anything to
embarrass the university. Most of the people
now hali: become familiar with now he be-
haves and now important the university is
to him. We're lucky to have an Urban Meyer
at the University of Florida, any university ,
would be.
AA: Are you troubled by the increase in off-the-
field incidents in college sports?
BM' Yes, I am. I think it was one of Urban's pri-
orities both at Utah and here that in order
to be a champion you ve got to live right off
the field. You've got to perform well in the
classroom as well as on the field It was
something I knew would be a nignil impor-
tant issue for him. I don t Know how these
tiversiies can look thernsel.es in the mir-
ror with all the stuff that's going on.
AA: What about in pro sports? What went
through your head when you saw the
Pistons-Pacers brawl back in November?
BM: That was a disgrace to athletics. A lot of
that had to do with alcohol. You saw the
beers that were flying around. I've been to
the Palace of Auburn Hills and it's a great
facility. But it's a pro atmosphere with lots of
alcohol, and the crowd sort of gets worked
up over that. I don't think it helped college
sports or pro sports at all.
AA: Is there something that can be done?
Obviously they're not going to ban alcohol at
pro sporting events.
BM; I think it's had a sobering effect on every-
one when they saw just how out of control it
was. I'd be surprised if it happened again. I
think the NBA has really made it clear where
the line is. and you shouldn't cross that line.
Maybe that line wasn I as clearly marked
before this as it is now I think it will take
care of itself.
4A. Switching gears a ont. Steve Spurrier is a
legend at UF. but now he's a rival. Is he still
a Gator?
BM: I think Steve will always be a Gator. He
still has a home here in Gainesville and he
says ne wants to come here to retire. I wish
he would have come nere to retire sooner
rather than later ilaugnsi. I do think we're
going to have some spirited competition
now that he's at South Carolina, but at the
end of the day Steve Spurrier is and always
will be a Gator.
AA: Are you looking forward to the game in
BM I'm rot going. I don't do away games. I
think the rivalry will heat up and I think
it will be good for college sports. I know
Coach Meyer's looking forward to it, and I
bet Coach Spurrier is looking forward to it
as well.
#ABRAMSON, from page 19
UF to find a better coach than him (what? That's blasphemy
in the Book of Steve).
UF did it right. At 40, Urban Meyer could be Spurrier's son
(adopted, of course-they don't exactly appear biologically
In the last few years, Meyer led an unheralded Utah team
to a Fiesta Bowl championship. Spurrier led Redskins owner
Daniel Snyder to the insane asylum (or was it the other way
But enough Urban praising and Spurrier bashing, because
Spurrier could have been a solid No. 2 choice for the UF job.
Spurrier can flat out coach in the college level, and he de-
serves better.
There weren't many high profile job openings this season
- I can't picture Spurrier being an ideal fit in Catholic South
Bend. Talk about the odd couple.
But how about, dare I say it, the Florida State job next
season. Bobby Bowden's time is up, he's old enough to be
Spurrier's dad (possibly not adopted, in an eerie Darth Vader-
Luke Skywalker sort of relationship).
Imagine what the 01' Ball Coach could do in Tallahassee.
Recruiting in South Carolina is a daunting task, especially
with Clemson in the mix. The high school talent in South
Carolina and Florida isn't even comparable.
And there will be other jobs available. Another Texas loss
to Oklahoma could mean the inevitable oust of Mack Brown.
I 'know the golfing in South Carolina is second to none, but
if Spurrier really wanted to coach this late in his life, why not
aim for the greatest reward of all a second national title.
For now, Spurrier and the 'Cocks will remain page one
news around the SEC, especially in Gainesville.
But for how long?
- "y r ~ ~ r -- ....
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the independent florida Not officially associated with the University of Florida Pblshed by Camopus ConouniCationSInc. of Gaesville. Flonda We Inform. You Decide. Recycle TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2005 By CRYSTAL HENRY Alligator Writer csenry@aIIigator.org Gator Growl officials have selected "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" comedian Wayne Brady as the headlining act for this October's event. Brady, an Orlando native who has won two Emmy awards including one for "Whose Line.," will join a who's who of past performers, such as Jerry Seinfeld and Jay Leno, at the world's largest student-run pep rally. Brady's talent coordinator, Colleen McGarr, said Brady will work closely with Carmody and the rest of the Gator Growl staff to tailor his act specifically for this year's show. "He's from Orlando, so he's super familiar with Gator Growl," McGarr said. She said Brady agreed to perforn at UF for a number of reasons, but mainly because, like for many performers, Gator Growl is like a right of passage -they all want to do it once. McGarr said Brady is the first performer of his kind at Gator Growl because he will incorporate comedy, music and improvisation all in one show. Growl spokeman Chris Chase said Brady will be paid $65,000 for a 45-minute performance. Last year's headliner, Blue Collar Comedy Tour's Bill Engvall, was paid $90,000 for his Gator Growl appearance. Although the Florida Blue Key event has a smaller budget this year and had to request a provision of almost $200,000 from Student Government, the "Revenge of the Swamp"-themed show will go on, Gator Growl Producer Rob Carmody said. Carmody said he still is searching for opening acts but doesn't want to get students' hopes up by naming any of the possibilities until he knows whom he will get to commit. Students can also audition to be part of the event at a talent night to be held within the next few weeks, Chase said. Both Carmody and Chase noted everything is right on schedule for what will be Gator Growl's 80th year, and Carmody, who SEE GROWL, PAGE 5 At Criser Hall (above), students can pay their bills in several ways without facing a new service charge. By STEPHEN MAGRUDER Alligator Writer smagruder@alligator.org Students who use ISIS to pay university obligations, such as tuition, with a credit card will see a charge added to their transactions next week in a move a UF administrator says is meant to encourage the use of less costly payment methods. Starting July 26, a 2.6-percent service charge will be added to all credit card payments made through ISIS on UF's Web site to offset the fees charged to the university to process the payments. UF Senior Associate Controller Stuart Hoskins said UF students pay more than $40 million in tuition each year, and the fees to cover credit card payments made by a minority of students are paid for by all students. "That's why we had to make this decision," he said. Hoskins added that administrators, who announced the upcoming fee Friday via e-mail, have considered adding the fee since January. Credit card companies charge UF about 2 percent of the total to process online transactions. The extra 0.6 percent UF is charging students will cover the cost of hiring a processing company. "What we tried to do was go back and charge this to the students who were using the credit cards," he said. "We know increasing any fees isn't popular with students." -VISA, the most frequently used credit card on ISIS, declined to accept the 2.6-percent service charge and no longer will be accepted on ISIS. VISA would have allowed the convenience fee if UF charged a flat fee to all students, Hoskins said, but that was not feasible since some students use ISIS to SEE ISIS, PAGE 8 IM tultur Igroups seek improved representation Editor's note: This is the second story in a series taking a closer look at the hidden structures of Student Government. By DAVID COHEN Alligator Writer dcohen@alligator.org With opinions as diverse as their backgrounds, students in multicultural groups seem to agree on one thing: there is room for improvement in Student Government's representation of minority students. Senate President Diane Kassim, the highest ranking African American woman in SG history, said the path to her position was riddled with challenges. "I'm not going to say it was easy at all," she said. "I took chances. There were several situations where I thought I would never bea part of (Student) Senate again." Kassim said she feels SG is treading the high road of diversification. "I believe that [SG] is a better reflection of the student body, more so than the administration," she said. "The numbers are moving up. (But) there's always room for improvement." Hispanic Student Association Vice President of Operations and District Student D Sen. Laura Gonzalez said Government there are very few hoops to jump through in order to get to the SG finish line. "I was chosen based on my qualifications," she said. "I don't think being a minority made it more difficult in any way. I found it a very welcoming environment. Every facet of school is represented." SG adviser Chris Cupoli said he believes SG is on the path toward boasting a group of representatives just as multifaceted as UF's student body. "Just looking around the third floor (of the Reitz Union), I think it is more diverse than it has been," he said. "It's a fairly diverse room. It's not all old, white guys anymore at UP." SEE CULTURAL, PAGE 5 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" K UF's College of Health and Human Performance is on the ball -literally. Eleven faculty members have traded their office chairs for exercise balls. See story, pg. 9. FORECAST OPINIONS 6 CLASSIFIEDS 10 CROSSWORD 11 Thunder SPORTS 19 storms 93/75 visit www.alligator.org VOLUME 98 ISSUE 160 M Several players have left the UF men's basketball program before their third year. Coach Billy Donovan suggested an eligibility rule in basketball similar to college baseball. See story, pg. 19. 2 WaneBady t head ne -Gator Growi Brady ISIS to charge cards \
2, ALLIGATOR U TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2005 News Today FORECAST TODAY THUNDER STORMS 93/75 WEDNESDAY THUNDER STORMS 91/75 THURSDAY THUNDER STORMS 94/75 40 0 (U) FRIDAY THUNDER STORMS 93/75 SATURDAY THUNDER STORMS 91/75 0) (U L. 04) 0 a(I) 04) z (U 04) E E 0 0 E 0 404) (U 4: LOCAL Harry Potter launch event enchants bookstore Witches, wizards and werewolves stood in line at the Joe Muggs "Leaky Cauldron" Caf6 for pints of Berry Brew and purple mini cakes, while others bustled through the store making wizard hats and watching magic tricks. At 12:01 a.m. July 16, the crowd in Books-A-Million on 13th Street erupted in cheers as an employee behind the registers lifted a book into the air -the first of approximately 450 books sold in the first hour and a half. "Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince" was no longer a secret. Scholastic Inc., the global children's publishing and media company, printed and shipped 10.8 million copies of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" -filling more than 600 trucks -in preparation for the biggest book release in history, according to a company press release. More than 5,000 stores nationwide held midnight parties to celebrate the release of J.K. Rowing's sixth Potter book. "It's like Christmas in July," said Clay Whittaker, a caf6 associate at Books-A-Million. "The excitement grows as the minutes tick away to midnight." Harry Potter fans scoured the store looking for any Harry Potter accessories they could find, including books, pencils and the now famous black Harry Potter eyeglasses. After being separated into one of four houses -Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin -each customer visited one of the four activity "classrooms" in the store. Jessica Stephens, a 13-year-old fan who arrived just after 9 pm. to take part in the festivities, said it was weird being in Slytherin when her stepsister was in Gryffindor. The two houses are pitted against each other in the books. Fans were dressed in such elaborate costumes that customers had a hard time distinguishing between reality and the fantasy world of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. "t wasn't expecting Professor Trelawney to be here," Stephens said, motioning to a woman dressed as one of the book's characters, complete with long, curly silver hair, a crystal ball and eyeglasses that magnified her eyes to twice their normal size. The winners of the best overall costume contest, Ryan Tamay and Alex Geoffroy, were dressed as a Slytherin quidditch player and a hippogriff, respectively. A hippogriff is a magical creature that looks like a giant eagle and horse. Ashley Powers, who dressed as Harry's sidekick, know-it-all Hermione Granger, came to win Books-A-Million's Harry Potter trivia contest. Cradling a stuffed dragon named Norbert, Powers entered the contest but did not win. However, she was still excited about receiving her book and said she was going to start reading it the minute she got it. "I'm going to stay up until six in the morning if I have to," she said. Stephens, on the other hand, said she was going to go to sleep and start reading in the morning, since it was only going to take her about three or four hours to finish the 672-page book. "I've read each one about 16 times -except the fourth," she said. "I've read that one about 40 times." As customers filed out of the store with their books in hand at about 1:30 a.m., Books-A-Mllion employees surveyed the aftermath. Luke Schmidt, the store's general manager, said the number of people who attended the event was much higher than the last. "I was stupefied," he said, rubbing his eyes as he sat in the back office after the event ended. -AMANDA BROWN The Alligator strives to be accurate and clear in its news reports and -editorials. If you, find an error, please call our newsroorn at (352) 3764458 6r send an e-mail to editor@alllgator.org. the independent florida VOLUME 98 ISSUE 160 ISSN 0889-2423 Not officially associated with the University of Florida Published by Campus Communications Inc., of Gainesville, Florida NEWSROOM 352-376-4458 (Voice), 352-376-4467 (Fax) Editor Mike Gimignani, mgimignani@alligator.org Managing Editor/ Print Eva Kis, ekis@alligator.org Managing Editor/ New Media Gwen Heimburg, gheimburg@alligator.org Sports Editor Andrew Abramson, aabramson@alligator.org Assistant Sports Editor Bryan App, bapp@alligator.org alligatorSports.org Editor Spencer Davis-VanNess, sodvanness@alligator.org Freelance Editor Ryan Worthington, rworthington@alligator.org Editorial Board Mihe Gimignani, Eva Kis Photo Editor Tim Casey, tcasey@alligator.org Photo Staff Matt Marriott the Avenue Editor Cher Phillips, cphillips@alligator.org the Avenue Assistant Editor Heather Berger, hberger@alligator.org Art Director Andy Marlette Assistant Art Director Michael Friedman Copy Desk Chiefs Gayle Cohen, Krissi Palmer Copy Editors Josh Armstrong, Amanda Brown, Juliana Casale, Jayme Gough New Media Assistant Editor Matthew Kelly New Media Staff Dan Jimmerson DISPLAY ADVERTISING 352-376-4482, 800-496-0265 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Advertising Director Brad Smith, bsmith@alligator.org Advertising Office Manager Marianne Cooper, mcooper@alligator.org Advertising Office Assistants Elizabeth Cueto; Lindsey Kuhn Sales Representatives Casey Franz, Jennifer Carbon Carolyn Langhans, Danny Wayne William Cuadra, Sara Henry, Shane Combs, Whitney Lawson, Morgan Morillo Sales Development/Intern Coordinator William Cuadra CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 352-373-FIND (Voice), 352-376-3015 (Fax) Classified Advertising Manager Ellen Light, ellight@alligator.org Classified Clerks Bethany O'Neill, Katie Morgan, Dan Cribb CIRCULATION Operations Manager Scott McKearnan, -smckearnan@alligator.org Operations Assistant Clint Day BUSINESS 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) Comptroller Ramona Pelham, rpelham@alligator.org Bookkeeper Lucy Richards, lrichards@alligator.org Bookkeeper Patricia Merrow, pmerrow@alligator.org Student Accounting Clerks Brandon Edwards, Keith Enright Michael Sanders, Alex Thurn ADMINISTRATION 352-376-4446 (Voice), 352-376-4556 (Fax) General Manager C.E. Barber, cebarber@alligator.org Assistant General Manager Patricia Carey, tcarey@alligator.org Administrative Manager Lorena Crowley, Catherine McNamara Administrative Assistant Lenora McGowan, Imcgowan@alligator.org PRODUCTION/SYSTEMS Production/Systems Manager Vern Bean, vbean@alligator.org Assistant Production Manager Stephanie Gocklin, sgocklin@alligator.org information Technology Manager Brian Dwyer, bdwyer@alligator.org Advertising Production Staff Alicia Bennatts, Niko Lowry, Ben Hofer, Michelle Stewart Editorial Production Staff Amy Oglesby, Melissa Garcia, Brandy Stearns The Independent Florida Alligator is a student newspaper serving the University of Florida, published bya nonprofit 501 (c)(3) educational organization, Campus Communications Inc., P.O. Box 14257, Gainesville, Florida, 32604-2257. The Alligator is published Monday through Friday mornings, except during holidays and exam periods. During UF summer academic terms The Alligator is published Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Alligator is a member of the Newspaper Association of America, National Newspaper Association, Florida Press Association and Southern University Newspapers. Subscription Rates: One Semester (Fall or Spring) $18 Summer Semester $10 Two Semesters (Fall or Spring) $35 Full Year (All Semesters) $40 The Alligator offices are located at 1105 W. University Ave. Classified advertising can be placed at that location from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, except for holidays. Classifieds also can be placed at the UF Bookstore. @ Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of The Alligator may be reproduced in any means without the written consent of an officer of Campus Communications Inc.-
TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2005 E ALLIGATOR, 3 E A FORUM ON THE LONGDEBATED SUBJECT WILL TAKE PLACE WEDNESDAY. By JUSTIN RICHARDS Alligator Writer jrichards@aIligator.org Students are invited to act as senators by debating and casting ballots on the issue of online voting in Student Government elections at a forum Wednesday night, Senate President Diane Kassim said. "If the Senate ignores what the students say," Kassim said, "that says a lot about the Student Senate." The issue has been raised and quashed in Senate since Fall 2001, when students had the option of x'oting online in a trial run of the system that 600 voters used. Gainesville-based networking company Accelerated Data Works, Inc. conducted the trial. Kent Tambling, the firm's vice president of operations, said no security weaknesses were found. He said he has spoken to SG every year since and assured them each time the system was secure. "I felt the answers I was giving were not the ones they were looking for," he said. "I felt they were looking for weaknesses." Former Student Body Treasurer Dennis Ngin speculated political motives may have suppressed the issue in the past. "If more people vote, better representatives will be elected and some people don't like that," Ngin said. Sen. Jared Hernandez, chairman of the Online Voting Revisions Committee, said his group has arrived at two options for online voting, which it has termed "secure site" and "unsecure site." Secure-site voting involves monitored polling locations that require photo identification. Its advantage is students can vote at any polling location, instead of only at their respective colleges. With an unsecure site system, students can vote from almost any computer with an Internet connection. Tambling said IP addresses, which identify computers logged onto specific networks such as campus wireless networks, can be frozen to prevent party members from campaigning by using their laptops to ask students to vote on the spot. Addresses also can be timed out to prevent multiple votes from the same computer. Hernandez expressed concern that unsecure-site voting would not protect students' a n 0 n y m Student ity, allowing Government them to be coerced from over their shoulders. "It's up to the individual voter to protect their own rights to vote," Tambling said, adding such a case would be no different from absentee ballots. Committee member Sen. Gareth Kerr expressed discomfort about the terms "secure site" and "unsecure site." "I don't like the terminology because I think it's all secure," he said. Both forms use 128-bit encryption, code even the U.S. government has not been able to break. Santa Fe Community College and Florida International University use online voting for their SG elections. "You can pick up your cell phone and vote in Student Government elections," said Dan Rodkin, associate director for student life at SFCC. The switch to online voting could save approximately $30,000 each election, Hernandez said. The forum will be held at 7 p.m. in room 282 of the Reitz Union. By DOUGLAS BONEPARTH Alligator Contributing Writer For UF staff, life is pretty good. A survey of more than 8,000 UF employees showed a high level of contentment with work environments at the university as well as benefits and career-development opportunities. Of those surveyed, 84 percent said they would recommend UF as a good place to work, compared to the national average of 77 percent. As far as school spirit is concerned, 83 percent of respondents said they were proud to be part of the UF community, right on par with the national average. About 61 percent of those offered the survey, which was designed by Chicago-based International Survey Research, responded. "Survey results indicate that our staff thoroughly enjoys the working conditions here," UF President Bermie Machen said in a press release. On the other hand, the survey revealed that the same group reported a low level of satisfaction with pay and internal communications. "Staff pay is a major concern and we recognize that issue. Pay is one of our highest priorities, and the upcoming 3.6 percent salary increase is a step in the right direction," Machen said. Machen Another area UFpresident of dissatisfaction among UF staff involves the implementation of the PeopleSoft accounting software. PeopleSoft, blamed for multiple personnel and payroll issues in the year following its activation, has made their jobs more challenging, staffers said. As for improvement in software, Vice President for Human Resources Kyle Cavanaugh said UF has an ongoing plan to ease employees' relationship with PeopleSoft. "PeopleSoft is much more than an information system; it's nothing short of a cultural change," he said. "It requires a different thinking process, but over time we will see improvement." Cavanaugh said the majority of staffers believe the PeopleSoft situation soon will improve because familiarity and knowledge of the system is increasing rapidly. Machen said in the release UF will use the results, along with other information, to create a strategy to continue to improve the administration's relationship with university staff. "Attracting and retaining quality staff is a key to our pursuit of becoming a Top 10 institution," he said. "The survey results are an important tool in helping us do just that." r ------i j. rr v vv oVt/w -r w Lt vvI wv-yr wv LU'LIr Name: Serena Barry 8 Class: UF Senior Major: Elementary Education 0 Hobbies: Reading, Watching TV, hanging out with my friends, adjust relaxing W/hy d& I dcnatelPlzmau This coupon good r hp savelie st'1easy for an extra $5 on /or acll& e&g u e b1Udg your 2nd and 4th donation. I Earn up to $180/mo. donating plasma in a friendly place. L -c = m m .DCI Biological Plasma Center -352-378-9204 For More Information Go To www.DciPlasma.com 150 NW 6th Street -Central Plaza -'gGoatoo 115 -oo!nd 1 On Sunday, July 24th at 11 a.m., recreational sports will be hosting a clinic on strongman lifting technique followed by Strong Gator, Round 2. This competition is open to anyone with a valid Gator 1 ID and will determine who is UF's strongest gator. Events include the Olympic Deadlift, Atlas Stone, Crucifix Hold, Farmers Walk and Medley. For more information contact Jerret at stronggator2005@yahoo.com Point blank University Police officer Phil Bell, left, along with reserve officers John Steven and Brian Boyd, practices shooting his handgun at the Santa Fe Community College shooting range Wednesday. Pol Stff happy with UF, notpy Studltens to vot e in on nevou'ng p ? oney et DOF FLYORIDA
4, ALLIGATOR M TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2005 Bob Graham to visit UF By ASHLEY JONES Alligator Contributing Writer Retired U.S. Senator and UF alumnus Bob Graham will visit UF on Thursday to discuss a center for public service planned for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Graham will hold an open forum for faculty, staff and students at 2 p.m. in the Keene Faculty Center at 103 Dauer Hall to discuss the new Bob Graham Center for Public Service. The facility will be dedicated to training college students in languages, culture and other skills vital to a career in public service. "Graham has been talking with UF since the Spring about establishing this center," said Allyson Beutke, spokeswoman for the college. Some of the issues Graham will discuss at the forum include the opening date for the center, how the center will operate and how it will be funded. "The center, like the other programs in the College of Liberay Arts and Sciences, will receive state money," leutke said. "But Graham will also solicit for donations from private donors." Plans for the Graham Center include implementing a Statesmen-inResidence Program, which will invite prominent U.S. and international leaders to UF to conduct research and give seminars, Beutke said. The center also will hold interdisciplinary forums, provide an internship program and eventually, through CLAS, offer bachelor's and master's degrees in public policy, Beutke said. Graham will teach courses at UF and serve as a Senior Scholar in Residence, but will not preside as the center's coordinator, Beutke said. A professor from the college most likely will hold that position. College gets interim dean 0 TONY DASTA WILL LEAD THE COLLEGE OF DESIGN BY AUG. 6. By DIANA MAZZELLA Alligator Contributing Writer Tony Dasta knew he would become an architect and teach, but he didn't expect a 39-year stint at UF, a tenure that culminated in his appointment as the interim dean of the College of Design, Construction and Planning last week. Dasta, 64, formerly the associate dean for curriculum and student services at the college, started at the university as a professor in 1966 after completing his master's degree in architectural engineering at the University of Illinois because it seemed like a "good place to start a career," he said. He worked as a consultant while teaching to become a registered architect and engineer, he said. After'25 years as a professor, he has spent the last 14 years in administration. -te will begin his new position Aug. 6, according to a press release. His annual salary as dean will be $176,274, the same as his current salary, according to UF's human resources and academic personnel departments. During his time as interim dean, Dasta said he hopes to increase graduate-student enrollment in the college and broaden its international progra ms. He said he wants to keep the college moving while it awaits a new dean. He has andopen-door policy with students, he said. "When I'm a dean, students come first," he said. "If I'm here, and you're here, we talk." Dasta has another two years left until retirement when he can go fishing and work on his golf handicap, he said. The search for a new UF dean should take Administration about a year. The college has about 1,500 students and about 74 to 80 faculty members so it is one of the smaller colleges at the university, he said. Andrew Wehle, Dasta's assistant in student services, said he expects a smooth transition because of Dasta's knowledge of the college. There will be no search to fill Dasta's previous position, Wehle said. Dasta has said he will continue to be involved in student services. Protect yourself against AIDS. THEY'RE ON THEIR WAY. So. ADVERTISE in the EDfTImm Healthy Male Participants Ages 18 -50 We are looking for healthy males between the ages of 18 -50 to participate in a clinical research trial. We are evaluating an investigational drug for future use in the treatment of osteoporosis. TO QUALIFY YOU MUST: -be in good general health -be a non-smoker -be taking no medications This study takes place over an eight week period and is divided into 3 sessions. It requires 1 screening visit, 2-night, 3-day overnight stays for all 3 sessions at our Phase I Unit at 2401 SW Archer Road, Gainesville, FL and an outpatient visit after each session. You may receive up to $1575.00 for completing the screening, in-patient and out-patient visits. Food and lodging will be provided to you during your overnight stays. Drug and alcohol testing will be done. For more information please call: (352) 273-5500 or toll free (888) 635-0763 and ask for the Recruiting Department LAST DEADLINE: (Both copy and payment due by 4 pm of deadline.) Wed. July 27, 2005 10% 5% 5% Additional Discounts: Full Page Discount Cash/Check by Deadline Discount Camera-ready Half-page or Larger Discount Advertising (352) 376-4482 The New Student Edition will be distributed during the week of August 15th, 2005 to over 6,000 new students and thousands of returning students. This means 6,000 NEW customers for your business. Publication Date: Monday, Aug. 15th, 2005 the independent florida SIgil "-M Phase I Director: Robert Thompson Subject Recruiters: Judy Benz-Hester Pattie Grant Graham
TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2005 M ALLIGATOR, 5 UF sudens fiht genocid e one letter at a t"m By ERIN CHALFANT Alligator Contributing Writer UF students are demanding the President and representatives take action against the genocide in the Darfur region of western Sudan. Human Rights Awareness on Campus has sent a total of 1,350 letters to President Bush, Sen. Mel Martinez, Sen. Bill Nelson and Rep. Cliff Stearns to urge them to take action. "We waiL to tell people about these situations, and expose the ugly truths behind the West's inaction," group President Nikolas Wolfe said. The new student group, started in March, has recruited 30 active members and more than 200 students for its letter-writing campaign. The letters implore legislators to pass the Darfur Accountability Act, which would establish United Nations-sanctioned aid to the area's peacekeepers and would create a no-fly zone over Sudan. Robert Uttaro, a 52-year-old UF political science doctoral candidate, said the only thing that could keep the genocide in Darfur at the forefront of American politics is college students pushing the issue. "The challenge for this genration is to get America-back on the right side," said Uttaro, who has taught courses on Africati politics at UF and will be teaching an African experience course in the Fall. The United Nations estimates a total of 400,000 Student Africans have been ACUti RiSi killed by government-sponsored raids since the "ethnic cleansing" started in February 2003. Uttaro said the United States stopped calling the murders in Darfur genocide when Condoleezza Rice became Secretary of State in January, but the Darfur Accountability Act may be able to repair some damage. He said the act is probably "already a dead horse" since the White House rejected it a few months ago, but there is hope in mobilizing legislators on local levels. Wolfe, a political science major, said the response from lawmakers so far has been vague. One letter dated July 6 from Stearns said he "voted in favor of a resolution that declared the atrocities unfolding in Darfur, Sudan, genocide" on July 22. In April, the group won a $10,000 MTVu grant for its Darfur activism as a start-up organization. Wolfe said the organization's goal for the summer is to continue to work and to remember that the organization was not just a fluke idea at the end of spring. "We want something to be done," Wolfe said. He said his group would like to use the money from MTVu to sponsor a village in Sudan by sending clothing, food and other supplies. The organization is working on getting speakers such as Don Cheadle from "Hotel Rwanda" and Paul Rusesabagina, the man his character is based on, to speak at UF in the Fall. SG asked to engage underrepresented student groups CULTURAL from page I Sen. Jared Hernandez said he doesn't see the SG engine running so smoothly. "SG should not only be representative of the students, but it should be reflective of the student body," he said. "There's still a great many barriers that still need to be broken in terms of race, sexual orientation and gender." Hernandez added the issues at hand run deeper than a simple fix will address. "The system that currently exists requires groups to be politically motivated, active and participatory," he said. "There are institutional obstacles to traditionally underrepresented and marginalized. groups." But Pride Student Union President Allison Andrews said her group has done better recently than in past years. "This past year was the first year that we had really good representation," she said. "I think that right now things are good. More people are willing to be out in Senate." Asian Student Union President Sandy Chiu said there is a shortage of Eastern faces in SG. "They have a fear that it's not the place for them," she said of h "Maybe they are afraid o It's harder for an Asian A like they belong at UF. The Asian specific. A lot of peo not welcome in SG becaus any Asian Americans in it. "I think to have mc in SG, people have initiative fir She said SG members more multicultural air at c "It would be really hel tageous on SG's part if th out to more multicultural e "We can only do so much Hernandez said SG nee interest in minority group lure all students into the a student-run governing bo "You have to engage po dents that haven't been eng said. "They have to feel ve munity. I know we can d leaders who are willing to] Chiu added that it has er constituents. get efficient funding from SG because the f SG in general. Budget Comrnittee increases organizaumerican to feel tional checkbooks by 5 percent each year, outreach is not which is too low for the "exponential" ple feel they are growth of ASU. e they don't see "But there's only a certain amount of money for student groups," she said. "Everyone has the need for more money." re people But she said she thinks the Asian to take the American community needs to take the first step toward change. St. Summer program director of the Jewish Sandy Chiu Student Union Josh Sachs said his organiASU president zation is content with the state of its representation in SG. need to breathe "I've never found a problem with getnmps evet. ting involved (in SG)," he said. "You just ampus events. have to figure out what you want to do." pful and advanHe said JSU does not tell its members ey would come vents," she said. who to vote for in SG elections. promoting." "The students are there to make their ds to deepen its own decisions," he said. s in an effort to None of the multicultural groups menctivities of UF's toned require membership dues. ly. Senate President Pro-Tempore John pulations of stuBoyles said senators tend to vote along aged before," he party lines rather than with their multiculsted in the comtural comrades. o better. It takes "Having a political party can been a break barriers." great tool to accomplish common goals," been difficult to he said. HEALTHY VOLUNTEERS P--iRESEARColl Call Mon-Fri for more information 877.8M1.1050 352.333.3111 1014 NW 57th Street Ste.A, Gainesville, FL www.radiantresearch.com If you are 18-55 years of age, you may qualify for a research study testing an investigational vaccine. Qualified participants must be willing to complete 6 clinic visits and will receive all study-related physical exams at no cost and will be compensated up to $425 for their time and travel expenses. KA ES r LARCH .New Treadmills. Free Workout with this ad! Spring Term.$59 00 CT SV 6 months*'*$79OO 1 Year. $129.00 =GYM I Month of Tannil.$25.00 GAINESVILLEGYM 201NW6THST 376-8400 + U W. u v rsiy Next to Bank of America \1 L Discount rally -Itickets on sale G ROWL, from page 1 went on a scouting mission last month to see Brady in Las Vegas, said he believes attendees "will be blown away with how talented Wayne Brady is," adding he feels Brady's performance will be unlike anything Gator Growl has seen before. Tickets went on sale Wednesday, and although Chase said he did not know how many had been sold so far, he expected ticket sales to pick up now that Brady has been named as part of the entertainment lineup. Gator Growl is scheduled to take place Oct. 7 at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium, and the first 15,000 student tickets, subsidized to cost $5 by SG, can be purchased at the University Box Office in the lobby of the Constans Theatre adjacent to the Reitz Union. Tickets for non-students also can be purchased for $18. Dating T 11
6, ALLIGATOR U TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2005 Batter up Don't discount UF's major-league potential W itlh summer in full swing, our hearts turn to the world of baseball, where the tales of fortune and disaster would make Kevin Costner blush. There's the ongoing saga of the New York Yankees, the team for whom George Steinbrenner has spent so much money that Coleridge could pen a verse or two about him. With $208 million in the bank, the 25 men lucky enough to play on the stately pleasure field that Ruth built remain in second place with a win-loss record unremarkable in its mediocrity. Hint to Steinbrenner: buy five other teams. You can afford it. Or the Kingdom of Tonga -you could afford that, too. Speaking of low payroll and low expectations, no one fits the bill like our "hometown" Tampa Bay Devil Rays, the worst team in baseball. Is it comforting to us, then, that the other team based in Florida is winning only as many as it's losing? Ours must be the worst state in the union for baseball fans. Then again, Florida's infatuation with the game has taken its share of lumps. We're a football state. Or maybe Gainesville's a basketball city, too. But it seems UF's contributions to the major leagues of our national pastime have plenty of their own stories to tell, and they're almost as plentiful as UF stars in other sports. The Washington Nationals, led by former UF star Brad Wilkerson, were written off as nobodies while they fought hard to avoid last place while hailing from Montreal the past few years. Conditions became so bad that no one owned the lean' all the other teams pitched in to buy a share to keep'lhe franchise alive. With a fresh start in D.C., they've become one of the best teams in baseball. Wilkerson, while not an All-Star, has performed admirably in center field for the Nats this year. It goes to show that nothing is predictable, a lesson we can all share. Or take the story of David Eckstein, once the second baseman here at UF and now the shortstop for the St. Louis Cardinals. Although loved by the folks in Anaheim, where he started his career, he finally became an All-Star in St. Louis. Playing for the best team in the league hasn't hurt him. It's possible the Cards and Nats will face off in this year's playoffs, and when they do it'll be a reunion of Gators and of what UF does when it does something right. And don't forget former UF pitcher Josh Fogg, who's held his head (and his record) above water despite pitching for the below-middlingPittsburgh Pirates. While none of these men have the explosive star power of an Emmitt Smith or a Udonis Haslem, a baseball superstar may be on the horizon faster than could be expected. Look at the Gators this year. They weren't expected to compete, and they made it to the brink of a national championship. Could Matt LaPorta be the next Albert Pujols? Could Jeff Corsaletti become, well, the next Brad Wilkerson? We don't know either, but you can bet we'll stay tuned. Batter up. allina nkt nor Mike Gimignani EDITOR Eva Kis MANAGING EDITOR The Aligator encourages comments from readers. Letters to the editor shOuld not exceed 150 words (abu one le 'te-sized vage). They mube tiyed, double-spaced and eust include ie auhisname, classificaion and phvone numbe. Neaves wll be withheld, if ihe writer shows es cause. We reserve lge right to edi fir length, grammar, style and liel. See Betes io Iviieis@aIasiv.org, bring iheem io 1105 W5. University Ave. b ees iher iv P.O. Bo, 14257. GaInesville, FL 32604-2257.Columns of about 450 words about original topics and editorial cartoons are also welcome. Questions? Call 376-4458. Op iNi ALLIGATOR www.aIligator.org/opinions wA se a/ _77 it~ Super Lance, hero among mere mortals Asmere mortals, we often look to the superhuman Aaron 131ye man being on th e planet. At the stirt for inapiration. One lives among us, and 1ia name Blye's Eyes of the Tour his body-fat level ws as Lia'ce Aimstiong. ablye~allgato g about 4-5 percent. The average miii Webster's dictionary defines superhuman as being above the human; exceeding normal human power, size or capability." After overcoming cancer that spread from his testicles to his abdomen, lungs and brain, Armstrong was given a 50 percent chance to live. He responded by winning the Tour de France a record six times in a row and is currently on his way to lucky number seven. Before he was diagnosed with cancer, Armstrong had never won the event. -The Tour de France is one of the most grueling athletic competitions on the planet. It takes place over the course of three weeks in July with only one or two days devoted to rest for the whole race. The 2005 Tour spans 2,240,miles with cyclists riding more than 100 miles almost every day. The Tour begins with 189 cyclists and often only half of them cross the finish line. Imagine riding a bicycle from New York to Los Angeles in less than a month, and then add in ample climbs of the Alps and Pyrenees mountains for good measure. In 1986, after 83 years of European domination, America's Greg LeMond became the first non-European to win the Tour de France. At the time, this accomplishment was equivalent to America winning the World Cup in soccer. Now, consider Lance Armstrong's domination of the Tour for six straight years, possibly seven. How's that for perspective? Armstrong's physical capability is rivaled by no other huhas between 15-17 percent, whereas elite athletes are in the 6-12 range. Somehow, Armstrong produces less lactic acid and metabolizes it more effectively than most top athletes. It is a physiological phenomenon that scientists have yet to understand. This ability allows him to spin the pedals around 100 times per minute on a mountain climb, a rate that would turn his opponents' quads into Jell-O. Armstrong's 83.8 score on the V02 Max test, used to assess an athlete's aerobic ability by measuring maximum oxygen consumption, is more than double that of a typical, healthy man. His heart, which is a third larger than that of an average male, is so strong that it beats about 32 times per minute at rest, a rate'so low that any doctor who didn't know better would immediately send him to the hospital. Sounds more like a description of the newest comicbook superhero than the attributes of a human being. During Stage 9 of the 2003 Tour de France, Armstrong was forced to off-road down a grassy embankment at 60 mph when a rival went down in front of him. How his 20 mm wide tires didn't explode is beyond comprehension. Michael Jordan and Muhammad Ali might have more talent than him, but Lance Armstrong is the greatest American athlete of all time. With less than a week remaining in Armstrong's final Tour de France, Americans should all tune into OLN and see first hand what it means to be superhuman. Aaron Blye is a political science senior. His colium appears on Tuesdays. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the Alligator. Today's question: Is Wayne Brady the right choice to perform at Gator Growl? Thursday's question: Do you think the Space Shuttle should keep flying? Vote or post a message at www.alligator.org 62% YES 38% NO 39 TOTAL VOTES t
TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2005 U ALLIGATOR, 7 Power of IangL If there are universals for everyone in the human adventure, one of them must be language. Denying the power of language cannot be done with a straight face. Unfortunately, the same can be said of trying to find a comprehensive definition of language that encompasses all its varied uses and messy meanings. We use the word for a lot of things: the language of love, the language of war, computer languages and so on. As omnipresent as it is though, language unfortunately is taken for granted -in education, in policy and in our every day lives. We should not, as the President might say, misunderestimate language's many intricacies. As native speakers of language, our minds quickly and effortlessly combine these forms to express thought. But I encourage you to toss your grammar book out the window and learn about these rules and forms from our linguistics department. age extends beyond phrases and clauses The fum and interesting introduction to Linguistics (LIN3010) presents the study of language through many rigorous, exciting and often interrelated disciplines such as syntax, phonology, morphology, sociolinguistics, writing systems and many more. We draw conclusions from sociolinguistics as to why language in education should be more readily understandable. In Texas, it has been shown that students whose native language is Spanish and don't know English will do better in education if they continue learning both as time goes on. It might have something to do with the ability to compare and contrast the languages, thereby deriving a superior understanding of what makes language work, perhaps expanding our mind to consider different possibilities. People deserve, a chance to learn as fully as everyone else. Coming to America, being born or being raised here isn't enough. If older immigrants don't know English, Christian and they don't use it Waugh in their jobs, and they The Final Frontier don't have the financial cwaugh@alligator.org access to resources to learn the language, and if their friends don't speak English, then how the hell can they be expected to learn it? Children certainly deserve such an opporturinity, which is why we should strive to leave no child behind as opposed to simply catering to the lucky multilinguals. And so, too, does language in our normal lives go unappreciated. Every word can have an effect on the mind. Languages themselves may shape perceptions on a neurobiological basis, if we are to believe some neuroscientists. One unfortunate trend belying crude, unfeeling and unthinking ignorance is to call things of supposed ill repute "gay." English's grammatical structure contains a more pernicious and covert trend: the obfuscation of women. From the generic pronoun "he" to the order of women in phrases like "men and women," women are implicitly put second place all the time by almost all speakers of the language. One linguist at UF says we should say "women and men" until it doesn't matter anymore. I agree. We should be freed by language, not imprisoned by it. Perhaps if people made a conscious effort to change this, their perceptions might change. But language is ever-changing. Its forms shift and dance to the speech communities of the day. Words and grammars are here one day and gone the next. We should not fear the change of language, but welcome it, because language's power comes from diversity. Christian Waugh is afirst-year law student. His columoon appears on Tuesdays. Reduced library hours meet most students' needs Editor: I am writing in response to the letter from graduate assistant Ann Griswold complaining about library hours. Each year, library staff develop a schedule of service hours designed to meet the needs of UF's students, faculty and staff. Traditionally, we offer shorter hours during the summer and greatly reduced hours (including closing on weekends) during intersessions. Library use is significantly lower during these periods. During the intersession between Sunmer and Fall, reduced hours give the libraries time to gear up for the coming semester and the library staff an opportunity to schedule the vacations they have earned. Since we don't have redundant staffing, we would be stretched thinly if several staff needed to be away from the libraries during our peak periods. Carol A. Turner Director for Public Services, George A. Smathers Libraries Sam Proctor-the real 'Gator to know' During the past few weeks, many articles and editorials have been published in newspapers across the state regarding the UF Aluni Association's list of 81 "Gators to Know." There is a man who more than deserves to be there, a true UF alumnus who arguably has done more to advance the history of UF and the state than any other -Samuel Proctor. UF will never be the same without him. The first time I met him, Dr. Proctor spent hours talking about not only the Johns Committee but also other fascinating parts of UF's history. UF was so much a part of his life. How many others can say they have been on campus for almost 70 years? Even though he had been ill for the past two years, when visiting him, he would still recount names and events from the past about professors, campus buildings and alumni. He truly was a Gator standout and a great man every UF alumnus should be proud of. Allyson Beutke DeVito UF College of Liberal Arts and Sciences GENERAL NUTRITION CENTERS 25% OFF any one GNC Product Cannot be combined. Need coupon 3914 SW Archer Rd *4 onliy avaiiabie at Butler Plaza, locations, Daily Specials 377-6020 Exp 8/18/05 VISI >N MARKETPLACE Spare Backup Prescription Single Vision Glasses $30.00 352-264-9924 2950B SW Archer Road The Board of Directors of Campus Communications, Inc. publisher of Sthe independent florida alliator and announces the opening for the position of Student Member at Large of the Board of DirectorsThis unpaid position may be filled by a graduate or undergraduate student The application for this position is available at the reception desk of The Alligator Building at 1105 W. University Ave., each weekday between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m from now until July 20. Part of the application consists of short essays in answer to specific questions. -Applicants should pick up applications far enough in advance to allow enough time to complete them by the deadline of 3 p.m., July 21. More information is available for an applicant's mandatory reading at the time an application is picked up. Applicants should allow themselves 10 to 15 minutes of reading time when picking up an application. The application must be returned to the same office before 3 p.m., by July21. This is an absolute deadline. All returned applications will be copied and available to be read at The Alligator building prior to the selection meeting. Interviews and selections by the Board of Directors will be held at The Alligator offices in a meeting open to the public, Friday, July 29 beginning at 10 a.m. Applicants must be present to be considered. Applicants must be currently-enrolled, degree-seeking college or university students. Board of Directors applicants cannot be current or recent past employees or trainees of Campus Communications, Inc. Campus Communications, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer A spca lrvoe aea ae it dtama. don br the a-. Ana si. I in, A---eill develop skin .r a1 their lifetime, what better reason to clothing and .-an. a. AMERCA ACADEMiY oF DERMArOLOGY J-
8, ALLIGATOR O TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2005 Renovated law 10brary opens 19 THE FACILITY STAYED IN BUTLER PLAZA FOR A YEAR. By LYNDSEY LEWIS Alligator Writer Ilewis@alligator.org UF's Levin College of Law reopened its library on campus at Holland Hall on-Friday after more than a year of storing its legal resources at Butler Plaza. The newly renovated library has been renamed the Lawton M. Chiles Legal Information Center and boasts an expansion of about 60,000 square feet, said Kathleen Price, associate dean for Library and Technology at the college. "What used to be classrooms are now part of the library," Price said. "We put in new floors and have new classroom towers." In addition to the expansion, Price said the library features cutting-edge technology she hopes will aid law students. "It's a totally wireless campus, and every classroom has all the latest technologies," she said. "Some are energy-savers, like when people are moving in a room, lights will go on, and when the movement stops they'll go off." The facility has been closed since April 2004, when all its resources except reserve and tax materials were moved to a storage facility in Butler Plaza. Despite the inconveniences of an off-campus resource center, Price said students' On reactions were generC4W;ij ally positive. "I think that was what was most surprising to me because I expected students to be angry, and they were wonderful," she said. "Our students are a congenial group, and they've grown accustomed to studying in the woods around picnic tables." Although the library only closed in 2004, plans for its renovation have been in the works for years, Price said. "The project began even before I came here from NYU, so I'd say it started four or five years ago," she said, adding that UF architecture students helped in the initial stages to determine the amount of new space necessary. Now that the center is reopening, Price said she hopes to draw attention to its expansion and technologies during a dedication ceremony scheduled for Sept. 8. "It's a football weekend, so we're planning to have an open house and tours the next day," she said, adding that recently retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day 0' Connor and members of the Florida Supreme Court are slated to make appearances at the event. Although she looks forward to the events surrounding the library's dedication, Price said she's eager for law students to begin utilizing the renovated center's new resources. "We're very excited to provide this space for students," she said. "Just as the university is seeking to become one of the Top 10 public in the nation, so is the law school, and I think this library will jumpstart that." Campus payment still free ISIS, from page 1 pay thousands of dollars in tuition while others only use it to pay parking tickets. "We couldn't come rip with one single rate that would be fair to everybody," he added. However, the fee will not impact credit card transactions on campus, where VISA still is accepted. It also will not apply to debit card transactions. The fee likely will impact students who do not receive financial aid and cannot afford paying tuition with a checking account. Undergraduate Florida residents, who pay $2,955 per year for 30 credits, would be charged $76.83 for making online credit card payments. Out-of-state students would pay $411.50 on their $15,827 annual tuition. .Hoskins said while credit card tuition payments are popular, they represented a minority of the payment methods. "Last time we did an analysis, just about half of the [tuition] fees get paid for by financial aid," Hoskins said He added the majority of the remaining half is paid for by the fee-free methods of cash or check. Transferring funds to UF electronically from a checking account, known as EFT, will remain free and will be processed immediately instead of taking three to four days also starting July 26. Tuition payments via credit card can be made feefree at S-113 Criser Hall. HOUSE r Ladies Drink FREE $2 Pitchers for Everyone -DJ JD FREE BEER 9pm10pm 1718 W. Univ Ave 378-7033 r n mm E8-03 HE WELCOMEA'CK EDITIO
TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2005 M ALLIGATOR, 9 Crfe 0t 0011S Craze sweeps UF college By JAYME GOUGH Alligator Contributing Writer UF's College of Health and Human Performance is on the ball -literally. Outreach coordinator Cher Harris, 31, started the craze with her purple exercise ball. Staff and faculty passing by her office would catch Harris sitting on her exercise ball while typing at her computer. Her high-backed office chair sat abandoned in the corner of the room. "I started using it in 1999 when I was getting my master's in Exercise Physiology at the University of Indiana, and the balls were just getting popular," Harris said. "There are so many health benefits that go along with sitting on the ball, and when I explain that to people, they get curious and want to try it themselves." Harris started a trend that spread quickly among the college's faculty. Eleven faculty members so far have traded their office chairs for exercise balls, including the college's interim dean, Jill Varnes. "We spend a lot of time at work," Varnes said. "We need to have some fun, and this a safe way to get some low-impact exercise and burn a couple extra calories while working. You can't roll from your computer Cher Harris, Melissa Wohistein, Interim Dean Jill Varnes, Janice Douglas and Jessica Brennan gather around a table in the College of Health and Human Performance's reading room on Friday. to your printer in the office the way you would in an office chair. It forces you to move around." Sitting on the ball makes you aware of your posture, Harris said. In the beginning, it is difficult because if you slouch you feel very unstable, and if you aren't used to keeping your back straight, your muscles will hurt by the end of the day Harris explained when a person slouches they depend on their lower back muscles to hold up their torso instead of their abdominal muscles. This.causes lower back pain, weak abdominal muscles, cartilage deterioration and permanent spine curvature. As people who slouch age, they eventually are unable to straighten their spines and end up with humps. "I would say posture is the most important part of being fit and healthy because it affects all activities and everything you do in daily life," Harris said. It is especially important for women because of bone density -issues, Harris said. -'7 SW( v Ga5sv2I), 38da 327 (352) 38143100 Women are more susceptible to osteoporosis than men because, during menopause, bone density decreases as women lose calcium, and the bones in the spine break or shrink. Sitting straight could decrease harmful stress on the back that worsens osteoporosis. "Sitting on the ball has made all activities much easier," Harris said. "I don't have any back pain, and my core muscles are strong." DeEtta Hanssen, 34, is a program assistant in the college's Office of Student Affairs. She has sat on the ball for the past two weeks and said she already feels the impact the ball has had on her quadriceps, gluteus muscles and legs. "Students notice and say things like 'nice seat' or 'That's different,' Hanssen said. "It makes a lot of students smile, because you don't realize what you look like when you start bouncing without thinking." Hanssen said as she became acclimated to the ball, boring office tasks weren't as difficult to finish. "I did a lot of data entry into a computer today, but I don't feel the mental fatigue I normally would have begun to feel by now," Hanssen said. Harris suggests beginning ballusers start by sitting on the ball in one-hour intervals. "It sounds ludicrous, but sitting up straight in the beginning is tiring," Harris said. She said K-mart sells the balls for around $13. LSAT I GMAT I GRE I MCAT DAT I PCAT I NCLEX-RN* USMLE I TOEFL I OAT' I Realistic practice 0 Free extra help D Kaplan study centers P Best teachers D Located in Reitz Union Spring classes filling fast! G R E .June 2 LSAT .June 28 DAT .June 28 LSAT .July 7 PCAT .July 11 GMAT. July 18 MCAT. Oct 1 Test Prep and Admissions 1.800-KAP-TEST kaptest.com *Test names are registered trademarks of their respective owners. N
ALLIGATOR www.aIIigator.org/class For Rent For Rent Fo Rent C7For Rent ForReit furniIshdufheddurnish,,shed funfurnis d unfurriished A Rebate on Rent? Brilliant! Roommate Match 3/3 from $399 FREE: Cable w/ HBO + Showtime W/D*Tanning*Huge GYM*Gated Save $255 Per Room. 377-2777 8-15-25-1 Super Clean Studio Walk to ShandsAnnual lease Now as low as $355 monthly inc all utilities ph 336-9836 8-15-25-1 ROOMMATES WANTEDtttt / Private Bed/Bath, Furnished, All Utilities inc Coy High-Speed Internet, Pool, Gym, Tennis, Eball, Tanning $425 336-3538 8-15-25-1 *** SORORITY ROW AREA *** Experience the luxury at Windsor Hall. Located 2 blocks to UF. Beautiful single & double suites available. Starting at $400/mo includes everything -gym, pool, DSL, electric, etc. 337-9255 or www.windsorhall.com 8-15-25-1 1BR & 2BR Huge floor plan. Private patio, park at your door. Oasis 377-3149 Furn Avail 3436 SW 42nd Ave & 34th St. $500 & $600/ mo 8-15-25-1 BETTER THAN THE DORMS Roommate matching from $430 Townhouse style*Furnished*All Utilities Pool*Gym*Hot Tub*Free Tanning Call for specials! 372-8100 8-15-25-1 HUGE AFFORDABLE 1, 2 & 3BR Spiral Staircase Skylight Pool 2 Tennis Cts ~ lndv lease & Utility Pack Now and Fall 377-7401 8-15-25-1 Summer and fall rooms available $350/sum A, B. Fall $275/mo. IncL. util, Ethernet. Near UF377-4269 grove.ufl.edu/-clo 8-15-25-1 Close to UF FREE Roommate Match FREE CABLE, FREE Utilities FREE Alarm FREE Furniture FREE Tanning, WID, PC Lab 24-hr Gym, Gated Entry Only $485, 372-0400 8-15-14-1 Rockwood Villas, 3BR/3BA condo. Furnished, WID, Avail mid-July. $1050/mo. Call 352-871-4478 7-28-11-1 1 MO FREE w/ indiv. lease. Countryside, 1 mi from UF. 1 BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA, Furnished incl 51" TV, cable, DSL, washer/dryer, pool, fitness center, $425/mo. Call 352-281-4588 8-15-12-1 Roommates wanted. 3BR avail in 4/2 NW house. DSL/Phone & cable in rooms, WID, furn. opt, $400 inclusive or $1000 for entire house. Call 941-504-4036 7-19-6-1 Grad Student Roommates Wanted Huge 3BR house in very quiet neighborhood across from Royal Park Plaza. Inc. All Utils, cable, phoneW/D. $450 352-375-2662 728-9-1 2BR2BA CONDO. Furn except 1BR. Treehouse Village Condos. Share w/UF student. All utils, cable & dsl internetinc. in price $430/mo helIman4613@verizon.net, 813-657-3405 8-15-12-1 4BR/4BACONGO. Countryside off 23rd St. Close to UF Good boo rts. 2 rooms avei. Pet BA & walk-in closet in each rm. NS, no pets. Overlooking pool. All utis, cable, inet incl $380/mo Avail 8/17. Female applicants only 941-661-0462 7-19-6-1 FOR RENT: Near SW Rec, Park & Ride 2, Shands, shopping. 2/1.5 TOWNHOUSE. W/ D, AC, DW, pool, pvt patio. Avail ASAP. $670/ mo + dep. Call 772-538-5792 7-19-5-1 **SPECIAL 4 GRADS** Quiet 3BR/1 BA -Duckpond area. New paint/ carpet. W/D, cent H/AC, N/S. 219-2399, 3767529 7-28-8-1 **Countryside 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA. $425 util, cable, alarm, dsl incl. W/D. On bus rts 9 & 35. Individual leases. Call 407-620-1555 8-15-10-1 2 Rooms avail. Countryside at the University. Share 4BR/4BA. 1.5 mi to UF. Pool, sec, bus rte, NS, no pets, $450/mo uti, w/d incl, avail for fall. Call 386-672-6969 7-19-6-1 1, 2, 3, 4BR Apts. www.ApartmentsinGainesville.com .8-31-21-1 "1st MONTH FREE" 2 rooms available at Countryside Apts. Newly renovated. $425/ mo utilities included. Fully furnished. Call 305-785-3474. Lease begins 8/1 8-4-9-1 Awesome Student Living 4/4's from $435-455! Free Internet, cable, W/D, PC lab, all new gym, 3 Buses & RM Match! Going Fast 271-3131 8-15-19-1 PHOENIX 2BR, 1.5BA townhouse, patio, privacy rear, amenities, bike to campus. 386328-6229 lv msg or cell 386-972-4647. $475 + deposit. 8-30-14-1 -DUCKPOND 2 rooms in 2-story 3BR/2BA HOUSE. $110/ wk or $85/wk. Fully furnished. W/D. 5143409 7-28-6-1 BE THE FIRST TO LIVE IN NEW LUXURY CONDOS -JUST BUILT 4B/45 2 BLKS TO UF -SORORITY ROW AREA. $499/MO FURNISHED, UTIL, CBL, W/D. CALL 904838-7581 FOR INFO. 7-26-5-1 Close to UTW, UP & shopping lER/iBA $350 + 1/4 utI. Frn, ncI 27" TV, cable, anet, W/D, pool, jacuzzi. On bus rts 20 & 21. ndiv lease. Avail Aug 1st. Quiet or grad student pref. 954-600-1475. 7-19-2-1 Countryside Condo. 4BR/4BA: 1/1 avail 81-05. Ethernet access, util incl (cap), W/D, furn, secure. Exercise/pool, bus to UF-3 mi. $465/mo/rm. ist.last.dep. Vanessa 352-2173464, Flo 352-357-9656 7-28-23-1 Walk to SFCC Roll out of bed and into class. $399 Gets you all this' Fully Furnished, Free Ethernet, Free Cable w/HBO, all utilities inc, W/D, Free Roommate match. Call for this special: 379-9300 8-15-8-1 *Kensington N 2/2.5* w/d, pool, gym, ethernet 15 min bus $910 561-251-5425 7-21-2-1 F. furnished room in private part of 7BD/5BA home. Walk to UF All util. cable TV, laundry, park, room has desk, bed, dinette, frig, MW, walk-in closet. $320. 262-5527, 378-8166 8-2-5-1 For Rent' f7unfurmished OQUlET, CLEAN, LOTS OF GREEN SPACE. Rustic 1BR apt. $325/mo. 1BR cottage $375/mo. Call 378-9220 or mobile 213-3901. 8-15-25-2 5 BR House at UF Wood Floors, W/D, Screened porch, Pets Ok. 3 Blocks to UF OPEN WEEKENDS 371-7777 8-15-25-2 LYONS SPECIAL $99 1st month's rent 377-8797 8-15-25-2 Need a Rental Home or Condo? Need A Tenant? CALL THE BEST! Watson Realty Corp. REAITORIS www.watsonrent.com Property Mgmt/Rentals 352-335-0440 Full Service Sales 352-377-8899 gvillepm@watsonrealtycorp.com 8-15-25-2 *WALK TO UF* Studios & 1/ls from $469 studios incl all utl Pets OK, Res. Free parking.guaranteed* You Can't Live any Closer! 1216 SW 2nd 372-7111 8-15-25-2 -A HOME FOR FALLI* HUGE floorplans @ 1, 2 & 3 BRs -$530-735! Sparkling pools & more! Bike to UF Pets ok! Open wkends 335-7275 8-15-25-2 LAST CHANCE TO LIVE DOWNTOWN Fabulous Studios and One Bedrooms Alarm*Poo*Pets Welcome Filling up FASTtt 338-0002 8-15-25-2 OSUN BAY APTS@D OSome furnished availO SOWalk Or Bike to Campus 00 1-1 $460/mo.2-1 $520/mo www.sunisland.info @00376-6720 8-15-25-2 1 & 2BR apts. convenient to shopping, bus line, and just a few miles from U. Located off SW 20th Ave. $375 -$450, incl water, sewer, pest control & garbage. Sorry no pets allowed. Call 335-7066. 8-15-25-2 A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE! Stress free living! Great rates! 0 1 BR from $460 2BR from $530 Beautiful pools/courtyards Walk/bike to UF Pets ok Open Weekends! 372-7555 8-15-25-2 SEPARATE FROM THE COMMON PLACE Luxury 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA W/D incl. -FREE Cab/e*Alarm* 24hr. Gym* FREE Tan* Close to UF Museum Walk 379-9255 8-15-25-2 Deluxe, Large 3 or 4BR apt/house, 60 second walk to UF. Remodeled, Old House charm. Central AC, washer/dryer included. Wood floors. With Parking. By Private Owner. 538-2181 lv message 8-15-25-2 GET $$$ OFF RENT 3&4 B/R Amazing SPECIALS for fall!!! FREE UF Parking! Tennis, b-ball, pool, luv pets! Open wknds, Call 376-4002 8-15-25-2 Deluxe, large one or two bedroom, 60 second walk to UF. Wood flrs, washer dryer included, fireplace, patio deck. Can furnish. Short term available. Private Owner. $495up. 352-538-2181. Lv mssg 8-15-25-2 WE LOVE BIG DOGS!!!!! 1/1 Flats, 2/2.5 & 4/2.5 TH w/W/D. No pet restrictions! Pool, Gym, Bball, Tennis, Raquetball. Park at UF. Indiv. Lease avail. 352-332-7401 8-15-25-2 WE'VE Got BIG ONES 1/1s 2/2s 3/3s! Near UF FREE Cable*HBO*Showtime*Alarm FREE Tanning*HUGE GYM Up to $825 in Rebates. 377-2777 8-15-25-2 More BANG for your BUCK 1BR*2BR*3BR TH from ONLY $399/person FREE Cable, FREE Tanning, FREE Alarm, W/D, PC Lab 24-hr Gym, Gated2Entry Pete We/come, 372-0400 8-15-25-2 **Beautiful and New*** 2BR/2BA & 3BR/3BA LUXURY FREE High-Speed Internet FREE Monitored Alarm FREE Cable/Tanning/Gym W/D plus TVs in every kitchen 374-FUNN (3866) 8-15-25-2 ** ELLIE'S HOUSES ** Quality single family homes. Walk or bike to UF www.ellieshouses.com 352-215-4991 or 352-215-4990 8-15-25-2 SUN ISLAND 1.1 from $460.00 2.1 $520.00 $99 deposit for Grad students 999 SW 16th Ave phone # 376-6720 www.sunisland.info 8-15-25-2 TRIPLE YOUR SAVINGS! HUGE Twnhouse only $1025 Cable*Pool*Free Tanning*Gym Fall Specials on Now! 372-8100 8-15-25-2 HOUSES and CONDOS All locations and price ranges If you ard tired of apt life Ge to www.maximumre.com or call 374 6905. 8-24-170-2 *Location, Location, Location* 1BER $589, near Butler Plaza, but park FREE @ UF. Alarms, some utils, walk-in closet, pets OK! www.SpanishTrace.org 373-1111 8-15-25-2 WOOD Floors at UF Large 1BRw/ W/D. Pets ok, central air. Free parking, 1 blk from stadium. Open Weekends 371-0769 8-15-25-2 WALK TO UF Studios and 1BR's From $489. Pets Ok. Laundry on site, Free parking. Open Weekends 371-7777 8-15-25-2 Summer rates on a 15 month lease Sun Island Properties 376-6720 www.sunisland.info 8-15-25-2 FREE UF PARKING! GREAT MOVE-IN SPECIALS!! 1BR flats, 2, 3, and 4 BR THs. W/D in all THs. We have it all! Pool*tennis* bball*racquetball*FREE gym*no pet restrictions. 332-7401. 8-15-25-2 LIVE STUDY PLAY Luxury 3BR/3BA Townhomes Free Cable w/HBO/Sho, Tan, 24 hr gym, Aerobics, W/D, Gated, Pet Friendly, Alarms *The Laurels, 335-4455* *Sign today & save over $1050* 8-15-25-2 BIGGER IS BETTER! 1,2,3&4ER FOR PALL FREE UF Parking! Tennis, b-ba/I, pool, d/w, amazing specials!c all 376-4002 8-15-25-2 Lonely apartment seeks you 2BR/1.5BA townhome $669 includes W/D! Park FREE @ UF, alarm, pets welcome www.SpanishTrace.org 373-1111 8-15-25-2 HUGE 2/2 FOR FALL! FREE UF parking & bus rt to UF tennis, b-ball, monitored alarm spacious! pets ok! SPECIALS! pirietreegardens.com 376-4002 8-15-25-2 1BR/1BA $420, 2BR/1BA $495, 2BR/2BA $525, 3BR/2BA $695. New carpet, Italian tile, cent AC/H, covered patio, DW, verticals, W/D hkups, pool. Some utils, walk to UF. 332-7700. 8-15-25-2 **Male Roommate Match* 1 Room left@5$518 inc. utilities, tern, Cable, HBO, Ind. Lease/1.9 mi to UF, Close to SFCC W/D*garages*free tanning*comp. lab CALL FOR SPECIALS 377-2801 8-15-25-2 Free Extended Basic Cable! Pets Welcome! 1000 sq ft Split Floor Plan, W/D Hook-ups & DW, BR/1BA & 2BR/2BA Available. Call Now 372-9913 8-15-25-2 Amazingly Affordable! HUGE 650sq ft 1BR 1000 sq ft 2BR Townhouses & Flats! Discounted Rates Starting @ $380 & $480. Close to Santa Fe, UF & 1-75, 332-5070. 8-15-25-2 HOUSES 2 mi to UF Now & fall 331-0095 630 NW 35th St. Ig 3/2, fam rm $1200/mo; 816 NW 37th Dr 3/2, fam rm gar $1300/mo; 1802 NW 38th Terr 3/2 $875/mo; 642 NW 35th St. 3/2 $1100/mo 8-15-25-2 Total Elec, 2 & 3 Bedroom, $395-$550, cent A/C, pool, tennis, B-ball waste, pest, lawn mowing. 25/b pet $15/mo. M-F 10-6 or by appt. Alamar Gardens 4400 SW 20th Ave. 373-4244 UF bus line #20 8-15-25-2 Have Roommates? 4BR/2BA House $950 3BR/2BA Haile $1100 Only You? 1BR/1BA Apt $450 Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 8-15-25-2 So Close to Campus Avail now, 2BR/1 BA apts. $450, $475, $520 Mitchell Realty 374-8579 x 1 8-15-25-2 1/2 PR/CE APTS! Close to UF/Downtown. 2BR & 3BR starting @ $525/mo Call 3734423 or online at www.maximumre.com 8-15-95-2 *1 BR & 2BR BEAUTIFUL" NEW kitchen, tile, carpet, paint 2BRover 1100 sq ftf@ $650/mo 1 BR-over 800 sq ft400 $550/mo Close to UF, beautiful, quiet High-speed wireless internet $300 off deposit 0 376-2507 8-15-25-2 .WANT THINGS FREE? FREE CABLE*FREE INTERNET RENT REBATE FOR FALL HUGE THREE BEDROOM! CALL TODAYt 372-8100 8-15-25-2 CasA J 2ds TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2005
TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2005 M ALLIGATOR, 11 For Rent For Rent For Rent F-or Rent unfurnished ,unfurnshed )unfurnishe unfurnished )unfurnished Rent With Us Today, Buy With Us Tomorrow! Condo, House & Townhouse Rentals www.BosshardtPM.com Ask About Our Lucrative Tenant Rewards Program! 2BR/2.5BA Townhouse $850/mo 2BR/1 BA House $575/mo 1BR/1BA Near UF $370/mo Over 30+ Private Homes Availablel Call Today: 371-2118 8-15-25-2 Champagne Living for a Beer Budget! 3/3 for $385/bdrm or 4/4 for $370/bdrm includes cable w/HBO & SHOWTIME Water & Sewer, W/D, Gym, Tanning Now & Fall The Landings 336-3838 8-15-25-2 NEWLY RENOVATED Affordable, Quiet living HUGE 1& 2BR Pool Skylights 1.5 miles to UF Furn Avail 377-7401* 8-15-25-2 *Luxury LivinglWalk to UF* $679 1 BR, Private Patios, Alarm, Pets OK. Huge Bedrooms Walk-in Closets. Next to Sorority Row Office: 1216 SW 2nd AVE Call 372-7111 8-15-25-2 U II DEAL OF A LIFETIMEH! 3BR/3BA ONLY-$365/PERSON FREE cable w/HBO/SHOWTIME, Alarm Gated* 24 hr gym* FREE Tanning* Close to UF Leasing for NOW and FALL 377-2777 8-15-25-2 ENORMOUS 3BR Avail for Current and Fall Pool*Tennis Cts*1.5 Mi 2 UF Ind lease, Furn & Util Avail Great Specials*377-7401 8-15-25-2 *FALL* Bilks from UF 0 Houses 0 Duplexes 0 Apts (Managed by owner) See www Dalyproperties.com for listings or call Carol at 377-3852. 8-15-25-2 TOP QUALITY -GREAT LOCATIONS Upscale 1 & 2 BR apts. 1 block to campus on north & east sides. Year leases avail. Begin summer or fall. No pets. K&M Properties 372-1509 8-15-25-2 TIRED OF ROOMMATES?I Huge 1/1 w/ /IW patio/balcony Tennis, bball, alarm, luv pets. SPECIALS! leasing now & fall Open wknds, call 376-4002 8-15-25-2 Avail Aug: All units .5 mi of UF campus. Rooms in house $300 + split util, 1BR/1BA $450-$475, 2BR/2.5BA $725, 2BR/1BA $700. Sec dep, NS, no pets. Contact sor20@yahoo.com or lv msg 352-870-7256 8-15-25-2 I u-I U U U -I U U I I INDIVIDUAL LEASES AVAILABLE NOWAND FALL SEASON Convenient UF access $325 to $575 Action Real Estate Services 352-331-1233 8-15-25-2 Apartments & Houses Studio to 5BR+ Most within 2 miles of campus! Campus Realty 692-3800 propertymanager@campusrealty.org 8-15-25-2 *LIVE A RESORT LIFESTYLE* 1/1 & 2/2 flats, 3/3 townhomes Free Tanning, Aerobics, 24 hr gym PC lab, Gated, Trash Svc, All amenities. Leasing Now & Fall, 335-4455 8-15-25-2 *DON'T MISS THESEE* *THREE 4BR HOUSES* Bike to campus. Large fenced yards. Lots of extras. Available now & fall. Call for details. $875-1225/mo. 352-372-4768 8-1 5-30-2 Available Summer & Fall Studios & 1 BRs $350 to $750 2BRs & 3BRs $425to $850 Gore-Rabell Real Estate, Inc. 378-1387 www.gore-rabell.com 8-23-41-2 DUCKPOND Historic house, cute and cozy, lots of charm. Studio avail. 306 NE 6th St. $400/mo. Call 379-4952 8-15-25-2 0 SPYGLASS 0 Ask About Our Move-In Specials & Giveaways Individual Leases: Furniture Packages, lncl Washer/Dryer, FREE Hispeed Internet; Very Unit is an End Unit Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5 701 SW 62nd Blvd 373-6330 www.spyglassapts.com 8-15-25-2 LAKEWOOD VILLAS Ask About Our Move In Specials & Giveaways Large 1, 2 & 3 bdrm Floor Plans; Furniture Packages Inc. Washer/Dryer; Workout Rm, Tennis Court; Swimming Pool; Sauna etc. Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5 700 SW 62nd Blvd 371-8009 www.lakewoodvilllas.com 8-15-25-2 1BR w/pvt. Gated courtyard. Small quiet complex located at 3320 SW 23rd St. Starting @ $395/mo. Pets arranged. Call 377-2150. Please leave a message. 8-4-35-2 **0.8 miles to UF. Historic 2BR apt/house near downtown. W/D. $625/mo. 214-9270 Owner/Agent 8-4-29-2 Historic Apartments. Ceiling fans, hardwood floors, high ceilings, some w/fireplaces, SE Historic District. 1, 2 & 3 BR w/water, sewer $475/mo. 1st, last, security. No dogs please. 378-3704 7-28-25-2 4BR/4BA available now. University Terrace. W/D, pool, convenient bus stop, pvt woodland view, 3 mi from campus. $335/room utl not incl. Call John 786-436-1657 or Jonathon 954-309-3004 7-28-22-2 Fall rentals, walk to campus -2br/lba $500, sign lease now and move in August. Edbaurmanagement.com 375-7104 1731 NW 6th St. 8-15-25-2 Now leasing for fall 3 blocks from campus 4BR/2BA apt. $265/rm + utils 1740 NW 3rd Pl 231-3002 8-15-25-2 University Terrace Gainesville University Terrace West 4/4 Individual Leases Furnished Living Area W/D, Pool $375/mo. Union Properties 373-7578 www.rentgainesville.com 8-15-25-2 MOVE-IN SPECIAL 1/2 Month FREE RENT! Bel-Air Apartments -636 NW 26th Ave. 1 BR/1BA or 2BR/1 BA starting at $535 Village West Apartments-800 NW 18th Ave 1 BR/1BA available now. Starting at $460. Ask about UF Parking Decal. 352-373-7578 3www.rentgainesville.com 8-15-20-2 1 & 2 BRs Avail August! 1BR $439 -2BR $539 0 $200 off August 0 Pine Rush Apts -375-1519 8-31-31-2 1 Month FREE Rent! Going Fast! Avail Now & Aug! Luxury Studios. Specials from $489/mo Wood flrs, W/I closets & pet friendly. All -Inci also avail! Call now! 3766223 LiveNearCampus.com 8-15-23-2 Apartments Available Now All Florida Areas; All Major US Cities Browse our listing FREE WWW.SUBLET.COM 1-877-For-Rent (367-7368) 8-15-23-2 "The Three Amigos" live at Spanish Trace Large 3BR only $285/person FREE UF parking, alarms, pets adored. Same-day sign specials! 373-1111 8-15-23-2 3BR/2BA HOUSE. Wood floors, cent A/C, W/D, large yard, 521 NW 4th St. $990/mo 262-7462 8-15-23-2 NEW& USED RENTALS From $450 to $1400/mo Available Now &August Call 376-4581 8-1 5-23-2 1 BIG ENOUGH FOR 2! 1/1 flat 750 sq ft. Porch/balcony. Monitored alarm. Friendly community. Pool*tennis*bbal *recquetbal]*FREE gym* no pet restrictions. 332-7401 8-15-22-2 ENORMOUS 1BRs **NEW W/D** FREE Tanning 24hr Gym Pool FREE Alarm Screened PorchGated Entry PC Lab Pet Friendly RENT REBATE 372-0400 8-15-22-2 Immediate Availability Haile Country Club, Mill Run & Brandywine Huge 2 & 3 BRs Call 665-4106 Ask us about our summer specials! 7-28-18-2 Classifieds Continued on nekt page. "Copyrighted MaterialU Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers"
12, ALLIGATOR U TUESDAY, JULY 19,2005 ForFor ReFoRent For Rent For Rent| unfurnished unfurnished unfurnished unfurished unfurnished, 4BR/2BA HOUSE carpet/tile, fans, hook-ups, near shopping/ schools. Grads/yuppies desired. $1200/mo. + deposit. No pets. Avail 8/1/05 370&NW 16th Blvd. 376-2547 7-28-18-2 2Bed/1 Bath Apartment. $525/mo W/D hookup, no pets. 625 SW 11th Lane. Call 231-3002 8-15-20-2 For Rent: Rockwood Villas SW condo. Avail 8/1/05. 3BR/3BA. W/D incl. Lots of amenities, on bus route to UF/SFCC. $1000/mo. Refs-n quired. Call 352-339-3250 7-28-16-2 ****4 BLOCKS TO UF**** Cute 3/2 in great area, hardwood & tile floors, W/D, central AC, tons of off-street parking. Avail-Aug. $1200/mo Watson Realty 3350440 7-28-15-2 6 BLOCKS FROM UF. New owners. 4BR/ 2BA duplexes. All appliances incl. DW, W/D. Cent heat/AC. New ceramic tile & carpet. Approx 1200 sq ft. $1300/mo. Call Carol at 377-3852 or check dalyproperties.com 7-28-14-2 WALK TO CAMPUS 2BR2BA apts. 110 NW 9th Terr. Sec system, W/D, high ceilings, energy efficient, good parking, pets ok. $700/ mo Mitchell Realty 374-8579 8-15-16-2 Looking for a home? We have the LARGEST selection of single family rentals in Gainesville. With over 100 properties currently available, we're sure to have something to fit your style and budget. Visit our website at www.edbaurmanagement.com, or call us to find your new home today 352375-7104 ex 2. fi Management Inc. 8-15-16-2 **WALK TO CAMPUS** 1/1 699/mo and 2/2 839/mo W/D and Alarm INCLUDED! Ask about our SPECIALS! Call 376-9607 8-3-F-21-2 4BR/2BA TOWNHOUSE 3 blks from campus. $1060/mo No pets. 2313002 8-15-15-2 3BR/2BA house for Aug 1. Clean, central H/ AC, W/D, wood floors, roomy living area & den. Yard service, bike to UF. 1025 NW 10th Ave. $1140/mo to see call 352-336-6116 or go to www.10houses.com 8-2-12-2 Available now -3BR/1 BA house with private yard, windnr/u A/C, 520 NW 6th Ave. $500 edbaurmanagement.com 1731 NW6th St. 375-7104 ex 2 7-28-11-2 August rental -1BR 1BA, cent A/C, water/ sewer, garage included, 1406 SW 18 Pt. $425 edbaurmanagment.com 1731 NW 6th St. 375-7104 ex 2 7-28-11-2 August rental 2BR/1BA duplex, walk to UF, 922 SW 6th Ave, off street parking $520 edbaurmanagement.com 1731 NW 6th St. 375-7104 ex 2 7-28-11-2 ****DOWNTOWN**** 1 BR apts avail now. Starting at $395/month. Pets arranged. 216 SW 3rd Ave. Others Avail. Call 371-3260 8-15-13-2 ****STUDENTS**** 1, 2, 3 & 4 BRs. Houses & apts avail for Fall. All near campus. All price ranges. Call 3713260 8-15-13-2 4bee/Jt bath UTG condo. $1300/month. Walk-in closets, W/D, balcony, pool. Photos -www.rentalworkshop.com. Close to campus! Very nice & great deal! 870-0904, 318-4553 7-21-8-2 *UPPER CLASS Students* Perfect place to study FREE cable w/ HBO/Show FREE GARAGE*ALARM*WD Gated entry*Computer lab 'Nireless poolside*FREE Tanning 1,2&3brs**338-0003 8-15-13-2 Very nice 3BR/2BA house, Avail Aug 1st. Ceramic tile throughout. Remodeled kitchen & bath. Lg fenced yard. Close to campus. $1125/mo. Drive by 3423 NW 1st Ct. Then call for appt 377-2399 7-19-6-2 217 NW 35th St -3BR/3BA $1200/mo. Ceramic tile, large fenced yard, W/D, dishwasher, carport, lawn care incl. Excellent condition Call Campus Realty 692-3800 7-19-6-2 Free Hi-Speed Internet Walk/bike to UF & shopping. 2/2 only $665 3/2 only.$775 0 www.tuscanbend.com 3009 SW Archer Rd. 377-0555 7-28-9-2 www.10houses.com 3BR/1BA house for Aug near Duckpond wd firs, central H/AC, W/D, Ig bonus rm, screened porch, nice fenced yard, lawn svc. $900/mo. 915 NE 11th Ave 352-336-6116 8-2-10-2 One BR apt for rent. 1 person, 1 car, no smoking, no pets, no fleas. It is smal, but has it all. All util. pd. $360/mo, unfurnished. Call Charlie "Whitey' Webb. 375-4373. Stop by 1215 NE 20th Ave. 8-15-12-2 ****$900/mo**** 3BR/2BA home for rent, avail now. Wood floors, fenced yard, pets ok. Call for more info 870-1194. 3516 NW 3rd St 7-28-9-2 3 Blocks to UF! 2BR Apts Avail Fall. See our list at www.merrillmanagement.net updated daily or call Merrill Management Inc. 372.1494 8-4-11-2 2BR 1BA Apts. $500-525/Mo 5 Blks to UFI 840 Sq. Ft. 829. SW 5th Avenue, St. Croix Apts, Central H & Air, IncIds Wtr, Swg, Pst Ctrl, Garbage. Call Merrill Management inc. 372-1494 84-11-2 1 BLK TO UFI 2BR 1BA Apt. Carpet, Central H &Air $635/Mo. 1234 SW Ist Avenue. Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 7-21-7-2 2 Blks to UF 2BR 1BA Apt. Wood Floors, Window A/C, Nat gas ht. $475/Mo 314 NW 14th Street Call Merrill Management Inc 372-1494 721-7-2 Close to UF Law School 3BR 1 BA Home $900/Mo. Wood Floors, Central H &Air 303 NW 36th Drive. Call Merrill Management Inc. 372-1494 8-4-11-2 4BR/2.5BA HOUSE wood floors, central air, fenced yard. Walk to UF. $1800/mo. Pets free. 424 NW 27th Terrace. Call 262-7462 8-15-12-2 1BR/1BA APT for rent coming 10/1/05. Spyglass Apts. Pets welcome. Fitness center, pool, tennis court, screened in patio. $594/mo. Call Natalya 283-6399 8-2-10-2 1 BR/1 BA APT. W/D hk ups, large screened room, pets ok. $475/mo w/$500 sec dep. 3300 SW 23rd St. Apt 2. Call Candy or David @ 352-371-3473 7-28-9-2 1BR/1BA in 4BR/4BA at Countryside Apts. All utilities inc. $400 per mo. Lease fall 2005 to Spring 2006. Info 786-412-9337 8-15-12-2 2BR/1BA No lease. On bus line, W/D hookup, fresh carpet & paint, ceiling fans, no pets. New cabinets & new tile. $450/mo + $450 security deposit. Call 374-7175. 7-19-11-2 Close to UF & Butler Plaza on bus rte 2BR/1BA duplex w/huge fenced backyard. $630/mo 3829 SW 37th St. Avail 8/1 352371-5805 9-1-19-2 *Huge 1/1 w/Balcony* Walk to class Next to sorority row Oversized: Br, Ba, Closet, & Kitchen Want to take a look call 372-7111 8-15-12-2 AVAILABLE AUGUST 2005. 2BR/2.5BA condo in Brighton Park. Inc] W/D, pool, pvt setting, on bus rt to UF every 8 min $800/mo. Call 665-5361 7-21-7-2 Cheap 3BRs close to UF 625 NW 10th Ave $900 1417 NW 7th Ave $950 1418 NW 6th PI $950 Campus Realty 692-3800 8-15-11-2 VILLAGE LOFT APTS. 1 BR LOFT APTS. 650 &750 sq ft. Starting @ $450 mo: Quiet, wooded setting. FREE monitored alarm system. 6400 SW 20th Ave. Call 332-0720 8-31-17-2 Spacious 1/1 $615/mo. Rocky Point Apartments. Fenced yard, available August 1. W/D hookup; on 9/34/35 bus routes. Pets ok. Call Lena 813-453-6478 7-19-5-2 3/2 1250 sq ft condo on golf course. All appliances, amenities, pool. New carpet. Avail immediately. 4204 NE 17th Terr. $875/mo 941-447-5453 7-26-7-2 3BR/2BA HOUSE w/2-car garage, all appliances, maintenance-free front yard. Close to UF & SFCC. $1200/mo. Call 215-9987 8-15-11-2 1BR in a 3BR/2BA apt @ 1107 NW 8th St. Move in Aug 1, $290/mo + utilities. -Call Emmitt 352-339-6569 or Mike 352-235-4827 7-21-5-2 2 BlOCkS to Stadium Walk to class -1 BR/i BA Separate living room, large kitchen $400, Call 335-4790 7-21-5-2 Mansion for 5-8 students 920 SW 1st Ave $2600/mo. Large 4/3 3515 NW 7th Pl. $1500/yr or $1600/10 mos. Call 495-8612 or 377-1732 7-21-5-2 New 1800 sq ft 3BR/2BA home for rent. Brand new neighborhood w/ pool. Great schools. Quick drive to campus. $1500/mo. Avail now. Call 331-0485 7-26-5-2 HOUSE WITH POOL NW 4BR/3BA, 1 mi to UF. Lease starting Aug. $1400/mo. 376-6183 7-21-4-2 TAYLOR SQUARE Apts and Townhouses 621 SW 10th St Gainesville WALK TO UF Behind Norman Hall BRAND NEW LEASING FOR FALL CONTACT 352-332-2097 7-28-6-2 $200 OFF 1St MO RENT 1BR/1BA $395/mo incl wat/swr Bike to UF. Painted wood floors, new appliances, ceiling fans, porch, safe & quiet area. 352-262-4584 7-19-3-2 Great 3BR home w/ wood floors, CH/A, screened porch, large BRs, carport. Walk to campus. 104 NW 7th Terr. $1200/mo. Call 371-3260. Others available. 8-24-10-2 Excellent 2BR home with small yard, perfect condition, CH/A, ceramic tile, W/D hook-ups. 1023 NW 30th Ave. $750/mo 352-215-8815 8-24-10-2 CASABLANCA EAST! 2BR/2.5BA townhouse, W/D, porch, pool, cable and high speed wireless internet. On bus route. Close to UF and Shands! Avail Aug. $960/mo. Call 352-336-8986 7-26-5-2 3br/2ba beautiful home in quiet nw community with pvt pool, clbhse. Tile & wood fl, w/d hkups, fenced yd w/ lawn svc, garage, bus rt. $1200neg avail 8/1. 256-3609. 7-26-5-2 Spacious 1BR apartment close to UF & downtown. Central A/C, hardwood floors, quiet neighborhood. $475/mo $300. sec dep. Call Jeremy 871-2658. Available Aug 1st. 7-21-4-2 FANTASTIC HOUSE 3BR/2.5BA, huge floor plan; 2650 sq ft. Immense game room. Just a few miles from UF. Hardwood floors, huge yard, good neighborhood. Central AC and heat, 2 car garage, washer & dryer. $1195/mo. Call 954-812-4884 7-21-4-2 2/2 home w/garage in Milhopper area. 1 acre with deer & cows across fence. $900/mo. 352-377-2150 8-4-8-2 1 BR avail in 3/3 townhouse in Rockwood Villas. Avail Aug 1, 1 year lease required. $360/mo + 1/3 util. Email: theoneandonlyant@aol.com or call 786-2108103 7-21-4-2 HUGE 1BR APT 3 blks north of UF. Hardwood firs, ceiling fans, W/D. Great neighborhood. Lots of storage. $575/mo 373-5295. 7-26-4-2 STUDIO APT $575/mo Newly remodeled. Very close to campus, near Swamp. College Park Apts. 1517 N. 5th Ave. Lease starts 8/12. 727-733-3686 7-21-3-2 2BR/2.5BA townhome. New tile, carpet & paint. W/D, sec system, 1.5 mi to UF in NW. $750/mo (pets ok). Available Aug. Call 352219-6340 7-19-2-2 3BR/1 BA APT -1 block to UF 1227 SW 4th Ave. Apt #1 Cent H/AC wood floors, parking & clean Avail Aug 7th, $1125 Call 352-331-0590, 514-5060 cell. 7-26-4-2 STUDIO APT. 1 mi from UF. Completely renovated, new appliances. Laundry on-site. $495/mo 352-871-5928 7-28-5-2 STUDIO APT. Great downtown location. Walk to Starbucks. 1st mo rent FREE. Can be furnished. $515/mo. Available now. Call 954-463-4498 Iv msg. 7-28-5-2 1/1 CONDO -4 blocks to UF Near UF, HSC, Sorority Row Brand new kitchen, tile firs, patio, cent AC Off-str parking, $600/mo incl water, swr, gbg 1st, last, sec. Avail 8/1 352-222-6344 815-8-2 2BR/1BA apt. Small fenced yard. 815 NW 16th Ave. Available Aug. $550/mo. Prefer grad student or couple. Call 870-0742 819-2-2 2BR/1 BA 6 Blocks from UF 1 Block from Mother Earth. Pets OK $650/month 386-454.-4440. 7-26-4-2 VERY NEAR UF Efficiency. W/D, full kitchen. $380/mo. Call 377-2930. 7-21-3-2 DOWNTOWN HISTORICAL HOUSE 5BR/ 2.5BA -security sys, off street parking, remodeled, w/washer & dryer hook-ups, dishwasher. $1600. Available in August. Call 305-527-9315. 7-28-5-2 2BR/1.5BA twnhm, W/D, DW, new appliances, on bus route' NS, no pets, $625/mo Avail August 1st. Call 352-335-0455. 8-15-8-2 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" jiffy Lube Signature TeWl-ie .D The Well-Oiled MachineO Services Oil Change For More information log onto: www.jiffylubesoutheast.com
TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2005 U ALLIGATOR, 13 Fort For Rent r Rent l RFooResnt unfurnished unfurnished I I unfurnished unfurnished Remodeled 3BR/1BA house in quiet NW neighborhood. New kitchen, bath, washer, dryer, cnetral ac, Ig bk yd Close to UF & bus route. $1100/mo. 1st & deposit only. 305297-4827. 7-26-4-2 3 rooms for rent $350/mo. Pet fee. Horse board avail. Contact Jen 407-947-9748. 7-28-5-2 House available Aug 1st NW location. 1200 sq ft, 3BR/2BA, garage, appliances, W/D hkups, fenced, great schools. Bus to Shands, UF & SFCC. $950/mo + sec. Call 941-5453 7-28=4-2 *@@3 BLOCKS TO UF!@@@ 120 NW 10th St. 000 Historic 3BR, remodeled kitchen & bath, lofts, porch, W/D, cent H/AC $975 neg Ed Baur Mgmt 375-7104 9-2-15-2 1/1 apt, close to UF and downtown. Backyard. $475 mo. 1st, last & security. Avqai immed 352-376-0006. 7-28-4-2 OAKBROOK CONDO -Ground floor, 2 master suites, W/D inc. Water, trash, sewage, pest control included. Avail Aug. $850/mo. Pets negotiable. 373-0874 7-28-4-2 BIKE TO UF! 3BR 2BA, Parquet floors, carport, screen Porch, w/d hookups, $900/rent 600 NW 36th Drive Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TuringtonRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2 6 MONTH LEASE! Walk to UF from this 2 BR 1.5BA duplex, CH/AC, pets considered, $495/rent 805 NW 3rd Avenue Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2 MICANOPY -2BR 2BA house, Pets considered, fenced yard, w/d Hookups, 5800/rent, 11805 SE CR 234 Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2 CHARMING DOWNTOWN HOUSE! 2BR 2BA. renovated w/wood floors & ceramic tile, sunroom, living & dining rooms, fireplace, w/d hookups, $675/rent 1102 NE 3rd Avenue Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TuringtonRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2 U "Copyrighted Syndicated Cc Available from Commercial REMODELED 3BR 2BA In downtown area, ceramic tile Throughout, living, family & dining Rooms, w/d hookups, detached workshop, $875/rent, 1204 NE 10th Avenue Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRhalEstate.com 7-21-2-2 WALK TO UFt Great 4BR 2BA, Wood floors, fireplace, lawn svc, Screen porch, w/d hookups, $1600/rent 1741 NW 6th Avenue Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2 -POOL HOME! 4BR 2BA, screen porch, Pool service included, 2 car garage, living & dining rooms, $1600/rent, 1706 NW 22nd St. Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TrulingtonRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2 INDIVIDUAL LEASES! 2BR 2BAs remaining in 4BR apt, new flooring before move-in, furnished rooms, $425/room 4000 SiN 23rd Atreet #6-305 Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurigntonRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2 CASABLANCA WEST! Spacious 2BR 2.5BA -Townhouse, w/d hookups, ceramic tile, porch,Pool, $750/rent 2735 SW 35th PI #1604 Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2 AFFORDABLE 3BR 2BA house, Carport, w/d hookups, CH/AC, $800/rent 1410 NW 55th Terrace Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2 GREAT 4BR HOUSE! 2 master BRS, fireplace, lawn svc, w/d hookups, $1200/rent, 917 NW40th Drive Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TuringotnRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2 SPACIOUS 2BR HOUSE w/ Living & family rooms, fireplace, Eat-in kitchen, w/d hookups, $675/rent 711 NW 54th Terrace Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2 1BR HOUSE! Fenced yard, CH/AC, w/d hookups, $450/rent503 B NW 19th Lane Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2 CHEAP RENT! 3BR 1BA house CH/AC, large kitchen, w/d hookups, $625/rent, 503 A NW 19th Lane Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2 FALL & SUMMER ARE HERE! Contact us tor a complete listing wmw.TurlingtonRealEstate.com Carl Turlington Real Estate, Inc. 372-9525 7-21-2-2 CUTE DOWNTOWN DUPLEX! Spacious 1 BR 1 BA, new carpet, screen porch, lawn svc, $550/rent, 417 SW 2nd Street Carl Turlington Real Estate, inu. 372-9525 www.TuringtonRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2 $500 OFF 1st MONTH! Downtown 4BR 2BA house w/Living & family rooms, fireplace, parquet floors, washer/dryer, $1050/rent 1525 NE 6th Terrace Carl Turlington Real Estate, inc. 372-9525 www.TurlingtonRealEstate.com 7-21-2-2 HOUSE w/POOL. Older, remodeled 4/2 house w/above-ground pool. 4.5 mi to UF. Pvt, fenced yard. W/D, satellite, possible pets, partly furn. On bus line. No cash dep for UF students w/good credit. Lease $1095/mo Call Stephanie 371-9409 8-31-13-2 3BR/3BA CountrySide Apt. W/D, utils, cable, w/ HBO, and DSL incl $400/room/mo + $100 deposit. F only. NS. Call 954-680-0918, 954-328-2021 7-19-8-2 *KenSington N 2/2.5* w/d, pool, gym, ethernet 15 min bus $840 561-251-5425 7-2.1-2-2 Houses for rent: 3/2/2, fenced yard, 5212 NW 8th Ave, $1200 mo. 3/1 Duck pond area, $875 mo. 1st, last, & security required. Available immediately. 352-376-0006 728-4.2 3/2 NW FAMILY HOME, AVAIL NOW. Acre fenced yd, pt-arranged, garage. 4127 NW 36th St. $990/mo. $900 sec. GOOD TENANTS SAVE $dO/mo! 678-481-9208 or 678-480-2930 7-21-2-2 1BR -GREAT VALUE! ONLY $449/mos 0 $150 Deposit CLOSE TO CAMPUS THE WOODS 0 375-3077 8-31-13-2 2BR ONLY $579* AUGUST FREE * $185 Moves You In * Homestead Apts -376-0828 0 8-31-13-2 3BR ONLY $679! 0 $185 Moves You In s Georgetown Apts. NW location -378-1755 8-31-13-2 a STUDIOS $419. i Walk to a movie @ Butler Plaza 0 includes water/sewer 0 Sundowne Apartments 377-2596 8-31-13-2 2/1 ONLY $519 @ August Free 0 0 W/D hook-up 0 0 Beval Apts @ 372-4835 S 8-31-13-2 P 3 Blocks to UF, 2BR 1 BAApt. ntent Terazzo Floors, Window A/C. Nat Gas Ht. 1508 NW 4th Ave. $520/Mo News Providers" Call Merrill Management Inc 372-1494 728-4-2 3/2 CONDO. NW nr 39th Ave & Hwy 441. Refurbished, 1st floor, liv rm, din rm, D/W W/D. Screened porch. VERY private, quiet. $850/month. Avail 8/1. 352-372-3819. 728-4-2 2BR/2.5BA 2-story townhouse. W/D incl. 1190 sq ft. Private backyard. In Greenleaf subdivision off of Tower Rd. Close to Kanapaha Park and Publix. Quiet neighborhood. $600/mo. 325-428-6780 7-21-2-2 Studio Apt. 1.5 miles to UF and Oaks Mall. Contemporary style, marble bath, laundry avail, high speed internet. $375/mo. includes utils. Avail Aug. 1. Call 352-262-1838 7-26-3-2 3BR/2BA ranch + 1-car garage in Northwood. $1000/mo. Reduced rent for 2 months Sec dep, 1st & last mos. rent due on move-in. No pets. Avail 8/15/05. Credit and background check. 352-246-7159, 561-422-7052. 8-25-2 SAVE $$$! Take over my lease the year & PAY NO DEPOSIT! AUG IS FREE. Enjoy a spacious 2B/2B apt close to Shands, on many bus routes. RENT $750.mo incl W/D, balcony, pool. Contact 352-870-9965 7-28-4-2 Brand New Apt. In Bradissen Place near All Bus Stops. Right off of 34th St. & SW 35th Ave. Close to campus and shopping. Across from Gainesville Place Apts. 2BR/2BA, upper floor. $750/mo. 352-262-6602 7-28-4-2 Subleases Female for 1BR/1BA in 2BR/2.5BA townhouse. Behind sorority row. Short walk to campus. Avail ASAP. Price NEGOTIABLE. Call 352-870-8902 8-4-30-3 Apartments Sublets & Roommates All areas. Stu, 1 & 2 Bdrm; $400-1500 Shrt-Long & Furn-Unfurn 1-(877)FOR-RENT (367-7368) WWW.SUBLETCOM 8-15-23-3 Sublet individual lease. Gainesville Place. Ground floor. Unfurn. $360/mo. Starting Aug 05 to July 31, 06. Call 850-785-1777 Iv msg. 7-28-15-3 1BR/1BA July 05 -July 06. $630/mo unfurnished. W/D, new appliances, PET FRIENDLY. Quiet area close to 34th and Archer Rd. Please contact Elizabeth at 352372-1709 7-19-6-3 2BR/2BA at CAMPUS LODGE. Can move in immediately. Offering it at a discount. On the third floor. Close to the lodge and pool Call Jennifer at 235-1700 7-19-5-3 1 BR in 4BR/4 Bath w/private bath. Sublease for Fall/Spring. On good bus #13 route. Rent negotiable. Fully furnishedliving room & some in bedroom. The Landings. 262-2832 7-21-5-3 1 BR/1 BA in 2BR/2BA furn apt. Female only. All utils incl. Melrose Apts. $459/mo. Avail Aug 05 thru Aug 06. Call 941-484-9761 728-7-3 Countryside @ University Condo. 1 bedroom avail in-4BR/4BA for $425. Cable, water, elec inc except phone Call Irvin (904) 610-0967 or email icheng@bellsouth.net 7-19-4-3 $250/mo utils incl for Aug to Dec. Clean female for 1BR in 4BR apt. Indiv lease. Furnished, 2 blocks to campus, pool, gated, housekeeping, & trash pickup. 407-3409035, trix@ufl.edu 7-21-5-3 3BR/3BA at the Exchange $499/mo, all included & furnished. Please contact Ashley at 727-424-5552 8-15-8-3 CHEAPAPT 1 BR/1 BA apt. Pine Rush. Nice, clean, comfortable, spacious Furniture available. New carpet. $429/mo. Call 352-219-1745. 7-21-3-3 FREE JULY RENT 1BR avail in 3BR/1BA house in 3rd Ave neighborhood. $290/mo + utils. Pets welcome 215-7126 7-26-3-3 F seeking M or F roommate. 5-month lease up in Dec. Stoneridge Apts. $350/mo + 1/2 utils. For info, please call Kelly 813-956-7884 8-4-6-3 $335/mo. 1BR/1BA in 4BR/2BA at Univ. Commons. 1.5 mi. to campus. On 3 bus rts. FURNISHED! Pool, gym, hot tub, W/D. Call Jess 954-559-9698 8-2-5-3 Sublease close to campus 20 NW 8th St. 1BR apt in house. Very nice, wood floors, high ceilings, only $415/mo. Pets allowed for pet fee. Avail 8/1. Call 375:8980/222-0156 7-21-2-3 Roommate Matching HERE Oxford Manor 377-2777 The Landings 336-3838 The Laurels 335-4455 Cobblestone 377-2801 Hidden Lake 374-3866 8-15-25-4 Female roommate for one/two female UF students. Quiet. Responsible. 60 second walk to UF. Old house charm with all amenities. Avail Now. $400 -up. 352-538-2181.Lv message. Private Owner 8-15-25-4 Looking for a female roommate for lg53R in beautiful new house. Huge pool, pvt fence, Close to UP & SFCC. Internet, HBO cahle, sec alarm & utils inci $500/moAvail Fall. Call Jacqueline 352-395-7462 or 941-780-3526 7.28-.93-4 Avail May 2 rooms in Ig house, 1 blk from 13th & University, $300 + split util, sec dep, NS, no pets. Contact sor20@yahoo.com or leave message at 352-870-7256 8-15-25-4Walk to Law School Large BR in 4BR/2BA house. 3 IL students need roommate. Cable TV, wireless. Available now. $425/share utilities. 770-6395958, dcdotson@ufl.edu 7-21-20-4 Female Roommate Needed Kensington North $500/mo includes utilities & cable Union Properties 373-7578 8-15-25-4 VERY NICE HOUSE IN GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD-Roommate for 3/2 house. Conv location, pool, volleyball, W/D, ethernet, cable, NS, avail summer & fall $380/mo + share utils. Jake 239-564-0069 7-28-20-4 Grad, upperclassmen or prof to share spacious new 3BR/2BA house. I-net & cable incl. Must be neat clean & responsible. $400/mo + 1/3 until. Short or long term avail. 262-3989 8-15-24-4 2BRs Avail in Charming NW house. Close to Ward's Grocery, W/D, Share kitchen/BA. Seeking serious student/professional, NS. Furn opt. $250 + utils. No lease. Call 3382086 7-26-20-4 3rd Roommate needed -male. 2 m;rom SFCC. 3BR new furnished townhome. Golf, gated, $550/mo incl all until, inet & cable. Avail_8/15/05. 1 year lease. No pets. Call Mike 954-467-7070 or Jeff 954-240-3524 8-15-31-4 Sublets and Rooms Available All Florida Areas; All Major US Cities Browse available Rooms FREEI www.MetroRoommates.com 1-(877)-For-Rent (367-7368) 8-15-23-4 Female roommate, NS for fall. $500/mo + 1/ 3 util 3BR/2.5BA. Brand new, fully furnished, beautiful, 2500 sq ft, luxury townhome at Regents Park. Call 561-281-9274 7-28-13-4 Live in luxury above Dragonfly Sushi & Starbucks. Downstairs BR w/pvt BA, stainless steel appliances, wd flrs throughout, balcony $495/mo. Call Anthony 337-1330 7-28-13-4 Female roommate needed Aug. Looking Glass Apts. -30 seconds to UF. Floor Plan B -$505/month plus utilities. Call Apt Office 352-376-1111 or Kim 407-761-5266 8-1515-4 ATTENTION! F roommate needed for 2BR/ 2.5BA condo. $350/mo + 1/2 utils. Must be responsible, neat & clean. Avail. now! Call Madgene @ 561-827-4970 7-21-10-4 Countryside -2 rms in 4BR/4BA to share w/ 2 females. Secure, poolside, cable, internet, W/D. Free parking, on bus route. 10 min. to UF. $400 utils incl. el7bear@aol.com, 386-676-9703, 386-235-5400 8-2-13-4 Lg furn. 3BR/3BA house 3806 SW 2nd Ave. 1 blk to Newberry Rd w/in 1 mi of UF. About 3000 sq ft. Hdwd firs, no carpet, carport, Ig front porch. Incl all utils, w/hi spd cb. $550/ mo/rm. 407-363-7198, cell 407-234-1380 7-28-22-4 C lass ifleds Continued on next page.
14, ALLIGATOR TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2005 Roommates Roommates Rodmm ates' Roommates Real Estate M needed for 2BR/2BA apt. Rockwood Villas. 1st floor Rent incl. basic cable, internet, utils & turn 9 mu lease $470/mo, 12 mo lease $440/mo. Dalia@imecanic@aol com, 305-299-1777 7-26-8-4 Female roommate for NW 39 Ave home, $475/mo, all utilities incl, fully furnished, private BR, internet, W/D, avail ASAP, more info 870-5291 8-4-11-4 M/F roommate wanted for 2/1 apt. Lg bedrooms, cable, hi speed internet. $350/mo. Call William at 514-9320. Walking distance to stadium. 8-4-11-4 Beautiful home in trees on quiet street near UF. Quiet for study. Gourmet kitchen, fireplace, hi-spd DSL internet; cable TV, W/D, cent A/C, Ig yard, cats welcome. $340 + utils. 352-271-8711 7-28-9-4 F Roommate for 1BR in 2/2 w/ private bath, walk-in closet, furnished, include utils, W/D, & hi-speed internet. $490/mo. Call 514-7741 lv msg. 7-28-9-4 2 male roommates needed -serious students to share 3BR/2BA house. Located South of UF on Williston Rd W/D, cable, wireless DSL. $395/mo + 1/3 Utils. Call 2589116 7-28-9-4 3BR/3BA Countryside Apt. W/D, utils, cable w/ 2 HBO, and DSL incl $400/rm/mo + $100 deposit. F only. NS. Call 954-680-0918, 954-328-2021 7-28-11-4 2 student rooms avail. Great house, great roommates. Close to UF. W/D, dsl. Possible pets. Small rm $240. Lg rm $275. Lease. No cash dep for UF stdt w/good credit. Call 3719409 8-31-18-4 1 female roommate needed for 3BR/3BA apt in the Laurels. Rent around $500/mo utils incl. Clean, huge room, large walk-in closet. Avail 8/6, Call 727-501-2554. 7-19-6-4 FEMALES FOR ALL ROOMS in beautiful fully furn Univ Terr 4BR/4BA all priv bath. Walk-in closets. Great location 2 bus rts. 1 yr lease. $400/mo incl utils, wireless internet, WID, + cable. Call 954-592-0521 8-15-12-4 Female roommates for large 3BR/2BA townhngrse wl pool. Only 1 mile to UF. $450/mo all utils, dig cable & hi spd net incl. Call 954298-7591 or amyb@ufl.edu. 8-15-12-4 NEED OPEN-MINDED, RESPONSIBLE, FUN YOUNG PROF/GRD STDT TO SHARE NEW 3BR/3BA CONDO DOWNTOWN/ DUCKPOND. W/D, ETHERNET, PATIO, NO PETS, NS, $550/MO + 1/3 UTIL 262-7899 8-4-11-4 M/F needed for 2BR townhome. WID, DW, spacious, very nice. Only $285 +1/2 utilities. Across from Gainesville Place on 35th. Lease negotiable. Call 352-256-1034 7-19-5-4 Share 3/2 house, NW Gainesville Rainbows W/D, kitchen, patio. Located off of 39th Ave. 10 mins to UF/SFCC. No pets, already have 2 dogs. $400/mo, utils incl. Call Ila 352-336-6108 7-21-6-4 1/1 in 3/3 apartment available August in Heritage of Gainesville On 9/34/35 bus routes. $400/mo + 1/3 utils. W/D included w/awesome roommates. Call Celine @ 201456-2803 7-19-5-4 Roommate wanted in large 3BR/2BA house between SFCC & UF. DW, W/D, routed DSL, cable, garage, porch, over 20 yrs old required. $380/mo all utils incl. Call 352-5142250 7-19-5-4 2BR/1BA SW 5th Ave by Cred Union/ Norman Hall/hospital/buses for city/UF. Laundry/AC/furniture/c-fans. $300 + half util. Quiet/Considerate f/m? Call 337-9746 7-TL-13-4 **one roommate wanted** in BEAUTIFUL, 4BR/2BA, BIG house everything in the 300 club! only -$325/mo + 1/4 utilities *395-6788 or lilgoody@ufl edu* 8-15-11-4 2 rooms available in 3 BR house. Great location, close to UF. Partially furnished. $375/ monmail vmarum@ufl.edu or call 375-2496 or 870-4723 7-21-5-4 Female for 2BR/2BA townhouse Fully remodeled. 1/2 mi to UF. Pool located off patio. On bus rt. $450/mo incl everything: cable, internet, W/D, all utils. Quiet, pref serious stdt. Responsible. Stephanie 954-857-5618 8-2-8-4 *Countryside* 2BR/2BA avail in beautiful condo by the pool 1st stop on the bus rt. Wood firs, porch, W/D. Cable, high spd internet. Awesome people. $420 util included. Avail Aug 1. Hurry and call Nicole 328-4551 8-2-8-4 Walk to UF & Stadium! Grad stud/prof, couple ok. Spacious bedroom w/pvt entrance & bath attached to 4/3 home. Clean, neat, & N/S. On bus rte, near Publix & CVS. Parking, cable, w/d, wifi, utils incl. Use of main house common areas $750. Call 561-471-5021 8-2-8-4 Walk to Law School and Stadium! Grad stud/prof for 5/4 home. Must be clean, neat, N/S. On bus rte near Publix & CVS. Parking, cable, w/d, wi/fi, utils incl Aug 1 $550-$575 Call 561-471-5021 8-2-8-4 Roommates Wantedl Countryside @ University 2 rooms left. Furnished: bed, desk, common areas, W/D, utils, internet, basic cable, phone included. Email queenyb@ufl.edu or mstarksl@cfl.rr.com Phone: Baechle (Bake-Lee) 407-463-6535 7-28-7-4 02 UF Senior females need a female roommate 0 $400/mo for own BR in new 1700 sq. ft. house next to SFCC. Avail now. Call 2836279 8-24-11-4 DUCKPOND, NE Blvd Great space for art, gardening, potlucks, fun, studying. 3/2 on the creek. Bright living & studio areas. 2BRs, $350, $400 + util. W/D. Or share house w/ 1 person $500 374-7038 7-28-7-4 Rockwood Villas -1BR/1BA avail in 3/3 condo. $400/mo + utils. Close to campus & on bus route. Call Karly at 352-514-1617 leave message. 7-21-5-4 Male, close to campus, small furnished apt for I person on side of private home. Mature grad student preferred. No pets. Quiet, clean, safe, cable, patio. Avail 1 AUG. $430 per mo. utils incl. Lease, deposits. 378-2016 7-28-6-4 Roommate wanted for 1 room in 2BR/1BA house. All utils incl. Rent $450/mo + sec. dep. 6,9 & 12 mo. leases available. On the 75 bus route. 5 min from 9,20,34 & 5 routes: 442-2871 8-15-9-4 Ready now -1BR/1BA in 2/2.5 condo. Tile firs, W/D, DW, scr. porch, community pool. Room can be furn. Close to everything, on 34th btwn Archer & Williston. $375 + 1/2 util. $100 dep. 615-584-7837 or'386-623-5760 8-15-9-4 *SUMMER SPECIAL $275/mo* Female(s) for 1-2 BR in 3/2 house near UF, Shands & VA. W/D. Pets ok, furn opt., avail now. Jennifer 371-6228 please leave msg 7-28-6-4 Room in nice Valwood home w/ 2 females. $460/mo incl. all utils, EVERYTHING. 7824 SW 52nd Pl. Call 378-4626, 871-0227 7-28-6-4 Furn. room in 4BR/4BA condo All utils., cable wl HBO and DSL internet incl. W/D and walk-in closet $425/mo. CALL JOSH 352-494-2394 7-26-5-4 Unfurn BR for rent in brand new, spacious condo w/2 F, UF students. NW 55th St. Call Lisa for details @ 352-514-1763. 8-31-15-4 1Bdrm -Pirvate Bath NE Gvl Home -Quiet neighborhood, WID, dishwasher, cable, central H/A $300/mo + 1/2 util. 1st, last, $200 security. 375-5377, 373-6066, ask for Sue 7-28-6-4 Seeking NS, F to share beautiful 2BR restored Victorian house in downtown G'ville. $425/mo + 1/2 utils. Call Melodye at 3781633 7-21-4-4 DUCKPOND 2 rooms in 2-story 3BR/2BA HOUSE. $110/ wk or $85/wk. Fully furnished. W/D. 5143409. 7-28-6-4 F Roommate wanted to share 2BR/2BA spacious apt. Close to campus. Rent $292.50/ mo + util. Move in Aug. Please call 407-6878188 7-19-3-4 1 room for rent in a great 2/1 Duckpond house. Updated kitchen, wood floors, central AC and heat. W/D. You must love dogs! Avail Aug. Lease length negotiable. $350/mo OBO. Call Annie 352-284-1686 7-26-5-4 Wanted: 1 F N/S pref. prof/grad roommate for 2/2 apt in Pebble Creek 0 On-campus, vaulted ceilings, security, W/D, gym, pool, internet, cable. $415 + 1/2 utilities 0 352219-4408 0 7-28-6-4 Room in NW home. $350/mo incl utils & DSL. No pets. Mature male non drinker/ smoker. Availalbe immediately (flex). Call Scott 335-8209 8-24-10-4 Roommate needed for 2BR/2BA, wood firs, leather couches. Tennis courts, pool, hispeed internet, & digital cable. On 62nd by the mall on the 20 bus rte. Pref Grad Student. $495/mo. Call 904-891-1601 8-5-8-4 *** 2 roommates needed. New allergyfree environment. 3BR apt, covered parking avail. Cricket Club On bus rte. Clubhouse, pool, gym, laundry, gated. $500/mo incl utilities. Call Jodi 352-494-0405 7-28-6-4 F roommate for a 3BR/2BA. Grad student/ prof. No pets, NS. Near 1-75 & Oaks Mall. Avail immediately until mid Oct. #318/mo + 1/3 util. Pool, tennis, 24-hr gym. Elba 425-778-2460 (work) or elbarsan@ufl.edu. 7-28-5-4 Female roommate. Brand new apartment for fall 2005! On Archer and 13th 3/3 on top floor. Finished. $500 + utilities. No pets and non-smoker. 305-525-0499 7-28-5-4 Clean, nice, responsible, post-grad female seeks to share 3BR house. Hardwood floors, natural yard, laundry. $300/mo + util. No pets. 3 blks N of Law School. Call 373-9602. Avail 7/15 or 8/1. 7-28-5-4 1 female needed, for IBR/1BA in 4BR/4BA @ Countryside. $425/mo incl utils, cable, internet, furn. Available mid-Aug. Call 727510-9346. 7-28-5-4 NS ROOMMATE NEEDED for 3BR/2BA 1/2-acre home located on a quiet, wooded street near mall. Must love dogs, but not actually have one. $300/mo, everything incl. 262-9630 8-15-8-4 FURNISHED ROOM in a house w/big yard. 10 min from UF. Mature, F, NS. Short lease OK. $400/mo incl everything. 352-376-9960 8-2-6-4 College student looking for roommate. Living in Piccadilly apt complex. 2BR/1BA, living room, kitchen. Poolside. Completely furn except BR (some room for extra furn) Low rent $323/mo. 246-1637 8-2-6-4 Female for 2BR/2BA apt Very close to campus. Looking Glass Apts. $460/mo + util. 239-560-0610 8-15-8-4 $245 MO RENT, male N/S Quiet private home Archer Rd location Sec deposit + 1/2 electric Info 375-6393 7-19-2-4 1BR in a 3BR/2BA HOUSE. 2-car garage, near 34th & 16th. $350/mo + util. Delp required. No pets. Call 386-290-0902 721-3-4 M/F for 1BR/1BA in 3BR/3BA apt @ Heritage, bus routes 9, 35, walk-in closet, W/D, dishwasher, pets ok, $300/mo + 1/3 cable/util. Avail NOW! Call Mark 904-4778156 7-28-5-4 For a furn 1BR/1BA in nice condo. W/D, pool, good neigh, 4 miles to UP. Bus stop at front gate. $260/mo + 1/2 util. Pref F Asian. Move in anytime. Call 331-0834 after 6pm. 7-21-2-4 2 rooms avail in 3BR house. SE area. Close to Boulware Springs Park. Only 5 min drive to UF or 20 mir biking thru beautiful Hawthorne Trail. $230/mo ea + utils. Call 375-0982 or elaw@ufl.edu. 7-28-4-4 F, NS, 3BR/2BA house w/pool. NW 23rd Ave off 43rd. Rent $375/mo + utils. For more info please cull 352-317-0433 7-21-2-4 1 ROOM AVAIL House in Northridge subdivision $325/mo + 1/3 util. Tennis ct, pool, W/D on premises. Prefer prof or serious student. Walking distance to SFCC. On bus route to UF. 376-9632 8-4-6-4 1 MONTH FREE! 1BR avail 8/1. 5 min to UF. Free dig cable, $300/mo + 1/3 util. NS 352-332-2234, 352514-1441 7-28-4-4 ROOMMATE NEEDED to share 3/2 honuv in SW Gville. Minutes to UF. Fully furn. Pet friendly. WID, DW, fenced yard. Call 352336-6421 or 850-496-0367 8-2-5-4 2 roommates (F preferred) for 9BR/4BA house. Only $290, $330/mo. Close to sorority row. W/D, cable, internet, great roommates. Jessica 352-246-1499 8-24-8-4 EVERYTHING INCLUDED $430, no mona-in fees, 3/3, patio, W/D in apt, lease begins 7/30, M wanted, Spyglass, gated community, great amenities. Contact Kevin 386-235-1615 7-21-2-4 2 NS responsible females needed for 4BR/ 2BA HOUSE in quiet NW neighborhood. $350/mo + 1/4 utils. Call Holly 352-384-3905 7-28-4-4 M student looking for 2 housemates. 3/2 home in SW Gainesville. Rent $325/mo + 1/3 util. Sec dep $325. Lease 8/2005 thru 7/2006. No pets. Please call 813-645-8472 or 352-225-1823 for more information. 728-4-4 3 fun, friendly roommates looking for female 4th roommate. Close to UF. 4BR/4BA condo w/ walk-in closets. Internet, cable, & W/D incl. $435/mo. Call Gwen 386-748-8718 721-2-4 Large bedroom. 2 full closets + more. Optional connecting office/studio. $500 + $300 down. Electric incl. 1015 NW 3rd Ave. Male/female/musicians welcome. 352-2566197 8-2-5-4 GREAT 4 STUDYING! F rmmate for Ig 1B/1 B in 2B/2B w/ med student. AUG IS FREE. Apt is quiet spacious unfurn near Shands, on many bus rts. NO DEPOSIT. rent $375/mo incl W/D balcony, pool. Call 352-870-9965 7-28-4-4 tReaEstate Sell your house, condo, acreage, mobile home and much more in the ALLIGATOR CLASSIFIEDS Reach over 24,000 possible buyers! Mastercard and Visa accepted over the phone. Please Call 373-Find UNIVERSITY TERRACE CONDO 4BR/4BA 3 leases signed for next year. Call for details 407-620-1555 7-28-10-5 Quad-, Tri-, or Duplex w/pvt parking, extra land, 60 sec walk to UF. Exc cond. House 3/4BR, 2BA, wd firs, covered prch, concrete patio, garage/work-shop. Pvt Owner. 352538-2181 lv mssg 8-15-25-5 Existing condos & luxury condos near UF at affordable prices. For more infornation, visit www.mattpricerealtor.com or call today Matt Price 352-281-3551 Campus Realty Group 7-28-74-5 Grantwood Condominiums 2/2 Loft Condo W/Private Courtyard Minutes From UF! 975SF, GATED ENTRANCE, SECURITY, POOL. Starting @ $125,900! HURRY! Call Adam Vaisman 352-222-7260 Coldwell Banker MM Parrish Rltrs 372-5375 8-15-25-5 NEW COMPANY IN GAINESVILLE. looking to buy or lease houses in this area. Any size, price, or condition 352-264-7347 or visit us @ www.happygatorhomes.com 8-15-23-5 1BR1 BA Tumbling Creek Condo. End unit overlooking creek, new paint; flooring, plumbing, light fixtures, walk to UF/ShandsVA. $66,900, serious buyers. 222-2942 7-28-14-5 GATOR PLACE CONDOS Under $100k, only 5 left Call Scot @ 359-1678 Campus Realty 7-19-8-5 FSBO, 3b/2ba, 1208sf, conv NW location approx 2 mi from campus, new roof, new carpet, new kitchen cab, new int/ext paint, fenced yard, screened porch, $158,500 obo Genie 381-9070, featured' listing on http: l'/infotube.net/116455 7-21-9-5 HOT Student Condos Near UF. Save Thousands When You Buy Now. Free List of UF CONDOS. www.condos-near-uf.com Campus Realty Group 9-1-19-5 Great Homes Close to UP. Stop Renting. Buy Now. FREE LIST OF HOMES. www.Homes-Near-UF.com Campus Realty Group 9-1-19-5 4BR/4BA condo at Countryside. 1 mile from UF. 3 conv. bus rts. Overlooks pool & spa. W/ D incl. Tile & carpet, walk in closets, wireless internet. Call 904-753-1575 7-28-8-5 1978 12' x 60' single wide mobile home in Gville park. 2BR/1 5 BA. Lot rent $220/mo. AC, heat, 10x24 screened room & 8x10 storage shed. 1 owner. $17,000 cash. Call 386736-3244 eves for info. 7-28-8-5 3/2 plus den, double wide mobile home on UF Bus line, country feel, close to town. Remodeled, must see! $220 lot rent, $46,900. Call 561-436-3020 7-28-6-5 JACKSON SQUARE Spectacular university views. Walk to UF & the stadium. Classic New Orleans appeal with state-of-the-art luxury. Reserve today. 52 units available. Starting in mid-300's. Call Eric Wild 870-9453 12-7-80-5 Funishings BEDS 0 Full mattress & boxspring sets $49 Oueen sets $89,0 Single sets $39 OKing sets $99 0 From estate sale. Safe pine bunk bed $109. 376-0939/378-0497. CALL-A-MATTRESS 4370 SW 20th Ave. 8-15-21-6 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers"
TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2005 E ALLIGATOR, 15 Furnishings Furnishings Computers Motorcycles, Mopeds A"'l, FUTON Solid oak mission-style frame w/ mattress. Brand new, all unused in box. Sell $199 can deliver. 352-377-9846 8-15-25-6 Futon -Top of the line. Looks brand new. All wood. Blue/mauve tones. Cost $800, sell $150. 378-4626 7-28-6-6 BED-Queen, orthopedic, firm, extra thick, pilow-top, mattress & box Name brand, new, still in plastic. Sacrifice $150. Call 352-3727490 will deliver. 8-15-25-6 BED -FULL SIZE ORTHOPEDIC Pillow-top mattress & box. New, unused, still in plastic w/warranty. Can deliver. Sacrifice $140. Call 352-377-9846 8-15-25-6 MICROFIBER SOFA & LOVESEAT Brand new still packaged w/warranty. Must sell. Can deliver. Retail $2300. Sacrifice $550 352-372-7490 8-15-25-6 BED -King-Pillowtop mattress & box springs. Orthopedic rated. Name brand, new, never been used, in plastic with warranty. Sell $230. Call 352-372-8588 Can deliver. 815-25-6 CHERRY SLEIGH BED solid with Pillowtop Mattress & Box. All new still boxed. Cost $1500, sacrifice $550 352-271-5119 8-1525-6 BEDROOM SET. 7pc Cherry, Queen/ king bed, dresser w/mirror, 2 nightstands, chests avail. Dovetail cost. New, in boxes. Can deliver. Retail $6500, must sell, sacrifice $1400 (352) 372-7490 8-15-25-6 SOFA & LOVESEAT 100% Italian leather. Brand new in plastic w/warranty. Retail $2650. Sacrifice $750. Call 352-377-9846 8-15-25-6 DINING ROOM Beautiful cherry set w/table, 6 Chippendale chairs, hutch & buffet. New, still in boxes. Retail $5200, sacrifice $1100. Must sell. Can deliver. 352-372-8588 8-1525-6 MEMORY FOAM -same as Temperpedia. Save 50% & more. Other close-outs. 0 twin sets $89 Ofull sets $129 *queen sets $149 eking sets S189 Student discounts apply. 4370 SW 20th Ave. 376-0953 We deliver. 8-15-21-6 Furniture for Sale. Matching dresser w/mirror & nightstand ($250), 2 white sofas ($25), 2 white side tables ($10), desk ($10), vehicle bike rack (35). All look brand new Call Lauren @ 219-36177-19-5-6 Loveseat & sofabed, 2 end tables, 1 coffee table, dining table, 5 chairs. Call 786-2825073. Ask for Amy or email ufajardo@ufl.edu 7-26-7-6 SALE! SALE! 2 twin size beds, new GE washer & dryer. Prices are negotiable. 954-540-0344. 815-11-6 Matching sofa & chair $80, sofa w/ sleeper $60, wood table w/ 3 chairs $40, TV center $30, coffee table 510, grill $30, oak desk $40, 2 desk chairs $30 ea.3 end tables $25 ea., dresser w/ night stand $90, filing cabinet $75, printer $25 call 219-1330 7-19-4-6 FURNITURE FOR SALE: Bed; desk; black, faux leather couches; chairs; lamps; kitchenette w/chairs; entertainment unit. Prices negotiable. 561-7151857 7-28-6-6 Availabl a Washer/dryer $250 for both. Full size bed w/mattress $120. Wood kitchen table w/2 chairs $40. Corner desk $65. Call 352374-8088 or email lessthantony@aol.com 7-21-4-6 Beds, Futons, Furniture, King Sealy sets $299; new sofas for $299; oak futons $169; sofa & loveseat $399; dinettes, desks, all on sale *New Location* .140 NW 6th St Morrells Furniture Outlet. 352-378-5400 12-7-81-6 POOL TABLE like new Professional size. $1800 obo. Barley used. 352 359-2357. Great for a house! 7-26-5-6 Moving sale: desk wi/hutch $30, another desk $10; dresser $30; bookshelf $25; couch $50, baker's rack $30; OBO. Must pick up! Call 352-871-5370 7-19-3-6 Brand new La-Z-Boy chair & ottoman. Contemporary Collection by Todd Oldham Design. $500. Call 371-1060. 7-28-5-6 BEDROOM SET FOR SALE Incl: nightstand, head & foot boards, dresser w/mirror, bureau, mattress. $300/OBO. In good condition. Call 813-326-2183. Must pick up. Must sell by 7/30. 7-28-5-6 Washer/Dryer $200 Call 381-9854. 7-26-3-6 Bed -Full size orthopedic mattress & box. Brand New. Still in plastic with warranty. Can Deliver. $100 (352) 376-1600 8-2-5-6 Bed -Full size orthopedic mattress & box. Brand New. Still in plastic with warranty. Can Deliver. $100 (352) 376-1600 8-2-5-6 Bed -All New Queen orthopedic pillow-top mattress & box set. Still in plastic with warranty. Can Deliver. $140 (352) 264-9799 8-2-5-6 Bed -All New Kint! 3pc. Orthopedic pillow-top set. Brand new, still in plastic, with warranty. Can Deliver. $195. 376-1600 8-2-5-6 Bedroom Set -$495 Brand New! Still in boxes 6 pieces include: HB, 2 NS, Dresser, Mirror, Chest. Can Deliver. (352) 264-9799 8-2-5-6 Futon -$195 Solid oak, mission-style. Plush mattress. Never used. Still in box. Can Deliver. (352) 376-1600 8-2-5-6 Pool Table -Gorgeous 8' All wood table. Leather pockets, Italian 1" slate, carved legs. Br. New still in crate. Cost $4,500. Sell $1,350. Can Deliver. 264-9799 8-2-5-6 Hot Tub/Spa -$1795.00 Brand New Loaded'. Waterfall, LED lights, cup-holders, 110v energy efficient with warranty. Free Delivery. 264-9799 8-2-5-6 CHEAP -Bed includes box spring & mattress, 3 pc armoire set & couch. Good condition. Call 954-540-1900 7-28-4-6 MOVING OUT SALE Sofabed, bedroom set, TV & stand Best offer, but must pick up. Call 352-216-4596 7-21-2-6 GE WASHER & DRYER Heavy duty, super capacity, good condition. For $200 352-870-4961 7-21-2-6 A "i rl-iktEP Eek W8, ma; Houte Ca&!a 8-23-170-7 Copyrighted Material A Computer HELP fast! A+ Computer Geek House/dorm 59 min response. No waiting/ Syndicated Content unplug'ging/hassels. $30 Gator Discount e from Commercial News Providers" w/student ID. M/F Cert MCSE technicians. 333-8404. www.AComputerGeek.com 823-170-7 COMPUTER SOLUTIONS, Inc U Complete residential & commercial support, networking & website development. $45/hr www.gainesvillecsi.com 371-2230 8-15-24-7 Cash Paid Laptop PCs SALES S SERVICE PARTS www.pcrecycle.biz 336-0075 8-15-24-7 "COMPUTER & LAPTOP REPAIRS" Network specialists We buy computers and laptops Working and Non-working 378-4009, 607 NW 13th Street 8-15-25-7 352.219.290O 8-15-16-7 GATORNERD.COM -computer/laptop repair -virus, spyware, hardware -$10 discounts, cheapest! -home/dorm 352-219-2980 8-15-16-7 Dell Inspiron 5100 laptop P-4 2.4 Ghz Win XP 40 GHD 256 mb RAM DVD/CD-RW, 15" screen 1 yr old-like new $800 o.b.o. (352) 475-2382 (352) 665-9700 7-26-4-7 electronic DISCOUNT HI-FI 722 S. Main S The Red Bldg WE ARE CHEAPER 8-15-25-8 GATOR CAR ALARMS Take a bite out of crime $99.95. Installed FREE. Gainesville's oldest car alarm and car stereo specialty store. 373-3754 Audio Outlet. 12-7-84-8 Electronic 4 channel crossover $25, sound mixer $10, pair prodynamics TX 1200 400watt speaker $150, Sherwood amp $20, JBL control FB-5 subwoofer $50, set of technics 111-CD changer VSX-D9025 receiver $835 new, sell $150. Must sell. Call 352-262-1838 7-26-3-8 Bicycles 3 In the market for a new set of wheels or just looking to add a second to that collection? Want personalized handlebars or a fitted seat? Check in the Alligator Classifieds. NEW& USED BIKES FOR SALE Many to choose from Best Prices in Town[ SPIN CYCLE 373-3355 424 W University Ave 8-15-25-9 PARKING: Private, Secure, Guaranteed. 60 sec to UF. Reserve nowl Reasonable rates. 352-5382181. Can leave mssg. 8-15-25-10 PARTY SUPPLIES: Complete line of bar supplies, glassware, beer taps, draft beer equipment. Professional cooking utensils. R.W.Beaty Co. 4322 NW 13th St, Gville RWBEATY.COM 376-5939. 8-15-25-10 NGC/PCGS Certified Coins, Silver Eagles,' State Otrs., etc. M563 to perfect 70. American Coins & Stamps. 3446 W. Univ. 372-6400 8-15-21-10 TAMA SWINGSTAR 5 PC DRUM SET in good condition. Pewter color. $500/OBO. Call Liz 352-359-6299 7-21-3-10 PARKING SPACES FOR RENT $35/ms each. Behind Noariman Halt. 922 & 924 SW7thvee. & 1117&19 SW 7th Ave. 372-4903 7-28-5-10 IBANEX BLK electric guitar $100 ODunlop full set golf clubs $80 *Sharp 28" huge color TV $125 OTall wood/metal computer desk $60 Drafting table $50 OBO 377-9978 7-21-2-10 ** SCOOTERS ** RPM MOTORCYCLES INC SALES, SERVICE, PARTS Many Brands Available 518 SE 2nd St. www.RPMmotorcycles com 377-6974 8-15-25-11 Swamp Cycles Large selection of E-bikes, Scooters and Accessories. CPI USA, ETon, Luojia, HJC Helmets. 534 SW 4th Avenue, 373-8823 www.swampcycles.com 8-15-25-11 ***SOLANO CYCLE*** Scooters from $599. Largest section KYMCO, Vento, Hyosung, Keen & many others. Financing avail. 3550 SW 34th St. 338-8450 solanocycle.com 8-15-43-11 CASH PAID for MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS, or dirt bikes in ANY condition, Running or not. titles or not. Prompt pick up. Call ANYTIME: 352-376-9096 Please leave a message. 12-7-88-11 *NEW SCOOTERS 4 LESS* New location now open 1901 NW 67th Place 352-336-1271 www.newscooters4less.com Best prices in Gainesville. Owned by Gator grads. Will beat all Gainesville competitor's prices on similar models 12-7-84-11 BUELL BLAST 2000, 500cc 6170 miles, Asking $2600 OBO. Call Manuela Devack 904-269-2174 7-21-4-11 SCOOTER2000 HONDA DIO Runs great, perfect on-campus transportation. $500 Call 328-6854 7-19-1-11 50cc Maxxi Scooter Bought new in 2003. Excellent cond. and low mileage. $850, call Ashley @ 850-321-6822 8-2-5-11 2003 HYOSUNG SENSE scooter for sale. 1st owner, 2k miles, maroon. Must sell by end of July! $800 OBO. Serious inquiries only. 256-1238 7-21-2-11 FAST CASH PAID FOR ANY CAR* ORunning or not!* *NEED HONDA, TOYOTA, PICKUPS *Over 10 yr svc to UF students *Call Don @ 215-7987 8-15-25-12 CARS -CARS BuySSellOTrade Clean BMW, Volvo, Mercedes Toyota, Honda, Nissan cars 3432 N Main St. www.carrsmith.com CARESMITH AUTO SALES 373-1150 8-15S-25-12 **FAST CASH PAID** For CARS & TRUCKS Running or Not 1990 & up only Soi or Trade Welcome Call Ray 352-284-8619 8-15-25-12 OVER 50 IMPORTS UNDER $10,000 SELECT MOTOR CAR THE YELLOW BUILDING 2715 N MAIN 377-1616 www.selectmotorcar.us 8-15-25-12 Best Cars .Lowest Prices www.39thaveimports.com 8-15-25-12 $500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! HONDAS, CHEVYS, TOYOTAS, ETC. For listings 800-749-8116 ext 4622 8-1525-12 2002 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX SE automatic, 4-door, A/C, new tires. 69,500 mi, $6500. Call 352-219-7450 or 352-219-1140 7-26-8-12 1996 MITSUBISHI GALANT Black, 4 door, automatic, AC, AM/FM/ Cassette, PL, PW. $1600. Call 305-7985932 7-26-7-12 2002 JEEP WRANGLER 4WD, 53k mi, 100% fun/reliable ride! Orig owner, mint cond. Expecting baby. Feat. ab, abs, ac, ps, tilt, padded sound bar for great music w/top down. Go Dawgs!$15,900, 404-932-Q709 7-28-7-12 1996 Dodge Stratus Auto, A/C, Call 352-359-4459 7-28-7-12 '00 Silver Grand Cherokee Exc. condition, 56k mi. $10,000 obo. 813-817-6657 or 407-925-2523 7-21-5-12 Chevy Venture Minivan. 2002. 42,700 miles. 16 mos FULL FREE Care Care Family of Services and full warranty (except hoses). Great deal -$10,500 OBO. Call 846-5879 7-26-5-12 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LARADO '96 ABS, remote entry, automatic, 140k miles, A/C, CD, cruise control, carefully maintained. $3800. Call 373-6240 7-19-2-12 2000 OLDSMOBILE ALERO Automatic, 4 door, tinted windows, Sony stereo, new tires, good condition, 85k miles. $5200/OBO. Moving out of country. Call 305331-7413 8-15-8-12 92 Honda Civic DX 3dr hatch 4 cyl 30 mpg city -A/C -am/fm/cd 78k miles -good cond $2,850. Call Mike 374-4243 (eves) 8-4-6-12 LOCAL ARTIST NEEDS: GOLD, DIAMONDS, GEMS, CLASS RINGS, ETC TOP CASH $ OR TRADE. OZZIE'S FINE JEWELRY. 373-9243 8-15-25-1.3 On-going VOLUNTEER needed: Blind lady needs trans on Sundays only to Mass @ Queen of Peace Catholic Church or St. Augustine Catholic Church. For more info call 219-6948. t live in the Tower Rd area. 7-28-22-13 Blind lady needs health majors interest in walking at least three times a week. Call 352219-6948. Thanks. 7-28-22-13 Care-giver; lawn care, carpentry, plumbing, electrical and ETC. Employment must include a private dwelling, board and furnished -negotiable. Call 386-496-3056 ask for Wayne. Religion: Baptist 7-21-5-13 This newspaper assumes no responsibility for injury or toss arising from contacts made through advertising. W~e suggest that any reader who responds to advertising use caution and investigate the sincerity of the advertiser before giving out personal information or arranging meetingsLIKE TO WORK WITH LUXURY CARS? Bright? Enthusiastic? Like people? Must be over 22, stable work history, clean driving record, drug-free, pers ref. www.carrsmith.com for details. 8-15-25-14 Animal Care Tech looking for hard working person to work w/ reptiles & rodents. Will train, PT to start with more hrs possible. Start at $6.50/hr. Flex hrs. Please call 495-9024 between 9-4 M-F. 8-15-25-4 CNA CLASS: Learn @ your own time and pace. Everything you need to be a CNA and pass the state exam is on VCR tape.-'55% pass the state exam the 1st time! $200. Call 800-566-4913 Hrs: 12N to 5PM 8-15-25-14 Phorte survey interviewers wanted. Start work today No sales, opinion research only! Flexible Schedulel Perceptive Market Research 336-6760 ex 4081 Call nowl 815-25-14 Cassifieds. Continued on next page.
16, ALLIGATOR U TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2005 Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Students in Accounting, Aviation, Business/ Sales and IT needed for various positions. Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Join our team! Learn more at www.gleim.com/ employment 8-15-25-14 $$ STUDENTS GET CASH $$ For gently used brand name Clothing/accessories & furniture $Cash on the Spot$ SANDY'S No appt necessary! 2906 NW 13th St 372-1226 815-25-14 BARTENDING $2EOJ A DAY POTENTIAL No experience necessary, training provided. 800-965-6520 ext 138 8-15-25-14 SECRET SHOPPERS Needed for evaluations of Local Stores, Restaurants and Theaters Flexible Hours, E-mail required Call 1-800-585-9024 ext 6254 8-15-25-14 Attention Smokers! Earn about $6/hr. Smokers are needed to participate in a study on decision making & smoking. If interested come to the psychology bldg room 397 or call 392-0601 ext 297 8-15-25-14 Finance company needing office assistant & collections associate. Young, progressive company w/advancement & bonuses. 25 hrs/wk. Start immediately. Fax resume to 352-378-4156 8-31-90-14 EARN $60 THIS WEEK! Donate Plasma & Save a Life $$$$$$$$$$$$ Best part-time job you'll ever have NEW DONORS Bring this Ad and Earn an Extra $5 on Your 2nd Donation. DCI Biologicals 150 NW 6th St. 352-378-9204 8-15-25-14 Groundskeepers FT, PT Custodial duties/Apt Maint Transportation req. DFWP EEO 220 N Main 375-2152 x301 8-15-25-14 LeaA ng Consultant, FT, PT Energetic Attitude Cust. Serv. Exp. DFWP EEO 220 N. Main 375-2152 x301 8-15-25-14 PT CLEANING SERVICE Great for college students. Flexible hours. Excellent pay. No exp nec. 378-8252 8-1534-14 Green Sparrow Chinese Restaurant now hiring: Kitchen helpers, cashier/servers. Apply in person 4-5pm, Mon -Sun. See wwm.green-sparrom.com for tore lncahiss or call 352-871-5771 8-1 5-25-14 NOW HIRING CLEAN VACANT APTS ALSO some PT Position available. 352-246-5785 8-15-25-14 SOCCER COACHES: Gainesville Soccer Alliance seeking experienced soccer coaches for competitive youth soccer teams for 2005-2006 season. Call 379-5979 or email: contact@gainesvillesoccer org 8-15-25-14 Participants Needed The Phonetics Laboratory in the Program in Linguistics is looking for people to participate in a listening experiment. You can earn $10/hour by participating in a study of the perception of speech sounds from foreign languages. If you are interested in participating, please contact Jenna Silver jenlsilver@yahoo.com 8-15 ? 3-14 Mortgage lender has immediate sales positions avail for college students seeking prof work exp. No exp req. $8-9/hr -+ bonus, flex hrs. Apply in person 2-7pm M-F at 1900 SW 34th St Ste 206 (2nd fir above credit union) 8-15-23-14 MOVERS WANTED Need Driver's License. Apply in person at 59-5 NW 53rd Ave. at Gator Moving & Storage Mon.-Fri. 7-28-20-14 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT Holiday Inn University Center is looking for housekeepers and houseman 8-15-20-14 HELP WANTED! Start your AVON BUSINESS for $10. Call Emma @ 352-871-4489 or e-mail avonbyemma@hotmailcom. 8-15-20-14 Web Programmer asp, asp.net, vb script, c#, SQL knowledge. E-mail resume to jobs@352media.com 8-15-19-14 Internet Marketing Specialist -Detail oriented w/strong MS Excel/Word, communication skills. Knowledge of SEO, PPC and affiliate management a plus. Flex schedule. Base pay + bonuses. Fax resume 800-967-5140 10-31-66-14 PT/FT LANDSCAPERS WANTED Exp preferred. Valid driver's license a must. 352-222-1904 8-15-15-14 Leasing Agent/Sales Outgoing & reliable? Bonuses, great team. PT schedule incl Sat req. Fax resume, cover & avail schedule to Trimark Properties 3766269 or email hr@trimarkproperties.com 8-15-15-14 HIRING KITCHEN STAFF Starting $6.15/hr DRIVERS $8-15/h. PT easy schedule. Please call 2-5pm 378-2442 or fill out application at California Chicken Grill 2124 SW 34th St. Mon -Fri. 8-15-14-14 Gymnastics & Dance Coaches and instructors wanted at the YMCA. Apply at 5201 NW 34th St. 3749622 ask for Kim or Judy. 8-15-13-14 Childwatch Counselors wanted at the YMCA. Summer and fall. Apply at 5201 NW 34th St. 374-9622 ask for Judy. 8-15-13-14 Wellness Staff wanted at the YMCA. Apply at 5201 NW 34th St. 374-9622 ask for Kristina 8-15-13-14 Bus Drivers wanted at the YMCA. Apply at 5201 NW 34th St. 374-9622 ask for Tim 8-15-13-14 Accounting Asst. needed 15-20 hrs/week. Base pay + bonuses. Quickbooks, Excel, data entry, & problem solving skills a must. Accounting background preferred. Start immediately, fax resume to 800-967-5140 8-26-18-14 Tire Technicians, Experienced Only, Full and Part time. Apply in Person: Tire Outlet 1320 N. Main Street 7-19-6-14 The Village Market Gourmet Foods/Coffee Shop at Haile Plantation. PT help 20-25 hrs. All shifts avail. Apply within 380-0111 Call for .directions ONLY. 7-19-6-14 LOCAL OUTSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVES NEEDED. Flexible schedule. 100% commission, up to $500/wk. Call 372-8444 for more info. 8-15-12-14 Nanny, Full/Part time, newborn & older. N/S, transportation required. Experience/ references required. Call 333-9988 7-289-14 *DANCERS NEEDED* Private dance co. Great for students. Great pay, fast cash & flexible hours. All to start today! 378-3312 8-4-15-14 $800 WEEKLY GUARANTEED Stuffing envelopes. Send self-addressed stamped envelope to Scarab Marketing 28 E Jackson, 10th FL. Ste 938, Chicago, IL 60604 7-28-8-14 local tech company seeking positive energetic and assertive sales professionals with excellent communication and phone skills. Sales exp preferred. Base pay + commission. Send resume to jobs@usbmis.com 8-4-10-14 Artistic? Nice handwriting? Hand lettering P/T. A few hours per wk. Close to campus. No experience req. Short resume to: P D Box 286, Gainesville 32602 7-26-6-14 DRIVER OPPORTUNITY Gatorfood.com. Can earn anyshere between $8 -$15/hr. Set your own schedule For info contact 379-3663 7-28-8-14 WEB DEVELOPER Gatorfood.com 'seeking immediate placement for ASP/MS-SQL server web developer. 5 yrs or equiv exp req. Email resume & contact info to employment@gatorfood.com 7-28-8-14 EXPERIENCED VET TECH wanted for friendly country practice. High Springs Animal Hospital 386-454-1001 719-5-14 RECEPTIONIST needed for busy OB-GYN practice. Responsibilities include: answering multiple phone lines, scheduling appts, collecting payments & chart mgmt. Good benefits. Fax resume to: 352-332-7095 719-5-14 Classic Fare Catering, located on the UF Campus, is looking for banquet staff. Flexible hours, competitive pay and a great working environment. No experience necessary, we will train. Apply in person and the Classic Fare Catering Office located on the first floor of Reitz Union from 3-5 pm, Monday -Friday or apply online at ww.gatordining.com. 719-4-14 High Performance Manager? Fast Moving Dot Com needs a Champion in the Office Place. Aggressive Pay for Performance. Resumes@NetEnforcers.com 7-19-4-14 Cashier/Stocker/Deli Gas Station -near Newberry -Owner from India. Immediate opening, long, hours available. Call Nick/ Tommie/Annie @ 352-472-5079 7-19-4-14 Full-time paid legal intern wanted for Gainesville criminal defense law office. Fax resume to 374-6771 7-21-5-14 Parttime for pm & weekend work. Executive's assistant. Computer and basic math skills required. Send resume to: 6400 W. Newberry Rd, Ste 301 Gainesville, FL 32605 7-194-14 PIT Office Assistant position available for young, exciting, and fast-growing company Responsibilities include general office, marketing, and research duties. Candidate must be familiar with Microsoft Office and internet researching. Hours are flexible. Email resume to: etedprince@perthleadership.org.or call 352-333-3768 7-28-6-14 After school care program attendent needed for school year 2005-2006. Oak Hall Middle School. Contact Middle School Head 352332-3609. References needed. 7-21-4-14 THE MELTING POT RESTAURANT is now hiring for a dishwasher, kitchen prep position, full or part time. Evenings only. Pay starts at $7 00/hr. Apply within, Mon-Thurs, 1:00-4:00 pm, use rear entrance 7-21-4-14 Trainee for busy espresso bar near Oaks Mail. Excellent pay, advanced skills taught. No coffee experience req'd. Email work references w/dates & contact info to tendoug@atlantic.net 7-28-6-14 WANTED: EXPERIENCED JAVELIN THROWER to instruct youth. 352-332-5626 7-21-4-14 Work for Student. Yard work, carpentry, electrical, roofing, plumbing & some heavy lifting. $6.50 -7.00/hr depends on skill & experience. Call 376-6183 7-21-4-14 Wanted: PT ASAP Micanopy. Up to $9/hr. Stall cleaning, other. Pos-warm blood breeding/training farm spec. in dressage, C/L mares/foals; farm maint. Family atmosphere, live on farm. Rent/horse board ex. work. Serious exp. only, year-round commitment req. Excellent learning opp. Call 352-2813016 after 7pm. 8-15-9-14 We need a few more cat furniture makers! Looking for PIT, manual laborers. Contact Tom at Molly and Friends 337-1535 open 8-6 M-F. Good with numbers is a plus. 721-4-14 Childcare in my NW home for 1-yr old & 4yr old. Flexible schedule, approximately 12-17 hrs/wk. Please have transportation & references. Salary .depends on experience. 514-0519 7-21-4-14 Five Star Pizza Downtown/Tower Road now hiring all positions for fall and spring. In store/ driver. Great pay w/ great atmosphere. Apply @ 210 SW 2nd Ave 375-5600 or 600 NW 75th St. 333-7979 10-3-37-14 The Reitz Union Productions Department is now accepting applications for Student Assistant positions. Productions employees work in a fast-paced environment setting tables, chairs, staging, and audio-visual equipment for events in the Reitz Union. Opportunities for advancement are available in our growing department. Apply online at: www.union.ufl.edu/jobs, and list "Productions" as your first choice of employment. 7-21-4-14 Non-profit organization seeking copy editor. Grammar and writing skills necessary. Mail resume to Alexakos@gue.com 7-28-6-14 PART TIME TELEPHONE SALES Infinite Energy sells $500 million of natural gas yearly. We have immediate openings for SALES REPRESENTATIVES that can work 20-35 hours per week. Hourly wage: $7 to $11, plus commission. Need more info? Go to www.infiniteenergy.com. Respond by fax 352-240-4146 or email your resume to wehavejobs@infiniteenergy.com. EOE/AA/ MFDV. 8-4-8-14 Student Supervisors/Managers: Start building or add to your resume] Gator Dining Services, located on the UF Campus, is looking for Student Supervisors/Managers. Pay is $8-$10 hr based on experience. We offer competitive pay, benefits and a great working environment. Aply at Gator Dining Services, B73 Reitz Union, Museum Rd or online at www.gatordining.com. 7-26-4-14 WGFL-TV is seeking a reliable part-time master control operator. Must be able to work possible overnight & weekend shifts. Computer or broadcast experience a plus. DFWP EDE. Fax or mail resume to: WGFLTV .4190 NW 93rd Ave. Gainesville, FL 32653; fax 352-371-9353. 7-26-4-14 CHILD CARE needed in my home. FT/PT. Must have own transportation. References req. $8/hr. Begins 8/1/05. 494-7705 7-213-14 BEEF O'BRADY'S Now hiring experienced kitchen staff. Please apply in person at 6500 SW Archer.Rd. 721-3-14 Help wanted PT -immediate availability. Busy optometrist office in search of PT help. Wil train. Applicants must have excellent people skills. Fax resume w/avaiiabiity for the rest of summer as well as fall semester. Great patient care exp. Fax to 352-333-9950 ASAP 7-26-4-14 JEWELLS NOW HIRING ALL POSITIONS WAITSTAFF, BARTENDERS, DAY BARTENDER, ETC. Also hiring MARKETING ASST. 352-338-2800. 7-28-5-14 PT POSITIONS. Great for FT students. Email info to: amarshal35@yahoo.com 825-10-14 Catering positions available with the dynamic, creative crew at Gainesville's best catering company. Hiring part time and full time caterers, set up staff, kitchen prep and delivery drivers. Open positions for all shifts. Flexible scheduling with weekday and weekend hours available. This job is for enthusiastic, active people who want a fun job loaded with opportunity and variety. This is NOT your typical fast food, drive-thru, or boring retail setting. Every day is exciting and different at Celebrations. Ask around about our excellent reputation and become part of our successL.check our web site at www.celebrations-catering.com --No catering experience necessary. Apply in person at Celebrations Catering after 2pm -904 N. Main St. by U-Haul. 8-15-8-14 FLYER PEOPLE NEEDED for on-campus flyering for reputable local company. UF students only. Call 352-3752707. 7-26-4-14 Herbal Manufacturing Co. opening for CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER and LAB ASSISTANT. Please fax resume to 386462-3396 or call 386-462-0026. 7-19-2-14 Holiday Inn University Center Hotel Immediate openings for the following: Houseman Maid Maintenance -one year experience Apply in person Mon-Fri 8am-5pm 7-264-14 The Honey Baked Ham-Co & Cafe is now hiring sales assoc & sandwich prep. .PT. Approx 18-24 hrs/wk. Starting salary $6.50/ hr. Apply in person 618 NW 60th St. (behind McDonalds on Newberry Rd) 331-1253. 721-3-14 PT/FT NANNIES NEEDED good $ for exp: grad student welcomed bkgd ck: 8 REAL $ jobs avail NOW Noah's Ark Nanny 352-376-5008. 8-15-8-14 MARY POPPINS: Where are you?? FT NANNY NEEDED 30-45 hrs/wk 6 Jobs avail immediately: Great $ for exp. Noah's.Ark Nanny: 352-376-5008. 8-158-14 Lunch Receptionist M-F Friendly, Dependable Starts 07/25/05 Call Larae 336-1594 7-21-3-14 Video tape for use in court. 1-3 days a week, 3-5 hours per day. Hours vary. Will train. Must have own camcorder, VHS or better. Call (352) 466-1105 and leave a brief message on machine. 8-2-5-14 Hiring for fall rush. Orange & Blue Textbooks is seeking PT/FT help for upcoming semester rush. Good people skills & register experience preferred. Stop by store @ 309 NW 13th St. for details & application 8-2-5-14 $10-12/hr Delivery Drivers Mario & Luigi's Pizza. Flexible schedule. Call after 5pm 871-3368 8-2-5-14 MOIST WANTED Henry Author Wise Black Male (DOB 1/3/51); 6'01", 165 lbs, Black Hair, Brown Eyes Wanted for: 2 Counts of Felony DUI, Driving While License Suspended or Revoked 3rd Conviction, Leaving the Suene of an Accident with Personal Injury, anf Driving While Drivers License Revohed Habitual AG i CU3 COUNTY Call (352) 372-STOP
TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2005 E ALLIGATOR, 17 A elp Wanted Services Services Personals W Tck 11 WEB PROGRAMMER VB, asp.net, SOL knowledge. Email resume tojobs@gothicsoftware.com 8-2-5-14 To the University of Florida students! Help us make the world green, and fund your education doing it Details at: http://krystal-planet.com/umc 8-2-5-14 CLINIC RECEPTIONIST -FRIENDLY, RELIABLE & ORGANIZED MULTITASKER NEEDED FOR FT POSITION AT REPRODUCTIVE HEALTHCARE CLINIC. MEDICAL OFFICE OR RETAIL EXPERIENCE PREFERRED. BENEFITS. POSITION OPEN UNTIL FILLED. SEND RESUMES TO: CENTER MANAGER PLANNED PARENTHOOD 914 NW 13TH STREET GAINESVILLE, FL 32601 EOE 7-28-4-14 Established fine-dining Asian restaurant seeks reliable student for part-time entrylevel positions. Please call 352-514-6404 for more info, 2-Spin daily. 8-2-5-14 SCHOOL. Part time assistant teacher, after school supervisor, Spanish teacher & Substitute Teachers. Stop by 8505 NW 39 Ave. to apply -see Millhopper.com for details. 7-28-4-14 Medical Assistant for busy Dermatology Office. Ideal position for health-related major. Part-time 16-30 hrs/wk to possible full-time position. Minimum 1-year commitment. Experience preferred but willing to train motivated person. Fax resume to 352-332-2966 7-21-2-14 RECEPTIONIST, TEACHERS, AIDES EINSTEIN CHARTER SCHOOL. 335-4321 7-21-2-14 Lead Cook ARAMARK -The world leader in managed services is looking to hire a lead cook for an Italian Concept on the UF Campus. Need to be a hands on person that will work right along with the employees and have experience with recipes and managing employees. Competitive pay, flex hours. Fill out an application online at www.gatordining.com or email resume to msmorgan@ufl.edu. As always, Grazie. EEO/AA. 7-28-4-14 ROOFERS Experienced shingle & built up. Benefit package. DFWP. Call 352-376-3419. 8-4-6-14 Websmith Review.will begin August 1, 2005. and continue until filled. For additional information visit http://admin.sfcc.edu/-humresourc/ or call Human Resources at 352-395-5185 7-212-14 Southeastern Integrated Medical, PA is recruiting for 2 Patient Attendants (Part-Time); Fax resume to 373-9870 or Email simedpa@yahoo.com 7-21-2-14 SWEET JOB!! Thornbrook Chocolates is hiring sales assts, PT/FT. Only responsible, hard-working, people-friendly people need apply. No calls please. Apply in person @ 2441 NW 43rd St. Suite 11B 7-28-4-14 AAA STORAGE Close To UF, Convenient 4x4x4 520/mo 4x8x8 $35/mo 533 SW 2nd Ave. 377-1771 8-15-25-15 IMPORT AUTO REPAIR.BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, Volvo, VW, Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Mazda. Quality craftsmanship, reasonable prices, near UF, AAA approved 378-7830 wvrw carrsmith.com 8-15-25-15 HYPNOTIST-Stop smoking. Improve memory & concentration. Eliminate bad habits. Past life regression. Learn self-hypnosis. Low Student Rates. Leonard Umans AAPH, NGH certified 379-1079. 8-15-25-15 ** BELLY DANCE ** Ethnic Dance Expressions Studio For Fun & Fitness 384-9200 www.ethnicdanceexpressions.com 8-15-25-15 HORSE BOARDING -peaceful -spacious 30 acres -ring-arena -round pens -experienced help -12x12 stalls 1-352-472-2627. Owner on premises -35+ yrs exp. Lessons avail. 8-15-25-15 TRAFFIC SCHOOL ONLINE Take Points Off Your Driver's License And Dismiss Traffic Tickets With Online Driver Improvement Courses onlinedrivingschool.idrivesafely.com 8-15-25-15 SLEEPY HOLLOW HORSE FARM Quality Boarding 0 Lessons/English 0 Parties 0 Alachua County's oldest & finest horse farm @ 466-4060 8-15-25-15 ***YOGA*** Classes & Workshops at Sanctuary www.yogagainesville.com 352-336-5656 8-15-25-15 **AUTO MALL SERVICE DEPT** Complete Auto Service Imports & Domestics 0 Cars & Trucks Discount for students. Call 352-380-0033 www.automallgainesville.com 12-7-74-15 EVERGLADE EQUESTRIAN CENTER The countryclub for horses & owners. Customer lounge w/full kitchen & bath. 250' x 160' riding ring, round pen & jump paddock. Lessons. 30 acres, 40 matted stalls, 19 separate paddocks. 24-hr security, 352-591317.5 everglade-eqestrian.com 8-15-25-15 ** GREAT BANNERS & SIGNS * Custom Posters 0 Exhibits 6 Awards Top Quality Fast e Service 0 Low Prices www.signpower.com SignMasters 335-7000 9-2-61-15 Jump start your job search at www.College-resumes.COm 8-15-51-15 AWARDS & PERSONALIZED GIFTS Plaques 0 Name Badges 0 Cups 0 Etc. Best Selection In Town www.signpower.com SignMasters 335-7000 9-2-61-15 ENGLISH TUTORING English as 2nd language Reading, Composition, Conversation Experienced educators. Reasonable fees. Tel: 352-335-9400 8-15-25-15 FINANCE TUTOR Individuals or small groups. Experienced, excellent. 375-6641 Harold Nobles 8-15-25-15. TLC HORSEBOARD All facilites & amentiies: quality instruction. 15 minutes from UF. Jan at 376-7762. Greathouse Equestrian Center. 8-15-26-15 Stringing -If anybody can string rackets low, EZ Tennis can string them lower. Ready in 24hrs. Express stringing available upon request. We have more string than all local stores combined. please stop by or call 3722257 8-15-20-15 Why buy mart-cheap rackets? You can upgrade at EZ Tennis & pay less. Stop wasting money. Our name is EZ and our game is Tennis. Call them and call us. 372-2257 8-15-20-15 Rackets -Tennis -Racquetball -Squash -Badmitton -Table Tennis. Lowest prices in town. EZ Tennis will gladly beat lower internet prices. Call us at 372-2257 8-15-20-15 Professional employee training, negotiation, mediation, conflict resolution & consulting. Public/private sector. Sliding scale. Free initial consultation. Phone 352-514-5515 7-16-16-15 MAKE IT PERFECT with affordable & professional editing for your newsletter, manuscript, class paper, thesis or dissertation. Sliding scale. Phone 352-514-5515 7-28-16-15 Whippoorwill Farm: Stall and/or pasture board. 10 min W of UF off Archer Rd. CBS Barn 12x12 stalls on 27 shaded acres. Lighted arena, round pen, trails, tackroom. Owner on premises. 376-8792 8-15-19-15 Want to be a CNA? Don't want to wait? Express Training Services can get you certified in less than 3 weeks! Hands-on exp, no videos. Day/eve classes avail. Next class 725-05. Class sizes limited. Call 338-1193 for, details. 7-28-12-15 Beautiful emerald amethyst farm 40 acre, full service horse boarding & training facility. On-site trainer & care. 275 x 175 jump ring. 386-462-0781 8-15-12-15 GUITAR, MANDOLIN & FIDDLE LESSONS Beginners to advanced. Folk, bluegrass, blues & pop. Flatpick & fingerpicking guitar styles. Celtic & bluegrass fiddle & mandolin styles. Alan Stowell 372-9248, 262-0171 8-15-8-15 Private Tutor -Experienced teacher looking for students to tutor -Grades 1-6 Back to school special -Eamil today for info or call 386-546-0013/nan2l98@yahoo.com. 7-28-5-15 Heath Services URGENT CARE/WALK-IN MEDICAL New Location Students -NoAppt Needed! FIRST CARE OF GAINESVILLE 4343 Newberry Rd. #10, 373-2340 Most Ins Accepted, Hours M-F 8a-6p 8-1525-16 ABORTION/ABORTION by PILL (RU-486) IV sedation, Student Discount. Well Woman Care & Birth Control Bread & Roses Women's Health Ctr 352-372-1664.8-15-25-16 "PINK EYE?" Participate in a study to treat bacterial conjunctivitis. Qualified participants will get free evaluation, medication & be reimbursed for their time. Call Dr. Levy @ 331-2020 immediately. 8-15-25-16 "SEVERE DRY EYE?" New therapy being studied! If you qualify to participate in this research you will get free evalutation, medication, and be reimbursed for your time. Call Dr. Levy @ 331-2020 for evaluation 8-15-25-16 AFFORDABLE DENTAL PLAN Save up to 80%. Go to: www.health4u.biz or call 352-376-9960. 8-2-6-15 SAME DAY SERVICE: Transcription, typing, apps. Desktop pub: brochures, newsletters, flyers, ads, logos. Resume service. 18 yrs exp. 24-hr turnaround. Connie 271-2677 7-28-20-17 S Pe rso nal s Anonymous HIV Antibody Testing Alachua County Health Dept. Call 334-7960 for app't (optional $20 fee) SAVE ON RAYBAN/SUNGLASSES University Opticians 300 SW 4th Ave. 378-4480. 8-15-25-18 GUNS! GUNS! GUNS 1800 Gun Inventory Over 500 handguns in stock Buy, Sell, Trade or Repair, Reloading Supplies 466-3340 Harry Beckwith, Gun Dealer 8mi. South of G'ville on 441 8-15-25-18 *Family Chiropractic* Since 1977. Two blocks from U.F. 373-7070 8-15-25-18 FLASHBACKS PAYS CASH FOR CLOTHES. We buy 10-5, M-Sat. Open to shop til 6. WE ALSO BUY HOUSEHOLD ITEM. 211 W Univ Ave 375-3752. 8-15-25-18 VEGETARIAN? Try BOOK LOVER'S CAFE Inside Books, Inc. 505 NW 13 St. 10-9 384-0090 8-15-25-18 CLEARANCE SALE -All CDs must go 100,000+ CDs on sale $5.99. Ten for $50. We need more room for our GIANT DVD INVENTORY. Cash paid for DVDs. Hear Again 818 W. University Ave. 373-1800 815-24-18 Big stores cannot touch our stringing in quality and price. Please ask their clerks about EZ Tennis. Why wait for 3-5 days on strining. With us 1 day max! 8-15-20-18 In terms of Tennis, big stores make EZ Tennis look good. We are lower than them in prices -faster in stringing -stock better quality rackets -can explain or recommend products to customers better. Tell your friends about EZ Tennis. 8-15-20-18 Tell your friends about EZ Tennis. If you have any questions, please talk to us. Our goal, to have the lowest prices on rackets in the world. Please help us and your friends to achieve this goal. Bring the lowest price ufind. 8-15-20-18 ***AIRFARE $157 RT*** Summer & fall specials. NYC, DC, Philly, New Eng & more! Gator Country Travel just off campus) 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST 18264 8-15-25-22 C GMG TRANSPORT 20 Yrs. as the Official So. Fl. Bus Depart: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30PM/reverse $40 r/t Mia-FtL/Pomp-WPB-FtP. 336-7026 www.GMGTRANS.com 8-15-25-23 Miami Bus Service $40 R/T W.P Bch, Pomp, FT. L, Miami Departures: Th & Fr 2:00 & 4:30 pm 335-8116 www.miamibusservice.com 8-15-25-23 Connections Want to make a connection? Place your ad here to look for someone to share a common interest with or for your true love 0 Event Notices IS YOUR BUSINESS, CLUB OR ORGANIZATION HAVING AN EVENT? DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT? PLACE YOUR AD HERE AND GET IT NOTICEDI SIGN LANGUAGE CLASSES Aug 5 -Sept 2 Classes 6-7pm 376-6011 $20 7-28-4-20 E nter tain ment WALDO FARMER & FLEA MARKET Every Sat & Sun -Hwy 301 15 min from Gainesville 468-2255. 8-15-25-21 FIRST STRIKE PAINTBALL Airball, Speedball, Forts on 27 acres Call for the best group rates! 352-338-8408 8-15-25-21 ROCKYCREEK PAINTBALL In Gainesville Better Prices Better Fields Better Call 371-2092 8-15-25-21 GET $500 OFF A WEEKAT THE BEACH in Panama City. Beautiful, new 2/2 condo. Oceanfront, spectacular views, white sand. Call 335-5946 or 379-0619 Iv msg. 8-1521-21 TiCk~ets ***EUROPE $757 RT*** Travel planning for students. Train & cruises also available Gator Country Travel (ust off campus) 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-18264 8-15-25-22 ***WEST COAST $177 RT*** Tours packages & more. Los Angeles, Seattle & morel Call for best rates. Gator Country Travel (ust off campus) 373-1992 FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-18264 815-25-22 Furry, feathery, scaly.no, not your roommate.pets. Find or advertise your pets or pet products here in the Pets section of the Alligator. Sugar glider & cage, 2 pouches, food supply, dishes, & mater bottle. $300 OBO. Call 2717159 7-21-5-24 M LOSt & -Found Finders Keepers? If you find something, you can place a FREE FOUND AD in our IcsLA found section. Be kind to someone who's lost what you've found. Call 373-FIND. Take a moment of peace for yourself, il everyday. Friendly advice from the alligator
18, ALLIGATOR E TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2005 "consdary prepares for more man-to-man coverage N A KEY INTERCEPTION IN THE 2004 GAME AGAINST FSU MAY PROVE A BUILDING BLOCK FOR HERRING. By ERIC ESTEBAN Alligator Staff Writer eesteban@alligator.org With a crucial game on the line, somebody in the secondary needed to step up. Meads were on a swivel as tomahawk chops churned in unison to the tune of the Marching Chiefs and it seemed as if the Gators were destined for yet another lategame meltdown with Florida State driving into UF territory. But the final game of the regular season brought promising signs for the 2005 campaign. In the closing seconds against FSU, Jarvis Herring's game-clinching interception showed that the safety should be a force in his final season. Now a senior, Herring cemented his spot at the strong safety position throughout the spring after becoming a mainstay on the 2004 secondary. His ability to read the offense and be at the right place at the right time helped him lead the Gators last year with four interceptions. "I'm not a fast guy or a guy who will run you a 4.3," Herring said. "I just don't have that kind of speed. But I'm one that's going to keep hustling to the ball on every play and I'll be the last man standing." While Herring might not be a blazing s p e e d s t e r, junior Dee Webb brings plenty of speed to the secondary. Webb, who competed with the track team in the spring to improve his speed, emerged as the Gators' top cornerback last year after leading UF in pass breakups with 10. UF should be playing a lot more manto-man coverage this year, and that's an opportunity that Webb is already savorino. "Man coverage is my favorite coverage and we didn't run it too much until the end of last season," he said. "I like that a lot because I feel like I can shut down anybody at anytime, so by [Coach Urban Meyer] implementing that, I can be more physical with the receiver." An even bigger surprise for the UF secondary in 2004 turned out to be the rapid on-field maturation of sophomore Kyle Jackson. Jackson started the Gators' final four games last year and looked like a natural at the free safety position; snatching two interceptions in UF's 48-14 win against South Carolina. The biggest question in the secondary is who will lock up the second cornerback spot. Senior Vernell Brown emerged from the spring as the starter, but he will have to hold off up-and-comers like Reggie Lewis, twin brothers Tremaine and Jermaine McCollum and true freshman Avery Atkins. The dark horse in the race could be sophomore safety Reggie Nelson. Nelson has all the GP Tackles TFL/Yds Int/Yds Herring 11 55 4/24 intangibles to be a force in the SEC, but .a transition to cover corner would have to be learned in a small amount of time. At 6-foot-1, 175 pounds, he possesses the ideal frame for a starting corner and is athletic enough to get on the field as the year progresses. Sophomore Tony Joiner and junior Terrence Holmes should also give quality depth in the secondary because of their game experience. Joiner is a close friend with Jackson and the relationship has helped him become even more knowledgeable on the field. "[Kyle] being out there and playing is kind of like a mentor to me, because he played last year and I didn't," Joiner said. "So he sees things I don't see." 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OPEN MON-THUls AM-7PM e tI AM-5PMA itSA 4WAuP Bring this ad in for a $5 bons on your first donation. --En -~ l M-,(=Ukc4,A9Q4-U -5--~ 2\2/ 0 ,,cc-m n co t FOE 1CI tr uhth Pue Ad 1 stuj d ocantract lttREE tclor OFFER 124 c eunedhyur S 200 LScc,lun inch cnont I FREt I CclocThi n d c' 8s 13 t1 a rnd g d cor ct 1 Rtt t clot 11<-rc gt oor dcAo cCa 6"2RE c-o 300 ,ulumn ct ccOsrct I FRtI I CnI,, 5sIl Poge Ad eousfte sugoed hylJune n 2un5 Ot 5 st dot O utrct I rREt t color 6S column incton omrt FEi Ccc ctI FulIP-odl(5xo3 Kuegs goedhbytMy26, 200C t2 Ontun nnchtcuntrnct IttREt I Cclor tullPage tu -Cotc,-r thmendpeadenxaflee a d (5x uli prod F/s c r eAd lm Ieo nch o tracts *doesgeeds e Juy0 (2x0) Colors14,0 1I' Orange Blue Yellow Red Green Client i ant-l n dctleetadn ad ranmnnitcnncn g renAIcatrtmnliso-I the s d t o o in n a O ~ p il ~ f o rfi0 6 l lt rl p w; Iff, ait f d ol, l a n t lil e is r i i li llt o h 6 W and4th200 wll a~l cedlad a -lvrller Wcen ..:i' -f f' hk It ld hataa.ane 4e lotJ~lsinr
TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2005 ALLIGATOR www.alligatorSports.org By BRYAN APP Alligator Staff Writer bapp@alligator.org Donnell Harvey, Kwame Brown, Mike Miller, Christian Drejer -the list of players who have deferred to complete their basketball apprenticeships under UF coach Billy Donovan grows longer. At the helm of a program that lost nearly 40 percent of its scoring after former UF junior guards Anthony Roberson and Matt Walsh opted to go pro last month, Donovan would seem to be the poster boy for raising the NBA age limit. But the coach burned so frequently by early departures offered criticism of the NBA's recently adopted 19-year-old minimum entry age during a teleconference on Monday. As part of the NBA's collective bargaining agreement with the player's union last month, the league raised its minimum age from 18. Starting in 2006, all NBA draft entrants must be at least 19 years old, which effectively eliminates the opportunity of high school prospects skipping college to head straight to the pros. "Personally, I don't like it," Donovan said. "I think it creates more confusion in our game at the college level." Donovan explained that from speaking with NBA scouts, collegiate coaches have a good idea of Matt Marriott/ Alligator staff Several players have left the UF men's basketball program before their third year in college. Coach Billy Donovan suggested using an eligibility rule in basketball similiar to the one used in college baseball. which potential signees are likely to jump straight to the league. Under the old regulation, coaches could maximize their recruiting time by concentrating on prospects not pegged for the pros. Now, with the new age limit forcing future NBA superstars to spend a year out of high school, coaches must face the burden of convincing talented but potential two-, three, and four-year players, to commit to a program as a reserve for an unknown amount of time. "I think it's very difficult in college when you sign a real good player, and you spend an enormous amount of time [recruiting him]," Donovan said, "and then he's only there for a year and leaves." Donovan did acknowledge that players, such as former Syracuse star Carmelo Anthony; have diade significant impacts on their respective teams in only one year. Bul he also noted the difficulty in a program recovering from such a loss. Donovan also pointed out the adjustment period many first-year collegiate players encounter could injure an NBA prospect's stock. "I think it creates unrealistic expectations for a young man," Donovan said. "I don't care if it's high school to college or college to the NBA. Anytime you change levels and the competition changes, there's always a period of adjustment." While the coach admitted he couldn't offer a perfect solution, Donovan pointed to baseball's policy as a preferable example. High school baseball players have the option of jumping to the big leagues immediately. However, once a player has signed with a college, he must remain there for three years. "Selfishly, the best thing for our game would be a situation like baseball," Donovan said. "I think that will make it a little easier for us transition-wise. "But at the same point, it's not fair to a young man that has the option to leave after his freshman or sophomore year and can make a lot of money to maybe change the lifestyle of his family." At 60, Spurrier shouldn't have to deal with South Carolina mess here was a day not so long ago when South Carolina landing on probation equaled a page seven story, buried somewhere between UCF football and the NHL. But when the NCAA announced the discovery of ten violations under Lou Holtz throughout a three-year period, the interest in Gainesville exploded. About five hours northeast of town, Steve Spurrier hides under his USC visor to escape the scorching sun blazing on a ritzy South Carolina golf course. Today the 60-year-old Spurrier, once crowned "Wonderboy" in Gainesville, is old enough to utilize many senior citizen golf discounts. You'd expect a man like Spurrier to retire at 60 and play golf, drive to the beach and drool at girls in bikinis, or do whatever it is retired millionaires do. Instead, you can turn on the TV and find Spurrier wearing a red Gamecocks vest. He looks much more weary these days, worn out with the season still more than a month away. The first summer of Spurrier's seventh decade hasn't been so kind to the ol' ball coach. After watching several of his players run afoul with the law, Spurrier must deal with the violations. No, South Carolina won't be slapped with the most serious penalties. Spurrier and Co. have requested two years of probation and a minor reduction in scholarships. But it's painfully obvious the Gamecocks are far from competing for a SEC title, something USC has never accomplished. Andrew Abramson Drew's Control aabramson@alligator.org Don't feel sorry for Steve, he knew the dung was about hit the fan when he took the job. Still, I don't get it. Steve, buddy, pal, legend, what are you doing in Columbia? You once laid claim to king of college football, your majestic visor more feared than Napoleon's sword. Some say it's Spurrier's enormous ego, desperate to prove that he can single-handedly resurrect a program like he did at Duke and UF (shhh, we'll pretend the NFL coaching gig was a dream or something). Let's get real. If South Carolina wins the SEC East this year or next, I will attend a 1 July 16, 1996 Senior quarterback Eric Kresser transfers to then-Division I-AA Marshall. After starting just once at UF, Kresser took Chad Pennington's job at Marshall, leading the 15-0 Herd to a national title. WNBA and MLS game on the same day. Some will argue that Spurrier found himself in a similar situation when he became UF's head man, but the talent-rich state of Florida seemed to be waiting for the Age of Spurrier. History doesn't repeat itself, not like that. So why, at Spurrier's age, would he want to take over a program that's a long-term investment? Even Pat Riley, also regarded as a fading legend, will only accept a coaching gig likely to result in a shiny championship ring. Spurrier may claim he balked at the UF job because he wanted a new challenge, but do you really believe he would rather coach South Carolina than a familiar UF team loaded with talent. In all likelihood, Spurrier never expected SEE ABRAMSON, PAGE 20 I When making an overcall -a call after one has already been made on the bet you can't assume a bluff anymore because you are now playing against two hands. EMLB :Florida vs. Arizona FSN, 9:40 p.m. A Poker: 2005 World Series ESPN, 8 p.m. 1 UF President Bernie Machen talks to the Alligator about Urban Meyer, Steve Spurrier and off-thefield issues in college sports in the first of a two part interview series. Donovanm cr'ltlcmizes NBA's mminimum-age reqwuirernent
20, ALLIGATOR 0 TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2005 realized there's a lot of people paying attention to what's going on with football. And generally once Coach Meyer came and seeing the enthusiasm outpour for him, I realized we were in a different place. This is the first of a two-part series of interviews between Alligator sports editor Andrew Abramson and UF President Bernie Machen. Abramson and Machen discussed a wide array of sports issues. AA: Growing up, who were your sports idols and favorite teams? BM: I grew up in St. Louis, so my favorite team was the baseball Cardinals, which is the biggest thing in St. Louis. Stan Musial, Tim McCarver, Bob Gibson-those are the names out of the past that I grew up watching. Baseball was a big sport, there was no pro football. Remember, they're now the Arizona Cardinals, they used to be the St. Louis Cardinals, but when I was growing up they were the Chicago Cardinals. You're going way back now. There was no pro football team in St. Louis when I'was growing up; it came as I graduated high school. So when it came to football, the University of Missouri, Dan Devine-he went on to Notre Dame-was the team that we all watched. AA: Did you play many sports as a child? BM: I played football and I played golf. In junior high I played basketball but at the high school level I only played football and golf. AA: Do you ever get the desire to go out and throw the football around anymore? BM: Not anymore. Not anymore. AA: Do you have an opportunity to golf often? BM: I thought when I moved to Florida that I would golf a lot, but I haven't been able' to get out much. But I golf once a month anyway. AA: When you arrived in Gainesville, were you surprised at the enthusiasm surrounding UF sports? BM: Well, actually, I knew it was one of the top overall programs in the country, I measure that not so much by football, which a lot of schools have, but by the depth of the program -especially women's sports. I was very impressed coming in by the quality of the swimming and diving team, the women's soccer team, the gymnastics team and the volleyball team; Women's basketball had a rough go, but I knew it was a good program. AA: What about just the overall fan support? 60,000 fans showing up to a spring game, that's a lot. BM: I've never seen anything like it. At most places-including Michigan, which is a pretty fair football school-never would spring sports and the spring game have the kind of attraction that it does here. Many schools are doing away with the spring game. Obviously that wouldn't work here given the fan interest in making it happen. But I realized a number of things. First, last fall going through a coaching search with all the help that I received, I AA: How strange is it hiring Urban Meyer twice, and what's so special about him? BM: I remember the last time I saw Coach Meyer before I came to Florida. Utah played Southern Mississippi -in the Liberty Bowl on New Year's Eve day. The next morning I was checking out of the hotel at 7 a.m. and Urban was down at the lobby. We hugged and I said, "go get 'em, Urban." I figured that was it. Then, the idea of us hiring him [at UF] never even got in my head. It was Jeremy Foley who really decided that's the person we wanted. But I knew Urban. I knew his values are what a coach ought to have. He's family first and he takes care of his athletes the way any coach would want his athletes to be taken care of, He also loves the university. He will never do anything to embarrass the university. Most of the people now have become familiar with how he behaves and how important the university is to him. We're lucky to have an Urban Meyer at the University of Florida, any university would be. AA: Are you troubled by the increase in off-thefield incidents in college sports? BM: Yes, I am. I think it was one of Urban's priorities both at Utah and here that in order to be a champion you've got to live right off the field. You've got to perform well in the classroom as well as on the field. It was something I knew would, be a highly important issue for him. I don't know how these universities can look themselves in the mirBermne KBRA MSON, from page 19 UF to find a better coach than him (what? That's blasphemy in the Book of Steve). UF did it right. At 40, Urban Meyer could be Spurrier's son (adopted, of course-they don't exactly appear biologically related). In the last few years, Meyer led an unheralded Utah team to a Fiesta Bowl championship. Spurrier led Redskins owner Daniel Snyder to the insane asylum (or was it the other way around?) Imagine what the 01' Ball Coach could do in Tallahassee. But enough Urban praising and Spurrier bashing, because Recruiting in South Carolina is a daunting task, especially Spurrier could have been a solid No. 2 choice for the UF job. with Clemson in the mix. The high school talent in South Spurrier can flat out coach in the college level, and he deCarolina and Florida isn't even comparable. serves better. And there will be other jobs available. Another Texas loss There weren't many high profile job openings this season to Oklahoma could mean the inevitable oust of Mack Brown. -I can't picture Spurrier being an ideal fit in Catholic South I'know the golfing in South Carolina is second to none, but Bend. Talk about the odd couple. if Spurrier really wanted to coach this late in his life, why not But how about, dare I say it, the Florida State job next aim for the greatest reward of all -a second national title. season. Bobby Bowden's time is up, he's old enough to be For now, Spurrier and the 'Cocks will remain page one Spurrier's dad (possibly not adopted, in an eerie Darth Vadernews around the SEC, especially in Gainesville. Luke Skywalker sort of relationship). But for how long? Thing Number One a hungry Gator is a hurtinGator. That's why itfs so important to be well fed at all times, But (and here's the critical part) don't fall for those murderburgers, suibstandard subs, or pitiful pizza.a Thing NumberTwo; Come to Crispers instead. That's where you'll eat right and SAVE Fortunately, there's a Crispers restaurant near the UF campus, where you can consume (relatively) mass quan titles for only a few bucks. You'll SAVE S1 on any of ourgournetrecipe salads, overstuffed wraps or hearty stacked sandwiches, Then, next time you come in, you'll get a FREE smoothie or shake. Not too shabby. 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ONE COUPON PERVISIT EXPIRES 7-2005 'A Mew spoig ror with all the stuff that's going on. AA: What about in pro sports? What went through your head when you saw the Pistons-Pacers brawl back in November? BM: That was a disgrace to athletics. A lot of that had to do with alcohol. You saw the beers that were flying around. I've been to the Palace of Auburn Hills and it's a great facility. But it's a pro atmosphere with lots of alcohol, and the crowd sort of gets worked up over that. I don't think it helped college sports or pro sports at all. AA: Is there something that can be done? Obviously they're not going to ban alcohol at pro sporting events. BM: I think it's had a sobering effect on everyone when they saw just how out of control it was. I'd be surprised if it happened again. I think the NBA has really made it clear where the line is, and you shouldn't cross that line. Maybe that line wasn't as clearly marked before this as it is now. I think it will take care of itself. AA: Switching gears a bit, Steve Spurrier is a legend at UF, but now he's a rival, Is he still a Gator? BM: I think Steve will always be a Gator. He still has a home here in Gainesville and he says he wants to come here to retire. I wish he would have-come here to retire sooner rather than later (laughs). I do think we're going to have some spirited competition now that he's at South Carolina, but at the end of the day Steve Spurrier is and always will be a Gator. AA: Are you looking forward to the game in Columbia? BM: I'm not going. I don't do away games. I think the rivalry will heat up and I think it will be good for college sports. I know Coach Meyer's looking forward to it, and I bet Coach Spurrier is looking forward to it as well.